k-Q Hf 62. NRLF B 3 3MT 33^ THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID DE VI PHYSICA. QUIDQUID enim ex phenomenis non deducitur, hypothesis vocanda est : et hypotheses seu metaphysics seu physicse seu qualitatum occultarum seu mechanics in philosophia experimentali locum non habent. In hac philosophia pro- positiones deducuntur ex phenomenis, et redduntur generales per inductionem. NEWTON'S PRINCIPIA. Nee perfecte unquam intelliget scientiarum theoremata quicunque est Logics omnino expers. Itaque jure optimo Aristoteles hujus artis ignorationem veteribus philosophis exprobavit : et procul dubio si nunc viveret longe plures et longe acriiis eo nomine incusaret. JULIUS PACIUS IN ORGANO. DE VI PHYSICA ET IMBECILLITATE DARWINIANA DISPUTAVIT FRANCISCUS GULIELMUS BAIN, ARTIUM MAGISTER. SCIENDUM TAMEN, QUOD CUJUSLIBET REI REALITAS PRESUPPONIT POTENTIAM, SINE QUA NON DATUR ESSE : QUIA SECUNDUM PHILOSOPHUM IN OCTAVO PHYSICORUM, NON FIUNT IMPOSSIBILIA. Guilhelmus de Ockam sup. libros Sent m . Jf antes Barker anft C0. 27 BROAD-STREET, OXFORD; AND 31 BEDFORD -STREET, STRAND, LONDON. 1903. NOSTRI saeculi homines, dum Naturse artus et membra, Bacchantum ritu, divellunt in fragmenta, Totius interim compositionem organicam et animam et ut ita dicam punc- tum saliens et principians non agnoscunt et nihili faciunt et omittunt ex ratiuncula. Quse negligentia et scientias et philosophiam et literas, barbaris jam iterum ingruentibus, pessum dejicere minatur, et dejicit, nemine contradicente. Hoc igitur opusculum illis prsesertim scriptor voluit com- mendare lectoribus, inter rariores rarissimis, quibus Natura ipsa et Scientia solida et vera Inquisitio physica magis cordi et curse sunt, quam auctorum quorundam auctoritas et vulgi vana opinio et res ilia teste Domino de Veru- lamio omnium pessima, errorum apotheosis. : Utrum Natura saltus facit in parlibus animaliuin generandis. Quod NEGAT Darwinius, ore suaviloquo re tamen prejudicata pronuntians ultro, NATURAM SALTARE NON- POSSE: et miraculum sapere contrariam opinio- nem. Quse dogmata probare male nititur viam ingressus physico vetitam : FINGIT enim hypo- theses et entia COMMINISCITUR, avi sinistra ! ASSERIT Contra hie, Naturae secutor et Philosophi, obji- ciens, luminibus plane carentis esse, negare vim Naturae saltatoriam : cum saltus haud infitiandos et FECIT et FACIT et ipsa se coacta COGIT facere, suae ipsius NECESSITATE et Parens et Filia. Quod ex phcnomenis deducitur, more Newtoniano, duce et auspice Natura. SUB . JUDICE . LIS . EST . CLIENS . NATURA . PATRONUS . CLIENTI . SI . FRAUDEM . FECERIT . SACER . ESTO. CONTENTS. PAGE I. The Principium Principiorum : that every Principle must have POWER to do what it is required to explain . . 5 II. The Principle of Continuous Increment . 7 III. Lyell . . 10 IV. Darwin ..... 15 V. Some cases of organisation . . 23 VI. Causes of Darwin's success . . 32 VII. Our debt to Darwin or others . . 43 VIII. Natura Saltatrix . . , 52 IX. Geology and the Vis Creatrix Natura . 61 X. The origin of man and the ' Missing Link' ..... 85 XL The Apotheosis of Impotence . . 89 APPENDIX. On Darwin's theory of Coral Is- lands ... .95 EPILOGUS . 99 DE VI PHYSICA ET IMBECILLITATE DARWINIANA, Quid possit oriri, Quid nequeat. LUCRETIUS. IN the beginning, says Goethe, was the Act; but he is wrong: there is something prior even to the act the POWER. For nothing can begin to be, which had not first the power to be : the POWER-TO-BE must necessarily and inevitably, always and everywhere, precede the BEING, otherwise there can be no BECOMING. What is im- potent, cannot generate : and what is im- possible, does not happen. Therefore it is. that, as Aristotle alone of all the philosophers understood, Power and Possibility are the root and core of all Nature. B De ViPhysica And Nature shows her power nowhere more clearly or more admirably than in the parts of animals. In their eyes, as those of hawks and owls ; their ears, as those of hares or bats ; in the foot of the camel or the polar bear, the wing of the humming bird, of the dragon fly, or the condor ; in the trunk of the elephant, or the vertebral column of the boa-constrictor ; in the tongue of the woodpecker, or the battery of the electric eel ; in the claws, jaws, wings, weapons, and all the marvellous organis- ations of insects, and briefly, in all the in- numerable parts of animals, as well as in the knowledge, generally intuitive, which every animal possesses, of how to use its peculiar organs so as to employ them to the best advantage : we see the Power of Nature, in actual existence and operation. What is this power ? What do we mean by Nature, the Natura-Naturans ? Or in other et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. words, how do the parts of animals, and the entire animals, which are combinations of parts, come to be ? A question which Aristotle was the first to raise, and scien- tifically seek to answer. The experience of Aristotle was limited. And yet, in endeavouring to answer the question in modern times, some eminent philosophers, far better furnished than he was with data, compare most unfavourably with that old sagacious inquisitor in judg- ment and the power of analysis. With the animals of the whole world ranged before them, they totally ignore the obvious and necessary significance of many of the most familiar organisations, as he was careful not to do. A necessary deduction from even a few facts cannot be upset by no matter how many more. Nay, even a single fact will sometimes furnish Archimedes with a lever wherewith to move the world. The moon De Vi Physica alone was for Newton, whose astronomical knowledge was very scanty in extent, the stepping-stone to the discovery of a law extensive as the universe. But facts are thrown away upon those who do not possess sufficient analytical power to deduce and extract from them their meaning by subtle interrogation. Still more useless is a fact to one that will not see : blinded by pre- judice, or it may be, by a theory that pre- occupies the mind, and closes the eye to all but what supports it, begetting the most desperate special pleading in its favour, till at length scientific reputations and the credit of great names are involved : then other motives come into play, and facts claim recognition in vain. Quoi! il me faudra renoncer aux dogmes d? Epicure ? et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. I. The necessary foundation of science is, rigorous exactitude in elements and prin- ciples. And since all scientific explanation essen- tially consists in referring the phenomena of Nature to causes, forces, agencies, prin- ciples, &c., that are ABLE to produce and explain them : whoever comes forward to offer us any such cause, force, agency, &c., as an explanatory principle is scientifically bound to satisfy himself beforehand that his principle does actually possess the power to, effect those results which he employs it to explain. As, e.g., a teacup of water spilt in Abyssinia will not account for the rise of the Nile at Cairo : an ounce of gunpowder will not produce an earthquake of Lisbon. The cause must be adequate^ in kind and degree, to the effect. And if, without the De Vi Physica necessary preliminary verification and scru- tiny, any one should bring forward a principle of explanation intrinsically impotent both in kind and degree to effect the results in question, it will not make matters any the better, if he should subsequently ransack heaven and earth in search of facts that only seem to support it but never can : for no amount of evidence can establish an impos- sibility. It is futile to accumulate piles of evidence to prove that two straight lines can enclose a space. He ought to have begun by testing the power and possibility, mathe- matical or physical, of his principle, before he set out. For to appeal to an adequately powerful principle is truly scientific proce- dure : to ascertain, with rigorous severity, that it is adequate, before resorting to it, is the mark of a really scientific thinker: to explain power by impotence, supposed, by reason of a want of analysis, to be potent, is et Imbecillitate Darwinian a. unscientific : to explain Nature by impos- sibility, in pure unconsciousness of what you are doing, is ridiculous. II. Any Quantity or Magnitude, considered in a purely mathematical or quantitative way, may be regarded as the outcome of a series of continuous, successively accumulated minute quantities or increments of which it is the limit. And conversely, any such Quantity, by the inverted process, continuous decrement y will become as small as we please, till it vanishes, or differs by no appreciable magni- tude from zero, or nothing. It is this principle, variously manipulated and applied, which has given such power to modern mathematical analysis. It is the potent instrument of discovery and in- vestigation in its own sphere, the sphere of 8 De Vi Physic* abstract calculation, and all spheres legiti- mately subordinate to it, in which things can be treated in a purely quantitative way*. But in the domain of Nature and Reality, there are limits to the power and efficacy of this principle of continuous increment. Its omnipotence tends to disappear, in propor- tion to the degree in which things cease to be able to be considered as purely quantita- tive magnitudes, and we enter the field of qualitative and other real distinctions in the economy of Nature. In the organic world, where quantity is not everything, this principle has explanatory value only within very definite limits, and we require to be very careful in attending to those limits, a e.g. Newton proved that a particle outside a hollow sphere is attracted by it as if the spherical material were collected at its centre : the same is true of a solid sphere, because it may be legitimately considered, in a mechanical point of view, as consisting of an infinite number of hollow spheres one within the other. et Imbecillitate Darwinian** otherwise we should fall into serious error. As, for example, the continuous successive accumulation of minute grains of sand, one by one, will and must, given only time enough, ultimately form, and so account for, a pyramid, mound, or layer of sand. Here is a case of the power of accumulated incre- ment. But no successive accumulation of minute forces, no matter how long continued, would or could ever elevate, and thus scien- tifically explain the elevation of, an enormous mass of matter, requiring for its elevation the instantaneous application of an adequately powerful force. Let the fly try every day to raise the elephant, it will never do it. Accumulation here is powerless, and con- tinuity, impotent. And so, generally, though the principle of explanation by continuous accumulation is potent in cases where it applies, yet in Nature, there are distinctions : quantity is not everything : some things can, 10 De Vi Physica and others cannot, be scientifically explained, on the principle of accumulated continuous increment. III. That school of geological explanation, of which Hutton was the originator, and Lyell the most celebrated exponent, based all its scientific interpretations on this principle of accumulated increment, this continuous ad- dition of minute operations. Inspired by a horror of ' catastrophe ' and ' creation by fiat 3 (the two things are not necessarily as- sociated, but the school was apt to confound them together, and ban all catastrophe as miraculous 15 ), it aimed at accounting for all the phenomena of geology by the accumu- lation, in enormous periods of time, of slight, successive, scarcely perceptible increments b See below, VIII. on this point. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. \ I and decrements, 'without violence and with- out miracles' It scouted the resort to causes different in kind or degree from those now to be observed in operation around us : it invoked ' causes now in action.' For any great, abrupt, sudden, or 'catastrophic' agen- cies seemed to it not only touched with the miraculous, but superfluous and unnecessary (on Ockam's principle, non est ponenda plura- litas), since it credited its minute agents and forces with the necessary power, by accumu- lation, to do the work, granting them only sufficient time : and time, in the eyes of this school, was practically unlimited c . Thus, in its hands, Geology was practically identified with Physical Geography, because it held, that in studying the present operations of Nature we are in fact studying also theflast: the two being only temporally different, but 6 See below, IX. 12 De Vi Physica dynamically the same. Hence Lyell gave the name of Principles of Geology, and De la Beche that of the Geological Observer, to works devoted to the study of present phy- sical operations : a study in itself the most fascinating in the world. But how far this geological uniformitarian- ism was scientifically sound : how far, since Lyell's day, experience has confirmed or rejected it : how far its drafts upon the bank of time can be honoured : how far its minute agents have actually the power attributed to them : how far land is or is not, slowly and imperceptibly, actually rising or sinking : how far earthquakes have or have not power to produce permanent slight alterations in the level of continental areas : how far run- ning water actually has or has not the power of erosion in rock, soft or solid, naked or covered, level or inclined : how far ice- has or has not the power of scooping : how far e t Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 1 3 waves have or have not the power of destroy- ing cliffs and shores : what is or is not, generally, the power, the actual, positive power, destructive or creative, of superficial agents, and how far that power, such as it is, is modified or neutralised by differences of climate, material, or position : how far it is or is not true to identify Geology with Phy- sical Geography: it is not here necessary to inquire. It is sufficient for the purpose in hand to note carefully two things : I. That the essential characteristic of the Lyellian school was the endeavour to explain and account for all, even the most colossal, phe- nomena of geology, on the principle of slow successive increments, minute operations ac- cumulated in vast periods of time. II. That the school, notwithstanding its industry in other directions, took the power of its minute agents generally for granted, and made no serious investigation, no experimental veri- 14 De Vi Physica fication, into the power of ice, water, waves, &c. : still less did it inquire, to what extent it was possible to add up and accumulate forces. Had it actually looked carefully to see, what, in point of fact, its little agents and forces could do, it would have found, that on the one hand, they are in many cases altogether impotent to produce the effects attributed to them : while on the other, many natural geological phenomena (as can be irrefutably demonstrated) could not possibly have come about save by the application of colossal force, instantaneously applied. But the school of Lyell, preoccupied by its dog- ma, was not careful to verify the power of its little agents. In this, it violated the car- dinal principle of that Baconian philosophy, to which it was always loudly appealing ; and failed to follow in the steps of Newton. It explained Nature by the cumulative effect of little agents, of whose power it was not et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 1 5 assured by rigorous observation or experi- ment : a method very different from that of Newton in establishing the law of gravi- tation. When Newton said : hypotheses non fingo : he was not, as some absurdly now imagine, speaking ironically : he meant what he said : videlicet : that if he appealed to a power, he first made sure that it was one. But in the nineteenth century, figmentary hypotheses, euphemistically termed 'working' hypotheses, were the logical fashion and the order of the day : fleeting shadows, coming only to go away again : speculative bubbles beautiful to look at, formed in one moment only to burst and be forgotten in the next. IV. Now Darwin was a Lyellian of the Lyel- lians. This would be sufficiently obvious to any student of his writings, even if he had 16 Df Vi Physica not expressly acknowledged the filiation in the dedication to the most popular and most attractive of his works. " To Charles Lyell, "Esq., this edition is dedicated with grate- " ful pleasure, as an acknowledgment that " the chief part of whatever scientific merit " this Journal and the other works of the " author may possess, has been derived from " studying the well known and admirable " Principles of Geology" It was to harmonise with Lyellian principles of Geology that Darwin invented, not only his famous theory of the Origin of Species, but also the less known, but not less noteworthy theory of the origin of Coral Reefs. Darwin builds on Lyell, and they stand or fall together : an interdependence not sufficiently understood. It deserves, further, to be noticed, that few things ever gave Lyell more pleasure than Darwin's theory as to the origin of Coral Reefs. "On receiving from its author a et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. \ 7 " sketch of the new theory, Lyell was so " overcome with delight, that he danced " about and threw himself into the wildest " contortions, as was his manner when ex- " cessively pleased d ." A most interesting geological phenomenon ! Lyell eagerly em- braces the theories of Darwin, just as Dar- win did his, neither of them perceiving the scientific illegitimacy of purely gratuitous hypothesis : of which more anon. The step that Darwin took, in further extension of Lyellian principles, a step that covered him with glory, though it ought to have covered him with ridicule, was this. If, with Lyell, and his school, we elect to explain the 'rocks' by accumulated minute increments, then there remain over, as anom- alies in the scheme, the fauna and flora. How, now, as to them ? It would manifestly d Judd : Introduction to Darwin's Coral Reefs. (See Appendix to this book.) 1 8 De Vi Physica be futile and systematically inconsequent to deny catastrophe and creative fiat in the inorganic, if they are to be retained in the organic world. Or in other words : if the ' rocks ' have been formed by accumulated increment in vast periods of time, could not plants and animals have been so too ? This is Darwin's conclusion, and the genesis of his * discovery ' of ' Natural Selection ' : which is simply the further extension of the Lyel- lian principle. * Natural Selection ' is no- thing but Lyellian accumulation applied to biology : the theory, that the organic parts of plants and animals have originated, little by little, by slight successive increments, or variations, continuously added up by sur- vival of the fittest, i.e., ' Natural Selection/ Lyell accepted it, after an interval, just as he welcomed Darwin's other ' discovery/ the theory as to Coral Islands e , because it dove- e See Appendix. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 19 tailed precisely with his own scheme of the nature of things : being in truth that very identical scheme in other clothes. But if, now, Darwin had really been, what many believe him to have been, a profound thinker, an intuitively scientific, systematic, organising mind : had he been, as every true thinker is, conscious of the enormous differ- ence obtaining between a scientific hypothe- sis founded on induction and a purely specu- lative conjecture : the first thing he would have done, in proposing to himself to account for the origin of the parts of animals by < Natural Selection, 5 by accumulated incre- ment, would have been, to verify the power of his agent. He would have asked himself: Has my principle the power which I am attributing to it ? Is it possible to account for all the parts of animals by successively accumulated increments ? Are there not parts which could not possibly have originated in 2O De Vi Physica this way ? What are, if any, the limits of the power of accumulated increment ? Is there, in organic parts and systems of parts, any element irreducible to the principle : any- thing which, from the nature of the case, accumulated increment cannot possibly ex- plain ? But Darwin never did anything of the kind. To question the power of Natural Selection ; to doubt, whether organic parts could be produced by continuous accumu- lation, never entered his head. There is not, in all his writings, a single line even be- traying a suspicion, that such a preliminary consideration was even necessary. So far from doubting that accumulated increments could produce the parts of animals, there never even seemed to him to be any question about it. Had any one told him, that accu- mulated increments could not possibly have produced the parts of animals, it would have et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 2 1 struck him dumb with surprise. He simply took it for granted that they could : follow- ing the ordinary method of his school. Just as neither Lyell nor any of his school thought it necessary to verify the power of their minute agents : just as Darwin him- self invented a pure figment the sinking of the whole floor of the ocean to account for Coral Islands, not because, in the lan- guage of Newton, he had deduced it from phenomena^ but simply because the assump- tion would enable him to explain Coral Islands in a Lyellian way : so here, in pre- cisely the same spirit, he invokes successive slight variations to account for the origin of all organic forms, without thinking it in the least degree necessary to enquire, whe- ther in point of fact his agent could do the work, and whether there was not some- thing in Nature's instruments which it was beyond the power of accumulated incre- 22 De Vi Physica ments to produce or explain. He treats the ANIMAL precisely as if it were a ROCK, capable of being arrived at by the accu- mulation of minute increments in immense periods of time. The essential difference be- tween a living animal, and a dead mechanical mass of matter, escaped his attention. The false analogy of artificial selection led him astray. He saw it producing great cumu- lative effect by the addition of slight varia- tions : but wholly failed to perceive two things : I. That this addition depends on the devices of art, and is impossible under nature. II. That no organ has ever been produced by artificial selection, which only varies the form and size of those existing. He most unaccountably overlooks a fact, sufficiently obvious, that in the hands of art, the animal has its life preserved for it, under all its transmogrifications ; whereas under Nature, it has to preserve its own. et ImbeciUitate Darwiniana. 23 This vital difference is all in all. For under Nature it must live by its form, and must DIE, unless it can at all times keep itself alive : but under art, it need not die, but may live, whether its organs are good or bad, useful or useless. Such forms as many of those produced by art could not exist for a day in a state of Nature. For under art, useless or incipient structures can be added up, cumbrous, futile, or even positively injurious though they should be : but under Nature, not so : it is IMPOSSIBLE. V. Consider, for example, the organisation, ' hippopotamus,' which is the type of a class. Animals that live by inhaling and ex- haling air, and yet pass much of their time under water, MUST NECESSARILY possess organs peculiarly constructed so as to enable 24 De Vi Physica them to do this with impunity. Submerge an ox or a sheep, and it will speedily cease to be an -animal at all. We find, accord- ingly, that all such animals as the whale, seal, crocodile, walrus, hippopotamus, &c., possess apparatus guarding their interior against the fatal consequences that would otherwise instantly result from going under water. " When the crocodile dives, the nos- " trils are closed by valves, a transparent " membrane is drawn over the eyes, and " the ear, which is a horizontal slit, is shut " up by a moveable flap of the skin." Go to the Zoological Gardens, and watch the organisation * hippopotamus ' at work. Possibly on arriving at his cage, you will find him * at home,' under water. Presently you will see his huge head rise to the sur- face and emerge : at that moment the two great nostrils (great, but small relatively to his bulk) open, and discharge a blast of et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 25 air : the next instant they are again tightly closed, and down he goes again. Now, consider this matter. How is it POSSIBLE for such an organ as this nostril to come into being gradually, little by little, by the accumulation of increments ? Is it not clear, certain, necessary, inevitable, un- deniable, that to be efficient, to gain its object, it must have arisen, not piecemeal, but all at once, and abruptly? Is it not mathematically evident, that slight succes- sive increments could never have formed this organ, for in incipient stages it would have involved the instant death of its owner? The difficulty, for Darwin, is insuperable, but no glimpse of it ever entered his head. Whenever, for example, it was objected to him, that any given organ, as, e.g., the eye, could not have originated by * Natural Se- lection,' his invariable answer was, to look about in Nature for gradations in eyes : an 26 De Vi Physica answer which only shows how curiously unable he was to see the point of his own theory. Putting aside the ignoratio elenchi for even if there are gradations in eyes, that does not prove in the least degree, that they came about by ' Natural Selection,' the irrelevance and futility of the reply escaped his attention, simply by reason of this par- ticular instance. With many organs it is not readily apparent, because it is not ob- vious that in an incipient state they would involve the instant death of their owner. But the truth is beyond denial in the case before us. How could any hippopotamus exist under water for a moment with an ' incipient J nostril ? It is obvious that a ' hole ' cannot begin gradually : the moment that there is a hole, there is a hole : the water must rush in. Nostrils that open in air, and close in water, could not possibly originate gradually : they must have arisen et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 27 abruptly. There is no escape : the neces- sity is absolute. And as with the hippo- potamus, so with the- other animals of the kind, whose means of attaining the same end f are often far more elaborate. As, e.g., the whale. A similar, but otherwise very different, case, is the epiglottis, which in animals that have it is a sort of trapdoor, preventing foreign bodies from entering the windpipe. What happens when, as occasionally takes place, they do, everybody knows by expe- rience. And now, again, how is it POSSIBLE for such an organ to arise, except abruptly ? How could ' Natural Selection/ or slight successive increments accumulated by the survival of the fittest, have originated an organ, without which in its complete con- f Thus J. G. Wood expressly compares the water beetles, in this respect to the whales and seals among mammalia. (Insects Abroad, p. 70. ) 28 De Vi Physica dition its owner could not have survived for three days ? Advance, now, another step ; consider, not any single organ, but one of the innu- merable cases of organisation, where several organs combine to effect a common end : as, e.g., the very commonest of all common animals, the garden spider. A man coming forward with a theory claiming to account for the origin of all organisations, a theory based on the meditation of a lifetime, which breaks to pieces on the spider, can scarcely be acquitted of philosophical insolvency. And yet, what is a spider ? A combination of organs, each without the other worse than useless : a combination that cannot continue to exist, deprived of any one component part : for one part produces the raw ma- terial, which another spins into threads, which again are manipulated by others (in a way impossible to any other animal ; for et Imbecillitate Danvmiana. 29 only the spider can handle its own threads) ; while still others deal suitably with the prey craftily captured by the web. The whole organisation lives by the mutual co-operation of its several parts, each of which is as absurd without the other as a key without a lock, or a corkscrew without a bottle. Take away one, and the others must die. And how in the name of common sense is it POSSIBLE for slight successive variations to add up into a combination of which each part presupposes the others * ? To this * deduction from phenomena] ne- cessary and inevitable, Darwin's only possible and wholly conjectural answer is an abuse of scientific method : the hypothetical as- % Nothing would be easier than to expanft these instances into a volume. But a vast accumulation of superfluous facts adds nothing to the strength of a good argument, though it may, and often does, browbeat a timid reader into accepting a bad one by the material brutality of quan- tity rather than quality. 30 De Vi Physica sumption, that a long chain of incipient and relatively imperfect organisations led up to e.g. our spider. This proceeding is disguised under an expression resembling scientific modesty ; ' the imperfection of the geological ' record! But in the first place, there is not a particle of evidence that such a chain or series of creatures ever existed. They are a pure figment : an imaginary line of beings conjured up out of nothing to support a theory impossible without them. But this is not all. It is mathematically impossible that such a series can ever have existed h . For parts reciprocally presupposing each other can never have existed alone. And yet, although Darwin knew well enough that, if any organs existed which could not h As will be shown still more irrefutably on a future page. Observe, that on Darwin's theory, such a series is absolutely necessary. But it happens to be impossible, which is very awkward for the theory. et hnbecillitate Darwiniana. 3 1 possibly have arisen by means of ' Natural Selection,' his theory was out of court, he seemed constitutionally incapable of com- prehending, what the slightest meditation on mutually implicated organs ought to have taught him. His theory is palpably impossible, in it- self. Yet passing by this, ask him for evi- dence, and what does he do ? He replies by I. conjuring up a long line of fictitious beings that could never have existed, covering this absurdity by a euphemism, ' the imperfection * of the geological record ' : and II. by point- ing to the results of artificial selection. He supports impossibility by imagination and ignoratio elenchi : by facts that are either fictitious or irrelevant. The breeder, as Dar- win knew better than any one the marvel is, that he could be so blind to the significance of his own facts the breeder could effect absolutely nothing, could accumulate no 32 De Vi PJiysica variations, if he copied Nature, and allowed all his animals to mix freely together, by which all incipient variations would be, as they actually are in Nature, obliterated in the germ. They never get any further, in Nature, than the preliminary appearance. And yet, he actually sees no harm, nothing unscientific, in adducing artificial in proof of 'Natural* Selection: in arguing, that because man achieves cumulative results, by carefully preventing Nature from having her way, therefore her way and man's way are the same ! And to this kind of logic the world erects statues. VI. Yet this theory ; this explanation of facts by figments, power by impotence, coexis- tence by succession, Nature by impossibility ; this theory, which is in reality a pure scienti- et Imbecillitate Darzviniana. 33 fie absurdity, was nevertheless, such was the low state of logic in its day, a gigantic success. Four things combined to secure for it the favour of the world, and to elevate its originator to the rank of a scientific deity. I. It fitted exactly, as we have already seen,- into fashionable theories of geology, being in fact nothing else than the further application of those theories, the comple- tion of their scheme, by subjecting the plants and animals to the same treatment as the rocks i. All things in Nature, even man himself, were now placed upon the same footing: all alike were held to have arisen by slight successive increments accumulated in vast periods of time. Thus the theory found, in one aspect, its battle half won. 1 Even the rocks cannot be explained on Lyellian prin- ciples : but the absurdity of endeavouring to account on those principles for organic forms is infinitely greater. D 34 De Vi Physica Geologists who were busy explaining all geological phenomena by accumulated in- crement received ' Natural Selection ' into their bosoms as if it were, as indeed it was, their own child. They saw, in the theory, their own face in the glass. II. But further, Darwin presented his theory mixed up and confounded with an- other, which has nothing whatever in com- mon with it, and was not originated by him. This is, the hypothesis of a filiation in or- ganic forms, the theory that the later arose out of the earlier by natural descent. This theory, an inevitable deduction from the broad facts of geology k , is in a manner ren- dered compulsory by the resemblance of earlier to later forms, closer in proportion to their approximation in time: and was k It is quite impossible for any one not blinded by pre- conceived theories to consider the large facts of geology without having the theory forced upon his mind. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 3 5 originated in modern times by Lamarck. The weak point of Lamarck's theory was, that he could not give a satisfactory ex- planation of the modus mutandi : show how the metamorphosis was effected, how one animal became another, how a new organ could actually arise. Now this how is just what Darwin claimed to solve, by his theory of ' Natural Selection. 1 He himself thought that he had discovered the solution, and for a while the world was persuaded to think so too. Hence his dei- fication. But it was a mere delusion on both sides. When Darwin published his Origin of Species, as the book itself, as well as his letter to Lyell, apropos of being 'anticipated' by his ' co-discoverer', Wallace 1 , shows, he 1 Who has recently cast a strong light on the scientific quality of his own mind by some astronomical vagaries that have staggered his admirers. The ravings of an old woman 36 De Vi Physica obviously believed that he really had, in ' Natural Selection,' made the great dis- covery. But after his ' discovery ' had been for some time before the world, there came to him, mainly, as it should seem, from the perusal of a single article in a review, a dim suspicion that his ' Natural Selection ' was not all that he originally took it for. His position was a little awkward. Having announced to the world a great discovery, the ripe fruit of twenty years of laborious meditation, to announce that it was all a mistake would be a step from the sublime to the ridiculous. But he was far, even now, from realising the intrinsic futility of his theory. Nevertheless, he attempted to change his ground, and withdrew a little from his 'creative idea' This was indeed to kick away the ladder by which he had in a lunatic asylum would be wisdom in comparison with the latest views of this eminent philosopher. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 37 risen. ' Natural Selection ' made his fortune and raised him to the skies, and by t it he stood or fell. But in the sixth edition of his Origin, he says : " As my conclusions " have lately been much misrepresented, and " it has been . stated that I attribute the " modification of species exclusively to Na- "tural Selection, I may be permitted to " remark, that in the first edition of this " work, and subsequently, I placed in a " most conspicuous position, namely, at the " close of the Introduction, the following " words: I am convinced that Natural Se- " lection has been the main, but not the " exclusive means of modification. This has " been of no avail. Great is the power of " steady misrepresentation, but the history " of science shows that fortunately this power " does not long endure." It is a thousand pities that criticism could not induce Darwin to reflect a little on the 38 De ViPhysica power of his own principle, instead of reflect- ing on the power of misrepresentation which was no misrepresentation at all. For A. Though a single line at the tail of the Introduction was no doubt in a most conspicuous position, there was. another place, far more conspicuous, which unfortunately did not occur to him the title-page ; on which we read, in large capitals, on all editions of his book, the words : On the Origin of Species, BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION. What does this mean? It means, as every page of his book shows, that Natural Selection was Darwin's trump card, his great idea, his passport to immor- tality. Yet here we find him adopting a tone of injured innocence, because, with absolute justice, people judge him by his great idea. The thing is utterly prepos- terous. He announces " Natural Selection," and the world falls in adoration at his feet : et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 39 then, when wicked people begin to canvas his great idea, and pick holes in it, he ex- claims : O, that is not my position at all : that is misrepresentation. But you cannot both eat your cake and have it. If you mount to heaven by means of Natural Se- lection, you must fall with it too. It is lu- dicrous to suppose that a man is to be worshipped as a creative genius on the strength of an idea from which he subse- quently endeavours to withdraw. If ' Na- tural Selection' is nonsense, what becomes of Darwin and his Origin of Species? The theory turns out to be a gigantic blunder : he has discovered nothing at all : we are thrown back upon Lamarck. For B. The real irony of his complaint is that notwithstanding his partial disclaimer of ' Natural Selection,' he has still no sus- picion of the truth as to that theory. He still holds it to be the main agent. For to 40 De Vi Physica the very end of his life, he never saw the point of the absurdity, being deceived him- self, as others are still, by a confusion of thought due to a want of analysis. III. For the third cause of his success was, and still is, the deceptive snare in the phrase ' Natural Selection/ which is at once a mere truism and an absurd fallacy: most people, including Darwin himself, swal- lowing the fallacy in the truism. The truism is, that in any struggle for existence, the fittest survive : the survivors being, ipso facto^ the fittest : truly a mar- vellous discovery ! Then, it being first laid down that the fittest survive, a thing which nobody can deny, the term fittest is illegiti- mately narrowed in meaning, and those forms are always assumed to be the fittest, that possess, and because they possess, some in- finitesimal variation. This infinitesimal vari- ation is arbitrarily supposed to bestow upon et hnbecitlitate Darwiniana. 41 its possessor the qualification of being fittest in every struggle, and decisively to determine his survival in all struggles throughout life (against all other contingencies or endow- ments whatever), and then, notwithstanding intercrossing (which is quietly disregarded), to be handed down to his descendants, and necessarily determine their survival in the same way, in scecula scsculorum^ increasing like a snowball as it rolls on, till ultimately, after aeons of survival determined by the infinitesimal, there arises a new organic and specific form the spider, for example. Poor little arachnid ! how did you manage to sur- vive during all those aeons while your organs were ' accumulating ' ? And what were you like? And were the flies, your future prey, 'accumulating'' along parallel lines, so as to be ready to jump into your web exactly when it was made ? What an astounding coincidence ! Yet there is something still 42 De Vi Physica more astounding, and that is, the simplicity of a world, in which the author of such a theory can be regarded as a scientific genius. IV. Finally, Darwin's cause was greatly served by the rancour of the theological opposition. Hence arose the idea, still obtaining in certain circles, that the only objections to his theory were dictated by theological considerations : * science ' being on his side. Yet no theological dogma was ever more absurd than Darwin's 'Na- tural Selection.' Credo, quia absurdum might be written on his tomb. And yet, even now, in books, and news- papers, and magazines, and society, people speak of Darwin, as if he had invented geo- logy and created biology ! as if, till he ap- peared, no one had ever heard of evolution ! as if his ' master thought ' and ' creative origi- nality ' had produced all the intellectual stir in the nineteenth century ! Whereas, in et Imbecillitatc Darwinian a. 43 truth, all the essential facts of geology, and their evolutionary significance, were known and proclaimed, before the Origin of Species had ever seen daylight. Darwin is ridi- culously and most unjustly credited with the ideas and discoveries of other men (some of which he did not even understand), and made the intellectual fons et origo of a movement, which was not due to him, which he did not cause, but only exem- plified, and which would have come about as it did, even if he had never been born. Against this immolation of other men's re- putations on Darwin's altar, it is high time to protest. VII. For what, in point of fact, does the world owe to Darwin ? It was long ago said by Bruno, that Aristotle owed more to the Uni- 44 De \/i PJiysica versity m , than the University to Aristotle. But with far greater justice, with literal truth, we may say, that Darwin owes far more to the world, than the world does to Darwin. Are we obliged to Darwin for the idea of evolution ? Not at all. By one of those freaks of historical caprice in which For- tune delights, just as America immortal- ises the name, not of Columbus, but of that commonplace pilot, Amerigo Vespucci , so the New World of evolution is christened Darwinism, and by reason of the temporary success of his ' Natural Selection,' Darwin gets the credit of discoveries that he not only never made, but did not even under- stand. I. Evolution, properly so called : that constant and universal unfolding of the po- m Of Paris. n The only thing off beaten tracks that Amerigo Vespucci has a doubtful claim to have discovered is New Georgia. See Karl Prickers' Antarctic Regions. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 45 tential and latent into the actual and appa- rent : that realisation of the embryonic which is the soul of Nature and the core of phi- losophy, was discovered the greatest dis- covery that was ever made by man by ARISTOTLE : and Darwin, so far from dis- covering it, never even seems to have heard of it, does not understand it, and contradicts it: his 'Natural Selection,' in- stead of explaining the actual by the pos- sible and potential, being a ridiculous en- deavour to explain what is actual and natural by what is impossible. This is what that great anatomist, Owen, meant, though he did not explain his meaning well, in opposing Darwin, yet maintaining what he called Derivation. According to Owen, who was not wholly ignorant of animal or- ganization, Darwin's theory was only fit to be "foisted on poor working men " . it was, that is to say, an Idol of the Market Place, 46 De Vi Physica Huxley its mob-orator : seeing that it was founded in flat opposition to the obvious and necessary significance of the reciprocity and mutual interdependence of related parts of organisation : a theory that Owen felt pro- foundly, as Cuvier and Aristotle did before him. But what did * Darwin's bull - dog,' Huxley, or his audiences know or care about Aristotle or potentiality ? As if they had anything to do with nineteenth century ' science ' ! II. But if, improperly, we employ the term Evolution to denote the theory, that species originate by descent from earlier forms, or the mutability of species as op- posed to the theory of their fixity, then its name is not Darwinism, but Lamarckism. And surely it is enough to make Lamarck rise from the dead, to see that very theory which got him in his own day little but abuse, now quietly credited to another man. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 47 But Lamarck could not explain the modus originis ? Neither could Darwin : nay, his attempt at explanation is worse than La- marck's. For while Lamarck's is only un- intelligible, Darwin's is impossible. And why, simply for having made an absurd attempt to explain Lamarck's theory, Dar- win should get the credit .of originating it to the extent of supplanting Lamarck alto- gether, it is not easy to understand. III. But there is another man, who has been unjustly thrown into the shade by the over-valuation of Darwin, and that is the author, originally anonymous, of the Ves- tiges of the Natural History of Creation : Robert Chambers. Chambers was a literary philosopher, rather than a man of science. Nevertheless, this is an instance of the old adage, that reforms must come from without : for it was Chambers and his Vestiges which really did what Darwin is popularly sup- 48 De Vi Physica posed to have done. It was the Vestiges which first laid the axe to the tree, which cut at the root, and decisively determined the fall, of the old traditionary * creation by fiat' and sowed in the public mind the seed of evolutionary ideas. After Chambers and his Vestiges, the real work was done : he showed the way. " When the diamond pin" says Kalidas, "has made the hole, even the cotton thread can get through" Chambers was the pin. He bored a hole in the wall, and light broke into the dense darkness of the early Victorian era. The rest was only a question of time. And, moreover, though he was not a professional man of science, which is one reason why the men of science first opposed and pooh-poohed him, and subsequently passed him over in favour of one of their own fraternity; and though his book exhibited a certain amiable enthu- siasm that led him to countenance rash et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 49 speculations, nevertheless on a les defauts de ses qualites, and his book has two solid claims on the esteem of posterity. Cham- bers was the first writer, not only in Eng- land, but in the world, to gather up the scattered rays of science and speculation nebular hypothesis, geology, ethnology and announce that they converged to a point, which he called Development, the upward march from low to high. Moreover, Cham- bers' notion of evolution was truer than Darwin's : it recognises what Darwin dog- matically denies the organic power of Na- ture. For Chambers, perceiving the fact of development, but not caricaturing it, in- i vented no theories : whereas Darwin owed his reputation to a fiction that transmogrifies the truth into error. Hypotheses non fingo was not the motto of Darwin. He supplanted Chambers by grafting on the certainty geo- logical development a figment. According 50 De Vi Physica to Chambers, the geological record, the stone- book, as he called it, exhibits a continuous rise, a ladder-like ascent, a constant gain in organisation : and so in fact it does. But Dar- win's theory, so far from harmonising with geology, is at variance with it: a difficulty which Darwin, more Darwiniano, surmounts, by cutting his geology to suit his theory. The geological series exhihits great gaps in con- tinuity : but it is essential to Darwin that there should be no gaps: therefore he fills up the gaps by imaginary chains of fictitious beings that never had or could have had any existence : exactly as the old Pytha- goreans invented an avTi^B^v to make up the complement of their Ten Bodies. This is the ' science ' that enabled Darwin to eclipse Chambers. The Vestiges will always remain, what it And it must do so : see below, VIII. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 5 1 was, a real stepping-stone, a book marking a great stride in the education of the world. It was the Vestiges, and not the Origin of Spe- cies, that broke the spell and awoke the world from its long sleep. The clear and definite statement of development, minus ' Natural Selection,' is what we owe to Robert Cham- bers, who standing by and looking on, was the first to see, what none of the men of science of his day could see. They fell upon him, tooth and nail : and now they are all preach- ing his doctrine, and crediting its discovery to one of themselves ; exactly as the politi- cians who abused Disraeli in his lifetime are now making great fame by leaves taken from his book. But though it may be news to many, it is the historical fact, that it was not ' science,' but philosophy, the scientific outsider, that discovered evolution and pro- claimed it in England : and so far from initiating it, ' science ' opposed it, when it 5 2 De Vi Physica first appeared, as fiercely as ( religion ' did. The Vestiges aroused, in the scientific world, first hostility, and then jealousy : for women are far from monopolising that animal pas- sion. The only difference is, that women hate each other, for love : but men, for fame. IV. What, then, do we owe to Darwin ? What is Darwin's own? What is Darwinism? ' Natural Selection ' : a scientific and philo- sophical absurdity. Darwin laboured all his life, with unwearied diligence, to accumulate evidence in support of his theory : what that evidence establishes is not what he meant it to establish, but its contradictory opposite : that Natura facit saltus. VIII. It has been said, and said very well in- deed, of the * higher science' of Darwin's et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 53 day, that under a surface of excessive humi- lity, it really consisted of the most arrogant, shallow, and uneducated dogmatism. Loudly professing to follow Nature, it really pre- scribed to her a priori the law that she was to follow, on pain of being denied and abused. A large number of savoury scien- tific professors, including some of the very highest eminence, went, and still go, to Nature, with a dogma. They said to her : You shall be nothing, if not mechanical : only a purely mechanical is a natural ex- planation. Nature is mechanics, and all else is miracle. Hence they strove to reduce everything in Nature to mechanical prin- ciples, because those they thought they could exhaustively understand. Hence all the lu- dicrous efforts constantly made to reduce forces, and especially that of gravitation, to impact. To philosophers of this kind, there are a larger number of natural facts 54 De Vi Physica which must by hook or crook be denied altogether or explained away : for what is not mechanical and mechanically intelligible^ is miracle. Darwin, for example, is bold enough to declare, that the only alternative to his * Natural Selection ' is miracle : that to believe in or recognise abrupt or sudden modifications of structure is to abandon science and resort to miracles p . An argu- ment for miracles which can be strongly recommended to the theologian : the natural is the miraculous ! For nothing is more absolutely certain than that such abrupt origination I. has actually occurred ; as Darwin has abundantly proved himself. II. must necessarily occur, by reason of the nature of things. For, to begin with, as we have already seen, organs that mutually presuppose each other could not possibly P Origin of Species, cap. 7, end. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 5 5 exist apart, nor come into being successively, otherwise than together. But to pass this over : there is something more : something that Darwin never saw : and yet it is a thing so simple, that his failure to understand it, his want of insight, here alone, involves his credit as a thinker. Had he, ceasing for an instant his Sisy- phean labour of everlastingly accumulating superfluous or irrelevant facts, stopped to THINK, a very little consideration might have shown him, that the abrupt method which he brands as miraculous and unnatural is the ONLY way in which a new principle of organisation can or could possibly be introduced : the only possible way is the way which, from a want of analysis, he pronounces miraculous and throws aside. For gradual transition from one thing to another is possible, only when those two things have a common principle : otherwise, 56 De Vi Physica impossible. To change a principle, to in- troduce a new principle, a jump is absolutely necessary : by gradual transition, it cannot be done. A principle cannot originate gradually. For example, you can have sledges and you can have wheeled vehicles, and any number of transitional variations on either principle, within its limits. But you cannot pass by gradation, by accumu- lated increment, from the principle of sledge to that of wheel: you must jump: no vari- ation of sledges will ever produce a wheel. Just so, you cannot pass by gradation from sails to steam, in the navigation of ships. No variety of sails will ever bring you to steam. And so it is universally in Nature. You cannot bridge the gap between different principles of organisation. Intermediate gradations cannot possibly exist. Darwin's supposition that they could : his expectation to find them, but for the imperfection of the et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 57 geological record : in other words, his whole theory of * Natural Selection/ which supposes the possibility of an impossibility, infinitesi- mal gradations between all the forms in Nature past and present : his identification of abrupt origination with miracle : all this only proves to demonstration that neither he himself nor his disciples know what thinking means. Every new principle of organisation in Nature must have come in with a jump, and cannot have originated in any other way. As, for example, to revert to our former illustration ; the water- defying apparatus of animals that live by breathing air could not possibly have arisen by degrees. This is so obvious that it is difficult to understand how any one could avoid perceiving it : but there are countless cases of organisation, the commonest things in Nature, to which Darwin never paid at- tention. And really, it is almost to insult 58 De Vi Physica the intelligence of the reader to multiply instances. How did the wings of birds and bats and insects originate ? By degrees ? The very notion is ridiculous. With wings 'in the incipient stage ' (to borrow the nonsen- sical ' Darwinism ' based upon nothing in Nature, for nothing in Nature is ' incipient/ or ever has been), wings that were no wings, the animal would never have ' survived ' : still less could it ever have left off trusting to good legs and turned for its safety, during ' the period of transition/ to ' incipient ' wings. The life of winged beings absolutely depends on the power of their wings, as, e.g., bats or bees or butterflies : and often their prey flies nearly as fast as they do themselves. 1 And so it is universally. There is, in Nature, infinite variety. But whenever you get back to the principle, the fundamentum varietatis, of which the varieties are all et Imbecillitate Danviniana. 59 exemplifications, then there is an end of gradation, actual or possible : then comes a blank and a gap : and necessarily : for a jump was then obligatory, and it must have taken place. There is no passage from organisation on one principle to organisation on another by degrees. Nature cannot do it : she must jump : ergo, she does. NATVRA FACIT SALTVS. Darwin denies it : for it would destroy his theory : but he is obliged forcibly to shut his eyes to facts adduced by himself. Moreover, it is useless to deny it : for whatever is, is : and what is impossible, does not happen. And therefore, if we know, beyond all possibility of denial, A. That jumps have actually occurred, as Darwin knew himself. B. That they must occur, Nature being im- possible without them : which Darwin did not understand : it is mere puerility to de- nounce as miraculous that which is nattiral,. 60 De Vi Physica because it does not harmonise with your a priori scheme of what Nature is to be. Such a * scientific ' method, which under a show of humility is that of Darwin and his school, and especially of Weismann, is sim- ply to deny ex cathedra that organic POWER of Nature, which is really above and beyond all denial, merely because you do not under- stand it : it is to make your limited insight and information the standard of Nature's power and possibilities. But Nature laughs at such philosophical incompetence, masquer- ading in the garb of science. What she is, she is : what she can, she can : true Science will hold up to her a pure mirror : but * Science ' which will not, must get another name. Of all amazing scientific assumptions, the most amazing is that which underlies the creed of Darwin and his school : that we are in full possession of all the principles by which Nature is to be explained, and therefore in et Imbecillitale Darwiniana. 61 a position to ban as miraculous every power which we do not understand. But that which can only be effected by power cannot be explained by impotence. Darwin denies Nature : but Nature gives the lie to Darwin : and she will endure longer than his reputa- tion, which rests only on the sand of a logi- cally uneducated public opinion. IX. Let us look without prejudice at this matter, this question of the origin of the inhabitants of the earth, in the light of what we actually do KNOW. We know (thanks chiefly to William Smith) that during a long series of ages, of unknown duration, many different kinds of animals and plants have successively ap- peared and disappeared. And from certain similarities and resemblances and other in- 62 De Vi Physica dications, we argue, that there is between them a real family relationship, a true genealogical filiation : that the later were lineal descendants of the former ; reasoning inductively from some cases when we seem to see, though dimly, the line of descent, to all the others, the vast majority, where we cannot see it at all. But when we at- tempt to go into details, the way is blocked as it were by a door of iron. As if on pur- pose to mock us, in exactly the two points of all the most interesting, the most vital to be known, geology is dumb. What is the meaning, and what were the causes, of those mysterious periods of discontinuity, the geo- logical BREAKS? By what organic alchemy, and under what conditions, assuming that the later forms issued from the loins of the earlier, was the actual metamorphosis per- formed ? For by heaven and earth ! it is very strange. Who ever saw an animal give et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 63 birth to some creature other than itself. They breed so true. And yet, somehow or other, somewhen or otherwhen, the thing must have occurred, if descent has been un- broken since the beginning. And it is cer- tain, that the secret is somehow or other connected with those weird blanks in the record, the geological breaks. For after a blank, we see that a change, sometimes prodigious, has taken place in the life : new forms have replaced the old : and we stand before them with a feeling difficult to ana- lyse, but akin to awe. How came those old Cambrian, Silurian, Carboniferous periods to begin or end ? By what natural magic were produced in order the fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals, to say nothing of insects, the most perfect, the most various, the most incomprehensible of all q ? i Observe that insects appear very early : in the Silurian age. See Goss On the Geological Antiquity of Insects, p. 6. 64 De Vi Physica Darwin's almost superhuman reputation rested on the fact that he was popularly believed to have discovered the answer to these questions. Pure delusion ! Not only was he as ignorant of the answer as the rest of the world, but worse : for pure ig- norance is better than the false conceit of knowledge. Darwin both went himself, and led others, astray, and has to a melancholy degree perverted scientific endeavour : teach- ing his disciples to look for the solution of natural problems in a wholly erroneous direction : thus it is that at present we see almost everybody desperately striving to force all the facts of Nature into harmony with 'Natural Selection/ ignoring the organic power that really effects the result. Nature does her work in one way : Darwin and his pupils strenuously labour to explain it, in the most far-fetched, round-about, and per- verse manner, in another. Nothing can cure et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 65 this disease, but the extirpation of the bacil- lus > the exposure of the Darwinian myth. So far from solving the problem of the origin of species, Darwin did not even cor- rectly approach it. He came to it, by reason of a want of philosophical education, and a deficiency in logical power, with two fundamental misconceptions, which futilised all his endeavours beforehand. He was wrong a priori in two points : I. The conditions of the process of origination. II. The essence of Nature, the organic power which does the work. I. Darwin was a Lyellian, and was there- fore, like all Lyellians, doomed to failure in his geological solutions by reason of a radical error in his conception of geological time. Lyell conceived time as two parallel lines, along which, however far you might go back, you never got any nearer to the beginning: thus the present was but the 66 De Vi Physica type and model of the past, both being, as it were, merely loci, points at which you might cut infinite time. For according to Lyell, geological time was practically infinite : he expressly compares it to astronomical space, overlooking the essential objection (that space is all, whereas the earth is only a very little one). Hence he threw back present conditions into all past periods, and sought to explain the past as though but another present. This is the essence of Lyellian geology. The old man is identified with the child. What Lyell did not understand, and Darwin followed him, was, that the geo- logical process is, not a mathematical and infinite, but an organic process, like the life of an animal or a tree, a thing which runs a course, with a beginning, a middle, and an end : not comparable to parallel lines, but rather to a cone, lines starting from a point and diverging ; or to a spiral, et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 67 such as we see in celestial nebulae and sea shells : so that the true geological concep- tion is not that of a constant identity of conditions, which is impossible^ but on the contrary, and this is necessary, a constantly changing development or unfolding of the implications of the definitely determined starting point : and thus the present era is not only not the same as the past, but be- yond a doubt and by an inevitable necessity, utterly unlike it : the unlikeness growing greater, the further back we go into the chronological abyss. And from this it fol- lows : first, that our ignorance of the ori- ginal and early conditions must inevitably make all speculation as to earlier periods conjectural : and secondly, that the efforts of Lyell, Darwin, and others of their school to explain the past on present principles are essentially vicious in their heart, and pre- determined to be erroneous. To insist, as 68 De Vi PJiysica the necessary scientific preliminary, that the past shall and must be explained in terms of the present, because we know the present and not the past, sounds at first like the truth : but it is in reality the antipodes of science : it is precisely analogous to the de- mand, that true science requires the child to be explained in terms of the old man, because we know only the old man. But on the contrary, if we really have no know- ledge, save of the old man, then instead of ridiculously endeavouring to get an expla- nation of the child in terms of the old man, and calling this science, let us rather frankly say at once, that science is here unattainable, and that knowledge of the child is beyond our ken. The wildest con- jectures, though wholly unscientific, may possibly be true, or near the truth : but logical reasoning on Lyellian principles must issue in what is false : because it is et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 69 mathematically certain, by the nature of things (which forbids any heated combi- nation of dements in colder surroundings to remain in the same condition, but com- pels it to change), that the past was, not like the present, but wholly unlike it. For the earth, though not, as the old Stoics thought, an animal, yet resembles an animal in pos- sessing a quasi-organic existence, a begin- ning, and a fated end determined by the beginning, and a period of ordered passage, through change after change, from one to the other. This is the true evolutionary view, discovered as a philosophical principle by Aristotle : and to ignore it is to stumble on the threshold, which is just what Darwin did. Darwin belongs to the pre- Aristotelian period : he attempts to explain, without un- derstanding the philosophy of origination, like the early Greek philosophers. He mis- understood the potentiality of the geological 7O De Vi Physica process, having learned from Lyell to regard it as a permanent mechanical uniformity. Thus he cut himself off a priori from the possibility of reaching the truth. II. But Darwin fell into a still more fundamental error in another point. Just as he misconceived the essentially organic nature of the geological process, so in exactly the same way he arbitrarily denied and ignored the organic power of Nature herself. His theory is an endeavour to ex- plain Nature per impossibile, to refer organi- sation to the mechanical accumulation of successive increments, impotent to produce it: he treats animals as if they were rocks, lumps of matter : he will not admit the for- mative power of Nature. For him, there is no organic power : there are only mechanical powers. Like nearly all scientific men in the nineteenth century, whose master of method was that unfortunate being J. S. et Imbecillitate Danviniana. 71 Mill r , Darwin was not aware, that to ex- plain Nature it is not sufficient to be al- ways accumulating her facts : you must, above all, make a thorough preliminary analysis of the causes and principles to which you propose to refer them. You must thoroughly comprehend her back- ground, before you can satisfactorily inves- tigate her particulars. But this is ' meta- physics ' : and therefore, though it is a scien- tific sine qua non, though science cannot exist without it, it is tabooed by ' scientific ' men, mutually applauding each other, and never perceiving how much they are doing to discredit their own cause. For nothing r I consider the authority of J. S. Mill, and the fact that his Logic and Political Economy were and still are text-books in the University of Oxford, to be a national disaster, and almost equivalent to destroying English in- telligence in the germ. A generation which learned its logic from Mill was well prepared to receive Darwin's speculative guessing as a new revelation. 72 De Vi Physica injures the cause of science so much as the want of a philosophical basis in its own champions : science loses credit and autho- rity, when scientific men cannot even at- tempt to discuss the principles of science without betraying their want of training in their own business. The mere accumula- tion of facts without any critical insight into principles and causes is just as likely to lead men wrong as right. So it was with Darwin, who seems to have had no philosophical education of any kind : except what he could pick up from the perusal of J. S. Mill. All his familiarity with the facts of Nature did not save him, accordingly, from falling into a gigantic error as to the essence of Nature herself: an error which is not the less an error because most of his contem- poraries shared it. Nature not in that sense of the word in which it is synonymous with the Universe, et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 73 All ; but in the sense of the Power which we see exhibited above all in the organisa- tion of animals and plants, and generally in every process that starts from a beginning, passes through a series of changes, and ends with an end completing the process, as e.g. from the egg to the owl this Nature is not a mechanical power, and cannot be ex- plained on purely mechanical principles. It works to an end. There is, in the process, mechanics and mechanism : but this does not exhaust it : there is something more. Nature, as Natura Naturata, to borrow an old expressive barbarism, is a vast accu- mulation of organisations, instruments, organs that effectuate ends : as Natura Naturans, she is the creative process of their genera- tion, and the power that does the work. Now I say, with Aristotle, that this power is not mechanical, but organic. The mis- take of Darwin, of Lamarck, and of most 74 De Vi Physica modern scientific theorists is, that, preoccu- pied by mechanical problems, they refuse to see, deny, nay, scoff at the very idea of such an organic power 5 , because they do not understand it. They ban it, as miraculous. But let us consider the question. The first principle of science is to recognise facts : and there is more in Nature than is dreamed of by these philosophers. There is, in the process of organic origi- nation, an element that lies beyond and out- side any possible mechanical explanation. The mechanism of the process does not and cannot explain the process itself: it ex- plains its action within limits, but not its raison d'etre: as, for example, the me- chanism of the clock does not explain its origin, the wherefore of its being : it can- 8 The reason is, that they are biassed against theology. But theology has nothing to do with it. Theology or no theology, let us recognise what Nature is. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 75 not tell us what it is. To know this re- quires an appeal to something other than the mechanism : to time. Similarly, the raison d'etre of every organ, and of all or- ganic origination such as terminates in an end, lies in its totality, and that totality cannot be explained, and cannot have arisen, piecemeal. No organ, the essence of whose operation lies in it as a whole : no combi- nation of organs, the essence of whose oper- ation lies in their mutual, reciprocally pre- supposing interdependence, can possibly have arisen or be explained by the mechanical accumulation of a series of successive in- crements. The attempt of Darwin argues nothing but his own lack of philosophical insight. Let us, for example, suppose, that he had succeeded in giving a satisfactory mechani- cal explanation of the origin of specific forms in time. Yet it never seems to cross 76 De Vi Physica his mind, that he has still to reckon with the origin of the individual animal, going on around us every day. Is that mechani- cal ? The spider or the elephant alike arise from an imperceptible speck of matter, or more exactly, from the momentary contact of two imperceptible specks, which leaves one endowed with a Power that it did not possess before. Now what is this Power ? It is beyond denial, that the perfect form, the spider or elephant, is determined before- hand in the originating speck. Let that process be, as such, as mechanical as you please, the question still arises : does me- chanics exhaust the explanation ? Is there, or is there not, a power working to an end ? It has been admirably observed (by Car- penter) that what, in ordinary generation, the father and mother produce, is not a new form, structure, or animal, but only the potentiality of such a new form : which, in suitable cir- et Imbecillilate Darwiniana. 77 cumstances, builds itself up out of surround- ing inorganic and organic material. What a speck is this potentiality, and what gigantic formative power it contains ! It converts into organs the appropriate material supplied to it : it works towards its own specific end. And who knows how far chemical or other changes, by slightly altering some initial principle, giving it a new turn, might not determine its formative energy in quite a new direction. Observe, now, what a power- ful and peculiar influence altered climatic and other conditions have upon wild or even tame animals. See how many refuse to breed at all, and how anomalous and irre- gular becomes the offspring of many that do. Take a long-haired cat to tropical Africa : it loses its hair : the breed changes. Under the necessary evocative conditions, Nature internally does what is wanted to meet the case, and suit the animal to its surroundings. 78 De Vi Physica Thus the potentiality, the power, can respond to conditions in some degree. Nature can, then, transmute her creatures : she has the power. How much has she got ? How far can she go ? Is any man of science in a position positively to assert that this power which can do things that we see, could not in the past under other [conditions have ori- ginated the structures which it continues to perpetuate ? The perpetuation is a common fact : even the modification, up to a certain point, is a fact, rare, yet not unknown : then why not origination, in this manner, but much greater in degree in the past ? LIKE generally produces LIKE : but even now, LIKE can disobey its own rules : is it then so certain that under conditions favourable to the case, like could not produce unlike ? Darwin looked for the origin of species in a wholly wrong direction. Falsely conceiv- ing both the power of Nature and the process et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 79 of geology, gratuitously and dogmatically denying, in the teeth of his own evidence, the possibility of direct modification, he sought to explain the origin of animal and other forms by the roundabout and impos- sible accumulation of infinitesimal increments under conditions similar to those now obtain- ing. But we live in relatively cold and un- generative conditions. The hints that we gather from our own time justify us in ascribing the appearance of new forms to the self-acting organic power of Nature re- sponding to conditions constantly changing, by what we might call, though not quite adequately, Atmospheric Evolution. Since the beginning, there has been, for there must have been, going on, a continuous, never ceasing atmospheric change, a chemical alteration of the medium of life/ consisting essentially in purification, rarefaction, sic- cification, frigidification, segregation, differ- 80 De Vi Physica entiation a constant passage from potential to actual, synthetic to evolved, atmospheric conditions : from a state relatively thick, mephitic, hot, miasmatic, pestilential, dark, to one relatively purer and ever purer, drier, cooler, lighter, and more various. The * lower ' any animal is, the more ' poisonous ' the conditions under which it can live. If a reptile, a bird, and a mammal are shut up in a close chamber with but little air, the bird will be the first, and the reptile the last, to die. And if tadpoles are kept without light, they will never become frogs. Such facts as these give us, as it were, glimpses of the past history of the world. And when we combine with this much evidence that shows how Nature instantly responds to the call of circumstances, how animals change and mysteriously assume colour or coating suited to new localities : the conclusion almost seems necessary, that et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 8 1 the evolution of species was determined by the progressive evolution of the atmosphere, calling into operation that organic power of Nature which we see now actually repro- ducing and occasionally altering species : which we know to be a fact, and which de- termines in the germ and is able to produce forms that answer to and can effect ends. That we do not comprehend this power is no sufficient reason for denying it. For if it be granted, as it cannot be denied, that under peculiar conditions ani- mals have the power of producing children to a certain extent unlike them, the only question is one of degree. How far could this power go ? A question to which no answer can be returned. We simply do not know. But certainly, a power which can produce a spider or an elephant from an undifferentiated potentiality cannot be brushed aside and pronounced a priori, G 82 De Vi Physica as Darwin pronounces it, incapable of ori- ginating fresh starts and departures. Darwin attempts to make out, that each animal form must have arisen slowly, by accidental increment in a vast period of time, simply because he holds that Nature cannot produce them abruptly, except by a miracle. But his denial of Nature's power is pure gra- tuitous dogmatism : as Ockam said of an- other such assertion, simpliciter falsa et absurda. Yet it is palpable, from the very nature of the case, that we never can expect to know the details : how each particular form arose : because it is impossible to reconstruct the conditions. Cases where we can trace a genealogy as e.g. the foot of the horse, really tell us nothing : because a horse might exist well enough with feet constructed on twenty different plans. I myself possessed a turkey which was born with feet crumpled et Ivibccillitate Darwiniana. 83 into balls. Yet after a while, this turkey learned how to use them, and it ran about on its stumps like Sir Hugh Witherington, better than its brothers and sisters. But this could not happen with a spider. Un- less we had been there to see, we could never understand the genesis of species in cases where organisation is closely correlated in its parts. A horse could exist with other feet, but not a spider: it could not exist without just the feet it has and no others. Large animals are susceptible of consider- able alteration in parts without any vital consequences : and this is one of the things that deceived Darwin : but not insects. They are far more strictly and undeni- ably instruments for the performance of ends. In insects, above all, Nature shows her power, and in them above all appears the ineffable absurdity of ' Natural Selec- tion.' A little investigation of insects is 84 De Vi Physica worth more than all Darwin's accumulated labour on domesticated animals. How could the humming-bird moth exist without its proboscis ? How could the grub of the ant- lion fc originate by accumulated increment ? How could the jaws of the caterpillar come into being piecemeal ? The theory of Dar- win is the ne plus ultra of human stupidity. It never could have occurred, except to one incapable of understanding the corollaries of organisation : but once having occurred, it never could have been retained and defended, except by one who was capable of systema- tically ignoring whole classes of animal or- ganisation, and attending only to instances 1 The Ant-lion pupa has a pair of powerful jaws which it uses to gnaw a hole in the sand-cemented walls of its cocoon and escape. These jaws are used only in that operation, once and once only, and are then cast off like an old hat. Did these jaws, forsooth ! originate by ac- cumulated increment ? How could an Ant-lion come into existence without them ? et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 85 that prove nothing at all. All the domes- tic and artificial selection in the world is utterly worthless to support a theory about Nature which the nearest insect alone is sufficient to destroy. X. The proper comprehension of the forego- ing arguments places the origin of man in a light wholly different from that in which it is regarded by the Darwinian. According to Darwin, man is .descended from an ape-like form in a Darwinian way, i.e. by imperceptible increments. Thus there must have existed a long chain of intermediate forms, from the ape-like pro- genitor to man as we know him. Hence the demand for a missing link. But now, not only has no such link ever been found, but it may be unhesitatingly asserted, that it 86 De Vi Physica never can have existed. Between apes and man, there is a gulf; and just as we saw, that in introducing a new principle, Nature must jump : so it is here. I deny that language can originate gradually ex infantia. Once in being, it is true, it can improve, and rise to higher powers, like all other principles. But in all the innumerable dis- cussions of speech and language that have seen the light in the nineteenth century, no one has ever produced a particle of evidence, rational or experimental, to show that, or how, speech could originate out of speech- lessness. And the truth is, that it is im- possible : the problem is insoluble. There is no gradual passage from the one con- dition to the other. Therefore, without denying that man is- sued from a lower form, we may and must wholly dissent from Darwin and his friends as to how it was done. And observe, that et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 87 this makes all the difference. Man has not been mechanically accumulated out of a monkey ; he never was a monkey : the monkey was never man : and when the necessary jump came, we know not how or when, man was not a monkey : he never was one. A new principle was introduced, when man in his lowest form 6 TT^WTO? avOpwTros appeared upon the earth. It is impossible that it can have been other- wise. The confident assertions of the Dar- winians on this head rest on nothing what- ever but belief; they are guesses, not only without evidence, but implying a radical failure to understand, what is involved in the gap between man and lower forms. All men possess speech, language, the power of rational communication. You may be- lieve, if you please, that this power could originate gradually from its negative : but 88 De Vi Phystca this belief is not science : it is mere philo- sophical absurdity. There is no potentiality of language in an animal that does not possess it. The faculty of speech, i.e. the externality of reason and its vehicle, is one of the necessary jumps of Nature, and no man knows, or ever will know, when or how it began. But man in his lowest form must have been a rationally communicating ani- mal : and before that, there were no men. And this, I wish the reader to observe, is not a theological, it is a logical necessity. For things can develop only from potentia- lities : and out of the incapacity of speaking, speech can never come. Therefore the true evolutionary view is, not that man either is, or ever was, a monkey : but on the contrary, that he neither is, nor ever was. The origin of speech and reason cannot be scientifically explained, without et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 89 a jump. The supposition that they can, is only a mark of analytical incompetence u . XI. When Darwin died, I was a Westminster boy, and hence it came about that I had ex officio to play a minor part in his funeral ceremony. Such a crowd, qualitatively speaking, I have never seen again. The King himself, then Prince of Wales, trod long life to him ! upon my toe : for Queen Victoria was represented, if I remember rightly, by Lord Thurlow, and the Prince walked in the procession on his right hand. At that time, Darwin was but a name to me, vaguely associated in my mind, as in u Darwin's attempt to explain man by * natural selection ' is his own scientific self-condemnation. It is sheer phi- losophical ineptitude, naked and not ashamed : he simply did not know what he was doing. But parmi les aveugles, borgne est rot. go De Vi Physica that of most people now, with ' evolution,' ' monkeys,' and the ' missing link.' And as I stood in the dense throng, surrounded by all the celebrities of Europe, I said to my- self: Here is a chance for the Anarchists x that will never occur again. If they blew up the Abbey now, they would, like Tarquin, cut off the heads of all the tallest poppies at one fell swoop. And I asked myself in astonishment: WHAT WAS DARWIN, that all this assembly of notables should come to do him honour ? For the whole world seemed to have congregated together in the Abbey, to worship at his tomb. And I made a resolution, that I would solve the problem in the years to come. * And now, whenever I can, I go and worship in another Temple, that of Nature, the British Museum of Natural History * At that time, London was in excitement by reason of the outrages of dynamiters. et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 9 1 in South Kensington, to whose founders and perpetuators and organisers, great and small, from Sir Hans Sloane down, we all of us owe a debt of gratitude greater than we can ever repay. For here every man who chooses can master for nothing the rudiments and principles of Nature. But as often as I go in, I am suddenly seized with trembling, and a divine impulse. I feel within me a very great laughter: je suis comme bourre de rire Right opposite the door, on the stairs, about thirty feet high, or it may be more, towers a colossal statue. Not of the Founder, not of Aristotle : not of the man, who called all the particular sciences out of nonentity into being, and created the logical method of science in general that constitutes their unity : not of the man, who, two thousand years before Newton, strove without data and without mathematics to obtain an ex- 92 De Vi Physica planation of the Universe in terms of gravitation, and saw that Physics was the science of motion : not of the man, who discovered and defined the true evolutionary process, and laid the foundation of natural history by zoological collections and com- parative anatomy : not of the man, to whom, through the medium of the Schoolmen his disciples, Europe owes its intellectual resur- rection, and any philosophical education that it possesses ; for since Ockam, men have pulled down Aristotle's Parthenon to build their little barbarous huts : not, I say, of the true deity, the Incarnation of Science : but of Darwin And what was Darwin ? As a man, Darwin possessed a personal charm and kindly geniality that make us all his friends : and as an industrious accumulator of material in the field of natural history, serving to disprove his own et Imbecillitate Darwiniana. 93 theories, he is unrivalled. As a discoverer, he discovered absolutely nothing that was not well known and publicly proclaimed before him : as a scientific thinker, he saw no harm in explaining Nature by purely gratuitous hypotheses, imaginary figments, and impossibility, simply paying no at- tention at all to facts that stood in the way : as a geologist, he totally misunderstood the nature of the geological process, dog- matically postulating permanence and un- changing uniformity where reason and ob- servation combine to demonstrate progressive alteration and perpetual change, and de- manding, in the interest of his theory, that the geological record shall be twisted into proving the exact reverse of what it actually does prove : as an interpreter of Nature, he misinterpreted her so monstrously, in defiance of all his own accumulated facts, as strenuously to endeavour, all his life long, 94 De Vi Physica, etc. to reduce and degrade her power to impo- tence, to account for her inseparable simulta- neous correlations by mechanical succession, to prove her animated tools, instruments, and weapons mere things of accidentally selected variation and accumulated incre- ment, creatures of chance, like rocks, or clouds, or pyramids of sand, or heaps of snow. And it is this curious incarnation of phi- losophical poverty and unscientific perver- sity, who is elevated into a scientific deity. A theory-blinded and arbitrary denier of Nature's organic and creative power is wor- shipped as a god in her own temple, every object in which gives the lie to his creed. Si ARGUMENTUM QUARTS, CIRCUMSPICE ! APPENDIX. On Darwin's theory of Coral Islands. THE psychological origin of this theory of Darwin casts a strong light on the scientific quality of his own mind. If we examine the essay in which he presents his theory, we find, that he invokes, to explain Coral Islands, the subsidence of the ivhole oceanic area in which they are found. And if we ask, what are his grounds for making this assumption, objecting to acquiesce in his astonishing demand, he tells us, that "as whole regions are now "rising, for instance, in Scandinavia and South America, " and as no reason can be assigned why subsidences should " not have occurred in some parts of the earth on as great " a scale both in extent and amount as those of elevation, "objections" (to the amount of the subsidence) "strike "me as of little force." That is to say, that because he believes, on evidence so scanty as to be positively ridicu- lous*, in slow continuous rising in one place, he invents subsidence, on a far more colossal scale, in another, to account for Coral Islands. But then, subsidence was one a The Scandinavian elevation of Lyell has turned out doubtful in the extreme, not to say fictitious : while the S. American elevation was based on a handful of misinterpreted earthquake phenomena on the coast. From a little dubious almost imperceptible alteration on the shore, Darwin leaped joyfully to the conclusion that the uhole continent was in process of being permanently elevated ! Appendix. of the accredited Lyellian agents. And Darwin says him- self elsewhere, of his own Coral Island theory: " No other " work of mine was begun in so deductive a spirit as this, "for the whole theory was thought out on the west coast "of South America before I had seen a true coral reef. I ' ' had therefore only to verify and extend my views by " a careful examination of living reefs. But it should be " observed that I had during the two previous years been " incessantly attending to the effects on the shores of South "America of the intermittent alteration of the land, to- gether with the denudation and deposition of sediment. " This necessarily led me to reflect much on the effects ' ' of subsidence, and it was easy to replace in imagination " the continued deposition of sediment by the upward ' ' growth of corals. To do this was to form my theory of (( the formation of barrier reefs and atolls* 1 ." This is what he calls beginning a work in a deductive spirit ! The naivete with which Darwin shows us his hand here is really delicious. Deduction indeed ! He comes to the Coral Islands with his theory ready made, a theory of gradual subsidence in one place based upon gradual eleva- tion (wholly imaginary) in another : this is what he calls deduction ! Wherever he looks, he sees, because he wishes to see, subsidence, not because it is there, but because he brings it with him : it is in his eye. And for similar reasons, his theory was eagerly caught up by Lyell, Jukes, Dana, and others of the school. Nothing is so curiously astonishing as the blindness of these physical investigators to the necessary corollaries of their own theories. Can any human being in his senses really suppose that con- b The Italics are mine. Appendix. 97 tinuous subsidence could go on for ages in areas widely inhabited without arousing attention ? It is the one thing, if true, that people must notice, whether they will or no. Nevertheless, Darwin's theory reigned in the Lyellian school, for a while. Later on, after the criticism of Karl Semper (1863), some others, but especially Murray of the ' Challenger expedition c ' (a voyage which was fatal to many a preconceived scientific idea), doubts began to creep in. Now, observe what Darwin wrote in this connection : " If I am wrong, the sooner I am knocked on the head " the better. But it still seems to me a marvellous thing that " there should not have been much and long continued sub- " sidence in the beds of the great oceans" See, now, what a light this throws upon his mind. It is not a question of particular evidence : it is, with him, a question of antici- pation, expectation to find something dictated by the Lyellian creed. Subsidence here, elevation there ; such is the Lyellian dogma. Why not invoke it to explain Coral Islands ? This is just what Darwin did. And now, his theory of the Origin of Species was formed in exactly the same way. Examine the language in which he presents it. "There may have been," "Why should there not have "been?" "I can see no reason why there should not " have been," these and similar phrases constantly recur and make up his exposition. He has absolutely nothing to offer in support of his theory but conjecture and false analogy. To argue from facts drawn from one sphere (South America, artificial selection) to results in another (Coral Islands, Nature) was the essence of his procedure. c Of which a most delectable popular account is the Log Letters of Lord George Campbell. H 98 Appendix. Not having any facts in their own spheres to go on, he is obliged to rest his theories on facts taken from another. He deduces the sinking of the floor of the Pacific from the rising of South America ; a fact which is itself only the wildest of conjectures from no evidence at all : he deduces ' Natural Selection ' from the results of artificial breeding, results only attainable when Nature is scrupulously pre- vented from having her way. And this is the logic, this is the science, for which he is canonised ! Darwin's scientific method is, in short, nothing whatever but the outrageous abuse of hypothesis : hypotheses fingere. What proof is, what science is, is a question to which, like other scientific idols in the nineteenth century, he could have given no answer, for it is not the fashion now-a-days for scientific men to meddle with * metaphysics.' The con- sequence is, that instead of Science, we get, under the name of Science, conjectural hypothesis ; imaginary supposition of possible or even impossible agents, to whose existence nothing testifies, not even the facts which they are invented to explain. E P I L O G U S. UBIQUE DAEMON. IL y a du diable 1& dessous : ubique daemon. Com- ment ! qu'est ce que vous dites la ? Ce n'est pas moi, c'est Aristote lui-meme, notre maitre a tous, qui 1'a dit : T\ fyvais Sa.iij.ovia, aAA ov defa. Mon ami, autrefois, quand Aris- tote faisait des siennes, cel& pouvait bien etre vrai : mats nous avons change tout cela : le diable est mort, et pour nous, le bon Dieu, la bonte divine Ah ! vous parlez comme tout le monde de votre ' Dieu,' et ne 1'aimez guere : ma deesse a moi, mon idole, mon Egerie, c'est la Nature. Vous autres, vous discutez, doutez de votre Dieu : moi, comme Napoleon, j'aime la mienne : j^aime mieux ma mie, au gtte ! vivre seul avec elle, ne rien faire que la regarder, voila pour moi le summum bonum, le bonheur supreme. Aussi y a-t-il vingt ans que je le fais. Et a la fin, j'ai vu, j'ai vu ce que tous les docteurs es-sciences physiolo- giques, biologiques, hippocratiques et autres ne voient pas aujourd'hui. Et qu'est ce que c'est que cela? Vous le dirai-je ? Ecoutez done : elle danse, la Nature : c'est une bayardere, pantomima. Ha ! ha ! comme vous brodez ! la plaisante idee ! mais cela ne se peut pas : c'est impossible. Impossible ! Quand je vous dis que moi-meme je 1'ai vue danser, sauter, bondisser, jusqu'a ce que chut ! dans 1'oreille -faipu m$me entrevoir ses jarretieres. Oui, c'est une bayardere, comme 1'a tres bien dit, il y a trois mille ans, le vieux sage Kapila. Ah ! je vous comprends : vous faites de la poesie : a d'autres, s'il vous plait : ce IO2 Ubique Daemon. n'est pas mon affaire : je ne me mele qu' a la science. He ! mon ami, que vous avez les oreilles longues ! Ainsi, bonne poesie, science mauvaisc> c'est la done votre devise? Eh ! parceque MM. les professeurs font de tres mauvais vers vous croyez que MM. les poetes ne pourront faire de la bonne science ? Vous en etes bien sur ? Mais souvenez vous, qitil ne fautjurer de rien. Et puis, comme vous connaissez mal la Nature ! Quoi ! vous ne savez pas qu' Elle est Femme, et que femme et poete s'entreaiment ? Je vous le dis : Mademoiselle Natura car elle est a la fois Madre et Signora, Mere et Vierge, Demeter et Kore montrera a ses amants ce qu'elle ne montrera jamais aux MM. severes de 1'Ecole Normale des Sciences positives, qui la regardent de haut en bas en fron^ant le sourcil, a travers de grosses lunettes coloriees a faire peur, mais ne lui font pas de 1'amour, comme elle veut absolument qu'on le lui fasse. La Nature ! Tenez, voulez vous Camadouer, la faire folle de vous, la voir a sa toilette, en deshabille, meme en toute sa nudite divine, sachez le bien, il faut V aimer > mais 1'aimer pour elle-meme, et non pas, comme le font les ologistes, avec des vues ulterieures, pour ce qu'elle pourrait vous donner apres coup, pour 1'utile. Car elle est jalouse, meme tres jalouse ; mais mercenaire, non ! jamais ! elle se donnera plut6t pour rien, mais a cet homme seul, qui de sa part sacrifiera tout, rien que pour yivre aupres d'elle. Uessentiel, c'est F amour. II n'y a pas un homme sur cent mille qui comprend, ce que c'est que 1'amour. Mais qui le lui donne, elle le lui rendera et alors ! Alors, helas ! pour tout jamais, il est ensorcele, possede : comme le Tanhaliser, il a goute le breuvage enivrant de 1'infini, il a bu du calice defendu du diable ; son ame s'est noyee dans 1'etrange ye\a, rforfc.