THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SOPHIE MAY'S Any volume sold separately. DOTTY DIMPLE SERIES. - Six volumes. Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents. Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother's. Dotty Dimple at Home. Dotty Dimple out West. Dotty Dimple at Play. Dotty Dimple at School. Dotty Dimple's Flyaway. FLAXIE FRIZZLE STORIES. - Six volumes. lllus- trated. Per volume, 75 cents. Flaxie Frizzle. Little Pitchers. Flaxie's Kittyleen. Doctor Papa. The Twin Cousins. Flaxie Growing Up. LITTLE PRUDY STORIES. Six volumes. Hand. somely Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents. Little Prudy. Little Prudy's Sister Susy. Little Prudy's Captain Horace. Little Prudy's Story Book. Little Prudy's Cousin Grace. Little Prudy's Dotty Dimple LITTLE PRUDY'S FLYAWAY SERIES. -Sis volumes. Illustrated. Per volume, 75 cents. Little Folks Astray. Little Grandmother. Prudy Keeping House. Little Grandfather. Aunt Madge's Story. Miss Thistledown LEE AND SHEPARD, PUBLISHERS, BOSTON. CAPTAIN HORACE. LITTLE PRODI'S C4PTAIHHOR1CE, LITTLE PBTJDY SERIES. CAPTAIN HORACE SOPHIE MAY, BOSTON 1893 LEE AND SHEPARD PUBLISHERS 10 MILK STRBBT NEXT '.' THE OLD SOUTH MEETING HOUSE " Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by LEE & SHEPARD, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. COPYRIGHT, 1892, BY KEBECCA S. CLARKE. LITTLE PBCDY'S CAPTAIN HORACE. TO MY LITTLE NEPHEW WILLY WHEELER. FROM HIS AFFECTIONATE ATJNT. (S) 622812 PREFACE, Y /u wide-awake little boys, who make whistles of' willow, and go fishing" M,d training, Horace is very much like yon, I suppose. lie is by no means perfect, but he is brave and kind, and scorns a lie. I hope yoj. and he will shake hands and be friends. CONTENTS. I. MAKING CANDY, 5 II. CAMPING OUT, 15 III. TAKING A JOURNEY, 33 IV. AT GRANDPA I'ARLIN'S, 49 V. CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY, 68 VI. SUSY AND PRUDY, 87 VII. IN THE WOODS, 99 Vlll. CAPTAIN CLIFFORD, 117 IX. THE BLUE BOOK, 128 X. TRYING TO GET RICH, Ml XI. THE LITTLE INDIAN, M'J XII. A PLEASANT SURPRISE 167 CHAPTER I. MAKING CANDY. GRACE and Horace Clifford lived in In- diana, and so were called "Hoosiers." Their home, with its charming grounds, was a little way out of town, and from the front windows of the house you could look out on the broad Ohio, a river which would be very beautiful, if its yellow waters were only once settled. As far as the eye could iyjc, the earth was one vast plain, and, in order to touch it, the sky seemed to stoop very low ; whereas, in New England, the gray-headed mountains appear to go up part way to meet the sky. ( 5 ) CAPTAIN HORACE. One fine evening in May, brown-eyed Horace and blue-eyed Grace stood on th? balcony, leaning against the iron railing, watching the stars, and chatting together One thing is very sure : they never dreamed that from this evening their sayings and do- ings particularly Horace's were to be printed in a book. If any one had whis- pered such a thing, how dumb Horace would have grown, his chin snuggling down into a hollow place in his neck ! and how ner- vously Grace would have laughed ! walking about very fast, and saying, *'O, it's too bad, to put Horace and me in a book ! I say it's too bad ! Tell them to wait till my hair is curled, and I have my new pink dress on ! And tell them tc make Horace talk better ! He plays so much with the Dutch boys. O, Horace isi.'i i handsome uniform, drawing music from various instruments, picking, blowing, or beating it out, as the case might be. It was glorious, Horace thought. He :ould not keep still. lie ran out, and threw up his cap before he knew it almost, shout- ing with delight, "Ho, Mr. Lazelle! -ain't that jolly? IIo, Mr. Lazelle ! where are you, anyhow?" Probably, if the boy had stopped to think, ho might have remembered that Mr. Lazclle was in the parlor ; but no, Horace was sure he must have crossed the street to look at the band. '' I m going, too," said he to himself. 40 CAPTAIN HORACE. '" Of course, where Mr. Lazelle goes, I can go, for he has the care of me ! " With that he dashed headlong into the ?rowd, looking here, there, and everywhere For Mr. Lazelle. But, O, that music! Did a little boy's boots ever stand still when a drum was playing, " March, march away"? No doubt his father was keeping step to just such sounds, on his path to martial glory ! The fife and bugle whistled with magical voices, and seemed to say, " Follow, follow, follow on ! '' And Horace followed ; sometimes think- ing he was in search of Mr. Lazelle, some- times forgetting it altogether. He knew he was doing very wrong, but it seemed as if the music almost drowned the voice of his conscience. Ill this way they turned street after street, TAKING A JOURNEY. 4\ till, suddenly, the band and the crowd en- tered a large public building. Then the music died out, and with it the fire of eagerness in the little boy's soul. Where was Mr. Lazelle? If he could see him now, he would forgive the boxed ears How could he ever find his way back to the hotel? It had not as yet entered his head to ask any one. He darted off at great speed, but, as it happened, in precisely the wrong direction. The houses grew smaller and farther apart, and presently he came to a high, sandr cliff overlooking the lake. Now the shades of night began to fall, and his stout heart almost failed him. The longing grew so strong to see mother, and Grace, and baby, that the tears would start, in spite of himself. At last, just as he Avas wondering which 42 CAPTAIN IIOHACE. way to turn next, somebody touched his shoulder, and a rough voice said, "Hullo, my little man! \Vhat you dom' in this ward ? Come ; don't you pull awaj from me : I'm a city officer. Got lost, hey ? ' Horace shook with fright. O dear, was it a crime, then, to get lost? He remem- bered all the stories he had ever heard of lock-ups, and state-prisons, and handcuffs. " O, I didn't mean any harm, sir," cried he, trying to steady his voice : " I reckon I ain't lost, sir ; or, if I am, I ain't lost much ! " " So, so," laughed the policeman, good- naturedly ; "and what was your name, my little man, before you got lost, and didn't get lost mucJt ? " "My name is Horace Clifford, sir," rcnlicd the boy, wondering why a cruel policeman should want to lau"h. TAKING y JOURNEY. 43 * Well, well, ' said the man, not unkindly, * I'm glad I've come across ye, for your mother's in a terrible taking. What set ye .nit to run off? Come, now ; don't be sulky. Give us your hand, and I guess, scein' it's you. we won't put you in the lock-up this time." Horace was very grateful to the officer for not handcuffing him on the spot; still he felt as if it was a great disgrace to bo marched through the city by a policeman. Mrs. Clifford, Grace, and Mr. Lazelle met them on the way. " O, my dear, clear son," cried Mrs. Clif- ford, as soon as she could speak ; " do you know how you've frightened us all?" "I followed the band," stammered Horace T I was looking for Mr. Lazcllc." "You're a naughty, mean little boy," crieci G'ace, when she had made sure he was not 44 CAPTAIN HORACE. , \ hurt anywhere. " It would have been good enough for you if you'd drowned in the lake, and 'the bears had ate you up ! ' Still she kissed her naughty brother, und it was to be noticed that her eyelids were very red from crying. " I'll never let go your hand again, Hor- ace," said she, "till we get to grandma's. You're just as slippery!" Mr. Lazelle looked as if it would be an immense relief to him if Miss Grace would keep her word ; he thought he was under- going a great trial with Horace. "It's a shame," said he to himself, "that a perfect lady, like Mrs. Clifford, should have such a son ! I'd enjoy whipping him for her sake ! Why in the world don't she train him?" Mr. Lazelle did not know of the faithful talk Mrs Clifford had with Horace thyt TAKING A JOURNEY. 45 night, nor how the boy's heart swelled witii grief, and love, and new resolutions. This adventure caused a day's delay, rbr it made the party too late for the boat. Horace was so sorry for his foolish conduct, that he spent the next day in the most sub- dued manner, and walked about the cham- ber on tiptoe, while Grace tried to soothe little Katie. But, in crossing the lake, he "forgot" again. His mother allowed him to go up on the hurricane deck with Mr. Lazelle, just for ten minutes ; and there he became acquainted with the pilot, who was struck with his intelligence, and freely answered all the questions he asked about the engine, r 'thc whistle," and the steering. "O, pshaw!" said Horace; "I'll make a steamboat myself, and give it to Grace for u present ! " 46 CAPTAIN HORACE. Full of this new plan, he left the pilot without so much as a " thank you," running .lown the steps, two at a time, unobserved by Mr. Lazelle, who was playing the flute. He wanted to see how the "rigging" was made, and stopped to ask leave of no- body. Down another flight of stairs, out across trunks, and bales, and ropes, he pushed his way to get a good sight of the deck. He paid no heed to people or things, and nearly ran over an Irish boy, who was draAving up water in buckets for washing. Some- body shouted, "He's trying to kill hissclf, I do believe ! " Somebody rushed forward to seize the daring child by the collar of his jacket, but too late ; he had fallen headlong into the lake! A scream went up from the deck thai TAKING A JOURNEY. 47 pierced the air, "Boy overboard! Help! help! help!" Mrs. Clifford heard, and knew, by in- stinct, that it was Horace. She had just cut Grace to call him, not feeling safe to trust him longer with Mr. Lazelle. She rushed through the door of the state-room, and followed the crowd to the other side of the boat, crying, f ' O, can't somebody save him ! " There was no mistaking the mother's voice ; the crowd made way for her. " Safe ! safe an.d sound ! *' was the shout now. f> All right ! " The Irish lad, at Horace's first plunge, had thrown him his bucket it was a life- preserver; that is, it would not sink and the drowning boy had been drawn up by means of a rope attached to the bail. "Ma," said Grace, when they were all 48 CAPTAIN HORACE. safely in the cars at Buffalo, and Horace as well as ever, though a little pale, "I do believe there never was anybody had such an awful journey ! Do you suppose we'll ever get Horace home to grandma's?" AT GRANDPA PAULIN'S. 49 CHAPTER IV. AT GRANDPA PARLIN'S. IT was over at last the long, tedious journey, which Horace spoiled for everybody, and which nobody but Horace enjoyed. When they drove up to the quiet old homestead at "Willowbrook, and somebody had taken the little baby, poor Mrs. Clif- ford threw herself into her mother's arms, and sobbed like a child. Everybody else cried, too ; and good, deaf grandpa Parlin, with smiles and tears at the same time, Jeclared, " I don't know what the matter is j so I can't tell whether to laugh or cry.' 50 OALTAIN HORACE. Theii his daughter Margaret went up and said in his best car that they were just crying for joy, and asked him if that wasn't a silly thing to da. Grace embraced everybody twice over ; but Horace was a little shy, and would only give what his aunties called "canary kisses." "Margaret, I want you to give me that darling baby this minute," said Mrs. Parlin, wiping her eyes. " Now you can bring tho butter out of the cellar : it's all there is to be done, except to set the tea on the table." Then grandma Parlin had another cry over little Katie : not such a strange thing, for she could not help thinking of Harry, tLe baby with sad eyes and pale face, Avho had been sick there all the summer before, and was now an angel. As little Prudy had said, " God took him up to heaven, but the tired part of him is in the garden." AT (iKANOI'A I'AIILIN'.S. 51 Yes, under a weeping-willow. Every- body was thinking just now of tired little Harry, " the sweetest flower that ever was planted in that garden." "Why, Maria," said Mrs. Clifford, as soon as she could speak, "how did you ever travel so far with tiilis little, little baby?" "I don't know, mother," replied Mrs. Clifford ; " I think I could never have get here without Grace : she has been my little waiter, and Katie's little nurse." Grace blushed with delight at this well- deserved praise. "And Horace is so large now, that he "vas some help, too, I've no doubt," said jiis prauamother. "L would have took the baby," cricu Horace, speaking up very quickly, before any one else had time to answer, "I would have took the baby, but she wouldn't let m;ti mean web-footed!" Horace bent his eyes on his plate, and did not look up again for some time. There was chicken-salad on the table. Margaret made that putting in new butter, because she knew Mrs. Clifford did nol like oil. There was delicious looking cake, " some that had been touched with frost, and some that hadn't," as grandpa said, when he passed the basket. 54 CAITAIN HORACE. But the crowning glory of the supper was a dish of scarlet strawberries, which looked as if they had been drinking dew- drops and sunshine till they had caught all the richness and sweetness of summer. r O, ma!" whispered Grace, "I'm begin- ning to feel so happy ! I only wish my father was here." After tea, grandpa took Horace and Grace on each knee, large as they were, and sang some delightful evening hymns with what was left of his once fine voice. He looked so peaceful and happy, that his daughters were reminded of the Bible verse, " Chil- dren's children are the crown of old men." "I think now," said Mrs. Clifford, coining back from putting the baby to sleep, " it's high time my boy and girl were saying, 'Good-night, and pleasant dreams.'' " Aunt Madge is going up stairs with us ; uren't you, auntie ? " AT GIJAXDPA TAKLIN'S. 55 "Yes, Horace ; your other auntie wouldn't do, I suppose," said Louise. " That makes me think of the way this same Horace used 'o treat me when he was two years old. ' Her can't put me to bed,' he would say; 'hcr's too little:" "I remember," said Margaret, "how he dreaded cold water. When his mother called him to be washed, and said, f Ma doesn't want a little dirty boy,' he would look up in her face, and say, 'Does mamma want 'ittle cold boy?'" The happy children kissed everybody good-night, and followed their aunt Madge up stairs. Now, there was a certain small room, whose one window opened upon the piazza, and it was called "the green cham- ber." It contained a cunning little bed- stead, a wee bureau, a dressing-table, and washing-stand, all pea-green. It was a 50 CAPTAIN HORACE. room which seemed to have been made and furnished on purpose for a child, and it had been promised to Grace in every letter unit Madge had written to her for a ycai Horace had thought but little about the room till to-night, when his aunt led Grace into it, and he followed. It seemed so fresh and sweet in "the green chamber," and on the dressing-table there was a vase of flow- ers. Aunt Madge bade the children look out of the window at a bird's nest, which was snuggled into one corner of the piazza- roof, so high up that nobody could reach it without a very tall ladder. "Now," said aunt Madge, "the very first thing Grace hears in the morning will prob- ably be bird-music." Grace clapped her hands. w And where am / going to sleep ? " said AT GRANDPA PARLIN'S. 5? Horace, who had been listening, and looking on in silence. His aunt had forgotten that he was sometimes jealous ; but she could not help knowing it now, for a very disagreeable expression looked out at his eyes, and drew doAvn the corners of his mouth. "Why, Horace dear, we have to put you in one of the back chambers, just as we did when you were here before ; but you know it's a nice clean room, with white curtains, and you can look out of the window at the garden." " But it's over the kitchen ! " "There, Horace," said Grace, "I'd be ashamed ! You don't act lil^e a little gen . tl email ! What would pa say ? " " Why couldn't I have the big front cham- ber?" said the little bey, shuffling his feet, and looking down at his shoes. " l.ccause," said aunt Madge, smiling, w that is for your mother and the baby." 58 CAPTAIN HORACE. "But if I could have this little cunning D room, I'd go a fly in'. Grace ain't company any more than me." Aunt Madge remembered Horace's hit-or miss way of using things, and thought of the elephant that once walked into a china shop. Grace laughed aloud. "Why, Horace Clifford, you'd make the room look like everything ; you know you would ! O, auntie, you ought to see ho\v he musses up my cabinet ! I have to hide the key ; I do so ! " Horace took the room which was given him, but he left his sister without nis usual good-night kiss, and when he repeated his prayer, I am afraid he was thinking all the while about the green chamber. The next morning the children had in- tended to go into the jjarden bright and AT GKANDPA PAKLIN'S. 5& early , Grace loved flowers, and when she was a mere baby, just able to toddle into the meadow, she would clip off the heads of buttercups and primroses, hugging and kissing them like friends. Horace, too, had some fancy for flowers, especially flaring ones, like sunflowers and hollyhocks. Dandelions were nice when the stems would curl without bothering, and poppies were worth while for little girls, he thought, because, after they are gone to seed, you can make them into pretty good teapots. He wanted to go out in the garden now for humming-birds, and to see if the dirt- colored toad was still living in his " nest," in one of the flower-beds. But the first thing the children heard in the morning was the pattering of rain or the roof. No going out to-day. Grace waa 60 CAPTAIN HORACE. too tired to care much. Horace felt cross \ but remembering how many messages his grandmother had sent to her "good little grandson," and how often aunt Madge had written about "dear little Horace, the nephew she was so proud of," he felt ashamed to go down stairs scowling. If his good-morning smile was so thin that you could see a frown through it, still it was better than no smile at all. The breakfast was very nice, and Horace would have enjoyed the hot griddle-cakes and maple sirup, only his aunt Louise, a handsome young lady of sixteen, watched him more than he thought was quite polite, saying every now and then, w Isn't he the image of his father? Just such a nose, just such a mouth ! Ho eats fast, too ; that is characteristic ! " Horace did not know what "character- AT GRANDPA PAKLIN'S. 6\ istic " meant, but thought it must be some- thing bad, for with a child's quick eve he could see that his pretty aunt was 'iiclined to laugh at him. In fact, he had quite an odd way of talking, and his whole appear- ance was amusing to Miss Louise, who was a very lively young lady. '"Horace, you were telling me last night about Mr. Lazelle : what did you say was the color of his coat ? " "I said it was blueberry color," replied Horace, who could see, almost without look- ing up, that aunt Louise was smiling at aunt Madge. "lie is a musicianer too, I think you said, and his hair crimps. Dear me, what a funny man I " Horace was silent, and made up his mind that he should be careful another time what he said before aunt Louise. ()2 CAPTAIN' HORACE. Soon after breakfast he and Pinchcr went 'up-attic" to sec what they could find, while Grace followed her grandmother and aunties from parlor to kitchen, and from kitchen to pantry. She looked pale and tired, but was so happy that she sang every now and then at the top of her voice, forgetting that little Katie was having a nap. Pretty soon Horace came down stairs with an old, rusty gun much taller than himself. Mrs. Clifford was shocked at first, but smiled the next moment, as she remembered what an innocent thing it was, past its "prime" before she was of Horace's age. The little boy playfully pointed the gun towards Grace, who screamed with fright, and ran away as fast as she could. "I don't care," cried she, coming back, little ashamed at being laughed at- "how did / know it wasn't loaded? Do you think AT GHAXDPA PAIILIX'S. 03 'twould look well for a little girl not to be afraid of a gun ? " This speech amused everybody, particu- Hrly Horace, who was glad to have Grace jay a foolish thing once in a while. It raised his self-esteem -somehow ; and, more than that, he liked to remember her little slips of the tongue, and tease her about them. It was not long before he had seen all there was to be seen in the house, and wanted to " do something." As for reading, that was usually too stupid for Horace. Grace kindly offered to play checkers with him ; but she understood the game so much better than he did, that she won at every trial. This was more than he could bear with patience ; and, whenever he saw that she was (raining upon him, he wanted to " turn it into a give-qame" 64 CAPTAIN HORACE. "But that isn't fair, Horace." " Well, ma, just you see how mean Giace is ! There, she wants me to jump that man yonder, so she'll take two of mine, and go right in the king-row ! " "But, Horace," said Grace, gently, "what do I play for if I don't try to beat ? " "There now," cried he, "chase my men up to the king-row, so I can't crown 'em, do ! " "Just what I'm doing," replied Grace, coolly. "Well, I should think you'd better take 'em all, and be done with it ! Before I'd be so mean as to set traps!" " Look, Horace," said Grace ; "you didn't jump when you ought to, and I'm going to liuff your man. See, I blow it, just this way ; old Mr. Knight calls it huffing " " Huff away then ! but you stole one of those kings. I'll bet you stole it off the board after I jumped it." AT <;u.\M>i'A PAULIN'S. 65 "Now, Horace Clifford," cried Grace, with tears in her eyes, " I never did such a thing as to steal a king ; and if you say so I won't play ! " "Horace," said Mrs. Clifford, who had been trying for some time to speak, "what do you play checkers for?" "Ma'am? Why, to beat, of course." " Well, do you consider it work, or play?" "Work, or play? Why, it's a game, ma; so it's play." "But Grace was so obliging that she wished to amuse you, my son. Does it amuse you? Doesn't it make you cross? Do you know that you have spoken a great many sharp words to your kind sister? "Shut the board right up, my child; and remember from thio time never to play checkers, or any other game, when you fecJ 56 CAPTAIN HORACE. yourself growing fretful ! As you some, dines say, 'It doesn't pay.'" Horace closed the board, looking ashamed. "That's sound advice for everybody," said mnt Madge, stroking her little nephew's hair. " If children always remembered it, they would get along more pleasantly to- gether I know they would." Grace had been looking ill all the morn- ng, and her mother now saw symptoms of A chill. With all her tender anxiety she had not known how tired her little daughter was. It was two or three weeks before the child was rested ; and whenever she had a chill, which was every third day for a while, Bhe was delirious, and kept crying out, "O, do see to Horace, mamma! Mr. La- zelle will forget ! O, Horace, now don't let go my hand ! I've got the bundles, mamma, and the milk for the baby." AT GRANDPA "AKLIX'S. l>7 And sometimes Mrs. Clifford would call Horace to come and take his sister's hand, just to assure her that he Avas not lying coW and dead in the waters of Lake Erie. It was really touching to see how heavily the cares of the journey had weighed on the dear girls youthful spirits. CAPTAIN HOKACE. CHAPTER V- CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. AT first Mrs. Clifford thought she did no;; care about having the children go to school, as they had been kept at their studies for nearly nine months without a vacation, ex- cept Christmas holidays. But what was to be done with Horace? Aunt Louise, who was not passionately fond of children, declared her trials were greater than she could bear. Grace was a little I idy, she thought ; but as for Horace, and his dog Pincher, and the "calico kitty," which he had picked up for a pet ! Louise disliked dogs and despised kittens. Some- CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. 69 times, as she told Margaret, she felt as if she should certainly fly ; sometimes she was sure she was going crazy ; and then again it seemed as if her head would burst into a thousand pieces. None of these dreadful accidents hap- pened, it is true ; but a great many other things did. Hammers, nails, and augers were carried off, and left to rust in the dew. A cup of green paint, Avhich for months had stood quietly on an old shelf in the store- room, was now taken down and stirred with i stick, and all the toys which Horace whit- tled out were stained green, and set in the sun to dry. A pair of cheese-tongs, which hung in the back room, a boot-jack, the washing-bench, which was once red, all became green in a very short time : only the red of the bench had a curious effect, peep- ing out from its light and ragged coat of oreen. 70 CAPTAIN HORACE. The blue sled which belonged to Susy and Prudy was brought down from the shed- chamber, and looked at for some time. It would present a lovely appearance, Horace thought, if he only dared cross it oft* with green. But as the sled belonged to his little cousins, and they were not there to see for themselves how beautiful he could make it look, why, he must wait till they came ; and then, very likely, the paint would be gone. Of course, Horace soiled his clothes sadly : "that was always just like him," his aunt Louise said. This was not all. A little neighbor, Gilbert Brown, came to the house at all hours, and between the two boys there was a noise of driving nails, firing pop-guns, shouting and running from morning till night. CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. 71 They built a " shanty " of the boards which grandpa was saving to mend the fence, and in this shanty they " kept store," trading in crooked pins, home-made toys, twine, and jack-knives. "Master chaps, them children are," said Abner, the good-natured hired man. " Hard-working boys ! They are as de- structive as army-worms," declared grandpa, frowning, with a twinkle in his eye. Horace had a cannon about a foot long, which went on wheels, with a box behind it, and a rammer lashed on at the side not to mention an American flag which floated over the whole. With a stout string he drew his cannon up to the large oilnut tree, and then with a real bayonet fixed to a wooden gun, he would lie at full length under the shade, calling himself a sharpshooter guarding the cannon. At these times woe to the " calicu J'2 CAITAIN HORACE. kitty," or Grace, or anybody else who hap- pened to go ncur him ! for he gave the order to "charge," and the charge was made most vigorously. Upon the whole, it was decided that everybody would feel easier and happier if Horace should go to school. This plan did not please him at all, and he went Avith sulky looks and a very bad grace. His mother sighed; for though her little boy kept the letter of the law, which says, " Children, obey your parents*," he did not do it in the spirit of the commandment, "Honor thy father and thy mother." In a thousand ways Mrs. Clifford was made unhappy by Horace, who should have been a comfort to her. It was sad, indeed ; for never did a kind mother try harder to * train up a child " in the right way. It did not take Horace a great while to CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY 7ii renew his acquaintance with the schoolboys, who all seemed to look upon him as a sort of curiosity. " I never knew before," laughed little Dan Hideout, " that my name was Dan-yell ! " " He calls a pail a bucket, and a dipper a tin-kup" said Gilbert Brown. "Yes," chimed in Willy Snoiv, "and he asks, 'Is school took up?' just as if it was knitting-work that was on needles." " How he rolls his r's ! " said Peter Grant. M You can't say hor-r-se the way he does ! I'll bet the ain't a boy can do it, unless it's a Cahoojack." Peter meant Hoosier. "Well, I wouldn't be seen saying hoss" returned Horace, with some spirit ; " that's Yankee." "I guess the Yankees arc as good as the Cahoojacks : wasn't your mother a Yankee?" "Yes," faltered Horace ; "she was born up 74 CAPTAIN HORACE. north here, in the Frigid Zone , but she isn't so much relation to me as my father is, for her name wasn't Clifford. She wouldn't have been any relation to me if she hadnl married my father ! " One or two of the larger boys laughed at this speech, and Horace, who could never endure ridicule, stole quietly away. "Now, boys, you behave," said Edward Snow, Willy's older brother; "he's a smart little fellow, and it's mean to go to hurting his feelings. Come back here, Spunky Clifford ; let's have a game of Id xp>j ! " Horace was " as silent as a stone." "lie don't like to be called Spunky Clifford," said Johnny Bell ; " do you, Horace ? " "The reason I don't like it," replied I!K boy, "is because it's not my name." "Well, then," said^dward Snow, winking CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. 75 to the other boys, " won't you play with us, ^Faster Horace? 1 " "I'll not go back to be laughed at," replied he, stoutly: "when I'm home 1 play with Hoosier boys, and they're politer than Yankees." ' Twas only those big boys," said Johnii}> Bell; "now they've gone off. Come, let's play something." " I should think you'd be willing for us to laugh," added honest little Willy Snow ; "we can't help it, you talk so funny. We don't mean anything." "Well," said Horace, quite restored to jjood humor, and speaking with some dig- -nty, "you may laugh at me one kind of a ?vay, but if you meivn humph when you laugh, I won't stand it." "IFbonV stand it!" echoed Peter Grant; "ain't that Dutch?" 76 CAPTAIN HORACE. " Dutch ? " replied Horace : " I'll show you what Dyche is ! We have a Dyche teacher coine in our school every 'day, and he stamps his foot and tears round ! ' Sei ruhig,' he says : that means, ' hush your mouth and keep still.'" " Is he a Jew, and does he stay in a syna- gogue? " No, he is a German Luteran, or a Dutch Deformed, or something that way." " What do you learn in ? " said Johnny Bell. "Why, in little German Readers: what else would they be ? " "Does it read like stories and verses? " '' I don't know. He keeps hitting the books with a little sw'tch, and scrcamin' out as if the house was afire." " Come, say over some Dutch ; woon't you, Horace ? " CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. 77 So the little boy repeated some German poetry, while his schoolmates looked up at him in wonder and admiration. This was just what Horace enjoyed ; and he continued, with sparkling eyes, "1 s'pose you can't any of you count Dutch?'' The boys confessed that they could not. "It's just as easy," said Horace, telling over the numbers np to twenty, as last as he could speak. " You can't any of yon write Dutch ; can you? You give me a slate now, and I'll write it all over so you couldn't read a word >f it." "Ain't it very hard to make?" asked the boys in tones of respectful astonishment. "I reckon you'd think 'twas hard, it's so lull of little quirls , but / can write it us easy as English.'' 78 CAPTAIN HORACE. This was quite true, for Horace made very hard work of any kind of writing. It was not two days before he was at the head of that part of the school known as " the small boys," both in study and play ; yet everybody liked him, for, as I have said before, the little fellow had such a strong sense of justice, and such kindness of heart, that he was always a favorite, in spite of his faults. The boys all said there was nothing "mean" about Horace. He would neither abuse a smaller child, nor see one abused. If he thought a boy was doing wrong, ho was not afraid to tell him so, and you may be sure he was all the more respected for his moral courage. Horace talked to his schoolmates a great deal about his father, Captain Clifford, who was going to be a general some day. CA1TAIX OF A COMPANY. 79 "When I was home," said he, "I studied pa's book of tictacs, and I used to drill the boys." There was a loud cry of " Why can't you drill us? Come, let's us have a company, and you be cap'n ! " Horace gladly consented, and the next Saturday afternoon a meeting was appointed at the " Glen." When the time came, the boys Avcre all as joyful as so many squirrels suddenly let out of a cage. "Xow look here, boys," said Horace, brushing back his "shingled hair," and walk- ing about the grove with the air of a lord. "First place, if I'm going to be captain, you must mind; will you? xay" Horace was not much of a public speaker; he threw words together just as it happened; but there was so much meaning in the twist- ings of his face, the jcrking.s of his head, 80 CAPTAIN II011ACE. and the twiriings of his thumbs, that if you were looking at him you must know what he meant. " Ay, ay ! " piped the little boys in chorus. "Then I'll muster you in," said Horace, grandly. " Has everybody brought their guns? I mean sticks, you know!" "Ay, ay!- "I want to be corporal," said Peter Grant. " I'll be major," cried Willy Snow. "There, you've spoke," shouted the cap- tain. "I wish there was a tub or bar'l to stand you on when you talk." After some time an empty flour barrel was brought, and placed upright under a tree, to serve as a dunce-block. " Xow we'll begin 'new," said the captain, * Those that want to be mustered, rise ny their hands ; but don't you snap your fingers." r.VITAIX OF A COMPANY. 81 The caution came too late for some of th hoys ; but Horace forgave the seeming di? respect, Knowing that no harm was intended " Now, boys, what arc you fighting about? Say, For our country!" "For our country," shouted the soldiers, some in chorus, and some in solo. "And our flag," added Horace, as an after-thought. "And our flag," repeated the boys, look- ing at the little banner of stars and stripes, which was fastened to the stump of a tree, and faintly fluttered in the breeze. " Long may it wave ! " cried Horace, growing enthusiastic, and pointing back- ward to the flag with a sweep of his thumb. " There ain't a ' Secesh ' in this company ; there ain't a man but wants our battle to beat ! If there is, we'll muster him out double-quick." 82 CA1TAIX 1 1 Oil ACE. A few caps were flourished in the air, and every mouth was set firmly together, as if it would shout scorn of secession if it dared apeak. It was a loyal company ; there was no doubt of that. Indeed, the captain was so bitter against the South, that he had asked his aunt Madge if it was right to let south- ernwood grow in the garden. "Now," said Horace, "Forward! March! 'Ploy column ! No, form a line first. Ten- tion!" A curved, uncertain line, not unlike the letter S, gradually straightened itself, and the boys looked down to their feet as if they expected to see a chalk-mark on the grass. "Now, when I say, 'llight !' yon must look at the buttons on my jacket or on yours, I've forgot which ; on yours, I reckon. Rbht ! Kight at 'em ! Eight at the buttons !" C\iTVIN OF A COMPANY. 83 Obedient to orders, every boy's head drooped in a moment. " Stop ! " said Horace, knitting his brows ; M that's enough ! " For there seemed to be something wrong, he could not tell what. " Now you may ' 'bout face ; ' that means whirl round. Now march ! one, two, quick time, double-quick ! " "They're stepping on my toes," cried barefooted Peter Grant. "Hush right up, private, or I'll stand you on the bar'l." "I wish't you would," groaned little Peter ; "it hurts." "Well, then, I shan't," said the captain, decidedly, " for 'twouldn't be any punishiii'. Can't some of you whistle ? " Willy Snow struck up Yankee Doodle, which soon charmed the wayward feet of the little volunteers, and set them to march- ing in good time. 84 CAPTAIN HORACE. Afterward their captain gave instructions in "groundin' arms," 'stackin' arms," "firm'/' and " countin' a march/' by which he meant 'countermarching." He had really read a good many pages in Infantry Tactics, and had treasured up the military phrases with some care, though he had but a confused idea of their meaning. "Holler-square!" said he, when he could think of nothing else to say. Of course he meant a "hollow square." "Shall we holler all together?" cried a voice from the midst of the ranks. The OAvner of the voice would have been "stood on the barrel," if Horace had been less busy thinking. "I've forgot how they holler, as true as you live ; but I reckon it's all together, and open your mouths wide." At this the young volunteers, nothing STAND BY THE FLAG. Page 85. CAPTAIN OF A COMPANY. ' 85 loath, gave a long, deafening shout, which (he woods caught up and echoed Horace scratched his head. lie had seen his father drill his men, but he could not remember that he had ever heard them scream. A pitched battle came off next, which would have been a very peaceful one if ::i! the boys had not wanted to be Northerner.-. But the feeling was greatly changed when Horace joined the Southern ranks, saying w he didn't care how much he played Secesh when everybody knew he was a good Union man, and his father was going to be a general." After this there was no trouble about raising volunteers on the rebel side. The whole affair ended very pleasantly, only there was some slashing right and left with a few bits of broken glass, which were used as swords ; and several mothers had wounds to dress that night. - 86 . CAPTAIN HORACE. Mrs. Clifford heard no complaint from hei little son, although his fingers were quite ragged, and must have been painful. Hor- ace was really a brave boy, and always bore suffering like a hero. More than that, he had the satisfaction of using the drops of blood for red paint ; and the first thing after supper he made a wooden sword and gun, and dashed them with red streaks. SUSY AM) I'UUDY. CHAPTER VI. SUSY AND PRUDY. THE Clifford children were very anxious to see Susy and Prudy, and it seemed a lon bad ways. His mother had many serious- fears about him, for, with her feeble health, and the care of little Katie, she could not b? as watchful of him as she wished to be. She remembered how Mr. Clifford had often 94 CAPTAIN HORACE. said, "He will either make something on nothing," and she had answered, "Yes, there'll never be any half-way place for Horace." She sighed now as she repeated !ier own words. In his vo3'agcs of discovery Horace had found some gunpowder. "Mine!" said he to himself: "didn't aunt Madge say we could have everything we found up-attic ? " He knew that he was doing wrong Avhen he tucked the powder slyly into his pocket. He knew he did wrong when he showed it to Gilbert, saying, "Got any matches, Grasshopper?" They dug holes in the ground for the powder, and over the powder crossed some dry sticks. When they touched it off they ran away as fast as possible ; but it was a wonder they were not both blown up. It was pleasant, no doubt, to hear the popping SUSY AND PRUDY. 95 of the powder ; but they dared not laugh too loud, lest some one in the house should h-3;ir them, and come out to ask what they :ould be playing that was so remarkably funny. Mrs. Clifford little thought what a naughty thing Horace had been doing, when she called him in one day, and said, with a smiling face, for she loved to make him happy, "See, my son, what I have bought for you ! It is a present from your father, for in his last letter he asked me to get it." Horace fairly shouted with delight when he saw the beautiful Zouave suit, gray, bordered with red, and a cap to match. If he had any twinges of conscience about receiving this present, nobody knew it. Here is the letter of thanks which he wrote to his father : 7 96 CAI'TAIN 110IUCE. "DEAR PAPA. " I am sorry to say I have not seen you since you went to the war. Grandpa has two pigs. I want a drum so much ! " We have lots of squirrels : they chip We have orioles: they say, 'Here, here. here I be ! ' "I want the drum because I am a captain! We arc going to tram with paper caps. "I get up the cows and have a good time. " Good-by. From your son, "HORACE P. CLIFFORD. "P. S. Ma bought me the soldier- clothes. I thank you." About this time Mrs. Clifford was trying to put together a barrel of nice things to sen;"' to her husband. Grandma and aunt Madge b.-iked a great many loaves of cake and hundreds of cookies, ahd put in cans of fruit SUSY AM) PKUDY. 97 and boxes of jelly wherever there was room. Aunt Louise made a nice little dressing-case of bronze kid, lined with silk, and Grace made a pretty pen-wiper and pin-ball Horace whittled out a handsome steamboat, with (jreeu pipes, and the figure-head of au old man's face carved in wood. But Horace thought the face looked like Prudy's, and named the steamboat "The Prudy." He also broke open his savings-bank, and begged his mother to lay out all the money he had in presents for the sick soldiers. "Horace has a kind and loving heart," said Margaret to Louise. "To be sure he won't keep still long enough to let anybody kiss him, but he really loves his parents dearly." "Well, he's a terrible try-patience, said Louise. "Wait a while ! He is wilful and naughty, 08 CA1TAIN HOliACE. but ho never tells wrong stories. I think there's hope of a boy who scorns a Ifc.' See if he doesn't come out right, Louise. Why, I expect to be proud of our Horace one of these days ! " IN THE WOODS. CHAPTER VII. IN THE WOODS. "O. MA," said Horace, coming into the house one morning glowing with excitement, w mayn't I go in the woods with Peter Grant? He knows where there's heaps of boxberries." "And who is Peter Grant, my son?" "lie is a little boy Avith a bad temper," said aunt Louise, frowning severely at Hor- i< < i . If she had had her way, I don't know but every little boy in town would have been tied to a bed-post by a clothes-line* As I have already said, aunt Louise was not remarkably fond of children, and when tliey 100 CA1TA1N I1OKACE. were naughty it was hard for her to forgiv* them. She disliked little Peter; but she nevet stopped to think mat he had a cross and ignorant mother, who managed him so badly that he did not care about trying to be good. Mrs. Grant seldom talked with him about God and the Saviour ; she never read to him from the Bible, nor told him to say his prayers. Mrs. Clifford answered Horace that she lid not wish him to go into the woods, and hat was all that she thought it necessary to say. Horace, at the time, had no idea of diso- beying his mother ; but nor long afterwards ho happened to go into the kitchen, where his grandmother was making beer. " What do you make it of, grandma ? * saiol he. IN THE WOODS. 101 "Of molasses and warm water and yeast." " But what gives the taste to it ? " " O, I put in spruce, or boxberry, or sarsaparilla." " But see here, grandma : wouldn't you like to have me go in the woods 'some- place,' and dig roots for you?" "Yes, indeed, my dear," said she inno- cently ; " and if you should go, pray get some wintcrgreen, by all means." Horace's heart gave a wicked throb of delight. If some one wanted him to go after something, of course he oucjld to go ; tor his mother had often told him he must try to be useful. Strolling into the woods with Peter Grant, just for fun, was very different from going in soberly to dig up roots for grandma. He thought of it all the way out to the gate. To be sure he might go and ask his 102 CAPTAIN HORACE. mother again , but "what was the use, when he knew certain sure she'd be willing? Besides, wasn't the .baby crying, so he mustn't go in the room?" These reasons sounded very well ; but they could be picked in pieces, and Horace knew it. It was only when the baby was asleep that he must keep out of the cham- ber ; and, as for being sure that his mother would let him go into the woods, the truth was, he dared not ask her, for he knew she would say, "No." He found Peter Grant lounging near the school-house, scribbling his name on the clean white paint under one of the windows. Peter's black eyes twinkled. "Going, ain't you, cap'n ! dog and all? But where's your basket? Wait, and I'll fetch one." "There," said he, coming back again, "I IN THE WOODS. 103 got that out of the stable there at the tavern ; l>illy Green is hostler : Billy knows me." "AYcll, Peter, come ahead." "I don't believe you know your way in these ere woods," returned Peter, with an air of importance. "I'll go fust. It's a mighty long stretch, 'most up to Canada ; but I could find mij way in the dark. I never got lost anywheres yet ! " "Poll! nor I either," Horace was about to say ; but remembering his adventure in Cleveland, he drowned the words in a long whistle. They kept on up the steep hill for some distance, and then struck off into the forest. The straight pine trees stood up solemn and stiff. Instead of tender leaves, they bristled ail over with dark green " needles." They had no blessings of birds' nests in their 104 CAPTAIN HORACE. branches ; yet they gave out a pleasant odor, which the boys said was " nice." "But they aren't so splendid, Peter, as aur trees out west don't begin ! They grow so big you can't chop 'em down. I'll leave it to Pincher ! " " Chop 'ein down ? I reckon it can't be done ! " replied Pincher not in words, but by a wag of his tail. "Well, how do you get 'em down then, cap'n?" w We cut a place right 'round 'cm: that's girdlin' the tree, and then, ever so long after, it dies and drops down itself." "O, my stars!" cried Peter, "I want to know ! " '"Xo, you DON'T want to know, Peter, foi I just told you ! You may say, 'I wonder,' if you like : that's what we say out west." " Wait," said Peter. " I only said, ' J. want IN THE WOODS. 105 io know what other trees you have ; ' that's ;vhat I meant, but you shet me right up/' " O, there's the butternut, and tree of heaven, and papaw, and 'simmon, and right smart sprinkle ' of wood-trees." "What's a 'simmon?" " O, it looks like a little baked apple, all wrinkled up ; but it's right sweet. Ugh ! " r.'.ldcd Horace, making a wry. face,- "you better look out when they're green : they pucker your mouth up a good deal worse'n choke-cherries." "What's a papaw?" "A papaw? Well, it's a curious thing, not much account. The pigs eat it. It tastes like a custard, right soft and mellow. Come, let's 2:0 to work." "Well, what's a tree of heaven?" " O, Peter, for pity's sakes how do I know? It's a tree of heaven, I suppose. 106 CAPTAIN HORACE. It has pink hollyhocks growing on it. What makes you ask so many questions?" Upon that the boys went to work picking boxberry leaves, -which grew at the roots of the pine trees, among the soft moss and last year's cones. Horace was very anxious to gather enough for some beer ; but it was strange how many it took to fill such " enor- mous big baskets." "Now," said Horace, "I move we look over yonder for some wintergreen. You said you knew it by sight." rt Winfergreen ? wintergreen ? " echoed Peter: "O, yes, I know it well enough. It spangles 'round. See, here's some ; the girls make wreaths of it." It was moneywort; but Horace ncvci doubted that Peter was telling the truth; and supposed his grandmother would be delighted to see such quantities of winter- green. IN THE WOODS. 107 After some time spent in gathering this, Horace happened to remember that he wanted sarsaparilla. "I reckon," thought he, "they'll be glad I came, if I carry home so many things." Peter knew they could find sarsaparilln, for there was not a root of any sort which did not grow " in the pines ; " of that he was sure. So they struck still deeper into the woods, every step taking them farther from home. Pincher followed, as happy as a dog can be ; but, alas ! never dreaming that seri- ous trouble was coming. The boys dug up various roots with their jackknives ; but they both knew the taste of sarsaparilla, and could not be deceived. " We hain't come to it yet," said Peter ; w but it's round here somewheres, I'll bet a dollar." " I'm getting hungry," said Horace : " isn't it about time for the dinner-bell to ring* " 108 CAPTAIN' HORACE. "Pretty near," replied Peter, squinting his eyes and looking at the sky as if there was a noon-mark up there, and he was the boy to find it. " That bell will ring in fifteen minutes : you see if it don't." But it did not, though it was high noon, certainly. Hours passed. Horace remem- bered they were to have had salt codfish and cream gravy for dinner. Aunt Madge had said so ; also a roly-poly with foaming sauce. It must now be long ago since the sugar and butter were beaten together for that sauce. He wondered if there would be any pudding left. He was sure he should like it cold, and a glass of water with ice in it. O, how many times he could have gone to the barrel which stood by the sink, and drunk such deep draughts of water, when he didn't care anything about it ! But now CAPTAIN HORACE LOST. Page 42. IN THE WOODS. 109 he was so thirsty, and there was not so much as a teaspoonful of water to be found ! "I motion we go home," said Horace, for ut least the tenth time. "Well," replied Peter, sulkily, "ain't we striking a bee-line?" " We've got turned round," said Horace : "Canada is over yonder, /know." " Pshaw ! no, it ain't, no such a thing." But they were really going the wrong way. The village bell had rung at noon, as usual, but they were too far off to hear it. It was weary work winding in and out, in and out, among the trees and stumps. V/ith torn clothes, bleeding hands, and tired feet, the poor boys pushed on. " Of course we're right," said Peter, in a would-be brave tone : " don't yon remember that stump?" "No, I don't, Peter Grant," replied Hor- ilO CAPTAIX HORACE. ace, who was losing his patience: "I. nevei was here before. Humph ! I thought you could find your way with your eyes shut." " Turn and go t'other way, then," said Peter, adding a wicked word I cannot re- peat. " I will," replied Horace, coolly : " if I'd known you used such swearing words I never'd have come ! " " Hollo, there ! " shouted Peter, a few mo- ments after, "I'll keep with you, and risk it, cap'n." " Come on, then," returned Horace, who was glad of Peter's company just now, little as he liked him. " Where's our baskets?" said he, stopping short. "Sure enough," cried Peter; "but we can't go back now." They had not gone far when they wore startled by a cry from Pincher, a sharp cry IN THE WOODS. Ill of pain. He stood stock still, his brown oyrs almost starting from their sockets with agony and fear. ' It proved that he had stumbled upon a fox-trap which was con- cealed under some dry twigs, and his right fore-paw was caught fast. Here was a dilemma. The boys tried with all their might to set poor Pincher free ; but it seemed as if they only made matters worse. " What an old nuisance of a dog ! " cried Peter; "just as we'd got to goin' on the right road." "Be still, Peter Grant! Hush your mouth ! If you say a word against my dog you'll catch it. Poor little Pincher ! " said Horace, patting him gently and laying his .Jieck down close to his face. The suffering creature licked his hands, ond said with his eloquent eyes, 8 112 CAPTAIN HORACE. "Dear little master, don't take it to heart! You didn't know I'd get hurt ! You've always been good to poor Pincher." "I'd rather have given a dollar," said Hor- ace ; " O, Pincher ! I wish 'twas my foot ; I tell you I do ! " They tried again, but the trap held the dog's paw like a vice. "I'll tell you what," said Peter; "we'll leave tiic dog here, and go home and get somebody to come." "You just behave, Peter Grant," said Horace, looking very angry. "I shouldn't want to be your dog ! Just you hold his foot still, and I'll try again." This time Horace examined the trap on all sides, and, being what is called an in- genious boy, did actually succeed at last in getting little Pincher's foot out. " Whew ! I didn't think you could," said Peter, admiringly. IN THE WOODS. 113 " You couldn't, Peter ; you haveu't sense enough." The foot was terribly mangled, and Pincher had to be carried home in arms. "I should like to know, Peter, who set that trap. If my father was here, he'd have him in the lock-up."' " Poh ! it wasn't set for dogs," replied Peter, in an equally cross tone, for both tho boys were tired, hungry, and out of sorts. "Don't you know nothin'? That's a bear, trap ! " " A bear-trap ! Do you have bears up here?" " O, yes, dear me, suz : hain't you seen none since you've been in the State of Maine ? Ive ate 'cm lots of times." Peter had once eaten a piece of bear- steak, or it might have been moose-meat, be was not sure which; but at any rate u 114 CAI'TAIN HORACE. had been brought down from Mooscheud Lake. " Bears 'round here ?" thought Horace, in a fright. He quickened his paee. O, if he could only be sure it was the right road ! Perhaps they were walking straight into a den of bears. He hugged little Pineher close in his arms, soothing him with pet names ; for the poor dog continued to moan. " O, dear, dear ! " cried Peter, " don't you feel awfully?" "I don't stop to think of my feelings," replied Horace, shortly. "Well, I wish we hadn't come I do." "So do I, Peter. I won't play 'hookey' ugain ; but I'm not a-goin' to cry." " I'll never go anywheres with you any n\\re as long as I live, Horace Clifford ! " ' Nobody wants you to, Pete Grant ! '" IN THE WOODS. 11 Then they pushed on in dignified silence till Peter broke forth again with wailing sobs. "I dread to get home ! O, dear, I'll have to take it, I tell you. I guess you'd cry if you expected to be whipped." Horace made no reply. He did not care about telling Peter that he too had a terrible dread of reaching home, for there was some- thing a great deal Averse than a whipping, and that was, a mother's sorrowful face. " I shouldn't care if she'd whip me right hard," thought Horace; "but she'll talk to me about God and the Bible, and O, she'll look so white '! " "Peter, you go on ahead," said he aloud. "What for?" " O, I want to rest a minute with Pincher/ It was some moments before Peter would go, and then he went grumbling. As soon 116 CAPTAIN HORACE. as ho was out of sight, Horace threw him- self on his knees and prayed in low tones, " O God, I do want to be a good boy ; and if I ever get out of this woods I'll begin ! Keep the bears off, please do, O God, and let us find the way out, and forgive me. Amen." Horace had never uttered a more sincere prayer in his life. Like many older people, he waited till he was in sore need before he called upon God ; but when he had once opened his heart to him, it was wonderful how much lighter it felt. He rose to his feet and struggled on, say- ing to Pincher, "Poor fellow, poor fellow, don't cry : we'll soon be home." "Hollo there, cap'n ! " shouted Peters * we're comin' to a clearinV "Just as I expected," thought Horace; " why didn't I pray to God before ? " Iw THE WOODS. Page 111. CA1TAIX CLIFFORD. HV CHAPTER VIII. CAPTAIN CLIFFORD. WHEN Horace entered the yard,- holding the poor dog in his arms, he felt wretched indeed. At that moment all the sulkincss and self-will were crushed out of his liltb heart. It seemed to him that never, never had there lived upon the earth another boy so wicked as himself. He forgot the excuses he had been making up about going into the woods because his grandmother wanted him to : he scorned to add falsehood to disobedience, and was more than willing to take his full share _>f blame. 118 CAPTAIN HORACE. "If ma would whip me like everything! thought the hoy, "I know I'd feel better." It was a long, winding path from the gaU. The grounds looked very beautiful in tae golden light of the afternoon sun. The pink elover-patch nodded with a thousand heads, and sprinkled the air with sweetness. Everything was very quiet : no one was on the piazza, no one at the windows. The blinds were all shut, and you could fancy that the house had closed its many eyes and dropped asleep. There was an awe about such perfect silence. "Where could Grace be, and those two dancing girls, Susy and Prudy?" He stole along to the back door, and lifted the latch. His grandmother stopped with a bowl of gruel in her hand, and said $ " O, Horace !" that was all ; but she could say no more for tears. She set down the bowl f CAITAIX CLIFFORD. 110 and went up to him, trying to speak ; but the v/ords trembled on her lips unspoken. "O, grandma ! " said Horace, setting little Pincher down on a chair, and clutching the skirt of her dress, "I've been right bad : I'm sorry I tell you I am." His grandmother had never heard him speak in such humble tones before. "O, Horace !" she sobbed again, this time clasping him close to her heart, and kissing him with a yearning fondness she had hardly ever shown since he was a little toddling baby. " My darling, darling boy ! " Horace thought by her manner they must all have been sadly frightened about him. "I got lost in the woods, grandma; but it didn't hurt me any, only Pincher got his foot caught." " Lost in the woods ? " repeated she : " Grace thought you went home to dinner with Willy Snow." 120 OA1TALN I1OKACE. So it seemed they had not worried about him at all : then what was grandma crying about ? "Don't go up stairs, dear," said she, as he brushed past her and laid his hand on the latch of the chamber door. " But I want to see ma." " Wait a little," said Mrs. Parlin, with a fresh burst of tears. " Why, what is the matter, grandma ; and where's Grace, and Susy, and Prudy?" "Grace is with your mother, and the other children are at aunt Martha's. But if you've been m the woods all day, Horace, you must be very hungry." " You've forgot Pincher, grandma." The boy would not taste food till tho log's foot had been bandaged, though, all the w r hile his grandmother was doing up tho wound, it seemed to Horace that she must CAPTAIN CLIFFORD. 121 he thinking of something else, or she would pity Pincher a great deal more. The cold dinner which she set out on the table was very tempting, and he ate heart- ily ; but after every mouthful he kept ask- ing, "What could be the matter? Was baby worse? Had anybody took sick?" But his grandmother stood by the stove stirring gruel, and would answer him noth- ing but, " I'll let you know very soon." She wanted the little boy to be rested and refreshed by food before she told him a very painful thing. Then she took him up stairs with her into her own chamber, which was quite shady with grape-vines, and so still that you could only hear the buzzing of two :>r three flics. She had brought a bowl of hot gruel on a little waiter. She placed the waiter on the top of her washing-stand, ;uid seated herself 122 CAPTAIN HORACE. on the bed, drawing Horace down beside her. " My dear little grandson," said she, stroking his bright hair, " God has beci: very good to you always, always. He loves you better than you can even think." "Yes, grandma," answered Horace, be- wildered. " He is your dear Father in heaven," she added, slowly. "He wants you to love him with all your heart, for now you have no other father ! " Horace sprang up from the bed, his eyes wild with fear and surprise, yet having no idea what she meant. " Why, my father's captain in the army He's down South ! " " But have you never thought, dear, that he might be shot?" "No, I never," cried Horace, running tc CAPTAIN CLIFFORD. 123 the window and back again in great excite- ment. "Mr. Evans said they'd put him in colonel. He was coming home in six months. He couldn't be shot ! " " My dear little boy ! " "But O, grandma, is he killed? Say quick ! " His grandmother took out of her pocket a Boston Journal, and having put on her spectacles, pointed with a trembling finger to the list of "killed." One of the first names was "Captain Henry S. Clifford." "O, Horace!" said Grace, opening the door softly, " I just thought I heard you. Ma wants you to come to her." Without speaking, Horace gave his hand to his sister, and went with her ^'hile their grandmother followed, carrying the bowl of gruel. At the door of Mrs. Clifford's room they 124 CAPTAIN HORACE. i met aunt Louise coming out. The sight of Horace and Grace walking tearfully, hand in hand, was very touching to her. "You dear little fatherless children," she whispered, throwing her arms around them both, and dropping tears and kisses on their faces. "O, I can't, I can't bear it," cried Grace; " my own dear papa, that I love best of any one in all the world ! " Horace ran to his mother, and throwing Himself on the bed beside her, buried his face in the pillows. " O, ma ! I reckon 'tisn't true. It's another Captain Clifford/' His mother lay so very white and still that Horace drew away when he had touched her : there was something awful in the cold- ness of her face. Her beautiful brown eyes shone bright and tearless ; but there were CAPTAIN CLIFFORD. 125 dark hollows under them, deep enough to hold many tears, if the time should ever come when she might shed them. "O, little Horace," whispered she, "moth- er's little Horace ! " w Darling mamma ! " responded the boy, kissing her pale lips and smoothing the hair a\vay from her cheeks with his sinall fingers, which meant to move gently, but did not know how. And then the young, childish heart, with its little load of grief, was pressed close to the larger heart, whose deep, deep sorrow only God could heal. They are wrong who say that liitle chil- dren cannot receive lasting impression.!. There are some hours of joy or agony which they never forget. This was such an houi for Horace. He could almost feel ngsvti en his forehead the warm good-by ?f his father ; he could almost hear again U words?, 120 CAPTAIN HORACE. " Always obey your mother, my son, and remember that God sees all you do.'' Ah, he had not obeyed, he had not remembered. And that dear father would never kiss him, never speak to him again ! lie had not thought before what a long word Never was. O, it was dreadful to shut his eyes and fancy him lying so cold and still on that bloody battle-field ! Would all this awful thing be true to-morrow morning, when ho waked up? "O, mamma," sobbed the desolate child, " I and Grace will take care of you ! Just forgive me, ma, and I'll be the best kind of a boy. I will, I will!" Grandma had already led Qrace away into the green chamber, where aunt Madge sat with the baby. The poor little girl would not be comforted. CAPTAIN CLIFFORD. 127 W O, grandma," she cried, "if we could know who it was that shot pa our mayor would hang him ! I do wish I could die, grandma. 1 don't want to keep living and living in this great world without my father ! " 9 CAPTAIN HOUACil* CHAPTER IX. THE BLUE BOOK. DAYS passed, but there vvas the same hush upon the house. Everybody moved about softly, and spoke in low tones. Horace was not told that he must go to school, but hp knew aunt Louise thought his shoes made a great deal of noise, and just now he wanted to please even her. More than that, it was very pleasant to see the boys ; and while he was playing games he forgot his sorrow, and forgot his mother's sad face. There was one thing, however, which he could not do : he- had not the heart to be captain, and drill his company, just now. "Horace," said Grace, as they were sit- THE 1JLUK BOOK. 121) ting on the piazza steps one morning, " I heard ma tell grandma yesterday, you'd been a better boy this week than you had been before since since pa went away." "Did she?" cried Horace, eagerly ; "where was she when she said it? What did grandma say ? Did aunt Madge hear her ? " "Yes, aunt Madge heard her, and she said she always knew Horace would be a good boy if he would only think." "Well, I do think," replied Horace, look- ing very much pleased ; " I think about all the time." "But then, Horace, you know how you've acted some days ! " "Weil, I don't care. Aunt Madge says 'tisn't so easy for boys to be good/' Grace opened her round blue eyes in wonder. "Why, Horace, I have to make my o\vu 130 CAPTAIN HORACE. heel, and sweep and dust my room, and take care of my drawers. Only think of that ; and Prudy always round into things, yon know ! Then I have to sew, O, so much ! I reckon you wouldn't find it very easy being a girl." "Poh! don't I have to feed the chickens, and bring in the eggs, and go for the cows? And when we lived home - < Here Horace broke down ; he could not think of home without remembering his father. Grace burst into tears. The word "home" had called up a beautiful picture of her father and mother sitting on the sofa in the library, Horace and Pincher lying on the floor, the door open from the balcony, and the moon filling the room with a soft light : her father had a smile on his face, and was holding her hand. THE KLUE HOOK. 131 All ! Grace, and Horace, and their mother would see many such pictures of memory. " Well, sister," said Horace, speaking quite slowly, and looking down at the gra.x " what do I do that's bad ? " "Why, Horace, I shouldn't think you'd ask ! Blowing gunpowder, and running ofT into the woods, and most killing Pincher, and going trouting down to the 'crick' with your best clothes on, and disobeying your ma, and " " Sayin' bad words," added Horac r ' but I stopped that this morning." "What do you mean, Horace?" "O, I said over all the bad things I could think of; not the swearin' Avords, you know, but 'shucks,' and 'gallus,' and 'bully,' and 'by hokey,' and 'by George;' and it's the last time." " O, I'm so glad, Horace ! " cried Grace, 132 CAITAIN HORACE. clapping her hands and laughing ; " and you won't blow any more powder?" Horace shook his head. l 'Nor run off again? Why, you'll be like ATiy Glover, and you know I'm trying to be like little Eva." "I don't want to be like Ally Glover," replied Horace, making a wry face ; " he's lame, and besides, he's too dreadful good." "Why, Horace," said his sister, solemnly; "anybody can't be too good ; 'tisn't possible." "Well, then, he's just like a girl that's what ! I'm not going to be ' characteristic ' any more, but I don't want to be like a girl neither. Look here, Grace ; it's school time. Now don't you ' let on ' to ma, or anybody, hat I'm going to be better." Grace promised, but she wondered why Horace should not wish his mother to kiu, >v he was trying to be good, when it would make her so happy. THP: BLUE BOOK. 133 "He's afraid he'll give it up," thought she ; "but I won't let him." She sat on the piazza steps a long while jftcr he had gone. At last a bright idea flashed across her mind, and of course she dropped her work and clapped her hands, though she was quite alone. " I'll make a merit-book like Miss All'n's, and put down black marks for him when he's naughty." When Horace came home that night, he was charmed with the plan, for he was really in earnest. His kind sister made the book very neatly, and sewed it into a cover of glossy blue paper. She thought they would try it f.jtir weeks ; so she had pat in twenty - 3ight pages, each page standing for one day. "Now," said she, "when you say one bn.l word I'll put down 'one B. WV for short; but when you say two bad words, 'twill be 131 CAPTAIN HORACE. 'two B. W.,'you know. When you blov? gunpowder, that'll bo ' B. G.' no, 'B. G P.,' for gunpowder is two words." "And when I run off, 'twill be >w as if she lived only for her children ; if God would bless her by making them good, she had nothing more to desire. Grace had always been a womanly, thoughtful little girl, but at this time she was a greater com- fort than ever ; and Horace had grown so tender and affectionate, that it gratified hoi- very much. He was not content now with " canary kisses ; " but threw his arms around her neck very often, saying, with his lips close to her cheek, " Don't feel bad, ma : I'm going to take care of you." For his mother's grief called forth his manliness. She meant to be cheerful ; but Horace knew she did not look or seem like herself: TRYING TO GET RICH. 145 he thought ho ought to try to make her happy. Whenever he asked for money, as he ton often did, she told him that now his father was gone, there was no one to earn any- thing, and it Avas best to be rather prudent. He wanted a drum ; but she thought he must wait a Avhile for that. They were far from being poor, and Mrs. Clifford had no idea of deceiving her little son. Yet he was deceived, for he supposed that his mother's pretty little portc-monnaie held all the bank-bills and all the silver she had in the world. "O, Grace!" said Horace, coming down stairs with a very grave face, "I wish I was grown a man : then I'd earn money like sixty." Grace stopped her singing long enough to 146 CAPTAIN HORACE. ask what he meant to do, and then continued in a high key, '"* Where, O where are the Hebrew chil hen?" "O, I'm going as a soldier," replied Hor- ace : " I thought everybody knew that ! The colonels make a heap of money ! " "But, Horace, you might get shot just think ! " "Then I'd dodge when they fired, for I don't know what you and ma would do if 1 was killed." "Well, please step out of the way, Hor- ace ; don't you see I'm sweeping the piazza?" "I can't tell," pursued he, taking a seat on one of the stairs in the hall : " I can't tell certain sure ; but I may be a minister." This was such a funny idea, that Grace made a dash with her broom, and sent the dirt Hying the wrong way. TUYIXG TO GET RICH. 147 " Why, Horace, you'll never be good enough for a minister ! " "What'll you bet?" replied he, looking a little mortified. " H ou're getting to be a dear good little boy, Horace," said Grace, soothingly ; " but I don't think you'll ever be a minister." "Perhaps I'd as soon be a shoemaker," continued Horace, thoughtfully : " they get a great deal for tappin' boots." His sister made no reply. "See here, now, Grace: perhaps you'd rather I'd be a tin-pedler ; then I'd always keep a horse, and you could ride." "Ride in a cart!" cried Grace, laughing. "Can't you think of anything else? Have you forgotten papa?" "O, now I know," exclaimed Horace, with shining eyes : " it's a lawyer I'll be, just like father was. I'll have a 'sleepy partner,' the 148 CAPTAIN HORACE. way Judge Ingle bus, and by and by I'll be a judge." "I know that would please ma, Horace," replied Grace, looking at her little brother with a good deal of pride. Who knew but he might yet be a judge? She liked to order him about, and have him yield to her : still she had great faith in Horace. " But, Grace, after all that I'll go to war, and turn out a general ; now you see if I don't." "That'll be a great while yet," said Grace, sighing. "So it will," replied Horace, sadly; "and ma needs the money now. I wish I could earn something right off Avhilc I'm a little boy." It was not two days before he thought he had found out how to get rich ; in what way you shall see, THE LITTLE INDIAN. CHAPTER XI. THE LITTLE INDIAN. PRUDY came into the house one day in a great fright, and said they'd "better hide th- 1 bul>y, for there was a very wicked woman round." "Her hair looks like a horse's tail," said she, " and she's got a black man's hat on her head, and a table-cloth over her." Aunt Madge took Prudy in her la}), and told her it was only an Indian woman, who uad no idea of harming any one. " What are Xindians? " asked the child. Her aunt said they were sometimes called "red men." The country had once been filled 150 CAPTAIN HORACE. by them: but the English came, a great many years ago, and shook off the red men just as a high wind shakes the red leaves off a tree ; and they were scattered about, and only a few were left alive. Sometimes the Oldtown Indians came round making bas- kets ; but they were quiet and peaceable people. Horace and his friend "Grasshopper," as they were strolling up the river, came upon a tenf made of canvas, and at the door of the tent sat a little boy about their own age, with a bow and arrow in his hand, in the act of firing. Grasshopper, who was always a coward, ran with all his might ; but as Horace hap- pened to notice that the arrow was pointed at something across the river, lie was not alarmed, but stopped to look :it the odd little stranger, who turned partly roud and THE LITTLE INDIAN. 151 returned his gaze. His eyes were keen and black, with a. good-natured expression, some- thing like the eyes of an intelligent dog. "What's your name, boy ? " said Horace. " Me no understand." - 1 asked what your name is," continued Horace, who was sure the boy understood, in spite of his blank looks. " Me no hurt white folks ; me bunkum Indian." "Well, what's your name, then? What do they call you?" No answer, but a shake of the head. "I reckon they call you John, don't they?" Here the boy's mother appeared at the door. "His name no John! Eshy-ishy-oshy aeeshy - George - Wampum - Shoony - Katoo < short name, speak um quick! Jaw-awn! Great long name ! " drawled she, stretching 152 CAPTAIN HORACE. it out as if it were made of India rubber, and scowling with an air of disgust. "What docs she mean by calling 'John' long?" thought Horace. The woman wore a calico dress, short enough to reveal her brown, stockingless feet and gay moccasous. Her hair was crow-black, and strayed over her shoulders and into her eyes. Hor- ace concluded she must have lost her back- comb. While he was looking at her with curious eyes, her daughter came to the door, feeling a little cross at the stranger, whoever i* might be ; but when she saw only an inno- cent little boy, she smiled pleasantly, show- ing a row of white teeth. Horace thought her rather handsome, for she was very straight and slender, and her eyes shone like glass beads. Her hair he considered a great THE LITTLE INDIAN. 153 deal blacker than black, and it was braided and tied with gay red ribbons. She \vas dressed in a bright, large-figured calico, and from her ears were suspended the longest, yellowest, queerest, ear-rings. Horace thought they were shaped like boat-pad- dles, and would be pretty for Prudy to use when she rowed her little red boat in the bathing-tub. If they only "scooped" a little more they would answer for tea-spoons. "Plenty big as I should want for tea-spoons," he decided, after another gaze at them. The yonng girl was used to being admired by her own people, and was not at all dis- pleased with Horace for staring at her. "Me think you nice white child," said she: "you get me sticks, me make you basket, pretty basket for put apples in." "What kind of sticks do you mean?" said Horace, forgetting that they pretended 154 CAPTAIN HORACE. not to understand English. But it appeared that they knew very well what he meant this time, and the Indian boy offered to go with him to point out the place where the wood was to be found. Grasshopper, who had only hidden behind the trees, now came ont and joined the boys. "Wampum," as he chose to be called, led them back to Mr. Purlin's grounds, to the lower end of the garden, where stood some tall silver poplars, on which the Indians had looked with longing eyes. "Me shin them trees," said Wampum; "me make you basket." "Would you let him, Grasshopper?" " Yes, indeed ; your grandfather won't care." "Perhaps he might; you don't knew,' said Horace, who, after he had asked adru-e, was far from feeling obliged to take it. II' THE LITTLE INDIAN. 155 ran in groat haste to the field \vhere his grandfather was hoeing potatoes, thinking, "If I ask, then I shan't get marked in the blue book anyhow." In this case Horace acted verj r properly. He had no right to cut the trees, or allow any one else to cut them, without leave. To his great delight, his grandfather said he did not care if they clipped oft* a few branches where the}^ would not show much. When Horace got back and reported the words of his grandfather, Wampum did not even smile, but shot a glance at him as keen as an arrow. "Me no hurt trees," said he, gravely ; and he did not : he only cut off a few limbs froir caeh one, leaving the trees as handsome as ever. "Bully for you ! " cried Horace, forgetting the blue book. 156 CAPTAIN HORACE. "He's as spry as a squirrel," said Grass- hopper, in admiration ; " how many boughs has he got? One, two, three." " Me say 'em. quickest," cried little Wain ptim. "Een, teen, teddery, peddery, bimp s satter, latter, doc, doinmy, dick." "That's ten," put in Horace, who was keeping 'count. "Een-dick," continued the little Indian, "teen -dick, teddery -dick, peddery -dick,, een-bumpin, tcen-bumpin, tcddery- bmnpin, peddery-bumpin, jiggets." "Hollo !" cried Grasshopper ; "that's twen- ty ; jiggets is twenty;" and he rolled over 0:1 the ground, laughing as if he had made a great discovery. Little by little they made Wampum tell how he lived at home, what sort of boys he played with, and what they had to eat. The young Indian assured them that at Old- THE LITTLE INDIAN. 157 town tf lie lived in a house good as white folks ; lie ale moose-meat, ate sheep-meat, ate cow-meat." " Cook out doors, I s'pose," said Grass- hopper. \Vampimi looked very severe. "When me lives in wigwam, me has fires in wigwam : when me lives in tent, me puts fires on grass; keep off them things/ he added, pointing at a mosquito in the air ; " keep smoko out tent," pointing upward to show '/he motion of the smoke. Horace felt so much pleased with his new companion, that h^ resolved to treat him to a watermelon. So ; without saying a word to the boys, he ran into the house to ask his grandmother. w What! a whole watermelon, Horace?" " res, grandma, we thtvo ; me, and Grass- hopper, and Wampum." 153 CAPTAIN HORACE. Mrs. Parlin could not help smiling to &*" how suddenly Horace had adopted a ue\v friend. "You may have a melon, but I think your mother would not like to have you piay much with a strange boy." "He's going to make me a splendid bas- ket ; and besides, aren't Indians and negroes as good as white folks? 'Specially tame Indians," said Horace, not very respectfully, as he ran back, shoe-knife in hand, to cut the watermelon. This was the beginning of a hasty friend- ship between himself and Wampum. For a few days there was nothing so charming tt Horace as the wild life of this Indian family, He was made w r elcomc at their tent, and often went in to see them make baskets. 'I trust you," said Mrs. Clifford; "you ".'ill not deceive me, Horace. If yen ever THE LITTLE INDIAN. 159 find that little Wampum says bad words, tells falsehoods, or steals, I shall not be will- ing for you to play with him. You are very y rung, and might be greatly injured by r bad playmate." The tent was rude enough. In one corner were skins laid one over another : these were the beds which were spread out at night for the family. Instead of closets and presses, all the wearing apparel was hung on a long rope, which was stretched from stake to stake, in various directions, like a clothes- line. It was curious to watch the brown fingers moving so easily over the white strips, out of which they wove baskets. It was such pretty work ! it brought so much money. Horace thought it was just the business for him, and Wampum promised to teach him. Tn return for this favor. Horace was to in- struct the little Indian in spelling. 100 CAPTAIN HOKACE. For jne or two evenings he appointed meetings in the summer-house, and really went without his own Slice cf cake, that he might give it to poor Wampum, after a les- son in " baker." He received the basket in due timA beautiful one red, white, and blue. Just as he was cany ing it home on his arm, he met Billy Green, the hostler, who stopped him, and asked if he remembered going into " the Pines " one day with Peter Grant ? ' Torace had no reason to forget it, surely. "Seems to me yc^ van away with my horse-basket," said Billy ; " but I never knew till yesterday what had 'come of it." "ThAre. now," replied Horace, quite crest- fallen ; "Peter Grant took that! I forge;; all about it." What shculd be done? It would never do to ask his mother for the .oioney, since, THE LITTLE INDIAN. 161 us he believed, she had none to spare. Billy was fond of joking with little boys. "Look here, my fine fellow," said he, " give us that painted concern you've got on your arm, and we'll call it square." "No, no, Billy," cried Horace, drawing away ; " this is a present, and I couldn't. But I'm learning to weave baskets, and I'll make you one see if I don't ! " Billy laughed, and went away whistling. He had no idea that Horace would ever think of the matter again ; but in truth the first article the boy tried to make was a horse-basket. ''Me tell you somethin," said little "\Vum- pum, next morning, as he and Horace were crossing the field together. "Very much me want um, urn, um," -- putting hi:? tingers up to his mouth in a manner whi<-li signified that he meant something to cat. 162 CAiTAlN HORACE. " Don't understand," said Horace : " say it in English." "Very much me want um," continued Wampum, in a beseeching tone. "No tell what you call um. E'enamost water, no quite water ; e'enamost punkiu, no quite punkin." " Poll ! you mean watermelon," laughed Horace : " should think you'd remember that as easy as pumpkin." "Very much me want um," repeated Wampum, delighted at being understood ; "me like um." "Well," replied Horace, "they aren't mine." "O, yes. Ugh! you've got 'em. Melon- water good ! Me have melon-waters, me give you moc-suns." "I'll ask my grandpa, Wampum." Hereupon the crafty litt?e Indian shook his head. 7IIE LITTLE INDIAN. 103 " You ask ole man, me no give you moo suns ! Me no want cat, me want bimp bumpin jiggets." Horace's stout little heart wavered for ;: moment. He fancied moccasins very mud:. In his mind's eve he saw a pair shining with f 1 O all the colors of the rainbow, and as AVam- j)um had said of the melons, "very much ho wanted them." How handsome they'd be with his Zouave suit ! But the wavering did not last long. He remembered the blue book which his mother was to see next week ; for then the month would be out. "It wouldn't be a 'I).,'" thought he, "for nobody told me not to give the water- melons." "No," said Conscience; "'twould be a black S. ; that stands for stealing ! AVhat, .1 boy with a dead father, a dead soldier- 164 CAPTAIN* HORACE. father, steal! A boy called Horace Clif- ford ! The boy whose father had said, 'Re- member God sees all you do ! ' "Wampum," eaid Horace, firmly, "you just stop that kind of talk ! Moccasins are right pretty ; but I wouldn't stea/, no, not if you gave me a bushel of 'em." After this, Horace was disgusted with his little friend, not remembering that there are a great many excuses to be made for a half- civilized child. They had a serious quarrel, and Wampum's temper proved to be very bad. If the little savage had not struck him, I hope Horace would have dropped his society all the same ; because, after Wampum proved to be a thief, it would have been sheer disobedience on Horace's part to play with him any longer. Of course the plan of basket-making w;is given up ; but our little Horace did one THE LITTLE INDIAN. 165 thin*? which was noble in a boy of his age : perhaps he remembered what his father had said long ago in regard to the injured watch ; but, at any rate, he went to Billy Green of his own accord, and offered him the beauti- ful present which he had received from tho Indians. "It's not a horse-basket, Billy: I didn't get to make one," stammered he, in a choked voice ; "but you said you'd call it .square." " Whew ! " cried Billy, very much aston- ished : "now look here, bub; that's a little too bad ! The old thing you lugged off was about worn out, anyhow. Don't want any of your fancy baskets : so just carry it back, my fine little shaver." To say that Horace was very happy, would not half express the delight he felt as he ran home with the beautiful basket on his arm, his "owncst own," beyond the right of dis- pute. 160 CAPTAIN IIOUACE. The Indians disappeared quite suddenly ; and perhaps it was nothing surprising that, the very next morning after they left, grandpa Parliu should find his beautiful melon-patch stripped nearly bare, with nothing left on the vines but a few miser- able green little melons. A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 1(>7 CHAPTER XII. A PLEASANT SURPRISE. "IT'S too bud," said Horace to his sister, "that I didn't get to make baskets ; I'd have grown rich so soon. What would you try to do next?" "Pick berries," suggested Grace. And that very afternoon they both went bluckberryiug with Susy and aunt Madge. They had a delightful time. Horace could not help missing Piiicher very much: still, in spite of the regret, it was a happier day than the one he and Peter Grant had spent "in the Pines." He was beginning to find, as all children do, how hard it is to get u^J 1(!8 CAPTAIN HORACE. "a good time ' : when you arc pricked by a guilty conscience, and how easy it is to be happy when you arc doing right. They did not leave the woods till the sun began to sink, and reached home quite tired, but as merry as larks, with baskets nearly full of berries. \Yhen Horace timidly told aunt Madge that he and Grace wanted to sell all they had gathered, his aunt laughed, and said she would buy the fruit if they wished, but wondered what they wanted to do with the money : she supposed it was for the soldiers. "I want to give it to ma," replied Horace, in a low voice ; for he did not wish his aunt Louise to overnear. " She hasn't more than three bills in her pocket-book, and it's time for me to begin to take care of her." "Ah," said aunt Madge, with one of her bright smiles, "there is a secret drawer 1*1 A PLEASANT SL'HPUISE. 1G9 her writing-desk, dear, that has ever so much money in it. She isn't poor, my child, and she didn't mean to make you think so, for your mother wouldn't deceive you." "Not poor?" cried Horace, his face bright- ening suddenly ; and he turned half a somer- set, stopping in the midst of it to ask how much a drum would cost. The month being now out, it was time to show the blue book to Mrs. Clifford. Hor- ace looked it over with some anxiety. On each page were the letters "D.,""B. W.," "B. G. P.," and "F.," on separate lines, one above another. But there were no figures before any of the letters but the "B. W.'s ; " and even those figures had been growing rather smaller, as you could see by looking carefully. "Now, Grace," said her little brother, 170 CAI'TAIX HOIJACE. " you'll ti\\ m:i that the bad words .aren't swearin' word.s ! I never did say such, though some of the fellows do, and those that go to Sabbath School too." "Yes, I'll tell her," said Grace; "but she knows well enough that you never talk any- tning worse than lingo." "I haven't disobeyed, nor blown powder, nor told lies." "No, indeed," said Grace, delighted. "To lie sure, you've forgotten, and slammed doors, and lost things ; but you know I didn't set that down." I wish all little girls felt as much interest in their younger brothers as this sister felt in Horace. Grace had her faults, of which I might have told you if I had been writ 5 r;: the book about her ; but sho loved Horace dearly, kept his little secrets M r henevcr she promised to do so, and was always glad to have him do right. A PLEASANT M'ni'KISE. 171 Mrs. Clifford was pleased with tlic idea of :he blue book, and kissed Horace and Grace, lying they grew dearer to her every day of iheir lives. One night, not long after this, Horace went to the post-office for the mail. This was nothing new, for he had often gone before. A crowd of men were sitting in chairs and on the door-stone and counter, listening to the news, which some one was reading in a loud, clear voice. Without speaking, the postmaster gave Horace three letters and a newspaper. After tucking the letters into his raglan pocket, Horace rolled the paper into a hollow tube, peeping through it at the large tree standing opposite the post-office, and at the patient horses hitched to the posts, waiting for their masters to come out. 172 CAPTAIN I1OHAOE. He listened for some time to the dreadful account of ;i lute battle, thinking of his dear father, as he always did when he heard war- news. But at last remembering that his grandfather would be anxious to have the daily paper, he started for home, though rather against his will. " I never did see such a fuss as they make," thought he, "if anybody's more'n a minute going to the office and back." "Is this all?" said aunt Madge, as Horace gave a letter to grandma, one to aunt Louise, and the paper to his grandfather. "Why, yes, ma'am, that's all," replied Horace, faintly. It did seem, to be sure, as if Mr. Pope had given him three letters ; but as he cov.lcl not find another in hi pocket, he supposed he must be mistaken, and said nothing about it. lie little knew what a careless thing he had done, and soon A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 173 \vent to bed, forgetting post-offices and letters in a strange dream of little Wam- pum, who had a bridle on and was hitched to a post; and of the Indian girl's ear-rings, which seemed to have grown into a pair of" shining gold muskets. A few mornings after the mistake about the letter, Mrs. Clifford sat mending Hor- ace's raglan. She emptied the pockets of twine, fish-hooks, jack-knife, pebbles, cop- pers, and nails; but still something rattled when she touched the jacket ; it seemed to be paper. She thrust in her finger, and there, between the outside and lining, was a crum- pled, worn letter, addressed to "Miss Mar- garet Parlin.*' "What docs this mean?" thought Mrs. Clifford. " Horace must have carried the letter all summer." But upon looking at it again, she saw that 174 CAPTAIN HORACE. it was mailed at Washington about two weeks before "a soldier's letter." She carried it down to Margaret, who was busy making cream-cakes. "Let me see," said aunt Louise, peeping over Mrs. Clifford's shoulder, and laughing. "No, it's not Mr. Augustus Allen's writing; but how do you know somebody hasn't written it to tell you he is sick?" Aunt Madge grew quite pale, dropped the egg-(";ater, and carried the letter into the nursery to read it by herself. She opened it with trembling fingers ; but before she had read two lines he* fingers trembled worse than ever, her heart throbbed fast, the room seemed to reel about. There was no bad news in the letter, you may be sure of that. She sat reading it over and over again, while the tears ran down her checks, and the sunshine in her A PLEASANT SURPRISE. IT.i eyes dried them again. Then she folded her hands together, and humbly thanked God for his loving kindness. When she was sure her sister Maria had gone up stairs, she ran out to the kitchen, whispering, "O, mother ! O, Louise ! " but broke down by laughing. "What does ail the child?" said Mrs. Parlin, laughing too. Margaret tried again to speak, but this time burst into tears. ""^herc, it's of no use," she sobbed : "I'm so happy that it's really dreadful. 1'ir afraid somebody may die of joy." "I'm more afraid somebody 5 !! die of curi- osity," said aunt Louise: "do speak quick." "Well, Henry Clifford is alive, " said Mar- garet : "that's the blessed truth! Xow In; li ! We must be so careful how we tell Maria ! " 176 CAPTAIN HORACE. Mrs. Parlin caught Margaret by the shoul- der, and gasped for breath. Louise dropped into a chair. " What do you mean ? What have you heard?" the}" both cried at once. "He was taken off the field for dead ; bi,t life was not quite gone. He lay for weeks just breathing, and that was all.'' "But why did no one let us know it?" said Louise. "Of course Maria would have gone to him at once." ff There was no one to write ; and when Henry came to himself there was no hope of him, except by amputation of his left arm ; and after that operation he was very low again." ' P O, why don't you give us the letter, ' : said Louise, "so we can see for ourselves?" But she was too excited to read it ; ad while she was trying to collect her ideas, A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 17? aunt Madge hud to hunt for grandma's spec- tacles ; and then the three looked over the surgeon's letter together, sometimes all talk ing at once. Captain Clifford would be in Maine as soon as possible : so the letter said. A young man was to come with him to take care of him, and they were to travel very slowly indeed ; might be at home in a fort- night. "They may be here to-night," said Mrs. Parliu. This letter had been written to prepare the family for Captain Clifford's arrival. It was expected that aunt Madge would break the news to his wife. " It's such a pity that little flyaway of a Horace didn't give you the letter in time," said Louise ; " and then we might have had some days to get used to it." 178 CAPTAIN HORACE. " Wait a minute, dear," said aunt Madge, as Susy came in for a drink of water : w please run up and ask aunt Maria to come iovvn stairs. Now, mother," she added, c you are the oue to tell the story, if you please." " We can all break it to her by degrees," said Mrs. Parliu, twisting her checked apron nervously. When Mrs. Clifford entered the kitchen, she saw at once that something had hap- pened. Her mother, with a flushed face, was opening and shutting the stove door. Margaret was polishing a pie-plate, with tears in her eyes, and Louise had seized a sieve, and appeared to be breaking eggs into it. Nobody wanted to speak first. "What do you say to hearing a story?" ft (tered Louise. "0, you poor woman," exclaimed Mar A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 179 garet, seizing Mrs. Clifford by both hands : "you look so sorrowful, dear, as if nothing would ever make 3-011 happy again. Can you believe we have a piece of good news for you?" "For me?" Mrs. Clifford looked bewil- dered. " Good news for you," said Louise, drop- ping the sieve to the floor: "yes, indeed! O, Maria, we thought Henry was killed ; but he isn't ; it's a mistake of the papers. He's alive, and coming home to-night." All this as fast as she could speak. Xo wonder Mrs. Clifford was shocked ! First she stood quiet and amazed, gazing at her sister with fixed eyes: then she screamed and would have fallen if her mother an. Margarei had not caught her in their arms. "O, I have killed her," cried Louise: "I didn't mean to speak so quick ! Henry is 180 CAPTAIN HORACE. almost dead, Maria:' he is nearly dead, I mean ! He's just alive ! " "Louise, bring some water at once," said Mrs. Purlin, sternly. " O, mother," sobbed Louise, returning with the water, "I didn't mean to be so hasty ; but you might have known I would : you should have sent me out of the room." This was very much the way Prudy talked when she did wrong : she had a funny way of blaming other people. It is always unsafe to tell even joyful news too suddenly ; but Louise's thought' lessness had not done so much harm as they all feared. Mrs. Clifford recovered from the shock, and in an hour or two was won- derfully calm, looking so perfectly happy that it was delightful just to gaze at her face. She wanted the pleasure of telling the A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 181 children the story with her own lips. Gnice v. as fairly wild with joy, kissing everybody, and declaring it was " too good for any- thing." She was too happy to keep still, while as for Horace, he was too happy to talk. f Then uncle Henry wasn't gone to heaven," cried little Prudy : " hasn't he been to heaven at all ? " "No, of course not," said Susy: "didn't you hear 'em say he'd be here to-night?- Xow you've got on the nicest kind of a dress, and if you spot it up 'twill be a\\ful.' ! "I guess," pursued Prudy, "the man th;it shooted found 'twas uncle Henry, and so he didn't want to kill him down dead." How the family found time to do so ninny things that day, I do not know, especially as each one was in somebody's way, and the children under everybody's feet. But before 182 CAPTAIX HORACE. night the pantry was full of nice things, tho whole house was as fresh as a rose, and the parlors were adorned with autumn flowers and green garlands. Not only the kerosene lamps, but all the old oil lamps, were filled, and every candle- stick, whether brass, iron, or glass, was used to hold a sperm candle ; so that in the evening the house at every window was all ablaze with light. The front door stood wide open, and the piazza and part of the lawn were as bright as day. The double gate had been unlatched for hours, and everybody was waiting for the carriage to drive up. The hard, uncomfortable stage, which Horace had said was like a baby-jumper, would never do for a sick man to ride in : so Billy Green had driven to the cars in his easiest carriage, and aunt Madge had gone A PLEASANT SURPRISE. 183 with him, for she was afraid neither Billy nor the gentleman who was with Captain Clifford would know how to wrap the shawls about him carefully enough. I could never describe the joyful meeting which took place in those brilliantly lighted parlors. It is very rarely that such wonder- ful happiness falls to any one's lot in this world. While the smiles are yet bright on their faces, while Grace is clinging to her father's neck, and Horace hugs his new " real drum " in one arm, embracing his dear papa with the other, let us take our leave of them and the whole family for the present, with many kind good- by 's. :' LITTLE-FOLKS " BOOKS By indbrth.colts came to the kitchen window, whic^wu^open, u>d ( in their5ose8to*a!klf6r'somethinj to e. Fluie 'fTe_thin piecei of. SPECWEH "OF SOPHIE MAY'S "LITTLE-FOLKS" BOOKS. LITTLE FOLKS ASTRAY. " This la ft book for the liltle ones of (lie nursery or play-room. li Introduces aJt the old favorites of the Trudy and Dotty hooks will) uaw characters anil funny incidents It is a clmrn.iag hook, u!-,a!c some and sweet in every respect, and cannot fail to interest children uuder twelve years pf age." CbrMian Kegister. PRUDY KEEPING HOUSE. " How she kept it, why ahe kept It, and what a good time sue bad playing cook, and tvashentfbmaji, and Ironcr, is told a? only SOPIHB MAY can tell stories. All the fniuiy sayings and doings of the queer- est and cunningest little woman ever tucked away In !!ie covers of a book will plaasa little folks and grown people alike." Press. AUNT MADGE'S STORY. "Tell* of a little rolte of ft glrl,.wtio gflls into every .-oncjIvaBla kind of scrape and out again with lightning rapidity, through the whole pretty Ditto book. How she nearly drowns her bosom friend, and afterwards save* her ty a very remarkable display oi little-girl courage. Flow she gets loft by A train, of cars, alid loses her kitten, and Qnds it again, and b presented with a Imby sis! am) funny sayings." Boston TroMUer. ENN SHIRLEY'S BOOK& tu. MM, by Lit It Kutr/uux aLCSTEATION FBOU "UTIU HISS WEEZt." fENN SHIRLEY'S BOOKS, 'Copy right, 183), by Ice tad Shopard. 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