THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE. CANADA. CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT, WORKS RELATING TO AMERICA. PAMPHLETS AND MANUSCRIPTS. INDEX TO AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS, JJritrtd* ty irhr 0f % legislate. TORONTO: JOHN LOVELL, CORNER OF YONGE AND MELINDA STREET: 1858. CANADA. CATALOGUE DE LA OUVRAGES RELATIFS A L'AMERIQUE. BROCHURES ET MANUSCRITS. INDEX DES AUTETJRS ET DBS MATIERES. m*' par nrfcr* to la: TORONTO: JOHN LOVELL, COIN DES RUES YONGE ET MELINDA. 1858.. TABLE OF CONTENTS. "' Page PAMPHLETS 1075 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON AMERICA. HISTORY OF AMERICA 1163 I. AMERICA IN GENERAL 1163 1. ANTIQUITIES AND ABORIGINES 1181 2. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY AND MISSIONS 1190 II. SOUTH AMERICA 1199 III. WEST INDIES 1206 IV. CENTBAL AMEEICA 1212 V. NOETH AMEEICA 121& 1. MEXICO 1213 2. TTHITED STATES, IN GENERAL 1216 PABTICULAR STATES AND TEEEITOEIES 1233 (a) NEW ENGLAND STATES 1233 (6) NEW YORK 1241 (C) PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY AND DELAWAEE 1245 (d) VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND 1247 (e) GEORGIA AND ALABAMA 1250 (/) NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA 1251 (g) KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE 1251 (A) MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, FLORIDA AND TEXAS 1252 (i) MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, OHIO, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA 1256 (j) CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 1258 3. HISTORY OF WAES IN NOETH AMEEICA 1259 () WAES ANTEEIOE TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1259 (6) AMERICAN REVOLUTION 1261 (e) WARS SUBSEQUENT TO THE AMERICAN EEVOLUT1ON 1266 VI. BEITISH NOETH AMEEICA 1268 1. CANADA. 1270 INDEXES TO IMPEEIAL PAELIAMENTAEY PAPEES, CONCEENING CANADA 1287 SESSIONAL PAPEES OF THE HOUSE OF LOEDS 1287 SESSIONAL PAPEES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 1308 2. NEWFOUNDLAND, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BEUNSWICK, CAPE BEETON AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1335 8. HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORIES, AND RED RIVER SETTLEMENT 1338 GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS 1339 I. AMERICA, IN GENEEAL 1339 II. SOUTH AMERICA 1351 III. WEST INDIES 1359 IV. CENTRAL AMERICA 1361 V. NORTH AMEEICA 1362 1. MEXICO 1372 2. UNITED STATES, GENEEALLY 1374 (a) EASTEEN, NOETHERN AND MIDDLE STATES 1382 (6) SOUTHEEN STATES 1383 (C) WESTEEN STATES AND TERRITORIES ; INCLUDING THE REGIONS BETWEEN THE MISSISSIPPI AND THE PACIFIC OCEAN 1384 1 1 88873 VI TABLE OF CONTENTS. 3. BRITISH NOETH AMERICA 1392 (fl) CANADA 1396 (6) NEWFOUNDLAND, LABRADOR, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK, CAPE BRETON, PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1403 (C) HUDSON'S BAT TERRITORIES AND RED RIVER SETTLEMENT 1405 (d) POLAR REGIONS 1406 CANADIAN LITERATURE, NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS 1407 AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PAMPHLETS 1419 1. AMERICAN PAMPHLETS 1419 2. CANADIAN PAMPHLETS 1428 MANUSCRIPTS - 1461 1. MANUSCRIPTS (IN FRENCH) RELATIVE TO THE HISTORY OF NEW FRANCE : IN THREE SERIES- PARIS DOCUMENTS 1451 2. OTHER FRENCH MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF CANADA 1612 3. MANUSCRIPT MAPS, CONCERNING NEW FRANCE 1614 4. MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF CANADA. FROM THE LONDON AECHIVES 1622 5. DIVERS OTHER (ENGLISH) MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO THE HISTORY OF CANADA... 1644 6. MANUSCRIPTS FROM THE BOARD OF TRADE RELATING TO THE BRITISH AMERICAN COLONIES, AND PLANTATIONS, THE WEST INDIES, ETC 1648 PAINTINGS AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY 1656 ADDENDA 1660 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS, AND SUBJECT MATTER INDEX TO BOOKS 1667 TABLE DES MATINEES. Page BROCHURES 1075 CATALOGUE DES OUVRAGES RELATIFS A L'AMERIQUE. HISTOIRE DE L'AMERIQUE 1165 I. AMKEIQUB EN GENEEAL 1163 1. ANTIQUITES ET ABOE1GENES 1181 2. HISTOIRE ECCLESIA8TIQUE ET MISSIONS 1190 II. AMEBIQUE MEEIDIONALE 1199 III. INDES OCC1DENTALE3...-. 1206 IV. AMEEIQTTE CENTBALE 1212 T. AMEBIQUE 8EPTENTBIONALE 1213 1. MEXIQUE 1213 2. ETATS UNI8, EN GENEBAL .'. 1216 ETATS ET TEEEITOIEES PABTICULIEBS 1233 * (a) NOUVELLE ANGLETEBBE 1233 (6) NEW TOEK 1241 (c) PENSTLVANIE, NEW JEESET ET DELAWARE 1245 (d) VIEGINIE ET MABYLAND 1247 (6) GEOEGIE ET ALABAMA , 1250 (/) CAEOLINE DU NOED ET CAEOLINE DU SUD 1251 (g) KENTUCKY ET TENNESSEE 1251 (K) MISSISSIPPI, LOUISIANA, FLOBIDE ET TEXAS 1252 (i) MICHIGAN, ILLINOIS, OHIO, WISCONSIN ET MINNESOTA 1256 (j) CALIFOENIE ET OEEGON 1258 3. HISTOIBE DES GUEEHES DANS L'AMEBIQUE DU NOED 1259 (a) GUEEEES ANTEEIEUEES A LA EEVOLUTION AMEEICAINE 1259 (6) EEVOLUTION AMEEICAINE 1261 (C) GUEEEES SUBSEQUENTES A LA EEVOLUTION AMEEICAINE 1266 VI. AMEEIQUE BEITANNIQUE DU NOED 1268 1. CANADA 1270 INDEX DES DOCUMENTS PAELEMENTAIEES IMPEEIAUX EELATIFS AU CANADA 1287 DOCUMENTS PAELEMENTAIEES DE LA CHAMBEE DES LOEDS 1287 DO .DO DE LA CHAMBEE DES COMMUNES 1308 2. TEEEENEUVE, NOUVELLE ECOSSE, NOUVEAU BEUNSWICK, CAP BEETON ET ILE DU PEINCE-EDOUAED 1335 3. TEEEITOIEES DE LA BAIE D'HUDSON ET ETABLISSEMENT DE LA EIVIEEE EOUGE 1338 GEOGRAPHIE ET VOYAGES 1339 I- AMEEIQUE EN GENEEAL 1339 II. AMEEIQUE MEEIDIONALE 1351 III. INDE8 OCCIDENTALES 1359 IV. AMEEIQUE CENTEALE 1361 V. AMEEIQUE SEPTENTEIONALE 1362 1 MEXIQUE 1372 2. ETATS-UNIS EN GENEEAL 1374 (a) ETATS DE L'EST, DU NOED ET DU MILIEU 1382 (b) ETATS DU SUD :... 1383 (c) ETATS ET TEEEITOIEES DE L'OUEST, (T COMPEIS LE3 EEGIONS ENTEE LE MISSIS- SIPPI ET L'OCEAN PACIFIQUE ., 1384 VIII TABLE DBS MATURES. Page 3. AMEEIQUE BBITANNIQUB DU NOBD 1392 () CANADA 189 (6) TBBBENBUVB, LABBADOB, NOUVELLB ECO8SE NOUYEAU BBUN8WICK, CAP BBETON BT ILB DU PBINCB-EDOUABD 1403 (C) TEBBITOIBB8 DK LA BAIE D'HUDSON BT ETABL1SSEMENT J)E LA BIYIBSB BOUGE. 1405 ((/) KEGIONS POLAIBB8 1406 OUVEAGES LITTERAIRES, JOURNAUX ET EECUEILS PERIODIQUES, PUSHES EN CANADA 1*07 BROCHURES AMERICAINES ET CANADIENNES 1419 1. BBOCHUBBS AHBBICAIITBS 1419 2. BBOCHUBBS CANADIENNES 1428 MANUSCRITS 11 L MAN USCBIT8 FBAN CAI8 BELATIBS A L'HISTOIBE DE LA NOUVELLE FBANCE ; EN XBOIS BEBIE8. (DBS ARCHIVES DE PAEI8) 1451 2. AT7TBE8 MANTJSCBITS PBANCAIB BELATIFS A L'HISTOIitE DTT CANADA 1612 3. CABTES MANUSCBITES BELATIVES A LA JTOTTV^LLE PEANCE 1614 4. MANUSCBITS ANGLAIS BELATIPS A L'HISTOIBE DU CANADA .*. 1622 5. DIVEBS AUTBES MANUSCBITS ANGLAIS BELATIFS A L'HISTOIBE DU CANADA 1644 6. MANUSCBITS BELATIPS AUX COLONIES ANGLAISES DE L'AMEEIQUE DU NOBD, AUX INDE8 OCCIDENTALES, ETC 1648 TABLEAUX, PLANETAIRE, GLOBES, ETC 165 ADDENDA 1660 INDEX ALPHABETIQUE DBS MATIERES ET DBS AUTEURS ... 1667 PAMPHLETS. 1075 CONTENTS OF THE BOUND VOLUMES OF PAMPHLETS IN THE LIBRARY. THESE VOLUMES AHE NOT CLASSIFIED, BUT ABE SEVEBALLT NUMBEBED AND LETTEEED ON THE BACK AS UNDERMENTIONED. Vol. I. [Tracts, Oratio Harveland, &c. London, 1799-1809.] Pages 1. Monro, Thos. Oratio Harveiana, in Coll. Regal. Medicor. 18th October, 1799. .16 2. Vaughan, Henr. 1800.. 18 3. Pemberton, Chr. RiH>t. 1806.. 84 4. Powell, Richd. : 1808. .28 5. Heberden, Guil. 1809.. 27 6. Letters on the subject of Quarantine 1799. .29 7. Ruiz, Hipolito. Sobre la Raiz de la Ratanhia, de la Calaguala y de la China, &c. Madrid, 1796.. 72 Vol. II. [Tracts. London, 1769-73.] 1. Jones, Row. Sacred Symbols, Words, Ideas and Things discovered according to the Platonic numbers. With the Origin of Language, &c., and the Circles of Gomer 1773 . .49 2. . The Philosophy of Words. With specimens of the first Language, and Lexicon of ancient Names, &c 1769. .80 Vol. III. [Tracts on Reform. London, 1831.] 1. Of the proposed Reform 36 2. The new Constitution 32 3. The advantages of Reform as proposed 33 4. A leaf from the future history of England, on the subject of Reform 12 5. A Dialogue on Parliamentary Reform 23 6. Appeal to the Protestant Electors of Great Britain and Ireland 12 7. Sebright, Sir J. S. Opinions of, on Tenant Farmers' Votes 11 8. Vyvyan, Sir R. R. Speech of, on Reform 11 9. Appeal to the Electors of England 12 10. Address to the supporters of Lord Grey and Reform 12 11. Hints to Electors on the new Constitution 23 12. Substance and tendency of the Reform Bill. . . 35 13. Effects of Reform 11 14. Peel, Sir R. Speech (on the Question,) Will the Agriculturists be benefitted by the Reform Bill ? : 23 15. A few words to the Lords and the People about Reform 36 16. On the Laws and Liberties of Englishmen 21 17. Cobbett's " Penny Trash." February, March and April, 1831 17, 24, 22 18. King Omega's Vision ; Or, a midsummer night's dream in 1831 (Poetry) 11 . 1 9. ^Esop in Downing Street. Parti 23 20. Life and Death of Swing the Rick -burner. With the Confession of Thomas Goodman, under sentence of death . .26 1076 PAMPHLETS. 21. Imposture unmasked ; a letter on the schemes of the Church Robbers 23 22. A Word to Persons desirous of Change 12 23. Paley, W. Reasons for Contentment ; addressed to Labourers ; with, The Bee-Hive (a Fable) 24 24. A Statement as to Wages paid to Agricultural Labourers 23 Vol. IV, [Pamphlets. 175182.] 1. The New Forest and Richmond New Park, Historical accounts of; with Strictures on Forests and the Forest Laws, &c London, 1751 . .68 2. A new description of the Curiosities at the E. of Pembroke's, Wilton House. By James Kennedy London, 1764. .107 3. The Norfolk Tour; or, a description of Seats, Towns, &c., in Norfolk. Norwich, 1772.. 60 4. A description of the Town and Abbey of Bury St. Edmund's, [with] A List of the Abbots and the several Benefactors of the Town. 12mo. Bury, 1782.. 112 5. An Address to the Author of a Letter, to the Guardians of the Poor ; [and] A method of regulating the Inequality of Assessments for the Poor. 8vo. Bury, 1778.. 37 Vol. V. [Day of Judgment, Memoir of Ld. Lovat, Sec. 1759 92.] 1. Ogilvie, J. The Day of Judgment. (Poem.) London, 1759. .50 2. Memoirs of the Life of Lord Lovat London, 1746 . . 123 3. Eliot, F. P. On the subject of the Arm'd Yeomanry, &c. Stafford, 1794. (Imperfect.) 4. Advantages that will arise from improved Guns, &c., in the Royal Navy. (No title.) I2mo London, 1803. .16 5. Rules, &c., of the Society of Arts, &c London, 1792 . . 32 6. An Inquiry into our Domestic Affairs London, . . 54 7. Explication du platfond de 1'Hospital Royal a Greenwich. Francois et Anglais 22 Vol. VI [Tracts on Gardening.] 1. New method of Propagating Fruit Trees and Flowering Shrubs. By Thos. Barns. (Attributed to Sir J. Hill.) London, 1759. .40 2. Perfect, T. The practice of Gardening; with those secrets which gar- deners observe London, 1759. .58 3. The London Gardener ; [or] The most experienced method in London Gardens London, ..61 4. White, J. Collateral Bee Boxes ; or, a new method of managing Bees. London, 1759.. 65 Vol. VH. [Tracts, 1810-20.] 1. Fisher, J. On the Datura Stramonium, as a cure of Asthma. London, 1811 . .90 2. Butter, J. On the change of Plumage in Female Birds at an advanced age. .24 3. Laws of the Public Library, instituted 1810 . Plymouth, 1814. .19 4. Account of, and Laws of the Plymouth Institution Plymouth, 1819. .28 5. Mr. Hayden's Picture of Christ's Triumphant Entry in Jeru- salem London, 1820.. 15 6. West's Picture of Christ Healing the Sick London, 1811 .. 16 7. Laws, &c., of the Plymouth Institution Plymouth, 1814. . 18 8. Fi&her J. On Asthma, with directions for the use of the Stramonium herb. London, 1810.. 25 PAMPHLETS. 1077 Pages 9. Causes of our late Prosperity and present Distress London, 1819. .34 10. The same as No. 11, Vol. CLXXII. - 11. Romilly, Sir S. Eulogium on Benjamin Constant"; edited by Sir! T. C. Morgan 4. ^ London, 1819 . .78 For another copy, seel Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2. 12. Report of the Merchants, &c., of Plymouth, with a view to the furtherance of Trade [there] Plymouth, 1813.. 39 13. On the Turnpike Road through Chudleigh, &c., between Exeter and Ply- mouth ; by James Green Plymouth, . .27 14. Ellicombe, H. M. An Abridgment of the Report of the House of Commons, on the Highways of the Kingdom Exeter, 1816. .34 15. Annals of the Fine Arts, No. 1 '.London, 1816. .112 Vol. VIII. [Miscellaneous Tracts, 170485.] 1. [Maden's] Thoughts on our Criminal Laws London, 1785. .170 2. Two Letters to the Russian Nation [dealing with the Prophecies.] Can- terbury, 1770 . . 12 3. The Clarion : a Letter to the King of Prussia [by the same author as the foregoing] Rochester, 1771. .20 4. Legal means of Political Reformation, two Tracts. (l.)On Equitable Repre- sentation. (2) On Annual Parliaments; from G. Sharp London, 1780. .59 5. A Prisoner's Observations on Imprisonment for Debt , 1787. .24 6. Forestallers and Engrossers detected ; with a Plan for restoring Plenty. London, 1772.. 53 7. Thoughts on the Construction and Management of Prisons. . .London, 1786. 32 8. Some Thoughts concerning the Stage and its immorality London, 1704. .13 9. An Address to a Clergyman, on the duties of his sacred Office 16 Vol. IX. [Tracts, 175262.] 1. Letters to a Young Lady previous to Marriage, and three Poems : by the same author London, 1762 . .148 2. The Oxford Guide; [with] A Tour to Blenheim, Ditchley, and Stow. Oxford, ..134 3. On real and practical Religion London, 1752 . .35 4. Description of Vaux-Hall Gardens London, 1762 . .51 5. Description of Ranelagh Rotunda and Gardens London, 1762. .35 Vol. X. [Vermin-Killer, &c., 1814.] 1. The Universal Vermin-Killer ; being an infallible directory for taking alive, &c., all Vermin London, 1802. 66 2. The Vermin-Killer : Physical Receipts, Farriers' Receipts, Observations in Husbandry, &c No title ; imperfect. .82 3. Lectures on Astronomy and Natural Philosophy London, 1794. .68 4. Aikin, J. The Calendar of Nature London, 1801 . .72 5. The Farmer and Gardener's Weather Directory, with Observations on the Barometer, &c Norwich, ..48 6. Adams, J. Extracts from a Meteorological Journal kept at Edmonton : Observations from eminent Men, whereby to foretell the Weather. London, 1814.. 102 Vol. XI. [Corn-Bill. Comber, Torrens, and Jacob, 180815.] 1. Comber, W. T. Of National Subsistence, as connected with the progress of Wealth and Population London, 1808, pp. 323 ; appendix, 59 1078 PAMPHLETS. P.JCS 2. Torrens, R. On the external Corn Trade, and the effects which Restrictions on Importation and free intercojwse are calculated to produce. London, 1815, preface, pp. 19, 348 3. Jacob, W. Considerations on the Protection of H^tish Agriculture, and on the influence of the price of Corn on exportabft productions. London, 1814. .195 Vol. XIL [Miscellanies, 1789-99.] 1. Remarks on some of the Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton. London, 1789.. 146 3. Falconer, T. The Voyage of Hanno translated, [and] the Greek Text. Explained from modern travellers, and illustrated by Maps. London, 1797.. 121 3. Remarks on some passages of Bryant's Mythology, respecting the War of Troy. [Attributed to T. Falconer.] London, 1799. .62 4. Investigation into our received Chronology, wheiein essential errors are shewn : [and] That Christ was born in the year 4119, and not in 4004. Shrewsbury, 1798.. Ill -5. Pearson, Joseph. Doorkeeper of the H. of Commons. Political Diction- ary : Containing definitions, &c., more particularly appertaining to the House of Commons ; with Anecdotes, &c London, 1792. .59 Vol. XTTT. [Miscellanies, 1775-94.] 1. The Evidence delivered on the Petition by the W. India Planters, &c., to the House of Commons, as it was summed up by Mr. Glover 1775. .94 2. Collins, John. The case of the Sugar Colonies London, 1792. .97 3. Review of a tract, entitled, " Observations on the Commerce of the Amer- ican States ;" shewing the pernicious consequences of the systems recommended London, 1784 . . 108 4. Edwards, Brian. Thoughts on Proceedings of Government respecting the Trade of the West India Islands with the United States of America. London, 1784. .91 5 Bird, H. M. View of the relative situation of Great Britain and the U. States of America London, 1794. .43 Vol. XIV. [Tracts, 1784-1809.] 1. Burgoyne, M. Letter (to the Freeholders) on the present state of public affairs, arid the representation of Essex , 1808 . .78 2. Lunardi, V. Account of the first Aerial Voyage in England. .London, 1784. .66 3. Waithman, R. War proved to be the real cause of the present scarcity, &c., with the radical remedies London, 1800 . , 80 4. Proceedings of the Electors of Southwark on 12th April, 1809 ; with an address by Mr. Favell 30 For another copy, see Vol. CXCV., No. 12. 5. Price, Rich. A discourse on Feb. 21, 1781, the day for a Public Fast, (having some reference to America) London, 1781 . .39 6. Towers, J. Oration on 4th Nov., 1788, at the [Century] Commemoration of the Revolution London, 1788 . .35 7. Letter, with hints to the new Parliament, or what the Nation expects. London, 1780. .59 8. Why do we go to War ? The Question discussed according to the official correspondence London, 1803. .30 PAMPHLETS. 1079 Pages 9. The question [of War with France] as it stood, March, 179S.Londori, 1798 . 24 10. Coke, T. W. Addresses to the Freeholders, &c., of the County of Norfolk. Norwich, 1802.. 16 Vol. XV. [Letters, 1830-32.] 1. Barrow, C. On the affairs of the West Indies London, 1830 . . 16 2. Civis to the Duke of Richmond, on the Distress of the common people. London, 1830.. 16 3. A Whig-Commoner on the question of Reform ....... .London, 1831 . .27 4. A Fellow-citizen on Political Unions Bath, 1831 . .16 5. Allen, J. On the ruinous policy of Low Peace Establishments in the Army and Navy London, 1831. .31 6. Gray, Rev. J. H. Letter to the Archbishops and Bishops proposing an Order of " Protestant Episcopal Brothers." London, 1831 . .16 7. M'Ghee, Rev. R. J. On the Established Church in Ireland, in Reply to Dr. Doyle's Letter London, 1831 . .32 8. The conduct of Government towards the Church of England in the West Indies London, 1831.. 24 9. On the proposed [Title-deeds] Register Bill London, 1831 . .37 10. To Earl Grey on his Renunciation of the English Monarchy. ..London, 1832.. 10 11. Gore, Montagu. On Police London, 1832.. 16 12. Miller, Rev. J. On Church Property and Church Reform . . . London, 1832. 120 13. Robinson, M. Answer 40 R. M. Beverley on the present state of the Church ; with remarks on (the same writer's) " Tombs of the Prophets," &c Beverley, 1832 . . 59 14. Ferrers, J. R. On the administration of the Poor Laws London, 1832. .44 15. Proceedings of the friends of Scriptural Education, and the whole Bible, in the Rotunda, 10th January Dublin, 1832 . .32 16. Dr. Doyle's letter to Lord Farnham; with an answer; and a challenge, by R. J. McGhee and R. Daly . . Dublin, 1832. .32 17. Recent facts, &c., concerning the Burial Ground at Stoke-Damerel ; with Letters which passed between Dr. Phillpotts, &c., and Mr. Rodd. Devonport, 1832, pp. 25, appx. 31 Vol. XVI. [Political Tracts, 1800-16.] 1. Correspondence and proceedings on the renewal of the East India Com- pany's Charter London, 1812. .92 2. Correspondence and Documents explaining the proceedings of Marquis Wellesley and the Earl of Moira in the recent negociations for the forma- tion of an Administration London, 1812 . .87 For another copy, see Vol. CXCV.,No. 5. 3. Voght, Baron Von. Of the management of the Poor in Hamburg between 1788 and 1794 London, 1817. .42 4. Morris, E. On Monopoly and Forestalling London, 1800 . .54 5. Report of the British and Foreign School Society, 1815 London. .80 6. Colquhoun, P. A. New system of Education for the labouring people. London, 1806.. 93 7. The causes and consequences of the depressed state of Agricultural pro- duce .London, 1816. .16 8. Bernard, Sir T. The new school (for the poor) : its principles, details, &c. London, 1810.. Ill 1080 PAMPHLETS. Pagei 9. Holdsworth, A. H. On the present state of the country London, 1816. .23 10. Baily, F. On London Life Assurance Companies ; their respective merits, &c London, 1810. .43 11. Vanderstraeten, F. Analysis of the views in a work, entitled, " Improved Agriculture," &c., &c London, 1816. .30 Vol. XVH. [Alfred ; Addresses, &c., 1789.] 1. Withers, P. Alfred ; or, a Narrative of the measures (used) to suppress a pamphlet, viz : " Strictures on the declaration of Home Tooke, respecting Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, commonly called Mrs. Fitzherbert, with remarks on a Regency." London, 1789. .48 Another copy, with small variations, see No. 3, Vol. CCXXVII. 2. Alfred unmasked ; or, The New Cataline, [controverting the foregoing.] London, 1789.. 33 3. Davis, R. Narrative of Facts in answer to " Alfred ;" and containing the correspondence between Dr. Withers and J. Ridgway, on the publication of the History of the Royal Malady, &c London, 1789. .56 4. Debate on the subject of a Regency, in the House of Commons, in De- cember, 1788 London, 1788. .98 5. Collection of Addresses and Letters that have been sent, or may be sent, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on his support of the Constitution 88 6. Ministerial Instructions for the Addresses that have been, and that will be, presented to the Right Hon. Wm. Pitt and others, who have voted them- selves in possession of all the rights of the people and prerogatives of the Crown of England London, 1779.. 102 For another copy, see Vol. CXXXV., No. 1. 7. The Royal Dialogue between the P. of W. and the Right Hon. C. J. F. London, . .47 8. Whig and No Whig : A political paradox .London, 1789. .32 VoL XVm. [Tracts, 1808-15.] 1. The King vs. Graham. Mr. F. Plowden's refutation of the charge of having improvidentiy and maliciously advised the prosecution. London, 1808.. 138 2. Account of Port Jackson, its native inhabitants, &c. : with an account of the murder of Mr. Clode [there] London, 1809. .24 3. Of the differences which exist between the members of the Oxford Circuit and Mr. Wyborn London, 1809.. 52 4. A Letter to Mrs. Clarke, on her late connection with the Duke of York, and the charges preferred against him London, 1809 . . 58 5. Case of the Seven Princes of Britain, contrasted with that of Seven British Merchants, &c. ; suggesting the policy of bringing the different Chris- tian denominations of Britain under one hierarchy, &c. London, 1812. .118 6. Lord Cochrane's Letter to Lord Ellenborough. London, 1815, pp. 138 ; ap- pendix. .36 7. Hague, T. Letter to Mr. Garrow, in which the conduct of Counsel, in cross-examination, &c., is discussed and exposed, &c London, . .60 Vol. XIX. [Naval Actions, Bank Charter. 1788-90.] 1. Of the Naval Actions of the last War, with Hints for the Improvement of the Nav 7 London, 1790 . .147 PAMPHLETS. 1081 Pagei 2. The Charter of the Bank of England ; with the Rules, Orders, and By- Laws London, 1788. .84 Vol. XX. [Lessons to a Young Prince, &c., 1790.] 1 . Lessons to a Young Prince on the disposition in Europe to a general Revo- lution ; with a Lesson on the mode of studying Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution .London, 1790. .159 2. Defense de Louis XVI. a la barre de la convention nationale, en Decem- bre 1792, par le citoyen De Seze Londres, 1793.. 62 3. An Appeal in behalf of the West India Merchants and Planters [for a gradual abolition of the Slave Trade] London, 1792. .118 Vol. XXI. [Tracts, 1807.] 1. Trial between Ross Donnelly, Post-Captain, and Sir Home Popham, in 1807 [regarding the partition of prize-money between a flag-officer and under officers] London, 1807. . 129 2. Minutes of a Court-Martial, 6th 1 1th March, 1807, for the trial of Capt. Sir Home Popham London, 1807.. 184 3. Trial by Court-Martial of Lieut-General Whitelock, Jan. 28th March 15th, 1808, with his defence ; and an account of his life and campaigns. London, . .94 Vol. XXII. [Tracts, 1804-10.] 1. Speech of Lord Melville on the subject of Troop-Ships ; with Papers re- lating to the Expedition to the Scheldt, &c. London, 1810. .78 2. Letter to Lord Melville, respecting Troop-Ships, and the general state of the Navy, with Documents London, 1810. .56 3. The real situation of the Navy of Great Britain at the period of Lord St. Vincent's resignation ... London, 1804 . .68 4. A treatise on Razors ; by B. Kingsbury, razor-maker London, 1804. .46 5. Declarations of Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and England, which demonstrate that the restoration of Peace is retarded only by the injustice and ambi- tion of the common enemy London, 1806 . .35 6. Sketch of the present state of France ; by an English Gentleman, escaped from Paris London, 1805.. 124 For another copy, see Vol. CXCVL, No. 7. Vol. XXIII. [Newcastle Infirmary Tracts.] 1. Horn, Frederick. Remarks on the publications of Drs. Clark and Fen- wick, and proofs (extracted) to show the danger of a general admission of Contagious Fevers into the new building attached to the Infirmary at Newcastle, &c. ; with an Explanatory Preface Newcastle, 1802. .88 2. Horn, F. Explanatory Preface to the above Letter. (This was afterwards enlarged, and prefixed to the Remarks, above.) Newcastle, 1802. .12 3. Account of the Infirmary at Newcastle, &c., and of the plan lately adopted for its extension, &c Newcastle, 1801 . .32 4. Plan for the improvement and extension of the Infirmary. Newcastle, 1801 . .52 5. Papers intended to promote an Institution for the Cure and Prevention of Infectious Fevers ; and on the annexing Fever Wards to Infirmaries. Newcastle, 1802.. 44 6. Proceedings for promoting an Institution for Contagious Fevers in New- castle and'Gateshead.T ..1802.. 236 1082 PAMPHLETS. Vol. XXTV. [Tracts, 1800-01.] 1. Hill, John. The Reforming the Morals of the Poor, by the prevention of Poverty , 1801 . .157 2. Young, A. Of applying Wastes to the Maintenance of the Poor : With some notes - Bury, 1801 . . 160 3. Wansey, H. On Poor-Houses, with a view to their Reform : also, of the Population of Salisbury London, 1801 . .48 4. Cappe, C. Of two Charity Schools for girls, and of a Female Friendly Society, in York... York, 1800 .. 128 5. Anderson, J. Of the circumstances that have led to the present Scarcity of grain, and of preventing such a calamity in future London, 1801 . .94 6. Turton, Sir T. An address in behalf of the Dealers in Corn ; with some Observations on a late Trial for Regrating London, 1800 . . 189 Vol. XXV. [Tracts on the Poor, 1795-1800.] 1 . Vancouver, J. Of the causes of Poverty and state of the Poor ; with the means for their relief London, 1796 . . 148 2. Dyer, G. On the theory and practice of Benevolence. . . .London, 1795. .106 3. Economy of an Institution for supplying the Poor with Soup . .London, 1799. .16 4. Woodville, W. Refutation of a Charge as to the use of Adulterated Vac- cine matter London, 1800 . .43 5. Count Rumford's Essays. 1. On an establishment for the Poor at Munich. 2. Fundamental principles for such establishments. 3. Of the Food of the Poor. 4. Of Fire-places to save Fuel, &c. 5. Of several Institutions in Bavaria London, 1795 . .464 Vol. XXVI. [Tracts, 1767-79.] 1. March, R. On Silk, Wool, Worsted, Cotton, and Thread, with instructions to clean Hosiery ; remarks on Knitting, &c London, 1779. .44 2. Gilbert, T. On the Orders, &c., of the House of Commons, with respect to the Poor, Vagrants, and Houses of Correction London, 1775. .41 3. The method of proceeding in order to obtain a Private Act of Parliament. London, 1767.. 24 4. The Poll of the Freeholders of Warwickshire, taken on the 20th 31st October, 1774. Coventry, 1775. 133 Vol. XXVH. [Tracts, 1739-1817.] 1. The case as between the Clothiers, Weavers, &c., with regard lo the late riot in the County of Wilts London, 1739.. .64 2. Of the Management of the Poor, and our usual policy respecting the Com- mon People London, 1767. .96 3. Anstie, J. On introducing improved Machinery into the Woollen Manu- factory, &c London, 1803 . .99 4. Martin, Mathew. On the state of Mendicity in the Metropolis 1803. .30 5. Weyland, J. On Mr. Whitbread's Poor Bill, and on the Population of England London, 1807. .65 6. Of the Apprentice Laws, with their application, past, present, and to come. London, 1814.. 26 7. Playfair, W. On the advantages of Apprenticeships London, 1814. .32 8-9. First and Second Reports of the Fish Association for the. supply of the Metropolis and its neighbourhood London, 1813 .20, 24 PAMPHLETS. 108S Paget 10. Bernard, Sir T. On the Employment and Subsistence of the Poor ; the Salt Duties, &c , London, 1817. .72 11. Hobhouse, Sir B. On the Measures adopted for lessening the expense of Tnclosure Acts, &c Bath, 1813.. 22 12. A Plan for a General Inclosure Bill, and some further improvements, hum- bly submitted London, 1816. .45 13. Speeches at the City of Cork Election, 19th Oct. et seq Cork, 1812. . 120 Vol. XXVm. [Funeral Sermons, &c., 1767-84.] 1 . Sermon on the Death of Dr. Gifford, by J. Rippon ; with J. Ryland's Address at his Interment . . London, 1784. .84 2. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. J. Scott, by J. Toothill Huddersfield, 1783.. 39 3. Hartley, J. Trial of the two Opinions Tried ; [in vindication of the Divine Decree] London, 1767. . 127 4. Fellows, J. St. Paul's Speeches at Athens, to the Elders of Ephesus, and before Agrippa ; Paraphrased in Blank Verse Birmingham, 1775. .29 Vol. XXIX. [Tracts, 1818-33.] 1. Kenrick, J. Of reconciling the Scriptural and Profane accounts of the Assyrian Monarchy London, 1818 . . 51 2. Mrs. Cappe's Tribute to the Memory of Mrs. Lindsey. . York, 1812. .16 3. Account of St. Paul's Cathedral, and of its Monuments London, 1818 .36 4. Edward Vlth's Charter of the Free School of Birmingham. .London, 1830. .18 5. Jervis, in Refutation of a Supernatural Appearance related by R. Warner. London, 1832.. 21 6. Butler, Dr. On Church Dignities London, 1833. .22 7. Dr. Toulmin's speech at a Bible Society Meeting , 1812. . .7 8. The Eleventh Report of the Dudley Bible Society Dudley, 1824. .16 9. Rules of the Ipswich Literary Institution , 183- . .25 10. Wreck of the Newry ,1830... 5 11. Robinson, R. Plan of Lectures on the Principles of Nonconformity .Har- low, 1778.. 74 12. Johnes, A. J. On the causeswhich have produced Dissent in Wales ; with a statement of the value of Church revenues in North Wales. London, 1832.. 219 Vol. XXX. [Pamphlets. Political. London, 1855, &c.] 1. Porter, J. G. V. England's and France's new demands against Russia in the Black Sea not just ; and proposed Union between the Peelites and Conservatives 1855. .36 2. A few words on Paper, Flax, Hemp, and Plantain Fibre ; and of the latter as a substitute for Flax, Hemp, and paper-making materials 1855. .16 3. The Navy List and the Navy 1855.. 19 4. The Organization of the War Department ; a Memorandum submitted to Lord Palmerston. By a Peelite 1855.. 16 5. The " Warnings of the War :" a Letter to Lord Palmerston ; by " A British Commoner." '. 1855. .53 6. Burmah and the Burmese War. Letters and Papers written in 1852-3. By Major-General Henry Godwin 1854. .72 1084 PAMPHLETS. Pges Vol. *"X"*T [Tracts, 1784-97,] 1. Dornford, Josiah. Letters to the Common Council, relative to the expendi- ture of the City, Blackfriar's Bridge, the Prisons, &c London, 1784. .40 2. Stone, W. The defence of Corporate and deliberative Rights, &c., of the Lord Mayor, Livery, &c., in Common Hall assembled London, 1797. .54 8. Dornford, Josiah. Memorials, &c., on the affairs of the Corporation London, 1785.. 84 4. An Act for the augmentation of the Militia London, 1796 . .30 5. Of the high price of Provisions, and on the excess of Copper money. London, 1786.. 82 VoL mnrn. [Tracts, 1812-23.] 1. Canning, G. Speech on the Reform of Parliament, 25th April, 1822. London, 1822.. 65 2. Birch, J. On the Medical application of Electricity London, 1812. .57 3. Walker, A. Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy. .London, 1822.. 80 4. Description of the Road from London to Liverpool , . .16 5. Chabert, X. Account of the savage inhabitants of Brazil, with the Life of the Botocudo Chieftain Edinburgh, 1823 . .24 6. A catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments made and sold by W. and S. Jones London, 1822 . . 16 Vol. XXXTTT. [St. Katharine's Deck, 1824.] 1 . Facts connected with the proposed Dock to be established upon the principle of open competition London, 1824. .29 2. A reply to the [above tract] London, 1824. .36 3. Facts plainly stated, in answer to [the same tract] London, 1824. .31 4. A letter from an inhabitant of St. Katharine's, with observations on [the same tract] London, . .24 5. Considerations on the forming a Dock at St. Katharines London, 1824.. 28 6. Considerations on the expediency of constructing Wet Docks at St. Katha- rine's London, . .15 7. Letter respecting the proposed Dock , 1824. .13 8. A letter against the proposed Docks London, 1824. .15 Vol. XXXIV. [Law Tracts, 1799-1800.] 1. Reeves, J. Thoughts on the English Government, in a series of letters. Letter the second London, 1799.196 (For a complete copy of this series, vide ante, vol. 222.) 2. Wooddeson, Dr. Vindication of the rights of the British Legislature, in answer to some positions advanced in [the foregoing tract] . .London, 1799. .41 3. Reeves, J. Thoughts, &c., [being] Letter the third London, 1799. .87 4. , . Thoughts, &c., [being] Letter the fourth London, 1800. .74 Vol. XXXV. [Law Tracts, 1759-85.] 1. Simpson, J. On the natural and acquired endowments requisite for the Study of the Law, &c London, 1764.. 54 2. Blackstone, W. On the Law of Descents in Fee-Simple Oxford, 1759. .87 3. Collection of Cases and Records concerning the Privilege of Parliament ; with remarks London, 1764. .92 4. Plowden, F. Supplement to the investigation of the native rights of British subjects London, 1785.151 PAMPHLETS. 1085 Faces Vol. XXXVI. [Law Tracts, 1778-83.] 1. Surges, J. B. On a proposed Act of Insolvency London, 1783. 13C 2. Of the doctrine lately propagated concerning Libels; the seizure of Pa- pers, &c London, 1764.135 3. Another letter respecting Libel London, 1770.198 4. Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets printed for Mr. J. Almon . .London, 1770 . 16 Vol. XXXVH. [Tracts on Law, &c., 1840-41.] 1. Mirehouse, John. Crime and its causes; with observations on a Bill author- izing Summary Conviction of Juvenile Offenders London, 1840. .32 2. Crimes of the Law. Part I. Laws for the recovery of Small Debts. London, 1840.. 58 3. Westminster Hall Courts [shewn to be] on a site injurious and costly to the Suitor London, 1840. .44 4. On the Law regarding Marriage with a deceased Wife's Sister. London, 1840. .57 5. Laws and Customs of Rumney Marsh London, 1840. .24 6. Reynolds, H. R. Letter on the law of Marriage within the prohibited de- grees; and a letter from Sir W. Jones respecting the prohibitions in Leviticus, chap, xviii London, 1841 . .71 7. Reynolds, H. R. Second letter ; with a letter from Archbishop Whately, on the same subject London, 1841 . .99 8. Talfourd, T. N. Speech for the defendant in the case of The Queen vs. Moxon, for the publication of Shelley's Works London, 1841 . .58 9. Haughton, Sir G. C. On the danger to which the Constitution is exposed from the encroachments of the Courts of Law . .London, 1840. .50 Vol. XXXVIII. [Pamphlets, 1795-1821.] 1. Romilly, Sir S. Observations on the Criminal Law of England as it relates to Capital Punishments, &c London, 1810. .76 2. The same as No. 11, Vol. VII. 3. Debates in the House of Commons in the year 1811, on certain Bills for abolishing the Punishment of Death London, 1812.139 4. Buxton, T. F., M.P. Speech on the Bill for mitigating the severity of Pun- ishment London, 1821.. 70 5. Edinburgh Review (Art vii., Feb. 1812,) on Sir Samuel Romilly's observa- vations on the Criminal Laws ; (Art ii., July 1821,) on the state of Prisons ; on Capital Punishments, &c London, 1812, 1821. 125 6. Moser, J. On Profane and Judicial Swearing London, 1795. .40 Vol. XXXTX. [State of England, &c., 1729-96,] 1. The true state of England ; [stating] every Officer, Civil and Military, with lists of the Privy Council, the Royal Household, &c London, 1729. .204 2. Defence of Revealed Religion ; occasioned by the circulation of Paine's Age of Reason London, 1796 . . 112 3. Hancock, J. Two Sermons, preached in the Ejgst Church of Christ, in Braintree, Sep. 16th, 1739, on completing the first century since the gathering of it Boston, N. England, 1739.. 37 <4. English Liberty in some cases worse than French Slavery : The tyrannical power of the Justices of the Peace, Commissioners of [various] Taxes, &c. ; the oppressive methods of raising the Land Tax, &c. . London, 1748. .96 1086 PAMPHLETS. Pifet Vol. XL. [Tracts, 1800.] 1. Report from [some] Clergy of the Diocese of Lincoln, on the state of Religion, &c London, 1800. .23 2. Reflexions on the correspondence between Lord Grenville and Mr. Otto, French Minister London, 1800. .43 8. On the expedience of [a Declaratory Act, in regard of,] " the Tolerating Act." London, 1800 .28 4. On the Repeal of the 5th and 6th Edw. VL, c. 14, which relates to Forestal- lers, &c., [and] on the respect due to the authority of Judges, and to the Verdict of a Jury London, 1800. .43 5. Forethoughts on the general Pacification of Europe London, 1800. 104 6. Bowles, John. On the Political State of Society, A. D., 1800 London. 154 7. On the question of Peace or War Lewes, 1800 . . .7 8. On the propriety of preventing Marriages founded on Adultery . .Lon., 1800. .27 9. Dutens, L. The Tocsin: or, an appeal to Good Sense. London, 1800. .59 10. Fox, C. J. Speech on the restoration of Peace with France. .London, 1801 . .22 11. The King's Speech, as it might have been, and as it is.. .London, Nov. 1798. ..8 12. On the unreasonableness of not attending to the Christian Religion . .London, 1801 . .23 Vol. XTJ. [Pamphlets, 1830-3.] 1. Ker. H. Bellenden. The question of Registry or no Registry [of Real property] considered London, 1830% .111 2. The Reform Ministry and the Reformed Parliament London, 1833 . .116 3. Catalogue of Works published by James Ridgway & Son.. . .London, 1833 . .24 4. Walker, T. On Pauperism and on the means of reducing it. .London, 1831 . .89 5. Correspondence between Lord Notthwick and the Rev. W. Boughton and the Rev. J. R. Hall [two Magistrates] ; also, the communication of the same Magistrates with the Secretary of State Oxford, 1831 . .55 6. On the evils resulting from the Tithe system ; with suggestions for a remedy. London, 1831.. 22 7. Of the English Constitution, and the King's Reform Bill London, 1831. .31 8. The result of the late Elections, and some of the consequences of Reform considered London, 1831.. 51 9. The same as Vol. CCXXXVHI, No. 3. 10. Friendly advice submitted to the Lords on the Reform Bill London, 1831 . .31 11. Pusey, Philip, M.P. Remarks on the new Constitution : London, 1831. .52 12. On the French and Belgic Revolutions ; the National Debt, &c. ; with strictures on Cobbett, Carlile, &c., by Robin Goodfellow. . . .London, 1831 . .15 13. Reply to a speech of Lord Brougham on the Reform Bill, October 7. 1831. Second edition London, 1831 . .100 Vol. XLII. [Tracts, 1631-1812.] 1. Two questions determined : I. Whether the Right of Succession in Here- ditary Kingdoms is unalterable. II. Whether some politick reasons may not [suffice for] Divorce London, 1681 . .35 2. A letter from Rome, 6th May, 1721, 0. S., giving an account of the Pre- tender and his Court, &c , 1 . . 8 3. Some account of the meeting held at the Guildhall in Bury St. Edmonds, 4th November . . 1771 . .22 PAMPHLETS. 1087 Pagei 4. Remarks on a Pamphlet [viz. :] " Some account of a meeting, &c." [the above.] Ipswich, 1771 . . 17 5. Dillon, J. J. Letter in explanation of a work entitled, " Two Memoirs on the Catholic Question." London, 1812. .18 Vol. XLIH. [Tracts, 1516-1813.] 1. Adams, Rev. J. Pronunciation of English Language vindicated from ano- maly and caprice ; [also] on the Dialects of all Countries, and a vindication of the Dialect of Scotland Edinburgh, 1799.164 2. The Economy of Human life ; [" an ancient piece of Eastern instruction."] Kelso, 1802.. pref. 24, 134 3. Crauford, T., Professor in 1646. History of the University of Edinburgh, from 1560-1646 : [An Appendix, relating to later times ; with the Charter, granted in 1562.] Edinburgh, 1808. .172 4. Russell, Rev. M. Of the system of Education pursued in the Schools and Universities of Scotland. An appendix relative to Westminster School, the University of Cambridge, &c. Edinburgh, 1813 . .appx. 55, 168 Vol. XL3V. [Tracts, 1820-1.] 1. Macquarie, L. Refutation of statements made on the Transportation Laws, &c., by the Hon. H. G. Bennett [with documents.] London, 1821 . .92 2. Letter from the King [George IV.] to His people, on the case of Queen Caroline. (This title is fictitious ; the writer is anonymous.) Eleventh edition . London, 1821. .54 For another copy, of an earlier edition, see Vol. LV, No. 6. - :. The Stranger's Letters to the King . -London, 1820.. 80 4. Speech of the Earl of Liverpool on the 2nd reading of the Bill of Pains and Penalties against Queen Caroline London, 1820. .80 5. Speech of Lord Chancellor on the Bill of Pains and Penalties. .London, 1820. .36 6. Selections from the Queen's answers to Addresses ; [with] the Queen's Let- ter to the King , .106 7. Hone, William. The Spirit of Despotism,. .London, 1821 . .94 Vol. XLV. [Miscellanies, 1776-84.] 1. Hey, Dr. On the pernicious effects of Gaming Cambridge, 1784. 100 2. Hey, Dr. A Dissertation on Duelling Cambridge Univ. Press, 1784. . 97 3. Feyjoo, Rev. Father. Rules for preserving health, particularly with regard to studious persons ; [from the Spanish.] London, . 125 4. Parmentier, M. Observations on such vegetables as may take the place of ordinary food in times of Scarcity [mostly treating on Potatoes.]. .London, 1783.. 80 5. Catalogue of the Bound-Stock of Thomas Ewing, Bookseller, sold by Auction April 15th, 1776. Dublin, 1776 . .82 Vol. XLVI. [Tracts, 1789-1809.] 1. Street, T. G. A Vindication of the Attack on Mr. Burke's pension. London, 1796.. 25 2. Barrington, Bishop S. A letter to the Clergy of the Diocese, with directions relating to Orders, &c Salisbury, 1789. .63 For an enlarged edition, see No. 6, Vol. LXXXIX. 3. Hall, Robert. On the freedom of the Press, and general Liberty ; Remarks on Bishop Horsley's Sermon, 30th January. .London, 1802. .pref. pp. 26, 119 1088 PAMPHLETS. 4. Trial of Lieut. Gen. Whitelocke, Commander of the Expedition against Buenos Ayres, before a Court Martial London, 1 808 . 226 5. Montagu, Basil. On limiting the Creditors' power to refuse a Bankrupt's certificate London, 1809. ..70 Vol. XLVH. [Tracts, 1787-98.] 1. Young, A. Enquiry into the state of the public mind amongst the Lower Classes London, 1798. .37 2. Gisborn, Thomas. Remarks on the decision of the House of Commons for the gradual Abolition of the Slave Trade , London, 1792 . At 3. Gabriel, R. B. Facts relating to Dr. White's Bampton Lectures. .Lon., . .88 4. Sherlock, Bishop. Arguments against a repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts London, 1787. .73 5. Burke, E. A letter to a Member of the National Assembly in answer to objections to his book on French affairs 1791 . .74 For another copy, see Vol. XCVIII, No. 4. 6. Jephson, R. The Count of Norbonne. A Tragedy London, 1781 . .80 Vol. XLVHI. [Pamphlets, 1773-1807.] 1. Burke, Edmund. Three Memorials [in 17U1, 1792 and 1793] on French Affairs. . London, 1797. .pref. pp. 31, 199 and appendix. Another copy, Vol. CCV, No. 2. 2. Tinseau, De. On the political relations between Russia and France, [from the French, with remarks by H. F. Greville.] . .London, 1804. .pref. pp. 24, 56 3. Paull, James. A refutation of the calumnies of John Home Tooke, and an exposure of the recent occurrences between Burdett and Paull. . .London, 1807, (imperfect') . 144 4. Official papers relative to the negociation with France London, 1807. 160 4, jClement, M. Quatrieme lettre a M. de Voltaire La Haye, 1773 . 123 Vol. XLIX. [Religious Tracts, 1819-27.] 1. Owen, John. On the object and connexions of the British and Foreign Bible Society London, 1819 . .46 2. Platt, T. P. Facts respecting versions of Holy Scripture, published by the Bible Society . London, 1827. .40 3. Statement of the Edinburgh Bible Society relative to the circulation of the Apocrypha, by the British and Foreign Bible Society Edinburgh, 1825 . .15 4. Simeon, Rev. C. Vindication of the British and Foreign Bible Society, rela- tive to the circulation of the Apocrypha London, 1825. .15 5. Davies. Rev. J. The influences of the Holy Spirit ; considered with reference to the present times London, 1828 . .47 6. On the just limits of Reason in the investigation of Divine Truth London, 1823 . .70 7. The pursuits of Science considered ; [as] to their moral influence upon society London, . . 62 8. Litany for the Members of Missionary Associations Carlisle, . . 8 9. An Appeal on the subject of Sunday Schools, with reference to the interests of the Established Church London, 1823 . . 36 10. Protestant Sisters of Charity ; [or] A plan for administering medical advice to the sick poor London, 1826 . .38 PAMPHLETS. 1089 Pages 11. Surges, Sir J. B. Reply to Mr. Todd's Vindication of our authorized translation of the Bible, &c London, 1820 . .48 12. ' Reasons in favour of a new translation of the Holy Scriptures London, 1819.152 Vol. L. [Tracts, Moral and Political. 1820-8.] 1. An Englishwoman's letter to Hannah More, on the present crisis, [the trial of Queen Caroline.] London, 1820. .18 2. Buchan, G. ; On Duelling : Comprising observations on the defence of that practice Edinburgh, 1823.102 3. Hastings, Marquis of. Summary of his Administration of the Indian Gov- ernment, from Oct. 1813, to January, 1823 London, 1824. 116 4. The Panic London, 1826. .24 5. Cayley, E. On the leading circumstances of the present Financial Crisis. London, 1826.. 46 6. Colquhoun, J. C. The admission of Roman Catholics into the Legislature inconsistent with constitutional principles, &c London, 1827. .55 7. Extracts from "Select Notices of Universities and Public Schools.".... London, 1828.. 80 8. Cotter, R. Sketches of Bermuda or Somers' Islands "London, 1828 . .69 Vol. LI. [Tracts, Catholic Question, 1819-29.] 1. Phillpotts, Dr. [since Bishop of Exeter.] Letter to Mr. Canning on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill of 1825, and on his speech in support of it. London, 1827.167 Another copy, see Vol. CCXV, No. 4. 2. A second letter from the same to the same, on the present position of the Roman Catholic Question Lor don, 1827. .40 3. Letter from the same to the Editor of the Edinburgh Review, on an article entitled, " Durham Case," [a censure on the Clergy of the District.] Durham, 1823 . .39 4. Bushe, W. On the Doctrines of the Church of Rome Dublin, 1824. .3, 28 5. Smart, N. A letter on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill London, 1829. .34 6. Turner, J. M. A letter on the present state of the Catholic claims, London, 181 9.. 31 7. Townsend, G. Supplementary reply to (0. Butler's) Vindication of the Book of the Roman Catholic Church, London, 1826.138 8. Raine, J. Proofs that the Communion in both kinds was administered to the Laity within the Parish of Norham, before the Reformation, London, 1825.. 16 Vol. LH. [Tracts, America, Switzerland, 177099.] 1. General Washington. A letter on his resignation of the office of President of the United States. London, 1796 . .82 2. Reflections, moral and political, on Great Britain and her Colonies, London, 1770.. 66 3. Wesley, John. Address to our American Colonies, London, ...23 4. Harper, R. G. Observations on the dispute betwen America and France, London, 1798... 109 5. Correspondence of C. C. Pinckney, J. Marshall, and E. Gerry, Envoys to the Republic of France ; as presented to Congress London, 1798. ..78 1090 PAMPHLETS. Pigfs 6. View of the overthrow of Switzerland ; from the French, London, 1798. 103 7. The fall of l/nderwald ; from the German, London, 1798 . .20 8. Lavater's letter to the French Directory ; from the German, . .London 1799. .33 Vol. LHI. [Political Tracts, Ireland, 1797-1805.] 1. [Ireland, J.] A Defence of the Kingly Office, London, 1797 . .79 2. On the Irish conspiracy, and on the necessity of an armed association in Great Britain, (with) Observations on the Whig Club, London, 1797.156 3. Considerations on the state of Affairs in Ireland in 1799, London, 1799. .99 4. Moore, G. On the Union ; Orange associations, &c., and on the late Events on the Continent, Dublin, 1800.. 80 5. Fabius' letters to William Pitt, on his proposed abolition of the test, in favor of Roman Catholics of Ireland, with Mr. Pitt's Speech in 1790. Lond., 1801 . .71 6. On Catholic Emancipation, London, 1805. .59 Vol. LIV. [Political Tracts, Scotland, Regency, Sec., 1785-6.] 1. Boswell, James. On the attempt to introduce a pernicious Innovation, by diminishing the number of the Lords of Session, London, 1785.107 2. On the establishment of a Regency, London, 1788. .25 3. Report from the Committee on the Public Income and Expenditure. 1791. With an Appendix of Papers, (A. to Y.) London, 1791 . .134 4. A word in season to the Traders and Manufacturers of Great Britain, Bir- mingham, 1792,. ..24 5. Gifford, J. Address to the People ; containing an Abstract of Paine' s Life and Writings, London, 1792.. 60 6. On the circumstances of the War, in October 1795, London, 1795 . .68 7. On the present state of the Resources of the Country, London, 1796. .27 8. On some particulars of his Administration, in a letter to Mr. Pitt, London, 1796.. 44 Vol. LV. [Political Tracts, 1794-1823.] 1. Of the principal Public Offices in this Kingdom ; with Tables of the estab- lished Fees received, London, 1794.143 2. Irwin, E. Of the feasibility of the supposed Expedition of Buonaparte to the East, London, 1798.. 22 3. Buonaparte in Egypt, an Appendix to the foregoing Enquiry. .1798. .23 4. . The failure of the French Crusade, or the advantages to Great Britain, from the restoration of Egypt to the Turks London, 1799 . .31 5. Curwen, B. Magna Charta ; with the history of its rise and completion, [also] The Bill of Rights, with Notes, London, 1810. .59 6. The same as No. 2, Vol. XLIV. 7. Steven, R. On the present state of Ireland ; with Hints for Improvement, London, 1822.. 90 8. The Administration of Affairs of Great Britain and Dependencies, at the commencement of the year 1823, stated and explained, . . . .London, 1823.207 Vol. LVI. [Tracts, Public Affairs, 1796-8.] 1. Considerations upon the state of Affairs at the beginning of the year 1796, London, 1796 . .97 2. Considerations upon the state of Affairs at the beginning of the year 1798. Part I. France, pp. 69. II. Instructions of H. M. Plenipotentiary at Lille, 88. III. Great Britain, 105 London, 1798 . 262 PAMPHLETS. 1091 Vol. liVIT [Political Tracts, 1829-31.] 1. Observations on Mr. Brougham's Pamphlets. 1. " The Country without a Government." 2. " What has the Duke of Wellington gained by the Dis- solution ?" London, 1830. .95 2. The same as in Vol. CCXXXVIIT, No. 1. which is followed by similar pam- phlets on the Wellington Administration, &c., in 1830. 3. The same as Vol. CCXXXVIll, No. 3. 4. The present Crisis in France, considered in reference to England, . .L. 1830. .41 5. Inglis, Sir R. H. Speech on Parliamentary Reform, London, 1831 . .68 6. Colquhoun, J. C. The Constitutional principles of Parliamentary Reform, Edinburgh, 1831.. 68 7. Knight, H. G. A letter to the Earl of Aberdeen, on his Foreign Policy, London, 1829.. 43 Vol. LVIII. [Negotiations with France.] 1. Correspondence of Lord Malmesbury and the French Directory, relative to the Negotiations for Peace, March 8th to December 20th, 1796... L., 1796.. 82 2- Official Correspondence [on the same subject in continuation,] 1st June, to 5th October, 1797 London, 1797. 124 3. Declaration of the Court of Great Britain, respecting the late Negotiation, London, 1797. .15 4. Bowles, J. Letter on the dangers of premature Peace, with strictures on the Declaration of the King of Prussia London, 1795. .67 5. Papers relative to negociations for a Naval Armistice and Peace with France, April 10, to Oct. 9, 1800 London, 1800. .24 Vol. LIX. [Political Tracts, 1794-7.] 1. Bowles, J. Further reflections submitted to the consideration of the combined Powers : London, 1794.. 72 2. Erskine, Thomas. Of the causes and consequences of the present War with France London, 1797. 138 For other copies, see Vol. CXXXVIII, No. 8, and Vol. CCV., No. 3. 3. Gifford, J. Strictures on the preceding pamphlet London, 17i>7. 180 Vol. LX. [Political Tracts, Prance, 1796-1815.] 1. Buonaparte in the West Indies, or the History of Toussiant Louverture. (Three parts.) , London, 1803 . .48 2. On the prospect of Peace arising out of the present circumstances of the War London, 1796.. 88 3. Gifford, J. Strictures on the Earl of Lauderdale's letters to the Peers of Scotland London, 1815 179 4. Le Mesurier, H. Thoughts on a French Invasion; on the probability of its success ; and the means of resisting it London, 1 798 . . 25 5. Bowles, J. Reflections submitted to the consideration of the combined Powers. (Vide, also, Vol. LIX, No. 1) London, 1794. .35 Vol. LXI. [Tracts, French Revolution, 1793-1815.] 1. Mr. Fox's letter to the Electors of Westminster.. '. London, 1793. .43 For other copies, vide\~Vol. XCVII., No. 1, and Vol. CCXVIL, No. 1. 2. Thoughts on the theory and practice of the French Constitution. ..L,, 1794. .36 For another copy see Vol. LXXXVI, No. 4. 3. English Societies' Addresses to the National Convention of France ; Seditious \ B 1092 PAMPHLETS. resolutions of certain Societies ; certain Decrees of the National Conven- tion, [with] Speeches and Papers to shew the general views of France towards this and other countries. [in French and Eng.] London, 1793. .49 4. Of the present state of France, and the consequences of the events passing in that Kingdom London, 1795 . . 53 5. Jordan, Camille. Address on the Revolution of the 4th Septejmber, 1797. Translated, with a Preface and Notes, by J. Gifford London, 1798. Pref. pp. 27, Address 134 6. Pan, M. Du. On the connection between the political system of the French Republic and the system of its Revolution London, 1797 . .66 7. Calonne, M. De. Letter to the author of the Considerations upon the state of Public Affairs. From the French London, 1798 . .36 8. Chateaubriand, Viecount De. Report to the King on the state of France ; [with] The Manifesto of Louis XVIIL, as drawn up by Count De Lally Tolendal London, 1815 . .74 Vol. LXII. [Tracts on France, 1800-14.] 1. Chateaubriand, F. A. De. Political reflections on the true Interests of the French nation London, 1814.159 2. Chateaubriand, F. A. De. Of Buonaparte and the Bourbons, and of the necessity of rallying round our legitimate Princes London, 1814. .87 3. Annesley, A. On the danger of a premature Peace London, 1800 . .39 4. Eden, Sir F. M. Letters on the Peace ; and on the Commerce and Manu- factures of Great Britain London, 1802. 182 Vol. LXIH. [Political Tracts, 1801-13.] 1. Baldwin, G. Political recollections relative to Egypt; with a narrative of the British Campaign in 1801 London, 1801 .227 2. Morier, J. P. A Campaign with the Ottoman Army in Egypt in the year 1800 London, 1801.100 For another copy see Vol. CCXI., No. 5. 3. Vaughan, C. R. Narrative of the Siege of Zaragoza London, 1809. 33 For another copy see Vol. CLIII., No. 7. 4. Eustaphieve, M. Resources of Russia in the event of a War with France ; with a description of the Cozaks London, 1813 . .52 5. The French Bulletins relating to the War in Russia ; with a Preface, pp. lii. London, 1813.124 6. Detail of events and sufferings of the Forces commanded by Buonaparte, during their retreat from Moscow. From the German, of an Officer in the Russian service. , 1813 . .27 Vol. IiXTV. [Political Tracts, 1808-23.] 1. Cevallos, Don Pedro. Of the Usurpation of the Crown of Spain by Buona- parte, [with Documents]. From the Spanish London, 1808. 143 For another copy see Vol. LXXVIII., No. 3. 2. Eliot, W. G. On the defence of Portugal ; with a Military Map. Of the manners of the inhabitants, and principal events of the Campaigns in 1808 and 1809 London, 1810.244 3. Shoberl, F. Narrative of events in and near Leipzig, at the time of the series of engagements between the Allied Armies and the French. From the German London, 1814.104 PAMPHLETS. 1093 Pagei 4. A view of the political state of Europe, after the Battle of Leipzig. London, 18 13.. 99 5. Douglas, Sir H. The crisis of Spain London, 1823. .81 6. The Holy Alliance, versus Spain. Containing the Declarations of the Allied Powers, and the replies of the Spanish Cortes London, 1823. .30 Vol. LXV. [West India Pamphlets, 1826-7.] 1. A communication from the Governor to the House of Assembly of St. Vincent, 17th August, 1826, enclosing Bills for Emancipating the Slaves, &c., with the reply thereto London, 1826 . .36 2. Stephen J. England enslaved by her own Slave Colonies.. . .London, 1826. .91 For another copy see Vol. LXXV., No. 3. 3. Remarks on an Address to the Members of the New Parliament with respect to the West India Question London, 1826. .78 4. Address to the Members of the New Parliament on the proceedings of the Colonial Department, for ameliorating the condition of the Slaves, &c., and on the course that ought to be pursued. With a supplement. .London, 1826.. 41 5. Same as Vol CCXLIL, No. 6. 6. Chalmers, Dr. T. On the Abolition of Colonial Slavery Glasgow, 1826. .16 For another copy see Vol. CCXXXVII., No. 5. 7. Opinions of Henry Brougham, on Negro Slavery London, 1826. .47 8. McDonnell, A. The West India Legislatures vindicated from the charge of having resisted the Amelioration of Slavery .London, 1 826 . 104 9. Thomson, C. Mr. Stephen's address to the Electors of Great Britain ; considered London, 1826. .48 10. Letter on a Pamphlet [viz :] " The West India Question, practically considered.". . . London, 18'26. .16 11. The West India Question practically considered, London, 1826. 121 12. On recent proceedings of the Legislature of Barbados,.. ..London, 1826.. 43 18. The West Indian Reporter, No. 1 London, 1st January, 1827. .24 For other copies, See Vol. LXVI, No. 16, and vol. XCVI, No. 9. Vol. LXVI. [West Indies, Parliamentary Speeches, 1824-26.] 1. Baring, Alexander. Speech on a Resolution declaratory of Slavery being contrary to the Constitution &c., London, 1823 . .17 For other copies see Vol. LXVII, No. 1, and Vol. LXIX, No. 11, and Vol. LXX, No. 3. 2. Debate in the House of Commons, on the Measures of Government, for the amelioration of the condition of the Slaves, London, 1824. .71 3. Canning, Rt. Hon. G. Speech in the House of Commons, in explanation of the Measures adopted by Government, &c., London 1824. .44 4. Canning, Rt Hon. G. Speech upon a Motion, for the early consideration of Measures, &c., touching Slaves London, 1826. .16 5. Canning, Rt. Hon. G. Speeches, 12th December, 1826, relative to the affairs of Portugal, ,....'. London, 1826. .fil 6. Huskisson, W. Two Speeches on Colonial and Foreign Commerce : with the Alterations in Duties, resolved in Committee, London, 1825 . .88 7. The Debate in the House of Lords, 7th March, 1826, on Slavery in the West Indies, London, 1826. .54 1094 PAMPHLETS. Pagei 8. Lord Chancellor, The. Speech on same occasion, London, 1826. ..8 9. Dudley, Viscount. Speech on same occasion London, 1826 . .12 10. St. Vincent, Viscount. Speech on same occasion London, 1826. . .7 11. Ellis, C. Speech upon a motion on 19th May, 1826, for the early con- sideration of measures touching Slaves London, 1826 . . 18 12. Bernal, Ralph. Speech on same occasion, London, 1826. .16 13. Horton, R. W. Speech on same occasion, London, 1826. .27 14. Address to the Consumers of Sugar, in favour of West India Produce. I _ c , . . . o 15. A plain statement to the common sense of the People, [on Slavery,] 1826, (folded)... 4 16. The same as No. 13, Vol. LXV. Vol. LXVII. [Tracts on West India Affairs, 1816-23.] 1. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXVI. 2. Canning, Rt. Hon. G. Speech on a Resolution declaratory of Slavery being contrary to the Constitution, London, 1823, . .38 3. The state of the present Government of Trinidad, under the operation of the mutilated Spanish system : an immediate introduction of the British Laws &c., proposed, London, 1817. .90 4. Hay, J. Narrative of the Insurrection in the Island of Grenada, in 1795, London, 1823 . 171 5. Jordan, G. W. Principles of the Slave Registry Bill &c London, 1816.147 6. Review of Arguments against Parliamentary interference in behalf of the Negro Slaves ; with opinions on that subject, of distinguished Statesmen, London, 1823;. .32 7. Scriptural Notices respecting Bondmen ; am] a Plan for the gradual manu- mission of Slaves, London, 1823 . . .9 8. West India Agricultural distress, and a Remark on Mr. Wiiberforce's Ap- peal, London, 1823...56 9. Of the nature and effects of Negro Slavery, (folded,) London, 1823. . .3 Vol. LXVin. [Tracts on West Indies, 1823-4.] 1. Property possessed by Slaves in the Virgin Islands, 1823. (Lithographed) 1 2. Memorial of the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 25th Feb. 1824, (Lith.) 3 3. Letter from Earl Bathurst to the Colonial Agents, February 1824, (Lith.).... . .3 4. Letter from the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 1st March 1824, (Lith.) 2 5. Letter from the Colonial Agents to Earl Bathurst, 9th March, 1824, (Lith.).... 4 The five preceding Tracts also occur in Vol. LXIX. 6. Report of a Debate in [the Colonial] Council, [Barbados,] on a Despatch from Lord Bathurst to the Governor, London, 1823 . .40 7. Of Negro Slavery as it exists in our West India Colonies, Hull, 1824. .12 8. Commissioners of correspondence of the Bahama Islands ; Letter concern- ing the proposed abolition of Slavery in the West Indies, . . .London, 1823. .78 9. Report of the Committee of the Legislature of Dominica, relative to the con- dition, treatment, &c., &c., of the Negroes of that Island,. ..London, 1823. .43 10. A communication from the Governor of Saint Vincent, to the House of Assembly, enclosing Lord Bathurst's Despatch [for ameliorating the condi- tion of the Slaves,] with a Reply, and a Letter on the Insurrection in De- merara, London, 1823. ..74 PAMPHLETS. 1095 Pages 11. Refutation of the various calumnies against the West India Colonies, London, 1824.143 12. Jordan, G. W. Papers relating to the British Colonies in the West Indies, London, . .71 Vol. LXIX. [Tracts on the West Indies, 1823-24.] 2* [ These are the same as Nos. 1 and 4, Vol. LXVIII. 3. Letter extracted from the Jamaica Journal of the 31st January, 1824. (Manuscript.) .-..., 5 4. ) 5. > These are the same as Nos. 2, 3 and 5, in Vol. LXVIII. 6. J 7. Examination of statements respecting Barbados, made by Messrs. Wilber- force, Stephen, &c London, 1824. . .7 8. Papers to serve for the formation of Branch Associations [of the Society named in the following.] , 1824. . .4 9. Report of the Society for Conversion and Religious Instruction of Negro Slaves. July Dec., 1823 London, 1824. .48 10. Some account of the Society London, 1823. .13 11. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXVI. 12. Cobbett's Weekly Register, Dec. 13, 1823, to Mr. Wilberforce, on his v l< Appeal in behalf of Negro Slaves," &c London. .32 For another copy see Vol. LXX., No. 4. 13. Letter to the Liverpool Society for the abolition of Slavery. . .London, 1824. .15 14. Emancipation, &c., considered ; its Impolicy and Injustice; in answer to Mr. Wilberforce. No. 1 ..London, 1824.. 44 15. Report of a Committee of fhe House of Assembly of Jamaica, Dec. 10, 1817, relative to its Population, Agriculture, and Commerce London, 1818. .65 16. On the present distressed state of the British West India Colonies ; their Claims for Relief, &c London, 1823 . .63 Vol. LXX. [Tracts on West Indies, 1822-3.] 1. Memorandum on the relative importance of the West and East Indies to Great Britain London, 1823 . .32 2. Petition from the. West India Planters and Merchants resident in Scot- land, for the protection of their rights and property in any legislation res- pecting Slavery in the West Indies Glasgow, . . .8 3. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXVI. 4. The same as No. 12, Vol. LXIX. 5. Reduced rates^on Ships discharged, and their Cargoes, in the West India Docks, on 31st March, 1824. Folded 2 6. Memorial of the West India Dock Company, with Notes, &c. London, 1822, pp. 24; with Appendix. .13 7. Reply to Jos. Marryat's Observations on the West India Dock Charter. London, 1823.107 8. Winter, R. Objections to the proposed alteration of the Law relating to Principal and Factor London, 1823. .42 9. On the Colonization of the Cape of Good Hope London June 1st, 1819 . . .3 10. Outline of Plan of Emigration to Upper Canada London, 1823?.. pp. 10, with appendix, 15 1096 PAMPHLETS. Ptfei 11. Observations on ditto ... .London, . . .8 12. The case of Barbados, for indemnification of losses in the late Insurrection. (folded,) Westminster, 1819... 6 Vol. I.XXI. [Colonies, 1831-2.] 1. Debate upon the Sugar Duties, in the House of Commons, 21st June, 1830. .86 2. Ditto ditto 21st Feby., 1831 . .40 3. Causes of the distress of the British West India Colonies; with Remedies suggested London, 1832.. 39 4. McQueen, J. On the British Colonies; (taken out of a Periodical.) 5. Proceedings at a Meeting in London, on behalf of the preservation of the British West India Colonies, 5th April, 1832 50 6. Debate on the present state of the West India Colonies, in the House of Lords, 17th April, 1832 38 7. The West Indian Reporter, No. 41, March, 183 J, on the Commercial State of the West India Colonies London . .56 8. Address to Manufacturers, &c., on the importance of preserving the Colonies London, 1832 . .21 Vol. LXXn. [Tracts, 1814-16.] 1. Speech of Lord Grenville, 9th April, 1813, on East Indian affairs. ..London,. .72 2. Fisher, R. B. The importance of the Cape of Good Hope, as a Colony to Great Britain London, 1814. 103 3. Reasons for establishing a Registry of Slaves, being a report published by the African Institution London, 1815.118 4. Remarks on the Slave Registry Bill, and upon a report of the African Institu- tion London, 1816 . .67 5. On Mr. Wilberforce's Bill, for preventing the unlawful importation of Slaves, &c London, 1816.. 28 6. Thorpe, R. Reply to Z. Macauley ; published as " Preface to a Letter to W. Wilberforce." London, 1815 . .56 7. Interference of the British Legislature, respecting the West India Slaves deprecated London, 1816 . .58 8. The injurious tendency of the proposed Slave Registry Bill ; referring to Evidence received by the House of Assembly, Jamaica London, 1816 . .24 9. On the abolition of the Slave Trade, and Civilization of Africa ; on the Afri- can Institution, &c London, 1816.235 10. Jordan, G. W. Of the principles'of the Slave Registry Bill, &c. . London, 1816 . 147 11. Venables, T. The Reviewer, (in the Christian Observer,) reviewed, respect- ing the Slave Registry Bill London, 1816.. 32 12. Pallmer, C. N. Speech in the House of Commons, on Mr. Wilberforce's motion for Papers, &c., June 19, 1816 44 13. Jordan, G. W. Queries on the Silver and ^Copper coins in Barbados ; and answer, recommending measures necessary, &c London, 1816. .30 Vol. LXXin. [Pamphlets, 1830-43.] 1. Public Documents, &c., on the Interests of Prince Edward Island. Char- lottetown, 1841.104 2. Domestic Ventilation London, 1841 .11 3. Temple, J. Observations on Property London, . . .8 4. The Syrian Question London, 1841 . .43 PAMPHLETS. 1097 Fagei 5. Report of the Society for Free Admission to National Monuments and Public Edifices, &c London, 1842.. 32 6. On the Taxes on Knowledge London, 1831 . .32 7. On the Ballot London, 1830.. 28 8. Buller, C., M.P. Speech on 21st February, 1837, for granting Municipal Corporations to Ireland 8 9. Hume, J. Speech on 10th March, 1855, for the Repeal of the Malt Tax. .17 10. Roebuck, J. A. "Speech on 21st February, 1837, for granting Municipal Corporations to Ireland 8 11. Aristocracy and Democracy. Correspondence between Earl Fitzwilliam and J. G. Marshall London, 1840. ..4 12. Hume, Jos. Speech on Sugar Duties May 13th, 1841 22 13. . Speech on the Policy of England towards the Porte and Mohamed Ali, March 27, 1840 32 14. Evidence before the Committee appointed to consider the means of prevent- ing Bribery, Corruption, &c., in the Election of Members of Parliament. London, 1837.147 15. Hume, Jos. Speech on the Bank of England and State of the Currency, 8th July, 1839 24 16. Hume, Jos. Speech on the National Debt and the Sinking Fund. . . .1822. .23 17. On the Kirk of Scotland, the Non-Intrusionists, and National Education in Scotland , 1843 ... 3 VoL LXX1V. [Pamphlets, 1778-1812.] 1. Dyer, G. Four Letters on the English Constitution London, 1812. 136 2. James, R. On Fevers and Inflammatory Distempers. Of the Fever Powder, and on the Disorders of Children London, 1778. 160 3. Of the Dissensions at the Presidency of Madras. Original Papers, &c. London, 1810.210 4. Of the events of the Rebellion at Madras .London, 1810. .47 Vol. LXXV. [Pamphlets, 1809-27.] 1. Miller, 3. [Assize] Sermon on the Prevalence of Crime Oxford, 1819 . .33 2. Leckie, G. F. State of the Foreign Affairs of Great Britain for 1809 . .Lond. . .34 3. The same as No. 2, Vol. LXV. 4. On Recent Occurrences at Litchfield, on Slavery and the Distribution of the Scriptures ' . .London, 1826 . .52 5. Debate in the House of Commons, June 23rd, 1825, relative to the demoli- tion of the Methodist Chapel in, and the expulsion of a Wesleyan Minister from, Barbados London, 1825.119 6. The real state of Ireland in 1827 London. 100 7. Phillpotts, H. A Letter on the Proceedings at a Public Meeting in the County of Durham, and on the Speech of J. G. Lambton, M. P. Durham, 1819.. 35 8. Horton, R. W., M.P. Letter to the Duke of Norfolk on the Catholic Ques- tion, (with an appendix of papers.) London, 1826.100 For another copy see Vol. XCVI, No. 4. 9. Description of a Panoramic View of Spitzbergen London, 1820. .12 'Vol. LXXVI. [Pamphlets, 1812-28.] 1 . Remarks on a System of National Education, with speeches delivered at a meeting held for instituting it Stamford, 1812. .24 1098 PAMPHLETS. Pagei 2. Brougham, H., M.P. Speech, March 13, 1817, on the State of the Nation. .82 3. Bowles, W. L. The Invariable Principles of Poetry, on occasion of T. Campbell's Observations relating to Pope London, 1819 . .45 4. Two Letters on Scottish Affairs [on the " Proposed Change of Currency, and other alterations," &c.] London, 1826. .62 5. Report by the Commissioners on the Practice of Chancery. ..London, 1826.156 6. Wedderburn, J. W. On the dismissal of Major-Gen. Sir R. Wilson. Lon- don, 1822.. 32 7. Lane, C. T. The Coronation Oath considered, with reference to the princi- ples of 1688 London, 1828. 124 Vol. LXXVH. [Tracts, 1822-32.] 1. Adams, C. H. Letter-press to accompany the Plate of the Solar System. London, 1822.. 33 2. Letter on the Amendments of the Reform Bill, which it may be expedient to make in the Committee [of the Lords] London, 1832. .73 3. Becher, J. T. The Antipauper System, under the Administration of the Poor Laws at Southwell, &c London, 1828 . . 58 4. Hints on Emigration to Swan River, Australia .London, 1829. .70 5. Information to Emigrants to the West Coast of Australia . .78 6. Information for those who embark as Settlers for the West Coast of Aus- tralia. (Lithographed.) . . Coloniar,0ffice, 3rd February, 1829. . .2 Vol. LXXVIII. [Tracts, 1753-1812.] 1. Halfpenny, W. and J. The Country Builder's Assistant, &c., for rural deco- rative architecture; with 32 designs for Summer-houses, Lodges, &c. London, 1753.. 64 2. Correspondence and Proceedings for a renewal of the East India Company's Charter London, 1812.. 92 3. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXIV. Vol. LXXIX. [Tracts, 1776-85.] 1. The Evidence on the part of Petitioners for the Abolition of the Slave Trade London, 1791 . .32 2. Dawes, M. Essay on Intellectual Liberty ; submitted to the Legislature, and to all enquirers, particularly among the Dissenters and Papists.. L., 1780. .88 3. The Rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America: being an answer to the Declaration of the General Congress London, 1776. .92 4. Twining, R. On the Tea and Window Act, and on the Tea Trade. London, 1785. 66 Vol. LXXX. [Tracts, 1757-1820.] 1. Bayley, J. On the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c. London, 1789.. 79 2. National Danger and the Means of Safety London, 1797. .73 3. Rose, G. The increase of the Revenue, Commerce, and Manufactures from 1792 to 1799 London, 1799. .82 4. Pitt, W. Speech, Jan. 31, 1799, on proposing an Union between Great Britain and Ireland [with Papers respecting the Policy, dating 1782.].. 95 For another copy see Vol. LXXXI, No. 2. 5. Serle, R. On Landed Property, so far as respects, Manors, Farms, Mills, and Timber London, 1802. .40 PAMPHLETS. 1099 Pages 6. Seyer, S. On the Causes of Clerical Non-Residence, &c London, 1804. .79 7. Huskisson, W. The Depreciation of our Currency stated and examined. London, 1810; preface, pp. xix.154 8. On the Necessity of conforming to order with respect to Clerical Vestments; and on the dilapidated state of many Country Churches. . . .Bristol, 1820.. 32 Vol. LXXXI. [Tracts, 1798-9.] 1. Charnock, J. A Letter on Finance and on National Defence. London, 1798. .54 2. The same as No. 4, Vol. LXXX. 3. Necessity of and proposed plan for an incorporate Union between Great Britain and Ireland London, 1799. 182 Vol. LXXXII. [Tracts, 1810-19.] 1. Trotter, C. The principles of Currency and Exchanges, applied to the Report on the high price of Gold London, 1810. .80 2. Davison, J. Considerations on the Poor Laws Oxford, 1817 122 3. A Letter on the effects of a Variable Standard of Value, especially as it regards the Poor Oxford, 1819. 104 4. A Second Letter on the Increase of Pauperism, and on the Poor Laws. Oxford, 1819.111 Vol. LXXXIH. [Pamphlets, 1760-61.] 1. A. Letter to Two Great Men, on the Terms necessary to be insisted on in the Negociation of Peace. Fourth edition, enlarged Dublin, 1760. .42 For another copy see Vol. LXXXIV, No. 5. 2. A Letter to the Earl of Bute on a Late Resignation {viz., of Mr. Pitt] and its probable consequences London, 1761 . .75 3. A Second Letter, by the Author of the foregoing London, 1761 . .73 4. A Word to a Right Honourable Commoner [William PittJ. . .London, 1761. .72 5. Remarks on a Popular Letter [viz., Mr. Pitt's Letter on his Resignation.] London, 1761.. 35 6. The Crisis ; on the present state of affairs London, 1761 . . 40 7. A Letter on the Present Crisis ; containing Reflections on a Late Resigna- tion London, . .48 8. The Present State of Affairs, with Remarks upon certain Transactions. London, 1761.. 66 Vol. LXXXIV. [Pamphlets, Political, 1760-61.] 1. A Consolatory Letter to a Noble Lord [respecting his failure at the Battle of Minden.] London, 1760.. 44 2. Reasons why the approaching Treaty of Peace should be debated in Parlia- ment London, 1760.. 49 3. On the State of Affairs in Germany ; the conduct of His Prussian Majesty, &c London, 1760. .46 4. A Full Answer to "Considerations on the present German War." London, 1760.. 86 5. The same as No. 1, Vol. LXXXIII. 6. Hints on the important Crisis of a New Reign and a New Parliament. London, 1761.. 62 Vol. LXXXV. [Pamphlets, Political, 1766-1800.] 1. Paine, T. The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance. Second Edition London, 1 For another copy see Vol. CXIII, No. 3. 1100 PAMPHLETS. 2. Thoughts on the present State of Affairs with America, and the Means of Conciliation, with an appendix (no title) 102 3. Nicholls, J., M.P. Speech, January 3, 1798, on [the Bill for augmenting the Assessed Taxes 27 4. Fox, Rt. Hon. C. J. Speech, 3rd February, 1800, on the Refusal of Minis- ters to treat with the French Republic 42 5. Pitt, Rt. Hon. W. Speech, 3rd February, 1800 [on the same occasion] 120 6. Fox, 0. J. Letter to the Electors of Westminster London, 1793 . .43 7. Grattan, H. An Answer to the Speech of the Earl of Clare, on the Union of Great Britain and Ireland London, 1800. .48 8. Letters of Cursitor to the principal Political Characters of the day. Lon- don, 1800.. 92 9. Thelwall, J. Prospectus of Lectures for the ensuing Lent, on Historical and Political Subjects, in strict conformity with the restrictions of Mr. Pitt's Convention Act - London, 1796. .29 For an enlarged edition, vide Vol. CXCVII, No. 7. 10. Paley, W. Reasons for Contentment, addressed to the labouring public. London, 1793 . .22 For other copies see Vol. III. No 23 ; Vol. CI, No. 1 ; Vol. CL, No. 5 ; Vol. CXCVII, No. 10, and Vol. CCXIX, No. 1. Vol. LXXXVI [Pamphlets, 1783-1809.] 1. Freake, A. Cases relating to the use of the Humulus, or Hop, in Gout and Rheumatic Affections London, . .43 2. Trial of Capt. R. Powell, Lieuts. C. Seton and J. Hall, before a Court-Mar- tial, on charges preferred against them by W. Cobbett ; with Letters be- tween him and Sir C. Gould, Judge-Advocate General London, 1809. .32 For another copy see Vol. CVIII, No. 5. 3. The same as No. 1, Vol. XIX. 4. The same as Vol. LXI, No. 2. 5. The Crimes of Democracy London, 1798.. 35 6. Adair, R. Remarks on Mr. Burke's mention of Lord Keppel in one of his ." recent publications." London, 1796. .54 7. Blair, R. The Grave: a Poem London, 1783. .39 8. Burke, Rt. Hon. E. Letter on the attacks made upon him and his pension, in the House of Lords ^London, 1796. .78 For another copy see Vol. CL, No. 1. 9. Hill, J. On the nature and cure of Hypochondriasis London, 1776.. 43 10. Experiments on the use of Sugar in feeding Cattle ; with Hints for the Cultivation of Wild Lands, and improving the condition of the Peasantry. London, 1809.123 11. Harding's New Catalogue of Books on Agriculture. &c London, 1809. .36 12. De Dunstanville, Lord. Speech made at a County Meeting, Bodmin, May 15th, 1809, against Resolutions respecting the " Charges made against the Duke of York." London, 1809. .37 13. Proceedings of the Friends to the Liberty of the Press, on Dec. 22nd, 1792, and January 19th and March 9th, 1793 London, 1793. .22 14. Report of a Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons [on Sedi- tious Associations in Great Britain and Ireland,] with an Appendix. London, 1799.. 90 PAMPHLETS. 1101 Page* 15. Prospectus of the Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine London, . . .2 Vol. LXXXVII. [Pamphlets, 1831-35.] 1. Documents and Report of the Royal Naval Annuitant Society. Devonport, 1833.. 76 2. Pratt, J. T. Tables for ^providing Relief in Sickness, for Payments at Death, and Endowments for Children London, 1833. . .8 8. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London, No. 32 1833. . .8 4. The Malthusian Boon unmasked ; with Remarks upon the Poor Law Amend- ment Bill London, 1835 . . 16 5. Descriptive Catalogue of Dr. G. Mantell's Mnseum of Geology and Fossil comparative Anatomy London; 1834. .30 6. An Apology for English Ship-Builders, showing that it is not necessary to look to the Navy for Naval Architects London, 1832. .48 7. School of Naval Architecture, (Review of the foregoing) London, . . .8 8. Baron Heurteloup : cases of Lithotrity, or, The stone cured without incision. London, 1831.. 54 9. Proceedings of the Great Western Railway Company, &c London, 3834. .68 10. Minutes of evidence on the Great Western Railway Bill Bristol, 1834. .51 11. Knox, Dr. Dissection of a young Rorqual, or short Whalebone Whale, &c 1834. .12 12. Peene, W. G. On the subjects of Philosophical Lectures ; an Introductory Address, read at the Philosophical Society Maidstone, 1834. .26 13. Dymond, J. The Church and the Clergy, &c. ; showing that Religious Establishments are not of public utility, &c London, 1834. .52 14. Third Report of the Naval and Military Library an dMuseum 1834 . .42 15. Fourth Report of the United Service Museum 1835 . .44 16. Peel, Sir R. Speech on forming an Administration, 24th February, 1835.. 18 17. Dewhurst, H. W. On the advantages of Philosophical Instruction. London, 1835 -.18 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Prolusiones academicse praamiis annuis dignatae et recitatae. Cambridge, 1835.. 37^ 23. Evidence taken before the Corporation Commissioners, at Cambridge London, 1833.136 24. Spalding, R. On the adjustment of the Theodolite ; with a few Hints to young Surveyors Rochester, 1831 . .48 Vol. LXXXVIII. [Tracts, 1714-1827.] 1. The same as No. 7, Vol. CCXXV, and to which is appended a rejoinder. 2. Correspondence between Great Britain and France, in Negotiation of Peace ; Copies of the preliminary and definitive Treaties London, 1803.168 For another copy, with additional papers, see Vol. CHI,. Nos. 1 and 2. 3. Vivenair, M. A Journey in an Air Balloon to Georgium Sidus 1784.. 41 4. Wilmot, Sir E. E. Letter to the Magistrates, on the increase of Crime.s, and an efficient Remedy London, 1827. .28 5. English, French, and German names of Minerals; with Tables of Analysis. Edinburgh, 1808.. 72 6. Of the Services of Mr. Gumming, late of the Revenue and Judicial Depart- ments of India London, 1824. .71 7. King, E., F.R.S., &c. Account of the late, 1807. .1 1102 PAMPHLETS. PtfM 8. Acland, H. D. Sketch of the History and present situation of the Valdenses, orVaudois London, 1825.. 51 Vol. LXXXIX. [Tracts, 1786-91.] 1. Jones, W. Essay on the Church, and view of the state of the Argument between the Church and the Dissenters Gloucester, 1787. 143 2. Porteous, Bishop. Letter concerning Sunday Schools London, 1787.. 31 3. By the same. Essay on the Transfiguration of Christ London, 1788. .31 4. By the same. Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of London . London, 1789., 26 5. By the same. Charge to the Clergy of the Diocese of London. London, 1790. .28 6. BaVrington, Bp. of Sarum. Letter, with directions to the Clergy of Sarum. 2nd Edition, with additions Salisbury, 1790 . 146 7. Chester, Bishop of. A list of books, for the use of Students in Divinity within the Diocese Oxford, 1791 51 8. Review of the Policy, Doctrines, and Morals of the Methodists . London, 1791 . .55 VoL XC. [Tracts, 1796-1800.] 1. Sharpe, J. The Church. A Poem London, 1797. .62 2. The Passions personified in familiar fables London, . 104 3. The shade of Alexander Pope, on the banks of the Thames. A satirical Poem ; with notes. . London, 1799 . . 86 4. Supplement to The progress of Satire, [in reply to a Letter published in The Pursuits of Literature.] London, 1799 . 40 5. The Progress of Satire, in Verse ; with Notes London, 1798 . .33 6. The New Brighton Guide, (a Satirical Poem,) &c., with Notes, historical, moral, and personal London, 1796 . .68 7. The last Dying words of the Eighteenth Century. A pindarick ode. London, 1800.. 50 Vol. XCI. [Tracts, 1797-1802.] 1. Stone, F. Unitarian Minister's Plea for adherence to the Church of Eng- land ; with a Plan of Church Reform, &c London, 1808. .60 2. Stone, F. Jewish Prophecy, the criterion of Christian Scripture. London, 1808.. 47 3. Stone, F. A Letter to Dr. Porteus, Bp. of London, on the citation of the Writer before the Spiritual Court London, 1807. .42 4. Fox, The late C. J. Particulars in the character of [regarding his Religious Character.] London, 1809. .33 5. Bedford, Francis, the late Duke of. The Character of, as delivered in a Speech by C. J. Fox London, 1802.. 15 6. Bedford, Francis, Duke of. The Life of: his illness, death; his Agricul- tural improvements, &c - ... London, 1802. .24 7. Infant Institutes; or, a Nurserical Essay on the Poetry of the Earlier Ages, &c. (Parti.) . ..London, 1797.. 69 8. Crowe, Mr. and Mrs. Letters on the Miseries arising from Private Mad- houses, &c London, 181 1 . . 52 9. On the practice of Vaccination, in which a late case of failure of that opera- tion is adverted to London, 1811 .20 10. Aspland, R. The late Prosecution of Mr. J. Gisburne, (Unitarian Minister) ; with an Exposure of the mistakes of Mr. Andrew Fuller's Narrative of that affair Harlow, 1810 71 PAMPHLETS. 1103 Pages 11. Report of the case of Wm. Kent, convicted for Teaching and Praying in a Conventicle Reading, 1811 . 103 12. Hints to Protestant Dissenters, occasioned by the rejection of the Bill for regulating the licenses granted to Protestant Dissenting Ministers. Liverpool, 1811.. 18 13. Crowley, J., formerly a Student in Maynooth College. Thoughts on the emancipation of Roman Catholics London, 1811 . .25 14. Wickes, J. W. On the question of Burial, by the established Clergy, in answer to an Appeal of the Dissenters Stamford, 1808. .50 15. Of the Paper Roofs used at Tew Lodge, (Oxon,) in point of Economy, dura- bility, &c London, 1811.. 14 Vol. XCII. [Tracts, 1790-1831.] 1. Loudon, Chs. On present state of the Leamington Hospital. .Leamington- Spa, 1832.. 15 2. Boydell, Messrs. Catalogue of the Pictures, &c., in the Shakspeare Gallery. [With a List of Drawings and Engravings after Capital Pictures in England.] Londqp, 1790.143 3. On Combinations to raise Wages London, 1831. .12 4. Moore, Rev. J. On the Prophecy of Isaiah, chap. VII, vers. 14, 15, 16. London, 1809.. 63 5. Spry, Rev. J. H. " The Churchman's Manual," (a Farewell Sermon.) Birmingham, 1824.. 20 6. Second Statement by the Council of the University of London, of the plan of Instruction London, 1828 . 168 Vol. XCHI. [Burke's Political Tracts, 1769, &c.] 1. Observations on a late state of the Nation London, 1769. 155 2 Thoughts on the cause of the present Discontents London, 1775. 118 3. Mr. Burke's Speeches at his arrival at Bristol, and at the conclusion of the Poll London, 1775. .31 4, Speeches on American Taxation London, 1775. .96 5. Speeches on moving his Resolutions for Conciliation with the Co- lonies London, 1775.107 Vol. XCIV. [Tracts, 1805.] 1. Stephen, . War in disguise; or the frauds of the Neutral Flags. London, 1805.215 (For another Copy, vide Vol. I of the Catalogue, page 99.) 2. The Vindication of N. Jekyll, late Capt. of the 43rd Regt., with the proceed- ings of the General Court Martial held on Colonel Stewart, of the same Regiment; and Memorials, &c., to the Commander-in Chief, with their Answers London, 1805. Introduction, 44 ; Vindication . 170 3. On the manner in which Wars have commenced during the last two Cen- turies ; with Authorities on the nature of a Modern Declaration [of War.] London, 1805.. 72 4. Review of various Libels, by Cotin, since those of which he was convicted, in June last ; selected from his Weekly Pamphlet, by Diogenes. . .London, 1805, (2nd part, pp. 71-139) Vol. XCV. [Political Pamphlets, 1804 ] 1. Hamilton, Lord A. On the formation of the late and present Administra- tions London, 1804.. 69 1104 PAMPHLETS. 2. Reply to the above London, 1804.. 45 3. Intercepted Letters : [from Home, to the E. Indies] translated from the Moni- teur : with the French official account of the engagement of Linois' Squadron with the East India Fleet. [For another copy, in both languages, and with a Preface. See No. 3, Vol. CXLI.] London, 1804. .95 4. The Letters of Brutus to certain political characters .... Edinburgh, 1791 . . 91 For another Copy, see Vol. XOVII, No. 7. Vol. XCVI. [Pamphlets, 1826.] 1. Burton, N. Garret-holder. A Petition, with advice to the Members of the new Parliament London, 1827.. 61 2. Pope, C. On the origin, progress, and present state of Shipping, Com- merce, &c London, 1825. .37 3. Moore, J. C. Freedom of Trade London, 1826. .66 4. The same as Vol. LXXV, No. 8. 5. Longlands, H. Of the Warehousing system, as connected with the Port of London London, 1824.. 59 6. Review of Mr. Longlands' Pamphlet [the above], with observations on the necessity of additional Wet Docks- London, 1824. .54 7. A reply to the authorized defence of the St. Katharine's Dock project. London, 1824.. 3 8. Silva, J. B. D. E. Memoir addressed to the Legislative Assembly of Brazil on Slavery : from the Portuguese, by W. Walton ; with a Preface, and the Treaty with Brazil for Abolition London, 1826 .. 60 9. The same, as No. 13, Vol. LXV. Vol. XCVII. [Political Tracts, 1788-93.] 1. The same, as No. 1, Vol. LXI. 2. Wilson, Jasper. On the real interests of Britain in the present Crisis; and the general state of Europe , London, 1793. .72 For another Copy, see Vol. CLVI, No. 1. See also Vol. CXCI, for two Copies of this Tract. 3. Boothby, Sir B. A letter to the Rt. Honorable E. Burke. London, 1791.135 4-. Debate in the House of Commons, on the abolition of the Slave Trade, 2nd April, 1792 London. 178 5. Falconbridge, A. An account of the Slave Trade, on the Coast of Africa. London, 1788.. 55 6. Proceedings in an Action for Debt, for payment of taxed costs of a Petition to the House of Commons, which was adjudged "Frivolous and Vexa- tious." C. J. Fox, Plaintiff, and J. H. Tooke, Defendant, London, 1792.. 85 7. The same, as No. 4, 'Vol. XCV. Vol. XCVm. [Tracts, Vol. 1, 1780-92.] 1. Burke, Rt. Hon. E. Reflections on the French Revolution, &c. .London, 1791 .364 2. . A letter on the Roman Catholics in Ireland, and the propriety of admitting them to the Elective Franchise London, 1792. .88 3. . Speech at Bristol, upon certain points relative to his Parliamentary conduct London, 1780. 68 4- . The same as No. 5, Vol. XL VI I. Vol. XCIX. [Tracts, Vol. 2., 1790-6.] 1. Burke, Rt. lion. E. An appeal from the new to the old Whigs, relative to the Reflections on the French Revolution London, 17ou. 17. Relation de la navigation du tres grand fleuve Maragnon. 18. Relation de Jean de Verazzano. 19. Relation du voyage d'un grand capitaine de mer Francais a la Noo velle France. 20. Premiere et deuxieme relations de Jacques Cartier. Voir Faribault, p. 109. Cabot, Memoir of Sebastian, with a view of the history of maritime discovery, illustrated by documents from the Rolls, (by Mr. Biddle.) Second edition. 8vo. London, 1832. Tytler, P. Fraser. Remarks on a late Memoir of Sebastian Cabot, with a vin- dication of Richard Hakluyt. See Tytler and "Wilson, Historical View of the Progress of Discovery, &c. Cabot's Voyages and Discoveries. Blackwoocfs Magazine, vol. Ixxxi, p. 369. See also Cabot's Life in Sparks' Biography, and North American Review, vol. xxxiv. p. 405. I/AMERIQTJE.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1169 Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and dis- coveries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland, &c., &c. The third and last volume, containing voyages performed within and before the time of these three hundred yeeres, to all parts of the new found world of America or the West Indies. 3 vols. Folio. London, 1559- 1600. Contents of Vol. Ill : A catalogue of certain Voyages made for the discovery of the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the West of New-Foundland, and from thence up the River of Canada, to Hochelaga, Saguenay and other places. The first voyage of Jacques Cartier of Saint-Malo, to New Foundland, the Gulfe of Saint Lawrence, and the Grand Bay. anno 1534. The second voyage of Jacque3 Cartier, by the Grand Bay up the River of Canada to Hochelaga, anno 1535. The third voyage of Jacques Cartier, unto the Countries of Canada, Hochelaga, and Saguenay, anno 1540. The voyage of John Francis de la Roche, Knight, Lord of Roberval, with three tall ships to the Countries of Canada, Hochelaga and Saguenay, 1542. Certain Notes and Observations depending upon the Voyages next before men- tioned, together with an excellent Ruttier for some part of New- Foundland, for the Grand Bay and the River of Canada. Divers words of the language spoken in New France, with the interpretation thereof. A description of the River and Haven of Sainte Croix. A description of the 3 Saults or Falls of water ia the River of Canada. A letter written to Mr. John Groute, student in Paris, by Jacques Noel of Saint Malo, the nephew of Jacques Cartier, touching the discoveries of his uncle in the parts of Canada, 1587. Part of another letter written by Jacques Noel, of Saint Malo, to the foresayde, Mr. John Groute, student in Paris. An excellent Ruttier shewing the course from Belle-Isle, Carpont, and the Grand Bay up the river of Canada, for the space of 230 leagues, observed by John Alpnonse of Xanctoigne, chief pilote to Monsieur Roberval, 1542. A description of the Savages in Canada. A catalogue of Sundry Voyages made to New-Foundland, to the Isles of Ramea and the Isle of Assumption, otherwise called Natiscotec, as also to the Coasts of Cape Briton and Arambec. The voyage of two ships, whereof the one was called the Dorainus Vobiscum, set out the 20th May, 1527, for the discovery of the North parts. The voyage of Mr. Hore, and divers other gentlemen, to New-Foundland and Cape Briton, in the year 1536. The voyage of Sir Humphrey Gilbert to New-Foundland, anno 1583. The first discovery of the Isle of Ramea, made by , for Monsieur De la Cour Pre Ravaillon et Grand-Pre, with the ship called the Bonaven- ture, to kill and make Trane-Oile of the beasts called the Morses, with great teeth, anno 1591. The voyage of the ship called the Marigolde, of Mr. Hill, of Redriffe, unto Cape Briton and beyond, to the latitude of 44 degrees and a half, anno 1593. 1170 HISTORY OF AMERICA. Hakluyt, Richard. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, &c. Continued. The voynge of Mr. George Drake, of Apsham, to the Isle of Ramea, in the yeere 1593. The voyage of the Grace, of Bristoll, up into the Gulfe of St. Lawrence to the North-west of New-Foundland, as far as the Isle of Assumption or Natis- ootec, anno 1594. The voyage of Mr. Charles Leigh, and divers others, to'Cape Briton, and the Isle of Ramea, 1597. Vide Faribault, p. 53, 54 and 56. Divers Voyages touching the Discovery of America and the Islands ad- jacent ; collected and published by Rd. Hakluyt, in 1582; edited with Notes and an Introduction by J. W. Jones. 8vo. London, 1850. Hakluyt Soc. Publication. Hakluyt's own title is as follows : " Divers voyages touching the discoveries of America and the Islands adjacent unto the same, made first of all by our Englishmen and afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons, [Bretons], and certain Notes of Advertisements and observations necessarie for such as shall hereafter make the like attempt. With two Mappes, ou, Bolivie, Chili. Ill, Chili, Ropublique Argentine. 1178 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE Warden, M. D. B. Chronologic historique Continuation. " IV. Colombie. " V. et VI. Br6sil. " VII. Guiane. " VIII. Antilles, Cuba, Jamaique, Martinique, etc. " IX. Louisiane, Virginie, Massachusetts. " X. New York, Pennsylvanie, Maryland, Caroline, GSorgie. Buchon, J. A. Atlas geographique, statistique, historique et chronologique des deux Ameriques et des iles adjacentes, traduit de 1'atlas execut6 en Amerique d'apres Lesage. Fol. Paris, 1825. Holmes, Abiel. The Annals of America, from the discovery by Columbus, (1492) to the year 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge, 1829. First edition printed in 1808. See London Quarterly Review, vol. ii. p. 19. North Amer. Rev., vol. xxix. p. 428. Touron, le R. P. Histoire generate de 1' Amerique depuis sa decouverte. 4 Yol. 12mo. Paris, 1768. Cette histoire est principalement ecclesiastique, et se rapporte presque en entier aux etablissements Portugais et Espagnols. Bosque, Du. The History of America, translated from the French of Mons. Du Bosque. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1770. [Hornot, Ant.] Anecdotes Americaines, ou histoire abregee des principaux evenements arrives dans le Nouveau Monde. 8vo. Paris, 1776. Russell, Wm. History of America, from its discovery to the conclusion of the late war ; with an Appendix, containing an account of the rise and pro- gress of the late unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies. 2 vols. 4to. With 51 plates. London, 1778. Winterbotham, W. History of America. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1795. (2 copies.) See Rich. vol. 1, p. 391. Munoz, Don Juan Baptista. History of the New World, translated from the Spanish, with notes. Vol. 1st. 8vo. London, 1797. The death of the author prevented the continuation of that important work. Rich. Vide Faribault, p. 97, et Humboldt, Examen critique, preface. Robertson, Wm. History of America. See Robertson's collected works, vols. 6, 7, and 8, General Catalogue, p. 847. Histoire de PAme'rique, traduite de 1'Anglais par MM. Suard et Morellet, avec des notes par M. de laRo^uette, 4 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1834. Voir Faribault et Rich. L'AMEBJQTJE.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1179 Frost, John. The Pictorial History of America, from the discovery by the Northmen in the tenth century. 8vo. London. Remarkable Events in the History of America, from the earliest times to the year 1848. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1849. Eyma, Xavier. Les deux Ame'riques. I2mo. Paris, 1853. Les Femmes du Nouveau Monde. 12mo. Paris, 1854. View of South America and Mexico, comprising the history, political con- dition, &c. of the republics of Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Peru, Chili, with a complete history of the revolution in each of these inde- pendent States. By a citizen of the U. S. 2 vols in 1. 8vo. New York, 1826. Humboldt, Alex, baron de. Essai politique sur le Royaume de la Nouvelle Espagne. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Voir Edinburgh Review, vol. xvi, p. 62, et vol. xix, p. 164. Drouin de Bercy. L'Europe et 1'Amerique companies. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Pradt, M. de. L'Europe et TAinerique, depuis le congres d'Aix la Chapelle. 6 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Grurowski. Adam G. de. America and Europe. 8vo. New York, 1857. Pour 1'histoire contemporaine de 1'Amerique, Voir 1'Annuaire public par la di- rection de la R evue des Deux- M ondes ; le Moniteur Universal ; The Annual Register, &c. Thomas, Isaiah. The history of Printing in America, with a biography of printers and account of Newspapers, to which is prefixed a concise view of the discovery and progress of the art in other parts of the world. 2 vols. 8vo. Worcester, 1810. For the history of Literature in America, See General Catalogue, section BELLES LETTEES. For the natural history of America, See section : NATURAL HISTORY in the General Catalogue and particularly : Natural History of the State of New York, 19 vols. 4to. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 9 vols. Folio. In Section : GEOLOGY, date a Quebec, le 29 octobre 1724, contenant le le'cit de la mort du pere Rasles. Lettre du pere ***, missionnaire chez les Abenaquis, datee de St. Francois, le 21 octobre 1757, contenant le r6cit des evenements de Carillon et du Fort George. Lettre du pere Gabriel Marest, datee aux Cascaskias, village Illinois, le 9 novembre 1712 contenant des details sur le pays et les sauvages Illinois. L'AMERIQUE.J HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1193 Lettres Edifiantes et curieuses -Continuation. Deux lettres du pere Poisaon, rmssionnaire aux Akensas (la deruiere en date du 3 octobre 1727.) Voll. II. Lettre du pere Petit, au pere d'Avaugour, procureur des missions de I'Amerique septentrionale, datee fa 'la NouveLle Orleans, le 12 juillet 1730, sur le massacre des Natchez. Lettve du pere Vivier, missiounaire aux Illiuois, en date du 8 juin 1750. Lettre du meme, datee "aux Illinois, le 17 novcmbre 1750", contenant des details sur la mission des Illinois. Lettre du pere Margat, datee a Notre-Dame de la Petite Anse, cote de St. Domingue, dependante du Cap, le 27 fevrier 1725. Lettre du meme, datee du meme lieu, le 20 novembre 1730, (sur les Piutades). Lettre du meme, en date du 2 fevrier 1729, sur les premiers temps et les pre oners habitants de 1'Ile de St. Domiugue. Lettre du meme, au procureur general des missions de 1'Amerique Meridionale datee au Cap, le 20 juillet 1743, contenant d'amples details sur les missions de la cote de St. Domingue. Lettre d'un missionnaire, ecrite de Cayenne en 1718. Lettre du pere Crossard, superieur des missions en File de Cayenne, en date du 10 novembre 1726, sur les travaux de ces missions. Lettre du pere Lavit, datee a Cayenne, le 23 octobre 1728. Lettre du pere Fauque, datee de Kourou, dans la Guyane, le 15 Janvier 1729. Lettre du pere Lombard, datee du meme lieu, le 23 fevrier 1730. Lettre du pere Fauque, datee a Cayenne, le ler mars 1780. Lettre du pere Lombard, datee de Kourou (Guyane) le 11 avril 1733. Lettre du pere Fauque, datee a Ouyapoc, le 2 juiu 1735. Lettre du nieme, en date du 20 septembre 1736. Lettre du meme, en date du 20 avril 1738. Lettre du meme, datee "Ala Cayenne, le 27 decembre 1744 (eontenarit la rela- tion de la prise du fort d'Ouyapoe par tin corsaire anglais. Vol. III. Ce volume coutient des relations des mission's Espaguoles le long du Maragnon, dans la Californie, le Mexique, le Perou et le Paraguay, entre autres : Etat des missions des peres jesuites de la province du Paraguay parmi les Indiens appeles Chiquites, etc., etc. Lettre du pere Bouchet, sur les missions du Paraguay, en date du 14 lev. 1716. Vol. IV. Ce volume est entierement consacre aux missions du Paraguay. Voir aussi dans le catalogue general, 1'Histoire generate des missions, par le baron Henrion. Annales de la propagation de la Foi. Recueil periodique, faisant suite aux Lettres Edifiantes (et dont la publication (a Lyon) a commence en 182/.) 28 vol. 8vo. Une partie de chaque volume est consacr6e aux missions de I'Ameriqne, principa- ment a celles de la Louisiane, de 1'Ohio, de Kentucky, des Florides, du Texas du Bresil, du Michigan, du Missouri, de New York, de Charleston, de Buf- falo, de Boston, de Baltimore, etc., etc. 1. Mission dela Baie d'Hudson et du Canada : Lettres de M. Provencher sur la mission de la Baie d'Hudson, vols. 4(1830,) 9 (1836,) 13 (1841.') Lettres de Monseigneur Gaulin, vol. 12 (1840.) Lettres des RR. PP. Bourassa, Fisette, Laverlochere, Chazelie, etc., vol. 17. Des P. Pubert, Laverlochere 1194 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [HISTOIRB DE Annales de la propagation de la Foi. Continuation. et Hantpaux, vol. 18. Des PP. Aubert, Chore" etLaverlochere, vol. 20. Du pere Laverlochere et de M. Belcourt, vol. 23. Des PP. Fr6miot, Faraud, Kohler, de Mgr. Tach6, du pere Laverlochre, vol. 24. De MM. Belcourt, Fayole, etc., vol. 25. Des PP. Fremiot, Point et Arnaud, vol. 26. De Mgr. Tache et du pere Fremiot, vol. 27. De M. Soulerin et du pere d'Herbonez, vol. 28. 2. Mission de Terre-Neuve, de Labrador, de la Nouvelle Ecosse, etc. vols. 9 (1836) 11 (1838)14(1842.) 3. Mission de la Colombie et des Montagnes Rocheuses. Lettres de M. Bolduc et du pere de Smet, vol. 17. Des PP. de Smet et Joset, vol. 18. Des PP. Joset et Caveng, vol. 21. Du pere de Smet, voL 22. On trouve aussi dans les vols. 22 et 23 une histoire de l'6glise des Etats-Unis d'Ame>ique. Rapports sur les missions du diocese de Quebec qui sont secourues par 1'asso- ciation de la propagation de la foi. 2 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1839. Vol. I. Rapport No. 1, (Janv. 1839) contenant une notice sur les diverses missions du diocese de Quebec. Rapport No. 2 (Janv. 1840) contenant une lettre de M. Belcourt sur la mission de la Riviere Rouge, une notice sur la mission de la Colombie. avec un rapport de MM. Blanchet et Demers, missionnaires, etc., etc. Rapport No. 3 (Janv. 1841) contenant deux lettres de M. Belcourt sur la mission de la Riviere Rouge ; de longs details fournis par MM. Demers et Blanchet sur la mission de la Colombie ; une lettre de M. Dumoulin sur la mission du St. Maurice. Rapport No. 4 (Janv. 1842,) contenant deux lettres de M. Belcourt et une dej M. Darveau, sur la mission de la Riviere Rouge ; une lettre de M. Blanchet, sur la mission de la Colombie, et une lettre de M. Payment, sur la mission du St. Maurice. Mission de la Colombie, deuxieme lettre et journal de M. J. B. Z. Bolduc, mis- sionnaire a la Colombie. Quebec, 1845. Vol. II. Rapport No. 5 (Juin 1843) contenant des lettres de MM. Thibault et Belcourt, sur la mission de la Riviere Rouge; plusieurs lettres de MM. Demers et Blanchet sur la mission de la Colombie ; des extraits du journal de M. Bolduc, lors de son voyage de Boston a Valparaiso, et des lettres e'crites par ce monsieur et son confrere M. Langlois, missionnaire a la Colombie ; une lettre de M. Payment sur la mission du St. Maurice. Rapport No. 6 (Juillet 1845) contenant la suite du journal de M. Bolduc; quatre lettres de M. Demers, une de M. Blanchet, et une de M. Bolduc sur la mis- sion de la Colombie ; trois lettres de M. Belcourt, deux de M. Thibault, et une de M. Darveau, sur la mission de la RiviSre Rouge ; deux lettres de M. Maurault sur la mission du Saint Maurice. Rapport No. 7 (Juillet 1847) contenant entre autres ; me'moire presente a la S. Congregation de la Propagande sur le territoire de 1'Oregon, par Mgr. F. N. Blanchet, e've'que de Drasa. Extraits de diverses lettres de MM. Demers et Bolduc. Diverses lettres de M. Belcourt, de Mgr. Provencher, de MM. Thibault et Bourassa, une lettre de R. P. Laverlochere sur la mission d'Ab- bitibbi. Une lettre du R6v. A. M. Bourassa, sur la mission du St. Maurice, et deux lettres de R. P. Durocher, sur la mission du Saguenay. L'AMERIQUE.J HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1195 Rapports sur les missions du diocese de Quebec Continuation. Rapport No. 8 (Avril 1849) contenant diverges lettres de Mgr. Blanchet, et de M, Brouillet sur la mission de Walla- Walla, (Oregon) ; une lettre de M. Desruisseaux, sur la mission de Labrador, une de Mgr. Demers sur la mis- sion de Vancouver, etc., etc., etc. Rapports de 1' association de la propagation de la Foi, etablie a Montreal, en vertu d'un indult du Saint Siege, et annoncee au diocese par le mande- ment du 18 avril 1838. 1 vol. 8vo. Montreal, 1839-50, comprenant : Rapport No. 1, Mai 1839. Rapport No. 2, juia 1840, contenant entre autres, la relation d'une mission faite en 1'ete de 1837 le long de la riviere del'Ottawa jusqu'au lac Te'miskaming, et au-dela jusqu'au lac de 1'Abbitibbi, par M. Bellefeuille, et un precis de la 3e mission du meme missionnaire a Temiskaming, Abbitibbi et Grand Lac. Rapport No. 3, juillet 1841, contenant: relation d'une mission faite en 1'ete de 1839 le long de la riviere de.l'0ttawa jusqu'au lac de Temiskaming, etc., par M. Charles Ed. Poire, preire. Mission du lac a la Truite, par le meme. Apercu de la mission et de la visile faite le long de 1'Ottawa par Mgr. Ignace Bourget, dans 1'ete de 1840. Mission chez les sauvages du Haut-Canada, par Mgr. Gaulin. Mission de la baie d'Hudson, par Mgr. Provencher. Rapport No. 4, decembre 1842, contenant, entre autres, un precis des missions du diocese de Montreal, et des lettres de MM. Moreau, Desautels et La. france, missionnaires. Rapport de Janvier 1850, contenant entre autres, une lettre de M. Leblond, mis- sionnaire a Roxton, une de R. P. Laverloch^re, missionnaire a la Baie d'Hudson, et une du R. P. Bermoud, missionnaire a la Riviere Rouge. Notice sur la Riviere Rouge dans le territoire de la Baie d'Hudson. Montreal, ' 1848. Lettre du pere Laverlochere, a Mgr. de By town sur la mission de la Riviere Rouge, (24 novembre 1848.) Laroche-Heron, C. de. [H. de Courcy.] Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, (1853). Essai sur 1'histoire des communautes religieuses de cette Province. 8vo. Montreal, 1855. L'auteur reconnait dans 1'introduction avoir " puis6 tons les chiffres, les dates et les donnees officielles dans les tableaux statistiques du savant Cnuadien, M. Jacques Viger," Chevalier Commandeur de 1'ordre de St. Gregoire le Grand. [Martin, Dom Claude.] Vie de la venerable Mere Marie de F Incarnation, pre- miere Superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France, tiree de ses lettres et de ses Merits. 4to. Paris, 1677. Voir Faribault, p. 92. Marie de 1' Incarnation. Lettres de la venerable Mere Marie de 1' Incarna- tion, premiere Superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France. 4to. Paris, 1681. Voir Faribault, p. 91. Ragueneau, R. P. Paul. Vie de la Mere Catherine de St. Augustin, religieuse hospitaliere de la Misericorde de Kebec, dans la Nouvelle-France. 8vo. Paris, 1671. K 1196 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [Juchereau de St. Ignace, La mere Francoise.] Histoire de I'H&tel-Dieu de Quebec. 12mo. Montauban, 1751. Mance, Mademoiselle. Vie de, et histoire de 1'Hotel-Dieu de Villemarie, dans 1'Ile de Montreal en Canada ; (par 1'abbe Faillon.) Ouvrage illus- tre". 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Bourgeoys, la Soeur Marguerite, dite du Saint Sacrement, fondatrice de la Congregation de Notre-Darae de Villemarie, en Canada. Sa vie (par M. Montgolfier, Superieur du Seminaire de Villemarie.) 12mo. Ville- naarie, 1818. Vie de la Sceur Bourgeoys, fondatrice de la Congregation de Notre- Dame de Villemarie, en Canada, suivie de 1' histoire de cet Institut jusqu'a ce jour, et precedee d'une introduction; (par 1'abbe Faillon.) Illustre. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1853. Premier titre de 1'ouvrage : " Me"moires particuliers pour servir a 1'histoire de 1'Eglise dans TAmerique du Word." Youville, Md. d'. Fondatrice des Sceurs de la Charite de Villemarie, dans 1'Ile de Montreal, en Canada. Sa vie, (par 1'abbe Faillon.) 8vo. Avec portrait et gravures, fac-simile, etc. Paris, 1852. L'ouvrage contient aussi des notices sur lea Superieures des Sceurs de la Charite qui ont succed6 a Madame d'Touville. Seton, Mrs. Eliza A. Foundress and first Superior of the Sisters of Charity in the United States. Life of. With an historical sketch of the sister- hood, from its foundation ; by Revd. Charles J. "White. 8vo. New York, 1853. The Appendix contains Mr. Felicchi's Exposition and Vindication of Catholic Doctrine ; also, a List of Establishments under the charge of the Daughters of Charity. Sur 1'histoire de la Religion en Canada: Voyez aussi les Historiens, entre autrea Charlevoix, Brasseur de Bourbourg, etc. Catholic Church, the, in the United States : pages of History. By Henry de Courcy, author of " Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, etc." Trans- lated and enlarged by John Gilmary Shea. Second Edition, revised. 12mo. New York, 1857. This Work was written originally in French for the Ami de la Religion, and the Univers, of Paris. Voir aussi Touron : Histoire de 1'Amerique. Baird, Revd. Robert. Origin, progress and present condition of Religion in the United States, with notices of the unevangelical denominations. 8vo. Glasgow, 1844. .__ La religion aux Etats Unis d'Amerique, avec des notices sur les communions non evangliques. Ouvrage traduit del' anglais par L. Burnier. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1844. L'AMERIQTJE.] HISTORY OF AMERICA. 1197 Belcher, Joseph. Religious Denominations of the United States, their his- tory, doctrine, government and Statistics. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana, or Ecclesiastical history of New- England, from 1620 to 1698. In seven Books. 1. Antiquities. 2, Lives of the Governors and Names of the Magistrates of New-England. 3. The lives of Sixty famous Divines. 4. An account of the University of Cambridge in New-England. 5. Acts and Monuments of the faith and order in the Churches of New-England. 6. A faithful record of many illustrious wonderful Providences. 7. The wars of our Lord, being an history of the manifold afflictions and disturbances of the Churches in New-England. Folio. London, 1702. See Rich. vol. 1. p. 3. Another edition, with notes by Rev. Mr. Robbins, and a memoir of Cotton Mather, by Samuel G. Drake. 2 vol. 8vo. Hartford, 1855. Military duties, a religious discourse to an artillery company, in Charlestown. 18mo. Boston. 1687. Discourse to the forces engaged in the war against the Indians. 18mo. Boston, 1C89. Mather, Increase. Remarkable Providences, illustrative of the earliest days of American colonisation, with a preface by George Offor. 12mo. London, 1856. Published first, Boston, 1684. Dalcho, Fred. An historical account of the Protestant Episcopal church in South Carolina, from the first settlement of the Province to the war of the revolution ; with some account of the early civil history of Carolina never published. 8vo. Charleston, 1820. Wilberforcej S. History of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America ; by Samuel, Lord Bishop of Oxford. Second Edition. I2mo. London, 1846. Vide also, Anderson, Rev. Jas. S. M, History of the Church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1845-56. Hawkins, Ernest. Historical notices of the Missions of the Church of Eng- land in the North American Colonies, prior to American independence. 8vo. London, 1845. Brainerd, David. An account of the life of the Reverend, Minister of the Gospel, Missionary to the Indians, and Pastor of a Church of Christian Indians in New Jersey, who died at Northampton, New England, 9th October, 1747. By Jonathan Edwards, to which is annexed Mr. Brai- nerd' s Journal while among the Indians, with an Appendix relative to the Indian Affairs. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1/65. 1198 HISTORY OF AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE Hobart, Bishop. The early life and professional years of, by John- McVicar, D.D., with a preface containing a history of the Church in America, by Walter Farquhar Hook, D.D. 8vo. Oxford, 1838. Eerrian, Rev. D. W. An historical sketch of Trinity Church, New York. 8vo. New York, 1847. Caswall, Revd. Henry. America, and the American Church. Second Edi- tion. Svo. London, 1851. The author had been fourteen years in the seryice of the (Protestant Episcopal) Church in Canada and the United States. Hodge, Charles. The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America. (1705-1788). 2 vol. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1839-40. Dixon, James. Personal narrative of a tour through the United States and Canada, with historical notices of Methodism in America. 8vo. New York, 1849. Churchill, Charles. Memorials of [Wesleyan] Missionary life in Nova Scotia. 12mo. London. 1845. Philip Musgrave : or Memoirs of a Church of England Missionary in the North American colonies; edited by J. Abbott. 1846. Colon. Libr. Loskiel, G. H. History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, translated from the German, by Christian Ignacius LaTrobe. Svo. London, 1794. Robertson, Rev J. History of the Mission of the Secession Church to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward's Island. 12mo. Edinburgh, 1847. Darling, Rev. "W. S. Sketches of Canadian life, lay and ecclesiastical, illustrative of Canada and the Canadian Church. Svo. London, 1849. Mountain, G. J., Bishop of Montreal. Journal during a visit to the Church Missionary Society's North American Mission [Red River ;] with an historical notice of the formation and progress of the Mission in Prince Rupert's Land. I2mo. London, 1845. Ryerson, Rev. John. Hudson's Bay : or a [Wesleyan] Missionary tour in the Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company. 12mo. Toronto, 1855. Bettridge, Rev. W. Brief History of the Church in Upper Canada, with an exhibition of its spiritual wants, and Notes on the Clergy Reserves Question. Svo. London, 1838 : bound up with Morris, Hon. W. Reply to Six Letters of Archdeacon Strachan on the Clergy Reserves Question. 8vo. Toronto, 1838. L'AMERIQUE DU SUD.J HISTORY OP SOUTH AMERICA. 1199 Diocese of Toronto. Annual reports of the Church Society of the, from its establishment (1842) to 1852. 8vo. Toronto and Cobourg. Vide also Religious Pamphlets, in section PAMPHLETS. (AMERICAN AND CANADIAN.) Mormons, The, or Latter-Day Saints ; a contemporary history. 8vo. Lon- don, 1851. Ferris, B. G. Utah and the Mormons ; the history, government, doctrines, etc., of the Latter Day Saints. 8vo. New York, 1854. Pichot, Amedee. Les Mormons. 12mo. Paris 1854. Set, On Mormons and Mormonism : Dublin University Magazine vol. xxi. Edinburgh Review, vol. xeix. "Westminster Review, New Series, vol. iii. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler Septembre 1853. We also refer, for the history of religion in particular countries, to works on the general history of such countries, as for instance ; Charlevoix, History of Paraguay. Eyzaguirre, Histoire du ChilL Gumella, Histoire de 1'Orenoque. Echevarry, Histoire du Paraguay sous les Jesuites. Bridges' Annals of Jamaica. Philippo, Jamaica. Oliver, Th-e Puritan Commonwealtli. II. SOUTH AMERICA. | II. AMERIQUE MERIDIONALE. Brazil. A concise Account of the discovery, settlement and cultivation of Brazil by the Portuguese ; the conquest of part of that country by the Dutch, and the recovery thereof by the Portuguese. Harris' Collection, Vol. 2. G-andavo, Pero de Magalhaes de. Histoire de la Province de Santa Cruz, que nous nommons ordinairement le Bresil, publiee d'abord a Lisbonne, en 1576, publiee en Franc.ais en 1840. Ternaux, RecueiL Vol. 2. Voir le catalogue de Ternaux, p. 27. Bresil. Histoire de ce qui s'est passe en Ethiopie, Malabar, Bresil et es Indes Orientales, tiree des lettres es annees 1620 jusques a 1624. Traduite de 1'Italien en Francais. 12mo. Paris, 1628. Beauchamp, Alph. de. Histoire du Bresil, depuis sa decouverte en 1500 jus- qu'en 1810, contenant 1'origine de la Monarchic Portugaise, le tableau du regne de ses rois, et des conquetes des Portugais dans 1'Afrique et dans 1'Inde ; la decouverte et la description du Bresil, etc., enfin, 1'his- toire civile, politique et commerciale, les revolutions et 1'etat actuel de cette vaste contree. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 18 15, 1200 HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE Henderson, James. The History of Brazil, comprising its geography, com- merce, colonization, aboriginal inhabitants, &c., with 28 plates, 2 Maps and an Appendix on Zoology. 4to. London, 1821. Southey. Robert. History of Brazil. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1817-1822. See London Quarterly Review, Vol. iv. p. 45. Armitage, John. History of Brazil, from the arrival of the Braganza family in 1808 to the abdication of Don Pedro I. in 1831, a continuation of Sou- they's history of that country. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1836. Straten-Ponthoz, Le Comte Auguste Van der. Le Budget du Bresil, ou recherches sur les ressources de cet Empire, dans leurs rapports avec les interets Europeens du commerce et de Immigration. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Kidder, (Rev. D. P.) and Fletcher, (Rev. J. C.) Brazil and the Brazilians, pourtrayed in historical and descriptive sketches. With a chronological Summary of the principal events that have transpired in the history of Brazil ; and a map. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. See North American Review, vol. Ixxxv. p. 533. Reybaud, Charles. Le Bresil. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Denis, Ferdinand. Le Bresil. Voir L'Univers Pittoresque, Amerique, vol. 1. Grimblot, P. Demeles diplomatiques de 1'Angleterre et du Bresil a propos du droit de visite. La question des sucres en Angleterre et la traite au Bresil. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler aout 1846. See also North American Reviw, vol. Ixviii. Hunt Merchants' Magazine, vols. vii. xii. xiv. xix. Adet, E. L'Empire du Bresil, et la societe Bresilienne en 1850. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 mars 1851. Fermin, Philippe. Description generate, historique, geographique et physique de la colonie de Surinam, contenant ce qu'il y a de plus curieux et de plus remarquable, touchant sa situation, son gouvernement, les mceurs des habitans, etc. 2 vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1769. Stedman, Capt. J. G. Narrative of five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to 1777 : elucidating the history of the country, &c., with an account of the Indians of Guiana, etc. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1796. L'AMERIQTJE DTJ STTD.] HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. 1201 IVIalouet, V. P. Collection de Memoires et Correspondences officielles sur 1' administration des Colonies, et notamment sur la Guiane Francaise et Hollandaise. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, An X. Vol. I. L'lle de Cayenne et Continent de la Guiane. Correspondance officielle. " II. Precis de la Correspondance Officielle de MM. Fiedmond et Malouet. " III. Compte rendu de mon voyage a Surinam ; suivi de recherches et observa- tions faites a Surinam, par MM. Mentel et Mettereau, et de divers me- moires et rapports. " IV. et V. Essai sur St. Domingue. Du traitement et de 1'emploi des negres en Amerique, etc. Lescallier, D. Administration de la Guiane. Svo. Paris, An VI. Aublet, Fusee. Histoire des plantes de la Guiane Fra^aise, rangees suivant la methode sexuelle, avec plusieurs memoires sur differents sujets interes- sants, relatifs a la culture et au commerce de la Guiane Frai^aise, et une notice de 1'Ile de France. Ouvrage orne de pres de 400 planches en taille douce, etc. 4 vol. Svo. Paris, 1775. Voir Rich, Vol. 1, p. 229. Laboria. De la Guyane Francaise et de ses Colonisations. Svo. Paris, 1843. Itier, Jules. Notes statistiques sur la Guyane Fra^aise. Svo. Paris, 1844. Cerfbeer, A. E. La Guyane, civilisation et barbaric, coutumes et paysagea. Svo. Paris, 1854. Etudes pour la Colonisation de la Guyane, comprenant : 1. Notice Historique sur la Guyane Fran9aise, par H. Ternaux-Compans. Svo. Paris, 1843. 2. Notice statistique sur la Guyane Francaise ; extraite des notices statistiques sur les Colonies Franchises, imprimees en 1838. Avec une carte. Svo. Paris, 1843. 3. Note sur la foudation d'une nouvelle Colonie dans la Guyane Frnncaise. Svo. Paris, 1844. 4. Extraits des Auteurs et Voyageurs qui out ecrit sur la Guyane, suivis d'uu catalogue bibliographique de la Guyane, par Victor de Nouvion. Svo. Paris, 1844. Famin, C. Colombie et Guyanes. Voir VUnivers Pittoresque, Ame"rique, vol. 1. Pacini, E. La Guyane. Revue Contemporaire, vol. 1, p. 350. Voir aussi dans les VOYAGES, Saint Hilaire, Voyage dans le district des Diamans, etc. 1202 HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. [H1STOIRE DE Dalton, Henry G. The History of British Guiana, comprising a general des- cription of the Colony, a narrative of some of the principal events, from the earliest period of its discovery to the present time, together with an account of its climate, geology, staple products, and natural history. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1855. Halliday's West Indies contains also a History of British Guiana. Pizarro, Hernando and Francesco. Relatione d'un Capitano Spaniolo del disco- primento e conquista del Peru, fatta da Francesco Pizarro, e da Her- nando Pizarro, suo fratello. Anno 1531. Ramusio. Vol. 3, Fol. 371. Francesco. Relatione di Francesco Xeres della conquista fatta da Fran- cesco Pizarro del Peru, etc. Ramusio. Vol.3. Fol. 372. Relation veridique de la Conquete du Perou et de la Province de Cuzco, subjugee par Fra^ois Pizarre, capitaine de Sa Majeste PEmpereur, par Francois Xeres, de Seville, secretaire du susdit Capitaine ; ouvrage revu et examine^ par ordre de messieurs les Inquisiteurs ; imprimee d'a- bord en 1534, et reimprime en Espagnol a Salamanque, en 1547- Traduit en Francais. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 4. D'un Secretario di Francesco Pizarro. Relatione della conquista fatta della Provincia del Peru, etc. Ramusio. Vol. 3. Fol. 392. Zarate, Augustin de. Histoire de la decouverte et de la conquete du Perou, tra duite de 1'espagnol, par S. D. C., etc. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1706. La premiere edition Espagnole de cette histoire est de 1555. Voir Rich, vol, i. p. 10. Apollonii Levini, De Peruvise, regionis inter novi orbis provinciis celeber- rimae, inventione et rebus in eadem gestis libri V. Petit. 8vo. Antver- piae, 1567. Vide Brunet, vol. 1, p. 132. Balboa, Miguel Cavello. Histoire du Perou (terminee en 1586.) Publiee pour la premiere fois en fran9ais, en 1840. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 15, G-arcilasso de la Vega. Le Commentaire Royal, ou 1'histoire des Incas' Rois du Perou, contenant 1'etat de ce grand Empire, avant que les Espagnols s'en fissent maitres ; ouvrage ecrit en langue peruvienne, et fidelement traduit sur la version espagnole, par J. Baudoin. 4to. Paris, 1633. Autre edition. 2 vol. 8vof Amsterdam, 1704. The Royal Commentaries of Peru, translated from the Spanish, by Sir Paul Rycaut. Folio. London, 1688. L'AMEEJQUE DTI SUD.] HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. 1203 Garcilasso de la Vega. Histoire des guerres civiles des Espagnols dans les Indes, causees par le soulevement des Picarres et des Almagres, suivie de plusieurs desolations a peine croyables, arrives au Perou par 1'ambition et par 1' avarice des conquerans de ce grand empire. Ecrite en Espagnol parl'Incas Garcilasso de la Vega et mise en frangais par J. Baudoin. 4to. Paris, 1650. Get ouvrage est la seconde partie de 1'ouvrage original du meme auteur sur 1'his- toire des lacas. Brunei. Ranking, John. Historical researches on the conquest of Peru, Mexico, Bogota, Natchez and Talomeco, &c., in the 13th century, hy the Mongols, accompanied with elephants ; and the local agreement of history and tra- dition with the remains of Elephants and Mastodontes found in the new world. 8vo. London, 1827. Harris, J. The History of the discovery and conquest of Peru ; with the discovery and conquest of Chili. Harris" Collection, vol. 2. Montesinos, Fernando. Memoires historiques sur 1'ancien Perou (ecrits vers 1652), publies en fra^ais en 1840. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 17- Beauchamp, Alphonse de. Histoire de la conquete et des revolutions du Perou, (avec portraits). 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1808. Prescott, W. H. History of the Conquest of Peru, with a preliminary view of the civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1851. Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. See London Quarterly Review, vol. Ixxxi. p. 317 ; Blackwood's Magazine vol. xii. p. 1 ; North American Review, vol. Ixv. Lacroix, M. Perou. Voir T Univers Pittoresque, Ame>ique, vol. 4. Lima. Tremblemens de terre arrives a Lima et autres lieux, avec une descrip- tion du Perou ; et recherches sur les causes des tremblemens de terre, par M. Hales, et relation d'un tremblement de terre arrive au Port Royal a la Jamaique, juin 1692 ; traduit de 1'anglais. 2 parties reliees en 1 vol. 12mo. La Haye, 1752. Botmiliau, A. de. La republique Peruvienne. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler avril et ler juin 1850. See also Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xlv. p. 287 ; Eraser's Magazine, vol. xxx. p. 37. Famin, Cesar. Chili, Paraguay, Uraguay, Buenos Ayres. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Ovalle, Alonso de. An historical relation of Chili, printed at Rome, 1649, translated from the Spanish. Churchill's Collection, vol. 3. 1204 HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE Molina, I'abbe'. Essai sur Phistoire naturelle du Chili, traduit de 1'Italien et enricliie de notes, par M. Gruvel. 8vo. Paris, 1789. Eyzaguirre, M. 1'abbe. Histoire eccle'siastique, politique et litteraire du Chili, par M. 1'abbe Eyzaguirre, doyen de la faculte de Theologie de 1'Universite Nationale, et vice-president de la chambre des ddputes du Chili ; traduite par L. Poillon. 3 vol. 8vo. Lille, 1855. See also London Quarterly Review, vol. xxx. p. 441 ; Edinburgh Review, vol. xiv- p. 333 ; Eraser's Magazine, vol. xxi. p. 70S, and xxii. p. 193; North American Review, vols. xviii. p. 288, and Ixxiii. p. 277. Charlevoix. The History of Paraguay, containing a full and authentic account of the establishments formed there by the Jesuits from among the savage natives ; written originally in French. 2 vol. 8vo. Dublin, 1769. See also Mansfield's Brazil, etc., containing a sketch of the History of Paraguay. Teeho, Father Nicholas del. The History of the Province of Paraguay, Tucuman, Rio de la Plata, &c., translated from the Latin. Churchill 1 Collection, vol. 4. Echavary, Bern. Ibanez de. Histoire du Paraguay sous les Je'suites, et de la royaute qu'ils y ont exercee pendant un siecle et demi ; ouvrage qui peut servir de suite a 1'histoire philosophique et politique des etablisse- ments et du commerce des Europeens dans les deux Indes, orne d'une grande carte du Paraguay, du Chili, etc. 3 vol. Hvo. Amsterdam, 1780. Thadee-Ennis, le P. Journal de la guerre jesuitique. Au 3me vol. de 1'ou- vrage precedent. Azara. Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle des quadrupedes du Paraguay, 6crit de 1783 a 1796. Traduit sur le manuscrit de 1'auteur, par M. L. E. Moreau de St. Mery, etc. 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. DobrizhofFer, Martin. Au account of the Abipones, an equestrian people of Paraguay; translated from the Latin. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1822. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xxvi, p. 277. Nunez, Alvar, detto Cappo di Vacca. Eelatione di cio che interruenne nell' Indie al Armata, dell' anno 1527 fino al 1536. Ramusio. Vol. 3. Fol. 310. - Relation et Naufrages d' Alvar Nunez Cabe9a di Vaca, Adelantade et Gouverneur du Rio de La Plata. Valladolid, 1555. Traduit de 1'Es- pagnol. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 7. L'AMEUIQUE DTI STJD.] HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA. 1205 Nunez, Alvar. Commentaires d' Alvar Nunez Cabe9a di Vaca, Adelantade et Gou- verneur du Rio de la Plata, r6dig6s par Pero Hernandez, notaire et secr6- taire de la Province. Valladolid, 1555. Traduit de 1'Espagnol. Ibid, vol. 6. Rio de la Plata. An account, historical, political and statistical, of the United Province of, with an Appendix concerning the usurpation of Monte- Video hy the Portuguese and Brazilian Governments ; (with Maps and Plans) ; translated from the Spanish. 8vo. London, 1825. See also North American Review, vols. xxiv. p. 295 and Ixix. p. 43. Parish, Sir Woodbine. Buenos Ayres and the Province of the Rio de la Plata, from their discovery and conquest hy the Spaniards to the establishment of their political independence, with a description of the geology and fossil monsters of the Pampas. Second edition, with a new map and illustrations. 8vo. London, 1852. Brossard, A. de. Les republiques de la Plata dans leurs rapports avec la France et 1'Angleterre. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Buenos Ayres and Chili. London Quarterly Review, vol. 35, p. 118. Rosas and Argentine Republic. North American Review, vol. 69, p. 43. , the Dictator of Buenos Ayres. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 45, 596. Chaubet, Ch. Buenos Ayres et les Provinces Argentines. Revue Contempo- raine, vol. 29, p. 233 et 473. Favre, Leon. La Bolivie, son agriculture, son passe, son present, son avenir. Ibid. Vol. 9, p. 56 et 200 ; vol. 30, p. 319, 542 et 731. Bolivar and Bolivian Constitution. North American Review, vol. 28, p. 203 ; vol. 30, p. 26. See also Walker's Colombia, vol. 2, containing the History and Political state of Colombia, and a sketch of the political career of Bolivar. Velasco, don Juan de. Histoire du Royaume de Quito, (ecrite en espagnol en 1789), publiee en fran9ais en 1840. Ternaux, Recueil, vol. 18 et 19. Lallemant. Histoire de la Colombie. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Ouvrage remarquable pour le style etpourl'exactitude, et le premier qui ait paru surcette vaste re"publique. Querard. L'ouvrage de Humboldt sur Cuba contient aussi un apergu sur la situation et les ressources du Venezuela. Guyon, 1'abbe. Histoire des Amazones ancienries et modernes. En deux parties. 12mo. Paris, 1740. See also Putnam's Magazine, vol. vi, p. 252 et seq. 1206 HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. [HISTOIKE DBS INDES Guinilla, le P. J. Histoire naturelle, civile et geographique de 1'Orenoque et des principales rivieres qui s'y jettent. Dans laquelle on traite du gouvernement, des usages et des coutumes des Indiens qui 1' habitant, des animaux, des arbres, des fruits, des resines, des arbres et des racines medecinales qui naissent dans le Pai's. On y a joint le detail de plusieurs conversions remarquables et edifiantes. Traduites de 1'Espagnol par M. Eidous. 3 vol. 12mo. Avignon. 1758. Lacroix Frederic. Patagonie, Terre-du-feu, et Archipel des Malouines. Voir V Univers Pittoresque, Amerique, vol. 3. et Bory de St. Vincent. lies diverses des trois oceans et regions circompolaires. Ibid. Lefebvre de Becour. Les rapports de la France et de 1'Angleterre avec 1' Amerique du Sud. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler juillet 1838. Mazade, Ch. de. L'Ame'rique Espagnole. Ib. 15 novembre 1846, 15 decembre 1851, et 15 mai 1852. South America. State of the Brazilian Empire, of Paraguay, of Buenos Ayres, of Chili, and of Peru. London Quarterly Review, vol. 22, p. 125. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 15, p. 133 and 351. North American Review, vol. 12, p. 432, &c., and vol. 19, p. 158, &c. North American pamphlet on South American Affairs. Pamphleteer, vol. 13. III. WEST INDIES. | III. INDES OCCIDENTALES. Dutertre, le P. (De Pordre des Domimcains.) Histoire des Isles, la Marti- nique, la Guadeloupe, et autres dans 1' Amerique. 4to. Paris, 1654. Rochefort, M. de. Histoire naturelle et morale des lies Antilles de I'Ame- rique, avec un vocabulaire Cara'ibe. 4to. Rotterdam, 1658. Cette premiere edition ii'a pas de noin d'auteur, mais 1'Spitre d6dicatoire, (4 Messire Jacques Amproux,) est signee L. D. P. (que Brunet traduit par L. De Poincy,) au nom des habitaus de 1' Amerique. Autre edition du meme ouvrage. 4to. Rotterdam, 1665. Cette seconde edition est revue par De Rochefort, etcontient plusieurs lettresqui ne sont pas dans la premiere, entre autres du Chevalier de Poincy, qui parle de 1'ouvrage comrae n'y ayant pris aucune part, de M. Ed. Graeves, etc. Troisieme edition du meme ouvrage. 12mo. Lyon, 1667. Sur les ouvrages de Dutertre et de Rochefort. Voyez 1'avant-propos de 1'Histoire gencrale des Antilles par Adtien Dessalle?, Vol. 1. OCCIDENTALES.J HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. 1207 Regnault, Elias. Histoire des Antilles et des Colonies Francaises, Espagnoles, Anglaises, Danoises et Suedoises. Voir V Univers Pittoresque, Ame'ri- que, vol. 5. Dessalles, Adrien. Histoire geuerale des Antilles. 5 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1847-48. Vol. I. et II. Premiere Serie. " III. Fin de la Premiere Serie, corr.prenant aussi : Histoire Legislative des Antilles ou Annales du Conseil Souverain de la Martinique. Tome I. premiere pai tie : Tableau historique du Gouvernement de cette Colo- nie, auquel on a joint 1'analyse raisonnee des lois qui y ont etc publi- c's, etc. Par Pierre Regis Dessalles, Conseiller au conseil souverain de la Martinique, avec dea annotations par son petit-fils, Adrien Dea- salles. " IV. Tome premier de In Seconde Serie. Histoire commerciale et poli- tique des Antilles, traitant des evenements survenus aux Antilles depuis 1'avenement de Louis XV au trone jusqu'a la paix d'Aix la Chapelle ; et des projets de colonisation faits durant cette periode. " V. Tome II de la Seconde Serie. Histoire commerciale et politique des Antilles. Traitant des evenements survenus aux Antilles jusqu'a la mort de Louis XV, etc., des proces intentes aux Jesuites a la suite du commerce entrepris a la Martinique par le pere Lavalette, etc. Descourtilz, J- Th. Flore Medicale des Antilles, ou traite des plantes usu- elles des Colonies Fraii9aises, Anglaises, Espagnoles et Portugaises. 8 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1821-1829. Davy, John. The West Indies, before and since Slave Emancipation. 8vo. London, 1854. See Westminster Review, vol. vi, p. 275. Petit. Dissertations sur le droit public des Colonies Fra^aises, Espagnoles et Anglaises, d'apres les loix des Trois Nations, compare es entr'elles ; dans la lere on traite de la guerre eutre 1'Angleterre et ses colonies, et de Fetat civil et religieux des Canadiens catholiques. 8vo. Geneve. 1778. . ... Droit Public ou Gouvernement des colonies Francaises, d'apres les lois faites pour ces pays. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1771. Moreau de St, Mery, M. Lois et constitutions des colonies Fra^aises de 1'Amerique sous le Vent ; Un tableau de 1' administration actuelle de ces colonies, etc. ; Le caractere et les mceurs des habitants de la partie fran9aise de Saint Domingue, etc. ; L'histoire de cette lie et de ses dependances, depuis leur dcouverte. Tome I. Les lois et constitu- tions, 1550-1703. Tome II. 1704-1721. Tome III. 1722-1749. Tome IV. 1750-1765. Tome V. 17G6-1779. 5vol. 4to. Paris, 1784. Voir dans le DROIT FRANJAIS,: Annales maritimes et colonial ea, etc. 1208 HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. [HISTOIIIE DES INDES Boyer-Peyreleau, E. E. Les Antilles Fransaises, particulierement la Gua- deloupe jusqu'en 1823. Ouvrage orn6 d'une carte de la Guadeloupe, et de 14 tableaux statistiques. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1823. Raynal, G. T. Histoire philosophique et politique des lies Fra^aises dans les Indes Occidentals. 8vo. Lausanne, 1784. Les Colonies Fran9aises : Essai sur la nature du gouvernement, de la popu- lation et du commerce de la colonie de St. Domingue. 12mo. Paris, 1754. Voir ci-dessus. Malouet, vol. 4 et 5. Chevalier, Jules. Rapports sur les questions coloniales, contenant des etudes sur T emancipation dans les Colonies. 2 vol. Folio. Paris, (Imp. Royale,) 1844. Esmangart. Des colonies Fra^aises, et en particulier de 1'ile de Saint Domin- gue. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Bar re Saint- Venant. Des Colonies modernes sous la zone torride, et par- ticulierement de celle de Saint Domingue. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Malenfant, Le Col. Des Colonies et particulierement de celle de Saint Do- mingue ; Me moire historique et politique, etc. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Dalmas, M. Histoire de la revolution de St. Domingue depnis le commence- ment des troubles jusqu'a la prise de Jeremie et du Mole St. Nicolas par les Anglais ; suivie d'un memoire sur le retablissement de cette colonie. 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1814. Pradt, M. de. Pieces relatives a Saint Domingue et a 1'Amerique ; pour faire suite aux ouvrages de 1'auteur sur 1'Amerique. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Metral, Ant. Histoire de 1'insurrection des Esclaves dans le Nord de St. Do- mingue. 8vo. Paris, 1818. Perin, Rene. L'incendie du Cap, ou le regne de Toussaint Louverture. 12mo. Paris, 1802. Gastine, Civique de. Histoire de la r6publique de Hayti, ou St. Domingue, 1'esclavage et les colons. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Toussaint L'Ouverture, the Negro Patriot of Hayti. The Life of, compri- sing an account of the struggle for liberty in the Island, and its history to the present period, by J. R. Beard. 12mo. London, 1853. Voir aussi, dans les oeuvres de Lamartine, le drame de Toussaint Louverture. Moreau de Saint Mery. Description de la partie Espagnole de Tile St. Domingue. 2 vol. 8vo. Philadelphie, 1796. OCCIDENTALES.] HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. 1209 Lacroix, Baron Pamphile de. Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire de la revolu- tion de Saint Domingue, avec une carte nouvelle de Tile et un plan topo- graphique de la Crete a Pierrot. Seconde edition. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1820. Soirees Bermudiennes, ou entretiens sur les evenements qui ont opere la mine de la partie Francaise de St. Domingue. Par F. C * * *, un de ses precedents colons. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Sanders, Prince. Haytian Papers, a collection of the proclamations, and other official documents, together with some account of the rise, progress and present state of the Kingdom ; with a preface. 8vo. 'London, 1816. Macaulay, Zachary. Haiti, ou renseignements sur 1'esclavage. Traduit de 1'anglais. 8vo. Paris, 1835. D'Alaux, G. Soulouque et soi^ Empire, 12mo. Paris, 1856. Lepelletier Saint-Remi. La republique d'Haiti et ses revolutions. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 novembre 1845. See also onHayti; Blackwood's Magazine, vol. iv. p. 130 and x, p, 545; Lon- don Quart. Rev., vol. xxi. p. 430 ; North American Review, vols. xii. p. and xxviii. Pamphleteer, vol. xiii. p. 150. Antilles Anglaises- Leur histoire et leur commerce. 12mo. Paris, 1758. Edwards, Bryan. History, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies. Second edition, illustrated with maps. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1794. Same work. Third edition for the three first volumes, and fifth for the other two, continued to the present time, with a sketch of the author's life. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1801-1819. Vol. Ill of said book contains an Historical Survey of the French Colony on the Island of St. Domingo: Comprehending an account of the revolt of the negroes in the year 1791 and a detail of the military transactions of the british army in that Island in the years 1793 and 1794, and also: A tour through the several islands of Barbados, St. Vincent, Antigua, Tobago and Grenada, in 1791 and 1792, by Sir Win. Young. Bart. Also, An historical account of the constitution of Jamaica, (first ascribed to Lord Lyttleton, but) drawn up by some person in the plantation office in Great Britain. Also, a catalogue of exotic plants in the garden of Heulon East, Esq., Island of Jamaica, by Arthur Broughton, M. D. Vol. IV. [Fifth edition 1819,] contains a description of British Colonies omitted by M. Edwards, and a history of the abolition of the Slave trade. Vol. V. [Fifth edition 1819,] contains a supplement to the history of St. Domingo; an Appendix containing valuable statistical informations, and a Poem entitled " Jamaica," by Bryan Edwards, Esq. 1210 HISTORY OF WEST INDIES. [HISTOIRE DES INDES Halliday. Sir Andrew. The West Indies : the natural and physical history of the Windward and Leeward Colonies, with the history of the past and present state of British Guiana : a geological map of the Barbadoes, and a catalogue of plants, by J. D. Maycock, M. D. 12mo. London, 1837. Schomtmrgk, Sir Rob. H. The history of Barbados, comprising a geogra- phical and statistical description of the Island, a sketch of the historical events since the settlement and an account of its geology and natural productions. 8vo. London, 1848. Sh.eph.ard, Chs. An historical account of the Island of Saint- Vincent. 8vo. London, 1831. lies Ste. Lucie et de Tobago. Memoires sur les. Voir Memoires dea Commissaires sur 1'Acadie. Long, Judge Edw. The history of Jamaica, or a grand survey of the ancient and modern state of that Island. Illustrated with copper-plates. 3 vols. 4to. London, 1774., Vol. Ill contains the natural history of the Island and a translation of the French Codes noirs of 1685 and 1716, with comments and "a compendious discourse on the antient inhabitants of Jamaica." Browne, Patrick. The civil and natural history of Jamaica: containing 1. An accurate description of that Island, its situation and soil ; with a brief account of its former and present state, government and revenues, pro- duce and trade. 2. An history of the natural productions, includ- ing the various sorts of native fossils, perfect and imperfect vegetables, quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles and insects, with their properties and uses in mechanics, diet and physic. Illustrated with 49 copper-plates, in which the most curious productions are represented of their natural sizes, and delineated immediately from the objects, by George Dyoni- sius Ehret. There are now added complete Linnsean Indexes, and a large and accurate map of the Island. Folio. London, 1789. Jamaica in 1808-9-10. Lond. Quart. Review. Vol. 6, p. 147. Bridges, Rev. G. W. Annals of Jamaica. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Jamaica question. Edinburgh Rev., vol. 69, p. 527, and Blaclcwood's Magazine, vol. 46, p. 75. Philippo, Rev. James M. Jamaica, its past and present and future state. 12mo. London, 1843. This is principally the religious history of Jamaica. Jamaica. Lord Metcalfe's government of. Blackwood" s Magazine, vol. 60, p. 662. OCCIDENTALES.] HISTORY OP WEST INDIES. 1211 Dallas, R- C. The history of the Maroons, including the expedition to Cuba, and the state of the Island of Jamaica for the last ten years, with a succinct history of that island previous to that period. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1803. Humboldt, Alex. de. Essai politique sur 1'Isle de Cuba, avec une carte et un supplement qui renferme des considerations sur la population, la richesse et le commerce de 1'Archipel des Antilles et la Colombie. 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826. Get ouvrage fait aussi partie de 1'Atlas geographique et physique des regions equinoxiales du nouveau continent. The Island of Cuba : translated from the Spanish with notes and a preliminary essay, by J. S. Thrasher. 8vo. London, 1856. Ramon de la Sagra. Histoire de 1'Isle de Cuba ; trad, par S. Berthelot avec annotations. 2 vol. 8vo., avec Atlas, fol. Paris, 1842-44. Vol. I. Geographic, climat, population. " II. Agriculture, commerce, revenus, et Appendice. Voir dans les Voyages les lettres de la comtesse Merlin. Turnbull, David. Cuba : with notices of Porto Rico, ami the slave trade. 8vo. London, 1840. Beauvallon, J. B. Rosemond de. L'Isle de Cuba. 8vo. Paris, 1844. Harponville, le Vte. La reine des Antilles, ou situation actuelle de 1'Isle de Cuba ; histoire, geographic, commerce, agriculture, etc., avec cartes. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Ballon, Mathurin M. History of Cuba, or notes of a traveller in the tropics, being a political, historical, and statistical account of the country, from its first discovery to the present time. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Lobe, Le Chev. Guil. Cuba et les grandes puissances occidentals de 1'Europe. 8vo. Paris, 1856. Cuba. Blackwoorfs Magazine, vol. 40, p. 322. North American Review, vol. 29, p. 199. and Lopez's Expedition. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 42, p. 107. and its Political Economy. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 17, p. 265. , Commerce of. Idem. Vol. 7, p. 319 ; vol. 9, p. 337 ; vol. 21, p. 34 ; vol. 2, p. 523; vol. 21, p. 519 ; vol. 3, p. 351 ; vol. 6, p. 81. 1212 HISTORY OF CENTRAL AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE I/A- West India Affairs in 1807. Edinburgh Review, vol. 9, p. 304. in 1809. Do., vols. 13, p. 277, and 14, p. 95. in 1817. Do., vol. 28, r p. 340. in 1824. Do., vol. 42, p. 479. West India Colonies. London Quarterly Review, vol. 30, p. 560. in 1849. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. 63, pp. 5-219- 659. West India Controversy. Blackwood's Magazine, vols. 14, p. 437-647 ; 15, p. 68; 16, p. 682; 31, p. 412-807. London Quarterly Review, vol. 45, p. 209. West India Distress. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 3, p. 346. , Remedy for. Edinburgh Review, vol. 14, p. 95. West India Slavery. Edinburgh Review, vol. 19, p. 129; 41, p. 464; 45, p. 175 and 46, p. 219-300. London Quarterly Review, vol. 32, p. 507. Fraser's Magazine, vols. 2, p. 43-440-556, and 3, p. 414. West Indies. History of the, London Quarterly Review, vol. 38, p. 193. IV. CENTRAL AMERICA. IV. AMERIQUE CENTRALE. Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernandez. Histoire de Nicaragua, (6critedans le 16e siecle,) publiSe pour la premiere fois en ] 840. Voir Ternaux, Recueil, etc., vol. 14. Juarros, don Domingo. A Statistical and Commercial History of the Kingdom of Guatemala, in Spanish America: containing important particulars relative to its productions, manufactures, customs, &c., &c., &c. ; with an account of its conquest by the Spaniards, and a narrative of the prin- cipal events down to the present time. Translated by J. Baily, Lt. R. M. 8vo. London, 1823. / See also Squier's Nicaragua, ES Adams, John. Works. Continued. VoL III. Autobiography and Diary. {Continued.") \ " " Miscellaneous Essays ; and controversial Papers of the Revolution. " " Appendix ; on the powers of the Senate in appointing Ambassadors on tho State of New York ; Messages, while Governor of that State ; Offi 'ial correspondence, On the Virginia and Georgia coEtroversies, the McLeod case, &c. Pardon Papers. Vol. III. Orations and discourses ; Occasional Speeches ; Executive Speeches ; Political Writings; General Correspondence ; Letters from Europe. ETATS-TJNIS.] HISTORY OF UNITED STATES. 1245 New York State. Census of, for 1855, prepared under direction of the Secretary of State, by F. B. Hough, superintendent of the Census, and including tables of the population of each Town, at each Census, since 1790; with illustrative diagrams. Folio. Albany, 1857- New- York. Aboriginal monuments of. Journal of Science, 2nd ser., vol. 11, p. 305. History of. North American Review, vol. 54, p. 299, and vol. 24, p. 214. Debts and finances of. Idem, vol. 18, p. 243. Code of procedure of. Idem, vol. 23, p. 67. Internal improvements in. Idem, vol. 24, p. 34, 156, 447 ; vol. 25, p. 281, 415, 565, 694; vol. 23, p. 259, 283, 497. Manufactures of. Idem, vol. 15, p. 369. Railroad enterprise. Idem, vol. 15, p. 456. Canals. Idem, vol. 11, p. 129 ; vol. 14. p. 543. North Ame- rican Review. Vol. 14, p. 230 ; vol. 29, p. 500. Public schools of. Ibid, vol. 18, p. 284. City, commerce of. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 13, p. 42. History of the corporations of. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 23, p. 610. Manufacturing industry of. Idem, vol. 15, p. 369 ; vol, 16, p. 92. An election row in. Eraser's Magazine, vol. 45, p. 104. (c) PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY AND DELAWARE. (c) PENSYLVANIE. NEW JERSEY ET DELAWARE. Hazard, Samuel. Annals of Pennsylvania, from the discovery of the Delaware, .1609-1682. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. Pennsylvania Archives : selected and arranged from documents in the office of the Secretary of the commonwealth ; by Samuel Hazard. Commencing 1664 to 1790. 12vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855-1856. U. B. The preface to vol. 12 states that a general index to the above 12 vols of Archives and the following 16 vols. of Records is in preparation. Pennsylvania. Colonial Records : Minutes of the Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, from its organization, on the 10th March, 1683, to the termination of the Proprietary Government ; with the proceedings of the Council of Safety in 1775'76 and '77, and the Minutes of the Supreme Executive Council, from its organization in 1777 to the ter- mination of the Revolution (i. e. to the 20th December 1790.) 16 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia and Harrisburg, 185 2- 53. 1246 HISTOllY OF UNITED STATES. [HISTOIRE DES Pennsylvania Historical Society. Memoirs of the. 4 (odd) vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. Vol. II, part 2, 1830, containing: Narrative of Sir W. M. Keith coming to tbe Government of Pennsylvania, with his conduct in it, written in 1726. Some account of the early poets and poetry of Pennsylvania. By Joshua Fran- cis Fisher. Sketch of the life of Thomas Mefflin, by Wm. Rawle. An examination of the various charges brought by historians against Wm. Penn, both as a man and as a political governor. By Job. R. Tyson. Memorials of country towns and places in Pennsylvania, as drawn up by J. F. Watson, etc., etc. Vol. Ill, part 2, 1836. containing: Annual discourse, on the origin of the Indian population of America. By B. H. Coates. A discourse on the private life and domestic habits of "Wm. Penn. By J. F, Fisher. A memoir on the celebrated treaty made by Wm, Penn with the Indians. By- Peter S. Du Ponceau and J F. Fisher. Wm. Penn's letter to the inhabitants of Pennsylvania previous to his departure from England for this country, communicated by Benjamin Chew. A memoir of part of the life of Wm. Penn, By Mr. Lawtoa. Fragments of an apology for himself, by Wm. Penn, p. 484. Dublin University Magazine, vol. 21, p. 377. ETATS-UNIS.] WARS IN NORTH AMERICA. 1259 Oregon Territory. Hunt's Magazine, vol. 6, p. 306 ; vol. 12, p. 520 ; vol. 14, p. 435. 3. HISTORY OF WARS IN NORTH AMERICA. [a.] WARS ANTERIOR TO THE AMERI- CAN REVOLUTION. 3. HISTOIRE DBS GUERRES DE L'AMERIQUE DU NORD. [a.] GUERRES ANTERTEURES A LA REVOLUTION AMERlCAlNE. Dufey, P. J. S. Abregg de 1'histoire des revolutions de 1'Ame'rique Septen- trionale, depuis les premieres decouvertes jusqu'au voyage du General Lafayette, en 1824 et 1825. 2 vol. I2mo. Paris, 1827. Trumbull, Henry. History of the Indian Wars, to which is prefixed a short account of the discovery of America by Columbus, and of the landing of our forefathers at Plymouth, &c. New edition. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1851. Underbill, Capt. John. History of the Pequotwar.- Collections Massachusetts Historical Society, third series, vol. 6. Vincent, P. History of the Pequot War. Ibid. Church, Thomas. The History of the great Indian War of 1675 and 1676 ; also, the old French and Indian Wars, from 1689 to 1704 ; with notes by S. G. Drake. Revised edition. 8vo. Hartford, 1854. Mather, Cotton. Discourse delivered unto some part of the forces engaged in the just war of New England against the Indians. 8vo. Boston,1689. (P.) Military duties recommended to an Artillery company at their election of officers in Charlestown. Svo. Boston, 1687. Mather, Increase. History of the war with the Indians in New England, in 1675-1676. Small 4to. London, 16/6. Niles, Rev. Sam. History of the Indian and French Wars. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc,, third series, vol. 6. Journal of the Proceedings at two Conferences begun to be held at Fal- mouth, in Casco Bay, in the County of York, within the Province of the Massachusett's Bay in New England, on the 28th day of June, 1754, between His Excellency William Shirley, Esq., Governor of the Province aforesaid, and the Chiefs of the Norridgwalk Indians ; and on the 5th day of July following, between his said Excellency and the Chiefs of the Penobscot Indians. Folio. Boston, 1754. S-e also, Works on the History of the Indians ; supra, pp. 1187-1189- O 1260 WARS IN NORTH AMERICA. [GTJERRES DE [Livingston, Smith & Scott.] A review of the Military operations in North America, from the commencement of the French hostilities on the frontiers of Virginia in 1 753, to the surrender of Oswego, on the 14th of August, 1756. Coll. Mass. Hist. Society, first series, vol. 7. See Rich, vol. i,p. 121. Journal of the Proceedings of the Congress held at Albany, in 1754. Ibid. Third series, vol. 5. Braddock, General. History of his expedition against Fort du Quesne, in 1755, by Winthrop Sargent. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. This book contains, also, Captain Orme's Journal. Stobo, Major Robert. His memoirs. I2mo. Pittsburgh, 1854. Military History of Great Britain for 1756-57; being a letter from an English Officer taken prisoner at Oswego by the French. 8vo. Lon- don, 1757. See Rich, vol. i, p. 122. Knox, John. An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America for the years 1757, '58, '59 and '60 ; containing the most remarkable occurrences of that period, particularly the two sieges of Quebec, &c. ; the orders of the Admirals and General Officers ; descriptions of the Countries where the author has served, with their Forts and Garrisons, their climates, soil and produce, and a regular diary of the weather. As also, several manifestos, a mandate of the late Bishops of Canada, the French orders and disposition for the defence of the Colony, &c* 2 vols. 4to. London, 1769. See also, section HISTORY OK CANADA. Account of the Society for the encouragement of British Troops in Ger- many and North America. 8vo. Quebec and London, 1760. Mante, Thomas. History of the late War in North America, including the campaigns of 1763-1764. Folio. London, 1772. Parkman, Francis. History of the conspiracy of Pontiac, and the War of the North American Tribes against the English Colonies, after the con- quest of Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1851. See North American Review, vol. Ixxiii. Bouquet, Henry. Relation historique de 1' expedition contre les Indiens de 1', en 1764 ; traduit de 1' anglais, par C. Dumas. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1769. L'AMERIQUE DU NOKD.] AMERICAN REVOLUTION. 1261 [6.] AMERICAN REVOLUTION. | [6-] REVOLUTION AMERICAINE. Bollan, "Wm. Colonise Anglicanse illustratee ; or, the acquest of dominion, and the plantation of colonies made by the English in America ; with the rights of the colonists examined, stated and illustrated. Part I, con- taining I. The plan of the whole work, including the proposition assert- ing the right of the colonists intended to be established. II. A brief history of the wars, revolutions and events which gave rise to all the marine discoveries and foreign acquisitions made by the Modern Euro- peans. III. A survey of the knowledge and opinions which the Europeans had of the earth in times preceding these discoveries ; with other matters relating to this subject. IV. The particulars of the pro- gress made by the Portuguese, from their beginning these discoveries to the death of King John the Second, and an account of the grants made to the King of Portugal, of the countries that were or might be dis- covered, by the bulls of several Popes, with one of them set forth at large. 4to. London, 1762. A very learned work, but of which unfortuuiitely no more was published. Kick. Lucas, Samuel. Charters of old English Colonies in America ; with an intro- duction and notes ; published for the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government. 8vo. London, 1850. Pownall, Thomas. Late Governor of Massachusetts Bay, &c. The Adminis- tration of the British Colonies ; wherein their rights and constitution are discussed and stated. Fourth edition. 8vo. London, 1768. The same (fifth edition,) with part the second, [now first published,] wherein a line of government between the supreme jurisdic- tion of Great Britain and the rights of the Colonies is drawn, &c. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1774. Stokes, Anthony. Chief Justice of Georgia. Of the Constitution of the Bri- tish Colonies in North America and the West Indies, at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America : [notice is taken of alterations down to the present period.] 8vo. London, 1783. (2 copies.) Chalmers, George. An introduction to the history of the Revolt of the Ame- rican Colonies : being a comprehensive view of its origin, derived from the state papers contained in the public offices of Great Britain. 2 vols 4 Svo. Boston, 1845. 43-reat Britain. The interest of, considered with regard to her colonies. 8vo. London, 1760. (P.) Second edition, enlarged. Svo. London, 1761. (P.) See also infra the collection of PAMPHLETS. 1262 AMERICAN REVOLUTION. [REVOLUTION A Collection of interesting authentic papers, relative to the Dispute between Great Britain and America, shewing the progress of that misunderstand- ing, from 1764 to 1/75. 8vo. London, 1777- The Remembrancer ; or, Impartial Repository of Public Events, 1774- 1783. 16 vols. 8vo. London. See Rich, vol. i, p. 210. Rebellious Colonies. Instructions given with a Commission for seizing the ships belonging to the inhabitants of the Rebellious Colonies. Folio. . 1777. (P.) Vide Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts. Boston Massacre in 1774. TJ CANADA.] HISTORY OF CANADA. 1273 Creuxius, Fr. Historiae Canadensis seu Novae Francise libri decem ad annum usque Christi, 1656. 4to. Parisiis, 1664. Vide Faribault, p. 36. Shortt, W. P. Gesta Anglo- Americana scilicet et progymnasmata Novae Franciee Pelasgicaa. Liber singularis. 8vo. Exeter. This vol. is Greek : with a preliminary notice, analysis of the work, and notes, in English. The author says, " the following Greek treatise on America, is perhaps the only historical Greek classic since the days of Procopius." Charlevoix, P. de. Histoire et description generale cle la Nouvelle France. 2 vol., (avec cartes.) 4to. Paris, 1744. Le Vol. ii. contient une " Description des plantes principales de 1'Amerique Septentrionale." Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 28 et 29. Smith, Wm. History of Canada, from its first discovery to the peace of 1763, and from the establishment of the civil government in 1764 to the establishment of the constitution in 1/92. 2 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1815. Bibaud, Michel. Histoire du Canada sous la domination fra^aise. Seconde - Edition. 8vo. Montre'al, 1843. Histoire du Canada et des Canadiens sous la domination anglaise. 8vo. Montreal, 1844. M. Bibaud est decide le 3 aout 1857. Le Pays du 4 aout 1857, le Journal de I' Instruction Publique, vol. 1, p. 166, et le illuslres du Canada de M. Bibaud, jeune, contiennent chacun une notice biographique sur cet ecrivain. Bibaud, Maximilien. (Fils du precedent.) Catechisme de 1'histoire du Canada, 32mo. Montreal, 1854. Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de l'Amerique. 8vo. Montreal, 1857- Supplement aux travaux sur 1'histoire du Canada. (Ou- vraye en cours de publication.} Roy, Jennet. The History of Canada; prepared for the use of schools 12mo. Montreal, 1850. Garneau, F. X. Histoire du Canada depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a nos jours 4 vol. 8vo. Quebec, 1845-1852. Le meme ouvrage, corrige et augmente. 3 vol. 8vo. Que- bec, 1852. Abrege de 1'histoire du Canada depuis sa decouverte jusqu'a 1840. I2mo. Quebec, 1856. Voir le North American Review, vol. Ixxiv, p. 261 ; la Revue des Deux-Mondes, seconde se>ie de la nourelle periode, Tome iii, p. 278, (1853); Le Corres- pondant, vol. xxxiii, p. 243 ; 1' Athenaeum frangais, fevrier, 1848, p. 28, etc. 1274) HISTORY OF CANADA. [HISTOIRE Brasseur de Bourbourg, M. 1'Abbe". Histoire du Canada, de son Eglise et de ses missions, depuis la decouverte de 1'Amerique jusqn'a nos jours. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1852. Perland, ReV. J. B. A. Observations sur un ouvrage intitulS : Histoire du Canada, etc., par M. 1'Abbe Brasseur de Bourbourg. 8vo. Quebec, 1853. Voir aussi dans le Correspondaot, vol.xxxiii, un article de M. de La Roche-Heron. Christie, Robert. A history of the late province of Lower Canada, parliamen- tary and political, from the commencement to the close of its existence as a separate province, embracing a period of fifty years. 6 vols. 8vo. Quebec, 1849-55. At the end of voL v, will be found a biographical sketch of the late Sir James Stuart, Bart. Chief Justice of Lower Canada. Vol. VI. Is entitled, "Interesting documents and official correspondence illustrative of and supplementary to, the History." It is prefaced by a memoir of the public life of the Hon. H. "W. Ryland, confidential Secretary to Lord Dorches- ter when Governor in Chief of British North America, and includes copious extracts from Ryland's Correspondence and Papers, with other documents on the affairs of the Province from 1789 to 1833 ; the whole numbered from 1 to 158. No. 159, is a note by Jacques Viger Esq. " Sur la prise du Village de St. R6gis par les Americains duraut la derniere guerre avec les Etats- Unis." Nos. 160 and 161, are correspondence concerning the Rebellion in Lower Canada, and the conduct of MM. D. B. Viger, Wolfred Nelson, L. J. Papineau, &c. . Memoirs of the administration of Lower Canada by Sir James Craig and Sir George Prevost, from 1807 to 1815. 8vo. Quebec, 1818. A brief review of the political state of Lower Canada, with Memoirs of the administration of Lower Canada, by Sir Gordon Drum- mond and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. 8vo. New-York, 1818. McMullen, John. The History of Canada, from its first discovery to the present time. 8vo. Brockville, (C.W.) 1855. Roger, Charles. History of Canada. Vol. 1. 8vo. Quebec, 1855. Dussieux, L. Le Canada sous la domination francaise, d'apres les archives de la marine et de la guerre. 8vo. Paris, 1855. Voir 1' Athenaeum francais pour 1856, p. 500 et 601. Pour 1'histoire des nations sauvages du Canada, et la description de leurs mceurs et coutumes, Voyez ci-devant la section ANTIQUITES et ABORIGENES, [p. 1187-89.] et en particulier: Lafitau, Mceurs des sauvages. La Potherie, Histoire de 1'Ame'rique Septentrionale. Colden, History of the Five Nations of Canada. Lives of Brant and Tecumseh. Bibaud, Les Sagamos illustres. Et les ouvrages de Schoolcraft, Catlin, Drake, McKenney, etc. DTJ CANADA.] HISTORY OP CANADA. 1275 Voyez aussi ci-apres dans la classe des VOYAGES, lea Voyages de Hennepin, La Hontan, Charlevoix, Lebeau, Chateaubriand, etc., etc. Pour 1'kistoire des Guerres Sauvages, Voyez ci-devant p. 1259. Pour les ouvrages relatifs a 1'etablisseinent de la foi, etaux institutions religieuses en Canada, Voyez ci-devant la section HISTOIRE EOCLESIASTIQCB ET MISSIONS, p. 1195, et en particulier: La lettre de Mgr. de St. Vallier, sur 1'etat de 1'eglise. La vie de la sceur Bourgeoys, par M. 1'abb^ Faillon. La vie de Mademoiselle Mauce, par le meme. La vie de Madame d'Youville, par le meme. Les Servantes de Dieu en Canada, par M. de Courcy. La relation du pere Bressany, parle R. P. Martin. Les relations des Jesuites. Le grand voyage du pere Sagard La Gaspesie du pere Le Clerq. Etc., etc., etc. Collection de memoires et de relations sur 1'histoire ancieune du Canada d'apres les manuscrits recemment obtenus des archives et bureaux publics en France. Publiee sous la direction de la Societe litteraire et historique de Quebec, avec une introduction et des notes. (Par G. B. Faribault, ecr.) 8vo. Quebec, 1840, comprenant : 1. Memoire sur 1'etat present du Canada [1667.] [suppose etre de 11. Talon alors intendaut.] 2. Memoire sur le Canada [suppose ecnt en 1736 et attribue a M. Hocquart, intendant.] 3. Considerations sur 1'etat present dn Canada [1758] ; [memoire important rnais dont 1'auteur est inconnu.] 4. Histoiredu Canada, par M. 1'abbe de Belinont, [Superieur du Seminaire de Montreal, entre 1713 et 1724.] 5. Relation du siege de Quebec en 1759 [ecrUe en 1765] par une religieuse de 1'hopital general de Quebec. 6 Jugernent impartial sur les operations militaires de la campagne en Canada, en 1759, [sans nom d'auteur.] 7. Reflexions sommaii-es sur le commerce qni s est fait en Canada [sans nom d'auteur et sans date, mais suppose ecrit aprea 1760.] 8. Histoire de 1'eau de vie en Canada [sans date et sans nom d'auteur.] Les trois premiers memoires, nous dit 1'introduction, sont publics d'apres des manuscrits obtenus par Lord Durham des Archives du Bureau de la Marine a Paris, en 1838, lors de son depart d'Europe pour le gouvernement des Canadas. Les cinq autres memoires ont ete communiques par le Rev. M 4 Jean Holmes, professeur du semiuaire de Quebec, qui les avait obteuues de la Bibliotheque du Roi et autres institutions publiques.a Paris. Me"moires sur le Canada, de 1749 a 1700. Avec cartes et plans lithogra- phies. Publies sous la direction de la Societe litteraire et historique de Quebec, et precedes d'une introduction, et accompagnes de notes, (par G. B. Faribault, ecr.) 8vo. Quebec, 1838, comprenant : Memoires du S. de C. , contenant I'liistoire du Canada durant la guerre et sous le gouveruement anglais. P 1276 HISTORY OF CANADA. [HISTOIEB On trouve dans les Archives Gurieuses de 1'histoire de France, seconde serie, vol. iii, p. 387 et suivantes, les deux pieces dout suivent les titres : " Relation du voyage fait a Canada pour la prise de possession du fort de Quebec par les Francais (en vertu du traite de St. Germain- en- Lay e, le 29 mars 1632.) Extrait du Mercure Franyais. " Lettre (datee a Kebek, le ler avril 1626.) du Pere Charles 1'Allemant, Su- perieur de la maison du Canada, de la compagnie de Jesus, envoyea au Pere Hierosme l'Allemant son frere, de la meme compagnie, ou sont contenues les moaurs et famous de vivre des sauvages habitants de ce pais la, et comment ils se comportent avec les Chretiens Francaia qui y demeurent. Ensemble la description des villes de ceste contree Paris, 1627." On trouve dans les Archives de Voyages de Ternaux-Compans, vol. i. et ii. : ' Relations de la Nouvelle France. Extraites du Mercure Galant, mai 1684 et jauv. 1691." On trouve dans Lapeyrouse, Histoire de la Marine Francaise, (3 vol. 8vo.,) et sur- tout-dans 1'Histoii-e maritime de la France, par Leon Guerin, (5 voL 8vo. Paris, 1851,) plusieurs chapitres relatifs au Canada. Le vol.4, de ce dernier ouvrage, p. 469 et suivantes, contient un mfonoire sur la famille Le Moyne, extrait du dossier d'Iberville, aux Archives de la Marine. Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York, pro- cured in Holland, England, and France by John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq. Agent of the State. Published by virtue of an Act of the Legislature, passed May 2, 1839, and edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, M.D., LL.D., with a general introduction by the Agent. 10 vols. 4to. Albany, 1853-1856. Vol. IX and X. Paris Documents [1631-1744] : the last volume not yet published. Among the Documents and especially in the Series obtained from Paris, will be found many of great interest and value to Canadian history, Mr. Brodhead having been authorised by his Instructions " to obtain the originals or copies of the Instructions forwarded to the French and English Governors of Cana- da; to learn the views which possessed them [respectively] of a commercial, military or colonizing character; their expectations of the future growth of their settlements bordering upon the Colony of New York ; their expen- ditures and receipts, the nature and extent of their alliance with the Indian Tribes ; and the history of their expeditions across the St. Lawrence, and of their posts upon Lake Ontario and the River Niagara, so far as developed by Official Reports, or memorials." [Introduction, p. xviii.] " The policy of France in regard to her Canadian possessions" was especially con- sidered by the Agent, " as directly and intimately connected with" the Co- . lonial history of New York; and " her long struggle to maintain her influence in the northern portion of [the] Continent, as having affected, in no small degree, the condition, disposition, and purposes, of the people of New York." [Ibid, p. xxxii.] This led to a careful examination of, and a copious selection from, the Archives of the French Government A striking testimony to the value of the selections, particularly as regards Canadian affairs, has been borne by Mr. Bancroft, the American historian, who remarks as follows ; " Your papers I examined carefully. * * * There is nothing in DTI CANADA.] HISTORY OF CANADA. 1277 Documents relative to Colonial History of State of New York. Continued. print like the minute and exact Reports made by the French officers in Canada of their operations on our frontier during their long struggle for the preservation of Canada. Your papers surround Alontcalm with all the interest of a hero of romance, and trace his overthrow, clearly, to distinct and inexorable causes." [Ibid, p. xli.] For the French Original of the documents, See infra Section MANUSCRITS BELA- LATIFS A L'HISTOIKE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCK. See also Documentary History of the State of New York, fsupra p. 1241) Edits, Ordonnances Royaux, declarations et arrets duConseil de 1'Etat du Roi, (1540-1758) concernant le Canada. Ordonnances des Intendants et Arrets du Conseil Superieur de Quebec (1627-1756). 2vol. 4to. Quebec, 1803-1806. ._ . Meme ouvrage, revu et augrnente 2 vol. ;,8vo. Quebec, 1854-55. Pour I'histoire du droit etde 1'adininistration de la Justice en Canada, Voyez ci- devant pages 160-170 : Aussi, Bibaud, Supplement aux travaux sur 1'His- toire du Canada, etc., etc. See also infra, in Section NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS, The Lower Canada Jurist. Pour les documents relatifs a la Tenure Seigneuriale en Canada, Voyez ci-devant, pages 167 et 168 ; and Section PAMPHLETS. (CANADIAN.) Expedition to Canada. A letter to a friend in the country on the late. 12mo. London, 1712. (P.) The North American Review, vol. iii. p. 150, says that this pamphlet was written by Mr. Dummer, to justify the people of New England against the censures that were cast upon them for the failure of that expedition. Walker, Sir Hovenden. A journal or full account of the late expedition to Canada ; with an Appendix containing Commissions, Orders, Instruc- tions, Letters, Memorials, Courts-Martial, Councils of War, &c., relating, thereto. 8vo. London, 1720. See R''ch, vol. i, p. 27. Siege of Quebec. Journal of the, by a gentleman in an eminent station on the spot. 8vo. London, 1759. (P.) 1 A short account of the Expedition against Quebec, com- manded by Major-General Wolfe in the year 1759. By an Engineer upon that expedition. (Major Moncrief.) With a plan of the town and basin of Quebec, and part of the adjacent country, showing the principal encampments and works of the British army, and those of the French army, during the attack in 1759. 8vo. Twelve Views in Quebec, in 1759, from Drawings taken on the spot ; [and illustrative of the state of the city immediately after the Siege.] See infra section, GEOGRAPHY AND VOYAGES (in Canada.) 1278 HISTORY OF CANADA. [HISTOIRE Letter to . an honorable Brigadier-general, a Commander in chief of His Ma- jesty's forces in Canada. 8vo. London, 1760. (P.) Canada. Souvenirs Historiques. Compiles par L. J. Racine. I6mo. Mon- treal, 1856. Warburton, Major. The Conquest of Canada. Edited by Eliot War- burton. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Howard, Middleton. The Conquest of Quebec : a Poem. 4to. Oxford 1768. Dawson, Rev. Eli. A discourse delivered at Quebec, September, 1859. 4to. London, 1760. Macleod, Serjeant Donald. Memoirs of the life and gallant exploits of, who, having returned, wounded, with the corpse of General Wolfe, from Quebec, was admitted an out pensioner of Cheslea Hospital in 1759 ; and is now in the 103rd year of his age. 8vo. London, 1791. (P.) Pour les guerres qui ont precedS et accompagne" la cession du Canada d 1'Angle- terre, Voyez aussi les ouvrages relatifs a L'HISTOIRE DBS GCERRES DANS I/AMERIQUK DU NORD, pages 1259 et 1260. Canada. Memoire historique sur la negociation de la France et de 1'Angle- terre, depuis le 26 mars 1761 jusqu'au 20 septembre de la meme anne'e ; avec les pieces justificatives. 8vo. Paris, 1761. An historical memorial of the negociation of France and England, from the 26th of March, 1761, to the 20th September following; with the vouchers ; translated from the original French. Folio. London, 1761. Collection of Treaties, of Imperial Statutes, and of other Public Acts relative to Canada. 1759-1834. 4to. Quebec, 1834. Recueil de Trait6s, Statuts Imperiaux et autres actes publics relatifs au Canada. 1759-1834. 4to. Quebec, 1834. Case of the Canadians at Montreal, distressed by a Fire on the 18th of May, 1765. 8vo. Montreal, 1765. Disney, Daniel. Trial of, upon an indictment for a burglary and felony, with intent to murder Mr. Thomas Walker, and for feloniously cutting off the right ear of the said Walker, 1764. 4to. Quebec, 1767. Maseres, Francis. A collection of several Commissions and other public instru-* ments relating to the Province of Quebec. 4to. London. 1772. -* Reponse aux observations faites par M. Frs. Jos. Cugnet, , sur le plan d'acte du parlement dresse par M. Frs. Maseres. Folio. Londres, 1773. DTJ CANADA.] HISTORY OF CANADA. 1279 Maseres, Francis. An account of the proceedings of the British and other protestant inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck, in North America, in order to obtain a House of Assembly. 8vo. London, 1775. Additional papers concerning the Province of Quebec; being an Appendix to the above, 8vo. London, 1776. The Canadian Freeholder, in three dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman settled in Canada, showing the sentiments of the bulk of Freeholders of Canada concerning the late Quebeck Act, with some remarks on the Boston Charter Act ; and an attempt to shew the great expediency of immediately repealing both those Acts of Parliament, and of making some other useful regulations and concessions to His Majesty's subjects, as a ground for a reconciliation with the United Colonies in America. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1777-79. See Faribault. p. 93. Quebec Bill. Thoughts on the Act for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. London, 1774. An appeal to the public, stating and considering the objections to the Quebec Bill. 8vo. London, 1774. The justice and policy of the late Act of Parliament for making more effectual provision for the government of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. London, 1774. Debates of the House of Commons in the year 1774, on the Bill for making more effectual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec ; drawn up from the notes of the Right Honorable Sir Henry Cavendish, Bt., now published by J. Wright ; with a Map of Canada, &c. 8vo. London, 1839. Thoughts on the Canada Bill. 8vo. London, 1791. (P.) Siege of Quebec in 1/75. Journal of the principal occurrences during the, by the American revolutionists under Generals Montgomery and Arnold, in 1775-6 ; containing many anecdotes of moment not yet published ; collected from some old manuscripts originally written by an Officer, during the gallant defence made by Sir Guy Carleton, afterwards Lord Dorchester ; with notes by W. T. P. Shortt. 8vo. London, 1824. Burgoyne, Lieut. General. A state of the Expedition from Canada as laid before the House of Commons, by, and verified by evidence, with a collection of authentic documents. Second edition. 8vo. London, 1780. Henry, J. J. An accurate and interesting account of the hardships and suffer- ings of that band of Heroes who traversed the wilderness in the cam- paign against Quebec, in 1775. 12mo. Lancaster, 1812. HISTORY OP CANADA. [H.ISTOIRE Howe, Sir Wm. Narrative of, relative to his conduct during his late com- mand of the King's Troops in North America. 4to. London, 1781. See also supra Section AMERICAN REVOLUTION. The collection of American Archives (ante, p. 1263.) contains anumber of do- cuments concerning the history of Canada during the American Revo- lution ; see the index at the end of each volume. See also infra the section of AMERICAN PAMPHLETS. Province of Quebec. Proceedings between Sir Guy Carleton, late Governor of the Province of Quebec, and Peter Livius, Esquire, Chief Justice of the said Province. 8vo. London, 1779. Calvet, Pierre du. Appel a la justice de 1'Etat ; ou, recueil de pieces au roi, au prince de Galles et aux ministres, avec une lettre a messieurs les Canadiens, ou sont fidelement exposes les actes horribles de la violence arbitraire qui a regne' dans la colonie, durant les derniers troubles, et les vrais sentiments du Canada sur le Bill de Quebec, et sur la forme du gouvernement la plus propre a y faire renaitre la paix et le bonheur public. Une lettre au General Haldimand lui-meme ; enfin une derniere lettre a Milord Sidney, ou on lit un precis des nouvelles du 4 et 10 de mai dernier, sur ce qui s'est passe en avril dans le Conseil Legislatif de Quebec, avec les protets de six consefllers, le Lieut. Gouverneur Henri Hamilton a leur tete, centre la nouvelle inquisition d'etat etablie par le gouverneur et son parti. 8vo. Londres, 1784. Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 41. The case of Peter Du Calvet, Esq., of Montreal, in the Province of Quebeck ; containing (amongst other things worth notice) : An account of the long and severe emprisonment he suffered in the said Province, by the order of General Haldimand, the present Governor of the same, without the least offence, or other lawful cause whatever. To which is prefixed a dedication of it in the French language, (M. Du Calvet not understanding English,) to the King's most excellent Majesty, humbly imploring the countenance of His Majesty's Royal Justice, in his endeavours to procure some compensation for the injuries he has received. 8vo. London, 1784. Province of Quebec. State of the present form of Government of the Pro- vince of Quebec, with an Appendix containing extracts from the minutes of an investigation into the past administration of Justice in that Province, instituted by order of Lord Dorchester in 1787. 8vo. London, 1790. Remarks on the laws and government of the Province of Quebec. 8vo. London, 1790. Petitions from the old and new subjects, inhabitants of the Province of Quebec, to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. 8vo. London, 1791. DTI CANADA.] HISTORY OF CANADA. 1281 Jackson, John Mills. A view of the political situation of the Province of Upper Canada in North America, in which her physical capacity is stated ; the means of diminishing her hurden, increasing her value, and securing her connection to Great Britain are fully considered. With notes and Appendix. 8vo. London, 1809. Brock, Major-General Sir Isaac. Life and correspondence of, interspersed with notices of the celebrated Indian Chief Tecumseh, and comprising brief memoirs of Daniel De Lisle Brock, Esq., Lieut. E. W. Tupper, and Col. W. De Vic Tupper ; by Ferd. Brock Tupper, Esq. 12mo. London, 1845. Family Records ; containing Memoirs of Major-General Sir Isaac Brock, K.B., Lt. E. W. Tupper, R.N., and Col. Win. De Vic Tupper, with notices of Major-General Tupper, and Lt. C. Tupper, R.N. To which are added the Life of Tecumseh, a Memoir of Col. Havilland LeMesurier, &c. By Ferd. Brock Tupper. Svo. Guernsey, 1853. Canadas, Union of the. Letter to Her Majesty's under Secretary of State, res- pecting a plan for a general Union of the British Provinces, and on the proposed union of the two Canadas. Svo. London, 1824. (P.) Observations on the proposed Union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, under one Legislature, by the Agent of the Petitioners for that measure. 8vo. London, 1824. (P.) Abstract of a Bill for uniting the Legislative Councils and Assemblies of the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada in one Legis- lature. 8vo. London, 1824. (P.) [Chisholme, David.] The Lower Canada Watchman. 32mo. Kingston, 1829. Papers collected by, with a view to the compilation of a history of Lower Canada. (In manuscript.) 1 vol. Folio. For contents, vide infra, section MANUSCRIPTS. Stuart, James. Correspondence between Lt. Col. Glegg, Secretary of His Ex- cellency Lord Aylmer, Governor in Chief of Lower Canada, and James Stuart, Esq., Attorney-General for the said Province, relating, [1 .] to the case of Cowie, Davis & Boucher, in the service of the Hudson's Bay Company, against whom actions had been brought for penalties sup- posed to have been incurred by them, by the sale of spirituous liquors to Indians without a license : [2.] respecting the establishment of boun- daries between the King's Posts Territory, and the Seigniory of " Mille Vaches :" [3.] relating to the suspension of Attorney-General Stuart from his office, pursuant to an Address of the House of Assembly : with a Memorial from Mr. Stuart to the Colonial Secretary, Lord Go- derich, thereupon. Bound in 1 Vol. Folio. 1827-1831. 1282 HISTORY OP CANADA. [HISTOIJELE Papineau, (L. J.) and Neilson, (John.) Letter to His Majesty's under Secretary of State on the subject of the proposed union of Upper and Lower Canada. 8vo. London, 1824. (P.) [Fleming, M.] Political Annals of Lower Canada ; being a review of the political and legislative history of that Province, shewing the defects of the Constitutional Act, &c. 8vo. Montreal, 1828. Canada. Report from the Select Committee on the Civil Government of Canada; with the evidence of Messrs. Samuel Gale, D. B. Viger, John Neilson, A. Cuvillier, Edward Ellice, McGillivray, J. C. Grant, G. Ryerson, J. Stevens, W. H. Merritt, &c., &c. ; printed by order of the House of Commons, July, 1828. Folio. London. Rapport du comite de la Chambre des Communes sur le Gouverne- ment Civil du Canada, mis devant la Chambre, le 28 juillet 1828, 8vo. (Brochure.) [Laterriere, Pierre de Salles.] A political and historical account of Lower Canada, with remarks on the present situation of the people as regards their manners, character, religion, &c. ; by a Canadian. 8vo. London, 1830. Lower Canada. Review of the proceedings of the Legislature of Lower Canada, in the Session of 1831. With an Appendix, containing some important documents, now first given to the public. 8vo. Montreal, 1832. Canada in the years 1*32, 1833 and 1834 ; by an ex-settler. 12mo. Dublin, 1835. !Les 92 Resolutions, et debats sur icelles. 8vo. Montreal, 1834. Roebuck, J. A. Existing difficulties in the Government of the Canadas. 8vo. London, 1836. (P.) Lower Canada. Reports of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the grievances of Lower Canada, with Appendix ; printed by order of the House of Commons, February, 1837. Folio. London. See in the CANADIAN PAMPHLETS, and in the INDEX TO THK PARLIAMENTARY PAPEBS ON CANADA, (infra) the various Reports, in-Lajoie, A. Catechisme politique, ou Elemens du droit public et consti- tutionnel du Canada. Sydenham, Lord. Memoirs of his life, with a narrative of his Administration in Canada, by G. Poulett Scrope, his brother. 8vo. London, 1843. Metcalfe, Charles, Lord, late Governor General of India, and of Canada, and Governor of Jamaica. Life and correspondence, from unpublished letters and Journals ; by J. W. Kaye. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854. See Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Ixxvii. Fraser's Magazine, vol. 1, and Edinburgh Review, vol. cii. Selections from Lord Metcalfe' s Papers. Edited by J. W. Kaye. 8vo. London, 1855. View of Sir Charles Metcalfe's Government of Canada ; by a Member of the Provincial Parliament, (E. G. Wakefield.) London, 1844. [43 pages.] The " Crise " Metcalfe, and the Lafontaine-Baldwin Cabinet defended: by Zeno. 8vo. Quebec, 1844. 44 pages. Viger. 1'Hon. D. B. La Crise Ministerielle et M. Denis Benjamin Tiger. 8vo. Kingston, 1844. Correspondance entre 1'Hon. W. H. Draper etl'Hon. R. E. Caron ; et, entre 1'Hon. R. E. Caron et les Hons. L. H. La Fontaine et A. N. Morin. 8vo. Montreal, 1846. Correspondence between the Hon. W. H. Draper and the Hon. R. E. Caron ; and between the Hon. R. E. Caron and the Hons. L. H. La Fontaine and A. N. Morin. 8vo. Montreal, 1846. Vide infra Section PAMPHLETS [AMERICAN ritish Colonies, Reports made to the Secretary of State, with a view to exhibit generally the past and present state of them ; for 1*45. (1846.) Vol. xxxiii. p. 508. Similar Re- port for i816. (1S47) Vol.xxxi. p. 1. For 1847. (1847-8.) Vol. xl. p. 1. For 1848. (184i>.) Vol. xxxix. p. 1. For 1*49. Parts I. and II. (1850.) Vol. xxvii pp. 251, 384. For 1850 (1^51.) Vol xxv. p. 353. For 1851. (1852.) Vol. xxv.. p 1. For 1851, Part II. (1852-3 ) Vol. xv. p. 1. For 1 -,52. (1852-3) Vol. xv. p. 85. Sinecures and other offices abolished or to be abolished in the Colonies, since 1812, and Return of Colonial offices formerly executed by Deputy but now by Principal (1823.) Vol. clv..!pp. 54, 55 1302 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : CROSS REFERENCES. Continued. V. COLONIES : (Continued,) Further Beturns (1824.) 'Vol. clxix... 65 Quantity of Woven Fabrics, with the official value, distinguishing the different heads or classes, exported to the British Colonies, &c., from 1830 to 1840 (1840.) Vol. xxvi... 535 Ecclesiastical Establishments and Religious Instruction in the Colonies, Australia, North America, &c (1839) Vol. ix... 523 Grants, Endowments, &c., for Religious Instruction or Education in the Colonies, stating the particular objects of each grant &c., for 1840, 1841 and 1842, whether made by the Crown, Parliament or Colonial Governments ; so far as the Returns can be made up in this country (1845.) Vol. vi. Pt 1. ... 201 Date at which each Colony of the British Crown was captured, ceded, or settled ; its Population ; whether having Legislative Assemblies or governed by Orders in Council ; the value of Exports and Im- ports, and number and tonnage of Vessels in each, in LS42. (1847.) Vol. xxiii... 571 Statistical Return showing the Population, Trade and Navigation of the British Colonies to the latest period known. (1847-8) Vol. xxiii... 662 Colonial Railways : Reports on Acts relating to. (1851.) Vol. xxix... 491 Report of Committee on the Naval, Ordnance, and Commissariat Es- tablishments, and Expenditure in the Colonies ; with Treasury Minutes, Correspondence, and Plans relating ther-to. (152) Vol. xxv... 301 VI. Corn, Grain, Flour, &c. : I. BlLLS RELATING TO CORN, FLOUR, &C., AND THE CORN TRADE Bill to permit the Entry for Home Consumption of warehoused Corn and Wheaten Flour under Duty; and to alter the Duty on Wheat, the produce of British North America. (1825.) Vol. clxxv.. 443 Bill to alter, for one year, the Duty on Wheat, the produce of British North America (1825.) Vol. clxxvi... 819 Bill for reducing the Duty on Wheat and Wheat-Flour the produce of Canada, imported thence into the United Kingdom (1843.) Vol. iii... 693 Bills to allow, for a limited time, the Free Importation of Corn, &c , from any country (1847.) Vol. iv... 579,581 II. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS RELATING TO CORN, &c. Quantity of Corn Imported into the United Kingdom from the British Possessions in America, from 1 823 to 1827. (1826-27.) Vol. ccxix... 222 Quantity of Corn, Grain, and Flour Imported, in 1826, into the United Kingdom from the British Plantations iu N. America. (1 826-27. ) Vol. ccxxi... 25 CONCERNING CANADA. 1303 LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : CROSS REFERENCES. Continued. CORN, GRAIN, FLOUR, &c. : '(Continued.) Pages Quantity of Wheat and Flour Imported into Great Britain, or ad- mitted for Home Consumption, from 1st May, 1825, to 1st Feb- ruary, 1827, from the British North American Colonies. (1826-27.) Vol. ccxxi... 29 Quantities of Grain, "Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Beans and Pease, Flour and Meal, brought into consumption in Great Britain from Foreign Countries, &c., from the American Colonies, &c., from 1815 to 1835 (1836.) Vol. xxv... 11 4, 115 Quantities of Foreign Grain, "Wheat, Barley, Oats, Beans and Peas, Meal and Flour, imported into the American Colonies, &c., in each year, from 1815 to 1835 (1836.) Vol. xxv... 227 Quantity of Grain imported into the United Kingdom from each Colony and Foreign Possession of the Empire, and the rates of Duty levied thereon, from 1814 to 1838 inclusive. (1839.) Vol. xvi... 547 Some continuous Returns. (1839.) Vol xvi. p. 513; (1840.) Vol. xx. p. 433 ; (1841.) Vol. xviii... 202 Total Quantities of "Wheat and "Wheat Flour imported from British Colonies, &c., and upon which duty has been paid, under Act 9 Geo. IV. c. 60, showing the total quantity of Wheat and Flour respectively subjected to each separate rate of duty. (1840.) Vol. xx. p. 445. (1841.) Vol. xviii... 211 Statement of the Exports of Flour and Wheat from the United States and from Canada (1840.) Vol. xxiv... 81 Statements relative to the Prices of Wheat and Flour, &c., in the United States and . in British North America ; with Tables of Imports and Exports of Wheat and Flour into and from the United States and British North America. (1842.) Vol. xiv... 233 Account of Wheat and Flour imported into the United Kingdom from Canada, in 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, and 1846. (1845.) Vol. xvi. p. 513 (1846.) Vol. xx. p. 473 Later Returns... (1847.) Vol. xii. p. 161. (1852.) Vol. x... 184 Accounts of Imports of Flour, Wheat, &c., from the United States, Canada, France, &c., in 1849-1851, stating the difference of cost in Freight from each country (1851.) Vol. ix... 82 Quantity of Wheat imported from United States into Canada from llth October, 1843, to 31st December, 1844. (1845.) Vol. xvi... 515 VII. Emigration and Emigrants : I. GENERALLY Bill to authorize Advances (out of money now authorized for the im- provement of landed property) to facilitate Emigration from dis- tressed districts of Scotland (1851.) Vol. iv... 507 Bill for amending the Poor Laws, and providing for the Emigration of Destitute Children (1852.) Vol. iii... 461 Report (House of Commons), in 1826, on Emigration; with Minutes of Evidence (1826-27.) Vol. ccxvii... 1 1304 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS LORDS' PAPERS, INDEX (1801-1852) : CROSS REFERENCES. Continued. VII. EMIGRATION AND EMIGRANTS : (Continued.) Pge [SUBJECTS. Redundancy of Population, and consequent Depression of Wages Unoccupied Lands in the North American Colonies, COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS (Continued.} i Pagei Statistical reports of the sickness, mortality and invaliding among the Troops of British North America, &c., &c. . (1839.) Vol. xvi. . 129 5. Aylmer, Lord. Vide also (1) and (40.) The conduct of, Fourth Report of Lower Canada Assembly Committee of Grievances on (1836.) Vol. xxxix . 255 6. Caldwell, Sir J. : Debt due by, to Lower Canada, &c. ; Lord Gosford's information respecting (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 107 (6 a.) Chelsea Pensioners in Upper Canada ; Despatches and Correspon- dence relative to (1839.) Vol. xxxi. . 143 7. Civil List and Seignorial Tenure : House of Assembly's address to the Governor respecting the Civil List ; also, Reports of Seignorial Tenures. . . . (1844.) Vol. xxxiv. . 1 8. Ghurch Societies Incorporation : Bill to incorporate the Church of England Societies, in the Dioceses of Quebec and Toronto (1844.) Vol. xxxiv. . 19 (8 a.) Canada Company : Money received from the Company, and application thereof. (1834.) Vol. xliv. . 217 Governor of the Company's Letter, January, 1840, to Lord J. Russell, relative to a Grant of Money for Emigration to Upper Canada ; and answer thereto (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 391 Returns shewing the average state of the settlers upon the Company's Land, in 38 townships, on their arrival ; and their actual con- dition, in 1840 (1841.) Vol. vi. . 276 County of Huron, (its settlement commenced, 1828J ; Abstracts from Statistical Returns of, in 1840 (1841.) Vol. vi. . 281 9. Clergy and Clergy Reserves : Monies voted by the House of Commons, to be appropriated for the Clergy of Upper Canada, 1831-32 (1833.) Vol. xxvi. . 203 Clergy of every denomination in Canada ; Papers relating to Pay- ments to, out of Funds raised in the Province. (1834.) Vol. xliii, p. 379 Vol. xliv. . 573. Clergy Reserves in Upper Canada, &c. ; Despatches relative to, from the Colonial Secretary and Sir G. Arthur. (1839.) Vol." xxxiv. . 107 Clergy Reserves: Correspondence respecting, 18191840. Parti. (1840.) Vol. xxxii, p. 37. Part II. Extracts from Journals of Council and Assembly of Upper Canada. (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 225 Clergy Reserves, U. C. ; Capt. Pringle's letter to Colonial Secretary, May 1840, on the extent and value of. ... (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 389 Christian Bodies entitled under Clergy Reserves Acts, to receive of the proceeds < (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 7 Act of Legislature of U. Canada, for the sale of the Clergy Reserves, and distribution of the proceeds ; with the Governor's despatch, January, 1840 (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 21 Clergy Reserves, Canada : Proceeds of all sales of, Amounts invested in public funds, dividends, sales effected under various Acts ; CONCERNING CANADA. 1315 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (IQB2-IQ44.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pages Rents from Clergy Reserves on Lease, annual payments charged on the Fund to Churches of England and Scotland ; different religious bodies who have received funds. (1843.) Vol. xxxii. . 345 Statement of the investments in the Public Funds on account of the Sales of Clergy Reserves : Annual interest and dividends deriva- ble (1843.) Vol. xxxii. . 349 (9 a.) Commissariat Department : Commissaries' accounts of receipts into, and payments from the several Military Chests, with statements of extraordinaries ; Canada, Nova Scotia, &c., &c. (1831-32.) Vol. xxvii, p. 197. (1833.) Vol. xxiv, p. 95. (1834.) Vol. xlii, p. 165. (1835.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 89. (1836.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 79. (1837.) Vol xl, p. 87. (1837--38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 91. (1839.) Vol. xxxi, p. 93. (1840.) Vol. xxx, p. 97. (1841.) Vol. xiv, p. 97 (1842.) Vol. xxvii, p. 103. (1843.) Vol. xxxi, p. 111. (1844.) Vol. xxxiii, p. 109. Statement relative to the Cash and Store accounts of the Commissariat, in Australia, Canada, &c., 1832 and 1833. . (1835.) Vol. vi. . 126 Sums voted last session, and sums required for the Commissariat services in Canada, &c., from 1st April 1841, to 31st March 1842. (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. ii. . 67 10. Corn: Communications between the British Government and the authorities of Canada, respecting duties on Wheat imported from the United States into Canada ; or, from Canada into the United Kingdom, since 1st January 1842 (1843.) Vol. liii. . 267, 277 Average rate of duty paid on Canadian Wheat [and Flour,] imported into Great Britain, 18381842, inclusive; with the average rate paid upon the same during five years, ending oth January 1843. (1848.) Vol. liii. . 295 See also, (1841.) Session 2. Vol. vii. . 3 Duties charged or chargeable per cwt. on Flour, the produce or manu- facture of Canada, imported in British or Canadian Shipping, for Home consumption, stated monthly, May 1842, to April 1843. / (1843.) Vol. liii . . 265 Wheat imported from Canada into Great Britain and Ireland, from llth October 1843, to 31st July 1844 (1844.) Vol. xlv. . 285 1 1 . Durham, Lord : Expense incurred in the Hastings, (74,) for fitting her up for Lord Durham and his suite's passage to Canada. (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 907 Correspondence relating to the establishment of Lord Durham as Governor General of B. N. America. . (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 897 Instructions to Lord Durham for the constitution of the Special Council in Lower Canada, Proclamation dissolving the same, and appointments made by Lord Durham in the Executive Council and Special Council (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 903 Expense for Lord Durham, as High Commissioner, and Governor of Canada ; distinguishing salaries and expenses. (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 25 1316 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pages Lord Durham's Report on affairs of British North America. (1839.) Vol. xvii. . 1 Appendices to : (A.) (B.) (C.) (D. and E.) (1839.) Vol. xvii, pp. 121, 187, 409, 471 Index to Report and Appendices. (1847.) Vol. Iviii, part 4, pp. 1-125 12. Emigration, (to Canada) : ' Acts passed in North America for levying a tax on Emigrants ; with cir- cular from Colonial office recommending the same. (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 197 Agent's annual report for Emigration in Canada, for 1836. (1837.) Vol. xlii, 15. His report for 1837, &c (1837-38.) Vol. xl. . 27 Despatch from the Governor General transmitting the annual reports of Agents for Emigration, 1841 (1842.) Vol. xxxi. . 1 Despatch transmitting the last annual report. (1843.) Vol. xxxiv, p. 9. (1844.) Vol. xxxv, p. 227. Correspondence relative to Emigration to Canada, &c. '(1833.) Vol. xxvi, p. 299. (1835.) Vol. xxxix, p. 711. (1836.) Vol. xl, p. 465. (1841.) Vol. xv, p. 369. (1842.) Vol. xxxi, p. 49. (1843.) Vol. xxxiv, pp. 171, 367. British American Land Company's views relative to Emigration, com- municated by H. P. Bruyeres, 27th August, 1838. (1841.) Vol. vi.. 223 B. A. Land Company's Commissioner's letter to the Court of Directors, 1 6th October 1838, relative to the settlement of Emigrants on the Company's lands in St. Francis' territory... (1841.) Vol. vi. . 224 H. P. Bruyeres letter to the Duke of Argyle and others of the Mull district, 13th April 1839, for the encouragement of Emigration to Lands of the Land Company, situated in the Eastern townships of Lower Canada (1841.) Vol. vi. . 226 For returns of the number and destination of Emigrants from the United Kingdom to various parts, from 1825 to 1842 : Vide the General Index to Commons' Papers, 1832-1844. p. 235. England, (Church of) vide 38, Scotch Church. 13. Estimates : see also No. 26. For improving the Water Communication in Canada. (183132.) Vol. xxvii, p. 696. (1833.) Vol. xxiv, p. 471. (1834.) Vol. xlii, p. 442. (1835.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 522. For the repairs and maintenance of the Rideau and Ottawa Canals. (1837.) Vol. xl, p. 391. (1837-38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 400. For compensations to British subjects in Upper Canada, for losses sustained by them during the War, in 1814 and 1815. (1837.) Vol. xl.. 397 Of arrears of charges for the administration of Justice, and support of the Civil Government of Canada (1837.) Vol. xl. . 401 14. Finances in Upper Canada : Sir Geo. Arthur and Lord Glenelg's despatches, dated 20th November 1838, relating to the Financial state of U.C. (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. 1 CONCERNING CANADA. 1317 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : {Continued.} Pages 15. Judge Fletcher, (and Mr. Chisholme) : Charges preferred against ; Reports, &c., on the subject of. (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 117 Report to House of Assembly ; and correspondence between Lord Gos- ford and Lord Glenelg, on the charges respecting Judge Fletcher. (1837.) Vol. xlii.. 117 16. Fugitive Criminals : Governor General's despatch to the Secretary of State, relative to the surrender of Nelson Hackett, a person of colour, demanded by the authorities of the United States as a fugitive from justice. (1842.) Vol. xxviii. . 133 17. Gaspe Fishery and Coal Mining Company : Act for incorporating, passed in the Canadian Parliament. (1844.) Vol. xxxiv. . 27 18. Gosford, Lord: Instructions to, and to the other Commissioners appointed to inquire into Grievances in Lower Canada (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 1 Index to (1847.) Vol. Iviii, part 4, pp. 1-125 Expenditure of Lord Gosford as Governor General and Commissioner in Canada ; Salary and emoluments to each individual in his es- tablishment for one year (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 895 19. Grievances of the People : Lord J. Russell's intended Resolution, as to the affairs of Canada. (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 1 Resolutions passed at meetings in Upper Canada, since March 1837, relative to Grievances, &c., of that Province and of Lower Canada : Despatches from Sir F. B. Head, relative thereto, and the measures he had taken respecting them (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 823 20. Gugy, Mr. B. C. A. : Charges against, Reports, &c., on (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 45 21. Head, Sir F. B. : See also, No. 26. Instructions to Sir F. B. Head, as Lieut. Governor of Upper Canada. (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 1 Detailed Index thereto (1847.) Vol. Iviii, part 4, pp. 1--125 Despatch from, to Lord Glenelg; Address to the King from the Assembly, with Appendix (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 67 Despatch from, with Proclamation dissolving the Upper Canada As- sembly (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 155 Despatch from, in answer to charges preferred against him, by Dr. C. Duncombe, &c (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 461 Despatches from, to Lord Glenelg, dated 21st April and the 6th July, 1 836 (1837--38.) Vol. xxxix. . 729 Explanatory memorandum by, addressed to Lord Glenelg, dated 21st May, 1837 ". (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 825 Despatches from, with answers from the Secretary of State. (1839.) Vol. xxxiii. . 1 Sums paid, or to be paid to, as L. Governor of Upper Canada, as out- fit, pay and allowance (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 31 1318 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pages 22. House of Assembly and Legislative Council : Upper Canada Assembly's Addresses to the Crown, March 1828, to December 1831 (1831--32.) Vol. xxxii. . 49 Returns relating to the Legislative Council of Upper Canada. (1833.) Vol. xxvi. . 209 Report of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada on Letter of Mr. Speaker Papineau to Mr. Speaker Bidwell, with address to the Crown thereon : Joint Address of U. C. Legislature to the Crown that steps may be taken to procure the co-operation of the L. C. Legislature in the improvement of the St. Lawrence Navigation. (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 5 Upper Canada House of Assembly's address to the Crown, for the annexation of Montreal to that Province. . (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 5 23. Import Duties : Paid in 1840, upon Wheat Flour and Timber from Canada into the United Kingdom (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. vii. . 3 24. Indian Department : Estimate of the expense of, in Upper and Lower Canada. (183132.) Vol. xxvii, p. 694. (1833.) Vol. xxiv, p. 470. (1834.) Vol. xlii, p. 441. (1835.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 521. (1836.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 425. (1837.) Vol. xl, p. 381. (18.37--38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 395. (1839.) Vol. xxxi, p. 692. (1840.) Vol. xxx, p. 866. (1841.) Vol. xiv, p. 462. (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. ii, p. 156. (1842.) Vol. xxvii, p. 532. (1843.) Vol. xxxi, p. 456. (1844.) Vol. xxxiii, p. 570. Instructions to Government relative to the expenditure of. (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 267 Papers relating to, in Upper and Lower Canada. (1837.) Vol. xliv. . 339 25. Indians : Reports from Governors of B. N. A. Provinces, on the present state of the aboriginal Tribes ; and on the Indian Department in the Canadas, &c (1834.) VoL xliv. . 339 Correspondence since 1835, between the Secretary of State and the Governors of the British North American Provinces, respect- ing the Indians (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 251 Reports from Committees to consider of measures to be adopted with regard to Native inhabitants of Countries where British settlements are made ; with evidence and appendix. (1836.) Vol. vii, p. 1. (1837.) Vol. vii. . 26. Insurrection : Lieut. Governor of Upper Canada ; Instructions to, relative to proceed- ings against persons recently arrested : Despatch from, relative to the disposal of prisoners convicted of Treason. Acts of the Legis- lature of Upper Canada for the preservation of the Peace, and for the trial of persons charged with insurrection, c. (1837--38.) Vol. xxxix. . 833 Names and station of the persons arrested, and in confinement in To- ronto, &c (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 195 CONCERNING CANADA. 1319 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pages Names of persons imprisoned charged with Treason, &c., since 1837, nature of sentence, &c., or commutation of punishment. (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 395 Estimates of expenses beyond ordinary Grants for 183738 and 1838-- 39, for Army and Ordnance services ; consequent upon the Insurrec- tion in Canada, (1837-38.) Vol. xxxvii, p. 447. (1839.) Vol. xxxi. . 753 Supplementary estimates, 1840-41 (1840.) Vol. xxx. . 87 Estimate of the sum required to be voted in 1 841 on account of the Insurrection in Canada , (1841.) Vol. xiv. . 361 Estimate of the further amount probably required for the service in Canada, consequent upon the late Insurrection. (1841.) Sess. 2. Vol. ii. . 231 Of the further amount probably required for 1842-43, consequent upon the same event (1842.) Vol. xxvii. . 425 Of amount required, 1843 44, for the same cause. (1843.) Vol. xxxi. . 373 Estimate of amount required for the Canadian Militia and Volunteers in the year 1844-45 (1844.) Vol. xxxiii. . 618 Charges on account of the Canadas in respect of the Army, Navy, Ordnance and Commissariat in each of the years 1835 to 1843, inclusive; and Grants by Parliament from the year 1837 to 1843, inclusive, inconsequence of the Insurrection. (1844.) Vol. xxxiv. . 23 27- Lands : Mr. Richard's Report respecting Waste-lands and Settlements, in the Canadas, &c. ; and on Emigration. . . (1831-32.) "Vol. xxxii. . 21 Sales of Lands, Grants and appropriations of Crown Lands in the Canadas, 1823-34 (1834.) Vol. xliv. . 287 Returns relating to Crown Lands ; Details of receipts and expenditure of the Land and Timber Funds, 1830-32. (1835.) Vol. xxxix. . 277 Correspondence between the Secretary of State and Governors, and W. B. Felton, relative to Lands granted to him. (1836) Vol. xxxix. 21 1, 243 Two Reports (House of Assembly, Lower Canada,) respecting Mr. Felton ; also, further correspondence on the subject of complaint against him (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 359 Patents and certificates issued from the Crown Lands Office in the period between the prorogation of Parliament, and the close of the general election, in 1836 (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 461 Patents for grants of Lands in Upper Canada, between 1st April and 1st August 1836, names of grantees, terms, conditions, fees, &c. (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 647 Orders in Council and instructions sent to Upper Canada, respecting the sale or grant of Lands (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 647 Regulations for granting Lands in British North America. (1837.) Vol. vii. . 729 Act of Upper Canada Legislature for the disposal of the Public Lands, &c. . (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 1 Act of Canada, 5 Vic., for the disposal of Public Lands. (1842.) Vol. xxviii. . 127 Legislative Council of Upper Canada : see ante, No. 22. 28. Legislative Councils of Lower Canada : (See, also, ante, No. 22.) Return relating to (1834.) Vol. xliv. . 221 1320 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY. PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pages (28ft.) M'Cormick, Lieutenant 8. : Order in Council, 5th March, 1840, granting him a pension for wounds received in Canada (1841.) Vol.xiii. . 397 29. Militia, fyc. : The estimate of 108,000, for; Return of particulars of, arid of expenses defrayed by Great Britain on account of Canada. (1842.) Vol. xxvii. . 427 30. Officers of Civil Government : Colonial Office despatch to Lord Aylmer, authorizing payment of such Officers from unappropriated Funds. . . . (1835.) Vol. xxxix. . 271 Lord Aylmer's answer to the despatch (1835.) Vol. xxxix. . 273 31. Orange Lodges : Despatches respecting them, to the Governors of Upper and Lower Canada (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 271 Orders sent to the Canadas respecting them ; date of the despatch, and of its arrival : and the answers made thereto, and address of Upper Canada Assembly respecting, answers thereto, &c. (1837.) Vol.xiii.. 645 Sir G. Arthur's despatches relating to them ; since 17th May, 1837. (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 161 32. Ordinances of Special Council of Lower Canada : An Ordinance to provide for the security of the Province of Lower Canada ; and a Proclamation issued by the Governor, on the 28th June last (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 913 All Ordinances passed in Lower Canada, since 24th November, 1838. (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 189 Ordinance to provide for the more speedy attainder for High Treason, of persons fled, or concealed, to escape from justice. (1840.) xxxii. . 417 Ordinances passed in Lower Canada, 3rd and 4th Viet., presented pur- suant to 2nd and 3rd Viet., c. 53 (1841.) Vol. xv. . 1 Ordinances passed in Lower Canada, 3rd and 4th Viet., in continuation to those laid before Parliament (1841.) Vol. xv. . 165 33. Petitions : From Upper Canada ; Despatch from the Secretary of State concern- ing (1833.) Vol xxvi. . 257 34. Phillpots, Captain : Reports (U. C. House of Assembly,) on the case of. (1833.) Vol. xxvi. . 229 35. Post Office : General Post Office ; Establishment of, and amount of Newspaper- postage paid (1833.) Vol. xxvi. . 189 36. Rectories : Correspondence between the Governor of Upper Canada and the Secre- tary of State on the subject of the creation of, by Sir J. Colborne (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 38 37. Revenue and Expenditure : Revenues at the disposal of the Crown in the Canadas, 1828 to 1835. (1837.) Vol. vii. . 497 CONCERNING CANADA. 1321 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS: (Continued.} Pages Revenues received in Lower Canada, 1833-38, in respect of casual and territorial revenue, &c., and under various Local Acts ; Public expenditure of the Colony, 1 83338 ; Amount and nature of the Public Debt of the Province in each of those years. (1839.) Vol. xxxiv. . 165 Expenditure of various sums voted by Parliament for the Province. (1841.) Vol. xiv. . 363 38. Scotch Church, (and Church of England :) Correspondence between Lord Glenelg and persons communicating with him on behalf of the Churches of England and Scotland, alluded to in a despatch of his Lordship's to Sir F. B. Head, 1837. (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 343 39. Statistical Returns : Relating to the Popul: don, M ditia, Education, Imports, Exports, Ship- pings, Agricultmv, Price j, Fisheries, Exchanges, Currency, Manu- factures, Mineral^ &c., &c (1844.) Vol. xlvi. . 266 40. Sulpice, Seminary of St. : Rt. Hon. C. P. Thomson, (afterwards Lord Sydenham,) Despatch to Lord J. Russell, transmitting memorials respecting the Estates of. (1840.) Vol. xxxii. . 449 Governor General's (of British North America) despatch, transmitting a Return from the Principal of St. Sulpice, shewing who have com- muted the tenure of this property since the Ordinance, 3 Viet., c. 30, with a Statement of the Property (1841.) Vol. xv. . 357 Lord Goderich to Lord Aylmer ; Despatch, 17th September. 1831. (1841.) Vol. xv. . 363 41. Sydenham, Lord : Expense incurred, in outfit and other expenses, of the mission oftheRt. Hon. C. P. Thomson, Governor General. . (1840.) Vol. xxix v 299 42. Thompson and Whitcher, Messrs. : Charges preferred against. Reports from House of Assembly, Lower Canada, respecting (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 223 43. Trade and Commerce : British North American Colonies ; Quantities and Value of all Articles exported from, in 1833 (1835.) Vol. xix. . 383 House of Assembly of Upper Canada's Address to the Crown, 11 Feb. 1836, respecting the trade of that province. (1836.) Vol. xxxix. 207 44. Union of Provinces : Correspondence relative to the Re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada ( L840.) Vol. xxxi. . 625 45. Veteran Battalion : ^610,000 Grant for formation of a Veteran Battalion, in Canada. Ac- count of the manner in which it has been expended. (1841.) Vol. xiv. . 465 46. Water Communication; Public Works, i. Generally : Correspondence and Reports of progress and expenditure thereupon. (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 1 1322 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1832-1844.) Continued. III. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) Pajei Board of Ordnance and their Officers in Canada : Correspondence and Reports from, respecting the progress of the Canal communications and the expenditure thereon ; with correspondence of the Treasury and Colonial Office. (1831-32.) Vol. v. . 39 Treasury Minutes, 10th June 1831 and 8th July, 1831, (the last, on the subject of the better control of Expenditure over provincial Public "Works by Parliament.) Letter from the Admiralty, 17th June, 1831 ; from the Colonial Secretary, 29th June, 1831; from the Ordnance, 5th July, 1831, respecting Water communications in Canada ' (1831-32.) Vol. v. . .60 Water Communication between Montreal and Kingston. Memoran- dum respecting (1831-32.) Vol. v. . 67 Rideau and Ottawa Canals ; of, for Canal communication in Canada : Specified sums voted each year for, and the total amount thereof. . (1834.) Vol. xlii. . 519 Upper Canada Legislature's Address to the Crown, for the procuring the co-operation of the Legislature of Lower Canada in the improve- ment of the Navigation of the St. Lawrence. . . (1837.) Vol. xlii. . 5 Act of Parliament of Canada in 1841, for grants to improve the Navi- gation of the St. Lawrence and other public works, and Correspon- dence, &c., thereon in the years 1840 to 1843. (1843.) Vol. xxxii 351 ii. Grenville Canal : Estimate for the widening of, for Steamboat Navigation, for pulling down 3 Locks, and reconstructing them, &c. (1831-32.) Vol. v 66 Hi. Ottawa Canals ; Expenditure on, to 31st December 1831 ; the amount required for its completion from that date ; amount of the approved estimates, and 'the probable savings or excess on each, &c. (1831-32.) Vol. v. . 66 iv. Rideau Canal : Letter from Secretary of Ordnance and Treasury Minute respecting the expenditure thereon (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 59 Estimates for maintenance including repairs of.. (1831-32.) Vol. v, p. 65; Vol. xxvii. p. 773. (1839.) Vol. xxxi. p. 698 (1S40.) Vol. xxx. p. 880. Contracts for works carrying on ; Explanatory note of. (1831-32.) Vol. v. . 67 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1845-1850) : I. BILLS : (1.) Civil List : To authorize Her Majesty in Council to assent to a Bill of the Legisla- ture of Canada, granting a Civil List, and to repeal parts of an Act 3-4 Viet., to reunite the Provinces of Upper and Lower Ca- nada, and for the Government of Canada. . . . (1847.) Vol. i. . Ill (2.) English Language : To repeal so much of 3-4 Viet., as relates to the use of the English Language in instruments relating to the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly (1847-48.) Vol. ii. . 17 CONCERNING CANADA. 1323 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1845-1850.) Continued. Pages II. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : 1. State of the Colony : Correspondence relating to the affairs of Canada, in 1846. (1847.) Vol. xxxviii, p. 1. In 1848. (1847-48.) xlii. . 91 Papers relative to the affairs of... . (1849.) Vol. xxxv. p. 299, 323, 399 Governor's Report, exhibiting the past and present state of the Colony. (1849.) Vol. xxxiv. . 1 2. Government of the Colony : Responsible Government ; Correspondence relative to the introduction of. (1847-48.) Vol. xlii. . 49 Papers concerning Removal of the Seat of Government, and Annexation movement (1850.) Vol. xxxviii. . 1 Indexes to Reports of Commissioners, 1812 to 1840: including minute and detailed Indexes to the Instructions of Sir F. B. Head; to the Instructions to Lord Gosford, and the other Commissioners for Grievances in Lower Canada, with their Report ; to Lord Durham's Report on the affairs of British North America, and the appen- dixes thereto ; and to the Report of the Rebellion Losses Commis- sioners, in 1840 (1847.) Vol. Iviii. Part 4, pp. 1-125 3. Boundary : Correspondence respecting the operation of the commission for running the Boundary Line between the British possessions and the United States of America (1845 ) Vol. lii. . 203 Lord Sydenham's Despatch to Lord J. Russell respecting the provi- sional occupation of the disputed Territory ; and further corres- pondence thereon (1845.) Vol,lii. . 245 (For prior Documents concerning the North East Boundary, see post, CROSS REFERENCES, title, Colonies, B. N. America, 1832-1844.) 4. Commissariat Chest : Sums received into, and issued from, 1845.. (1847.) Vol. xxxvi... . 17 5. Corn : Quantity of, imported into the United Kingdom from Canada, 1842-44. (1845.) Vol. xlvi. 677 Wheat imported from the United States into Canada, and wheat and wheat flour imported into the United Kingdom from the United States and from Canada (1845.) Vol. xlvi. . 679 6. Election at Montreal : Despatches from the Governor General to the Secretary of State, and of his replies, respecting the conduct of the returning officer of Montreal during the late Election (1845.) Vol. xxxi. . 315, 7. Emigration: Assessed value of townships in Newcastle district, Canada West, settled at the public expense, by Pauper emigrants from Ireland, 1825-28 ', and account of the formation of the Canada Emigration Asssociation, at Toronto in 1840, by proprietors desirous of settling their estates. (1847-48.) Vol. xlvii. . 705 S 1324 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1845-1850.) Continued, II. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS: (Continued.} Pares Papers relative to emigration to Canada. (1847-48.) Vol. xlvii, pp. 1, 303, 373, 431, 457. Correspondence and papers relative to. (1849.) Vol. xxxviii, pp. 9, 377 Despatch dated llth Feb. 1850 transmitting Report of the Emigration Agent of Canada for 1849, and Documents shewing the facilities to Emigrants from Europe, by the completion of the St. Lawrence Canals ...... .......... (1850.) Vol. xl. . 1 (7 .) Estimates : Estimates of Militia and Volunteers, Canada, &c., &c. (1845.) Vol. xxix, p. 443. - (1846.) Vol. xxvi, p. 761.- - (1847.) Vol. xxxv, p. 421. -- (1847-48.) Vol. xl, p. 443. - (1849.) Vol. xxxi. . 499 Relief of sufferers by fire at Quebec, &c ..... (1846.) Vol. xxvi. . 767 Indian Department, Canada : For votes of money on behalf of ; see General Index, 1845-1850, p. 90: and for subsequent years, see the Sessional Indexes, title, Miscella- neous Services. 8. Jewish Disabilities : Act of the Parliaments of Canada and Jamaica, by which such disabili- ties were removed ; also, correspondence in reference to the said Acts when they were assented to .......... (1850.) Vol. xxxvi. . 517 (8 a.) Navigation Laws : Despatch from the Governor General 24th March, 1847, enclosing a Me- morial from the Montreal Board of Trade for a modification of these Laws, and for the removal of restrictions applicable to the naviga- tion of the St. Lawrence by foreign Vessels. (1847.) Vol. xxxviii. 11 Despatch from the Governor General 12th May, 1848, transmitting a Memorandum from the Executive Council on the operation of the Navigation Laws ..................... (1847-48.) Vol. lix. . 1 Further correspondence. (1847-48.) Vol. xx, part ii, p. 693. Vol. lix, p. 7- - (1849.) Vol. li, pp. 149, 163, 169. 9. Post Office and Postage : Memorial from the Boards of Trade of Toronto, Quebec and Montreal to the British Government regarding cheap Postage, and the answer returned by the Treasury, &c ...... ...... (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 15 Report of Provincial Commissirn, appointed since the Union, to inquire into the state of the Post Office and Mr. Stayner's statement rela- tive thereto .......................... (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 57 10. Public Credit: Correspondence of the Secretary of State with F. A. Harper and P. Buchanan, or the Governor General, respecting statements regarding the Public Credit of Canada, contained in a Memorial presented to Lord J. Russell on a project for the Colonization of Canada by Emigrants from Ireland .............. (1847.) Vol. xxxviii. . 15* ] 1. Quebec and Halifax Railway : Final Report of the Survey Officers as to the Line. (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 223 CONCERNING CANADA. 1325 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, INDEX TO : (1845-1850.) Continued. 11. ACCOUNTS AND PAPERS : (Continued.) 12. Rebellion Losses : Documents and Correspondence hitherto received relating to compen- sation for them (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 387 Appendix to the first Report of the Commissioners of inquiry con- cerning them (during 1837 and 1838,) a list of the names of Claimants, &c (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 437 House of Assembly's Votes and proceedings relating to . the Rebellion Losses Bill ''. (1849.) Vol. xxxv. . 479 13. Shipping : Rates of Freight current from Montreal and New York to Liverpool in the years 1844, 1S45, and 1846 (1847.) Vol. xxxvii. . 11 Number and Tonnage of Ships from the United Kingdom to ports in Canada and B. N. America, from 1830 to 1846. (1847.) Vol. Ix. . 163 (13 a.) Slave Trade : Correspondence with the British Commissioners at Sierra Leone, &c., Canada, &c., relating to the Slave Trade, 1845. . (1846.) Vol. 1... 3 14. Tariffs and Customs : Lord Cath cart's Speech to the Legislative Assembly ; Despatches (re- ferred to,) against changes in the Imperial Commercial Policy, and conveying information of the Canadian feelings in regard thereto : Petition from Quebec on the subject. (1846.) Vol. xxvii 31 Despatch from Mr. Secretary Gladstone to Lord Cathcart, 3rd March 1846. Extract of Despatch, February 1846. Despatch, 4th May, 1846 (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 31 Despatches from the Governor General in regard to Imperial Com- mercial charges under consideration (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 49 Memorial from the Board of Trade, Toronto, to Her Majesty, respect- ing differential duties on goods imported, and the answer thereto. (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 1 Memorials and representation from Canada, respecting such Duties, and the effect of the British Navigation Laws on the Commerce of the Province since 1845 (1847.) Vol. xxxvii. . 11 Colonial Acts passed, under sanction of 9 and 10 Viet., c. 94, for re- pealing or reducing Customs duties. . . (1847-48.) Vol. xlii. . 9 15. Usury Laws ; Correspondence received by the Colonial Secretary respecting the effect of the Usury Laws in Canada, on the industrial and commercial interests of that Province ; and a despatch from the Governor General on that subject (1847.) Vol xxxviii. . 21 N. B. In addition to the Papers concerning CANADA entered under that head, in the series of General Indexes, see also the titles America (British North), Colonies, Corn, New Brunswick, &c,, United States, &c., for Papers indirectly concerning Canada. The following sub-heads are especially referred to, by way of CROSS-REFEREN- CES, as containing Papers affecting Canada in particular, or the British North American Colonies, in general : 1326 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' PAPERS, INDEXES TO : CROSS REFERENCES : Colonies and Colonial Affairs : General Index, (1801-1832.) [N. B. Selections from other titles have been included under this head : e. g. Emigration ; Passengers ; Shipping, &c. This has been done, occasionally, in other parts of these Indexes, to correct obvious mistakes, or to afford additional information.] Pafei Estimate in Aid of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and for Clergy in the North American Colonies. (1823.) Vol. xiii, p. 301. --(1824.) Vol. xvi. p. 256. (1825 ) Vol. xviii, p. 355. (1826.) Vol. xx, p. 176. (1826-27.) Vol. xv, p. 285. (1828.) Vol. xvii, p. 434. (1829.) Vol. xvi, p. 298. (1830.) Vol. xviii, p. 504. (1830-31.) Vol. vi, p. 358. (1831.) Vol. xiii, p. 298. (1831-32.) Vol. xxvii. p. 691 Fbr Returns in continuation, see General Index, 1832-1844, title, Clergy, North American ; and General Index, 1845-1850, title, Colonies. III. Estimates. For subsequent years, see the Ses- sional Indexes, title, Miscellaneous Services. Memorandum dated 16th May, 1827, in reference to the State of the Church in the North American Colonies in 1824. (1826-27.) Vol. xv. . 509 Bill to repeal 6 Geo. IV, as it relates to the carrying of passengers to British North America, and to make further provisions with res- pect to such passengers (1826-27.) Vol i. . 407 Bill to regulate the carriage of passengers in Merchant vessels to North America (1828.) Vol. i, p. 701, 707 Prosecutions in Scotland for the illegal carriage of passengers. (1820.) Vol. vii. . 339 Papers relating to conveyance of passengers to North America. (1828.) Vol. xxi. . 621 Col. Cockburn's Report on the subject of Emigration, &c., with Appen- dix, containing information respecting Nova Scotia, New Bruns- wick and Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton and the two Canadas. (1828.) Vol. xxi, p. 359, 379 Reports to the Colonial Secretary from Commissioners for Emigration. (1 S3 1-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 209 Number of Emigrants from the United Kingdom, to any of the Colo- nies, 1820 to 1830 (1830. ) Vol. xxix. . 435 Eight returns of Ships, and their Tonnage from Colonies, &c., on the Continent of America, &c., &c. Vessels and Tonnage for the Deep-Sea Fishery to any part of the world ; Vessels outwards and inwards in the Ports of Ireland, from the British North American Colonies, &c., &c, 1814 to 1826 (1826-27.) Vol. xviii. . 211 Four accounts of Ships and Tonnage outwards and inwards in the British Colonies in North America, for the last 11 years, 1816 to 1826 (1826-27.) Vol xviii. . 309 Number of Ships employed 1826 to 1828, in the Trade between Canada Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the United Kingdom ; their Tonnage, the nature of their cargoes, and the Port, &c., at which they discharged (1829.) Vol. xvii. . 175 Acts and proceedings of the Legislative Assemblies of the two Canadas, Nova Scotia, &c., &c Schedule to the printed copies of. (1828.) Vol. xxi. . 339 CONCERNING CANADA. 1327 COMMONS' PAPERS, INDEX : (1801-1832.) CROSS REFERENCES- Cont'd. COLONIES AND COLONIAL AFFAIRS : {Continued.) PlfSI Persons appointed to Judicial Stations in the British Colonies, &c. Number and Names of, dates and emoluments of, since 1st January 1801, and whether from English, Irish, or Scotch Bar. (1831-32.) Volxxxi. . 245 Pensions, &c., granted for service connected with the Colonies, since 181.5, specifying Name, service, date of retiring, and fund charged with the pension (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 171 Colonies, British North American : General Index, (1832-1844.) N. B. Taken from titles, United States and West Indies. Boundary of Territory. King of the Netherland's Award relative to the boundary line between the British possessions and the United States of America agreeably to the Treaty of Ghent (1831-32.) Vol. xxxii. . 241 Expenses of carrying into effect the convention at London, 1827, relative to the boundaries between the British possessions and the United States (1836.) Vol. xxxix. . 275 Boundary under Treaty of 1783. Correspondence concerning, from 1802, with an Appendix, (A.B.) (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. 1 Proceedings and correspondence relating to the pretensions of the States of Maine, Massachusetts, and New-Hampshire, and also to the question of Jurisdiction, in the disputed territory. (1837-38.) Vol. xxxix. . 123 Correspondence (Parts I and II) relating to the boundary between the British possessions, and the United States. (1840.) Vol. xxxii . 457 Supplementary Reports relating to the boundary, under the Treaty of 1783 (1842.) Vol. xxViii. . 1 Correspondence relative to the boundary, under th'e Treaty of 1783. (1843.) Vol. Ixi. . 95 Treaty of Washington (1843.) Vol. Ixi. . 1 Map to illustrate the boundary established by the Treaty of Washing- ton (1842) between the British Colonies of New Brunswick and Canada and the United States (1843.) Vol. Ixi. . 267 Trade, Imports and Exports : Quantities and value of Fish, Lumber and Provisions exported from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Canada to the British West Indies, 1840. (1842.) Vol. xxxix., "419 Colonies : General Index, (1845-1850.) Bill to enable the Legislatures of certain British Possessions to reduce or repeal certain duties of Customs (1846.) Vol i . 239 Bill for enabling Colonial Legislatures to establish Inland Posts. (1849.) Vol. iii. . 415 North American Colonial Associations. Letter from the Secretary of, on the subject of the admission of Colonial built Ships to the privi- lege of British registry ; and reply thereto.. (1846.) Vol. xlv.. 351 Letter of J. B. Chapman, Chairman of General Shipowners' Society ; dated February, 1845, in reply to Letter addressed to Board of Trade by the Committee of the North American tDolonial Associa- 1328 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' PAPERS, INDEX : (1845-1850.) CROSS REFERENCES Coned. COLONIES : (Continued.} Paget tion, on the subject of imposing a Tax on the admission of Colo- nial built Ships to British registry (1846.) Vol. xlv. . 347 Colonial built vessels and their tonnage registered in each year since 1841, at each Port of the United Kingdom, distinguishing those of each Colony ; also on 31st December, 1846. (1847.) Vol. lx.. 309 A like Return for the year 1847 (1847-48.) Vol. lx. . 511 Returns of duties imposed in the British Colonies ; number and ton- nage of vessels arriving at and departing from each colony ; and an account of imports and exports, 1835-1844. (1847.) Vol. xxxvii. p. 97. See also, (1849.) Vol. 1. p. 467 : (1850.) Vol lii. . 323 Customs Duties imposed in each Colony in British America and the West Indies on the principal articles of the growth or production of, or imported from the British Colonies or the United Kingdom, &c. (1846.) Vol. xxvii. . 227 Circular from Colonial Secretary to the Governors of the British Colo- nies, of 20th November 1847, relating to the precedence of Roman Catholic Prelates. (1847-48.) Vol. xlix. p. 247. See also, (1849) Vol. xxxiv. . 601 Returns respecting Lighthouses in the British Colonies. (1849.) Vol. li. p 439. (1850.) Vol. liii. . 457 Statistical Returns of the Population, Trade and Navigation of the Bri- tish Colonies , (1849.) Vol. xl. . 485 Corn: General Indexes, (1832-1844, and 1845-1850.) Exports of Flour and Wheat from the United States and Canada, from 1790 to 1838 (1840 ) Vol. v. . 81 Prices of Wheat and Flour at the British ports in North America, Return of, for the latest five years now in the Colonial office. (1843) Vol. liii . 251 Wheat and Wheat-flour imported into the United Kingdom from British North America 1800-1842, distinguishing each Colony's produce, also, the sum total each year, and duty from American Colonies ; Duty payable in Canada in each year (1843.) Vol. liii. . 253 Quantity imported from Canada into the United Kingdom, 1842-1844. Quantity enteredfor Home Consumption. (1845) Vol. xlvi.pp.677, 679 . Wheat imported from the United States into Canada ; Wheat and Wheat-flour imported into the United Kingdom from the United States, and from Canada.. (1845.) Vol. xlvi. . 679 Quantity of Flour and Wheat exported from Canada to Great Britain and Ireland in the years 1844-46 (1847-) Vol. xxxvii. . 11 Wheat and Wheat-flour imported into Great Britain from Canada, 1841- 1845, with quantity entered for Home Consumption, &c. (1846.) Vol. xliv. . 563 Similar Return, for 1846. (1847.) Vol. lix. 517, Timber: General Index, (1801-1832.) Timber of all sorts, masts, ashes and corn, imported from British pos- sessions in 4merica, &c., from 1822 to 1825. (1826.) Vol. xxii. . 221 CONCERNING CANADA. 1329 COMMONS' PAPERS, INDEX : (1801-1832.) CROSS REFERENCES Cont'd. TIMBER : (Continued.) Pages Loads of Timber imported into the United Kingdom, from the British Provinces in North America &c., 1785 to 1826, &c. (1826-27.) Vol. xviii... 267 Wood imported into Great Britain and Ireland, from British North America, &c., and in particular, -Wood imported into London 1822 to 1827 (1826-27.) Vol. xviii, .. 377 Duties on Timber, Deals, &c.. from British North America, 1824 to 1827 (1826-27.) Vol. xviii... 357 Timber and Deals imported from the British Colonies, &c., 1826 and 1827 (1828.) Vol. xix... 565 Loads of Timber imported in each year from 1784, from British North America and from the Baltic respectively ; and Exports in British Vessels from Hamburgh to British Colonies, in 6 months ending 30th June 1827. Duties on Timber, Deals, &c., imported from British North America, 1824 to 1827 (1828.) Vol.xix... 567 Timber and Wood imported into Great Britain from British North America, 1827. Also for the same year, Timber and Wood im- ported into Ireland and London (1829.) Vol. xvii... 383 Timber and Wood imported into Great Britain, Ireland and London from British North America, &c., &c., 1828 and 1829. Duties paid on such articles imported thence, 1827 to 1829. (1830.) Vol. xxvii. . 73 Timber shipped from Europe to America and thence imported into the United Kingdom, stating the ports of entry. (1830-31.) Vol. x. 473 Governors' (of Nova Scotia and of Lower Canada) Despatches, relating to the Duties on foreign timber imported into Great Britain. (1830-31.) Vol. x.. 475 Quebec Merchants Memorial to the Board of 'Trade respecting the Timber Trade.. (1830-31.) Vol. x. . 481 Timber : General Index, (1832-1844.) Bills to prevent ships clearing out from any port in British North America, from loading any part of their cargo of timber upon deck. (1839.) Vol. v, p. 491. (1840.) Vol. iii. p. 663. (1842.) Vol. iv, pp. 309, 313. -(1845.) Vol. vi, p. 191 - Quantity shipped from the North of Europe to North America, and thence to ports in the United Kingdom, in 1831 --33. ( 1834.) Vol. xlix p. 691 In 1834 -35 (1835.) Vol. xlviii ..., 585 Correspondence between the Secretary of State, and the Governor of the British Possessions in North America, relative to an alteration in the Timber duties (!841.) 2nd Session. Vol. ii... 3 Duties paid on Timber imported from Canada, 1840. (1841.) 2nd Session. Vol. vii. . 3 Communications from the Governors of the North American Colonies, also, Memorials relating to alterations of the Timber duties. (1842.) Vol. xxxix. . 573 Timber : General Index, (1845-1850.) . Quantities of Sawn and Hewn timber, the produce of British Colonies &c., entered for Home Consumption, 18401845 inclusive ; Duty received, inclusive of Duty on Staves, (1846.) Vol. xliv. . 9 1330 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' PAPERS, INDEX: (1845-1850.) CROSS REFERENCES -Cont'd. TIMBER : (Continued.) Canadian timber : distinguishing red from yellow ; Quantifies and Prices of, and Duty paid thereon as sold by Public Sale in London on 10th March (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii... 349 Memel Timber, and Canada timber : Prices of, in the Port of London in January, for six years. (1846.) Vol. xlv, p. 403. Prices of the same, in the 1st week of January, 1847 and 1848. Stating the Duty (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii. . 349 Timber laden Ships, their tonnage and crews, entered in the United Kingdom from 1841 to 1845. (1846.) Vol. xlv. p. 401. Simi- lar return, for each of the years 1846 and 1847, &c., distin- guishing British from Foreign (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii... 39 Quantities of sawn and hewn timber entered in the United Kingdom in the years 1846 and 1847, and in the Quarter ended 5th April, 1848 (1847-48.) Vol. Iviii... 349 Drawbacks granted on timber used in Mines, and in making Casks, or otherwise in connection with the Fisheries of the United Kingdom ; in each year from 1^11 to 1844, when they were dis- continued (1850) ' Vol. Hi... 511 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (18'51.) INDEX TO : (VOL. 60.) Bill for the settlement of the Boundaries between the provinces of Canada and New Brunswick Vol. i 207 1. Canada and New Brunswick Boundary: Papers relating to the Settlement of the Vol . x x x vi . . . 405 2. Civil List and Military Expenditure : Correspondence relating to the same, in Canada Vol. xxxvi... 237 3. Clergy Reserves : Papers relative to these Reserves in Canada Vol. xxxvi... 227 4. Condition of the Colony: Governor Q-eneral's Annual Report, for the year 1850. Vol. xxxiv... 99 5. Emigration ; Despatches relative to Emigration to the North American Colonies. (in continuation of Papers presented July 1849.) Vol. xl... 297 Statements and Returns respecting Emigration from the United King- dom to Canada, in 1850 Vol. xxii... 333 6. Halifax and Quebec Railway : Correspondence relative to this projected Railway. Vol. xxxvi. pp. 237, 373 7. Imports : Table of Duties pay able on Q-oods imported into Canada. Vol. xxxiv .. 41 8. Ryland, Mr. : Q-overnor General's Despatch to the Secretary of State, 24th Decem- ber, 1850, relative to Mr. Ryland's pension ; formerly clerk to the Executive Council of Lower Canada : (in continuation of Papers presented 18th April 1850.)..'. Vol. xxxvi... 547 CONCERNING CANADA. 1331 COMMONS' PAPERS, (1851.) INDEX TO -.Continued. Vide, also, the title Miscellaneous Services : for grants to Clergy, Indians, Loyalists, &c. Pages COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1852.) INDEX TO : (VOL. 56.) Bill for the exercise of certain powers, by the Bishop of Quebec, in respect of Districts severed from his Diocese Vol. i... 75 1. Church Legislation : Correspondence respecting additional Bishoprics, and the general management of the affairs of the Church in Canada. Vol, xxxii... 89 2. Church Temporalities : An Act for the management of the Temporalities of the Church of England in the diocese of Montreal, &c., with the Resolutions of the Council and Assembly of Canada relative thereto. Vol, xxxiii... 21 : 3. An Act to establish a Church Society of the Church of England in each diocese of that Church in Lower Canada, &c , with the Resolutions of the Council and Assembly relative thereto. Vol. xxxiii... 7 4. Clergy Reserves : Papers relative thereto in Canada Vol. xxxiii... 29 5. College Charter, Convocation of Clergy : Address of the Legislative Council respecting a Royal Charter for a College in connexion with the Church of England ; and respecting a free Convocation of the said Church, dated 9th July 1851 ; and of any Correspondence, relating thereto Vol. xxxiii... 1 45. Custom Houses : Returns of the Imperial Custom Houses in Canada on 1st January, 1852, of Officers, their Salaries, &c., and the Revenue collected. Vol. xxxiii... 13 7. Guaranteed Loan ; Account of all sums issued out of the Consolidated Fund under 5 and 6 Viet. c. 118. towards making good the deficiency of payment of interest, on the part of Canada, due on this Loan. Vol. xxviii,.. 267 8. Rectories : Act to repeal so much of 31 Greo. 3. c. 3.1, as relates to Rectories, Presentations to the same, &c., with the Resolutions of the Council and Assembly of Canada relative thereto. Vol. xxxiii... 17 9. Emigration : Papers relative to, into Canada, the distribution of Immigrants, demand for Labour, &c Vol. xviii... 161 10. Halifax and Quebec Railway : Correspondence relative to, continued Vol. xlvii ... 467 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1852-3.) INDEX TO : (VOL. 104.) Bill to authorise the Legislature of Canada to deal with the Clergy Reserves and the proceeds thereof. Vol. 1. . 325 As amended. . Vol. i... 329 1332 INDEXES TO PARLIAMENTARY PAPERS COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, (1852-1853.) INDEX TO: Continued. Pages 1. State of the Colony : Report to the Secretary of State for 1 852 on the Canadian possessions Vol. Ixii... 1 Further Reports on the past and present state thereof... Vol. Ixii... 361 2. Legislative Council : Addresses to Her Majesty of the Council and Assembly, on the Cons- titution of the forme i- House Vol. Ixv... 479 3. Grand River Settlement, in Upper Canada : Representations to the Secretary of State, on behalf of the settlers on the Grand River ; with the Replies thereto, and Correspondence on the subject with the Grovernor General of Canada. Vol. Ixv... 483 4. Customs Officers : Imperial officers of Customs in Canada in 1852 ; Names, Offices, Salary, &c., of each Officer, as paid by Great Britain, also a statement of their Duties Vol. Ixv... 617 5. Clergy Reserves : Correspondence of the Government of Canada and the Secretary of State on this subject, &c Vol. Ixv. pp. 515, 549, 583 Judges' opinions on the Question propounded to them on 1 3th April 1840, relative to the Clergy Reserves Canada Act... Vol. Ixv... 587 Yearly returns since 1840 of the amount of the Clergy Reserves Fund of Canada under 3 and 4 Viet. c. 78. and of the Payments made out of it, to the Church of England, to the Church of Scotland, and to any other denomination Vol. Ixv... 591 Extent of the Clergy- Reserves ; the number of Acres unsold, and their probable value Vol. Ixv... 607 Bishop of Quebec's letter to the Duke of Newcastle, on the subject of the Reserves ; and the draft despatch from Sir John Pakington prepared in reply to Lord Elgin's despatch of 22nd September, 1852 Vol. Ixv... 609 Payments made out of the Consolidated Fund to the Churches of England and Scotland, in Upper Canada; and payments out of the Revenue of the United Kingdom to religious Sects in Canada since 1840.... Vol.lxv... 615 6. Library of Parliament [Canada :] Speakers of Council and Assembly's Letter to the Duke of Newcastle, transmitted with a Letter to the Clerk of the House of Commons relative to the aid afforded by this Country and France for the re- construction of the Library Vol. Ixv. . 619 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1854.) INDEX TO, (Vol. 74.) 1. Bill to empower the Legislature of Canada to alter the Constitution of the Legislative Council Vol. iii. . 449 As amended Vol. iii. . 453 2. Accounts and Papers : Relative to the proposed changes in the Legislative Council. Vol. xliii, . 45 Relating to the Legislative proceedings in Canada Vol. xliii. . 69 CONCERNING CANADA. 1333 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1854-5.) INDEX TO, (Vol. 57.) Page: 1. State of the Colony : Report to the Secretary of State for 1853, on the past and present state of Canada Vol. xxxvi. . 1 2. Commissariat : List of Storekeepers and Issuers in Canada and Nova Scotia ; services, &c., probable fitness for service in Turkey .... Vol. ix. part ii. . 365 3. Church: Copies of Address from the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada touching the legal position of the Bishops and other members of the Church of England in that Colony, and of the votes of the respective Houses thereon Vol. xxxvi. . 525 4. Clergy Reserves : Act passed by the Canadian Legislature appropriating the moneys arising from the Clergy Reserves, to Municipal purposes. . Vol. xxxvi. . 527 Despatch from Governor General of Canada, referring to the Clergy Reserves, and Seignorial Tenures Acts Vol. xxxvi. . 533 5. Emigration : Fifteenth general Report of the Colonial Land and Emigration Com- pany, 1855 Vol. xvii. 1 6. Trade; Imports and exports to and from Canada, 1849 to 1853 Vol. li. 242 COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1856) INDEX TO : (Vol 63.) 1. State of the Colony : Report to the Secretary of State for 1854, on the past and present state of Canada Vol. lii. 1 2. Church affairs : Recent correspondence, on Colonial Church Affairs, in the Dioceses in Canada and Victoria Vol. xliv. . 1 29 3. Customs Duties : Correspondence between the Colonial Office, and the Governors of our North American and West Indian Colonies, on the subject of a proposal for the mutual abolition of Customs Duties upon the pro- ductions of Canada and the West Indies Vol. xliv. . 1 63 4. Emigration : Sixteenth general Report of the Emigration Commissioners on the state of Emigration to Canada Vol. xxiv. . 356 5. Indian Department : Recent correspondence respecting alterations in the organization of the Indian Department in Canada Vol. xliv. . 339 6. Imports and Exports : Accounts of quantities and value of principal articles imported into the United Kingdom from Canada, 1851 to 1855, inclusive ; and of the exports from the United Kingdom to Canada, for same period. Vol. Iv. . 373. Imports and exports to and from Canada, 1851 to 1855. Vol. Ivi. pp. 288, 289 Foreign and Colonial produce and manufactures exported to Canada, 1851 to 1855.. Vol. Ivi.. 289 1334 INDEXES TO PAUL. PAPERS CONCERNING CANADA. COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS : (1857.) 1st Sess. INDEX TO : (Vol. 18.) Pages 1. State of the Colony: Report on the past and present state of Canada, for 1855 .... Vol. x. 11 2. Boundaries of Territory : Extract of so much of the Royal Commission of the Governor General of Canada as defines the Boundaries of that Province.. . Vol. x. 395 3. Emigration : Copies &c., of despatches relative to Emigration to Canada. Vol. x. . 897 4. Hudson's Bay Company : Copy of Despatch from the Colonial Secretary to the Governor General of Canada, and of his Excellency's reply thereto, respecting the, Vol. x. . 503. COMMONS' SESSIONAL PAPERS, (1857.) 2nd Session. N. B. Up to the time of going to press, the whole of the Papers printed by order of the House of Commons in the Second Session held in 1857, have not been received, the following papers concerning Canada are, however, to be found in the Library. Bill to explain an Act for the settlement of the Boundaries between the Provinces of Canada and New Brunswick. Report to the Secretary of State for 1855, on the past and present state of Canada. Copies or extracts of despatches relative to Emigration to the North American Colonies, including the Annual Report of the Chief Agent for Emigration in Canada, for 1856. Return of the names, rank, salaries, &c., of all Governors, Lieutenant Governors, &c., of the different Colonies of Great Britain; also, of the number of Colonial Bishops, their salaries, and the sources whence those salaries are derived. Return showing in which of our Colonies the system of Local Parliamen- tary Government has been adopted ; and how far such Colo- nies maintain the cost of their own Government, without aid from Imperial funds. Return of all Colonies and British possessions in favour of which Orders in Council have been issued under the Act 10 and 1 1 Viet. c. 95, suspending the prohibition of Importation of reprints of British Copyright works ; shewing also the nature and terms of the due provision made by each Colony for protecting the rights of British Authors therein. Hudson's Bay Company : Letter of Mr. Chief Justice Draper to the Colonial Secretary, dated 6 May, 1857; with memorandum therein referred to, relative to the Hudson's Bay Company Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider the state of those British Possessions in North America which are under the Adminis- tration of the Hudson's Bay Company, or over which they possess a License to Trade ; together with the Proceedings of the Com- mittee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index. Copy of despatches to and from the Colonial Secretary, and Governor Douglas, respecting the establishment of a Representative Assem- bly at Vancouver's Island. HISTOIIY OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 2. NEWFOUNDLAND, NOVA SCOTIA, NEW BRUNSWICK. CAPE BRETON AND PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 2. TERRENEUVE, NOUVELL K ECOSSE' NOUVEAU BRUNSWICK,- CAP BRE- TON ET ILE DU PRINCE EDOUARD. Lescarbot, Marc. Histoire de la Nouvelle-France, contenant les navigations, d6couvertes, et habitations faites par les Franais es Indes-Occidentales et Nouvelle-France, et les diverses fortunes d'iceux en 1'execution deces choses depuis cent ans jusques a hui, en quoi est comprise 1'histoire morale, naturelle et geographique de la dite Province. 12mo. Paris, 1609. Get ouvrage dont deux superbes exemplaires ontete perdus dans le premier incen. die de Quebec, D'a pu etre achete de uouveau que tout re'cemment et trop tavd pour 4tre indique dans la section de I'HISTOIEK DU CANADA. Voyez le Catalogue de Teruaux-Compans, p. 68, et celui de M. Faribault, p. 86 et 87. Relation derniere de ce qui s'est passe au voyage du Sieur de Poutrincourt en la Nouvelle-France, depuis 20 mois en ca. Par M. Lescarbot, Advocat en Parlement. 8vo. Paris, 1612. Reimprime dans les Archives Curieuses de I'Histoire de France, Ire Serie, vol, xv, p. S^T et suivantes. Memoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique, sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Ame'ri- que ; avec les actes publics et pieces justificatives [par 1'abbe de la Ville et MM. de Silhouette et de la Galissonniere.J 4 vol. 4to. Paris, 1755-57. Vol. I. Memoires sur 1'Acadie et sur 1'Ile de Ste. Lucie. " II. Traites et actes publics concernant 1'Amerique en general, et les pieces justificatives des memoires sur les limites de 1'Acadie. " III. Pieces justificatives concernant Hie de Ste. Lucie. " IV. Divers memoires sur 1'Acadie, et un sur Hie de Tobago. Meme ouvrage. Autre edition. 3 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1755, Memorials of the English and French Commissioners concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia. 4to. London, 1755. Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault, page 52. [JefFerys, T.] Conduite des Fran9ais par rapport a la Nouvelle Ecosse depuis le premier etablissement de cette colonie jusqu'a nos jours ; ouvrage ou 1'on expose la faiblesse des argumens dont ils se servent pour eluder la force du Traite d'TJtrecht et pour justifier leurs precedes illegitimes, dans une lettre a un membre du parlement, traduite de 1' anglais, avec notes d'un Fraii9ais (Butel Dumont,) dans lesquelles il disculpe sa nation, 12mo. Londres, 1755. Voir Faribault, p. 6*7. 1336 HISTORY OF B. N. AMERICA. [HISTOIRE DE I/AME- Grange de Chessieux. La conduite des Frai^ais justifie'e, ou observations [sur 1'ouvrage precedent]. 12mo. Utrecht et Paris, 1756. Voir le catalogne de M. Faribault, page 52. Stirling, Earl of. An analytical statement of the case of Alexander, Earl of Stirling and Dovan, &c., by Sir Ths. C. Banks. 8vo. London, 1832. i Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings to overpower the, with an historical view of his hereditary possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada, &c. ; by E. Lockhart. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836. Narrative of the oppressive law proceedings, and other measures, resorted to by the British Government, and numerous private individuals against the, written by himself. Also, a genealogical account of the family of Alexander, Earls of Stirling, &c. ; followed by an historical view of their hereditary possessions in Nova Scotia, Canada and Maine ; by Ephraim Lockhart, with an Appendix of Charters and other documents. 4to. Edinburgh, 1836. Young, G. R. Letters to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, and Opinion shewing that the proposed Repeal of the Union existing between the Island of Cape Breton and Nova Scotia would be unconstitutional. 8vo. Halifax, 1842. Letters to the Right Hon. E. G. S. Stanley, M.P., upon the existing treaties with France and America, as regards their " rights of fishery" upon the coasts of Nova Scotia, Labrador and New Foundland. 8vo. London, 1834. Thomassy. Pecheries dans les deux mondes. 8vo. Paris, 1854. Nettle, Richard. The Salmon fisheries of the river St. Lawrence and its tribu- taries. 12mo. Montreal, 1857. Fishery. A scheme for improving the fishery at Nova Scotia and Newfound- land (manuscript.) 4to. Perley, M. H. Report on the sea and river fisheries of New Brunswick. 8vo. Fredericton, 1852. Fisheries. Official Correspondence on the. 4to. Halifax, 1852. See also supra in Section, POLITICAL ECONOMY, COMMERCE & STATISTICS the follow- ing works : Lorenzo Sablne's Report ou the Fisheries of North America. Sabatier, W. Letter to the President of the Board of Trade, on the proposed Timber Duties, and on the value and importance of the British North Ame' rican Colonies. Atcheson. Observations on the Importance of the British North American Colonies, and on the late Treaties with the United States. Anderson, David. Canada; or, a view of the importance of the British Ameri- can Colonies. British North American Colonies. Reports on the Trade and Commerce of the, complete Tabular Statements from 1829 to 1850, and for 1850 and 1851, (-with Atlas); by Israel D. Andrews. Presented to the United States Senate. RIQUE BRIT. DU NORD.] HISTORY OF B. N. AMERICA. 1337 Newfoundland. Report of the Committee appointed to enquire into the state of the trade to, with an Appendix containing divers documents concerning said Island. Folio. London, 1793. Reeves, John. (Chief Justice). History of the Government of the Island O f Newfoundland ; with an Appendix containing the Acts of Parliament made respecting the trade and fishery. 8vo. London, 1793. Anspach, Rev. L. A. A History of the Island of Newfoundland, containing a description of the Island, the banks, the fisheries, and the trade of New- foundland and the coast of Labrador ; illustrated with two maps. 8vo. London, 1819. Nova Scotia. A fair representation of Her Majesty's rights to Nova Scotia or Acadie. Briefly stated from the Memorials of the English Commis- saries ; with an answer to the objections contained in the French Memo- rials and in a treatise entitled : " Discussion sommaire sur les anciennes limites de 1' Acadie." 8vo. London, 1756. (P.) The importance of fortifying and settling. 8vo. London, 1751. The present state of, with a brief account of Canada, and the British Islands on the Coast of North America, (by Mr. S. Hollings- worth.) The second edition, enlarged and illustrated with a map. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1787- See Rich, vol. ii, p. 340. North American Review, vol. 19, p. 237- Haliburton, T. C. An historical and statistical account of Nova Scotia ; with a map of the Province and several engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Halifax, 1829. See North American Review, vol. xxx, p. 121. See also "Sam Slick" and ''The Old Judge;" both by Judge Haliburton. See also the Provincial Parliamentary Papers of Nova Scotia. Gesner. Abraham. The industrial resources of Nova Scotia, comprehending the Physical . Geography, Topography, Geology, Agriculture, Com- merce, contemplated Railways, &c., of the Province. Svo. Halifax, 1849. New Brunswick ; with notes for Emigrants, comprehending the early History, an account of the Indians, Settlement, Topography, Statistics, Commerce, Natural History, Geology, social and political state, and contemplated Railways of the Province. Svo. London, 1847. Atkinson, Rev. Christopher. A historical and statistical account of New- Brunswick, British North America, with advice to Emigrants. Third edition. I2mo. Edinburgh, 1844. 1338 HISTORY OF B. N. AMERICA. [lilSTOIRE DE I/AME- [Pichon, Th.] Lettres et memoires pour servir a 1'liistoire naturelle, civile et politique du Cap Breton, depuis son tablissement jusqu'a la reprise de cette ile par les Anglais en 1758. 12mo. La Haye, 1760. Louisbourg. Lettre d'un habitant de, con tenant une relation exacte de la prise de Tile Royale par les Anglais. 12mo. Quebec, 1745. Stewart, John. An account of Prince Edward's Island, in the gulph of St. Lawrence, North America ; containing its geography, a description of its different divisions, soil, climate, seasons, natural productions, cultiva- tion, discovery, conquest, progress, and present state of the settlement, government, constitution, laws and religion. 8vo. London, 1806. Durham, Lord. Remarks on the report of, as relates to Prince Edward's Island; by a proprietor. 8vo. London, 1839. (P.) 3. HUDSON'S BAY TERRITORIES, RED RIVER SETTLEMENT. 3. TERRITOIRES DE LA BAIE D'HUD- SON, ETABLISSEMENT DE LA RIVIEKE ROUGE. Hudson's Bay. Report from the Committee of the House of Commons appointed to inquire into the state and condition of the countries adjoin- ing, and of the trade carried on there. [With a copy of the Charter of the Hudson's Bay Company.] Folio. London, 1749. Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's Bay Company ; together with the proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, Appendix and Index. Printed by order of the House of Commons, July and August, 1857. Folio. London. Three Maps, engraved by Arrowsmith, accompany this Report. The first exhK bits the territories claimed by the Company under their charter, as well as, other portions of British North America. The second is entitled an " Abo- riginal map of North America." and describes the boundaries and "locations of various Indian Tribes." The third is a map of the North West part of Canada, Hudson's Bay and Indian territories, drawn by Mr. Deviue of the Canadian Crown Lands Department, and exhibiting the geological features of the country. See also the Indexes to Imperial Parliamentary Papers, supra, p. 1308. See also in the Appendices to the Journals of the Legislative Assembly of Canada, for the session of 1857, the Report of the Commissioner of Crawn Lands on the Hudson's Bay territories, and the Report of the Hudson's Bay Committee. Umfreville, Edward. Present state of Hudson's Bay, containing a full des- cription of that settlement and the adjacent country ; and likewise of the Fur trade, etc. To which are added remarks and observations made in the inland parts, during a residence of near four years, &c. 8vo. London, 1790. (P.) Martin, R. M. Hudson's Bay territories and Vancouver's Island; the rights, conduct and policy of the Hudson's Bay Company. 8vo. London, 1849. RIQUE BRIT. DU NORD.] GEOGRAPHY AND VOYAGES. 1339 Fitzgerald, J. E. An examination of the Charter and proceedings of the Hudson's Bay Company, with reference to the grant of Vancouver's Island. 12mo. London, 1849. Selkirk, Earl of. A sketch of the British Fur trade ; with observations relative to the North West Company of Montreal. 8vo. London, 1816. Narrative respecting the destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement, upen Red River, in 1815, hy Archibald McDonald. 8vo. < London, 1816. (P.) Letter of John Strachan to the Earl of Selkirk, on his settle- ment at the Red River, near Hudson's Bay. 8vo. London, 1816. (P.) A narrative of Occurrences in the Indian Countries of North America, since the connexion of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson's Bay Company, and his attempt to establish a colony in the Red River, with a detailed account of his Lordship's Military expedition Jo, and subsequent proceedings at Fort William, in Upper Canada. 8vo. London, 1817- (P.) Recit des evenements qui out eu lieu sur le territoire des Sauvages entre le, et la compagnie de la baie d' Hudson ; traduit de 1'Anglais. 8vo. Montreal, 1818. Settlement on Red River, its 'destruction in 181516, and the massacre of Governor Semple and his party. 8vo. London, 1817- Trials of, versus the North West Company, in 1818. 8vo. Montreal, 1819. Report of trials relative to the destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement on the Red River ; with observations, by A. Amos. 8vo. London, 1820. Simpson, W. S. Trial of Charles de Reinhard, for murder, committed in the Indian Territories in 1818, with a summary of Archibald M'Lellan's trial, who was indicted as an accessary. 8vo. Montreal, 1819. ROSS, Alexander. The Red River Settlement : its rise, progress and present state ; with some account of the native races, and its general history to the present day. Svo. London, ]85(>. , f ojagts $ Crairds. \ 1855. Charts shewing the various aspects and relations of the population of the United States, as follows: 1. Whites and free-coloured people. 2. Comparative density of slave population in the different States. 3. Comparative number of Indians in each State. 4. Comparative intellectual culture. 5. Popu- lation of the principal Cities of the Union. Geological chart of the United States, and of the British North American pro- vinces, by Jules Marcou. Vol. II. Northern discoveries of Dr. Kane, 1853-1855. Maps of the Andes. Geological chart of South America. Charts illustrating the geographic extent and distribution of the vegetable and animal products of the United States of America, viz: Maize, Wheat, Rye and Barley, Oats and Buck-wheat, Potatoes, Peas, Beans, &c. Fruit- trees and the Grape vine. Tobacco and Hops, Sugar Cane and Maple sugar, Rice, Clover and Grass, Cotton and Flax, Hemp and Silk, Horned cattle Horses, Asses and Mules, Swine and Sheep. Vide, also, Johnston's Physical Atlas of Natural Phenomena, for maps exhibiting the physical features of the American Continent. 1344 VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. |" VOYAGES, ETC., Voyez aussi ci-devant, aux pages 519 et 520, les cartes hydrographiques des c6tes de l'Am6rique, publie"es par le gojuvernement Frar^ais. Seep. 513, the series of Admiralty Charts relating to the coasts of Nor^h' and South America ; and also the Sailing Directions published by the Board of Admiralty, p. 516. t Camus, A. G. Memoire sur la collection des grands et petits voyages, et sur la collection des voyages de Melchisedech Thevenot. Imprim6 par ordre et aux frais de 1'Institut. 4to. Paris, 1802. [JusteL] Recueil de divers voyages faits en Afrique et en Amerique, conte- nant entre autres : Une description de la Jamaique ; relation et histoire de 1'ile des Barbades ; description de 1'ile de St. Christ ophe; relation touchant les Caraibes, par le Sr. de la Borde ; relation de la Guiane. &c. 4to. Paris, 1684. Coreal, Fra^ois. Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a vu de plus rei^-quable pendant son sejour depuis 1666 jusqu'a 1697, Traduits de 1'Espagnol, avec une relation de la Guiane de Walter Ra- leigh, et le voyage de Narbrough a la Mer du Sud par le detroit de Magellan. 3 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1/22. Voir Rich, vol. i. p. 31. Churchill. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, with a general preface, (by John Locke, ) giving an account of the progress of Navigation from its first beginning. Published by assignment from Messrs. Churchill. 6vols. Fol. London, 1732-39. Works concerning America included in the collection : Vol. I. Brawern and Herckemaun's Voyage to Chili in 1642 and 1643. Capt. John Monok's Voyage in 1619 and 1620 to Hudson's Straits. \ " II. Nieuhoffs' Voyages and travels into Brazil. Capt. John Smith's true travels and adventures. The journal of seven sailors who wintered in Greenland and of seven others who wintered in Spitzbergen. La Peyrere's Accounts of Iceland aud Greenland. The life of Columbus, ,by his son. " III. Ovalle's historical relation of Chili. Sir Wm. Monson's naval tracts. ' IV. Gemelli Oareii's Voyage around the world. Techo's- History of the provinces of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Parana, Chili, etc. Pelham's preservation of 8 men in Greenland. " V. Barbot's description of North and South Guinea, and Angola: with a new relation of Guiana and of the rivers of Amazons and Oronoque. General observations and an account ot the discovery -of America, from Herrera's History of the West Indies, with a brief account of the Caribbee Islands. " IV. Col. Norwood's Voyage to Virginia in 1649. Capt. Philip's Voyage to Bar. badoes. Gatonbe's Voyage into the North West passage in 1612. The Mosquito Indian and his Golden river. May's wonderful preservation of tha ship Terra Nova, homeward bound from Virginia. AMERIQUE.] VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. 1345 Pinkerton, John. A general Collection of the best and most interesting Voyages and Travels of the World. 17 vols. 4to. London, 1808-14. The following travels in America are included in the collection : Vol. XII. Colon's Discovery of the West Indies. Discoveries made by the English in America. Frobisher's first, second and third voyages for the discovery of a North West passage. Discovery of, and voyages to Virginia. Carder's discovery of New France. " XIII. Smith's History of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles. La Hontan's Travels in Canada. Memoirs of North America. Kalm's Travels in North America. Burnaby's Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in 1759 and 1760. ' XIV. Betagh's Account of Peru. . Ovalle's Historical relation of Chili. Condamine's Travels in South America. Bouguer's Voyage to Peru. Jk Ulloa'8 Voyage to South America. Nieuhoff's Voyages into Brazil. " XVII. Retrospect of the origin and progress of discovery, by sea and land, in ancient, modern, and most recent times. Critical catalogue of books of voyages and travels. General Index. Les Ouvrages suivants, appurtenant proprement a la classe des RECUEILS DE VOYAGES, et VOYAGES AUTOUR mi MONDE, ont ete recus depuis I' impression de cette partie du catalogue : Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages effectues par mer ou par terre dans les diverses parties du monde, ilepuis les premieres decouver- tes jusqu'a nos jours ; contenant la description des mceurs, coutumes, gouvernements, cultes, sciences et arts, Industrie et commerce, produc- tions et autres. Revus et traduits par M. Albert Montemont. 46 vol. et atlas. 8vo. Paris, 1833-1836. Les volumes suivants sout consacres aux voyages en Amerique, savoir : Vol. XXXVIII. Christophe Colomb. Vasco Nunez Las Casas. Fernand Cortez Conquete du Mexique. Pizarre Conquete du Perou. Cabral Bresil. Mendez Rio do la Plata. Humboldt Voyage aux regions equinoxiales de 1'Amerique. XXXIX. Voyage de Basil Hall, 1827-1828. Voyage de Mistress Trollope, 1827. " XL. Voyages de Ross, Parry et Franklin aux regiqps Arctiques. * " XLI. Bullock, Voyage au Mexique, 1823. Waterton. Quatre Voyages a travers rAmeriquc du Sud, le Nord Quest des Etats-Unis ct les Antilles, 1812-1824. Head. Voyage a travers les Pampas et les Andes, 1825. Basil Hall, Voyage an Chili, au Perou, et au Mexique, 1820-21. 1346 VOYAGES, &C., AMERICA. [ VOYAGES, ETC., Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages Continuation. Vol. XLII. Maw. Voyages de I'Ocfian Pacifique a 1'Ocean Atlantique, a travers les Andes et le Nord du P6rou, et ea descendant le fleuve des Amazones 1827-28. Walslf, Voyage au Bre'sil, 1828-1829. Mollien, Voyage en Oolombie, 1822-1823. Histoire des Naufrages, ou recueil des relations les plus interessantes des naufrages, hivernements, delaissements, incendies, famines, et autres e venements funestes sur mer, qui ont ete publics depuis le quinzieme siecle jusqu & present. Par M. D. . . . avocat. 3 vol. 12mo. Paris, An III. On trouve dans cet ouvrage les relations suivantea relatives a 1'Ame'rique : Vol. I. Delaissement de huit matelots Anglais sur la cote du Greenland, en 1630. Hivernement de 1'equipage d'un vaisseau Anglais command^ par le Capt. Thomas James, dans 1'ile de Charlton, au fond de la Baie d'Hudson, en 1631 et 1632. Delaissement volontaire de sept Hollandais, qui ont passe 1'hiver danh 1'isle Saint Maurice aiff&roenland, ou ils moururent au commencement du mois de mai 1634. Delaissement volontaire de sept Hollandais qui ont passe 1'hiver au Spitzberg, ou ils moururent sur la fin de fevrier 1635. Relation du delaissement de quatre matelots Russes dans 1'ile de East Spitzbergi en 1748. Naufrage du vaisseau russe le Saint Pierre, sur les cotes de 1'ile Behrings, mer du Kamschatka, en 1741. Naufrage d'un brigantin Anglais, sur les cotes de 1'Ile Royale, a 1'entree du Golf* Saint Laurent, dans 1'Ame'rique Septentrionale, en 1780. " II. Relation du naufrage d'une frigate Portugaise sur les cotes de la Nouvell* Espagne, en 1678. " III. Naufrage du sloop le Betsey, sur la cote de la Guyane Hollandaise, en 1756. Relation des aventures' tragiques de Madame Dunoyer, laissee dans une pirogue entre les lies Lucayes et Cuba, en 1766. Naufrage et. avantures tragiques de Mad. Godiu des Odonais, sur les bords du fleuve des Amazones, en 1769. Recueil de Voyages du Nord, contenant divers me"moires tres utiles au commerce et a la navigation. 9 vol. 12mo. accompagnes de cartes et de planches. Ce recueil commence en 1714 par le libraire Jean Fre'de'ric Bernard a etc" discon- tinue en 1731. Vol. I. 1715. Instructions pour voyager utilement. Relation de 1 Mamie, par La Peyrere. Relation du Greenland, par le meme. " II. 1715. Journal d'un voyage au Spitzberguen, :ioy:fri;d'J - John de. Voyage to the Coast of Florida, thence northerly to the latitude of 50 degrees, Anno 1524. Hakluyt, vol. 3. His voyage along the Coast of North America from Caro- lina to Newfoundland (1524) translated from the original Italian by J. G. CogswelL New York Hist. Coll. New Series, vol. 1. Hennepin, E. P. Louis. Nouveau voyage d'un pai's plus grand que FEurope, avec les reflexions sur les entrep rises du Sieur de la Salle, sur les mines de St. Barbe, etc., enrichi de la carte, de figures expressives, des moeurs et maniere de vivre des sauvages du nord et du sud, de la prise de. Que- bec, ville capitale de la Nouvelle-France par les anglais, et des avanta- ges qu'on peut tirer du chemin raccourci de la Chine et du Japon, par le moyen de tant de vastes contrees et de nouvelles colonies. Avec approbation, et dediee a Sa Majeste Guillaume III, Eoi de la Grande Bretagne. 12mo. Utrecht, 1698. Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 58 a 61. ------ New discovery of a vast country in America, between New France and New Mexico, &c., to which are added several new dis- coveries in North America not published in the French edition. 12mo. London, 1698. 1366 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. [ VOYAGES, ETC., AME- Hennepin et Labor de. Nouveau Voyage dans TAm^rique Septentrionale. 12mo. Leide, 1704. See Faribault. Also, North American Review, vol. xlviii. p. 70 ; vol. xlix. p. 258. La Hontan, le Baroii de. Nouveaux voyages dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale, (1683-93) qui contiennent une relation des differents peuples qui y habitent, la nature de leur gouvernement, leur commerce, leurs coutu- mes, leur religion et leur maniere de faire la guerre. L'interet des fran9ais et des anglais dans le commerce qu'ils font avec ces nations, 1'avantage que 1'Angleterre peut retirer de ce pays etant en guerre avec la France ; avec un petit dictionnaire de la langue du pays. Le tout enrichi de cartes et de figures. 2 vol. 12mo. La Haye, 1704. Pour la traduction anglaise de ces voyages, voyez Pinkerton's Collection. Supplement aux voyages du Baron de La Hontan, ou 1'on trouve des dialogues curieux entre 1'auteur et un sauvage. 12mo. La Haye, 1703. Autre edition contenant les deux ouvrages precedens. 3 vol. en 2. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1728. Autre edition du meme ouvrage, (sans le supplement). 2 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1741. Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, pages 73 et 74, and North Amer. Rev., vol. ii. page 148. Charlevoix, P. de. Voyage to North America, containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana ; translated from the French. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1766. Kalm, Peter. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstancial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants, and several curious and important remarks on various subjects. Translated into English by John Reinhold Forster. Enriched with a map, several cuts for the illustration of natural history and some additional notes. 3 vols. 8vo. Warrington, 1770. The original edition, in Swedish, was published in 1753. ' See Faribault. [Cluny, Alexander.] The American Traveller, or observations on the present state, culture and commerce of the British Colonies in America, and the further improvements of which they are capable ; with an account of the exports, imports and returns of each colony respectively ; and of the numbers of British ships and seamen, merchants, traders and manufac- turers, employed by all collectively : together with the amount of the revenue arising to Great Britain therefrom. In a series of letters written originally to the R. Hon. the Earl of .... by an old and experienced Trader. 4to. London, 1769. The Author was the first to give accurate intelligence of Hudson's Bay. Rich. RIQUE DTI NOED.J VOYAGES, &C., NOIITH AMERICA. 1367 Cluny, Alexander. Le Voyageur Americain, ou observations sur 1'etat des co- lonies Britanniques en Amerique ; traduit de 1' anglais (par J. Mandril- Ion) augmente d'un precis sur 1' Amerique Septentrionale et la Republique des 13 Etats-Unis. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1783. Mandrillon, J. Spectateur Americain ; ou remarques sur l'Am6rique Sep- tentrionale ; suivi de recherches philosophiques sur la decouverte du Nouveau-Monde. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1784. Bossu, M. Nouveaux voyages dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale, contenant une collection de lettres ecrites sur leslieux, parl'auteurasonami M. Douin, ci-devant son camarade dans le Nouveau-Monde. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1777- Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault p. 14. Carver, Jonathan. Travels through the interior parts of North America, in 1766, 1767 and 1768, illustrated with copper plates, coloured. Third Edition, to which is added an account of the author. 8vo. London, 1781. Voyages dans les parties interieures de 1' Amerique Septen" trionale, pendant les annges 1766, 1767et 1768. Traduit sur la troisieme edition anglaise, par M. de C. (Montucla,) avec les remarques et quelques additions du traducteur. 8vo. Paris, 1784. Voir Faribault, p. 25. Henry, Alexander. Travels and adventures in Canada and the Indian territo- ries between the years 1760 and 1776. 8vo. New York, 1809. See Rich, vol. ii, p. 42. Anbury, Lieut. Thos. Travels through the interior of North America, 1776 to 1781. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1789. The author was an officer under general Burgoyne. Journal d'un voyage fait dans 1'interieur de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, traduit de 1' anglais par M. Noe'l. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1793. ~Voir le catalogue tie M. Faribault, p. 4. Chateaubriand, le vicomte de. Voyage en Amerique, 1791, avec une preface sur les decouvertes au Nord Quest. Voir tome xii de ses oeuvres. Larochefoucault-Liancourt. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d' Amerique, 1795-96 et 97. 8vol. 8vo. Paris, 1799. Travels through the United States of North America, the country of the Iroquois and Upper Canada, with an au- thentic account of Lower Canada ; translated from the French. 4 vol. 8vo. London, 1803. Voir le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 79. 1368 VOYAGES, &C., N011TH AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., AME- Weld, Isaac. Travels through the United States and Canada, in 1795-96-97. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1799. Voyage au Canada et dans la partie septentrionale des Etats. Unis de PAmerique pendant les annees 1795-96-97, traduit de 1'anglais et enrichi d'une carte du pays et de 11 planches. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1802. Robin, C. C. Voyage dans 1'inte'rieur de la Louisiane, de la Floride occidentale^ et dans les lies de la Martinique et de Saint Domingue, en 1802, 3, 4 t 5 et 6, contenant de nouvelles observations sur 1'histoire naturelle, la geographic, les mceurs, 1' agriculture, le commerce, 1' Industrie et les maladies de ces'contrees, particulierement sur la fievre jaune et sur les moyens de la prevenir, en outre contenant ce qui s'est passe de plus intcressant relativement a Fetablissement des Anglo-Arnericains a la Louisiane ; suivi de la Flore Louisianaise. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1807- Pike, Z. M. Exploratory travels through the western territories of North America, comprising a voyage from St. Louis on the Mississippi to the source of that river, and a journey through the interior of Louisiana and the north eastern provinces of New Spain, performed in the years 1805, 6, 7, by order of the Government of the United States, by Z.. M. Pike, major 6th Regiment U. S. Infantry. 4to. London, 1811. Lambert, John. Travels through Canada and the United States of North America, in the years 1806, 7, 8, to which are added biographical notices and anecdotes of some of the leading characters in the United States. With a map and numerous engravings. Third Edition. 2 vols* 8vo. London, 1816. Hall, Lieut. Francis. Travels iu Canada and the United States in 18L6 and 1817. 8vo. London, 1818, See North American Review, vol. ix, p. 135. Palmer, John. Journal oi Travels in the United States of North America and . Lower Canada, performed in the year 1817 : containing particulars relating to the prices of land and provisions, remarks on the country and people, interesting anecdotes, and an account of the commerce,, trade and present state of Washington, New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Albany, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Lexington, Quebec,- Montreal &c. To which are added a description of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, and a variety of other useful information, &c., with .a map. 8vo. London, 1818. Darby, "Wm. A tour from the City of New- York to Detroit, Michigan territory (in 1818.) 8vo. New York. 1819. RIQTJE DU NOR!)]. VOYAGES, &C\, NORTH AMERICA. 1369 Duncan, J. M. Travels through part of the United- 1 States and Canada, in 181 8 and 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1823. Extrait du voyage de, au Canada en 1818 and 1819. Voyes Talbot, voyage au Canada, vol. 3. Hodgson, Adam. Letters from North America, written during a tour in the United States and Canada (in 1818-19.) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. See North American Review, vol. xviii, p. 222. Silliman, Benj. Remarks on a tour between Hartford and Quebec in the autumn of 1819. Illustrated by ten engravings. I2mo. New York 1820. V^"., [Blaney, Captain.] An excursion through the United States and Canada during the years 1822 and 1823, by an English gentleman. 8vo. London, 1824. Talbot, Edward Allen. Five years residence in the Canadas, including a tour through part of the United States of America, hi 1823, by Talbot of the Talbot Settlement. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1824. , Cinq anne'es au Canada, etc., traduit del'anglais par M. Suivi d'un extrait du voyage de M. J. M. Duncan, traduit par M. Eries, et accompagne d'un Atlas grave par Tardieu. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1825. Roos, Hon. Frd. F. de. Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826, with remarks on the present state of the American Navy. 8vo. London, 1827. Hall, Capt. Basil. Travels in North America, in 1827-28. 3 vols. Small 8vo. Edinburgh, 1829. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis de TAmferique du Nord et dans le Haut et le Bas-Canada, traduit de 1'anglais. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1834. Forty etching from sketches made with the Camera Lucida, in North America, in 1827-28. 4to. London, 1829. [Beaufoy .] Tour through parts of the United States and Canada, by a British subject. 8vo. London, 1828. Bullock, W. Sketch of a journey through the western parts of North America. 12mo. London, 1829. Head, Sir George. Forest scenes and incidents in the wilds of North America a diary of a winter's route from Halifax to the Canadas, and during a four month's residence in the woods on the borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe. 8vo. London, 1829. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xlii, p. 80. 1370 VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. [VOYAGES, &C., AME- Vigne, Godfrey T. Six months in America. 2 vols. 12mo. 1832. Mackenzie, Wm. Lyon. Sketches of Canada and the United States, (1829 to 1833.) 8vo. London, 1833. Tudor, Henry. Narrative of a tour in North America, Mexico and the Island of Cuba. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Fergusson, Adam. Practical notes during a tour in Canada and a portion of the United States in 1831. 8vo. London, 1834. Printed first in 1833, and republished in 1834 -with a second visit to Canada. Coke, E. T. Subaltern's furlough, descriptive scenes of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in 1832. 8vo. London, 1833. Pidler, Rev. Isaac. Observations on professions, literature, manners, and Emi- gration in the United States and Canada, during a residence there in 1832. 12mo. New York, 1833. See North American Review, vol. xxxvii, p. 273. Finch, J. Travels in the United States and Canada, with notices of the geology and mineralogy of those countries ; to which is added, an essay on the natural Boundaries of Empires. 8vo. London, 1833. Pavie, Theodore. Souvenirs Atlantiques. Voyage aux Etats-Unis et au Ca- nada. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1833. Latrobe, Chs. Jos. The Rambler in North America, 1832-33. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. Rolph, Thomas. A brief account, together with observations made during a visit to the "West Indies and United States of America, in 1832-33, with a statistical account of Upper Canada. 8vo. Dundas, (U. C.) 1836. Arfwedson, C. D. The United States and Canada, in 1832-'33 and '34. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1834. Notes upon Canada and the United States, from 1832 to 1840 ; by a Traveller. Second edition. 8vo. Toronto, 1840. Marryat, Capt. Diary in America in 1836-7, with remarks on its institutions. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. Part second : with Canada and the present condition of the Indians. With a map of aboriginal America, and of the seat of war in Florida. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 184jO. See Edinburgh Review, vol. Ixx, p. 123. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xv, p. 424. Ly ell, Sir Charles. Travels in North America, in 1841-2, with geological ob- servations on the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1845. RIQTJE DU NOKD.] VOYAGES, &C., NORTH AMERICA. 1371 Lyell, Sir Chas. A second visit to the United States. 2vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Another Edition. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1849. See London Quarterly Review, Ixxxv, p. 183. North American Review, vol. lxi p. 498; vol. Ixix, p. 325. North British Review, vol. xiv, p. 641. Eraser's Magazine, vol. xli, p. 564. Dickens, Charles. American Notes, for general circulation. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1842. See Rich, vol. ii, p. 359. North American Review, vol. Ivi, p. 212. London Quarterly Review, vol. Ixxi, p. 502. Edinburgh Review, vol. Ixxvi, p. 498. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Hi, p. 783. Eraser's Magazine, vol. xxvi, p. 61*7. Barclay, Capt. Agricultural tour in the United States and Upper Canada. 8vo. London, 1842. Godley 5 J- R- Letters from America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Letter 13, in vol. i, treats of Canadian Politics, during the Government of Sir Charles Bagot. Fuller 3 S. M. Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Warburton, Major. Hochelaga ; or England in the New World. Edited by Eliot Warlmrton. . 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1846. Baird, Robert. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North Ame- rica. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. Johnston, James F. W. Notes on North America, agricultural, economical and social. 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1851. See Edinburgh Review, vol. xciv, p. 46. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. Ixx, p. 699. North American Review, vol. Ixxiii. p. 210. Taylor, J. G. The United States and Cuba. I2mo. London, 1851. McKinnon, Capt. Atlantic and Transatlantic ; or, sketches afloat and ashore. 8vo. New-York, 1852. Tremenheere, H S. Notes on Public subjects made during a Tour in the United States and Canada. 8vo. London, 1852. Murray, Hon. H. A. Lands of the slave and the free, or Cuba, the United Spates and Canada, 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. Everest, Rev. R. A journey through the United States and part of Canada. Svo. London, 1855. Weld, Chas. Richard. A vacation tour in the United States and Canada. Svo. London, 1855. Grandfort, Mme. Manoel de. L'autre monde. Seconde edition. 12mo. Paris, 1857. Chambers, W. Things as they are in America, a tour in the British posses- sions and the United States, in 1853. Svo. Edinburgh, 1854. V 1372 VOYAGES, &C., MEXICO. [VOYAGES, ETC., Bartlett, John Russell. (U. S. Commissioner.) Personal narrative of explo- rations and incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, Sonora and Chihuahua, connected with the United States and Mexican Boundary Commission, during the years 1850-51-52 and 53 : with maps. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1854. " Lanman, Charles. Adventures in the wilds of the United States and British American Provinces ; with an appendix hy Campbell Hardy. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1856. Lakes of North America. A trip through the embracing a full descrip- tion of the St. Lawrence river, together with all the prin(^>al places on its banks, from its source to its mouth ; the commerce of the Lakes, &c., forming altogether a complete guide for travellers. 8vo. New York, 1857. Murray, Hon. Amelia M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1856. See Fraser'a Magazine, vol. liii, p. 522. Domenech, 1'Abbe E. Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas et au Mexique, (1846-' 52.) 8vo. Paris, 1857. Russell, Robert. North America, its agriculture and climate ; containing observations on the agriculture and climate of Canada, the United States, and the Island of Cuba. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. 1. MEXICO. | 1. MEXIQUE. Mexico : Geographical, Historical and Topographical. Modern Traveller, vol. 25. Tomson, Robert. His voyage into New Spain, 1555. Hakluyt, vol. 3. Bodenham, Roger. Voyage to Mexico, 1564. Ib. Hawks, Henry. Voyage to Nueva Spana, written in 1572. Ib. Philips, Miles. Voyage to Mexico and other places, begun in 1568. Ib. Hortop, Job. His travels in the Bay of Mexico, from 1586. Ib. Ternaux-Compans. Recueil de pieces sur le Mexique. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1841. Menonville, N. J. Th. de. Travels to Guaxaca, in the Kingdom of Mexico, (1777). Pinkerton, vol. 13. Bullock, W. Six months residence and travels in Mexico. 8vo. London, 1824. Le Mexique en 1823, ou relation d'un voyage dans la Nouvelle Espagne ; traduit de 1' anglais, avec introduction et notes, par Sir John Ryerly. 2 vol. 8vo., et Atlas, 4to. Paris, 1824. MEXIQTJE.J VOYAGES, &C., MEXICO. 1373 Hardy, Lieut. R. "W. H. Travels in the interior of Mexico, in 1825-'26, '27 and '28. 8vo." London, 1829. Lyon, Capt. G. F. Journal of a residence and tour in the Republic of Mexico, in 1826 ; with some account of the Mines of that country. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1828, See London Quarterly Review, vol. xlii, p. 334. Charpenne, Pierre. Mon voyage au Mexique, ou le colon de Guazacoalco. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1836. San Juan de Ulua ; ou, Relation de 1' expedition francaise au Mexique, sous les ordres de M. le contre Admiral Baudin ; par Blanchard et Dauzats. Svo. Paris, 1839. Ce meme ouvrage contient : Notes et documents sur 1'expedition franaise au Mexique, par M. E. Maissin, suivi d'ui.i aperu general sur 1'etat actuel du Texas. Lowenstern, Isid. Le Mexique ; souvenirs d'unvoyageur. 8vo. Paris, 1843. [Calderon, Mad.] Life in Mexico, during a residence of two years in that country ; with a preface, by W. H. Prescott. Svo. London, 1843. See North American Review, vol. Ivi. crilliam, Albert M. Travels in Mexico, in 1843-' 44, including a description of California, and biographies of Iturbide and Santa-Anna. Svo. Phila- delphia, 1846. Thompson, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. Svo. New York, 1846. Ruxton. G. F. Adventures in Mexico, &c. 12mo. 1849. 'f^CoL Libr. Wilson, Rob. A. Mexico : its peasants and its priests ; or adventures and historical researches in Mexico and its silver mines, during parts of 1851-'52, '53, '54 ; with an expose of the fabulous character of the story of the conquest of Mexico, by Cortez. 12mo. New York, 1856. Robertson, James. Visit to Mexico. 2 vols. Svo. London, 1855. See Eraser's Magazine, vol. xlviii, p. 251. Waldeck, Fred. de. Voyage pittoresque et archeologique dans la province de Yucatan, en 1834 et 1836. Avec une carte et 16 planches. JFolio. Paris, 1838. StephenSj John L. Incidents of travel in Yucatan; illustrated by 120 engrav- ings. 2 vols. Svo. New York, 1843. Same work. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1848. See also Stephens, Incidents of travel in Central America. Norman, B. M. Rambles in Yucatan, or notes of travels through the Penin- sula, including a visit to the remarkable ruins of Chi-Chen, Kabah,*Zayi, Uxmal, &c. Third edition. With numerous illustrations. Svo. New York/ 1843. 1374 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo ; or New Mexico and her people. 12mo. New York, 1857. Barnard, Major J. G. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, being the results of a survey for a railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the direction of Major J. G. Bar- nard, U. S. Engineer ; with a Map in Volume form. 8vo. New York, 1852. 2. UNITED STATES. 2. ETATS UNIS. United States Coast Survey. Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, (A. D. Bache,) showing the progress of that work during the years 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1855. 5 vols. 8vo. Washington. Sketches accompanying the Annual Reports of the Superintendent of the United States Coast Survey. 8vo. 1848- 1856. See North American Review, vol. xlii. p. 75 ; vol. liv. p. 446, Journal of Science, vol. xlix. p. 229; Second series, vol. v. p. 807; vol. xii. p. 158. Hunt's Magazine, vol. xxi. p. 266. Charts of the United States Coast Survey, based upon a Trigonome- trical Survey, conducted under the direction of Alexander D. Bache, and J. R. Hassler, U. S. N. Published by authority, Washington, v. d. Alabama. Mobile Bay F^ntrance, 1851. Albemarle Sound. Pasquotank River, 1851. California. Western Coast of the United States, from San Francisco to San Diego, 1855. San Diego and approaches, 1853. Trinidad Bay, 1851. Humboldt Bay, 1852. Monterey Harbour, 1852. Oregon, Western Coast of the U. S., from San Francisco to Umpquah River, 1854 Chesapeake Bay, Mouth of Chester River 1849. Del., Md., and Va., Sea Coast, Delaware Maryland and part of Virginia, 1852. Florida. Key West Harbour and Approaches 1855. General Coast Chart, from Head to Cape Heolopen. 1852, Long Island Sound, 1855. Fisher's Island Sound, 1847. Harbour of New London, 1848. Mouth of Connecticut River, 1 853. Harbour of New Haven, 1 846. Harbours of Black Rock and Bridgeport, 1848. Huntington Bay, 1849. Harbours of Sheffield and Cawkiu's Island, 1848. Harbours of Captain's Island, E. and W.* 1849. Harbour of Oyster, or Syosset Bay, 1847. Hart and City Island, and Sachem's Head Harbour, 1851. Maine. Richmond's Island Harbour, 1851. York River Harbour, 1854. Maryland. Harbour of Annapolis and Se- vern River, 1846. Gay Massachusetts. Newburyport Harbour, 1855. Gloucester Harbour, 1855. Salem Harbour, 1855. Wellfleet Harbour, 1853. Nantucket Harbour, 1848. ETATS-UNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1375 Charts of the United States Coast Survey : Continued. Massachusetts: Continued. Harbour of Edgartown, 1848. Hyannis Harbour, 1850. Harbours of Holmes' Hole and Tarpaulin Cove, 1847. Harbour of New Bedford, 1850. Mississippi Sound. Cat and Ship Island Harbours, 1850. New Jersey. Little Egg Harbour, 1846. and Del. Delaware Bay and River, 1848. New York. Hell Gate, 1851. New York Bay and Harbour, and En- virons, 1844. New York Bay and Harbour, and En- virons, 1845. Western part of South Coast of Long Island, 1851, Entrance to Columbia River, 1854. Oregon and "Washington Territory, Wes- tern Coast of the U. S. from Umpquah River to the Boundary, 1855. South Carolina. Charlestown Harbour 1855- Texas. Galveston Entrance, 1853. Sketches and Preliminary Charts : Alabama. Mobile Bay, 1851. California, Catalina Harbour, 1852. Prisoner's, Cuyler's and San Harbours, 1852. Santa Barbara, 1853. San Simeon, Santa Cruz, SauLuis,Obispo and Coxo, 1852. Santa Cruz andAno Nuevo, 1854. San Pedro Harbour, 1852. San Francisco City, 1853. Mare Island Straits, 1851. Point Conception, 1850. Point Pines, 1851. Cape Charles. Entrance Chesapeake 1851. Chesapeake Bay. Fishing or Donoho's Bat- tery, 1851. 'Florida. Western Coast of Florida, 1851. St. Mark's Bar and Channel, 1852. Entrance to St. John's River, 1853. St. Andrew's Shoals, 1850. Mosquito Inlet, 1851. Cape Canaveral Shoals, 1850. Rebecca Shoals, 1851. Reconnaissance, Vicinity of Cedar Keys, 1852. Channel No. 4. Cedar Keys, 1852. Georgia. Entrance to Savannah Riverj 1851 Savannah City, Front and Back Rivers 1851. Clemente Massachusetts. Nantucket Shoals, 1854. Current Chart, Boston Harbour, 1848. Mississippi. Delta, Mississippi, 1852. Horn Island Pass, Grand Bay, 1853. Pass Christian, 1851. N"ew Jersey. Change in Sandy Hook, 1855. North Carolina, Ocracoke Inlet, 1852. Beaufort Harbour, 1851. Frying Pan Shoals, 1851. New River and Bar, 1852. Hatteras Shoals, 1850. Hatteras Inlet, 1853. Ba y Oregon, Entrance to Umpquah River, 1854. Cape Hancock, 1851. South Carolina. North Edisto, 1853. Bull's Bay, 1851. Virginia, Chincoteague Inlet, 1852. Texas, Galveston Bay, 1852. San Luis Pass, 1853. Artansas Pass, 1853. Washington Territory. Shoalwater Bay, 1853. Gray Harbour, to Admiralty Inlet, 1853. Cape Flattery and Neach Harbour, 1853. False Dungeness Harbour, 1853. Canal de Haro, 1854. 1376 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC. Maps and Charts, Compiled from SURVEYS made under the direction of the BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHICAL ENGINEERS, WAR DEPARTMENT, in obedience to the Acts of Congress requiring the SURVEY OF THE NORTHERN AND NORTH WESTERN LAKES, and from other reliable information. Published by authority, Washington, v. d. Lake Erie, 1849. West end of Lake Erie and Detroit River, 1849. Kelley's and Bass Islands, being an extract from the Survey of the "Went end of Lake Erie, 1849. Straits of Mackinac with the Approaches thereto from Lakes Huron and Michigan and the Entrance by the Detour passage to the Ste. Mary's River, 1849. Head of Green Bay and Entrance to Fox River, Wisconsin, 1853. Sketches of the Navigation through East Neebish Rapids, River Ste. Mary, 1853. Map of the United States, and of the Territories between the Mississippi and the Pacific Ocean. Published under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers. Washington, 1850. Volney, C. F. Tableau du climat et du sol des Etats Unis d'Amerique, suivi d' eclair cissements sur la colonie franchise au Scioto, sur quelques colonies Canadiennes et sur les Sauvages ; terminus par un Vocabulaire de la langue des Miamis: ouvrage enrichi de quatre planches gravees, dont deux cartes geographiques, et une coupe figuree dela Chute de Niagara. 8vo. Paris, 1822. Voir Faribault, page 128. Blodget, Lorin. Climatology of the United States, and of the temperate latitu- des of the North American Continent ; embracing a full comparison of these with 'the climatology of the temperature latitudes of Europe and Asia, and especially in regard to agriculture, sanitary investigations and engineering. With isothermal and rain charts for each season, the extreme months, and the year ; including a summary of the statistics of meteorological observations in the United States, condensed from recent scientific and official publications. Svo. Philadelphia, 1857. Pictet, C. Tableau de la situation actuelle des Etats Unis d'Amerique, d'apres Jedediah Morse, et les meilleurs auteurs Ame'ricains. 2 vol. Svo. Paris, 1795. Baldwin, (Thomas,) and Thomas, (J.) A new and complete Gazetteer of the United States ; giving a full and comprehensive review of the present condition, industry and resources of the American Confederacy, embracing also important topographical, statistical and historical information, from recent and original sources ; together with the results of the census of 1850 ; with population and other statistics in many cases to 1853. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1854. See also Harper',* Univeigal Gazetteer. ETATS TJNIS.] VOYAGES, &0., UNITED STATES. 1377 American Scenery, or, Land, Lake-and River Illustrations of Transatlantic Nature ; containing a map and 120 splendid views, from drawings taken on the spot, expressly for this work, hy W. H. Bartlett. With letter- press descriptions, hy N. P. Willis. 2 vols. 4to. London, 1840. Imlay, Gilbert. A topographical description of the Western Territory of North America. Third Edition, with four Maps. 8vo. London, 1797. This volume includes also : Filson, John. The discovery, settlement and present state of Kentucke ; and an essay towards the Topography and Natural History of that important Country, to whichis added an Appendix, containing, lo. The Adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one of the first settlers, &c. 2o." The Minutes of the Pian- kashaw Council, held at Port St. Vincent, April, 15, 1784. 3o. An account of the Indian Nations within the limits of the thirteen United States, cfec. Hutchins, Thomas. A Topographical description of Virginia, Pensylvania, Mary- land and North Carolina ; comprehending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Mississippi, &c. With an Appendix containing Mr. Patrick Kennedy's Journal up the Illinois River. Several other tracts relating to the Western Territory are included in this Vol. Ferris, Jacob. The States and Territories of the Great West, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska, their geography, history, advantages, resources and prospects ; comprising their local history, institutions and laws. Giving a table of distances, and the most direct routes and modes of con- veyance ; also pointing out the best districts for agricultural, commer- cial, lumbering and mining operations. With a map and numerous illustrations. 8vo. New York and Auburn, 1856. De Vries, D. P. Voyages from Holland to America, A. D., 1632 to 1644: translated from the Dutch, by H. C. Murphy. 4to. New York, 1853. Bartranij John. Travels from Pennsylvania to Onondago, Oswego and Lake^ Ontario; with an account of the Cataracts at Niagara, by Peter Kalm. 8vo. London, 1751. (P.) Burnaby, Rev. Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North America, in 1759-60, with observations upon the state of the Colonies. 4to. London, 1775. ' The same work ; third edition. 4to. London, 1798. This edition is very much enlarged and ' has a map and two aquatinta views of the Passaic Falls. Le meme ouvrage ; traduit par Willd. 12mo. Lausanne, 1778. Robin, L'Abbe. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale, en 1781, et cam- pagne du Comte de Rochambeau. 8vo. Philadelphie, 1782. 1378 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., St. John, J. Hector. Letters from an American Farmer describing Provincial situations, manners and customs not generally known, and conveying some idea of the late and present interior circumstances of the British Colonies in North America. Written for the information of a friend in England. 8vo. London, 1782. See Rich, vol. i, p. 302. Lettres d'un cultivateur Americain, ecrites a W. S. Ecuyer, de 1770 a 1786, par M. St. John de Crevecoeur : traduit de 1'Anglais. [Par Pauteur lui-meme.] 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1787. See Rich, vol. i, p. 327. Smyth, J. F. D. A Tour in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1784. Chastellux, Marquis de. Voyages dans 1'Ame'rique Septentrionale en 1780-1- 1782. 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1786. (L'auteur servait sous le comte de Rochambeau.) Travels in North America during the years 1780, 1781, to 1782 ; translated with notes, by an English gentleman. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1787. See Faribault, p. 30, and Rich, vol. i, p. 336 and 339. Bartraxn, Wm. Voyage dans les parties sud de I'Amerique Septentrionale, (1773-78) savoir, les Carolines, la Georgia, les Morides, etc., contenant des details sur le sol et les productions naturelles de ces contrees, et des observations sur les moeurs des Sauvages qui les habitent. Traduit de 1'Anglais par P. V. Benoist. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1801. Bayard, Ferdinand M. Voyage dans I'interieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Win- chester, dans la Valle"e de Shenandoha, etc., etc., etc., pendant 1'ete de 1791. 8vo. Paris, 1797. Brissot- Warville, J. P. Nouveau voyage dans les Etats-Unis fait en 1788. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1791. L'auteur est le Girondin bien connu. Collot, Victor. A Journey in North America, (in 1796), containing a survey of the countries watered by the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and other affluing Rivers ; with exact observations on the course and soundings of these rivers, and on the Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Farms of that part of the New World ; followed by philosophical, political, military and commercial remarks, and by a projected line of frontiers and general limits. Illustrated by an Atlas of 36 Maps, etc., by Gen. V. Callot, late in the French service, and Governor of Guadeloupe. 4to. Paris, 1826. This work was published both in French and English. The maps and plates are beautifully engraved by Tardieu. Rich. ETATS UNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1379, Davis, John. Travels of four years and a half in the United States of America, from 1798 to 1802. 8vo. London, 1803. See Rich, vol ii. p. 13 ; Also, Edinburgh Review, vol. ii. p. 443. The Stranger in America ; containing observations made during a long residence in that country, on the genius, manners, and customs of the people of the United States ; with biographical particulars of public char- acters ; hints and facts relative to the arts, sciences, commerce, agricul- ture, manufactures, emigration and the slave trade. By Charles William Janson, late of the State of Rhode-Island, Counsellor at Law. Illus- trated by engravings. 4to. London, 1807. [Bridel, Rev. L.] Le pour et le contre, ou avis a ceux qui se proposent de passer dans les Etats-Unis d'Amerique, suivi d'une description du Kentucky et de Genesy, deux des nouveaux etablissements les plus considerables de cette partie du monde, avec une carte typometrique. 8vo. Basle, 1803. Parkinson, Richard. The experienced Farmer's Tour in America ; to which is added, Sketches published by J. B. Boadley, Philadelphia. 8vo, London, 1805. See Edinburgh Review, vol. vii. p. 29. Bradbury, John. Travels in the interior of America, in the years 1809, 1810 and 1811; including a description of Upper Louisiana, together with the States of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, with the Illinois and "Western territories, and containing remarks and observations useful to persons emigrating to these countries. 8vo. Liverpool, 1817. [Wright, Frances.] Views of society and manners in America; in a series of letters from that country to a friend in England during the years 1818, 1819 and 1820. 8vo. London, 1821. First edition of the celebrated Miss Wright's Travels. Rich. ______ Another edition of the same work. 8vo. London, 1822. [Candler, Mr.] A summary view of America ; comprising a description of the face of the country, and of several of the principal cities ; and remarks on the social, moral and political character of the people ; being the result of observations and enquiries during a journey in the United States by an Englishman. 8vo. London, 1824. See Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xvi. p. 617. North American Review, vol. xxi p. 453. Hall, Hon. Judge. Letters from the West, in 1820, descriptive of society and manners. 8vo. London, 1828. Lafayette en Amerique, en 1824 et 1825, ou journal d'un voyage aux Etats- Unis. Par A. Levasseur, secretaire du general Lafayette, pendant son voyage. Orne'de 12 gravureset une carte. 2vol. 8vo. Paris, 1829. 1380 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC,, Americans as they are, described in a tour through the Valley of the Mis- sissippi. 8vo. London, 1828. Cooper, J. F. Notions of the Americans, picked up by a travelling batchelor. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Another copy, see Cooper's Works, vol. 13. Neilson, Peter. Recollections of a six years' residence in the United States of America, interspersed with original anecdotes, etc. 8vo. Glasgow, 1830. Stuart, James. Three years in North America. 1828-31. 2 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1833. Refutation of Aspersions on the foregoing work. 8vo. London, 1834. (P.) See Edinburgh Review, vol. Ivi. p. 460. America and the Americans ; by a citizen of the World. 8vo. London, 1833. Trollope, Mrs. Domestic manners of the Americans. 8vo. London, 1832. See North American Review, vol. xxxvi, p. 1. The London Quarterly Review; vol. xlvii, p. 39. La Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 juin, 1 juillet et 1 octobre, 1832. Eraser's Magazine, vol. v, p. 336. Hamilton, Capt. Thos. Men and Manners in America. 2 vols. 8vo. Edin- burgh, 1833. See Dublin University Magazine, vol. ii, p. 444 and 558. Eraser's Magazine, vol. ix, p. 42. Blackwood's Magazine, vol. xxxiv, p. 285. North American Review, vol. xxxviii, p. 210. EtatS-Unis. Etat des, par L. B. de M . 8vo. Paris, 1834. (P.) Latrobe. C. J. The Rambler in North America. (1832-3) 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1835. See London Quarterly Review, vol. liv, p. 392. Grund, Francis J. The Americans in their moral, social and political relations 4 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. See Rich, vol. ii, p. 289 ; also, North American Review, vol. xlvi, p. 106. .,. , Aristocracy in America (from the sketch-book of a German Nobleman.) Edited by Francis J. Grund. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1839. IVEartineau, Harriet. Society in America. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1837. Voyage aux Etats-Unis ; ou tableau de la societe Ameri- caine : traduit de 1' anglais, par B. Laroche. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1839. Retrospect of Western travel. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. See North American Review, vol. xiv, p. 15 ; vol. xlv,p. 418. Eraser's Magazine, vol. xix, p. 557. ETATS TJNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1381 Chevalier, Michel. Lettres sur 1'Amerique du Nord. Troisieme edition. 3 vol. 12mo. Bruxelles, 1838. See London Quarterly Review, vol. Ivi'i, p. 497. D es vo i es de communication aux Etats-Unis, et des tra- vaux d'art qui en dependent. 2 vol. 4to., avec Atlas, folio. Paris, 1840-41. Voice from America to England ; by an American Gentleman. 8vo. London, 1839. Buckingham, J. S. America, historical, statistical and descriptive. 3 vols. 8vo. London and Paris, 1841.' The Eastern and Western States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. London and Paris, 1842. The Slave States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. London and Paris, 1842. Combe, George. Notes, Moral, Religious, Political, Economical, Educa- tional, on the United States of North America, during a phrenological visit in I838-'39 and '40. 3 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1841. On Buckingham's and Combe'a Travels, see London Quarterly Review, vol. Ixviii p. 281. Maxwell, A. M. A run through the United States, during the autumn of 1840. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1841. Sturge, Jos. A visit to the United States, in 1841. 8vo. London, 1842. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the Slave States, from Wash- ington on the Potomac to the frontier of Mexico, with sketches of popular manners and geological notes. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1844. Gouraud, J. B. G. Fauvel. L'Hercule et la" Favorite, ou la capture de 1'Alex- andre de Bordeaux, et des Pirates Bordelais, effectu6e a New Port, Rhode Island, Etats Unis de 1'Amerique du Nord, le 21 mai 1838 ; suivi d'un aperu sur les mo3urs, les institutions Americaines, les grands bateaux a vapeur, les chemins de fer, etc. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Castelnau, Francis de. Vues et souvenirs de 1'Amerique du Nord ; ouvrage orne de planches. 4to. Paris, 1842. Maekay, Alex. The Western World ; or, travels in the United States, in 1846-'47. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1849. Duncan, Mrs. America, as I found it. 12mo. New York, 1852. Pulszky, Francis and Theresa. White, Red and Black ; or Sketches of Ame- rican Society in the United States, during the visit of Kossuth. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1853. 1382 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [ VOYAGES, ETC., Sitgreaves, Capt. L. Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado Rivers, accompanied by Maps, Sketches, Views, and Illustrations. 8vo. Washington, 1853. See also United States Senate Documents, 1852-'53, vol. 10. Bremer, Frederika. The Homes of the New World, impressions of America ; translated by Mary Howitt. 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1853. Caswall, Rev. H. The Western World revisited. 8vo. Oxford, 1854. Robertson, James. A few months in America. 8vo. London, 1855. Parsons, C. G. Inside view of Slavery : or a tour among the Planters ; with an introductory note by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. 8vo. Boston, 1855. Olmsted, Frederick Law. A journey in the seaboard Slave States; 'with remarks on their economy. 8vo. New York, 1856. Stirling, James. Letters from the Slave States. 8vo. London, 1857. Commettant, Oscar. Trois ans aux Etats-Unis ; eludes de moeurs et coutumes Americaines. 12mo. Paris, 1857. [a.] EASTERN, NORTHERN AND MIDDLE STATES. [a.] ETATS DE L'EST, DU NORD ET DU MILIEU. Josselyn, John. Account of two voyages to New England. 1 8mo. London, 1674. Dwight, Timothy. Travels in New England and New York, from 1796. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1823. See Quarterly Review, vol. xxx, p. 1. Graham, J. A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. 8vo. London, 1797. Miller, John. Description of the province and city of New York, with plans of the several forts as they existed in 1695 ; to which is added, a catalogue of an extensive collection of books relating to America, etc., for sale by Thos. Rodd. 8vo. London, 1843. See in the Collections of the Historical Society of New York, supra, p; 1243, the travels of fludson and others. Dent on, Daniel. Brief description of New York, formerly called New Nether- lands, as it was in 1670; edited by Gabriel Furman. 8vo. New York, 1845. Milbert. J. Itineraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latSrales de 1'Amerique du Nord, d'apres des dessins originaux pris sur les lieux. 2 vol. 4to., avec Atlas, folio de 52 planches. Paris, 1828-'29. Pensylvanie. Etat present de la. 12mo. 1756. ETATS TJNIS.J VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1383 [St. John de Crevecceur, Hector.] Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans 1'Etat de New York ; traduit de 1'anglais. 3 vol. 8vo, Paris, 1801. [&.] SOUTHERN STATES. | [b.] ETATS DU SUD. Strachey, Wm. The history of travaile into Virginia Britannia, by William Strachey, the first Secretary of the Colony ; now first edited from the original M.S., by R. H. Major. 8vo. London, 1849. Hakluyt Soc. Publication. The title adds, ' expressing the Cosmogi-aphie and Comodities of the Country together with the manners and customs of the people." The preface gives an historical account of early English Navigators to America, and their colonizations, particularly in Virginia. It includes a "Letter from Lord Delaware, Governor of Virginia," giving an account of his voyage out, and of his proceedings since his arrival in Virginia. (He left Plymouth 1st of April, and dates his letter July 7th, 1610J . The History has a 2nd book, " Entreating of the first discoveries of the Colony, and of the first Colonie upon the Island of Roanoak. As also of the Northern Colonie, seated upon the River of Sachadehoc, anno 1585." The volume includes " A dictionarie of the Indian language," in which, as the editor says, " The Indian and English names [occur] promiscuously." Amadas and Barlow. First Voyage to the Coast of Virginia, 158. Hakluyt, vol. 3, and Pinkerton, vol. 12. Grinville, (Sir Rich.) and Ralegh, (Sir Walter.) Second voyage to Virginia, 1585, Ibid. Ralegh, Sir W. Third voyage to Virginia, made at his sole charges, 1586. Ib. White, John. Voyage to Virginia, 1590. Ibid. Smith, Capt. John. Travels, adventures and observations of, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, from 1593 to 1629 ; together with the history of Virginia, Summer Isles, and New England, since 1624 to 1629 ; from the London edition of 1629. 2 vols. 8vo. Richmond, 1819. Description of New England. 8vo. London, 1616. Norwood, Col. Voyage to Virginia, 1649. Churchill's Coll., vol. 6, attd Force's Tracts, vol. 3. Virginia. By E. W. Gent. London, 1650. Force's Tracts, vol. 3. Virginia Illustrated : Containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins. Illustrated from drawings, by Porte Crayon. 8vo. New York, 1857. Moore, Francis. Voyage to Georgia, begun in 1735. 8vo. London, 1744. 1384i VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [ VOYAGES, ETC., Hennepin, R. P. Louis. Description de la Louisiana nouvellement decou- verte au sud-ouest de la Nouvelle France, avec la carte du pays, les mceurs et la maniere de vivre des sauvages. l2mo. Paris, 1683. Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 68. [Laureau.] Journal d'un voyage a la Louisiane, fait en 1720. 12mo. La Haye, 1768. [Bail dry de Lozieres.] Voyage a la Louisiane et suf le continent de 1'A- merique Septentrionale de 1794 a 1798, contenant un tableau histori- que de la Louisiane, des observations sur son climat, ses riches produc- tions, le caractere et le nom des sauvages et des remarques importantes sur cette colonie, ornee d'une carte de la Louisiane et des pays voisins> d'apres les relations les plus recentes. 8A r o. Paris, 1802. Voyez le catalogue de M. Faribault, p. 9. Berquin du Vallon. Vue de la Colonie espagnole du Mississippi, ou des provinces de Louisiane et Floricle occidentale, en 1802. 8vo. Paris, 1803. Voir Faribault p. 12. Perrin du Lac, Voyage dans les deux Louisianes et chez les nations sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, 1'Ohio et les provinces qui les bordent, dans les annees 1801 a 1803. 8vo. Lyon, 1805. Marcy, (Randolph B.) and McClellan, (George B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852, with reports on the natural history of country and numerous illustrations. 8vo. Washington, 4853. U. S. Senate documents, 1852-53. vol. viii. Sachot, M. O. Exploration des sources de la Riviere Rouge de la Louisiane par Marcy et McClellan. Revue contemporaine. vol. 31, p. 521. [c] WESTERN" STATES AND TERRITO- RIES, (INCLUDING THE REGIONS BETWEEN THE MISSISSIPPI AND PACIFIC OCEAN.) 0] ETATS ET TERRITOIRES DE L'OUEST (T OOMPRIS LES REGIONS SITUEES ENTRE LE MISSISSIPPI ET L' OCEAN PACIFI- QUE.) Les voyages suivants se rapportent plus ou moins a la pre'sente section, savoir : Nunno di Gusmau . Relatioue scritta in Omitlau provincia di Mechuacan della Maggiov Spagna, nel 153r. Ramusio, vol. 3, fol. 331. Francisco de TTlloa. Navigatione per discoprire 1'Isole delle Speciere, 1539, &c. Ramusio, vol. 3, fol. 339. Francisco de Ulloa. Voyage by the coasts of Nueva Galicia and Culiacan, into the Gulfe of California, begun from Acapulco, Anno 1539. Hakluyt, vol. 3, p. 397. Drake, Sir Francis. His voyage to the North of California. Ibid. Gualle, Francis. His memorable voyage to different parts of America aud Asia, 1682-84. Ibid. ETATS UNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1385 Gualle, Francisco de. Voyages du port de Acapulco en la Nouvelle Espagne, du havre de Manille, et du havre de Macao, aussi en la Nouvelle Espagne 1582. Linschot, vol. 1, p. 120 et suivantes. Nizza, Fra Marco da, Relatione del Viaggio fatto per terra a Cevola Regno delle sette Citta, [1639.] Ramusio, vol. 3, fol. 356. His voyage to the Kingdom of Cevola or Cibola, about 80 degrees of Latitude to the North of Nueva Espanna, 1539. Hakluyt, -vol. 3, p. 366. Sa relation, [1539,] en franfais. Ternaux, Recueil. etc. vol. 9. Coronado, Francisco Vasquezde. Relatione del Viaggio alle dette sette Citta. Anno 1540. Ramusio vol. 3, fol. 359. His voyage to Cibola, Acuco, Teguex,f Quiura, Ac. Anno 1540. Ramusio, vol. 3, fol. 363. [Or AlarQon.] His voyage to the very bottom of the Gulfe of California, &c., Anno 1540. Hakluyt, vol. 3, p. 425. See also Purchas, p. 970. Alarcon, Fernando. Relation de la navigation et de la de.couverte par lui faite en 1540. Ternaux, vol. 9. Mendoza, Don Antonio di. Lettera all Imperatore del discoprimeiito della terra firma della Nuova Spagna verso Tramontana. Ramusio, vol. 3. fol. 355. A letter written to the Emperor Charles the fifth Hakluyt, vol. 3, p. 364. Lettres a 1'empereur Charles V, en 1540. Ter- naux, vol 9. Rapport sur les sept villes et les iles du couchant. de 1539 a 1543. Ternaux, vol, 10. Avis sur les prestations personnelles. Id. Lettie au roi. 1537. Id, vol. 16. Florida. Virginia richly valued, by the description of the main land of Florida. Written by a Portugall gentleman of Elvas, and translated by Richard Hakluyt. London, 1609. Force's Tracts, vol 4, 1386 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [ VOYAGES, ETC., H Chauveton, Urbain. Brief discours et histoire d'un voyage de quelquea Fran9ais en la Floride. . . . et du massacre execute' sur eux car les Espagnols. Fair a la fin de 1'histoire du nouveau monde traduite de Benzoni par le meme. Pour les Voyages de Ribault, Laudonniere et Gourguea, Voyez ci-devant p. 1256. Coxe, Daniel. Description of the English Province of Carolana, otherwise called Florida and Louisiane (1598.) 8vo. London, 1741. See North American Review, Vol. ii. p. 1. See also French's Historical Collections, Part ii. Ternaux-Compans. Recueil de pieces sur la Floride. 8vo. Paris. 1841. Voyez la liste de ces pieces ci-devant, page 1172. Florida. A relation of the discovery lately made on the Coast of, by William Hilton. London, 1664. Force's Tracts, vol. 4. Darby, Wm. Memoir on the geography and history of Florida. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1821. Texas. Le Champ-d'Asile, tableau topographique et historique du Texas. 8vo. Paris, 1819. Barrow, John. Facts relating to North Eastern Texas, condensed from notes made during a tour through that portion of the United States. 8vo. London, 1849. Olmsted, Frederick Law. A Journey through Texas ; or, a saddle trip on the southwestern frontiers ; with a statistical Appendix. 8vo. New York, 1857. See New Quarterly Review, May, 1857, p. 153. Paxton, Philip. A stray Yankee in Texas. 12mo. New York, 1854. Texas, Adventures in. Blackwood's Magazine, Vols. 54 and 55. Domenech, 1'Abbe. Le Journal d'un missionnaire au Texas. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Kentucky. Voyage au , et sur les bords de la Genese"e, par M. * * *. 8vo. Paris, 1821. Drake and Mansfield. Cincinnati in 1826. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1827. Bound with Bullock's Travels. Illinois, in 1837. A sketch descriptive of the situation, boundaries, &c., together with a letter on the cultivation of the Prairies, by the Hon. H, L. Ellsworth, to which are annexed the letters from a Rambler in the West. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1837- Birkbeck, Morris. Letters from Illinois. 8vo. London, 1818. See North American Review, VoL viii, p. 347. Edinburgh Review, Vol. xxx p. 120. London Quarterly Review, VoL xix, p. 54. ETATS UNIS.] VOYAGES, &C., "UNITED STATES. 1387 Birkbeckj Morris. Same work, another copy, bound up with : Notes on a journey in America, from the coast of Virginia to the territory of Illinois. Cork, 1818, and with Darby, William. Tour from New York to Detroit. 8vo. New York, 1819. Woods, John. Two years residence in the Illinois country. 8vo. London, 1822. Bullock, W. Sketch of a journey through the Western states of North America : with a description of Cincinnati, by B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 8vo. London, 1827. (P.) Parker, N. H. Iowa as it is in 1855 ; a gazetteer for Citizens, and a hand- book for Immigrants, embracing a full description of the State of Iowa. 8vo. Chicago, 1855. Wisconsin. Early Recollections of, by Augustus Grignon, with an account of settlers therein from Lower Canada : See Historical Magazine, Novem- ber, 1857, pp. 324-330. Featherstonhaugh, G. W. A canoe voyage up the Minnay Sotor ; with an account of the lead and copper deposits in Wisconsin ; of the gold region in the Cherokee country ; and sketches of popular manners, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1847. Oliphant, Lawrence. Minnesota and the far West. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1855. See New Quarterly Review, January, 1856. Bond, J. W. Minnesota and its resources ; to which are appended Camp-fire sketches, or notes of a trip from St. Paul to Pembina and Selkirk Settlement on the Red River of the North. 12mo. New York, 1857. Andrews, C. C. Minnesota and Dacotah, in letters descriptive of a tour through the North West in the autumn of 1856, with information relative to public lands. 8vo. Washington, 1857- Hale, Edw. E. Kansas and Nebraska : geographical and physical characteristics and political position of those territories ; an account of the Emigrant Aid Companies and directions to Emigrants, with an original map. 8vo. Boston, 1854. See North American Review, Vol. Ixxx. p. 91. Robinson, Mrs. Sara T. L. Kansas, its interior and exterior life, including a full view of its settlement, political history, social life, climate, soil, productions, scenery, &c. 12mo. Boston, 1856. Gladstone, T. H. The Englishman in Kansas, or squatter life and border warfare, with an introduction by F. L. Olmsted. 8vo. New York, 1857. Swan, James G. The Northwest coast ; or three years residence in Washington, Territory. 12mo. New York, 1857. W 1388 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [VOYAGES, ETC., Stansbury, Howard. Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah, including a reconnaissance of a new route through the Rocky Mountains. Printed by order of the Senate of the United States. With a large " Map of the Great Salt Lake and adjacent country in the Territory of Utah, surveyed in 1849 and 1850 under the orders of Col. J. J. Albert, Chief of the Topographical Bureau," and another large " Map of a reconnaissance between Fort Leavenworth on the Missouri River and the Great Salt Lake in the Territory of Utah, made in 1849 and 1850, under the orders of Col. J. J. Albert, Chief of the Topographical Bureau." 8vo. Philadelphia, 1852. The Maps form a separate volume. 8vo. Palliser, John. The solitary hunter ; or sporting adventures in the Prairies. New edition, with illustrations. I2mo. London, 1857. Mr. Palliser, since the publication of this work, has been sent in charge of an Exploring Expedition to Hudson's Bay, and the north-western territories. Prairies, Adventures on the. North American Review, vol. 69, p. 175, and Barrens of the West. Journal of Science, vol. 1, p. 116 ; vol. 2, p. 30. Origin of the. Ibid. Vol. 1, p. 331 ; vol. 23, p. 40. Hunts Maga- zine, vol. 21, p. 522. Far West. Forest Life in the. North American Review, vol. 55, p. 510. Early French Travellers in the. 16. Vol. 48, p. 63. Statistics of the. 16. Vol. 45, p, 234. Life in the Far West. By G. F. Ruxton. Blackwoocfs Magazine, vol. 63, p. 713 ; vol. 64, p. 17, 129, 293, and 429. . New Home in the. North American Review, vol. 50, p. 206. Bryant, Ed. Voyage en Californie ; traduit par X. Marmier. 12mo. Paris. 1849. Parkman, Francis. Prairie and Rocky Mountain life; or, the California and Oregon Trail. 8vo. New York, 18.49. Revere, J- W. Tour of duty in California, with an account of the voyage around Cape Horn. 8vo. New Ytfrk, 1849. Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado, or Adventures in the path of Empire. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1850. Colton, Rev. Walter. Deck and Port ; or incidents of a cruise in the United States frigate " Congress" to California ; with sketches of Rio Janeiro, Valparaiso, &c. 8vo. New York, 1850. Fremont, Capt. J. C. Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and North California, in 1843, '44. Reprinted from the Official report ordered to be published by the United States Senate. 8vo. London, 1846. ETATS TJNIS.] VOYAGES, &0., UNITED STATES. 1389 Fremont, Capt. J. C. Same work. Another edition. 8vo. New York, 1849. Bound up with : Notes of Travels in California, from the official reports of Colonel Fremont and Major Emory: 8vo. New York, 1849. Farnham, T. J. Life, Adventures and Travels in California ; with the con- quest of California and Travels in Oregon. 8vo. New York, 1849. Coke, H. J. Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. ; with a glance at some of the Tropical Islands. 8vo. London., 1852. Auger, Edouard. Voyage en Californie, [1852-53.] 12mo. Paris, 1854. Saint Amant, de. Voyages en Californie et dans 1' Oregon par M. de Saint Amant, envoy e du Gouvernement Franyais, en 1851, 1852. 8vo. Paris. 1854. Voir la Revue Contemporaine, vol. xvi. p. 744. Borthwick, J. D. Three Years in California. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1857. Farnham, Eliza W. California, in-doors and out ; or how we farm, mine and live generally in the Golden State. 8vo. New York, 1856. See New Quarterly Review, May 1857, p. 185. Jomard, E. Comment on revient de la Californie. Revue Contemporaine, voL 6, p. 282. De Paris a Sacramento. 16. Vol. 1, p. 575; vol. 2, p. 73. Ste also Gilliam, Travels in Mexico. Dillon, P. La Californie depuis la decouverte des mines d'or, San Francisco, la ville et les Emigrants. Revue des Deux-Mondes, 15 Janvier, 1850. Achard, Alexis. De Paris a San Francisco. La vie en Californie, les Francais et les Americains dans les placers. Revue des Deux-Mondes, 15 aout 1850. Chevalier, Martial. La Californie et Immigration europe"enne. Ibid, ler sept. 1852. Delessert, Benj. Les Mines d'or de la Californie. Ibid, ler fev. 1849. Mackenzie, Alexander. Voyages from Montreal on the River St. Lawrence through the continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Ocean in 1789-1793. 4to. London, 1801. -< Voyages dans 1'interieur de 1'Amerique Septentrionale en 1789-1792 et 1793, traduit de 1'anglais, par J. Castera. 3 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1802. See Edinburgh Review, vol. i. p. 141. 1390 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. [ VOYAGES, ETC., Lewis (Capt. M.) & Clarke, (Capt.) Journal of the expedition of from the mouth of the Missouri to its source, and thence across to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804, 1805 and 1806, by Patrick Gass. 8vo. London, 1808- Voyage depuis 1' embouchure du Missouri jusqu'a 1' entree de la Columbia dans 1' Ocean Pacifique, traduit del' anglais par 1'Allemand. . 8vo. Paris. 1810. History of the above expedition, by Paul Allen ; with the life of Capt. Lewis, by Thomas Jefferson. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1817. See Edinburgh Review, vol xxiv. p. 412. London Quarterly Review, vol. xii. p. 317. Franchere, G. Relation d'un voyage a la cote du nord-ouest de FAmerique Septentrionale, dans les annees 1810-14. (Redige par Michel Bibaud.) 8vo. Montreal, 1820. Narrative of a voyage to the North West coast of America in the years 1810-14, or the first American settlement of the Pacific ; trans- . lated and edited by J. V. Huntingdon. 8vo. New- York, 1854. Beltrami, J. C. La decouverte des sources du Mississippi et de la riviere Sanglante, description du cours entier du Mississippi qui n'etait connu que partiellement et une grande partie de celui de la riviere Sanglante> presque entierement inconnue ; ainsi que du cours entier de 1'Ohio, etc., etc. 8vo. Nouvelle-Orleans, 1824. A pilgrimage to Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River, with a description of the whole course of the former and the Ohio. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1828. Flint, Timothy. Recollections of the last ten years, passed in occasional resi- dences and journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburg and the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, and from Florida to the Spanish frontier : in a series of letters to the Reverend James Flint of Salem, Mass. 8vo. Boston, 1826. See London Quarterly Review, vol. xlviii, p. 201. Schooleraft, H. Travels to the sources of the river Mississippi in 1820. 8vo. Albany, 1821. Narrative of an expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, the actual source of this river ; embracing an exploratory trip through the Ste. Croix and Burntwood (or Broule) rivers in 1832, under the direction of Henry R. Schoolcraft. 8vo. New York, 1834. Long, Major, Stephen H. Account of an expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains performed in the years 1819 and 1820, by order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secy, of "War, under the command of Major Stephen H. Long : from the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen of the exploring party. Compiled by Edwin James, Botanist and Geologist for the expedition. 3 vols. 8vo. and Atlas. London, 1823. ETATS TJNIS.1 VOYAGES, &C., UNITED STATES. 1891 Long, Major Stephen H. Narrative of an expedition to the source of St. Peter's River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods, &c., performed in the year 1823, hy order of the Hon. J. C. Calhoun, Secy, of War, under the command of Stephen H. Long, U. S. T. E. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating and Calhoun, by Wm. H. Keating, Geologist and Historiographer to the expedition. 2 vols. 8vo. Phi- ladelphia, 1824. See North American Review, vol. xxi, p. 178. Maximilien de Wied-Neuwied, Le Prince > Voyage dans 1'interieur de 1' Amerique du Nord, execute pendant les ann6es 1832-33 et 34 : ouvrage accompagnee d'un Atlas de 80 planches (format demi-colomhier) dessi- nees sur les lieux par M. Charles Bodmer. 3vol. 8vo. Paris, 1840-43. Mercey, F. Le Missouri, le Prince Maximilien de Wied-Neuwied, Washington Irving, le Major Long. Revue des Deux Mondes, ler Novembre, 1844- Fuller, S. Margaret. Summer on the Lakes, in 1843. 8vo. Boston, 1844. Bradford, Wm. J. A. Notes on the North-West, or valley of the Upper Mississippi. 8vo. New York, 1846. Cox, Ross. Adventures on the Columbia River, including the narrative of a residence on the western side of the Rocky Mountains, among various tribes of Indians hitherto unknown. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1831. Irving, Washington. Astoria. Vide his Works, vol. 8. Voyages au-dela des Montagues Rocheuses, traduit de 1' Anglais par P. N. Grolier. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1843. See North American Review, vol. xliv. See also, Irving's Tour on the Prairies : and his Adventures of Chpt. Bonneville in the Rocky Mountains and the Far "West, in Washington Irving's Works, vols. ix and x. Ruxton, G. F. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. London, 1849. Colon. Libr. Ross, Alexander. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River ; a narrative of the Expedition fitted out by John Jacob Astor, to establish the " Pacific Fur Company/' with an account of the Indian tribes on the Coast of the Pacific. 8vo. London, 1849. Smet, R. P. de. Voyages aux Montagnes Rocheuses. 12mo. Malines, 1844. Lee, (D.) and Frost, (J. H.) Ten years in Oregon. 8vo. New York, 1844. Mofras, Duflot de. Exploration de 1' Oregon, des Californies et de la mer Vermeille. Executee en 1840-41 et 42. 2 vol. 8vo,, avec Atlas folio. Paris, 1844. Publi^ par ordre du gouvernement fran9ais, 1392 VOYAGES, &C., B. N. AMERICA. [VOYAGES, ETC., AME- Nicolay, C. G. The Oregon Territory ; a geographical and physical account of that country and its inhabitants, with outlines of its history. 12mo. London, 1846. Townshend, J. K. Sporting Excursions in the Rocky Mountains ; includ- ing a journey to the Columbia River, a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1840. 3. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 3. AMERIQUE BRITANNIQUE DU NORD. Charts, Plans, and Views relative to British North America, published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty : vide the Ad- miralty Charts, vols. 10 and 11. (ante, p. 513.) Folio. ARCTIC RESIGNS. Cumberland Isle, Davis Strait, 1839. Arctic Sea, Baffin Bay, with Views, 1853 Holsteinborg Harbour, with Views, 1853. Arctic America ; Cape Barrow to Cape Krusenstern, 1825 and 183*7 ; corrected to 1854. Arctic America ; containing Barrow Straits, Prince Regent Inlet, Boothia Gulf, &c., with Plans of Ports, 1835 and 1851; corrected to 1854. Discoveries in the Arctic Sea to 1854. Erebus Bay, 1854. LABRADOR. Labrador and Greenland, including the North West Passages -of Hudson, Frobisher and . Davis, with Plan of Port Manvers, 1808. Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay, 1*773. Sandwich Bay, with Views, 1820. Sealing Bight and St. Francis Harbour, 1820 Chateau Bay, Belle-isle Strait, 1836. Red Bay, Belle-isle Strait, 1834. NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland, North Part ; including th< Strait of Belle-isle, 1826 ; corrected tc 1834. Griguet Bay and Camel Island Harbours 1826. St. Lunaire Bay, 1826. Braha Harbour, with View, 1826. St. Anthony Harbour, 1826. Crtmallire and Goose Coves, 1826. How Harbour, with View, 1826. Croque Harbour, 1808. Cape Rouge Harbour, 1826. Cape Freels to Partridge Point, 1824. Fleur de Lis Harbour, with View, 1825. Paquet Harbour, 1801. La Scie Harbour, 1825. Nipper Harbour, 1825. Cutwell Harbour, 1825. Triton Harbour, 1823. Fortune Harbour, 1824. Toulinguet Harbours, 1825. Change Islands Tickle, 1826. Fogo Island and Dangers off the Coast, 1826. Fogo Harbour, with Directions, 1826. Funk Island, with View, 1820 ; additions to 1851. Trinity Harbour to Cape Freels, with Views, 1817. Bonavista Bay, N.W. Arm, 1820. Barrow Harbour. Trinity and Conception Bays, with Plan of Trinity Harbour, 1775. Grace Harbour, with Views, 1820. St. John's Harbour, and Town, with Plan of narrowest Part of the Entrance, 1813. Lance Point to Cape Spear with Plans, 1773^ Virgin Rocks, on the Great Bank, 1829. Trepassey Harbour, 1847. Placentia Bay, 2 Sheets: with Plans of Burin and Placentia, 1773. Little Southern Harbour, Placentia Bay, 1821 Lamalin Harbour, 1844, RIQUE BEIT. BIT NORD.] VOYAGES, &C., B. N. AMERICA. 1393 Admiralty Charts, Plans and Views : Continued. Port of St. Pierre Island French Navy, 1824. Chapeau Rouge to Cape Anguille. Cape Anguille to Point Ferrolle. GULF AND RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. Charts by Capt. H. W. Bayfield, R. N. 1827 to 1846. St. Lewis Sound to Esquimaux Islands, Strait of Belle-isle. Bradore Bay and Harbour. Belles Amours Harbour, Middle Bay, 1S2&; additions to 1831. Quoddy Head to CapeLepreau, 1848. Campobello Island, 1847. Port St. Andrew, with View, 1844. Etang Harbour, 1847. John Harbour, with Plan of the Entrance, and View, 1844. Inner Part of Bay of Fundy, 1824 ; additions to 1831. EAST COAST OF AMERICA '. GENERAL CHARTS. Newfoundland Island, including the Strait of Belle-isle. Gulf of St. Lawrence. Banks of Newfoundland. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, . Montreal, 184. Hunter's (W. 8. Jr.) Panonnnie 6nde fiont Niagara Falk to Qnebee; a folded Pictrire Map of tke moat celebrated and picturesque along dke mas St. Lawrence and Niagara, aad Lake Qntano. Montreal and Boston, 1857. Key to Canada. Every place IB Canada and kow to get to it; a key to dw Post Offices, Railway and Steamboat stations, stages and telegyapns, in Canada ; with an Hotel gvide, and other nsefid nKanoonda, Pab- Kahed for W. R. Brown and E. A.Copleston. 12n. Canada. Carte: vayef fi-prfe im aection des CJUTTEV MAAUWUII nant one snnerbe coHr rtion de cartes de la NoweQe Fiance, ^praes a dirersea cpoyiet, depnit FeUbGannKnt de la ceioaic jmmpfit la du pays a L' Angleterre. FMMET anw dans la ntaee aectian la carte manuscme du Haut et da Bos Cannfli, par llfflifnad VOYAGES, &C., CANADA. 1397 Canada. Maps in a folio case, lettered Canada, and containing : Kensett's Map of Upper and Lower Canada, 1812. Chewett's Map of located districts in Upper Canada, engraved by Faden, 1813. Holland's Map of Lower Canada, engraved by Faden, 1802. Bouohette, Lieut. Col. Joseph. A Topographical Map of the Districts of Quebec, Three Rivers, St. Francis, and Gaspc, Lower Canada, exhibiting the new civil division of the districts into counties, pursuant to a recent act of the Provincial Legislature. With a map of the inferior District ofGaspe. 1832. Outline Maps of Upper and Lower Canada, representing the different electo- ral divisions under the Representation Act of 1853. Folio. Canada, East and West. A Map, published by Ensign, Bridgman and Fan- ning. New York, 1854. Maps of Canada, accompanying the Appendix to Report of the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Part II. 4to. Toronto, 1857. 1. Map of Lower Canada, shewing the proposed land agencies and the Townships distinct from the Seigniories. J. E. Bouohette, Draughtsman C. L. 0. 2. Map of Upper Canada, shewing the proposed land agency divisions. 3. Map of the Counties of Gasp6 and Bonaventure, exhibiting the lands adjudicated, unsurveyed, Clergy Reserves on behalf of "Certain proprietors of Seigniories in Lower Canada against the second reading of the Bill, intituled " An Act to define seigniorial rights in Lower Canada, and to facilitate the redemption thereof" Quebec, 1853. 109 4. Reponse une adresse au sujet d'une etendue de terre en litige entre les habitants de Russelltown et le seigneur de Beauharnois. Document accompagne de Plans, Cartes, Titres de concession, Proces verbaux, etc. Publie^par ordre de 1'Assemblee Legislative Quebec, 1855. 130 5. La convention anti-seigneuriale de Montreal au peuple Montreal, 1854. .24 CANAD1ENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1439 Vol. XXXI Continued. * Pages 6. Statement of money placed to the credit of the special Fund set apart to aid the censitaires in the redemption ofseignorial dues, and to defray expenses, &c. With Instructions to the commissioners appointed to carry into operation the seigniorial tenure act of 1854, and correspondence on the subject, &c., Toronto, 1856.. 30 Vol. XXXII. [Seigniorial Tenure, Emigration, &c., 1833-1855.] 1. Some remarks upon the French tenure of " Franc aleu Roturier" and on its relation to the Feudal and other tenures. By R. Abraham. .Montreal, 1849. .81 2. Le Bill Seigneurial expose sous son vrai jour, et quelques avis d'un Culti- vateur aux Censitaires du Bas-Canada Quebec, 1855 . .41 3. Representation against the title of the Seminary to the Seigniory of Montreal and objections to the proposed Ordinance for the extinction of Seigniorial dues in the City and Island of Montreal Montreal, 1839. .14 4. Debats dans 1'assemblee legislative sur la tenure seigneuriale. .Quebec, 1853 . .40 5. Views on the subject of systematic British Pauper Immigration to Canada. By W. N. Crawford Montreal, 1840. .28 6. Information respecting the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, in which the British American Land Company intend to commence operations for the sale and settlements of lands, in the ensuing Spring London, 1833. .15 7. Le Canadien emigrant, ou pourquoi le Canadien Francais quitte-il le Bas- Canada? Quebec, 1851.. 46 Vol. XXXIII. [Topography and descriptive sketches, 1825-1831.] 1. Report on the Country between the St. Maurice and Ottawa. Quebec, 1831. .56 2. Rapport sur le pays eiitre les rivieres St. Maurice et Outaouais. Quebec, 1831.. 61 3. Report on the Country between the Saguenay, St. Maurice and St. Law- rence Quebec, 1831. .47 4. Rapport sur le pays entre les rivieres Saguenay, St. Maurice et St. Laurent. .50 5. Report on the Country between Frampton in the County of Dorchester, and the Head Waters of the River St. John,- (in French and English.) Quebec, 1825.. 71 Vol. XXXIV. [Grand Trunk Railway, 1855-1857.] 1. Liste des actionnaires de la compagnie du Grand Ironc de chemin de fer, et des autres compagnies associees avec elle Quebec, 1855 . .20 2. Certain Papers connected with the affairs of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company of Canada. ... Quebec, 1855. .66 3. Return for statement relative to applications of Grand Trunk Railway Company for releases of Provincial Debentures, and copy of any Memo- rial from the Company since 1st January, 1856 Toronto, 1856 . .32 4. Report of the Special Committee appointed to enquire and report as to the condition, management and prospects of the Grand Trunk Railway Company Toronto, 1857. .263 5. Statements, Reports and Accounts of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Laid before the Legislative Assembly Toronto, 1857. .71 For other Canadian Railway Pamphlets, sec pages 270 and 755. Vol. XXXV. [Public Works, Trade, etc., 1855-1856.] 1. Report relative to the survey of the proposed Caughnawaga Canal, by J. B. Jarvis ; with documents relative to the survey and improvement of the 1440 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [BROCHURES Vol. XXXV Continued. 4 Pages Rapids of the River St. Lawrence, by MM. Maillefert and Raasloff. [with Plans] Quebec, 1855. .76 The plans are contained in a separate volume. Vide ante, p. 1399. 2. Salter, A. P. Report upon the Country bordering upon the North shore of Lake Huron. With a Map. Toronto, 1856 . . 11 3. Report of a Committee of the Legislative Assembly on Trade and Commerce between Canada and Great Britain, the B. N. America colonies, the West Indies, the United States, and other foreign parts : Hon. W. H. Merritt, Chairman. With a Map of North America, illustrating the routes of trade between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, by the way of the Canadian Lakes, the River St. Lawrence, &c Quebec, 1855 . .41 4. Return to an Address from the Legislative Assembly, relating to the con- tract between the Government and Messrs. McKean and McLarty, for Ocean Steam communication service Quebec, 1855 . .39 5. Reponse a une adresse de PAssemblee Legislative, pour copie des docu- ments concernant la construction des phares et des quais en bas de Que- bec, et Fes soumissions et contrats pour les bateaux r^raorqueurs sur le St. Laurent en bas de Quebec Quebec, 1855 . .75 6. Smith, James. Havre de refuge. Rimouski vs. Bic et chemin de fer des Trois-Pistoles Quebec, 1856 . .15 Vol. XXXVI. [Affaires Munici pales, Bas-Canada, 1829-1857.] 1. Rapports du comite special sur les chemins et autres communications inte- rieures Quebec, 1829 . .144 2. Premier et second rapports du comite special, pour s'enquerir de 1' operation de 1'acte des municipalites et des chemins du Bas-Canada, de 1855. Toronto, 1857.. 247 Vol. XXXVH. [Miscellaneous, 1841-1857.] 1. Sketch of the eventful life of Okah Tubbee, (called) Wm. Chubbee, son of the Head Chief Mosholeh Tubbee, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians, by Laah Ceil Manatoi Elaah Tubbee, his wife Toronto, 1852. .96 2. Production artificielle du poisson Quebec, 1854. .12 3. Rapport geologique de M. de Rottermund, a son honneur le Maire de Quebec, sur la nature du mineral combustible qui se trouve dans la ville de Quebec Quebec, 1855... 4 4. Extrait relatif au Canada, de Phisloire de 1'exposition universelle de 1855, par M. Ch. Robin % Quebec, 1856. .15 5. Prohibitory liquor laws : their practical operation in the United States. The subject discussed as a question of state policy and legislation, with suggestions for the suppression of tippling houses. By Charles Lindsey. Montreal, 1855.. 35 6. Rapport du bureau d'ingenieurs et de W. E. Logan, Ecr. sur le releve du lac St. Pierre en Octobre 1850 Montreal, 1850. .24 7. Remarks on the principles and practice of Road-Making, as applicable to Canada. By Thomas Roy Toronto, 1841 . .42 8. The Arabian art of taming and training wild and vicious horses. By Patrick O'Connor Dundas, 1857.. 36 9. Description et pland'un nouveau calorifere a air chaud, sur le systeme tubu- laire, pour chauffer les edifices prives et publics. Invente par Charles Baillairge ; conetruit par Z. Chartre Quebec, 1853 . . 23 CANADIENNES."] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1441 Vol. XXXVIII. [Finances, &c., 1852-1855.] Pages 1. Rapport. Revenu du Canada et paiements fails a meme ce revenu ; Revenu et depenses du departement de la poste ; Achat, loyer et repara- tions de Spencer Wood, et reparations de certains edifices publics ; Depenses du recensement ; Cautionnements donnes par les surinten- dants d'education ; Rapport relatif aux cautionnement, etc., donne par le receveur des honoraires, dans le bureau du secretaire provincial. Quebec, 1852.. 75 '2. Second Report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. Quebec, 1854.. 93 3. Third and Fourth Reports of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. (Decimal currency Weights and Measures.) Quebec, 1855. .80 Vol. XXXIX. [Incendies des Edifices Publics, 1853-1854,] 1. Rapport des Commissaires nommes pour s'enquerir de la cause de 1'incen- die qui a detruit I 1 hotel du Parlement, le ler fevrier 1854 et des circons- tances s'y rattachant Quebec, 1854 . .59 2. Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the cause of the Fire at the Parliament Buildings, Quebec, in February, 1854. Quebec, 1854. .59 3. Rapport des Commissaires nommes pour s'enquerir de 1'origine et des cau-. ses de Pincendie qui a consume 1'hospice des soeurs de la charite le trois mai dernier, ainsi que des circonstances s'y rattachant. . . .Quebec, 1854. .65 4. Report of Commissioners appointed to enquire into the cause of the Fire at the' Grey Nunnery, or "Hospice des Sceurs de la Charite," Quebec, on 3rd May, 1854 w . 64 Vol. XL. [Legal Pamphlets, etc., Lower Canada, 1839-1857.] 1. Rapport sur 1'etat de 1'administration de la justice Montreal, 1842. .34 2. Proces Politique. La reine vs. Jalbert. (Rapporte par R. Cherrier, etudiant en droit) Montreal, 1839. .87 3. La reine vs. Prudent Pelletier. Proces pour meurtre, novembre 1853. Rapporte et public par M. Eug. Philippe Dorion Quebec, 1853. .100 4. Proces de Joseph Berube et de Cesaree Theriault, sa femme, pour le meur- tre par empoisonnement de Sophie Talbot, premiere femme du dit Be- rube Quebec, 1855. .13 5. Celebre proces de Jean Baptiste Corriveau, accuse et trouve coupable du meurtre de Mile. Charlotte Todd, sa belle mere Quebec, 1856. .32 6. Examen medico-legal des proces d'Anais Toussaint, de Joseph Berube et de Cesaree Theriault, et precis des procedures a suivre dans les cas d'empoisonnement par 1'arsenic et le phosphore. Par J. Emery Coclerre, M.D Montreal, 1857.. 50 Vol. XLI, [Judicature, Lower Canada, 1846-1850.] 1. Judicature. Acts regulating the Judicature of Lower Canada, 12th Vic- toria Montreal, 1849 . .151 2. Rules and Orders of practice of the Superior Court, and Circuit Court, Lower Canada. (With table of fees) Quebec, 1850. .80 3. Rules and Orders in matters of Bankruptcy in the District of Quebec, and tariff of fees : Quebec, 1846. .41 4. Orders in Bankruptcy for the District of Montreal, with tariff of fees. Montreal, 1846.. 23 5. Commentaries on the Bankrupt Act, in a series of letters, addressed to the Morning Courier, by " Observer." Montreal, 1848. .62 1442 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [BROCHURES Vol. XLII. [Legal Pamphlets, etc., Lower Canada, 1832-1857.] Pages 1. Code rural a 1'usage des habitants tant anciens que nouveaux du Bas- Canada. Par J . Frs. Perrault. Quebec, 1832 . .33 2. A synopsis of the laws of Letting and Hiring, or the contract of lease in Lower Canada. By Alexander Gorrie, N. P Montreal, 1848. .33 3. A lecture on the Mercantile Law of Lower Canada. By Ed. L. Montizam- bert, Advocate , Montreal, 1848. .28 4. Memoire sur 1'amovibilite des cures en Canada, suivi de remarques sur les notes de M. La Fontaine, avocat, relativement a Pinamovibilite des cures dans le Bas-Canada, (25 mars 1837.) Montreal, 1837 . . 95 5. Precis de diverses ordonnances du conseil special et d'actes de la legisla- ture pour la ci-devant province du Bas-Canada. Par Godefroy Chagnon. Montreal, 1842.. 108 6. A treatise on the Law relating to Marriages in Lower Canada. By James Armstrong, Advocate Montreal, 1857 .46 Vol. XLIH. [Theological Pamphlets, 1822-1854.] 1. Mountain, Rev. G. J. A Sermon on the education of the poor, the duty of diffusing the Gospel, and particularly on the importance of family reli- gion, preached at Quebec in 1822 Quebec, 1822. .28 2. The Second annual Report of the l Amherstburgh Branch Bible So- ciety Sandwich, 1842 . . 12 3. The [Gavazzi] riot and outrage of 9th June in Montreal. Montreal, 1853. .24 4. Fletcher, Rev. J. Letters to the Wesleyan Methodists of the mission of Mono Toronto, 1854. .52 5. De la reforme et du protestantisme. Par Chs. deRemusat. .Montreal, 1855. .64 6. Regies de la congregation de Notre-Dame de Quebec, autrement dite con- gregation des hommes de Quebec Quebec, 1850. .39 7. The Clergy Reserves. A letter from the Bishop of Toronto to the Honoura- ble A. N. Morin Toronto, 1854 . .27 Vol. XLIV. [Theological Pamphlets, 1855-1857.] 1. Notes on Sabbath School Lessons. First Series Kingston, 1855. .26 2. Third Series Toronto, 1857... 36 Authorised by the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. 3. Songs for the Wilderness . Kingston, 1855 . .56 4. Hymns for the use of Sunday Schools : selected from approved authors ; by Rev. A. Sanson, minister of Trinity Church, Toronto Toronto, 1857. .65 5. Bochim, or the Weepers ; a sermon preached on the 27th November, being the day of humiliation on account of the Indian Mutiny ; by the fc Rev. James Gibson, Owen Sound Toronto, 1857 . .24 6. Christ as Redeemer, the delegated King and Head of Creation ; by theRev. Henry Gordon, minister of Gananoque, Canada West London, 1857. .20 7. An Act to enable the members of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada to meet in Synod ; together with the Canons passed by the Synod of the diocese of Toronto, under the Episcopate of John Strachan, D. D., Lord Bishop of the diocese of Toronto, A.D. 1857. ..Toronto, 1857. .15 8. A sermon, on the Ministerial Character, preached by command of the Lord Bishop in St. James' Cathedral, Toronto, on Wednesday, 17th June, 1857, before the clergy and lay-delegates of the diocese, in Synod assembled ; by the Rev. J. Gamble Geddes, M.A. Second Edition Toronto, 1857. .18 CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. 1443 Vol. XLV. [Theological Pamphlets, 1832-1854.] P ages . 1. Sixth Annual Report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, 1848 Quebec, 1848 . .64 2. Seventh Annual Report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, 1849 Quebec, 1849. .81 3. Twelfth annual Report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto ; for the year ending 31st March, 1854 Toronto, 1854. . 158 4. Mountain, The Ven. G. J. A retrospect of the Summer and Autumn of 1832. A Sermon preached at Quebec, Dec. 30, 1832. With an appendix of facts concerning the late awful visitation of the Cholera Morbus. Quebec, 1833. .33 5. Bethune, Rev. J. A Sermon preached in 1852, on the occasion of the primary visitation of the Right Reverend Francis Fulford, Lord Bishop > of Montreal Montreal, 1852 . .21 6. Adamson, Rev. W. Agar. A Sermon preached at Quebec, in 1854, on the day set apart for humiliation and fasting on account of the War between our Country and Russia Quebec, 1854 . 14 7. Mountain, G. J. Lord Bishop of Quebec. A charge delivered to the Cler- gy of the Diocese of Quebec, at the Triennial visitation held in the Cathe- dral Church of Quebec, in 1854 Quebec, 1854. .46 Vol. XL VI. [Religion, &c., 1833-1856.] 1. Dialogue between a young gentleman and a Divine. By the Rev. J. B. McMahon, Roman Catholic Missionary at Perce Quebec, 1833. 62 2. Notice biographique de Mgr. Lartique, premier eveque de Montreal. Suivie de son oraison funebre par M. C. LaRocque, cure de 1'Acadie. Montreal, 1841.. 23 3. Souvenir de retraite, ou memorial abrege de ce qui s'est dit ou fait, jour par jour, pendant la retraite commencee a Montreal le 13 Decembre 1840 et terminee le 21 Janvier 1841 (par Mgr. Forbin Janson, Eveque de Nancy.) Muntival, 1841 . .76 4. Temperance et Intemperance Montreal, 1856. .86 Vol. XL VII. [Education, 1810-1852.] 1. Letter to the Roman Catholic Clergy and the Seigniors of Lower Canada, re- commending the establishment of schools ; by Daniel Wilkie. Quebec, 1810. .43 2. Account of the endowments for education in Lower Canada and of ihe public acts for the advancement thereof, from 1763 to the present time ; com- piled by Messrs. Andrew Stuart and William Badgley. . . . .London, 1838. 132 3. Letters on elementary and practical education ; by Charles Mondelet. Montreal, 1 841.. 60 4. Lettres sur i'cducation elementaire et pratique, par Charles Mondelet. Tra- duites de 1'anglais . Montreal, 1841 . .60 5. Note, in addition to that of 1845, en the Jesuits 1 Estates, after the sup- pression and since the revival of the order, and on the uses to which they have been applied. With tables Quebec, 1847 21 6. Catalogue des officiers et des eleves du seminaire de Quebec, 1847-8. Avec notes, reglemens, etc '. Quebec, 1848. .26 7. Early moral and religious education ; a lecture by the Revd. John Cook, D.D. Quebec, 1849. .29 8. Statutes relating to elementary education and for the establishment of Normal Schools ; with circulars, instructions and tables of the Superintendent of education for Lower Canada Quebec, 185'J. .87 AA 1444 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [ BIIOCHTJBES Vol. XL VII Continued. p 9. Actes d'education elementaire et pourl'etablissement d'ecoles normales, sui- vis des circulaires y relatives, et des instructions et tableaux du surinten- dant de 1'education pour le Bas-Canada. .' . . .Quebec, 1852 . .79 Vol. XLVm. [Education, 1824-1857.] 1. Memoires sur le Canada. Etudes sur 1'instruction publique chez les Catia- diens Franqais ; par M. D. P. Myrand Quebec, 1857 . .24 2. Rapport du coinite special de la chambre d'assemblee du Bas-Canada, nom- ine pour s'enquerir de 1'etataetuel de Teducation dans le Bas-Canada, 1824.240 Vol. XLIX. [Education, 1834-1849.] 1. Rapport d'un Quebeccois sur quelques ecoles elementaires du district de Quebec Quebec, 1834.. 17 2. Remarks on the state of education in the province of Canada, by "L." (Major Lachlan.) Reprinted from the British American Journal. .Montreal, 1848. .72 3. Renewed remarks on the state of education, in the province of Canada. By "L." Montreal, 1849.. 48 4. Colonial legislation on the subject of education ; two letters published in the Hamilton Gazette, under the signature of Scotus. By David Burn. Toronto, 1841.. 16 5. Thoughts on emigration, education, &c., in a letter addressed to Lord John Russell; by a citizen . . .Montreal, 1847. .38 6. Letters on Medical Education, addressed to the members of the Provincial Legislature of Canada, by Archibald Hall, M. D Montreal, 184'2. .30 7. Lecture on Freedom of Mind, by the Reverend H. Wilkes, and speech of his Excellency the Earl of Elgin, delivered before the Mercantile Library Asso- ciation of Montreal, Nov. 16, 1848 Montreal, 1848 . .27 Vol. L. [Education, 1853-1857.] 1. Laws relating to grammar and common Schools in Upper Canada, together with forms, general regulations and instructions, prepared according to law, arranged with notes and references. Toronto, 1855 . 115 2 The Canada Educational Directory and Calendar for 1857-8, containing an account of the schools, colleges and universities, the professions, scientific and literary institutions, decisions of the courts on school questions, &c. Edited by Thos. Hodgins . Toronto, 1857. 144 3. Townley, Rev. Adam. Seven letters on the non-religious common school system of Canada and the United States Toronto, 1853.. 55 4. Controversy between Dr. Ryerson, Chief Superintendent of Education in Upper Canada, and the Rev. J. M. Bruyere, on the appropriation of the Clergy Reserves Funds ; free schools vs. state schools : public libraries and common schools, attacked and defended. To which is appended a letter from the Right Rev. Dr. Pinsoneault, Bishop of London, C.W. Toronto, 1857. 108 Vol. LI. [Lltterature, 1825-1840.] 1. Chansonnier Canadien Montreal, 1825 128 2. Valentine, ou la Nina Canadienne. Par H. Leblanc de Marconnay, Ecr. Montreal,;i836..52 3. Le Rebelle. Histnire Canadienne. Par le Baron Regis de Trobriand. Quebec, 1842.. 38 4. Essai de grammaire franchise suivant les principes de 1'abbe Girard. Par A. Berthelot, Ecr Quebec, 1840 . .60 CANADIENNES.] CANADIAN PAMPHLETS 1445 Vol. LII. [Parent, Etienne.] P ages Discours prononces a Quebec, en 1852, par E, Parent, ecr., sur ]es sujets sui- vans : 1. De 1'importance et des devoirs du commerce 22 2. De Pintelligence dans ses rapports avec la societe. . .(Deux lectures). .67 3. Consideration sur le sort des classes ouvrieres Quebec, 1853. .26 Vol. LIII. [Litterature, etc.,] 1. Les revelations du crime, ou Cambray et ses complices. Chroniques cana- diennes de 1834. Par F. R. Angers .Quebec, 1837. .77 2. Manuel des societes de temperance, dedie a la jeunesse du Canada. Par le , Rev. C. Chiniquy, pretre. Troisieme edition. . . Montreal, 1849.192 3. Lecture de messire Denis an cabinet de lecture paroissial de Montreal. Piece de vers sur la mort de F. X. Milton, eleve du college de Montreal. Montreal, 1857... 4 4. Fables (en vers) par Paul Stevens Montreal, 1857. 120 5. The beauties and utilities of a Library, a student's guide to literature, &c. With an analysis of the Canadian Parliamentary Library. Part I. By George Vasey Toronto, 1857 . . 34 Vol. LIV. [Litterature, Sciences.] 1. Bibaud, Maxime. Essai de logique judiciaire. Ouvrage qui doit servir d'appreciation, et sur quelques points d'antirrhetique de la logique judi- ciaire publiee a Paris par M. Hortensius de St. Albin. . . .Montreal, 1853. .156 2. Morin, A. N. Lecture sur 1'education, devant 1'Institut Canadian, le 18 decembre 1845 Montreal, 1845 . .30 3. Fletcher, Edw. T. Essay on language, read before the Toronto Literary Association, on 5 March, 1857 Toronto, 1857 . . 12 4. Dessaulles, L. A. Galilee, ses travaux scientifiques et sa condamnation, lecture publique faite devant 1'Institut Canadien, le 14 mars 1856 .50 5. Dumesnil, Clement. Reflexions preliminaries des "rais principes politi- ques Montreal, 1849.. 68 Vol. LV. [Sciences, etc., 1853.] 1. Guide de 1'instituteur. Par F. X. Vaiade. . .Montreal, 1853.286 2. Traite elementaire d'Algebre, a 1'usage des freres des ecoles chretiennes Montreal, 1853.160 Vol. LVI. [Natural History Society of Montreal, 1828-1857.] 1. Constitution and Bye-Laws of the Natural History Society of Montreal with directions for preserving and forwarding objects of Natural History. Montreal, 1823.. -25 2. Fourth annual Report of the Council of the Natural History Society, 1830-31. Montreal, 1831.. 10 3. Fifth, Sixth and Seventh do Montreal, ]834. .19 4. Eighth do Montreal, 1835... 6 5. Ninth, do Montreal, 1836 ... 9 6. Twenty-fifth, do Montreal, 1853. . .8 Twenty-sixth, do . . Montreal, 1854 . . 12 8. Twenty-seventh, do . . .Montreal, 1855. .11 9. Twenty-eighth, do Montreal, 1856 .23 10. Twenty-ninth, do Montreal, 1857. .16 1446 CANADIAN PAMPHLETS. [BROCHURES CANADIENNES. Vol. LVI Continued, Pages. 11. Catalogue of the Library and Museum of the Natural History Society of Montreal Montreal, 1846 . .37 12. A retrospective glance at the progressive state of the Natural History Society of Montreal, &c. By Major R. Lachlan Montreal, 1852 . . 24 L'AIbum^des Bibliothecaires, pour I'ann6e 1857, contient, entre autres documens : Des provinces de 1'Amerique du Nord et d'une union .federate, par J. C. Tach6, ecr. (Du Courrier de Canada. Mai, Juin, Juillet, Aoiit, Septembre, Octobre, 1857.) A Cruise to Labrador (from Quebec). By the Hoii. W. H. Seward. (From the Albany Evening Journal, August and September, 1857.) The Exiled Negroes in Canada. (From the New York Tribune.} Vie de Marle-H61ene Boulle, dite de Saint-Augustin, fondatrice et religieuse ursuline de Meaux, (Madame de Cbamplain.) (Extrait des Chroniques de 1'Ordre dea TJrsulines, et public par le Journal de Quebec, en mars 1855.) MANUSCRIPTS. 1448 MANUSCRITS. Les Manuscrits Fran9ais dont on donne la liste dans les pages suivantes ont ete recueillis durant les douze ou quinze dernieres annees, au moyen de som- mes votees de temps a autre a cet effet par la legislature du Canada : Us peuvent former cinq divisions principales. Les trois premieres series comprennent particulierement la correspondance officielle relative aux affaires de la Nouvelle France ; les deux autres series se com- posent de documents divers, tels que memoires, relations, voyages, cartes, etc. Voici en peu de mots 1'historique de ces manuscrits : La legislature provinciale ayant, sur requete de la Societe" Litteraire et His- torique de Quebec, vote une somme de .300 pour obtenir des documents historiques, M. Faribault fut, en 1845, depute a Albany, ou il s'entendit avec les autorites de 1'Etat de New- York pour faire transcrire une volumineuse collection de manuscrits relatifs a 1'histoire du Canada, que le Col. Brodhead avait ete charge de se procurer en Europe. De cette maniere il obtint 17 volumes de documents tire's des Archives de Paris, et six autres volumes tires des Archives du Bureau Colonial, a Londres. Ces volumes ne furentpas d'abord marques comme serie distincte ; mais en 1853, lors de la reception des autres manuscrits obtenus a Paris par M. Faribault, il fut juge a propos, pour eviter toute confusion, de diviser ces documents par series ; et les quarante-et-un volumes de manuscrits obteuus aux frais de la Province, et qui contiennent la correspondance officielle du Canada sous le gouvernement francais, forment aujourd'hui trois series distinctes. La premiere serie se compose des 1 7 volumes transcrits a Albany, et qui se trouvent deposes dans la bibliotheque dela Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec. Les manuscrits obtenus des archives des divers ministeres a Paris, par M. Fari- bault, durant sa mission en Europe en 1851-52, forment les seconde et troi- sieme series, et comprennent : Seconde s6rie : correspondance officielle des gouverneurs du Canada, depuis 1637 jusqu'a 1727. 12 vol. in-folio ; y compris les recensements des diverses parties du Canada, en 1666, 1667 et 1681, et ceux de 1685 a 1698, formant 2 vol. in-folio. Troisieme serie : correspondance officielle relative au gouveruement du Canada, de 1654 a 1731. 12 Vol. in-folio. M. Faribault fit aussi transcrire, dans le meme temps : Voyages et memoires sur le Canada en 1752 et 1753 ; par le sieur Franquet, inspecteur des fortifica- tions en Canada. 1 vol. in-folio. L' autre volume des voyages de Franquet, c'est-a-dire le volume marque : vol. I, mentionne a la page 1612, a ete achete, en 1857, de M. P. L. Morin, du bu- reau des terres de la couronne, ainsi que les autres documents relic's en 1 volume enumeres au haut de la meme page. Les quatre premiers volumes de documents, mentionnes a la page 1613, et qui sont deposes dans la Bibliothe"que de la Societe Litteraire et Historique de Quebec, ont ete transcrits a Paris par les soins de 1'hon. L. J. Papineau. Cinq ou six autres volumes appartenant a la meme collection ont etc" consumes dans 1'incendie du Parlement a Montreal, en 1849. MANUSCRITS. 1449 Les cartes manuscrites copies en France par M. P. L. Morin, et enumerees aux pages 1614-1621, forment une cinquieme serie de documents fran^ais manuscrits, et interessent eminemment 1'Histoire du Canada. Un certain nombre d'autres manuscrits fra^ais du plus grand intere't pour notre histoire se trouvent encore dans les archives de Paris, et seront obtenus pro- chainement, le comite de la bibliotheque s'etant deja occupe dans la der mere session du Parlement des moyens de mener a bonne fin cette entreprise patriotique. N. B. Quant a 1'orthographe des noms propres, on a cru devoir n'y rien changer, bien qu'elle varie etrangement. Ainsi on a imprime indifferemment, suivant 1'orthographe du manuscrit : Agniers, Agniez, A.gni6s, Aniera, Anniers, etc. Tsononthouans, Sonnotouans, Sonnonthouans, Soonontouans, Tshonnontouans, etc. Oimeyouths, Oaneyout, One-youths, etc. Onontagues, Nontagues. Manhate, Manhathe, Manatte, Manat, Manatb, etc Michillimakinac, Missillimakinac, etc. Pemaquid, Pemakuit, Pemaquil, Penaiquit, Pernkuit, etc. Outawas, Outaouais, Outaoi:as. Boston, Baston. Micraaks, Mikmakes, etc. Temiscatning, Temiscamingue, Temiscaminne, etc. Oswego, Chouegen, Chouaguen, Ochuego, etc. M. de Meules, de Meulles, De Meulles, etc. M. Duchesneau, du Chesneau, etc. Dauteuil, d'Auteuil, etc. Daillebout, d'Aillebout, etc. Dubois d'Avaugour, Du Bois D'Avaugour, etc. Duquesne, du Quesne, etc. Calliere, Callieres, etc. Lacorne, de la Corne, etc. Lamothe Cadillac, LaMothe Cadillac, de la Mothe Cadillac, etc. Longueuil, Lougueil, etc. M. de Ligneries, Deligneries, etc. Daigremont, D'Aigremont, d'Aigremont, etc. Delagny, de Laguy, etc, Du 1'Hut, du Lliut, Dulut, etc. Valrenne, Vallereune, etc. Quebec, Kebeck, K6bec, etc. Lacbesnaye, de la Chesnaye, etc. Fouancant, K'anicatnpt, etc. d'Aulnay Charnisay, d'Aulnay Charnizay, etc. Delino, de Lino, etc. Perrot, Perot, etc. M. de la Potherie, la Poterie, e^c. Des Goutins, De Goutins, de Goutin, etc. Sorel, Saurel, etc. 1450 MANUSCBITS. Le petit tableau suivant indique les pages du catalogue ou se trouve Venonce des documents manuscrits, relatifs aux diverges epoques indique'es dans la colonne des ann^es : Ann<5es. Pages. 1504-1760 1612. 1613-1614 1622. 1614-1735 1499. 1637-1650 1451, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502. 1640-1672 1613. 1651-1665 1451, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1539. 1666-1670 1452, 1506, 1507, 1539, 1558, 1622. 1671-1679 1453, 1501, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1539, 1543. 1553, 1554, 1622, 1623. 1680-1682 1454, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1540, 1623. 1682-1712 1613. 1683-1685 1455-56, 1507, 1509, 1510, 1540, 1541, 1554, 1628. 1685-1688 1456-58, 1511, 1512, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517 1519, 1541, 1542, 1542, 1623-25. 1689-1691 1458-61, 1513, 1519, 1544, 1544, 1554-55, 1626, 1631. 1692-1700 1461-63, 1513, 1528, 1521-28,1540, 1544, 1545-47,1555,1557, 1612, 1613, 1627-30. 1701-1709 1464-66, 1529-36, 1547-52, 1557-65, 1669, 1631. 1710-1728.-, , ..1467-70, 1536, 1538, 1552-53, 1566, 1596, 1607, 1679-1600, 1632-34. 1728-1740 1470-72, 1603, 1611, 1634. 1741-1750 1473-76, 1634-37. 1751-1755 1477-80, 1612, 1687-40. 1756- 1480-83, 1640. 1757 1483-87, 1640, 1641. 1758 1487-93. 1759 1493-96, 1640, 1641. 1759-1776 1496-98, 1613, 1641, 1642. 1774-1775 1498. 1778 ..1498. INDEX DES MANUSCRITS. Abenaquis, 1468-1469, 1472, 1533, 1535, 1570, 1571, 1581, 1583-1585, 1592-1598, 1601, 1608. Abercrombie 1488, 1490 1492 Acaclie, 1500-1502, 1507, 1511, 1513, 1515, 1516, 1521, 1522, 1525, 1528, 1531-1533 1535, 1577, 1579. Sa restitution a la France, 1500, 1538, 15S9. Administration de la justice, 1506, 1535, 1536, 1575. Voir Canada. Agniers, 1476, 1520, 1 534 Amiraute, 1595, 1598,1605, 1611 Andros. Lettres, 1518, 1622, 1623, 1625, 1626 Ardoisieres 1598, 1600, 1604, 1605 ArgalPs affair 1622 Argenson, d'. Correspondance ...1502-1505 Drame compose a 1'occa- sion deson arrivee a Quebec 1503 Aubert 1526 Aubry. Limites du Canada 1468 Aulnay, Charnisay, d'., Documents le con- cernant 1451, 1499-1503 Avaugour, d'. Lettres 1451, 1505 Badeaux. Siege de Quebec ,,.1613 Baie d'Hudson. Voir Hudson. Baillif, delegue" en France 1499 Banes d'eglise 1582, 1583 Barre, M. de la. Correspondance, 1454-1456, 1509-1511, 1623. Baudoin 1522 Journal d'un voyage 1525 Bayard, Nicholas. Journal and Letters. . . 1626 Beaucourt 1472-1474, 1523, 1537, 1605 Beauharnois, M. de. (Intendant.) Corres- pondance, 1464, 1532-1534 - (Gouverneur) Corres- pondance, 1469-1475, 1590-1611, 1633 1634. Ses armoiries 1592 Becancour, sieur de 1504, 1505, 1508, 1597, 1601 JBegon. Correspomknce, 1468-1470, 1537, 1572, 1589, 1633. Begon. Ses Armoiries 1570 Bellefonds, M. de 1511 Belle-Riviere, Bataille de la 1612 Bellomont, Sacorrespondance,1463, 1527, 1629- 1631. Belmont, M. de 1512 Benac, Lettre 1520 Bennes, le Sr. de. Remarques sur Terre- neuve, 1554 Bigot, Correspondance, 1476-1480, 1487, 1495- 1497. Boishebert 1475, 1577, 1578 Boissons, 1506, 1507, 1512, 1515, 1518, 1520, 1522, 1528, 1532, 1536, 1537, 1570, 1576, 1599, 1580-1582, 1585, 1586, 1589, 1591, 1606. Bole. Memoire sur les limites du Canada . 1469 Bonaventure, Correspondance 1514, 1549, 1550 Boucher, le sieur 1522, 1535 Bougainville, M. de. Lettres 1485 Boy vinet 1516 Bradstreet, Col. Thoughts upon Indian affairs 1 643 Breslay, Note sur M. de 1574 Lettres, etc 1571, 1579 Brouillan, M. de. Correspondance, 1513, 1535, 1547-1549, 1555, 1556, 1561, 1562, 1564- 1570. Bruyas, le P. Lettre a M. de Fronteuac, 1519 Burnet. Lettres, discours, etc., 1470. 1590 ) 1632, 1633. Caen. Affaires du Sieur de. . . . . . 1499, 1450 Oal dwell. Si6ge de Quebec 1613 Calliere, M. de 1515, 1519, 1520, 1523 Lettres et Memoires, etc, 1456, 1458-1460, 1525-1532, 1630. Canada. Arret concernaut la traite (1656) 1502 Arret concernant le commerce (1657) 1503 Arret concernant la traite (1659) 1504 Artillerie en 1749 1476 Campaigns of 1759 and 1760... 1644 Campagne de 1756 1482 Commerce du castor, (1690).. 1513 CAN] INDEX DBS MANUSCBJTS. {.COL Canada. Commerce (1686) 1514 - Commerce de la Colonie (1704). 1635 Commerce du castor (1713) 1570-1572 Commerce 1721 1580 Commerce du castor (1651) . . . . 1502 'do (1696) 1525 Voir Commerce. Cornpte du commis Oh. Sevestre 1503 Etat des castors venus du Ca- nada de 1675 a 1685 1456 Etat du (1719) 1538 Evenemens de 17451748 1475 Finances du 1506 Voir Finances. Formation d'une compagnie de marchands (1659) 1504, 1505 Fortifications, (1694). . . . 1522, 1523 Voir Fortifications. Limites du 1468, 1469, 1498 Liste des Gouverneurs 1451 Memoires sur le, 1452, 1165, 1498, 1457, 1466, 1469, 1475, 1479, 1498, 1457, 1458,1461, 1524, 1528. Me'moire sur les affaires du, (1689) 1513 Memoire sur les affaires du, en (1688) 1519 Memoire sur le (1696) 1524 Memoire sur le, en 1709 1466 Memoire sur le, en 1725 1469 Navires venus a Quebec,. . 1725 1589 Nouvelles du, en 1756 1483 Paie des Troupes (1695) .1524 Prix de fret et des marchan- dises du cru (1656) 1502 Projet pour peupler le (1724). . 1587 Re"cit de ce qui s'est passe", de 1682a 1712 1537 Re"glement de Police en (1647) . . 1502 Reglement pour Padministration de la justice et la distribution des terres.1506 Re'sume' de lettres regues du. . . 1456 Resume des nouvelles du, (en 1756) 1482 Tarif des Marchands (1665) 1451 Tarif et difference des prix, etc. (1689) 1459 Canada surveyed 1648, 1651 Cap Breton. Memoires sur le. 1569, 1570, 1644 Capitulation 1644, 16*45 Carheil, le P6re. Lettres 1513, 1529 Carillon, fort. Plan des attaques[1758]. 1621 Carillon 1488, 1489, 14911493 Cartes 1612, 16141621, 1647 Castor. ArreHs relatifs au commerce du .1502 Voir Canada et Commerce. Catarakouy 1507, 1512-1516 CSloron 1476 Cent Associes. Arret les condamnant a payer 40,000 a Marie et Salomon Lan- glois 1499 Arret ordonnant a cer- tains de ses membres de payer leurs souscriptions 1499 Armes de la Cdrnpagnie 1614 Maison de la Compagnie a Quebec 1614 Chamberlayne, J. Letters, 6 Nov. Extraits d'un memoire adresse au Roi par M. le Comte de Frontenac 04 10 Nov. Extraits du memoire de M. Duchesneau, intendant, adresse au Ministre plaintes graves de M. Duchesneau contre M. le Comte de Frontenac et divers autres fonctionnaires. (Des archives de la Marine) ., MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A IERE S^RIE. VOL. II Continuation. Ann6es. 14 Nov. Autre memoire de M. Duchesneau au Ministre details sur les villes de la Nouvelle Angleterre 52 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Saurel a M. Duchesneau 58 1680. 29 Avril. Extrait d'une lettre du Roi a M. le Comte de Frontenac re- commandation d'une plus grande moderation dans sa conduite. ... 61 13 Nov. Extraits du memoire de M. Duchesneau au Ministre desordres des coureurs de bois conduite de M. le gouverneur, etc 64 1681. 2 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. le Comte de Frontenac adressee au Roi, au sujet des 'roquois et des Anglais, etc 81 13 Nov. Memoire adresse par M. Duchesneau au Ministre tableau de la situation des affaires en Canada conduite du Comte de Fron- tenac, etc 98 Memoire joint a la lettre de M. Duchesneau, pour faire connaitre les divers desordres causes par Jes coureurs de bois 128 13 Nov. Memoire de M. Duchesneau, pour faire connaitre au Miiiistre les nations Sauvages desquelles nous achetons nos Pelleteries, leurs interets, les notres et 1'etat dans lequel se trouvent presentement ces nations ; avec description du pays qu'habitent les Anglais et celle de 1'Acadie qui est voisine 134 1682. 10 Mai. Instructions que le Roy veut etre mises es mains du Sieur de la Barre, choisy par sa majeste pour gouverneur et son lieutenant en la Nouvelle France .... 153 23 Mars. Extraits des avis donnes a la conference tenue chez les RR. PP Jesuites au sujet des nouvelles venues des Iroquois 159 28 Juillet. Copie de la lettre de M. Duchesneau a M. le Comte de Frontenac. 177 5 Aout. Copie de la lettre envoyee en par M. le Comte de Frontenac a M. Duchesneau 180 13 et 21 Aout. Recit de ce qui s'est passe aux entrevues de M. le Comte de Frontenac avec les Sauvages de diverses nations a Montreal 188 11 Sept. Paroles des cinq nations Iroquoises a M. le Comte de Frontenac. 206 12 Sept. Reponse de M. le Comte de Frontenac aux paroles des deputes dSs cinq nations Iroquoises. . . 213 16 Sept. Lettre du Sieur de la Forest, major du Fort de Frontenac, a M. le Comte de Frontenac, sur le depart du depute des Iroquois 226 12 Sept. Memoire pour eclaircir les dispositions dans lesquelles M. le Comte de Frontenac a Iaiss6 le Canada i 1'egard des Sauvages et principalement des Iroquois 228 20 Sept. Lettre du Reverend Pere de Lamberville a M. le Comte de Frontenac 237 10 Oct. Recit de ce qui s'est passe dans 1'assemblee tenue a Quebec dans la maison des RR.'PP. Jesuites par M. de la Barre, 1'inten- dant, 1'eveque de Quebec, et plusieurs autres membres du clerge, ainsi que des officiers militaires et civils, au sujet de la guerre avec les Iroquois 242 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUYELLE PRANCE. 1455 IERE SERIE. VOL. II Continuation. Annies. 12 Nov. Extraits, par le Ministre, du resume des lettres de M. de la Barre, gouverneur du Canada 249 1683. 5 Aout. Extrait d'une lettre du Roi a M. de la Barre 259 4 Nov. Lettre de M. de la Barre an Minislre details tres amples sur la situation du Canada, etc 261 (Sans date.) Extrait du memoire adresse a MM. les Interesses en la so- ciete de comrnandite de la ferine et commerce du Canada 297 1684. Memoire pour rendre coinpte a M. le Marquis de Seignelay, de 1'etat ou le Sieur de la Salle a laisse le Fort Frontenac, pendant le temps de sa decouverte, (1679-1684) 305 Memoire toachant les depenses que le Sieur de la Salle a faites au Fort de Frontenac 317 10 Avril. Extrait de la lettre du Ministre a M. de la Barre mauvaise administration de ce gouverneur reproches du Roi et du Ministre, etc.. 334 10 Avril. Extrait d'une lettre du Ministre a M. de Meules, intendant du Canada 337 10 Avril. Autre lettre du meme au meme 343 10 Avril. Ordonnance portant a tous Franqais de se retirer a Manhathe, ou autres lieux appartenant aux Anglais 345 10 Avril. Edit du Roi sur le meme sujet 347 14 Avril. Commission du Sieur de la Salle pour commander dans tous les pays qui seront assujettis a la France, a 1'Ouest du Canada 350 5 Juin. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Ministre, M. de Seigne- lay !... 353 10 Fev. Lettre du R. P. de Lamberville a M. de la Barre. 355 8 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Meules, intendant, au Ministre 362 31 Juillet. Extrait d'une lettre du Roi a M. de la Barre envoi des troupes pour la guerre centre les Iroquois, etc 376 31 Juillet. Depeche du Ministre a 'A. Barillon, ambassadeur Frangais a Londres 382 14 Aout. Revue faite par le gouverneur de la Barre, de 1'armee composee des troupes du Roi, mil ice du pays et Sauvages assembles au Fort Frontenac , . . 384 5 Sept. Paroles et presens ties Onontagues faits a Onotio, a la Famine. . 389 1 Oct. Memoire de M. de la Barre, sur ce qui s'est fait et passe au sujet de la guerre contre les Sonnontouans 396 1 Oct. Resume fait par le Ministre du memoire de M. de la Barre, sur ce qui s'est passe dans la paix faite, avec les Iroquois 413 7 Oct. Lettre de M. de ia Barre au Ministre plaintes contre le Col. Dongan, etc 420 10 Oct. Lettre de M. de Meules, intendant, au Ministre recit de 1'expe- dition de M. de la Barre contre les Iroquois, et de la paix honteuse qui en fut la suite 422 1456 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A S^RIE. VOL. II Continuation. Pages Ann6es. 9 Nov. Lettre de M. le Chevalier de Callieres, gouverneur de Montreal, au Ministre etat de ce gouvernement guerre centre les Iro- quois, etc 438 13 Nov. Extrait d : un memoire envoye au Roi, en reponse a la depeche du 10 Avril dernier 444 (Renfermant) 10 Juillet. Lettre du R. P. Laraberville a M. de la Barre 449 1 1 Juillet. Lettre du meme au meme 452 13 Juillet. Lettre du meme au meme 458 18 Juillet. Lettre du meme au meme 463 17 Aout. Lettre du meme au meme 466 28 Aout. Lettre du meme au meme 469 27 Sept. Lettre du meme au meme 472 9 Oct. Lettre du meme au meme 476 15 Juin. Copie d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Col. Dongan 483 5 Juillet. Reponse du Col. Dongan a la lettre de M. de la Barre 486 24 Juillet. Copie d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Col. Dongan, avec copie des instructions donnees au Sieur de Salvaye, son envoye a New York 489 1683. 3 Aout. Copie d'une lettre du Col. Dongan adressee aux Franc.ais de Pemaquil 497 1684. 14 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de la Barre au Ministre pretentious des Anglais, etc 498 13 et 14 Nov. Extrait du Resume, par le Ministre, des lettres regues du Canada 500 VOL. III. (1685-1687.) 1685. 25 Fev. Memoire de M. le Chevalier de Callieres pour Monseigneur le Marquis de Seignelay, touchant les usurpations des Anglais sur les Colonies Francises d'Amerique 1 10 Mars. Lettre du Roi a M. de la Barre, annonqant son rappel 15 10 Mars. Extrait d'une lettre du Roi a M. de Meules, intendant, relative- ment au meme sujet 16 10 Mars. Lettre du Ministre a M. Bari'lon, ambassadeur a Londres, se plaignant de la conduite du gouverneur de la Nouvelle York 18 18 Fev. Extraits du resume des reponses aux lettres re9ues du Canada. . 20 10 Mars. Instructions du Roi au Sieur Marquis de Denonville, choisi pour etre Lieut. General et Gouverneur en la Nouvelle France 25 12 Nov. Extrait du resurrfe, par le Ministre, des lettres de M. de Denon- ville, des 20 Aout, 3 Septembre et 12 Novembre ; avec ses notes. 31 12 Nov. Memoire de M. le Marquis de Denonville concernant 1'etat pre- sent du Canada, et les mesures que 1'on doitprendre pour la surete du pays ... 50 Etat des Castors venus du Canada, depuis 1675 jusqu'a 1685. . . 76 L HISTOIBE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1457 Annies. lERE SERIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. 1686. 8 Mai. Lettre de M. de Denonville au Ministre commerce et fortifica- tions de Montreal, etc 78 1685. (Renfermant) 13 Oct. Copie de la lettre du Col. Dongan a M. de Denonville 97 1686. 12 Juin. Leltre de M. de Denonville au Ministre etat du pays crainte des Iroquois le Col. Dongan, etc 100 8 Nov. Memoire de M. de Denonville sur 1'etat present des affaires du Canada, et la necessite de faire la guerre 1'an prochain aux Iroquois, etc 110 11 Nov. Lettre de M. de Denonville au Ministre. ....... 136 16 Nov. Autre lettre de M. de Denouville au Ministre precedes du Colonei Dongan, etc 148 . 20 Mai. Lettre (en latin) adressee par le Col. Dongan au R. P. Lamber- ville 157 22 Mai. Lettre du Col. Dongan a M. de Denonville 160 20 Juin. Reponse de M. de Denonville au Colonel Dongan 164 27 Juillet. Autre lettre du Col. Dongan a M. de Denonville 169 27 Sept. Reponse de M. de Denonville a la precedente du Col. Dongan. 175 (Sans date.) Autre lettre du Col. Dongan a M. de Denonville 180 1686. Resume, par le Ministre, des lettres recues cette annee du Canada, et des reponses qu'on y a faites 186 1687. Janvier. Memoire pour M. le Marquis de Seignelay, sur le danger ou se trouve le Canada ; sur les moyens d'y remedier, et d'etablir solidement la religion, le commerce et la puissance du Roy dans I'Amerique Septeritrioriale 205 30 Mars. Extraits d'un memoire du Roy aux Sieurs Marquis de Denon- ville et de Champigny guerre centre les Iroquois precedes du Col. Dongan, etc 222 1686. 17 Juin. Lettre du Roi a M. de Denonville, lui defendant de ne rien entre- prendre centre les Anglais 245 16 Juillet. Relation de la marche de M. le Marquis de Denonville jusqu'a Catarakouy, ecrite par M. 1'intendant Champigny 248 19 Juillet. Acte de prise de possession du pays des Iroquois, dits Tsanon- thouans, par M. de Denonville 259 19 Juillet. Acte de prise de possession de Niagara, par M. de Denonville. 263 25 Aout. Lettre de M. de Denonville au Ministre recit de son expedition centre les Sonnonthouans destruction de leurs villages, etc 267 11 Juin. Lettre du Col. Dongan a M. de Denonville. . 298 22 Aout. Reponse de M. de Denonville au Col. Dongan 303 25 Aout. Resume par le Ministre des lettres regues de M. de Denonville et des reponses faites a ces lettres 320 1687. 27 Oct. Memoire de M. de Denonville sur Petal present des affaires du Canada, au sujet de la guerre avec les Iroquois 336 1458 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A IERE SERIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 2 Oct. Lettre de M. le Marquis de Denonville au Colonel Dongan. . . . 367 8 Sept. Lettre (en Anglais) ctu Col. Dongan, en reponse & celle de M. de Deuonville 372 12 Oct. Autre lettre de M. de Denonville en replique a celle du Colonel Dongan . , v 383 Octobre. Memoire du voyage pour 1'entreprise de M. le Marquis de Denonville centre les Sonnontouans, ennemis de la colonie, envoye par ordre du Roi 391 Nov. Memoire de M. le Chevalier de Callieres, gouverneur de 1'isle de Montreal, a M. le Marquis de Seignelay, representant la necessite de fortifier Ville-Marie, et les precautions a prendre centre les Iroquois 437 13 Dec. Copie du memoire remis par MM. de Barillon et de Bonrepos, a MM. les commissaires du Roi d'Angleterre, coricernant le droit que le Roi a sur les Troquois 443 (Sans date.) Memoire pour justifier les droits que les Franqais ont sur les terres des Iroquois et la Baie du Nord 448 1688. VOL. IV. (1688-1691.) 8 Mars. Memoire pour servir destructions au Marquis de Denonville, gouverneur general de la Nouvelle France, sur les eclaircissements a donner au sujetdes contesiations entre les Fran9ais et les Anglais touchant la propriete des pays de 1'Amerique Septentrionale 1 8 Mars. Extrait d'une lettre du Ministre a M. de Denonville 5 Rappel du Colonel Dongan 5 8 Mars. Extrait du resume des reponses faites, par le Ministre, a MM. de Denonville et Champigny 8 8 Mai. Projet du Ministre sur la guerre a faire aux Iroquois 21 15 Juin. Memoire de M. de Denonville, pour servir d'eclaircissement sur le droit que les Franqais ont dans la propriete des pays de 1'Ameri- que Septentrionale. (Ce memoire est un abrege de toutes les decouvertes faites par les Francais depuis Verrazan) 28 15 Juin. Declaration des Iroquois devant M. de Denonville, qu'ils desirent demeurer neutres entre les Francais et les Anglais 55 15 Sept. Etat dans lequel a ete laisse le Fort de Niagara en 1688 59 30 Oct. Relation des evenements qui se sont passes en Canada irrup- tion des Iroquois sur plusieurs points massacres des colons incendie des habitations, etc (anonyme) 65 1689. (Sans date.) Resum6 par le Ministre, des lettres de MM. de Denonville et Champigny ; avec des observations sur ces lettres 85 (Sans date.) Memoire sur 1'avantage de I'etablissement d'un Fort a Niagara. 103 (Sans date.) Document explicatif au sujet des mesures necessaires a prendre pour la defense du Canada, les moyens d'augmenter le commerce de Pelleteries, etc . 106 1689. Janvier. Memoire du Chevalier de Callieres, gouverneur de Montreal, sur 1'etat des affaires du Canada, adresse a M. le Marquis de Seignelay 113 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE PRANCE. 1459 IERE SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Pages Annies. Janvier. Projet du Chevalier de Callieres de former une expedition pour aller attaquer Orange, Manatte, etc. (Ce document, ainsi que le precedent, ont etc rediges a Paris ou se trouvait alors le Chevalier de Callieres) 124 (Sans date.) Difference des prix dans les traites avec les sauvages, entre Montreal, en Canada, et Orange, a la Nouvelle Angleterre 142 (Sans date.) Tarif des prix auxquels les habitants du Canada doivent donner les marchandises qu'ils pourront fournir aux negociants du Royaume : avec une estimation de ce que le Canada peut fournir. 144 Janvier. Resume du Ministre sur la proposition de M. de Callieres 150 Fevrier. Autre memoire de M. de Callieres a M. de Seignelay, sur son projet d'attaquer la Nouvelle York 154 Fevrier. Memoire des armes, munitions et ustensiles necessaires pour Pentreprise proposee par M. de Callieres 159 Fevrier. Observations du Ministre sur le projet et le memoire ci-dessus. 161 24 Avril. Observations du Ministre sur le projet d'attaque de la Nouvelle York 167 1 Mai. Extrait d'un memoire du Roy a MM. de Denonville et Champi- gny ; conduite a tenir envers les Iroquois, etc. 171 1 Mai. Extrait d'une depeche du Ministre a M. de Denonville, recom- mandant de faire la paix avec les Iroquois 177 8 Mai. Proces-verbal de la prise de possession de la Baie des Puants, le haut du Mississippi, etc 179 22 Mai. Autre memoire de M. de Callieres, au sujet de 1'entreprise pro- posee centre la Nouvelle York 182 Mai. Autre memoire de M. de Callieres, presente a M. le Marquis de Seignelay sur le meme sujet, recommandant de presser les pre- paratifs de cette entreprise .... 188 7 Juin. Memoire pour servir d'instruction a M. le Comte de Frontenac, nomme gouverneur du Canada, sur Pentreprise de la Nouvelle York, donnant d'amples details des vues du gouvernement Francais 198 7 Juin. Instructions gene-rales du Roy au Comte de Frontenac, nomme gouverneur et lieutenant general 216 18 Nov. Extrait des observations sur 1'etat des affaires du Canada, au depart des vaisssaux 223 1690. Janv. et Fev. Extraits du resume du Ministre sur les lettres et memoires de MM. de Frontenac, de Denonville, de Champigny, de Callieres, etc., sur 1'etat des affaires avant et depuis 1'arrivee de M. de Frontenac, 1689. jusqu'au depart des vaisseaux sur la fin de Pannee 1689 235 8 Nov. Memoire de M. de Callieres sur 1'etat present du Canada, a M. de Seignelay il renouvelle encore le sujet de Pentreprise contre la Nouvelle York.. . 254 1690. Janvier. Extrait d'un memoire de M. de Denonville au Ministre, sur 1'etat du Canada il appuie le projet de Pentreprise contre la Nouvelle York il peint les horreurs que Peau-de-vie fait commettre aux Sauvages, etc., et donne un detail de la capacite ainsi que des besoins du pays 263 1460 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A IERE S^RIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 15 Fev. Memoire de M. Duplessis pour la defense du Canada, et la maniere de faire la guerre aux Iroquois 292 Fevrier. Memoire de M. de Callieres au Ministre, sur les desseins des Anglais, 1'entreprise centre la Nouvelle York, etc 298 Juin. Parole qui doit etre dite (par M. de Frontenac), a 1'Outaouais pour le dissuader de 1'alliance qu'il veut faire avec 1'Iroquois et 1'Anglais 306 14 Juillet. Extrait d'un memoire du Roy MM. de Frontenac et Champigny les affaires du Royaume ne permettent'pas pour le present Pen- treprise contre la Nouvelle York 318 14 Juillet. Autre memoire du Roy a MM. de Frontenac et Champigny, leur recommandant de se concilier les Iroquois, de faire travail! er aux fortifications de Quebec, etc 821 23 Oct. Recit (par un officier) de ce qui s'est passe en Canada, a la des- cente des Anglais a Quebec au mois d'Octobre 1690. (Expedi- tion de Sir William Phipps) 332 12 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Frontenac au Ministredetails sur Pattaque des Anglais contre Quebec 349 1690. Novembre. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en Canada, depuis le depart des vaisseauxau mois de Novembre I689jusqu*au mois de Novembre 1690. (Ce document a etc redige" par M. Monseignat, controleur general de la marine en Canada. On pense qu'il a etc adresse a Madame de Maintenon. II contient des details sur Pattaque du general Phipps contre Quebec, et un recit de I'expedition contre Schenectady) 365 1691. 7 Avril. Extrait d'un memoire du Roy a MM. de Frontenac et Champigny entreprise contre la Nouvelle York differee fortifications de Quebec paix avec les Iroquois, etc 474 10 Mai. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Frontenac au Ministre perte des Anglais lors de leur expedition contre Quebec negotiations avec les Sauvages pour conclure la paix, etc 478 10 Mai. Extraits du memoire de M. de Champigny adresse au Ministre demande de nouveau secours fortifications de Quebec, Montreal, etc depenses a Poccasion du dernier siege contre Quebec, etc mort de Lemoine de Ste. Helene Lemoine de Longueil passe en France re-edification du chateau de Quebec, etc 485 12 Mai. Extrait du memoire instructif sur le Canada, redige par M. de Champigny, (joint au document precedent) 499 12 Mai. Lettre de M. de Champigny au Ministre attaque des Iroquois dans les environs de Montreal demande de secours, etc 508 12 Aout. Lettre de M. de Champigny au Ministre les Iroquois continuent leurs devastations defaite d'un de leurs partis par M. de Valrenne, etc 511 20 Oct. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Frontenac au Ministre, (M. de Pontchartrain) etat des affaires de la colonie Boston devrait etre attaque, etc 515 I/HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1461 IERE SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Annies. Pages 12 Oct. Extrait d'un memoire du Chevalier de Villebon a Monseigneur Pontchartrain il propose une expedition centre la Nouvelle Angleterre, New York, etc 520 (Sans date.) Memoire de M. de Callieres & Monseigneur de Pontchartrain il demande une gratification pour ses longs services. Suit un memoire sur 1'etat present du Canada, et les secours qu'il serait necessaire d'y porter pour le conserver 524 1690-1691. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus considerable en Canada, depuis le depart de la fregate la " Fleur de Mai,'' 27 novembre 1690, jusqu'au depart des vaisseaux, 1691. (Memoire anonyme) 544 VOL. V. (1692-1699.) 1692. 17 Fev. Extrait pour le Ministre, d'un memoire sur les affaires du Canada, de 1'Acadie et de la Nouvelle France, envoye par M. le Comte de Frontenac ... 1 Avril. Lettre du Ministre a M. de Frontenac M. de Caillac doit etre envoye en France afin de donner des renseignements exacts sur 1'attaqua projetee centre la Nouvelle York 10 15 Sept. Extraits d'une lettre de Frontenac au ministre avantages obtenus sur les Iroquois les bleds gates paries chenilles captivite du R. P. Millet retablissement du Fort Frontenac necessaire, &c. 22 5 Oct. Relation de ce qui s'est passe en Canada au sujet de la guerre, depuis le mois de Novembre 1691, jusqu'au mois d'Octobre 1692. 26 11 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Frontenac au Ministre incursion de plusieurs partis de Sauvages dans les environs de Montreal. . . 41 11 Nov. Memoire presente a M. de Pontchartrain en faveur des Iroquois du Sault St. Louis, en Canada 44 (Sans date.) Memoire pour le Ministre le Canada sera fortement attaque cette annee, 1692 considerations qui doivent engager le Roi a faire les plus grands efforts pour conserver le Canada, &c 47 (Sans date.) Autre memoire a M. de Pontchartrain, pour obtenir une gratifi- cation aux Iroquois du Sault St. Louis, avec certificats de 1'inten- dant, etc., temoignant de la fidelite, de la bravoure, etc., des dits Sauvages 5? 1692. Notes du Ministre du projet d'attaque centre nous par les colonies de la Nouvelle Angleterre, et des moyens de la prevenir et de s'y opposer 60 Extrait des memoires de M. Lamothe Cadillac, adresses au Ministre, touchant 1'etat de 1'Acadie, la Nouvelle Angleterre, la Nouvelle Hollande, la Vinrinie, etc. . 73 1693. 28 Mars. Memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Frontenac et Champigny. envoi d'un puissant secours d'hommes, de munitions, etc., pour la defense du Canada 83 17 Aout. Relation relative aux evenements de la guerre en Canada, centre les Anglais et les Iroquois, depuis le mois de Novembre 1692, par M. de Champigny 86 1462 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. HRE SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Annies. Pages 1692-1693. Autre relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en Canada, depuis Septembre 1692, jusqu'au depart des vaisseaux en 1693, (de M. de Callieres) 105 1694. 8 Mai. Memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Frontenac et Champigny cessation des paiements fails aux Sauvages pour la prise des pri- sonniers, etc , 172 20 Aout. Memoire de M. de Villebon a M. de Pontchartrain, sur 1'entre- prise a former contre le Fort de Pemiqnit 175 1693. (Sans date.) Memoire, le M. de Lagny, des evenements qui se sont passes cette annee en Canada; ainsi que des negociations avec les Iroquois 188 1694. Memoire du Ministre sur les avis requs du Canada cette annee. . 224 1695. 16 Avril. Depeche du ministre a M. de Frontenac-rnauvaise foides Iroquois dans leurs negociations, il faut continuer la guerre contre eux ainsi que contre les Anglais, etc 228 14 Juin. Depeche du Roi a MM. de Frontenac -et Champigny Sa Majeste s'en rapporte a M. de Frontenac pour les mesures ulte- rieures a adopter contre les Anglais. . 234 6 Nov. Memoire de M. de Champigny, concernant 1'etat du Fort de Cataracouy 238 1695. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable entre les Frangais et les Iroquois en Canada, durant la presente annee. 248 1696. Memoire (soumis au ministre,) de ce qui resulte des avis recus du Canada, en 1695, et des demandes pour le soutien de la guerre avec les nations Sauvages et les Anglais 374 15 Fevrier. Memoire du ministre relativement aux depeches rogues du Canada ; avec notes a la marge sur les mesures a adopter 381 26 Mai. Depeche du Roi a MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny rup- ture des negociations avec les Sauvages details sur les affaires de la colonie 388 25 Octobre. Lettre de M. de Frontenac adressee au Roi son expedition contre les Onontagucs et le succes qui en est resulte, etc 399 1697. 20 Janvier. Projet d'entreprise sur Boston et Manatte, presente par M. de Lagny au ministre, avec les observations en marge de ce dernier. 405 28 Avril. Depeche du ministre a M. de Frontenac approbation de sa con- duite le Roi lui accorde la Croix de 1'Ordre Militaire de St. Louis commerce et traite des Coureurs de Bois 416 18 Octobre. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable au Canada, depuis le depart des vaisseaux, en 1696, jusqu'au 15 Octobre, 1697 424 1698. 12 Mars. Lettre du ministre a M. de Frontenac il lui annonce la paix de Ryswick il est blame d'avoir empeche 1'execution d'un jugement rendu par M. de Champigny, intendant, etc 468 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1463 IERE SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Pages Ann6es. 21 Mai. Extrait d'une depeehe du ministre a M. de Frontenac com- merce avec les Sauvages, etc 471 20 Octobre. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable en Canada, depuis le depart des vaisseaux en 1697, jusqu'au 28 Octobre 1698. 474 22 Avril. Copie d'une lettre du Comte de Bellomont, gourerneur de la Nouvelle York, au Comte de Frontenac, au sujet des cinq nations Sauvages Iroquoises, savoir si elles sont soumises aux Rois de France ou d'Angleterre 505 8 Juin Lettre de M. le comte de Frontenac en reponse a celle de M. le comte de Bellomont. 507 15 Aout. Aatre lettre de M. le Comte de Bellomont a M. le Comte de Frontenac, sur le meme sujet 512 21 Sept. Reponse de M. le Comte de Frontenac a M. le Comte de Bello- mont . 518 22 Aout. Autre lettre de M. le Cornte de Bellomont a M. le Comte de Frontenac .... 524 Memoire de la cour de France sur la souverainete du Roi a 1'egard des Iroquois 527 25 Octobre. Lettre de MM. de Frontenac et de Champigny au ministre dis- positions des commercants et traiteurs Francais affaires des Sauvages, etc .... 530 1699. 25 Mars. Lettre du Roi a M. de Frontenac on doit discontinuer la guerre centre les Iroquois, etc 537 27 Avril. Lettre du Roi a M. de Callieres, sur Je meme sujet 540 27 Mai. Depeche du Roi a M. le Chevalier de Callieres, lui annongant qu'il est nomme gouverneur du Canada, en remplacement de M. le Comte de Frontenac, (decede) ie traite de Ryswick doit dtre observe en ce qui regarde la cessation de toutes hostilites centre les Iroquois ordre d'arreter le R. P. Henriepin, s'il revenait au Canada, etc 548 1699. Memoire concernant 1'empietement des Anglais sur les terres de la Nouvelle France 549 VOL: VI. (1700-1709.) 1700. 5 Mai. Memoire du Roi a MM. de Oallieres et Champigny paix avec lus Sauvages, etc. 1 Conseil tenu par M. de Longueil, commandant au Detroit, avec quatre nations de son poste, au sujet de la declaration de la guerre centre 1'Anglais, etc 3 19 Juin. Reponse de M. de Longueil aux paroles des Chefs du Poste de la Riviere Blanche 12 18 Juillet. Entrevue entre les six deputes Iroquois et le Chevalier de Cal- lieres, a Montreal 15 6 Octobre. Lettre de M. de Callieres au ministre les Iroquois le Poste du Mississippi le Lord Bellomont, etc (Renfermant) Les paroles des dix-neuf Iroquois 1464 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A S^RIE. VOL. VI Continuation. Pages Anndes. 3 Sept. Deputes de leurs nations pour la conclusion de la paix adresses a M. de Callieres, etc 37 1701. 31 Mai. Memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Callieres et de Champigny paix avec les Iroquois le Mississippi, etc 54 4 Aout. Ratification de la paix conclue au rnois de Septembre dernier, entre la colonie du Canada et les Sauvages, ses allies, avec les Iro- quois 58 1701. Memoire pour le ministre projets sur la Nouvelle Angleterre .. 68 Memoire de M. d'Iberville sur la situation de Boston, New York, etc., avec un projet detaillant les moy ens qu'il y aurait de les attaquer et ruiner 82 1702. 3 Mai. Memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Callieres et Champigny, en reponse a leur depeche dos 5 et 31 Octobre 1701 etat de la colonie 104 4 Nov. Extrait d'une'lettre de M. de Callieres au ministre paix avec les differentes tribus Sauvages nouvelle d'un armement a Boston, etc 108. 6 Nov. Autre extrait d'une lettre du meme au meme dispositions des Onontagues petits partis a faire pour harceler les habitants de la Nouvelle Angleterre 117 11 Nov. Divers extraits d'une lettre adressee au ministre, par 1'intendant du Canada depenses considerables qui sont occasionnees pour la subsistance, et les presents qui sont donnes aux nations Sauvages. 121 1703. 30 Mai. Extrait d'un memoire du Roi aux Sieurs de Callieres et de Beau- harnois depense pour la colonie du Detroit.... 128 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre mort de M. de Callieres. Preparatifs et menaces des Anglais dispositions des Sauvages. - - 131 14 Nov. Paroles des Sauvages adressee a M. de Vaudreuil, ainsi que les observations du ministre 142 15 Nov. Resume d'une lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnois, de cette date, avec les observations du ministre 167 1703. Details succints de ce qui compose les vingt-millions, ou environ, que rapporte la colonie du Canada, par an, au Roi et a seS sujets. . . 173 1704. 16 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre Sauvages- Abenaquis Iroquois etat du Detroit Peter Schuyler, etc 179 17 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de MM. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnois au ministre affaires des Sauvages mouvements de Peter Schuyler, etc 190 1705. 17 Juin. Extrait d'un memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Vaudreuil et de Beauharnois il leur est recommande de reconcilier les Iroquois avec les Outaouais, Miamis etc 202 19 Octobre. Extraits d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre negocia- tions avec les Sauvages 206 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE TRANCE. 1465 IERE SERIE. VOL. VI Continuation. Annies. Pages (Renferrnant) 16 et 17 Aout. Les paroles des deputes Iroquois a M. de Vaudreuil 210 17 Aout. Et la reponse de M. de Vaudreuil aux Sonontouans et autres Chefs des quatre nations Iroquoises 215 Octobre. Projet du traite a faire entre les deux colonies de la Nouvelle France et de la Nouvelle Angleterre, suivant les propositions faites par le Sieur Vetch de la part du gouverneur Dudley, a M. de Vau- dreuil, gouverneur general 220 1706. Propositions a faire a la Cour, pour faire connaitre la consequence qu'il y aurait de prendre possession de Niagara au plus tot, et de pre- venir les Anglais qui en ont le dessein 231 28 Avril. Extraits d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre accom- modements entre les Sauvages negociations avec le gouverneur Dudley non terminees ... 239 9 Juin. Extrait d'une depeche du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil le minis- tre lui exprims son vif mecontentement de sa conduite, a 1'egard des permissions qu'il a accordees a certains traiteurs de sa partialite envers les parents de sa femrae, et le menace de lui faire perdre sa charge de gouverneur general, s'il n'agit pas avec plus de circon- spection a 1'avenir 244 4 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre mesures qu'il a adoptees pour maintenir 1'union entre les Outaouais et les Iroquois 255 Memoire general sur la domination et les possessions des Fran- gais en Canada, depuis 1504 jusqu'a 1706, avec des extraits des depeches des gouverneurs et intendants sur le meme sujet. (Ce memoire contient une suite de details chronologiques et historiques sur les premieres decouvertes du pays) 260 1707. TO Juin. Extrait d'une depeche -du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil on lui recommande de maintenir la paix avec les Sauvages ; de harceler les Anglais a Boston, etc 346 30 Juin. Instructions du Roi pour le Sieur Daigremont, choisy pour visiter 1'etat des Forts de Catarakouy, Niagara, le Detroit, Michilmakinac ; et verifier si les accusations porfees centre M. de Vaudreuil, au sujet du commerce frauduleux qui s'y fait, sont fondees. .... .... 850 30 Juin. Memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Vaudreuil et Raudot, intendant affaires des Sauvages retranchement de leurs presents accoutu- mes negociations avec le gouverneur Dudley punitions des Cou- reurs de Bois, etc 361 24 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre agression des Outa- ouais centre les Miamis 367 1708. 6 Juin. Extrait d'une depeche du Roi a M. Raudot, lui recomman- dant d'exciter les Sauvages a faire la guerre aux Anglais, etc 370 6 Juin. Extrait d'une depeche du Roy a MM. de Vaudreuil et Raudot le Roy ne reconnait pas la princesse Anne pour reine d' Angleterre projet d'etablir quatre compagnies Sauvages , 372 1466 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A HIRE S^RIE. VOL. VI Continuation. Paces Ann6es. 6 Juin. Extrait d'une depeche du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil instruc- tion de continuer a harceler les Anglais sur tous les points 375 5 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre precedes des Iroquois vis-a-vis les Frangais et les Anglais point d'apparence d'accommodement avec le gouverneur Dudley 380 (Renfermant) 24 Mai. Copie d'une lettre du R. P. d'Heu, jesuite, a M. de Vaudreuil dispositions des Sauvages, etc 885 12 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre ravages des Sauvages dans le gouvernement de Boston menaces des Anglais d'attaquer le Canada, etc 391 (Renfermant) 26 Sept. Copie d'une lettre de Peter Schuyler a M. de Vaudreuil il deplore le genre de guerre qui se pratique entre les deux nations. . . 897 14 Nov. Rapport de M. Daigremont au ministre, sur 1'etat des differents forts du Canada conduite du Chevalier Tonty il trouve ridicule le projet des compagnies Sauvages, etc 399 1709. 27 Avril. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre rumeurs d'une attaque des Anglais sur le Canada 1 mouvements des troupes en conse- quence 418 6 Juillet. Extrait d'un me moire du Roi adresse a MM. de Vaudreuil et Raudot ils doivent conserver 1'union entre les Sauvages fortifi- cations de Quebec, etc 425 6 Juillet. Lettre du ministre a M. Daigremont, en reponse a son rapport du 14 Novembre 1708 il lui recommande de 1'instruire du manege des gens de M. de Vaudreuil 427 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre precedes de Peter Schuyler nouvelles repandues de 1'arrivee d'une flotte anglaise au Bic preparatifs de defense dans Quebec nouvelles d'une armee en marche par Orange tableau des forces regulieres et de la milice de la colonie, etc 435 (Renfermant) 2 Juia. 1. Interrogatoire de J. Whiting, pris par les Francois 461 2. Lettre du R. P. Mareuil, missionnaire d'Onontague, au R. P. d'Heu, missionnaire des Sonnonthouans 465 1 Aout. 3. Interrogatoire de Quesel Roulouse a la Pointe a la Chevelure, (Crown Point.) 467 14 Juin. 4. Lettre du Sieur de Joncaire au Sieur de la Fresniere, com- mandant du Fort Frontenac 471 19 Oct. 5. Copie d'une lettre de M. de Ramsay a M. de Vaudreuil mou- vements des Anglais pour attaquer le fort Chambly 473 Novembre. Memoire sur 1'etat dans lequel etait la Colonie du Canada au mois de Novembre 1709 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1467 IERE SKRIE. VOL. VII. (1710-1727.) Pages Annies. 1710. 1 Mak Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre details sur Chambly. le lac Champlain Peter Schuyler se rend en Angleterre 1 10 Mai. Lettre du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil il approuve les tnesures que M. de Vaudreuil a adoptees 9 7 Juin, Lettre du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil preparatifs des Anglais centre le Canada 11 Juin. Notes du ministre sur les lettres reques de M. de Vaudreuil 14 3 Nov. Kxtrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre dispositions des Onontagues et autres tribus envoi de partis pour harceler les Anglais 18 18 Nov. Extraits d'un memoire de M. Daigremont adresse au ministre. retablissement des conges pour la traite, etc 38 mi. 25 Avril. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre prise du Port-Royal par les Anglais ils parlent de venir attaquer Quebec 43 7 Juillet. Extrait d'une depeche du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil il approuve les mesures qu'il a prises contre New York, etc., ainsi que ses nego- ciations avec les Sauvages 52 25 Oct. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre nouvelles d'une flotte anglaise qui doit venir attaquer Quebec, et une armee du cote de Montreal preparatifs de M. de Vaudreuil 57 1712. 28 Juin. Extraits d'une depeche du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil il le felicite de ce que la flotte anglaise ait ete detruite par les elements, mais il ne doit pas negliger de prendre toutes les precautions pour 1'avenir, ete 73 6 Nov. Extrait d'une lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre guerre entre quelques nations sauvages conseils tenus avec plusieurs tribus, etc 77 1713. 4 Juillet. Extrait d'une depeche du ministre a M. de Vaudreuil annonce de la paix entre les couronnes de France et d' Angleterre 86 1714. Memoire qui demontre de quel avantage le Detroit est pour leRoi mesures a prendre pour le conserver 3& 1716. Fevrier. Extraits du memoire de M. de Vaudreuil adresse au Due d'Or- leans, regent du royaume, sur 1'etat des affaires en Canada 95 15 Oct. Rapport de M. Chaussegros (Delery.) sur 1'etat de la fortificatien. et situation de la ville de Quebec, capitale du Canada 109 7 Nov. Memoire du conseil de marine, approuvant les propositions de M, de Vaudreuil, au sujet du fort de Niagara ... 1 17 12 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil rumeurs du meurtre.- d# MM. de Ramsay et Longueil, fils, par les Sauvages Kaokias 120 1717. 26 Juin. Extraits d'une lettre du conseil de marine a M. de Vaudrenitr-il doit veiller a la conduite des Anglais, mais entretenir la paix,, etc. . 123 25 Jan. Notes du conseil de marine sur le rapport de M. de Vaudreuil, au sujet du conseil tenu par les Iroquois .......... 126 CC 1468 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A SERIE. VOL. VII Continuation. Pages Annies. 1718. Memoire sur 1'Acadie par rapport aux Sauvages Abenaquis; limites de 1'Acadie, etc 133 1 Juin. Notes par le conseil de marine sur la lettre du R. P. Lafitau, jesuite, missionnaire, au sujet de la vente des boissons aux Sau- vages. (Ce document contient one lettre de F. Lovelace, gouver- neur de New York, du 18 novembre 1688.) 145 30 Oct. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil de marine affaires des Sauvages 152 Memoire general sur les Sauvages du Canada, jusqu'ik la riviere Mississippi ; contenant des remarques sur leurs territoires, ainsi que sur les mceurs et le negoce de ces Sauvages 155 1719. 23 Mai. Extrait d'une depeche du Roi & MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon limites de la Nonvelle France 179 28 Oct. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au conseil de la marine guerre entre les differentes tribus Sauvages 181 1720. Janvier. Memoire du R. P. Aubry, jesuite, missionnaire sur lea limites de la Nouvelle France et de la Nouvelle Angleterre 187 20 Avril. Recensement general du Canada, d'apres le rapport de M. Begon, du Hriovembre 1719 194 1721. Janvier. Rapport du conseil de marine approuvant les mesures de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, au sujet des dispositions pour le fort Nia- gara, etc 197 24 Mars. Recensement du Canada d'apr&s le rapport de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, du 26 octobre 1720 201 11 Juillet. Copie d'une lettre ecrite a M. le Marquis de Vaudreuil, par M. "Wm. Burnet, gouverneur de la Nouvelle York il se plaint de ce que les Frangais ont etabli un poste a Niagara surges terres des Sauvages contrairement au traite d'Utrecht plainte contre le Sieur Joncaire, etc 204 24 Aout. Reponse de M. de Vaudreuil au gouverneur Burnet il justifie les etablissements frangais a Niagara Joncaire a agi par ses ordres. 209 S Oct. Extrait de la reponse de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au memoire du Roi, du 8 juin precedent negotiations des Anglais avec les Sauvages, etc . 220 1722. 24 Mai. Recensement du Canada d'apres le rapport de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, du 4 novembre 1721 ^2 8 Juin. Extrait d'une depeche du Roy a MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon commerce de Pelleteries avec les Sauvages desseins des Anglais contre le fort Niagara, etc 238 ,17 Oct. Memoire de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon au conseil de marine envahissement des terres des Sauvages par les Anglais les Sauvages s'en vengent par plusieurs attaques sur divers points de la Nouvelle Angletene, etc. 241 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1469 IERE SERIE. VOL. VII Continuation. Annies. 1723. Mars. 21 Avril. 1724. 18 Jan. 30 Mai. 28 Nov. 1724. 1725. 21 Avril. 24 Avril. 7 Aout. 7 Aout. 1726. 7 Mai. 7 Mai. 7 Mai. 14 Mai. 16 Mai. 5 Juillet. Pages Memoire concernant les limites du Canada, dresse et presente par le Sieur Bole, avec un comraentaire sur 1'interpretation qu'il faut donner aux divers traites entre les deux couronnes 253 Extraits des lettres des gouverneurs. intendants et autres, sur les entreprises et dotnmages faits par les Anglais en Canada, depuis le traite de Nimegue en 1678. (Cette serie de documents contient un sommaire de tous les evenements qui ont eu lieu depuis 1680) .... 269 *? Resume des lettres de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon dispositions et mouvements des Abenaquis et autres, centre les Anglais, etc. . . 319 Extrait d'un memoire du Roi a MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon les Franqais ne doivent point paraitre dans la guerre des Abenaquis centre les Anglais ; mais ils doivent inspirer sous main aux autres nations d'aider les Abenaquis, etc 328 Lettre do M. de Vaudreuil au ministre guerre des Abenaquis avec les Anglais mort du R. P. Rasle destruction de Narant- souac di verses autres nations font la guerre aux Anglais 330 Memoire general sur 1'etat present de la nation des Abenaquis. 341 Extrait d'une lettre adressee au ministre par M. Begon, inten- dant, au sujet de la guerre des Abenaquis avec les Anglais 346 Memoire du ministre au sujet de la guerre sur les frontieres de la Nouvelle Angleterre meurtre du R. P. Rasle les Abenaquis doivent etre aides dans cette guerre, etc 61 Resume des lettres de MM. de Vaudreuil et Begon, des 22 mai et 10 juin les Anglais a Oswego empietemens sur le territoire du Canada v 369 Resume des lettres de M. de Vaudreuil au sujet des Abenaquis negociations des Anglais pour entrainer les Sauvages dans leurs desseins centre le Canada 378 Memoire sur le Canada moyens dont se servent les Anglais pour accaparer le commerce des Pelleteries ainsi que pour s'emparer des etablissements des Franqais mesure a prendre en consequence. 386 Memoire du ministre au sujet du fort anglais d'0s\vego, et resume de la lettre de M. de Longueil, du 31 octobre 1725, et de son voyage a Oswego, Onnontague, etc 396 Extrait d'un memoire du Roi pour servir d'instructions a M. de Beauharnois, nomme gouverneur du Canada 400 Extrait d'un memoire du Roy auxSieurs de Beauharnois, gouver- neur, et Dupuy, intendant les Anglais ayant etabli un poste a. Chouegen, ils doivent employer les Iroquois, etc., a les en expulser. 405 Traduction de la lettre ecrite par M. le Due de Newcastle a ?J. Walpole, au sujet du fort franqais de Niagara 411 Lettre du gouverneur Burnet a JVI. de Longueil, au sujet du fort de Niagara 415 1470 MANUSCRITS RELATTFS A SERIE. VOL. VII Continuation. Pages Annies. 16 Aout. Reponse de M. de Longueil & la lettre du gouverneur Burnet . . . 418 25 Oct. Extraits des lettres des gouverneurs et intendants du Canada, au sujet des limites entre ce pays et les colonies anglaises, et a 1'egard des Sauvages Iroquois, du 28 avril 1716. au 25 octobre 1726 . . . 421 1727. 11 Avril. Copie de la lettre de M. le Due de Newcastle a M. Walpole, au sujet du fort de Niagara 431 29 Avril. Extrait d'un memoire du Roi a MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy construction dfl fort Niagara et de deux barques au fort Frontenac. 435 Juillet. Discours des Iroquois a M. 1'intendant Begon en se rendant a Chouegen, (Oswego) 441 Aout. Traite de paix conclu Casquebay, entre les Sauvages du village de Tanaouansky et les Anglais 444 25 Sept. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre fort de Chouegen, etc. 452 20 Juillet. Copie de la semination faite au commandant du fort bati par les Anglais sur le bord du lac Ontario 458 1 Aout. Proces-verbal de la remise de la semination 459 20 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au gouverneur Burnet, de la Nou- velle York 463 8 Aout. Lettre du gouverneur Burnet en reponse a celle de M. de Beau- harnois 467 1727. Resume des lettres du Canada au sujet des forts de Niagara et Chouegen, ecrites durant les annees 1725, 1Y26 et 1727, avec les observations du ministre et du Roi sur ces lettres 479 1727. Reponse au memoire de Sa Majeste Britannique, au sujet du fort de Niagara 491 1 Nov. Resume d'un memoire de M. Dupuy, intendant, sur les preten- tions des Anglais en Amerique ; avec des annotations de la part du ministre 515 21 D6c. Traduction de la lettre ecrite par MM. les commissaires du bureau du commerce, (Board of Trade,) a son excellence le Due de Newcastle, au sojet des empietemens des Frangais sur le territoire de la Nouvelle York et autres lieux 524 VOL. VIII. (1728-1744.) 1728. 9 Mars. Resume pour le Roi des lettres regues de MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy dispositions des Abenaquis, Micmacset autres, a 1'egartf des Frangais et des Anglais 9 Mars. Memoire touchant le fort bati par les Anglais a Oswego 24 (Renfermant) Le plan et elevation du fort a 1'entree de la rivire Chouegen, (Oswego,) dresse par M. Chaussegros de Lery 30 9 Mai. Memoire au sujet du fort de Niagara, presente au Cardinal Fleury , 31 16 Mars. Memoire du ministre au sujet des deux forts de Chouegen et Niagara 37 L HISTOIEE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1471 IERE SERIE. VOL. VIII Continuation, Pages Annies. 14 Mai. Extrait d'un memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Beauharnois et Dupuy mesures a prendre avec les Abenaquis observations sur les postes de commerce et traites des Pelleteries Sa Majeste n'approuve point la proposition de construire une citadelle a Quebec, mais d'y faire d'autres ouvrages, ainsi qu'une enceinte pour Montreal 47 22 Juin. Copie de la lettre de M. Walpole a M. le garde des sceaux, au sujet des forts de Niagara, Oswego, etc 61 Precis du voyage du Sieur de Chauverignie, interprete des cinq nations, detache pour porter la parole aux Nontagues 65 1 Oct. Document ministeriel memoire au sujet de 1'etablissement des Anglais a Chouegen, sur les bords du lac Ontario 76 1729. 25 Jan. Precis des lettres de MM. de Beauharnois et d'Aigremont, au sujet de 1'etablissement des Anglais a Chouegen 79 25 Oct. Precis des lettres de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart postes des Sauvages Abenaquis du lac Ontario, des Scioux, Iroquois. etc. 91 1730. 10 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au rninistre, renfermant les nouvelles revues d' Albany, au sujet des Sauvages, etc 106 15 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, au sujet de 1'affaire de Henry Lydins, convaincu de commerce illicite avec les Sauvages . 110 1731. 5 Fev. Resume pour le ministre projet d'etablissement dans le lac Champlain, et a la pointe a la Chevelure 1 17 13 Fev. Autre resume du ministre sur les etablissements a faire dans le lac Champlain et a la pointe a la Chevelure, avec une carte du pays entre le fort Chambly et Albany, approbation du Roi, etc 119 24 Avril. Extraits d'une lettre du ministre a M. de Beauharnois vues et mouvements des Anglais 125 8 Mai. Extrait d'une depeche du Roi adressee a MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart postes d'Oswego, de Niagara, etc. tolerance de la traite de l'eau-de-vie construction de vaisseaux retrocession de ia Louisiane par la compagnie des Indes 128 1 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre les Abenaquis les Sauvages de 1'ouest Chouegen la pointe a la Chevelure les conges aux veuves, etc 134 1 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre corres- pondance avec le gouverneur Montgomery, de New York 143 1 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre traite avec les Sauvages suggestion d'envoyer un chef sauvage tn France pour y etre presente au Roy 148 23 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre, relative- ment aux auteurs de 1'evasion des seditieuxde Niagara trois freres 1732. Recollets inculpes dans cette affaire 151 22 Avril. Extrait d'un memoire du Roi adresse a MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart conduite a observer avec les Sauvages fort sur la pointe a la Chevelure les Anglais doivent etre munis de passeports pour venir en Canada, etc 158 1472 MANTJSCRITS RELATIFS A IERE SERIE. VOL. VIII Continuation. Pages Ann6es. 13 Juin. Declaration et protet de 1'ambassadeur d'Angleterre, au sujet du fort bati par les Franqais a Crown Point, (Pointe a la Chevelure) 161 15 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au rainistre Sauvages de 1'Ohio mouvements des Iroquois et des Anglais medailles pour les chefs Sauvages 163 1733. 18 Fev. Resume du ministre au sujet des desseins des Anglais sur les lacs Champlain et Ontario instructions donnees M. de Beauharnois. . 172 1734. 10 Oct. Lettre, avec chiffres, de M. de Beauharnois au ministre projet des Anglais mouvements des Sauvages demande de secours petit nombre de soldats dans la colonie 175 19 Aout. Entrevue avec les Tshonnontouans paroles de leurs chefs jointes a la lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, du 7 octobre 184 27 Dec. Resume des vues de M. de Beauharnois, relativement aux projets des Anglais ; avec les observations sur 1'etat de leurs colonies 194 1734. Extrait du recensement general fait en la Nouvelle France, en 1734 202 1735. 10 Mai. Lettre du ministre a M. de Beauharnois precautions a prendre contre les entreprises des Anglais s'ils font quelqu'attaque contre le Canada, il sera envoy e des secours on aurait desire envoyer 1,500 a 2,000 fusils pour armer la milice, mais 1'etat des finances ne le permet pas 205 1736. 12 Oct. Extrait d'une lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au minis- tre forts Sauvages Detroit Mississippi Acadie, etc 210 (Sans date.) Denombrement des nations sauvages qui ont des rapports avec le gouvernement de Quebec des guerriers de chaque nation, ainsi que de leurs armoiries. (Ce document parait avoir ete redige par un Franqais, (peut-etre Joncaire,) qui aurait ete adopte dans la tribu du " Pluvier.") 220 1737. 10 Mai. Extrait d'une depeche du Roi a MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart navigation des lacs Ontario et Champlain Detroit Outaouais Scioux Iroquois Abenaquis, etc 238 1739. 16 Jan. Reclamation de 1'ambassadeur d'Angleterre, au sujet d'un etablis- sement forme par les Frangais dans le pays des Iroquois ; avec un memoire au sujet de 1'etablissement projete des Francais a 1'anse au Bois, (Wood Creek) ... 214 Fevrier. Memoire du ministre de Prance en reponse a celui du ministre d'Angleterre 248 1740. Aout. Extrait du conseil tenu a Orange, avec les cinq nations Iroquoises, ou etaient aussi les gens du Sault St. Louis 250 12 Sept. Paroles des cinq nations iroquoises adressees a M. de Beaucourt, gouverneur de Montreal 252 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE PRANCE. 1473 IERE SERIE. VOL. VIII Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 20 Sept. Reponses de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles des cinq nations adressees a M. de Beaucourt 258 31 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre precautions a prendre vis-a-vis des Anglais demande d'armes pour la milice 265 1741. 21 Sept. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre negociations avec les Sauvages desordre au Sault St. Louis dans le commerce de la traite les jesuites et une famille du nom de Desaulniers parait s'en e tre empare 269 (Renfermant) 8 Juillet. Les paroles de M. de Beauharnois adressees aux Outaouais de Missilimakinac 279 30 Juillet. Reponse de M. de Beauharnois aux Iroquois du Sault St. Louis, au sujet de plusieurs griefs 283 3 Aout. Paroles de M. de Beauharnois aux Iroquois du Sault St. Louis . . 289 7 Aout. Paroles des Sonontouans, (Senecas) a M. de Beauharnois 292 12 Aoul. Paroles de M. de Beauharnois adressees aux Sauvages du lac des Deux Montagnes 294 12 Aout. Reponses des Iroquois, Algonquins, Nipissingues, du lac des Deux Montagnes, au discours ci-dessus 303 17 Aout. Paroles des Nontagues, Onneyouths, Goyogouins, etc., a M. de Beauharnois 310 20 Acut. Reponse de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles ci-dessus 315 1 Sept Reponses de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles des Sonnontouans. . 319 [Sans date.] Memoire du ministre sur le resultat des conferences qui ont eu lieu avec les diverses tribus Sauvages 325 1742. 6 Juillet. Paroles des Nontagues (Onondagas,) a M. de Beauharnois 329 18 Juillet. Reponse de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles des Nontagues 334 17 Juillet. Paroles des Sonontouans adressees a M. de Beauharnois 338 31 Juillet. Reponse de M. de Beauharnois aux paroles ci-dessus 344 30 Juillet. Etat de 1'artillerie qui se trouve maintenant dans divers forts, places, etc., de la Nouvelle France. .. . 354 1743. 13 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre suite du comrnere et de la traite illicite qui se fait au Sault St. Louis diverses negociitions avec les tribus sauvages de plusieurs postes 357 1744. Janvier. Resume pour le ministre de la lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart, du 10 octobre precedent 'Commerce au Detroit dispo- sitions des Iroquois et autres 371 4 Mars. Memoire pour le ministre apprehension de 1'etablissement d'une marine sur les lacs par les Anglais, etc 374 15 Avril. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre 376 (Renfermant) 2 Mars. Le proces-verbal du voyage de M. Beaubassin au fort de la Reine. 378 20 Avril. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre 381 1474 SERIE. VOL. VIII Continuation. (Renfermant) Paroles des Anglais adressees aux cinq nations Iroquoises.. 383 Annies. 1743. 26 Dec. 1744. 8 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre crainte d'une attaque centre Quebec on a mis en etat les batteries, fortifications, etc., et on travaille a de nouveaux ouvrages details sur les differents postes de Niagara, Oswego, Acadie, Baie d'Hudson dispositions des Sauvages, etc 384 29 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre 407 (Renfermant) 19 Oct. Les nouvelles apportees a M. de Beaucourt, par un chef des Sauvages du Sault St. Louis, revenant d'Orange a Montreal 409 7 Nov. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre nouvelles re9ues du Detroit, etc les Iroquois observeront la neutralite, mais les autres nations leveront la hacbe contre les Anglais 414 VOL. IX. (1745-1749.) 1745. 15 Avril. Memoire du ministre sur les nouvelles reques du Canada. (Cette piece manque.) 18 Juin . Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre revoke parmi les Suisses et les soldats de la garnison de 1'Isle Royale 1 13 Aoiit. Lettre de M. Ducharnbon, commandant de Louisbourg, au minis- tre cette place s'est rendue aux Anglais apres un siege opiniatre de quarante-sept jours 6 12 Sept. Lettre de MM. de Beauharnois et Hocquart au ministre reddi- tion de Louisbourg projet pour reprendre cette place et se remettre en possession de 1' Acadie, etc leur importance pour la conservation du Canada, etc. (Ce memoire contient d'amples details sur cette partie du pays) 8 28 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre details sur ses negocia- tions avec diverses tribus 61 (Renfermant) 26 Juillet. 1. Les paroles des Iroquois, Nontagues et Aniers a M. le general de Beauharnois, avec ses reponses 69 25 Aout. 2. Les paroles des Sononthouans, (Senecas,) & M. le general, avec ses reponses 76 4 Nov. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre menaces des Anglais demande de secours en armes et munitions de bouche 83 1746. Avril. Memoire des arrangements pour 1'embarquement de quatre bataillons de troupes sur 1'escadre du due d'Anville, pour aller h la defense du Canada 85 Avril. Instructions pour M. deMeric, nomme pour prendre le commande- ment des troupes envoyees au Canada 92 26 Avril. Memoire du ministre sur les mouvements preparatifs de guerre des Anglais .- 97 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1475 IERE SERIE. VOL. IX Continuation. Ann6es. Pages Aout. Extrait sur les differents mouvements militaires qui se sont faits a Montreal a 1'occasion de la guerre, depuis decembre 1745jusqu'a novembre 1746 100 28 Oct. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois au ministre etat des garnisons a Niagara, a St. Frederic et au fort Frontenac dispositions des Tro- quois, etc- 112 4 Nov. Extrait informe du journal de ce qui s'est passe d'interessant dans la colonie a 1'occasion des mouvements de guerre et des diffe- rens avis regus depuis novembre I745jusqu'a novembre 1746. ... 120 13 Nov. Rapport de JV1. de Repentigny a 1'occasion de son expedition dans le chemin entre Orange et Sarasto, (Albany et Saratoga) 225 1747. 15 Jan. Resume des depeches revues du Canada, pour 1'annee 1746 differentes expeditions avec les Sauvages centre Sarasto, le fort Frederick, etc 229 Fevrier. Copie de la capitulation accordee par les troupes de Sa Majeste tres Chretienne, a celles de Sa Majeste Britannique, lors de la red- dition de la Grande-Prce, (Nouvelle Ecosse.) 235 23 Juin. Relation par M. de Boishebert, d'une expedition de Frangais et Sauvages sous lesordres de M. de la Come St. Luc, centre le fort Clinton 238 8 Oct. Relation par le Chevalier de la Corne, d'un coup fait sur un parti d'Anglais, Sauvages etc., venus dans 1'isle de Montreal pour y faire une incursion 244 Nov. Document presente par M. Boishebert au ministre, au sujet des intrigues des Anglais avec les Sauvages ceux-ci ont assassine plu- sieurs Frangais etat des postes de Niagara, du Detroit, du fort Frontenac, etc 251 7 Oct. Extrait, en forme de journal, de ce qui s'est passe d'interessant dans la colonie, a 1'occasion des mouvements de guerre et des diffe- rents avis regus depuis le depart des vaisseaux en novembre 1746, jusqu'au 7 octobre 1747 266 9 Nov. Continuation du journal de ce qui s'est passe d'interessant dans la colonie, du 7 octobre au 9 novembre 17*7 386 Vol. X. (1748-1754.) 1748. Resume pour le ministre, des depeches du cornte de la Galisson- niere, 'gouverneur du Canada incursions des Sauvages sur la Nou- velle York, Saratoga, etc 1 15 Avril. Resume pour le ministre des depeches du Canada hostilites des Sauvages de Michilimakinac du Detroit intrigues des Anglais. . . 4 1 Sept. Lettre de M. de la Galissonniere au ministre commerce des colonies rnoyens d'avancer la Louisiane les Illinois 7 9 Oct. Journal de ce qui s'est passe d'interessant a Quebec, a 1'occa- sion des mouvements de guerre et des differents avis qu'on y a rcgus depuis le depart des vaisseaux au mois de novembre 1747 jusqu'au depart des vaisseaux, en octobre 1748 16 1476 MANUSCR1TS RELATIFS A IERE SERIE. VOL. X Continuation. . Ann6es. Pages 26 Sept. Memoire du ministre sur les evenements arrives en Canada, et dont la relation a etc envoyee par MM. dela Galisonniere et Bigot. 137 23 Oct. Lettre de M. de la Galissonniere au ministre revolte des Miamis trouble au Detroit, Michilimakinac, etc 142 26 Oct. Lettre de M. de la Galissonniere au ministre -echange des pri- sonniers anglais, etc 156 2 Nov. Acte authentique du discours des deputes des six nations iro- quoises, adresse a M. de la Galissonniere au chateau St. Louis, a Quebec 158 1749. 29 Juillet. Proces-verbal de prise de possession de la Belle-Riviere (Ohio) et , de celles qui s'y dechargent, par M. de Celoron, capitaine d'infanterie. 164 10 Sept. Lettre de M. Puyzieulx, ministre, (renfermant) Des extraits et copies de lettres do MM. de la Galissonniere, du colonel Mascaren, du gouverneur Shirly, du gouverneur Clinton, de Ligneries, du colonel Johnson, etc., au sujet d'un echange de prisonniers en 1749 ' 169 20 Oct. Rapport sur 1'etat de I'artillerie en Canada. 186 9 Nov. Resume des lettres de M.M. de la Jonquiere et Bigot au minis- tre poste de commerce a Toronto necessite de s'ernparer de Chouegen 191 1750. Avrii. Resume des depeches rennent les Anglais d'Orange (Albanj 7 ) 393 10 Fev. Lettre de M. de Chevry relativement a la question de la peche des Anglais sur les cotes de 1'Acadie 397 3 Juillet. Copie d'une lettre ecrite par M. le comte de Bellomont a M. de Callieres 400 7 Aout. Reponse de M. de Callieres a M. de Bellomont 401 ' 9 Sept. Du meme au meme, 1'informant qu'il (M. de Callieres) est nomme gouverneur de la Nouvelle France 403 20 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Callieres et Champigny au ministre sur les affaires de la colonie 405 20 Oct. Lettre de M. de Champigny au ministre sur les affaires de la coionie 436 20 Oct. Lettre de M. de Calllieres sur le meme sujet 448 1528 MANTJSCRITS RELATIFS A 2EME SERIE. VOL. VIII Continuation. Anndes. Pages 27 Oct. Fort St. Jean. Lettre de M. de Villebon sur les affaires de 1'Acadie 461 27 Oct. Memoire sur 1'etat present du port Royal, par M. de Villebon. . 479 27 Oct. Memoire de M. de Villebon sur les etablissements et havres depuis les mines dans le fonds de la baie frangaise jusqu'a 1'ile du Cap Breton 490 1699. Memoire pour le Canada 602 1699. Projet de La Mothe Cadillac pour le Canada, (adresse a M. de Maurepas) 506 Du meme au meme, sur ce qui s'est passe en Canada, au sujet du projet ci-dessus 529 27 Oct. Memoire de M. de Villebon sur la peche aux cotes de 1'Acadie et sur la maniere de la faire 542 VOL. IX. (1699-1703.) [Sans date.] Lettre de M. le baron de Longueil sur les desordres commis a Montreal au sujet du commerce de l'eau-de-vie 1 Lettre de M. Raimbault, procureur du Roi a Montreal sur les desordres qui se passent dans !a ville au sujet de l'eau-de-vie. ... 5 1699-1700. Memoire de M. de Callieres pour repondre a celui du sieur de Lamothe, au sujet des situations des differents posies de ce pays . 9 1700. Oct. Etat de la distribution des trois milles livres accordees par le Roi en 1'annee 1700 pour doter soixante filles a raison de 50 livres pour chacune 13 Memoire des interesses en la compagnie de la peche sedentaire de 1'Acadie 16 Memoire adresse a M. de Bonaventure, par les interesses en la compagnie de la peche sedentaire d'Acadie, sur les reneigne- ments qu'il devra recueillir pendant son sejour en Acadie 22 11 Aout. Lettre de M. le Roy de la Potherie au ministre sur la paix que les Sauvages des cinq nations ont faite avec les Franqais, etc .... 30 16 Oct. Lettre de M. le Roy de la Potherie les Iroquois reconcilies avec la Nouvelle France recit de ce qui s'est passe a un conseil tenu par les deputes des cinq nations et les ambassadeurs Francais. 39 18 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Callieres et Champigny, au ministre, conte- nant le recit de ce qui s'est passe cette annee dans la Nouvelle France paix enfin conclue avec les Iroquois, malgre les sourdes intrigues des Anglais dettes de M. de la Salle etat des troupes le sieur de Tonty etablissement du Mississippi Lesueur le sieur Pascaud et les corapagnies de marchands subsistance des cures defrichement des terres Ursulines des Trois-Rivieres re- ligieuses hospitalieres de Montreal freres hospitallers de Mont- real le sieur Sarrasin, ses grands services les jesuites s'offrent de remplacer le sieur Joliet (decede) dans 1'enseignement de 1'hy- drographie le pere Hennepin clisette de bles le sieur de Gran- ville, procnreur du Roi a Quebec chateau de Quebec non encore L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1529 2EME SERIE. VOL. IX Continuation, Annies. acheve le sieur de Vitre et la peche du marsouin succes des missionnaires au Mississippi plan d'agrandissement de labasse- ville de Quebec recommandation en faveur de la veuve du sieur de la Yalterie, et des sieurs de Langloiserie, Demuy etde laCorne, etc., etc 66 18 Sept. Lettre de M. de Lamothe Cadillac a MM. de Callieres et de Champigny relativement a I'etablissement du Detroit, pres du lac Huron 91 6 Nov. Lettre de MM. de Callieres et de Champigny au ministre sur le commerce du castor et autres affaires , 101 6 Nov. Supplique du sieur de Louvigny au conseil souverain de Quebec. 107 7 Nov. Lettre de M. de Callieres au ministre par laquelle il informs sa grandeur du jugement qui a ete rendu dans 1'affaire du sieur de Louvigny, et autres officiers, etc 117 9 Nov. Lettre de M. de Callieres au miaistre, 1'informant que la com- pagnie formee en ce pays desire que le commerce du fort Fronte- nac lui soit accorde 127 1701-1702. Memoire du sieur de la Potherie adresse au comte de Pontchar- train sur les sujets suivants : Le Canada du gouvernement gene- ral de 1'intendance du controle de la marine du commissariat du sejour des vaisseaux du Roy qui sont en larade de Quebec artillerie des troupes gouvernement des Trois-Rivieres gou- vernement de Montreal du couvent des hospitalieres de Quebec de 1'etat du pays du Detroit des deux lacs nouvelle compagnie de la Nouvelle France de la paix des Iroquois des Anglais et de la Nouvelle France de la peche des marsouins 130 1701. 25 Juillet. Lettre ecrite a M. de la Mothe par le P. Carheil, missionnaire des Hurons de Michillimakinac, au sujet de 1'etablissement du De- troit; avec des observations a la marge, par le sieur de la Mothe. 164 28 Juillet. Lettre du P. Joseph Marest, de la compagnie de Jesus sur le meme sujet, avec des observations du sieur de la Mothe 165 1702. 27 Aout. Lettre du reverend pere Anjelvan, sur Pimportance de 1'etablis- sement du Detroit, etc 167 1701. 25 Aout. Lettre du reverend pere Germain sur le meme sujet, avec des observations par le sieur de la Mothe 168 30 Aout. Lettre du reverend pere Anjelvan sur Pimportance du poste du Detroit, avec observations du sieur de la Mothe 171 23 Sept. Lettre du pere Vaillant, avec notes a la marge par le sieur de la Mothe 172 6 Oct. Lettre du pere J. Marest, missionnaire des Outawas de Michilli- makinac, avec lee observations de M. de la Mothe 173 20 Oct. Autre lettre du meme, avec les observations de M. de la Mothe. 175 1702. 19 Avril. Lettre du pere Mermet, avec des notes a la marge, par M. de la Mothe. . . 178 1530 MANUSCRITS KELATIFS A 2EME SERIE. VOL. IX Continuation. Annies. 20 Avril. Lettre du pere Bonnart, superieur des jesuites, avec des obser- vations de M. de la Mothe 181 30 Mars. Lettre du P. J. Marest, missionnaire de Michillimakinac, avec des observations de M. de la Mothe 183 17 Juin. Lettre du P. de Carheil, avec des observations de M. de la Mothe. 186 4 Juin. Lettre de P. d'Avenant, missionnaire des Miamis, avec des obser- vations de M. de la Mothe 189 23 Juillet. Lettre du P. J. Marest, en reponse a une de M. de la Mothe en date du 2 mai 1702, avec des observations a la marge par M. de la Mothe 191 1703. 12 Mai. Lettre du P. J. Marest, avec des notes par M. de la Mothe. .... 196 Conseils des nations sauvages Paroles des chefs et reponses de M. de la Mothe (avec notes explicatives.) 1701. 8 Oct. Premier conseil tenu dans le fort Pontchartrain, le 3 octobre 1701 Otontagan parle pour toutes les nations des Outawas 200 Paroles des envoyes des Hurons le meme jour 204 4 Dec. Conseil des Hurons tenu dans le fort du Detroit, le 4 dec. 1701. . 207 7 Dec. Conseil tenu dans le fort du Detroit, le 7 dec. avec les Iroquois. . 210 1702. 17 Fev. Paroles de quatre Hurons deputes a M. de la Mothe, et reponse de M. de la Mothe 215 19 Fev. Paroles d'un Huron envoye par les Outaouas a M. de la Mothe. . 217 20 F6v. Reponse de M. de la Mothe aux Hurons 218 Instructions donn6es par M. de la Mothe au sieur Gatinaud pour parler aux Iroquois vers le lac St. Clair, dans la profondeur des terres. 219 27 Fev. Rapport du sieur Gatinaud Paroles des Iroquois 220 Conseil tenu dans le fort du Detroit par les Iroquois, Outaouas, Hurons, Nepissings et Mississaguez . , . 225 4 Mai. Autre conseil tenu entre les memes nations le 4 mai 1702 227 22 Juin. Conseil tenu avec les Miamis dans le fort du Detroit 231 10 Dec. Paroles de M. de la Mothe aux Hurons et Outaouas qui etaient restes dans leurs villages 235 1703. 14 Mai. Conseil des Hurons 239 3 Juin. Conseil des Hurons au fort Pontchartrain 244 29 Aout. Conseil entre les Outaouas, Hurons, Iroquois, Loups et Miamis. . 246 1701. 5 Oct. Lettre de MM. de Callieres et de Champigny au ministre paix avec les Sauvages acceptee et ratifiee concession du fort de Fron- tenac au sieur de la Salle creanciers de ce dernier aide donnee par les soldats aux habitants pour les recoltes le Mississippi Le- sueur le sieur Juchereau coureurs de bois subsistances des cures Ursulines des Trois-Rivieres fortifications de Quebec Le- vasseur le sieur Franquelin nomme a la place de Joliet pour ensei- gner 1'hydrographie Louvigny, major des Trois-Rivieres les sieurs de la Mothe et de Tonty partis pour aller faire 1'etablissement du L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1531 Annour leur retour 132 23 Juillet. Courte analyse des documents suivants : Ordre du sieur Palmer, juge de la Nouvelle York, a Thomas Starpe, commandant on bati- ment anglais, de se rendre a Peatagouet, pour y prendre des vins saisis au nom de sa majeste Britannique lettre du sieur Palmer, enjoignant au sieur Castin de ne pas s'opposer a 1'enlevement de cesvins et 1'avertissaut de ne pas menacer les sujets du roi d'Angle- . terre ni songer a se faire soutenir par les Sauvages, s'il veut 29 Aout. qu'on le souffre sur le territoire Anglais lettre de M. Perrot, gou- verneur de 1'Acadie, demandant satisfaction de 1'entreprise du gouverneur de Pentagon et, qui, de son autorite, a enleve des mar- chandises dechargees sur les terres de Pentagouet le fort de Pen- tagouet appartient aux Francjais, par le traite de Breda, etc 134 9 Aout. Analyse de la correspondance du sieur Perrot: il vient de visiter une partie de 1'Acadie et il envoie une relation de son voyage, dans laquelle il siguale un abus touchant 1'etendue des terres concedees. II rend aussi compte de la maniere dont la justice est rendue, et suggere qu'un batiruent croise devant les cotes pour empecher les forbans et etrangers d'y venir il signale en outre le droit que s'arrogent les Anglais de venir pecher a une ou deux lieues de la cote, et de se retirer dans les ports et rivieres des Frangais 136 29 Aout. Analyse de la correspondance du sieur Perrot ; il rend compte de 1'enlevement par les Anglais, de marchandises dechargees a Penta- gouet, sous pretexte que ces marchandises etaient de contrebande et appartenaient a un Anglais cet Anglais reclame 1'intervention du roi de France pour obtenir la remise des effets enleves on formera difficilement des peches sedentaires, si Ton n'ote aux Anglais la liberte qu'ils pretendent avoir de pecher au large en cas de mauvais temps, ils se refugient dans nos ports et la traitent les pelle- teries avec les Sauvages necessite de mettre fin a cet etat de choses 138 28 Janvier. Analyse d'un memoire du chevalier de Grand Fontaine, rendant compte du traite qu'il a fait dans le temps, avec le chevalier Temple, au sujet de 1'Acadie il croit se rappeler que les iles de Maheim- quein et Pemquit, jusques et y compris la riviere de Quembigny appartenaient a la France il croit aussi qu'on specifia que les An- L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1543 SEME SERIE. VOL. I Continuation. Annies. Pages glais ne pourraient pas faire la traite des pelleteries avec les Sauva- ges, ni pecher le long de la cote, ni charger du charbon de terre, sans la permission du gouverneur, etc 141 1687. 5 Avril, Instructions donnees a. M. de Menneval, gouverneur de 1'Acadie propagation de la religion catholique M. de Meneval maintiendra les habitants dans les pratiques du culte et reprimera la dcbauche il s'efforcerad'arranger a 1'amiableles differendsentre les habitants il empechera les courses dans les bois, sans sa permission 51 reunira au domaine les terres qui ne seront pas occupees les habitants qui se livrent a la debauche devront etre renvoyes en France il encou- ragera la peche, la culture, la construction des chaloupes, etc., et empechera les etrangers de faire du commerce dans ce pays avec 1'assistance de la fregate la Friponne, il confisquera les bailments Anglais et autres qui viendront pecher ou negocier sur les cotes de 1'Acadie envoi de 30 soldats pour etre places sous les ordres du sieur Duret de La Boulaye, lieutenant du Roi de 1'Acadie M. de Menneval devra resider a Port Royal et s'occuper de la construc- tion du fort, etc 143 5 Oct. Certiflcat donne par Boudrot, lieutenant general en PAcadie, et plusieurs autres habitants du pays, declarant qu'il est a leur connais- sance que feu M. D'Aulnay Charnizay, autrefois gouverneur de la cote de I'Acadie, y a fait, de ses deniers, construire des forts, des moulins, des fermes, des chaloupes, etc., et que les entreprises des Anglais ont reduit sa famille a la mendicite 157 1688. 10 Avril. Instructions pour le sieur Goustin, choisi par le Roi pour faire les fonctions de juge et d'ecrivain a I'Acadie il devra encourager le de- frichement des terres et le commerce, et devra agir en cas de diffe- rends entre les habitants, plutot en conciliateur qu'en jugc il cher- chera a decouvrir tous les avantages qu'on pourra tirer de la colonio soit pour elle-meme soit pour le royaume, examinera les endroits ou 1'on pourrait construire de nouvelles habitations et les moyens de faire prospcrer celles existantes, les terres qui pourraient etre culti- vees, la peche qu'on peut faire et le nombre d'habitants qui pour- raient trouver leur subsistance dans la colonie il obligera, autant que possible, les habitants a semer toutes sortes de grains, etc 159 Anterieur a 1680. Memoire de la compagnie de la peche scdentaire de I'Acadie demandant qu'on lui accorde : lo. Un arret portant concession des iles dp la Madeleine, de 1'ile St. Jean et de Tile du Cap Breton pen- dant 20 ans pour la tuerie des loups-marins. 2o. L'ordre a M. Perrot, gouverneur, et a M. de la Boulaye, de faire restituer par Michel Leneuf dit La Valliere et autres, les effets et pelleteries qu'ils ont pris a Bergier, fils, et a Negascouet, capitaine des Sauvages. 3o. Permission de saisir une barque ou caiche nommee YHirondelle, restituee aux Anglais de Boston, laquelle est maintenant dans le port de la Rochelle. par mesure de represailles. 4o. Un ordre de restitution de droits sur le castor, induement perc,us, puisque I'Acadie est exempte de droits de cette nature, etc 163 1544 MANTJSCRITS KELATIFS A SEME SERIE. VOL. I Continuation. Ann6es. Pages Vers 1689. Extrait de la correspomlance de 1'eveque, de M. de Menneval, de M. de la Mothe Cadillac missionnaire du pays prise de six caiches et d'un brigantin anglais par M. de la Caffiniere neees- site de fortifier le Port Royal venue tardive des fonds meconten- tement contre le sieur de Goutin, juge, etc, avec des observations a la marge 165 1633-1689. Memoire de Richard Denis, exposant 1'origine des concessions de terres faites a son pere en 1633, par 1'ancienne compagnie de ]a Nouvelle France, et demandant la confirmation de sa conces- sion, comme aussi, la commission de lieutenant pour le Roi, sous 1'autorite du gouverneur general, dans 1'etendue de la dite conces- sion, depuis le Cap St. Louis jusqu'a 1'Ile Percee il a exerce cet emploi aussi pendant 18 ans, comme mandataire de son pere. . 169 1689. 7 Sept. Plaintes de M. de Menneval contre la conduite de MM. de Sou- legre et de Goutin cabales ourdies par ces deux officiers, aux- quels s'est joint le sieur de la Mothe Cadillac 173 De 1604 a 1690. Sur la lettre de M. Arnoul concernant 1'Acadie. Coup d'ceil sur les diverses phases qu'a subies cette colonie, depuis 1604 MM. de Mons et de.Poutrincourt formation par Richelieu (1626) de la com- pagnie de la Nouvelle France en 1640, etablissementsde la Heve, de Port Royal et de la riviere St. Jean etablissements du sieur Denis au lieu appele St. Pierre dans la Baie de Canceaux et a Che- dabouctou, puis a Miramichi dans le golfe St. Laurent etablisse- ment en 1664 de la compagnie des Indes Occidentales prise du Port Royal, par les Anglais en 1690 traites de Breda et de Lon- dres compagnie de la peche sedentaire situation des pecheries propositions des Ma'ouins au sujet de cette colonie, etc 190 1690. Memoire de M. de Menneval sur la conduite du sieur de Goutin juge et ecrivain au Port Royal, qu'il represente comme coupable envers lui de precedes seditieux il annonce que de Goutin a efe excite par le sieur de la Mothe Cadillac appreciation du carac- tere de ce dernier avec des observations a la marge 198 1689. 2 Sept. Lettre de M. Des Goutin au ministre, dans laquelle il signale M. de Menneval comme apportant des obstacles a 1 'action de la jus- tice il 1'accuse de commercer avec les Anglais de concert avec les pretres du seminaire et rend compte des manoeuvres de M. de Menneval pour realiser des benefices illicites, etc 201 1691. 5 Fevrier. Memoire sur 1'Acadie ravages qu'y ont fait les Anglais moyens a adopter pour reprendre possession de cette colonie et la conser- ver a la France le sieur Petit, cure dePort Royal, signale comme ayant ete la cause de la prise de ce fort par les Anglais, etc 212 1692. 9 Nov. Requete au ministre par MM. de Villebon, d'Iberville et de Bona- venture demandant le remboursement d'une somme de 554 livres depensee pour la ranqon de certaines femmes et enfants que les Anglais retiennent en otages, etc 219 L'HISTOIEE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1545 SEME SKRIE. VOL. I Continuation. Armies. Pages 1693. Memoire de Lamothe Cadillac contenant une description de- taillee de 1'Acadie et de la Nouvelle Angleterre projet d'une attaque centre la Nouvelle York, et centre Boston, si on desire s'en emparer, etc 220 1682 a 1694. Memoire sur 1'Acadie expose des sacrifices qu'ont faits les in- teresses en la peche seuentaire et commerce de 1'Acadie pour leur entreprise demande de secours pour soutenir les Sauvages centre les forces de la Nouvelle Angleterre M. de Villebon etabli au fort Naxouat 252 2 Sept. Qualite des Saavages de 1'Acadie Canibas, Malicites et Mic- macs Extrait de la lettre du sieur de Villebon a M. de Lagny 256 7 Sept. Lettre de M. de Villieu au ministre, 1'informant qu'il a pris avec les Sauvages deux petits forts anglais, brule 60 maisons et fait plusieurs prisonniers, etc 258 1 Mai. Instructions du sieur de Villebon au sieur de Villieu, relative- ment a 1'expedition preceder.te contre les Anglais . . 261 1694. 9 Sept. Lettre du sieur des Goutins au ministre, dans laquelle il rend compte de la distribution de presents faite aux Sauvages en 1693, d'un differend qu'il a eu avec le sieur de Villieu, plaintes contre le sieur Losme, pretre missionnaire plaintes contre les pretres en general qu'il propose de remplacer par des peres recollets, etc 264 1694-'95 et 96. M. de Villebon journal detaille des faits qui se sont passes en Acadie du 3 Janvier 1694 au 20 juillet 1695, et du 2 octobre 1695 au 14 juillet 1696 - 270 1695. Memoire de M. de Villebon sur la liberte de la peche demandee par les Anglais 300 Observations sur les depeches, memoires et pieces touchant 1'Acadie 302 Memoire sur les concessions que les sieurs Damour, freres, pre- tendent dans les rivieres St. Jean et Richibouctou. 308 1696. Notes sur 1'insuffisance du fort bati a Naxouat, pour proteger les bailments franqais qui viennent a 1'entree de la riviere St. Jean necessite de relever le fort autrefois existant a 1'entree de cette riviere , 310 1695. 20 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Villebon au ministre relativement a la mauvaise qualite des presents faits aux Sauvages plaintes contre M. de Villieu et justification de M. Bonaventure pour n'avoir point touche a Pentagouet 314 ler Oct. Lettre de M. Villebon au ministre 1'informant que la fregate anglaise contre laquelle M. de Bonaventnre s'est battu, a eu 10 hommes de tues et plusieurs hors de combat il n'y a plus a redou- ter d'alliance entre les Sauvages et les Anglais nouvelles plaintes contre le sieur de Villieu plaintes contre les freres Damour nouvelle demande au sujet du fort a 1'entree de la riviere St. Jean. 318 1546 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 3J:ME SERIE. VOL. I Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 1696. Renseignements sur les etablissements anglais situes entre Pemi- quid et Boston leur importance, commerce, population resistance qu'ils pourraient faire contre une invasion 324 28 Jan. Memoire du sieur Riverin a M. de Pontchartrain sur les peches sedentaires du Canada 328 26 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Villebon au ministre impossibility ou il a ete de faire relever le fort a 1'entree de la riviere St. Jean renseigne- ments sur Pemquit donnes a M. de Frontenac satisfaction que donne le missionnaire Beaudoin inconduite des sieurs Damour 332 24 Sept. Lettre de M. de Villebon au ministre, relativement a la prise de Pemquit sur les Anglais demande de nouvelles recrues pour reta- blir le fort au bas de la riviere projets d'entreprise contre les habi- tations au-dela de Pemquit et contre Boston, &c 336 20 Oct Lettre du meme au meme craintes au sujet du sieur de Villieu, qu'il croit fait prisonnier, avec son detachement demande de troupes un parti de Sauvages de Peutagouet et de Kinebiqui a tue 10 Anglais, etc 340 1697. Meraoire sur 1'etat de 1'etablissement de MontLouis examen des rivieres et havres favorables a la peche, depuis 1'entree du fleuve jusqu'a Matane le sieur Riverin a decouvert des ardoises et du salpetre, etc 344 20 Janvier. Lettre de M. deLagny projets d'attaque contre la Nouvelle York et Boston forces qu'il faudrait pour ces entreprises 348 1697. Extrait des memoires et lettres envoyes a messieurs les pleni- potentiaires, concernant les restitutions a faire de part et d'autre dans les colonies execution du traite de Breda. .' 356 1697. Note au sujet d'une entreprise contre la Nouvelle Angleterre, et des moyens de faire transporter des vivres et munitions au fort Naxouat necessite de faire transporter M. d'Iberville et ses hommes de Terreneuve a la baio du Nord 363 20 Sept. Estrait du traitS de paix entre la France et 1'Angleterre, conclu a Ryswick 364 Note sur. les pretentious reciproques des Anglais et des Fran: S^RIE. VOL. II Continuation. Ann&s. Pages gne de Belle He etablissement faire au cap de Sable, ses avan- tages 832 1710. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministrc projets d'attaque centre 3 Janv. Port Royal, par les Anglais heureuses expeditions de quel- ques corsaires centre les Anglais il demande pour 1'un d'eux un brevet de lieutenant de fregate echange de prisonniers avec les Anglais detnele entre le gouverneur de Boston et les officiers necessite de prevenir les ennemis en allant attaquer cette ville besoin d'un navire maladie penurie d' argent 843 1710-1711. Memoire sur le commerce et 1'importance de la Nouvelle Angle- terre, et de la necessite de s'opposer a son developpement, entre- prise a faire contre 1'ile de Rodelin 867 1710. 1 Oct. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre situation precaire 1'entree du bassin est occupee par les Anglais qui comptent par la affamer la garnison si le vaisseau attendu n'arrive pas, il y a tout a redouter 874 3 Oct. Lettre de M. Nicholson a M. de Subercase, le sommant de rendre Port-Royal 876 13 Oct. Articles de capitulation accorded pour la reddition du fort de Port-Royal, entre M. de Subercase d'une part et M. Nicholson de 1'autre 877 13 Nov. Copie d'une lettre des principaux habitants de Port-Royal, M. de Vaudreuil, demandant des secours pour qu'ils puissent laisser le pays, ou ils sont traites comme des negres par le gouverneur An- glais 879 24 Dec. Lettre du ministre a M. de Beauharnais il desire vivement re- prendre . 1'Acadie il prie M. de Beauharnais de s'entendre avec MM. de Bonaventure, Duvivier et de Subercase au sujet des moyens a prendre la perte de 1'Acadie et de Terre-Neuve enleve a la France toutes ses peches, et menace le Canada 881 1711. 1 Janv. Nomination, par M. de Vaudreuil, du sieur baron de St. Castin, commandant de Pentagouet, avec la charge de lieutenant en pied dans les troupes entretenues en ce pays. 883 11 Mars. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre, rendant compte de 1'in- discipline des soldats et demandant que son affaire soit prompte- ment jugee 885 20 Juillet. Lettre de M. Christophe Cahouet au ministre, rendant compte de la situation de 1'Acadie soulevement des habitants qui se sont reunis aux Sauvages M. de St Castin va se mettre a leur tete 887 3 Sept. Representations de M. de St. Castin aux habitants de la Banlieue de Port-Royal qui se sont accommodes avec les Anglais 891 5 Sept. Le sieur Gaulin, pretre, missionnaire, rend compte de la situation de la garnison anglaise, et des efforts inutiles qu'ont fails les habi- tants et les Sauvages pour reprendre le fort de Port-Royal 893 1713. 1 Juin. Lettre du ministre au sieur Gaulin, le priant de faire connaitre aux habitants de 1'Acadie, que des ordres vont etre donnes, par la L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1553 SEME SiniE. VOL. II Continuation. Annies. Reine de la Grande Bretagne, pour qu'il leur soit permis de vendre leurs immeubles, et qu'il leur sera permis de se rendre au nouvel etablissement du Cap Breton 897 Juillet 1711 a Precis de ce qui s'est passe pendant la negociation de la paix Mai 1713. d'Utrecht au sujet de 1'Acadie a laquelle les Anglais ont donne le nom de Nouvelle Ecosse. . 899 11 Avril. Cession de 1'Acadie a 1'Angleterre 927 17 Juillet. Memoire sur les pays cedes aux Anglais (envoye a M. le due de Beauvilliers et a M. le marquis de Torcy) examen du 12me article du traite d'Utrecht equivoque touchant 1'ile de Sable 930 1714. 15 Oct. Recenseraent des habitants du Port Royal et des Mines en 1714 933-937 1682-1715. Expose des sacrifices faits par la compagnie de la peche seden- taire en Acadie et des pertes qu'y ont faites en definitive les interesses reclamation de M. le due de Noirmoutiers, comme heritier, par sa femme, de feu M. de Chevry, son pere 941 VOL. III. (1659-1702.) TERRENEUVE. Fac-simile des autographes de Pastour (1689) ; Parat (1688) ; Joseph Deny s, recollet (1690); Brouillan (1698) ; Lhermite (1695); Serigny, (1697); De Coste- belle (1695) ; De Qoutin (1696) ; Durand La Garenne (1699). 1659-1665. Memoire de M. de Peyrelongue pour messieurs de la compagnie des Indes Occidentales, touchant son differend avec le sieur Doublet au sujet dela peche qu'il a faite a l'ile de la Magdeleine. 1 1661. 31 Dec. Deliberations de 1'assemblee generale tenue a St. Malo, au sujet des abus qui se commettent a la cote du Chapeau Rouge et du Petit Nord. par ceux qui vont a la peche des poissons mollues. . . 3 1662. 15 Mars, 18 Avril. Extrait des registres de la ville de St. Malo, donnant un etat de tous les havres et gallais de la cote du Chapeau Rouge et de Tile St. Pierre arret de la cour centre les desordres indiques dans la piece du 31 decembre 1661 6 1663-1670. Placet du sieur J. B. Brevedent, agissant pour le sieur Doublet, au sujet de la concession des iles de la Magdeleine, St. Jean, aux Oiseaux et de Brion il demande au Roi d'etre continue dans la possession de ces iles, ou d'ordonnerle remboursement desdepen- ses qu'il y a faites 10 1660-1666. Projet d'instruction pour qui doit commander a Plaisance 12 1671. Role des habitants de Plaisance 18 1673-1677. Role des noms et surnoms, age des habitants de Plaisance sous le commandement du sieur de la Poieppe, gouverneur. . 22 et 49 1675. 6 Juin. Lettre de Sachy Segourne au ministre, exposant la misere des matelots, qui, pour s'y soustraire, vont servir les Anglais il est a craindre que ceux-ci ne s'emparent des pecheries. (Suit un me- moire des armateurs de St. Malo, relatif au meme sujet) 25 1554 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A Annies. 1676. 1684. S^RIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Pages 1687. 1689. 29 Juillet. ler A out. 4 Sept. 8 Sept. 1690. 28 Aout. 1 Sept. 6 Sept. Remarques que le sieur de Bennes a cm necessaires pour le bien du service dans ses voyages de lerreneuve les rivalites anglaises convois des vaisseaux marchands Baie du Trepas police de la peche Baie de Ste Marie culte, etc 29 Arret du Roi touchant les pecheries du Petit Nord, Chapeau Rouge et autres lieux en Terreneuve .. 53 Memoire pour le commerce de Terreneuve, presente par le sieur Eon, touchant un droit d'entree a percevoir sur les poissons que Jes etrangers pechent et apportent sur le temps leplus opportun pour enroler les matelots sur la protection a donner aux pecheurs utilite de retirer nos matelots des marines etrangeres droit de 50 sous partonneau sur les vaisseaux dont plus d'un tiers de Pequi- page est compose d'etrangers ameliorations a faire au port de St. Malo 57 Recensement general de Pile de Terreneuve 61 Lettre du sieur Pastour au ministre, se plaignant de violence exercee contre une caiche anglaise au havre de Plaisance 1'eve- que de Quebec arrive a Plaisance aumonier du fort et cure commerce avec Quebec et les Antilles Pastour et Peveque de Quebec & St. Pierre bailments anglais pris revoke de la Nou- velle Angleterre rivalite anglaise perte volontaire de noslimites dans Pile 63 Lettre du sieur Parat au ministre, relativement a Peveque de Quebec mutinerie des marchands ile St. Pierre forbans religionnaires francais traite de neutralite rivalite anglaise. ... 66 Lettre du meme au meme, touchant Pile St. Pierre rivalite anglaise forces des Anglais a Terreneuve etablissement des recollets liaisons de commerce de Quebec avec Terreneuve Lallemand castors 73 Lettre du sieur Pastour au ministre, portant plaintes contre le sieur Parat pour abus, corvees, honneurs dans ^'eglise, et sa vie scandaleuse 88 Lettre du frere Joseph Denis au ministre demande de secours contre les forbans anglais pillage de Plaisance par les memes re volte des Basques contre Parat 91 Lettre du sieur Pastour au ministre, au sujet de la solde de sa compagnie pillage de Pile par les forbans Anglais rivalite an- glaise capitaines basques, leur revolte missionnaires recollets. 93 Lettre du sieur Parat au ministre, touchant les capitaines bas- ques defense de Pile revolte des capitaines contre lui-meme sou retour en France monopole de peche accorde aux Basques. . 97 Lettre du sieur Pastour au ministre fortifications de Plaisance corvfies habitants indisciplines conseil de guerre 101 Lettre du meme au meme rivalite anglaise fortifications corvees armes petite Grave pointe Verte Petit Plaisance 104 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1555 SIIME SERIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Ann6es. Nov. Memoire sur Pile de Terre Neuve rivalite anglaise pecherie et debit de morue verte et seche nombre de yaisseaux occupes a Plaisance Malouins, prise par eux de Forillon. ... 107 28 Dec. Pastour de Costebelle au ministre fortifications rivalite an- glaise Parat remplace desseins des Anglais sur Plaisance 112 1690. Resume de lettres et de memoires adresses pendant cette annee accompagne d'observations de 1'administration touchant les pe- cheries Basques Parat Brouillan Malouins Chapeau Rouge Plaisance abus du gouverneur rivalite anglaise prise de Plaisance 126 1691. Lettre de Pastour au ministre touchant Pastour de Costebelle ses services rivalite anglaise Plaisance 129 1691. Lettre du sieur tie Pastour au ministre rivalite anglaise prise de Pile St. Pierre Plaisance menacee Anglais non-naturali- ses habitans et espions 132 1691. Lettre du meme au meme, relativement aux pecheries et a leur importance vaisseaux employes rivalite anglaise possessions des Anglais fortifications de Plaisance son importance pour la peche et comme situation refuge des vaisseaux engages cor- vees troupes missionnaires 134 1691. Recensement de toute la colonie etablie en Pile de Terre Neuve pour 1'annee 1691 140 1692. Memoire du sieur de Montsegur habitations anglaises de 1'ile de Terre Neuve rivalite peches 144 14 et 21 Sept. Journal du mouvement que les ennemis ont fait depuis qu'on a eu connaissance de leur approche au fort Louis de Plaisance attaque de Plaisance incendie des habitations de la Pointe Verte Lahontan Costebelle 146 14 et 21 Sept. Relation de Pattaque de cinq vaisseaux anglais de 60 canons au fort St. Louis de Plaisance commande par M. de Brouillan, gouverneur de 1'ile de Terre Neuve.... 153 1 Octobre. Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre, touchant 1'attaque de Plaisance Costebelle St Ovide baron de la Hontan 160 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre, relativement a la riva- lite anglaise importance de Plaisancehabitants en course, leur misere prise de St. Pierre projet sur les habitations anglaises de Terre Neuve abus des matelots 164 1692. Memoire sur tout ce qui concerne Plaisance a 1'ile de Terre Neuve subsistance magasins courses importance de Plai- sance fortifications, etc.. etc 172 1693. 28 Aout et Relation et journal des mouvements de 1'escadre anglaise dans 3 Sept. la rade de Blaisance nouvelle attaque de Plaisance 176 7 Octobre. Extraitd'une lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre touchant ses projets sur la cote septentrionale de Terre Neuve habitants enga- ge's bons matelots. . 180 1556 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 3iiME SERIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Annies. Pages 70ctobre. Lettre du rnemeau meme fortifications desertions des soldats. 184 7 Octobre. Extrait d'une lettre du meme au meme respect du dimanche-- p rises par les corsaires francjais commissions des corsair es An- tilles et Acadie 185 7 Octobre. Lettre du meme au meme troupes officiers chevalier du Brouillan Costebelle rivalite anglaise habitations anglaises du Trepas et de la Baie de Trinite bruises par Costebelle La Hontan St. Ovide 187 14 Dec. Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre St. Pierre pille et brule projet des Anglais sur Plaisance projet de Brouillan sur Rog- nouse discipline difficile la Hontan peuplement concessions projet de d'Iberville sur St. Jean - 189 1694. Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre, touchant I'engagernent frauduleux des soldats leur desertion leur paie pour les fortifi- cations Brouillan, ses services, ses sept freres morts a 1'armee Costebelle fortifications de Plaisance la redoute royale inexpu- gnable St. Ovide, gouverueur corsaires a Plaisance, leurs prises peches des Malouins rivalite anglaise entreprise de M. de St. Clair sur Forillon, manquee sur St. Jean, ajournee Nouveaux projets presentes par M. de Brouillan 197 1695. 14 Octobre. 1696. 5 Mars. 23 Sept. 1696. (Sans date.) 1696. 1697. 3Fev. 18 Aout 18 Oct. Lettre du sieur Pastour de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de sa nomination comme lieutenant du roi Brouillan en conge etat de la colonie vexation des marchands dans la vente ou dans 1'achat des marchandises a Phabitanl approvisionnementdu pays liberte de commerce famine pain sel milices troupes mauvaises recrues- maniere de les lever 215 Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre rivalite anglaise arme- ment de d'Iberville dirige centre les Anglais de Terre Neuve exemption de droits reclamee pour Terre Neuve 223 Journal des mouvements des vaisseaux du Roi FEnvieux et le Profond prise de Pemkuit d'Iberville, Thury, St. Castin, Vil- lieu ... 225 Memoire sur Pentreprise de Terre-Neuve qui doit etre executee cette annee, sous le commandement de M. de Brouillan, associe avec les Malouins, MM. de Chevry et d'Iberville 229 Memoire sur le traite a faire pour Pentreprise du fort de la gar- nison et de la colonie de Plaisance en Kile de Terre-Neuve 232 Association des Malouins avec la compagnie de 1'Acadie pour Pentreprise de Terre-Neuve 233 Memoire sur la peche de la morue dans la baie de Plaisance. . 238 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant ses services et ceux de ses freres 234 Du meme au meme, touchant les ravages d'un forban de la Ro- chelle munitions envoyees aux habitants de St. Pierre manque desel.. 235 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1557 SERIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Pages Annies. 1698. 16 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere des habitants, par suite de la cherte du sel, avec un etat du nom- bre des matelots pecheurs engages aux habitants de Plaisance pour hiverner 239 2 Dec. Recensement des habitants de Plaisance noms des habitants, nombre de leurs enfants, de leurs chaloupes, indication de leur etat de fortune, du lieu qu'ils occupent et ou ils sont nes 241 17 Nov. Relation du voyage de M. de la Galissonriiere a Plaisance, en- voyee a M. de Pontchartrain 261 23 Nov. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre fortifications conduite scandaleuse du pere recollet desservant la chapelle du Roi 269 1699. 10 Sept. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre disette des annees precedentes magasins, troupes fortifications difficiles par le cli- mat abus du credit defrichement des terres, inutile habitations et rivalite anglaise forbans carte de Terre-Neuve baie Ste. Marie, par Ricord Monic, eon retour 273 20 Oct. Lettre du meme au meme, au sujet des concessions population residante commerce difference du commerce dans les habita- tions anglaises abus du credit Ste. Marie, Ricord ile St. Pierre, peche et nombre de navires des Anglais St. Jean projet d'ho- pital a Plaisance 285 1700. 18 Juillet. Lettre du sieur Monic au ministre, au sujet des forbans croi- siere fortifications engages, magons et ouvriers graves man- que de vivres, vexations des capitaines baie du Trepas rivalite anglaise 297 19 Juillet. L'Hermite au ministre, relativement aux engages du Roi dis- tribution des graves forbans 304 25 Aout. Lettre du sieur Monic au ministre fortifications troupes misere des habitants hopital 310 8 Sept. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, relativement au man- que de vivres 320 30 Sept. Lettre du sieur Monic au ministre, relativement aux fortifica- tions troupes desertion Recollets mission envoi de pe- cheurs intrigues des capitaines basques 323 1701. 23 Fev. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre Plaisance, point demire des Anglais son importance pour ses flottes revenant des Indes espagnoles 329 27 Sept. Lettre du sieur Monic au ministre, relativement aux fortifications envoi de pierre a chaux manque de vivres missionnaires, leur retribution population graves dettes des habitants prix des pecheurs hopital, moyens de peupler police de la peche rivalite anglaise commerce anglais -mcchants logements du commandant etdesofficiers accusations dirigees centre L'Hermite Brouillan Durand ses propres services lettres du commandant avec le subdekgue de 1'intendant a cause du controle justice dettea des 1558 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 3l;ME S^RIE. VOL. Ill Continuation. Ann6es. Pages habitants ceuvres du Roi lutte a St. Pierre entre les capitaiues de vaisseaux et le sieur Lafosse distribution des graves 332 31 Oct. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre troupes com- merce du commandant vivres besoin de rafraichissemeuts forti- fications hopital 364 1702. 29 Sept. Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre fortifications eglise desertion des soldats Sourdeval St. Pierre 370 14 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant 1'escorte des vaisseaux grande peche malgre la guerre necessite de mettre Plaisance hors d'insulte son importance dans la paix et dans la guerre etat des fortifications rivalite anglaise Plaisance menace le commerce des peches superieur a tout autre attaque de nos pecheurs et des habitations de Terreneuve belle conduite de Sourde- val a St. Pierre escadre anglaise necessite d'une plus forte escorte pour nos vaisseaux desertion troupes conges d'anciennete 374 7 Nov. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre, touchant la diffi- culte du subdelegue de 1'intendant avec le commandant a 1'occasion de son controle - - 384 10 Nov. Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre fortifications hopital pour cinq lits commerce du commandant desertion des Franqais comme des Anglais rivalite anglaise 391 20 Nov. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre St. Jean deser- tion, ses causes notaire, taxation pour jugement 395 25 Nov. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre croisiere St. Jean parti Franc, ais centre Bonneviste fortifications maison des officiers commandant du port 399 20 Dec. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre pointe Verte petit Plaisance Ste. Marie mouvement du parti Franqais dirige contre Bonueviste croisiere fortifications 411 1702. Recensement de la population de 1'babitation de Plaisance, sans comprendre les officiers 413 21 Dec. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre 1'importance de Plai- sance fortifications bois difficile & se procurer desertion mou- vement du parti contre Bonneviste Sourdeval, Lafosse 414 1702. Extraits des lettres de 1'annee desertion St. Jean fort au Petit Plaisance Sourdeval Terreneuve 421 VOL. IV. (1703-1708.) TERRENEUVE. Fac simile de la signature de Subercase (1706.) 1703. Memoire de M. de Subercase au ministre fortifications appointe- ments rivalite des Anglais . . .' 435 1703. Journal de la campagne d'Amariton rivalite anglaise coup sur Forilion . . .438 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1559 SliME SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Annies. 18 Mars. Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre projets d'attaque des Anglais centre 1'Acadie et Plaisance 445 17 Oct. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre rivalite des ^Anglais- coup a faire sur St. Jean 449 21 Oct. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre, rendant compt* des vivres desertions conges d'anciennete pierre a chaux desobeisaance des navires marchands 452 21 Oct. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre corsaires fortifications peche armes expedition du sieur Amariton escadre anglaise rivalite des Anglais habillement des troupes desertions conges manque d'armes manque de vivres et d'habillements sel hopital ecole culture preparatifs de defense 464 22 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet des fortifica- tions augmentation des troupes retraite des Anglais privations souffertes par les officiers , 499 1704. Recensement des vaisseaux de peche et de troque qui sont venus a Plaisance pendant 1'annee 1704 505 25 Oct. Lettre de M. Costebelle au ministre peche defaut de sel desertion 508 24 Dec. Lettre du meme au meme desir qu'ont les Anglais de prendre Plaisance demande de deux vaisseaux de guerre pour s'opposer a leurs attaques 512 24 Dec. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministres expedition centre St. Jean y 514 25 Dec. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre coup sur St. Jean 517 1705. , Recensement des habitants de Plaisance, suivi du recensement des navires qui sont venus au meme lieu, soil en peche ou en troque, pendant 1'annee 1705 524 Du 14 au 17 Fev. Correspondance de M. de Subercase, gouverneur de Plaisance, et de M. Moody, officier anglais, gouverneur de St. Jean, pendant 1'entreprise faite par les Franqais sur la cote de St. Jean 533 14 Oct. Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre expedition contre St. Jean. .. 540 22 Oct. Lettre de M. de la Forest au ministre, touchant sa nomination a la place de M. Durand la Garenne, qui a obtenu un conge 552 25 Nov. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant 1'expedition de St. Jean et la part qu'il y a prise accident qui lui est arrive necessite de secourir Plaisance 554 6 Dec. Leltre du meme au meme, relativement aux vivres la culture peche Plaisance utilite de ce poste expedition contre St. Jean M. de Subercase et lui-meme 565 1706. 30 Janv. Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre, relativement a la peche escadre anglaise attendue a St. Jean, le printemps prochain. . . 573 12 Mai. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant leur situation manque de sel flibustiers partis envoyes contre les havres Anglais repre- sailles projetees sur Plaisance M. de Subercase se dispose a les bien recevoir depenses que cause le retard des vaisseaux 575 1560 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A ,'!I:M i: SKRIK. VOL. IV Continuation. Annies, ler Aout. 9 Sept. 14 Oct. 8 Nov. Pages 8Fev. Lettre dn sieur de Costebelle au ministre peche necessite de rendre Plaisance inexpugnable quarante-huil vaisseaux mar- chands dans ce port, en peche ou en troque prises amenees a ce port Plaisance menace 578 Lettre du raerae au me me, le remerciant de 1'avoir appele au gouvernement -arrivee du Profond et du Cygne la flotte mar- chande peut faire voile sans craindre la flotte des Anglais peche peu avantageuse disette de sel 581 Lettre de M. de Subercase au ministre, le remerciant de lui avoir donne la croix de St. Louis et le gouvernement de PAcadie situation de Plaisance une menagerie et un jardin vendus a 1'hopital le sieur Devillernarceau 583 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, le remerciant de 1'avoir nomme au gouvernement de Plaisance ameliorations a faire aux fortifications necessite de suivre un nouveau plan pour mettre ce fort en surete casernes bestiaux disette de sel nombre de vaisseaux charges de morue a Plaisance la grave des marchands effets de farret rendu par le Eoi, sur la distribution des graves en 1700 renvoi des Canadiens a Quebec le chevalier de la Valliere eloge de cet officier courses projetees sur les cotes anglaises munitions donnees auxMicmacks du Cap Breton entreprises qu'ils doivent tenter centre les habitations anglaises de 1'ile flibustiers difficultes de batir un batiment Plaisance precautions pour Pechange des prisonniers valeur des habitations anglaises, mises en surete sur l'ile de Carbonniere et Belle-ile difficultes d'aller les y attaquer les habitants de Forillon refu- gies a St. Jean plaintes centre les omciers des vaisseaux du Roi demande que le Roi donne a ses vaisseaux des signaux de reconnaissance projet sur ce point M. de Villemarceaux, M. de Ste. Marie et M. de Sourdeval, gouverneurs des iles St. Pierre ce dernier demande une augmentation de salaire depart de M. de Subercase pour I'Acadie estime des habitants pour ce monsieur demande la croix de St. Louis demande une concession de la pointe Verte demande la faculte de faire embarquer du sel taxe pour 1'entretien de 1'hopital refus des vaisseaux et des habitants de St. Pierre de payer cette taxe M. Durand la Garenne les cabarets commerce entre Plaisance et Quebec n^ons a Plai- sance entretenus et a la solde des marchands de Bayonne, St. Jean de Luz, St. Malo et Nantes L'Hermite veut demander son conge M. de Beaucourt demande envoi de coureurs de bois dans les habitations anglaises pretendu projet des Bostonnais d'attaquer Plaisance necessite de completer les compagnies fortifications a completer a 1'entree de la rade de Plaisance . , 587 Memoire sur 1'imposition ordonnee par arret du conseil du 22 decembre 1705 pour la levee d'une demi part sur les profits des na- vires des Sables d'Obnne qui font la pe 1 jhe en Terreneuve 639 L'HISTOIIIE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1561 Annies. 10 Juillet. SEME S^RIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Pages 80 Aout 14 Sept. 19 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 1707. 10 Nov. 10 Nov. Lettre de Costebelle au ministre vaisseaux le Franyais et le Sage, porteurs de plusieurs millions d'argent Plaisance, comme port de relache, pour les vaisseaux venant des mers du sud travail des fortifications Plaisance menace par le gouverneur anglais de St. Jean Canadiens envoyes & la decouverte arrivee a St. Jean de quatre vaisseaux de guerre renvoi de prisonniers, du cote des Anglais, comme du cote des Franqais retard des bailments qui apportent du sel le gouverneur de Boston arme pour aller atta- quer le Port-Royal, par terre et par mer corsaires batiments francais fesantla peche, dans le port et aux iles St. Pierre habita- tions anglaises ravagees par les Sauvages du Cap Breton cruaute des Sauvages. . .. 647 Lettre du meme au meme attaquedes Anglais centre Port Royal vaisseaux basques pris par les vaisseaux de guerre anglais 654 Lettre du meme au meme, au sujet des corsaires anglais vais- seaux pecheurs francais, au petit Nord, insultes par des vaisseaux de guerre Anglais Port-Royal menace tine seconde fois corsaires Canadiens un brigantin arrne par les prisonniers francais renvoyes de St. Jean prises conduites a Plaisance prix de la monnaie eleve 656 Extrait du journal tenu par le sieur Larchier, commandant le na- vire la Ste. Anne, venant de Terreneuve entreprise des Anglais a cette cote 660 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant les vaisseaux marchands francais s'en retournant en France 665 Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre fortifications demande de pierre a chaux necessite d'envoyer du secours aux masons et tailleurs de pierre il restera a Plaisance jusqu'a la paix, comme le desire le Roi 668 Lettre de M. Brouillan au ministre fortifications de Plaisance son importance necessite d'une croisiere sur la c6te manque de sel il demande la croix de St. Louis 674 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre L'Hermite forti- fications habitations de la grande Grave manque d'ouvriers et de mulcts pour les travaux des fortifications commerce de Terre- Neuve bonne eau et en quantite suffisante offres des marchands d'entretenir les fortifications et la garnison, si on leur accorde une fregate et une flute pour croiser sur la cote on devrait obliger les vaisseaux de St. Malo, Bayonne, St. Jean de Luz qui viennent a Plaisance d'apporter du sel prise par les Anglais de deux petits vaisseaux de St. Jean de Luz qui venaient en troque a Plaisance necessite d'une fregate pour croiser depuis le cap de Raze jus- qu'auxiles St.Pierre prises sur les Bastonnais amenees a Plaisance echange de prisonniers entre le gouverneur de St. Jean et M. de Costebelle eloge de M. de Bellestre et de la Valliere remon- trances aux Sauvages touchant leur cruaute vis-a-vis Jeurs prison- 1562 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A SiciiiK. VOL. IV Continuation. Annies. Pages niers anglais peu de troupes disponibles pour envoyer troubler ]e commerce des Anglais le sieur Viarin, chirurgien charge de la direction de 1'hopital- demande aux recollets de Quebec d'un de leurs freres montant de 1'impot pour 1'hopital culture objections au projet de M. de Subercase, de donner la Grave aux habitants de Plaisance necessite d'une fregate pour croi- ser sur la cote corsaires anglais situation des habitants de St. Pierre lesofficiers Villemarceau, Villejointet Amariton ilenverra les blocs de porphyre qu'on pourra trouver dans la baie le cheva- lier du Pin L'Hermitte la peche des morues manque d'argent pour continuer les travaux et payer les troupes Durand la Ga- renne de retour a Plaisance le prix de la monnaie eleve il prie de ne pas retablir de juge ni de procureur du Roi M. de Sourde- val son eloge necessite d'etablir quelques postes convenables a St. Pierre pour soutenir 1'autorite du Roi Sauvages dans la baie de Fortune envoi d'echantillons de porphyre prise envoyee a Plaisance par M. de Charconade inquietude sur ce dernier 678 15 Nov. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant la demande que plusieurs habitants font de brevets de concession des terrains et graves qu'ils occupent depuis longtemps necessite d'un pilote dans le port Gasp*ard Bertrand recommande pour cet emploi il demande des mulcts et des anes aussi des armes M. de Subercase atta- queune seconde fois a Port Royal craintes au sujet de MM. Cha- cornade et Rousseau MM. Amariton, Dangeac, de la Valliere et de Bellestre le chevalier de la Valliere, avec son detachement, a failli perir, en allant a la decouverte du cote des Anglais 726 25 Oct. Description de Pile de Terreneuve, par le sieur de Costebelle. 737 1708. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre disette a Plai- 4 Juillet. sance, causee par les corsaires qui croisent sur les cotes situation critique de Plaisance M. de Chacornade tue M. de Bellestre et son detachement faits prisonniers et conduits & St. Jean arrivee des ouvriers macons et manoeuvres demande qu'il lui soit envoye . .f. de la pierre a chaux 741 8 Juillet. Lettre de L'Hermite au ministre plans et cartes qu'il lui a envoyes 1'annee derniere Plaisance ne peut etre pris, que reduit par la famine necessite d'envoyer des vivres pour un an d'avance travaux qui se font a Plaisance mort du sjeur de Cha- cornade Rousseau et son equipage a Boston dessein des Anglais sur Terreneuve entree dans le port d'une fregate de St. Malo venant de Cadix 745 9 Juillet. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre escadra ansjlaise stationnee pres des Agores M. de Chavagnac, commandant THer- cule, se plaint de la lenteur des Espagnols alarme a Plaisance demande d'armes 749 10 Juillet. Lettre de M. de Brouillan au ministre situation critique de Plaisance, menace de la famine projets attribues aux Anglais contre la colonie un soldat et nn Canadien du parti de M. de Bellestre Debauches par les Anglais le petit Plaisaace menace 751 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1563 Ann6es. 2 Aout. 2 Aout. 21 Aout. 19 Sept. 28 Oct. SEME SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Pages Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre triste situation de la colonie, menacee de la disette Plaisauce menace d'etre attaque au commencement de septembre echange de prisonniers demande de secours escadre franchise demandee pour mettre a 1'abri la flotte du Canada et de Terreneuve prise du sieur de Bellestre details prisonniers echanges renvoyes en France le chevalier de la Valliere, MM. de St. Ovide et de Villemarceau croisiere des Flessingois et Anglais devant le port importance de Plaisance et necessite d'y envoyer deux forts vaisseaux de guerre pour proteger son commerce et detruire celui des ennemis maladie contagieuse arrivee d'une petite fregate venant de Quebec le vaisseau du Roi attendu avec hate nouvelles prises faites par les Anglais renvoi en France des prisonniers echanges, la crainte de la famine a oblige M. de Costebelle a prendre ce parti, etc 753 Lettre du meme au meme, demandant un passeport pour le sieur Joseph Croizet, marchand de Marseilles qui desire essayer la peche des mollues avec des filets plusieurs autres mart-hands du meme lieu, demandent le meme privilege, mais il insiste pour qu'on le leur refuse; cette permission ne saurait etre generale cette maniere de faire la peche. 768 Lettre du meme au meme situation critique de Plaisance, causee par suite de la disette des vivres vaisseaux franqais aux iles St. Pierre, pris et pilles par des corsaires anglais habitants obliges d'abandonner la cote du Chapeau Rouge une fregate suffirait pour detruire ces corsaires anglais prise de cinq brigan- tins amenes a Plaisance besoin d'une aide immediate qui puisse le mettre a merne de porter secours aux malheureux habitants des iles St. Pierre 770 Lettre du meme au meme secours apporte par le vaisseau la Gharente les vaisseaux en peche dans les baies Ste. Marie, de Fortune et du Grand Bane au nord des iles St. Pierre, pris par les corsaires anglais-un seul vaisseau de force suffirait pour detruire ces corsaires Lafosse avec un parti de 50 hommes a pris une chaloupe sur les ennemis et 1'ayant armee en guerre est alle croiser sur leurs cotes les Anglais ne peuvent etre inquietes que par terre, car ils occupent la mer raisons qu'ont les habitants de ne pas armer en course prises faites sur les pecheurs de Boston, amenees a Plaisance par une petite corvette construite et armee a ce port un vaisseau erivoye a Quebec, pour chercher des secours en pain et biscuit il se justifie des plaintes portees centre lui par les capitaines des vaisseaux marchands 773 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre secours en vivrea apportes par la Charente fortifications plaintes des marchands au sujet des corvees commerce necessite de mettre Terreneuve en etat de ne pas souffrir d'insulte necessite d'avoir toujours d'avance pour une annee de provisions la chambre d'escomptes ne veut pas ratifier certaines depenses pour la surete de la place II 1564 MANUSCR1TS RELATIFS A SEME SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Annges. prix des provisions raisons pour envoyer une fregate plutot Plaisance qu'a Quebec il desire que la demande faite aux mar- chands de Nantes et Bayonne, d'armer une fregate et une flute pour proteger leur commerce, reussisse details a ce sujet les ordonnances ducomte de Toulouse pour la course et les habitations 1'emploi de greffier a Plaisance demande d'armes taxes pour payer les Canadiens qui font des courses sur les cotes ennemies 1'hopital, ses ressources et ses besoins demande d'un brevet de controleur de cet hopital pour Ambroise Renoyer fortifications de St. Pierre M. de Sourdeval ameliorations des terres demande de la concession de la pointe Verte culture concessions faites a L'Hermite maisons pour les officiers du Roi le sieur Lafosse fortifications a faire sur la montagne de Gaillardin il remercie le Roi de la croix de St. Louis et des cent pistoles de gratification raisons a 1'encontre du projet propose de faire changer de place les compagnies qui sevent en Canada, a I'Acadie et a Plaisance sel envoyesurZo. Charente pour etre vendu au profit du Roi,qui deman- dait en retour des huiles de poissons pris par Costebelle pour son propre compte eloge des officiers St. Ovide, L'Hermite, Ville- marceau, Ste. Marie, chevalier du Pin 780 2 Nov. Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, exposant les secours qu'il lui faudrait pour ie mettre a meme d'interrompre le commerce des ennemis son projet, qui n'a pu avoir lieu, de prendre Fourillon et un vaisseau de guerre de 40 canons il demande la croix de St. Louis permission obtenue de faire prochainement une tentative contre St. Jean ou Carbonniere sloop arme aux frais du sieur St. Ovide 817 10 Dec. Lettre du sieur Costebelle au ministre besoin indispensable de chaux, pour continuer les travaux des fortifications il demande que la fregate la Venus soit mise a sa disposition pen- dant la guerre sous le commandement du sieur La Ronde Denys depart de M. de Brouillan, a la tete de 200 hommes pour tenter la destruction des habitations anglaises disette de vivres difficultes de faire accepter aux marchands des lettres de change payables sur le tresor du Roi compte de poudre emploi d'une somme prove- nant d'une partie de tabac adjugee au. profit du Roi ... 821 18 Dec. Lettre du sieur Durarid la Garenne au ministre Farrivee des vivres apjx>rtes par le vaisseau la Charente proposition faite aux marchands de Nantes et de Bayonne d'apporter les munitions et les vivres de la colonie en leur fournissant une fregate et une flute le pays est expose a etre detruit 1'annee prochaine, si les enne- mis viennent croiser a 1'ouest de la baie de Plaisance et sur les caps de Raze, Ste. Marie et du Chapeau Rouge mauvais etat des armes amelioration des fortifications abandonnee faute de materiaux et d'ouvriers Faffaire d'Ecosse fait ajourner & 1'annee prochaine 1'envoi d'une escadre contre Plaisance et les cotes demande de secours vente de prises et d'epaves plaintes contre L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE PRANCE. 1565 SEME SERIE. VOL. IV Continuation. Annies. Pages le sieur Lafosse la direction des ouvriers et des travaux, comme pour les ingenieurs de France est laissee au sieur L'Hermite diffi- cultes pour le paiement des soldats et des officiers incapacite da fils du sieur Barat, pour remplir 1 'office de greffier demands d'une indemnitt: pour la demoiselle Bereau de Monsegur, pour sa grave, sa maison et son magasin deux matelots deserteurs rattra- pes et condamnes par le conseil de guerre, 1'un a la mort, 1'autre aux galeres piquets du fort, du cote de la mer, emportes par une mer impetueuse 825 VOL. V. (1706-1714). TEKRENEUVE ET ILE ROYALE. Fac-simile des autographes de St. Ovide de Brouillan, (1709); et de Costebelle, (1710). 1709. Etat des canons, armes, munitions et ustensiles trouves dans les magasins des foits anglais de la baie St. Jean, pris en Janvier 1709 875 17 Janv. Lettre du sieur La Ronde Uenys au ministre, touchant la riva- lite des Anglais entreprise sur le fort William de St. Jean St. Ovide La Ronde Denys, ses services projet de croisiere entre New York et la Virginie 839 20 Janv. Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, touchant la rivalite des Anglais parti contre St. Jean recit de la prise de ce fort ce poste sera-t-il conserve Malouins projets de croisiere sur la Virginie 841 Fev. Lettre supposee du chevalier du Pin au ministre, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais attaque de J'officier qui conduisait les prisonniers de St. Jean 848 21 Fevrier. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre Entreprise sur St. Jean sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan ordre de miner les forts et de les faire sauter projets anterieurs des Anglais sur Plaisance droits de 1'amiraute dans les prises 8oO 26 Fevrier. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre St. Jean sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan recit de son entreprise Carbonniere Belle- Isle Fourillon lieux de refuge des ennemis chevalier Dupin. . . . 859 26 Fevrier. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de monsieur de Sourdeval son cloge 879 6 Mai. Lettre du memo au meme, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais rancons de 1'affaire de St . Jean . . . 881 28 Juin. Lettre du rneme au nierne ordre de conserver St. Jean arrive apres la destruction des forts le sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan for. tifications de Plaisance envoi des prisonniers de St. Jean a Quebec 885 5 Juillet Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne, au ministre abandon de St. Jean, au mois d'avril envoi de ses prisonniers en Canada mi- sere de la garnison droits sur le butin religionnaire prisonnier, ayant pilote des Anglais 893 1566 MANUSCRITS BELATIFS A SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 6 Sept. Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre evacuation de St. Jean ses effets (acheux projets des Anglais sur le Canada disette a Plaisance arrivee d'un gouverneur a St. Jean 901 7 Sept. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant les fortifica- tions rivalite des Anglais famine a Plaisance peche prison- niers anglais, avis qu'ils donnent 904 27 Sept. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne, au sujet de la flotte des marchands vaisseau du Roi charge a fret disette de vivres a Plai- sance projets des Anglais sur le Canada la vieille et la nouvelle Angleterre de concert pour leur execution prises faites par les corsaires 911 14 Octobre. Lettre du sieur de Coste'ielle au ministre, touchant les craintes qu'a Plaisance de 1'escadre anglaise famine extreme sacrifices Costebelle prisonniers de St. Jean 1'inge- nieur taxe pour les courses et les decouvertes la flotte marchande de la cote anglaise peche fort tranquillement nouvelles fortifica- tions famine obligation aux vaisseaux marchands d'apporter des vivres fret des bailments du Roi corsaires anglais aux cotes de St. Pierre et du Chapeau Rouge rivalite anglaise Plaisance menace pour 1'annee suivante vues de la Reine d'Angleterre, dans la conquetedu Canada misere des compagnies detachees autorite du gouverneur contestee conflits avec les capitaines de vaisseaux. 915 18 Octobre. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre famine a Plai- sance reiigionnaire pris a St. Jean Lafosse, baron de Joanis . . 927 25 Octobre. Lettre du sieur La Ronde Denys au ministre, au sujet de la neces- site ou il est de se justifier 931 27 Octobre. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre projets contre le Canada misere des .^oldats a Plaisance Denis de la Ronde sa justification 932 7 Nov. Lettre du meme au me 4 me, au sujet de la misere publique -ren- voi des pecheurs faute de subsistance corvees pour les fortifica- tions Subercase St. Ovide de Brouillan gouvcrnement de 1'Aca- die carriere de porphvre corsaires ennemis abandon de St. Jean justifie 936 3 Dec. Lettre du meme au meme, au sujet de la disette necessite de nouvelles troupes 946 15 Dec. Lettre du meme au meme retablissement des forts St. Jean manque de vivres a Plaisance projets sur Carbonniere impossi- bles par le denuement des soldats logement des officiers 948 1710. Memoire du sieur Riverin, toucbant la rivalite des Anglais titres des Frangais et des Anglais a la possession de Terreneuve importance de Plaisance, pour la morue et comme clef du Canada projet de neutralite entre les colonies franchises et anglaises de Terreneuve St. Christophe .... 951 Aout. Lettre du sieor St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, au sujet de la misere des habitants forces des Anglais A Terreneuve prises faites par leurs corsaires - 955 L'HISTOIKE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1567 SEME SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Aim6es. 7 Aout. Pages 23 Sept. SO Sept. 14 Oct. 28 Oct. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 3 Dec. 1711. 18 Juin. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre projets des Anglais sur le Canada et Plaisance misere a Plaisance vaisseaux de la mer du Sud Poree forces des Anglais en Terreneuve prises de leurs corsaires notamment a St. Marie prise de la baie de la Tri- nite, par le sieur de Bellestre le petit Nord et le Chapeau Rouge menaces dommages eprouves par les armateurs de St. Malo 957 Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au rninistre, touchant la rivalite des Anglais attaque et pillage des iles St. Pierre baie de Fortune projets de St. Ovide sur Forillon et Carbonniere arretes par le mauvais vouloir des marchands coup hardi du corsaire Bertrand prise de la Valeur 965 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre rivalite des Anglais corsaires anglais prise des iles St. Pierre misere a Plaisance forces arrivees de la vieille Angleterre a la Nouvelle ses projets sur le Canada, sur Port Royal et Plaisance prise du vaisseau la Valeur parGaspard Bertrand armement de ce vaisseau, St. Ovide de Brouillan 968 Instructions de M. de Costebelle pour M. St. Ovide de Brouillan, commandant le vaisseau La Valeur, arme en course la croisiere sera dirigee snr les cotes de Boston et de la Virginie, et s'etendra jusqu'aux Azores 979 Lettre de M. de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere extreme sedition des soldats bruit de la cession de Terreneuve ses sacrifices personnels 982 Lettre du ineme au merne, touchant les nouvelles de la prise de Port-Royal 994 Lettre du sieur Durand ia Garenne au ministre, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglaisprise de Port-Royal, le 11 octobre 1710 im- portance de cette prise pour les Anglais 998 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misere des habitants et des troupes a Plaisance justification de Costebelle au sujet de plusieurs accusations attaque de St. Jean et de Fou- rillon fortifications compagnies auxiliaires esprit inquiet et diffi- cultueux des capitaines marchands misere et denuement sabots, faute de souliers preference que donnent les marchands a la mer du sud vues de 1'Angleterre dans la conquete du Canada relative- ment a ses propres colonies liberte de celles-ci menacee par cette conquete insinuations a faire a ce sujet au conseil de Boston neutralite des colonies comme moyen de conservation de la liberte pour la Nouvelle Angleterre succes de cette negociation, aujour- d'hui douteux, mais certain il y a quelques annees, ecarte par 1'am- bition de M. de Brouillan misere des officiers 1000 Instructions de M. de Costebelle pour M. de la pour 1'e- change des prisonniers rivalite des Anglais projet de neutralite avecle Canada 1009 Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre des^eins des Anglais sur le Canada et sur Plaisance prise de La Valeur, commandee par St. Ovide Denis de la Ronde a Boston projtt de neutralite. .1023 1568 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A SEME SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Ann6es. Pages 20 Juillet. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre projets des Anglais sur le Canada prises des Anglais flotte de navires marchands a la cote anglaise Sauvages de I'Acadie 1027 15 Sept. Lottre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet des Sauvages de 1'Acadie rivalite des Anglais Acadiens Port- Royal, secours que leur donne Costebelle Gaulin, St. Castin corsaires anglais mi'sdre des troupes -projets sur le Canada 1033 17 Sept. Postsoriptnm a la lettre ci-dessus secours pour I'Acadie inter- cepte combat de Morpain projet des Anglais sur le Canada Plaisance menace 1088 15 Oct. Liste des vaisseaux marchands venus en peche Plaisance en 1711 1040 18 Oct. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre, toucbant les prises faites par les Anglais leurs projets sur le Canada et sur Plaisance la Ronde a Boston arrete Morpain 1041 21 Oct. Lettre du sieur Durand la Garenne au ministre, au sujet de la rivalite des Anglais projets sur Quebec violent coup de vent sur le St. Laurent escadre franchise 1049 24 Oct. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant le blocus de la baie de Plaisance neutralite entre St. Jean et Plaisance misere et decouragement des troupes desinteressement de Costebelle fille de Costebelle prisonniere Plaisance menace la Ronde a Boston situation deplorable de Plaisance vivres necessaires pour la colonie, pour 1'annee 1051 25 Oct. Lettre du meme au meme, au sujet d'une prise faite sur les An- glais ouragan sur les cotes d'Acadie vaisseau du Roi pris Mor- pain 128 soldats seulement a Plaisance famine 1066 27 Oct. Recensement du nombre d'habitants et matelots pecheurs hiver- nant a Plaisance en etat de porter les armes, y compris les chas- seurs ou coureurs de bois 1071 27 Oct. Recensement des habitants de Plaisance, Pointe Verte, Petit Plaisance, He St. Pierre 1074 1712. 11 Avril. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, au sujet de la misfere de la garnison pillage des iles St. Pierre par les corsaires anglais projet de neutralite entre les colonies franqaises Denis de la Ronde, condamne comme espion ses papiers pris Plaisance me- nace corsaires 1076 10 Oct. Lettre du merne au meme, touchant la misere des soldats et de Costebelle lui-meme evasion du sieur Lafosse, sa femme et ses en- fants renvoyes en France bruit de la cession de Plaisance 1085 9 Nov. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant les vivres prises desertions debits de vin chauffage blocs de porphyre restitution par les Anglais de navires francais 1089 9 Nov. Etats des vaisseaux marchands venus en peche et en troc a Plai- sance, signe de M. de Costebelle 1104 1713. Meraoire sur Pevacuation de Plaisance 1107 L'HISTOIKE DB LA NOUVELLE PRANCE. 1569 SEME SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Annies. 9 Juillet. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant les renseigne- ments donnes par le pilote Baptiste Maisonnat, au sujet du havre a 1'Anglais commerce des peches construction de bailments habi- lete des Canadiens a manier la hache engages de 18 a 20 ans pour soldats 1109 19 Juillet. Lettre du meme au meme, relativement au traite d'Utrecht eva- cuation de Plaisance transport des habitants iu Cap Breton diffi- cultes qu'ils font pour y emigrer. 1120 19 Sept. Lettre du meme au ministre, au sujet de Ste. Anne preferee par Lhermite Havre a 1'Anglais ses desavantages superiorite de Ste. Anne necessite d'etablir trois postes pouroccuper Tile Royale. . . .1127 Extraits de differentes lettres adressees a M. de Costebelle, tou- chant le havre dans le port de Can^eaux Havre a 1'Anglais grand et petit Labrador Ste. Anne Nigamiche 1133 23 Sept. Lettre du sieur Felix Paim, recollet missionnaire, a M. de Coste- belle, touchant les habitants de 1'Acadie propositions d'aller a Tile Royale rejetee par eux population des Acadiens 1139 27 Sept. Lettre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant le Cap Breton Ste Anne le Jardin de 1'Ile peches comment Costebelle entend la colonisation trois postes a etablir Nigamiche 1142 29 Sept. Lettre du Roi a M. de Costebelle, touchant la remise aux Anglais de Plaisance et des cotes de Terreneuve H46 24 Oct. Leitre du sieur de Costebelle au ministre, touchant 1'etablissement du Cap Breton St. Ovide de Brouillan classes d'habitants con- cessions et avidite de ceux qui s'etablissent Sauvages de l'Acadie.1149 25 Nov. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant la remise de Plaisance aux Anglais disette porphyre conges etablissements du Cap Bre- . ton " 11 60 30 Nov. Lettre du meme au meme, touchant le depart pour la France, du sieur de St. Ovide de Brouillan, sans en avoir donne avis etablis- sement du Cap Breton Ste. Anne Havre a 1'Anglais projet d'e- migration des Acadiens a Tile Royale 1171 1714. Recensement des habitants de Plaisance et iles St. Pierre, rend us 5 Nov. a Louisbourg, avec leurs fernmes et enfants 1 178 1706. 7 Aout. Memoire de M. Raudot, flls, touchant le commerce du Canada castors culture des terres peches ble bestiaux manufactures total du commerce entrepot necessaire Cap Breton construc- tion de vaisseaux rivalite anglaise 1180 30 Nov. Memoire a M. le comte de Pontchartrain, touchant 1'etablisse- ment d'une colonie dans Pile du Cap Breton Ste. Anne peche commerce mines et carrieres 1197 1709. Memoire sur 1'ile du Cap Breton son etablissement 1237 Sans date. Memoire sur 1'etablissement du Cap Breton diminution dedroits sur la morue 1241 1714. Memoire touchant 1'etablissement de 1'Ile Royale peches seden- taires commerce matelots 1249 1570 MANTJSCRITS RELATIFS A 3i5ME SERIE. VOL. V Continuation. Ann des. Pages 1713. Lettre du sieur Denis de La Ronde, au ministre, touchant le Port a 1' Anglais Baie Ste. Anne pommiers plantes par Denis le grand pere Importance et avenir du Cap Breton . 1245 1714. Memoire de M. Raudot, flls, sur Lonisbourg port Dauphin port Toulouse 1251 1713. 8 Aout Lettre du meme au meme, relativeraent an Port a 1' Anglais, d'abord prefere par Costebelle Port Ste. Anne transport des ha- bitants de 1'ile de Plaisance a Pile Royale 1255 3 Aout. Lettre du meme a M. de St. Ovide de Brouillan, touchant la Baie Ste. Anne, preferable pour 1'etablissement 1265 18 Oct. Lettre du sieur de RouviHe au ministre, touchant le Port a 1' An- glais baies de 1'Ile Royale Rouville ses services et ceux de sa famille 1269 1714. 7 Avril. Lettre du sieur St. Ovide de Brouillan au ministre, touchant le transport des habitants et de la garnison de Plaisance, I'ile du Gag Breton Bourdon 1272 1714. Memoire pour le sieur Bourdon, sur Louisbourg port Dauphin. 1274 VOL. VI. (1713-1717.) CANADA. lere page Les armes de Vaudreuil les armes de Begon. 2de page Fac-simile des auto,graphes des personnages suivauts : Le marechal d'Estrees, (1717) ; d e la Boulaye, (1716); Dauteuil, (17 16); Riverin ; Vaudreuil, (1716) ; Collet, depute de la colonie ; L. A. de Bourbon ; Louvigny, (1716] ; Btgon ; Lachapelle ; Riverin, depute du Canada, (1716) ; de Monseignat ; Lhermite,(ni7) ; Chaussegros de Lery, (1717); Peire; de Lino. 17J3. 14 Nov. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au ministre (Raudot) sur les affaires generates du Canada, de PAcadie. du cap Breton, et des pays d'en haut. (Cette lettre n'est pas paginee, mais se trouve au commencement du volume et contient 19 pages.) 1716. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au comte de Toulouse, sur la neces- sites de retablir les anciens conges supprimes en 1698 sur la traite de Peau-de-vie les coureurs de bois les pays d'en haut, etc. . . 1 20 Jan. Lettre de M. d'Auteuil au ministre, sur la monnaie de carte. . . 14 Question de la monnaie de carte 17 6 Jan. Note entre Philemon Cadet, J. B. Neret et Joseph Gayot, relativeinent au commerce du castor 22 Fevrier. Lettre de M. de Vaudreuil au due d'Orleans sur la population du Canada les troupes la monnaie de carte la rivalite anglais e le manage des soldats les Abenaquis la conduite des Sau- vages les mine* vaisseaux et chantiers la riviere St. Jean Michillimakinac et sur le danger dans lequel se trouverait la colonie s'il arrivait une nouvelle guerre, etc 25 14 et 15 Nov. La Mere St. Joseph, superieure de 1'hopital-general de Quebec, demande qu'on augmente le nombre des religieuses 46 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1571 SEME SERIE. VOL. VI Continuation. Ann6es. Avril. Changement propose des Sauvages Iroquois de la mission du Sault St. Louis 47 Supplique des interesses au commerce du castor 49 1716. Memoire (attribue a Riverin) sur la necessite de faire immediate- ment uri nouveau traite pour le debit des castors provenant de la colonie du Canada 57 Memoire instructif des intentions de sa majeste pour le gouver- neur et 1'intendant du Canada, principalement au sujet du commerce du castor 63 Nouvelle regie des castors, etc ........ 67 Instruction (dressee par Raudot, fils,) pour legonverneur et 1'in- teridant du Canada, relativement au commerce 69 Plaintes du sieur de Breslay contre le marquis de Vaudreuil. .. 74 1 Mai. Memoire au sujet des peaux de castor qui se tirent du Canada historique de ce commerce, (par Laboulaye) , . 77 28 Mars. Travail du conseil sur Petablissement du Detroit. 82 Sur la guerre contre les Renards 86 12 Mai. Memoire au comte de Toulouse sur la deputation du sieur Rive- rin, du Canada en France, et sur les appointements qui lui sont dus 88 8 Juin. Deuxieme compagnie de castors. Copie d'une requete pre- sentee au conseil de marine par les sieurs Neret et Gayot 94 Projet de reglement sur la liberte du commerce des castors pour etre execute le ler octobre 1717, a 1'expi ration du privilege exclu- sif accorde aux sieurs Neret, Aubert et Gayot 97 15 Nov. Etat des vaisseaux arrives et partis de cette rade (Quebec) en 1'annee 1716 100 28 Avril. Reclamations faites par les Sauvages de la Nouvelle France pour etre portees au conseil de regence 102 28 Avril. Requete du pere procureur des jesuites du Canada, demandant le privilege de passer sur les vaisseaux du Roi. 103 15 Oct. 1715. Requete de la superieure de Phopital de Villemarie, deman- 28 Avril 1716. dant une augmentation de gratification, etc 103 1716. ler Avril. Deliberation du conseil de marine au sujet des Abenaquis 105 9 Avril. Lettre de M. Riverin au ministre, sur les abus de 1'administra- tion de MM. Vaudreuil et Randot 109 10 Avril. Acte relatif au commerce du castor entre Neret, Gayot, Pascaud et Leclerc 118 28 Avril. Guerre contre les Renards et amnistie pour les coureurs de bois (conseil de marine) 129 28 Avril. Deliberation du conseil au sujet des conges 131 4 Mai. Memoire du Roi pour servir d'instruction au sieur de Pontron, lieutenant de vaisseau, sur le service qu'il doit rendre dans le voyage qu'il doit faire a Quebec 134 5 Mai. Enceinte de Montreal (par le conseil). 138 5 mai. Lettre de Riverin au comte de Toulouse, sur les abus de 1'administration Vaudreuil et Raudot et sur la monnaie de carte. 139 1572 MANUSCRITS RELATIFS A 3tME SISRIE. VOL. VI Continuation. Annies. 1 1 Mai. Memoire sur la fabrique des scarlatines et sur le commerce qui s'en fait en Canada, et sur celui des castors 141 Memoire de Riverin, au sujet de sa deputation 146 18 Mai. Eglise des Trois-Rivieres 150 12 Mai. Commerce du castor lettres de change 153 12 Mai. Deliberation du conseil sur la monnaie de carte 155 12 Mai. Defense de MM. de Mezerets et Glaudelet, directeurs et supe- rieurs du seminaire de Quebec que 1'eveque veut remplacer par M. Thibout 156 22 Juin. Avis de M. Renault au sujet des fortifications de Montreal et de Quebec 15& 16 Juillet. Requete du frere Pascal, procureur des Recollets, missionnaire du Canada, suppliant le conseil d'accorder une aumone a trois reli- gieux pour les habiller, etc 162 31 Juillet. Lettre de Riverin au tninistre, se plaignant de MM. de Vaudreuil et Raudot, et demandant a se retirer en Touraine 163 5 Oct. Lettres de change commerce du castor protestation du sieur Lanoullier, stipulant pour Neret et Gayot centre les mefiances des marchands de Montreal, etc 168 5 Oct. Copie de la lettre ecrite par les marchands de Montreal aux mar- chands de Quebec 177 8 Oct. Memoire contenant les motifs pour lesquels la colonie de la Nou- velle France demande a etre recs. Pages 5 Nov. Du meme, sur le manque d'argent dans lacolonie 1961 ler Nov. De M. Dupuy, sur le barrage du fleuve a la Traverse le trou St. Patrice les fraudes les postes du Roi les peches les actes des notaires 1'educat^on publique la redoute de Chouegen 1'eta- blissement de Niagara les limites de 1'Acadie les archives du Canada, etc 1963 16 Nov. De M. Daigremont, au sujet de la revue des troupes, etc 1981 VOL. XI. (1728-1729.) GOUVERNEMENT DU MARQUIS DE BEAUHARNOIS. Fac-simile de 1'ecriture de Daigremont ; Denis de St. Simon ; Denis de Rame- zay ; J. Hazeur ; O. de Saint Augustin t superieure ; Peire ; fgnace Gamelin ; Malhiot ; Greysac, etc. 1717. 5 Juillet, Declaration du Roi pour la suppression de la monnaie de carte en Canada 1883 1723. 21 Juin. Ordonnance de M. Begon, intendant, qui reduit d'un quart les rentes dues aux seigneurs par les habitans 1990 1727. 16 Nov. Ordonnance de M. Dupuy, intendant, qui condamne les habitans de la seigneurie de Bellechasse a payer au sieur de Rigauville, leur seigneur, sur le pied de leurs eontrats 1993 1728. 13 Janvier. Autre ordonnance qui prononce la meme chose que celle ci-des- sus centre les habitans de la seigneurie de Beauport envers leur seigneur 2016 7 Avril. Opposition des dits habitans de Beauport a 1'execution de 1'or- donnance ci-dessus avec declaration qu'il se pourvoiront au couseil du Roi centre la dite ordonnance 2022 1728. Memoire de Nicolas Lanoullier sur la ferme de Tadoussac et sur les droits de domaine en Canada 2027 1727. 20 Octobre. Etat des fonds & demander pour les depenses a faire en 1'annee 1728 (Dupuy) 2039 Etat de munitions de guerre et de bouche pour un detachement de 2000 hommes 2043 1728. 15 Janvier. Lettre de M. de Beauharnois sur ses differends avec M. Dupuy.. 2051 16 Janvier. Du meme sur le meme sujet 2055 23 Janvier. Du meme sur le meme sujet 2059 27 Fevrier. Des directeurs de la compagnie des Indes, au sujet des passeports.2063 27 Avril. De M. de Maurepas, soumettant diflerents sujets de recherches aux habitans du Canada. . . ., 2067 11 Mai. Du meme, au sujet des limites des paroisses 2071 16 Mai. De M. de Beauharnois, au sujet des Sauvages d'en haut 2075 19 Mai. . De M. de Maurepas a M. Dupuy, au sujet de ses difFerenda avec M. de Beauharnois. . 2079 L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1597 SEME SERIE. VOL. XI Continuation. Annies. Pages 12 Juin. De M. de Beauharnois transmettant de Rochefort aux habitans du Canada des instructions sur la culture du chanvre 2083 4 Aout. Du meme au sujet des Renards et des Sioux ... 2087 18 Aout. Du meme, sur le meme sujet 2091 1 Octobre. Du meme, demandant une concession de terres, et priant qu'on 1'erige en marquisat 2095 Du meme, au sujet des me dailies a donner aux Sauvages des etablissements d'Ouabache, etc 2097 Du meme, au sujet des armes des pieces de canon du college de Montreal des capitaines des cotes des honneurs dus dans les eglises, etc 2099 Du meme sur le rappel de Tonty, et de Lo"gueuil stir les com- mandements de postes les conges, etc 2) 03 Du meme, accnsant reception de brevets, etc 2107 Du meme, assurant qu'il s'efforce de provoquer de la part des habitans du Canada des recherches relatives a 1'histoire naturelle et aux arts 2107 Du meme, sur les presens a faire aux Sauvages sur les conges absolus, etc 2108 Du meme, au sujet de la desertion des soldats 2109 Du meme, au sujet de 1'exercice du. canon de 1'envoi de troupes des forts de Niagara, Chouegen et Frontenac, etc -2111 Du meme, au sujet du medecin Sylvain, etc 21 13 Du meme, annonite, fut dressee par M. Du Chesneau, pour M. Colbert, conseiller du Roi. 33. Carte de la partie orientale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France, par le P. Coronelli. 2 feuilles. 1688. Cette carte est accompagn6e de notes tres-interessantes. 34. Le lac Ontario, avec les lieux circonvoisins et particulierement les cinq nations iroquoises. 1 feuille. 1688. 35. Carte de 1'Amerique Septentrionale, depuis le 25 jusqu'au 65 degre de latitude e environ 140 et 235 degre de longitude, contenant le pays de Canada ou la Nouvelle France, la Louisiane, la Floride, Virginie, Nouvelle Suede, Nou velle York, Nouvelle Angleterre, Acadie et ile de Terreneuve. 4 feuilles. 1688^ Cette belle et splendide carte a et6 dressee par J. B. Franquelin, hydrographe du Roi, pour etre pre'sente'e d Louis XIV. L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE FRANCE. 1617 36. Carte de la comte de St. Laurens, en la Nouvelle France, mesure (sic) tres exacte- ment, par le sieur de Villeneuve, ingenieur du Roi. 3 feuilles. 1689. Cette belle carte est aujourd'hui celle de Pile d'Orleans, ouvrage le plus complet et le plus parfait de son 6poque ; de fait c'est une carte du cadastre de Vile d'Orleans, avec le nom de chaque habitant. 37/Carte du Canada Oriental ou de la Nouvelle France, par le P. Coronelli, cosmographe de la republique de Venise. 1 feuille. 1689. Cette carte s'etend depuis la baie des Chaleurs jusqu'au lac Champlain, et indique la division entre lea territoires de la Nouvelle Angleterre et de la Nouvelle Ecosse, et celui du Canada et de 1'Acadie. 38. Carte de la partie occidentale du Canada, ou de la Nouvelle France, par le pere Coronelli. 2 feuilles. 1689. Surcette carte sont notes des faits tres curieux et tres interessants pour la geo- graphic, et surtout par rapport aux voyages du pere Marquette et du sieur Joliet. 39. Carte indiquant la ligne limitative entre les possessions franchises et anglaises, depuis la source de la riviere St. Frangois, qui se jette dans le lac St. Pierre, situee dans le versant septentrional des montagnes du Connecticut jusqu'au territoire baigne par les rivieres Ohio et Potomac. 10 feuilles. 1690. Cette belle et interessante carte indique le lieu oil etaient autrefois batis lea forts des Frangais et des Anglais, sur cette immense e~tendue de pays situe" entre la ville des Trois-Rivieres a Test ; Catarakouy, Toronto, et le village des Mississagues au nord ; la riviere Ohio, les forts Duquesne, le champ de bataille ou le general Braddock fut defait, les forts Cumberland et de Win- chester a 1'ouest, et la Pensylvanie, les forts d'Orange et de Norfolk au sud. C'est la plus grande carte manuscrite que possede la bibliotheque du par- lement. 40. Piano de la ciudad de Quebec capitol del Canada, situada en 46 grados 55 rains, de latd. septl. y en 310 y 17 minutos de longitud. 1 feuille. 1690. Cette carte, e"crite en langue espagnole, est accompagnee d'une legende. 41. Plan de Quebec en la Nouvelle France, assiege par les A.nglois le 1'i d'octobre 1690, jusqu'au 22 du d. mois, etc., etc. 1 feuille. 1690. Ce plan est accompagne' d'une legende oil sont les noms, prenoras et lieu de chaque habitant rfeidant a Quebec et dans ses environs. 42. Carte generalle de la Nouvelle France. 1 feuille. 1691. Sur cette carte sont indiques les lieux oii les PP. recollets, jesuites et autres missionnaires avaient leurs missions. 43. Plan de la ville de Quebec, capitalle (sic) de la Nouvelle France, leve au mois de septembre. 1 feuille. 1693. Ce plan, tres-curieux dans ses details, est le plus correct pour cette epoque. 44. Carte de la mine d'argent. . 1 feuille. 1696. Cette mine d'argent existe reellement, elle se trouve sur la riviere du Gouffre, a la distance de 4 lieues de la baye St. Paul. 45. Plan et profil des ouvrages de Quebek avec ses augmentations faits en 97 et reste (sic) a faire en 1698. 1 feuille. 1698. Ce beau plan topographique est accompagne d'une legende composee de 45 articles ou indications fort curieuses et fort interessantes a lire et a con- naitre ; le dessin en est d'une belle execution. 1618 PLANS, CARTES, VUES ET DESSINS RELATIFS A 46. Entree de la riviere de Canada, par Louis Joliet, a Quebec. 1 feuille. 1698. Cette carte, accompagnee d'une legende, a ete dresse"e par le sieur Joliet, suivant lea observations magnetiques qu'il avait faites pour donner aux pilotes les moyens de naviguer surement dans le golfe St. Laurent et surtout entre 1'Ile d'Anticosti et la Pointe de Gaspe. 47. Carte indiquant la position topographique des cinq nations iroquoises, les forts d'O- range (Albany) et de Manate, ile ou est actuellement bati New-York. 1 feuille. Sur la me' me feuille sont les plans des forts Ste. Therese, fait par M % de Sa- lieres, St. Louis, fait par M. de Chambly, de Richelieu, refait par M. de Saurel, sur la riviere de Richelieu, dicte autrement des Iroquois en la Nou- velle Fiance. 48. Plan du fort situe a la pointe Est, entre la riviere Ohio ou Belle Riviere, et la riviere Manangaile. 1 feuille. 49. Carte de 1'embouchure du Mississipi et les environs. 1 feuille. 1700- Sur cette simple carte on voit ou residait M. d'Iberville (Canadien,) de 1698 a 1700. 60. Plan de la ville des Trois-Rivieres avec le nom de chaque habitant occupant une terre dans un rayon d'une lieue de cette ville. 1 feuille. 1700. 51. Du plan de Quebec, envoye avec la lettre de MM. de Catlieres et Champigny du 6 octobre 1700. Quebek. 1 feuille. 1700. Ce plan represente le mur d'enceinte du chateau St. Louis avec ses dependances, les Recollets, etc., etc. 52. Veiie de la ville de Quebec, capitale de la Nouvelle France dans I'Amerique Septen- trionale veiie du cote du fleuve St. Laurent veiie de la ville de Quebec du cote de la riviere St. Charles, sans date ni nom d'auteur. Cette derniere vue est unique. 1 feuille.' Avant 1700. 53. Plan de la ville des 3 Rivieres leve en 1'annee 1704. 1 feuille. 1704. Ce beau plan est accompagne d'une longue legende explicative, le dessin topo- graphique est soigne, on ne pourrait rien faire de mieux, mme aujourd'hui. 54. Plan de Quebec avec un trace correct de la premiere enceinte en magonnerie de cette ville. I feuille. 1710. Ce plan paraphe par le gouverneur et douze aiUres perso'nnages, a etc" dresse pour etre envoys a la cour, son dessin topographique est tres interessant pour Thistoire de Quebec. 55. Plan Lineaire et geometral du seminaire de Rebec en Canada. 1 feuille. 1714. Ce plan a 6te dresse par ordre, pour montrer les propriete* respectives de 1'eglise, du seminaire, de 1'eveche, etc., etc. 56. Plan du terrain des R. P. Jesuites, sur lequel est la Place Royale, une redoute et un bastion. 1 feuille. 1715. A ce plan est annex6 uu proces verbal donnant la superficie exacte de !'<- tendue de terrain occupe par des fortifications ^rigees sur la propriite des R6vds. Peres, et signe LaGuermorville. 67. Carte de la cote nord du Golphe du Mexique, de 1'embouchure du fleuve Mississippi et de toute 1'etsndue de pays situe entre le 305e degre et le 288e de longitude, et entre le 27e, degre et le 32e de latitude. Delineabat F. LeMaire P. P. Missionar. Apostolic, anno, 1716. 2 feuilles. 58. Plan double de la ville de Montreal, en Canada, Nouvelle France, dans I'Amerique Sep- teutrionale, par Chaussegros DeLery, approuve en Conseil, etc. 2 feuilles. 1717. Ce plan est le plus beau specimen de topographic du temps ; c'est un plan cadastral de la ville de Montreal. L'HISTOIRE DE LA NOTJVELLE PRANCE. 1619 59. Carte de 1'ile de Montreal indiquant la position de chaque fort, manoir, moulins, fortifications, cours d'eau, etc. par M 1 feuille. 1721. Cette carte est tres interressante pour 1'histoire de Montreal ; elle montre aussi les forts batis a Boucherville, Le Tremblay Longueuil, St. Lambert, La Prairie, et la mission des Jesuites au Sault Saint Louis. 60. Veue de la Ville des Trois Rivieres, en Canada, Nouvelle France, avec une Legende 1 feuille. 1721. 61. Plan d'un projet pour former un commencement de ville a Chambly, par Chaussegros deLery. 1 feuille. 1721. 62. Carte des cotes de la Louisiane depuis la Baye de 1'Ascension jusques a celle de Ste. Rose, ou les nouvelles habitations sont marquees. 1 feuille. 1721. 63. Plan geometral des seigneuries d'Argenteuil du seminaire de Montreal, vis-a-vis le lac des Deux Montagnes. 1 feuille. 1722. 64. Carte du fleuve St. Laurent mesure exactement depuis le Lac Ontario (Cataracoui) jusqu'a la pointe des Kamouraskas. 1 feuille. 1727. On est porte a croire que cette carte est le plus parfait travail hydrographique de Chaussegros DeLe>y. 65. Carte du lac Ontario et du fleuve St. Laurent, depuis le lac Erie jusqu'au dessous de 1'isle de Montreal. 1 feuille. 1728. Ce plan, par rapport a 1'histoire du Canada et de sa geographic, est excellent a consulter. 66. Carte du cours de la riviere St Laurent aux environs de Quebec. 1 feuille. 1729. Cette carte indique le lieu ou le vaisseau V Elephant fit naufrage, on voit aussi, sur la carte, une vue de la ville de Quebec. 67. Plans des deux forts Natchez, assieges par les Franeais, au mois de fevrier, 1730. 1 feuille. 1730. Cette carte a ete leye'e sur les lieux par un officier qui commandait avec les Francais, les Indiens Chactaws, Tonicas, Colapissas et Oumas. 68. Carte du domaine en Canada, dediee a monseigneur Le Dauphin par le pere Laure, jesuite. 2 feuilles. 1731. Cette importante carte est accompagnee d'une longuelettre adressee au Dauphin, et de notes explicatives tres-curieuses, 69. Carte de cette partie de pays depuis la Baye d'Hudson, a 1'ouest, jusqu'a Mingan a Test, et depuis les hautes terres jusqu'au lac St. Pierre presles Trois-Rivieres. 2 feuilles. 1731. Les notes ajoutees a cette carte font un volume ; elle a ete dressee par le jesuite Laure qui a parcouru, pendant 13 ans, cette apre et sterile contree. 70. Plan du terrain de la Pointe a la Chevelure ou est marque le fort de pieux construit en 1731. 1 feuille. 1731. Ce plan avec une petite legende est accompagne d'un memoire. Ce dernier est depos6 dans les archives de la marine. 71. Carte du domaine du Roi en Canada, dressee par le pere Laure, missionnaire je- suite. 1 feuille. 1731. 72. Carte d'une partie de 1'ile de Montreal, depuis la Pointe a Cardinal jusqu'au courant de Ste. Marie, avec la ville de Montreal, le canal commance (sic) par MM. du Seminaire. 1 feuille. 1733. Sur cette inte~ressante carte est trace le petit lac St. Pierre, qui se trouvait sitoe pres lea tanneries des Hollands, village St. Henry, 1620 PLANS, CARTES, VUES ET DESSINS EELATIFS A 73. Carte contenant les nouvelles decouvertes de 1'ouest, en Canada, mers, rivieres, lacs et nations qui y habitent en 1'annee 1737. 1 feuille. Cette carte a 6 te dressee par les Varennes de La Veranderye. 74. Plan d'un mantelet blinde pour servir a prendre un fort Sauvage. 1 feuille. 1739. Ce plan execute par M. Chaussegros de LeYy, inge"nieur a Quebec, est compost de cinq plans partiela avec une le"gende explicative. 75. Carte de la Baye St. Paul situee a 18 lieues au dessous de Quebec, a la coste nord du fleuve St. Laurent. 1 feuille. 1739. Cette carte indique d'une mani6re precise les locality's ou se trouvent des mines de plomb, argent, cuivre et sources d'eau sulfureuse, par Chaussegros De L6ry. 76. Plan du fort Vaudreuil, situe sur la montagne 'de Carillon, par le sieur Germain, capitaine au regiment de la Reine. 2 feuilles. 1740. Ce plan est un des plus beaux specimens que possede la bibliotheque du parle- ment, Ton y voit la position qu'occupait chaque regiment avant Faction de la memorable bataille de Carillon. 77. Carte abregee du Canada levee sur les lieux par M. * * * resident (sic) a Quebec annee 1741. 1 feuille. 1741. Cette carte, assez bien executed, s'etend depuis File de Terreneuve jusqu'au deld du fort Duquesne sur la riviere Ohio, et montre-~quelques endroits fortifies par les Franais. 78. Carte levee vue de Pays par M. de La Morandiere, pour servir d'eclaircissement au sujet du canal projete entre La Chine et Montreal. 1 feuille. 1750. Ce plan a e" te donne par M. de la Galissonniere, et a beaucoup servi aux ing^nieurs anglais charges d'ouvrir un nouveau canal de Montreal a La Chine. 79. Carte du Lac Champlain depuis le fort de Chambly, jusqu'a la chute des eaux du lac St. Sacrement. 1 feuille. 1752. Cette carte importante represente la position exacte des dix-sept seigneuries qui se trouvaient situees sur ses cotes et dont neuf forment actuellement partie du territoire des Etat-Unis. 80. Carte physique des terreins les plus eleves de la partie occidentale du Canada. 1 feuille. 1752. Sur cette carte, on voit les nouvelles decouvertes faites par des officiers frangais a 1'ouest du lac Superieur, avec les rivieres et les lacs dont M. JeXJmie a parle dans la relation de la Baye d'Hudsou. 81. Plan de 1'enceinte de la ville de Montreal et du profil de ses differentes fortifications. 1 feuille. 1752. Ce plan, par Franquet, est tres-interessant pour 1'histoire de cette ville, et donne des details qu'on chercherait en vain sur d'autres plans. 82. Plan du fort du saut saint Louis et du village des Iroquois, echelle de 8 toises au pouce. 1 feuille. 1754. Plan tres bien de'taille'. 83. Plan de la riviere et des forts Chouegen. 1 feuille. 1755. Ce plan indique la position du fort frangais et du fort anglois avec uue ISgende explicative. 84^ Plan des attaques des forts Chouagen, avec une longue legende. 1 feuille. 1756. Ce plan tres detaiHe" donne la position respective de chaque localite et dea tra- vaux qui y ont 6t6 construits. L'HISTOIIIE DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. 1621 85. Plan du fort et du village du lac des Deux Montagnes avec le projet pour le fermer du cote du sud. 1 feuille. 1758. Sur ce beau plan sont marque's les villages qu'occupaient les Franfais, les Iro- quois, les Algonquins et les Nipissingues. 86. Plan des attaques des retranchements devant le fort Carillon, en Amerique, par les Anglais commandes par le general Abercrombie, centre les Frangais aux ordres du marquis de Montcalm, le 8 juillet 1758. 1 feuille. 1758. Ce beau plan tres-detail!6 et tres bien dessin6 est accompagne d'une legende tres etendue. 87. The siege of Isle aux Noix in 1760. 1 feuille. 1760. Le travail topographique de ce joli plan est tres bien execute; il estaussi accom- pagne d'une petite legende. 88. Vue du fort de York dans la Baie d'Hudson, pris le 24 aout 1782, par une division aux ordres de La Perouse, capitaine de vaisseau, par M. ... 1 feuille. 1782. 89. Plan du fort de Guiles et du terrain que les troupes du Roy ont parcouru pour faire 1'attaque du dit fort. 1 feuille. 1783. Ce fort, garni de 48 pieces de canon, est tombe" au pouvoir des .Franais, le 9 aout 1782. 90. Plan du fort du Prince de Wales, situe sur la riviere Gauche et la riviere Churchill, dans la Baie d'Hudson. 1 feuille. 1783. Ce plan, leve par M. de Mansuy, a et6 pris pat- M. De La Perouse et de Rostaing, le 9 aout 1782. 91. Plan du fort York, dans la Baie d'Hudson, pris par les Francois en 1782. 1 feuille. 1783. Ce plan est unique, et donne des details tres interessants sur la prise du fort York, par MM. De La Perouse et de Kostaing. 92. Carte ou sont representes les forts Quares, Hunter, Cannatchocary, Lidius, Levi, St. Frederic, et la maison a machicoulis que les Anglais ont fait construire en 1727, sur la riviere Chouegen, scituee au sud du Jac Frontenac. 1 feuille. Sans date. Le dessin topographique et line'aire de ces differents forts est bien execute. 93. Carte tracee par le Sauvage Ochagach, et autres, laquelle a donne lieu aux decou- vertes des officiers franqais. 1 feuille. Sans date. 94. Plan et elevation du fort St. Jean sur la riviere Richelieu. 1 feuille. Sans date. Ce plan est un parfait paralellogramme rectangle, synvitriquement bastionn6 et bien execute. 95. Plan du fort Georges appele par les Anglois William Henri, pris par M. le marquis de Montcalm, general des troupes de S. M. en Canada. 1 feuille. Sans date. 96. Carte d'une partie du lac Superieur avec la decouverte de la riviere depuis le grand Portage jusqu'au lac des Bois, et de la jusqu'au Missouri, par M. De La Geme- raye. 1 feuille. Sans date. 97. Plan de la coupe et de 1'elevation des murs et parapets, escarpes, fosses, chevaux de frise et glacis de la premiere enceinte de Quebec. (Distances, hauteurs et largeurs cotees.) 1 feuille. Sans date. 1622 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS 4. HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO CANADA, AND THE ENGLISH COLONIES IN AMERICAFROM THE LONDON ARCHIVES. (The Documents contained in the six following Volumes are deposited in the Library oj the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec.) Tear. VOL. I. (1613-1638.) P^e 1613-14. Jan. 2. Letter of the Privy Council to Sir Thomas Smith, respecting com- plaint made by the French Ambassador against Captain Argall, &c. 1 Jan. 23. Extract of the reply of the Privy Council to the above complaint They have received no information from the Virginia company about Captain Argall's affair 2 1666. Feb. A relation of the march of the Governor of Canada, with 600 men, into the territories of His Royal Highness, &c 4 July 6. Letter of Colonel Nichols to the Council of Massachusetts French movements, &c 10 July 11. Letter of Samuel Willis, in behalf of the Colony of Connecticut, to Colonel Nichols Intrigues of the French Mohawks, &c' 11 Aug. 20. Letter of Colonel Nichols to M. de Tracy M. de Courcelle's inva- . sion of New York, in February last, &c 27 Aug. 20. Letter of the Commissaires at Albany to M. de Tracy 29 Oct. 25. Letter of Governor Winthrop to Lord Arlington Measures against the French, &c 34 1667. Jan. 11. Letter of Colonel Nichols to the Commissaires at Albany French affairs. 38 Jan. 11. Letter of Colonel Nichols to Captain Baker French affairs 40 Jan. 11. Letter of Colonel Nichols to Mr. Carter French/affairs 43 April 30. Letter of M. de Tracy to the Coinuiissaires at Albany 45 April 30. Letter of M. de Tracy to Colonel Nichols M. de Courcelle's march.. 46 April 30. Letter of M. de Tracy to Mr. Corlart Invites him to Canada 53 May 20. Letter of Colonel Nichols to M. de Tracy, in answer to his of the 30th April 56 Oct. 3. Letter of Governor Lovelace to Secretary Williamson Intrigues of the French among the Iroquois 60 1671. Mar. 20. Warrant of King Charles II to the Attorney General to prepare a Patent for enlarging the Council for foreign Plantations, &c 65 Oct. 1. Journal and Relation of a new discovery made behind the Apalachian Mountains, to the West of Virginia 77 1675. Mar. 12. Order in Council, referring all matters lately under the charge of the Council of Trade, to a Committee of the Privy Council 89 1677. July 17. Memorial of the Bishop of London, about the abuses in the churches in the Plantations 93 1678. Oct. 12. Letter of Sir E. Andros to Mr. Blathwayte French and Indian troubles, &c 95 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1623 VOL. I Continued. Year. 1678. (Enclosing) Sept. 14. Letter of the Commissioners of the United Colonies to Sir E. Andros. 97 Sept- 18. Letter from the same to the same 99 Sept. 25. Letter from Sir E. Andros to the Commissioners 101 Sept. 28. Letter of the Commissioners to Sir E. Andros 103 Sept. 6. Letter from the same to the same 105 Sept. 10. Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Commissioners. . . 107 1682. Sept. 30. Commission from the Duke of York to Colonel Thomas Dongan, to be Governor of New York. ... 109 1683. Mar. 10. Letter of Sir John Werden to Colonel Dongan Rhode- Island Cus- toms in New-York French in Canada, &c 112 1684. Dec. 4. Letter of Sir John Werden to Col. Dongan French and Indian affairs 115 1685. Aug. 11. Letter of Col. Dongan to Mr. Blathwayte French and Indian affairs. 117 1686. Dec. 2Q. Letter of the Privy Council to Governor Dongan, to publish and exe- cute the treaty of neutrality concluded at London between England and France 120 1687. Feb. 22. Petition of the French Protestants to Governor Dongan 122 July 16. Letter of Mr. Graham to Mr. Spragg French attack on the Senecas. 124 July 19. Letter of the Council to Governor Dongan, in favour of the French Protestants 126 Sept. 8. Letttr of Governor Dongan to the Lord President French invasion of the Seneca Country Encroachments measures proposed 127 (Enclosing) Aug. 31. Examination of Kakariel and Adandidagko, two Indian prisoners from Canada. 134 Sept. 7. Informations given upon oath, by Nanning Harmenth and others, about the French and others 149 Aug. 5. Propositions of Governor Dongan, to the Senecas, &c., at Albany.. . . . 155 Aug. 6. Answers of the five nations to Governor Dongan's propositions 165 Aug. 7. Information given to the Governor by several Indians, about the French, &c 174 1684. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de la Barre, Governor of Canada.. 182 June 15. Letter of M. dc la Barre to Colonel Dongan. 183 June 25. Letter of Governor Dongan to Mr. de la Barre 185 July. Letter from the same to the same. 186 July 25. Letter of M. de la Barre to Governor Dongan 188 -luly 25. M. de la Barre's instructions to M. de Salvaye, sent to New York, &c 190 1684. Answer to the Governor of Canada's instructions to M. de Salvaye.. 194 1685. Sept. 10. Letter from Father de Lamberville, to Governor Dongan 197 No date. Letter from Father Dablon to Governor Dongan . 201 1 1683. Aug. 18. Letter of Mr. Brucy to Major Baxter 203 1624 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. I Continued, P8R6 Year. 1686. May 22. Letter of Governor Dongan, to M. de Denonville, Governor of Canada 204 June 5. Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 207 June 25. Letter from the same to the same 215 July 26. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 228 1687. Oct. 1. Letter of Mr. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 227 Dec. 1. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 231 1687. May 20. Letter of Governor Dongan to Father de Lamberville 234 June 20. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 237 Aug. 21. Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 240 June 11. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville and his answer, dated 22nd of August 251 Sept. 9. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 263 Sept. 8. Governor Dongan's instructions to Captain Palmer on his going to England , S7l Sept. 12. Letter of Governor Dongan to the Lord President, about going to Albany French and Indian affairs 278 (Enclosing) Sept. 2. Letter of M. P. Schuvler to Governor Dongan French and Indian news 280 Sept. 2. Letter of Mr. ft. Livingston to Governor Dongan French and Indian news 285 Sept. 5. Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Dongan Indian news 288 Sept. V. Letter of Mr. Schuyler to Governor Dongan French and Indian news 291 Sept. 9. Propositions made by the Maquas to the Mayor, &c., of Albany 294 Sept 17. Examination of Antoine L'Espinard, before Nicholas Bayard, Mayor, &c 302 1686. Nov. 4. Copy of an intercepted letter from Father de Lamberville to Father Bruyas 310 Nov. 4. Letter of Father de Lamberville to Antoine L'Espinard 314 1687. Oct. 24. Letter of Governor Dongan to the King, about his recall, &c 314 Nov. 10. Letter of the King to Governor Dongan, upon Indian and French affairs The Governor of Canada to be notified that the Five Nations are owned as British subjects, &c 320 1688. Jan 22. Letter of the King to Governor Dongan, to prevent acts of hostility, and encourage a good correspondence with the French, &c. ...... 327 1687. (Enclosing) Dec. 1. Instrument, signed this day, between the English and French Com- missioners 328 Nov. 3. Memorandum, or protocol, of conferences between the English and French Commissioners, on the subject of the Indians and the boun- daries in North America, &c 331 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1625 Y ear VOL. I Continued. pag e 1688. Jan. 19. Letter of Governor Dongan to the Lord President French and Indian affairs 347 1687. (Enclosing) Oct. 2. Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 353 Oct. 25. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 357 Oct. 31. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 361 Dec. 28. Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 368 1688. Feb. 17. Letter of Governor Dongan to M. de Denonville 373 Feb. 3. Governor Dongan's first paper of demands to the French Agents 377 Feb. 4. Answer of the French Agents to the above document 380 Feb. Governor Dongan's second paper of demands to the French Agents. . 382 Feb. Answer of the French Agents to Governor Dongan's second paper. . . 387 Feb. Governor Dongan's third paper to the French Agents 395 Feb. 9. Answer of the French Agents to Governor Dongan's third paper. . . . 403 Feb. Governor Dongan's fourth paper to the French Agents 411 Feb. 15. Answer of the French Agents to Governor Dongan's fourth paper. . . 415 Feb. Governor Dongan's last paper to the French Agents. 423 Feb. Governor Dongan's propositions to the Six Nations of Indians 427 Feb. 13. Answer of the Six Nations to Governor Dongan 431 Feb. 13. Governor Dongan's reply to the Six Nations 439 Feb. 16. Propositions of the Six Nations to Governor Dongan 443 April 16. Letter of the King to Governor Dongan, requiring him to resign the government of New York to Sir E. Andros, on his arrival, and to return to England, &c 471 April 16. Instructions from the King to Sir E. Andros, for the Government of New England 447 Aug. 31. Letter of Captain F. Nicholson to Mr. Povey Narrative of affairs in New England 475 Oct. 4. Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Committee of the Privy Council his arrival in New York State of affairs, &c 491 Aug. 11. Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 495 Aug. 20. Letter of M. de Denonville to Governor Dongan 499 Sept. 19. Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 503 Sept. 18. Proceedings between Sir E. Andros and the Indians at Albany 507 Sept. 15. Examination of an Indian named Aert, at Albany, before S. Courtland 517 Sept. 25. Examination of John Rosii, at Albany, before Major Schuyler 523 Sept. 25. Examination of Derrick Wyssels, recorder at Albany, before Major Schuyler 527 Sept. 29. Information from Canada given by four Maquas Indians 531 Oct. 1. Letter of Sir E. Andros to the Governor of Canada 535 Oct. 2. Letter of Colonel Dongan to Sir E. Andros and the"Council 539 Oct. 23. Letter of M. de Denonville to Sir E. Andros . 643, HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. II. (1688-1697). Page Tear. 1689. Feb. 16. Order in Council appointing a Committee for Trade and Plantations, and directing the proclamation of King William and Queen Mary, &c .' i May 2. Order in Council upon the Report of the Committee for Trade, &c., respecting the state of the plantations, &c 5 June 10. Letter from the Council of New York to the Earl of Shrewsbury Overthrow of the New York Captain Leisler Nicholson going to England, &c 13 July 5. Abstract of the Journal kept by Captain Nicholas Bayard, since the llth June, 1689, in New York 17 Aug. 5. Letter of Colonel Bayard to Captain Nicholson Indian and French news 37 Sept. 6. Letter of Lord Effingham to the Earl of Sunderland French and Indian affairs 45 Sept. 23. Extract of a letter from Colonel Bayard, about the Five Nations and the French in Canada 49 Dec. 19. Letter of Mr. Van Courtland to Sir E. Andros Wishes to be made Collector, &c 57 Dec. 31. Letter of P. Reveredge to the Bishop of London French families in New York 61 No date. Petition to the King, of Merchants trading to New York, to defend it from the French ; with reasons to enforce the petition, annexed ... 65 1690. Mar. 31. ' Letter of Leisler to the Bishop of Salisbury Attack and burning of Schenectady Indians Neighbouring Colonies New York affairs, &c 73 April 11. Memorial of Mr. Livingston to the Governor, &c., of Connecticut, for assistance against the French, and their proceedings thereupon. 81 April 14. Letter of Mr. Livingston to Sir Edmond Andros French and Indian news, SLC 93 May 3. Interview and proceedings between the Commissioners at Albany and the Five Nations 101 May 6. Copy of a letter from the Bishop of Canada to Father Millet (in Latin) 109 June 23. Letter of Jacob Leisler to the Earl of Shrewsbury French and In- dian affairs, &c 113 June 15. The Governor of Canada's instructions to the Chevalier d'Eau, going to the Iroquois 119 June 15. Message of Oreaoue, by the persons he sent to the Iroquois Nations. 127 1691. May 26. Propositions of the Praying Indians to governor Sloughter at Albany. 131 May 26. Governor Sloughter's answer the Propositions of the Praying Indians. 135 June 1. Governor Sloughter's propositions to the five Indians at Albany 139 June 2. Answer of the five Nations to Governor Slouguter's propositions. ... 143 June 4. Propositions of the Maquas and other Indians to Governor Sloughter, at Albany, and his replies. 155 June 22. Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Sloughter French and Indian affairs 159 June 25. Examination of a Maquas Indian this day arrived froni Canada 163 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1627 VOL. II Continued. Tear. Page July 2. Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Sloughter Indian and Cana- dian Affairs 167 Aug. 9. A modest and true Relation of the sundry accidents happening to Major Schuyler and the party of Christians and Indians under his Command, in their expedition to Canada, 21st June to 9th August 1691 171 1692. Jan. 8. Letter of the Council at New York to Lord Nottingham Frontier affairs, &c 187 1691. Dec. 30. Letter of the officers at Albany to Major Ingoldsby Indian and ' French affairs, &c 191 1692. Sep. 23. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Earl of Nottingham 207 (Enclosing) Sep. 23. Examination of three prisoners and two French runagades from Ca- nada 211 1693. Feb. 3. The King's letter to Governor Fletcher, to consult and advise with the Massachusetts' government about the Canada expedition 215 Feb. 14. Letter of Governor Fletcher to Mr. Blathwayte Difference with Sir Wm. Phipps French and Indians, &c 219 Jan. 7. Letter of Governor Fletcher to Sir Wm. Phipps 223 Jan. 27. Letter of Sir Wm. Phipps to Governor Fletcher 227 Feb. 11. Letter of Major Ingoldsby to Governor Fletcher French and Indian news Schenectady, &c 231 March 8. Letter of Governor Fletcher to Mr. Blathwayte French and Indians neighbouring colonies troops, &c 235 March 7. Journal of Governor Fletcher's expedition against the French and Indians of Canada 239 Feb. ',21. Report of Major Peter Schuyler and others to Governor Fletcher Mohawk^expedition 247 July 1. Translation of a letter from Claude Dablon, the superior of the Jesuits of Canada, to Mr."Dellins 259 July 21. Translation of a letter from Father Millet to Mr. Dellins, with Indian news, &c 263 Oct. 9. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Committee Indians French Sir Wm. Phipps Colonial affairs, &c 271 Oct. 10. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Committee capture of a French privateer captain French designs, &c 279 1694. Jan. 31. Letter of Father Millet to Mr. Dellins, translated from the French 283 Feb. 9. Letter from Mr. Dellins to Father Millet in reply 289 No date. Interpretation of three Belts of Wampum to be sent to Canada by the 1694. Mohawks in 1693 29j Feb. 14. Letter of Mr. Livingston to Governor Fletcher French and Indian affairs 295 Nov. 19. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Committee Indian and Canadian news, &c 299 NN 1628 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. II Continued. Tear. Page Oct. 13- Indian intelligence from Canada, received at Schenectady s 307 Nov. 10. Intelligence from Quebec, given to Governor Fletcher at New York, by Matthew Paulding and Nicholas Smith 311 Jan. 31. Copy of a message from the Governor of Canada to the five Nations and their reply, 4th February 315 May 24. Letter of Mr. Dellins to governor Fletcher Indian and Canadian news 327 1693. Oct. 3. Letter of Major Schuyler to Governor Fletcher Indian intelligence. . 331 Oct. 5. Letter from the same to the same further Indian news 335 Nov. 10. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Committee Connecticut Cana- da, &c 339 Dec'r. Copy of Father Millet's minutes of the meeting of the Five Nations at Onondaga 343 1694. Jan. 12. Letter of Major Ingoldsby to Governor Fletcher Indian intelligence. 347 March 28. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Committee French and Indian af- fairsNo assistance from neighbouring Colonies, &c 351 Feb. 12. Letter of Mr. Dellins to Governor Fletcher French and Indian news. 355 Oct. 18. Letter of Major Ingoldsby to Governor Fletcher Albany news 359 1695.' May 29. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the committee affairs 363 Feb. 18. Abstract of intelligence sent from Onondaga 367 May 15. Abstract of Indian intelligence received from Albany. 371 1696. Aug. 22. Letter of Governor Fletcher to the Lords of the late Committee French invasion of the Indian Country 375 (Enclosing) August Governor Fletcher's proceedings at Albany, &c 379 Au* 357 June 2. Report of the Board of Trade to the Queen, concerning the right of sovereignty over the Five Nations of Indians 362 1697. Copy of a Memorial presented by the Board in 1697, relating to the right of the Crown of Great Britain over the New York Indians . . . 36$ 1709. June 28. Letter of Col. Nicholson and Col. Vetch to the Board, relating to the Expedition against Canada 373 June 28. Letter of Col. Vetch to Mr. Secretary Boyle Expedition to Canada. 375 ,July 2. Letter of Mr. Cockerel to Mr. Popple Preparations for the expedi- tion against Canada, &c . . 379 1632 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. Ill Continued. Page Tear. June 22. Examination and intelligence of some Indian spies sem to Canada. . Mar. 16. Letter of Colonel Ingoldsby to the Board Affairs in New York Ex- pedition against Canada 391 1711. Sept. 12. Letter of Governor Hunter to the Board Expedition against Canada. 392 (Enclosing) Aug. 17. Propositions made by the Schakkook Indians to Governor Hunter. . . 393 Aug. 26. Propositions made by the Sachems of the Five Nations of Indians to Governor Hunter 403 1715. July. Letter from Col. Nicholson to Mr. Popple Intrigues of the French with the Indians, &c 407 July 2. Letter of Governor Hunter to the Secretary of State Indian affairs, &c 409 1720 Letter of Col. Schuyler to the Board of Trade Indian affairs French forts erected on the Frontiers, &c 411 (Enclosing) May 22. Journal of Lawrence Clausen, Interpreter of proceedings with the Seneca Indians 413 1718 Dec. 15. Extract of a letter from Lieutenant Governor Doucet to Governor Phi- lipps of Annapolis Correspondence with Mr. de Vaudreuil, Gover- nor of Canada 415 (Enclosing) Sept. 22. 1st, Letter from Governor de Vaudreuil to Governor Doucet, claiming protection for the Missionnaries and French inhabitants, &c., who choose to remain at Acadie 417 April 15. 2d, Letter of Governor Doucet to Governor de Vaudreuil in answer to the following 420 Sept. 22. 3d, Letter of Governor de Vaudreuil to Louis Allain, an inhabitant of Port Royal 422 Sept. 22. 4th, Intercepted letter from the Governor de Vaudreuil to Louis Allain 424 Sept. 14. Representation of the Commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, to Col. Schuyler, concerning the bad state of affairs with the Indians, and the intrigues of the French 433 Nov. 26. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board Condition of the forts Trade with the Frenafc Indian affairs 440 *|1721. June 18. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board Intrigues of the French. . . 447 July 12. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board Effects of the late law, with respect to Trade with the Indians, &c . 448 (Enclosing) July 1. Memorial of Mr. Durant, a French Recollet Priest, of what passed concerning the establishment of a Post which the French have built at Niagara for the trade of peltries 449 Sept. 8. Representation of the Board of Trade to the King upon the state of His Majesty's Colonies in North America 460 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1633 VOL. Ill Continued. Tear. , Page Oct. 16. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board Transactions with the Indians at Albany French pretensions, &c 460 1722. June 6. Letter of the Board of Trade to Governor Burnet French establish- ment at Niagara Extension of British settlement recommended, &c. 473 1723. June 25. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board Settlement of a Trade with the Indians Necessity of a fort in Seneca country, &c 474 1723. Mr. C. Colden's (Surveyor General of the Province of New York) ac- count of the climate of that Province 476 1721. Sept. 8. Extract of a report concerning the state of His Majesty's Plantations on the Continent of North America, made by the Lords Commis- sioners of Trade and Plantations 487 3724. Aug. 9. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Duke of New Castle Intrigues of the French respecting the Indian trade 511 1725. Dec. 6. Extract of a letter from M. de la Faye (Under Secretary of State) to Governor Burnet Mr. Walpole instructed to use his influence with the French Court to have a Governor of Canada appointed, who will promote harmony, &c 513 1726. Dec. 4. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board French and Indian affairs French fort building at Niagara M. de Longueuil's interpretation of the late Treaty, &c 515 Sept. 14. Indian deed of surrender and confirmation of their lands, &c., to the Crown of Great Britain 522 Sept. 14. Letter of Gov. Burnet to Governor de Longueuil of Canada, respecting the French fort at Niagara 527 Aug. 1 6. Governor de Longueuil's answer to Governor Burnet 531 Dec. 4. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Duke of Newcastle French fort at Niagara Fort to be built at Oswego, &c 535 VOL. IV. (1727-1754.) 1727. May 9. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board of Trade Fort at Oswego commenced, &c 1 Aug. 24. Letter of Governor Burnet to the Board of Trade French opposition to the fort at Oswego Negotiations, &c 3 (Enclosing') Aug. 8. 1st, Copy of a letter of Governor Burnet to the Governor of Canada, respecting a summons to demolish the Fort 7 July 20. 2d, Copy of a letter of the Governor of Canada (M. le Marquis de Beauharnois) to the Governor of New York 17 Aug. 1. The Governor of Canada's summons to the officer in command at Os- wego (Chouegen) 21 Aug. 1. Memorandum of Mr. Begon of his having summoned the commandant of Oswego 22 1634 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. IV Continued. Tear. Dec. 21. Letter of the Board of Trade to the Duke of Newcastle Necessity of putting a stop to the French encroachments on the Indian Territo- ry, &c 25 1728. April 29. The King's Commission (in Latin) to the Bishop of London to exercise Ecclesiastical authority in the American Plantations 29 1731. Nov. 2. Letter of Mr. Van Dam to the Board Encroachments of the French, and their building a Fort at Crown Point (Pointe a la Chevelure) &c. 45 1732. April 6. ' Representation of the Board of Trade upon the French encroach- ments, &c 47 1736. Nov. 1. Copy of Mr. Clarke's letter to Captain Congreve, commanding at Oswego 53 1737. April 9. Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle, respecting Captain Congreve .. 55 1736. Oct. 26. Copy of Mr. Clarke's letter to the Governor of Canada, respecting Captain Congreve's conduct 56 Aug. 20. Copy of a letter from M. de Beauharnois, Governor of Canada, to Mr. Clarke, relating to the same subject 57 Nov. 1 5, Copy of a letter from the Governor of Canada to Mr. Clarke, com- plaining of Lieutenant Cameron's conduct 61 1738. May 24. Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Board French claims to territory, &c. . . 65 June 15. Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle French establishing themselves at Crown Point, &c 67 1739. Aug. 30. Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Board Indian presents Expedition from Canada against the Carolina and Georgia Indians Fears in case of a rupture with France and Spain ..... 69 Nov. 3. Copy of a letter of the Commissioners of Indian affairs at Albany, to Mr. Clarke 73 1741. April 22. Letter of Mr. Clarke to the Duke of Newcastle Suggestions as to English policy in America, in case of war with France 74 1743. June 19. State of the British Provinces with respect to the French who sur- round ihem 81 1744. Oct. 9. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board Proposed operations against Canada Proceedings of the Assembly of New York 92 June 18. Speech of Governor Clinton to the Sachems of the Indians at Albany. 96 June 20. Reply of Governor Clinton to the answer of the Indian Sachems 101 Dec. 13. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle Proposal to lay a tax upon stamped paper in the Colonies would be a dangerous measure Mr. Clarke, the supposed author of the scheme 105 1745. Mar. 27. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle Expedition against Louisbourg Fortifications, &c 109 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1635 VOL. IV Continued. Tear. Page July 25. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board Has been constrained to dissolve the Assembly Incursions of the Indians, &c 117 July 25. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle The New As- sembly better disposed Votes of supplies for prosecuting the war Horrible cruelties of the French Indians, &c 119 Nov. 18. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Newcastle Expedition against Crown Point his favour with the people Conduct of the Assembly 121 Nov. 30. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board Indian hostilities and cruelties , 125 1747. July 24. Copy of a letter from Governor Shirley to Governor Clinton The expedition against Canada abandoned, &c 131 July 17. Copy of a letter of Colonel Johnson to Governor Clinton Good un- derstanding with the Indians, &c 133 Aug. 19. Copy of a letter from Colonel Johnson to Governor Clinton Prepa- rations for attacking the French Indians, &c 137 1748. July 29. Copy of Governor Shirlev's letter to the Governor of Canada Arrangements for the exchange of prisoners 141 Oct. 20. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Bedford State of the French and Indians, &c 149 1749. May 10. Letter of Governor Shirley to the Duke of Bedford Pretensions of the French Settlement of the limits 153 (Enclosing) Jan. 15. 1st, Copy of a letter from M. de la Galissonniere, Governor of Canada, to Governor Mascarene Complaints against Captain Gorham's proceedings respecting the missionaries and French inhabitants at Baie des Mines, &c 157 April 25. 2d, Copy of a letter from Governor Mascarene to M. de la Galisson- niere Justifies the conduct of Captain Gorham, and announces the ratification of the treaty of peace, &c 165 May 8. 3d, Copy of a letter from Governor Shirley to M. de la Galissonniere Treachery of the Abenaquis Indians, and bad conduct of the French missionaries 171 May 30. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Duke of Bedford French and In- dian affairs 179 June 3. Letter of Governor Clinton to the Board of Trade Prisoners in Cana- da Indian affairs French intrigues, &c 183 1748. (Enclosing) Copy of a letter from M. de la Galissonniere to Governor Clinton Complaints against officers in command of posts Difficulties respect- ing Indian prisoners of the Six Nations 189 Oct. 19. Copy of a letter of M. de Ligneries to Governor Clinton Exchange of Canadians and French Indian prisoners. 197 Oct. 10. Copy of a letter from Governor Clinton to the Governor of Canada Representations respecting the detention of English prisoners, and Indians who are subjects of Great Britain, &c 205 1636 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. IV Continued. Tear. Page Oct. 10. Copy of a letter of Governor Clinton to the Governor of Canada Proposals for an exchasge of prisoners 215 Oct. 10. Copy of a letter from M. de la Galissonniere to Governor Clinton Different interpretations of the treaty respecting the claim of sove- reignty over the Six Nation Indians, 9 Aug. 9. Representation of the Board of Trade to the King, upon a project of a general concert to be entered into by the British Colonies in North America, for their mutual and common defence, &c 17 Aug. 9. Draft of a plan for a general concert to be entered into by His Ma- jesty's, Colonies in North America, for their mutual and common defence, &c 23 Oct. 8. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board French and Indian incursions, destruction of Hoosick, &c 33 Oct. 21. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board Albany stockaded Military preparations against the French, &c 35 Oct. 16. Copy of a letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Governor of Canada, acquainting him with the destruction of Hoosick by several tribes of French Indians . . 36 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1639 VOL. V Continued, Year. Oct. 25. Letter of the Rev. S. Johnson to the Bishop of Oxford Increasing influence of the Dissenters The Church scarcely tolerated in New England Colleges, &c 38 Nov. 25. His Majesty's secret instructions to Major General Edward Braddock, appointed Commander in Chief in North America 49 Dec. 15. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board French designs Measures necessary to defeat them Forts to be raised Conduct of the As- semblyQuit rents, &c Dec. 24 Letter of Governor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson, giving his view upon the Albany plan of Union, &c 73 1755. Jan. 31. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to Sir Thomas Robinson French influence with the Indians, &c 85 1754. Dec. 26. Copy of a letter from Mr. Duquesne, Governor of Canada, to Mr. de Lancey, expressing his regret at the ravages lately committed by the Indians against his orders 89 1755. Jan. 31. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board Defence of New York Oswego Designs of the French 93 Jan. 1. Copy of a letter of Lieut. Holland, commanding at Oswego, to Mr. de Lancey Intrigues of the French 94 Mar. 24. Letter of Governor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson General Brad- dock's plan of Military operations commended Observations on the French designs 93 June 28. Letter of Governor Shirley to Sir Thomas Robinson His interview with General Braddock Measures concerted Movements of the Troops Col. Johnson commissioned by General Braddock to manage the Indian affairs, &c . . . . . H3 July 21. Letter of Col. Johnson to the Board His interview with General Braddock Proceedings of the Indians Intrigues of the French Preparations for his march to Crown-Point, &c 131 Aug. 7. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to Sir Thomas Robinson, interview with General Braddock His defeat and death Military operations Importance of Oswego, &c 138 Sept. 3. Letter of Major General Johnson to the Board Zeal of the Indians in the British interest Governor Shirley dissatisfied with his con- duct Defence of his policy against the Governor's objections, his imperiousness, &c Fort building at the Lake called by the French " St. Sacremerit,'' but to which he has given the name of Lake " George," &c 149 Sept. 4. Speech of Hendrick, the great Mokawk Sachem, to General Johnson. 161 Aug. 22. Minutes of a Council of War, held by Major General Johnson 165 Sept. 14. Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board General Johnson's success against the French on the 8th instant Reinforcements raising, &c. 172 Sept. 10. Letter of Peter Wraxhall, Aide-de-Camp to General Johnson, to Mr. de Lancey with an account of the action of the 8th September, and of the Baron of Dieskau's defeat and capture, &c 173 1640 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. V. Continued. Tear. Page Sept. 10. Letter of a Gunner, under Cap. Eyre, to his cousin, giving an account of the action of the 8th September 178 Sept. 11. Return of the killed and wounded, &c., in the troops commanded by General Johnson 181 Sept. 11. Letter of Mr. Pownall to the Board- Details of the action of the 8th September The Indians in the Ohio determined to act against the French 183 Sept. 14. Letter of Major General Johnson to the Board Defeat of Baron de Dieskau Conduct of the Indians after the battle Indian trade Opposition of the Dutch traders, &c 186 Sept. 16. Copy of a letter from Major General Johnson to Sir Charles Hardy Observations on the engagement which took place on the 16th September, &c 190 Oct. 9. Letter of Mr. J. Pownall, Secretary of the Board of Trade, to Major General Johnson His appointment to the sole superintending of Indian affairs His opinion as to a general plan for regulating them desired by the Board, &c 197 Nov. 11. Letter of Secretary Sir Thomas Robinson to Major General Johnson His good conduct commended The King has been pleased to confer upon him the dignity of Baronet, &c 201 Nov. 27. Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board Miscarriage of the Crown Point expedition Causes of it Forts on Lake George, &c 203 1756. Jan. 16. Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board of Trade Defence of the Frontiers Management of Indian affairs, &c 205 Sept. 5. Letter of Sir Charles Hardy to the Board Surrender of Oswego Defection of the Indians apprehended 225 Aug. 21. Declaration of a soldier in Shirley's Regiment, about the capture of Oswego. 235 Sept. 10. Letter of Sir William Johnson to the Board Loss of Oswego His views of Indian affairs Hostilities on the Susquehanna 241 Nov. 1. Letter of Mr. William Smith to the Bishop of Oxford (Dr. Seeker) upon Provincial affairs. 1757. Feb. 14. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors, &c., in North America. The King has resolved to act with the greatest vigour in the ensuing campaign The Provinces urged to raise forces, &c , . 265 1755. Extract from Mr. Crogham's Journals of transactions with the Indians on the Ohio, from 1748 to the defeat of General Braddock . 269 1759 Aug. 24. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board Surrender of Fort William Henry, &c 281 Dec. 30. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors, &c., in America- Forces to be raised His Majesty's views as to the prosecution of the war in the next campaign June 10. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to General Abercrombie Col. Schuyler exchanges prisoners in Canada, &c Sept. 27. Letter of Archbishop Seeker to Rev. Dr. Johnson Disasters in America Ecclesiastical establishments, &c 297 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1641 VOL. V Continued. Year. Page 1757. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board of Trade Fort Duquesne burnt and abandoned by the French 309 Dec. 29. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to Major General Amherst Major Gen- eral Wolfe appointed to conduct the expedition against Quebec Canada to be invaded by Crown Point, and Montreal to be attacked 313 Feb. 19. The Bishop of London's report on the state of the Church in the Colonies 329 Mar. 20. Letter of the Rev. S. Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury Con- duct of some leading Dissenters 357 May 17. Letter of Sir William Johnson to the Board Favorable understand- ing with the Indians Reduction of Niagara, &c 361 1759. July 24. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board Advance of the Troops upon Niagara 373 July 27. Copy of a letter of General Amherst to Mr. de Lancey Capture of Ticonderaga and defeat of the French. 377 Aug. 10. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board of Trade Surrender of Fort Niagara, &c 379 July 25. Copy of a letter from Captain de Lancey to Mr. de Lancey Defeat of the French and capture of Niagara 381 Aug. 5. Copy of a letter from General Amherst to Mr. de Lancey The Eng- lish army in possession of Crown Point. . 385 Oct. 28. Letter of Mr. de Lancey to the Board Engagement upon Lake Champlain 389 Dec. 11. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to General Amherst The next campaign to be prosecuted with unabated vigour, &c. 390 1760 Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to the Governors in America troops to be raised in the Colonies 395 Jan. 7. Letter of Mr. Secretary Pitt to General Amherst Montreal to be re- duced &c The Hotel-Dieu of Quebec is specially recommended by the King to Lord Amherst's protection 400 Feb. 21. Letter of the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Pitt Settling lands adjacent to the Lakes in New York 411 VOL. VI. (1760-1779.) 1760. July 13. Letter of the Reverend Dr. Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury Condition of the Church 1 (Enclosing) Questions relating to the Union and Government of the Plantations Addressed to the Editor of the London Magazine and signed "PhiloAnglus Americanus. 5 ' 4 Nov. 4. Letter of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Reverend Mr. S. John- son Observations on the above questions, &c 13 Nov. 18. Representations of the Board of Trade upon the Commissions of the Judges in the Province 15 Dec. 12. Representations of the Board of Trade to the King 16 1642 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. VI Continued. Year, Page (Enclosing) lo. Draft of an instruction for the Governors in America Grants of land 17 2o. Draft of an instruction for the Governors in America, respecting the Commissions of the Juflges in the Province, &c. . 22 1763. May 5. Letter of Lord Egremont to the Board Cession of Canada by the French to Great Britain, &c 25 June 19. Letter of Sir William Johnson to the Board Indian hostilities 35 uly 23. Extract of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to the Earl of Egremont ra- vages of the Indians within the Provinces 45 July 11. Copy of a letter from Sir W. Johnson to Sir J. Amherst Capture of Fort Venango by the Indians, &c ... 49 July 30. Copy of a letter from Sir W. Johnson to Sir J. Amherst Intrigues of the French among the Indians 53 Aug. 5. Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Wm. Johnson No grants to be made of lands occupied by the Indians 57 Aug. 13. Letter of the Earl of Egremont to Sir Jeffery Amherst Designs of the French in Canada, &c. . v 61 1763 Copy of messages sent by the Canadian Indians to the Western Tribes 65 Aug. 27. Copy of a letter of Sir J. Amherst to Sir William Johnson Engage- ment with the Indians at Bushyrun 69 Sept. 9. Copy of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to Sir William Johnson Indian affairs 73 Sep. 25. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board of Trade State of Indian affairs 77 Sep. 30. Copy of a letter from Sir J. Amherst to Sir Wm. Johnson Defection of the Senecas Jealousy of the traders of the French, &c 89 Oct. 18. Letter of the Earl of Halifax, Secretary of State, to Sir J. Amherst Troops to be raised in the Colonies against the Indians, &c 94 Nov. 13. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board State of affairs with the Indians 97 (Enclosing) Statement of the names, numbers and situations of the various tribes of Indians 123 Dec. 19. Letter of Lieutenant Governor Golden to the Board Indians sue for peace 126 Dec. 20. Letter of the Revd. S. Johnson to the Archbishop of Canterbury State of the Church, &c 131 No date. Letter of George Croghan to the Board Suggestions as to the future treatment of the Indians, &c 134 1764. Feb. 13. Letter of Mr. Golden to the Earl of Halifax, containing a copy of a letter from Sir William Johnson upon Indian affairs 150 April 14. Letter from General Gage to Lord Halifax Expedition up the Mis- sissipi Pondiac Peace concluded with the Indians 154 July 10. Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Wm. Johnson Indian affairs. . . 158 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1643 Year. VOL. VI Continued. (Transmitting) July 10. Plan for the future management of Indian affairs 167 Aug. 30. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Earl of Halifax Cession by the Indians of lands at Niagara 186 Aug. 30. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board Indian affairs, &c 190 (Transmitting) July 18. Articles of Peace concluded with the Huron Indians 198 Sep. 21. Letter of General Gage to the Earl of Halifax Indian Congress at Niagara 206 Oct. 8. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board Indian affairs 210 Oct. 8. Sir Wm. Johnson's sentiments upon the " Plan for the future man- agement of Indians affairs." . 223 Oct. 30. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board Grants of lands from the Indians, &c 312 1764. Dec. 4. Copy of Col. Bradslreet's thoughts upon Indian affairs Certain mili- tary posts to be established, &c 316 1765. Feb. 22. Letter of Mr. Golden to the Earl of Halifax Influence and character of the lawyers in New York, &c 331 Mar. 16. Letter of the Board of Trade to Mr. Golden, respecting the two Mo- hawks exhibited as a show in a Tavern in London 334 Novem. Journal and transactions of George Croghan, Esquire, Deputy Agent for Indian affairs, with the several Indian Nations on his journey to the Illinois, from May to September 1765, as delivered by him to Sir Wm. Johnson, on his return 335 1766. Mar. 22. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board French movements in Illi- nois, &c Canada grants, &c 343 June 28. Lettej of Sir Wm. Johnson to Mi. Secretary Conway Discontents among the Indians Intrigues of the French, &c 349 June 28. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board of Trade Necessity of some fixed plan for the regulation of Indian affairs, &c 357 July 11. Letter of the Board of Trade to Sir Win. Johnson French grants, &c 363 Aug. 20. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to the Board of Trade Proceedings with Pondiac and other chiefs of the Western Indians Observations of the Indian character .... 367 1767. Feb. 23. Letter of Sir H. Moore to Lord Shelburne, Mr. William Smith recom- mended as a member of the Council 379 1768. Mar. 7. Representation of the Board of Trade to the King, upon the general state of Indian affairs, and the establishments of Posts, &c 383 April 15. Circular letter of Lord Hillsborough to the American Governors- Plan for the management of Indian affairs 423 April 15. Letter of Lord Hillsborough to Sir Wm. Johnson, management of Indian affairs, &c . 427 00 1644 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. VI Continued. Pag July 25. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to Lord Hillsborough Reforms in the In- dian departments, &c 435 June 26. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to Lord Hillsborough French designs Their arrival at Detroit 451 July 5. Additional instructions to Sir H. Moore, respecting lands near Lake Champlain, &c 453 17T4. May 2. Letter of Sir Wm. Johnson to Lord Dartmouth Indian affairs French intrigues Character of the Canadians, &c 455 1775. May 25. Representation of the Board of Trade to the Committee of the Privy Council French Canadian claims Crown Point 463 Aug. 6. Secret intelligence from Ticonderaga , 471 Oct. 12. Letter of Col. Guy Johnson to Lord Dartmouth Canadian affairs Defeat of the Americans under Montgomery at St. Johns Col. Allan's expedition and defeat in the neighbourhood of Montreal, &c. 475 Dec. 17. Letter of Wm. Smith, Esquire, to Governor Tryon Remarks on the state of affairs, &c 483 Extract from the records of Indian transactions under the superinten- dency of Col. Guy Johnson, in the year 1775 487 1776. Feb. 8. Letter of Governor Tryon to Lord Dartmouth The Americans defeat- ed in their attack upon Quebec Indian operations, &c 503 Jan. 7. Letter from General Wooster to Col. Warner Defeat of the American army before Quebec 506 Feb. 13. Representation of the Board of Trade to the Committee of Privy Council Mr. Lotbiniere's grant of land, &c 511 1779. Aug. 20. Conference with Onondaga and Cayuga chiefs, at Quebec 515 5. DIVERS OTHER HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO CANADA. VOL. I. A short account of what passed at Cape Breton from the beginning of the last war until the taking of Louisbourg, by the English in the year 1758 1 The articles of the capitulation of Louisbourg 28 The articles of capitulation for the Town of Quebec 32 Dialogue of the Dead, between the Marquis de Montcalm and General Wolfe or, a Parallel of Military Faults, committed equally by the French and by the English Armies during the Campaign of 1759 in Canada 39 Continuation of the Campaign of 1759 in Canada 91 The Campaign of 1760, in Canada 107 Articles of the capitulation, concluded between His Excellency General Amherst and the Marquis de Vaudreuil, Governor and Lieutenant General of His Most Christian Majesty in Canada 133 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1645 VOL. II. CHISHOLME'S PAPERS. A volume of Papers purchased from the widow of the late David Chisholme, Esq., of Three Rivers, having been collected together by him, in view of his intention to write a History of Lower Canada, but which he did not live to accomplish. Page Articles of capitulation granted by Sir Jeffrey Amherst to the Canadians, upon the surrender of Montreal and the province of Canada to the British arms, in September 1760 1 The fourth article of the definitive Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 10th day of February 1763, containing the cession of Canada to the Crown of Great Britain 7 Proclamation of King George III, erecting the four new Governments of Quebec, East Florida, West Florida and Grenada, dated the 7th October, 1763 8 Commission of Captain General and Governor in chief of the province of Quebec, to James Murray, Esq., dated 21st November, 1763 13 Commission of Vice-Admiral for the province of Quebec, to James Murray, Esq., dated the 19th March, 1764 20 Commission of Lieutenant Governor for the province of Quebec to Guy Carleton, Esq., dated the 7th April, 1766. 25 The King's Mandate to the Governor, or Commander in chief of the province of Quebec, requiring him to appoint William Hey, Esq., Chief Justice of the province 26 Commission of William Hey, Esq., as Chief Justice, dated the 25th September 1766 27 Commission of Attorney General to Francis Maseres, Esq., dated 25th September, 1766 29 Commission of Provost Marshal for the province to Nicholas Turner, Esquire, dated the 23rd September, 1763. , 30 Commission of Secretary, clerk of the Council, commissary or steward -general of provisions and stores, and clerk of the Inrolmenis, to Henry Ellis, Esquire, dated the 30th April, 1763 31 Commission of Receiver General to Thomas Mills, Esq., dated the 10th July, 1765. 32 Instructions to the said Receiver General dated the 10th March, 1766 33 Grant of the office of Surveyor and Auditor General of the King's revenues arising in America to the Honourable Bobert Cholmondeley, Esq., by Letters Patent under the great seal of Great Britain, dated 20th November, 1752 35 Mr. Robert Cholmondeley's appointment of Mr. John Brooke to be his deputy for the province of Quebec, dated the 14th January, 1764 39 Instructions to the Revd. Mr. John Brooke, deputy auditor of His Majesty's revenues arising in the province of Quebec, dated 14th January, 1764 41 Order in Council dated 12th August, 1768, confirming the boundary line between the provinces of New York and Quebec, fixed by Sir Henry Moore, Governor of New York and Brigadier-General Carleton, Lieutenant Governor of Quebec, at a meeting held for that purpose ; and regulating the claims made by His Majesty's new Canadian subjects to Lands situated on the South side of that line 42 Plan of a code of Laws for the province of Quebec, reported by the Advocate General Dr. James Marriott, to the King, in 1773 43 1646 HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS VOL. II Continued. Appendix No. 1. Letter to the Attorney and Solicitor General upon a second reference of the case of the Jesuits in Canada 90 Appendix No. 2. Proofs and Extracts relating to the constitution of the Society of Jesuits, annexed to the letter to the Attorney arid Solicitor General. 93 Appendix No. 3. Concerning the ancient ordinance and laws of the police. 98 Proclamation of Guy Carleton, Governor in chief of the province of Quebec, dated 8th December 1774, publishing the Imperial Act 14 George III. ch. 83, inti- tuled "An Act making more effectual provision for the Government of the " province of Quebec in North America," and the Imperial Act 14 George III. chap. 88, intituled " An Act to establish a fund towards further defraying " the^charges of the administration of justice and support of the Civil Govern- " ment within the province of Quebec in North America 100 Imperial Act, 15 George III. chap. 40, intituled " An Act for amending and ex- plaining the Act of the 14th George III, intituled " An Act to establish a fund *' towards further defraying the charges of the administration of justice, and " suppor,t of the Civil Government within the province of Quebec, in America" 108 Copy of His Majesty's commission of Captain general and Governor in chief to His Excellency Sir Guy Carleton, K. B. now Lord Dorchester, dated 22nd April, 1786 : 110 Imperial Act, 31 George III. chap. 31, intituled c< An Act to repeal certain parts " of An Act passed in the 14 George III, intituled, " An Act for making more " effectual provision for the Government of the province of Quebec, in North " America ; and to make further provision for the Government of the said "province" 117 Copy of His Majesty's commission appointing the Right Honorable Guy Lord Dorchester to be Captain general and Governor in chief of the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, dated 18th September, 1791 133 Extracts from His Majesty's Instructions to His Excellency Lord Dorchester, dated 16th September, 1791 143 An additional Instruction, dated llth April, 1792 151 Proclamation of Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor and Commander in chief of the province of Quebec r fixing the date at which the Imperial Act 31 George III. chap. 31, shall come into operation, dated 18th November, 1791 152 Proclamation of Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada dividing the said province, into Districts, Counties, &c., for the purpose of organizing the Civil Government thereof, dated 7th May, 1792 154 Proclamation of Lieutenant Governor Alured Clarke summoning the first Provin- cial Parliament of Lower Canada, dated 15th May, 1792 160 Royal warrantjrespecting the use of the great seal of the province of Quebec for sealing instruments in Lower Canada, dated 26th December, 1791 161 Additional Royal Instructions to Guy Lord Dorchester, Governor General of Lower Canada, dated 12th July, 1792 161 Draught of commission appointing William Smith, Esquire, Chief Justice of Lower Canada, to be Speaker of the Legislative Council, dated 15th Decem- ber, 1792 , 166 Draught of the commission of the Clerk of the Legislative Council, 1792 166 Draught of the commission of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod 167 RELATING TO CANADA, ETC. 1647 VOL. II Continued. Draught of the commission of the Clerk of the House of Assembly. 167 Draught of the commission of the Sergeant at Arms 168 Draught of Dedimus Potestatem 168 Speech of His Excellency Lieutenant Governor Alured Clarke, at the opening of the first Parliament of Lower Canada, on the 20th December, 1792 169 Proclamation of His Excellency Alured Clarke, Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada, for the suppression of vice, profaneness, and immorality, dated January 1793 171 Extract of a letter from Mr. Secretary Dundas to Lord Dorchester, dated September 1791, respecting the levying of Tythes for the support of a protestant clergy in Upper and Lower Canada until the Reserved Lands can be made available for that purpose. . 172 Journal of a Committee of Council respecting a survey of the East branch of the River Connecticut running through .the British Territory j and respecting the dividing line between Canada and the United States ; with copy of a letter from J. Eames to S. Z. Watson, dated October 6th, 1792; and Mr. Watson's reply thereto, dated 12th October, 1792, on the same subject 172 Communication by Lieutenant Governor Clarke to the Executive Council respect- ing grants of land to certain Ecclesiastics of the Roman Catholic Religion, and others, being emigrants from France, who are desirous of an Asylum in Lower Canada ; with an " Expose 1 ' from a deputation of those emigrants explaining their views and desires, dated 7th March, 1793 174 Copy of Mr. Attorney General Yorke and Mr. Solicitor General De Grey's opinion respecting the case of the contractors in 1766 , 178 Opinion of R. P. Arden, Esq., Attorney. General, and of Arch. Macdonell, Esq., Solicitor General, on Brandies imported into Quebec from Barbadoes, and from St. Johns in Newfoundland, dated 26th July, 17S5, with a judgment in the Court of Vice Admiralty, at Quebec, on the same subject 181 Letter from the Custom House in England 1o the collector and comptroller of Quebec, concerning the importation of Brandies at Quebec, inclosing further legal opinions thereupon, dated 8th November, 1785 183 Upper Country Bills, opinions of Kenyon, Mansfield and Lee thereupon 187 VOL. III. A vol. of letters, descriptive of a tour through the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada in the course of the years 1792 and 1793. 4to. 370 pages. VOL. IV. A quarto case, containing : A Map of the Province of Quebec, comprehending the Districts of Gaspe, Quebec, Three Rivers, Montreal, Luneburgh, Mecklenburgh and Nassau, the Provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Cape Breton, and part of the States of New York, New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts, in which are laid down the several Seigniories, to facilitate a division of the country, for the purpose of an equal representation of the people in a House of Assembly. Compiled and drawn by command of His Excellency, by Fred. Holland, Sur- veyor General. Quebec, August, 1791. 1648 BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS : 6. BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS : OFFICIAL PAPERS, CHIEFLY CONCERNING THE BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA : These Papers were the property of John Pownall, Esq , (the brother of Governor Pownall) when Secretary of the Board of Trade ; and after his death, which occurred in 1795, they passed into the hands of his son, Sir George Pownall, who was Secretary of the Province of Lower Canada until 1805. Sir George afterwards presented the vol- umes to the late Hon. H. W. Ryland, Secretary to the Governor General, who gave them to his son, G. H. Ryland, from whom they were purchased by the Library of Parlia- ment. The Collection is in 7 vols. Folio. The contents are as follows : VOL. I. Page Letter from the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Boyle, dated June 2nd, 1709, together with their Report to Queen Anne, containing a Statement of Her Majesty's pretensions to any Colonies or Places in the West Indies, then in possession of the French ; and an Account of what places were taken from or by us in those parts during the last War. With an Ap- pendix . 1 Letter from Col. Quary, dated 30th of May, 1704, to the Board, relating the condition and state of the trade of Pennsylvania, New England, New Jersey, Maryland and Virginia in America 159 Copy of Her Majesty's Commission to Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York and New Jersey, for the Trial of Pirates, &c 194 Letter from Col. Quary to the Board, dated Philadelphia, 28th June, 1707, giving an account of the present state of Pensylvania, " the three lower Counties," New York and New England 214 Letter from Col. Quary in relation to several Governments on the Continent of America, dated 10th January, 1708 230 " Canada surveyed, or the French dominions upon the Continent of Ame- rica'briefly considered in their situation, strength, trade and number, more particularly how vastly prejudicial they are to the British interest, and a method proposed of easily removing them." (See another copy ; with a supplement ; post, vol 4, pp. 21 9 235) 545 VOL. II INTITULED : " An extract of what passed at the Board of Trade, relating to the Treaties of Commerce with France and Spain, concluded at Utrecht ; together with several observations on every other branch of the British commerce." (Signed,) J. Pownall. 305 pages. " We have extracted the particulars of what was transacted at the Board relating to the Treaties of Commerce with France and Spain, and re- lating to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, &c. ; and have subjoined our reflections thereon, together with a state of this King- dom's trade to all parts during the peace, after the Treaty of Ryswick. And a further state thereof for the three first years of the war, in 1 702 and 1704. To which is annexed, an account of the Woollen Manufactures exported, from M/chaelmas 1697, to Christmas 1714, with our remarks thereon." Introductory remarks. PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1649 VOL. Ill INTITULED : " Letters and memorials from the several British Envoys and Consuls abroad, relating to the state of our Trade at the King's [George I.] accession to the Crown, A. D. 1714." Memorial from the Merchants trading to Naples, relating to the present state of that trade ; as also to what will be necessary for the advantage thereof. 2 Letter from Mr. Thomson, Consul at Algiers, relating to a ship seized there with English colours, and to abuses by foreigners getting possession of her late Majesty's Mediterranean Passes 12 Copy of the 4th Article of the Treaty of Peace made at Algiers by Admiral Herbert in 170Q 22 Copy of an Article made by Commodore Munden in 1700 24 Copy of his late Majesty's [King William] Instructions to Consul Cole at Algiers . 30 A list of all the naval force of Algiers in the year 1713 36 Another letter from Mr. Thomson, dated 13th July, 1715, relating to the de- clension of the British trade at Algiers, and the reasons thereof 88 Letter from Lord Townshend, dated 29th February, 1715 ; with a state of the British Trade in Dantzig, received from Sir Richard Vernon, His Ma- jesty's Envoy to the King of Poland 48 Mr. Bowman's account of the state of the British Trade in Norway, dated 20th October, 1715 60 Letter from Lord Viscount Townshend of the 17th of May, 1715, with Ex- tracts of letters from Mr. Wych, resident at Hamburgh, and Mr. Tigh, Consul at Elsinore, relating to the state of British Trade in those parts. 70 Memorial from the Lisbon Factory to Mr. Worseley, concerning the grie- vances their Trade lies under. Dated 19th June, 1715 104 A representation from the British Factory at Oporto. Dated 18th May, 1715. 216 Letter from Mr. Poyntz, Consul at Lisbon, dated 2nd August, 1715. with a representation of the state of the British Trade in Portugal .... 282 Letter from Mr. Crowe, Consul at Leghorn, with an account of the British Trade there. Dated 26th July, 1715 336 A letter from the British Consul and Factory at Messina, relating to their Trade in Sicily, dated 30th June, 1715 346 Letter from Mr. Herne, Consul at Alicant, with an account from the Facto- ry of the state of their Trade, dated 15th July, 1715 366 Letter from Mr. Martin Wescombe, Consul at Cadiz, with an account from the Factory of the state of their trade, dated 7th July, 1715 394 Propositions from the Factory of Cadiz for the security and encouragement of the British Trade and Commerce to Spain and its Dominions 450 Representation of the Consul and Merchants of Sevilla and St. Lucas, relat- ing to the state of the British trade there, dated 14th July, 1715. , 496 Letter from Mr. Russel, Consul at Sevilla, dated at Cadiz 25th July, 1715. 542 Remarks on the New Treaty of Commerce with Spain sent from Cadiz to the Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, 3rd June, 1714 574 Letter from Mr. Paul, Consul at Zante, relating to the state of the British trade there, dated 18th July, 1715 616 Letter from Mr. Fleetwood, Consul at Naples, of the 14th Dec., 1716, with an account of the British trade there, dated 7th August, 1716 622 1650 BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS VOL. Ill Continued. Mr. Whitworth's letter from Ratisbon, dated 29th April, 1716, relating to our trade with Germany, but more especially to the sale of our Woollen Ma- nufactures there 650 VOL. IV. Royal Instructions to Robert Lowther, Governor in chief of the Islands of Barbadoes, Sta. Lucia, Dominico, St. Vincents, and the rest of the Cha- ribbee Islands lying to Windward of Guadaloupe in America, dated from St. James' Palace, in the year 1714 1 Royal Orders and Instructions to Robert Lowther, Governor in Chief of the Is- lands of Barbadoes, &c., and in his absence to the Lieutenant Governor of the said Islands, in pursuance of several Laws relating to the trade and navigation between Great Britain and the Colonies in America, dated in the year 1714 48 Form of the Oath appointed to be taken by the Members of His Majesty's Council in Barbadoes 70 Representations of the Board of Trade to the King, on a Petition from the In- habitants of Newfoundland respecting the Fishing trade therein, and concerning the orders for the regulation and government of the Island, dated 19th December, 1718 ' 72 Report, with heads of a Bill, submitted to the King, by the Board of Trade, for remedying the difficulties and abuses in the Newfoundland trade, dated 24th December, 1718 113 Draught of a Royal Commission appointing John Bridger, Esq., 1y> be Sur- veyor of the Woods on the Continent of America, together with his in- structions, given in the year 1715 . . 132 Copy of Mr. Richard West's Report concerning the right of the Crown to all Timber Fees in the province of Main, in America, in regard to the claim set up by Mr. Elisha Cook, dated 12th November, 1718 143 Copy of a letter from Col. Spotswood, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, dated 7th March, 1718, giving an .account of the several Public Revenues there 148 Extract of a letter from Col. Spotswood, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, to the Board of Trade, dated 14th of August, 1718, giving an account'of the French settlements in Louisiana, with a description of the route from Montreal to those settlements 158 Extract of a letter from Brigadier Hunter, Governor of New York, to the Lords Commissioners for trade, dated 7th July, 1718, respecting the effects of the French Forts and settlements in Louisiana upon the Brit- ish interests 165 Copy of a Memorial of Captain John Alden, of Boston, to His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont, respecting the Boundaries of Nova Scotia, dated 9th April, 1700 167 A Representation from the Board of Trade to the King, of the right the Eng- lish have to cut Logwood in Campeachy Bay, in the Spanish West Indies, dated 25th September, 1717 169 Documents from the Board of Trade relating to Forts, Boundaries, &c., in the territory of Hudson's Bay, on the continent of America, the state of PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1651 VOL. IV Continued. the settlements, and the French encroachmeuts therein. Including an official account of the commencement of proceedings by the British Gov- ernment, under the 10, 11 and 15 articles of the treaty of Utrecht, authorising the appointment of Commissioners to treat with others to be appointed by France for the settlement of questions concerning the Hud- son's Bay territory, Nova Scotia, and the Island of St. Christopher's : dated January, 1701, to August, 1714 . 187 A demonstration of the just pretensions of His Majesty the King of England unto the Province of Carolana, otherwise called Florida, and of the pre- sent proprietary under His Majesty. An historical summary, from the year 1497 to 1698 211 Canada surveyed, or the French dominions on the continent of America briefly considered. With proposals for reducing them, dated 27th July, 1708, [by Capt. Vetch] 219 A supplement to Capt. Vetch's memorial [aforesaid] relating to the expedi- tion to Canada, dated 17th November, 1708 235 Memorial from Sir Henry Ashurst about what has past between the English and French in New England and Acadie, since 1667, dated June 25th, 1697. 242 Memorial of Col. Vetch, late Governor of Nova Scotia, relating to the settling the limits between the French and British Colonies on the continent of America, and complaining of the non-performance of the stipulations enjoined by the treaty of Utrecht with respect to the appointment of Commissioners on the part of France and England, for the adjustment of questions affecting the French and English Colonies in America 249 King James I, his patent to Sir William Alexander, afterwards Earl of Ster- ling, for the plantation of New Scotland in America, dated 10th Septem- ber, 1621 253 Letter from the Commissioners of the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Vernon, dated February 17th, 1698, about the encroachments of the French upon the English Territories on the continent of America, and the right of Fishery in the adjoining Seas 257 Several letters, relating to the attempts made by the French to capture the Island of Montserrat, &c., and to the damages sustained by the inhabi- tants thereof, and of other of the British West India Islands, dated 1712-14 264 Objections to the demands of M. d'lberville, Commander of a French Squa- dron of Ships, concerning the capitulation of Nevis, one of the Leeward Islands, followed by the articles of the capitulation at Nevis, between Mr. d'lberville and Col. R. Abbot, dated 4th April, 1706, and several other papers relating to the same 280 An address to the King from the Lt. Governor, Council and Assembly of the Island of Nevis ; with depositions of several of the inhabitants, giving an account of the taking the Island of Nevis by Mr. d'lberville, with a copy of the treaty of surrender, and an account of. the breach of the said treaty by Mr. d'lberville, and his barbarous usage of the inhabitants, after they were prisoners of War. These documents are dated 1705- 1716 291 1652 BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS t VOL. IV Continued. PMM Report from the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Addison, upon a memorial from Mr. d'Iberville, relating to the capitulation of Nevis, dated 26th November, 1717 322 Report of the Board of Trade upon certain proposals for purchasing the lands in the late French part of the Island of St. Christophers, [dated about 1716] 329 Abstract of the title of Dr. Daniel Cox, the present proprietary, unto the Province of Carolana, otherwise called Florida, in North America. With representations to His Majesty on the same, dated November and December, 1699 338 Copie de la relation du voyage de MM. d'Iberville, Chateaumorand et Fugere, dans^la riviere Mississippi, envoyee a M. de Pontchartrain, datee 30 Juin, 1699 348 Mr. Keith's Report to the Board of Trade, containing a project for preventing communication between the French settlements on the Rivers Missis- sippi and St. Lawrence. Dated 16th February, 1718-9 354 Extract of Royal Grants, of the Province of Carolana, alias Florida, to Sir Robert Heath ; of Virginia, to Sir Thomas Gates and others ; of Maryland to Lord Baltimore ; of Pennsylvania to Mr. Penn ; of New York to the Duke of York; and relating the boundaries of each of the said Provinces. 368 Extract of a Grant of East New Jersey from His Royal Highness the Duke of York to 24 proprietors, dated 14th March, 1682 372 Extracts of the Charters of Connecticut and of Rhode Island, relating to their boundaries 372 Extract of the Grant of New England to the Council of Plymouth, with its boundaries, and also the boundaries of Nova Scotia and of Carolina. . . 374 VOL. V. " Copies of the Powers and Instructions to the English and French Com- missaries for settling of Commerce pursuant to the ninth article of Treaty of Peace at Utrecht ; together with an account of their proceedings thereupon." A. D. 1714 , 1 N.B. Upon receiving communication relative to memorials from the Hud- son's Bay Company and from the inhabitants of Montserrat, the French Commissaries determined that they had not full power to enter into these questions; it was accordingly recommended by the Board of Trade that Her Majesty, Queen Anne, should be pleased to recommend to the French Commissaries " the necessity of appointing Commissaries to treat of several matters, pursuant to the 10, 11 and 15 articles of the Treaty of Utrecht, (see p. 37.) Copy of a Royal Commission and Instructions for the Governor of Barbadoes. Dated 23rd of August, 1717 73 The form of the Oath for a Councillor of Jamaica 107 Letter from Mr. Cumings, Surveyor of the Customs at Boston, in New Eng- land, to the Lords Commissioners for trade and plantations. Dated 28th January, 1717-18 108 " Memorial from John Usher, Esq., giving an historical account of New Hampshire, and people settling on shores proper for the fishery, to the prejudice thereof," &c. Dated 19th March, 1718-9 .' 110 PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1653 VOL. V Continued. An account of the number of inhabitants belonging to the Bermuda,'otherwise Somer Islands, White and Black, taken the 28th May, 1717 118 List of the names of the several Patentees of the principal offices in the plan- tations in America. Dated April, 1718 119 Copy of Mr. R. West's report to the Board of Trade, upon establishing British manufactures in France. Dated 5th December, 1718 120 An account of what foreign Gold and Silver Coin, as also foreign Gold and Silver Bullion, has been exported out of this Kingdom, from the 25th March, 1710, to the 20th January, 1717 125 Total value of Exports from the Port of London by the managers of the United Trade of the English Company trading to the West Indies, be- tween the 29th September, 1702, to the 29th September, 1717 127 The Spanish agent's memorial, dated July, 1717, relating to duties on Canary Wines, lodged with the Secretary of State, by the Spanish Embassador and referred by His Majesty to the Board of Trade 128 Proposals to Mr. Secretary Hedges, for making practicable a trade between England and Spain, with the observations of the Board of Trade and the Council's resolutions thereupon. Dated 23rd March, 1704-5 139 Copy of a report of the Lords Commissioners of Trade, and other papers, relating to the state of the trade of Great Britain with Sweden ; and the hardships it lies under. Dated 9th June, 1710 141 Representations from the Board of Trade to His Majesty, relating to the trade between England and Ireland, especially the Linen and Woollen manu- factures. Dated 21st August, 1697 148 Queries relating to the increase of the Scotch inhabitants, and Scotch trade in Ireland ; communicated to the Board of Trade, by Mr. Hill 167 Observations relating to the manner of saving the several kinds of Fish, for exportation, in the Western parts of England. Dated 1699 169 State of the duties upon Salt, both foreign and domestic, for three years ending Ladyday 1718; with an account of the drawback allowed upon Fish... 175 Letters from the Lords Commissioners for Trade to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to the duties on salt and drawbacks on fish ; with accounts annexed, dated 15th August, 1718 176 Letter to the Lords of the Treasury, relating to the duties on salt and draw- backs on fish exported, dated 12th Sept. 1718 181 Account of the yearly payments into the Exchequer of the moneys arisen by the duties on salt, and of the allowances yearly made on the exporta- tion of fish, from 25th March, 1709, to 25th March, 1718 183 Letter from the Earl of Dartmouth to the Board of Trade, with the extract of a memorial from the Marquis de Monteleon, relating to a claim of the Inhabitants of the Province of Guipuscoa, to fish on the coast of New- foundland, dated 1st January, 1712-13 ; with a reply from the Board of Trade 184 Letters from the Board of Trade to Mr. Secretary Stanhope, relating to the trade, fishery, and settlement of Newfoundland ; and relating to the pos- session of Newfoundland in 1670, dated February and June, 1715 186 1654 BOARD OF TRADE AND PLANTATIONS VOL. - V Continued. Pago Lettres echangees entre MM. de Vaudreuil, gouverneur du Canada, colonel Philips, gouverneur d'Annapolis, capitainc Doucet, son lieutenant-gou- verneur, et sieur O. de Brouillan, gouveraeur du Cap Breton, relative- ment a 1'infraction du 14e article d'Utreeht, et des precedes des mission- - naires. Ces differentes lettres sont datees de 1718 190 Memoire concernant la capitulation de 1'Isle de Nieves, faite et signe le 4 avril 1706, entre M. d'Iberville, capitaine du vaisseau du Roi, et les officiers et habitans de la dite isle 196 Copy of a commission of King George I., nominating and appointing the Board of Trade 202 VOL. VI INTITULED : Extracts and accounts relating to Trade and Plantations. Letter from the Board of Trade, dated 28th March, 1718, to Mr. Secretary Cragg?, relating to the valuation of IJnglish goods in Spain 1 Account of the several species and quantities of goods imported into the port of London from Sweden, from Christmas 1692, to Christmas 1683 15 Account of the several species and quantities of goods imported into the port of London from Norway and Denmark, from Christmas 1692, to Christmas 1693 17 Letter from the persons who have taken upon them the government of South Carolina, to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, dated 29th January, 1719; with answers to queries sent by the Board to Colonel Johnson, relating to the state of that Province 21 Report of the Board of Trade, dated 12th Dec. 1719, upon the petition of the weavers in silk and worsted, against the wear of imported calicos, to the detriment of their trade , 35 Projet soumis au Roi pour la conquete des eotes de la mer du sud, par Jean Texier, en date du 15 sept. 1719 56 Extract of instructions from King Charles II. to Sir W. Berkeley, the Gover- nor of Virginia in 1662, for revoking a grant made by Charles L, to exempt planters from paying quit rents for the Brst seven years 66 Memorial from Mr. Cumings to the Board of Trade, in relation to the plantation trade in America 68 Proposal of Mr. J. Mills for purchasing the French lands in the Island of St. Christopher, submitted to the Board of Trade, 19th Sept. 1717 71 Some observations on the Goverment of Jamaica 78 Papers relating to disputes that have arisen between the Secretary of State and the Board of Trade, about the appointment of Councillors in the Plantations. 1717-1718 79 The form of a Councillor's oath in Barbadoes 84 An account of all ships cleared from England to foreign parts in 5 years, from Christmas 1709 to Christmas 1714 f 86 Produce of the salt revenue in 1721 88 Duties and drawbacks on tobacco, sugar and rice 90 Account of the gross duties payable on all wood and timber imported from the Northern Crowns and America, May 12th, 1715 91 PAPERS CONCERNING BRITISH COLONIES IN AMERICA. 1655 VOL. VI Continued. Account of the prices given for hemp for the Royal Navy, from 1697 to 1716. 92 Proceedings of the Board of Trade, on the 15th of Dec. 1681, relating to the Fire of London 95 Account of the timber exported from New Hampshire to Lisbon and Cadiz from 1712 to 1718 97 Mr. W. Gordon, minister of Barbados, his opinion concerning the settling of St. Lucia ; with a brief account of the Charibbee Islands 98 Account of land grants in the former French part of St. Christophers 103 Account of the quantity of salt necessary for curing certain species of fish; with the duties and drawbacks thereupon , 106 A general report of the Board of Trade to the House of Lords, on the Trade and Plantations of the Kingdom, dated November 27th, 1707 108 The amount of duties upon timber imported in 5 years, from Christmas 1712 to Christmas 1717 204 Hemp imported in 5 years, from Christmas 1712 to Christmas 1717, with the duties arising thereupon 206 Account shewing the quantity of calicoes, coffee, pepper and tea imported and exported in six years, from Christmas 1690 to Christmas 1715 208 Heads of enquiry, and answers thereto, relating to the government and gene- ral condition of the province of New York, from Sir E. Andros, governor of the province (about 1690). 210 A Bill for the better regulation of charter and proprietary governments in America ; and for the encouragement of trade in this Kingdom, and the plantations 216 Report of the Board of Trade to the House of Lords relating to the colony established at the Isthmus of Darien, dated 18th January, 1700 218 Account of the Limits and Trade of the Royal African company, trading from between South Barbary and the Cape of Good Hope 222 Charter of the Royal African Company of England, granted by Charles II. A. D. 1673 225 Index to the rough bound entries, relating to the Royal African Company in the office of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations 246 Qualifications described by the Earl of Bellomont as necessary for Governors and other officers in the plantations. 249 Mr. Pollexfen's observations relating to the East India Trade, A. D. 1703. . 250 Mr. Pollexfen's remarks upon the book of rates, with observations upon the general trade of this Kingdom, A. D. 1697 254 A scheme of the trade from England to all parts for four years and one quarter, during the peace, after the treaty of Ryswick, viz : from 1697 to 1701 ; reduced to a medium for one year 267 VOL. VII. An essay upon the Government of the English Plantations on the continent of America, " (supposed to have been written by Mr. Blaire, a minister in Virginia, 10th March 1699, or by Mr. B. Harrison, junior)" j Mr. Penn's scheme for rendering the Northern colonies of America, viz Bos- ton, Connecticut, &c., more useful to England, February 8th, 1696-7. . 91 1656 PAINTINGS AND PAINTINGS AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS IN THE LIBRARY. Portrait of Her Most Gracious Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, full length. Painted for the House of Assembly, by an English Artist, who was honoured by the Queen with sittings for that purpose. PORTRAITS OF THE SPEAKERS OF THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OF LOWER AND UP- PER CANADA, AND OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF CANADA. PAINTED FOR THE LIBRARY OF PARLIAMENT, BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEM- BLY, BY MR. THEOPHILE HAMEL, OF QUEBEC. N. B. Portraits of those gentlemen only, to whose name an asterisk is prefixed have been painted for this collection. LIST OF SPEAKERS OF THE LOWER CANADA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. * J. A. PANET was chosen first Speaker of Lower Canada on the 17th December } 1792. During the second Session of the first Parliament, Mr. Panet was appointed a Judge of the Court of King's Bench, and * C. DE LOTBINIERE was elected in his stead, on the 28th January, 1794. Mr. Panet declining to remove to Montreal, continued to sit as a Member, and on the meeting of the second Parliament he was re-elected Speaker and continued in the chair until the first Session of the eighth Parliament, when * L. J. PAPINEAU was.elected, 21st January, 1815. * J. R. VALLIERES DE ST. REAL was elected Speaker on the 1st January 1823, during the absence of Mr. Papineau in England. * L. J. PAPINEAU, on his return, was re-elected Speaker of the next Parliament, and continued to sit as Speaker until the year 1837, when the constitution of Lower Canada was suspended. LIST OF SPEAKERS OF THE UPPER CANADA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. MACDONELL, JOHN, was unanimously chosen Speaker of the first Parliament of Upper Canada on the 17th September, 1792. SMITH, DAVID WILLIAM, was chosen Speaker of the second Parliament of Upper Canada, at the opening of the first Session. STREET, SAMUEL, was elected in the room of Mr. Smith on the 5th June, 1800, during that gentleman's absence in England. SMITH, D. W. was again chosen Speaker of the third Parliament on the 28th May, 1801. * MACDONELL, ALEXANDER, was unanimously chosen Speaker of the fourth Parliament, on the 1st February, 1805. STREET, SAMUEL, was again chosen Speaker of the fifth Parliament in 1809. McLEAN, ALLAN, was chosen Speaker of the sixth Parliament in 1813 ; and re-elected Speaker of the seventh Parliament on the 4th February, 1817. * SHERWOOD, L. P. was chosen Speaker of the eighth Parliament on the 31st January, 1821. Mr. Sherwood was afterwards appointed a Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench and a Member of the Legislative Council. PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1657 * WILSON, JOHN, was elected Speaker of the ninth Parliament on the 1 1th January, 1825. Mr. Wilson was afterwards called to the Legislative Council. * BIDWELL, MARSHALL SPRING, was elected Speaker of the tenth Parliament, on the 8th January, 1829. * McLEAN, ARCHIBALD, was elected Speaker of the eleventh Parliament, on the 7th January, 1831. Mr. McLean is now one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, in Upper Canada. * BIDWELL, M. S. was again chosen Speaker of the twelfth Parliament on the 15th January, 1835. * McLEAN, ARCHIBALD, was again chosen Speaker of the 13th Parliament, on the 8th Nov., 1836. Mr. McLean having been appointed one of the Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench, he was succeeded by * MACNAB, A. N. (now Sir Allan), f who was elected on the 19th June, 1837. Mr. MacNab having assumed the commandof the Provincial Volunteers at the breaking out of the Rebellion, the House chose in his stead * RUTTAN, HENRY, who was elected on the 28th Dec. 1837, and served until the return of Colonel MacNab from his military duties on the Frontier, when he relinquished the Chair, which continued to be filled by Colonel MacNab until the Union of the Provinces in 1840. SPEAKERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF CANADA. * CUVILLIER, AUSTIN, of Montreal, was unanimously elected Speaker of the 1st United Parliament of Canada, on the 14th of June, 1841. He had been a member for some years of the Parliament of Lower Canada. * MACNAB, SIR ALLAN NAPIER, was chosen Speaker of the 2nd Parliament, on the 28th Nov., 1844. Sir Allan had been Speaker of the Parliament of Upper Canada at the period of the Union, and was subsequently Premier, filling the office of President of Committees of Council. Sir Allan had sat uninterruptedly, from 1831 to this time, as member, at first for the county of Wentworth and afterwards for the city of Hamilton. He con- tinued in Parliament until his retirement from public life, in 1857. * MORIN, AUGUSTIN NORBERT, was elected in opposition to Sir Allan MacNab, at the opening of the 3rd Parliament, on the 25th February, 1848. Mr. Morin was a prominent member in the Parliament of Lower Canada ; and was subsequently Provincial Secretary and Commissioner of Crown Lands. He is now a Judge of the Superior Court of Lower Canada. * MACDONALD, JOHN SANDFIELD, was chosen Speaker of the 4th Provincial Parliament, on the 19th August, 1852. He had previously been Solicitor General for Upper Canada. * SICOTTE, Louis VICTOR, was elected Speaker on the 5th September, 1854. Mr. Sicotte is now (1858) Commissioner of Crown Lands. SMITH, HENRY, was elected Speaker on the 25th February, 1858. f The Library possesses another Portrait of Sir Allan MacNab, which was painted in England. 1658 PAINTINGS AND M. Hamel has also painted a series of Portraits of the Gentlemen who have filled the Speaker's Chair of the Legislative Councils of Lower and Upper Cana- da, and of Canada, since the Union of the Provinces. He has been unable to obtain Portraits of every one of the Ex-Speakers, but his Collection includes the following personages : Hon. W. Smith, Hon. James Baby, Hon. Jonathan Sewell, Hon. Wm. Dummer Powell, Hon. John Elmsley, Hon. Sir William Campbell Hon. Sir J. B. Robinson, Bart., Hon. Jonas Jones, Hon. Robert S. Jameson, Hon. Peter McGill, Hon. R. E. Caron, Hon. James Morris, Hon. E. P. Tache, Hon. John Ross. These Portraits are deposited in the Hall of the Legislative Council. Tableau representant 1' entree de Jacques Cartier dans le Fleuve St. Laurent lors de son second voyage en 1535, avec la Grande Hermine, la Petite Hermine et YEmerillon. Peint d'apres Perrot, par Augustine Leriverenes. Twelve Oil Paintings, by Mr. Paul Kane, Artist, of Toronto, from Sketches made by himself in the North "West Territories. 1. Big-Snake, a Black Foot Chief, recounting his War Exploits to five of his Subordinate Chiefs. 2. Boat Encampment, Situate at the head of the North Branch of the Navi- gable Waters of the Columbia River (for Canoes.) Derives its name from its being the terminus of all boat navigation and the commencement of Land carriage across the Mountains, and consequently the place at which all parties going or returning must necessarily encamp. 3. Mount Hood, A mountain about 7000 feet high, situate near the South Bank of the Columbia River, and at about 120 miles from its mouth. The figures in the foreground are " Chinooks" a Branch of the Flat head Tribes of the North West Coast. 4. Buffaloes at Sunset, taken near Edmonton at a small Lake near the Saskat- chawan River. 5. Scalp Dance, by a party of Spokane Indians, taken on the Upper Columbia. 6. Assineboines hunting or running Buffaloes on horseback, taken on the Plains, on the East and in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains. 7. Fishing Lodges of the " Clallams" on Vancouver's Island. These Lodges are constructed of a coarse description of Matting, which is taken down and carried in canoes when travelling. 8. Interior of a Winter Lodge of " Clallams" on Vancouvers Island. These Lodges are constructed of split Cedar and are consequently not portable and are frequently large enough to accommodate 100 individuals. 9. Part of Red River Settlement^ with a view of Fort Gary on the right and the Roman Catholic Church on the left of the River. 10. The White Mud Portage^ situate on River Winnipeg. The picture repre- sents Saulteaux Indians carrying their canoes and baggage, otherwise called " Making the Portage." 11. A Horse Race, among the Black- feet Indians on the Prairies, an amusement of very frequent occurrence and consisting generally of a 4 mile race, viz : two miles to and from a given point. The Riders being invariably in a state of nudity. PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1659 12. Two Indians playing at "Alcoloh." This sketch was taken among the " Shu- alpees" near the Falls of the Columbia. The Game consists in rolling a Ring of iron, three inches in diameter, with six Beads of different colors bound by strings to the inner edge of the circle. The Ring is rolled along the ground until it strikes against a stick intercepting it. The two competitors who follow it throw each a dart under it at the moment of its rebound ; the object being that the Ring should, in falling, rest upon the darts, when the beads in closest proximity to the latter count towards the game according to their color. This game is played by all the Indians on the Columbia River. A pair of Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial ; constructed by Mr. W. Newton, of London. The Celestial Globe includes all the Fixed Stars, Nebulae, and clusters, contained in the Catalogues of Flamsteed, Bayer, Lacaille, Piazzi, Hevelius, Mayer, Sirs W. and J. Herachel, Dunlop, and Messier, together with the additional Stars noticed in the recent Catalogue of the British Association ; the positions of the whole having been re-calculated for the year I860. The Terrestrial Globe was compiled from the most authentic surveys of British and Foreign Navigators and Travellers, and was published on the 25th March, 1852. A Barometer, manufactured by Watkins & Hill, of London. An Aneroid Barometer. Two Thermometers, manufactured by J. E. Ellis, Toronto. A Planetarium, or machine for exhibiting the relative motions and magnitudes of the Planets, and their positions in respect of the Sun. A Tellurion, an in- strument to show the Earth's motion and obliquity of the axis, and aLuna- rium, an instrument for showing the movements of the Moon. These in- struments are affixed together on a Brass Stand. They were constructed, by special direction of the Library Committee in 1857, by Newman & Son, Phi- losophical Instrument Makers to the Royal Institution of Great Britain. PP ADDENDA. LES RELATIONS DE LA NOUVELLE FRANCE. Apres plusieurs annees de re- cherches, on etait enfin parvenu a reunir pour la Bibliotheque du Parlement les 41 volumes, composant la rare et precieuse collection connue sous le nom de " Relations des Jesuites, ou Relations de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France." Cette collection unique se trouvait a peine depuis quelques semaines sur les rayons de la Bibliotheque, quand le deplorable incendie du Palais Legislatif a Quebec, en fvrier 1854, est venu la detruire en entier, a 1' exception de sept ou huit volumes. On donne ici 1' enumeration de tous les volumes qui doivent composer cette collection dont on a entrepris une re-impression. Elle paraitra tres-prochaine- ment, a Quebec, des presses de A. C6te et Cie., en 3 volumes grand in-8. 1611-13. BiarJ, (le P. Pierre.) Relation de la Nouvelle France, de ses terres, naturel du pays, de ses habitants, et voyage des Peres Jesuites en icelle Paris, 1612. 1626. Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, ou lettre du P. Charles Lalemant, superieur de la mission de Canada, au P. Hierosme Lalemant, sonfrere, (Mercure Franqais. Tome XIII.) 1632. Le Jeune, (le P. Paul.) Brieve relation du voyage de la Nouvelle France, fait au mois d'avril dernier. Pavis, 1632. 1633. (Le meme.) Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1634. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1635. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1636. Paris, 1637. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1639-40. 1640-41. 1 1642. 1642-43. 1643-44. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. (Le meme.) (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Rouen, 1638, Relation, etc. Paris, 1639- (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1640. Vimont, (le P. Barthelemi.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1641. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1642. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1643. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1644. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1645. 1644-45. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1646. 1645-46. Lalemant, (le P.Jerome.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1647. 1647. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1648. 1647-48. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1649. 1648-49. Ragueneau, (le P. Paul.) Relation, etc. 1649-50. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1651. 1650-51. (Le|meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1652 1651-52. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1653. Paris et Lille, 1650. ADDENDA. 1661 1653. Le Mercier, (le P. Francois.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1654. 1653-54. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1655. 1655. (Le meme.) Deux lettres envoyees de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1656. (Re-imprimees aux frais de M. James Lenox, Albany, 1854.) 1655-56. De Quen, (le P. Jean.) Relation, etc. 1657. 1656-57. Le Jeune, (le P. Paul.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1658. 1657-58. Ragueneau, (le P. Paul.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1659. 1658-59 Lalemant, (le P. Hierosme.) Lettres envoyees d la Nouvelle France^ Paris, 1660. (Re-imprimees par les soins de M. James Lenox, Albany, 1854.) 1659-60. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1661. 1660-61. Le Jeune, (le P. Paul.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1662. 1661-62. Lalemant, (le P. Jerome.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1663. 1662-63. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1664. 1663-64. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1665. 1664-65. Le Mercier, (le P. Frs.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1666. 1665-66. (Le meme.; Relation, etc. Paris, 1667. 1666-67. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1668. 1667-68. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1669. 1668-69. (Sans nom.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1670. 1669-70. Le Mercier, (le P. Frs.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1671. 1670-71. Dablon, (le P. Claude.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1672. 1671-72. (Le meme.) Relation, etc. Paris, 1673. Les ouvrages suivants out ete refus trop tard pour ttre indiques avec les ouvrages de la meme classe. 1650-51. Dreuillettes, (le P. Gabriel.) Narre du voyage faict pour la mission des Abenaquiois, et des connoissances tirees de la Nouvelle Angleterre. D'apres un manuscrit depose au bureau des biens des Jesuites. Impri- me aux frais de M. James Leuox. Albany, 1854. Relie avec la relation suivante. 1673-75. Recit des voyages et des decouvertes du R. P. Jacques Marquette, en 1'annee 1673, et aux annees suivantes ; la continuation de ses voyages par le R. P. Claude Allouez, et le journal autographe du R. P. Marquette, en 1674 et 1675 ; avec la carte de son voyage, trace e de sa main. D'apres le manuscrit original depose au college Ste. Marie, a Montreal. Imp rime aux frais de M. James Lenox. Albany, 1855. Relic avec la relation pvecedente. 1676-77. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la compagnie de Jesu.^, en la Nouvelle France, es 1'annee 1676 et 1677. D'apres le manuscrit original depose a Puniversite Laval, a Quebec. Imprime aux frais de M. James Lenox. Albany, 1855. 1684-94. Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans la mission Abena- quise de Sainct Joseph de Sillery et dans I'etablissement de la riouvelle mission de Sainct Franqois de Sales, en* 1684. Par le R. P. Jacques Bigot, de la compagnie de Jesus. Imprime aux frais de M. Jean-Marie Shea, d'apres le manuscrit original du college Ste. Marie. Albany, 1857. Edmond, Charles. Voyage dans les mers du nord a bord de la corvette La Reine Hor tense, par Charles Edmond, (Chpri^ki). Notices scientifiques 1662 ADDENDA. communiques par MM. les membres de 1' expedition. Carte du voyage. Carte geologique de 1'Islande. Dessins de M. Karl Girardet. 8vo. Paris, 1857. Le projet de cette excursion eat du au Prince Napoleon. Vail, Eugene A. Notice sur les Indiens de 1' Ame"rique du Nord, ornee de quatre portraits colories, dessines d'apres nature, et d'une carte. 8vo. Paris, 1840. Joly de St. Valier. Histoire raisonnee des operations militaires et politiques de la derniere guerre. 8vo. Ljege, 1784. Mansion, M. Hyppolite. Precis historique sur la colonie francaise au Goaza- coalcos (Mexique). 8vo. Londres, 1831. Helms, A. Z. Voyage dans 1'Amerique Meridionale, commen9ant par Buenos- Ayres et Potosi jusqu'a Lima. 8vo. Paris, 1812. Bowden, James. The History of the Society of Friends in America. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1850-54. Caswall, Henry. The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century; or, the rise, pro- gress, and present state of the Mormons, or Latter-day Saints : to which is appended, an analysis of the Book of Mormon. 12mo. London, 1843. Ludewig, Hermann E. The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages ; with additions and corrections by Professor Wm. W. Turner. Edited by Nicholas Trubner. 8vo. London, 1857. JDundonald, the Earl of. Notes on the Mineralogy, Government, and condi- tion of the British West India Islands and North American Maritime Colo- nies ; with a statistical chart of Newfoundland, contrasting the circumstances of the French and British Fisheries. 8vo. London, 1851. Shaw, Pringle. Ramblings in California ; containing a description of the country, life at the mines, state of society, &c., being the five years expe- rience of a gold-digger. 12mo. Toronto, 1857. Florida. Coleccion de varios documentos para la historia de la Florida y terras adyacentes. Vol. I. 4to. Londres, 1857. Ballantyne, R. M. Ungava : a tale of Esquimaux-land. With illustrations by the author. 12mo. London, 1858. Hamilton, Major General Alexander, Author of "The Federalist." Collec- tion of facts and documents relative to his death ; with comments and orations, &c., on his life and character. By the Editor of the " Evening Post." Svo. New York, 1804. General Hamilton was 8hot in a duel by Aaron Burr. Impressions of the West and South, during a six weeks holiday. Let- ters, which " first appeared in a Toronto newspaper." By W. K. [Wil- liam Kingsford.] Svo. Toronto, 1858. Blue Laws of New Haven Colony ; usually called Blue Laws of Connecticut ; Quaker Laws of Plymouth and Massachusetts ; Blue Laws of New York, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina : Extracts of cases of Witchcraft, &c. Compiled by an Antiquarian. Svo. Hartford, 1838. ADDENDA. 1663 Documents relating to the Colonial History of the State of New- York, pro- cured in Holland, England, and France, by John Romeyn Brodhead, Esq. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan, M. D. Vol. X. Paris docu- ments, (1745-1774.) 4to. New York, 1858. See pages 1242 & 1276. Montreal Gazette (the,) for 1814, 1815, 1816, 1817, 1818, and 1819. 6 vols. Folio. (See page 1413.) Recensements manuscrits de la Nouvelle France, de 1685 a 1698. 1 vol. Folio. Oe volume fait partie des deux series obtenues par M. Faribault en 1851-62, mais ne se trouvait pas dans la bibliotheque au moment oft cette partie du catalogue a e"te livrce a 1'impression. INDEX, Jitte of ani Jtefrjttk "Y CiX> ies Manuscrits rclatifs a VHistoire du Canada, qui forment une partie importante du second Volume, ne sont pas indiques dans le present Index. On a cru d propos de faire pour eette partie dti Catalogue un Index special, qui se trouve ci-liaut, apres la page 1450. Note. The Names of Authors, and of Persons, are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. The Titles of Works having no Author's name are printed in Roman Letters. Subjects are printed in Italics. "When an asterisk (*) is prefixed to the page referred to, the reference is to the Manuscript Catalogue, of additions to the Library since the printing of the preceding parts of this Catalogue. The letter (P) signifies Pamphlet. Nota. Les noms d'auteurs et de personnes sont en SEMI-CAPITALES ; les titres d'ouvrages sans noms d'auteurs, en caracteres remains ; les matieres sont iudique'es en lettres' italiques. L'aste'risque (*) indique les ouvrages recus dcpuis 1'impression des autres parties du catalogue, dout le titre se trouve enonc6 an long dans le catalogue manuscrit, a la page qui suit 1'astdrisque. PAGE ABAILARD. Lettres d' et d'Heloise . 868 - CEuvres inedites, (par Cousin) 60 par Remusat 60 ABBADIE, J. Verite de la religion 45 Abbaye de Pontigny 33 Abbittibbi. Missions 1193, 1195 ABBON. Sie'ge de Paris 413 ABBOT, J, Insects of Georgia 643 ABBOTT, Lieut. Col, Bridges for Indian Rivers . , 761 ABBOTT, C. Law relating to Merchant Ships and Seamen 147 ABBOTT, G. Description of the World. . 509 ABBOTT, G. On English Mines 257 ABBOTT, Rev. J. Hints to Emigrants . 286, 1437 Missionary in Canada .. 838 Contributions to the " Garland" 1409 ABDY, J. T. Roman Civil Procedure. ... *94 Abeilles. (6con. agric.) 664 ABEL, F. A. and BLOXAM, C. L. Handbook of Chemistry 594 Abenaquis , 1192, 1661 ABKRCROMBIE, J. Philosophy of the Moral Feelings 64 On the Intellectual Powers, Ac 64 ABERDEEN, Lord. Foreign policy ..(P.) 1091 Aberdeen. On the poor of (P.) 1120 ABERNETHY, J. Hunterian Oration. .(P.) 933 Memoirs, by Macilwain. 480 Sermons 48 Abipones. An Account of the . . 1204 Aborigines of America 1181, 1190 Aborigines of British Settlements. .1195, 1318 Vide Indians ; Sauvages. ABOU BEKR IBN BEDR. Hippologie. . . . 658 ABOUL HHASSAN ALL Instruments astro- nomiques arabes 584 ABOUT, E. La Grece contemporaine. . . . 450 Germaine *881 Tolla 883, 887 Voyage a travers 1'exposition 773 ABRAHAM, R. Remarks upon the franc aleti roturier 167, 1439 ABRANTES, La duchesse d' . Memoires. 430 ABRAMTES, Napoleon d' . La rupture. *881 Absenteeism in Ireland (P.) 944 Abyssinia. Church in 31 Travels in 562 Abyssinic. Histoire 468 Voyages 562 Academic franchise. Histoire de 1' 800 Academie frangaise. Metnoireg 909 Academic franc/iise, recueil de discours 909 Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, memoires et histoire 909, 910 Academie des sciences morales et poli- tiques, memoires 74, 910 Academie des sciences, comptes-ren- dus 910 Academic ce'.tique, memoires 311 Academie royale de Berlin, Histoire 572 Academy of Sciences, Paris. Memoirs.. 571 Acadie. Memoires des commissaires. . 170 1667 AQA] INDEX. {.ADU Acadie. (Hist.) 1335 Vide Nova Scotia ; Nouvelle Ecos&e. Accounts. Law and usage of 146,267 ACOUM. Fabrication des vins 786 AOERBI, J. Travels.- 544 ACHARD, Alexis. De Paris a San Fran- cisco 1389 ACHARD, Ame"d6e. Nelley 881, 883 La robe de Nessus . . *881 Acier. Fabrication de 1' 767 ACKERMAN, R. History of Westminster Abbey 376 History of University of Oxford 77 History of University of Cambridge 78 History of Colleges in England 79 ACLAND, C. Manners and Customs of India 461 ACOSTA. De natura novi orbis 1174 Natural History of the West Indies 1174 Acoustics *578, *614 ACRELIUS. New Sweden 1 243 Acta Apostolorum 371 Actions at Law 131, 134 See also Pleading. Actions. Voir Procedure. ACTON, W. On Prostitution *244 On the Reproductive Organs *672 ACUNA. Le P. Christ, d'. Relation des Amazones 1358 ADAIE, James. History of the American Indians 1186 ADAIR, Sir R. Mission to Vienna *332 Mission to Constanti- nople . . ." *332 ADALBERON. Poeme satirique 413 ADAM, Right Hon. W. Trial by Jury in Civil Cases in Scotland, 135, (P.) 1108 ADAM, W. P. On Retaliation 279 ADAMS, C. W. Canterbury Settlement. . 668 ADAMS, G-. On the Microscope 589 ADAMS, H. G. Poetical Quotations 855 ADAMS, J. On Ejectment 142 Doctrine of Equity 136 ADAMS, J. Sketches of the Tetes de Boule Indians 1411 St. Paul's Island. 1412 ADAMS, J, and WASHINGTON, G. Memoirs of the Administration of 122,_ 1068 ADAMS, J. and WASHINGTON, G Works, with a life of the author, by C. F. Adams 1221 The sup- pressed history of the Adminis tration of 1222 ADAMS, John. History of his Adminis- tration *l 82 Works 182 ADAMS, Mrs. John. Letters of 1228 ADAMS, John Quincy. Life, by W. H. Seward 1223 Letters to his Son, on the Bible 1228 ADAMS, Rev. J. On Language and Dia- lects (P.) 1087 ADAMSON'S Voyage to Senegal 662 ADDINGTON, Right Hon. H. Vide SIDMOUTH. ADDISON, C. G. Law of Contracts 146 Temple Church *704 History of Knights Tem- plars 329 ADDISON, J. Works 826 ADDISON'S West Barbary 562 ADELON. Physiologic War with- the 460 Africa. History of , . 467 Civilization of. (P.) 1096 Travels in, 522, 527, 558-564,(P) 1142 Africa, South, Distressed Settlers in (P.) 941 African Institution (P.) 1096 See also, Slave Trade. African Repository 913 Afrique. Histoire 467 Voyages en 522, 527, 558 AGASSIZ, Ls. Bi'uliographia Zoologise, et Geologiae 900 Lake Superior 622 Poissons fossiles 640 The classification of Insects. 614 Natural Hist, of U. States. *613 AGASSIZ AND GOULD, A. A. Outlines of Comparative Physiology 634 AGAZZINI. Economic politique 254 Agency. Law of 146 AGIKE, J. P. Du mariage 206 AGINCOURT, D'. Histoire de Part par les monuments 690 AGNES, J. A. De la propriety 237 AGNEW, Sir A. Memoirs, by M'Crie... 480 AGREDA, ScBur Marie d'. Correspondance 480 Agriculteurs. Hist, des 426 Agricultural Chemistry 655 Agricultural Classes of Great Britain. .. . 243 See also, Working Classes. Agricultural Distress, (P.) 928, 930, 937, 1079, 1082, 116 Agricultural Engineering and imple- ments, , 654, 657, 741, 772 Agricultural Interest. Pamphlets on the 927, 928, 930, 933, 937, 945, 1114, 1129, 1130 Agricultural Society, Royal, of England Journal 659 Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, Proceedings of QQQ Journal of. 660 Agricultural Statistic* 274 294 Agriculture 258, 613, *614, 650665 Pamphlets on.. 1080, 1100, 1132, 1146 Agriculture in Northern Europe (P.) 946 Agriculture in Holland /p.) 1109 A griculture. Cours du XIX siecle *650 Agriculture. Scottish Journal of *651 Agriculture. Upper Canadian Board of Journal and Transactions 659 Agriculture, Journal d' QQQ AGUESSEAU, D'. (Euvres 200 Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages de *4go AGUILAR, G. The Women of Israel 478 Complete Works *82*7 Aide-M6moire to the Military Sciences. . 683 AIKIN, A. Illustrations of Arts, age to Archangel 529 ALLONVILLE, Le cbmte d' . M6moires secrets *431 ALLOUEZ, le P. Claude. Voyages de Mar- quette 1661 AL-MAKKARI. Mahommedan Dynasties in Spain 439 INDEX. \_AME Almanacs, English, Colonial and Ameri- can 289-300, 303, 304, 914 Canadian 1417, 1418 History of 290, 578 Almsgiving, Christian, see Charity. ALONZO XIKO. P. Travels & adventures. 1166 Alphabet IrlandrJs *790 ALPHONSE, Jean. Routier du St. Laurent. 1271 An ercelleni; loutier of the So. Lawrence 1371 ALTAROCHE, Contes democratiques *869 ALVARADO. Relations faites a F. Cortez. 1168 Leitres a Fernand Cortes... 1171 ALVAF.EZ CADKAL, Voyage en Afrique. . 559 ALVEZ DE CA-DA-MOSTO. Voyage en Afri- qac 559 ALVOUD, B. Of Circles and of Spheres. 615 AMADAS. Voyage to Virginia 1SS3 AMAR. Rhetorique , *805 AMAKI, M. War of Sicilian Vespers... 436 Amazones. (Hist) 1205 Amazones, (Riviere ) Voyages, etc. 1352, 1357, 1353 Amber-witch, The 592 AMBUOISE, Saint. Ex traits 'le ses ceuvrcs. 25 AMEILEON. Des conleurs 729 Du uageur 723 Du j^ongeur 72-S De la pedie 723 M&tallurgie 766 America, Catalogue of Books relating to. 904, 1161 America, (generally) History of. . 1163-1339 Discovery of, 116 3-1 176, ISTo Voyages and tra- vels in 1339-1-107 America, (Ccniral.) History of ........ 1212 Geography and travels 1R61 America, (North.) History of 1213, 1338 Geography and tra- vels in 1362-1406 America, (Russian,) 1346, 1364-1365, 1406, 1412, 1431 America, (South.) History of, 1179,1199- 1206, M25 Geography and travels, 1351-1359, 1662 America, Soj'.-'h. Oil affairs o? (P) 9G2, 939 America. How it was peopled ?.... (P.) 926 America and France, on dispute between (P.) 1089 America and Europe compared 1179 America and the Americans 1380 America to England. Voice from 1381 American Boundary, see Boundary. American Colonies, Great Britain and her old, (P) 1089, 1098, 1100, 1108, 1148, 1152, 1158, 1419-1426, 1430 American Explorations *614 American Flag, History of the 1232 American Law, Government and Politics, 178-192, 296-300 American Literature 803, 826 841 American Loyalists 1228, 1265 American Politics 1224, 1 230 American Question (in controversy be- tween Great Britain and the United States)... (P) 923,925,1078, 1089, 1119 American Slavery 179, 1230 American Slate and Criminal Trials 194, 1225 . See also, United Stales. American Stale Papers and Congress Do- cuments. 181 American Statesmen. Lives and works. 1220-1223 American Union *64 American Wars, anterior to the Revolu- tion 1259, 1277, 1421 American Hevolutionary war, 1178, 1261- 1266, 1662 American Wars, subsequent tj the Revo- lution (including warof 1812,)1242, 1243, 1266-1268, 1295, 1316, 1427 A.nieucan Almanac 296 American Atlas 1341, 1362 American Authors, Homes of 804 A. Terican Archives 180, 1263 American Military Pocket Atlas. The. . 1264 American Ethnological Society's Tran- sactions 629 American Geographical aire de la France 800 Promenade en Amerique. 135] Amphibia, Catalogue of 636 Amusements des sciences . . 593 Ana, Library of 827 Anabaptistes 33 ANACHARSIS. Voyage en Grece 822 ANACREON 806, 819 Analytic Mechanics 601, 670, 671 Analomie 631-633, 640 Anatomy 630, 670, 678 for Artists 714 ANBURY, Lieut. Thos. Travels in North America 136T Journal d'un voyage dans 1' Amerique Septentrionale... 1367 ANCELOT, Mme. Virginie. Renee dc Var- ville *880 ANCELOT, Mme. Georgine *881 ANCELOT, M. CEuvres *878 ANCILLON. Revolutions du systeme politi- que de 1'Europe 234 Esprit des constitutions *223 ANCRE, Le marechal d' 425 ANDELLE, Chemins de fer... 754 ANDERSON, C. Annals of the English Bible 16 ANDERSON, Chris. Domestic Constitu- tion *240 ANDERSON, David. Bishop of Rupert's Land. Notes of the Flood at the Red River, in 1852 1406 ANDERSON, G. & P. Highlands and Is- lands of Scotland 399 ANDERSON, H. C. Improvisatore *896 - Story of my Life ... *480 ANDERSON, J. History of the Church in the Colonies 40 Life of the Chisholm. . *484 AKDERSON, R. Rudiments of Tamul Gram- mar 782 ANDERSSON, C. J. LakeNgami 564 ANDRE, 1'abbe. Droit canon *18 ANDRE, le P. (Euvres philosophiques... 63 ANDREOSSY. Constantinople et le Bos phore *545 ANDREWS, C. C. Opinions of U. S. At- torneys General *184 Minnesota and Dacotah. 1387 ANDREWS, G. H. Modern Husbandry... 652 OB Agricultural Engi- neering 667 ANDREWS, I. D. Reports on Trade and Commerce 280 ANDREWS, John. War with America, France, Spain, , 1347 Commerce' 283, 284, 291, 294,(P) 934 Population of *290 Questions by the Missionaries of, to the Propaganda 42 Pirates of 467 Travelsin 527, 556 Language of 779 War with (PJ 1122,1151 Chine. Histoire 294, 465, 496, 629 Voyages 556 Commerce 283 Philosophic de la 58, 53-56 Christianisme en 42 Code penal de la 90 Ecoleseu 83 Litterature 890 Voir Langues. Chinese Literature 889, 890 CHINIQUY, Chs. Manuel de temperance. 1445 CHIPMAN, N. Principles of Government. 179 Chiruryie 673 CHISHOLM, The. Life of, by Anderson. . . *484 CHISHOLME, D. Lower Canada Watch- man 1281 Manuscripts 1645 CHIITY, E. Commercial and General Lawyer 147 CHITTY, J. Collection of Statutes 126 On Criminal Law 132 On Contracts *146 On Pleading *132 Practice of the Law 131 Prerogative Law 104 CHITTY, (T.) and TEMPLE, (L.) Law of Carriers *147 CHODZKO. Leonard. La Pologne *444 CHOISEUL, Due de. Relation du depart de Louis XVI 428 CHOISNIN, Jean. Memoires 416 CHOISY. Memoires 417 CHOISY, 1'abbe de. Voyage de Forbiu a Siam 656 CHOLENEC. Vie de Tegahkouita 1192 Cholera Morbus 291, 675, 666 Cholera Morbus in Canada 1443 CHOLMONDELEY, T. New Zealand 568 CHOPIN. Histoire de Russie 445 CHOPIN et LEYNADIER. Histoire de Na- poleon, du due de Reichstadt, et des marechaux de France 431 CHOPPIN. ffiuvres *200 CHORIS, Louis. Vues et paysages des regions equinoxiales 1350 CHORLEY, F. H. Modern German Music 721 CHORON et DE LAFAGE. Manuel de musique 721 CHORON et FAYOLLE. Dictionnaire des musiciens 948 CHOSSAT, Ch. De 1'inanition 598 Chou-King. Le 56 Chrestomathic School 79 Chrestomathie francaise *788 CHRETIEN. Le roman du chevalier de la Charette 866 Christendom. Fate of 232 CHRISTIAN. Histoire du clerge de France. 33 Christian Knowledge. Society for pro- moting (P) 1113 Christian Remembrancer 51 Christianisme. Preuves du 44 Christianisme en Chine et aux Indes. ... 42 CHRISTIE, J. T. Precedents of Wills. .. *142 CHRISTIE, R. History of Lower Canada. 1274 Memoirs 1274 CHRISTISON, R. On Poisons 674 CHRISTMAS, H. Cradle of Science and History 592 Universal Mythology... 309 CHRISTOPHER, J. S. Description of Natal 469 1711 CHE] INDEX. ICLA Christus Patiens 26 Chronicle of the Old 440, 897 Chronicles of England 346, 370 Chronicles of Great Britain and France. 851 Ohronicon de Abingdon *33o Chronological Tables 289, 291, 301, 803 Chronologic 21, 301-303 Chronology (sacred,) 21, (P.) 1078 Chronometers 293, 578 See also Clocks and Watches. CHRYSOSTOM, St. Homilies on Epistles and Gospels 26 Homilies on Acts of the Apostles 26 . Homilies to the Peo- ple of Antioch 26 CHRYSOSTOME, St. Jean. (Euvres 25 CHURCH. Thos. Indian war of 1675-1676, 1259 Church and State.. 51, 216, 221, 917 (P.) 1158 Church and Clergy (P) 936,938, 1077,1079 1080, 1083, 1087, 1089, 1099, 1101- 1103, 1105, 1112, 1114, 1185, 1136- 1138, 1149, 1151, 1154 Church of England Quarterly Review. . . 52 Church of England. History of the. . . 34-36 '. Missions 40, 43, 1197 in Canada 1198 Papal aggression on the, (P.) 1160 Church Dictionaries 28 Church Government and laws 918 See also Ecclesiastical Polity. Church History 22, 24-5'i Church Missionary Society ""51 Church Music *29, 720 Church Rates 51 Church Reform, 51, (P) 1076, 1079-1102, 1151 Church Symbols 51, 703 Church-wardens 218 Churches and Sects 28, 38, 827 Churches. Plan for building additional (P) 927, 931 Churchman's Magazine (P) ] 112 Church-yards. See Cemeteries. CHURCHILL'S Collection of Voyages and Travels 523,1344 CHURCHILL, Col. Mount Lebanon 551 CHURCHILL. Poems 857 CHURCHILL, Chs. Memorials of Missio- nary Life 1198 CHURTON'S Universal Amanuensis 832 GIBBER, C. Life, and History of the Stage. 484 1712 CICERO, M. T 820 Life, by Middleton 484 CIKSZKOWSKI. Du credit et de la circula- tion 265 Cilicia. Ancient and Modern *456 CIMBER, L. Archives curieuses 420 Cincinnati. Account of, 1386, 1387 Cincinnati Library Association. Cata- logue , 905 Cincinnatus. Ordre de 1264 CINQ-MARS. Sa conjuration 425 CINTI-DAMOREAU. Nouvelle methode de chant *722 Circassian language 780 CIRCOURT, A. De la Suisse en 1847 438 Circulaires, instructions, EYRON. Des locomotives 751 CLAPP, Roger. Memoirs 1233 CLARAC. Sculpture ancienne et moderne. 716 - Manuel de 1'histoire de 1'art . . *689 CLARENDON, E. Earl of. History of the Great Rebellion 385 Life and Admi- nistration 385 Lives of Frienda and Contemporaries 476 State Papers. . 385 Religion and Policy CLARENDON, H. Earl of. State Letters. CLARIGNY. Voir CUCHEVAL. CLARIS. Dictionnaire de3 heresies .... CLARK, C. Summary of Colonial Law.. 216 390 *18 155 CLARK, H. On Heraldry 506 CLARK, Sir J. Influence of climate on Disease 669 CLARK, J. New England's persecution. 1235 CLA] INDEX. [COG 1 CLARKE, A. Bibliographical Dictionary. 898 Bibliographical Miscellany. 898 CLARKE, Capt. Journal of the Expedi- tion of 1390 CLARKE, Dr. Survey of Great Britain (P) 1141 CLARKE, E. D. Life and Kemains 484 Travels 523 CLARKE, H. English Dictionary 793 English Grammar. ....... 793 CLARKE, J. "W. Life of James II 3 CLARKE, W. British Libraries 901 CLARKSON, T. African Slave Trade 248 Classical Dictionaries 806 Classical Literature 794 Classics, (Greek and Latin) 806 Classiques grecs el latins 806 CLAUBERG. Memoire sur *61 CLAUDIANUS 820 CLAVE, F. Cuba 285 Relation du Mexique avec les Etats-Unis, la France et 1'Angle- terre 1216 CLAVEL, A. Traite d'education 75 Histoire de la franc-ma^on- nerie 307 CLAVIER. Histoire de la Grece 322 CLAVIGERO, Abbe D. F. History of Mexico 1215 CLAY, H. Life and Speeches, by Mai- lory 1223 Life and Works, by Colton, 1223 CLEAVELAND. Rural Cemeteries in U. States *702 CLEAV&LAND, H. R. Life of Henry Hud- son 1226 CLEGG, S. Architecture of Machinery. . 746 CLEGHORN, G. Ancient and Modern Art. 699 CLEMENT, A. Indigence *260 R6forme industrielle 258 CLEMENT, Felix. Eucologe *722 CLEMENT, M. Lettre a Voltaire (P) 1088 CLEMENT, P. Systeme protecteur 278 - Jacques Coauret Charles VII. 424 Administration de Colbert. .. 425 Gouvernement de Louis XIV. *425 CLEMENT d'ALEXANDRiE, Saint. Extraits de ses osuvres 25 CLEMENT XIII et CLEMENT XIV, par Rs- vignan 31 CLEMENTS, G. Customs Guide 280 CLERCQ et de VALLAT. Guide des consulats 97 PAOB Clerge contemporain. Biographie du... 33 CLERK, J. On Election Committees. ... 114 On the Law of Elections .... 1 14 CLERY. Journal 423 CLEVELAND, H. "W". and BACKUS. Village and Farm Cottages *707 CLIFFORD, H. Controverted Elections for South wark HQ Climat. Influence du 669 Climate of Bengal *300 Climate of Canada 1412 Climate of the United States. 1376 Climates and Climatology 299, 669 See also, Mtteorology. CLINTON, F. H. Remains, by C. J. Clin- ton 484 CLINTON, G. W. Digest of Reports, New York , jgj CLIVE, Lord. Life, by Gleig 484 Clocks and Watches, 293, 578, 728, 731-745 CLONCURRY, Lord. Life, by Fitzpatrick. 402 CLOQUET, H. Systeme anatomique 631 CLOT-BEY, A. B. La peste observed en Egypte 675 Clothing 290, 296, 735 Clubs 224, 255 CLUNY, A. The American Traveller 1366 Le voyageur amcricain 1367 CLUVERIUS. Geographia antiqua 534 CLUZ. Fabricant de chapeaux 737 Coal, see Fuel. Coals and the Coal Trade. Statistics of *275, 290,294, 800, 625, (P) 1118 Coast Survey of the United States. . . .299, 520 IOATES, G. Herd-Book *659 OBBETT, W. French Dictionary 789 Political Works 229 Reformation in England and Ireland 37 On Reform (P) 1149 OBDEN et la Ligue 253 COBHAM, Lord. Life, by Gasp ey 484 OCHET. La Norman die soutorraine. ... 433 COCHET DE SAVFGNY, P. C. M. Diction- naire de la gendarmerie *213 OCHIN. (Euvres 200 Cochin China. Account of 557 COCIIRANE, A. B. Young Italy 436 OOCHRANE, .Capt. Chs. Stuart. Travels in Colombia 1353 COCIJRANE, Lord. Letter to Lord Ellen- borough (P) 1080 1713 COC] INDEX. [COL Oocnur. Etudes sur les e"conomistes ... 253 . Des richesses 266 Des chemins de fer autrichiens. 271 De 1'esclavage 180 Du sort des classes souffrautes et laborieuses 258 Industrie agricole 256 Law, son systeme et son epoque 263 Ministere de Colbert 425 Ressources agricoles de l'Alg6- rie 256 COCKBURN, A. E. and ROWE, W. E. Cases of Controverted Elections 115 COCKBURN, H. Life of Jeffrey 492 Memorials of his time .. 399 Code Civil 203-206 Code Civil. Proces-verbaux des discus- sions da projet de *208 Code Napoleon 204-206 Code des dessechements 656 Code des prises 201 CODERRE, Dr. EMERY. Examen medico- legal 1441 Codification 89 CoeiiR, J. French Argonaut and his Times 484 Coffee, Its trade and manufacture ... 293, 298 Coffee, Its production and use 733 Coffee, Duty on (P) 1106, 1119 COFFIN, J. W. Of the Winds 615 COFFINIERES. Etudes sur le budget 262 COGGESHALL, G. American Privateers. . 1267 Coinage in Barbados (P) 1096 Coins and Coinage 263, 268, 290, 295, 299, 313, 360, (P) 930 COKE, Sir E. Institutes of the laws of England ^ 129, 130 Life, by Johnson 484 COKE, E. T. Subaltern's Furlough 1370 COKE, H. J. Ride over the Rocky Moun- tains to Oregon, oilee *235 Oui et non *285 Feu ! Feu 1 *235 Dialogues politiques *285 Petit pamphlet sur le projet de constitution *236 Pamphlet sur 1'independance de 1'Italie *235 Libert6 de 1'enseignement. . *235 Revision *235 Corn. Account of disease in. By Sir J. Banks and T. A. Knight. .(P) 927, 1187 Observations on the above. .. .(P) 928 Corn and Currency, (P) 931, 933, 936, 937, 1084, 1097, 1099, 1120, 1124, 1129, 1137, 1140, 1141, 1143, 1144 1146, 1157 Corn Laws. 120, (P) 230, 263, 278, 925, 926, 936, 937, 944/945, 1121, 1127, 1180, 1132, 1135 Corn Trade. 293, 298, 800, (P) 946, 1078, 1145 CORNARO. On long life (P) 937 CORNE, H. Le cardinal de Richelieu. ... 425 Le cardinal de Mazarin 425 CORNEILLE LEBRUN. Voyage par la Mos- covie 553 CORNEILLE, P. OZuvres 870 Chefs-d'ceuvres 870 ' Sa vie 495 CORNEILLE, Ths. Chefs-d'ceuvres 870 CORNING, W. H. Infidelity and Mesmerism *592 CORNISH, W. F. Essays on Uses 140 On Purchase Deeds of Freehold Estates 141 1718 INDEX- \_COU PAGE CORNUCHE. Geodesic pratique *749 CORNTJTI, J. Ciinadensium Plantarum Historia 649 Cornwall. County history 404 Cornwall, Duchy of. Rights to the. (P) 1145 CORONADO, Vasquez. Lettres a Charles V 1171 Relation du voya- ge a la Nouvelle Terre 1 171 Coronation Ceremonies (P) 1120, 1155 Coronation Oath (P) 1098, 1146 Coronation Sermon, (George 4th) .... (P) 937 Coronations. Chapters on 104 Coroners. Law of 138 Corporations. Law of. 143 Corporations religieuses 33 Voir Ordres religieux. Corporations monastiques au sein du pro- testantisme 33 Correspondance officielle de Napoleon. . *430 Corse. Histoire 440, 257, *487 Corsica. Geography 534 History *437 CORTEZ. F. Relations de 1168 His Expedition 1213 Relatione secunda, terza, etc. 1213 Correspondance de F. Cortez avec Chai-les Quint 1213 The despatches of 1213 Relatione d'un gentilhomme de Signer Fernando Cortese 1213 Relation sur la Nouvelle Es- pagne 1218 j Lettere due di Pedro d'Alva- rada a Fernando Cortese 1213 i Lettere di Diego Godoi a Fernando Cortese 1214; Deux lettres de Pedro d'Al- varado a Fernando Cortes 12141 Relation adressee par Diego I de Godoi a F. Cortes 1214 : Voyages et conquetes de F. Courtois 1214 Expedition for the reduction of New Spain 1214 CORY, I. P. Ancient Fragments of Phoe- nician, &c., Writers 320 Aucieut and Modern Philo- sophy '. 58 - On Accounts, etc 267 CORYTOV, J. Law of Letters Patent . ... 148 COSMO III. Travels in England 536 Cosmogonie 18 Cosmographie 509 Cosmos 580 Cosmos. Revue encyclopedique 573 COSNAC, Daniel de. Me'moires 418 COSTAZ. Thebes il7 COSTAZ. Administration en France *235 COSTE, M. Instructions pratiques sur la pisciculture 640 COSTELLO, L. S. Rose Garden of Persia . 889 Tour to and from Na- ples 542 Life of Duchess of Bur- gundy 482 Life of J. Co3ur 484 Costumes 306, 311, 378 Costumes militaires 423 COTELLE. Droit administratif 211 COTORAVE, R. French Dictionary 789 COTHEAL, A. Of the Mosquito Language. 629 Coton. Industrie du 258, 729 Voir Cotton. Cottage architecture 706 COTTE. Traite de m<3teorologie 586 Memoires de me'teorologie 586 COTTER, R. Bermudas. . [P] 1089 CoTriN, Mme. CEuvres completes 874 COTTLE, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey 485 Cotton. Its culture, trade and manufac- ture.. 275, 295, 297, 293, *510, *654, 729, 764 COTTON, Lieutenant Colonel. Public Works in India 761 COTTON. Massachusetts Indian Language 1188 COTTON, C. Poems 858 COTTON, H. Editions of the Bible in English 16 Rheims and Douay 16 Typographical Gazetteer. . 898 COTTON, J. Life and Letters 1233 COTTON, N. Poems 858 Cottoniau Library. M.S.S 344 COTTRELL, C. II. Recollections of Siberia 556 COTXU. He de Rhodes 450 COTTU. Administration in England (P) 935 COTTY. Dictionnaire d'artillerie 681 COUAII.HAC. Pitie pour elle *882 COUES. Mechanical Philosophy *580 Couleurs 729, 715, 578, 589 COURIER. Positions geonomiques du globe 616 . 1719 COU] INDEX. cor] Council of Trtnt 28, 216 County Courts 137, 296, (P.) 128 in Upper Canada. . .*164, 165 County Rates. Pamphlets on . .[P] 1154 Coupe des pierres 709, 738 COURCELLE SENEUIL, G. J. Operations de banque *265 Manuel des affaires *265 COURCELLES, de. Histoire des pairs de France 509 Dictionnaire des g6ne- raux francais 479 COURCY, H. de. Voir LAROCHE HERON. COURDEMANCHE, A. de. Danger de preter sur hypotheque *208 COURIER, Paul Louis. (Euvres 234 COURNOT, A. A. Fondements de nos con- naissances *62 Courrier du Canada 1414 Cours de mine>alogie et de geologic. .. . 738 Cours de navigation 758 COURSON, de. Histoire des peuples bretons 409 COURT DE GEBELIN. Monde priraitif .... 305 COURTENAY. Life of Sir W. Temple. . . . 502 COURTENAY, T. P. On the sinking fund (P.) 2711 Courtesy, Christian *5 1 COURTOIS. Operations de bourse 265 Courts of Justice in England, 105, 131, 135 Courts of Justice in Canada, 164 Courts of Justice in France 196, 210 Courts of Justice in United States 184 Courts Martial, (English) 149(P) 933 Courts Martial, (American) 684 Courts Martial. Trials before, in Montreal 1 64 COUSIN, V. Principes de la revolution francaise 235 Fragments philosophiques.. 68 Defense de I'universit6 . . 68, 84 Jacqueline Pascal 71 Instruction publique 84 Ouvrages inedits d' Abailard 60 Justice et charite 71 Philosophic du XVlIIe siecle 61 Philosophic de Kant 70 Introduction a 1'histoire de la philosophic 57 Mctaphysique d'Aristote. . 70 Des pens6es de Pascal .... 71 Du vrai, ature du Nord Eikon Basilike ....................... 383 EISDELL, J. S. Industry of Nations. . . . 251 -- On Poverty ........... *242 Ejectment, law of ................... 142 ELDON, Lord Chancellor. Life, by Twiss. 487 Election law .................. 113, 117, 128 Elections. Lois des ......... 113, 117, 128 Elections, Controverted, in. Canada ...... 1435 Elections contestees, Canada ........... 1435 Electoral. Systeme .................. *281 Elective Franchise, Right of Women to exercise ....................... 240 Electric Telegraph. . . 294, 299, 578, 590, 781 - --- Atlantic Ocean.. 295, *782 Electriciti .......................... 590 Voir Electricity. Electricity ......... 576, 590, 595, *614, 727 - Applications of .......... 293, 578 -- Medical Application of. . . (P) 1084 Electro-metallurgy ................... 732 Elephant in relation to Man ........... 637 ELGIN, James, EarL of. Condition and Prospects of Canada ............ 773 ------ Avenir du Canada ....... 773 ELGIN, Thomas, Earl of. Pursuits in Greece ..................... 717 Elgin Marbles. Report on the ...... (P) 928 ELIOT, J. The Indian Grammar ........ 1188 -- Observations on the above, by P. S. Du Ponceau ............. 1188 -- Life of, by C. Francis ........ 1226 ELIOT, H. M. Historians of Mohamme- dan India ..................... 902 ELIOT, S. History of Early Christians .. 23 -- Liberty of Rome ............ 222 1738 ELIOT, Samuel A. History of Harvard College 1289 ELIOT, W. G. Defence of Portugal . .(P) 1092 ELIZABETH DE HONGEIE, Ste. Sa vie. ... 25 ELIZABETH DE VALOIS. Life, by Freer .. *440 ELLEBY, Wm. T. Life of, by E. T. Chan- ning 1226 ELLET, C. Contributions to Physical Geo- graphy 614 ELLIOTT, C. Life of H. R. Khan 454 ELLIOTT, J. Debates on the Federal Cons- titution 1263 ELLIS Correspondence . 890 ELLIS, C. Law of Insurance and Annuities 145 Proceedings on Private Bills. 110 ELLIS, G. Early Metrical Romances. . . . ELLIS, G. E. Life of Wm. Penn 1226 Life of John Mason 1226 Life of Anne Hutchinson. 1226 ELLIS, Sir H. Original Letters 374 Letters of Literary Men . 375 ELLIS, H. Voyage to Hudson's Bay . 529 Voyage a la Baie d'Hudson. , 1405 ELLIS, J. H. Social Economy 238 Social Life 238 ELLIS, Rev. W. History of Madagascar. 469 ELLIS, W. Polynesian Researches 470 ELLIS, Wm. Planting of Lands (P) 1135 ELLSWORTH, H. L. Illinois in 1837 661 ELLSWORTH, Oliver. Life of, by Van Sant- voord 1226 ELLWOOD, T. Autobiography 487 EL-MAS' UDI. Historical Encyclopedia. .. 453 ELMES, J. Dictionary of Fine Arts 689 Eloquence 805, 806, 48,49, 121, (P) 1135 Eloquence sacree 25, 48, 49 ELPHINSTONE, M. Caubul and Dependen- cies 458 History of India 458 ELSJ'NGE, H. Manner of Holding Parlia- ments 1 09 ELWES, A . Dictionary of Italian, English and French 785 French Dictionary 789 Italian Grammar 785 Spanish Dictionary 786 Grammar 785 ELWES, A. " Sketcher's Tour round the World 527 ELWES, J. the Miser. Life of (P) 942 ELWOOD, Mrs. Memoirs of English Lite- rary Ladies 479 EMB] INDEX. IENG Embassies and Foreign Courts 98 Embaumements 734 EMEEIGON. Traite des assurances 209 EMERSON, G. B. On Common Schools. . . 85 EMERSON, R. W. Representative Men. . 4*73 EMEIISON, W. Several Branches of Mathe- matics 598 Principles of Mechanics . . . 745 Emigration 285, 294, 298, 300, 537 Emigration and Emigrants. Parliamen- tary Papers concerning, 1308, 1307, 1316, 1323, 1326, 1330, 1331, 1333, 1334 Other works concerning.... 1350,1427, 1432, 1437-1439 Pamphlets concerning. 1095, 1096, 1098, 1150, 1153 See also Immigration into United States. Emigres Francais, les 881 EMMETT, R. Life by Burke *401 EMMONS, E. Geology and Agriculture of New York 613 Empereurs Romains, Histoire des 325 Employers and Employed 257 See also Working Classes. EMY. Art de la charpenterie 738 ENAULT, L. La terre sainte 550 Etude sur Mad. d'Epinay. . . . 487 Gilda *881 ENCISO, B. His Expedition 1166 Encyclopedias, various 907, 908 Encyclopediana *868 Encyclop6dies di verses 906,907 Encyclopedic me'thodique 906 Encyclopedic des gens du monde 906 Encyclopedic du XIXe siecle 906 Encyclopedic modern e 907 Encyclopedic anatomique 631 Encyclopedic d'agriculture 651 Encyclopedic d'architecture *698 Encyclopedic theologique *18, *19. *20 Encyclopedic catholique *20 Encyclopedic de droit *203 Voir Dictionnaire. Enfants trouves 259 ENFIELD, W. History of Philosophy 57 ENGEL, Bailli d'. Essai sur 1'Amerique. . 1181 M^moires et observa- tions geographiques 1364 Engineers. Papers on the Duties of. ... 743 Engineers. Corps Papers, u TRONCHOY. Carnpagne des lies de F Amerique 1359 GAVARD. Galeries historiques 697 GAVARRET. Physique medicale 672 GAY. Poems 859 GAYARRE, Chs. Histoire de la Louisiane 1254 Louisiana 1254 Louisiana as a French colony 1254 GAYFFIER, J. de. Punts et chaussees ... 751 GAY-LUSSAC. Cours de chimie .... 597 Gaz 766, 733 Gazetteers 511 Gazetteers of Canada 1396, 1427 GEDOYN, 1'abbe. Extraits de Photius . . . 321 Course chez les anciens 723 GEER, Chs. de. Memoires sur les insectes 642 GEFFROY, A. Le Nord Scandinave 448 La Suede depuis le traite de Paris 452 GEINOZ, 1'abbe. Defense d'He rodote . . . 321 Observations sur Bou, &c 1350 HALL, C. Effects of Civilization 236 HALL, Col. Francis. Columbia 1358 Travels in Canada and the United States 1368 HALL, J. Palaeontology of New York . . 613 Geological Map of Middle and Western States 621 HALL, James. Indians of North America 1187 HALL, J. Life of Thomas Posey 1226 HALL, Hon. Judge. Letters from the West 1879 HALL, J. C. Natural History of Man . . 628 HALL, N. Land of the Forum and Vati- can 82 HALL, R. Memoir, by Gregory 490 On Liberty (P.) 1087 HAL] INDEX. [_HAR HALL, R. Works and Remains 49 HALL, S. General Atlas 512 HALL, Mrs. M. Queens of England 338 - Princesses of England *339 HALL, S. C. Scenery, (fee., of Ireland. . . 538 HALL, Mrs. S. C. Sketches of Irish Cha- ' racier 836 HALLAM, H. History of England 379 On the Literature of Europe. 797 State of Europe in the Middle Ages 329 LiteraryEssays and Characters 837 HALLER. De 1'education 74 HALLEUR, G. C. H. Art of Photography 719 HALLEY, Dr. On Comets 583 HALLEZ. Des Juifs eu France 423 HALLIDAY, A. History of the House of Guelph 338 HALLIDAY, Sir Andrew. The West Indies 1210 HALLIFAX, S. Roman Civil Law 93 HALLIWELL, J. 0. Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words 791 Letters of the Kings of England 375 Prices, between 1650 and 1750 263 Progress of Science in England 571 Life of Shakespeare . . 500 HALSTED, C. A. Life of Richard III. ... 375 HALSTED. Digestof the Law of Evidence 132 HAMH.L. Facteur d'orgues 739 HAMEL'S Shipwreck, and Account of Korea 557 HAMEL, F. G-. Laws of the Customs .... 147 HAMEL, Theophile. Portraits 1656 HAMILTON. Letters on Coast of Ireland. 538 Account of the East Indies. . 553 HAMILTON, Count. Fairy Tales and Ro- mances 837 Memoires du chevalier de Grammont 948 HAMILTON, Lady. Courts of George III. and George IV 396 HAMILTON, Alex. Duel with Burr, &c. . . 1662 HAMILTON, A. Sixteen months in Den- mark 543 HAMILTON, G. E. Designs for Rural Churches 702 HAMILTON, H. C. Greek Grammar 782 HAMILTON, H. R. Greek Lexicon 782 HAMILTON, P. S. Union of the British North American Colonies 1269 HAMILTON, Robert. On the National Debt 261 HAMILTON, R. Amphibious Carnivora, Poesies 878 LAHARPE, Benard de. Etablissement des Frangais a la Louisiane 1253 Establishment of the French in Louisiana 1253 LAHAYK. Le code civil anno te 205 LA HONTAN, le baron de. Voyages en Canada 1366 Travels in Canada 1346 LAHURE. Considerations sur la construc- tion et la propulsion des navires en fer 758 LAIGNEL, Ferd. Privileges et hypotheques *208 LAI] INDEX. [.LAN Laili and Majnun, a Poem 889 Laine, Industrie de la 729, 258 LAING, M. History of Scotland 398 LAING, Seton. Great City Frauds 266 LAING, S. Observations on Denmark ... 543 . Residence in Norway 543 Chronicle of Kings of Norway 45 1 Tour in Sweden 543 State of European People in 1848-9 332 LAISNE. Gymnastiqne pratique 723 LAJAED. Culte de Venus 52 LAJOIB, A. Gerin. Catechisme politique. 159 Poesies 1408 LAJONKAIRE. Les douanes dans 1'antiquite 280 LAKE, Col. A. Kars and our Captivity in Russia 448 Defence of Kars *448 LAKEY, James. On Northern men 1182 LALAIN, Jacques de. Chronique 414 LALANDE. Mathematiques, hydraulique et astronomic 599 Tables des logarithmes 603 Abrege" de navigation 757 LALANNE, Lud. Le feu gregeois 681 Biographic universelle 473 Bibliotheque de poche 909 LALANNE, Leon. Cent traites 909 Patria. 410 LALANNE, Leon et Lud. Un million de faits 908 LALAURE. Traite des servitudes 201 LALAURE et PAILLET. Servitudes re- elles *207 LALEMANT, le pere Charles. Lettres au pere Hierosme Lalemant 1660 LALEMANT, le pere J6rome. Relations de la Nouvelle France 1660, 1661 LALLEMAND, A. Ou Artillery 684 LALLEMAND, F. Education publique. . . . *74 LALLEMENT, Guil. Histoire de la Colombie 1205 LALOR. Money and Morals 257 LA MALLE. Voir DUREAU DE LA MALLE. LA MARCHE, Olivier de. Mernoires 415 LAMARCK, J. IB. P. de. Animaux sans vertebres 641 LAMARCK, Rob. de. Memoires 415 LAMARCK et C A NDOLLE. Flore francaise. 649 LAMARCK et POIRET. Botanique 6-35 LAMARK, Comte de. Correspondance avec Mirabeau *4-27 LAMARQUE. Plaisance et le club de village 235 LAMARTINE, A. de. CEuvres completes. . 877 LAMAETINE, A. de. dists. . . History of the Giron- 427 History of the Re- atoration 431 History of the Revo- lution 432 Vie de Christophe Colomb 1165 LAMARTINIERE, Bruzen de. Histoire de 1'Asie 452 Introduction a I'histoire de 1'Amerique 1177 LAMB, C. Works, with Life and Letters 841 Specimens of Dramatic Poets 860 Final Memorials 841 LAMB, John. Life and Times of, by J. Q. Leake 1265 LAMB, R. Autobiography 493 Occurrences during the late American War 1265 LAMBERT, St. Ange. Pe'cheur praticien. . . 723 LAMBERT, Miss. Hand-book of Needle- work *730 Church Needle work. . . *780 LAMBERT, Mme. de. CEuvres *869 LAMBERT, John. Travels in Canada and the United States 1368 Lambeth and the Vatican. Anecdotes of 827 LAMBILLOTTE. Chant Gregorien *722 LAMBREDCHTSEN. History of New Nether- lands 1243 LAMENNAIS. CEuvres 878 Esquisse d'une philosophic. 879 Amschaspands et Darvans 879 ffiuvres posthumes *879 Livre du peuple *879 Society premiere *879 Les Evangiles *879 Politique, esclavage, me'- langes *879 Imitation de Jesus-Christ . *879 LA MORICIERE, de. Rapport sur les haras 658 LAMOTTE, Houdard de. Poesies 873 Ines de Castro. 870 LAMOUREUX. Vers, coquilles, etc 644 LANCASTER, J. Sy stem of Education. .(P) 1135 LANCASTER, Jas. Voyage to Fernambuck, in Brasil 1355 LANCE. Encyclopedic d' Architecture. .. *698 LANCRET, Michel-Ange. L'Isle de Philae 317 Land. Sale of, for taxes 186 I Land we Live i'u . . 403 1787 INDEX. Lands. Public, in United States, 188, 296, 299 (waste). Enclosures of (P) 1187 Land Tax (P) 1131, 1183, 1187 Landed Property, see Real Estate ; Real Property. On, (P)927, 1098, 1130,1182 LANDAIS, Napoleon. Dictionnaire 788 Grammaire ge"nerale 788 LANDER, R. and J. Journal down the Niger 661 Landlord and Tenants. Law of (English) 142 Law of (Ameri- can) *186 LANDON, E. Ecclesiastical Dictionary ... 28 LANDOR, W. S. "Works 841 Last Fruit off an Old Tree 842 LANDRIN. Manuel du Maitre de Forge. . 730 Manuel du Coutelier 731 LANDRY. Les Arts en Belgique 693 LANDSBOROUGH, Dr. British Zoophytes .. 644 Sea- weeds 644 LANE, B. I. Mysteries of Tobacco *737 LANE, 0. T. On the Coronation Oath. (P) 1098 LANE, E. W. Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians 560 LANE, R. J. Life at the Water Cure ... 669 LANE, Miss. Englishwoman in Egypt . . 560 LANG, J. D. Account of N. S. Wales ... 471 LANGDALE, Hon. C. Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert 396 LANGDALE, Lord. Memoirs, by Hardy . . 493 LANGEVIN, H. L. Le Canada, ses Insti- tutions, &c 774 LANGHORNE. Poems 861 LANGLES. Monnaie des Orientaux 262 LANGLOIS, E. H. Danses des morts 60 LANGLOIS, V. Numismatique de I'Arme'- nie *313 LANGSDORFF, E. de. La Hongrie 448 La Transylvanie . . 443 Language, Origin of 64, 776, 917 Languages, see Philology. Langues 775-794 Origine des 7 76, 62-68 Langue hebra'ique 777 Langue egyptienne 778, 779 Langue chinoisc 779 Langue perse 779, 789, 778 Langue arabe 780 Langue turque 780 Langue algerienne 780 Langue sanscrite 781 1788 Langue hindoustani 781 Langue grecque 782, 788 Langue latine 783, 784 Langue danoise 784 Langue suedoise 784 Langue russe 785 Langue allemande 785 Langue italienne 785 Langue espagnole 786 Langue portugaise 786 Langue f ran faise 786-789, 419 Langue gaelique 790 Langue anglaise 790-793 Langue irlandaise 790 Langues sauvages 793, 894 Voir aussi Bibles. LANJUINAIS. Constitutions de la France . 123 Fragment historique 429 LANMAN, Ch. Adventures in the Wilds of the United States 1372 Tour to the River Saguenay. 1403 LANMAN, J. H. History of Michigan .... 1256 LA NOUE, Frangois de. M6moires 415 LAJCOUE. Mahomet Second 870 LANOYE, F. de. L'Inde contemporaine . . 458 Voir HARVE. LANSDOWNE, Lord. Poems 861 Lansdowne Library, Catalogue of M.S.S. -344 LANTARA. Recherches sur ce peintre. ... *713 LANZI. History of Painting 712 LAO-TSEU TAO-TE-KING. Le livre de la voie et de la vertu 58 LA PEYRERE'S Iceland 543 LAPEYROUSE. Voyage autour du moude . 525 LAPEYROCSE BONFILS. Histoire de la Marine *428 LAPHAM, J. A. Antiquities of Wisconsin, 615, 1184 LAPLACE, C. P. T. Campagne de circum- navigation 526 LAPLACE, P. S. CEuvres 584 Lapland. History of 452 Travels in 523, *527, 542, 544 La Plata. History 1204, 1205 Voyages 1352, 1358 Laponie. Voyages "523, 544 LA POTHERIE, M. Bacqueville de. His- toire de 1'Ame'rique Septentrionale 1268 LAPPENBERG, J. M. England under the Saxons 334 England under the Normans *372 LAP~\ INDEX. \LAT LAPRADE, V. Formes e'vange'liques .... *879 LARCHER, L. J. La femme *71 LARCHER, P. H. Periodes astronomiques, etc. des Egyptiens 302 Lea vases the'ricle'ens 310 Memoires sur lea fetes des Grecs 52 Quelques epoques des Assy- riens 315 Sur Cadmus.. 321 SurPhidon 321 Ordre equestre chez les grecs. 681 LARDNER, D. Essays on Scientific Sub- jects 732 Hand-books of Natural Phi- losophy 577 Museum of Science and Art 578 On Manufactures in Metals 730 On the Steam Engine 753 Railway Economy 270 Travail des metaux 730 Works 44 Mexique ... 1216 Guatemala 1361 LA ROCHE. Dictionnaire de Chirurgie.. 673 LAROCHEFOUCAULD. Maximes 71 LAROCHEFOUCAUD-LIANCOURT. Voyage dans les Etats-Unis 1367 Travels through the United States 1367 LAROCHE-HERON", C. de. Les servantes de Dieu en Canada 1195 Catholic church in the United States 1196 Jonction des LARDNER, N. LARENAUDIERE, M. de. deux oceans 1212 LA ROCHEJACQUELEIN, la marquise de. Memoires 428 LAROMIGITERE. Sur lea mots " analyse des sensations" 62 Lecons de philosophic . . *62 LARPENT, Sir G. Peninsular Journal 331 LARREY, D. J. Chirurgie militaire 674 LARTIGDE, Monsgr. Notice biographique 1443 LA SALLE A. de. Voyage de la Bonite . 610 LA SALLE, A. E. G. de. Ln Sicile 435 Vie de M. d'A- gricourt 691 LA SALLE, Robert de. Voir " SALLE." LAS CASAS, B. de. Histoire des Indes Oc- cidentalea 1174 LAS CASAS, B. de. Voyages des Es- pagnols dans les Indes 1 174 Account of the First Spanish Voyages 1174 Son Apologie. Par M. Gre'goire 1174 CEuvres 1174 LAS CASES, de. Memorial de Ste. Helene. 431 Souvenirs de Napoleon ler 481 Atlas historique 304 Voir LESAGE. LASSERRE, LEBRUN et LEROY. Jeux de calcul 724 LASSUS. Cathedrale de Chartres. 422 LASTEYRIE. J. De. Le Portugal depuis 1820 441 LATAKON. Voyage en Afrique 560 LATENA. Etude de I'homme 72 LATERRIERE, P. de Salles. Political and Historical account of L. Canada.. . 1282 LATHAM, J. History of Birds 638 LATHAM, R. G. Ethnological Disserta- tions 629 Ethnology of British Colonies 629 Man and his Migrations. 629 Native races of Russia . 629 Natural History of the Varieties of Man 629 Norway and the Norwe- gians , 543 On the English Language 793 LATIMER. Bp. Works 47 Latin Church. See Rome, Church of. Latin and Greek Churches. Diplomatic Correspondence respecting 217 Latin Classics 819-826 Guide to the 898 History of. . . 794 Latin Language 783, 786 Latin Tracts, (various) (P) 1075, 1156 Latitude and Longitude. 290, 293, 296, 578, 585, 687 LATOUCHE, H. Vie d' Andre Che'nier. . . . 484 Aymar *882 LATOUR, Mme. Charlotte de. Langage des Fleurs *663 LATOUR. Etudes sur 1'Espagne 441 LATREILLE. Insectes, papillons, etc 641 ROBE. Voyage en Afrique 560 LATROBE, Chas. Joseph The Rambler in North America 1370, 1380 1789 LAT} INDEX. ILAW PAOE LATROBE, J. On Church Music 29 LATUDE. Life and Imprisonment of. .(P) 924 LAUDKRDALE, Earl of. On Finance, 148 LEFEBTEE, Armand. Histoire des cours del'Europe 332 LEFEBVRE, Jean. Chronique 414 LEFEBTRE, St. Marie. Race de Durham . 658 LEFEBVRE. Voyage en Abyssinie 562 LEFEBVRE DE BEOOUR. Les rapports de la France et de 1'Angleterre avec 1'Amerique du sud 1206 i La question de Mexique 1216 Le deux rives de la Plata, &c 1354 LEFRANO DE POMPIGNAN. Didon 870 Poesies 873 LEFROY. Fourneaux fumivores 767 LEGARg,H.S. Writings *183 LEGEYT. Manuscrits sur Jersey *151 Legislation. Histoire de la 88 Legislation romaine 92 Voir Politique et Legislation. Legislation. Principles of 229 See, also, Political and Social Science. LE&LAY. Negotiations diplomatiques . . . 422 LEGOUV. Merite des femmes 873 Poesies diverses 873 LEGRAND. Pieces dramatiques 871, 872 LEGRAND>D'AUSSY. De la marine en France 686 Vie privee des Fran- * ais *411 1792 LE&RAND. Exploits and Adventures of . 1180 LEHMANN. Chimie physiologique 597 Physiological Chemistry. ... 595 LEIBNITZ. Life, by Brucker 494 Opera Omnia 894 CEuvrea 62 LEIGH ARDT, L. Expedition in Australia. 666 LEIDY, J. Flora and Fauna 614, 615 LEIGH. Diction, de la langue sainte .... *18 LEIGH, Chas. Voyage to Cape Breton .. 1170 LEISLER, Jacob. Life of, by C. F. Hoff- man 1226 LE JEUNE, Le R. P. Paul. Relations de la Nouvelle France 1660, 1661, 1191 LELAND, J. Itinerary , 355 Deistical Writers 44 LELIEUR. Culture du Mais 662 LELIEVRE et ANGERS. Revue de legisla- tion 166 LELIEVRE et ANGERS. Decisions des tri- bunaux 166 LEMAGE, Gaspard. La Pleiade Rouge . 1435 LF.MAISTRE. Coutume de Paris 199 LEMAOUT. Histoire des oiaeaux 638 LE MARCHANT, D. Proceedings on the Barony of Gardner 107 LE MEROIER, Le R. P. Relation .... v 1191 LEMERCIER, le P. Francois. Relations de la Nouvelle France 1661 LE MASCRIER, L'abbe. Mmoire sur la Louisiane 1253 LEMIERRE. Hypermnestre , . . . . 870 La veuve de Malabar 870 La peinture, poeme 873 Poesies diverses 873 LEMOINE, John. Education religieuse des classes rnanufacturieres en Angle- terre 81 Moeurs 61ectorales 281 Lot des pauvres en Angleterre 231 Des rapports de l'tat et de 1'Eglise en Angleterre 231 La jeune Irlande 231 LE MOINE, Robert. Histoire de la pre- miere croisade 828 LEMOLT, A. E. Officiers de 1'etat civil. . *206. LEMON, G. W. English Etymology 792 LEMON, R. Calendar of State Papers.. . *344 LEMONTEY, P. E. Raison, folie *882 LEMPRIERE. Gibraltar to Morocco 563 LENAIN DE TILLEMONT. Histoire des em- pereurs *325 INDEX. [LES LENET, Pierre. Memoires 417 LENNOX, Mrs. Female Quixote *828 LENOIR, 1'Abbe. Harmonies de la raison et de la foi *20 LENOIR, Albt. Architecture monastique 422 Statistique monumentale 422 LENORMAND. Associations religieuses. . . *20 LE NORMAND, L. S. Chandelier 734 Fabricant de papiers 733 Etoffes imprimees et papiers-peints 733 LE NORMAND et JANVIER. Manuel de 1'horloger 731 Manuel du relieur 733 LENORMANT, Ch, Tresor de numismatique 312 LEONL'AFRICAIN. Description de 1'Afrique *559 LON X. Savie. 31 LEONARD. Poesies 873 LEONE, (the Abbate). Jesuit Conspiracy 32 LEONHARD. Geologic *617 LE Due. La Baltique 535 Les lies d' Aland 540 La Finlande 452 La Russie contempo- raine ........................ 447 LEPAGE. Lois des batimens .......... 207 LE PAS. Salles d'asile en Russie ...... 261 LEPE, Diego de. Voyage ......... ... 1166 L'EpE, L'Abbe de. Vie ............. *494 --- Education des sourds-muets ................... *87 LEPELLETIER DE SAINT FARGEAU. Insectes hymenopteres . . ............... 643 LEPELLETIER SAINT-RSMI. Re"publique d'Haiti ........ .............. 1209 LE PERE, J. M. Communication de la mer des Indes a la Me'diterrane'e . 468 ---- Alexandrie ......... 468 LEPETEL, le P. Relation des Natchez ... 134 M. E. C. de. Manuel du fer- mier ......................... 652 LE PLAT. Fabrication de 1'acier en Yorkshire .................... 767 -- Affinage par crystallisation . . . 767 -- Les ouvriers europe'ens ...... 255 -- Precedes rnetallurgiques .... 766 --- Exploration des terrains car- boniferes de Donetz ............ 54 LEPSIUS, R. Egypt, Ethiopia, e"ales et froments 657 LOLME. Voir DE LOLME. LOLONOIS. Exploits and Adventures of. 1180 LOMBARD, M. Tarif des bois 738 LOMBARD. Le cuisinier et le me'decin . . . 668 LoMfiNiE, de. Beaumarchais et son teinps 481 Galerie des conternporains 479 London. Microcosm of 403 London. Murray's Hand-books of 527 London. Pictorial Hand-book of 404 London. Survey of 403 London. (Ackermann's) 403 London, (0. Knight's) 403 London. (Weale's) 404 London Catalogue of Books 900, 901 London Institution. Inaugural Oration (P) 928 London. Improvement of (P) 941,942 Diseased Poor in (P) 1157 City Expenditure and Corpo- ration affairs (P) 1084 St. Katharines Docks. (P) 1084, 1104 London and Liverpool Road (P) 1084 London Warehousing System (P) 1104 London. (Canada West) Directory 1418 LONDONDERRY, Marquess of. Peninsular War 331 LONG, TUCKER, . . 260 MISSIESST. Installation des vaisseaux .. 688 Arrimage des vaissetiux. . . . 688 Missions and Missionaries . 42, 43, (P) 931, 1088, 1136 Missions in America 1190, 1 198 Missions cTAmerique 1190, 1198 Mittissippi. Hist. & Voyages.. 1252, 1256, 1390 1818 MITCHELL. American Atlas 1341 MITCHELL, J. Manual of Assaying 765 MITCHELL, Lt. Col. J. Life of Wallenstein *504 MITCHELL, T. L. Interior of Eastern Aus- tralia 666 Interior of Tropical Aus- tralia 566 MITFORD, Miss. Our Village 845 Recollections of a Lite- rary Life 845 Mithridates 776 MITRAUD. Nature des society's 236 MITTERMAIER, Prof. Effect of Drunken- ness on Criminal Responsibility. . 241 Mnemonique *775 Mocha. Account of 551 Modeles de marbrerie 739 Modeles de menuiserie 789 Modeles de serrurerie 789 Modules d'orfe" vrerie 731 Modern Orator 121 MODESTE, Cherte des grains 279 MODESTUS 822 Modus tenendi Parliamentum 109 Moechialogie par Debreyne 46 MOERENHOUT. Voyage dans le grand ocean 568 MOFFAT, J. C. Study of Esthetics *689 MOFFAT, R. Missionary Labours in South Africa 43 MOFRAS, Duflot de. Exploration de l'Or&- gon, des Californies, La vomero *880 La chevre jaune *881 Puylaurens *881 La bavolette. 881 Le Bisc61iais 885 Scenes de la vie Napoli- taine 885 Sicilienne 885 Romaine. 8 Ve'nitienne 885 = -- ' Comique 885 Italienne 885 Voyage en Italie 542 MUSSET-PATHAY. De la vie et des ou- vrages de J. J. Rousseau 499 Mustard Seed. As a Cure (P) 941 Mumlmans 56, 307 MUSTON, A. Israel of the Alps *42 MUTHUON, J. Traite* des forges catalanes 765 MYERS, F. Lectures on Great Men 473 MYRAND, D. P. Etudes sur 1'instruclion publique 1444 Mysticisme 60 Mythologie (Mythology) 309, 310 *690 NADAL, 1'Abbe 1 A. Histoire des Ves- tales 53 Luxe des dames ro- maines 324 NADAL, l'Abb6. Eloquence sacree *19 NADATJLT DE BUFFON. Irrigations 656 NADER CHAH. Histoire de 453 History of 453 NAIGEON. Philosophic 57 Memoires sur Diderot 486 Nain Jaune 921 NALSON, J. Historical Collections 383 Names. Family and Christian 508 NANGIS, Guil. de. Chronique 413 NAPIER, Sir C. War in Syria , , ...*.. 456 Baltic Campaign *448 NAPIER, Sir 0. J. Life, by his Brother. . *496 Lights and Shades of Military Life *683 Administration of Scinde 460 NAPIER, Sir C. J. Defects of the In- dian Government 460 On the Colonies. . . 155 NAPIER, Elers. Excursions in S. Africa. 563 NAPIER, H. E. Florentine History 437 NAPIER, J. Art of Dyeing 728 NAPIER, M. Montrose and the Covenanters 398 NAPIER, W. F. P. Conquest of Scinde. . 461 Peninsular War .... 881 NAPIEB'B Practice of Civil Bill Courts, &c. 187 Naples. Political, Social, M. Trait6 des surencheres 208 PETIT, E. Droit public, ou gouvernement des colonies 154 Dissertations sur le droit des colonies 154, 1207 PETIT-RADEL. Denis d'Halicarnasse .... 821 Anciennes villes d'Espagne 489 PETITOT. M6moires, lere. et 2de. series 414, 416 Petits poetes francais 878 PETRAROA, Rime di 892 PETRARCH. Life, by Campbell 497 PETRARQUE. Poesies 892 PETRIE, G. Round Towers of Ireland . . . *400 PETRIE, S. Report of the Cricklade case 116 Petrifactions 623 PETRONIUS 823 PETTIGREW, T. J. History of Egyptian Mummies 313 PETTUS, Sir J. Fodinae Regales 149 PETYT, W. Lex Parliamentaria 110 Right of the Commons 110 PETZHOLDT, J. On Agricultural Chemistry 655 PEUCHET et TREMERY. Manuel du Ban- quier 265 PEOCHET. Commerce europ6en dans les Indes 1176 PEYRARD. Commentaires sur Archimede 580 Commentaires sur Eucltde . . 601 PEYRE, A. F. Antiquite's de Treves .... 324 PEYRKT LALLIER. Legislation des mines. *206 PH^EDRUS 823 Pharmacie 674 Pharmacopoeias. 674, 679, 735 PHELAN, W. Remains 40 Phenomenes 6conomiques 254 Phenix, The ; A revival of scarce pieces 375 Philadelphia, Magnetical Observations . . 587 Philadelphia. Histoire 1247 Philip Musgrave ; or, Memoirs of a Mis- sionary ..., 1198 PHILIPPE AUGUSTE *426 PHILIPPE, Jean. Memoires 415 Philippine Islands 569 PHILIPPO, Rev. J. M. Jamaica 1210 PHILIPPS, J. Election Cases 115 PHILIPPS, Capt. Voyage to Barbadoes .. 1359 INDEX. {.PIC PAOK PHILIPPSOHN, L. Lectures on Judaism . 21 PHILIPS, A. Poems 862 PHILIPS, J. Poems 862 PHILIPS, Miles. Voyage to Mexico .... 1372 PHILLIMOEE, J. G. Law of Evidence. . . 132 Principles and Max- ims of Jurisprudence PHILLIMOEE, R. Life of Lord Lyttleton . 494 Law of Domicil 95 On International Law. . 95 PHILLIPPS, S. M. State Trials 193 PHILLIPPS, (S. M.). and ARNOLD. On the Law of Evidence 132 PHILLIPS, Captain. Journal on Coast of Africa 563 PHILLIPS. C. Specimens of Irish Elo- quence 121 PHILLIPS, G. Droit ecclesiastique *215 PHILLIPS, J. Manual of Geology 617 wall Palaeozoic Fossils of Corn- The Malvern Hills, ique en!821 *1179 L'Europe et 1'Amerique en 1822 et 1823 *1179 L'Europe et l'Aine>ique depuis le Congres d'Aix-la-Cha- pelle 1179 Des trois derniers mois de 1'Amerique Me"ridionale *1200 Pieces relatives a St. Dominique 1 208 Pragmatique Sanction 219 Prairies of America 1388 PRAROND. De quelques 6crivains nou- veaux *883 PRAT, 1'Abbe J. M. Eclectistne Alexan- drin 60 Pratique. Voir Procedure, PRATT, A. Field, Garden and Woodland 663 British Flowering Plants and Ferns . . . *646 PRATT, A. Poisonous Plants *646 WildFlowers *646 PRATT, J. T. History of Savings Banks. 266 PRATT, W. T. Law relating to Friendly Societies 145 PRATZ, LEPAGE DU. Histoire de la Loui- siane 1253 History of Louisiana. 1253 PRAY, L. G. History of Sunday Schools 77 PREBLE, Edward. Life of, by L. Sabine 1226 Precedence. Tables of, see Dignities. Precedency of the Irish Peers in England 108 Precious Metals 262, 298, 300 See also, Gold Discoveries. Precious Stones, see Jewels. PRENDERGAST, H. Law relating to Offi- cers in the Army 149 Law relating to Offi- cers in the Navy 149 PRENTICE, A. History of Anti-corn Law League 278 Sketches of Manchester.. 230 Pre- Raphaelitism 716 Prerogative, see Crown Law ; Royal Supremacy. Prerogative Royale. *1Q3 Presbyterians and their Clergy. 40, 1198 (P) 1133 PRESCOTT, W. H. Essays 846 Ferdinand and Isabella *440 Conquest of Peru 1203 Conquest of Mexico.. 1215 Life of C. B. Brown. . 1226 History of Philip II . . 440 Press ; see Newspapers ; Periodical Li- terature. Press. Liberty of the 387, 802, (P) 926,931, 934,937, 1087, 1100, 1144 in India.. (P)*941, 942 Press and the Public Service *238 PRESTON, R. Quantity and Quality of Estates 140 PRESTON, T. R. Three years in Canada . 1402 PRESTON. Voyages to the West Indies. . 1349 Pretender (the) and His Court. .398, (P) 1086 PREUDHOMME, M. Traite des droits du seigneur *202 Preuve 202, 210 PRVOST DK LA JANNES. Principes de jurisprudence 196 PREVOST, C. J. Maniere de poursuivre les crimes 202 1838 PSE] INDEX. [PRO PREVOST, H. Stenographic 775 PROVOST, J. J. L'Irlande au XIXe siecle 538 PROVOST D'EXILES, A. F. Histoire gen6- rale des voyages 1347 = La colonie rocheloise . . 881 Manon Lescaut *876 Prevoyance. Societies de - 260 PRIAULX, O. Questiones Mosnicse 19 PPJCE, B. On Infinitesimal Calculus. .. 601 PRICE, D. Essay towards the History of Arabia 457 Memoirs of Mahommedau History 457 PRICE, Dr. R. Present State of Population 273 Political and Economical Tracts (P) 1131 PRICE, G. On Iron Safe?, Locks and Keys, &c *728 PRICE, T. Physiognomy and Physiology of Great Britain 632 PRICE, U. Oil the Picturesque 665 Prices. History of. 263, 291, 298 (P) 1131, 1132, 1137, 1145, 1155 Prices in Europe. Rise of (P) 926 PRICHARD, J. C. Ethnographical Maps . 628 Natural History of Man 628 Physical Histoi'y of Mankind 628 Eastern origin of Celtic Nations 628 PRIDEAUX, C. G. Churchwarden's Guide 218 PRIDEAUX, F. Precedents of Conveyan- cing 141 PRIDEAUX, H. Connection of Old and New Testaments 21 PRIDEAUX, T. S. On the Fuel of Furnaces 730 PRIDHAM, C. Account of Ceylon 464 Account of Mauritius. . . . 464 PRIEST, Josiah. American Antiquities . 1182 PRIESTLEY, J. Navigable Hivers, Canals, &c 758 PRIESTLEY, Dr. On First Principles of Government 224 PRIME. Travels in Europe, and the East 649 Primogeniture 141, PRINCE, P. A. Parallel History 306 PRINCE, Thos. Annals of New England. 1235 Prince Edward's Island. Account of 286, 1338, 1437, (P) 1096 Journals and Laws 17 Charts of..,. 1391 rinceton Essays 847 rincipul and Agent. Law of. . 146, (P) 1095 nncipes d'artillerie 681 5 rincipes des fortifications 682 rincipes favorables au progres de 1'in- dustrie 258 RINGLE, T. Residence in South Africa 563 'RINSEP, E. A. Sanscrit Vocabulary. . . . 781 PIUNSEP, H. T. Tibet, Tartary, and Mon - golia 557 Printing. Art of 232, 578, 732, 772, 841 See also, Bibliography. Printing for the Blind 87, 733 Printing in Colours 732 Printing in America. History of 1179 PRIOR, J. Life of Burke 482 PRIOR, M. Poems 862 PRISCIANUS 17 Prisons 245-247, 298, 705 Prisons (British) and Prison Discipline, 246, (P) 934-936, 940, 1077, 1085, 1115 Prisons in Spain and Portugal (P) 940 in France (P) 942 isO'i Discipline in India HI PRITCHARD, A. Microscopic Cabinet *589 Micrographia *589 Private Bills. Proceedings on. 110, (P) 1082 Privileges of Parliament. See Parliament. Privy Council Proceedings, dec 344 See also, Appeals. Probabilities 266, *582 See also, Life Insurance. Procedure administrative *213 Procedure civile 202, 204, 210 Procedure criminelle 202, 204, 210 PROCLUS 817 PROCTOR, Col. History of Italy. ; 435 PROCTOR, F. History of the Book of Common Prayer 29 Progress of the Human Race 1427 Promissory Notes. See Bills of Exchange. PROMPSAULT. Dictionnaire de droit. . . . *19 PRONY. R. de. Mecanique analytique . . 746 Des mouvemens circulaires. . . . 746 Architecture hydraulique 757 PROPERTIUS 824 Property. Law of 140 Property and Property Tax, (P) 929, 1096, 1135 Propheties 27 Propriete 237 Voir Socialisme. Propriete. Traite de la 206, 21 1 1839 IPBO INDEX. [.PUR Propriete'. Domaine de 206 Propriete industrielle *100 Propriete des arbres des grandes routes. . 206 Propriete des eaux cour antes *206 Propriete du lit des rivieres 206 Propriete litteraire *237 Prostitution 244, 259 Protection. 278, 918 Protestants 38 Protestant Episcopal Church, in America, 219, 1197, 1198 Protestant Reformation. History of. . . 35-38 Protestantisme compare au Cat holicisme . *238 Protests in House of Lords 118, 230 PROUDHON, P. J. Systeme des contra- dictions economiques 237 . Qu'est-ce que la pro- pri6t6 ? 237 : Lettre a M. Blanqui sur la propri^te 237 Avertissement aux proprie'taires . 237 Inte>et et principal. . 237 Concurrence des che- mins de fer *271 PROUDHON, M. Traite de 1'etat des per- sonnes 206 Traite des droits d'usu- fruit 207 Traite du domaine de propri6te 206 Traite" du domaine public 206 PROUT, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, ature fran- caise et espagnole 798 Dictionnaire mu- nicipal 212 LecomteLucanor 897 PUIBUSQUE, Le Vte. Lettres sur la guerre de Russie, en 1812 430 Puits Artesiens 628 PUILLE. Arpentage *749 PUISSANT. Traite de geodesic 749 PULASKI, Count. Life of, by J. Sparks. 1226 PULLEYN, W. Etymological Compendium 726 PULLING, A. Law and Usage of Mer- cantile Accounts 146 Law of Attorneys 130 Laws, 5sme en France 260 ROBERT, F. B. Manuel du mouleur en medailles 739 ROBERT, le Dr. Ge"ologie, Mine'ralogie et Zoologie, &c 611 ROBFRTS, Miss. Scenes in Hindostan . . . 554 ROBERTS, C. Kings of Britain 334 ROBERTS, E. Embassy to China, Siam and Muscat *556 ROBERTS, Mary. Of Mollusca 644 Voices from the Wood- lands 646 ROBERTS, T. H. Principles of Court of Chancery 136 ROBERTS, W. History of Letter Writing 796 ROBERTSON, D. On Law of Personal Suc- cession 141 Tour in Isle of Man .... 405 ROBERTSON, E. P. Gujarat! Dictionary . 782 ROBERTSON, Rev. J. Mission of the Se- cession Church to Nova Scotia .. 1198 ROBERTSON, J. Visit to Mexico 1373 Few Months in America 1882 ROBERTSON, junr. W. Oregon Territory . 1258 ROBERTSON, W. Works and Life 847 Charles V. '. 329 History of America ... 1178 1 Histoire de l'Am6rique 1178 ROBERVAL, de. Voyage au Canada 1271 Voyage to Canada .... 1169 ROBESPIERRE, Max. Memoires 427 Essay on, by Croker *429 Life, by Lewes . . . 427 INDEX. lEOO PAOI ROBESPIERRE, Max Sa vie 499 RoBiLLARD-PfiRONViLLE. Musee franfais 693 ROBIN, L'Abbe C. C. Voyage a la Loui- siane, a la Floride, aire 887 SEN, R. C. Bengalee Dictionary 781 SENANCOUR, de. Obermann 882 SENAULT. Usage des Passions *19 SENEBIER. Physiologic vegetal e 657 SENECA 824 SENECE. Poesies 873 SENEFELDEE, A. History of Lithography 719 Senegal. Voyages 562 Senegambie. Histoire 468 SENIOR, N. "W". On Political Economy. . 253 On Population 255 On Political Economy.(P) 945 - On Bullion Question.. (P) 1143 OnMoney (P) 1127 DDD 1859 INDEX. ISHA SKOANE, M. Spanish Dictionary ....... 786 SEPPINGS, R. Of constructing Navies ... 709 Septuagint Version of the Old Testament. 10 Sepulchral Monuments ............. 701, 717 See also, Epitaphs. SERE, le Dr. L. Somnambulisme ...... 670 SERE. Voir LACROIX (Paul) SERENIUS, J. Swedish, English and Latin Dictionary .................... 784 SERGEANT, H. J. On the Lien of Me- chanics in Pennsylvania ......... 185 SERGEANT, T. t On Constitutional Law. . . 184 SERGENT, F. Manuel du proprie"taire et du locataire ................... 207 Sermons, (M. S. S.) with Prayers ....... 48 Sermons. Collections of .......... 47-49, 226 -- by Various Writers,(P) 937, 1088 (Quaker, 1085), 1097, 1103, 1105, 1110-1113, 1115, 1116, 1119, 1120, 1161, 1157, 1158, 1422, 1424, 1428, 1442, 1443 - On Preaching ............. (P) 1106 Serpents. See Reptiles. Serpent-worship ...................... 52 SERPILLON. Code du faux ............ 198 | SERHES, Marcel de. CoSmogonie de Moise 18 --- - - Manuel de Pal6onto- logie . ....................... 627 ! ---- Geognosie des terrains tertiaires .................... 627 SERVAN. Art militaire ............... 681 Servia. History of ................. 449 SERVILLE. Insectes orthopteres ........ 6-13 -- Insectes h6mipteres ........ 643 --- Insectes, papillons, etc ...... 641 SETON, Mrs. E. A. Life of ............ 1196 SEVELINGES, de. M6moires de Dubois . . 426 SEVESTRE. Dictionnaire de Patrologie. . *19 SeviGNfi, Mme. de. Lettres ........... 869 SEVIN, 1'abbe. Sur Evhemere ......... 69 -- Sur Panaetius .......... 59 -- Histoire d'Assyrie ...... 315 -- Histoire de Carie, etc. . . 315 History of Bath ........ 1240 Works ............... 1244 Life of John Quincy Adams ....................... 1223 A Cruise to Labrador. 1446 ^ Introduction to Natural SEWELL, Chief Justice. MM Juridical Essay. 1438 Dark Days in Ca- 1411 752 nada SEWELL, J. On Steam and Locomotion . SEWELL, R. C. On the Law of Sheriff . . 138 SEWELL, W. Christian Morals 65 Sewers. Law on 143 Sewers. See Drains and Drainage. SEXTUS RCFUS 825 SEYBERT, Adam. Statistical Annals of the United States 1231 SETD, E. California and its Resources.. .*1389 SEYMOUR, H. D. Russia on the Black Sea and Sea of Azoff 547 SEYMOUR, W. D. Merchant Shipping Act 148 Manufacture of Flax and Beetroot Sugar 662 Shadows in Architecture 700 Shadows (Caricature) *718 SHAFTESBURY, Earl of. Characteristics of Men SHAKESPEAR, J. Hindustani Dictionary. Grammar.. SHAKESPEARE, W. SEWALL, Jos. SEWARD.W. H. History of New-York 613 SIWEL, W. History of the Society of Friends 41 1860 6S 781 781 Poems and Plays... 863 (Euvres 868 Concoi'dance to 863 Life, by Halliwell ... 500 Outlines to, by Retzsch 863 Tales from, by Charles and Hester Lamb 863 Monument to (P) 940 Gallery (P) 110S Character of (P) 1105 SHAKSPEARE et son temps, par Guizot. . . 86S SHARP, G. Prize Essay on Banking.. 264 SHARP, J. A. Index to Ordnance Maps . 588 SHARP. Voyage 524 SHARPE, D. Of Fossil Mollusca 627 SHARPE, S. Egyptian Inscriptions 820 History of Egypt 320 SHARSWOOD, Judge. Professional Ethics. 185 SHAW, G. J. Law of Bankers Cheques . 145 SHAW, (G.) and NODDER. Naturalist's Miscellany 608 SHAW, H. Encyclopaedia of Ornaments . 703 SHAW, L. Poems 864 SHAW, P. Pharmacopoeia 674 SHAW, Pringle. Ramblings in California 1662 SHAW, T. B. Outlines of English Litera- ture 808 SHAW'S Travels in Barbary 662 SHA] INDEX. [.sic SHAW'S West of England 536 SHEA, J. G. History of the Catholic Mis- sions 1191 Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley 1252 See LAROCHB HERON, (Catholic Church ) Voyez aussi les Relations des PP. GRAVIER et BIGOT. SHEARMAN, F. W. Public Instruction in Michigan ... 85 Sheep 275, 294, 659 SHEFFIELD, John, Lord. Commerce of the American States 1231 Commerce des Etats-Unis 1231 State of Great Britain and the U. S. of America. 1231 A letter from an American on his pamphlet 1231 Pamphlets by (P) 1145 SHEFFIELD, Duke of Buckinghamshire. Poems 864 SHEIL, Lady. Life and Manners in Persia 552 SHEIL, R. L. Legal and Political Sket- ches 477 Speeches 121 Memoirs, by McCullagh. . 500 SHEIFORD, L. Law of Lunatics 150 Law of Marriage and Di- vorce , 138 Law of Mortmain 142 Law of Railways 144 Sheila. British Museum Catalogues of . . 636 SHELLEY, P. B. Poems 864 SHENSTONE. Poems 864 SHEPHARD, Chs. Island of St. Vincent. . 1210 SHEPHARD'S Memoir of his Life 1233 SHEPHERD, H. I. Law relative to Elec- tions 113 SHEPHERD, W. A. Bombay to Bushire. . *552 SHEPPARD, F. Constitutional Text-book of the United States *17S SHEPPARD, J. The Foreiga Sacred Lyre *51 SHEPPARD, Wm. Essays on Canadian Botany 1410-1412 SHEEBURNE. Poems 864 SHKBIDAN, R. B. Dramatic Works 864 Memoirs, by Moore . . 500 Speeches 120 Ecole de la medisance 891 SHEKIDAN, T. English Dictionary 793 : On Elocution (P) 1135 Sheriff-law 138 (P) 1144 SHERLEY, Sir A. Voyage to San Jago, Dominica, ogames 647 SPACKMAN, W. F. Analysis of the Rail- way Interest 270 Occupations of the people 274 Spain. History of 439, 77 1 Travels in 527, 534, 540, 560 Pamphlets on the History and Politics of. ..933, 935, 939, 940, 945, 1092, 1093, 11] 0, 1123, 1147, 1150 SPALLANZANI'S Travels 542 Spanish Language 785 Literature 798, 879, (P) 1152 SPAEKS, J. Writings of Washington, 181, 1220 SPAEKS, J. Life of John Ledyard 1226 Life of S. Cabot 1365 Speakers of House of Commons. List of the; with their Speeches, from 1660 to 1796 118 Lives of the ; from Edw. Ill to Victoria 119 Speakers of Houses of Legislature in Ca- nada. Lists and Portraits of, 1656-1658 Spectacles 6*78 Spectator. The 851 Essays on,*by Drake . . 834 Speeches. Collections of 120 SPEED, J. History of Great Britain .... 385 Atlas of the World 512 Theatre of Empire of Great Britain 335 SPEEDE. Criminal Statistics of Bengal . 175 SPEIE, Mrs. Ancient India 458 SPELMAN, Sir H. Works 851 Coin of the Kingdom . . 263 History of Sacrilege . . 30 Life, by Gibson 502 On Tithes 216 On Wills 142 SPENCE, G. Equitable jurisdiction of Court of Chancery 136 Origin of Laws, Trials. Capt. Jekyll and Col . Stewart (P) 1 103 G. Rose (P) 1107 Capt. Atchison (P) 1112 Vice- Admiral Cornwallis. .. .(P) 1117 J. Holloway and O. Haggerty(P) 1118 Robert Emmet (P) 1119 E. Moore ; Capt, Molloy (P) 1 142 S. F. Waddington (P) 1149 Sir A. Paget; T. Theaker. . .(P) 1156 Creighton vs. Townsend (P) 1156 Relative to the Red-River Settle- ment 164 Trials, Celebrated. See State Trials. Trinidad. Laws 172 Geology of *614 State of the Government of (P) 1094 Slavery in (1 J ) 1155 Voyages .... 1360 Trinity. Doctrine of the 50, 917 Trinity College, Dublin. History of . . . 81 Trinity College, Toronto. Higtory of. . . 86 TEIPIER. Les codes francais 204 Triomphe du nouveau monde 1167 TROBRIAND, Regis de. Le Rebelle 1444 TROGNON. Fragment de 1'histoire de France 413 TROLLEY. De la hierarchic administrative 211 TROLLOPE, W. History of Christ's Hos- pital 79 TROLLOPE, Mrs. Domestic Manners of the Americans 1380 Domestic Manners of the Americans, Criticisms thereon . (P) 1426 Voyage aux Etats-Unis 1345 TROOST, G. Old Remains in Tennessee. . 629 TROPLONG. Droit civil explique 205 De la proprie'te 237 Influence du christianisme sur le droit civil 92 THOUBAT, F J. Law of Partnership ... 185 TROUSSEAU et PIDOUX. Traite de thera- peutique 671 Troy. Siege of (P) 1078 TROY, P. Questions des cere"ales 279 TROYER, A. Rois de Kachmer 453 TROYES, Jean de. Chronique scandaleuse 415 TRUBNER'S TetraglSt Dictionary *785 TRUMBULL, Henry. Indian Wars 1259 TRUMBULL, J. II. Records of Connecti- cut 188, 1239 TRURAN. Iron Manufacture of Great Britain 730 1879 TR U] INDEX. \TTT TRUY. Police de France 212 TSCHAGGENY. Commerce de la France. . 283 TSCHUDI, J. J. Peruvian Antiquities. ... 1188 Travels in Peru 1357 TUBBEE, Okah. His Life 1440 TUCKER, A. Light of Nature 63 TUCKER, G. Life of Jefferson 1222 History of the United States 1219 TUCKER, H. St. George. Memorials of Indian Government 459 Life of, by Kaye 459 TUCKER, Josiah. Political Tracts, 7 WIIITTLESEY, C. Of Ancient. Works in Ohio 614, 1184 Life of John Fitch 12-1'G WHITTY, E. M. Political Sketches 229 WHITWORTH, Sir C. Trade of Great Britain 273 WHITWORTH, J. Equity Precedents .... 136 Who's who in 1855 507 WHYTE,J. C. History of the British Turf 725 WHYTEHEAD, T. College Life 78 WICKSTEED, G. W. Index to the Statutes 169 WIDDER, F. Information for Emigrants . 286 Widowburning in India 42 WIED-NEUWIED, Maximilien Prince de. Voyage au Bresil Voyage dans 1'interieur de 1'Amerique du Nord 1391 WIESE, L. English Education 80 WIGAN, A. L. Duality of the Mind 72 WIGGINS, J. On Embanking Lands from the Sea 759 WIGHT, A. Of the Parliament of Scotland 1 14 WIGHT, J. Mornings at Bow Street .... 194 WIGHT, R. Report on Horticultural Gar- dens Octacamund 64!) WIGHT, T. History of Quakers in Ireland 41 WIGHTWICK, G. Palace of Architecture . 699 WIKOFF. My Courtship 505 Roving Diplomatist 505 Sketch of Louis Napoleon . . . 432 WILBERFORCE, R. I. Sketch of Ertistianism 27 See DRUMMOND, H. WILBEUFORCE, S. Protestant Episcopal Church in America 1197 WILBERFORCE, W. Life, by his Sons. ... -605 WILCOCKS, A. On the Tides *579 Wild Land. On Cultivation of (P) 1 100 WILDMAN, R. Institutes o International Law 94 WILKES, C. Theory of the Winds 587 U. States Exploring Expedi- tion in the Antarctic Seas 565 WILKES, J. Correspondence 605 North Briton.. . *226 FFF 1891 JF/i] INDEX \_WIL 444 319 628 WILKES, J. English Liberty 226 WILKIE, Sir D. Life, by Cunningham . . 716 WILKIK, G. Iron Manufacture *730 WILKIK, W. Poems 865 WILKINSON, Sir. G. Ancient Egyptians. 319 Egyptians in the time of the Pharaohs *319 WILKINSON, Sir G. Dalmatia and Monte- negro Topography of Thebes . Handbook for Egypt WILKINSON, G. B. Advantages of South Australia 566 WILKINSON, Gen. James. Memoirs of my own times 1266 WILKINSON, J. G, Life of Swedenborg. *502 Ou the Human Body 630 WILKINSON, J. J. Action of Replevin. .' 134 WILKINSON'S Classical Atlas 511 WILKS, W. History of the Half-Century 832 Life of Edward Irving 492 WILL, H. Outlines of Qualitative An- alysis 594 WILL, VCEHLEB et autres. Chimie analy- tique 596 WILLABD, Emma. History of the United States 1219 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. See, GUILLAUME LE CONQUEKANT. WILLIAM III. Life and Times 390 WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY'S Chronicle ... 350 WILLIAM OF NEWBURWH'S Chronicle 860 WILLIAMS, B. Majmal of Model drawing 714 WILLIAMS, C. W. Navigation of the Hi- deau Canal, &c 769 WILLIAMS, F. S. History, &c., of Iron Roads 753 WILLIAMS, G. History of the Holy City 19 WILLIAMS, John. Language, &c., of the Cymry 790 WILLIAMS, J. Alexander the Great 322 WILLIAMS, John. History of Denmark, Sweden, &c 451 WILLIAMS, Josh. Law of Personal Pro- perty 141 Law of Real Property 141 On selling Real Estate *141 On Law Reform *128 WILLIAMS, J. B. Practical Geodesy . . . 749 WILLIAMS, J. S. History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington 1267 WILLIAMS, M. Sanscrit Dictionary 781 1892 WILLIAMS, R. F. Art of Sculpture in Wood 716 WILLIAMS, Roger. Life of, by W. Gam- mell 1226 WILLIAMS, Rowland. Christianity and Hinduism compared *54 WILLIAMS, S. W. China and its Inhabi- tants 465 Present State of China 629 WILLIAMS, Samuel. History of Vermont 1240 WILLIAMS, W. F. Account of the Ber- mudas 1360 WILLIAMS, W. On Pleading *182 WILLIAMSON, W. D. History of Maine. 1240 WILLCOCK, J. W. Laws relating to Medi- cal Profession 150 Office of Constable 134 WILLICH, C. M. Valuation Tables of Life- hold Property 267 WILLIS, B. BTotitia Parliamentaria. . . . 108 WILLIS, K P. Pencillings by the Way . . 585 WILLIS, R. S. Our Church Music *29 WILLM, J. Education of the People. ... 80 WILLMORE, (G.) and BEEDELL. Mercantile Guide 148 WILLOCGHBY'S Voyage to Russia, Ac. ... 529 WILLS, W. Rationale of Circumstantial Evidence 132 Wills. Law concerning 142, 186 WILME, B. P. Hand-Book for Mapping,