ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, INCLUDING MECHANICS AND HYDROSTATICS, BY JOHN, LESLIE, ESQ. / *^<^-~' PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE. SECOND EDITION, CORRECTED AND ENLARGED . EDINBURGH : PUBLISHED BY OLIVER & BOYD, TWEEDDALE COURT, AND GEO. B. WHITTAKER LONDON. 1829. I i ADVERTISEMENT. THIS volume is the first of a work designed to exhibit a Comprehensive View of the Prin- ciples of Natural Philosophy. Though com- piled chiefly for the use of my Students, it is written, I hope, with sufficient expansion, to suit the taste of the public at large. I have endeavoured to render it as elementary as possible, without departing from the accuracy of science. No previous instruction is re- quired, except an acquaintance with the sim- plest rudiments of Geometry and Algebra ; but I would earnestly recommend the study of Geometrical Analysis to all those who aspire to the higher attainments. The present volume may be considered by itself as in a great measure complete ; and IV ADVERTISEMENT. two more will conclude my plan. I intend to annex copious illustrations, containing the more difficult demonstrations, historical no- tices and references to authors, with a cor- rect set of the most useful tables. But I must defer all these additions till the next volume shall appear. I have in this Edition carefully revised the whole, made several important additions, and given a copious table of contents. I had designed the Second Volume of this Work to appear at the same time ; but have since thought it better to wait for the results of a series of experiments projected on the Constitution and Power of Steam. I trust, however, in being enabled very soon to dis- charge my promise to the public. COATES, FlFESHIRE,} 28th October 1828. ( CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Origin of Physical Inquiries, ix. Conducted by Observation vr Experiment, x. Distinction between these tico modes of In- vestigation, xi. Analytical Process, xii. Accelerated by Inci- dental Causes, xiii. Geometry, an important instrument in pro- moting Physical Research, xiv. Advantage of a lively fancy in tracing the Operations of Nature, xv. Danger of indulging Hy- potheses, xvi. Science dawned in the East, but rose into splen- dour among the Greeks, xvii. The general tenets of Tholes and his successors, xviii. Anaxagoras, xix. Pythagoras and his Doctrines, xx-xxi. Empedocles, Xenophanes and Leucippus, xxii. Democritus and his Atomic Theory, xxiii. Philosophy of Socrates, xxiv. Plato, the Founder of Geometrical Analysis, Aristotle and his Philosophical Doctrines, xxv-xxviii. Esta- blishment of the Alexandrian School, and the brilliant Galaxy of Euclid, Apollonius, Pappus, and Diophantus, xxix. Voyages for Geographical Discovery by Nearchus, Enthymenes, and Py- theas, Archimedes and his fine discoveries in Geometry, Me- chanics and Hydrostatics, xxxi-xxxii. Advances made in As- tronomy by Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, and especially Hippar. chus, xxxiii. Astronomical Observations and Discoveries of Ptolemy, xxxiv. Mechanical Improvements of Ctesebius and Hero, xxxv. Progress of the Arabians in Mathematics and As- tronomy, xxxvi-xxxvii. Learning cherished by the Roman See during the middle ages, xxxviii. Beneficial influence of the Cru~ sades, xxxix. Invention of Paper and Spectacles, xl. The di- VI CONTENTS. rective property of the Magnet imported from the East, Gun- powder was likewise borrowed from the East, though its explosive power was probably discovered by Schwartz, and was soon succeed- ed by the invention of Printing, xli. Institution of Universities, and the studies there pursued, xlii. The Medici Family, magni- ficent patrons of learning, xliii. Revival of Science by Coperni- cus, Purbach, Da Vinci, Stevinus, and Galileo, xlv. Sublime discoveries of Kepler, and noble invention of Logarithms by Napier, xlvi. Gilbert, the father of Experimental Science in England, xlvii. Optical discoveries of Kepler, Snellius and Des Cartes, xlviii. Invention of the Thermometer and Barometer in Italy ; while Guricke discovers and constructs the air-pump in Germany, xlix. Progress of the Higher Geometry and Mecha~ nics, with the Theory of Centrifugal Force, founded by Huy- gens, 1. Transcendent discoveries of Newton, li. Advances of the Fluxionary Calculus, and Bradley 's nice discovery of the Aberration of Light, lii. Mensuration of a degree of the Meri- dian, and the investigations of Gauss, Lagrange, and Laplace, liii. Discovery of Achromatic Glasses by Dolland, and of the Polarity of Light by Malus, liv. Improvements in the Theory of Heat, and the Laws of Electricity, Iv. Voltas formation of the Galvanic Pile, and Oersted's discovery of Electro-Magnetism^ Ivi. Concluding Observations on the rashness of framing Hy- potheses, Quotation from the famous Pascal, Ivii.-lviii. Natural Philosophy defined, 1. Process of investigation by Observation or Experiment, 2. Division of the Course into twelve heads ; enumeration of these, 4 and 5. I. SOMATOLOGY. Subdivision of the properties of bodies into Essential and Con- tingent, 6. Character of Impenetrability, 7; elucidated by six experiments, 8. Divisibility illustrated by a variety of curious CONTENTS. , Vll facts, such as the thinness of pellicles, the tenuity of threads, the extension of gold-leaf, minuteness of powders, and the evanescence of animalcules, 9-16. Porosity shown by the transmission of air, water, or mercury, through the substance of a body, 17. Insensi- ble perspiration, 18. Bodies permeable to one kind of fluid though not to another, 1 9. Measure of the diaphanous quality of air, 20. Gold-leaf translucid, 21. Wood, paper, and many other substan- ces sensibly diaphanous, 22. The property of contraction evinced by a variety of experiments, 23-25. Condensation of wood under enormous pressure, 26-27. Contraction produced by chemical union, 28. Dilatation occasioned by the absorption of moisture, 29. Effect of wetting a cord, 30. The contingent properties of Mobility and Ponderability illustrated, 31. Farther elucidation of ponderability, 32. Phsenomena of Cohesion, 33. General con- clusion respecting the transmutation of bodies, 34. Analysis of the leading principles of the Boscovichian Theory, 35-38. II. STATICS. Origin of our ideas of Power and Force, 39. Experimental in- vestigation of the conditions of Equilibrium, 40 and 41. Action of an oblique force proportional to the cosine of its inclination, 42. Hence the Parallelogram of Forces, 43 ; modifications of that property, 44. Triangle of Forces, 45. Theorem of the direc- tions of three balancing forces, 46 and 47. Reduction of oblique forces by co-ordinates, 48. Parallel forces applied to different points of a line fixed at both ends, 49. The several properties of those strains or thrusts, comprising the Theory of Arches, 50 and 51. Parallel forces exert the same action on a body as their compound, passing through the Centre of Gravity, 52-55 ; essential property of this centre, 56. Conditions of stability, 57 and 58. Methods of deter- mining geometrically and practically the position of the centre of gravity, 59 and 60 ; its remarkable properties, 61 and 62. Cen- tre of the pressure at three points in a plane, 63. Forces applied Vlll CONTENTS. along a flexible chain, and theory of the Catenarian Suspension, 64 ; this theory exemplified, 65 and 66. Approximate calcula- tions, 67. Property of the Lever deduced from the composition of forces, 68 ; inferred from other considerations, 69. Theory of the Inclined Plane, and the original demonstration of Stevinus, 70 and 71. Theory of the Pulley derived from the composition of Forces, 72. III. PHORONOMICS. Definitions, 73. Laws of motion grounded on Experimental Induction, 74 and 75 ; exposition of those laws, and description of Atwood's machine, 75. Nature of Inertia, 77 ; its existence betrayed in various incidents of ordinary life, 78. General pro- perties of uniform, accelerated, and retarded motion, 79. Theo- rems which connect force, velocity, and space, 80. Properties of motion uniformly accelerated or retarded, 81 and 82 ; exemplified by Atwood's machine, 83 and 84. Effect of deflexion on the ce- lerity of a body, 85. Descent of a body along an inclined plane, and over a succession of planes, 86 and 87. Beautiful property of the descent on the chord of a vertical circle, 88. Motion of a body urged by a force directly as its distance from a given point, 89. Time of description by such a graduated force, 90 ; hence the oscillations of a Pendulum in small circular arcs, 91. In- fluence of the length of a pendulum, 92. Retardation from the extent of the arc of description, 93. Time of descent the same through every arc of a Cycloid, 94. The Cycloid likewise the curve of swiftest descent, 95 and 96. Internal oscillations pervade the economy of Nature, 97. Theory of compound pendulums and determination of the Centre of Oscillation, 98 and 99 ; geometrical properties of that centre, 100 and 101. Theory of the Metronome and of Rocking Stones, 102. Descent of a body urged by a force inversely as its distance from a given centre, 103 and 104. Case of a body falling by a force di- CONTENTS. IX rectly as its distance from the centre, 105. Those properties ex- emplified in reference to the gravitation of our Earth, 106-8. Theorems concerning Centrifugal Force, 109 and 110; expli- cation of various phenomena depending on that force, 111. Coni- cal Pendulum, 112; its property investigated, 113. Governor of the Steam-Engine, 114. Projectiles, and Parabolic Theory, 115 and 1 16 ; exemplification of it, and its deviation from practice, 117. General theory of Central Forces, 118. Investigation of the Law of Universal Gravitation, 119. Gradation of force which would produce a revolution about the centre of an ellipse, 120 ; transformation of the ellipse into a straight line, by the extension of its eccentricity, 121. Investigation of the third law of Kepler, 122. Consequences of the mutations of the elliptical orbits, 123. Conservative principles of the universe, with reflections on the nearly circular orbits of the planets, 124 and 125. The theory of projectiles, or ballistics comprehended under the general system of centripetal forces, 126 and 127. Deviation of a falling body from the perpendicular, 128. Descent of a cannon ball fired directly upwards, 129. Motion of falling bodies considered as only the extreme case of that performed in elliptical trajectories, 130 and 131. If any particles move in straight lines, their centre of gravity will describe likewise an uniform rectilineal path, 132 and 133. Principle of Virtual Velocities, 134. Limits of the position of the Centre of Gravity, and property of the Conservation of Living Forces, 135. Momentum of bodies, 1 36. Communication of mo- tion never instantaneous, 137. The distinction of impinging bo- dies into Resilient and Coalescent, more appropriate than that of Elastic and Non-elastic, 138. Collision of coalescent bodies, 139. Collision of resilient bodies, 140. Exemplification of the principle of the Conservation of Living Forces, 141. Farther illustration of collision, 142. Impulsion conveyed through several balls, 143. Gradation which produces the maximum effect, 144. This pro- perty exemplified, 1 45. Curious result of an inverted progression, and the practical consequence deduciblc from it, 146. Oblique col- lision, 147. Variable measure of resiliency, 148. Origin of the X CONTENTS. Centre of Percussion, 149. Method of finding its position, 150. Centre of Conversion, or of Spontaneous Rotation, 151. The progressive motion of any system not affected by its rotation, 152 ; the property exemplified, 153 ; applied to the rotation of the pla- nets, 154. Centre of Gyration, 155. Momentum of Rotation, 157 ; influence of the position of that centre on the rolling of bodies down an inclined plane, 158 ; the principle illustrated experimen- tally by the rolling of loaded and hollow cylinders, 159. Investi- gation of the theory of progressive motion conjoined with that of revolution, 160-163. The three principal axes of rotation, 164 ; properties of those axes, 165. MECHANICS. Origin of Mechanics, and examination of the elements of Ma- chines, 166.* Concentrator of Force, 167 ; its application exem- plified, 168; simple estimation of its effects, 169; rigorous for- mulas for computing them, 170 ; exemplification, 171 ; diversified action of the Concentrator, 172 ; application of it to practice, 173 ; formula for computing its operation, abridged and exemplified, 174 and 175. Practical utility of the Concentrator in a variety of cases, and its modification in the Fly, 176. Machine of oblique action, 177 ; composed either of cords or inflexible rods, 178. The five ordinary mechanical powers, 1 79. Theory of the Lever as derived from the principle of virtual velocities, ] 80 ; and from the property of the centre of gravity, 181 ; three kinds of levers, 182; their application, 183. Universal and compound lever, 184. Steel Yard and Common Balance, 185. False Balance, 186. Proper construction of the balance, 187. Adjustment and correc- tion of the balan ce, 1 88- 1 90. Wheel and axle, 191. Wheel and pinion and Double capstan, 192. Inclined plane, 193; its pro- perty deduced from the consideration of virtual velocities, 194. The Screw, and its modifications, 195. The Wedge, 196. The Pulley, 197. The purchase deduced from virtual velocities, 198. CONTENTS. XI Different combinations of pulleys, 199 ; form of the teeth of wheels, 200 ; construction of the Trundle, 201 ; modification of the forms of teeth and pinions, 202 ; cogs of wheels and racks, 203 ; figu- ring of a templet or pattern tooth, 204 ; accurate construction, 205 ; geometrical approximation, 206 ; conditions of the number of teeth in the wheel and pinion, 207. Object of Heart wheels, 208. Universal joint, sun and planet wheel, and parallel motion, 209. Efficacy of machines, 210. Maximum effect in the wheel and axle, 211; and in the inclined plane, 212 and 213. Friction, 214. Angle of repose, 215; practical observations, 216 and 217. Ge- neral abstract of Coulomb's experiments on friction, 218 and 219. New theory of friction, 220-223 ; its application to a variety of facts, 224 ; influence of time in augmenting contact and friction, 225 and 226 ; explication of some remarkable effects, 227 ; friction of pivots, 228 ; modified attrition of soft substances, 229. Ob- struction from Rolling, 230 ; its measure determined, 23 1 ; re- tardation of larger wheels, 232. Theory of friction wheels, 233 ; applied to wheel-carriages, 234-236. Accurate observations, dis- tinguishing attrition and adhesion, much wanted, 237 ; effects of celerity in the draught of a carriage, 238. Stiffness of ropes, 239 ; ascertained by the experiments of Coulomb, 240. Advantage of friction in certain cases, 241. Property of the repeated coils of a cord, 242. Strength of materials, 243. Longitudinal tension, 244. In- vestigation of the modulus of elasticity , 245 ; its measure in stones and several kinds of timber, 246 ; tabular view of the absolute co- hesion of different woods, 247 ; cohesion of hemp and metallic rods, 248 and 249. Longitudinal compression, 250 ; its quantity in metals, stones, and timber, 251 ; strength diminished by the height, 252 ; best form of a column, 253, Transverse pressure, 254. Theory of Galileo, and its application to the structure of herbaceous plants and animal bones, 255 and 256. Experiments of Buffon on the strength of oaken beams, 257. Rennie's experi- ments on bars of cast iron, 258 ; problem to cut a tree into a beam of the greatest strength, 259 ; rigorous investigation of a transverse Xll CONTENTS. strain, 260. Elastic curve, 26 1 ; estimate of the quantity of de- pression, 262 and 263; variation of effect, 264; the general for- mula exemplified, 265. Modulus of elasticity deduced from the depression or flexure occasioned by a weight, 266 ; exemplifica- tions, 267 and 268 ; quantity of depression which precedes frac- ture, 269 and 270 ; strength of a hollow cylinder, 271. Nature of torsion, 272 ; its quantity investigated, 273 ; exemplification, and Coulomb's exquisite balance, 274. Animal power, 275 ; diminished by prolonged exertion, 276. Mode of estimating the effects of labour, and comparison of the different ways of exerting human force, 277-280 ; the power of animal traction reduced by acceleration, 281 ; exemplified in la- bourers and horses, 282-284 ; power of the ox, the ass, the mule, and the elephant, 285 ; exertion of the camel, the dromedary, and the rein-deer, 286 ; action of the lama, and paco, of the dog and the goat, 287 and 288. III. HYDROSTATICS. Nature of fluidity, 289 and 290. Exists in different degrees, 291. Theory of its constitution, 292; fundamental property of fluidity investigated, 293-295 ; equal pressure of a fluid in every direction elucidated by experiment, 296. Hydrostatical Paradox of Pascal, derived also from the principle of virtual velocities, 297. The weight of a fluid supported partly by the bottom and partly by the inclined sides of the containing vessel, 298-301. Archi- medean principle, that a body loses by immersion the weight of the fluid displaced, 302 ; strict demonstration of it, 303. Hydrosta- tic balance, 304. Methods of determining, in different circum- stances, specific gravity, 305. Goniometer and hydrometer, 306. Concise method of ascertaining the density of fluids, 307. Ar- rangement of fluids having different densities, and hence the ex- plication of some natural phenomena, 308 ; table of specific gra- vities, 309 ; practical observations, 310. Inverted syphon and CONTENTS. Xlll spirit level, 311. Lateral pressure of fluids, and form of embank- ments, 312. Canal navigation, 313. Flood gates and their angle, 314. Internal strain of pipes conveying water, 315 ; formula for computing it, 316; various exemplifications, 317 and 318; pres- sure of water, internal or external, against a circular wall, 319. Condition of a floating body ; its centre of buoyancy, line of sup- port, and stability of flotation, 320 and 321 ; the floating of a sphere, and of a spherical segment, 322 ; of an homogeneous sphe- roid, 323 ; closer investigation of the conditions of flotation, 324. Bouguer's theory of the metacentre, 325 ; application of it to an homogeneous parallelepiped, 326 ; practical consequences, 327. A cylinder will, according to its density, and the ratio of its diameter altitude, exhibit all the three features of a floating body ; indiffe- rence, instability, or permanence of equilibrium, 328-331 ; floating of parabolic conoid, 332 ; application of the several formula to ex- plain the oversetting of icebergs, 333 and 334) ; general investiga- tion of the limits of stability, 335 ; theorem for stable flotation, 336. Method of computing the height of the metacentre, 337 ; corrections to be made, 338 ; practical application to ships, 339 ; centre of buoyancy found by gauging the immersed portion of the hull, 340 ; position of the metacentre discovered by observation, 341 and 342. Heaving, rolling, and pitching of vessels, 343 ; in- vestigation of the times of these several oscillations, 344 ; exem- plification, 345 and 346. Theory of the stowage of ship's cargo, 347 ; oscillation by pitching calculated and applied, 348 and 349 ; expedients for obtaining buoyancy, 350. Account of Bakker's camel, 351 and 352. Capillary action, 353 ; investigation of its true theory, 354 and 355. Ascent of water between parallel glass planes and narrow tubes determined, 356 ; the suspension of the liquid depends en- tirely on the smallness of the upper orifice, 357. Modifications of capillary action, 358 ; the depression of mercury in narrow tubes derived from the same principle, 359. Capillary action extends to all substances broken with fissure, or divided by interstices, 360. Error of a leading experiment of Hales, 361. Remarkable appli- XIV CONTENTS. cation of the Aimomeler, 362. Theory of the ascent of water through different soils, 363. Effect of the mutual cohesion of the particles of a fluid in modifying capillary action, 364. Illustration of some natural phenomena, 365 and 366. Adhesion of a disc of glass to different fluids, 367. Explication of some curious facts in the economy of nature, 368. Weight of a drop of water, of al- cohol, and of sulphuric acid, deduced from theory, and confirmed by experiment, 369 and 370. VII. HYDRODYNAMICS. Defined, 371. Fundamental theorem for the motion of fluids, 372 ; correction required in practice, 373. Popular investigation, 374. Some similar conclusion derived from the principle of the Conservation of Living Forces, 375. Projection of a fluid from dif- ferent apertures in a prismatic vessel, 376 ; consequences drawn from the theory, 377. A convenient modulus proposed for mea- suring the discharge of water from a conduit, 379. Theory of the Clepsydra or Water- Clock, 379. Investigation of the time of the efflux of water through a hole in the bottom of a cylindrical vessel, 380 and 381 ; modification of the formula, 382. Recoil from the effort of the projection of water, and theory of Barker's mill, 383. Action of centrifugal force in raising water, 384 ; in- vestigation of the effects in different circumstances, 385-387. In- vestigation of the curve, in every part of which an equal ascensional effort is centrifugal force, 388 ; made by appearance of the voragi- nous motion of water in a glass cylinder, 389. Theory of the ori- gin of whirlpools, 390. Principle of Pitot's tube, 391. Effect of the contraction of a current, 392 ; exemplification, 393. Augment- ed flow from an adjutage, 394. Advantage of an eductive pipe, 395 ; influence of the shape of the pipe, 396. Lateral action of running water pipe, 397 ; its practical application, and theory of the Hungarian blowing machine, 398. Investigation of the resis- tance of water in passing through pipes, 399 and 400 ; correction CONTENTS. XV from experiment, 401. Formula for computing the quantity of flow through pipes, 402 ; modifications of these formula, 403. Flow of water in rectangular channels, 404 ; retardation caused by inflexions of the pipe or conduit, 405. Use of air-vessels in a system of pipes, 406. Rule for calculating the discharge of water through simple and through compound pipes, 407. Account of the former and of the present supply of water for Edinburgh, 408 and 409. The annual fall of rain in any city, if carefully husbanded, would be sufficient for the wants of the inhabitants, 410. Aqueducts and skill of the Romans in practical Hydraulics, 41 1 ; the subject co- piously illustrated by quotations from the Classics, 412. Instru- ments for levelling used by the Romans, 413. Water distributed from the castellum or reservoir to the different quarters of the city commonly by means of leaden pipes, 414 ; quantity of discharge regulated by the size of the calices or spouts, 415. Pipes of un- glazed earthen ware occasionally used, the pores being closed by washing the inside vritbfavilla or wood-ashes, 416. Enumeration of the principal aqueducts of ancient Rome, 417 and 418; their aggregate discharge in a day, must have amounted to 50 millions of cubic feet of water, 419. Supply of modem Rome, Paris, and London, 420. Simple, but ingenious method of conducting water into the splendid cisterns of Constantinople, 421. The retardation of water in pipes extended to the flow of rivers along their beds, 422. Method of computing the celerity of a current from its de- clivity and mean hydraulic depth, 423 ; exemplification, 424. Di- rect impulsion of a stream against an opposing surface, 425 ; easy formula for calculating that force, 426. Explication of the action of a stream on stones of different dimensions, 427. Theory of the washing of mineral ores, and of the gradual formation of banks, 428. Comparison of the effects of human labour, with the action of water : The power evolved by nature in the mere suspension of clouds, exceeds 200,000 times the whole accumulated toil of mortals, 429. What portion of that power could be rendered available over the surface of the habitable earth : The collected waterfalls in this island might supply a magazine of force not infe- XVI CONTENTS. rior to the labour of our entire male population, 430. Calculation of the power that could be drawn from an extended system of tide- mills, 431. Action of a stream against the float-boards of a river- mill, 432. Investigation of the oblique shock of a current, 433. Inclination of a rudder to the keel, when it has the greatest power in turning a ship, 434. Theory of the resistance to the motion of an oblique plane through water, 435 ; considerable modification required in practice, 436 ; table of the actual resistance experien- ced at different angles, 437. Terminal velocity r , or the limit of the acceleration of a body sinking or rising in water or air, 438 ; the formula applied in the case of balls, cork, drops of rain, and hailstones, 439. Resistance of fluids illustrated by the gradation of the descent of a series of glass-beads, 440. Retardation observed in the shallow and narrow parts of a canal, 441. Measure of animal force expended in the traction at different velocities along a canal, 442. Advantages resulting from the slow navigation of ca- nals, 443. Vibratory impressions propagated through fluids, 444. Newtonian theory of undulation, 445 ; wants rectification, 446. External contour of waves determined, 447. Description of the origin, and of the successive rise and subsidence of waves, 448. INTRODUCTION. OUR curiosity is first awakened by the changes in- cessantly passing around us. But experience soon testifies the constancy and regularity of this varied spectacle. The vast movements of the Universe are found all to consist in the repetition of similar events. It may for ever elude the power of human ingenuity, to discover the more secret springs which connect the links of the extended indissoluble chain. Yet, since the most complex phenomenon is always the result of a very few principles, the objects of Science are at- tained by distinguishing and classing those elemen- tary facts. Men will seldom rest satisfied, however, with such moderate advances ; and have often, in their hasty and rash attempts to penetrate the arcana of Nature, suffered severe disappointment. The pro- VOL, i. b X INTRODUCTION. per business of philosophical inquiry, is to study care- fully the appearances that successively emerge, and trace their mutual relations. ALL our knowledge of external objects being de- rived through the medium of the senses, there are only two ways of investigating physical facts, by Observation or Experiment. Observation is con- fined to the close investigation and attentive exami- nation of the phenomena which arise in the course of Nature ; but Experiment consists in a sort of ar- tificial selection and combination of circumstances, for the purpose of searching minutely after the dif- ferent results. The range of Observation is limited by the po- sition of the spectator, who can seldom expect to follow Nature through her winding and intricate paths. Those observations are of the most value which include the relations of time and space, and derive greater nicety from their comprising a multi- plied recurrence of the same events. Hence Astro- nomy has attained much higher degree of perfec- tion than the other physical sciences. INTRODUCTION. XI Experiment is a more efficient mean than Ob- servation, for exploring the secrets of Nature. It requires no constant fatigue of watching, but comes in a great measure under the control of the inquirer, who may often at will either hasten or delay the ex- pected event. Though the peculiar boast of modern times, yet the method of proceeding by Experiment was not wholly unknown to the ancients, who seem to have concealed their notions of it under the veil of allegory. PROTEUS * signified the mutable and changing forms of material objects ; and the inquisi- tive philosopher was counselled by the Poets to watch that slippery Daemon when slumbering on the shore, to bind him and compel the reluctant captive to re- veal his secrets. This gives a lively picture of the cautious but intrepid advances of the skilful experi- novit nanique omnia vates, Quse sint, quse fuerint, qua? mox ventura trahantur. *##**#% Hie tibi, nate, prius vinclis capiundus, ut omnem Expediat morbi causam eventusque secundet. Nam sine vi non ulla dabit pfaecepta, neque ilium Orando flectes : vim duram et vincula capto Tende ; doli circum haec demum frangentur inanes. GEORG. iv. 392.-402. Xll INTRODUCTION. menter. He tries to confine the working of Nature he endeavours to distinguish the several principles of action he seeks to concentrate the predominant agent and labours to exclude as much as possible every disturbing influence. By all these united pre- cautions, a conclusion is obtained nearly unmixed and not confused, as in the ordinary train of cir- cumstances, by a variety of intermingled effects. The operation of each distinct cause is hence severally de- veloped. THE main object, therefore, in all physical inquiries, is, by an Analytical Process, to separate the various effects which Nature has blended together. The history of Astronomy, from the earliest times, affords the finest examples of such successful induction. The true Philosopher labours to reduce the number of principles or ultimate facts. In proportion .as his views expand, he will find the relations so disclosed, converging invariably to a common centre. But he should avoid indulging to excess the taste for sim- plification. In remounting to the source of all power, it is evident that he must at last reach some impassa- ble limit. Prudence will direct him when he ought INTRODUCTION. Xlll to stop, or await the discovery of some new instru- ment, to assist his ulterior inquiries. EVERY extension of the powers of calculation, every addition to our stock of philosophical appara- tus, every improvement in the mode of their con- struction, is a prelude to the farther advances of physical science. Even slight alterations in the practice of the arts have sometimes led to the most important theoretical conclusions. Several disco- veries in science are sometimes invidiously referred to mere fortuitous incidents. But the mixture of chance in this pursuit should not detract from the real merit of the invention. Such occurrences would pass unheeded by the bulk of men ; and it is the eye of genius alone that can seize every casual glimpse, and descry the chain of consequences. Bodies had in all ages been viewed with indifference falling to the ground ; yet the accidental sight of an apple, as it dropped from the tree, was sufficient to awaken, in a pensive mood, that lofty train of reflec- tions, which conducted NEWTON to the system of Universal Attraction. XIV INTRODUCTION. AFTER new facts have been disclosed, either by strict observation, or delicate and careful experiment, the process of Synthetical Deduction should com- mence. But to pursue a train of conclusions suc- cessfully, requires the exercise of sound judgment, and the application of vigorous and instructed intel- lect, under the guidance of a sober and cautious logic. The most important instrument in forwarding this operation is Geometry, to which, indeed, we are in- debted for whatever is most valuable in Natural Phi- losophy. By this powerful aid the nobler branches of science have in modern times been carried to a sublime elevation. BUT the most rigorous application of Mathemati- cal reasoning will not always succeed in unveiling the secrets of Nature. The philosophical inquirer must often content himself at first with seeking merely to approximate the truth. Analogy, in such cases, may serve as a tolerable guide to assist his steps. Some gifted individuals advance, indeed, with a sagacity which seldom fails. They shape their path according as the light successively breaks in ; and here again Geometry lends its penetrating aid. INTRODUCTION. XV NOR should Hypotheses themselves, however liable to abuse, be excluded absolutely from Natural Philosophy. They will often suggest new mpdes of research, and in this way produce beneficial effects. They may always serve as preludes of inquiry ; but they are generally too fallacious and enticing, to be allowed with safety to gain arty durable possession of the mind. THE gift of a lively fancy ip an important requi- site to every physical observer. This faculty has accordingly appeared conspicuous in all the great discoverers. The imagination of the Philosopher differs from that of the Poet, only because it calls forth less vivid images ; but it is equally creative, and equally sentient to the flitting scenes of Nature. It supplies the inquirer with fresh expedients, en- ables him to multiply the points of attack, and sheds lustre over the scenes which he contemplates. But imagination requires to be restrained, by the exer- cise of a sound judgment. The Philosopher pushes his researches with ardour, yet is cautious and de- liberate in drawing his conclusions. His attention is arrested by the appearance of anomalous facts. XVI INTRODUCTION. While he doubts and pauses, he derives courage, amidst all his perplexity, from the near prospect of starting some new principle. The detection of a single error is a sure step to actual discovery. SUCH is the only successful mode of interrogating Nature. But Philosophers, in all ages, have betray- ed extreme impatience, in submitting to a plan of investigation, apparently so timid, slow, and labori- ous. It was more agreeable to human indolence and presumption, at once to frame hypotheses which might, in imagination at least, connect the mass of preconceived opinions. But such rash attempts lull- ed curiosity asleep, and fatally arrested the progress of genuine science. Hence that glimmering twi- light which so long overspread the world. SCIENCE first dawned in the genial climes of the East ; but its warming rays were soon absorbed in the cheerless fog of despotism. The body of know- ledge which had been created by the efforts of un- fettered genius, became the exclusive property of the order of priesthood, who rendered it an engine of power, subservient to the purposes of a gloomy and INTRODUCTION. XV11 debasing superstition. The discoveries of happier times were entombed in silence and darkness. A MORE auspicious morning at length arose. Greece, though but a spot on the surface of our globe, began her career of glory, and gave early to- kens of those eternal benefits she was destined to con- fer on the human race. Her sages gleaned instruc- tion by visiting foreign lands, and the seats of an- cient renown. They gathered the dying embers of science, and rekindled them by the breath of their genius. But, quickly emerging from a state of pu- pillage, they displayed the riches of a lively fancy, and all the resources of a fertile invention. THALES, the founder of the Ionic Sect, having spent a large patrimony and many years of his life in foreign travel, transplanted into Greece the Science of the Egyptian Priests. His successors, ANAXIMANDER and ANAXIMANES, taught, with a few modifications, the same doctrines. Their know- ledge appears to have been superficial, yet was it not the less aspiring. They indulged in cosmolo- gical systems, which pretend to explain the origin XV111 INTRODUCTION. and formation of all things. Such bold speculations flattered human vanity, and charmed the imagination by a glittering semblance of truth. Those early sages held every substance whatever to be composed of four distinct elements, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, merely combined in various proportions. Earth and Water they viewed as naturally ponde- rous and inert, while they fancied Air and Fire, en- dued with elastic virtue, to possess lightness and ac- tivity. While the earthy matter settled towards the centre of the universe, and the aqueous fluid rolled along the surface of the globe ; the Air and Fire, or -ablest mathematicians shed lustre on the first three centuries of the Alexandrian School. EUCLID digested the Elements of Geometry into a System, excellent at that period, though certainly not adapted to the present state of the Science. APOLLONIUS XXX INTRODUCTION. extended the Conic Sections, and improved Geome- trical Analysis, in which he was likewise followed by PAPPUS, and by DIOCLES and NICOMEDES, who invented some of the higher curves. DIOPHANTUS applied a similar investigation to arithmetical pro- blems, and the few symbols he used may be consi- dered as anticipations of that perfect system of cha- racters, or pictured language, which modern Alge- bra exhibits. MEANWHILE our knowledge of the surface of the globe was extended by the adventures of a bolder navigation. The Indian Sea had been explored by the small squadron of NEARCHUS, who attended the expedition of ALEXANDER into the East. But the republic of Marseilles, a Grecian colony settled in the south of France, had the merit of fitting out the first voyage of discovery. EUTHYMENES sailed to- wards the equator, while PYTHIAS, an able astrono- mer, shaped his course towards the north, entered the Baltic, discovered Thule, and remarked the fea- tures of the circumpolar climate. He noticed the phenomena of tides, which are unknown along the shores of the Mediterranean ; and on his return, he INTRODUCTION. made an accurate observation of the obliquity of the ecliptic, which was then 23 48', conformable to the deductions of profound theory. SICILY had the honour of giving birth to the most inventive genius of all antiquity. ARCHIMEDES showed from infancy a passion for science, and having received what instruction his native city of Syracuse could afford, he visited Alexandria, and other seminaries abroad. After his return, he de- voted himself entirely to the charms of abstract stu- dy, and pursued his deep researches with the most ardent and intense application. He gave unlimited extent to the notation of numbers, and founded the method of indivisibles, which led him to the finest discoveries in Geometry. He assigned the quadra- ture of the parabola, approximated to that of the circle, and disclosed the fine relations which subsist between the cylinder and its inscribed cone and sphere. But ARCHIMEDES deserves to be regarded as the first who really studied Natural Philosophy in the right way. His advances were splendid and trium- phant. He detected the fundamental principles of Mechanics and Hydrostatics, and illumined those XXX11 INTRODUCTION. branches of science by the torch of Geometry. He pointed out the centre of gravity, and determined its position in a variety of figures ; and he unfolded the properties of floating bodies, and thus traced the rudiments of naval architecture. He likewise re- duced those principles into practice, and constructed such powerful engines as enabled the valour of his countrymen to resist for three years the whole efforts of a Roman squadron and besieging army. But perseverance and military discipline at last pre- vailed, and one fatal night was Syracuse involved in the horrors of assault. Amidst the general confu- sion and carnage, an infuriated soldier entered the apartment of ARCHIMEDES, and, regardless of his calm occupation, massacred him on the spot, in the 75th year of the Philosopher's age, and 21 % before CHRIST. GEOMETRICAL science had now acquired some form and consistency, and astronomy was extending its domains. , ARISTARCHUS of Samos devised an ingenious method of estimating the relative distances of the sun and moon ; and though, with his imper- fect instruments, he could obtain only vague results, INTRODUCTION. XXX111 yet were they sufficient to expand immensely our conceptions of the solar system. ERASTOTHENES observed, with precision, the obliquity of the eclip- tic, and determined the circumference of the earth, by measuring the intercepted arc of the meridian between Alexandria and Syene in Upper Egypt. But HIPPARCHUS was a genius of much higher or- der. He found the exact length of the year, ascer- tained the distance of the moon, and approximated to that of the sun ; he distinguished the unequal in- tervals between the equinoxes, and traced the pre- cession of those points. This fine discovery suggest- ed to him the scheme of ascertaining and registering the positions of the principal fixed stars. But he transferred the same method to terrestrial observa- tions, and was the first who defined the places on our globe by their latitude and longitude. Without rejecting the inveterate axiom of antiquity, that an uniform and circular motion was alone befitting celestial bodies, he sought to explain the apparent inequalities by the ingenious hypotheses of Eccen- trics and Epicycles, which, being multiplied in the sequel, fatally overloaded astronomical science. XXXIV INTRODUCTION. PTOLEMY, who resided at Alexandria after Egypt had become a Roman province, under the Emperors ADRIAN and ANTONINUS, was one of the best and most indefatigable observers that ever lived. Less original than HIPPARCHUS, he laboured with equal zeal to promote astronomy. He not only improved every part of the science, but digested the multifa- rious data into one great system. He discovered the lunar evection, and celestial refraction. He like- wise composed a general treatise of Geography, and applied the theory of Projections, which he had in- vented, to the construction of maps. The study of spherical trigonometry was begun by HIPPARCHUS, extended by THEODOSIUS and MENELAUS, but re- duced to a practical form by PTOLEMY. OTHER philosophers of the Alexandrian School applied themselves to Mechanics. CTESEBIUS im- proved the clepsydra, invented the pump, and con- structed an engine for discharging arrows by the force of condensed air. HERO not only formed the crane, but contrived machines which acted from the variable elasticity of air, as affected by the alternation of heat and cold ; a principle which in after times led INTRODUCTION. XXXV GALILEO and SANCTOHIO to the construction of our Thermometers. BUT the genius of Greece, which had been sink- ing under oppression, at length evaporated in pole- mical disputes. The Romans were now masters of the world ; and perhaps no people deserved less the favour of fortune or the gratitude of posterity. In the whole range of their existence, they never made a single step towards the advancement of science. All the knowledge attained by them in arts or phi- losophy, had been derived immediately from the Greeks. Their education was entirely practical, and calculated only to form orators, statesmen and warriors. ANOTHER race of men became lords of the as- cendent. The Arabians, impelled by the enthu- siasm of a new religion, spread the terror of their arms in all directions. They subdued Egypt, Sy- ria, and Persia, and compressed the limits of the Eastern Empire. In the West, they occupied Spain, and penetrating into the heart of France, they threat- ened to extinguish the Christian name. But the XXXVI INTRODUCTION. fervour of their zeal soon abated, and their schemes of ambition were at length absorbed in the arts of peace. The Arabians grew passionately attach- ed to the science of the Greeks. They carefully collected all the philosophical writings of that won- derful people, and caused them to be translated into their own language. A succession of enlightened princes encouraged those efforts with unbounded munificence. The Caliphs stored their palaces with public libraries, and adorned them with splendid observatories. THE Arabians cultivated more especially Geome- try and Astronomy ; but they likewise studied Bo- tany and Chemistry. Less prone than the Greeks to speculation, they directed their chief efforts to practical science. They soon became most skilful calculators, and accurate observers. They substitu- ted the Sines instead of Chords in trigonometry, and farther improved this important branch of science by the introduction of Tangents, which, in allusion to the art of Dialling, they termed Shadows. But the greatest benefit which the Arabians rendered to mankind, was the communication of the decimal no- INTRODUCTION. XXXV11 tation of numbers. With this beautiful, though very simple contrivance, which they styled Indian, though it be still unknown or unpractised in any part of lower India, they seem not to have become acquaint- ed before the end of the tenth century of our aera. The use of the ten digits in arithmetic having pass- ed over to the Moorish kingdom of Spain, was thence transfused through the Christian nations of Europe about the beginning of the fourteenth cen- tury, though it was not generally adopted till near two hundred years afterwards. THOUGH the Arabians had little claim to the character of original invention, they were assiduous in collecting useful information from all parts. They practised Brewing and Distillation, arts total- ly unknown to the Greeks and Romans, but proba- bly derived from the experience of the Tartarian hordes. They invented other chemical processes, and gave names, which are still preserved, to vessels of certain forms. MENTAL darkness, during this period, brooded over the fairest regions of the Christian world. XXXV111 INTRODUCTION. The wrecks of knowledge lay buried in the convents, while the more active spirits expended all their energy in violent sports or savage depredations. Yet talent was not extinct in the middle ages, though it unhappily ran to waste. Superstition encouraged pilgrimages over Europe, and every convent opened its hospitable gates indiscriminately to the weary traveller. Rome was still the centre of the Chris- tian commonwealth, and multitudes resorted from all parts to the metropolitan city. The refinement of Italy was, by this continual intercourse, partially reflected to the remotest corners of Europe. THE Crusades, undertaken against the Saracens from the twelfth to the fourteenth centuries, though stimulated by the wildest fanaticism and the mad- dening passion for military exploits, may yet be re- garded as the main cause of the renovation of the human intellect. Those expensive armaments, ex- hausting the fortunes of the haughty chiefs, contri- buted to lighten the chains of feudal tyranny j and, by giving a wider circulation to wealth, they gra- dually raised into consideration that middle class of men who constitute the bulwark of a free state. The JNTRODUCTION. XXXIX Crusaders themselves, during the suspension of ho- stilities, could not fail, from their intercourse with the Saracens, who surpassed them so greatly in know- ledge and refinement, to receive much important in- formation both in arts and science. To this origin many of the subsequent improvements, which advan- ced the progress of society in Europe, may be dis- tinctly traced, BUT native genius was not inactive during the middle ages. Some of the most valuable arts arose in that benighted period. The curious process of converting cotton into paper was invented about the beginning of the eleventh century. Three centu- ries afterwards, linen rags were manufactured into a still better material, which, serving as a cheap and convenient substitute for parchment or vellum, has greatly promoted the practice of writing. The use of letters was about this time farther assisted, by the introduction of Spectacles, which SALVING DEGLI ARMATI first constructed at Florence about the year 1285. Small spheres of crystal or glass had been employed by the ancient engravers of gems, to aid their sight - 9 but the transition from these globes to xl , INTRODUCTION. mere convex lenses, though apparently trivial, led to the most important consequences. THOUGH the attractive power of the magnet was known to the Greeks, they remained ignorant of its more wonderful property, of pointing towards the North. This directive power had perhaps been dis- covered by the Chinese, and some intimation of it seems to have been brought by the Crusaders from the East. The magnet hence acquired the name of loadstone or leading-stone, the first cpmpass in Europe having been made near the close of the thir- teenth century at Amalphi, near Genoa. This no- ble invention give a prodigious spring to navigation and commercial enterprise. THE eastern nations had been long acquainted with the deflagrating property of nitre or saltpetre ; but when this wonderful substance was imported in- to Europe by the Crusaders, it was confounded, from its external appearance, with the natron or soda brought from Egypt. More than two centuries elapsed before its vast explosive force was observed. This most important discovery was probably made INTRODUCTION. xli by SCHWARTZ, a German monk, about the year 1382 : It has extended the empire of man over Nature, by the gift of a new and tremendous power, which, though commonly diverted to the work of destruction, has yet rendered wars less rancorous and sanguinary than before. BUT a nobler trophy distinguished the same pe- riod. The Romans had, for various purposes, used metal stamps ; the Chinese employed carved blocks of wood for impression ; but the modern art of print- ing, by means of combined moveable types, was in- vented about the middle of the fifteenth century. The ingenuity and perseverance of GUTTENBERG and SCHOEFFER, encouraged by the wealth of FAUST, a burgess of Mentz, have conferred by far the great- est benefit ever bestowed on the human race. In the short space of thirty years, this invaluable art was carried to its highest perfection. SCHOEFFER likewise began the art of engraving, and executed in 1491, for ARNDES, burgomaster of Lubec, a series of the figures of plants and animals, on wooden blocks. This emulation of genius ac- VOL. i. d xlii INTRODUCTION. corded with the state of society in Europe. The taste for knowledge had been fast advancing. The Romish clergy were anxious to promote learning, as the sure means of aggrandizing their order. In all the convents and cathedrals, they had opened schools ; and part of the ample revenues of the Church was dedicated to the gratuitous education of youth. Other schools were established for communicating the higher degrees of instruction, which was greatly fa- cilitated, by the adoption of the Latin language as the medium of intercourse over Christendom. These seminaries, when they became so enlarged as to in- clude all the branches of liberal knowledge, were termed General Studies ; but afterwards, when they had obtained the sanction of Papal bulls, and the protection of legal privileges, they assumed the title of Universities. An apprenticeship of seven years, copied afterwards in the mechanical trades, was required to complete the course of education, consisting of the Trivium, followed by the Qua- drivium. The tenets of ARISTOTLE were expound- ed with indefatigable diligence ; but those opinions, drawn from the Arabic, had been miserably corrupt- ed by the severe process of a double translation. INTRODUCTION. \llh The vigour of genius which, if better directed, could have soared to sublime discovery, was consu- med in idle disputations and unprofitable subtleties. BUT a brighter prospect began to open. PETRARCH resorted to the pure fountains of ancient learning, and his warm enthusiasm and eloquent exhortations made a very deep impression on the minds of his contemporaries. The study of the Greek language was gradually introduced into Italy by the frequent embassies dispatched from Constantinople, to im- plore the interposition of the Roman See against the formidable encroachments of the Turks. The muni- ficent patronage of the MEDICI Family created and diffused a taste for liberal knowledge. Those princely merchants spared no cost in collecting the dispersed manuscripts, and invited scholars, with liberal saia:- ries, from all parts of the Levant, to teach their coun- trymen the refined language of ancient Greece. Tlie final capture of Constantinople by the Turks, in the year 1453, occasioned a general dispersion of the men of letters, who transported to Italy the perishing wrecks of Greek philosophy. The new art of printing happily at this crisis preserved them from extinction. xliV INTRODUCTION. EVERY thing conspired to excite a general fer- mentation. The diligence of the press quickly mul- tiplied the monuments of ancient literature ; but it required the labour of a century, to digest and cor- rect those precious remains. The veneration paid to such unrivalled compositions, repressed for a time the working of native curiosity. Religious contro- versies too, though ultimately productive of the great- est benefits to society, distracted for a long course of years the proper exercise of the human faculties. At length the genius of invention burst forth with renovated powers. T THIS day-spring of reason may be dated from the middle of the sixteenth century ; since which epoch, the tide of discovery has flowed in a rapid and ma- jestic stream. Philosophy and the arts have advan- ced together, reflecting mutual lights. Little more than two hundred years have yet elapsed \ but it has been a period of extreme activity, investing our species in a blaze of intellectual glory. THE age of science succeeded to the age of erudi- tion. The study of the ancient classics had infused INTRODUCTION. xlv some portion of taste and vigour ; but men soon be- gan to feel their own strength, and hastened to ex- ert it. The bolder spirits, bursting the trammels of authority, ventured to question inveterate opinions, and to explore with a fearless eye the wide fields of human knowledge. COPERNICUS partly restored the true system of the world. PURBACH and MUL- LER abbreviated the calculations of the Astronomer, by their signal improvements in Trigonometry. The famous painter LEONARDO DA VINCI led the way to sound philosophical inquiry ; and not only urged the necessity of having recourse in Physics to ex- periment, but directed it successfully to the Com- position of Forces. UBALDI, and more especially STEVINUS, extended the principles of Mechanics and Hydrostatics. The fine genius of GALILEO detect- ed and applied the laws of motion ; and re-invented and constructed the Telescope, which had just been found out in North Holland. This truly wonder- ful instrument he directed to the heavens, and thus marked the varying phases of the planets, and dis- covered the harmony of new worlds. THE bold exuberant imagination of KEJPLER, INTRODUCTION. working on the register of the accurate observations of TYCHO BRAKE, and employing the most intense labour in computing and combining them, at last drew aside the veil, and disclosed to view those eter- nal laws which govern the revolutions of the heaven- ly bodies. A powerful auxiliary was yet wanting to theM calculator, and our great countryman NAPIER rendered himself immortal, by the sublime discovery of Logarithms. yj>y/ THE Alchemists, however extravagant in their pretensions, had constantly promoted experimental science. BAPTISTA PORTA, not only collected all the curious facts he met with in his travels, but founded on his return to Naples an association of individuals for the purpose of exploring Nature. This obscure society was the parent of all the insti- tutions and academies afterwards established in Italy, for the prosecution of physical inquiries. The ex- ample quickly spread over Europe. AT length tlie light of science penetrated into England ; and the seventeenth century commenced with the successful labours of Dr GILBERT of Col- INTRODUCTION. xlvii Chester, whose high merit has not yet received the due meed of praise. His treatise on the Magnet was a model of the application of philosophical ana- lysis ; it soberly reduced the various facts to a few leading* principles ; and threw occasional gleams on other branches of science. GILBERT not only esta- blished Terrestrial Magnetism, but laid the founda- tion of Electricity *. * It is pleasing to find the discoveries of GILBERT, mentioned with applause by some of his ablest successors. The following pas- sage is extracted from the English draft of the inaugural speech re- cited in Latin by Mr (afterwards the famous Sir CHRISTOPHER) WREN, on his installation to the Professorship of Astronomy in Gresham College, in the year 1657. " And now began the first happy appearance of liberty to phi- losophy, oppressed by the tyranny of the Greek and Roman mo- narchies." " Among the honourable assertors of this liberty, I must reckon GILBERT, who having found an admirable correspon- dence between his Terella, and his great magnet of the earth, thought this way to determine his great question, and spent his studies and estate upon this inquiry ; by which obiter he found out many admirable magnetical experiments. This man would I have adored, not only as the sole inventor of magnetics, a new science to be added to the bulk of learning, but as the fattier of ttie new philosophy, CARTESIUS being but a builder on his experiments. This pei-son I should have commended to posterity in a statue, that the deserved marble of HARVEY might not stand to future ages without a marble companion of his own profession. He kept cor- respondence with the Lyncei Academici at Rome, especially with FRANCISCUS SAGREDUS, one of the interlocutors in the dialogues of GALIL^US, who laboured to prove the motion of the earth ne- gatively, by taking off objections, but GILBERT positively ; the INTRODUCTION. KEPLER had reduced the ordinary principles of Optics into a systematic form. SNELLIUS soon after discovered the law of Incidence and Refraction, which DES CARTES simplified, and employed in the explication of other properties of Light, and the brilliant phenomena of the Rainbow. But the same penetrating genius, by applying Algebra to Geome- try, effected a memorable revolution in mathemati- cal investigation, attended with the most important consequences. ITALY had enriched the art of observation by the Thermometer, though this instrument was not brought to perfection till more than a century after- wards. But the same country produced likewise the Barometer, which TORRICELLI invented after the death of his master GALILEO. OTTO GUERICKE in one hath given us an exact account of the motion of gravity upon the earth ; the other of the more secret and more obscure motion of at- traction and magnetical direction in the earth ; the one I must re- verence for giving occasion to KEPLER, (as he himself confesses,) of introducing magnets into the motions of the heavens, and conse- quently of building the elliptical astronomy ; the other of his per- fecting the great invention of telescopes to confirm this astronomy ; so that if the one be the BRUTUS of liberty restored to philosophy, nTtainly the other must be the COLLATINUS." INTRODUCTION. Germany, pursuing a different route, discovered the construction of the Air-Pump, and employed it in the investigation of various important phenomena. Both these instruments concurred to establish the existence of Atmospheric Pressure, and to refute the most inveterate errors that infected the ordinary creed of Philosophy. The doctrines of ARISTOTLE had frequently been attacked in detail, and they no longer inspired the same confidence and veneration. But it was reserved for the profound and daring genius of DES CARTES to demolish completely that imposing fabric. Original and inventive, he soared above the influence of prejudice, and ranged freely through the treasures of knowledge. Unfortunately he would not stoop to the slow procedure of physical analysis, but suffered himself to be hurried away by the ambition of erecting a grand system. The Carte- sian principles, afterwards variously modified, main- tained their ascendency over the greatest part of Eu- rope during the space of near a century. So far they no doubt obstructed the course of genuine science ; but, at the same time, they certainly extinguished for ever the scholastic wrangling, while they bore the seeds of their own destruction. 1 INTRODUCTION. THE Higher Geometry that instrument of su- blime discovery was now advancing with a rapid progression. CAVALLERI had invented his Method of Indivisibles ; WALLIS produced his Arithmetic of Infinites ; JAMES GREGORY and MERCATOR disco- vered the doctrine of Series ; and BARROW and ROBERVAL, in their method of drawing tangents, traced the rudiments of the Differential Calculus. The theory of the collision of bodies first given by DBS CARTES, had been corrected and completed by HUYGENS, WALLTS and WREN. Mechanics were likewise enriched by many contrivances of the inge- nious Dr HOOKE. HUYGENS, who greatly surpass- ed him in mathematical science, having investigated the properties of oscillating bodies, applied them most skilfully to regulate the movements of clocks and watches, by connecting their train with a pendu- lum or a spring. But this able Philosopher, pursu- ing his analysis still farther, founded the prolific theory of Centrifugal Force. By the help of Geo- metry, he likewise discovered the law which connects the density of the strata of our atmosphere with their elevation. INTRODUCTION. li SCIENCE was about to take a higher flight, when NEWTON arose, and bore away the palm of triumph. This immortal genius compressed the empirical laws of KEPLER into the single principle of Attraction / and descending again from that principle, he dedu- ced, by a synthetical involution, the great phaeno- mena of the universe. These conclusions were in general most felicitous ; but where the powers of his calculus proved insufficient, he approximated to the results by some tentative process, guided by that sa- gacity in which he was never excelled. The same penetration that ranged through the celestial spaces could define the figure of our earth, and calculate the tides of the ocean. The properties of water and air the motion of currents, and the propagation of sound were equally brought under the dominion of Geometry. But the analytical procedure, di- rected to the decomposition of Light, in a series of conclusive experiments, disclosed still greater won- ders, and " Untwisted all the shining robe of day." NEWTON'S fine researches in Optics, as they be- gan, so, after a loii interruption, they closed his scientific labours. Hi INTRODUCTION. NEWTON and LEIBNITZ had separately discover- ed, about the same time, the method of Fluxions and Fluents, or the differential and integral Calcu- lus. The former stated the principles with more logical strictness, but the latter adopted a far prefe- rable notation. This superior algorithm has chiefly contributed to the prodigious extension which the Higher Analysis received on the Continent. NEW- TON himself made but inconsiderable advances in integration ; and the progress afterwards achieved in England by TAYLOR, COTES, and MACLAURIN, how- ever respectable, will scarcely bear a comparison with the towering ascent of the BERNOUILLIS, of the great EULER, and of D'ALEMBERT or CLAIRAULT. THE system of mechanical philosophy was now seated on a firm foundation, though many parts of the structure still remained incomplete. ROMER had proved that light travels with a certain prodigious velocity, and BRADLEY very ingeniously applied this discovery to explain the Aberration of the Fixed Stars, which the delicacy of a Zenith Sector, constructed by GRAHAM, had enabled him to detect. The Newto- nian doctrine still experienced some opposition on INTRODUCTION. Hi! the Continent, from the prior ascendency of the Cartesian tenets. But the mensuration of a Degree of the Meridian, performed within the Arctic Circle, and under the Equator, between the years 1736 and 1742, affording results entirely conformable to the Theory of Attraction, finally decided the victory. The Integral Calculus, now so vastly expanded, was directed to the solution of the more arduous ques- tions which NEWTON had either not solved, or had only sketched. The conclusions hence deduced were found exactly to harmonize with observation. The greatest mathematicians in Europe have since exerted their skill in improving the more delicate parts of the theory. GAUSS has struck out new paths of investigation. The recent calculations of LA&RANGE and LAPLACE have brought to light va- rious important and unexpected conclusions. All the anomalies in the heavens are now found to be periodical. Practical Astronomy has hence acqui- red remarkable precision ; and the improvements of the Lunar Theory have wonderfully hastened the advancement of Navigation. The various observa- tions of HERSCHEL, and the late discoveries of iiv INTRODUCTION. PIAZZI, OLBERS, and HARDING, have concurred in extending our ideas of the Planetary System. THE correction of an oversight committed by NEWTON himself, in his optical experiments, ledDoL- LAND, about the year 1758, to the important theory of Achromatic Glasses. The manufacture of these exquisite instruments has contributed essentially to improve the art of observing. But Optics, that beautiful and fertile subject of inquiry, has again made another shoot. MALUS lately detected a very singular property of the rays of light, to which he gave the name of Polarity. This ingenious person has been prematurely cut off in his career of disco- very, leaving the subject to the zeal and perseverance of other inquirers. OF the later accessions to Natural Philosophy, none appears to have made a more satisfactory progress than the important Doctrine of Heat. Though a subject apparently abstruse and complica- ted, it has yielded to the powers of experimental analysis. The Theory of Heat has already conferred lasting benefits on the arts and manufactures. But INTRODUCTION, Iv it marks likewise the character of climate, and ex- plains the atmospheric phenomena under all the fleeting changes displayed in Meteorology. GILBERT had formed the earliest catalogue of Electrics ; and GUERICKE, fifty years afterwards, constructed the first Electrical Machine. But though GRAY discovered the property of Conducting Sub- stances in 1730, Electricity could not aspire to the rank of a science till the year 1745, when the Ley- den Jar was invented. Since that epoch, the sub- ject has been cultivated with great ardour and suc- cess. A multitude of brilliant facts have been elicit- ed, and hence at last the explication of the appalling phenomena of Thunder and Lightning. i \ JL AN accidental observation of GALVANI in 1791, has led to the formation of a new and most interest- ing branch of Electricity. But the discovery made eight years afterwards, by his ingenious countryman VOLTA, of that combination of alternate metallic plates, called the Pile, may be deemed an epoch in the history of science. Chemistry has thus been fur- nished with the most powerful instrument yet known for exploring the composition of bodies. In the skil- Ivi INTRODUCTION. ful hands of DAVY, BERZELIUS and others, the Vol- taic Pile has displayed the most astonishing results. MAGNETISM has also, within these few years, been advancing to maturity. The various circumstances which affect the declination and depression of the Needle are at length ascertained with some degree of precision. Empirical laws have hence been fram- ed, that seem to indicate the changes of magnetic in- fluence which are going forward in different parts of the surface of the earth. But the connecting prin- ciples, which would harmonize the whole, remain still unknown. THE analogy between Magnetism and Electricity had long been suspected ; but the very curious ex- periment of OERSTED has now put the question beyond all doubt. The Galvanic action, variously combined with the force of Magnetism, is incessant- ly bringing into view the most beautiful and surpri- sing facts. The unequal distribution of heat, and the rapid circulation of certain metals, are also found to affect materially the needle. No conclusive ex- plication has yet been offered 5 but every thing seems INTRODUCTION. Ivii to betoken our near approach to some grand and pervading discovery. BUT amidst all this splendour, it must however be confessed, that science has declined from the severe majesty which distinguished the age of mechanical philosophy. Patient induction, though much com- mended, has very few followers at present ; and the passion for hypotheses appears to have again obtained ascendancy in the learned world. Vague and fan- ciful images are but too often substituted for close reasoning. The more popular branches of physics have absolutely grown rank with metaphorical ex- pression. We may therefore conclude with the judi- cious admonition of the finest genius of the seven- teenth century. " When the weakness of men," says the acute PASCAL, " is unable to find out the true causes of phenomena, they are apt to employ their subtlety in substituting imaginary ones, which they express by specious names that fill the ear without satisfying the judgment. It is thus that the sym- pathy and antipathy of natural bodies are asserted VOL. i. e Iviii INTRODUCTION. to be their efficient and unequivocal causes of seve- ral effects, as if inanimate substances were really capable of sympathy and antipathy. The same thing may be said of antiperistasis, and various other chimerical causes, which afford only a vain relief to the avidity of men to know hidden truths, and which, far from discovering them, serve only to conceal the ignorance of those who invent such explications, and nourish it in their followers." ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY NATURAL PHILOSOPHY is the science that unfolds those general principles which connect the events of the material world. It assumes as a basis the con- stancy and permanence of the actual state of things. The appearances which present themselves to our observation, are called PHENOMENA ; and the com- mon relations which pervade these phenomena, are termed LAWS. The business of the natural philosopher is to re- mount patiently from effects to causes, till he ap- proach the Fountain of all power and intelligence ; and from this eminence to again descend, and trace the lengthened chain of consequences. This double mode of procedure corresponds to the Analysis and Synthesis of the Ancient Greek Geometry. VOL. T, A 2 ELEMENTS OF The analysis or investigation of physical facts is conducted, either by Observation, or by Experiment. Observation is the close inspection and attentive ex- amination of those phenomena which arise succes- sively in the course of nature : Experiment, as the term implies, consists in a sort of trial or artificial selection and combination of circumstances, for the purpose of searching after the remote results. The main object of the philosopher is to separate always the various effects which are blended together in the ordinary concurrence of events. The primary facts being once detected from close observation or delicate experiment, the synthetical deduction can be safely pursued, by the exercise of a sober and cautious logic. But the most important instrument, in forwarding this process of re-combi- nation, is Geometry, to which indeed we are indebt- ed for whatever is most valuable in Physical Science. The most satisfactory mode of proceeding in the exposition of the phenomena, is to consider Bodies as (1.) in a state of Rest, and (2.) in a state of Motion. The essential properties which belong to each distinct body form a branch of science that may be termed SOMATOLOGY, but which has hitherto been styled incorrectly Corpuscular Philosophy. The mutual action of bodies, which produces their equili- brium or quiescence, constitutes STATICS. Those properties, again, which bodies display while in a state of motion, form the branch of science called NATURAL PHILOSOPHY.. 3 PHORONOMICS. But since all motion arises from the application of force, this department has been more generally termed DYNAMICS. The principles of Dynamics, applied to the revolutions of the heaven- ly bodies, uprear the sublime science of PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY. The same principles, directed to the process of art, elucidate the construction of machi- nery, and constitute the Theory of MECHANICS. The principles of Statics applied to liquids explain the conditions of their equilibrium, and form HY- DROSTATICS. The principles of Dynamics, extend- ed likewise to liquids, unfold the properties of their motions, and ^compose the branch of science termed HYDRAULICS, or more properly HYDRODYNAMICS. The same principles, extended to a far more subtle fluid, constitute PHOTONOMICS, or the Theory of Light, which, in reference to vision merely, has been long designated by the less perfect name of OPTICS. Nearly allied to Photonomics, is the science of PY- RONOMICS, which treats of the properties of Heat. When Pyronomics embrace likewise the affections of Humidity, they comprise the science of Meteorology, and explain the character and condition of Climate. The principles of Dynamics are applied, besides, though as yet in a very limited extent, to MAGNET- ISM and ELECTRICITY ; and as these interesting branches of science shall advance to perfection, they will assuredly come more within the range of calcu- lation. 4 ELEMENTS OF A Course of Natural Philosophy may hence be rightly distributed under twelve distinct heads. 1. SOMATOLOGY, which includes the exposition of the "general Properties of Bodies that are essential to their separate existence. 2. STATICS, which explains the Equilibrium of bodies, as resulting from their mutual action, or from combined pressure and divellence. 3. PHORONOMICS, or DYNAMICS, which explores the Laws of Motion, and traces the flux of changes produced by the application of Farce. 4. PHYSICAL ASTRONOMY, which is the extension of Dynamics to develope the great Phenomena of the Heavens. It explains the motions and figures of the Planets, and deduces the various consequent effects. 5. MECHANICS, in which the principles of Dyna- mics descend to improve the vulgar arts, and to ex- plain the composition and arrangement of the various Machines contrived to assist the labour of man. 6. HYDROSTATICS, which consists in the applica- tion of the principles of Statics to explain the Equi- librium of Liquids or of Fluids in general : It treats likewise of the construction of Works depending on such properties. 7- HYDRODYNAMICS, or HYDRAULICS, which con- sists in applying Dynamics to the Motion of Li- quids : It consequently investigates the construe- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 5 tion and performance of the various Engines em- ployed to raise Water, or which are driven by the impulsion of that Fluid. 8. PNEUMATICS, which includes the application of Statics and Dynamics to Air and other Gaseous Fluids : It explains the constitution, the operations, and general phenomena of our Atmosphere. 9. PHOTONOMICS, which treats of the properties and operations of Light. 10. PYRONOMICS, which explores the properties and operations of Heat. 11. MAGNETISM, which investigates the properties of the Loadstone, and their application to the sus- pended Needle. 12. ELECTRICITY, which explains all the brilliant phenomena derived from those first produced by the rubbing of Amber. Such appears to be the systematic arrangement of those subdivisions ; but it will admit of being con- veniently modified. I shall therefore dispose them more nearly in the order of difficulty. ELEMENTS OF 1. SOMATOLOGY * Comprehends our knowledge of Bodies, or External Substances. The properties of body are detected by the senses either from immediate observation or through the application of experiment and the aid of instru- ments. The more obvious properties are revealed to us merely by sight or touch ; but the penetration of the telescope has enabled us to survey vast systems of worlds dispersed through the remotest heavens, while the opposite power of the microscope has brought within our view, from the very verge of ex- istence, a miniature creation of organised beings. Again, the most careless observer can hardly fail to perceive that Air is a compressible fluid, while it re- quires a very delicate experiment to discover the same property in Water. The properties of body are either essential and permanent, or they are contingent and susceptible of change or variation. Body is essentially, 1. Extended. 4. Divisible. 2. Figured. 5. Porous. 3. Impenetrable. 6. Contractile or disten- sible. From zZpat, a Body. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 7 It is contingently, 1. Moveable. 2. Ponderable. Of these, the two first properties essential to bo- dies, EXTENSION and FIGURE, belong equally to Space, and hence constitute the foundation of Geo- metry. HI. IMPENETRABILITY forms the third discrimi- nating feature of body. This principle is common- ly regarded as an axiom, but it is a truth only de- rived from early and invariable experience. It rests on this incontrovertible fact, that no two bodies can occupy the same space in the same precise instant of time. Had the case indeed been otherwise, each body might be successively absorbed into the sub- stance of another, till the whole frame of the uni- verse, collapsing into a point, were lost in the vortex of annihilation. But although the most palpable observation attests sufficiently the impossibility of the mutual compene- tration of bodies, yet this property may be farther illustrated and confirmed by a few simple experi- ments. 1. A vessel being filled to the brim with water, if any solid, incapable of solution in that liquid, be plunged in it, a portion of the water will overflow, which is exactly equal to the bulk of the wood or metal immersed. 8 ELEMENTS OF 2. If a cylinder be gradually pressed downwards into a glass cylinder partly filled with water, the liquid will rise proportionally, till the space mounted over by its surface shall be equal to the portion of the cylinder introduced. . These two experiments show that water opposes the entrance of a solid substance, and retires on all sides to give room for its advance. Simple as the fact now appears, it was first distinctly noticed by Archimedes, who made it the ground of his Hydro- statical Theory. The same truth is evinced by other experiments. 3. If a cork be rammed hard into the neck of a v phial full of water, the phial will burst, while its neck remains entire. 4. Bladders filled with water and disposed upon a table will support very large weights placed on a board that has been laid over them. 5. The same experiment will succeed equally with bladders blown full of air. 6. But the disposition of the air to resist all pene- tration is made conspicuous in another way. Let a large and very tall glass vessel be nearly filled with water, on the surface of which a lighted taper is set to float ; if over this glass, a smaller cylindrical ves- sel, likewise of glass, be inverted and pressed down- wards, the contained air maintaining its place, the internal body of the water will descend, while the rest will rise up at the sides, and the taper will appear NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 9 for some seconds to burn, encompassed by the whole mass of liquid. iv. DIVISIBILITY is another essential property of bodies. Every substance with which we are ac- quainted is capable of being separated into parts, and each of these again may be repeatedly subdivided. Nor has any limit ever been assigned to this process of continual subdivision, though it seems probable that, at some term, however distant, the resulting particles may lapse into simple atoms, incapable of any farther resolution. The actual subdivision of bodies has, in many cases, been carried to a prodigious extent. A slip of ivory, of an inch in length, is frequently divided into an hundred equal parts, which are distinctly visible. But, by the application of a very fine screw, five thousand equidistant lines, in the space of a quarter of an inch, have been traced on a surface of steel or glass with the fine point of a diamond, producing delicate iridescent colours. Common writing paper has a thickness of about the 500th part of an inch ; but the pellicle separated from ox-gut, and then doubled to form gold-beaters' skin, is six times thin- ner. A single averdupois pound of cotton has been spun into a thread 76 miles in length ; and the same quantity of wool has been extended into a thread of 95 miles ; the diameters of those threads being hence only the 350th and 400th parts of an inch. 10 ELEMENTS OF The finest flaxen thread drawn by machinery at Leeds has only the 15,5th part of an inch in thick- ness, so that a single pound of it would reach 17| miles. At Dunfermline, yarn, of the 200th part of an inch in diameter, is now manufactured from the best foreign flax. But lately, an old woman, near Belfast, span Irish flax into yarn, a pound of which would extend to 30 miles, its diameter be- ing only the 250th part of an inch. Yet this effort of skill and patience comes far short of the fineness of the thread sometimes used in Flanders, for the fabric of lace ; a specimen of which, from St Quen- tin, but spun at Catillon sur Sambre, had only the 700th part of an inch in diameter, a pound of it be- ing sufficient to extend to 342 miles. But the ductility of some metals far exceeds that of any other substance. The gold-beaters begin their operations with a ribband an inch broad and 150 inches long, which had been reduced, by passing it through rollers, to about the 800th part of an inch in thickness. This ribband is cut into squares, which are disposed between leaves of vellum, and beat by a heavy hammer, till they acquire a breadth of more than three inches, and are thus extended to ten times their former surface. These are again quartered, and placed between the folds of gold- beaters' skin, and stretched out, by the operation of a lighter hammer, to the breadth of five inches. The same process is repeated, sometimes more than once, by a succession of lighter hammers j so that 376 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 11 grains of gold are thus finally extended into 2000 leaves, of 3.3 inches square, making in all 80 books, containing each of them 25 leaves. The metal is con- sequently reduced to the thinness of the 282,000th part of an inch, and every leaf weighs rather less than the fifth part of a grain. A particle of gold, not exceeding the 500,000th part of a grain, is hence distinctly visible to the naked eye. Silver is likewise capable of being laminated, but will scarcely bear half the extension of gold, or the 150,000th part of an inch thick. Copper and tin have still inferior degrees of ductility, and can- not be beat thinner perhaps than the 20,000th part of an inch. These form what are called Dutch Leaf. In the gilding of buttons, five grains of gold, which is applied as an amalgam with mercury, is al- lowed to each gross ; so that the coating left must amount to the 110,000th part of an inch in thick- ness. If a piece of ivory or white satin be immersed iij a nitro-muriate solution of gold, and then exposed to a current of hydrogen gas, it will become covered with a surface of gold hardly exceeding in thick- ness the ten millionth part of an inch. The gilt wire used in embroidery, is formed by extending gold over a surface of silver. A silver rod, about two feet long and an inch and half in dia- meter, and therefore weighing nearly twenty pounds, is richly coated with about 800 grains of pure gold. In this country the lowest proportion allowed is 100 12 ELEMENTS OF grains of gold to a pound of silver. This gilt rod is then drawn through a series of diminishing holes, till it has stretched to the vast length of 240 miles, when the gold has consequently become attenuated 800 times, each grain being capable of covering a surface of 9600 square inches. This wire is now flatted, the golden film suffering a farther extension, and having its thickness reduced to the four or five millionth part of an inch. It has been asserted, that wires of pure gold can be drawn, of only the 4000th part of an inch in dia- meter. But Dr W. H. Wollaston, by an ingenious procedure, has lately advanced much farther. Tak- ing a short cylinder of silver, about the third part of an inch in diameter, he drilled a fine hole through its axis, and inserted a wire of platinum only the 100th part of an inch thick. This silver mould was now drawn through the successive holes of a steel plate, till its diameter was brought to near the 1500th part of an inch, and consequently the internal wire, being diminished in the same proportion, was reduced to between the 4 and 5000th part of an inch. The compound wire was then dipped in warm nitric acid, which dissolved the silver, and left untouched its core or the wire of platinum. By passing the in- crusted platinum through a greater number of holes, wires still finer were obtained, some of them only the 30,000th part of an inch in diameter. The te- nacity of the metal, before reaching that limit, was even considerable ; a platinum wire of the 18,000th NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. IS part of an inch in diameter supporting the weight of one grain and a third. Such excessive fineness is hardly surpassed by the filamentous productions of nature. Human hair varies in thickness, from the 250th to the 600th part of an inch. The fibre of the coarsest wool is about the 500th part of an inch in diameter, and that of the finest only the 1500th part. The silk line, as spun by the worm, is about the 5000th part of an inch thick ; but a spider's line is perhaps six times finer, or only the 30,000th part of an inch in dia- meter, insomuch, that a single pound of this atte- nuated substance might be sufficient to encompass our globe. The red globules of the human blood have an ir- regular roundish shape, from the 2500th to the 3300th of an inch in diameter, with a dark central spot. The trituration and levigation of powders, and the perennial abrasion and waste of the surface of solid bodies, occasion a disintegration of particles, almost exceeding the powers of computation. Emery, after it has been ground, is thrown into a vat filled with water, and the fineness of the powder is distinguish- ed by the time of its subsidence. In very dry si- tuations, the dust lodged near the corners and cre- vices of ancient buildings is, by the continual agita- tion of the air, made to give a glossy polish to the interior side of the pillars and the less prominent parts of those venerable remains. 14 ELEMENTS OF So fine is the sand on the arid plains of Arabia, that it is carried sometimes 300 miles over the Mediter- ranean sea, by the sweeping and violent Sirocco. Very lately, the deck of a ship was covered with im- palpable dust, while navigating the Atlantic, at the distance of 600 miles from the western coast of Afri- ca. The rocks are peopled, along the shores of the Mediterranean, by the pholas, a testaceous and edible worm, which, though very soft, yet, by unwearied perseverance, works a cylindrical hole into the heart of the hardest stone. The marble steps of some of the great churches in Italy are worn by the inces- sant crawling of abject devotees ; nay, the hands and feet of bronze statues are, in tKe lapse of ages, wasted away by the ardent kisses of innumerable pilgrims that resort to those shrines. What an evanescent pellicle of the metal must be abraded at each succes- sive contact ! The solutions of certain saline bodies, and of other coloured substances, exhibit a prodigious subdivision and dissemination of matter. A single grain of the sulphate of copper, or blue vitriol, will communicate a fine azure tint to five gallons of water. In this case, the copper must be attenuated at least ten mil- lion times ; yet each drop of the liquid may contain so many coloured particles, distinguishable by our unassisted vision. A still minuter portion of cochi- neal, dissolved in deliqueate potash, will strike a bright purple colour through an equal mass of water. A small portion of iodine, heated within a sealed NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 15 flask, will fill the space with a beautiful purple steam, which in cooling condenses into minute acicular crystals ; and the fumes of ammonia, however ex- panded, display their efficacy by the coloration of a bit of test paper, the moment it is introduced below the neck of the phial. But odours are capable of a much wider diffusion. A single grain of musk has been known to perfume a large room, for the space of twenty years. Consider how often, during that time, the air of the apartment must have been renewed, and have thus become charged with fresh odour ! At the lowest computation, the musk had been subdi- vided into 320 quadrillions of particles, each of them capable of affecting the olfactory organs. The vast diffusion of odorous effluvia may be conceived from the fact, that a lump of assafatida, exposed to the open air, was found to have lost only a grain in the space of seven weeks. Yet, since dogs hunt by the scent alone, the effluvia emitted from the several species of animals, and even from different indivi- duals of the same race, must be essentially distinct. The vapour of pestilence conveys its poison in a still more subtle and attenuated form. The seeds of contagion are known to lurk for years in various absorbent substances, which, on exposure to the air, scatter death and consternation. But the diffusion of the particles of light defies all powers of calculation. A small taper will, in a twinkling, illuminate the atmosphere to the distance of four miles ; yet the luminous particles which fill 1'6 ELEMENTS OF that wide concavity cannot amount to the 5000th part of a grain, which may be the whole consump- tion of the wax in light, in smoke, and ashes. Animated matter likewise exhibits, in many in- stances, a wonderful subdivision. Between the Tro- pics, the small marine polypi, by the immensity of their combined numbers, speedily raise up clusters of coral reefs, so dangerous at present to the naviga- tion of those seas, but which are destined at no very remote period, to form groupes of inhabited and cul- tivated islands. The milt of a codfish, when it be- gins to putrefy, has been computed to contain a bil- lion of perfect insects ; so that thousands of these living creatures could be lifted on the point of a needle. But the infusory animalcules display, in their structure and functions, the most transcendent attenuation of matter. The vibrio undula, found in duck-weed, is computed to be ten thousand mil- lion times smaller than a hemp seed. The vibrio lineola occurs in vegetable infusions, every drop con- taining myriads of those oblong points. The monas gelatinosa, discovered in ditch-water, appears in the field of a microscope a mere atom endued with life, millions of them playing like the sun-beams in a single drop of liquid. v. POROSITY is also an essential property of Bo- dies. It is not confined to the animal and vegetable compounds, which have an evident vascular structure, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 17 but is found in every substance that we are able to explore. This may be shown from inspection with the microscope, by the passing of different fluids through solid bodies, <>r by the transmission of light itself in all directions through their internal sub- stance. 1. The porosity of wood is so remarkable, that air may be blown, by the action of the mouth and lungs, in a profuse stream, through a cylinder two feet long, of dry oak, beech, elm or birch. If a piece of wood, or a lump of marble, granite, or other compact stone, be plunged under water, and placed within the receiver of a pneumatic machine ; on withdrawing the external pressure, the air which had been dispersed through their interior cavities, will issue from every point of their surface, and rise in a torrent of bubbles. A similar appearance is exhibited when such bodies are sunk under mercury, which in some cases becomes finely injected through all the ramifying pores, on restoring the pressure of the atmosphere. In like manner, mercury is forced through a piece of dry wood, and made to fall in the form of a fine divided shower. If a few ounces of mercury be tied in a bag of sheep skin, it may be squeezed through the leather by the pressure of the hand, in numerous minute streamlets. This experiment illustrates the porosity of the human cuticle. From microscopic observa- tions, it has been computed that the skin is perfo- VOL. I. B 18 ELEMENTS OF rated by a thousand holes in the length of an inch. If we estimate the whole surface of the body of a middle-sized man to be sixteen square feet, it must contain no fewer than 2304 million pores : and these pores are the mouths of so many excretory ves- sels, which perform that important function in the animal economy Insensible Perspiration. The lungs discharge every minute 6 grains, and the sur- face of the skin from 3 to 20 grains ; the average over the whole body being 15 grains of lymph, con- sisting of water, with a very minute admixture of salt, acetic acid, and a trace of iron. At this rate of transpiration, the loss would amount to 3f pounds troy, in the space of twenty-four hours. If we suppose this perspirable matter to consist of glo- bules only about 30 times smaller than the red par- ticles of blood, or about the 10,000th part of an inch in diameter, it would require a succession of three of them to issue from each orifice every minute. The permeability of a solid body to any fluid, de- pends however on its peculiar structure and its re- lation to the fluid. A compact substance will some- times oppose the entrance of thin fluid, while it gives free passage to a gross one. Thus, a cask, which could hold water, will permit oil to ooze through it ; and a fresh humid bladder, which is air-tight, will yet, when pressed under water, imbibe a notable portion of that liquid. If a cylindrical piece of oak, ash, elm, or other hard wood, cut in the direction of its NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 19 fibres, he cemented to the end of a long glass tube, water will How freely through it, in divided stream- lets ; but a soft cork inserted into a similar tube will effectually prevent all escape of the liquid. Mercury may be carried in a small cambric bag, which would not retain water for a moment. If a circular bottom of close-grained wood, divided by a fine slit from the 30th to the 100th part of an inch wide, be cemented to the end of a glass tube, it will support a column of mercury, from one to three or more inches high, the elevation being always proportional to the nar- rowness of the slit. Hence a cistern of box-wood is frequently used for portable barometers, the fine joints admitting the access and pressure of the air, but preventing the escape of the mercury. Yet a sufficient force might overcome this obstruction ; and, in the same manner, the air which is confined in the common bellows under a moderate pressure, will, by a more violent action, be made to tran- spire copiously through the boards and the leather. The transmission of a fluid through a solid substance shows the existence of pores ; but the resistance, in ordinary cases, to such a passage, is insufficient, there- fore, to prove the contrary. The permeability of translucent substances to the rays of light, in all directions, evinces the most ex- treme porosity. But this inference is not confined merely to the bodies usually termed diaphanous j f p. the gradation towards opacity advances by insensible 20 ELEMENTS OF shades. The thin air itself is not perfectly translu- cid, nor will the densest metal absolutely bar all pas- sage of light. The whole mass of our atmosphere, equal to the weight of a column of 34< feet of water, transmits, according to its comparative clearness, only from four-fifths to three-fourths of the perpen- dicular light, and consequently retains or absorbs from a fifth to a fourth part of the whole. But this absorption is greatly increased by the accumulation of the interposed medium. When the sun has approach- ed within a degree of the horizon, and his rays now traverse a tract of air equal in weight to a column of 905 feet of water, only the 212th part of them can reach the surface of the earth. By a peculiar application of my Photometer, I have found that half of the incident light, which might pass through a field of air of the ordinary den- sity and 1 5 % miles extent, would penetrate only to the depth of 15 feet in the clearest sea- water, which is therefore about 5400 times less diaphanous than the ordinary atmospheric medium. But water of shallow lakes, though not apparently turbid, betrays a greater opacity, insomuch, that the perpendicular light is reduced one half, in descending only through the space of six, or even two feet. The same mea- sure of absorption would take place in the passage of light through the thickness of two or three inches of the finest glass, which is consequently 500,000 times more opaque than an equal bulk of air, or NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 21 300 times more opaque than an equal weight or mass of this fluid. But even gold is diaphanous. If a leaf of that metal, either pure or with only an 80th part of alloy, and therefore of a fine yellow lustre, but scarcely ex- ceeding the 300,000th part of an inch in thickness, and inclosed between two thin plates of mica, be held immediately before the eye, and opposite to a win- dow, it will transmit a soft green light, like the colour of the water of the sea, p.r of a clear lake of moderate depth. This glaucous tint is easily distinguished from the mere white light which passes through any visible holes or torn parts of the leaf. It is indeed the very colour which gold itself assumes, when pour- ed liquid from the melting pot. A leaf of pale gold, or gold alloyed with about the 80th part of silver, transmits an azure colour ; from which we may, with great probability, infer, that if silver could be redu- ced to a sufficient degree of thinness, it would dis- charge a purple light. These noble metals, there- fore, act upon white light exactly like air or water, absorbing the red and orange rays which enter into its composition, but suffering the conjoined green and blue rays to effect their passage. If the yellow leaf were to transmit only the tenth part of the whole incident light, we should only conclude, that pure gold is 250,000 times less diaphanous than pellucid glass. #2 ELEMENTS OF The inferior ductility of the other metals will not allow that extreme lamination, which would be re- quisite, in ordinary cases, to show the transmission of light. But their diaphanous quality may be in- ferred, from the peculiar tints with which they af- fect the transmitted rays, when they form the alloy of gold. Other substances, which are commonly reckoned opaque, yet permit in various proportions the passage of light. The window of a small apartment being closed by a deal board, if a person within shut his eyes a few minutes to render them more sensible, he will, on opening them again, easily discern a faint glimmer issuing through the window. If this board be plained thinner, more light will successive- ly penetrate, till the furniture of the room becomes visible, and perhaps a large print may be distinctly read. Writing paper transmits about the third part of the whole incident light, and when oiled it often supplies the place of glass in the common work-shops. The addition of the oil does riot, however, materially augment the diaphanous quality of the paper, but renders its internal structure more regular, and more assimilated to that of a liquid. The rays of light travel, without much obstruction, across several folds of paper, and even escape copiously through paste- board. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 2$ Combining these various facts, it follows, that all bodies are permeable, though in extremely different degrees, to the afflux of light. They must therefore be widely perforated, and in every possible direction. The porosity of bodies is consequently so diffuse, that the bulk of their internal kernel, or of the ul- timate obstacles which they present, may bear no sensible proportion to the space which they occupy. VI. The last essential property which belongs to all bodies, is that of CONTRACTION or DILATATION. Though absolute penetration is impossible, yet every substance, however dense or compact, can yet have its volume enlarged or diminished. This change of bulk is in some instances quite apparent, while, in other cases, to render it visible, requires either the agency of a vast force, or the application of some very delicate measure. The effect is pro- duced on fluids, either by increasing or diminishing their ordinary external compression ; but solid sub- stances will have their volume contracted or distend- ed by squeezing or pulling. A few experiments will confirm and illustrate the general propositipn. 1. If a flaccid bladder be placed within the recei- ver of an air pump, it will gradually swell as the ex- haustion advances, but, on restoring the external pressure, it will again shrink into its former dimen- sions. ELEMENTS OF 2. If a tall flask, nearly filled with water, be in- verted in a jar of water, and placed likewise under a pneumatic receiver, the air collected near the top of the flask will visibly expand as the operation of pumping proceeds, till it presses down the water, and begins to make its escape from below in the form of rarefied bubbles. 3. But air is easily compressed, by the opposite action of a syringe. In the vault or chamber of the air-gun, it is often condensed fifty or even eighty times. Nearly the half of that charge may be thrown into the pneumatic blow-pipe, from which, on par- tially opening the valve, it will again continue to flow for the space of a quarter of an hour. Other gases are likewise notably contracted or di- lated, by the increase or diminution of external pres- sure. But liquid substances themselves manifest a similar property, though in a much lower degree. If a large glass-ball, terminating in a long narrow and open stem divided into minute spaces correspond- ing to the millionth parts of the whole capacity, be filled with distilled water carefully purged of air, and introduced under the receiver of a pneumatic ma- chine ; as the exhaustion advances, the water will proportionally expand and rise near fifty divisions ; but, on admitting the atmosphere again to compress the water, it will sink to its former place in the stem. The contraction which the water suffers, at every in- crease of pressure, exceeds not indeed the 20,000th NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 25 part of what air would undergo in like circumstan- ces ; but it is equally real, and evinces an inherent property of that liquid. Mercury treated in the same way shows a contraction three times less than water. Alcohol, ether, oils, and the various acids and saline solutions, are all condensed or expanded, though in different degrees, by the change of at- mospheric pressure. If the stem of the instrument now mentioned were made to screw to the ball at a wide aperture, frag- ments of solid bodies could be easily introduced, and the vacant space filled up with water ; the contrac- tion of this portion of water being deducted from the contraction of the mixture, would give the dis- tinct condensation of the hard materials. In this way, the compressibility of the various stones and metals could be accurately examined. A series of experiments of this nature would essentially contri- bute to the improvement of the mechanical arts. The contraction and distension produced by ex- ternal or internal pressure on glass is quite visible, in a thermometer with a large bulb and very long tube. When the mercury stands near the top of the scale, it will immediately rise on reclining the tube, and will continue to flow till the thermometer has been reversed j but the mercury will again re- treat, as the instrument is brought back to its ver- tical position. This experiment proves that the bulb has its capacity sensibly enlarged by the thrust of the mercurial column. 26 ELEMENTS OF When long bars of wood, iron, or other metals are laid horizontally on supports, they bend down- wards by their own weight, and this depression is in- creased by augmenting the incumbent pressure. See fig. 1. The upper fibres are therefore drawn into a narrower curve than those in the middle of the bar, while the under fibres are extended into a wider con- vexity : the particles of the former are thus contract- ed, and those of the latter distended. It is likewise obvious, that in this incurvation, the contraction or dilatation occasioned will be proportional to the thickness of the bar. The various kinds of wood are far more compress- ible than water, and suffer, hence, a very consider- able degree of condensation, on being let down to great depths in the ocean. Pieces of oak, ash or elm, plunged two or three hours in a calm sea, at the enormous depth of a thousand fathoms, and then drawn up, have been found to contain four-fifths of their weight of water, and to acquire such increase of density, as indicates a contraction of the wood in- to about half its previous volume. The specimens which have undergone this singular change, if thrown into a pail of water, will sink like a stone. Hence probably the reason why barks lost near the shore are afterwards discovered by their timbers breaking up and floating to the surface ; while the ships which founder in the wide ocean, acquiring permanent den- sity from the vast compression they sustain, remain NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. motionless at the bottom, and never rise again to dis- close their fate. But pieces of wood, even of the softer kinds, whe- ther round or square, may be easily squeezed in the direction perpendicular to their fibres, by the action of a common vice. If allowed to stand only a few minutes under that compression, and then quickly thrown into a jar of water, they will sink and remain at the bottom. If the wood be kept much longer under the vice, it will take a set, and become con- stitutionally denser. Even cork may, by compres- sion, be made to sink in water ; but as its texture is nearly uniform, the force must be exerted on all sides. Into a thick and very strong glass cylinder, having a syringe adapted to it, introduce a large cork ball, and inject the air by smart and powerful strokes ; the ball will gradually shrivel, till it has contracted even to less than one-third of its usual bulk ; but, on allowing the charge of air to escape, the cork will speedily resume its former shape and dimen- sions. If the condenser be partly filled with wa- ter, on which the ball of cork is set to float, it will, under a like compression, though it has a minute portion of the liquid driven into its substance, shrink to nearly the same size as before, and soon fall to the bottom. Hence the success of the com- mon experiment at sea, of letting down, in calm wea- ther, to the depth of twenty or thirty fathoms, an empty corked bottle, and then drawing it up full of water, though the cork still remains in the neck. ELEMENTS OF The water is not in this case forced through the pores of the cork as generally supposed, but the cork itself, being condensed by the lateral pressure of the incumbent mass of liquid, allows it to enter by the sides and dislodge the air. Bodies are also contracted or dilated, from the operation of some internal cause. Thus, dry air is visibly expanded by its union with moisture. If, in a warm room, the inside of a tall flask be wetted by a few drops of water, and the mouth inverted in a bason of water, the contained air, in proportion as it becomes humified, will discharge a copious stream of bubbles. On the other hand, a notable contraction of their joint volume is produced in the absorption of water by saw-dust, linen, or bibulous paper. The combination of equal measures of water and alcohol is accompanied by a contraction amounting to the fiftieth part of the whole bulk. A similar effect results from the solution of the sulphate of soda, and other highly soluble salts. The alliage of different metals often betrays a large contraction. The power of tin to condense copper in the composition of bronzes was even remarked by the ancients, who combined these metals in various proportions, to form their knives, chisels or hatchets. Equal bulks of tin and copper are found to suffer a contraction amounting to not less than the fifteenth part of their whole volume. A liquid, in joining any solid substance, commonly NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 29 occasions a general contraction ; but the solid itself may yet by this accession expand with prodigious force. Thus, dry peas being rammed into a gun barrel, and their interstices filled with water, will in a short time burst the barrel. In like manner, if wedges of soft dry wood be driven into slits made with a saw in blocks of freestone or marble, and then have water poured upon them, these wedges will quickly swell and rend the rock. Such was the ancient mode of quarrying, before the explosive power of gunpowder came to be introduced. It is still practised in the art of cutting mill -stones in France, holes being bo- red at intervals in a line drawn across the block, and wooden plugs driven into them, and then wetted. Hence, if the side of a thin piece of wood be moistened, it will bend backwards, the humidity in- sinuating itself into the soft parenchymatous matter between the fibres, and therefore enlarging the circle of flexure. The thinner the wood is sliced, the greater will evidently be the incurvation produced by the wetting of its convex surface. The fibres of hair and wool, by the unequal rubbing and moistening of their sides, are made to curl up, and to condense like a clue. On this property seems to be really founded the very important process of milling, full- ing or felting, by which a raw web of woollen cloth is thickened, and its texture rendered firm and com- pact. A leathern thong is extended by wetting, and so 30 ELEMENTS OF are the filaments of hemp or flax when laid parallel. But the moisture spreads chiefly through the longi- tudinal interstices of those filaments, and conse- quently enlarges their thickness. As a hempen cord is shortened by twisting, so is it likewise contracted by wetting, the diameter of the coil being thereby increased, and the extension of the overlapping fibres hence proportionally curtailed. If a spunge dipp- ed in hot water be drawn more than once along a well-spun rope, it will in dry weather occasion, du- ring the space perhaps of an hour, a contraction amounting to the fifteenth or twentieth part of the whole length. This remarkable property has in some instances been employed as a very efficient mechanical agent. The most powerful principle of internal expan- sion, is the introduction of Heat. This energy varies exceedingly, however, in different substances, but it can always be reduced to calculation, by com- paring its effects with the opposite influence of ex- ternal compression. Thus, the same absolute por- tions of heat communicated to cylinders of one inch diameter and height, of air, alcohol, water, mercury and copper, would enable those columns respectively to sustain the weights of 10, 12, 3 and 2 pounds. The properties which may be regarded as only Contingent, and not Essential to the Constitution of Bodies, are MOBILITY and PONDEROSITY. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 31 I. Every body at rest can be put in motion, and if no impediment intervenes, this change may be effected by the slightest external impression. Thus, the largest cannon-ball, suspended freely by a rod or chain from a lofty cieling, is visibly agitated by the horizontal stroke of a swan-shot, which has gain- ed some velocity in its descent through the arc of a pendulum. In like manner, a ship of any burthen is, in calm weather and smooth water, gradually pull- ed along even by the exertions of a boy. A cer- tain measure of force, indeed, is often required to commence or to maintain the motion ; but this con- sideration is wholly extrinsic, and depends on the obstacles at first to be overcome, and on the resis- tance which is afterwards encountered. If the ad- hesion and intervention of other bodies were abso- lutely precluded, motion would be generated by the smallest pressure, and would continue with undimi- nished energy. II. The other Contingent Property of Bodies is PONDERABILITY. Every substance within our sphere of observation is found to possess weight, or a dispo- sition to gravitate towards the centre of tJie earth. But to constitute gravity, it is not required that a body should invariably fall to the ground. Smoke ascends in the atmosphere, and a lump of lead rises in a tube of mercury, from the same cause that a pine tree, plunged into a lake, mounts again to the sur- face. Withdraw the air, the mercury, and the wa- ELEMENTS OF ter, which supported those comparatively lighter sub- stances, and the smoke, the lead, and the timber, will immediately descend. Pour mercury over a smooth piece of cork applied to the bottom of a glass, and it will remain in the same situation, while an iron-ball can be set to float on the liquid metal. The order of Nature might here seem to be reversed. But since mercury does not insinuate itself through a very narrow interstice, it merely rests on the upper side, without pressing against the under side, of the cork. If Levity, however, as the Schoolmen asserted, had been a real property belonging to certain bodies, the smoke and the cork would, in every instance, have occupied the lower stations. But the weight of a body is not the same in all places and situations. A lump of lead, which weighs a thousand pounds at the surface of our globe, would lose two pounds as indicated by a spiral spring, if carried to the top of a mountain four miles high ; and, if it could be conveyed as deep into the bowels of the earth, it would lose one pound. The same mass transported from Edinburgh to the Pole would gain the addition of three pounds ; but if taken to the Equator, it would suffer a loss of four pounds and a quarter. The variable, and therefore contingent, weight of bodies, is only the gradation of that mutual and uni- versal tendency, diminishing as the square of the dis- tance, which retains the Moon in her orbit, and up- 1 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 33 holds the circulation of the whole system of Planets around the Sun. The gravitation even of small masses towards each other, such as balls of lead se- parated only by the interval of a few inches, has been detected by delicate experiment, and reduced to rigorous calculation. But when the approxima- tion is closer, this force acquires a modified charac- ter, and passes into Cohesion. Thus, if two leaden bullets have a little portion of the surface of each pared clean, and be then pressed together with a slight twist, they will cohere firmly into one mass. In the same manner, gold or silver foliage and other ornaments, struck with a heavy hammer into the sur- face of polished iron or steel, become permanently united. Within other limits, the tendency to mutual ap- proach is changed into an opposite quality. Thus, drops of rain or dew run along the smooth and glos- sy surface of a cabbage leaf without spreading. If the dust of the Lycopodium, or Club-Fern, or even fine pounded rosin, be strewed on water contained in a glass, any smooth rounded piece of soft wood will float upon it, or may be immersed in the liquid, with- out being wetted, the powder preventing, by its re- pulsion, all contact of the water. A fine needle laid on the surface of water makes a dimple in which it swims. On the same principle, the slender limbs of insects, and the minute down which covers their wings, protects them from the penetration of humi- VOL. i. c ELEMENTS OF dity. If the hand be rubbed with linseed oil, it may be plunged with impunity for a few seconds in boil- ing water, the oil repelling the water, and conse- quently checking the communication of heat. The application of palm-soap to the skin is still more ef- fectual. It thus appears that bodies are indefinitely porous, compressible without limits, and capable of assuming all varieties of form. How different is the constitu- tion of ice, of water, and of steam ? Examine the mutable aspects which mercury exhibits. Beginning at a low degree of cold, and ascending through the gradations of heat, we find it a friable solid, next a shining liquid, then a penetrating vapour, and lastly reduced to a fine red powder. A bright piece of any of the ductile metals passes successively into an earthy oxide and a pellucid glass. Charcoal is ab- solutely of the same nature as the diamond ; yet what a contrast between the dingy appearance of the one and the dazzling lustre of the other ? How various- ly are substances transformed by the operations of art ? The skins of animals become changed into parchment and different kinds of leather, and its shreds into glue. The vegetable fibres are converted into matting, cordage, and linen cloth ; and the rags of this again, reduced to a pulp, and manufactured into paper. How diversified appear the compounds of the fa- rinaceous substances ! By a distinct operation, the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 3,5 same grain produces gruel, bread, biscuit, starch, and u hard pellucid concretion resembling mother of pearl. But the plastic powers displayed in the pro- cess of vegetation and animal life infinitely surpass the resources of art. Many plants are fed by water and air alone, and consequently these fluids are ca- pable of being transmuted into all the various pro- ducts. In short, Nature exhibits only a chain of endless metamorphoses : The substance or material remains unchanged, but its form undergoes conti- nual mutations. The properties of bodies result from those of their component particles. At certain mutual distances they remain quiescent ; but, at other distances, they show a disposition either to approach or to recede. Such opposite tendencies are commonly referred to the principles of attraction and repulsion. But all those diversified effects may be comprehended under a general law, which connects the mutual action of particles with their relative distance. In the lan- guage of modern analysis, the corpuscular energy is always some function of the distance ; and it may be represented by an extended curve, of which the abscissae mark the distances, and their ordinates 'ex- press the corresponding forces. Fig. 2. exhibits this curve of primordial action ; in which A denotes an action or ultimate particle, and B, C, D, E, &c., the successive positions of another particle, the perpen- diculars CM, EN, GO, IP, LQ, &c., representing c 2 36 ELEMENTS OF their mutual action attractive between B and D, F and H, K and X, when above the axis AX, and re- pulsive between D and F, H and K, below it. The final branch of the curve must gradually assimilate itself to the law of universal gravitation. But the primary branch of the curve must, in like manner, continually approach AY, the perpendicular to the axis ; and since no pressure or impulsion can ever ac- complish the penetration of matter, it follows, from the principles of Dynamics, that the space included be- tween the curve and that asymptote must be infinite. Where the curve repeatedly crosses the axis, are so many quiescent positions, B, D, F, H, K, &c. in any one of which a particle would continue in equi- libria. But this equilibrium is of two kinds, the stable or the instable ; the former easily recovering itself from any slight displacement, and the latter when once disturbed being irremediably dissolved. If the curve in its progress cross the axis from the side of repulsion to that of attraction, its intersec- tion will evidently be a point of stability ; for if a particle be pushed inwards, it will then be repelled back again ; and if it be pulled outwards, it will ex- perience an attractive force, which will recall it to its first position. But if the curve pass from attrac- tion to repulsion, its intersection with the axis is a point of instable equilibrium ; for, in proportion as a particle is pressed inwards, it will be pulled forci- bly from its position ; and if it be drawn outwards, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 3^ the repulsion, now conspiring, will bear it along with accumulating power. Thus, B, F and K, the tran- sitions from repulsion to attraction, are points of sta- bility ; but D and H, the opposite transitions, are points of instability. According as the ordinates, near the points of transition, increase less or more rapidly, the tendency of the particles to coalesce, or to separate, will be proportionally feeble or intense. If the curve cut the axis very obliquely, therefore, it will mark a limit of languid cohesion, as at the point F ; but if it shoot nearly at right angles across the axis, as at B or K, it will indicate a limit of powerful cohesion. Those atoms or ultimate particles have no sensible magnitude. But though the range of our concep- tions may be unbounded, every thing in the material world appears to be distinct and determinate, Ex- perience indeed informs us to what astonishing de- gree matter can be attenuated ; but philosophy de- scries the existence of certain fixed or impassable li- mits at which the capability of farther subdivision utterly ceases. The primordial line of action is hence a physical, and not a mathematical, curve ; or it is not strictly incurvated at every point, but proceeds by successive minute deflections, corresponding to the breadth of the elementary particles. Such a mo- dification of the curve is represented by fig. 3. ; be- ing a serrated line, whose gradations answer to the successive stages of corpuscular action. Continuous 38 ELEMENTS OF shades, indeed, exist only in our modes of concep- tion ; and Nature exhibits always individual objects, and advances by finite steps. The material world is thus reducible to atoms, actuated by forces depending merely on their mutual distances. From such simple elements the diffe- rent arrangements of the particles and their mul- tiplied interior combinations, this sublime scene of the universe derives all its magnificence and splen- dour. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 39 II. STATICS Imports the stability resulting from the balance of connected bodies. It therefore explains the con- ditions that must determine any material system, among the several parts of which a mutual action is exerted, to maintain the state of quiescence. Our ideas of Power, Farce, Action, Energy, and other similar objects of contemplation, seem all to be derived from the muscular effort which we find, in our operations, required to precede or produce every external change. This feeling we spontaneously transfer to inanimate bodies themselves ; and while the effects are the same, we associate likewise their origin with the same terms. Force, in its simplest form, may hence be represented by weight, whether this be made to act by pressure or by traction, or whether it pushes or draws the point of attachment. Power and energy are more complex conceptions, and may be regarded as the results or modifications of the application of force. The fundamental principles of Statics, however few and simple, are to be discovered only by experi- ment, or an appeal to the actual constitution of Na- ture. But the primary relations being once detect- 40 ELEMENTS OF ed, their various combinations, and the whole train of derivative properties, are easily traced by the help of Geometry. To exclude all unnecessary complication, I shall consider, in this inquiry, the forces as directed to single particles or physical points. These forces may be conveniently measured by help of a spiral steel spring lodged in a thin cylindrical case, the traction or weight applied to it being indicated by the pro- trusion of a divided scale fixed to the remote end of the spiral. It will be sufficient to examine, 1, The equilibrium of two forces ; and, 2. The equilibrium of three forces, in the limited case where two of these are equal. 1. Let (fig. 4.) the spring A, holding a little ball P, be suspended from a hook, and to the lower side of this ball append another similar spring JB. If now a weight of 10 pounds be attached to the end of B, both the scales will descend till the ball P comes to rest, when they will stand opposite in the same ver- tical line, and each mark 10 divisions. If 10 pounds more be added, the scales will lengthen still farther in the same directions, and indicate the strain of 20 pounds. If, instead of hooking the ball P immedi- ately to springs, a piece of small cord be fastened to each side of it, and then attached to those springs, the result will be precisely the same ; the tension of any weight applied being still directed in the per- pendicular, and indicated alike by both scales. The NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 41 same effects will take place, if, instead of weights, an exertion of animal power had been applied. It hence follows, that a body will remain at rest if it be urged by equal and opposite forces. This truth is commonly assumed as intuitive ; but if the pro- position appears now so simple and natural as readily to command our assent, it is only because it accords with the information of our earliest experience. The untutored mind will hastily admit things that are most erroneous. 2. Let two similar springs be attached at the points A and B, (fig. 5.), situate in a horizontal line at the interval of twenty-four inches, and connect their ends by a silk thread capable of being length- ened at pleasure, and from the middle of which, at the point C, successive weights can be appended. It will soon be perceived that the direction CW of the weight will bisect the angle ACB, and occupy the same vertical plane. When the weight is in- creased from 2 to 4 pounds, the corresponding de- pression DC will increase likewise from 1 to 2 inches, while the strain at A and at B will still measure 12 pounds. But on farther augmenting the weight, though the quantity of depression will continue to follow the same ratio, yet the force of oblique trac- tion will now begin to increase. If the weight be 10 pounds, the depression being 5 inches, the points A and B will be drawn in the directions AC and BC, each with a force equal to 13 pounds. Again, 42 ELEMENTS OF if the weight applied at C amounted to 18 pounds, the depression DC would be 9 inches ; but the strain at A and at B wonld reach 15 pounds. And, fi- nally, on augmenting the weight to 32 pounds, and lengthening the thread, the depression will increase to 16 inches, while the strain of each spring will amount to 20 pounds. It is easy to see, that since the angle ACB is al- ways bisected, one-half of the weight at C is sup- ported by the oblique traction of the spring A, while the other half is supported by the equal and similar traction of the spring B. But when half the weight was 5 pounds, and the depression DC 5 inches, the hypotenuse AC must have been 13 inches, while the strain in that direction measured 13 pounds J In like manner, when DC was 9 and 16 inches, the hypotenuse has been 15 and 20 inches, and the strain at A and at B indicated so many pounds. The force by which the point C is pulled in the direction C A, is to the weight by which it is drawn in the direction CW or DC, as AC to CD, or as radius to the cosine of the angle ACD. In general, therefore, it fol- lows from this simple experiment, that the oblique action of any force is proportional to the cosine of its inclination. Not to embarrass the investigation, I have thrown out of sight the weight of the spiral springs, which could be rendered very inconsiderable. But the experiment is greatly simplified, by substituting for NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. K3 those springs, fine pulleys, over which a long thread is passed, holding an equal weight at each end ; for it is readily perceived that the only effect of the pul- ley is to change the direction, without impairing its intensity, of any force applied at the circumference. The principle now derived from observation will enable us to assign the conditions under which any two forces are balanced by a third force. Let a physical point A (fig. 6.) remain at rest, while it is drawn by three forces in the several directions AB, AC and AD, expounded or represented by the lengths^ of those lines. Produce DA till AE be equal to it ; and the force AE, being thus equal and opposite to AD, must exert the same effect as the joint action of AB and AC. Through A, draw GAH at right angles to DE, meeting the parallels BG and CH. Wherefore the oblique action of the force AB on the point A is expressed by AG ; and, for the same reason, the oblique action of AC is de- noted by AH. But since the point A continues at rest, the equal forces AG and AH, by which it is urged, must likewise be exactly opposite. Conse- quently the lines AG and AH lie in the same plane, and therefore the force AD, or its extension AE, must always act in the plane of its balancing forces AB and AC. But the force AB draws the point A in the direction AE, with a force represented by AF ; and the force AG draws it in the same direc- tion, with a force expressed by A I. Wherefore 44 ELEMENTS OF these two forces AF and A I are equivalent to the resulting force AE, and hence the segment FE must be equal to AL Join EB and EC ; and the triangles EBF and ACI, having the side FE equal to IA, the side FB or AG or AH equal to 1C, and the contained angle EFB equal to the right angle A 1C, are equal. Whence the angle FEB is equal to IAC, and these angles being alternate, the side BE is parallel to AC ; but they are equal, and therefore AB and CE are likewise parallel. Where- fore, if the lines expressing any two forces be form- ed into a parallelogram, its diagonal will expound the resulting force, or that which is equal and op- posite, to the third or balancing force. This remarkable property is called the Parallelo- gram of Forces ; and all the problems in Statics are reducible to the composition and resolution of forces, or to the finding of the sides of a parallelogram from its diagonal, and of the diagonal from the sides of the figure. But the solution is often simplified, by means of other derivative properties. In the triangle ABE, it is evident from Plane Trigonometry, that AB : BE or AC : : sin AEB or CAE : sin BAE. When two forces, therefore, balance any third force, they are inversely as the sines of the angles which they make with it. If AE (fig. 7.) be made radius, the perpendi- culars EK and EL will evidently be the sines of the angles BAE and CAE. Wherefore, When two NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. k) forces balance a third force, tliey are inversely pro- portional to the perpendiculars let fall from any point in its extension upon the lines representing them. From the point A, (fig. 7.) draw AM and AN perpendicular to AB and AC, and terminated by MON, a perpendicular to AE. The exterior angle MAE is equal to both the interior angles AMO and MOA ; and taking away the right angles M AB and MOA, and there remains the angle BAE equal to AMO or AMN. In like manner, the angle CAE or AEB is proved to be equal to ANM. Wherefore the triangle MNA is similar to ABE, and AB : BE or AC : : AM : AN. Whence three forces in equilibrio are proportional respectively to the several sides of a triangle drawn perpendicular to their directions. A triangle so constructed is sometimes called the Triangle of Forces. To find the force resulting from the combination of several forces acting upon a point in the same plane. Let the point A (fig. 8.) be drawn by the forces AB, AC, AD, and AE, extended all in one plane. Complete the parallelogram C ABF, and the diagonal AF will exhibit the result of the forces AB and AC. Complete the parallelogram DAFG, and its diagonal AG will express the result of the three forces AB, AC, and AD. In like manner complete the parallelogram EAGH ; and the diagonal AH will represent the force compounded of all the four 46 ELEMENTS OF forces AB, AC, AD, and AE. But the construc- tion may be simplified by drawing the lines BF, FG and GH equal and parallel to AC, AD and AE, and finally joining AH, which will express the re- sulting force. If the directions of the forces AB, AC, and AD, (fig. 9.) lie in different planes, complete the paralle- logram BACE, and the diagonal AE will express the result of AB and AC. Next, in the plane of AD and AE complete the parallelogram DAEF, and the diagonal AF will represent the compound force, which thus forms the diagonal of the paralle- lepiped. If three connected points be urged by three ba- lancing forces in the same plane, their directions will always tend to the same centre. Suppose the physical points A, B and C (fig. 10. and 11.) to be disposed into a triangle, either by threads or inflex- ible wires, and let them remain at rest, while they are pulled by forces acting in the directions AG, BH and CI, these lines when produced will meet in the same point O, either within or without the trian- gle. For from O, the concurrence of GA and HB, let fall the perpendiculars OD, OE and OF upon the sides of the triangle, and join OC. The force AG is held in equilibria by the retraction of the threads in the directions AB and AC ; whence the tension AB is to the tension AC, as OE to OD. For the same reason, the action of the force BH is NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 47 kept in check by the threads pulling the point B in the directions BA and BC ; consequently the ten- sion BA is to the tension BC as OF to OD. But since a general equilibrium obtains, the point B must be drawn with a force equal and opposite to that with which the point A is drawn in the direc- tion AB. Wherefore, by equality of ratios, the ten- sion AC is to the tension BC, as OF to OE. But these tensions must be equal to the opposite tensions CA and CB, by which the point C is pulled by its attached threads. The balancing force CI is, there- fore, an extension of OC, and passes through the same centre O. If the centre of concurrence O lies without the triangle, (fig. 11.), the points A and B must be connected by an inflexible rod ; for the force AG is checked by a force proportional to OD, drawing the point A in the direction AC, and by another force proportional to OE, pushing it in the direction BA. If the point O coincides with the vertex C of the triangle, the forces AG and BH will be di- rected along the sides AC and BC, and no power will be exerted at the base, either to distend or con- tract the mutual distance of the points A and B. It is obvious that the three balancing forces AG, BH, and CI will have the same intensity as if they originated in O, the centre of concurrence. If, therefore, KOL (fig. 12.) be drawn perpendicular to CO, and KM and LM perpendicular to BO and 48 ELEMENTS OF AO, the sides KL, KM, and LM of the triangle thus formed will represent the forces CI, BH and AG. Any oblique force AB (fig. IS.) may be decom- posed into a force BC perpendicular to a given plane, and another force AC coincident with the plane. But such a force may likewise be resolved into three given forces at right angles to co-ordinate planes. Thus, let three planes mutually perpendicular pass through the point A (fig. 14.) ; the oblique force AB may be reduced to CB perpendicular to the plane AEC, and CA lying in that plane. Again, the force CA may be reduced into CE perpendicular to the plane AEF, and CD perpendicular to ADG. Wherefore the oblique force AB is decomposed into the per- pendicular forces CB, CD, and CE. Suppose it were required to find the figure which would be assumed by several connected inflexible lines attached by the ends to two fixed points, and having parallel forces applied at their several junc- tions. Let the lines AB, BC, CD, DE and EF, consisting either of threads, as in fig. 15., or of slender wires, as in fig. 16., tied or jointed at B, C, D, and E, and fastened to the points A and F, have the weights or parallel forces BG, CH, DI and EK applied to them, and pulling downwards or upwards. To maintain the equilibrium of these forces, it is evident that the compound or polygonal line NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Mj - A BCDEF must take some determinate form. Thus, the point B (fig. 1,5.) is balanced by three forces, or by the weight BG, the strain BA, and the strain BC ; and the point C again is kept at rest by the strain CB, the strain CD, and the weight CH. In like manner, the points D and E are each maintain- ed in equipoise by the action of triple forces, com- posed of vertical weights and oblique strains. The same forces are exerted in fig. 16., only in opposite directions, the strains being there converted into thrusts. But the strains BA and BC, (fig. 15.), balancing on both sides of the force BG, are as the sine of the angle CBG to the sine of the angle ABG ; and for the same reason, the strains CB and CD, exerted at C, are as the sine of the angle DCH to the sine of the angle BCH. Now, the points B and C being both at rest, the strain BC must evidently be equal to the opposite strain CB, while the sine of CBG is equal to the sine of its supplemental angle BCH, Wherefore, by compounding the analogies, the strain BA is to the strain CD, as the sine of the angle DCH is to the sine of the angle ABG. In fig. 1 6. the same forces act as thrusts. Wherefore, gene- rally, at any point It, C 9 D and E, the strain or thrust is inversely as the sine of the angle which this makes with a vertical line, or directly as the se- cant of the angle which it forms with the horizon. It is evident that, in both figures, an oblique strain VOL. i. D 50 ELEMENTS OF or thrust AB, if reduced to the horizontal direction AL, will be diminished in the ratio of AB to AL, or of the radius to the cosine of the inclination LAB. Wherefore, since the strain or thrust at A is propor- tional to the secant of that angle, its action in the line of the horizon AF is always as the radius mere- ly. The horizontal strain or thrust, as might be ex- pected, is hence the same through the whole system of points. Supposing the junctions to be multiplied indefi- nitely, the series of weights may be conceived as dif- fused over the chain, disposing it into a regular curve. If the base AL (fig. 1? '. and 18.) be therefore di- vided into equal parts, and the verticals MB, NC, OD, &c. drawn, the intercepted portions AB, BC, CD, &c. of the curve, being evidently proportional to the secants of the angles of deflection from the ho- rizon, must express the strains or thrusts exerted at the several points A, B, C, frc. By a similar decomposition of forces, it is easy to discover the relation of the weights necessary to form a given polygon. In fig. 15. and 16., the strain or thrust BA is to the weight acting at B, as the sine of the angle CBG is to the sine of the angle ABC ; but if the polygon be supposed to be contained in a given arc of a circle while its sides are given, this angle ABC must have a given magnitude ; conse- quently the strain BA is to the weight BG, as a con- stant quantity to the secant of the deflection at B. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. M But the strain at B was already shown to be propor- tional to that secant, and therefore the weights at B must be as the square of the secant of deflection. This elegant property can easily be exhibited expe- rimentally. Suppose the junctions to be indefinitely multipli- ed, the several weights being disposed in the arc AFL of a circle, (fig. 19- and 20.), which has O for its centre. Let this arc be distinguished into minute equal portions AB, BC, CD, c. and having ap- plied the tangent FQ, draw the secants OM, ON, OP, &c. It follows, from what has been demon- strated, that, in order to maintain an uniform incur- vation, the weights of the portions FE, ED, DC, &c. of the circumference must be respectively pro- portional to OF>, OM% ON*, OP*, &c. From C and P, draw CR and PS perpendicular to OB ; from similar triangles, OC : OP : : CR : PS, and OF or OC : OP : : PS : PQ ; whence, by composi- tion, OC* or OF- : OP* : : CR or FM : PQ. If FM, therefore, denote the weight of an element of the circumference at F, PQ must express the weight of an equal portion at C. The weights of the successive portions FE, ED, DC, &c. are hence proportional to the segments FM, MN, NP, &c., or to the dif- ferences of the tangents of the corresponding angles of deflection. This proposition includes the whole Theory of Arches, whether suspended or incumbent. 52 ELEMENTS OF Suppose two connected physical points A and B, (fig. 21.), which maintain invariably the same re- lative position, to be drawn by the forces AP and BP to the centre P : complete the parallelogram PAQB, and the diagonal PQ will evidently bisect AB in O ; wherefore a force applied at O in the di- rection PO, and equal to 2PO, will balance the two forces AP and BP. But AB may be made the dia- gonal of any other parallelogram P'AQ'B ; and con- sequently the middle point O is a centre at which the forces from A and B are held in equilibrium by another force tending to the same point P or P'. If these points be removed to an indefinite distance, the forces AP and BP will become equal and pa- rallel, and the opposing force PQ will be double of either of them. Conceive now three connected physical points A, B, and C, (fig. 22.), which constantly maintain their relative position, to be drawn towards a centre P in the same plane by the forces AP, BP, and CP. Construct the parallelograms PAQB and PQRC, and draw the diagonals AB, QC, PQ and PR. It is evident that PR will express the resulting force, and the problem is to assign in this line a point O, which may be independent of the variable position of P. The points K and L bisect the diagonals PQ and PR, which are the sides of the triangle PQC, and consequently the base PC is double of KL ; but the converging lines PL and CK must cut each NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 53 other in the some ratio, and therefore PO 2OL and CO zr 2OK. Hence PL = 3OL, and PR = 6OL = 3PO ; and CK = 3OK, or OK = * CK. The force PR, which is triple of PO, balances, there- fore, the three forces AP, BP and CP ; but that force may be conceived to be attached at the centre O, which is determined directly from the points A, B and C since K bisects AB, and KO is the third part of KC this centre is consequently in- dependent of the position of P. If P be removed to an indefinite distance, the several forces acting at A, B and C will become equal and parallel, and the counterbalancing force at O will be equal to their sum, and tend in the same direction. In like manner, it may be shown, that if any num- ber of atoms be attracted in the same plane by equal and parallel forces, a certain point may be found at which they will be balanced by an opposite aggregate force. Suppose four points A, B, C and D (fig. 23.) to be drawn towards a centre P by the forces AP, BP, CP and DP ; it is evident, from the theory of their composition, that those tendencies will be coun- teracted by a single force in the intermediate direc- tion PO. But, having let fall upon this the perpen- diculars Aa, B&, Cc and Dd ; the force AP may be decomposed into aP and A, the force BP into bP and B&, the force CP into cP and Cc, and the force DP into dP and T>d. Of these, the forces aP, bP, cP and dP, all in the same direction, must be coun- ELEMENTS OF terpoised by the force extending to P through O. The remaining forces a A, &B, cC and dT), being opposed to each other, must produce a mutual ba- lance. Wherefore the perpendiculars Aa and B& on the one side of PO must be equal to Cc and Dd, the perpendiculars on the other side. Bisect AB in H, and CD in I, and let fall the perpendiculars Hh and Li. It is obvious, that Aa -f- B& %Hh, and Cc + Dd 2K ; consequently %Rh = 2li, and HA Li. Wherefore the oblique line HI must be bisected in the centre O. This point is hence deri- ved merely from A, B, C and D, independent alto- gether of the position of P. Whatever be the place of P, the resulting force will pass through O ; and if it be thrown to an indefinite distance, the several atoms will be urged in parallel directions, their forces AP + BP + CP + DP being then equal to the aggregate force # P -(- bP + cP -|- dP exerted at O. If the particles have a permanent arrangement, though not in the same plane, the resulting force will in every position pass through the same indivi- dual centre. For suppose that, beyond those parti- cles, a plane were drawn parallel to another touching the resulting force, it is evident that the sum of all the perpendiculars let fall upon it from each of the particles, divided by their number, will be equal to the mutual distance of the two planes. Hence the position of a plane passing through P in the direction NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 55 of the resulting force is given. But if P' be assumed in another place, the position of a second plane pass- ing through P', and touching the direction of the resulting force, is likewise given. The intersection of these two planes is consequently a straight line given in position. Lastly, if the centre of the at- tractive forces be changed to P", a third plane may be assigned, which shall indicate the direction of the resulting force. But this plane must cut the former line of intersection in a given point, which is the centre at which all the forces would be balanced. This centre therefore depends on the mutual arrange- ment of the particles, and has no reference whatever to the position of the variable concourse of those forces. But it may be likewise proved, that, about the cen- tre thus found, the system of particles will in every position maintain their equilibrium. For if any fourth plane be made to pass through the common intersection of the three given planes, the sum of the perpendiculars let fall upon it from the several particles on the one side must be equal to the sum of the perpendiculars let fall on the other side. To prove this, it will be sufficient to show, that of lines drawn at given angles to the three planes, the seg- ments intercepted by any fourth plane are mutually balanced. Let (fig. 24.) AK, AL and AM be the three planes, meeting in the lines AB, AC and AD, and let them be cut obliquely by a fourth plane AMK. Conceive another plane AN passing through 56 ELEMENTS OF AD, and meeting the plane AMK in K ; if from any point P of the body or system of particles, the lines PF, PG and PH be drawn to the three fixed planes parallel to AD, AB and AC, their sums will be severally balanced. Produce GP to meet the plane AN in E, and a plane passing through GE will cut the planes AN, AL and AK in the lines EQ and GI, parallel to AD, and QI parallel to AB. Whence, employing the symbol f to denote summation, f, PH ~f, GS zz ; but the triangle GSR is evidently given in species, and consequent- ly PG has a given ratio to GS ; wherefore f, PG zz 0, and since, from the general condition,^ EG zz 0, it follows that /, PE zz 0. The plane AN has thus the same property as AK, AL, and AM. Again, the oblique plane AO standing in the same relation to the planes AN, AK and AM, must like- wise produce a balance in the summation of the lines drawn parallel to AB, AC and AD, the axes of the three given planes. Every system of particles has therefore a certain, constant and individual point of equilibrium, which is called the Centre of Gravity. If that point be supported, the whole system must hence continue in a state of rest. To preserve this condition, it is ne- cessary that an impediment should be opposed in the line of gravitation, or in the vertical drawn through the centre of gravity. The obstacle may be placed either above or below that centre, or the falling of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 57 the body may be prevented either by suspension or by support. By the former, a permanent stability is procured ; for if the system or body be drawn aside, the oblique action of gravity will pull it again into the vertical position. The lower the centre of gravity is placed, and the wider is the base, the firm- er will the body stand. But if the support be not of sufficient breadth, the equilibrium will be preca- rious and unstable ; since the moment the vertical line projects beyond the base, the body must totter and irretrievably tumble down. In certain cases, however, a body resting upon a single point, may yet have a disposition to recover from any partial derangement, and to resume its vertical position. Thus, if the base be a plane, and the bottom of the body rounded, but such that the centre of gravity lies below the centre of curvature, tfre mass may rock backwards and forwards, but will soon regain its erect site. Let O (fig. 25.) be the centre of the incurvation at the end of the body, and G or g its centre of gravity lying in the axis AO. Conceive the body to be rolled on its horizontal plane from A to A', the point which touched A will merge into a, and the axis will come into the position aO'. Now, if the centre of gravity G stood above O, it would evidently in the position G' lean beyond the vertical A'O', and the body would fall over ; but if the centre of gravity were at g below O, it would still in changing to O at the lowest point. The strain at the extremities A and B will hence be expounded by o^+zp These expressions may be converted into o- thers involving the length of the chain. Thus, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (>7 I* d /* d which last expressions hence represent the ten- sions at the lowest point C, and at both extremi- ties A and B. As examples of approximation, some of the former instances may be resumed. Thus, let the strain at the lowest point be equal to the whole weight of the chain ; it was then found that I = 1 , 8,7* and d= .1 18034. Wherefore b = I 57-= .9628, ol true to every place of figures ; and the strains at C, and at either extremity A or B, are respectively =r-j and /ry+-^> or 1 and '1.118034, likewise T Cz : zc, and BC : CI : : CK : Cc ; whence rr^.Cx, zz c, )C CI -n^.C%> zz Cc, and the element of the time is com- pounded of #c and Cc, or of the increment of the sine BC and of its arc AC. The time of falling from A to B is, therefore, denoted, by the sum of BC and AC ; and that of the whole descent to the centre O, by the semicircumference. It is hence evident, that the ordinate BCD of a cycloid which has AO for its altitude, must likewise express the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 105 time of passing from A to B. The properties of these three modes of acceleration are all exhibited collectively in fig. 43 *. The velocity which a bo- dy uniformly accelerated acquires in falling from A to B, is represented by the chord AC, while the velocity accumulated by an acceleration inversely as the square of OB is denoted by the tangent AL. But the former is to the latter as OC to OA, or in the subduplicate ratio of OB to OA, for by similar triangles OC : OA : : AC : AL. The ultimate ce- lerity of the one being as OA, that of the other be- comes infinite. The time of initial descent through a minute space being obviously the same in all the modes of accele- ration, while the arc, together with its sine, is at first double of the chord, it follows that the time of falling to B, under an uniform action, must be represented by twice AC ; the ordinate of the cycloid denoting the corresponding time elapsed, when the body is urged by a force inversely as the square of OB. The whole times of descent are hence respectively as 2O A to OF or AGO ; that is, as a square is to its inscri- bed circle. In the case of a body urged by a force directly proportional to the distance from a given centre, the velocity acquired at B will be represented on the same scale, by diminishing the ordinate BH of the quadrant in the ratio of AG to AO. The time elapsed during the fall to B will be expressed by the arc AH. The final velocity at O is therefore 106 ELEMENTS OF denoted by OP perpendicular to AG, and the whole time of descent by the quadrantal arc AHG, or the semicircumference AGO. These properties furnish the solution of some cu- rious problems. Thus, suppose the axis of the earth were perforated from pole to pole : a body falling through the perpendicular hole, being attracted on all sides, would be urged downwards only by a predo- minating force proportional to its distance from the centre. The velocity acquired at this centre, reckoning the length of the axis 7900 miles, would hence be = 25834 feet each second. The . 1.5708 time of descent is //3950.5280\ 7 f -- - - J z= 1 268"^ = 21' 8", and the whole time of passage to the op- posite pole 42', 16"J. Conceive a body under the mere influence of ter- restrial attraction, to fall from the orbit of the moon to the earth's surface. At the mean distance of 60 se- midiameters, the initial force would be diminished 3600 times : with the same continued acceleration, therefore, it would consume the period represented by 7(59.3956.5^80) = 526578", or 6 days, 2 hours, T ^r 16 minutes, and 18 seconds, in performing the whole descent. The final velocity, on this supposition, would be ^^(59.3956.5280) = 4680,69 feet each second. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 10? It is easily computed, that a tangent at the earth's surface would intercept, from a semicircle described on the radius of the lunar orbit, the arc of 165 9' 54". But as twice the chord of this arc, or 3.9854020, is to the sum of the arc and its sine, or 3.1386812, so is the time of descent under an uniform acceleration, to the time required with an acceleration inversely as the square of the distance from the centre ; which is hence 414645", or 4 days, 9 hours, 10 minutes, and 45 seconds. Again, the final velocity, being aug- mented in the subduplicate ratio of 1 to 60, is 36256,45 feet, or about seven miles each second. In general, r denoting in feet the radius of the Earth, the velocity which a body would acquire in falling with an uniform acceleration from the height o nr to the surface will be expressed by -^/(n !)/; and consequently the velocity acquired under an ac- celeration inversely as the square of the distance from the centre will be denoted by 8^//\/ - . When n is indefinitely great, the final celerity is hence 8^/r, or 36562.43 feet, the mean radius being 3956 miles. Abstracting, then, from the resistance of the atmos- phere, a body shot directly upwards with a velocity of 36256.45 feet each second, would mount to the orbit of the moon ; but, with the additioa of one 120th part more, or 305 feet each second, it would reach the sun, and the farther acceleration of less than one foot would have enabled it to continue its flight into the regions of boundless space. 108 ELEMENTS OF The same results are obtained more easily. Thus, r denoting in feet the radius of the earth, the ex- pression for a body falling from the height x is _ ~ft x 64 (- \ = 64r> (-, -} = ^ . v ; ^XX XX J \X X ) hence, by the summation of the differences of the suc- cessive fractions, supposing a to be the initial height, 64r 2 f --- ) = vv. When a? becomes equal to r, and the body reaches the surface, Sr v ( --- J = v 9 or 8V (- - ). If a be assumed indefinitely great, the final velocity is simply If a body describe a curvilineal path, it must be continually deflected from its impulsive motion, by the influence of some regular force. When this force is directed to a fixed point, it is called Centri- petal, and the antagonist effort of the body to fly off in a tangent, is termed Centrifugal. To begin with the simplest case, let the body A (fig. 50.) revolve in the circumference of a circle, whose centre is C. If it were abandoned to its mere impulsion, it would shoot forwards in the tangential line AB j but, in the time of describing the small portion of the curve Ab, it is constrained to sink towards the cen- tre from B to b. Extend BcfcE across the circle, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 10 ( J and (Geometry, III. 26.) AB'z: EB.Bd ; where- fore, since EB may be considered as equal to the AB* diameter, the measure of deflection B& zz Let the radius AC in feet be denoted by r, the time of revolution in seconds by t, the velocity by v, the power of gravity by g, the centrifugal force by^ and the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle by K. Then AB zz -, and the mea- L sure of deflection Bb zz r zz . But this is 2r t* the momentary descent which would be caused by the force which confines the motion to a circle ; f ~ j ,. wherefore, -^-zz %f, or -^-zz^/, and/zz - . Hence the centrifugal force is directly as the radius of the circle, and inversely as the square oftlie time of revolution. Assuming, for the sake of round num- , 5r . bers, ** = 10 ; and / = *= a Ver 7 simple ex- pression. Suppose the centrifugal force were equal to the action of gravity, and 5r = 4#* = (2^)*, or t = ^5r. These formulae may be changed into terms of the velocity, for vt = 2^-r, and consequently v*t z = 4-/r z r z , and = - =^. But this quantity, which t * marks the deflection, is equal to I6f> and therefore 110 ELEMENTS OF V* f=. -. When the centrifugal force is equal to the power of gravity, v* = 32r, or v = Sy/^r ; that is, the velocity is the same as what the body would acquire in falling through half the radius. Hence the centrifugal effort on the tension of a pendulum at the lowest point, after descending through a quadrant, would be just double its weight ; for, in this case, v = Sy/r, and consequently f = 64/ 1 = 2. Let d denote generally the vertical de- / -, _c T scent, and v = 8^/d ; whence / =- = . In or r small arcs, the vertical tension may be found, by di- viding the square of the number of degrees described in each oscillation, by 13153. Hence, also, a sling two feet long, circling verti- cally, with a celerity of 8 feet each second, would just sustain its load ; if it were accelerated so as to perform a revolution in one second, the tension of the string would exceed that weight 2J times. A tumbler full of water is therefore easily whirled about the head, without spilling a single drop. From the same formula, it is likewise computed, that, at the equator, the diminution of gravity oc- casioned by the centrifugal force arising from the rotation of the earth, amounts to about the 289th part. But since this number is the square of 17 ; it follows, that, if our globe turned more than seven- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Ill teen times faster about her axis, or performed the diurnal revolution within the space of 84 minutes, the centrifugal force would have predominated over the power of gravitation, and all the fluid and loose matters would, near the equinoxial boundary, have been projected from the surface. On such a suppo- sition, the waters of the ocean must have been drain- ed off, and an impassable zone of sterility interposed between the opposite hemispheres. By a similar cal- culation, combined with the decreasing force of gravi- ty at great distances from the centre, it may be in- ferred, that the altitude of our atmosphere could never exceed 26,000 miles. Beyond this limit, the equatorial portions of air would have been shot into boundless space. The action of centrifugal force is familiar to us in the trundling of a wet mop. It likewise supports the vertiginous motion, and prevents the fall, of a spinning-top. In the practice of the arts, centrifugal force is often advantageously employed. By a rapid whirl, the globules of air, which are apt to form in filling a spirit-of-wine thermometer, are easily detach- ed ; and, in like manner, different liquids intermixed, but not chemically combined, are separated into dis- tinct masses. Hence the flour, as fast as it is ground, is thrown out from the rim of the revolving mill- stone. Several manipulations of the potter and the glass-blower depend on the same principle. Hence the clay, under a gentle pressure, swells out regular- ly during the rotation of the wheel. Hence also the ELEMENTS OF lengthening of a rod of glass by whirling, and the spreading of a sheet by the process called flashing. But this extension is produced uniformly, j For let OH (fig. 51.) represent a rod, or some radiated por- tion of the soft material, which is whirled about O as a centre, and conceive it to be distinguished into equal spaces OA, AB, BC, CD, &c. The centri- fugal forces exerted at A, B, C, D. &c. are as the radii OA, OB, OC, OD, &c., the distances of those points from O. Wherefore the force at B exceeds that at A by a force AB ; the force at C exceeds that at B by a force BC ; and so, through the whole of the chain, the successive differences being all equal. The part A is therefore drawn from O, the part B from A, the part C from B, and so forth, all by the same excess of force. Consequently the whole co- lumn is stretched uniformly, and extended to the same thickness. If a ball suspended obliquely from a point by a thread or thin rod, describe a circle in the horizon- tal plane j it will form what is called a Conical Pen- dulum. Let AC (fig. 52.) circulate about the axis AB, it is evident that a strain CH in the direction of the pendulum must be compounded of CG the vertical power of gravity, and of CF the horizontal centrifugal force. Wherefore, the action of gravity will be to this centrifugal force, as CG to CF, that is, from similar triangles, as AB to BC. But when the time of revolution remains constant, the centri- i NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. \13 fugai force is proportional to the radius BC, and hence the perpendicular AB, representing the power of gravity, must continue likewise unvaried ; conse- quently, (fig. 53.) if a number of balls B, C, D, at- tached by wires AB, AC and AD, of unequal lengths, be carried round in the same time, they will always range themselves in a horizontal plane. Let AC (fig. 52.) be expressed by /, AB by h, BC by r, and GH by/J the power of gravity CG ft* r being represented by unit. Theny= ; but, since AB : BC : : CG : GH, or h : r : : 1 :/, T TT 2 V T therefore, f = -~> and by substitution = - , or /> O t ft <~ ft* Now, -- is constant, and hence the axis of the conical pendulum is proportional to the square of the time of revolution. In round num- 5 19 bers, -.A = t* 9 and t = ^jjh. But if the correct result be preferred, 1 ,2337.^=*% or* = 1,1 1072 0 feet each second, the height to which it would rise, if thrown perpendicularly upwards, would be (SO)* or 900 feet ; if projected at an angle of 45, the horizontal range would be the double of 900 or 1800 feet, and the time of flight 10.6 seconds. But if the shell had been thrown at an elevation either of 75 or 15, it would have reached only the horizon- tal distance of 900 feet, the time of describing the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 117 higher path being 14.5 seconds, while the lower path is described in 3.9 seconds. The elevation and horizontal range of a projectile being known, let it be required to find where the ball will strike a given oblique plane. Suppose AB (fig. 59.) to represent the line of impulsion, AC the horizontal range, and AD the oblique plane. Erect the perpendicular CD meeting AD in D, draw DE parallel to AB, and EG parallel to CD ; and the parabola will cut AD in the point G. By the ap- plication of such successive parallels, the curve might also be traced. (See Geometry of Curve Lines, pp. 297 and 447). In the practice of Gunnery, however, unless in the case of very small velocities, the Parabolic Theo- ry is of little avail, the resistance of the air being so prodigious as completely to derange all the effects. Thus, a 24 pound shot, discharged at the elevation of 45, and with a velocity of 2000 feet each second, would, in vacuo, reach the horizontal distance of 125,000 feet, but has its range through the atmo- sphere confined to 7300 feet. Accurate experiments on the resistance of the air will introduce the pro- per corrections, and lead to the determination of the Ballistic Curve. Suppose a projectile to be now deflected from its tangential course, not in the same constant direction, but in lines tending to a given point or centre of ac- tion. Let the body A, (fig. 57 *.) which, abandoned to itself, would travel uniformly along the path ABC, 118 ELEMENTS OF after the lapse of the first instant it has arrived at B, instead of advancing through an equal space to C, is drawn aside to D, by a force directed towards O. But the segments AB and BC, assumed as extremely small, in comparison of the distance of the centre, the line CD may be considered as parallel to BO, and hence the elemental triangle OBD is equal to OBC, which again is equal to AOB. The series of triangles formed about the centre O, during succes- sive instants, are hence all equal, and consequently the sector comprising them is proportional to the whole time elapsed. But those instants being taken indefinitely small, the polygon ABD, &c. will merge into a continuous curve. In all motions, therefore, controuled by the action of a central force, the space traced over by a radiant is proportional to the time of description. Such is the primary law of our Solar System, first detected by Kepler, and demonstrated by Newton. Conceive a body to revolve in the periphery of an ellipse, urged by a force directed to the centre of the curve. In moving through the elemental arc Ee (fig. 69 *)> the area of the triangle OE : FL*. Now, this is the ratio of the spaces through which a body must fall, to acquire the velocities at V and A, and hence the projectile would have been carried directly upwards to G, the position of the directrix. Again, the time of descent, under an uniform acce- leration, is the same as that of the passage from A to V, and therefore a body would have fallen through BC, during the whole sweep from A to V, and thence to C. The parabolic theory of ballistics is thus derived, by a slight modification, from the pro- perties of an elliptical trajectory. It will be more accurate, in some cases, however, to take into account the convergency of the radiant lines of attraction. Every body, for instance, is at the equator, carried round by the rotation of the earth, with a celerity of 15&5J feet each second. A ball therefore dropped from a high tower, instead of falling through a mere vertical line, must really describe a portion of an ellipse, of which the focus lies 6.8888, or veiy nearly 7 miles below its vertex. Let BG (fig. 53 *.) represent the tower, and O, be- ing the centre of the earth, the ball dropped from B, having the celerity of rotation due to the radius OB, will describe the small portion BC of the ellipse, and strike the surface at C. Divide the arc BK into equal parts, and draw from O the elementary tri- angles. It is evident that the sector BOC will de- 128 ELEMENTS OF note the time of descent from B to C, and OBK the time which the tower takes to gain the position KC. But the curved space GBC, considered as parabolic, being two-thirds of GBKC, is equal to a segment GgkC, bounded by a concentric arc at two-thirds of the altitude CK. At the instant when the ball a- lights at C, the top of the tower has only travelled through an arc equal to gk, and, consequently, the bottom G is retarded by an interval equal to two- thirds of the excess of BK above GC. Thus, sup- pose at the equator the tower to be 576 feet high, the ball would fall to the ground in 6" ; but the sum- mit would, during this lapse, describe an arc exceed- ing that passed over the base by - zr 3.024 14'OuU inches, and two-thirds of this, or 2.016 inches, indi- cates the deviation of the falling body to the east of the tower. Experiments of this kind, which have been successfully made at Pisa, and at Hamburg, prove indisputably the rotation of the earth about her axis. Again, suppose a ball were fired at A from a can- non directly upwards ; though it reached the same absolute height, yet spending a longer time in the at- mosphere, it would fall considerably behind the point of discharge. The vertical impulsion, combined with the transverse rotation of the earth, would really give the projectile an oblique direction along the tan- gent AD. While it therefore describes the portion i NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. of an ellipse ABC, the point A travels through Gand beyond C to x ; the circular sector AOCG marking the time of rotation from A to C, and the elliptical sector AOCB the time of the flight in the curve till its descent at C. Whence |OG is to f GB, or 3OG to 4GB, as AC to C, the space through which the point CA is carried beyond C during the descrip- tion of the trajectory. Thus, suppose as before, that the ball were shot vertically at the equator, with a ve- locity of 2000 feet in a second; the altitude to which it would mount is 62,500 feet ; and the whole time of ascent, and of the subsequent descent, if the earth were at rest, would have been 125". Wherefore 3 X 3962 X 5280 : 4 x 62500 : : AC : C*, that is, 125" to .4977", the interval during which the pro- jectile is detained in the air, after the point A has come into the position C. It amounts to the 25 1 , 1 6th part of the whole time of the flight ; and being multi- plied by 1525f , the velocity at the equator, gives 759,36 feet for the distance C, where the ball must drop to the westward of the mouth of the cannon, which in the meanwhile has travelled over 36^ miles. It would be easy to show that this retardation of the ball is proportional to the cube of its velocity. With an impulsion, therefore, of 1000 feet each se- cond, the western deviation in falling would be only 95 feet. Though rising apparently in a vertical line, these projectiles really take an oblique course ; for, in the VOL. I. I 130 ELEMENTS OF first supposition, AC : CD : : 15&5f : 2000, and the resulting velocity in the direction of the tangent AD is 2515^- feet, the angle of elevation DAG be- ing 52 39' 40". To make the ball strike exactly at the same spot, it would require the cannon to be pointed eastwards at the very small declination of 3' 27". The ascent and descent of bodies subject to the law of gravitation, may be viewed as only an extreme case of the motions performed in an elliptical trajec- tory, the curve being compressed into its axis, of which the foci come to occupy the opposite ends. The time of falling from A to B, or of describing the circular arc AC, will now be measured by the area OAC, composed of the sector AIC, and of the triangle ICO, both having the altitude of the radius 1C, but the arc AC and its sine BC for their bases. The time of descent through AB is hence propor- tional to the sum of AC and BC, or to the ordinate BD in the cycloid, as was already shown. Again, the velocity acquired at B must be as a perpendicular from A, the farther focus, to the ultimate position of the tangent CT. Now, from the property of the tan- gent to the circle or ellipse, IB : IA::IA : IT, and by division, IB : IA : : IA-IB, or AB : IT-IA or AT, and thence OB : IA : : BT : AT : : BC : AR ; again OB : OA : : BC : AL, and, therefore, by equality, IA : OA : : BC : AL, and IA being the half of OA, the velocity at B indicated by AR is NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. likewise the half of AL, or is always proportional to this line, as was formerly investigated. It was found that, the attractive force being in- versely as the square of the distance from the centre of motion, the velocity in a circle follows the inverse subduplicate ratio of the same radiant. The initial velocity at A being denoted by ^7yT ^ e velocity acquired at S will be proportional to / QO*./ prs 01 / rK*\y O~A' ^ ^^ ^ e assumed indefinitely great, and the point S taken near the centre O, the ratio of SA to OA will be that of equality, and consequently the velocity at S is expressed simply by v/OS* It may be calculated, that near the surface of the sun, a body would fall through 455 feet in a se- cond. Hence, likewise, the celerity acquired in this short interval of time, by descending from the remo- test regions of space, would be 390J miles. The same rapidity would have enabled a projectile to escape for ever frem the attractive force of the sun. Hence had Light darted with less than the 500th part of its actual velocity, it would have been recalled in its journey, by the predominant power of that great luminary. ELEMENTS OF An atom or physical point, moving uniformly in a straight line, will equally advance to any plane, or recede from it. Let AB (fig. 55.) be the direction of the motion, and conceive a perpendicular AP to be let fall upon a plane passing through B ; in a cer- tain portion of time, the point A arrives at the po- sition C, when its distance from the plane will be re- duced from AP to CQ. In the plane of the trian- gle ABP, draw CD parallel to BP, and AD will mark the corresponding advance of the point. But the right-angled triangle APB is evidently given in species ; and its hypotenuse AC being given, the base AD must likewise be given. At each interval of time, therefore, the point A will make a constant approach to the plane BP. Should this plane lie on the opposite side, the point A will, for the same rea- son, uniformly recede from it ; or if occupying a po- sition parallel to AB, the point will neither approach nor retire from it. The recession, indeed, may be viewed as merely a modified case of advance. But the converse of this proposition likewise holds or a point which advances equally to any plane has an uniform and rectilineal motion. To simplify the demonstration, we may suppose the point to glide along one plane, and to make regular advances to- wards two other planes which are right angles to this. Let AP (fig. 56.) be perpendicular to the plane BP, and BP another plane at right angles to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 133 the plane of the triangle ABP, in which the perpen- dicular AP is let fall. The path of the point A ly- ing in the plane of ABP, or ABF, the advances in the position C to the planes BP and BP' will be in- dicated by AD and AD', as limited by the parallels CD and CD'. Join DD' and PF ; since the seg- ments AD and AD' correspond to the same interval of time, they are obviously proportional to AP and AP', and consequently DD' is parallel to PP'. Wherefore the triangle DCD' is equiangular to PBF, and DD' : DC : : PF : BP, or alternately DD' : PF : : DC : BP ; but, from the property of diverging and parallel lines, AD : AP : : DD 7 : PF, and hence AD : AP : : DC : BP, or alternately AD : DC : : AP : BP. The right-angled triangle ADC is therefore similar to APB, and the angle CAD equal to the given angle BAP ; whence the locus of C is a given straight line, or the point A must describe a rectilineal course ; but its motion is likewise uniform, since AC has a given ratio to AD. Now, suppose any system of atoms or physical points to move each of them in a straight line, and with an uniform celerity, their several advances to any given plane will be equable, and consequently the sum of those divided by the number of particles, or the measure of the approach of the common centre of gravity must likewise be proportional to the time. But the same property belongs to every plane, 134 ELEMENTS OF and therefore the centre of the system travels uni- formly in a rectilineal path. From this proposition, it follows, that if any group of atoms impressed with uniform rectilineal motions, advance as much collectively on one part to a given plane, as they recede from it on the other, their centre of gravity must remain at rest, and the system will maintain its equilibrium. Suppose these atoms, when thrown into motion, to preserve their mutual arrangement, they must each of them, in the mo- mentary effort, describe minute portions of arcs of circles, about the common centre of gravity. But such elementary arcs may be viewed as coincident with their tangents, which evidently measure the ve- locities impressed. In the case of an equilibrium, therefore, the sum of these velocities, which are call- ed virtual, estimated in one direction, must be equal to their aggregate in the opposite direction ; or if the weight of each distinct group, or the number of atoms which it contains, were multiplied into its ve- locity of aberration reduced to a given direction, the different products collected together would extin- guish each other. Such is the general principle in Dynamics relative to virtual velocities, which deter- mine the condition of the equilibrium of a system from the minute alterations which would follow the disturbing of it. The quiescence of the centre of gravity is essential NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. to the equilibrium of any system of atoms. But this quiescence may be viewed as either absolute rest, or as only the stationary limits of extreme evagation, or when the centre of gravity occupies the higJiest or lowest position. This maximum likewise forms an- other condition of the balance of a body, which is tottering, however, if the centre of gravity be above the point of support, and stable only when below it. Suppose the motion of a system of atoms to be gradually stopped by the influence of a certain ob- structing force, the same force which restrained the farther advance of the system, repeating its operation again through the same space, must generate an equal square of velocity in the opposite direction ; for the area of the curve ACDE, (fig. 370 which represents the square of the velocity extinguished in the approach from A to D, will also express the square of the velocity accumulated during the sub- sequent retreat from DA. The like effect must evidently take place, however short the space may be in which this change of impulsion is produced. In all the graduated mutations of any system of atoms, therefore, the sum of the squares of their ve- locities, estimated in any direction, continues still the same. This principle, which has a very exten- sive application, is usually termed the Conservation of Living Forces. This figurative expression had 136 ELEMENTS OF better been avoided ; but it implies merely the per- manence of the amount of the products of the squares of the velocity of each cluster of physical points in- to their number or weight. Impulsion is never instantaneous. It is created, but in a shorter or a longer interval of time, only from the accumulation of some inciting energy. This accumulation, which carries the body for- ward, has been denominated Moving Force. It will hence, in each accession, be the combined result of the duration and intensity of action. The moving force of a body is therefore measured, by multiplying its mass or number of atoms into its acquired velo- city. This product is concisely termed the momen- tum. In any system of matter, the momentum is composed of the advances of all the different portions of atoms during a certain portion of time to a given plane, and is consequently the same as the momen- tum of the mass, if the whole had been condensed in the centre of gravity. Through all the changes, therefore, which ensue in the motion of bodies, from congress or mutual action, their momenta, estimated in the same direction, remain still unaltered. The communication of motion, or the transfer of impulse, likewise requires a finite portion of time, so small, however, as often to elude the most atten- tive observation. Whether I strike or push the end NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. of a rod in the direction of its length, the remote extremity will not advance simultaneously. View it as a series of connected atoms : The first is im- pelled towards the second, till the shock is extin- guished by the accumulating powers of repulsion ; but, in this constrained position of proximity to the second atom, the first repels and causes it to make a similar approach towards the third. By successive partial oscillations, the original impulse will thus be transferred along the whole chain of atoms. This internal process may be rendered more familiar to the imagination, by examining the mode in which any stroke is propagated through a spiral or helical spring. If I give a twitch, near the end of a very long cord stretched tight, the jerk, forming a slight sinuosity, will visibly dart along the whole line. In the ordinary cases of impact, motion becomes gene- rated or transferred in a portion of time that is scarce^ ly at all discernible. The very same velocity is pro- duced, if the pressure be augmented just in propor- tion as the duration of action is diminished. But, even in the most extreme case, the influence of time must never be overlooked. Bodies, with regard to their collision, are com- monly divided into elastic and non*elastic. This distinction, however, is not well founded ; for though some of them, approaching by their softness to the nature of fluids, are nearly indifferent to the change 138 ELEMENTS OF of figure, yet they all recover from any compression of volume with unabated vigour. But if such bodies be struck with immense rapidity, they will even re- sist a change of figure. Thus, a stone thrown ob- liquely and with great velocity, will be made to re- bound from the surface of water, just as if it had im- pinged against a sheet of ice ; because the shock is then confined to a narrow spot, where the repulsive force, occasioned by the compression of the proxi- mate particles of the fluid, heaves back the stone, before they had time to retire and compel the parti- cles below them, by a diffusive motion, to give room for the entrance of that missile. Under such circum- stances, therefore, every substance may display the properties of perfect elasticity. It is hence more philosophical to distinguish im- pinging bodies into Coalescent and Resilient. These we shall treat separately. I. COLLISION OF COALESCENT BODIES. Let the ball A (fig. 60.) advance with the velocity AO in the same direction as B, which moves with only the velocity BO ; it will evidently overtake the ball B at O, and, having coalesced or united with this, they will both travel forward in the same rectilineal path. Divide AB in G, so that AG be to BG as the weight of B is to the weight of A, and the point G will be the position of the centre of gravity, when they began to move. This centre must consequently have ad- vanced from G to O at the moment of their collision ^ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. but its uniform motion is not affected by the mutual action of the balls. Wherefore their combined mass will, after impact, proceed with the common velocity GO. Since, by construction, A : B : : BG : AG, it is obvious that A. AO : B.BO : : BG. AO : AG.BO ; whence the momenta of the balls A and B will be expressed by BG. AO, and AG.BO. But BG.AO = BG (GO+AG), and AG.BO= AG (GO BG) ; these two momenta are therefore equal to (BG+ AG) GO, the momentum of the compound after the col- lision has taken place ; and thus an essential princi- ple is maintained. Next, suppose the balls are im- pelled in opposite directions. Make (fig. 61.) AO to BO as the velocity of A is to the velocity of B, and they will evidently meet in the point O. Let G be their centre of gravity, which must lie either between A and O, as in fig. 61., or between B and O, as in fig. 62. After collision, therefore, the two balls, coalescing in a single mass, will proceed in the direction and with the velocity GO. In this case, likewise, the collective momenta of the balls will continue the same after the shock. For since A : B : : BG : AG, the products A.AO and B.BO may be expressed by BG.AO and AG.BO ; wherefore the momenta, estimated in the same direction, will be BG.AO AG.BO = BG (AGGO) AG (BG==GO) = (AG+BG) GO n: AB.GO, or the momentum of the joint mass 140 ELEMENTS OF after collision. Its motion also will be progressive or retrograde, according as the centre of gravity lies between A and O or B and O, that is, according as the momentum of the ball A or that of the ball B predominates. II. RESILIENT BODIES. Let (fig. 63.) a glass or ivory ball A, advancing with the velocity AO, strike a similar ball B, which moves in the same direction, but with the velocity BO. The collision will evi- dently take place at the point O. The first effect of this shock is to produce a momentary union of the two balls, the impinging surfaces in both being partially flattened. The next act is to recover their globular figure by an elastic or resilient effort, which, if exerted, in an equal instant of time, would exact- ly redouble the change impressed ; for, as in fig. 37., whatever velocity is gained or lost by either ball during their congress, must, by the reaction of the same repulsive forces, be repeated again. If the energy of recoil were exactly equal to the power of compression, the elasticity would be perfect. Let it be assumed as such in the collision now under re- view. At the moment, therefore, when the ivory balls come into the closest union, they take the common velocity GO, (fig. 63.) and consequently A loses the velocity AG, while B gains the velocity GB. But, in the subsequent act of recovering their figure, by a mutual exertion of elastic force, the loss of A's NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 141 velocity and the gain of B's velocity, are each doubled. Hence, after their separation has been effected, the velocity of A is AO 2AG, and the velocity of B is BO+2GB. Make GP = GO ; and, it will fol- low, that PA = PG AG = GO A G = AO 2 AG, and PB = PG+GB = GO+ GB = BO + 2GB ; whence PA and PB will express the resulting velo- cities of A and B. It also appears that PG expres- ses the velocity of the centre of gravity, being equal to GO, the velocity which it had before collision. Next, let the balls A and B, whose centre of gra- vity is G, meet in opposite directions at O (fig. 64.) ; GP being taken equal to GO ; the velocity of A will, in the act of approach, have its velocity diminished from AO to AG, and by the subsequent recoil redu- ced to AP, while the velocity of B is augmented to BC and next to BP. In fig. 65., a similar, though modified, result takes place. The case of perfectly resilient bodies admits the application of the principle of the Conservation of Living Forces. Thus, (in fig. 63, 64, and 65.) the weights of the balls A and B, multiplied into the squares of their velocities before and after collision, will form the same amount. In other words, AO'.BG + BO*.AG = PA'.BG + PB'.AG. To prove this, it will be sufficient to show that AO*.BG exceeds PA*.BG, as much as BO*.AG is less than PB*. AG. Now (Geom. II. 17.) AO 2 PA* = f AO + PA) (AO PA) = PO.2AG ; and, for the H'2 ELEMENTS OF same reason, it follows that PB* BO* = (PB+BO) (PB BO) = PO.2BG. Wherefore (AO PA*) BGzzPO.2AG.BG=(PB a BO) AG. If the balls A and B be of equal weights, they will interchange their velocities ; for G the centre of gravity occupying now the middle point, it is evi- dent that PA, the velocity of A after collision, is equal to BO, the velocity which B had previously ; and likewise that PB, the velocity acquired by B, is equal to AO, the velocity which A brought into action. This exchange of mutual condition takes place equally, whether the balls move in the same or in opposite directions. Let the ivory ball A (fig. 66.) strike another B at rest. The point O must evidently coincide with B, and G being the centre of gravity, make GP= BG. The velocity of A after the shock will be denoted by PA, and that of B by PB or 2CB. If the balls have equal weights, (fig. 67.) the point P will obvious- ly fall on A, and consequently the ball A will stop and transfer all its motion to B. Hence, having placed any number of ivory balls in mutual contact along a straight line or horizontal groove, if the first be struck in the same direction, the last one only will fly off, leaving all the rest apparently unmoved. The impulse here is conveyed along the whole chain, neutralizing, in succession, each impinging ball, till it seizes and transports the extreme one. Suppose B to be a firm obstacle (fig. 68.), or a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 143 mass of indefinite extent at rest, all the points O, B, G, and P will then coincide, and therefore the ball A will be made to rebound in the opposite direction with a velocity BA equal to that with which it im- pinged. This property has a very general influence in the operations of nature. The interposition of a third ball C between two unequal balls A and B may augment the velocity communicated. Thus, let the ball A of nine ounces weight, and velocity of one foot a second, strike di- rectly a ball B of an ounce. The velocity which B will receive is fTT^iT^lj* ^ ut su PP ose a of four ounces were interposed ; the velocity which B would then acquire by a double transfer is . = ' = 2 ^' Let the intervenin g ballbe now only two ounces, and B will, through this me- 2.9 2.2 dium, obtain a velocity equal to < ~ . ..-7-5 = ^T~y VT** - -=* n's The intervention of the third ball thus augments very considerably the impulse delivered to B. The effects, too, are evidently not quite the same in both. Assume, therefore, an intermediate ball of three ounces. On this supposition, the velocity acquired , , 2.9 2.3 18 6 by B would be ~ . l =4 i wmch 1S evi " 144 ELEMENTS OF dently somewhat greater than either of the former re- sults. The intervening ball C, being now three ounces, is evidently a mean proportional between nine and one, the weights of the balls A and B. It will be found in general, that a maximum velocity is com- municated, by interposing a ball which is a mean proportional to both extremes. To investigate this curious property, let (fig. 69.) AB and BC represent the weights of the perfectly elastic balls A and B, and the perpen- dicular BD, the weight of the inserted ball C. The velocity communicated to B will be expressed 2AB 2BD by AB+ BD'ED+BC* and lts recipr cal 1S c n - (AB+BD)(BD+BC) sequently proportional to - A R RD - > but this expression may be expanded into AB.BC+AC.BD+BD* AT> PT ^ - . About the triangle ADC AIJ..DJL/ describe a circle, and produce DB to meet the circumference in E, and the velocity of the ball B BE.BD+AC.BD+BD* AC+DE AB.BD ~AB~~' which must therefore be a minimum. But AC and AB are both of them constant quantities, and hence the chord DE must be a minimum. Bisect AC in O, and the distance BO from the centre of the circle is consequently given. The circle itself must there- fore be the least possible : Now, of all the circles NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 145 which can pass through the points A and C, the smallest is obviously that which has AC for its dia- meter. Hence ADC, being contained in a semi- circle, is a right angle, and the perpendicular BD, or the weight of the intermediate ball, is (Geom. VI. 15.) a mean proportional between AB and BC, the weights of the balls A and B. The velocity communicated to the extreme ball is likewise increased, by multiplying the interposed balls. Thus, a ball of 64 ounces with a velocity of one foot each second, striking another ball of only 1 ounce, will impress the velocity Iff. If a ball of 8 ounces be interposed, the velocity will become 3|f ; if two balls of 16 and 4 ounces be inserted, the velocity will amount to 4 or ^H. This pre- ponderance will consequently be exerted at H, in bending the axis in a direction parallel to a and with an efficacy proportional to the distance from the centre of gravity. Let the parallel sec- tions, therefore, be multiplied, corresponding to dif- ferent points along the axis ; the several excesses of centrifugal action being thus variously combined, and their effects estimated by the application of the principle of the lever, will give a certain resulting impression, which tends to push the centre or axis about the fulcrum, (fig. 770 with the force and in the direction OZ. Conceive such parallel sections at equal intervals, multiplied indefinitely in various directions, and at the distances 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, &c. from the centre O ; and let their corresponding efforts to derange the axis, when all reduced to the same vertical plane, be denoted by , b, c, d, e, fyc. It is evident, that the aggregate power exerted to bend the axis in this plane, will be expressed by a + 2b + 3c+4d+5e+ &c. =o. . These are hence the only two equations for determining the innumerable quantities a, b, c y d, e, &c., which will therefore ad- L 2 ELEMENTS OF mit of values indefinitely varied, and subject only to such very general conditions. Suppose those values to be represented by a countless multitude of curves applied to the axis ; their mutual intersections will form an infinite variety of dispersed points. Among such immense diversity, therefore, it would be pos- sible to trace a succession of them in a straight line. This marks the direction of a permanent axis, which unites the conditions implied in the two fundamen- tal equations. It may therefore be inferred, that every rigid body, however irregular in its form, has at least one axis about which the cumulative centrifugal action would be exactly balanced. This axis is called the Prin- cipal Axis ; but, depending on it, there are always two other axes which have the same denomination. For let OB and OC (fig. 78.) be drawn through the centre of gravity perpendicular to the principal axis OA and to each other. Let the plane AOB cut the section, which passes through H in HL ; from any point P in that section draw PL at right angles to HL, and LK parallel to AO, and join PK. The centrifugal force of the point P about the axis OB being proportional to its distance PK, this force is reduced to KL acting in the direction of OA, and therefore bending OB with an energy KLxOK. The combined efforts to change the position of this new axis will consequently be expressed by /, OKxKL, or/, HLxOH; but the latter expres- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. lf)5 sion was shown to produce accumulatively a mutual balance about the axis OA, and hence the disturbing impressions exerted on OB will extinguish each other, and leave it perfectly free in its rotation. The same reasoning will apply to the third axis OC, which is at right angles both to OA and OB. Every body, however irregular, has consequently those three Principal Axes. In the case of a symmetrical body generated by the revolution of a plane, the primary axis evidently is an individual line, but the other two principal axes are indeterminate, being any perpendicular diameters of the circle of the equa- tor. The momentum of rotation about the primary axis is always a minimum. For this axis, in a symme- trical body, must pass through the centre of gravity of each vertical plane, and consequently, by Prop. 21. Book III. of Geometrical Analysis, the sum of the squares of all the lines drawn from that centre to every particle of each plane, which constitutes the momentum of rotation, is less than the sum of the squares of their distances from any other point. In the case of irregular bodies, the primary axis will evidently cut the successive planes as near as possi- ble to their centres of gravity, and therefore the ag- gregate squares of the distances of all the physical points will yet be a minimum. It can likewise be proved, that about one of the remaining principal axes the momentum of rotation is a maximum. 1()6 ELEMENTS OF V. MECHANICS, which consists in the application of the Principles of Dynamics to the construction and composition of Machinery. The various wants of society are supplied by the operations of human industry on the surface of the globe. It was necessary to divide and re-unite bo- dies, and to transport portions of matter from one place to another. But those labours are abridged, and rendered greatly more productive, by the proper exercise of skill. The incessant efforts to augment our powers by the aid of tools, called forth the ear- liest germs of ingenuity and invention. Without the simpler implements of art, mankind could never have emerged from the savage state ; and to the prodigious improvement and extension of machinery in modern times, we are indebted for all the com- forts, enjoyments, and delicacies of highly civilized life. The elements of Machines may be ranked under two distinct classes those of a general, and those of a particular nature. To the former belong what I should call the Concentrator of Force, and the Engine of Oblique Action, which, when composed of connected cords, has been named the Funicular NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Machine ; the latter include the five ordinary me- chanical powers the Lever, the Wheel and Axle, the Inclined Plane, the Screw, the Wedge, and the Pulley. We shall consider these several in- struments in their order. 1. The Concentrator of Force. This engine ex- hibits, in a very striking manner, the accumulation and transfer of impulsion among bodies, and may therefore be regarded as, next to Atwood's inge- nious machine, a most important addition to our stock of illustrative philosophical apparatus. It not only sheds a clear light on some abstruse parts of mechanical theory ; but may with advantage be di- rected, in a variety of important cases, to the prac- tice of the arts. This Concentrator consists of a ponderous wheel, composed of a thin circle of iron, loaded at the cir- cumference with a broad swelling ring of lead, and fixed to a strong steel axle, to which is likewise at- tached three or more barrels or short cylinders, of different diameters, the smallest formed of brass, and divided in two parts that are capable of locking to- gether at pleasure. The axle, placed in a horizon- tal position, runs upon gudgeons on the top of a high and solid frame ; and the machine may be set in motion, either by turning a winch, or more com- monly by the descent of a small weight fastened to a silk line, which passes over a pulley, and is lapped 168 ELEMENTS OF round one of the barrels. Fig. 79. represents the only model which I have yet used, the frame being about 5 feet high, the wheel has 18 pounds weight, and is 17 inches in diameter, while the diameters of the successive barrels are only 6, 4, and 2 inches. The principal application of this engine is to raise from its platform any great weight. If 1 pound, for instance, in descending through 30 feet, gra- dually communicate its impression to the wheel, and the instant it reaches the ground, the detached part of the brass barrel should lock and catch hold of the loop of a cord holding a half-hundred weight or 56 pounds, this mass will be almost immediately lifted up near 6 inches, and there suspended. But what is remarkable, and appears at first sight paradoxical, the effect is precisely the same, about whatever bar- rel the line be wound. The result, however, is quite altered, when different descending weights are used, the elevation produced being always proportional to theni. Thus, the descent of 2 and of 4 pounds through 30 feet, will respectively raise 56 pounds to nearly 1 and C 2 feet. It is not difficult to explain generally these effects. Let the descending power be very small compared with the weight of the ponderous wheel, and sup- pose its action at first to be exerted at the rim. This rim, in which is condensed the entire mass, will now describe a space equal to the measure of descent, and the whole power may be considered as inciting its NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. If)!) revolution. Consequently the square of the velocity acquired by the wheel must be proportional to the descending power multiplied into the space through which it falls. When the accelerating force acts on a barrel smaller than the wheel, the energy exerted at the rim is proportionally diminished, but the space described by it is augmented in the same ratio, and hence the square of the velocity resulting from those combined causes will continue unaltered. This square of the velocity, or measure of impulsion, is extinguished by the efforts expended in raising the weight. Wherefore the power multiplied into the quantity of descent is equal to the weight multiplied into its corresponding ascent. The power and the weight are thus inversely proportional to the spaces which they severally describe. This general proposition must be viewed, how- ever, as only a very near approximation to the truth, since the small quantities which would af- fect the result are, for the sake of simplicity, re- jected. Thus, a minute portion of the inciting force is wasted in generating the slow descent of the falling body, while the final impulsion of the wheel incurs a slight loss merely in sustaining the momentary gravitation of the weight to be raised. To investigate the rigorous formula, let p denote the falling body, and s the space which it de- scribes ; m the mass of the wheel, g the distance of its centre of gyration, . arid , the radius of the 170 ELEMENTS OF barrel round which the thread is lapped. Since the circumference of this barrel must move just as fast as the descending weight, the effect would be the same if, instead of the wheel, a mass express- ed by ^- had been collected at the distance a a from the axis. The whole inciting force p is hence shared proportionally between p and ~, and therefore the part of it exerted on the barrel , . , . . ,. ., , . whlch > bem dlvlded b |- - - for the accelerating energy. The velocity communicated to the circumference of the barrel, by the descent of the weight p through the space s, ^ \ *j is hence = \jg The velocity communicated to the centre of gy- ration is therefore Sg^/t ~ - X But this fi- \rn*+a 2 ' nal velocity may be again extinguished, by the operation of an opposite retarding force. Let w denote the height to be raised, h the height of its elevation, and b the radius of the barrel which lifts it up; ps wh and consequently f- t = - , , , ilence, * mg*-\-a?p mg*+b*tv NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the other quantities remaining, the value of h is easily detern lined from that of w. As an exemplification of this formula, let the measures of the model be substituted. Here p = 1 lb., ,v = 30 feet, m=lS lb., w = 56 lb., g = f , and a and b the smallest barrels = T V j whence 30 56.h and ' b reductlon > we have 4320 8064.A = 1Qntt -> and An: .56 13 feet or 6.735 inches. llOo 1/cOo If the barrels of 2 and 3 inches radii were employ- ed, h would be respectively 6.717 and 6.688 inches ; but, if the accelerating weight had been 4 pounds, the ascents corresponding to the smallest, the middle, and the largest barrel, would be 26,868, 26,589, and 26,124 inches. In general, the quantities a*p and b*w are very inconsiderable in comparison of mg* 9 and may be therefore safely omitted. Whence ps = wh, and t) s h = .s,orM?=.-r. There is no limit, then, but w n the strength of the axle, to the weight which may be raised, by the action of the Concentrator of Force ; the only indispensable condition being, that the height is always inversely as the load. The fall of 2 lb. through 30 feet would lift five hundred weight or 560 lb., over one inch and a third part. Such a small primary force might hence, when accumulated ELEMENTS OF in this way, prove sufficient to start the greatest load, or overcome the most powerful obstacle. Instead of raising great weights, the Concentra- tor might be adapted to tear asunder thick wires or metallic rods. The power exerted will then be in- versely as the spaces through which those rods stretch, before they suffer fracture. The effects will consequently be augmented, by shortening the lengths of the rods. To the bottom of the engine, screw a strong bar above four feet in height, and to this fasten rods from six inches to a foot in length. If the limit of extension, which precedes the final dis- ruption, were only half an inch, the power exerted, though produced by the descent of a single pound, would amount to about 1500 Ib. A rigid and un- yielding body is hence the most easily torn or bro- ken. But the impetus accumulated by the Concentra- tor may be wholly consumed, in merely stretching a very elastic substance which has a sufficient length. If a light contorted spring, for instance, be opposed to the rotation of the mass, it will, by its large though languid extension, gradually destroy the motive energy. A thick woollen cord, loosely plait- ed, and tied to a ring at the bottom of the machine, will produce a similar effect. A slender hempen string, though possessing little of a stretching qua- lity, may still serve the same purpose, if it be taken of an adequate length. It is only required that NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. half the final strain multiplied into the correspond- ing extension should be equal to the product of the falling weight by its quantity of descent. A ten- sion of 60 lb., acting through a height of one foot, would be sufficient to muffle and extinguish the momentum of rotation generated by the descent of one pound through 30 feet. To produce this effect, therefore, it is only wanted to select such a length of cord as will extend one foot, by the application of a strain of 120 pounds. A more slender sub- stance, if proportionally more stretching, would have the same effect. In either case, a weight exceed- ing the absolute tension, and attached to the end of the string, would not, during the moderated con- sumption of the shock, be stirred in the slightest degree from its place. The strength of a cord depends on its thickness, but the power to resist impulsion is determined by its elasticity and its length. This principle, which has been much overlooked, enters largely into the consi- deration of practical mechanics. Hence the practice of stemming a ship's way into a harbour by the fric- tion of a long rope, the momentum being thus gra- dually spent. A short rope, firmly fastened to the pier head, so far from staying the vessel, would in- stantly snap. For the same reason, a ship riding at anchor is obliged to lengthen her cables. When these are composed of chains, the tension resulting from a diminution of curvature is precisely the same 174 ELEMENTS OF as if a contractile force had been exerted. It is per* haps a general error in civil architecture to aim at mere solidity. Lightness combined with elasticity will often resist the shocks of ages, while stiff and ponderous materials are crumbled into ruins. It may be curious to mark the time of accumula- tion of momentum in the Concentrator, and that of its subsequent expenditure. The force accele- CL 2l/ p rating the descent of p is - 2 , and conse- mg* + a?p quently the time of this descent in seconds is time required to lift the weight will hence be always But these expressions may be abbreviated, by omitting the quantities a z p and b*w. Wherefore, the time of descent is nearly ~, / , and the J 4#V p 9 time of the subsequent ascension of the weight . g imh a fmps . 18 TZV or ~- / ^r, because ps=wh. Hence, 46 v w *b v w* g and m remaining the same, the time of genera- ting the impulsion is compounded of the inverse ratio of the radius of the barrel, and the inverse subduplicate ratio of the falling body, with the di- rect subduplicate ratio of the space of descent ; while the time of expending this impulsion is in- \ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 175 versely as the weight to be raised, and directly in the subduplicate ratio of the falling body and of its descent. Thus, one pound, having a line coiled about the smallest barrel, will descend through 30 g feet in -7 V( 18.30) seconds or 46" ; connected with the middle barrel, it would descend in C 2S\" ; but applied ta the largest barrel, it would require only 15|-". The succeeding act of lifting an half-hundred o weight would be performed in 77; y/( 1 8. 30) se- conds, or five-sixths of a second. If the descending power had been four pounds, the times spent by the successive barrels in generating the momentum of rotation would be llf", 5|f", and 2" ; but the time of hoisting the weight of 56 pounds would be If". Let a=b, and the time of descent will be to that of the subsequent ascension as / to / ~-, or as ,/ ^r t /-^j-, that is, inversely as/>to w. Hence the greater is the weight to be raised, the more rapid is the act of its ascension ; and it is the same thing, whether an obstacle be overcome, or a disruption effected. The impulsion which required 46^- seconds to accumulate, now exerting a strain equal to 1500 pounds, would tear a rod of metal asunder in less than the thirtieth part of a second. 170 ELEMENTS OF The slowness with which this impulsive energy col- lects, is remarkably contrasted with the rapidity of its subsequent discharge. The greatest effects may be concentrated within such a portion of time as eludes the observation of the senses, and appears really instantaneous. The Concentrator of Force thus finely elucidates the acquisition and the transfer of impulsive energy. The same accumulated momentum produces diver- sified effects, according to the way in which it is dis- posed. It will raise a ponderous mass, tear asunder a solid body, or will expend all its action in merely stretching a substance of a very distensible quality. These different purposes are attained in the opera- tions of the mechanical arts ; but sound theory is yet required to guide and improve the practice. This engine, constructed on a large scale, might hence, with obvious advantage, be adopted as a most powerful auxiliary in various operations of art. Many situations occur which require an immense effort to be made on a sudden, and within a very limited space. This can be accomplished only, by storing up, as it were, a magazine of force, which may be opened and discharged at some precise mo- ment. Even moderate animal exertion, if applied during any considerable time, will communicate to the Concentrator an impulsion sufficient to burst the firmest obstacles, and to lift, through a short space, the most enormous loads. The only thing wanted NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 177 is, by the application of geometrical principles, to graduate at pleasure the transfer of impulsion. This engine involves likewise the theory of the Fly, which is annexed to various machines, not to augment their power, but merely to equalise their motion. The variable inciting forces are thus, by the intervention of a heavy wheel, blended together in creating one great momentum, which afterwards maintains a nearly uniform action. The use of the Fly in mechanics hence resembles that of a reservoir, which collects the intermitting currents, and sends forth a regular stream. 2. Machine of Oblique Action. This depends on the theory of the composition of forces. A force exerted in the proper direction will balance any two forces ; but if one of these be sustained by some fix- ed point, the first force may be considered as acting only against the other. Let the force OB (fig. 80.) be supported at B, produce BO till OD be equal to it, and complete the parallelogram AOCD ; the force OA will counteract a force OC, or produce an equal force in the opposite direction. If the angle BOC be very oblique, OC will be much greater than OA, for O A is to OC as the sine of the angle COD to the sine of AOD. Suppose AO, BO, and CO to be cords tied at the point O ; the force OA would occasion at C a strain OC. If, therefore, while the cord OB is fastened at B, an extension of the cord VOL. I. M 178 ELEMENTS OF OC were passed over a pulley at C, the force OA would cause the partial elevation of a weight repre- sented by OC. This arrangement has been called The Funicular System. It is, to a certain extent, familiar to the seaman, who has often recourse to that mode in bracing the sails. He pulls at P la- terally the rope AP'C (fig. 81.) into the oblique po- sition AOC, and his power being at first indefinitely augmented, enables him to start the yard, and move it through a minute space \ and by fastening the slackened rope again at B, he can renew the pro- cess. If, instead of cords, there be substituted steel bars, all jointed at O, while OB turns about the fixed point B, a most powerful thrust will be produced in the direction OC. This thrust would even be in- creased in a slight degree, if exerted in the direction BC, by making the end of the bar OC to slide along the line BC ; for OA will be to CP, as the pres- sure at O to the thrust at C. But the angle BOC being very obtuse, the ratio of the pressure to the thrust may be considered as the same as that of the sine of its supplement COD to the radius. If this angle COD were five degrees, the thrust would hence be 11 \ times the pressure ; but if the angle were only the tenth part of a degree, the thrust would exceed the pressure 573 times. At the mo- ment, therefore, of the collapse of the bars BO and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 179 CO into a rectilineal position, the power is infinitely augmented. The end C of the bar OC may be easily made to move in the direction BC, by combining (fig. 82.) two opposite bars BN and NC similar to BO and OC. The thrust will, in the case of great obliquity, be inversely as the angle NCO. Suoh a combina- tion of bars, variously modified, has lately been adopt- ed, with great effect, in several operations of art for opening the steam-valve of Watt's engine for the construction of the printing-press and for ex- tracting the steel core from the hollow brass cylinder now used as a roller in the printing of cotton. In all these instances, a vast momentary effort only is wanted. The common mechanical powers are the chief ele- ments of all machinery. They amount to five, but may be ranged in three divisions : 1. The Lever y and the Wheel and Axle, which is only an exten- sion of it ; 2. The Inclined Plane, and its modifi- cations, The Screw and The Wedge ; and, 3. The Pulley, which admits of multiplied combinations. Of these instruments, the theory has been already given, in as far as regards equilibrium ; and to pro- duce motion, it is only required to apply additional force. But it will be satisfactory to arrive at the same conclusions, by employing the principle of vir- M 2 180 ELEMENTS OF tual velocities. We shall consider these elementary engines in their order of succession. 1. The Lever ) which consists of an inflexible bar ACB, (fig. 83.) either straight or bent, resting on a point C called the fulcrum, the power being ap- plied at the end A of the arm AC, to raise a weight at the end B of the other arm CB. Throwing out of view the weight of the lever itself, and supposing it to be at first horizontal ; let it shift into the proxi- mate position A'CB'. The minute arcs AA' and BB' thus described may be regarded as tangents, and, consequently, while the power P descends ver- tically through a space AA', the weight W rises through a space BB'; wherefore the opposite momenta being equal, P X A A' = Wx BB', and P : W : : BB' : AA' : : BC : AC, or the power and weight are inversely as their distances from the fulcrum. Let ACB (fig. 84.) represent a bent lever, and from its extremities A and B, let fall the perpendi- culars AH and BI, upon the vertical CH passing through the fulcrum C. Conceive the lever to move into the proximate position A'CB', and parallel to CH draw A'L meeting AH in L and BM meeting B'M a parallel to AH in M. From similar trian- gles, A'L : AA' : : AH : AC, AA' : BB' : : AC : BC, and BB' : BM : : BC : BI ; whence, by com- position of ratios, A'L : BM : : AH : BI. But AL is the minute descent of the power, and BM the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 181 corresponding ascent of the weight ; consequently P x A'L = W x BM, and P : W : : BM : A'L, or, by equality of ratios, P : W : : BI : AH. The power and weight are, therefore, inversely as the perpendiculars let fall upon the vertical CH. The same result is deduced from the property which belongs to the centre of gravity, of occupying the lowest place possible, whenever an equilibrium is attained. Join AB, and AH : BI : : AG : BG ; whence Px BG= Wx BG, and the power and weight being supposed to be attached at A and B, the point G would be the centre of gravity of the loaded lever. This centre would, therefore, while the lever turns about its fulcrum, describe an arc of a circle, and hence falls into the lowest position in crossing the vertical CH. Levers are usually distinguished into three kinds, according to the relative position of the power, the weight, and the fulcrum. 1. When the fulcrum (fig. So.) lies between the power and the weight. This kind includes the crow and handspike, pincers, and scissars. The toothed hammer is only a bent lever of this kind. Its invention was in mythology ascribed to Neptune, his trident being only a three-pronged crow. The arm PC is commonly longer that WC, and consequently the weight exceeds the power. The number of times which the weight contains the power, is always called the mechanical advantage or purchase. 2. When the weight lies between the ELEMENTS OF fulcrum and the power (fig. 86.). This kind in- cludes the crow in its more general application, the baker's and druggist's knife, the common door, the wheel-barrow, nut-crackers, and oars. 3. When the power is applied (fig. 87.) between the fulcrum and the weight. To this kind belong the sheep-shears. It has a mechanical disadvantage, but admits of a proportionally wider motion. The bones of animals are therefore levers generally of this sort, pulled by the moderate contraction of muscles inserted near their joints. Conceive the forces represented by the power and the weight to be exerted upwards, (fig. 88.) in a lever of the first kind, their joint efforts will be sus- tained by an opposite fulcrum at C. Instead of the fulcrum, substitute a load suspended from the same point, and this will be shared at the ends P and W inversely as the distances PC and WC. Such is the distribution of pressure in the case of a pole bearing an intermediate weight. If it hang from the middle, the carriers will always share the burden alike ; but if the load be only placed upon the pole, as in fig, 89. a vertical from the centre of gravity will, in going up hill, divide the space unequally at C, and the lower person must therefore suffer a greater strain. Two horses of unequal strength may yet be yoked to draw equally, by a proportionate division of the bar. This is partly effected in the ordinary way, by attaching the perch to a short projection from the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 183 middle of the bar. To range a number of men along the amis of a pole, for the purpose of trans- porting heavy loads, is very unskilful, though fre- quently done in this country. Those who are near- est must evidently take the greatest share of the burthen, while the remote bearers have not the means of exerting their strength. The method prac- tised in the East is much preferable, the strain being successively subdivided by a system of levers crossing- each other. In China the same object is obtained still more simply, by placing the load on the middle of long bamboos, which cross at different angles, each end of them being borne by a labourer. When a load is laid upon a plane whose weight may be neglected, the pressures sustained by three points have been already assigned. But they may be derived more easily perhaps from the property of the lever. For suppose the triangle ABC, ( fig. 90.) bearing the weight P, to rest upon the angles A, B and C. Through P draw BPD, CPE, and APR Conceive the plane to be lifted by the point B about AC as a fulcrum ; BPD being then a lever, the load P would be to the force exerted, as BD to PD, or as the triangle ABC to APC. In the same man- ner, were the triangle lifted by the point A, the load P would be to that strain, as the triangle ABC to BPC. Wherefore, collectively the forces requir- ed to raise the triangle from the several points A, B and C, or the pressures which these exert are pro- 184 ELEMENTS OF portional to the opposite triangles BPC, APC, and APB. When B coincides with the centre of gravi- ty, the several internal triangles are equal, and con- sequently the strain is equally distributed. The action of the simple lever is evidently con- fined within a very narrow space. But, by means of a small addition, it can be rendered capable of repeating its operation to an unlimited extent. This is effected by annexing to the end of the short arm two claws, which work alternately in the teeth of a ratchet wheel. Such a machine is called the Uni- versal Lever. It is used occasionally for raising weights, but more commonly for dragging logs of timber to the saw-mill. The mechanical advantage may be repeatedly mul- tiplied, by a combination of levers of the first kind. Thus, the power being applied at (fig. 91.) A, let AB act upon the end C of another lever, and this upon E ; the termination F will lift a very great weight. Suppose the purchase of the lever AB to be 4, that of CD, 3, and that of EF, 2 ; then one pound applied at A will support 4x3x2, or pounds at F, and a slight additional force will set it in motion. The space of ascent, however, must evidently be very confined. But the wheel and pinion being only an extension of the lever, the same system of combination may have its action continued or incessantly renewed in a train of toothed wheels. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 185 One of the most ordinary but useful applications of the lever is to weigh substances, or rather to com- pare their weights by some standard. This can be accomplished, by employing either a single weight or a set of subdivided weights. When the former mode is adopted, the long arm of the lever is divid- ed into portions equal to the short one, which has a counterpoise appended to it. The standard consist- ed of a weight resembling in shape the pomegra- nate, and hence called in the East, Romman ; which was fixed to a ring that could slide along the successive divisions, and mark the relative weight of the substance examined. In allusion to this cir- cumstance, the Steel Yard, as it is now termed, was formerly, through misconception, named the Roman Statera. If the fulcrum or point of suspension be taken still nearer the end, the scale of weights will be proportionally augmented. The small balance of the Chinese consists of a tapering rod of ivory, like a quill, perforated in four points, to be suspended by different threads, the subdivisions being extended along each corresponding side. The common balance, though less expeditious, is capable of greater accuracy than the steel yard. As it has equal arms, it requires a series of intermediate weights. For philosophical purposes, the easiest way is to reckon always by grains. The geometri- cal progression 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c. forms the simplest arrangement ; but it will be found more 18() ELEMENTS OF convenient to follow the decimal division, and the successive sets of 1, 2, 3, and 4 ; 10, 20, 30, and 40 ; 100, 200, 300, and 400 ; 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000, &c. would save much trouble in adding up the weights. A False Balance has one arm somewhat longer than the other. But the fraud is easily detected, by interchanging the places of the weight and the sub- stance to be weighed ; for the weight assigned will then be diminished, in the same proportion as it was before augmented. It perhaps deserves remark, that the true weight is rather less than half the sum of those opposite indications. Suppose the perpen- dicular BD (fig. 92.) to represent the true weight, and let BD be to BA in the ratio of the arms of the fraudulent balance ; having completed the semicircle, it is evident that AB will indicate the weight of the substance when placed in the scale of the longer arm, and BC its weight when suspended from the shorter arm. But BD is less than the radius, or the arith- metical mean between AB and BC. Since, from the property of the semicircle, BD is a mean proportional or a geometrical mean between AB and BC, the true weight of any body might be discovered by means even of a false balance. For let it be weighed first in one scale, and then in the other ; and, the results being multiplied together, the square root of their product will give the accu- rate value. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 187 Every correct balance must thus have amis of pre- cisely equal lengths, or its fulcrum placed equally distant from the extreme points at which the scales are suspended. But the delicacy of the instrument is derived from the proximity of its fulcrum to the straight line joining those two points. To preserve a stable equilibrium, however, the fulcrum must oc- cupy a position somewhat above that line. The beam should be strong and light, the preferable form consisting of two hollow cones : it should turn with a fine knife-edge upon a plate of agate, polished crystal, or hard steel ; and the scales should likewise be hooked from sharp edges. The sensibility is far- ther augmented, and the risk of injury obviated, by various other contrivances. To such perfection have the arts been carried in this country, that Ramsden's famous balance would turn with only the seven-mil- lionth part of its load. In treating of the properties of the common ba- lance, it will be requisite to consider the beam as a bent lever. We shall assume it as devoid of weight, and then apply the small correction that such an omission renders necessary. Let AC and CB (fig. 93.) be the equal arms, C the fulcrum, and A and B the points of suspension. Suppose the mass in the scale attached at B to exceed somewhat the weight applied at A ; the beam will move into an oblique position, so that the vertical line CE will divide AB into segments AE and BE, which 188 ELEMENTS OF are inversely proportional to the forces acting at A and B. Let W denote the weight with its scale, W' the opposite scale and mass to be weighed, while a expresses the length of the arm CA or CB, d the perpendicular CD, and I the angle of declination DCE. Since W : W : : BE : AE, by composition : W' W : : AB : 2DE : : AD : DE, and consequently Tjr^irwTTy ButDEziCD. tan I, and W' + W may be viewed as merely equal to 2W ; wherefore, by substitution, we have W W= ..,sd.tanl\ rpn j.f . , 2W I 1. Ine difference of weight is thus, in the same beam, proportional to the tangent of de- clination. The value of d in relation to a may be easily determined by experiment ; and, for the con- venience of calculation, a line of tangents, divided centesimally, might be annexed to the index of the balance, instead of a graduated arc. Let the weight of the beam itself be now taken into account. If G (fig. 94.) be the place of the centre of gravity, from which a vertical cuts AB in F ; the effort of the beam to recover its horizontal position would, from the property of the lever, be the same as if a part of its weight, diminished in the ratio of BE to EF, were applied at B. Let m de- note the weight of the beam, and g the depression CG of its centre of gravity ; then EF=g.tan I, and consequently the additional pressure at B, indicated NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 189 by such declination, must be ~.tanl. Thevalues a of a and m being once known, that of g can easily be discovered experimentally, from observing the angle of deviation occasioned by the appending of a single grain at B. But the position of the centre of gravity, and consequently the value of g y is altered at pleasure, by merely screwing a nut or bob higher or lower on the index. If this bob were so adjusted, that the whole weight of the beam is to one grain, as the length of an arm to the depression of the centre of gravity below the fulcrum, the tangential line of the index would mark the quantity of correc- tion in centesimal parts of a grain. The value of d and g may be readily and accurate- ly found, by observing the times of the oscillations of the loaded beams. Let fig. 93. represent the oblique lever, in its deviations on either side of its position of equilibrium. The tendency to redress itself is measured by DE, which is proportional to the tangent of the angle DCE, or to the small arc AA'. The oscillations of the beam are hence, un- der the same circumstances, all isochronous. But the time of those oscillations may be deduced from theory. Since the accelerating force is to the weight appended at A, as DE to CA ; it is hence to the action of gravity, in the oscillation of a pendu- lum CA from A to A 7 , as DE to AA' or CD, or as CD to CA. Wherefore, CD is to CA, as CA to 190 ELEMENTS OF the length of a pendulum which would vibrate in con- cert with the loaded beam. The length of this iso- chronous pendulum is consequently the diameter of a circle (fig. 95.) described through the fulcrum C and the points of suspension A and B. Conversely, the quantity of depression CD may be found, by di- viding the square of C A by CF, the length of a pen- dulum corresponding to the observed time of vibra- tion. Thus, if the arm C A were 8 inches long, and 64 oscillated in 12 seconds ; CD would be - , or the 80th part of an inch. In this investigation, I have thrown out of view the weight of the beam, which can have lit- tle influence when charged with its full load in the scales. But this slight discrepancy might easily be corrected, for let the vibrations of the naked and loaded beam correspond to those of the pen- .11 w i TT A dulums CK and CL and , ni? or very nearly ( F zz The delicacy of a balance may hence be inferred, from the slowness of its oscillations. When the arms extend almost in a straight line, and the cen- tre of gravity is brought near to the fulcrum, the beam will turn with the smallest additional weight. This extreme sensibility, however, proves inconve- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 191 nient in practice, by requiring the protection of a glass case, and rendering the process of accurate weighing very tedious. It were perhaps better generally to give the beam a greater flexure that it may vibrate more quickly, and to apply a certain correction, which is easily computed from the tangent of decli- nation. II. TJie Wheel and Axle is reckoned the next mechanical power. It consists of a wheel fixed to a smaller cylinder moving about the same centre ; the power is applied to the circumference of the wheel, and the weight to be raised is attached by a cord lapped about the cylinder. This instrument may be regarded as a continued lever. The power is, therefore, to the weight, as the radius of the axle to that of the wheel ; or, if the principle of virtual velocities be preferred, the power and weight are inversely as the circumferences of the wheel and of its axle. If spokes or arms be applied to the wheel, the circumference described by these must be con- sidered as the path of action. As varieties of the same instrument, we may name the Capstan or Windlass, and the Common Gin. In the latter, the rope which draws up the weight is wound about a drum, with a long project- ing arm, which a horse puts in motion by treading round a circular path. Of a similar nature is the 192 ELEMENTS OF crane, driven by men or cattle, walking within its circumference ; but here the purchase is only in the ratio of the distance of the point of impulsion from a vertical through the centre of the wheel, to the ra- dius of the axle. The wheel and axle may turn also on different centres, and have their circumferences connected in mutual action, either by means of a belt or strap, or by the indentation of a system of cogs or teeth. This latter arrangement is usually called Wheel and Pinion. The wheel has sometimes its axle of a tapered or conical shape, which gives it a varying purchase. This construction is adopted in the fusee of a watch, and is employed likewise advantageously in raising minerals, by an uniform pull from very deep pits, the rope at its greatest length being coiled about the narrow end of the axle, and advancing towards the wide end as it gradually shortens. The Double Capstan is a very ingenious contri- vance, originally brought from China, for augment- ing in any degree the efficacy of the Wheel and Axle, without reducing its strength. It consists of two conjoined cylinders of nearly equal diameters, turning about the same axis, the weight being sup- ported by the loop of a very long cord, of which one end uncoils from the smaller cylinder, while the other end laps constantly about the larger cylinder. (See fig. 96.) The elevation of the weight at each re- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. volution is therefore equal to half the difference be- tween the two circumferences, and the effect of the arrangement is the same as if the cord sustaining the weight had been wound about a cylinder, which has a circumference merely equal to that quantity. The mechanical advantage of the instrument, combined with its pulley, is hence in the ratio of the diame- ter of the larger cylinder to half its excess above that of the smaller one. Nearly the same effect is procured, by employing a single conical axle ; one part of the train of cord unrolling itself from the smaller end, while the other part is coiled up towards the larger end. III. THE INCLINED PLANE is accounted the third Mechanical Power. It has been already shown that an equilibrium would be produced, if the force ex- erted were to the weight to be raised, as the height is to the length of the plane. But the same con- clusion is derived, from the consideration of Virtual Velocities. For, suppose a weight were drawn up the plane AC (fig. 33.) by a cord passing over a pulley at C. While this weight, in moving from A to C, acquires a vertical elevation BC, the power ex- erted will descend in the opposite direction through a space equal to AC. The power and weight must hence be inversely, as AC to BC. The Inclined Plane is often combined with a cir- cular motion. Suppose ABE (fig. 970 to De a VOL. I. N 194 ELEMENTS OF spiral fixed to a perpendicular axis at P. As it turns round, it will push in the direction PB ; and the proximate radius PD being drawn, and the small arc BC described, the thrust exerted at D must evi- dently be to the rotatory power applied at B, as CB to CD. If the curve be the Equable Spiral, it will maintain an uniform pressure, and the mechanical advantage will then be as the circumference of de- scription to the quantity of protrusion PC, during a single revolution. But a power may be thus evol- ved, with an intensity varying as circumstances shall require. If a circle, for instance, be made to turn about an eccentric point P (fig. 98.), it will produce an effort that increases continually, from the inter- mediate position C, till it becomes infinite at the re- mote extremity B of the diameter. The heart-shape (fig. 99) * s employed in the composition of many of the most useful machines. A similar arrangement will conveniently change a revolving into an inces- sant reciprocating motion. The Inclined Plane is employed chiefly in facilita- ting excavations, and raising the materials for the con- struction of edifices. On the same principle, the draught on roads over a hilly country is diminished, by conducting them with a circuitous but gentle as- cent. IV. The SCREW is a most efficient Mechanical Power. It consists of a ridge or groove winding about a cylinder, and cutting at the same angle every NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. line on the surface drawn parallel to the axis. The Screw is called exterior or interior, according as it is formed on the outside or inside of the cylinder. The acting cylinder has always a handle annexed to it, and the screw is therefore really a compound of the Lever and Inclined Plane. As a machine, it is commonly employed for producing compression, but it may be likewise used in lifting heavy weights. The power applied to the screw is to the pressure exerted or the load sustained, as the interval between the adjacent threads, to the circumference described by the point of impulsion. The action of the screw may be rendered far more intense, by applying to it the principle of the Double Capstan. Suppose a hollow screw adapted within a firm nut, should work upon an exterior screw with a finer thread, the remote end of this would evident- ly be pushed forward at each revolution, and by the difference only between the intervals of the threads. Such an instrument was proposed by the late Mr Hunter to be applied as a Jack, for the moderate elevation of great weights, and also to serve as a delicate micrometer. An endless screw, working in the teeth of a wheel, has its power multiplied by their number. But it may act at once on two rachet wheels divided almost alike, the difference in breadth between the parallel teeth being the space of exertion. By such a contrivance, which also reckons the revolutions, 196 ELEMENTS OF the mechanical purchase might be enlarged to any extent. The coining engine consists of a screw carrying ponderous arms. The impulsion accumulated by the swing, produces a stroke similar to the Concen- trator of Force ; but the violence of the blow is soft- ened, and the shock partly consumed, by the pro- longed friction of the slanting grooves of the screw, by which the stamper advances to the die. V. The WEDGE, is sometimes employed in raising bodies, but more commonly in dividing and cleaving them. As an elevator, it resembles exactly the in- clined plane, for the action is obviously the very same, whether the wedge be pushed under the load, or the load be drawn over the wedge. But when the wedge is driven forward, the percussive tremor excited in the block destroys for an instant the ad- hesion or friction at its sides, and augments prodi- giously the penetrating effect. From this principle chiefly is derived the power of the wedge in rending wood and other substances. It then acts besides as a lever, insinuating itself into the cleft as fast as the parts are opened by the vibrating concussion. To bring the action of the wedge, therefore, under a strict calculation, would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Its peculiar operations must be dis- covered by experience. All the various kinds of cutting tools, such as axes, adzes, knives, chisels, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 197 saws, planes, and files, are only different modifica- tions of the wedge. VI. The PULLEY is a very useful auxiliary in the composition of the generality of machines. In its simplest form it has already been considered un- der the head of Statics. But whatever addition is made to the power of equilibrium must generate motion. The Purchase, however, procured by the various combination of pulleys, may be computed from other principles. We may either estimate the subdivision of primary strain, or compare the celerity of the weight to that of the power. Pulleys occur some- times singly, but oftener conjoined in blocks, and then they turn on the same or different centres, and have their diameters either equal or unequal. The usual combination is represented in fig. 100. Suppose n to be the number of pulleys in each block, the weight will be supported by %n cords, each bear- ing an equal share. The last moveable cord must therefore sustain'the 2/i th part of the weight. Such is the power required to maintain the equilibrium, and consequently the purchase obtained by the blocks is 2 n, or the number of extended folds of cord. The principle of Virtual Velocities gives the same result. For, suppose the weight to rise one inch j each of the cords would slacken an inch j and the 198 ELEMENTS OF last one to which the power is applied, would be lengthened 2 n inches. The power is consequently to the weight, as 1 to 2 n. If a weight be attached to a pulley which is sup- ported by a cord having one end fastened to a fixed obstacle, the loose end will evidently sustain only half of the weight, or, for every inch which the weight rises, the power which draws it upwards will move over two. But instead of this power, we may apply another pulley mounted in the same way. (See fig. 101.) The sustaining power will now be only a quarter of the weight. The similar application of a third pulley, would reduce the load borne up, to one-eighth part. The action is thus doubled, by each additional pulley. The purchase finally obtained in this system of pulleys is therefore denoted by 2 n . The line of traction is here directed upwards ; but it may be reversed and adapted to perpendicular pres- sure, by passing the loose cord over a fixed pulley. Another combination of pullies may be noticed, which, though less convenient, has still greater effi- cacy. In this system, each cord is fastened to the weight, and passing over a pulley, has its end tied to another pulley. (See fig. 102.) The first pulley, fixed to a firm obstacle, merely changes the direc- tion of the force ; but the other pullies in succes- sion greatly augment its action. Thus, while the weight rises one inch, the moveable pulley will sink an inch, and each of the folds of the cord bent over NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. it, will shorten as much, permitting, therefore, the second moveable pulley to sink three inches. This pulley, now, by its descent, lets the folded cord on each to slacken six inches, which, joined to the inch which the weight mounts, gives 7 inches for the shifting of the third moveable pulley. This, again, giving 14 inches of extension to its adapted cord, and the inch derived from the ascent of the weight, leaves the next pulley to drop 15 inches. Hence, one moveable pulley will, in this way, enable one pound to support 3 pounds ; two moveable pullies will enable it to support 7 pounds ; three such pul- lies will augment its action to 15 pounds ; and a fourth pulley would make it uphold 31 pounds. In general, if n be the number of moveable pullies com- bined in this manner, the purchase obtained by the system will be denoted by 2* 1 1. In the composition of machines, it is often requi- red to augment or diminish, in a given ratio, the celerity first impressed. This object is effected by means of a train of wheels, put in motion by the ap- plication of a strap, or by the action of engrained teeth. It is essential, however, that the force should be exerted perpendicular to the impelling surfaces. Let A (fig. 103.) be the centre of the pinion or smaller wheel, which drives another wheel about the centre B. Suppose, first, that this pinion acts upon 200 ELEMENTS OF the teeth of the larger wheel, merely by implanted pins or cylinders of insensible diameters, either per- pendicular to its plane or radiating from its centre. The point E, which represents one of those pins, must therefore meet the curved surface of the tooth DE at right angles, and consequently press against it in the direction of the normal CE. But the right angle CEA is contained in a semicircle, and hence the curve DE is only a portion of the exterior epi- cycloid, described by the revolution of the circle AC, which has half the diameter of the pinion, about the circumference of the primary circle. Produce EC to meet BF drawn parallel to AE. The force with which the pinion presses against the tooth at E has the same effect, in turning the wheel about the centre B, as if it acted upon the point F ; and, being pro- portional to the radius AC, it urges the circulation of that wheel, by an energy proportional to the dis- tance BF. But AE is to BF, as the radius AC to the radius BC ; and consequently the equable pres- sure exerted by the pinions will maintain the uniform circumvolution of the wheel. The pinion will communicate its entire impulsion to the wheel, evidently, whether it acts on the con- cave or the convex surface of each tooth. In the former case, it must turn the wheel to the left ; but in the latter, to the right. Its action is in either way exerted uniformly. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 201 Suppose now the pinion, instead of carrying lineal- pins, should be armed with thick cylinders or spindles, a form of construction which gives it the name of LantJwm, Trundle, or Wallower. Divide the dis- tance AB (fig. 104.) between the centres, into seg- ments proportional to the number of the spindles and of the teeth, and AC and BC will be the pri- mitive radii or pitch-lines, whose circles mark by their contact the path of action. Since the spindle must press perpendicularly against the surface of the tooth, it is evident that the line OC drawn through the centre O, and the point E of impulsion, must be a normal to the curve. But the centre O of the spindle describes the arc GO of an exterior epicy- cloid, and consequently the tooth is only a parallel curve, shifted backwards by an interval equal to the radius OE or GD. Let the pinion be furnished with teeth which act upon those of the wheel. The line of pressure EC (fig. 105.) must be necessarily perpendicular to both curves at their point of contact E. Wherefore, while the tooth DE of the wheel is traced by the rolling of a circle on the outside of the circumference of the wheel, the tooth GE of the pinion is described by the revolution of the same circle within the cir- cumference of the pinion. The corresponding teeth are thus only portions of an exterior and an interior epicycloid generated by the same primitives. The diameter, however, of the revolving circle is left in- determinate. If it be taken equal to half the pinion, ELEMENTS OF it will, instead of a curve, describe internally the mere diameter. Consequently, on this assumption, the teeth of the pinion will have straight edges, and appear only as projecting portions of the radii. In this investigation, we have supposed each tooth of the pinion to come first in contact with the cor- responding tooth of the wheel at the point C in the line of the common centres. But if they locked be- fore, and only parted from each other at this point, the formation of their curvature would be reversed. The teeth of the wheel would be portions of the in- terior epicycloid, marked by the rolling of a circle within its circumference, while the teeth of the pi- nion would be portions of an exterior epicycloid de- scribed by the revolution of the same circle on the outside of the circumference of the pinion. Conse- quently, if this tracing circle had just half the di- mensions of the wheel, the teeth of the wheel would become straight edged, being merely projecting radii impelled by the exterior epicycloidal teeth of the pinion. But, by enlarging the surface of contact, the teeth of the pinion and of the wheel may at once have a compound form, the lower part being straight and the upper part curved. In this arrangement, the curved end of a tooth of the pinion seizes the straight root of a tooth of the wheel, and pushes this forwards, till in its turn, it brings its straight edge to press against the rounded termination of the tooth. The curves are, in both cases, exterior epicy- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. cloids, but differently described. A circle of half the diameter of the pinion is made to revolve about the wheel ; and a circle of half the diameter of the wheel is constrained to revolve about the circumfer- ence of the pinion. Conceive the pinion to be a circle of indefinite extent, bearing straight teeth. It will then merge into a rack with perpendicular studs. The corre- sponding teeth of the wheel will be portions of epicy- cloids described about its circumference, by a circle of half the diameter of the pinion, and therefore still of unlimited magnitude. The curves which it de- scribes are hence the evolutes of the wheel, and might be traced by the unfolding of a thread or a flexible spring. Such is the form of the cams or lifting cogs of forges, or those of the stampers for bruising stones and beating flax or hemp. Suppose both the opposite indentations to be cur- ved, but let the wheel, by its unbounded extent, be- come a toothed rack. In this case, the generating circle will trace interior epicycloids, for the teeth of the pinion ; but rolling along the straight line which now represents the wheel, it will describe mere cy- cloids, for the form of the parallel teeth. By changing the size and the application of the generating circle, a considerable variety may thus be produced in the mutual configuration of the teeth of pinions, wheels, or racks. Nor is the rolling of a circle an essential requisite, since any other curve, 204 ELEMENTS OF treated in the same way, will describe the forms which are capable of accurate contact, and fitted therefore to communicate the full energy of impul- sion. To form a Templet or Pattern Tooth for wheels, the easiest mode of proceeding is by means of a me- chanical construction. Let a small segment FCG (fig. 106.) of a circle denoted by the pitch lines, including the space of at least two teeth, be descri- bed on a smooth board, which is then accurately rounded ; and to this apply a corresponding segment DCE of the generating circle, bearing a pencil or tracer at D, both circumferences being rubbed with rosin or chalk to prevent sliding. The point D being made to apply at F, let the other points in DCE be successively brought in contact with FCG ; the tracer, as it recedes from D, will mark out the required exterior epicycloid FD. The interior epicycloid of the pinion is described in a similar manner, only the generating circle must evidently be less than the circle which contains it. For the sake of accuracy, the circular segments may consist of steel, and have the surfaces divided by fine flu- tings. If the rolling arc DCE belong to a large circle, the portion FD of its epicycloid will not differ sen- sibly from the evolute of the circle of which FCG is a segment. This discrepancy is less perceptible when the teeth are small. In ordinary cases, there- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. fore, it will be sufficiently accurate, to assume the initial part of ane volute of the primary circle FCG for the form of the teeth. The curve is traced by the end of a thread, as it unfolds from the circum- ference between F and G, or more correctly by a fine straight saw, applied successively along the arc FCG. But a more accurate mode of construction may be derived from the property, that an epicycloid is the evolute of a similar curve. (See Geometry of Curve Lines, p. 372.) For let R and r be the radii of the fundamental and generating circles ; and it follows, from Prop. V, that ^ ~JL J^.Ar (li-r^/V will denote the radius of curvature at the beginning of the epicycloid. Instead of R, and r, the number of teeth of the wheel and half of those of the pinion may be adopted, as having the same ratio. Find, by calculation, therefore, CE ffig. 10?.) the value of this expression, and from E describe an arc CF, which may be viewed as coincident with a portion of the involute of the exterior epicycloid. Unfold a thread or fine steel spring from CF, and its extremi- ty will describe the tooth CG. When an internal epicycloid is wanted, the ra- dius of curvature of its opening involute will be- come /P ITy 4r. The point E will hence lie without the fundamental circle, and the evolution of 206 ELEMENTS OF the arc CF (fig. 108.) will now produce an internal tooth CG. If the generating, had half the diameter of the fundamental, circle, the radius of the involute for 3 the exterior epicycloid would be -r, but infinite for the interior. In the latter case, the first part of the involute becomes a straight line, the evo- lution of which traces a perpendicular, the teeth here being only the extremities of the several diameters. Let R iz 3 r, and the radii of the in- ner and outer involutes will be r and 24 r ; and ?o 20 they will become ^- r and 1 2 r, when Rzz4r. y It would be easy to give an approximative geome- trical construction. Bisect CB (fig. 109.) in H, and make AH : CB : : AB : CI, and CB : AC : : Cl : CE, from E describe the small arc CF, and in it assume any points K, L, &c. either equidistant or brought closer together as they approach to F. From these points, describe the successive arcs CM, MN, NO, &c., which will nearly coalesce into the form of a tooth, and, if necessary, their junctions may be somewhat rounded. If the fundamental circle be indefinitely large, its circumference will become a straight line, and the epicycloid will pass into the common cycloid. Hence the mode of tracing the initial portion of this curve, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 207 which suits the form of cams. Let CP (fig. 110.) be the path of rotation, and A the centre of the ge- nerating circle ; make CE equal to twice its diame- ter, from E describe an arc CF, in which assume any points, and from these describe the minute arcs CL, LM, MN, &c. terminated by the successive tangents IL, KM, FN, &c. The compound arc CP will, for a considerable space, scarcely differ from a cycloid. In crown wheels and bevelled geer, the faces of the teeth must be all tapered, as if they proceeded from a common centre. The pinion may be consi- dered as a portion of a cone, which, rolling along the horizontal rim of the wheel, traces the contour of the teeth, by describing a modified epicycloid. The same general principles will indicate all the va- riations. It is of practical consequence that the teeth of wheels should be all equally worn. In their mutual congress, therefore, they ought to produce a series of the most diversified contacts. To effect this ob- ject, the numbers of teeth in the pinion and the wheel must be as discordant as possible. If the one were any aliquot part of the other, the same inces- sant coincidence would soon recur, occasioning a par- tial and disproportionate attrition. Prime numbers should be preferred ; and the larger they are, the smoother will the wheels work. The odd tooth in 208 ELEMENTS OF the pinion is hence by our mill-wrights very appo- sitely called the hunting cog. The effects produced by machines are extremely diversified. To extend action to a distance, or to divert its direction ; to reduce or multiply the celerity impressed ; to modify an uniform progression into an accelerating or retarding one ; to maintain a paral- lel motion ; to change a rectilineal into a circular mo- tion, and the reverse ; to convert a reciprocating play into a constant circulation or equable rectilineal flow ; these are a few of the objects generally aimed at. Pressure is conveyed to any distance, by a system of parallel levers, supported at certain intervals, the ex- tremities of their arms being connected by a train of beams. The direction of any power is easily chan- ged, by means of a crank or bent lever. The same contrivance, aided by the action of a fly, converts a reciprocating into a circular motion. This effect is likewise produced by a rack, working alternately on the opposite sides of a toothed wheel. The celerity is modified at pleasure, by affixing to the axle solid blocks, sometimes called heart wheels, (see fig. 99.) and fashioned like spiral or eccentric curves. These lines may be traced with such accuracy as to evolve the precise succession of impulse required. But all the transitions should, if possible, be gradual, any sudden change occasioning a concussion which wastes the force, and tends to disjoint and shatter the parts of the machine. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. f The most elegant mode of transmitting force in any direction, is by a contrivance termed the Universal Joint. (See fig. 111.) Instead of the cross, a ring or a ball is often preferred. But the angular motion communicated in this way is not quite equable, and becomes even irregular* in the case of great obliquity. By doubling, however, the combination of axes, as in fig. 112, the impression may be turned aside al- most into an opposite direction, and may be render- ed uniform, by a compensation of irregularities. An alternate motion ivS beautifully converted into a revolving one, by a vertical rod which carries affix- ed to it a wheel indented to another wheel of the same size. The central wheel, describing at each reciprocation a double circumference, must turn twice round. This mechanism is, from a vague analogy, called the Sun and Planet Wheel. A reciprocating beam can be made to raise and depress a rod very nearly in a vertical line, by means of a regulated parallelogram. Thus, C (fig. 113.) being the centre of the beam, let an arm BE turn about the firm joint B, and guide the end E of the parallelogram ADEF ; if CD be taken a mean pro- portional to AD and BE, the other end F, carrying the rod of a piston, will travel in a path which is very nearly rectilineal and perpendicular. These two fine contrivances were happily combined in Watt's Steam Engine. VOL. i. o . ELEMENTS OF The efficacy of any complex machine is generally computed from the statical relation of the power to weight to be raised. This, however, is merely the proportion which would maintain a state of quies- cence ; and to produce actual motion, it requires the application of more force. Nor does the velocity thus created correspond to the simple ratio of the ad- ditional power, but follows a modified and much slower law of increase. The performance relatively becomes greatest, when the force exerted has attained a cer- tain limit of intensity. It is of the utmost conse- quence, therefore, in the economy of machines, to approximate at least to this measure of advantageous exertion. But the problem involves so many and such intricate considerations, that theory can seldom furnish a direct solution, and requires all the aid of experience. I shall select only two instances illus- trative of the general principle ; the first relating to the Wheel and Axle, and the next to the Inclined Plane. I. Let it be required (fig. 114.) to find the radius OB of a circle, from whose circumference the descent of an appended weight shall raise, with the greatest possible celerity, another equal weight attached to a given circle AC fixed on the same axis. These weights being each of them regarded as unit, the force at B which would oc maintain the equilibrium, is denoted by 7, and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. consequently the inciting force by ^75. But, both circles being supposed devoid of weight and ha- ving the same angular motion, this motive power will be shared as the velocity of OC* to OB*, and therefore the acceleration of the weight from B is CB OB* >, CB.OB OB velocity generated at that point, and consequently CB.OC _. the velocity at A must be QT* i r)p * * nis ex- pression is hence a maximum, or its reciprocal OB*4-OC* - ,^nr\^ a minimum. But for OB*, substitut- CB 2OC ing (CB + OC)*, it becomes + 2 + --. Omit- ting, therefore, the constant number 2, and mul- tiplying the rest by OC, which is likewise a con- 2OC* stant quantity, and the result CB+ T must be a minimum. Let OC (fig. 115.) and 2OC to- gether, form the diameter of a circle, and draw the chord BCF ; it is evident that the rectangles BC.CF = OC.2OC = 20C*, and CF = Wherefore, BCF is the shortest chord passing through C ; it consequently approaches nearest to the centre G, and must be perpendicular to GC ELEMENTS OF or to the diameter OE. Hence JBC = CF, and BC> = 2OC>, or BC = O(V % In approximative numbers, therefore, OC be- ing reckoned 5, CB will be 7, and OB 12. The r ,. T> 7 !44 84 accelerating force exerted at 13 is . -77^- = -77-, or very nearly half the power of gravity ; but this ac- tion would cause the weight from A to mount only .8 feet, or 40 inches in a second. 2. Suppose a weight, acting over a pulley at A (fig. 1 16.), to be just sufficient to support a load on the inclined plane AC ; it is required to substitute another more sloping plane AD, along which this load would be drawn or made to rise from the level DB to the elevation A, by the same power and in the shortest time possible. The urging weight being reckoned unit, the load which it sustains AC on the plane AC will be denoted by -^-^; but this load, transferred to the plane AD, would be held at rest by a weight or vertical force expressed i AJt> AC/ AO rp,, r . , y "AT) " "A"R' Or "AD* excess of weight en- gaged in producing the compound motion, is there- fore AP ~ AC , or , AE being cut off equal to AJD AC. This force, communicating equal velocities to the load and the primary weight, must be shared be- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. tween them according to their respective masses. But these remaining constant, the accelerating power DE in both is proportional to -^-^. Now, since the space described is as this force multiplied into the square of the time, the load will be carried from D to A in the shortest time, when AD divided by DE AD* . or --, is 3, minimum. Suppose Ar were made equal to EA, and DG found a third propor- tional to DE and DA ; while EA is given, the point D, and hence G must in its extension be assigned, so that DG shall have the least possible extent. By division, DE : DA : : EA : AG, and DE : EA : : EA : FG ; consequently, the rectangle DE, FG, be- ing equivalent to the square of EA, is constant. But EF, or the double of E A, is likewise constant ; and therefore, the sum of those extreme segments DE and FG must be the least possible. As they con- tain a given space within the shortest perimeter, they must consequently form a square, and thus DE, EA, AF, and FG are all equal. Wherefore AD, the length of the plane required, is double of AE or AC. Suppose BA were 3 feet and AC 5 feet, one pound suspended vertically would support 1 pounds leaning upon AC ; but this load, when transferred to AD, which is 10 feet, would be upheld by half a pound, and, consequently, the remaining half pound must supply the accelerating force. The energy ex- ELEMENTS OF 13 3 erted is therefore -. - = -^, and the load would be drawn from D to A, or lifted vertically in / -5 seconds, or 1,825". The direct action of gravity would have produced the same effect in But such investigations are unfortunately render- ed in a great measure superfluous, by those unavoid- able imperfections which are incident to all machines. A very large portion of the force applied is in most cases consumed, by the various obstructions which it has to encounter during the course of its transmission. The resistance of the air causes a certain retardation ; but the chief impediment arises from the rubbing or attrition of the surfaces which come incessantly into contact. Most solid bodies, when brought close to- gether, are disposed to cohere mutually, and with various degrees of tenacity. This peculiar force, be- ing exerted perpendicular to the surface of contact, can evidently have no influence whatever in impe- ding a lateral traction. But all substances appear to possess likewise a certain adhesive property, which opposes any change of mutual contact, and retards even the horizontal passage of one plane along an- other. This latent obstructing power constitutes Friction, which has such extensive influence in di- minishing the performance of all machinery. The effect, however, is much diversified, according to cir- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. cumstauces, and can bo discovered in any particular case, only by experiments conducted in a scale of sufficient magnitude. There are two general modes of exploring the na- ture and operation of Friction. The first ascertains the weight required to draw a body under the pres- sure of a given load along the horizontal surface of another. The second method is still simpler, and consists merely in raising the end of the upper plane till it acquires the declination at which the succum- bent load begins to slide. This extreme declination is hence called the Angle of Equilibrium, Quiescence, or Repose. Let CA (fig. 33.) represent the position of the plane at the moment the load slips from its place. If the vertical FD represent the weight, FE will express the perpendicular pressure sustained by the plane, and OED must denote the corresponding friction, which is just balanced here by the tenden- cy to descend. Wherefore, the Pressure is to the Friction, as FE to ED or as AB to BC, that is, as radius to the tangent of the angle of repose. These two modes of experimenting, however, will seldom give precisely the same results. Most bodies require a greater force to pull them from their con- tact, than what is afterwards sufficient to maintain their adhesive progression. But the obliquity of the plane of descent evidently marks only the initial ob- struction, and not the subsequent unfeebled, yet un- ceasing, action of Friction. C 21() ELEMENTS OF Thus, if the plane CA were a pine board, upon which is laid a block of oak with a smooth surface, it may be elevated to an acclivity of 30 degrees be- fore it disengages its load. But should the angle of declination exceed only 10 degrees, on striking the side of the plane with a smart blow 7 , the oaken block will start from its seat, and then glide down- wards. While the plane retains this lower inclina- tion, the load will not rest, on being again replaced, unless it be a few seconds held in contact. It was inferred from the earlier observations, that Friction is a constant retarding force, proportioned nearly to the pressure, but commonly varying from the third to the sixth part of this quantity. In po- lished freestone, it exceeds the half of the pressure, and the rough surface of bricks augments it to three- fourths. This great obstruction contributes most essentially to the stability of arches and vaults. A body subjected to no obstruction will descend, it was demonstrated, in the same time, through any chord to the lowest point of a vertical circle. But even when retarded by the influence of friction, it will yet slide down equally through the chords of a certain determinate arc. For the whole weight be- ing represented by CF (fig. 9<5.), the pressure on the oblique plane AF is denoted by AC, and con- sequently the measure of the friction by AM, a definite portion AC. The remaining force of ac- celeration is hence expressed by MF, which will be NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 217 described under the attrition, in the same time that AF is traced by a free descent. But the sides AC and AM of the right angled triangle CAM having a given ratio, that triangle is given in species ; conse- quently the angle AMC is given, and likewise the exterior angle CMF, which must therefore be con- tained in a given segment of a circle. The body would hence slide down the planes MF or PF, in the time that it would have fallen directly from C to F. It likewise follows that the tangent NF to the arc AMF will mark the position of the plane of repose. The angle of repose often determines the con- tour of natural objects. Thus, tine sand slides more easily than ordinary mould, and hence sand-hills have generally a softer ascent than the grassy flanks of mountains. The latter, without being broken into precipices, may rise at an angle of 40 degrees ; but the former will seldom support an acclivity above 25 degrees. Again, the angle of repose of iron press- ing upon iron being 16 degrees, if the threads or spi- rals of a vice wind closer than this inclination, the screw must hold at any place to which it is carried. By removing the visible asperities from the sur- faces of bodies, their mutual attrition is diminished. But any higher polish than what merely prevents the grinding and abrasion of the protuberant particles, has no material effect in reducing the measure of Friction. Other peculiar circumstances appear to have more extensive influence. 218 ELEiMENTS OF The experiments on Friction which Coulomb made between the years 1779 and 1781, being de- vised with ingenuity, performed with great care, and executed on a large scale, are the most original, and by far the most important that have been made. His general method was to draw a sort of sledge, mounted on different sliders and variously loaded, along a large horizontal bench, fitted likewise with cor- responding slips of wood or metal. This sledge was ei- ther allowed to rest a certain time, or it was instantly put into motion. Some idea of the diversified results may be conceived, by referring them to a common stan- dard of comparison. Assuming the pressure as equal to one hundred parts ; the friction of oak against fir was 66 in the direction of the fibres, but amounted only to 16 when moved with the velocity of a foot each second ; the friction of oak against oak, in the direction of the fibres, was 45, and across them on- ly 27 > the effect being still reduced by motion to 10 ; the friction of fir against fir, in the direction of the fibres, was 56, which sunk to 17 during motion ; the friction of elm against elm, in the direction of the fibres, was 46, which motion reduced to 10 ; the friction of copper upon oak was lengthwise 18, and only 8 when kept in motion ; the friction of iron upon oak was 28, and diminished during motion to 11. But the mutual friction of metals appeared in general to be less affected by motion. Thus, iron against iron had its friction, in passing from rest to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 219 motion, diminished only from 8 to 25 ; again, the friction of brass upon iron, which reached 25, was contracted by motion to 17 ' The application of grease, soap, or other soft lini- ments, to the rubbing surfaces, generally diminishes the friction, though in very different degrees. Oak, fresh greased, has its friction upon oak, only depress- ed from 4-5 to 43 ; but this was reduced to 26, af- ter the tallow had been thoroughly imbibed into the wood and left a glossy smoothness. The greasing of the surfaces of copper and iron reduces their fric- tion to 10. When a coat of tallow is applied to metals, the friction attains almost instantaneously its limit. But the different sorts of wood, treated in the same way, suffer a slow change in the condition of their sur- faces, which continues for a considerable time to aug- ment the intensity of friction. A piece of greased oak, the moment it is laid upon another, is drawn, with a force of 4, but would have this friction aug- mented in three seconds to 10, in one minute to 16, in two hours to 28, and in the space of five or six days to 44. The friction of wood against metal in- creases likewise during a sensible time. A closer approximation of surfaces must evidently be produced S by some gradual process, which is enfeebled by the softness of the substance impressed. Hence the fric- tion of wood is greatly diminished by rapid motion, while that of metals continues with very little alter- ELEMENTS OF ation, whether they be drawn along slowly or ex- tremely fast. This general view of the phenomena of Friction affords a glimpse of its origin. Matter, however passive to external impressions, is not strictly inert. Its attractive and repulsive energies, modified only by the mutual distance of the particles, are inces- santly in action, and produce varied effects and in different times. Nor are such operations confined to the substances commonly termed chemical ; they occur to a certain extent, though more concealed from observation, in other bodies which manifest no peculiar signs of activity. " Nature speedily extin- guishes every motion upon earth, and seems to diffuse a principle of silence and repose ; which made the ancients ascribe to matter a sluggish inactivity, or rather an innate reluctance and inaptitude to any change of place. We shall perhaps find, that this prejudice, like many others, has some semblance of truth ; and that even dead or inorganic substances must, in their recondite arrangements, exert such varying energies, so like sensation itself, as could not fail, if completely unveiled in our sight, to strike us with wonder and surprise. " When one solid is drawn along another, if the opposing surfaces be rough and uneven, there is a necessary waste of force, occasioned by the grind- ing and abrasion of their prominences. But Friction subsists after the contiguous surfaces are NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. worked down as regular and smooth as possible, In fact, the most elaborate polish can operate no other change than to diminish the size of the na- tural asperities. The surface of a body, being moulded by its internal structure, must evidently be furrowed, or toothed, or serrated ; and such is the information derived from close inspection with the Microscope. Friction is, therefore, commonly ex- plained on the principle of the inclined plane, from the effort required to make the incumbent weight mount over a succession of eminences. But this ex- plication, however currently repeated, is quite in- sufficient. The mass which is drawn along is not continually ascending ; it must alternately rise and fall, for each superficial prominence has a corre- sponding cavity ; and since the horizontal boundary of contact is supposed to be horizontal, the total ele- vation will be equal to their collateral depressions. Consequently, though the actuating force might suf- fer a perpetual diminution in lifting up the weight, it would, the next moment, receive an equal increase by letting it down again ; and those opposite effects, destroying each other, would have no influence what- ever on the general motion. " Adhesion appears still less capable directly of explaining the source of Friction. A perpendicu- lar force acting on a solid, can evidently have no effect to impede its advance ; and though this late- ral force, owing to the unavoidable inequalities of 222 ELEMENTS OF contact, must be subject to a certain irregular obli* quity, the balance of chances must on the whole have the same tendency to accelerate as to retard the mo- tion. If the conterminous surfaces were hence to remain absolutely passive, no Friction could ever arise. Its existence betrays an unceasing mutual change of figure, the opposite planes, during the passage, continually seeking to accommodate them- selves to all the minute and accidental varieties of contact. The one surface, being pressed against the other, becomes, as it were, compactly indented, by protruding some points and retracting others. This adaptation is not accomplished instantaneously, but requires very different periods to attain its maximum, according to the nature and relation of the substan- ces concerned. In some cases, a few seconds are sufficient ; in others, the full effect is not produced till after the lapse of several days. While the in- cumbent mass is drawn along, at every stage of its progress, it changes its external configuration, and approaches more or less to a strict contiguity with the under surface. Hence the effort required to put it first in motion, and hence too the decreased measure of Friction, which, if not deranged by ad- ventitious causes, attends generally an augmented rapidity. " Friction, then, consists in the force expended in raising continually the surface of pressure by an oblique action. The upper surface travels over a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. perpetual system of inclined planes ; but the system is ever changing, with alternate inversion. In this act, the incumbent weight makes incessant, yet un- availing efforts to ascend ; for the moment it has gained the summits of the superficial prominences, these sink down beneath it, and the adjoining cavities start up into elevations presenting a new series of ob- stacles which are again to be surmounted ; and thus the labours of Sisyphus are realized in the phenome- na of Friction. " The measure of friction must depend merely upon the angles of the natural protuberance, which are determined by the elementary structure or the mutual relation of the two approximate substances. The effect of polishing is only to diminish those as- perities and augment their number, without altering in any respect their curvature or inflexions. The constant or successive acclivity produced by the ever- varying adaptation of the contiguous surfaces, re- mains therefore the same, and consequently the ex- pense of force will still amount to the same share of the pressure. The intervention of a coat of oil, soap, or tallow, by readily accommodating itself to the variations of contact, must tend to equalize it, and therefore must lessen the angles, or soften the contour of the successively emerging prominences, and thus diminish likewise the friction which hence results *." * Experimental Inquiry into the Nature and Propagation of Heat, pp. 298-303. ELEMENTS OF The Theory now quoted is the result of strict in- duction, and seems quite accordant with all the ob- servations hitherto made on the subject of Friction. This obstructing power must, in the attrition of the same surfaces, be proportional to the pressure, since a certain share of the incumbent weight is re- quired to surmount the prominences or natural ac- clivities which rise in perpetual succession along the range of contact. But the friction becomes sensibly diminished, if the surface in action be reduced to the smallest dimensions. Thus, while the friction of a ruler of brass against a similar one of iron, is ex- pressed by %6 ; it was found to be only 17, after the sledge had been mounted upon four round-headed brass nails. The reason of this diminution appears to be, that the contact is not so close, when the nails are drawn along the iron surface, the great convex- ity towards the edges being less affected by the pro- jecting eminences. The same consideration will ex- plain the diminished friction of an axle against its box. Thus, an iron-axle turning in a brass socket has its friction reduced from 26 to 16, or lessened by more than one-third part. The curvature of the axle produces nearly the same effect as the softening of the natural acclivities of its box. Hence this pe- culiarity of loose contact is lost, if a coat of tallow be interposed. When fresh greased, the friction be- tween the axle and socket is 9, the same as in the case of plane surfaces. So likewise axles of lignum NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. vitae running in boxes of oak or elm, have only a friction from 3 to 4, but increased to 6 after tbe unguent is rubbed off. In the mutual contact of metals, the friction attains, almost instantaneously, its maximum. But when metal rubs against wood, or one piece of wood against another, the friction always augments by resting, and reaches not its full measure till after the lapse of some portion of time. The duration of this progressive increase appears to depend on certain pe- culiar circumstances, but chiefly on the pliancy of the conterminous surfaces. Two pieces of wood acquire the utmost friction in the lapse of an hour or two ; while iron laid upon oak will have its friction still augmenting for the space of five or six days. The application of a coat of tallow seems to protract the limit of friction. This limit is attained by the grea- sed surfaces of iron and copper in four minutes ; while pieces of wood, treated in the same way, will have their friction gradually augmented during nine or ten days. If two planed boards of oak be coated with tallow, and rubbed against each other till they become smooth and shining, the friction will at first increase most rapidly, and still continue progressive for a very long time. This friction, which at the instant of contact, is only the twelfth part of the pressure, becomes one-half more in the space of a single minute, is doubled in eleven minutes, and tripled in twenty-four VOL. i. p ELEMENTS OF hours. Amounting now to the fourth part of the in- cumbent weight, it acquires not sensibly any farther augmentation. If t represent in minutes the whole time elapsed, the friction of such finely greased oak will be expressed nearly by 77,+^ log. (1 + 10 ). A & &\J This gradual augmentation is still farther pro- longed by applying a soft layer of tallow. If this were spread to the thickness of the twentieth part of an inch over polished boards of oak, it would pene- trate into the wood about the eighth part of an inch, and the adaptation of the impregnated surfaces would be effected with extreme slowness. The friction would be doubled in very little more than a second, tripled in 6^-", quadrupled in 36-", quintupled in 3'.9"> and would continue its progress nearly nine days, beyond which no farther increase would be perceived, the fric- tion being then augmented tenfold, and equal to two- fifths of the whole pressure. If t denote the time in minutes, the friction will be expressed with tolerable accuracy by this formula : ^+^Q % (1+240 0- Atd 1O Where friction is augmented by the duration of contact, it must evidently be greater in slow than in rapid motions. Hence, it is not affected at all by the celerity of the attrition of metals. In all other cases, however, the influence of friction de- creases in some proportion to the quickness of trac- tion. This diminished obstruction, resulting from NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. a swift congress, is visible in the mutual attrition of pieces of wood : it is still more prominent in the he- terogeneous contact of metal with wood, but is most remarkable when a coat of tallow has been interposed. A ship is launched along sliders, which commonly slope only from 4 to 5^-. The lowest friction is here exerted, all previous adhesion being destroyed by blows of the mallet, and shocks given in the act of withdrawing the wedges. The momentary fric- tion being 4, leaves an accelerating force of 3, that hurries the vessel forwards, notwithstanding its im- mense pressure of perhaps thirty-five tons on every square foot of the slide. If any imperfection in the track should arrest the progress of the ship, it will soon gain such adhesive power as to render its re- moval extremely arduous. A tremulous agitation is the only expedient to urge forward the ponderous mass. Hence the reason of the sudden falling down o of weak or decayed structures. They are upheld long beyond the term of equilibrium, by the rooted adhesion of their parts ; but any ^accidental shock dissolves this union, and the whole pile is precipita- ted to the ground. The adhesion arising from prolonged contact, ex- plains likewise some striking facts in the practice of the mechanical arts. Hence an axe, struck into a heavy block of wood, will, notwithstanding its wedge form, take such a firm hold as to lift it up. For 228 ELEMENTS OF the same reason, a round iron bolt, with a slight degree of taper, being driven into a hole bored in a stone, will safely raise the ponderous mass, and it is only disengaged by the smart blow of a hammer. The binding action of nails depends on the same principle. Their adhesion to wood is not exactly as the quantity of surface compressed, but seems to be nearly proportional to the square root of the cube of the depth of insertion. Thus, to extract an iron nail from a fir plank, requires a force denoted by QQO^d, in pounds averdupois ; d marking in inches the depth of penetration. In dry elm, the tenacity of cohesion is about a fourth part greater. The friction of pivots is peculiar. Being so near the axis, it is never affected in any degree by the swiftness of rotation. This friction is not exactly proportional to the pressure, but nearly a mean be- tween the pressure and its square root. Thus, if one pivot weighs 10 and another 810 grains, the fric- tion of the latter will be 28, and not 81 times great- er. The probable reason of this discrepancy is, that the loaded pivot occasions a depression at the spot on which it turns, which incurvation of the plate di- minishes the friction. The tapering of the pivot lessens this still more. It should not exceed an angle from 30 to 45 degrees, and the cone may be re- duced even to 10 or 12 degrees, if the weight should not exceed an hundred grains. The retardation NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 229 which a steel pivot suffers, varies according to the nature of the substance in which it turns. On gar- net it loses only 10 parts of its motion, on agate 12, on rock-crystal 13, on glass 18, and on steel 23. If a hard body rub against a very soft substance, the friction will no longer continue uniform, but in- crease remarkably with the celerity. Thus, when the sliders of the bench are covered with lists of cloth, the loaded sledge being mounted as before upon rules of wood or metal, the motion incited by a predominant weight, so far from accelerating, is quickly retarded, and would soon become entirely extinguished. But the impediment now created partakes more of the nature of the resistance of fluids ; it consists in the consumption of force occasioned by the continual depressing of the spongy and elastic substance of the cloth with the celerity of the pas- sage of the sledge. The effect of such obstruction, being compounded of the quantity of matter dis- placed and of the velocity of its removal, must there- fore be proportional to the square of that velocity. If a denote the incipient friction, and v the velocity, the corresponding friction will be expressed by a + mv* y where m is a coefficient to be determined by experi- ment. When a cylinder is made to roll upon a plane surface, it encounters a new sort of obstruction, 230 ELEMENTS OF quite distinct in its character, and generally much inferior to that of Friction. These retarding forces are strikingly contrasted in the rolling and sliding of different cylinders of wood down inclined planes The cylinders will not begin to slide lengthwise, though disengaged by percussion, unless the slope of the plane exceeds 10 degrees ; but they will roll easily at much smaller angles. The inclination of 4 degrees will be sufficient to enable a cylinder of elm, one inch in diameter, to roll down an oaken board, and an angle of 3 degrees will decide the roll- ing of a cylinder of lignum vitae of the same dimen- sions. But a single degree of slope will make an elm cylinder of four inches diameter begin to roll, and three-fourths of that angle will occasion the roll- ing of a like cylinder of lignum vita?. The loss of force in the act of rolling is hence inversely propor- tional to the diameter of the cylinder. If adhesion were confined to the mere line of con- tact, it could have no effect whatever in hindering, on a horizontal plane, the revolving motion of a cy- linder. But this power, subsisting an instant after contact has taken place, may be conceived as con- stantly drawing it down at a certain distance behind. Thus, if A (fig. 1 1 70 be the contact of the cylinder and B the point where the adhesion is mainly exert- ed, its efficacy to restrain the rolling of the cylinder will evidently be as AB to AC. On the supposi- tion that AB is constant, this retarding force is in- NATURAL 'PHILOSOPHY. versely as the radius AC. In the case of elm, the distance AB of vigorous cohesion, must be the 28th part of an inch ; but in that of lignum vitas it is on- ly the 40th part. Rollers, by removing friction, are extremely use- ful in practice of Mechanics. The only obstacle is the necessity of frequently replacing them under the load ; but this inconvenience may, in a great mea- sure, be obviated by substituting cylindrical axles fixed to large wheels. Balls appear to roll still more easily than cylinders of the same diameter, though they have never been subjected to any nice experiments. On a large scale, however, they are often employed most advantage- ously in aiding the removal of enormous masses. If the diameter of a cylinder in inches be de- noted by d, that portion of the incumbent weight which is required to maintain the rolling of a cylin- der of elm upon a plane of oak, will be expressed by 3, but the retardation of a cylinder of lignum vita3 is only 3. Balls of the same dimensions and materials would, in rolling upon such a plane, probably consume only two-thirds of those measures of force. From some trials made by Tredgold with small models, it would follow, that the obstruction which cast-iron wheels encounter in rolling along an iron 232 ELEMENTS OF railway, employing the same notation, amounts only to the g- part of the load. By the application of conditional equations, we are enabled to infer, from three measures incidentally furnished by Wood, of the retardation along a cast-iron railway, encoun- tered by an ordinary waggon carriage, with pon- derous wheels of 35 inches diameter, that the ob- struction from the rolling alone amounts to the 235th part of the whole incumbent pressure, which is more than three times greater than what might be expected from the action of small models. But when the rims of the wheels are case-hardened, this obstruction is reduced to about the 650th part of the load, and thus very nearly corresponds with the experiments in miniature. The difference of ce- lerity probably modifies the effect of rolling. In the composition of machines, we should avoid attrition as much as possible, and prefer rolling movements, wherever circumstances will admit. But friction itself may be diminished indefinitely, by bringing its action nearer to the centre of revolution, or by transferring its influence from the circumfe- rence, to the axle, of a wheel. Thus, the axle of the wheel AB (fig. 118.), sustaining a pressure, being made to roll on the summit of the circumfe- rence of CB, its friction against the gudgeon at A NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 233 will be transferred to the axle C. Supposing the axles to have the same diameters, the influence of this friction in retarding the machinery must, from the principle of the lever, be now diminished in the ratio of CB to CD. For the sake of convenience the axle of the incumbent wheel A is generally planted at the intersection of two equal wheels C and E. The weight, considered as pressing verti- cally, becomes hence shared between them, and the effect of friction is reduced, in the ratio of their diameter, to that of their axles. These axles may yet be made to roll each of them on the circumfe- rence of an equal pair of wheels, as in fig. 119, and the friction will be again diminished in the same ratio. The wheels thus introduced, for the purpose of ap- proximating the operation of friction to the centre of motion, are called Friction- Wheels. If their diameters, or rather the vertical chords, were ten times greater than the diameters of their axles, two wheels would reduce the friction to one-tenth, four additional wheels to one-hundredth, and eight wheels more would contract the friction to the thousandth part. Scarcely any obstruction would then be left but that of rolling, which is comparatively inconside- rable. Since the primary axle does not rest precisely on the summit of the friction-wheel, but leans against a point beyond this, and therefore divides its oblique pressure between two equal wheels, the friction is ELEMENTS OF really diminished in a ratio somewhat less than that of the diameters of the wheel and axle. Let A and B be the centres of those wheels, and C the centre of the incumbent axle : join ADC, and let fall the perpendicular DE upon AB. If AD express half of the load borne by the axle, DE will denote the pressure exerted at D, or by the secondary axle at F. Wherefore the friction will be diminished in the ratio of the perpendicular DE to CD. This perpendicular, in most cases, however, differs little from the radius AD itself. The theory of friction wheels explains likewise the advantages derived from the construction of wheeled carriages. In these machines, the draught is facili- tated by three distinct circumstances : 1. The ex- cessive obstruction, which the rim of the wheel would encounter if dragged along the road, is chan- ged to the very inferior friction of the axle against the bush of the nave. 2. This reduced friction has its influence in impeding the progress of the carriage, still farther diminished, in the ratio of the diameter of the wheel to that of the axle. And, 3. The dimen- sions of the wheel enable it to surmount easily any obstacle which may occur ; the effect being the same as if it were drawn over an inclined plane, from its point of contact to the top of the prominence. The friction of the rim of a locked wheel, even on the smoothest road, might perhaps exceed the half of the whole load j but the friction of the axle in its NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 235 box, which is substituted for it, would amount only to the eighth part when iron is inserted in a copper bush, and scarcely the seventh part when oak turns in lignum vitse, the grease in both cases being worn smooth. The power of this friction within the nave, in retarding the motion of the carriage, must be di- rectly as the diameter of the axle, and inversely as the height of the wheel. A large wheel and a small axle are hence the most advantageous. For this reason, an iron-axle, though it has twice as much friction as an oaken one of the same dimensions, may be preferred for its smallness. In carriages rightly fitted and carefully greased, the whole friction sel- dom exceeds the thirtieth, but need not amount to the hundredth part of the load. To assign the force expended in overcoming an obstacle, let the wheel (fig. 120.) touch A the hori- zontal line of traction ; if it meet a protuberance BD, it must be lifted over this with the progressive motion AB : the draught is therefore to the load, as AB to BD, or, from the property of the circle, as BE or AF to AB. But AF* : AB* : : AF : BD, and consequently AF is to AB in the subduplicate ratio of AF, the diameter of the wheel, to BD the height of the obstacle. Large wheels are hence best adapt- ed, not only for diminishing the effect of friction, but for surmounting the inequalities of the road. Cylindrical wheels will answer best on level roads ; for their breadth, though it has no effect on the 236 ELEMENTS OF quantity of friction, may yet lessen their sinking in- to the ground. In hilly and uneven roads, a slight declination of the spokes, called dishing, will, like an arched vault, give strength to the wheel, and prevent its accidental twisting. The obstruction which a loaded carriage has to overcome, when drawn along a smooth level road, is always composed of two very distinct portions ; first, the attrition of the axle against the box of the nave, and, secondly, the adhesion of the rim of the wheel as it rolls over the yielding surface of the ground. These elements of retardation, though quite different in their nature, have been often confounded under the general term friction. But it would evidently be rash to infer the properties of adhesion from experi- ments made on ordinary friction ; nor is it ascertain- ed whether this adhesion be constant or variable, and whether, by great celerity, it lessens, like attrition, or augments, as in the resistance of fluids. The attrition of the nave is proportional to the weight of the carriage and its load, but the ad- hesion to the ground is proportional to the whole ag- gregate mass, including the wheels and axle. Both of these sources of retardation are diminished with the height of the wheel, but the attrition is like- wise diminished by the small ness of the axle. In ordinary cases, we may reckon the effect of adhesion at least five times greater than that of attrition. Thus, a horse travelling at the rate of three miles NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 237 an hour, exerts a pull of 81 Ibs. in drawing a load- ed cart : of this force only 12 Ibs. are spent on the attrition of the axle, but the remaining 69 Ibs. are consumed on the adhesion of the rim of the wheel to the level road. Supposing the absolute friction of the nave to be one-eighteenth of the incumbent weight, and the diameter of the axle the fifteenth part of that of the wheel ; then 18 X 15 X 12 = 3240 Ibs. or 28| cwts, leaving about 25 cwts. for the load. The attrition being thus equal to the 270th part of the pressure, the adhesion along the road may be taken at the 50th part of the entire charge ; which gives 50 X 69 = 3450 Ibs., being an excess of 210 Ibs. for the additional weight of the wheels and axle. It is matter of just regret, that the relation be- tween the influence of attrition and of adhesion, in retarding the motion of wheel-carriages, has never been ascertained with any degree of precision ; yet nothing could be more easily determined than the comparative expenditure of power, occasioned by the operation of those distinct causes : Let the retarda- tion of a loaded carriage, with ordinary wheels, be found ; and next that of a light carriage, mounted on very heavy wheels, perhaps of solid cast iron. This obstruction might be examined on different roads and railways, the rims of the wheels being shod with a thin ring of wood, or of iron, cast or hammer- ed, or case-hardened. Since the attrition is pro- portional only to the weight of the carriage, and of ELEMENTS OF its load, while the adhesion is produced by the whole collective pressure of carriage and wheels, the several results would afford data for distinguishing the blended shares. These experiments, performed on a scale of sufficient magnitude, would throw a clear and steady light on the principles of the formation of roads, and the construction of carriages ; and might therefore be deemed of national importance. Simi- lar inquiries ought certainly to have been instituted by the proprietors of railways, before they ventured, with such limited and imperfect information, to em- bark in their expensive schemes. Though ordinary friction is generally diminished by rapid motion, the attrition of the nave cannot be sensibly affected by the swiftness of rotation, since the rubbing surface being so near the centre, its ce- lerity is proportionally reduced. It is different al- together from the adhesion of the rim of the wheel in rolling along the road, which bears an affinity to the resistance of soft and yielding substances, and therefore increases probably after some ratio of the velocity. In the drawing of carriages, it is of the utmost consequence to blunt or avoid the shocks occasioned by the inequalities of the road. Such concussions waste the power of draught, in proportion to the celerity of their deranging influence. The applica- tion of springs to a carriage, by restraining and en- feebling those irregular movements, must therefore NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 239 be an unprofitable expenditure of power. The ad- vantages thus procured are greater in rapid travelling. It has been found that a carriage mounted on springs may be drawn along a rough road at the rate of two miles an hour, with three-fourths of the force neces- sary to effect it without springs. At the rate of three miles and a half an hour, the corresponding force is only two-thirds ; but, at the velocity of five miles, it becomes reduced to one half. But the motion of machines, in which pulleys are concerned, suffers another obstruction, arising from the stiffness of the ropes, or the force consumed in continually bending them into a new direction. This impediment, in the case of a single strand, must depend on the rate of inflexion, and will there- fore follow the inverse proportion of the diameter of the pulley or revolving cylinder. If those strands were laid parallel, their combined stiffness would be as their number, or as the square of the diameter of the rope which they form. In practice, however, this obstructing force appears adapted to a slower ratio. A certain portion of the stiffness of a rope is owing to its peculiar tenacity, but the greatest part of it proceeds from the tension occasioned by the appended weight. But this is liable to much diversity, which can be ascertained only by experi- ment. Two methods have been adopted for exploring #40 ELEMENTS OF the stiffness of ropes. The first was proposed by Amontons, which consists in a strong beam, having two pulleys fixed to it, and over them a long rope is passed ; and both ends being lapped about a cylin- der, are then fastened to a frame loaded with heavy weights. See fig. 121. A slender silken line is next wound about the cylinder, having an appended scale to hold small weights. These being added, till the cylinder begins to descend, will evidently measure half the stiffness of the rope, since they are exerted in turning it not about the centre, and at the distance of the radius, but at the whole length of the diameter. This mode of experimenting was pursued on a large scale by Coulomb, and the results were con- firmed by a simpler method of investigation which he afterwards employed. The cylinder was now placed upon two parallel and horizontal edges* having the rope coiled about it, and equally loaded at both ends ; a weight was now added on the one side, just sufficient to put the cylinder in motion ; and the small obstruction in rolling obtained by a previous experiment, being deducted from this, leaves an accurate measure of the stiffness of the rope. See fig. 122. An approximation, reduced to the English standard, may easily be deduced from the different facts ascertained by Coulomb. Let D express in inches the diameter of the pulley, d that of the rope, and P in pounds averdupois the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 5 ( 1404-3? weight applied to it \ then will a 7 ^ To75 denote very nearly the stiffness of a new hempen rope. In the case of old ropes, the fraction J is more correctly the index of d. Small cords have their stiffness diminished by wetting, but large cords are thus rendered somewhat stiffen The applica- tion of tar adds about one-sixth part more to the stiffness of ropes. But we sometimes need to create friction, as well as to lessen or extinguish it. All machinery is gra- dually set in motion, and cannot be stopped suddenly without incurring imminent danger. As the cele- rity was progressively acquired, so to insure safety it must be slowly retarded. Friction is the simplest and most effectual means of arresting all motion. For this purpose, its action is augmented, by trans- ferring it in complex machines from the centre to the circumference of revolution. But simpler modes of exerting the retarding force of friction are fre- quently adopted in practice. The attrition of a rope against a round post is the common way of stemming the motion of a ship. This peculiar species of friction deserves a dis- tinct investigation. Let a flexible cord ABC (fig. 1 23.), supporting a weight P, and drawn by a force Q, wind about the circumference of a fixed pulley or cylinder, whose centre is O. This cord must press against the cylinder at any point, in proportion to ELEMENTS OF its degree of inflexion. Conceive the arc ABC to be divided into elementary portions, and the tension of the cord in the direction of a tangent at B will be to the pressure of the element bB, as the radius OB to B. If 1 : m denote the ratio of the pressure of 5B to . . m.bB . its friction, -o~ W1 ^ express the proportional increase of tension from b to B. Suppose the successive tensions to be represented by P, P', P", i T r> ., j , , v &c. thenF P = P. -- and P" F = &c. Wherefore, the hyperbolic logarithm of Q ?w. AC , A ^^ v T p -7y^ = w . angle AOL. Hence, assuming equal angles about the centre O, the corresponding tensions will form a geometrical progression. Thus, assuming the arc AC to be a quadrant, if a weight P of one pound balanced a traction of two pounds at C, it would uphold four pounds at the end of the semicircumference, eight pounds at three quarters of a circuit, and sixteen pounds at a complete cir- cumvolution ; but the same power would, at the end of two, three, and four turns, &c. sustain no less than lb., 4096 lb., 65,536 Ib. The progression thus augments with extreme rapidity j and after a few turns of the cord, a very small weight will be suf- ficient to support the most enormous load. This efficacy is nowise modified by the size of the cylin- der, about which the line is coiled, but depends en- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. tirely on the number of its circumvolutions. Hence the firmness procured by the lapping of cordage ; and hence, likewise, the principle of various fire- escapes, by which the celerity of descent from a great height is retarded, and the shock against the ground rendered soft and easy. In all mechanical structures, each member should not only be able to resist the strain under which it is constantly subjected, but should also be capable of withstanding those occasional shocks to which it is ever exposed. The stability of the fabric depends no doubt mainly on the strength of its several parts ; but the same degree of strength will exert very dif- ferent forces, according to its direction, and the elas- ticity that accompanies it. In combining the mate- rials, therefore, the power brought into action should always be proportioned to the respective strain. The skilful disposition and arrangement of the com- ponent members, hence contribute often more essen- tially than their size or absolute strength to the se- curity and duration of any structure. In estimating the strength of materials, they are generally considered as having a prismatic or colum- nar form. But they may likewise be exposed eithei to a longitudinal or a transverse strain. Their strength is therefore exerted in four different ways : 1. In sustaining a longitudinal tension ; 2. In with- standing a longitudinal compression ; 3. In resisting ELEMENTS OF a transverse pressure ; and, 4. In opposing the act of twisting or wrenching. 1. Longitudinal Tension. The tension which a stone pillar, a bar of metal, a beam of wood, or even an hempen rope, can bear when pulled length- wise, must evidently depend on the cohesion of any cross section. As the material stretches out, the longitudinal attraction of the particles becomes aug- mented. This increase, at first, is proportional to the dilatation, but it afterwards advances very slow- ly, and a small additional strain is then sufficient to produce that limit of extension which occasions total fracture or disruption of the column. Its length will nowise affect the utmost strain which it can bear, this being determined merely by the smallest cross section where the dislocation of the particles will take place. Let ZA (fig. 124.) be a prism stretched in the direction of its length. The particles of the sec- tion JB will be pulled from those of the section C, till an, attraction be generated equal to the whole tension. But the particles of the section C must settle in equilibrium, and are consequently drawn back by an equal force. In this acquired position, therefore, they must attract the particles of the sec- tion D with the same force. The original tension is thus transferred successively to the extremity Z, where it is finally exerted, the effects of its action be- ing neutralized in all the intermediate sections. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 245 The cohesive power thus evolved, is hence the accumulative attraction of all the particles in any section. The corresponding longitudinal distension is at first proportional to it, but afterwards increases in a more rapid progression. Thus, a bar of soft iron will stretch uniformly, by continuing to append to it equal weights, till it be loaded with half as much as it can bear ; beyond that limit, however, its exten- sion will become doubled by each addition of the eighth part of the disruptive force. Supposing the bar to be an inch square, and 1000 inches in length, 36,000 Ib. averdupois would draw it out 1 inch \ but 45,000 Ib. will stretch it 2 inches, 54,000 Ib. 4 in- ches, 63,000 lb. 8 inches, and 72,000 Ib. 1 6 inches, when it would finally break, the extension being now increased eight times beyond its ordinary rate. Let AB (fig. 125.) be a prism or bar of any ma- terial, and suppose its prolongation BC to express the whole longitudinal force exerted, in causing the small extension Aa. While the length of this bar BC continues the same, it is evident that aA must be proportional to B, the distraining weight BC. Make, therefore, a A : BC : : AB : CD ; or, alter- nately, Aa : AB : : BC : CD, and CD must be constant. Since BC now bears the same relation to CD as aA to AB, any portion of CD will, by its weight, produce a corresponding distension of AB. Thus, a column of the thousandth part of the length of CD would extend AB one thousand part, and ELEMENTS OF the same weight acting by compression, would oc- casion an equal contraction. The column CD thus found, is called the Modulus of Elasticity ; it de- pends entirely on the nature of the cohesive substance, and may be determined by a single experiment. The Modulus of Elasticity, though of great im- portance, has been ascertained but in a few instances. That of white marble is 2.150,000 feet, or equal to the weight of 2,520,000 pounds averdupois on the square inch ; while that of Portland stone is only 1,570,000 feet, corresponding, on the square inch, to the weight of 1,530,000 Ib. White marble and Portland stone are found to exert, on every square inch of section, a cohesive power of 1811 Ib. and 857 Ib. ; wherefore, suspend- ed columns of these stones, with the altitudes of 1542 and 945 feet, or only the 1394th and 1789th parts of their respective measure of elasticity, would be torn asunder by their own weight. Of the principal kinds of timber employed in building and carpentry, the annexed table will ex- hibit the respective Modulus of Elasticity, and the portion of it which limits their extreme longitudinal cohesion. Teak, 6,040,000 feet. _ 168th. _ 144th. _ 108th. ... 107th, Oak, 4,150,000 feet Sycamore, 3,860,000 feet _ Beech 4,180.000 feet. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. A.sh, srrwm , ~ 4,617,000 feet. _ 109th. _ 146th, ~~ 205th. ~~ 146th. - 121th. Elm, 5,680,000 feet. Memel Fir, Jj ^^ ~ 8,292,000 feet. Christiana Deal, Larch , 8, 11 8,000 feet. _ , 5.096.000 feet A Tabular View may be likewise given of their absolute cohesion, or the load which would rend a prism of an inch square, and the altitude of the prism which would be torn asunder by the action of its own weight. Teak, _, 12,915 Ib. . 36,049 feet. 32,900 feet. 35,800 feet. 38,940 feet. 42,080 feet. 11,880 Ib. Sycamore, B*ech, ___^- 9,630 Ib. L 12,225 Ib. ., Ash, _ J^_*~ _ 14,130 Ib. , Elm, M M^MMrfMMMta ._ 9,720 Ih. i. 39,050 feet. ~ 40,500 feet. Memel Fir, 9,540 Ib. : Christiana Deal, 12,346 Ib 55,500 feet. Larch,^ 12,240 Ib 42,160 feet. It is singular, that woods of such diversified structure should yet differ so little on the whole in the measures of their elasticity and cohesion. Spe- cimens of the same sort will occur, which are some- times as much varied as the several kinds them- selves. The modulus of the elasticity of hempen fibres has not been determined, but may probably be rec- ELEMENTS OF koned about ,5,000,000 feet. Their cohesion is, for every square inch of transverse section, 6,400 Ibs. The usual mode of estimating the strength of a cable or rope of hemp, is to divide by five the square of its number of inches in girth, the quotient expressing in tons the utmost strain it could bear. But a sim- pler computation is to double the square of the dia- meter of the rope. This estimate, however, applies only to new ropes formed of the best materials, not much twisted, and having their strands laid even. Yarns of 180 yards long are usually worked up into a rope of only 120 yards, and lose one-fourth part of its strength, the exterior fibres alone resisting the strain. But the register cordage of the late Captain Huddard exerts nearly the whole force of its strands, since they suffer a contraction of only an eighth part in the process of intertwisting. The metals differ more widely from each other in their elastic force and cohesive strength, than the several species of wood or vegetable fibres. Thus, the cohesion of fine steel is about 135,000 Ib. for the square inch, while that of cast lead amounts only to about the hundred and thirtieth part, or 1800 Ib. According to the very accurate experiments of Mr George Rennie in 1817, the cohesive power of a rod an inch square of different metals, in pounds averdupois, with the corresponding length in feet, is as follows : NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ' 24-9 Cast steel, 134,256 Ib 39,455 feet. Swedish Malleable Iron, 72,064 Ib 19,740 feet. English ditto 55,872 Ib 16,938 feet. Cast Iron, 19,096 Ib 6,110 feet. Cast Copper, 19,072 Ib 5,003 feet. Yellow Brass, 17,958 Ib 5,180 feet. Cast Tin, 4,736 Ib. ~ ' 1,496 feet. Cast Lead, 1,824 Ib 348 feet. It thus appears, that a vertical rod of lead 348 feet long, would be rent asunder by its own weight. The best steel has nearly twice the strength of Eng- lish soft iron, and this again is about three times stronger than cast iron. Copper and brass have al- most the same cohesion as cast iron. This tenacity is sometimes considerably augmented by hammering or wire-drawing, that of copper being thus nearly doubled, and that of lead, according to Eytelwein, more than quadrupled. The consolidation is pro- duced chiefly at the surface, and hence a slight notch with a file will materially weaken a hard metallic rod. Hence the advantage of case-hardening. Eng- lish malleable iron has 7,550,000 feet for its mo^ dulus of elasticity, or the weight of 24,920,000 Ib. on the square inch, while cast iron has 5,895,000 feet or 18,42 1 ,000 Ib. Of other metals, the modulus of elasticity is probably smaller, but has not yet been well ascertained. 2. Longitudinal Compression. The compres- sion which any column suffers, is at first equal to the 250 ELEMENTS OF dilatation occasioned by an equal and opposite strain, being in both cases proportional to the modulus of elasticity. But while the incumbent weight is in- creased, the power of resistance likewise augments, as long as the column withstands inflexure. After it begins to bend, a lateral disruption soon takes place. A slender vertical prism is hence capable of supporting less pressure than the tension which it can bear. Thus, a cubic inch of English oak was crushed by the load of only 3860 lb., but a bar, of an inch square and 5 inches high, gave way under the weight of 2572 lb. It would evidently have been still feebler if it had been longer. On the other hand, if the breadth of a column be considerable in proportion to its height, it will sustain a pressure greater than its cohesive power. Thus, though the cohesion of a rod of cast iron, of the quarter of an inch square, is only 300 lb., a cube of that dimension will require' 1440 lb. to crush it. In general, while the resisting mass preserves its erect form, the several sections are compressed and extended by additional weight, and their repellent particles are not only brought nearer, but multiplied. This repulsion is likewise increased, by the lateral action arising from the confined ring of detrusion. The primary resistance becomes hence greatly aug- mented, in the progress of loading the pillar. The most precise experiments on this subject are those of Mr Rennie. The weights required to crush NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. cubes, having the dimension of the quarter of an inch of certain metals, are as follow : Iron cast vertically, 11,140 Ib. Iron cast horizontally, 10,110 Ib. Cast Copper, 7,318 Ib. Cast Tin, 966 Ib. Cast Lead, 483 Ib. Cubes of an inch are crushed by the weights below : Elm, 1,284 Ib. White Deal, 1,928 Ib. English Oak, 3,860 Ib. Craigleith freestone, 8,688 Ib. Cubes of an inch and a half, and consequently presenting a section of 2^ times greater than the former, might be expected to resist compression in that ratio. They are crushed, however, with loads considerably less. Red brick, **. ~~~~~ **** ^ 1,817 Ib. Yellow baked brick, -~~~*~L~*i*+ fss s ~*~~ 3^54 Ib. Fire brick, M, * J ^- J -^^^^^^^ 1V ^^ J - J - 3,864 Ib. Craigleith stone, with the strata, Ditto, across the strata, White Statuary Marble, 15,560 Ib. 12,346 Ib. _*_ 13,633 Ib. \Vlii fr.e-veinfrl Italian TVTa.rblp, ^^^^^^ 21,783 Ib. Pnrhfck T/imf,ston^, MMM4*MMM*MMMM 20,610 Ib. Cornish Gran it* 1 , ~~~-~^~ ^ ***^**, 14,302 Ib. Pp.tprhparl frrnriitp, . mj ., .... v 18,636 Ib. Aberdean R]iift Oranifp, -^r^r,^^^ 24,536 Ib. ELEMENTS OF These facts show the comparative firmness of dif- ferent materials ; but it is to be regretted, that such results are not of much practical use, since they are confined to a very narrow scale, and applicable only to cubical blocks. While the breadth remains the same, the resistance appears to depend on some unr ascertained ratio of the altitude of the column. Nay, the absolute height itself has probably a material in- fluence on the effect. Thus, from some experiments made in France, it appears, that prisms of seasoned oak, two inches square, and two, four or six feet high, would be crushed by the vertical pressures of 17,500 lb., 10,500 lb., and 7,000 Ib. ; but, if four inches square, and of the same altitudes, they would give way under loads of 80,000 lb., 70,000 lb., and 50,000 lb. In the first set of trials, the mean cohesive power amounts to 130,000 lb., and in the second to 520,000 lb. The vertical support is there-, fore greatly inferior to these limits. When the length of the pillar exceeds 36 times its breadth, the resistance to longitudinal compression appears to be diminished 18 times, Mr Rennie estimates, that the granite which composes the great arch of the new London Bridge, would be capable of supporting four tons upon every square inch of its upper sur- face, TO ascertain the form of a vertical column, the best fitted to support a load, is a problem in arch^ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. lecture of very considerable difficulty, which seems to involve the peculiar structure and internal com- position of the material. If the pressure were ap- plied to the extremity, and in the direction of the axis, the particles under it would become condensed perpendicularly, and likewise accumulated towards the sides. The repulsive energy opposed to the in- cumbent weight would come to be augmented by a certain oblique or lateral action. The column is therefore made to swell out below, the curve of an ellipse forming the preferable outline, though the enlargement of the diameter at the bottom seldom amounts to a fourth part. Practice has varied, how- ever, according to the different perceptions of the beauty of form. If the centre of pressure should act beyond the axis, it must evidently have a tendency to bend the column. But the flexure having once begun, the deranging influence will, from the property of the lever, be exerted with increasing energy. The alti- tude of a column thus only contributes to its weak- ness. For the same reason, the walls of a house should taper towards the top, forming a sort of in- verted wedge, as the chief strain is accumulated near the bottom. 3. Transverse or Lateral Pressure. In estima- ting the strain occasioned by a load resting upon a horizontal beam, this may be viewed as composed either of longitudinal fibres, which oppose a greater 54 ELEMENTS OF resistance, if set on its edge, than when laid on its face. Suppose the beam AB (fig. 1 26.) to have one end firmly implanted in a wall GH, while a vertical pressure is applied at the other end. This beam, sinking under the load at B, may be conceived to turn on the lowest point at A as a fulcrum ; conse- quently the particles of the vertical section AC will be forced into the oblique position AD, each of them being turned aside through a space proportional to its distance from A. The strain exerted at the end AC will therefore be the result of the aggregate dis- locations of all the particles of the section. When the breadth and length of the beam remain the same, this accumulate strain must evidently be proportional to the area of the triangle CAD, and consequently to the square of the depth AC. But when the breadth of the beam is taken likewise into account, the triangle of tension becomes converted into a wedge, and the strain hence follows the direct ratio of that breadth. Omitting the weight of the beam, and assuming its depth and breadth as constant, the tension of any particle at C may be considered as acting against the short arm AC of the rectangular beam CAB, and withstanding the load suspended at B. The weight thus resisted by the cohesion of the beam, is therefore inversely as the length AB. Combining all the circumstances now together, we may conclude, that the strength of a beam firmly inserted in a wall, or its power to resist a pressure NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. at its remote extremity, is compounded of the direct ratios of its breadth and of the square qf its depth, and the inverse ratio of its length. Thus, a beam having the same length and breadth as another, but twice the depth, is four times stronger ; and a beam of the same depth and breadth, and double the length, is only half as strong. Hence also, a beam, whose depth is triple its width, will sustain a load three times greater. For the same reason, a square prism will have its strength inversely as its length and the cube of its thickness. In general, the resistance of a beam of any form, but of a given length, to a cross strain, will be the same as if the whole power exerted were collected in the centre of gravity of each section. Thus, the strain of a triangular prism may be conceived as con- centrated in a point at one-third of the distance of the perpendicular from the vertex to the base. Such a prism is therefore twice as strong set on its edge as when laid on its side.. This simple investigation, which we owe to the il- lustrious Galileo, though partly hypothetical, may be regarded as a near approximation to the truth. It is not only of essential service in improving the prac- tice of carpentry, but sheds a clear light over the economy of nature in the structure of animals and vegetables. Reeds and other herbaceous plants de- rive their power of resisting the force of the wind from the subdivision of their length into moderate intervals by hard knots. But they acquire still great- 256 ELEMENTS OF er strength from their hollow or tubular form ; for the matter which they contain, being thus removed to a greater distance from the fulcrum, exerts its co- hesion with proportionally more effect, in withstand- ing any lateral impulsion. The bones of animals are likewise rendered much stronger by their fistular structure, and their partition into short members connected by large compact joints. Hence, in the construction of fine mechanical and astronomical in- struments, hollow brass cylinders are now preferred, on account of their stiffness and lightness, to solid pillars. If a beam be supported horizontally at both ends, and loaded in the middle, the pressure will be equal- ly shared between the props, and the effect must evi- dently be the same as if it had been fixed at the mid- dle, and each end pulled upwards by half its load. The breaking weight is consequently double of what would be required to tear a beam, of half the length, implanted in a wall. According to the principle of Galileo, therefore, this limit is inversely as the length of the beam, and directly as the breadth and the square of the depth. This result is, on the whole, confirmed by the nu- merous experiments which the celebrated Buffon per- formed between the years 1738 and 1746. Thus, reducing all the quantities to English measures, an oaken beam, 4 inches square and 10 feet long, broke NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. under the weight of 4015 Ib. ; and another beam of the same wood 8 inches square and 20 feet long, was broken by a load of 16,700 Ib. The latter, being twice as thick, should have been eight times stronger with the same length ; but the length being doubled, again reduced the excess to four times. Now, 4 X 4015 = 16,060, or very nearly 16,700. Beams of 5 inches square, and of 7, 14, and 28 feet long, were broken with loads of 16,060 Ib., 7460 Ib., and 2472 Ib., being nearly inversely as the respective lengths. In general, if a denote the depth, b the breadth, and / the length of a beam of oak in feet, those experi- ments will be represented with tolerable accuracy by the formula \ 1,200,000 Ib. If, instead of a load exerted, the weight of the beam itself be sup- posed to act at half the distance, then, .52 Ib. being a*b the weight of a cubic foot of oak, -^ zz 1,200,000 i* zz 52abl, or V zz 46923.a and / zz 217 y/ a. A horizontal plank of oak, 3 inches deep, and 108 feet long, would hence sink under its own weight. The same agreement may be remarked in Mr Rennie's experiments on the transverse strain of cast-iron bars 32 inches long, and 9^- Ib. weight. Thus, a bar of an inch square, resting on horizontal props at its end, bore a load of 1086 Ib. at the mid- dle, yet the half of it supported 2320, or a little more than double. Another bar of the same weight, but R 258 ELEMENTS OF 2 inches deep, and half an inch thick, sustained, at the same interval between the props, likewise the double, or 2186 Ib. Now, this bar had its strength quadrupled by doubling the depth, but reduced again to the double by the bisection of its breadth. A bar of still the same section, but having a depth of 3 in- ches combined with a breadth of one-third of an inch, supported, as might be expected, three times the load borne by a square inch bar, or 3588 Ib. A bar which had an equilateral triangle of an inch for its section sustained the weight of 840 Ib. when plant- ed on its angle ; but when rested on its base, it bore, as theory would indicate, 143? Ib., or very nearly the dxmble. If the dimensions of a rectangular bar of cast iron be expressed in feet, a, b, and /, denoting as before the depth, breadth and length ; those experimental deductions will be represented with sufficient preci- sion by the formula, (^- 5,000,000 Ib. From these principles, we derive the solution of a useful problem in carpentry, to cut the strongest rectangular beam out of a given cylindrical tree. This, it may be shown, will be effected, by making the square of the depth of the beam double the square of its breadth. An easy construction is hence ob- tained. Let AB (fig. 127.) be an oblique diameter of a circular section ; trisect it in the points C and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. D, draw the opposite perpendiculars Ml) and FC, and complete the rectangle AEBF, which will re- present the end of the beam. For it may be proved, that, of all the rectangles which could be inscribed in the given circle, the one now determined gives the solid EG*.GH, expressing the strength of any sec- tion, a maximum. Suppose a beam AB (fig. 128.) laid in a hori- zontal position upon two props, had a load applied at an intermediate point C. From what was de- monstrated in Statics, the pressure must be shared between those props in the inverse ratio of its dis- tance from them. The pressure exerted at B may therefore be represented by AC, and the effect is just the same as if the extremity B were pushed up- wards by a force AC. Hence the strain at C, com- municated by the lever BC, is as the rectangle under AC and BC, the two segments. If a semicircle were described upon AB, the square of the perpen- dicular CD would thus be proportional to the strain at C ; or if A B be bisected in O, the excess of the square of OA above OC would be proportional to that strain. When a uniform horizontal beam AB (fig. 128.) bends merely under its own weight, the strain ex- erted at any point C is the same as what woidd be produced, by half the weight of one segment BC acting at the end of a lever equal to the other AC. It is obvious, that the beam must press equally at 260 ELEMENTS OF both ends, and that the loads of the segments AC and BC may be viewed as concentrated at their mid- dle points I and K. Suppose the beam were sus- tained at C by an opposite pressure from below ; it would now be held in equipoise against this fulcrum by vertical forces exerted at I and K, which are there- fore inversely as CI and CK, or directly as BC to AC. The weight of the segment BC, acting at A I half the length of AC, or half the weight of BC acting at the whole length AC, will hence occasion half the strain at C, which results from the aggre- gate pressure of the beam itself, the other half being furnished by the equal effort of half the weight of the segment AC acting at the distance BC. In the hypothesis of Galileo, the prism or beam is conceived to be absolutely inflexible, and to give way only at the section of fracture. But all mate- rials are, at least within certain limits, really elastic, and bend progressively under an increasing load, till they finally break. To determine with accuracy, therefore, the effect of lateral or transverse pressure against a bar, it becomes necessary to take the in- fluence of incurvation into the estimate. The principles of Dynamics show, that any weight or vertical pressure, acting upon a small portion of an elastic plate, is to the longitudinal strain which it occasions, as the length of that portion to the radius of curvature. Thus, if T)d (fig. 129.) the element NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. '2() 1 of the curve, represent the share of the weight which this minute part sustains, the normals DO and dO being drawn, the common distance DO of the centre of osculation will express the direct tension exerted at C. Any inflected beam would consequently form itself into an arc of a circle, if the action of the pres- sure were conceived to be equally distributed over it. In that case, the length of the arc would be to the radius of its circle, as the whole weight borne is to the uniform longitudinal tension. Suppose a thin bar (as in fig. 129.) to have one end firmly fixed in a wall, and some weight attached to the other. The action of this power in bending the plate, will evidently not be diffused equally over its length. The inflecting energy must, from the pro- perty of the lever, be here proportional to the hori- zontal distance of any point. Consequently, the curvature or degree of incurvation at D will vary with the ratio of DE. The plate, therefore, bends at first quickly, then more slowly, and approaches to a straight line at its extremity A. Such is the na- ture of the Elastic Curve , which has its radius of curvature DO always inversely as the corresponding ordinate DE. The Elastic Curve at its origin coincides nearly with an Harmonic Curve ; but if its inflexure be small, it may be viewed as a Cubic Parabola, the dis- tance DE or FB being always proportional to the cube of DF or BE. 262 ELEMENTS OF If the projecting plate, however, be only bent by its own weight, the effect of this pressure, at any point, will evidently be the same, as if half the weight of the remote portion were collected at the end. Wherefore, the tension exerted at D, which marks the incurvation, being produced by a weight DB or DE acting on the lever DE, may be considered as proportional to the square of DE. Jn the curve thus formed, the ordinate BE will hence be as the fourth power of the absciss BE. It might also be shown, that the extreme depression caused by this diminishing incurvation is, in the case of an append- ed load, the third part ; but in the case of its own weight, only the sixth part of what an extension of the same curvature from the fixed end would have occasioned. When a horizontal beam ABC (fig. 128.) is free- ly supported at both ends, each portion of it, though pressing equally downwards, must yet produce a vertical stress, proportional to the rectangle under the corresponding segments, and consequently the ra- dius of curvature at C will be inversely as ACxCB, or the square of CD. Find CE a third propor- tional to some multiple of the diameter and CD, and connect the several points E by a curve. This curve will represent very nearly the form which the beam would spontaneously assume. The depression CE, being hence proportional to the square of CD, will express the effort of an uniform tension to with- NATUUAL PHILOSOPHY. 263 stand the lateral stress. This same line CE will nearly mark the curvature at E, which thus conti- nually diminishes or flattens from the middle point F to the extremities A and B. The curve hence traced approximates to the Harmonic Curve, which likewise has an equable tension, its graduating cur- vature being proportional to the ordinates. If we view this curve as only slightly bent from its horizontal base, and estimate the amount of its suc- cessive inflexions, it will follow, that the depression OF of the middle of the bar is equal to the five-sixth parts of what would have obtained, had the same cur- vature extended through the whole length. From the actual depression, therefore, the radius of oscu- lation is easily computed. Thus, in fig. 1 30, if the incurvation of the beam were uniform, the radius of its circle would be equal to the square of HB, di- vided by double the corresponding depression. But the real depression HK being only five-sixths of that quantity ; wherefore the radius of osculation at H 5 HB' 5HB* SAB* = G X iHK = 12HK I: 48HK' r times the square of the length of the beam, divided by forty-eight times its middle depression. In the case of an horizontal beam supported at both ends, but depressed by its own weight, the up- per surface becomes concave, and the under surface convex. The particles of the upper surface EF (fig. 2()4< ELEMENTS OF 130.) are therefore mutually condensed, while those of the under surface CD are distended ; in a certain intermediate curve AB, the particles are not affected longitudinally, though bent from their rectilineal position. This curve of neutral action may be as- sumed in the middle of the beam. The attractive effort of the particles stretched over the under surface CD to approximate and regain their usual position, produces a vertical thrust measured by the radius GO. On the other hand, the repulsion exerted by the particles compressed along the upper surface EF, occasions a perpendicular detrusion marked by the radius IO. The excess GI of the former force above the latter, therefore, indicates the weight which would be sustained at I, by the predominating action of the lower surface. If M denote the modulus of elasticity, it is evi. dent, that the longitudinal tension of the fibre GD GL GH - 48GH.HK the vertical thrust produced by the strain is M. 5!?. Of this, the variable part GH% or the square of the distance from the neutral position H, represents the element of the momentum of the triangle GHL, which may be considered as accumu- lated in the centre of gravity. The whole amount then of the expression, taking the action of the fibres equally distant on either side from H, is NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. $65 IT IT effort is eual to the . T 5A13 pressure which would be produced by the weight of HD, or the fourth part of the beam, acting at a dis- T. r 32CjrH 3 . HlV S^T-T TTTX tance HB ; whence M. = GH.HDs or oop T-T M - -ATI* =HD, and doubling GIJ and HU, , , 32GPHK 5AB 4 M The modulus of elasticity may thus be found, by di- viding five times the fourth power of the length of a beam, by thirty -two times the product of its spon- taneous depression into the square of the depth. In the Experimental Inquiry into the Nature of Heat, it is incidentally observed, that a white deal 138 inches long, and A5 of an inch deep, suffered a depression of Z\ inches, by its own weight. Here M. = .A V which in round numbers is 111,936,000 inches, or 9,328,000 feet. Hence the spontaneous depression of any horizontal beam is di- rectly as the fourth power of its length, and inverse- ly as the square of its depth. Thus, a fir plank of 10 feet long, and 1 inch deep, will bend T 3 oth of an inch ; another of the same depth, but 20 feet long, would bend 4.8 inches ; while a third beam, of still the same depth, but 30 feet, would sink no less than 24.3 inches. If this beam had the depth of 3 inches, 266 ELEMENTS OF the depression would be diminished nine times, and would still have been three times less than the pro- portion of the general dimensions. The depression of a beam hence increases faster than its length. It likewise follows, that the radius of spontaneous curvature is directly as the square of the depth, and inversely as the square of the length. Similar beams, therefore, assume always the same curvature. The spontaneous depression being in most cases very small, the Modulus of Elasticity may be com- puted more easily and correctly, from the aug- mented depression occasioned by suspending a load at the middle of the beam. Let X denote the length of a bar of an inch square that weighs one pound, / expressing the length of the beam, and a its depth in inches. The weight of the beam corresponding to the breadth of an inch, is hence = , and the A fourth part of this, or , applied at the middle, TPA. would produce the same strain and incurvation as the mere pressure of the beam. Putting, therefore, al 4to . ., A/r 51*- = r l = ~ m the equatlon M : where d indicates the depression, and it becomes 5/3.4X* 5l*fa> T M M = _ ,, = - 3. Let P = express the 3 Sa d \ NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. value of the modulus of elasticity in pounds, dr the weight of a bar of an inch square, and of the altitude of that modulus ; then P = . When the length and depth of the beam remain the same, the depression being inversely as the ra- dius of curvature, will evidently be directly propor- tional to the load supported by the strain. The for- mula now given, in strictness, though applicable only to the case where the weight was equal to that of the fourth part of the beam, is hence quite general. As an exemplification, an experiment of Mr EbbePs may be taken. A bar of cast iron exactly an inch square, and supported at the interval of 3 feet, suf- fered a depression of T %ths of an inch, from a load of 308 lb., suspended at the middle. Here 5(36-) (308) P = - -^-j ' equal in round numbers to 17,900,000 lb. Another bar of the same dimen- sions, but supported at the interval of 31 inches, seems to have been carefully observed by Mi* Tred- gold. With a load of 80 lb., it bent ^th of an inch, with 180 lb. T V, and with 380 lb. ; the de- pressions being thus very nearly proportional to weights, till the elasticity began to give way. Here P = Since P is constant in bars of the same 1 materials, it follows., that the depression is directly as the cube 268 ELEMENTS OF of the length, and inversely as the cube of the depth. When the breadth is increased, a proportionally greater weight is required to produce the same de- gree of depression, which is therefore inversely as the breadth of the bar. These results are sufficiently confirmed by the experiments of Buffon, and the re- cent observations of Dupin and Barlow. Thus, of oaken beams of 5.35 inches square, one of 7 feet bent 2.67 inches, under a weight of 12,400 Ib. ; another of 15 feet long, bent 8.7 inches, under 5.700 Ib. ; and a third of 30 feet long, bent 21.7 inches, under 1910 Ib. Now, if the second beam had been loaded as much as the first, the depression would have augmented eight times, and amounted to 17.36 ; but diminished again in the ratio of 12,400 to 5,700, gives 8 inches, differing very little from 8.7. Again, the third beam, if loaded as much as the second, would have sunk 8x8.7 or 69.6 inches; but this quantity is reduced to one-third or 23-2 inches, from the inferior weight sustained. The discrepancy is inconsiderable, and owing to that irregularity which precedes the rupture of cohesion. Another example may suffice. A beam of 4.28 inches square, and 12,86 feet long, was bent 7.5 inches under a load of 3,228 Ib., while another of the same length and thickness, but double the breadth, was bent 3.16 inches under 12,068 Ib. The depression under the same weight should have been only .9375 inches, or eight times less, and this> NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 269 augmented in the ratio of 3,228 to 12,068, gives 3.8, not materially different from 3.16. When the load depressing a horizontal beam is in- creased till the under side becomes overstrained, or its particles are distended beyond a certain limit, their elasticity is then destroyed, and a fracture en- sues. This disunion commences at both the sur- faces, being produced equally by the tearing of the particles or fibres of the under layer, and, by the crushing of those of the upper one. Let the limit of cohesion be the w th part of the length of any line or chain of particles ; the radius, of curvature OH, at the moment of disruption, must hence be equal to w.GH, or -.GI. But OH = - OTJT> , and con- sequently =w.GI, or Hence, likewise, n = ' T . Thus, in the example already quoted, where a bar of cast iron of an inch square, bent one-fifth of an inch, and then broke, n = - = = 1204 ; or the cohe- sion of the upper and under surfaces was destroyed, when their contraction or distension came to exceed this portion of the whole length. Now, though n may vary in different instances, even from 150 to 1500, it is always constant in reference to the same material. Hence the square of the length of a beam 270 ELEMENTS OF is in the compound ratio of the depth, and of the quantity of depression which precedes fracture. Hence, likewise, when the length remains the same, this final depression is inversely as the depth of the beam. Thus, Mr Barlow found a fir batten, 2 feet long and an inch deep, to break with a depression of 1.25 inches, while another of the same depth, but 3 feet long, sunk 2.6 inches before it broke. Now, the square of 2 is to that of 3, or 4 to 9, as 1,25 to 2.8, differing very little from 2.6. Again, the depression preceding the fracture of a fir batten, 3 feet long and 2 inches deep, was only 1.12, being nearly the half of 2.6. But the breaking load, or the transverse pres- sure which would overcome the strength of a beam, may be derived from the same principles. Resuming the former notation 3rf = -^> anc ^ su ^~ stituting %4 and 248. But those efforts appear to have been con- tinued for no great length of time. The Greek sea- men in the Dardanelles are esteemed more skilful and vigorous in the act of rowing, than those of any other nation. Even the Chinese, by applying both their hands and their feet, are said to surpass all people in giving impulsion to boats by sculling. The several races of men differ materially in strength, but still greater diversity results from the constitution and habits of the individual. The Eu- ropean is, on the whole, decidedly more powerful than the inhabitants of the other quarters of the globe ; and man, reared in civilized society, is a finer, robuster, and more vigorous animal than the savage. In the temperate climates, likewise, men are capable of much harder labour, than under the influence of a burning sun. Coulomb remarks, that the French soldiers employed on the fortifications of the Isle of Martinique became soon exhausted, and were unable to perform half the work executed by them at home. The most violent and toilsome exertion of human labour is performed in Peru, by the carriers or car- gueros, who traverse the loftiest mountains, and clamber along the sides of the most tremendous NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 281 precipices, with travellers seated on chairs strapped to their backs. In this manner, they convey loads of twelve, fourteen, or even eighteen stones ; and possess such strength and action, as to be able to pursue their painful task eight or nine hours, for several successive days. These men are a vagabond race, consisting mostly of mulattoes, with a mixture of whites, who prefer a life of hardship and vicissi- tude to that of constant, though moderate labour. When a man stands, he pulls with the greatest ef- fect ; but his power of traction is much enfeebled by the labour of travelling. A valuable set of ex- periments on this subject, made by Schultze of Ber- lin, seem to confirm the second formula proposed by Euler. It may hence be stated generally, that if v denote the number of miles which a person walks during an hour, the force which he exerts in dragging a load, by means of a rope passed over his shoulders, will be expressed in pounds averdupois by 2(6 1>). Thus, when standing still, he pulls with a force of about 72 Ib. ; but if he walks at the rate of two miles an hour, his power of traction is reduced to 32 Ib. ; and if he quicken his pace to four miles an hour, he can draw only 8 Ib. There is consequent- ly a certain velocity which procures the greatest ef- fect, or when the product of the traction by the ve- locity becomes a maximum. This takes place when ,he proceeds at the rate of two miles an hour. The utmost exertion which a man walking might conti- o , ; : ; 282 ELEMENTS OF nue to make in drawing up a weight by means of a pulley, would amount, therefore, in a minute, only to 5,632 ; but if he applied his entire strength, without moving from the spot, he could produce an effect of 12,672. The labour of a horse in a day is commonly rec- koned equal to that of five men ; but he works only eight hours, while a man easily continues his exertions for ten hours. Horses likewise display much greater force in carrying than in pulling ; and yet an active walker will beat them on a long jour- ney. Their power of traction seldom exceeds 144* pounds, but they are capable of carrying more than six times as much weight. The pack-horses in the West Riding of Yorkshire are accustomed to tran- sport loads of 420 Ib. over a hilly country. But, in many parts of England, the mill-horses will carry the enormous burthen of 910 Ib. to a short distance. The action of a horse is greatly reduced by the du- ration of his task. Though not encumbered at all with any load or draught, he would be completely exhausted perhaps by a continued motion for 20 hours in a day. The rate in miles each hour, which a good horse could thus travel, will be represented near- ly by the formula (20 1\* 9 where t denotes the number of hours during which he trots or walks. Thus, though the horse might start with a celerity of 16 miles, this would be reduced in 4 hours to 10, and in 8 hours to 5f . Hence the great advantages NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. resulting from short stages, lately adopted for the rapid conveyance of the mail. The force which a horse exerts in pulling is dimi- nished likewise by the quickness of his pace. A strong horse may have his power of traction express- ed, in pounds averdupois, by the formula (15 v*)*, where v denotes the velocity in miles during an hour. But (12 vy will represent more nearly the ordi- nary draught. Thus, a horse beginning his pull with the force of 144 lb., would draw 100 Ib. at a walk of two miles an hour, but only 64 lb. when advancing at double that rate, and not more than 36 lb. if he quickened his pace to six miles an hour. His greatest performance would hence be made with the velocity of four miles an hour. The accumula- ted effort in a minute will then amount to 22,528. This formula gives results somewhat greater than the performance of the ordinary horses, employed in tracking along the English canals. They generally go at the rate of two miles and a half in an hour, with a pull of only 81 lb. But in several places, and parti- cularly between Manchester and Liverpool, they move at only half that pace, and therefore exert a force of 104 lb. The measure generally adopted in compu- ting the power of steam-engines is much higher, the labour of a horse being reckoned sufficient to raise, every minute, to the elevation of one foot, the weight of 33,000 lb. But this estimate is not only greatly 284 ELEMENTS OF exaggerated, but should be viewed as merely an ar- bitrary and conventional standard. Wheel carriages enable horses, on level roads, to draw, at an average, loads about fifteen times greater than the power exerted. The carriers between Glasgow and Edinburgh transport, in a single-horse cart, weighing about 7 cwt., the load of a ton, and travel at the rate of 22 miles a-day. At Paris, one horse, in a small cart, conveys along the streets, half a cord of wood, weighing two tons ; but three horses yoked in a line are able to drag 105 cwt., or that of a heavy cart loaded with building stones. The Nor- mandy carriers travel, from 14 to 22 miles a-day, with two-wheeled carts, weighing each 11 cwt., and loaded with 79 cwt. of goods, drawn by a team of four horses. The French draught horses, thus harnessed to light carriages, are more efficient perhaps than the finer breeds of this country. They perform very nearly as much work as those in the single horse carts used at Glasgow, and far greater than those heavy animals which drag the lumpish and towering English waggons. The London dray-horses, in the mere act of ascending from the wharfs, display a powerful effort, but they afterwards make little ex- ertion, their force being mostly expended in tran- sporting their own ponderous mass. Oxen, on account of their steady draught, are in many countries preferred for the yoke. They NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Were formerly employed universally in the various labours of husbandry. The tenderness of their hoofs, however, makes them unfit for pulling on paved roads, and they can work only with advan- tage on soft grounds. But they want all the plian- cy and animation, which are the favourite qualities of the horse. The patient drudgery of the ass, renders him a serviceable companion of the poor. Though much inferior in strength to the horse, he is maintained at far less cost. In this country, an ass will carry about two hundred weight of coals or limestone, twenty miles a-day. But, in the warmer climates, he be- comes a larger and finer animal, and trots or ambles briskly under a load of 150 pounds. The mule partakes of the distinct qualities of the ass and of the mare. This cross-breed is much esteem- ed in Italy and Spain, being equally fit for draught and burthen. It is a stronger and a hardier animal than even the horse, performs longer tasks, is less sub- ject to disease, and lives to double the age. In the hotter parts of Asia and Africa, the pon- derous strength of the elephant has been long turn- ed to the purposes of war. He is reckoned more powerful than six horses, but his consumption of food is proportionally greater. The elephant carries a load of three or four thousand pounds, his ordi- nary pace is equal to that of a slow trot, he travels easily over forty or fifty miles in a day, and has been 286 ELEMENTS OF known to perform, in that time, a journey of an hundred and ten miles. His sagacity and intelli- gence direct him to apply his strength according to the exigency of the occasion. The camel is a most useful beast of burthen in the arid plains of Arabia. The stronger ones carry a load of ten or twelve hundred weight, and the weaker ones transport six or seven hundred ; they walk at the rate of two miles and a half in an hour, and march regularly about thirty miles every day. The camel travels often eight or nine days, without any fresh supply of water ; when a caravan encamps in the evening, he is perhaps turned loose, for the space of an hour, to browze on the coarsest herbage, which serves him to ruminate during the rest of the night. In this manner, without making any other halt, he will perform a dreary and monotonous jour- ney of two thousand miles. The dromedary, a small species of camel, though less fitted for bearing loads, travels with great speed, at a very hard trot, which is extremely fatiguing to the rider. Yet a Bedouin Arab, mounted upon one of those animals, lately conveyed an express from Cairo to Mecca, a distance exceeding 7^0 miles, in the space of five days. Within the Arctic Circle again, the rein deer is a domesticated animal, not less valuable. He serves to feed and clothe the poor Laplander, and trans- ports his master with great swiftness, in a cover- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. ed sledge, over the snowy and frozen tracts. The rein deer subsists on the scanty vegetation of moss or lichens, and, though very docile, he is not power- ful. Two of them are required to draw a light sledge : but so harnessed, they will run fifty or sixty miles on a stretch, and perform sometimes a journey of a hundred and twelve miles in the course of a day. Such exertions, however, soon wear them out. A sort of dwarf camel was the only animal of bur- then possessed by the ancient Peruvians. The Lama is indeed peculiarly fitted for the lofty regions of the Andes. The strongest of them carry only from 150 to 200 pounds, but perform about fifteen miles a-day over the roughest mountains. They generally continue this labour during five days, And are then allowed to halt two or three days, Before they renew their task. The Paco is another similar animal, employed likewise in transporting goods in that singular country ; it is very stubborn, however, and carries only from fifty to seventy pounds. The stag-hound is capable of running three or four hours on a stretch, and at the rate of 15 miles an hour. Mastiffs are sometimes, in our large towns, made to assist in drawing light carts. The rough shaggy dog of the Esquimaux is a most hardy and powerful animal. He is early trained by those forlorn tribes to carry burthens, and generally to drag their loaded sledges over the hard but uneven surface of the snow. The dogs are harnessed in a line, 288 ELEMENTS OF sometimes to the number of eight or ten, and they perform their task with great rapidity, steadiness, and perseverance. They can draw a heavy sledge to a considerable distance, with the swiftness of 13 or 14 miles an hour ; but they will travel long journeys at half that rate, each of them pulling the weight of 130 pounds. Even the exertions of goats have, in some parts of Europe, been turned to useful labour. They are made to tread in a wheel which draws up water, or raises ore from the mine. In Holland, the young goat, gaily caparisoned, is yoked to the ornamental minia- ture chariots of the children of the wealthy burghers. Though a very light animal, the goat is nimble, and climbs at a high angle. Supposing this soar- ing creature, though only the fourth part of the weight of a man, to march as fast along an ascent of 40 degrees, as he does over one of 18 degrees, the sine of the former being double that of the latter, it must yet perform half as much work. NATUHAL PHILOSOPHY. \>S<) VI. HYDROSTATICS explains the Equilibrium and Pressure of Fluids. It is, indeed, only the application of the principles of Statics to the peculiar constitution of Fluids. Every substance appears to be composed of an as- semblage of atoms, connected together by a system of mutual attraction and repulsion. In solid bo- dies, these integrant molecules affect a certain ar- rangement, and resist every change of figure. But fluids are distinguished, by the loose aggregation of their particles, which yield to the smallest external impression. This indifference of the particles to arrangement or configuration, is, however, insufficient alone to constitute Fluidity. The disintegration of a Solid approximates it to such a property, but without con- ferring at all the distinctive character of a Fluid. When a solid body is reduced to a very thin plane, it will easily fold up in one direction ; if it be di- vided into slender filaments, it will bend every way freely, and still betray no disposition to fracture. Crumbled to dust or powder, the aggregate parti- cles now give way to any external force, yet with- out diffusing this impression through the mass. VOL. i. T t?9O ELEMENTS OF Among such detached portions of matter, there ex- ists no sympathy or mutual concatenation. A solid body, subjected to a compressing force, undergoes a proportional contraction, but recovers its volume after this contraction is withdrawn. But if the compression be urged beyond a certain limit, the substance will be crushed under the load, and will suffer a complete dissolution. A fluid, how- ever, inclosed in the chamber of a very strong me- tallic vessel, is found to be capable of withstanding the greatest pressure we can command, while its contractions are comparatively more extensive ; and it always returns with unimpaired vigour to its for- mer condition, the moment that such external force has ceased to act. The constitution of a fluid re- mains unaltered under the most enormous loads, and its several portions at all times separate and reunite with extreme facility. Whether the fluid has a li- quid, or assumes a gaseous, form, it can equally bear any compression, the corresponding contraction in the latter being only much greater than in the for- mer. If the minutest subdivision of a Solid really con- tributes nothing to Fluidity, neither will any suppos- ed smoothness or globular shape of the particles con- fer that character. Exact spherules might procure lubricity on a plane, but, among one another, they will become implanted, and affect certain configura- tions, as manifested in the common piling of round NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 5291 shot. The absolute contact of the particles is be- sides inadmissible, since all bodies whatever seem to be capable of indefinite condensation. But Fluidity occurs in very different degrees. Any disturbing impression is more quickly obeyed by one liquid than by another ; by water, for in- stance, than by oil or treacle. All the possible shades of softness, in fact, might often be traced, from a solid to a fluid substance. The application of heat generally promotes fluidity. Thus, honey in winter is a candied or friable solid ; in the spring it melts down ; but, as the summer advances, it gra- dually loses its viscidity, and flows more freely. Oil seems affected in the same way, and hence the prac- tice in Italy of depositing it in casks for exportation during the winter season, when it is thickest and least penetrating. But water itself, and other li- quids, not excepting mercury, have their fluidity likewise augmented by heat, as evinced in their quickened flow through capillary tubes. If an angular bit of glass be held in the flame of a blowpipe, it will become gradually rounded, as the heat penetrates and softens the mass. In like manner, a fragment of sealing-wax loses its rough exterior, and assumes a regular curved surface, on approaching it to the fire. But the centre of cur- vature is the point to which the combined attractions of the outer range of particles must be directed. Since this point retires, therefore, from the surface T 2 ELEMENTS OF in the progress of Softness to Fluidity, the mutual connection of the integrant molecules must be ex- erted over a much greater extent in Fluids than in Solids. This inference appears to afford likewise an explanation of the facility of their internal motion, so conspicuous in Liquids. When the sphere of activity is confined, as in solid substances, to a very narrow spot, a few particles only are connected, by their sympathetic tendencies. Any internal dislo- cation will in this case require the approximation of certain particles and the recession of others, which must hence occasion the exercise of corresponding repulsive and attractive forces. But these forces, being directed to a small number of centres, will constitute a very unequal group, incapable of gain- ing a smooth and graduated equilibrium. Every change of inclination would produce a violent effort to attain a new position of repose. On the other hand, when the sphere of activity embraces a multi- tude of particles, as in the composition of Fluids, the slightest mutual derangement will be sufficient to ac- commodate every variation of external impression. The most minute deviation of each particle, would, by such prodigious repetition, amount to any re- quired change of direction. In their dislocations, the particles are almost unconstrained, and need scarcely approach or recede ; the repulsive and at- tractive forces evolved become, therefore, extremely small, and by their multitude produce in every po- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. sition nearly a perfect counterbalance. A Fluid is hence fitted to obey any impression with the utmost facility. But whatever may be the system of forces that connects the fluid atoms, the properties of the com- pound are deducible, from the absolute facility with which those ultimate particles receive and transmit external impressions. Suppose a Fluid, either gase- ous or liquid, to be inclosed in a very broad and ex- tremely shallow cylinder of glass or metal AB (fig. 135), at the top of which is inserted a tall narrow tube CD of the same material, having a plug or piston E nicely fitted into it. On pushing down this piston, the fluid particles immediately under it will at first give way, and in receding, must approach closer to each other. They will, in consequence, display a repulsive force proportional to their mu- tual approximation. Now, it may be proved that points or atoms can never be ranged through space in perfect straight lines ; wherefore, the pressure communicated, will not be confined to the vertical column, but will insensibly diverge in every direc- tion. The particles at F will repel obliquely those at G or at H, and these again will distribute the oblique impression to other adjacent particles. The whole stratum of fluid, from the orifice C to the boundaries A and B, must hence continue to recede from the piston, and contract its volume, till the in- tegrant particles have all of them attained the same ELEMENTS OF mutual distance, and exert the corresponding repul- sive energy. An uniform condensation must thus be diffused through the compressed mass, before an equilibrium can take place in it. This condition ob- tains equally in liquids and in gaseous fluids, only the contraction produced by a compressing force, which is so visible in the former, can seldom be distinguish- ed by ordinary perception in the latter. But a very minute alteration of the volume of a liquid evolves as much force, as an extensive change in the mass of a gaseous fluidl The pressure exerted by the piston E at the orifice C is hence diffused equally through the whole of the fluid, every particle of which acquires the same intensity of repulsion. Each point on the surface of the vessel must therefore sustain an equal effort. If a wide cylinder IK, fitted likewise with a piston, were inserted at I, the compression opposed would be proportional to the space of action or the circle of the orifice. On the supposition that the surface of the piston I were ten times greater than that of E, it would likewise support a load ten times greater than the pressure applied at E or C. Let the piston I be now removed, while the pis- ton E is conceived to act as before. The liquid must evidently rise in the cylinder IK (fig. 136), till its weight becomes equal to the pressure exerted at the orifice I. In like manner, if another cylin- der LM were inserted, the liquid would rise till its weight was equal to the pressure at L. But the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. pressures at I and L being proportional to those orifices, or the circular sections of the cylinders IK and LM, the altitudes IK and LM of the columns themselves must be equal. If a cylinder NO were inserted obliquely, the liquid would still rise to the same level ; for in this case, the column being partly sustained by the under side, its weight would, from the property of the inclined plane, be to its pres- sure at N, as the length ON to the perpendicular OP. Let the piston E itself be withdrawn, and the li- quid will mount in the cylinder CD, till its weight becomes equal to the pressure applied at C, and con- sequently will attain the same altitude as in the other communicating cylinders. Suppose the cylin- ders to be enlarged and brought nearer to each other, and still the same level will be maintained among them. Conceive they were even united, so as to compose a single cylindrical vessel, and the contained liquid would always assume a level sur- face. Such is the distinguishing character of fluids. It hence follows, that the condensation accumu- lated at any point of an open liquid mass, and there- fore the actual pressure exerted there, is proportional to the altitude of the incumbent column of a sup- posed vertical tube, or to the depth of the point be- low the surface of the fluid. The pressure of water against the perpendicular sides of any cistern must thus increase regularly, from the top to the bottom. ELEMENTS OF 111 a cubical vessel, the pressure borne by each side would be just half the weight supported at the bot- tom, and consequently the pressure sustained by all the four sides would be double of this weight. That the pressure of a fluid is exerted equally every way in proportion to its depth, may be con- firmed by various experiments. Thus, having fas- tened a long narrow glass tube to the neck of a thin bladder, fill this with water till it stand perhaps an inch higher, and plunge the whole in a tall jar of wa- ter ; the liquid will be seen to rise in the tube, and maintain the same altitude, exactly in proportion as the bladder descends. Again, if a tall glass tube* spreading below into a wide funnel-mouth, to which a loaded plate of brass has been ground and closely fitted, were let down and held in a body of water, at the depth where a cylindrical column of fluid, in- cumbent upon its broad base, has a weight equal to that of the plate, this would remain supported. But if a hole were pierced in the side of the tube admitting a small portion of the water to fill up the funnel, its load would quickly be precipitated to the bottom. On the other hand, if the tube had its funnel-mouth turned upwards, and fitted with a thin brass plate surmounted by a very thick cylinder of cork ; the buoyancy of this cover would be over- come at a certain depth below the surface of the wa- ter. But, on letting water into the funnel, the pres- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. sure now exerted under the plate would iin mediate- ly float it up. The fundamental principle, that a fluid compress- ed in a close shallow vessel exerts the same effort upon every equal portion of the confining surface, was first distinctly stated by the famous Pascal, who even proposed it as a new mechanical power of great efficacy and ready application. If the piston I (fig. 135.) were, for instance, an hundred times larger than the piston E, the force of one man push- ing down the former would be sufficient to withstand the action of an hundred men exerted upon the latter. Nor did another feature of resemblance escape this acute philosopher, that, as in all other mechanical com- binations, what is here gained in power is lost in cele- rity, or, in other words, that the height to which a load is raised is still inversely as the purchase. Thus* while the piston E descends through one inch, the piston I ascends only the hundredth part of an inch. This consideration is essentially the same as the principle of virtual velocities, which affords another demonstration of the equality of pressure diffused through a fluid. For, if one pound depress the pis- ton E one inch, the piston I will lift an hundred pounds over the hundredth part of an inch, the mo- mentum of the weight at E being still equal to the opposite momentum of the load incumbent at I. The pressure exerted by the fluid upon every point ELEMENTS OF of the surface of the shallow vessel is hence the same. The project originally started by Pascal, of apply- ing this capital property of fluids to the construction of a powerful mechanical engine, has been reduced to convenient practice in our own time. The pro- gress of the arts has now begun to realize all the de- licacy of theory. Watt employed, to a certain ex- tent, the soft compression of air, as the chief agent in his Coming Engine ; and Bramah has most suc- cessfully availed himself of the constrained energy of water, in the composition of his Hydraulic Press. It will be easy, from the principles already stated, to determine what share of the weight of a liquid contained in a vessel of any form, is supported by the sides, and what part rests upon the bottom. Sup- pose a wide-spreading vessel, of which CABD (fig. 137.) represents a vertical section, to be filled with some liquid. The pressure, which a very nar- row column of fluid FEe/* exerts against the side of the vessel at E may be decomposed into a force act- ing vertically, and another acting horizontally. But those three forces, being proportional to perpendicu- lars to their several directions, are as the lines E, e-> or 8h*x 8h z x*=d z , and hence the quadratic equa- tion x* x = T Of which, the two roots are If 2h*=d\ the part af- fected by the radical sign vanishes, and these two roots become equal. When the density of the cy- linder, therefore, is .5, and the ratio of its diameter to its altitude is that of 1 to ^/ f Z y the solid will float indifferently in its vertical position. Suppose, for the sake of round numbers, the height of the cylin- der to be 12 inches, and the diameter of its base 17 inches : It will sink 6 inches in the water, and con- 330 ELEMENTS OF sequently the centre of buoyancy will lie 3 inches below the centre of the mass. But the metacentre (17V 289 will meet in the same point, for -j^g- = -gg- = 3. If the density were increased to .J5, the depression would be 9 inches, and the distance of the centre of buoyancy from the general centre of gravity only I- inches. Now- = = 2 so that the metacentre would stand half an inch above the cen- tre of the cylinder, and would therefore secure its equilibrium. Were the density of the solid reduced, however, suppose to one-third, the depression would be only four inches, leaving the centre of buoyancy likewise 4 inches below the centre of gravity. But (17V 289 Jv. , =-7rr = 4i = the distance of the metacen- 16x4 64 tre. The cylinder will hence, with this diminished density, yet maintain a stable equilibrium. Let the diameter and altitude of the cylinder be equal ; then x ^-dby/^, and the two values of the density, expressed in approximate fractions, are T7 ^ and . Any intermediate density will be at- tended with instability. Thus, suppose the density of the cylinder were three-fifths, its height being 20 inches, it would sink 12 inches, and bring the centre of buoyancy 6 inches below the general centre NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. $31 of gravity. But = = 2 T V, the altitude of the metacentre, which therefore lies below the centre of gravity, and must, from its position, over- set the cylinder. On the other hand, if the density transgress those limits, whether in excess or defect, a permanent equilibrium will result. Supposing the density to be .9, the depression is 18 inches, and (20V 400 7 ix 18 288 y * ' S lat> te metacentre stands T 7 ^ of an inch above the centre of gravity. Again, let the density be .1, the corresponding de- (20V 400 pression is 2, and ^ J = -^ = 12? ; the metacen- J.O X ^ o/4 tre being now 3 inches above the centre of gravity. Hence a wooden cylinder of equal height and dia- meter, which cannot stand erect in water, will yet maintain a vertical position when set upon quick- silver. Suppose, lastly, the floating body to be a parabo- lic conoid, (fig. 151.) with its base upwards and its axis vertical. The part immersed having only half the contents of the corresponding portion of the NI* cylinder, the height BM of its metacentre is ^ or half the parameter of the generating parabola. But the centres of gravity of the whole and of the submerged part occur at two-thirds of the respective altitudes, while the bulks or weights are as the 332 ELEMENTS OF squares of those altitudes. Wherefore, assuming the former notation, it follows that the equation ^(h Ti^/x) zz T- will correspond to the case of indifferent equilibrium. Now, by reduction, <*f7z = 3d\ and Jx = 1 ^7- or When 3d 21 = l6A a , the va- lue of x vanishes ; but so long as the ratio of y/ 3 to 4, or that of 13 to 30 nearly, subsists between the altitude and the diameter of the solid, its equilibrium will remain firm at every given density. If the al- titude and diameter become equal, the specific gra- vity which would occasion indifference of flotation 169 is TT or .66. Any increase of density beyond this limit would procure stability. Let/? denote the para- meter of the generating parabola, and 4 W j th such power f iu stability, o.lo therefore, in the direction of its course, a ship can scarcely ever founder in consequence of pitching at sea. The formula now given for computing the height of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy, may, with some modification, be deemed sufficiently accurate in practice. It is best adapted, however, for cutters or frigates, and will require to be some- what diminished in the case of merchant vessels. The late Mr Atwood performed a laborious calcula- tion on the hull of the Cuffnells, a ship built for the service of the East India Company, having divided it into 34 transverse sections, of five feet interval. The result was, that the metacentre stood only 4 feet 3 inches above the centre of buoyancy. But that ship, being designed chiefly for burthen, ap- pears from the drawings to have been constructed after a very heavy model, its vertical sections ap- proaching much nearer to rectangles than parabolas. To suit it, the formula above given would have re- NP quired to be reduced two-thirds, or rj^p Now, the breadth of the principal section was 43 feet and 2 inches, and its breadth 22 feet 9 inches. Whence 340 ELEMENTS OF (21.6V -^p- 5.1 feet, differing little from the conclu- sion of a stricter but very tedious procedure. Since the height of the metacentre is inversely as the draught of a vessel, and directly as the square of its breadth, its stability depends mainly on its spreading shape. This property is an essential con- dition in the construction of life-boats. But the lowering even of the centre of gravity has been found to be sometimes insufficient to procure stabi- lity to new ships, which, after various ineffectual at- tempts, were rendered serviceable, by applying a sheathing of light wood along the outside, and thus widening the plane of flotation. It is not very difficult to determine the centre of buoyancy, by guaging the immersed part of the hull. A cubic foot of sea-water weighs 64 Ib. averdupois, and thirty-five feet, therefore, make a ton. The load of the vessel corresponding to every draught of water may be hence computed. But to find the place of the centre of gravity is more difficult ; since this depends less upon the figure of the hull than upon the disposition of its internal burthen. Con- ceive a horizontal plane to touch the bottom of the vessel, and let the weight of each part of the timbers and of the cargo be multiplied into their height above it ; the sum of all these products, divided by the accumulated load, will give the altitude of the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 341 centre of gravity. Again, suppose another plane at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the ship, to touch its bow ; the perpendiculars drawn to this, from every part of the hull and cargo, are to be multiplied into the several weights, and the quotient of the total amount by the general load will give the distance of the common centre of gravity. Such a calculation, however, would involve a tedious mul- tiplicity of details. The height of the metacentre above the centre of gravity in a loaded vessel, may be discovered by a simple observation. Let a long, stiff, and light beam be projected transversely from the middle of the deck, and a heavy weight suspended from its remote end, inclining the ship to a certain angle, which is easily measured. Thus, if NL (fig. 151.) represent this lever, P the weight attached, M the metacentre, and CMQ the decimation produced, C being the centre of gravity, and CR a perpendicu- lar drawn from it to the vertical LP. The power of the weight P to redress the vessel will be express- ed by P x CR ; but, W denoting the entire load, the effort exerted at the metacentre to keep the mast erect, will be represented by W x CQ, or W x CM x sin CMQ. Wherefore P x CR = W x CM x sin CMQ, and consequently the ele- vation CM above the centre of gravity is expressed P , by WlmCMQ' N W CR may ' vvithout any sen " sible error, be assumed as equal to the length LM ELEMENTS OF of the beam from the middle of the deck. Suppo- sing the height of the metacentre to be 3 feet 10^ inches above the centre of gravity, a weight equal to the two hundredth part of the burthen or tonnage of the ship, and acting on a lever of 50 feet in length, would occasion a declination of five degrees. If the experiment were performed in a wet-dock, or on a smooth calm sea, such small angle could be mea- sured with sufficient accuracy. In calculating the effect of this disturbing influence, it is easy to per- ceive, that half the weight of the beam should be an- nexed to P. The distance MB of the metacentre from the centre of buoyancy, having been ascertain- ed by a previous computation, the height BC of that unvarying point above the centre of gravity is thence deduced. A trifling correction may be likewise made, for assuming CR as equal to NL ; by dimi- nishing NL first, by its product into the versed sine of the inclination, and next augmenting it, by the product of CN into the sine of that angle. The same result might be obtained, in ships of war, by a more complex calculation, indeed, from the ordi- nary process of heeling, when the guns are all run out upon one side. A similar observation might discover the altitude of the longitudinal metacentre of the ship, above the common centre of gravity. But, acting in this direction, a greater load will be required to produce a sensible depression. Let such a load be carried to the prow of the vessel, and again transferred to the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. Ho xtern. The intermediate place of the centre of gravity is hence determined, for its distances from those opposite points of pressure must evidently be inversely as the corresponding angles of inclination. The small aberration of the centre of gravity occa- sioned by the interchange of these loads, may like- wise be computed. Finally, therefore, the product of either load into its distance from .the centre of gravity, being divided by the product of the whole burthen of the ship into the sine of the inclination, will give the height of the metacentre of the longitudi- nal section on which depends the motion of pitching. When a floating body has its equilibrium disturb- ed, it brings into action a redressing force, which is always proportioned to the quantity of derangement. It is hence made to oscillate like a pendulum about its general centre of gravity ; and, for the same reason, its alternate movements, whether of less or greater extent, are still performed in equal times. But any ship is liable to three distinct kinds of oscil- lations the vertical, the transverse, and the longi- tudinal, or what is called heaving, rolling, and pitching. Thus, if a vessel were lifted a little above its seat of flotation, and then allowed to sink into the water, it would continue for some time after- wards alternately to rise and fall. If the vessel were suddenly pushed to one side it would roll upon its longitudinal axis ; but, if it were depressed at the head or the stern, it would begin to pitch or spring about the transverse axis. 344 ELEMENTS OF 1. The alternate heaving and subsiding of a ship in the vertical direction, is occasioned by the fluc- tuating excess or defect of the buoyant effort of the water. The time of oscillation is therefore the same as that of a pendulum, whose length is equal to the mean depth of immersion, or to the quotient of the capacity of the submerged portion of the hull, by the horizontal surface of flotation. This medium draught of water may be reckoned at about two- third parts of the extreme depth of the keel. Thus, a ship which draws 20 feet may have 13 feet allow- ed for its mean depth, which is four times the length of a second's pendulum. Each oscillation upwards and downwards of such a vessel will hence take two seconds. 2. The time required for the rolling of any ship, though performed about its general centre of gravity, must be the same as that of its vibration, if it had been suspended like a pendulum from its metacentre. From the principle investigated in p. 99, the dis. tance of this centre of gravity from the centre of os- cillation, is equal to the quotient of the momentum of rotation, or of the sum of the products of all the different bodies into the squares of their several dis- tances from the longitudinal axis, divided by the product of the whole mass into the interval between their common centre of gravity and the metacentre. It hence follows, that while the distribution of the cargo remains the same, the time of rolling, or of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 34t5 lateral oscillation, will be inversely as the square of the elevation of the metacentre above the centre of gravity. Again, those alternating motions may be rendered proportionally slower, by removing the various articles of the cargo to a greater distance from the longitudinal axis, above and below the centre of gravity, to both the sides of the vessel. If the lateral distances were doubled, the oscillation would be rendered twice as slow ; and if tripled, they would become three times slower. Suppose the floating body were an homogeneous parallelepiped, of which the height is a, and the breadth b : It may be shown that the momentum of rotation about the centre of gravity, is expressed by -- , and consequently the distance of the centre of oscillation below the centre of gravity is equal to r divided by the relative elevation of the metacentre. Again, if the transverse section of the floating body were considered as a parabola, of which the height and breadth are denoted as before by a and b : It may be computed that the momen- , .. . - 1440 '+1052**' turn of rotation is then equal to - ^rr- 3150 whence, dividing this by - r-, or the area of the pa- rabola, the quotient - -- will express the pro- 346 ELEMENTS OF duct of the distances of the common centre of gra- vity from the metacentre above, and from that point below it, which represents the centre of oscillation. Suppose, for example, a parallelepiped 80 feet broad and 48 feet deep, of an uniform density, but three times less than that of water : It would evi- dently sink 16 feet, and then float. The centre of buoyancy lies hence 8 feet below the water- line, while the centre of gravity stands 8 feet above it. But the height of the metacentre above f 80V the centre of buoyancy being ^ = 33? feet, it must exceed by 17^ feet the altitude of the cen- tre of gravity. Now the momentum of rotation, divided by the weight of the floating body or 80 ';t 48 * = ^ = 725^ feet ; and the quotient of 1^ 1/w this, by 17 i feet, gives 41|^ feet, for the length of an isochronous pendulum. The floating parallele- piped would consequently roll or oscillate, in 3.58", or in about 3^- seconds. Conceive a body of the same density and dimen- sions, but of a parabolic form, to float in water. Its depth of immersion will be 23.08 feet, and there- fore the centre of buoyancy will fall 9.23 feet be- low the plane of flotation, while the common centre of gravity stands 5.720 feet above it. The breadth of the water-line being now 55.47, tne altitude of the metacentre above the centre of buoyancy is NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 347 hence ~ Q = 16.86 feet ; so that the meta- o centre is only 1.91 feet higher than the centre of gravity. Now *&&&& = ** feet, the / 00 quotient of the momentum of rotation by the weight of the parabolic section ; this number, again, being divided by 1.91, gives &50.26 feet, the length of a pendulum which would oscillate in concord with the rolling of the body. Those vibrations are hence performed very slowly, each taking 8.76'', or about 8f seconds. In the cases now computed, the transverse sec- tions are all equal. But, to determine the rolling of a ship, it would be requisite to combine the mea- sures of different sections of the hull, and thence de- duce a medium result. To abridge this calculation, however, it may perhaps be sufficiently correct, if we consider the distance of the general centre of os- cillation as equal to two-thirds of the distance which corresponds to the greatest cross section of the vessel. On the stowage of a ship's cargo, depends chiefly the character of the rolling. If the goods be placed nearer the longitudinal axis, the momentum of ro- tation being diminished, the rolling will in conse- quence be quickened. But if the various articles of loading be removed, as far laterally as possible from the position of the centre of gravity, the oscillations 348 ELEMENTS OF will be rendered proportionally slower. When the cargo consists of light goods of the same kind, the hold is quite filled up, and no room left for skilful stowage. But if it include many ponderous articles, the rolling may be damped, and the motion of the vessel rendered easier, by bringing those loads near to its sides. In ships of war, such a change of trim- ming, by the removal of the guns and shot, is occa- sionally practised, with the greatest advantage. 3. The time of oscillation about the transverse axis, or that of pitching, may be found by a similar calculation. The various loads in each vertical sec- tion parallel to the keel, are to be multiplied into the squares of their several distances from the centre of gravity ; and the quotient of the collective aggre- gate by the whole burthen of the vessel, will express the product of the distances of the general centre of gravity from the longitudinal metacentre and the centre of oscillation. It may be sufficiently near the truth, to take two-thirds of the result of a computa- tion grounded on the chief section in the plane of the masts and of the keel. The momentum of ro- tation of the longitudinal section is to that of the cross section, nearly as the square of the length of the ship is to the square of the breadth ; but the alti- tudes of the corresponding metacentres being like- wise approximately in that ratio, the times of rolling and pitching will in all cases of uniform stowage ap- proach|to an equality. The disposition of a ship to NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 349 violent plunging may often be corrected, by convey- ing the heaviest part of the cargo towards the head and the stern. The remoteness of the lading from the common centre of gravity, serves materially to retard and soften the oscillatory movements, both about the longitudinal and the transverse axis. Let the parallelepiped of 80 feet wide and 48 feet deep be resumed as an example, its length being now considered as 480 feet. Here the al- titude of the longitudinal metacentre above the (480)* centre of buoyancy is -j ^ zz 400 feet, and con- sequently its height above the common centre of gravity must be 400 16 = 884 feet. But the quotient of the momentum of rotation of each longitudinal section divided by its weight, is (48 )3 .t (48) * = 19392 feet, which being divided by l/o 984, gives 50.5 feet for the length of an isochro- nous pendulum. The time of oscillation is hence 3.935", or very nearly 4 seconds. It is obvious that such problems could easily be reversed, and that the height of the metacentre above the centre of gravity, could be computed from the different oscillations in smooth water. While the shape and the lading of a vessel con- tinue the same, the height of its centre of buoyancy and the derivative position of the metacentre must likewise remain unaltered. By lowering the places of the more ponderous articles, the common centre 350 ELEMENTS OF of gravity may be depressed or brought nearer to that of buoyancy ; and by dispersing them towards the sides and extremities of the hull, the oscillations of rolling and pitching may be retarded and render- ed smoother. Such are the only internal changes which can be made ; but it is of great importance in many cases to lessen the draught of water, or to lower the elevation of the centre of gravity. This can only be effected, however, by supplying externally the re- quisite additional buoyant force. Since a body submerged in water is pushed up- wards by the effort of the volume of fluid which it displaces, its whole power of buoyancy must be equal to the excess of that pressure above its own weight. So long, therefore, as the bulk remains unaltered, this power will increase with every diminution of the weight. Hence the buoyancy procured to a floating body by the application of inflated bladders or bottles of skin, empty casks or hollow chests. Bladders are sometimes employed to assist swimmers, and they support the fishermen's nets. Bags of goats skins, covered with boards, have from the earliest times been used as floating bridges among rude nations for crossing rivers. The Egyptians have been accus- tomed in all ages to descend the Nile on slender rafts, carrying their produce, though supported only by empty earthen jars. A hollow wooden box, of a conical shape, and attached by an iron chain, serves at present as a buoy, for marking the position of sunken rocks or sand banks. Vessels which have NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 351 been stranded are often raised up again, by fastening at ebb tide, a row of empty casks along each side. Long boxes or chests, lightened after their fixing, by having the water pumped out, have likewise been employed to lessen the draught of ships of burthen. In this way, the Hollanders, in the year 1672, when their commercial prosperity was at its height, dis- patched to various climes, numerous heavy laden vessels, thus conducted from the harbour into deep water. But the raising of the hull in this method w r as found to occasion an overstraining of the tim- bers, the external pressure of the water being sud- denly withdrawn from the bilging sides. But in the year 1688, Bakker, an ingenious burgomaster of Amsterdam, obviated that objection, by a very use- ful contrivance, which, from its property of trans- porting immense bodies, was termed a Camel. It consisted of two huge chests, so formed as to em- brace closely under water the hull of the largest ships : Its length was 127 feet, its breadth at the one end 22, and at the other 13 feet. These chests were securely fastened by ropes passed under the keel, and stretched by horizontal windlasses. Ob- lique props or stays were then applied, and wedged firmly, to support the ship's sides. The water was now vigorously pumped out of the hold of these chests, which were divided into several compart- ments, for the greater convenience of adjusting, du- ring that operation, the balance of the ship. Thus lightened, an Indiaman which drew 15 feet water, 352 ELEMENTS OF had its draught reduced to 11 feet. The largest vessels were hence enabled to effect the passage of the Pampus, between two sand banks opposite the mouth of the river Y, twenty-five miles below the city of Amsterdam. This simple but valuable in- vention, though scarcely known in England, has long been adopted at Venice and other parts of the Con- tinent. It has likewise been introduced into the rivers and ports of Russia, where some of those Camels are constructed of the enormous dimensions of 217 feet long, and 36 feet broad. From their aptitude to receive and propagate every impression, fluids derive the capital property of main- taining the same level in any system of connected vessels. But this general principle is subject to cer- tain modifications. Thus, water is observed always to stand somewhat higher in narrow glass tubes than in those of greater width. Alcohol manifests a si- milar disposition, inferior only in degree. Neither of these liquids, however, appears to rise above the level in the finest metallic pipes, but rather betrays an opposite tendency. Quicksilver, on the other hand, suffers some depression in glass tubes of nar- row bores ; yet recovers its elevation, or even mounts higher, when the inside is lined with the thinnest film of bees-wax or tallow. This occasional rise of water, and depression of mercury, in very narrow tubes, must evidently pro- ceed from the operation of some peculiar attractive 1 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 353 t>r repulsive force existing among the particles of the fluid, or between them and the surface of the glass. As the effect appears the most conspicuous, when the width of the bore is so small as to resemble that of a hair, the cause of the phenomenon has been termed Capillary Action. The popular mode of explaining the fact, is to refer the suspension of the slender column of water to the attraction of the in- terior ring of glass immediately above it. But why should not the ring just below the summit of the column attract it equally downwards ? And such op- posite forces producing a perfect equilibrium, the wa- ter would merely preserve its level, and show no dis- position to rise in the tube. The chief obstacle in explaining the mode of ca- pillary action, comes from the prejudice, that a ver- tical attraction is necessary to account for the ele- vation of the liquid. Yet such undoubtedly is not the primary direction of the force evolved j for the action of the glass being evidently confined within very narrow limits, this virtue must be diffused over the internal surface of the tube, and must hence ex- ert itself laterally, or at right angles to the sides. Nor is it difficult to conceive how a lateral action may yet cause the perpendicular ascent. It is a fundamental property of fluids, that any force im- pressed in one direction, may be propagated equally in every direction. The tendency of the fluid, then, to approach the glass, will occasion it to spread over VOL. i. z 354 ELEMENTS OF the internal cavity of the tube, and consequently to* mount upwards. But to view the matter a little more closely : Suppose a drop of water were laid upon a clean ho- rizontal plate of glass ; it will change its globular form, adhere to the glass, and spread out, till it has covered the whole surface with a thin aqueous film. What is the cause of this result? Surely not the mere incumbent weight of the water, for it would have been insufficient to surmount even the mutual adhesion of the particles of the fluid, or their natural tendency to conglomerate. But the same effect will take place, if the drop be applied to the under side of the plate. The water, therefore, diffuses itself over the glass, just in the same manner as if it were urged by the pressure of a column of its own sub- stance acting against that surface. Its attraction to the glass produces the lateral motion of the fluid, since the remoter particles cannot approach without spreading themselves and extending the film. The cohesive power will consequently augment with the gradual approximation, till this has attained the term of closest union. Let the plate be dipped perpendicularly in a ba- son of water, and the film will suffer a very consider- able modification. A new portion of liquid will greedily attach itself to the film, and draw it down- wards by this additional load. A fluid margin is formed at the line of junction, with a depressed in- curvation, extending to the distance of about the NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 355 sixth part of an inch. Suppose next that two glass plates, held parallel and adjacent, were set perpendi- cular to a body of water, the liquid would mount in the included space to a certain altitude. The aque- ous protuberance being now confined, the ascent of the column must be proportionally greater ; and this effect is also doubled, by the joint action of the two opposite surfaces. Each surface acts only upon its proximate thin film ; but the force being spent in supporting the ulterior particles which adhere to this, the weight of the aqueous column suspended on both vsides must remain constant, and hence its altitude will be inversely as its thickness, or the distance be- tween the two plates. The power of efficient sus- pension corresponding to each inch square of surface may be estimated at 2 grains, or the hundredth part of the weight of a cubic inch of water. Suppose the interval between those plates to be the 300th part of an inch ; then each column may be considered as acting against a column of the thickness of the 600th part of an inch, and hence the corresponding ascent must be six inches. In general, if d denote the interval of the plates, - will express the height of the column suspended. This result corresponds perfectly with observation. If two rectangular plates of glass, having their edges joined in a vertical line, be opened at a very acute angle, and set upright in a shallow basin of water, the liquid will rise between the converging surface, and trace out the boundar^ 356 ELEMENTS OF of a rectangular hyperbola, referred to its asymp- totes. For perpendiculars being inversely to the surface of the water as the thickness of the inserted column, or the separation of the plates, must like- wise bear the same inverse ratio to their distances from the centre, which is a distinguishing property of that curve. In capillary tubes, the attraction of the internal surface is exerted on a thin circular lining ; but this force is dilated and consumed by the pressure of the cylinder which adheres to the film, and occu- pies the interior cavity of the tube. Now, the area of a circle is equal to the rectangle under its cir- cumference and half the radius ; and therefore the attractive power of the glass will produce the same effect as if it acted merely against a column whose thickness is one-fourth part of the bore of the tube. The measure of that force being represented by - , if d denote the diameter of the cavity, the alti- tude at which the water will be suspended in the tube is expressed by ^J-^= J-^. A tube with the 150th part of an inch bore would hence be ca- pable of elevating water six inches. The altitude of suspension in capillary tubes is thus the double of what obtains with parallel glass plates, which have their mutual distance equal to the diameter of the bore. This altitude is likewise in general inversely as the width of the tube. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 357 The suspension of a fluid in capillary tubes must depend entirely on the smallness of the upper ori- fice. If the bore should swell out below, the water will not rise indeed spontaneously within the cavity ; but, by plunging the tube into the bason till the li- quid reach its capillary part, the whole included mass may be lifted up to the former elevation. The central column of the water, which has the same width as the bore, being sustained by its adhesion to the film at the top, the pressure of the parallel columns of fluid surrounding it below can have no influence in disturbing the equilibrium. The same effort of pressure extends through each horizontal stratum. The centre column of the fluid, being wholly supported by attraction, does not press a- gainst the bottom ; but the particles in the higher parts of it are actually pushed by the excess of that force above their weight, and thus bear the load of the lateral mass. The lower and wide part of the vessel may consist of metal or any other substance different from glass. It is sufficient that the cavity terminate above in a fine capillary tube. By this arrangement a very large body of water may be kept suspended. If the capillary tube be dipped in another narrow tube holding water, this will evidently stand at a lower altitude than before, since the opposite action of the outer cavity, though much inferior, is exerted in pulling back the liquid. Let d and D denote the diameters of the interior and exterior bores, and 358 ELEMENTS OF ^rz( -, rrr ) w *^ ^ x P r ess in inches the ascent above the under surface. If a capillary tube be lifted from the bason of wa- ter in which it was dipped, a drop will adhere to the lower orifice, and the column will remain at the same height in the bore. But if this drop be absorbed by the contact of bibulous paper, the column will sub- side ; for the tendency of the water to agglobulate then counteracts, in some degree, its capillary diffu- sion within the tube. Having covered the level surface of a piece of glass with a fine film of water, bring the tube with its charge to touch it, and the fluid will immediately desert the cylindrical cavity, and spread over the film. The attraction which the cylindrical column of water, joined to its weight, bears to the expansive horizontal film, overcomes that of the narrow film which lines the inside of the tube. This may be viewed as an extreme case ; but the mutual attraction of the particles of water or other fluids must always diminish their ascent in ca- pillary tubes ; for such a force, tending to concen- trate and agglobulate the mass, will evidently op- pose any filamentous ramifications of the fluid. Thus, into a wide cylinder glass, terminating in a fine ca- pillary orifice, mercury may be poured to the height of several inches, without betraying any disposition to run out. But, if the projecting point be likewise immersed in mercury, the moment a junction or contact takes place, the whole of the fluid mass will NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. hasten to subside. Mercury is, in the same manner, upheld to a considerable altitude in wide glass tubes, fitted with bottoms of iron or box-wood that have delicate slits. The depression of mercury in capillary tubes may be estimated at ?r:r- 7 , if d denote the diameter in Ooa inches. Thus, when the width of the bore is one- seventeenth part of an inch, the mercurial column stands a quarter of an inch below its level ; it would sink even five inches, if the bore were contracted to the 340th part of an inch. The convexity of the surface of the mercury in the tube indicates here the excess of the mutual attraction of its particles above their adhesion to the sides of the glass. If that sur- face should ever appear flattened or hollow, it only betrays the impurity of the mercury, or the soiling of the inside of the tube. The notion which has sometimes prevailed, that such convexity marks a tendency of the mercurial column in the barometer to fall, is merely a vulgar error. Great cautiqn be- comes requisite, however, to boil mercury in those tubes, lest a slight and scarcely visible oxydation should line their inner surface. It hence follows that, if the product of the ele- vation into the corresponding width of the bore ex- pressed in inches, should, at any part of the tube, be less than or .04, the water will ascend still higher. tan GFH A he centntu- . - rTT^TT z -- TTrvrr. 5 cos* GFH 5 cos GFH gal action is thus unequally exerted along a straight tube obliquely placed. Let it now be required to find a curve, in every part of which that force has the same efficacy. We may here exclude the influence of hydrostatic pres- sure, and consider smooth balls as occupying the sides of the cavity. The centrifugal force acting against the curve at C (fig. 163.) is denoted by DC, and may be decomposed into EC perpendicular to the curve, and DE parallel to it. This last is the only force exerted in sustaining a ball at C. But part of the weight of the ball being upheld by the f 388 ELEMENTS OF curve, the efficacy of the direct centrifugal action DE is proportional to DN, which must hence be constant. And such is the property of the subnor- mal DN in the parabola, which therefore answers the conditions of the problem. Let P denote the parameter of the curve, of which ADN is the axis ; then DN = P, and consequently the centrifugal force due to a radius DN becomes equal to the power of gravity, while a ball at C is just supported, or ^i- = 1, and 5P = St*. Wherefore if t, the TrC time of revolution, were equal to ^/ . P, or very o 4 nearly- ^/ P, a ball would be upheld in any part 5 of the cavity of a parabolic conoid, and the slight- est acceleration would be sufficient to roll it up to an indefinite height. But the circumvolution of a vessel of this form would have the same effect in raising a sheet of water along its inner surface. If the parabolic conoid were perforated at the ver- tex, and a little immersed in a standing pool, it would at first produce no sensible effect ; but after it had quickened the time of its revolution beyond the precise limit, it would draw up the water at once to the brim, and disperse that liquid in a co- pious horizontal shower. A machine of this kind, driven by a small wind-mill, might be applied ad- vantageously to the draining of marshes. NATURAL -PHILOSOPHY. 38$ If a cylindrical glass vessel, partly filled with wa- ter, be set on the middle of a whirling table, the de- pression of the liquid will increase rapidly as the cir- cumvolution is accelerated. With double the velo- city, the depth of the cavity will be quadrupled ; and with triple the velocity, it will be rendered nine times greater. In urging this voraginous motion, the water will continue to descend in the centre, while it rises up the sides of the vessel : It will then divide at the bottom, and spread more upwards, forming always a parabolic conoid, but with a di- minishing parameter. See fig. 161, which exhibits three successive states of circumvolution. If a thin ring were applied round the top of the cylinder, the water in its extreme celerity would cover the inside of the cylinder with a stratum of almost equal thick- ness. If a hollow glass globe be partly filled with water, and made to whirl very rapidly, the fluid will separate, leaving a vacant cylindrical space around the axis ; and if a portion of quicksilver be introduced, it will rise up along the inside, mounting to the wi- dest part of the sphere, and there forming a beauti- ful zone. Suppose a cylinder 6 inches wide and 16 inches high, filled with water to the altitude of 4 in- ches : When the circumvolution is performed in .68", the water is depressed an inch, the central part stand- ing at 3f and the sides at 4 ; but when the cylinder circulates in .24", the cavity sinks 8 inches in the bot- tom, and rises at the sides to the height of 8 inches. 390 ELEMENTS OF If the revolution were achieved in .152", the water would mount to the lips, leaving a dry circle at the bottom of the vessel of 2 J inches in diameter. Hence the origin of dimples on the surface of small streams, and of whirlpools in mighty rivers and narrow seas. The effect is produced by the lateral attrition of adverse currents, which, extending their influence from the neutral point or centre of equal and opposite action, gradually convert their parallel motions into a combined system of circum- volution. Suppose each current had a velocity of 9 miles an hour, or 13.2 feet each second, and the ra- dius of the whirlpool to be 100 feet : The time of circulation would then be 47.6", and the depression in the centre of the gulf only 2.72 feet, the parame- ter of the parabola being 3672 feet. Since the pressure of a column of water occasions a corresponding flow, every current may be viewed as originating from the action of such a force, and can therefore be determined by the altitude of the incumbent fluid. Hence the construction of Pitot's tube, a very convenient small instrument for mea- suring the velocity of any stream. It consists of a recurved tube of glass, of which the one branch, however, is much taller than the other ; the short branch is bent at the top into a spreading funnel- shaped mouth, which receives the direct shock of the NAT.URAL PHILOSOPHY. 39 1 water, and communicating this impression, causes a proportional elevation above the common level. See fig. 164. To prevent the irregular oscillation of the liquid in the syphon, it may be proper to have the bore much contracted in the whole of the under part of either branch. This object is farther promoted by covering the funnel orifice by a thin circular piece of brass with a very small hole in the centre. The pressure will be still propagated as before, but with more steady effect. The divisions on the scale are reckoned upwards from the surface of the stream. To ascertain them, let the expression 8Vh~v be re- W* S"1' ~\. * sumed, and 647* v*, or h ^- ( ^ J , where h denotes in feet the height of the column, and v the velocity each "second. Hence the rise corre- sponding to the rate of a mile an hour would be ^ -7r; = T7^i> or 4-10ths of an inch : The 15 J 64 1200 scale would hence be marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, &c. miles, at the respective heights of .4-1.6-3.6 -6.4 -10.0 -14.5 -19-7 -25.8 -32.7, &c. inches. Few rivers, therefore, would require the glass tube to rise six feet above the surface of the water. The instrument may be composed of a long narrow tube of brass or tin, cemented to a wide cylinder of glass, carrying the divisions. A construction somewhat different might answer for measuring a ship's way at sea. A long tin pipe ( 392 ELEMENTS OF presenting its trumpet orifice under water at the prow could be conducted along the side of the keel, and brought up into the cabin, there to be cement- ed into a wider perpendicular tube of glass. The scale could be made to slide along, having been adjust- ed to the level of the external water during a calm ; or this level might be found, by placing another pa- rallel glass tube, which has cemented to it a narrow tin pipe running out below towards the bottom of the vessel. If the channel of any stream be suddenly con- tracted, the water will be forced to rise above its ordinary level. Suppose, for instance, that the flow was at the rate of a mile an hour ; this might be con- sidered as the effect of an incumbent column of four- tenths of an inch. But where the section of the current is reduced to one half, the resulting celerity of two miles an hour would correspond to the pres- sure of an altitude of 1 .6 inches. An accumulation of the water to the height of the difference, or 1.2 inches, would hence be occasioned by this obstruc- tion. In general, if v denote the velocity of a river in miles every hour, a the measure of its vertical section, before it suffers any impediment, and b that of its contracted course ; the rise of the level will be v* /a z b z \ expressed in feet by ^ g*~~/- Jt ma y* in P rac " tice, however, be more accurate to admit a slight NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 3<|3 t; /Sa-_^*\ modification, and assume-- ( j^ / A his for- ou * o mula was remarkably exemplified in the ruinous pile of the old London Bridge, the piers of which were so massive as to reduce the breadth of the water-course from 14 parts to 3. The velocity in spring-tides is % miles an hour ; and hence -- (~~Q / = ' ^ ee ^* Such then was the fall, and this with a rapidity of 9y miles an hour. No wonder that the shooting of the Bridge was sometimes attended with so much hazard and danger. All the preceding investigations are grounded on legitimate theory, but some reduction is necessary in bringing the results to conform with actual practice. If a wide orifice at the side, but close to the bottom, of a tall cylindrical vessel, containing water, be co- vered by a thin plate of metal perforated by a fine round hole ; on removing the finger from this aper- ture, the first emission of the fluid will exactly agree with calculation. But after the whole mass has ac- quired motion, the various streamlets, all directed towards the centre of the hole, bend at a little dis- tance from its sharp edges, and escape in a contract- ed current. It has been ascertained by experiment, that, through such a simple aperture, the flow is on- ly five-eighth parts of what theory would indicate. If, therefore, we substitute five instead of eight in a 394 ELEMENTS OF preceding formula, an expression will be obtained for the quantity of real water discharged from a given orifice in any vessel. Let A denote the area of this orifice, and h the height of the fluid ; then 5^/h.A will express the efflux, in cubic feet every second, or 300 A^/h the quantity delivered in a minute. If, while h marks the altitude of the water in feet, d should measure the diameter of the circular hole in inches, the discharge every minute will be represent- ed by %.65%6d z ^/h, which corresponds very nearly to 159d*v/^ m an nour - If a cylindrical tube, whose length is rather more than twice its width, be adapted to this aperture, the discharge will become augmented from five parts to six and a half, and will consequently amount to thirteen-sixteenths of the quantity assigned by theo- ry. The formula in this case will therefore be 390 A^/h, for every minute ; or the diameter of this annexed tube or adjutage being denoted in inches by d, the discharge will be 3.41 d z ^/h. Prony has lately proposed, as a modulus for Hy- draulic Operations, the quantity of water discharged in the space of twenty -four hours from a wide shal- low cistern, kept constantly full by an ingenious me- chanical contrivance. At the depth of 5 centime- tres, or 1.9685 English inches below the surface, is the centre of a circular hole of 2 centimetres or .7874 inches diameter, perforated through the thin side of the vessel j and to this aperture a cylindrical NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. :>\)C) tube of only .6693 inches in length must be fitted. The measure which is thus delivered in a natural day amounts to two moduli or 20 cubic metres, cor- responding to 7H24 cubic feet, being very nearly three-fourths, instead of five-eighths, of the quantity assigned by rigorous theory. The addition of the projecting pipe has in all cases really the effect of extending the action of the hydraulic pressure from the inner to the outer aper- ture, while the cavity is kept always full by the in- cumbent weight of the external atmosphere, aided likewise by the adhesion of the water to the sides of the tube. Accordingly, if small perforations be made in this eductive pipe, the air will enter, and flow along the contracted surface of the current, hence occasioning a proportional diminution of the quantity of discharge. On a small scale, the con- traction and separation of a jet from the sides of its tubulated orifice may be remarked under the ex- hausted receiver of an air-pump. The efficacy of the pipe thus proceeds entirely from its continuing always full, while the celerity of the stream is still maintained or even augmented. The quantity of discharge is likewise increased with the length of the pipe, at least to certain limits. Thus, from an orifice of an inch diameter, the quantity of water delivered, in a given time, through a spout of an inch long, is to the expenditure by one of a whole inch in length, as 6 to 7 396 ELEMENTS OF If the anterior part of the cylinder, which is an- nexed to the aperture, be contracted in the middle, so as to consist of two reversed frusta of a cone, the discharge of fluid will be still exactly the same. Suppose (fig. 165.) AB and EF to be each two inches wide, the contraction CD 1.6 inches, the length IL 2.3 inches, and LM zz 4.1 inches : The effect is found to be the same as if a regular cylinder of six inches length had been applied at AB. But if the simple tapered projection ACDB (fig. 166.) were affixed, the measure of discharge would be diminished in the ratio of 4 to 3. Now, the section CD being to EF as (4)* to (5) s , or as 16 to 25, the velocity of the stream, even at the wider aperture of its exit, is consequently augment- ed in the ratio of 21 \ to 25, or of 64 to 75. This compound pipe, ACE, FDB, (fig. 165.) therefore, not only accelerates the flow through its narrowed throat CD, but even quickens the emission from the wide orifice EF. When water issues through a simple circular a- perture in a thin plate, it forms a contracted vein, of a conical or rather tapering funnel shape, its section being reduced to very near five-eighth parts at a dis- tance little more than half its diameter. If a tube of this figure be annexed, the quantity of discharge will come within the thirtieth part of the result of theory, as computed for the exterior aperture. (See fig. 167). But the adjutage being directed upwards, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 397 the jet will rise to fourteen-fifteenth parts of the whole height of the incumbent column. If to this tapered spout another conical tube five times longer, and opening to the original width, be joined, the discharge of water will be augmented from 21 to 38 parts. (See fig. 168.) The effect of the adjutage is now the greatest possible, the abso- lute flow from the anterior aperture being only 40 parts according to theory. This pipe widens at an angle of about three degrees ; but when the annex- ed piece diverges at a greater angle, its influence be- comes diminished, and appears to cease altogether at an angle of 16 degrees, as in fig. 169- The stream has now ceased to fill up the whole of the cavity, and is consequently no longer augmented by adhe- sion to the sides of the spout. The lateral action of water flowing through a pipe is evinced in a more striking manner. Let a cylin- der one inch wide and three inches long be adapted to an orifice at the bottom of a cistern ; and on the upper side, at the distance of half an inch from its origin, let a narrow arched glass tube be inserted and carried down to a bason of water three feet lower. When the stream is projected with a velo- city of nine feet in a second, it will draw up water to the height of two feet ; but if the tube be short- ened within that limit, the slender column will mix with the body of the current, and soon drain the contents of the bason. When a conical tube, open- 398 ELEMENTS OF ing with a considerable angle of divergence, is sub- stituted, a series of slender glass tubes inserted at different distances from the interior aperture will be found to raise the water to several heights, which diminish as the stream begins to separate from the sides of the spout. This property of running water may, in various situations, be turned to useful account. By con- necting the edge of the stream, for instance, by means of a small slanting pipe with a collection of water at a lower level, this will be gradually drawn up and carried away in the general current. If a swift descending rivulet be made to shoot across any small pool, it will sweep the water over its opposite bank. Venturi, to whom we are chiefly indebted for these remarks, availed himself of the rapidity and lateral draught of a mill-race, to drain a marsh situate considerably below it, near the city of Mo- dena. The same principle is likewise the principal cause of the action of the Hungarian Blowing Machine, which consists of a very tall perpendicular pipe, ter- minating below in a close wide box. A stream of water rushes down this shaft, drawing along with it the air which enters the small holes pierced along the sides, and becomes accumulated and condensed in the chamber, whence it again issues in a powerful blast on opening a cock. The blowing and disper- sion of the spray on all sides from water-falls have a NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 399 like origin. A body of air is involved in the broken descending current : collected in the recess or bro- ken cavity, it exerts its elastic efforts in every direc- tion. The adhesion of running water to the sides of its channel is also the main cause of those eddies, which impede the general motion. If a fluid suffers impediment while escaping at a small aperture, it encounters much greater obstruc- tion in affecting its passage through a train of pipes, or flowing over an extended channel. This retar- dation, however, is quite distinct in its nature from ordinary friction. When a solid is drawn along the surface of another solid body, it is virtually made to ascend over a series of inclined planes, and conse- quently the impediment it meets with, may be view- ed as* merely equal to a certain portion of its weight, independent of the rapidity or slowness of the mo- tion. But a fluid, in its passage over a resisting sur- face, needs not have its whole mass either elevated or depressed. Those particles only which come in succession to touch the solid boundary, are impeded and detained. The pressure of the incumbent fluid cannot affect the other particles, which are thence urged equally in every direction. The loss of im- pulse which a current sustains from the attrition of the sides of a pipe or of a canal, is occasioned by the incessant stoppage of the extreme particles. This consumption of force must hence be compounded of 400 ELEMENTS OF the number of particles arrested in a given time and of their velocity, and is therefore proportional to the square of the velocity. But the retardation of the current must likewise depend on the extent of im- peding influence, that is, on the length of the pipe, and on the relation which the interior surface bears to its whole capacity. But the square of the velo- city, with which the stream first issues from the cis- tern, being proportional to the altitude of the in- cumbent column, a certain part only of this constant inciting force is employed in generating the initial velocity, while the rest is expended in renewing the velocity as fast as it expires, along the sides of the channel, or in maintaining through the mass a gene- ral uniform flow. It results from some accurate experiments of Bos- sut, that water has its celerity diminished eight times, by passing through a tube of an inch in diameter and 204 feet long. Of sixty-four parts of compres- sion, one part only must therefore have created the motion of the fluid, while sixty-three parts were re- quired to support it. This motion is hence renewed eight times during the passage of the water, or at the interval of every &5 feet through the whole ex- tent. In each of these successive transits, all the central particles must be thrown towards the sides of the pipe, whence they are again drawn into the body of the stream, and there acquire new celerity. The celerity is lost and regained close to the inte- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. '101 rior surface within a very small but limited space. Wherefore, from the fundamental principle of dy- namics, the square of the velocity acquired or'extin- guished must be as the product of the inciting force into the limit of its action. The square of the ve- locity hence suffers a diminution proportioned to the extent of surface compared with the capacity of the pipe, or it is directly as the length, and inversely as the diameter. But the pressure of the water has no effect whatever in causing this reduction. Thus, resuming the former example, let the pipe of an inch wide and 204 feet long be fed by a cistern of ten inches altitude, and the quantity of discharge noted. Raise this cistern now to twenty inches, and turn up, by a soft bend, the farther extremity to the height of ten inches, and the corresponding flow will be still the same. Increase the altitude of the cistern to one hundred inches, while the remote end is bent with an elbow to the height of ninety inches, leaving still the same excess or exciting force, and the quantity of discharge will be found not to vary. Let V denote the velocity with which water would issue from a simple orifice near the bottom of a cistern, and v the reduced velocity in consequence of passing through an extended horizontal pipe, d being the diameter of the pipe and L its length. From what has been shown, it follows that v* = V* ' and w=v v 7 The den - VOL. T. 2 C 402 ELEMENTS OF initiator <50d?+L of the radical fraction expresses the consumption of the pressure or inciting force, the part 5Qd indicating the length of track which cor- responds to the initial velocity. The absolute waste of such force follows the measure of internal surface, while the quantity of impulse must depend on the charge of the pipe ; and hence the relative influence will be computed as nd (50f/+L) to - .d, that is, as 4< (5(k/-|-L) to \d) and is therefore expressed generally by 1 **- y 50^+L* Since H denoting the height of the cistern, the primary velocity of projection is equal to Sy/H, or V- = 64H ; whence v* = 64H and " = ' this pipe were curtailed to a mere adjutage, then v* = /\ii 64. pp = 64H. This coefficient 64 might, there- ou fore, be adapted to the formula ; or, if some allow- ance were made for the unavoidable expense of force in the transition of the water from the cistern to the pipe, the round number 50 may be preferred. The modified expression for the velocity of the final ft FT discharge will then become 50^ ^ , which a- grees well with observation. In very long pipes, NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. the lirst part of the denominator may be omitted, and the expression for the final velocity will be rl FT simply 50 ^/-j . It may hence be sufficiently ac- curate in most cases to assume that V* is to v z 9 as 64H to 2500.^, or as 64L to 2500d / and sup- posing the coefficient 64 to be reduced to 50 in the act of entering the train of pipes, then will v* = V* . -y , and v= V^/ -^ . Wherefore, of the V U altitude H of the incumbent column, the part 50d H . - only is exerted in creating the flow of the water, the remainder of the inciting force being wholly consumed in overcoming the obstruction the current meets with along the internal surface. Every length of tube amounting to fifty times its diameter, thus occasions a waste of power equal to that which produced the general impulsion. Let AB (fig. 166.) represent the altitude of the cistern, of which the small part AC causes the pri- mary motion of the water, and the remainder CB maintains its lateral attrition through the extended horizontal pipe BD. It is evident, that if an incli- ned pipe CD were substituted for BD, the length would not be sensibly increased, while the inciting force CB, now diffused, will exert still the same ac- tion as before. The velocity which the fluid must 404 ELEMENTS OF acquire in its gradual descent along CD is hence equal to what it receives from the constant pressure during a horizontal progress. If the train of pipes be sufficiently prolonged, the points C and A may be viewed as coincident, and the angle ADB consider- ed as the slope of uniform flow. Suppose the decli- vity from A to D to be the n ih part of the distance ; then L = n H and t> = 5(\/ = 50^7 -. The n celerity of the flow thus depends as much on the width of the pipe as on the rate of its descent. Let wzilOOO, and v will be ^/ d. With such a gentle slope, therefore, it would require a pipe of 1.582 of a foot in diameter, to give the flow of a single foot each second ; and a pipe of one foot wide would discharge only 1.243 cubic feet of water in the same time. Conceive a rectangular channel to have a section equal to the circle of the pipe, while its bottom and sides are equal to the circumference ; the retarda- tion which this would occasion to the current must evidently be the same. Hence, the fourth part of the diameter will be equal to the quotient of the sec- tion by the compound measure of its bottom and sides, which is called the mean hydraulic depth. This depth being denoted by a y therefore 4a=d, and by substitution v = 50 y ^ = 100V -y- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 405 Hence much less obstruction is encountered along an open canal than within a close pipe. Let, as be- fore, the slope be the n ih part of the distance ; then ^ = 100^-. If n = 1000, the expression will be- n come v = lOO-- = /Wa = 3.1623 a. In these estimates of the velocity and discharge of water through pipes and conduits, the inside is pre- sumed to be smooth, the width uniform, and every sudden bending avoided. The want of evenness of surface impedes the motion of the fluid, which is far- ther obstructed by any violent change of celerity or direction. Whether the channel be contracted or enlarged, the change is unavoidably attended by a proportional loss of impulsion. Any sharp flexure of the pipe or conduit will occasion a still greater waste of the inciting force. The diminution of the square of the velocity is expressed by the product of that square into the square of the sine of the angle of deflexion, divided by the constant number 270. With a deflexion of 30 degrees, the velocity would therefore lose only the 2160th part ; but if the tube branched off at right angles, the retardation would amount to the 540th part. Every contraction or enlargement of the pipes, requiring a corresponding change in the celerity of the water, must likewise create an expense of force, though this effect could scarcely be reduced to calculation. 406 ELEMENTS OF Water is subject in its motion through pipes to another impediment, owing to the air which con- stantly separates from it and collects in all the upper sinuosities of the train. This accumulation is most copious, whenever the supply of water happens to be insufficient to fill the whole extent of cavity. To remedy the defect, boxes of cast-iron are fixed above the principal incurvations of the pipe, to receive the compressed air, and by the operation of a valve or of a cock, gradually to discharge it, without allowing any of the water to escape. Of such air-vessels, with a cylindrical form, four feet high, and eighteen inches wide, fourteen have been made, for the pipes which are to supply Edinburgh. (See fig. 167.) These being screwed at the summit of each declivity, will be opened, every two or three days, by the sur- veyor of the works. It must be observed, that the emission of fluids from a very minute orifice, or through a capillary tube, is not reducible to the foregoing principles. The obstruction is then proportionally far greater ; but the peculiar quality and condition of the fluid materially derange the whole result. The internal motions of the particles of any liquid, which in this case mainly determine .its flow, are extremely re- tarded by any tendency to a viscuous state. Heat, therefore, as it brings them nearer to the condition of perfect fluidity, promotes greatly the celerity of their course. Thus, pure water near the boiling NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 407 point is found to run about five times faster than at the verge of freezing. Alcohol, again, has its con- stitution so much altered by the rise of only 124 of temperature, as to flow six -times quicker than before. Quicksilver is indeed less affected in this way ; but it endures heat through a far wider range. To supply the inhabitants of great cities, water is often conveyed from distant but high -seated springs, by a long train of pipes. The velocity of the flow may be determined from the formula, v=50 / -j > whence the quantity of water delivered every mi- nute is 2356^*7 -y- cubic feet, or 2356 <$ / -. Let m denote the altitude of the source above the reservoir in hundredth parts of the whole distance, and the discharge of water in a minute will be ex- pressed by 235.6 d* ^/ m. Suppose a pipe were composed of two portions ha- ving different widths. Let the length and diameter of the first part, and the height and velocity of the contained water, be denoted by /, d y k and v ; while these measures in the second part are represented by capitals. The whole accelerating force is therefore and the retardation = D* whence, by substituting V*.- for t? 1 , we have 408 ELEMENTS OF .~.V> + LD.V* = M* + HD>, and hd*+HD*d //M*+HD* d\ ' or V = W ("70+15- ' D /' quantity of water delivered in a minute is therefore The former supply of Edinburgh was brought by two trains of cast-iron pipes ; one from Green Craig to the Castle Hill, 26,980 feet long, and 7 inches in diameter, under a head pressure of 404 feet ; the other from Comiston to Heriot's Reservoir, 13,520 feet long, and 5 inches wide, under a load of 88 feet. The first, when fully charged, is found to de- liver 46, and the second only 10 cubic feet, every minute, making together 56 feet, which furnishes a supply of 80,640 cubic feet in the space of twenty- four hours. This amounts to scarcely three-fifth parts of the quantity assigned by the formula. The deficiency must be attributed wholly to the imper- fect execution of those pipes, their uneven interior surface, and their frequent abrupt and sudden bend- ings. The water-works lately designed for the complete supply of Edinburgh, were conducted in a much finer style, but at vast expense. The several pieces of pipe were nicely fitted together by spiggot and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 409 faucet, all the accidental prominences along the in- side being carefully removed by chiseling. The pipes showed no visible incurvation, and were gene- rally laid with a gentle regular slope, the ground on which they rest being lowered in some places and raised in others. From the Crawley Spring to Straiton March Fence, the distance is 18,300 feet, with a fall of 65 feet ; and, in this line, the pipes vary from 20 to 18 inches in diameter ; their great width being intended to meet the exigency of having lateral branches extending to other remote springs on the north side of the Pentlands, as the increase of population may afterwards require. The next train has a diameter of only 1 5 inches diameter, but runs, with a fall of 286 feet, through an extent of 27,900 feet, being conducted by a tunnel of 360 fathoms length through Heriot's Ridge, and by another of 290 fathoms through the Castle Hill, till it reaches the level of Prince's Street. It may be computed, that the first train should deliver 442.93 cubic feet, and the second 416.71, or the compound system 425.31 every minute. Their discharge, however, has not yet exceeded 300 cubic feet in a minute, though, no doubt, they could easily convey one- third more. It has been computed that, the quantity of rain which falls annually over any city, if carefully col- lected and deposited to purify in cisterns, would be 410 ELEMENTS OF sufficient for the supply of the inhabitants, at least in all the essential domestic and culinary purposes. Venice has abundance of fine soft water procured in this way ; and the store seldom fails, except in dry seasons, when it is recruited from the river Brenta. The roof of a lofty house at Paris, containing at an average 25 lodgers, might deliver annually 1800 cu- bic feet of rain-water, which would furnish each in- dividual daily the fifth part of a cubic foot, or about thirteen pounds averdupois, rather a scanty provi- sion, to be sure, according to our modern ideas of comfort ; yet Prony reckons ten litres, or the thou- sandth part of his modulus, as a sufficient supply, amounting only to about twenty-two pounds. Since, from a pipe of the same diameter, the dis- charge in every case depends on the relation of the altitude of the source to the length of track, a lower elevation may frequently be preferred in conjunction with a shorter train. The diminished obstruction, in such instances, compensates for the inferior pres- sure. From any point of an inclined plane, the pipe would convey exactly an equal body of water. In the same train, the quantity of discharge, being as d? 9 must increase in a faster ratio than the mere sec- tion of the pipe. Hence the manifest advantage of employing large pipes. For the same reason, aque- ducts or open conduits are in many situations to be preferred. When these convey large streams of wa- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 411 ter, the attrition of the sides and bottom is compa- ratively small, and they require very little descent. Such durable structures are common in the South of Europe, and often display much architectural sym- metry in their extended and imposing ranges of ar- cades. It is a very prevailing opinion, that the Romans, amidst all their magnificence, were ignorant of the simplest elements of Hydrostatics, and therefore en- tirely unacquainted with the method of conducting and raising water by a train of pipes, Nothing, however, can be worse founded than this notion. The ancient writers, who either treat of the subject, or incidentally mention it, are clear and explicit in their remarks, while many vestiges of art still attest the accuracy of those statements. Pliny, the natu- ral historian, lays down the main principle, that " water will invariably rise to the height of its " source :" Subit altitudinem exortus sui. He subjoins, that leaden pipes must be employed, to carry water up to an eminence *. Palladius, in his treatise De Re Rustica, teaches how to find springs, by observing immediately before sunrise in the month of August, the vapours which hover above particular spots ; and having there dug a well, he directs the water to be conducted to the farm or villa, either by * Laminae esse debebuut, per quas surgere in sublime opus fuerit, e plumbo. PLIN. xxxvi. 7. ELEMENTS OF a channel constructed of masonry, or by means of pipes of lead, of wood, or even of earthenware *. He allows one foot in sixty, or in a hundred, for an uniform descent. But if the ground should after- wards rise, he says the conduit must be supported on piles or arches, or the water must be inclosed in leaden pipes, when it will mount just to the level of its head t. But Palladius testifies his aversion to the use of lead, as apt to become covered with ce- russ, and thereby rendered unwholesome, or even poisonous. This consideration had no doubt served to restrain the general adoption of leaden pipes a- mong the Romans. Still, however, we may infer, from the allusions of the Poets, that such pipes had come into very common use. They were not cast tubular as at present, but consisted of thin plates bent up into the form of a cylinder, and soldered along the edge. They must frequently have given way, therefore, at this seam. Horace asks, if the water which threatens in the streets to burst its lead, be purer than the rivulet that trembles and murmurs as it flows t ? Ovid compares the gush of * Cum vero ducenda est aqua, ducitur aut forma structili, aut canalibus ligneis, aut fictilibus tubis. PALL AD. ix. 11. f Sed si se vallis interserat, erectas pilas vel arcus usque ad aquae justa vestigia construemus, aut plumbeis fistulis clausum de- jici patiemur, et explicata valle consurgere. IBIDEM. f Purior in vicis aqua tendit rumpere plumbum, Quam quae per pronum trepidat cum murmure rivum ? EPIST. I. x. 20. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 413 blood from the mortal wound which Pyramus, in the agony of despair, had inflicted upon himself, to the accidental rupture of a leaden-pipe *. Statius speaks^ no doubt with poetical exaggeration, of whole rivers being discharged by such conduits t. Vitru- vius describes the three principal modes of conveying water ; but directs, as the previous operation, to trace a level (libramentum) on the ground. This libration was performed, by the dioptron, the water- level, or the chorobates. The dioptron seems to have been a sort of quadrant fitted with sights ; the water-level consisted of a tube, probably of copper, five feet long and an inch wide, turned up an inch and half at both ends, and was adjusted till water rose equally in them ; the chorobates, or perambula- tor, which he considered as the most accurate instru- * Non aliter, quam cum vitiato fistula plumbo Scinditur, et tenues stridente foramine longe Ejaculatur aquas, atque ictibus aera rumpit. METAM. iv. 120* Thus translated : As out again the blade he, dying, drew, Out spun the blood, and streaming upwards flew ; So if a conduit- pipe e'er burst you saw, Swift spring the gushing waters through the flaw ; Then spouting in a bow they rise on high, And a new fountain plays amid the sky. \ Terque per obliquum penitus quae laberis amnem Martia, et audaci transcurris flumina plumbo. STATIUS, i, SYLV. 414 ELEMENTS OF ment, was composed of a rod twenty feet long, ha- ving a square and plummet attached at each extre- mity. Vitruvius allows only half a foot in the hun- dred, for the slope of an aqueduct. After the water had reached the walls of a city, it was admitted into a reservoir or castellum, divided into three distinct and equal compartments, one to feed the pools and fountains, another to supply the public baths, and a third for the accommodation of palaces and private houses. The distribution of the water was effected commonly by means of leaden pipes. The smallest of these was called a denaria, being ten feet in length, the sixteenth part of this in breadth or girth, and weighing 120 Roman pounds. This gives, for the thickness of the lead, exactly the quarter of an English inch. In lower situations, where the stress against the sides was greater, the pipes appear to have been made proportionally stronger *. * In the Physical Cabinet of the University of Edinburgh, is now deposited a specimen of ancient leaden pipe, lately brought from Rome, where it had been dug up among the ruins of the Palace of the Csesars. It bears an inscription in raised letters, intimating the name of the plumber, and the year of the reign of the Empe- ror Domitian. Though only 16 inches long and 9^ in girth, it weighs 22J Ibs. averdupois ; so that the lead must be very nearly half an inch thick. The pipe is slightly curved and rudely form- ed into merely a flattened oval, 2 \ inches broad, and 1| wide; the joining at the edge being filled by a quantity of melted solder run along both inside and outside. The section corresponds to a cir- cular orifice of If inches in diameter. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 415 The quantity of water delivered from the cisterns was regulated by the dimensions of the spouts, term- ed calices. These formed a series of twenty-five dif- ferent kinds, which served as moduli. Their dia- meters were sometimes reckoned by ounces, or the twelfth parts of a Roman foot, but more commonly by quarter digits, or the sixty-fourth part of a foot. The quinaria seems to have been considered as the standard, and its width must have hence correspond- ed to the .906 part of an English inch. The adju- tage or length of all those spouts was the same, be- ing twelve digits, or three-fourths of a Roman foot, and therefore equal to 8.7 English inches. Prony conjectures, from very probable grounds, that such was also the altitude of column of pressure above the middle of each orifice. This estimate gives 1979 cubic feet, for the quantity of discharge of a denaria, in the space of twenty-four hours. Leaden pipes were likewise employed, to carry water across vales and other eminences: But it be- hoved to erect, at the several incurvations, columna- ria, or chimneys, to give vent to the air which might collect and gorge up the passage of the water. Such funnels required to be raised to near the height of the fountain-head. Vitruvius, however, joins with Palladius and Columella, in recommending pipes of earthenware, as not only cheaper, but more wholesome than those of lead. They could be formed thicker if necessary, 416 ELEMENTS OF and might be farther strengthened and secured, they said, by an outer coating of lime worked up with oil. But such pipes, not being glazed, it became ne- cessary, before using them, to fill up the pores by a sort of puddling, that is, to wash their inside with favilla, or fine wood-ashes. No wonder, therefore, that leaden pipes were held in little estimation among the ancient Romans. They seem to have been seldom used indeed beyond the limits of the imperial city, except as auxiliaries in the smaller aqueducts. When such conduits hap- pened to be interrupted by a deep narrow vale, in- stead of joining them by an arch thrown over the gap, the connexion was sometimes formed by an in- verted syphon of lead, carried on the one side down to the bottom, and brought up on the other. Rome was supplied by nine great aqueducts, ac- cording to Frontinus, who had been appointed cu- rator of those magnificent works by the Emperor Nerva. He added five more ; and the number was afterwards augmented, by successive emperors, to twenty. Of these, the most remarkable were, 1. The Aqua Appia, so named from its having been con- structed by the Censor Appius Claudius in the 442d year of Rome, began between the 6th and 8th mile- stone, made a circuit of 880 paces, and then proceed- ed by a deep subterranean drain of more than 11 miles, delivering the main body of its water in the Campus Martius. 2. The Old and New Anio, con- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 447 duits so called from their bringing into Rome the waters of that river. The former began above the Tiber at the 30th mile-stone, and consisted mostly of a winding drain carried through an extent of about 43 miles. The latter, constructed under Nero, took a higher level, running 7>543 paces above ground, and then pursuing a subterranean passage of 54,267 paces in length. 3. The Aqua Martia, which owed its erection to Quintus Martius, rose from a spring, distant 33 miles from Rome, made a circuit of 3 miles, and afterwards, forming a vault of 16 feet diameter, it ran 38 miles along a series of arcades at the elevation of 70 feet. It had vents perforated at certain intervals, for disgorging the collected air j and the conduit was occasionally in- terrupted by deep cisterns, in which the water set- tled and deposited its sediment. It was hence re- markable for its clear green colour *. The Aqua Julia and the Aqua Tepula were brought by the same aqueduct, only in two lower conduits. 4. The Aqua Virginia, conducted by Agrippa, the patrio- tic lieutenant of Augustus, who laboured to improve and beautify Rome, and who, according to Pliny, con- structed in one year 70 pools, 105 fountains, and 130 reservoirs. It commenced at a very copious spring, * Pliny celebrates particularly the coolness and salubrity of this water. " Clarissima aquarum omnium in toto orbe frigoris salu- " britatisque palma prseconio urbis, Martia est reliqua deum mu> " nere urbi tributa," &c. Lib. xxx. 3. VOL, I. 2 D 4<1H ELEMENTS OF in the midst of a marsh, at the distance of 8 miles from the city, and ran about 12 miles, passing through a tunnel of 800 paces in length. 5. The Aqua Claudia, begun by Nero and completed by Claudius, took its rise 38 miles from Rome ; it formed a sub- terranean stream 36 \ miles in length, run 10 J miles along the surface of the ground, was vaulted for the space of 3 miles, and supported on arcades through the extent of 7 miles, being carried along so high a level as to supply all the hills of Rome. It was built of hewn stone, and still continues to furnish the modern city with water of the best quality, which has hence procured it the name of Acqua Felice. The practice of tunnelling was begun under Augustus, who greatly extended the aqueducts. Other emperors likewise directed their attention to that important object. Trajan showed particular soli- citude in improving the aqueducts. Those works were executed in the boldest manner ; nothing could re- sist the skill and enterprise of the Romans ; they drained whole lakes, drove mines through mountains, and raised up the level of valleys by rows of accumula- ted arcades. The water was kept cool by covering it with vaults, which were often so spacious, that, accord- ing to Procopius, who wrote in the time of Belisarius, a man on horseback might ride through them. So abundant indeed was the supply, as to induce Strabo to say, that whole rivers flowed through the streets of Rome. Contemplating the utility, the extent. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 419 and grandeur of those aqueducts, Pliny justly regard- ed them as the wonder of the world *. The same admiration is expressed by the poet Rutilius t. According to the enumeration of Frontinus, the nine earlier aqueducts delivered every day 14,018 quinaria. This corresponds to 27,743,100 cubic feet. We may therefore extend the supply, when all the aqueducts were in action, to the enormous quantity of 50,000,000 cubic feet of water. Reckon- ing the population of ancient Rome at a million, which it probably never exceeded, this would furnish no less than fifty cubic feet, for the daily consump- tion of each inhabitant. In modern Rome, three aqueducts, the Acqua Felice, Juliana and Paulina, with some additional sources, deliver in twenty-four hours, according to the calculation of Prony, 5,305,000 cubic feet. This, shared among a population of 130,000, gives about * Si quis diligentius aestimaverit aquarum abundantiam in Pub- lico, Balneis, Piscinis, Domibus, Euripis, Hortis suburbanis, Villis, spatioque adrenientes, exstructos arcus, monies perfossos, con- valles aequatas ; fatebitur, nihil magis mirandum fuisse in toto orbe terrarum. PLIN. xxxvi. 15. f Quid loquar aerio pendente fornice rivos, Qua vix imbriferas tollere Iris aquas, Hos potius dicas crevisse in sidera monies : Tale Giganteum Graecia laudat opus. RUTILIUS IN ITIN. 420 ELEMENTS OP forty cubic feet for each individual, being nearly the same comparative supply as in the period of Roman splendour. Such profusion of water altogether transcends our conceptions. The supply of London in the year 1790 was only 2,626,560 cubic feet daily ; but late- ly, when the rivalship of the several water-companies almost deluged the streets, it amounted to 3,888,000 cubic feet. It has again, by the mutual understand- ing of those associations, been reduced to about three millions of cubic feet ; and this quantity may be sufficient for all the wants of a luxurious mass of inhabitants, equal certainly to the population of an- cient Rome, where the consumption, however, was still sixteen times greater. How paltry then appears the actual supply of Paris, amounting only to 293,600 cubic feet of water in a day ! It affords scarcely half a cubic foot, or thirty pounds averdupois, to each in- habitant, in a population of upwards of 600,000. The Greeks of the Lower Empire had simplified the general mode of conducting water. This ap- pears evident from the practice which now prevails in supplying the city of Constantinople. The ground is levelled by means of the Terazi, a sort of invert- ed mason's plummet, which hangs from the middle of a cord stretched between two rods divided into inches and parts, set upright and removed succes- sively from one station to another. But the chief improvement consists in substituting, for the colum- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. naria of the Romans, the Souterazi or water- balance, a sort of hydraulic obelisk or pyramid. By this ingenious contrivance, the expense of aqueducts is reduced to a fifth part. The water runs down with a gentle slope in covered drains, till it reaches an obelisk constructed of masonry ; and rising up the one side, by a narrow channel, discharges itself into a basin at the top, from which again, at a level only 8 inches lower, it descends by a similar chan- nel on the other side. The form of this hydraulic pyramid is shown in fig, 172, and the upper part of it is enlarged in fig. 173. Such auxiliary machines, which facilitate the escape of the air and allow the water to settle, are commonly erected at distances of about two hundred yards. The system is in fact only a repetition of conduits. From each separate basin, the water is distributed, by orifices of different diameters, but having their centres all in the same horizontal line, three inches beneath the brim. The charge of the water-works at Constantinople is entrusted to a body of 300 Turks and 100 Alba- nese Greeks, who form almost an hereditary profes- sion. According to the interesting work of General Andreossy on the Bosphorus, the whole supply of a population of 600,000 is only two-thirds of a cubic foot, or about forty pounds of water every clay. There still remain at Constantinople two ancient cisterns : 1. The Subterranean Palace, built of hard brick, vaulted and resting on marble columns : and 2. The cistern of one hundred and one columns, 422 ELEMENTS OF called anciently Philoxene ; it consists of three tiers of columns, one above the other, and is capable of holding five days' supply, for the whole inhabitants of that spacious city. The same principles which regulate the motion of water in pipes and along canals, are likewise appli- cable to the flow of rivers in their beds. Since the propelling power is proportional to the elevation of the main source, the celerity acquired by those de- scending streams would become enormous, if their force were not gradually absorbed by the operation of some constant impediments. Suppose such a river as the Rhone to receive its principal waters at the altitude of 900 feet above the level of the sea, and that no system of obstruction had intervened in its course, it would have shot into the Bay of Marseilles, with the tremendous velocity of 240 feet in a second, or at the rate of 164 miles every hour. Even an in- ferior stream, such as the Thames, fed at the height of only an hundred feet, would still, if not retarded by the attrition against its bottom and sides, have rush- ed into the sea with a velocity of 54^ miles in an hour. The resistance of fluids, like the friction of solids, thus enters largely into the economy of nature. As the latter is the great principle of stability and con- solidation, so the former serves most essentially to restrain the accumulation of celerity, and to mode- rate all violent motions. A current presses forwards with increasing rapidity, till the obstruction which NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 423 it encounters becomes at last equal to the inciting force ; and having attained this limit, the water then continues to flow in a uniform stream. The main- taining power is proportional to the quantity of de- scent in a given space ; but the impeding influence depends on the surface of the bed of the river com- pared with its volume of water. This obstruction must at first augment very fast, being as the square of the celerity. Let n y as before, denote the measure of declivity, and a the mean hydraulic depth or the depth which a river would take if it stood upon an even base equal to the bottom and sides of its channel j then 100 I -- will express the resulting velocity in feet each second. Hence, if the rate of descent were only one part in ten thousand, the stream would acquire a velocity represented simply by the square root of the mean hydraulic depth. Let/* denote the fall in feet each mile, and the formula will change into v = /5 ^ 8Q \/ a f=-$\/ a f- Hence the velo- city, reckoning in miles every hour, is expressed by . .= . A.V% which 21 is very nearly , A.V*. In practice, it may be sufficiently accurate, to reckon, for every square foot of opposing surface, the product of two pounds averdupois into the square of the celerity of a stream of water expressed in miles an hour. The pressure of a river against the piers of a bridge may be hence computed. The shock becomes augmented in a high ratio during floods ; for not only is a greater extent of surface then opposed to the current, but the effort on every given space follows also the square of the increased velocity. The mighty rush of a torrent, carrying along with it fragments of rocks, stones, or gravel, depends on the same principle. Let w=6%^ lb., and a denote in feet the side of any cubical block, of which the specific gravity is g ; its weight under water will evidently be expressed by a 1 (1 -g) w 3 . The impulse of the stream would therefore be sufficient NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. to support the load, when 2a*.V* zna 3 (1 #)M> 3 , or V*=-(l #)w. In the case of stones, the value of g lies between 2 and 3, and consequently 2V*zil.6x62 Xz=100, and V =^/50.a. The force required to overcome the friction of a stone at the bottom of a current, or to urge it forward, will generally be less than this quantity, seldom perhaps exceeding the half of it. Hence we may assume V~4<^/a. The effect will be nearly the same, if the block should approach to a round shape. A torrent with the celerity of eight miles an hour would therefore be capable of rolling a stone of four feet in diameter. But a stream gliding at the rate of two miles an hour would only be sufficient to car- ry along with it a pebble of three inches in diameter. With lower velocities, the current will scarcely move gravel. If the particles of sand were supposed to have a diameter equal to the twenty-fourth part of an inch, it would require a flow of a quarter of a mile in an hour to bear them along. A velocity of the tenth part of a mile in an hour would be suffi- cient to carry sandy particles of only the hundred and twenty-third part of an inch in diameter. Hence, the theory of the washing of metallic ores, and the deposition of gold dust in the beds of rivers. The ores being broken into very small fragments by means of a stamper, these are laid upon an inclined plane, and exposed to the action of a descending stream of water, which sweeps away all the lighter 4/28 ELEMENTS OF earthy particles. In like manner, the pellicles of gold, adhering commonly to minute portions of quartz, being at length detached by incessant roll- ing, are left in the little pools, while the sandy par- ticles are carried still farther. Hence also the rea- son why the bottoms of rapid rivers are covered with large round stones, or at least with rolled peb- bles. Where the celerity of the current becomes moderated, gravel and coarse sand begin to appear. But when the flow is sluggish, the bed of the river is always covered with fine sand or mud. Such de- posits occur chiefly in the pools and near the influx into the sea. Hence. likewise the gradual formation of banks, a process which is constantly going on over all the stagnant parts of water, and along the limits of opposite currents. Water is the readiest and most powerful agent that can be directed by human skilL A mill-race, for example, three feet broad, and two feet deep, and running at the rate of four miles an hour, would communicate an impulsion equal to the fall through .538 parts of a foot j whence the action thus crea- ted, during the space of a minute, is expressed by the product 3 X 2 X 352 X 6%- X .538 = 70,966, which being incessant, amounts to the ordinary la- bour of an hundred men. If this current had then fallen 26} feet, its quantity of operation would have been augmented fifty times more. But such .streams are easily collected and formed in mime- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. J the square of the sine of the angle BAC. But if AB, the side of the wedge, or the length of the ob- lique plane, should be the constant quantity, the re- sistance will follow the cube of the inclination. These investigations, however, assume, for the sake of simplicity, that every particle, the instant it has impinged, retires into the general mass of the fluid, without consuming any force. But such a sup- position deviates widely from the truth. The fluid con- tinues, after collision, to press against the sides of the wedge, and therefore impede its advance. To over- come the inertia of this accumulation, will necessari- ly require the expenditure of a large share of the im- pulsion. The fluid particles which have met the shock of the oblique plane, must be pushed off la- terally, by some force depending on the cosine of the angle of incidence. The resistance which wedges experience in mo- ving through water is accordingly much greater than what mere theory indicates. It diminishes indeed with their angle, but not in so fast a ratio as the square. The acuteness of that angle occasions a greater drag of the fluid, and a corresponding re- tardation. When the floating body is very long, the nature of the resistance becomes totally changed. Thus, a ship's mast, though it has a conical shape, is more easily drawn through the water with its broad, than with its narrow, end foremost. In this case, the primary obstruction is no doubt greater ; but 436 ELEMENTS Ot the water heaped on the front, being made to stream off with a slight divergency, does not hang on the sides of the mast. For the same reason, whatever tends to weaken the adhesion, serves likewise to di- minish resistance. A wedge which has its sides rubbed with grease, is found to move more freely through the water. Hence the great benefit derived from sheathing the bottom of a ship with copper. To lessen the resistance, it is of more consequence that the prow of a vessel should be gently incurved than have a sharp outline. The roundness of the prow assists in gradually turning aside the current. Even the breadth of the bow of the vessel is some- times advantageous ; but the tapering of the hull is always an important requisite. The bilged form of the stern, which the Dutch have long adopted, appears at last to be judged preferable, not only strengthening the ship, but materially lessening its resistance in the water. Whenever an eddy occa- sioned by the abruptness of outline whirls under the stern, or a portion of fluid follows the vessel, its progress must evidently be retarded. In general the shape of the hinder part of any floating body has a very considerable influence on the quantity of resis- tance which it must encounter. To determine all these circumstances from strict theory, would require an investigation of the most repulsive and hopeless intricacy. It would not only be necessary to calcu- late the intensity and direction of the shock of each NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 43? particle of Huid, but to trace the diverging streamlets with which they again recede, and to reduce into a single amount the effect of all the diversified elements of resistance. The higher calculus might compress those conditions under the powers of its notation j but the resulting equations would still admit of no complete integration. It is a much easier and a safer procedure, to resume the limited and imperfect deduction already given, and to correct it by a series of accurate experiments. Many of these have been made, but not on a scale, it must be confessed, at all suited to the importance of the subject. The reports of different observers are, besides, not very consistent. We may therefore assume, for an oblique plane whose inclination is the angle a, the expression sin a 31 -(- ^ cos a, as a tolerably near approximation to the resistance, that of its base being reckoned unit. The same result may be given geometrically for the wedge CAB (fig. 175.) by making BH = AC, when GH will indicate the resistance. It may be worth while, however, to exhibit the gradation, by a tablet of the resistance for each five degrees, that of the base being unit. Angle. Resist. Angle. Resist. Angle. Resist. 5 10 15 20 25 .255 .276 .308 .362 .385 30 35 40 45 50 .466 .534 .605 .677 .748 55 60 65 70 75 .814 .875 .927 .968 .998 438 ELEMENTS OF If a stone be dropped into a deep pool, it will gra- dually accelerate its motion, till the increasing re- sistance it encounters becomes equal to its descend- ing force, or the excess of its weight above that of the volume of water displaced ; and it then conti- nues to fall with an uniform velocity. This veloci- ty, which serves as a limit, is hence called terminal ; and it evidently depends on the form, the size, and the density of the plunging mass. To simplify the consideration, suppose the body were globular, its dia- meter in feet being denoted byt/, its specific gravity by g, and the velocity by v . The excess of its weight above that of water will therefore be j..d 3 (cj 1) ; x v * while the resistance of a circular section is - . d* . T-, and that of the sphere itself the half of this, or v *._. Whence equating these expressions, we 8 04 obtain v =2 9% \/ (d (g 1 ) ). The terminal velocity is therefore in the subduplicate ratio of the diameter of the ball, and its preponderating density. Thus, an eighty pound iron shot, ^plunging into a fresh-wa- ter lake, would acquire a celerity of 20.4 feet in a second, or would descend through the space of 204 fathoms every minute ; for reckoning the specific gravity at 7.5, the diameter of the ball would be about 8J- inches, or .7 14 parts of a foot; whence .714x6.5). In the ocean, the celerity NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. must, owing to the greater density, be somewhat less, or 201 fathoms. But a ball of a pound and a quar- ter, or 64t times lighter, and consequently having a diameter very little more than 2 inches, would sink twice as slow, or at the rate of 100 fathoms every minute. Whether the balls drop softly into the wa- ter, or enter it with vehement impulsion, they will, in a very short time, acquire their terminal velo- city. The same principle regulates the ascent of lighter bodies, the formula being only modified into vzz9^v/(^(l #) ) Thus, reckoning the specific gravity of cork to be .20, a ball of that substance, two inches in diameter, if not affected by compression, would rise from the bottom of a lake with a velocity of 34< fathoms in a minute. Jn other fluids, it is only requisite to substitute the relative value of g. Thus, for atmospheric air, the formula is changed into v 9$\/(d(84 p = Pv z ; whence v /p , and v J P = | 1 . Thus, on the Leeds and Liver- \ v J pool canal, a horse, walking at the rate of l miles in an hour, draws a boat of 45 tons burthen, whence NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 443 the actual draught is 115 Ibs., and P = 74 Ibs. If the pace were quickened only to two miles, the traction would be increased to 296 Ibs., and require 3 horses : were it accelerated to three miles, the force would amount to 666 Ibs., requiring 8 horses : a traction of 1184 Ibs., or the labour of 18 horses, would be necessary to bring the rate of travelling to four miles ; and no fewer than 38 horses, pulling with the force of 1850 Ibs., would have been requi- red to bring the speed up to the rate of five miles in an hour. The advantages resulting from the present mode of interior navigation are hence very conspicuous. The impulsion of locomotive engines along the track of a railway seems, to a certain extent, well calcu- lated for the rapid conveyance of passengers and light goods ; but the system of canals, with their slow regulated movements, which, at so little ex- pense of labour, distribute or transport the ponde- rous materials and the staple productions of the country, must always be regarded as the grand feed- er of our extended commerce. An impulse may be conveyed through any fluid, as along a solid substance, by a chain of tremulous commotion, without any actual transfer of the parti- cles which are effected in succession. A system of alternate contraction and dilatation pervades the whole extent. The celerity with which those vi- 444* ELEMENTS OF brations are transmitted, it may be shown, is that due to half the altitude of the modulus of elasticity. The rapidity with which an impulse will shoot through water is hence equal to 8^350,000, or 4*730 feet every second. Suppose a train of pipes of a mile in length were filled with water, a violent blow, struck with a hammer at one end, would be transmitted through the fluid, and felt at the other end in little more than a second. But if the water should extend along an open canal, or spread itself within a wide basin, the succession of alternating contractions and dilatations will produce a corresponding series of swells and concavities over the whole surface. These connected elevations and depressions must likewise modify and retard the tide of vibratory commotion which would rush impetu- ously below. The rise of the water above its level in any place will create a pressure acting on all sides, but more immediately exerted against the nearest portions of the fluid. Every swell over the surface must hence tend to subside, and every hollow again to mount upwards. A system of oscillations having been once excited will therefore continue its opera- tion, till the tenacity of the fluid particles extinguish the disturbing force. Sir Isaac Newton, who first examined this intri- cate subject, was satisfied with comparing the motion of waves on the surface of a pool to the undulation of water in an inverted syphon. Suppose a hori- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 445 /ontal glass tube AB (fig. 176.) turned up at each end, were filled with any liquid, whether alcohol, or water, or mercury ; disturbed by raising the column on the one side to E, it will sink equally in the other to F. Abandoned in this situation, the fluid would again retreat towards its former position, urged by the pressure of EG on the double of CE. Bisect AB in O, and the inciting force will be expressed by CE and since CAO remains constant, this force will be proportional to EG, the space of derange- ment. Hence the fluid, after it has gained the level CD, will yet shoot just as far beyond it to G and H. In this new position, it will be pressed back by an inverted force, and made to return to E and F. But these vibratory motions, whether wide or nar- row, must all be performed in the same time. They correspond exactly with the oscillation of a pendu- lum, whose length is OC, or half the extent of the recurved tube from C to D. If the undulations of water be therefore assimilated to these movements, the interval between each swell and the consequent subsidence will be equal to the time of the vibration of a pendulum, which has for its length the distance of the top of a wave from the middle of the subja- cent hollow. But waves never emerge and sink again in the same place. They seem to take their origin from some agitated spot, and appear thence to advance in 446 ELEMENTS OF expanding concentric circles. The subaqueous pro- pulsion accompanying them decides no doubt the direction of their progress, and prevents them from remaining in a pendulous state. If we examine at- tentively the motion of a wave, we shall find that the fore-part is always in the act of rising, while the hinder-part is constantly sinking. The whole sys- tem hence appears to roll onwards, though there is actually no translocation of any portion of the mass, and each particle in succession merely oscillates with nearly a vertical ascent and descent, The motions of waves are perfectly imitated on the stage, by turning slowly an open helical screw applied round an horizontal axis. This effect is produced by the varying rate of the vertical eleva- tion and depression, which must be as the versed sine of the distance of each point from the summit. Its celerity is greatest in emerging from the level of the water ; it becomes stationary when it has gain- ed its utmost ascent ; but it again acquires an equal and opposite celerity as it sinks under that level, till it comes to pause at the limit of depression. The figure and apparent motion of a wave hence result from this unequal and reciprocating vertical play of each particle, combined with the continued and uni- form advance of the inciting energy. The vertical motions of the particles which com- pose a wave are thus exactly similar to the oscilla- tions of a pendulum. Let a OA (fig. 177.) repre- NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. sent a level surface of the water, describe a circle a FAQ, erect the perpendicular POQ, and having divided each quadrant into equal arcs at the points A, B, C, &c. draw the parallels BE, CD, &c. If those arcs AB, AC, AP, AD, AE, &c., denote the times elapsed, the corresponding altitudes OF, OG, OP, and again OG, OF, &c. will express the suc- cessive positions of a point which emerged from O. In like manner, f, g> Q, and again g, f will indicate the series of positions of O, in its subsequent de- scent, answering to the times elapsed, AP&, APc, APQ, APQd, and APQe. The particles which succeed to this will gain the same positions at equal intervals of time, and must consequently, by their combination, mark the outline of a curve, which has the arcs of a circle for its abscissa?, and the corre- sponding series for its ordinates. This is called the Curne of Sines. (See Geometry of Curve Lines, pp. 406-8.) When its ordinates are all diminished or augmented in a given ratio, it becomes changed into the Hat-manic Curve. Such then is the sinu- ous curve which represents the concatenation of a system of waves. Let the horizontal line AN (fig. 178.) be distinguished into successive portions at the points B, C, D, E, equal to the arcs of the circle APQ, (fig. 17?.) which measure the intervals of time, and consequently the progress of the swell ; and from those points, erect perpendiculars equal to the corresponding sines OF, OG, OP, &c. ; the 448 ELEMENTS OF summits of these being joined, will indicate the con- tour of the undulating surface of the water. The front of the wave AVG rises in the first instant to R, and the whole appears to advance into the posi- tion BXRH. In the next instant, the same portion mounts to S, and the wave comes into the situation CYSI. In another instant, the fore-part of the wave attains the elevation T, and the outline changes into DTK. Again, the hinder-part of this wave, by an inverted or reciprocating motion, descends first from V to X, then to Y, and next sinks to D. Each wave thus appears to roll onward, although none of its component particles really change their places. They merely vibrate in the same vertical lines, rising or falling with a variable celerity. It is evident that the relative elevations of waves may differ in every proportion. Fig. 179. exhibits the contour of a very high wave or billow ; and fig. 180. represents the outline of a gentle swell or undulation. Waves are always seen rolling towards the shore ; but an obstacle opposed to them becomes the centre of a new series, which spread in circles. One set of waves, however, does not interfere with the motion of another, and they will cross each other without occasioning the smallest interruption. Sometimes the ordinary undulations are combined with a distant swell, called the bore, which rises impetuous after certain considerable intervals. NOTES. NOTE I. P. 25. THIS capital experiment was first devised and performed on a small scale by Mr Canton in 1760. It established incontestably the compression of water, but seems to have been generally over- looked by succeeding popular writers, many of whom still con- tinue to repeat the erroneous conclusion of the Academicians del Cimento, which represents that fluid as absolutely incompressible. The instrument alluded to in the text holds about 12 pounds of water, which was introduced with great care and patience : The contraction and subsequent dilatation in the stem, from abstracting and restoring the pressure of nine-tenths of an atmosphere, amounts to 3 or 4 inches, and is rendered visible at the distance of several benches in a large class-room, by help of a drop of quicksilver rest- ing on the top of the aqueous column. I have likewise had constructed, by our ingenious young optician Mr John Adie, a large and delicate instrument, suggested by the plan of Oerstedt, and capable of extensive application. It bears safely a pressure of 12 or 15 atmospheres, and not only measures easily the contraction of different fluids, but serves to indicate the various compressibility of solid substances. From a series of ex- periments which I have instituted, 1 may venture to anticipate the detection of some interesting and important facts in the economy of Nature. The theory of the compression of bodies, carried to its full extent, might give rise to several bold but striking speculations regarding VOL. i. 2 F 450 NOTES. the internal constiltttion of our globe. Let the density of any sub- stance, at a depth corresponding to the distance x from the centre in miles, be denoted by e?, (that at the surface being assumed the unit,) and the radius and the modulus of elasticity expressed by r and m. Since the power of internal gravitation is directly as the dis- tance from the centre, it will be demonstrated in the Second Vo- lume of this Work, that Hyp. Log. d = ~ , or, adopting com- mon logarithms, and inserting the numerical values, 395G 2 For Atmospheric Air, this formula becomes, 3956 2 # 2 9090 For pure Water, it passes into, 3956 2 41570 And for white Marble, the formula is, 3956*- ^ Log. d- 728 7 2 oO ' Hence it may be computed, that if the same law of condensation continued, Aii- would become as dense as Water at the depth of 33| miles ; it would even acquire the density of Quicksilver at a far- ther depth of 163 miles. The idea which I formerly threw out in the article Meteorology, of the Supplement to the Encyclopedia Britannica, that the ocean may rest on a subaqueous bed of compressed air, is therefore not devoid of probability. Supposing the rate of contraction were to proceed more slowly than at first, still the required measure of condensation would be attained at a depth which forms a very small part of the radius of the globe. But Water, under the weight of an enormous column, must like- wise largely contract. At the depth of 93 miles, it would be com- pressed into half its former bulk ; and at the depth of 362J miles, it would acquire the ordinary density of quicksilver. Even Mar- NOTES. 451 ble itself, subjected to its own pressure, would become twice as dense as before at tbe enormous depth of 28 7 j miles. It is curious to remark, tbat, from its rapid compressibility, Air would sooner acquire the same density with Water, than this fluid would reach the condensation of Marble. For the coincidence of Air and Water, the formula becomes 9441^707 Q1OQO a* = 15649936 ''I Log. 840 ; whence the depth is 35J miles. For equal densities of Water and Marble, the formula is * = 15649936-^2: Log . 2 . 3 4 ; and the depth descends to 172 T 9 n miles. If we calculate for a depth of 395 f miles, which is only the tenth part of the radius of the earth, we shall find that Air would attain the enormous density of 101960 billions ; while, at the same depth, Water would acquire but a density of 4.3492, and Marble only 3.8095. At the centre of the earth, the several formula will become simpler. The logarithm of the final augmented density would be . 15649936 15649936 Af ^ .. 15649936 forAir -9T690-' f rWater 2415707' apdf rMarble ^287200- Air would hence reach the inconceivable density expressed by 764 with 166 ciphers annexed, while Water would be condensed 3009000 times, and Marble acquire the density of 119. Such are the prodigious results deduced from the law of gravi- tation, even supposing the structure of the globe were uniform. But if we take into the estimate the augmented power from con- densation, the numbers would become still more stupendous. It follows, therefore, that if the great body of our earth consisted of any such materials as we are acquainted with, its mean density w.ould very far surpass the limits assigned by the most accurate investigations. The astronomical observation by Dr Maskelyne on the deflection of a pendulum, caused by the attraction of the sides of Mount Schehallien, and the nice experiments made with the Balance of Torsion by Mr Cavendish, on the mutual action 452 NOTES. of ponderous balls of lead, nearly concur in representing the mean density of the globe as only about jive times greater than that of water. It seems, therefore, to follow conclusively, that our planet must have a very widely cavernous structure, and that we tread on a crust or shell whose thickness bears but a very small propor- tion to the diameter of its sphere. Physical Science can extend her prospects to the farthest verge of possibilities ; but Chemistry, even in its present advanced stage, fails altogether in aiding inquiry ; and the various hypotheses framed by Geologists are built with such scanty and slender materials, as to furnish no safe guidance through those boundless speculations. It is evident, that immense compression would totally derange the powers of elective attraction, and change the whole form and constitution of bodies. When air becomes denser than gold, it is hard to conjecture what transmutations this plastic fluid must un- dergo. The bowels of the earth may contain substances thus trans- formed, bearing no longer any resemblance to their aspect on its surface. But since an absolute void is inadmissible, the vast subterranean cavity must be filled with some very diffusive medium, of asto- nishing elasticity or internal repulsion among its molecules. The only fluid we know possessing that character is LIGHT itself, which, when embodied, constitutes Elemental Heat or Fire. It is elicited from every substance by percussion or compression, by electrical agency or chemical affinity. With every species of light our vision is equally perfect, and, consequently, the luminous parti- cles must, in all cases, dart forward with the same celerity, or travel at the rate of about 200,000 miles in a second. But since atmos- pheric air is projected into a vacuum with the velocity of only a quarter of a mile each second, the motion of light is thus 800,000 times more rapid. Wherefore, the propulsive force of light com- pared with that of air is expressed by the square of this number, or 640 billions; and hence its Modulus of Elasticity must amount to the stupendous column of 3200 billions of miles, an extension which is 889 times greater than the diameter of the orbit of NOTES. 453 Uranus, the most distant of the planets yet discovered. Only such surpassing powers of repulsion would appear at all adequate to balance the cumulative mass of compression, and restrain the con- densation of our globe within moderate limits. We are thus led, by a close train of induction, to the most im- portant and striking conclusion. The great central concavity is not that dark and dreary abyss which the fancy of Poets had pic- tured. On the contrary, this spacious internal vault must contain the purest ethereal essence, Light in its most concentrated state, shining with intense refulgence and overpowering splendour. NOTE II. P. 96. The problem of the Swiftest Descent, or the investigation of the Brachystochronous Curve, was solved only by Mathematicians of the first order about the close of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century. It particularly exercised the ingenuity, but it likewise unhappily excited the contentious spirit, of the Bernoullis. The last solution which James the elder brother pro- duced in 1718 seems uncommonly elegant, and deserves the more attention, as it may be considered as the germ of the Method of Variations with which Lagrange has enriched the Higher Calcu- lus. I have endeavoured in the text to give the substance of that solution without involving it in symbolical notation ; but perhaps the reader will not be averse to see the demonstration remoulded. If a body descend by its own gravity in the shortest time possi- ble from one point to another in the same vertical plane, it must describe every element of its cur vilineal path likewise in the shortest time. Conceive this element to be composed of two minute portions AC and BC, viewed as straight lines ; or let the extreme points A and B stand equidistant on both sides of the horizontal line CD, and a body descend with a certain velocity from A towards this line at C, and next with a different velocity from C to B, so as to complete the track ACB in the shortest time. As this is only a NOTES. limiting position, assume the proximate path AcB, and from A and B describe the minute arcs Ca and cb, the track AC is thus length- ened by ca, while BC is shortened by Cb ; and consequently ca must be described in the same instant of time as C6, or ca is to Cb as the velocity of description above the line CD is to the velo- city below it. But the elemental triangles being viewed as right angled, ca and Cb are the sines of the angles cCa and cC6, which are equal to the angles which AC and CB make with a vertical line. Wherefore the Brachystochronous Curve must be such, that the sine of the declination of every portion of it from the perpen- dicular shall be proportional to the corresponding celerity of de- scent. Now this property belongs to the Cycloid. For in fig. 57, the tangent at E being parallel to the cord GD of the generating circle, makes with a vertical the angle GDC, of which the sine CG is proportional to the velocity acquired in falling directly from C to H, or along the cydoidal arc from A to E. NOTE III. P. 101. Huygens strongly recommended the adoption of the length of a second's pendulum as an universal standard measure, it being divided into three equal parts, which he proposed to call horary feet. The project was afterwards frequently resumed and aban- doned. The great difficulty consists in determining experimen- tally the position of the centre of oscillation. In 1778, Mr Hatton proposed to avoid this, by applying a moveable point of suspension, and taking for the standard the difference between the lengths of the two pendulums thus formed. The ingenious Mr Whitehurst, in 1787, improved the plan, by making his pendulums to vibrate 84 and 42 times in a minute, their lengths being 20 and 80 inches, and leaving, consequently, a difference of 5 feet as the standard. In performing the experiment, he found the second's pendulum in London to have the length of 39| inches. After a long interval of time, the question of a standard pendu- NOTES. 455 him was again revived. The very skilful artist, Mr Troughton, ' proposed a cylinder of brass, suspended alternately from either end, and two- thirds of the intermediate distance to be assumed, accord- ing to theory, for the length of the pendulum. It was soon found, however, liable to much inaccuracy from the unequal density of the metal. Captain Kater, in 1818, happily availed himself of the beautiful property demonstrated by Huygeus, that the point of suspension and the centre of oscillation are interchangeable. He employed a bar of plate brass, with two moveable knife edges for suspension, and a heavy weight attached. A small intermediate sli- der was annexed, and shifted along, till the vibrations from both points of suspension became isochronous. The number of those vibrations was reckoned from their successive coincidences with the oscillations of the pendulum of a chronometer. In this way was formed a standard pendulum, the interval between the two points of suspension marking its true length. After applying several de- licate corrections, Captain Kater fixed the length of a pendulum vi- brating seconds in London, at the temperature of 62 in vacuo, at 39.1386 inches. In 1819, this scientific observer rectified his con- clusion, and determined the length of the pendulum at different re- mote stations. For London, he finally gives 39.13929, and for Leith Fort 39.15554 inches. NOTE IV. P. 110. On the principle of Centrifugal Force, might be constructed a sort of Revolving Battery. Suppose a wide vertical cylinder holding a supply of balls, and carrying a very long horizontal branch, to be whirled rapidly about its axis : it would evidently discharge from the mouth of the pipe a torrent of shot with considerable force. Each ball, driven along the tube by centrifugal action, and descri- bing at the same time a circle, must be projected at an oblique an- gle. To find this deviation from the tangent, or a perpendicular to the tube, is a curious problem. Resuming the notation of the text, and putting x for the distance of the ball from the centre of mo- 456 NOTES. tion^rr ^, and consequently, vdv = * , and the integral v z = 7 ^- t or yg . = v t the radiating velocity. But the velo- city of revolution being , is evidently to v as 2 : or ^/32 : 1, * which is the ratio of radius to the tangent of declination, or 10 1' 35". Hence the obliquity of discharge remains in all cases precisely the same. In Holland and Flanders, the bleachers use a very long scoop for watering their linen. The stream must therefore issue from the groove always nearly at the same angle. NOTE V. P. ]68. If the Concentrator of Force receive its impulsion from a cord wound about the circumference of a cylinder, the moving power will evidently travel with an accelerated velocity. Such a mode of action is easily obtained from a descending weight or an expand- ing spring. But where animal power is employed, or the pressure of a regular engine, the primary motion must necessarily be uni- form. This condition is very nearly, if not absolutely, obtained, by substituting a sort of tapered fusee instead of the cylinder, the pressure beginning at a considerable distance from the axis, and then gradually approaching it. It is a curious, though not a diffi- cult problem, to determine the nature of the curve, which is a species of hyperbola. The reversed incurvation serves to soften and equalize the discharge of the momentum acquired by the Con- centrator. NOTE VI. P. 209. The common atmospheric engine, having a counterpoise at tlje farther end of the beam, acts merely by pulling. The perpendi- NOTES. 457 cular motion of its pump rod is therefore produced by a flexible or jointed chain (like that of a watch) bending on a sector. But in Mr Watt's engine, the power, being communicated by alternately drawing and pushing, it became necessary to direct the rod of the piston in a vertical and rectilineal path. This is effected, at least approximately, by a simple and ingenious contrivance called the Parallel Motion. Fig. 113. represents it : AC is one half of the beam turning on its centre C, ADEF is a parallelogram jointed at its four angles, and carrying the rod from F, which is guided by the bar BE, fastened to a firm beam at B, and working on the joint E. It is easy to see that E must describe a small arc, and that the deviation from the tangent and towards B will be inversely as the radius BE. But, for the same reason, the point D deviates towards C by a quantity as -r^ ; and EF being kept parallel to L/JJ CD, the point F will decline proportionally from the vertical to- wards C. Thus, the deviation of the top of the piston-rod to the I 1 P* F* right and to the left will be denoted by |jp, and by ^^ . ^- or T7P 1 I ; and consequently, to correct those opposite effects, it is i^iJ 1 FF requisite that ^ = - , or BE . EF = CD 8 . Wherefore the beam CA must be so divided, that the part CD shall be a mean proportional between the remainder DA and the length of the stay BE. This mode of rectification is sufficient for practice, though strictly applicable only to small arcs of vibration. The extended path of E is a complex curve line. NOTE VII. P. 259. This property may be demonstrated geometrically. For let the parabola BAC (fig. 134.) have its parameter arid its axis AB equal to the diameter of the circle ; if AD be taken the third part of AB, 458 NOTES. then DE, in the parabola, will be equal to the corresponding chord of the circle, DB will be proportional to the square of the chord AE. The strength of the beam will hence be represented by the rectangle BDEF. But this space is a maximum ; for the tangent EF being drawn, AD= AT, and consequently DT=DB. But the elementary rectangle KD is equal to KG or EL. The rectangle BDET has thus its increments balanced by the decrement, and is therefore the greatest that can be inscribed in the given parabola. NOTE VIII. P. 281. The power of traction exerted by a horse, being evidently com- pounded of the velocity and the strain, is hence denoted by v (12 v) 2 , which becomes a maximum when v is equal to four miles, or the third part of 12. But the same conclusion may be derived geometrically. Let OAC (fig. 133.), be a parabola, of which AO is the axis, and AB a vertical tangent : If the part DB denote the actual velocity, the perpendicular DE, being as the square of AD, will express the strain. Wherefore the exterior rectangle DEF will represent the compound effect. Contiguous to E assume the point K, and draw the secant EKT ; then AT will approximate to an equality with AG. The elementary rect- angle GK, being equal to KH, must therefore be double of KD. But the rectangle EB in the state of a maximum, will have its in- crement KD on the one side equal to its decrement EL on the other. Consequently GH is double of EL, and the part AD dou- ble of DB, which is therefore the third part of the whole AB. NOTE IX. P. 399. When air is projected from a small orifice, either into free space or into a close vessel with a wider exit, it will evidently spread out in diverging streamlets, and hence suffer rarefaction. The radia- ting discharge of a fluid thus involves a principle, as I noticed in NOTES. 4-59 tbe article Meteorology of the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, which explains a number of curious facts. Hence tin- suspension and play of a little ball above a jet of air from a con- densing engine ; and hence, too, the lowered temperature of such a stream from a condensing engine, or of a current of the High Pres- sure Steam. The same principle elucidates the seeming paradox in the action of fluids, lately considered by the ingenious M. Hachette. If a pipe bent directly downwards expand at its lower extremity into a cone, the base of which is horizontal, encircled by a narrow brim, and pierced with a little central hole, but having a circular plate fitting loosely with a weight appended : a strong current of air is- suing through that narrow orifice, so far from blowing away the cover, will draw it forcibly and support the load. The sheet of air between the opposite surfaces being kept rarefied by its diver- ging streamlets, the external atmosphere presses strongly upwards. Hence arises the uncertainty in some cases of safety valves. A similar effect is produced in the expanding discharge of water from a narrow outlet. The streamlets dividing from the centre, draw in air and keep it rarefied by their rapid divergence. The play of a ball over a. jet d'eau depends on a modification of the same principle. A like explanation may be given of another fact, men- tioned to me by a friend, that the common bellows work with great difficulty when the valve is much larger than the hole which it covers. NOTE X. P. 407. The latest and best set of experiments on the motion of fluids, was performed between the years 1811 and 1815 at Fahlun, by Lagerhielm, Forselles, and Kalistenius, at the expense of the Min- ing Society, and published in 1818 and 1822 at Stockholm in the Swedish language, under the title of Hydrauliska Fvrsok. The profound mathematical knowledge displayed in that work is highly creditable to the practicable engineers of Sweden. I regret that I cannot afford space for any detail of their experiments. It may 460 NOTES. suffice to remark, that they found the discharge of water, from pressure through a circular hole, to be almost exactly 3-5ths, and the shock of a current against a plane, 9-10ths of the quanti- ties assigned by theory ; and that the resistance which a wedge encounters in water, consists of two distinct portions, as already stated in the text, the one depending on the square of sine of the ngle, and the other on the cosine of that angle. NOTE XL P. 432. I find that, adopting round numbers, what is called a single horse power in mechanical performance may be estimated at one thousand cubic feet of water, raised to the height of one foot in a minute. This might be exemplified in the small river Leven, which issues from a Lake of that name, and runs mostly through Fife- shire about twelve miles, till it discharges itself into the Firth of Forth. The mean flow being reckoned 4000 cubic feet for every minute, the descent of 306 feet would certainly leave a fall of 200 available for the purpose of driving Machinery. The whole im- pulsion of the stream of the Leven is hence represented by 4 X 200, or 800 horse power ; or what is equivalent to the operation of 40 steam engines, each of 20 horse power. NOTE XII. P. 437. A ship must evidently sail faster in proportion to the extent of canvas exposed to the wind, and the smallness of its resistance in ploughing the water. The rate of going will hence depend as much on the stability of the vessel as on its tapered form. The late Admiral Chapman of the Swedish Navy, the ablest and most scien- tific shipbuilder of his day, gave, as the result of very long expe- rience, that the square of the effectual velocity of a ship may be B*L 3 expressed by ~ 3 , where B denotes the breadth, and D the NOTES. 461 depth at the bilge, and L the length of the hull. Fast sailing is thus the least affected by the breadth, but depends chiefly on the length and on the smallness of the draught of water. It hence follows, that the absolute efficiency of navigation, or the quantity of goods transported in a given time, will be represented by D 5 Our merchant ships, in their construction, are notoriously infe- rior to those of most other nations, and particularly the Swedes and Americans. They sail worse, have less stability, and suffer more from stress of weather. These defects have been chiefly caused by the operation of the absurd rule for the admeasurement of tonnage, which takes into account only the length and breadth of the ship, assuming the depth as always the same portion of the latter. The builders are therefore tempted to increase the depth at the expense of the breadth, and the vessel is thus made to draw more water and carry less sail. Another evil arises from this con- struction, the necessity of deepening our harbours. Let us hope, that so gross a mode of ascertaining the tonnage will be speedily abolished. NOTE XIII. P. 448. I have endeavoured, in a popular way, to reconcile the New- tonian theory of waves with the actual appearances. But to inves- tigate the subject thoroughly would prove a most arduous task. The profound researches of Lagrange and Poisson on the vibra- tions of fluids, are only fine speculations, which yet seem to bring out no definite or practical results. END OF VOLUME FIRST. EDINBURGH : PRINTED BY JAMES WALKEB. I IM.ATK s ( / 1 ; IM.VTK III />,/. ',7. I'l.ATK IV J'l.ATK V. Put. PI.ATK VI 125. pun* vin. 2S6. IM.ATK IV ffy.159. ./.i/.//,// /:,//>,: ERRATA. age. Line. 43, 2, from hot, for AG read AC 53, 2, from do. for PR read CQ 3, 11, from top, for GSR razd GSP 58, 6, from do. for A'O read A'O' 61, 2, from do. for cylinder read cone 63, 1 & 2, from do. for APB is to BPC read BPC is to APB 6 3, 3, from do.>r CB read DB 68, 2, from do. for fig. 31 read fig. 10 6, from do. 'after ACB read fig. 31 14, from do. for AB read at B 76, 14, from do. for fig. 35 read fig. 36 86, 10, from bot. for CDB read BCD 91, 5 & 6, from do. invert the ivords small arc 4' chord 10, from do. for EBFB read FB 94, 10, from do. for CD read KD 95, 14, from top, for 95 raze? 95 * 96, 17, from do. for IKN read IKL \o.fc y.for 99, 3, from do.for + B. AB 2 razc?-B. AB 9 Page. Line. 268, 3, from hot. transfer and thickness /o after breadth 304, 2, from top,/or Ee read E

r (21.6)- raM?(21.5) 8 341, bot. \ine,for LM read LN 345, 3, from 'bot. for ba 3 read b 3 a> 355, 11, from bot. for column read plate 375, 14, from top,/or JK read IM 376, 3, from bot. for GE read CE' from do.for CF read CF' 2, from do.>r ECF read E'CF' - from do.for BCE read BCE' bottom linear FH read FH' * same do. for it rearf HC 377, 11, from top,/or GH read EG 12, from do.fot GC read E 380, 9, from do./or 156 read 158 382, 6, from do. for AC and CGH read BC and'CG 383, bot. line,/or 158 read 159 385, 14, from top,/or 159 read 160 12, from bot. for AM readQM 2, from do.for 160 read 161 386, 1 1, from top, for t read t from do.^r uead ir 3, from bot. before an read half 399, 10, from top, for affecting read effect- ing ; and in one or two other places, the like oversight ocrurs 403, 9, from bot. for 166 read 170 406, 14, from top,' for 167 read 171 424, top Vine, for inches read miles 426, 2, from bot. and] for 3 (\ g)ix* 427, 1, from top, J read a 3 (g])w I - - LIBR ^ * ~~A below " UNIVERSITY OF CAL FOR MNO.DD6A, 7m ,3/7B BERKELEY, C /_ U. C. BERKELEY LIBRARIES