6/^ / r>^/v5 «^ ^cs^ voivM^s ^ $ /^, 6Jrs. ^o , :^^^ ■^^ The Private Library of -«ii. -riitll Mk' MirtU^*!'/^^^'' J^i ILouis i^^illman of Chicago ^W JoEauslusl] ■ N JM ''ftV'MW'r '•^/yy^'\"^^ il , ilimtmmiminii.w) uuniniici 11111111111 TT^aMiS^^y^ I /■iii iiiiiiViiimm.jji'j'i'ij iiiimiii'iiiiMi'i'ii J ' ( |{1~ /XMilCRSON /\i>'! ilOf. 1 0. iiSiliiiilililrRiiiiJIiil' -• west .■^^.st.. new york. ^^^^^— — — iC I ■ 'Milt all tlir lllnrlit thrrr'ii \w ^upltratr" of this Rcniiissafice Chesty rcith I)u//i(iscus L.ockivork. This Chest was bought through (ioverniiUMit Officials in l*aris sotr.e yer.rs ago. The body inul tVaniework are hand-forged iron. The beauritul locking -nechanisni was fashioned in Damascus of hammered steel. The front lock is a " blind," the true lock being on top ot the lid, concealed under an escutcheon in the center. It cle\'erly conceals a kevhole that admits a key which cannot be duplicated without the aid of the mister key. The key operates nine levers. The nine smaller buttons ;ire of o;old. Ihe other (larger) buttons are ot steel. Priiiubly the chest belonged to a high Turkish Official, or (ieneral, possibly the Sublime Porte, judging from the insignia \ isible under th^ lock by means of a strong glass. Thi^ anti(]ue was quoted in L.ondon at/,900 several years ago. The only known chest resembling it is in Musee Cduny, i*aris. That example is tar interior to this in every respect, Thi, chest is to be sold because owner has abandoned house- keepiuLi; and purposes traveling abroad. Buyer may rely absolutely upon there being no duplicate. Apart from its artistic value it can be used tor guarding the family jewels and silver. There is a small insiile compartment which also has a burn;lar-proot locking mechanism. The chest is in pertect condition. The Chest may be inspected at any tii le on application to the aucticMieers. l^i^r*.Sa;e will occur at (The Au^c^liml Aiirtimi (t 11111^1 aiui'ii iiviuinir.. 5 West 29rH Sprkki", Nkw York., shortly. \ on will be notified ot the date in due coui'se. r?r: ^O*^^ Out of city bids should be sent in early. ,'rPi\\ Vv^^ ^1. i9 ^' ' rius^^' ^MAR^^^^- r 0: THE ANDERSON AUCTION COMPANY, 5 West 29th Street. New York. Please purchase for me the following lots at your Auction Sale on not exceeding the prices named, which arc so much per volume, or piece. Name oA^^^^^..*.^^ <^^ '^^^^ . .-?./-. Z^.<^. 7 Address _ Shipping Directions _ Lot i First Word of Title Bid Lot First Word of Title Bid ^/PwA/A^, k.B^SoM^ers /Syyl 3oo \J^fn:5 --TAUES ^ffAKesr iSo-) ^^ o o dl^^ro/)r~AXA-BiA^ Mmrs /SUS' / -^^ M/^Tcn^ John -~Po^pjs J^^fS' ^^ ^l/oT,(f£o-l>oVoLl^JSSt-%£r^'0 ,f r^f:^^ — // 7 ^vs- 1 (f 3 7^ 1 J/3 ^O 7^\^o 1 ^-vfT — 2-^:^ 7^ 4^7 -^^ /74^ .^<^ ^v5"7fJ /2^ / — ^& 7^ 1 / f£r 36 J/o ^.^ ^3 - ^ /v^ - /3 ^ 7^ 3^/^ / c> ^/6 8 /y ^o / 6 G 7^ /6~:? -^ 6/ ! ^^ V<. ^^ -i^^a 1 .^^ — ^^ 7^ I ^7 3 <£-/ — - ^e^ JS' ^S ~ 7C> - /^^l ^ 7 z-^^ '\ f / S ^^ i :^^ ^ — /33 ^ / 3 7^- - /o^ 5J 7- 6 f\ - -T^f M /4^^ 3 /<^ ^fc? 7^"^ 7r/4^,/vr / ^^^^ /^^^^ .80 THE PRIVATH LIBRARY jlouis iW. Billman OK CHlCACn Comprising his Remarkable Collection of English Authors of the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, mostly in their original bind- ings, together with some other Books of Earlier and Later Dates, but of equal rarity, THE CHOICER ITEMS INCLUDE THE KOLLOWING KIKST FDITIONS : Lamb's Talcs from Shakespeare, in the original boards, uncut ; Shelley's Queen Mab, in original boards, uncut, with the title Intact; a Presentation Copy of Browning's Pauline, Mrs. Browning's Privately Printed Sonnets, Fitzgerald's Omar Khayyam, Presentation Copy of Keats' Poems, and his Endymion, and Lamia; Kossctti's Sir Hugh the Heron, The Germ, and the Private Issue of his Poems; Tennyson's Poems by Two Brothers, on Large Paper; Milton's Poems; Whitman's Leaves of Grass, etc., etc. KOR SALE Af AUCTION Thursday Afternoon and Evening, March 21 1907 BY Ctje antirrsou auction Company 5 West 29th Street, New York SAI.K r.KGINS IN IHE AFTERNOON AT 3 o'CLOCK IN rHK EVENING AT 7.3O telephone: ^i^o madison N. B.— AH bids arc understood to be at so much per volume or piece •Wew 13ork ConMtioni? of Sale. I — The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2 — Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly, 3 — Books are presumed to be perfect unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4 — To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5 — Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. \ Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co. without charge. ®r^c^ ot Sale Thursday Afternoon, March 2ist, commencing at 3 o'clock (Lois I to 298 inclusive). Thursday Evening, March 21st, commencing at 7.30 o'clock (Lois 299 to 614 inclusive). .t07;i61 ^bis Sale will be conDucteS bg Gccrcie S). /Iftorse Buctioneer IN the mind of every book-collector at times arises the thougiu whether, after completin^^ and studyin<^ certain lines of col- lecting, it would be better to rest content and review what has been done or — like Alexander, who si^jhed for new worlds to conquer — turn to other lines of equal interest and conquer them so far as may be possible. In regartl to the collection of Early Nineteenth Century Poets and Authors described in this cata- logue, certainly one might still further complete it by adding another edition of a Shelle)', a Lamb or a Byron that contains some minute differences comjDared with earlier or other editions, but which has no literary, and only the smallest biblioorajjliical interest. Viewed from such a point, there is practically no finality. When the rarest, the first, and the best editions of an author have been obtained, there virtually must be the end. This latter principle has mainly been the guide of Mr. Dillman. Those authors that most attracted him have been collected in the rarest, the first and the best editions, as a glance througli the catalogue will show, and thoroughly studied, but the thought has been long in his mind of pursuing certain other lines (^f equal interest and importance, which partake both of the highest literary quality and also have the added zest of rarity. It is not that the interest has died away, or the novelty faded, or that love of the chase has become lessened, but that experience has shown that to attain a measure of success the entire energy of the individual must be concentrated on that which is being undertaken and other distractions laid aside. This is especially- the case in book-collecting, as the distractions are so varied and so captivating that nothing can be accomplished without some sacrifice. Mr. Dillman has, therefore, decided to dispose of the present special collection, which does not by any means repre- sent his entire Library, that he might not be temptetl to add items of minor interest, and concentrate all future attention along the new lines which haVfe been for some time under con- sideration. The natural regret with which he parts from these old friends and companions that have cheered many weary hours is mitigated by the fact that their acquirement by others will give a like pleasure, and l)y the conviction that they will find other homes where they will be as much appreciated as they have been by him. In looking over a collection composed mainly of the First Editions of Early Nineteenth Century Poets and Authors, it is difficult to select items to which special attention should be called. Reproductions of the title-pages of ten of the rarest have been added to the catalogue. Four of these are the " first books" of famous authors, of which Mr. Dillman has secured about twenty-five : Browning's " Pauline," a presentation copy from his father to the poet's uncle, Reuben Browning; "Sir Hugh the Heron," written by Dante Gabriel Rossetti when a schoolboy, privately printed by an indulgent grandfather, and not since reprinted; "Poems" by John Keats in the original boards, uncut, the copy given by the poet to the daughters of John Hamilton Reynolds, with presentation inscription on the title; and Tennyson's "Poems by Two Brothers," an uncut copy on Large Paper in the original boards. The rarest book in the sale in uncut condition and in the original boards is undoubtedly Charles Lamb's " Tales from Shakepeare." There are, as well, about thirteen scarce original edititions of Lamb, including his first appearance in print in Coleridge's " Poems on \^arious Subjects," and Charles Lloyd's " Priscilla Farmer;" and nearly as many of Shelley, including "Queen Mab," with the title and imprint unmutilated, and with the leaf of dedication. Other notable items are the original editions of Edward Fitzgerald's " Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam;" Mrs. Browning's rare privately printed "Sonnets," 1847; Byron's "Hours of Idleness," 1S07, on Large Paper; the first collective edition of Milton's Poems, 1645, and the first book bearing his name, with the rare portrait by Marshall not cut down, as is usually the case; Rossetti's "Poems," 1869, in unique state, being proof sheets gathered up by William Michael Rossetti after the poet's death; the original edition of "The Germ;" the Rowfant copies of Keats' " Endymion" and " Lamia," with insertions of portions of the original MSS., and other interesting items by Frederick Locker-Lampson, and a few choice autograph letters of Charles Lamb, Rossetti, etc. The American authors represented include first editions of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," 1855; George Bancroft's "Poems," 1823, which he tried so hard to suppress; the first work of Judge Story, "The Power of Solitude," and Bryant's " Poems," 182 1. Catalogue. ^ji:^^w.. Zlbe Xibrau\> of Xouie flD, IDillnian. 1 THE ANGLO-SAXON REVIEW. Edited by Lady Randolph Churchill. Vols, i to 8. Small folio, bound in full leather in fac- simile of famous bindings. London: June, 1899-March, 1901. * The bindings include reproductions of Canevaro, a Paris binding of 15S4, a Venetian binding of 1546, a Samuel Mearne, etc. The magazine was noted for its high literary quality. Hrnol^ (/IDattbew). 2 CROMWELL: A Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 28, 1843. By Matthew Arnold. i2mo, original printed wrappers, pp. 15. Oxford: /. Vincent, 1843. * The Rare Original Edition, of which very few copies have appeared in the auction room. Enclosed in full seal brown morocco lettered solander case. 3 THE STRAYED REVELLER, and Other Poems. By A. i2nio, original cloth, uncut. London: B. Fellowes, 1849. ^ * A Fine Copy of the First Edition, and Very Rare. Although more were printed, only about 100 got into circulation, as the edition was suppressed. 4 EMPEDOCLES ON ETNA, and other Poems. By A. umo, original cloth, uncut. London: B. Fellowes^ 1852. ^^ * First Edition. Rare. Less than 50 copies had been sold when the author with- •^ drew it from circulation. 5 POEMS. By Matthew Arnold. A New Edition. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Longman, 1853. * The First Collected Edition of Arnold's Poems. 6 POEMS. By Matthew Arnold. Second Series. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Longman, 1855. * First Edition. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Arnold (Matthew) — Continued. 7 MEROPE. A Tragedy, By Matthew Arnold. i2mo, original // a a cloth, uncut. London, 1858. * First Edition. 8 ON TRANSLATING HOMER. Three Lectures Given at Oxford. «^ ^ ^ By Matthew Arnold. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lpndon, *' ■'** 1861. / * First Edition. 9 ON TRANSLATING HOMER. LAST WORDS. A Lecture * Given at Oxford. By Matthew Arnold. Crown 8vo, original cloth, ^' * * uncut. London, 1862. * First Edition. 10 NEW POEMS. By Matthew Arnold. Crown 8vo, original green ^^^ cloth, uncut. London, 1867. * First Edition. Fine Copy. C C II SAINT BRANDAN. By Matthew Arnold. Crown 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 11. London: E. W. 6^ A. Skipwith., 1867. * Fine Copy of the First Edition. Very Rare. Bancrott (George). 12 POEMS. By George Bancroft. Post 8vo, original boards (rebacked), entirely uncut. Cambridge, 1823. JxJ" /^A * Very Rare. The author's youthful poems, written when only 23 years of age. Like so many other famous authors, he became dissatisfied with his first book, recalled them, and had them destroyed, many being burnt, it is said, at the home of W. H. Prescott. Fine copy. BaririG^CBoult) (Sabine). 13 ICELAND: Its Scenes and Sagas. Map and nutnerous illustrations {some colored.) Royal 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1863. * Scarce. 14 THE BOOK OF THE WERE-WOLVES: being an Account of a Terrible Superstition. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, original red cloth, uncut. London, 1865. * Fine copy of the first edition. Scarce. 15 CURIOUS MYTHS OF THE MIDDLE AGES. Frontispiece f^/f/j o.nd other woodcuts. 2 vols, post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lon- don, 1866-68. * Fine copy of the first edition. 2 The Library of Louis M, Dill nun. BechforO (TlUilliam). i6 [VATHEK.J An Arabian Tale from an Unpublished Manuscript. With Notes Critical and Explanatory. 8vo, finely bound by Zaehns- dorf in golden brown morocco, ornamented with exquisite corner ornaments in gold, wide inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut. London: Printed for J. Johnson^ 1786. * First edition of Beckford's famous tale of " Vathek," this name occurring on the half-title placed before the text. A fine tail copy, with the leaf of errata. Bcbn (/lD»r5. Bpbra). 17 POEMS UPON SEVERAL OCCASIONS, with a Voyage to the Island of Love. Post Svo, polished calf gilt, edges gilt on the rough, by F. Bedford. London: R. and J. Tonson, 1684. * First edition of Mrs. Behn's first volume of poems. Most of her dramatic pieces were printed before she published this volume, and while highly praised for their wit and vigor, were also severely condemned in a not too particular age for their licen- tiousness. To AstrKa (or Mrs. Behn) Pope addressed his couplet: " The Stage, how loosely does Astrxa tread." The Lefferts copy with pencilled autograph and ex-libris. Scarce. i^ iBSiblioorapb^. 18 ALLIBONE (S. AUSTIN). Critical Dictionary of English Litera- ture, and British and American Authors, living and deceased, from the Earliest Accounts to the latter half of the 19th Century. With Supplement. 5 vols, royal 8vo, half roan. Philadelphia, 1899. 19 AMERICAN BOOK-PRICES CURRENT. Compiled by Luther S. Livingston. Vol. 3. Svo, cloth, gilt top. New York, 1S97. * This and the following lots of American Book-Prices Current are all in the original cloth. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Vol. 4 New York, 1898. Vol. 5 New York, 1899. Vol. 6 New York, 1900. Vol. 7 New York, 1901. Vol. 8 New York, 1902. Vol. 9 New York, 1903. Vol. 10 New York, 1904. Vol. 1 1 New York, 1905- ^.^ -^^# The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Bibliography — Continued. ANECDOTES OF BOOKS AND AUTHORS. i2mo, half ^ y^/- morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1836. 29 ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). A Record of Books and Let- ters (early and later English), with an Essay on the Collector's Point of View. Facsimiles. 4.X.0, cloth, uncut. New York, 1901. * One of only 116 copies on handmade paper. Containing both the original cost price and the price realized at the sale. 30 ARNOLD (WILLIAM HARRIS). A Record of First Editions (Hawthorne, Holmes, Longfellow, Thoreau, Whittier, etc.), with an Essay on Book-Madness by L. H. Vincent. Facsimiles. 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1901. * One of only g6 copies on handmade paper. Containing both the original cost price and the price realized at the sale. 31 BALDWIN (JAMES). The Book-Lover. A Guide to the Best Reading. lamo, cloth, Chicago, 1892. 32 BIBLIOTHECA ANGLO-POETICA : or a Descriptive Cata- logue of a Rare and Rich Collection of Early English Poetry in the Possession of Longman, Hurst, Rees, Qrme and Brown. Illustrated by Extracts and Remarks, Critical and Biographical. Portraits and facsimiles. Thick royal 8vo, half calf, uncut. London, 181 5. 33 BIBLIOTHECA ARCANA, being brief notices of books that have been secretly printed, prohibited by law, seized, anathematised, burnt, or Bowdlerised. By Speculator Morum. Square 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London: George Redway., 1885. * Only a very small number printed. 34 BOOK-PRICES CURRENT. (English.) Compiled by J. H. Slater. Vol. 13. 8vo, cloth. London, 1899. * This and the following lots of Book Prices Current are all in the original cloth. ^,00 35 Vol. 14. London, 1900. London, 1901. London, 1902. London, 1903. London, 1904. London, 1905, 41 Index to Book-Prices Current (English), 1887-1896. Con- taining also a Key to Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature. (Compiled by William Jaggard.) 8vo, cloth. London, 1901, 4 ,:is oc* / :^>^ vv> 4»#0 37 Vol. 16 :L.0e* 38 Vol. 17 Snj- 39 Vol. 18 3,2^ 40 Vol. 19 The Library of Louis M. Dillnuin. Bibliography — ContiuuctL 42 CRUIKSHANKS (THE THREE). A Bibliographical Cata- logue describing more than 500 works (including a few Etchings and loose plates), etc., illustrated by Isaac, George and Robert Cruikshank. Compiled by Frederick Marchmont. Introduction ' by Julian Moore. Illustrations. 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1897. * Only 500 printed, this being No. 8. 43 DUFF (E. GORDON). Early Printed Books. Photographic and other facsimiles of rare presses. Svo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893. * Large Paper Copy. No. 35 of only 150 printed. 44 ELTON (CHAS. and MARY). The Great Book-Collectors. 10 portraits and facsimiles on Japan vellum. Svo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893. * Large Paper Copy. No. 35 of only 150 printed. 45 FOLEY (P. K.) American Authors, 1795-1895. A Bibliography of First and Notable Editions. With an Introduction by W. L. Sawyer. 8vo, buckram, uncut. 'Boslon: for Subscribers, 1S97. * No. 32S of 500 copies issued. 46 FRENEAU (PHILIP). A Bibliography of the Works of Philip ^^ ^ Freneau. By V. H. Paltsits. Facsimiles. Crown 8vo, printed wrappers. New York, 1903. 47 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Early and Original Editions of Poetical and Prose Works of English Writers from Langland to y^ Wither. With Collations and Notes. Sj facsimiles of titles and frontispieces. Royal 8vo, half straight-grained morocco, uncut. New York, 1893. *Only 400 copies issued on Holland hand-made paper. 48 GROLIER CLUB. Catalogue of Books of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Persons, with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings. 4^, ^ Exhibited at the Grolier Club in January, 1895. 24 plates of Coats- of-Arms. Small 4to, cloth, uncut. New York, 1S95. * Only 350 copies printed on Holland paper. 5 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Bibliography — Continued. 49 LAMB, HAZLITT and LEIGH HUNT. List of the Writings of Wm. Hazlitt and Leigh Hunt, Chronologically arranged, with notes by contemporaries and friends; preceded by a Chronological List jP ^^ of the Writings of Charles Lamb. By Alex. Ireland. Post 8vo, full sprinkled calf, gilt top, by Bedford, uncut. London, 1868. * Laid in is a long and interesting autograph letter of the author, relating to Lamb, Hunt and others :"...?« J 8^9 Hunt wrote the literary notices in the Trtte Sun newspaper. . . . I have seen jo,ooo catalogues in 60 years . . . and I never saw a copy of the Literary Pocket Book in any printed catalogue. ..." 50 LIVINGSTON (LUTHER S.) Auction Prices of Books from the Commencement of English Book-Prices Current in 1886, and the ^ American Book-Prices Current from 1894-1904, and including im- J' portant Auction Quotations of earlier date. 4 vols. 4to, cloth. New York, 1905. 51 LONDON CATALOGUE OF BOOKS (THE.) Published in ^— ^^ Great Britain. With their sizes, prices and publishers' natnes. From ^f^^^^ 1816 to 1851. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1861. 52 LOWNDES (WM. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. Revised and enlarged edition by H. G. Bohn. 6 vols. t/' ^ ^ post 8vo, cloth. London, 1890. 53 MADAN (FALCONER). Books in Manuscript. A Short Intro- duction to their Study and Use. With a Chapter on Records. 8 ^t y^ photographic facsimiles on Japaii vellum. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893. * Large Paper Copy. No. 35 of only 150 printed. 54 MORRIS (WILLIAM). The Books of William Morris described, with some account of his Doings in Literature and in the Allied ^,y^ Crafts. By H. Buxton Forman. Portraits and facsimiles. 8vo, y buckram, gilt top, uncut. Chicago, 1897. 55 POLLARD (ALFRED W.) Early Illustrated Books. A History of the Decoration and Illustration of Books in the 15th and i6th SfQ^ Centuries, ^g facsimiles. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893. * Large Paper Edition. No. 35 of only 150 copies printed. y . 56 PUTNAM (GEORGE HAVEN). Books and Their Makers in the ' Middle Ages. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, gilt tops, uncut. New York, 1896-7. 6 The Library of Louis M. Dill nun. Bibliography — Continued. 57 ROGERS (HORATIO). Private Libraries of Providence, with a Preliminary Essay on the Love of Books. Illustrations. Small 4to, half roan, gilt top, uncut. Providence, 1878. * One of 250 copies, privately printed. 58 SHARP (R. FARQUHARSON). Dictionary of English Authors, Biographical and Bibliographical, an account of the Lives and Writings of 700 British Writers from the year 1400 to the Present Time. 2nd edition, with errata. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Lon- don, 1898. 59 SLATER (J. HERBERT.) The Library Manual: a Guide to the Formation of a Library, and the Valuation of Books. 3rd and enlarged edition. Crown Svo, cloth. London, 1892. 60 SLATER (J. HERBERT). Early Editions. A Bibliographical Survey of the Works of some Popular Modern Authors. 8vo, half roan. London, 1894. * A standard work of reference on popular modern English authors. 61 UZANNE (OCTAVE). The Book-Hunter in Paris. By Octave Uzanne. With preface by Augustine Birrell. Illustrations. 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1S93. J6la^e5 (milliam). 62 THE ENEMIES OF BOOKS. Illustrations. Post 8vo, full crim- son crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by RivifcRE. London, 1880. * Large Taper copy of the First Edition, with the original wrappers bound in. 36lal?c (lamtam). 61 LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE, with Selections from his Poems and other Writings. By Ale.x. Gilchrist. Portrait, reproductions from Blake's own desii-ns, and with a few of Blake's original plates. 2 vols. 8vo, pictorial cloth. London, 1863. *0n account of the sudden death of Gilchrist, before the book was issued, it was edited and a supplementary chapter added by Dante C.abriel Rossetti. The First and Best Edition. 7 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. 64 CAXTON CLUB. Catalogue of an Exhibition of Nineteenth Cen- tury Bookbindings, Dec. 16 to 30, 1897. Square i2mo, full crim- son morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Blackwell. (Original wrap- pers bound in.) Chicago, 1897. 65 COCKERELL (DOUGLAS). Bookbinding and the Care of Books. Drawings by Noel Rooke and other illustrations. Crown 8vo, half cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1901. * No. I. of the Artistic Crafts Series of Technical Handbooks, edited by W.R.Lethaby. 66 DAVENPORT (CYRIL). International Bookbinding Exhibition by the Chief Craftsmen from all Parts of the World, at the "Caxton ^^ Head." Introduction by Cyril Davenport. 8 colored facsimiles of binding. 4to, wrappers, pp. 25. London: Tregaskis., 1894. 67 DAVENPORT (CYRIL). Royal English Bookbindings. Fac- similes {some colored). Royal 8vo, wrappers, pp. 95. (The Portfolio Monograph, No. 30.) London, 1896. 68 GROLIER CLUB. Modern Bookbinding, Practically Considered. By William Matthews. 8 tinted plates of facsimiles of biftdings. 4to, cloth. New York: Grolier Club, 1889. * One of only 300 copies printed on Holland paper. 69 HORNE (HERBERT P.) The Binding of Books. An Essay in the History of Gold-Tooled Bindings. 12 facsimiles of rare bindings^ on Japan vellum. 8vo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1894. * Large Paper Copy. No. 35 of only 150 printed. 70 NICHOLSON (JAMES B.) Manual of the Art of Bookbinding: y •^ with instructions in Forwarding, Gilding and Finishing, also the Art of Marbling. Plates. Post 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 71 UZANNE (OCTAVE). Le Reliure Moderne, Artistique et Fan- taisiste. Frontispiece in two states, portrait of Uzanne, and y2 facsifniles Jf i^,^^ of fine bindings., tnany in tints. Royal 8vo, half claret crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bradstreets. Paris, 1887. * No. 41 of only 100 copies printed on Imperial Japan paper for subscribers, and signed by the author and the publisher, this being E. H. Bierstadt's copy. Inserted is Uzanne's private card (etched by Robida), for New Year's Greetings, on the reverse of which is an autograph note signed by Uzanne, Dec. 23, 1892. 72 WOOD (ESTHER). British Trade Bookbindings and their De- J*^ signers. 4 colored plates and numerous facsimiles throughout the text. 4to, boards. (Special Winter No. of The Studio, 1899-1900.) [New York, 1900.] 8 •SfS^SSji'- i SONNETS. ; ICATION.] i- 17. [See Lot No. 88.] The Library of Louis M. Dill nun. 73 ALLEN (CHARLES DEXTER). Ex-Libris. Essays of a Col- lector. IVit/i 21 coppcr-platc prints on Japan vellum. Square post 8vo, art cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1S96. * No. 213 of a limited edition of 750 copies, and plates destroyed. 74 FINCHAM (HENRY W.) Artists and Engravers of British and American Book Plates. A Book of Reference for Book Plate and Print Collectors. Illustrations of 74 bookplates. 410, cloth. New York, 1897. 75 HAMILTON (WALTER). French Book Plates. A Handbook for Ex-Libris Collectors. 8vo, vellum paper covers, uncut. Lon- don, 1892. * No. 5 of only 35 copies issued on Japan vellum, with numerous facsimiles of rare and curious French bookplates, and a Bibliography of the same. Printed by Whittingham at the Chiswick Press. 76 HARDY (W. J.) Book-plates, jq facsimiles on Japan vellum paper. Svo, half vellum, uncut. London, 1893. * Large Paper Copy. No. 35 of only 150 printed. 77 LABOUCHERE (NORNA). Ladies' Book-Plates. An Illustrated Handbook for Collectors and Book-Lovers. 8vo, vellum paper covers, uncut. London, 1895. * No. 16 of 76 Copies on Japanese vellum, with hundreds of facsimiles of rare and famous plates of women from the earliest times, including impressions from the original plates. 78 WARREN (HON. J. LEICESTER). Guide to the Study of Book-Plates (Ex-Libris). 16 plates. Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1880. * First Edition, and very scarce. X>ra^i?trcct (/IDr3. Banc). 79 THE POEMS OF MRS. ANNE BRADSTREET. (1612- 1672.) Together with her Prose Remains, with an Introduction by Charles Eliot Norton. Thick i2mo, boards, uncut. The Duode- cimos (New York), 1897. *No. 97 of 132 copies on handmade paper, with reproductions of rare portraits and other illustrations. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Bn&ges (IRobert). 80 HYMNS, from the Yattendon Hymnal. Small 4to, wrappers, pp. 69, ^ C^ uncut. Oxford, 1899. * No. 64 of only 150 copies printed at the Daniel Press. Bronte (Cbarlotte). 81 POEMS. By Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. i2mo, original cloth, with gilt title on side, uncut. London: Aylott &= Jones^ 1846. y^^.O^i * Fine Copy of the Rare, Genuine First Edition. By Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte. Browne (lltving). 82 IN THE TRACK OF THE BOOK-WORM: Thoughts, Fancies, and Gentle Gibes on Collecting and Collectors. By One of Them. ^ ^) ^ 8vo, half cloth. East Aurora: Eoycroft Press, 1897. * No. 287 of 580 copies signed by the author. Printed in red and black type. Browning (lElisabetb Barrett). 83 AN ESSAY ON MIND, with Other Poems. Post 8vo. London: /. Duncan^ 1826. * First Edition. Written by Mrs. Browning when only 17 years of age, and pub- •y^^ ^ Hshed anonymously. This copy has the author's name lightly written on the title page. An exceptionally choice copy in the original boards, entirely uncut, with five leaves of advertisements at end. The original paper label on the back, and all the half titles. 84 PROMETHEUS BOUND. Translated from the Greek of ^schylus, and Miscellaneous Poems. By the Translator, author of "An Essay on Mind," with other poems. Post 8vo. London: / * Exceedingly Rare. The First Edition. An exceptionally desirable copy, the front cover is a little loose, but in the Original Boards, Entirely Uncut, and the greater part Unopened. With all the half-titles, and the original paper label. Mrs. Browning suppressed this edition, and in later years issued an entirely new translation. One of the points she condemned was the preface. 85 THE SERAPHIM, and other Poems. By Elizabeth B. Barrett. m?tf^^ Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Saunders and Otley, 1838. * First Edition. Fine copy. 10 The Librjry of Louis M. Dillmaii. Bro>vnin§^ (Elizabeth Barrett) — CottiinttfJ. 86 POEMS OF GEOFFREY CHAUCER MODERNIZED. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1841. * Contains the first appearance of Mrs. Browning's "Queen Annelida and False Arcite," and pieces by Leigh Hunt, R. H. Home, Wordsworth and others. 87 POEMS. By Elizabeth Barrett Barrett. 2 vols. i2mo, original green cloth, uncut. London: Moxon, 1844. * ? irst Collected Edition. Fine copy. 88 SONNETS. By E. B. B. i2mo, sewed, pp. 47, uncut. Reading [ Xot for publication\ , 1847. * The Extremely Rare First Issue of the famous " Sonnets " before Mrs. Browning tried to hide this beautiful expression of her love for Robert Browning by calling them "Sonnets from the Portuguese." Only a very few were privately printed, through — it is said — Mrs. Mitford. In perfect condition, enclosed in solander case of full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered, by Bradstreets. [See reproduction of title-page.] 89 THE RUNAWAY SLAVE AT PILGRIM'S POINT. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 8vo. London: Moxon, 1S49. * Exceedingly Rare. An immaculate copy in the original wrappers, enclosed in dark brown crushed levant morocco solander case. This poem was originally published in the " Liberty Bell" for 1S48. This separate edition must have been issued in a very limited number to account for its great rarity. The first book issued by Mrs. Browning with her married name. 90 CASA GUIDA WINDOWS. A Poem. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1851, * First Edition. With the advertisement leaves dated 1S51. 91 AURORA LEIGH. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Post Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1857. * First Edition. The .\rnoId copy, and with the bookplate of Seward Brice 92 POEMS BEFORE CONGRESS. By Elizabeth Barrett Brown- ing. Post Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, i860. * First Edition, with the advertisement leaves at end dated February, iSto, the same date as given by Mrs. Browning to her preface. With the bookplate of William Habershon. The last work of Mrs. Browning published in her lifetime, she dying the next year. 93 LAST POEMS. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Post 8vo, origi- nal violet cloth, uncut. London, 1862. * First Edition, Fine copy. 11 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Browning (Elizabeth Barrett) — Continued. 94 THE GREEK CHRISTIAN POETS AND THE ENGLISH POETS. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. i2mo, original rough J OO grain green cloth, uncut. London, 1863. * First Edition. 95 LETTERS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING addressed to Richard Hengist Home. With comments on Con- ^ OC temporaries. Edited by S. R. Townshend Mayer. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877, * About half of the second volume consists of recollections and anecdotes of Char- lotte Bronte, Dickens, Leigh Hunt, and Thackeray. 96 THE EARLIER POEMS OF ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. 1826-1833. Post 8vo, cloth, with paper label. m London, 1878. ' ' * A Facsimile Reprint of the First edition of the Essay on Mind, with some of her later poems written up to 1833 added. 97 THE RELIGIOUS OPINIONS OF ELIZABETH BAR- RETT BROWNING, as expressed in three Letters to Wm. Merry, Esq., J. P. Edited by the Rev. W. Robertson Nicoll, ^,ffC LL.D. Small 4to, vellum paper, uncut, pp. 28. London: Pri- vately printed^ 1896. * Scarce, only 30 copies being printed. Brownincj (IRobert). 98 PAULINE: A FRAGMENT OF A CONFESSION. Post 8vo, handsomely bound by Cuzin in full seal brown crushed levant morocco, sides tooled in gold in a leaf and panel design within a Greek conventional border, doublure of vellum gilt, leather joints, gilt edges gauffred with a floral design, the volume enclosed in a full crushed levant morocco box case, lettered. London: Saunders & Otley, 1833. [See reproduction of title-page.] * First Edition of Robert Browning's first book. Of the greatest rarity, only twelve copies being known, and one of these a damaged one. The importance of this copy further enhanced by the fact of its being the one presented by the father of the poet to the iatter's uncle, Reuben Browning, with the following inscriptions on the title-page, the first being apparently written by Browning, Senr. , the second — which is signed — by the uncle : " By Robert Browning, his first publication privately distributed." " This Copy was given me by his father, my eldest brother. Reuben Browning." Robert Browning was only 20 years of age when he wrote this volume, and it was published, it is said, at the expense of his aunt, only 80 being printed. The poet, 12 J^J^ .04 The Librjrv of Louis M. Dillnuui. Browning (Robert) — Cotitinind. scared at his youthful temerity, or considering it as not worthy of his powers, immedi- ately recalled and destroyed every copy he could obtain ; and as there are naturally few buyers for the first production of an unknown author, it meant practically the whole edition, possibly merely the review copies escaping. The author republished it in his collected works nearly 40 years later, omitting a few lines, and carefully revising the punctuation, although he repeatedly stated that it was a "crude, pre- liminary sketch, written in pursuance of a foolish plan." Later critics, while con- demning the obscurity of many passages, have not entirely agreed with the author's own opinion, and in the study of the development of the genius of a great man, nothing can be more interesting or valuable than the first attempts, even though they be immature. Laid in is a letter of ^^ Kalisch to Reuben Browning criticising the work. 99 PARACELSUS. By Robert Browning. i2mo. L.ox\(\ov\: Effingham Wilson, 1835. ^ ^^ * First Edition, in the original boards, with paper label, entirely uncut. Rare. The Arnold copy, with W. H. Arnold's bookplate. 100 STRAFFORD: An Historical Tragedy. By Robert Browning. 8vo, original brown wrappers, with paper label on the side, uncut. London: Longman, 1837. * Pirst Edition. Scarce with the paper label. The advertisement leaves (2) are ^ ^ dated "April 15, 1837," proving it one of the earliest copies issued. The tragedy was performed at Covent Garden Theatre on the first of May in the same year, Macready (to whom the volume is dedicated) taking the principal character, assisted by Helen Faucit, VandenhofT, and others, the cast being given in the book. This and two other plays by Browning were all that were ever produced on the stage — " A Blot on the 'Scutcheon," and " Columbe's Birthday" (or "The Duchess of Cleves "). MissCushman acted in this latter in 1S44. loi SORDELLO. By Robert Browning. London: Moxon, 1840. * First Edition, in the original boards, uncut, with the original paper label, the back very neatly repaired. Very scarce in boards, uncut. With the advertisement leaves (S) dated January i, 1840. The earlier copies were issued in this form, in boards; the sale being slow the remainder were bound in cloth, also with a paper label, and thus sold off. The following copy is one of those so issued. /^,, 102 SORDELLO. By Robert Browning. London: Moxon, 1840. * First Edition. In green cloth, with paper label. This does not contain the early ^ i miscellaneous advertisement leaves, but contains the leaf, printed as part of the last sheet announcing as " nearly ready Pippa Passes." 103 BELLS AND POMEGRANATES. No. I. — Pippa Passes, to No. VIII. — Luria, and A Soul's Tragedy. Complete set of the eight parts bound in one volume. Royal 8vo, original publisher's cloth, //' uncut. London : il/t^Av//, 1841-46. * First Edition. When the eighth and last part was published the publisher took sets of the original parts and bound them up in volume form, of which this is one. 13 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Browning (Robert) — Continued. 104 POEMS. By Robert Browning. 2 vols. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and Hall, 1849. ^ ^ff * First Collected Edition. Fine copy. The Arnold copy, with bookplate. The advertisement leaf in Vol. i dated January i, 1849. 105 CHRISTMAS-EVE AND EASTER-DAY. A Poem. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Chapman and * First Edition. Fine copy. 106 TWO POEMS. By Elizabeth Barrett, and Robert Browning. Post J 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 15. London, 1854. * First Edition. Scarce in this state. f 107 TWO POEMS. By Elizabeth Barrett, and Robert Browning. [An- other copy.] London, 1854. ^ ^ * An Immaculate Copy, enclosed in handsome dark brown crushed levant morocco solander case. 108 CLEON. By Robert Browning. i2mo, pp. 23. Bound by Riviere in full dark blue crushed levant morocco, inside gilt borders, gilt ^/)J,AO top? uncut. London: Moxon, 1855. *Very Rare, as only a few copies were printed of this First Edition for the author's use. The Arnold Copy, with W. H. Arnold's autograph bookplate. Only two copies appear to have been sold at auction in America. Included afterwards in the collected edition of Browning's Poems issued the same year. J^.0O ',J^ 109 THE STATUE AND THE BUST. By Robert Browning. i2mo, sewed, pp. 21, uncut. London: Moxon, 1855. * First Edition. Browning had in contemplation a new edition of his collected poems, to be issued this year, and preparatory to it had written one or two new pieces. Of these he had a very small number printed for his own private purposes, which are now among the rarest of his First Editions. This Statue and the Bust is one, and Cleon is another. Only two copies have appeared in the American market, one of them being sold twice. 1 10 MEN AND WOMEN. By Robert Browning. 2 vols. i2mo, origi- nal cloth, uncut. London, 1855. * First Edition. Contains many of Browning's Best Poems. Ill DRAMATIS PERSONiE. By Robert Browning. Post Svo, J, $ O original red cloth, uncut. London, 1864. * First Edition. Fine copy. 14 Tlic Library of Louis M. DiUinjii. Brovrnin^ (Robert) — Continut-J. 112 GOLD HAIR: A LEGEND OF PORNIC. By Robert Browning. i2mo, pp. 15. Beautifully bound by the Club Bindery, in 1900, in full light brown crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut. [Lon- don], 1864. * Very Rare. The First Kdition, only .1 very few copies having been issued for the author's use. Included, later, in the " Dramatis Tersonx " of the same year. 113 THE RING AND THE BOOK. By Robert Browning. 4 vols. lamo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1868-69. * First Kdition. 114 BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE, including a Transcript from Euri- pides. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Lon- don, 1871. "* First Edition. 115 PRINCE HOHENSTIEL-SCHWANGAU. Saviour of Society. By Robert Browning, ismo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1871. * First Edition. 116 FIFINE AT THE FAIR. By Robert Browning. i2mo, cloth, uncut, and most of the leaves unopened. London, 1872. * First Edition. 117 RED COTTON NIGHT-CAP COUNTRY. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1873. * First Edition. 1 18 THE INN ALBUM. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1875. * First F'dition. 119 ARISTOPHANES' APOLOGY, including a Transcript from Euri- pides, being the Last Adventure of Balaustion. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut, and about half of the leaves unopened. London, 1875. * First F2dition. 120 PACCHIAROTTO and how he worked in Distemper, with Other Poems. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1876. * F'irst Edition. 15 y The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Browning (Robert) — Continued. 121 THE AGAMEMNON OF iESCHYLUS. Transcribed by ^ Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1877. •Z/^*' * First Edition. 122 LA SAISAZ: THE TWO POETS OF CROISIC. By Robert ^T^ Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1878. y * First Edition. 123 DRAMATIC IDYLS. First and Second Series. 2 vols. i2mo, J 0,0* original cloth, uncut. London, 1879-80. • * First Edition of each volume. 124 JOCOSERIA. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. J^^^ London, 1883. * First Edition. 125 FERISHTAH'S FANCIES. By Robert Browning. i2mo, original ^ ^0 cloth, uncut. London, 1884. * First Edition. 126 PARLEYINGS WITH CERTAIN PEOPLE. By Robert Brown- *J^ ing. i2mo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1887. ^ * First Edition. 127 ASOLANDO: Facts and Fancies. By Robert Browning. i2mo, / original cloth, uncut. London, 1890. * First Edition. Browning's last volume of poems, published on the day of his death. m^mxt (Milliam Cullen). 128 POEMS. By William Cullen Bryant. Tall i2mo, original boards, entirely uncut, pp. 44. Cambridge: Hiliiard &= Metcalf, 1821. ^(fifff * The Arnold copy. A very fine copy of this rare volume. First Edition of the First Volume of Poems by Bryant. 129 POEMS. By William Cullen Bryant. Collected and arranged by the Author. 2 vols, crown 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1856. ^ * •• * A few poems appear here for the first time. The Arnold copy, with ex-libris. Fine, clean copy. 130 THIRTY POEMS. By William Cullen Bryant. Crown Svo, orig- /^ifT inal cloth, uncut. New York, 1864. * First Edition. The Arnold copy. 16 PAULINE; FRAGMLN f O ^ w^r i. Plus nc suis ce que j aa etc, Et ne le sfaurois jamais etre. Marot. LONDON : SAINDERS AND OTLEY, CONDUIT STREET. 1833. y^f^t^i cS'/c^ *^'^<-^f * L [See Lot No. 98.] The LibiJiv of Louis M. Dillnuii. JBuvtoii (5obu IbiU). 131 THE BOOK-HUNTER. Crown 8vo, full olive green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by RivifekK. Edinburgh, 1862. * A very beautiful copy of the Kirst bidition. 132 THE SCOT ABROAD. First Edition. 2 vols. i2nio, original half roan, gilt tops, uncut. Edinburgh, 1S64. * Presentation copy from the Publisher. Burton' 5 X-lralnan H^uilHt^. 133 A PLAIN AND LITERAL TRANSLATION OF THE ARABIAN NIGHTS ENTERTAINMENTS, now entituied The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, with Introduction, Explanatory Notes on the Manners and Customs of Moslem Men, and a Terminal Essay upon the History of tlie Nights. By Richard F. Burton. With "The Supplemental Nights." Together 16 vols, royal 8vo, original cloth. Benares, 1885-88, * The Rare Original Benares Edition, printed by the Kamashastra Society for private subscribers only. 5BY>ron (Oconic Oor^on, XorD). 134 HOURS OF IDLENESS: a Series of Poems, Original and Trans- lated. By George Gordon, Lord Byron, a Minor. 8vo, bound by Riviere in full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut. Newark: S. o^ /. ^"^i^kf-, 1807. The Rare First Edition on Large Paper. Very few copies were issued in this form. It was the severe attack on this book by the Edinburgh Review that caused Byron to write his masterly satire " English Bards and Scotch Reviewers." [See reproduction of title-page.] 135 ENGLISH BARDS AND SCOTCH REVIEWERS: .\ Satire. i2mo, original boards, back partly missing, uncut, name ou title. London: /. Caw thorn [1809]. * First Edition. Scarce. 136 THE GENUINE REJECTED ADDRESSES, presented to the Committee of Management for Drury-Lane Theatre; preceded by that written by Lord Byron, and adopted by the Committee. Cn.wn 8vo, original boards, paper label (back slightly damaged), uncut. London, 1812. * First Edition. Rare. Byron did not compete for the pri/.e; but the Committee not being satisfied with any addresses submitted, brushed the whole lot aside, and requested Byron to write the Prologue for Mr. Elliston. This action, of course, caused a storm of indignation, so, in justification, all of the addresses were printed. 17 '^ -- y^ O. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Byron (George Gordon, Lord) — Continued. 137 THE GIAOUR: a Fragment of a Turkish Tale. By Lord Byron. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London: Murray, 18 13. /^,<">0 * First Edition. 138 THE CORSAIR. A Tale. By Lord Byron. 8vo, wrappers, un- / cut. London: Murray, 1814. * First Edition. With the leaves of advertisement dated February, 1814. 139 LARA, a Tale. JACQUELINE, a Tale. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London: Murray, 1814. ^'^^ * First Edition 140 HEBREW MELODIES. By Lord Byron. 8vo, wrappers, uncut. London: Murray, 1815. * First Edition. With the additional titles of Vols. I and II of the Collected Edition bound in, and the leaves of advertisement dated June, 1815. *n vuku. IIoMiK. Ilud. IJ \ irpnibus puemqae CanUi. Hoaxer, lie vhiiticd ju he weot for wjuM of tboa^' Darot*. NOLO Auo >r a. rsourr *)>o ro. RxrMxni't cent ; LOKCj|A!<, BCK^T. att^ Air« outc. r;iTiaircwT«B> BO«r;r. AXBC. •lTt<4!<, IV Till rOC LTIT. LOKPO>'. By GEORGE GORDON. LORD BVRON, .1 .li:> ^ Printed an! s»ta br & atwi J. Rin^t : . i' [Skk Lot No. Kii.] The Librjry of Louis M. Dillnijii. Coleridgfe (Samuel Taylor^— r,//////;,,/. 191 THE LIFE OF SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE. By James Gillman. Vol. I (all published). 8vo, original cloih, paper label, uncut. London: /'/./(r /•///;-, 1838. . SJ" * rresenL-ition copy from the Author's widow to Kdmund Carrinyton, the poet. 192 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Bibliography of Coleridge, arranged in Chronological Order, including his contributions to Annuals, Maga- ^ zines. Memoirs, Editions, etc. By R. H. Shepherd. Revised "* '^ * and enlarged by Col. VV. F. Prideau.x. 12 mo, printed wrappers, jip. 95, uncut. London, 1900. C ru i l?i? ban ]\ ( Gcoro c ) . 193 GEORGE CRUIKSHANK'S OMNIBUS. Edited by Laman Blanch- ard. U'l/Zi 100 eih^ravin^is, of which 22 are fuU-pa^e plates, including his portrait of himself . Complete in the 9 original parts, as issued, "s y with pictorial wrappers. London: Tilt, 1841-42. * Fine Copy of the Rare First Edition. Contains the two leaves "Our Preface," and "A Few Words to the Public," both of which are usually lacking in bound copies. Among the contributors was Thackeray, and it contains the (irst appearance of his " Little Spitz," and the " King of Hrentford's Testament." Gimntiuibain (ipctcr). 194 THE STORY OF NELL GWYN, and the Sayings of Charles II. Related and Collected by Peter Cunningham. Post 8vo, very yy finely bound in full crimson levant morocco richly gilt, gilt fan design in each corner, gilt top. London, 1852. * Y'uiX Edition. S)ana (IRicbar^ tUM\rv>). 195 POEMS AND PROSE WRITINGS. By Richard Henry Dana. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth. New York, 1850. * First Edition. An interesting copy, having inserted an autograph letter signed, -" w from the author to Thomas Moran, 1865, and the copy having formerly belonged to Henry W. Anthony and Edward Burns Olcott, with the cx-libris of both in each volume. IDciibam (Sir 5obu). 196 POEMS AND TRANSLATIONS; with the Sophy, a Tragedy. The sixth edition. Fine cth^ravcd f^ortrait and head- and tail- pieces. y ^. i6mo. London: Jacob Tonson, 1719. * Bound by Roger Payne in full green straight-grain morocco, with gilt lyre corner ornaments, inside borders, gilt edges. .\ fine specimen of this famous binder. George Daniels' copy, with a manuscript note (initialled) by him on the tly leaf. Also with a bookplate of John Hunter. 25 s> The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Blchens (CF^arles). 197 MASTER HUMPHREY'S CLOCK. By Charles Dickens. Illus- J''!^ trations by George Catiermole and H. K. Broiune. 3 vols, royal 8vo, /^ «• original cloth. London, 1840-41. * First Edition. 198 DICKENS' CHRISTMAS BOOKS. Set of First Issues: Com- prising A Christmas Carol, illustraied by Leech, London, 1843; The Sjli Chimes, illustrated by Leech, Doyle, etc., London, 1845; The Cricket -" '' ON THE Hearth, illustrated by Leech, Doyle, etc., London, 1846; The /^CfiTC* Battle of Life, illustrated by Leech, Doyle, etc., London, 1846; The Haunted Man, illustrated by Leech, Tenniel, etc., Lond. 1848. To- gether 5 vols. i2mo, original cloth. * Handsome set of the Earliest Issues as follows: the Christmas Carol, with green end papers, and title in red and blue; The Chimes, with the printer's name engraved; The Cricket on the Hearth, is only in one issue; The Battle of Life, with the unsup- ported scroll; The Haunted Man, with the broken number at p. 166. In fine, clean condition. 199 THE PIC-NIC PAPERS, Edited by Charles Dickens. Plates by George Cruikshank and "• Phiz."" Crown 8vo, cloth. London, n. d. tjC [circa i860]. * Contains " The Lamplighter's Story," by Dickens. 200 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Hints to Collectors of Original Editions of the Works of Charles Dickens. By C. P.Johnson. Crown 8vo, vellum / boards, uncut. London, 1885. ' ^^ * Only 550 copies issued. H)ob5on (Bustin). 201 VIGNETTES IN RHYME, and Vers de Societe (now First Col- / lected). i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1873. ^'**' * First Edition. 202 PROVERBS IN PORCELAIN, and Other Verses. By Austin ^,0C Dobson. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1877. * First Edition. 203 THE BALLAD OF BEAU BROCADE, and other Poems of the XVIIIth Century. By Austin Dobson. With jo illustrations by t^.Af^ Hugh Thomson. Royal 8vo, original cloth gilt, uncut. London, 1892. * First Edition on Large Paper. Only 450 copies printed, this being No. 281. The full-page plates on Japan vellum paper, the illustrations in the text on India paper. 26 /, The Librjry of Louis M. DillniJii. Dobson I Austin^ — Ciotlinutti. 204 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY VIGNETTES. By Austin Dobson. Portraits on Japan vellum paper. Post 8vo, original white cloth gilt, uncut. New York, 1892. * First Edition on Large Taper. Only 250 copies printed, this being No. 172. 205 THE STORY OF ROSINA and Other Verses. By Austin Dobson. Illustrated by Nui^/i Thomson. Crown Svo, original cloth, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1895. * First Edition. 206 THE STORY OF ROSINA. Royal Svo, original white cloth, uncut. London, 1895. * First Edition on Large Paper. Only 250 printed, this being No. 191. The full- page plates on Japan vellum paper, the illustrations in the text on India paper. 207 BIBLIOGRAPHY. A Bibliographv of Austin Doi'.son. At- tempted by F. E. Murray. Oblong i6mo, buckram. Derby. 1900. * 500 copies printed for .America. IDoran (IDr. ^obn). 208 SET OF FIRST EDITIONS OF THE WORKS OF DR. DORAN: Table Traits. 1854 Annals of the Enomsh Habits AND Men. 1854 Stage. Edited by R. W. ^ TT Lowe. 3 vols. 'Soo Oueens of the House of -^ *" Hanover. 2 vols. 1855 Saints andSinners. 2 vols. 1S68 Knights and Their Days. 1S56 \ Lady of the Last Cen- Monarchs Retired from tury. 1S73 Business. 2 vols. 1857 " Mann " and Manners at History of Court Fools. 1858 ihe Court of Florence. New Pictures and Old 2 vols. «S76 Panels. 1859 London in the Jacobite Book of the Princes of Times. 2 vols. 1S77 Wales. i860 Memories of our Great Memoirs of Queen Ade- Towns. 187S laide. 1861 In AND Aiiou 1 Dkukv La.nk. The Bentley Ballads. 2 vols. »S8i (Edited.) 1858 Tuckerman's The Coi.lec- Annals of the English tor. (Edited.) (1868) Stage. 2 vols. 1864 Together 28 vols. * A Complete Set of all of Dr. Doran's Works, saving one or two of his early unimjwr- tant books. First Editions in their Original bindings, mostly cloth. With frontispieces and illustrations, that of the revised edition of "The .Annals of the English Stage" containing about 50 portraits on India paper. Complete sets are rarely nict with in their original bindings. 27 y. J* The Library of Louis M. Dillman. J. yf^ Drafte (Josepb 1Ro^man). 209 THE CULPRIT FAY, and other Poems. Portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo, original cloth. New York, 1835. * The Genuine First Edition, the dates of both plain and engraved title being 1835 (which is unusual), and having only 84 pp. (the second issue has 8g). An unusually fine, clean copy in the original cloth. Rare in this state. 3>/a Biincf^er (professor /iDai). 210 THE HISTORY OF ANTIQUITY. From the German of Prof. Max Duncker. By Evelyn Abbott. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, 1877-82. * " The History of Antiquity is a faithful record of the Historical Progress of the Orientals, the Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Persians, whose tablets have been deciphered." B^aevvortb (/iDaria). 211 TALES AND NOVELS (including Castle Rackrent, Essay on Irish Bulls, Belinda, Ormond, Popular Tales, etc.). With engraved titles and frontispieces. 18 vols. i2mo, cloth (a few volumes worn, and , c/ O one or two have the backs repaired). London: Baldwin and Crad- dock, 1832-33. * The original issue of the best edition. lEUot (Geoioe). 212 COMPLETE SET OF THE WORKS OF GEORGE ELIOT IN THE FIRST EDITIONS: comprising Scenes of Clerical Life. 2 vols. 1858 Adam Bede. 3 vols. 1859 Mill ON THE Floss. 3 vols, i860 Silas Marner. ROiMOLA. 3 vols. Felix Holt. 3 vols. The Spanish Gypsy. Middlemarch. 4 vols. Legend of Jubal, Other Poems. 1861 1863 1866 Daniel Deronda. 4 vols. Theophrastus Such. Essays and Leaves from a Note Book. George Eliot's Life, as re- lated in her letters and journals. Edited by J. W. Cross. Portraits and plates. 3 vols. 1876 1879 1871-72 and 1874 Together 30 vols. 8vo, handsomely and uniformly bound by RivifeRE in full blue calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, original covers bound in. Edinburgh, 1858-85. 28 / O The Libi\irv of Louis M. Dill nun. Eliot ( George) — Continue- J. 213 AGATHA, liy George Eliot. Post Svo, sewed, pp. 16. London: Truhner 6^ O. , 1869. * Very Rare. First Kdition. 214 BROTHER AND SISTER. Sonnets by Marion Lewes. Post 8vo, original IjIuc printed wrappers, uncut, pp. 15. London: For private ^O circulation only, 1S69. * \'ery Rare. ^Emerson (IRalpb XUalDo). 215 ESSAYS. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1S41. * Fine copy of the First Edition. The Arnold copy. 216 ESSAYS. With a preface by Thomas Carlyle. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1841. * The First English Edition. Fine copy. 3fat>lc5 ^X Bcsop an^ Ga\\ 217 THE FABLES OF iESOP, with a Life of the Author, 112 plates by W'iiluvn J^lakc ana others, 2 vols. imp. 8vo, London, 1793; FABLES BY JOHN GAY, with a Life of the Author, 2 vols. London, 1793 * Together 4 vols. Magnificent copies on Large Paper of the Stockdale beautifully illustrated editions, with fine impressions of the plates, and uniformly bound in full dark-blue straight-grained morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by IJedford. Jfarmcr Oobii S.) 219 MUSA PEDESTRIS. Three Centuries of Canting Songs and Slang Rhymes, 1536-1 S96. Collected and annotated by J. S. Farmer. Small 4to, original boards, uncut. London: Privately printed for subscribers only ^ 1896. * Scarce. Large Paper copy. Only 150 printed. 220 NATIONAL BALLAD AND SONG. Merry Songs and Ballads prior to the year A. I). 1800. Edited by J. S. Farmer. 5 vols. small 4to, original boards, uncut. [London]: Privately printed for Subscribers only, 1897. * Scarce. Large Paper Copy. Only a very small number printed. 29 id^.o (]£Dwar&). 224 RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, the Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Translated into English Verse. The Rare First Edition. Small 4to, original wrappers, pp. 21. London: Quaritch, 1859. * Fitzgerald finished the translation of the Rubaiyat in January, 1858, and sent it to Frazer's Magazine, where it was held by the editor for a year, and then returned to the D i ^ author. He then had it printed by Bernard Quaritch, the edition being of 250 copies, •r ^>3 , U O of which 200 were presented to the publisher. Quaritch found the public unapprecia- tive, and tried to get rid of it at any price, in about a year after its publication, as Swinburne and Rossetti tell of buying copies of it atone penny each in i860. Bernard Quaritch doubtless later thought many times that the disposal of it at that price must have been somewhat precipitate, as this First Edition is now one of the rarest and most- sought-for books of the latter half of the nineteenth century. [See reproduction of title-page.] Enclosed in full green crushed levant morocco solander case. 225 RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, The Text of the Edition of 1859. Frontispiece, borders and initials by C/ias. Ricketts. 8vo, Jll 7^ boards, cloth back, uncut and unopened. London, 1901. y * The Vale Press Edition; only 310 copies printed. 226 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Notes for a Bibliography of Edward Fitz- gerald. By Col. W. F. Prideaux. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth. y«^0 London, 1901. 3fit3oeral& (iperci\) 227 THE BOOK FANCIER: or the Romance of Book Collecting. X £j Q Square post 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London, 1887. * Large Paper copy; only 250 printed. 30 The Libfj/y of Louis M. Dill nun. Jfrccr arrba lUall^cr). 228 FIRST EDITIONS OF THE HISTORICAL WORKS OF MISS FREER: comprising Marguerite d'Ancoulkme. Henry IV. and Marie 2 vols. 1854 DE Medici. 2 vols. 1861 Jeanne d'Albret. 2 vols. 1855 The Last Decade of a Elizabeth de Valois. 2 (Ilorious Reign. 2 vols. 1863 vols. '857 The Makkikd Life of Henry HI., King OF France. Anne of Austria. 2 3 vols. 1858 vols. 1864 Henry IV., King of France. The Regency of Anne of 2 vols. i860 Austria. 2 vols. 1866 Illustrated with engraved portraits^ etc. Together 19 volumes, finely bound by Riviere in full maroon morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1864-66. * A Fine and Complete Set of the First English Editions. 6ell (Sir Milltam), and Oaii^v? (5obn jf.) 229 POMPEIANA. The Topography, Edifices and Ornaments of Pom- peii, by Sir VV. Cell and J. F. Gandy, Second Edition, London, 1821 ; also^ PoMPEiANA, The Results of Excavations since 1819, by Sir W. Gell, 2 vols., London, 1832. Profusely illustrated, some 0/ the plates colored. Together 3 vols. imp. 8vo, cloth. London, 1821-32. * Large Paper copies. Ool^i?mitb (Oliver). 230 COMPLETE WORKS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH: comprising Miscellaneous Works (including The Vicar of Wakefield, Essays, Poems, Citizen of the World, etc.), 4 vols. ; History of England, 6 vols. ; Animated Nature, illustrated^ 6 vols. ; History of Rome, 2 vols.; History of Greece, 2 vols. Portrait of Goldsmith. Together 20 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London: Tegg., 1821-25. * Fine and uniform set of the large-type library edition. G055C (}lS^mlm^). 231 GOSSIP IN A LIBRARY. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1891. * First Edition. 81 The Library of Louis M. Dillman, (3raY? (ITbomas). 232 POEMS. By Mr. Gray. Engraved frontispiece, and head- and tail- pieces. i2mo, old calf. Dublin: W. Sleater, 1768. * A curious and Scarce edition, published the same year as the first English collected >^ edition. The publisher has added two Latin and one Italian translation of " The Elegy," and a few " Unfinished and hitherto unpublished poems," a burlesque by Lloyd and George Coleman on "The Bard," etc. One leaf repaired. 'a / (3\v^nne (Bell). 233 GWYNNE (NELL); or, The Mysteries of the Court of Charles II. Illustrations. Royal 8vo, in the original 14 parts, as issued, pictorial / £j^ wrappers, 7vith portrait of Nell Gtvynne. (As i vol.) London, n. d. \^ca. 1850 ] IfDHll (Samuel Carter). 234 GEMS OF EUROPEAN ART. The Best Pictures of the Best "it. Schools. First and Second Series. Edited by S. C. Hall. Numer- , ^ ous steel engravings. 2 vols. 4to, cloth, gilt edges (joints cracked). ^'^"^ London, 1846. Ibarrison (jfre^eric). 235 THE CHOICE OF BOOKS, and Other Literary Pieces. First / -,^ Edition, Crown 8vo, cloth, London, 1886. irDa\? (5obn). 236 JIM BLUDSO OF THE PRAIRIE BELLE, and Little Breeches. By John Hay. With illustrations by S. Eytinge., Jr. i2mo, original J M^* printed wrappers. Boston: Osgood, 187 1. * Unusually fine copy of the First Edition. 1[3a3litt (Milliam). 237 SKETCHES OF THE PRINCIPAL PICTURE GALLERIES IN J^M ENGLAND, with a Criticism on " Marriage a-la-Mode." i2mo, full polished calf gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1824. * First Edition. 238 THE SPIRIT OF THE AGE; or. Contemporary Portraits. 8vo, original boards (rebacked with cloth), entirely uncut, with the ^ m*^ original paper label. London, 1825. * Scarce. The advertisement leaves dated June, 1825. ^^ 239 THE PLAIN SPEAKER: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. ^^ *t ^ 2 vols. 8vo, full calf gilt, gilt top, uncut,^ by Riviere. Lon- ' don, 1826. * First Edition. Fine copy. 33 v BUBAIYAT ^ Ov OMAli KlIVYYAM, THE ASTRONOMER-POET OF PERSIA. rianstlatcl) into tflriigltdi) Uti^r. LONDON: BERNARD QUARITCII, CASTLE STllEET, LEICESTER StiUARE. ISoO. [See Lot No. 224.] The Libiwv of Louis M. Dillnhin. Hazlitt ( William) — d'// //;/«<•xi>n, 1S51. 290 LETTERS OF JOHN KEATS TO FANNY BRAWNE, written in the years MDCCCXLX and MDCCC.XX, and now given from the original manuscripts. With Introduction and Notes by Harry Buxton Forman. IFii/i etched private proof portrait, and another laid in. 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. London: Printed for Private Circulation., 1878. * Large Paper copy. Only 50 so issued. 291 THE POETICAL WORKS, and Other Writings of John Keats, now First brought together, including Poems and Numerous Letters not before published. Edited with Notes and Appendices by Harry Buxton Forman. Portraits and facsimiles. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Reeirs and Turner., 1S83. » First Issue of this edition, printed by the Whittinghams at the Chiswick Press. 292 THE LETTERS AND POEMS OF JOHN KEATS. With the Annotations of Lord Houghton, and Memoir by John Ciilmer Speed. Portraits, some in colors, and other illustrations. 3 vols. Svo, boards, ^ uncut, aufl unopened. New York, 18S3. * No. 49 of only 55 copies issued on W'liatman paper, and printed by dc Vinne. The McKee copy with book-plate. 41 < The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Keats (John) — Continued. 293 THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN KEATS. Reprinted from the Original Editions, witii Notes by Francis T. Palgrave, Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1885. ^ s? w^ * Large Paper copy of the Golden Treasury edition. Only 250 printed. With the book-plate of Thomas J. McKee. 294 JOHN KEATS. A Critical Essay. By Robert Bridges. Portrait. i2mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. (London: Lawrence afid Bulleri)^ ^ * Privately printed for Robert Bridges. Only 250 issued, this being No. 220. 295 ODES, SONNETS AND LYRICS OF JOHN KEATS. With reproduction of a hitherto unpublished portrait of Keats by Joseph Severn. J^,t90 8vo, wrappers, uncut. Oxford, 1895. * No. no of 250 copies printed at the Daniel Press. If^elmscott press. 296 SHAKESPEARE. The Poems of William Shakespeare printed after the Original Copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593; The Rape of ^ Lucrece, 1594; Sonnets, 1609; The Lover's Complaint, Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. Printed by IVilliatn Morris at the Kelmscott Press, 1893. * Although 500 copies of this were issued, it has now become one of the rarest volumes of the Kelmscott Press. Printed with the Golden type, and with borders to the first page of each part. 297 KEATS (JOHN). The Poems of John Keats. (Overseen after the text of foregoing editions by F. S. Ellis.) Woodcut title and border to first page. 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. Printed and Sold ' by William Morris at the Kelmscott Press., 1894. * Scarce. Printed in the Golden type. Only 300 issued. S^. 298 SHELLEY (PERCY BYSSHE). The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. (Overseen by F. S. Ellis after the text of fore- I going editions.) 3 vols. 8vo, original limp vellum, uncut. Printed C tC C l)y Willia^n Morris at the Kelmscott Press [1894-95]. * Printed in the Golden type. Only 250 printed. Now very scarce. With woodcut border to each volume. 42 The Libijrv of Louis M. DiUmjti. Xamb (CbarlC9). 299 ORIGINAL LETTERS, ETC., OF SIR JOHN FALSTAFF AND HIS FRIENDS; now first made public by a Gentleman, a De- scendant of Dame Quickly, from Genuine Manuscripts which have been in the possession of the Quickly Family near Four Hundred Years. Frontispiece. i2mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Rivikre. London: For the Author, 1796. « * First Edition. Written by James White, friend of Charles Lamb. Southey and others state that some additions and corrections were made by Lamb, but if so the latter never acknowledged it. Lamb had a great admiration for these letters, saying that they were "the best imitations he had ever seen," that White was a "wit of the first magnitude," etc. In fine condition. 300 THE ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY. (Edited by Robert Southey.) 2 vols. i2mo, half green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by R. VV. Smith. Bristol, 1799-1800. * Contains the first appearance of many poems, contributed by Charles Lamb, Coleridge, Southey, Dyer, Beddoes, Joseph Cottle, Lloyd, and others. In it occurs Coleridge's lines "This Lime-Tree Bower my Prison," with its reference to Charles Lamb and his sister, who had just arrived on a visit to Coleridge, when the latter met with an accident. In it Lamb is called "My gentle-hearted Charles," the first appHcTation of the term "gentle" to Lamb. For the earliest poetical writings of Charles Lamb see Nos. 169 and 170, Cole- ridge; and Nos. 331 and 333 Lloyd. are 301 JOHN WOODVIL. A Tragedy. By C. Lamb. To which added Fragments of Burton, the author of The Anatomy of Melan- choly. i2mo, original pink bt)ards, uncut. London: Printed by T. Pluinmer^ 1802. • First Edition. Enclosed in a full green crushed levant morocco solander case, gilt and lettered. Lamb's first attempt at play-writing. It was written in 1799, and sent to Charles Kemble, in hope of the actor's presenting it to the public, but Kemble promptly lost it, and the consequence was that the author wrote another version. The poem "To Helen" is Mary Lamb's first appearance in print. The "Fragments of Burton" was a mild attempt by Lamb at a literary forgery. 48 y Mo^.(»^ The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Lamb (Charles) — Continued. 302 TALES FROM SHAKESPEAR. Designed for the use of Young Persons. By Charles Lamb. Embellished with copper-plates. In Two Volumes. i2mo. London: Printed for Thomas Hodgkins, etc., 1807. * The Extremely Rare First Edition, in Original Boards, the paper not quite uniform in shade, but the Volumes Entirely Uncut. The plates were designed by Mulready, and engraved by William Blake. They did not meet with Lamb's approbation, he characterising one as "damn'd beastly vulgarity," and that the incidents depicted by some of the others were not men- tioned in the tales. Mrs. Godwin, whom he calls the "bad baby," he blames as responsible for the selection of, and titles to the plates. Charles Lamb wrote part of the preface, and six of the tales — King Lear, Macbeth, Timon, Romeo, Hamlet, and Othello, and revised the whole. The remainder was written by Mary Lamb. The brother considered that Othello was his best, and that Mary's best was Pericles. Sixty guineas was paid for writing it. Very Few copies are in existence in the Original Boards, Uncut. Each volume is enclosed in a solander case of full seal-brown straight grain morocco, gilt lettered, by Bradstreet's. [See reproduction of title-page.] 303 SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETS who lived about the time of Shakespeare, with Notes. By Charles Lamb. 4^ Post 8vo, full maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by t^ fSi O V Riviere. London: Longman, 1808. * A beautiful Tall copy of the First Edition. 304 STORIES OF OLD DANIEL: or, Tales of Wonder and Delight. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, beautifully bound by David in full blue crushed levant morocco, gilt panel on sides with flower ornaments, J2j^ n/i brocaded silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut. London, 1808. * First Edition. Ascribed to Charles Lamb, and believed by many to have been written either by him or his sister, although unacknowledged. In the leaves of advertisements affixed to Lamb's books about this date, it is included with "The Adventures of Ulysses," and other books by him. In the preface an allusion is made to Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare. Very Scarce. 7^, 305 THE ADVENTURES OF ULYSSES. By Charles Lamb. Frontis- piece and engraved title by Heath after Corbould. Post 8vo, beautifully bound by David in full crimson crushed levant morocco gilt, moire ^O silk end papers, gilt top, uncut. In slip case. London: The ^ Juvenile Library, 1808. * First Edition. The size of uncut copies of this is given as being 7^2 x 4 5-16 in. This copy measures exactly these figures, although the top has been gilt, showing that it must be considered an exceptionally tall one. 44 The Librjrv of Louis M. Dill nun. Lamb (Charles) — Cottiiuut-d. 306 MRS. LEICESTER'S SCHOOL; or, ihc History uf Several Young Ladies related by '1 heinselves. Frontiipiece. Crown 8v««, oriirinal sheep, with the two leaves of advertisfinenis. Name on title. London: For .1/. /. G>dwin^ 1809. * The Rare First Edition. Fine copy. Charle;. I,aml> wrote the "Witch .\unt," the "First Going to Church," and "A Little Indian CJirl," the rest of the stories /^^C» O were by Mary Lamb. Enclosed in a full dark green crushed levant morocco, solander case, gilt and lettered. 307 THE FIRST BOOK OF POETRY for the Use of Schools. By \V. F. Mylius. 2 plates. i^mo, oriiiinal sheep. London: For M. J. Godwin, 1 8 I I . ^ * First Edition. Rare. An Unusually Fine copy, with the two leaves of ad- vertisements, advertising the Stories of Old Daniel, Lamb's Tales from Shake- speare, Mrs. Leicester's School, etc. Lamb's Poetry for Children is the rarest of Lamb items. It was published by Godwin in 1809, and not re-issued. Two frontispieces were published with it, whi(?h are the two plates included in this volume. It soon went out of print, and Godwin issued this volume of selections, announcing that the "Poetry for Children" was "Out of Print, but the Best Pieces Inserted in Mylius' First Book of Poetr>-." Twenty-three of the poems are by Charles and Mary Lamb, that on p. 19 being a first appearance. It was evidently issued late in 1810, and post-dated, as the plates have engraved on them "Published November ist, 1810." Enclosed in gilt and lettered dark green morocco solander case. 308 SOME ENQUIRIES INTO THE EFFECTS OF FERMENTED ^ ^ LIQUORS. By a Water Drinker. ^ plates. 8vo. finely bound in 0^ ^ ^ O full dark green crushed levant morocco, neatly tooled in a leaf design, gilt edges. London, 1814 ♦First Edition. Edited by Basil Montagu. Lamb's essay is contained at pp. 201-215. It was originally published in "The Philanthropist" for January, 1813, and included in this volume without his permission. The natural effect was to make the usually "Gentle Elia" very wroth, a state of mind which lasted in this case for a considerable time. Lamb wrote in one of his letters: "I understand you have got a snivelling methodistical adulteration of my Essay on Drunkenness— I wish very much to see how far Mr. Basil Montagu's Philanthropical St'oundrels have gone to make me a Sneak." 309 WORKS OF CHARLES LAMB. 2 vols, crown Svo, linely bound by Riviere in full brown crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: C. cr' /. Oilier, 1S18. * The Scarce First Collected Edition. .\ Tall, Clean copy. 45 3^- l^/i-^ ~ The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Lamb (Charles) — Continued. 310 THE POETICAL RECREATIONS OF THE CHAMPION AND HIS LITERARY CORRESPONDENTS, with a Selection of Essays, Literary and Critical, which have appeared in The Champion Newspaper. Post 8vo, bound in full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London: Printed at the Champion Press, 1822. * Containing 13 poems by Charles Lamb and one by his sister. The Rare First 4^ ^ f^ Issue before the correction of the misprint in the advertisement. '^ The Champion newspaper was instituted by John Thelwall, the political re- former, reviving the name of Fielding's newspaper. The present copy was Thelwall's own, with a signed presentation inscription to Mrs. Carr, and an original sonnet written by him on the fly-leaf, and with the correction written in. Another MS. sonnet signed Henrietta Thelwall is on another leaf. 311 THE BIJOU: Annual of Literature and the Arts. Many pretty steel engravings. i2mo, in the original crimson straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. X^ond.o'n.: Pickerings 1828. ^^fC)0 * Containing the First Appearance of Lamb's "Verses for an Album," and also poems by Coleridge and others. Lamb said afterwards: "I die of albophobia. I detest to appear in an annual, I hate the paper, the type, the gloss, the dandy plates ... If I take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, there will albums be." 312 ALBUM VERSES, WITH A FEW OTHERS. By Charles Lamb. Vignette on title. Post 8vo, finely bound by Riviere in full dark blue , crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, with the original paper label preserved inside. London: Moxon., 1830. * First Edition. Fine tall copy measuring 4 9-16x7 9-16 in. 313 SATAN IN SEARCH OF A WIFE: with the whole process of his Courtship and Marriage, and who danced at the Wedding. By an Eye- Witness. Woodcut illustrations. i2mo, original pictorial ^l^^ ff P wrappers, pp. 2>^. Enclosed in solander case of full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt lettered. London: Moxon, 1831. * First Edition. Rare. 314 ELIA: Essays which have appeared under that signature in the London Magazine, London : Printed for Taylor &• Ifessey, Fleet ^ Street, 1823; THE LAST ESSAYS OF ELIA, being a sequel to /\f (i Essays published under that name, London: Moxon, i^n. 2 vols, post 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by RivifeRE. * First Editions of both Series, the First Series being the Very Rare issue with the Title in the Earliest State. 46 o- The Lib r J IV of Loin's M. Dill nun. Lamb (Charles) — Continued. Zxi AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED (Signed C. L ) to Mrs. Hazlitt, undated but postmarked "May 31, 1833." * In May, 1833, Lamb had decided to take liis sister to Hdmonton, as her attacks were increasing in frequency. He had once humorously written to Hood that to change habitations was to die with them, and that in his time he had died seven deaths. This change to Edmonton was his last, as he died the follow- ing year. In the letter he writes: / am driven from Home by Mary's illness. I took a sudden resolution to take my sister to Edmonton . . . Thank God I have •< repudiated Enfield. I have got out of hell, despair of heaven, and must sit dou-n contented in a half-vi'ay purgatory. Thus ends the strange eventful history." 316 LETTERS OF CHARLES LAMB, with a Sketch of his Life. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. Portraits. 2 vols, post 8vo, full dark ^ green crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Rivikre. London, y ' 1837- ♦First Edition. 317 FINAL MEMORIALS OF CHARLES LAMB, consisting of his Letters not before published, with Sketches of some of his Com- panions. By Thomas Noon Talfourd. 2 vols, post Svo, full dark green crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Rivikre. London: 1848. *First Edition. 31S CHARLES LAMB. A Memoir. By Barry Cornwall (Bryan Waller Procter). Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866. * First Edition. Fine copy. /.^ 319 POETRY FOR CHILDREN. (By Charles and Mary Lamb.) Edited and prefaced by R. H. Shepherd. i2mo, full crimson levant morocco, gilt back, gilt top, uncut, by Rivikrk. London: Picker- ing, 1872. * This reprint has now become very scarce. 320 PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF LAMB, HAZLITT, AND OTHERS. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. Portraits. i2mo, ^4 cloth. New York, 1875. 321 IN THE FOOTPRINTS OF CHARLES LAMB. By Benjamin Ellis Martin. Portraits and illustrations hy IL-rbcrt Railton and J. Fulleylove. Square 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1890. #*' S * Contains a Bibliography of the Writings of Charles Lamb by E. D. North. 47 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Xan&or CUmalter Savaoe). 322 PERICLES AND ASPASIA. By Walter Savage Landor. 2 vols, post 8vo, full polished calf gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere. London, *First Edition. %m\Q (HnC)rew). 323 BALLADS AND LYRICS OF OLD FRANCE: with Other Poems. By Andrew Lang. Crown 8vo, original cloth gilt, uncut. London, 1872. /^t^^^ * First Edition. Translations from Villon, Ronsard, Alfred de Musset, etc. Very Scarce. 324 THE LIBRARY. By Andrew Lang. With a chapter on Modern English Illustrated Books by Austin Dobson. Plates {2 colored) and mi (^ C woodcuts. 8vo, original buckram, uncut. London, 1881 * First Edition on Large Paper. 325 AUCASSIN AND NICOLETE done into English. By Andrew Lang. Etched frontispiece in tivo states. Post 8vo, original vellum A _ paper wrappers, uncut. London, 1887. * First Edition on Large Paper, printed entirely on Japan paper. Only 53 issued for sale, this being No. 14. One of the rarest of Andrew Lang's books. 326 BOOKS AND BOOKMEN. By Andrew Lang. Illustrated. Post 8vo, original boards, cloth back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1887. *J J* O * Large Paper copy. iT.a c 327 BALLADS OF BOOKS. Edited by Andrew Lang. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. London, 1888. * First Edition on Large Paper. Only 113 Copies issued, this being No. 11. 328 HOMER AND THE EPIC. By Andrew Lang. Royal 8vo, hand- ^ somely bound by Riviere in full dark brown crushed levant mo- y'^^ rocco, richly gilt back, gilt top, uncut. London, 1893. * First Edition on Large Paper. Only 107 printed, this being No. 21. 48 -(J [ TALE^^ DESIGN U> FOR THE USE OF YOUNG PERSONS. By CHARLES LAMC. L yiDTLLISHlD :«///-' ' ■ '-f- IN I" WO VOLUMES. VOL. T. 1 [See L(.t No. :502.] The Librjrv of Louis M, Dill nun. Xiecbtcnstciu (iprmcci?^ /IDario. 329 HOLLAND HOUSE. lVt//i numerous illuitrations^ wooikuts on India Faper^ photoi:^raphic rtproductions^ facsimiles, etc. 2 vols. 4I0. half morocco gilt, gilt tops (original binding). London, 1874. * Fine copy on Large Paper. Holland House is one of the mo*t famous and beautiful Jacobean mansions in Kngland. The volumes form a complete de- scription of the historical, political and literary interest of the building, its beautiful gardens, the decorative designs of Inigo Jones and other famous ardiitecis, and the portraits on its walls, including Charles James Fox, .Mary Fox, Lady Holland and many others. Xlo\:^ (Cbarlcs). 330 POEMS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. 8vo. full dark green crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut. Carlisle: Printed by F. Jollie^ 1795- * First Edition, and Very Rare. Apparently the First Copy to appear in the American Auction Room. The author was noted for his friendship with Charles Lamb and Coleridge, they writing poetry, and including them in each other's books. These poems were written by Lloyd about the period of his first acquaintance with Lamb. This copy was formerly Robert Southey's, having inscribed in it "Robert Southey, October i, 1796," and probably \vas presented to him by the author, for in it occurs several manuscript corrections apparently in Lloyd's handwriting. The most important of these is on page 98, where one verse has been scored through, and a new version made of the first line of the following verse. The song called "Rosamund Gray" may have suggested the title for Charles Lamb's composition, published two years later. 331 POEMS ON THE DEATH OF PRISCILLA FARMER, by her Grandson, Charles Lloyd. Folio, pp. 27, in the original marbled wrappers, uncut, and enclosed in covers of full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt and lettered, by Root. Bristol: Printed by N. Biggs, 1796. * Exceedingly Rare, and an immaculate copy. Uf great .Association interest, being the copy presented by Lloyd to his sister (who married the brother of Words- worth) with presentation inscription in the author's hand, "Priscilla Lloyd, 24th July, 1800," and with manuscript alterations and corrections by the author written in. Contains an introductory poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Charles Lamb's poem on the death of his grandmother. The poems of Lamb incluilcd in Coleridge's volume of verse of 1796 are usually considered to be the former's first appearance in print, but the poem "The Grandame" was probably written much earlier, as the grandmother died in 1792. This, however, is its original form, it being slightly altered in later editions. Of the manuscript alterations by the author, some were adopted in the re-issue of them, published by Coleridge in 1797- Six lines are here added to Sonnet VH, which were not adopted in the later issue, though an alteration in the earlier part was. Sonnet V was entirely omitted in 1797, there being only 10 sonnets in that edition, instead of 11, as in this. 4y y^.2 a > "»- The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Lloyd (Charles) — Continued. 332 POEMS. By Charles Lloyd, Second Edition. i2mo, contemporary marbled boards, calf back, edges uncut. (London, 1797.) * Pages 151 to 213 of the second edition (1797) of Coleridge's poems, being the whole of that portion which contains the poems of Charles Lloyd. Written on the . fly-leaf is a note signed J. C, stating that this volume belonged to the author / * ^ ^ himself. Another note states that the signature "J. C." is that of James Crossley (the collector of early English literature, and founder of the Cheetham Society). It might also signify Joseph Cottle, the publisher, and friend of Lloyd, Lamb, Southey, and Coleridge. 333 BLANK VERSE, by Charles Lloyd and Charles Lamb. i2mo, original boards, with the paper label, entirely uncut. London: T. Bens Icy, 1798, / ^(^, ^ ^ * First Edition. Very Rare in this condition. With the separate title at the commencement of Lamb's contributions. Lamb has seven poems in the collection, all here published for the First Time. Enclosed in dark green crushed levant morocco solander case. Xocf^er (dfre^ettcft). 334 LONDON LYRICS. By Frederick Locker. Frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Square crown 8vo, original brown cloth, uncut. fi/^tPO London, 1857. * First Edition. 335 A SELECTION FROM THE WORKS OF FREDERICK LOCKER. Etched portrait of the author by Miilais, atid illustrations by Richard Doyle. Square 12 mo, original cloth, gilt, uncut. London, ^iL.eo 1865. * First Edition. Inserted is an Autograph Letter Signed, of the author: "The printed part of the page, 'without the margin may be so long and ivide as this piece of paper, print off sixty copies, etc." 336 LYRA ELEGANTIARUM. A Collection of some of the Best Specimens of Vers de Societe and Vers d'Occasion, in the English - Language, by deceased Authors. Edited by Frederick Locker. v,^^ i2mo, original cloth gilt, uncut. London, 1867. *Fine copy of the rare First Edition, which was suppressed, only a few copies getting into circulation. Contains three of Edward Fitzgerald's early poems. /^/i/V 337 POEMS. By Frederick Locker. Frontispiece by George Cruikshank. Crown 8vo, half roan, gilt top, uncut. London: John Wilson, 1868. * First Edition. Only 100 copies printed and "Not Published." Presentation Copy, "From the Author," written on half title. 50 (■?? The Librjry of Louis M. Dill man. Locker (Frederick) — ContinutJ. 338 PATCHWORK. By Frederick Locker. Vignette on title, and photo- graph of ''■Mr. Doo" laid in. Square post 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1879. • One of the 50 copies printed for presentation purposes on Large Paper. With -» the leaf of presentation filled in by I.ocker as given to Francis Cirant, and with the ^-O O book-plates of both. In his presentation, Locker has indulged in a little gentle humor at the expense of the Philobiblon Societ>'. 339 LONDON LYRICS. Illustrations by Kate Greenaway {on India Paper), anii frontispiece by Randolph Caldecott in txvo states. 8vo, original vel- lum, uncut and unopened. Y^ondon: prii'ately printed, 1881. • Large Paper copy. Only 50 printed, and it is said that only six were issued v- O C? C with the Caldecott plate in the first state. Locker objected to the feather in the girl's hat, and the plate was re-engraved without it. A few proofs of the plate in its altered state were then struck off, one of which is inserted in this cTopy. 340 MY CONFIDENCES. An Autobiographical Sketch addressed to my Descendants. By Frederick Locker-Lampson. Tu«'^«, 1846. 0t«i>& f? * First Edition, in the original wrappers, lithographed in gold. Very rare in this state. 349 EVANGELINE. By Henry W. Longfellow. i2mo, brown paper boards, with paper label, uncut. Boston, 1847. \^*^'/^^ * First Edition. Very Rare. With the Genuine Title. The advertisement' leaves dated October, 1847. 350 KAVANAGH, a Tale. By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Post J yX^ 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849. * First Edition, with the two leaves of advertisements dated May i, 1849. 351 THE SEASIDE AND THE FIRESIDE. By H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1850. * First Edition. The Advertisements are dated December, 1849. 352 THE GOLDEN LEGEND. By Henry W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth, uncut (name on title). Boston, 185 1. * First Edition. 353 THE SONG OF HIAWATHA. By Henry W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1855. * First Edition. 354 POEMS, by H. W. Longfellow, 2 vols., 1857; PROSE WORKS, 2 vols., 1857; 2 portraits. Together 4 vols. 24mo (Blue and Gold J^y^ Edition), gilt edges. Boston, 1857. * A slip, "Yours truly, flenry IF. Longfelloiv," in the poet's autograph, is pasted on the fly-leaf of Vol. I. of the Poems. no. The Library of Louis XL Dilhujii. Longfellow (Henry Wadsworth) — Continued. 355 FLOWER-DE-LUCE. By II. W. Longfellow. Illustrations. Square i2mo, original cloth, gilt edges (binding worn). Boston, 1867. •^ ^ • First Illustrated and Separate Edition. * 356 THE DIVINE TRAGEDY. By H. W. Longfellow. 8vo. original ^ cloth. Boston, 1S71. »y'^ • First Edition in Large Type. 357 THREE BOOKS OF SONG. By H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, ori- ginal cloth. Boston, 1S72. ,^ S' • First Edition. 358 AFTERMATH. By H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth. ^^ Boston, 1873. • First Edition. 359 THE MASQUE OF PANDORA, and Other Poems. By H. W. Longfellow. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1875. * First Edition. w^O 360 KERAMOS, and Other Poems. By H. W. Longfellow, ismo, ori- ginal cloth. Boston, 1878. * First Edition. The Arnold copy, with ex-libris. 361 BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Longfellow Collector's Handbook. A Bibliography of First Editions. (1826-1884.) umo, half vellum ^ boards, uncut. New York, 1885. * No. 135 of only 250 signed copies by \V. E. Benjamin. XowcU (3amc5 IRu^t'cll). 362 MELIBCEUS-HIPPONAX. THE BIGLOW PAPERS, edited with an Introduction, Notes, Glossary, and Copious Index, by Homer Wilbur. Post 8vo, original cloth. Cambridge and New York, 1848. * First Edition. 363 THE BIGLOW PAPERS. Second Series. Crown 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1867. * The Second Series of the Biglow Papers was originally issued in London in 1865. This is the First American Edition, and Lowell for it revised the papers, making a few alterations, and added some chapters not in the London issue. 364 A FABLE FOR CRITICS. Crown Svo, original boards. (New York) : fut/hi///, 1848. •First Issue of the First Edition. The Lockcr-Lampson copy, with Frederick Locker's book-plate. 53 i The Library of Louis M. Dill man. Loiiv^ell (James Russell) — Continued. 365 POEMS. By James Russell Lowell. 2 vols, crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Boston, 1849. /C^t9 * First Edition of this issue, with additional poems. ^,oO 366 UNDER THE WILLOWS, and Other Poems. By James Russel Lowell. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1869. * First Edition. 367 AMONG MY BOOKS, by James Russell Lowell, Boston, 1870; Ji- * also, AMONG MY BOOKS, Second Series. 2 vols, crown 8vo, iSt^O original cloth. Boston, 1870-76. * Both First Editions. X^tton (]£Dwar& George Bulwer, 3Lor5). 368 ISMAEL: AN ORIENTAL TALE. With Other Poems by Ed- ward George Lytton Bulwer. Written between the Ages of thirteen and fifteen, i2mo, full dark blue crushed levant morocco, gilt ^U'^^ back, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1820. * Of Extreme Rarity. Lord Lytton's First Book, rigidly suppressed by its author. The imprint of Messrs. Hatchard has been scored across with ink, and that of "Hoit, nr. Berkeley St." written in. The advertisement leaves bear HatChard's name. /IDereDitb (George). 369 POEMS. By George Meredith. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Parker &^ Son (185 1). * Exceedingly Rare. The First Edition. With Presentation Inscription in ^ C ^ I C^ ^ pencil, "M. Meredith from her affectionate Step-Son, George Meredith," and "July 1851," added in another hand. With the errata slip. Laid in is a portion of a letter from a member of the family describing this copy. Enclosed in full dark green crushed levant morocco solander case, gilt. /-;. ^^is 370 MODERN LOVE, and Poems of the English Roadside, with Poems and Ballads. By George Meredith. i2mo, original green cloth, uncut. London, 1862. * First Edition. 371 MODERN LOVE. A Reprint, to which is added The Sage Enamoured, and The Honest Lady. By George Meredith. i2mo, original cloth, unopened. London, 1892. * First Edition. 54 The Librjry of Louis M. Dillnun. Meredith (George)— r.v; //////<•./. 372 POEMS AND LYRICS OF THE JOY OF EARTH. By GtorKe Meredith. i2mo, original cloth. London, 1883. •First Edition. Inserted is a cutting from the (London) Westminster IJa/etie of Feb. 6, 1893, containing an original poem by George Meredith. 373 BALLADS AND POEMS OF TRAGIC LIFE. By George Mere- dith. I 2mo, original cloth, uncut, London, 1S87. * First Edition. 374 A READING OF EARTH. By George Mereditli. ismo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1888. * First Edition. 375 POEMS: The Empty Purse, with Odes to the Comic Spirit, to Youth in Memory, and Verses. By George Meredith. lamo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1892. * First Edition. /IDilton (3obn). 376 POEMS OF MR. JOHN MILTON, BOTH ENGLISH AND LATIN, COMPOS'D AT SEVERAL TIMES. I'rintcd by his True Copies. Portrait by II'. Marshall. ijmo, beautifully bound by Riviere in full dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt edges. London: R. Rau>ori/i for Jf. Moselfy, 1645. * First Collected Edition of Milton's Poems, and the First Botik \vith Miltoirs name. With a Fine Impression of the Rare portrait, with margin, which is nearly always either (Mt into, or cut off. A tall copy, measuring 6'8X3-;^4 >n. With the separate title to the Latin Poems. The portrait in this volume is the first engraved portrait of the poet, and ct>n- tains the inscription beneath in Greek, ridiculing the engraver. On page 27 is the well-known epitaph "On Shakespear, 1630." Very Rare. [See reproduction of title-page.] /IDoKcre {%, JB. poiiuclin ^c). 377 THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF MOLIERE, rendered into Kng- lish by Henri Van Laun, with Memoir, Introductory Notices, Appendices and Notes. Portrait of Molicre and JJ fuH-r'Jgf etchings by Lalatize. 6 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1875-76. *The language and comparisons of Molicre having become in some places a little obscure through the lapse of time, the translator has in the notes and intro- ductions elucidated such passages. An interesting feature of this edition— and valuable for literary criticism— is that the passages which have been borrowed from English plays have been grouped together in appendices. 55 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Pardee (Julia). 378 LOUIS XIV. AND THE COURT OF FRANCE in the Seven- teenth Century, 3 vols., 1847; The Court and Reign of Francis THE First, King of France, 2 vols., 1849; The Life of Marie de Medicis, 3 vols., 1852. Together 8 vols. 8vo, full polished calf, gilt J / /% C> backs, tops, and inside borders, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1847-52. * Fine set of the first editions. With numerous steel portraits, facsimiles, wood- cuts, etc?. The original covers bound in. pai^ne (5obn)» 379 THE POEMS OF FRANCIS VILLON, now First Done into Eng- lish Verse, in the original forms, by John Payne. Frontispiece and facsimiles. Square crown 8vo, vellum gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, i/,a^C^ 1878. * No. 141 of 157 signed copies printed for the Villon Society for private distri- bution. lpep\?s (Samuel). ^ C/ 380 MEMOIRS, COMPRISING HIS DIARY from 1659 to 1669 from y his MS. cypher, and a Selection from his Private Correspondence ^//^ edited by Lord Braybrooke. The Second Edition, engraved portraits and facsimiles, 5 vols., 1828; LIFE, JOURNALS AND COR- RESPONDENCE, including Narrative of his Voyage to Tangier, from MS. cypher by John Smith, now first published from the originals, /^r/ra//, 2 vols., 1841. Together 7 vols. 8vo, finely and uniformly bound in full crimson polished calf extra, gilt tops, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1828-41. * Handsome set. pbillips (Stepbeu). 381 PRIMAVERA: Poems, by Four Authors. i2mo, original printed wrappers, pp. 41, uncut. Oxford, 1890. * First Edition. Rare. The four authors were Stephen Phillips, Laurence Bin- yon, Arthur S. Cripps, and Manmohan Ghose. Phillips contributed four of the poems, his first published work. The pamphlet is a presentation copy to Dr. Hudson from F. Binyon, 1890. j^iTO 382 EREMUS. A Poem. By Stephen Phillips. Small 4to, original *y boards, uncut and unopened. London, 1894. ^ ^ * Fine copy of the First Edition. Scarce. 56 «. rj poems! OF Mr. fohn zSAlilcon , BOTH X -s GLISH and LATIN, Composed at fevcral rimes. Trmted by his tnie Copies, The S o N s were let in Mufick by Mr. Henry L awes Gentleman of the Kings Chappel, mdone of His M A I E s T I r ? Private Mufick. Baccare fromem Cingite, »f -jAti nocfjt tn^U ii»gHA futtirf^ Virgil, Eclog. 7. i^ Printed and -pnhlifly d according t$ ORDER. LOND ON, Printed by Ruth KaVeorth for Hamphrty Af and are to be fold at the frgne of the Prince: ^ Arms in ?ai//' ChtTwh-yaiJ. 1^45 [Ske Lot No. 370. J The Librjiry of Louis M. DilluLiii. Phillips I Stephen) — CotttinucJ. 3S3 CHRIST IN HADES and other Poems. i2mo. pp. 32, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. London, 1896. • Fine copy of the First Edition. Scarce. 384 ULYSSES. A Drama. 8vo, vellum paper boards, uncut and un- opened. New York, 1902. * First Edition. No. 74 of only 100 copies printed on Japan vellum. Voc .(JE^oar HI Ian). 385 RUDOLPH; or, the Robbers of Calabria, a Melo Drama in three Acts, as performed in the Boston Theatre, by John B. Turnbull. Boston, 1807; also bound in the same volutnc, THE WOOD DAEMON; or, the Clock has Struck, a Drama, \)S John U. Turnbull, Boston, 1808. i6mo, half calf. •Interesting because of the fact that in the cast of the second book (The Wood Damon) Mr. Poe appears as one of the dancers. This was the father of Edgar Allan Poe, and is one of the few items in existence showing his connection with the stage. The author also states in his preface that Robert Treat Paine made some suggestions as to alteration in the piece, so that the drama was the work of both authors. 3S6 THE NARRATIVE OF ARTHUR GORDON PYM. Post Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1838. * The First English Edition, issued the same year as the -Vmcrican. 387 GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 19 and 20. Numerous portraits and plates, including many colored fashion plates of the time. Bound in 1 vol. royal Svo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1841-42. •The two volumes tliat were edited by Poe, and to wliich he contributed "Israfel," "To Helen," "Masque of the Red Death," and otlicr articles. Other contributors include Lowell and Longfcllmv. 388 THE RAVEN, and Other Poems; TALES, by Kdgar^ A. Poe. Bound in one volume, post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. New York, 1845. * Fine clean copy of the First Edition. With the half-titles and pages of ad- vertisement at the end, and the ex-libris of Charles A. Coffin. 57 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Poe (Edgar Allan) — Continued. 389 MESMERISM "IN ARTICULO MORTIS." An Astounding and Horrifying Narrative* shewing the extraordinary Power of Mesmer- ism in Arresting the Progress of Death. By Edgar A. Poe. 8vo, sewed, pp. 16. London: Shorts Co.., 1846. * The scarce first edition in the original pamphlet form as issued in England, being an adaptation of the "Case of M. Valdemar" as published in the American / d ^ ffi Whig Review. An interesting letter of Poe's, dated Dec. 30, 1846, and now in the New York Public Library, refers to this London issue: "The Valdemar Case still makes a talk, and a pamphlet edition of it lias been published by Short & Co., of London, under the title 'Mesmerism in Articulo Mortis.' It has fairly gone the rounds of the London Press, commencing ivith the Morning Post. ..." 390 EUREKA: A PROSE POEM. By Edgar A. Poe. Crown 8vo, half dark blue morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Bkdford. New York: ^ C^ O G. P. Putnam., 1848. * First Edition. With the book-plates of Thomas J. McKee and C. Fiske Harris. Fine copy, with the advertisement leaves at the end. 391 WORKS OF THE LATE EDGAR ALLAN POE, with Notices ^ of his Life and Genius, by N. P. Willis, J. R. Lowell, and R. W. \^ Griswold. 2 vols. The Literati . . . Marginalia, Suggestions ^nfO AND Essays. First Edition. 1850. Together 3 vols. Post 8vo, original cloth. New York : Redfield., 1850. * With the mezzotint portrait by Sartain. 392 THE POEMS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE. With an Essay on his Poetry by Andrew Lang. Frontispiece on India Paper. Crown 8vo, full dark wine-colored crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, S^'^ by Tout, original wrappers bound in. London, 1881. * No. 28 of only 50 copies issued on Large Paper, uncut. With the armorial ^ book-plate of C. B. Cowper Coles. prout (If atber— iFrancis /IDabon^). 393 RELIQUES OF FATHER PROUT. Collected and Arranged by Oliver Yorke, Esq. Illustrated by Alfred Crotjuis, Esq. (Z>. Maclise). . 2 vols, very finely bound by Zaehnsdork in full dark green polished ■^S>yO (,^lf g-j^ gjjj. tQps^ uncut, with the original wrappers bound in. London, 1836. * Genuine first issue, and a remarkably fine copy. Scarce. 58 The Library of Louis M. Dill nun. 1Ro5i?ctti (Chrit^ma O). 394 VERSES. By Christina ('.. Kosctti. Dedicated to her Mother. i2mo, pp. 66, full polished calf gilt, inside gilt borders, gilt top, uncut. London: Privately printed^ 1S47. •Of Extreme Rarity. One of only Two Copies on Large Paper. The Poems , were written between tlie ages of 12 and 16, and in its passage through the press ^ ^,, the leaf 55-6 was suppressed on account of a typographical error. / This copy contains both the cancelled leaf, and the leaf reprinted to replace it. A Fine Copy of Christina Rossetti's first book, printed by her grandfather Polidori at his private press. 395 GOBLIN MARKET, and Other Poems. By Christina Rossetti. Two desh^/is by Dante G. Rossetti. \2vc\0, original clolh, designed by D. G. Rossetti, uncut. London, 1S62. * First Edition. Very Scarce. 396 GOBLIN MARKET, and Other Poems By Christina Rossetti. 7 plates designed by Dante G. Rossetti. New Edition. i2mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1884. 397 THE PRINCE'S PROGRESS, and Other Poems. By Christina Rossetti. Tic'o designs by D. G. Rossetti. i2mo, original cloth, J* designed by D. G. Rossetii, uncut. London, 1866. * First Edition. Scarce. 398 COMMONPLACE, and other Short Stories. By Christina G. ^ Rossetti. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1870. ** * First Edition. Scarce. 399 SING-SONG. A Nursery Rhyme Book. By Christina G. Rossetti. 120 illustrations by Arthur Hughes. Square crown 8vo, original clolh ^^ gilt, gilt edges. London, 1872. * First Edition. 400 SPEAKING LIKENESSES. By Christina Rossetti. With pictures thereof by Arthur Hughes. Square crown 8vo, original cloth gilt, /, gilt edges. London, 1874. * First Edition. 401 SEEK AND FIND. A Double Series of Short Studies of the Bene- dicite. By Christina G. Rossetti. i amo, original cloth. London, y.. 1879. * First Edition. 402 A PAGEANT AND OTHER POEMS. By Christina G. Rossetti. Crown 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1881. %J. * First Edition. 59 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. IRossetti (2Dante (Babriel). 403 SIR HUGH THE HERON. A Legendary Tale, in four parts. By Gabriel Rossetti, Junior. Small 4to, finely bound by F. Bedford in full crushed levant morocco, gilt edges. London, 1843. * Extremely Rare. The First and Only Edition. This was Rossetti's First Poeti- cal production written between his twelfth and thirteenth year. But a very few copies were printed, and those for private circulation only. The imprint is "Lon- y4i/0.^^ don, MDCCCXLIII. G. Polidori's Private Press, 15 Park Village East, Regent's Park (For Private Circulation only). Polidori was the author's grandfather. Only one copy seems ever to have appeared in the American auction rooms, the Maxwell in 1895, and but rarely in England. This copy has the book-plate of H. F. R. Yorke. Laid in is a letter referring to its priCe in England in 1888. [See reproduction of title-page.] 404 THE GERM: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature, and Art. 4 etchings by Holman Hunt^ Ford Madox Brozvn^ James Collinson and W. H. Deverell. Complete set of the four numbers — all pub- lished — with all the wrappers, bound by Riviere, in one volume, in J ^^ (fi O dark green crushed levant morocco, richly gilt back, sides gilt with a floral pattern with inlays of another color, gilt top. London, 1850. * First Edition. Fine and Clean copy, with the slip on the first two numbers pasted over the original title of the Germ, and containing the second title of "Art and Poetry." The original wrappers to the parts are of the greatest im- portance as containing the contents and names of the contributors (they not appearing elsewhere, nor was any other contents ever issued) and also as con- taining the varying addresses to the public, and the errata. The four parts include 50 poems and articles, written by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, W. M. Rossetti, W. Bell Scott, Thomas Woolner, Ford Madox Brown, and Coventry Patmore. The most famous of all the poems is Rossetti's Blessed Damozel, which appears here in its first form, the author later changing it somewhat. The present copy was the property of the printer, G. F. Tupper, who financed the undertaking until its abrupt termination, and inserted is an interesting letter by him referring to it. 405 SISTER HELEN. A Ballad. By Dante G. Rossetti. Crown Svo, in the original sheets, uncut, as issued, pp. 17. Oxford, 1857. ^» /» O ^ * The Rare Privately Printed edition issued by William Morris, and of which but a very few were printed. The First Separate Edition. ^. tra 406 THE EARLY ITALIAN POETS from Ciullo d'Alcamo to Dante Alighieri (i 100-1200-1300) in the original metres. Together with Dante's Vita Nuova. Translated by D. G. Rossetti. Thick post Svo, original cloth (back slightly damaged). London, 1861. * First Edition. 60 C u The IJhjry of Loin's M. Dill nun, Rossetti (Dante Gabriel)— G'«//w//<i)crs, as issued. Londfjn, n. d. [1S69] •The Rare Original Edition, in immaculate Condition, of which only a few copies were printed and privately circulated among friends. Enclosed in slip case. 409 POEMS. Priv.^tely printed. A collection of 121 leaves (242 pages) of proof sheets, of the excessively rare first, and private, issue of Rossetii's poems. Enclosed in dark green morocco solander case. [London, 1869.] * When Rossetti's wife died in 1862, he gathered up all the manuscripts of his poems and laid them in her coffin, and they were accordingly buried with her. Several years after, at the earnest solicitation of his friends, consent was reluc- tantly wrung from him to recover the manuscripts. This was done, and Rossetti prepared a copy for the press, with the intention of making only a very few copies for strictly private purposes. This intention never got much further, though a few- copies were so issued, and second thoughts led the author to publish the poems for general sale, which was accomplished in 1870, the edition being issued in that year. The proof sheets here described are of this first private issue, and are of extreme rarity. Poems are included that were not contained in the published edition of 1870, and scarcely a poem in that edition is found as printed in this of 1869. Alterations, modifications, and omissions occur throughout. The pagination is very irregular, and in one or two instances a page has been printed twice. .A few places are marked for printer's corrections, .'\mong the leaves are the proof sheets com- plete of Rossetti's "Hand and Soul," which was issued in the very limited private edition the same _\ear (the preceding lot), eviileiitly from this setting up of type, and by the same printers. 410 POEMS. By Dante Gabriel Kosselli. Svo, original cloth (designed by Rossetti), uncut. London, 1870. * First Edition of the First Pul)lished Issue of Rossetti's Poems. Rare. Con- tains poems not in the Private Issue of 1869, and many alter.itiim^ in ilmsr rr- printed. 411 POEMS. By Dante Gabriel Rt)ssetti. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1870. <^w* •Large Paper Copy. 25 printed for Private Ciinil.ition onlv, .mul n.nr Very Rare. 61 The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel) — Continued. 412 POEMS. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. A New Edition. 8vo, original _ cloth, uncut. London, i88r. ,^<9 ... * This edition contains the "Bride's Prelude" for the first time. 413 POEMS. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Royal 8vo, boards, uncut, jj London, 1S81. h^ fTi ^ * Large Paper Copy of the preceding. Only 25 printed and now Very Rare. ^, ? 414 BALLADS AND SONNETS. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 8vo, original cloth (designed by Rossetti), uncut. London, 1881. f^ * First Edition. 415 BALLADS AND SONNETS. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Royal / ;} ^ 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1881. * Large Paper Copy of the preceding. Only 25 printed and now Very Rare. 416 VERSES. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Post 8vo, original wrappers, uncut, pp. 12. London: Privately printed^ 1881. y^fCtO * First Edition. Rare. Issued the year of Rossetti's death, and includes the exquisite poem "At the Fall of the Leaf." These poems were omitted from the author's collected works. 417 VERSES. Another copy of the First Edition, bound in full blue J ^ crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere, with the original wrappers preserved. 418 THE COLLECTED WORKS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROS- SETTI. Edited, with Preface and Notes, by W. M. Rossetti. 2 ^,00 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, London, 1886. * First Edition. 419 THE COLLECTED WORKS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROS- y £^ a O SETTI. 4 vols, royal 8vo, boards, uncut. London, 1886. * Large Paper Copy of the preceding. Only 25 printed for Subscfribers only. 420 DANTE AND HIS CIRCLE, with the Italian Poets Preceding Him (1100-1300). By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Royal 8vo, boards, \J ,0 f^ uncut. London, 1892. * No. 23 of 35 copies on Large Paper. A new edition of "The Early Italian Poets," with preface by Wm. M. Rossetti. .•^^ 421 THE NEW LIFE [la Vita Nuova] of Dante Alighieri. Trans- lated by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Fro7itispiece. i6mo, original cloth, gilt edges (The Siddal Edition). London, 1899. * First Separate Edition. 62 Gfrj The Librjrv of Louis M. Dillnuii. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel)— G>«///;«^(/'. 422 LENORE. By Gottfried August Burger. Translated from the Ger- man by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Small 4to, buckram, printed on y^ C9 C^ one side of the page only. Uncut. London, 1900. *First Edition. 428 RECOLLECTIONS OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. By T. Hall Caine. Portrait [^photOi::;raphic). Small 4to. cloth, entirely uncut. London, 1S82. 63 J-o Jt . o o 423 LENORE. A Large Paper copy of the above. No. 4 of only 25 so issued, uncut. Bound uniform with the above. 424 AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, by Dante Gabriel Ros- setti. One page, 8vo (December 15, 1863). •A Letter to Ford Madox Brown, asking him to tea, and tellinK him that Brown- ing, Swinburne and Ned Jones (Edward Burne Jones) would be there, "but not Meredith." It would be hard to procure a more interesting item from the association stand- point. 425 AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, 3 pages 8vo, 1866. Writ- ten to Richard Doyle, the artist, on Rossetti's letter-paper, with his ^3 ^ ^ embossed stamp, when living at Cheyne Walk. "frill you allo^v your name to appear on the Committee of a subscription for a testimonial to George Cruiksliank? etc." 426 AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED, 4 pp. (initialed), no date. '■^ My dear Shields" (the artist, and intimate friend). Written pos- sibly about 1876, when Rossetti, who had suffered much from ^ ^ O sleeplessness, had tried many things to relieve it, inclnding mes- merism, as it alludes to some people he had been assisting, who were trying to establish Magnetic Baths. 427 A MANUSCRIPT VERSE of four lines, with erasures and inter- -^ c lineations, in Rossetti's autograph, written on the back of a furni- ture bill; The MS. of a Sonnet, in Italian; a P.\ge of Comments cV on "The Bride's Prelude," written in pencil (authenticated on the reverse); and the Privately printed "Interpretation,"' which Rossetti had inserted in the frame of his painting of "The Blessed Virgin," consisting of two stanzas. (4 pieces.) ^^- The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Rossetti (Dante Gabriel) — Continued. 429 DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. A RECORD AND A STUDY. By William Sharp. Frontispiece and facsimile. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1882. *J ^^ * With Appendix containing Rossetti's artistic record. Laid in are two letters from C. J. Pocock to Monkhouse regarding some of Rossetti's pictures, and a quotation copied from one of Wm. Sharp's letters about the same. 430 LIFE OF DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTL By Joseph Knight. tii^O 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. (Great Writers Series.) London, 1887. * Large Paper. 431 DANTE ROSSETTI, AND THE PRE-RAPHAELITE MOVE- / ^ ^ MENT. By Esther Wood. 8 reproductions of RossettPs paintings and sketches. 8vo, half vellum, gilt top, uncut. London, 1894. 432 DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTL His Family Letters. With a Memoir by William Michael Rossetti. Facsimiles and 10 portraits. m/*iltr 2 vols, royal 8vo, half vellum, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1895. * Large Paper copy. Only 50 printed, this being No. 33. IRossetti (/IDarla 3f.) 433 A SHADOW OF DANTE, being an Essay towards studying Him- self, his World and his Pilgrimage. By Maria F. Rossetti. Por- ^ ,* trait and 4 plates. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1871. * First Edition. Scarce. IRossetti (Umilliam /IlMcbael). J,*rc 434 SWINBURNE'S POEMS AND BALLADS. A Criticism. By William Michael Rossetti. i2mo, original cloth. London, 1866. * First Edition. IRusl^in (5obn). 435 SALSETTE AND ELEPHANTA. A Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 12, 1839. By John Ruskin. i2mo, original ya,CfC:> blue wrappers. Oxford, 1839. * First Edition of the First Publication of Ruskin. Rare. 436 THE SEVEN LAMPS OF ARCHITECTURE. By John Ruskin. / WitJi illustrative plates, drawn and etched by the author. Royal 8vo, /' ^ original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London: Smith, Elder &' Co., 1849. * Fine Copy of the First Edition. 64 ^ 3jr pm mKmmr wmm^"'^ ■ ^^r^ '■!' ^ ■ ■ 'j.»w.f ^ SIR HLMiH Tlit JlhKU.X A I.r.(ii:\[)\h>V TALE, Iff FOI R PARTS. BY GABRIEL ROSSETTI, Jrvi^K SIR HCGB THE HEBON BOLD, BIBOX OF TWISKLL AND OF FOBD, A.ND CAPTAIN <» TUE HOLD. Scott's Marmion, Canto 1 . LONDON: MDCCCX LIIL G. PouDoRi's Private Press, 1.3, Park Village East, Regent's Park. I For Private Circulation only.) [See Lot No. 403.] The Librjiv of Louis M. Dillnuu. Ruskin i John) — CcntimitJ. 437 POEMS. J R. Collected 1850. i2mo, original brown cloih. [London, 1S50.] •The Extremely Rare First Issue, in its oriKina! binding, of which only 50 copies were printed for private circulation. This copy is in remarkable condition, the top edges being untrimmed. .Almost unique in this state, as the>c edges are usually either trimmed or gilt. This volume contains fifty-one poems, written by the author mostly between tl>e ages of 14 and 26, forty-one of which had previously appeared in various publi- cations, the remaining ten being printed here for the first time. Many were altered in republishing. Enclosed in dark wine-colored full crushed levant morocco solander case, lettered and gilt. 438 THE KING OF THE GOLDEN RIVER. Jllustraud h Kuhard Doyle. Sciuare i2mo, original glazed boards, gilt edges (rebacked). London, 1851. * First Edition. Very Rare in the Original Boards as Issued, and one of the rarest of Ruskin's books. With the leaf of advertisement. 439 PRE-RAPHAELITISM. By the Author of Modern Painters. Svo, original still i)aper wrappers. London, 1851. * First Edition. 440 THE STONES OF VENICE. By Jolm Ruskin. With illustra- tions drawn by the author. 3 vols, royal Svo, original chjth, gill tops, uncut. London, 1851-53. * First Editions of each of the volumes. Fine copy. 441 MODERN PAINTERS. Comprising General Principles of Truth, Imaginative and Theoretic Faculties, True Ideal, False Ideal, Use of Pictures, Mountain, Leaf and Cloud Beauty, Ideas of Relation, etc. By John Ruskin. With the lar^-e ami beautifully engraved steel plates for which this worh is fi/fwi/s. 5 vols, royal Svo, original green cloth, uncut. London, iSs6-6o *A beautiful clean Copy of the best edition of the finest of all Ruskin's works. Vol. I is the 6fh and Vol. 2 the 4th edition, being the edition revised by the author for this issue. The other volumes, containing the plates which can never be im- proved, are all first editions. 442 THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF ART. By John Ruskin. i2mo, original cloth. (Name on title.) London, 1857. * First Edition. 65 The Library of Louis M, Dillman. Ruskin (John) — Contimied. 443 THE ELEMENTS OF DRAWING. By John Ruskin. With illus- trations drawn by the author. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Lon- y,^^ don, 1857. * First Edition. 444 UNTO THIS LAST. Four Essays on the First Principles of Po- litical Economy. By John Ruskin. i2mo, original cloth. Lon- y ^^ don, 1862. * First Edition. 445 ETHICS OF THE DUST: Ten Lectures to Little Housewives on the Elements of Crystallization. By John Ruskin. i2mo, original ^'i^ cloth, uncut. London, 1866. * First Edition. 446 LEONI, A LEGEND OF ITALY. By J. R. Post 8vo, in the original light blue-gray printed wrappers, uncut, pp. 16. London: \_Privately printed^ 1868. ?/• /9 d * This story first appeared in an Annual in 1837, ^nd the present private reprint was consented to by Ruskin, who wrote as follows: "When you and the too indulgent friends for 'ujhom you design your little pamphlet, and to the small circle of 'whom you promised to restrict it, etc. . . " It would thus appear that Ruskin had insisted on limiting the issue to a very few copies. The printers were Strangeways & Walden, who printed for Mr. Ruskin two other privately circulated pamphlets during the same year. Enclosed in a full dark crimson morocco solander case. 447 SAMUEL PROUT. By John Ruskin. Crown 8vo, original wrappers, y pp. 10, uncut. Oxford: Printed for private circulation only, 1870. ^00 * Only a very small number printed. First Edition in book form. 448 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography of Ruskin. Arranged in Chrono- logical Order, from 1834 to 1881. Fifth Edition, enlarged. Crown Jt UtT ^vo, cloth, uncut. London, n. d. * An anonymous publication of Richard Heme Shepherd. Saintsbur^ ((Beorge). 449 SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH PROSE STYLE, from Malory to Macaulay. Selected and annotated, with introductory essay. Royal 2 , t^ O 8vo, original wrappers, uncut and unopened. London, 1885. * Large Paper copy. Only 50 printed at the Chiswick Press, and signed by C. Whittingham & Co. No. 34. 66 ^O «-^ The Libijrv of Louis M. Dillman. [Saun^c^5 (Jfrc^cric).] 450 SALAD FOR THE SOCIAL: By ilie Author of Salad for the Solitary. Post 8vo, cloth. London, 1856. j^- *Saunders was an American, and the first edition was published in New York the same year, 1856. Scott (Sir lUaltcr). 451 SCOTT'S WAVERLEY NOVELS. A Complete Set of the First Editions, in 74 volumes, uniformly bound in half green morocco gilt, gilt edges, by Tout. Edinburgh, 1814-1832. * One of the difficulties of the collector of novels of Sir Walter Scott is to obtain complete sets of the first issues, from the fact that some of the earlier novels, such as "Guy Mannering," and "Waverley" are very hard to procure. A few of the half titles are lacking, but an absolutely complete set of First Editions is almost impossible to be secured. This set is a very fine and handsome one. 452 QUENTIN DURWARD. By the Author of Waverley, etc. 3 vols. post 8vo, original boards, paper labels, entirely uncut. Edinburgh, 1823. * Fine Copy of the First Edition, with all the half titles. 453 WOODSTOCK: OR THE CAVALIER. By the Author of Wav- erley, etc. 3 vols, post Svo, boards, cloih back and paper labels. Edinburgh, 1826. * First Edition. 454 LIFE OF NAPOLEON BUONAPARTE, with a Preliminary View of the French Revolution. By the Author of Waverley, etc. 9 vols, post Svo, original boards, with paper labels, entirely uncut. London and Edinburgh, 1S27. * Fine Copy of the First Edition, with all the half-titles and leaves of errata. 455 TALES OF MY LANDLORD. Fourth and Last Series. By Jede- diah Cleishbotham. 4 vols, post 8vo, boards, paper labels (back and labels worn), uncut. Edinburgh, 1832. * First Edition, with all the half titles and leaves of errata. G7 / The Library of Louis M, Dillman. Sbaftespeare (Milllam). 456 DRAMATIC WORKS, SONNETS AND POEMS. Edited by T. S. Moore. 39 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut and unopened. London, 1900-03. ^ ^\^ * The Vale Press Edition, printed with the specially made Avon type, and with decorations by Charles Ricketts, the founder of the Press. / Z/) With the last volume of Shakespeare, the Vale Press finished its production of beautiful books. Some other works were issued before the completion of the Shakespeare, but this will always be considered its finest and most important work. Three different borders were used in the Tragedies, Comedies, and Historical Plays. For the Kelmscott edition of the Poems of Shakespeare, see No. 296. Sbelle^ (Perc^ B^ssbe). 457 POSTHUMOUS FRAGMENTS OF MARGARET NICHOL- SON. Edited by John Fitzvictor. 4to, boards. Oxford: J. Mundy, 1810 (reprint). ^ m^ * The early facsimile reprint, now very rare. For the Kelmscott edition of the works of Shelley see No. 298 ; and for Shelley's "Song for an Indian Air," see No. 252, Leigh Hunt's "The Liberal." 458 ST. IRVYNE; OR THE ROSICRUCIAN. A Romance. By A Gentleman of the University of Oxford. Crown 8vo, bound by F. Bedford in full light green crushed levant morocco, gilt top, ^ /\ /Tf uncut. London: Printed for /. J. Stockdale, 181 1. * The First Edition. Very rare. With the half-title. 459 QUEEN MAB: a Philosophical Poem, with Notes. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo. London: Printed by P. B. Shelley^ 18 13. * The Extremely Rare First Edition, containing Shelley's name as the printer on the title-page, and also his name in the imprint on the last page, and with the dedication "To Harriet." Of the greatest rarity in this condition, the very few O I C copies that are in existence having in nearly every instance the name of the author in these two places cut out by Shelley himself, and some copies also without the dedication. It is said that the poet only printed 250 copies of this edition, and it is not well understood why he defaced the copies in the way he did by cutting out his name, as even those he presented to his most intimate friends — his future wife, Mary Godwin, for instance — were thus mutilated, though in this particular case he left the dedication. The exceptional condition of this copy can be easily seen, which is in the original boards and uncut. Very few books of suCh rarity can be described as having all the collector's points, as in this example. Enclosed in full crimson crushed levant morocco solander case. [See repro- duction of title-page.] 68 //. //■< 9. 9S The Library of Louis M. Dillnun. Shelley (Percy Bysshei — Coutimii-J. 460 ROSALIND AND HELEN, a Modern Eclogue; with other Poems. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo. London: C. ami J. Oilier, 1819. * First Edition. Fine copy, bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Root. 461 PROMETHEUS UNBOUND. A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts; with other Poems. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo. London: C. and J. Oilier, 1820 ♦First Edition. Finely bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Root. 462 HELLAS. A Lyrical Drama. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo. London: C. and J. Oilier, 1S22. 4*4 ♦The First Edition. Finely bound in full dark blue crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt top, uncut, by Root. 463 POSTHUMOUS POEMS of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 8vo. London: Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, 1824. * First Edition. Fine copy, handsomely bound by David in full dark green ^'^' crushed levant morocco, back and sides richly tooled, brocaded silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut. Enclosed in slip case. 464 THE MASQUE OF ANARCHY. A Poem. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. Now first published, with a Preface by Leigh Hunt. ^ i2mo, original boards, with paper label, uncut. Enclosed in full ^^ brown crushed levant morocco solander case. London: Moxon, 1832 * First Edition. With the two pages of advertisement at the end, and in the original condition as issued. Although written in 1819, and sent to Leigh Hunt for publication, it was not printed until 1832. Very Rare in boards. 465 THE MASQUE OF ANARCHY. Another copy. lamo, original CLOTH. London: Moxon^ it>32. *■ , ^ ♦A fine, clean copy of the First Edition, in the original doth binding, as issued, "' with the paper label, and the two pages of advertisement at the end. -Also Rare in the oriji;iiuil cloth. 466 THE SHELLEY PAPERS. Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley, by T. Medwin, and Original Poems and Papers by Percy Bysshe Shelley, . now first collected. i6mo, full crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by RiviiiRE. London: liyiittaker, Treacher or* Co.y 1833. ♦The First Edition. Fine copy, with tlie two leaves of advertisement at the end. 69 3. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Shelley (Percy Bysshe) — Continued. 467 ESSAYS, LETTERS FROM ABROAD, TRANSLATIONS AND FRAGMENTS. By Percy Bysshe Shelley. Edited by Mrs. Shelley. , ^ 2 vols, post 8vo, original cloth. London, 1840. ^^^ ... * First Edition. Fine copy in the original binding, uncut and unopened. 468 LETTERS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. With an Intro- ductory Essay by Robert Browning. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London: Moxon^ 1852. * First and only edition, as issued. One of the most ingenious literary forgeries of modern times. All of the details were so carefully executed that they deceived experts, and Browning was induced to add the Introductory Essay, which is a / most valuable piece of critical writing. The genuineness of the letters was first called into question by F. T. Palgrave, who saw the book at Tennyson's house, and accidentally opened it at a passage that he recognized as taken from a published article by his father. The book was rigidly suppressed, and the remaining copies destroyed, and as only a few had got into circulation, it is now very rare. The present copy belonged to Leigh Sotheby, who has added interesting MS. notes on the fly-leaf. The Forgery is attributed to George Byron, said to be the natural son of Byron and the Maid of Athens. 469 RECOLLECTIONS OF THE LAST DAYS OF SHELLEY AND BYRON. By E. J. Trelawny. Portraits and other illustrations. m Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1858. * First Edition. Scarce. Laid in is an autograph letter signed of Mary Shelley to Oilier, her publisher, about this book: "Send me the last proofs of Trelaivny's book, etc." 470 RELICS OF SHELLEY. Edited by Richard Garnett. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1862. ^^ §^0 * Buxton Forman calls this "an admirable contribution to Shelley Literature." It includes delightful letters of Mary Shelley, telling anecdotes of Lamb, Procter, and others. First Edition, and now scarce. 471 THE POETICAL WORKS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. Edited by H. Buxton Forman. Portraits and other illustrations. w^^*r 4 vols. 8vo, original art cloth, uncut. London, 1876-77. * First Issue of this edition and now very scarce. With the book-plates of Thos. W. Hill. Laid in is a violet leaf from Shelley's grave. 472 A STUDY OF SHELLEY. By John Todhunter. Post 8vo, cloth //^i^ London, 1880. * First Edition. Very Scarce. 70 ^. The Librjrv of Louis M. DiUmjn. Shelley (Percy Bysshe)— G'/;///;wc original printed paper boards. London, 1886. * No. I. of the Shelley Society's Publications. Stevenson (iRobert Xouls). 474 THE PENTLAND RISING. A Page of History, 1666. lamo, original green printed wrappers, as issued, pp. 22, enclosed in half calf covers, with silk ties. Edinburgh, 1866. ♦Stevenson's first publication. Of it he says: "I ivas just 16 in November, 1S66, and the 'Pentland Ruing' in a green cover, is my first d ma^nU KO^fAir KitfMI, Archimedet. LONDON: PRINTED BY P. B. SIILLT.KY, J". Chjii'"! Street, GrotvcBOr ^,u*i-. 1815. [See Lot No 459 ] J The Libfwv of Louis M. Dillmjii. Stevenson (Robert Louis) — Continued. 490 THOMAS STEVENSON. CIVIL ENGINEER. By Robert Louis Stevenson. i8mo, paper, 1SS7, as issued. Enclosed in full morocco slip case. * First and only eiiition. Privately printfd ami \ery Rare. Fine Copy. 491 THE MERRY MEN, and Other Tables and Fables. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post 8vo, original cloth. London. 1887. * First Edition. 492 VOLUNTARIES. For an East London Hospital. By W. E. Henley, Austin Dobson, A. Lang, R. L. Stevenson, and others. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1887. ♦Contains a poem "Ad Matrem," by Stevenson. Published for the benefit of the Hospital for Children. 493 UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. Alma Mater's Mirror. Edited by Thos. S. Baynes and Lewis Campbell, Professors in the Univer- sity. 8 plates. Stiuare i6mo, white vellum covered with a design in gold, silk tie. Edinburgh: St. Andrews, 1887. * Contains "The House Beautiful," by Stevenson, and other contributions by Andrew Lang, Edmund Gosse, Austin Dobson, and others. 494 UNDERWOODS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Crown Svo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1887. * First Edition, with the leaves of advertisement, dated July, 1887. 495 MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS. P.y Robert Louis Stevenson. Crown 8vo, original dark blue cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 18S7. * First Edition. 496 MEMORIES AND PORTRAITS. 4to, cloth. London, 18S7. * Large Paper Copy of the First Edition. No. 28 of only 50 printed. UncTut and unopened. Rare. 497 TICONDEROGA. By Robert Louis Stevenson. 410. vellum, uncut, pp.27. Edinburgh: For the Author, 1887. * First Edition. The Poem originally appeared in Scribner's Magazine, and 50 copies were printed separately in England for copyright purposes, of wliicii this is one. Rare. 498 THE BLACK ARROW. A Tale of the Two Roses. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Crt)vvn 8vo, cloth. London, 18SS. * First Edition. 73 y. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Stevenson (Robert Louis) — Contimied. 499 THE MASTER OF BALLANTRAE. A Winter's Tale. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1889. * First Edition. 500 THE WRONG BOX. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Os- bourne. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1889. * First Edition. 501 BALLADS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post 8vo, original dark blue cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1890. * First Edition. 502 BALLADS. 4to, cloth, uncut. London, 1890. jjm — ^ * First Edition on Large Paper. Only 100 printed, this being No. 60, signed by ' the printer. Rare. 503 A FOOTNOTE TO HISTORY. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Map. Post 8vo, original cloth, uncut 6f O ... * First Edition. 509 THE EBB-TIDE. By Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne. // A ^ Post 8vo, original bronze cloth. London, 1894. * Fine uncut and unopened copy of the First Edition, with the advertisement leaves dated August, 1894. 74 t.4 ^ The Librjrv of Louis M. Dillmjii. Stevenson (Robert Louis) — CoHtitiueii. 510 VAILIMA LETTERS. Being Correspondence addressed by Robert Louis Stevenson to Sidney Colvin. j portraits. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1S95, * First Edition. 511 IN THE SOUTH SEAS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. New York, 1896. ♦First Edition. Not published in England until 1900. Laid in is a papc of the Original Manuscript of tlie book in Stevenson's autograph. 512 WEIR OF HERMISTON, an Unfinished Romance. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post Svo, original cloth, gilt top. London, 1896. * First Edition, with the leaves of advertisement, dated March, 1896. 513 SONGS OF TRAVEL, and Other Verses. By Robert Louis Stev- enson. Post Svo, original cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1896. * First Edition. 514THREE SHORT POEMS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. 8vo, vel- lum, uncut. London, 1898. * No. 19 of only 30 copies printed for private distribution, with facsimiles of the original manuscripts. Printed on Wiiatman Paper. 515 A STEVENSON MEDLEY. (Edited by Sidney Colvin.) Portraits and ?iui/ierous facsit/ii/es., iiu/nding Black Canyon, Not /, Moral Em- blems {both series). The Graver and the Pen, Moral Talc4, etc. Svo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1899. * Only 300 copies issued to subscribers, and now quite scarce. At the end are bound facsimiles of the Davos Platz issues, in the form and size of the originals, as printed by Stevenson and Osbourne; and an unlettered proof etching of Stevenson's portrait. India proof vignette on title, etc. 516 IN THE SOUTH SEAS. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Post Svo, cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1900. * First English Edition. 517 A CHRISTMAS SERMON. By Robert Louis Stevenson, ismo, boards, uncut, pp. 23. New York, 1900. * First Edition. 518 A CHRISTMAS SERMON. Another copy of the First Edition. C^. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Stevenson (Robert Lious) — Coniinjied. 519 THE HOME AND EARLY HAUNTS OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. By Margaret Armour. 12 photogravu7-es, and a ?iew portrait by IV. Broivn Macdougal. i2mo, cloth, gilt top, uncut ^fl and unopened. Edinburgh, 1895. * First Edition. ^J'O 520 ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON. By Walter Raleigh. Crown 8vo, art cloth, gilt top, uncut. London, 1895. 521 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Catalogue of a Collection of the Books of Robert Louis Stevenson, in the Library of George M. Williamson. Etched portrait of Stevenson by T. Johnson from an unpublished photo- ^itTC S'l'^ph., signed by the artist., facsimile titles., MSS., etc. Royal Svo, cloth, uncut. Jamaica, 1901. * No. 134 of only 150 copies done at the Marion Press. Stirlino-jniiaxwell (Str Milliam). 522 ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN. By William Stirling. Portraits and other illustrations. 3 vols. Svo, finely bound in full dark green crushed levant morocco gilt, gilt tops, by Riviere, iCO uncut. London, 1848. * A very fine copy of the scarce First Edition, with the engraved and colored title-pages, and the original covers bound in. y^. M .j-f) 523 VELASQUEZ AND HIS WORKS. By William Stirling. Portrait {vignette). i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1855. * First Edition. Scarce. Storv^ (^osepb). 524 THE POWER OF SOLITUDE. A Poem. Post 8vo, sewed, pp. 100, uncut. Boston (1802). Jf ^ j^ * Another of the famous First Books of Later-distinguished authors, the publi- ' •' ^ cation of which was bitterly repented. Judge Story during the remainder of his life destroyed every copy he could obtain. It may be that this book suggested the famous epigram on the distinguished jurist, that "He had just enough of learning to confuse." A fine copy, and very scarcTe. Portrait inserted. 76 The Libijrv of Louis M. Dill nun. Strutt (3oi?cv>b). 525 HONDA ANGEL-CYNNAN. A Ci.mpleai View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, etc., of the Inhabitants of Mngland from the Arrival of the Saxons till the reijjn of Henry the Eighth. With a Short Account of the Britons during the Government of the /^ Romans. /j~ plates ett^:;raved in carmine tints of the costumes, sports, burials, musical instruments, etc., of the times. 3 vols. 4to, half crim- ^0^- C^ d son morocco, gilt tops. London: For the Author, xii^-ib. * First and Best Edition. Rare. SuclUiiui (Sir 3ohu). 526 THE POEMS OF SIR JOHN SUCKLING. (Edited by John Gray.) Woodcut borders and initials by Charles Ricketts. 8vo, boards, s_^0 O uncut, London, 1896. * The Vale Press Edition, only 310 printed. Swinburne (BUicmon Cbarlcs). 527 GRACE DARLING. 4to, vellum paper boards, uncut, pp. 20. Lon- don, 1893. y^ ^m^ * Only a few copies printed for private circulation. The First Edition. SvmonDs (5obn B^^inclton). 52^ THE ESCORIAL. A Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, June 20, 1S60. Post8vo, original printed wrappers. Oxford, i860. *A Fine Copy of the First Edition in beautiful condition, as new. Very Scarce. Enclosed in full green morocco lettered solandcr case. ^. C C 529 LIFE OF BENVENUTO CELLINL Translated by J. A. Symonds. /c Woodcut borders and initials by Chas. Kicketts. 2 vols. imp. Svo, ^ ^^ boards, buckram backs. London, 1900. ^^ ♦The Vale Press Edition, uncut and unopened. Only 3C0 printed. Jo The Library of Louis M, Dillman, Ji XEenn^son (Hltre&, XorC>). 530 POEMS. By Two Brothers. 8vo. London: For IV. Simpkin and R. Marshall, 1827. * A Fine Uncut Copy on Large Paper of the First Edition of the First Work of Alfred Tennyson, in the Original Buff Boards, the back carefully repaired. All three brothers — Alfred, Charles, and Frederick — contributed to it, but, it is said, bound themselves never to reveal who wrote this or that piece. After Lord Tennyson's death, his son Hallam, with Frederick — one of the authors — endeavored to determine the respective authorships, and decided that, of the 103 poems, 42 were by Alfred, 48 by Charles, 3 by Frederick, and the remainder doubtful. The ^ brothers were only schoolboys at this time, and obtained £20 for the copyright, which, however, was only on the condition of its being taken out in books. The original manuscript was some time ago sold in New York for $3,500. None of the poems were ever reprinted by Lord Tennyson himself. Exceedingly Rare on Large Paper. Enclosed in handsome full crimson levant morocco solander case, gilt. [See reproduction of title-page.] 531 POEMS, CHIEFLY LYRICAL. By Alfred Tennyson. i2mo, orig- inal boards, entirely uncut, with the paper label. London : Wilson, 1830. * Remarkably fine copy of the First Edition of Tennyson's Poems, measuring 4^ X 7^ inches, with the leaf of errata, and two leaves of advertisement at the end. Enclosed in a handsome full dark blue cTrushed levant morocco solander case, gilt. (Pd, \OG -^/ ,CC 532 POEMS. By Alfred Tennyson. i2nio, finely bound in full crimson crushed levant morocco, elaborately gilt, with a floral design, brocaded silk end-papers, gilt top, uncut, by David. In slip case. London: Moxon, 1833. * A beautiful copy of a rare volume, with the leaf of advertisement. Though dated 1833, the poems were really published in the winter of 1832. The volume contains many poems which Tennyson would never allow to be reprinted, and alterations were made in others. It also contains the first appearance of "The Lady of Shalott," "The May Queen," "Dream of Fair Women," and others of his most famous pieces. 533 POEMS. By Alfred Tennyson. 2 vols. i2mo, bound in full dark wine-colored crushed levant morocco, exquisitely gilt-tooled backs - and corner-pieces, gilt tops, other edges uncut, by Worsfold. ^ ^^ O ^ London: Moxon, 1842. * The second volume, with one exception, consists of poems, previously unpub- lished. The remaining poems, reprinted from the edition of 1833, were much altered, and seven new pieces were added to the first volume. 78 The Librjrv of Louis M. Dillnun. Tennyson (Alfred, Lord)— rt'w//////<-, O O * Very Rare. With the price — "Ninepence"— printed at the bottom of the front cover. Enclosed in full dark blue crushed levant moriKCO solander case, gilt. 7y -^< •3/- ,-^d / * First Edition. 545 DEATH OF i^NONE, AKBAR'S DREAM, and other Poems. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1892. * Tennyson revised the proofs two weeks before his death. 546 IN MEMORIAM. By Alfred Tennyson. Borders and i?iitials by /^^ Charles Ricketts. 8vo, white buckram, uncut. London, 1900. * The Vale Press Edition ; only 320 printed. 547 LYRIC POEMS, of Alfred Tennyson. Edited by C. J. Holmes. y* Borders and initials by C. S. Ricketts. 8vo, white buckram, uncut. London, 1900. * The Vale Press Edition. 548 IN MEMORIAM. With Introduction by E. C. Stedman. Portrait. i6mo, full stamped leather, gilt edges. New York, 1902. 549 THE CUP AND THE FALCON. By Alfred, Lord Tennyson. i2mo, original cloth, uncut. London, 1884. ^^ A * The first published edition. With the names of the artors: Irving, Ellen Terry, ' etc., printed. 550 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bibliography of the First Editions in book form of the Works of Tennyson, the description of a set brought together by Dodd, Mead & Co., with notes referring to items not included in O Jij^ the set. (By Luther S. Livingston.) Portrait and facsimile 07i Japan ' vellum. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1901. * One of only 56 copies on Large Paper. 551 BIBLIOGRAPHY. Tennysoniana. Second Edition, revised and en- ^^ larged. i2mo, cloth. London: Pickering., 1879. * Contains a Bibliography, etc. W^ritten by R. H. Shepherd. 80 POEMS B V J \^ () K u or ri I: I^vS li t;. NOS \0\IMI-S rsst MIIIL."-- L O N LU ) \ .) 569 MONTAIGNE, The Essays of Montaigne, done into English by John Florio, anno 1603. Edited, with Introduction, by George Saintsbury. 3 vols, square 8vo. London: David Ni4tt^ 1892. •The first and rarest of the series. The lengthy introductions to each of the Tudor translations are by the best modern authorities, and embody critical notices, ' • biographies, and accounts of the various editions of the work. The text of rare originals has been used in every case. This and the following lots of this series are in the original half buckram bind- ing. A very fine set, many of the volumes being unopened. 570 APULEIUS. The Golen Ass of Apuleius. Translated out of Latin by William Adlington, anno 1566. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. London, 1893. 571 ROJAS (FERNANDO DE). Celestina; or, The Tragicke-Comedy of Calisti and Melibea. Englished from the Spanish of Fernando de Rojas by James Mabbe, anno 1631. With an Introduction by James Fitzmaurice-Kelly. London, 1894. 572 HELIODORUS. An ^Ethiopian History, written in Greek by Helio- dorus. Englished by Thomas Underdowne, anno 1587. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. London, 1S95. 573 PLUTARCH, Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, Englished by Sir Thomas North, anno 1579. With Introduction by George Wyndham. 6 vols. London, 1895-96. 574 DON QUIXOTE. The History of Don Oui.xote of the Mancha. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes by Thomas Shelton, annis 16 1 2, 1620. With Introduction by James Fitz- maurice-Kelly. 4 vols. London, 1896, 575 COMINES. The History of Comines. Englished by Thomas Danelt, anno 1596. With Introduction by Charles Whibley. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1S97. y. •»<< ^. The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Tudor Translations — Co7itinued. 576 BANDELLO. Certain Tragical Discourses of Bandello. Translated into English by Geffraie Fenton, anno 1567. With an Introduction Itt/'O by Robert Langton Douglas. 2 vols. London, 1898. ^.*rtf> 577 SUETONIUS. Suetonius. History of Twelve Caesars. Translated into English by Philemon Holland, anno 1606. With Introduction by Charles Whibley. 2 vols. London, 1899. 47' 578 CASTIGLIONE. The Book of the Courtier, from the Italian of Count Baldassare Castiglione. Done into English by Sir Thomas y Hoby, anno 1561. With Introduction by Walter Raleigh. Lon- don, igoo. 579 RABELAIS. Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel. Translated into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart and Peter Le Motteux, annis M* HiT 1653-1694. With an Introduction by Charles Whibley. 3 vols. London, 1900. X^.ij- J. la c JTsci 580 FROISSART. The Chronicle of Froissart. Translated out of the French by Sir John Bourchier, Lord Berners, annis 1523-25. With an Introduction by William Paton Ker. 6 vols. London, 1901-3. 581 BIBLE. The English Bible. Translated out of the Oriental Tongues by the Commandment of King James the First, anno 161 1. 6 vols. London, 1903-4. 582 MACHIAVELLI. Machiavelli. With an Introduction by Henry Cust. Volume i, The Art of War, translated by Peter Whitehorne, 1560; The Prince, translated by Edward Dacres, 1640; Volume 2, The Florentine History, translated into English by Thomas Bed- ingfield, anno 1595. 2 vols. London, 1905. Doltaire (/ID. &e). 583 ROMANCES, NOVELS AND TALES of M. de Voltaire. J^or- traits. 2 vols, post 8vo, finely bound in full crimson crushed levant X morocco, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges, by Riviere. Lon- ^^'^^ don, 1806. *The rare English translation by W. H. Ireland. Extra-illustrated by the in- sertion of another portrait and 43 beautiful engravings after Monnet (issued at Paris in 1775), all fine impressions. 84 The Librjry of Louis M. Dilltnjn. lUallcr (]l£^mun^). 584 THE WORKS OF EDMUND WALLER IN VERSE AND PROSE. Published by Mr. Feiiion. ////<• portraiti 0/ Walter and Lady HarUy by Vertue, and 4e.xtra portraili inserlfd. 4to, old full russia, joints strengthened. London, 1729 •*'. o * Richard (Iraiit White's copy. Fine copy of a Scarce Kilition. Xllbarton (Grace an^ iphilip), /. c, 3. c. al\^ /TDrt?. H^atbcnnc "Cbonu^ou. 5S5 THE WITS AND BEAUX OF SOZVE.'Y^ , Jull page (ngravings by Phiz and Godndn, 2 vols., London, n. d. ; The Literature of Society, by Grace Wharton, 2 vols., London, 1S62 ; Queens ok ^ » Society, full-pa^i^^e eni^ravin^s by C. A. Doyle, 2 vols., London, n. d. • Together 6 vols. 8vo, full blue polislied calf gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. * Handsome Set of First Editions. Mbite (1l3cur\? Ikirl^c). 586 CLIFTON GROVE, a Sketch in Verse, with other Poems, /^fi/ied portrait of tlic author inserted. i2mo. London: by X. Biggs for / Vernon and Hood, 1803. * The First Edition. Rare. Very handsomely bound by David in full green crushed levant morocco, ex- quisitely gilt tooled, pale blue moire silk end-papers, and gilt top, other edges entirely uncut. In slip case. TObitman (XUalti. 587 LEAVES OF GRASS. Portrait of the author. Imp. 8vo, origina embossed cloth gilt, lettered in gold, gilt edges. Brooklyn, N.Y., 1855. •Rare. First Edition, consisting of Prose Preface (10 pp), and la poems. S-C-- mbistlcr (.^amci? /IDcll-lcill). 588 NOCTURNES, MARINES AND CHEVALET PIECES. S.juare crown 8vo, original wrappers, pp. 39. (London, 1S78.) ^- * First Edition. Verv Scarce. Criticisms on Wliistler's NrnMurncs, etc. (includ- ing the famous "Falling Rocket") gatliered together and puhlislied by Whistler himself. 589 MR. WHISTLER'S "TEN O'CLOCK." Delivered in London, Cambridge and O.vford. Squall- > mwn Svo, original wrappers, ^ . pp. 29. London, 1888. * First Edition. Scarce. 85 The Library of Louis M. Dillman, Whistler (James McNeill) — Continued. S9b THE GENTLE ART OF MAKING ENEMIES. 4to, boards, cloth back, uncut. Chelsea, 1900. * Large Paper Copy. Only 250 issued. "To the Rare Feiu, nuJio, early in life, have rid themselves of the Friendship of /jS! ^ ^ ^^^^ Many, these pathetic papers are inscribed." The above is the dedication, which accords very well with the spirit of the book. Very Rare. Whistler's Genuine Edition, issued by himself. MF3ittier (5obn (5.) 591 THE PANORAMA, and other Poems. By John G. Whittier. Crown 8vo, original cloth (front edges uncut and unopened). y^^O Boston, 1856. * First Edition. 592 IN WAR TIME, and other Poems. By John Greenleaf Whittier. Crown 8vo, original cloth, gilt top. Boston, 1864. * First Edition. 593 SNOW BOUND, a Winter Idyl. By John Greenleaf Whittier. Portrait and vignette. Crown 8vo, original cloth, Boston, 1866. * First Edition. 594 THE TENT ON THE BEACH, and other Poems. By John ^ Greenleaf Whittier. Crown 8vo, original cloth. Fine copy. Boston, ^ 1867. 595 AMONG THE HILLS, and other Poems. By John Greenleaf Whittier. Frontispiece and vignette. i2mo, original cloth. Boston, 1869. * First Edition. ,^*r 596 THE PENNSYLVANIA PILGRIM, and other Poems. By John ^tm Greenleaf Whittier. Illustrations. Crown 8vo, original cloth. Bos- ' ton, 1872. 597 HAZEL-BLOSSOMS. By John Greenleaf Whittier. Frontispiece .i O and vignettes. Crown 8vo, original cloth, Boston, 1875 * First Edition. , y

LYRICAL BALLADS, WITH A FEW OTHER POEMS. i2mo (the title in pen-and-ink facsimile). London: /. J~' --/. .7/v//, 1798. * First Edition, with the leaf of errata and advertisement leaf. Magnificently bound by David in full crimson crushed levant morocco, ex- quisitely gilt tooled in a panel and flower design, brocaded silk-end papers, gilt top, other edges uncut. In lined slip case. Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere" appears here for the first time, and three other poems were also Contributed by him. 603 LYRICAL BALLADS AND OTHER POEMS. By \V. Words- worth. Second Edition. Frontispiece and plate inserted. 2 vols. i2mo. original half calf (joints cracked), uncut. London.- Lont^man, iSoo. 604 POEMS, in Two Volumes, by William Wordsworth, author of the " Lyrical Ballads. 2 vols. i2mo. London: Long^man., 1807. * Fine copy of the rare First Edition in the original boards, entirely uncut, and with the paper labels. A scarce Wordsworth item in unusually fine condition, with the Leaf of Errata in Volume I. Both volumes enclosed in a full seal brown crushed levant morocco solander case. 605 THE WHITE DOE OF RYLSTONE: or the Fate of the Nor- tons. A Poem. By William Wordsworth. View of Bolton Priory. 4to, full marbled calf, gilt top, uncut, by Riviere. London, 1815. * A Beautiful copy of the First Edition. 606 THE WAGGONER. A Poem. To which are added, Sonnets. By William Wordsworth. Svo, original wrappers, with paper label. />- Aoo The Library of Louis M. Dillman. Wordsworth (William) — Continued. 607 PETER BELL. A Tale in Verse. By William Wordsworth. Frontis- piece. 8vo, original wrappers (corner torn from wrapper), uncut, with the half-title. London, 1819. 608 PETER BELL. A Lyrical Ballad. Second Edition. 8vo, sewed, pp. 29 and I. London: Taylor or' Hessey, 1822. * A parody on Wordsworth's poem, written anonymously by John Hamilton Rey- nolds, the friend of Keats. The original poem produced several parodies, of which this was by far the cleverest. The advertisement page at the end includes Keats' Endymion. Very scarce. 609 ECCLESIASTICAL SKETCHES. By William Wordsworth. 8vo, original boards, paper label, uncut (lacks half title, and with name on title). London, 1822. * First Edition. 610 MEMORIALS OF A TOUR ON THE CONTINENT. 1820. By William Wordsworth. 8vo, original boards, paper label (label Ji^fOO slightly damaged), uncut. London, 1822. * First Edition. 611 YARROW REVISITED, and Other Poems. By William Words- y ^fj* worth. i2mo, original boards, paper label, uncut. London, 1835. y * First Edition. Fine copy. 612 THE PRELUDE, or Growth of a Poet's Mind. An Autobiographical Poem. By William Wordsworth. 8vo, original cloth, uncut, ♦ Vfc> London, 1850. * First Edition. naotton (/IDabel E.) 613 WORD PORTRAITS OF FAMOUS WRITERS. 8vo, cloth, un- P_^^ cut. London, 1887. * * Sketdies of Keats, Lamb, Sheridan, Rossetti, Shelley, and others. Mranobam (jfraucis). 614 POEMS. Post 8vo, original boards, entirely uncut. London: Privately printed^ i 7 9 5 • * A Large Paper copy of the very scarce privately printed volume. It contains ^^tO tf two of the earliest poems by Coleridge (one in Latin and English), to the famous actress, Mrs. Merry, and the other to her sister the Countess of Craven (Miss Brunton), accompanied by an original poem. It also contains a translation of "La Naissance de I'Amour," by Wordsworth. A Presentation copy with inscription on title "JVith the author's best regard to Mr. White." ^^ t^^ t^^ / The Anderson Auction Company Successor to Ban^s & Co. (Established 1833) No. 5 West 29th Street, New York I TNEQUALED facilities for the handling and sale of Books, Manuscripts, Paintings, Etchings and Engravings, Autographs, Coins, Stamps, etc. Sales of Private Collections a Specialty ^ Extract from the Will of Edmond de Goncourt: {Trans. ^ " My wish is that my Drawings, my Prints, my Curiosities, my Books — in a word these things of art which have been the joy of my life — shall not be consigned to the cold tomb of a museum, and subjected to the stupid glance of the careless passer-by; but 1 require that they shall all be dispersed under the hammer of the Auctioneer, so that the pleasure which the acquiring of each one of them has given me shall be given again, in each case, to some inheritor of my own tastes." 1 504 This book is DUE on the last date stamped below Form L-9 2()m-32,'39i:!3S6) AT lOftANCHLBS jJJ^^y^ftT^V_rjf _LOUiS ^ , Dillman, ♦Z997 D58p D Mill IIMNIIB ;09 741 6