>^^^p A'*i, IWil ''_^'.,,.:::$^' '-'^'^^^ n'i'^ ^pif- ^ffl ^JRK Vr iifted ■li^ f 'M- t r m J . H*-lilon, Printer, Oattle street, LoDdon. THE LONDON ENCYCLOPiEDIA, OR UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, ART, LITERATURE, AND PRACTICAL MECHANICS, COMPRISING A POPULAR VIEW OF THE PRESENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE. ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS, A GENERAL ATLAS, 4ND APPROPRIATE DIAGRAMS. Sic ouoitet ad itbrum, presertim miscellanei generis, lejendum accedere lectorera, ut solet ad con^ivium conviva ciWlik. Convivator annitluir omnibus satlsfacere; et tamen bi quid apponitur, quod hajus aut illlus palato non respondeat, et hie etille urbane dissimulaot, et alia fercula probant, ne quid contristent coavivatorem. Erasmus. A reader should sit down to a book, especially of the misceilaneous liind, as a well-behaved visitor does to a banquet. The master of the feast exerts himself to satisfy his guests ; but if, after all his care and pains, something should ap|>ear on the table that does not suitthis or that person's taste. the» politely pass It over without notice, and commend other dishes, that thev mav noi (Uslresa a kind host. TTamlalim. BY THE ORIGINAL EblTOR OF THE ENCYCLOPiEDIA METROPOLITANA, ASSISTED BY EMINENT PROFESSIONAL AND OTHER GENTLEMEN. IN TWENTY-TWO VOLUMES. VOL. in. LONDON : PRINTED FOR THOMAS TEGG, 73, CHEAPSIDE ; SOLD BY N. HAILES, PICCADILLY ; E. WILSON, ROYAL EXCHANGE : J, MASON, CITY ROAD BOWDERY & KERRY, OXFORD STREET: GRIFFIN & CO. GLASGOW: J. GUMMING, DUBLIN : M. BAUDRV, PARIS: F. 1 LEISCHER, LEIPSIC : AND WHIPPLE Sc LAWRE^CE, SALEM, NORTH AMERICA. 1829. LONDON ENCYCLOPAEDIA. ^ ^ THE ARSENIC. m ARSENIC, apfffviKov, ARSENICUM, in min- eralogy and chemistry, called by Aristotle aavSpaxt), by Theophrastus appfvucov, by the Romans orpimentum and arsenicum ; is a red- dish-colored ponderous mineral, caustic, cor- rosive, and highly poisonous; which was used by the ancients in medicine and painting. Aristot. de Hist. Anim. 1. 8, c. 24 ; Theophrast.; Dioscor. 1. 5, c. 121; Plin. 1. 34, c. 18; Cels. de Re Med. 1. 5, c. 5; Gal. de Comp. Med. sec. Loc. 1. 4. In the Linnaean system, it is a genus of metals having these generic characters : Bluish white, some becoming black, and falling to pow- der in the air; soft and extremely brittle ; specific gravity 8-310 : subliming without melting in a moderate heat in a white powder, and emitting a strong garlic smell. Its sublimed oxid gives an acrid taste to water, and turns vegetable blues red. When dissolved in muriatic acid, and a watery solution of sulphurated hydrogen poured into it, it precipitates a fine yellow pow- der. The principal species are, 1. A. nativum, na- tive asenic, of the three varieties : a. Uncombined, having a metallic lustre and separating into spherical incrustations. /3. With micaceous particles, y. Friable and porous. Found in the British Isles, Norway, Germany, Saxony, &c. in spar, baryte, or feldspar, massive, rarely disse- minated, often composed of hemispheric layers, corroded, branched, perforated, botryoidal, or stalactitic ; color lead-gray, but its surface soon tarnishing and becoming black by ex- posure to the air; streak bluish-gray, powder dull and blackish ; sometimes a little sonorous when struck against a hard body, and so soft as to be easily cut with a knife. Before the blow-pipe it emits a white smoke, diffusing its peculiar and highly poisonous vapors to a great distance ; burning with a blue flame and gradually vanishing, depositing a white oxid in the form of a powder: specific gravity 5"670 to 5*729 ; always alloyed with some iron, and often contains some cobalt, bismuth, silver, and sometimes a little gold. 2. A. calciforme ; white arsenic ; white oxid of arsenic ; white, soluble in eip:!ity times its weight of water. It is found in a loose dust or mealy powder ; in a state of crys- tallisation ; or in an indurated state combined with earth; in various parts of Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, Saxony, Bohemia, &c. Color white or gray, with often a tinge of red, yellow, green, or black : before the blow- pipe it sublimes, but does not inflame, and tinges borax green : specific gravity 3,700. Vol. III.— P.uiT I. 3. A. auripigmentum ; orpiment ; yellow arsenic. Ponderous, yellow, curved, or un- dulately foliated, of a waxy internal lustre, evaporating almost entirely before the blow-pipe. Found in Great Britain, Hungary, Georgia, Turkey, &c. ; massive, disseminated, or in small imperfect crystals ; color, various shades of yellow, with a considerable waxy lustre, and some transparency ; streak orange-yellow, not metallic ; texture foliated, with the plates mostly curved or undulated, rarely striate, a little flexi- ble, but not elastic ; effervesces with hot nitric acid, burns with a bluish flame, and before the blow-pipe evaporates, leaving behind a small portion of earth : specific gravity 3'0 18 to 3-521. 4. A. sandaraca ; red arsenic ; ruby arse- nic; realgar. Somewhat ponderous, red, with an orange-yellow streak, in straight foliations, melting easily before the blow-pipe ; burning with a blue flame and white arsenical vapors. Found in Sicily, Naples, Hungary, Bohemia, China, Japan, &c.; massive, disseminated, su- perficial, or crystallised in small acute-angled, quadrangular, or acicular prisms; color auro- ra-red, ruby, scarlet, crimson or blood-red, often variegated with yellow traces : texture lamellar, with the foliations a little flexible, and so soft as to be cut with a knife, and frequently exhibit- ing a brilliant lustre ; streak yellowish-red ; pow- der scarlet ; in nitric acid it loses its color ; specific gravity 3-338. 5. A. sulphuratum ; marcasite ; white mundic ; white pyrite ; pyritical arsenical ore. Hard, bluish-gray with metallic lustre, before the blow-pipe emitting white arsenical vapors and blue sulphureous flames. Found in various parts of Great Britain, Germany, Sweden, Bohemia, Saxony, &c. in irregular masses, disseminated, investing or crystallised in cubes or four-sided prisms ; specific gravity 6-522. 6. A. albicans ; misspickel ; marcasite. Of a steel-white color and lustre, hard, emitting white arsenical vapors before the blow-pipe, but no sulphureous flame or vapor. Found in Cornwall, near Dublin, in Bohemia, Silesia, Saxony, &c. generally dispersed among tin ores in granulations, or crystallised in four-sided double pyramids, or four-sided quadrangular prisms : color sometimes silvery, gray, or yel- lowish, or iridescently variegated when tar- nished : texture compact, sometimes a little splintery, with the surface marked with de- cussate grooves or black ramifications ; efter- vesces with nitric acid without heat, and yields B ■ ARSENIC. jin arsenical smell when rubbed. It consists of arsenic alloyed with a considerable quantity of iron, but little or no sulphur; specific gravity from 5-753 to 6-522. 7. A. argentiferum ; argentiferous arsenic. Of a silvery lustre and very tine granular tex- ture, emitting arsenical vapors before the blow- pipe, and when fused with lead leaving a silver bead. Found in the mines of Sa.xony, Bohemia, Germany, and Spain; massive, disseminated, or acicular; color nearly that of the last, but brighter and more permanent ; burns with a white flame, and leaves a reddish residuum : by solution in nitro-muriatic acid the silver will be precipitated. It consists of arsenic, sulphur, iron, and from 1 to 10 or 12 per cent, of silver : specific gravity 4-087. The following is the method of the celebrated Mr. Chevenix for the assay and analysis of arsenical ores. Reduce the ore to a very fine powder, and digest it in nitric acid sufficient to acidify and take up the whole of the arsenic ; pour off the clear liquor, and boil on the residue some distilled water : filter, and add the w^ater to the nitrous solution : then neutralise the excess of acid by potash, taking care, however, not to have an excess of alkali, and add nitrate of lead as long as any precipitate takes place : wash the precipitate in cold water, dry, and weigh it. As the arsenical ores often contain sulphur, it is possible that the arseniat of lead thus procured may be mixed with a little sulphat of lead : to decide this, digest the powder in some warm dilute muriatic acid, and the arseniat of lead will be dissolved, leaving the sulphat behind. The arsenic of commerce is prepared in Saxony by roasting the cobalt ores in the manu- facture of zaffre. Tliese ores consist principally of arsenic, cobalt, iron, and a little sulphur ; ihe first and last ingredients are easily separated by roasting, which is performed not in the open air, but in an oven, the flue of which runs hori- zontally to a considerable distance before it bends upwards. The arsenic and sulphur, when liberated, are deposited for the most part in the horizontal flue. In this state it is called Crude arsenic, or flowers of arsenic, and the form it assumes is that of a grayish meal streaked with yellow, which is occasioned by the sulphur uniting with parts of the arsenic, and composing orpiment. From the crude arsenic the White arsenic of commerce is prepared by mixing the crude with potash or lime, and re- subliming. The sulphur and othei impurities are thus combined with the alkali, and the white oxide is driven over into a heated receiver, where it melts into a heavy, colorless, transparent glass : by exposure to the air for a short time this glass becomes opaque, and resembles in its fracture the finest white china; it is in this state that the white arsenic of commerce is sold in the shops, and kept in our laboratories ; and as it is then an oxide of the metal approaching very nearly to a state of purity, it is not difficult, by separating its oxygen, to reduce it into Pure metallic arsenic. For this purpose the white arsenic is mixed witli any of the vegetable or animal expressed oils, till it becomes of the consistence of very soft glazier's putty, and round or oblong pieces of the paste are dropped into a Florence flask, or earthen retort, so as not to adhere to the sides. It is then put into a sand- bath, or over a gentle charcoal fire, and heated very gradually until it ceases to emit thick va- pors, when the heat may be increased by degrees to obscure redness. Shortly after the vessel may be removed, and when cold, broken ; the neck and upper part will contain a cn,-stal- lised oxide of arsenic ; below, a thick crust of metallic arsenic ; and at the bottom some impu- rities, which must be laid aside. The oiher products are to be pulverised with half their weight of charcoal, and sublimed again as be- fore ; by which means the arsenic is rendered pure, and will be found to line the vessel in the form of a shining crust and crystals. The principal properties of pure -arsenic, be- side those mentioned in the beginning of this article, are the following : — That it is not per- ceptibly soluble in water, and is easily tarnished by exposure to tlie air; the best method of pre- serving it unaltered is to immerse it in water or alcohol. With carbon or hydrogen it does not combine ; but the latter substance, in the state of gas, dissolves it. Oxygen unites with it by combustion, forming arsenical acid. With sulphur it may be readily united, forming either realgar or orpiment, according to the proportions of the ingredients, or the methods of uniting them : these substances are really sulphurets of arsenic, and their properties, with their mode of prepa- ration, when not found native, may be found under their names. Arsenic combines also readily with phosphorus, forming phosphuret of arsenic, which is black and brilliant ; but with azotic gas it has not been united. INIuriatic acid attacks arsenic only if aided by heat ; but, by distilling equal parts of orpiment and corrosive muriate of mercury (corrosive sublimate) in a gentle heat, a blackish corrosive liquor is ob- tained, which is the sublimated muriat of arsenic, or butter of arsenic. Arsenic combines with most metals, forming with them alloys, and ren- dering them more fusible and brittle ; though such of them as were before very fusible become refractory : it possesses also the singular pro- perty of destroying the magnetic virtue of iron, and of all other metals susceptible of it. The most useful alloys of arsenic are : — 1. With platinum, which is formed by fusing that metal and the white oxide of arsenic togeltier. By this means platinum, itself so untractable, may be wrought into the utensils required. The mixture, after fusion, is hammered at a red heat into bars, and the arsenic is gradually driven off. 2. With copper, which is formed by fusing the two metals together in a close crucible, their sur- face being covered with common salt, to prevent the arsenic from being oxidised by the air. This alloy is white and brittle, and when mixed with a little tin or bismuth is used for a variety of purooses in the arts, when it is known by the names of white copper or' white tombac. 3. With iron, which is likewise done by fusion. Tills alloy, however, is often found native, and is then called misspickel. The other metals with . ARS ARS which arsenic has been united, are gold, silver, tin, lead, nickle, zinc, antimony, and bismuth : it also forms an amalgam with mercury, by keep- ing them some hours over the fire, constantly agitating the mixture. Arsenic is capable of combining with two different proportions of dxygen ; by the first is formed the white oxide already described, or arsenious acid, as it is denominated by Fourcroy, on account of the many acid properties which it exhibits ; by the second is produced arsenic or arsenical acid, which was discovered in 1775 by Scheele, who also made himself acquainted with its most re- markable properties. In pharmacy, the white oxide of arsenic is directed by the London Pharmacopceia to be sublimed ; after which it is to be boiled with an equal weight of carbonate of potash, in order to form the liquor arsenicalis, sometimes called Fowler's solution, or the tasteless ague drop. This contains one grain of arsenic in two drams, is given in doses of a few drops in intermittent fevers, and in several eruptive diseases. Caution is necessary in the exhibition of so dangerous a remedy. Arsenic has been used externally in cancer, lupus, &c. in form of an ointment. For an account of arsenic, as a poison, its symptoms, effects, and remedies, see Poison. Arsenical Magnet, Magnes Arsenicalis, is a preparation of antimony, with sulphur and white arsenic. ARSENIUS, a deacon of the Roman church of great learning and piety, who was selected by the pope as tutor to Arcadius, son of the emperor Theo- dosius. Arsenius arrived at Constantinople A. D. 383. The emperor happening one day to go into the room where Arsenius was instructing his pu- pil, found Arcadius seated and his preceptor standing ; at this he was exceedingly displeased, took from his son the imperial ornaments, made Arsenius sit in his place, and ordered Arcadius for the fixture to receive his lessons standing un- covered. Arcadius, however, profited but little by his tutor's instructions, for some time after he formed a design of despatching him. Arsenius, liowever, hearing of the design, retired to the de- serts of Scete, where he passed many years in devotion, and died aged ninety-five. Arsenius, bishop of Constantinople, in the thirteenth century, excommunicated Michael Pa- leologus, for taking the imperial crown from John Lascaris the son of Theodore. Though Michael solicited absolution, the bishop refused, unless he would restore the crown ; in conse- quence of which Arsenius was banished to a small island, where he died. ARSENOTHELYS, among ancient natura- lists, the same with hermaphrodite. The Greeks use the word both in speaking of men and beasts, it is formed from apay^v and SijXwc, male and female. ARSEN VAL, in geography, a town of France, in the department of the Aube, and chief place of a canton in the district of Bar-sur-Aube, twenty- three miles east of Troyes. ARSES, or Arsames, king of Persia, succeed- ed Artaxerxes Ochus about A.M. 3612, and af- ter a short reign of less than four years was slain by Bagoas, who had murdered his predecessor, and succeeded by Darius Coddoinannus. ARSIllN, in commerce, the most common Russian measure of length =i IG vershok rz 315^5, Paris lines. It is also a Chinese measure, but one Chinese arshin :=: 302 Paris lines. Three arshins zz 1 fathom, and 500 fathoms ir 1 verst. ARSIA, in ancient geography, a small river which had a northern course, and served as a boundary between Ilistria and Illyria, to the north of the Flanatic gulf. It there terminated Italy on the north-east of the Polatic promon- tory. ARSINOE, in ancient geography, the name of various towns mentioned by Strabo, Ptolemy, Stephanus, &c. viz. of five towns in Cilicia, one of which had a station for ships j of three in or near Cyprus; viz. one inland, formerly called Marium, another north of it between Acamas and Soli, and the third in the south, with a port, between Ci- trum and Salarais. A sea-port in Cyrene, for- merly called Teuchira. A town in Egypt near the west extremity of the Arabian Gulf, and south of Hierapolis, called also Cleopatris. Another in the Nomos Arsinoites, mentioned on some coins of Adrian, and formerly called Crocodilo- rum Urbs, from its abounding with crocodiles ; Ptolemy calls this town an inland metropolis, with a port called Ptolemais. A sea-port of Ly- cia formerly named Patara, but called Arsinoe by Ptolemy Philadelphus after his queen. And three towns of Troglodytce, the chief of which was situated near the mouth of the Arabian gulf, which towards Ethiopia is terminated by a pro- montory called Dire. This Arsinoe is called Berenice, with the distinction Epidires ; because situated on a neck of land running out a great way into the sea. Also the name of several princesses of Egypt; particularly, 1. the daughter of Ptolemy Lagus, and wife of Lysimachus king of Thrace : 2. the wife of Ptolemy Philapelphus, who named several towns after her. Arsinoe, in entomology, a species of papi- lio, found in the island of Amboyna, the wings of which are tailed, indented, fulvous, spotted with black ; and the posterior ones marked both above and beneath with two ocellated spots. It is figured by Seba and Cramer. ARSINOITES, NoMos, an ancient district of Egypt, west of the Ileracleotes, on the western banks of the Nile. ARSIS, and Thesis, in prosody, are names given to two proportional parts into which every foot or rhythm is divided. By arsis and thesis are usually meant no more than a proportional division of the metrical feet, made by the hand or foot of him that beats the time. And in measuring the quantities of words the hand is elevated, as well as let fall ; that part of the time which is taken up in measuring the foot, by lifting the hand up, is termed arsis or ele- vatio ; and the part where the hand is let fall, thesis or positio. Vid. Augustin de Musica, lib. ii. cap. 10. In plaudendo enim quia elevatur et ponitur manus, partem pedis, sibi elevatio vendicat, partem positio. Arsis and thesis are used as musical terms B2 ART. '.vhen the subject of a fugue or point is. inverted or reversed; i. e. when one part rises and the otlier falls. These two words are Greek : arsis comes from aipa», tollo, I raise or elevate ; Otmg depositio, remissio, a depression or lowering. These terms were applied by the ancients to the motion of the hand in beating time.: ARSON, in English law, is the malicious and wilful burning of the house or out-house of ano- ther man,, which is felony. This is an offence of great malignity, and more pernicious to the pub- lic than simple theft ; because, first, it is an olVence against that right of habitation which is acquired by tlie law of nature as well as by the laws of society ; next, because of the terror and confusion that necessarily attends it; and, lastly, because in simple theft the tiling stolen only changes its master, but still remains in esse for the benefit of the public ; whereas by burning, the very substance is absolutely destroyed. — It is also frequently more destructive than murder it- self, of which too it is often the cause ; since murder, atrocious as it is, seldom extends be- yond the felonious act designed; whereas fire too frequently involves in the common calamity persons unknown to the incendiary, and not in- tended to be hurt by him, and friends as well as enemies. If the house be a man's own, the act is not felony and punishable with death, but only a great misdemeanor, and punishable by fine, imprisonment or pillory. ARSUR, AsoR, AusAF, or Arsid, a hamlet on the coast of Syria, which has sometimes received the name of a city, because Solomon is supposed to have built the city Asor upon the site. It contains a fortress and mosque, in the last of which are a few jNIahommedan monks. ARSUR A, in ancient customs, a term used for the melting of gold or silver, either to refine them or to examine their value. The method of doing this is explained at large in the Black Book of the Exchequer, ascribed to Gervaise in the chapter De (ifficio Militis Argentarii, being in those days of great use, on account of the vari- ous places and different manners in which the king's money wa.s paid. Arsura is also used for the loss or diminution of the metal in the trial. In this sense a pound was said, tot ardere dena- rios, to lose many penny-weights. Arsura, in medicine, is used by some writers for the erysipelas- Arsl'ra, in metallurgy, is used for the dust and sweepings of silversmiths, and others who work in silver, melted down, and which they call tlieir sweep. ART, ") Lat. ars, from a()£r)j, Ar'tful, manly energy, strength, or Ar'tfully, skill. The power of doing Ar'tfulness, any thing arising from a Ar'tisax, clear and perspicuous know- Ar'tist, (^ ledge of what the practice Ar'tless, fof it requires. Artful sig- Ar'tlessly, nifies evil intention. One Ar'tifice, who exercises a mechanical Ar'tificer, art is an artisan, he who ex- Ar'tificiai., eels in the fine arts is an Arti'ficially. J artist. Any skilful work- man is an artificer ; artifice in its present use implies deception. Hel. Wc, Hermia, like two artificial gods. Created with our needles both one flower. Both on one sampler, sitting on one cushion ; Both warbling of one song, both in one key ; As if our hand, our sides, voices, and minds. Had been incorporate. Shahspcarc. Whv, I can smile, and murder while I smile ; And cry, content, to that which grieves my heart ; And wet ray cheeks, with artijicial tears. Id, Weaker than a woman's tear. Tamer than sleep, fonder than ignorance. And artless as unpraclis'd infancy. Dryden. Troilus and Crcssida. Rich with the spoils of many a conquer'd land, All arts and artists Theseus could command. Who sold for hire, or wrought for better fame The master painters and the carvers came. Dryden. The rest in rank : Honoria, chief in place Was art f idly contriv'd to set her face. To front the thicket, and behold the chace, Id. Vice is the natural growth of our corruption. How irresistibly must it prevail, when the seeds of it are artfully sown, and industriously cultivated. Rogers. What are the most judicious artisaits, but the mimics of nature ? Wntton,'s Architecture. Best and happiest artisan. Best of painters, if you can. With your many-color'd art. Draw the mistress of my heart. Guardian. Thus artists melt the sullen ore of lead. With heaping coals of fire upon its head ; In the kind warmth, the metal learns to glow. And loose from dross the silver runs below. Parnell. Sweet artless songster ! thou my mind dost raise To airs of spheres, yea, and 'o angels's lays. Drummond. In oratory, the greatest art is to hide art. Swift. If we compare two nations in an equal state of civi- lisation, we may remark that where the greater free- dom obtains, there the greater variety of artificial wants will obtain also. Cumberland. The merchant, tradesman, and artisan will have their protit upon all the multiplied wants, comforts, and indulgences of civilised life. Id. In every quarter of this blessed isle. Himself [the mind] both present is and president. Nor once retires, a happy realm the while. That by no officers lewd ravishment. With greedie lust and wrong consum'd art. He all in all, and all in every part. Does share to each his due and equal dole compart. Fletcher's Purple Island. Among the several artifices which are put in prac- tice by the poets, to fill the minds of an audience with terror, the first place is due to thunder and lightning. Addison. Poets, like painters, thus unskill'd to trace The naked nature and the living grace. With gold and jewels cover cv'ry part. And hide with ornaments their want of art, Po})e's Essay on Criticism. O still the same, Ulysses, she rejoin 'd ; In useful craft, successfully refin'd ; Artful in speech, in action, and in mind. Pope. Embosom'd in the deep where Holland lies, Methinks her patient sons before me stand. Where the broad ocean leans against the land. And sedulous to stop the coming tide. Lift the tall rampire's artificial pride. Goldsmith. A man will no more caiTy the artifice of the bar into the common intercourse of society, than a man who is paid for tumbling on his hands will continue to tumble when he should walk on his feet. Johnson. ARTS. FTft feels no ennobling principle in bis own heart, vvho wishes to level all the artificial institutions which have been adopted for giving a body to opinion, and permanence to fugitive esteem. Burke. Art has been more particularly defined to be a habit of the mind prescribing rules for the due production of certain effects ; or the iutroducins^ tlie changes of bodies from some fore-knowledge and design in a person endued with the prin- ciple or faculty of actinor. The word has been sometimes derived from apoQ, utility, profit; and is found in that sense in /Eschylus. According to lord Bacon it is a proper dispo- sition of the things of nature by human thought and experience, so as to make them answer the designs and uses of mankind. Nature, accord- ing to that philosopher, is sometimes free, and at her own disposal ; and then she manifests herself in a regular order; as we see in the heavens, plants, animals, &c. — Sometimes she is irregular and disorderly either through some uncommon ac- cident or depravation in matter, when the resistance ofsomc impediment perverts herfromher course ; as in the production of monsters. At other times she is subdued and fashioned by human industry, and made to serve the several purposes of mankind. This last is what we call art. In which sense, art stands opposed to nature. Hence the knowledge of nature may be divided into the history of generation, of pretergeneration, and of arts. The first considers nature at liber- ty ; the second her errors ; and the third her restraints. Art has been distinguished from science ; by the latter being regarded as furnishing the prin- ciples of all art. Or science, scientia, all human knowledge, is said to be divisible into those purer sciences which relate to the ideas or laws of the mind, and the relation they bear to each other ; and the mixed or applied sciences — that relation which the same ideas bear to the external world. In this view the mixed and applied sciences are but other terms for all the fine and useful arts. Chambers has observed long ago, in the ex- cellent preface to his original Cyclopaedia. An Art and a Science, only seem to difi'er as less and more pure : a science is a system of deductions made by reason alone, undetermined by any thing foreign or extrinsic to itself: an art, on the contrary, requires a number of data, and postulata, to be furnished from without; and never goes any length, without at every turn needing new ones. It is, in one sense, the knowledge and perception of these data that con- stitutes the art ; the rest, that is, the doctrinal part, is of the nature of science; which attentive reason alone will descry. An art, in this light, appears to be a portion of science, or general knowledge, considered, not in itself as science, l)ut with relation to its circumstances or appen- dages. In a science the mind looks directly backwards and forwards to the premises and conclusions : in an art we also look laterally to tiie concomitant circumstances. A science, in effect, is that to an art, which a stream running in a direct channel, without regard to any thing but its own progress, is to the same stream turned out of its proper course, and disposed into cascades, jets, cisterns, ponds, &c. In which case the progress of the stream is not con- sidered with regard to itself, but only as it con- cerns the works ; every one of which modifies the course of the stream, and leads it out of its way. It is easy to trace the progress of tlie for- mer, from its issue, as it flows consequentially ; but a man ever so well acquainted with this will not be able to discover that of the latter, because it depends on the genius, humor, and caprice of the engineer who laid the design.' The learned author of Hermes says. If it bp asked. What art is ; we have to answer, ' It is an habitual power in man, of becoming the cause of some eff'ect, according to a system of various and well-approved precepts.' If it be asked, On what subject art operates ; we can answer, ' On a contingent, which is within the reach of the human powers to influence.' If it be asked, For what reason, for the sake of what, art ope- rates ; we may reply, ' For the sake of some absent good, relative to human life, and attain- able by man, but superior to his natural and uninstructed faculties.' Lastly, if it be asked, ' Where it is the operations of art end V We may say, ' Either in some energy, or in some work.' — Harris's Three Treatises, dialogue i. Arts are properly divided into liberal and me- chanical : — Arts, Liberal, or Polite, are those that are noble or ingenious, and worthy of being culti- 'Vated for their own sake, without any immediate regard to any pecuniary emolument. Such as depend more on the imagination, or on the la- bor of the mind, than on that of the hand ; or that consist more in speculation than operation, and have a greater regard to amusement and curiosity than necessity. Such are poetry, music, painting, grammar, rhetoric, the military art, architecture, and navigation. They were formerly to be summed up in the following Latin verse : Lingua, Tropus, Ratio, Numerus, Tonus, Angulus, Astra. In the eighth century the whole circle of sciences was composed of the seven liberal arts, as they were called ; viz. grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy ; the three former of which were distinguished by the title of trivium, and the four latter by that of quadrivium. Arts, Mechanical, are those wherein the hand and body are more concerned than the mind ; and which are chiefly cultivated for the sake of the profit attending them. Of which kind are most of those which furnish us with the necessaries of life, and are popularly known by the name of trades and manufactures. Such are weaving, turnery, brewing, masonry, clock- making, carpentry, joinery, foundry, printing, &c. These arts, which indeed are innumerable, were formerly comprised in this verse: Rus, Nemus, Arma, Faber, Vulnera, Lana, Rates. They take their denomination from fiifxavr], machine, as being all practised by means ot some machine or instrument. With the liberal arts it is otherwise ; there being several of them which may be learnt and practised without any ARTS. instrument at all ; as logic, eloquence, medicine, properly so called, &c. Lord Bacon has observed that the arts which relate to the sight and hearing are reputed liberal, beyond those which regard the other senses, and are chiefly employed in matters of luxury ; these are usually called the fine arts; such are poetry, painting, sculpture, music, gardening, and archi- tecture. As all arts have this common property ac- cording to Mr. Harris, that they respect human life, it is evident that some contribute to its ne- cessities, as medicine and agriculture ; and others to its elegance, as music, painting, and poetry. The former seem to have been prior in time to the latter. Men must naturally have consulted how to live and to support themselves, before they began to deliberate how to render life agreeable. Indeed this is confirmed by fact ; as no nation has been known so barbarous and ig- norant as not in some degree to have cultivated the rudiments of these necessary arts ; and hence possibly they may appear to be more excellent and worthy, as having claim to a preference de- rived from their seniority. The arts, however, of elegance are not destitute of pretensions, if it be true that nature formed us for something more than mere existence. Nay farther, if well- being be clearly preferable to mere being, and this, without the other, be contemptible, they may have reason perhaps to aspire even to a superiority. Harris, ubi supra, p. 54. The history of the origin and progress of par- ticular arts is recited under their respective de- nominations in the course of this work. It may be here observed however, in general, that most of the arts that are necessary to the subsistence, or conducive to the convenience and comfort of mankind, have had a very early origin. Some useful arts must be nearly coeval with the human race ; for food, clothing, and habita- tion, even in their original simplicity, require some art. Many others are of such antiquity as to place the inventors beyond the reach of tra- dition. Several have gradually crept into exist- ence without any recorded inventor or history. The busy mind, however, accustomed to a be- ginning in all things, cannot rest till it finds or imagines a beginning to every art. It has been generally admitted that the arts had their rise in the East, and that they were conveyed from thence to the Greeks, and from them to the Romans. The Romans, indeed, seem to have been chiefly indebted to the Greeks, by whom they were excelled in point of inven- tion. The Roman: acknowledged this superi- ority, for they sent their youth to Greece in order to finish their education ; and from this circum- stance we may infer, that they considered that country as the seat of the arts and sciences, and as a school where genius would be excited by the most finished models^ and the taste corrected and formed. I'liny and other writers have, neverthe- less, given hints which lead us to believe that the Romans possessed a more extensive knowledge of the arts than modern writers are sometimes willing to allow ; and that several inventions re- garded as recent are only old ones revived and again applied to practice. The dark iigcs at once extinguished the knowledge of the past, and re- tarded the revival of art ; yet it cannot be denied, that several important discoveries altogether un- known to the ancients were made in those ages. Of tliis kind were the inventions of paper, paint- ing in oil, the mariner's compass, gunpowder, printing, and engraving on copper : see the several articles. After the invention of the com- pass and printing, two grand sources were opened for the improvement of science. As navigation was extended, new objects were discovered to awaken the curiosity and excite the attention of the learned ; and the ready means of diffusing knowledge aff"orded by the press, enabled the in- genious to make them publicly known. Igno- rance and superstition, the formidable enemies of philosophy in every age, began to lose some of that power which they had usurped, and different states, forgetting their former blind policy, adopted improvements which their prejudices had before condemned. In countries, however, where civil and eccle- siastical tyranny prevailed, the progress of the useful and elegant arts was slow, and struggled with many difficulties. Particular events, in- deed, have occurred in all ages and nations which have roused the exertions of genius, and furnished occasion for making important and useful dis- coveries. The history of Greece and Rome, and even of modern Europe, will afford many obvious facts that confirm and illustrate tliis observation. We can add but a few other miscellaneous ones. In diff'erent countries the progress of the same arts has been extremely different. Though the compass was used in China for navigation long before it was known in Europe, yet to this day, instead of suspending it in order to make it act freely, it is placed upon a bed of sand, by which every motion of the ship disturbs its operation. Water-mills for grinding corn are described by Vitruvius, and wind-mills were known in Greece and in Arabia as early as the seventh century ; yet no mention is made of them in Italy till the fourteenth ; and that they were not known in England in the reign of Henry '\TII. appears from a household book of the Northumberland family, stating an allowance for tliree mill-horses, 'two to draw in the mill, and one to carry stuff' to the mill and fro.' Water-mills for corn must in England have been of a late date. The an- cients had mirror-glasses, and employed glass to imitate crystal vases and goblets; yet they never thought of using it in windows. In the thirteenth century, the Venetians were the only people who had the art of making crystal glass for mirrors. A clock that strikes the hours was unknown in Europe till the end of the twelfth century. And hence the custom of employing men to proclaim the hours during night; which to tiiis day con- tinues in Germany, Flanders, and England. Galileo was the first who conceived an idea that a pendulum might be useful for measuring time; and Huygens was the first who put the idea in execution, by making a ])cndulum clock. Hook, in IGOO, invented a spiral spring for a watch, though a watch was far from being a new inven- tion. Paper was made no earlier than the four- teenth century ; and the invention of printing was a century later. Silk manufactures were ARTS. long established in Greece before silk-worms v.-ere introduced there. The manufacturers were provided with raw silk from Persia : but tb.at commerce being frequently interrupted by war, two monks, in the reign of Justinian, brought eggs of the silk-worm from Ilindostan, and taught their countrymen the method of managing them. — The art of reading made a very slow pro- gress. To encourage that art in England, the capital punishment for murder was remitted, if the criminal could but read, which in law lan- guage is termed benefit of clergy. One would imagine that the art must have made a very rapid progress when so greatly favored : but there is a signal proof of the contrary ; for so small an edition of the Bible as GOO copies, translated into English in the reign of Henry Vlll. was not wholly sold off in three years. And the people of England must have been profoundly ignorant in Queen Elizabeth's time, when a forged clause added ro the twentieth article of the established creed passed unnoticed till about a centuiy ago. The circumstances which arouse the national spirit upon any particular art, promotes activity to prosecute other arts. When the Romans came to excel in the art of war, they rapidly im- proved in other arts. Nevus composed in verse seven books of the Punic war; besides comedies, replete with bitter raillery against the nobility. Ennius wrote annals, and an epic poem ; and Lucius Andronicus became the father of dramatic poetry in Rome. And the Roman genius for the fine arts was much inflamed by Greek learn- ing when free intercourse between the two na- tions was opened. The progress of art seldom fails to be rapid, when a people happen to be roused out of a tor- pid state by some fortunate change of circum- stances : public liberty now gives to the mind a spring which is vigorously exerted in every new pursuit. The Athenians made but a mean figure under the tyranny of Pisistratus ; but, upon re- gaining their freedom and independence, arts flourished with arms, and Athens became the chief theatre for science as well as for the fine arts. The reign of Augustus Csesar, which put an end to the rancor of civil war, and restored peace to Rome with the comforts of society, proved an auspicious era for literature; and produced a cluster of Latin historians, poets, and philosophers, to whom the moderns are indebted for their taste. A similar revolution happened m Tuscany about 350 years ago. That country having been divided into a number of small re- publics, the people excited by mutual petty quarrels, became ferocious and bloody, flaming with revenge for the slightest offence. But being united under the Great Duke of Tuscany, these republics enjoyed the sweets of peace and a mild government ; when the retrospect of recent ca- lamities roused the national spirit, and produced ardent appli«cation to arts and literature. The restoration in England in 1660, which put an end to an envenomed civil war, promoted im- provements of every kind, and arts and industry made a rapid progress. Had the nation, upon that favorable turn of fortune, been blessed with a succession of able and virtuous princes, arts and sciences might much earlier have flourished in their modern perfection. Some important action even of doubtful event, a strugo-le for liberty, the resisting a potent invader, or the like, have also had beneficial influences on the progress of art. Greece, divided into small states frequently at war with each other, advanced in literature and the fine arts to unrivalled per- fection. The Corsicans, while engaged in a pe- rilous war in defence of their liberties, exerted a vigorous national spirit ; they founded a univer- sity for arts and sciences, a public library, and a public bank. After a long stupor during the dark ages of ecclesiastical tyranny, arts and lite- rature revived among the turbulent states of Italy. The Royal Society in London, and the Academy of Sciences in Paris were both instituted after prolonged civil wars that had animated the people and roused their activity. On the other hand, as the progress of arts and sciences towards perfection is greatly promoted by enmlation, no- thing is sometimes more fatal than to remove this spur; as when some extraordinary genius appears to soar above rivalship. Thus mathematics long seemed to be declining in Britain : the great Newton, having surpassed all the ancients, left the moderns without any hope of equalling him; for what man will enter the lists who de- spairs of victory ? The useful have in all ages paved the way for the fine arts. Men upon whom the former had bestowed every convenience turned their dioughts to the latter. Beauty was studied in objects ot sight ; and men of taste attached themselves to the fine arts, which multiplied their enjoyments and improved their benevolence. Sculpture and painting made an early figure in Greece; which afforded plenty of beautiful originals to be copied in these imitative arts. Statuary, a more simple imitation than painting, was sooner brought to perfection: the statue of Jupiter by Phidias, and of Juno by Polycletes, though the admiration of all the world, were executed long before the art of light and shade was known. Another cause concurred to advance statuary before painting in Greece, viz. a great demand for statues of their gods. Architecture, as a fine art, made a slower progress. Proportions upon which its elegance chiefly depends, cannot be accurately ascertained, but by an infinity of trials in great buildings ; a model cannot be relied on : for a large and smal ■ building, even of the same form, require dififer- ent proportions. Literature as a branch of the fine arts deserves a separate consideration. See Literature. The cause of the decline of the fine arts may be illustrated by various instances. The perfec- tion of vocal music is to accompany passion, and to enforce sentiment. In ancient Greece, the province of music was well understood; and being confined within its proper sphere, it had an enchanting influence. Harmony at that time was very little cultivated, because it was of very little use; melody reaches the heart, and it is by it chiefly t.hat a sentiment is enforced, or a pas- sion soothed: harmony, on the contrary, reaches the ear only ; and it is a matter of undoubted experience, that the melodious airs admit but of very simple harmony. Artists, in later times, ignorant why harmony was so little regarded by ART 8 the ancients, applied themselves seriously to its cultivation, and have been wonderfully success- ful. But successful at the expense of melody ; which, in modem compositions, generally speak- ing, is lost amid the blaze of harmony. In the Italian opera, the mistress is degraded to be handmaid; and harmony triumphs, with very little regard to sentiment. Among the Greeks also, as a conquered people, the fine arts de- cayed ; but not so rapidly as at Rome under her various despotic emperors; the Greeks farther removed from the seat of government, being less within the reach of the Roman ty- rants. During their depression they were guilty of the most puerile conceits ; witness verses com- posed in the form of an axe, an egg, wings, and such like. The style of Greek authors, in the reign of Adrian, is unequal, obscure, stiff, and affected. Lucian is the only exception. We need scarce any other cause but despotism, to account for the decline of statuary and painting in Greece. These arts had arrived at their ut- most perfection about the time of Alexander the Great; and from that time they declined gra- dually with the vigor of a free people ; for Greece was now enslaved by the Macedonian power. It may in general be observed, that when a nation becomes stationary in that degree of power which it acquires from its constitution and situation, the national spirit subsides, and men of talents become rare. It is still worse with a nation that is sunk below its former power and pre-eminence ; and worst of all, when it is reduced to slavery. Other causes concurred to accelerate the downfall of the arts mentioned. Greece, in the days of Alexander, was filled with statues of excellent workmanship ; and there being little demand for more, the later statuaries were reduced to make heads and busts. At last the Romans put a total end, both to statuary and painting in Greece, by plundering it of its finest pieces; and the Greeks, exposed to the avarice of the conquerors, bestowed no longer any money on the fine arts. The decline of the fine arts in Rome is, by Petronius Arbiter, a writer of taste and elegance, ascribed to a cause different from any above mentioned, i. e. opu- lence, with its faithful attendants avarice and luxury. In England the fine arts are far from such perfection as to suffer by opulence. They are in a progress, indeed, towards maturity ; but proceed at a very slow pace. Another cause that never fails to undermine a fine art in a country v/here it is brought to perfection, ab- stracting from every one of the causes above mentioned, has been already pointed out. No- thing is more fatid to an art or science, than per- formances so much superior to all of the kind as to extinguish emulation. This cause would have been fatal to the arts of statuary and paint- ing among the Greeks, even though they had continued a free people. Tlie decay of painting in modern Italy is probably owing to this cause : Michael Angelo, Raphael, Titian, &c. are lofty oaks, that bear down young plants in their neighbourhood, and intercept tiiem from the sunshine of emulation. Had the art of ])ainting made a slower progress in Italy, it might have there continued in vigor to tiiis day. Archi- ART tecture continued longer in vigor tiiaii painting, because the principles of comparison in the former art were less precise tlian in the latter. The artist who could not rival his predecessors in an established mode, sought out a new mode for himself, which, tiiougii perhaps less elegant or perfect, was for a time supported by novelty. Useful arts will never be neaiected in a country where there is any police ; for every man finds his account in them. Tine arts are more pre- carious. They are not relished but by persons of taste, who are rare; and such as can spare great sums for supporting them, who are still more rare. For that reason they will never flourish in any country, unless patronised by the sovereign, or by men of power and opulence. And richly do they merit such patronage, as one of the springs of government; multiplying amusements, and humanising manners. Art, the second person singular of the verb TO BE, of which the English language affords no variation, except by adopting the plural, by say- ing You are, instead of Thou art. Thou beest in- deed was anciently used, but it is quite obsolete. Art and Part in Scots law. See Accessary. ARTA, or Larta, a gulf, river, and town of European Turkey, in Albania, or Epirus, be- longing to the government of Romania. The town is seated on the river of the same name, nine miles north of the spot where it falls into the gulf of Arta, above twenty miles north-east of Prevesa, and about 360 W. N. W. of Con- stantinople. The number of inhabitants, Christians as well as Turks, amounts to six thousand, who trade in cattle, wine, tobacco, cotton, flax, pulse, fur, leather, and other commodities. They also manufacture coarse woollen and other cloths. It is the seat of a Greek metropolitan and several European consuls. The gulf, otherwise called the gulf of Prevesa, extends a considerable way inland in an eastern direction, and from its rocks and sand banks, is very dangerous. Long. 21° 8' E., lat. 39°30'N. ARTABA, an ancient measure of capacity used by the Persians, JNIedes, and Egyptians. — The Persian artaba is represenied by Herodotus as bigger than the Attic medimnus by three Attic choenixes ; from which it appears that it was equal to 6J Roman modii ; consequently that it contained 166| pounds of wine or water, or 126| pounds of wheat. The Egyptian artaba contained five Roman modii, and fell short of the Attic medimnus by one raodius ; consequently held 133J pounds of water or wine, lOOlb. of wheat, or sixty of flour. ARTABANUS, the name of several kings of Parthia. See Parthia. Artabanus, the brother of Darius I. and the uncle and murderer of Xerxes. See Artax- ERXES. ARTABAZUS, the son of Pharnaces, com- manded the Parthians and Chorasmians in the famous expedition of Xerxes. After the battle of Salamis, he escorted the king his master to the Hellespont with 60,000 chosen men ; and after the battle of Plataa, in which Mardonius engaged contrary to his advice, he made a noble retreat, and returned to Asia with 40,000 men. a\RTAKI, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Na- ART i tolia, on the south coast of the sea of Marmora, ;orty-five miles east of Gallipoli and ninety south- west of Constantinople. Long. 27" 39' E., lat. 40° 18' N. Artakui, a town of European Turkey, in Romania, forty -eight miles north-west of Galli- poli. ARTALIS (Joseph), a native of Mazara, A. D. 1628, who showed an early inclination both for poetry and arms. He finished his studies at fif- teen years of age, when he fought a duel and killed his adversary. He took shelter in a church and afterwards studied philosophy. Candia be- ing besieged by the Turks, he went to its relief, and displayed so much valor that he was created a knight of St. George. Being afterwards en- gaged in several rencounters and always victori- ous, he got the title of Chevalier de Sang, or the knight of blood. His literary talents obtained him the honor of being elected a member of se- veral academies in Italy, and his military abilites procured him the favor of several princes, parti- cularly of the Emperor Leopold I. and Ernest duke of Brunswick. ARTAXATA, an ancient city, the metropolis of Annenia Major, and the residence of the Ar- niinian kings : it was built according to a plan of Hannibal, for king Artaxias ; and was situated on a branch of the river Araxes, which formed a kind of peninsula, and surrounded the town like a wall, except on the side of the isthmus, but this side was secured by a rampart and ditch. The town was deemed so strong that Lucullus, after having defeated Tigrai-es, durst not lay siege to it ; but Poropey compelled him to deliver it without striking a blow. It was then levelled with the ground; but the Armenians have a tradition, that the ruins of it are still to be seen at a place called Ardachat. Sir John Chardin says, that it has the name of Ardachat, from Artaxias, whom in the east they call Ardechier. Here are the re- mains of a stately palace, which the Armenians take to be that of Tiridates, who reigned in the time of Constantine. One front of this building is half ruined, and there are many other fine an- tiquities. Artax^ta, or Atropatia, another city built also on the Araxes, in the northern part of Media. ARTAXERXES I. king of Persia, surnaraed Longimanus, from the uncommon length of his arms, was the youngest son of Xerxes, and was raised to the throne A. M. 3487, by Artabanus, the captain of the guar-ds, who had privately murdered his father ; but persuaded the young prince that his elder brother Darius had done it ; whereupon, assisted by the guards, he killed Da- rius in his bed-chamber. But the murder and treason being afterwards discovered, Artabanus sufl'ered the punishment he merited. Some reckon this king the Ahasuerus who married Esther; but, be that as it may, it is certain that he greatly favored the Jews, by not only autho- rising them to return to Judea, and rebuild Jeru- salem, but also to collect money for the use of their temple ; as well as by remitting their tri- bute, by encouraging their worship, and by making them a number of valuable presents, &.c. See his letter to Ezra, chapter vii, 10 — 26. For I ART an account of the other transactions of his reign, see Persia. He reigned about forty years, and died A. A. C. 447. Artaxerxes II. surnamed Mnemon, from his great memory, succeeded his father Darius II. A. M. 3546, but had to contend for his kingdom with his younger brother Cyrus, who was assisted by the Greeks, but was at last overcome and slain. It was after this battle that Xenophon dis- played his generalship by his memorable retreat with his army. Artaxerxes reigned forty-three years, and died A. M. 3589. See Persia. Artaxerxes is also the name given in Scrip- ture to, and probably assumed by, the impostor Oropastes ; who, pretending to be Smerdis the son of Cyrus, reigned five months in Persia, after the death of Cambyses. During his short reign, the enemies of the Jews applied for, and ob- tained, an interdict of the rebuilding of the city and temple. See Ezra iv. 7. ARTAXIAS, the founder of the kingdom of Armenia Major. See Armenia and Artaxata. ARTEDI (Peter), a famous Swedish natura- list, bom in 1705. He was educated at the uni- versity of Upsal, where he studied medicine ; but his time was chiefly dedicated to ichthyology, in which he made many valuable discoveries. — ■ Such was the friendship between him and Lin- naeus, that the longest liver was to be heir of all their MSS. He was drowned at Leyden in 1735. His Bibliotheca Ichthyologica and Philosophia Ichthyologica, were published by Linnaeus in 1738. ARTEDIA, in botany, a genus of the digynia order, and pentandria class of plants ; ranking in the natural method, under the forty-fifth order, urabellatae. The involucra are pinnatifid ; the floscules of the disc are masculine ; and the fruit is hispid with scales. The principal species is, viz. A. squamata, with squamose seeds, a native of the east. Rauwolf found it growing on mount Libanus. It is an annual plant, v/hose stalks rise about two feet high, sending out a few side branches, garnished with narrow compound leaves resembling those of dill. ARTEMIDORUS, a Grecian teacher in Rome, who being intimate with Brutus, and learning from him of the intended assassination of Casar, delivered a note to him to inform him of it, as he went to the senate-house, and desired him to read it immediately, v/hicli Ccesar neglect- ing, fell a sacrifice to the plot. Artemidorus, an ancient author, under An- toninus Pius, famous for his Treatise on Dreams, which was first printed in Greek at Venice in 1518. Rigaltius published an edition at Paris in Greek and Latin in 1603, and added some notes. Artemidorus wrote also treatises upon Auguries and Chiromancy; which are not extant. ARTEMISIA I. queen of Caria, and the daughter of Ligdamis, marched in person in the expedition of Xerxes against the Greeks, and performed wonders in the sea-fight nearSalamis, A. A. C. 480. Being pursued by an Athenian vessel, she attacked one of the Persian ships, commanded by the king of Calyndus, and sunk it; on which the Athenians, thinking that her ship was on the side of the Greeks, ceased their pursuit; but Xerxes was the piincipal person ART 10 ART imposed upon in this affair ; for believing that she had sunk an Athenian vessel, he declared that ' the men had beliaved like women, and the women like men.' Xerxes entrusted her with tlie care of the young princes of Persia, his sons, wlien, agreeably to her advice, he aban- doned Greece in order to return to Persia. These great qualities did not secure her from the weak- ness of love : she was passionately fond of a man of Abydos, whose name was Dardanus, and was so enraged at his neglect of her, that she put out his eyes while he was asleep. Having consulted the I)elphian (hacle how to extinguish this passion, and being advised to go to Leucas, which was the usage of desperate lovers, she took the leap from thence, and was drowned, and interred at that place. INIany writers confound this prin- cess with the wife of Mausolus. Artemisia II., queen of Caria, the widow of king JNIausolus, has immortalised herself by the honors wliich she paid to the memory of her husband. She built for him, in Halicarnassus, a very magnificent tomb, called the Mausoleum, which was one of the seven wonders of the world, and from which the title of mausoleum was after- wards given to all tombs remarkable for their grandeur, but died of grief before the mausoleum was finished. She is said to have drank his ashes ; and to have offered a prize of great value to the person who should compose the best eu- logium on his memory. He died about the end of the 106th Olympiad, A. A. C. 351. Artemisia, mugwort, southernwood, and wormwood ; a genus of the polygamia superflua order, and syngenesia class of plants, ranking in the natural method under the forty-ninth order, composite nucamentaceae. The receptacle is either naked or a little downy; it has no pappus ; the calyx is imbricated with roundish scales; and the corolla has no radii. There are twenty-three species, of which the following are the most remarkable : viz. 1. A. abrotanum, or southernwood, which is kept in gardens for the sake of its agreeable scent, a low shrub, seldom rising more than three or four feet high. 2. A. absinthium, or common wormwood, grows naturally in lanes and uncul- tivated places, and is too well known to require any description. 3. A. arborescens, or tree-worm- wood, grows naturally in Italy and the Levant, near the sea. It rises with a woody stalk, six or seven feet high, sending out many ligneous branches, garnished with leaves somewhat like those of the common wormwood, but more finely divided and much whiter. 4. A. dracun- culus, or Tarragon, is frequently used in sallads, especially by the French, and is a very hardy plant, spreading greatly by its creeping roots. 5. A. maritima, or sea-wormwood, grows natu- rally on the sea-coast in most parts of Britain, where there are several varieties to be found. (3. A. Pontica, or Pontic wormwood, commonly called Roman wormwood, is a low herba- ceous plant whose stalks die in autumn, and new ones rise up in tlie spring. The flowers appear in August, but are rarely succeeded by seeds in Britain. 7. A. santonicum, produces the semen santonicum, which is much used for worms in children. It grows naturally in Persia, from whence the seeds are brought to Europe. 9. A. vulgaris, or common mugwort, grows naturally on banks and by the sides of foot-paths in many parts of Britain : in gardens it proves a troublesome weed. The seeds of the santonicum are small, light, chaffy, composed as it were of a number of thin membranous coats of a yellowish color, an unpleasant smell, and a very bitter taste. They are celebrated for an- thelmintic virtues, which they have in common with other bitters, and are sometimes taken with this intention, either along with molasses or candied with sugar. They are not often met with genuine in the shops. The leaves of the sea, common, and Roman wormwoods are used as stomachics, but are all very disagreeable; the Roman is the least so and therefore is to be pre- ferred ; but the other two kinds are generally substituted in its place. The distilled oil of wormwood is sometimes made use of externally as a cure for worms. The leaves of the vulgaris or common mugwort were commonly celebrated as uterine and antihysteric : an infusion of them is sometimes taken, either alone or in conjunc- tion with other substances, in suppression of the menstrual evacuations. In some parts of this kingdom mugwort is of common use as a pot- herb. It is now, however, very little employed in medicine; and it is probably widi propriety that the London college have rejected it from the Pharmacopffiia. The moxa, so famous in the eastern coun- tries for curing the gout, by burning it on the part affected, is the lanugo or down growing on the under side of the leaves of a species of mug- wort, supposed to be the same with our com- mon sort. Fiom some dried samples of this plant which were brought over to this country, Mr. Miller reckons ihem to be the same, differ- ing only in size. He supposes that the lanugo of our mugwort would be equally efficacious. The abbe Crosier says the ancient Chinese made great use of it in medicine. Artemisia, yearly festivals anciently observed in divers cities in Greece, particularly Delphi, in honor of Diana Artemis. In the artemisia a mullet was sacrificed to this goddess, as being thought to bear some resemblance to her, be- cause it is said to hunt and kill the sea-hare. ARTEMISIUM, a promontory on the north- east of Euboea, (called Leon and Cale Acte by Ptolemy,) memorable for the first sea en- gagements between the Greeks and Xerxes, of which the following account is given by Gillies : ' The Grecian fleet was stationed in the harbour, while that of the Persians, too numerous for any harbour to contain, had anchored between the city of Castanxa and the promontory of Sepias, on the coast of Thessaly. The first line of their fleet was sheltered by the coast of Thessaly ; but the other lines, to the number of seven, rode at anchor, at small intervals, with the prows of the vessels turned to the sea. When they adopted this arrangement the waters were smooth, the sky clear, the weather calm and serene; but on the morning of the second day after their arrival on the coast, the sky began to lower, the appear- ance of the heavens grew threatening and terrible ; a dreadful storm succeeded ; raged for three days ART 11 with utiabating fury, and destroyed 400 galleys, besides a vast number of store-ships and trans- ports. However, 800 ships of war, besides innu- merable vessels of burden, sailed into the Pega- seaii bay and anchored in the road of Aphete, directly opposite to the harbour of Artemisium. The Grecians bad posted sentinels on the heights of Eubcea, to observe the consequences of the storm, and to watch the motions of the enemy. When informed of the disaster which had befallen them they poured out a joyful libation, and sa- crificed, with pious gratitude, to ' Neptune the Deliverer.' The Persians, however, having reco- vered from the terrors of the storm, prepared for battle ; and, as they entertained not the smallest doubt of conquering, they detached 200 of their best sailing vessels round the isle of Eubcea, to inter- cept the expected flight of the enemy through the narrow Euripus. About sunset the Grecian fleet approached in a line, and the Persians met them with the confidence of victory, as their ships were still sufficiently numerous to surround those of their opponents. At their first signal the Greeks formed into a circle, at the second they began the fight. Though crowded into a narrow com- pass, and having the enemy on every side, they soon took thirty of their ships, and sunk many more. Night came on, accompanied with an impetuous storm of rain and thunder ; the Greeks retired into the harbour of Artemisium ; the enemy were driven to the coast of Thessaly. By good fortune however, rather than by de- sign, the greatest part of the Persian fleet es- caped immediate destruction, and gained the Pegasean bay ; but the ships ordered to sail round Eubcea met with a more dreadful disaster. They were overtaken by the storm, after they had ventured farther from the shore than was usual with the wary mariners of antiquity. Clouds soon intercepted the stars, by which alone they directed their course ; and after continuing during the greatest part pf the night the sport of the elements, they all perished miserably amidst the shoals and rocks of an unknown coast. The morning arose with different prospects and hopes to the Persians and Greeks. To the former it discovered the extent of their misfortunes ; to the latter it brought a reinforcement of fifty- three Athenian ships. Encouraged by this favor- able circumstance, they determined again to at- tack the enemy at the same hour as on the pre- ceding day, because their knowledge of the coast, and their skill in fighting their ships, ren- dered the dusk peculiarly propitious to their designs. At the appointed time they sailed to- wards the road of Aphete; and having cut off" the Cilician squadron from the rest, totally de- stroyed it, and returned at night to Artemisium. The Persian commanders being deeply aff"ected with their repeated disasters, but still more alarmed at the much dreaded resentment of their king, determined to make one vigorous ef- fort for restoring the glory of their arms. By art and stratagem, and under favor of the night, the Greeks had hitherto gained many important advantages. It now belonged to the Persians to choose the time for action. On the third day, at noon, they sailed forth in the form of a crescent, still sufiiciently extensive to infold the Grecian ART line. The Greeks, animated by former success, were averse to decline any offer of battle ; yet it is probable that their admirals, and particularly Themistocles, would much rather have delayed it to a more favorable opportunity. Rage and resentment supplied the defect of the barbarians in skill and courage. The battle was longer, and more doubtful, than on any former occasion; many Grecian vessels were destroyed, five were taken by the Egyptians, who particularly sig- nalised themselves on the side of the barbarians, as the Athenians did on that of the Greeks. The persevering valor of the latter at length pre- vailed, the enemy retiring, and acknowledging their superiority, by leaving them in possession of the dead and the wreck. But the victory cost them dear ; since their vessels, particularly those of the Athenians, were reduced to a very shattered condition ; and their great inferiority in the number and size of their ships made them feel more sensibly every diminution of strength.' Artemisium, a town of QEnotria, now called St. Agatha, in Calabria, on the river Pisaurus, or la Foglia, eight miles distant from the Tuscan sea. Artemisium, an ancient town of Spain, on the sea-coast of Valencia, called also Dianium, and now Denia, possessed by the Contestani. ARTEMON, a Syrian who resembled Anti- ochus, king of Syria, so exactly, that by the con- trivance of his queen Laodice, he personated him after his death, and thus obtained the kingdom. Artemon, the founder of the sect of Artemo- nites, a sect of Unitarians who flourished about the year 210. ARTEMUS, a promontory of Valencia, called also Cabo St. Martin, and Punta del' Emperador. ARTENNA, in ornithology, the name of a water-bird, of the size of a hen, of a brownish color on the back, and white on the belly ; hav- ing a crooked bill, and its three fore toes con- nected by a membrane, but the hinder one loose. It is found on the island Tremiti, in the Adriatic sea, and is supposed to be the avis Diomedis of the ancients. ARTERIA AsPERA, Arteria Bronchia- Lis, &c. See Anatomy, Index. Arteria Venosa, a name given by the ancients to the pulmonary vein, on the erroneous supposition of its being an air-vessel, and that it served for the conveyance of the vital aura from the lungs to the heart. ARTERIACA, Arteriacs. Medicines for disorders of the trachea, and the voice. Arte- riacs are reduced by Galen into three kinds : 1. Such as are void of acrimony, serving to mollify the asperities of the part; such as gum traga- canth, aster samias, starch, milk. Sec. 2. Those of an acrimonious quality, whereby they stimu- late even the sound parts; such as honey, tur- pentine, bitter almonds, iris root, &c. 3. Those of an intermediate kind, soft and mild, yet deter- gent; such as butter, and preparations of al- monds, honey, &c. ARTERIOSA Vena, or Arterial Vein, a denomination given to the pulmonary artery. ARTERIOSUS Canalis, a tube in the heart of the foetus, which, with the foramen ovale, serves to maintain the circulation of the blood, and to divert it from the lungs. ART 12 ART ARTERY, ) Aprr/pia, spirit us sewita, accord- Aute'rial. S ing to Pliny and Cicero. The moderns have a more accurate knowledge of the human body than this bare and inadequate defi- nition of tlie ancients affords. See Anatomy for a complete view of the arteries. Universal plodding, poisons up The nimble spirits in the arteries. Shakspeare. Love's Labour Lost. Had not the Maker wrought the springy frame ; The blood, defrauded of its nitrous food. Had cool'd and languished in the afterial road. Blackmore. As this mixture of blood and chyle passeth tUrough the arterial tube, it is pressed by two contrary forces ; that of the heart driving it forward against the sides of the tube ; and the clastic force of the air, pressing it on the opposite sides of those air-bladders, along the surface of which this arterial tube creeps. Arbuthnot. ARTHEL, in law, something cast into a court, in Wales, or its marches, whereby the court is letted or discontiimed for the time. The casting of arthel is prohibited, 26 Hen. VIII. cap. 6. ARTHINGTON (Henry), a fanatical gentle- man of Yorkshire, who, towards the end of queen Elizabeth's reign, engaged in treasonable prac- tices against the government, with Edward Cop- pinger a servant of the queen's, and one Hacket, whom, in their fanaticism they styled ' king of Europe 1' Supposing themselves to be inspired, Coppinger styled himself the ' prophet of mercy,' and Arthington the ' prophet of judgment !' Arthington accordingly wrote and published his prophecies, wherein were intermingled some se- vere reflections against the lords of the privy council, the judges, &c. They were at last all three apprehended in July, 1591 ; when Cop- pinger became quite deranged, and never re- covered his senses. Hacket was tried, con- demned, and executed ; and Arthington hearing of this, wrote a submissive letter to the lords of council, which, after some time, procured him the queen's pardon. He died with the character of an honest but weak man. ARTHRITIC A, in botany, a name given by some to the primrose, and by others to the ground pine. ARTHRinCAL, ^ Ap0ptric, pain or disease ARTitraT'icK. S which attacks the joints, from apOpov, a joint. Frequent changes produce all the arthritick diseases. ArbutkTiot. Serpents, worms, and Irachos, though some want bones, and all extend articulation, yet have they arthritical analogies; and, by the motion of fibrous and musculous parts, arc able to make progression. Brown's Vulgar Errors. Unhappy! whom to beds of pain. Arthritic tyranny consigns •, Whom smiling nature courts in vain, Tbough rapture sings and beauty shines. Jiihnsori's Ode on Spring. ARTHRITIS ; from apOpov, a joint ; any distemper that affects the joints, but the gout particularly. AuTUKiris Pi.ANr.TiCA, AiniiuiTis Vaca, the wandering gout, that gives pain sometimes in one hmo, and sometimes in another. ARTHRODIA, in anatomy, a species of ar- ticulation, wherein the flat head of one bone is received into a shallow socket in the other. The humertis and scapula are joined by this species of articulation. See Anatomy, Index. AuTiiRoniA, in natural history, a genus of imperfect crystals, found always in complex masses, and forming long single pyramids, with very short and slender columns. Artiirodia, in zoology, a class of animalcula;, containing those with visible limbs. ARTHRON ; apOpov, Greek ; a joint, or connection of bones proper for motion. ARTHROSIS, in anatomy, a juncture of two bones designed for motion ; called also articu- lation. See Arthrodia. ARTHUR, the celebrated hero of the Britons, is said to have been the son of Uter, named Pen- dragon, king of Britain, and to have been born in 501. Ilis life is a continued scene of won- ders. He killed 470 Saxons with his own hand in one day; and after having subdued many mighty nations, and instituted the order of the knights of the Round Table, died A.D. 542, of wounds which he received in battle. The most par- ticular detail of his story and his exploits is that given by Geoffrey of Monmouth ; but his history is so blended with the marvellous and the extra- vagant, that not only the truth of the whole, but even the reality of Arthur's existence, has been called in question. The ingenious Mr. Whitaker however believes in his institution of the cele- brated order of the round table, as also that it was the origin of others of the like kind on the continent. Arthur's Seat, a high hill in the neigh- bourhood of Edinburgh, said to have been so denominated from a tradition that king Arthur surveyed the country from its summit, and had also defeated the Saxons in its neighbourhood. This hill rises by a steep and rugged ascent, till it terminates in a rocky point near 700 feet from the base, being more than double the height of the cross on the top of St. Paul's, London, which is 340 feet. On the south it is in many parts a perpen- dicular rock, composed of basaltic pillars, regu- larly pentagonal or hexagonal, about three feet in diameter, and from forty to fifty feet in height. Contiguous upon the west, and partly connected with it at the base, are Salisbury crags, of infe- rior height but exhibiting an appearance equally singular and grand. They present to the city an awful front of broken rocks and precipices, form- ing a sort of natural amphitheatre of solid rock ; and backward from the craggy verge above, the hill forms an extensive irregular slope, the surface affording pasture to numerous flocks of sheep. The crags, beside ores, spars, rock-plants, and here and there it is said some precious stones, af- ford an inexhaustible supply of granite for paving the streets, &c. In quarrying a part of the crags has been worn down into a spacious shelf, having the appearance of a lofty terrace, and stretching a considerable length. From hence is a near and distinct prospect of the city with its environs and the adjacent country. But from the pinnacle called Arthur's Seat the view is more noble and extensive. The traveller may here sit and survey at his ease the centre of the kingdom, besides hav- ing a complete view of Edinburgh and its castle, on which he looks down as if seated among tlH- ARTICLE. 13 clouds. In a word, the German ocean, the whole course of the Forth, the distant Grampians, and a large portion of the most populous and best cul- tivated part of Scotland, form a landscape sub- lime, various and beautifiil. The denomination of this hill, derived as above, has been adduced as an argument against those wlio dispute the existence of the British Artiiur. That derivation, however, though probable, is not without uncer- tainty. Tor Arthur's Seat is said to be derived, or rather corrupted, from A'rd Seir, * a place or field of arrows,' where people shot at a mark : and this not improbably ; for among these clifls is a dell or recluse valley, where the wind can scarcely reach, nov/ called the Hunter's bog, the bottom of it being a morass. The adjacent craggs are supposed to iiave taken their name from the earl of SaUsbury, who, in the reign of Edward ill. accompanied that prince in an expedition against the Scots; though, according to oliiGrs, the genuine derivation, like that of Arthur s seat, is from a Celtic word also corrupted. ARTICHOKE, in botany. See Cinaea. ARTICLE, V. & 71. -N Lat. articulus, a di- Arti'culate, v. & adj. (^minutive of arlus, a Arti'culately, ^ joint. To enter into, Articula'tion. J draw up or state par- ticulars, to make terms. To articulate is to pro- nounce each portion of a sentence distinctly. Pkospero. Hast thou, spirit, Performed to point the tempest that I bad thee. Ariel. To every article. Shakspecire. Tempest. Henry's insti-uctions were extreme curious and arti- culate, and in them more articles touching inquisition, than negotiation ; requiring an answer in distinct articles to his questions. Bacon. In speaking under water, when the voice is reduced to an extreme exility, yet the articulate sounds, the words, are not confounded. Id. The first, at least, of these I thought deny'd To beasts ; whom God, on their creation day. Created mute to all articulate sound. Milton. Antiquity expressed numbers by the fingers on cither hand. On the left they accounted their digits and articulate numbers unto an hundred ; on the right Land, hundreds and thousands. Brown's Vvlgar Errors. If it be said, God chose the successor, that is mani- festly not so in the story of Jephtha, where he articled •with the people, and they made him judge over them. Locke. By articulation I mean a peculiar motion and figure of some parts belonging to the mouth, between the throat and lips. Holder. All the precepts, promises, and threatenings of the gospel, will rise up in judgment against us ; and the articles of our faith will be so many articles of accusa- tion ; and the great weight of our charge will be this. That we did not obey the gospel, which we professed to believe ; that we made confession of the Christian faith, but lived like Heathens. Tillotson. You have small reason to repine upon that article of life. Sivift. The dogmatist knows not by what art he directs his tongue, in articulating sounds into voices. Glanville. In the mean time they have ordered the preliminary treaty to be published, with observations on each article, in order to quiet the minds of his people. Steele. Article, in grammar, is a particle used in most languages for the declining of nouns, and denoting taur several cases and genders. l"he use of them chiefly arises in languages that have no different terminations to express the different circumstances of nouns. Tlie Latins have no articles ; but the Greeks, and most of the modern languages, have had recourse to tliem for fixing and ascertaining tire vague signification of com- mon and appellative names. Many have been the controversies among grammarians upon the use and meaning of these words. i\Ir. Harris, whose knowledge was derived from the Greek language and Greek grammarians, and whose principles are contradicted by the slightest ac- quaintance with the Teutonic and Arabic, leads us through many a maze; and we might have wan- dered tdl this moment, if Mr. Tooke, in his obser- vations on the word that, in his Epea Pteroenta, had not pointed out to us the open and straight road-upon this sulyect. In the English language we call the words u and the articles ; the Germans have ein and der ; the French un and k ; the Greeks 6 ; the Hebrews H : but the unfortunate Latins are said to be without these joints and pegs in speech. But if one language is without tliem, they are, it is evident, not essential to language ; and it will be found difficult to make such a defi- nition as shall exclude a variety of words, such as hie, this, that, &c. from making a part of this division. In the languages above-mentioned the precise meaning of the words the, der, le, 6, and n, cannot at first sight be ascertained. The English word a points obscurely to its meaning, but the German ein and the French un clear the road for investigation. They are to' be found continually applied to substantives, and mean one. If a thing is generally reported, we say in English, ' they say,' meaning a great number say so : and so in French it is on dit, or 2(hiis dicit, ' one person says so,' meaning more than one person by an ellipsis very common in that lan- guage : in German it is wan sagt, by man, mean- ing man in general. Vv'e have thus found, that in two languages one of the articles is merely a word of number. Probably it may be so in English; arnay mean one, or it is an abbreviation oi any. By trying the two senses it is evident that any cannot be applied in the room of o, but that one always can : and hence we might con- clude that a and an are only other words for one, and answer to the German ein. Tlie article the, as it is called, may not dis- cover itself so easily. Yet let us try the same analogy, for the etymology of it is not ascer- tained. The answers to der of the Germans, and le of the French : but what is le ? itie ille of the Latins ; and hence we may reasonably presume that our word the is no more an article than ille, and in fact that it comes from some adjective of the same signification. Let us try by etymology. In German we have der, die, das; which was anciently ther, thia (tliio thiu) thaz, and in the plural thie (thier). This looks very much like our the. In the Anglo-Saxon we find sa, seo, that : in Islandic, sa, sit, that : in Gothic, sa, so, thata : in Hebrew, niT; 1?. HT : etymolo- logists perhaps will not be displeased at our making the words ri7 and the proceed from the same original ; and we shall not be afraid of ex- posing ourselves to the laughter of critics, if we refer the Doric r>;voc to the same stock. If we ART 14 ART are x\"ht in our conjectures, the word the is as much°a pronoun as the ilk of the Latins ; but, if persons choose to have a distinct class of words under the name of articles, we may say that the English has two, a and the, which 'serve to de- fine and ascertain any particular object, so as to distinguish It from the other object of the general class to which it belongs.' ,.,,-, r Father Buffier distinguishes a third kind ot articles in French, which he calls intermediate or partitive, serving to denote part of the thing expressed by the substantives they are added to ; as des scavants ont cru/ some learned men have supposed;' 1 want de la lumierc, ' some light. The use and distinction of the definite and inde- finite articles Ic or la, and de or du, make one of the greatest difficulties in the French language ; as being entirely arbitrary, and only to be ac- quired by practice. The most philosophical and probable account is that which has been so ably illustrated by the learned bishop Middleton ; viz. that it is neither more nor less than the demonstrative or relative pronoun, for both were originally the same. The article, together with its adjunct, forms in fact a proposition, in which the participle of existence is either expressed or understood, and which in- volves a relation . to something before said by the speaker, or which is suppposed to pass in the mind of the speaker. Thus, yspwv signifies gene- rally ' old man ;' but 6 yspwv is equivalent to o, yfpaiv u)v, where the pronoun o, * this,' implies that the old man now spoken of has been men- tioned before, or that he is in some way or other known to the hearer or the speaker. Article, Articulus, in anatomy, a joint, or juncture, of two or more bones of the body. Article, in aritlimetic, sometimes signifies the number 10, or any number justly divisible into ten parts, as 20, 30, 40, &c. Article of Faith is by some defined a point of Christian doctrine, which we are obliged to believe as having been revealed by God him- self, and allowed and established as such by the church. The thirty-nine articles were founded, for the most part, upon a body of articles com- piled and published in the reign of Edward VI. They were first passed in the convocation, and confirmed by royal authority in 1562. They were afterwards ratified anew in the year 1571, and again by Charles I. The law requires a subscription to these articles of all persons or- dained to be deacons or priests, 13 El. cap. 12 ; of all clergymen inducted to any ecclesiastical living, by the same statute ; and of licensed lec- turers and curates, 13 El. cap. 12 and 13, and 14 Ch. II. cap. 4 ; of the heads of colleges, of chancellors, officials and commissaries, and of schoolmasters. By 1 William III. cap. 10. dis- senting teachers are to subscribe to all except the thirty-fourth, thirty-fiftli, and thirty-sixth, and part of the twentieth, and in the case of Ana- baptists, except also part of the twenty-seventh ; othewise they are exempted from the benefits of the act of toleration. See Church of England. Articlks of the Clergy, Articuli cleri, are certain statutes touching persons and causes ecclesiastical, made under Edw. II. and III. Abtjcles of Lamiseth were nine articles on the subject of predestination, and the limitation of saving grace, which were drawn up by arch- bishop Whitgift, and recommended to the atten- tion of the students of Cambridge, inconsequence of some disputes which were raised in the uni- versity at that time on the above-mentioned points. They were, however, merely declaratory of the doctrines of the church of England, and were not imposed as of public authority. Articularis Nervus. See Anatomy, Index. Articulate Sounds are such as express the letters, syllables, or words, of an alphabet or language : such are formed by the human voice, and by some few birds, as parrots, &c. Articulated Libel, libellus articulatus, in law, that wherein the parts of a fact are set forth to the judge in short, distinct articles. Articulation, in anatomy. See Anatomy, Index. Articulation, in botany, is the connexion of parts that consist of joints or knees, such as the pods of French honey-suckles, which, when ripe, divide into so many parts as there are knees or joints ; also those parts of plants which swell into nodes or joints, and which usually send forth branches. Articulation, in grammar, a distinct pro- nunciation of words and syllables. ARTIFICERS, among the Romans, had their peculiar temples, where they assembled and chose their own patron, or advocate, to defend their causes ; they were exempted from all per- sonal services. Taruntenus Paternus reckons thirty-two species of artificers, and Constantine thirty-five, who enjoyed this privilege. Artificers wereheldadegreebelow merchants, and argentarii or money-changers, and their employment more sordid. Some deny, that in the earliest ages of the Roman state, artificers were ranked in the number of citizens : others, who assert their cit- izenship, allow that they were held in contempt, as being unfit for war, and so poor that they could scarcely pay any taxes. For which reason they were not entered among the citizens in the censor's books ; the design of the census being only to see what number of persons were yearly fit to bear arms, and to pay taxes towards the support of the state. In almost all ages, till the present, and under most forms of govern- ment, artificers have been too little respected. By means of the arts, the minds of men are engaged in inventions beneficial to the whole community ; and thus prove the grand preser- vative against that barbarism and brutality, which even attend indolence and induce stupidity. Ra- mazini has a treatise on the diseases of artificers. ARTIFICIAL Day, the time between the sun's rising and setting in any position of the hemisphere. Artificial Lines, on a sector or scale, are lines so contrived as to represent the logarilhmick lines and tangents ; which, by the help of the line of numbers, solve, with tolerable exact- ness, questions in trigonometry, navigation, &c. Chambers Artificial Music, that which is according to the rules of art ; or executed by instruments invented by art. It is also used, in another sense, for some artful contrivance in music; as when a piece ir. sung in two parts ; one of which is by B moUe, or flat, and the other by B sharp. arttli.ery: . Ill (■ I (' II I . I., s c Pi Howitzer limber \ ^f^f ^^x .'.'.'. c ?■ r T • 1 i Off Box . . . . II C Limber J j^ear Box . . . . p S J TD J S Fore Box .... IcjC ^°dy- UiindBox . . . Total .... 8 8 11 11 10 10 2 2 2 2 4 4 2 2 10 10 11 11 18 18 10 10 11 11 18 18 8 8 11 11 10 10 4 4 58 8 8 4 78- 78 58 8 Light 5^ Inch Howitzer. Patent limber. 1 .- ^Howitzer limber ^ gfar^B^x ! .' '. '. - ^ r T ■ 1, C Off Box ... . II I Limber J ^ear Box . . . . 3 S i T^ J $ Fore Box .... <6t ^^^y- ^ Hind Box . . . Total .... 8 8 11 11 12 12 2 2 3 3 4 4 2 2 10 10 11 11 21 21 10* 10 11 11 21 21 8 8 11 11 12 12 4 4 62 10 8 4 84 84 62 8 These are only 1-lb cartridges. TABLE II. Heavy Six-Pounder. d (S a .2 u a, n N o o -IM 1 s c s "a! • ^ bD § « r^ T • u < Off Box .... Gun Limber . . > ^.^^ jjox . . . . c <^'\t -u ^ Off Box .... §^) Limber. . J ^ear Box . . • . S S in ^ C Fore Box .... < |^)Body . . JnindBox. . . . Total Total for five guns . . . 13 13 13 13 12 24 3 3 2 3 3 2 12 16 16 16 16 28 24 16 16 16 16 16 24 12 12 88 8 8 12 116 104 12 12 440 40 40 60 580 520 60 60 /■Gun limber, two boxes \Amunition Carriage 1 Total Total for five guns .... 26 52 3 5 3 5 10 32 72 32 62 10 lO 78 8 8 10 104 94 10 10 390 40 40 50 520 470 50 50 TABLE IV. Medium Twelve-Pounder. o >- o a o Case shot. o Cartridges. g ^ 3 S S5^ Where carried. 4 a. ■4 ^ o c 'S ii g ^ O o II s O fr^ T X. i Off Box Gun Limber . . . { ^ear Box • aJ /- T • , < Off Box §|>CLimber. . { n,,, ^ox 1 S ) „ , < Fore Box < |-(Body . . . JnindBox Total Total for five guns 5 5 12 12 12 16 62 1 4 2 7 1 4 2 7 8 8 6 6 16 16 20 20 84 6 6 16 16 12 20 76 8 8 8 8 310 35 35 40 420 380 40 40 r^ ^ . , c Off Box 5 5 22 13 13 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 6 6 6 32 17 17 6 6 26 17 17 6 6 Gun Limber . . . { ^ear Box ^ bo I Limber Box £•=<„, ^ Fore Box '15 I ■ ■ ' niindBox Total Total for five guns 58 290 7 35 7 35 6 30 78 390 72 360 6 30 6 1 1 1 30 ' ARTOCARPU S. 21 ARTISCUS; fromaproc, bread; in medicine, denotes a troche, more particularly that pre- pared with vipers flesh mixed up with bread, to be used in the composition of Venice treacle. ARTIST. See Art. An Artist has more correctly been defined one who practises any of the liberal arts as a profession, in distinction fro^^ the artisan who mixes them with trade and commerce. The builder, it is said, should not be called an archi- tect, nor should the sign-painter, the figure- caster, or plasterer, the chair-sculptor, com- monly called cabinet-maker, the paper-hanger, or wall-decorator, be called artists, because their employments do not consist in the exercise of the higher faculties of the mind, but in prac- tising lower departments of art, or in executing the thoughts and designs of others. We are told of a privilege granted at Vicenza to artists, some- thing like the benefit of clergy in England, in virtue whereof a criminal adjudged to death saves his life if he can prove himself the most consummate workman in any useful art. This plea is allowed them, in favorem artis, for the first offence ; except in some particular crimes, of which coining is one ; for here the greater the artist the more dangerous the person. ARTIZOOS ; from apn short, and ?«;;;, life ; is used by some ancient physicians for an infant short-lived by reason of a difficult birth. ARTOBRIGA, an ancient town of Vindelicia, now called Altzburg, in Bavaria, on the Danube, below Ingolstadt, according to Aventinus ; but Cluverius supposes it to be Labenau on the Saltzbach, below Laussen, in the archbishopric of Saltsburg. ARTOCARPUS; from aprog, bread, and KapiroQ, fruit ; the bread-fruit tree ; a genus of the monandria order and monoecia class ; natural order, urticas. It has a cylindric amentum, thickens gradually, and is covered with flowers : the male and female in a different amentum. In the male, gal. none ; cor. bivalved. In the fe- male no calyx nor corolla ; stylus, one, and the drupa is many celled. The species are, artocar- pus incisa, sitodium incisum, radermachia incisa, soccus lanosus, seu granosus, in French le rima, ou fruit a pain, bread-fruit tree, native of the Molucca Islands. Artocarpus integrifolia, sito- dium macrocarpon, seu cauliflorum, raderma- chia integra, soccus arboreus, seu tojacca-marum Indica, Indian jaca tree, a shrub, native of the East Indies. Artocarpus Philippensis, a shrub, native of the Phillippine Islands. Artocarpus pubescens, ansjeli, seu castania raalabarica, a shrub, native of Malabar. Though this tree has been mentioned by many voyagers, particularly by Dampier, Rumphius, and Lord Anson, yet very little notice seems to have been taken of it till the return of Captain Wallis from the South Seas. Dampier states that in Guam, one of the Ladrone islands, ' there is a certain fruit called the bread-fruit, growing on a tree as big as our large apple-trees, with dark leaves. It is round, and grows on the boughs like apples, of the big- ness of a good penny loaf: when ripe it turns yellow, soft, and sweet, but the natives take it green, and bake it in an oven till the rind is black ; this they scrape off and eat the inside, which is soft and white, like the inside of new- baked bread, having neither seed nor stone ; but if kept above twenty-four hours it is harsh. As this fruit is in season eight months in the year, the natives feed upon no other sort of bread during that time.' Rumphius says, * the fruit is shaped like a heart, and increases to the size of a child's head. Its surface or rind is thick, green, and covered everywhere with warts of a qua- dragonal or hexagonal figure, like cut diamonds, but without points. The more flat and smooth these warts are the fewer seeds are contained in the fruit, and the greater is the quantity of pith, and that of a more glutinous nature. The inter- nal part of the rind, or peel, consists of a fleshy substance, full of twisted fibres, which have the appearance of fine wool ; these adhere to and in some measure form it. The fleshy part becomes softer towards the middle, where there is a small cavity formed without any nuts or seeds, except in one species which has but a small number, and this sort is not good unless it is baked or prepared some other way ; but if the outward rind be taken off, and the fibrous flesh dried and afterwards boiled with meat as we do cabbage, it has then the taste of artichoke bottoms. The in- habitants of Amboyna dress it in the liquor of cocoa-nuts, but they prefer it roasted on coals till the outward part or peel is burnt. They afterwards cut it into pieces and eat it with the milk of the cocoa-nut. Some people make frit- ters of it, or fry it in oil; and others, as the Su- matrans, dry the internal soft part, and keep it to use, instead of bread, with other food. It affords a great deal of nourishment, and is very satisfy- ing, therefore proper for hard-working people ; and being of a gentle astringent quality is good for persons of a laxative habit of body. It is more nourishing boiled in our manner with fat meat, than roasted on coals. The milky juice which distils from the trunk, boiled with the cocoa-nut oil, makes a very strong bird-lime. This tree is to be found on the eastern parts of Sumatra, and in the Malay language is called soccus and soccum capas., It grows likewise about the town of Bantam in Java, and in Balega and Madura.' In 1791 a vessel was fitted out for the pur- pose of conveying a quantity of these inestima- ble trees to various parts of his majesty s' co- lonies, under the command of Captain Bligh, who set sail on the 2d of August, and arrived at Otaheite April 8, 1792. The number of plants taken on board at Otaheite was 2634, in 1281 pots, tubs, and cases; and of these 1151 were bread-fruit trees. When they arrived at Coupang 200 plants were dead; but the rest were in good order. They arrived at St. Helena with 830 fine bread-fruit trees, besides other plants. Here they left some of them, and from hence the East Indies may be supplied with them. On their arrival at St. Vincent's they had 678 bread- fruit trees. Nearly half this cargo was deposited here for the use of the Windward Islands ; and the remainder, intended for the Leeward Islands, was conveyed to Jamaica, and distributed as the governor and council of Jamaica pleased to direct. The exact number of bread-fruit trees brought to Jamaica was 352, out of which five only were ARV 22 ARU reserved for the botanic garden at Kew. There is a distinction between that which bears fruit with stones or seeds, and that in which the fruit lias none. The parts of fructification of that tree which bears the fruit without stones are de- fective. The amentum, or catkin, which con- tains the male parts, never expands. The styli, or female parts of the fruit, are likewise defi- cient : from which it follows that there can be no stones or seeds, and therefore this tree can only be propagated by suckers or layers; although it is abundantly evident that it must originally have proceeded from the seed-bearing bread- fruit tree. Instances of this kind we sometimes find in European fruit, such as the barberry and the Corinthian grape from Zant, commonly called currants, which can therefore be increased only by layers and cuttings. Dr. Solander was assured by the oldest inhabitants of Otaheite, and the adjoining islands, that they well remem- bered there was formerly plenty of the seed-bear- ing bread-fruit; but they had been neglected on account of the preference given to the bread-fruit without seed, which they propagate by suckers. ARTOIS, a ci-devant province of France, ex- tremely fertile, and formerly one of the seven- teen provinces of the Netherlands. The name was derived from the Atrebates, the ancient in- habitants. Its greatest length from north to south was about twenty-four leagues, and its breadth about twelve, being bounded on the south and west by Picardy ; on the east by Hainault ; and on the north by Flanders. It is now included in the department of the Straits of Calais. Artois was always accounted a very productive province. It is rich in corn and hops, but is deficient in wood, and yields little wine or fruit. The chief articles of export are grain, flax, hops, wool, oil, cabbage, and rape-seed. ARTOMELI; from aproc, bread, and fieXi, honey; in ancient pharmacy, a kind of cata- plasm, prepared of bread and honey. ARTOTYRITES ; from aproQ and rvpof^, cheese ; a branch of the ancient Montanists, who first appeared in the second century in Galatia. They used bread and cheese in the Eucharist, or perliaps bread baked with cheese. Their reason was, that the first men offered to God not only the fruits of the earth, but of their flocks too. The artotyrites admitted women to the priest- hood, and even to be bishops ; and Epiphanius informs us, that it was a common thing to see seven girls at once enter into their church robed in white, and holding torches in their hands; where they wept and bewailed the wretchedness of human nature, and the miseries of this life. ARTZEN, a market-town and bailiwic of Calenberg, in the principality of Hanover, be- tween the Humme and VVeser. To the bailiwic belong twenty-two villages and the castle of Furstenberg, formerly the property of the count of ()l)erstein. This town is the seat of an eccle- siastical superintendant. ARX'AD, or Aradus, an ancient city of Pha>- nicia, built on a small island, south of Tyre, about three miles from the continent. It was formerly famous for commerce and riches, and shared the fate of Tyre. It is now called Ru- wadde, and belongs to the Turks. It is quite ruinous, having only an old fort and a few can- non to defend it; but the height of the island gives it a fine appearance from a distance. ARVAL, a town ofHindostan, in the district and province of Baliar, forty miles south-west of Patna. AR VALES Fratres, in Roman anti([uity, a college of twelve priests, instituted by Romulus, and chosen out of the most noble families, him- self being one of the body : they assisted in the sacrifices of the ambervalia, annually off'ered to Ceres and Bacchus for the prosperity of the fruits of the earth, when they wore on their heads crowns made of ears of corn. The origin of this institution was as follows : Acca Lauren- tia, Romulus' nurse, was accustomed once a year to make a solemn sacrifice for a blessing on the fields, her twelve sons always assisting her in the solemnity ; but at last losing one of them, Romulus ofliered himself to supply his place, and gave this small society the name of Arvales fratres. This order was in great repute at Rome.; they held the dignity for life, and never lost it on account of imprisonment or banishment. ARUANUS, in conchology, a species of mu- rex, found on the coast of New Guinea. The tail is patulous ; the spire crowned with spines. This is the buccinum aruanum of Rumpfius. ARVENSIS, in entomology, a species of cur- culio ; gray, with three lines on the thorax ; the wing-cases rufous, and tessalated. Also a spe- cies of cicada, a native of Denmark : yellow ; abdomen and sides black. A species of pha- laena; the phalaena noctua of Linnaeus. The wings are brown, with a transverse yellow spot in the middle ; margin brown. This is the noctua brunnea of Schmetterl. Also a species of Vespa, found in Europe, with four yellow bands on the abdomen. ARVERNI, a brave and ancient people ; one of the most powerful nations of Gaul They claimed afiinity with the Romans, as descend- ants from Antenor ; and after their subjugation by the latter, their ancient liberty was preserved to them on account of their bravery. ARVICOLA, in entomology, a species of scarabaeus, found in Russia: the shield of the head reflected ; the body black. ARVIRAGUS, the son of Cunobelin, a British king, in the time of Claudius and Domitian. ARUM, or Wake-robin, in botany, a genus of plants of the class monoecia; order, poly- andria. There are several species, of which the following are the most remarkable. The generic characters are c al. spathe,one-leaved : cor. none : STAM. filaments, none; anthers, sessile: pist. germ, obvate ; style, none ; stigma, bearded : per. berry, globular ; seeds, several. A. arbor- escens, or dumb cane, is a native of the sugar islands and warm parts of America, where it grows chiefly on low grounds. A. arisarium as well as the A. proboscidium and A. tenuifolium have usually been separated from this genus, and distinguished by the general name of arila- rum, or friar's cowl : the flower bears in April. A. colocasia, as well as the A. divaricatum, es- culentum, peregrinum, and sagitlifolium, have all mild roots, which are eaten by the inhabi- tants of hot countries, where they grow naturally. A. dracunculus, or the common dragon's cane, grows naturally^in most of the southern parts of Europe. A. Italicum, a native of Italy, Spain, ARUNDEL. 23 anil Portugal : they appear in the end of April or beginning of May. A. maculatum, or com- inon wake-robin, grows naturally in woods and on shady banks in most parts of Britain : the flowers appear in April, and their structure lias given rise to many disputes among the botanists. The recep*acle is long, in the shape of a club, with tlie seed-buds surrounding its base. The chives are fixed to the receptacle amongst the seed-buds fixed to the fruit-stalk, and placed between two rows of tendrils, the use of which is not known. A. trilobatum, or arum of Ceylon, is a native of that island and some other parts of India. All the species of this plant are hardy, except the trilobatum and the arborescens. The former must be kept constantly in a stove, and the latter in a moderate hot-bed. The arborescens is propagated by cutting off the stalks into lengths of three or four joints, which must be left to dry six weeks or two months ; for if the wounded part is not perfectly healed over before the cuttings are planted, they will rot and decay. They are then to be planted in small pots filled with light sandy earth, and plunged in a moderate hot-bed of tan, observing to let them have little water till they have taken good root. The roots of the maculatum and dracunculus are used in medicine, and differ in nothing but that the latter is somewhat stronger tb.an the former. All the parts of the arum, particularly the root, have an extremely pungent acrimonious taste ; but if dried and kept some time, it loses much of its acrimony, and becomes at length an almost insipid, farinaceous substance. This root is a powerful stimulant and attenuant. It is reckoned a medicine of great efficacy in some cachectic and chiorotic cases, in weakness of the stomach occasioned by a load of viscid pldegm. Great benefit has been obtained from it in rheumatic pains, in which it may be given from ten grains to a scruple of the fresh root twice or thrice a-day, made into a bolus or emul- sion with unctuous and mucilaginous substances, which cover its pungency, and prevent its making any painful impression on the tongue. It gene- rally excites a slight tingling sensation through the whole habit, and when the patient is kept warm in bed, produces a copious sweat. The arum was formerly an ingredient in an officinal preparation, the compound powder; but in that form its virtues are very precarious. Some re- commend a tincture of it drawn with wine; but neither wine, water nor spirits, extract its virtues. ARUNCI, in entomology, a species of Ci- cada of a ferruginous color and brown eyes. AllUNCO, in zoology, a species of rana, or toad, larger than the common frog, but of the same color. It is found in Chili. All the feet are paimated. ARUNCUS, Greater Meadow-sweet, in botany, a genus of plants, called by Tournefort and others barra caprs, and by Linnseus spirrea. This plant has been supposed to be of the same genus with the filipendula, but, by the examina- tion of the flowers, they appear tobe extremely diff'erent. ARUJMDA, a town of Ilispania Batica, on llie Annas, or Guadiana, now said to be Ronda in (iranada, on the confines of Andalusia. Long. 5°40'W., lat. 36°26'N. ARUNDEL, an ancient borough and market town of Sussex, seated on the north-west side of the Arun, over which there is a bridge. It had a harbour in which a ship of 100 tons bur- den might ride ; but the sea had ruined it so far, that in 1733 an act passed for repairing it, and for erecting new piers, locks, Sec. The river is now navigable for vessels of 200 tons and up- wards, and the navigation is carried on to the Thames by means of a canal. It abounds in mullet of a very fine quality. A considerable trade in bark is carried on here. Arundel is a borough by prescription, and has sent two mem- bers to parliament from the time of Edward I. It is mentioned in the will of Alfred, who left the castle to his brother's son. It was formerly a place of great strength, and was besieged by Henry I. in person, by whom it was taken after a gallant resistance from Bellesone de Montgomery earl of Arundel. The castle, which belonged to the family of Howard, was until lately in a mouldering condition ; but completely repaired by the late Duke of Norfolk, at a great expense. A weekly market is held here on Thursday. Po- pulation 2700. Arundel is the premier earldom in England, belonging to the illustrious family of Norfolk ; and is the only title in England that goes along with the lands. It is fifty-seven miles south-west by south of London, and ten east of Chichester. Arundel Oil, in the materia medica. At Bombay, Gambroon, and Surat in the East In- dies, there grows a tree which bears a nut en- closed in a rough husk, resembling the horse chestnut ; and the kernel of the nut yields an oil by expression, which is of a purgative nature. A tea-spoonful of it is reckoned a dose. The tree is called, the Arundel tree at Bombay and its oil the Arundel oil. Dr. Monro thinks it pro- bable that this is the oil of the purging nuts mentioned in Dale's pharmacologia, and the palma Christi Indica of Tournefort. Arundel (Thomas), archbishop of Canter- bury in the reigns of Richard II. Henry IV. and Henry V., the second son of Robert, and brother of Richard earl of Arundel, who was beheaded. In 1375, at twenty-two years of age, from being archdeacon of Taunton he was raised to the bishopric of Ely. He was a great benefactor to the church and palace of this see. In 1386 he was appointed lord chancellor of England, and in 1388 translated to the archiepiscopal see of York; and in* 1396 to that of Canterbury, when he resigned the chancellorship. This was the first instance of the translation of an arch- bisho]) of York to the see of Canterbury. Scarcely was lie fixed in this see, when he had a contest with the university of Oxford about the right of visitation. The affair was referred to king Richard, who determined it in favor of the pj'chMshop. At his visitation in London he re- vived an old constitution, by which the inhabi- tants of the respective parishes were obliged to pay to their rector one half-penny in the jiound out of the rent of their houses. In 1398 the liouse of commons impeached him, together with his brother the Earl of Arundel, and the Duke of Gloucester, of high treason. The archbishop was sentenced to be banished, and within forty days to depart the kingdom on pain of deatli. He ARl^ 24 ARU retired first to France ; and then to the court of Uome, where Pope Boniface IX. gave him a kind reception. About tliis time the duke of Lancaster, afterwards Henry IX. was in France, having also been banished by king Richard. The nobiUty and others, tired with the oppres- sions of Richard, solicited the duke to take the crown ; sending over their request in a letter to archbishop Arundel, desiring him to be their ad- vocate on this occasion with the duke. The archbishop accordingly accompanied the mes- sengers to the duke at Paris, and of course the inviting offer, after some objections easily ob- viated, tlie duke accepted. Arundel returned with him to England, and was restored to his see. In the first year of this prince's reign, the arch- bishop summoned a synod which sat at St. Paul's. The next year we find him again in dispute with the commons, who moved that the revenues of the church might be applied to the service of tlie public : but Arundel opposed the motion with such vigor that it was negatived. In 1408 Arundel began to exert himself against the Lollards, or Wicliffites, particularly against the celebrated Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham. He also procured a synodical constitution, which forbade the translation of the Scriptures into the vulgar tongue. He died at Canterbury in 1413, of an inflammation in his throat, with which he was first seized, it is said, whilst pronouncing sentence upon Lord Cobham. The Lollards asserted this to be a judgment from God ; and Bishop Goodwin speaks in the same manner. ' He who had withheld,' says he, ' from the peo- ple die word of God, the food of tlie soul, by the just judgment of God had his throat so closed, that he could not speak a single word, nor swallow meat or drink, and was so starved to death.' He was buried in the cathedral church of Canterbury, under a monument erected by himself. To this church he was a considerable benefactor : he built the lantern, tower, and a great part of the nave ; gave a ring of five bells, called from him Arundel's ring, several rich vestments, a mitre enchased with jewels, a silver gilt crosier, and two gold chalices. Aruxdel (Lady Blanch), daughter of the earl of Worcester, and wife of Lord Arundel, cele- brated for her brave defence of Wardour castle against the parliamentary army, which consisted of 1300 men; and although the little garrison mustered only forty-five, yet she maintained the place for six days, and then capitulated. She died in 1649, aged sixty-six. The ARUNDELIAN Marbles, are ancient stones or marbles, first named after Thomas earl of Arundel, who procured them from the east, or from Henry his grandson, who presented them to ihe university of Oxford. They arrived in I'ngland in 1627, and then consisted of thirty- seven statues, 128 busts, and 250 inscriptions, to^^etherwith a large number of altars, sarcophagi, fragments of sculpture, and an invaluable assem- blage of gems ; the inscriptions being principally sepulchral, and of a private nature. But one, called the Parian chronicle, from its being written at Paros, is said to have contained a clironolo- liical detail of the principal events of Greece, Uiuing a period of 1318 years, beginning with Cecrops, before Christ 1582 years, and ending with the archonship of Diognetus, before Christ 264. It is this portion of these marbles which more particularly attracted the attention of the learned. The chronicle of the last ninety years is lost ; so that the part now remaining ends at the archonship of Diotimus, 354 years before the birth of Christ ; and in tliis fragment the in- scription is at present much corroded and eft'aced. The whole of these relics of antiquity, real or pretended, were purchased in Asia Minor, or in the islands of the Archipelago, by I\Ir. William Petty, who in the year 1624 was sent by the earl of Arundel for the purpose of making such col- lections for him in the east ; and when brought to England were placed in the gardens belong- to Arundel house. Soon after their arrival they excited general curiosity, and were inspected by Sir Robert Cotton, and other eminent men, who prevailed upon the learned Selden to employ himself in explaining the inscriptions. The fol- lowing year Selden accordingly published a small volume in quarto, including about thirty- nine of them. I3ut in the turbulent reign of Charles I. and the subsequent usurpation, Arundel-house was often deserted by the illus- trious owners ; and in their absence, many of these marbles were defaced and mutilated, and others either stolen or used for the ordinary pur- poses of architecture. The Parian chronicle in particular, was unfortunately broken. The upper part containing thirty-one epochas, is said to have been worked up in repairing a chimney in Arun- del-house. Selden's work becoming very scarce, bishop !Fell engaged Mr. Prideaux to publish a new edition of the inscriptions, which was printed at Oxford in 1676. In 1732, INIr. Maittaire obliged the public with a more comprehensive view of the marbles than either of his predeces- sors. Lastly, Dr. Chandler published a new and splendid description of them in 1763, in which he corrected many mistakes of the former editors ; and in some of the inscriptions, particularly that of the Parian chronicle, supplied the lucunse by many ingenious conjectures. We cannot here enter into the dispute respecting the authenticity of these curious stones. Sir Isaac Newton and other able chronologists and historians have paid little regard to their claims; and in 1788, a Mr. Robertson, in an essay, entitled the Parian Chronicle, boldly, and with much plausibility, asserts them to be a fabrication of comparatively modern date. This treatise was reviewed by the late professor Porson, in the Monthly Review, June 1789 ; that distinguished Greek scholar fully and very ably vindicating the authenticity of the Parian marbles. See also his Tracts, edited by Mr. Kidd. p. 57. The reader will thus be sutriciently ccquainted with both sides of this subject ARUNDiNACEA, in conchology, a species of sabella found in some rivers of Europe. It is subconic, and composed of fragments of the bark of reeds placed on each odier. ARUNDINACEUS, in ornithology, a species of turdus or thrush, that inhabits the reedy marshes of Europe, and is tlie la rousserolle of Bufion and Brisson; the junco of Ray and Wil- loughby ; and the reed thrush of Dr. Latham. It ARU 25 ARY is rather larger than the common lark ; of a fer- ruginous brown color ; quill-feathers brown, reddish at the end. It is found in Russia and Poland. ARUNDINETI, in entomology, a species of tipula ; color whitish, with villose antennae, and black eyes. It is found in Europe, in reedy marshes. ARUNDINIS, a species of phaleena, living on reeds ; wings cinereous widi black dots, marked beneath witli a central brown spot. Also a spe- cies of aphis that lives on the leaves of the wood- reed. The body is green ; thorax and head brown. ARUNDO, in botany, the reed : a genus of the digynia order, triandria class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the fourth order, gramina. The calyx consists of two valves, and the floscules are thick and downy. The fol- lowing are the principal species, viz. 1. A. ar- borea, has a tree-like stalk, with narrow leaves, and in all other respects resembles the barabos. 2. A. bambos, or the bamboo, is a native of the East Indies and some parts of America; where it frequently attains the height of sixty feet. See Bamboo. 3. A. debax^ or manured reed, a na- tive of warm countries, but will bear tlie cold of our moderate winters in the open air. It dies to the surface in autumn, but appears again in the spring ten or twelve feet high in one summer. The stalks of this species are brough* from Spain and Portugal ; and used by weavers, as also for making fishing-rods. 4. A. orientalis is what the Turks use for writing pens : it grows in a valley near mount Athos, as also on the banks of the river Jordan. None of these plants are found in Britam. 5. A. phragmitis, or the common marsh- reed, grows by the sides of our rivers, and in standing waters. 6. A. versicolor, the Indian variegated reed, supposed to be a variety of the debax, differing from it only in having variegated leaves. ARUNS Tarquixius, the son of Tarquin II. the last king of Rome, who meeting Brutus in the first battle, after the banishment of the royal family, they mutually killed each other. ARURA, in the middle-age writers, a field ploughed and sowed. Some writers also use the word to signify the work of a day at plough. ARUSINI Campi, or Arusian Fields, plains in Lucania, famous for the last battle between the Romans and Pyrrhus. That prince being at Tarentum,and hearing that the two new consuls Curius Dentatus and Cornelius Lentulus had divided their forces, the one including Lucania and the other Samnium ; he divided a chosen de- tachment of his army into two bodies, marching with his Epirots against Dentatus, in hopes of surprising him in his camp near Beneventum. But the consul having notice of his approach, marched out of his entrenchments with a strong detachment of legionaries to meet him, repulsed his van guard, put many of the Epirots to the sword, and took some of dieir elephants. Curius, encouraged by this success, marched into the Arusian fields, and drew up his army in a plain, which was wide enough for his troops, but too narrow for the Epirot phalanx to act. But the king's eagerness to try his strength and skill with so renowned a commander, stimulated him to engage at that great disadvantage. Upon the first signal the action began ; and one of the king's wings givins way, victory seemed inclined to the Romans. But tiiat wing where the king fought in person repulsed the enemy, and drove them to their entrenchments. This advantage was in great part owing to the elephants ; a cir- cumstance which Curius perceiving, commanded a body of reserve, which he had posted near the camp, to advance and attack those animals widi burning torches ; which frightened and annoyed them to such a degree, that they wheeled about, broke into the phalanx, and put that body into the utmost disorder. The Romans taking ad- vantage of this confusion, charged with suclx fury that the enemy were entirely broken and defeated. Pyrrhus retired to Tarentum, attended only by a small body of horse, leaving the Romans m full possession of his camp; which they so much ad- mired, that they ever after imitated it as a model. ARUS'PEX,"^ Lat. aruspex, or harusp&x, ARfs'picE, > from ara, an altar, and spkere, Arus'picy. j to see, to regard. Adom'd ■with bridal pomp, she sits in state ; The public notaries and aruspex wait. Dry den's Juvenal's Satires, 10. They [the Romans] had colleges for augurs and aruspices, who used to make their predictions, some- times by fire, sometimes by flying of fowls, &c. Howell's Letters, iii. p. 23. A flam more senseless than the roguerj'. Of old aruspicy and augury. Butler's Hudibras, ii. 3. ARUSPICES, or Haruspices, in Roman an- tiquity, an order of priests who pretended to foretel future events by inspecting the entrails of victims killed in sacrifice ; diey were also con- sulted on occasion of portents and prodigies. The aruspices were always chosen from the best families ; and as their employment was of tlie same nature as that of the augurs, they were as much honored. Their college, as well as those of the other religious orders, had its parti- cular registers and records. Cato, who was an augur, used to say, he wondered how one arus- pex could look at another without laughing in his face. The aruspici libri, were a kind of sa- cred writings wherein the laws and discipline of the aruspices were described. AR\'U3I, in ancient agriculture, properly de- noted ground ploughed but not sowed. The word is sometimes extended to all arable, or corn land, in contradistinction from pasture. ARX, in the ancient military art, a town, fort, or castle, for defence of a place. The arx, iu ancient Rome, was a distinct edifice from the capitoi, though some have confounded the two. The arx, properly speaking, being a place on the highest part of die Capitoline Alount, fortified with towers and pinnated walls, in which was also tlie temple of Jupiter Capitolinus. This was also the name of a consecrated place on the Palatine Mount, where the augurs publicly per- formed their office. Of this arx die feciales, or heralds, gathered the grass used in the ceremony of leagues and treaties. ARYT^ENOIDES, in anatomy, two cartila- ges which, withoUiers, constitute the head of the AS 26 ASA larynx. It is also applied to some musc/es ot the 1 arynx. ARYT^NOIDEUS, in anatomy, one of the muscles serving to close the larynx. AKYTHMUS, in medicine, the want of a just modulation in the pulse. It is opposed to eu- rvthmus, a pulse modulated agreeably to nature. ' AllZBEllG, a market town in the circle of the Maine, district of Wunsiedel, Bavaria. The neighbouring hills yield iron, lime, and alum. The lime burned here is transported as manure to the Upper Palatinate and Bohemia. Seven miles east of Wunsiedel. ARZILLA, an ancient maritime town of Africa, in the kingdom of Fez, S. S. W. of Tan- giers. It was formerly a Roman colony ; after- wards fell under the government of the Goths, and was next taken by the Mahommedans. Al- phonso of Portugal, surnamed the African, took it by assault in 1472, and brought away the pre- sumptive heir of the crown. After that prince came to the throne, he besieged it, in 1508, with 100,000 men. The Portuguese at length forsook it of their own accord. LoJig. 5^ 40' VV., lat. 35° 40' N. AS. Usually called a conjunction, but accord- ing to some the Saxon article, the, this or that, wliich they say may always be substituted for it. Besides that law which concerneth men 'at men ; and that v.hich belongs unto men as they are men, linked with others in some society : there is a third, which touches all several bodies politick, so far forth, as one of them hath publick concerns with another. Hoofier's Eccles. Polity. Prince Hen. Dar'st thou be as good as thy wora now ? Falst. AVhy, Ilal, thou knowest, as thou art but a man, I dare ; but as thou art a prince, I fear thee, as I fear the roaring of the lion's whelp. Shakspeare. Henry IV, When thou dosth.iar I am as I have been ; Approach me, and thou shall be as thou wast. Id. The cunningest mariners were so conquered by the storm, as they thought it best, with stricken sails, to yield to be governed by it. Sidney, He had such a dexterous proclivity, as his teachers were fain to restrain his forwardness. Wotton. The relations are so uncertain, as they require a great deal of examination. Bacon. God shall by grace prevent sin so soon, as to keep the soul in the virginity of its first innocence. South. Madam, were I as you, I'd take her counsel ; I'd speak my own distress. A . Philip's Distrest Mother. The objections that are raised against it a* a tra- gedy, are as follow. Guy's Preface to What d'ye Call it. A simple idea is one uniform idea •, as sweet, bitter. Watts. As,_ among the ancient Romans, a weight, consisting of twelve ounces; being the same with libra, or the Roman pound. The word is de- rived from the Greek aif, which in the Doric dialect is used for nq, one, q. d. an entire thing ; thougli others will have it named as, quasi ass, because made of brass. As, was also the name of a Roman coin, of dif- ferent weight and different matter in different ages of the commonwealth. Under Numa Pom- pilius, according to Eusebius, the Roman money was eitner of wood, leather, or shells. In the time of Tullus Hostilius, it was of brass ; and called as, libra, libella, or pondo, because actu- ally weighing a pound or twelve ounces. About 420 years after, the first Punic war having ex- hausted the treasury, they reduced the as to two ounces. In the second Punic war, Hannibal pressing very hard upon them, tliey reduced the as to half its weight, viz. to one ounce. And lastly, by the Papirian law, they took away half an ounce more, and consequently reduced the as to the diminutive weight of half an ounce; and it is generally thought that it conti- nued the same during the commonwealth, and even till the reign of Vespasian. The as, therefore, was of four different weights in the commonwealth. Its original stamp was that of a sheep, ox, or sow ; but from the time of the emperors, it had on one side a Janus with two faces, and on the reverse the rostrum or prow of a ship. As, being used to denote any mteger or whole, signified in old English law the whole inheri- tance ; whence haeres ex asse, the heir to the whole estate: ASA ; NDN, Heb. i. e. a healer of sickness J king of Judah, succeeded his father Abijam? A. M. 2988. He abolished idolatry, restored the worship of the true God, and, with the assistance of Benhadad king of Syria, took seve- ral towns from the king of Israel. He died A. A. C. 917, and was succeeded by Jehosha- phat. Asa, among naturalists, a word taken by modern authors from the lasar of the ancients, is applied to a gum very different from that an- ciently known by the name. The asa of the ancients was an odoriferous and fragrant gum ; that of after ages had so little title to this epithet, that they distinguished it by an additional one, expressing its being of an offensive smell, as AsAFCETiDA, which see. The Arabian writers describe two kinds of asa, the one of an offensive, the other of an aromatic smell. Asa, or Assa, in the materia medica, a name given to two very different substances, called asa dulcis and asa foetida. ASAFCETIDA, in chemistry, the common name of the Feuula asafoetida of Linnaeus, which see. ASAHEL; h\^:^VVi, Ileb. i.e. God has wrought ; one of the sons of Zeniiah, David's sister, and the younger brother of .Toab. He was one of David's thirty heroes, and remarka- ble for his swiftness. At tlie battle of Gibeon he pursued Abner with so much obstinacy, that he was obliged to kill him in self-defence, though it would appear with reluctance ; 2 Sam. ii. 19—23. ASAPH; 3DN, Heb. i. e. gathering ; the son of Berachiah, a Gershomite, and a famous musician and psalmist under David, king of Israel. Twelve of the Psalms bear his name ; but it is doubted whether he was the author of them all, as some relate to later times. AsAPii, St. a city of Flintshire, in North Wales, situated in a pleasant valley at the con- fluence of the Elway and Clyd, twenty miles west of Chester, and 205 nortli-west of London. ASA ASB As a bishopric, St. Asaph is of great antiquity, being founded about A. D. 560, by Kentigern, bishop of Glasgow. He began the church on the banks of the river Elwy, whence it is called by the Welsh, Land Elwy, and in Latin, Elwen- sis. Kentigern returning into Scotland left St. Asaph his successor. The country was fre- quently in after times the seat of war between the English and the Welsh ; and the records of the see are therefore very defective. This dio- cese does not contain any one whole county, but consists of part of Denbigh, Flint, Mont- gomery, and ^Merioneth shires, and a small part of Shropshire; wherein are 121 parishes, and 131 churches and chapels, most of which are in the immediate patronage of the bishop. It has but one archdeaconry, viz. that of St. Asaph, which is united to the bishopric, for the better mainte- nance thereof. The town, although situated in a rich valley, is a poor ill-built place; and the ca- thedral a plain building, 170 feet long, 108 broad, and 90 high ; near it are the vestiges of a large Roman camp. Here is a bridge over the two rivers. Market on Saturday. The deanery of St. Asaph is valued at £45 lis. 5d. and is united to the vicarage of Henllan in the deanery of Ross. Asaph, St. a native of North »Vales, was de- scended of an ancient family, and flourished un- der Carentius king of the Britons, about A. D. 590. Being a monk in the convent of Llan Elwy, and the successor of its founder Kenti- gern, that establishment received his name ever after. He wrote the Ordinances of his church, and the Life of St. Kentigern. Bayle says he was the first who received unction from the pope. ASAPHEIS, a'«r^/^ northward. This marsh contracts into a narrow Aphwagwiasee ditto . . • -10,000 stream on the southern and eastern sides, and Daniasee ditto (southward of Coomassie) 8,000 ^Hes the town with water. Around the town Koontarasie ditto (on the lake) . . . 8,000 j^ '/beautiful forest. Coomassie is an oblong of Gomasie ditto 8,000 ^^^^j^ ^^^^ ^^^^ -^ ^.^^^.^^ ^^^ induding t'^ Amatas ditto • "'""" suburbs of Assafoo, or Bantama (the bkck town), 20fi 000 '^^'^ ^ ™^^^ distant, and formerly connected with ' the streets. Four of the principal of these streets are half a mile long, and from fifty to a The Ashantees being a nation of warriors, this hundred yards wide. INIr. Bowdich observed statement may amount to nearly one-fifth of the them building one, and a line was stretched on whole population, which will, therefore, be about each side to make it regular. The streets are all one million. The area of Ashantee Proper is named, and a superior captain has charge of estimated by the same writer at 14,000 square each. That where the mission resided was called miles, which is consequently about seventy-one Aperremsoo, great-gun, or cannon-street, be- persons to each; a population rather greater cause the guns taken when Dankara was con- than that of Scotland. The climate of Ashantee quered, were placed on a mound at the top of is colder than that of Cape Coast. During May it. The Ashantees asserted that the entire po- and June, the first two months that the mission pulation of Coomassie exceeded 100,000; and was at Coomassie, it rained about one-third of Mr. B. says, that on festivals, when the people the time ; in July and August, it rained nearly were collected, he compared the crowds to those half, and violent tornadoes, ushered in by strong he had seen in the secondary cities of England, winds from the south-west, were frequent after The higher classes support their numerous fol- sun-set. The heaviest rains fell from the latter lowers, and the lower their large families, in end of September to the beginning of November, plantations within two or three miles of the when they descended in more impetuous tor- capital. Mr. B. thinks the average resident po- rents than are usual on the coast. On the second pulation of Coomassie, exclusive of those of the of May Fahrenheit's thermometer rose to 91°, surrounding crooms, does not exceed 15,000. and the following day, at twelve o'clock, it was There are two markets held daily, from about 89°. From the 7th to the 14th of June, it va- eight o'clock in the morning till sunset, where ried at Coomassie from 80° to 85°. It appears the articles exhibited for sale, are beef and that the general temperature of Coomassie, dur- mutton, hogs, deer, and monkey's flesh ; fowls, ing the hottest part of the day, is between 70° with the vegetable products of the country ; salt and 84°. and dried fish from the coast, large snails smoke- .^ The agriculture and products are similar to dried, and stuck in rows on small sticks in the those of other parts of south-west Africa. The form of herring-bone ; eggs for fetish, palm-wine, soil is chiefly a light loam, and the only agricul- rum, pipes, beads, looking-glasses, sandals, silk tural instrument is the hoe. Their plantations and cotton cloth, gunpowder, small pillows, have much the appearance of hop-grounds, are white and blue cotton thread, calabashes, &c. well formed and regularly planted; a hut being Provincial capitals, and other large towns of the D 2 36 A S H A N T E E. interior, were spoken of to tlie gentlemen of the mission, but were little known, it appeared, at the capital. The king's love of justice is esteemed by his courtiers as his chief virtue. They have no ideas of extending their influence by civil policy. The eefoceers, or military captains, accordingly form the lowest grade of the constitution, over whom are placed the heads of but four families, which form a sort of aristocracy, and, with the king, complete the three estates of this kingdom. In exercising his judicial authority, or in laying the basis of a new law or measure, the king always retires in private to consult these four chief dig- nitaries; but every law is announced publicly to them as well as to the assembly of captains, as the arbitrary pleasure of the king. On state emergencies only, are the latter assembled dis- tinctly, or to give publicity to some new law. The Ashantees are fully capable of vindicating this constitution by argument, according to the testimony of our officers who visited the court of Coomassie; indeed, no system of government would seem better suited to their habits and propensities. The captains are made respon- sible, in a great degree, for the issue of their own advice with respect to war or peace; we only wish we could add, that in their mode of conducting hostilities, they were as humane as they are energetic and skilful. In this respect, they are still barbarous in the highest degree. They rarely give quarter in a general action, and a distinct body of recruits follows the army to despatch with knives those who are wounded with a musket, and return with the personal spoil of the enemy. They even make a practice of cutting out the hearts of some of the slain, which they mix up with consecrated herbs, and after much ceremony and incantation, compel those who have never before killed an enemy, to eat part of the horrible por- tion. Of the heart of a celebrated enemy, the king and his dignitaries are said to partake ; and their most warlike generals are distinguished by names descriptive of their peculiar modes of despatching or torturing their enemies. Thus, Apokon, the king, is called Abo&^wessa, be- cause he has been in the habit of cutting off their arms; Appia, Sheiiboo, because he beats their heads in pieces with r. stone ; and Amanqua, Abiniowa, because he cuts off their legs. Sir Charles M'Carthy, it is feared, was despatched by these barbarians in this cruel manner. The last power subdued, or the revolters re- cently quelled, are always compelled by the Ashantees to form the van of their army ; the youngest captain marches first, and all the au- thorities in gradation of rank and seniority up to the king. The superior discipline and cou- rage of their soldiery were in a moment percep- tible, when they appeared in conflict with the people of the coast before Annamaboe ; but the following are said to be the only maxims to which this is to be attributed : They never pursue an enemy at or near sunset ; the general is always in the rear, the secondary captains lead the soldiers on, while the chiefs of divisions, surrounded by a few select followers, urge them forward with heavy swords, and cut down every man who retreats, until the conflict is desperate. In close fight, the principal effort of the Asliantee is to fire, and then spring upon the throat of his enemy. The most popular song of the ca- pital, has a sort of chorus to this eff'ect : * If I fight I die, if I run away I die, better I go on and die.' At the Yam Custom, an annual festival, and at the death of their great men, hundreds of human victims are said to be regularly sacrificed, and the sculls and other bones of their enemies are exhibited in their armoury, and as the ornaments of their state apartments. At all their great fes- tivals and funerals, indeed, the slaughter of hu- man beings is horribly frequent. Some of the former occur once in three weeks, when 100 are sometimes immolated. It should be observed, however, that these are often convicts. The king celebrated the death of his mother by the sacri- fice of 3000 victims ; and the funeral rites of a great caboceer were repeated at intervals for three months, during which 2400 persons were butchered. According to the religious belief of the Ash- antees, there are two distinct orders of gods ; one of which, the higher order, takes care of the whites, the other of the blacks ; they are believers in the immortality of the soul, and both their princes and nobility are supposed to enjoy the presence of the higher order of their deities after death. Here they regale themselves in epicurean indulgence, and have cooks and butlers after the fashion of their country. Persons of this descrip- tion are, therefore, buried with their great men, whose reception in another world is supposed to be greatly regulated by the number of at- tendants with which they appear. The Ashan- tees have also two sets of priests ; one class being devoted to the services of their temples and to preserving a communication with their deities, and the other class a sort of conjurors, and de- tectors of small theft. Every housekeeper also has his domestic gods and charms, bought of these cunning men. Polygamy is universally allowed, and the king claims the royal number of 3333 wives, which is regularly kept up ; the ladies living in round enclosures, ' like pheasants in a park.' A peculiar feature in the law of succession obtains in this country, and is binding from the royal family downwards. The brothers' chil- dren are always set aside in favor of sisters' children, on the ground that if the sons' wives are faithless, the blood of a family is lost in the off'spring ; but should the daughters deceive their husbands the father's blood is still preserved ; thus, the sisters of the king are allowed to in- trigue or marry widi any jiersonable man. The king is heir to all tlie gold of any subject, and contributes to the funeral rites to assert his claim ; the successor paying the debtsof the deceased. Slaves, if ill treated, may transfer themselves from one master to another. They are a great article of traffic here, and the domestic drudges, of course, of the country. No topic appeared so inexplicable to the king as that of the British motives for abolishing the slave-trade. The slaves of an ally or tributary are scrupulously restored; those of an indifferent or enemy's A S H A N T E E. 37 country may become free subjects of the state. An appeal lies for the subjects of any tributary power to the laws, and ultimately to the king of Ashantee. Cowardice, treason, the murder of an equal, and some cases of adultery, are punishable with death, as are false accusations of treason. A great man killing his equal, is generally after- wards allowed to kill himself as a punishment; but the death of an inferior is compensated by a fine, paid to the family, of the value of seven slaves. Serious thefts are punished with a com- pensation inflicted on the family of the accused, who alone are suffered to punish him ; but this they may do even capitally, if he be incorrigible. Trifling thefts are visited on the offender by ex- posing him at various parts of the town, and proclaiming his crime before him. But all vexatious suits and accusations are discouraged and punished. Polygamy is allowed to all ranks, but the wife's property is distinct from that of her husband, and the king is the heir of it. None but a captain can put his wife to death for infidelity, and even then he is expected to accept a liberal offer of gold for her redemption. To intrigue with the king's wives is death. If the family of a woman, on her complaint of ill-treatment, choose to tender to a man his marriage-fee, he must accept it ; and the wife returns to her fa- ther's house, but can no more marry. * The most entertaining delassement of our conversa- tion,' says Mr. Bowdich, * with the chiefs, was to introduce the liberty of English females ; whom we represented, not only to possess the advan- tage of engaging the sole affection of a husband, but the more enviable privilege of choosing that husband for herself. The effect was truly comic ; the women sidled up to wipe the dust from our shoes with their clothes, at the end of every sen- tence brushed off an insect, or picked a burr from our trowsers ; the husbands expressing their dislike by a laugh, would put their hands before our mouths, declaring that they did not want to hear that palaver any more, abruptly changed the subject to war, and ordered the women to the harem.' The foreign trade of Ashantee is regulated by the government, so far as to interdict commerce with any unfriendly power. It is in every other respect left free, though not much encouraged. The slaves of the capital are generally a part of the annual tribute of the neighbouring powers ; but many are kidnapped throughout the country. They fetch but a trifle; but it is the most lucra- tive branch of their commerce with the coast ; and the continuance of it under other flags, par- ticularly the Spanish, while the British are pro- hibited from engaging in it, is represented by the intelligent writer, to whom we have been already so much indebted, as the most stubborn impe- diments to the negociations which he had to conduct at Ashantee. ' It not only injures the British commerce here,' says Mr. B. ' almost to annihilation; but, slavery being the natural trade of the natives, because it is the most indo- lent and the most lucrative, the opposition, which is insinuated and believed to proceed from the English alone, conveys a disagreeable impression of us to the interior, as inauspicious to our intercourse and progress, as the even par- tial continuance of such a trade is to legitimate commerce and civilisation. One thousand slaves left Ashantee, for two Spanish schooners, or Americans under that flag, to our knowledge, during our residence there; doubtless the whole number was much greater. Since our return it must have been very considerable, for the slave trade was never more brisk than it is at this mo- meat, under the cloak of the Spanish flag ; and great risk has been incurred, in consequence, of offending our new friend and formidable neigh- bour, the king of Ashantee, from the firm resist- ance of his strong entreaties to the governor-iii- chief to allow the return of a powerful mulatto slave-trader to Cape Coast Town, whence he had been expelled under the present governor, as the most daring promoter of that commerce.' Hov/ urgently does this press upon government, by all legitimate means, to urge the universal abolition of this accursed traffic! It is but 'crippled,' as this writer well remarks, at present, * at the ex- pense of our own interests and views in the in- terior; and, which is worse, of the happiness and improvement of the natives.' Gold was seen everywhere in great abundance by the British emissaries ; and the court of Coo- massie, in silks, stuflTs, cloths, and cottons, of every hue, was most imposing. Some of the captains wore ornaments of solid gold on their wrists, so large as to tire the hand, which rested on the head of a young slave. The tops of im- mense umbrellas were decorated with golden heads of pelicans, panthers, baboons, &c. as large as life. Guns and gunpowder are never allowed to be exported from Ashantee; and the people in ge- neral have no idea of buying any thing but for the purpose of consumption, except a small number of articles of which they can make a profitable barter for tobacco, cloth, and silk, in the Inta and Dagwumba markets. Their situa- tion bids fair, however, for their becoming the complete brokers between the interior and the European nations. We subjoin a table of the most material arti- cles of commerce between our settlement at Cape Coast Castle and the Coomassie market, and the profit they will yield, according to Mr. Bow- dich,, at the latter : 38 A S H A N T E E. CAPE COAST. Articles. e coti 1 Cushions 2 Dagwumba wlii 3 Flints . . 4 Glasgow Dane 5 Guinea stuff 6 Gunpowder 7 Iron . . . 8 Lead . . . 9 Locks (Marrowa) 10 llomal . . 11 Hum . . . 12 Sandals . . 13 Sarstracunda 14 Silesia . . 15 Silk, India . 16 Fezzan 17 Spanish dollars 18 Tobacco, Portuguese 19 Inta . . £. s. — — — 5 1 10 10 4 1 10 1 10 10 1 10 4 5 6 ~ ~ Quantity. 100 per piece. do. i barrel. bar. per piece, gallon. piece, do. do. Roll. COOMASSIE. £. Quantity. each. square yard. each. per handkerchief. per charge, bar. J inch. each. piece. dram. pair, per span.* piece. per span. per fathom. roll, lb. Profit per cent 100 100 600 75 50 400 75 75 100 20 400 100 400 50 175 100 75 150 The span is about nine inches long ; the fathom eight spans. Gold dust is the currency of Ashantee, worth about £4 English an ounce. That of the neigh- bouring kingdoms of Inta, Dagwumba, Garaan, and Kong, is reckoned in cowries, of which five strings, or 200, make a tokoo ; eight tokoos an ackie ; and sixteen ackies an ounce. Mr. Bowdich recommends that a British set- tlement should be attempted up the Volta, which is navigable within four days' journey of Sallagha, the capital of Inta, east of which, and on the banks of Laka river, connected with the Volta, is the kingdom of Dagwumba. These tributary nations to Ashantee are far more commercial in their policy than that state ; and, as far. as they have become known to us, more civilised. They give exorbitant prices to the Ashantees for rum, iron, &c. Silks, Manchester cloths, and cot- tons, would find a market in the same direction. In their architecture the Ashantees have claims to surprising neatness, and even elegance. Al- though the walls are of mud, every house in Coomassie has its regular gable ends, from which three poles are projected, i.e. from end to end, forming the point and bottom of the roof on each side ; in which a frame of bamboo work supports an interwoven thatch of palm leaves, tied with the runners of trees. Within, the bamboo work is pamted black and polished, so as to form a sort of chequered and tasty ceiling. The pillars that assist to support the roof, and form the open front of the superior houses, are squared pieces of timber, covered with plastering, and often or- namented with fluting, quarter-foil, and the lozenge and gable ornaments of the Normans. The steps and raised floors of these houses are clay and stone, covered with a layer of red earth which has the appearance of ochre. Arcades and piazzas abound everywhere in the capital. The doors are generally an entire piece of the cotton wood ; the windows open wood work, carved in fantastic shapes, and painted red ; the frames being frequently cased in gold as thick as cartridge paper. Mr. Bowdich was agreeably surprised to find every house have its cloaca in some retired and arched corner, besides the com- mon ones about the town for the lower orders. The .holes, he says, are dug to a surprising depth, and boiling water is poured down them every day. The rubbish and offal of the houses is burnt every morning in the back of the street. In their persons, and in all their domestic eco- nomy, the Ashantees are also patterns of cleanli- ness. They manufacture cloths of exquisite fineness and brilliancy of color, sometimes unravelling the finest silks, to weave them into them. They paint on white cloths ; and dye with considera- ble skill, particularly leather ; in pottery, black- smith's work, tanning and dressing leather, they also excel. They will buy British cottons for the sake of a favorite stripe (generally the red), and cutting away the other parts, weave it up into their own cloths, which alone are worn as arti- cles of dress. ASIIBORN, or Ashbourne, a town in Derby- It has a stone bridge over the Dove ; an ancient shire, on the borders of Staffordshire, between church with a fine spire; and a free school, the rivers Dove and Compton, thirteen miles founded by citizens of London, natives of the from Derby, and 139 N.N. W. from London, place. Its trade in malt and cheese is consider- ASH 39 ASH able. A weekly market is held here, and several animal fairs. Population 2112. ASriBURNIIAM, a post town of the United States, in Worcester county, Massachusetts, on the west side of the river Sowhegan, forty-five miles north-west of Boston. excellent manure for cold and wet grounds. See Husbandry. Ashes were anciently used in several religious ceremonies. St. Jerome relates that the Jews in his time rolled themselves in ashes, as a sign of mourning. To repent in sackloth and ashes is ASHBURTON, a town in Devonshire, seated a frequent expression in Scripture for mourning on the river Dart, ten miles from Totness, nine^ teen south-west of Exeter, and 192 west by south of London. It carries on a considerable trade, in wool, yarn, and serges ; has markets on Tues- day and Saturday, and fairs on the first Thursday of March and June, and on the 10th August and 11th November. It sends two members to par- liament, and is one of the four stannary towns. It is seated among the hills, which abound in tin and copper ; and has a very handsome church, with a chapel, which is used as a school. Po- pulation about 3000. ASHBY DE LA ZoucH, a market town of Lei- cestershire, so called from the Zouches, its an- cient lords, 13 miles south of Derby, 15 from Leicester, and 115 from London. It has seven annual fairs. It long had a castle, which was in the possession of the family de la Zouch. It afterwards fell into the hands of Edward IV. who granted it to Sir Edward Hastings, with the title of a baron, and license to make a castle of the manor-house, to which he adjoined a very high tower. James I. and his whole court were and being afflicted for our sins. There was a sort of lye and lustral water made with the ashes of an heifer sacrificed upon the great day of ex- piation; the ashes whereof were distributed to the people, and this water was used in purifica- tions as often as any touched a dead body, or was present at funerals. Num. xix. 17. Ash-fire, among chemists, a fire wherein the vessel to be heated is covered with ashes or sand. ASHI, a prince of Norway, said to have been slain by Fingal, the father of Ossian, at a place of Invernesshire, ever since named Drumashi, or Ashi's Hill. ASHIMA, an idol of the Samaritans, 2 Kings xvii. 30, said to have been formed like a lion or a goat, and to have represented the sun. ASHING-Key, a low island on the Spanish main, on the Mosq.uito shore. ASHIPOO, a river of North America, in South Carolina, which runs into the Atlantic. Long. 80° 30' W., lat. 32^ 25' N . Also a town of the same name situated on the banks of this river. ASHLAR, in masonry, free-stones as they once entertained here by the Earl of Hunting- come out of the quarry, of different lengths, ge- don. It was demolished in 1648. Malting, and the manufacture of hats and cotton, flourish here. Population upwards of 3000. In the neigh- bourhood is a mineral water called Griffydam. ASHDOWN, a town of Essex, anciently called Assandum, or the hill of asses, famous for the defeat of Edmund Ironside, by Canute the Dane. nerally applied to slabs of stone, from six to nine inches in thickness, used for facing brick buildings, worked in imitation of regular courses of solid masonry. ASHLER, or Ashlering, quartering of tim- ber about three feet high, placed perpendicularly from the floor of the attic story, to the roof to obviate the useless angle formed by the junction ASHER ; IttTK, Heb. i. e. blessedness ; one of of the roof and the floor Jacob's sons by Zilpah, and the progenitor of the ASHLEY, a river of South Carolina, rismg tribe so called. in Cypress swamp, and emptying itself into the ASHEREF, or Ashraff, a town of Persia, Cooper just below Charleston. Its breadth in the Mazanderan province, half a mile from a opposite Charleston is about 2100 yards, and its large bay, the best harbour on the south side of stream narrows but little for several miles On the western bank of this river the first efficient settlement of the state was made at a place now called Old Town, or Old Charleston, in 1671. Also a river of West Florida, which runs into the Gulf of Mexico. ASIIMOLE (Elias), a celebrated antiquary and herald, founder of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, was born at Litchfield, in Stafford- shire, 1617. He first practised in the law: in the civil war he had a captain's commission, and was also comptroller of the ordnance under Charles I. In 1649 he settled at London; where his house was frequented by most of the learned men of the age, and a depository of many literary treasures. In 1650 he published a treatise written by Dr. Arthur Dee, relating to the philosopher's stone ; with another tract on the same subject by an unknown author. About bodies, they contain a considerable quantity of the same time he was busied in preparing for the fixed salt, blended with the terrene particles : press a complete collection of the works of such and from these the fixed alkaline salts called pot- English chemists, or alchemists rather, as had ash, pearl-ash, &c. are extracted. See Potash, till then remained in manuscript. This under- &c. The ashes of all vegetables are vitrifiable, taking cost him great labor and expense; but at and found to contain iron. They are also an length the work appeared tov/ards the close of the Caspian. Shah Abbas built a superb palace here, surrounded by fine gardens, remarkable for the number of their orange trees. This palace is now falling to ruins. Distant fifteen miles from Fehrabad, and sixteen from Sari. Ashes, among the ancient Persians, were used as an instrument of punishment for some great criminals. The criminal was thrown head-long from a tower fifty cubits high, which was filled with ashes to a particular height, 2 Mac. xiii. 5, 6. The motion which the criminal used to disengage himself from this place, plunged him still deeper into it, and this agitation was farther increased by a wheel which stirred the ashes continually about him, till at last he was stifled. Ashes, in chemistry, are the earthy particles of combustible substances after they have been burnt. If the ashes are produced from vegetable ASH 40 ASH the year 1653, under the title of Theatricum Chymicura Britannicum. Ho proposed at first to have carried it on to several volumes ; but afterwards dropped this design, and applied himself to the study of antiquity and records. He was at great pains to trace the Roman road, which in Antoninus's Itinerary is called Benne- vanna, from Weedon to Litchfield. In 1658 he began to collect materials for his celebrated his- tory of the Order of the Garter. In September following he made ajourney to Oxford, where he commenced his full and particular description of the coins presented to the public library by arch- bishop Laud. Upon the restoration, Mr. Ash- mole was introduced to king Charles II. who bestowed on him the place of Windsor Herald. Soon after he appointed him to give a descrip- tion of his medals, which were accordingly de- livered into his possession, and king Henry Vlllth's closet was assigned for his use. Mr. Ashmole was afterwards admitted a fellow of the Royal Society; and the king appointed him secretary of Surinam, in the West Indies. On the 19tli July 1669, the University of Oxford, in consideration of the many favors they had re- ceived from Mr. Ashmole, created him M. D. by diploma. In May 1672 he presented his Insti- tution, Laws, and Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, to the king, who, as a mark of his approbation granted him £400 out of the custom of paper. On the 26th January, 1679, a fire broke out in the Middle Temple, in the next chamber to Mr. Ashmole's, by which he lost a noble library, with a collection of 9000 coins, ancient and modern, and a vast repository of seals, charters, and other antiquities and curio- sities ; but his manuscripts, and his most valua- ble gold medals, were luckily at his house at Lambeth. In 1683, the University of Oxford having finished a magnificent repository near the theatre, Mr. Ashmole sent thither his collection of rarities ; which benefaction was augmented by the addition of his manuscripts and library at his death, which happened at Lambeth, May 18, 1692, in the 76th year of his age. Besides the works above mentioned, Mr. Ashmole left seve- ral which were published since his death, and some which still remain in manuscript. ASHINIOT, the principal part of the Isle Madame, dependent on the island of Cape Breton. ASHO'RE. On shore. Ang.-Sax. sciran, to shear, cut, divide, separate. See Shore. Sweare then how thou escap'dst. Swum ashore man like a ducke ! Shakspeare. For now the flowing tide. Had brought the body nearer to the side ; The more she looks, the more her fears increase. At nearer sight ; and she's herself the less : Now driv'n ashore, and at her feet it lies. She knows too much in knowing whom she sees. Her husband's corpse. Dryden's Fables- [He] Then with his dire associates through the deep. For spoil and slaughter guides the savage prow. Him dogs will rend ashore. Glover's Lemiidas, book xii. p. 77. Thus while their cordage strctch'd ashore may guide. Our brave companions thro' the swelling tide ; This floating lumber shall sustain them o'er The rocky shelves, in safety to the shore. Falconer's Shipwreck. Storms rise t' o'erwhelm him : or if Btormy winds Rise not, the waters of the deep shall rise And needing no assistance of the storm. Shall roll themselves ashore and reach him there. Cowper's Poems, ASHTAROTH, Ashtoreth ; nnncrx, Ileb- i. e. flocks, or riches; or Astarte, the chief god- dess of the Sidonians and PhcEnicians, called also the Queen of Heaven, and reckoned the same with the Juno of the Greeks and Romans. Cicero, however, calls her the Venus of Syria, wherein he is certainly justified by her mode of worship ; which, like that of the Grecian Venus, abounded in all manner of debauchery. The Israelites in all their relapses to idolatry showed a great fondness for her worship. Solomon him- self in his dotage sacrificed to her. She was re- presented in various habits, encircled with rays,. &c. We find a place named after her in the days of Abraham ; Gen. xiv. 5. ASHTON (Charles), an antiquariati and one of the most learned critics of his age, was elected master of Jesus College, Cambridge, July 5th 1701, and installed prebend of Ely, on the 14th. His skill in ecclesiastical antiquities was equalled by few. AsHTON (Dr. Thomas), a native of Eton, studied at Cambridge, in 1733, was successively rector of Aldingham, Starminster, and St. Bo- tolph, Bishopsgate. In 1759 he took his degree of D. D. ; and in May 1762 was elected preacher at Lincoln's Inn, which he resigned in 1764. He died in 1775, aged fifty-nine. He published, I. A volume of Sermons. 2. A Dissertation on II. Peter, i. 19. 3. A letter to the Rev. Mr. Jones. 4 & 5. Two Letters to Dr. Morell, on Electing Aliens into places in Eton College; and 6. An Extract from the case of the Obliga- tion of Electors, &c. AsHTON-UNDER-LiNE, a town and parish of England, on the river Tame, in the county of Lancaster, in which considerable manufactures are carried on. Several villages are contained in this parish, the whole population of which amounts to 19,052. It is distant eighty-five miles from London. ASHUR, IIB'K, Heb. i. e. blessed, the son of Shem, and progenitor of the Assyrians. ASH-WEDNESDAY, the first day of Lent, so called from the ancient custom of sprinkling ashes on the head. ASHWELL (George), rector of Ilanwell, son of Robert Ashwell of Harrow, was born at London in 1612, and admitted in Wadhara College, Oxford, in 1627, where he took his de- grees of A.M. and B. D. and was elected a fellow and tutor. During the rebellion he preaclied several times before the king and parliament. He died at Han well, in 1693, with the character of a religious, learned, and peaceable divine. He wrote, 1. A discourse, asserting the received authors, and authority of the Apostle's Creed. Oxon. 1653. 2. A double Appendix, touching the Athanasian and Nicene Creeds. 3. On the Gesture at receiving the Sa- crament, 1663. 4. A Treatise concerning So- cinus, and the Socinian Heresy. 5. A Disserta- tion on the Church of Rome. Ox. 1618. And an answer to Plato llcdivivus; besides transla- lations. 41 ASIA. ASIA, in geography, one of the great divi- sions of the earth, lies to the east and south-east of Europe. North and south it stretches from about 2° to 77° of north latitude. East and west it extends from about 26° east, to 170° west longitude. Its northern capes penetrate the ice of the polar regions, while its southern promontories approach nearly to the centre of the torrid zone. Its greatest length in this di- rection is taken at something more than 5200 English miles from east to west. The extent of this continent from the western shores of Natolia, to East Cape in Siberia, has been calculated in a late popular work at 7580 miles Boundaries. — It is bounded on the north and south by the Arctic and Indian Oceans ; on the east by the Pacific Ocean and the Chinese Sea ; and on the west by the Arabian gulf, the Isthmus of Suez, the Mediterranean, the Archipe- lago, the straits of Gallipoli, the sea of Mar- mora, the Bosphorus, and the Black Sea, whence to the Arctic Ocean the boundary which sepa- rates Asia from the east of Europe is not dis- tinctly ascertained. It is, however, supposed to be constituted by the rivers Don and the Karposca, one of its tributary streams rising near Sarepta, the course of which is to be continued by an imaginary line between the 40°th and 50°th of east longitude. Islands. — The islands belonging to Asia are the Prince's Islands near Constantinople, Mity- lene, Scio, Samos, Cos, Rhodes, Cyprus, &c. in the Archipelago. Bahrein on the Arabian side of the Persian gulf noted for its pearl fishery. The Laccadive, Maldive islands, and Ceylon in the Indian Ocean, contiguous to the peninsula of Ilindostan. East of the Bay of Bengal lies the Indian Archipelago, consisting of numerous different groups of islands including the Anda- man and Nicobar islands, the Sunda isles, Su- matra, Java, and Borneo ; the Moluccas or Spice islands, Papua or New Guinea, Solomon's isles. Queen Charlotte's isles, and the New Hebrides ; which bending in a circular direction to the south-east lead us to the two islands of New Zealand. New Holland, to the south of New Guinea, is the largest island in the world, and contains an area larger than all Europe. East of the New Hebrides lie the South Sea islands. North of New Guinea are the New Carolinas and the Marianne or Ladrone islands. West of them are the Manillas or Philippine islands, and the Mindanas or Magindanas north of the Mo- luccas. Immediately above Luzon we have the Formosa. East of Formosa in the Chinese sea lie the Sieu-Kieii, or Liitchu islands. Still far- ther northward we have Nison and other islands which together form the kingdom of Japan ; from which proceed the Kuriles, consisting of numerous groups of little islands, extending in a chain from the isles of Japan to Cape Lo- patka, the southern extremity of Kamtschatka. West of these on the coast of Tartary lie Sagha- lier and other islands. A little distant from Kamtschatka are the Aleutian or Fox islands. proceeding in a curved line to the opj)osite ex- tremity of America. Nova Zembla is also by some geographers considered as an Asiatic island, and lies to the north-west of Siberia. The islands of Ramisseram and Manar are curiously connected by a singular ridge of rocks called Adam's Bridge. It is nevertheless proper to ob- serve that the best of later geographers, con- curring in the opinion of the learned president des Brosses, have separated a vast number of the islands, formerly considered as Asiatic islands, from that continent, and arranged them with a number of other countries and islands to the south of Asia, and in the Pacific Ocean, under the two divisions of Australasia and Polynesia. The grounds of the new arrangement are ex- plained with sufficient clearness by Mr. Pinker- ton in his introductory observations on the Asiatic islands. Seas and Waters. — Besides the great oceans which wash three sides of this celebrated quarter of the globe, there are numerous gulfs, bays, and inland seas which have greatly contributed to its fertility and civilisation. The Red sea or Arabian gulf, called the Weedy sea by the Hebrews, forms the grand natural division between Asia and Africa. Its length calculated from the straits of Babelmandel to the isthmus of Suez, is about 1470 English miles, and its medial breadth 140 miles. It terminates at the upper extremity, in two great branches, of which the western, by several miles the longer, is celebrated for the passage of the Israelites in the month Nisan, B. C. 1497, sup- posed to have taken place in about 29° 40' north latitude. The eastern branch extends a little above the parallel of Mount Sinai. The Arabian sea is an appellation applied to the vast bay, in- cluded between Arabia and Ilindostan, termina- ting in the Persian gulf, to which it is united by a strait twenty-four miles wide. This gulf stretches to the north-west between Arabia and Persia, containing several islands, and terminates under the same meridian as the Caspian. The deep and extensive Bay of Bengal, spreading from the eastern coast of Ilindostan to the op- posite shores of the Burman Empire, is separated from the last mentioned sea by the great pro montory of the Deccan. This bay forms a mag- nificent inlet to the central part of southern Asia. At its entrance, which is in the eighth de- gree of latitude, it exceeds 1300 miles in width, and is 1000 miles from that parallel to its nor- thern extremity, beyond the mouth of the Ganges. The gulf of Siam, on the opposite side of the peninsula of Malacca, separates the terri- torial projection from the broad rectangular peninsula included in the southern part of the Burman empire. The gulf of Tonquin lies on the south of China; the Yellow sea between China Proper and the gulf of Corea. The straits of Corea eastward lead to the sea of Japan ; which stretches through about fifteen de- grees of latitude, and divides the Japanese islands from the shores of the continent. This sea de- Creasing to the north termniates in a channel 42 ASIA. leading to the sea of Okotsk which forms a spa- cious inlet to the soutli-eastern shores of Siberia, dividing Chinese Tartary froni the peninsula of Kamtschatka. From the top of this sea pro- jects a large forked gulf through nearly three de- grees of latitude between two chains of magnifi- cent mountains ; one on the peninsula and the other on the continent. This gulf, and a bay on the opposite shore, render the conformation of the north-eastern part of Asia, peninsular. The sea of Anadir a few degrees south of Beering's strait forms another inlet to the north-eastern extremity of this continent. A few deep inlets are found on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Passing from the White sea through the strait of Waygat, between Nova Zembla and the con- tinent, we enter the gulf of Cara, which is di- vided from the deep gulf of Oby, by a long peninsula. This forms a large opening reaching nearly to the sixty-fifth parallel. The river Yenisei eastward forms itself into a wide estuary before it falls into the sea. The Bay of Tai- nourskaia, which from its situation is sometimes called the North Gulf, is placed about the seventy-fifth degree of latitude near the northern extremity of the Old World. Numerous other inlets are found along the coast from this point to Beering's strait. The Levant and the Archi- pelago lie on the western side of Asia, north of the Isthmus of Suez. The Euxine, or Black sea, forms the northern boundary of Anatolia, and is considered for the most part as a detached sea, being united to the Mediterranean only by a small strait, the Bosphorus of the ancients, so narrow as to be called the Canal of Constanti- nople. The sea of Marmora, or Propentis, is consider- ed by some an inland sea, and is connected with the jEgean Sea, or Mediterranean Archipelago, by a similar strait called the Dardanelles, or an- cient Hellespont. This sea, as well as the Black Sea and Mediterranean, is supposed to have been anciently detached. Ihe Caspian, celebrated for its fisheries, forms the separating boundary, which divides Russia from Persia and indepen- dent Tartary. It is of elliptical figure ; the major axis extending nearly 700 miles from north to south, and occupying a breadth of nearly 200 geographical miles. It appears to have extended much farther north than it does at present; espe- cially as the deserts in that direction are saline, and sandy, presentmg the same kind of shells and marine productions as are found in the waters of the Caspian. Pliny and Strabo sup- posed this sea to be a gulf of the northern ocean; but it must always have been restricted by the western branch of the Uralian mountains, which passes to the north of Orenburg, reaching to the Volga. Its former union with the Lake Arat is highly probable from the marine deposits found in the intervening steppes, and from the Salt Lake still remaining between them; the midway eminence having been occasioned perhaps by the alluvion from the great rivers which flow into the latter. The Caspian is remarkable for its having no visible outlet for the discharge of its waters, not- withstanding the large rivers that flow into it, and also from the evidences of a former superior elevation being visible in the flanks of the moun- tains forming its western coasts. M. Pallas imagined he recognised its ancient shores on the steppe, considerably higher than its present level ; and has given some particulars on the subject. M M. Engelhardt and Parrot, natural- ists from Prussia, who visited this sea in 1815, place the former shores of the Caspian about 350 feet higher than its present surface ; where they found gulfs and bays clearly defined. Its islands are mostly uninhabited ; its bed is uneven, abounding with shoals, between some of which a line of 450 fathoms has been unsuccessfully employed to reach the bottom. Its waters are less salt than those of the ocean; but have a pe- culiar bitter taste. It has no tides ; but is subject to violent storms- The striking peculiarity of this sea is the difference between its level and that of the Baltic and the Black Sea. From baro- metical observations made at Astracan, and at St. Petersburgh, during a period of nine years, the Caspian appeared to be 306 feet below that of the Baltic : and from other barometical obser- vations, made between the mouth of the Kuban and that of the Terek, the surface of the Black Sea was found to be 105 metres, or 344.5 feet above the Caspian. Lake Aral is about 200 miles in length, and seventy in breadth, and about an hundred miles distant from the eastern shores of the Caspian ; which, in some respects, it may be said to resem- ble : it extends in the same direction, and receives the waters of several rivers, but discharges none. The principal rivers that run into it are the Gi- hon, or Jihon ; the Oxus, of antiquity, which enters the southern extremity ; the ancient Jax- artes, which reaches it from the east ; as also the Aujany, or Kizil Daria. The southern extremity of this lake is sprinkled with numerous islands ; and its supplies of water flowing from the south and the east, while those of the Caspian flow from the north and west, evince that they occupy part of the same natural basin. Baikal, another of the great lakes, or inland seas, of Asia, is situ- ated near the southern borders of Siberia, on the northern side of the great chain of mountains which divides that country from Mongolia. This lake, like the former, stretches in the same direction as the Caspian : is 350 miles in length, and nearly forty in breadth. Its waters are fresh and pellucid, presenting however the general appearance of a slight green tinge, and are usu- ally frozen from the beginning of December to the end of April. The depth of this lake varies from twenty to ninety fathoms ; but so clear are the waters, that the bottom becomes distinctly visible to the depth of fifty feet. It is subject to violent storms, and is often agitated without any visible cause ; whence it has received from the Russians the superstitious name of Svetoie Mare, Holy Sea. This lake, although it receives the waters of several copious rivers, has no visible outlet except the lower Angora, the discharge from which is considerably inferior to the ac- cessions which it receives. It is almost sur- rounded by mountains, in which the existence of subterraneous fire is evident, from frequent shocks of earthquakes ; and the surrounding shores are distinguished by some remarkable phenomena. ASIA. 43 It has been imagined by many geographers that the northern regions of Asia communicate with the continent of America. This however is a topic on which we have not sufficient data to ground an opinion. Captain Cook certainly traced the separation of these continents, par- tially : The best information yet obtained on this particular is, that Beering's Strait divides them to about forty miles in breadth, having East Cape on the Asiatic side, and Prince of Wales Cape on the American. The depth of water is about thirty fathoms. Pursuing this strait northward, the Asiatic shore tends rapidly to the west, while the American proceeds nearly due north ; till, at the distance of four or five degrees, the two con- tinents are joined by one solid and impenetrable mass of ice. MouNTAixs. — The mountains of Asia have always been thought remarkable ; and, arrayed in all the horrors of perpetual winter, seem to frown in awful silence over the profusion of the vale. A celebrated writer (M. Walckenaer, in his Cosmologie, p. 105,) observes, ' that the chain of mountains in which the culminating points of the highest level are found, always follows the direction of the greatest dimensions of the conti- nent ; and the inferior chains or heights, where we find the culminating points of the second or third-rate levels, also follow the direction of the greatest dilatations of the land, terminating that continent.' In Asia we have an illustration of these observations. The greatest dimensions of the continent are from east to west : and the country from the seventieth to the 100th degree of east longitude, and from the thirtieth to the fiftieth of south latitude, presents nearly a level area, from the different sides of which all the largest rivers flow into the sea. The culminating points of this extensive level, there is reason to believe, are the most elevated spots on the surface of the earth. The included area has been termed the table-land of Asia; although, since the revival of science, it has been inaccessible to European travellers, and therefore little known. The west- em part of it is, however, mountainous ; and the eastern is a vast desert ; the Shamo of the Chi- nese, and the Kobi of the Tartars, exhibiting an extent of several thousand miles not watered by a single stream. The Altaian mountains are the northern boun- daries of this area ; the Himalaya, on the south, separates it from Japan. On the east is that lofty range in which originates the great rivers of Ohina ; and the west is bordered by the moun- tains which contain the sources of the Indus and Jaxartes. The inferior chains, diverging as radii from this centre, are Muz-dagh or Sluz-zart, * snowy mountains,' on the north. The Tibetian mountains on the east, the Vind'hya hills and GTiats on the south, and the Alburg or Alborg on the west. The different ranges that traverse the territories of Persia, and unite its north-west provinces to Caucasus on the north, to Taurus and Libanus on the west and south, are connected with the Alburgian chain. Libanus is also con- nected by the hilly country on the west of Jordan with the mountains of Arabia. The greater number of these inferior chains run from east to west, in the same direction as the central range. The extensive Altai', or Khattai chain, stretches across the continent, under different names, for more than 5000 miles, terminating, to the east, in Tchutskoi Ness and cape Lopatka. Of the highest points of this celebrated chain south of Russia, we have no accurate information; but the inferior ranges reach far above the point of perpetual con- gelation, and are supposed to be equal to the Alps. The Himalaya chain of mountains south of the great central level, rears its loftiest summits 26,000 feet above the level of the sea ; and, ac- cording to some of our best geographers, upwards of 6000 feet above the celebrated Chimborazo of America, which towers over the entire Cordillera of the Andes. This southern chain is supposed to be of superior elevation to the northern. Mount Kailas, the Olympus of the Hindus, is supposed to exceed even the D'hola-giri in Ni- pal, which has been proved by admeasurement to reach 26,400 feet above the level of the sea. Mount Caucasus, the next in point of altitude, is a vast range extending between the Euxine and Caspian seas. Mount Ararat rises south- west of the Caucasus; Libanus, Amanus, and Taurus, are all connected with this great chain ; and the latter mount diverging with various branches, occupies almost the whole area from the Euphrates to the sea of ilarmora. The Uralian mountains, running from south to north, nearly as far as Nova Zembla, and called by the Tartars the girdle of the earth, are much colder, in consequence of a higher latitude ; but are in- ferior to the above in point of elevation. Many volcanoes are in a constant state of ac- tivity throughout Asia ; and many which were volcanic in former times, are now extinct, al- though smoke still issues, and hot streams are frequently discharged from crevices in their sides. The insular regions of Asia are likewise moun- tainous, and Adam's Peak, in Ceylon, has been a remarkable subject of tradition and fable. Volcanoes are also found in most of the Asiatic islands ; Gunong-api is one of the most active now known ; of that near Brambanan, in Java, a violent eruption is recorded in 1586. Ter- nate, the chief of the Moluccas, is nodiing more than a volcanic cone, occasionally emitting flames from its summit ; and on its sides are large pits of melting sulphur. The isles of France and Bourbon are entirely of volcanic origin ; and the crater of the latter, while in a state of eruption, was visited by M. Borg de St. Vincens, who de- scribes, with great interest, tlie phenomena ob- served on that occasion. Rivers. — From the mountains of Asia nu- m.erous rivers descend, which serve greatly to re- fresh the surrounding country. The river Lena rises east of Siberia, near the lake Baikel, and flowing first north-east, then north, enters the Frozen Ocean, opposite the Borkhaya isles, after a course of 1900 miles. The river Euisei, rising in the Altaian mountains, flows into the same sea after a course of at least 1400 miles. The Oby, per- haps the widest river in the Russian empire, rises about 51° north latitude, and 87° east longitude from the Alturnor of the Kalmaks, and Ozero Teletzkoi of the Russians ; and after a course of not less than 2000 miles, falls into the Obskaya Juba, or sea of Oby, within the arctic circle. The 44 ASIA. river Irtish takes its rise in 46° north latitude, and 92° east longitude, in the northern barrier of the central plateau ; and after rolling its rapid stream as far as the 62d degree of latitude, and gatiiering numerous tributary waters in its course, falls into the river Obe, north of Samarou. The Amour, or Saghalia, which rises in the Kalcas country, is formed by the junction of the two rivers, Kherton and Argun; and after traversing Chinese Tartary, and receiving several large rivers in its course, disembogues itself in the sea of Ok- hotsk, near the northern extremity of the channel of Tartary, completing a course of 1800 miles. The rivers of China chiefly rise in the eastern de- clivity of the Table Land. The JVlekang, or Kambuja, and the Irawadi, or Ava River, after descending from the plateau into the lower coun- try by long and winding courses, flows in a di- rect line to the Indian Ocean. The three most celebrated rivers that spring from this region are the Indus, Ganges, and Burrampooter. The Ganges river is held sacred by the inhabitants, and is the only one of the three of whose source we have any satisfactory information ; although Moorcroft tells us he found that of the Indus in 31° 3' north latitude, and 80° 35' east longitude. The two others rise in Thibet ; the Burrampooter waters the eastern parts of Bengal ; and' the course of the Indus, to the south, has been known ever since the time of Alexander. TheOxusand tiie Jaxartes are two large streams, well known to the ancients, which rise from the western de- clivity of the central range ; the former emanating from the glaciers of Pushti-khur, is supposed an- ciently to have taken a north-westerly course ; at present it proceeds almost due north, and falls into the lake Aral. The latter rises in the Belurdagh or Icy mountains, west of Afghaunistaun, and en- ters the eastern side of the same lake. The Tigris and Euphrates flow to the south, and the Araxes to the east, watering a considerable extent of coun- try. The Jordan and Orontes fertilize and beau- tify the vales of Syria and Palestine. Anatolia, though it has neither broad nor rapid rivers, is refreshed by the division of innumerable smaller streams, which throw an enchanting ap- pearance over the surface of the landscape. The Halys, or Kizil Irma, arising from mount Taurus, after a course of 350 miles, falls into the Black Sea. But the Howang-h6, or Yellow Iliver, which waters the nortliern provinces of China, is perhaps the deepest and most rapid river of Asia. This river rises on the eastern de- clivity of the plateau, and rolls its vast stream with unabated rapidity, to nearly 2000 miles. The Yang-tse-kiang, or son of the sea, is another noble stream of China. Climate. — The climate of Asia is exceedingly various, owing to the different degrees of eleva- tion. In the south-east the heat is excessive, and in the northern parts the cold is almost insup- portable. In Anatolia the central parts are colder than the provinces of France, although the latter are ten degrees farther north. The cause of this is explained by Mr. Brown, who calcu- lates that the city of Erz-rum is 7000 feet above the level of the sea. This extraordinary altitude of level, together with the great body of snow on the neighbouring mountains, accounts for tiie extremes of cold in Persia and Tartary ; Arabia is considerably tempered, though within the tropics. China being mountainous has an agree- able climate; while in India and the Burman empire, are sensibly experienced the full effects of a torrid zone. Vegetables. — The stupendous mountains, im- mense plains, immeasurable forests, noble rivers, and wide spreading marshes of this quarter of the earth, together with the variety of the soils, and an extreme difference of climate, from the intense cold of Siberia, where mercury freezes, to the almost insupportable heat of the sandy deserts : from the eternal frost that reigns around the pole, to the sterility of the arid waste, including di- versified intermediate regions, always adorned with the blossoms of spring, enriched with the fullness of summer, or laden with the produc- tions of autumn, produce an unparalleled variety of vegetation, from the almost imperceptible moss that creeps along the Arctic shores to the hundred-stemmed banian that spreads its beauti- ful luxuriance beneath a tropical clime. Some parts of Asia are very sterile, and the inhabitants look for support to the surrounding sea, in which fishes and mollusca abound. V^egetable productions however, generally speaking, are nu- merous, and differ according to the climate under equal circumstances of soil and irrigation. The central and western parts produce all sorts of grain which are common in Europe, and culi- nary vegetables in the highest perfection. The tropical and southern regions afford gums, spices, medicinal roots, and extracts unknown in colder climates. Several genera of plants are peculiar to New Holland and the adjacent islands. The tea-tree is found chiefly in the central regions ; and the bread fruit and bamboo, which are natives of Asia, are useful in every part of domestic economy. Minerals. — This division of the globe con- tains the precious metals in great abundance : gold is washed down the rivers of Asia Minor. Arabia still supplies it in its utmost purity ; and in Assam, Celebes, and Borneo, the gold is said to be native. Mount Sipylus has been celebrated for the production of silver, and the mines of Tokat supply both silver and copper. Great quantities of tin are found in the island of Ban- ca; lead and iron in various parts of the continent ; precious stones are found in great variety throughout the whole of Asia; fine diamonds in Golconda; rubies in Ceylon, topazes in Siberia; and the most beautiful pearls in the straits of Manaar and the Bah- rein islands; the corundeum and other va- luable stones are peculiar to these countries. Singular remains of antiquity are also dug out of the earth ; huge tusks of a species of animal now unknown, and even the entire animal itself, is found in the islands of the Frozen Ocean. Animals. — Asia contains a great variety of land and marine animals, from the minute insect that flutters in the solar beam, to the stupend- ous elephant, the ferocious tiger and the majestic lion. The most valuable are indigenous to this quarter of the globe. The horse is found on the northern confines of Persia in his native state, ASIA. 45 but exhibits none of the symmetry, powers, or pro- portions, to which he arrives through a course of domestic training. The camel is found here in his most perfect growth, and performs journeys which to the horse would be fatal. The ele- phant is trained to all sorts of service. The sea- otter, so valuable for his fur, and the whale are common, and supply a considerable source of wealth to the inhabitants. 'The population of Asia,' it has been observed, 'by no means equals those expectations which its history would naturally inspire,' owing to the ravages of war, and the influence of despotic governments, which always impose an effectual check upon the increase of population. Never- theless, where the governments are mild and beneficial, as in British India, the reverse is the fact. China in particular, owing to a long free- dom from foreign and domestic war, is said to exhibit the amazing population of five hun- dred millions ; and even this, according to some geographers, is below the real amount. Asia, however, being the scene of human origination, is still peopled by numerous indige- nous tribes, and presents an ample field for the study of man, in all the stages of his progress from barbarism to civilisation. The variety ob- served in the appearance of the natives is proba- bly the effect of difference of climate, aliment, and religion. The Samoied tribes, New Hollanders, and inhabitants of Andaman, are of diminutive size. The people of Jesso and the Kurile islands, have uncommonly large beards, and an unnatural profusion of hair all over their bodies. The Tartars and Chinese are known by the pe- culiar figure of their faces ; the latter particu- larly by their oblique contracted eyes. There is, however, reason to believe they were anciently derived from one common origin, and bore a great resemblance to each other. History. — Noah is said to have settled in Asia, immediately after the deluge, near the bor- ders of the Euphrates, and to have peopled the whole continent. The posterity of Shem occu- pying the central regions ; Japhet the northern ; and Ham the southern. Javan and his descen- dants, Ashkenaz, Dodanim, Tarshish, Elisha, Togermah, and Riphath, are supposed to have been the ancient inliabitants of Asia Minor. The Canaanites and Amalekites were the people of Syria and Arabia Petraea. Modern writers have referred the present natives of Asia to those dif- ferent stocks the Hebrews, Indians, and Tartars, the propriety of which will appear from their make, features, and languages. There are, how- ever, some large tribes, as the Malays and abori- ginal negroes, which cannot be referred to either of these classes, as also the mountaineers of Cauca- sus, and the inhabitants of northern Siberia. Mr. Pinkerton observes, that the population of Asia is allowed by all authors to be wholly primitive and original ; with the exception of the Tshukt- shis, whom the Russian historians suppose to have passed from the opposite coast of America, tiie colonics that have migrated from Russia to the northern parts as far as the sea of Kamtschatka, the well-known European settlements, and a few others. Asia certainly presents an amazing origi- nal population. We add the following table of the nations and languages in Asia, as calculated to give the reader a tolerably accurate idea of this interesting subject of enquiry. Table of the Nations and Languages in Asia. 1. Assyrians. — Assyrians, Arabians, Egyp- tians. — Chaldee, Hebrew, 8cc. 2. Scythians. — Persians, Scythians intra et extra Imaum, &c. Armenians. — (The Parsi and Zend are cognate with the Gothic, Greek, Latin, according to Sir William Jones. Indian Dissert, vol. i. p. 206. The Pehlavi is Assyrian or Chal- daic. Id. 187, 188. 206.) 3. Sarmats. — Medes and Parthians. — Geor- gians and Circassians. 4. Seres and Indi. — Hindoos, northern et southern, &c. 5. Sinse. — Chinese and Japanese. — These have a Tartaric form and face ; they are probably highly-civilised Tartars, Mongoles, or jNIand- shurs. Barbaric Nations from north to south, and ac- cording to the degrees ofbar'barism. 6. Samoyedes, Ostiaks, Yurals, &c. 7. Yakutes. — Yukagirs. (Expelled Tartars, according to Tooke and Lesseps.) 8. Koriaks. — Tshuktshis. (From the opposite coast of America. Tooke's Russia. The Yuka- girs are a tribe of the Yakutes, around Yakutsk, and both are expelled Tartars. Tooke's View, ii. 80. Lesseps, ii. 312.) 9. Kamtskatdales. — Kurillans. — (These resem- ble the Japanese.) 10. Mandshures or Tunguses. — Lamutes.— (Ruling people in China.) 11. Mongoles. — Talmuks. — Soongares, Tun- gutes, Bursets, &c. 12. Tartars or Huns. — Turks, Khasares, Uzes, and Siberians. — Nogays, Bashkirs, Kirghisikai- zaki or Kirghise Kaizaks, Teleutes. After the destruction of Attila's swarms, and the effects of unfortunate inroads, the Huns be- came subject to the Mongoles, who under Zingis, or Chingis khan, Tiraur, &c. consituted the su- preme nation in Asia. The great share of population which Europe has received from Asia will appear from the fol- lowing brief statement. Primitive Inhabitants. 1. Celts. — Irish, Welsh, Armorican. — Erse, Manks, Cornish. 2. Fins (chief god Yummala). — Finlanders, Esthonians, Laplanders, Hungarians, Permians or Biarmians, Livonians, Votiaks and Chere- misses, Vogules and Ostiaks. Colonies from Asia. 3. Scythians or Goths (Odin). — Icelanders, Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Germans, Englisli. — Swiss, Frisic, Flemish, Dutch. 4. Sarmats or Slavons (Perune). — Poles, Rus- sians, Kaizaks. — Heruli, Vendi, Lettes. The inhabitants of France, Italy, and Spain, are also of Asiatic origin ; and speak corrupted Roman, which, like the Greek, is a polished dialect of the Gothic, according to Sir William Jones, and other able antiquaries. The Heruli, 46 ASIA. Vendes, and Lettes, used mixed and imperfect dialects of the Sclavonic. Besides these numerous original nations, the Malays and Asiatic islanders constitute another large and distinct class of mankind, with a pe- culiar speech, in the south of the extensive con- tinent of Asia. Governments. — The people of Asia in their civil state consist of families occupyinfj the same territory, but acknowledging no chief or governor; of independent tribes associated under one com- mon potentate as the Arabs and Tartars, and therefore called equestrian nations; or of king- doms ranged under established monarchies, of which the chief are Independent Tartary, China, Thibet, with its subsidiary prcvinces, the Japa- nese empire, &c. The Asiatic governments are mostly despotic, and those established by Euro- peans are nearly of the same description. In some of the political institutions of Asia there is, however, the rude image of a popular administra- tion ; in others the influence of women is ad- mitted ; whilst in some few the prince is guided in all public measures by the advice of his nobles. Were the principal governments in Asia to be arranged according to their natural and political importance, they would probably succeed each other in the following order : China in the first place, and after this successively Persia, Turkey, and Russia ; the precedency of the numerous other states can hardly be ascer- tained. Religion. — The most common religion of Asia is idolatry. The doctrines of Mahomet prevail to a great extent ; but their influence is upon the decline, owing in a great measure to the popularity of the Wahabees. Christianity is now generally rejected in Asia, and in many countries even where it was formerly tolerated, as in China and Japan, The sacrifice of animals, and even of human victims, is very frequent; and a spirit of the most degrading superstition seems to reign throughout the vast regions of this division of the globe. Penance is carried beyond even the bounds of probability. Imposing upon himself perpetual silence, gating on the sun till his eyes become fixed in their sockets, lacerating his body with sharp weapons, and other practices still more shocking to humanity are, through vast regions, considered among the most acceptable services which a man can offer to the deity. Polygamy is generally practised, and sometimes even a plurality of husbands are allowed to a single woman : fe- males of rank also, betrothed at an early age, cohabit not with their husbands but with other men without reproach. Infanticide is common ; and burning the living wife with the body of her dead husband, though now rendered a voluntary act on the part of the woman, has by no means sub- sided. Many of the tribes are complete canni- bals, and others are little better. Character of Inhabitants. — ^The inhabi- tants of Asia, violent in their dispositions, are generally ferocious, vindictive, and cruel. The tender ties of nature are little felt. Children are openly sold by their parents without even the apology of necessity. Wives are sacrificed by their husbands even on the bare suspicion of in- fidelity ; and in the most civilised state after an unfortunate contest for the crown, the unsuccess- ful prince, if not executed, invariably has his eyes put out, though the rival should be his own brother. The ancient geography of Asia cannot be con- templated without feelings of excitement, which the deep gloom of her present degraded and idolatrous condition are unable to suppress; feelings unknown in the contemplation of any other portion of the globe. Asia was the parent of nations, the cradle of civilisation and science — • here occurred most of those remarkable transac- tions recorded in the scripture history — ^here arose successively the Babylonian, Assyrian, and Per- sian empires — and here the Christian religion was first planted for the salvation of man. Much of the celebrity of this quarter of the globe is un- doubtedly owing to its climate, and the numer- ous gulfs, bays, and navigable rivers with which it abounds opening early facilities for commerce, &c.; but still more perhaps is to be attributed to the native genius and sanguine temperament of its inhabitants. The origin of the name of Asia has given rise to some curious speculations and disquisitions. The Greeks deduced it from Asia, the fabulous daughter of Oceanus and Thetis. Others have derived it from Asius, king of Lydia. Bochart traces it to the Hebrew or Phoenician word Asi, signifying middle, which is, however, unsupported by historical evidence. According to Homer, Herodotus and Euripides, it early designated a country of Lydia, where ancient geography men- tions a tribe of Asiones and a city of Asia. The name, however, was gradually extended by the Greeks from a single province to the whole of Asia Minor, and afterwards to other regions as they were discovered successively ; in the same manner as Allemagne is applied by the French to the whole of Germany ; and as Italia, an ancient canton in Calabria, is now denominated the peninsula of Italy. Since, however, much perplexity has arisen among authors by the di- verse acceptations of the term Asia, so as to ren- der it extremely difficult for their readers to know what region was distinctly understood by that appellation ; and since it is not easy to reconcile the apparent inconsistency between sacred and profane history, as to the provinces which it comprised, we present the following observations for the satisfaction of the reader : — The ancient geographers divided the vast continent that was known to the Greeks and Romans under the word i^ia, first into Greater and Lesser Asia. The latter, also called Asia Minor, was thought to be a peninsula terminated by a liiie drawn from Sinope to the line of separation between highland and lowland Cilicia (Aspera and Cam- pestris). It comprehended a great number of provinces ; but that which included Phrygia, Mysia, Caria, and Lydia, was denommated Asia Proper, or Asia properly so called. Cicero, enumerating the regions contained in Asia Pro- per, makes no mention of TEolis or lolia, though undoubtedly a district of it, as being compre- hended partly in Lydia and partly in Mysia. Lydia, beside the inland country commonly known by that name, contained also Ionia, lying on the sea-side, between the rivers Hermus and ASIA. 47 Maeander; and j^^olis, extending from Ilermus to the river Caicus, or to the promontory Lec- tum, the ancient boundary between Troas and the sea-coast of the Greater Mysia. Accordingly, Asia Proper comprehended Phrygia, Mysia, Ly- dia, Caria, iEolia, and Ionia. This tract was bounded, according to Ptolemy, on the north by Bithynia and Pontus, extending from Galatia to Propontis; on the east by Galatia, Pamphylia, and Lycia ; on the south by part of Lycia and the Rhodian sea ; on the west by the Hellespont, by the ^gean, Scarian, and Myrtoan seas, occu- pying the space between the thirty-fifth and forty-first degree of north latitude, and extending from 55° to 62° of longitude. As Asia Proper is but a part of Asia Minor, so the Lydian Asia is only a part of Asia Proper. Asia, in this acceptation, comprehends Lydia, TEolia, and Ionia ; and is that Asia whereof men- tion is made in tlie Acts and the Apocalypse. Aristotle tells us that Smyrna was at first pos- sessed by the Lydians ; and Scylax Coryandensis reckons it among the cities of Lydia, as also Ephesus, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Thyatira, are reckoned by Ptolemy among the cities of Lydia, as is Laodicea by Stephanus. Steph. de Urbid. That in ancient times Lydia was called Maeonia, and the Lydians, Mieonians, is manifest from Herodotus, Diodorus Siculus, Dionysius Afer, Strabo, Pliny, Stephanus, and others ; and that Ma;onia was called Asia is no less plain from Callinicus, who flourished before Archilochus, from Demetrius Scepsius, contemporary with Crates, and Aristarchus the grammarian, from Euripides, Suidas the great etymologist, &c. ; besides which it is expressly affirmed by the ancient scholiast of ApoUonius Rhodius, that Lydia was formerly called Asia, and hence Lydia has been said to have a better claim to the name of Asia than any other part of that continent. Ulterior (or Greater) Asia comprehended the remaining part of that continent. Its great di- visions were Iberia, Colchis, and Albania, be- tween the Euxine and Caspian seas ; Mingrelia, Georgia, and Daghistan Axmenia, which retains its ancient name. Media and Persia included in modern Persia. Bactriana and Margiana ; the Merri, Balkh, and Bokhara of the Turks and Tartars ; Syria, Mesopotamia and Assyria, the Biladu'sh isham, Diyar bekr, and Abjonirah of the moderns. Hyrcania, Persia, and Susiana, the Trak and Pars of the present day. Judea, Babylonia, and Chaldea; the southern part of Syria and Pachalic of Bagdad. India the country between the Indus and Ganges; and Syria the remoter regions to the north-east. Ancient Geography. — The earliest accounts of this vast portion of the globe are those con- tained in the Scripture, which are, however, ex- tremely imperfect. Moses has enumerated the difi'erent parts of the earth with which the He- brews were familiar ; but, in consequence of the names by which he designates the places differ- ing from other authors, great obscurity hangs over the whole of his geography, except that which relates to the land of Canaan itself, and the states immediately contiguous. He appears to have been well acquainted with Asia Minor, Armenia, Media, Persia, and Arabia. The Gog and Magog of Scripture seem to have been the inhabitants of Caucasus. Riphath seems to re- fer to the Ripha;an mountains ; and Rosh refers to the ancient Rossi, from whom were descended the Russians of the present day. The more northerly parts of Asia were evidently unknown to the Greeks. Herodotus considered the Pha- sis in Colchis as the line of separation between Europe and Asia, whilst others believed the Don, or Tanais, as the proper limit. The mountains north of India were the utmost boun- dary of their knowledge with respect to that part of Asia. The Ganges and the Indian Ocean they considered the eastern and southern limits ; and the Red Sea, with the isthmus between it and the Mediterranean, brought them back to the western or nearest side. Many geographers included Egypt in Asia, making the Catabathnus, or western side of the valley of the Nile, the separation between Asia and Africa ; whilst others considered the Nile itself as the line of separa- tion. Strabo and Pliny supposed the northern end of the Caspian sea communicated with the ocean. Progressive Geography. — At the time when Asia was first mentioned in history it probably contained more powerful empires than it does at present, the Chinese excepted. Alexander the Great carried his arms beyond the Indus. The Sinae, or eastern Indians, were known to Ptolemy in the second century, and also Taprobane or Ceylon, with Jabadia, the Javia dwipa of the Indians, and the Java of our maps. Alfred, king of England, deputed a mis- sion to the shrine of St. Thomas on the coast of Babelmandel ; and the crusades of Syria and Palestine, in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, led to an intimate acquaintance with that part of Asia. Shortly after the passion for crusades had subsided, a spirit of commercial enterprise was excited, and merchants, from several parts of Europe, penetrated into the interior. The monks, animated with a desire to convert the heretics, departed in great numbers for Asia; amission deputed from the pope to the court of the Moguls, and another from Louis of France to the same princes contributed on their return, by the pub- lication of their travels, to enlarge the ideas of Europeans with respect to that part of the world. Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant, with his com- panions, spent twenty-six years in travelling either as merchants, or as agents of the Great Khave of the Tartars, during which period they for the first time disclosed the great desert of Cobi, and made great additions to our knowledge of oriental geography, particularly in the north of Asia. Such indeed was the ignorance of the age in which he lived, that his descriptions of the magnificence and wealth of the Asiatics were regarded by his contemporaries as the effusions of romance. Subsequent information has neverthe- less raised him to distinguished credit, and his work is now considered one of the most curious monuments we possess of the state of Europe and Asia in the middle ages. In the fifteenth century improvements in navigation, and the spirit of commercial enterprise, facilitated the progress of discovery. A passage was discovered to India round tlie Cape of Good Hope, and the 48 ASIA. English, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese settled several establishments on the Asiatic coast, from which they undertook still more distant expeditions into the interior, and opened an intercourse with China, Japan, and Hindostan. The British go- vernment sent out repeated expeditions under the conduct of Cook, Byron, and others, to make discoveries in the Soutliern Ocean ; and the em- press Catharine about the same time directed scientific travellers to explore some of the central parts of her Asiatic dominions. Geography by these means received many splendid additions, and our knowledge of different and distant parts of the globe illustrated many important and in- teresting points in the physical and natural his- tory of southern Asia. Van Diemen's Land and New Holland were explored by captain Flinders. The same voyager also observed that there is no river deeply penetrating into the latter island ; and that the gulf of Carpentaria is a basin of vast extent studded with islands. The expulsion of the Dutch from their insular settlements has also led to an intimate acquaint- ance with those territories, all knowledge of which they endeavoured to conceal. Travellers from British India have greatly increased our in- formation with respect to the neighbouring re- gions. A mission to the court of Persia has thrown a light on the geography and policy of that distinguished empire, and shown how de- fective our information was with regard to Ori- ental nations. A field of discovery, however, yet remains to complete the geography of this part of the world. The origin, course, and pro- gressive increase of some of its greatest rivers are unknown ; scarce any of its internal seas, except the Caspian, have been the subjects of actual survey ; and its mountains, perhaps the most stupendous masses on the globe, present a wholly unexplored field of enquiry. Siberia is but little known ; and even of the coasts no perfect sur- vey has ever been taken. The whole extent of country from the Caspian to the sea of Okhosts, including a superficial area of many thousands of miles, is occupied by nations and people whose names are scarcely known. Little more than the borders of Arabia is known to Europeans. The interior regions of Tartary and the northern part of China require much illustration. The same remark may be applied to India and the interior of Asia generally. With regard to the probable population of this continent so defective is our knowledge that differences of between one and two hundred millions exist in regard to that of China alone. Our knowledge of the islands is almost equally imperfect. Not a tenth part of New Holland has been attempted, and that only in a single line, although every journey un- folds novelties and wonders in nature which seem to distinguish this extensive island from every other region in the world. Borneo, Su- matra, Celebes, and Papua greatly demand the attention of travellers. The north-eastern angle .of territorial Asia has been repeatedly visited by navigators and travellers since the civilization of Ilussia by the genius of Peter the Great; but the geography and natural history of that region have been hitherto described in a manner which is exceedingly imperfect. On the whole we are looking for superior lights. The morning whica dawned so many centuries ago has hitherto ad- vanced but slowly ; and we hail the approach of a brighter period, which is not very remote, when the sun of discovery shall burst the clouds in which he has been enveloped, and irradiate the geography of this interesting section of the globe. The propagation of Mahommedanism, and the exterminating wars by which it was attended, effected a complete revolution in the states of this continent. The Greek empire sunk in the arms of the victorious Moslems. The caliphs for a time prevailed to a considerable degree over their Constantinopolitan predecessors, and were in their turn humbled by the Tatarian Jengerfe and Temiir. The latter were finally absorbed in the overwhelming power of the Turks who now, having no formidable enemy to oppose, overran the west of Asia, and in the middle of the fifteenth century extinguished the Eastern Empire, and laid the foundations of those great divisions of this continent which "subsist at the present day. With respect to the modern divisions of Asia, we observe that the Russian empire extends from the Uralian mountains to the sea of Kam- schatka, and from the Arctic Ocean to the pa- rallel of fifty degrees north latitude. It is inha- habited by Tartars, Mongols, Mautchirs, &c., under the general name of Siberia. The Asiatic part of the Ottoman Empire, consisting of Ana- tolia, Syria, and Diyar-Bekr, the ancient Meso- potamia, lies between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean ; the canal of Constantinople and the Tigris ; Arabia lies to the south of the latter country; and Persia lies east of the Tigris, as far as the Indus, between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. East of the Caspian, as far as east longitude 100 degrees, between Russia and Persia, are the independent Tartars. From the above meridian, to the Sea of Japan, lies eastern or Chinese Tartary, inhabited by the Mautchirs who subdued China in the middle of the seven- teenth century, and whose original country forms at present the northern part of that empire. Thibet is on the north side of the Himalaya mountains, the Alps of Hindostan. South and east of China lies the peninsula of India, beyond the Ganges. West of the Burman empire is India on this side the Ganges, comprehending Kashmir, Hin- dostan, and the Deccan. The islands are under various governments, and have been made the seat of various commercial establishments by the different powers of Europe, of which an account will be given under their names sepa- rately. Asia Minor is the western portion of Asia, having the Black Sea on the north, the Eu- phrates on the east, and the seas Mediterranean and Marmora, with the Hellespont and Bos- phorus, on the west. It is of an irregularly ob- long figure, 1000 miles from east to west, and 400 or 500 from north to south, variously in- dented by bays and inlets, and having a few peninsulas and promontories. Its streams and rivers are numerous but not large; the interior abounding with saline lakes, crystal fountains, and hot-springs, whose waters have been cele- ASI 49 ASK brated for their medicinal qualities. The cli- mate is line, and its valleys warm, washed in some places by mountain torrents, shaded by the mountainr., and tempered by cool and refreshing breezes from the sea. Long ranges of hills, from which branches diverge in all directions, isolated rocks and mountains crowned with trees and verdure, delightfully change the pros- pect ; while the luxuriance of the soil and abun- dance of grain, fruits, and every species of vegetation, render subsistence comfortable and happy. Earthquakes are, however, frequent, overwhelming entire cities and their inhabitants ; and the plague sweeps away its thousands. The whole country is subject to the Turkish government, and inhabited chiefly by INIahom- medans and Christians. It is divided into se- veral large provinces, of which Natolia and Caramania are the most important. It contains the cities of Angora, Bursa, Smyrna, and Tocat, besides the ruins of many others which have been highly celebrated in history. The southern shore of Caramania is overspread with remain^ of Grecian antiquities; and Natolia abounds with ancient curiosities and columns, having been the theatre of important events from the earliest historj'. The several islands in the Archipelago, belonging to this country, are also highly classical and important. This part of Asia is the most interesting re- gion of the earth, the parent of education, arts, and arms — the cradle of mythology, poetry, and eloquence — the favorite abode of the muses — the soil in which lay the ancient roots of genius, which have since struck round the world, beau- tified the moral wastes, and still luxuriantly ex- pand their blossoms in almost every clime of the civilised globe. ASIAGO, one of tlie seven Venetian com- munes in Upper Italy, in the midst of mountains, in the north of the circle of ^■ icenza, and now be- longing toAustria. The inhabitants are descend- ants of the ancient Germans, and lead a purely pastoral life. They enjoyed great privileges under the Venetian government, and have more than once defended the passes of their country against the inroads of a foreign foe. The large town of Asiago is the seat of the court of jus- tice for all the communes; has a castle, and 11,000 inhabitants. It is twenty miles north of Vicenza. ASFDE. On side. See Side. And he took him asidis fro the people and puttedc hise fingris into hise eeris and he spette and touchide his tonge. Wyclif. Mark ch. vii. Fkan. Sir, he may live. I saw him beat the surges under him. And ride upon their backs ; he trod the water. Whose enmity he flung aside, and breasted The surge most swoln that met him ; his bold head Bore the contentious waves, he kept and oar'd Himself with his good arms in lusty strokes To the shore ; that o'er his wave-worn basis bowed. He came alive to land. Shakspeare's Tempest. Thus (she pursu'd) I discipline a son. Whose uncheck'd fury to revenge would run ; He champs the bit, impatient of his loss. And starts aside, and flounders at the cross. Dryden's Hind and Panther. It is the custom of the Mahometans, if they see any printed or written paper upon the ground, to take it up and lay it aside carefully, as not knowing but it may contain some piece of the Alcoran. Addison. ASILUS, in entomology, the hornet-fly, a genus of insects belonging to the order of in- secta diptera. It has two wings; and a horny, strait, two-valved, beak. There are seventeen species of this insect. Many of them wotmd in a very painful manner, and are particulariy troublesome to cattle in low meadows; others of them are quite harmless. AsiLus, in ornithology, the name used by many for the luteola, or" regulus non cristatus, an extremely small bird, common among wil- lows. ASINARII, an appellation given, by way of Vol. III. reproach, to the ancient Christians, as well as Jews, from a mistaken opinion, among heathens, that they worshipped an ass. ASINESIA, in medicine, an immovableness of the body, or in any part of it, as in apoplexy, palsy, &c. ASINIUS Lapis, a name given by some writers of the middle ages, to a stone, said to be found in those places frequented by the wild ass. See Bezoar. ASINUS Piscis, in ichthyology, a name given by some to the eglefinus, or common haddock, called also onos. ASIO, in ornithology, a name given by Al- drovandus and others, to the otus, or lesser horn owl. ASISIA, or AssisiA, a town of Liburnia, now in ruins, but exhibiting many monuments of antiquity. It is the Asseria or Assesia of Pliny, and is now called Podgraje. See Asse- ria. ASISIO, or AsiTio, a city of the Pope's ter- ritories in Italy, situated about sixteen miles east of Perugia, and eighty north of Rome. It is seated on a mountain, and is said to have been the birth-place of St. Francis. ASK, ) Ang.-Sax. secan, ascecan, to seek, Ask'er. S to ask ; ascean, to seek, to ask. To seek, enquire, demand, require, petition, beg. As it is a great point of art, when our matter re- quires it, to enlarge and veer out all sail ; so to take it in and contract it, is no less praise, when the argu- met doth ask it. Ben Jnnson. A lump of ore, in the bottom of a mine, will be stirred by two men's strength ; which, if you bring it to the top of the earth, will ask six men to stir it. Bacort. When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down. And ask of thee forgiveness. Shaktpeare. We have nothing else to ask ; but that. Which you deny already : yet will ask; That, if we fail in our request, the blame May hang upon your hardness. Id. In long journeys, ask your master leave to give ale to the horses Stcift. Let him pursue the promis'd Latian shore, A short delay is all I ask him now ; A pause of grief, an interval of woe. Drydcn. E ASK 50 ASL Ask of the loarn'il the way ; the Icarn'd arc blind ; This bids to servo, and that to shun mankind ; Some place the bliss in action, some in case. Those call it pleasure, and contentment these. Pope. Eisay on Man. Upon my asking her who it was, she told me it was a very grave elderly gentleman, but that she did not know his name. Addison. ASKAII, a town of Hindostan, in the nor- thern circar, Cicacole, thirty-six miles north by west of Ganjam.. It stands in N. lat. 19° 44', E. long. 84° 55'. ASKANCE', "J Supposed to be from as- Askaunce', (^chined, participle of the Dutch Askaunt', i verb schuinen, to cut away. Asquint'. J From whence probably are squint and asquint ; sideways, oblique. And wrote alway the names, as he stood. Of alle folk that gave hem any good, Askaunce that he wolde for hem preye. Chaucer. The Sempnour's Tale. Some say, he bid his angels turn askance The poles of earth, twice ten degrees and more. From the sun's axle : they with labour push'd Oblique the centric globe. Milton. Zelmane, keeping a countenance askance, as she understood him not, told him, it became her evil. Sidney. His wannish eyes upon them bent askance; And when he saw their labours well succeed. He wept for rage, and threaten'd dire mischance. Fairfax. While thus their worke went on with lucky speed. And reared rammes their horned fronts aduance. The ancient foe to man, and mortall seed. His wannish eyes vpon them bent askance. Fairfax's Tasso, book iv. At this Achilles roU'd his furious eyes, Fix'd on the king askaunt ; and thus replies, O, impudent Dryden. Since the space, that lies on either side The solar orb, is without limits wide ; Grant, that the sun had happened to prefer A seat askaunt, but one diameter : Lost to the light by that unhappy place. This globe had lain a frozen loansome mass. Blackmorc. Through his bright disk the stormy weapon flew, Transpicrc'd his twisted mail, and from his side Drove all the skin, but to his nobler parts. Found entrance none by Pallas turn'd askance. Cowper's Iliad, hook xi. p. 195. Panic-fixed he stood. His seven-fold shield behind his shoulder cast. And hemm'd by numbers with his eyes askant, Watchful retreated. Id. book xi. ASKERON, a place five miles from Don- caster, noted for a medicinal spring. It is a strong sulphureous water, slightly impregnated with a purging salt. It is recommended internally and externally in strumous and other ulcers, scabs, leprosy, and similar complaints. It is good in chronic obstructions, in cases of worms, &c. ASKEW. Dan. skiavt, crooked; from skitr- ver, to twist. For, when ye mildly look with lovely hue. Then is my soul with life and love inspir'd : But, when ye lowre, or look on me afketv. Then do I die. Spenser. Tiien take it. Sir, as it was writ; Nor look askew, at what it saith : There's no petition in it. Prior. This said, her spear she push'd against the ground. And, mounting from it with an active bound. Flew ofT to heaven : the hag with eyes askew Look'd up, and mutter'd curses as she flew, Addison. Ovid's Met. book ii. Askew (Anne), an English lady, the daughter of Sir William Askew, of Kelsay, in Lincolnshire. She was born at her father's seat about 1520; and received a liberal educa- tion. Early in life she was married to a Rlr. Kyme, contrary to her own inclination ; and, being harshly treated by her husband, she went to the court of Henry VIII. to sue for a sepa- ration. Hero she attracted the particular notice of such ladies as were attached to the reforma- tion : on this account she was arrested ; and, acknowledging her religious principles, was sent prisoner to Newgate. After having been put to the rack with savage cruelty in the Tower, she was burnt in Smithfield, along with her tutor, and two other persons of the same faith, in 1546. Her letters in Fox and Stripe show her to have been an accomplished and pious woman. ASKEYTON, a market town of Limerick, seated on the river Deel, 110 miles from Dub- lin; noted for its castle, built by the earl of Desmond, and for its beautiful abbey. ASLA'KE. Ang.-Sax. asla-cian, to abate ; to resolve, to unbend, to reduce to its compo- nent parts, to slake, or slacken. But this continual, cruel, civil war No skill can stint, nor reason can aslahe. Spenser. Whilst, seeking to aslake thy raging fire. Thou in me kindlest much more great desire. Id, But suche as of ther golde ther only idoll make, Noe treasure may the rauyn of their hungry hands aslake. Surrey. ASLAN, or Aslani, in commerce, a name given to the Dutch dollar in most parts of the Levant. The word is also written corruptly, asselani. It is originally Turkish, and signifies a lion, which is the figure stamped on it. The Arabs, taking the figure of a lion for a dog, called it abusketh. It is silver, but much al- loyed, and is current for 115 or 120 aspers. See ASPER. ASLAN'T. On slant. See Slant. There is a willow grows aslant a brook. That shews his hoar leaves in the glassy stream. Shakspeare. Hamlet, He fell ; the shaft Drove thro* his neck, aslant : he spurns the ground ; And the soul issues, through the weapon's wound. Dryden, Lo ! now apparent all Aslant the dew-bright earth and coloured air. He looks in boundless majesty abroad. And sheds the shining day that burnished plays On rocks, and liills, and towers, and wandering streams. High gleaming from afar. Thomson. ASLEE'P. On sleep. See Sleep. This false knight vpou delaie Hath taricd till thei were asleepe. As he that woll time kepe His deadly workcs to fulfille. Gower. Con. Am. book ii. How many thousand of my poorest subjects Arc at this hour asleep! O gentle sleep. Nature's soft nurse, lu>w have I frighted thee ! Shaksjiearo ASO The diligence of trade, and noiseful gaii», And luxury, more late aslecjj were laid : All was the night's ; and, in her silent reign. No sound the rest of nature did invade. Dryden. For gorg'd with flesh, and drunk with human wine. While fast asleep the giant lay supine Snoring aloud, and belching from his maw His indigested foam and morsels raw : We pray, we cast the lots, and then surround The monstrous body, strctch'd along the ground. Id. Virgil, yEncid iii. There is no difTcrcncc, between a person asleep, and in an apoplexy; but that the one can be awaked, and the other cannot. Arbutlmot on Diet, ASLOPE'. On slope, or slip. See Sloi>e. For many times I have it seen. That many have bcgylcd been. For trust that they have set in hope. Which fell hem afterward aslope. Chaueer. Romaunt of the Rose, fol. 137. c. 1. Set them not upright, but aslope, a reasonable depth under the ground. Bacon. The curse aslope. Glanc'd on the ground ; with labour I must earn My bread ! what harm? Idleness had been worse ; My labour will sustain me. Miltont The knight did stoop. And sate on further side aslope. Hudibras. Where porters' hogsheads roll from carts aslope. Or brewers down steep cellars stretch the rope ; Where counted billets are by carmen tost. Stay thy rash step, and walk without the post. Ga>/. Trivia, book ii. ASjNIODAI, the name given by the Jews to the prince of dxmons ; and according to K. Elias, the same with Sammael. ASMONEUS, or Assamoneus, the father of Simon, and chief of the Asmoneans, a family that reigned over the Jews 126 years. ASNA, or EsNA, a town in Upper Egypt, seated upon the Nile, believed by some authors to be the ancient Syena, though others say the ruins of it are still to be seen near Assuan. It is so near the cataracts of tlie Nile, that they may be heard from thence, and it contains se- veral monuments of antiqiuly ; among the rest an ancient Egyptian temple, painted throughout. The columns are full of hieroglyphic figures. A little way from hence are the ruins of an ancient nunnery, said to be built by St. Helena, and surrounded with tombs. Asna is the principal town in these parts, and tlie inhabitants are rich in corn and cattle. ASNAPPER, an Assyrian prince, mentioned in Ezra iv. 10, who settled the original Samari- tans in the country of the ten tribes. It is un- certain, whether ho was Salmaneser or Esar- haddon, or one of their generals. ASOLA, a town of Upper Italy, in the terri- tory of Brescia, on the Chiese, with a popula- tion of 4000. It is twenty miles S.S.P^. of Brescia. ASOLO, a Venetian prefecture, in the Mark of Treviso, Italy ; belonging to Austria. It con- sists of the town of Asolo, and thirty-six vil- lages, with 25,000 inhabitants. They cultivate grapes, corn, fruit, silk, oil, and garden ve- getables, trade in cattle, and manufacture silk and woollen stuffs. The town of Asolo is seated on 8ome agreeable rising grounds, skirled on the north and west by the Musone. ASOPH, or A/.oiMi. Sec Azopii. ASOPUS, a town of Eaconia, on the Sinus 51 ASP Laconius, with a port in a peninsula, between Boa; to the east, and the moutli of the Eurofas to the west. The citadel only remains standing. Asopus, in ancient geography, the name of several rivers, viz. 1. In BcEotia, which, running from mount Cithseron, and watering the territory of Thebes, separates it from the territory of Pla- tx'a, and falls with an east course into tl)e Euri- pus, at Tanagra. On this river, Adrastus, king of Sicyon, built a temple to Nemesis, and from it Thebes came to be surnamed Asopides. It is now called Asopo. 2. In Peloponnesus, which runs by Sicyon, and with a north-west course falls into the Sinus Corinthiacus, west of Corinth. 3. In Phrygia JNIajor, which with the Lycus washes Laodicea. 4. On the borders of Thes- saly, rising in Mount (Eta, and falling into the Sinus IMaliacus. ASOIi, or AsoRus, in ancient geography,!. A town in the south-west of Judali, near Asca- lon, called also Ilazor, and Hasor-Hadala, trans- lated by the seventy Atrojo?; Taivrj. 2. A town of Galilee ; called the capital of all the kingdoms north of Palestine. It was taken by Joshua; the inhabitants were put to the sword, and tlieir houses burnt. It was afterwards rebuilt, but remained still in die hands of the Canaanites, though in the tribe of Naphtliali. It lay north oftheLacus Samachonites, called in Scripture the waters of INIerom. AsoTus, in ichthyology, a species of the silurus. ASP, ^ Gr. a(T7rai()w, to tremble, to quiver. As'PEN. ^ Shaking, trembling; because the leaves of the aspen tree tremble with each breath of air. Tliis Sompnour in his stirops high he stood Upon this frere his herte was so wood That like an aspen leef he quokc fore ire. Chaucer. The Sompnottr's Prologue, vi. p. 292. He to him raught a dagger sharp and keene. And gave it him in hand : his hand did quake And tremble like a leafe of aspin greene. Spenser's Faerie Queene, book i. c. ix. s. 81. The aspen or asp tree hath leaves much the same with the poplar, only much smaller, and not so white. Mortimer. Asp, } Gr. amrig, a serpent, said to be Asp'icK. S peculiar to Egypt and Lybia, whose bite is mortal and its effect immediate. IModern naturalists have not yet discovered this reptile. High-minded Cleopatra, that with stroke Of asp's sting herself did kill. Faerie Queene. Scoqiion, and asp, and amphisbiena dire. And dipsas. Milton. Asp, Aspick, thus denominated from the Greek, arririQ, shield; on account of its lying convolved in a circle, in the centre of w'hich is the liead, which it exerts, or raises, like the umbo or umbileus of a buckler. This species of ser- pent is very frequently mentioned by authors ; but so carelessly described, that it is not easy to determine which, if any, of the si)ecies known at present, may probably be called by this name. It is said to be common in Africa, and about the banks of the Nile ; and Bellonius mentions a small serpent which he had met with in Italy, and which had a sort of callous excrescence on tlie forehead, which he takes to have been the aspis of the ancients. It is with the asp that Cleopatra is said to have despatched herself, and E2 )2 ASPARAGUS. prevented the designs of Augustus, who intended to have carried her captive to adorn his trium- phal entry into Rome. But the fact is contested. Brown places it among the vulgar errors. The indications of that queen's having used the ministry of the asp, were only two almost insen- sible pricks found in her arm; and Plutarch says it is unknown of what she died. At the sanie time it must be observed, that the slightness of the pricks found in her arm furnishes no presump- tion against the fact ; for no more than the prick of a needle-point dipt in the poison was necessary for the purpose. See the article Serpent. Lord Bacon says, the asp is the least painful of all the instruments of death. He supposes it to have an affinity to opium, but to be less disagreeable in its operation; and his opinion seems to cor- respond with the accounts of most writers, as well as with the effects described to have been pro- duced upon Cleopatra. The ancients had a plaister called ^i AtTTri^wv, made of this terrible animal, of great efficacy as a discutient of struma and other indurations, and used likewise against pains of the gout. The flesh and skin, or exu- vije of the creature, had also their share in the ancient materia medica. AS PA, a town of Parthia, now called Ispa- han. ASPALATHUS, African Broom, a genus of the decandria order, diadelphia class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the thirty- second order, papilionacese. The calyx consists of five divisions ; the pod is oval, and contains two seeds. Of this genus there are nineteen species; all of which are natives of warm cli- mates, and must be preserved in stoves by those who would cultivate them here. The rosewood, whence the oleum Rhodii is obtained, is one of the species, but of which we have no particular description. AsPALATHUs, in pharmacy, is also called lig- num Rhodium, or rose wood ; and by some Cy- prus wood : the former on account of its sweet smell, or growth in the island of Rhodes; the latter from its being also found in the island of Cyprus. It was anciently in much repute, as an astringent and strengthener, but is now little used internally. In virtue, taste, smell, and weight, it •esembles the lignum aloes ; and in physic they ire frequently substituted for each other. Aspa- lathus is chiefly used in scenting pomatums, and liniments. ASPARAGIN, the name given to white trans- parent crystals, of a peculiar vegetable principle, which form in asparagus juice after it has been evaporated to the consistence of syrup. They are in the form of rhomboidal prisms, with a slight nauseous taste. They do not change ve- getable blues ; nor are they affected by hydro-sul- phuret of potash, oxalate of ammonia, or acetate of lead ; but lime extracts from them ammonia. Along with the asparagin crystals, others in needles of little consistency appear, analogous to mannite, from which ^the first can be easily picked out. ASPARAGUS,Sparagus, Spebage, orSPAR- row-Grass, a genus of the monogynia order, and the hexandria class of plants ; ranking in the na- tural method under the eleventh order, sarmen- tacese : cal. quinquepartite, and erect; tlie three inferior petals bent outwards ; the berry has three cells, and contains two seeds. There are ten species ; but the only one cultivated in the gardens is the common asparagus, with an upright herbaceous stalk, bristly leaves, and equal stipula. The other species are kept only in the gardens of the curious, for the sake of variety. The garden asparagus is cultivated with great care for the use of the table. The propagation of this useful plant is from seed ; and, as much of the success depends upon the goodness of the seed, it is much better to save it than to buy. The manner of saving it is this : Mark with a stick some of the fairest buds ; and when they are run to berry, and the stalks begin to dry and wither, cut them up ; rub off the berries into a tub, and, pouring water upon them, rub them about with your hands ; the husks will break and let out the seed, and will swim away with the water in pouring it off; so that in repeating this two or three times, the seeds will be clean wash- ed, and found at the bottom of the tub. These must be spread on a mat to dry, and in the be- ginning of February, must be sown on a bed of rich earth. Tiiey must not be sown too thick, and must be trod into the ground, and the earth raked over them smooth : the bed is to be kept clear of weeds all the summer ; and in October, when the stalks are withered and dry, a little rot- ten dung must be spread half an inch thick over the whole surface of the bed. Next spring, the plants will be fit to plant out ; the ground must therefore be prepared for them by trenching it well, and burying a large quantity of rotten dung in the trenches, so that it may lie at least six in- ches below the surface of the ground : when this is done, level the whole plot exactly, taking out all the loose stones. This is to be done just at the time when the asparagus is to be planted out ; which must be in the beginning of March, if the soil is dry, and the season forward ; but in a wet soil, it is better to wait till the beginning of April, which is about the season that the plants are beginning to shoot. The season being now come, the roots must be carefully taken up with a narrow-pronged dung-fork, shaking them out of the earth, separating them from each other, and observing to lay all their heads even, for the more conveniently planting them ; which must be done in this manner : — Lines must be drawn, at a foot distance each, straight across the bed ; these must be dug into small trenches of six inches deep, into which the roots must be laid, placing them against the sides of the trench, with their buds in a right position upwards, and so that, when the earth is raked over them, they may be two inches under the surface of the ground. Between every four rows, a space of two feet and a half should be left for walking in to cut the asparagus. When the asparagus is thus planted, a crop of onions may be sown on the ground, which will not at all hurt it. A month after this, the asparagus will come up, when the crop of onions must be thinned, and the weeds carefully cleared away. About August the onions will be fit to pull up. In October following, cut off the shoots of the asparagus, within two inches of the ground, clear well all ASP 53 ASP weeds away, and throw up the earth upon the beds, so as to leave them five inches above the level of the alleys. A row of colewt)rts may be planted in the middle of the alleys, but nothing must now be sown on the beds. In the spring the weeds must' be hoed up, and all the sum- mer the beds kept clear of weeds. In October they must be turned up and earthed again, as the preceding season. The second spring after planting, some of the young asparagus may be cut for the table. The larger shoots should only be taken, and these should be cut at two inches under ground, and the beds every year managed as in the second year. But as some people are very fond of early asparagus, the following direc- tions are given, by which it may be obtained any time in winter: — Plant some good roots at one year old in a moist rich soil, about eight inches apart ; the second and third year after planting, they will be ready to take up for the hot-beds ; these should be made pretty strong, about three feet thick, with new stable dung that has ferment- ed a week or more ; the beds must be covered with earth six inches thick ; then, against a ridge made at one end, begin to lay in your plants, without trimming or cutting the fibres ; and be- tween every row lay a little ridge of fine earth, and proceed thus till the bed is planted ; then cover the bed two inches thick with earth, and encompass it with a straw band ; and in a week, or as the bed is in the temper, put on the frames and glasses, and lay on three inches thick of fresh earth over the beds, and give them air and add fresh heat to them as it requires. These beds may be made from November till March, which will last till the natural grass comes on. The roots have a bitterish mucilaginous taste, inclining to sweetness ; the fruit has much the same kind of taste ; the young shoots are more agreeable than eitlier. Asparagus promotes ap- petite, but affords little nourishment. It gives a strong ill smell to the urine in a little time af- ter eating it, and for this reason chiefly is sup- posed to be diuretic ; it is likewise esteemed aperient and deobstruent ; the root is one of the five called opening roots. Some suppose the shoots to be most efficacious ; others, the root ; and others, the bark of the root. Stahl is of opi- nion, that none of them have any great share of the virtues usually ascribed to them. Asparagus appears from experience to contribute very little either to the exciting of urine when suppressed, or increasing its discharge : and in cases where aperient medicines generally do service, this has little or no effect. ASPASIA, among ancient physicians, a con- strictive medicine for the pudenda muliebra. It consisted of wool, moistened with an infusion of unripe galls. Asp ASIA, of Miletus, a courtezan, who settled at Athens under the administration of Pericles, and one of the most noted ladies of antiquity. She was of admirable beauty ; yet her wit and eloquence, still more than her beauty, gained her extraordinary reputation among all ranks in the republic. In eloquence she surpassed all her contemporaries ; and her conversation was so entertaining, and instructive, that notwithstand- ing the dishonorable commerce she carried on, persons of the first distinction, male and female, resorted to her house as to an academy ; she even numbered Socrates among her hearers and admirers. She captivated Pericles in such a manner, that he dismissed his own wife, to es- pouse her ; and, by her universal knowledge, irresistible elocution, and intriguing genius, she in a great measure influenced the administration of Athens. She was accused of having excited, from motives of personal resentment, the war of Peloponnesus ; yet, calamitous as that long and obstinate conflict proved to Greece, and particu- larly to Athens, Aspasia occasioned still more incurable evils to both. Her example and in- structions, formed a school at Athens, by which her dangerous profession was reduced into a sys- tem. The companions of Aspasia served as models for painting and statuary, and themes for poetry and panegyric. Nor were they merely the objects but the authors of many literary works, in which they established rules for the behaviour of their lovers, particularly at table; and explained the art of gaining the heart and captivating the affections. The dress, behaviour, and artifices (jf this class of women, became con- tinually more seductive and dangerous; and Athens thenceforth remained the chief school of vice and pleasure, as well as of literature and philosophy. ASPASTICUM, or Aspatictjm, i. e. a greet- ing-house ; from a(nzaZ,ofiai, I salute ; in ecclesias- tical writers, an apartment adjoining to the an- cient churches, wherein the bishops and presby- ters sat to receive the salutations of those who came to visit them, desire their blessing, or con- sult them. AS'PECT, V. & n.'\ Lat. aspicio, aspectum, Aspec'taule, ((from the obsolete word Aspec'ted, i spicere), to look towards. Aspec'tion. J llie appearance any thing presents when looked at ; the point of view ; the relation or influence which one thing has or bears with respect to another. We see likewise the Scripture calleth Envy, an evil eye, and the astrologers call the evil inl3uences of the stars, evil aspects ; so that there still seemeth to be acknowledged in the act of envy, an ejacula- tion or irradiation of the eye. Lord Bacon's Essays. The islands prince, of frame more than celestial. Is rightly called the all-seeing Intellectual, All glorious bright such nothing is heir Whose sun-like face, and most divine aspect. No human sight may ever hope descrie ; For when himself on's self reflects his eye. Dull and amazed he stands, at such bright majesty, Fletcher's Purple Island, If nature's concord broke Among the constellations war were sprung. Two planets, rushing from aspect malign Of fiercest opposition, in mid sky Should combat, and their jarring spheres confound. Milton's Paradise Lost, book vi. Happy in their mistake, those people, whom The northern pole aspects ; whom fear of death (The greatest of all human fears) ne'er moves. Temple. To this use, of informing us what is in this aspect- able world, we shall find the eye well fitted. Ray on the Creation. Her motions were steady and composed, and her aspect serious but cheerful ; her name was Patience. Addison, ASP 54 ASP Why docs not every single star shed a separate influence, and have aspects with other stars of their own constellation ? Bentley's Sermons. With aspect mild, and elevated eye. Behold him seated on a mount serene. Above the fogs of sense and passion's storm : Wrong he sustains with temper, looks on heaven, Nor stoops to think his injurer his foe ; Nought but what wounds his virtue wounds his peace. Young. Aspect, in astronomy and astrology, denotes the situation of the planets and stars with re- spect to each other. There are five different aspects. 1. Sextile aspect is when the planets or stars are 60° distant, and marked thus ;fc . 2. The quartile, or quadrate, when they are 90° distant, marked Q. 3. Trine, when 120° dis- tant, marked A- 4. Opposition, when 180° dis- tant, marked °. And, 5. Conjunction, both in the same degree, marked (5 . Kepler, who added eight new ones, defines aspect to be the angle formed by the rays of the two stars meeting on the earth, whereby their good or bad influence is measured ; for it is to be observed that these aspects, being first introduced by astrologers, were distinguished into benign, malignant, and indifferent ; the quartile and malignant being ac- counted malign ; the trine and sextile, benign or fiiendly ; and the conjunction indifferent. Aspect, in gardening, signifies exposure. Aspect, Double, is used in painting, where a single figure is so contrived, as to represent two or more different objects, either by changing the eye, or by means of angular glasses. See Ana- morphosis, Catoptrics, Sec. Aspect, in architecture. The aspect of the principal rooms of a ho-use, demands the greatest attention from the architect, especially in an ex- posed situation. The south-east is the best for liritain ; and the south and due east the next. The south-west is the worst, because from that quarter it rains oftener than from any other. A north aspect is gloomy, because deprived of sun- i^hitie ; but woods look best when viewed from rooms with a north aspect, because all plants and trees are most luxuriant on the side next the sun. An aspect due east is nearly as bad as the north, because there the sun shines only early in tlie morning ; and the aspect due west is intole- rable, from the sun dazzling the eye through the greatest part of the day. Hence we may conclude, a square house placed with its front, opposite to the four cardinal points, will have one good and three bad aspects. ASPEN, or Asp. See Poplar, of which it is a species. The leaves of this tree always tremble. The aspen or asp tree has leaves much the same with the poplar. ASPER, in commerce, or aspre, a little Turkish silver coin, wherein most of the Grand Seignior's revenues are paid. The asper is worth something more than an English halfpenny. The only impression it bears, is that of the prince's name under whom it was struck. The pay of the Janissaries is from two to twelve aspers perdiem. Asper, in grammar, an accent peculiar to the Creek language, marked thus (') ; and importing, that the letter over which it is placed ought to be strongly aspirated, or pronounced as if an A were prefixed. Asper, in ichthyology, a small fish caught in the Rhone, so called from the roughness of its scales. Its head is large, in proportion to its body, and of a pointed shape. It has no teeth, but its jaws are sharp to the touch. It Is of a dark red color, with large black spots. It is good to eat, and is esteemed aperitive. ASPERA Arteria, in anatomy, the windpipe or trachea. See Anatomy. ASPERJELLOUS,in botany, the name given by Michaeli to that genus of mosses, called by Dillenius and others, byssus. ASPERGILE, or AsPERGiLiuM, in antiquity, a long brush made of horse-hair, fixed to a han- dle, wherewith the lustral water was sprinkled on the people in lustrations and purifications. The ancients, instead of a brush, made use of brandies of laurel and olive. It is also still ap- plied to the instrument in Romish church-es with which holy water is sprinkled ASPERIFOLIiE Plants:, rough-leaved plants. The name of a class in Hermannus, Boerhaave, and Ray's methods, consisting of plants which have naked seeds, and whose leaves are rough to the touch. In Tournefort's system, these plants constitute the third section or order of the second class ; and in Linnaeus's sexual method, they make a part of the pentandria mo- nogynia. ASPERIFOLIATE, or Asperifolious, a- mong botanists, such plants as are rough-leaved, having their leaves placed alternately on their stalks, and a monopetalous flower divided into five parts. They constitute the forty-ninth or- der of plants in the Fragmenta Methodi Naturalis of Linnasus, in which are these genera: tourne- ortia, cerinthe, Symphytum, pulmonaria, an- chusa, lithospermum, myosotis, heliotropium, cynoglossum, asperugo, lycopsis, echium, bar- rago : magis minusve, oleraceae, mucilaginosje, et glutinosae sunt. Asperity, the inequality of the surface of any body, which hinders the hand from passing over it freely. From the testimony of some blind persons, it has been supposed that every color hath its particular degree of asperity ; though this has been denied by others. See the article Blind. ASPERN, a market town, castle, and lordship of Lower Austria, in the circle below the Mann- hartsberg, belonging to the count of Brenner, ten miles south east of Laab. AsPERN, a market town of Austria, situated on a small arm of the Danube, on the north side of the river, at some distance below Vienna, the scpne of a battle fought on the twenty-first and twenty-second of May, 1809, between Buo- naparte and the Austrians. It was completely destroyed at the time, but has since been rebuilt. ASPER'SE, ) Lat. ad, and spargo, to scat- Asper'sion. S ter. To sprinkle or scatter ; metaphorically to censure, to calumniate. In the business Xii Ireland, besides the opportunity to asperse the king, they were safe enough. Clarendon, Curb that impetuous tongue ; nor rashly vain. And singly mad, asperse the sov'reign reign. Pope. Unjustly poets we asperse ; Truth shines the brig) er clad in verse. Swift, ASPHALT ITES, 55 He set nis voice At highest pitch, and thus aspers'd the king. Cotvper's Iliad, book vi. Legions of impure spirits were believed to take often possession of the bodies of men, from whence iiolhini; could drive thi'm but aspersions of holy water. fSoliiujhru/ie's Essay on Human Knotvledge. ASPERUGO, small wild bugloss, in bo- tany, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class; ranking in the natural method under the asperi- folia;. The calyx of the fruit is compressed, with folds flatly parallel, and sinuous. There are two species, viz. 1. A. iEgyptiaca, a native of Egypt. 2. A. procumbens, or wild bugloss, a native of Britain ; which is eaten by[horses, goats, sheef), and swine ; but cows are not fond of it. ASPERULA, VVooDRooF, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, and the hexandria class of plants; ranking in the natural method under the forty-seventh order, stellatffi. The corolla is infiuulibuliform ; and the capsule contains two globular seeds. There are two species ; which both grow wild in Britain, and therefore are sel- dom admitted into gardens, viz. 1. A. cynan- chica, found on chalky hills. The roots are used for dyeing red in Sweden. 2. A. odorata, a low umbelliferous plant, growing wild in woods and copses, and flowering in May. It has an ex- ceeding pleasant smell, which is improved by moderate exsiccation ; the taste is subsaline, and somewhat austere. It imparts its flavour to vinous liquors. . Asperula is supposed medici- nally to attenuate viscid humors, and strengthen the tone of the bowels ; modern practice has ne- vertheless rejected it. ASPEYTIA, a town of Spain, in Biscay, seated on the V'iola, in a fine valley, near the districts of Loyola and Onis. .'VSPIIALITES, in anatomy, the fifth vertebra of the loins. ASPHALTITES, a lake of Judea, so called from the great quantity of bitumen it produces " called also the Dead Sea ; and from its situation the East, the Salt Sea, the Sea of Sodom, the Sea of the Desart, and the Sea of the Plain, in the sacred writings. It is enclosed on the east and west with high mountains ; on the north it has the ])lain of Jericho ; or, if we take in both sides of the Jordan, it has the Great Plain, properly so called, on the south, which is open, and extends beyond tiie reach of the eye. Josephus makes this lake 580 furlongs in length, from the mouth of the Jordan to the opposite end, that is about twenty-two leagues ; and about 150 furlongs, or five leagues, in its greatest breadth ; but our modern accounts commonly give it twenty leagues in length, and six or seven in breadth. On the west side of it is a kind of promontory, where the remains of Lot's metamorphosed wife were for a long time said to be visible. Josephus says this pillar was standing in his time ; and Mr. Maundrell was shown a block or stump of it. In what has been said and written of the Lake Asphaltites, fable is much blended with truth. We are told that it arose from the submersion of the vale of Siddim, where once stood, as is com- monly reported, the three cities which pc!rished in die miraculous conflagration, with Sodom and Gomorrah ; and this lake has been regarded as a lasting monument of the just judgment of God, on the abominations for which they perished. It has been stated that its waters are so impreg- nated with salt, sulphur, and other bituminous matter, that nothing will sink or live in them ; and that it emits such a horrid smoke that the very birds die in attempting to cross over it. The description likewise of the apples that grew about it, fair without, and only ashes and bitter- ness within, were looked upon as a further de- monstration of God's anger. Travellers have also described the country round about as sul- phureous, bituminous, and suff'ocating ; and it has even been affirmed that the ruins of the five cities are still to be seen through the waters in clear weather. It appears to be true, that the quantity of salt, alum, and sulphur, with which they are impreg- nated, render its waters so much specifically heavier (Dr. Pococke says one fifth) than fresh water, that bodies will not easily sink in them : yet that author and others assure us they have swam and dived in it. Dr. Pococke also, though he neither saw fish nor shells, tells us, on the authority of a monk, that fish had been caught in it ; and M. Volney affirms that it is very com- mon to see swallows skimming its surface, and dipping for the wares necessary to build their nests. The soil around it, he adds, impregnated with salt, produces no plants ; and the air itself, which becomes loaded with it from evaporation, and which receives also the sulphureous and bi- tuminous vapours, cannot be favorable to ve- getation : hence the deadly aspect which reigns around this lake. In other respects the ground about it, however, is not marshy, and its waters are limpid and incorruptible, as must be the case with a dissolution of salt. On the soudi-west shore are mines of fossil salt, of which I have brought away several specimens. They are situ- ated on the side of the mountains which extend along that border ; and for time immemorial have supplied the neighbouring Arabs, and even the city of Jerusalem. We find also on this shore fragments of sulphur and bitumen, which the Arabs convert into a trifling article of com- merce : as also hot fountains and deep crevices, which are discovered at a distance by little pyra- mids built on the brink of them. Likewise a sort of stone, which on rubbing emits ?. noxious smell, burns like bitumen, receives a polish like white alabaster, and is used for the paving of court-yards. At intervals we also meet with unshapen blocks, which prejudiced eyes mistake for mutilated statues, and which pass with ig- norant and superstitious pilgrims for monuments of the adventure of Lot's wife ; though it is no where said she was metamorphosed into stone like Niobe, but into salt, which must hare melted the ensuing winter.' This lake is at present called by the Arabs Almotanah and Babret Lout, and Ula Deguis by the Turks. It is remarkable that but one European has hitherto succeeded in making the circuit of it; and Nau, who in his travels had recorded this expedition of Daniel, abbot of St. Saba, states on his authority, that ' the Dead Sea, at its extremity, is separated as it were into two parts, and that there is a way by which you may walk across it, being only mid-leg deep, at 56 ASPHALTITES. least in summer; that there the land rises, and bounds another small lake of a circular or rather oval figure, surrounded with plains and moun- tains of sand, and that the neighbouring country is peopled by innumerable Arabs. Seetzen in the year 1803-6 passed round the southern ex- tremity, but a short account only of his route, in a correspondence with M. de Zach, printed by the Palestine Association in 1810, has yet ap- peared. Mr. Burckhardt was unable to reach its borders. Pie was informed in the neighbour- hood that there were spots in a ford about three hours north of Szaffye (the extreme southern point of the lake), in which the water is quite hot, and the bottom of red earth. This ford may be crossed in three hours and a half: the water here is generally not more than two feet deep, and it is probable there are hot springs in the bottom. It is so strongly impregnated with salt that the skin peels oft' the legs of those who wade across it. M. de Chateaubriand, who visited this coun- try in 1807, has given the first decided testimony that the Lake Asphaltites abounds with fish. He reached it when it was dark, and passed the night among some Arab tents. ' About mid- night,' says he, ' I heard a noise upon the lake, and was told by the Bethlehemites, who accom- panied me, that it proceeded from legions of small fish, which come out and leap about the shore.' He speaks in the following terms of its saline properties ; ' The first thing I did on alighting was to walk into the lake up to my knees, and to taste the water. I found it im- possible to keep it in my mouth. It far exceeds that of the sea in saltness, and produces upon the lips the effect of a strong solution of alum. Before my boots v ere completely dry they were covered with salt : our clothes, our hats, our hands, were in less than three hours impregnated with this mineral.' A modern Scottish traveller, Mr. Gordon of Clunie, who bathed in it, brought home a phial of its water, and Dr. Marcet found its specific gravity to be 1'211 ; a degree of density, says he, * not to be met with in any other natural water.' The whole process with its results is detailed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1807. It was found that 100 grains of the water contain the following substances in the undermentioned proportions : grains. Muriat of lime . . 3,920 Muriat of magnesia 10,246 Muriat of soda . . 10,360 Sulphat of lime . 0,054 24,580 Another celebrated chemist, M. Klaproth, who procured a specimen brought from the East by the abbe Martin, found the specific gravity to be 1-245 instead of 1-211 ; agreeing in this respect more nearly with IVIacquer and Lavoisier, who stated it at 1-240. But the specific gravity of Dr. Marcet's specimen may have been less from its having been taken from the lake not far from the influx of the Jordan, where it might be somewhat diluted. Dr. Clarke says that the inhabitants of the country still regard the Dead Sea with feelings of terror ; owing probably to the tradition that its waters cover the engulphed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, or to the ideas entertained of the peculiar insalubrity of its exhalations. But it is greatly to be regretted that this traveller was prevented by the Arabs from exploring the lake, which he only saw at a distance. Hasselquist asserts the apples of Sodom to be the production of the solanum melongena of Linnaeus. This is found, he says, in great abundance round Jericho and in the neighbourhood of the Dead Sea . The dust with which it is sometimes filled is the work of an insect (tenthredo) which pulverises the whole of the inside, leaving the rind entire and unchanged in color. M. Seetzen saw at Kerek a species of cotton which he was told was produced from a fruit resembling a pomegranate, growing on the borders of the Dead Sea, and he thinks it is this pulpless fruit which is the ma- lum sodomenm. \'iscount Chateaubriand saw a third fruit, which he conjectures to be the famous apples in question, growing on a thorny shrub ; and which, before it is ripe is filled with a corrosive and saline juice ; when dried it yields a blackish seed, which may be compared to ashes, and which in taste resembles bitter pepper. AsPHALTUM, Bitumen Judaicum, or Jew's Pitch, is a light solid bitumen of a dusky color on the outside, and a deep shining black within ; of very little taste, and having scarcely any smell, unless heated, when it emits a strong pitchy one. It is found in a soft or liquid state on the surface of the Dead Sea, and by age grows dry and ^hard. The same kind of bitu- men is met with likewise in tlie earth in China, America, and in some places of Europe, as the Carpathian Hills, France, &c. The most abun- dant deposits of this substance, in modern times, are said to be in the islands of Barbadoes and Trinidad; in the former it is found as an highly bituminous earth, but, being in a state of great impurity, is only used as a coal for fuel. In the latter island is a complete lake of this substance. A specimen from Albania of the specific gravity of 1-205, examined by M. Klaproth, was found to be soluble only in oils and in sether. Five parts of rectified oil of petroleum dissolved one of the asphaltum without heat in twenty-four hours ; 100 grains of asphaltum afforded 32 of bituminous oil, 6 of water faintly ammoniacal, 30 of charcoal, 7^ of silex, 7^ of alumina, f of lime, 1 i oxide of iron, ^ oxide of manganese, and 36 cubic inches of hydrogen gas. The true asphaltum was formerly used in embalming the bodies of the dead. At present the thick and solid asphalta are employed in Egypt, Arabia, and Persia, as pitch for ships ; the fluid ones for burning in lamps and for varnishes. Some writers relate that the walls of Babylon and the temple of Jerusalem were cemented with bitu- men instead of mortar. This much is certain, that a true natural bitumen, that for instance which is found in the district of Neufchatel, proves an excellent cement for walls, pave- ments, and other purposes ; uncommonly firm, very durable in the air, and not penetrable by water. The watch and clock-makers use a com- ASP 57 position of asphaltum, fine lamp black, and oil of spike or turpentine, for drawing the black figures on dial-plates ; this composition is pre- pared chiefly at Augsburg and Nuremburg. ASPHODEL, AsPHODELUs, or King's Spear, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, and hexandria class of plants. The calyx is divided into six parts ; and the nectarium consists of six valves covering the nectarium. There are five species, viz. 1. A. albus, the white asphodel, with keel-shaped leaves, has roots composed of small fibres and knobs at bottom ; the leaves are long, almost triangular, and hollow like the keel of a boat ; the stalks seldom rise above two feet high, and divide into several spreading branches ; these are terminated by loose spikes of white flowers. 2. A. luteus, or common yellow aspho- del, has roots composed of many thick fleshy fibres, which are yellow, and joined to a head at the top ; from whence arise strong round single stalks nearly three feet high, garnished on the upper part with yellow star-shaped flowers, which appear in June, and the seeds ripen in autumn. 3. A. nonramosus, or the unbranched asphodel, roots like the ramosus (which see), but the leaves are longer and narrower ; the stalks are single ; the flowers appear at the same time with the former, are of a purer white, and grow in longer spikes. 4. A. ramosus, or branching asphodel, has roots composed of fleshy fibres, to each of which is fastened an oblong bulb as large as a small potatoe ; the leaves are long and flexible, having sharp edges ; between these come out the flower-stilks, which arise more than three feet high, sending forth many lateral branches. They come out in the beginning of June, and the seeds ripen in autumn. 5. A. stu- losus, or annual branching spiderwort, hath roots composed of many yellow fleshy fibres ; the leaves are spread out from the crown of the root, close to the ground, in a large cluster; these are convex on their underside, but plain above. The flower-stalks rise immediately from the root, and grow about two feet high, dividing into three or four branches upward, which are adorned with white starry flowers, with purple lines on the outside. These flower in July and August, and their seeds ripen in October. The way to increase these plants is by parting their roots in August, before they shoot up their fresh green leaves. They may also be raised from seeds sown in August; and the AugTist following the plants produced from these may be transplanted into beds, and will produce flowers the second year. They must not be planted in small borders among tender flowers, for they will draw away all the nourishment and starve every thing else. The Lancashire asphodel is thought to be very noxious to sheep, whenever through poverty of pasture they are necessitated to eat it ; although they are said to improve much in their flesh at first, they after- wards die with sjinptoms of a diseased liver. This is the plant of which such wonderful tales have been told by Pauli Bartholine, and others, of its softening the bones of such animals as swallow it; and which they thence called gramen ossifragum. Horned cattle eat it without any ill effect. ASP ASPHURELATA, in natural history, are semi-metallic fossils, fusible by fire, and not malleable in their purest state, being in their native state intimately mixea with sulphur and other adventitious matter, and reduced to what are called ores. Of this series of fossils there are five bodies, each of which makes a dis- tinct genus ; viz, antimony, bismuth, cobalt, zinc, and quicksilver. ASPHYXL\; from a privative, and fffpvKic, a pulse ; in medicine, the state during life in which the pulsation of the heart and arteries cannot be perceived. Medical writers usually divide tliis suspended animation into lipothymia, apoplexia, syncope, submersio, suspensio, and congelatio. I\Ir. Sage has published a treatise recommend- ing the volatile alkali fluor as the most effectual remedy in asphyxies. Asphyxia is also used by some for a privation of pulse in a part of the body, e. g. in the arm, &c. The following extraordinary case of asphyxia is related by Dr. Cheyne, in his English Malady, p. 307. ' Case of the Hon. Colonel Toivmhend. — Col. Townshend, a gentleman of excellent natural parts, and of great honor and integrity, had for many years been afflicted with a nephritic com- plaint, attended with constant vomitings, which had made his life painful and miserable. During the whole time of his illness he had observed the strictest regimen, living on the softest vegetables, and lightest animal foods, drinking asses milk daily, even in the camp ; and for common drink, Bristol water, which the summer before his death he had drank on the spot. But his illness in- creasing, and his strength decaying, he came from Bristol to Bath in a litter, in autumn, and lay at the Bell-inn. Dr. Baynard (who is since dead) and I were called to him, and attended him twice a day for about the space of a week, but his vomitings continuing still incessant and ob- stinate against all remedies, we despaired of his recovery. While he was in this condition he sent for us early one morning : we waited on him with Mr. Skrine, his apothecary, (since dead also) ; we found his senses clear and his mmd calm, his nurse and several servants were about him. He had made his will and settled his af- fairs. He told us he had sent for us to give him some account of an odd sensation he had for some time observed and felt in himself; which was that, composing himself, he could die or expire when he pleased, and yet, by an effort or some how, he could come to life again ; which it seems he had sometimes tried before he had sent for us. ' We heard this with surprise ; but as it was not to be accounted for from now common prin- ciples, we could hardly believe the fact as he re- lated it, much less give any account of it, unless he should please to make the experiment before us, which we were unwilling he should do, lest in his weak condition he might carry it too far. He continued to talk very distinctly and sensibly above a quarter of an hour about this (to him) surprising sensation, and insisted so much on our seeing the trial made, that we were at last forced to comply. We all three felt his pulse first ; it was distinct, though small and thready ; and his heart had its usual beating. He composed him- ASP 58 ASP self on his back, and lay in a still position some time ; while I held his right hand, Dr. Baynard laid his hand on his heart, and INlr. Skrine held a clear looking-glass to his mouth. I found his pulse sink gradually, till at last I could not feel any by the most exact and nice touch. Dr. Baynard could not feel the least motion in his heart, nor JNIr. Skrine the least soil of breatli on the blight mirror he held to his mouth; then each of us by turns examined his arm, heart, and breast; but could not, by the nicest scrutiny, discover the least symptom of life in him. We reasoned a long time about this odd appearance as well as we could, and all of us judging it inexplicable and unaccountable, and finding he still continued in that condition, we began to conclude that he had indeed carried the experi- ment too far, and at last were satisfied he was actually dead, and were just ready to leave him. This continued about half an hour, by nine o'clock in the morning, in autumn. As we were going away we observed some motion about the body, and, upon examination, found his pulse and the motion of his heart gradually returning; he began to breathe gently, and speak softly ; we were all astonished to the last degree at this unexpected change, and after some further conversation with him, and among ourselves, went away luUy satisfied as to all the particulars of this fact, but confounded and puzzled, and not able to form any rational scheme that might account for it. lie afterwards called for his attorney, added a codicil to his will, settled legacies on his ser- vants, received the sacrament, and calmly and composedly expired about six o'clock that evening. Next day he was opened (as he had ordered) ; his body was the soundest and best made I had ever seen ; his lungs were fair, large, and sound, his heart big and strong, and his intestines sweet and clean ; his stomach was of a due proportion, the coats sound and thick, and the villous mem- brane quite entire ; but when we came to examine the kidneys, though the left was perfectly sound and of a just size, the right was about four times as big, distended like a blown bladder, and yielding as if full of pap ; he having often passed a wheyish liquor, after his urine, during his ill- ness. Upon opening this kidney we found it quite full of a white chalky matter, like plaster of Paris, and all the fleshy substance dissolved and worn away by what I called a nephritic cancer. This had been the source of all his misery ; and the symptomatic vomitings, from the irritation on the consentient nerves, had quite starved and worn him down. I have narrated the facts as I saw and observed them, deliberately and distinctly, and shall leave the philosophic reader to make what inferences he thinks fit. The truth of the material circumstances I will warrant.' Aspic, in botany, a plant which grows in plenty in Languedoc, in I'rovence, and especially on the mountain of St. Baume in France. It is a kind of lavender, nearly like what grows in our gardens, both witii regard to the figure and color of its leaves and flowers. The botanists call it lavendula mas, or spica nardi, pseudo uardus, &c. ASPILATES, or Aspllmtes, in the writings of the ancients, the name of a stone, famous for its virtues against the spleen, and many other disorders ; it was to be applied externally, and fastened to the part with camel's hair. ASPINY, or Angliary-thop.n, a drug used in medicine, on which particular duties are im- posed by the tariff of the custom-house at Lyons. ASPIRE', ~) Aspiro ; from ad, Aspir'ant, I and s|»iro, to Vjreathe ; Aspir'ate, u. n. Star/;. I to search after dili- Aspira'tion, Aspire'ment, Aspir'er, Aspir'ing. )=-gently, and in'con- I sequence of the ar- duous exertion to j breathe frequently. and with apparent difficulty ; to pant after ; to pursue with eagerness an object deemed worthy of our ambition ; to desire with eagerness. To aspirate is to breathe strongly upon a letter in sounding it. 'Tis he ; I ken the manner of his gait : He rises on his toe ; that spirit of his In aspiration lifts him from the earth. Shahspeare. Horace did ne'er aspire to epic bays ; Nor lofty Maro stoop to lyrick lays. Roscommon. Till then a helpless, hopeless, homely swain ; I sought not freedom, nor aspired to gain. Dryden. Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell, Aspirinj to be angels, men rebel. Pope. H is only a guttural aspiration, i. e. a more forcible impulse of the breath from the lungs. Holder. A soul inspired with the warmest aspirations after celestial beatitude, keeps its powers attentive. Watts. Know thine own worth, and reverence the lyre. Wilt thou debase the heart which God refined? No ! let thy heaven-taught soul to heaven aspire. To fancy, freedom, harmony, resign'd ; Ambition's groveling crew for ever left behind. Beattie's Minstrel. Some more ospiriTig catch the neighbouring shrub. With clasping tendrils, and invest her branch. Cowper. Ye stars ! which are the poetry of heaven ! If in your-bright leaves we would read the fate Of men and empires, — 'tis to be forgiv'n. That in our aspirations to be great. Our destinies o'erleap their mortal state. And claim a kindred with you ; Lord Byron's Childe Harold, ASPIUS, in ichthyology, a species of the cyprinus, belonging to the abdominal order. It is met with in the lakes of Sweden. ASPORTATION. Lat. ad, and porto, to carry ; a carrying to. A bare removal from the place in which he found the goods, though the thief does not quite make off with them, is a sufficient asportation or carrying away. Blackstone. ASPOTAGOEN Mount, a sea-mark on the coast of Nova Scotia, from which ships bound from Europe to Halifax generally look out. It rises on the promontory, between Mahone and Margaret's bay, to about 500 feet above the level of the sea. AS'PRE, As'PRELY, As'PRENESS, As'PERATE, Aspe'rity, As'PEROUS. Lat. aiper, rough in its na- ture : applied to that which is "harsh, rugged, grating, bitter morose. ss, ^ S'lHINE, > ss'like. J Lat. asinus, a well known animal. ASS 59 Black Jind white are the most cuperotu and unequal of colours ; so like, that it is hard to distinguish them : black is the most rough. Buyle. I hope it is no very cynical asperity, not to confess obligations where no benefit has been received, or to be unwilling that the public should consider me as owing to a patron, that which Providence has en- abled me to do for myself. Dr. S. Johnson. The patience of Job is proverbial. After some of the con^^llsive struggles of our irritable nature, he submitted himself, and repented in dust and ashes. But even so, I do not find him blamed for reprehend- ing, and with a considerable degree of asperity, those ill-natured neighbours of his who visited his dunghill to read moral, political, and ceconomical lectures on his misery. Burke. ASP'Y,r. &n. See Espy. In due season, as she alway aspied Euery thing to execute conueniently. The one louer first frendly she eied. The second she offred the cuppe curtesly. Chaucer. The Rein of Loue. For Ion seide to Eroude, it is not leveful to thee to have the wyf of thi brother, and Erodias Icide aspies to him and wolde sle him and myghte not. Wiclif. Mark, ch. vi. ASRAEL, the angel, according to the Ma- hommedan system, who is appropriated to take care of the souls of those who die. ASS, As' Ass' You have among you many a purchas'd slave ; Which, like your asses and j'our dogs and mules. You use in abject and in slavish part. Because you bought them. Shakspeare, You shall have more ado, to drive our dullest youth, our stocks and stubs, from such nurture ; than we have now, to hale our choicest and hopefuUest wits, to that asinine feast of sow-thistles and brambles. Milton. Ass, in zoology. See Eouus. Ass, Coronation of the, in antiquity, was a part of the ceremony of the feast of Vesta, wherein the bakers put crowns on the heads of these quadrupeds; Ecce coronatis panis dependet •Tsellis ! Hence, in an ancient calendar, the ides of June are thus denoted : Festura est X'estac. Asinus coronatur ! This honor it seems was done the beast, because, according to the mythology, by its braying it had saved Vesta from being ravished by the Lampsacan god. Hence the formula, Vestae delicium est asinus. ASSAC, or AssAX, in the materia medica of the ancients, the name given by the Arabians to the gum ammoniac of the Greeks ; but by many of the qualities attributed to this drug it does not appear to be the same that is now called so. ASSACH, or Assath, a kind of purgation, anciently used in Wales, by the oaths of 300 men. ASSAl, in music, signifies quick ; or, accord- ing to others, that the motion of the piece be kept in a middle degree of quickness or slov.ness : as, assai allegro, assai presto. See Allegro and Presto. ASSAIL', -X Fr. asscdllir, Lat. Assail'able, # adsilire, to leap upon. AssAiL^ANT, r. & ad;. \ To assault; to make a Assail'er, i sudden and vehement Assail'ment, j of annoyance. ASS attack by various means So, when he saw his flatt'ring arts to fail • With greedy force he 'gan the fort t' assail. Faerie Queene 111 put myself in poor and mean attire. And with a kind of umber smirch my face ; The like do you : so shall we pass along. And never stir assailants. Shakspeare. My gracious lord, here in the parliament Let us assail the family of York. Id. She will not stay the siege of loving terms. Nor bide th' encounter of assailing eyes. Id. How have I fear'd your fate ! but fear'd it most. When love assail'd you on the Libyan coast. Bryde.i. Prompt to assail and careless of defence. Invulnerable in his impudence ; He dares the world ; and eager of a name. He thrusts about, and jostles into fame. Id. Hind and Panther. All books he reads, and all he reads assails. From Dryden's Fables down to D — y's Tales. Pope. Sensible of their own force, and allured by the prospect of so rich a prize, the northern barbarians, in the reign of Arcadius and Honorius, assailed at once all the frontiers of the Roman empire. Hume. When winds the mountain oak assail, And lay its glories wEiste, Content may slumber in the vale. Unconscious of the blast. Beattle, ASSAM, or Asham, a country between Bengal and Thibet, 700 miles in lengtli, by about 70 in breadth. It is intersected by the Brahmapootra and several rivers. On the north it is bounded by the mountains of Bootan and Thibet, on tlie south by the Garrow mountains, on the west by Bengal and Bisnee, and on the east by the tribu- taries of Ava and China. Assam is very fertile, and produces a considerable quantity of gold, found in the beds of the rivers ; it also yields ivory, lac, pepper, silk, and cotton, and exports a considerable quantity of borax and musk, said to be procured from Bootan and Thibet. Its im- ports from Bengal are principally salt, various European commodities, and a few fine muslins. Tlie inhabitants are genuine Hindoos, and are very shy of permitting foreigners to come among them. During the period that the Afghans and iMoguls had possession of Bengal they frequently invaded this country, and even took possession of Ghergong the capital, but the unhcalthiness of the climate compelled them always to retire with great loss. In the year 1793 a detachment of the East India Company's troops, under the command of Colonel Welsh, entered Assam for the purpose of reinstating the rajah Surjee Deo; and, in consequence of the services then rendered him, the rajah established a reciprocal liberty of commerce between himself and the British ; and it was finally agreed that no European merchant or adventurer, of any description, should be al- lowed to fix his residence in Assam, without having previously obtained the permission of the British government, and of ]Maha Rajah Surjee Deo, of Assam. ASSANCALA, or Assancale, a strong town in Armenia, near the river Arras, in the road between Erzerum and Erivan, noted for its hot baths. It stands on a high hill, twenty-two miles east of Erzerum ; the walls are built in a spiral line all round the rock, and strengthened ASS 60 ASS with square towers. The ditches are about two fathoms over, cut out of hard rock. ASSAPOOllY, in natural history, a name given by the people of the East Indies to a pe- culiar species of slate, which they use in medi- cine, reducing it to powder, and strewing it on burning coals that the sick person may receive the fumes of it. It is principally used for children when they are disordered by taking cold. The smell of it, while burning, is very offensive. ASSARIUM, a small copper coin, being a part of the as. The word is used by Suidas in- diflerently with o/3oXoc, and vofiicrfia, to denote a small piece of money ; in which he is followed by Cujacius, who defines aacapiov, by minimus a;ris nummus. We find mention of the assarion in Matthew, chap. x. ver. 29., translated a farthing. ASSARON, an ancient Jewish measure of capacity, equal to the tenth part of an ephah. The assaron is the same with the omer. Jo- sephus calls it ttsaapov; in the Hebrew it is written assarith. It was the measure of manna appointed for each person. ASSAS'SIN, V. & n. ^ The etymology of AssAs'siNACY, f this word has given AssAs'siNATE, i;. & n. ^rise to much learned Assassina'tion. J discussion, and the question is still undecided. Applied to one who attacks and kills those unprepared for defence, by treachery, or sudden violence. It were done quickly ; if th' assassination Could trammel up the consequence. Shakspeare. Such usage, as your honourable lords Afford me, assassinated and betray'd ; Who durst not, witli your whole united pow'rs. In fight withstand one single and unarm'd. Milton. The Syrian king ; who, to surprise .^ One man, assassin like, had levy'd war. War unproclaim'd. Id. The duke finished his course by a wicked assas- sination. Clarendon. In the very moment, as the knight withdrew from the duke, this assassinate gave him, with a back blow, a deep wound into his left side. Wotton. The old king is just murdered ; and the person that did it is unknown — Let the soldiers seize him, for one of the assassinates ; and let me alone, to accuse him afterwards. Dryden. Here hired assassins for their gain invade ; And treach'rous pois'ners urge their fatal trade. Creech. When she hears of a murder, she enlarges more on the guilt of the suffering person, than of the as- sassin. Addison. Orestes brandish'd the revenging sword ; Slew the dire pair ; and gave to fun'ral flame The vile assassin, and adult'rous dame, Pope. Useful, we grant ; it serves what life requires ; But, dreadful too, the dark assassin hires. Id. Assassins, a tribe or clan in Syria, called also Ismaelians and Batanists, or Batenians. These people probably owed their origin to the Karmatians, a famous heretical sect among the Mahommedans, who settled in Persia about the year 1090; whence, in process of time, they sent a colony into Syria, where they became possessed of a considerable tract of land among the mountains of Lebanon, extending itself from the neighbourhood of Antioch to Damas- cus. The first chief and legislator of this extra- ordinary tribe was Hassan Sabah, a subtle impostor ; who, by his artifices, made fanatical and implicit slaves of his subjects. Their reli- gion was compounded of that of the Magi, the Jews, the Christians, and the Mahommedans : but the capital article of their creed was to be- lieve that the Holy Spirit resided in their chief; that his orders proceeded from God himself, and were real declarations of the divine pleasure. To this monarch the orientals gave the name of Scheik : but he is better known in Europe by the name of the Old Man of the Mountain. This chief, from his residence on mount Lebanon, sent, like «. vindictive deity, inevitable death to all quarters of the world ; and many sovereigns paid secretly a pension to the Scheik, for the safety of their persons. The Knights Templars alone dared to defy his secret machinations and open force. Indeed, they were a permanent dispersed body, not to be cut off by massacres or assassinations. In 1090, !Malek Shah, third sultan of the Seljukians, of Iran, sent a mes- senger to Hassan, the Old Man of that period, calling on him for obedience, and accompanying the demand with threats in the case of his re- fusal. Hassan desired the ambassador might be admitted ; and having assembled around him his troops, commanded one of them to draw his dagger, and plunge it into his own breast; the man, without the slighest hesitation, stabbed himself to the heart, and fell dead at his sove- reign's feet. He then commanded a second to precipitate himself from the nearest tower; and was instantaneously obeyed. ' Go,' said Hassan, * to the sultan, your master, and inform him, that I have no other reply to make him, excepting that I have seventy thousand troops equally obedient with those you have this day witnessed,' The sidtan took the hint ; and having, as Ebn Amed states, other matters in his hands, thought it not advisable to prosecute a war against this prince. In 1192, the assassins penetrated the palace of Conrade, marquis of Montserrat, who had displeased them, and put him to death. In 1213, they assassinated Lewis of Bavaria. Hu- lakn, a khan of the ^Nlogul Tartars, in the year G55 of the Hegira, or 1254 of the Christian era, entered their country, and dispossessed them of several places. In 1257, the "Tartars conquered them and killed their prince; but it was not till 1272, that they were totally extirpated; an achievement owing principally to the conduct and intrepidity of the Egyptian forces sent against them by the sultan Bibaris. ASSAULT', V. & n. Assault'ixg, n. (^ Assilio, assultum. See Assault'. Assault': Themselves at discord fell. And cruel combat joined in middle space. With horrible assault and fury fell. Faerie Qucerte. It hath been ever a dangerous policy of Satan to assault the best •, he knows that the multitude, as we say of bees, will follow their master. Hall's Contemplations. After some unhappy assaults upon the prerogative LT', V. & n."\ r'lXG, n. f Assilio, i t'able, t^ Assail. t'er. J ASSAYING. 61 by the parliament, whicli produced its dissolution, there followed a composure. Clarendmi. Theories built upon narrow foundations, are very Lard to bo supported against the assaults of opposition. Locke. The king granted the Jews, to gather themselves together, and to stand for their life, to destroy all the power, that would assault them. Esther, viii. 11. Before the gates, the cries of babes new-bom. Whom fate had from theii tender mothers torn. Assault his ears. Dryden. New cursed steel, and more accursed gold. Gave mischief birth, and made that mischief bold ; And double death did wretched man invade. By steel assaulted, and by gold betray'd. Id. Neither liking their eloquence, nor fearing their might, we esteemed few swords, in a just defence, able to resist many unjust assaulters. Sidney. This just rebuke inflamed the Lycian crew. They join, they thicken, and th' assault renew; Unmov'd th'embodied Greeks their fury dare. And fix'd, support the weight of all the war. Pope. Homer's Iliad, xii. 505. Assault, in law, is an attempt to beat another, and may be committed without touching him : as if one lifts up his cane or fist in a threatening manner at another; or strikes at him, but misses him; this is an assault, insultus, which Finch describes to be 'an unlawful setting upon one's person.' This also is an inchoate violence, amounting considerably highei than bare threats ; and, therefore, though no actual suffering is proved, yet the party injured may have redress by action of trespass vi et arniis, wherein he shall recover damages as a compensation for the injury. Assault, in the military art, a furious effort made to carry a fortified post, camp, or fortress, wherein the assailants do not screen themselves by any works : while the assault continues, the batteries cease, for fear of killing their own men. ASSAY', V. & 11. Fr. essayer, Ital. asaagiai-e, to try, examine, prove ; to submit to experi- ment ; to test. One, that to bounty never cast his mind ; No thought of honour never did assay His baser breast. Spenser. She heard with patience all, unto the end ; And strove, to master sorrowful assay. Faerie Queetie. Gray and Bryan obtained leave of the general, a iittle to assay them ; and so, with some horsemen, charged ihem home. Hayward. What unweighed behaviour hath this drunkard picked out of my conversation, that he dares in this manner assay me ? Sliakspeare, Be sure to find. What I foretell thee ; many a hard assay Of dangers, and adversities, and pains. Ere thou of Israel's sceptre get fast hold. Milton. The men he prest but late To hard assays unfit, unsure y need ; Yet arm'd to point, in well attempted plate. Fairfax. She thrice agsay'd to speak ; her accents hung. And fall'ring dy'd unfinish'd on her tongue. Or vanish'd into sighs : with long delay Her voice return'd ; and found the wonted way. Dry den's Fables. Assaying, or Essaying, in metallurgy, is a method of ascertaining the actual quantity of pure gold or silver in a given metallic mass. The term might, with equal propriety, be ap- plied to ascertaining the presence and quantity of any metal, perfect or imperfect, in a mass of ore : but it has, from the universal value of the pure or precious metals, been gradually appro- priated to the best modes of separating them from all admixture, the baser metals being con- sidered by the assayer as of no value or consi- deration. We thus, therefore, apj^ly the terra in this paper; referring to the article Metallurgy, and the names of other metallic ores, in their al- phabetical places, for more general observarions. Assaying is a species of chemical analysis, owing its origin probably, like the rest of the modern terms of chemistry, to the alchemy of darker ages. In this country the Liber Niger Scacarii, cited by Du Cange, attributes the first assay of money to the bishop of Salisbury, a royal treasurer, in the reign of Henry I. It states, that if the examined money was found ^o be deficient above sixpence in the pound, it was not deemed lawful money of the king, Du Cange, Gloss, i. p. 343. And thus is explained the first application of the terms arsas and arsuram, to money, in the Exchequer-book. But, it is clear, that some species of assay was prac- tised by our ancestors as early as the Norman conquest. Doomsday-book expressly stating, vol. i. f. 15, 16, that £65 of coined money was only worth £50 in pure silver, ' according to the assay of the Mint.' This is the passage : ' Totum manerium T. R. E. et post valuit xl. libras. Modo similiter xl. lib. Tamen reddit 2 lib. ad arsuram et pensum quse valent Ixv. lib.' It also appears, by the same authority, that the king had this right of assay in several places beside the capital. It is remarkable, as Mr. Turner has observed, that we have no Anglo- Saxon gold coins, though numerous silver coins of that period have come down to us. That learned historian thinks, that both gold and silver uncoined, were, however, in circulation at this date. According to Dr. Henry's account of the conduct of Henry VIII. in respect to the coinage, it became indeed, most important that some system should be adopted for regulating the standard value of our coins. ' That monarch,' he remarks, ' after he had squandered all his father's treasures, the grants he had received from parliament, and the great sums he had derived from the dissolution of the religious houses, began to diminish his coins both in weight and fineness. This dimi- nution at lirst was small, in hopes, perhaps, that it would not be perceived ; but, after he had got into this fatal career, he proceeded by rapid steps to the most pernicious lengths. In the thirty-sixth year of his reign, silver money of all the different kinds was coined, which had only one-half silver and the other half alloy. He did not even stop here; in the last year of his reign, he coined money that had only four ounces of silver and eight ounces of alloy in the pound weight; and the nominal pound of this base money was worth only 9.5. 3^d. of our present money. He began to debase his gold coins at the same time, and proceeded by the same degrees. But it would be tedious to follow him in every step. In this degra,ded and debased condition Henry 62 ASSAYING. the EigtitVi left the money of his kingdom to "his son and successor Edward the Sixth. This shameful debasement of the money of his king- dom, was one of the most imprudent, dishonor- able, and pernicious measures of his reign : it •was productive of innumerable inconveniences and great perplexity in business of all kinds ; and the restoration of it to its standard purity ■was found to be a work of great difficulty,' Henry's History of Great Britain, vol. xii. p. 336, 337. It is worthy of observation, that since that period, we have had no such capricious and nefarious attempts ; and the regulations of the royal British Mint may now be quoted as at once most scientific and effective. The art, to which this paper is devoted, con- sists of two distinct branches or operations, the separation of alloy, or base metals, from the precious ores, accomplished by what is tech- nically called cupellation ; and the separation of the precious metals, gold, platina, and silver from each other, called quartation and parting. The separation of gold, silver, and platina, from baser metals, is conducted by exposing the whole metallic mass, in which they are sup- posed to be contained, mixed with a certain por- tion of lead, to a strong heat, in a shallow cru- cible, made of burned bones, called a cupel ; which is placed in a muffle or small earthen oven, fixed in the midst of a furnace. The lead now vitrifies, or becomes converted into a glassy calx, which dissolves the imperfect metals : and this calx, with those metals which it absorbs, soaks into the cupel, and leaves the precious metals in a state of purity. * In proportion to the violence of the heat,' says Dr. Aikin, ' is the density of the fume, the violence with which it is given off, the convexity of the surface of the globule of melted matter, and the rapidity with which the vitrified oxide circulates (as it is termed), or falls down the sides of the metal. As the cupellation advances, the melted button becomes rounder, its surface becomes streaky with large bright points of the fused oxide, which moves with increased rapidity, till at last the globule, being now freed from all the lead and other alloy, suddenly lightens ; the last por- tions of litharge on the surface disappear with great rapidity ; showing the melted metal bright with irridescent colors, which directly after be- comes opaque, and suddenly appears brilliant, clean, and white, as if a curtain had been with- drawn from it. The operation being now finished, and the silver left pure, the cupel is al- lowed to cool gradually, till the globule of silver is fixed, after which it is taken out of the cupel while still hot, and when cold weighed with as much accuracy as at first. The difTerence between the globule and the silver at first put in, shows the quantity of alloy, the globule being now perfectly pure silver, if the operation has been well performed. The reason of cooling the globule or button gradually is, that pure silver, when congealing, assumes a crystalline texture, and if the outer surface is too suddenly fixed, it forcibly contracts on the still fluid part in the centre, causing it to spurt out in arbor- escent shoots, by which some minute portions are often thrown out of the cupel, and the assay spoiled.' The assay of gold and silver is alike, it will be observed, throughout the process of cupellation. As lead is the medium required for the absorp- tion of other metals, both the quality and quan- tity ef that metal employed become important to ascertain. If it contains much silver, it will be easy to perceive a source of material error in the operations of the assayer. Lead revived from litharge contains only about half a grain in the pound weight, and is therefore preferred to lead immediately revived from the ore, which usually contains a larger quantity. As to the proper quantity of lead, it is desir- able at first to ascertain the comparative state of purity of the ingot to be assayed. In this coun- try, such a judgment is generally formed from inspection of the color, hardness, tenacity, &c. of the metal, but formerly touch-needles were employed for this purpose. Tliese, which are not entirely in disuse, consist of small bars of differently proportioned alloys, of known com- position, if a streak is made with the ingot npon the surface of black flint, or basalt, a spe- cies of indurated slate, called by the ancients (iacravoc, and still known by the name of basa- nite, or even upon a fragment of black pottery, by comparing the streaks with those made on the same stone from needles of known compo- sition, the relative purity of the ingot may be in- ferred. ' Copper' says Dr. Aikin, ' the usual alloy of the fine metals, when taken singly, is found to require from ten to fourteen times its weight of lead for complete scorification on the cupel. Now, all admixtures of fine metal tend to pro- tect the copper from the action of the litharge, and the more obstinately, the greater the propor- tion of fine metal. So that copper, with three times its weight of silver (or 9 oz. fine), requires forty times as much lead as copper ; with eleven parts of silver it requires seventy-two parts of lead, and the like in an increasing ratio. The fol- lowing is the table of the proportions of lead re- quired to different alloys of copper; of which a few points are founded on the above-mentioned experiments, and the rest filled up according to the estimated ratio of increase, being multiples of the assay integer 24 in arithmetical progres- sion. In the three first columns is shown the absolute increase of the quantity of lead in alloys of decreasing fineness ; in the three last columns will be seen the gradual diminution of the pro- tecting power of fine metal against scorification, in proportion to the increase of alloy, shown by the decreasing quantity of lead required for the same weight of copper, under different mixtures.' ASSAYING. TABLE. 63 Silver Cop- per Lead Ratio of increase jCop- j per Silver Lead 23 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 with 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 requires 96 144 192 240 288 33G 384 432 480 528 576 624 = 4 X 24 = 6 X 24 = 8 X 24 — 10 X 24 = 12 X 24 =: 14 X 24 =: 16 X 24 = 18 X 24 = 20 X 24 = 22 X 24 zr 24 X 24 = 26 X 24 and hence \ with 23 11 5 3 2 If 1 \ 1 5 requires 96 72 48 40 36 33 32 30 30 29 28 28 + + + + It should be remarked, however, that many assayers of good authority use proportions of lead considerably different from the above table ; and the whole of the numbers here given may be considered as rather high, in regard to the quan- tity of lead. The assaying of gold, if that noble metal contained copper as an alloy, would be as simple and expeditious as that of silver ; but all gold contains a portion of silver, which cannot be destroyed by cupellation : it may also con- tain platina; but this is not commonly found. After it has passed the cupel, quartation and parting become necessary. The former consists in adding (generally) three parts of silver to the mass of supposed gold, and fusing them together. It is an object of importance to pre- vent the cornets from being broken, the result being less likely to be accurate when the gold is in fragments ; and to prevent this, the quantity of silver used is no more than is absolutely ne- cessary, it being found that the less the quantity of gold, compared to the silver, used in the assay, the more likely is the gold to be broken into pieces. ' Suppose, for example,' says Mr. Mushet, ' that a gold assay is made from the in- teger, or pound, weighing twelve grains Troy, an addition of from twenty-four to thirty-six grains of pure silver is made in addition to the small portion already supposed to exist in the mass. This becomes thoroughly incorporated with the gold in the process of cupellation. The globule, or button, as soon as it is taken from the furnace, is passed between a pair of polished steel rollers, and drawn out into a thin lamina, or plate, of the thickness of a sixpence, and re- turned into the furnace to be annealed After being kept m a red heat for some time, it is taken out and suffered to cool. It is then wound up into a comet. This is put into a glass matrass, of the shape of an inverted cone, and with about twice or thrice its weight of very pure nitric acid. M. Vauquelin recommends it to be 1-25 specific gravity.' The hot acid being very carefully poured from the matrass, warm water is added to wash any remains of silver from the gold, and the addition repeated until tl-.e water comes off" perfectly clear. The cornets of gold, which are of a dull brown colorj are then put according to their numbers into small clay crucibles, mto which they are allowed gently to fall by inverting the matrass, with a portion of water in it, which breaks their fall, and also collects any grains of gold that may be in the matrass. The water is then poured off, and they are put into the furnace, and annealed under a bright cherrj- heat. ^Vhen cooled, the pieces of gold exhibit their beautiful character- istic lustre, and possess all the softness and flexi- bility of that metal. The weight of the original metallic mass before cupellation and in the subse- quent stages, compared with the final weight now ascertained, indicates the degree of fineness of the ingot, or ore, of wiiich it is a part. In esti- mating or expressing this fineness in regard to gold, the whole mass spoken of is supposed to weigh twenty-four carats of twelve grains each, either real, or merely proportional, like the assayer's weights; and t)ie pure gold is called fine. Thus, if gold be said to be twenty-three carats fine, it is to be understood, that in a mass ■weighing twenty-four carats, the quantity of pure gold amounts to twenty-three carats. The assay report of gold, says the official gen- tleman we have quoted above, is made accord- ing as it is better or worse than standard. Tlie standard of our gold coin is tv\enty-two carats fine, and two carats alloy. If, by assay, an ingot of gold was found to contain twenty-one carats of fine gold, it would be reported worse one carat, the mass containing a carat of alloy more than the proportion of two carats to twenty-two carats fine. If the ingot weighed fifteen pounds Troy, there would be deducted from the gross weight one carat, or 240 grains Troy, reducing the standard of the mass to 14 lbs. 11 ozs. lOdwts. If, on the contrary, the mass was found to con- tain twenty-three carats fine gold, it would be reported one carat better than standard; and this carat would be added to the gross weight of the ingot, which we have supposed to weigh fifteen pounds Troy, and would be called 15 lbs. Ooz. 10 dwts. of standard gold. When the gold assay pound or integer is only twelve grains, the quarter assay grain weighs only ^l part of a Troy grain. This will show how delicate the scales must be by which the assayer works in order to obtain accuracy. In the royal mint the scales of the assayers will be sensibly affected even with 64 ASSAYING. the -njjjgth part of a Troy grain. When the em- peror of Russia lately visited the mint, he was particularly struck with the extreme delicacy of the assay scales of Mr. Bin'^ley, the king's assay- master. That gentleman requested the favor of his imperial majesty to put one of the hairs of his head into the scale, which he did, and, to the great satisfaction of his majesty, it very sensihly affected the equilibrium of the beam.' It is necessary to be careful that the silver used in this last process should contain no gold, other- wise a source of material error would arise in the operation ; and, as silver generally contains a small portion of gold, the best assayers use that which is revived from a precipitation of the ni- trate of silver. This nitrate of silver is precipi- tated by immersing in it plates of copper : it may also be recovered by a solution of common salt, which converts the silver into luna cornea, of which, when washed and well dried, 100 parts contain seventy-five of silver. The accuracy of the assay may also be proved by this process. The luna cornea, however, is more difficult to reduce to the metallic state. Many dealers in bullion (the bank of England we believe uniformly) refuse to purchase any foreign gold bullion, until it has been remelted by refiners or melters on whose integrity they can rely. Platina, on account of its great value, is not likely to be used in debasing silver; but it may be fi'audulently added to gold. Like gold and sil- ver, it resists the action of lead upon the cupel ; but an expert assayer will recognise its presence by the very different appearance which it gives to the button of metal in fusion. This is less perfect ; a much greater heat is required ; and the color less bright ; and, in a very small pro- portion, it gives to the gold a strong tendency to crystallisation. Nothing is required for its sepa- ration but to proceed exactly as in a gold assay ; and, by reducing the lamina of metal very thin, to form the cornet, the platina, though alone in- soluble in nitric acid, may, with the silver, be totally removed from the gold. Some idea of tlie delicacy required through the whole of the foregoing operations may be formed from an authentic statement, that in our national mint an assay of twenty grains is relied on for giving the value of a mass of gold of fifteen pounds, or of silver of sixty pounds in weight. The Annates de Chimie, vol.vi. p. 64, contain some very interesting details of recent attempts of the French government to establish an accurate assay of gold. The general result is as follows, nearly in the terms of the experimenters : — Six principal circumstances appear to affect the operation of parting : namely, the quantity of acid used in parting, or in the first boiling; the concentration of this acid ; the time employed in its application ; the quantity of acid made use of in the reprise, or second operation; its con- centration ; and the time during which it is applied. From the experiments it has been shown, that each of these unfavorable circum- stances might easily occasion a loss of from the half of a thirty-second part of a carat, to two thirty-second parts. The writers explain their technical language by observing, that, the whole mass consisting of twenty-four carats, this thirty second part denotes l-768th part of the mass- It may easily be conceived, therefore, that if the whole six circumstances were to exist, and be productive of errors falling the same way, the loss would be very considerable. It is indispensably necessary, therefore, that one uniform process should be followed in the assays of gold ; and it is a matter of astonish- ment, that such an accurate procesj should not have been prescribed by government for assayers in an operation of such great commercial im- portance, instead of every one being left to follow his own judgment. The process recommended in the report before us is as follows : — Twelve grains of the gold intended to be as- sayed must be mixed with thirty grains of fine silver, and cupelled with 103 grains of lead. The cupellation must be carefully attended to, and all the imperfect buttons rejected. When the cupellation is ended, the button must be re- duced by lamination into a plate of one inch and a half, or rather more, in length, and four or five limes in breadth. This must be rolled up upon a quill, and placed in a matrass capable of hold- ing about three ounces of liquid, when filled up to its narrow part. Two ounces and a half of very pure aqua-fortis, of the strength of twenty degrees of Baume's areometer, must then be poured upon it; and the matrass being placed upon hot ashes, or sand, the acid must be kept gently boiling for a quarter of an hour ; the acid must then be cautiously decanted, and an ad- ditional quantity of one ounce and a half must be poured on the metal, and slightly boiled for twelve minutes. This being likewise carefully decanted, the small spiral piece of metal must be washed with filtered river water, or distilled water, by filling the matrass with this fluid. The vessel is then to be reversed, by applying the extremity of its neck against the bottom of a crucible of fine earth, the internal surface of which is very smooth. The annealing must then be made, after having separated the portion of water which had fallen into the crucible ; and, lastly, the annealed gold must be weighed. For the certainty of this operation, two assays must be made in the same manner, together with a third assay upon gold of twenty-four carats, or upon gold the fineness of which is perfectly and generally known. No conclusion must be drawn from this assay, unless the latter gold should prove to be of the fineness of twenty-four carats exactly, or of its known degree of fineness ; for, if there be either loss or surplus, it may be inferred, that the other two assays, having undergone the same opera- tion, must be subject to the same error. The operation being made according to this process, by several assayers, in circumstances of import- ance, such as those which relate to large fabri- cations, the fineness of the gold must not be depended on, nor considered as accurately known, unless all the assayers have obtained a uniform result without communication with each other. The authors observe, however, that this identity must be considered as existing to the accuracy of half of the thirty-second part of a carat. For notwithstanding every possible precaution or * :v; AvS.SA^MXn. Fuj. 1. Fi./. i". /■/>..?. F,},. ■/. f /(. . \ .W •»! J S7 42 .-! K n •-)'. •i.-i .1 11 M 1(1 1.) .'() - , 10 .<■ I' t-l Fhi. 7. 2^ Fuj.8. In,.!). Fitfjd. 1 /. ,llJ-l,. l-l:l'l,.rare, Lat. securm, to give Assecura'tion'. j assurance. Can never mischief end as it begun ; But being once out, must farther out of force ? Think you that any means under the sun Can oisecure so indirect a course ? Daniel. Civii War. bk. iii. p. 473. But how far then reaches this assecuration ? So far as to exclude all fears, all doubting and hesitation ? Neither of these. Bishop Hall's Sermons. ASSECUTION. Lat. asseguor, assecutus, from ad and sequor, the act of following up, ob- taining. By the canon law, a person after he has been in full possession of a second benefice, cannot return to his first, because it is immediately void by his assecu- tion of a .second. Ai/liffe's Parergon. ASSELYN (John), a famous Dutch painter, the disciple of Isaiah \'andevelde. He distin- guished himself in historical pieces, battles, land- scapes, with ruins and animals, particularly horses. He travelled into France and Italy; and was much pleased with the manner of Bom- bochio, which he always followed, except in the painting landscapes, in which Claude Lorraine was his model. Twenty-four of his landscapes have been engraved by Perelle, and sold at high prices. He died at Amsterdam in 1660. ASSEMANI, I. S. and S. E. two learned librarians of the Vatican, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Joseph Simon was bom at Rome 1687, and died 1768. He wrote Bib- liotheca Orientalis Clemenlino Vaticana, Romae, 1719-28, 4 vols, folio, affording ample proof of his learning in the numerous notices it contains of Sy- riac, Arabic, and Persian manuscripts, with lives of their authors. S. Ephra:m, Syri, Opera omnia, qux extant, Grffice, Syriace, et Latine, Romae, 1732-34, 6 vols. folio; Italics Ilistoriae Scriptores ex Bibl. Vat., Romae, 1751-53,4 vols. 4to; Ka- lendaria Ecclesise Universal, &c. Romae, 1755- 57, 6 vols. 4to. Assemani, S. E. nephew of the foregoing, wrote Bibliothecffi Mediceo Lauren- tina? et Palatinae Codd. MSS. Orientalium Cata- logus, Florenti?e, 1742,2 vols, folio; Acta Sanc- torum Martyrum Oriental et Occidental, Romae, 1748, 2 vols, folio. ASSEM'BLANCE. Fr. sembler, a likeness. See Semblance. FalsT. Will you tell me. Master Shallow, how to chuse a man ? Care I for the limbe, the thewes, the stature, bulke, and bigge assemblance of a man ? Give me the spirit. Master Shallow, Shakspeare. Henry IV. part ii. ASSEMBLE, v. & w.^ Assem'blage, Assem'blance, Assem'bler, Assem'bling, Assem'bly. Fr. assembler, from the Latin ad, to, and si/nul, together. To bring together, or in one place; to collect; J to convene. A rout of people there assembled were. Of every sort and nation under sky, ■WTiich, with great uproar, pressed to draw near To the upper part, where was advanced high A stately seat of sovereign majesty. Spenser. Mahomet made the people believe that he would call a hill to him ; and from the top of it offer up his prayers for the observers of his law. The people assembled ; Mahomet called the hill to come to him, again and again ; and, when the hill stood still, he was never a whit abashed, but said ; ' If the hill will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet will go to the hill.' Lord Bacon's Essays. These men assembled, and found Daniel praying. Daniel. And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather toge- ther the dispersed of Judah. Isaiah xi. 12. Ho wonders for what end you have assembled Such troops of citizens to come to him. Shakspeare. Assemble all in choirs, and with their notes Salute and welcome up the rising sun. Otway. O Hartford (fitted, or to shine in courts With unaffected grace, or walk the plains. With innocence and meditation join'd In soft assemblage) listen to my song ! Thomson. The Assembly of Divines at Westminster, was an association of ministers and others, sum- moned by ordinance of parliament, in the year 1643, to meet at Westminster, ' for settling the government and liturgy of the church of Eng- land, and for vindicating and clearing the said church from false aspersions and interpretations.' ASS 67 ASS It also met expressly according to the words of the covenant, ' for the extirpation of pre- lacie, that is church-government by arch-bi- shops, bishops, their chancellors, and com- missaries, deans and chapters, archdeacons and all other ecclesiastical officers.' This assem- bly consisted of 121 divines and thirty laymen, < celebrated ' in their party,' says Mr. Hume, * for piety and learning.' The leading parties •were the Presbyterians, Erastians, and Indepen- dents. The works of the assembly, besides some letters to foreign churches, and occasional admo- nitions were, 1. Their humble Advice to Parlia- ment, for Ordination of Ministers, and settling the Presbyterian Government. 2. A Directory for Public Worship. 3. A Confession of Faith. 4. A larger and a shorter Catechism. 5. A Review of some of the Thirty-nine Articles. Both the larger and shorter Assembly's catechism, are largely in use at the present time among the English Calvinistic dissenters. Assemblies of the clergy are otherwise called convocations, synods, councils. The annual meeting of the church of Scotland is called the General Assembly ; in which his Majesty is re- presented by his commissioner, generally a Scottish nobleman, but who has no voice in the deliberations : his duty being confined to the calling and dissolution of the meeting, which 'he does in the name of his Majesty, whilst the Moderator does the same in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. This assembly possesses the highest authority in the church of Scotland ; a presbytery, composed of fewer than twelve pa- rishes, sends two ministers and one ruling elder to the assembly ; if it contains between twelve and eighteen ministers, it sends three of these, and one ruling elder ; if it contains between •eighteen and twenty-four ministers, it sends four ministers and two ruling elders ; and of twenty- four ministers, it sends five with two ruling elders. Every royal borough deputes one ruling elder, and Edinburgh two ; their election must be attested by the kirk-session of their respective boroughs. Every university sends one commis- sioner from its own body. The commissioners are chosen annually six weeks before the meet- ing of the assembly ; and the ruling elders are often men of the first eminence for rank and talents. Assemblies of the Roman people were called comitia. Assemblies of the States. Under the Go- thic governments, the supreme legislative power was lodged in an assembly of the states of the kingdom held annually for the like purposes as our parliaments. There were some feeble remains of them in France and Poland before the late re- volutions and counter-revolutions. Assembly, in the military art, the second beating of a drum before a march ; at which the soldiers strike their tents, roll them up, and stand to arms. See Drum. ASSENS, a bailiwic and town of Denmark, on the west coast of the island of Funen, which carries on a considerable trade in corn. It is also called Asnes, which signifies the holy pro- montory. A battle was fought in it, in 1536, wherein Christian III. obtained a decisive victory over Christian II. Here is a ferry across the little Belt to Holstein. Long. 9° 54' E., lat. 55° 20' N. ASSENT', V. &. w.-\ Lat. assentior, from ad, Assenta'tion, / and sentio, to think to, to Assexta'tor, ^be of the same opinion. Assent'er, i To agree to what is pro- Assent'ment. J posed, to bring one's mind to a thinij;, to comply. Assentation is sy- nonymous with flattery ; obsequiousness. And the Jews also assented, saying that these things ■were so. Acts xxiv. 9. Their arguments are but precarious, and subsist upon the charity of our assentmenis. Brown's Vulgar Errors. To urge any thing upon the church ; requiring thereunto that religious assent of Christian belief, wherewith the words of the holy prophets are receiv- ed, and not to show it in scripture ; this did the Fathers evermore think unlawful, impious, and exe- crable. Hooker. The evidence of God's own testimony, added unto the natural assent of reason concerning the certainty of them, doth not a little comfort and confirm the same. Id. Without the king's assent or knowledge. You wrought to be a legate. Shakspeare. Faith is the assent to any proposition, not thus made out by the deduction of reason, but upon the credit of the proposer. Locke. All the arguments on both sides must be laid in balance ; and, upon the whole, the understanding de- termine its assent. Id. ]\Ian is the world's high-priest, he doth present The sacrifice for all, while they below. Unto the sen'ice mutter an assent. Such as springs use, that fall, and winds that blow. Herbert. One would think that hell should have little need of the fawning assentation of others, when men carry so dangerous parasites in their own bosoms ; but sure, both together must needs help to people that region of darkness. Bishop Hall's Soliloquies. He ceased ; th' assembled warriors all assent. All but Atrides. Cumberland. Precept gains only the cold approbation of reason, and compels an assent which judgment frequently yields with reluctance, even when delay is impossible. Hawkesworth. The Royal Assent is the approbation given by the king in parliament, to a bill which has passed both houses, after which it becomes a law. The royal assent may be given in two ways. 1 In person ; when the king comes to the house of peers, in his crown and royal robes, and sending for the commons to the bar, the titles of all the bills that have passed both houses are read ; and the king's answer is declared by the clerk of the parliament in Norman-French. If the king con- sents to a public bill, the clerk usually declares, ' le roy le veut ; the king wills it so to be ; ' if to a private bill, ' soit fait comme il est desirb ; be it as it is desired.' If the king refuses his assent, it is in the gentle language of * le roy s'avisera; the king will advise upon it.' ^^ hen a money-bill, or bill of supply, is passed, it is carried up and presented to the king by the speaker of the house of commons ; and the royal assent is thus expressed Meroy remercie ses loyal sujets, accepte leur benevolence, et aussi le veut ; F 'i ASS 68 the king thanks liis loyal subjects, accepts their Ljenevolence, and wills it so to be.' In case of an act of grace, which originally proceeds from the crown, and has the royal as- sent in the first stage of it, tiie clerk of the par- liament thus pronounces the gratitude of the subject ; ' les prelats, seigneurs, et commons, en ce present parlement assemblees,au nom de touts vous autres sujets, remercient tres humblement votre majeste, et prient a Dieu vous donner en sante bone vie et longue ; the prelates, lords, and commons, in this present parliament assem- bled, in the name of all your oiher subjects, most humbly thank your majesty, and pray to God to grant you health and wealth long to live.' 2. By the statute 33 Hen. VIII. c. 21., the king may give his assent, by letters patent, under his great seal, signed with his hand, and notified in his absence to both houses, assembled toge- ther in the high house. And when the bill has received the royal assent in either of these ways it is then, and not before, a statute or act of par- liament : a copy of which is usualiyprinted at the king's press, for the information of the whole land. See Blackst. Com. book i. chap. 2. ASSER, or Asce, a Jewish rabbi of the fifth century, who, with other learned rabbin, com- piled the collection of Hebrew traditions called the Babylonian Talmud. This was printed at Leyden, 1630, in 4to. ; but the most complete edition is one published in 1744, at Amsterdam, twelve volumes folio, with an ample commen- tary. Asser died in 427, aged seventy-four. AssER (John), or Asserius Menevensis, (i. e. Asser of St. David's), bishop of Sherborne in the ' reign of Alfred the Great. He was born in Pem- brokeshire, South Wales ; and educated in the monastery of St. David's. By his assiduous ap- plication he soon acciuired universal fame as a person of profound learning and great abilities. Alfred the munificent patron of genius, about the year 880, sent for him to his court, then held at Dean in Wiltshire. He was so charmed with Asser, that he made him his preceptor and com- panion ; appointed him abbot of two or three different monasteries ; and at last promoted him to the see of Sherborne, where he died in 910. He is said to have been principally instrumental in persuading the king to restore the university of 0.\ford to its pristine dign'ty ; and wrote De Vita et Rebus Gestis Alfredi, &c. Lond. 1574, published by archbishop Parker, in the old Saxon character, at the end of Walsinghami Hist.— Francf. 1602, fol. Oxf. 1722, Bvo. Many other works are ascribed to this author by Gale, Bale, Sec. but on very doubtful authority. ASSERIA, AssESiA,or AsisiA, an ancient town of Liburnia, now in ruins. Pliny, having speci- fied the Liburoian cities that were obliged to attend the congress of Scardonia, adds to the ca- talogue the free Asserians, immunesque Asse- riates; apeople who created dieir own magistrates, and wore governed by their own municipal laws. ASSERIDA, in botany, a name given by the people of Guinea to a kmd of shrub, the leaves of which being chewed, are a cure for tiie ASS ASSERT', ^ Asserta'cion, I Assero, assertum, to knit Asser'tio.n, I to, to sew to. To abide by, Asser'tive, )>-to bear the consequence of Asser'tively, Asser'tor, Asser'tory. an opinion, to hold, to main- tain, to ufiirm. That tongue Inspir'd with contradiction, durst oppose A third part of the gods, in synod met. Their deities to assert. Miltim. Among th' asserterx of free reason's claim. Our nation's not the Irast, in worth or fame. The world to Bacon does not only owe It's present knowledge, and its future too. Dn/den's Epistles. Faithful assertor of thy country's cause, Britain with tears shall bathe thy glorious wound. Prior. It is an usual piece of art to undermine the autho- rity of fundamental truths, by pretending to shew how weak the proofs are which their assertor.i employ in defence of them. Atterhury. He was not so fond of the principles he undertook to illustrate, as to boast their certainty ; proposing them, not in a confident and assertive form, but as pro- babilities and hypotheses. Glanville. The Epicureans contented themselves with the de- nial of a Providence, asserting at the same time tlio existence of gods in general, because they would not shock the common belief of mankind. Addison, We, as it were, lean forward with surprise and trembling, to behold the human soul collecting its strength, and asserting a right to superior fates. Uslier. AVhen the great soul buoys up to this high point. Leaving gross nature's sediments below. Then, and then only, Adam's offspring quits The sage and hero of the fields and woods. Asserts his rank and rises into man. Young. It is an erect countenance ; it is a firm adherence to principle ; it is a power of resisting false shame and frivolous fear, that assert our good faith and ho- nour, and assure us of the confidence of mankind. Btirhe, Sophocles also, in a fragment of one of his trage- dies, asserts the unity of the supreme being. Cumberland. But, lo ! from high Hymethus to the plain. The queen of night asserts her silent reign. Lord Byron's Corsair. ASSESS', V. & 7?.>L Ital. assessaie, to set to, AssEs'siONARY, (^ impose a tax. Legally AssEs'sMENT, i done by a sitting or coun- AssEs'soR. J cil, and agreement of those authorised to impose it. Assessor is a legal ad- viser to a magistrate, sitting by him on the bench. To his Son, Th' assessor of his throne, he thus began. Milton. Twice stronger than his sire, who sat above. Assessor to the throne of thund'ring Jove. Dryden, Minos, the strict inquisitor, appears ; And lives and crimes, with his assessors, hears : Round, in his urn, the blended balls he rolls; Absolves the just, and dooms the guilty souls. Id. What greater immunity and happiness can there be to a people, than to be liable to no laws, but what they make themselves? To be subject to no contri- bution, assessment, or any pecuniary levy whatsoever, but what they vote, and voluntarily yield unto them- silves. Hou<:^- ASS 69 ASS One of the answers of the jury, upon their oaths, at the assessionary court, I have inserted. Curew's Survey of Cornwall. Pausanias sat the judge ; Callicrates and Aemnestus wise. His two assessors. Glover's Athenaid. ASSETS, in law, are either real or personal. Where a man hath lands in fee simple, and dies seized thereof, the lands which come to his heir are assets real ; and where he dies possessed of any personal estate, the goods which come to the executors are assets personal. Assets are also divided into assets per descent, and assets inter maines. 1 . Assets by Descent are where a person is bound in an obligation, and dies seized of lands which descend to the heir, the land shall be assets, and the heir shall be charged a^s far as the land to him descended will extend. 2. Assets inter Maines are when a man in- debted makes executors, and leaves them suffi- cient to pay his debts and legacies ; or where some commodity or profit ariseth to them in right of the testator, which are called assets in their hands.' This term is also applied com- mercially to any available property for the pay- ment of a man's debts. ASSEV'ER, > Lat. assevero ; ad, and se- Assever'ation. S verus. To say or affirm se- verely or solemnly; to assure; to maintain seriously. Guise. You must, you will, _and smile upon my murder. Marmontier. Therefore, if you are conscious of a breach. Confess it to me : lead me to the king. He has promis'd me to conquer his revenge. And place you next him ; therefore, if you're right. Make me not fear it by asseverations. But speak your heart, and O resolve me truly. Dryden. Duke of Guise. ' I will come and some of you shall see me coming.' Can it be supposed that in such an asse- veration, the word to ' come' may bear two different senses. Horsley's Sermons. ASSIDEANS, orCHASiDiEANs; from the Heb. On'On, chasidim, merciful, pious ; those Jews who resorted to Mattathias to fight for the law of God and the liberties of their country. They were men of great valor and zeal, having volun- tarily deroted themselves to a more strict obser- vation of the law than other men. . For after the return of the Jews from the Babylonish captivity, there were two sorts of men in their church; those who contented themselves with that obe- dience only which was prescribed by the law of Moses, and who were called Zadikira, i. e. the righteous ; and those who, over and above the law, superadded the constitutions and traditions of the elders, and other rigorous observances : these latter were called Chasidim, i. e. the pious. From the former sprung the Samaritans, Saddu- cees, and Caraites ; from the latter, the Pharisees and the Essenes. ASSIDENT signs, in medicine, are symptoms which usiially attend a disease but not always ; hence differing from pathognomic signs, which are inseparable from the disease : e. g. in the pleurisy, a pungent pain in the side ; in an acute fever, difficulty of breathing, &c. collectively taken, are pathognomic signs ; but that the pain extends to the hypochondrium or clavicle, or that the patient lies with more ease on one side than on the otlier, are assident signs. ASSID'UATE,^ Lat. assideo, to sit down Assid'uity, i^aX any thing constantly or Assid'uous, i daily. Constant in appli- Assid'uously. J cation, unwearied, diligent, sedulous. And if by pray'r Incessant I could hope to change the will Of him who all things can, I would not cease To weary him with my assiduous cries. Milton. The most assiduous tale-bearers, and bitterest le- vilers, are often half-witted people. Government of the Tongue. In summer, you see the hen giving herself greater freedoms, and quitting her care for above two hours together ; but in winter, when the rigour of the sea- son would chill the principles of life, and destroy the young one, she grows more assiduous in her at- tendance, and stays away but half the time. Addison, Each still renews her little labour, • Nor justles her assiduous neighbour. Prior. We observe the address and assiduity they will use to corrupt us. Rogers. The habitable earth may have been perpetually the drier, seeing it is assiduously drained and exhausted by the seas. Bentley. A scholar is industrious, who doth assiduously bend his mind to study for getting knowledge. Barrow's Sermons. Often as she mounts Or quits the car, his arm her weight sustains With tremblmg pleasure. His assiduous hand From purest fountains wafts the living flood. Glover. Leonidas, book viii. p. 57. ASSIDUI, in Roman antiquity, volunteers who served in the army at their own expense. ASSIDUUS, or Adsiduus, from as, money, among the Romans, denoted a rich or wealthy person. Hence we meet with assiduous sureties, assidui fide-jussores. VVhen Servius TuUius di- vided the Roman people into five classes, accord- ing as they were assessed, the richer sort who contributed asses were denominated assidui ; and as these were the chief people of business who attended all the public concerns, those who were diligent in attendances came to be denominated assidui. ASSIEGE'. Fr. assleger, to sit down before. To sit down before a town, to besiege. Surche wondring was ther on this hors of brass, That sin the gret assege of Troye was, Ther as men wondred on en horrs also, Ne was ther swiche a wondring, as was tho. Chaucer. The Squier's Tale, vol. i. p. 431. On th' other side th' assieged castles ward Their stedfast arms did mightily maintain. Spenser. I leave what glory virtue did attain. At th'ever memorable Agincourt. I leave to tell, what wit, what pow'r did gain The assieg'd Roan, Caen, Dreux ; or in what sort. Daniel. Civil If ar, book v. ASSIENTO, Span, a contract. The first of this kind was made by the French Guinea Company ; and, by the treaty of Utrecht, transferred to the English, who were to furnish 4800 negroes to Spanish America annually. ASS 70 ASS Lat. assigno ; ad, and signo, to mark or sign. To mark off, to appoint, flo set ap;irt, to appropriate to a particular use, to J allot, to bring forward as ASSIGN', V. & n. Assign'abie, Assigna'tion, Assignee', Assigx'er, Assign'ment. a cause or reason. At last, as forced by false Ulysses crye. Of purpose he brake fourth, assigning me To the altar. Surrey. He assigned Uriah unto a place where he knew that valiant men were. 2 Sam. xi. 16. The two armies were assigned to the leading of two generals, both of them rather courtiers assured to the state, than martial men. Bacon. The only thing which maketh any place publick, is the publick assignment thereof unto such duties. Hooker. Thus most invectively he (Jaques) pierceth through The body of the country, city, court. Yea, and of this our life, swearing that we Are mere usurpers, tyrants, and what's worse Fright the animals, and to kill them up In their assigned and native dwelling-place. Shakspeare. As You Like It. The cause of love can never be assigned, 'Tis in no face, but in the lover's mind. Dryden. Tyrannic Love. Both joining. As join'd in injuries, one enmity Against a foe by doom express assign'd us. That cruel serpent. Milton. This institution, which assigns it to ajerson whom we have no rule to know, is just as good as an assign- ment to nobody at all. Locke. The lovers expected the return of this stated hour with as much impatience as if it had been a real as- signation. Spectator, True quality is neglected, virtue is oppressed, and vice triumphant. The last day will assign to every one a station suitable to the dignity of his character. Addison. The gospel is at once the assigner of our tasks, and the magazine of our strength. Decay of Piety. Assign, or Assignee, in common law, a person to whom a thing is assigned or made over. The word assign is said to have been introduced in favor of natural children ; who, because they can- not pass by the name of heirs, are included under that of assigns. For Assignee, in brankruptcy, see Bankruptcy. Assignable Magnitude, in geometry, any finite magnitude. Assignable Ratio, the ratio of finite quanti- ties. ASSIGNATS, a species of paper currency, issued by the government of France, for sums of different values, to the amount of many thousand millions of livres, to support the credit of the re- public during the course of the revolution. Assignment, may be more accurately de- fined the act of transferring the interest or pro- perty a man has in any thing ; or of appointing or setting over a right to another. Assignment ob a Dowry, is the setting out of a woman's portion by the heir. ASSIjNI'ILATE, ~\ Lat. assiinilo, assimila- Assim'ilateness, / turn ; from ad, and shnilis, Assimila'tion, Vto bring to the like, to Assim'ilative, i make like, to liken, to Assim'ilable. J resemble, to convert to its own substance by digestion, and the process car- ried on in animal or vegetable bodies. The spirits of many will find but naked habita- tions ; meeting no aisimilahles wherein to re-act their natures. Brown's Vulgar Errours. How little must the ordinary occupations of men seem to one who is engaged in so noble a pursuit as the assimilation of himself to the Deity. Berkeley. Fast falls a fleecy show'r : the downy flakes Descending, and with never ceasing lapse Softly alighting upon all below. Assimilate all objects. Cowper's Poems. A ruin is a sacred thing. Rooted for ages in the soil, assimilated to it, and become as it were a part of it, we consider it a work of nature, rather than of art. Gilpin's Tour to the Lakes. Assimilation, in physics, is that motion by which bodies convert other bodies related to them, or at least such as are prepared to be con- verted, into their own substance and nature. Thus flame multiplies itself upon oily bodies, and generates new flame ; air upon water, and produces new air; and all the parts, as well similar as organical, in vegetables and animals, first attract with some election or choice, nearly the same, common or not very different juices for aliment, and afterwards assimilate or convert them to their own nature. ASSINIBONS, a native tribe of North Ameri- cans, whose name has been given to the western branch of the Great Red River. This stream divides itself into two branches, about thirty miles from its estuary in lake Winnipeg, the eastern branch bearing the name of the Red River from its source, the western, which rises in N. lat. 51° 15', and W. long. 103° 20', that of Assinibons. Extensive plains, covered with a short rank grass, and crowded with buffaloes and elks, extend between these streams, but tim- ber even for firewood is scarce. The soil is gravelly, and beds of lime and stone form the rapids of these rivers ; which are both navigable by canoes up to their source. ASSINT, a parish of Scotland in the county of Sutherland, about fifteen miles in breadth, and twenty-five in length. ASSIRATUM, in antiquity, a bloody draught, wherewith treaties were ratified. It was made of wine and blood, called by the ancient Romans assir. ASSIS, in physiology, opium, or a powder made of hemp-seed, which being formed into boluses about the bigness of chestnuts, is swal- lowed by the Egyptians, who hereby become intoxicated and ecstatic. It is called by the Turks asserac. ASSISA Cadere, in law ; from assideo, to be nonsuited ; when the complainant, from defect of legal evidence can proceed no further. Assisa cadit in juratum, is where a thing in controversy is so doubtful that it must necessarily be tried by a jury. Assisa continuanda, a writ directed to justices of assize for the continuation of a cause when certain records alleged cannot be produced in time by the party that has occasion to use them. Assisa proroganda, a writ for the stay of proceed- ings by reason of the parties being employed in the king's business. Assiza panis et cerevisiae, assize of bread and beer, a statute for regulat- ing their weight and quantity. Assisa No- cumenfi, see Nuisance. Assisa capi in mo- dum assisee, when the defendant pleads di- rectly to the assize. — Assisa judicum, a judg- ASS 71 ASS ment of the court given either against the plain- lift' or the defendant. ASSISI, a small town in the papal dominions, in the duchy of Spoleto: the see of a bishop. S*. Francis, the celebrated founder of the Fran- ciscan order, was born here ; and lies buried in the Sacro Convento. Near the foot of the hill on which the town stands is a rustic chapel, dedicated to the virgin and the angels, in which St. Francis is supposed to have received his first call to devotion. Over this a spacious church has been erected; and, on the second of August, multi- tudes of pilgrims flock to it from the adjoining provinces. When Mr. Eustace passed it in 1802, one of the fathers informed him, that more than 10,000 persons had attended the last an- niversary, and that ten had been suff'ocated or trampled to death, in pressing forward to touch the altar. Here are the ruins of a temple of Minerva, built about the time of Augustus. The portico consisted of six fluted Corinthian columns, each having a distinct pedestal. It is now used as the portico of the church of Santa Maria di Minerva. In the neighbourhood of Assisi are other vestiges of Roman magnificence; ruins of baths, temples, and an aqueduct. The bishopric was dissolved by the French in 1810. Twenty miles N.N.W. of Spoleto. Long. 12° 30' E., lat. 43' 3° N. ASSISII, in ecclesiastical writers, persons beneficed in a cathedral church, not in a rank below that of canons ; thus called, either because they were allowed an assisia or pension, or from assiduus, diligent. ASSIST', "\ Assisto ; from a Supposed to be from the Assoil'ment. M'r- absoudrc ; Lat. ubsolverCy to loose or free from. To absolve from guilt; to liberate from punisliment ; to pardon, to forgive. This is my drcde, and ye, my brethren twcic, Assoilelh mo this question I proie. Chaucer. The Marchantcs Tale. But secretly assoiliny of his sin. No other med'cinc will tmto him lay. Mirror for JHuf/isfratcs. aSS 73 ASS T also wj'U aske of you a ccrtayne qucstio."., whiche yf ye assoyle mc, I in lykewyse wyll tell you by what auctorile I do these thynges. Bible, 1551. Matthew ch. xxi. But with such guilefull appendices of oathes im- posed on him, that this assoilement was not so much the epilogue of his olde, as the prologue of his new tragicall vexations. Speed's History of Great Britaine. To AssoiLE, in our ancient law hooks, sig- nifies to absolve from an excommunication. ASSONANCE, in rhetoric and poetry, a term used where the words of a phrase or verse have tlie same sound or termination, and yet make no proper rhyme. These are usually accounted vicious in English ; though the Romans some- times used them with elegance : as, Militem comparavit, exercitum ordinivat, aciem lus- travit. ASSORT, ^ Fr. assortir, from the Lat. Assort'ment. S sors, lot. To sort, to put things of the same kind or class together, to match, to suit. Ye ne be but fools of good disport ! I wole you teachen a new play ; Sit down here by one assort. And better mirth never ye scigh. Sir Ferumhras, in Ellis, v. ii. p. 401. A taylor sat musically at it in a shed over against the convent, in assorting four dozen of bells for the harness, whistling to each bell as he tied it on with a tliong. Sterne's Tristram Shandy. An adjective is by nature a general, and in some measure an abstract word, and necessarily presupposes the idea of a certain species or assortment of things, to all of which it is equally applicable. Smith's Moral Sentiments. ASSOS, a sea-port of Natolia, subject to the Turks, on a bay of the iEgean Sea, twelve miles south-east of Troas. ASSRUMINA, in botany, the name given by the people of Guinea to the shrub whose leaves tliey use as a cure for long worms, which are found in their flesh : they bruise the leaves, and apply a large lump of the mass to the part. ASSUA'GE, ^ Old Fr. assouager. The Assuage'ment, > modern Fr. is soulager. To Assua'sive. j soften, to alleviate pain or grief, to lessen, to allay, to render tranquil. Tell me, when shall these weary woes have end ; Or shall tlicir ruthless torment never cease. But all my days in pining languor spend. Without hope of assuagement or release ? Spenser's Sonnets. Shall I, t' assuage Their brutal rage. The regal stem destroy? Dry den's Albion. The rest W^s broiled and roasted for the future feast. The chief invited guests were set around ; And, hunger first asswag'd, the bowls were crown'd. Which in deep draughts their cares and labours drown'd. Id. Fables. If in the breast tumultuous joys arise, Husick her soft assuasive voice supplies. Pope's St. Ceedlia. Refreshing winds the summer's heats assuage ; And kindly warmth disarms the winter's rage. Addison. Patroclus sat contentedly beside Eurypylus, with many a pleasant theme. Soothing the generous warrior, and his wound Sprinkling with drugs assuasive of his pains. Cowper's Iliad, bk. xv. p. 274 ASSUEF ACTION, > Assuefacio, assuefac- As'suETUDE. 5 <«»/, to accustom. The state of being accustomed. We see that assuetude of things hurtful, doth make them lose the force to hurt. Bacon's Natural History. Right and left, as parts inservient unto the motive faculty, are differenced by degrees from use and assue- faction, or according whereto the one grows stronger. Brown's Vulgar Errours. ASSUME', '\ Assumo, usmmptum, ad Assu'mer, / and sumo, to take to [one's Assu'ming, Vself.] To appropriate, to Assumpt', t;. & n. i claim more than is due, to Assump'tion. J arrogate, to suppose some- thing granted without proof. Preserve the right of thy place, but stir not ques- tions of jurisdiction ; and rather assume thy right in silence, and de facto, than voice it with claims and challenges. Lord Bacon's Essays. His majesty might well assume the complaint and expressioa of king David. Clarendon. ' With ravish'd ears The monarch hears ; Assumes the god, Aifccts to nod ; And seems to shake the spheres. Dryden. His haughty looks, and his ass7tming air. The son of Isis could no longer bear. Id. This makes him over-forward in business, assuming in conversation, and peremptory in answers. Collier. For spirits freed from mortal laws, with ease A ssume what sexes and what shapes they please. Pope. This, when the various god had urg'd in vain. He strait assum'd his native form again. Id. The personal descent of God himself, and his as- sumption of our flesh to his divinity, more familiarly to insinuate his pleasure to us, was an enforcement beyond all methods of wisdom. Hammond's Fundamentals. In every hj'pothesis something is allowed to be assumed. Boyle. Upon the feast of the assumption of the Blessed v'^irgin, the pope and cardinals keep the vespers. Stillingfieet . Adam, after a certain period of years, would have been rewarded with an assumption to eternal felicity. Wake. It is scarce possible to conceive any scone so truly agreeable, as an assembly of people elaborately edu- cated, who assume a character superior to ordinary life, and support it with ease and familiarity. Usher. It very seldom happens that a man is slow enough in ass7tming the character of a husb;.nd, or a woman quick enough in condescending to that of a wife. Steele. Habits are soon assumed, but when we strive To strip them off, 'tis being flayed alive. Cowper. ASSU'MENT. Assuo, to stitch or tack on. A tacking on. This asstiment or addition. Dr. Marshall says, he never could find any where but in this Anglo-Saxon- ick translation, and that very ancient Greek and Latin MS copy of Beza's. Lewis's Editions of the Eng. Trans, of the Bible. ASSUMPSIT, in the law of England, or promise, is of the nature of a verbal covenant, and wants nothing but the solemnity of writing ASS ASS and sealing to make it absolutely the same. If therefore, it be to do any explicit act, it is an express contract, as much as any covenant : and the breach of it is an equal injury. The remedy indeed is not exactly the same : since, instead of an action of covenant, there only lies an action upon the case, for what is called an as- sumpsit or undertaking of the defendant; the failure of performing which, is the wrong or injury done to the plaintiff, the damages whereof a jury are to estimate and settle. As, if a builder promises or undertakes, that he will build and cover a house within a limited time, and fails to do it, an action on the case arises against the builder, and the party injured may recover a pecuniary satisfaction. But some agreements, though ever so expressly made, are deemed of so important a nature, that they ought not to rest on a verbal promise only, which cannot be proved but by the memory of witnesses, and which oftentmies leads to perjury To pre- vent this, the statute of frauds and perjuries, 29 Car. II. c. 3. enacts, that in the five following cases, no verbal promise shall be sufficient to ground an action upon ; but at the least some note or memorandum of it shall be made in writing, and signed by the party to be charged therewith : 1 . Where an executor or adminis- trator promises to answer damages out of his own estate. 2. Where a man undertakes to answer for the debt, default, or miscarriage, of another. 3. Where any agreement is made upon consi- deration of marriage. 4. Where any contract or sale is made of lands, tenements, or heredita- ments, or any interest therein. 5. And lastly, where there is any agreement that is not to be performed within a year from the making thereof. In all these cases, a mere verbal as- sumpsit is void. Assumption, a festival in the Romish church, in honor of the miraculous ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven : the Greek church, wlio also observe this festival, celebrate it on the 15th of August with great ceremony. Assumption, or Assongong, one of the La- drone islands, in the Pacific Ocean. Father Gobien asserts that is eighteen miles in circum- ference ; but Perouse diminishes its size to three. It is of a conical figure, rising 600 feet in height, of dreary aspect, and almost covered with lava from the eruptions of a volcano in the centre. A few cocoa-nut trees are found on the island ; but there is no anchorage near the shore. Fifteen miles south of St. Lawrence. Long. 140° 55' E., lat. 19°45'N. Assumption, the capital city of Paraguay, in America. It is situated on the eastern bank of the river Paraguay, eighteen miles above its junction with the first mouth of the Pilcomayo. It was originally a small fort, built in 1538, and in 1547 was erected into a bishopric. It is now inhabited by about 500 families of Spaniards, and several thousand Indians and Meztizoes. ASSUMPTIVE Arms, in heraldry, are such as a person has a right to assume, with the ap- probation of his sovereign, and of the heralds : thus, if a person, who has no right by blood, and has no coat of arms, shall captivate, in any lawful war, any gentleman, nobleman, or prince, he is, in that case, entitled to bear the shield of that prisoner, and enjoy it to him and his heirs for ever. ASSURE', -N T. . b . , ' i tr. assurer, to make sure. ASSUR ED , / rr ' ■ / ' r lo secure, to assert, aver, AssuR ance, > ^ ' , .i- • ■ / /^warrant, voucli, certitv, in- ASSUR EDLY, i .', c, ■' . / '1 spire with confidence. AsSUR EDNESS. y *^ What man is he that boasts of fleshly might. And vaiu assurance of mortality ; Which all so soon, as it doth come to fight Against spiritual foes, yields by and by. Faerie Queene^ I must confess, your ofTer is the best ; And, let your father make her the asmrance. She is your own, else you must pardon me ; If you should die before him, where's her dower ? SJiak^eare. I hold the entry of common-places to be a matter of great use and essence in studying, as that which assureth copiousness of invention, and contracted judgment to a strength. Bacon's Essays. An assurance, being passed through for a competent fine, hath come back again by reason of some over- sight. Id. I revive At this last sight ; assur'd, that man shall live With all the creatures, and their seed preserve. Milton Well is that part of us lost which may give assurance of the salvation of the whole. Hall's Contemplations. Assuredly he will stop our liberty, till we restore him his worship. South. It is the ennobling office of the understanding to correct the fallacious and mistaken reports of the senses, and to assure us that the staff in the water is straight though our eye would tell us it is crooked. Jd. The obedient, and the man of practice, shall out- grow all their doubts and ignorances ; till persuasion pass into knowledge, and knowledge advance into assurance. Id. Hath he found in an evil course that comfortable assurance of God's favour, and good hopes of his future condition, which a religious life would have given him ? Tilloison. Almanz. No ; there is a necessity in fate j Why still the brave bold man is fortunate ; He keeps his object ever full in sight, And that assurance holds him firm and right. Dryden. Conquest of Granada, part i. A man without assurance is liable to be made un- easy by the folly or ill-nature of every one he con- verses with. Mehnoth's Translation of Cicero's LcbUus. How happy it is to believe with a stedfast assurance that our petitions are heard even while we are making them, and how delightful to meet with a proof of it in the elfectual and actual grant of them. iJowper's Letters. The soul reposing on assured relief. Feels herself happy amidst all her grief; Forgets her labour, as she toils along. Weeps tears of joy, and bursts into a song. CowpcT. 75 ASSURANCE. ASSURANCE, or Insurance, in commercial affairs. Under the latter word, every thing con- nected with the subjects, both of life and of marine insurance, might with great propriety be arranged. But mercantile usage, and tiie titles of various respectable societies in this country, have appropriated the former word to contracts for paying sums of money upon the continuance of life, or in the event of death ; and the latter, to the insurance of property against the contin- gencies of the sea. We propose, under Life Annuities, to enter further into the principles on which the contingency of life is calculated ; under Marine Insurance, to treat of all that is usually comprised under that head ; confining ourselves in this paper to the practical detail of tiie methods adopted by the most respectable Assurance com- panies in the conduct of their afl'airs, and the actual calculations on which they proceed. Assurance on lives is the guaranteeing a cer- tain sum of money to be paid in the event of a person named being alive at a certain time, or dying within a certain time, or to be paid within a certain time after the death of a person named. The party agreeing to pay this sum, is termed the Assurer ; the sum he receives for his hazard, or in compensation for what he is to pay, is called the Premium of assurance; and the in- strument by which the parties are mutually bound to their contract, is called a Policy of assurance. These are granted sometimes by individuals ; but in this case the policies, though often for larger sums than the companies insure, are usually for short periods, and at higher rates than the companies charge. It must be obvious, that as they are particular bargains between in- dividuals under circumstances known, par- ticularly, perhaps, or that ought to be known by those concerned, no uniform plan of proceeding can be expected. But the respectable societies who conduct this business in the metropolis, and other parts of Great Britain, proceed upon settled and mathe- matical principles. Tables of the ordinary dura- tion of human life, formed from bills of mortality, are the basis of their calculations. The register of mortality at Northampton, originally pub- lished by Dr. Price, is that generally adopted ; it having been found by long experience that rather fewer deaths happen, according to the books of the Equitable Assurance Society, than are upon that scale to be expected. The most esteemed tables are those of Aikin, De Parcieux, Kerseboom, aud Gorsuch. j\I. de Moivre as- sumes, that if eighty-six persons were born at the same time, one would die in each year, until the whole number ceased to live. Although tliis hypothesis has not been found accurate enough for extensive business in this way, it furnishes an easy rate for estimating the expectation of life. Subtract the given a^^e of a person from 86 ; when, dividing the quotient by two, the remain- der gives the expectation nearly. Thus, let the age be 40, then ^i^zzi? is 23, which differs very little from the Northampton table. At the age of 50 again, the error is trifling, the Northampton table giving 17-99, De Moivre's, 18. But, in the higher ages, the error becomes considerable. A scale of life having been adopted, the table of premiums to be paid by the parties insuring is calculated in the following manner : — ^The premium for a certain age being supposed to be known, then the premium for a person of one year younger, being compounded of the premium for one year and the present value of the above premium, is easily calculated from the table of lives, thus :— Multiply the premium on the old- est life into the number of persons alive in the tables of that age, and divide by the number of persons of the younger age alive in the tables. This sum, discounted for a year, gives the pre- mium for assuring the desired sum at the end of the year. Then multiply the sum to be assured into the number of persons of the younger age, that die according to the tables in a year, and divide by the number of persons alive at that age, and this sum discounted for a year is the assurance of the sum for the first year, and con- sequently the two sums, added together, give the desired premium. Now, as the oldest person in the scale of life dies in the ensuing year, the premium on him is evidently the sum to be paid discounted for one year, and thence the premium for the age below is ascertained by the above rule; and so of every age in succession. Errors cannot be committed on this plan without de- tection, as every step is checked by a similar table drawn out for the value of an annuity at each age. In the same manner are tables formed for the assurance of a sum payable at the death of one out of two persons, or at the death of the survivor of two persons, or at the death of one on the contingency of his surviving another, and so on. The tables generally adopted by the com- panies, on the contingency of one person sur- viving another, being calculated by an approxi- mation, founded on the expectation of their lives, do not partake of the mathematical accuracy of the other tables ; but the companies, in this case, grant assurances at times to their own disadvan- tage ; for if they take rather too much upon one life, they lose that sum upon the other; the pre- mium payable on the death of one of two parties, being divided by the above-mentioned rule of approximation into two premiums, to be paid by the two parties on the contingency of one sur- viving the other. These rules apply to tables of rates for the payment of a gross premium : but as it is generally more convenient to pay an equiva- lent annual sum, a table of rates is made for this case, which is formed by dividing the gross premium by the value of an annuity upon each age added to unity. If the annual premium were paid at the end of the year, the addition of unity would be unnecessary ; but a policy is not granted till one premium is paid, and hence the necessity of the addition is obvious. Premiums being thus settled from a fixed table of observations on life, it is evident that, unless "6 ASSURANCE. the deaths happen exactly in the order prescribed by the tables, there will be a surplus or defi- ciency of capital for the payment of the assured sums. The management of the surplus, or af)- prehended surplus, which the prudence of re- spectable companies generally insures, is dif- ferent in different companies. Either the Com- pany appropriates the whole of the surplus to itself, or makes a compensation to the assured for it. In the former case, the company pays the sum specified in the policy, and no more ; con- sequently, a party may pay to the office a sum far greater than his executors or assigns receive in return. Thus, if an assurance is effected on a person between sixteen and seventeen for £100, receivable at his death, the annual pre- mium is £2. Os. Qd. ; and if he lives forty-nine years, he will have paid more than the whole sum to be received, without computing interest on these payments. The surplus of the accumu- lation of premiums above the claims may be great from two causes : first, the increased in- terest obtained by the company above that by which the table of rates was computed ; and, second, a longer duration of life in the earlier years than is assigned by the table ; and here great circumspection on the part of the company is requisite to preserve it from imposition, and to secure the best lives that circumstances admit. In tlie companies where only the sum specified in the policy is paid, the surplus does not go entirely to the company ; for it is common in these offices to allow a per centage on the pre- mium to the party who brings an assurance to them, generally a solicitor, who thus participat- ing in the gains of the company, has an interest in increasing its concerns, though to the evident disadvantage of his client. Where the surplus is made advantageous to the assured, two methods are adopted ; the one is to add, at certain periods, a sum to each po- licy ; the other to diminish the premium. In both cases a valuation is made of all the annual premiums, with the past and future expected ac- cumulations, and also of the claims upon every policy. If the former exceeds the latter to a sufficient amount, then an addition is made to each policy, or the premium is diminished. It is necessary, however, that the utmost care should be taken to secure to each policy the sum named in it, with every addition made to it; and hence a tliird part of the surplus is constantly retained to guard against possible contingencies. This reservation has occasioned a singular ano- maly in one of the most distinguished companies for life assurance. In that company all are partners, being mutually guarantees to each other for the payment of their respective claims. The surplus arising from the excess of pre- miums, with their accumulations above the claims, evidently belongs to the whole company, and consequently each partner is entitled to a portion of it. But of this surplus, a third being con- stantly reserved, and each person at his death ceasing to be a partner, every person leaves be- hind him a portion for his successors. Such has been the extreme caution of the Equitable So- ciety. This led to the formation of a plan, which is adopted by the Rock Assurance Society, that vests this third in determinate hands. To do this, the company consists of a number of pro- prietors, each of whom is bound to keep up an assurance with it, and whose interest in these as- surances is greater than that derived from the profit of assurances granted to non-proprietors. The company takes upon itself the whole risk of policies made with it, being bound to pay to each party assured the sum specified in his po- licy ; and additions are made to each policy in the manner above-mentioned. But the third reserved is joined to, and makes part of the sub- scription capital stock ; and the interest upon it is annually divided among the proprietors. Thus the third reserved belongs to, and continues to add to, the security of the company ; and the non-proprietor, secured from all risk, participates in the two-thirds divisible at every period. Other modes are sometimes adopted to dis- pose of accumulating property ; such as, by di- minishing, at certain periods, the premiums paid on assurance ; in this case the sum specified in the policy is paid, though the party assured may have paid a much less sum than in the com- panies above mentioned. The diminution of premium depends on the excess of capital in hand, with the present value of future premiums, above the claims that are or may be made upon it, and consequently the same care is necessary to reserve a part of the surplus for fear of future contingencies. The public have thus a choice either to receive a fixed or an increasing sum ; the fixed sum by means of a definite or a pro- bably decreasing premium, and an increasing sum by means of a definite premium. Assurance policies are generally confined to the limits of Europe, but they are capable of be- ing extended to all parts of the world. In such cases an addition is made to the premium, ac- cording to the supposed addition to the risk from unhealthiness of climate, and danger of the seas. Additions are also made to the premium on account of the profession (as of the army) of the assured ; on account of disease, as of gout, by which he is occasionally afflicted ; or of diseases, as of small-pox and measles, to which he may be liable. The oldest of the societies for assurances on lives in London, is the Amicable Society, insti- tuted by charter in the year 1706. The same contribution was originally required from every member, whatever his age might be, and the sums received at the death of members were variable, depending on the number of persons that died in the same year. Subsequent altera- tions were made in this company by successive charters. At present the several interests of the members are divided into shares, each share being now warranted to produce £200 at the death of the insured, together with such additions as may arise from the circumstances of the year in which the death happens ; and any number of shares, and half shares, not exceeding sixty-five shares, may be granted on one and the same life, by which assurances may be effected from £200 to £3000, and participate in the benefits of the so- ciety. 1 he Uoyal Exchange Assurance Company re- ASSURANCE. 77 ceived its charter in 1720, and is principally en- gaged in insuring ships and goods at sea, and of houses and goods from fire ; but it also grants annuities and assurances on life. In the latter, it confines itself to the payment of the sum as- sured . The Equitable is the most considerable in point of numbers, and, on the whole, perhaps the most respectable of the societies for the as- surance of lives, to which it is chiefly confined. In this society all are paitiiers, and mutually assurers of each other. It arose from small be- ginnings, and has made considerable alterations from the rate of its first premiums, till it settled in the table armexed to this article, which is that generally adopted by these associations. At cer- tain periods additions have been made to the policies ; and, in this manner, its aifairs were conducted till December 7, 1809, v/hen a change took place respecting the members then assured, namely, that instead of waiting tillthe end of the next interval, for assigning a sum out of the ac- cumulations to each policy, every member should have two per cent, annually assigned to his po- licy, during the years of this period. Conse- quently, all holders of policies, prior to the year 1810, will leave to their heirs the sum assured by the policy, together with its accumulations up to the year 1810, and also two percent, per an- num for his life, within 1810 and 1820 ; but tins benefit does not accrue to members entering at the close of the year 1809. Whether this plan can be continued or extended, time will show. The number of the members in this society made it necessary to change some of their regulations respecting votes ; and it was wisely resolved, that persons becoming members, after the 19th December 1809, should not have a vote at the general meetings, unless they had been as- sured for five years, for the whole continuance of life, in the sum of £2000 ; and to be a direc- tor, the qualification is an assurance of £5000 for the same time, which must have been held for five years. The history of this society is very important, and has been well treated by Dr. Price, in his Observations on Ileversionaiy Payments, and by Mr. Morgan. In consequence of the connexion of Dr. Price with this institution, he drew up his remarks on the various societies which soon after sprung up, and whose names, but for his notice of them, would now be forgotten. Tiiey were formed chietiy about the years 1770 and 1771, offering very fallacious terms to the pub- lic, by which the aged were benefited at the ex- ])ense of their juniors ; and the evil is not yet cured. For some time no other important society arose; but, in the year 1792, the Westminster Life Assurance was formed. The Pelican in 1797 ; the (Jlobe in 1799 ; the Albion in 1805 ; the Rock and the Provident in 1806 ; the Eagle, Hope, London Life Association, and Atlas, in 1807. The Rock and Equitable we have no- ticed. The Provident combines with life, policies on fire ; but it assigns also, at certain times, addi- tions to its policies. The Hope is also a fire and life office, and both are proprietary companies. The rates in these societies are the same as those in the Equitable and Rock. The Albion and the Globe are life and fire as- surance companies ; their rates are also the same They pay also the sum assured ; but a liberal commission is allowed to solicitors, and to others who effect assurances. The London Life Association is confined en- tirely to life assurances ; but it differs from the others in this, that its aim is, that the benefits re suiting from its transactions shall be enjoyed by the members during life ; in other words, the society assures to a person the sum named in the policy, and no more; but at certain times it con- siders whether the surplus of the accumulations above the claims is sufficient to admit pf a dimi- nution of premium, and one is made accordingly. In this society all are members and assurers one of tiie other, and consequently the surviving members at any time are bound to make up the deficiency, if any should arise by this mode of arrangement. This could be done by raising, in the first instance, the premiums that have been lowered ; and it is very improbable, that, widi good management, any thing farthor would be necessary. In imitation of these London Com- panies, several have been formed throughout the country. The practical mode of effecting an assurance in these societies is as follows : The party de- sirous of effecting an assurance, receives from the office of the company a printed paper called a declaration, which he fills up with the name of the party to be assured, his age, the place and time of his birth, and place of his present re- sidence, v.'ilh certain particulars as to his health. This declaration is then duly signed ; and it contains a clause, stating, that any falsehood in the declaration invalidates the policy. To cor- roborate the statement, references are given to two persons well acquainted with the party on whom the assurance is made, one of whom is to be a medical person, and sometimes more re- ferences are required. The reasons for these precautions are obvious. When the declaration has been thus com- pleted, the person by whom the assurance is made makes his appearance before the directors of the company, who enquire into the general state of his health, and a minute is entvired in their books accordingly. The letter of the re- ferees, with the declaration, are subsequently laid before the court, which from these docu- ments, and information frequently derived from other sources, forms its decision ; and this is entered on the minutes of the court, and com- municated to the applicant. A certain time is allowed for the payment of the premium ; and if it is not paid within that time, the assurance cannot be effected, but by a fresh application to the court, accorduig to the forms above mentioned. On the payment of the premium a receipt is given, containing the number of the policy, which is then made out according to the decla- ration, inspected by the court, signed by a certain number of directors, and delivered to the other party interested in it. If the person, on whose life the assurance is made cannot annear before the directors, or any 78 ASSURANCE. one appointed by thera for tliat purpose, an ad- ditional sum is charged for non-appearance. There is also a duty to be paid to government on each policy, and this, with a small entrance fee, makes an addition to the first year's pre- mium. But the premium itself is only named in the policy, as on the future payment of this sum its existence depends. A policy is assignable ; and it often forms a se- curity for sums advanced, and not unfrequently becomes an object of sale. In these cases, the holder of the policy pays the future premiums, and the advantage of a purchaser consists in holding a policy at a less premium than he must have paid at the present age of the party, on whose life the assurance was made. Thus, supposing a policy to have been granted for the payment of a thousand pounds, at the death of a party aged between thirty-seven and thirty- eight, when the policy was made ; supposb it is sold when the party is between fifty and fifty- one ; the purchaser will have to pay £32. 5s. annually, during the existence of the policy : whereas, if he had taken out a policy at the present age of the party, his premium would be £46. 15a-. For the difference between these two sums, namely £14. 10s., a price is fixed on ; but it is to be observed, that, in the sale of a policy in the market, this disadvantage attends it, — that the bidders, not being acquainted with the person on whose life the policy is made, and being liable to trouble and expense, to ascertain that he is alive at each payment of the premium, must make a deduction on this account, from what they might otherwise presume to be a -compensation for the difference between the two premiums. On the death of the party on whom the claim depends, certain documents are required, such as the register of the burial of the deceased ; and references to the medical persons or others who attended him in his last illness ; and, if he effected the policy himself, the probate of his will, or, if it has been assigned to another, the copy of the assignment. The grounds of these precautions are, with respect to the receiver of the sura assured, obvious ; and the nature of the death must be ascertained; as, in case of suicide, or dying by the hands of justice, or on a voyage on the high seas, without licence from the com- pany, (except, in general, in gomg from one part in the united kingdom to another,) the policy is vitiated. In the interval between the notice of the party's death, and the time assigned for the payment of the claim, due investigation is made ; and, every thing having been found satisfactory, the claimant brings wjth him the policy and a receipt for the sum claimed, which is imme- diately paid to him ; the seals are torn from the policy, and the contract is at an end. In the case that a claim is payable, in the event of a person being alive at a certain time, his ap- pearance before the court is requisite, or suf- ficient proof must be given that he was alive at the time defined by the policy. Policies depending on a person being alive at a certain time, are very rare, and chiefly confined to endowments for children, in which case the payment of a gross sum down, or of an annual payment till the child attains the age of twenty- one, secures to that child, at that age, the sura named in the policy. This mode of assurance has led some offices to compose a table of rates, according to which, a person at the age of twenty is required to pay a premium, which would pro- duce at legal interest more than he would receive at the expiration of the year, from the company ; and thus a person, if any such could be found, to effect an assurance of this kind, would run the risk of losing the sum assured, and receive, if successful, not so much as he could have at- tained without any risk at all. On the whole, the doctrine of assurance must ahvays be considered a subject of the first im- portance, in a commercial state like that of Great Britain, and to involve an immense number of interests. When we consider the thousands of families in this country, who are living in a state of comparative affluence, without possessing any, or very little, disposable property; whose income, in fact, depends almost entirely on the exertions of the head of the family, and with the extinction of whose life every source of income ceases ; when we contemplate the po- verty and distress in which many widows, with their helpless children, would be plunged by such an event, we cannot estimate too highly the advantages which are held out by those so- cieties, who, on honorable principles, furnish the means whereby every provident father and husband may, in part, avert the consequences of a premature death ; to which every one is liable, and against which event every man ought to be provided. Perhaps, no part of the civil economy of this country shows more decidedly the high moral state of the middling classes of the people, than the immense amount of life assurances ef- fected in the different off.ces of the metropolis, and in those of like local companies in several of the counties in England ; nor, perhaps, can we have a stronger instance of the high degree of confidence that the people are disposed to place in the moral rectitude of the government : by far the greater part of the capital of the companies to which we have alluded being in- vested under government securities. The following is a table of the rates generally acted uj)on by the Life Assurance Offices in the capital. ASSURANCE. 79 ASSURANCE OF SINGLE SURVIVORSHIP OF A LIFE ASSURANCE ON TWO JOINT LIVFS. ASSUKEU LIVES. To secure a Sum to the Nominee To secure a Sum to the No- or lawful Representatives of the To secure a Sum, payable when minee , or to the lawful Re- Assurec , in case a Person named either of Two Persons named shall presentatives of the Assured. shall survive another. 1 happen to die. Prem lUIE Premium Premium per cent. Age of :the life Age of the life | Premium against which uer cent. Premium Age. per cent if assurec from yeai per cent 'per an. i assured for seven per an. it assured for the whole 'assured the assured is made. per an- num. so < 6 to < per cent per an- num. so < bO < Premium per cent. per annum. to year. years. term of £. S. d. life. 10 10 20 30 1 8 6 1 9 1 1 8 3 " " If. . d £. s. d £. S. d. £. s. d. £. s. d. 8 to 14 17 9 115 1 17 7 40 17 8 10 10 2 17 1 30 30 4 8 11 1510 17 111 2 11 1 18 7 50 1 6 11 15 3 1 1 35 4 14 1 16 19 214 7 1 19 8 60 1 6 20 3 5 7 40 5 11 17 1 1 216 1 2 8 70 1 4 11 25 3 9 31 45 5 9 6 18 19 1 3 1 5 S!l 7 5 2 18 2 2 8 80 1 3 4 30 3 13 9 6 50 55 6 1 6 15 5 1 8 6 20 10 1 16 6 35 3 19 20 1 7 3 1 9 b 2 3 7 20 1 17 40'4 6 10, 60 7 15 21 1 8 10 1 10 1 2 4 6 30 1 15 9 45 4 15 11: 67 9 18 1 22 1 9 3 1 10 6 2 5 4 40 1 14 8 505 7 10 1 23 1 9 8 1 11 2 6 3 50 1 13 6 55,6 2 8 35 35 4 19 24 1 10 2 1 11 6i2 7 1 60 1 12 1 60j7 2 9| 40 5 5 6 25 1 10 7 1 12 1 2 8 1 70 1 10 6 67,9 6 3 45 5 13 10 26 27 1 11 1 11 1 7 1 12 7 1 13 2 2 9 1 2 10 1 80 1 8 3 1 50 (^ '=' ^ i 15 15*3 5 55 6 19 2 30 10 2 5 5 28 1 12 1 1 13 92 11 1 20 2 6 203 9 6, 60 7 18 6 29 30 1 12 1 13 8 3 1 14 4 1 14 11 2 12 3 2 13 5 30 2 4 6| 253 13 303 17 li 6 67 10 1 2 40 2 2 9i 31 1 13 9 1 15 7 2 14 7 50 2 11 354 3 li 40 40j 5 11 9 32 1 14 4 1 16 3 2 15 9 60 1 18 10 40 4 10 4 45 5 19 9 33 1 15 1 16 102 17 1 70 1 16 7 454 19 5 50 6 10 8 34 1 15 8 1 17 82 18 5 80 1 13 9 50 5 11 556 6 3| 1 55 7 4 5 60 8 3 4 35 1 16 4 1 18 10 2 19 10 40 10 2 19 2' 36 1 17 1 19 7 3 1 4 20 2 19 10 607 6 67 10 5 6 371 1 17 9 2 8 3 2 10 30 2 18 2 67 9 9 5 ; ' 1 38 1 18 6 2 1 9;3 4 6 40 2 15 11 4<; 4=; fi T A \ ^0 ^, w I * 39 1 19 3 2 2 11 3 6 2 50 2 12 10 20 20 3 13 11 50 6 17 9 40 2 8 2 4 1'3 7 11 60 2 9 4' 25 3 17 5 55' 7 11 41 2 2 2 5 4399 70 2 5 11 30 4 1 9 60 8 9 6 42 2 3 6 2 6 63 11 8 ' 80 2 1 10 35 4 7 h 6710 11 1 43 44' 2 4 2 5 6 6 2 7 9 3 13 8 2 9 23 15 9 404 14 455 3 el . : , I 50 10 4 11 4 1 10 4 1 50 50| 7 7 8 45 2 6 8 2 10 103 17 11 20 505 15 4I 55 8 3 46 2 7 10 2 12 6 4 2 30 55 6 10 2 60 8 18 2 47 i 2 9 2 14 4 4 2 7 40 3 17 10 3 13 10 60 7 10 2' 67 10 18 10 48 2 10 3 2 16 4 4 5 1 50 679 13 9i ' 1 49| 50 2 12 2 15 3 1 -IQ A A "T ^ A 60 3 7 7 1 1 ^«;!^^ « 19 9 3 8 4 10 8 70 3 1 6| 2 15 25 254 10 ^0 60 9 9 51 52 2 17 2 19 4 1 3 2 84 13 6 3 4 94 16 5 80 30,4 5 354 10 3 67 11 8 5 60 10 5 16 9 53 3 1 "7 f\\ A i r\ rr. 20 5 18 404 17 4 3 7 1 ly / 54 3 3 3 9 5 5 2 lo 30 5 16 3 45^5 6 2 60 60 10 4 9 55 3 5 3 12 5 6 4 40 5 14 505 17 10; 67 12 2 1 56 3 7 3 3 14 8 5 10 1 50 5 10 7 55,6 12 6 57! 3 9 8 3 17 6 5 14 60 5 2 4 60T 12 5| — 1 58 3 12 3 4 6 5 18 2 70 4 9 10 67 9 15 9 67 67 13 15 8 1 59 60 3 15 3 18 1 1 4 3 8 fi 2 sl 80 3 17 11 1 1 ' 1 4 7 1 6 7 4 67 10 j 8 10 61 4 1 5 4 10 11 6 12 4 20 8 2 9 ■ 62 4 3 11 4 15 6 17 9 30 8 10 63 4 7 8 4 19 8 7 3 7 40 7 18 7 64 4 10 9 5 4 10 7 9 10 50 7 15 6 65 4 15 2 5 10 10 7 16 9 60 7 8 8 66 5 1 5 17 7|8 4 1 70 6 10 8 67 5 5 6 6 5 28 12 1 1 80 5 8 9 80 ASSYRIA. ASSURGENT Leaves, in botany, denote such as are first bent down, and then rise erect towards the apex. ASS US, or Assos, in ancient geography, a town of Troas, though by others supposed to be of Mysia, and the same with ApoUonia, but dif- ferent from the Apolloniu on the Rhyndacus. Ptolemy places it on the sea coast, but Strabo more inland. It was the country of Cleanthes, the stoic philosopher, who succeeded Zeno. St. Luke and others of St. Paul's companions in his voyage. Acts xx. 13, 14, went by sea from Troas to Assos : but St. Paul went thither by land; and, meeting them at Assos, they all went to- getlier to Mitilene. See Assos. ASSYRIA, an ancient kingdom of Asia, con- cerning the extent, commencement, and duration of which, historians difler greatly in their ac- counts. Several ancient writers, in particular Ctesias and Diodorus Siculus, have affirmed that the Assyrian monarchy, under Ninus and Semira- mis, comprehended the greater part of the known world. Had this been the case, it is not likely that Homer and Herodotus would have omitted a fact so remarkable. The sacred records intimate that none of the ancient states or kingdoms were of considerable extent ; for neither Chedorlaomer nor any of the neighbouring princes were tribu- tary or subject to Assyria; and we find nothing of the greatness or power of this kingdom in the history of the judges and succeeding kings of Israel, though the latter kingdom was oppressed and enslaved by many different powers in that period. It is highly probable, therefore, that Assyria was originally of small extent. Accord- ing to Ptolemy, it was bounded on the north by Armenia major; on the west by the Tigris; on the south by Susiana ; and on the east by Media. The revolutions of the Assyrian monarchy were numerous. Its founder was Ashur, the second son of Sham, who went out of Shinar, either by the appointment of Nimrod, or to elude the fury of that tyrant ; conducted a large body of adven- turers into Assyria, and laid the foundation of Ni- neveh, Gen. x. 11. These events happened not long after Nimrod had established the Chaldean monarchy, and fixed his residence at Babylon. The Persian historians suppose, that the kings of Persia of the first dynasty were the same with the kings of Assyria, of whom Zohath, or Nimrod, was the founder of Babel. Herbelot Orient. Bib. V. Bagdad. It does not, however, appear, that Nimrod reigned in Assyria. The kingdoms of Babylon and Assyria were originally distinct and separate, Micah v. 6 ; and in this state they re- mained until Ninus conquered Babylon, and made it tributary to the Assyrian empire. Ninus, the successor of Ashur, Gen. x. 11, Diod. Sic. lib. 1, seized on Chaldea, after the death of Nimrod, and united the kingdoms of Assyria and Babylon. This prince is said to have subdued Asia, Persia, Media, Kgypt, &c. If he did so. the effects of his conquests were of short duration ; for in the days of Abraham we do not find that any of the neighbouring kingdoms were subject to Assyria. lie was succeeded by Semiramis, a princess of an heroic mind; bold, enterprising, fortunate; but of whom many fabulous things have been record- ed. It appears, however, that there were two princesses of the same name, who flourished at very different periods. One of them was the consort of Ninus ; and the other lived five gener- ations before Nitocris, queen of Nebuchadnezzar, Euseb. Chron. p. 58. Herod, lib. l,cap. 184. This fact has not been attended to by many writers. Whether there was an uninterrupted series of kings from Ninus to Sardanapalus, or not, is still a question. Some suspicion has arisen, that the list which Ctesias has given of the Assyrian kings is not genuine ; for many names in it are of Per- sian, Egyptian, and Grecian extraction. Nothing memorable has been recorded concerning the suc- cessors of Ninus and Semiramis. Of that eflemi- nate race of princes it is barely said, that they ascended the throne, lived in indolence, and died in their palaces at Nineveh. Diodorus relates, that in the reign of Teutames, the Assyrians solicited by Priam their vassal, sent to the Trojans a supply of 20,000 foot and 200 chariots, under the com- mand of Memnon, son of Tithonus, president of Persia. But this is not confirmed by any other author. Sardanapalus was the last, and by all accounts the most efTeminate of the ancient Assyrian kings. Historians have unanimously reprobated his character ; and Lord Byron has made it the foundation of a beautiful poem. We have only to add, that Arbaces, governor of Media, taking advantage of Sardanapalus's indolence, withdrew his allegiance and rebelled against him. He was encouraged in this revolt by the ad- vice and assistance of Belesis, a Chaldean priest, who engaged the Babylonians to follow the ex- ample of the Medes. These powerful provinces, aided by the Persians and other allies, who de- spised the efi'eminacy, or dreaded the tyranny of their Assyrian lords, attacked the empire on all sides. Their most vigorous efforts were, in the beginning, unsuccessful. Firm and determined, however, in their opposition, they at length pre- vailed ; defeated the Assyrian army, besieged Sardanapalus in his capital, which they demo- lished, and became masters of the empire A. A. C. 821. The Assyrian empire was now divided into three kingdoms, viz. the Median, Assyrian, and Babylonian. Arbaces retained the supreme power and authority, and fixed his residence at Ecbatana in Media. He nominated governors in Assyria and Babylon, who were honored with the title of kings, while they remained subject and tributary to the Median monarchs. Belesis re- ceived the government of Babylon as the reward of his services ; and Phul was entrusted with that of Assyria. The Assyrian governor gradually en- larged the boundaries of his kingdom, and was succeeded by Tiglath-pileser, Salmanasar, and Sennacherib, who asserted and maintained their independency. After the death of Esar-haddon, the brother and successor of Sennacherib, the kingdom of Assyria was split, and annexed to tlie kingdoms of Media and Babylon. Several tribu- tary princes afterwards reigned in Nineveh ; but 1)0 particular account of them is found in the annals of ancient nations. We hear no more of the kings of Assyria, but of those of Babylon, Cyaxares, king of Media, assisted Nebuchadnez- zar, king of Babylon, in the siege of Nineveh, which they took and destroyed, A. A.C. 606. The most remarkable provinces of Assyria AST were, 1. Arapachitis, bordering on Armenia. 2. Corduem, a mountainous territory, tlie ancient residence of the Carduclii, mentioned by Xeno- phon in his Anabasis. 3. Adiabene, in Strabo's time, the most considerable province in Assyria. 4. Calachene, lying between tlie mountains of Armenia and Zabus Major. 6. Apollianatis, watered by the river Ganges. G. Settacene, by some reckoned a portion of Babylonia. 7. Cha- lonitis, separated from Media by a branch of Mount Taurus. Assyrian Letters, a denomination given by several Rabbins and Talmudists, to the characters of the present Hebrew alphabet, as supposing them to have been borrowed from the Assyrians during the Jewish captivity in Babylon. ASTA, an inland town of Liguria, a Roman colony, on the river Tanarus, now called Asti. AsTA, or AsTA Regia, a town of Bcetica, situated at the mouth of the Baetis, which was choked up with mud, north of Cadiz^ and sixteen miles distant from its port. Its ruins show its former greatness. Its name is Phoenician, de- noting a frith or arm of the sea. It is said to be the same with the present Xera. ASTABAT, a town of Armenia, in Asia, three miles from the river Aras, and twelve south of Nakshivan. The land about it is excellent, and produces very good wine. ASTtEUS, a species of the crab insect. ASTAKILLOS, a denomination given by Pa- racelsus to a malignant gangrenous ulcer in the legs, occasioned by a mercurial salt in the blood. It is also called by him araneus, and ulcus ara- neum, the spider's ulcer. ASTANDA, in antiquity, a royal courtier or messenger; the same with Angarus, Darius king of Persia, is said by Plutarch, in his book on the fortunes of Alexander, to have formerly been an astanda. ASTARIL.l"!,, AsTARiT^, or Astarothites, a name given to those Jews who worshipped Ash- taroth. ASTARTE, in ancient geography, a city on ihe other side Jordan; one of the names of Rab- bah Ammon, in Arabia Petrsea. Astarte, in pagan mythology. r.OTH. On a medal of Caesa- rea Palestina, Astarte is repre- sented as in the annexed fi- gure, in a short habit, crown- ed with battlements, holding the head of Osiris in her right hand, and a staff in her left, inscription COLonia Frima TeUx AUGusta Flavia Commodiana, ^c. ASTATE'. See Estate. The vorlde stante ever upon debate. So male be siker none antate. Now here, now there, now to, now fro. Now up, now down, the world goth so. And ever hath done, and ever shall. Gower. Con. A. The Prologue. ASTATI, in the ninth century, the followers of one Sergius, who renewed the errors of the Manichees. They prevailed much under the emperor Nicephorus ; but his successor, Michael Curopalates, curbed them with very severe laws Vol. III. See Ashta- 81 AST ASTEEPTNG. In steeping. See Steep. Where Pcrah's flowers Perfume proud Babel's bowers. And paint hiwwall : There we lay'd asteeping Our eyes in endless weeping. For S ion's fall. P. Fletcher's Poems, p. 1C3. ASTEISM, in rhetoric, a pleasant kind of irony, or handsome way of deriding another. Such, c. g. is that of Virgil : Qui Bavium non odit, amet tua carmina, Mavi, &c ASTELL (Mary) was the daughter of an opu- lent merchant at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where she was born about 1668. She was educated in a manner suitable to her station ; and amongst other accomplishments was mistress of the French, and had some knowledge of the Latin tongue. Her uncle, a clergyman, observing in her marks of a promising genius, took her under his tuition, and taught her mathematics, logic, and philo- sophy. She left the place of her nativity when she was about twenty years of age, and spent the remaining part of her life in London and at Chelsea. Here she pursued her studies with great assiduity, made great proficiency in the above-mentioned sciences, and acquired a more complete knowledge of the classics. Among these Seneca, Epictetus, Hierocles, Antonius, Tully, Plato, and Xenophon were her favorites. Siie wrote, 1 . A Serious Proposal to the Ladies. 2. An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex. 3. Letters concerning the Love of God. 4. Essays upon Marriage, Crosses in Love, and Friend- ship. 5. Moderation truly stated. 6. The Chris- tian Religion, as professed by a daughter of the Church of England. 7. Bart'lemey Fair, or an Enquiry after wit ; and otiier works. She died in 1731, aged sixty-three, and was buried at Chelsea. ASTENA, a genus of worms of the mollusca order, in the Linnaean system. ASTER, in ancient pharmacy, a kind of me- dicine, invented by Andromachus, against de- fluxions and divers pains. Aster, in botany, starwort, a genus of the polygamia superfiua order, and syngenesia class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the forty-ninth order, composita; discoides. The receptacle is naked ; the pappus simple ; the i-ays of the corolla ten ; and the calyx imbricated. There are above thirty species. All of them may be raised from seed sown either in autumn or spring : but the greater part being perennial plants, and increasing greatly at the roots, are generally propagated by parting their roots early in the spring. They will grow in almost any soil or situation ; and the larger sorts increase very fast. They grow best in the shade : tiie lower kinds do not run so much at the root, but should be taken up and transplanted every other year; which will make them produce much fairer flowers. Some few sorts which are natives of warm climates, will require artificial heat to raise them, if not to preserve them. Aster, in mineralogy, a species of Samian earth. ASTERABAD, a small province of Persia, bounded on the west by the Caspian sea, on the G AST south by tlie districts of Damgan and Bistan, and on the north and east by the river Aslior. This province is the ancient Ilyrcania, and the paternal estate of the present king of Persia, as chief of the tribe Kajar, or Kujur, which has en- tire possession of it. The capital is situated on the south-east shore of the Caspian sea, at the mouth of the river Aster, or Ester. It was de- stroyed by Tamerlane, and is now governed by a descendant of the reigning family of Persia. 300 miles N. N. E. of Ispahan. Long. 54° E., lat. 360 44' N. ASTERAC, or Esterac, a ci-devant district of France, in Armagnac, now included in the department of Gers. It is fertile and populous. ASTERIA, a gem, sometimes called the cat's eye, or oculus felis. It is a very singular and beautiful stone, and somewhat approaches to the nature of the opal, in having a bright included color, which seems to be lodged deep in the body of the stone, and shifts about, as it is moved, in various directions : but it differs from the opal in all other particulars, especially in its want of the great variety of colors seen in that gem, and in its superior hardness. It is usually found be- tween the size of a pea and the breadth of a six- pence ; is almost always of a semicircular form, broad and flat at the bottom, and rounded and convex at the top ; and is naturally smooth and polished. It has only two colors, a pale brown and a white ; the brown seeming the ground, and the white playing about in it, as the fire color in the opal. It is considerably hard, and will take a fine polish, but is usually worn with its native shape and smoothness. It is found in the East and West Indies, and in Europe. The island of Borneo affords some veiy fine ones, but they are usually small ; they are very common in the sands of rivers in New Spain ; and in Bohemia they are often found immersed in the same masses of jasper with the opal. AsTERiA, an extraneous fossil, called in Eng- lish the star-stone. These fossils are small, short, angular, or sulcated columns, between one and two inches long, and seldom above a third of an inch in diameter : composed of several regular joints ; when separated, each resembles a radiated star. They are, not without reason, supposed to be a part of some sea-fish petrified, probably the asterias or sea-star. The asteria is also called astrites, astroites, and asteriscus. They may be reduced to two kinds : those whose whole bodies make the form of a star ; and those which in the whole are irregular, but are adorned as it were with constellations in the parts. The asterial spoken of by the ancients appears to be of this latter kind. The quality of moving in vinegar, as if animated, is scarcely perceivable in the astrites, but is signal in the asteria. The former must be broken in small pieces before it will move ; but the latter will move, not only in a whole joint, but in two or three knit together. The curious frequently meet with these stones in many parts of England. Asteria, in zoology, a name by which some authors have called the falco palumbarius, or gos-hawk. See Falco. ASTERIAS, star-fish, or sea-star, in zoology, a [renus of insects of the order of vermes mol- 82 AST lusca. It has a depressed body, covered with a coriaceous coat; is composed of five or more segments, running out from a central part, and furnished with numerous tentacula; and has the mouth in the centre. The tentacula resemble the horns of snails, but serve the animal to walk with. They are capable of being contracted or shortened : and it is only at the creatures moving that they are seen of their full length ; at other times, no part of them is seen but the extremity of each, which is formed like a sort of button, being somewhat larger than the rest of the horn. Aristotle and Pliny called this genus azi)o, and Stella marina, from their resemblance to the pic- tured form of the stars of heaven; and they as- serted that they were so exceedingly hot, as instantly to consume whatsoever they touched ! The fossil world has been greatly enriched by the fragments and remains of the several pieces of star-fish which have been converted into stones. See Asteria. There are many species of this genus : some of twelve, thirteen, and even four- teen rays. Most of them are found in our seas. We enumerate the principal : 1 . A. caput meducae, or arborescent sea-star, having five rays issuing from an angular body ; the rays divided into innumerable branches, growing slender as they recede from the base. These the animal, in swimming, spreads like a net ; and when he per- ceives any prey within them, draws them in again. It is called by some the Magellanic star- fish, and basket-fish. 2. A. clathatra, or cancel- lated sea-star, with five short thick rays, hirsute beneath, cancellated above, is found on our coasts, but is rare. 3. A. decacnemos having ten very slender rays, with numbers of long beards on the sides ; the body small, and sur- rounded beneath with ten filiform rays. It in- habits the western coasts of Scotland. 4. A. gla- cialis, with five rays, depressed, round at the base, yellow, and having a round striated oper- culum on the back, is the most common ; it feeds on oysters, and is very destructive to the beds. 5. A. hispida, with five rays, broad, angulated at top, and rough, with short bristles, is of a brown color, and found about Anglesea. 6. A. oculata, with five smooth rays, dotted or punctured, is of a fine purple color, also found about Anglesea. 7. A. placenta, with five very broad and mem- braneous rays, extremely thin and flat, found about Weymouth. 8. A. spherulata, with a pen- tagonal indented body; a small globular head between the base of each ray ; the rays slender, jointed, taper, and hirsute on their sides; found off Anglesea. Asterias, in ornithology, the ancient name of the bittern. See Ardea. ASTERION, in astronomy, one of the canes venatici. ASTERISCUS, in botany, asteriodes buph- thalmum, the ox eye. ASTERISK, > Gr.Affrtpifficoc, a diminutive As'terism. i of aarrjn, a star. Asterisms denote a number of stars, a constellation. Asterisk is a character of reference used in print- ing, resembling a small star. Dwell particularly on passages with an asterism, for the observations which follow such a note, will give you a clear light. Dryden's Dufremoy. AST 83 Poetry had filled the skies with asterisms, and his- tories belonging to them ; and then astrology devises the feigned virtues and influences of each. Beriiley's Sermons. He also published the translation of the Scptuagint by itself ; having first compared it with the Hebrew, and noted by asterisks what was defective, and by obelisks what was redundant. Grew. ASTERIUS, or Asturius, a Roman consul, •who lived about A. D. 449. He wrote A Con- ference on the Old and New Testament, in Latin verse, which is extant, and in which each strophe contains, in the first verse, an historical fact in the Old Testament, and in the second an appli- cation of that fact to some point in the New. AS'TERN. On the stern. See Stern. Having left this strait astern, we seemed to be come out of a river of two leagues broad, unto a large and uiain sea. The World encompassed by Sir F Drake, 1578. The galley gives her side, and turns her prow. While those astern descending down the steep. Through gaping ways behold the boiling deep. Dri/den. Rut at seven in the evening, finding we did not near the chase, and that the Wager was very far astern, we shortened sail, and made a signal for the cruizers to join the squadron. Anson's Voyage, p. 50, Astern is used to signify any thing at some distance behind the ship ; being the opposite of a-iiead, which signifies the space before her. See Ahead. ASTEROP.EUS, a Trojan hero, who fought with Achilles, in single combat, and proved him not invulnerable, by wounding him in the right arm; notwithstanding which Achilles slew him. ASTEROPIIYTON, in natural history, a kind of fish composed of a great number of cylindric rays, each branching out into several others, so as to represent the branched stalks of a very intri- cate shrub. ASTEROPODIUM, a kind of extraneous fossil, of the same substance with the asteriae or star-stones, to which they serve as a base. See AsTERiA and Star-stone. ASTESAN, the ancient county of Asti, a dis- trict of Upper Italy, bounded by Chieri and Carmagnola on the west, by the Vercellois on the north and east, and by the marquisate of (jorzegno on the south. It is a fruitful and po- pulous territory, about twenty-five miles long and ten broad, and belongs to the house of Sa- voy. It produces excellent wines, and exports to various parts of Italy large quantities of olives. ASTETE'S Island, an island to the north- west of the gulf of Carpentaria, New Holland, containing some traces of iron ore, and well wooded. ASTHMA, a frequent, difficult, and short re- spiration, joined with a hissing sound and a cough, especially in the night-time, and when the body is in a prone posture ; because then the contents of the lower belly bear so against tiie diaphragm, as to lessen the capacity of the breast, whereby the lungs have less room to move. See Medicine. ASTI, a city of Montserrat in Italy, capital of the county. It has a bishop's see ; is well for- tified with strong walls and deep ditches : and is divided into the city, borough, citadel, and castle. AST There are a great many churches, convents, and other handsome buildings in it. It is seated on the Tanaro, twenty-four miles east of Turin. Population 22,000. The inhabitants carry on a considerable trade in corn, wine, and silk, which is promoted by the situation of the town on the high-road from Alessandria to Turin. ASTIGI, in ancient geography, a colony, and conventus juridicus, of Bcetica, situated on the Singulus, which falls into the Baetis ; called also Colonia Astigitana, and Augusta Firma; now Ecya, midway between Seville and Corduba. ASTIP'ULATE, i To make an agreement. Astip'ulation. 5 See Stipulate. I do by my royal authority, confirm to persons of monastical religion, and by the consent and astipula- tion of my princes and peers do establish and consign to them that monastery. Bp, Hall's Polemical Works, p. 187. Shortly, all, but a hateful Epicurus, have asiipu- lated to this truth. Id. Devotional Works. ASTIPULATOR, among the Roman Catho- lics, he by whose consent and leave a nun takes the religious habit. ASTLE (Thomas), an English antiquary, was the son of a farmer in Staffordshire. After he had received a liberal education, Mr. Grenville took him under his patronage, and about 1763 gave him a place along with Sir Joseph Ayloffe and Dr. Ducarel, in the superintendance of the Westminster records. In 1766 he was chosen to conduct the printing of the ancient records of parliament; and in 1775 was appointed prin- cipal clerk in the record office in the Tower ; from which, on the death of Sir John Shelly, he succeeded to the office of keeper of the lecords. He died in December 1803, and was the author of many curious papers in the volumes of the Archagologia ; also of a work entitled Origin and Progress of Writing, as well hieroglyphic as ele- mentary ; which was first printed in 1784, 4to, and again in 1803. ASTLEY (John), a native of Wem in Shrop- shire, though he studied painting under the same master with Sir Joshua Reynolds, is more me- morable as a favorite of fortune, than as a limner. His best pictures are copies of the Bentivoglio's, Titian's Venus, &c. Lady Daniel, having sat to him for her picture, within a week after gave him the original, with the estate of Duckenfield, worth £5000 a year. He died in 1787. AsTLEY (Philip), the founder of the royal am- phitheatre near Westminster Bridge, was born at Newcastle-under-line in 1742, and bred a cabinet- maker. In 1759 he enlisted in the Light Horse, and served seven years in Germany, where he acquired the reputation of a good soldier. On his return home, he began to exhibit equestrian performances; and in 1780 erected a building which he called the amphitheatre riding house, for which he subsequently procured a license. In 1794 Mr. Astley went to the continent as a volunteer in the army. This campaign led to the publication of his Descriptive and Historical Account of the places now the theatre of war in the Low Countries, with plans of fortifications; London, 1794, 8vo ; and Remarks on the Pro- fession and Duty of a Soldier. Mr. Astley built amphitheatres at Dublin and at Paris, and the G2 AST 84 Olympic Pavilion near the Strand. He closed an active and diversified life at Paris, October 20th, 1814, at the a^e of seventy-two. Another work of his is entitled A System of Equestrian Education, exhibiting the Beauties and Defects of the Horse, 1800, 4to. ASTOMl, in anthropology, a people feigned to be without mouths. Pliny speaks of a nation of Astomi in India, who lived only by the smell or effluvia of bodies taken in by the nose ! ASTON (Sir Arthur), a commander in the service of Charles I. was at the head of the dra- goons at the battle of Edgehill, and three times defeated the earl of Essex. He was successively governor of Reading and Oxford. He had the misfortune to break one of his legs in such a manner as to make amputation necessary; and, serving in Ireland after the death of the king, when Cromwell took Drogheda, where Aston ■was governor, his brains were beaten out with his wooden leg. Aston (Sir Thomas), of an ancient family in Cheshire, was created baronet in 1628, and ap- pointed high sheriff of Cheshire in 1635. He raised a troop of horse for king Charles I., but was defeated and wounded in the vicinity of Nantwich in 1642. lie was afterwards made prisoner, and carried to Stafford ; and, while endeavouring to make his escape, a soldier struck him on the head, which, with other wounds he had received, brought on a fever, which ended in his death, in 1643. Sir Thomas was author of, 1. A Remonstrance against Pres- bytery, 1641, 4to; 2. A Short Survey of the Presbyterian Discipline ; 3. Brief Review of the Institution, Succession, and Jurisdiction of Bishops. Ang.-Sax, stunian, to stun. Old Fr. estonnc, to amaze, to excite wonder, surprise; to strike as with , thunder, startle, stupify, confound, benumb ; to ston- ny, or, as we say in modern phrase, to petrify. As- tound is from the same root, and of a correspond- ASTON'E, Aston'y, Aston'ving, Aston'jedness, Aston'isii, Aston'ishedly, Aston'ishing, Aston'ishingly, Aston'ishment, Astoun'd. mg signification. But ncthclcs how that it wende He drad hym of his owne sonne That maketli hym well the more astone. Gower. Con. A. book vi. And with this word she fell to ground Aswoune, and there she lay astound. Id. ib. 1. iv. And anoon all the puple seyngc Jhesus was mtonyed and thei dredden, and thei rennynge gretten him, WicUf. Mark, chap, ix. Bo astonyslied (O yc heaues), be afrayde, and abashed at soch a thinge, sayethe the Lord. For my people doue two euels. Bible, 1539. Jeremy, c. ii. Her looks did so astonish me. And set my heart a quaking ; Like stag that gaz'd, I was amaz'd. And in a stranger taking. Belchier, in Ellis, vol. iii. These thoughts may startle well, but not astound. The virtuous mind ; that ever walks, attended By a strong siding champion, conscience. Milim. AST Now they lie Groveling and prostrate on yon lake of fire. As we ere while, astminded and amaz'd. No wonder, fall'a such a pernicious height. Milton. Paradise Lost, h. i. Princes, potentates. Warriors, the flow'r of heaven, once yours, now lost. If such astonishment as this can seize Immortal spirits. Id. But all sate mute. Pondering the danger with deep thoughts ; and each In other's countenance read his own dismay Astonisht. Id. b, ii. As when some peasant in a bushy brake. Has with unwary footing pressed a snake ; He starts aside, astonish'd, when he spies His rising crest, blue neck, and rolling eyes. Dryden's Virgil. The palaces of Peru and Mexico were certainly mean and incommodious habitations, if compared to the houses of European monarchs ; yet who couUt forbear to view them with astonishment, who remem- bered that they were built without the use of iron. Johnson. Whence many wearied e'er they had o'erpast The middle stream (for they in vain have tried) Again return'd astounded and aghast, No one regardful look would ever backward cast. Gilbert West. A genius, universal as his theme. Astonishing as chaos. Thomson. At first, heard solemn thro' the verge of heaven The tempest growls ; but as it nearer comes. And rolls its awful burden on the wind. The lightning's flash a larger curve, and more The noise astounds. Thomson's Seasons. Unmanly dread invades The French astuny'd. J. Philips. Astonishment is that state of the soul in which all its motions are suspended, with some degree of horror. Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful. A character so exalted, so strenuous, so various, so authoritative, astonished a corrupt age, and the trea- sury trembled at the name of Pitt, through all her classes of venality. Grattans Character of Lord Chatham. ASTORCIIA, in botany, a name given by some botanists to the stoechas. ASTORGA, an ancient city of Spain, in the kingdom of Leon, with a bishop's see, sealed on the river Tuerto, and well fortified. It stands in a most agreeable plain, about 160 miles north- west of Madrid. It is now the chief place in a small marquisate, the castle of which it contains. In its territory lies the lake of Sanabria, through which the Tuerto passes with such rapidity as to agitate the whole surface. ASTRiEA, in astronomy, a name of the sign Virgo, by others called Erigone, and sometimes Isis. AsTR^A, in mythology, the goddess of jus- tice, and daughter of Jupiter by Themis, or, as others say, by Nemesis, the goddess of ven- geance. The poets feign that Astrrea quitted heaven to reside on earth, in the golden age; but, growing weary of the iniquities of mankind, she left the earth, and returned to heaven, where she commenced a constellation of stars, and froni her orb still looks down on the way5 of men. ASTRAGAL, in architecture, a little round moulding, which in the orders surrounds the top of the shaft or body of the column. Its etymo- ASTRAKHAN. 85 logy is derived from its resemblance to tlic bone of the heel, culled astragalos. It is also called the talon and tondino; it is used at the bottoms as well as tlie tops of columns, and on other oc- casions ; it properly represents a ring, on what- ever part of a colunni it is placed ; and the origi- nal idea of it was that of a circle of iron put round the trunk of a tree used to support an edifice, to prevent its splitting. The astragal is often cut into beads and berries, and is used in the ornamented entablatures to separate the se- veral faces of the architrave. See Akcuitec- TURE. Astragal, in gunnery, a round moidding encompassing a cannon, about half a foot from its mouUi. ASTRAGALOIDES, in botany, the phaca of I .inntcus. ASTRAGALOMANCY; from a-rpayaXocand liavrtia, divination; a species of divination per- formed by throwing small pieces, with marks corresponding to the letters of the alphabet ; the accidental disposition of which formed the an- swer required. This kind of divination was practised in a temple of Hercules at Achaia. ASTRAGALOTE, in natural history, a species of fossile alum, tlu;s called from its resembling a talus, or ankle-bone ; whence it is also denomi- nated talare. ASTRAGALUS, in anatomy, the bone of the heel. See Anatomy. Astragalus, in botany, milk-vetch, or lirjuor- ice vetch; a genus of the decandria order, and diadelphia class of plants ; ranking in the na- tural method luider the thirty-second order, papilionacea', the pod is gibbous and bilocular. t,)f this genus there are thirty-nine species. 1. A. communis, the common species, grows wild upon dry uncultivated places, and is often re- commended by ]\Ir. Anderson as proper food for cattle. 2. A. tragacantha, a thorny bush, growing in Crete, Asia, and Greece, which yields the gum tragacanth. This is of so strong a body, that a dram of it will give a pint of water the consistence of a syrup, which a whole ounce of gum Arabic is scarce sufficient to do. Hence its use for forming troches and the like purposes, in preference to the other gums. ASTRAKHAN, a city and government of the Russian emjiire, on the siiores of the Caspian, anciently an independent Tutarian sovereignty, but reduced to a Russian province by the Tzar Ivan Vasiliovich in 1-554. It forms a distinct province, named after its principal city ; having been separated from that of Caucasus, in which it was formerly included. It is bounded by the governments of Caucasus, Saratov, Orenburg, the country of the Kirgiz Tartars, the Caspian Sea, and the ci-devant Persian provinces of Daghistun and Lerpistan ; and contains 12,568 square geo- graphical miles. The number of its inhabitants is from 300,000 to 400,000. Its extent from east to west is about 600 geograpiiical miles, and from north to south about 520. The climate is rather warm, tire thermometer rising in the sum- mer to 158'' (rahrenheit) ; but the nights are cold, and the dew very copioMS. The ice is usually strong enough to bear at the end of November, and is not melted again till February. This is followed by violent storms; but spring soon advances, the ground is covered with flowers, and the whole face of nature changed. The sunmicr is remarkably dry. This government is separated from that of Kazan and the Ivozaks o ' the Ural, by a liarren branch of the Uralian chain, wjiich stretches from north to south, and is the only line of hills in this province. The rest of the government is one continued level. The. principal rivers, besides the Volga and Ural, are the Akhtuba, running parallel with the Volga, the Manich, the great and little Uzen, the Kulian, the Kuma, lost in the summer months in the sands, the Terek, tiie Malka, and the Sula. The air in the Steppes is said to be very unhealthy. At a distance from the stream the soU becomes salt and barren, and is covered with drifting sand. There are several salt lakes, such as the liogdo, liasinskoe, Graznoe, Kobilikha, &c. On the banks of the Volga rhubarb and liquor- ice are plentiful, and the extract from the root of the latter is prepared in considerable quanti- ties in the city of Astrakhan. The sea-rose, found near the mouth of the Volga, is here con- sidered as sacred and nutritious. Its flowers have a fragrant smell, and give an essential water of the scent of amber. The shrubs of the Steppes are cherries, sloes, dwarf almcnds, and capers. Near the river there are the willow, alder, birch, ash, poplar, elm, and oak ; the beech also on the Kuban ; but no large woods. The fruit trees are Tatarian mulberries, cherries, apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, quinces, and vines ; and on the latter there are also figs, almonds, wild olives, Spanish chestnuts, pomegranates, and Cornelian cherries (Cornus mas), which, when pickled, taste like olives. Silk, tobacco, and cotton are plentiful ; and the gardens produce all the common roots and herbs. The pasturage ii excellent, and much cattle is reared. Sea and rock-salt, natron, epsom-salt, salt-petre-earth, bitumen, and mineral pitch, are also an abundant source of wealth to Astrakhan. The population of the province is composed of a great number of difi'erent nations ; Russians, Kozaks, Tartars, Kalmuks, Indians, Persians, Armenians, &c. Generally the military, public ofticers, merchants, mechanics, and other citizens, are Russians. The garrisons on the Ural consist of Kozaks, derived from those of die Don, who choose their own officers, except their commander, the hetman, or ataman, who is appointed by the Russian government. The Tartars are, excepting a small number, nomad tribes, continually en- camped, consisting of about 9000 families. The Kalmuks, about 12,000 families, are of the Uerbet tribe, and encamp between the Volga, Don, and Kuma. There are also Armenians, Greeks, Georgians (Gruzinians), Bukharians, Khivinzians, and Hindoos, in considerable numbers, constantly inhabiting the city, to say nothing of the Euio- peans who arc generally to be found there. Some colonies, established on the Terek and Kuma in 1781, cultivate grain, gardens, and vineyards, and produce a considerable quantity of silk. The number of their villages amounted to fifty-diree in 1796. Astrakhan, the capital of the above govern- ment, (called originally Ilaje Teikhan, the 86 ASTRAKHAN. Giterchan, or Ginterchan, of the middle ages), is situated in E. long. 48" 2' 15", N . lat. 46° 2 1' 1 2", and is one of. the most populous and important cities, ranking as the third town, perhaps, of the Russian empire. It contains nearly 70,000 in- habitants. It stands on a hill, in a long narrow island of the \'olga, about thirty miles from its entrance into the Caspian, surrounded by swamps, which in spring are very unliealthy. The town itself, without including the suburbs, is from six to eight miles in circumference. The houses are built principally of brick and sand-stone. Here is an old Tatar castle, or kreml, and the Beloi- Gorod (white tower), built by the tzar, Michael Feodorovich, now in ruins; a cathedral, arch- bishop's palace, public offices, main guard, arsenal, and powder magazine. Belgorod, which adjoins the kreml, on the same hill, is 2510 feet long, 1440 feet broad, and 7110 feet in circum- ference. The city has four gates, and some ruined walls. The streets are ill paved, and much exposed to inundations. Between the kreml and the canal, on the Volga, is the dock- yard, on the other side of which are the Tatarian and Armenian suburbs (slobods), and barracks for the troops. The exchange, where ships from the Caspian unlade and land their goods, is not far from St. Nicolas's Gate, and opposite to it is the haven for vessels coming down the river. Within the suburbs are about 100 vineyards, thirty of which belong to the crown ; a school for the artillery, a bank, and court of justice, in what was formerly the Troitzkoi convent ; and, in the Belograd, the Spasso-preobrashenski con- vent, two parish churches, two hospitals, and a bazar for the use of the Armenians and Hin- doos. The variety of nations and religions in Astra- khan is manifested by the number and difference of the places of worship. The total of them is fifty-seven : twenty-three Russian churches of the Greek communion ; twenty-seven Tatarian mosques, churches, and temples ; four Arme- nian, two Roman Catholic, one Lutheran, and one Hindoo temple. There is also a handsome hospital dedicated to St. Paul, and six monas- teries; several dyeing-houses, brick-fields, tallow- candle manufactories, one iron-foundry, and looms for weaving linen, veils, and sashes. The morocco leather manufactured here is most es- teemed, next to the Turkish ; especially the red. There is also an establishment here for rearing silk-worms, and a botanic garden. European goods are brought either by water from Peters- burgh, or, on sledges, by land from Moscow, and are shipped across the Caspian, or conveyed to Mozdok, in Mount Caucasus. The merchants engaged in this trade employ 250 vessels of dif- ferent tonnage. More than half of the whole trade carried on is in the hands of die Armenians. Many of the Russian merchants employ their vessels in trading voyages to Persia, Khiva, or Bukhara, or carrying stores to Kizliaer, and salt, for the crown, to the towns on the Volga. The Hindoo merchants generally quit their native country at an early age, setting out with a small capital, which they soon increase by trade on their way through Tatary and Persia; and make enormous profits by letting the Tatars of Astra- khan have their goods on credit; so that the latter are always deeply in their debt. The imports from Persia and Bukhara consist of raw silk, about 120,000 lbs. yearly, vvool, dyed woollens, madder, gulls, morocco leather, chintzes, dyed linens, silks, gauzes, small carpets, counter- panes, frankincense, bezoar, naphtha, rice, deer- skins, lamb-skins, Circassian cloth, tulups (pelisses), mountain-honey, tobacco, cotton gowns, Persian peas, dried fruits, almonds, figs, pomegranates, olives, oil, saffron, dried peaches, and spices. The exports consist almost entirely of foreign manufactures; such as velvet, cochineal, satin, plush, linen, and other woven articles, sugar, Russia-leather, iron, dyeing substances, glass, coral, steel and iron wares, metal utensils, wrought gold and silver, wax, soap, trinkets, alum, quick-silver, vitriol, sal-ammoniac, &c. Caravans often arrive by land at Astrakhan from Bukhara and Khiva. The Indian trade alone is from 6 to 700,000 roubles (£l20 to 140,000) an- nually. The silk-manufactures are said to em- ploy from 3 to 400,000 (£60 to 80,000). The supplies sent to the Caucasian lines along the Terek, from 4 to 500,000 (£l00 to 120,000). The prices of all internal produce are low. Little is known concerning the origin of Astrakhan or of its condition before the thirteenth century, when William de Rubruguis found it a village without any fortifications ; but, at the close of that century, it was a considerable emporium for the trade with India and China ; and completely ruined by Timur. It was still a mere village when Josaphat Barbaro saw it in the fifteenth century ; but Ambrosio Contareni, the Venetian ambassador, in the latter end of that century, found a considerable trade in rice and silk car- ried on there. The conquest of it, by the tzar Ivan Vasiliovich, in 1554, was therefore very advantageous to Russia, as it gave her the com- mand not only of the Volga, but also of the Cas- pian, an advantage which she has not neglected to improve. ASTRALISH, among miners, is the ore of gold in its first state. ASTRANTIA, Masterwort, in botany, a genus of the digynia order, and the pentandria class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the forty-fifth order, umbellata;. The in- volucrum is lanceolated, open, equal, and co- lored. The species are two : 1. A. major. 2. A. minor, both natives of the Alps, and possess- ing no remarkable properties. ASTRAP/EA, in natural history, a name given by the ancients to a stone, since called, improperly, astrapia, and by some astrapias. It was of a blue, or blackish ore, with white varie- gations, running in the form of waves and clouds. Some specimens of the Persian lapis lazuli are of this kind, but they are rare. ASTRARII, in writers of the middle age, the same with mansionarii, those who live in the house or family, at the time when a person dies. ASTRARIUS II^RES ; from astre, old French, a hearth ; is used in our old writers, where the ancestor, by conveyance, hath set his heirs ap- parent, and his family, in a house, in his life- time. AST 87 ASTRAY'. According to Tooke, the past part, of the Ang.-Sax. verb straegan, to stray, to scatter. First every day, beseech thy God on knee. So to direct thy stagg'ring steppes alway; That he which every secrete thought doth see. May holde thee in, when thou wouldst goe astray. Gwscoigne. You labour may To lead astray, The heart that constant shall remain. And I the while Will sit and smile. To see you spend your time in vain. George Wither, in Ellis, v. i. And darkness and doubt are now flying away. No longer I roam in conjecture forlorn. So breaks on the traveller, faint, and astray, The bright and the balmy effulgence of morn. Beattie's Hermit. ASTRICT', V. & adj. "l Astringo, ustric- Astric'tion, turn, ustringere, to Astric'tive, I^ contract. To make Astrin'ge, (strait or narrow, to Astuin'gently, ■ heighten or draw Astrin'cent, ?i, & ac/;.J close, to bind; op- posed to relax. Tears are caused by a contraction of the spirits of the brain ; which contraction, by consequence, astrin- geth the moisture of the brain, and thereby sendeth tears into the eyes. Bacon. This virtue requireth an astriction ; but such an astriction, as is not grateful to the body : for a pleas- ing astriction doth rather bind in the nerves, than expel them ; and therefore such astriction is found in things of a harsh taste. Id. The juice is very astringent, and therefore of slow motion. Id. Natural History. What diminisheth sensible perspiration, encreaseth the insensible ; for that reason, a strengthening and astritigent diet often conduceth to this purpose. Arbuthnot on Aliments. The solid parts were to be relaxed or astricted, as they let the humours pass, either in too small or too great quantities. Id. Lenitive substances are proper for dry atrabilarian constitutions j who are subject to astriction of the belly, and the piles. Id. on Diet. Acid, acrid, austere and bitter substances, by their astringency, create horrour j that is, stimulate the fibres. Id. Astringent medicines are binding, which act by the asperity of their particles ; whereby they corrugate the membranes, and make them draw up closer. Quincy. Astriction, in law. See Thirlage. Astriction, in medicines, the operation of astringent medicines. ASTRICUS Lapis, in natural history, a kind of figured stone, broken or cut from the enastros, after the same manner as the trochitae, from the entrochi. ASTRID'E, ) On stride, on straddle. See Astrad'dle. J Stride, and Straddle. To lay their native arms aside. Their modesty ; and ride astride. Hudibras. I saw a place, where the Rhone is so straitened between two rocks, that a man may stand astride upon both at once. Boyle. ASTRILD, in ornithology, a species of the lokia. Astringents, in the materia medica, sub- stances distinguished by a rough austere taste, AST and changing solutions of iron, especially those made in the vitriolic acid, into a dark purple or black color ; such as galls, tormentil root, bistort root, balaustines, terra japonica, acacia, &c ASTROBOLISM ; from a'.rjQ, a star," and PaWoj, to strike ; the same with sphacelus ; though properly applied to plants which are de- stroyed in the dog-days, as if blasted by that ASTROCHITES, or Astroites. See As- teria. ASTROGNOSIA; from a'.tip, star, and yt- vtDffKw, I know ; the art of knowing the fixed stars, their names, ranks, situations in the con- stellations, and the like. See Astronomy. ASTROLABE, -> ^ As'TROLABRE, L ^f" «<'^V(>,^ Star, and As'trolaby. 3 ^«^/3«»"^' I ^^^^- The firste partye of this treatise shall rehearse the figures, and the membres of thine astrolaby, because that thou shalt have the greater knowyng of thyne owne instrument. Chaucer. Astrolabie, f. 262. c. i. For I have ben toward the parties of Braban, and beholden the astrolabre, that the sterre that is clept the transmontayne, is 53 degrees highe. Sir John Maundeville, Liv'd Tycho now, struck with this ray which shone More bright i' the mom, than others beam at noon. He'd take his astrolabe, and seek out here What new star 'twas did gild our hemisphere, Dryden. On the Death of Lord Hastings. Astrolabe, among the ancients, was the same as our armillary sphere. Astrolabe, among the moderns, is used for planisphere, or a stereographic projection of the sphere, either upon the plane of the equator, the eye being supposed to be in the pole of the world, or upon the plane of the meridian, when when the eye is supposed in the point of the in- tersection of the equinoctial and horizon. ASTRO'LOGY, "^ Av JONES J'LATESI /■»/ /'A /■u, / /•>;/ .'J. /...,l,f,;i /•ui/i.T/iri/M-'/'AMnMy/fi/y, 7:i (XrS'I K (-» {>M\' /•z. /■/•/-■ // //,/ / A'>V'i- /•■>./ /.'J ^ .JV" Ft'. /.,m./,m,/i,mtf,r,n,rr/N.n,,,xrr,,,rJ:'>.r/,n,,.xu/ri7/'J/.Hili. A^JTK O V (XM r. yv.A7/:\// /•'/ .Iuj.it e>i- ,1/1, //,U .\,Ue//ites Ih\^ ta/tA'e or^'tTteJ^oort rhorn the£twt/i Mercnrv ^'entLs 3 Mail J)i'*tanee o/'t/he4^Sate7hte r>fxnt rX^ 3 "^ Sat-om l,or„/,>n ./'ii/i/i.t/i,;/ /ji '/V/iimns 7'fi/i/,7:iJ7if/t/>.ri,/,' ,lf'r'/,/H'^6'. J.Slrn^Sc ASTRONOMY. 107 180°. It follows from this theorem, that the first three satellites of Jupiter can never all be eclipsed together. For if it was possible, then /', /", and /'" would be equal, and consequently /' — 3 Z" + 2 /"' = 0. When the second and third are eclipsed together, then 1"=. I'", and con- sequently /' — /" = 180 ; hence, when the se- cond and third satellites of Jupiter are eclipsed at the same time, the first is always in conjunc- tion with Jupiter. Various other interesting con- sequences of this theorem might be easily de- duced ; but we leave the ingenious reader to make them out for himself. The relative dis- tances of the satellites from their primaries are shown in plate VII. fig,l3. ' 128. Saturn, when viewed through a good telescope, makes a more remarkable appearance than any of the other planets. Galileo first dis- covered his uncommon shape, and from the dis- coveries made by him and other astronomers, it appears that this planet is surrounded by a broad thin ring, the edge of which reflects little, if any, of the sun's light 4o us, but the planes of the ring reflect the light in the same manner that the planet itself does. If we suppose the diameter of Saturn to be divided into three equal parts, the diameter of the ring is about seven of these parts. The ring is detached from the body of Saturn in such a manner, that the distance be- tween the innermost part of the ring and the body is equal to its breadth. If we had a view of the planet and his ring with our eyes, perpen- dicular to one of the planes of the latter, we should see them as in plate VII. fig. 12 ; but our eye is never so much elevated above either plane as to have the visual ray at right angles to it, nor in- deed is it ever elevated more than about 30° above it ; so that the ring being commonly viewed at an oblique angle, appears of an oval form, and through very good telescopes double, as represented, plate VII. fig. 13. and plate XI. fig. 3. When the ring appears most open, its longest diameter appears about twice the length of its shortest. 129. Both the outward and inward rim are projected into an ellipsis, more or less oblong, according to the different degreesof obliquity with which it is viewed. Sometimes our eye is in the plane of the ring, and then it becomes in- visible ; either because the outward edge is not fitted to reflect the sun's light, or more probably because it is too thin to be seen at such a dis- tance. As the plane of this ring keeps always parallel to itself, that is, its situation in one part of the orbit is always parallel to that in any other part, it disappears twice in every evolution of the planet, that is about once in fifteen years ; and the planet sometimes appears quite round for months together. At other times the dis- tance betwixt the body of the planet and the ring is very perceptible ; and Mr. Whiston tells us, that Dr. Clarke's father saw a star through the opening. 1 30. When Saturn appears round, if our eye be in the plane of the ring, it will appear as a dark line across the middle of the planet's disk ; and if our eye be elevated above the plane of the ring, a shadowy belt willte visible, caused by the shadow of the rmg as well as by the interposition of part of it betwixt the eye and the planet. The shadow of the ring is broadest when the sun is most elevated, but its obscure parts appear broadest when our eye is most elevated above the plane of it. When it appears double, the ring next the body of the planet appears bright- est ; when the ring appears of an elliptical form, the parts about the ends of the largest axis are called the ansae. These, a little before and after the disappearing of the ring, are of unequal magnitude : the largest ansae is longer visible before the planet's round phase, and appears again sooner than the other. In the diagram, plate VII. fig. 2, are delineated the phases of the ring from its full appearance in 1825, to its dis- appearance in 1832, and its full re-appearance in 1839. 131. Dr. Herschel has found that the ring is double, or that there are two concentric rings ; also that it has a motion of rotation in its own plane, its axis of motion being the same as that of Saturn himself, and its periodical time lOh. 32' 15", 4: But he thinks it probable that the concentric rings may not revolve in the same period. Their dimensions, and the space be- tween them, he states in the following proportion to each other : — miles. Inner diameter of the same ring . . 146,345 Outside diameter of ditto .... 184,393 Inner diameter' of the larger ring . . 1 90,248 Outside diameter of ditto .... 204,883 Breadth of the ring 20,000 Breadth of the outer ditto .... 7,200 Breadth of the vacant space .... 2,839 132. Dr. Herschel concludes, from his obser vations on the ring, that its structure is such as to allow it to remain permanently in its present state ; nor does he think it at all probable that the ring is of that changeable nature which some persons have imagined. 133. The same excellent astronomer, from a series of observations on the belts of Saturn, has concluded, that he revolves upon his axis in lOh. 16' 0", 4, that he has a dense atmosphere, and that his polar diameter is to his equatorial one as 10 to 11. 134. Saturn has, besides his ring, seven little secondary planets or satellites revolving round him. One of them, which till lately was reckon- ed the fourth in order from Saturn, was discovered by Huygens in 1655, by means of a telescope 100 feet long; and the others, viz. the first, se- cond, third, and fifth", at different times by Cas- sini, between 1671 and 1684, by the help of glasses of 100 and 136 feet. The sixth and seventh have lately been discovered by Herschel, with his forty feet reflecting telescope, in 1787 and 1788. These he has called the sixth and seventh satellites, though they are nearer to Sa- turn than the other five ; that the names may not be mistaken with regard to former observations of them. 135. The periodical revolutions and distances of these satellites expressed in semidiameters of that planet, and in English miles are as follows : 108 ASTRONOMY. Distances in Anj^les y Times. of _ Semi- Miles. Orbs. diam. 1 W. 21A 18' 27" ^ 170,000 1' 27" 2 2 17 41 22 5i 217,000 1 52 3 4 12 25 12 8 303,000 2 36 4 15 22 41 13 18 704,000 6 18 5 79 7 48 54 2,050,000 17 4 6 1 8 53 9 35 135,000 1 14 7 22 40 46 21 107,000 57 136. The first four descnoe ellipses like those of the ring, and are in the same plane : their in- clination to the orbit is from 30° to 31°. The fifth describes an orbit inclined from 17° to 18° to the orbit of Saturn, his plane lying between the ecliptic and those of the other satellites. Dr. Ilerschel observes, that the fifth satellite turns round its axis once, exactly in the time in which it revolves round the planet Saturn. In this re- spect, like the satellites of Jupiter, it resembles our moon, which does the same thing. The pro- portional distances of the seven satellites for- merly known to astronomers, are shown in plate VII. fig. 13. 137. The apparent form of the ring of Saturn, £nd the form of the orbits of his first four satel- lites, may easily be found by means of the follow- ing table : ARGUMENT. Long, of Saturn -|- 13° 43'. o Sisns. Signs. Signs. m n 0. VI. I. VII. II. VIII. o - + - + — 4. 0-000 0-260 0-451 30 3 0-0'27 0-284 0-464 27 6 0-034 0-306 0-476 24 9 0081 0-328 0.486 21 12 0-108 0-348 0-495 18 15 0-135 0-368 0-503 15 18 0-161 0-387 0-509 12 21 0-187 0-405 0-514 9 24 0-'212 0-421 0-518 6 27 0-236 0-437 0-520 3 30 0-260 0-451 0-521 a XI. V. X. IV. IX. III. t) era + — + — + — "2 y Sigus. Signs. Signs. n planet's latitude, which correction is obtained by taking one-fourth of the latitude in minutes, and applying it to the number in the table, with the sign — when the latitude is north, but -|- when soutli. Example. What is the shape of Saturn's ring on January 25, 1826 ? By the Nautical Almanack, his longitude, on that day, is 2^15° 23', and latitude 1° 26' S. Now 2s 15° 23' + 13° 43', is 23 29° 6', with which, in the table, we find — "521, which cor- rected by -|- 26, one-fourth of the latitude gives — -495 ; or the shorter diameter is to the longer, as 495 to 1000. The sign + indicates that the most distant half of the ring is north, and — that the most distant half is south of the centre of the planet. 139. The Georgium Sidus, Herschel, or Uranus, was discovered by Herschel on March 13th 1781. From certain inequalities m the motion of Jupiter and Saturn, the existence of a planet of considerable size, without the orbit of either, had before been suspected. Its apparent magnitude, as seen from the earth, is about three seconds and a half; and as, from its distance I'rom the sun, it shines but with a pale light, it cannot often be seen with the naked eye. Its d iameter is about four times and a half that of the earth, and it revolves round the sun in 83 years, 150 days, 18 hours. The want of light in this jilanet, on account of its great distance from the sun, is supplied by no less than six moons, which revolve round it in difierent periods. But there Is a remarkable peculiarity in the position of the orbits in which these moons revolve round their primary, and in the direction in which they re- volve in their orbits. The orbits are nearly per- pendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, and they revolve in them in a direction contrary to the order of the signs of the ecliptic. La Place, from theoretical considerations, concludes tiiat this planet itself revolves on an axis very little in- clined to the plane of the ecliptic ; but there is little hope that this theoretical deduction will ever be either confirmed, or set aside, by obser- vations on a body so very remote. 140. The periods of the revolution of the sa- tellites, and the greatest angle of elongation of their orbits, as seen from the earth, are contained in the following table. 138. To find the shape of Saturn's nng by this table, add his longitude to 13° 43', and with the sum as an argument enter the table, the number from which will represent the shorter diameter, the longer diameter being reckoned a thousand. This, however, requires a small correction for the Satellite. Period. 1 Elongation D. H. M. 1 5 21 25 25-5' 2 8 17 1 33-9 3 10 23 4 38-57 4 13 11 5 44-22 5 38 1 49 88-44 6 107 16 40 176-88 141. We are unacquainted with any second- ary cause that could have any influence in re- gulating the respective distances of the planets from the sim ; but there certainly does exist a relation which, from its singularity, it is difficult to believe quite accidental. This was first ob- A.S'lMiO.^'D.Ml'. FiV'l. /»//. / / L. xLA-t fc\ .Mo] f ti e r' ,/ h { -Tg-s \ vuvr K ^*f\ III FufJ. F?\/. :i. C /D B Ffh. 7. -Fi'■ {,> Flo. fl. EO-nQ V H n ' t) %^;:^ )( /v^/. Iff. /'t/f/i K- ti/)prtirti)n-fs of'e/te ('iinirt o/' I<>iHO. irhiKfe periait is J>T,'> yT,' lr«,-A c .. 7*- ^ -^S^fc^- «^^ » ■• ^i^ F,t,./I. /.on.UnJ',,hh^/,rJ/,v/y,..mus1ry,,7:i,r/,f.,,..>i,lrJ/>ri7/'.'/»-.'i;. ASTRONOMY. 109 served by professor Bode of Berlin, who re- marked, that a planet was wanting at the dis- tance at which the new planets have been dis- covered, to complete the relation. According to him the distances of the planets may be ex- pressed nearly as follows, the earth's distances from the sun being ten. Mercury ... 4 =z 4 Venus . . . 4 -|- 3 X 1 r= 7 Earth . . . 4 -|- 3 X 2 =z 10 Mars . . . . 4-1-3x2== 16 New Planets . 4+3x2^= 28 Jupiter . . . 4 -I- 3 X 2* zz 52 Saturn . . . 4 -j- 3 X 2^ =: 100 Herschel . . 4-|-3x2«=196 142. The comets, viewed through a telescope, have a very different appearance from any of the planets. The nucleus, or star, seems much dimmer. They are to appearance surrounded with atmospheres of a prodigious size, often rising ten times higher than the nucleus, and have often likewise different phases, like the moon. 143. The head of a comet, seen through a good telescope, appears to consist of a solid globe, and an atmosphere, that surrounds it. The solid part is frequently called the nucleus ; •which, through a telescope, is easily distinguished from the atmosphere or haiiy appearance. 144. A comet is generally attended with a blaze or tail, whereby it is distinguished from a star or planet; as it is also by its motion. Some- times the tail only of a comet has been visible at a place where the head has been all the while under the horizon ; such an appearance is called a beam. Whether the tail of a comet is caused or not by the heat of the sun, it is always observed to grow larger as it approaches, and to diminish as it recedes from that luminary. 145. If the tail were to continue of the same length, it would appear longer or shorter, accord- ing to the different views of the spectator ; for if his eye be in a line, drawn through the middle of the tail lengthways, or nearly so, the tail will not be distinguished from the rest of the atmos- phere, but the whole will appear round ; if the €ye be a little out of that Ime, the tail will ap- pear short (see plate VII. fig. 8) ; and it is called a bearded comet, when the tail hangs down to- wards the horizon, as in thac figure. If the tail of a comet be viewed sideways, the whole length of it is seen. It is obvious, that the nearer the eye is to the tail, the greater will be its apparent length. 146. The tails of comets often appear bent (see plate V. fig. 12, 13). This is probably owing to the resistance of the nether; which, though extremely small, may have a sensible effect on so thin a vapour as the tail consists of. This bending is seen only when the earth is not in the plane of the orbit of the comet continued. When that plane passes through the eye of the spectator, the tail- appears straight. See plate V. fig. 10, 11. ^ 147. The fixed stars, when viewed through the best telescopes, appear not in the least magnified, but rather diminished, on account, as is thought by some, that the telescope takes off that twinkling appearance they make to the naked eye ; but by others more probably, that the telescope tube ex- cludes a quantity of the rays of light, which are not only emitted from the particular stars them- selves, but by many thousands more, which falling upon our eyelids and the aerial particles about us, are reflected into our eyes so strongly as to excite vibrations, not only on those points of the retina where the images of the stars are formed, but also in other points at the same dis- tance round about. This, without the telescope, makes us imagine the stars to be much bigger than when we see them only by a few rays coming directly from them, so as to enter our eye without being intermixed with others. 148. The number of stars appear prodigiously increased through the telescope ; seventy stars have been counted in the constellation called Pleiades, and no fewer than 2000 in that of Orion. The late improvements of Herschel, however, have shown the number of stars to be exceedingly beyond even what the discoveries of former astronomers would induce us to suppose. He has also shown that many, which to the eye, or through ordinary glasses, appear single, do in fact consist of two or more stars ; and that the galaxy, or milky way, owes its light entirely to multitudes of small stars placed so close, that the naked eye, or even ordinary telescopes, can- not distinguish them. 149. The nebulae, or small whitish specks, discoverable by telescopes in various parts of the heavens, are owing to the same cause. Former astronomers could only reckon 103 ; but Herschel has discovered upwards of 1250. He has also discovered a species of them, which he calls planetary nebulae, on account of their brightness, and shining with a well-defined disk. Sect. III. — Conclusions drawn from the APPEARANCES OF THE SuN AND PlANETS. 150. There is an appearance m the heavens, termed semita luminosa, or the zodiacal light, which is now generally supposed to be owing to the sun's atmosphere. This was first dis- covered by Cassini in 1683. It is something like the milky way, a faint twilight, or the tail of a comet, thin enough to let stars be seen through it, and seems to surround the sun in the form of a lens, the plane whereof is nearly co-incident with that of the sun's equator. It is seen stretched along the zodiac, and accompanies the sun in his annual motion through the twelve signs. Each end terminates in an angle of about 21° : the extent of it in length from either of the angular points varies from 50 to 100°; it reaches beyond the orbit of Venus, but not so far as that of the earth. The breadth of it near the horizon is also various; from 12° almost to 30° : near the sun, where it may reasonably be supposed to be broadest, it cannot be seen. 151. This light is weakest in the morning, and strongest at night ; disappearing in full moon-light, or in strong twilight, and dierefore is not at all visible about midsummer, in places so near either of the poles as to have their twi- light all the night, but may be seen in those places, in the middle of winter, both morning and evening, as it may in places imder and near the equator, all the year round. In north latitude it is most conspicuous after the evening twilight. 110 ASTRONOMY. about the latter end of February, and before the morning twilight in the beginning of October ; for at those times it stands most erect above tlie horizon, and is therefore clearest from the thick vapours of the twilight. Besides the difterence of real extension of this light in length and breadth at different times, it is diminisUed by the nearness of any other light in the sky ; not to mention, that the extent of it will be differently determined by different spectators, according to the goodness of their eyes. 152. Cassini supposed that, as by the rotation of the sun, some gross parts are thrown up on his surface, whereof spots and nebulosities are formed ; so the great rapidity wherewith the equatorial parts are moved, may throw out, to a consider- able distance, a number of particles of a much finer texture, of sufficient density to reflect light. That this light was caused by an emana- tion from the sun, similar to that of the spots, he thought probable from the following observation : That after the year 1688, when this light began to grow weaker, no spots appeared upon the sun ; whereas, in the preceding years, they were frequently seen there ; and that the great in- equality in the intervals between the times of the appearances of the solar spots, has some analogy to the irregular returns of weakness and strength in this light, in like circumstances of the consti- tution of the air, and of the darkness of the sky. But the atmosphere of no planet can extend beyond the point at which the centrifugal force arising from its evolution is equal to the force of gravity, and that distance is equal to the radius of a planet's orbit, which revolves in the same time that the sun revolves on his axis. Now the sun revolves in about 25 days, and Mercury in about eighty-eight, therefore the solar atmosphere can never extend to the orbit of Mercury, while the zodiacal light, whatever it is, certainly ex- tends much farther. This consideration certainly militates strongly against the hypothesis of the zodiacal light being connected with the solar ahnosphere. 153. He was also of opinion that this light in the zodiac, as it is subject to great increase at one time and diminution at another, may some- times become quite imperceptible ; and thought til is was the case in 1665, 1672, and 1681, when he saw nothing of it, though he surveyed with great attention those parts of the heavens where, according to his theory, it must have appeared, if it had been as visible then as it was in others. lie cites also passages out of several autliors, both ancient and modern, which make it prolia- ble that it had been seen, both in former and latter ages, but without being sufficiently attended to, or its nature enquired into. 154. As to the solar spots, Dr. Long informs us, that ' they do not change their places upon the sun, but adhere to his surface, or float in his atmosphere, very near his body; and if there be twenty spots upon him at a time, they all keep in the same situation with respect to one another; and, as long as they last, are carried round in the same manner : by the motion of the spots therefore we learn, what we should not otherwise have known, that the sun is a globe, and has a rotation about his axis.' 155. Notwithstanding this, he tells us after- wards, 'The spots, generally speaking, may be said to adhere to the sun, or to be so near him as to be carried round upon him uniformly; nevertheless sometimes, though rarely, a s])ot has been seen to move with a velocity a little different from the rest ; spots that were different parallels, have appeared to be carried along, not keeping always die same distance, but approach- ing nearer to each other ; and when two spots moved in the same parallel, the hindmost has been observed to overtake and pass by the other. The revolution of spots near the equator of the sun, is shorter than of those that are more dis- tant from it.' The apparent change of shape in the spots, as they approach the circumference of the disk, according to this author, is likewise a proof of the sun's rotation round his axis, and that theyeidier adhere to the surface of the lumi- nary, or are carried round his atmospliere very near his surface. 156. The time of the apparent revolution of a spot being known, the true time of its going round upon the sun may be thus found : In plate VII. fig. 3. the arc A C, which, in the month of May, the earth goes through in her orbit in 27 days 12 hours and 20 minutes, is 26° 22' ; the arc uc being equal to A C : the apparent revolu- tion of a spot is the whole circle abed, or 360° with the addition of the arc a c of 26° 22', which makes 386° 22' : then say, as 386° 22' is to 27 d. 12 h. 20'; so is 360° to 25 d. 15 h. 16'; the true time of the rotation of the sun as it would be seen from a fixed star. 157. The angle of intersection of the sun's equator with the ecliptic is but small, being never more, according to Scheneir, than 8°, nor less than 6" ; for which reason he settled it at 7°, though Cassini makes it 7^ . This plane continued cuts the ecliptic in two opposite points, which are called the sun's nodes, being 10° of n, and 10° of •♦-* ; and twc points in the ecliptic, 90° from the nodes, may be called the limits. These are 10° of itj) and 10° of X- ^Vhen the earth is in either of these nodes, the equator of the sun, if visible, would appear as a straight line; and, by reason of the vast distance of the sun from us, all his parallels would likewise appear as straight lines ; but, in every other situation of the earth, the equator and parallels of the sun would, if visible, appear as ellipses growing wider the farther the 'earth is from the nodes, and widest of all when the earth is in one of her limits. 158. There has been no small speculation respect- ing the nature and formation of the solar spots. Some have thought that the sun is an opaque body, mountainous and uneven as our earth is, covered all over with a fiery and luminous fluid ; that this fluid is subject to ebbing and flowing, after the manner of our tides, so as sometimes to leave uncovered the tops of rocks or hills, which appear like black spots ; and that the nebulosi- ties about them are caused by a kind of froth. Others have imagined that the fluid which sends us so much light and heat, contains a nucleus or solid globe, wherein are several volcanoes, which, like yF.tna or Vesuvius, from time to time cast up quantities of bituminous matter to the sur- face of the sun, and form those spots which are ASTRONOMY. HI seen thereon ; and that, as this matter is gradually consumed by the luminous fluid, the spots dis- appear for a time, but are seen to rise again in the same places when these volcsnoes cast up new matter. A third opinion is, that the sun consists of a fiery luminous fluid, wherein are immersed several opaque bodies of irregular shapes ; and that these bodies, by the rapid motion of the sun, are sometimes buoyed or raised up to the surface, where they form the appearance of spots, which seem to change their shapes according as different sides of them are presented to the view. A fourth opinion is, that the sun consists of a fluid in continual agitation ; that, by the rapid motion of this fluid, some parts more gross than the rest are carried up to the surface of the lumi- nary, like the scum of melted metal rising up to the top in a furnace ; that these scums, as they are diff'erently agitated by the motion of the fluid, form themselves into those spots we s?e on the solar disk ; and, besides the optical changes already mentioned, grow larger, are diminished in their apparent magnitude, recede a little from, or approach nearer to, each other, and are at last entirely dissipated by the continual rapid motion of the fluid, or are otherwise consumed or absorbed. 159. Dr. Wilson, in the sixty-foiHth volume of the Philosophical Transactions, advances a new opinion, viz. that they are hollows in the surface of the luminary. On this supposition he offers some queries and conjectures concerning the nature of the sun himself. He asks, Whether it is not reasonable to think, that the vast body of the sun is made up of two kinds of matter very different in their qualities ; that by far the greatest part is solid and dark ; and that this dark globe is encompassed with a thin covering of that re- splendant substance, from which the sun would seem to derive the whole of his vivifying heat and energy ? 160. This, if granted, will afford a satisfactory solution of the appearance of spots ; because, if any part of this resplendant surface shall be by any means displaced, the dark globe must neces- sarily appear ; the bottom of the cavity corres- ponding to the nucleus, and the shelvmg sides to the umbrae. The shining substance, he thinks, may be displaced by the action of some elastic vapour generated within the substance of the dark globe. This vapour swelling into such a vo- lume as to reach up to the surface of the luminous matter, would thereby throw it aside in all direc- tions : and as we cannot expect any regularity in the production of such a vapour, the irregular appearance and disappearance of the spots is by that means accounted for ; as the reflux of the luminous matter must always occasion the dark nucleus gradually to decrease, till at last it be- comes indistinguishable from the rest of the surface. 161. But an objection occurs, that, on this supposition, the nucleus of a spot, whilst on the decrease, should always appear nearly circular, by the gradual descent of the luminous matter from all sides to cover it. To this Dr. Wilson replies, that in all probability the surface of the dark globe is ve.y uneven and mountainous. which prevents the regular reflux of the shin- ing matter ; and this, he thinks, is rendered very probable by the enormous mountains and cavi- ties which are observed on the moon ; and why, says he, may there not be the same on the surface of the sun ? lie thinks his hypothesis also con- firmed by ihe dividing of the nucleus into seve- ral parts, which might arise from the luminous matter flowing in diff'erent channels in the bottom of the hollow. 162. The appearance of the umbras after the nucleus is gone, he thinks, may be owing to a cavity remaining in the luminous matter, though the dark globe is entirely covered. As to a mo- tion of the spots, distinct from what they are supposed to receive from the rotation of the sun round his axis, he says he never co\ild observe any, except what might be attributed to the en- largement or diminution of them when in the neighbourhood of one another. ' But,' says he, ' what would farther contribute towards forming a judgment of this kind, is the apparent alteration of the relative place, which must arise from the motion across the disk on a spherical surface ; a circumstance which I am uncertain if it has been sufficiently attended to.' 163. Dr. Wilson's hypothesis is further con- firmed by the disappearance of the umbra; on the sides of spots contiguous to one another; as the action of the elastic vapour must necessarily drive the luminous matter away from each, and thus as it were accumulate it between them, so that no umbras can be perceived. As to the luminous matter itself, he conjectures, that it cannot be any very ponderous fluid, but that it rather resembles a dense fog which broods on the surface of the sun's dark body. 164. Dr. Wilson's general conclusion is, that, ' According to the view of things given in the foregoing queries, there would seem to be some- thing very extraordinary in the dark and unig- nited state of the great internal spot of the sun. Does not this, (he asks), seem to indicate that the lum^inous matter that encompasses it derives not its splendor from any intensity of heat ?• For, if this were the case, would not the parts under- neath, which would be perpetually in contact with that glowing matter, be heated to such a degree as to become luminous and bright ? At the same time it must be confessed, that although the internal globe was in reality much ignited, yet when any part of it forming the nucleus of a spot is exposed to our view, and is seen in competition with a substance of such amazing splendor, it is no wonder that an inferior degree of light, should in these cases, be unperceivable. 165. As to the moon, it is allowed on all hands, that tliere are prodigious inequalities on her sur- face- This is proved by looking at her through a telescope, at any other time than when she is full ; for then there is no regular line bounding light and darkness ; but the confines of these parts appear as it were toothed and cut with in- numerable notches and breaks; and even in the dark part, near the borders of the lucid surface, there are seen some small spaces enlightened by the sun's beams. Upon the fourth day after new moon, there may be perceived some shining points like rocks or small islands within the dark 112 ASTRONOMY. body of the moon ; and not far from the confines of light and darkness, there are observed other little spaces which join to the enlightened sur- face, but run out into the dark side, which by degrees change their figure, till at last they come wholly within the illuminated space, and have no dark parts round them at all. Afterwards many more shining spaces are observed to arise by de- grees, and to appear within the dark side of the moon, which, before they drew near to the con- fines of light and darkness, were invisible, being without any light, and totally immersed in the shadow. The contrary is observed in the decreas- ing phases, where the lucid spaces which joined the illuramated surface by degrees recede from it ; and, after they are quite separated from the con- fines of light and darkness, rernain for some time visible, till at last they also disappear. Now it is impossible that this should be the case, unless these shining points were higher than the rest of the surface, so that the light of the sun may reach them. 166. Astronomers have endeavoured to mea- sure the height of these lunar mountains, in the following manner. Let E C D, Plate VII. fig. 6, be the hemisphere of the moon illuminated by the sun ; E C D the diameter of the circle bound- ing light and darkness, and A the top of a hill within the dark part when it first begins to be illuminated. Observe with a telescope the proportion of the right line A E, or the distance of the point A from the lucid surface to the dia- meter of the moon E D ; and because in this case the ray of light E S touches the globe of the moon, A E C will be a right angle, and therefore in the triangle A E C having the two sides A E and E C, we can find the third side A C ; from which deducting BC or EC, there will remain AB the height of the mountain. By this mode of mea- suring, which would be just if the line AE could be taken accurately, the height of St. Catherine would be nearly 8| miles, if according to Riccioli its top was about a sixteenth part of the moon's diameter distant from the confines of the lucid surface. But by the more accurate observations and just calculations of Herschel, this dispropor- tionate height appears to be ill founded, and the generality of the lunar mountains do not exceed half a mile in perpendicular ele/ation. He thus calculates their heights : Let S L M or s / ?n, fig. 1 , be a line drawn from the sun to the mountain, touching the moon at L or /, and the mountain at M or m. Then, to an observer at E or e, the lines L M,/m, will not appear of the same length, though the mountain should be of an equal height; for LM will be projected into on, and Im into ON. But these are the quantities that are taken by the micrometer when we observe a mountain to project from the line of illumination. From the observed quantity o n, when the moon is not in her quadrature, to find L M, we have the following analogy. The triangles o O L, r M L are similar ; therefore L o : LO : : L r : L AI, or ^ Ox on _ Ljyi . but LO is the radius of L the moon, and L r or on is the observed distance of the mountam's projection; and L o is the sine of the angle KO Lr=t» L S ; which we may take to be the distance of the sun from the moon with- out any material error, and which therefore we may find at any given time from an ephemeris. 167. Some modern astronomers have disco- vered a still greater similarity between the lunar mountains and those of our earth ; viz. that some of them are really volcanoes, and emit fire, as ours do. An appearance of this kind was dis- covered some years ago by Ulloa, in an eclipse- of the sun. It was a small bright spot like a star near the margin of the moon, and which he at that time supposed to have been a hole with the sun's light shining through it. Succeeding ob- servations, however, have induced astronomers to attribute appearances of this kind to the eruption of volcanic fire : and Herschel has particularly observed several eruptions of the lunar volcanoes, and similar appearances have been more recently noticed by that acute and accurate observer, captain Henry Rater. 168. Many conjectures have been formed-re- specting the nature of the moon's substance ; some have imagined, that, besides the light reflected from the sun, the moon has also some obscure light of her own, by which she would be visible without being illuminated by the sun-beams. In proof of this it is urged, that during the time of even total eclipses the moon is still visible, ap- pearing of a dull red color, as if obscured by a great deal of smoke. In reply to this, it has been advanced, that this is not always the case ; the moon sometimes disappearing tOLully in the time ^ of an eclipse, so as not to be discernible by the best glasses, while little stars of the fifth and sixth magnitudes were distinctly seen as usual ; and when the moon is visible in a total eclipse, a suf- ficient reason may be assigned for this appear- rance from the refraction of the sun's rays through our atmosphere, which are reflected back to the earth by the otherwise dark surface of the moon. 169. Various speculations have also been in- dulged concerning the spots on the moon's sur- face. ?ome philosophers have been so taken with the beauty of the brightest places observed in her disk, that they have imagined them to be rocks of diamonds ; and others have compared them to pearls and precious stones. Keill, and the greater part of astronomers are now of opinion, that these are only the tops of mountains, which, by reason of their elevation, are more capable of reflecting the sun's light than others which are lower. The duskish spots, he says, cannot be seas, nor any thing of a liquid substance ; because, when ex- amined by the telescope, they appear to consist of an infinity of caverns and empty pits, whose shadows fall within them, which can never be the case with seas, or any liquid substance ; but even within these spots, brighter places are also to be observed ; which, according to his hypothesis, ought to be the points of rocks standing up within the cavities. 170. The existence of the lunar atmosphere, so long a subject of controversy, is now de- cidedly set at rest. Schroeter of Lilienthal has observed phenomena precisely analogous to the twilight, and which can in no way be accounted for independently of atmospheric refraction. He has also, as he says, observed several oliscura- tions, and returning serenity, and other changes in the lunar atmosphere. In the occultation of ASTRONOMY. 113 Jupiter by the moon on April 5th, 1824, Mr. Rimage of Aberdeen, and Captain John Ross, R.N. at Stranraer, with each one of Mr. Ram- age's splendid reflecting telescopes, observed the disk of Jupiter to be decidedly distorted at the time of its approach to the edge of the moon ; and precisely similar appearances were noticed by Mr. Comfiield of Northampton, and Mr. Wallis, lecturer on astronomy, on the occultation ■of Saturn by the moon, on October 30th, 1825. This question, therefore, having been settled by the most satisfactory of all tests, we deem it unecessary to enter into the arguments which were wont to be advanced on either side of the question, before sufficient data were obtained for determining it in any way. 171. It has been a question whether the moon and other planets are inhabited. The answers given to it in the negative depend on the posi- tion, that human beings could not exist in any of the planets on account of their distance from the sun, and consequent inequality of heat to that which the inhabitants of the earth ex- perience; and the want of an atmosphere in the moon, or the rarity of it, would as effectually preclude that body from being a fit habitation for man. But in reply it is argued, and with reason, that the same power which could make the earth a fit habitation for the animals upon it, could also adapt the organs of other animals to their various situations in the planets ; and as the earth teems with life of all kinds, it is pro- bable, that, as there is so great an analogy be- tween it and the planets in other respects, the same analogy prevails with respect to life and in- "habitants. Sect. IV. Conjectures and Conclusions RESPECTiNo Comets. 172. None of the celestial bodies have given rise to more speculation and conjecture than comets. Their strange appearance has in all ages been a matter of terror to the vulgar, who uniformly have looked upon them as bad omens, and forerunners of war, pestilence, &c. Others, less superstitious, supposed them to be meteors raised in the higher regions of the air. Some part of the modern doctrine concerning them, however, was received in the ancient Italic and Pythagorean schools; for they held them to be so much of the nature of planets that they had their periodical times of appearing; that they were out of sight for a long time, while they were carried aloft at an immense dis- tance from the earth, but became visible when they descended into the lower regions of the air, and- thus were nearer to us. It would be as endless as useless to detail the . various conjectures which in the dark ages were formed respecting the nature of comets ; and the various extravagant postulata by which each theorist sought to reconcile their appearances with his explanation. Aristotle conceived them to be meteoric bodies ; Kepler huge animals, that swam round the sun like fishes ; and Bodin imagined that they are spirits, which, having long dwelt on the earth, are about to be trans- lated to the skies. A celebrated comet, however, which appeared Vol. III. in 1577, enabled Tycho Brahe to determine that, at any rate, these bodies were at an im- mense distance ; as from many careful observa- tions he found that that comet had no sensible diurnal parallax ; and Kepler discovered, from his own observations and those of his master, Tycho, that the comets did not, as had been supposed, move in straight lines, but in paths concave towards tlie sun, and he conceived that their orbits were parabolas. At length, from observations made on the great comet of 1680, Sir Isaac Newton found that these bodies, like the planets, move round the sun in elliptical orbits. This comet was seen for twenty- one days in its passage towards the sun, and for nearly three months as it receded from that lu- minary. The most careful observations were made to determine its place, and the conclusions deduced from these observations are confirmed by observations made on all that have been well- observed since. 173. It has been remarked that a greater num- ber of comets are seen towards the sun than in the opposite hemisphere; the reason of which will easily appear from fig. 9, plate VII. wherein S represents the sun, E the earth, A B C D the sphere of the fixed stars ; and because comets neither reflect light enough to be visible, nor emit tails conspicuous enough to attract our no- tice, till they come within the planetary regions, commonly a good way within the sphere of Jupi- ter ; let K L M N be a sphere concentric to the sun, at such a distance from him, that no comet can be seen by us till it come within that distance : through E draw the plane B D perpendicular to S E, which will divide the sphere K L M N into two hemispheres, one of which, BCD, is towards the sun, the other DAB, opposite. Now it is manifest, that the spherical portion L M N, which is in the hemisphere BCD towards the sun, is larger than the portion N K L in the hemispl}ere opposite to him ; and consequently a greater number of comets will appear in the hemisphere BCD than in that marked DAB. 174. Although the orbs of all comets are very eccentric ellipses, there are vast diff'erences among them. Excepting Mercury and Pallas, there are no great differences among the planets either as to the eccentricity of their orbits, or the inclina- tion of their planes ; but the planes of some comets are almost perpendicular to. others, and some of their ellipses are much wider than others. The narrowest ellipsis of any comet hitherto ob- served was that of 1680. There is also a much greater inequality in the motion of the comets than of the planets ; the velocity of the former being incomparably greater in their perihelion than in their aphelion ; but the plaaets are but very little accelerated. 175. There is now no question among astro- nomers, that comets are opaque bodies enlight- ened by the sun. Their perihelion distances from the sun are exceedingly various, ?ome being not more than one-fifth, and others upr wards of four-times the mean distance of the earth. Their diameters too differ very greatly. Their apparent diameters of course vary with their distance; and some have supposed that those apparently preternatural darknesses, of I 114 ASTRONOMY. wliich several are recorded in liistory, may have been caused by t!ie interposition of a comet between the earth and the sun, at a time when, from its proximity to the earth, its apparent diameter was greater than the sun's, and when its apparent motion was in the same direction as the sun's. The diameter of the comet of 1744, when at the distance of tlie sun from us, was about one minute, hence its real diameter was about three times that of the earth. The diame- ter of their atmosphere is however often ten or fifteen times ;is great as that of the nucleus. 176. The tails of comets have given rise to various conjectures ; but though it is apparent that they are in some way connected with the sun, we know as yet absolutely nothing of either tiieir cause, or their uses. Perhaps the most rational conjecture that has been made respecting them is that of Euler, who imagines that on a comet's approaching the sun tlie impulse of the solar rays may drive the finer particles of the comet's atmosphere in a direction of course opposite to the sun, and that these particles become visible in the shape of a tail, which, from the resistance it may meet with moving obliquely through the lether, may put on that curved appearance which the tails are often observed to assume. If this hypothesis were true, we might conceive that the velocity of a comet may be so great, that a tail may be produced opposite to the sun before the previously formed one can overtake it. This agrees with what is recorded of the comet of 1744, which is said to have had several tails when near its perihelion. 177. Mr. Whiston has conjectured that the deluge, of which, in the sacred writings, we have the only authentic record, but of which the annals of most nations have traditionary accounts, was produced by the near approach of a comet, whose atmosphere had been attracted by the earth ; and he further surmises, that the final catastrophe foretold in the scriptures may be pro- duced by the approach of a comet prodigiously heated in its perihelion. We pretend not, how- ever, on such subjects as these, to penetrate the secrets of Almighty wisdom, which can produce its own ends, by means of which we nave no conception. 178. On looking over the catalogue of ancient comets, Dr. Halley found that there was consider- able similarity in the elements of the orbits, and in the periodic times of three which appeared in 1531, 1607, and 1682; and he strongly surmised that these three comets had only been several returns of the same comet, which might be ex- pected to return again about the end of 1758 or the beginning of 1759. ClairauU applied him- self with great diligence and success to the inves- tigation of the elements of these comets, which he too conceived to be the same; and he pre- dicted that it would be in perilielion on April 13th, 1759, and it actually was in its perihelion on the 13th of March, differing about a month from tiie predicted time. This comet may be expected, again in 1835. 179. Clairault found, by applying the princi- ples of physics to the computation of this comet's motion, that its last period was lengtiiened about 100 days by the action of Saturn, and about 518 days by that of .Tupiter. And, as we know not how the orbits of these eccentric bodies may be affected by their mutual attractions among them- selves, it is probable that many ages will elapse before any very accurate knowledge of the peri- odic times of many of them will be obtained. Much attention however is at present paid to tliis branch of astronomy; and, the consequence has been, that a visit of a comet to our regions is found to be an event of very frequent occurrence. I» the year 1825 not less than five different comets were observed. 180. The Astronomical Society of London, at their anniversary in February 1824, voted a gold medal to M. Rumker, for his re-discovery of a comet, which was first discovered by M. Guke, and has been called by his name. This comet had been seen, in an intervening return in 1818, by M. Pons, and the astronomical society voted him a'silver medal as a token of their approbation of the industry and talent with which he has ap- plied to this interesting branch of the science. In connexion with this subject too, we cannot help noticing a most profound and ingenious paper by M. Masotti, on the resistance of aether, as deduced from the irregularities of the motion of Guke's comet. Sect. W — Conjectures and Conclusions RESPECTING THE FiXED StARS. ICl. Astronomers have supposed the innu- merable multitude of fixed stars to be so many suns, each of which is attended by a certain number of planets or habitable worlds like our own, as well as visited by comets. The strong- est argument for this hypothesis is, that the stars cannot be magnified by a telescope on account of their immense distance ; whence it is concluded tliat they shine by their own light, and are there- fore so many suns ; each of which we may sup- pose to be equal, if not superior, in lustre and magnitude to our own. They are not supposed to be at equal distances from us, but to be more remote in proportion to their apparent smallness. This supposition is necessary to prevent any in- terference of their planets, and thus there may be as great a distance between a star of tho first magnitude and one of the second apparently close to it, as between the earth and the fixed stars first mentioned. 182. (Others object, that the disappearance of some of the fixed stars is a demonstration that they cannot be suns, as it would be in the highest degree absurd to think that God would create a sun which might disappear of a sudden, and leave its planets and their inhabitants in endless night. But this argument will have no weight with those who believe in tlie doctrines of revela- tion ; which assures us that our world will come to an end, and that our sun will be deprived of his light ; and consequently that all the planets which circulate around him will be involved in darkness. 183. In short, there is nothing inconsistent with either scripture or reason in supposing, that while infinite space is universally filled wiiii il- luminating suns and circulating planets, each world, or rather each solar system of worlds, has ASTRONOMY. 115 its own periods of creation, Juration, and final consummation ; as we are assured ours has had, and will have. And the discoveries of astrono- mers respecting old stars disappearing, and new ones being observed, are perfectly consistent with the doctrines of creation and dissolution, which all Christians profess to believe, with re- gard to our own solar system and the globe we inhabit. 184. Some, however, have thought that the variable stars which disappear for a time, are planets, which are only visible during some part of their course. But this their apparent immo- bility, notwithstanding their decrease of lustre, will not allow us to think. Some have imagined that one side of them may be naturally much darker tlian the other, and when by the revolu- tion of the star upon its axis, the dark side is turned towards us, the star becomes invisible, and for the same reason, after some intei"val, re- sumes its former lustre. 185. M. Maupertius is of opinion that some ■stars, by tl eir prodigiously quick rotations on their axes, may not only assume the figures of oblate spheroids, but that by the great centrifu- gal force arising from such rotations, they may become of the figures of mill-stones, or be re- duced to fiat circular planes, so thin as to be quite invisible when their edges are turned to- wards us; as Saturn's ring is in such positions. But when very eccentric planets or comets go round any fiat star, in orbits much inclined to its equator, the attraction of the planets or comets in their perihelions must alter the incli- nation of the axis of that star ; on which account it will appear more or less large and luminous, as its broad side is more or less turned towards us. And thus he imagines we may account for the apparent changes of magnitude and lustre in those stars, and likewise for their appearing and disappearing. 106. In the Philosophical Transactions for 178.3, Mr. Mitchell, in proposing a method of determining the distance, magnitude, &c. of the fixed stars, by the diminution of the velocity of their light, should any such thing be discovered, supposes that by far the greater part, if not all of them, are systems of stars so near each other, as probably to be liable to be affected sensibly by their mutual gravitation; and that it is therefore not unlikely that the periods of the revolutions of some of these about their principals (the smaller ones being upon this hypothesis to be considered as satellites to the others), m^ty some time or other be discovered. And the recent observations of Mr. Herschel and Mr. South on double stars, when compared with those made by Sir William Herschel many years ago, show decidedly that many of these double stars do certainly revolve round each other. 187. Herschel, improving on Mitchell's idea of the fixed stars being collected into groups, and assisted by his own observations with the ex- traordinary telescopic powers already mentioned, has suggested a theory concerning the construc- tion of the universe entirely new and singular. It had been the opinion of former astronomers, that our sun, besides occupying the centre of ithe system which properly belongs to him, occu- pied also the centre of the universe : but Hers- chel is of a different opinion. 188. The observations on which this theory is founded, were made with a Newtonian reflector of twenty feet focal length, and an aperture of eighteen inches. With this powerful telescope he first began to survey the Ma Lactea, and found that it completely resolved the whitish appearance into stars, which the telescopes he formerly used had not light enough to do. The portion he first observed was that about the hand and club of Orion ; in which he found an asto- nishing multitude of stars, whose number he endeavoured to estimate by counting many fields (or apparent spaces of the heavens, which he could see at once through his telescope), and computing from a medium of these how many might be contained in a given portion of the mi-lky way. In the most vacant place to be met with in that neighbourhood, he found 63 stars; other six fields contained 110, 60, 70, 90, 70, and 74 stars ; a medium of all which gave 79 for the number of stars to each field. Thus he found that by allowing 15' for the diameter of his field of view, a belt of 15° long and 2° broad, v.'hich he had often seen pass before his telescope in an hour's time, could not contain less than 50,000 stars, large enough to be distinctly numbered : besides which he suspected twice as many more, which could be seen only now and then by faint glimpses, for want of sufficient light. 189. The doctor's success within the milky way soon induced him to turn his telescope to the nebulous parts of the heavens, of which an accurate list had been published in the Connois- sance des Temps for 1783 and 1784. Most of these yielded to a Newtonian reflector of twenty feet focal distance, and twelve inches aperture ; which plainly discovered them to be composed of stars, or at least to contain stars, and to show every other indication that they consisted of them entirely. 190. ' The nebulffi,' says he, ' are arranged into strata, and run on to a great length ; and some of them I have been able to pursue, and to guess pretty well at their form and direction. It is probable enough that they may surround the whole starry sphere of the heavens not unlike the milky way, which undoubtedly is nothing but a stratum of fixed stars ; and as this latter im- mense starry bed is not of ecpial breadth or lustre in every part, nor runs on in one straight direction, but is curved, and even divided intr^ two streams along a very considerable portion of it, we may likewise expect the greatest variety in the strata of the clusters of stars and nebulte. 191. * One of these nebulous beds is so rich, tliat in passing through a section of it in the time of only thirty-six minutes, I have detected no less tiian thirty-one nebulae, all distinctly visi- ble upon a fine bhie sky. Their situation and shape, as well as condition, seem to denote the greatest variety imaginable. In another stratum, or perhaps a different branch of the former, 1 have often seen double and treble nebulae va- riously arranged ; large ones with small seeming attendants ; narrow, but much extended lucid nebulae or bright dashes ; some of tiie shape of a fan, resembling an electric brush issuing from I 2 116 ASTRONOMY. a lucid point; others of the comctic shape, with a seeming nucleus in the centre, or like cloudy stars, surrounded with a nebulous atmosphere ; a different sort again contain a nebulosity of the milky kind, like that wonderful inexplicable phe- nomenon about Orionis ; while others shine with a fainter mottled kind of light, which de- notes their being resolvable into stars. 192. ' It is very probable that the great stra- tum called the milky way, is that in which the sun is placed, though perhaps not in the very centre of its thickness. We gather this fi-om the appearance of the galaxy, which seems to en- compass the whole heavens, as it certainly must do if the sun is within the same. For suppose a number of stars arranged between two parallel planes, indefinitely extended every way, but at a given considerable distance from one another, and calling this a sidereal stratum ; an eye placed somewhere within it will see all the stars in the direction of the planes of the stratum pro- jected into a great circle, which will appear lucid on account of the accumulation of the stars, while die rest of the heavens at the sides will only seem to be scattered over with con- stellations, more or less crowded according to the distance of the planes, or number of stars contained in the thickness or sides of the stratum. 193. ' From appearances,' Dr. Herschel con- tinues, ' we may infer that the sun is most likely placed in one of the great strata of the fixed stars, and very probably not far from the place where some smaller stratum branches out from it. This supposition will satisfactorily, and with great simplicity, account for all the phenomena of the milky way ; which, according to this hypo- thesis, is no other than the appearance of the projection of the stars contained in this stratum and its secondary branch. As a farther induce- ment to look on the galaxy in this point of view, let it be considered that we can no longer doubt of its whitish appearance arising from the mixed lustre of the numberless stars that compose it. Now should we suppose it to be an irregular ring of stars, in the centre nearly of which we must then suppose the sun to be placed, it will appear not a little extraordinary that the sun, being a fixed star like those which compose this imagined ring, should just be in the centre of such a multitude of celestial bodies, without any apparent reason for this singular distinction ; whereas, on our supposition, every star in this stratum, not very near the termination of its length or height, will be so placed as also to liave its own galaxy, with only such variations in the form and lustre of it as may arise from the ))articular situation of each star.' 194. A continued series of observations con- firmed Dr. Herschel in these opinions; and in a succeeding paper he has given a sketch of his ideas of the interior construction of the heavens : ' That the milky way,' says he, * is a most ex- tensive stratum of stars of various sizes, admits no longer of the least doubt ; and that our sun is one of the heavenly bodies belonging to it is as evident. I have now viewed and gauged this shining zone in almost every direction, and find it composed of shining stars, whose number, by the account of those gauges, constantly increases and decreases in proportion to its apparent brightness to the naked eye. 195. ' But, in order to develop the ideas of the universe that have been suggested by my late observations, it will be best to take the sub- ject from a point of view at a considerable dis- tance both of space and time. Let us then suppose numberless stars of various sizes scatter- ed over an indefinite portion of ^pace, in such a a manner as to be almost equally distributed tiirough the whole. Tlie laws of attraction, which no doubt extend to the remotest regions of the fixed stars, will operate in such a manner as most probably to produce the following re- markable effects : 196. 1. It will frequently happen that a star, bfeing considerably larger than its neighbouring ones, will attract them more than they will be Httracted by others diat are immediately around them ; by which means they will be in time as it were condensed about a centre ; or in other words, form themselves into a cluster of stars of almost a globular figure, more or less regu- larly so, according to the size and original dis- tance of the surrounding stars. The perturba- tions of the mutual attractions must undoubtedly be very intricate, as we may easily comprehend by considering what Sir Isaac Newton has said (Princip. lib. i. prob. 38, et seq.) : but in order to apply this great author's reasoning, of bodies moving in ellipses, to such as are here for a while supposed to have no other motion than what their mutual gravity has imparted to them, we must suppose the conjugate axes of these ellipses indefinitely diminished, whereby the ellipses will become straight lines. 197. 2. The next case, which will happen almost as frequently as the former, is where a few stars, though not superior in size to the rest, may chance to be rather nearer each other than the surrounding ones ; for here also will be formed a prevailing attraction in the combined centre of gravity of them all, which will occasion the neighbouring stars to draw together ; not, indeed, so as to form a regiilar globular figure, but, however, in such a manner as to be con- densed towards the common centre of gravity of the whole irregular cluster. And this construc- tion admits of the utmost variety of shapes, ac- cording to the number and situation of the stars which first gave rise to the condensation of the rest. 198. 3. From the composition and repeated conjunction of both the foregoing forms, a third may be derived, when many large stars, or com- bined small ones, are situated in long extended regular or crooked rows, hooks, or branches ; for they will also draw the surrounding ones so as to produce figures of condensed stars coarsely similar to the former, which g<) 'e rise to these condensations. 199. 4. We may likewise admit of still more extensive combinations ; when, at the same time that a cluster of stars is forming in one part of space, there may be another collecting in a dif- ferent, but perhaps not far distant, quarter, which may occasion a mutual approach towards their common centre of gravity. ASTRO N O U Y. 117 200. 5. In the last place, as a natural conse- quence of the former cases, there will be great cavities or vacancies formed by the retreat of the stars towards the various centres which attract them; so that, upon the whole, there is evidently a field of the greatest variety for the mutual and combined attractions of the heavenly bodies to exert themselves in. 201. From this theoretical view of the heavens, which has been taken from a point not less dis- tant in time than in space, we will now retreat to our own retired station, in one of the planets at- tending a star in its great combination with num- berless others; and in order to investigate what will be the appearances from this contracted situation, let us begin with the naked eye. The stars of the first magnitude, being in all proba- bility the nearest, will furnish us with a step to begin our scale. Setting off, therefore, with the distance of Sirius or Arcturus, for instance, as unity, we will at present suppose, that those of the second magnitude are at double, those of the third at treble, the distance, &:c. Taking it for granted, then, that a star of the seventh magni- tude (the smallest supposed visible with the naked eye) is about seven times as far as one of the first, it follows, that an observer who is en- closed in a globular cluster of stars, and not far from the centre, will never be able with the naked eye to see to the end of it ; for since, according to the above estimations, he can only extend his view to above seven times the distance of Sirius, it cannot be expected that his eyes should reach the borders of a cluster which has perhaps not less than fifty stars in depth everywhere around him. The whole universe to him, therefore, will be comprised in a set of constellations richly or- namented with scattered stars of all sizes : or, if the united brightness of a neighbouring cluster of stars should, in a remarkably clear night, reach his sight, it will put on the appearance of a small, faint, whitish, nebulous cloud, not to be per- ceived without the greatest attention. 202. Let us suppose him placed in a much extended stratum, or branching cluster of millions of stars, sucli as may fall under the third form of nebulee already considered. Here also the heavens will not only be richly scattered over with brilliant constellations, but a shining zone or milky way will be perceived to surround the whole sphere of the heavens, owing to the com- bined light of those stars which are too small, that is, too remote to be seen. Our observer's sight will be so confined, that he will imagine this single collection of stars, though he does not even perceive the 1000th part of them, to be the whole contents of the heavens. 203. Allowing him now the use of a common telescope, he begins to suspect, that all the milki- ness of the bright path which surrounds the sphere may be owing to stars. lie perceives a few clusters of them in various parts of the heavens, and finds also that there are kinds of nebulous patches : but still his views are not extended to reach so far as to the end of the stratum in which he is situated; so that he looks upon these patches as belonging to that system, which to him seems to comprehend every ce- lestial object. He now increases his power of vision; and, applying liimself to a close obser- vation, finds that the milky way is indeed no other than a collection of very small stars. He perceives, that those objects w^hich had been called nebulae, are evidently nothing but clusters of stars. Their number increases upon him ; and when he resolves one nebula into stars, he discovers ten new ones which he cannot resolve. He then forms the idea of immense strata of fixed stars, of clusters of stars, and of nebulae ; till going on with such interesting observations, he now perceives, that all these appearances must naturally arise from the confined situation in which we are placed. Confined it may justly be called, though in no less a space than what appeared before to be the whole region of the fixed stars, but which now has assumed the shape of a crookedly branching nebula; not indeed one of the least, but perhaps very far from being the most considerable, of those numberless clusters that enter into the constraction of the heavens. 204. Dr. Herschel shows, that this theoretical view of the heavens is perfectly consistent with facts, and seems to be confirmed by a series of observations. ' Upon the whole,' says he, ' I be- lieve it will be found, that the foregoing theo- retical view, with all its consequential appear- ances, as seen by an eye enclosed in one of the nebulce, is no other than a drawing from nature, wherein the features of the original have been closely copied : and I hope the resemblance wil/ not be called a bad one, when it shall be con. sidered how very limited must be the pencil 0! an inhaljitant of so small and retired a portion of an indefinite system, in attempting the picture of so unbounded an extent.' 205. The doctor having determined that the visible system of nature, by us called the uni- verse, consisting of all the celestial Ijodies, and many more than can be seen by the naked eye, is only a group of stars or suns with their planets, constituting one of those patches called a nebula, and perhaps not one 10,000th part of what is really the universe, he goes on to delineate the figure of this vast nebula, which he is of opinion may now be done ; and for this purpose, he gives a table, calculating the distance of the stars which form its extreme boundaries, or the length of the visual ray in different parts, by the number of stars contained in the field of his telescope at different times. He then proceeds to off'er some thoughts on the orisin of the nebulous strata of the heavens ; in doing which, he gives some hints concerning the antiquity of them ; con- jectures which, though abundantly ingenious, are of too fanciftil a nature to justify us in de- tailing them. 206. An objection naturally occurred in the course of Herschel's observations and enquiries concerning the structure of the heavens, that if the diff'erent systems were formed by the mutual attractions of the stars, the whole would be in danger of destruction by their falling one upon another. 207. Several circumstances, however, he says, manifestly tend to a general preservation. The indefinite extent of the sidereal heavens, must produce a balance that will effectually secure all the great parts of the whole from approaching 118 ASTRONOMY. to each other. ' There remains tlien (says he) only to see how the particular stars belonging to separate clusters are prevented from rushing on to their centres of attraction.' This he supposes may be done by projectile forces; ' the admis- sion of which will prove such a barrier against the seeming destructive power of attraction, as to secure from it all the stars belonging to a cluster, if not for ever, at least for millions of ages. Besides, we ought perhaps to look upon such clusters, and the destruction of a star now and then in some thousands of ages, as the very means by which the whole is preserved and renewed. These clusters may be the laboratories of the universe, wherein the most salutary remedies for the decay of the whole are pre- pared.' 208. The existence of such projectile forces is rendered probable, from the apparent changes of position of certain stars ; and from a comparison of the best modern observations with the most accurate of former times, there appears to have been a real change in the places of some of them, The Bull's Eye, Sirius, and Arcturus, are now found to be half a degree more southerly than the ancients reckoned them ; and the bright star intheshoulder of Orion, has, in Ptolemy, almost a whole degree of latitude more southerly than at present. And, as we have already noticed, such remarkable changes have been observed both in the positions and distances of so many of the double stars, that we are constrained to admit that nothing created is stable. Appearances, indeed, indicate that our own system is in motion towards a point of the heavens whose right ascension is about 250" and declination, aboi't 50" north. Whether this motion is one of rotation about some distant centre, or of direct motion, must be left to time and accurate obser- vation to determine. The consequence of this motion, however, is, certain apparent motions of several of the fixed stars, entirely unconnected vrith the phenomena arising either from the earth's figure, or its revolution round the sun. Dr. Maskelyne has given a table containing the proper motions, both in right ascension and declination of thirty six of the principal fixed stars. We subjoin this table as one of great im- portance to the practical astronomer. 209. Table of the annual proper motions of thirty-six fixed stars, in right ascension and de- clination : Names of the Stars. Annual Proper Motion. In right ascension. In declina- tion. y Pegasi . . . a Arietes . . . a Ceti .... Aldebaran . . Capella . . . Iligel . . . ft Tauri . . . — 0-09 + 0-10 — 0-12 4- 0-03 + 0-21 — 0-03 + 0-01 — 0-15 N. -f- 0-07 S. — 0'08 N. + 0-12 S. -I- 0-44 S. — 0-16 N. + 0-10 S. a Orion . . . 4- o-oi — 0.13 N. Sirius — 0-42 4- 1-04 S. Castor . . . — 015 4- 0-44 S. Procyon . . — 0-80 4- 0-95 S. Pollux . . . — 0-74 0-00 a Hydraj . . . — 0-09 — 0-14 N. Regulus . . . — 0-22 — 0.08 N. ft Leoni . . . — 0-57 4- 0-07 S. ft Virginis . . . -t- 0-74 4- 0-24 S. Spicae Virgini . — 0-02 — 0-19 N. Arcturus . . — 0-26 4- 1-72 S. n.Libr. . [ — 0-11 — 0-11 — 0-18 N. — 015 N. a Cor. Borealis . 4- 0-26 4- 0-03 S. a Serpentis . . 4- Oil — 19 N. 1 Antares . . . 0-00 — 0-26 N. a Herculis . . . 0-00 — 0-23 N. a Ophiuchi . . 4- 006 — 0-05 S. a Lyras . . . 4- 0-23 — 0-27 N. a J- AquiljE • • • -\ ftS t — 0-11 4- 0-48 — 0-16 N. — 0-54 N. — 0-03 4- 0-35 S. 2 > a Capricorn! ! 0-00 — 20 N. 4- 0-05 — 0-26 N. o Cygni ... — 0.08 — 0-03 N. a Aquani . . — 0-08 — 0-19 N. Fomalhaut . . 4- 0-35 — 006 N. a Pegasi . . . — 006 — 0-18 N. a Andromedse 4- 0-08 4- 0-06 S. PART II. OF THE VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF ASTRONOMY. Sect. I. — Of the most famous systems, by WHICH THE celestial PHENOMENA HAVE BEEN ATTEMPTED TO BE EXPLAIKED. 210. To explain the motions and appearances of the heavenly bodies, various hypotheses have been formed; and every hypothesis that ever was framed, accounted for some one or other of them ; but men being, in the early ages, ignorant of the laws of motion, could not be expected to dis- cover the true system, or explain all the various phenomena of the celestial orbs. 211. In treating of the systems which have been invented in different ages, we do not mean to give an account of all the various absurdities that have been broached by individuals on this subject; but to confine ourselves to those sys- tems which have been of considerable note, and been generally followed for a number of years. We are as ignorant of the opinions of the first astronomers, respecting the system of the uni- verse, as we are of the astronomers tliemselves. Whatever opinions are handed down to us, must be of much later date than the introduction of astronomy among mankind. 212. If we may hazard a conjecture, however, we are inclined to think, that the first opinions on this subject were much more just, than those that were held afterwards for many years. Pythagoras maintained the motion of the earth, which is now universally believed, but at that time appears to have been the opinion of only a few detached individuals in Greece. As the Greeks borrowed many tilings from the Egyp- tians, and Pythagoras had travelled into Egypt A S T R O N O M Y. 119 and PhcEnicia, it is probable he might receive an account of this hypothesis from thence; but whether he did or not, we have now no means of knowing, neither is it of any importance. Certain it is, however, that this opinion did not prevail in his days, nor for many ages afterwards. 213. In the second century the Pythagorean hypothesis was superseded by a system erected by the famous geographer and astronomer, Clau- dius Ptolemxus. This system, which commonly goes by the name of the Ptolemaic, he seems not to have originally invented, but adopted as the prevailing one of that age; and he, perhaps, made it somewhat more consistent than it was before. He supposed the earth at rest in the centre of the universe. Round the earth, and the nearest to it of all the heavenly bodies, the moon performed its monthly revolutions. Next to the moon was placed the planet Mercury; then Venus; and above that the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, in their proper orbits ; then the sphere of the fixed stars; above these, two spheres of what he called chrystallme heavens; above these was the primum mobile, which, by turning round once in twenty-four hours, by some unaccountable means or other, carried all the rest along with it. This primum mobile was encompassed by the empyrean heaven, which was of a cubic form, and the seat of angels and blessed spirits. Besides the motions of all the heavens round the earth once in twenty- four hours, each planet was supposed to have a particular motion of its own ; the moon, for instance, once in a month, performed an addi- tional revolution, the sun in a year, kc- See Plate VII. fig. 4. 214. It is evident, that on this supposition, the complicated motions of the planets already described could never be accounted for. Had they circulated uniformly round tlie earth, their apparent motion ought always to have been equal and uniform, without appearing either stationary or retrograde in any part of their courses. In consequence of this objection, Ptolemy was obliged to invent a great number of circles, interfering with each other, which he called epicycles and eccentrics. These proved a ready and effectual salvo for all the defects of his sys- tem; as whenever a planet was deviating from the course it ought on his i^lan to have followed, it was then only moving in an epicycle or an eccentric, and would in due time fall into its proper path. As to the natural causes, by which the planets were directed to move in these epi- cycles and eccentrics, it is no wonder that he found himself much at a loss, and was obliged to have recourse to divine power for an explana- tion, or, in other words, to own that his system was unintelligible. It, however, continued to be in vogue till the beginning of the sixteenth cen- tury, when it was superseded by the Copernican, of which afterwards. 215. The only other systems worth mention- ing, besides the true system, are the Tychonic, the semi-Tychonic, and the Cartesian; all of which have gained proselytes, though none of them were ever so universally received as the Ptole- maic and Copernican. 216. The Tychonic system, plate VII. fig. 7, was invented by Tycho Bralie, who sup])osed that the earth was at rest, and that the moon and sun revolved about it; the moon in a month, and the sun in a year ; and at the same time, that the rest of the planets, Mercury, \'enus. Mars, Jupi- ter, and Saturn, revolved round the sun ; the three last also encompassing the earth. Besides these motions, he supposed them all to have a diurnal motion round the earth, as well as all the stars. 217. The semi-Tychonic system supposed the planets to revolve round tlie sun, wliile the sun and moon revolve about tlie earth as their cen- tre of motion ; and it supposed the earth to move about its axis from west to east in twenty- four hours. This system differs from the Tycho- nic only in this, that it supposes a diurnal motion in the earth, but, like the Tychonic, denies an annual one. 218. The Cartesian system, so named from its author, Des Cartes, supposes a variety of vor- tices or whirlpools, in which the motions of the heavenly bodies are performed, being carried round the sun in a vortex of ethereal matter, in different times, proportioned to their distances ; and each planet having also a particular vortex of its own, in which the motions of its satel- lites are performed. From the laws of motion it will easily appear, that the irregular motions of the planets cannot be accounted for by these vortices ; and besides, the supposition of an ethereal matter to perform the operations, is without any foundation, or analogy in nature. Sect. II. — Of the Copernican, or Tkue System of Astronomy. 219. The Ptolemaic system had gained uni- versal credit, when Copernicus began to entertain doubts of its truth, and to trj' if a more satis- factory method of accounting for the apparent motion of the celestial bodies, might not be ob- tained. He had recourse to every author upon the subject, but obtaine:! no satisfaction, till he found from Cicero, that Nicetas, the Sy- racusan, had maintained the motion of the earth; and from Plutarch, that Pythagoras and others of the ancients had been of the same opinion. 220. From these small hints, this great genius deduced a most complete system of astronomy, capable of solving every phenomenon in a sa- tisfactory manner : — a system which has been more and more confirmed by the discoveries and improvements that have been made In astronomy and mathematics, since his time ; as well as by the use of telescopes, which have discovered nu- merous celestial phenomena formerly quite un- known. Like all important discoveries, however, when they run counter to general prejudices, the Copernican system was at first much opposed ; and by none more than the celebrated Tycho Brahe, who could never assent to the motion of the earth, and who invented the system described in the last section, with a view to supersede the necessity of it. 221. But while philosophers were divided be- tween the Ptolemaic, the Tychonic, the Carte- sian, and Copernican systems. Sir Isaac Newton laid down the laws of nature and motion, and. 120 ASTRONOMY. comparins; all the phenomena in the heavens, discovered the true system of the universe, con- firmed the Copernican system of astronomy, and demonstrated its truth by unanswerable argu- ments, drawn from the most obvious laws of na- ture. This system, wliich is founded on a basis not to be shaken, is as follows : 222. The sun, which to us is the fountain of light and heat, is an immense spherical body, which revolves on its own axis in about twenty- five days ; and is the centre round which eleven other bodies, called planets, are known to revolve at different distances and in different periods. The planes in which the planets revolve all pass through the centre of the sun, and they are in general inclined to each other in very small angles. They are called primary planets, and some of them are attended by smaller ones, called sUellites, which revolve round them in the same manner as they revolve round the sun. See plate III. 223. The sun and the planets are called the solar system. The orbits of the planets are not strictly circular, but elliptical or oval, and the sun is situated in a focus of the ellipse ; so that the planets, at one period of their revolution, are nearer to the sun than at another. 224. Besides the periodical revolution round the sun, each of the planets has a uniform ro- tatory motion round an imaginary line, called the axis, passing through the centre ; and, during the whole of any planet's revolution, its axis of rotation preserves the same parallel position. In consequence of this rotation, the different parts of the surfaces of the planets are presented to the sun in succession ; but it has not been observed, that the axis round which any planet rotates, is perpendicular to the plane in which it revolves round the sun ; therefore, at one period of the revolution, one extremity of the axis and the ad- jacent parts of the surface will be inclined to- wards the sun, and the other at the opposite period. 225. There is a class of bodies called comets, which also revolve round the sun, and appear to be governed in their motion by the same laws that regulate the motions of the planets. Their orbits are greatly elongated, and they eome to- wards the sun from all quarters of the heavens, differing in this respect from the planets, which revolve pretty nearly in the sun's plane. They are further distinguished from the other stars, by a luminous stream of light which they emit when tliey come near the sun. 226. The earth, on which we live, is one of the planets ; it revolves round the sun in a year, and performs its rotation on its axis, from west to east, once in a day. The moon is a satellite attending tlje earth, round which it revolves from west to east in about twenty-seven days eight hours. 227. The planets, in the order of their distance from the sun, are : Mercury, \'enus, the Earth, Mars, \'esta, Juno, Ceres, Pallas, .lupiter, Saturn, and Herschel, Uranus, or the Georgium Sidus. Mercury, and \'enus, which are nearer the sun than the earth, are called inferior planets; and those which are more distant are called superior planets, as Jupiter, Saturn, and lierschel. These latter, indeed, are also by far the largest, \enus, Juno, Ceres, and Pallas, which are all nearly at the same distance from the sun, and all lately dis- covered, are so small that they are generally called asteroids. Jupiter has four satellites; Saturn seven; and Herschel six : Saturn is besides surrounded with a thin, broad, and beautiful ring, perfectly detached from his body. When an inferior planet is between the earth and the sun, its dark side being turned towards the earth, it cannot of course be seen by us, except as a spot apparently passing over the surface of the sun; but it can only be so seen when it passes the sun in one of those points in which it.« orbit enters into the plane of the earth's orbit. These points are called the nodes of the planet's orbit. For the characteristic marks of the sun and planets, see plate VIII. fig. 8. 228. The fixed stars are at an immense dis- tance ; for it has not yet been determined, by the nicest observations, that they have any annual sensible parallax; that is, they appear to the earth, when on different sides of its orbit, to be exactly in the same places, the earth's orbit seen from a fixed star, appearing only as a point. Con- sequently, the fixed stars all shine with their own native light ; for it would be impossible for light, transmitted from the sun, ever to render them visible, as it would be infinitely weak at so immense a distance. 229. The distance of the sun is immensely great,, in comparison with that of the moon, although it is almost nothing with respect to that of the fixed stars. For the sun's diurnal parallax, that is, the apparent semidiameter of the earth seen from the sun, is so small^ that no instruments could be so exactly made as to find it. Hence, it is inferred, that the sun's magnitude is vastly greater than the earth's. For, supposing the sun's parallax to amount to as much as a minute, then, since the apparent diameter of the sun is half a degree, this would make the sun's dia- meter fifteen times as big as the earth's ; but the sun's parallax has been found not to exceed Q-T", which will make the sun's diameter 100 times as great as the earth's. That the sun is of a globular form, is plain from the apparent mo- tion of the spots upon its surface ; for while the sun moves uniformly about its axis, the spots in the middle of the disk move very quickly and near the edges more slowly, agreeably to th; motion of a globe about its axis. By observa tions on these spots, the sun is found to revolvi about its axis in twenty-five or twenty-six days. 230. None of the celestial bodies in our pla- netary system shine with their own native light, except the sun ; so that all the planets, both primary and secondary, are opaque bodies, that have no other light but what they receive from the sun, and reflect it back towards the earth and other planets. This is evident from the moon; for only that side of her is observed to shine which is directly opposed to the sun ; but the other side, which is from the sun, is quite dark, except so far as it is illuminated by the reflection from the earth ; for the more of the illuminated side that is turned towards the earth, the more we see her enlightened, the rest being dark ; and the more of her dark side that is turned towards the earth, the more of her appears dark. Thus, at the full, she appears all enlightened, and at her change, all dark. rO/'E/tXIfA r Mam'ti"!^ '/ i J ^ A?3TM€)I^(DMir, rLATEvm ^^"- JL L„nfi^ftr,r fvr/ntma.t /W///, 7:\Cfi''»/u-"'f. .1///I /f.'/,1'~'f>. J.Stcr^Sc. ASTRONOMY. 121 231. Mercury and Venus exhibit similar phe- nomena, and show all the phases of the moon according to their various situations. Mars likewise appears gibbous when near the quadra- tures with the sun. The satellites of Jupiter are eclipsed when they are behind his body, being then immersed in his shadow; they like- wise cast their shadows upon the body of Jupiter. In Saturn, the shadow of the ring upon his body^ proves its opacity. And the v^eaksiiess of *Iie light of those that are far distant from the sun, shows that it is not innate but borrowed. 232, The following tables contain a synopsis of the periods, distances, &c. of the sun and planets, according to the latest and best obser- vations : 233. TABLE I. Periodical revo- Proportional Mean distances Mean distances Eccentricities lutions round mean dis- from the semi- from the sun in parts of the sun. tances from diameters of in English the mean the sun. the earth. miles. distances. D. n. M. Mercury . . 87 23 15i •3871 9,210 37,000,000 -^ Venus . . . 224 16 49i •72333 17,210 68,000,000 138 The Earth 365 6 9i !• 23,799 95,000,000 ^ Mars . . . 686 23 30| 1^52369 36,262 144,000,000 A Vesta . . . 1848 • 23-5513 56,049 222,000,000 ^ Juno . . . 2007i 26-6400 63,400 290,000,000 i Pallas . . 1682 27-6700 65,804 205,000,000 X 4 Ceres . . . 1681 27-6500 05,851 200,000,000 1^ Jupiter . . 4332 8 5U 5-20098 123,778 490,000,000 * Saturn . . 10,761 14 36| 9-53937 227,028 900,000,000 ^ Herschel . . 30,445 18 — 19-03421 453,000 1800,000,000 -^ 234. TABLE IL Greatest appa- rent diameter as seen from the earth. Diameter in English miles. Diurnal rota- tions upon their axes. Inclinations of their orbits to the ecliptic. Place of the ascending node. The Sun . Mercury . V^ENUS . . The Earth Mars . . Vesta . . Juno . . Pallas Ceres . . Jupiter Saturn Herschel 32' 36" 11 58 25 Very small, perhaps about 1" 46 20 4 883,217 3222 7687 7964 4189 Estimated from eighty to 4000 miles. 89,170 79,042 35,109 D. H. M. S. 25 15 16 unknown. 23 22 23 56 4 24 39 22 uncertain. 7° 0' 3 231 1 S 15° 46f' 2 14 44 1 51 7 8 13 4 34 38 10 38 1 19i 2 30i 48 1 17 59 3 13 18 5 21 4 5 22 31 2 21 7 3 8 50 3 21 48i 3 13 1 9 56 10 16 unknown. 235. TABLE III. Greatest elon- gation of infe- rior, and pa- rallax of supe- rior planets- Proportion of light and heat. Bulk in re- spect to the earth. Proportion of density. Place of the aphelion. The Sun . . Mercury . V^ENUS . The Earth Mars . . Vesta . . Juno . . Pallas Ceres . . Jupiter Saturn Herschel . 28° 20' 47 48 6-68 1-91 1 -43 •18 •16 -13 -13 -037 •Oil -00276 1,380,000 .1 1 h uncertain, but ex- ceedingly small. 1400 1000 96 2 li 1 ■ioij unknown. 8 S 14° 13' 10 9 38 9 9 15} 5 2 Oi 2 9 42 7 22 49 10 4 36 10 26 9 6 10 57^- 9 45i 11 23 23 47 24 11 51 6 29 3 4i 1^ to 122 A S T R O N O M Y. Sect. III. On Central Forces. 236. As the doctrine of central forces is of the greatest importance in the science of astronomy, it will be proper to explain here some of the most material propositions relative to that subject. 237. In this doctrine it is supposed, that mat- ter is equally indifferent to motion and rest ; or that a body at rest never moves itself, and that a body in motion never changes either the velocity or direction of its motion, but would move uni- formly forward in a straight line for ever, unless some external force or resistance should stop or change it. 238. Hence when a body at rest has a tend ency to move, or when a body moving in a straight line, has its velocity continually increased or diminished, or when the direction of a motion is continually changed, and thereby a curve line described; it is supposed that these circumstances proceed from the influence of some power that acts incessantly, which power may be measured in the first case by the pressure of the quiescent body against the obstacle that hinders it from moving ; or by the change made on the velocity in the second case ; or by the flexure of the curve described in the third case ; due regard being had to the time in which these effects are pro- duced, and other circumstances, according to the principles of mechanics. Now the power or force of gravity produces effects of each of these kinds, which fall under our observation at the surface of the earth ; for the same power that renders bodies heavy while at rest, accelerates their motion when they descend perpendicularly, and bends the path of their motion into a curve line when they are projected in a direction oblique to that of their gravity. But we can judge of the forces or powers that act on the celestial bodies by eff'ects of the last kind only, and hence it is that the doctrine of central force is of so much use in the theory of the planetary motions. 239. The following proposition is the founda- tion of this doctrine, and is given by Sir I. New- ton in his Principia. The areas which revolving bodies describe by radii drawn to an immovable centre of force, lie in the same planes and are proportional to the times in which they are de- scribed. Let the time supposed be divided into equal parts, and in the first part let a body be supposed, by its own inert force, to describe a right line, AD, Plate VIII. fig. 5. From what we have premised it will appear, that in the second part of time the body would describe the line D B equal to A D, if nothing acted upon it. But when the body is come to D, suppose a centripetal force tending to the point C acts upon it by a single impulse, such, that it would have carried the body from D to a in the same time. The body being now acted upon by two powers, one in the direction D B, and another in the direction D a passing through the centre of force, if the parallelogram aDBE be completed, the body will move in the diagonal D E, and a;t the end of the time will be found at E, by the prin- ciples of mechanics. Join AC,CE ; the trian- gle A D E, D C B, having equal bases, will there- fore be equal, and the triangles CDB, CDE, are equal, for they stand on the same base C D, and lie between the parallels DC, BF; therefore the triangles A CD, DCE are equal. By the same method of reasoning, if in the third particle of time the 'body describes any other right lin€ E G, it may be proved that the triangle C D E is equal to C E G ; and in a fourth particle there will be described a triangle CGI equal to C EG, and so on : it is also obvious that the lines AD, D E, E G, G I, &c. lie in the same plane. 240. Thus it appears that in equal times the areas described by radii drawn to the centre of force will be equally increased, and therefore by- composition, any sums of the areas are to one another, as the times in which they are described. Let the number of triangles be supposed to be now augmented, and their breadth diminished ad infinitum, the lines AD, DE, EG, GI, &c. will now become a curve line lying in the same plane, and the centripetal force which was supposed to act by starts, will now act continually, deflecting the body from the tangent, and thus causing it to- move in a curve. 241. We may hence infer, that the velocity of a body attracted towards an immovable centre, in spaces void of resistance, is reciprocally as a perpendicular let fall from that centre on the right line that touches the orbit. For draw C Y perpendicular to D E, and suppose the body to describe D E in a given time, hence the velocity of the body will be proportional to D E, and from what has been said, the area of the triangle C E D will be given, for it is proportional to the time : but when the area of a triangle remains the same,the base varies inversely as the perpendicu- lar, therefore D E, or the velocity of the body, is inversely as C Y the perpendicular ; and the same will hold true, whether the body, by successive impulses, moves by a polygon in the way here described ; or, by the continual action of the cen- tral force, moves in a curve line, 242. The central force of a body moving in the circumference of a circle, is as the versed sine, A M (plate X. fig. 7), of the indefinitely small arc A E; or it is as the square of that arc divided by the diameter AB. For AM is the space through which the body is drawn from tlie tangent in the given time, whence 2 A M is the measure of the intensity of the force. But A E being very small, and therefore nearly equal to AE* its chord, we have AM n —rrr ^^ therefore two Tjodies revolve uniformly in diff'erent circles, their central forces are directly as the jquares of their velocities, and inversely as the diameters, or as the radii of the circles. For the velocities are as the space uniformly described in the same time. Hence, F : f : 1 -rr- : -- Hence, if the diameters are inversely as the squares of the velocities, the forces will be as the fourth power of the velocities. 244. The central forces are to each other as the diameters divided by the squares of the peri- odic times. For if C be the circumference described in the time t, with the velocity v, then C V* v^ C zz t V, OT v=: ■- Hence, F : f'.l -rrr • y ■ ' 2. ^ D a Q2 c^ T) d • ' : — , • • — — : — ; for the diameter •• DT^ df'-' T- f'' varies as the circumference. A.STKOXOMT. PL.rrr, x Lt»iiio7i /'ii/ifi,t/it'tlbvT7iii/Hiis7i- IVP. Now the time in P p is represented by the area of the ■ , CO u SP-pM triangle !Sr p or by — - SP- • pM2 K R3 ^'■'? and consequently p M^ :r whence T- 1^ 4T2 SP^- whence j3 F (the force) rr 4 T2 — n-no) or (as the in- crements of time are uniform), the force is in- versely as the square of the distance from the focus. 250. We may hence infer, that if several pla- nets revolve in different ellipses about a com- mon focus, that the areas of the sectors described in the same time are as the square roots of the parameter of the transverse axes. For by conies a. p F = p RP; but p F varies as -^r—:; hence o i "5 R r _7^_ R2 rp : ^2- VTtien ^^,_ _ _ , ^■, ^, _ .^ T^ : ^- : : R' : r^ Hence, also, if the forces be inversely as the squares of the radii, the squares of the periodic times will be as the R r cubes of the distances. For F : /" : : =r, •• „ hence, t^ : R^ : : ^^ : ^, or T- : i^ : : R^ : r^ 248. We shall now apply the doctrine of cen- tral forces, to the circumstances of a planet re- volving in an ellipsis, by a force directed towards the focus. 249 . Let A B H L (plate VI. fig. 2) represent the ellipses, S and A the foci, and let P be the place of the planet, and PT a tangent at P, and let Pp be an indefinitely small arc described by the planet. Join PS, /> s, and draw pF parallel to SP, meeting PT in F. Then p F is the central force in the arc p P. Let a =i the parameter of the transverse All ; or let a AC zr 2 BC^. From p draw p I parallel to PT, meeting PK in I, and SP in t. Then the triangles PI i, PCE being similar, and P i equal and parallel to p F. Pi or p F : PI : : P£, or (by conies) AC : PC. When a -p P : a • PI : : AC : PC. And simi- larly a • PI : : PI • IK : : a : KI ; and by the property of the ellipse IP • IK : Ip^ : : PC : CN^. From p draw pM perpendicular to SP, then in the similar right angled triangles p i M PED, we have jp, or Ip (for they differ by quantities indefinitely small) p M : : PE : PD. But by conies PE : PD : : CN : CB, whence Ip ; pM : : CN : CB, and consequently \f :, p ftp : : CN' : CB-. Hence, by comparing these proportions, we have p F • a IP • IP • KI • I p= : IP • a • IP • KI • Ip2 • p M- : : CA • a . PC^ • CN^ : PC • KI • CN'^ • CB=; or by reduc- tion a • PF : p ]\P : a • AC • PC : KI • CB"' ; or, a- PF : p RP : 2 CB' • PC : CB= • KI : : PC : KI. But P and T being indefinitely near, KI a = pM. SP2, or ^a= PM. SP. ButPM. S P is proportionate to the area of elementary sector S Pp, which therefore varies as t^Ja. 251. We may farther infer, that the velocities in the different ellipses, are as the square root of the parameter of the transverse, divided by the perpendicular from the focus on the tangents, passing through the places of the planets. For the velocity, in an indefinitely small space of time, is as the arcpP; and from the similar triangles S P T, p MP, an hour S^ : S P : : P M : pP. Whence pP=?|^^=-^^ 252. It is farther apparent from what has been done, that the areas of the different ellipses are to each other as the product of the times by the square roots of the parameters of the transverse axes. For the area, Q, is as the product of the sector SPp by the time, t, and the sector varies as v'a; therefore Q varies as tyja. 253. Again, the squares of the periodic times are proportional to the cubes of the transverse axes. For let b be the less, d the greater axis, and a the parameter; then by conies a d zz b'^, or a d^ 3: 6* d-. But the whole areas are as the product of the axes ; and also, as has been just shown, as tA^a^ Hence b" d^, ox d^ a zz. t^ a, OT d^ varies as f^. Sect. IV. Of the Orbits and Motions OF THE PRIMARY PLANETS. 254. For the theorems in the preceding section on the subject of central forces we are indebted to the sagacity of Newton. They had before his time, however, been found by Kepler to be true in the case of the known planets of the solar system. Kepler showed that these laws did ob- tain in the system; Newton shewed that they must obtain. — The three fundamental laws of planetary motion which Kepler discovered, and of which the demonstrations given above, are these. 255. l.The primary planets and comets de- scribe round the sun, and the secondary planets describe round their respective primary planets^ are as proportioned to the times. 256. 2. The orbits described round the sun, and round the primary planets, are ellipses, having the sun of the primary planet in the focus. 124 ASTRONOMY. 257. 3. The squares of the periodic times of planets revolving round common centres, are proportional to the cubes of their mean dis- tances. 258. These laws are universal; they are obeyed by all the planets of our system, which revolve nearly in the same plane, and they are found to obtain also in the comets which move round the sun in all directions. 259. In addition to what has been said, the following popular illustration may be given of the peculiarities of the motion of a planet in the different planets of its orbit. Let A B and E F be the axis of an ellipse, of which D is the centre, and C the focus. See plate VIIT.fig. 4. Suppose that P is the place of a planet moving in the curve AF B E, (supply P in the fig.) and that P G is drawn touching the curve at P. Join C P, C E, and draw C G perpendicular to P G. The place of the sun will be at C the focus, and the planet will move in the curve ; so that the line C P shall pass over equal areas in equal times. Since the velocity of the planet is in- versely as the perpendicular upon the tangent, and the lines C B, C A, are perpendicular to tangents at the points B and A, the velocity at A, as C A to C B, and the velocity at B is to the velocity at P as C G to C B. Thus at B, which is called the perihelion, the velocity will be the greatest, and at A, the aphelion, it will be the least; and at any other point, P, it will be between these two extremes. The line C E is equal to B D, which is a mean between B C and C A ; and when the planet is at E, it is said to be at its mean distance. The force, that, acting upon the planet at P, bends it from the tangent, is to the force that acts upon it at E, any other point, as the square of C E to the square of CP. 260. We have hitherto supposed the sun to remain absolutely at rest, and that the planet was urged towards it, as to an immovable point ; but the tendency of the planets towards the sun, arises from a law, that not only connects the planets with the sun, but with each individual particle of matter in the solar system ; a par- ticular cause of this law or fact, is the gravity of bodies at the surface of our earth, and the general law that includes all particular cases, has been termed gravitation. Hence it follows, that not only the planets gravitate towards the sun, but the sun gravitates towards the planets ; so that, in strict truth, both the sun and each planet revolve round a point, which is their com- mon centre of gravity, and which is as much nearer to the sun than to the planet, as the sun contains more matter than the planet. 261. The truth of this general law is only to be proved by a careful examination of particular cases ; and, supposing it to be true, the effects it ought to produce in the planetary motions round the sun, are in perfect coincidence with the best observations. 262. If all matter gravitates to, or is attracted by, all other matter, it is evident that the planets must also gravitate towards each other ; and thus in some measure the uniformity of their motions round the sun will be affected. Now, by the most accurate observations, this is really found to be the case ; and the effects produced are precisely what they ought to be, supposing that the same la%v, which regulates the tendency of the planets towards the sun, also regulates their tendency to one another. 263. If the planets were acted on by a power directed to the centre of the sun only, varying according to the general law of gravity, and that centre were quiescent, their motions about it would be perfectly regular ; but since they are acted on by a power directed to every body in the system, in order to judge of the effects of these actions, Newton first supposes two bodies revolving about their common centre of gravity, and gravitating towards each other, and since the direction of this mutual gravitation passes always through that centre, and their distances from it vary always in the same proportion as their dis- tances from each other, they must describe similar figures about that point and about each other, and describe equal areas in equal times, about that centre, and about each other ; so that there will be no irregularities in the motion of two bodies about each other, because of their mutual attractions, whatever the law of their gravity is supposed to be ; only they will revolve in less time about their centre of gravity, than the one would have done about the other quies- cent, because the orbit described abo>it the other centre of gravity rs less than that which is described by any one of them about the other quiescent ; their distance in both cases being the same, and the orbits similar. 264. If three or more bodies mutually attract each other, the gravitation of any one of them, arising from the attractions of the rest, may be determined by the rule for composition of motion; and if the law of gravity be such as olHains in the solar system, its gravitations will not be always directed to the centre of gravity of the other bodies, or indeed to any fixed point, but sometimes to one side of that centre and some- times to the other, and therefore equal areas will not be described in equal times about any point in the system ; and some irregu- larities will therefore arise in the motions of the bodies. 265. But if one of these bodies should be vastly greater than the others, so that the actions of the other bodies may be neglected, when compared with its action ; and the centre of gravity of the system be always found near it, the irregularities of such a system will be very small, the areas described in equal times about the centre of the great body will be nearly equal, and the orbits described will be nearly elliptic, having that centre in their focus. 266. We have seen that the determination of the circumstances relative to two bodies in motion, is a matter of great simplicity; but when the number of bodies is increased even by one, the general estimation of their effects on each other's motions is a problem that has hitherto baffled the skill of the most eminent philosophers. It happens very fortunately that, in the only case in which it is of much im- portance to us, it admits of an approximate solution, from the sun being so much greater than all the other planets ; for in the case of the ASTRONOMY. 12^ moon, the sun, and the earth, which we may take for the sake of illustration, the sun disturbs the motions of the moon as seen from the earth, only by the difference of its attractions on the moon and the earth, which difference, when compared with the former by which the moon is attracted towards the earth, is always very small. 267. The action of Jupiter on Saturn, when greatest (that is, when their distance is least), is found by calculation to be ^ of the action of the sun upon Saturn. This produces an effect which is decidedly perceptible. 268. The whole action of Jupiter disturbs the motion of Saturn in their conjunction, because Jupiter then acts upon Saturn and upon the sun in opposite directions. But because Saturn then acts upon Jupiter and upon the sun in the same direction, if it acted also with the same force on both, it would have no effect on the motion of Jupiter about the sun ; and it is by the excess of its action on Jupiter, above its action on the sun, that it disturbs the motion of Jupiter. This excess is found to be one 1913th part of the action of the sun on Jupiter ; and therefore is much less than the force with which Jupiter disturbs the motion of Saturn. 269. The actions of the other planets on each other are incomparably less than these, and the irregularities proceeding from those actions are always less in any planet, as it is nearer the sun ; but the orbit of the earth is a little more irregular than that of its neighbouring planets, from the great comparative size of its moon, round the common centre of gravity of which, and the earth, both the earth and the moon make a monthly revolution. Sect. V. — Of the Orbits and Motions of THE Secondary Planets. 270. The same general principle of gravita- tion which contains the primary planets in their orbits, extends also to the motions of the se- condary planets, both in regard to their motion round the sun along with their primaries, and to their motions round their primaries as a centre ; which furnishes us with an additional proof of this general law, that all matter gravi- tates to all other matter with a force reciprocally proportional to the square of the distance. 271. That each secondar}' planet is kept in its orbit by a power directed towards its primary, &c. is proved from the phenomena of the satel- lites of Jupiter and Saturn ; because they move in circles, as far as we can observe, about their respective primaries with an equal course, the primary being the centre of each orbit : and by comparing the times in which the different satellites of the same primary perform their periods, they are found to observe the same relation to the distances from their primary, as the primary planets observe in respect of their mean distances from the sun. The same thing holds good also with respect to the earth and moon ; for she is found to move round the earth in an ellipsis after the same manner as the primary planets do about the sun, excepting only .some small irregularities in her motions, the cause of which will be particularly explained in what follows ; nd it will appear that diey are no objections against the earth's acting on the moon in the same manner as the sun acts on the primary planets ; that is, as Jupiter and Saturn act upon their satellites. 272. The power of Jupiter and Saturn may be measured to a very considerable distance, by the number of satellites which move round them; for the distance of the outermost satellite of each of them exceeds several times that of the inner- most. That the force which retains the moon in her orbit, bears precisely that relation which accords with its distance to the known force of gravity on the surface of the earth, may be shown by the following very simple process. 273. Let A in plate \'II. fig. 5, represent the earth, B the moon, BCD the moon's orbit ; which differs little from a circle of which A is the centre. If the moon in B were left to itself to move with the velocity it has in the point B, it would leave the orbit and proceed straight forward in the line B E which touches the orbit in B. Suppose the moon would upon this con- dition move from B to E in the space of one minute of time '. by the action of the earth upon the moon, whereby it is retained in its orbit, the moon will really be found at the end of this minute in the point F, from whence a straight line drawn to A will make the space B F A in the circle equal to the triangular space B E A ; so that the moon, in the time wherein it would have moved from B to E, if left to itself, has been impelled towards the earth from E to F. And when the time of the moon's passing from B to F is small, as here it is only one minute, the distance between E and F scarcely differs from the space through which the moon would descend in the same time, if it were to fall directly down from B towards A, without any other motion. A B, the distance of the moon from the earth, is about sixty of the semi- diameters of the latter ; and the moon completes her revolution round the earth in about twenty- seven days, seven hours and forty-three minutes : therefore the space E F will here be found by computation to be about 16 J feet. Consequently, if the power by which the moon is retained in its orbit, be greater, near the surface of the earth, than at the distance of the moon, in tlie duplicate proportion of that distance, the number of feet a body would descend near the surface of the earth, by the action of this power upon it, in one minute, would be equal to the number 16J multiplied twice into the number sixty, that is, to 58,050. 274. Now bodies falling near the surface of the earth have [been found, by exact experi- ments, to descend 16^ feet in one second; and the spaces described by falling bodies being as the squares of the times of their fall, the number of feet a body would describe in its fall near the surface of the earth in one m.inute of time, would be equal to 16J multiplied by 60^; the same as the power which acts upon the raoon wc.uld cause. 275. We may hence conclude, that the power which retains the moon in her orbit is the same as that which causes bodies near the surface of the earth to gravitate; for, since the power by which the earth acts on the moon will cause 126 ASTRONOMY. Ixjdies near the surface of it to descend witli pre- cisely the velocity they are found to do, it is certain that no other power can act upon them besides ; because, if it did, they must of neces- sity descend more swiftly. It is therefore evi- dent, that the power in the earth which we call gravity, extends up to the moon, and decreases as the square in the same proportion as the square of the distance from the centre of the earth in- creases. If to the motion of the satellite where- by it would be carried round its primary at rest, we superadd the same motion, both in regard to velocity and direction, as the primary itself has, it will describe about the primary the same orbit with as great regularity as if the primary had been indeed at rest. This proceeds from the law of motion, which makes a body near the surface of the earth descend perpendicularly, though the earth be in a swift motion, of which if the falling body did not partake, its descent would be oblique. 276. From this we learn, that, if the satellite moved about its primary with perfect regularity, besides its motion about the primary, it vv-ould have the same progressive velocity witli which the primary is carried about the sun, in a direction parallel to that impulse of its primary ; and, on the contrary, the want of cither of these, in par- ticular . of the impulse towards the sun, v/ill occasion great inequalities in the motion of the secondary planet. The inequalities which would arise from the absence of this impulse towards the sun are so great, that by the regularity which appears in the motion of the secondary planets, it is proved, that the sun communicates to them the same velocity by its action as it gives to their primary at the same distance. 277. The sun therefore acts upon the secondary planets with the same force as upon the primaries ttt the same distance : but the action of the sun upon bodivis is reciprocally in the duplicate pro- portion of the distance; therefore the secondary, planets being sometimes nearer to the sun than to the primary, and sometimes more remote, they are not always acted upon in the same degree with their primary, but when nearer to the sun are attracted more, and when farther off are at- tracted less. Hence arise various inequalities in the motions of the secondary planets. Some of those inequalities, however, would take place, though the moon, if undisturbed by the sun, had moved in a circle concentrical to the earth, and in the plane of the earth's motion ; others depend on the elliptical figure and oblique situation of the moon's orbit. One of the former is, that the moon does not describe equal spaces in equal times, but is continually accelerated as she passes from the quarter to the new or full, and is retarded again by the like degrees in returning from the new and full to the next quarter ; but here we consider not so much the absolute as the apparent motions of the moon with respect to us. 278. These two may be distinguished in the following manner : — Let S, in plate X, fig. 6. represent the sun, A the earth moving in its orbit, B C, D E F G the moon's orbit, and H the place of the moon in her orbit. Suppose the eartli to have moved from A to I. Because it has been shown that the moon partakes of all the progressive motions of the eartii, and likewise that the sun attracts both the earth and moon equal- ly when they are at the same distance from it, or that the mean action of the sun upon the moon is equal to its action upon the earth ; we must there- fore consider the earth as carrying about with it the moon's orbit; so that, when the eardi is re- moved from A to I, the moon's orbit shall like- wise be removed from its former situation into that denoted by K L M N. But now the earth being in I, if the moon were found in O, so that O I should be parallel to HA, though the moon would really have moved from H to O, yet it would not have appeared to a spectator upon the earth to have moved at all, because the earth has moved as much ; so that the moon would still appear in the same place with respect to the fixed stars. But if the moon be observed in P, it will then appear to have moved, its apparent motion being measured by the angle O I P. And if the angle P I S be less than the angle II A S, the moon will have approached nearer its conjunc- tion with the sun. Now, to explain particularly the inequality of the moon's motion already mentioned, let S, plate VIII. fig. 9, represent the sun, A the earth, B C D E the moon's orbit, C the place of the moon when in the latter quarter. Here it will be nearly at the same distance from the sun as the earth is. In this case, therefore, they will be both equally attract- ed, the earth in the direction A S, and the moon in that of C S. Whence, as the earth, in moving round the sun, is continually descending towards it, so the moon in this situation must in any equal portion of time descend as much; and, therefore, the position of the line A C in respect of A S, and the change which the moon's motion produces \a the angle CAS, will not be altered by the sun : but as soon as the moon is advanced from the quarter toward the new or conjunction, suppose to G, the action of the sun upon it will have a different effect. Were the sun's action upon the moon here to be applied in the direction G II par- allel to A S, if its action on the moon were equal to its action on the earth, no change would bo wrought by the sun on the apparent motion of the moon round the earth. But the moon receiv- ing a greater impulse in G than the earth receives in A, were the sun to act in the direction Gil, yet it would accelerate the description of the space DAG, and cause the angle G A D to de- crease faster than it otherwise would. The sun's action will have this effect, upon account of the obliquity of its direction to that in which the earth attracts the moon. For the moon by this means is drawn by two forces oblique to one ano- ther: one drawing from G towards A, the other from G towards II ; therefore the moon must ne- cessarily be impelled towards D. 279. Again, because the sun does not act in the direction G H parallel to S A, but in the di- rection G S oblique to it, the sun's action on the moon will, by reason of this obliquity, farther contribute to the moon's acceleration. Suppose the ea.th, in any short space of time, would have moved from A to I, if not attracted by the sun, the point I being in the straight line C E, which touches die eartli's orbit in A. Suppose the mouu ASTRONOMY. 127 m the same time would liave moved in her orbit from G to K, and besides have partaken of the progressive motion of the earth. Then, if K L be drawn parallel to A I, (the line K L must be sup- plied in the figure) and taken equal to it, the moon, if not attracted to the sun, would be found in L. But the earth, by the sun's action, is re- moved from I. Suppose it were moved down to M in the line I IM N parallel to S A, and if the moon vvere attracted but as much, and in the same direction as the earth is here supposed to be attracted, so as to have descended during the same time in the line L O parallel also to A S, down as far as P, till LP were equal to I M, let P M be joined, the angle P M N will be equal to LIN; that is, the moon will appear advanced as much farther forward as if neither it nor the earth had been subject to the sun's action. But this is on the supposition that the actions of the sun upon the earth and moon are equal ; wheie- as the moon being acted upon more than the earth, did the sun's action draw the moon in the line LO parallel to AS, it would draw it down so far as to make LP greater than I ]M, whereby the angle P M N will be rendered less than LIN. But, as the sun draws the earth in a direction oblique to IN, the earth will be found in its or- bit, somewhat short of the point M. However, the moon is attracted by the sun, still more out of the line LO, than the earth is out of the line I N ; therefore, this obliquity of the sun's action will yet farther diminish the angle under P^IN. Thus the moon, at the point G, receives an im- pulse from the sun, whereby her motion is ac- celerated ; and the sun producing this effect in every place, between the quarter and the con- junction, the moon will move from the quarter, with a motion continually more and more ac- celerated ; and therefore, by acquiring, from time to time, an additional degree of velocity in its or- bit, the spaces which are described in equal times by the line drawn from the earth to the moon, will not be everywhere equal, but those towards the conjunction will be greater than those towards the quarter. But, in the moon's passage, from the conjunction D to the next quarter, the sun's action will again retard the moon, till, at the next quarter at E, it be restored to the first velo- city which it had in C. 280. When the moon moves from E to the full, or opposition to the sun in B, it is again ac- celerated ; the deficiency of the sun's action on the moon from what it has upon the earth, produc- ing here the same effect as before the excess of its action. Let us now consider the moon in Q, as moving from E towai-ds B. Here, if she were attracted by the sun in a direction parallel to AS, yet being acted on less than the eardi, as the lat- ter descends towards the sun, the moon will, in some measure, be left behind. Therefore, RF being drav.'n parallel to S B, a spectator would see the moon move as if attracted from the point Q, in the direction RF, with a degree of force equal to that whereby the sun's action on the moon falls short of its action on the earth. But the obliquity of the sun's action has here also an effect. In the time the earth would have moved from A to I, without the influence of the sun, let the moon have moved in its orbit from Q to R. Drawing, therefore, RT parallel to AT, the moon, by the motion of its orbit, if not attracted by the sun must be found in T ; and therefore, if attracted in a direction parallel to S A, would be in the line TV parallel to AS ; suppose in W. But the moon in Q being farther off the sun than the earth, it will be less attracted ; that is, TW will be less than I M ; and if the line N M be pro- longed towards X, the angle XMW will be less than XIT. 281. Thus, by the sun's action, the moon's passage from the quarter to the full would be ac- celerated, if the sun were to act on the earth and moon in a direction parallel to AS; and the obli- quity of the sun's action will still increase this ac- celeration : for the action of the sun on the moon is oblique to the line SA, the whole time of the moon's passage from Q to T, and will carry her out of the line TV towards the earth. Here we suppose the time of the moon's passage from Q to T so short, that it shall not pass beyond the line S A. The earth will also come a little short of the line I N, as was already mentioned ; and from these causes the angle X M W will be still farther lessened. The moon, in passing from the opposition B to the next quarter, will be retarded again in the same manner as it was accelerated before its appulse to the opposition ; and thus the moon, by the sun's action upon it, is twice acce- lerated, and twice restored to its first velocity every circuit it makes round the earth; and this inequality of the moon's motion about the earth is called by astronomers its variation. 283. The orbit of the moon is dilated when nearer the sun, and contracted when she is more remote : for it has been proved by Newton, that the action of the sun, by which it dimi- nishes the earth's power over the moon in the conjunction or opposition, is about twice as great as the addition to the earth's action by the sun in the quarters ; so that, upon the whole, the power of the earth on the moon is diminished by the sun ; and therefore is most diminished when that action is strongest. But as the earth, by its approach to the sun, has its influence lessened, the moon, being less attracted, will gradually re- cede frcm the earth ; and as the earth, in its recess from the sun, recovers by degrees its fonner power, the orbit of the moon must again contract. 284. Two consequences follow from hence, viz. that the moon will be more remote from the earth, when the latter is nearest the sun, and will take up a longer time in performing its revolution through the dilated orbit, than througii tlie more contracted. These irregidarities would be pro- duced, if the moon, without being acted upon unequally by the sun, should describe a perfect circle about the earth, and in the plane of its mo- tion : but, though neither of these circumstances take place, yet the above-mentioned inequalities occur only with some little variation with regard to the degree of them ; but some others are ob- served to take place from the moon's motion be- ing performed m the manner already described, lor, as the moon describes an ellipsis, having the earth in one of its foci, this curve will be sub- jected to various changes, neither preserving constantly the same ht,ure nor position; and, 128 ASTRONOMY. because the piane of this ellipsis is not the same with that of the earth's orbit, it follows, that the former will continually change ; so that neither the inclination of the two planes towards each other, nor the line in which they intersect, will remain for any length of time unaltered. 285. The various forces by which the motion of the moon is disturbed, and the changes which take place in its orbit, may be investigated in the following manner. See plate IX. fig. 13. Let C A B D be the moon's orbit, T the earth, S the sun, P the moon ; make SK =: ST ; and let SK : S L : : S P2 : S K2. Then if SK or ST represent the sun's force at T, SL will represent his force at P. Draw L M parallel to PT; divide the force LS into the two forces LM acting parallel to PT, and MS acting parallel to TS. But the force LM, and the part TM disturb the moon's motion. — The force LM in its mean quantity is equal to PT, and by so much the force of the earth is in- creased. Also TM in its mean quantity is equal to 3 PK, acting in a direction PN parallel and equal to T S ; and the force M T draws the moon out of her orbit. Let P p he the periodical times of the earth and moon ; then the sun's centripe- tal force at T (ST) : the earth's centripetal force ST PT at P : : pr,: — ; therefore the earth's centripetal PTx PP force at P = And this is to the ad- PP ditional force PT PTxP P PP : P T : : P P pp. That is, the force by which the moon is retained in her orbit : is to the increase of centripetal force by the sun's action : : FP : pp : : 178-723 : 1. — Therefore the increase of the moon's centripetal ft>rce is ^y^:^ of that force. 286. Also force PT : force SPK or PL : : PT : 3P K. Therefore, ex sequo, the force by which the moon is retained in her orbit: disturbing force PL or TM : : PT X 178-725 : 3 PK. Therefore opv the disturbing force TM=-r= — ^^„ ^^^ x earth's ° PTx 178-725 centripetal force on the moon:i:3a the sine of the moon's distance from the quadratures x earth's centripetal force, divided by 178-725 x radius. Let C, c, be the centripetal forces of the sun and earth, s zz sine of the moon's distance from the quadrature, radius zz. r. Then the additional force For the triangles P K T and P Q R are similar- whence PK : PT : : PQ ( PT) : PR (3 PK) ; there- fore 3 P K^ = P T-*, or 3ss zz rr, whence s =. ^ 3 S. 350 16'. And when PQ =: PT, the (PT): 178 '725 3sc — . And the disturbing force (TM) 178-725r Produce TP, and make PR = PL, or TM, and draw RQ perpendicular to TQ. Then QR is the force that accelerates the moon, and PQ is the diminution of its centripetal force. For the force PR is divided into two forces, P Q, and Q R, of which P Q, acting towards Q, diminishes the moon's centripetal force ; and QR being parallel to the tangent at P, accelerates the moon at P. 287. There are therefore four points in the moon's orbit, each 35° 16' from the quadratures, where the moon's disturbing force makes no al- teration in the earth's central force. diminution of the force is equal to the addition, which makes no alteration. The mean force PT is zz of the force 643410 of gravity of the earth. For the force of gravity is 3600 times greater than the force at P . The whole increase of the centripetal force at P is \ rr / 171-725 For rad 178-725r' if) •.piC And PR = 3PK 178-725 3fs ) : PK = 178-725r And rad (r) : PR ( ^" V : S.R (r) : PQ = 3css 178-725rr 1— l78-725ry And PT — PQ = whole additional 3ss force =: 178-7-25 If A = sine of twice the moon's distance from the quadratures; then the force QR, accelerat- ing or retarding the moon's motion in its orbit, is 3c A 178-725 ^2>* "^ Let 2 = S.QPR or KPT = cos 3cs rad (r) : RP / 3cs \ \178-725r/ 3c 78-725r X S2 =z (by trigonometryj PTK; then S.QPR (2) : QR =: 3c 178.725 178-725rr A 2? ' 288. Hence the moon is accelerated in the quadrants C A, D B ; and retarded in the qua- drants AD, BC ; and the force which accelerates or retards the moon's motion, is greatest in the octants. For it is greatest when A is greatest, that is, when 2 C P is ninety degrees, or C P :z 45°. The disturbing force TM, in the syziges A and B, is 2 P T. And therefore the earth's force upon the moon in the syziges, is twice as much di- minished, as it is increased in the quadratures. The moon's orbit is more flat in the syziges, and more curve in the quadratures ; and there- fore she goes farther from the earth in tlie quadratures. For the orbit will be more curve where the central force is greater, that is in the quadratures. 289. The motion of the moon's nodes, sup- posing her orbit to be nearly circular, may be thus found : In fig. 7, plate XIII, let A9BQ be the moon's orbit, T the earth, P the moon, SAB the line of the apsides, Q, f/ the quadratures, 7«N7J the line of the nodes. P K, PH, AZ perpendiculars upon T Q and 'Nii. The force by which the moon is drawn out of her orbit has been found to be rL.iTF./\ Fu/ 3 . i h f Fiff4. Fi(f ff. z Fi^ S. Lomion. fl,/./u>-A<',■ 77„m,„y Tea,/ 73, r/,f.u,feM.>V /'.'UVilf. ASTIROI^OMir, FLAT F.X m Pcartaible AstranoTincal Qnadrant ASTRONOMY, 129 3s s 178-725r ~" 59-575r c. Let PM be the arch ■which the moon describes in any small time ; and M L a small line, which the moon describes in the same time by the force c, as this 55"o75r force is directed to the sun, the line M L will be parallel to TA. As ML is the distance that the moon is drawn from the arch P JNI, by the said accelerative force ; 2 M L will be the uniform motion it has acquired in that time, by the said force. Let M P be continued back to rn, in the moon's orbit, to cut the line of the nodes T N in m. Now since M L is parallel to the ecliptic ; a plane drawn through M L and 'SI P m, will cut the ecliptic m a line ?« /, which will be parallel to ML; therefore draw LP/ to cut ml in/, and the triangles PML and Fml are similar, and there- C 1 WlPxML,^. ATD- tore ml zz -, „ ; but smce i\l P is eiven, MP b > and M L is as the force 3 P K, therefore m I is as mV X PK. Now when the moon was at P, the line of the nodes was at Tw, where the plane of the moon's orbit TMP cuts the ecliptic. But, when the moon comes to L (instead of M), the plane of her orbit will then be in the plane TLP ; and the line of the nodes at 17, where the plane TLP/ cuts the ecliptic. Therefore the angular motion of the nodes generated in that time will be ir angle otT/. But the angle 7«T / is as = — X sine of Tm/ or AT N ; that is, as 1 m ffiP X PK X A Z ; that is, because by similar m'Y triangles /mP_PH\ VwiP~PT/ PH X PK X AZ, ,wiP~PT/ PT that is, (because PT is given) as PH x PK x AZ. The line M L is to the versed sine of the arch P M, as the forces that produce them ; that is, as ~ — c to c, or as s to 59'575r. That is 59-575r PM' s : 39-575r; therefore ]\IL=: PM= 2MT ————r- When P falls upon A, or the moon is in the syzigy ; then s "=. r, and the angle P il L is a right angle : therefore in the triangle P M L, ML^- ''''' PM or m P / rz: \2MT X 39-5 PM 575/ radius :S.LPM 2MT X 59-573- ^"^ '^ ^ ^' ^' Q' or the nodes in the quadratures, and P at A ; then PM and PL being parallel to the ecliptic, 7>i and / will be at an infinite distance, and then the anscle ?/iT/ will be equal to ?«P/, whose sine is And the angle mTl answering angles PTK, PTN, and STN are right angles. And in other cases, the horary motion of the node will be to .3.3-18", as the product of the sines of the three angles PTK, PTN, and STN to the radius cube ; and the nodes are ref^essive when all the sines are positive. But if any sine changes to be negative, the nodes will be pro- gressive. 290. Hence the nodes are progressive, when the moon is between either quadrature, and the node nearest that quadrature; otherwise they are regressive. And by the excess of the regress above the progress, they are in the whole moved forward. For in the arches Q A ?j and 9 B N, P K and P H are both affirmative or both negative. And in the arches NQ, 71 q, only one is negative, the other being affirmative. If it were not for the sun's perturbating force, the moon would always describe the same ellip- sis, and the transverse axis and eccentricity of the orbit would remain unaltered. But since the perturbating force of the sun always acts upon her more or less, and causes all the irregularities of her motion ; it is evident that all these effects will be the greater as that force is the greater. But when the transverse axis, or line of the ap- sides, is in the syziges, then the perturbate force TxM or 3 PK, fig.' 13, plate IX., is the greatest possible, by which the moon is removed farther from the earth, and consequently the transverse axis is lengthened, and the eccentricity becomes greater. And the contraiy happens when the transverse is in the quadratures '; for by its being in tlie quadratures, the force LM is greater; and the whole centripetal force towards T being greater, the body will be drawn nearer the earth, and describe a less orbit, or one less eccentric than before. Therefore when the apsides are in the quadratures, the eccentricity is less ; and when they are in the syziges, it is greater. But how much it is greater or less depends upon the mean eccentricity; and that depends upon ob- servation. 292. Hence the eccentricity continually in- creases, as the apsides move from the quadratures to the syziges ; and decreases from the syziges to the quadratures. And the eccentricity of the orbit continually increases, as the moon passes from the quadratures to the syziges; and de- crease?, in passing from the syziges to the quad- ratures. For the perturbating force increases from the quadratures to the syziges, and de- creases from the syziges to the quadratures. Sect. VI. — Of the Nature axd Motions o« Comets. 293. It is certain that comets are not meteors in our air, because they rise and set in the same manner as the moon and stars. It is long since astronomers had gone so far in their enquiries concerning them, as to prove by their observa- tions that they moved in the celestial spaces -,,1 iir^nr tv.o,. P\T .1-, u • • ^ond thc moon ; but they had uo notiou of the s ' sr' ' tZl >^'r °'^"^ T.'T '' P^'l^ ^^'"^h they described. Now the power of 32 30 „ ^^hose sine, as it differs insensibly from the sun bemg reciprocally in the duplicate pro- portion of the distance, every body acted upon by him must either fall directly down or move about him in one of the conic sections. If a K 2MT X 59-375" to =ML is the motion of the node, whose sine is PM MT X 59-575 ' ^"PP°^^ ^ ^ ^° ^^ described in the arch, we shall have the arch = ^'^' ^^^ 59-575 (putting PM zzl) ■=! 33-18",' where all the Vol. hi. 130 ASTRONOMY. body wliich descends towards the sun as low as the orbit of any planet, move with a swifter mo- tion than the planet, it will describe an orbit of a more oblong figure than that of the planet, and have at least a longer axis. The velocity of the body may be so great, that it shall move in a parabola, so that having once passed the sun, it shall ascend for ever witliout returning, tliough the sun will still continue in the focus of that parabola ; and with a velocity still greater, they will move in a hyperbola. The best observa- tions, however, show that the comets move in very eccentric ellipses ; and hence those bodies are sometimes found at a moderate distance from the sun, and appear within the planetary regions ; at otlier times they ascend to vast distances, far beyond the orbit of the most distant known planet, and become invisible. 294. The analogy between the periodic times of the planets, and their distances from the sun, discovered by Kepler, of course takes place, also in the comets, at least in those which revolve in elliptic orbits ; and consequently, if the periodic time of a comet were known, its mean distance might be easily computed. Now the comet of 1759 is known to perform its revolution in se- venty-six years nearly, whence it appears that its mean distance is about eighteen times that of the earth, or a little less than the mean distance of Uranus ; but, in consequence of the great eccen- tricity of its orbit, its aphelion point, or the greatest distance from the sun, is nearly double that of the above planet. The perihelion dis- tance of this comet is about six of the mean dis- tance of the earth, which being taken from 36, the mean transverse axis of its orbit, leaves 35"4 for its aphelion distance, which is nearly double the greatest distance of Uranus, and about four times that of Saturn. 295. The above is the only comet whose pe- riodic return has been ascertained, till the recent re-discovery of Enke's comet, and consequently the only one whose mean distance can be known; but with regard to the perihelion distance of these bodies, this may be determined by observa- tions ; and accordingly we have an account of this element of the orbits of about 100 comets, which have been observed with considerable accuracy. The greater number of these have had their pe- rihelion point fall within the terrestrial orbit, and many of them at less than half the mean distance of the earth ; but the comet of 1680 is that of all others which approaches the nearest to the sun, its perihelion distance being only -006 of the perihelion of the earth, that is, about 540,000 miles from the sun's centre, and must, therefore, according to Newton, have been involved in its atmosphere. This comet also passed very near the terrestrial orbit, having been, according to Dr. Halley's calculation on the 11th of November, 1 h. 6 m. P. M.,not more than one semi-diameter of the earth, or about 4000 miles to the northward of the earth's orbit, af which time had we been in this part of our track, the comet would have had a parallax exceeding that of the moon ; and the mutual gravitation of the two bodies must have caused a change in the inclination of the earth's orbit, and in the length of the year; at the same time the waters on the eaith would have been so elevated from th6 same cause, as would in all probability have caused a universal deluge, and reduced this beautiful frame to its original chaos. 296. The limits of a comet's distance may be easily ascertained from its tail, it being supposed to be directed from the sun. Let S, fig. 9, plate VI., be the sun, E the earth, E T the line in which the head of the comet appears, E W the line in which the extremity of the tail is observed, and draw S T parallel to E W ; then the comet is within the distance E T. For if tlie comet were at T, the tail would be directed in a line parallel to EW, and therefore could never appear in that line. Now TEW is known from observation, and consequently its equal E T S, together with T E S, the angular distance of the comet from the sun, and E S to find S T, the limit of the comet's distance-. On the Orbits of Comets, and their Perio- dical Revolutions. 297. It is extremely difficult to determine from computation, the elliptic orbit of a comet to any degree of accuracy ; for when this orbit is very eccentric, a very small error in the observa- tion will change the computed orbit into a para- bola, or hyperbola. Now from the thickness and inequality of the atmosphere with which the co- met is surrounded, it is impossible to determine with any precision, when either the limb or cen- tre of the comet pass the wire at the time of observation. And this uncertainty in the obser- vations will subject the computed orbit to a great error. Hence it happened, that M. Bouguer determined the orbit of the comet in 1729 to be an hyperbola. M. Euler first determined the same for the comet in 1744 ; but having received more accurate observation, he found it to be an eclipse. The period of the comet in 1680 ap- pears from observations to be 575 years, which M. Euler by his computation determined to be I665 years. 298. The only safe way to get the period of comets, is to compare the elements of all those which have been computed, and where you find they agree very well, you may conclude that they are elements of the same comet ; it being so extremely improbable that the orbits of two dif- ferent comets should have the same inclinations, the same perihelion distance, and the places of the perihelion and node of the same. Thus, knowing the periodic time, we get the major axis of the ellipse, and the perihelion distance being known, the minor axis will be known. When the elements of the orbits agree the comets may be the same, although the periodic times should vary a little ; as that may arise from the attrac- tion of the bodies in our system, and which may also alter all the other elements in a small degree. The following approximating method of deter- mining that part of a comet's orbit through which it moves, while it can be observed from the earth, is due to Boscovich. 299. Having collected the greatest possible number of observations, choose three of them which were taken when the comet was not too near its perihelion, (because near the perihelion the orbit does not diff'er sensibly from a circle), and ASTRONOMY. 131 \ make these the basis of the operations : let S, plate VI. fig. 6, be the sun, U W the orbit of the earth, supposed here to be a circle, E the place of the earth at the first, e at the third, draw E,C, € c, to represent the observed directions of the comets, and let L, /, w, be the longitudes of the first, second, and third observations, ?n and 71 the geocentric latitudes of the first and third ob- servation, and t, T, the intervals of time between the first and second, second and third observa- tions. Assume C for the place of the comet at the first observation, reduced to the ecliptic ; . then, to determine the place of the third observa- tion, say T X sine w — I : t x sine i — L : : E C : e c, and c will be nearly the place required : join C c, and it will represent the path of the comet on the ecliptic, according to this assump- tion. Draw C K, c k, perpendicular to the eclip- tic, taking C K : E C : : tang INI : radius, and ck : ec : : tang n : radius ; join K k, and it will represent the orbit of the comet, if the first assumption be true. Bisect C c in x, and draw xi/ parallel to C K, and K k will be bisected in 7/ ; join y s. Let S Enl ; then if r be the mean velocity of the earth in its orbit, the velocity of /2 X V the comet at y^ . -^ - (Art. 586), taking there- 's/ sy \/2xv , .^ , . , fore vzniE e, compute —7= — and if this be equal \/sy to Kk, the assumed point C was the true point. 300. But if these quantities be not equal, a new point must be assumed for C, in choosing which we must be directed by the nature and quantity of the error arising from the first assump- tion ; thus if the computed value of KA", be greater than its value measured in the figure, and the lines C K, c /c diverge from each other as they recede from the sun, the point c must be taken farther from E by how great a quantity we must conjecture from the magnitude of the error, and from the consideration that the comet's velocity diminishes as it recedes from the sun. Find CK, ck, as before, and compare the measured and computed value of K /c ; and if a fresh as- sumption be necessary, make it in conformity to the considerations above suggested. Having thus ascertained the position of the points C, c, very nearly produce c C, A: K to meet at N ; join N S, and it will be the line of the nodes ; and if C r, c z, be drawn perpendicular to N S, either of the angles K r C, k zc will measure the inclination of the orbit. Also from the two distances S C, S c, and the included angle C S c, the parabola may be easily constructed ; thus, having set off S C, S c (fig. 10, plate VI.) in their proper rela- tive position, with the centres C, c, and radii equal to S C, S c, describe the arcs aR 0, e r i, and draw the line R r d to touch those arcs, this line will manifestly be the directrix of the para- bola : which, being known, together with the focus S and the determining ratio (that of equa- lity), the parabola may be constructed. 301. Or, letting fall SD perpendicularly upon R D, and bisecting it in A, the vertex and focus of the parabola A c C will be known ; whence it may be drawn by well-known methods. From either of these constructions, the ratio of the co- met's perihelion distance SA (fig. 1. plate IX.) to the earth's mean distance S E (fig. 10. plate VIII.), will be known, and consequently the comet's velocity in perihelion: the velocity in either of the points C, or c, will be determined by the observations ; and since the angular dis- tances are reciprocally as the squares of the dis- tances from the centre of force, the S C, S c, are hence found in terms of S E : if these agree nearly with the construction, the assumptions have been properly made ; if not, some farther corrections are necessary. The angles A S C, A S c, may either be measured or calculated from the known distances ; then having the perihelion distance and the true anomaly, the time from the perihelion may be determined, whence, as the observations will show, whether the comet be approaching to, or receding from, the perihelion, an epoch of the perihelion will readily be ascer- tained. 302. When a parabola is found to agree nearly with the given positions, it is needless to continue the approximation farther; for if the observations are accurate, we cannot expect a parabola to agree perfectly with them ; if the body move in an elipsis, as it is highly probable that all these bodies do. If the observations are only nearly accurate, a parabola found to agree with them, might probably not agree with other observations made upon the comet. Sect. VII. — Of the Booies of the Sun and Planets, the Quantity of Matter they con- tain, AND THEIR DENSITIES. 303. The primary planets and comets being retained in their orbits by a power directed towards the sun, and the secondaries being also retained by a similar power directed to the cen- tre of the primaries, the same power is diffused through their whole substance, and inherent in every particle. This is proved by showing that each of the heavenly bodies attracts the rest, and other bodies, with such different degrees of force, as that the force of the same attracting body is exerted on others, exactly in proportion to the quantity of matter contained in the body at- tracted. 304. The first proof of this is from the experi- ments made on bodies on our earth. Pendulums vibrate by the same power which makes heavy bodies fall to the ground ; but if the ball of any pendulum of the same length with another were more or less attracted in proportion to the quan- tity of solid matter it contains, that pendulum would vibrate faster or slower than the other. Now the vibrations of pendulums continue for a long time, and the number of vibrations they make may be easily and correctly determined ; and Newton assures us that he examined several substances, as gold, silver, lead, glass, sand, common salt, wood, water, and wheat ; in all which he found not the least deviation from the theorj', though he made the experiment in such a manner that, in bodies of the same weight, a difference in the quantity of their matter less than the thousandth part of the whole would have dis- covered itself. 305. It appears, therefore, that all bodies are made to descend here by the power of gravity with the same degree of swiftness. This descent K i 132 ASTRONOMY. has been determined at 16J feet in a second from the beginning of their fall. If any terrestrial body could be conveyed as high as the moon, it would descend with the very same velocity as the incremental deflection of the moon towards the earth; and therefore the power of the earth upon the moon is in the same proportion to its force on other bodies at the same distance as the quantity of matter in the moon bears to the quantity in those bodies. Thus with respect to the earth, its power on every body it attracts is, at the same distance from the earth, proportional to the quantity of solid matter in the body acted upon. 306. As to the sun, the power of his action upon the same primary planet is reciprocally in the duplicate proportion of its distance ; and that his power decreases throughout in the same pro- portion, is testified by the motion of the planets traversing the whole planetary regions. Hence if any planet were removed from the sun to any distance whatever, its tendency towards the sun would yet be reciprocally in the duplicate pro- portion of the distance. But the degree of ac- celeration given to the planets by the sun is observed to be reciprocally in the duplicate pro- portion of their respective distances ; from tliis we may safely infer, that the power of the sun upon any planet removed into the place of any other, would give it the same velocity of descent as it gives that other ; and consequently, that the sun's action upon different planets at the same distance would be proportionable to the quantity of matter in each. The sun attracts the primary planets and their respective secondaries, when at the same distance, in such a manner as to com- municate to both the same degree of velocity ; and therefore the force wherewith the sun acts on the secondary planet, bears the same propor- tion to the force wherewith it attracts the primary, as the quantity of matter in the secondary planet bears to the quantity of matter in the primary. 307. This property tlierefore is found in the sun with regard to both kinds of planets ; so that he possesses the same quality found in the earth, viz. that of acting on bodies with a degree of force proportional to the quantity of matter they contain. All the phenomena of the planetary motions produced by their mutual attractions agree precisely with this law of force ; and we are thence warranted in concluding, that this is the principle which the great Author of nature has appointed to regulate the motions at least of the system to which we belong. 308. In a word, the attractive power both of the sun and the planets appears to be the same ; for it acts in each in the same proportion to the distance, and alike upon every particle of matter. This power therefore in the sun and planets, is the same in its nature as the power of gravity in the earth ; and hence the attracting power lodged in the sun and planets belongs likewise to every part of them ; and their respective powers upon the same body are proportional to the quantity of matter of which they are composed ; for instance, the force with which the earth at- tracts the moon, is to the force with which the sun would attract it at the same distance, as the quantity of solid matter in the earth is to that in the sun. 309. The rule that action is equal to re-action holds good in attractive powers as well as in any other powers. The most remarkable force of this kind with which we are acquainted, next to that of gravity, is the attraction which the load- stone has for iron. Now if a loadstone and piece of iron are both made to swim on water, they move towards each other, and thus the attraction is shown to be mutual ; and when they meet, they mutually stop each other ; which shows that their velocities are reciprocally proportioned to the quantities of solid matter in each ; and that by the stone's attracting the iron, it receives as much motion itself, in the strict philosophic sense of the word, as it communicates to the iron. 310. From this mutual action of the sun and planets upon each other, it follows, as has been already mentioned, that they both revolve about their common centre of gravity. Thus let A (in plate IX. fig. 7.) represent the sun, B a planet, and C their common centre of gravity. If these bodies were once at rest, they would direcdy ap- proach each other by their mutual attraction, and that with such velocities, that their common centre of gravity would remain at rest, and they would meet in that point. Were the planet B to receive an impulse, as in the direction B E, this would prevent the two bodies from falling together ; but their common centre of gravity would be put into motion in the direction of the line C F, parallel to B E. In this case, the sun and planet would describe round their common centre of gravity similar orbits, while that centre would proceed with an uniform velocity in the line C F, and so the system of the two bodies would move on with the centre of gravity without end. In order to keep the system in the same place, it is necessary, that when the planet re- ceived its impulse in the direction B E, the sun should receive such another the contrary way, so as to keep the centre of gravity, C, without any motion, in which case it would always remain fixed. 311. The action therefore between the sun and planets is mutual. The power which acts be- tween the sun and primary planets is of the same nature with that which acts between the secon- dary planets and their primaries, or between the earth and bodies near its surface. In diff'erent planets the force of the sun's action upon each at the same distance, would be proportional to the quantity of solid matter contained in the planet : therefore the re-action of the planet on the sun at the same distance, or the motion which he would receive from each planet, would also be pro- portional to the quantity of matter in the planet ; that is, these planets, at the same distance, would act on the same body, with the degrees of strength proportioned to the quantity of solid matter con- tained in each. 312. From these principles Newton has proved that the particles of which the sun, moon, and planets are formed, exert their power of gravita- tion by the same law, and in the same proportion to the distance, as the great bodies they compose. 313. The following propositions constitute the principal steps in the process of the investiga- tation. In fig. 4, plate VI., if A C is perpen- dicular to AB, and a corpuscle at C is atti acted ASTRONOMY. towards every particle of the line A B, by forces inversely as the squares of the distances, then the whole force which the particles in A B exert AD upon C, in the direction AC, is aa „,. p^ . For put A C zz a, and A D, any variable part of AB zr X ; then the force of a particle at D being as j^Tpj; in the direction DC, its force in the direction AC, will be as ttt:?, j or as ~ represents the fluxion of the Hence whole force, whose fluent is AD {«- + ^'')^' CA X CD- 314. Again, let BC D E, plate VI. fig. 5, re- present a circular plane, and 11 a corpuscle per- pendicularly over its centre, then if the forces with which each particle in the plane acts upon H be inversely as the squares of the distances, the force with which H will be urged towards the plane will be represented by ( 1 ^-ry j2 p ; p being zr 3-14159, &c. For let AH zi a, and H / zi X ; then A 6^ zz a:^ — a^ . andp . A 6° zz j9. x^ — a- zz the area of the circle, Acd b e; and the fluxion of the area of this circle is 2pxx. But the force of a particle at b in the direction HA is as , or — , by the preceding pro- position ; therefore the fluxion of the whole force .,, , 2apxxa 2apx „v n r , • will be — =. f—. The fluent of this corrected, gives 2 p X 1 ~2pxl — ktT for the whole force. 315. To apply this to the determination of the law of force, by which a particle without a sphere would be acted upon by that sphere, the law of force of each particle in the sphere being in- versely as the squares of its distance ; let A B E C, plate VI. fig. 3, represent a section of a sphere of which the centre is F ; let H be the particle, draw B C perpendicular to II E, join 11 B and BA. Put A Fzz «, FHzzi, AHr:6^r^ = €, H D zz _v and H B = c -|- x ; then A D z=z y ~ c, E i) zz 2 a — y + C, and hence B D' zz A D - D E z zHB ' — H D^ or ^"^=^c X 2a — 3/ + c ZZ c -f cT^ — 3/2, an equation fromwhichweget3/z:?-'''^ + 2c2-f2cx + x2 _ 2 b c + 2 c X -f x2 26 2a + 2c , as a -\- c ■=. b. Hence, the attractive force of the particles on the circle whose diameter is B C is, by the last proportion, = 2pxl-'^ = 2px(l-''-^^±^^^±£) "" ^ 2bx c + x / 2p X 2 ax — x'^ 2 b-c + X 133 which multiplied by c X 4- X X . p X 2 a X X — xx , — i-T zz gives ^- for the fluxion of the required force, and the fluent of this expresssion, P ^ "^^ ^ ^ is the force of the segment ABC, and therefore when B coin- cides with E, or a; zz: 2 a, this expression be- comes —wjT ^^^ attractive force of the whole sphere. 316. If the particles, of which the globe is composed, acted upon those without in the re- ciprocal duplicate proportion of their distances, the whole globe would hence act upon them in the same manner as it does ; but, if the particles of the globe have not all of them that property, some must act in a greater, and some in a less proportion; and if this be the condition of the globe, it is plain that when the body attracted is in such a situation in respect of the globe, that the greater number of the strongest particles are nearest to it, the body will be more forcibly at- tracted than when, by turning the globe about, the greater quantity of weak particles should be nearest, though the distance of the body should remain the same from the centre of the globe ; which is contrary to what was at first remarked, that the globe acts equally on all sides. If all the particles of the globe attract all the particles of another in the proportion already mentioned, the attracting globe will act upon the other in the same proportion to the distance between the cen- tre of the globe which attracts, and the centre of that which is attracted : and the proportion holds true, though eitlier or both of the globes be com- posed of dissimilar parts, some rarer, and some more dense ; provided only that all the parts in the same globe, equally distant from the centre, be homogeneous, and likewise if both globes at- tract each other. 317. It is thus shown, that this power in the great bodies of the universe is derived from the same being lodged in every particle of the mat- ter which composes them ; and consequently that it is universal in matter, though the power is too minute to produce any visible eflects on the small bodies with which we are conversant, by their action on one another. In the fixed stars indeed we have no particular proof that they have this power, as we find no appearance to demonstrate that they either act or are acted upon by it. But since this power is found to belong to all bodies whereon we can make ob- servation, and we find that it is not altered by any change in the shape of bodies, but ac- companies them in every form without diminu- tion, being ever proportional to the quantity of solid matter in each, it is highly probable that such a power belongs universally to all matter. 318. From the times in which the satellites perform their revolutions, compared with tlieir distances from their respective primaries, the proportion between the power with which one primary attracts his satellites, and the force with 134 ASTRONOMY. •which any other attracts his, may be found ; and the proportion of the power with which any planet attracts his secondary to the power with ■which it attracts a body at its surface, is found by comparing the distance of the secondary planet from the centre of the primary with the distance of the primary planet's surface from the same ; and from hence is deduced the proportion be- tween the power of gravity upon the surface of one planet to the gravity upon the surface of another. 319. In a like manner by comparing the periodical time of a primary planet about the sun, with the revolution of a satellite about its primary, may be found the proportion of gravity, or of the weight of any body, on the surface of the sun, to the gravity or to the weight of the same body upon the surface of the planet which carries about the satellite. 320. Amongst the ancient mathematicians, nothing could have appeared more completely out of the reach of human intellect, than by calcula- tion to determine the internal structure of remote and inaccessible bodies, that is, than to find the densities of the planets. Such, however, has been effected in modern times. The density of a planet can be found by comparing the velocity in its orbit round the sun with the velocity of its satellite, or by determining the distance which it deflected from its tangent in one second of time, comparing its angular velocity with the mean radius of its orbit, and by knowing the space which a heavy body falk through in one second by the force of gravity at its surface. 321. To understand the principle upon which this determination rests, we may observe that the effect of attraction at equal distances will be in Log. D zz log. 95000000 = 7-9777236 Log. m zz log. 883217 r: 5-9460674 proportion to the quantity of matter in the at- tracting body ; and at different distances, at the quantity of matter and the inverse square of the distance conjointly. The quantity of matter is also in proportion to the magnitude of the body and its density conjointly. If tlierefore we know the effects of the attraction of different bodies, together with their magnitudes, we can find their densities, and thence their quantities of matter. To find their densities, put d = the density of the celestial object, m = its diameter, a = its quantity of matter, P = the periodic time of the revolving body, D = the mean distance of the revolving body from its central body, s = the sine of the angle under which m ap- pears at the distance D, to radius unity. Then a varies as dm^, and P^ varies as — ,or pa hence, d varies as D' but s z= — rr- ; hence, d varies as , „., ■ . From this we conclude that the logarithm of the density varies as 3 X log.^ 2 log. P. But^ in order to make the comparison between dif- ferent planets as simple as possible, we shall suppose the density of the sun to be 1, and find a logarithm, which, taken from the above formula, will make it so. Forthis purpose we shall take the diameter of the sun zz. 883,217 miles, its distance from the earth 95,000,000 miles, and the earth's periodic time 365'2564 days. Hence, we have — 2-0316562 X 3 =: 6-0949686 Log. P = log. 365-2564 = 25625978 X 2 = 5-1251956 0-9697730 325. To find the density of Saturn, if we take = 2-75, the logarithm of the sun's density. But the lo- garithm of 1 is ; hence the logarithm of the den- D sity of a planet is to that of the sun, considered as the second satellite we shall have — - unity, as 1 to 3 X log. -- 2 logP--9697730. ^nd P = 2-7368, therefore 3 x log. - _ 2 log. lit a ^^, o 323. To find the density of the earth, we take the moon as the revolving, and the earth as the central body. D — 240000, m z=. 7955, and P =: 27-32167 ; and 3 X log. - — 2 log. P— P — -9697730 is equal to — 1-4737389, the log. of "2977. Let us take the fifth ; then we have - = 27, and P rr 79-3196. Hence 3 x log, - — 2 log. P — -9697730 is equal to — -9697730 is then equal to - 5959255, the log. of 3-9439. To find the density of Jupiter. If we take the 1-5255573 the log. of -3354. first satellite as the revolving body, we shall have 326. To find the density of Uranus, if we take -r=2-8385 and P ~ 1-7691 : hence 3 X log. the third sateUite we shall have — z=. 9-5, and 2 log. -9697730 is then equal to 1-8916918 P=: 10-9611, then 3 x log - — 2 log ofP — the log. of -7793. -9697730 is equal to— 1-8836886, the log. of 324. Again, if we take the fourth satellite, we 7650. D shall have — =: 1265 and P 1 ' ^oor,o Again, let us take the sixth satellite, and we 16-68898, T-j '" shall have — =r 44, and Prr 107-6944; hence, therefore 3 X log — — 2 log. P — -9697730 -q'" is the equal tc ^ 1-8916389 the log. of -7792. ^ ^ ^"S" T. " "^ ^°^' ^ " "^^^^^'^ ^^ ^^""' ^" ASTRONOMY. 135 — 1-8961985 the log. of -7874. A trifling dif- ference, either in the periodic time, or the dis- tance of the satellite, will make a considerable difference in the density of the primary ; and hence, if these be not very correct, the density cannot be depended on with any degree of ac- curacy. 327. The above are the only planets whose densities can be found by this method. Those which have no satellite, have obliged astrono- mers to have resource to a method much less accurate, depending on the effect, which by ob- servation the planet is found to produce in dis- turbing the motions of the other planets. Dr. Maskelyne makes the density of Venus 1-024, and M. de la Lande 1-038, that of the earth being 1 . Laplace concludes the density of Mars to be •6563, and of Mercury 2-5833, the earth being 1. The density of the moon has been estimated at 1-456 times the density of the earth. If the density of the earth be taken equal to 4^ times that of water, we shall have the densi- ties, or specific gravities, of the planets in the following proportions : — Sun 1-1410 nearly ^ to the specific gra- vity of opaque copal Mercury 11-6250 . . . lead Venus 4'6395 . . . molybsena Earth 4*5000 . . . ponderous spar Moon 6-5520 . . . cast antimony Mars 2-9533 . . . flint glass Jupiter 0-8891 . . . mulberry tree Saturn 0-3612 . . . poplar Uranus 0-8356 . . . beech tree. PART III. EXPLANATION OF THE CELESTIAL PHE- NOMENA, ACCORDING TO THE NEW- TONIAN DOCTRINE. Sect. I. — Of the Circles, Nodes, Aspects, Conjunctions, &c. of the Planets. 328. To a spectator placed in the sun all the planets would appear to describe circles annually in the heavens; for, though their motions are really elliptical, the eccentricity is so small, that the difference between them and true circles is not easily perceived, even on earth ; and at the sun, whether great or small, it would entirely vanish. These circles, which in such a situation would ap- pear to be annually described among the fixed stars, are called the heliocentric circles of the planets. To a spectator in the sun, the comets, though moving in the most eccentric orbits, would also appear to describe circles in the heavens : for, though their orbits are in reality very long ellipses, the planes of them extended to the heavens would mark a great circle of which the eye would be the centre ; only, as the real motion is in an ellipsis, the body would appear to move much more slow- ly in some part of the circle than another, and to differ excessively in magnitude. 329. To an inhabitant of any planet, however, the sun appears to go round in its own heliocen- tric circle, or to describe in the heavens that same '•urve, which the planet would appear to do if seen from the sun. Thus, in plate XVI. fig. 8, when the earth is at a, if we draw a line from a through the sun at S, the point G, in the sphere of the heavens where the line terminates, is the place where the sun then appears to an inhabitant of the earth. In a month's time the earth will go from a to 6 ; draw a line then through the sun, and its extremity at II will point out his apparent place at that time. In like manner, if we draw lines from the earth in twelve several situations, in which it is represented for the twelve months of the year, the sun's apparent place will be found as above ; and so it would be found by a spec- tator placed in Venus, or any other planet. 330. The heliocentric circle of the earth is call- ed the ecliptic ; because eclipses of the sun or moon can only happen when the latter is in or near it. By some ancient writers it has been called the circle of the sun, or the oblique circle, because it cuts the equator at oblique angles. It is also called by Ptolemy the circle which passes through the midst of the animals ; because the twelve constellations through which it passes, were anciently all represented by animals, or parts of them, though now the balance is intro- duced in place of the claws of the scorpion. For this reason a belt, taken in the concave sphere of the heavens, about ten degrees on each side of the ecliptic, is called the zodiac, from ^wov, an animal, and the constellations through which the ecliptic is drawn, are called the constellations of the zodiac. 331. Although the sun apparently goes round the earth annually in this circle, we cannot deter- mine his place by mere inspection, asv*e can do that of any other heavenly body ; for the fixed stars are the only marks by which we can deter- mine the place of any of the celestial bodies ; and the superior brightness of the sun renders them totally invisible, except in the time of a great eclipse, when his light is for a time totally ob- scured. But thougli we cannot know the place of the sun directly, it is easily found from a knowledge of those fixed stars which are opposite to him. 332. Thus, in plate IX. fig. 9, suppose it the time of the year in which the earth is at g, it we know that the point G is then diametrically opposite to the sun, we know that A, its opposite, is the sun's place, and consequently, by finding the places throughout the year diametricallv op- posite to the sun, as G 11 1 K L :\I A B C D E F, we may be assured tiiat in these times the sun's place was in the points A B C D E F G H I K L :M. The point in the heavens diametrically opposite to the sun may be known every night at twelve o'clock when the stars are visible ; for the star which has an elevation above the horizon, at that time equal to the sun's depression below it, is directly op- posite to him. 333. When the position of the ecliptic is thus determined, the latitude of the moon, or any star, is measured by its distance from the eclip- tic, in tlie same manner as the latitudes of places on the earth are reckoned by their distance from the equator, and circles passing through the poles of the ecliptic at right angles to its plane, are called circles of latitude. The declination of any celestial body is its deviation from llie equator towards the role nearest to it. 136 ASTRONOMY. 334. The latitude of any planet is either he- liocentric or geocentric. The heliocentric latitude is its distance from the ecliptic as seen from tlie sun, and its geocentric as seen from the earth. As the orbits of the planets are inclined in different angles to the ecliptic, the heliocentric latitude of any planet, is almost always different from its geo- centric latitude. Thus, let AB, plate VII. fig. 1 1, be the orbit of the earth, C D the orbit of Ve- nus, viewed with the eye in their common section, wherein they appear straight lines ; let E and F be two opposite points of the ecliptic ; and sup- pose Venus to be in the point C. If she were at that time viewed from the sun S, she would ap- pear in the point of the heavens marked H, and her heliocentric latitude is then F H ; but if viewed from the earth in B, she will appear at g ; and her geocentric is only F g. 335. The planets Mercury and Venus, whose orbits are included in that of the earth, are called inferior ; and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and the Georgium Sidus, are called superior planets. The two points where the heliocentric circle of any planet cuts the ecliptic, are called its nodes; and that which the planet passes through as it goes into north latitude, is called the ascending node, and is marked thus y ; and the opposite to this is called the descending node, and is marked fl . A line drawn from one node to the other is called the line of the nodes of the pla- net, which is the common section of the plane of the ecliptic, and that of the planet produced on each side to the fixed stars. 336. The zodiac is either astral or local. Hie astral is divided into twelve unequal parts, because it contains twelve celestial constellations, some of which are larger than others. The local zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts, called signs, each containing thirty degrees. These are counted from the point where the equator and ecliptic intersect each other at the time of the vernal equinox; and are denoted by particular marks, according to the apparent annual motion of the sun. See plate V, fig. 6. A motion in the heavens in the order of these signs, as from Aries to Taurus, is said to be a motion in conse- quence ; and such are the true motions of all the planets, though their apparent motions are some- times contrary, and then they are said to move in antecedence. The local zodiac is not always in- variably the same as to the places of the several signs, though the whole always takes up the same place in the heavens, viz. ten degrees on each side the ecliptic. The points where the celestial equator cuts the ecliptic, are found to have a mo- tion in antecedence of about fifty seconds a year. 337. This change of place of the first point of the ecliptic, from whence the signs are counted, occasions a like change in the signs themselves; ■which, though scarcely sensible for a few years, has now become very considerable. Thus, since astronomy was first cultivated among the Greeks, which is about 2000 years ago, the first point of the ecliptic is removed backward above a whole sign : and, though it was then about the middle of the constellation Aries, is now about the mid- dle of Pisces. Notwithstanding this alteration, however, the signs still retain their ancient names and marks. When the zodiac is mentioned by astronomers, the local zodiac is generally meant, 338. The longitude of a phenomenon in the heavens is in the number of degrees counted from the first point of Aries on the ecliptic to the place where a circle of latitude drawn through the phenomenon would cut the ecliptic at right angles. Every phenomenon in the heavens, whether in the zodiac or not, is thus referred to the ecliptic by its circle of latitude, or great circle, passing through the phenomenon, and cutting the ecliptic at right angles ; and whatever sign the circle of latitude passes through, the pheno- menon is said to have its place in that sign, though ever so far distant from it. 339. Some astronomers make the local zodiac invariable ; for which purpose they imagine a cir- cle of latitude drawn through the first star of the constellation Aries, marked in Bayer's catalogue by the Greek letter y ; and reckon their longitude from the point where that circle cuts the ecliptic. This star is called the first star of the Ram ; and, when this method is made use of, the longitude of any phenomenon is said to be so many signs, degrees, minutes, &c. from the first star of the Ram. Thus, in Street's Caroline Tables, the longitude of Jupiter's ascending node is two signs eight degrees from the first star of Aries, which is thus marked : Long, i; g^ a 1* r^ 2^ 8°, The common way of reckoning the longitude of a phenomenon, is to take ^ for the first point of the ecliptic, and not to number the degrees quite round that circle as a continued series, but to make a new beginning at the first point of every sign, and to reckon from thence only the length of 30°. When this method is made use of, the longitude of any phenomenon is expressed by saying it is in such a degree, and such a minute of a sign ; and thus we may express the longi- tude of the ascending node of Mercury, ^ $? 8 13° 40', and so of any other. The place of a phenomenon in the heavens is expressed by set- ting down its longitude and latitude. 340. Every planet, like the moon, is sometimes ■in conjunction with the sun, and sometimes in opposition. Its conjunction is when the geo- centric place of the planet is the same with that of the sun ; though an exact or central conjunc- tion can only take place when the line of its nodes passes through the earth, and the planet itself is in one of its nodes at the time. It is however, in general, called a conjunction or op- position, when the same circle of latitude passes through the sun and planet at the same time. When the geocentric place of a planet is 90°, or a quarter of a circle from the sun's place, the planet is said to be in quadrature or in a quar- tile aspect with the sun ; and these terms are used in a like sense when applied to any two of the heavenly bodies. Thus the sun and moon, or the moon and any planet, or any two planets, may be in conjunction, opposition, or quadrature. 341. Besides these, the ancients reckoned two other aspects, the trine and the sextile; the for- mer when the bodies were distant 120°, and the latter when only half that distance. These as- pects are marked thus : Conjunct. Opposition Quadra. Trine Sextile 6 8 DA* ASTRONOMY. 137 The aspects were formerly supposed to influence the affairs of mankind ; but astrology, which treated of these influences, is now justly re- jected. 342. The inferior planets have two kinds of conjunction with the sun ; one in the inferior part of their semicircles, the other in the superior part. In the former the planet is between the earth and the sun ; and in the latter the sun is between the earth and planet. The inferior planets can never be in opposition to the sun, nor even ap- pear at a great distance from him. The length they go is called their elongation. Thus, in plate IX. fig. 11, let OPQRT be part of the ecliptic ; S the sun ; and the three circles round him the orbits of IVIercury, Venus, and the earth. Suppose the earth to be at A, the sun's geocen- tric place will be at Q. If Mercury be then at I, his geocentric place is likewise at Q ; so that he is in conjunction with the sun in his inferior semicircle : if at M, his geocentric place is like- wise at Q ; so that he is in conjunction in his superior semicircle. 343. In like manner, Venus at E is in con- junction in her inferior semicircle, at G in her superior : but if we suppose the earth to be at A, and Venus at H, her geocentric place is T, and Ler elongation Q T, which in this figure is the greatest possible; for this always takes place when a straight line from the earth touches the orbit of the planet, as is evident from the figure ; that is, provided the planet be in its aphelion at the time. Thus the greatest possible elongation of Mercury is Q P when he is in his aphelion at L; and the quantity of this is found by astrono- mical observations to be about twenty-eight degrees, and that of Venus about forty-eight. The inferior planets in their elongations are sometimes eastward and sometimes westward of the sun ; in the former case they appear in the evening, and in the latter in the morning. The smailness of Mercury and his nearness to the sun prevent him from being often taken notice of; but the largeness and beauty of Venus have made her, in all ages, celebrated as the evening and morning star. 344. The planets sometimes appear to go forward, sometimes backward, and sometimes to stand still. These different conditions are by astronomers called direct, retrograde, and station- ary. Were they to be viewed from the sun they would always appear direct; but when viewed from the earth, the inferior planets appear direct while moving in their upper semicircles, and retrogade when in their lower ones. Thus in plate IX. fig. 11, suppose the earth at rest at A, while ^Mercury is going on his orbit from N to I, and from I to L, his motion appears to an ob- server at A to be retrograde, or contrary to the order of tlie signs, namely from R to Q and from Q to P ; but when in that part of his orbit which lies between L and N, his motion appears direct, or from P to Q and from Q to R. 345. When the earth is in the line of nodes of an inferior planet, the apparent motion of the former is then in a straight line, because the plane of it passes through the eye ; if in a con- junction in his upper semicircle, he passes behind the sun; if in his lower semicircle, he passes before it, and will then be seen by an observer on the earth to pass over the sun's disk like a round and very black spot. Were the plane of his orbit coincident with the ecliptic, this appearance would be seen every year; but by reason of the obliquity of the two planes to each other, it is much more rare. 346. Mercury, however, was seen in this man- ner November 12th, 1782, at 3h. 44 m. in the afternoon; May 4th, 1786, at 6h.57m. in the morning; and December 6th, 1789, at 3 h. 55 m. in the afternoon ; but was not seen again, in this island at least, until the year 1799, May 7th, at 2 h. 34 m. in the afternoon. In like manner, Venus sometimes appears as a black spot on the sun, but more seldom than Mercury. She was thus seen first in 1639; afterwards in the years 1761 and 1769; but will not again be visible in this manner till the year 1874. 347. When the earth is out of the line of the nodes of an inferior planet, its orbit appears an ellipsis, more or less eccentric, according to the situation of the eye of the spectator. In these cases the motion of Mercury is unequal ; faster near the inferior conjunction, but most unequal in the inferior semicircle, going through the un- equal spaces into which the ellipsis is divided. The motions of the inferior planets, both direct and retrograde, are very unequal ; and this ine- quality proceeds not from the eccentricity of their orbits, but from the projection of their orbits into long ellipses, and is therefore a mere optical deception. 348. These planets appear stationary while changing their motion from direct to retrograde, or from retrograde to direct If the earth stood still, the times oftheirappearmg stationary would be at tlieir greatest elongation ; for though it be a property of the circle, that a straight line can only touch it in one point, yet when the circle is very large, the recess from the tangent is not per- ceptible for a considerable time. Thus in plate IX. fig. 11, suppose the earth to be at rest in A, Venus would appear stationary, her geocentric place continuing at T all the while she is going in her orbit from a to b; because her deviation from the visual line A T would scarcely be per- ceptible so near the point of contact H. 349. The inferior planets, therefore, to an in- habitant of the earth, appear always near the sun ; alternately going from and returning to him, sometimes in straight lines, at others in elliptical curves, first on one side and then on the other ; sometimes so near as to be rendered invisible by his stronger light. Sometimes, when in or near their nodes, they pass behind the sun in their superior semicircles, or pass between him and us ; in which case they appear like black spots on his disk, as above-mentioned. For the better com.preh ending of these motions, however, we have hitherto supposed the earth to stand still in some part of its orbit, while they go round the sun in theirs ; but as this is not the case, it now remains to consider the changes which take place in consequence of the earth's motion. 350. Were the earth to stand still in any part of its orbit, as at A, the places of conjunction, both in the superior and inferior semicircle, as also of the greatest elongation ; and, consequently. 138 ASTRONOMY. the places of direct and retrograde motion, and of the stations of an inferior planet, would always be in the same part of the heavens. Thus, in plate IX. fig. 11, upon this supposition, the places of Mercury's stations would always be the points P and R, the arc of his direct motion P R, and of his retrograde motion R P ; whereas, on account of the earth's motion, the places where these appearances happen are continually advanc- ing forward in the ecliptic, according to the order of the signs. In fig. 10, plate VIII., let A B C D be the orbit of the earth ; efg h that of Mercury, the sun ; G F K I an arc of the ecliptic ex- tended to the fixed stars. When the earth is at A, the sun's geocentric place is at F ; and Mer- cury, in order to a conjunction, must be in the line A F ; that is, in his orbit he must be at /' or h. Suppose him to be dXf, in his inferior semi- circle ; if the earth stood still at A, his next conjunction would be when he is in his superior semicircles at h ; the places of his greatest elonga- tion also would be at e and g, and in the ecliptic at E and G; but supposing the earth to goon in its orbit from A to B, the sun's geocentric place is now at K; and Mercury, in order to be in conjunction, ought to be in the line B K at m. As by the motion of the earth, the places of Mer- cury's conjunctions with the sun, are thus con- tinually carried round in the ecliptic, in conse- quence, so the places of his utmost elongations must be carried in consequence also. Thus, when the earth is at A, the places of his greatest elongation from the sun are in the ecliptic E and G ; the motion of the earth from A to B ad- vances them forward from G to L, and from E to I. 351. The geocentric motion of Venus may be explained in a similar manner; only as the mo- tion of \ enus is much slower than that of Mer- cury, his conjunctions, oppositions, elongations, and stations, all return much more frequently than those of Venus. 352. To explain the stationary appearances of the planets, it must be remembered that the diameter of the earth's orbit, and even of that of Saturn, are but mere points in comparison of the distance of the fixed stars; and, therefore, any two lines, absolutely parallel, though drawn at the distance of the diameter of Saturn's orbit from each other, would if continued to the fixed stars, appear to us to terminate in the same point. Let the two circles, plate IX. fig. 4, represent the orbits of Venus and of the earth ; let the lines A E, B F, C G, D H, be parallel to S P ; we may nevertheless affirm that, if continued to the dis- tance of the fixed stars, they would all terminate in the same point with the line S P. Suppose, then, Venus at E, while the earth is at A, the vi- sual ray, by which she is seen, is in the line A E. Suppose again, that while \'enus goes from E to F, the earth goes from A to B, the visual ray, by •which Venus is now seen, is B F, parallel to A E ; and therefore, Venus will be all that time stationary, appearing in that point of the hea- vens where S P extended would terminate ; this station is at her changing from direct to retro- grade. Again, suppose, when the earth is at C, Venus is at G, and the visual hue C G ; if, while the earth goes from C to D, \'enus goes from G to H, so that she is seen in the line G H, parallel to C G, she will be all that time stationary, ap- pearing in the point where a line drawn from S through P would terminate. This station is at her changing from retrograde to direct ; and both are in her inferior semicircle. 853. An inferior planet, when in conjunction with the sun, in its inferior semicircle, is said to be in perigee, and when in the other, to be in apogee, on account of its different distances from the earth. Their real distances from the earth when in perigee are variable, partly owing to the eccentricities of their orbits, as well as tliat of the earth; and partly owing to the motions of the different bodies, by which it happens that they are in perigee, in different parts of their orbits. The least possible distance is when the perigee happens at the time that the earth is in its perihelion, and when the planet is in its aphelion. 356. The difierence of distance between the earth and inferior planets, at different times, makes a considerable variation in their apparent diameters, which indeed is very observable in all the planets ; and thus, they sometimes look con- siderably larger than at others. This difference of magnitude in Mercury is nearly as 5^ to 1 ; and in Venus, no less than 32 to 1. Any person, unassisted by instruments, may observe an in- ferior planet alternately approacli nearer and nearer the sun, until at last it comes into con- junction with him, and then recedes farther and farther, till it is at its greatest elongation, which will be first on one side, and then on the other; but, if we observe the apparent change of place, of an inferior planet, in the sphere of the heavens, its direct motions, stations, and retrogradations, measuring its diameter frequently with the mi- crometer, we shall find, by its decrease at some times, and increase at others, that its distance from us is very considerably varied. 355. As the superior planets move in a larger orbit than the earth, they can only be in con- junction with the sun, when they are on that side opposite to the earth ; as, on the other hand, they are in opposition to him, when the earth is between the sun and them. They are in qua- drature with him, when the geocentric places are 90° distant from that of the sun. In order to understand their apparent motions, we shall suppose them to stand still, in some part of their orbit, while the earth makes a complete revolution in hers ; in which case, any superior planet would then have the following appear- ances : 356. 1. While the earth is in her most distant semicircle, the motion of the planet will be direct. 2. While the earth is in her nearest semicircle, the planet will be retrograde. 3. While the earth is near those places of its orbit, where a line drawn from the planet would be a tangent, it would appear to be stationary. Thus, in plate VIII. fig. 6, let o 6 c d represent the orbit of the earth ; S the sun ; EFG an arc of the orbit of Jupiter; ABC an arc of the ecliptic, projected on the sphere of the fixed stars. Sup- pose Jupiter to continue at F, while the earth goes round in her orbit, according to the order of the letters abed. While the earth is in the ASTRONOMY. 139 semicircle most distant from Jupiter, going from a to 6 and from 6 to c, his motion in the heavens would appear direct, or from A to B, and from B to C ; but, while the earth is in its nearest semicircle cde, the motion of Jupiter would ap- pear retrograde from C to B, and from B to A ; for a, b, c, d, may be considered as so many dif- ferent stations, from whence an inhabitant of the earth would view Jupiter at different seasons of the year, and a straight line drawn from each of these stations, through F the place of Jupiter, and continued to the ecliptic, would show his apparent place there to be successively at A, B, C, B, A. While the earth is near the points of contact, a and c, Jupiter would appear stationary, because the visual ray drawn through both pla- nets, does not sensibly differ from the tangent Fa or Fc. When the earth is at b, a line drawn from b through S and F to the ecliptic, shows Jupiter to be in conjtmction with the sun at B. When the earth is at d, a line drawn from d through S, continued to the ecliptic, would ter- minate in a point opposite to B ; which shows Jupiter then to be in opposition to the sun ; and thus, it appears, that his motion is direct in the conjunction, but retrograde when in opposition with the sun. 357. The direct motion of a superior planet is swifter the nearer it is to a conjunction, and slower as it approaches to a quadrature with the the sun. Thus, in fig. 9, plate XIII., let be the Sim ; the little circle round it the orbit of the earth, whereof abed efg is the most distant semicircle ; O P Q, an arc of the orbit of Jupiter ; and ABC D EFG, an arc of the ecliptic in the sphere of the fixed stars. If we suppose Ju- piter to stand still at P, by the earth's motion from a to g, he would appear to move direct- from A to G, describing the imequal arcs AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FG, in equal times. When the earth is at d, Jupiter is in conjunction with the sun at D, and there his direct motion is swiftest. When the earth is in that part of her orbit where a line drawn from Jupiter would touch it, as in the points e or g, Jupiter is nearly in quadrature with the sun ; and the nearer the earth is to any of these points, the slower is the geocentric motion of Jupiter; for the arcs C D and D E are greater than B C or EF, and the arcs BC and EF are greater than ABorFG. 358. The retrograde motion of a superior planet is swifter the nearer it is to an opposition, and slower as it approaches to a quadrature with the sun. Thus, let 0, fig. 10, plate XIII. be the sun, the little circle round it the orbit of the earth, whereof^ h i k I m n is the nearest se- micircle; OPQ, an arc of the orbit of Jupiter, NKG an arc of the ecliptic: if we suppose Ju- piter to stand still at P, by the earth's motion from g to n, he would appear to move retro- grade from G to N, describing the unequal arcs GH, HI, IK, KL, LM, M N, m equal times. When the earth is at k, Jupiter appears at K, in opposition to the sun, and there his retrograde motion is swiftest. When the earth is either at g oi n, the points of contact of the tangents Pg and Pn, Jupiter is nearly in quadrature with the sun ; and the nearer he is to either of these points, the slower is his retrogradation ; for the arcs I K and K L are greater than H I or L M ; and the arcs H I and K M are greater than G H or MN. Since the direct motion is swifter when the earth is at d, and continues diminishing till it changes to retrograde, it must be insensible near the time of change; and, in like manner, the retrograde motion being swiftest when the earth is in k, and diminishing gradually till it changes to direct, must also at the time of that change be insensible ; for any motion gradually decreasing till it changes into a contrary one gradually increasing, must at the time of the change be altogether insensible. 359. The same changes in the apparent mo- tions of this planet will also take place, if we suppose him to go on slowly in his orbit ; only they will happen every year when the earth is in different parts of her orbit, and consequently at different times of the year. Thus, fig. 6, plate VIII., let us suppose that while the earth goes round her orbit Jupiter goes from F to G, the points of the earth's orbit from which Jupiter will now appear to be stationary, will be a and 7/ ; and consequently his stations must be at a time of the year different from the former. The conjunction of Jupiter with the sun will now be when the earth is at/', and his opposition when it is at e ; for which reason these also will hap- pen at times of the year different from those of the preceding opposition and conjunction. The motion of Saturn is so slow, that it makes but little alteration either in the times or places of his conjunction or opposition ; and no doubt the same will take place in a more eminent degree in Herschel; but the motion of jNIars is so much swifter than even that of Jupiter, that both the times and places of his conjunctions and op- positions are thereby very much altered. 360. A superior planet is in apogee when in conjunction with the sun, and in perigee when in opposition ; and every one of the superior planets is at its least possible distance from the earth where it is in perigee and perihelion at the same time. Their apparent diameters are va- riable, according to their distances, like those of the inferior planets ; and this, as might natu- rally be expected, is most remarkable in the planet Mars, who is nearest us. In his nearest approach, this planet is twenty-five times larger than when farthest off, J upiter twice and a half, and Saturn once and a half. As the times of conjunction, utmost elongation, direct or re- trograde motions of the inferior planets, depend on the combinations of their motions in their orbits with the motion of the earth in its orbit, any of these appearances will be more frequent in Mercury than in Venus, because the former moves with a swifter motion in his orbit, and consequently must more frequently pass through those places where he is in conjunction, &c. 361. The time in which any of the inferior planets will return into a given situation, may be easily known. Compute the diurnal heliocentric motions of Venus and of the earth ; the differ- ence of these motions is the diurnal motion of Venus from the earth, or the quantity by which \'enus would be seen to recede from the earth every day by a spectator placed in the sun : thus 140 ASTRONOMY. the mean motion of Venus is every day about 59 m. and 8 s. ; the difference is 37 m. There- fore, as 37 m. is to 360% or to 21,600 m. so is one day to tlie time wherein Venus, having left the earth, recedes from her 360'' ; that is, to the time wherein she returns to the earth again, or the time between two conjunctions of the same kind. 362. The calculations of the times are here made according to the mean or equable mo- tions of the planets ; and is therefore called a mean conjunction : but because Venus and the earth are really carried in elliptic orbits, in which their motions are sometimes swifter and sometimes slower, the true conjunctions may happen some days either sooner or later than what these rules will give. The time of the true conjunction is to be computed from that of the mean conjunction in the following manner. -Find by astronomical tables the places of Venus and the earth in the ecliptic, from which we shall have the distance of the two as seen from the sun; compute also for the same time the an- gular motions of these two planets for any given time, suppose six hours ; the difference of these two motions will give the access of Venus to the earth, or her recess from it in six hours. As this difference is to the arc between the places of Venus and the earth at the time of a mean conjunction, so is six hours to the time between the mean conjunction and the true. This time added to, or subtracted from, the time of the mean conjunction, according as Venus is in an- tecedence or consequence from the earth, shows the time of their true conjunction. 363. As to the conjunctions, oppositions, di- rect and retrograde motions, &c. of the superior planets, they depend on the combinations of their motions with that of the earth, and are more fre- quent in Saturn than in Jupiter, and in Jupiter than in Mars, but most frequent of all in Hers- chel ; because the slower the motion of the pla- net is, the sooner the earth will overtake it, so as to have it again in any given situation. 364. Thus, suppose Saturn to be in conjunc- tion with the sun in c^, if he were to stand still for one year, then he would again be in con- junction in (Y* ', but as he goes on slowly, ac- cording to the order of the signs, about 12° an- nually, the earth must go through almost 13° more than an entire revolution ; so that there will be almost a year and thirteen days between any conjunction between the sun and Saturn and the conjunction immediately following. As Jupiter moves in his orbit with greater velocity than Saturn, the earth must have- a proportionably larger space added to the year ; and, as Mars moves swifter still, the time betwixt any two of his conjunctions must be still longer. The time when a superior planet will return into any given situation may be found by the methods already laid down for the inferior planets ; and the true conjunctions, &c. may be found in the superior planets as in the inferior. Sect. II. Of the Velocity, Figure, Motions, &c. of the Eartu. 365. The earth is 95,173,000 miles from the sun, and goes round in 365 days, five hours, forty- nine minutes, from any equinox or solstice to the same again ; but from any fixed star to the same again, as seen from the sun, in 365 days, six hours, nine minutes ; the former being the length of the tropical year, and the latter the length of the sideral. It travels at the rate of 68,000 miles every hour ; a motion which, though upwards of 140 times swifter than that of a cannon ball, is little more than half as swift as Mercury's mo- tion in his orbit. The earth's diameter is 797a miles ; and by turning round its axis every twenty-four hours, from west to east, it causes an apparent diurnal motion of all the heavenly bodies from east to west. By this rapid motion of the earth on its axis, the inhabitants about the equator are carried 1042 miles every hour, whilst those on the parallel of London are carried only about 580, besides the 68,000 miles by the an- nual motion above-mentioned, which is com- mon to all places whatever. 366. A variety of circumstances afford the clearest evidence that the earth is of a globular figure. 1 . When we are at sea on board a ship, we may be out of sight of land, when the land is near enough to be visible, if it were not hid from our eye by the convexity of the water. Thus, let ABC D, fig. 11, plate VIII., represent a por- tion of the globe of the earth. Let M be the top of a mountain, this cannot be seen by a per- son on board the ship at B, because a line drawn from M to his eye at E, is intercepted by the convexity of the water ; but let the ship come to C, then the mountain will be visible, because a line may be drawn from M to his eye at E. 2. The higher the eye the farther the view will be extended. It is very common for sailors from the top of the mast of a ship, to discover land or ships at a much greater distance than they can do when they stand upon deck. 3. When we stand on shore, the highest part of a ship is visible at the greatest distance. If a ship is going from us out to sea, we shall continue to see the mast after the hull or body of the ship disap- pears, and the top of the mast will continue to be seen the longest. If a ship is coming to- wards us, the top of the mast comes first in view, and we see more and more till at last the hull appears. If the surface of the sea were a flat plain, a line might be drawn from any object si- tuated upon it, as the ship D, fig, 12, plate VIII. to the eye, whether placed higli or low, at A or B. In this case, any object upon the earth oi sea would be visible at any distance which wa? not so great as to make the appearance of it toe faint, or the angle under which it appears too small, to be seen by us. An object would be visible at the same distance, whether the eye were high or low. Not the highest, but the largest, objects would be visible to the greatest distance, so that we should be able to see the hulk of a ship farther off than the mast. 376. 4. Several navigators, such as Fer- dinand Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, Lord Anson, Captain Cook, &c. have sailed round the globe ; not in an exact circle, the land pre- venting them, but by going in and out as the shores happened to lie. 5. All the appear- ances in the heavens are the same, whether at land or sea. 6. Eclipses of the moon arise ASTRONOMY. 141 from the shadow of the earth, which is always circular. Although the earth presents, during several hours, different portions of its surface to the moon, yet still the shadow is round. The small inequalities upon the surface of the earth bear no kind of proportion to its magnitude, suf- ficient to alter the appearance of its shadow. 368. 7. The globular. -figure of the earth is also inferred from the operation of levelling, in which it is found necessary, to make an allow- ance for the difference between the apparent and true level. 369. The earth's axis makes an angle of 23|° with the axis of its orbit, and its position at any time is parallel to its position at any other time. Thus it points always to the same quarter of the heavens, throughout its annual course. That the earth moves round the sun may be proved, beyond a doubt, by the following arguments. 370. I. The sun is found by the most accurate observations, to be immensely larger than the earth; for his diameter, as seen by us, subtends an angle of more than 30', but it is certain that the earth, were it seen from the sun, would not subtend a greater angle than about 17". If, therefore, the sun be formed of materials not very much rarer than the earth, the quantity of matter in the sun, must far exceed the whole mass of matter in all the planets ; and to sup- pose, that gravity retains all the other planets in their orbits, without affecting the earth, would be as absurd as to suppose, that six cannon bul- lets might be projected up to different heights in the air, and that five of them should fall to the ground, but that the sixth, though neither the highest nor the lowest, should remain suspended in the air without falling, and the earth move round it. 371. There is no such thing in nature as a heavy body moving round a light one as its cen- tre of motion. A pebble fastened to a mill-stone by a string, may, by an easy impulse, be made to circulate round the mill-stone : but no impulse can make a mill-stone circulate round a loose pebble; for the mill-stone would go off, and carry the pebble along with it. The sun is so very much bigger and heavier than the earth, that, if he were moved out of his place, not only the earth, but all the other planets, if they were united into one mass, would be carried along with him as the pebble would be with the mill-stone. 372. II. If the earth revolve round the sun, then the analogy between the squares of the periodic times and the cubes of the distances, will obtain in all the bodies which circulate round a common centre ; whereas, this will not be the case with respect to the sun and moon, if both turn round the earth. 373. III. Besides these, other proofs might be given ; but the most complete proof of all, and which indeed amounts to a demonstration is, the aberration of the fixed stars, arising from the progressive motion of light, combined with the earth's annual motion round the sun : a discovery made by Dr. Bradley, and one of the finest in modem astronomy. 274. By frequent observations of the eclipses pf Jupiter's satellites, it is found, that light is about eight minutes in moving from the sun to tlie earth, And since the earth describes about one degree, or 3600", in a day, or 1440', in eight minutes it will describe 20"25" in its orbit; therefore the velocity of light is to the velocity of the earth in its orbit, as radius to an arch of twenty seconds, or the third part of a •0002909 minute, that is, as one to or -00009697, or as 10300 to one. That is, the velocity of light is 10300 times greater than the velocity of the earth in its orbit. Now if AN, plate VIII. fig. 15, be the way or path of a body in free space, as of a ray of light ; its apparent way on a movable plane will be different. For it will be that which is made by the composition of the two motions of the body and plane. Thus, if AN be described in any time by the body, and N F be described by (a point in) the plane, in the same time as the plane moves forward in the direction N F or AB, it leaves all the points of the fixed line AN behind it, all which will therefore seem to move backwards in the plane. Therefore make ND^NF, being taken back- wards or contrary to the motion of the plane; and the body, instead of going to N in the free space, will seem to go to D, in the same time, upon the movable plane ; and therefore A D will be the apparent path of the body in that plane. 375. It will be the same thing, if we suppose the plane fixed, and the body to have the plane's motion communicated to it, in a contrary direc- tion, so as the relative motion be the same as before. Thus, if the body moves from B to A, in the same time that it would also move from A to N, then by that compound motion it would move along the diagonal B N of the parallelogram whose sides are BA, AN, and in the same time. There- fore rays of light emitted from a star in the direc- tion A N, will fall upon the point D of the mov- ing plane; that is, upon the eye of the observer, in the direction A D : and an obsener at D will suppose the star situated in the line DA. If B N be parallel to AD, and the point D translated to N in the same time; an observer at N will sup- pose the star situated in the line BN ; making the angle BNF or ADF less than AN F, the angle it would appear under if the plane were at rest. So that the angle of elevation BNF, above the line of direction N E, of the observer, is less than before, being taken on the side of F, towards which the observer moves. The observer, in- stead of seeing the star at A, its real place, will see it at B, its apparent place; but if the ob- server moves from F to N and D, and B be the real place of the star, its apparent place would be at A to an observer at N. 376. The apparent place B is always in the plane of aberration, drawn through the way of the observer NF, and the line NA drawn from the observer to the real place of the star; for AB being parellel to NF, is in the plane AD NF. The angle B N A or N A D is the angle of aberra- tion; by the quantity of this angle the star is depressed, in going towards it; or raised in going from it. In the triangle AN D ; AN : N D :: S.ADN: S.NAD; and AN and ND being given; the S.NAD the aberration will be as the S.ADN. Because AN is 10,300 times greater than ND: the S . N A D does not differ from its arch or angle ; whence, the angle of aberration N AD or AN B is always as the sine of the angle 142 ASTRONOMY. ADN, or ANF, which are nearly equal, and which may be called the angle of the earth's way. Hence the angle of aberration ANB is greatest, when AN is perpendicular to ND; and becomes nothing when ANF is nothing. Since AN is to N D, as radius to 20"; when AN is per- pendicular to ND, the angle NAD or ANB will be 20" 25", which is the greatest it can be. In other cases, as radius to S, angle of the earth's way A N F : : so 20'25", to the aberration, answer- ing to that angle ; which angle is always taken in the plane of aberration ADNF. 377. In Plate VIII. fig. 7, let BC D E be the earth's orbit, S the sun, A or Q a star, N any place of the earth in its orbit. Through the star A draw the circle AH perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic, and draw KS BH, and ESC per- pendicular to it, or parallel to the tangent at B. Draw the tangent N d, and draw N I towards the star, and make N I to N t/ as the velocity of light to that of the earth, or as 10,300 to one, and draw d I which leads to the apparent place of the star; and suppose DA, S A parallel to c?I, N I ; then DA will also lead to the apparent place of the star. Draw SFG perpendicular to SN, or par- allel to N d. Then will I Nt/ be the plane of aber- ration. This plane continually changes its situ- ation, revolving round the sun in a year along with the tangent Nc?. Since AS, SF are par- allel to I N, N/, A S F is equal to I N/, and ASF is equal to the angle of the earth's way. Hence the plane ASF may be taken for the plane of aber- ration, which continually turns round the line AS, as tlie earth revolves about the sun; the line SF being always in quadrature with the earth at N. 378. Let the earth be at E, then the plane of aberration ASB will be perpendicular to the ecliptic ; and the angle of the earth's way A'S B is the least that it can be, and the angle of the aberration the least. Whilst the earth moves to B, the angle of the earth's way, and of aberra- tion increases, and at B the plane of aberration is AC S, and the angle of the earth's way AS C, a right angle, which is the greatest it can be; therefore the angle of aberration is the greatest possible. While the earth moves to C, the an- gles of the earth's way and aberration decrease again, and at C are tlie least ; and in moving to K they increase again to K, where they are great- est. From K to E they diminish again, where they are least. 379. It is evident then, that whilst the earth is at E moving towards N, the star's apparent place is at c lower than A ; at B moving towards F, it appears at b forward. When the earth is at C, the star appears at c above A. And when the earth is at K, the star is seen at A-, having gone backward. Hence the apparent place of a star describes a small ellipsis in a year, about the true place of the star iu its centre, whose trans- verse axis is parallel to the ecliptic; and lesser axis perpendicular to it. This ellipsis is bcke, answering to places of the earth at B, C, K, E. And the points k, c, k, e, answer respectively to the points C, K, E, B, where the plane of aber- ration cuts the ecliptic, being ninety degrees before the earth, or ninety degrees behind the sun. 380. This phenomenon, the apparent change of place in celestial objects, arising from the com- bined motions of the earth and the light from those objects, is one of the most curious and im- portant discoveries of modern times. We are indebted for it to Bradley, who, as has been well observed, ' swept the ground of astronomical discovery, and left little to be gathered by those that followed him.' 381. The following formulae represent the effect of aberration on any fixed stars, both in right as- cension and declination, fi representing 20-25" the quantity found above for the maximum effect of aberration, a and S the right ascension and decli- nation of the star, w the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the sun's longitude. Aberration in right ascension r: — jji. { sin. sin. a -\- cos. cos a cos a> sec. S. \ Aberration in decimation iz. — /*. I sin. cos. a . sin. o — cos. (sin. a . cos. w . sin. S — sin. w cos. o.)J By the following tables, deduced from these formulae, the effect of the aberration on the right ascension and decimation of any fixed star may readily be computed. 382. TABLE I. 382 . TABLE II. ARGUMENT. For Aber. in R. A. ;{<' R.A. — 0^ long. For Aber. in Declin. >^ ' R. A. -|- 90° — 0« long. ARGUMENT. For Aber. in R. A. *.ll.A. + 0. long. For Aber. in Declin. * • R. A. -j- 30° + 0' long. Signs. Signs. 1 0. VI. I. VII. II. VIII. 0. VI. I. VII. II VIII. 1 1 - + - + - + + — + - + — 0° 1917" 16-60" 9-59" 30° 0° 0-83" 0-72" 0-41" 30° 5 19-10 15-71 8-10 25 5 0-82 0-67 0-35 25 10 18.88 14-69 6-56 20 10 0-82 0-63 0-28 20 15 18-52 13-56 4-96 15 15 0-80 0-58 0-22 15 20 1802 12-32 3-33 10 20 0-78 0-53 0-14 10 25 17-38 11-00 1-67 5 25 0-75 0-47 0-07 5 30 16-60 9.59 0-00 30 0-72 0-41 0-00 - + — + - + + — + — + — ! XI. V. X. IV. IX. III. XI. V. X. IV. IX. ill. ASTRONOMY. 143 384 . TABLE III. ARGU3IEXT. For part 2d of Aber. in Declin. 1 1 0' long. + *' Declin. For part 3d of Aber. in Declin. 01 Long. — * s Declin. Signs. 0. VI. I. VI] . II. VIII. - + - + — + 30° 0° 3-98" 3-45" 1-99" 5 3-97 3-26 1-68 23 10 3-92 3-05 1-36 20 15 3-85 2-82 V03 15 20 3-74 2-56 0-69 10 25 3-61 2-28 0-35 5 30 3-45 1-99 000 - + - + — 4- XI. V. X. IV. TX. III. 385. To find from these tables the aberration of a star at right ascension. — To the logarithms ot" the Slim or difference of the equations from tables I and II, answering to the proper argu- ments, add the longitude east of the star's de- clination, and the sura will be the logarithms of the aberration in right ascension. 386. To find the aberration of a star in decli- nation. — Find the sum or difference of the equa- tions answering to the former arguments, in- creased by 90°, to the logarithm of which add the logarithm sine of the star's declination, and the sum will be the logarithm of the first part of the aberration. Take parts second and third from table III, and these applied to the former, will give the aberration in declination. If the de- clination is south, change the sign of parts 2d and 3d. 387. The strongest objection that can be made against the earth's moving round the sun like the other planets, is, that, in opposite points of the earth's orbit, its axis, which always keeps a paral- lel direction, would point to different fiixed stars; which is not found to be fact. B\it this objec- tion is easily removed, by considering the im- mense distance of the stars in respect of the dia- meter of the earth's orbit; the latter being no more than a point when compared to the former. If we lay a ruler on the side of a table, and along the edge of the ruler view the top of a spire at ten miles distance ; then lay the ruler on the op- posite side of the table in a parallel situation to what it had before, and the spire will still appear along the edge of the ruler; because our eyes, even when assisted by the best instruments, are incapable of distinguishing so small a change at so great a distance. As the apparent places of the stars, therefore, correspond with this the- ory, the motion of the earth and the motion of light are both determined. 388. In fact, we find that the sun, and those planets on which there are visible spots, turn round their axes : for the spots in general move regularly over their disks, allowing for the vari- ations already taken notice of Hence we may reasonably conclude, that the other planets, on which we see no spots, and the earth, which is likewise a planet, have such rotations. But being incapable of leaving the earth to view it at a distance, and its rotation being smooth and uni- form, we can neither see it move on its axis, as we do the planets, nor feel ourselv.9s affected by its motion. Yet there is one effect of such motion, which will enable us to judge with certainty whether the earth revolves on its axis or not. 389. All globes which do not turn round their axes, will be perfect spheres, on account of the equality of the weight of bodies on their sur- faces; especially of the fluid parts. But all globes, which turn on their axes will be oblate spheroides; that is, their surfaces will be higher or farther from the centre in the equatorial than in the polar regions : for, as the equatorial parts move quickest, they will recede farthest from the axis of motion, and enlarge the equatorial dia- meter. That our earth is really of this figure, is demonstrable from the unequal vibrations of a pendulum, and the unequal lengths of degrees in different latitudes. Since then, the earth is higher at the equator than at the poles, the sea, which naturally runs downward, or towards the places which are nearest the centre, would run towards the polar regions, and leave the equa- torial parts dry, if the centrifugal force of these parts, by which the waters were carried thither, did not keep them from returning. The earth's equatorial diameter is thirty six-miles longer than its axis. 390. One phenomenon, called the precession of the Equinoxes, depending on this pecuharity of form in the figure of the earth, has been noticed from the early ages of astronomy. The pole of the celestial equator appears to move witli a slow and nearly uniform motion round the pole of the ecliptic ; while the intersections of the equator and ecliptic move backward on the ecliptic, with a motion nearly uniform. This motion is at the rate of about 1° in seventy- two years, or more accurately 50'2" in a year; consequently the sun returns again to the same equinoctial point before he has completed his revolution in the ecliptic, whence the origin of the term precession of the equinoxes. In con- sequence of this apparent motion all the fixed stars increase their longitude 50'2" in a year, and also change their right ascensions and de- clinations, but their latitudes are not affected. The period of the revolution of the celestial equiuoctial pole, round the pole of the ecliptic, is nearly 26,000 years. 391. The north celestial pole therefore, about 13,000 years hence, will be nearly 49° from the present polar star; and about 10000 years hence the bright star CC, Syrac, will be within 5° of the north pole. This star therefore, which now in these latitudes passes the meridian within a few degrees of the zenith, will then remain nearly stationary with respect to the horizon. This motion of the celestial pole arises from the at- traction of the sun and moon on the excess of mailer at the equatorial parts of the earth. 144 ASTRONOMY. 392. The precession of the equinoxes is not entirely uniform, for a small inequality in the precession, and change in the obliquity of the ecliptic, depends on the position of the moon's nodes. The intersections of its orbit with the ecliptic were discovered by Bradley, and have since been confirmed by Physical Astronomy. Ihe precession of the equinoxes was first discovered by Hipparchus. As the quantity of it is so perceptible in a hundred years, a comparison of the positions of the circles of the sphere as re- corded in early times, and of their positions now, has been used to assist chronology. 393. Even the inclination of the equator and ecliptic have been shovim by observation to be va- riable^, and it is remarkable that from the date of the earliest observations that inclination has been diminishing. If it should continue to do so till the two circles coincided, a most important change "would be effected in the phenomenon attending the earth's annual and diurnal revolutions, as the days would everywhere be of the same length, and the seasons would not alter with the times of the year. But we learn from the prin- ciples of physical astronomy, that this change in the obliquity will never exceed a certain limit, which when it reaches, it will return again, os- cillating by a small quantity on each side of its mean state. We learn from physical as- tronomy too, that by this action the ecliptic is progressive on the equator, about 14" in a century. The sun also according to his place in the ecliptic produces a small inequality in the precession, never amounting to more than 1-1". 394. If dz=. the declination of a star, and a iz. its right ascension, then the following formulse will express nearly the annual variations of a and b, arising from precession : 20-084" x cos. a HZ the annual precession in declination, and 46-0619 -i- 20-084" X sin. a X tan. d = the an- nual precession in right ascension. 395. From these expressions, the following table has been constructed for determining, by inspec- tion, the annual precession for any star. Rt. Ascension of Ann. Precession. Rt. Ascension of * * + — + — 0° 180° -70" 180° 360° 10 190 3-47 170 350 20 200 6-84 160 340 30 210 10-00 150 330 40 SW 12-85 140 320 50 230 15-31 130 310 60 240 17-31 120 300 70 250 18-78 110 290 80 260 19-69 100 280 90 270 1999 90 270 Use of the above Tables. 396. Take the number opposite.the star's right ascension, multiply it by the natural tangent of the stars declination, and add the product to 460619 for the annual precession in right ascension. Again add 90° to the star's right ascension, and with the sum as an argument enter the table, and the corresponding number will be the annual precession in declination. If the declination is south, the signs of the numbers in the table must be changed, both in finding the precession or right ascension and declination. 397. It is found that bodies near the poles are heavier than those towards the equator, because they are nearer the earth's centre, where the whole force of the earth's attraction is accumulated. They are also heavier, because their centrifugal force is less, on account of their diurnal motion being slower. For both these reasons, bodies car- ried from the poles towards the equator gradually lose their weight. Experiments prove that a pendulum, which vibrates seconds near the poles, vibrates slower near the equator, which shows that it is lighter or less attracted there. To make it oscillate in the same time, it is found necessary to diminish its length . By comparing the diflferent lengths of pendulums swinging seconds at the equator and at London, it is found that a pendu- lum must be 2^^ lines (or 12th parts of an inch) shorter at the equator than at the poles. 398. A person on the earth can no more be sensible of its undisturbed motion on its axis, than one in the cabin of a ship on smooth water can be sensible of the ship's motion, when it turns gently and uniformly round. It is therefore no argu- ment against the earth's diurnal motion, that we do not feel it ; nor are the apparent revolutions of the celestial bodies every day, a proof of the reality of these motions; for whether we or they revolve, the appearance is the very same. A per- son looking through the cabin windows of a ship, as strongly fancies the objects on land to go round when the ship turns, as if they actually did so. 399. The other common objections against the earth's motion on its axis, are easily answered. Some imagine, that if the earth turns eastward, as it certainly does if it turns at all, a ball fired perpendicularly upward in the air should fall considerably westward of the place it was pro- jected from. This objection will be found to have no weight, if we consider that the gun and ball partake of the earth's motion ; and therefore the ball being carried forward with the air as quick as the earth and air turn, must fall down on the same place. A stone let fall from the top of a main-mast, if it meets with no obstacle, falls on the deck as near the foot of the mast when the ship sails as when it does not. 400. As for those scriptural expressions which seem to contradict the earth's motion, this gene- ral answer may be made to them all, that the scriptures were never intended to instruct us in philosophy or astronomy ; and therefore, on these subjects, expressions are not always to be taken in the literal sense, but for the most part as ac- commodated to the common apprehensions of mankind. M«n of sense in all ages, when not treating of the sciences purposely, have used common language ; and it would be absurd to adopt any other in addressing the majority of mankind. 401. We have said above, that the axis of the earth preserves always the same parallel position ; ASTRONOMY. 145 but this must be understood with a slight limita- tion. Bradley found that the axis of the earth made a sort of conical revolution round the mean place of the pole, the earth's centre being the apex of the cone, and the diameter of the base about 18". With that admirable sagacity for which he was not less remarkable than for his accuracy and faithfulness as an observer, he clearly traced the most curious phenomena to its cause, which is the action of the sun and moon, when out of the equator, and the protuberant equatorial parts of the earth. This correction, which is called the Nutation of tiie earth's axis, goes through all its variations with respect to the moon in about eighteen years, the period of the revolution of the moon's nodes, and with respect to the sun in a year ; but the maximum effect of the sun's action nearly amounts to half a se- cond. 402. In strictness, however, the curve of nu- tation is not a circle but an ellipse, whose axes according to the best observations, are about 18" and 13'4". If S? denote the longitude of the moon's node, r the right ascension of a star or planet, and d its declination ; then the effect of the sun's nutation on the right ascension and de- clination will be expressed by the following for- mula; ; viz. the nutation and declination : 405. TABLE II. — 7-85" X sm. r— ^ -(- 1-15' X sm r -f- ^ and the nutation in right ascension. r= (7'85" X gin. r— ^— 90° -f 1-15" sin. r -f $^—90°) + tan d— 15-43" sin Q. 403. From these expressions, the following tables have been computed for finding the effect of the lunar nutation on the right ascension and declination of any celestial object : 404. TABLE I. ARGUMENT For Nutation in Right Ascension. r-9, For Nutation in Dech nation. r + 90°-g2 Signs. 0. VI. I. VII. II. VIII. - + - + - + 0° 8-33" 7-21" 4-16" 30° 5 8-30 6-82 3-52 25 10 8-20 6-38 2-85 9,0 15 8-05 5-89 2-15 15 '20 7-83 5-35 1-45 10 '25 7-55 4-78 0-73 5 30 7- '21 4-16 0-00 — + - + - + XI. V. X. IV. IX. III. Vo L. III. ARGUMENT. For Nutat ion in Right I scension. r— 9. For Nut ation in Decl ination. '•+ 90° -h 9, Signs. 1 0. VI. I. VII. II. VIII. - + - + - + 0° 1-22" 1-06" 0-61" 30° 5 1-21 1-00 0-52 25 10 1-20 0-93 0-42 20 15 1-18 0-86 0-32 15 20 1-15 0-78 0-21 10 25 1-11 0-70 0-11 5 30 1-06 0-61 0-00 - + - + - + XL V. X. IV. IX. III. 406 . TABLE [II. Equation of Equinoxes in R ght Ascension ARGUMENT 9, Signs. 0. VI. L VII. II. VIII. - + - + - + 0° 0-0" 8-2" 14-2" 30° 5 1-4 9-4 14-8 25 10 2-8 10-5 15-4 20 15 4-2 11-6 15-8 15 20 56 12-5 16-1 10 25 6-9 13-4 16-3 5 30 8-2 14-2 16-2 + 1 + 1 + 1 XI. V. X. IV. IX. III. Use OF THE ABOVE Tables. 407. To the logarithm of the sum or differ- ence of the equations from tables I. and II., an- swering to their proper arguments, add the loga- rithm tangent of the star's declination, and the sum will be the logarithm of part first of the nu- tation, or right ascension if the decnnation is north. If it is south, change the sign and apply . the equation from table III., and the sum or dif- ference will be the nutation or right ascension. Increase the arguments in tables I. and II. each 14() ASTRONOMY. by 90°, and the sum or difference of the corres- ponding; difference of the equations taken from those tables, will be the nutation or declination. 408. The annual motion of the earth has been effectually confirmed by an argument drawn from the progressive motion of light; and from the same consideration the truth of the diurnal mo- tion may be completely established. 409. In consequence of the progressive motion of light, the apparent place of a fixed star is east of its true place, and the difference is proporti- onal to the cosine of the star's declination ; this displacement of the fixed stars has changed, be- cause of the precession of the equinoctial points. Therefore, if the diurnal revolution of the heavens were a real motion, the whole heavens must have changed their ajjpearance; and the respective positions of the stars must be very different now, from what they were in the time of Hipparchus. A star which is now near the vernal equinox, must have changed its apparent distance, at least 5° from another ecliptical star which is 60° east from it. Nay, it is highly probable that no zodiacal star could be ever visible ; such would have been the direction that the rays of light must have taken, because of their own proper motion being compounded with that of the star, whose velocity must have been exceedingly great, by reason of its distance from the poles of the motion. But since no such remarkable displacement of the stars has been observed, we may conclude, that the cause which w^ould have produced it, has no existence; and that the revolutions of the heavens is not a real, but only an apparent motion. 410. The annual and diurnal motions of the earth, together with the different lengths of days and nights, and all the beautiful variety of sea- sons, depending on those motions, may be thus illustrated. 411. In-plate X, fig. 5. let FG H I bethe earth, O its centre; and let it revolve about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the figure, in the order I F G H ; that is, from west to east. Let A be the sun, draw AF O H C, and G O I per- pendicular to it : let a spectator be at I ; then since the tangent at I (which represents the ho- rizon) will be parallel to A F H, and A at an im- mense distance, they will nearly meet in A, and the sun at A will be rising in the horizon at I. As the earth moves round, the spectator is car- ried towards F, and the sun at A seems to rise higher and higher ; and when the spectator js arrived at F, then the sun is at the highest. As the earth still turns round, and the spectator is carried from F towards G, the sun appears to de- scend, as if it moved towards D; and when the spectator is arrived at G, then the sun appears in the tangent at G; that is, in the horizon at G; and therefore the sun is setting. Afterwards, all the time the spectator is moved through G II I, the sun appears under the horizon, till it comes at I, where the sun seems to rise again. 412. Thus it is evident, that while the specta- tor is carried through the illuminated half of the earth I F G, it is day light; at the middle point F, it is noon day ; at the dark hemisphere GUI, it is nigiit ; and at H, it is midnight. And tl.us the vicissitude of day and night appears, by the rotation of the earth about its axis. What has been said of the sun is equally true of the moon, or any star placed at A. And therefore all the celestial bodies seem to rise and set by turns, one after another, according to their various situations. For let A, B, C, D be four stars ; when the spec- tator is at I, the star A rises ; and wlien at G, it sets. When the spectator is at F, B rises; and when he is at H, it sets. When he is at G, C rises ; and when at I, it sets. When the spec- tator is at H, D rises ; and when at F, it sets. 413. Hence it is the very same thing, as to the diurnal motions, whether the earth moves uniformly about its axis, while the heavens stand still ; or whether the heavens move uniformly round, while the earth stands still ; tlie pheno- mena being exactly the same either way. For whether the spectator move uniformly in the arch I F, from west to east, whilst A is fixed ; or A moves uniformly in the arch A D, from east to west, whilst I is fixed ; the same angle will be described, and therefore the altitude of A, above the horizon, will be the same either way. Sect. III. — Of the Seasons. 414. To explain the causes of the various sea- sons in plate VII. fig. 10, let ". I perpendicular to^S ©, which divides the illu- minated hemisphere from the dark one. The axis N A is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic or earth's orbit, in an angle of 66^° : and during the earth's motion in its orbit, the axis always remains in a parallel position, or pointing to the same star. The earth also moves uniformly round this axis ; and describes equal arches in equal times. Now let the earth be at ^^ ; in tliis position, the circle dividing the light and dark hemispheres passes through the poles N and A. and divides all the parallels as P R into two equal parts ; therefore any point in that parallel, as the earth revolves round, will stay as long in the light hemisphere as in the dark ; that is, tlie days and nights are equal. As it moves to tlj^, the pole N comes into the light hemisphere, by reason of the oblique position of the axis N A ; and as it proceeds to / and yf , the light liemis- ASTRONOMY. 147 phere reaches farther and farther beyond N, till coming to '/f , it is at the farthest, reaching to G, and making the arch N G 23^° the complement of N "/5' S, or 662°. Then the opposite pole A is as far involved in the dark hemisphere ; whence in north latitudes, or in the hemisphere E N Q, the days have been increasing from £^ to ^/f, where they are at their longest; for the greater part of the parallel P R is in the illuminated hemisphere, and the smaller part in the dark. 416. In the opposite or southern hemisphere the days have been decreasing, and are at their shortest when the earth is at ^/f : for all parallels to E Q have their greater part in the dark hemis- phere. If through the point G a parallel be de- scribed, this parallel is called the arctic circle ; and all the space contained therein is illuminated, and there is no night, when the earth is at yf . For the same reason, the space within a pa- rallel drawn tlirough I, will be all dark, and all is night there. If a parallel be drawn through B, ■where S "/f outs' the arch N E, that parallel is called the tropic of Cancer ; and then the sun will shine perpendicular upon the inhabitants in that parallel. This is the summer season for those that are in the hemisphere E N Q, and the winter for those that live in EAQ; and since E Q is equally divided by the circle of light and darkness G I, the days and nights are always equal under the equinoctial. 417. While the earth moves through ;:;? and K to cy^, the circle of light and darkness comes nearer and nearer to the pole N, the angle N ^/f G, and consequently B vf E grows less and less, till they vanish in (v ; then the circle of light and darkness passes again through the poles N and A, bisecting all the parallels as P R ; and the days and nights are again equal all over the earth. 418. While the earth moves through (y-, ^, n, to 3, the sun seems to go through :tb, )r|_, ^ , to ^/f ; and the circle separating light and dark- ness, falls short more and more of the north pole N, and goes further and further beyond the south pole A ; whence the parallels cut by that circle will have the greater part in the dark in the north hemisphere ; but in the south hemisphere, tlie greater part will be in the light : and it is winter to the northern hemisphere E N Q, the days being at the shortest ; and summer to the southern he- misphere EAQ, their days being at the longest. Within the parallel drawn through G, there will be no day whilst the earth is at 3 J and in the parallel drawn through I, there will be no night. At the pole A it will be day for six months, and at the pole N it will be night for six months ; just the contrary of what happens when the earth is at 1/f . In this position, if a parallel be drawn through B, the sun will shine perpendicular to the earth in that parallel, and it is called the tropic of Capricorn ; and a parallel drawn through I is called the antarctic circle. 419. When the earth moves from 05 tlirough Si and nil to ^ again ; it is evident the circle separating light and darkness draws nearer and nearer to the poles N and A, by which the light and dark parts of the parallels become nearer an equality, and so to the days and nights. There- fore in the north hemisphere E N Q, the days are increasing ; and in the south hemisphere they are decreasing : and the days and nights become equal in every place, wnen the earth arrives at ^, 420. In tliis manner are the several seasons caused, being owing to the obliquity of the axis of rotation of the earth, to the plane of the earth's orbit. But if the axis was perpendicular to it, there could be no variety in the length of days in whatever part of the orbit the earth was ; smd all seasons would be alike. Thus the obliquity of the earth's axis to the ecliptic, or which is tlie sam.e thing, of the equinoctial to the ecliptic ; is the cause of the different seasons, summer, win- ter, spring, and autumn, during the year. With- out this, there could be no difference of seasons ; and consequently it could not be easy to know the length of the year, without observations of the stars. For the length of the year is known from finding the time by observation, when the sun is in the equinoctial points ; and there being no such points to observe by, there could be no me- thod but to observe by the position of the stars, when the same star was again in opposition to the sun, which none but an astronomer could do. 421. The sun appears 47° higher in the sum- mer tropic than it does in the winter tropic ; for in summer it seems to have ascended througli the arch B E ; and in winter to have descended through the arch BQ equal to B E; and their sum is 470. 422. All these phenomena may be thus repre- sented : Take a small globe that has the equinoc- tial and parallels drawn on it ; and, placing a candle upon a table, move the globe round tiie candle in a circle parallel to the table, so that the axis of the equator may be oblique to that circle, and be kept always in a parallel position whilst it moves about. The candle will illumi- nate the globe as it is carried round, just as the sun does the earth in its orbit ; and the poles and the parallels will be the same way affected with light and darkness as the globe. 423. The orbit of the earth being elliptical, and the sun constantly keeping in its lower focus, which is 1,617,941 miles from the middle point of the longer axis, the earth approaches twice as near, or 3,235,882 miles nearer the sun at one time of the year than at another ; for the sun ap- pearing under a larger angle in our winter than summer, proves that the earth is nearer the sun in winter. But here this question naturally arises. Why have we not the hottest weather when the earth is nearest the sun ? In answer it must be ob- served, that the eccentricity of the earth's orbit, or 1,617,941 miles, bears no greater proportion to the earth's mean distance from the sun, tlian seventeen does to 1000; and therefore this small difference of distance cannot occasion any great difference of heat or cold. 424. But the principal cause of this difference is, that in winter the sun's rays fall so obliquely upon us, that any given number of them is spread over a much greater portion of the earth's sur- face where we live ; and each point must tlien have fewer rays than in summer. There comes also a greater degree of cold in the long winter nights than there can return of heat in so short days ; and on both these accounts the cold must increase. In summer the rays fall more perpen- dicularly upon us ; come with greater force, and L2 148 ASTRONOMY in greater numbers, on the same place ; and by their long continuance, a much greater degree of heat is imparted by day than can fly off by night. 425. Besides, those parts which are once heat- ed, retain the heat for some time ; which, with the additional heat daily imparted, makes it con- tinue to increase though the sun declines towards the south. This is the reason why July is hotter than June; and often, in our cold climate, Au- gust hotter than both, although the sun has with- drawn from the summer tropic ; as we find it is generally hotter at three in the afternoon, when the sun has gone towards the west, than at noon when he is in the meridian. Those places too which have been well cooled require time to be heated again ; for the sun's rays do not heat even the surface of any body, till they have been some time upon it. Hence we find January for the most part colder than December, although the sun has withdrawn from the winter tropic, and begins to dart his beams more, perpendicularly upon us. Art iron bar is not heated immediately upon being put into the fire, nor grows cold till some time after it has been taken out, 426. If we suppose the degree of heat to be as tn th. power of the sun's altitude, into the nth power of the time of his continuance above the horizon, that 5 and c are the sine and cosine of any given latitude ; s' and c' the sine arid cosine of the sun's declination at the semidiurnal one ; T the time in the afternoon, when the heat is the greatest ; and x and y the sine and cosine of T- Then cc' -{■ ss'^ will be the sine of the sun's alti- tude ; and consequently {cc' -\- ssy)"-|-A-|-T" must be a maximum ; whence its fluxion tti ssy X A -1- T + n T 4- {ss' + ss/) =. 0. But by the property of the circle — = T, and conse- ny quently A-hT — x ^ = r ; an equation from whence the relation between x and 3/ may be determined. 427. The sun completes what is called a tro- pical year, when he arrives at the same equinoc- tial or solstitial point. This he does in 365d. 5h. 48' 37". When he arrives at the same fixed star again, as seen from the earth, he completes the siderial year, which contains 363d. 6h. 9'. 14^". The siderial year is therefore 20' 17^" longer than the solar or tropical year, and 9' 14^" longer than the Julian or the civil year, which we state at 363d. 6h. ; so that the civil year is almost a mean between tbe siderial and tro- pical. 428. As the sun describes the whole ecliptic, or 360°, in a tropical year, he moves 39' 8" of a degree every day at a mean rate ; and con- sequently 30" of a degree in 20' 17^" of time; therefore he will arrive at the same equinox or solstice, when he is 30" of a degree short of the same star, or fixed point in the heavens, from which he set out the year before. So that, with respect to the fixed stars, the sun. and equinoctial points fall back, as it were, 30° in 2160 years, which will make the stars appear to have gone 30° forward with respect to the signs of the eclip- tic in that time : for the same signs always keep in the same points of the ecliptic without regard to the constellations. 429. The sun returns to the equinox again in 363d. 5h. 48' and 37" ; and this is the period in which the seasons complete their revolution. But as it is convenient in civil life to make the year consist of an exact number of days, three years in succession are made to consist of 365 days, and a fourth of 366 days ; making the aver- age length of a civil year to be 365d. 6h. or 11' 3" too little. 430. These 11' 3", by which the civil or Julian year exceeds the solar, amount to 1 1 days in 1433 years ; and so much our seasons had fallen back, with respect to the days of the months, since the time of the Nicene council in A. D. 325. In order, therefore, to bring back all the fasts and festivals to the days then settled, it was requisite to suppress 11 nominal days; and, that the same seasons might be kept to the same times of the year in future, to leave out the bis- sextile day in February, at the end of every cen- tury of years not divisible by 4 ; to reckon them only common years ; as the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, viz. the years 1700, 1800, 1900, &c. because a day intercalated every fourth year was too much ; and to retain the bissextile day at the end of those centuries of years which are divisible by 4, as the 16th, 20th, and 24th centuries, viz. the years 1600, 2000, 2400, &c. 437. Without these changes, the seasons in length of time would be quite reversed with re- gard to the months of the year; though it would have required near 23,783 years, to have brought about such a total change. If the earth had made exactly 365i- diurnal rotations on its axis, while it revolved from any equinoctial or solstitial point to the same again, the civil and solar years would always have kept pace together and the style would never have needed any alteration. Sect. IV. Of the Phenomena of the Moon. 432. The moon is not a primary planet, but only a satellite, or attendant of the earth, circu- lating around it in 29d. 12h. and 44', and round the sun along with it every year. The moon's diameter is 2180 miles ; and her distance from the earth's centre about 240,000 miles. She goes round her orbit in 27d. 7h. 43'. moving about 2290 miles every hour; and turns round her axis exactly in the same time that she goes round the earth, which is the reason of her keeping al- ways the same side towards us, and that her day and night taken together is as long as our lunar month. 433. The moon is an opaque globe like the earth, and shines only by refleVting the light of the sun ; therefore, whilst that half of her which is towards the sun is enlightened, the other half must be dark and invisible. Hence she disap- pears when she comes between us and the sun ; because her dark side is then towards us. When she is gone a little way forward, we see a little of her enlightened side ; which increases to our view as she advances, until she comes to be op- posite to the sun ; when her svhole enlightened side is towards the earth, and she appears a round illuminated orb, which we call the full A'S T R O N O M Y. 149 moon ; her dark side being then turned away from the earth. From the full she seems to de- crease gradually as she goes through the other half of her course; showing us less and less of her enlightened side every day, till her next change or conjunction with the sun^ when she disappears as before. 434. The moon has scarcely any difference of seasons; her axis being almost perpendicular to the ecliptic. What is very singular, one half of her has no darkness at all; the earth constantly affording it a strong light in the sun's absence; ■while the other half has a fortnight's darkness and a fortnight's light by turns. 435. Our earth appears as a moon to the inhabitants of the moon; waxing and waning regularly, but appearing thirteen times as big, and affording them thirteen times as much light as she does to us. When she changes to us, the earth appears full to her ; and when she is in her first quarter to us, the earth is in its third quarter to her; and vice versa. But from one half of the moon the earth is never seen at all: from the middle of the other half it is always seen over head; turning round al- most thirty times as quick as the moon does. From the circle which limits our view of the moon, only one half of the earth's side next her is seen ; the other half being hid below the horizon of all places on that circle. To her in- habitants the earth appears the largest body in the universe ; for it appears thirteen times as large as she does to us. 436. While the earth turns round its axis, the several continents, seas and islands, appear to the moon's inhabitants like so many spots of different forms and brightness, moving over its surface; but much fainter at some times than odiers, ac- cording as our clouds covev them. By these spots the Lunarians can determine the time of the earth's diurnal motion, just as we do die motion of the sun : and they may measure their time by the motion of the earth's spots, for they can- not have a more true dial. 437. The axis of the moon is so nearly per- pendicular to the ecliptic, that the sun nev-er re- moves sensibly from her equator ; and the obli- quity of her orbit, which is next to notliing as seen from the sun, cannot cause the sun to decline sensibly from her equator. Yet her inhabitants are not destitute of means for ascertaining the length of their year, though their method must differ from ours. We know the length of our year by the return of our equinoxes ; but the Lu- narians, having always equal day and night, must have recourse to another method; and, we may suppose, they measure their year by observing when either of the poles of our earth begins to 1)€ enlightened, and the other to disappear, which is always at our equinoxes; they being conveni- ently situat-ed for observing great tracts of land about our earth's poles, which are entirely un- known to us. Hence we may conclude, that the year is of the same absolute length to the inhabi- tants of the earth and moon, though very differ- ent as to the number of days; we having 365^ natural days, and the Lunarians only 12^, every day and night in the moon being as long as 295 on the earth. 438. The inhabitants of the moon, on the side next the earth, may find the longitude of their places as easily as we can find the latitude of ours. For the earth keeping constantly, or very nearly so, over one meridian of the moon, the east or west distances of places from that meri- dian are as easily found as we can find our dis- tance from tlie equator by the altitude of our celestial poles. 439. As the sun only enlightens that half of the earth which is towards him, and leaves the opposite half in darkness, he does the same to the moon ; but with this difference, that as the earth is surrounded by an atmosphere, we have twilight after the sun sets ; but if the moon has neither an atmosphere of her own, nor is in- cluded in that of the earth (as is supposed), the Lunarians must have an immediate transition from the brightest sunshine to tlie blackest dark ness. 440. The moon being an opaque spherical body (for her hills take off no more from her roundness than the inequalities on tlie surface of an orange take of from its roundness,) we can only see that part of the enlightened half which is towards the earth. And therefore, when die moon is at A, see plate IV. fig. 3, in conjunction with the sun S, her dark half is towards the earth, and she disappears, as at a, there being no light on that half to render it visible. When she comes to her first octant at B, or has gone an eighth part of her orbit from her conjunction, a quarter of her enlightened side is towards the earth, and she appears horned, as at b. When she has gone a quarter of her orbit from between the earth and sun to C, she shows us one-half of her enlightened side, as at c, and we say she is a quarter old. At D she is in her second octant ; and by showing us more of her enlightened side, she appears gibbous, as at d. At E her whole enlightened side is towards the earth; and there- fore she appears round, as at e, when we say it is full moon. In her third octant at F, part of her dark side being towards the earth, she again ap- pears gibbous, and is on the decrease, as at f. At G we see just one-half of her enlightened side ; and she appears half decreased, or in her third quarter, as at g. At H we only see a quarter of her enlightened side, being in her fourth octant, where she appears horned, as at A. And at A, having competed her course from the sun to the sun again, she disappears, and we say it is new moon. Thus, in going from A to E, the moon seems continually to increase ; and in going from E to A, to decrease in the same pro- portion; having like phases at equal distances from A to E, but as seen from the sun S, she is always full. 441. The moon does not appear perfectly round when she is full in the highest or lowest part of her orbit, because we have not a full view of her enlightened side at that time. When full, in the highest part of her orbit a small de- ficiency appears on her lower edge; and the contrary when full in the lowest part of her orbit. 442. From the figure it is evident, that when the moon changes to the earth, the earth appears full to the moon ; and vice versa. For when the 150 ASTRONOMY. moon is at A. new to the earth, the whole en- lightened side of the earth is towards the moon ; and when the moon is at E, full to the earth, its dark side is towards her. Hence a new moon answers to a full earth, and a full moon to a new earth. The quarters are also reversed to each other. 443. The position of the moon's cusps, or a right line touching the points of her horns, is very differently inclined to the horizon at different hours of the same days of her age. Sometimes she stands, as it were, upright on her lower horn, and then such a line is perpendicular to the ho- rizon : when this happens, she is in what the as- tronomers call the nonagesimal degree, which is the highest point of the ecliptic above the ho- rizon at that time, and is 90° from both sides of the horizon, where it is then cut by the ecliptic. But this never happens when the moon is on the meridian, except when she is at the very begin- ning of Cancer or Capricorn. 444. It is easy to demonstrate that the moon turns round her axis in the time that she goes round her orbit ; for a spectator at rest, without the periphery of the moon's orbit, would see all her sides turned regularly towards him in tliat time. She turns round her axis from any star to the same star again, in 27d. 7h. ; from the sun to the sun again in 29^d.; the former is the length of her siderial day, and the latter the length of her solar day. A body moving round the sun would have a solar day in every revolu- tion, without turning on its axis ; the same as if it had been at rest, and the sun moved round it; but without turning round its axis it could never have one siderial day, because it would always keep the same side towards any particular star. 445. If the earth had no annual motion, the moon would go round it so as to complete a lu- nation, a siderial, and a solar day, all in the same time. But because the earth goes forward in its orbit, wliile tlie moon goes round the earth in her orbit, the moon must go as much more than round her orbit, from change to change, in com- pleting a solar day, as the eartli has gone forward in its orbit during that time, i. e. almost a twelfth part of a circle. If the earth had r-o annual mo- tion, the moon's motion round the earth, and her track in open space, would always be the same. But, as the earth and moon move round the sun, the moon's real path in the heavens is very dif- ferent from her visible path round the earth ; the latter being in a progressive circle, and the for- mer in a curve of different degrees of concavity ; which would always be the same in the same parts of the heavens, if the moon performed a complete number of lunations in a year without any fraction. 446. Newton ascribed the equality between tlie periods of rotation and revolution of the moon to her being of an oval form, and being denser on one side than the otirer; but La Grange has shown that though, from the diminu- tion ot the centrifugal force, the moon ought to be elevated at the equator, yet the aberration is four times as great in the direction of the equa- torial diameter, which is directed towards the earth; and he has proved that, in consequence of the attraction of the earth on this elevated portion, the moon's motion is alternately acce- lerated and retarded ; and that this attraction tends to produce an equality between the rota- tion and revolution of tlie moon, and to occa- sion a coincidence both in the position and mo- tion of the nodes of the moon's orbit. 447. The motion of the moon in her orbit not being equable, if her rotation on her axis be uniform there must be parts on her eastern and western edges which are only occasionally seen. These changes, called her libration in longitude, are found to agree with an equable motion of rotation. There are parts also about her poles only occasionally visible. This, called her li- bration in latitude, arises from her axis being constantly inclined to the plane of her orbit, in an angle of about 86°. A diurnal libration also takes place ; at rising a part of the western edge is seen, which is invisible at setting, and the contrary takes place with respect to the eastern edge. This is occasioned by the change of place in the spectator, occasioned by the earth's rota- tation. Having found by any means^ the moon's angular distance from the sun, the appearance of her disk for that time may be easily deli- neated in the following manner : Let the arch C O B P, Plate IV. figs. 6 and 8, represent the disk of the moon which is turned towards the earth, and let O P be cut by the diameter B C at right angles, take LP to L F as radius to cosine of the moon's angular distance from the sun, and upon B C as the greater and L F the less axis describe the semi-ellipse B F C ; then B F C P will represent that portion of the moon's illumined face which is visible from the earth. 448. To illustrate this, let the nail in the end of the axle of a chariot-wheel represent the earth, and a pin in the nave the moon : if the body of the chariot be propped up so as to keep that wheel from touching the ground, and the wheel be then turned round by iiand, the pin will describe a circle both round the nail and in the space it moves through. But if the props be taken away, the horses put to, and the chariot driven over a piece of ground which is circularly convex, the nail in the axle will describe a cir- cular curve, and the pin in the nave will still describe a circle round the progressive nail in the axle, but not in the space tlirough which it moves. In this case, the curve described by the nail will resemble in miniature as much of the earth's annual part round the sun, as it describes whilst the moon goes as often round the earth as the pin does round the nail ; and the curve described by the pin will have some resemblance to the moon's path during so many lunations. 449. The surface of the moon being uneven, some are surprised that her edge does not ap- pear jagged, as well as the curve bounding the light and dark places. But if we consider that what we call the edge of the moon's disk is not a single line set round with mountains, in which case it would appear irregularly indented, but a large zone, having many mountains, lying behind one another from the observer's eye, we shall find that the mountains in some rows will be op- posite to the vales in others ; and thus fill up the inequalities so as to make her appear quite round; just as when one looks at an orange. ASTRONOMY. 151 although its roughness be very discernible on the side next the eye, especially if the sun or a candle sliines obliquely upon that side, yet the line terminating the visible part still appears smooth and even. Sect. V. Of the Tides. 450. The tides are found to follow periodi- cally the course of the sun and moon, and hence it has been suspected, in all ages, that the tides were somehow produced by the influence of these luminaries. Of this, Pliny, Ptolemy, Macrobius, and others, seem to have had some knowledge. The celebrated Kepler formed some conjectures long ago, as to the true cause of the tides. * If,' says he, ' the earth ceased to attract its waters towards itself, all the water in the ocean would rise and flow into the moon. The sphere of the moon's attraction extends to our earth and draws up the water.' What Kepler only surmised, has been completely verified in the theory laid down by Newton, and by Halley from his principles. The principal phenomena of the tides are as follows : 451. I. The sea is observed to flow for about six hours from south to north, gradually swell- ing ; and after a flux of about six hours, it seems to rest for a quarter of an hour ; and then to ebb or retire back again from north to soutli for six hours more. Then, after a seeming pause of about i of an hour, the sea again begins to flow ; and so on alternately. 452. II. Hence the sea ebbs and flows twice a-day, but falling every day later and later by about forty-eight minutes, the period of a flux and reflux being on an average about 12 h. 24 m. and the double of each 24 h. 48 m. which is the period of a lunar day, or the time between the moon's passing a meridian and coming to it again. So that the sea flows as often as the moon passes the meridian, both the arch above the horizon, and that below it; and ebbs as often as she passes the horizon, both on the eastern and western side. These are the most obvious appearances ; the other phenomena are as follows : 453. III. The elevation towards the moon exceeds the opposite one a little, and the cjuan- tity of the ascent of the water is diminished from the equator to the poles. 454. IV. The sun raises and depresses the sea twice every day, in the same manner that the moon does ; but the solar tides are much less than the lunar ones, although subject to the same laws. 455. V. The tides which depend upon the actions of the sun and moon are not distin- guished but compound ; and thus they form to appearance one united tide which, increasing and decreasing, produce neap and spring tides. 456. VI. In the syzygies the elevations from the actions of both luminaries concur, and the sea is more elevated ; but the sea ascends less in the quadratures ; for where the water is elevated by the action of the moon, it is depressed by that of the sun, and vice versa. Therefore, while the moon passes from the syzygy to the qua- drature, the daily elevations are continually di- minished ; on the contrary, they are increased while the moon passes from the quadrature to the syzygy. At the new moon also caeteris pa- ribus the elevations are greater; and those that follow one another the same .day, are more dif- ferent than those at full moon.' 457. VII. The greatest elevations and depres- sions take place on the 2d or 3d day after the new or full moon ; and they are the greater, the nearer the luminaries are to the plane of the equator ; being greatest in the syzygies, near the equinoxes. 458. VIII. The actions of the sun and moon are greater the nearer those bodies are to the earth ; and the greatest tides happen when the sun is a little to the south of the equator : but this does not happen regularly every year, be- cause some variation may arise from the situa- tion of the moon's orbit, and the distance of the syzygy from the equinox. 459. IX. The mean force of the moon to move the sea, is to that of the sun nearly as 4 J to 1 ; and therefore if the action of the sun alone produce a tide of two feet, which it is said to do, then that of the moon will be nine feet; from which it follows, that the spring-tides will be eleven feet, and the neap-tides seven feet. But such elevations as far exceed these, happen from the motion of the water against some obstacles, and from the sea violently entering straits or gulfs, where the force is not broken till the water rises higher. 460. The preceding phenomena take place in the open sea, where the ocean is extended enough to be subject to their motions. But the parti- cular situations of places, as to shores, capes, bays, &c. disturb in a considerable degree these general rules. We are now to show how these phenomena may be explained, from the prin- ciple of universal gravitation. 461. If tlie earth were entirely fluid and qui- escent, its particles, by their mutual gravity towards each other, would form the whole mass into the figure of an exact sphere. If a power were to act on all the particles of this sphere, with an equal force, and in parallel directions, the whole mass would be moved together; but no change would be produced on its spherical figure, and its centre would have the same motion as each particle. 462. Upon this hypothesis, if the motion of the earth round the centre of gravity of the earth and moon, were destroyed, and the earth left to the influence of its gravitation towards the moon, as the power above mentioned, then the earth would fall or move straight towards the moon, without changing its spherical figure. 463. But the fact is, that the effects of the moon's action, as well as the action itself on dif- ferent parts of the earth, are not equal ; those parts, by the general rules of gravity, being most attracted that are nearest to the moon, and those being least attracted that are farthest from her; while the parts that are at a middle distance are attracted by a mean degree of force. Besides, all the parts are not acted upon in parallel lines, but in lines directed towards the centre of the moon, on both which accounts the spherical figure of the fluid earth must suffer some change from the action of the moon ; so that in falling, as we ha^e 152 ASTRONOMY, supposed, the nearer parts being: most attracted, would fall quickest, the farther parts being least attracted, would fall slowest, and the fluid mass would be lengthened out, and take a kind of spheroidical form. 464. Hence it appears (which must be care- fully observed), that it is not the action of the moon itself, but the inequalities in that action, that cause any variation from the spherical figure; and that if this action were the same in all the particles, as in the central parts, and operating in the same direction, no such change would ensue. 465. Let us now admit the parts of the earth to gravitate towards its centre, then as this gravi- tation far exceeds the action of the moon, and much more exceeds the ditferences of her actions on different parts of the earth, the effect which results from the inequalities of these actions of the moon, will be only a small diminution of the gravity of those parts of the earth, which it endeavoured in the former supposition to sepa- rate from its centre ; that is, those parts of the earth which are nearest to the moon, and those that are farthest from her, will have their gravity towards the earth somewhat abated, to say no- thing of the lateral parts ; so that supposing the earth fluid, the columns from the centre to the nearest, and to the farthest parts must rise, till, by tlieir greater height, they are able to balance the other columns, whose gravity is less altered by the inequalities of the moon's action, and thus the figure of the earth must be an oblong spheroid. 466. Let us now consider the earth, instead of falling towards the moon by its gravity, as pro- jected in any direction, so as to move round the centre of gravity of the earth and moon, it is evi- dent, that in this case the several parts of the fluid earth will still preserve that relative posi- tion, and the figure of the earth will remain the same as if it fell freely towards the moon ; that is, the earth will still assume a spheroidal form, having its longest axis directed toward the moon. 467. From the preceding reasoning, it appears, that the parts of the earth directly under the moon, as at H, plate X. fig. 4, and also the opposite parts at D, will have the flood or high-water at the same time, whilst the parts at B and F, at 90° distance, or where the moon appears in the horizon, will then have the ebbs, or lowest waters. Hence as the earth turns round its axis from the moon to the moon again in 24h. 48m. this oval of water must shift with it, and thus there will be two tides of flood, and two of ebb in that time. It farther appears, that by the motion of the earth on her axis, the most ele- vated part of the water is carried beyond the moon, in the direction of the rotation ; so that the water continues to rise after it has passed directly under the moon, though the inmiediate action of tlie moon there begins to decrease ; and comes not to its greatest elevation, till it has got about half a quadrant farther. It continues to descend after it has passed at 90° from the point below the moon, to a like distance of half a quadrant. 468. The greatest elevation, therefore, is not in the line drawn through the centres of the earth and moon, nor the lowest points, where the moon appears in the horizon, but all these are removed about half a quadrant eastward from these points in the direction of the motion of rotation. Thus, in open seas, where the water flows freely, the moon, M, is generally past the north and south meridian, as at p, when the high water is at Z, and at n; the reason of which is plain, because the moon acts with the same force after she has passed the meridian, and thus adds to the libra- tory or waving motion which die water acquired when she was in the meridian. 469. Besides, the tides answer not always to the distance of the moon from the meridian, at the same places, for the action of the sun brings them on sooner when the moon is in her first and third quarters, and keeps them back later when she is in her second and fourth : because, in the former case, the tide, raised by the sun alone, would be earlier than that raised by the moon, and in the latter case, later. 470. We have hitherto adverted only to the action of the moon in. producing the tides; but it is evident, that for the same reasons, the ine- quality of the sun's action on different parts of the earth, would produce a like effect, and a like deviation from an exact spherical figure ; so that in reality, there are two tides, every natural day, from the action of the sun, as there are in a lunar day, from the action of the moon, subject to the same laws; and the lunar tide, as has been ob- served, is somewhat changed by the action of the sun, the change varying every day, on account of the inequality between th'e natural and luipar day. 471. Although the gravitation of the earth, towards the sun, is much greater than its gravi- tation towards the moon, yet, by reason of the sun's immense distance, to which the earth's dia- meter bears a small proportion, his action upon the side of the earth next to him differs but little from that which is exerted on the side farthest from liim, and it is only the inequalities in that action that produce the tide. However, the effect of the sun is still very sensible, but that of the moon is much more so ; for, by its proximity to the earth, there is a considerable inequality, both in the direction of its action, and in the in- tensity of that action upon different parts of the earth. 472. Hence it is easy to see, that the tides must be greatest at new and at full moon, because the actions of the sun and moon are then exerted in the same directions. These are called spring tides; whereas, when the sun and moon are 90° distant, the action of the one luminary raises the tides, just where that of the other depresses them, and thus are produced what are called neap tides. Newton has calculated the effects of the sun and moon respectively upon the tides from their at- tractive powers, the former he finds to be to the force of gravity, as one to 12,868,200. To find the force of the latter upon the water, he com- pares the spring tides at the mouth of the river Avon, below Bristol, with the neap tides, and finds the proportion as nine to five; whence, after several necessary corrections, he concludes, that the force of the moon, in moving the waters, is to that of the sun, as 44815 to one. 473. Dr. Ilorsley, however, in his edition of ASTRONOMY. 153 Newton's Principia, estimates the force of the moon to that of the sun, as 3'0469 to one, and other authors have given different proportions ; but Newton computes, from his proportion, that the moon may raise the waters nine feet, 1|- inch, and the sun and moon together may produce an elevation of about eleven feet, two inches ; and about 12| feet, when the moon is at her nearest distance. Now this is found by observation, to be nearly the height to which the water rises, on the coasts of the open and deep ocean. 474. It must be observed, that the spring tides do not happen precisely at new and full moon, nor the neap tides precisely at the quarters, but a day or two after; because, as in other cases, so in this, the effect is not greatest or least when the immediate influence of the cause is greatest or least ; for if the actions of the sun and moon were to cease, yet the tides would continue for some time ; as the waves of the sea continue their motion after a storm. 475. The different distances of the moon from the earth produce a sensible variation in the tides ; and Newton has shown, that they increase as the cubes of the distances decrease ; so that the moon at half her distance, would produce a tide eight times greater. The moon describes an oval round the earth; and at her nearest distance, produces a tide sensibly greater than at her farthest distance. Hence two great spring tides never succeed each other, at the distance of four- teen days ; for if the moon be at her least distance at the change, and therefore produce a great spring tide, she will be at her greatest distance at the full, and therefore the spring tide will be less. 476. The spring tides are highest, and the neap tides lowest, about the time of the equi- noxes; because, were the sun or moon in the pole of the world, there would be no tide; for their action would raise the water at the equator or any parallel, equally round the earth: there- fore, the nearer they are to the equator, the greater must be the effect. When the sun and moon traverse the equator, the tides, which are under them, will traverse the greatest circle, and the waters will be put into the greatest agitation. They will also be the greater at these times, be- cause the earth is nearer to the sun, about the beginning of March and end of September, than in the summer months. 477. As the greatest of the two tides, happen- ing in every diurnal revolution of the moon, is that in which the moon is nearest the zenith or nadir, therefore, while the sun is in the northern signs, the greater of the two diurnal tides, in our climate, will be that arising from the moon when above the horizon; and when the sun is in the southern signs, the greatest is that arising from the moon below the horizon. Thus, the evening tides in summer exceed the morning tides, and the morning tides in winter exceed the evening tides. This difference is found at Bristol to be fifteen inches, and at Plymouth twelve inches. 478. Such would the tides regularly be, if the earth were all covered over with the sea, to a great depth, so that the waters might freely fol- low the influence of the sun and moon ; but, as the tides pass over shoals, and run through straits into bays of the sea, their motion be- comes more various, and their height depends upon a great many circumstances. That the tides may have their full motion, the ocean, in which they are produced, ought to be at least 90° extended from east to west; because that is the distance between the greatest elevation, and the greatest depression, produced in the waters by the moon. 479. Hence it appears, that it is only in the great oceans that such tides as we have described can be produced, and why in the larger Pacific Ocean they exceed those in the Atlantic Ocean. Hence it is obvious why the tides are not so great in the torrid zone, between Africa and America, where the ocean is narrower, as in the temperate zones on either side ; and hence, also, we see why the tides are so small in islands, at great distances from the shores. It likewise ap- pears, that the waters cannot rise on one shore of the Atlantic Ocean, but by descending on the other, so that at tlie intermediate islands it must remain at a mean height, between its elevations on those two shores. 480. The tides that enter the mouths of ri- vers from the ocean, are greatly retarded in their progress, by the currents of the rivers. Mr. Condamine, while in South America, observed, that in the river Amazons, there were five high waters, and four intermediate low waters at once; and a similar circumstance takes place in the Thames. For the tide propagated by the moon in the German Ocean, when she is three hours past the meridian, takes twelve hours longer to come to London Bridge, so that when it is high water there, a new tide is already come to its height in the ocean; and in some intermediate place, it must be low water at the same time. 481. At several places, it is high water three hours before the moon comes to her meridian; but that tide, which the moon pushes as it were before her, is only the tide opposite to that which was raised by her, when she was nine hours past the opposite meridian. 482. There are no sensible tides in the Baltic, \he Mediterranean, or the Black Seas ; for they communicate with die ocean by such narrow inlets, and are of so immense an extent, that they cannot speedily receive and empty water enough, to raise or depress their surfaces sen- sibly. In the Caspian Sea, and in lakes, &c. the moon's attraction is nearly the same upon all parts of their surface, so that no sensible swelling can take place in their waters. 483. We may also conclude, that by reason of the fluidity of the atmosphere, it must have tides similar to those of die ocean ; and hence, there will be a general current from east to west, both of the waters of the ocean, and of the air; but the changes produced in the state of the at- mosphere, from chemical causes, will so much affect the general current, as to prevent it from being perceived. 484. We shall conclude this subject with a table, by the aid of which the time of high water may be found with great ease and cor rectness. 154 ASTRONOMY. Table for finding the Time of High Water ; being the Correction of the Moon's southing. Moon's Moon's Semidiameter. Moon's Moon's Moon's Semidiameter Moon's pass, over pass, over Merid. pass, over Merid. pass, over Merid. 14' 30 '1 15' 30" 16' 30" 14' 30" 15' 30" lb' 60' H, M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. — 4 — 00 + 05 12 6 — 55 — 1 3 — 1 12 18 20 — 8 — 5 + 1 20 20 — 49 — 55 — 1 3 20 40 — 12 — 10 — 8 40 40 — 43 — 47 — 53 40 1 17 — 16 — 15 13 7 — 32 — 34 37 19 20 22 — 22 — 22 20 20 — 22 — 22 — 22 20 40 — 27 — 28 - 29 40 ■ 40 11 — 9 — 6 40 2 _ 31 — 33 — 36 14 8 1 + 3 + 9 20 20 — 36 — 39 — 43 20 20 + 5 + 11 + 19 20 40 40 — 44 — 50 40 40 + 11 + 19 + 29 40 3 _ 44— 49 — 55 15 9 + 14 + 21 + 32 21 20 — 48 - 54 — 12 20 20 + 16 + 24 + 36 20 40 — 51 — 58 — 1 7 40 40 + 16 + 23 + 35 40 4 _ 55 — 12 — 1 12 16 10 + 15 + 23 + 34 22 20 — 57 — 15 — 1 15 20 20 + 13 + 20 + 30 20 40 — 59—1 7 — 1 18 40 40 + 11 + 18 + 28 40 5 _ 1 0— 1 8 — 1 19 17 11 + 7 + 14 + 23 23 20 — 11—19 — 1 20 20 20 + 4 — 10 + 18 20 40 — 58— 1 5 — 1 16 40 40 + — 5 + 11 40 6 — 55J— 1 3 — 1 12 18 12 — 4 + o|. 5 24 485. To find the time of high water by this table, seek in the Nautical Almanack, White's Ephemeris, or any other similar astronomical work, for the time of the moon's passing the meridian of Greenwich ; with which enter the table, and take out the corresponding correction of the said time of the moon's meridian passage, and apply it by addition or subtraction as di- rected in the table, and add the result to the time of liigh water at tiie proposed place on the full and change days, and the sum rejecting twenty- four hours if necessary, will be the hours and mi- nutes past noon, when it willbe high water. Sect. VI. — Of the Harvest Moon. 486. It is remarkable, that the moon, during the week in which she is full about the time of harvest, rises sooner after sun-set, than she does in any odier full moon week throughout the year. By this means, she affords an immediate supply of light after sun-set, which is very beneficial for those employed in the harvest, and gathering in the fruits of the earth. Hence this full moon is distinguished from all others in the year, by calling it the Harvest Moon. 487. To conceive the reason of this pheno- menon, it may first be considered, that the moon is always opposite to the sun when she is full, and therefore, in the harvest months, she is full in Pisces and Aries, which are opposite to Virgo and Libra, the signs occupied by the sun about the same season. Now the signs Pisces aud Aries rise in a shorter space of time than others, as is easily shown and illustrated by a celestial globe ; and the same thing may be conceived from this circumstance, that in northern lati- tudes, the smallest angle made by the ecliptic and horizon, is when Aries rises, at which time Libra sets ; and it is obvious, that the smaller the angle contained by the ecliptic and horizon, the greater portion of the ecliptic will rise by the earth's rotation in a given time. Conse- quently, when the moon is full in harvest, she rises with less difference of time, or more im- mediately after sunset, than at any other season of the year. 488. In our winter the moon is in Pisces and Aries, about the time of her first quarter, wlien she rises about noon, and therefore, her rising is not then noticed. 489. In spring the moon is in Pisces and Aries about the time of her change, but as she then gives no light, and rises with the sun, her rising cannot be perceived. 490. In summer the moon is in Pisces and Aries at the time of the last quarter, and then, as she does not rise till midnight, her rising usually passes unobserved. 491. But, in autumn, the moon is in Pisces and Aries at the time of her full, and rises soon after sun-set, for several evenings successively ; which makes her regular risings very con- spicuous at that time of the year. 492. All this would happen, if the moon's orbit lay in the ecliptic ; but her orbit makes with the ecliptic an angle of 5° 18', and crosses ASTRONOMY. 155 it in two points, called her nodes ; so that her rising-, when in Pisces and Aries, will sometimes not differ above an hour and forty minutes, through a wliole week ; and at other times, in the same two signs she will differ in a week 3^ hours in the time of her rising, according to the different positions of the nodes with respect to the signs ; which positions are always changing, because the nodes go backward through the ecliptic in eighteen years, 225 days. 493. This revolution of the nodes causes the harvest moons to go through a whole course of the most advantageous and least beneficial states, with respect to the harvest, every nineteen years. They were least beneficial in 1796, and conti- nued so until 1 r97 ; after which, they became most beneficial from that period to 1806. In 1807 they again became least beneficial, and continued so till 1815. Their most advantageous period began agaih i'a 1816, and lasted till 1825, when the opposite period commenced, and will last until the yearlP»34; then again they will be most beneficial from 1835 to 1843 ; and so on. Sect. VII. — Of the Horizontal Sun and Moon. 494. Philosophers have been much at a loss to account for the apparent magnitude of the sun and moon, being greater when they are in the horizon, than when elevated above it. For, ac- cording to the laws of vision, they should appear least, when nearest the horizon, because they are then farthest from the eye ; and yet, it is found, that the contrary is true, in fact. Thus, although the diameter of the moon, when in the horizon, .as measured by an instrument, is not found to be greater than when measured at her greatest elevation in the meridian, yet her ap- parent 'diameter, when in the horizon, seems to the eye two or three times greater than when ■sbe is considerably elevated above it. 495. According to Alhazen, one of the ear- liest writers on optics, the sight appreliends the surface of the heavens as flat, and judges of the stars, as it would of ordinary objects extended upon a wide plain. The eye sees them indeed under equal angles, but at the same time per- ceives a difference in their distances, and (on account of the semi-diameter of the earth, which is interposed in the one case, but not in the other) it is hence induced to judge those that appear more r-emote to be greater. 496. Des Cartes, and firom him Dl:. Wallis and most other authors, account for the ap- pearance of a different distance under the same angle, from the long series of objects interposed between the eye and the extremity of the horizon, which makes us imagine it is more remote than wlien in the meridian, where the eye sees nothing in t!ie way between itself and the object. This idea of a great distance makes us imagine the luD/iinary larger; for an object being seen under any certain angle, and believed at the same time more remote, we naturally imagine it to be very large, to appear under such an angle at such a distance, and thus a pure judgment of the mind makes us se-i the sun or the moon larger in the 'lorizon than in the meridian, notwithstanding their diameters, when measured, are really less in the fornjer situation diap. in the latter. 497. This opinion, however, seems hardly te- nable, although it be sanctioned by the authority of very eminent men ; for it is daily seen, that the sun and moon, when near the horizon, very suddenly change their magnitude as they ascend and descend, though all the intervening objects remain the same as before ; and the luminaries appear largest of all, when fewest objects appear on the earth, as in a thick fog or mist. 498. Dr. Desaguliers has endeavoured to ex- plain the appearance of the horizontal moon, on the supposition that we imagine the visible heavens to be only a small portion of a spherical surface, and consequently suppose the moon to be farther from us in the horizon than near the zenith ; and he has shown how liable we are to such de- ceptions, 499. Upon this idea. Dr. Smith has determi- ned, in his optics, that the centre of the appa- rent splierical segment of sky, lying much below the eye, the apparent distance of its parts, near tl?e horizon, is about three or four times greater tnan the apparent distance of its parts over head ; for which reason it is, he infers, that the moon always appears larger as she is lower, and also that we always think the height of a celestial object to be greater than it really is. 500. Of th-e apparent figure of the sky, we shjiU have occasion to treat more fully under optics ; and shall only observe here, tliat if it be allowed, tliat we judge of the apparent mag- nitude of the heavenly bodies, by the arc which they cover of the concave sky, it is evident, since the sky appears to us as a segment less than a hemisphere, that ti.e horizon will appear farther distant than the zenith ; and therefore the sun and moon, while in the horizon, will cover a larger portion of the apparent sky, than when more elevated, and thus their apparent diameter will be greater. Sect. VIII. — Of the Refraction of Light BY THE Atmosphere. 501. If it were not for the atmosphere, the rays of light that come from the heavenly bodies, and by which they are seen, would enter the eye in the direction of a straight line joining the lu- minous body and the eye. But the earth being covered to a considerable height with an atmos- phere of unequal density, a ray of light falling obliquely upon its surface,, instead of continuing to move forward in the same rectilineal direction, is bent downwards into a curve, in its future progress ; and enters the eye in a direction differing more or less from its original one, ac- cording as it falls upon the atmosphere, with a greater or less degree of obliquity. 502. This effect may be thus illustrated : Suppose Z Y, plate IV. fig. 7, a quadrant of a vertical circle described from the centre of the earth T, under which is A B a quadrant of a circle on the surface of the earth, and G H a quadrant of the surface of tlie atmosphere. Then suppose S E a ray of light emitted from a star at S, and falling on the atmosphere at E; because the ray passes out of a rare medium (and most probably a perf-)ct vacuum) into a denser medium ; by the laws of optics, it will be refracted towards the perpendicular, or more inclintid towards the earth ; and since the 156 ASTRONOMY. farther that a ray descends in the atmosphere, the more dense is the medium through which it passes, it will move in the curve E A, and at last enter the eye in the direction of A F Q, a tangent to the curve. Therefore the star will appear at Q instead of S, and thus its apparent place Q will be nearer the zenith than its true place. 503. The nearer the star S is to the horizon, the greater will be the refraction as well as the distance between the apparent and true place of the star. Hence the heavenly bodies appear to be above the horizon, by reason of the refraction, when they are really below it. Tliere is no re- fraction in the zenith, for a ray, coming from Z, will fall perpendicularly on the surface of the at- mosphere at G, and continue its rectilinear course to the eye at A. Tlie following neat and elegant method of computing the atmospherical refraction has been given by Dr. Brinkley, the present learned and active professor of astronomy at Dublin : 504. Let LI, fig. 7, plate VI, be a ray of light falling on the atmosphere at I, and refracted in the curvineal course I S. The object appears to a spectator at S in the direction S T, a tangent to the curve, VST is the apparent zenith distance. The space in the figure between the concentric circles represents all the atmosphere which has any effect on the ray of light, so tliat the light may be considered as passing out of a vacuum into this space. 505. If the surface of the earth were a plane, the different strata of air might be considered as parallel thereto ; and by the principles of optics, the refraction would be the same as would take place were the ray of light to pass from a vacuum into air of the same density with that at the sur- face. It is therefore evident, that if we take into account the spherical form of the earth and at- mosphere, the error resulting from the supposition of an uniform atmosphere will necessarily be very small, compared with the change occasioned by considering the atmosphere spherical, pro- vided that change be small. 506. Let ?«:!:: sin. of incidence : sin. of re- fraction, when a ray of light passes from a vacuum into air of the density of that at the surface of the earth. Suppose all the air contracted into an uniform atmosphere, then SI is a right line. Let HIL = i, SIC = r, VSI = c, SC = a, the height of the uniform atmosphere =: /, or C I = a 4- /. a -\- I : a : 1 : in ', Hence sm. ;: : sin. r sin. r : sin. i. in a sm. z / l\ sin. I -rz — — rr in sm. z ( 1 inearly. « + / \ a / ■' a sin. z / ^\ , Let i :3: r 4- R, then II is the quantity of re- fraction. Sin. (r 4- R) n sin. i. Or, because R is small, sin. r + cos. r sin. R = sin. i, or sin r -f- R sin. 1" cos. r = sin. i, sub- stituting in this equation for sin. r and sin. i, as above. Also for cos. r. ^/1 a / \/ cos. °ir -I- — sin. -z = a (l+itan.^.) cos. z nearly, we obtain R=^ sm. I. — sm. r 771 — 1 • sin . 2 • ( 1 (^-i) sin. l"xcos r sin. 1". cos. c( 14- ' tan.*s ) (m — 1) tan. z (m — 1) I. tan. ^z sin. 1 ' a sin. 1 cos. ^z nearly. 507. Taking z = 80°, 2 = 5 and a = 4000 miles, the second term (arising from the spheri- cal figure of the atmosphere) = 10" nearly. If a were indefinite, that is, if the surface of the earth were a plane, this second term would vanish. Hence we may safely conclude, that as far as 80 zenith distance, the error arising from supposing the atmosphere of uniform density must be much less than 10", and that conse- quently the above expression gives the refraction as far as 80 from the zenith with sufficient ac- curacy. If we neglect the second term, the re- fraction will vary as the tangent of the zenith distance. 508. The exact experiments ofM.M. Biot and Arago, have determined the value of m — 1 =, •0002946, when the barometer is at 29,93 (in metre) and Fah. therm, at 32°. From theii ex- periments, and the law of expansion of air, it . , , , m — 1 may be inferred that -. -r = •' sm. 1 ^'"■^^^ X—— X 57" 82, nearly 1 4-, 002083 {t — 32)^ 29,60 where b is height of th« barometer, and t that of Fahrenheit's thermometer. When t — 50° and . , , ■ . . m — 1 b = 29,60 inches, this expression gives _ sin 1 ^ 57-82, a resuJt independent of astronomical observations. 509. The French tables of refraction, by De- lambre, founded on astronomical observations, give "' = 57-72" ; and from upwards of sin. 1" 500 observations made by himself, Dr. Brinkley m — 1 = 57-56". finds sin. 1" 510. Mr. H.Atkinson, in a memoir recently read before the Astronomical Society of London, and printed in the forth-coming part of the Society's Memoirs, has treated the subject of refractions in a manner altosether new ; and has evinced talents for scientific investigation which place him in a high rank among the philosophers of the present day. He treats tlie question alto- gether as one depending on the optical proper- ties of air, by dividing tlie whole atmosphere into various concentric strata, and computes the deviation produced by refraction on each stratum. We should be glad, did our limits permit us, to quote very largely from this most elaborate and instructive essay, but we must content ourselves with extracting one of the results of his labors in a ASTRONOMY. 157 511. Table of Mean Refraction, adapted to 50° Fahrenheit, and 29-6 inches of Barometric pressure Zenith dist. Refraction, j Zenith dist. Refraction. Zenith dist. Refraction. 1 Zenith dist. Refraction. 1° 0' 0' 1-01" 58° 30' 1' 33-87" 76° 20' 3' 52-93" 84 40"° 9' 15-59" 2 201 59 1 35-72 76 30 3 55-80 84 45 9 22-86 3 3-02 59 30 1 37-64 76 40 3 58-74 84 50 9 30-32 4 4-p3 60 1 39-60 76 50 4 1-75 84 55 9 37-95 5 505 60 20 1 40-93 77 4 4-83 85 9 45-77 6 606 60 40 1 42-30 77 10 4 800 85 5 9 53-79 7 7-08 61 1 43-70 77 20 4 11-23 85 10 10 2-01 8 811 61 20 1 45-13 77 30 4 14-55 85 15 10 10-44 9 ] 914 61 40 1 46-59 j 77 40 4 17-95 85 30 10 19-09 10 10-17 62 1 48-08 j 77 50 4 21-43 85 25 10 27-96 11 11-21 62 20 1 49-60 78 4 25-00 85 30 10 37-00 12 ! 12-26 62 40 1 51-16 78 10 4 28-66 85 35' 10 46-41 13 13-32 63 1 52-75 i 78 20 4 32-41 85 40 10 50-01 U 14-38 63 20 1 54-37 78 30 4 36-27 85 45 11 5-87 15 15-46 63 40 1 56-03 I 78 40 4 40-23 85 50 11 1600 16 16-54 64 1 57-73 1 78 50 4 44-30 85 55 11 26-40 17 17-64 64 20 1 59-48 79 4 48-48 86 11 37-09 18 18-74 64 40 2 1-26 79 10 4 52-79 86 5 11 48-09 19 19-86 65 2 3-10 79 20 4 57-21 86 10 11 59-41 20 2100 65 15 2 4-50 79 30 5 1-76 86 15 12 11-05 21 2214 65 30 2 5-92 79 40 5 6-43 86 20 12 2303 22 23-31 65 45 2 7-38 79 50 5 11-25 86 25 12 35-36 23 24:49 66 2 8-86 80 5 16-21 86 30 12 48-05 24 25-68 66 15 2 10-76 80 10 5 21-31 86 35 13 1-13 25 26-90 66 30 2 11-91 80 20 5 26-57 86 40 13 14-61 26 28-13 66 45 2 13-48 80 30 5 32-00 86 45 13 28-50 27 29-39 67 2 15-08 1 80 40 5 37-59 86 50 13 42-82 28 30-67 67 15 2 16-71 80 50 5 43-37 86 55 13 57-59 29 31-97 67 30 2 18-38 81 5 49-33 87 14 12-83 30 33-30 67 45 2 20-08 81 10 5 55-50 87 5 14 28-55 31 34-66 68 2 21-82 81 20 6 1-87 87 10 14 44-78 32 3604 68 15 2 23-60 ! 81 30 6 8-46 87 15 15 1-54 33 37-45 68 30 2 25-41 1 81 40 6 15-27 87 20 15 18-86 34 38-90 68 45 2 27-27 81 50 6 22-32 I 87 25 15 36-75 35 40-38 69 2 29-17 82 6 29-63 87 30 15 55-24 36 41-89 69 15 2 31-12 82 5 6 33-37 87 35 16 14-36 37 43-45 69 30 2 33-11 82 10 6 37-19 87 40 16 34-14 38 45-05 69 45 2 35-14 82 15 6 41-7 87 45 16 54-60 39 6 46-69 70 2 37-21 82 20 6 4503 87 50 17 15-78 40 48-38 ' 70 15 2 39-32 82 25 6 49-07 87 55 17 37-69 41 5012 ' 70 30 2 41-49 82 30 6 53-18 88 18 0-41 42 51-91 i 70 45 2 43-72 82 35 6 57-37 88 5 18 24-06 43 53-76 71 2 4600 82 40 7 1-65 88 10 18 48-57 44 55-66 71 15 2 48-36 82 45 7 6-01 88 15 19 13-95 45 57-63 71 30 2 50-77 82 50 7 10-45 88 20 19 40-24 46 59-67 71 45 2 53-23 82 55 7 14-98 88 25 20 7-39 47 1 1-79 72 2 55-75 83 7 19-60 88 30 20 35-58 48 1 3.98 72 15 2 58-33 83 5 7 24-31 88 35 21 4-88 49 1 6-27 72 30 3 0-98 83 10 7 29-12 88 40 21 35-31 50 1 8-64 72 45 3 3-71 83 15 7 34-02 83 45 22 7-02 50 30 1 9-87 73 3 6-51 83 20 7 39-03 88 50 22 39-92 51 1 11-12 73 15 3 9-40 83 25 7 44-13 88 55 23 14-05 51 30 1 12-40 73 30 3 12-36 83 30 7 49-35 89 23 49-49 52 1 13-71 ; 73 45 3 15-41 83 35 7 54-67 89 5 24 26-42 52 30 1 15-04 74 3 18-56 83 40 8 0-11 89 10 25 4-66 53 1 16-41 74 15 3 21-79 83 45 8 5-66 89 15 25 44-26 53 30 1 17-81 74 30 3 25-13 83 50 8 11-34 89 20 26 25-25 54 1 19-24 1 74 45 3 20-56 83 55 8 17-13 89 25 27 7-36 54 30 1 20-71 75 3 32-09 84 8 23-06 89 30 27 51-22 55 1 22-21 75 10 3 34-51 84 5 8 29-12 89 35 28 36-89 55 30 1 23-75 75 20 3 36-97 84 10 8 35-31 89 40 29 24-47 56 1 25.33 75 30 3 39-49 84 15 8 41-65 89 45 30 14-05 56 30 1 26-95 75 40 3 42-06 84 20 8 48-13 89 50 31 5-72 57 1 28-61 75 50 3 44-69 84 25 8 54-73 89 55 31 59-57 57 30 1 30-31 76 3 47-38 84 30 9 1.54 90 32 55-72 58 1 3207 76 10 3 50-12 84 35 9 8-48 1 158 ASTRONOMY. 512. This refraction of the light by the atmos- phere produces the twilight ; for while the sun is less than 18° below the horizon, his rays, al- though prevented from reaching us directly, by reason of the interposed body of the earth, yet fall upon the superior regions of the atmosphere, and are so refracted and reflected by its particles as to produce a brightness over the horizon, which continues through the whole night during the summer months, in the regions of the earth towards the poles. 513. The subject of twilights has given rise to a problem which, from the talents of the mathe- maticians who have applied themselves to its investigation, has obtained considerable celebrity. The problem is, to find the day in any given latitude in which the twilight is the shortest. It might be imagined that the twilights would in- crease from midsummer to midwinter ; but this both observation and theory show not to be the case; for though the twilights continue to increase in duration for some time after the sun's decli- nation, allov(fed a denomination different from the latitude, yet they reach a maximum, after which they again increase. 514. In fig. 11, plate VI, let P be the pole, Z the zenith, HO the horizon, AL the boundary of twilight, S s the places of the sun at the be- ginning and end of twilight. Draw the great circles PS, V s, Z S, and Zs, also PR = ZP, making the angle ZPR = Z. SP.?, and com- plete the triangle Z R s with great circles Z II, R S. Then as the Z Z PR = Z SPs, we have the L RPs = Z. ZPS; also, since Ps = PS, and PR = P Z, the triangles RPs, ZPS, are simi- lar and equal: therefore Rs = ZS, and in the triangle Z Rs we have given Z S and Rs, and as Z P, R P, are equal and given, and the /. Z P R = /. SPs a minimum, we shall have ZR the least possible, which by the writers on spherics it is shewn to be when = Zs— =-Rs, Rs coincide: hence the following Construction. — With ZP, r P, each := colat of the place, and Z r = Zs — R s (Z S) = 18° ; describe the isosecles triangle Z P r prolong Z r making r s =: Z S = 90, draw P s, which is the co-declination of the sun on the required day. 515. Calculation. — Draw P^ perpendicular and bisecting Z r in i, then, by spherical trig- onometry, we have cos. z r ; rad. 1 : : cos. P r ; COS. P z, or cos. P z = — : : and in the cos. zr triangle xPs, as rad. 1 ; cos. zs : : cos. P2 = cos.Pr. COS. COS. Ps, or sin. decl.="°^-^^X"°^-P^ COS. , cos. 99** X sine lat. cos. 9°. _ — sine 9° X sine lat. cos. 9°. = — tang. 9° X sine lat. A simple and general theorem, from which it appears that the declina- tion and latitude are of contrary names. From this theorem it appears, that the shortest twilight at Petersburgh is about October 14th ; at Lon- don, October 11th, and at Rome, October 9lh. 516. The rays of light are equally refracted by the atmosphere, whether they come from the sun, the moon, or the stars ; but the quantity of the refraction, and therefore the duration of the twilight, are influenced by the changes which are perpetually taking place with respect to the heat and cold, the moisture and dryness, &c. of the atmosphere. PART IV. ASTRONOMICAL OPERATIONS AND CALCULATIONS. Sect. I. — Of Drawing a Meridian Line. 517. Upon a plain board, set parallel to the horizon, describe a circle ABF, as in plate VIII, fig. 2. And upon the centre C, erect a stile or gnomon, exactly perpendicular to it, and so high, that the top of the shadow thereof may fall upon the circumference of the circle about the middle of the forenoon. Mark the point B exactly where the top of the shadow falls in the forenoon, and the point F where the top of the shadow falls on the circumference, in the middle of the afternoon. Then, through the centre C, draw the line A C D, bisecting the arch B F. The AD is the meridian required. 518. It is proper to draw several concentric circles, and to make observations with them all, that they may confirm one another. If the sun happens to be clouded in one, it may be clear in another. It is best to make these observations about the solstices, when the sun does not alter his declination sensibly ; and the summer sol- stice is to be preferred. 519. The sun is evidently highest when in the meridian ; and at equal distances therefrom has equal altitudes. Therefore, when the distances D B, D F, are equal, the shadows C B, C F, will be equal, and therefore the altitudes equal. And vice versa. 520. 2. Hang up two threads and plummets AB, CD, plate VIII. fig. 13, at a good dis- tance, in vessels of water, to keep them steady ; of which C D is movable towards the left and right, upon a pin C. Wait till the polar star, E, and the star Alioth, F, (in the great bear's rump), come into the same plumb line, A B, to an eye placed at I. At that instant (or rather before) move the thread C D also into the same line ; so that the thread C D may hide the thread A B, and the polar star E from the eye at I. Then the plane A B C D is the plane of the meridian ; and where it intersects the horizontal plane, is the meridian line. And the same may be done with the star, called Cassiopeia's hip. To take away the star's rays, look through a small hole in a thin plate. This must be per- formed in a calm place. 521. If it is wished to have a meridian drawn in some other place, let the threads and plum- mets A B, CD, remain ; and hang up two others ab, cd, in the place proposed, as in fig, 14, let- ting a 6 be movable upon a pin at a. "Then wait till any star, as G, comes into the plane abed to the eye, at h ; and at that instant, move the thread a b, till the same star G fall in the plane abed, to the eye at h ; then abed is the plane of the meridian. Tliis is best done by the help of an assistant. This method will in time deviate a little from the truth, occasioned by the stars changing their places ; but that change is very inconsiderable for several years. 522. 3. Having a clock or watch, with mi- nutes and seconds, find the northing of the star, Alioth, F, fig. 13, by the astronomical tables ; and ASTRONOMY 159 ■wait till the polar star E is in a plumb line with F. At that instant, set the clock to the said time of northing. And next day at twelve o'clock, draw a meridian line, by the shadow of a plumb line hung in the sun. Or find the time of south- in£f of any other star, as G, and the clock remain- ing as before, when she shows the time of south- mg, place the threads ab, cd, fig. 14, so that the line G/» may pass through them both. Then abed will be in the plane of the meridian. 523. These methods are only to be considered as affording a first and very rough approximation to the meridian, and may assist in placing a tran- sit instrument nearly in its position with respect to the meridian, previously to the application of the more exact methods by which the final ad- justment is made. Sect. II. — Of Finding Time, and the Equa- tion OF Time. 524. Having drawn a meridian line, as directed in the last article, the time when the sun, or any other celestial body is exactly in the meridian, may be found by a common quadrant, placing the edge of it along the line, and observing when the sun or other luminary can be seen exactly through its two sights, and noting exactly the time ; which, supposing the luminary viewed to be the sun, will be precisely noon, or twelve o'clock : but, as the apparent diameter of the sun is pretty large, it ought to be known exactly when his centre is in the meridian, which will be some short space after his eastern limb has arrived at it, and before his western limb comes thither. It will be proper, therefore, to observe exactly the time of the two limbs being seen through the sights of the quadrant ; and the half of the dif- ference between these times, added to the one or subtracted from the other, will give the exact time when the sun's centre is in the meridian. 525. The same method is equally applicable to the moon ; but not to the stars, which have no sensible diameter. It is found, by observation, that the stars appear to go round the earth in twenty-three hours, fifty-six minutes, four seconds, and the sun in twenty-four hours ; so that the stars gain three minutes, fifty-six seconds upon the sun every day, which amounts to one diurnal revolution in a year ; and therefore, in 365 days, as measured by the returns of the sun to the me- ridian, there are 366 days as measured by the stars returning to it : the former are called solar days, and the latter siderial. 526. These may be considered as first steps in the determination of this important element. With the aid of a transit instrument, the time can always be determined with the greatest sim- plicity and exactness. But supposing the lati- tude of the place of observation to be known, the time may be deduced with great ease and pre- cision from the altitude of any celestial object observed with a quadrant or sextant, taken by reflection from a basin of water or quicksilver. Equal altitudes of stars, perhaps, furnisli the most ready and convenient method of deter- mining the time, as the use of trigonometrical formulae is not required ; and there is besides no farther dependence on the goodness of the in- strument, than that it shall be in the same state at both observations. 527. As we shall have occasion, when treating of Nautical Astronomy (which we shall do under the article Navigation), to explain the various ways by which time may be found, and conse- quently, how clocks may be regulated, we shall here merely give the practical method of finding the error ofaclockby equal altitudes of fixed stars. 528. Take the altitude of a star when east- ward of the meridian, and mark the time by the clock when the observation is made ; wait till the star when west of the meridian comes to the same altitude, and mark the time by the clock. Half the sum of these times will be the time by the clock when the star is on the meridian. Now the siderial time at which a star is on the me- ridian is equal to the star's right ascension ; and the solar or apparent time is obtained by sub- tracting the sun's right ascension from the star's. Hence the error of the clock, either for mean or siderial time, is obtained at once. In practice, however, it is preferable to take several altitudes, and their corresponding times, both eastwa'rd and westward of the meridian, and to take half the sum of the mean of the times for the time by the chronometer at which the star passes the meridian. 529- For example, suppose that on February 20th, 1826, the time at which Regulus had the following altitudes, was as under: Times E. of Alts. Times W. of the merid. the merid. k. m. s. h. m. s. 9 4 26 . 38° 0' . 16 43 14 5 14 . 10' . 42 26 6 7. 20' . 41 31 6 58 . 30' . 40 43 9 5 41-25 mean. 16 41 58-5 9 5 41-25 25 47 39-75 12 53 49-87 Time by the chronometer when the star is on the me- ridian. Hence by comparing this with the star's right ascension on the same day (9h. 59ra. 8-8s.), it is found that the watch is 2h. 54m. 41-07 s. fast for siderial time. 530. If the earth had no annual motion, but only a diurnal, any given meridian would revolve from the sun to the sun again, in the same quan- tity of time as from any star to the same star again ; because the sun would never change his place with respect to the stai-s. But, as the earth advances almost a degree eastward in its orbit, in the time that it turns eastward round its axis, whatever star passes over the meridian on any day with the sun, will pass over the same meridian on the next day, when the sun is almost a degree short of it; that is, three minutes, fifty- six seconds sooner. If the year contained only 360 days, as the ecliptic does 360 degrees, the sun's apparent place, so far as his motion is equable, would change a degree every day ; and then the siderial days would be just four minutes shorter than the solar. 531. As the motion of the earth round its axis is perfectly uniform and equal at all times of the year, the siderial days are always precisely of an 160 ASTRONOMY. equal length ; and so would the solar or natural days be, if the earth's orbit were a perfect circle, and its axis perpendicular to its orbit. But the earth's diurnal motion on an inclined axis, and its annual motion in an elliptic orbit, cause the sun's apparent motion in the heavens to be unequal : for sometimes he revolves from the meridian to tlie meridian again in somewhat less than twenty- four hours, shewn by a well-regulated clock; and at other times in somewhat more : so that the time shewn by a good clock and a true sun-dial is never exactly the same, excepting on the 15th of April, the 16th of June, the 31st of August, and the 24th of December. The clock, if it goes equably and true all the year round, will be before tlie sun from the 24th of December till the 15th of April; from that time till the 16th of June, the sun will be before the clock ; from the 16th of June till the 31st of August, the clock will be again before the sun ; and from thence to the 24th of December, the sun will be faster than the clock. 532. The equation of time, therefore, or dif- ference between the time shewn by a well-regu- lated clock and a true sun-dial, depending upon two causes, viz. the obliquity of the ecliptic, and the unequal motion of the earth in it, the united effects, resulting from their combination, may be explained in the following manner : — 533. Let Z (y. s ^, in plate V., fig. 1, be the earth; ZFRz, its axis; abcde, &c. the equa- tor; ABCDE, &c. the northern half of the ecliptic from r^ to r^ on the side of the globe next the eye; and MNOP, &c. the southern half on the opposite side from rCh to rf>. Let us suppose a fictitious sun to set out from cy, at the same instant with the real sun. Let the points at A B C D E F G, &c. quite round, from (y to ty again, bound equal portions of the ecliptic, gone through in equal times by the real sun ; and those at abcde fg, &c. equal portions of the equator described in equal times by the fictitious sun ; and let Z ry s be the meridian. 534. As the real sun moves obliquely in the ecliptic, and the fictitious sun directly in the equator, with respect to the meridian ; a degree, or any number of degrees, between fy and F on the ecliptic, must be nearer the meridian Z f; for which reason, the solar noon precedes noon by the clock, until the real sun comes to F, and the fictitious to /; which two points, being equidistant from the meridian, both suns will come to it precisely at noon by the clock. 535. While the real sun describes the second quadrant of the ecliptic F G H I K L, from Cancer to :^, he comes later to tlie meridian every day, than the fictitious sun moving through the second quadrant of the equator, from fto ^^ ; for the points at G H I K, and L, being farther from the meridian, their corresponding points at g h i k and /, must be later in coming to it : and as both suns come at the same moment to the point r^, they come to the meridian at the moment of noon by the clock. 536. In departing from Libra, through the third quadrant, the real sun going through M N O P Q towards yf at R, and the fictitious sun through mnopq towards r, the former comes to the meridian every day sooner than the latter until the real sun comes to "/f, and the fictitious to r, and then they come both to the meridian at the same time. Lasdy, as the real sun moves equably through S T U V W, from yf towards fy ; and the fictitious sun through stuvw, from r towards ry, the former comes later every day to the meridian than the latter, until they both arrive at the point ty, and then they make it noon at the same time with the clock. 537. We now proceed to explain the other cause of this difference, viz, the inequality of the sun's apparent motion, which is slowest in sum- mer, when the sun is farthest from the earth, and swiftest in winter when he is nearest to it. 538. As the real sun moves unequably in the ecliptic, let us suppose a fictitious sun to move equably in a circle coincident with the plane of the ecliptic. Let A B C D in plate V., fig. 2, be the ecliptic or orbit in which the real sun moves, and the dotted circles abed the imaginary orbit of the fictitious sun : each going round in a year according to the order of letters, or from west to east. Let H I K L be the earth turning round its axis the same way every twenty-four hours ; and suppose both suns to start from A and a, in a right line with the plane of the meridian E H, at the same moment : the real sun at A, being then at his greatest distance from the earth, at which time his motion is slowest ; and the fic- titious sun at a, whose motion is always equable, because his distance from the earth is supposed to be always the same. In the time that the meridian revolves from H to H again, according to the order of the letters H I K L, the real sun has moved from A to F ; and the fictitious with a quicker motion from a tof, through a large arc : therefore, tlie meridian E A will revolve sooner from H to A under the real sun at F, than from 11 to k under the fictitious sun at /; and conse- quently it will then be noon by the sun-dial sooner than by the clock. 539. As the real sun moves from A towards C, the swiftness of his motion increases all the way to C, where it is at the quickest. But not- withstanding this, the fictitious sun gains so much upon the real, soon after his departing from A, that the increasing velocity of the real sun does not bring him up with the equally moving fictitious sun, till the former comes to C, and the latter to c, when each has gone half round its respective orbit; and then being in conjunction, the meridian EH, revolving to EK, comes to both suns at the same time, and there- fore it is noon by them both atthe same moment. 540. But the increased velocity of the real sun, now being at the quickest, carries him before the fictitious one; and therefore, the same me- ridian will come to the fictitious sun sooner than to the real : for whilst the fictitious sun moves from c to g, the real sun moves through a greater arc from C to G : consequently, the point K has its noon by the clock when it comes to k, but not its noon by the sun till it comes to /. And althougli the velocity of the real sun diminishes all the way from C to A, and the fictitious sun ASTRONOMY. 161 by an equable motion is still coming nearer to the real sun, yet they are not in conjunction till the one comes to A and the other to a, and then it is noon by them both at the same moment. 541. Thus, it appears, that the solar noon is always later than noon by the clock, whilst the sun goes from C to A ; sooner, whilst he goes from A to C; and at these two points the sun and clock being equal, it is noon by them both at the same moment. Upon these principles tables for the equation of time are calculated the one giving the difference between the sun's true and mean motion ; the other the difference between the sun's longitude and light ascension ; from which the arc is calculated by addition or subtraction. But the calculation cannot, from the precession of the equinoxes, be depended upon for a considerable length of time. 542. By means of the following Table, however, of the Equation of Time for 1824, and the subjoined auxiliary Table, the Equation of Time may be found for any subsequent year in the present centurj-, with sufficient exactness for regulating clocks and watches for the practical purposes of civil life. 543. Equation of Time, ichen the Sun is on the Meridian of Greenwich, for every day in the year 1824. > < Jax. Feb. Mar. April May. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. N ov. Dec. 1 1 Add Add Add Add Sub. Sub. Add. Add. Sub. Sub. Sub. Sub. 1 M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. s. M. S. 1 M. S. M. S. ! M. S. 1 ! 3 35 13 52 12 36 3 55 3 5 2 33 3 25 5 58 12 10 23 16 15 10 37 2 4 4:14 1 12 24 3 37 3 13 2 24 3 37 5 54 3i;io 41 16 1610 14 3 4 32 14 8 12 11 3 19 3 19 2 14 3 48 5 50 51J11 00 16 16 9 51 4 5 14 1411 58 3 1 3 25 2 5 3 59 5 45 1 1011 18 16 15 9 26 5 5 27 14 20;11 44 2 44 3 31 54 4 9 5 39 i 30'll 36 16 14i 9 2 6 5 54 14 25|11 30 2 26 3 36 44 4 19 5 33 1 50 11 54 16 11! 8 36 7 6 21 14 29,11 15 2 9 3 41 33 4 29 5 26 2 10 12 11 16 8! 8 10 8 6 4714 3211 00 1 51 3 45 22 4 39 5 19 2 3012 28 16 4 7 44 9 7 13 14 34|10 45 1 34 3 48 11 4 48 5 10 2 5V12 44 15 59 7 17 10 7 3814 36 10 29 1 18 3 51 59 4 56 5 2 3 12 13 15 53 6 50 11 8 214 36 10 30 1 1 3 53 47 5 4 4 53 3 3213 15 15 46 6 22 12 8 26 14 36 9 57 45 3 55 35 5 12 4 43 3 53 13 30 15 38 5 54 13 8 49 14 35 9 40 29 3 56 23 5 19 4 32 4 1413 44 15 30 5 26 14 9 11 14 34 9 23 14 3 57 10 5 26 4 22 4 35 13 58 15 21 4 57 15 9 33 14 31 9 6 2 3 57 2 5 32 4 10 4 56 14 11 15 10 ,4 28 Sub. Add 16 9 54 14 28 8 48 16 3 56 15 5 38 3 58 5 17 14 24 14 59 3 58 ( 17 10 15 14 241 8 30 31 3 55 28 5 44 3 46 5 38 14 36 14 47 3 29 18 10 3414 20 8 13 45 3 54 40 5 49 3 33 5 59 14 47; 14 35 2 59 19 10 54 14 15 T 54 59 3 51 53 5 53 3 20 6 20:14 58 14 21 2 29 20 11 12 14 9 7 36 1 12 3 48 6 5 57 3 6 6 41 15 8 14 6 1 59 21 11 30 14 2 7 18 1 25 3 45 19 6 2 52 7 2 15 18 13 51 1 29 22 11 46113 55 7 00 1 37 3 41 32 6 3 2 37 7 23;15 26 13 35 59 23 12 313 47 6 41 1 49 3 46 45 6 5 2 22 7 4415 35 13 18 28 24 12 18 13 39 6 23 2 00 3 31 58 6 6 2 6 8 4|15 42' 13 1 2 j Add 25 12 33 13 30 6 4 2 11 3 26 2 11 6 8 1 50 8 24 15 49 12 42 32 26 12 4613 20 5 46 2 21 3 20 2 24 6 8 1 34 8 45,15 55 12 23 1 2 27 12 5913 10 5 27 2 31 3 13 2 37 6 8 1 17 9 5116 12 3 1 31 28 13 12:12 59 5 9 2 40 3 6 2 49' 6 7 1 9 24'l6 5 11 43; 2 1 29 jl3 23 12 48 4 50 2 49 2 58 3 1 6 6 42 9 44 16 8 11 22 2 30 30 13 34 4 32 2 58 2 50 3 13 6 4 24 10 3 16 12 10 2 59 31 13 44 4 13 2 42 6 1 i 6 16 14 3 28i 544. Auxiliary Table, for finding the Equation of Time when the Sun is on the Meridian of Greenwich, on any day from the year 1824 till the year 1900. 1824 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 1900 Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. g 3 i 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 10 1 1 1 2 ,2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 >>.S = 20 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 Dai oft tion 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 Add the Seconds from this Table, when the E(]ualion en the corresponding day is increasing. Subtract ....<., decreasittg. Vol. III. M 162 ASTRONOMY. Use of the preceding Tables. 545. Take from the first table the equation of time for the given day in the year 1824, and the daily difference of the equation, with this dif- ference, or the nearest second to it in the side column of die Auxiliary Table, and below the leap year preceding the given year, will be found a correction, which applied to the equation be- fore taken from the first Table, will give the equation on the given day of the leap year pre- ceding the given year. 546. Then take i, ^, or |, of the daily diffe- rence of the equation of time, according as the given year is the 1st, 2d, or 3d after leap year, and add it to the previously found equation on the same day of the preceding leap year, w-hen that equation is decreasing; but subtract it when increasing ; and the sum or remainder will be the equation at noon, Greenwich time, of the given day. 547. If the day proposed is in leap year, the correction for that year in the Auxiliary Table, applied to the equation of time on the proposed day in 1824, will give the required equation. EjMimple . — Required the equation of time, Sept. 12, 1867, at noon, Greenwich time ? 548. Equation, see the first table, 3 min. 53 sec. subtractive ; daily difference 21 sec. nearly. In table 2, opposite 20 sec. and below 1864, stands 6 sec. ; which, added to 3 min. 53 sec, gives 3 min. 59 sec. the equation of time on Sept. 12, 1864. Now, 1867 is the third year after leap year; therefore, take f of 21 sec. or 15 sec. and as the declination is increasing, subtract it from 3 min. 59 sec. ; and the remainder 3 min. 44 sec. is the required equation at Greenwich noon of the given day, at noon. 549. By means of the following tables and rules, the sun's declination also, at noon, Green- wich time, may be found for any day in the pre- sent century, to within a few seconds. TABLE I. 550. The Suits Declination at Noon, Greenwich time, for every Day in the Year 1824. January. February. ' VIarch. Aprii May June. Days. South. South. South. North. North. North. 1 23" 4' 43"' 17° 18' 20" 7° 28' 50" 4° 38' 14" 15° 8' 49" 22° 5' 42" 2 22 59 51 17 1 18 7 5 57 5 1 19 15 26 47 22 13 37 3 22 54 30 16 43 58 6 42 58 5 24 18 15 44 30 22 21 8 4 22 48 43 16 26 20 6 19 54 5 47 12 16 1 58 22 28 15 5 22 42 28 16 8 26 5 56 45 6 9 59 16 19 9 22 34 59 6 22 35 46 15 50 16 5 33 31 6 32 40 16 36 5 22 41 19 7 22 28 37 15 31 49 5 10 12 6 55 14 16 52 43 22 47 16 8 22 21 2 15 13 6 4 46 50 7 17 41 17 9 5 22 52 48 9 22 13 1 14 54 8 4 23 24 7 40 17 25 10 22 57 57 10 22 4 33 14 34 55 3 59 55 8 2 12 17 40 57 23 2 41 11 21 55 40 14 15 28 3 36 23 8 24 15 17 56 26 23 7 1 12 21 46 21 13 55 47 3 12 49 8 46 10 18 11 38 23 10 56 13 21 36 36 13 35 52 2 49 13 9 7 57 18 26 31 23 14 27 14 21 26 27 13 12 43 2 25 35 9 29 34 18 41 5 23 17 34 15 21 15 53 12 55 22 2 1 56 9 51 1 18 55 21 23 20 16 16 21 4 54 12 34 49 1 38 15 10 12 20 19 9 18 23 22 33 17 20 53 32 12 14 3 1 14 34 10 33 28 19 22 55 23 24 26 18 20 41 45 11 53 6 50 52 10 54 26 19 36 13 23 25 53 19 20 29 35 11 31 57 27 11 11 15 13 19 49 11 23 26 57 20 20 17 2 11 10 37 3 29 S 11 35 49 20 1 49 23 27 35 21 20 4 5 10 49 7 20 12 N 11 56 14 20 14 6 23 27 48 22 19 50 47 10 27 27 43 51 12 16 27 20 26 3 23 27 37 23 19 37 6 10 5 37 1 7 30 12 36 29 20 37 39 23 27 1 24 19 23 3 9 43 37 1 31 6 12 56 18 20 48 54 23 26 25 19 18 39 9 21 29 1 54 41 13 15 54 20 59 47 23 24 34 26 18 53 53 8 59 13 2 18 13 13 35 13 21 10 19 23 22 43 27 18 38 47 8 36 48 2 41 43 13 54 28 21 20 29 23 20 28 28 18 23 21 8 14 16 3 5 9 14 13 25 21 30 17 23 17 48 29 18 7 34 7 51 36 3 28 31 14 32 7 21 39 42 23 14 44 30 17 51 28 3 51 50 14 50 35 21 48 45 23 11 15 31 17 35 3 4 15 5 21 51 21 Days. 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Ig 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ASTRONOMY TABLE I. — (Continued). 163 July. North. 23° 7' 22" 23 3 4 22 58 23 22 53 17 22 47 28 55 38 22 28 58 22 41 22 35 ArcusT. September. October. | November. December. North. 18° 0' 0" 17 44 41 17 29 5 17 13 12 16 57 2 22 21 54 22 14 28 22 6 38 21 58 26 21 49 51 21 40 53 21 31 54 21 21 52 21 11 49 21 1 24 20 50 37 20 39 29 20 28 1 20 16 11 20 4 2 19 51 32 19 38 42 19 25 32 19 12 4 18 58 16 18 44 9 18 29 44 18 15 1 16 40 36 16 23 54 16 6 5Q 15 49 43 15 32 14 15 14 31 14 56 32 14 38 19 14 19 53 14 1 12 13 42 18 13 23 11 13 3 51 12 44 18 12 24 33 12 4 36 11 44 28 11 24 8 11 3 37 10 42 56 10 22 5 10 1 3 9 '39 53 9 18 33 8 57 4 8 35 27 North. South. South. South. 13' 51 29 7 6 45 6 23 38 15 52 29 6 43 20 2 57 2 34 11 48 24 1 37 14 8 32 55 19 42 6 29 52 41" 48 48 40 25 3 35 o 22 38 48 53 54 51 44 33 19 3 44 22 59 35 N 50 S 16 43 35 24 46 3° 16' 6' 3 39 24 2 39 25 52 49 1 12 7 35 9 58 6 20 59 6 43 46 7 6 29 7 29 5 51 36 14 36 18 58 28 20 31 42 25 11 11 9 9 10 4 12 10 25 49 10 47 17 8 36 29 45 11 50 43 12 11 30 12 32 6 12 52 31 13 12 43 13 32 42 13 52 29 14 12 2 14° 31' 14 50 15 15 15 46 16 4 16 22 16 39 16 56 17 13 17 30 17 46 18 2 18 18 18 34 18 49 19 4 19 18 19 32 19 46 19 59 20 12 20 25 20 37 20 49 21 21 11 21 22 21 32 21 42 21" 26 17 53 , 13 18 7 39 54 52 32 54 58 43 9 15 1 26 31 15 36 36 14 28 20 48 53 33 49 40 21° 52' 22 1 22 9 22 17 22 25 22 32 22 39 22 46 22 52 22 57 23 23 23 2 7 11 23 15 23 18 23 21 23 23 23 25 23 26 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 27 23 26 23 24 23 22 23 20 23 17 23 13 23 10 23 5 6" 7 43 53 36 54 45 10 7 38 41 17 25 6 19 3 20 9 29 21 45 40 7 6 36 38 12 17 55 5 47 551. TABLE IL To reduce the Sun's Declination from Table I, to the Noon of any Day, Greenwich Time, till the Year 1900. Periods of 4 Yrs. 1 2 3 4 5 44 6 48 7 52 8 .9 10 64 11 68 12 72 13 76 14 80 15 84 16 88 17 92 18 96 19 1900 Leap Yrs. 1824 28 32 36 40 56 60 Daily Difl". of Sun's Correctiou. Subtr-action. Declin. 1' 0" 2" 4" 6" 8' 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32° 1 34" 36" 38" 7 a 4 6 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 26 27 29 31 33 35 37 13 1 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 2627 28 19 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1515 16 23 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 i 7 M 2 164 ASTRONOMY. Use of the preceding Tables. 552. To find the sun's declination on any day. Take from table I. the declination for the noon of the corresponding day in the year 1824, and the daily change of the declination. Opposite that daily change, in table II. and below the leap- year preceding the given one, will be found the first correction of the declination. 553. Multiply the seconds in the daily changes of declination, by the period of four years in table II. and parts of a period from 1824, to the given year, and the product multiplied by -O-SOS will give the seconds, in the second correction of the declination. 554. Lastly, take J, J, or f, of the daily change of declination, according as the year is the first,' second, or third after leap-year, and the result will be the third correction of the decli- nation. 555. Subtract the first correction from the de- clination on the corresponding day of 1824, add the second correction, when the declination is increasing, and subtract it when decreasing ; and apply the third in a manner contrary to the se- cond, and the result will be the declination at noon, Greenwich time, of the proposed day. — Note. — If the given year be leap-year, the third correction is nothing. Example. — Required the sun's declination at noon, Greenwich time, Oct. 18, 1875? 556i By table I. the sun's declination on Oct. 18, 1824, is 9° 42' 25' S., and daily change 21' 47", increasing. Now the leap-year pre- ceding the given one, is 1872, below which, in table II. and opposite 22' (the nearest minute to the daily change) stands 7", the first correction. As the given year is the third after leap-year, and there are (see table II.) 12 periods of 4 years from 1824 to 1872, there are 12J periods from 1824 to 1875. Hence, 12| x -0308 X 1307" (21' 47")=513"=r 8-33', the second correction, addition, because the declination is increasing. As the given year is the third after leap-year, we have f of 21' 47" rz 16' 19", the third correction, subtrac- tion, because the second is addition. Hence, the declination at the proposed time, is 9° 42' 25" —7" + 8' 33"— 16' 19"=:9° 34' 34". 557. As immediately connected with this sub- ject, we add a table of the sun's right ascension for the year 1824, with a method of adapting it to any subsequent instant in the present century, with sufficient exactness for ordinary purposes. 558. Table of the Sun^ s Right Ascerision, at Noon, Greenwich Time, for every Day in the Year 1824. January. February. March. Aprii May June. Days. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. s. H. M. S. 1 18 43 58 20 56 30 22 49 34 43 5 2 34 20 4 37 5 2 18 48 24 21 35 22 53 18 46 43 2 38 9 4 41 11 3 18 52 48 21 4 39 22 57 2 50 22 2 41 59 4 45 17 4 18 57 13 21 8 42 23 45 54 2 45 49 4 49 24 5 19 1 37 21 12 44 23 4 28 57 39 2 49 40 4 53 31 6 19 6 1 21 16 46 23 8 11 1 18 2 53 32 4 57 38 7 19 10 24 21 20 46 23 11 52 4 57 2 57 24 5 1 45 8 19 14 47 21 24 46 23 15 34 8 37 3 1 16 5 5 53 9 19 19 9 21 28 45 23 19 15 12 16 3 5 9 5 10 1 10 19 23 30 21 32 43 23 22 56 15 56 3 9 3 5 14 9 11 19 27 51 21 36 40 23 26 36 19 36 3 12 57 5 18 17 12 19 32 12 21 40 37 23 30 16 23 16 3 16 52 5 22 26 13 19 36 31 21 44 32 23 33 56 26 57 3 20 48 5 26 35 14 19 40 50 21 48 27 23 37 36 30 38 3 24 43 5 30 44 15 19 45 9 21 52 21 23 41 15 34 19 3 28 40 5 34 53 16 19 49 27 21 56 15 23 44 54 38 1 3 32 37 5 39 2 17 19 53 44 22 7 23 48 33 41 43 3 36 35 5 43 11 18 19 58 22 3 59 23 52 11 45 25 3 40 33 5 47 21 19 20 2 16 22 7 51 23 55 50 49 8 3 44 32 5 51 30 20 20 6 31 22 11 41 23 59 28 52 52 3 48 31 5 55 40 21 20 10 45 22 15 31 3 6 5Q 35 3 52 31 5 59 50 22 20 14 59 22 19 21 6 44 2 20 3 5« Z P S should be" about 90°, to have APS the sin. Z M P cosect P 'SI — A sin. Z M. sin. Z M P greatest possible. cosect P M (A representing the horizontal par- 575. VII.. The operation represented in plate allax) = A sin. ZP sin. ZPM cosect PM. ^j , MPra MPncos. declin. Hence \ ^z • = ^^ ■ sin. Z P • sin. Z P i\I ' cosect PM cos. lat. sin. hour angle ' Or, calling M P me, A n: £ cos. declin. cos. lat. sin hour angle. \V e should have a similar expression for it, if the object were observed on the o;her side of the meridian, and therefore £ cos. declin. e cos. declhi. A = COS. !at. X (sin. /» -j- ^m. h' h -\- h' ii — h' COS. lat. sin. — ~ cos. — 168 ASTRONOMY. This method serves tolerably well to find the parallax of the moon ; and it has been applied successfully to find the parallax of Mars; but it requires observations of much too great nicety to determine by it the parallaxes of the two planets. Those are chiefly deduced from the parallax of the sun, as determined by the transit of \'enus. 578. In the above investigations, the earth has been considered as a spherical body ; but in computing the parallax of the moon, from obser- vations, the peculiarity of the form of the earth becomes very apparent ; and it is a striking cir- cumstance that from the eclipses of the moon, we shew in a general way that the earth is round, and from her parallaxes that it is not spherical. 579. A star or planet appears lower than it really is, by the quantity of the parallax, which is greater the lower the star is ; and therefore the horizontal parallax is the greatest. The paral- laxes of two planets are as the cosines of the apparent altitudes directly, and their distances from the earth's centre reciprocally. For when the distance is given, the parallax is as the sine of the zenith distance (by method 1), and if the apparent altitude be given, the parallax is reci- procally as the distance, (by method 2), and there- fore is in a compound ratio, when neither is given. Here the parallax being very small, one may take the parallax itself for the sine of the pa- rallax. 580. The parallax of a planet being known, its distance may be found. For this is only working backward, saying, as sine of the paral- \a.x, to the earth's radius; so S zenith distance to the planet's distance. 581. Having the parallax of any of the pla- nets, the distances of all the planets from the sun may be known, in diameters of the earth, or any sort of measure. For the distances of the planets from the sun and from one another, are known in some assumed measure; and by the parallax of a planet, the true distance of the earth from it is known ; and therefore all the other distances will be known by proportion. 582. The seventh of these methods has been practised in determining the parallax of Venus, from observations made at different parts of the earth, upon what is called her transit over the sun's disk, a phenomenon that rarely happens : but when it does happen, it affords the best, and indeed the only accurate method of determining that most important problem in astronomy, the sun's parallax, or the angle under which the earth's semi-diameter appears from the sun. 583. The first transit or passage of Venus over the sun's disk, that ever was observed, happened in 1639, but perhaps the only mortals who saw it were Mr. Horrox and his friend Mr. Crabtree. Two transits have happened since ; the first in 1761, and the last in 1769. There will be no more before 1874, and the next to that will happen in 1996. The two last transits were carefully observed. From the first of these Mr. Short has computed the sun's parallax to be 8-69"; and from tlie last the best astronomers have concluded it to be 8-6". This is an observation of the greatest consequence, because it 'is only by a knowledge of the sun's distance from the earth, in some known measure, that we can acquire a knowledge of the true dimensions of the solar system. For an account of the principles of this method of finding the solar parallax, see Venus, transit of. 584. As to the fixed stars, no method of as- certaining their distance has hitherto been found out. Those who have formed conjectures con- cerning them, have thought that they were at least 400,000 times farther from us than we are from the sun. 585. Dr. Herschel has proposed a method of ascertaining the parallax of the fixed stars, some- thing similar, but more complete, than that men- tioned by Galileo and others ; for it is by the parallax of the fixed stars that we should be Isest able to determine their distance. The me- thod pointed out by Galileo, and first attempted by Hooke, Flamsteed, Molineux, and Bradley, of taking the distances of stars from the zenith that pass very near it, has given us a much juster idea of the immense distance of the stars, and furnished us with an approximation to the know- ledge of their parallax, that is much nearer the truth than we ever had before. 586. But Herschel mentions the insufficiency of their instruments, which were similar to the present zenith sectors, the method of zenith dis- tances being liable to considerable errors on ac- count of refraction, the change of position of the earth's axis arising from nutation, precession of the equinoxes, and other causes, and the aberra- tion of light. The method of his own is by means of double stars; which is exempted from these errors, and of such a nature that the annual pa- rallax, even if it should not exceed the tenth part of a second, may still become more visible, and be ascertained, at least to a much greater degree of approximation than it has ever been done. 587. This method is capable of every improve- ment which the telescope and mechanism of micrometers can furnish ; but as it goes on pre- sumptions which can hardly lead to any firm con- viction, we are not likely to gain any farther knowledge, than that the stars are at too great distance to be subjected as yet to our calculations. He supposes that the stars are, one with another, about the size of the sun ; and that the diff'erence of their apparent magnitudes is owing to their apparent distances ; both of which suppositions being only hypothetical, it is evident that the conclusions founded on them cannot be depended on with absolute certainty. 588. Considerable discussion has recently taken place between Mr. Pond, the present as- tronomer royal, andDr. Brinkley, respecting the annual parallax of a Lyrae, which parallax Dr. B. conceives his instrument shews clearly to be about 1-12". Mr. Pond, asserts, that the Greenwich circle is a better instrument than the Dublin circle, and that observations made with it give no indications of parallax either in a Lyrae, or in any other fixed star. Dr. Brinkley, how- ever, has endeavoured to shew that, if the place of the pole-star can be relied on, the Greenwich observations do indicate a parallax in a Lyrae very nearly equal to that shewn by his instrument ; but Mr. Pond, in a recent communication to the astronomical society of London, states, that observations on the pole-star are on the whole more unsatisfactory than any other star. What ASTRONOMY. 169 seems to go far towards settling this delicate question is, that there are now two circles in constant use at Greenwich ; and that they agree together in a manner that must be gratifying to their distinguished makers, Mr. Droughton and Mr. Thomas Jones ; they bear steady and united testimony against the parallax of the fixed stars, and shew even in some instances a ten- dency to exhibit a deviation of an opposite character. Sect. IV. — Of the Divisions of the Starby Heavens. 589. The stars, from their apparently various magnitudes, have been distributed into several classes^ or orders. Those which appear largest, are called stars of the first magnitude ; the next to them in lustre, stars of the second magnitude ; and so on to the sixth, which are the smallest that are visible to the bare eye. This distribution having been made long before the invention of telescopes, the stars which cannot be seen with- out the assistance of these instruments, are dis- tinguished by the name of telescopic stars. 590. The ancients divided the starry sphere into particular constellations, or clusters of stars, according as they lay near one another, so as to occupy those spaces which the figures of diffe- rent sorts of animals or things would take up, if they were there delineated. And those stars which could not be brought into any particular constellation, were called unformed stars . 591. By this division, the stars are so distin- guished from one another, that any particular star may be readily found in the heavens, by means of a celestial globe ; on which the con- stellations are so delineated, that the most re- markable stars are placed in such parts of the figures, as are most easily distinguished. See plates I, a-nd 11. 592. The number of the ancient constellations is forty-eight, and upon our present globes about seventy. On Senex's globes are inserted Bayer's letters ; the first in the Greek alphabet being put to the largest star in each constellation, the se- cond to the next, and so on; by which means every star is as easily found as if a name were given to it. Thus if the star y in the constel- lation of the ram be mentioned, every astronomer knows as well what star is meant, as if it were pointed out to him in the heavens. 593. The starry heavens are also divided into three parts, viz. 1. The Zodiac, which extends quite round the heavens ; is about 16° broad, so that it takes in the orbits of all the planets, as well as that of the moon ; and along the middle of which is the ecliptic. 2. AH that region of the heavens which is on the north side of the zo- diac, containing twenty-one constellations; and, 3. That on the south side, containing fifteen. 594. Tiie following tables exhibit the names of the ancient and modern constellations, and the number of stars observed in each of them by different astronomers : 595. TABLE I. THE ANCIENT CONSTELLATIONS. J V; \ Number of Stars in Each, according to / Names. English Names. Ptolemy. T. Brake. Hevelius. Flamst. 'Jrsa Minor . . The Little Bear 8 7 12 24 Ursa Major . . The Great Bear , . 35 29 73 87 Draco .... The Dragon . ' . . 31 32 40 80 Cepheus . . . Cepheus .... 13 4 51 35 Bootes, or Arctophilax 23 18 52 54 Corona Borealis The Northern Crown 8 8 8 21 Hercules, or Engonasin Hercules Kneeling . 29 28 45 113 Tyra The Harp . . 10 11 17 21 Cyngus, or Gallina The Swan . . . 10 18 47 81 Cassiopeia . . . The Lady in her Chair 13 26 37 55 Perseus .... Perseus .... 29 29 46 59 Auriga .... The Waggoner . . 14 9 40 66 Serpentarius, or ) Opiuchus . S Serpentarius . . . 29 15 40 74 Serpens .... The Serpent . . . 18 13 22 64 Sagitta .... The Arrow . . . 5 5 5 18 Aquila, or Vultur . The Eagle . . . 15 12 23 71 Antinous .... Antinous .... 15 3 19 71 Delphinlis . . . The Dolphin . . 10 10 14 18 Equuiyi,or Equi sectio The Horse's Head . 4 4 6 10 Pegas^as, or Equus . The Flying Horse . 20 19 38 89 .\nf'.iomeda ... Andromeda . . . 23 23 47 66 Triangulum . . . The Triangle 4 4 12 16 Aries The Ram .... 18 21 27 66 Taurus .... The Bull .... 44 43 51 1 141 Gemini .... The Twins . . . ' 25 25 38 85 170 ASTRONOMY. TABLE I.— (Continued). Names. English Names. Number of Stars in Each, according to Ptolemy. I T. Brake. I Hevelics. Flamst. Cancer . . , Leo .... Coma Berenices Virgo . . . , Libra, or Chelae Scorpius . . Sagittarius . , Capncornus . Aquarius . . , Pisces .... Cetus . . . , Orion . . . , Eridanus, or Fluvius Lepus . . . , Canis Major . . Canis Minor . Argo Navis . . Hydra .... Crater .... Corvus . . . Centaurus . . Lupus . . . Ara . . . Corona Australis Piscis Australis The Crab The Lion . . Berenice's Hair The Mrgin The Scales The Scorpion The Archer . The Goat . . Th'e Water-Beare The Fishes The Whale . Orion . Eridanus, or the The Kare . . The Great Dog The Little Dog The Ship . . The Hydra The Cup . The Crow The Centaur The Wolf . The Altar The Southern Cro\ The Southern Fish 23 35 35 32 17 24 31 28 45 38 22 38 S4 12 29 2 45 27 7 7 37 19 7 13 18 15 30 14 33 10 10 14 28 41 36 21 42 10 13 13 2 3 19 3 4 29 49 21 50 20 20 22 29 47 39 45 62 27 16 21 13 4 3] 10 83 95 43 110 51 44 69 51 108 113 97 78 84 19 31 14 64 60 31 9 35 24 9 12 24 596. TABLE IL THE NEW SOUTHERN CONSTELLATIONS. Columba Noachi Robur Caroiinum Grus .... Phoenix . . Indus . . . Pavo .... Apus, or Avis Indica Noah's Dove The Royal Oak The Crane . . The Phoenix . . The Indian , The Peacock The Bird of Paradise 10; Apis, or Musca . 12JChamceleon . . 13 Triangulum Australis 13 Piscis volans, or Passer 12 Dorado, or Xiphias . 14. Toucan .... lliHydrus .... The Bee or Fly . The Cameleon The South Triangle The Flying Fish . The Sword Fish . The American Goose The W"ater Snake 597. TABLE HI. HEVELIUS'S CONSTELLATIONS MADE OUT OF THE UNFORMED STARS. Lynx Leo Minor . . . Asterion and Chara Cerberus .... Vulpecula and Anser Scutum Sobieski Lacerta .... Camelopardalus Monoceros . . . Sextans .... The Lynx . , The Little Lion The Greyhounds Cerberus The Fox and Goose Sobieski's Shield The Lizard . . The Camelopard The Unicorn The Sextant . . Hevelics. Flamstead. 19 23 4 27 7 10 32 19 11 44 53 25 35 16 58 32 41 Sect. V. — Of Calculating the Periodical Times, Places, &c. of the Celestial Bo- dies; Constrvcting Astronomical Tables, and Delineating the Phases of the Moon. 598. This section, if treated fully, would com- prehend almost the whole of practical astronomy, a subject so extensive, that the whole space which we can devote to the subject of astronomy would not suffice to do it justice. We shall, however, we hope, give an abstract of the leading points in this department of the science, whicli may at once gratify the wishes of the amateur. ASTRONOMY 171 and stimulate the further enquiries of those who may be inclined to pursue the subject. 599. Indeed the elements of the chief bodies in our system have long been tabulated, and the mere practical astronomer may, without any knowledge of the causes of the planetary mo- tions, compute from the tables where any planet in the system will be found at any given instant. The tables in the third volume of Vince's Astro- nomy are a treasure to the astronomer, though those of the moon have been superseded by the improved ones of Burkhardt. 600. We have already shown how an observer ■who knows his own latitude may find the posi- tion of the ecliptic with respect to the equator, and that point of the heavens in which the celes- tial equator and the ecliptic intersect. We now proceed to the solution of Kepler's problem, or to the method of finding the place of a planet in an elliptical orbit. 601. Let AP B, fig. 12, plate VI., be an ellipse, E the sun in the focus, round which the earth, P, or any other planet revolves. Let the planet's motion, and the time of its motion, be dated from the extremity of the major onis. A, called the aphelion or apside. Now we are sup- posed to have given the time of the planet's quitting it, to find the position of the point P in the ellipse, either by finding the value of the an- gle A E P, or by cutting off from the whole ellipse and area A E P, which is to the area of the whole ellipse as the time from A to P bears to the whole time of revolution. The line E P is called a radius rector. 602. Let a circle A M B be described on A B as its diameter, and suppose a point to describe this circle uniformly, and the whole of it in the same time as the planet describes the ellipse, let t denote the time elapsed during P's motion from 2.t .AUB A to P ; then if A M — ^-r- — — - i\I will be ' periodic time the place of the point that moves uniformly, whilst P is that of the planets ; the angle is called the mean .anomaly, and A E P the true ano- maly. 603. Hence, as the angle ACM can always be found when t is given, the solution of Kep- ler's problem is reduced to this, to find the true anomaly in terms of the mean. 604. The angle D C A, determined by pro- ducing the ordinate A- P to the ellipse is called the eccentric anomaly, which has been devised for the purpose of expediting the computation of the true anomaly. It holds a mean between the two other anomalies, and is a step in the com- putation from the one lo the other. 605. Vie shall first deduce two equations, by which the eccentric anomaly is expressed, in terms of the true and mean anomalies respec- tively. Let t r: the time in describing A P, P rz the periodic time in the ellipse a =: C A, ae =zEC, ^= ^ P E A, M = Z. D C A, (whence E T = E C. sin. u, E T being perpendicular to D T) r p = P E, TT = 3-1415986 ; then, by the law of the equable description of areas, .. area P E A „ area D E A f = P X T-r,r — ~ P X (by conies )=— x fD EC +D C A)= ^x wa frar (ET.DC , AD. DC Pa H :; = ,; . ., X (E C sina-f- D C P •w)=—- X (e. 2 TT 2 sin. M -1- k) : hence if we P 1 ^. put — =- we have ^ 2 TT n n t = e. sin. u x u, an equation connecting the mean anomaly n t with the eccentric u. 606. To find the equation between the true and eccentric anomaly we must investigate and equate two values of p. Now the value of p in terms of the true anomaly is by conies = a . 1 — e- 1 — e. COS. u. and in terms of u the eccentric anomaly p^= a \ -\- e. COS. u. In p2 ^ E N^ X P N2=E N^ -t-D N- i^'' — a e + a- cos. u^ + a* sin.^ u 1 — e^ = 0^+ 2 e COS. u + COS. 2 M + SE known from the expression sin. tt = sin. E,-;- — if we can find S tt. If we assume a value (r) for S TT (Stt and SP being nearly equal) we shall from the above equation have a corresponding value of TT, and thence of P : let this value be represented by P'. jNIake another computation "with TT and a second and third geocentric longi- tude, and let the resulting heliocentric longitudes be P" and P'". Then we have P" — P', P'" — P", and P'" — P', and from the three times of observation, t; t" and t'" we have t" — t', t'" — t" and t'" — t'. Hence P'" — P' : t'' — t':: 360° : planet's period. Or P" — P' :t"~f :: 360° : planet's period, As P"' — P" : t'" — t":: 360° : planet's period. 638. By any of these three proportions may the period be computed ; but r is assumed as the mean distance, and if 1 =2 the earth's mean dis- tance, and p its periodic time ; tlie periodic time of the planet will be represented by p r | ; and if this result agree with the former one, it will be a proof that r has been rightly assumed ; and the disagreement by its nature and magnitude will point out the manner and extent of correcting the first assumption for y. 639. LaLande computed from three geocentric observations of the planet made on April 25th, July 31 St, and Dec. 12th, 1781, and he found from the above formulae, the periodic time. The two values disagreeing he amended his first as- sumption, guided partly by conjecture and partly by his first trial, till a value of r was obtained, which agreed with all the observations. 640. The distance of an inferior planet may also be determined from observations on its dis- ASTRONOMY. 175 tance from the sun when stationary, or from what !ias been called its greatest elongation. Let E and E' be two of the greatest elongations, one when the planet is in aphelion and the other in penhelion, e the eccentricity of the orbit, K and R' the distances of the earth from the sun, and 7- the planet's mean distance ; then e rr R sin=E — R' sin E' ^ an equation which deter- mines the relation between the eccentricity and mean distance. 641. We proceed now to the method of deter- mining the place of the node of a planet's orbit, and the inclination of its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic. In fig. 16, plate VI. let N n, represent the nodes. Now from the observed right ascen- sion and declination we can in an hour even com- pute the planet's geocentric latitude, and when this is equal to 0, the planet is in its node. Lat. E, E' be the two positions of the planet when, as viewed from the earth, it is respectively at n and N. Then S E tz ni geocentric longitude of planet at ti — and S E' N z: 0' — geocen- tric longitude of planet at N. Now we already know how to compute S N or S n, and hence in the triangles S E 7t, SEN, we can compute the angles ra S E, S ?j E, and N S E', S N E' ; and thence heliocentric Ion. of 7j= 180+0 — /. nSE and heliocentric Ion. of N = 0' — 180 -f- Z N S E', and 0' representing the sun's lon- gitudes at the two times of observation ; and the angle ESE' is proportional to the earth's mo- tion during the planet's passage from 7i to N. 642. It is evident that the determination of the place of the node is the more difficult, the less is the inclination of the planet's orbit; and it is difiicult on this account to determine the nodes of the orbits of Jupiter and the Georgian planets. 643. The longitude of the node being found, the inclination of the orbit may be thus deter- mined : Compute the day on which the sun's longitude will be the same, or nearly the same as the longitude of the node, the earth will then be nearly in the line of the nodes N n, at some point e, fig. 16, plate VI. On that day obser^^e the planef s right ascension and declination, and thence deduce the geocentric latitude (G.) Then ^ „ sin.^Se sin.N^ tp =z et tan. G = S ^ -■ — ^ — tan.G =—- — f^ ^ sm.bep sm.E tan.G; but sin. N t=cot.t'N p. t p; or tan. I sin. N f =

\ Y^r h\ — O .. ^ And V"— V— M"— M'(= 6) = 2 e. \ sin. V sin. \' — (p / 176 ASTRONOMY. Now as V V V" are known and M' M oftheseeqiiationsbedividedby the second we iiave M" — M' are known from the period of the planet sin. V — — sin. V^ — and the elapsed time ; for if t be the interval be- -=g.^^ y»_ . _g-^^ vZT^ "^"^ whence, by re- tween the observations of V and V; we have , . w ■ , . r>crf> auction we obtam tan. (j> n: Hanet's period : 360° : : « : M' — M = -^^j^ a • sin. V" — sm. V" — h ■ sin. V — sin. V Hence since a and b are known, we have two « * ^os. V" — cos. V' — b- cos. \" — cos. V equations for determining e and (p. If the first Hence, ^ being determined, we have a • sin. 1" a • sin. 1' 2[sin.V' — (p — sin.V — <) 4 • sm U5d. 21h. nearly. 277-287 2 -C^-*). 649. Tlien e and (p, and the major axis being ■determined, we can compute the radius sector y - , . a • 1 — e'^ Jrom this expression, r zz =^=r 1 + e • cos. V — : and since the place of the node, and the inclina- tion of the orbit are determined, we can compute the curtale distance S tt, on the supposition that S P, from which it is deduced, is the radius sector of an elliptical orbit. If, therefore, in any of the processes for determining the elements of the planet's orbit, the curtale distance S tt has been supposed derived from S P, considered as a mean distance, we may now, with a more correct value of S TT, repeat the operations and correct the re- sults. 650. We shall now direct our attention to the method of finding the synodical revolutions of the planets, and of computing tbeir returns to the same point of their orbits. 651. The time between conjunction and con- junction, or between opposition and opposition, is called a synodical period. Let us suppose that at a given instant the sun, Mercury, and the earth, are in the same right line ; then, after any elapsed time (a day for example). Mercury will have described an angle m, and the earth an angle M, round the sun, therefore at the end of a day the separation of Mercury from the earth, as seen from the sun, will be rn — M, and at the end of s. days s. m — M ; and when s. m — M = 360°, the sun, Mercury, and the earth, will be again in the same right line, and in that case s == -TT, where s denotes a synodical period and 7n, M the mean motions of Mercury and the earth for any equal intervals of time. 653. Let P and p denote the siderial periods of the earth and the planet ; then, since 1 d. : M° : : P : 360° and 1 d. : m° : : p : 360°, we have -. 360 , 360° M = and vi = ; which substituted P for m and M in the preceding equation, gives _ Pp » — p Or if 1 represents the earth's mean distance, and r that of the planet ; we have P ; ^ P — ? P p::l:r ; or — = r '^whences = -. P ^- i ^ 1 We have here three expressions, from any of which s may be computed. 654. For instance, in the case of Mercury, p = 87 d. 969, and P being 365-269, v/ehave s, the synodi- .al period of Mercury = 365-256x87-969 In the case of the moon, rn = 13°- 1763, and M, the earth's daily mean motion = 59' 8'- 3 ; 360° whence s = = 29 d. 12h. nearly. M arK C ^P' 655. Since s ^ ^r— ^ — ¥—p P sP there- s +¥' fore from the known periodic time of the earth, and the observed synodic period of a planet, we can determine p, the periodic time of the planet. But to insure accuracy in the determination, the return of the planet to a conjunction nearly in the same part of its orbit, at which a previous one was observed, ought to be noted, and the interim divided by the number of synodical revolutions will give the mean synodic period. For under these circumstances there will be nearly a mutual compensation of the inequalities arising from the elliptic form of the planet's orbit. 656. Another reason for attending to this caution, is that on such conjunction depend the transits of Venus and Mercury, over the sun's disk. For it is evident that Venus to be seen on the sun's disk, must not only be in conjunction, but near the node of her orbit : at the next con- junction, after one synodical revolution, she cannot be near he: node, and can only be again near when she returns to the same part of her orbit, as at the first time of observation. 657. The preceding formuljE for the synodic periods afford us the means of knowing these particular conjunctions. — Pp The time s of a synodic period is zz tj ~, 72 X P P tlierefore at— rr —, the planet will still be in P — p ^ conjunction, n representing any whole number. It will therefore be for the first time in conjunc- tion, and the earth and planet will also be in 71 . P 7? the same part of tbeir orbits, when -5^ — i- — _P-P P P, or when n Hence the P required P — 1 P conjunction can only take place when some of its multiples is a whole number, say , »« . P — p , »« p when, — ■ zz. n, or when — 3: ,. — ; p n P — p whence we have simply to find two integers, m and 71, such that - i^ —J- — . n P — p 658. Now the tropical revolution of Mercury • o~ r.^c. 1 , m 87-968 IS 8r968 days, hence - zz.- 365-256 87-968 ASTRONOMY. 177 87-968 57551 consequently in 87,988 periods of &c.a6eriesofapproximatingvalueto-^— — , from — 277- 288 the earth, there will be 277288 synodical revolu- tions of Mercury, which will then be observed again in conjunction, and in the same part of its orbit. This result however, from the length of the period, is of no practical use ; we must, therefore by means of continued fractions (see Algebra) endeavour to find fractions in smaller ■ . , , , 87968 terms, havmg nearly the same value as ■, 659. Making the computation we find the fol- lowing series of fractions continually approxima- ting to this value. ~ _6_ J7_ 21. J^ 46 ^^ .^ 3 ' 19' 22 ' 41 ' 104': 145' which the denominators denote the number of synodical revolutions, corresponding to the num- ber of years expressed by- the numerator. Take as an example the fourth fraction, in thirteen years, one 474-8328 days, and forty-one synodi- cal periods, 475-0875 days, differing by only about six hours. If the sixth fraction be taken the difference will be little more than two hours. 660. In a similar way we may compute a series of fractions which will indicate the periods when transits of Venus may be expected. Thus, as Venus's period (p) =: 224 d. 7008240, and the earth's (P) zz 365d. 236385, the synodical Pp period of Venus (s) ^ - rr 583-92 d. nearly ; and consequently in one synodical period the earth describes 575°-51 nearly; as in n synodical periods, ?i. 575°-51 ; and when this first becomes a multiple of 360°, the earth and Venus will be first in conjunction, in the line from which they originally departed. If, therefore, Venus were so near the node in this original position that a transit took place, a transit will take place when (as before) ^zz ~ Whence, by continued , . ,. 1 2 3 8 222 235 fractions, we obtam — , — , — , -— , , — , ' 1 ' 1 ' 2 ' 5 ' 142 ' 143' 36000' which we are able to tell after what number of synodic periods Venus and the earth will be nearly in the same parts of their orbits. 661. Thus, taking the fifth fraction, we infer that after 142 synodic periods, 227 circumfer- ences nearly, will be described ; or 142 synodic periods are nearly equal to 227 years; and o,\ trial we find 575°-51 X 142 = 360^ X 227 -}- 2° 42', or 2°-42 in excess. If we take the sixth fraction we shall find the result only 0°-03 in de- fect. Hence, 235 years after a transit of Venus we may confidently expect another, and also after 235 -|- 8, or 243 years ; neglecting as we have done, and may safely do, the small altera- tion in the place of the node, that takes place in the interval of the transit. 662. A transit, however, may happen when the planet is in, or nearly in, the opposite node of her orbit. To find the time when it is proba- ble that transits in the opposite node may happen, we have merely to find approximative , , 57551 , . , .„ , 3 16 227 values of — , which will be — ■ , — , — , 18000' 1 5 ' 71 ' . , &c. Taking the third of these fraction.s, 147 we have 71 x 575°-51 — 180° x 227 + l°-2i: the fourth gives 147 X 575°-51 = 180° x 470° — 0°-03. Whence, supposing the earth, \'enus, and the sun, to be exactly in a line, Venus being in one of her nodes, then, in 71 synodic periods, Venus will be 1°21 distant from the other node, and in 147 synodic periods, only about three hundreth parts of a degree distant from that node. 663. Did our limits permit, we should now enter upon the most difficult branch of the science, the Lunar Theory , but we must content ourselves with referring those who would acquaint themselves with this highly interesting subject, to the works of La Lande, La Place, and other foreigners, and to the astronomy of the late Pro- fessor Vince; more especially, however, to the elegant and masterly work of Professor Wood- house. 664. Table of the Transits of Venus over the Sun's Disk, that will occur to the Year 3000. Years. True Time of Middle of Transit. Semiduration Shortest Dist. for :entre of observed at the Venus Earth s centre. H. M. S. 2 4 41 13' 51" N 3 1 43 10 29 S 2 44 50 11 19 S 3 20 45 8 20 N 2 22 50 13 N 2 48 20 11 28 S 2 7 52 13 17 S 3 36 2 6 23 N 2 42 27 11 49 N 2 29 12 12 37 S 1 2 14 15 14 S 3 46 24 4 29 N 2 56 47 10 56 N 2 15 20 13 17 20 S 9 N 3 53 23 2 35 N 3 7 24 9 5Q N 1 54 10 14 12 S 3 56 9 45 N 1874 1882 2004 2112 2117 2125 2247 2255 2360 2368 2490 2498 2603 2611 2733 2741 2846 2864 2984 Vol. in. H. M. S. Dec. 8 15 43 27 Dec. 16 4 49 41 June 7 20 26 58 June 5 13 37 25 Dec. 10 14 34 Dec. 8 3 44 30 June 11 23 51 13 June 8 16 59 9 Dec. 12 13 29 31 Dec. 10 2 38 5 June 12 3 13 58 June 9 20 20 58 Dec. 15 12 25 54 Dec. 13 1 40 30 June 15 6 33 52 June 12 23 38 38 Dec. 16 11 26 34 Dec. 14 44 20 June 14 2 51 52 178 ASTRONOMY. 665. Table of the Transits of Mercuri/ over the Sun's Disk, that will occur before the Year 1900. •' Shortest Declin. Years. True Time of Middle of Transit. Semiduration. observed at the Earth's centre. H. M. S. H. M. S. 1832 May 4 18 3 28 2 8' 16"N 1835 Nov. 7 8 12 21 2 33 53 5 37 S 1845 May 8 7 32 57 3 22 33 8 58 S 1848 Nov. 9 7 49 42 2 41 33 2 36 N 1861 Nov. 11 19 20 13 2 23 10 52 N 1868 Nov. 4 19 18 20 1 45 2 12 20 S 1878 May 6 6 55 13 3 53 3 4 39 N 1881 Nov. 7 12 59 32 2 39 9 3 57 S 1891 May 9 14 14 32 2 34 20 12 21 N 1894 Nov. 10 6 36 28 2 37 36 4 20 Sect. VI. — Preliminary Observations RESPECTING EcLlPSES. 666. Before we lay down rules for calculating eclipses, it is necessary to make a few general ob- servations respecting their nature and causes. All the planets and satellites being illuminated by the sun, cast their shadows towards that point of the heavens which is opposite to the sun. This shadow is nothing but a privation of light, in the space hid from the sun by the opaque body that intercepts his rays. When the sun's light is in- tercepted by the moon, so that he appears covered in whole, or in part, to any part of the earth, lie is said to undergo an eclipse; though, properly speaking, it is only an eclipse of that part of the earth where the moon's shadow or penumbra falls. When the earth comes between the sun and moon, the moon falls into the earth's sha- dow; and having no light of her own, she suffers a real and total eclipse from the interception of the sun's rays. When the sun is eclipsed to us, the moon's inhabitants, on the side next the earth, see her shadow like a dark spot travelling over the earth, about twice as fast as its equato- rial parts move, and the same way a? they move. "\S hen the moon is in an eclipse, the sun ap- pears eclipsed to her inhabitants ; totally to all those parts on which the earth's shadow falls, and of as long continuance as they are in the shadow. 667. Although all opaque bodies, on which the sun shines, have their shadows, yet such are the distances of the planets, and the size of the sun, that the primary planets can never eclipse one another. A primary can eclipse only its secondary, or be eclipsed by it; and never but when in opposition or conjunction with the sun. The primary planets are very seldom in these positions, but the sun and moon are so eveiy month ; whence one may imagine that these two luminaries should be eclipsed every month. But there are few eclipses in respect of the number of new and full moons ; the reason of which we shall now explain. 668. If the moon's orbit were coincident with the plane of the ecliptic, in which the earth al- ways moves, and the sun appears to move, the moon's shadow would fall upon the earth at every change, and eclipse the sun to some parts of the earth. In like manner, the moon would go through the middle of the earth's shadow, and be eclipsed at every full; but with this difference, that she would be totally darkened for above an hour and an half; whereas the sun never was above four minutes totally eclipsed to us by the interposition of the moon. But one half of the moon's orbit is elevated 5^ degrees above the ecliptic, and the other half as much depressed below it ; and when the sun and moon are more than 17° degrees from either of the nodes at the time of conjunction, the moon is then generally too high or too low in her orbit to cast any part of her shadow upon the earth : when the sun is more than 12° from either of the nodes at the time of full moon, the moon is generally too high or too low in her orbit to go through any part of the earth's shadow ; and in both these cases there will be no eclipse. 669. But when the moon is less than 17° from either node at the time of conjunction, her sha- dow or penumbra falls more or less jipon the earth, as she is more or less within this limit. And when she is less than 12° from either node at the time of opposition, she goes through a greater or less portion of the earth's shadow, as she is more or less within this limit. Her orbit ' contains 360°; of which 17°, the limit of solar eclipses on either side of the nodes, and 12°, the limit of lunar eclipses, are but small portions ; and, as the sun commonly passes by the nodes but twice in a year, it is no wonder that we have so many new and full moons without eclipses. 670. To illustrate this, let ABCD, plate V. fig. 9, be the ecliptic, RSTU a circle lying in the same plane with the ecliptic, and VXYW the moon's orbit, all thrown into an oblique view, which gives them an elliptical shape to the eye. One half of the moon's orbit, as V W X, is always below the ecliptic, and the other half, X Y V, above it. The points X and X, where tht moon's orbit intersects the circle RSTU, which lies even with the ecliptic, are the moon's nodes; and a right line, X E \', drawn from one to the other through the earth's centre, is the line of the nodes, which is carried almost parallel to itself round the sun in a year. If the moon moved round -the earth in the orbit RSTU, which is coincident with the ' plane of the ecliptic, her ASTRONOMY. 179 slradow would fall upon the earth every time she is in conjunction with the sun, and at every op- position she would go through the earth's shadow ; and thus the sun would be eclipsed at every change, and the moon at every full. 671. But although the moon's shadow N must fall upon the earth at a when the earth is at E, and the moon in conjunction with the sun at ?', because she is then very near one of her nodes ; and at her opposition, n, she must go through the earth's shadow I, because she is then near the other node, yet, in the time that she goes round the earth to her next change, according to the order of XYVW, the earth advances from E to e, according to the order of EFGH; and the line of the nodes V E X, being carried nearly parallel to itself, brings the point f of the moon's orbit in conjunction with the sun at that next change. The moon being then at j", is too high above the ecliptic to cast her shadow on the earth ; and, as the earth is still moving forward, the moon at her next opposition will be at ^, too far below the ecliptic to go through any part of the earth's shadow ; for by that time the point g will be at a considerable distance from the earth as seen from the sun. 672. When the earth comes to F, the moon, in conjunction with the sun Z, is not at /c in a plane coincident with the ecliptic, but above it at Y, in the highest part of her obit ; and then the point h of her shadow O goes far above the earth, as in fig. 2, plate IV, which gives an edge view of fig. 9. The moon, at her next opposition, is not at o, but at W, where the earth's shadow goes far above her, as in fig. 2, plate IV. In both these cases the line of the nodes is about 90° from the sun, and both luminaries are as far as possible from the limits of the eclipses. When the earth has gone half round the ecliptic, from E to G, the line of the nodes VOX is nearly, if not exactly, directed towards the sun at Z ; and then the new moon /, casts her shadow P on the earth G ; and the full moon /} goes through the earth's shadow L ; which brings on eclipses again, as when the earth was at E. When the earth comes to H, the new moon falls not at /?;, in a plane coincident with the ecliptic C D, but at W in her orbit below it; and then her shadow Q, see fig. 2, plate I\', goes far below the earth . At the next full she is not at q, fig. 9, plate V, but at Y in her orbit 5| degrees above 9, and at her greatest height above the ecliptic CD; being then as far as possible, at any opposition, from the earth's shadow M, as in fig. 2, plate IV. 673. Thus when the earth is at F and G, the moon is about her nodes at new and full, and in her greatest north and south declination (or lati- tude as it is generally called) from the ecliptic at her quarters ; but when the earth is at F or H, the moon is in her greatest north and south decli- nation from the ecliptic at new and full, and in the nodes about her quarters. The point X, where the moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic, is called the ascending node, because the moon as- cends from it above the ecliptic ; and the oppo- site point of intersection, V^, is called the descending node, because the moon descends from it below the ecliptic. 674. When the moon is at Y, in the highest f)oint of her orbit, she is in her greatest north atitude ; and when she is at W, in the lowest point of her orbit, she is in her greatest south latitude. If the line of the nodes, like tlie earth's axis, was carried parallel to itself round the sun, there would be just half a year between the con- junctions of the sun and nodes. But the nodes shift backwards, or contrary to the earth's annual motion, 19^° every year; and therefore the same node comes round the sun nineteen days soonar every year than on the year before. Conse- quently, from the time that the ascending node X (when the earth is at E) passes by the sun as seen from the earth, it is only 173 days (not half a year) till the descending node, V, passes by him. 675. Therefore, in whatever time of the year we have eclipses of the luminaries about either node, we maybe sure that in 173 days afterward we shall have eclipses about the other node. And when at any time of the year the line of the nodes is in the situation VGX, at the same time next year it will be in the situation rGs ; the as- cending node having gone backward, that is, contrary to the order of signs, from X to .?, and the descending node from V to r ; each 19^°. 676. At this rate the nodes shift through all the signs and degrees of the ecliptic in 18 years and 225 days ; in which time there would always be a regular period of eclipses, if any complete number of lunations were finished without a frac- tion. But this never happens ; for if both the sun and moon should start from a line of con- junction with either of the nodes in any point of the ecliptic, the sun would perform 18 annual revolutions and 222° over and above, and the moon 230 lunations and 85° of the 231st by the time the node came round to the same point of the ecliptic again ; so that the sun would then be 138° from the node, and the moon 85° from the sun. But in 223 mean lunations, after the sun, moon, and nodes,, have been once in a line of conjunction, they return so nearly to the same state again, as that the same node, which was in conjunction with thesun and moon at thebeginning of the first of these lunations, \viU be within 28' 12" of a degree of a line of conjunction with the sun and moon again, when the last of these lu- nations is completed. And therefore in that time there will be a regular period of eclipses, or return of the same eclipse, for many ages. 677. In this period, which was first discovered by the Chaldeans, there are 18 Julian y. lid. 7h. 43m. 20s., when the last day of February in leap years is four times included ; but when it is five times included, the period consists of only 18y. lOd. 7h. 43m. 20s. Consequently, if to the mean time of any eclipse, either of the sun or moon, you add 18 Julian y. lid. 7h. 43m. 20s., when the last day of Febniary in leap-years comes in four times, or a day less when it comes in five times, you will have the mean time of the return of the same eclipse. But the falling back of the line of conjunctions, or oppositions of the sun and moon 28' 12", with respect to the line of the nodes in everj' period, will wear it out in process of time; and after that it will not return again in less than 12,492 years. N2 180 ASTRONOMY. 678. These eclipses of the sun, which happen about the ascending node, and begin to come in at the north pole of the earth, will go a little southerly at each return, till they go quite off the earth at the south pole ; and those which happen about the descending node, and begin to come in at the south pole of the earth, will go a little north at each return, till at last they quite leave \he earth at the north pole. Sect. VII. — Of Calculating Eclipses. 679. The chief things to be considered in the calculation of eclipses are, the magnitudes of the shadow and penumbra of the opaque body, and the eclipticaJ limits, or the distance from the node, when an eclipse of the sun or moon will happen. These must be calculated both for lunar and solar eclipses. The operations maybe performed as follows : — • I. — For Lunar Eclipses. 680. In plate \TII. fie. 3, let AB be the sun, and CD the earth. Draw AC, B D, by the edges of the sun and earth, which will meet in a point V, because the sun is bigger than the earth. Through the centres of the sun and earth, S andT, draw ST V. Also draw BCE, ADF, touching the contrary sides of the sun and earth, intersecting in P; also draw SC and CT. If the whole figure be turned round, about the axis SV, the lines AV, BV, APF, BPE, will gene- rate the two cones C VD, E P F ; the cone C VD, IS the dark shadow of the earth, E P F continued, is the penumbral cone. And beyond \', the sec- tion of the cone E P F, will be all in the pen- umbra. 681. Hence, 1. Half the angle of the cone of the earth's shadow CVT, is equal to the sun's apparent semidiameter, less his horizontal paral- lax. For in the triangle SCA", the external angle SCA = CVS + CST. AndCSTisthe sun's parallax. Therefore CVT nz: SCA — CST. 682. 2. Half of the angle of the earth's pe- numbral cone C P T, is equal to the 'sun's semi- diameter and his horizontal parallax. For in the triangle C S P, the external angle C P T rr PCS + CST. 683. 3. Hence half the angle of the earth's penumbral cone C PT, is equal to half the angle of the dark cone CVT + twice the sun's hori- zontal parallax CST. 684. 4. The apparent semidiameter of the earth's dark shadow I K, upon the moon's orbit, is equal to the sum of the horizontal parallaxes of the sun and moon, less the sun's apparent semidiameter. For the angle VCInzCIT — • CVI = CIT — SCA-1-CST. 685. 5. Theapparentseraidiameterof theearth's penumbra, G I, upon the moon's orbit, is equal to the sum of the horizontal parallaxes of the sun and moon + the sun's apparent semidiameter. For in the triangle PCI, the external angle ECI = CIT + CPTzz CIT-i-PCS-h CST. 686. 6. Hence to find the length of the earth's shadow. In the triangle C T \' there is given the angle V — sun's apparent semidiameter — his parallax, and CT the earth's radius, to find TV. II. — For the Shadow and Penumbra, in SOLAR Eclipses. 687. In plate IV, fig. 10, let AB be the sun, K'L the moon, CD the earth. Draw the tan- gents AK, BL, by the edges of the sun and moon, on the same side, to meet in V; and BK G, ALII to touch the contrary sides. Draw S K, IK; and through S and I, the centres of the sun and moon, draw the axis SIV. Then if the whole figure AKVLB be turned about the axis S V. the sides AV, B V, and P H, PG, will ge- nerate two cones KVL, GPH. The cone K VL is the dark shadow of the moon, and the cone G P H is the moon's penumbral cone. Hence, 688. 1. The angle of the cone of the moon's shadow KLV, the angle of the penumbral cone KPL, the angles GKV, and HLV, are each equal to the sun's apparent diameter A KB, very nearly ; and half the angle of either cone F or V is equal to the sun's apparent semidiameter. For by reason of the great distance of the sun from T, in respect of T P, T V, TI ; the apparent diameter of the sun, seen from any of the places V, T, I, P, K, will be the same, that is, the angles AVB or KVL, APB or KPL, AKB or GKV, ALB or VLH are all equal; differing only by the angle K S I, which in the moon is insensible. 689. 2. The height of the cone I P is equal to the cone VI. And KPL, KVL, are equal and similar. For the angles at P and V are equal ; and K L is common. 690. 3. The apparent semidiameter of tlie moon's dark shadow Q O, upon the earth at O, seen from the moon, is equal to the moon's ap- parent semidiameter — the sun's apparent semi- diameter. And if the sun's apparent semidia- meter be greater, the shadow does not reach die earth. For draw K O ; then in the triangle K O V, V K O = K O S — K V S = KG I — A V S =: K O I — ^ the sun's apparent diameter. 691. 4. The apparent semidiameter of the moon's penumbra G O, upon the surface of the earth, as seen from the moon, is equal to the sura of the apparent .«emidiameters of the sun and moon. Draw GI and TGR. Then in the tri- angle G P I, the external angle G I O = G P I -|-PGI = KPI-|-KGI=:KPI-fKOI = AKS -f KOI. 692. 5. Hence, to find the length I V' of the moon's shadow. In the triangle K V I, there is given the angle K V I n half the sun's appa- rent diameter, and KI the earth's radius; whence V I will be had ; and to find the arch Q N of the earth, involved in the moon's dark shadow. In the triangle Q V T, we have given T V the dif- ference between the moon's distance from the earth, the height of the shadow; and the an- gle QVO =: the sun's apparent diameter, and T Q the radius of the earth; to find the angle TQ V, to which add QVT, and the sum is the angle QTO or arch QO; and doubled gives the whole arch Q N. 693. 6. To find the arch of the earth G II involved in the penumbra ; say, as the earth'? radius Ci T : to S, of the sun's apparent semidia- ASTRONOMY. 181 meter : : so is PT the sum of the moon's dis- tance and cone's height: to S.TG P or KG K. From this take the sun's apparent semidiameter, and there remains G T () =: G O, which doubled gives G H. For in the triangle G P T, there is given the ancjle P zr the sun's apparent semidia- meter, and PT the moon's distance and height of the cone, and TG the earth's radius; to find the angle RGK=:GPT-|-PTG. Therefore P TG or OTG = RGK — GPT= RGK— tlie sun's apparent semidiameter. III. To FIND THE ECLIPTICAL LiMITS. 694. An eclipse of the moon can only hap- pen, when the distance of the centres of the moon, and of the earth's penumbra, is less than the sura of their semidiameters. For if the dis- tance is greater, the moon and penumbra cannot touch one another. 69.5. An eclipse of the sun cannot happen un- less the distance of the centres of the sun and moon, be less than the sum of their semidiame- ters, when seen from a certain place. That it shall appear in no place, the moon's parallax must be added to the sum of the semidiameters. 696. In lunar eclipses, therefore, the moon's latitude must be less than the sum of the semi- diameters of the moon and of the earth's penumbral shadow, taken at the moon's orbit. And in solar eclipses, the moon's latitude must be less than the sum of the sun's and moon's semidiameters added to the moon's horizontal parallax ; that the eclipse may be visible some way : or without the parallax, to be visible in a certain place. 697. Therefore in the right angled spherical triangle, plate IV", fig. 4, Q SJNI, having tlie angle Q, and the distance S M, the distance of the sun from the node, ^ S will be known, or t!ie ecliptic limits. The mode of finding which, may be seen from the following Example. , „ Zvlean apparent semidiameter of the sun 16 4 Parallax of the sun . . . . 12 Mean apparent semidiam. of the moon 15 38 Parallax of the moon . . . 59 5 Inclination of the moon's orbit . 5 8 30 Hence will be obtained, The semidiameter of the earth's pe- numbra . . . 1 13 21 The semidiameter of the moon and earth's shadows . . 56 51 The semidiameter of the sun and moon 31 42 The same with the parallax . 1 28 47 In the triangle ^ S M for the eclipse of the moon. Here SM = 1° 13' 21" + 15 38" r= 1° 28' 59". S. $^ := 5 Si . . . 8.952398 S.SM=:l 28 59 . . . 8.413067 Radius ..... 10. S.QS = 16 47 . . . 9.460669 the limit for the lunar eclipse at a medium. In the triangle Q H'M for the eclipse of the sun. Here S M rz 1° 28' 47". S. $^, =5 8J- . . 8.952398 S . S M = 1 28 47 . . 8.412009 Radius 10. S. $2.S.= 16 15 9.459611 the limit for the solar eclipse, in any place ; about the same as for the lunar. But for a par- ticular place, SM = 31 42; and S ^ comes out only 5° 54' for the limit. 698. 1. Hence there will at least be four eclip- ses in a year, taking one year with another ; two of the moon, and two of the sun. For 16° 47' + 16M5 = 33° 32' or 32 1°. Therefore the sun stays above a month within the ecliptic limits twice in the year. During which time the moon makes two revolutions, and therefore must cause two eclipses, either time ; one of the moon, and another of the sun. 699. 2. Half of the eclipses will, in general, be invisible at any given place. And consequently one year with another there can only be two visible eclipses in a year, the one lunar and the other solar. For the sun and moon spend as much time below the horizon as above it. 700. 3. The ecliptical limits may be found for total eclipses, as well as for partial ones, by the same method ; i. e. by taking S M =. tlie dif- ference of the semidiameters of the earth's dark shadow and of the moon, in lunar eclipses; or = the difference of the semidiameters of the moon and sun, in solar eclipses. 701. 4. Eclipses do not always happen in the same places of the zodiac ; but in places . more and more westward. For the eclipses being about the nodes, and tlie nodes regressive at the rate of nineteen degrees in a year ; the places of the eclipses are nineteen degrees more west every succeeding year. 702. From these premises it will be necessary, in calculating a particular eclipse, to consider the angle that the moon's way makes with the sun at the time of an eclipse. See plate XI. fig. 4. Let g:^ S be the ecliptic, ft, M the moon's orbit, Q the node. And let S be the sun, in the solar eclipse ; or the centre of the earth's shadow, in the lunar ; and M the moon at the time of the syzygy. "Take ^ A to ^ S as the sun's hora^ motion, to the moon's, at that time ; draw ]M A, then M A S is the angle required ; and A M the moon's apparent orbit. 703. For by construction, in the time that the moon has been moving from Q to JM (that is, through Q, S reckoned in the ecliptic,) the sun has moved through a space D S equal to ^ A. Therefore the sun was in D, when the moon was in the node at g, . Draw D B, MB parallel to Sot, S D; and draw B ^, which will be parallel to M A. Now since the moon makes the same latitude D B or S M, in the same time, whether the sun moves or stands still ; and since S M is her latitude, when the sun is at S, D B (equal to S M) will be her latitude, supposing the sun had stood at D, without any motion towards S ; and consequently ^ B will be her apparent way, to an eye at D, through which she seems to move in the same time. Or, which is the same thing, A M will be her apparent way to an eye fixed at S.— For the triangles A M S are g, BB are equal; and MAS is the angle of her way with the ecliptic. By the theory of relative motions, in bodies moving the same way, all the apparent motions are the same, as if one body stood still and the other moved forward, with the difference of their motions. And here J^ D or A S is the dif- ference of their motions supposing S to be fixed. 182 ASTRONOMY. 70-1 Hence, as the moon's horary motion : to the sun's horary motion : : S ^ the distance from tlie node to A g^ . Then SA=S^— Ag^. As sine of S A : rad : : tangent moon's latitude S M : tangent angle A. 705. It is the apparent orbit AM that must be made use of, in calculating all the particulars of an eclipse. For an observer considers not S as moving; and therefore only the relative mo- tions are concerned. To calculate, therefore, an eclipse of the moon, the following rules will be found useful. IV. Rules FOR Calculating Lunar Eclipses. 706. 1. Find the true time of the opposition, when an eclipse is to happen ; and let that be reduced to apparent time. 707. 2. Find the true places of the sun and moon, when in opposition : 2. The sun's mean anomaly, and the place of his apogee: 3. The place of the moon's ascending node, and of her apogee, and her latitude. 708. 3. Let $^ S, fig. 1, plate VIIL be a part of the ecliptic; $B M the moon's orbit; S the centre of the earth's shadow, and M the moon, when in opposition. Take ^ A, to ^ S which is known by calculation ; as the sun's horary mo- tion, to the moon's ; which are known from the astronomical tables. Draw A M, for the way of the moon from the sun. Then in the right angled spherical triangle A S M, there is given AS (= g^ S — g^ A); and S M the moon's latitude found by calculation : to find the angle S M A. 709. 4. Let SP fall perpendicular to A M ; then since the arches SM, M P, S P, are very small, they may be taken for right lines ; and the triangle S M P for a plane triangle. Then hav- ing S M and angle S I\I P ; M P and S P will be found, where P is the place of the moon in tlie middle of the eclipse. Likewise the time of the moon's moving through M P will be known by her horary motion ; and from thence the time when she is at P, or the middle of the eclipse. 710. 5. From the astronomical tables, find the sua and moon's apparent semidiameters, for the time of opposition; and their horizontal parallaxes. 711. 6. From any convenient scale of equal parts, with the centre P and radius P B, equal to the minutes contained in the moon's radius, describe the circle B C o for the moon. And with the radius S D (equal to the sura of the sun and moon's horizontal parallaxes ; tlie sun's semidiameter, all in minutes,) describe the cir- cle DEB, from the centre S, then this circle will represent the earth's dark shadow. Like- wise with the same centre S, and radius S F (equal to the sum of the sun and moon's paral- laxes -|- the sun's semidiameter, in minutes,) describe the circle F Q G ; and this will be the earth's penumbra. 712. 7. These rules being observed, it will be easy to find all the requisites by scale and compasses, by measuring them ; or rather by calculation, in the several right-angled plain triangles, contained in the scheme. Thus, to find when the moon first touches the penumbra at L ; in the right ungled triangle S P K, there is given S P, and B K (the sum of the radii S L and PB), to find PK. Which being known, the time of the moon's passing through it will be known, by the moon's horary motion from the sun. 713. To find when the moon first enters the dark shadow of the -^arth in D : in the right angled triangle S P I, there is given S P, and S I, (the sum of the radii S D, P B,) to find P I ; and consequently the time of half the duration in the shadow. , 714. To find the digits, or 12th parts of the moon eclipsed. Here no the part eclipsed is rz: c .r. oT^ ,12 no 6no. . Sn-f-Po — SP: and -— rr- or -— — is the nuri- 2 ro r ber of digits eclipsed. In total eclipses of the moon, the earth's shadow often reaches farther than the moon. And then more than twelve di- gits are said to be eclipsed, supposing the moon's disk to be produced so far. 715. To find the time when the moon wholly enters into the dark shadow BED, follow the same method as when it entered into the penum- bra G Q F. This will be evident, by supposing G Q L the dark shadow. In that case S I will be the difference of the semidiameters of the moon and dark shadow. Tlie times of passing through P I, P K, &c. being known, and the time of the middle of the eclipse at P, the beginning and end will be known. 716. 8. Hence, if the moon or circle CBo never touches the circle G Q F, there will be no eclipse, not even by the penumbra. And if the same circle never touches the circle B D E, there will be no part of the moon totally eel ipsed. And if the whole circle CBo enter into the circle BED, the whole moon will be totally eclipsed ; and that is when S P is less than the difference of the semidiameters S D and P B. If the point S be in the node, then P falls upon S, and the eclipse is central. When only a part of the cir- cle C B o goes into the circle BED, the eclipse is a partial one, as in this figure. 717. 9. The time of the eclipse being known for any particular place, it is easy to know if it be visible at that place, by knowing if the moon be risen. Or the place will be known where the moon is vertical; and therefore it will be visible to all places within a quadrant's distance from it. 718. 10. If the spectator live in the place, (or in the same longitude) which the tables are calcu- lated for; he will see the eclipse at the time determined by the calculation. If not, he will see it an hour sooner for every 15° difference of longitude, that he lives west from it. And so much later, if he lives eastward ; that is, in the way of reckoning time. But in regard to ab- solute time, it is seen from all places at the same instant. Example. To find the time of the Lunar Eclipse, December '[3th, 1769; its Duration and Digits eclipsed. 719. 1. The mean time of the syzygies, by the tables, is found to be December 12d. 19h. 27m. at which time the moon's horaiy motion from the sun is 35' 33". At this time, computing the true places of the sun and moon, the moon will ASTRONOMY. 183 appear to be 35 10" before the sun. And there- fore the time is past the syzygy, 59m. 12s. Therefore, From Id. 19h. 27m. Os. Take 59 12 True time 1 18 27 48 The places being computed again, the moon is only 7" before the sun, which amounts to 12" of time; therefore the time of opposition is 12d. 18h. 27m. 36s. which reduced to apparent time is December 12d. IBh. 32m 51s. 2. The sun's place is . . 8s. 21° 37' 35" The moon's place .. 2 21 37 35 Place of the ascending node 8 14 46 13 Her latitude south . . 37 58 The sun's horary motion 2 33 The moon's horary motion 38 6 3. Hence the moon is 6° 51' 22" past the de- scending node: that is Q Sis 6^ 51' 22". There- fore g, A := 17' 32", and A S = 6° 23' 50". Therefore the angle S :\I A = 84^ 22' 28". 4. Hence drawing the ecliptic R S, and S M perpendicular to it, and equal to 37' 58" from a scale of minute?, as in fig. 12, plate IX. and making the angle S M A = 84° 22^'. We find the perpendicular S P r: 7' 47", and M P =r 3' 43". And therefore, the horary motion of the moon from the sun being 35' 33", P M will be passed over in 6' 17". And since this is before the opposition at M, this time must be deducted from the time of opposition. And the time of the middle of the eclipse will be December 12d. 18h. 26m. 34s. 5. The sun's apparent semidiameter 16' 20" His horizontal parallax .... 12 The moon's apparent semidiameter 16 48 Her horizontal parallax . . . .61 7 6. Hence the radius B P — 16' 48". radius S D zr 44 59. radius S F = 77 39. 7. Hence also P K or P /c n 86 34. and P I or P i =z 48 53. and therefore the time of passing through P K is 2h. '26m.6s., and through Plrr Ih. 22m. 30s. And the whole duration in the shadow from I to i, is 2h. 45m. And the digits eclipsed 8^ on the upper side. Whence, D. H. M. S. First entering the penumbra December . . .. 13 4 28 morn. Entering the dark shadow at 5 4 4 Middle 6 26 34 Opposition 6 22 51 Leaving the shadow ... 7 49 4 Leaving the penumbra . .0 8 52 40 Duration 2 45 Digits eclipsed 8^ 720. All these calculations may be made suf- ficiently near, by scale and compasses, in a large draught ; making use of a scale of minutes and sixtieth parts; or rather by making a scale of time answering thereto, by the help of the horary motion of the moon from the sun. For by this .scale, the several hours and minutes may be marked along the line A A-, by which it will ap- pear at what time the centre of the moon is at aiiy given point. For the time is known when the moon is at 'M, and from thence the points at each hour and minute are easily found. And this construction, with only right lines and cir- cles, will be exact enough in a large figure ; for the best lunar tables give the times of the phases of an eclipse no nearer than to four or five minutes of time ; and therefore such a construc- tion is sufficient to answer the purpose. Hence it may be observed, that no eclipse of the moon can last above five hours and a half fi-om the moon's first touching the earth's penumbra, to its last leaving it. For S K r= 94' 27" = 94-45, and the horary motion is 35' 33" := 35"55 and 94*45 ;— -r-. = 2-66 = 2h. 39m. = seraiduration ; and no eclipse of the moon, by the earth's shadow, can last above 3| hours. Nor when total, above If hours. For SI = 61' 47" = 61-78, and 61-78 , , ., - zz 1-745 ~ 1 45' ~ the semiduration. 35-55 and SD — SI = 28' 11" = 28-18, and 28-18 35'o5 z: -79 z=. 47m. the semiduration. 721. The refraction of the earth's atmosphere, in lunar eclipses, makes the shadow less ; by bringing the rays, which terminate the shadow, sooner to a point. And hence comes that red color of the moon even in total eclipses. But that light must be very dim, by reason of a great number of the rays being stopt and lost in the earth's atmosphere. 722. The circles terminating the shadow and the penumbra BED and G Q F, cannot be dis- tinguished. For the darkness from BED, di- minishes by insensible degrees, to G Q F, being darkest at E, and lightest at Q, w-here it vanishes insensibly. And therefore the moon does not appear to be eclipsed till she is a good way within the penumbra. For that reason, there may happen eclipses of the moon which cannot be discovered as such. 723. All lunar tables show the moon's place in eclipses, more truly in the syzygies than in the quadratures, or any other place. For the times of the syzygies, and the moon's place, have been more accurately observed in eclipses, than at any other time ; and from thence the moon's theory has been deduced. Besides, many of the ine- qualities cease in the syzygies, but have sensible effects in other places ; becoming greater, as the moon is further from the syzygies ; being greatest in the quadratures. Whence the lunar tables do not determine the moon's place truly in the quadratures. And her place calculated from these tables is not so exact in the quadratures as in the syzygies. 724. Several inequalities depend on the aspect of the nodes and the sun ; but these cease when the nodes are in the syzygies. When the moon and the nodes are in the syzygies, the moon's place, then wanting fewer equations, as being subject to fewer inequalities, will be more cor- rect than when she is in other places, where there are more and greater inequalities, and more equations. From hence more errors will happen out of tlie syzygies than in them. 184 ASTRONOMY. v. — to find the way of the moon from thk Sun, in a Solar Eclipse, supposing the Observer at rest. 725. Let HZO, in plate IX. fig. 6, be the meridian of the place, H O the horizon, E C the equinoctial, E L the ecliptic, Z the zenith, P the pole, S and M the places of the sun and moon in conjunction, P S D the sun's meridian. Having found the sun's distance from the node, Q, S, and the moon's latitude S ]\I, &c. take ^ A g^ to S, as the sun's horary motion to the moon's horary motion; then SAis known. Draw MA; then in the spherical triangle ASM, right angled at S, there is given S A, S M ; to find the angle S M A ; AM being the moon's way from the sun. 726. But, as the eye of the observer is in mo- tion, by the rotation of the earth, which gives an apparent motion to the moon, contrary to that of the observer, we must find the quantity and direction of that motion. As the observer is carried eastward, towards the point C, the ap- parent motion of the moon caused thereby will be in the line C S. And to determ.ine the position of C S, in respect of AM or S M, several spheri- cal triangles must be resolved, as follows : 727. In the right-angled triangle EDS there is given E S, and angle E to find D S, and angle E S D or A S P ; or these may be easier had from the astronomical tables. And in the tri- angle Z P S, there is given P S (the complement of D S), the angle Z P S (from the time of the day), and Z P the complement of the latitude ; to find Z S, and angles P Z S and Z S P. Then Z S P and ASP being known, Z S A will be known. And M S A being a right angle, Z S M will be known. In the right angled triangle ^J F S, there is given C F, the measure of the angle F Z C (the difference between the angle PZS and the right angle CZ P), and S F the complement of Z S ; to find C S, and the angle C S F or B S Z. Then B S Z and Z S M being known, B S M will be known. And S M A being known, its supplement S M B is known, and consequently the angle S B M. 728. To find the quantity of the motion. That along A M is already known ; and to find the apparent motion along SB. The sine of 15° (the horary motion of a point in the equinoc- tial), is -259 to the radius 1. And if h be the moon's horizontal parallax, then the radius of the earth appears at the moon under the angle h, and therefore 15° of the equinoctial appears under the angle of "259 h ; this then is the liorary mo- tion of a point in the equinoctial, viewed directly from the moon. And the moon's apparent motion seen from that point in the equinoctial is the very same. But this motion is to be diminished upon two accounts. 1. Because it is less in a parallel circle, in proportion to the cosine of the latitude. And 2. Upon account of the obliquity of the motion, when not perpendicular to the rays of the sun ; and this will be as the sine of C S, the sun's distance from the east or west point of the horizon. Therefore to find the quantity of this motion. To the logarithm of -255 h. Add the cosine latitude. And the sine of C S. Then the sum, abating twice radius, is the logar- ithm of this apparent horary motion. Then this motion is to be compounded with the motion along A M B as follows : 729. Let AS, plate IX. fig. 5, be a portion of the ecliptic, S B the way of the apparent mo- tion, MA the moon's way from the sun. Draw N M parallel to S B ; and let M N be the horary motion along SB or M N, and M I the horary motion of the moon from the sun. Then com- plete the parallelogram N M I Q ; draw the diagonal M Q R, which is the direction of the mo- tion, compounded of the observer's and the moon's motions, and M Q is the total apparent horary motion, supposing the observer at rest. Then in the plain triangle Q M I, there is given M I, and X Q (or M N), and the angle M I Q = M B S ; to find the angle Q M I, and side M Q or the ab- solute horary motion. And the angles Q M I and IMS being known, Q M S is known. 730. If the sun be in the eastern hemisphere, in which case the concave side of the eastern he- misphere is here projected (in fig. 6), then the moon's motion from the sun is from M towards A, and the other apparent motion from S to- wards B, or from M towards N. But if the sun is in the western hemisphere, this projection re- presents the convex side of the sphere; and then the moon moves from the sun, in direction A M, and the other apparent motion is from S towards C. being contrary. VI. — To Calculate Solar Eclipses. 731. The eclipses of the sun are more diffi- cult to calculate than those of the moon ; the latter being clear of parallaxes, which the former are incumbered with, which gives a great deal of trouble. But a great part of it may be avoided by using projections instead of calculations. The riiles are, 732. 1. Find the true time of the conjunction, and the places of the sun and moon at that time. 733. 2. Having found the way of the moon from the sun by projection or calculation ; find, by the astronomical tables, the moon's horizon- tal parallax, her apparent diameter, and horary motion, also the sun's apparent diameter and ho- rary motion. But, to avoid a great deal of calcu- lation, if the sphere be projected by a large scale, it will give all the requisites with sufficient ex- actness, by measuring the several angles and .sides, without any calculation, or very little. And here it is best to project the concave side, and then every thing appears as it is in nature. 734. 3. Find the moon's parallax of alti- tude, by making as rad. : cos. altitude : : so the moon's horizontal parallax : to her parallax of altitude V t or Mm. fig. 8. Then find her pa- rallax of latitude M m, and longitude S s, or r« n, and from thence her apparent latitude and longi- tude is known. 735. 4. Draw the line SL, fig. 10, for the ecliptic, and from a large scale of minutes, erect S M perp. to LS, and equal to the apparent la- titude ; make the angle S M R, as found in the last prob. and draw ^ M R for the moon's ap- parent path. From S let fall SP perpendicular to M R, and S P will be the least distance of the centres of the sun and moon, or the middle of ASTRONOMY. 185 the eclipse. From the centre S, with the radius of 31' 20" an [hour, is 52' 45" for the semidu- eoual to the minutes contained in the sun's semi- ration. By reason of the parallax (24' 13"), she diameter, describe the circle ABC for the sun. is past the apparent conjunction ; the difference And froin the centre P, with the radius equal to being what the parallax causes, which comes to the moon's semidiameter, describe the circle 47' 23". Therefore the middle of the eclipse A O C D for the moon. If these circles do not is so much sooner, being at 3d. 19h. 41m. 20s. intersect, there will be no eclipse. But if they This reduced to apparent time is 3d. 19h. 43m. intersect, an eclipse must necessarily happen. 27s. for the middle. 736. 5. Then P is the place of the moon in 6. The digits eclipsed are 5-^, nearly, the middle of the eclipse. . Make S I and S K 740. In this example, the concave side of the equal to the sum of the semidiameters of the sun sphere is projected, which suits best to the ap- Hnd moon ; and the moon's centre will be at I pearance of the heavens. And the figures are when the moon first touches the sun, or at the drawn upon that supposition. It appears from moon's centre, at the end of it. In the triangle the process, that the moon is advancing to her P S I, there is given SI, S P ; to find P I = FK, descending node, and therefore has north lati- which reduced to time by help of the moon's ap- tude. And by the position of that part of the parent horary motion, shews half the duration of ecliptic, her parallax in longitude, advances her the eclipse; and consequently we shall have the so much forward, viz. 24' 13". And therefore beeinnino'and end. she is so much past the apparent conjunction. >37. 6. And to find the quantity n o, or the Hence we gain these several particulars, as to digits eclipsed; wc have wo = Sn + PO — SP, the eclipse : Cno J D. u. ' ' ^"^ "Po" ~ "^"^^^"^ ^ ^^''^" 741.1.Thebegin. June,morn. 4 6 53 42 738. 7. The time found being mean time, ™'^<^^^ • ' * ' 4 I 46 12 it must be reduced to the common or apparent ^'^ 1 j ' ■ ' ' ' ' t a- r>n time, by the equation of time. And if the given total duration . 1 4o du place be not that for which the tables are made, digits eclipsed oi, on the upper side of the sun, add so much time, if the place lie eastward, to ^'''''^'^' ^^^5^^' ^s appears by the figure, the time of conjunction, as answers to the dif- /f . 2. Hence the position of the horns at C ference of meridians; or subtract it if it lie ^"^ A' are easily found m the middle of the "vestward eclipse, i or they are in a position parallel to Example R I, the moon's way. 743. 3. Tlie middle of the eclipse will not be To Find the Time of the Sun's Eclipse, at the same time in all places of the same longi- JuNE 4, 1769, ITS Duration and Digits tude; for the parallax of longitude will be dif- eclipsed at London. ferent in different places. 739. 1. By the tables the mean time of the con- 744. No eclipse of the sun can last above two junction is found to be June 2d. 20h. 41m. And hours. For SI orSA -H M D = 32' 26" = hence, the true time of conjunction is June 3d. 32.6 and the horary motion = 34' 47"^ 35.78. 20h. 27m. 43s. And their places are 2» 13"" 51 A^ri 32.6 ^^ ^., . . , .!,„„„„; n-ir ^ J .u • 1 . r- ..-. .u rru AuQ = '91 =: 541 minutes, for the semi- 9.0 . And the moons lat. 5o-32 north. The 35.78 moon's motion from the sun 35' 47'. duration. 2. In fig. 5 and 6, Plate IX. the angle A M S 745. If it were not for the parallax, eclipses of — 84° 47'. Z S M — 35° 20'. C S F = 5° 18' the sun would be as easily calculated as those of S B M = 43° 49'. S F = 42° 16', C F = 3° 34'. the moon. And in order to get the parallax, the C S = 42° 24'. The angle Q M I = 8° 25'. angle Z S M and S P must be known, fig. 2, S M Q = 92° 52'. M N or I Q = 6° 38'. M Q which occasions the resolving several spherical = 31° 20'. Also triangles before they can be had. Likewise it The moon's horizontal parallax . . 60' 58" may be observed, that the apparent way of the Her apparent diameter . . . . 33 32 moon is strictly curve line, concave towards S, Her horary motion 38 10 which arises from the parallel of latitude being The sun's diameter 31 41 a curve, and the moon being out of its plane. His horary motion 2 23 Likevrise the moon's apparent velocity is some- 3. In fig. 4, the moon's parallax in altitude thing greater at the beginning than at the end. M m is 45' 09" ; her parallax in latitude M n, .38' 05"; her remaining latitude Sn, 17' 26"; VI.— Rules for calculating a General her parallax in longitude Ss, 24' 13"; which is Eclipse of the Sun. increased so much. 746. The elements necessary for this are : 1- 4. Draw SL for the ecliptic, as in fig. 10, at The sun and moon's place, and the time at the any point S, erect the perp. M S equal to 17' true conjunction ; 2. "The moon's latitude, hori- 26", the moon's apparent latitude; through M zontal parallax, diameter, and horary motions ; draw the moon's way Q M R, making the angle 3. The sun's declination, diameter, and horary S M R = 92° 52'. Draw S P perp. IVI R, which motion ; and 4, the angle the moon's way makes here falls very near M. From the centre S, with a circle of latitude. with the radius S A = 15' 50", describe the cir- 747. 2. From a large scale of minutes, take cle A B C for the sun. And with the radius the moon's horizontal parallax in the compasses, M D = 16' 46", and centre P, describe the cir- and at any point C, in the right line B D, (which cle ADCO for the moon. represents the ecliptic in plate XI. fig. 6), de- 5. Hence P I or P K = 27' 33". And the scribe the circle ABED, for the eartii's disk, or time of moving through I P or P K, at the rate the earth's flat face as it appears at a distance, in 186 ASTRONOMY. a line drawn to the sun. Draw C M perpendi- cular to C D, and equal to the latitude of the moon upwards, if north. Make the angle C JNI G equal to that which the moon's way makes witli a circle of latitude ; acute to the right hand, if she tend to the node ; or obtuse, if she be past it; and drawing FM G, it will be the way of the centre of the moon's shadow upon the earth. From C let fall C H perpendicular to FG. Then at II will be the middle of the earth's eclipse. 748. 3. With the centre H, and radius HO, equal to the sum of the semidiameters of the sun and moon, describe the circle Q O R, which will be the moon's penumbra. Also describe a small circle round the centre H, whose radius is the difference of the sun and moon's semidiameters, that little circle will be the dark shadow of the moon. Then all tlie countries of the earth con- tained in the segment V A W will be successively eclipsed by the penumbra, as the shadow moves along the tract F G ; while the other segment V E W suffers no eclipse at aP. All places in the line st will be totally eclipsed, as the dark sha- dow, or the small circle at H passes successively over them. But this circle, or dark shadow, be- ing very small, a total eclipse at any place conti- nues but a small time. Sometimes the sun's se- midiameter exceeds the moon's ; and then there will be no dark circle, or total eclipse, but a lu- cid ring will appear about the moon in these pla- ces, and this is called an annular eclipse. The difference between the semidiameters of the sun and moon is so little, that no total eclipse lasts above four minutes. 749. 4. Draw C F, C G = sum of the semi- diameters of the sun and moon, and the moon's parallax ; then the moon's shadow will touch the earth at L and K, where the eclipse begins and ends. In the triangle C F H, there is given C F, CH ; to find F H ^ 11 G, which, converted into time, gives half the duration, or half the time that the moon's shadow is upon the earth. Also NO measured, shews how far the eclipse reaches ; or C O measured, does the same. It may be sufficient to measure all these by the scale with- out calculation. 750 5. To find the pole. Draw the arch A P, making the angle KAP equal to the sun's longitude, and A P the distance of the poles of the equator and ecliptic, 23°^ ; then P is the pole. For A P is a part of the solstitial colure, and passes through Cancer and Capricorn. And CAP is what the sun wants of Cancer, there- fore PAK is what it is past Aries. Through P draw C P T. And here we may suppose that the pole P is fixed during die time of an eclipse. Then in the right angled spherical triangle APT, there is given AP and the angle A, to find AT or angle A C P. In this triangle P T is the sun's declination, and A P T or C P K his right ascen- sion from Cancer. Here note, that any place in the line C T is in the suij's meridian ; and C is the place where the sun is vertical at the time of the eclipse. 751. 6. To find the situation of any given place^ at a given hour. INIake the angle C P X (with the sun's meridian), equal to the time from noon ; on the left hand, if it is before noon. And make P Z the complement of the latitude ; then Z is the place required. And if it falls in the penumbra, it is eclipsed ; or anywhere in the segment VAW; if its motion in the parallel circle does not carry it out, before the penumbra reaches it. 752. 7. To find the place which is first or last touched by the penumbra, as K. Draw the arch P K. In the triangle G C A, there are given C G and C H, to find the angle G C H, from which subtract -H C P which is known, gives the angle P C K or TK. Then in the right-angled spherical triangle PTK, there is given T K, and PT the sun's declination ; to find P K the com- plement of the latitude of K, and T P K or C PK the difference of longitude of K, and the sun. — Therefore its longitude and latitude is obtained. In the same manner may be found that of L. And by the same method the latitude and longitude of the places s and t may be found, where the dark shadow first enters the earth's disk, or quite leaves it. Thus also may be found the place which is in the line F H, at any point of time : or if the place be given, what the time will be ; and that by help of the horary motion, with other parti- culars of like nature. 753. 8. The part of the sun's diameter eclipsed by the moon, is known by the situation of the place within the penumbra, or its distance from the centre of the penumbra. And the pha- sis of the eclipse, as seen from any place Z, upon the disk, will be found thus, for anytime. Find the centre of the shadow for that time, as suppose at H. Describe about H, a circle, whose radius is the moon's radius, and about Z, a circle with the sun's radius. Then the part cut off the sun's circle will be the part obscured. Sect. VIII. — Remarks on Eclipses iw GENERAL. 754. In eclipses of the moon, even when she is near the centre of the earth's shadow, her body is still visible, and appears of a tarnished copper color. This seems to be occasioned by the rays of light which come from the sun, and which, passing near the earth, are inflected from their rectilinear course by our atmosphere ; so that they enter the earth's conical shadow, thus pro- ducing that faint illumination on the surface of the moon, which some have supposed to be her own native light ; but there seems to be no just ground for such a conjecture. 755. In most solar eclipses, the moon's disk is covered with a faint light, which is attributed to the reflection of the light from the illuminated part of the earth ; and in total eclipses, the moon's limb is seen surrounded by a pale circle of light: which some astronomers consider as an indication of a lunar atmosphere, but others as the atmos- phere of the sun ; because it is observed to move equally with the sun, but not with the moon. 756. Eclipses have in all ages greatly attracted the attention of mankind. The ignorant and su- perstitious have viewed them with terror, and m former ages they were often considered as the forerunners of national calamities. The Chinese, even at the present day. upon their appearance, perform the most absurd and superstitious cere- monies, although they are so far acquainted with their nature, as to be able to predict them. See China. But true philosophy has taught us, that w A s^ TB Or^' DMT. rzATExn GBAXD ORRERT ^^s^^^,,^ made forking GEORGE 1. FEUGITSONS ORREKT. l.firn/t>n,/'uS/txhn/ hyT/uiniai- 7'ft/t/, 7?>,('/irnps7tif ^/wif J'J/8^S. ASTRONOMY. 187 instead of these appearances being portentous of evil to mankind, they may, by proper observa- tions upon them, be made of great advantage to the sciences, and to some of the arts of life. 757. We have already shewn, that, by eclipses of the moon, the earth is demonstrated to be a globular figure. The longitudes of places on the earth are also determined by observations on solar and lunar eclipses ; as will appear by con- sulting the articles Geography, Longitude, Na- vigation, &c. Eclipses are also of great im- portance in Chronology, (which see), as by them we are enabled to determine exactly the time when events recorded in history happened. 758. From the observations made upon the ancient eclipses, it appears that the period of the moon is now shorter, and consequently that her distance from the earth is now less, than in for- mer ages ; and this has been considered as an ar- gument against those who assert, that the world may have existed from eternity ; for it was hence inferred, that the moon moves in a resisting me- dium, and therefore that her motion must by de- grees be all destroyed, in which case she must at last come to the earth. But M. de La Place has shewn, that this acceleration of the moon's period is a necessary consequence of universal gravita- tion, and that it arises from the action of the planets upon the moon. He has also shewn that this acceleration will go on, till it arrive at a certain limit, when it will be changed into a re- tardation ; or in other words, that there are two limits, between vfhich the lunar period fluctuates, but neither of which it can pass. 759. M. de La Grange has also discovered, that all the seeming irregularities in the motions of our system are periodical ; so that although the obliquity of the ecliptic, the eccentricities of the planetary orbits, the precession of the equi- noxes, the length of the year, &c. may change, yet these changes will not pass certain limits, and after staled periods, they will return precisely to what they had formerly been. Some of these periods, however, may be very long. The acce- leration of the moon, for example, has been going on from the earliest ages of astronomy to the pre- sent day. 760. We cannot close this section, without observing, that eclipses happen very frequently to all the satellites of Jupiter; and, as they are of great service in determining the longitude of places on the earth, astronomers have been at pains to calculate tables for the eclipses of these satellites by their primary ; for the satellites them- selves have never been observed to eclipse one another. But this falls more properly to be con- ■ sidered under the articles Geography, and Lon- gitude, to which the reader is therefore referred. 761. The primary planets would also eclipse one another, were it not for their great distances; but, as the comets are not subject to the same laws with th€ planets, it is possible they may sometimes approach so near to the primary pla- nets, as to cause an eclipse of the sun to those yjlanets ; and astlie body of a comet bears a much larger proportion to the bulk of a primary planet than any secondary, it is plain, that a cometary ecli'pss would both be of much longer continu- ance, and attended with greater darkness, than that occasioned by a secondary planet. If we suppose the primary planet and comet to be moving both the same way, the duration of such an eclipse would be prodigiously lenglhened ; and thus, instead of four minutes, the sun might be totally darkened to the inhabitants of certain places for as many hours : and, from this cau.se, some account for that prodigious darkness, whicii we sometimes read of in history, at times when no eclipse of tlie sun by the moon could possi- bly happen. PART V. ASTRONOMICAL MACHINERY AND IN- STRUMENTS. Sect, I. — Description of the Astronomical Machinery invented for Illustrating THE Science. 762. The Grand Orreiy, a very magTiificent machine, first made in this kingdom, by Mr. Rowley, for king George I. is represented in plate XIL fig. 1. The frame of it, which con- tains the wheel-work, Sec. and regulates the whole machine, is made of ebony, and about four feet in diameter. Above the frame is abroad ring, supported with twelve pillars, which repre- sents the plane of the ecliptic. Above the ecliptic, stand some of the principal circles of the sphere, viz. No. 1 0, are the two colures divided into de- grees, and half degrees; No. 11, is one half of the equinoctial circle, making aa angle of 23^°. The tropic of Cancer, and the arctic circle, are each fixed parallel, at their proper distance from the equinoctial. On the northern half of the ecliptic, is a brass semicircle, movable upon two points, fixed in ty and ^, representing the movable horizon to be put to any degree of la- titude upon the north part of the meridian, and the whole machine may be set to any latitude, without disturbing any of the internal motions, by two strong hinges, (No. 13.) fixed to the bot- tom-frame, upon which the instrument moves, and a strong brass arch, having holes at every degree, through which a strong pin is put at every elevation. This arch, and the two hinges, sup- port the whole machine, when it is lifted up, ac- cording to any latitude ; and the arch, at other times, lies conveniently under the bottom frame. 763. The sun, (No. 1.) stands in the middle of the whole system, upon a wire, making an angle with the ecliptic, of about 82°. Next the sun is a small ball, (2), representing Mercury. Next to Mercury is Venus, (3), represented by a larger ball. The earth is represented (No. 4), by an ivory ball, having some circles and a map sketched upon it. The wire which supports the earth, makes an angle with the ecliptic, of 66^°, the inclination of the earth's axis to the ecliptic. Near the bottom of the earth's axis is a dial plate, (No. 9.) having an index, pointing to the hours of the day, as the earth turns round its axis. Round the earth is a ring supported by two small pillars, representing the orbit of the moon; and the divisions upon it answer to the moon's latitude. The motion of this ring repre- sents the motion of the moon's orbit, according to that of the nodes. Within this ring is the moon, (No. 5), having a black cap or case, by 188 ASTRONOMY. which its motion represents the phases of the moon, according to her age. Without the orbits of the earth and moon, is Mars, (No. 6.) The next in order to Mars is Jupiter, and his four moons, (No. 7.) Each of these moons is supported by a ■wire fixed in a socket, which turns about the pillar supporting Jupiter. Tliese satellites may be turned by the hand to any position, and yet, when the machine is put into motion, they will all move in their proper times. The outermost of all is Saturn, his five moons, and his ring, (No. 8.) These moons are supported and con- trived, similar to those of Jupiter. 764. The machine is put in motion, by turning a small winch, (No. 14) ; and the whole system is also moved by this winch, and by pull- ing out, and pushing in, a small cylindrical pin above the handle. When it is pushed, all the planets, both primary and secondary, will move according to their respective periods, by turning the handle. When it is drawn out, the motions of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn will be stopped, while all the rest move without interrup- tion. There is also a brass lamp, having two convex glasses, to be put in room of the sun ; and also, a smaller earth and moon, made some- what in proportion to their distance from each other, which may be put on at pleasure. The lamp turns round at the same time with the earth, and the glasses of it cast a strong light upon her ; and when the smaller earth and moon are placed on, it will be easy to show when either of them will be eclipsed. 765. Mr. Ferguson's orrerj-, plate XII. fig. 2, shows the motions of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Moon ; and occasionally the superior planets, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn may be put on. Jupiter's four satellites are put round hhn in their proper times, by a small winch ; and Sa- turn has his five satellites, and his ring, which keeps its parallelism round the sun ; and by a lamp put in the sun's place, the ring shows all its various phases already described. In the centre, No. 1, represents the sun; No. 2, INIercury; No. 3, Venus; No. 4, the earth; No. 6, is a siderial dial-plate under the earth ; and No. 7, a solar dial-plate on the cover of the machine. The in- dex of the former shows siderial time, and of the latter, solar time. 766. The earth always keeps opposite to a moving index, (No. 10), which shews the sun's daily change of place, and also the days of the months. The earth is half covered with a black cap, for dividing the apparently enlightened half next the sun, from the other half, which, when turned away from him, is in the dark. The edge of the cap represents the circle bounding light and darkness, and shows at what time the sun rises and sets to all places throughout the year. The earth's axis inclines 23^° from the axis of the ecliptic ; by which means, the different lengths of days and nights, and the cause of the various seasons, are demonstrated to sight. 767. There is a broad horizon, to the upper side of which is fixed a meridian semicircle, in the north and south poii'its. From the lower side of this thin horizontal plate stand out four small wires, to which is fixed a twilight-circle, eighteen degrees from the graduated side of the horizon, all round. This horizon may be put upon the earth (when the cap is taken away), and rectified to the latitude of any place ; and then by a small wire, called the solar ray, which may be put on, so as to proceed directly from the sun's centre towards the earth's, but to come no farther than almost to touch the horizon. The beginning of twilight, time of sun rising, with his amplitude, meridian altitude, time of setting, amplitude then, and end of twilight, are shown for every day of the year, at that place to which the horizon is rectified. 768. The moon, (No. 5.) exhibits all the phases already described. When the horizon is rectified to the latitude of any given place, the times of the moon's rising and setting, together with her amplitude, are shown to that place, as well as the sun's; and all the various phenomena of the harvest moon are made obvious to sight. The moon's orbit, (No. 9.) is inclined to the ecliptic, (No 11.) one half being above, and tho other below it. The nodes, or points at and 0, lie in the plane of the ecliptic, as before describ- ed, and shift backward, through all its sines and degrees, in 18f years. 769. The degrees of the moon's latitude, to the highest in NL, (north latitude,) and lowest at SL, (south latitude,) are engraven both ways from her nodes at and ; and, as the moon rises and falls in her orbit, according to its incli- nation, her latitude and distance from her nodes are shown for every day, having first rectified her orbit, so as to set the nodes to their proper places in the ecliptic ; and then, as they come about, at different, and almost opposite times of the year, and then point towards the sun, all the eclipses may be shown for hundreds of years (without any new rectification), by turning the machinery backward, for time past, or forward for time to come. 770. At 17° distance from each node, on both sides, is engraved a small sun; and at 12° dis- tance a small moon, which show the limits of solar and lunar eclipses ; and when, at any change, the moon falls between either of these suns and the node, the sun will be eclipsed on the day pointed to by the annual index, (No. 10). And when at any full, the moon falls between either of the little moons and node, she will be eclipsed, and the annual index shows the day of that eclipse. There is a circle of 293 equal parts (No. 8) on the cover of the machine, on which an in- dex shows the days of the moon's age. There is a jointed wire, of which, one end being put into a hole in the upright stem that holds the earth's cap, and the wire laid into a small forked piece which may be occasionally put upon Venus or Mercury, shows the direct and retrograde mo- tions of these two planets, with their stationary times and places, as seen from the earth. The whole machinery is turned by a v/inch, (No. 12) and is so easily moved, that a clock might turn it, without any danger of stopping. 771. ]Mr. Jones's Planetarium, plate XI. fig. 1, represents in a general manner, by various parts of its machinery, all the motions and phe- nomena of the planetary system. This machine consists of, the Sun in the centre, witii the pla^ nets, Mercurj', Venus, the Earth and Moon, ASTRONOMY. }89 Mars, Jupiter and his four moons, Saturn and his five moons; and to it is occasionally applied an extra long arm for the planet Herschel and his two moons. To tlie earth and moon is applied a frame C D, containing only four wheels and two pinions, which serve to preserve the earth's axis in its proper parallelism in its motion round the sun, and to give the moon her due revolution about the earth at the same time. These wheel.^ are connected with the wheel-work in the round box below, and the whole is set in motion by the winch H. The arm M, which carries round die moon, points out on the plate, B, her age and phases for any situation in her orbit, and which accordingly are engraved thereon. In the same manner the arm points out her place in the ecliptic B, in signs and degrees, called her geo- centric place. The moon's orbit is represented by the flat rim A'; the two joints of which, and upon which it turns, denoting her nodes. This orbit is made to incline to any desired angle. The earth of this instrument is usually made of a three inch or 1^ glohe, papered, &c. for the purpose ; and by means of the terminating wire that goes over it, points out the changes of the seasons, and the different lengths of days and nights more conspicuously. This machine is also made to represent the Ptolemaic system, or such as is vulgarly received ; which places the earth in the centre, and the planets and sun re- volving about it. This is done by an auxiliary small sim and an earth, which change their places in the instrument. 772. The true causes of the solar and lunar . eclipses are here very clearly seen ; for by placing the lamp, fig. 5, plate XI., upon the centre, in- stead of the brass Viall denoting the sun, and tur- ning the winch until the moon comes into a right line between the centres of the lamp (or sun) and the earth, the shadow of the moon will fall upon the earth. On the other side, the moon passes (in the aforesaid case) through the sliadow of the earth, and is by that means eclipsed. And the orbit A, fig. 1, is so movable on the two joints called nodes, that any person may easily represent the due position of tlie nodes and intermediate spaces of the moon's orbit; and thence show when there will, or will not be, an eclipse of either luminary, and what the quantity of each will be. While the moon is continuing to move round the earth, the lamp on the centre will so illuminate her, that all her phases, as new, dichotomised, gibbous, full, waning, &c. will be seen just as they ap- pear in the heavens. All the same phases of the earth, as they appear at the moon, will also be exhibited. The satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are movable only by the hand ; yet all their phenomena may be easily represented, excepting the true relative motions and distances. 773. The Trajectorium Lunare, fig. 8, plate XIII, is intervded, by delineating the paths of the earth and moon, to show what sort of curves they make in the ethereal regions. S is the sun, and E the earth, whose centres are ninety-five inches distant from each other ; every inch an- swering to 1,000,000 of miles. M is the moon, wtiose centre is -^ parts of an inch from tlie earth's in this machine, this being in just pro" portion to the moon's distance from the earth. A A is a bar of wood, to be moved by hand round the axis g, which is fixed in the wheel Y. The circumference of this wheel is to the cir- cumference of the small wheel L, below the other end of the bar, as 365^ days to 29|,or as a year is to a lunation. The wheels are grooved round their edges, and in the grooves is the catgut string G G, crossing between the wheels at X. On the axis of the wheel L, is the index F, in which is fixed the moon's axis I\I, for carrying her round the earth E, fixed on the axis of the wheel L in the time that the index goes round a circle of 295 equal parts, which are the days of the moon's age. The wheel Y has the months and days of the year all round its limb ; and in the bar A A is fixed the index /, which points out the days of the months answering to the days of the moon's age, shewn by the index F, in the circle of 29^ equal parts at the otner end of the bar. On the axis of the wheel is put the piece U, below the cock C, in which this axis turns round; and in D are put the pencils e and m, directly under the earth C and moon j\I ; so that m is carried round e as jNI is round E. 774. Lay the machine on an even floor, pres- sing gently on the wheel Y, to cause its spiked feet (of which two appear at P, the third being supposed to be hid from the sight by the wheel) to eater a little into the floor to secure the wheel from turning. Then lay a paper about four feet long under the pencils e and w, cross-ways to the bar ; which done, move the bar slowly round the axis g of the wheel Y ; and as the earth E goes round the sun S, the moon M will go round the earth with a duly proportioned velocity ; and the friction wheel W, running on the floor, will keep the bar from bearing too heavily on the pencils e and m, which will delineate the paths of the earth and moou. As the index I points out the days of the months, the index F shows the moon's age on these days, in the circle of 29^ equal parts. And, as this last index points to the different days in its circle, the like nu- meral figures may be set to those parts of the curves of the earth's and moon's paths, where the pencils e and m are at those times re- spectively, to shew the places of the earth and moon. If the pencil e be pushed a very little off, as if from the pencil ;», to about ^ part of their distance, and the pencil m pushed as much towards e to bring them to the same distances again, though not to the same points of space ; then ?n goes round e, e will go as it were round the centre of gravity between the earth e and moon m ; but this motion will not sensibly alter the figure of the earth's path or that of the moon's. 775. If a pin, as p, be put through the pencil m, with its head towards that of the pin g, in the pencil e, its head will always keep thereto as »;, goes round e, or as the same side of the moon is still obverted to the earth. But the pinp, which may be considered as an equatorial diameter of the moon, will turn quite round the point m, making all possible angles with the Ime of itii progress, or line of the moon's path. This is 190 ASTRONOMY. an ocular proof of the moon's turning round her axis. Sect. II. Of the Principal Instruments USED FOR MAKING ASTRONOMICAL OBSER- VATIONS. 776. In practical astronomy it is necessary to have a place conveniently situated, and suitably furnished with proper astronomical instruments. It should have an uninterrupted view from the zenith down to, or even below, the horizon, at least towards its cardinal points. For this pur- pose that part of the roof in particular which lies in the direction of the meridian, should have moveable covers, wliich may easily be moved and put on again ; by which means an instrument may be directed to any point of tlie heavens be- tween the horizon and zenith, either northward or soutliward. This place, called an observatory, should contain some, if not all, of the following instruments : 777. 1. A pendulum clock for showing equal time. This should show time'in hours, minutes, and seconds; and with which tlie observer, by hearing the beats of tlie pendulum, may count them by Ids ear, wliile his eye is employed on the motion ofthe celestial object he is observing. Just before the object arrives at the position described, the observer should look on the clock and mark the time, suppose it 6h. 15min. 25sec. ; then saying, 25, 26, 27, 28, &c. responsive to the beat of die pendulum, till he sees through the in- strument the object arrived at the position expec- ted ; which suppose to happen when he says 38, he then writes down 9h. 15m. 38sec. for the time of observation, annexing the year and the day of the month. 778. 2. An achromatic refracting telescope, or a reflecting one, of two feet at least in length, for observing particular phenomena. See the de- scription under Optics. 779. 3. A micrometer, for measuring small angular distances. See Micrometer 780. Astronomical quadrants, both mural and portable, for observing meridian and other alti- tudes of the bodie-s. 781. 4. The mural quadrant, so called from murus a wall : it is in the form of a quarter of a circle, contained under two radii at riglit angles to one anotlier, and an arch equal to one fourth part of the circumference of the circle. This is tlie most useful and valuable of all the astrono- nomical instruments ; and, as it is sometimes fixed to the side of a stone or brick wall, and the plane of it erected exactly in tlie plane of tlie meridian, it receives the name of mural quadrant. Tycho Brahe was the first person who applied this arch to a wall ; and Flamsteed the first in England who, with indefatigable pains, fixed one up in the royal observatory at Greenwich. 782. Mural quadrants iiave usually been made from five to eight feet .radius. Fig. 1, plate XIII. represents the instrument fixed to the wall. The frame is formed of flat bars, and strengthened by edge bars, fixed underneath per- pendicular to them. The radii 11 K, A A, being divided each into four equal parts, serve to find the points D and E, by wliicli the quadrant is freely suspended on its iron supports, that are fastened in the wall. One of the supports, E, is repre- sented separately in e on one side of the quadrant. It is moveable by means of a long slender rod E E or e /, which goes into a hollow screw in order to restore the instrument to its situation when it is discovered to be a little deranged. This may be known by the very fine perpendicular thread II A, which ought always to coincide witli the same point A of the limb, and carefully examined to be so by a small magnifying telescope at every observation. 783. In order to prevent the unsteadiness of so great a machine, there should be placed behind the limb four copper ears with double cocks, I, K, I, K. There are others along the radii II A and H B ; each of these cocks contains two screws, into which is fastened the ears that are fixed laehind the quadrant. Over the wall or stone which supports the instrument, and at the same height as the centre, is placed horizontally the axis P O, which is perpendicular to the plane of the instrument, and which would pass through the centre if it was continued. This axis turns on two pivrts P. On this axis is fixed at right angles another branch, O N, loaded at its extre- mity with a weight, N, capable of equipoising with its weight that of the telescope L M ; whilst the axis, by its extremity nearest the quadrant, carries the wooden frame P R M, which is fasten- ed to the telescope in ]M. The counterpoise takes off from the observer the weight of the telescope when he raises it, and hinders him from either forcing or straining the instmment. The lower extremity, V, of the telescope, is furnished with two small wheels, which take the limb of the quadrant on its two sides. The telescope hardly bears any more upon the limb than the small friction of these two wheels ; which renders its motion so extremely easy and pleasant, that by giving it with the hand only a small motion, the telescope will run of itself over a great part of the limb, balanced by the counterpoise N. 784. When the telescope is to be stopped at a certain position, the copper hand T is to be made use of, whicli embraces the limb and springs at the bottom. It is fixed by a setting screw, which fastens it to the limb. Then, in turning the re- gulating screw, the telescope will be advanced; which is continued until the star, or other object whose altitude is observing, be on the horizontal fine thread in the telescope. Then on the plate X, supporting the telescope, and carrying a ver- nier or nonius, will be seen tlie number of degrees and minutes, and even quarter of minutes, that tiie angular height of the object observed is equal to. The remainder is easily estimated within two or three seconds nearly. 785. There are several methods of subdividing tlie divisions of a mural quadrant, which are usually from five or ten minutes each ; but that which is most commonly adopted is by the ver- nier or nonius, the invention of Peter X'ernier, a Frenchman. This vernier consists of a piece of copper or brass, C D A B, fig. 6, which is a small portion of X, fig. 1, represented separately. The length, C D, is divided into twenty equal parts, and placed contiguously on a portion of the division of the limb of the quadrant, ASTRONOMY. 191 containing twenty-one divisions, and thereby di- viding their length into twenty equal parts. Thus the first division of the vernier piece nnrked 15, beginning at the point D, is a little backward, or to the left of the first division of the limb, equal to 13". 786. The second division of the vernier, is to the left of the second division of the limb double of tlie first difference, or 30" ; and so on to the twentieth, and last division on the left of the ver- nier piece; where the twenty differences being accumulated, each of the twentieth part of the di- vision of the limb, this last division will be found to agree exactly with the twenty-first division of the limb of the quadrant. The index must be pushed the twentieth part of a division, or 15" to the right; to make the second division on the ver- nier coincide witjj one of the divisions of the limb, in like manner in moving two 20ths, or 30", we must look at the second division of the index, and there will be a coincidence with a division of the limb. Thus tlie beginning, D, of the vernier, which is always the line of reckoning, has advan* oed two divisions, or 30" to the right, when the second division, marked 30 on the vernier, is seen to correspond exactly with one of the lines of the quadrant. 787. The plate of copper which carries the telescope, is placed on the side of the quadrant, and carries two verniers. The outer line CD di- vides five minutes into twenty parts, or 15" each. The interior line A B answers to the parts of ano- ther division, not having 90°, but 96 parts of the quadrant. It is usually adopted by English astro- nomers, on account of the facility of its subdivi- sions. Each of the 96 portions of the quad- rant is equivalent to 56' 15" of the usual divisions. It is divided on the limb into sixteen parts, and the arch of the vernier A B contains twenty-five of these divisions ; and being divided itself into twenty-four, immediately give parts, the value of each of which is 8" 47^"'. 788. 6. The portable astronomical quadrant is generally made from twelve to twenty-three inches. Fig. 2, plate XIII. represents one of brass, and strongly framed together by crossed perpendicular bars. The arch A C, and tele- scope E F, are divided and constructed in a simi- lar manner to the mural quadrant, but generally without the division of ninety-six parts. The counterpoise to the telescope T is represented at P, and also another counterpoise to the quadrant itself at P. The quadrant is fixed to a long axis, which goes into the pillar K R. Upon this axis is fixed an index, which points to, and subdi- vides by a vernier, the divisions of the azimuth circle, K. This azimuth circle is extremely use- ful for taking the azimuth of a celestial body, at the time its altitude is observed. Tlie upper end of the axis is firmly connected with the ad- justing frame G H ; and the pillar is supported on the crossed feet at the bottom of the pillar K 11, with the adjusting screws abed. 789. \V hen the instrument is erected for ob- servation, it is necessary that two adjustments be very accurately made ; one, that the place or sur- face of the instrument be truly perpendicular to the horizon ; the other, that the line supposed to be drawn from the centre to the first line of t!ie limb, be truly on a level or parallel with the ho- rizon. The first of these particulars is done bv means of the thread and plummet p ; the thread of which is usually of very fine silver wire, and is placed opposite to a mark made upon the end of tlie limb of the instrument. The four screws at the foot abed, are to be turned until a perfect coincidence is observed of the thread upon the mark, which is accurately observed by means of a small telescope T, that fits to the limb. The other adjustment is effected by means of the spirit-level L, which applies on the frame G 11, and the small screws turned as before until the bubble of air in the level settles in the mid- dle of the tube. The dotted tube E B is a kind of prover to the instrument ; for, observing at what mark the centre of it appears against, or, by putting up a mark against it, it will at any time discover if the instrument has been dis- placed. The screw S, at the index, is the regu- lating or adjusting screw, to move the telescope and index, during the observation, with the ut- most nicety. Sect. VII. — The Mural Circle. 790. Valuable as have been the services which the astronomical quadrant has rendered to astro- nomical science, its use, in modern times, has been altogether superseded by the muial circle, of which we shall row give the description and use: — 791. The circle, with its attached telescope, is made to revolve by means of a horizontal axis, which works in collars fixed in the stone wall. The plane of the circle, see plate X. fig. 3, is pa- rallel to the wall, but the graduations are made on the outer rim of the instrument, which rim is perpendicular to the wall. 792. Tliese graduations are viewed and read off by six microscopes fixed to the wall, one of which microscopes is represented at A, and the places of the five others (precisely similar to the former) are m.arked by the letters B, C, I), E, F. The microscopes are distant from each other sixty degrees, or so placed as nearly as can be by the instrument maker. 793. The rim is divided into equal parts of five minutes each, and the readings off to a less number of minutes, and to single seconds, are effected by the micrometer microscopes, A, B, &c. the construction of whicli is as follows : The microscope A, or micrometer microscope A, is directed, as it is shown in the figure, to the rim on which the graduations are made. Con- sider the object to the microscope to be one graduation of the instrument, or the space oc- cupied by five minutes. The image of this space will be formed in the conjugate focus of the object glass, and will be seen distinctly through the eye-glass of the microscope, when the above-mentioned image vs in its focus. In this latter focus (the focus of the eye-glass) are placed a thin indented slip of metal, and a wire capable of being moved in a parallel direction from one mark of division to another by means of a screw. The revolutions of the screw, and parts of its revolution, are noted by means of a screw-head and graduated plate. Now, it is desirable, for the more convenient noting of the 192 ASTRONOMY. results of observations, that by the five revolu- tions of the screw, the wire should be translated through the space occupied by five minutes ; in which case one revolution would answer to one minute, and one-sixtieth to a second. The mode of effecting this may be thus explained : — 794. Suppose tlie object-glass of the micros- cope being at a certain distance from the gra- duated rim, and there being distinct vision, that the moveable wire appears to be translated through the five minutes by five revolutions and a half of the screw. In such case the image of the five minutes is too small. It will be increased by moving the object-glass towards the graduated rim; the eye-glass, with its wire, &c. being ad- justed, by a separate morement, to distinct vi- sion. A second trial must now be made, to as- certain whether five revolutions of the screw are equal or not to the translation of the wire over the image of five minutes of the divided limb. If there is not an equality, the adjustments must be repeated till there be an exact correspondence, as considerable trouble is thereby saved in re- ducing the graduations of the screw-head to minutes and seconds. If the microscope of the micrometer were allowed to remain in its first state, then, since 5-5 revolutions = 5', one re- volution would equal 50.454" &c. 795. But, whatever be the value of a revolu- tion, the uses of the moveable wire and indented slip of brass are the same. A star is observed on the centre of the cross-wire of the telescope ; and on looking through the microscope, the in- dex, or slip of brass, occupies, probably, a place between two graduations. The wire moved from the index, either to the graduation above or be- low it, measures the distance of the index from that graduation by the revolutions of the screw- head. For convenience, each tooth of the in- dented brass answers to one minute, so that if the wire is moved from the index post, two teeth, and the index of the screw-head points to 37, then 2' 37" are to be added to, or subtracted from, the degrees and minutes which are read off by the eye without the aid of the micrometer. In every observation all the six microscopes are used, to diminish the errors of division, and the effects of partial expansion. 796. In reading off at the several microscopes, we need only to attend to ihe seconds. For, suppose a star to be in the pole, and the teles- cope directed to it, the whole circle must be turned round in the direction from B towards C, D, &c. ; and the end of the telescope, instead of being directed, as in the figure, to a point in the south, between B and C, will be directed to a point between D and A. If (the telescope being directed to the pole) the reading off at the mi- crometer A were 0° 0' 0", the index error would be 0. If the other microscopes, F, E, B, &:c. were placed exactly at equal distances, the lead- ing off at them would be 60°, 120°, 180°, 240°, 360°. This, however, is not likely to take place, the index error of each will probably be of some magnitude. The reading off at A, for instance, instead of being 0° 0' 0", may be -f 3", + 10", -f- 7" ; and in the same way the reading off at the other microscopes, from their not being placed at equal distances, or from inequality of graduation, partial expansion, or from all these causes conjoined, may be 60° ± 4" 60° ± 6", 120° + 9", 120°+ l",&c. 799. Suppose that, independently of the de- grees and minutes, the seconds at the six mi- croscopes were + 5", + 7", -f 4" -\- 12" + 8", -\- 9"; then these are the several index errors ; and if the polar distance of an observed star were read off only at one microscope, the in- dex error belonging to that microscope must be applied to the polar distance so read off. Thus, if only the microscope B were used, whose in- dex error is -|- 12", and the north polar distance of (S Ursa Minores, were read off, 195° 4' 46", then deducting 180° for the position of the mi- croscope, and 12" for the index error, we should have the north polar distance of the star :=. 50° 4' 34". 800. If all the six microscopes are used, the mean index error, or one-sixth of the several index errors, is applied to the result of the several readings. 801. The same illustration would serve if we suppose the telescope directed to a star whose polar distance is previously known. If, for ex- ample, we knew that the north polar distance of Polaris was 1° 41' 41-3" ; then if the micrometer A, marked 1° 41' 48'5", we should know that its index error was 7*2"; and the equation to be ap- plied to its observed north polar distance at that microscope — 7"2. In like manner we should know from the same star the index errors of the other microscopes, and thence the mean index error. 802. That the results from this instrument do not depend on the accurate positions of the mi- croscopes, may be easily shown. Suppose the telescope directed to the pole, and that the se- conds indicated by the micrometer A be 7", let B indicate b + 23"; C, c + 4; B, d + 5 ; E, e -(- 9, and F,_/" + 15; b, c, d, &c. denoting the degrees and minutes. Let X be the north polar distance of any star (Capella, for example, X being :^ 44° 12' 16"), and let the number of seconds in X be 16; so that, 3/ being the de- grees and minutes x zz y -\- 16"; then the in- strument being directed to Capella (and con- sequently turned through an angle X), and the errors of division, expansion, and uncertainties in reading off not being considered, the seconds at which \t will stand will be 23, B, 39; C, 20; D, 21 ; E, 25, and F, 31 ; one-sixth of the sum of which is 26-5", whence the north polar dis- tance of Capella by the instrument, is Y -|- 26-5" rr 44° 12' 26-5''; and consequently the mean index error 3/ -|- 26-5" — .r rr y -f 26-5" — y -|- 16"= 10-5. 803. The index error may be found in the same way by any other star, since x may be any angle ; and if the catalogues were exact, and the instrument perfect, the same index error would result from all stars. If, for instance, the seconds in X, instead of 16" were 36", we should still have the same index error 10-5". But in practice, the index error will be found different with different stars, both on account of the imperfection of the catalogues, the inaccuracy of graduation, and other defects in the instrument. The index error, therefore, is found from observations on a ASTRONOMY 193 great number of stars, and the mean of the whole of the errors so found, is considered as the ge- neral mean index error. 804. For the purpose of lessening the errors of division, the telescope can be shifted to dif- ferent parts of the circle, so that instead of the microscope A, nearly coinciding with O, when the telescope is pointed to the pole, it may point nearly to 10°, 20°, 30°, or any other degree of the circle. In this case the index error in se- conds, found as above, added to the degrees and minutes read off by the eye, is the index error of the microscope. 805. The mural circle, like the transit instru- ment, requires three adjustments, 1. Its axis must be made horizontal. 2. Its line of coUimation must be made perpendicular to the horizontal axis. 3. The line of coUimation must be made to move in the plane of the meridian. 806. The method of making the first adjust- ment is the same as that for making the like ad- justment in the transit instrument ; and as the two instruments are commonly used in conjunc- tion, we may use the transit instrument for bringing the plane of the circle and its telescope into the plane of the meridian. When a star is on the meridional wire of the transit instru- ment, move the mural circle, so that the star may be also on its middle wire. Observe, by the transit instrument, when a star in or near the zenith crosses the meridian, and if it is also at the same time on the middle vertical wire of the telescope of the mural circle, its line of coUima- tion is rightly adjusted. If a difference exists, adjust till an exact agreement takes place. 807. The great difficulties attending the veri- fication of the line of coUimation in the mural circle, wiU always prevent its becoming a good transit instrument; though, in this respect, it acts better than the telescope of the mural quad- rant, which slides along the limb of the quad- rant, whose plane cannot be made wholly on the plane of the meridian. 808. The mural circle is evidently sufficient to determine to the extent of 180°, the differ- ences of the declinations of stars south and north of the zenith of the observer. There must be two quadrants to effect the same object; and besides this advantage (that of a single instrument), the circle is better balanced, and its six microscopes, which are firmly fixed in a stone wall, together with the power of changing the position of the telescope, must, when we take the mean results of a great number of observations, in a great measure do away the errors of division or partial expansion. 809. The direct and special office of the mural circle is to determine the meridional anirular dis- tances of stars. But we may extend .the prin- ciple of its uses, and view the image of the pole star, by reflection, from a basin of quicksilver, and we thence obtain the angular distance be- tween the star and its image, which is twice the elevation of the star above the horizon. Hence its zenith distance becomes known, and the ze- nith distances of other stars are consequently readily given by the instrument. The circle in this application combines in itself die properties of the mural quadrant and zenith sector. It was Vol. III. first applied by the present astronomer royal, and it is one of the many improvements on practical astronomy for which the world is indebted tc that eminent, active, and unassuming astrono- mer. 810. The preceding is a concise description of the circle which Troughton fixed at the Royal Observatory. Some triflinsr differences between the results given by it and other instruments, lately induced government to have another made by Jones, which is now fixed to the west wall, five feet from the other circle. The agreement between them is almost perfect. 811. Dr. Brinkley of Dublin has a circle, and a very admirable one, which moves round a pil- lar, or azimuth; and consequently, in two days it determines double the zenith distance of any celestial object. He employs only three microscopes in reading off; but the principle of reading is the same as that which we have above described ; and a person who attentively con- siders what we have said on the subject of the Greenwich circle, will have no difficulty in com- prehending the method of using the Dublin one. 812. 8. The Astronomical or Equatorial Sector, is an instrument for finding the differ- ence, in right ascension and declination, between two objects ; the distance of which is too great to be observed by tlie micrometer, and was in- vented by Graham. Let A B, plate XIII. fig. 4, represent an arch of a circle containing ten or twelve degrees well divided, having a strong plate C D for its radius, fixed to the middle of the arch at D : let this radius be applied to the side of an axis HFI, and be movable about a joint fixed to it at F, so that the plane of the sector may be always parallel to the axis H I ; which being parallel to the axis of the earth, the plane of the sector will always be parallel to the plane of some hour circle. Let a telescope C E be movable about the centre C, of the arch AB, from one end of it to the other, by turning a screw at G ; and let the line of sight be parallel to the plane of the sector. Now, by turning the whole instrument about the axis H I, till the plane of it be successively directed, first to one of the stars and then to another, it is easy to move the sector about the joint F, into such a position, that the arch A B, when fixed, shall take in both the stars in their passage, by the plane of it, provided the difference of their de- clinations does not exceed the arch A B. Then, having fixed the plane of the sector a little to the westward of both the stars, move the tele- scope C E by the screw G ; and observe by a clock the time of each transit over the cross hairs, and also the degree and minutes upon the arch A B, cut by the index at each transit; then in the difference of the arches, the difference of the declinations, and by the difference of the times, we have the difference of the right ascen- sions of the stars. 813. The dimensions of this instrument are these : The length of the telescope, or the radius of the sector, is 2^ feet ; the breadth of tht radius, near the end C, is 1^ inch; and at the end D, two inches. The breadth of the limb, AB, is 1^ inch ; and its length six inches, con- taining ten degrees, divided into quarters, and () 194 ASTRONOMY. numbered from either end to the otlier. Tliu telescope carries a nonius or subdividing plate, whose length, bein.;- equal to sixteen quarters of a degree, is divided into fifteen equal parts ; which, in effect, divides the limb into minutes, and by estimation, mto smaller parts. The length of the square axis, li I F, is eighteen inches, and of the part HI twelve inches; and its thickness is about a quarter of an inch : the diameters of the circles are each five inches : the thickness of the plates, and the other mea- sures, may be taken at the direction of a work- man. 814. This instrument may be rectified, for making observations, in this manner : By placing the intersection of the cross hairs at the same distance from the plane of the sector, as the centre of the object-glass, the plane described by the line of sight, during the circular motion of the telescope upon the limb, will be suffici- ently tme, or free from conical curvity ; which may be examined, by suspending a long plumb- line at a convenient distance from the instru- ment ; and, by fixing the plane of the sector in a vertical position, and then by observing, while the telescope is moved by the screw along the limb, whether the cross hairs appear to move along the plumb-line. 815. The axis, hfo, fig. 5, may be elevated, nearly parallel to the axis of the earth, by means of a small common quadrant ; and its error may be corrected, by making the line of sight follow the circular motion of any of the circumpolar stars, while the whole instrument is moved about its axis, hfo, the telescope being fixed to the limb ; for this purpose, let the telescope /c / be directed to the star «, when it passes over the highest point of its diurnal circle, and let the division cut by the nonius be then noted: then, after twelve hours, when the star comes to the lowest point of its circle, having turned the in- strument half round its axis, to bring the tele- scope into the position m n ; if the cross hairs cover the same star supposed at b, the elevation of the axis, hfo, is exactly right; but, if it be necessary to move the telescope into the position u Vi in order to point to the star at c, the arch m 11, which measures the angle 711 fu or b fc, will be known ; and then the axis hfo must be depressed half the quantity of this given angle, if the star passed below b, or must be raised so much higher, if above it ; and then the trial must be repeated, till the true elevation of the axis be obtained. By making the like observations upon the same star on each side the pole, in the six o'clock hour circle, the error of the axis, toward the east or west, may also i)e found and corrected, till the cross hairs follow the star quite round the pole : for, supposing a p b c to be an arch of the meridian (or in the secondary practice of the six o'clock hour circle), make the angle afp equal to half an angle afc, and the line//) will point to the pole ; and the angle fp, which is the error of the axis, will be equal to half the angle b fc, or mfu, found by the observation; because tlie diff'erence of the two angles afb, a f c, is double the difi'erence of their halves a f o and afp. Unless the star be near the polo, allowance must be made for refractions. 81G. 9. Tiie transit instrument is used for observing objects as diey pass over tlio meridian, and consists of a telescope fixed at right angles to an horizontal axis, so supported that what is called the line of coUimation, or line of sight of the telescope, may move in the plane of the meridian. 817. Let AD, plate X. fig. 1, represent a telescope fixed, as it is represented in the figure, to an horizontal axis formed of two cones. The two small ends of these cones are gi'ound into two perfectly equal cylinders ; Avhich cylindrical ends are called pivots. These pivots rest on two angular bearings, in form like the upper part of a Y, and denominated Y's. The Y's are placed in two dove-tailed brass grooves, fastened in two stone pillars, E and W, so erected as to be per- fectly steady. One of the grooves is horizontal, the other vertical ; so tliat, by means of screws, one end of the axis may be pushed a little for- wards or backwards, and the other end may be either slightly depressed or elevated.. Which two small movements are necessary, as it will be soon explained, for two adjustments of the telescope. 818. Let E be called the eastern pillar, W the western. On the eastern end of the axis is fixed (so that it revolves with the axis) an index n, the upper part of which, when the telescope revolves, nearly slides along the graduated face of a circle ; attached, as it is shown in the figure, to the eastern pillar. The use of this part of the apparatus is to adjust the telescope to the zenith, or polar distance (for the one is as easily done as the other) of a star, the ti'ansit of which is to be observed. Thus, suppose the index of n to be at (in the upper part of the circle) when the telescope is horizontal ; then, by ele- vating the telescope, the index of 71 is moved downwards. Suppose the position to be that represented in the figure, then the number of degrees between o, and what the index of n marks, is the altitude of the telescope ; or we may so graduate the circle, that the index shall mark the telescope's zenith distance ; or, if we make the 0, the beginning of the graduation, to belong to that position of the telescope in which it is directed to the pole, the number of degrees, &c. between and any other position of the index, will mark either the telescope's polar distance, or if w3 please, may be made to mark the telescope's declination ; the telescope in all these cases being supposed to move in the plane of the meridian. 819. There are several other parts and con- trivances belonging to the instrument not shown in the figure ; for instance, one of the cones is hollowed ; and, opposite the orifice, there is placed in the pillar a lamp, which, throwing its light on a plane speculum, placed in the axis of the telescope, and inclined at an angle of 45°, illuminates the cross wires. It is usual, also, in large transits, to have counterpoises, by which the pressure of the pivots of the axis on the Y's is relieved. We will now explain the three principal adjustments of the transit. 820. 1. To make the axis on which the tele- scope moves, horizontal. 821. 2. To make the line of collimation move in a great vertical circle ; or, which is the same ASTRONOMY. 195 thing, to make it perpendicular to the horizontal axis. 822. 3. To make it move in that vertical circle which is the meridian. 823. The first adjustment is effected by means of a level; the figure A is intended to represent the level L, as hanging by means of its upright arms (bent, however, in their upper e.xtremities) on the two pivots of the axis. The principle, however, and mode of rendering any axis hori- zontal, by means of a level, may be best explained by the subjoined figure. 824. In plate X, fig. 2, the spirit-level (includ- ing in that term the brass tube that partly enve- lopes it, the horizontal bar to which it is affixed, and the two vertical arms by which it is hung on any cylinder or rod) is represented as hanging on a straight cylinder a h, the end towards a lying on a crotchet, which is capable of being raised or lowered by a screw B. The end A of the tube A D, which contains the level, is also capable of being lowered or raised by means of a screw at A, as is shown in the figure. 825. If a 6 were horizontal, and the tube of the spirit-level were parallel to a b, then the bubble would occupy the middle, or the two extremities of the bubble would be equidistant from the cen- tre, and would be, for instance, atf and c. The same thing would happen if the level were re- versed, that is, if it were taken off the rod, turned round, and again hung on ; so that d in the second position, should occupy the place that A did in the first, or should be to the right hand. But if a b, should not be horizontal, the above circum- stances cannot take place. Suppose the end a to be lower than the end b, then if the level should not be parallel to a b, the bubble might still stand in the middle, by the end at A being, by a certain quantity, higher than the end at B. But on reversing the level the bubble cannot occupy its middle ; since then, the lower part of the rod a b, and the lower part of the level, would both be situated at the right hand. The bubble, liowever, may not stand in the middle from two causes, the want of horizontality in « b, and the want of parallelism to it in the tube contained bet^veen AD. 826. If the level were parallel to a b, and the extremity of the bubble, instead of being at e, should l>e at h, on reversing the level, the other extremity of the bubble (which, by the reversion, would be towards a) would be at h; J k being equal to e h. But suppose this is found not to be tiie case, and that the extremity of tlie bubble, on reversing the level, is at n, then the circum- stance of the bubble not standing at the two points e andy", cannot arise solely from the end a being higher than b ; but the level cannot be par- allel io ab; and in the case we have put, the end at A must be lower than the end at D, when the level then is in the second or tlie reversed posi- tion ; so elevate the end at A, by means of the screw A, that the extremity of the bubble shall descend from n, and occupy a place intermediate to n and k, and then the level is made parallel to a b: this is tlie first adjustment. Next, by means of the screw B, so depress the end, a that the extremities of the bubble shall be (as they ought to be, e/ being the length of the bubble) at e and f; then is a i adjusted or made horizon- tal; this second adjustment completes the ope- ration. 827. In the preceding reasonings, a b has been considered (the whole of it) as cylindricaL But this is not necessary : it is sufficient if its extre- mities at a and b (the pivots), on which the level is hung, be equal cylinders, the axis of which lie in the same straight line. The intermediate parts of the axis of the transit between the pivots, may be of any form : they may be formed, as they generally are, of two cones. The preceding process then will render the axis of the transit horizontal ; the level, whether in its primary or in its reversed position, being supposed to be hung on the equally cylindrical pivots. 828. The axis bein'^ now horizontal, the next operation is to make the line of collimation de- scribe a great vertical circle, or, which is now the same thing, to make the line of collimation perpendicular to the axis of the transit. The telescope A D is furnished, like the telescope of the quadrant, with a system of cross-wires placed in the principal focus of the object-glass. Sup- pose the wires so placed, that the line of colli- mation is perpendicular to tlie axis of the tran- sit. If then a small and well-defined object be bisected by the centre of the cross-wires, it will still be bisected when the transit is lifted off its angular bearings, reversed and directed to the object ; that is, if the end of the axis carrying the index n, which is placed on the eastern Y, should be placed on the western. Let now the wires be deranged, so that their intersection is moved, not, as in the former case, in tlie plane of the meridian, but in a direction perpendicular to that plane, and suppose it moved a little to- wards the east. In thig case, the object before bisected is no longer so, but will be seen in the field of view a little to the west of the present centre of the cross-wires. Reverse the telescope, then the centre will be towards the west, and the original object will be seen a little to the east of the centre : as much towards the east as it was before towards the west. If, therefore, there should be two objects or marks (on the horizon, for instance,) bisected by the centre of the wires in the two positions of the transit, the correction or adjustment of the line of collimation would consist in moving the centre of the cross-wires half-way towards that object which is not on the centre. 829. But the moving the centre of the cross- wires half-way towards an object, is a matter of guess, and not of certainty. In order to ascer- tain whether, in moving tlie centre, we have ad- justed it rightly, we may avail ourselves of that angular bearing, or Y, which, by means of an horizontal groove and screw, we can move, toge- ther with the pivot of the axis, in azimuth. So move these then, that the object to wiiich we have already made the centre to approach half- way, may be exactly bisected by that centre. Reverse the transit, and the object and centre are either coincident, or very nearly so. If the latter be the case, again by their proper motion, move the centre of the wires half-way towards the object, and move it the other half-way by the screw that acts on the axis. Reverse the instru- O 2 196 ASTRONOMY. ment, and again, if it be necessary, repeat the above operations. 830. By these means, after a few trials, we are sure of making the line of collimation, or axis of vision, perpendicular to the axis of the transit ; and when that is effected, the cross-wires are no longer to be meddled with, although we must continue to use the above horizontal movement of the axis, for the purpose of placing the line of collimation in the plane of the meridian. That line now moves in a vertical circle, and produced passes through the zenith : it is farther necessary to make it pass through the pole. 831. The transit instrument is supported be- tween two fixed pillars. It must be supposed to be nearly in the meridian, and to need only some slight adjustments to place it there exactly. It would be easy to effect this, were the pole-star exactly in the pole ; for, then, it would be only requisite to bisect tliat star by the middle vertical cross-wire. But the pole-star being, in fact, a circumpolar one, we must compute, by means of existing tables and observations, tlie time of its transit ; and, at that computed time, bisect the star by the middle vertical wire. By these me- thods we may place the transit very nearly in the plane of the meridian. 832. We will now .show how to place it there more exactly by means either of the polar, or of any other circumpolar star. 833. The axis being horizontal, the optical axis perpendicular to it passes through the ze- nith : let Z P H in fig. 1, plate VI., be the true meridian, and Zsm the vertical circle described by the optical axis or line of collimation ; then H m, which is the measure of the angle at Z, is the deviation of the transit from the meridian. Let s s' s" a represent the circle described by a circumpolar star, which is seen through the transit telescope at o-, its inferior passage, and at s, its superior. Now, when the transit is not in the meridian, the time from o- to s cannot equal the time from s through s' and s" to a : for P being the pole, the former time is proportional to the angle 4 35 14 51 19-5 15 7 15-6 15 7 15-9 1 •ASTRONOMY. Astronomer JloyuVs Catalogue continued. CO I N. P. D. N. P. D. 1 No. Names of Stars. Right Ascension. Bradley's Refraction. French Refraction. Class. ! H. M. S. 36 15 27 120 62 41 0-8 62 41 1-6 1 37 15 35 33o 83 00 36-8 83 00 381 1 38 16 5 50 93 13 49-0 93 13 50-8 3 39 16 18 34-2 116 1 43-3 116 1 45-5 4 40 17 6 350 75 24 0-4 75 24 1-5 1 41 17 26 25-9 37 33 48-8 37 33 49-5 2 42 17 26 43-5 77 18 110 77 18 12-2 1 43 17 52 301 38 29 10-6 38 29 11-3 2 44 18 29 22-3 3 25 111 3 25 11-2 3 45 18 30 570 55 22 31-2 51 22 31-9 1 46 18 43 33-0 56 50 120 56 50 13-0 1 47 18 57 16-8 76 23 31-3 76 23 32-6 2 48 19 12 29-7 22 38 58-9 22 38 59-5 2 49 19 16 3-4-6 87 13 47'3 87 13 48-9 , 2 50 19 37 50-8 79 48 39-0 79 48 40-2 , 2 51 19 42 8-9 81 35 29-7 81 35 30-9 1 52 19 46 37-3 84 1 40-2 8-i 1 41-4 2 53 20 7 49-9 103 2 49-6 103 2 51-5 4 54 20 8 13-7 103 5 6-6 103 5 8-5 4 55 20 35 24-2 45 20 52-4 45 20 53-1 1 56 20 58 58-6 52 6 55-2 52 6 56-1 3 57 21 14 210 28 9 43-0 28 9 43-6 1 58 21 22 14-2 96 20 38.5 96 20 40-3 ' 2 59 21 26 20-4 20 12 53-9 20 12 54-3 1 60 21 56 41-5 91 10 31-3 91 10 33-0 1 61 22 55 57-2 75 44 41-7 75 44 42-9 1 62 23 59 15-6 61 53 12-5 61 53 13-2 I 1 INDEX. Aberration of light, discovered by Bradley, 56. 61. 373. Cause of, investigations respecting, formu- lae and tables for computing, 374 — 386. Adam supposed to have been acquainted with astro- nomy, 3. Almagest, compiled by Ptolemy, 31. Commented on by Purbach, 38. and completed by Muller, 39. Alphonsine tables composed, 37. and corrected, 38. Altitude of the sun observed by Pythoas, 27. Amazon river, five high, and four low tides in, at once, 480. Americans acquainted with astronomy, 17. Anni'al motion of the earth illustrated, 410 — 413. Anomaly, mean and true, 602. Eccentric, 604. To find true on terms of mean, 604—609. Antarctic circles defined, 418. Antediluvians acquainted with astronomy, 3 — 5. Anticipation of the equinoxes, 429 — 431. Aphelion or Apside of the planets, 601. Method of finding place and motion of, 610. 617. 647. Table of places of, 235. Apogee, motion of the sun's, computed by Albateg- nius, 33. Defined, 353. 360. Arabians cultivated astronomy, 32, 33. Aracta, ubles formed for the meridian of, 33. Arctic circle defined, 416. Arctuki's, half a degree more southerly than ob- served by the ancients, 208. Armillary sphere erected at Alexandria, 28. Ascending node of planets, table of places of, 234. Denned, 335. 673. Aspects of the planets, 340. Astronomical instruments described, 776 — 862. Quadrants, 780—789. Mural circle, 790—811. Equatorial sector, 812 — 815. Transit Instru- ment, 816 — 850. Equatorial, 851 — 861. Ma- chinery for illustration, 762 — 775. Astronomical Society of London, 74. 180. Astronomy, etj-mology of, definition of, sublimity and usefulness, 2. Antiquity of, 3 — 19. History of, 3—76. Various systems of, 210. 218. True system of, 219. 235. Athenians erect a statue to Berosus the astronomer, 27. Atlantic Ocean, tides on the, less than on the Paci- fic, 479. Atmosphere, lunar, 170. Supposed to have tides, 483. Light refracted by it, 501—511. Atmospheres, Venus and Mars have, 112, 113. Doubtful whether Mercury has one. 111. Atkinson on refraction, 510,511. Attraction of the great mountains affects the plumb line, 60. Dr. Herschel's ideas of the effects of attraction of the heavenly bodies, 194. 200. Its power supposed to be balanced by projectile forces, 207. Effects of attraction on the motions of the planets, 254. 327. Attractive force, law of, between difi'ercnt planets, 303—314. 202 ASTRONOMY. Axis of the earth described, 369. 420. Azimuth circle, utility of the, 788. Method of ad- justing, 855. Baltic sea has no sensible tides, 482. Bearded comet explained, 145. Belts. See Jupiter. Benares, a celebrated observatory at, 13. Black sea has no sensible tides, 482. Bodies of the sun and planets described, 303 — 307. Bode, remarkable analogy among the distances of the planets noticed by, 141. Brinkley, 503.588. Bull's eye, more southerly than the ancients placed it, 208. Calippic period corrected by Hipparchus, 30. Cambridge observatory, 75. Cartesian system, 218. Caspian sea has no sensible tides, 482. Celestial bodies, appearances of the, as ocn by the naked eye, 77 — 97. Or seen through telescopes, 98—149. Central forces, 236 — 247. Application of to the planetary theory, 248 — 253. Obeyed by comets, 253. Ceres, 69. 114 Chaldea, a country proper for astronomical observa- tion, 18. Chaldeans, early astronomers, 12. 18, 19. Chinese, said to have been taught astronomy by Noah, 7. Their superstition, 756. Chronology, eclipses useful in, 757. Circles, described by the planets, 328 — 336. Clairault computed the orbit of a comet, 178, 179. Cold, cause of in winter, 423 — 425. Comets, written on by Mullar, 39. Observed by Wer- ner, 41. And Hevelius, 44. Paths of, discovered by Kepler, 43. Places of observed, and elements com- puted by Bradley, 61. Number and appearancesto the eye, 87. Apparent magnitude, 88. Appear- ances through telescopes, 142 — 146. Of their tails, 144 — -146. Fancies respecting, 172. Perihelion distances, 175. Conjectures respecting tails, 176. Methods of determining the orbits of, 294 — 302. Resistance of aether inferred from the motion of Guke's, 180. Commutation, angle of, 624. Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn observed by Tycho Brahe, 47. Conjunctions of planets, 340, 341. Constellations, number of the Chinese, 7. How marked, 8. When first used by the Greeks, 22, 23. Names of the ancient, 595. And of tlie modern, 596, 597. Number of stars in each, 595^97. COPERNICAN System published, 42. Improved, 43. Account of, 219 — 235. Much opposed at first, 220. Confirmed by Newton, 221. Corpuscle, attraction of a line on, 313. Of a plane on, 314. Of a sphere on, 315. Crabtree, Mr. sees the first transit of Venus ever observed, 51. 583. Crystalline heavens, an erroneous notion in the Ptolemaic system, 213. Curtate distance, 625. Darkness, extraordinary, supposed to be caused by comets, 761. Declination, sun's, table of, 550, Principal fixed stars, 863. Deluge, supposed to have been caused by a comet, 177. Density of the whole matter on the earth, 67. Pro- portional of the sun and planets, 235. 320 — 327, DESCENDING node defined, 673. Diameter of the sun and planets, 234. Dichotomy of the moon, used by Aristarchus to de- termine the sun's distance, 28. Direct motion of a planet defined, 357. Diurnal rotations of the sun and planets, 234. Of the earth illustrated, 410 — 413. Disturbing etTccts of planets on each other, more easily computed from their smallness with respect to the sun, 266. Double stars, some, revolve round each other, 186. Herschel and South on motions of, 71. Druids early astronomers, 27. Earth, figure of the, dispute concerning, 60. Mean density of matter in it, 67. The motion of main- tained by Pythagoras and Nicetas, 219. Its revo- lution, diurnal motion, proportional density, &c. 233. 235. 327. Distance from the sun, 366. Diameter and motion, ib. Form, 366 — 368. Angle of its axis, 369. Its motion round the sun proved, 370 — 386. Objection, 387. Revolves on its axis, 383—409. Its motions illustrated, 411—431. Appears as a moon to the Lunarians, and the largest body in the universe, 435. Irregularity of the form of its orbit, 276. Eccentricities of the planets, 233. Method of finding, 648. Eccentrics, a term used in the Ptolemaic system, 214. Eclipses, the theory of, known to the Chinese, 9. Accounts of, collected by Hipparchus, 50. Prc- liminai-y observations respecting, 666 — 678. Rules and examples for calculating, 679 — -745. For a general solar eclipse, 746 — 753. Eclipses of Ju- piter's satellites, 25 — 760. Cometary eclipses, 761. Causes of explained, 772. Ecliptic, obliquity of the, in Ptolemy's time, 28. Fixed by Albategnius, 33. Observed by Arzachel, 34. Corrected by Werner, 41. Derivation of the name, 330. To find the obliquity of, 331. 333. 563, 564. Periodical variation in obliquity, 393. Comprehended in the zodiac, 593. Egypt, a country adapted to astronomical observa- tions, 13. Elliptical orbits of the planets discovered by Kep- ler, 48. Of Saturn's satellites, 136. Of comets, very eccentric, 225. Elongation, greatest of inferior planets, 235. De- fined, 362—629. Ephemerides, made by Purbach, 38. Epicycle, a term in the Ptolemaic system, 214. Equation of centre, 607, 608. Equation of time, table of, 543. Auxiliary table for reducing to subsequent year, 54. Equatorial described, 851 — -862. Equinoctial, obliquity of the, 420. Cause of the seasons, 420. Equinoctial point, method of finding the, 565. Equinoxes, precession of the, 33 — 41. Evening star, 83. FacULjE of the sun explained, 103. Falling bodies, velocity of, 273, 274. Fields of stars defined, 188. Fixed stars, table of proper motions of, 209. Cata- logue of principal, 865. Fo-HE, emperor of China, taught the Chinese astro- nomy, 7. Forces, central, 236. 242. 247. Galaxy. See Milky Way. - Geocentric latitude defined, 334. Geocentric motion explained, 342, 343. 351. Geocentric observations, method of reducing to he- liocentric, 618, 625. ASTRONOMY. 203 Georgian planet, Georgium Sidus, Uranus, or Her- scliel, discovered by Herschel, 139. Apparent mag- nitude, ib. Diameter, ib. Periodic revolution, ib. Has six satellites, ib. Remarkable peculiarity in the position of their orbits, ib. Theoretical deduc- tion of La Place respecting, ib. Periods and elon- gations of satellites, 140. Gnomon, the use of a, known to the Chinese, 9. Used by Pythoas, 27. One erected at Bologna, 58. Gravitation defined, 260. Its efl'ects on the pla- nets, 261—269. 307. And satellites, 270—277. On the moon in particular, 275—285. Illustrated, 286 — 292. Is ditl'uscd through the substance of the celestial bodies, 303 — 318. Greeks, probable origin of their astronomy, 22 — 25. Viiruvius's account of it, 27. Halley, Dr. examines Hevelius's instruments, and makes observations along with him, 53. Makes a catalogue of the fixed stars ; discovers the accel- eration of the Hioon ; points out the method of find- ing the distance of the sun from the transit of Ve- nus, 59. Harding, discovered Juno, 69. Harvest moon, rises sooner than any other, 486. Reasons of this, 487 — 492. Goes through a course of more and less beneficial states, 493. Heat, formula for determining time of day when greatest, 426. Heavens, general appearance of the, 80. Divisions of the starry, 589 — 597. Heliocentric circle defined and described, 323 — 330. Heliocentric latitude defined, 334. Herschel, Dr. improves refiecting telescopes, 57. Constructs very powerful ones, and discovers a new planet, with satellites, 68. His observations on Venus, 112. And on Mars, 113. Sees a satellite and its shadow both on the disk of Jupiter, 125. Discovers the double ring of Saturn, 131 — 133. A sixth and seventh satellite, 134. And vast num- bers of nebula, 146. Observes eruptions of the lu- nar volcanoes, 167. Forms a new theory of the universe, 187. His theory of the heavens^ 195 — 203. Proposes a method of determining the pa- rallax of the fixed stars, 586. Herschel, Jun, on double stars, 71. Herschel, the new planet, so named by foreign as- stronoraers, 63. See Georgium Sidus. High water, to find the time of, 484, 485. Horizontal parallax defined, 566. How to find it, 567. Horizontal sun and moon, apparent magnitude of the, 494. Accounted for by Alhazen, 495. Des- cartes and Wallis, 496, 497. Dr. Desaguliers, 498. And Dr. Smith, 499. Probable cause of, 500. HUENNAjTycho Brahe builds an observatory on, 47. Inclinations of the planetary orbits to the ecliptic, 234. Indians early astronomers, 13. Inferior planets defined, 227 — 335. Instruments, astronomical, described, 776— 862. Jones, constructed Greenwich mural circle, 790. Italy, great astronomers in, 63. Julian year, excess of the, above the solar, 430. Juno, 116. Jupiter, phenomena of, eclipses of, satellites of, 25. Conjunction of, with Saturn observed, 47. Occul- tation of, by the moon, 53. Eclipses of, by his sa- tellites, observed by Cassini, 54. Theory of his satellites still imperfect, 62. His appearance to the eye, 85. And through a telescope, 118. .\ satellite and its shadow seen on the planet at the same time, 125. Revolution of satellites on their axes, 126. Remarkable connexion among their periodic times, 127. Spots observed on him, 118. His figure and rotation, 119. His four satellites, 120. Account of these phenomena, 127. Other phenomena, 231. 233,234, 235. Attractive power of Jupiter, 271, 272. Motion of light, from Jupi- ter to the earth, 374. Eclipses of his satellites very frequent, useful in finding the longitude, 760. Kater observed a volcanic appearance in the moon, 167. Kepler and Newton's discoveries, distinctive natun^ of, 254. Kepler's laws,255— 257.— Illustrated, 259, 260. Latitude of a planet defined, 334. Methods of computing, 620. Terrestrial, methods of finding, 561, 562, Libration, 109. 447. Light, progressive motion of, discovered, 58. 373. Proportion of, in the planets, 235. Velocity and alienation of, 376 — 387. Aflords evidence of the motion of the earth, 395. 408 — -411. Illustrated, 411 — 413, Quantity of, afTordcd by the earth to the moon, 435. Refraction of by the atmosphere , 500—516. Local zodiac described, 336. London bridge, time of tides arriving at, 480. Longitude, method of finding the, proposed by Werner, 41. By Dr. Halley, 59. Has since been carried into execution, ib. Longitude of a celestial phenomenon defined, 333. Method of computing, 620. Of places easily found in the moon, 438. Erlipses useful in determining it, 661, 664. Lunar eclipses, two, at least, happen annually, 698. One visible, the other not, 699. Rules for calcu- lating, 706—724. Exemplified, 772. Lunar tables computed, 62. When the moon's place is most correctly in the syzygies, 723, 724. Lunarians, app.arance of the earth to the, 435, 436. 442. Have always equal day and night, 437—439. Lunations, no complete number of, finished without a fraction, 676. See MoON. Machinery, astronomical, described, 762 — 775. Maculae of the sun defined, 103. Magnitudes of the celestial bodies, 561 — 588. Of the stars distinguished, 589. Mars, his appearance to the eye, color, and other phenomena, 84. Appearance through a telescope, 113. Rules for deducing his distance, 575, 576. Obliquity of axis of rotation, appearance of snow about poles of, 113. Marseilles, the gnomon early used at, 27. Matter, universal attraction of, proved, 67. 262. 303. 318. Diversity of, in the earth, 67. 262. And planets, 320—327. Mean distances of the planets, 233. Mediterranean sea has no tides, 482. Mercury, appearance of, to the eye, 82. Through a telescope, 110. Mountains in, 1 11. Has phases similar to those of the moon, 231. Seen in con- junction with the sun, 345. And passing over his disk, 346. Table of occultations of, 665. Meridian, rules for finding the, 517 — 522. To place a transit instrument in, 831 — 839. MlCROTNlETER improved, 57. Necessary for measur- ing small angular, distances, 779. Milky way, appearance of the, 96. Dr. Herschel discovers innumerable nmltitudes of stars in it ; he views it by fields, 188. And supposes the sun to be set, 192. Gauges it, 194. 204 ASTRONOMY. ftfooN, acceleration of the, determined by Ebn. Younis's observations, 34. Discovered by Halley, 59. Her appearance to the eye, 78. And through a telescope, 109. Great inequalities on her sur- face, 165. Supposed to be mountainous ; attempts made to measure their height, 166. Volcano ob- served in her by Kater, 167. Also by others, ib. Dr. Herschel's estimate of the height of the lunar mountains, 166. Conjectures respecting the moon's substance, 168. And her spots, 169. Atmos- phere of, discovered by Ramage, Ross, and Corn- field, 170. Enquiry whether the moon is inha- bited, 171. Her orbit and motion, 271, 272. Il- lustrated, 273 — 292. Her conjunction, 340, 341. And peculiar phenomena, 432 — 449. She influ- ences the tides, 450 — 482. Proportion of her power to that of the sun in moving the sea, 459. Her appearance at the full in harvest, 486. Causes of it, 487—493. Appearance near the horizon, 494. Various reasons assigned for it, 490 — 500. Causes of her eclipses, 666 — 678. Rules for com- puting them, 680 — 724. To find her way from the sun, 725—730. Her color, &c. during an eclipse, 754, 755. Her distance from the earth less than formerly, 758. Her various phases exemplified, 768. 770. 772. Method of delineating her visible disk, 447. Parallaxes indicate the shape of the earth, 578. Morning star, 83. Motion, planetary, laws of, 255— 259. 344. 364. Of light, 373—386. Motions of comets, 293—302. Of planets, in ante- cedence and consequence, defined, 336. Direct, 344. 357. And retrograde, 344—358. Pro- gressive of light, 408, 409. Annual and diurnal, of the earth, 410—413. 531. Mural quadrant described, 781 — 787. Mural circle, and its uses, described, 790 — 811. Nautical almanack, or Nautical Ephemeris, annually published, 62—66. Neap tides, cause of the, 455. 472. 476. NebuLjE explained, vast numbers of, discovered by Herschel, 149. His account of them, 188 — 205. New stars, accounts of several, 90 — 95. Newton, Sir Isaac, constructs reflectors with sphe- rical speculums, 55. Brings theoretical astronomy to perfection, 56. Determines the figure of the earth, 60. Confirms the Copernican system, and lays down the fundamental laws of motion and gravity, 221. Nodes defined, 621. Method of finding when a planet is in, ib. To find the motion of the moon's, 289, 290. Line of the nodes defined, 335. NoNAGESiMAL degree defined, 443. North Pole star, appearance of the, 79, 80. Nutation, natural, and cause of, 401. Formula and tables for computing, 402 — 407. Obliquity of ecliptic, periodical variation in, 393. Method of finding, 563, 564. Observatories, the towers of Babel and Belus sup- posed to have been, and the pyramids of Egypt, probably used as such, 18. Observatory, principal instruments m, described, 776—862. Observatory, portable or eijuatorial, described, 851—862. Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon, observed, 53. 170. And of Saturn, ib. Octants of the moon described, 440. Oliers discovered Pallas and Vesta, 69. Opposition defined, 340. Mark of, 341. Orbits of the planets, inclination of the, to the eclip- tic, 234. Of tho moon, 286—291. Method of finding the form of, 644. Inclination of, 643. Ec- centricity, 648. Place of a planet in an elliptical orbit, 598—609. Orion, number of stars in, 148. Orrery, erected by Archimedes, 30. Description ol the grand, made for King George I., 762 — 764.. Of Mr. Ferguson's, 765—772. OsYMANDlUS, an astronomical circle on the monu- ment of, 18. Pallas, 69. 115. Parallax of planets, methods of determining, 577, Of fixed stars, no sensible quantity, 588. Parabola of a comet, method of finding the, 297 — 302. Pendulum, a test of velocity, 274. Cause of its vibration, 304. Vibrates most quickly near the poles, 397. Pendulum clock, 777. Penumbra, method of finding the place first or last touched by, 752. Perigee defined, 353—360. Period of eclipses, 676. See Eclipses. Periodical revolutions, 233. 630. Pisces and Aries, appearance of the moon in, 487^ 492. PlAZZi discovered Ceres, 69. Planetarium erected by Archimedes, 29. Mr. Jones's described, 771. Planets, a theory of the, written by Muller, 39. Their appearance to the eye, 81 — 86. Number, 81. Apparent magnitudes and motions, 86. Their names and order, 222 — 227. Are all opaque bo- dies, 230. Their periods, distances, and eccentri- cities, 233. Secondary planets, 270—292. Their circles defined and described, 328 — 333. 336. Their latitude, 334 — 337. Method of computing lati- tude of, 620. Longitude, 357. Method of com- puting, 620. Conjunctions, oppositions, and as- pects, 340 — 349. Stationary appearances, 350. 354. Motions, 355, 356. Direct, 357. Retro- grade, 358. In apogee and perigee, 353. 360. Periods of return, 361 — 364. Methods of finding the parallax of the planets, 566 — 579. Their dis- tances, 580—582. 609. 630—649. Periodic times, 630. Method of computing densities, 320 — 326. Comparative view of densities, 327. Pleiades, number of stars in, 148. Pole, to find the place of, in projecting a solar eclipse, 750. Poles of the earth, bodies heaviest when near, 397. Pond, astronomer royal, 71, 588. Precession of the equinoxes, 390 — 392. Table and formulae for computing effect of, 394 — 396. Progressive motion of light proves the motion of the earth, 373—386. Projectile forces, supposed by Dr. Herschel to counteract the power of attraction, 207. Rendered probable by changes in the positions of stars, 208. Proportional distances of the planets from the sun, 233, Proportions of light, heat, bulk, and density of the planets, 235. Pythagorean system of astronomy, taught by Phil- olaus, 25. And by Aristarchus,28. Carried into Italy, Gaul, and Egypt, 26, 27. Restored by Co- pernicus, 42. 218. Pythagoras held comets to be of the nature of planets, 172. Quadrant, mural, described, 781 — 787. Quadrant, portable, described, 788, 789. Quadrant, reflecting, invented, 56. ASTRONOMY. 205 QCADRATURE defined, 340, 341. Radius, vector, 601. Method of finding length of, 609. 649. Refraction of light by the atmosphere, 501. Il- lustrated, 502. Method of computing by Brinkley, 504 — 509. Table of mean refractions, by Mr. Henry Atkinson, 511. Refractions, the use of, in astronomy, shown by Alhazen, 34. And Vitello,37. Retrograde motion of a planet defined, 344. Revolution of the heavens, only an apparent mo- tion, 409. Revolution, synodical, method of determining, 650—656. Right Ascension, method of computing, of the stars, 620. Table of principal, 865. Of the sun, 558. 560. Ring. See Saturn. To find the form of, 137. Samarcand, the latitude of, determined by Llug Beg, 35. Satellites, four revolve round Jupiter, 120. Seven round Satum, 134. And six round Herschcl, 139. Saturn, his ring discovered, 50. 128. And five of his satellites, 54. His appearance to the naked eye, 85. And through a telescope, 128. His ring described, 129, 130. Found by Dr. Hershel to be double, 131. Not changeable, 132. Period of his revolution, 133. Seven satellites, 134. Their periodical revolutions and distances from Sa- turn, and greatest angular distance as seen from the earth, 135. Table to determine the apparent form of the ring, and of the orbits of satellites, 137, 138. Mutual attraction between Jupiter and Saturn, 267, 268. Their power, 272. Schroeter, 111. 113. Sea, the ebbing and flowing of the, causes of, 450. 483. Seasons, causes of the, 414. 423. Had fallen back from the error of the Gregorian oilendar, 430. Rectified by the new style, ib. 431. Sector, equatorial, described, 812. 815. Semita Luminosa, or zodiacal light, 150 — 152. Semi Tychonic system, 217. Sextile, definition and marks of, 341. Shadow of the earth always round, 367. Siderial days defined, 525. Signs, Chinese names of the, 7. Defined, 336. Solar days defined, 525. Solar eclipses, of the shadow of the penumbra in, 687—693. When they can happen, 695. Num- ber that may happen in a year, 698. Rules for computing, 731 — 753. Solar noon, deviation of the, from the clock, 541. Solar systems, ours, in motion, 208. Synoptic view of 222— 227. Solar systems, space universally filled with, 183. Southern constellations, 596. Stars, fixed, catalogues of the, made by Hipparchus, 30. Ulug Beg, 35. William IV. of Hesse, 46. Tytho Brahe, 47. Flamsteed, 58. Halley, 59. Hcirschel, 68. Their aberration discovered, 56. Apjjearances to the eye, 79 — 81. Most numerous in the northern partof the heavens, 79 — 31. Liable to changes. 89. Their appearance through teles- copes, 147, 14b. Supposed to be suns, 181 — 186. Dr. Horschel's theory, 187. Observations of in- numerable multitudes of stars, 188 — 205. His in- ferences, 205 — 208. Apparent changes of stars, ib. Are situated at an immense distance, shine by their own native light, 228. No method yet found to ascertain their distance, 584. Conjecture as to it, 585. Dr. Herschel's method, 586. Still in- sufficient, 587. Divisions of the stars, 589 — 597. Number of, in different constellations, 595 — 597. Table of proper motion of, 209. Catalogue of prin- cipal, 865. Style, reason for the change of, 430, 431. Sun, spots on the, discovered, 50. His parallax and distance computed, 64. His appearance to the eye, 77. And through a telescope, 98 — 108. His spots observed by Galileo Scheiner, and Harriot, about the same time, 98, 99. Variety of aimcn- sions, 100. Subject to increase and diminution, 101 — 103. Their velocity and uniform motion from east to west, 104. Other phenomena attending them 105 — 108. Dr. Long's account of them, 154. To find the time of their revolutions, 156, 157. Dii- ferent opinions concerning them, 158. Dr. Wilson, 159 — 164. The sun supposed not to be in the centre of the universe, 192. Is at an immense distance, 229. Mutual gravitation between the sun and planets, 260 — 269. Action rif the sun oa the secondary planets, 270 — 292. Proportion of his action on both, 306 — 318. His conjunctions with the planets, 340 — 364. Is immensely largi r than the earth, 370, 371. Proofs that the earth revolves round the sun, 371 — 413. And that the sun revolves on his axis, 388, 389. He is higher in summer than in winter, 421. And more dis- tant, 423. Reasons for the greater heat in sum- mer, 423 — 426. Periods of his completing a tro- pical revolution, 427. Appears to fall back with respect to the stars, 428. Reasons for the ap- parent increase of magnitude near the horizon, 494 — 500. The motion of the sun illustrated by supposing a fictitious sun moving in the equator, 533 — 541. The sun's parallax the most important problem in astronomy, 532. Table of the sun's declination for 1824 ; with auxiliary table to find it for subsequent years, 550, 551. To find the moon's way from the sun in eclipses, 725 — 730. to calculate eclipses of the sun, 731 — 753. Synopsis of the sun and planets, 232 — 235. Systems of astronomy, account of the most famous, 210 — 227. Of the Pythagorean, 212. Ptolemaic, 213,214. Tychonic," 216. Semi Tychonic, 217. Cartesian, 218. And Copernican, 219—227. Tables, astronomical, published, 37. 48. 59. 62. Telescopes, improvement of, 54 — 57. Various kinds of, used by astronomers, 778. 784. 816. To point the telescope of an equatorial to a star, 861. Telescopic stars defined, 589. Tides, theory of, 450 — 483. Causes of the spring and neap, 455. 472. 475, 476. Tides supposed in the atmosphere, 483. Time, methods of finding, 526 — 529. Equation of time, table of, 543, 544. Illustration of equation of time, 533 — 536. Explanation of, 537 — 541. Time keeper, recommended by Frisius to determme the longitude, 45. Trajectorium Lunare, described, 773 — 775. Transit instrument, description and use of, 817 —850. Transits of inferior planets over the sun ; intervals at which they may happen, 657. 663. List of transits of Venus, 664. Of Mercury, 665. Tropic of Cancer described, 416. Of Capricorn, 418. TroUGHTON, maker of one of the Greenwicn mural circles, 71. Twilight, cause of the, 512. Method of determin- ing the time of shortest at any place, 513 — 515. Tychonic system, account of the, 216. Velocity of the spots on the sun, 104. Of comets, greatest in their perihelion, 174. Of bodies, pbeno- AST 206 AST mena of the, 237. 273. 274. Of the earth, 386. Of light. 396. V^ENUS, the first transit of, ever observed, 51. The second and third observed at various places, inferences, 64. Her appearance to the eye, 83. And through a telescope ; her phases and changes similar to those observed in the moon were first observed by Galileo ; Dr. Herschel's ob- servations and inferences ; she has an atmos- phere, and is probably a little larger than the earth, 112. Mountains in her, seen by Schroeter, 113. Periods of her transits, 346. 664. Her motions, 361, 362. Methods of deducing her pa- rallax, 571, 572. 581, 582. Advantage of observ- ing her transits, 582. Account of those that have been observed, 583. Vernier described, 785, 786. Vesta, 69, 117. Vibration of pendulums, cause of the, 304. Visible disk, moon's, method of delineating, 447. Visible eclipses, number of, in the year, 699. Umbrae in the sun defined, 106, 107. Unformed stars defined, 590. Uramburg, built by Tycho Brahe, 47. Uranometria, a work published by Bayer, 49. Ursa, major and minor, number of stars in, 595. Whiston, conjecture of, respecting comets, 177. XiPHlAS, number of stars in the constellation, 596. Year, the grand, Josephus's mention of, 4. Cassini'* remark on, 5. The tropical and siderial defined, 427. Civil and solar difference of, 429, 430. Rectified by the change of style, 430, 431. Zenith sector, invented by Graham, 56. Zodiac, Chinese divisions of the, 7. Etymology and definition of, 330. Division of, astral and local defined, 336. Extent of, 593. Zodiacal light, discovered by Cassini, 150. De- scribed, 151 — 153. Reason for supposing that it is not connected with the solar atmosphere, 152. Zones, or belts round Jupiter, 54. 118. ASTROPECTEN, in natural history, a species of star fisli, composed of a central nucleus, fur- rowed like the shell of the common scallop, and parting into five principal rays, from each of which issue several ti-ansverse processes, covered with a hairy down. ASTROPODIA, the star-stone. SeeAsTERiA. ASTROSCOPE, an astronomical instrument, composed of two cones, on whose surface the constellations, with their stars, are delineated, by means whereof the stars may easily be known. ASTROSCOPIA, the art of examining the stars by telescopes. Huygens improved this art considerably. See his Astroscopia Compendiaria. ASTROTHEMATA, in astrology, the posi- tions of the stars in a theme of the heavens. ASTRUC (John), a celebrated French phy- sician, was born in 1684, at the little town of Sauve in Languedoc. He studied at the univer- sity of Montpelier, and in 1717 was in great re- pute there as a teacher of medic'ne. His fame became so considerable that the king assigned him an annual salary, and appointed him to superintend the mineral waters in Languedoc. As Montpelier, however, did not aflbrd sufficient scope for his genius, he removed to Paris, but soon after left it, having in 1729 accepted the office of first physician to the king of Poland. Upon the death of the celebrated Geoffroy, in 1731, he was appointed Regius Professor of medicine at Paris. Of his numerous writings the following are the principal : 1 . De Morbis Vene- reis. 2. Memoirs relative to the Natural History of Languedoc. 3. A Treatise on Pathology. 4. On Therapeutics. 5. On the Inoculation for the Small-pox. 6. On Tumors and Ulcers. 7. Ori'^ine de la Paste. 8. De motu Musculari. 0. L'Art de I'Accoucheur. 10. De motus Fer- inentativi. 11. Memoire sur la Digestion. 12. On the diseases of Women. The first and last have been translated into English. He died universally regretted, on the 15th of May 1766, in the eighty-second year of his age. ASTRUM, or Astron, a constellation, or as- semblage of stars ; as distinguished from aster, a single star. ASTRUT'. On strut. See Strut. What good can the great gloton do w« his bely standing a strote lik-e a taber, and liis noil toty with drink. Sir Thos. More, fol. 98. Inflated and astrut with self conceit. He gulps the windy diet ; and ere long. Adopting their mistake, profoundly thinks The world was made in vain, if not for him. Cowper. The Task, book v. ASTURA, in ancient geography, a town of Italy, in the Campagna di Roma, which had a good harbour. Cicero lost his life in it, and prince Conradin, last heir of the house of Hohen- stausen, was taken prisoner here in 1268. ASTURIA, an ancient kingdom of Spain, subdued by Augustus emperor of Rome. ASTURIANS,thebrave inhabitants of Asturia, who, along with those of Cantabria, asserted their liberty long after the rest of Spain had submitted to the Roman yoke. So great was their desire of liberty, that, after being closely shut up by the Roman aimy, they endured the most terrible calamities of famine, even to the devouring of one another, rather than submit to the enemy. At length, however, the Asturians proposed to surrender ; but the Cantabrians opposed the mea- sure, and maintained that tliey ought rather to die sword in hand. Upon this the two nations quarrelled, notwithstanding their desperate situa- tion; and a battle ensuing, 10,000 of the Astu- rians were driven to the entrenchments of the Romans, whom they begged, in the most moving manner, to receive them on any terms. But Tiberius refusing to admit them into the camp, some of these unhappy people put an end to their lives by falling on their own swords ; others, lighting great fires, threw themselves into them, while some poisoned themselves by drinking the juice of a venemous herb. The campaign being closed by the winter, the next year the Asturians summoned all their strength against the Romans ; but, after frequent eflbrts, sometimes in conjunc- tion with the Cantabrians, diey were reduced by the imperial armies, and submitted to the Roman power till the subversion of that empire by the Goths. AST 207 ASY ASTURIA, or Asturias, anciently tlie king- dom of Astoria, is now a principality of modern Spain. It is bounded by Biscay on the east, Galiciaon the west, Castile and Old Leon on the south, and the sea on the north. Its greatest length is about 120 miles, and its breadth 54. On the south it is separated from Castile and ( )ld Leon by high mountains covered with woods. The provmce is tolerably fertile, but is thinly in- liabited. It has mines of gold, lapis lazuli, and vermilion. The liereditary prince of Spain is styled Prince of the Asturias ; the infant Don Henriquez, son of John I. of Castile, being the first who took that title in 1388. This princi- pality is commonly divided into Asturia d'Oviedo, and Asturia de Santillana, so called from their principal towns ; the former occupying two-thirds of the principality to the west, and being about thirty Spanish leagues in length, and eighteen in breadth ; the latter the otlier third, sixteen leagues long and twelve broad. The climate of the whole principality is colder than the rest of Spain ; but the mountains and hills, though often covered with snow during the whole winter, abound with excellent pastures, and a great variety of fruit trees. Apples are particularly abundant, and a great deal of cyder is made and exported ; Spanish America alone has received 28,000 arobas of 2.5 lb. each yearly. But the most important Ijranch of their agriculture is the breeding of cat- tle ; and their horses have been celebrated for strength from the days of Martial and Silius Italicus. The Asturias contain a bishopric, 668 parishes, 36 religious houses, including 23 mo- nasteries and nunneries, a university, 3 colleges, a royal court of justice, 4 cities, 50 towns, and 3 sea-ports, the principal of which is Oijon, together with several villages ; and a population of about 350,000. In more modern history, they are celebrated for having received Pelayo and the other Christians who escaped from the Moors after the battle of Xeres de la Frontera, and who, protected by this mountainous country, bade de- fiance to, and finally expelled the invaders, lay- ing in these provinces the foundation of the Spanish monarchy. Hence the Asturian nobility and gentry are possessed of some extraordinary privileges, and the inhabitants of the mountain Ancena are still distinguished by the title of * the illustrious mountaineers.' Asturias, in zoology, a name by which some authors have called the goshawk. ASTUTE. Lat. astutus ; from Gr. a/i£rpov, proportion. Want Asym'metrous. 3 of symmetry,' dispropor- tion. Quantities compared with respect to such a mea- sure, are by geometricians wont to be called symme- trous or asymmetrous, i. e. commensurable or incom- mensurable. Barrow's Mathematical Lectures. The asymmetries of the brain, as well as the defor- mities of the legs or face, may be rectified in time. Grew. ASYMPTOTE; from a priv. avv, with, and irroiu, to fall ; which never meet ; incoinci- dent. Asymptotes are right lines, which ap- proach nearer to some curve; but which, though they and their curve were infinitely continued, would never meet ; and may be conceived as tangents to their curves at an infinite distance. See Conic Sections. ASYNDETON, fi-om the privative a, and avvhui, I bind together ; a figure in rhetoric, im- plyinii an omission of words, or a defect of con- junctive particles. The want of such particles represents either the celerity of an action, or the haste and eagerness of the speaker. As, in the celebrated instance, ' veni, vidi, vici,' ' I came, I saw, I conquered.' AT. From the Latin ad. In its abstract sense designating completion, termination, toucii- ing the surface by approach. For all the field was but of sand As small as men may see at eye In the desert of Libye. Chaucer. The Hotise of Fame, b. i. c. 3. I speke the thingis that I saigh at my fadir ; and ye doen the thingis that ye saighen at youre fadir. Wiclif. Jon. chap. viii. p. 61. Under pardon. You are much more af task, for want of wisdom ; Than prais'd for harmless mildness. Shakspeare. Others, with more helpful care, Cry'd aloud, ' Beware, brave youth, beware'.' At this he tum'd ; and, as the bull drew near, Shunn'd and receiv'd him on his pointed spear. Dry den. Their various news T heard, of love and strife. Of storms at sea, and travels on the shore. Pope. ATABALIPA, or Atahualpa, the last of the Incas. On the death of his father, in 1529, he succeeded to the throne of Quito, while his bro- ther Huascar obtained the kingdom of Peru. Not long after a disagreement took place, and* hostilities commenced betwixt them, in which Huascar was defeated. The Spaniards taking advantage of these disturbances, with Pizarro ag their leader, invaded Peru, where they were en- tertained with no little hospitality by the king and the people ; but, instead of making any return for his kindness, they, with their usual treachery, held him in captivity. The inca, as a ransom, offered to give the Spaniards a room full of gold, and, when they had got the treasure in their pos- session, they, with the utmost baseness, burnt the unhappy monarch at the stake, in 1533. ATABULUS, in physiology, a provincial wind in Apulia, of a dry pinching quality, and very noxious in its effects. The ancient naturalists speak of the Atabulus in terms of horror, on account of tlie ravages it made among the fruits. ATABYRIS, a very high mountain in the island of Rhodes, on which, according to Strabo and Diodorus Siculus, stood a temple of Jupiter Atabyrius, whose worship a colony of Rhodians carried into Sicily. ATACAMA, a chain of mountains in Soutli America, which separate Peru from Quito, and where the cold is very violent. Atacama, a province of Peru, bounded on the north by the province of Arica ; east by Lipes, Salta, and Tucuman ; south by a desert extending to the kingdom of Chili ; and west by the South Sea. Its population is under 3000. Its chief town, of the same name, lies in long. W. 69" 30'. lat. S. 23° 30'., on a barren spot, about 100 miles from the sea. ATACAMITE, in mineralogy, a name given to a variety of muriate of copper, found in the ATA 209 ATE district of Atacama, in minute crystals and frag- ments. ATAD, a Canaanite, rendered memorable by his threshing-floor, Gen. 1. 10. See Abel- VltRAIM. ATALANTA, in ancient geography, an island in the Euripus of Eubcea, near the Locri Opuntii, said to have been originally a city of the Locri, but torn from the continent in the time of an earthquake, and during an eruption of mdunt jT.tna; in the fourth year of the ninety-third Olympiad, in the reign of Artaxerxes-Mnemon. Atalanta, in fabulous history, the daughter of Schoeneus, king of Scyros. Being resolved against marriage, and at the same time very swift of foot, she, to get rid of her numerous suitors, declared that she would marry none but the man who was willing to risk his life for her, by striving to outrun her, and to forfeit it if he failed. This several attempted and suffered accordingly. But Hippomenes, being furnished by Venus with three golden apples, dropt them at proper dis- tances during the race, and while she stooped to gather them, gained both the race and the prin- cess. Atalanta was present at the hunt of the Caledonian boar, and received from Meleager, who was enamoured of her, its skin and head, as a testimony of her skill in havina: first wounded the animal. This roused the jealousy of Toxeus and Plexippus, his uncles, who endeavoured to strip Atalanta of her honorable spoil. Meleager killed ihem in defence of her right; and his mother Althaea, irritated by the death of her brothers, committed to the flames the charmed brand upon which the life of Meleager depended. The goddess Venus being enraged at the ingra^ titude of Hippomenes, who never performed the vow he had made to erect a temple to her at Scyros, changed both him and Atalanta into lions. Atalanta, in entomology, a species of Eu- ropean papilio, of which a variety is also found in America. The wings are black, indented, and spotted with white ; a red band across the an- terior pair ; border of the posterior pair of the same color. It is sometimes called the red admi- rable butterfly, and by the French Atalante. ATALAYA de Alagouta, a town in Portu- guese Estremadura, district of Thomar, with the title of county, and between 1300 and 1400 in- habitants, eighteen miles north-west of Lisbon. Atalaya Sortelha, a town of Portugal, in the province of Beira, thirteen miles north-east of Castel Branco. ATALAYAS, Santiago de las, the capital of the province of San Juan de los Llanos, in the kingdom of Granada. It contains 400 house- holders, and is nine leagues from the city of Pore. ATANARI, a considerable river of New Gra- nada, which enters the Mota. ATANTA, in botany, a name given by the people of Guinea to a kind of sumach, called, by Petiver, rhus Guineense trifoliatum scabiura, from its being trifoliate, and having rough and serrated leaves. They give it as a restorative boiled in water. ATAPUERA, a town of Spain, in Old Cas- tile, near Burgos. In 1053, a battle was fought here between Don Garcia, king of Navarre, and Vol. hi. his brotlier Don Ferdinand, in which the former was defeated and slain. ATARAX I A, Ataraxy, arapalia. Exemp- tion from vexation ; tranquillity. The sceptics, says Glanville, aff'ected an indiff"erent equiponder- ous neutrality, as the only means to their ataraxia, and freedom from passionate disturbances. ATARGATIS Fanum, the temple of the goddess Atergatis, in Bambyce, which was ex- tremely rich. Crassus, in his march against the Parthians, spent several days in weighing the treasure. ATARNEA, or Atarnya, an ancient town of ]Mysia, situated between Adramyttium and Pitane, memorable for the marriage of Aristotle with the sister of Hermias, the prince of it. ATAULFUS, the first king of the Goths in Spain, established his government there, about A. D. 404, and died, A.^D. 416. See Spain. ATAXY, from a negative, and ra^ig, order, the want of order. With physicians, it signifies irregularity of crises and paroxysms of fevers. Neither is there any ataxy to be fear."d in bringing in this distinction, betwixt pastors and the flock. Bp, Halt's Polemical Works. ATCHE, in commerce, the smallest silver coin current in Turkey, worth about one-third of a penny sterling. ATCHIEVEMENT, or Achievement, vul- garly called Hatchment. Armorial bearings in front of the houses of deceased persons. Atchievement, in heraldry, denotes the arms of a person or family, together with all the exte- rior ornaments of the shield , as helmet, mantle, crest, scrolls, and motto, together with such quarterings as may have been acquired by alli- ances, all marshalled in order. ATE ; from ara" more ridiculous, and against all reas Jn, than to ascribe the production of men to the first fruitfulness of the earth, without so much as one instance and experiment, in amy age of history, to countenance so monstrous a supposi- tion ? The thing is, at first sight, so gross and palpable, that no discourse about it can be more apparent. And yet, these shameful beggars of principles give this precarious account of the original of things ; assume to themselves to be the men of reason, the great wits of the worldj the only cautious and wary persons that hate tc be imposed upon, that must have convincing evidence for every thing, and can admit of nothing without a clear demonstration for it.' ATHELING, Adeling, Edling, Ethlikg. or Etheling ; from sthel, noble, Saxon; a title among the Anglo-Saxons, properly belonging to the heir apparent to the crown. This appella- tion was first conferred by king Edward the Con- fessor on Edgar, to whom he was great uncle, when, being without any issue of his own, he in- tended to make him his heir. See Edoar. ATHELNEY, an island of England, in the county of Somerset, formed by the junction of the rivers Thane and Parret, a few miles below Taunton. Alfred took refuge here while the country was overrun by the Danes, and is said to have built an abbey on the spot Many anti- quities were dug up in 1674 ATHELSTANE, a Saxon king of England, natural son of Edward the Elder, and grandson of the great Alfred. He succeeded in 925, and reigned sixteen years. There was a remarkable law passed by this prince, which shows his jujt sentiments of the advantages of commerce, as well as the early attention paid to it in this coun- try: viz. that any merchant who made three voyages on his own account beyond the British Channel, should be entitled to the privilege of a thane, or gentleman. Athelstane, king of Northumberland, or, ac- cording to Buchanan, a Danish chief, who ob- tained a grant of that country from king Alfred, flourished about the beginning of the ninth cen- tury ; and, carrying on a predatory war in Scot- land, was killed in battle byHungus, king of the Picts, at the village since named from him Athei- staneford, near the rivulet called LugdownBurn, which is said to be a corruption of Hug Down, and to have taken its name from the circum- stance of Athelstane being rugged down, or pull- ed from his horse, in the battle. ATHELSTANEFORD, a village and parish of Scotland, in the county of Haddington. It was the birth-place of Blair, the author of Tlie Grave ; and here Mr. Home was settled as parish minister, but was obliged to relinquish the living in consequence of having written the tragedy of Douglas. Distant two miles from Haddington, seventeen from Edinburgh, east. ATHENA, in the ancient physic, a plaster or liniment commended against wounds of the head and nerves, of which we find descriptions given by Oribasius, .E,lius, and iEgineta. ATHENA^A, a feast of the ancient Greeks held in honor of Minerva, whom they called A^jjvjj. They were afterwards called Pana- ATHENyEUM, in antiquity, a public place 214 ATHENS. wherein the professors of the liberal arts held their assemblies, the rhetoricians declaimed, and the poets rehearsed their performances. These places, of which there were a great number at Athens, were built in the manner of amphi- theatres, and encompassed with seats called cunei. The three most celebrated Athense were those at Athens, at Rome, and at Lyons ; the second of which was built by the emperor Adrian. ATHENiEUS, a Greek grammarian, born at Naucratis in Egypt, in the third century, one of the most learned men of his time. Of all his works we have none extant but his Deipnoso- phis, i. e. the sophists at table ; there is a great fund of facts and quotations in this work, which render it very agreeable to admirers of antiquity, as they are nowhere else to be met with. ATHEN.EU3, a mathematician, who wrote a treatise on mechanics, which is inserted in the works of the ancient mathematicians, printed at Paris in 1693, in folio, in Greek and Latin. Athensus, a physician, bom in Cilicia, con- temporary with Pliny, and founder of the pneu- matic sect. He taught that the fire, air, water, and earth, are not the true elements, but that their qualities are, viz. heat, cold, moisture, and dryness ; and to these he added a fifth element which he called spirit, whence his sect had their name. Pneumatics. ATHENAGORAS, an Athenian philosopher, who flourished about the middle of the second century ; and was equally remarkable for his zeal for Christianity, and his great learning ; as ap- pears from the Apology which he addressed to the emperors AureUus Antoninus and Lucius Commodus ; as well as from another work still extant upon the Resurrection. They are both written in a style truly Attic. ATHENATORIUM, among chemists, a thick glass cover placed on a cucurbit, having a slender umbo, or prominent part, which enters like a stopple, within the neck of the cucurbit. ATHENE ; A(pr}vr], Greek ; the name given by the Greeks to Minerva. See Minerva. ATHENIPPUM, in the ancient physic, a col- lyrium commended against divers diseases of the eyes ; thus denominated from its inventor Athe- nippus. It is described by Scribonius Largus and Gorraeus. Galen mentions another athenip- pura, of a different composition, by which it appears that this was a denomination common to several coUyriums. ATHENODORUS, a famous stoic philoso- pher, born at Tarsus, who went to the court of Augustus, and was made by him tutor to Tibe- rius. Augustus had a great esteem for him, and found him by experience a man of virtue and probity. He was accustomed to speak very freely to the emperor. Before he left the court to return home, he warned the emperor not to give himself up to anger, but, whenever he should be in a passion to rehearse the twenty-four letters of the alphabet before he resolved to say or do any thing. He did not live to see his bad success in the education of Tiberius. ATHENOPOLIS, a town of the Massilienses, an ancient nation of Gaul, conjectured to be the same with Telo Martins, now Toulon. ATHENRY, a village of Ireland, in the county of Galway, formerly a borough, and a walled town. In the year 1315 a battle was fought near this town between the English and Irish, in which the latter was defeated. In 1599 the Irish put all the inhabitants to the sword. Distant ten miles east of Galway, ninety-one from Dublin. ATHENS. ATHENS, in geography and ancient history, a celebrated kingdom of ancient Greece, the capital of Attica, situated 100 miles N. E. of Lacedaemon and 320 S. by W. of Constantinople. It is at present the chief town of Livadia, a pro- vince of the Turkish empire, and is seated in the Gulf of Eugia, Lon. 23° 57' E., lat. 38" 5' N. Origin and Ancient Name. — ^The kingdom of Attica received the name of Oxygia, from Oxyges, commonly placed 1586 years before Christ; but Athens is scarcely mentioned in history till some time after the days of Cecrops, an Egyptian by birth, supposed to be contem- porary with Moses, and affirmed by the Greeks to be the first builder of cities. This leader who appears to have either founded or new modelled the Acropolis, or ancient city, under the name of Cecropia, placed himself at the head of it, and introduced from Sais in Egypt, the worship of Neith, adopted by the people under the name of 'Adijvrj. In the early ages of Greece, that which was afterwards called the citadel, was the whole city, and called Polis, or ' the city,' by way of eminence. Alteration of Name. — In the reign of Erich- thonius it lost the name of Cecropia, and ac- quired that of Athens, from AOi/vt), the Greek name of the goddess Minerva, the Neith of the Egyptians already mentioned, who was esteemed its protectress. This old city was seated on the top of a rock in the midst of a large and pleasant plain, which, as the number of inhabitants in- creased, became full of buildings ; which induced the distinction of Acropolis and Catopolis, i. e. of the upper and lower city. The extent of the citadel was sixty stadia ; it was surrounded by olive trees, and fortified with a strong palisade ; in succeeding times it was encompassed with a strong wall, in which there were one very large and eight small gates. Original Succession and Government. — The successors of Cecrops are but imperfectly known, but, according to the most ancient tradi- tions, they were 1 . Amphictyon ; 2. Erectheus I, the same as Erichthonius, the place of whose in- terment is still called Erectheium. It was this prince who raised an image of Minerva made of olive wood in the Cecropia, and also in honor of the goddess instituted festivals called Athenaea, to be celebrated by the twelve Attic cities. To him succeeded 3. Pandion I. 4. Erectheus II. 5. iEgeus. 6. Theseus. The last of whom es- tablished the Prytaneum, a court of judicature common to all Attica; also the Panathenaea, ATHENS. 215 sacred festivals to be observed by all the pro- vinces in the Erechtheium every five years. His wise government increased the power and popu- lation of Athens, and finally, about the year B.C. 1300, concentrated the other eleven cities of Attica under one general government. Introduction of Pelasgi, and Rise of Athenian Greatness. — The Pelasgi came to Athens from the North B. C. 1192, to whom those beautiful specimens of polygonal architec- ture are ascribed, which are found in the ancient fortresses of Greece and Italy, consisting of irre- gtilar blocks carefully adjusted to each other, without cement, whereas the Cyclopeian, with which it has been frequently confounded, is com- posed of masses laid together and the interstices filled up with smaller stones. Next to the Pelasgi, Athens stands indebted for much of her early grandeur to Pisistratus, who, with his sons, founded a public library and two magnificent temples, one to Jupiter Olympus, the other to Apollo Pythias, besides which he collected and edited the works of Homer. Invasion of Xerxes and re-building of Athens. — Athens was now rising in population and importance,; possessed of considerable mari- time ascendency, together with an extent of terri- tory and influence beyond any other state in Greece, Sparta excepted, and tlie invasion of Xerxes served to raise her to the pinnacle of military glory. It is true the Persians at first were successful in burning and destroying the ancient city founded by Cecrops ; but, after their shameful defeat at Thermopylae, the city of Athens rose from its ruins in an enlarged and improved scale, the queen of empire, enriched by the resources of the invasion, dignified by a naval superiority, by which she commanded the islands of the Archipelago, together with the colonies of Asia, Macedonia, and Thrace, em- bellishtJd by the hand of Minerva, who seems to have employed herself the fifty years intervening between the victory of Salamis and the Pelopon- nesian war, to beautify the city of her residence ; her ancient Cecropian monuments yet remaining upon the Acropolis. Survives the Peloponnesian War. — The- mistocles restored the military works of the city, and fortified it as before. Cimon erected the Temple of Theseus, the Stoos, the Paecile, the Di- onysian Theatre, the Gymnasia, together with the ornaments of the Academy and the Agora. Pe- ricles conferred upon it the Odeum, the Parthe- non, and the Propylaea, and numerous other works, rendering it the wonder of nations. The superb glory of Athens was little injured by the war of Peloponnesus. The defeat of iEgcspo- tami, it is true led to the destruction of the walls of PircEUS, but these were shortly restored, and so skilful was Minerva that defeats as well as vic- tories seemed to raise the political importance, and enrich the site of her favorite capital. Ravages of Philip of Macedon. — The rise of Macedon seemed however to eclipse the glory of Athens, and her alliance with Rome was the first political blow that tended to the real injury of this ancient city. Philip of Macedon invested her before her allies could come to her succour, and as the city was too well fortified to be taken easily, he ravaged the suburbs, overthrew the temples, shrines, images, and tombs ; broke the marbles which were too precious to yield to the influence of fire ; the Cynosaeges and the Ly- cffium, all the favorite retreats of pleasure and devotion were alike felled by the arm of the destroyer. Siege of Sylla. — About 84 years B. C. during the Mithridatic war, the Roman Sylla resolved upon the conquest of Athens, and employed all Greece with her arms and trea- sures, to aid his design. He plundered Epi- daurus and Olympia, carried away the pre- cious deposits of Delphi, felled the groves of the Academy and the Lycaeum. By means of an ill-fortified wall near Heptachalcos he passed the sacred gates at midnight, and the streets of the Cerameicus are said to have run with blood. The city however suffered little, but the destruc- tion of the Piraean fortifications and the arsenal of Philo prevented the re-assumption of maritime power, and with that fell for ever the political importance of Athens. (Plutarch, in vit^ Syllac). As a school of science and art, Athens never- theless maintained her dignity among enlight- ened natioi.i-j, and foreigners from all parts resorted there to attend the lectures of her philo- sophers. Science and Architecture. — The Romans, whose taste in some respects was formed upon the Grecian models, added considerably to the embellishment of the city. Julius Caesar erected the Propylaea of the new Argora nearly at his own expense. Statues were erected to Brutus and Cassius by the friends of those distinguished Romans. Antony endowed the capital with nu- merous public gifts and a large accession of insular territory ; nor were Augustus and other illustrious personages in that powerful empire remiss in testifying their friendship for the city of Minerva, and some of them were even initia- ted into the Eleusinian mysteries (for the nature of which see Eleusinia.) Hadrian, on his ele- vation to the imperial dignity, was one of the greatest benefactors Athens enjoyed after the overthrow of her civil hierarchy. He finished the temple of Jupiter Olympius, which Pisis- tratus had begun ages before, and such was its beauty, costliness, and magnitude, that it was considered the glory of Athens ; superb beyond any other structure in Greece. The temple of the winds, more properly called the Honologium, in the Agora, was the benefaction of Andronicus Cyrrhestes. A new theatre was raised by Agrip- pa, and another was shortly afterwards erected at the foot of the Acropolis by Herodes Atticus, the ruins of which are yet remaining. The casing of the seats of the stadium with pentelic marble, is attributed to the generous profusion of the same illustrious individual. Splendor in the time of Antony. — In the Antonine age Athens enjoyed its greatest splen- dor. It had been enriched by the accumulated magnificence of six centuries. The works of the age of Pericles, according to Plutarch, retained the freshness of modern buildings, and a bloom was diff'used over them, which preserved their aspect untarnished. Athens, in a remarkable manner escaped the ravages and plunder which 216 ATHENS. followed the conquest of Greece, and the still more formidable dilapidations of time itself. She sat supreme amid the conrvulsions of states and changes of governments, rather contributing than otherwise to the imperial grandeur. Having pursued the history of Athens up to the zenith of her glory, we shall present the reader with a brief description of that eminent seat of learning and politeness, as she existed in her prosperous ages. Appearance and Harbours. — Seated upon a ^ulf, Athens, commanding three harbours sur- roanded by dock-yards and buildings, forming a I ontinued town more extensive than Athens itself. The first of these was the Piraeus, the piosent Apacii^v of the Greeks, the Asian Limani of the Turks, and the Porto Leone of the Italians. The Greek and Italian names being derived from an immense line of Pentelic marble which stood originally upon the beach, nearlythirty-five or forty stadia distant from the city, and was displaced at 'he Venetian siege. The harbour had three docks, Cantharos, Aphradisium, and Zea; the first de- rived its name from an ancient hero, the second from the goddess \ enus, the third from bread corn ; it was dignified with several public buildings. A stoa, including five distmct stoas or porticos un- der the general name of JNIacra Stoa; two tem- ples of \ enus ; a sanctuary of Jupiter Soter; the Hippodameia, from Hippodamus the architect, which was used as an agora or commercial ex- change ; two great fora or markets, one near the portico, the other near the city; the tribunal Phreathys; the bath Serangium; a deigma or maritime exchange, and a theatre, about 240 feet in diameter, some traces of which are yet re- maining. The second of these harbours was Mynychia, to the east of Piraeus, Irom which it is separated by a peninsula of the same name. It is of circular figure, and now called Stratis- tiki, and so strong is this promontory or penin- sula by nature, that Epimenides said, if the Athe- nians saw what mischief it would one day pro- duce to them, they would eat it away with their teeth. This part of Athens is adorned with a Dionysaic theatre, a temple of Diana of the Doric order, some remains of which are yet standmg on the shore ; also a Bendideium, pro- bably in honor of the same goddess whose Thracian name was Bendis. The third and most ancient part was Phalerum, to the east of Myny- chia, distant from the city, according to Thucy- dides, thirty-five stadia, and according to Pausa- nias twenty. It was formerly famous for the temple of Jupiter, Ceres, and Minerva Sciras, which have been long whelmed in ruin, and lost in the lapse of time. Walls, Fortifications, &:c — Peiraeeus from its natural division into three great basins, and also from its great capacity, became an object of capital importance with the Athenians ; and ac- cordingly it was fortified strongly in the second year of the Peloponnesian wars. The works which surrounded it consisted of a wall nearly seven miles in length and sixty feet in height. The long walls (Ta fiacpd Tuxij, or Td (tksXtj) ex- tended from the asty or city, on the north to Peiraeeus, and on the south to Phalerum; a dis- tance of five miles, protecting the city on every side from which any danger was apprehended These walls ran parallel to each other at the distance of 550 feet, from the cen*re of the Phaleric hill in the direction of the entrance of the Acropolis. The circumference of the whole walls, including those of the ports, the city, and the long walls, appears to have been about twenty miles. These walls were surrounded with cemeteries. The asty was embraced by the streams of Ilissus and Cephisus, uniting in the marshes of Phalerum. The gates were, JNIelitides, Peiraicae, Acharnicae, IthonicP, Hippades, Heriaeae, Diomeiae, Diocharis, and Dipylum; called also, Thriasia, Sacrae, or Cerameicae. Entrance from the gate PeiraicjE. — A cenotaph to Euripides adorned the outside of the gate Peir.iicce; witliin it stood the Pompeion for the arrangement of processions; and the in- terior of the city, from this vie%v, seemed crowded with temples, statutes, and porticoes. The Pnyx (eta TO newKvw(xdai), in which certain popular assemblies were held, stood on the right; the road continuing through the district of Cerami- cus, passed the Stoa Basileius, or portico of the king, where the Archon held his court ; at which point commenced the street of Herrase, so called from Mercury, with whose head it was said to have been adorned; and after passing a consider- able distance, ended in a stoa called Poecile, from its numerous and highly finished pictures of the taking of Troy, the battle of Marathon, the bat- tle of Theseus and the Amazons, and the battles with the Lacedemonians at Q^noe and Argolis ; to keep alive the remembrance of which the cap- tured shields were also suspended. Ar.oRA. — The Agora, fronting the Pcecile, was planted with trees, and beautifully divided into markets, streets, porticoes, public halls, See. One of these halls was for the assembling of the senate, another for the Prytanes to dine. Here stood a noble temple, also, to the mother of the gods, and altars to the twelve gods, to Pity, Modesty, Fame, and Impetuosity. The Areo- pagus sloped down from the north to a beautiful plane, where stood the temple of Theseus. It was called Mars Hill, because Mars was the first person tried here for murder, viz. for the murder of Hallirhotius. The Theseium, from its beauti- ful remains, must have been a most magnificent spot. It is a peripteral hexastyle, having on the sides thirteen columns of the doric order, each three feet four inches diameter at the base. The whole building is of pentelic marble, thirty feet in lieight, from the base to the summit of the pediment. The cell is forty feet in length, and twenty in breadth ; the depth of the posticum is twenty-seven feet; that of the prondos and por- tico thirty three. Contiguous to the Tiieseium were the Gymnasium of Ptolemy, the temple of the Dioscuri, and the Horologium of Androni- cus Cyrrhestes. To the south-east stood the Prytaneum or Senate house, from which, the street of the tripods led to the theatre of Bacchus. This street was adorned by the victors in the prize games, and amongst its magnificent deco- rations stood the horagic monument of Lysicra- tes (the lantern of Demosthenes), the circular roof of which still preserves the triangular apex, intended to receive his native tripod. Adjoining to the theatre above mentioned stood the Odeum A T H E N S. 217 of Pericles, from which, after passing through a gateway erected by Hadrian in the modern walls, arose the temple of Jupiter Olympius, which was completed and dedicated by the same em- peror. It was of decastyle construction consist- ing of one hundred and twenty-four columns, sixteen of which are yet standing. Within it was a colossal statue of the god, made of ivory and gold (chryselephantine). The whole length of the sacred precinct (TrtpijSoXoQ) was 689 feet, and its circuit about half a mile. The Hill IMus.cum. — The fountain of Enneacrunos or Callirrhoe, the only natural spring by which Athens was supplied with pala- table water, was on the Ilissus; from which, proceeding to the south-west angle of the walls we come to the hill Musaum, the summit of which is embellished by a monument of the Syrian C. J. ; Antiochus Philopappus, grandson of Antiochus IV. the last king of Comagene. He erected it on his return to Athens, after having been greatly honored by Trajan at Rome, and even made Consul and Frater Arvalis. The lower part was embellished with the grand triumph of his illus- trious patron ; above which were seated statues of himself, his grandfather Antiochus, and Seleu- cus Nicator, founder of the original dynasty. This monument has excited a degree of attention little inferior to that of Lysicrates above-men- tioned. Acropolis. — On the north-east side of the jVIusgem, rises the Acropolis or ancient citadel. The rock is lofty, abrupt, and inaccessible, ex- cept the front, which is toward the Pirzeus ; but furnishes a very ample field to the virtuosi. It was filled with monuments of Athenian glory, and exhibited an amazing display of beauty, of opulence, and of art. Heliodorus, named Pe- negetes the guide, had employed on it fifteen books. The curiosities of various kinds, with the pictures, statues, and pieces of sculpture, were so many and so remarkable as to supply Poiemo Periegetes with matter for four volumes; and Strabo affirms, that as many would be re- quired in treating of other portions of Athens and of Attica. In particular, the number of statues was prodigious. Tiberius Nero, who was fond of images, plundered the Acropolis as well as Delphi and Olympia ; yet Athens, and each of these places, had not fewer than 3000 remaining in the time of Pliny. Even Pausa- rias seems here to be distressed by the multi- plicity of his subject. But this banquet of the senses has long been withdrawn ; and is now become like the tale of a vision. The spectator views with concern the marble ruins intermixed with mean flat-roofed cottages, and extant amid rubbish ; the sad memorials of a nobler people ; which, however, as visible from the sea, should have introduced modern Athens to more early notice. The Acropolis has only one entrance, which fronts the Pirreus. The ascent is by tra- verses and rude fortifications furnished with can- non, but without carriages, and neglected. By the second gate is the station of the guard. Over this gate-way is an inscription in large characters on a stone turned upside down, re- cording a present of a pair of gates. Going farther up, you come to the ruins of the pro- pyl^a, an edifice which graced the entrance into the citadel. No fewer than four temples were to be passed in this ascent, those of ^Esculapius, Themis, V'enus and Peitho, also of Tellus and Ceres. Two equestrian statues stood in front of the wings of propyla?a, supposed to represent Marcus Agrippa, and Caius Caesar Octavianus. The propylffia was one of the structures of Pe- ricles, who began it when Euthymenes was archon, 43.5 years before Christ, and completed it in five years, at the expense of 2012 talents. It was of marble of the Doric order, and had five doors, to afford an easy passage to the multitudes which resorted on business or devotion to the Acropolis Six fluted Doric columns raised on four steps, supported the central pediment, each five feet in diameter, twenty-nine in height, and seven in their intercolumniation, except between the two central columns, where was a space of thirteen feet, for the admission of carriages. Behind was a vestibule forty-three feet in depth, sustained by a double row of six Ionic columns, three and a half feet diameter, and thirty-four in height, three of which were placed on each side, whilst marble beams depending on the lateral walls and columns, supported a painted ceiling of exquisite workmanship. The doors contiguous to the frontage, opened into a portico of the depth of eighteen feet, upon a level of five steps ascent, from which a single step descended to the platform of the Acropolis. The middle door occupied the whole space be- tween the central columns. The next door on each side was of inferior dimensions, and the two extreme doors proportionally smaller. The portico itself consisted of a large square room roofed with slabs of marble which were laid on two great marble beams, and sustained by four beautiful columns. These were Ionic, the pro- portions of that order best suiting the purpose as taller than the Doric. The roof which so ex- quisitely embellished the building, after standing above 2000 years, was with all the pediments destroyed in 1687 by the Menation siege. The right wing of t!ie propyla;a is said to have been a temple of \'ictory. The Athenians related that Ageus stood there, viewing the sea, anxious for the return of his son Theseus from Crete, and precipitated himself at the sight of the black sails. The idol was named Victory without wings, because the news of the success of The- seus did not arrive but with the conqueror. It had a pomegranate in the right hand, and an helmet in the left. As the statue was without pinions, it was hoped the goddess would remain for ever on the spot. On the left wing of the Propylaea, and fronting the temple of Victory, was a building decorated with paintings by Polyg- notus, of which an account is given by Pausa- nias. This edifice, as well as the temple, was of the Doric order, the columns fluted, and without bases. Both contributed alike to the uniformity and grandeur of the desi;.in ; and the whole fabric, when finished, was deemed equally magnificent and ornamental. Its loof of white marble, was unsurpassed both in the size of the stones, and in the beauty of their arrangement. On the northern side of the Acropolis within the propyla:a, stood the celebrated statue of Mi- 218 ATHENS. nerva Promachus, executed by Phidias after the battle of Marathon. Its height together with the pedestal exceeded seventy feet, rising con- siderably above the summit of the parthenon ; the crest of the helmet and point of the spear being seen out at sea, by persons sailing from Servium towards Athens ; and a brazen qua- driga stood near the statue in commemoration of the victory of the Athenians over the Boetians and the Chalcidenses. See Hen. v. 79. The propylaea, according to the Greek his- torians, took five years in building, and was formed after the designs of Mnesicles. It was completed 437 years B.C. and was estimated by Heliodorus, as cited by Harpocration, at 2012 talents, or £452,700 sterling, and was the most expensive of all the works of Pericles. Parthenon. — But the chief glory of the Acropolis is said to have been the Parthenon, or temple of Minerva, so elevated that the pave- ment of its peristyle was on a level with the capitals of the eastern portico of the propylaea. It was a periptoral octostyle of the Doric order, with seventeen columns on the sides, each six feet two inches in diameter at the base, and thirty- four feet in height, elevated on three steps. Within the peristyle, at each end stood six columns of 5^ feet diameter, forming a vestibule to the cell which rose two steps from the peris- tyle level. The cell itself contained two cham- bers of sixty-two feet six inches in width, and of lengths differing from forty-three feet ten inches, to ninety-eight feet seven inches, the roof of the former being supported by four columns of four feet diameter, and of the latter by sixteen of three feet diameter. The height of the temple from the base to the pediment being fifty-six feet, and the dimensions of the area 228 feet, by 102. The pediment contained two compositions of about eighty feet in length, each containing upwards of twenty colossal statues, in two groups, the first representing the birth of the goddess Minerva, and the second her contest with Neptune, for the government of Attica. The figures of the western pediment enumerating them from the left were Cecrops, Aglaurus, Theseus, Hebe, Eresichthon, Pandrosus, Victory without wings drawn in a Biga by two horses, Erechtheus, Minerva and Jupiter in the centre, and to the right, Neptune, Thalassa, Latona, Mercury, Maia, Vesta, Mars and Venus. The figures which occupied the eastern pediment have never been perfectly ascertained. Some of them, however, were Hyperion, Hercules, Venus, Iris, Peitho, Vesta, Proserpine, Victory with wings, Ceres, and the car of Night. The frieze advancing in two parallel columns from west to east, was sculptured on both sides, and contained a representation of the Panathenaic procession. Six seated figures of deities also represented the head of each column, while the central group represented the presentation of the peplus to the second archon. Of the ninety-two metopes which anciently adorned the frieze of the peristyle, these on the south side, some of which are now in the British INluseum, contained each a cen- taur, and hence those only of the eastern side have been assigned to the actions of Mi- nerva ; those of the western to some other point of Athenian history, the subject of which has been lost; those of the northern to the Amazo- nian war ; those of the southern to the war with the Centaurs. A chryselephantine statue of Minerva stood in the Opis, the domos thirty-nine feet in height, the buskins sculptured with the battle of the Centaur, and the iEgis which lay at her feet containing a representation of the battle of the Amazons on the outside, and on the inside that of the Titans. Ictinus is said to have been the architect of this temple ; Phidias the artist ; and the entire cost one million and a half sterling. The remains of this beautiful specimen of ancient architecture have been described by Dr. Chandler, a few extracts from whose obser- vations we shall subjoin. * The chief ornament,' he observes, * of the Acropolis was the Par- thenon or great temple of Minerva, a most superb and magnificent fabric. The Persians had burned the edifice, which before occupied the site, and was called hecatompedon, from its being 100 feet square. Tlie zeal of Pericles and of all the Athenians was exerted in providing a far more ample and glorious residence for their favorite goddess. The architects were Calli- crates and Ictinus ; it was of white marble, of the Doric order, the columns fluted and without bases, the number in front eight ; and adorned with admirable sculpture. The story of the birth of Minerva was carved in the front pediment ; and in the back, the contest with Neptune for the country. The statue of Minerva, made for this temple by Phidias, was of ivory, twenty-six cubits or thirty-nine feet high. It was decked with pure gold to the amount of forty-four talents, so disposed by the advice of Pericles as to be taken ofi'and weighed, if required. This image was placed in the temple in the first year of the eighty-seventh Olympiad, in which the Pelopon- nesian war began. The gold was stripped off by the tyrant Lachares, when Demetrius Polior- cetes compelled him to fly. The same plunderer plucked down the golden shields in the Acropolis, and carried away the golden Victories, with the precious vessels and ornaments provided for the Panathensan festival. The Parthenon remained entire for many ages after it was deprived of the goddess. The Christians converted it into a church, and the Mahommedans into a mosque. It is mentioned in the letters of Crusius, and miscalled the Pantheon, and the temple of the unknown God. The Venetians under Konings- mark, when tliey besieged the acropolis in 1687, threw a bomb, which demolished the roof, and setting fire to some powder, did much damage to the fabric. The floor, which is indented, still witnesses the place of its fall. This was the sad forerunner of farther destruction ; the Turks breaking the stones, and applying them to the building of a new mosque, which stands within the ruin, or to the repairing of their houses and the walls of the fortress. The vast pile of pon- derous materials, which lay ready, is greatly di- minished ; and the whole structure will gradually be consumed and disappear. The temple of Minerva in 1676 was, as Wheeler and Spon assert, the finest mosque in the world, witliout comparison. The Greeks had adapted tlie fabric to their ceremonial by constructing at one end a ATHENS. 219 semicircular recess for the holy tables, with a window : for before it was enlightened only by the door, obscurity being preferred under the heathen ritual, except on festivals, when it yielded to splendid illuminations; the reason, it has been surmised, why temples are commonly found simple and unadorned on the insides. In the wall beneath the window were inserted two pieces of the stone called phengites, a species of marble discovered in Cappadocia in the time of Nero ; and so transparent that he erected with it a temple to Fortune, which was luminous within, when the door was shut. These pieces were perforated, and the light which entered was tinged with a redish or yellowish hue. The picture of the Panagia or Virgin ^lary, in Mo- saic, on the ceiling of the recess, remained ; with two jasper columns belonging to the screen, which had separated that part from the nave; and within, a canopy supported by four pillars of porphyry, with Corinthian capitals of white marble, under which the table had been placed ; and behind it, beneath the window, a marble chair for the archbishop ; and also a pulpit, standing on four small pillars in the middle aisle. The Turks had white-washed the walls, to obli- terate the portraits of saints, and the other paint- ings with which the Greeks decorate their places of worship ; and had erected a pulpit on the right hand for the iman or reader. The roof was disposed in square compartments ; the stones massive; and some had fallen in. It had been sustained in the Pronaos by six columns ; but the place of one was then supplied by a large pile of rude masonry, the Turks not having been able to fill up the gap more worthily. The roof of the naos was supported by colonnades ranging with the door, and on each side ; consisting of twenty-two pillars below, and of twenty-three above. The odd one was over the entrance, which by that disposition was left wide and un- embarrassed. In the portico were suspended a few lamps, to be used in the mosque at the seasons when the Mussulmans assemble before day-break, or to be lighted up round the mi- naret, as is the custom during die Ramazan or Lent. It is not easy to conceive a more striking object than the Parthenon, though now a mere ruin. The columns within the naos have all been removed : but on the floor may be seen the circles which directed the workmen in placing them ; and at the farther end is a groove across it, as for one of the partitions of the cell. The recess erected by the Christians is demolished ; and from the rubbish of the ceiling, the Turkish boys collect bits of the Mosaic, of different colors, which composed the picture. We are told at Smyrna, that this substance had taken a polish, and been set in buckles. This cell is about half demolished ; and in the columns which surround it, is a large gap near the middle. On the walls are some traces of the paintings. Before the portico is a reservoir sunk in the rock, to supply the Turks with water for the purifications custo- mary on entering their mosques. In it, on the left hand, is the rubbish of tlie pile erected to supply the place of a column ; and on the right a staircase which leads out on the architrave, and has a marble or two with inscriptions, but worn so as not to be legible. It belonged to the mi- naret, which has been destroyed. The travellers, to whom we are indebted for an account of the mosque, have likewise given a description of the sculpture then remaining in the front. In the middle of the pediment was seen a bearded Ju- piter, with a majestic countenance, standing, and naked ; the right arm broken. The thunderbolt, it has been supposed, was placed in that hand, and the eagle between his feet. On his right was a figure, it is conjectured, of Victory, clothed to the mid-leg ; the head and arms gone. This was leading on the horses of a car, in which ^Minerva sat, young and unarmed ; her head-dress, instead of a helmet, resembling that of a Venus. The generous ardor and lively spirit visible in this pair of celestial steeds, was such as bespoke the hand of a master, bold and delicate, of a Phidias or Praxiteles. . Behind ]\Iinerva was a female figure, without a head, sitting, with an infant in her lap ; and in this angle of the pediment was the emperor Hadrian with his arm round Sabina, both reclining, and seeming to regard Minerva with pleasure. On the left side of Jupiter were five or six other trunks to complete the assembly of deities into which he received her. These figures were all wonderfully carved, and appeared as big as life. Hadrian and his consort, it is likely, were complimented by the Athenians with places among the marble gods in the pediment, as benefactors. Both of them may be considered as intruders on the original company ; and pos- sibly their heads were placed on trunks, which before had other owners. They still possess their corner, and are easy to be recognised, though not unimpaired. The rest of the statues are defaced, removed, or fallen. Morosini was ambitious to enrich Venice with the spoils of Athens ; and by an attempt to take down the principal group, hastened their ruin. In the other pediment is a head or two of sea-horses finely executed, with some mutilated figures; and on the architrave beneath them are marks of the fixtures of votive offerings, perhaps of the golden shields, or of festoons suspended on solemn occasions, when the temple was dressed out to receive the votaries of the goddess. Erechtheium. — The erechtheium, about 160 feet north of the parthenon, containing the united temples of Minerva, Polias, Pandrosus, or, ac- cording to some writers, Neptune, was of irre- gular fig-ure, the eastern front of which pre- sented a hexastyle Ionic colonnade, the western being pseudo-peripteral, and the entablature supported by half columns. Two deities are supposed to have inhabited two great divisions in the interior. The Pandrosseium (according to some) on the western side, opened into porticoes to the north and south ; the former being tetra- style, and the latter supported by six caryatides. This beautiful edifice was small, the entire area not exceeding sixty-three feet by thirty-six, nor the height twenty. Here was preserved the mark of Neptune's trident, which struck when the horse issued forth; also the olive-tree of Mi- nerva; an image of the goddess which fell from heaven, before which was suspended a golden lamp, the wick of which, being Carpathian flax, never consumed, and required oil but once a 220 ATHENS. year ; together with a brazen palm-tree above it, which carried off the smoke ; the wooden Hermes presented by Cecrops ; the chair by Daedalus ; the scimitar of Mardonius ; the breastplate of Masistrus, who commanded the Median cavalry at Platsea; and numerous groups of statues. As Dr. Chandler's description of this celebrated depository of arts, at the time of his visit, is highly interesting, we shall again refer the reader to that authority. ' Neptune and Minerva,' ob- serves the Dr. ' once rival deities, were joint and amicable tenants of the Erechtheium, in which was an altar of Oblivion. The building was double, a partition wall dividing it into two tem- ples, which fronted different ways. One was the temple of Neptune Erechtheus, the other of Mi- nerva Polias. The latter was entered by a square portico connected with the marble skreen, which fronts towards the propylaea. The door of the cell was on the left hand ; and at the further end of the passage was a door, leading down into the Pandroseum, which was contiguous. Before the temple of Neptune Erectheus, was an altar of Jupiter the supreme, on which no living thing ■was sacrificed, but they offered cakes without wine. Within it was the altar of Neptune Erec- theus; and two, belonging to Vulcan, and a hero named Butes, who had transmitted the priesthood to his posterity, which were called Butadas. On the walls were painting of this illustrious family, from which the priestess of Minerva Polias was also taken. It was asserted, th^t Neptune had ordained the well of salt water, and the figure of a trident in the rock, to be memorials of his con- tending for the country. The former, Pausanias remarks, was no great wonder, for other wells of a similar nature, were found inland ; but this, Avhen the south wind blew, afforded the sound of waves. The temple of Alinerva Polias was de- dicated by all Attica, and possessed the most ancient statue of the goddess. This temple was burned when Callias was Archon, twenty-four years after the death of Pericles. Near it was the tomb of Cecrops, and within it Erectheus was buried. The ruin of the Erectheum is of white marble ; the arcliitectural ornaments of very exquisite workmanship, and uncommonly curious. The columns of the front of the temple of Neptune are standing with tlie architrave ; and also the skreen and portico of Minerva Polias, with a portion of the cell, retaining traces of the partition wall. The order is Ionic. An edifice revered by ancient Attica, as holy in the highest degree, was, in 1676, the dwelling of a Turkish family, and is now deserted and neg- lected ; but many ponderous stones and rubbish must be removed before the well and trident would appear. The former, at least, might pro- bably be discovered. The portico is used as a powder magazine ; but we obtained permission to dig and to examine the outside. The door- way of the vestibule is walled up, and the soil risen nearly to the top of the door-way of the Pandroseum. By the portico is a battery com- manding the town, from which ascends an amusing hum. The Turks fire from it, to give notice of the commencement of llamazan, or of their Lent, and of Bairam, or the holy days.' Schools, Gymnasia, &c. — The schools and places of public instruction of Athens during he'' prosperity were several : the most celebrated were two called Ceramicus ; one within the city, containing a multitude of buildings of all sorts; the other in the suburbs, in which was the academy and other edifices. There were many gymnasia in Athens ; the most remarkable were the Lyceum, Academia, and Cynosarges. The Lyceum stood on the banks of Ilissus ; some say it was built by Pisistratus, others by Pe- ricles, others by Lycurgus. Here Aristotle taught philosophy, instructing such as came to hear him as they walked, whence his disciples derived the name of Peripatetics. It was also the place where the Polemarch kept his court, and the chief gymnasium of the Athenian youth. The ceramicus without the city was six stadia from its walls. The academy made part thereof. It was a marshy unwholesome place till Cimon got it drained, and then it became* extremely pleasant and delightful, being adorned with shady walks, where Plato read his lectures, and from thence his scholars were styled Academics. The Cynosarges, sacred to Hercules, and com- monly considered as the position occupied by the Athenians after the battle of Marathon, when the Persians sailed to Phalerum, was a place in the suburbs not far from the Lyceum ; it was famous on many accounts, but particularly for a noble gymnasium erected there, appointed for the spe- cial use of such as were Athenians only by one side. Themistocles sjot much ill-will by car- rying many of the nobility to exercise with him here, because, being but of the half-blood he could exercise nowhere else but in this gymna- sium. Antisthenes instituted a sect of philoso- phers, who from the name of this district, as many think, were styled Cynics. Of the walls of the acropolis the southern is called the Cimonian and the northern the Pe- lasgic ; both commonly attributed to Cimon and Themistocles. A few rude fragments of the an- cient Hecatonipedum are still remaining in the latter, of Doric architecture, supposed to be the workmanship of the original Pelasgi, who first fortified the citadel anterior to the invasion of the Persians. On the northern side of the Propylaea is still to be seen an ancient jjrotto, consecrated to Apollo and Pan, in which the former received the favors of Creusa, daughter of Erectheus.' It was descended by a flight of steps. The other remarkable places and erections are the Stadium, south of the Lyceum, constructed by Lycurgus for the contest of the panathenaic festival, 350 B. C, and afterwards covered with marble by 11 erodes Atticus. It measured 675 feet by 130, and was capable of accommodating upwards of 25,000 persons. The temple of the Eumenides stood upon the hill Colonos, sacred to Neptune, and celebrated in the history of (Edipus. It was about a mile and a quarter north of the walls, and between it and the city lay the sepulchral plain. To the enst rises a hill, supposed to be the mount Anchesmus of the an- cients, and at present one of the most remark- able features of modern Athens, occupied by the church of St. George. Remains of the Temple of Jupiter Olym- PIU5. — The ruins of the temple of Jupiter Olym- ATHENS. 221 pius and several other remarkable antiquities are thus described by the celebrated gentleman to whom we have already referred. ' The ruin of the temple of Jupiter Olympius,' says he, * con- sists of prodigious columns, tall and beautiful, of the Corinthian order, fluted ; some single, some supporting their architraves ; with a few massive marbles beneath ; the remnant of a vast heap, which only many ages could have con- sumed and reduced into so scanty a compass. The columns are of very extraordinary dimen- sions, being about six feet in diameter, and nearly sixty in height. The number, without the cell, was 116 or 120. Seventeen were standing in 1676; but, a few years before we arrived, one was overturned with much difficulty, and ap- plied to the building a new mosque in the bazar or market-place. This violence was avenged by the bashaw of Negropont, who made it a pretext for extorting from the vaiwode, or governor, fifteen purses ; the pillar being, he alleged, the pro- perty of their master, the grand seignior. It was an angular column and of consequence in determining the dimensions of the fabric. We regretted that the fall of this mighty mass had not been postponed until we came, as it would have aflbrded an opportunity of inspecting and measuring some members wliich we found far too lofty to be attempted. On a piece of the architrave, supported by a couple of columns, are two parallel walls of modern masonry, arched about the middle, and again near the top. You are told it has been the habitation of a hermit, doubtless of a Stylites ; but of whatever building it has been part, and for whatever purpose de- signed, it must have been erected thus high in air while the immense ruin of this huge struc- ture was yet scarcely diminished, and the heap inclined so as tp render it accessible. It was re- marked that two stones in a step in the front had coalesced at the extremity, so that no juncture could be perceived ; and the like was discovered also in a step of the Parthenon. In both in- stances it may be attributed to a concretory fluid, which pervades the marble in the quarry. Some portion remaining in the pieces when taken green, as it were, and placed in mutual contact, it exuded and united them by a process similar to that in a bone of an animal when broken and properly set. Besides the more stable antiqui- ties, many detatched pieces are found in the town, by the fountains, in the streets, the walls, the houses, and churches. Among these are fragments of sculpture, a marble chair or two, which probably belonged to the gymnasia or theatres ; a sun-dial at the catholicon, or cathe- dral, inscribed with the name of the maker ; and, at the archiepiscopal house close by, a very cu- rious vessel of marble, used as a cistern to re- ceive water, but once serving, it is likely, as a public standard or measure. Many columns occur with some maimed statues and pedestals, several with inscriptions, and almost buried in earth. A custom has prevailed, as at Chios, of fixing in the wall, over the gateways and doors of the houses, carved stones, most of which ex- hibit the funeral supper. In the courts of the nouses lie many round stelae or pillars, once placed on the graves of the Athenians ; and a great number are still to be seen applied to the same use in the Turkish burying-grounds before the acropolis. These generally have concise in- scriptions containing the name of the person, and of the town and tribe to which the deceased belonged. Another species, which resembles our modern head-stones, is sometimes adorned with sculpture, and has an epitaph in verse. We saw a few mutilated herma'. These were busts on long quadrangular Ijases, the heads frequently of brass invented by the Athenians. At first they were made to represent only Hermes or Mercury, and designed as guardians of the se- pulchres in which they were lodged, but after- wards the houses, streets, and porticoes of Athens, were adorned with them, and rendered vene- rable by a multitude of portraits of illustrious men and women, of heroes, and of gods ; and it is related that Ilipparchus, son of Pisistratus, erected them in demi or borough towns, and by the road side, inscribed with moral apophthegms in elegiac verse ; thus making them vehicles of instruction.' Decline of Athens.— The decline of Athens, one of the most remarkable subjects of history, was occasioned by that great revolution which took place in the moral world upon the propa- gation of Christianity and the consequent anni- hilation of those idolatrous superstitions which had been handed down from the ages bordering on the deluge. The general conduct of the early Christians, wherever their influence extended, was to destroy all works of pagan architecture dedicated to the purposes of superstition, whilst, by propagating the gospel and thoroughly extin- guishing the principles that gave birth to them, no hope remained of their reproduction. At Athens, however, the early Byzantine emperors forbore to destroy these sacred edifices, and in lieu of it consecrated them to the Christian cause. Even Alaric used every effort for the preserva- tion of Athens, and the noble statue of Minerva Promachus still crowned the city and towered above the iminjured Parthenon at the close of the fourth century. During the ducal govern- ment of the Franks, however, the city dwindled to the rank of a provincial town, and in 1436 Omar took possession of it in the name of Ma- homet. This was shortly followed by the ruin of the city and the demolition of those stupend- ous works of art which had been the wonder of so many ages. Venetian Invasion- — In 1687 the Venetians, as already intimated, under count Koningsmark, a Swede, besieged the acropolis. The explosion of the beautiful temple of Victory without wings, (viKTj aiTTipog) the frieze of which is now in the British Museum, followed the bombard- ment ; an explosion of the Parthenon followed ; the eastern wall and statues of that pediment were thrown to tlie ground ; the middle of the temple was destroyed ; the western front consi- derably shaken, and little less except part of the opisthodomas and a few of the lateral columns of the peristyle adjoining the cell were left stand- ing. These two celebrated temples, which had been used by the Turks as powder-magazines, constituted the chief glory of Athens, and after the destruction of these she surrendered. During 222 ATHENS. the short time the Venetians held possession of the city several ancient monuments were de- stroyed. A celebrated car of Victory, which stood on the western pediment of the Parthenon, with horses of a natural size, was taken down by the Doge Morosini, with a view of being re- moved to Venice, but in lowering it to the ground the engineers suffered it to fall, by which it was entirely destroyed. Knowledge of Athenian Antiquities in Europe. — The antiquities and works of Athens were little noticed in Europe till the close of the 17th century. The accounts received by means of travellers had been mostly perplexed and mis- taken. Some called the Parthenon the pantheon, and described it to be oval, others thought it the temple of the unknown God, mentioned in the narrative of the apostle Paul. Sir G. Wheeler, and Dr. Spar, who visited Athens before the Ve- netian siege, were the first who by their descrip- tion of the city impressed European nations with the great value of these celebrated remains. The Dillettanti society employed Dr. Chandler, already quoted, to visit this famous depository of the sciences, and examine its antiquities and topography. Mr. Stuart, an ingenious artist, also went over from England, and employed three years in studying and forming correct draw- ings of its principal remains. Laudable Efforts of Lord Elgin. — Lord Elgin, on his appointment as ambassador to the Porte in 1799, established a society of distin- guished artists in Athens, who in three years presented him with a complete body of finished drawings of the plans and details of the most important monuments and remains, accompanied by just admeasurements of the elevation and extent, besides bas reliefs and characteristic fea- tures of Athenian architecture, moulded from the originals, in which they were the more diligent, as the Turks from motives of avarice were in the habit of breaking up marbles, in the hope of finding some hidden treasure under them, and of defacing the most perfect sculptures from motives of superstition. The British ambassador, who appears to have been a man of taste and genius, employed his interest at the Porte in obtaining permission to remove some of the most valuable marbles, and transfer them to England, the French liaving removed some valuable deposits to the gallery of the Louvre. Lord Elgin's Collection of Antiquities, &c. — Lord Elgin's collection consisted chiefly of the following articles : Several original Metopes from the interio rfrieze of the Parthenon, descrip- tive of the combat between the Centaurs and the Lapithae ; part of the outer frieze of the same temple, representing the procession at the Pana- thenaic festival, both of which occupied the pedi- ments of the eastern and western fronts, the former being in such high relief as to seem groups of .statues. Several inscriptions after the Kionedon manner, in which singular care is taken to preserve an equal number of letters in each line, occasionally even to the division of monosyllables. A Doric capital, assizes of the columns, a triglyph, some of the modules of the cornice, and a few of the marble tiles (amtefixa,) which roofed the original ambulatory. Models of the metopes in the temple of Theseus, contain- ing the labors of Theseus and Hercules, taken from the interior frieze, representing the battle of the Centaurs and Lapithse ; together with seve- ral incidents of the battle of Marathon. The temple being in a considerable state of preser- vation, the originals could not be obtained. In addition to these he obtained from the vestibule of the temple of Neptune, and that of Minerva Polias, in the Erechtheium, a capital, a base, and some original blocks of the frieze and cor- nice, with plans of the architecture, &c. From the adjoining Pandroseium, one of the Caryatides. From the temple of the bearded Bacchus, a sta- tue of the god, and a sun-dial, said to have existed in the time of the Trajedians. The con- vents and other buildings furnished bronzes, cameos, intaglios, and medals. Besides the above laudable undertakings, he traced the walls of the city, made extensive excavations, and, from the numerous tumuli which opened in the sub- urbs, formed a magnificent collection of the vases hitherto improperly denominated Etruscan. But perhaps one of his most successful efforts was the removing of the celebrated Boustrophedon inscription, which anciently adorned the Sisean promontory. This celebrated monument had for some time formed a seat at the door of a Greek chapel, and was the resort of persons afflicted with the ague ; the letters having been nearly obliterated by the numbers of patients who had reclined upon it. The most valuable part of his collection has been thought by some to be a complete series of Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian capitals, from the birth of Athenian architecture to its greatest height under Pericles. The same gentleman obtained some fragments of the tem- ple of Victory without wings, on the right of the pro pylaea, representing scenes from the battles of Marathon, Salamis, and Platcea, which had been built in the wall of a powder magazine ; the finest blocks of the whole being placed in an in- verted position. These and some other sculptures were afterwards embarked for England, but un- happily wrecked off the island of Cerigo. Many cases however by the assistance of the most ex- pert divers were obtained from tlie vessel, at the depth of twenty fathoms of water, and the remain- der, although two successive winters of laborious exertion were employed about them, were left upon the wreck. On the acquisition of so nu- merous a collection of remains from the most valuable part of Athenian antiquity, the British ambassador conceived the idea of engaging the most distinguished of the modern artists, to at- tempt their restoration, but they declined the task. Canova, in particular, affirmed that the marbles of the ancient parthenon had never been retouched, and were so superior in their style of execution, that it would be sacrilege for any man to presume to violate them with a chisel. They were therefore transported to England as Athe- nian originals, and purchased by a £35,000 grant of Parliament, to enrich the British Mu- seum, where they still remain to guide the im- provements of taste, and excite the emulation of modem genius. Present State of Athens. — The present state of Athens, like that of most other celebra- ATH 223 ATH ted cities of antiquity, exhibits a remarkable spectacle of fallen greatness. It is incorporated in the Turkish empire, and placed under the government of a waywode, or lieutenant, who is chief black eunuch of the seraglio. The town is surrounded by an insignificant wall, about ten feet in height, far short of the dimension of its ancient circumference. The streets are narrow. The population is diminished to one-tenth of its number in the time of Demosthenes, said to have been 116,000; and the beautiful Acropolis, converted into a Turkish fortress, is disfigured by a huge Venetian tower, the architecture of which looks the more barbarous, from the highly- finished models that surround it. The parthenon is degraded in the front by a mean house, in which resides the disdar, or governor of the for- tress, and the south-east angle exhibits a wretched mosque. The town is inhabited chiefly by Turks and Christians, of the Greek church. It is the see of an archbishop, under whom five archons and a number of secretaries are appointed to the management of its ecclesiastical concerns. Athens, a flourishing post town of New York, on the west bank of the Hudson, opposite Hud- son city. The situation of this place is pleasant, and very eligible for trade. It contains a Lu- theran church, three school-houses, and a mar- ket-house, an extensive rope-walk, a large dis- tillery, a pottery of stoneware, and other smaller manufactories. Population 1000. Twenty-eight miles south of Albany. ATHERINA, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes of the order of abdominales. The characters of this genus are these: — the upper jaw plain ; the rays of the branchiostege membrane are six ; and the side belt or line shines like silver. The spe- cies are two, viz. 1. A. hepsetus, the smelt, with about twelve rays in the fin next the anus. It is found in the Mediterranean, and is also very common in the sea near Southampton. The highest season is from March to the beginning of June ; in which month it spawns. It is also found on other coasts of our island. 2. A. menidea, has twenty-four rays in the fin next the anus. This is a very pellucid fish, with many black points interspersed ; it has many teeth in the lips, but none in the tongue or jaws. It is found in the fresh waters of Carolina, and spawns in April. ATHERINOIDES, a species of clupea, dis- tinguished by a silvery lateral line. In the dor- sal fin are twelve rays; fourteen in the pectoral fins ; eight in the ventral fins ; thirty-two in the anal fin ; and eighteen in the tail. It is a native of Surinam. ATHERIX, in entomology, a genus of the order diptera, and family rhagionidae. Its ge- neric characters are antennae muniliform; the third joint not ringed, but terminated by a seta, the palpi erect. The only known species is ma- culatus, found in the woods of Great Britain. ATHEROMA, a kind of tumor, occurring chiefly in the neck and arm-holes, and contain- ing matter resembling aOripa, or pap, intermixed with hard and stony particles. These tumors are easily cured by incision. ATHhSIS, in ancient geography, a river of Cisalpine Gaul, which, rising in the Rhsetian Alps, runs southward, and washes Tridentum and Verona, which last it divides; and after- wards bends its course eastward, and falls into the Adriatic, between Fossa Claudia and Phi- listina. It separated the country of the Euganei from that of the \eneti. It is now called the Adige. ATHIAS (Joseph), a learned Jewish printer, in the seventeenth century. He resided at Am- sterdam, where, in 1667, he published a Hebrew bible, which is held in great estimation. He likewise printed the bible in Spanish, German, and English. The States presented him with a gold medal and chain, as a mark of the value they put upon nis labors. ATHIRST. On thirst. See Thirst. With scanty measure then supply their food ; And, when athirst, restrain 'em from the flood. Dryden, Unnumbered suppliants crowd Preferment's gate, Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great; Delusive Fortune hears the incessant call. They mount, they shine, evaporate, and fall. Johnson. ATHLETjE, A^Xjjr»jc,Gr. from aOXoQ, a com- bat ; in antiquity, persons of strength and agility, disciplined to perform in the public games. Un- der Athletce were comprehended wrestlers, boxers, runners, leapers, throwers of the disk, and those practised in other exercises, exhibited in the Olympic and Pythian games, &c. for the con- querors in which there were established prizes. To obtain a firm, bulky, weighty body, by force of which they frequently overpowered their an- tagonist, they fed altogether on dry, solid, and viscous meats. In the earlier times their chief food was dry figs and cheese, which was called arida saginatio,?fpa rpo0?j. Oribasius first brought this in disuse, and substituted flesh instead of these. They had a peculiar bread, called koXtitiu : they exercised, eat, and drank, without ceas- ing ; were not allowed to leave off" eating when satiated, but were obliged to cram on till they could hold no more ; by which means they at length acquired a degree of voracity, which to us seems incredible, and a strength proportional. Pausanias relates of Milo, the Crotonian, that he carried a bull on his back a considerable way, then knocked him down with a blow of his fist, and, lastly, devoured him at a meal ! ATH'LETE, } AOXijttjc, a wrestler in the Ath'letick. J agonistic exercises of the Greeks ; from aOXo^, labor. One whose phy- sical powers enable him to labor, struggle, contend. And health itself, if it be athletic, maj' by its very excess become dangerous. Bp. J. Taylor. Science distinguishes a man of honour, from one of those athletic brutes, whom undeservedly we call heroes. Dryden. Was he [the wise man] in adversity ; he equally returned thanks to the director of this spectacle of ATH 224 ATH hume.n life, for having opposed to him a vigorous athlete, over whom, though the contest was likely to be more violent, the victorj' was more glorious and equally certain. Smith't Moral Sentiments, ATHLON, Gr. AOXov, in antiquity, the prize adjudged to the victor, in the athletic exercises, at the public games. ATHLONE, a town of Ireland, pleasantly si- tuated on botli sides of the Shannon ; the one half lying in the county of Westmeath, and the other in that of Roscommon. ITiese divisions of the town are united by a well built bridge, in the middle of which stands a monument, on which there are some badly executed figures and in- scriptions, celebrating the success of Queen Elizabeth of England, and relating how the rebels m her reign were executed, quartered, and their skulls, &.c. stuck upon poles, about the country, and at Dublin castle ; and every thing brougiit into a state of the greatest prosperity. Athlone, though so advantageously situated for trade, still remains a poor, ruinous, neglected, dirty place. The castle was founded by king John, on some land belonging to St. Peter's abbey, for which he granted a compensation. It is built on a high raised round hill, resembling one of the Danish forts. It had formerly two con- vents, and was strongly fortified. In 1691 part of the English army imder General Ginckle, although tlie Irish were strongly entrenched on the opposite shore, forded the river, stormed and took possession of the town, not losing more than fifty men in the attack ; which is esteemed as bold an enterprise as any recorded in historj'. General Ginckle obtained the title of Earl of Athlone, as a reward for his services. There are generally two troops of horse, and four compa- nies of foot quartered at Athlone. Athlone is fifty-nine miles west from Dublin. Long. 7° 41' W., lat. 53^ 22' N. ATHLOTHETA, in antiquity, an officer ap- pointed to superintend the public games, and adjudge the prizes. The athlotheta was other- wise called resymneta, brabeuta, &c. ATHNACH, the name of one of the principal of the Hebrew accents, which serves not only to regulate the voice, but to distinguish the mem- bers of a sentence, whence its name athnach, i. e. respiration. On this account it is called king and pause, and answers to our colon, and some- times to a note of interrogation. It is marked under a letter thus {/,)• ATHOL, or Atholl, the most northern dis- trict of Perthshire in Scotland, extending in length forty-three miles, and in breadth thirty. The country is very rough and mountainous, and contains part of the ancient Caledonian forest : but these mountains are interspersed with ft-uit- ful valleys. It has several villages, but no town of any consideration. The most noted place is Blair castle, which belongs to the duke of Atholl, who derives his title from this district. In the neighbourhood is the pass of Killicranky, ren- dered memorable by the battle fought there, in the beginning of king William's reign, between general M'Kay, and the Highlanders adhering to king James. ATHOS, a mountain of Chalcidia in Macedo- nia, celebrated in ancient and modem times. The ancients entertained extravagant notior concerning its height ; and it was a received opi- nion, that the summit of mount Athos was above the middle region of the air, and that it never rained upon it. Its modern name of ^lonte Santo (Holy Mount) it has got from the number of Greek monasteries that are built on it. They amount to nearly thirty, are protected by fortifi- citions from the incursions of the corsairs, and ;ire inhabited by about 6000 monks, who lead a life of monotony and indolence. The air is re- markably pure, and many of the inhabitants reach a great age. About half-way up the hill lies a small town, called Kareis, which is also fortified, and is the scat of the Turkish aga. A market is held here every Saturday, from which females are excluded. They pay an annual tri- bute for protection to the Turkish government. The manuscripts in their libraries have been recently examined, and some account of them will be found in Dr. Clarke's Travels. Accord- ing to the accounts of modern travellers, this mountain advances into the Archipelago, on the south of the Gulf of Contessa, and is joined to the continent by an isthmus about half a league in breadth. It is about thirty miles in circum- ference, and two in perpendicular height. It abounds with many different kinds of plants and trees, particularly the pine and fir. In the val- leys grows a plant called elegia, whose branches serve to make pens for writing. Through this mountain, or rather through the isthmus behind it, Xerxes, king of Persia, is said to have cut a passage for his fleet when about to invade Greece. In this work he spent three whole years, and employed in it all the forces on board the fleet. He is also said, before the work was be- gun, to have written the following ridiculous letter to tiie mountain: 'Athos, thou pioud and aspiring mountain, that liftest up thy head to the very skies, I advise thee not to he so audacious, as to put rocks and stones, that cannot be cut, in the way of my workmen ! If thou makest that opposition, I will cut thee entirely down, and throw thee headlong into the sea ! ' The direc- tors of this enterprise are said to have been Bubaris, the son of Megabyzus, and Artacheus, the son of Arbeus, both Persians ; but, as no traces of such a great work remain, the truth of the whole relation has been questioned. Dino- crates, a sculptor, who followed the march of Alexander, offered to convert mount Athos into a statue of that king, holding a town in his right hand, and in his left a basin large enough to contain all the waters that flowed from it ; but the proposal was deemed too extravagant to be accepted. This venerable mountain constitutes one entire chain, extending seven miles in length, and three in breadth, and is situated about seventy miles east of Salonichi, the ancient Thes- salonica. ATHULIA, in entomology, a very small spe- cies of papilio, found in the northern parts of Russia. This is the papilio phoebe of Esper, and belongs to the family satyri in the Fabrician system. ATHWART, prep. & adj. From to thwart. Across ; in a transverse direction ; figuratively, wrong, in a vexatious manner. ATI 225 ATL There let the clcissic page thy fancy lead Through rural scenes, such as the Mantuan swaia Paints in the matchless harmony of song ; Or catch thyself the landscape gilded swift Athwart Imagination's vivid eye. Thomson. Shook sudden from the bosom of the sky, A thousand shapes, or glide athwart the dusk. Or stalk majestic on. Id. With thee, my bark. 111 swiftly go. Athwart the foaming brine ; Nor care what land thou bear'st me to. So not again to mine. Lord Byron's Childe Harold. Athwart, in navigation, is synonymous with across the line of the course. It is also used in other senses, such as, Athwart-haise, expresses the situation of a ship, when she is driven by wind or tide, or any other accident across the fore part of anotlier. Athwakt-ships, reaching across ships from one side to the other. Athwart the fore foot, denotes the flight of a cannon ball from one ship across the course of another, to intercept the latter, and oblige her to shorten sail, that the former may come near enough to examine her. ATIIY, a town of Ireland, in the county of Kildare, near the borders of Queen's county. It is situated on the river Barrow, on which boats pass by Carlow to ^^ aterford. It is ten miles south of Kildare, and thirty-two south-west of Dublin ; from which a branch of the grand canal extends, and boats pass between them daily, through the whole extent. It is governed by a sovereign, two bailiffs, and a recorder; and is, alternately with Naas, the assizes town. ATHYMIA, aOvfiia, despondency ; dejection of the spirits. ATIBAR, the nameby which the inhabitants of Gago in Africa call gold-dust ; from which word Europeans, and especially the French, have composed the word tiber, which also signi- fies gold-dust among those who trade in that commodity. ATILIA, in ancient records, signifies utensils, implements for country business. ATILT. On tilt. Lifted up in the attitude of attack; also, any thing with one end lifted up, as a barrel. In the city Tours Thou ran'st atilt, in honour of my love ; And stol'st away the ladies' hearts from France. Shakspeare. To run atilt at men, and wield Their naked tools in open field. Hudibras. Such a man is always atilt ; his favours come haurdly from him. Spectator. ATINGA GuACu-Mucu. See Corxltus Cl- CULVS. Atixga, in ichthyology, a species of diodon, of an oblong form, beset with rounded spines. It is called by Marcgrave, guamajucu antinga; and in England is known by the name of porcu- pine fish. This species lives in the i\jnerican seas, and about the Cape of Good Hope. Its food consists of crabs and other shell-fish. The length rather exceeds twelve inches ; the body is compressed at tlie sides, and bluish. This creature has the Vol. III. power of dilating its body, and erecting its spines at pleasure. It is usually taken in nets, but will also take bait, which is commonly the tail of a crab, fastened on the hook. ATINIA Lex, a law passed by the tribune Atinius, which gave a tribune of the people the privileges of a senator, and the right of sitting in the senate. ATIZOE, in the writings of ancient naturalists, a stone used in the consecration and anointing of kings. Pliny describes it to have been of a lenticular figure, and of the size of three fingers, of a bright silvery color, and of a pleasant smell. He says it was found in India, and in some other places. Agricola is of opinion it was a kind of bitumen. ATKINS (.Tames), bishop of Galloway, the son of Henry Atkins, sheriff of Orkney, was bom at Kirkwall, educated at the university of Edin- burgh, where he took the degree of A. M. and finished his studies at Oxford, under the cele- brated Dr. Prideaux, about A. D. 1638. Being appointed chaplain to the Marquis of Hamilton, he was soon after, presented to the church of Birsay in Orkney, where he was much esteemed. In 1650, being moderator of the presbytery, he was appointed to draw up a declaration of loyalty, in their names, and present it to the iNlarquis of Montrose ; for which he and the whole presbytery were deposed by the general assembly, and the doctor was excommunicated for corresponding with the Marquis. The coun- cil soon after passed an act for bringing him to trial, but being privately warned by his friend. Sir Archibald Primrose, the clerk of council, he fled to Holland, where he remained till 1653, when he returned to Edinburgh, and resided in quiet obscurity till the restoration. He then accompanied Dr. Sydserf to London, and ob- tained the rectory of Winfrith. In 1677 he was elected bishop of Moray, and in 1680 translated to the see of Galloway, which he governed seven years, and died much respected in 1687, aged seventy-four. Atkins (Sir Robert), lord chief baron of the exchequer, was born in 1621, and educated at the university of Oxford, from whence he removed to the inns of court, and became eminent in the law. He was made knight of the bath, at the coronation of king Charles II. In 1662 he was appointed one of the judges of Common Pleas ; in which station he continued till 1679, when foreseeing the troubles that soon after ensued, he resigned, and retired into the country. In 1689 he was made by king William lord chief baron of the exchequer; and about the same time filled the office of speaker to the house of lords. He dis- tinguished himself by an unshaken zeal for the laws and liberties of his country; and wrote several pieces which have been collected into one volume 8vo. under the title of Parliamentary and Political Tracts. ATLAN'TEAN. Possessing the strength of Atlas. Where are the pillars, that support the skies ? What more than Atlantean shoulder props Th' incumbent load ? What magic, what strange art. In fluid air these pond'rous orbs sustain ? Young's Night Thoughts, ix. Q 226 ATLANTIC. ATIANTES. See Atlas. ATLANTIC. The Atlantic Ocean is that great basin of waters that separates Europe and Africa on the east, from America on the west, and stretches from the arctic ocean on the north to a Ime which joins Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope on the south. It is divided from the north sea, on the north-east, by the Straits of Dover, Great Britain, the isles of Faroe and Ice- land. The Mediterranean with its gulfs, the Gulf of Mexico, and Hudson's and Baffin's Bay, are consequently branches of it. That part of the Atlantic, however, between Brasil and Africa, and from the nearest approximation of these countries to the southern limits, is sometimes called the Ethiopic Ocean. It has been conjec- tured that the vast bed of the Atlantic was formed at the time of the deluge, by the great southern ocean below the equator, rushing on the northern hemisphere. This the shape of the opposite shores has been supposed to justify, which have the exact appearance of having been formed by the action of water, the great protu- berances of the one correspondmg to the inden- tations of the other. One of the most remarkable features of the Atlantic is its currents. It par- takes of the general current which flows from the poles towards the equator, and which arises from the increased evaporation in the equatorial re- gions, and the augmented temperature of tlie waters, rendering them specifically lighter than those of the ocean in higher latitudes, as well as from the increased supplies produced by the melting of the polar ice. The existence and effects of this great current are fully proved by the enor- mous masses of polar ice, which they convey into the more temperate regions of the ocean, and which sometimes float as low as 40^ of latitude. The coast of America, and the numerous islands with which it is flanked, intercept the ge- neral current of the Atlantic, and create what uavigators call the gulf stream. This enters the Gulf of Mexico, sweeps round the shores of that Gulf, and issues with accelerated velocity towards the north, by the channel between the southern point of Florida and the Bahama Islands. It then rolls along the shore of North America, di- minishing in velocity, but increasing in breadth, till it reaches the great bank of Newfoundland. There it suddenly turns towards the east and south-east, and flows with still decreasing velo- city towards the shores of Europe, the Azores, and the coasts of Africa. Navigators readily dis- tinguish it by the high temperature of its waters, their great saltness, their indigo color, and the .shoals of sea-weed that cover their surface. The celebrated Dr. Franklin first caused it to be laid down on a map, and in his various voyages from America to Europe, made numerous oloservations on its peculiarities. Humboldt, in May 1804, observed its velocity in the twenty-seventh de- gree of latitude, and found it about eighty miles in twenty-four hours, though the north wind blew very strongly at the time of the observation. \\'hen it issues from the Gulf of Florida, its ve- locity resembles that of a torrent, and is some- times five miles an hour, but at others not more than three. Between tlie nearest point of Florida and the bank of Bahama, the breadth is only fif- teen leagues, but a few xlegrees further north it is seventeen ; in the parallel of Charlestown, it is from forty to fifty leagues in breadth ; and in latitude 40° 25', this is increased to nearly eighty leagues. The waters of the torrid zone, being thus forcibly impelled towards the north-east, preserve their high temperature to such a degree, that in latitude 40° and 41° it has been found to be 22-5° of the centigrade thermometer, or 72° of Fahrenheit ; while out of the current the tem- perature of the water was only 63'5°. In the parallel of New York, the temperature of the gulf stream is equal to that of the sea in latitude 80°. When the stream reaches the western Azore island, where the breadth is about 160 leagues, the waters still preserve a part of the impulsion they received in the Gulf of Florida, nearly 1000 leagues distant. Thence it proceeds to the Canaries and the coast of Africa, and in the latitude of Cape Blanco, where the waters flow towards the south-west, they mingle with the current of the tropics, and recommence their tour from east to west. Thus it appears that the waters of the Atlantic, between the eleventh and forty-third degrees, are constantly drawn by currents into a kind of whirlpool; and if a body floating on these waters be supposed to return precisely to the place from which it commenced its motion, M. Humboldt has calculated, from the known velocity of the current, that it would require two years and ten months to complete its circuit of 3800 leagues. ' A boat,' he observes, ' which maybe supposed to receive no impulsion from the winds, would require thirteen months from the Canary islands, to reach the coast of Caraccas, ten months to make the tour of the Gulf of Mexico and reach Tortoise shoals, opposite the port of Havannah, while forty or fifty days might be sufficient to carry it from the Straits of Florida to the banks of Newfoundland. Estimating the velocity of the water at seven or eight miles in twenty-four hours, in their progress from this bank to the coast of Africa, it would require ten or eleven months for this last distance. Such are the eff'ects of this slow but regular motion, which agitates the wa- ters of the ocean.' A branch of this current evi- dently reaches the western shores of Europe, as the productions of the tropical regions of America are frequently thrown on the coasts of the He- brides, Scotland, and Norway. M. Humboldt endeavoured to ascertain the comparative height of the waters of this ocean along its shores. In reference to the Gulf of Mexico, and the opposite side of the isthmus on the shores of the Pacific, he found the surface of the former to be six or seven metres higher than that of the latter. The depth of the Atlantic is also extremely various; in many places being wholly beyond the power of man to fathom. Captain Scoresby, in the Greenland sea, in 1817, plumbed to the greatest known depth which a line has reached, i. e. 7200 feet. Many parts of the Atlantic, however, are thought to be three times this depth. The saltness and specific gravity of the Atlan- tic differ in various parts ; and gradually diminish from the equator to the poles. In the neigh- bourhood of the British isles, the salt has been ATLANTIC s»atecl at J^rd of the weight of the water; and Dr. Thomjjson, in his Chemistry, observes, that as far as experience has gone, the proportion of saline contents does not appear to differ much, whatever may be the latitude in which the water is examined. Captain Phipps, in north latitude 80°, and sixty fathoms under ice, found the sa- line contents of sea-water to be 0'0354 ; in lati- tude 74°, he found them to be 0"036 ; in latitude 60°, 0',034. Pages found sea-water, taken up in north latitude 45° and 39°, to contain 0-04 of saline contents ; and Baumfe, obtained by analy- sis from water taken up by Pages, in north lati- tude 34° and 14°, exactly the same proportion of saline matter. In southern latitudes, Pages found the following proportions of saline con- tents, viz. : Latitude Sal. Matter 49° 50' . 0-0416 . 46 . 0045 40 30 . 0040 . Latitude Sal. Mat. 25° 54' . 004 20 00 . 0-039 1 16 . 0-035 The specific gravity of the water is greatest where the saline ingredients contained are the most abundant; as it is the mixture of these with the pure water that increases its weight. The water of the Atlantic ocean is warmest be- tween 5° 45' and 6° 15' of north latitude, where it has been found by actual observation to vary from about 82° 5' to 84° 5' of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer. There, too, the temperature of the sea is generally a few degrees higher than that of the air which reposes upon it. Nearer the poles the influence of the seasons on the surface of the ocean, becomes more sensible ; but, as the tem- perature of the water changes more slowly than that of the atmosphere, the means do ndt, in point of time, exactly correspond. Where not disturbed by local causes, the mean temperature of the surface water is not very different from that of the incumbent atmosphere. It is about 81° at the equator, 70° at 26° of north latitude, and 60° at 45°. 'The temperature diminishes as the depth increases. M. Peron found that at the depth of 380 fathoms, the temperature was only 45° 5', though at the surface it was 80°. Currents greatly modify the temperature by transmitting the water of one region to another, as well as in some degree by the agitation they create. While the current which sets into the Gulf of Mexico is much warmer than the adjacent parts of the sea, it is not so warm as that which flows through Magellan's Straits into the Pacific. Humboldt made various experiments on the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, between the 9th of June and the 15th of .July, 1799, from which the following are selected : Temperatiiro ^f the forth lat. West Ion. Atlantic octa.'i, at O ' / its surface. o « 39 10 . . . 16 18 . . . 59 00 Fahrenheit 34 30 . . . 16 55 . . . . 61 34 32 16 . . . 17 4 . . , . 63 86 30 36 . . . 16 54 . . . . 65 48 29 18 . . . 16 40 . , . . 66 74 26 51 . . . 19 13 . , . . 68 00 20 8 . . . 28 51 . , , . 70 16 IT 57 . . . 33 14 . . . 72 32 14 57 . . . 44 40 . . . 74 66 13 51 . . . 49 43 . . . . 76 46 10 46 . . , . 60 54 . , . . 78 44 227 lie farther remarks tliat, ' from Corunna to the mouth of the Tagus, tlie water of tlie sea varied but little in its temperature ; but from the thirty-ninth degree of latitude to the tenth, the increment was very sensible and very constant, though not always uniform. From the parallel of Cape ]Montego to that of Salvage, the progress of the thermometer was almost as rapid as from 20° 18' to 10° 46'; but it slackened extremely at the limits of the torrid zone, from 29° 18' to 20° 8'. This inequality is, no doubt, caused by the currents that mingle the waters of different latitudes, and which, as we approach the Canary Islands, on the coast of Guiana, set either to the south-east, or north-west. M. de Churuca, who crossed the equator in his voyage to the straits of Magellan, in the twenty-fifth degree of west longitude (in October), found the maximum of the temperature of the Atlantic ocean, at the surface in 6° of north latitude.' Humboldt's Personal Narrative. ]\Iasses of ice, and icebergs, having their origin in high latitudes, are carried towards the south and south-west by the general current, which flows from the poles towards the equator ; and they have a great influence in lowering the summer temper- ature both of the ocean and atmosphere. Frag- ments of these icebergs occasionally reach the fortieth degree of latitude. At 50° the rivers, lakes, and bays, of the sea, sometimes freeze ; and at 60°, the gulfs and interior seas sometimes freeze in their whole extent. ATLANTIDES, in astronomy, the Pleiades, or seven stars, so called, as being supposed to have been the daughters of Atlas, who, the poets fabled, were translated into heaven. ATLANTIS, Atalantis, or Atlantica; an island mentioned by Plato and some others of the ancients, concerning the real existence of which there have been many disputes. Homer, Horace, and the other poets, make two Atlanti- cas, calling them Hesperides and Elysian Fields, making them the habitations of the blessed. The most distinct account of this island we have in Plato's Tiraseus, of which Mr. Chambers gives the following abridgement. ' The Atlantis was a large island in the western ocean, situated op- posite to the straits of Gades. Out of this island there was an easy passage into some others, which lay near a large continent, exceedii^ in bigness all Europe and Asia. Neptune settled in this island, from whose son. Atlas, its name was derived, and divided it among his ten sons. To the yovmgest fell the extremity of the island, called Gadir; which, in the language of the country, signifies fertile, or abundant in sheep. The descendants of Neptune reigned here fronc father to son for a great number of generations in the order of primogeniture, during the space of 9000 years. They also possessed several other islands; and, passing into Europe and Africa, subdued all Lybia as far as Egypt, and all Europe to Asia Minor. At length the island sunk under water: and fo"- a long time after- Q2 ATL 228 ATM wards the sea thereabouts was full of rocks and shelves.' Many of the moderns also are of opi- nion, that the existence of the Atlantis is not to be looked upon as entirely fahulous. Some take it to have been America ; and from thence, as well as from a passage in Seneca's Medea, and some other obscure hints, they imagine that the new world was not unknown to the ancients. But allowing this to be the case, the above- mentioned continent, which was said to lie beyond Atlantis, would seem rather to have been the continent of America than that of At- lantis itself. The learned Rudbeck, professor in the University of Upsal, in a work entitled Atlantica sive Manheim, endeavours to prove that Sweden and Norway are the Atlantis of the ancients ; but this its situation will not allow us to believe. By Kircher it is supposed to have been an island extending from the Canaries to the Azores; tliat it was swallowed up by the ocean, as Plato asserts; and that these small islands are the sliattered remains of it. Atlas, one of the Titans, son of Japetus and Clymene, one of the Oceanides. lie was brother to Epimetheus, Prometheus, and Mencetius. He married Pleione, daughter of Oceanus, or Ilesperis, according to otherF. by whom he had seven daughters, called Atlantides. He was king of Mauritania, and master of a thousand flocks ; as also of beautiful gardens, abounding in fruit, which he entrusted to the care of a dragon. Per- seus, after the conquest of the Gorgons, passed by the palace of Atlas, and demanded hospitality. The king, who had been informed by Themis that he should be dethroned by one of the descendants of Jupiter, refused to receive him. Perseus showed him Medusa's head, and Atlas was instantly changed into a large mountain. This mountain which runs across the deserts of Africa, east and west, is so high that the ancients have imagined that the heavens rested on its top, and that Atlas supported the world on his shoul- ders. Hyginus says, that Atlas assisted the giants in their wars against the gods, for which Jupiter compelled him to bear the heavens on his shoulders. Atlas, in anatomy, the name of the first ver- tebra of the neck, which supports the head. It has no spinal apophyses; because the motions of the head do not turn on this vertebra, but on the second. Atlas, in architecture, is a name given to those figures, or half figures of men, sometimes used instead of columns, or pilasters, to support any member of architecture, as a balcony, or the like. These Atlantes are also called Telamones. Atlas, in commerce, a silk satin, manufac- tured in the East Indies. There are some plain, some striped, some flowered, the flowers of which are either gold, or silk. There are atlasses of all colors ; but most of them false, especially the red and the crimson. The manufacture of them is admirable ; the gold and silk being worked together after such a manner as no workman in Europe can imitate; yet they are far from having that fine lustre which the I'rench know how to give to their silk stuffs. In the Chinese manu- factures of this sort, they gild paper on one side with leaf-gold; then cut it in long .slips, and weave it into their silks; which makes them, with little cost, look very rich and fine. The same long slips are twisted about silk threads, so arti- ficially, as to look finer than gold thread, though it be of no great value. Atlas, in geography, a lofty chain of moun- tains which separate Barbary from the great desert of Zaara. They are said to have derived their name from Atlas, king of Mauritania. The mountains which form the eastern boundary of the empire of Morocco are by far the loftiest part of this chain; their height rises to upwards of 13,000 feet; and their summits are covered with perpetual snow. As the chain stretches through eastern Barbary, it diminishes consider- ably in height, spreading into various branches. These Dr. Shaw represents as generally consisting of a number of little hills of the perpendicular height of 400 or 500 yards, covered with groves, and ranges of fruit and forest trees rising behind each other. From this chain numerous rivers de- scend and fertilise the plains of Morocco in their way to the ocean ; while others flow southwards into the desert, till they are lost in its sands. The geology of the Atlas is very little known ; but Us basis is probably granite, while in its lower parts calcareous rocks appear to prevail. Consider- ing its 'extent and magnitude, the Atlas does not produce any very copious supply of minerals. Lead and silver are obtained in considerable quantity, and farther to the south are mines of gold and silver, which the sovereigns of Morocco have prevented from being worked, from jea- lousy of the natives. Antimony, for which there exists an extensive demand as a cosmetic, is drawn very copiously from these mountains. The most valuable kind is found near Tafilelt, and IS* called El Kahol Filelly. Opposite to Te- rodant, sulphur is found in immense quantities. Iron is also produced though not very abun- dantly. The ancients, whose knowledge of geo- graphy was very confined, conceived these moun- tains to be the pillars of the world, and that their summit upheld the heaven : we subjoin the fol- lowing quotation. Ner patitur nomen proferri longius Atlas, Atlas siibducto tacturus vertice ca?lum ; Sidera nubiferum fulcit caput, astheriasque Erigit aeternum compages ardua cervix ; Canet barba gelu, frontemque immanibus umbris Pinea silva preinit, vastant cava tempora venti Nimbosoque ruunt spumantia flumina rictu. Sil. 1. 1. ATLITA, in entomology, a species of papilio, indented, brown, fulvous beneath, with undulated glaucous streaks, and five blind-eye shaped spots. Native of the East Indies. ATMOSPHERE, ( From the Gr. aT/iog, Atmospiier'ical. S vapor, and ff^atpa, sphere. The body of air and vapor that sur- rounds the earth. We did not mention the weight of the incumbent atmosp/ierical cylinder, as a part of the weight resisted. Boyle. The exteriour part of this our habitable world is the air, or atmotphere ; a light, thin, fluid, or springy body, that encompasses the solid earth on all sides. Locke, ATMOSPHERE. 229 Immense the whole excited atmosphere ImpL'tuous rushes o'er the sounding world. Thonuon. Then no more The expansive atmosphere is cramped with cold. But full of life, the vivifying soul Lifts *he light clouds sublime, and spreads them thin, Fleecy, and white, o'er all-surrounding heaven. Id. Atmosphere ; this word is used to signify the whole of the fluid mass consisting of air, aqueous and other vapors, electric fluids, &c. which surrounds the earth to a considerable height, and partakes of both its diurnal motion on its axis, and its annual motion round the sun. Its composition was, until within these few years, very little known. That it is a very hete- rogeneous mass, mi<^ht readily be concluded, upon considering tliat it is tlie common recepta- cle of all the effluvia, exhalations, and particles, raised from innumerable bodies upon the earth : hence it has been compared to a vast chemi- cal vessel in which the matter of all kinds of bodies is continually floating, and thus exposed to the action of tlie sun; from whence proceed innumerable operations, sublimations, separa- tions, compositions, digestions, fermentations, putrefactions, &c. The discoveries of modern chemistry have, however, shown us its essential constituents and their proportions, a subject which we have treated at considerable length under the word Air. It only remains therefore for us to add a few sup- plementary observations to that paper ; and these will principally respect the figure of the atmos- phere and its supposed limits. If the earth had no diurnal rotation upon its axis, then according to the laws of gravity the atmosphere would be of an uniform height, enclosing the earth, which in this case would be perfectly spherical. But as the earth and the atmosphere revolve about an axis, the diff'erent parts of both have a centrifugal force, by which their gravity is diminished to- wards the equator, the figure of the atmosphere becomes an oblate spheroid ; the parts that cor- respond to the equator being farther removed from the centre than the parts that correspond to the poles, and the ratio of the poles to the equa- torial diameter, being as two to three. Besides, the figure of the atmosphere must on another account represent a flattened spheroid ; namely, because the sun strikes more directly the air be- tween the tropics, than the air in the polar regions, and hence the mass of atmospheric air adjoining the poles being less heated, cannot expand so much, nor reach so high as the air in the neighbourhood of the equator. And yet higher columns about the equatorial regions may not be heavier than those at the poles ; seeing lliat the same force which contributes to elevate the air, diminishes its gravity and pressure on the surface of the earth. Mr. Kirwan has given in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy an ingenious disserta- tion on the figure, height, weight, &c. of the atmosphere, where he observes, that in the natu- ral state of the atmosphere, its weight must be equal over all the earth, and since the density of the air at the earth's surface increases from the equator to the poles, its height must diminish I'rom the poles to the equator, and from this it follows that although the equatorial air be less dense to a certain height than tiie polar, yet at some greater heights it must be more dense. Hence it is inferred that in the higher regions of the atmosphere, the denser equatorial air not being supported by the collateral extra-tropical columns, gradually flows over and rolls down to the north and south. La Place, in that part of his Systeme du Monde which treats of the atmosphere of the planets, ingeniously observes, that in all the changes to which the atmosphere is subject, the sum of the products of the particles of the revolving body and its atmosphere, multiplied respectively by the areas they describe round the common cen- tre of gravity (the radii being projected on the plane of the equator), remains the same in equal times. Supposing therefore by any cause what- ever, the atmosphere should be contracted, or that part thereof should become condensed on the surface of the body, the rotatory motio-n of the latter and its atmosphere would be accele- rated ; for the radii vectores of the areas des- cribed by the particles of the original atmosphere becoming smaller, the sum of the products of all the particles by their corresponding areas cannot remain the same unless their velocities be aug- mented. The limits of the atmosphere have been a fre- quent subject of philosophical inquiry, especially since it was discovered by the Torricellian tube tliat air is endued with weight and pressure. Indeed, if the air possessed no elastic power, but were everywhere of the same density, from the surface of the earth to the extreme limit of the atmosphere, like water, which is equally dense at all depths, the whole height of the at- mosphere might be ascertained without difficulty. It has been well established, that the weight of a column of air reaching to the top of the atmos- phere, is equal to the weight of the mercury con- tained in the barometer, and counterbalancing it ; and the proportion of weight likewise being known between equal bulks of air and mercury, it will be easy to find the height of such a column, and consequently that of the atmosphere itself. For a column of air one inch high being to an equal column of mercury as 1 to 11364"6; it is evident that 11364-6 such columns of air, that is a column 947 feet high, would be equal in weight to one inch of mercury : and conse- quently the 30 inches of mercury sustained in the barometer, require a column of air 28,410 feet high ; whence the height of the atmosphere would only be 28,410 feet, or little more than five English miles and a quarter high. But the air by its elastic property expands and contracts; and it being found by repeated experiments that the spaces it takes up when compressed by diffe- rent weights, are reciprocally proportional to those weights themselves ; or, that the air takes up the less space the more it is pressed ; it fol- lows that the air in the upper regions of the at- mosphere, where the weight is so much less, must be much rarer than near the surface of the earth ; and consequently that the heigiit of the atmosphere must be much greater than is above assigned. On this subject it has been further and well remarked, that if the earth were perfectly mo- 230 ATMOSPHERE. tionless, the elasticity of the atmosphere uni- formly as the compressing force, and matter infinitely divisible, we could have no other than an atmosphere indefinitely extended; but the diurnal motion at a certain height brings the centrifugal force equal to that of gravity, and beyond this limit no atmosphere can exist. Its particles by the operation of this force would here become projected into space ; and the pro- cess would continue until the entire atmosphere was dissipated. Dr. WoUaston, in an ingenious paper in Part I. of the Phdosophical Transac- tions for 1822, observes, that if we admit that air has been rarefied so as to sustain only -jig of an inch of barometrical pressure, and that this mea- sure has afforded a true estimate of its rarity, we should infer from the law of elasticity observed within certain limits, that the atmosphere extends at least to the height of forty miles with proper- ties yet unimpaired by extreme rarefaction. Be- yond this limit we are left to conjecture, founded on the supposed divisibility of matter ; and if this be infinite, so also must be the extent of the at- mosphere, except so far as regards the centrifugal force to which we have already reierred ; for if the density be throughout as the compressing force, then must a stratum of given thickness at every height be compressed by a superincum- bent atmosphere, bearing a constant ratio to its own weight, whatever be its distance from the earth. But if air consists of any ultimate par- ticles no longer divisible, then must expansion of the medium composed of them cease at that distance where the force of gravity downwards upon a single particle is equal to the resistance arising from the repulsive force of the medium. On the supposition of limited divisibility, the atmosphere which surrounds us must be con- ceived to be a medium of finite extent, and may be peculiar to our planet, since its properties would afford no ground to presume that similar matter exists in any other planet. But if we adopt the supposition of unlimited expansion, we must conceive the same kind of matter to pervade all space, where it would not be in equilibrio unless the sun, the moon, and all the planets possessed their respective shares of it condensed around them, in degrees depending upon their respective force of attraction, unless in those instances where the tendency to accu- mulate may be counteracted by the interference of other kinds of matter, or of other powers of which we have no experience, and concerning which we cannot be supposed to reason cor- rectly. Now on this supposition, since we know the ma5s and diameter of the principal bodies in our system, we should know also the density of their atmospheres at their respective surfaces; and also at what distance from the surface of each, the density would be the same as at the surface of the earth ; at which height a sensible degree of refraction that is more than a degree, ought to be produced on a ray of light passing through it. For example, if the mass of the sun be consider- ed as 330,000 times that of the earth, the dis- tance at which bis force is equal to that of ter- restrial gravity at our surface, will be^/ 330,000, or about 575 times the earth's radius ; and if his radias be 111 '5 times that of the earth then the 575 distance will be 111-5 = 5-15 times the sun's radius. Now the mean apparent semi-diameter of the sun being 15'49", we have 15' 49" x 5-15 = 1° 21' 29", for the distance from the sun's centre, where the refractive power of his atmos- phere is equal to that at the earth's surface ; that is where it would produce a deviation of a degree to a ray passing through it at that distance. We are able, as Dr.WoUaston has shown, to observe \'enus within this distance of the sun ; and since in this observation we find no effect pro- duced by refraction, the observed and computed places agreeing to a fraction of a minute, we have a right to infer that at die distance we have computed, the density of the sun's atmosphere is not such as it would be if each body in the system possessed an atmosphere proportional to its own attractive power ; but this must be the case if the elastic matter of the atmosphere were infinitely divisible, hence then again we may conclude that matter is not infinitely divisible, and consequently that the atmosphere of this §arth is of a finite and limited height, and may be peculiar to it. But some doubt will hang over this deduction in respect to the sun, on account of the probable heat near his surface, which may produce a rarefaction far exceeding any thing that we can farm an idea of; but this will not be the case if we select Jupiter as the body for observation. Since the mass of Jupiter is full 309 times that of the earth, the distance at which his attrac- tion is equal to gravity must be about -v/309, or 17'6 times the earth's radius; and since his diameter is nearly 11 times greater than that of the earth, we shall have- =1*6 times his own radius ; for the distance from his centre at which an atmosphere equal to our own should occasion a refraction exceeding one degree to the fourth satellite. This distance would subtend an angle of about 3° 37', so that an increase of density to 3^ times our common atmosphere, would be more than sufficient to render the fourth satellite visible to us when behind the centre of the planet ; and consequently to make it appear on both or all sides at the same time. Hence, what- ever doubt may remain on the deduction made from observations on Venus seen through the solar atmosphere, in consequence of the possible effects of heat which cannot be appreciated, it is evident that no error from this source can be apprehended in regard to Jupiter. This planet therefore does not possess an atmosphere pro- portional to his mass, as he would do if the matter composing it were infinitely divisible, and therefore, as we have seen, common to the whole solar system. Hence then we have a right to conclude, that matter is not infinitely divisible, and that each planet possesses an atmosphere peculiar to itself of limited height, composed of ultimate atoms of definite magnitude, no longer divisible by the repulsion of their parts. We may, in conclusion, observe that to the refractive and attractive power of the atmosphere we owe all the blessings and phenomena of twilight. By the former the rays of light are A T O O I. 231 bent from the right-lined direction, by the latter objects are enlightened more uniformly on all sides. The want of this power would occasion a strange alteration in the appearance of things; shadows would be totally dark, and the en- lightened sides of objects overpoweringly bright; so that probably we could see no more of them than their bright halves; and for a view of the other halves must turn them round, or, if immovable, wait until the sun could come round upon them. Such a pellucid unreflective atmosphere might be very commodious for astronomical observa- tions on the course of the sun and planets among the fixed stars visible by day as well as by night; but such a sudden transition from darkness to light, and from light to darkness immediately upon the rising and setting of the sun, without any twilight, and even upon turning to or from the sun at noon day, would be very incon- venient and offensive to our eyes. See Keil's Astron. Led. 20, &c. See also Light and IIe- rKACTiON in our alphabet. ATOLLENS Oculi, in anatomy, a name given by Albinus to one of his quatuor recti musculi oculi. This is the muscle called by JMolinett, and others, the superbus, and by Cowper, the elevator oculi. A'TOM, "^ From a, privative, and rt/i- Atom'ical, I vw, to cut. Something so small A'tomist, [as not to be cut into smaller Atom'like, Tparticles ; so simple as not to Atom'ology, be capable of reduction to At'omy. J simpler elements. It is as easy to count atoms, as to resolve the pro- positions of a lover. Slmkspeare. As You Like it. Drawn with a team of little atomies. Athwart men's noses, as they^be asleep. Shakspeare. Vitrified and pellucid bodies are clearer in their continuities, than in powders and atomical divisions. Brown's Vulgar Erroiirs. These atomic theists utterly evacuate that grand argument for a God, taken from the phenomenon of the artificial frame of things, which has been so much insisted upon in all ages. Cudworth's Intellectual System. Innumerable minute bodies are called atoms; be- cause, by reason of their perfect solidity, they were really indivisible. Ray. The atomists (who define motion to be a passage from one place to another) what do they more, than put one synon3rmous word for another ? Locke. See plastick nature, working to this end ! The single atoms, each to other tend ; Attract, attracted to, the next in place, Form'd and impell'd its neighbour to embrace. Pope. Now can judicious atomists conceive. Chance to the sun could his just impulse give ? Blaekmore. Vacuum is another principal doctrine of the atomi- cal philosophy. Bentley's Sermom. Atom ; atomus, Lat. ^ rofiog ; such a small par- ticle as cannot be physically divided ; and these are the first rudiments, or the component parts of all bodies. Atomical Philosophy. See Attraction. ATONE', V. & ad.^ To be at one. Imply- Atone'ment, Mng a state of former Atoke'maker. J estrangement, and ex- pressing present reconciliation. To satisfy the claims of justice and equity by making repara- tion and expiation; to enjoy the renewed friend- ship and regard of the injured party. Paul sayth, 1 Timothy ii. One God, one Mediator (that is to say, aduocate, intercessor, or an atone- maker), betweene God and man ; the man Christ Jesus which gaue himselfe a raunsom for all men. Tfw WMe Workes of W. Tyndall, fol. 158. c. i. He seeks, to make atonement. Between the duke of Glo'ster and your brothers. Shakspeare. He and Aufidius can no more atone. Than violentest contrariety. Id. Coriolanus. From a mean stock, the pious Decii came ; Yet such their virtues, that their loss alone. For Rome and all our legions, did atone. Dryden. Juvenal. The good intention of a man of weight and worth, or a real friend, seldom atones for the uneasiness produced by his grave representations Locke. Let thy sublime meridian course. For Mary's setting rays, atone : Our lustre, with redoubled force. Must now proceed from thee alone. Prior. His virgin sword j^gysthus' veins imbrued ; The murd'rer fell, and blood aton'd for blood. Pope, Soon should yon boasters cease their haughty strife ; Or each atone his guilty love, with life. Id. And the Levites were purified ; and Aaron made an atonement for them, to cleanse them. Numbers. "Purely, it is not a sufficient atonement for the writers ; that they profess loyalty to the government, and sprinkle some arguments in favour of the dissenters ; and, under the shelter of popular politicks and reli- gion, undermine the foundations of all piety and virtue. Swift. If any contention arose, he knew none fitter to be their judge, to atone, and take up their quarrels, but himself. Drummond. Atonement. The word "l£)3,translated atone- ment in the sacred writings, some writers say, signifies covering ; and thus it would seem to imply that man can only be at-one with an in- finitely just God, when that for which his pro- genitor was banished God's presence, and that which he has himself acquired by following a similar course, is covered. See Expiation and Sacrifice. ATONICS, in grammar, words unaccented. ATONY ; from a, and tovoq, tone ; in raec'i- cine, a defect of tone or tension, or a laxity or debility of the solids of the body. ATOOI, one of the Sandwich islands. — Towards the north-west and north-east the face of the country is ragged and broken ; but to the southward it is m.ore even. The hills rise from the sea side with a gentle acclivity, and, at a little distance back, are covered with wood. Its produce is the same with that of the other islands of this cluster; but its plantation? are managed much better than those of all the neiglibouring islands. In the low grounds, contiguous to the bay wherein our navigators anchored, they were regularly divided by deep ditches; the fences were formed with a neatness approaching to elegance, and the roads through them were finished in such a manner as would have re- flected credit even on an European engineer. The anchoring place, which our vessel occup/cd, is on the south-west side of the island, about two 232 A T O O I. leagues from the west end, before a village named Wymoa. As far as was sounded, the bank was free from rocks, except to the eastward of the village, where there projects a shoal, on which are some rocks and breakers. This road is some- what exposed to the trade wind, notwithstaTiding which defect, it is far from being a bad station, and greatly superior to those which necessity con- tinually obliges ships to use, in countries where the winds are not only more variable, but more boisterous ; as at Madeira, Teneriffe, the Azores, &c. The landing too is not so difficult as at most of those places ; and, unless in very bad weather, is always practicable. The water in the neighbourhood is excellent, and may be con- veyed with ease to the boats. But no wood can be cut at any convenient distance, unless the islanders could be prevailed upon to part with the few etooa trees (cordia sebestina) that grow about their villages, or a species called dooe dooe, which grows farther up the country. Atooi is about 300 miles in circumference. Long. 200O 20' E., lat. 21° 57' N. The natives of Atooi are of the middle size, and in general stoutly made. They are neither remarkable for a beautiful shape nor for striking features. Their visage, particularly that of the women, is sometimes round, but others have it long; nor can it justly be said th-it they are dis- tinguished as a nation by any general cast of countenance. Their complexion is nearly of a nut brown ; but some individuals are of a darker hue. They are far from being ugly, and have, to all appearance, few natural deformities of any kind. Their skin is not very soft nor shining; but their eyes and teeth are, for the most part, pretty good. Their hair in general is straight ; and though its natural color is usually black, they stain it, as at the Friendly and other Islands. They are active, vigorous, and most expert swimmers, leaving their canoes upon the most frivolous occasion, diving under them and swim- ming to others, though at a considerable dis- tance. Women with infants at the breast, when the surf was so high as to prevent their landing in the canoes, frec|uently leapt overboard, and swam to the shore without endangering their little ones. They appeared to be of a frank cheerful disposition, and are equally free from the fickle levity which characterises the inhabi- tants of Otaheite, and the sedate cast which is observable among many of those of Tonoataboo. They seem to cultivate a sociable intercourse with each other; and except the propensity to thieving, whicii is as it were innate in most of the people in those seas, they appeared extremely friendly. It was pleasing to observe with what affection the women managed their inflmts, and with what alacrity the men contributed their as- sistance in such a tender office ; thus distinguish- ing themselves from tliose savages who consider a wife and child as things rather necessary than desirable, or worthy of their regard and esteem. From the numbers that were seen assembled at every village, in coasting along, it was conjec- tured that the inhabitants of this island are pretty numerous. Including the straggling houses, it was computed there might perhaps be, in the Tihole island, sixty such villages as that near which our ships anchored; and, allowing fin; persons to each house, there would be in every village 500, or 30,000 in all upon the island. This is by no means exaggerated ; for there were sometimes 3000 people at least collected upon the beach, when it could not be supposed that above a tenth part of the natives were present. The ground, from the wooded part to the sea, is covered with an excellent kind of grass, about two feet in height, which sometimes grows in tufts, and appeared capable of being converted into abundant crops of fine hay. But on this ex- tensive spot not even a shrub grows naturally. Besides taro, the sweet potatoe, and other simi- lar vegetables used by our crews as refreshments, among which were at least five or six varieties of plantains, the island produces bread fruit ; which, however, seems to be scarce. There are also a few cocoa palms ; some yams ; the kappe of the Friendly Islands, or Virginian arum ; the etooa tree, and odoriferous gardenia or cape jasmine. Our people also met with several trees of the dooe dooe, that bear the oily nuts, which are stuck upon a kind of skewer, and made use of as candles. There is a species of sida, or Indian mallow ; also the morinda citrifolia, which is here called none ; a species of convolvulus ; the ava or intoxicating pepper, besides great quanti- ties of gourds. These last grow to a very large size, and are of a remarkable variety of shapes, which are perhaps the effect of art. The scarlet birds, which were brought for sale, were never met with alive ; except one small one, about the size of a canary bird, of a deep crimson coior. A large owl, two brown hawks or kites, and a wild duck, were also seen. Other birds were mentioned by tiie natives ; among which were the otoo, or bluish heron, and the torata, a sort of whimbrel. It is probable that this species of birds are numerous, if we may judge by the quantity of fine yellow, rrreen, and small, velvet like, blackish feathers, used upon the cloaks and other ornaments worn by these people. Fish, and other productions of the sea, were to appear- ance not various. The only tame or domestic animals found here were hogs, dogs, and fowls, which were all of the same kind that had been met with at the islands of the South Pacific. There were also small lizards, and some rats. ATOP. On top, at the top. See Top. Atop whereof, but far more rich, appear'd The •work, as of a kingly palace-gate. Paradise Lost. What is extracted by -water from coffee is the oil, ■which often swims atop of the decoction. Arbuthnot on Aliment. ATRA BILIS, black bile, or melancholy. According to the ancients' it hath a two-fold ori- gin : first, from the grosser parts of the blood, and this they called the melancholy humor. Second, from yellow bile being higiily concocted. Dr. Percival, in his Essays Medical and Experi- mental, suggests that it is the gall, rendered acrid by a stagnation in the gall-bladder, and rendered viscid by the absorption of all its fluid parts. Bile in this state discharoed into the .duodenum, occasions universal disturbance and disorder until it is evacuated ; it occasions vio- lent vomiting or purging, or both; and, previous ATR 233 ATR tc this, the pulse is quick, the head aches, a de- lirium comes on, a iiiccough, intense thirst, inward heat, and a fetid breath. Some describe this kind of bile as being acid, harsh, corroding, and, when poured on the ground, bubbling up, and raising tlie earth, after the manner of a fer- ment. Dr. Percival says, that by the use of the infus. sense limoniet., warmed with the tinct. columb., he had checked the vomitings occa- sioned by this matter. ATRACTOCERUS, in entomology, a genus ATRAMENT'AL, ^ Lat. atramentum, ink. Atrament'ous. J Having the blackening property of ink. If we enquire, in what part of vitriol this atramen- tal and denigrating condition lodgeth ; it will seem especially to lie in the more fixed tult thereof. Brown's Vulgar Errours. I am not satisfied, that those black and alramen- tous spots, which seem to represent them, arc ocular. Brown. ATRAPHAXIS, in botany, a genus of the of the order coleoptera, and family malacodermi. digynia order and class of plants; natural order twelfth, holoracese. Cal. two leaves ; the petals are two, and sinuated ; stigmas capitate ; and there is but one seed. There are two species, both natives of warm countries ATRATUS (Hugh), was born at Evesham, in Worcestershire. He made such proficiency in Its generic characters are: cal. many the knowledge of the sciences, particularly mathe- coR. compound radiate: stam. five fila- matics, medicine, and philosophy, th-at he was Its generic characters are : antenna; simple, and fusiform; short elytra, and sub-quadrate thorax. There is but one species, A. necydaloides, the uecydalis brevicornis of Linnaeus. ATRACTYLIS, distaff thistle, a genus of the polygamia a;qualis order, and syngenesia class of plants, leaved ments; cylindric anther: pist. germen very~short; called the phoenix of the age. Pope Martin II style filiform ; stigma bifid : per. none : seeds turbinate. The species are : 1. A. cancellata, or small cnicus, an annual plant, rising about eight or nine inches high, with a slender stem, gar- nished with hoary leaves, having spines on their edges. 2. A gummifera, or prickly gum-bearing gave him a cardinal's hat in 1281. He died of the plague in 1287. He wrote Genealogiis Ilumanis Problemata ; and also Canones MedTci- nalis. ATRAX, in fabulous history, a son of /Etolus, or, as others say, of the river Peneus. He was cnicus, known among physicians by the name of king of Thessaly, and built a town which he carliue thistle, is a perennial plant. It sends out named Atrax or Atracia ; which became so fa- many narrow leaves, which are armed -with spines mous that the word Atracius was commonly on their edges, and lie close on the ground ; be- given to an inhabitant of Thessaly. He was the tween them the flower is situated, without a father of that Ilippodamia who married Pirithous, stalk, and having many florets enclosed in a and who must not be confounded with the wife prickly empalement. Its roots were formerly of Pelops, who was so named, used as a warm diaphoretic and alexipharmic ; ATREBATES, the ancient inhabitants of but never came much into use in Britain, and Gallia Belgica, who possessed that part of Gaul the present practice has entirely rejected them, now called Artois. A colony of them settled in 3. A humilis, or purple prickly cnicus, a peren- Britain. They are mentioned by Ca;sar anion"' nial plant, rising about a foot high, with in- the nations which composed the Beloic con- dented leaves, having small spines on their federacy against him ; and the quota of troops edges. All these plants are natives of the warm which they engaged to furnish on that occasion parts of Europe, as Spain, Sicily, and the Archi- was 15,000. pelago islands. Atrebates, or Atrebatii, a people of Britain, ATRA DIES, in antiquity. The word literally seated next to the Bibroci, in part of Berk- imports a black day ; a denomination taken from shire, and Oxfordshire ; and one of those Belgic the color, which is the emblem of death and colonies which came out of Gaul into Bri- mourning. Whence the Thracians had a custom tain, and there retained tlieir ancient name, of marking all their happy days with white Comius of Arras was a king or chieftain amono- stones or calculi, and their unhappy days with the Atrebates in Gaul, in Ca;sar's time : and he black ones; which they cast, at the close of each seems to have possessed some authority over our day, into an urn. At the person's death the Atrebatii in Britain ; for he was sent by Ca!sar stones were taken out ; and, from a comparison to persuade them to submission. This circum- of the numbers of each complexion, a judgment stance makes it probable that this colony of the was made of the felicity or infelicity of his course Atrebatii had not been settled in Britain very of life. The dies atrae, or atri, were denominated long before that time. The Atrebatii were nefasti, and posteri. Such, in particular, was among those British tribes which submitted to the day when the tribunes were defeated by the Csesar ; nor do we hear of any remarkable re- Gauls at the river Allia, and lost the city; also sistance they made against the Romans, at their that whereon the battle of Cann» was fought; next invasion, under Claudius, and several others marked in the Roman calen- ATRESIA; from a, and rpau), whence rtrpaw, dar as atra; or unfortunate. to perforate; in medicine, imperforation, or the ATRAGENE, in botany, a genus of plants, state of those persons who want some natural class polyandria, order polygnia. Its generic aperture. characters are : cal. four-leaved perianth : cor. ATRETI, those persons of either sex in whom twelve petals: stam. filaments very many ; ob- the anus, or genitals, are imperforate, whether long antherae : pist. germs many ; villose style ; naturally, or occasioned by some accident or stigma simple: per. none: seeds very many, disease ; as the growth of some fleshy excrescence, ' The species are shrubs, as atragene japonica, or membrane, which stops the orifice, atragene alpina. &c. ATREUS, in fabulous history, the supposed ATR 234 ATR king of Mycense and Argos, about A. A. C. 1228. He was the son of Pelops by Ilippodamia, and brother to Pittheus, Troezen, Thyestes, and Chrysippus. The latter being an illegitimate son, and a favorite with his father, Hippodamia resolved to remove him; and for this purpose she endeavoured to persuade Thyestes and Atreus to murder him ; but her arguments prov- ing vain, she executed it herself. Pelops was grieved at his son's death ; and the brothers being suspected, they fled from his presence. Atreus retired to the court of his nephew, Eurysdieus king of Argos, on whose death he succeeded to that throne. Some writers say he married iErope, his predecessor's daughter, by whom he had Plisthenes, IMenelaus, and Agamemnon ; but, according to others, iErope was the wife of Plisthenes, by whom she had Agamemnon and Menelaus, who are the reputed sons of Atreus, because he took care of their education, and brought them up as his own. Thyestes had followed his brother to Argos, where he lived with him, and debauched his wife, by whom he had some children. When Atreus discovered this incestuous commerce, he banished his brother from his court ; but, determined to have more ampie revenge for the violence offered to his bed, he soon after recalled him, and invited him to a sumptuous feast. Thyestes was served up with the flesh of the children he had by his sister-in- law the queen; and, when the entertainment was over, to convince him of what he had feasted upon, the arms and the heads of the murdered children were shown him. This action appeared so horrid that the sun is said to have withdrawn his light. Thyestes fled directly to the court of Thesprotus, and thence to Sicyon, where he ravished his own daughter Pelopea, in a grave sacred to Minerva, not knowing who she was ; though some say he committed this incest in- tentionally, to revenge himself on his brother Atieus, as the oracle had promised him satisfac- tion for the cruelties he had sufl'ered, only by the hand of a son by himself with his own daughter. Pelopea brought forth a son whom she named iEgisthus, and soon after she married Atreus, who had lost iiis wife. Atreus adopted ii^.gis- thus, and sent him to murder Thyestes, who had been made prisoner. Thyestes knew his son, and made himself known to him ; when, instead of murdering his father, he espoused his cause, and avenged his wrongs by returning to Atreus and assassinating him. ATKI, or Atri.4, a town of Italy, in Abruzzo, in Naples. It lies 26 miles west of Aquila, and was the birth place of the emperor Adrian. It is the see of a bishop, and is seated on a crag- gy mountain, five miles from the Adriatic sea. Long. 15° 20' E., lat. 42° 40' N. ATRICAPILLA, in ornithology, a little bird, commonly known by the name of the black cap, and called, by some authors, ficedala, sycalis, or melanchoryphus. and by the Italians, coponegro. ATllICES, or Attrices, in medicine, small tubercles about the anus, which sometimes dis- appear, and then return again, at least in their early state. They are ranked in the number of condylomata, or fici. Some authors also give tiie denomination atrici to a kind of latent wounds in the extremity of the rectum, which how v* do not perforate it. ATRICILLA, in ichthyology, a species of the larus. ATRIDES, a patronymic of Agamemnon and Menelaus, the sons of Atreus. ATRIENSES, in antiquity, a kind of servaKts in the great families at Rome, who had the car of the atria, and the things lodged therein. See Atrium. They were also called atriarii, ihougi" some make a distinction between atrienses and atriarii ; suggesting, that the latter were an infe- rior order of servants, employed in the more ser- vile offices of the atrium, as to attend at the door, sweep the area, &c. and to assist the former. The atrienses are represented as servants who had command over the rest, and acted as agents for their master, in selling his goods, &c. To their care were committed the images of the mas- ter's ancestors, &c. which were placed round the atrium ; and which they carried in procession at funerals, Sec. In the country houses, the atrien- ses had the care of the other furniture and uten- sils, particularly those of metal, which they were to keep from rust. Other things they were to hang in the sun, to keep them dry, &c. They were clothed in a short white linen habit, to distinguish them, and prevent their loitering from home. ATRIP, in nautical language, is applied either to the anchor or sails. The anchor is atrip, when it is drawn out of the ground, in a perpendicular direction, either by the cable or buoy rope. The top sails are atrip, when they are hoisted up to the mast head, or to their utmost extent. ATRIPLEX, Orach, or Arrach, a genus of the monoecia order and polygamia class of plants ; natural order twelfth, holoracete. Cal. the hermaphrodite flower, five-leaved ; cor. none; stam. five; sty. bifid; seed, one, de- pressed. There are fourteen species, of which the following are the most remarkable: 1. A. halimus, the broad leafed orach, formerly culti- vated in gardens as a shrub, by some formed into hedges, and constantly sheared to keep them thick. It may be propagated by cuttings, and planted in any of the summer months, in a shady border ; where they will soon take root, and be fit against the following 3lichaelmas to trans- plant. 2. A. hortensis, the garden orach, was for- merly cultivated in gardens, and used a» a substitute for spinage. There are three or four varieties of this plant, whose only difference is their color; one is a deep green, another a dark purple, and a third has green leaves and purple borders. They are all annual, and must be pro- pagated by seeds. These are to be sown at Michaelmas, soon after they are ripe. This spe- cies is an article of the materia medica ; a decoc- tion of the leaves is recommended in costiveness where the patient is of a hot bilious disposition. 3. A. petulacoides, the shrubby sea orach, grows wild by the sea side, in many places of Britain. It is a low under shrub, seldom rising above two feet and a half, or at most three feet high ; but becomes very bushy. ATRIUAl, in antiquity, the large room or court at the first entrance into the house, in which the Romans used to sup, and in which they kept A T R O P A. 235 the statues and images of their ancestors. In ecclesiastical antiquity it si<;nified an open place or court before a church, makinij part of what was called the narthex, or antetemple. The atri- um in the ancient churches was a large area or square plat of ground, surrounded with a portico or cloister, situtate between the porch or vestibule of the church and the body of the church. Some have mistakenly confounded the atrium with the porch or vestibule, from which it was distinct ; others with the narthex, of which it was only a part. The atrium was the mansion of those who were not suffered to enter farther into the church. More particularly, it was the place where the first class of penitents stood to beg the prayers of the faithful, as they went into the church. Atrium, in the canon law, the ceme- tery or church yard. In this sense, we find a law, prohibiting buildings to be raised in atrio eccle- sia?, except for the clergy ; which the glossary explains thus, id est in ccemeterio, which includes the space of forty paces around a large church, or thirty round a small church or chapel. ATRO'CIOUS, ^ Lat. atroi. Perhaps a, Atro'ciously, ^ intentive, and friXo look to what one is about; to have the faculties engaged on the affair in hand ; to wait. The fifth had charge, sick persons to attend ; And comfort those, in point of death which lay. Spenser, He that goeth about to persuade a multitude, that they are not so well governed eis they ought to be, shall never want attentive and favourable hearers. Hooker's Ec. Polity. I will be returned forthwith : dismiss your attend- ant there ; look it be done ! Shakspeare. Othello, England is so idly king'd. Her sceptre so fantastically home ; That fear attends her not. Id. I'm never merry, when I hear sweet musick : The reason i?, your soirits are attentive. Id. Mercliant of Venice. My pray'rs and wishes always shall attend The friends of Rome. Addison's Cato. A vehement, burning, fixed, pungent pain in the stomach, attended with a fever. Arbuthrwt on Diet. I saw most of them attentive to three Sirens, dis- tinguished by the ncunes of Sloth, Ignorance, and Pleasure. Tatter. The diligent pilot, in a dangerous tempest, doth not attend the unskilful words of a passenger. Sidney/. The gj'psies were^ there. Like lords to appear ; AVith such their attenders. As you thought offenders. Ben Jonsoti. Now mine eyes shall be open ; and mine ears attent unto the prayer, that is made in this place. 2 Chron. vii. 15. What can then be less in me, than desire To see thee, and approach thee, whom I know Declar'd the Son of God ; to hear attent Thy wisdom, and behold thy godlike deeds ? Milton, Other suns perhaps. With their attendant moons, thou wilt descry. Communicating male and female light. Id. Paradi.ie Lost. Unknown sins have their guilt and shame, and arc justly attended with known punishments. Hall's Contemplations. We all are never weary of receiving, soon weary of attending. Id. At length her lord descends upon the plain In pomp attended with a numerous train. Itrydeu. Hush'd winds the topmast branches scarcely bend. As if thy tuneful song they did attend. Id. Plant anemonics after the first rains, if you will have flowers very forward : but it is surer to attend till October. I Evelyn. ATT 240 ATT With these four more of lesser fame. And humble rank attendant came ; Hypocrisy with smiling grace. And Impudence with brazen face. Contention bold with iron lungs, And Slander with her hundred tongues. Moore. He [Termosiris priest of Apollo] related past events with such force of expression that they seemed to be present ; and with such comprehensive brevity, that attention was not wearied ; and he foresaw the future by a sagacity that discovered the true characters and dispositions of mankind, and the events which they would produce. Hawkesworth's Telemachus, Attention has also been defined, a due appli- cation of the ear, or the eye, as v?ell as of the mind, to any thing said or done, in order to acquire a knowledge thereof. Attention of mind is not properly an act of the understanding, but rather of the will, by which it calls the understanding from the con- sideration of other objects, and directs it to the thing in hand. Nevertheless, our attention is not always voluntary ; an interesting object seizes and fixes it beyond the power of control. Attention, in respect of hearing, is the stretching or straining of the membrana tympani, so as to make it more susceptible of sounds, and better prepared to catch even a feeble agitation of the air: or, it is the adjusting the tension of that membrane to the degree of loudness or lowness of tlte sound to which we are attentive. Accord- ing to the degree of attention, objects make a stronger or weaker impression. Bacon, in his Natural History, observes, that ' Sounds are me- liorated by the intension of the sense, where the common sense is collected most to the particular sense of hearin?, and the sight suspended. There- fore sounds are sweeter, as well as greater, in the night than in the day ; and I suppose they are sweeter to blind men than to others ; and it is manifest, that between sleeping and waking, when all the senses are suspended, music is far sweeter than when one is fully waking.' Attention is re- quisite even to the simple act of seeing : the eye can take in a considerable field at one look; but no object in the field is seen distinctly but that singly which fixes the attention : in a profound reverie that totally occupies the attention, we scarce see what is directly before us. In a train of perceptions, no particular object makes sucli a figure as it would do singly and apart : for, when the attention is divided among many ob- jects, no particular object is entitled to a large share. Hence, the stillness of night contributes to terror, there being nothing to divert the atten- tion. In matters of sliglit importance, attention is mostly directed by the will ; and, for that reason, it is our own fault if trifling objects make any deep impression. Had we power equally to withhold our attention from matters of import- ance, we might be proof against any deep im- pression. But our power fails us here ; and, while 'Our attention is thus forcibly attached to one ol)ject, others will solicit it in vain. ATTENDANTS, or Attenuating Medi- cines, are such as subtilise and break the hu- mors into finer parts ; and thus dispose them for motion, circulation, excretion, &c. They are of extensive use in physic, and come under different denominations, according to the differ- ent effects they produce. Thus, when tenacious and viscid juices not only stagnate in the cavities of the vessels, but obstruct the minute ducts of the viscera and emunctories, these medicines, by their inciding and attenuating qualities, discharge the humors, and remove the obstructions ; for which reason they are not improperly called ape- rients. Attenuants produce so great a variety of effects, that it is proper we should be well ac- quainted with their several kinds, as appropriated to the several disorders, and know which will prove most serviceable in each. According to Hoffman, the dissolving and attenuating of viscid crudities in the stomach and primse via;, is well answered by the roots of arum, acorus, pepper, ginger, and the like ; as also by sal ammoniac, vitriolated tartar, the fixed alkaline salts, and the simple or dulcified spirit of salt. When cr\ide and unconcocied humors are to be evacuated by stool, this intention is very well answered by the neutral salts, as the salts of the purging waters, and the sal polycrestum, with a sufficient quan- tity of a watery vehicle. When viscid humors, occasioning disorders of the breast, are to be at- tenuated and expectorated, the intention is most effectually answered by elecampane and orrice roots ; and by gum ammoniacum, myrrh, or ben- jamin, and balsum of Peru ; or by regenerated tartar, oxymel of squills, a solution of crabs' eyes in distilled vinegar, and the syrup of to- bacco, and the like, ^^llen the mass of blood is tainted by thick and tenacious sordes, and the emunctories are by that means obstructed, and the humors contaminated by a saline sulphureous and scorbutic dyscrasy, the most efficacious of the attenuants are the horse-radish, scurvy-grass, water and garden cresses, mustard, gum ammo- niac, benjamin, myrrh, the oil of fixed nitre, oil of tartar per deliquium, solutions of nitre, spirit of sal ammoniac, salt of wormwood with lemon juice, and the salts of the medicinal waters. V\ hen grumous or coagulated blood, occasioned by contusions or blows, is to be attenuated and again dissolved, the intention is sure to be an- swered by the roots of Solomon's Seal, vinegar, and crabs' eyes, the regenerated tartar, and nitre prepared with antimony. And in cases where the lymph has acquired a preternatural thickness and viscidity, especially if from a venereal taint, the curative intention is most effectually an- swered by guaicum, the acrid tincture of anti- mony, calomel, iEthiop's mineral, and the like; which, when skilfully used, are of singular effi- cacy in dissolving and attenuating the viscid juices impacted in the glands of the liver. ATTEN'UATE, v. & n. I Lat. attenuo, to Attenua'tion ithin; from ad and tenuis, to thin ; from tendo, to stretch. To draw out in length or superficial extent ; to lessen or thin ; to dilate. Chiming with a hammer upon the outside of a bell, the sound will be according to the inward concave of the bell ; whereas the elision, or attentiation of the air, can be only between the hammer and the outside of the bell. Bacon. Vivification ever consisteth in spirits attenuate, which the cold doth congeal and coagulate. Id. The ingredients are digested and attenuated by heat j they are stiiTcd and constantly agitated by winds. Arhuthnnt, ATTERBURY. 241 Of such concernment too is drink and food, T' encrassate or attenuate the hlood. Dryden's Translation of Lucretius. Attenuation is defined more generally by Chauvin, the dividing or separating of the mi- nute parts of any body, which before, by their mutual nexus or implication, formed a more continuous mass. Accordingly, among alche- mists we sometimes find the word used for pul- verisation, or the act of reducing a body into an impalpable powder, by grinding, pounding, or the like. Attenuation, in medicine, the lessening the power or quantity of the morbific matter. ATTERBURY (Bishop Francis), son of Dr. Lewis Atterbury, was born at Milton in Buck- inghamshire, in 1662; educated at Westminster, and thence elected to Christ-Church, in Oxford, where he soon distinguished himself by his ge- nius. In 1687 he was made M.A., when he exerted himself in the controversy with the papists, vindicated Luther in the strongest manner, and displayed an uncommon fund of learning, enlivened with great vivacity. In 1690 he married Miss Osbom, a lady of great beauty, but moderate fortune. About 1690 he took orders, and in 1691 was elected lecturer of St. Bride's church in London, and preacher at Bridewell chapel. He was soon after appointed chaplain to king William and queen Mary. The share he took in the controversy against Bentley, (about the authenticity of Phalaris's Epistles) is now clearly ascertained. In 1700 a still larger field of activity opened, in which Atterbury was engaged four years with Dr. Wake (afterwards archbishop of Canterbury), and others, concern- ing ' the Rights, Powers, and Privileges of Con- vocations ;' in which he displayed so much learning and zeal for the interests of his order, that the lower house of Convocation returned him their thanks, and the university of Oxford complimented him with the degree of D.D. January 29, 1700, he was installed archdeacon ofTotness. The same year he was engaged, with some other learned divines, in revising an intended edition of the Greek Testament, with Greek Scholia, collected chiefly from the fathers, by Mr. Archdeacon Gregory. At this period he was popular, as preacher at the Rolls chapel ; an office which had been conferred on him by Sir John Trevor, in 1698, when he resigned Bridewell. Upon the accession of queen Aime, in 1702, Dr. Atterbury was appointed one of her chaplains; and in October 1704, was ad- vanced to the deanery of Carlisle. About two years after this, he was engaged in a dispute with Mr. Hoadly, concerning the advantages of virtue, with regard to the present life ; occa- sioned by his sermon, preached August 30, 1706, at the funeral of Mr. Thomas Bennet, a bookseller. In 1707 Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bishop of Exeter, appointed him one of the canons residentaries of that church. In 1709 he was engaged in a fresh dispute with Mr. Hoadly, concerning ' Passive cibedience;' oc- casioned by his Latin sermon, entitled ' Concio ad Clerum Londinensem, habita in Ecclesia S. Elphegi.' In 1710 came on the famous trial of Dr. Sacheverell, whose remarkable speech on Vol. III. that occasion was generally supposed to have been drawn up by our author, in conjunction with Dr. Smalridge and Dr. Freind. The same year Dr. Atterbury was unanimously chosen prolocutor of the lower house of Convocation, and had the chief management of affairs in that house. May 11, 1711, he was appointed by the convocation one of the committee for comparing Mr. Whiston's doctrines with those of the church of England ; and in June following, he had the chief hand in drawing up ' A Representation of the present State of lieligion.' In 1712 he was made dean of Christ Church, notwithstand- ing the strong interest and warm applications of several great men in behalf of his competitor, Dr. Smalridge. In the beginning of June, 1713, the queen advanced him to the bishopric of Ro- chester, with the deanery of Westminster in commendam. He was confirmed July 4, and consecrated at Lambeth next day. The death of the queen, in 1714, put an end to all farther hopes of advancement ; for the new king treated him with great coolness, doubtless aware of either the report or the fact of his offer, on the death of Anne, to proclaim the Pretender in full canon- icals, if allowed a sufficient guard. This dislike operated like oil on the inflammable mind of Atterbury, who not only refused to sign the loyal declaration of the bishops in the rebellion of 1715, but suspended a clergyman for lend- ing his church for the performance of divine service to the Dutch troops brought over to serve against the rebels. Not content with a consti- tutional opposition, he entered into a correspond- ence with the Pretender's party, in favor of the dispossessed family ; for which offence he was apprehended in August 1722, and committed to the Tower ; and in the March following a bill was brought into the House of Commons, for the infliction of pains and penalties. This measure, which on constitutional grounds can never be defended, and which indeed was supported chiefly on the urgency of the particular time and case, met with considerable opposition in the Lords, and was resisted with great firmness and eloquence by the bishop, who maintained his innocence with his usual acuteness and dexte- rity. His guilt however has been tolerably well proved by documents since published ; and nothing more is necessary to warrant a con- firmed moral distaste to his character, than the contemplation of such a scene of smooth dissi- mulation and hypocrisy. By this bill the bishop was deprived and outlawed, and no British sub- ject was permitted to visit him abroad, without the king's sign manual ; which however was not refused to his relatives. On the 27th, this prelate having that day taken leave of his friends, who, from the time of passing the bill against him to the day of his de- parture, had free access to him in the Tower, em- barked on board the Aldborough man of war, and landed the Friday following at Calais. When he went on shore, having been infonned that lord Bolingbroke, who, after the rising of the parliament, had received the king's pardon, was arrived at the same place on his return to Eng- land, he said, with an air of pleasantry, ' Then 1 am exchansred !' When bishop Atterburj- first U ATT 242 ATT entered upon his banishment, Brussels was the place destined for his residence ; but he was compelled to leave that place, and retire to Paris. He next changed his abode for Mont- pelier, in 1728 ; and, after residing there about two years, returned to Paiis, where he died Feb- ruary 15, 1731. As a composer of sermons. Dr. Atterbury still retains the highest reputation ; his periods are easy and elegant, his style flowing and beautiful ; but as a critic or disputant, he is rather dexterous than accurate, and rather po- pular than profound. Atterbury (Dr. Lewis), eldest son of the Dr. and brother to the bishop, was born at Cal- decot, in Backs, in 1656 ; educated at Westmin- ster, and sent to Oxford in 1674. In 1679 he entered into orders, and commenced A. M. in 1680; in 1683 he was made chaplain to Sir W. Pritchard; in 1684 rector of Symel; in 1687, LL.D. and in 1691 lecturer of St. Mary-at-Hill, London. In 1695 he was elected preacher at Highgate, and was appointed one of the six preaching chaplains to the princess Anne of Denmark, at Whitehall and St James's ; in which place he was continued after she became queen, and during part of the reign of George I. In 1707 the queen appointed him rector of Shepperton, and in March 1709, the bishop of London collated him to the rectory of Ilornsey. He died at Bath, of a paralytic disorder, in 1731. He published, during his life, 2 vols, of Ser- mons, and four occasional ones, besides other pieces. He was remarkably benevolent and charitable. While he resided at Highgate, ob- serving that the poor in that neighbourhood were much at a loss for medical advice, he studied physic, and practised it gratis among them : he also gave £10 annually to a teacher, to in- struct young girls at Newport Pagnel, and bur- dened his estate with this annual payment for ever. He left 200 volumes of pamphlets to the library of Christ Church, Oxford. ATTES, in fabulous history, a son of Calaus of Phrygia, who was born impotent. The wor- ship of Cybele was introduced among the Ly- ^ dians by him, after which he was highly honored by the goddess. His success awakened a jeal- ousy in Jupiter, and he sent a wild boar to •lay waste the country, that Attes might be de- «troyed. ATTEST', u. & n. "^ Lat. attestor; ad and Attest'er, \te&tor, to call to witness. Attest a'tion. j To corroborate or strength- en by witness, i. e. by one who has had the evi- dence of one or more of the senses. With thn voice divine Nigh thunderstruck, th' exalted man, to whom Such high attest was giv'n, a while survey'd With wonder. Paradise Regained. Many particular facts are recorded in holy writ, .attested by particular pagan authors. Addison. We may derive a probability, from the attestation of wise and honest men, by word or writing ; or the concurring witness of multitudes, who have seen and known, what they relate. Watts. Prodigious actions may as well be done By weaver's issue, as by prince's son. This ajch-attestor of the publick good. By that one deed ennobles all his blood. Dri/den's Absalom and Achituphel. ATTHIS, a daughter of Cranaus, the second king of Athens. According to ApoUodorus she gave her name to Attica. ATTIC, any thing relating to Attica, or Athens, or any thing peculiarly elegant or excellent. Attic Base, a peculiar kind of base used by the ancient architects in the Ionic order ; and by Palladio, and some others, in the Doric. Attic Order, or Attics, in architecture, a kind of order, after the manner of a pedestal, raised upon another larger order, by way of crowning, or to finish the building. See Archi- tecture, Index. Attic Salt, a delicate, poignant kind of wit, peculiar to the ancient Athenians. The term is applied to any similar piece of humor in mo- dern writings. Attic Story, in architecture, a story in the upper part of a house, where the windows are usually square. Attic Witness, a witness incapable of cor- ruption. ATTICA, an ancient state of Greece, situated along the nortli coast of the gulph of Saron, bounded on the west by Megara, mount Ci- thaeron, and part of Bceotia ; on the north by the gulf of Euripus (now called Stretto di Negro- ponte, or the Strait of Negropont), and the rest of Bceotia ; and on the east by the Euripus. It extended in length from north-west to south- east, about sixty miles ; its breadth from north to south was fifty-six, decreasing as it approached the sea. The soil of this country was naturally barren and craggy, though by the industry of its inha- bitants it produced all the necessaries of life. On this account, Attica was less exposed to in- vasions than other more fertile countries ; and hence, it preserved its ancient inhabitants, beyond all the other kingdoms in its neighbour- hood ; so that they were reputed to be the spon- taneous production3K)f the soil ; and as a badge of this, Thucydides tells us, they wore golden grasshoppers in their hair. The principal mountains of Attica were Lau- rium, celebrated for its silver mines, and situated near the Sunian promontory ; Pentelicus, famous for its quarries of white marble ; and Hymettus, near Athens, remarkable for the abundance and fineness of its honey. Other mountqiins men- tioned in history, are TE.gialeus, Brilessus, Ica- rius, Lycabettus, and Parnethus. Its principal rivers were the Cephisus, Eridanus, and Ilissus. Although the mountainous character of the coun- try rendered it unpromising and sterile for grain generally, barley was produced in abundance ; and Aristotle observes that the fruits of Attica had a peculiar sweetness. The culture of the olive tree was protected by law, and a fine of 200 drachmae (upwards of £8 sterling) was paid, by any person who rooted up on his grounds more than two trees in a year, unless for the service of the gods. The olives called colym- bades, considered larger and of richer flavor than any other, retain their name to this day, and were, until the late civil wars, monopohsed for the personal use of the grand signior. The chief cities of Attica were Athens, the ca- pital. See Athens. Next to it Eleusis, situ- ated on the same gulf, near the coasts of Megara ; A T T I L A. 243 and next to that Rliamnus, famed for the temple of Amphiaraus, and the statue of the goddess Nemesis, sculptured by Phidias, from a block of Parian marble, which the Persians had brought thither to assist in erecting a trophy of their pro- posed victory. It was ten cubits high, and was inscribed with the name of his favorite pupil Agarocrutus. Nor ought we to omit to mention the town of Marathon, ten miles north-east of Athens, immortalised by the victory gained there by Miltiades over the Persians. On the plain of the battle the Athenians erected small co- lumns, on which the names of those warriors who fell were inscribed. A monument after- wards raised to Miltiades himself, was set apart, a small distance from the rest : in the intervals between these columns were trophies, bearing the arms of the Persians. Attica was divided into ten tribes, called Lat. valeo, to be strong, to Avail'ableness.3 be in health. To possess advantageous properties ; to be of force or signi- fication. The a is intensive. All things subject to action, the wi!! does so far in- cline unto ; as reason judges them more available to our bliss. Hooker. Laws human are available by consent. Id. Drake put one of his men to death, having no au- thority nor commission available. Raleigh. For all that else did come, were sure to fail ; Yet would he further none, but for avail. Spenser. I charge thee. As heav'n shall work iu me for thine avail. To tell me truly. Shakspeare, We differ, from that supposition of the efficacy, or availableneit, Oi- suitableness, of these to the end. Hale. Those excellent means God has bestowed on us, well employed, cannot but much avail us : but if other- wise perverted, they ruine and confound us. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Truth light upon this way, is of no more avail to us than errour. Locke. Nor can my strength avail ; unless, by thee Endu'd with force, I gain the victory. Dryden. When real merit is wanting ; it avails nothing, to have been encouraged by the great. Pope's Preface to hit IVorks, Mean time he voyag'd, to explore the will Of Jove, on high Dodona's holy hill ; What means might best his safe return avail. Pu},e. AVA 255 AVA Ah ! what maiU the lore of Rome and Greece, All that art, fortune, enterprise can bring. If envy, scorn, remorse, or pride, the bosom wring. Beattu;. Avail of Marriage, in ancient Scot's law, tV.at casuality in inward-holding, by which the superior was entitled to a certain sum from his vassal, upon his attaining the age of puberty, or fourteen years, as the avail and value of his tocher. A\'AL, or IBahurein, the largest of the Bah- hrein islands in the gulf of Persia. It is about thirty miles in length, and twelve wide, where it is broadest. Besides the fortified town of Bah- hrein, it contains about sixty poor villages. Long. 48° 4' E., lat. 26° 36' N. A\'ALANCHES, prodigious masses of snow and ice that roll down the mountains in Savoy, particularly mount Blanc, to the extreme danger of travellers. * Oft rushing sudden from the loaded cliffs. From steep to steep, loud thund'ring down they come, A wintry waste in dire commotion all; And herds and flocks, and travellers and swains. And sometimes whole brigades of marching troops, ■Or hamlets sleeping in the dead of night. Are deep beneath the smothering ruin hurl'd.' Some of them are 150 or 200 feet diameter; being fragmjBnts of the ice-rocks which break by their own weight from the tops of the precipices. See Blanc, Mount. AVALON, or Avallon, the chief town of an tirrondissement in the department of the Yonne in France, situated, with its strong castle, on the river Cousin. Population 4200 ; that of the arrondissement is 42,800. It is twenty leagues "west of Dijon. Avalon, or AvoLON, a peninsula of New- foundland. AvALON, or AvALONiA, the ancient name of Glastonbury, where king Arthur was buried. See Arthur, and Glastonbury. AVALOS (Ferdinand Francis d'), marquis of Pescara, was born in the kingdom of Naples. He entered into the service of Charles V. and ac- companied the ai'my into the battle of Ravenna, where he was made prisoner. During his cap- tivity he amused himself in writing a Dialogue on Love, and dedicated it to his wife. After his release he again entered into the emperor's ser- vice, and was present at the taking of Milan, where he died in 1525, aged thirty-six. Avalos (Alphonso d"), marquis del \'asto, was horn in 1502. He was a near relation of the above ; and was likewise a zealous officer in the armies of Charles V. He died in 1546. AVANIA, in the Turkish legislature, a fine for crimes, and on deaths, paid to the governor of the place. In the places wherein several nations live together under a Turkish governor, he takes this profitable method of punishing all crimes amon'j; the Christians or Jews, unless it be the murder of a Turk. A\ ANT, the front of an army. See \'an. AvANT is defined by Mr. Chalmers, a French preposition, signifying before, or any priority in respect of time or place; sometimes used m com- position, in our language, but more usually con- tracted, and wrote vaunt, vant, or van. AvAKT FossF, &c. See Van Fosse. Avant-guard, avantgarde, French. The van ; the first body of an army. — Tlie horsemen might issue forth without disturbance of the foot, and the avant-guard without shuffling with the battail or arriere. — Haicard. AvANT Mure, an outward wall. AvANT Peach, a peach early ripe. AvANT Ward, the van of an army. A\'ANTE, among ancient medical authors, a name given to a disease, seeming, from their accounts of it to be the same with hypocon- driasis. AX'ANTIO (John Mario), an Italian lawyer of great eminence, born in 1564. He displayed his abilities first at Ferrara, and afterwards at Padua; at which last place he died in 1622. Besides several other pieces, he wrote an eccle- siastical history, from the commencement of the reformation. AvANTio (Charles), a celebrated physician, was a son of the above. He was author of a commentary on the work of Bapt. Fiera, printed at Padua, in 1649. AVANTURINE, in mineralogy, a species of common quartz, containing a number of minute fissures, and sometimes crystals of mica. These lie in parallel, or nearly parallel planes : so that when the stone is cut into a double convex figure, the imaginary plane of junction of the two sphe- rical segments being parallel to the planes in which the fissures lie, a play of light is produced on the surface of the stone. The most beautiful varieties have been found in Spain. AVARA, a river of Gallia Celtica, mentioned by Caesar, in the county of Brituriges, now called Aruon. AVARES, one of the predatory tribes in tlie north of Asia Minor, who made great ravages in the eastern empire. Having penetrated the Sclavonian and Greek territories, they first ap- peared on the banks of the Danube, A. D. 560, and established themselves at Sirmium, and in Upper Hungary. Their riches, and their alliance with Thassilo, chief of the Baii, alarmed Charle- magne, who, in A. D. 803, attacked them in per- son, and drove them into Corinthia. They have been conjectured to be the Aorsi, or Adorsi, of Strabo. There is still on the banks of the Koiju, in Lezgislan, and on the eastern side of Mount Caucasus, a tribe called Aor or Avar, whose language is a peculiar one, but has an affinity with several others used in the neighbouring districts. There is also a city of this name consisting of about 600 houses, the residence of a hereditary prince or chief. He has considerable influence ; and, on a late occasion, a neighbouring potentate purchased his sister in marriage for £25,000. In his palace, the only one with glass windows in eastern Caucasus, there is a large hall, well provided with provisions, constantly open to all strangers. In the city of Avar fine shawls are manufactured from the wool of Caucasian sheep; one of which, an ell and a half long, may be drawn through a ring. These people are war- like and courageous ; and their chief, the Avar Khan, is much courted by the Russians. He was raised to the rank of a lieutenant-general, with a pension of 10,000 silver rubles (£2000) 256 AVATAR. n 1807. He can bring 20,000 men into the field, and his dependant khan 10,000 more. AVARIA, in the Turkish and Persian domi- nions, a sum of money exacted from the Christians or Europeans, to be quit of some false accusation framed on purpose. A^^'ARICE, -^1 Lat. avaritia, avarus ; AvARic'ious, i from avare, to covet, to AvARic'iousLY, V desire greedily. Applied AvARic'iousNESsA to one whose ruling pas- AVARICUM, an ancient town of the Bituriges in Gallia Celtica, situated on the Avara, in a very fertile soil ; now called Bourges. Long, 2° 28' E., lat. 47° 5' N. AVAROMO Temo, in botany, a siliquose tree, which grows in the Brasils. The bark is externally of a cineritious, and internally of a deep red color, and is the only part of the plant used for medicinal purposes, though some indeed use the leaves. But the bark, which is bitter. Av'arous. J sion is the acquisition of whether reduced to a powder, or boiled and used as a fomentation, cures inveterate ulcers, and, it is said, has been found to cure even cancers. It is also used as a corroborant, on account of its astringent quality, by way of bath. Avast, from basta, Ital. it is enough : enougti ; cease. A word used among seamen. It always precedes some orders, or some conversation, and answers the same purpose as — harkye, list, attend, take heed, hold. Like the Ital. avacci, I think it means — be attentive, be on the watch, i. c. awake. — Tooke, ii. 362. AVATAR, in the Hindoo mythology, an incar- nation of the Deity. Ten of these are incarna- tions of Vishnu, the supreme God, in his cha- racter of preserver. Four are the subjects of Puranas, or sacred poems. Nine of them are believed to be past, and the tenth is yet to come. The first is the Matsya Avatar, or descent of the deity in the form of a fish. Of what species this fish was, the sages have not determined ; but Vishniis' object was the recovery of the holy Vedas from the ocean, in which they remained after one of the periodical dissolutions of the universe. The second is the Kachyapa, or Kurma Avatar, in which the same god appeared in the form of a tortoise, in order to sustain and give stability to the newly created earth. The third is the Varaha Avatar, when he ap- peared in the shape of a boar, and plunging into the waters which had overwhelmed the earth, in one of its periodical destructions, fixed his tusks in it and drew it up. The fourth is the Nara-sing'ha, or man-lion Avatar. Kas'yapa, one of the descendants of Uaksha, the first created man, had two wives, whose characters, to judge from their children, were very different, for one produced the gods, and the other the giants. Among the latter wealth for its own sake. Now good men ! God forgive you your trespass. And ware you fro the sinne of avarice, Min holy pardon may you all warice •, So that ye offre nobles or starlinges. Or elles silver broches, spones, ringes. Chattcer, Pardeneres Tale, But father I herde you say How the aitorous hath yet some way Whereof he maie be glad. For hee Maie, whan hym list, his tresure see. And grope, and fele it all aboute. Gower. Con. A. book v. This speech has been condemned as avaricious ; and Eustathius judges it to be spoken artfully. Broome on the Odyssey. Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful. Shaksp. Macbeth. There grows In my most ill-compos'd affection, such A sianchless avarice ; that, were I king, I should cut off the nobles for their lands. Shakspeare. This avarice of praise in times to come ; Those long inscriptions, crowded on the tomb. Dry den. Nor love his peace of mind destroys. Nor wicked avarice of wealth. Id. Avarice is insatiable ; and so he went, still pushing on for more. L' Estrange. Though the apprehensions of the aged may justify a cautious frugality, they can by no means excuse a sordid avarice. Blair. An insatiable thirst of riches renders Pygmalion every day more wretched and detestable. In his do- minions it is a crime to be wealthy : avarice makes him jealous, suspicious, and cruel : he persecutes the rich, and he dreads the poor. Hawkesworth's Telemachus. Avarice, of all the various passions by which mankind is governed, is the least to be accounted were two Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakas'ipu, who for, as it precludes its subject from all pleasure it seems stole a march on Brahma, and almost except that of hoarding. The ambitious man, compelled him, by dint of their austerities, to the gamester, or even the prodigal, have all grant what he had no mind to give them — im- something to plead, by way of palliatives for their mortality. Their strength was already quite inordinate affections to their respective objects terrific, so that to give it an endless duration and pursuits ; but the subject of avarice gratifies was more than the god thought prudent. How- his passion at the expense of every conveniency, ever, he could HOt resist the claim of austerities indulgence, or even necessary of life. And practised for some thousands of years, and, though convinced that money is only the means therefore, to release himself from this dilemma, of enjoyment, not the end, and that it is only he engaged that no ordinary being should destroy valuable as far as it is useful for attaining that them; and that they should not die either by end, yet such is his infatuation, that the images day or by night, in earth or in heaven, by fire, of his bags and shining metal, with all the an- by water, or by the sword. Satisfied with this nexed ideas of property, enjoyment, security assurance, they immediately began to show how against want, independence, &c. prevent him well they understood the value of their powers, from using the means, and make him appear they conquered the whole earth, and then without property, in misery, in want, and de- dethroned Indra, king of heaven. He immedi- pendent. No passion is more opposite to the diately carried his complaint to Brahma, who hope of a future life than avarice. very coolly answered that he could take no part AVATAR. 257 against those upon wliom he had bestowed a blessing ; but that perhaps Vishnu would. This latter deity kindly undertook to settle the busi- ness, and restore Indra to his kingdom. To efiect that purpose he assumed a mixed form, half man and half lion ; he concealed himself in a column in Hiranya-kas'ipu's palace, and, when that s^igantic monster struck the column in a fit of rage and profaneness, out started Nerasing'ha, seized the giant by his thigh, and ripped him up in an instant. This was certainly the action neither of fire, water, nor the sword ; it was ce-Jtainly not done by any ordinary being; neither was it done by day or night, for it was in the evening, and it was also under the eaves, and consequently between earth and heaven. Thus was Brahma's promise fulfilled. How the other worthy Hiranyaksha, or Gold-eye, was killed we are not told; but ^'ishnu consoled Pralhfida, Hyranya-kas'ipu's pious son, by assur- ing him that his father would ascend to heaven. The fifth, or V'amana incarnation, was occa- sioned by the same family. Pralhad'ha had a very audacious son, named Bali, who daringly made offerings to himself, and performed tlie as'wa-med'ha, or sacrifice of a horse so often, that scarcely any thing could be refused to him, and he demanded the throne of heaven. Vishnu, having been applied to for relief against this troublesome giant, conveyed himself into the body of Aditi, the wife of Kas'ypa, the grand- father of the giants, and was born a dwarf — Va- mana. His diminutive size charmed the tyrant Bali, who, to gratify him, promised to give what- ever he should ask. He modestly demanded as much land as could be measured by three steps : and, placing one foot on earth and another on heaven, out started a third from his belly, for which he demanded a resting-place; the king's head was the only one that could be found, and to make up matters with the god, whose power was now indisputable, Bali consented to go down to Patala, or hell, on a promise of Vishnu's protection. Thus did a dwarf repress the turbu- lence of a giant. In the sixth, or Farasii-Rama Avatar, Vishnu came into the world, as the son of Jamadagni, a descendant of the sage B'lirigu, in order to chas- tise the military caste, or Kshatriyas, whose in- solence and disorder had become insufferable. One of them, a king, named Arjuna, took a fancy to a marvellous cow, named Kama-d'henu, the pro- perty of Jamadagni, and attacking her possessor with a large army, routed and slew him. Rama, the son of the luckess sage, determined to avenge his father's death, and going to Kailasa (Olympus), knocked down Siva's porters, who refused ad- mittance to him, presented himself to the god, and received from him a paras'u, or weapon with which he slew Arjuna. These incarnations all took place in the Satya Yuga, or Golden Age : the remamder are more modern. ^ The seventh, or Rama-chandra Avatar, was Vishnu's descent for the purpose of subduing another giant Ravana, who reigned in Lanka, or Ceylon, and carried off Sita, the wife of Rama, in his absence from home. Their contests and the final victory of Rama are the subject of the celebrated epic poem called the Ramavana. Vol. 111. ^ Pralamba, and other troublesome ciar.ts, who. it appears, were not confined to the golden age of the Hindoo mythology, made an eiglith incarna- tion requisite, and Vishnu again descended in the formofBala-Rama. This took place in theDwa- par, or Brazen Age, and brings us nearer to the period of something like genuine history. Budd' ha, the ninth, overcame the giants, his adversaries, by a very singular artifice ; he pro- duced, by his preaching, an universal scepticism, so that the gods, no longer compelled to grant prayers, had no difficulty in ridding the world of its scourges, these all-powerful giants. The Kalki, or tenth Avatar, is yet to come ! He wUl be the son of Brahman, and be born in the city of Samb'hala at the close of the Kali Yuga, or Iron age. He will appear, say the Brahmans, mounted, like a crowned conqueror on a white steed, with a scymitar blazmg like a' comet, to mow down all his foes. Plates of the incarnations of Vishnu from Indian drawings, were first given by Athanasius Kircher, in his China Illustrata, in 1667. They are to be found also in Baldaeus (Churchill's collection), whence they were copied in Mr. Maurice's Indian An- tiquities : which s&&.— Ward's View of Hindoo Literature, Ac. AVAUNCHERS, among hunters, the second branches of a deer's horns. A VAUNT. Fr. avant, a word of abhorrence, by which any one is driven away. O, he is bold, and blushes not at death; Avaunt, thou hateful villain, get thee gone 1 Shakspeare. AVAUX, a town of Champagne, in France, with 1500 inhabitants, belonging to the depart- ment of the Ardennes, arrondissement of Rhetel. It is seated on the Aisne, not far from Rheims, and formerly belonged to the family of de Memes, from whom sprung the celebrated diplomatist Claudius comte d'Avaux, ambassador of France, at the treaty of Westphalia. AUB, or Auw, a baliwick and town of Fran- conia, on the GoUach, between Uffeuheim and Ochsenfurt. It had, in 1804, about 160 houses, and 1120 inliabitants, and belonged to the dis- trict of Rottingen, in the principality of Wurtz- burg, but was united to Bavaria in 1815. The hospital is well endowed. It is seventeen miles south of Wurtzburg. Long. 10° 10' E.. lat 49° 37' N. AUBAINE, in the ci-devant customs o France, was a right vested in the king of being heir to all foreigners that died within his do- minions. By this right the French king claimed the whole inheritance of foreigners, notwithstand- ing any testament the deceased could make. But an ambassador was not subjected to it; and the Swiss, Savoyards, Scots, and Portuguese, were also exempted. Al'BE, a department of France, so named from the river bounded on the north by that- of Marne ; on the east by Upper ]\Iarne ; on the south by those of the Cote d'Or and Yonne ; and on the west by that of Seine and Marne. Its chief town is Troyes. AuBE, a river of France, which rises in the de- partment of Upper Marne, and, running through AUB 258 AUB that of Aube, passes by Bar-sur-Aube and Arcis, and falls into the Seine, near Nogent. AUBENAS, a town of France, in the Lower Vivarais, in Languedoc, now included in the department of the Ardeche, arrondissement of Privas. It was for some time the capital of an ar- rondissement, but is now only theheadof acanton. The population is about 3315. Aubenas is a manu- facturing place of some consequence, containing silk-mills and extensive cloth-works. The twisted silk, called organsin, is wrought here by a mill, constructed by the ingenious Vaucanson;' tlie average quantity manufactured in a year being 550 cwt. Here also are made handkerchiefs, neckcloths, chintzs, and stuffs, partly consumed in the country, and partly exported to the Levant. The raw material is brought chiefly from Spain. The cloths dyed here are also in great repute. In the neighTjourhood is a famous medicinal spring, and mines of coal. It lies on the Ardeche, five leagues S. W. of Privas, and 135 S. S. E. of Paris. AUBERT (Peter), an eminent French lawyer, born at Lyons in 1642. He appeared very early in the world as an author, by the publication of a romance, called Retour dTsle d'Amour. He filled several important stations in the city of Lyons, and established an extensive public li- brary. In 1710 he published two volumes of Cases, and, in 1723, a new edition of Richelel's Dictionary, three volumes, folio. AUBERTIN (Edmund), a French Protestant divine, — was born in 1595, and in 1631 was chosen minister of the reformed church at Paris. In 1633 he published a work on the Eucharist of the ancient church, which was attacked by Arnauld and other Catholic writers. He died at Paris in 1652. AUBERY (Anthony), a French lawyer, and liistorical writer, born in 1617. He was very much given to study, taking no pleasure in the bustle of public business, but preferring a retired life. The following are the principal fruits of his labours : 1. The History of the Cardinals, five volumes, 4to. 1642. 2. INIemoirs of the Cardinal de.Richelieu, two volumes, folio, 1660; in which the character of the cardinal is more respected than truth, which is sometimes sacrificed to liis praise. 3. The History of Cardinal Mazarin, four volumes, 12mo. 1751. 4. On the Pre- eminence of the kings of France, 4to. 1649. 5. A Treatise on the Pretensions of the king of France to the Empire, 4to. 1667. He died in 1695. AuBEEY (John), a French physician of the se- venteenth century. He was author of an Apology for Physic, in Latin, 8vo. printed at Paris in 1608, and an Antidote to Love, in French, 12mo. 1559. AuBERY (Louis de Maurier), a French writer. In 1682 he published Memoirs for a History of Holland, two volumes, 12mo. He died in 1687, leaving Memoirs of Hamburgh, Lubeck, liol- stein, Denmark, and Sweden, which were pub- lished at Amsterdam, in 1737. AUBESPINE (Claude de 1'), baron of Cha- teau-Neuf. He was a descendant of a noble family at Chartrain, and filled the office of secretary of state under several of the kings of France. He died ia 1567. AuBESPiNE (Charles de 1'), marquis of Ciia- teau-Neuf. He was chancellor of France, but was imprisoned ten years. After his liberation he was taken into favoi by Henry I\^ He died in 1653. Al'bespine (Gabriel de 1'), was of the same family with the above. He became bishop of Orleans, in which station he showed himself u man of great learning. He died in 1630, aged fifty-two. AuBESPiNE (Magdalen de 1'), a celebrated French lady. She was the wife of de Neuville, seigneur de Villeroi, and author of several ex- cellent pieces in prose and verse. She died in 1596. AUBIER, or Aubour, the French name for that soft whitish substance which lies round a tree between the bark and the solid wood. Mr. Barkley thinks it performs the office of veins. It may be considered as a third bark, whose fibres are less compact than those of the others, and is properly the fat of the tree. It hardens gradually, and becomes imperceptibly a part of the woody substance. There are few trees without some aubier, which is more or less thick according to the situation in which the trees are planted, for the more they are exposed to the rays of the sun the less aubier will be found in them. In the oak it is seldom above an inch, or an inch and a half- thick. \Vht. Easily broken. It scratches glass. Specific gravity 3-3. Melts into a black enamel. Its com- position, according to Klaproth, is forty-eight silica, twenty-four lime, twelve oxide of iron, 8-75 magnesia, five alumina, and one manga- nese. AUGMENT, V. & w.-\ LdX.augmentum,ixom. Avomekta'tion, (^«Mgere, to increase. To Acgmen'tative, i put a smaller quantity Augmen'ter. * to a greater, to enlarge, to make greater, and so to strengthen. 274 AUGSBURG. The ■wretched animal heavM forth such groans. That their discharge did stretch lii^i leathern coat Almost to bursting; and the big round tears Cours'd one another dowTi his innocent nose In piteous chase ; and thus the hairy fool. Much marked of the melancholy Jaques, Stood on the extremest verge of the swift brook Augmenting it with tears. Shalispeare. As You Like It. Heat in a certain degree is very pleasant, which may be augmented to the greatest torment. Locke on the Human Understanding. I have determined to consult the best writers for explanations real as well as verbal ; and perhaps I may at last have reason to say, after one of the aug- mentcrs of Furcticr, that my book is more learned than its author. Or. S. JoJtnson. Augmented, a musical term, used in contra- distinction to perfect, major, minor, and dimi- nished : thus, an augmented note forms an interval of three chromatic degrees ; as C, d-sharp ; E, flat, f-sharp ; F, g-sharp. See Intervals. Augmented intervals become, by inversion, di- minished. Augmentation of Livings. The shamefully poor livings of many of the inferior clergy of the church of England, attracted the attention of the legislature so long ago as the reign of queen Anne. The governors of the bounty of queen Anne, for the augmentation of the maintenance of the poor clergy, by virtue of several acts of parliament, made for that purpose, are empower- ed to augment all livings not exceeding £50 per annum ; and the number of livings following were certified to be capable of augmentation. No. of Rate per livings. annum. 1071 UnderflO 14G7 From £lO to 20 1126 20 to 30 1049 30 to 40 May be No. of aug- augmented. mentations. 6 times 6426 4 5868 3 3378 twice 2093 884 40 to 50 once 884 5597 Total of augmentations to be-\ made by the bounty before (^ io rrA these 5597 livings will ex- i ' ceed £50 a-year. J Mr. Chalmers observes, that computing the clear amount of the bounty to make fifty-five aug- mentations yearly, it will be 339 years, from 1714 (which was the first year in which any liv- ings were augmented), before all the small liv- ings above certified can exceed £50 per annum ; and if even one-half of such augmentations should be made, in conjunction with other bene- factors (which is not probable) it will still re- quire 226 years before all the above livings will exceed £50 per annum ! This is the more dis- graceful, considering the immense incomes en- joyed by the superior clergy. Augmentation, in heraldry,a particular mark of honor, borne either on an escutcheon, or a canton, as argent, a hand, gules, borne by every baronet not being of higher dignity, as in the an- nexed example. Al'GSBURG, the second place in the king- dom of Bavaria, botli in population and cele- brity, was formerly one of the free and imperial cities of Ciermany. It is situated at the con- fluence of the Wertach and the Lech. Though less flourishing than in former times, it contains a population of about 30,000 individuals, and is well fortified, in the ancient style, having four principal gates and six smaller ones. Augsburg partakes largely in the manufactures and com- merce of the country, and has long been dis- tinguished for its engravings, and its consider- able bookselling trade, especially in Catholic literature. By means of its agents and bankers, Augsburg is the general medium of exchange with other countries, as well as a central depot for the Neckar, Tyrolese, Greek and Italian wines. This city is venerable from its antiquity, and interesting from its connexion, both with the civil and ecclesiastical history of Germany. In the diet of the empire^ Augsburg was originally called Vindelicia, as being the capital of the Vindelici. When it subsequently fell under the dominion of the Romans, and a colony was set- tled there by Dmsus, it was called Augusta- Vindelicorum and Rhsstorum. It is mentioned by Tacitus (Germ, xli.) as a very splendid city of the province of Rheetia. From the Romans it passed to the Alemanni, and subsequently to the Goths and the Franks. Under these its im- portance declined. It was subsequently in a precarious condition, but revived after Rudolph was elected emperor ; several of its former pri- vileges being confirmed by him, and new ones granted. In 952 the order for the celibacy of the priests in the Catholic church was confirmed by the council of Augsburg; and the extent of its com- merce conferred great celebrity upon it in the fourteenth and fifteen centuries. In 1518 the diet was held here for concerting and promoting the crusade against the Turks. Here the cele- brated confession of the Protestant faith, drawn up by Luther and Melancthon, was presented in 1530. Here the well-known Interim was published in 1548 — and here the convention of Passau was confirmed, and the peace which terminated the religious war was concluded in 1555. It was also fixed upon as the seat of one of the bishops of Bavaria by the concordat of 1817. It has frequently suffered by military force, a calamity which it endured no less tlian five times in the course of the late revolution- ary wars of F'.urope. Bayer, the astronomer, who first denoted the stars by the letters of the Greek alphabet, was a native of this place. Augsburg is forty miles north-west of Munich. Long. 10° 53' E., lat. 48° 17' N. from Green- wich. Augsburg, a secularised bishopric of Ger- many, now forming part of the kingdom of Ba- varia. It took its name from the imperial city of Augsburg, and was founded so early as the sixth century. The territory of which it was composed contained 1012 square miles, and lay partly along the banks of the Lech, in the direc- tion of the Tyrol, in the margraviate of Beocgau, and partly beyond the Danube, in the principa- lity of Neuburg. The population was computed AUG 211 AUG at 8G,000, and the total revenue at .'iOO.OOO dol- lars. The only towns of note are Dillingen and Fussen, with eleven market towns, and a number of villages, mostly situated in the northern part of the bishopric, which is by far tlie most fruit- ful and populous. The chapter was composed of forty prebendaries, each of whom had a salary of from 1000 to 1700 florins. The bishopric came into the possession of Bavaria in 1802. Augsburg, or Augustan, CoNrF.ssiON, a celebrated confession of faitli drawn up by Lu- ther and Melancthon, on behalf of themselves and otlier ancient reformers, and presented, in lo50, to the emperor Charles V. at the diet Au- gusta or Augsburg, in the name of the evan- gelic body. This confession contains twenty- eight ciiapters ; of which the greatest part is employed in representing, with perspicuity and truth, the religious opinions of the Protestants, and the rest in pointing out the errors and abuses that occasioned their separation from the church of Rome. A civil war followed, that lasted up- wards of twenty years, but which only spread the new opinions, as they were then called, instead of extirpating them. .AU'GUll, V. & n. ") Augurium quasi avige- Au'guuate, rium, to see ; quo modo Augura'tion, aves se gererent in volan- Au'gurer, J^do, what direction birds Aucu'rial, take in flying, Vossius. Au'gurous, Auguries were also taken Au'gurv. J from their singing and feeding. Hence it signifies to notice the move- ments of birds, and thereby to predict, to foretel future events. We now apply the words gene- rally to predictions of the future by means of any signs or tokens. Oh sir, you are too sure an augurer That you did feare is done. Shahspeare. Antony and Cleopatra. What say the augurs ? — They would not have you stir forth to-day : Plucking the entrails of an offering forth. They could not find a heart within the beast. Shak^eare. Thy face and thy behaviour, Which, if my augury deceive me not. Witness good breeding. Id. Calchas, the sacred seer, who had in view Things present and the past, and things to come foreknew : Supreme of augurs. Dry den's Fables. The pow'rs we both invoke To you, and yours, and mine, propitious be. And firm our purpose with an augury. Dryden. She knew, by augury divine, Venus would fail in the design. Swift. So fear'd The fair-man'd horses, that they flew back, and their chariots turn'd. Presaging in their augurmts hearts the labours that they moum'd. Chapman's Iliad. He deluded many nations in his augurial and exti- spicious inventions, from casual and uncontrived con- tingencies divining events succeeding. Brown's Vulgar Errours. Augur, in Rom^^n antiquity, an officer ap- pointed to foretel future events, by the chartering, flight, and feeding, of birds. There was a college or community of them, consisting originally of three members with respect to tiie tiiree Luceres, Rhamnenses, and Tatienses ; afterwards the number was increased to nine, of whom four were patricians and five plebeians. They bore an au- gural staff", as the ensign of their authority ; and their dignity was so much respected, that they were never deposed, nor any substituted in their place, thougli they should have been convicted of the most enormous crimes. AUGURALE, a place in a camp where the general took auspicia. This answered to the Auguratorium in tlie city. Augurale is also used in Seneca for the ensign or badge of an augur, as the lituus. AUGURATORIUM, or Auguraculum, a building on the Palatine mount, where public auguries were taken. AUGURELLO (John Aurelio), an Italian poet, born at Rimini, in 1441. He was profes- sor of the belles letters at Trevisa, at which place he died in 1524. He wrote several pieces, but his chief work was a Latin poem, entitled Chry- sopcaia, or the art of making gold. He dedicated his poem to Leo X. upon which the pontiff pre- sented him with a large empty purse, and said, ' that as he could make gold he best knew how to fill it.' AUGURY, is more fully defined the art of fore- telling future events, by observations taken from the chattering, singing, feeding, and flight, of birds. It is also used in a more general signifi- cation, as comprising all the different kinds of divination. To make his observations, the augur commonly seated himself on a high tower, with his face towards the east, the north on his left hand, and the south on his right. lie divided the face of the heavens into four parts, with a crooked staff, after which he sacrificed to the gods, while he covered his head with his vest- ment. The augurs drew omens from five different things : 1 . The phenomena of the heavens, as thunder, lightning, comets, &c. 2. The chirping of birds, as already mentioned : 3. The eager- ness or indifference of the sacred chickens in eating the bread which was thrown to them, they interpreted lucky or unlucky : 4. Quadrupeds crossing or appearing in some unfrequented place : 5. From different casualties, which were called dia, such as spilling salt on a table, or wine upon clothes, hearing strange noises, stum- bling or sneezing, meeting a wolf, hare, fox, or pregnant bitch. The sight of birds on the left hand was always considered as a lucky object, and the words sinister laevus, though commonly imagined to be terms of ill luck, were uniformly used by the augurs in an auspicious sense. Augury was a very ancient superstition. We know from Hesiod, that husbandry was in part regulated by the coming or going of birds ; and most probably it had been in use long before his time, as astronomy was then in its infancy. In process of time, tliese animals seemed to have grained a greater and very wonderful autliority, till at last no affair of consequence, either of pri- vate or public concern, was undertaken without consulting them. They were looked upon as the interpreters of the gods ; and those who were qualified to understand their oracles were held among the chief men in the Greek and Roman T2 276 AUGUSTA States, and became tlie assessors of kings, and even of Jupiter himself. However absurd such an institution as a colleije of augurs may appear in our eyes, yet, like all other extravagant insti- tutions, it had in part its origin from nature. When men considered the wonderful migration of birds, how they disappeared at once, and ap- peared again at stated times, and could give no guess where they went, it was not unnatural to suppose, that they retired somewhere out of the sphere of this earth, and perhaps approached the ethereal regions, where they might converse with the gods, and thence be enabled to predict events ; at least it was not unnatural for a superstitious people to believe this as soon as some impostor was impudent enough to assert it. Add to this, that the disposition in some birds to imitate the human voice, must contribute much to the con- firmation of such a doctrine. This institution of augury seems to have been much more ancient than that of aruspicy ; for we find many instances of the former in Homer, but not a single one of the latter, tliough frequent mention is made of sacrifices in that author. Thus it is probable that natural augury gave rise to religious augury, and this to aruspicy, as the mind of man makes a a very easy transition from a little truth to a great deal of error. A passage in Aristophanes gave the hint for these observations. In the comedy of the birds, he makes one of them say, ' The greatest blessings which can happen to you, mortals, are derived from us ; first, we show you the seasons, viz. spring, winter, autumn. The crane points out the time for sowing, when she flies with her warning notes into Egypt ; she bids the sailor hang up his rudder and take his rest, and every prudent man provide himself with winter garments. Next the kite appearing, pro- claims another season, viz. when it is time to shear his sheep. After that the swallow informs you when it is time to put on your summer clothes. We are to you (adds the chorus) Am- mon, Dodona, Apollo : for, after consulting us, you undertake every thing; merchandise, pur- chases, marriages, &:c.' Now, it seems not im- probable, that the same transition was made in the speculations of men, which appears in the poet's words ; and that they were easily induced to think, that the surprising foresight of birds, as to the time of migration, indicated something of a divine nature in them. AUGUST. Lat Angustus. Said to be so called from the thing signified being consecrated by augury, and on that account was sacred and venerable. Aug VST, Augustus, Lat. The name of the eighth month from January, inclusive. August was dedicated to the honor of Augustus Caesar, because in the same month he was created con- sul ; tlirice triumpher in Rome ; subdued Egypt to the Roman empire ; and made an end of civil wars ; being before called Sextilis, or the sixth from March. August was, by our Saxon ances- tors (who, like the modern French, gavf their months significant names), called weod-;;;- t: 'th, i. e. weed-month, on account of the great i^ienty of weeds at that season. It answers to part of ihe two last months in the year in the new French calendar ; comprehending the seventeen last days of Thermidor, and the fourteen first days of Fmctidor. AUGUSTA, a considerable and flourishing town of Georgia, and the present seat of govern- ment. It is pleasantly situated in Richmond county, on the south-west side of Savannah river, upon a beautiful plain, five miles in length, and one and a half in breadth. It is regularly laid out, the streets intersecting one another at right angles, and contains about 250 dwellings. The public buildings are, a church ; an academy ; a government-house, where the governor, secre- tary of state, and other public officers transact their business ; a market-house ; a new stone jail ; a spacious building, where the courts of justice are administered, and the legislature hold their sessions ; and three ware-houses, large enough to contain 10,000 hogsheads of tobacco. The academy generally contains between eighty and ninety students, who are under the direction of two tutors and a professor of oratory. It is governed by a board of trustees, who are a body corporate in law. The funds belonging to this institution are considerable, consisting of lands, houses, and money, to tlie amount of several thousand pounds sterling. From the advantages which it enjoys, it probably will, on a future day, become a place of considerable note in the lite- rary world. Opposite the centre of the town, a large wooden bridge has been erected across the Savannah, which opens a commodious and easy communication with South Carolina ; it is nine- teen feet wide, and between 700 and 800 in length. It has already been of considerable ad- vantage to the town, by inducing the planters in the upper part of South Carolina to bring their produce to this market. It is about 236 miles from the mouth of Savannah river, including its mean- ders, 120N.N.W. of Savannah, and 746 S. W. S. of Philadelphia. Population upwards of 4000. Lat. 33° 19'N., long. 80" 46'. W. Augusta, a county of Mrginia, lying partly east and partly west of the North Mount, a ridge of the Alleghany. It is fertile, and contains up- wards of 12,000 inhabitants, including slaves. It has a remarkable cascade, called Falling Spring. Augusta, in antiquity, a title given to the Roman empresses, and frequently to the mothers and daughters of the emperors, who had been empresses. Augusta, in ancient geography, the nime of various ancient cities, mostly named after Au- gustus or his successors : such as, 1. Augusta, a city and island in the Adriatic sea, called also Austa, on the coast of Ualmatia, near Ragusa, subject to Venice. Long. 17" 50' E., lat. 42° 35' N. 2. Augusta Acilia, a town in Bavaria, now called Azelburg. 3. Augusta Ausciorum, a town of Aquita- nia, originally called Climberum, which name it afterwards resumed. In the middle age, how- ever, it took the name of the people, Ausci ; and is now called Auch or Aix. 4. Augusta Braccarum, a city of Portugal, now called Braga. 5. Augusta Drusi, a town in Suabia, now called Memmingen. 6. Augusta Emerita, a town of Lusitania, AUGUSTINE. 277 on the Anas, capital of the province ; a colony of the Emeriti, now called Merida, in Spanish Estremadura. 7 and 8. Augusta Pretoria ; 1. a town and colony of Gallia Cisalpina, the capital of the Sa- lassi ; seated at the foot of the Alps ( jraiae, on the Diiria; now called Austa. 2. another in Tran- sylvania ; now called Cronstadt. 9. Augusta Rauracokcm, a town of Gallia Belgica, six miles east from Basil ; now called August. From the ruins, which are still to be seen, it appears to have been a considerable colony. 10. Augusta Romaxduorum, the ancient name of Luxemburg. 11. Augusta Suessoxum, a town of Gallia Belgica, on the Axona ; with great probability supposed to be the Noviodunum Suessonum of Caesar ; now called Soissons. 12. Augusta Taurinorum, a town of the Taurini, at the foot of the Alps, where the Duria Minor falls into the Po ; now called Turin. 13. Augusta Tiberii, a city of Bavaria; now called Ratisbon. 14. Augusta Treba, a town of the /Equi, near the springs of the river Anio in Italy ; now called Trevi, in Umbria. 15. Augusta Trevirorum, a town of the Treviri ; now called Trieres or Treves. 16. Augusta Tricassium, the ancient name of Troceres. 17. Augusta Trinobaxtum, the name given by the Romans to London. 18. Aogusta Veromaxduorum, a town of ancient Gaul ; now Su Quintin. Augusta \'iNDELicoRUM, a town of the Li- cates on the Licus ; styled by Tacitus a noble colony of Rhcetia ; now called Augsburg, in Suabia. See Augsburg. Augusta Historia, in literature, the history of the Roman emperors, from Adrian to Carinus ; that is, from A. D. 137 to 285, composed by six Latin writers, viz. /Elius Spartianus, Julius Ca- pitolinus, iElius Lampridius, Vulcatius Gallica- nus, Trebellius Pollio, and Flavins Vopiscus. AUGUSTALIS Pr.£fectus, a title peculiar to a Roman magistrate who governed Egjpt, with a power much like that of a proconsul in other provinces. AUGUSTAN, relating to Augustus, or Au- gusta. Augustan Confession. See Augsburg. AUGUSTICL'M, in writers of the middle age, a largess of an emperor to the people or soldiery. AUGUSTEUM Marmor, in the natural his- tory of the ancients, a name given to the common green and white marble, so frequent in use with us for tables, &c, and called by our artificers Egyptian marble. AUGUSTIA, an ancient town in Wallachia, now called Kusty. AUGUSTIN (St.), the capital town of the province of East Florida, North America, is si- tuated on the Atlantic, on a peninsula, consisting of a narrow strip of land. It is of an oblong fieure, intersected by four streets, which cut each other at right angles. It is reckoned a healthy place, and is well supplied with fresh water. It has a good port, although the breakers, at it.s entrance, have formed two channels, whose bars have only eight feet of water each. It has a stronc castle for its defence ; a good parish church, and two hospitals, one for the garrison of troops, and another for the community. It was burned by Sir Francis Drake, in i586, and by captain Davis, with the Buccaniers, inlG85; but was immediately after rebuilt. In 1702 it was be- sieged by the English, who, not being able to take the castle, burned and destroyed the town. In 1714 it was again unsuccessfully attacked by the English under general Oglethorpe. Long. 81° 40' W., lat. 29'' 58' N. AUGUSTINE, a cape of South America, in Brasil, on the Atlantic, 300 miles north-east of All-Saints' Bay. Long. 35° 4' W., lat. 8° 30' S. Augustine, or Austin (St.), the first archbi- shop of Canterbury, wa^ originally a monk in the convent of St. Andrew at Rome, and educated under St. Gregory, afterwards Pope Gregory I. by whom he was despatched into Britain, with forty other monks, about A. D. 596, to convert the English to Christianity. He landed in the isle of Thanet, and having sent some French in- terpreters to king Ethelbert, with an account of the errand on which he came, the king gave him leave to convert as many of his subjects as he could, and assigned his place of residence at Do- roverum, since called Canterbury ; here the king himself was converted ; whose example had a powerful influence in promoting that of his sub- jects. Austin now despatched a priest and a monk to Rome, to acquaint the pope wit'i the success of his mission, and to desire his resolu- tion of certain questions. These men brought back with them a pall and several books, vest- ments, utensils, and ornaments for the churches ; with directions to Augustine concerning the set- tling of episcopal sees in Britain ; ordering him not to pull down the idol temples, but to convert them into Christian churches; only destroying the idols, and sprinkling the place with holy water, that the natives, by frequenting the tem- ples they had been always accustomed to, might be the less shocked at their entrance into Chris- tianity. Augustine resided principally at Can- terbury, which thus became the metropolitan church of England ; and having established bishops in several of the cities, he died A. D. 607. The popish writers ascribe several miracles to him. The observation of his festival was first enjoined in a synod held under Cuthbert, arch- bishop of Canterbury, and afterwards by the pope's bull in the reign of Edv.ard III. Augustine (St.), a famous father of the church, was born at Thagaste, in Numidia, A. D. 354. His father, a burgess of that city, was called Pa- tricius ; and his mother, Monica, who being a woman of great virtue, instructed him in the principles of Christianity. In his early youth he was in the rank of the catechumens ; and falling dangerously ill, earnestly desired to be 'oaptized, but the violence of the distemper ceasing, bis baptism was delayed. His father, who was not yet baptised, made him study at Thagaste, Ma- daura, and afterwards at Cartliage. Augustine having read Cicero's books of pliiiosophy, applied himself to the study of the scriptures; but suf- 278 AUGUSTINE. fered himself to be seduced by the Manicheans. At the age of nineteen he returned to Thagaste, taught grammar, and frequented the bar: he afterwards taught rhetoric at Carthage with ap- plause. The insolence of the scholars at Car- thage made him take a resolution to go to Rome, though against his mother's will. Here also he had many scholars ; yet he quitted Rome, settled at Milan, and was chosen professor of rhetoric in that city. Here he had opportunities of hearing the sermons of St. Ambrose, which, to- gether with the study of St. Paul's epistles, and the conversion of two of his friends, determined him to retract his errors, and quit the sect of the Manicheans : this was in the thirty-second year of his age. In the year 386 he retired to the house of a friend of his, named \'erecundus, where he seriously applied himself to the study of the Christian religion, to prepare himself for baptism, which he received at Easter, in 387. He went to Africa about the end of 388 ; and having obtained a garden-plot without the walls of the city of Hippo, he associated himself with eleven other persons of eminent sanctity, who distinguished themselves by wearing leathern girdles, and lived there in a monastic way for three years, exercising themselves in fasting, prayer, study, and meditation, day and night ; from hence sprung up the Augustine friars, or eremites, of St. Augustine, the first order of men- dicants. About this time, or before it, Valerius, bishop of Hippo, against his will, ordained him priest : nevertheless, he continued to reside in his little monastery, with his brethren, who, renoun- cing all property, possessed their goods in com- mon. A'alerius, who had appointed St. Augus- tine to preach in his palace, allowed him to do it in his presence, contrary to the custom of the churches in Afiica. He explained the creed, in a general council of Africa, held in 393. Two years after, \'alerius, fearing he might be prefer- red to be bishop of another church, appointed him his colleague, and caused him to be ordained bishop of Hippo, by ]Me2:alus, bishop of Calame, then primate of Numidia. St. Augustine died the twenty-eighth day of August, 430, aged seventy-six, having had the misfortune to see his country invaded by the X'andals, and the city where he was bishop besieged for seven months. His works make ten volumes ; ttie best edition of them is that of Maurin, printed at Antwerp, in 1700. AvGUSTiJiE (Anthony); an eminent prelate, born at Saragossa, in Spain. He was employed by the pope on an embassy to England, in 1554; and afterwards assisted at the council of Trent. In 1574 he was preferred to the archbishopric of Tarragona. So great was his charity, that at his death, in 1586, he did not leave what was suffi- cient to defray his funeral expences. He wrote several treatises on law, and on medals, in the Spanish language, which were printed in 1587. AuousTiNE(Leonardj, or Agostim, anit'alian antiquary, was a native of Sienna, and flourished in the seventeenth century. He compiled an elaborate work on ancient gems, which was first published in 1657, in two volumes, 4to. and again in 1707, four volumes, 4to. A Latin translation of this work, by Gronovius, was pub- lished at Amsterdam in 1685, and at Franeker in 1694. Augustine, Mount, St. a remarkable island within the entrance of Cook's islet, about six miles from its western shore. It was seen by Capt. Cook, who was doubtful whether it did not belong to the continent. It was since visited, in 1794, by Mr. Paget, who, in the Chatham, sailed round the world, in company with \'an- couver. He states it to be about nine leagues in circuit. Augustine, St. a port on the coast of La- brador, opposite St. John's Bay, Newfoundland. About two miles south-west runs a chain of small islands, called St. Augustine's Chain, about long. 58° 50' west, and lat. 51° 11' north. Augustine's Square, St. a number of small islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Labrador, reaching from Shecatica bay on the north-east, to Outer Island on the south-west. AUGUSTUS lANS, divines who maintain, on the authority of St. Augustine, that grace is effec- tual from its nature, absolutely and morally, and not relatively and gradually. They are divided into rigid and related. Augustinians, or Augustins, an order of religious ; so called from St. Augustine, whose rule they observe. The Augustins, or Austin friars, were originally hermits, whom pope Alex- ander IV. first congregated into one body, under their general Lanfranc, in 1256. Soon after, this order was brought into England, where they had about thirty-two houses at the time of their sup- pression. The Augustins are clothed in black, and make one of the four orders of mendicants. From these arose others, under the denomination of bare-foot Augustins, Minorites, or Friars mi- nor. There are also canons regular of St. Au- gustine, who are clothed in white, excepting their cope, which is black. At Paris they are known under the denomination of religious of Genevieve ; that abbey being the chief of the order. There are also nuns and canonesses, who observe the rules of St. Augustine. AUGUSTINUS, a work of Jansenius, bishop of Ypres, in three volumes, folio, printed at Lou- vain in 1540; the first whereof contains a dis- course against Pelagianism ; and the second, treatises on reason ; the use of authority in theo- logical matters ; the state of innocence ; fall of nature by sin ; grace, &c. From these treatises the five famous propositions of the Jansenists were collected. AUGUSTOBONA, a city of the Tricasses, in ancient Gaul, from whom it was afterwards called Tricasses, and Trecassa ; and still farther cor- rupted to Thracje, or Treci ; whence its modern name Troves. AUGUSTOBRIGA, an ancient town of Spain, now called Medina Cell. AUGUSTODUNU.^I, the capital of the^Edui, where there was a famous academy for the edu- cation of youth ; now called Autun. AUGUSTOMAGUS, an ancient town of Gal- lia Belcfica, now called Senlis, in the Isle of France.^ Long. 2° 40' E, lat. 49° 12' N. AUGUSTONIMETUiNI, a town of ancient Gaul, now Nevers. AUGUSTORITUM, according to some au- A V I C E N A. 279 thors the capital of the Pictones, afterwards called Pictavi ; now Poictiers. But by Antonine's Itinerary from Burdigala to Argantomagus (or Arjenton, as it is interpreted by many), it can be no other but the capital of the Leniovices, now Lim0j;est, situated between Vesunna of Petro- corii, or Perigueux, and Argantonia'^us. Long. 1° 22' E. lat. 43° 52' N. AUGUSTALIA, in Roman antiquity, a festi- val on which games (Augustales ludi) were cele- brated, in Rome, annually, on the day of the return of Augustus Ceesar, at the conclusion of his wars. It was instituted ann. U. C. 735, and kept on the IVth ides (12th) of October. After his decease, the tribunes of the people asked permission to celebrate the festival at their own private expense. AUGUSTALES Sodales, priests institu- ted by Tiberius after the apotheosis of Augustus Caesar, to perform the service of the new god. One and twenty of the noblest Romans were chosen by lot to this office ; and among the first members were Tiberius himself, Drusus, Clau- dius, and Germanicus. AUGUSTOWO, or Augustow, a town in the department of Lomza, Poland. It contains 2000 inhabitants, and has a staple for salt, fifty-six miles north-west of Rielsk. AUGUSTULUS, otherwise called Flavins Ro- mulus Augustus, was the son of Orestes, and the last Roman emperor. Being subdued by Odo- acer, the king of the Ileruli, he abdicated the throne, in 475, and thus put an end to the western empire, after it had subsisted 522 years from the battle ofPhar- salia. This prince is repre- sented on some medals, as in the annexed figure; inscrip- tion, D. N. ROMULUS AU- GUSTULUS. P. F. AUG. AUGUSTUS, an appellation conferred upon Caesar Octavianus. See Octavianvs, and Rome. The obscure name of Octavianus, Mr. Gibbon observes, he derived from a mean family in Ali- cia. It was stained with the blood of the pro- scription ; and he was desirous, had it been possible, to erase all memory of his former life. The illustrious surname of Caesar he had assumed as the adopted son of the dictator ; but he had too much sense either to hope to be confounded, or to be compared with that extraordinary man. It was proposed in the senate, to dignify their minister with a new appellation; and after a very serious discussion, that of Augustus was chosen among several others, as being the most expressive of the character of peace and sanctity which he uniformly affected. Augustus was therefore a personal, Caesar a family, distinction. The former should naturally have expired with the prince on whom it was bestowed ; and how- ever the latter was diffused by adoption and female alliance, Nero was the last who could allege any hereditary claim to the honors of the Julian line. But at his death, the practice of a century had inseparably connected those appellations with the imperial dignity, and they have been preserved by a long succession of emperors, Romans, Greeks, Franks, and Ger- mans, from the fall of the republic to the present time. A distinction was, however, soon intro- duced. The sacred title of Augustus was always reserved for the monarch ; tlie name of Ca?sar was more freely communicated to his relations ; and from the reign of Adrian, at least, was appro- priated to the second person in the state, who was considered as the presumptive heir of the empire. AuorsTUs Fort, a small fortress of Scotland, in Invernesshire, at the head of Lochness, be- tween the rivers Taarf and Oich. The name of this fort in Erse is Killchuimin, or the burial place of the Cummins. It lies on the road to the Isle of Sky. AU-GUY-L'AN-NEUF, or Auguii.laxnevf. See Misleto. AVIA. See Aquila. AVIARY. Lat. avis, a bird. A place where birds are kept. In aviaries of wire, to keep birds of all sorts, the Italians bestow vast cxpence ; including great scope of ground, variety of bushes, trees of good height, running waters, and sometimes a stove annexed, to contemper the air in the winter. Wotton's Architecture. Look now to your aviary ; for now the birds grow sick of their feathers. Evtlyn's Kulendar. Aviary is now used for any place in which birds are kept, but more particularly where the beauty of their plumage or the sweetness of their song has been the cause of their confinement. La^nius Strabo, an opulent and luxurious Roman, was the first who introduced aviaries upon an extensive scale, and erected a splendid one at his villa near Brundusium. \'arro, however, out- shone all in his ornithological buildings, and elegant and spacious aviary, at his country house near Casinum. With evident satisfaction, ho relates, that in his days there were two sorts of aviaries, one for containing birds intended for the table, and the other the birds which werp kept for their song or plumage. The former sort were built entirely for use, but the latter were often beautiful pavilions, with an apartment or saloon in the centre, for the company to sit in and enjoy the melody of the feathered songsters. Aviaries have never, in modern times, equalled the splendor and extent of those of the Romans; yet the aviarj- at Woburn Abbey, the seat of the Dukeof Bedford, is of great extent and value; and ]Malmaison, one of the palaces of the late Em- peror Napoleon, contains an aviary at once large, elegant, and well stocked with birds from all quarters of the globe. A\'ICENA, AvicEXES, or Avicexna, the prince of Arabian philosophers and physicians, was born at Assena, a village near Bokhara. His father was a Persian, and had married at Bokhara. The first years of Avicenna were de- voted to the study of the Koran and the Belles Lettres. His progress was so rapid, that v.hen he was but ten years old, he was perfectly ac- quainted with tiie most hidden senses of the Koran. Abu-AbdouUah at that time professed philosophy at Bokhara with great reputation. Avicenna studied logic und-jr him ; but, disgusted with the slow manner of the schools, he set about studying alone, and read all the authors that had written on philosophy, without any other 280 A V I C E N A. nelp than that of the commentators. After read- ing the first six propositions of Euclid, ^he pro- ceeded alone to the last, having made himself perfect master of them, and treasured up all of them equally in Jiis memory. Endued with an extreme avidity for all the sciences, he did not neglect the study of medicine. Persuaded that this divine art consists as much in practice as in theory, he sought all opportunities of seeing the sick ; and afterwards confessed that he had learned more from experience than from all the books he had read. Hfe was now in his six- teenth year, and was already celebrated as the light of his age. He resolved at this age to re- sume his philosophical studies, which medicine had made him neglect ; and he spent a year and a half without ever sleeping a whole night together. If he felt himself oppressed by sleep, or exhausted by study, a glass of wine refreshed his wasted spirits, and gave him new vigor. At the age of twenty-one he conceived tlie bold de- sign of incorporating, in one work, all the ob- jects of human knowledge ; and carried it into execution in an Encyclopaedia of twenty volumes, to which he gave the title of the Utility of Utili- ties ; an immense labor for one man at such a period. Several great princes had been taken dangerously ill, and Avicena was the only one that knew their ailments and cured them. His reputation increased daily, and all the kings of Asia desired to retain him as tlieir physician. Mahmud, the first sultan of the dynasty of the Samanides, was then the most powerful prince of the east. Imagining that an implicit obedience should be paid by all manner of persons to the injunctions of his will, he wrote a haughty letter to Mamun sultan of Kharazm, ordering him to send Avicena to him, who was at his court, with several other learned men. Philosophy, the friend of liberty and independence, looks down with scorn on the shackles of tyranny. Avicena, accustomed to the most flattering distinctions among the great, could not endure the imperious manner of Mahmud's inviting him to his court, and refused to gc. But the sultan of Kharazm, who dreaded his esentment, obliged the philoso- pher to depart, * th others, whom that prince had demanded to be ^ent to him. Avicena pretended to obey; but, instead of repairing to Gazna, he took the rout of Georgian. Mahmud, who had gloried in the thoughts of keeping him at his palace, was greatly irritated at his flight. He despatched portraits, done in crayons, of this philosopher to all the princes of Asia, with orders to have him conducted to Gazna, if he appeared in their courts. But Avicena had fortunately escaped the most diligent search after him. He arrived in the capital of Georgian, where, under a disguised name, he performed many admirable cures. Cabous then reigned in that country. A nephew whom he was extremely fond of, having fallen sick, the most able phy- sicians were called, and none of them were able to know his ailment, or give him any ease. Avi- cena was at last consulted. So soon as he had felt tlie young prince's pulse, he was confident that his illness proceeded from a passion which he durst not avow. Avicena commanded the percou who had the care of the different apart- ments of the palace to name them all in their respective order. A more lively motion in the prince's pulse, at hearing one of these apart- ments mentioned, betrayed a part of his secret. Avicena then ordered tlie keeper to name all the female slaves that inhabited that apartment. At the name of one of these beauties the young Cabous could not contain himself; an extraor- dinary vehemence of his pulse is said to have completed the discovery of what he in vain de- sired to conceal. Avicena, now fully assured that this slave was the cause of the prince's ill- ness, declared that she alone had the power to cure him. The sultan's consent was necessary, and he of course was curious to converse with his nephew's physician ; but had scarce seen him, when he knew in his features those of the por- trait sent him by Mahmud : still Cabous, far from forcing Avicena to repair to Gazna, re- tained him for some time, and heaped honors and presents on him. The philosopher passed afterwards into the court of Nedjmeddevle, sultan of the race of the Bouides. Being appointed first physician to that prince, he found means to gain his confidence to so great a degree that he raised him to the post of grand vizier. This dignity, however, he did not long enjoy. Too great an attachment to pleasure made him lose at once his post and his master's favor. From that time Avicena felt all the rigors of adversity, which he had thus brought upon himself. He wandered about as a fugitive, and was often obliged to shift the place of his habitation to secure his life from danger. He died at Hamadan, aged fif*y- eight, A. D. 1036, and in the year of the Hegira 428. No one composed with greater facility than Avicena. He is said to have written fifty pages a-day without fatigue. Until the twelfth century he was preferred for philosophy and medicine to all his predecessors. His works were the only writings in vogue, even in Europe. The following are their titles: 1. Of the Utility and Advantage of Science, 20 books. 2. Of Innocence and Criminality, 2 books. 3. Of Health and Remedies, 18 books. 4. On the means of preserving Health, 3 books. 5. Canons of Physic, 14 books. 6. On Astro nomical Observations, 1 book. 7. On Mathe- matical Sciences. 8. Of Theorems, or Mathe- matical and Theological Demonstrations, 1 book. 9. On the Arabic Language, and its Proprieties, 10 books. 10. On the Last Judgment. 11. On the Origin of the Soul, and the Resurrection of Bodies. 12. Of the end we should propose to ourselves in Harangues and Philosophical Argu- mentations. 13. Demonstration of collateral Lines in the Sphere. 14. Abridgment of Euclid. 15. On Finity and Infinity. 16. On Physics and Metaphysics. 17. On Animals and Vege- tables, &:c. 18. Encyclopedia, 20 volumes. AVICENNIA, or Avicenia, eastern ana- cardium, a genus of the angiospermia order, and didynamia class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the fortieth order, personatae. The calyx is quinquepartite ; the corolla is bilabiatcd, the upper lip squared; the capsule is leathery, romb-like, and monospermous. There are two species, viz. 1. A. nitida, the sliining, ea.Uern anucardium; and, 2. A. toraentosa, the downy AVI 281 AVI anacardium. The seeds are said to be the Ma- lacca beans formerly kept in the shops, the ker- nels of which were eaten as almonds. Others say that the plant producing the Malacca bean is rather the bontia germinans. AVICH, Loch, anciently called Loch-luina, a lake of Scotland, in the parish of Dalavich, in Argyllshire. Mr. Campbell, in his Statistical Report, says it is 'a beautiful sheet of water, of a regular triangular form, about eight miles in circumference, full of trouts ; having a castle and several islands, the resort of gulls, cranes, water eagles, and wild ducks. Near this lake lay tfie scene of an ancient Celtic poem, called Cathluina, or the conflict of Luina ; and in the lake is an island, the scene of another poem, called Laoi Fraoich, or the death of Fraoch. Many places,' he adds, ' in this neighbourhood are still denomi- nated from Ossian's heroes.' AvicH, a river rising from the above-men- tioned lake, and running throut;h a wood, and part of the parish of Dalavich, to which it gives names, and at last fulls into Lochow. AVID'ITY, i Lat. avidus; from aveo, I Avid'iously. S desire earnestly. Covetous- ness, greediness, insatiable appetite. For nothing is more auydyously to be desired, than is the sweet peace of God. Bale's Image of both Churches, part i. No writings would have been received with such avidity and respect as those. Paley's Evidences. AVIENUS, Rufus Festus, a Latin poet of the fourth century. He translated the Phsenomena of Aratus, the description of the earth by Uiony- sius, iEsop's Fables, &c. An edition of his works was printed at Paris in 1590, and again in 1731. AVIGATO Pear. See L\urus. AVIGLLANO, a small town of Piedmont in Italy, seven miles west of Turin. AVIGNON, a city of France, in the depart- ment of Vaucluse, on the banks of the Rhone, 168 leagues from Paris. Before the revolution it was subject to the Pope ; and the residence of several of them in it had rendered it considerable. This occasioned many of the natives to be ene- mies to the new government; especially after the Convention had abolished the establishment of the Roman Catholic religion in France ; and was the cause of much bloodshed. It is now, however, completely annexed to France. Near the Rhone there is a large rock, within tVie circumference of the walls, upon which is a platform, whence may be had a prospect of the whole city and its en- virons. Its circumference is somewhat more than three miles. Its manufactories are silks, saltpetre, oil of vitriol, and aqua-fortis. Its pro- ducts, wine, brandy, almonds, olives, oil, saflron, truffles, corn, and wool ; and it contains a well- regulated lunatic asylum, and an hospital of in- valid soldiers which lodges 1500 in-pensioners. Before the French revolution its population exceeded 30,000 ; but in the latest census they are 23,311. It is the seat of a bishop, whose diocese contains the departments of X'aucluse and the Gard ; and, in 1803, an university, or Lyceum, was established here. Avignon was ceded by Philip III. of France to the see of Rome in 1273. On the decease of B edict XI. the papal court was transferred here ; and the six successive pontiffs, Clement V. John XXII. Benedict XII. Clement VI. Innocent VI. and Urban V. made it their only abode. The entreaties of Petrarch were often addressed to the four last. He was well ac- quainted with Avignon, which had been the residence of his father ; and the celebrated foun- tain of Vauckise, but a short distance from its walls, has been immortalised by the complaints of his unreturned love. The tomb of Laura is still shown in the church of the Cordeliers ; and her husband, Hugh de Sade, sleeps there by her side. He speaks of it as the sink of vice and corruption, as an object of universal hatred and contempt, as barbarous, and as the mystic Baby- lon. Yet for seventy years, from 1309, it con- tinued to be the seat of the holy see ; Dtid after the death of Gregory XL who returned once more to the Vatican, on the commencement of the great schism of the west, during forty years more, the two rival pontiff's of the day thundered their respective excommunications against each other from the banks of the Rhone and of the Tiber. The election of Martin V. terminated the distraction, and Rome once again became the single metropolis of the papacy. During its subjection to the papal see, Avignon was several times seized by France: once in 1662, when the French ambassador at Rome had been insulted by the Corsican guards; again in 1680; and again in 1733, on account of the loss occasioned to the French revenue by smuggling. Another instance of seizure happened in 1768, when pope Clement XIII. threatened to excommunicate the duke of Parma, and took the Jesuits under his protection ; it was not given back till 1774, by which time the papal chair had changed its oc- cupant. The Count de Grignan, the husband of Madame de Sevigne's daughter, held it as vice- roy for two years, and many of Madame de Sevigne's letters are addressed to Avignon. Avignon Berry, the fruit of a species of ly- ceum, which grows plentifully near Avignon and in other parts of France. The berry is some- what less than a pea; its color is green, ap- proaching towards a yellow; and it is of an astringent and bitter taste. It is much used ty the dyers, who stain a yellow color with it; and by the painters, who also make a fine golden yellow of it. AVILA, a city of Spain in Old Castile, seated on an eminence on the banks of the river Adaja, and m sight of the mountains of Pico. It is fortified both by nature and art, having had a wall 9075 feet in circumference, adorned with lofty towers and handsome gates. The houses are generally good and stately. It has an uni- versity, and a considerable bishopric; besides a cathedral, which has eight dignitaries and forty canons and minor canons. It stands in tlie mid- dle of a large plain, surrounded with mountains, and covered witli fruit-trees and vineyards. There is likewise a manufacture of cloth. AviLA, or AviLES, a town of Spain, in Aus- turias, on the Bay of Biscay, eight miles south of Cape de Pinas, and twenty-five north of (Jviedo. AVI 282 AUL AviLA (Giles Gonzales,) a Spanish historian. He went to Rome for his education, and when he returned to his own country obtained a rich benefice, and was appointed historiographer to the king. He wrote a Treatise on the Antiquities of Salamanca, also the Theatre of the Churches of India, and other works. He died in 1658. AVILA (Louis d'), a Spanish gentleman sent by Charles the Fifth, as ambassador to the popes Paul IV. and Pius V. and was afterwards a com- mander at the siege of Metz. He wrote histori- cal memoirs of the wars of Charles V. against the Protestants of Germany, entitled ' Los Commen- tarios de la Guerra del Emparador Carlos V. contra los Protestantes de Alcmania ;' first print- ed in 1546, and afterwards translated into French and Latin. He also wrote Memoirs of the War in Africa. AUJILAH, an oasis, in the great Sahra, or Lybian desert, in lat. 29° 30' N. and long. 22° 30' E. through which Mr. Hornemann passed in 1798. He says, there are three towns in the territory of Aujilah, the capital of that name, Mojabrah, and Meledilah; the latter are near each other, and both about four hours distant from Aujilah. That city is about a mile in cir- cumference; ill built, though of stone, dirty, and wretched. Mojabrah, is smaller but more popu- lous; its inhabitants are principally engaged in commerce, as those of Meledilah are in agricul- ture. The women are skilful weavers, and ex- port their clothes to Fezzan. The soil round the town is sandy, but fertile when well watered. It is subject to Tripoli, and the Bey of Ben- ghazi was resident there during his visit. AVILER (Augustine Charles d'), a French architect, born in 1653. He was taken by the Algerines in his passage to Rome, and carried to Tunis, where he designed a grand mosque, which is much admired. He was liberated after two years, and settled at Montpelier, where lie died, in 1700. He wrote a Course of Archi- tecture, in 4 vols. 4to. AVIO, a town of Germany in the bishopric of Trent, a little west of the Adige. AVIS, a river of Portugal, in Alentejo. Avis, or Aviz, a small town of Portugal, in Alentejo, seated on an eminence with a castle near the river. Avis, Knights of, an order of knighthood in Portugal, established about A. D. 1162. When Evora was taken from the Moors, in the reign of Alphonso I. king of Portugal, it was garrisoned by several persons who assumed the title of knights of St. Mary of Evora, which was soon after changed for that of knights of Avis, which town the king gave them, and whither they removed from Avora. The badge of the order is a green cross flory, and they observe the rule of St. Benedict. Avis Longa, a name given by Nieremberg to the hoitlattotl of the Americans, a bird remark- able for the swiftness of its running. Avis Nivea, a name under which Nieremberg has described an American bird, of the size of a thrush, brown and black on the back, and yel- low under the belly ; it imitates the human voice, and is called by the natives, ceoan. Avis Pennipulcua, the name of an Ameri- can bird, described by Nieremberg, and called, by the Indians quetzaltototl. It is of the sizi of a pigeon, and is of more beautiful colors than the peacock. There are, besides this spe- cies, tiiree or four others. Mr. Ray has, how- ever, ranged all these under the number of birds, the account of which he is either dubious about, or suspicious of the truth of. Avis Tropicorum, the Tropic bird, a bird of the size of the common duck, found only about the tropics. Avis \"enti, the bird of the wind. See Heatototl. AVISANDUM, in Scots law, literally advis- ing, or under consideration. A process is said to be under avisandura, when the whole proofs, with the arguments on both sides, are under the consideration of the judge, before he has given an interlocutor or decision upon the cause. AVIS'ION. Used for Vision. The kinge of this auision, Hath great imaginacion, Wliat thinge it signifie maie. Gower, Con. A. bookviii. p. 264. AVISO, adviso, Italian; a term chiefly used in matters of commerce to denote an advertise^ ment, an advice, or piece of intelligence. AVISON (Charles), an English musician of Newcastle, where he practised the whole of his life. In 1752 he published an Essay on Musi- cal Expression, which was favorably received, and reached a second edition in 1763, when it produced published remarks from Dr. Hayes, professor of music at Oxford. Avison quickly retorted, and his reply is appended to the third edition of the original essay. He died at New- castle in 1770, and left five concertos for the violin, and other compositions, which are esteemed light and elegant. AVITES, a tribe of Samaritans, who came from Avah, in Chaldea, and were settled by Sennacherib in Samaria. They worshipped the idols Nibhaz and Tartak. 2 Kings xvii. 24 — 31. AVITUS, one of the emperors of Rome, in the last stage of its declension. He succeeded Maximus, A. D. 455, and reigned only one year, being cut off and succeeded by Majorians^ A. D. 456. AVrZE. See Advise. No power lie had to stir, nor will to rise ; That when the careful knight 'gan well avize. He lightly left the foe. Faerie Qucene. As they 'gan his library to view. And antique registers for to avize. Spenser, With that, the husbandman 'gan him avize. That it for him was fittest exercise. /d. But him avixing, he that dreadful deed Forbore, and rather chose, with scornful shame. Him to avenge. Id, AUK, in ornithology. See Alda. AUKLAND, Bishops. See Auckland. AULA, is used for a court baron, by Spel- man ; by some old ecclesiastical writers, for the nave of a church, and sometimes for a court- yard. Aula Regia, or Aula regis, a court establish- ed by William the Conqueror in his own hall, com- posed of the king's great officers of state, who resided in his palace, and were usually attendant AUL 283 AUL in his person. This court was rep:ulated by the irticle wliich forms the eleventh chapter of iSlagna Charta, and established in Westminster- hall, where it hath ever since continued. See King's Bench. AULD WIFE'S LIFT, an ancient structure, in the parish of Baldernock, Dumbartonshire, about a mile from the church ; supposed to be a relict of ancient druidism, and from its name to have been the work of Druidesses. The uppermost stone is eighteen feet long, eleven broad, and six deep. AULEN, an ancient imperial city of Ger- many, in the circle of Suabia, thirty miles north of Ulm. AULETES, avXTjTfc, in antiquity, a flute- player. One of the Ptolemies of Egypt, bore the surname of Auletes. AULIC, an act, in the Sorbonne and foreign universities, which a young divine maintains upon being admitted a doctor in divinity. It begins by an harangue of the chancellor, addres- sed to the young doctor ; after which he receives the cap, and presides at the aulic or disputations. AuLic, an epithet given to certain officers of the empire, who compose a court which decides, without appeal, in all processes entered m it. The Aulic council is a jurisdiction of the Ger- man empire, established by Maximilian I. in 1502, to counterbalance the authority of the Im- perial Chamber. It is called Aulic, because it follows the emperor's court aula. The emperor names all the members, consisting of a president, vice-president, and an unlimited number of counsellors ; six of whom at least must be Pro- testants. All points relating to feudal rights and the reserved territories of the emperor in Italy are arranged by this council. In order to pre- vent any collision with the emperor's will, it sometimes contents itself with making a report to him in the form ' fiat votum ad Casarem.' Following the emperor's court, it is sometimes called justitiam imperatoris, the emperor's jus- tice. "The aulic court ceases at the death of the emperor. AULIS, in ancient geography, a sea-port town cf Boeotia, over against Chalcis of Euboea, on the Euripus, where that strait is narrowest; and ■which were some time joined by a mole or cause- way; on a craggy situation, and a village of the Tanagraci, distant from Chalcis three miles. The harbour is famous for the rendezvous of 1000 ships under Agamemnon, previous to the Trojan expedition. It is now entirely destroyed. AULIUS Atticus, a captain of a Roman cohort under Julius Agricola, who was killed in a battle with Galgacus, at the foot of the Gram- pians. Two urns were dug up in the parish of Iledgorton, containing human ashes; one of which Mr. Moncrieff supposes to have contained those of this officer, and the other those of Agri- cola's son. AULON, anciently a town and station for ships, in Illyricum, on the Adriatic; now called Volano, a port town on one of tlie moutlis of the To, on the gulf of Venice. Aii.oN, or AuLOXA, anciently a town of Elis, in Peloponnesus, on the confines of ^lessenia. Here stood a temple of .Esculapius. AULONIAS, an epithet of TEsculapius. See last article. AULOS, a Grecian long measure, the same with stadium. AULTGllANDE, a river of Scotland, in the parish of Kiltearn, in Rosshire, which takes its rise from Loch Glass, and after running six miles falls into the sea. Its course for two of these miles is through a deep chasm of an extensive and rugsed precipice, called Craig-grande, or the uglv rock; of which the Rev. Mr. Robertson, in his statistical account of the parish, gives the following description. ' This is a deep chasm or abyss, formed by two opposite precipices that rise perpendicularly to a great height, through which the Aultgrande runs for the space of two miles. It begins at the distance of four miles from the sea, by a bold projection into the chan- nel of the river, whicti it diminishes in breadth by at least one half. The river continues to run with rapidity for about three quarters of a mile,^ when it is confined by a sudden jutting out of the rock. Here, the side view from the suminit is very striking. The course of the stream being thus impeded, it whirls and foams, and beats with violence against the opposing rock, till, collecting strength, it shoots up perpendicularly with great fury, and forcing its way, darts with the swiftness of an arrow throusjh the winding passage on the other side. After passing this obstruction, it becomes in many places invisible, owing partly to the increasing depth and narrow- ness of the chasm, and partly to the view being intercepted by the numerous branches of trees which grow on each side of the precipice. About a quarter of a mile further down, the country people have thrown a slight bridge, composed of trunks of trees covered with turf, over the rock, where the chasm is about sixteen feet wide. Here the observer, if he has intrepi- dity enough to venture himself on such a totter- ing support, and can look down the gulph below without any uneasy sensations, will be gratified with a view equally awful and astonishing. The wildness of the steep and rugged rocks; the gloomy horror of the cliff's and caverns, inac- cessible by mortal tread, and where the genial rays of the sun never yet penetrated; the water- falls which are heard pouring down in different parts of the precipice, with sounds various in proportion to their distance; the hoarse and hol- low murmuring of the river, whicli runs at the depth of nearly 130 feet below the surface of the earth ; fine groves of pines, which majestically climb the sides of a beautiful eminence, that rises immediately from the brink of the chasm; all these objects cannot be contemplated without exciting emotions of wonder and admiration in the mind of every beholder. The appearance of this singular and picturesque scene, will naturally bring to the recollection of the chissical spec- tator those beautiful hnes of \'irgil, in which he describes the gulph, tlirough which his Alecto shoots herself into the infernal region* • densis hunc frondibus atrum Urget utrinque latus nemoris, medioffue iragosus Dat sonitum saxis et torto vortice torrcns Hie specus horrcndum, ct sacvi spiracula Ditis Monstrantur ; ruptoque ingens Acheronto vorago Pestifcras aperit fauces. AUN 284 AVO Critics may labor to convey the force and mean- ing of the author's words ; and travellers may, by their insjenious descriptions, give us a still more lively idea of their beauty and propriety; but he who would see a living commentary on this noble passage, must visit the rock of Aultgrande,' AULUS Gellius. See Gellius. AUMALE. See Albemarle. AUME, a Dutch measure for Rhenish wine, containing forty English gallons. AUMERY. See Ambry. AUMONE, in old law style, alms. — Bailei/. AuMONE, tenure in, lands given to a church or manastery. AUMONIER. See Almoner. AUNA, the ancient name of Emly, in Ireland. AUNCEL weight, an ancient kind of balance, yjrohibited by several statutes, on account of the many deceits practised by it. It consisted of scales hanging on hooks, fastened at each end of a beam, which a man lifted up on his hand. In many parts of England, auncel weight signifies meat sold by the hand, without scales. AUNC ESTER, ancestor. — Chaucer. AUNE, a river of Devonshire, which runs into the sea, east of Plymouth. AuNE, a long measure used in France to mea- sure cloths, stuffs, ribbons, &c. At Rouen, it is equal to one English ell ; at Calais, to 1'52 ; at Lyons, to 1-061 ; and at Paris, to 0-95. AUNEAU, or AunSaux, a town of France, in the department of the Eure and Loire, arrondis- sement of Chartres, with 250 houses. It has a castle, and some hosiery manufactures. Here the duke of Guise defeated, in 1587, the Germans who had come to the assistance of the Protes- tants. Five leagues east of Chartres. AUNEDONACUM, the ancient name of Fontenay, in France. AUNGERVILLE (Richard,) commonly known by the name of Richard de Buiy, was bom in 1281 at St. Edmund's Bury in Suffolk, and edu- cated at the university of Oxford : after which he entered into the order of Benedictine monks, and became tutor to Edward Prince of Wales, afterwards king Edward III. Upon the acces- sion of his royal pupil to the throne, he was first appointed cofferer, then treasurer of the ward- robe; archdeacon of Northampton, prebendary of Lincoln, Sarum, and Litchfield, keeper of the privy seal, dean of Wells, and last of all bishop of Durham. He likewise enjoyed the offices of lord high chancellor and treasurer of England : and discharged two important embassies at the court of France. Learned himself, and a patron of letters, he maintained a correspondence with .^ome of the greatest geniuses of the age, particu- larly with the celebrated Italian poet Petrarch. He was also of a most humane and benevolent temper, and performed many signal acts of cha- rity. Every week he made eight quarters of wheat into bread, and gave it to the poor. When- 2ver he travelled between Durham and Newcas- Je, he distributed £8 sterhng in alms ; between Durham and Stockton £5, between Durham and A-ukland five marks, and between Durham and Middleham £3. He founded a public library at Oxford, for the use of the students, which he fur- j.ished with the best collection of books then in England ; and appointed five Keepers, to whoinr he granted yearly salaries. At the dissolution of religious houses in the reign of Henry VIII. Durham college, where he fixed the library, being also dissolved, some of the books were removed to the public library, some to Baliol college, and some into the hands of Dr. George Owen, who bought the college of king Edward VI. Bishop Aungerville died at his manor of Aukland, April 24, 1345, and was buried in the south part of the cross isle of the cathedral church of Durham, to which he had been a benefactor. He wrote, 1. Philobiblos, contain ing directions for the management of his library at Oxford, and a great deal in praise of learning in Latin. 2. Epistolae Familiarum ; some ot which are written to the famous Petrarch. 3. Orationes ad Principes ; mentioned by Bale and Pitts. AUNIS, or Aunix, the smallest of the ci- devant provinces in France. It was bounded on the north by Poictou, on the west by the ocean, and on the east and south by Saintogne. It is now comprehended in the department of Lower Charente. It is watered by the Seure and the Charente. The coast has the advantage of several ports, the most remarkable of which are Rochefort, Rochelle, Brouge, St. Martin de Re, Tremblade, Tounai, and Charente. The soil is dry. yet produces good corn and plenty of wine. The marshes feed a great number of cattle, and the salt marshes yield the best salt in Europe. AUNT. Some ingenuity is necessary to de- rive this word from the Fr. tante — ' Lat. amita from avita, and this from avia! In Todd's John- son it is deduced from the Old Fr. ante, from a Celtic root, a father or mother's sister. Who meets us here ? my niece Plantagenet, Led in the hand of her kind aunt of Glo'ster. Shakspeare. She went to plain work, and to purling brooks. Old fashion'd halls, dull aunts, and croaking rooks. Pope. AVOCATORIA, a mandate of the emperor of Germany, addressed to some prince in order to stop proceedings in any cause appealed to him. AVOCII, or AuACH, Gael, a ford, a parish in Scotland, Rosshire, on the coast of the Moray Fritli, and extending about four miles from south to north, and two and a half from east to west. AVOID', ^ Fr. vuider, or eviter. Lat. Avoid'able, # evito. The word vidtius, in whole Avoid'ance, p> or in part, is supposed to be the Avoid'er, i etymon. To make void or free Avoidless. } from, to leave empty, to go out of, to move away from, to leave, to escape. The word shun is usually applied to persons, and avoid to things. ' Avoid the room,' no longer means, as in Lord Bacon's time, go out of the room, but ' go not into the room.' What have you to do here, fellow? pray you, avoid the house. Sluikspeare. If any rebel should be required of the prince con- federate, the prince confederate should command him to avoid the country. Bacon. AVO 285 AUR That avoidless ruin in which the whole empire would be involved. Dtntiis's Letters. Want of exactness in such nicecxperimeuls is scarce avoidable. Bvyle. To take several things for granted, is hardly avoid- able toany one, whose task it is to shew the fals.-hood or improbability of any truth. Locke. Now what things can there be of greater moment or importance for men to know or God to reveal, than the nature of God and ourselves, the state and con- dition of our souls, the only way to avoid eternal misery, and enjoy everlasting bliss. Stillingjieet , It is appointed to give us vigour in the pursuit of what is good, or in the avoidance of what is hurtful. Watts. AVOIRDUPOIS, avoir du pois, French. A kind of weight, of which a pound contains six- teen ounces, and is in proportion to a pound Troy, as seventeen to fourteen. All the larger and coarser commodities are weighed by avoir- dupois weight. Avoirdupois ounce is less than the Troy ounce in the proportion of 700 to 768 : but the avoirdupois pound is greater than the Troy pound in the proportion of 700 to 576. Avoirdupois Weight. For the table of its divisions, see Arithmetic. AV'O'KE, "^ Lat. avoca, avocatum, I call ; Avo'cATE, > from a, and roco. Evoke is now Avoca'tiox. j used instead of the verb. Avo- cations are those engagements which call off our time and attention from other things. We have written to your grace in our common letter, for a confirmation of many inconveniences and dangers which we persuaded to his Holiness, to follow both to himself and to the see apostolick, in case his Holiness should avoke the cause. Burnet's Reform Records, vol. i. For what is a scholar, but one who retireth his person, and avocateth his mind, from other occupations and worldly entertainments. Barrott's SanmDjs. Sorrow ought not to be suffered to increase by in- dulgence, but must give way after a stated time to social duties and the coinnion avocatiom of life. Jjlmson. Whom could I select with such perfect propriety as yourself, who, like the younger Scipio, can so usefully mingle the avocations of business with elegant litera- ture ? Dr. Stuart's Dedication of S/dlust. -WOIA'TION. Lat. avolatio {a volo), a fly- ing away from. These airy vegetables are made by the relicks of plantal emissives, whose avolation was prevented by the condensed enclosure. Glanville's Scepsis. Strangers, or the fungous parcels about candles, only signify a pluvious air, hindering the avolation of the favillous particles. Brown's Vulgar Errours. AVON, the name of four rivers in England ; VIZ. 1 . rising in Leicestershire, runs south-west by Warwick and Evesham, and falls into the Severn at Tewksbury ; 2. in Monmouthshire ; 3. rising in Wiltshire, coasts the edge of the New lorest, and enters the English channel at Christ Church Bay in Hampshire ; and 4. the Lower Avon, which rises near Tedbury in Wiltshire, and running west to Bath, becomes navigable; continues its course to Bristol, and falls into the Severn north-west of that city. AVONA PoRTicosA, the ancient name of the isle of Sanda. AV^OSETTA, in ornithology. See Recuuvi- ROSTRA. AVOU'CH, r. & n.^ Fr. avouer, to affirm- Avou'cHER, -To maintain, declare ab- Avoich'.mext. 3 snlutely, to vindicate, to justify, to corroborate, to answer for the truth of, [O support a statment with documents. They boldly avouched that themselves only had the truth, which they would at all times defend. Hooker. Wretched though I seem, I can produce a champion that will prove What is avouched here. Shakspeare. King Lear. Such authours and avouchera of thinges. Udall. Luke, cap. i. But I maruail much that maister Moore beyng a great learned man, would not for the avouchement of his credite, and the truth of so great a matter, allege so much as the testimonie and auctoritie of some one aucthor, for the prouyng of his assertion. Grafton, vol. i. A\'OW, ,;. & 71.-^ AvOw'aBLE, I ti t Tr t ' rr. avouer. Lat. Voveo, I vow or promise. To make a solemn declaration, to ac- knowledge, to confess. Avov'ai,, Avow'ed, Avow'edly, Avow'er, Avow'ry. His cruel stepdame, seeing what was done. Her wicked days with wretched knife did end ; In death avowing th' innocence of her son. Faerie Queenc. Wihnot could not avowedly have excepted against the other. Clarendon. He that delivers them mentions his doing it upon his own particular knowledge, or the relation of some credible person, avovoing it upon his own experience. Boyle. Left to myself, I must avow, I strove From publick shame to screen my secret love. Dry den, Virgil makes jEneas a bold avower of his own virtues. Id. Such assertions proceed from principles which can- not be avowed by those who are for preserving church and state. Swift. This management, when no avowable rejison could be given for it, gave suspicious and refining persons occasion to throw out a great deal of slander. Bolingbroke. Then blaz'd his smother'd flame, avow'd and bold. T/iomson. AU-PIS-ALLER, a French phrase, sometimes used among English writers, signifying at the worst. AL^RA, among physiologists, an airy exhala- tion or vapor. The word is Latin, derived from the Greek, avpa, gentle wind. Aura, in chemistry, a name given to that certain fine and pure spirit, found in every ani- mal or vegetable body ; but so subtle, as only to be perceptible by its smell and taste, or other effects, not found in any other body. This aura, says Boerhaave, exhibits the proper character of the body, and is lodged in the oil of the body, to prevent its being dissipated and thrown off. AiRA, in ornitholou^y, a species of vulture. .\URACI1, a town of Germany, with a good castle, in the south part of Suabia, in the duchy of Wirtemberg. It is the usual residence of the youngest sons of the house of Wirtemberg; is AUR 286 AUR seated at the foot of a mountain on the rivulet Ermst, fifteen miles east of Tubingen. AUR/E, in mythology, a name given by the Romans to the nymphs of the air. They are mostly to be found in the ancient paintings of ceilings ; where they are represented as light and airy, generally with long robes and flying veils of some lively color or other, and fluttering about in the rare and pleasing element assigned to them. They were cliaracterised as sportive and happy in themselves, and ■wellwishers to mankind- AVRANCHES, a town of Lower Normandy, formerly the capital of the district called Avran- chin, and now of an arrondissement in the de- partment of La Manche. It stands on a hill near the Seez, and commands an extensive pros- pect of the surrounding country. It was formerly the see of a bishop, whose palace still remains, and who was suffragan to the archbishop of Rouen. The cathedral was founded in the 1 1 20. It is only half a league distant from the sea, and the tide hrings up small vessels close to the town. The inhabitants carry on a traflic in grain, flax, hemp, cattle, butter, wheat, salt, and cyder, which is here made of an excellent quality. Provisions and fuel are both cheap. Population about 6000. Avranches was much resorted to by the English after the peace of 1814. It lies 222 niiles due west of Paris. Long. 1° 17' W., lat. 48° 41' N. AURANTIA, in botany, a natural order, comprehending the entire orange tribe. Jussieu is the author of this order, the seventieth in his arrangement; nor are there any traces of it among the fragmenta of Linnaeus, cal. one leaf, often deeply divided, pet. definite, broad at the base, inserted round a disk on which the germen is placed, stam. placed on the same disk. GEKM. one; style one; stigma simple, or rarely divided. Fruit mostly pulpy, sometimes capsu- lar, of one or many cells, with one or two seeds in each. This order is divided into three sec- tions, according to the seed contained in the fruit. 1. Fruit with only one seed. The leaves are not marked with resinous dots, and hence the plants of this section are termed spurious au- rantia. 2. Fruit many-seeded, pulpy. These are genuine aurantia, having the leaves full of pellucid resinous dots. 3. Fruit many-seeded, capsular. Leaves not dotted. Genera akin to aurantia and to meliae. ALRANTIAM, in botany. See Citrus. AURANTIUS Piscis, in ichthyology, a name given by TVieremberg to the dorado, or dolphin, a species of the corypheena, distinguished from the others by its forked tail. AURARIA FuNCTio, pensio, or praestatio, a tax to be paid in gold. AIJRATA, in ichthyology, the fish called gilt head. AURAY, a town in the province of Bretange, in France, a department of Morbihans, arrondis- sement of L'Orient, and the head of a canton. It stands on the gulf of Morbihan, and has a har- bour, with considerable trade in corn, honey, skins, and salted fish. The only manufactures are a few woollen stuffs. It trades principally with Spain, and receives in exchange for the above-mentioned articles, Biscay-iron and wine. Population 3200. Four leagues W. of \'anne3. Long. 2" 53' W., lat. 47° 40' N. AUREA Alexandrina, in pharmacy, a kind of opiate, or antidote against the cholic and apo- plexy, composed of a great number of ingre- dients, which was in great fame among the an- cient writers. It is called aurea, from the gold (aurum) which is an ingredient in its composi- tion ; and Alexandria, as having been invented by a physician named Alexander. Aurea Chersonesus, a name given by an- cient authors to Japan. AUREAPOLIS, an ancient town of Bavaria, now called Ingolstadt. AU'REAT, ) Lat. aururn, gold ; partaking Aurife'rous. S of the nature and qualities of gold. Poetical epithets. And surn departe in freklis rede quhyte. Sum bricht as gold with aureate leuis lyte. Douglas. Eneados, Prol. to book xii. p. 401 . Rocks rich in gems, and mountains big with mines. Whence many a bursting stream auriferous plays. Thomson. AURELIA, in natural history, the same with what is usually called chrysalis, and sometimes nymph. See Chrysalis. AuREUiA, the ancient name of Orleans. AURELIANUS, Coelius, or, as some have called him, Lucius Coelius Arianus, an ancient physician, and the only one of the sect of the Me- thodists of whom we have any remains, was of Sicca, a town of Numidia in Africa. This we learn from the elder Pliny, and his style much resembles that of the African writers. It is half Greek, half Latin, harsh, and difficult ; yet strong, masculine, full of good sense, and valuable for the matter it contains. It is frequently very acute and smart, especially where he exposes the errors of other physicians, and always nervous. What age Coelius Aurelianus flourished in, cannot be determined ; but it is probable that he lived before Galen, as he does not make the least men- tion of him. He was not only a careful imitator of Soranus, but also a strenuous advocate for him. He had read over very diligently the an- cient physicians of all the sects ; and to him we are indebted for the knowledge of many dogmas which are not to be found but in his books, ' De Celeribus et Tardis PassionibuS.' The best edi- tion of these books is that published at Amster- dam, 1722, in quarto. He wrote, as he himself tells us, several other works ; but they are all perished. Aurelianus (Lucius Domitius), emperor of Rome, was one of the greatest generals of anti- quity, and commanded the armies of the emperor Claudius II. with such glory, that, after the death of that emperor, the legions agreed to place him on the throne, A.D. 270. He was a native of Dacia, born of obscure parentage, and was elected emperor in the fifty-fifth year of his age. He was a man of amazing strength and courage, and had risen through all the gradations of mili- tary duty. In one engagement he is said to nave killed forty of the enemy with his own hand ; and, in the various battles in which he was engaged, above 900 in all. He carried the war from the east to the west with as much faci- AUR 287 AUR lity, says a modem writer, as a body of troops marches from Alsace into Flanders. He de- feated the Goths, Sarmatians, Marcomanni, the Persians, Esryptians, and Vandals ; conquered Zenobia, queen of the Palmyrenians, and Tetri- ciis, general of the Gauls, both of whom graced his triumph in 274. In a word, for valor and expedition, he might be compared to Julius Caesar, had he possessed equal clemency and mo- deration. He showed great clemency indeed to -queen Zenobia, although he destroyed her city, for he gave her lands and an income sufficient to maintain her in all the splendor of her former royalty without the trouble of it. But his gene- rosity to that princess was sullied by his order- ing her secretary, Longinus, the celebrated critic, to be put to death, whose work on the sublime ought to have procured him respect from any person one degree removed from barbarism. His severities were at last the cause of his destruc- tion. Mnestheus, his secretary, conspired against him, and he was slain by one of his generals in passing with a small guard from Heraclea in Thrace towards Byzantium, A. D. '275, after a very active reisn of five years. See Rome. AURELLI, or Arelli, a Latin poet of the sixteenth century, who obtained the government of a district from Leo X. but whose tyrannical behaviour made the inhabitants throw him into a well, in 1520. His poems are much in the manner of Catullus. AURENGABAD, or Aueungabad. See Au- RUNG.iBAD. AUHENG-ZEBE, the Great Mogul, was the third son of Schah lehan. He was born in 1618, and in his youth feigned an air of religious sanc- tity, but in 1658 he and his brother Morad seized Agra, and took their father prisoner. Not long after, he put ]Morad and Dara, another bro- ther, to death. He, however, showed some ten- derness towards his father, who died in 1666. Aureng-zebe increased his dominions so much, and became so powerful, that ambassadors were sent to him from all the eastern princes ; and for the sake of commercial advantages, many Euro- pean princes did the same. He died atAhmed- naghur in 1707, aged eighty-nine. His posses- sions were, by his will, divided among his sons. He was of a low stature, with a large nose, a white beard, and olive complexion. He was slender, and supported himself on a staff; yet he endorsed petitions without spectacles, and seemed pleased with doing business at a public audience, lie subdued Visapour, Golconda, and the Carnatic ; overran the kingdom of Asen ; reduced Bengal; and cleared the mouth of the Ganges from the Portuguese pirates. He had formed a design to destroy all the native princes, and to force a conversion of the Hindoos ; but harrassed in his turn by the rebellion of his sons, he was obliged to put off the execution of this momentous endeavour. By his indulgence to- wards his omrahs and governors his meaner sub- jects were oppressed with impunity. ' God,' he observed, in his usual sanctimonious manner, ■ would punish them if they did evil.' The real state of the case was, that he shared in the fruits of their oppression. AUREOLA, in ecclesiastical antiquity, ori- ginally signified a jewel, proposed as a reward of victory in some public dispute. Hence the Ro- man schoolmen applied it to denote the reward bestowed on martyrs, virgins, and doctors, on account of their works of supererogation ; and painters use it to signify the crown of glory with which they adorn the heads of saints, con- fessors, &c. AUREOLUS, a Dacian shepherd, who as- pired to the empire, but was defeated and slain by Claudius, a general of the emperor Gallienus. This usurper is known by some medals bearing on one side his head, crowned with rays, as in the annexed fieure, inscription IMP. M. ACIL. AUREOLUS P. F. AUG. on the reverse a goddess, resting on a pillar, with a sceptre in her right hand, a cornucopia in her left, and a globe at her feet, inscription PROV'IDENTIA AUG. AUREUS, a Roman gold coin, equal in value to twenty-five denarii, or 100 sesterces. Accord- ing to Ainsworth, the aureus of the higher ein- pire weighed nearly five pennyweights ; and in the lower empire little more than half that weight. Suetonius says, that it was customary to give aurei to the victors in the chariot races. Aureus Mons, in ancient geography, 1. A mountain in the north-west of Corsica, whose ridge runs out to the north-east and south-east, forming an elbow. 2. Another of Mcesia Supe- rior, or Servia, south of the Danube, which the emperor Probus planted with vines ; and 3. A town at the foot of it, on the same river. AURIA (Vincent), a Sicilian writer, bom at Palermo^, 1625. He was author of several works in Latin and Italian; but the principal are a History of the most eminent Men of Sicily, 1704; 'and a History of the Viceroys of Sicily, 1697, folio. He died in 1710. AURICHxVLCUM, opuxa\Kov, mountain- brass ; from opoc, a mountain, and x^^'^pf » brass ; the metal now called brass being a mix- ture of copper and lapis calaminaris. It is called aurichalcum by Plautus, and onchalcum by Virgil and Horace. Plaut. Mil. act iii. scene 1. V. 64. Cedo mihi tres homines aurichalco contra cum istis moribus. AURICULA, in botany. See Primula. Auricula, in ichthyology, the earwig. Auricula Jud.i, or Jew's Ear, a kind of fungus, or mushroom, somewhat resembling in figure a human ear. It grows on elder-trees, the tree on which, as some pretend, Judas hanged himself: and hence, they tliink, the name is de- rived, this fungus steeped in water and applied to the eyes, is said to free them of inflammation ; but its chief use is in the form of a gargle in decoctions against inflammations of the throat, or swellings of tlie tonsils. 288 AURORA BOREALIS. AURICULAR, ) Lat. auricula, tlie flap of AuRic'uLARi.Y. iear; sometimes the ear it- self. Addressed to the ear — as much as to say, to go no further. Private, secret, confidential. You shall hear us confer, and by an auricular as- surance have your satisfaction. Shakspeare. King Lear. The alchymists call in many varieties out of astro- logy, auricular traditions, and feigned testimonies. Bacon. These will soon confess, and that not auricularly , but in a loud and audible voice. Decay of Piety, AURICULATED Leaf, in botany, is a leaf which has a lobe on each side towards the base. AURIFLAMMA, in the French history, a standard belonging to the abbey of St. Dennis, suspended over the tomb of that saint, which the religious, on occasion of any war in defence of tlieir land or rights, took down, with great cere- mony, and gave to their protector or advocate, to be borne at the head of their forces. Hence the word is sometimes used to denote the chief flag or standard of an army. AURIGA, the waggoner, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, consist- ing of twenty-three stars, according to Tycho ; forty, according to Hevelius; and sixty-eight, in the Britannic catalogue. It is figured as an old man with a goat, her kids in his left iiand, and a bridle in his right. Capella, the goat, is a star of the first magnitude. Its rising was deemed by the ancients a prognostic of rain. AURIGNAC, a town of Gascony, the head of a canton, in the department of the Upper Garonne, arrondissement of St. Gaudens. The inhabitants, who amount to about 1230, trade in cattle, and manufacture woollen goods. It is seated on the river Louge, fourteen leagues S. E. of Toulouse. AURIGNY, a small island in the English channel, belonging to France, about twenty miles north from Jersey, and seven west of Cape La Hogue. Long. 2° 9' E., lat. 49° 43' N. AURIGRAPHUS; from aurum, gold, and ypafio, I write ; in the middle age, writers, a copyist, or calligrapher, who wrote in gold letters. AURILLAC, a town of France, on the Jor- dane, in Upper Auvergne. At present it is the cb.ief town in the department of the Cantal. Here are manufactures of woollen stuffs, carpets, slamine, shalloon, and lace; in which, as well as in cattle and cheese, an active trade is carried on. Population 10,332 in 1815. Fifteen leagues south- east of Tulle, and 111 south of Paris. Long. 2° 31' E., lat. 44° 55' N. AURIOL, a town of France, in the depart- ment of the Douches du Rhone, arrondissement of Marseilles. Here are some woollen manu- factures. Population 3700, five leagues north- cast of Marseilles. AURIPIGMENTUM. See Orpiment. AURIS, the ear. See Anatomy, Index. AuKis AsiNi, ass-ears, a name given by na- turalists to a species of sea-shell, supposed to resemble the ear of an ass. AuRis Externa, the auricle. AuRis Marina, ear-shell. Auris PoRcr, hog's ear, in natural history, a sea-shell, a species of the murex. AL'KISCALPUM, an instrument to clean the ears, and serving also for other operations in dis- orders of that part. AURISPA (John), a Sicilian writer. He was appointed secretary to Nicholas V. from whom he obtained two abbeys. He died at Ferrara, at the end of the fifteenth century. He translated the works of Archimedes, and Hiero- cle's Commentary on the golden verses of Py- thagoras. AUROG-ALLUS (Matthew), professor of lan- guages at Wittemberg, was a native of Bohemia; he assisted Luther in his translation of the Bible into German, and wrote a Hebrew and Chaldee Grammar, printed at Basle in 1539. He died in 1543. AURIUM Abscissio, cutting off the ears, was a punishment inflicted, by the Saxon laws, on those who robbed churches; afterwards on every thief; andj at length, on divers other cri- minals. AURON, a river of France, in the department of Cher, anciently called avara. AURORA, in the mythology, the goddess of the morning, was the daughter of Hyperion and Theia, according to Hesiod; but of Titan and Terra, according to others. It was under this name that the ancients deified the light which foreruns the rising of the sun above our hemi- sphere. The poets represent her as rising out of the ocean in a chariot, with rosy fingers dropping gentle dew. Virgil describes her ascending in a flame colored chariot with four horses. She had various lovers, Cephalus, Pandion, Tithonus, &c. Aurora is also used for the morning twi- light, or that faint light which appears in the morning when the sun is within 18° of the horizon. Aurora, one of the New Hebrides islands in the South Sea, in which Mr. Forster supposes the Peak d'Etoil, mentioned by Mr. Bouganville to be situated. The island is inhabited; but none of its inhabitants came off to visit Captain Cook. The country is woody, and the vege- tation seemed to be excessively luxuriant. It is about twelve leagues long, but not above five miles broad in any part ; lying nearly north and south. Tiie middle lies in long. 168° 24' E., lat. 15° 6' S. Aurora Australis, Southern Light, or Streamers, similar to the aurora borealis, or northern light, only more clear and white. See Aurora Borealis. Aurora Borealis, Northern Twilight, or Streamers ; a kind of meteor appearing in the northern parts of the heavens, mostly in the winter-time, and in frosty weather. It is now so generally known, that no description is requisite of the appearance which it usually makes in this country. But it is in the arctic regions that it appears most remarkable, particularly during the solstice. In the Shetland islands, the merry dancers, as they are there called, are the constant attendants of clear evenings. They commonly appear at twilight near the horizon, of a dun approaching to yellow ; sometimes continuing for several hours without any sensible motion ; after which they break out into streams of stronger light, spreading into columns, and altering slowly into ten thousand different shapes, varying their colors from all the tints of yellow to the obscurest russet. They often cover the whole licmispliere, AURORA BOREALIS. 289 and then make the most brilliant appearance. Their motions at these times are most amazindy quick ; and they astonish the spectator with the rapid change of tlieir form. They break out in places where none were seen before ; darting along the heavens, are suddenly extinguished, and leave behind an uniform dusky tract. This again is brilliantly illuminated in the same man- ner, and as suddenly left a dull blank. Some- times they assume the appearance of vast co- lumns, on one side of the deepest yellow, on the other declining away till it becomes undistin- guishable from the sky. They have generally a tremulous motion from end to end, which con- tinues till the whole vanishes. In a word, we, who only see the extremities of these northern phenomena, have but a faint idea of their splendor and their motions. According to the state of the atmosphere, they differ in colors. They often put on the color of blood, and make a dreadful appearance. The rustic sages become prophetic, and terrify the gazing spectators with the dread of war, pestilence, and famine. This super- stition was not peculiar to the northern islands ; nor are these appearances of a recent date. Tlie ancients called them Chasmata, and Trabes, and Bolides, according to their forms or colors. The Aurora Borealis in this country, appears usually of a reddish color, inclining to yellow, and sends out frequent coruscations of pale light, which seem to rise from the horizon in a pyramidal un- dulating form, and shooting with great velocity up to the zenith. They appear often in the form of an arch, which is partly bright, and partly dark, but generally transparent : and the matter of them is not found to have any effect on the rays of light, which pass freely through them. Dr. Hamilton observes, that he could plainly discern the smallest speck in the Pleiades through the density of those clouds which formed part of t?ie aurora borealis in 1763, without the least diminution of its splendor, or increase of twinkling. Sometimes it produces an iris ; and hence, M. Godin judges, that most of the extraordinary meteors and phenomena in the skies, related as prodigies by historians, as battles, and the like, may probably enough be reduced to the class of aurora borealis. This kind of nicteor never appears near the equator ; but it seems, is frequent enough towards the south pole, like as towards the north, having been observed there by voyagers. See Philo- sophical Transactions, No. 461, and vol. liv. ; also Forster's account of his voyage round the world with Captain Cook, where he describes iheir appearance, as observed for several nights together, in sharp frosty weather, which was much the same as those observed in the north, excepting that they were of a lighter color. Meteors of this kind have appeared more fre- quently at some periods than others ; whence it would seem, that the air, or earth, or both, is not at all times disposed to produce this pheno- menon. The extent of these appearances is also amazingly great. That which occurred in March, 1716, was visible from the west of Ireland to the confines of Russia, and the east of Poland ; extending at least near thirty degrees of longitude, and from about the fiftieth degree in latitude, over Vol.. III. almost all the north of Europe ; and in all places, at the same time, it exhibited the like wondrous appearances. Father lioscovich has determined the height of an aurora borealis, which was ob- served by the marquis of Polini the 16th of December, 1737, and found it was 825 miles high ; and Mr. Bergman, from a mean of thirty computations, makes the average height of the aurora borealis amount to seventy Swedish, or 469 English miles. But Euler supposes the height to be several thousands of miles ; and Mairan also assigns to them a very elevated region. Many attempts have been made to de- termine the cause of this phenomenon. Dr. Halley imagines that the vapors, or effluvia, exceedingly rarefied by subterraneous fire, and tinged with sulphureous steams, which many naturalists have supposed to be tlie cause of earthquakes, may also be the cause of this ap- pearance ; or tliat it is produced by a kind of subtle matter, freely pervading the pores of the earth, and which, entering into it nearer the southern pole, passes out again with some force into the lether, at the same distance from the nor- thern. This subtile matter, by becoming more dense, or having its velocity increased, may perhaps be capable of producing a small degree of light, after the manner of effluvia from elec- tric bodies, which, by a strong and quick friction, emit light in the dark ; to which sort of light this seems to have an affinity. On this subject see Philosophical Transactions No. 347 ; and also Mr. Cotes's description of this phenomenon, and his method of explaining it, by streams emitted from the heterogeneous and fermenting vapors of the atmosphere, in Smith's Optics, p. 69. The celebrated M. de Mairan, in an ex- press treatise on the aurora borealis, published in 1731, supposes its cause to be the zodiacal light, which according to him, is no other than the sun's atmosphere ; this light happening, oa some occasions, to meet the upper part of our atmosphere about the limits where universal gravity begins to act more forcibly towards the sun, ialls into our air to a greater or less depth, as its specific gravity is greater or less compared vTith the air through which it passes. However, M. Euler thinks the cause of the aurora borealis not owing to the zodiacal light, as M. de Mairan supposes: but to particles of our atmosphere, driven beyond its limits by the impulse of the solar light. And on this supposition he endea- vours to account for the phenomena observed concerning this light. He supposes the zodiacal light, and the tails of comets, to be owing to a similar cause. Hut ever since the identity of lightning and the electric matter has been de- termined, philosophers have been naturally led to seek for the explication of aerial meteors in the principles of electricity; and there is now no doubt but most of them, and especially the aurora borealis, are electrical phenomena. Be- sides the more obvious and known appearances which constitute a resemblance between this meteor and the electric matter by which lightning is produced, it has been observed tliat the aurora occasions a very sensible fluctuation in the mag- netic needle; and that when it has extended lower than usual in the almo~p!ierP, the flashes U 290 AURORA POREALIS. have been attended witli various sounds of rumbling and hissinpr, especially in Russia and the other more northern parts of Europe ; as noticed by Sig. Beccaria and M. Messier.' Mr. Canton, soon after he had obtained electricity from the clouds, offered a conjecture, that the aurora is occasioned by the dashing of electric fire positive towards negative clouds at a great distance, through the upper part of the atmos- phere, where the resistance is least ; and he sup- poses that the aurora which happens at the time when the magnetic needle is disturbed by the heat of the earth, is the electricity of the heated air above it : and this appears chiefly in the northern regions, as tlie alteration in the heat of the air of those parts is the greatest. Nor is this hypothesis improbable, when it is considered, that electricity is the cause of thunder and light- ning ; that it has been extracted from the air at the time of the aurora borealis ; that the inha- bitants of the northern countries observe it re- markably strong, when a sudden thaw succeeds very cold severe weather ; and that the tourmalin is known to emit and absorb the electric fluid only by the increase or diminution of its heat. Positive and negative electricity in the air, with a proper quantity of moisture to serve as a con- ductor, will account for this and other meteors, sometimes seen in a serene sky. Mr. Canton has since contrived to exhibit this meteor by means of the Torricellian vacuum, in a glass tube about three feet long, and sealed her- metically. When one end of the tube is held in the hand, and the other applied to the con- ductor, the whole tube will be illuminated from end to end, and will continue luminous without interruption for a considerable time after it has been removed from the conductor. If, after this, it be drawn through the hand either way, the light will be remarkably intense through the whole length of the tube. And though a great part of the electricity be discharged by this opera- tion, it will still flash at intervals, when held only at one extremity, and kept quite stiU; but if, at the same time, it be grasped by the other hand in a different place, strong flashes of light will dart from one end to the other ; and these will continue twenty-four hours or more, without a fresh excitation. Sig. Baccaria conjectures that there is a constant and regular circulation of the electric fluid from north to south ; and he thinks that the aurora borealis may be this electric mat- ter performing its circulation in such a state of the atmosphere as renders it visible, or approach- ing nearer than usual to the earth ; though pro- bably this is not the mode of its operation, as tlie meteor is observed in tlie southern hemisphere, with the same appearances as in the northern. Dr. Franklin supposes, that the electric fire dis- charged into the polar regions, from many leagues of vaporised air raised from the ocean between the tropics, accounts for the aurora borealis ; and that it appears first where it is first in motion ; namely, in the most northern parts ; and the ap- pearances proceed southward, though the fire really moves northward. Mr. Kirwan, in the Transactions of the Koyal Irish Academy, anno 1788, has also some ingenious remarks on the aurora borealis and australis. lie gives his reasons for supposing the rarefaction of the at- mosphere in the polar regions to proceed from them, and these from a combustion of inflamma- ble air caused by electricity. He observes, that after an aurora borealis the barometer commonly falls, and high winds from the south generally follow. The only distinct history of this pheno- menon is what we have from Dr. Ilalley, Philoso- phical Transactions, No. 347. Mr. I'orster, who, in his voyage round the world with Captain Cook, assures us, that he observed them in the high southern latitudes, though with phenomena some- what diff'erent from those which are seen here. On February 17th, 1773, as they were in the fifty-eighth degree of south latitude, ' A beautiful phenomenon,' says he, ' was observed during the preceding night, which appeared again tliis and several following nights. It consisted of long columns of a clear white light, shooting up from the horizon to the eastward, almost to the zenith, and gradually spreading on the whole southern part of the sky. These columns were sometimes bent sideways at their upper extremities ; and though in most respects similar to the northern lights (aurorse boreales) of our hemisphere, yet differed from them in being always of a whitish color, whereas ours assume various tints, espe- cially those of a fiery and purple hue. The sky was generally clear when they appeared, and the air sharp and cold, the thermometer standing at the freezing point.' These are what Mr. Kirwau denominates aurora australis. M. Libes, in his Nouv. Diet, de Physique, has suggested a new theory, which is adopted by most of the northern philosophers. In his opi- nion electrical light is not the cause of the auror TTiv, frustra, vel fiaofxai, ex- Automa'tic. 3 citor. Sometiiing self- moved ; derivinj^ its motion from internal ma- chinery. Clocks, or mitomatous organs, whereby we distin- guish of time, have no mention in ancient writers. Brown's Vulgar Errours. For it is greater to understand the art whereby the Almighty governs the motions of the great automaton, than to have learned the intrigues of policy. Glanville's Scepsis, The panicular circumstances for which the automata of this kind are most eminent, may be reduced to four. Wilkins. Automaton may be fiirther defined, a ma- chine, so constructed by means of weights, levers, springs, wheels, &c. as to move for a considerable time, as if endued with animal life. According to this definition, clocks, watches, and all machines of that kind may be ranked as a species of automata. But the word ig most commonly applied to such machines as are made in the form of men and other animals, at the same time that tlicir internal machinery is so contrived, that they seem voluntarily to act like the animals they represent. It has fallen in tlie way of the writer of this paper to have been making a few collections on this sul)ject for some years past ; and, observing that the whole direc- tion of mechanical genius to tliese inventions has at present terminated in amusing, rather than any particularly useful machines, he has often entertained himself with considering the powers of man as a mere animal machine, in con- trast with their inventions; the highest and best of which imitate his motions. Political economists have frequently amused themselves and the public with the nicely-ba- lanced powers of man as a propagating and eating animal, and philosophers and divines often assure us that he is, in other and higher respects, but a machine of a superior descrip- tion; in especial deference to the latter grave authorities, we, therefore, take it for granted in this paper, that man is a machine, and shall not presume to arrogate for him any higher preten- sions. We know nothing of his impulses as an animal, nor of the duties or influences to which he is subject as a rational being, if such he be ; we only propose to introduce to our readers a variety of claimants for the honor of having made a part of liim — of imitating portions of his organs, in their actual exercise — and isolated ac- tions of his very mind. What wonder, if, in the progress of these efforts, our artists should occasionally have struck off a complete and clever duck, a learned tly, or a royal eajjle! Automata, have been favorite objects of me- chanical contrivance from a very early period. If the term, indeed, may be allowed to include what some writers have considered under it, their history would quickly swell into a volume. The celebrated Glanville, for instance, speaks of ' the art whereby the Almighty governs the mo- tions of the great automaton' of the universe ! Bishop A\'ilkins ranks the sphere of Archimedes amongst tlie avroiiara aruTa, ' or such as move only according to the contrivance of their several parts, and not according to their v.hole frame.' It was, in fact, an early orrery, accord- ing to Claudiau : Jupiter in parvo cum cemeret aethera vitro, Risit, et ad superos talia dicta dedit ; Huccinc mortalis progressa potcntia cur«? Jam meus in fragili luditur orbe labor, &c. T!iis learned prelate has even extended the application of the term to machines moved, in consequence of their peculiar construction, by external forces or elements, as mills, ships, kc. Its modern acceptation, however, and that to wliich we shall restrict ourselves, will not in- clude all machines that are self, or internally moved. It is confined to the mechanical imita- tions of the functions and actions of living ani- mals, and particularly those of man. The celebrated story of the statue of Memnon, one of the wonders of Ancient Egypt, has some pretensions to lead the way in this historical sketch. We have positive testimony (Strabo, lib. xvii.) to the circumstance of the most beau- tiful sounds being emitted from this statue, at the rising and setting of the sun ; and from the pedestal, after the statue was overthrown. N\"hat was the contrivance in this case, it may be vain to conjecture; but automata are, by profession, a puzzling race. If a certain disposition of strings, exposed to the rarefaction of the air, or to the morning and evening breezes, after the manner of our /Eolian harps, produced these sounds; or if any method of arranging the in- ternal apertures so as to receive them from a short distance, were the artifice, a considerable acquaintance with the science of music, and with accoustics generally, will be argued. Wil- kins quotes a musical invention of Cornelius Dreble, of similar pretensions, which ' being set in the sunshine, would, of itself, render a soft and pleasant harmony, but being removed into the shade would presently become silent.' The statues and the flight of I)a;dalus are equally famous, and, perhaps, fabulous. Aris- totle, however, speaks of the former in his treatise De Anima, lib. i. c. 3. as successful imitations of the human figure and human func- tions in walking, running, &c. and attempts to account for their motions by the concealment of quicksilver. Archytas' flying dove, originally mentioned in Favorinus, is anoUier of the ancient automata. The inventor is said to have flourished about B. C. 400, and was a Pythagorean philosopher at Tarentum. It was made of wood, and tlv* principal circumstance of its history, which F?« 310 AUTOMATON. %orinus mentions, that is like some other birds of too much wing, when it alighted on the ground, it could not raise itself up again. Aulas Gel- lius, in his Noctes Atticre, attempts to account for its flight, by observing, ' Ita erat scilicet li- bramentis suspensum, et aura spiritus inclusa atque occulta consitum,' &c. that it was ' sus- pended by balancing, and moved by a secretly enclosed aura or spirit.' Friar Bacon, we all know, made a brazen head that could speak, and that seems to have assisted, in no small degree, in proclaiming him a magician. Albertus ]\Iagnus is also said to have devoted thirty years of his life to the construction of an automaton, which the celebrated Thomas Aquinas broke purposely to pieces. Men, treated as these were by the age in which they lived, had no encouragement to hope that any details of their labors would reach posterity. Amongst the curiosities of his day, Walchius mentions an iron spider of great ingenuity. In size it did not exceed the ordinary inhabitants of our houses, and could creep or climb with any of them, wanting none of their powers, except, of which nothing is said, the formation oT its web. Various writers of credit, particularly Kircher, Porta, and bishop Wilkins, relate that the cele- brated Regiomontanus '(John MuUer) of Nu- remberg, ventured a loflier flight of art. He is said to have constructed a self-moved wooden eagle, which descended toward the emperor Maximilian, as he approached the gates of Nu- remberg, saluted him, and hovered over his person as he entered the town. This philosopher, according to the same authorities, also produced an iron fly, which would start from his hand at table, and after flying round to each of the guests, returned, as if wearied, to the protection of his master. An hydraulic clock, presented to the emperor Charlemagne, by the caliph Haroun al Raschid, merits record in the history of these inventions. It excited the admiration of all Europe at the period of its arrival. Twelve small doors di- vided the dial into the twelve hours, and opened successively as each hour arrived, when a ball fell from the aperture on a brazen bell and struck the time, the door remaining open. At the conclusion of every twelve hours, twelve mounted knights, handsomely caparisoned, came out simultaneously from the dial, rode round the plate, and closed the doors. Dr. Clarke, in his last volume of Travels (part iii. Scandinavia, sec. 1. 4to. 1819), mentions a similar contri- vance in a clock at Lubeck, of the high antiquity of 1405. Over the face is an image of Jesus Christ, on either side of which are folding- doors, which fly open every day as the clock strikes twelve. A set of flgures, representing the twelve apostles, then march forth on the left hand, and, bowing to our Saviour's image as they pass in succession, enter tlie door on the right. On the termination of the procession the doors close. This clock is also remarkably com- plete, for the age, in its astronomical apparatus ; representing the place of the sun and moon in the ecliptic, the moon's age, &c. Similar ap- pendages to clocks and time-pieces became too common, at the bf^ginning of the last century, to deserve particular notice. We should not, how- ever, omit some of the productions of the Le Droz family, of Neufchatel. About the middle of the century, the elder Le Droz presented a clock to the king of Spain, with a sheep and dog attached to it. The bleating of the former was admirably correct, as an imitation ; and the dog was placed in custody of a basket of loose fruit. If any one removed the fruit, he would growl, snarl, gnash his teeth, and endeavour to bite, until it was restored. The son of this artist was the original mventor of the musical boxes, which have of late been imported into this country. Mr. Collinson, a correspondent of Dr. Mutton's, thus clearly de- scribes this fascinating toy in a letter to the doctor, inserted in his Mathematical and Philo- sophical Dictionary : — ' When at Geneva, I called upon Droz, son of the original Droz, of La Chaux de Fords, where I also went. He showed me an oval gold snuff-box, about, if I recollect right, four inches and a-half long, by three inches broad, and about an inch and a-half thick. It was double, having an horizontal partition ; so that it may be considered as one box placed on another, •with a lid, of course, to each box. One con- tained snuff; in the other, as soon as the lid was opened, there rose up a very small bird, of green enamelled gold, sitting upon a gold stand. Immediately this minute curiosity wagged its tail, shook its wings, opened its bill of white enamelled gold, and poured forth, minute as it was (being only three-quarters of an inch from the beak to the extremity of the tail) such a clear and melodious song as would have filled a room of twenty or thirty feet square with its harmony.' In Ozanam's Mathematical Recreations, we have an account, by the inventor, M. Camus, of an elegant amusement of Louis XIV. when a boy. It represented a lady proceeding to court, in a small chariot drawn by two horses, and attended by her coachman, footman, and page. When the ma- chine was placed at the end of a ta'ble of proper size, the coachman smacked his whip, the horses started off with all the natural motions, and the whole equipage drove on to the farther extremity of the table ; it would now turn at right angles in a regular way, and proceed to that part of the table opposite to whi-ch the prince sat, when the carriage stopped, the page aligiited to open the door, and the lady came out with a petition, which she presented with a courtesy to the bow- ing young monarch. Tli« return was equally in order. After appearing to await the pleasure of the prince for a short time, the lady courtesied again, and re-entered the chariot, the page mounted behind, the coachman flourished his whip, and the footman, after running a few steps, resumed his place. About the same period, M. \"aucanson, a member of the Academy Royal of France, led the way to the unquestionable superiority of modern times, in tiiese contrivances, by the con- struction of his automaton duck, a production, it is said, so exactly resembling the living animal, that not a bone of the body, and hardly a feather of the win^s, seems to have escaped his imitation and direction. The radius, the cubitus, and tlie liuuurus liad each their exact offices. The auto- r//,/X /'/((V<'/\ J /■ turn, from the augmented Autum'nity. j of nature. auc- fruits For I will board her though she chide as loud As thunder, when the clouds in autumn crack. Shakspeare. Thy grandsire's words savour'd of thriftie leekes, Or manly garlicke : but thy furnace veekes Hote steams of wine ; and can aloofe descrie. The drunken draughts of sweete autumnitie. Bp. Hall's Satires, book iii. Thou shalt not long Rule in the clouds ; like an autumnal star. Or lightning, thou shalt fall. Milton. No soring or summer's beauty hath such grace. As I have seen in one autumnal face. Donne. Bind now up your autumnal flowers, to prevent sudden gusts, which will prostrate all. Evelyn. Not the fair fruit that on yon branches glows With that ripe red th' autumnal sun bestows. Pope. When men once reach their autumn, fickle joys Fall off apace, as yellow leaves from trees ; Till )eft quite naked of their happiness. In the chill blasts of winter they expire. Young. Autumn, nodding o'er the yellow plain. Comes jovial on. Thomson. I would not be over-confident, till he, hath passed a spring or autumn. Wiseman's Surgery. The starving brood. Void of sufficient sustenance, will yield A slender autumn. Philips. The evening is an emblem of autumn, and autumn of declining life. Idler. Autumn begins when the sun enters Libra. ^Vhen it ends, winter begins. Several nations have computed their years by autumns ; the An- glo-Saxons by winters. Tacitus tells us the Ger- mans were acquainted with all the otlier seasons of the year, but had no notion of autumn. The ancient Jews began their civil year in autumn ; reckoning that all the fruits of the eartli were in perfection at the creation. The French, without regarding the principle, adopted the practice in their late revolutionary calendar; of which, the first month, V'endemiare, commenced witii the equinox. Thus faith and modern philosophy, in one instance, produced tlie same eflect. Autumn has been reputerl an unhealthy season. TertuUian calls it * tentator valetudinum ;' and the satirist speaks of it in the same light : ' Autumnus Libitinse quiestus accrba;.' AUT 317 AVU Autumn is commonly represented by painters under the tigure of a female crowned with vine branches, and bunches of grapes ; naked in that part which respects summer, and clothed in that which corresponds to winter. Ite jjarment is covered with flowers, like that of Bacchus. Autumn, in alchemy, the season when the operation of the philosopher's stone is brought to perfection. Autumnal Equinox, the time when the sun enters the autumnal point. Autumnal Point is that part of the equinox from which the sun begins to descend towards the south pole. Autumnal Signs, in astronomy, are the signs Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, through which the sun passes during the autumn. AUTUMNALIA, the fruits of the earth that ripen in autumn. AUTUMNALIS, in ornithology, a species of psittacus, called also psittacus Americanus, and crick a ti^te bleue, by Buffon. It is the lesser green parrot of Edwards, and autumnal parrot of Latham. It is distinguished by being of a green color, with the front and spot on the quill-fea- thers scarlet ; crown and primary quill-feathers, blue. Of this kind there are two varieties. Also a species of anas, or duck, that inhabits South America. And a species of tringilla, called by Latham the autumnal finch. AUTUAINUS, in entomology, the name given by Amrairal to the moth, or phalaena, called by Gmelin P. fagana: which see. AUTUN, an ancient city of France, in the de- partment of the Saone and Loire, formerly the capital of the Autunois district, and now of an arrondissement, witli nine cantons, and 67,000 inhabitants. Before the revolution the intend- ant of Burgundy resided here, and it was the see of a bishop, suffragan of Lyons. The Arroux washes its walls, whose ruins are so firm, and the stones so closely united, that they seem almost to be cut out of the solid rock. Among the anti- quities of this city are the ruins of three ancient temples, one of which was dedicated to Janus, and another to Diana; two antique gates of con- siderable beauty, with a theatre and a pyramid ; which last is probably a tomb. In the church of St. Martins is the tomb of the sanguinary Brune- hault, who is said to have poisoned her son Chil- debert, and to have procured the death of ten kings ; and who met her death by being tied to the tail of a wild mare, by order of her grandson. Cloves II. The present bishop ranks under the metropolitan of Besan^on, and exercises jurisdic- tion over the departments of the Saone and Loire, and the Nievre. Autun consists of the upper town, the castle, and the lower town. It is to- lerably well built, contained before the revolu- tion nine parish churches, five abbeys, with five other religious houses, and about 8000 inhabi- tants. The natives manufacture delft wares, carpets, coverlets, blankets, and tapestry. The city lies at the foot of three great mountains, sixteen leagues south-west of Dijon, and forty- five south-east of Paris. AUTUNOIS, a ci-devant district of France, in Burgundy, now comprehended in the depart- ment of Saone and Loire. See Autun. AUTURA, or Audura, a river of Gallia Cel- tica, now called Eure. It falls into the Seine, on the south side. AUVAIL, a town of Germany, in the circle of Westphalia. AU V'ERGNE, a ci-devant province of France, about 100 miles in length, and seventy-five in breadth; the capital of which was Clermont. It was bounded on the north by the Bourbon- nois ; on the east by Forez and \elay ; on the west by Limosin, Quercy, and La Manche ; and on the south by Ilovergne and the Cevennes : and was divided into upper and lower; the latter, otherwise called Limagne, being one of the finest countries in the world. The moun- tains of Upper Auvergne though not fruitftil, afford good pasture, which feeds great numbers of cattle, the chief riches of that country. It now forms the two departments of Cantal and Puy-de-Dome, except some small districts an- nexed to those of Creuse AUier, and the Upper Loire. Auvergne is conspicuous in the various revolutions experienced by France, and anciently maintained a pre-eminence among the indepen- dent states of Gaul. Its inhabitants boasted a singular trophy in the sword of Caesar, which he lost before the walls of Gergovia. But they maintained a faithful alliance with the Romans after they became subject to them. AUVERGJv'IE, a town of Switzerland, in the canton of Neufchatel, three miles south of that place. AUVERS, a town of France, on the right bank of the Oise, in the department of the Seine and Oise, arrondissement of Pontoise. Also a town in the west of France, in the arrondissement of Le Mans, and department of the Sarthe. AUVILLARS, or Avvillard, a town of France, in Lower Armagnac, Gascony, in the department of the Tarn and Garonne. It is the head of a canton, and contains manufactures of woollen stockings, and upwards of 2000 inha- bitants. It stands on the Garonne, which here forms a small harbour. Five leagues soutli of Agen. AUVERNAS, a very deep-colored heady wine, made of black raisins, so called at Orleans; but it is not fit to drink before it is above a year old ; but if kept two or three years, it becomes excellent. AUV'IGNY (N. Castressd'), a French historian of die eighteenth century. He was both a writer and a soldier, and lost his life at the battle of Dettingen, in 1743, at the age of thirty-one. His writings are, 1. IMemoirs of Madam Bar- neveldt, 2 vols. 12mo. 2. Histories of Rome and France abridged for young persons. 3. His- tory of Paris, 4 vols. r2mo. 4. Lives of illus- trious Frenchmen, 8 vols. 12mo. AVULS'ED, ) Avello, avulsum, I tear or AvuLs'iON. i pu 1 away. Torn or pullen away. Spare not the little offsprings, if they grow Redumlant ; but the thronging clusters thin liy kind avulsion. Philipt. The pressure of any ambient fluid can be no intel- ligible cause of the cohesion of matter; though sucli a pressure may hinder the avulsion of two polished -supcrlicics one from another, in a line perpendicular to them. Locke. AUX 318 AW Ye towering minds I ye sublimated souls ! Who scatter wealth, as though the radiant crop Glitter'd on every bough ; and every bough. Like that the Trojan gather'd, once avuh'd Were by a splendid successor applied Instant, spontaneous! listen to my lays. Shenalone't Economy. AUX, in astronomy, see Auges. Some use aux to denote the arch of the ecliptic, intercep- ted between the first point of Aries, and the point wherein the sun, or a planet, is at its greatest distance from the earth. AUXENTIUS, bishop of IVIilan, in the fourth century. He was a native of Cappadocia, and of Arian principles. Constantius gave him the bishopric of Milan; and though excommunicated by a council held at Rome, in 368, he held his see to his death, in 374. AuxENTius, another of the Arian party, who challenged St. Ambrose to a public disputation, which was wisely declined by that great prelate. AUXERRE, an ancient town of France, the capital of the department of Yonne, formerly the capital of the Auxerrois, in Burgundy. The palace of the ci-devant bishop is one of the finest in France, and the churches are very beautiful. It is advantageously situated for trade with Paris, on a hill on the banks of the river Yonne, eleven leagues S. S. E. of Sins, and thirty-seven south-east of Paris. Its principal trade is in wood, and the excellent wares of the neighbour- hood. Here is also a manufacture of woollen stuffs. Population about 12,000. AUXERROIS, a ci-devant territory of France, in Burgundy, of which Auxerre was the capital. It now forms the greater part of the arrondisse- ment of Auxerre, in the department of the Yonne. AUXESIS, in mythology, a goddess worship- ped by the inhabitants of Eglina, and mentioned by Herodotus and Pausanias. AUXILI'AR,- -^ Lat. auxilium, Auxili'ary, n. &a(//. > strength ; one who Auxili'atory. j gives or lends us addi- tional strength. An aider, assister, or supporter. The giant brood. That fought at Thebes and Ilium on each side, Mix'd with auxiliar gods. Milton's Paradite Lost. Their tractates are little auxiliary unto ours, nor afford us any light to detenebrate this truth. Brotvn's Vulgar Errours. There is not the smallest capillary vein but it is present with, and auxiliary to it, according to its use. Hale's Origin of Mankind. Nor from his patrimonial heaven alone. Is Jove content to pour his vengeance down. Aid from his brother of the seas he craves To help him with auxiliary waves. Dryden. Ovid. They had both kept good company, rattled in cha- riots, glittered in play-houses, and danced at court, and were both expert in the games that were in their times called in as auxiliaries against the intrusion of thought. Rambler. Auxiliary Verb. A verb that helps to con- jugate other verbs. In almost all languages, some of the commonest nouns and verbs have many irregularities ; such are the common aux- iliary verbs, to be, and to have, to do, and to be done, &c. Auxiliary Verbs, in grammar, are prefixed to other verbs, to forrn their moods and tenses. In the English language, the auxiliary verb am supplies tlie want of passive verbs. All the modern languages make use of auxiliary verbs, because their verbs do not change their termina- tions as those of t'ne l^atin and Greek, to denote the different tenses or times of being, doing, or suffering ; nor the different moods or man- ners of their signifying : so that, to supply this defect, recourse is had to different auxiliary verbs. AUXILIUM, in law. See Aid. Auxilium, ad Filium Militem Faciendum, vel filiam maritandam, was a writ directed to the sheriff' of every county, where the king or other lord had any tenants, to levy them reasonable aid, towards the knighting of his eldest son, or the marriage of his eldest daughter. Auxilium Curl;e, signifies an order of court, for the summoning of one party at the suit of another. AUXO, in mythology, the name of one of the two graces worshipped by the Athenians. See Hegemone. AUXOIS, a small ci-devant territory of France, in Burgundy, of which Semur was the capital. It is now in the department of Cote d'Or. AUXON, a town of France, in Champagne, department of the Aube, with 2340 inhabitants. 5^ leagues S. S. W. of Troyes. Also a town in Upper Auvergne, department of the Uppej' Loire, near the AUier, with 1500 inhabitants ; and the title of barony. It carries on a traffic in corn, wine, and cloth. 12^- leagues north- west of Le Puy. AUXONNE, the capital of a county of the same name in France, in the province of Bur- gundy, on the left bank of the Saone. It is re- gularly fortified, and contains manufactures of serge and other cloths. AUXY, the French name of a species of wool, spun in the neighbourhood of Abbeville, by workmen, called houpiers. It is very fine and beautiful, and used to make the finest stock- ings. AW, a river of Scotland, in Argyllshire. Also a town of Germany in the electorate of Bavaria. Aw, or LocH-Aw, a beautiful and extensive lake in Argyllshire, in the parish of Glenorchy. The whimsical tradition respecting the origin of this lake is recorded by Ossian. The substance of it is, that ' to Bera the aged, was committed the charge of that awful spring, which was ap- pointed by fate to destroy the inheritance and race of her fathers. This event, she was to pre- vent, or at least to protract, by covering the spring before sun-set, with a stone, on which the sacred and mysterious characters were en- graved. One night this was forgot. The confined waters of the mountain burst forth, and sweeping all before them, covered that large expanse, now known by the name of the Lake of Aw.' Mr. Stewart, minister of StaChur, explains the fable by the etymology of Bera ; Beir, in the Gaelic signifying a thunderbolt. This lake is about thirty miles long, but not above three quarters broad upon an average, though in some places, AW A 319 AWA it measures two miles. It abounds witli salmon, trout, eeh. Sec. Tiie name is often spelt and generally pronounced Loch-ovv. A\\'A, a town of Persia, in the province of Irak, eighty miles south of Casbin. AwA, a town of Japan, and capital of a pro- vince on the south coast of the island of Xicoco. Also a town of Japan, and capital of a province on the south coast of the island of Niphon, eighty-five miles south of Jeddo. Long. 140° 4''K., lat. 34^ 24' N. — A town of Japan, in the island of Ximo, sixty-two miles north of Nan- gasaki. AWAIIAZAllI, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Caramania, fifteen miles JV. N. W. of Ala- nieh. AWAIT, V. & n. -\ Dutch, waeken; Ancr.- Await'er, n. ^Sax. Waeccean, to wake or Await'ing. Swatch. To be watchful, vigilant ; to keep upon the look out ; to be in attendance, in expectation. Even as the vrrctch condemn'd to lose his life, Atcuits the falling of the murd ring knife. Fairfax. And least mishap the most bliss alter may : For thousand perils lie in close await. About us daily, to work our decay. Spenser. Advanc'd in view, they stand, a horrid front Of dreadful length, and dazzling arms, in guise Of warriors old witli order'd spear and shield. Awaiting what command their mighty chief Had to impose. Milton. Paradise Lost, book i. Nor less resolv'd, Antenor's valiant heir. Confronts Achilles, and awaits the war. Pope. Man's feeble race what ills await! Labor and penury, the racks of pain. Disease, and sorrow's weeping train. And death, sad refuge from the storm of fate. Collins. The boast of heraldry, the pomp of power. And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave. Await alike the inevitable hour. The paths of glory, lead hut to the grave. Gray. AWA'KE, V. &c adj.^ See Await. To rouse Awa'ken, (^from inaction of any Awa'kener, ^ kind ; from sleep; to Awa'kexing. J make alive. K. RlCH.'^I had forgot myself : am I not king? Awake, thou coward majesty, thou sleepest; Is not the king's name forty thousand names? Shakspeare. King Richard II. The cheerful lark, mounting from early bed. With sweet salutes awakes the drowsy light. The earth she left, and up to heaven is fled. There chaunts her Maker's praises out of sight. Fletcfier. Covetous men need neither clock nor bell to awaken thcra : their desires make them restless. Hall's Contemplations. 'TIS night I the season when the happy take Repos", and only wretches are awake ; Now discontented ghosts begin their rounds, ITaunt ruin'd buildings and unwholesome grounds. Otway. And see I 'Tis come I the glorious mom ! the second birth Of heaven and earth I awakening nature hears The new creating world, and starts to life. In every heightened form, from pain and death For ever free. Tliomton, Sec Truth, Love, and Mercy, in triumph descending. And nature all glowing in Eden's first bloom I On the cold cheek of Death smiles and rost-s are blending. And Beauty immortal awakes from the tomb. Beattie's Hermit. AWAR'D, V. & n. J According to Tooke Awar'der. ) from the French a gurde- to keep ; witlt a verb preceding, understood as to determine wlio is [to keep;J to adjudge. A pound of tliat same merchant's flesh is thine ; The court awards it, and the law doth give it Shakspeare. It advances that grand business, and according to v.'hich their eternity hereafter will be awarded. Decay of Piety. A chuixh which allows salvation to none without it, and awards damnation to almost any within it. South. Satisfaction for every aflTront cannot be awarded by stated laws. Collier on Duelling. Now hear th' award, and happy may it prove To her, and him who best deserves her love. Dryden. AfFection bribes the judgment, and we cannot ex- pect an equitable award, where the judge is made a party, Glanville. To urge the foe. Prompted by blind revenge and wild despair. Were to refuse th' awards of Providence. Addison's Cato. Th' unwise aioard to lodge it in the tow'rs. An off 'ring sacred. Pope. Odyssey. Award, in law, is t\\e arbitrator's final ad- judication, of matters referred to him. Re- ferences are sometime made spontaneously by the parties themselves, to avoid the ex- pense and delay of legal proceedings; and sometimes by order of the court before which a cause is pending. In the former case, the par- ties enter into bonds to abide by the decision ; in the latter an order or rule of the court is made, that the matter in issue shall be deter- mined by tliC award. Law as well as facts are within the provmce of the arbitration. But if in the award (which is in writing and under seal) the arbitrator states the legal grounds on whicli he has decided, and those grounds appear to the court to be wrong, the award may be set aside. If he merely makes his order without assigning his reasons, the award must be abided by, though he may have been mistaken in point of law. And the courts will set aside an award, if the arbi- trator can be shown to have made it from corrupt motives. A^VA'llE, r. & n. i Sax. waerd. Germ. Awar'n'. S gewiurht, from wahren, to see. To be on the look out, to be cautious, to take care, to be prondent. So warn'd he them aware themselves; and Instant, without disturb, they took alarm. Paradise Lost. Ere I was aware, I had left myself nothing but the name of a king. Sidney. Ere sorrow was aware, they made his thoughts bear away something else besides his own sorfow. Id. Arcadia. Temptations of prosperity insinuate themselves ; so that we are but little aware of them, and less able to withstand them. Atterbury. The first steps in the breach of a man's integrity are more important than men are aware of. Steele. ATT 320 ATT AWASI, or AwAD^i, an island of Japan, near the soutli coast of Niphon, about sixty miles in circumference. Long. 133° 44' E., lat. 34° 30' N. Also, a town of Japan, and capital of an island of the same name. Long. 133° 43' E., lat. 34° 30' N. AWASIMA, a small island of Japan, seven miles east of Sado. AWATCIIA, in ornithology, a species of mo- tacilla that inhabits Kamtschatka. It is of a brown color ; the chin and breast white, spotted with black ; middle of tlie belly and lores white ; primary quill-feathers bordered with white ; tail- feathers orange at the base. Art. Zool. — Gmelin. AWATSKA Bay, a harbour of Kamtschatka ; which is said to be the safest and most extensive vet discovered in that part of the world ; and the only one that can admit vessels of large burden. The entrance to it is in long. 158° 48' E., and lat. 52° 51' N. AWAY', i Ang.-Sax. wagean, to wag Away'ward. S or move; Ang.-Sax. weg, or waeg ; Eng. way. Away is the imperative mood, or past participle. A man's life is not to be trifled away : it is to be offered up and sacrificed to honourable services, jmblic merits, good causes, and noble adventures. Bacon's Essays. I had my feather shot shacr away. Beaum. Sf Fletch. Knight of the burning Pestle. They could make Love to your dress, although your face were away. Ben Johnson's Catiline. It is impossible to know properties that are so an- nexed to it, that any of them being away, that essence is not there. Locke. So if by chance the eagle's noble offspring, Ta'en in the nest, become's some peasant's prize, Compell'd awhile to bear his cage and chains And like a pris'ner with the clown remains But when his plumes shoot forth and pinions swell He quits the rustic and his homely cell ; Breaks from his bonds, and in the face of day Full in the sun's bright beams he soars away : Delights thro' heav'n's wide pathless ways to go, Plays with Jove's shafts and grasps his dreadful bow. Rowe's Royal Convert, act iv. But ah ! thou knows't not in what youthful play Our nights beguil'd with pleasure swam away ; Oay songs and cheerful tales deceived the time. And circling goblets made a tuneful chime ; Sweet was the draught, and sweet the blooming maid. Who touch'd her lyre beneath the fragrant shade. Sir W. Jones. There seems a floating whisper on the hill. But that is fancy, for the starlight dews. All silently their tears of love instil. Weeping themselves atvay, till they infuse Deep into Nature's breast the spirit of her hues. Lord Byron's Childe Harolde. Awe', v. & n. Awe'iil, Awe'iully, Awe'fulness, Awe'less, Awe'ful-eyed, Awe-commanding, Awe-struck. J His coward lips did from their colour fly. And that same eye, whose bend does awe the world. Did lose its lustre. Shakspcare. Goth, agyan, to fear, or dread. To cause "^fear, terror, or reve- rence. Know, then, that some of us are gentlemen. Such as the fury of ungovern'd youth Thrust from the company of awful men. Id, So awful, that with honour thou may'st love Thy mate ; who sees, when thou art seen least wise. Milton. Par. Lost, I approach thee thus, and gaze Insatiate ; I thus single ; nor have fear'd Thy atvful hroyc , more a«/i/Mhus rctir'd. Fairest resemblance of thy Maker fair. LI. A parish priest was of the pilgrim train, An awful, reverend, and religious man. His eyes diffused a venerable grace. And charity ilself was in his face. Drydi'n. Hail ! rev'rend priest ! To PhcEbus' awful doim A suppliant I, from great Atrides come, Unransom'd here receive the spotless fair. Accept the hecatomb the Greeks prepare. Pope. In those deep solitudes, and awful cells. Where heav'nly-pensive contemplation dwells. And ever-musing melancholy reigns. Id. Eloisit to Ahelard. In winter, awful thou ! with clouds and storms Around thee thrown, tempest o'er tempest roU'd Majestic darkness', on the whirlwind's wing. Riding sublime, thou bidst the world adore And humblest nature with thy northern blast. Serene, though awful, on her brow the light Of heavenly wisdom shone ; nor roved her eyes. Save to the shadowy cliff's majestic height. Or the blue concave of th' involving skies. Beattie. It were endless to enumerate all the passages, both in the sacred and profane writers, which establish the general sentiment of mankind concerning the insepa- rable union of a sacred and reverential awe with our ideas of the divinity. Burke. Now, now my solitary way I bend Where solemn groves in awful state impend. Kirke White's Poems. AWERI, or OvERO, a kingdom of Africa, de- pendent on Benin, with a town of the same name on the river Formosa. AWE'ARY. On weary. See Weary. Saf. Go thy waies, I begin to be awearie of thee; and I tell thee so before j because I would not fall out with thee. Shakspeare. All's Well that End* Well. AWIIA'PED. From Ang.-Sax. wafian, to be amazed, or astonished, terrified, confounded. Ah I my dear gossip, answer'd then the ape. Deeply do your sad words my wits awhape. Both for because your grief doth great appear. And eke because myself am touched near. Hubberd's Tale. AWIIEELS. On Wheels. And will they not cry then the world runs awlieels Ben Jonson's Masques, f. 18. AWHILE'. A time; Ang.-Sax. hwile (for hwiol, a turn), walk a while, take a turn. See While. Stay, stay, I say : And if you love me, as you say you do. Let mc persuade you to forbear awhile. Slialispeare, Into this wild abyss the wary fiend Stood on the brink of hell, and look'd awhile, Pond'ring his voyage. Milton's Paradise Lost. Here, lonely wandering, o'er the sylvan bower, I come to pass the meditative hour ; To bid awhile the strife of passion cease, And woo the calms of solitude and peace. Kirke White's Poem*. AWN 321 AWR Hut thou, with spirit frail and lights Will shine atchite and pass av.ay. As glow-worms sparkls through the night. But dare not stand the test of day. Lord Byron. AWIIIT'. A whit, or o whit, Ang.-Sax. hwit. See WiiiT. These farre cxceede the haggarde hauke That stoppeth to na stale : Nor forceth on the lure awhit. But mounts with eu'ry gale ? Turberville. Epitaphes, &c. AWK', -\ Perhaps awk is a cor- Awk'ly, J ruption of averricht. The Awk'ward, V termination, ward, is from Awk'vvardly, i keered, past participle of Awk'wardness. ' keeren, Ang.-Sax. cyrran, to turn. Deviating from the right patk or line, indirect, clumsy, inelegant. Proud Italy, Whose manners still our tardy apish nation » Limps after in base awkward imitation. Shakspeare. Their own language is worthy their care •, and they are judged of by their handsome or awkward way of expressing themselves in it. Locke. An awkward shame, or fear of ill usage, has a share in this conduct. Swift. Slow to resolve, but in performance quick ; So true, that he was awkward at a trick. Dryden. It is an awkward thing for a man to print in de- fence of his own work against a chima;ra : you know not who or what you fight against. Pope. What's a fine person, or a beauteous face, Unless deportment gives them decent grace ? Bless'd with all other requisites to please. Some want the striking elegance of ease ; The curious eye their awkward movement tires ; They seem like puppets led about by wires. Chur chili. AWK, in ornithology. See Alca. AWL'. Ger. ahl. A sharp pointed tool. In the chroniclers used for a weapon of war. His aule and lingell in a thong. His tar-boxe on his broad belt hong. His breech of coyntrie blew. DraytoTi. Thou art a cobler, art thou? Truly, sir, all that I live bj- is the awle. Shakspeare. Julius Caesar, fol. 109. Awls, among shoemakers, are usually a little flat and bended in the blade, and the point ground to an acute angle. AWLiVN, a small imperial town of Germany, in the circle of Suabia, seated on the river Ko- chen, fifteen miles west of Oeting and twelve north of Ileidenlieim. AWME, or AuME, a Dutch measure of ca- pacity for liquids, containing eight steckans, or twenty verges or verteels; answering to what m Eui-land is called a tierce, or one-sixth of a ton of France, or one-seventh of an English ton. Arbuthnot. AWN, in botany. See Arista. Awn of wine, 360 pounds. AWNING. A cover spread over a boat or vessel, to keep off the weather. — Awningi are made of canvas. The length of the main-deck awning, says Mr. Gierke, is from the centre of tlie fore-mast to tlie centre of the main-mast ; the Vol. III. widtii corresponds to the breadths of the ship, taken at the main-mast, fore-mast, and at the mid-way between. The length of the quarter- deck awning is from the centre of the main-mast to the centre of the mizen-mast; and the width answers to the breadths of the ship, at the main- mast, mizen-mast, and at the mid-way between. The length of the poop, or after-awning, is from the centre of the mizen-mast to the ensign-staff, about seven feet above the deck ; and the width is formed agreeably to the breadths of the ship, taken at the mizen-mast, the taffarel, and at the mid-way between. The canvas is cut to the given breadths of the awning, allowing about nine inches to hang down on each side, which is sometimes scolloped and bound with green baize, and is sewed together with an inch-seam, and tabled all round with a two or three inch tabling. Half the diameter of the masts is cut out in the middle at each end, and lacing-holes are made across the ends to connect one awning to another. On the upper part, along the middle and sides, is sewed a one-inch and half or two-inch rope, to which the trucks are sewed at about three-quarters of a yard asunder. A thirnble is spliced in each end of the rope. Sometimes curtains are made to hang to the sides of the awnings, of the same length as the awnings. Their depth is taken from the sides of the awning to tlie gun-wale, supposing the awning to be in its place. The seams and tab- lings are the same as those of the awnings, and lacing-holes are made along the upper tabling of the curtain, and the side tabling of the awning. Gierke's Elem. and Practice of Rigging, vol. i. p. 140. 230. In the long-boat they make aa awning, by bringing the sail over the yard and stay, and booming it out with the boat-hook. . , ' J In work. See Work. AWORK INC. S Long they thus trauail'd, yet ncuer met Adventure, which might them aworking set. Spevser. Mother Hubberd's Tale. He first suborns a villain, that embrac'd The nobler name of March-bom Mortimer, Which, in the title of the house of York, Might set the monstrous multitude awork, Drayton. Miseries of Queen Margaret. Who shoulde bee the makers of anye maner cloth, if there lacked men of substaunce to set sudry sortes a tvoorke. Sir Thonuis More's Workes. AWRE'KE. Ang.-Sax. awrecan, to wreak. See Wreak. Than dame Prudence, whan that she saw how that hire husbande shope him for to awreke him on his foos, and to beginne werre, she in ful humble wise, whan she saw hire time, sayde him these wordes. Chaucer. The Tale of Melibeus. AWRISH, a river in the county of Durham, which runs into the Tees at Eggleton. AWRY'. Past participle awrythed, of the verb wrythan, to writhe. Writhed, crooked, bended, distorted, askance. When I look back, and iu myself behold The wand'ring ways, tha' youth could not descry : And see the fearful course that youth did hold, And mete in mind each step I strayed awry. Paradim (>/ Dainty Devices, 1600. Y AXB 322 AXI Preventing fate directs the lance awry. Which glancing only inark'ii Achates' thigh. Dryden. AX', ) Ask. Asking. See Ask. These Ax'yno. S words, which are now considered vulgarisms, are the original Sax&n forms. Eut Hobin may not wete of this, thy knave, No eke thy maiden Gille I may not save ; Axe not why •, for though thou axe me, I wol not tell en goddes privetee. Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. i. p. 140. Ax, a town of France, the head of a canton, in the department of the Arriege, arrondissement of Foix. Here are warm baths whicli are much frequented. It lies on the river Arriege. Five leagues north-west of Tarascon. Population 1500. Ax, or AxE, a river of England, which rises in the county of Dorset, and entering Devonshire, passes by Axminster, and afterwards falls into the sea a little below Axmouth. Ax, a river of England, which rises in Wokey- Ilole, near Wells, in the county of Somerset, and after passing Axbridge, falls into the Bristol channel, about eight miles lower down AX, Battle. See Axe. AXAM, a district and towm of Tyrol, in the lower valley of the Inn, to the south-west of In- spruck. Here a great deal of flax is cultivated. AX AMENTA, in antiquity, the verses or songs of the salii, which they sung in honor of all men. The word is formed, according to some, from axare, to nominate. Others will have the carmina saliaria to have been denomi- nated axamenta, on account of their having been written in axibus, or on wooden tables. The axamenta were not composed by the salii. The author of them was Numa Pompilius ; and, as the style might not be altered, they grew in time so obscure, that the salii themselves did not understand them. Varro says they were 700 years old. AxAME^'TA, or Assamexta, in ancient music, hymns performed wholly with human voices. AXARA, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Na- tolia, situated in a fertile district -of the same name, fifty or sixty miles from Guzel-Hissar. AXATI, a town of ancient Ba;tica, in the Boetis ; now called Lora, a small city of Anda- lusia, in Spain, seated on the Guadalquiver. AX AYACATL, a species of fly, common about the lakes of Mexico ; the eggs of which, being deposited in immense quantities upon the rushes and corn-flags, form large masses, which are taken up by fishermen, and carried to market. This caviare, called ahuauhtli, which has much the .same taste with the caviare of fish, used to be eaten by the Mexicans, and is now a common dish among the Spaniards. The Mexicans eat not only the eggs, but the flies themselves, made up together into a mass, and prepared with saltpetre. AXBRIDGE, a market town of Somerset- sViire, anciently a borough, by prescription, send- ing members to parliament during the reigns of tlie first three Edwards, after which it was, at its own desire, excused. The corporation consists of a mayor, recorde-r, town-clerk, ten aldermen, and twenty-two burgesses, out of whom a sheriff, serjeant-at-mace, imd constables are chosen. Knit hose is the only manufactory. The kings of J'jigland formerly liad a hunting chase liere. Market on Saturday. It is twenty-tliree miles north-west of Somerton, and 131 west of London. AXE'. Gr. Ayoj, aid). An adze or addice. See Addice. My mangled body shows. My bldod, my want of strength, my sick heart shows That I must yield my body to the earth. And by my fall the conquest to my foe ; Thus yields the cedar to the axe's edge. Whose arms give shelter to the princely eagle. Shakspeare. Third Part of Henry VI. act v. sc. 3. Loud sounds the axe, redoubling strokes on strokes. On all sides round the forest hurls her oaks Headlong. Deep echoing groan the thickets brown. Then rustling, crackling, crashing, thunder down- Pope's Homer's //lorf, xxiii. 144. Like crowded forest trees we stand. And some are mark'd to fall ; The axe will smite at God's command. And soon will level all. Cowper, Axe, a river in Somersetshire, which falls into the Severn below Uphill. Axe, or Ax, diflers from the hatchet, in that it is made larger and heavier, to hew large stuff; and its edge tapering into the middle of its blade. It is furnished with a long handle, being to be used with both hands. AXEL, or Axil, a small fortified town, for- merly of Flanders ; but now included in one of the departments of France. It lies fourteen miles north of Ghent. AXELODUNUM, the ancient name of Hex- ham, in Northumberland. JL AXENUS, the ancient name of the Euxine ■' Sea, the signification of which is, inhospitable ; and is perfectly answerable to the disposition and manners of the ancient inhabitants of the east. AXE-STONE, in mineralogy, a s-ub-species of jade, but not of so light a green, and somewhat of a slaty texture. The natives, of New Zealand work it into hatchets. It is found in Corsica, Switzej^land, Saxony, and on the banks of the river Amazons, whence it has been called Ama- ^ zonian stone. Its constituents are silica 50-5, " magnesia 31, alumina 10, oxide of iron 5*5, water 2'75, oxide of chromium 0'05. AXEY, the principal town in the island of Axholm. It is thinly inhabited. AXHOLM, a river island in the north-west part of Lincolnshire. It is formed by the rivers Trent, Idel, and Dun ; and is about ten miles long, five broad, and twenty in compass. It has three villages, Crowle, Epworlh, and Hyrst ; besides Axey, the chief town. The lower part is marshy, but produces an odoriferous shrub, called gall ; the middle is rich and fruitful, yielding flax in great abundance. It also yiro- duces an alabaster, which is used for making lime. In the eighteenth century the body of a woman, quite entire, and in a bent position, the head and feet almost in contact, vvas found in a morass, which, from the fashion of her sandals, was conjectured to have lain there from the tira.e of Edward 1. when there were two monasteries here. AXIACE, .an ancient town of Sarmatia Eu- ropea; now Oczacow. AXI 323 AXI AXIL. See Axel. A.\11,LA, in anatomy, or Ala, the cavity under the upper-part of the arm ; commonly called the arm-pit. It is a diminutive of axis, q. d. little axis. Abscesses in the axillae are usually dangerous on account of tlte many blood- vessels, lympliatics, nerves. Sec. thereabout, which form several large plexuses. By the ancient laws, criminals were to be hanged by the axillae if they were under the age of puberty. Axilla, in botany, is the space compreiiended between thy stem's of plants and their leaves. Hence we say, those tlovvers grow in the axillffi of the leaves ; i. e. at the base of the leaves, or just within the angles of their pedicles. AXILLARY Artery is that part of the sub- clavian branch of the ascending trunk of the aorta, which passes under the arm-pits. Axillary Glamjs are situated under the arm-pits, enveloped in fat, and lie close by th* axillary vessels. Axillary Neuve, called also the auricular nerve, arises from the last two cervical pairs ; runs into the hollow of the axilla, behind the head of the OS humeri, between the musculus teres major and minor, &c. Axillary V^ein, is one of the subclavian veins; which, passing under the arm-pits, divides itself into several branches; superior, inferior, external, internal, &c. which are spread over the arm. Axillary Vertebra, the second vertebra of the back, so called because it is nearest to the arm-pits. AXIM, a district of Africa, part of the fertile territory of Ahanta, on the Gold Coast. It is directly east of Apollonia, from which it is sepa- ratfctl Ijy the river Ancobra. The Dutch have a fort in Axim called Fort Anthony, situated on the most western promontory of Cape Three Points. It is compact, well situated for landing, and in a commanding position. Ten leagues east of Apollonia. The climate is so excessively moist, that it is proverbially said to rain eleven months and twenty-nine days of the year. .This excessive moisture renders it very unhealthy ; but it pro- duces great quantities of rice, water-melonSj lemons, oranges, Sec. Here are also produced vast numl)€rs of black cattle, goats, sheep, pigeons, &c. ' The whole country is filled with beautiful and populous villages, and the inter- mediate lands are well culti\ated. The natives all go naked, but are very healthy; and there is a constant traffic carried on with them by the I'.uropeans for their gold. This canton is -a kind of republic, the government being divided between tlie Caboceroes or chief men, and Ma- naceroes or young men. But in their courts, whoever makes the most valuable present to the judges is sure to gain his cause. The Portu- guese founded the first settlement here, but were driven from it by the Dutch in 1642. AxiM, a river in the above canton, which runs through the town of Axim. AxiM, or Auchombone, the capital of Axim, stands under the cannon of the Dutch fort .St. Antonio. It is secured behind by a thick wood that covers the whole declivity of a neighbouring hill. Between the town and tiie sea runs an even and spacious shore of beautiful white sand. All the houses are separated by groves of cocoa, and other fruit-trees, planted in parallel lines, each of an equal width, and forming an elegant vista. The coast is defended by a number of small pointed rocks, which project from the shore, and render all access to it dangerous. AXINAE'E, Axin.t;.^, in natural history, a genus of the MoUusca tribe (Testacea,) establish- ed by Poli, in his history of the shells of the two Sicilies. The character is taken from the form of the animal ; the shell belongs to the Area genus of the l.inna;an arrangement. AXINITE, in mineralogy, a crystallised sub- stance, found principally in Dauphiny, in France, and latterly in the neighbourhood of St. Just, Cornwall. The colors are a light violet brown. The crystals resemble an axe in the form and sharpness of their edges ; being flat rhomboidal paraJlelopipeds, with two of the opposite edges wanting, and a small face instead of each. They become electric by heat. Lustre splendent. Hard, but yields to the file, and easily broken. Specific gravity 3-25. It froths like zeolite before the blow-pipe, melting into a black enamel, or a dark green glass. According to \'auquelin's analysis, it contains forty-four silica, eighteen alumina, nineteen lime, fourteen oxide of iron, and four oxide of manganese. AXIXOMANCY, AxiNOMANTiA ; from alivTj, an axe, and fiavnia, divination ; an ancient spe- cies of divination, or a method of foretelling future events by means of an axe or hatchet. This art was in considerable repute among the ancients; and was performed, according to some, by laying an agate stone on a red hot hatchet, and also by fixing a hatchet on a round stake so as to be exactly poised ; then the names of those that were suspected were repeated, and he at whose name the hatchet moved was pronounced guilty. AXTO]\I, I Or. A'£,u»>fia, from a^ioot, Axiomat'ical. S to think worthy. A self- evident proposition. The universal axiom in which all complaisance is included, is, that no man should give any preference to himself. Johnson. That a conjectural critick should often be mistaken, cannot be wonderful, either to others or himself, if it be considered that in his art there is no system, no principal and axiomatical truth that regulates subor- dinate positions. Johnson's Preface to Shakspeare. Axiom, in rhetoric, is used by Ilermogenes to denote grandeur, dignity, and sublimity of style. Axioms, in logic. That the whole is greater than a part; that a thing cannot be, and not be at the same time; and that from nothing, notliing can arise ; are axioms indisputable. Established principles in arts and sciences are also stiled axioms. Thus it is an axiom in physics, that nature does nothing in vain ; that eflects are proportional to their causes, Sec. It is an axiom in geometry, that things equal to the same thing, are also equal to one another; that if to equal tilings you add equals, the sums will be equal. Sec. It is an axiom in optics, that the angle of Y2 AX I 324 AXT incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, &c. AXION, the brother of Alphesibcea, ^vho mur- dered AlcmsEon, his sister's husband, because he wished to take back a golden necklace he had given her. AXIOPOLI, a town in Buloaria. Long. 34° 0' E., lat. 43° 40' N. It was formerly called AXIOPOLIS; a town of the Triballi, in MsEsia Interior. AXIOS, a form of acclamation, anciently used by tlie people in the election of bishops. When they were all unanimous, they cried out a^iotrf he is worthy ! or ava^ioff ! unworthy ! AXIOSIS, aKioffiQ, in rhetoric, denotes the third part of an exordium; sometimes called aTTocoaig, and containing some new proposition more nearly relating to the subject, than the ■Trporaing. Thus in Cicero's oration, pro INlilone, the protasis is, JNon possim non tiniere, judices, visa hac nova judicii forma: the katascue, Nee enim ea corona confessus vester cinctus est qua solebat: the axiosis, Sed me recreat Pompei con- silium, cujus sapientiiE non fuerit, quem senten- tiis Judicium tradidit, telis militum dedere: the basts, Quamobrera adeste animis judices, et tirao- rem, si quam habetis, deponite. AXIOTEA, or Axiothe.\, a female philoso- pher of Greece, who lived in the time of Plato, and attended his lectures, dressed in the habit of a man. AX'IS, "\ Lat. axis, Gr. a'^wv, from aytiv, Axl'e, f to go round. Axis is a line Ax'led, ^ drawn through the centre of Ax'le-tree. J any body round which it re- volves. The line, that we deuise from thone to thother so. As axell is ; upon which the heaven's about do go. Wyait. But mark me also, these mouinges of these seuen. Vie not aboue the axeltree of the first mouing heauen. Id. Inferior ministers, for l\Iars repair His broken axle-trees, and blunted war. Dry den. Virgil's .^neid. viii. And bade her spirits bear him far. In Merlin's a;^ati'-a.r/ed car. To her gret-n isle's enamelled steep. Far in the navel of the deep. T. Warton. The Grave of King Arthur. Axis, in anatomy, the second vertebra of the neck, thus called because the first vertebra with the head, moves thereon, as on an axis. Axis, in astronomy, is an imaginary right line supposed to pass through the centre of the heavenly bodies, about which they perform their diurnal revolutions. Axis, in botiiny, a taper cohmin placed in the centre of some flowers or catkins, about which the other parts are disposed. Axis, in conic sections, a right line dividing the section into two equal parts, and cutting all its ordinatcs at right angles. Axis, in geometry, the straight line in a plain figure, about which it revolves, to produce or generate a Kolid. Thus if a semicircle be moved round its diameter at rest, it will generate .t i'phere, the axis of which is that diameter. Axis, in mechanics. The axis of a balance is that line which it moves, or ratlier turns about. Axis, in optics, is that particular ray of light coming from any object which falls perpendicu- larly on the eye. Axis, common or mean, in optics, a right line drawn from the point of concourse from the two optic nerves, through the middle of the right line which joins their extremity. Axis, in peritrochio, one of the six mechanical powers, consisting of a peritrocliium or wheel concentric with the base of a cylinder, and move- able together with it about its axis. Axis, in zoology, a very remarkable animal, of the deer kind in all respects, except that neither the male nor female have horns; the tail is considerably long, and the whole shape and make are extremely like those of the fallow deer. The female is smaller than the male, and both are of a reddish tawny color, variegated with spots of white; the belly is white. The voice is much more loud and shrill than that of the deer. It is plain that this creature is neither of the red nor fallow deer kind, whence Bellonius, who saw it at Cairo in Egypt, was induced to call it the Axis. Axis, determinate, in a hyperbola, a right line which divides it into two equal parts, and at right angles, an infinite' number of lines drawn parallel to each other within the hyperbola. Axis, Magnetic.\l, or Axis of a Magnet, a line passing through the middle of a magnet, lengthways, in such manner, as that however the magnet be divided, provided the division be made according to a plane wherein such line is found, the load-stone will be made into two load-stones. The extremities of such lines are called the poles of the stone. Axis of a Planet, is a line drawn through the centre, about which the planet revolves. The sun, moon, and all the planets, except Mercury and Saturn, are known, by observation, to move about their several axes ; and the like motion is easily inferred from those two. Axis of a Sphere, or Circle, is the same as diameter. Axis of a Vessel, is an imaginary right line passing through the middle of it perpendicularly to its base, and equally distant from its sides. Axis of Incidence in dioptrics, a right line drawn through the point of incidence perpendi- cular to the refracting surface. Axis of Oscillation, is a right line parallel to the horizon, passing through the centre about which a pendulum vibrates. Axis of Refraction, is that which is made by the ray of incidence directly prolonged on the inside of the second medium by the ray of refraction. Axis of the Cylinder, is properly that qui- escent right line, about which the parallelogram turns, by whose revolution the cylinder is formed. Though, both in right and oblique cylinders, the right line joining the centres of the opposite bases, is also called the axis of the cylinder. Axis of the Earth, is a right line upon which the earth performs its diurnal rotation from west to east. Axis OF THE Ionic Capital, is a line passing perpendicularly through the middle of the eye of the volute. AXT 32^ AXY Axis 01 THE ZoLiiAC, a line supposed tu puss througli the earth and terminate in the poles. Axis, Si'iral, is the axis of a twisted column drawn spirally, in order to trace the circumvolu- tions without. AX.MINSTER, a town of Devonshire, situated on the river Ax, in the great road between Lon- don and Exeter, being twenty-five miles east of the latter place. It was a place of some note in the time of the Saxons, and now contains about 2500 inhabitants. It has a manufactory of broad and narrow cloths, and an extensive one of carpets, manufactured after the Turkish manner : its carpets are often preferred to those from Turkey. The petty sessions are holden here. King /Ethelstan founded a minster here, for seven priests, to pray for the souls of those who were slain in a battle which he fought with the Danes at Bremaldown. It has four fairs : on the 24th of February, 25th of April, 24th of June, and Wednesday after !\Iichaelmas, with a market on Saturday. It is 147 miles west of London. Long. .3° 8' W., lat. 50° 45' N. AXOLOTI, in icthyology, a singular fish found in the lakes of Mexico. It has four feet like the lizard, no scales, a matrix like a woman, and the menstrual flux. It has the taste of an eel. See L.\certa. AXONES; a^wvec; public laws of the an- cient Greeks, particularly of the Athenians, so named from tlieir mode of publication. AXTEL (Daniel), a regicide, and colonel in the service of the long parliament, was of a good family, and had a tolerable education. .iVs he was of a serious disposition, and had been very early tinctured with puritanical principles, he became a fervent follower of such ministers as distinguished themselves by their zealous preach- ing. His great attachment to these people, and the natural warmth of his temper, were the cause of his going into the army, in which he behaved with so much zeal, courage, and conduct, that he rose by degrees to the several commands of cap- tain, major, and lieutenant-colonel, in a regi- ment of foot. It was in this last capacity that he acted with great vehemence against all endea- vours for a reconciliation with the king. When the kmg was brought before the high court of justice, colonel Stubberd and Axtel had the com- mand of the soldiers below stairs. The king de- manded of sergeant Bradshaw, the president, by what authority they brought him there ? and the president appealing to the charge, which was in the name of the Commons of I'.ngland, lady I'aiifax and Mrs. Nelson are said to have cried out, ' It is false ; not a half, not a quarter of the people." Upon this colonel Axtel cried out, 'Down with the w ; shoot them!' After the sentence, the king was carried through King- street, in a sedan, by two porters, who, out of re- verence, went bare-headed, till the soldiers under Axtel's command beat them, and forced them to put on their hats. After the kiii',''s death, when Cromwell was sent into Irehin^l, liic regiiuenl in which Axtel served w-as drawn out by lot for that expedition, which occasioned his going over into that kingdom, where he made a considerable figure, was much esteemed, and raised by C'rom- \>*'ll to the command of a regiment, and the go- vernment of Kilkenny After the Protector'j death Axtel endeavoured to conceal himself, sus- pecting that he might be called to an account for the share he had taken in the trial of the king ; but before the close of the month he was discovered and committed to prison. On the 10th of October the grand jury for Middlesex found bills against twenty-eight persons, for their concern in the king's death, of whom Axtel was the last. liis trial, by the elaborate defence he made, lasted upwards of three hours : but the jury, without going from the bar, found him guilty; and he was executed, on the 19th, at Tyburn. AXU3I, AxoMA, AxoMi«, or Aksum, in Abys- sinia, the capital of a powerful state in the time of the Ptolemies, and perhaps of all Abyssinia ; still retaining monumi iits of its former splendor. An ancient throne of granite, and two rows of obelisks, struck Mr. Salt as amongst the most beautiful ancient relics he had ever seen. But per- haps the most curious of all is a long Greek in- scription, which records the victories of one of the Ptolemies and the extent of their empire. Fru- mentius, the apostle of Ethiopia, was the first bishop of Axum, and many churches had been excavated from the surrounding mountains be- fore the close of the fifth century. It carried on a considerable trade with India and Arabia, through the port of Adulis. It is the place where the kings of Abyssinia are crowned. ^Ir. Salt found it to be in lat. 14° G' 3G" IN'. Its present population is about 3000. The inhabit- ants are rude and inhospitable. They wear coarse woollen clothes. The monks prepare the best parchment in all Abyssinia. The church of Axum appears to have been built in 1657, and is considered by Mr. Salt, excepting that of Chelicut, as the finest in the province of Tigre. The town stands agreeably sheltered by hills, at the corner of an extensive valley. It is de- scribed by Bruce as containing 600 houses. AXUXGIA, in a general sense, denotes old lard, or the driest and hardest of any fat in the bodies of animals ; but more properly it signifies only hog's lard. AxuxGMA LvN-t, an affected name given by the German chemists to the terra goltbergensis, from their imagining that it contains some par- ticler, of silver, and owes to them its virtues in medicine. AxtNGiA SoLis is used for the terra silesiaca, and said to be good against the plague, pestilen- tial fevers, &c. AxvNGiA \'iTRr, Sandiver, or salt of glass, a kind of salt which separates from the glass while it is in fusion. It is of an acrimonious and biting taste. Tiie farriers use it for cleansing the eyes of horses. It is also made use of for cleansing the teeth ; and it is sometimes applied to running ulcers, the herpes, or the itch, by way of desiccative. AXYLUS, an ancient hero of Arisba, cele- brated by Homer for his hospitality, which gained him the appellation of the Friend of Man- kind. AXYRIS, a genus of the triandria order, and moncpcia class of plants, ranking in the natural method under the twelfth order hcloracca. Tlie AYA 326 AYL calyx of the male is tripartite ; it has no corolla. The calyx of the female consists of two leaves ; it has two styli and one seed. There are four species, none of them natives of Britain. AY. Sax. Ever. For ever. A kyng jsat strines with hise, he may not wele spcde, Where' so he testis or riues he lyues ay in drede. R. Brunne. And now in darksome dungeon, wretched thrall, Remedyless for aye he dothe him holde. Spenser's Faerie Qiieenc. Either prepare to die, Or on Diana's altar to protest For aye, austerity and single life. ShakspeM,re. The soul, though made in time, survives for aye; And, though it hath beginning, sees no end. Sir J. Davios. And join with thee calm peace, and quiet. Spare fast, that oft with gods doth diet. And hears the muses in a ring. Ay round about Jove's altar sing. 3Iilton's II Penseroso. O to thy [the cock's] cursed scream discordant still , jjet harmony aye shut her gentle ear. Beattie's Minstrel. Ay, a town of France, in the department of Marne, near the river Maine, remarkable for its excellent wines. It lies twelve miles south of Ilheiras, and one mile and a half north-east of Epernay. Inhabitants 2600. AY AG, or KAYACiir, one of the Andrea- nofskie islands, in the eastern or Pacific Ocean, about 150 versts in circumferencej and consisting of several high and rocky mountains, the inter- vals of vv^hich are bare heath and moor ground ; but in the whole island there is not one forest- tree. The productions resemble.those of Kamt- schatka. AYAMONTE, a sea-port town of Andalusia in Spain, witli a strong castle built on a rock; seated on the mouth of the Guadiana, eighty- five miles north-west of Cadiz. It has a coi»- modious harbour, a productive sardel fishery, fruitful vineyards, and excellent wine. Popula- tion about 5000. AYAS, a town and castle of Caramania, in the government of Adana, on the bay of Ayas, near the Jypoo, and on the west side of the Gulf of Scanderoon, or Iskenderoon, the ancient Sinus Issicus. It is fortified all round; and here are the remains of a fort and artificial pier. A little to the westward is a round tower with an Arabic inscription. Myriads of fish, numerous fine turtle, and aquatic birds, abound on the shore. This place is supposed to be the ancient iEgce. Long. 35° 48'. E., lat. 36° 46' N. AYASH, a village on the same coast, sur- rounded by the ruins of a town that has occupied a considerable space of ground, and containing the remains of a theatre and many other edifices. The most conspicuous of the whole is a temple, . situated on a projecting emitience. Its columns are of the composite order, fluted, and about four feet in diameter. This is conjectured to ' have been the ancient Sei)asta. AYA'xTRI, a town of i.ima, in Peru, remark- able for many stately tombs of the Peruvian no- bility. AYBAR, a town of Spain, in Navarre, on the Arragon, famous for a battle fought here in the year 1451, betwen John king of Castile, and his son Don Carlos, in which the latter was defeated and taken prisoner. Three miles south of San- guesa. AYDON Bridge, or Heydon Bridge, a town in Northumberland, five miles west of Hex- ham, so named from its bridge over the Tyne. It has a market on Tuesday, and a fair on July 21st, 22d, 23d, and 24th. AYE. Ai/ez. The imperative of the French verb avoir, to have ; signifying have it, possess it, enjoy it. The expression is similar in Swedish, German, and Dutch. Return you thither.' Ay, madam, with the swiftest wing of speed. Shalispeare. What say'st thou ? wilt thou be of our consort ? Say ay, and be the captain of us all. Id. Sometimes in mutual sly disguise. Let ayes seem tios, and nos seem ayes; Ayes be in courts denials meant. And nos in bishops give consent. Thus aye proposed, and, for reply. No for the first time answer'd aye. They parted with a thousand kisses. And fight e'er since for pay like Swisses. Gay's Fables. Aye and No. AYEK Je.maxi, a species of cornelian, much valued by the Arabians. AY EL, Fr. in law, a writ which lies where the i grandfather was seized in his demesne on the ' day he died, a stranger enters tlie same day and dispossesses the heir. f?N' i See Again. Ay enst. ) AYENIA, in botany, a genus of the pentan- dria order and gynandria class of plants, nuiking in the natural method under the thirty-seventh order, columniferje. The calyx has two leaves ; the petals are in the form of a star, with long ungues ; and the capsule has five cells. There are three species all natives of the West Indies. AYERBE, or Ayerve, the capital of a ba- rony, in the district of Huesca, Arragon, situ- ated at the foot of the Pyrenees, thirty-two miles north of Saragossa. AYERSTOWN, a town of the United States, in New Jersey, thirteen miles south-east from Burlington. AYESHA, the wife of Mahomet, and daugh- ter of Abubeker. Tlie impostor had a greater regard for her than for any of his wives, though she had no children ; and his followers highly respected her. She opposed All's suc- cession and raised an army against him ; but after a severe contest was made prisoner. The conqueror, however, dismissed her with civility. This turbulent woman died in 677, aged sixty- seven. AYGULA, in zoology, a species of simia or ape. AYGULUS, in entomology, a species of sca- rabseus that inhabits India. AYLESBURY (Sir Thomas), merits a i)lace in a work of this kind, not only as a learned man himself, but as the patron of men of letters. He was born in London in 1576, was educated AYL 327 AYL at Westminster, and studied at Oxford, where he took his degree of A.M. in 160"). He became secretary to Charles earl of Nottin^rham, lord hifih admiral, and gave so many proofs of his skill in mathematics, that he retained his secre- taryship under the duke of Buckingham upon his succeeding the earl. By the duke's influence he was appointed master of requests, and master of the mint, and created a baronet. The profits of these lucrative offices he applied to the most benevolent purposes. He not only made all men of science welcome to his table and afforded them his best countenance, but also gave regular pensions to such of them as were in narrow cir- cumstances. It is to be regretted that a man of so benevolent a character should himself have afterwards experienced adversity. In conse- quence of his steady adherence to the king, he was, in 1G42, stripped of his places and estate, but he bore up cheerfully under his misfortunes, and in 1G49 retired with his family to Brussels. He died at Breda in 1G57, aged eighty-one. Aylesbiry (William), the son of the baronet, took his degree of A.M. at Christ Church, in the sixteenth year of his age, and like his father, was a sufferer by his adherence to the cause of royalty. King Charles I. early appointed him travelling preceptor to George Villiers duke of Buckingham, and his brother, Lord Francis. During their travels in Italy he was nearly killed by an assassin. He returned to England during the civil war, but after the king's death retired to Antwerp. In 1650 he again returned to Eng- land, where he experienced great difficulties, being often in want of daily necessaries. At last, in 1657, the protector having fitted out a ileet for the West Indies, he was engaged as secretary to the governor of Jamaica, the climate of which soon cut him off. Aylesislry. See Ailesbvry. AYLESFORD. See AiLESfORc. AYLETS, or Sea Swallows. In heraldry, they are often called Cornish choughs, and are painted sable, beaked, and legged gules. AYLETT (Robert), an English author of the seventeenth century. He was educated at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he took the degree of LL.D. in 1614, and afterwards became master in Chancery. He wrote Susanna, or the Arraign- ment of the Two Elders, a poem, 1622, 8vo. besides several other poetical pieces. He is thought by some to have been the author of the Britannica Antiqua lUustrata, which is generally attributed to his nephew, Aylett Sammes. AYLIN (John), an Italian writer of the four- teenth century. His chief work is a History of Friuli, printed in Muratori's Antiquitates Italicse medii /Evi, Milan, 1740. AYLMEll (John), bishop of London in the reign of Elizabeth, was born in 1521, at Aylmer- hall, in Tilney, Norfolk. While a boy he was distinguished for his quick parts, by the marquis of Dorset, afterwards duke of Suflblk; who sent him to Cambridge, made him his cliaplain, and tutor to his children. One of these was the un- fortunate Lady Jane Gray, who soon became perfectly acquainted witli the Latin and Greek. His first preferment was to the archdeaconry of Stow, which gave him a seat in the convocation held in the first year of queen Mary, where he resolutely opposed the return to popery, to which the generality of the clergy were inclined. He was soon after obliged to take shelter among the Protestants in Switzerland. On the acces- sion of Elizabeth he returned to England. In 1562 he obtained the archdeaconry of Lincoln ; and was a member of the famous synod of that year, which reformed and settled the doctrine and discipline of the church of England. In 1576 he was consecrated bishop of London. He died in 1594, aged seventy-three; and was buried in St. Paul's. He published An Harbrowe for faithful and trewe Subjects against the late blowne Blaste concerning the Government of Women, &c. In answer to Knox, who published a book at Geneva under this title. The first Blast against the monstrous Regimen and Empire of Women. Strype gives the following instance of his courtly courage : — Queen Elizabeth being once tormented with the tooth-ache, and yet afraid of having the tooth drawn, bishop Aylmer being by, to encour- age her majesty, sat down in a chair, and calling to tlie operator, ' Come,' said he, ' though I am an old man, and have but few teeth to spare, draw me this;' which was done; and the queen seeing him make so slight a matter of it, sat down and had hers drawn also. AYLOFFE (Sir Joseph), of Framfield in Sus- sex, was descended from a Saxon family anciently seated at Bocton Aylof, in Kent, in the reign of Henry the Third. He was born about 1708; received the early part of his education at Westminster school ; admitted of Lincoln's Inn 1724 ; and in the same year was entered a gen- tleman commoner at Oxford, which he quitted about 1728; was elected F.A.S. Feb. 10, 1731 ; one of the first council, under tlieir charter, in 1751 ; vice-president and F.Il.S. June 3, 1731. He prevailed on Mr. Kirby, painter of Ipswich, to make drawings of a great number of monu- ments and buildings in Suflblk, of which twelve were engraved, with a description, 1748 ; and others remain unpublished. On the building of Westminster-bridge he was appointed secretary to the commissioners, 1736-7; and on the estab- lishment of the Paper-Office on the respectable footing it is at present, by the removal of the State Papers from the old gate at Whitehall to new apartments at the treasury, he was nomi- nated the first in the commission for the eare and preservation of them. In 1757 he circulated proposals for printing by subscription, Encyclo- paedia ; or, a rational Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Trade. In 1772 he published in 4to. Ca- lendars of the Ancient Charters, &c. and of the Welsh and Scottish Rolls now remaining in tlie Tower of London, &c. and in the introduction gives a judicious and exact account of our Pub- lic Records. He drew up tlie account of the chapel of London-bridge, of which an engraving was published by V'ertue in 1748, and again by the Society of Antiquaries, 1777. His historica. description of the interview between Henry \'III. and Francis I. on the Champ de Drap d'O- from an original pa'mting at Windsor, and hi, account of the ])aintings of the same age at Cow- dray, were inserted in the third volume of the Arcliaologia, and printed separately to accom- AYR 328 AYS pany engravings of two of these pictures by the Society of Antiquaries, 1775. His account of the body of Edward I. as it appeared on openini^ his tomb, 1774, w-as printed in the same volume p. 376. His intimate acquaintance with every part of Westminster Abbey displayed itself in his accurate description of five monuments in the choir, engraved in 1779 by the same society. He superintended the new edition of Leland's Collectanea, in nine vols. 8vo. ; and also of the Liber Niger Scaccarii, in two vols. 8vo. ; to each of which he added a valuable appendix. He also revised an edition of Hearne's Curious Dis- courses, 1771, two vols. 8vo. ; and the Regis- trum Roffense, published by Mr. Thorpe, in 1769, folio. At the beginning of the seventh volume of Soraers's Tracts is advertised A Col- lection of Debates in Parliament before the Restoration, from MSS. by Sir Joseph Ayloffe, bart. which is supposed never to have appeared. Sir Joseph died at his house at Kennington-lane, Lambeth, April 19, 1781, aged seventy-two. AYMAR (James), a celebrated impostor, born at Veran, in Dauphine. He became famous, and acquired considerable wealth about the end of the seventeenth century, by giving out that he was in possession of a divining- rod for bringing to light hidden treasure. The cheat was detect- ed, and he was suffered to fall back into his former obscurity ; but the noise he had raised gave occasion to De Vallemont's learned book on the powers of the divining rod. AYMARES, a district of Peru, fo.'ty leagues south-west of that city, abounding in sugar, cat- tle, corn, and mines of gold and silver. AYMOi^f (John), a Roman Catholic priest of Piedmont, who took part with the Protestant cause, and afterwards returned to the Catholic faith. Cardinal de Naoilles gavehiraa pension, and he wrote several books in opposition to the Reformers. He likewise published the letters of Cyril Lucar, Les Synodes nationaux des Eglises reformees de France, 1710, 2 vols. 4to.; and Tableau de la Cour de Rome, 1710, 12mo. AYOQUANTOTOTL, or Avis Ayoquanto- TOTL, in ornithology, the name under which the oriolus xanthornus of Gmelin is described by some old writers. AYORA, a town of Spain, in Valencia. Long. 16° 40' E., lat. 39° 3' N. AYR, or Air, in Scotland. See Am. Ayr, or Air, a river of France, in the duchy of Bar, which abounds in fish, and falls into the Aisne, near Grandpre, in the department of the Ardennes. AYRES, an English penman of the seven- teenth century. He was employed in the servidfe of Sir William Ashhurst, in 1694, to whom he dedicated a treatise, entitled Arithmetic made Easy. In 1695 he pubbshed his Tutor to Pen- manship, engraved by John Strut. He lodged at the iiand-and-Pen, St. Paul's Church-yard, where he probably kept a school. AYRMIN, or Ayermin (William), a bishop of Norwich in the reigns of Edward IL and HL was descended of an ancient family at Osgodby in Lincolnshire. He was a canon in the cathe- dral of York, and afterwards in thiit of Wells ; and was for some time keeper of tlie seal, and vice-chancellor to king Edward II. under John, bishop of Norwich. About A. D. 1319, a war having broke out between England and Scotland, Ayrmin was taken prisoner in a battle between the Scotch and Yorkists. Recovering his liberty he was made chancellor under Edward III. and afterwards treasurer. Beins sent ambassador to the court of Rome, he neglected the business ef his embassy, and employed his time and in- terest in obtaining the bishopric of Norwich, which was then vacant; in which application meeting with success, he returned to take pos- session of that see : which the king hearing, and being disgusted at his proceedings, sent soldiers to Norwich to apprehend him ; but Ayrmin lay hid in the cathedral church, till by the interpo- sition of friends the king was reconciled to him, and consented to his consecration. He died in 1337. AYR-MOSS, a place iri the parish of Auchin- leck in Ayrshire, memorable for a defeat of a party of those friends of religion and liberty, called Covenanters, during the turbulent and op- pressive reign of Charles II. AYRON, a river of Wales, in Cardiganshire. AYR-SHIRE. See Air. AYRTON (Edmund), was born at Ripon, Yorkshire, in the year 1734, and died in 1808. At the age of thirty he became one of the gentlemen of the Chapel Royal, St. James's, and subsequently a vicar choral of St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey. In 1784 he took his degree of doctor of music in the univer- sity of Cambridge, on which occasion he com- posed a grand anthem for a full orchestra, after- wards performed at St. Paul's Cathedral, on the day appointed for the general thanks£;iving for peace in 1784. Dr. Ayrton took a leading part in the commemoration of Handel in Westminster Abbey. AYRY, or Eyery. Ey, Teutonic, an egg; eyr, eggs ; the eyery, or eggery, where the eggs are deposited. Used of hawks, or other birds. Yon sun-Lred ayry, whose immortal birth Bears you aloft beyond the sight of earth. The heaven-touch'd feathers of whose sprightly wings Skirts (from above) the palaces of kings. Drayton. The Owl. The eagle and the stort On cliffs and cedar tops their eyries build. Milton. Paradise Lost, book vii. I should discourse on the brancher, the haggard, and then treat of their several ayries. Walton's Angler. AYSCOUGH (George Edward), only son of Dr. Ayscous:h, dean of Bristol, was a lieutenant in the guards. He wrote Semiramis, a tragedy ; and Letters from an officer in the guards to his friend in Encrland ; containing some accounts of France and Italy, 8vo. 1778. He died October, 1779. AYSCUE (Sir George), a gallant English ad- miral, descended from a cjood family in Lincoln- shire. He was knighted by Charles I., which however did not withhold him from adhering to the parliament in the civil war : he was by them constituted admiral of the Irish se;is, where he did great service to the protestant interest, and contributed much to the reduction of the island. AZA 329 AZE In 16.51 he reduced Barbadoes and Virginia, then held for the king, to the obedience of the ])arliament ; and soon after the Restoration be- haved with great honor in the war with the Dutch. In the famous engagement in the be- ginning of June 166G, when Sir George was ad- miral of the white squadron, his ship, the Royal Prince, ran upon the Gallopsand ; where, being surrounded with enemies, his men obliged him to strike. He went no more to sea after this, but spent the rest of his days in retirement. AYSEAUX, a castle and marquisate of the Netherlands, in Hainault, on the Dender. AYSERIL'S, or Asserius. See Asser. AYTONIA, in botany, a genus of the mona- delphia order, and the pentaiidriu class of plants; the characters of which are : the calyx is qurn- quepartite ; the corolla consists of four petals ; the berry is dry, quadrangular, unilocular, and many seeded. There is but one species, viz. A. Capensis, a native of the Cape. AYUTLA, a river of South America, in the province of Guatimala, which flows into the Pacific Ocean. Lat. 14° 55' N. AZAB, a place on the coast of Abyssinia, in lat. 13° N., where Bruce says 'he found the re- mains of a very ancient aqueduct.' He supposes it to be the Sabse of Strabo ; and the country of the Saboii so famous for their myrrh and frankin- cense. * Tliose gums,' he adds, ' are still pro- duced in the neighbourhood.' Behind are pits of rock salt, whence the pieces used as coin by the Abyssinians are extracted. See Enu'e, tnal. i. Strabo. xvi. Diod. iii. AzAB, in the Turkish armies, a distinct body of soldierj', who are great rivals of the Janissaries. AZABE Kaberi ; from kaber, sepulchre, and azab, torment ; denotes a temporary punishment, which, as the Mahommedans say, the wicked must sufl'er after death. Their crimes are hereby expiated, and INIahomet opens the gate of Para- dise to all who believe in him. AZAI, or AzAV, a town of France, seated on the Indre and Loire. It lies fifteen miles south- west of Tours, and ten north-east of Chinon. AZALUUS, in old law Latin, a sorry horse. AZALEA, American cpright Honev- SUCKLE, a genus of the monogynia order, and pentandria class of plants ; ranking, in the natural method, under the eighteenth order, bicornes. The corolla is bell-shaped; the stamina are in- serted into the receptacle ; and the capsule lu'S five cells. There are six species, of which the most remarkable are the following: 1. A. nudi- flora, or red American upright honeysuckle, grows taller than the viscosa, and in its native country will sometimes arrive at tire height of twelve feet, but in Britain never rises to above half that height. It has several stems with ob- long smooth leaves. 2. A. rubiiflora, a species with bright red flowers, was found by Mr. Light- foot upon the tops of many mountains in the Highlands of Scotland. 3. A. vLscosa, with a white flower, is a low shrub, arising with several stems to the height of two or three feet. The leaves come out in clusters without any order at the end of the shoots, and their edges are set with ver)' short teeth which are rough. The flowers come out in clusters between the leaves, have much the appearance of honeysuckle, and are as well scented. AZA^NIOR, a small sea-port town of the king- dom of Morocco in Africa. It is situated on the river Morbeya, in the province of Duquella, at some considerable distance from its mouth. This town, though formerly very considerable, is obstructed in its maritime commerce by the dangerous en- trance of the river. It was xnisuccessfully be- sieged by the Portuguese in 1508; it was taken however, in 1513, by the duke of Braganza, but abandoned about the end of the sixteenth cen- tury. Mr. Jackson calculates its population at 1000. It is eighty miles north of Morocco. AZARADEO, a sea-port town of Brasil, in the bay of Spiritu Santo. Long. 60° 10' W., lat. 20° 1 8' S. AZAR.iVKITES,asect of Mahommedan Arabs. AZaRECAH, a sect of heretical 3Ius.sulmans, who acknowledge no punishment, temporal or spiritual. AZARIAH ; from mj?, and n% i. e. the help of the Lord ; kingof Judah. See Uzziah. Also the name of various high priests and princes of the Jews. AZARIAS, a Jewish rabbi and historian of the sixteenth century. In 1574 he published at Mantua, in Hebrew, a book entitled The Light of the Eyes. Many historical and miscellaneous subjects are treated of in this work ; and it con- tains a Hebrew version of the letter of Aristeas on tiie Septuagint. AZAIUST, a city of l\hieva, on the river Amo, which v.- as visited by the English factors in 1741. AZAROLA, ihe service tree. AZARCM, a small, dry, blackish, stringy, medicinal root, much used in France as a specific for tiie farcy in horses. The azarum, called also nardus sylvestris, grows in the Levant, Canada, and about Lyons in France. The first is reputed the best. It is given in powder, from the quantity of one ounce to two. AZAY, or AssAiE-LE-RiDEAU, a town of France, in the department of the Indre and Loire, situated on the Indre, the head of a can- ton, with a castle, and 1700 inhabitants. It was in former times a place of strength, and the seat of a royal governor. Five leagues south-west of Tours. Azav-sur-Cuer, a town in France, situated on the river Cher, and belonging to the arron- dissement of Tours, in the department of the indre and Loire. Number of houses above 230. Two leagues and a half E. S. E. of Tours. INlany other villages and hamlets in France bear this name. AZAZEL, a word relating to the institution of the scape-goat, in the Jewish religion, respect- ing which there are various opinions. St. Jerome and Theodoret call the goat itself by this name. Dr. Spencer says the scape-goat was to be sent to Azazel, by which is meant the devil. M. le Clerc translates it praecipitium, making it to be that steep and inaccessible place to which the goat was sent, and where it was supposed to perish. AZED, in the materia raedica, a name given by the Arabian writers to a kind of camphor, which they make the third in value, placing it AZE 330 AZI after the alcansuri and abriagi. The first of these was the finest of all the kinds of camphor, and was collected tolerably pure from the tree, as it t^rew in Cansur, tlie place whence it was named. Tlie second was the same camphor, rendered yet more pure by sublimation ; this was a discovery of one of the kings of that country, and the cam- phor was named from him. The third kind, or azed, was the same with what we now receive from the Indies, under the name of crude or rough camphor. The word azed signifies only large, and was used to express the camphor formed into large cakes. Avicenna says this camphor was gross, of a dusky color, and much less bright and pellucid than the other kinds. AZEDARACII, or Azeradach, in botany, the bead-tree. AZEEMABAD, the Mahommedan name of Patxa, which see. AZEITAO, a town in Portuguese Estrema- dnra, south of the Tagus, with a manufacture of cliintz, and various dye-houses. Population 2350. Eive miles N.N.W. of Setuval. AZEKAH, in ancient geography, a city of the Amorites, in the lot of Judah ; situated between Eleutheropolis and Aelia ; where the five kings of the Amorites and their army were destroyed by hail. AZELBUlKi, a town of Bavaria, formerly called Augusta Acilia. AZELFOGE, in astronomy, a fixed star of the second magnitude, in the swan's tail. AZEM, AsEM, Assam, or Acham, a country of Asia, north of Ava. See Assam. AZEMAFOR, in alchemy, red lead. AZEMECH, the Arabian name for the star, called the virgin's spike. AZENAY, a town of France, in Poitou, de- partment of the Vendee, arrondissement of Sables d'Olonne. Population 3000. Five leagues north of Sables d'Olonne. AZERBIJAN, or Aderbeitzan, a province of Persia, part of the ancient Media, bounded by Ghilan and the Caspian sea on the east, and on the west by Kurdistan and Armenia. It is si'parated from the latter by theAraxes, and from the ])rovince of Irak on the south, by Kizilozein, or the Golden stream. The climate, which is ordinarily temperate, is cold in winter, and se- verely felt by the poorer inhabitants, from the scarcity of fuel. The province is watered by tlie two rivers already named, and by the Jungatty, whicli is larger than either, and abounds in fish; the Yezdian, Agi, and other lesser streams. On tlie frontier also is the lake Urumea, which is Salter than the sea. Its minerals are lead, cop- ])er, saltpetre, and sulphur; here is also a kind of beautiful transparent marble, or jasper, which takes the highest polish, and is used in the build- ings of Tabriz, Shiraz, and Ispahan, imder the name of Tabriz marble. The cultivation of the land, wliich consists of fine undulating eminences and rich valleys, is here carried on cliiefly by ir- rigation ; the oxen are used for tlie plough, and the best soil yields from fifty to sixty fold. Most of the villages are surrounded with orchards and gardens, which produce fruit of almost every description. A considerable quantity of wine is made ; and provisions are cheap an.d abundant. The nam.c of this province is said to signify the country of fire, and is supposed to have been derived from the number of fire temples of the. Guebres. It is divided into twelve districts, in which are several cities and towns of im- portance, as Tabriz, or Tauris, the capital, con- taining 30,000 inhabitants, Urumea, Shebuster, and ^laragah. AZERGUE, Bahr-el, or the Blue River, the principal stream of Abyssinia, which, rising in the kingdom of Gojam, passes through the lake of Dembea, and, after a winding course through Abyssinia and Sennaar, falls itito the Nile above Gerri. Travellers described it as the principal branch of the Nile, till D'Anville showed that this distinction belonged to the Bahr-el-Abiad. AZE\"EDO (Ignatius), a Portuguese Jesuit, born in 1527. lie was heir to a handsome for- tune, but turned his back upon it for a religious life, and went as a missionary to India. In 1570 he was going out a second time, when the ship was taken by pirates, who killed all the missionaries, about forty in number. AZIMEN, in astrology, certain degrees in the zodiac, which, when they are ascendant, persons born under them are said to be afflicted with lameness, or some other imperfection. AZIMUTH, in astronomy, an arch of tlie horizon, intercepted between the meridian of the place and the azimuth, or vertical circle passing tlirough the centre of the object, which is equal to the angle of the zenith, formed by the meridian and vtTtical circle. It is found by this propor- tion : As the radius to the tangent of the latitude of the place, so is the tangent of the sun's or star's altitude, for instance, to the cosine of the azimuth from the south, at the time of the equinox. AziMUTU Circles are represented by the rhumbs on common sea charts, and on the globe they are represented by the quadrant of altitude, when screwed in the zenith. On these azimuths is reckoned the height of the stars and of the sun when not in the meridian. Azimuth Compass, an instrument for finding either the magnetical azimuth or amplitude of an heavenly object. The learned Dr. Knight invented some time ago a very accurate and useful sea-compass, which is at present used in the navy, and will be found described under the article Compass. Tliis instrument, with the following contrivance added by the ingenious Mr. Smeaton, answers the purposes of an azimuth and amplitude compass. The cover of the wooden box being taken off, the compass is in a condition to be made use of in the binnacle, when the wea- ther is moderate ; but if the sea runs high, as the inner box is hung very free upon its centre, the better to answer its other purposes, it will be ne- cessary to slacken the milled nut, placed upon one of the axes that support the ring, and to lighten the nut on the outside that corresponds to it. By this means, the inner box and ring will be lifted up from the edges upon which they rest when free, and the friction will be increased, and that to any degree necessary to prevent the too great vibrations which otherwise would be occasioned AZI 331 AZO \)y the motion of the ship. To make the com- pass useful in taking the magnetic azimuth or am- plitude of the sun and stars, as also the bearings i>f headlands, ships, and other objects at a dis- tance, the brass edge, designed at first to support the card, and throw the weight thereof as near the circumference as possible, is itself divided into degrees and halves, which maybe easily estimated into smaller parts if necessary. The divisions are determined by means of a catgut line, stretched perpendicularly with the box, as near the brass e Ige as maybe, that the parallax, arising from a different position of the observer, may be as little ds possible. Underneath the card are two small weights, sliding on two wires, placed at right an- gles to each other; which being moved nearer to, or farther from, the centre, counterbalance the dipping of the card in different latitudes, or re- store the equilibrium of it where it happens by any other means to be too much out of level. There is also added an index at the top of the in- ner box, which maybe put on and taken off at pleasure ; and serve for all altitudes of tiie object. It consists of a bar, equal in length to the diame- ter of the inner box, each end being furnished with a perpendicular stile, with a slit parallel to the sides thereof: one of the slits is narrow, to which the eye is ap]>lied ; and the other is wider, with a small catgut stretched up the middle of it, and from thence to the top of the other. There is also a line drawn along the upper surface of the bar. These four, viz. the narrow slit, the horizon- tal catgut thread, the perpendicular one, and the line on the bar, are in the same plane which dis- poses itself perpendicular to the horizon, when the inner box is at rest and hangs free. This in- dex does not move round, but is always placed on so as to answer the same side of the box. When the sun's azimuth is desired, and his rays are strong enough to cast a shadow, turn about the wooden box till the shadow of the horizontal thread, or, if the sun be too low, till that of the perpendicular thread, in one stile, or the light through the slit on the other, falls upon the line in the index bar, or vibrates to an equal distance on each side of it, gently touching the box if it vibrates too far : observe, at the same time, the degree marked upon the brass edge by the catgut line. In counting the degree for the azimuth, or any other angle that is reckoned from the meri- dian, make use of the outward circle of figures upon the brass edge; and the situation of the index bar, with regard to the card and needle, will al- ways direct upon what quarter of the compass the object is placed. But if the sun does not shine out sufficiently strong, place the eye behind the narrow slit in one of the stiles, and turn the wooden box about, till some part of the horizontal or per- pendicular thread appears to intersect the centre of the sun, or vibrate to an equal distance on each side of it, using smoked glass next the eye if the sun's light is too strong. In this method another observer will be generally necessary, to note the degree cut by the nonius, at the same time that the first gives notice that the thread appears to split the object. The other observations will be easily performed : only, in case of the sun's am- plitude, take care to number the degree by the help of the inner circle of figures on the card, which are the complement of the outer to 90* ; and, consequently, show the distance from east to west. The azimuth of the stars may also be observed by night ; a proper light serving equally for one observer to see the thread, and the other the degree upon the card. It may not be amiss to remark farther, that in case the inner box should lose its equilibrium, and consequently the index be out of the plane of a vertical circle, an accurate observation may still be made, provided the sun's shadow is distinct ; for, by observing first with one end of the index towards the sun, and then the other, a mean of tlie two obser- vations will be the truth. Azimuth Dial, a dial whose gnomon is per- pendicular to the plane of the horizon. Azimuth, Magnftic.\l, an arch of the ho- rizon intercepted between the azimuth, or ver- tical circle, passing through the centre of any heavenly body, and the magn(,tical meridian. This is found by observing the object with an azi- muth compass. AZINCUURTjOrAciNcouRT. SeeAciNcouRT. AZLEEL, the name of an angel mentioned in the book ascribed to Enoch. AZ^lUT, or AsMus, an ancient and large town of Natolia, eighty-four miles south-east of Scutari. It is inhabited by Greek christians. AZO, a town of Asia in the East Indies, seated on the frontiers of Azem, on the river Eaqui.i. Azo I. and II. earls of Este in Italy, in the tenth century. They claimed their descent from the Accii, a patrician family of ancient liome Their posterity settling afterwards in Germany, gave rise to the illustrious house of lirunswick; from which diat of Hanover and the present royal family of Great Britain are lineally descended. AZOE, or Azov, a tow^n and fortress of Rus- sia, in the government of Yekatorinoslaw, at the mouth of the 13on ; lat. 46° 53' N., long. 39° 14' E. When Dr. Clarke saw it in 1800, it did not contain more than fifty houses ; the garrison con- sisted of a few worn-out invalids, and the works were abandoned to decay. It is surrounded by a swamp ; and the interior of the country is a barren desert. It was anciently a considerable port; but the waters of the bay have been diminishing for many years. Tanais is mentioned by Strabo, as a settlement of the Bosporani, but Dr. Clarke could find no trace of the ancient town near the site of Azov, and supposes it must have been at the embouchere of the Danaetz or northern arm of the Don. Its ancient history is very obscure ; but it passed from the Polovtzes to the Geno- ese, who called it la Tana ; was wrested from them by Tamerlane in 1392 ; and possessed, after his decease, by the khans of the Krim till 1471, when it fell into tlie hands of the Turks. Peter the Great took it by assault, and laid out large sums upon improving its fortifications, but was obliged to give it up at the peace of 1711. The fortifications were demolished, in compliance with the terms made at the peace of Belgrade in 1739; but it was finally ceded to Russia in 1774. The sea of Azof, named from the above town, was the Palus Maeotis of the ancients, and the Mar de Zabacchi of the middle ages. It is 210 niilco long, and about fifty broad ; though juo- 332 AZORES. perly only a bay of the Black sea, with which it is united by the straits of Caffa (Keft'eh). Its principal port is Taganrok. Its fisli are small, but plentiful ; so that 60,000 are often taken at one drauglit. Tins sea seems to be gradually filling up with the alluvial earth brought down by the Don ; and the water is sometimes driven back so far by the violent east winds, that the channel between Azof and Taganrok, an interval of more than thirteen miles, can be passed dry- shod. A new island, at some distance from the shore, was thrown up on the 5th of September, 1799, with phenomena evidently volcanic. Du- ring violent east winds, the waters of this sea are driven so far back, where it is from thirteen to fourteen miles broad, as to allow a passage over the land from Jagan rock to the opposite coast. But when the wind changes, t'le water flows back with such rapidity, that many of those who have attempted to cross this temporary route, are overwhelmed by the returning tide. AZOGA Ships, are those Spanish ships com- monly called the quicksilver ships, from their carrying quicksilver to the Spanish West Indies, to extract the silver out of the mines of Mexico and Peru. These ships are prohibited to carry any goods except for the king of Spain. AZOGUES, a town of Quito, South America, ten miles north-east of Cuenza. AZOLO. See Acelum. AZONI ; from a privative, and ^oi/?j, country ; in mythology, a term anciently applied to such of the gods as were not the private divinities of any particular corntry, but were acknowledged in every country, and worshipped by every nation. They were superior to the gods called zonaei, who were supposed to inhabit particular parts of the world, and never to stir out of the district or zone that was assigned them. Such in Egypt were Serapis, Osiris, and Bacchus ; and in Greece, the Sun, Mars, the Moon and Pluto. They were called by the Romans dii communes. AZOOPHAGUS ; from a, ^ojov, animal, and ipayu}, to eat; in natural history, a term used by authors to express such insects or animals as feed on herbs, never eating the fiesh of any living creature. AZORES, or Western Islands, a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean, situated between the thirty-seventh and fortieth degrees of latitude, and about 800 miles from the western shore of Portugal. The name is said to have been given to them on their first discovery by the Portu- guese, from Acor, a falcon, on account of the numerous goshawks which they found there. Tiiey have also sometimes been called Terceras, from the principal island. The Azores still be- long to the crown of Portugal, and are considered as forming three separate clusters. St. Mary and St. Micliael lie at the eastern extremity ; the five islands of Tercera, Graciosa, St. George, Pico, and Fayal, form a central group ; while Corvo and I'lores are more detached, and lie farther north-west. The geographers of Arabia, in the middle ages, appear to have had some knowledge of these islands ; but they were not known to I'.uropeans till towards the middle of the fifteenth century, when V'ander Berg, a Flemish mercliiint, benig driven by^ contrary winds on these shores, and mtelligence of the event reach- ing the court of Lisbon, an expedition was fitted out to take possession of them. The Flemings look possession of Fayal, where traces of them are still visible. When Portugal became subject to the Spanish yoke in 1580, these islands fell under Spanish control till the duke of Braganza was raised to the throne in 1640. They were now for a long period much neglected by the home government ; but their situation being in')st salubrious, and highly favorable to commerce, they encreased and prospered spontaneously. Towns and cities were founded, and the popula- tion rose to between 200,000 and 300,000. The first Portuguese minister whose wisdom was directed to the fostering of these islands was Pombal ; ' he taught the Azoreans that they might become a people, and Portugal that she might cease to be a despot. During his mission, the islands were improved by his autho»:ity, adorned by his munificence, and extolled by his praise.' But the liberal administration of Pombal was succeeded by a sullen and bigoted ministry, com- posed of the most furious churchmen. A cabinet so formed, soon destroyed the foundations of the rising prosperity which had been laid during the former administration. The islands were inun- dated with bigoted ecclesiastics ; a circumstance which was attended by the destruction of com- merce, the extinction of arts and sciences, and the consequent introduction of indigence and barbarity. 'All the islands,' says a late his- torian, who had resided in the country, ' are under the religious dominion of a sordid and luxurious priesthood, and subject to the civil control of a licentious military power; to a government which condemns the country to a perpetual state of ignorance and sloth, and which confines the whole of its intercourse with the civilised world to the banks of the Tagus, or the port of Lisbon. For the last hundred and fifty years, the peaceable islanders have had to with- draw their eyes from the rest of the world, from every general public care, and fix them steadily and perpetually on the court of Portugal.' Such is, and such has long been the gloomy and miserable state of political degradation in which the Azores are sunk. The spirit of the people has been palsied by the arbitrary measures of the government; yet they are described by those who have been resident among them, as an honest race, who prefer peace to conquest, and who seek distinction in industry rather than in arms ; as ' an innocent people, who are as emi- nent in the humble vale of domestic life, as the hero in the stormy regions of blood and warfare.' Their whole happiness, however, consists in their domestic and personal comforts, for country they have none. They have no common principle of union ; no common bond of action ; they form a community not insensible to the ties ofkindred, but uncemented by national feeling ; a political blank in themselves, and comparatively useless to the parent state.' See History of the Azores, London, 1813. In 1391 these islands were, for twelve succes- sive days, shaken by violent concussions, and the Villa Franca entirely destroyed. A similar occurrence took place in 1757. There can AZO 333 Azr indeed be little doubt of their volcanic origin, and deep subterranean connexion with verj' active volcanoes. New islands have frequently been raised from the bottom of the sea, by the power of volcanic action. In 1720 one of these phenomena took place, on approaching which, the next day, an English captain observes, * vve made an island of fire and smoke ; the ashes fell on our deck like hail and snow, the fire and smoke roared like thunder Or great guns.' Another instance of this kind happened in 1811, near the western extremity of St. ^lichael, when flames were seen issuing from the sea, accompanied by volumes of smoke and showers of scoria and ashes. The rocks remained just below the surface, with the waves dashing vio- lently over them, and soundings of 80 fathoms, were found almost close to the new island. The presence of subterraneous fire is also indicated by its effect on numerous springs throughout the islands. Some of these are so hot, that they burn the hand. These have of late been con- siderably resorted to as warm baths, which they answer the more conveniently, as a cold spring is always at hand. In other places, boiling fountains rise to a considerable height, and dis- solve in vapor. The Azores are discovered from a great dis- tance, by a hish mountain called the Pico, or peak, bearing a strong resemblance to the peak of Tenerifle, and rising abont 7000 feet aliove the level of the ocean. Their whole appearance is mountainous, but many delightful and fertile valleys separate the rounded and conical hills, of of which the greater part of their surface is com- posed. The islands are subject to violent winds, and the fury of the waves is sometimes injurious to the low grounds near the sea. Wheat, bar- ley, Indian corn, and valuable woods are pro- duced ; but their chief produce is wine and fruits, both of whicli are exported in large quantities. The wine has some resemblance to Madeira, but is inferior in quality. The oranges are much esteemed. The best vmes are raised on the lofty sides of the Pico, from which wine is made, and exported through Fayal, by which name it is known. It is decidedly inferior to Madeira, but being 50 per cent, cheaper, obtains a considerable sale. Pico exports a fine species of wood, little in- ferior to mahogany. The trade was formerly cramped, by being carried on through the medium of Portugal ; but, since the emigration of the court, the inhabitants have begun to traffic di- rectly with England and America ; a circumstance that has much invigorated this commerce. Angra, the chief town of Terceras, •« the seat of uovernment : but Penta del Cada, or the city of St. Michael, is the largest town of the islands, and tlie seat of the bishop and principal eccle- siastical authorities. Azores is also the name of a small group of islands of the Atlantic, north of St. Domingo. AZORIUM, in old law Latm, azure. AZOTE; from a, privative, and ^aw, I live; a name given by the French chemists to a species of air which is destructive of animal life ; not fitted for res[iiration, it is also incapable of sup- porting combustion. It is said to form about foxir-fifths of our atmosphere ; but being there mixed with the remaining fifth of another air, having properties the reverse of its own, it be- comes suited to our existence. See Gas Ni- trogen. AZOTH, in ancient chemistry, the first matter of metals, or the mercury of a metal ; more par- ticularly that which alchemists call the mercury of philosophers which they pretended to draw from all sorts of metallic bodies. AzoTH is also a name given to the philosopher's stone. ^^ lien tlie Arabs began to study che- mistry, their metaphorical and hieroglyphical manner of writing seems to have given rise to a ])ractice of calling the means made use of for bringing metals to perfection, by the name of medicines, and imperfect metals by the name of sick men, and gold by that of a sound and lively person. Hence it was supposed, that these were to be understood literally, especially upon find- ing the impurities of the baser metals called by the name of leprosies; and hence rose the opinion, that the imperfect metals might be turned into gold, and the bodies of such men into sound ones, by the same preparation ! AzoTii, AzoTt s, or Asiidod, one of the five cities of the Philistines, and a celebrated sea-port on tiie Mediterranean, situated about fourteen or fifteen miles south of Ekron, between that and Ascalon. It was in this city that the idol Dagon fell down before the ark ; and so strong a place was it, if we may believe Herodotus, that it sus- tained a siege of twenty-nine years by Psammiti- cus king of Egj'pt. It was, however, taken by the Maccabees in a much shorter time ; who burnt both city and temple, and with them about 8000 men. The town is now called by the Arabs Hasaneyun. It is but thinly inhabited, though the situation is very pleasant. With regard to the houses, those that were built in the time of Chris- tianity, and whicli are now inhabited by Mahom- medans, still preserve some claim to admiration ; but the modern buildings, though generally of stone, have nothing in them which can attract the notice of a traveller. The streets are pretty broad, the inhabitants mostly Mahommedans, wiiha few christians of the Greek communion, who have a church under the jurisdiction of the archbishop of Gaza. The town is about a mile and a half in circumference ; and has in it a mosque, a public bath, a market-place, and two inns. The num- ber of the inhabitants is between iOOOand 3000. The most remarkable things in tl.is place are an old structure with fine marble pillars, which the inhabitants say was the house that Sampson pulled down ; and to the south-east, just out of the town, the water in which the Ethiopian eu- nuch was baptized by the evangelist Philip. There are several ancient buildings with capitals and pillars standing. AZPEYTIA, a "town of Spain, in the pro- vince of Biscay, canton of Guipuscoa, on the^ river Urola. To this place belongs the village ef Loyola, once the property of the celebrated father Ignatius Loyola, founder of the order of Jesuits. AZPLICUETA (Martin), surnamed Natarre, was born at \'erasoa, near Pampeluna, in Spain, in 1494. He was profes.sor of law in several uni- AZU 334 AZY versities, and died at Rome in ir)8G. His works were printed at Lyons, in G vols, folio, 1597. AZRAII-B1:N-AIIEN, a town of the Arabian Irak, situated on the river Tigris, fifteen miles N.N.W. of Korna. AZUA, a small town on the south side of the island of St. Domingo, seated on a deep bay. AZUBAil, the daughter of Shilhi and mother of king Jehoshaphat. AZUELA, a large river of South America, in the kingdom of Quito, which enters the-Ama- zons. AZUL, a river of Mexico, in the country of the Appaches, which enters the Gila. AzuL, Rio, or the Blue River, a river of North America, in California. AZUM, a port of Abyssinia on the Red Sea. AZ'URE, ^ Fr. azur ; Ital. azurro ; from the Az'uRED, > Arabic liuzul, tlie name of a stone Az'uuN. 3 brilliantly blue, but not transpa- rent; sky-colored blue. And on his shield enuclopcd seuenfold. He bore a crowned little crmilin. That deckt the azure field with her faire pouldred skin. Spenser's Faerie Qiieene, book iii. c. 2. By whose aid (Weak masters though ye be) I have bedimm'd The noon-tide sun, call'd forth the mutinous winds. And 'twixt the green sea and the asured vault Set roaring war. Sliakspeare. Tempest. His spear He walkt with, to support uncasie steps Over the burning marie, not like those steps On heaven's azure. Milton. Paradise Lost. By the rushy fringed bank. Where grows the willow, and the osier dank. My sliding chariot stays, Thick set with agate, and the asiirn sheen Of turkis blue, and emerald green. That in the channel strays. Id. Cormis, As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night. O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light ; When not a breath disturbs the deep serene. And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene : Around her throne the vivid planets r'oll. And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole. Pope. Homer's Iliad. How many bright And splendid lamps shine in heaven's temple high. Day hath his golden sun, her moon the night. Her fix'd and wand'ring stars the azure sky. Fairfax's Trans. Tasso's Jerus. Deliv. Azure Stone. Azure, among painters, which at present signifies a fine blue color resembling that of the sky, was formerly appropriated to lapis lazuli ; which is thus defined : Eustre glistening : fine grained, uneven fracture. It scratches glass, but scarcely strikes fire with steel. Opacjue, or translucent on the very edges. Easily broken. Specific gravity 2'83. In a very strong heat it intumesces, and melts into a yellowish black mass. After calcination it forms a jelly with acids. By a late and most interesting research of MM. Clement and Desormes, it appears to be composed of thirty-four silica, thirty-three alu- mina, three sulphur, and twenty-two soda. (Ann. de Chimie, torn. .')7.) In this analysis, however, a loss of eight per cent, was experienced. Tiiese chemists consider the above ingredients essential, and the 2'4 of lime, and r.'> of iron, which they have occasionally met with, as accidental. The best specimens are from China, Persia, and Great liucharia. They are made red-hot in the fire, and thrown into water to render them pul- verisable. They are then reduced to a fine pow- der, and intimately combined with a varnish, formed of resin, wax, and boiled linseed oil. This pasty mixture is put into a linen cloth, and repeatedly kneaded with hot water : the first wa- ter, which is usually dirty, is thrown away ; the second gives a blue of the first quality ; and the third yields one of less value. The process is founded on the property which the coloring matter of azure-stone has of adhering less firmly to the resinous cement, than the foreign matter with which it is associated. When azure-stone has its color altered by a moderate heat, it is reckoned bad. MM. Clement and Desormes consider the extraction of ultramarine as a spe- cies of saponification. Azure, in heraldry, the blue color in the arms of any person below the rank of a baron. In the escutcheon of a nobleman, it is called sap- phire ; and in that of a sovereign prince, Jupi- ter. In engraving, this color is expressed by lines or strokes drawn horizontally. M. Upton and his followers rank this color before gtdes. This color may signify justice, perseverance, and vigilance ; but according to G. Leigh, when it is compounded with "^ ['Cheerfulness. I s.' Vigilance. Readiness. Enterprise. Goodness. Mournfulness. Or Arg, Gul. ' Ver. f Pur. I Sab. J AZUREA, in entomology, a species of phry- ganea, with black wings, violet behind. Linn. The lower wings are obliquely violet. It inha- bits the north of Europe. Also, in zoology, a species of lacerta that inhabits Africa. AZU REUS, in entomology, a species of cara- bus, of an azure color, with red legs and anten- nae. It inhabits Leipsic. Fabricius. 2. A spe- cies of cimex, of a middle size ; dull green color ; and yellowish mouth and legs. Inhabiting Guinen. The abdomen is yellowish, with black dots in tiie middle. AZURIN, in ornithology, a name assigned by Buffon, Hist. Ois. to the species of turdus, since called specifically cyanurus by Gmelin. AZURITE, in mineralogy, a blue substance, which occurs principally in Styria. Its crystal- line form, as well as some other of its other cha- racters, distinguish it from lazulite, or, as it is more commonly termed, lapis lazuli, of which at its first discovery, it was regarded as a variety. AZYGOS, in anatomy, a vein rising within the thorax, on the right side, having no fellow on the left ; whence it is called a^vyog, or vena sine pari. See Anatomy. AZYMA, or Azymes; from a negative, and ^vjiti, ferment ; the feast of unleavened bread among the Jews. AZ YME. Gr. a'CvfwQ, without ferment ; a, the privative, and ?w/i»;, ferment. They had (they said, i. e. the translators of King James's Bible), on the one side, avoided the scrupu- losity of the puritaues, who left the old ecclesiastical B 335 BAA words and betook ihem to otlinr, as when they put washing for baptism, and conc;re<;at'on for churcli ; and on the other hand, had shunned the obscuritio of the papists in their asmes, lunikc, rational, liolo- causts, prepuce, pasche, and a number of such like, whereof their late translation was full, and that of pur|)()se to darken the sense, that since they must needs translate the Bible, yet by the language thereof it might be kept from being understood. Preface to King James's Bible. AzYME, or AzYMus, a terra much used in the controversies between the Greek and Roman churcii ; the latter of whom contend, that the bread in the mass ough.t to be azymus, unleaven- ed, in imitation of the paschal bread of the .lews, and of our Saviour, who instituted the sacra- ment on the day of the passover. In tlie council of Florence it was decreed, that the point lay at the discretion of the churcli ; and tliat either leavened or unleavened bread might be used. Tlie Lutheran church uses unleavened bread to this day ; and a respectable modern commenta- tor says : — ' If any respect should be paid to the primitive institution, in the celebration of this divine ordinance, then unleavened, unyeasted, bread should be used. In every sign or type, the thing signifying or pointing out that which is beyond itself, should either have certain pro- perties, or be accompanied with certain circum- stances, as expressive as possible, of the thing signified. Bread, simply considered in itself, may be an emblem apt enough of tlie body of our Lord Jesus, which was given for us; but the design of God was evidently that it should not only point out this, but also tiie disposition re- quired in those who should celebrate both the antetype and the type ; and this the apostle ex- plains to be sincerity and truth (1 Cor. v. 6 — 8), the reverse of malice and wickedness. The very taste of the bread was instructive ; it pointed out to every communicant, that he who came to the table of God with malice or ill-will against any soul of man, or with wickedness, a proiligate or sinful life, might expect to eat and drink judg- ment to himself, as not discerning that the Lord's body was sacrificed for tliis very purpose, tliat all sin might be destroyed, and that sincerity, f tXt/cpiwta, such purity as the clearest light can discern no stain in, might be diffused through the whole soul ; and that truth, the law of righteousness and true holiness, might regulate and guide all the actions of life'. — Dr. Adam Clarke on the Neiu Testament. AZYMITKS, in church history, christians who administer the eucharist with unleavened bread. This appellation is given to the Latin churcli by the Greek, because the members of the former use fermented bread in the celebra- tion of the eucharist. They also call the Armi- nians and Maronites by the same name, and for the same reason. AZYMOUS, something unfermented, or made without leaven, as unleavened bread. Sea bis- cuit is of this kind ; and therefore, according to Galen, less wholesome than bread that has been fermented. AZZALUM, in the ancient physiology, a spe- cies of iron, reputed the most excellent of all, supposed to have been brought from India, whence it was called Indicum ; but, In reality, according to some, brought from China, AZZ(J (Fortius), an Italian lawyer, was a na- tive of Bologna, where he was chosen professor of jurisprudence in 1190. He wrotn a work held in great estimation, entitled, A Summary of the Code and the Institutes. He died about 1220. B. B, the second letter of the English and most other alphabets. It is the first consonant, and first mute, and its pronunciation is supposed to resemble tlie bleating of a sheep. B is also one of those letters which the eastern grammarians call labial, because the principal oru^ans employed in its pronunciation are the lips. It is pronounced by pressing the whole length of them together, and forcing them open with a strong breath. It has a near affinity with the other labials P and V, and is often used for P, both by the Armenians and otiier Orientals, as in Bi'trus for Petrus, apsens for ahsens, Sec. ; and by the Romans for V, a.samabit for amavit, berna for vcrna As a numeral, B was used by the Creeks and Hebrews to denote 2 ; but among the Romans for 300, and with a dash over it (thus u ) for 3000. B, is also an abbreviation. See A.BiJRt:- VIATION. In music B stands for the tone abovn A ; as B'', or ''B, does for B flat, or the semitone major above. A B also stands for bass ; and B C for basso conthiuo, or thorougii bass. BA, a small sea-port town of Africa ou the Slave coast, where the Dutch have a factory. Ba, a river of Scotland, in Argylesbire. BAA-BA, V. n. ^ Lat. balo, to cry like a Baa. s. S sheep. The bleating of a sheep. Therefore thou art a sheep ; Such another proof would make me cry baa. Shakspeare. Baadsted, or Batsted, a sea-port town in the province of Schonen, Sweden, situated in a bay of the Cattegat, ten miles north of Enuelholm, sixteen south of Helmstadt. Long. 12° 45' E., lat. 56° 28' N. BAAGOE, two small islands in the Baltic be- longing to the crown of Denmark, the one lying "between the islands of Zealand, IMoen, and Pa!- BAA 336 BAA ^ter. Long. 12'' 3' E., kit. .54° oG' N. And the other in the Little Belt, Ion. 9° 49' E., lat. 55^ 19'. N. BAAL, ["jpn, Lord, Syr.] Bel, or Belus ; an idol of the Chaldeans, and Phoenician'?, or Canaanites. The former worshipped INIars un- der this name, according to Josephus : who, speakini? of Thurus, the successor of Ninus,says, ' To this iNIars, the Assyrians erected the first statue, and worshipped him as a god, calling him Baal.' It is probable from what is recorded, 2 Kings xxiii, 5, 11, that the Phoenicians wor- shipped the sun under the name of Baal. The temples consecrated to this god are called in scripture Chamanim, which signifies places en- closed with walls, in which was kept a perpetual fire. Maundrel, in his journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem, observed some traces of these enclo- sures in Syria. As the word baal, in the Punic language, signifies lord or master, it doubtless meant the supreme Deity, the Lord and Master of the universe. It is often joined with the name of some false god, as Baal-berith, Baal-peor, .Baal-zephon, &c. This deity passed from the Phoenicians to the Carthaginians, who were a colony of Phoenicians ; as appears from the Car- thaginian names, Hannibal, Asdrubal, &c. accord- ing to the custom of the east, where kings and great men added to their own names those of their gods. This deity is also frequently men- tioned in Scripture in the plural number, B;ia- lim : which may signify, either that the name Baal was given to several different gods ; or that there were many statues bearing different appel- lations, consecrated to this idol. Arnobius tells us, that Baal was of an uncertain sex ; and that tiis votaries, when they called upon him, invoked hi.Tfi thus ; ' Hear us, whether thou art a god or a goddess.' Some learned men think that the Baal of the Phoenicians is" the Saturn of the Greeks ; which is probable from the conformity there is between the human sacrifices offered to Saturn, and those which the scripture tells us were offer- ed to Baal. Others are of opinion, that Baal was the Phoenician, or Tyrian Hercules ; a god of great antiquity in Phoenicia. Baal. See Baalath-beer. BAALAH. 1. A city transferred from the tribe of Judah to the Simeonites. 2. The original name af Kirjath-jearim, in Judah. BAALATH, a city in the tribe of Dan. BAALATH-BEER, or Baal, a city of the Simeonites, on the south-west border. BAAL-BECK, or the X'alley of Baal, a fer- tile country of Asia, between Lebanon and Antilil)aiuis, about thirty miles from Damascus ; where there was formerly a magnificent temple of the sun, the ruins of which are still visible. Some geographers make it a part, and others the whole of Crelo Syria ; but all agree that it was one of the most pleasant spots on the earth. The ruins of the temple are still admired. See Balbec. BAAL'BEIUTH, the god of the Shechemites. Bochart conjectures that Berith is the same as Beroe, the daughter of Venus and Adonis, who was given in marriage to Bacchus ; and that she gave her name to the city of Berith, in Phoenicia, and became afterwards the goddess of it. Baal- berith signifies Lord of the covenant, and may be taken for the god who presides over alliances and oaths, in like manner as the Greeks had their ZtvaopKiog, and the Romans their Deus Fidius, or Jupiter Pistius. The idolatrous Israelites made Baal-berith their god. Judges viii. 33. BAAL-GAD, Bagad, or Begad, in ancient mythology, an idol of the Syrians, whose name was composed of baal, lord, and gad, chance or fortune ; the god of chance or fortune. After the god of thunder, the god of chance was one of the first worshipped bv mankind. BAAL-HAMON, a place where Solomon had a vineyard, and where probably he sacrificed to Baal, in his dotage, to please his idolatrous wives. BAAL-HANAN, the son of Achbor, and the seventh king of the Edomites. From his name it appears probable that the worship of Baal had at that early period taken place among the de- scendants of Esau. BAAL-HAZOR, a city near Ephraim, about eight miles north-east of Jerusalem, between • Bethel and Jericho. In this city Absalom held his treacherous festival for murdering his brother Amnon. BAAL-HERMON, a part of Mount Hermon. BAALIM, in antiquity, inferior deities among the Phoenicians. See Baal. BAALIS, a king of the Ammonites, who sent Ishmael, the son of Nethaniah, to murder the brave Gedaliah, the viceroy appointed by Nebu- chadnezzar over the remnant of the Jews, whom he had left in Jerusalem. (Jer. xi. 17.) For this he was justly punished by Nebuchadnezzar, who soon after invaded his country, and reduced it to a desert. BAAL-MEON, Beon, orBETiiBAAL-MEON, a city of Canaan, which was taken from the Amor- ites and given to the Reubenites. (Num. xxxii. 38.) It was afterwards taken by the Moabites, and at last destroyed by the Chaldeans. It had been rebuilt, however, for it was inhabited in the time of the Maccabees. BAAL-PEOR, Baal-phegor, or Bel-phe- GOR, an idol of the Moabites and Midianites. We are told, that Israel joined himself to Baal- peor, and that Solomon erected an altar to this idol upon the Mount of Olives. Baal-peor has been supposed a Priapus, and that the worship of him consisted in the most obscene practices. Others have thought that as Baal is a general name signifying Lord, Peor may be the name of some great prince deified after his death. Mede supposes, that Peor being the name of a moun- tain in the country of JNloab, on which the tem- ple of Baal was built, Baal-peor may be only another name of that deity, taken from the situ- ation of his temple; as Jupiter is styled Olym- pus, from his temjile built on Mount Olympus, Seiden, who is of this opinion, conjectures like- wise, that Baal-peor is the same with Piuto; which he grounds upon these words of the Psalmist, Psal. cvi. •• They joined themselves unto Baal-peor, and eat the offeringsof the dead;* though by the offerings of the dead, in this pas- sage, may be only meant sacrifices made to idols, who are very properly called the dead, in contra- distinction to tlie true, who is justly and em- phatically styled the living, God. BAAL-PERAZIM, a place in the valley of BAA 337 BAB Rpphaim, about three miles south-west of Jeru- salem, where David routed the Philistines. BAAL'S-BAY, and Baal's Riveh, a bay and river in West Greenland, situated between Bear's Sound and Delft's Point, opposite Hudson's Strait. BAAL-SHALISHA, a place belonging to Sa- maria, probably nearGilgal, the birth place of a prophet, whose name is not recorded, who, in a time of famine, miraculously fed 100 men with twenty barley loaves. See 2 Kings iv. 42, 44. BAA.L-TAMAR, a place near Gibeah, where the tribe of Benjamin was almost extirpated by the other eleven tribes. See Judg. xx. 33. BAALTIS, a goddess among the Phoenicians. Some suppose that she was the same with the Diana of the Greeks. BAAL-ZEBUB, Beel-zebuc, or BrxzEBtB, [DO^'^i'D, i.e. the lord of flies,] the idol, or god of the Ekronites In Scripture he is called the Prince of Devils. His name, the God-fly, some think was a mock appellation bestowed on him by the Jews. But this seems not very probable, as his worshipper, Ahaziah, called him by this ' name. Perhaps Beelzebub was characterised like the god Achor, who was worshipped at Cyreixe, as the preserver from flies. He had a famous temple and oracle at Ekron. Ahaziah, king of Israel, being dangerously hurt, sent to this deity to enquire if he should be cured. The Jews accuse our Saviour of driving out devils in the name of Betlzebub, their prince. Scaliger derives the name of this deity from Baalim-zebahim, which signifies the lord of sacrifices. BAAL-ZEPHON is mentioned in Exodus xiv. 2, as opposite to Pihahiroth, during the peregrinations of the Israelites in tlie wilderness ; but whether it was a fortified place, built to guard the frontier of Egypt, at the north point of the Red Sea, or an idol erected in that station, commentators are not agreed. Perhaps both parties may be right. An idol of Baal might be set up in the fort, which would naturally take its name from the deity. BaAN (John d'), a Dutch portrait painter, born iu 1633, and died in 1702. He resided some time in England, under the patronage of Charles II. His son James, who died in 1700, at the age of twenty-seven, was little inferior to his father in portrait painting, and superior to him in some other branches. BAANITES, the followers of one Baanes, who adopted and disseminated the ]\lanichean notions in the early part of the ninth century. BAAR, mountains in the duchy of Wirtem- burgh, which are a part of diat long range called Abenow, or Abnoba. BAARAS, Baiiaras, or Bacharas, an ex- traordinary kind of root, said to grow in the valley of Baaras, near Mount Lebanon, whence the name. By the account which Josephus gives, it seems to be a sort of vegetable phosphorus ; for he represents it as of a flame color, emitting rays of light in the night, and disappearing by day. BAARD, in old records, a transport ship. BAART (Peter;, a Dutch poet of the eighteentli century, author of 'Georgics,' descri- bing the rural pleasures and occuptaions of his Vol. III. countrymen, and of a poem entitled the 'Triton of Friesland.' BAASIIA H'^V^, Heb. i.e. pressing together, the son of Ahijali, and the third king of Israel, after its separation from Judah ; one of the many monarchs who have waded through blood to a throne. I Kings xv. and xvi. Ho died A. M. 3013, in the twenty-fourth year of his reign. BAAT, in the language of the Siamese, answer- ing ' to tical in that of the Chinese, denotes a weight and coin current in those kingdoms, and weighs about half an ounce. BABA, a town, district, and river of South America, in the province of Guayaquil, and kingdom of Quito. The district is twenty-two leagues in extent; it abounds in cacoa; and its population amounts to 4000 souls. Baba, an impostor, who appeared among the Turks in 1240. He maintained that there is but one God, and that he was his messenger. He drew considerable attention, and with a number of followers overran Natolia. His success, how- ever, was short-lived, for he was defeated, and his sect sunk into obscurity. BABA-DAGI, or Baba-tagh, see Babatagh. BABAHOYO, a town, district, and river of South America, in the province of Guayaquil, and kingdom of Quito, in lat. 1° 47' S. There is a custom-house and royal arsenal in the town, which is a great mart for trade. The district is extremely level and fertile, and abounds in cat- tle. Cotton, rice, soap, tobacco, cocoa, and fruits are the principal exports. BABANON, or Balbanox, a town of the kinu'dom of Cambodia, on the river Cambodia. Long. 105° 10' E. lat., 12° 17' N. BABA-TAGH, a large town in the district of Silistria, in European Turkey, situated between two mountains. It has a college, five mosques, and 10,000 inhaTsitants. Here have generally been the head quarters of the Grand \'izier's arrny in the wars between Turkey and Russia. Bayazid I. peopled it with a Tartarian colony, and its name (Saint's Hill) is derived from the tomb of Sari Saltic Bey, a celebrated Tartarian saint, buried on one of the neighbouring moun- tains. This mountain-pass was the Derfe (the neck) of the Greeks. Ptolemy places it in lat. 11°. BAB-BAIIA, one of t'ue richest districts of Abyssinia, according to Mr. Bruce, about twelve miles from the river Baha, and near the lake Tzana. This on the south, and Woggora on the north, arc the two granaries that supply the rest of the kingdom. It contains a number of small villages ; in which the queen and many of her relations have their houses and possessions. These are all surrounded with kolquall trees, as large in the trunk as those of the province of Tigrc, but less beautiful. BAB'BLE, V. & n. s.-\ Germ, babbeku ; Fr. Bab'ler, w. s. {bebiller. Probably re- Bab'blixg, a. & n. ^ceives its origin from Bab'blement. n. s. J the tower of Babel, when the confusion of tongues took place, and marks a superfluous and improper use of speech. To talk without reflection and without meaning, noisy repetition ; to betray secrets ; to talk much BAB 338 BAB with unintelligible rapidity. Babblinsj, amonijc banters, is wlicn the hounds are too busy after they .have found a good scent. It is used figura- tively to indicate mere senseless sounds. He told me meryly, yt logicke he reckoned but bab- lirwe musicke to serue for singers. Sir Thomas More's Works. John had conned over a catalogue of hard words ; these he used to 6a66/e indifferently in all companies. Arbtttfmot, The apostle had no sooner proposed it to the mas- ters at Athens, but he himself was ridiculed as a babbler. Rogers. This is mere moral babble. Milton. Deluded all this while with ragged notions and babblements, while the expected worthy and delightful knowledge. Id. With volleys of eternal babble And clamour more unanswerable. Hudibras. To stand up and babble to a crowd in an alehouse till silence is commanded by the stroke of a hammer, is as low an ambition as can taint the human mind. Hawkesworth. Utterers of secrets be from thence debarred Babblers of folly. Faerie Queene. We hold our time too precious, to be spent With such a babbler. Shakspeare. The babbling echo mocks the hounds. Id. The bubbling echo had descried his face. Addisan. There at the foot of yonder nodding beech. That wreathes its old fantastic root so high. His listless length at noontide would he stretch, And pore upon the brook that babbles by. Grai/. BA'BE, 71. s. -^ Welsh W/om; Dutch bab- B^ \Dti,n.i. '\ \\ eisW oa/mn ; Uutcn bab- ' side towards the streets stood the houses, all three or four stories in height, beautified with all manner of orna- ments : and the space within each of these squares was void, or taken up by gardens, &c. A branch of the Euphrates divided the city into two, running through the midst of it, from north to south, over which, in the middle of the citv, was a bridge, a furlong in length, or, as some say, no less than five furlongs, though but thirty feet broad. At eacli end of this bridge were two palaces ; the old palace on the east side, the new one on the west side of the river; the former of which took up four of the squares, and the latter nine. The temple of Belus, which stood next to the old palace, took up another of the squares. That part or half of the city on the east side of the river was the old town, and the other on the west was added by Nebuchad- nezzar ; both being included within the vast square bounded by the walls. It is supposed, that Nebuchadnezzar, who had destroyed the old seat of the Assyrian empire, Nineveh, proposed that this new one should rather exceed it ; and that it was in order to fill it with inhabitants that he transported such numbers of the captives from other countries hither. But notwithstanding his great conquests it was never wholly inha- bited ; for, Cyrus removing the seat of the empire soon after to Shushan, Babylon fell by degrees to decay. So far was it from being finished according to its original design, that, when Alexander came to Babylon, Q. Curtius tells us, ' no more than ninety furlongs of it were then built ;' which can only be understood of so much in length ; and, if we allow the breadth to be as much, no more than 8100 square furlongs were then built upon ; but the whole space within the walls contained 14,400 square furlongs ; and therefore there must have been 6300 square furlonss remaining unbuilt, which, Curtius tells us, were ploughed and sown. Be- sides this, the houses were not contiguous, but built with a void space on each side. The next great work of Nebuchadnezzar was the temple of Belus. Tlie wonderful tower, however, that stood in tlie middle of it, was not his work, but was built many ages before, being 342 BABYLON. tb.e famous tower of Babel, as is commonly sup- posed. This is said to iiave been composed of eight pyramidal ones raised above one another, and is stated by Herodotus to have been a fur- long in height ; but as there is an ambiguity in his expression, it has been disputed whether each of the towers, was a furlong in length, or the whole of them taken together. Even on the latter supposition, it must have exceeded the highest of the Egyptian pyramids by 179 feet, tliough it fell short of its breadth at the basis by thirty-three. The way to go up was by stairs on the outside round it ; whence it seems most likely that the whole ascent was, by the benching in, drawn by a sloping line from the bottom to the top eight times roimd it ; and that this made the ap- pearance of eight towers, one above the other. In these different compartments or stories were magnificent rooms, with arched roofs, supported by pillars, forming parts of the temple when the tower was consecrated, those of the uppermost story being thought most sacred. Over the entire top was an observatory. Diod. Sic. 1. ii. ; and Calisthenes, the philosopher who accom- panied Alexander in the conquest of Babylon, found astronomical observations which carried up the account as high as the 115th year after the flood, or B.C. 2334, and fifteen years from the building of the tower of Babel. Till the times of Nebuchadnezzar, it is thought that this tower constituted the whole of the temple of Belus; but he made great additions, by vast edifices round it, in a square of two furlongs on every side, and a mile in circumference; thus exceeding the square of the temple of Jerusalem by 1800 feet. On the outside of these buildings was a wall, which enclosed the whole ; and, from the regularity witli which the city was marked out, it is supposed, that this wall was equal to die square wherein it stood, and so is concluded to have been two miles and an half in circum- ference. In this wall were several gates leading into the temple, all of solid brass. In the temple were several images of massy gold, one of them forty feet in height. The whole weight of its statues and decorations, according to DiodorusSi- culus, amounted to above 5000 talents in gold, above twenty-one millions of our money : an equal sum in treasure, utensils, and ornaments, not mentioned, is allowed for. Next to this temple, on the east side of the river, stood the old palace of the kings of Baby- lon, which was four miles in circumference, and exactly opposite to it, on the other side of the river, was the new one built by Nebuchadnezzar, eight miles in circumference. The tower or temple stood till the time of Xerxes. But that prince, on 4iis return from the Grecian expe- dition, having first plundered it of its immense wealth, demolished the whole, and laid it in ruins. Alexander, on his return to Babylon from his Indian expedition, proposed to rebuild it, and make it the seat of his em])ire, and even employed 10,000 men to clear away the rubbish. But his death happening soon after, a stop was put to all further proceedings in that design. Nothing was more wonderful at Babylon than the hanging gardens, which Nebuchadnezzar made in compliment to his wife Amyitis ; who being a Mede, and retaining a strong inclination for the mountains and forests of her own country, was desirous of having something like them at Babylon. They are said to have contained a square of four plethra, or 400 feet, on each side ; and to have consisted of terraces one above another, carried up to the height of the wall of the city, the ascent from terrace to terrace being by steps ten feet wide. The whole pile con- sisted of substantial arches upon arclies, and was strengthened by a wall surrounding it on every side, twenty-two feet thick. The floors on each of tiiem were laid in this order : first, on the tops of the arches was a pavement of stones sixteen feet long, and four feet broad ; over this a layer of reeds, mixed with a great quantity of bitumen; over this were two courses of brick, closely cemented together with plaster ; and over all tliese thick sheets of lead, and on these the earth or mould of the garden. Upon the uppermost of these terraces was a reservoir, supplied with water from the river. The other works attributed to Nebuchadnezzar by Bcrosus and Abydenus, were the banks of the river, the artificial canals, and the great artificial lake said to have been sunk by Semiramis. The canals were cut out on the east side of the Euphrates, to convey its waters, when i^ overflowed its banks, into the Tigris, before they reached Baby- lon. The lake was on the west side of Babylon; and, according to the lowest computation, forty miles square, 160 in compass, and in depth tliirty- five feet, as Herodotus, or seventy-five, as Megas- thenes will have it ; the former, perhaps, mea- sured from the surface of the sides, and the latter from the tops of the banks that were cast up upon them. This lake was dug to receive the waters of the river, while the banks were building on each side of it. But both the lake, and the canal which led to it, were preserved after that work was completed, being found of great use, not only to prevent all overflowings, but to keep water all the year, as a common reservoir, to be let out, on proper occasions, by sluices, for the improvement of the land. The banks were built of brick and bitumen, on both sides of the river, to keep it within its channel ; and extended on each side throughout the whole length of the city, and even farther, according to some writers. Within the city tliey were built from the bottom of the river, and of the same thickness with the walls of the city itself. Opposite to each street, on either side of the river, was a brazen gate in the wall, with stairs leading down from it to the river: these gates were open by day, and shut by night. Berosus, Megasthenes, and Abydenus, attribute all these works to Nebuchadnezzar ; but Herodotus tells us, the bridge, the banks, and the lake, were the work of t!ie queen Nito- cris already alluded to, who may have finished what Nebuchadnezzar left imperfect. Such is the description ancient historians give of this city ; which, if the accounts are not exaggerated, must have exceeded every specimen of human grandeur that has yet appeared. Many of the moderns, however, are of opinion that these des- criptions are exaggerated ; although it is certain that few otlier arguments can be brought against BABYLON. 343 the reality of them, than t!lat■^^e do not now see similar designs executed. The taking of Babylon by Cyrus, as prophe- cied in the scriptures, forms one of tlie most striking and important events in the variable ( p^ge of ancient history. War liad commenced between the Medes and Persians, and Babylo- nians, in the reign of Neriglissar, and had been carried on with very bad success on the side of the last named people. Cyrus, who commanded tlie Median and Persian army, having subdued the several nations inhabiting the great continent from the ^Tigean sea to the Euphrates, bent his march towards Babylon. Nabonadius, hearing of it, immediately advanced against him. In the engagement wliich ensued, the Babylonians were defeated ; and the king, retreating to his metro- polis, was blocked up and closely besieged by Cyrus. But the reduction of the city was no com- mon enterprise. Its walls and towers were well manned, and the place stored with all provisions for twenty years. Cyrus, despairing of being able to take it by storm, caused a line of circum- vallation to be drawn quite round it, with a large and deep ditch; reckoning, that if all communi- cation with the country were cut oft', the besieged would be obliged to surrender through famine. That his troops might not be too much fatigued, he divided his army into twelve bodies, appoint- ing each body its month to guard the trenches; but the besieged, looking upon themselves to be out of danger, insulted him from the ramparts, and despised all his efforts. Cyrus having spent two whole years before Babylon, without making any progress in the siege, at last thought of tlie following stratagem, which put him in possession of it. He was informed that a great annual solemnity was to be held at Babylon; and that the inhabitants on that occasion were accustomed to spend the whole night in revelry. On this nigiit he accordingly sent a strong detachment to the head of the canal leading to the great lake, ■with orders at a certain time, to break down the bank whicli was between the lake and tlie canal, and to turn the whole current into the lake. At the same time he appointed one body of troops at the place where the river entered the city, and another where it came out; ordering them to march in by the bed of the river as soon as they should find it fordable. Towards the even- ing he open-ed the head of the trenches on both sides of the river above the city, that the water might discharge itself into them ; by which means, and the breaking down of the great dam, the river was soon drained. Then the two bodies of troops entered the channel; the one commanded by Gobryas and the other by Gadates: and finding the gates left open, they penetrated into the heart of the city without opposition. Those who were in the palace opening the gates to know the cause of this confusion, the Persians rushed in, took the palace, and killed the king as became out to meet them. Cyrus took possession of Babylon, in the name of his uncle Cyaxares II. called in scripture Darius the Mede : A. M. 3468. The manner in which this city was taken is remarkable, from its coincidence with the pro- phecy of that event in Isa. xlv. 1,2. ' The two-leaved gates' were literally oi)ened before him, and the gates were 'not to be shut,' &c. On these prophecies, see bishop Newton, bishop Lowth on Isaiah, &c. With Babylon fell the empire of Babylonia, aecording to the striking language written on the wall of the palace the same night in which the city was taken, and interpreted by the prophet Daniel ; ' Mene, God hath numbered thy king- dom and finished it.' See Dan. ch. v. The history of the ruins of this great city is all which we have now to present to the reader. An insurrection, under Darius Ilystaspes, B.C. 500, provoked that prince to overthrow the walls and gates which had been left by Cyrus. We also learn from a fragment of Diodorus Siculus, produced by Valesius, and from him quoted by Vitringa, Comment, in Jesaiam, ch. xiii. vol. 1, p. 421, that one of the kings of Paithia sent many of the Babylonians, under the most trivial pretences, into slavery; burnt the forum, together with some of the temples; and demolished the best parts of the city, B. C. 130 years. Diodo- rus Siculus, 1. ii. asserts, that in his time, B.C. 44, only a small part of it was inhabited, and that the greater part of the space within the ancient walls was tilled. Strabo, who wrote fourteen years after him, in his 1. xvi. p. 1073, applies to Babylon what a comic poet, said of jMegalpolis in Arcadia : ' The great city is now become a great desert,' Pliny, H. N. 1. 6. ch. XXX., published A. D. 66, affirms that it was reduced to solitude by the neighbourhood of Seleucia. Pausanias, A. D. 153, says, Arcad. ch. xxxiii. p. 668. ed. Kuhuii, 'that of Babylon, the greatest city the sun ever saw, nothing re- mained but the walls.' Maximus Tyrius, Diss. 6., and Lucian, Exiov, sine Contemplantes, mention it as a neglected place; the latter inti- mating that in a little time it would be sought for and not be found, like Nineveh. Eusebius has preserved an oration of Constantine the great, in which that emperor states, that he himself was upon the spot, and beheld the desolate and miserable condition of the city. St. Jerome in- forms us, tliat about the close of the fourth cen- tury, it was converted in'o a chase to keep wild beasts in, for the diversion of the Persian kings, that all was in the utmost state of desolation, except the brick walls, which were occasionally repaired to prevent the animals from escaping; a circumstance which literally fulfilled the pro- phecy of Isaiah xiii. 21. Ilieron, Comment, on Isa. ch. xiii. ch. xiv. vol. 3. p. 111. 115. ed. Benedict. Benjamin of Teudela, who lived in the twelfth century, affirms, Itin. p. 66, that some ruins were still to be seen of Nebuchadnezzar's palace, into which travellers were afraid to enter on account of the serpents and scorpions that inhabited the interior. Texeira, a Portuguese, is cited by Bochart, and Prideaux, as giving a simi- lar account of tiiis place; various other travellers have further confirmed them. Tavernicr says, that at the division of the Tigris, a short dis- tance from Bagdad, is tiie foundation of a city wliich, from its appearance, may have been a league in compass; of which some of the wallj yet standing occupy sufficient breadth to allow six coaches to pass upon them abreast, and are com- posed of burnt bricks ten feet square and tluee 844 BABYLONIA. feet thick. This place is represented by the chronicles of the country as tlie seat of ancient Babylon, llanway says, Trav. vol. 4. pt. 3. ch. XX. p. 78, that tiie ruins of Babylon lie fifteen leagues south of Bagdad, and are now so much effiiced by time, that scarcely any vestiges of them remain to point out the original situation of the city. Niebuhr, who lived in the eighteenth century, gave a description which has thrown a light upon the question respecting the original site of Babylon. But the most complete and satisfactory account is given by ]\Ir. Rich, who resided for some time at the court of the Pasha of Bagdad, on the part of the East India Com- pany, and possessed greater advantages for such an inquiry than any of his predecessors. He expected, he says, to have found on the site of Babylon both more and less than he actually met with; more, because he supposed he should have been able to have identified some of the ancient buildings, which was quite impossible ; ' less because he could form no conception of the pro- digious extent of the whole mass of ruins, their size, solidity, and the perfect state of some of their parts.' The traces of the city begin to show themselves near Mohaeril, a khan or inn, nine mi'es from Hillah, and nearly thirteen leagues south of Bag- dad ; the whole country round exhibiting here and there, detached masses of bricks and bitu- men. Three mounds attract particular attention by reason of their extraordinary magnitude. Hillah, in lat. 32° 28' N., stands east of the Eupnrates, and on that side also, with the excep- tion of two small elevations, and one very con- siderable ruin, are all the remains of any anti- quity. Two miles above Hillah commences a mound or enclosure of circular appearance, thought to have been the ancient boundary wall. It 'ncludes an area of two miles and a half one way, and one mile and one third the other. On the east side two straight dykes or walls of earth run from north to south, parallel with the Euphrates, and forming, together with the river and the ends of the enclosure above-mentioned, an oblong area, containing three principal mounds of rubbish, which rise more than 100 feet above the level of the river. The largest mass of these ruins, called by the Arabs Makallebah, pro- nounced by the natives Majellibeh, in English subverted, is what llennell and Petro della \ alle thought to be the tower ^f Belus. The figure is oblong, and the sides which face the cardinal points measure as follows : the northern side 200 yards, the southern 219, the western 136, and the eastern 192; the highest elevation is 141 feet. On the south-east angle appeared something like a turret, and in the rubbish were found whole bricks, having on them inscriptions in Cuneatic CHARACTERS, for whicli see. The next important ruin is called by the Arabs El Kair, the castle, a mile to the south of the for- mer; consisting of walls and piers, eight feet in thickness, facing, like the former, the cardinal points. It is adorne-d with buttresses, pilasters, and niches of fine burnt brick, laid in lime mor- tar of extraordinary tenacity. Beneath this building are subterranean caverns and passages, which are still unexplored. In the neighbour- hood is an atheleh, tamarix articuluta, considered by the natives to have been coeval with the city. Mr. Rich also found another curious ruin, west of the river, and about six miles south-west of Hillah, which he coincides with Niebuhr Reisse, ii. 289, in considering as the celebrated tower of Belus ; especially as the Arabs call it Birs Nem- riid, the tower of Nimrod. (The word birs, which embarrassed ]\Ir. Rich, being nothing else than the Persian word borz, as Gesenius has justlj expressed it.) Tiiis celebrated remain, which the Jews denominate the prison of Nebu- chadnezzar, forms a mound of fine burnt bricks, with inscriptions on them ; it is of oblong figure, 762 yards in circumference, and on the east side about sixty feet in height ; but rises on the west in a conical form to the height of 198 feet, the base occupying a breadth of 28. No works of art yet discovered in these ruins have been thought beautiful ; but bricks and gems, with inscriptions and sculptures similar to those brought from Persepolis, evince the early connexion between the Babylonian and Persian empires. The inscriptions on the lower side of the bricks were buried in a substratum of mortar, and not designed to be seen or read; whence it has been inferred, that tliey are charms or ma- gical formulae to protect the building from the attack of demons and evil spirits. For a further illustration of this subject we refer the reader to Gesenius, in Ersch's Encyclo.; Rich's Memoir on the Ruins of Babylon, 1818; JNIaurice's Ob- servations on ditto, 1816; and tlie numerous other works already quoted. BABYLONIA. BABYLONIA, or Ciialdea, a renowned kingdom of Asia, said to have been the most ancient in the world, lying between thirty and thirty-five degrees of north latitude, and bounded, according to Ptolemy, on the north by Mesopo- tamia, on the east by the Tigris, on the west by Arabia Deserta, and on the south by the Persian Gulf and part of Arabia Felix. Babylonia was founded by Nimrod, the grandson of Ham, who is also said to have built Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria. \ arious have been the con- jectures of the learned respecting these two king- doms ; some supposing them to have been the same, others imagining that Babylonia was an early province of Assyria, although it is plain from the best authorities, tiiat they remained perfectly distinct till the time of Ninus ; who having conquered the former, reduced it to a tributary depeiidance upon the latter; in which state it continued till the efl'eminale reign of Sardanapalus ; as did also iSIedia, Persia, Egypt, and other kingdoms. At length Arbaces, gover- nor of Media, taking advantage of that monarch's indolence, threw ofl'his allegiance by the advice BABYLONIA. 34; of Belesis, a Chaldean priest ; the Babylonians followed the example, and with the assistance of the I'ersians, and other allies to v67 — 437. RoUin's Anc. Hist. vol. ii. p. 1 — 153. In the early ages of the world. Babylonia was known by the names of Shivar, or Shivaar, which appellation it seems to have retained in the time of Daniel. In the days of Abraham, a king of Shivar is mentioned called Amraphel, who under Chedarlaomer, king of Elam, or I'ersia, made war upon the Canaanites. The name of Baby- lon is supposed to have been derived from the tower of Babel, and that of Chaldaea from Chal- daeans or Chasdim. .Joseph ^Vnt. 1. i. c. 7. These names were not synonymous : Babylonia, properly intending the country name immediately in the neighbourhood of Babylon, and Chaldaea, the territory lying south of the former, and reach- ing downward as far as the Persian gulf. Both nevertheless are commonly employed as general names of the whole empire, and in that sense are taken indifferently for each other, Chaldaea being the name used in Scripture, and Babylonia the most common in profane authors. Diodor. Sic. I. ii. c. 11, 12. Strain), 1. xvi. sub. ivit. Tlie chief cities of Babylonia were Babylon, Vologsia or \'ologesocerta, built by Vologesis, king of the Parthians, on the Euphrates, about the time of \'espasian ; Barsita, thought to be the Borsippa of Strabo, sacred to Diana and Apollo, and called Borisippeni, from its being the habi- tation of a certain sect of the Chaldsans ; Idic- cara, on the Euphrates and the borders of Arabia Deserta; Coche, in die island of ilesene, formed by the Tisris, Saura, and Pombeditha, of which the situation is very uncertain. The air of this country was for the most part salubrious and temperate, though occasionally subject to hot pestilential winds. The rains according to Herodotus, were seldom, the defi- ciency of which the inhabitants supplied, by inventing wheels and engines for watering the land, and also by cutting numerous canals by which the waters of the Euphrates and Tigris were carried in different directions, and diffused over the whole surface of the empire. The southern parts of Babylonia between the rivers, have been compared to the Delta of Eacchanalia, so called from one of Bac- chus'snames (see Bacchus;, celebrated in the city about spring time ; and Bacchanalia LeN;Ea, or Minora, the lesser festival, celebrated in the open fields about autumn. Bacchanalia signify also pictures, or basso relievos, whereon the feast is represented con- sisting chiefly of dancing, nudities, and the like. There are antique Bacchanals, still seen on seve- ral ancient friezes. Those painted by Poussin are excellent. BACCHANTES, priestesses to Bacciius. BACCIIARACH Wim:, an excellent kind of wine, by many mistaken for Rhenish ; but from which Portzius observes it differs in color, taste, flavor and strength. See Baccarach. BACCHARIS, in botany, Ploughman's Spike- nard: a genus of the polygamia superttua order, and synger.esia class of plants ; ranking in the natural method under the forty-ninth order, com- posite discoides. The characters are : a naked receptacle, and hairy pappus ; with a cylindrical imbricated calyx, and feminine florets mixed with the hermaphrodites. There are seven species, all natives of warm climates ; of which the two following chiefly meritnotice. 1. B. Halimifolia, or Virginia groundsel tree, a native of Virginia and other parts of North America. It grows about seven or eight feet high, with a crooked slirubbery stem ; and flowers in October. 2. B. B A C C II U S. 349 Ivsefolia, or African tree groundsel, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, as well as of Peru and other warm parts of America. Baccharis, in pharmacy, a sweet ointment used among the ancients, so called perhaps from the above plant being a principal ingredient in it. BACCHI, in fabulous history, a kind of ma- chines in the form of goats, said to have been used by Jupiter in his wars against the giants. Iludbeck describes two kinds of Bacchi, one made like the battering ram, wherewith Jupiter demolished the enemy's fortifications ; the other contrived to cast fire, from whence the Greeks are conjectured to have framed their idea of the chimera. BACCHIC, something relating; to the ceremo- nies of Bacchus. The celebrated intaglio, called Michael Angelo's ring, is a representation of a Bacchic feast. Bacchic Song is sometimes used for achansor a boire, or composition to inspire jollity. But in a more proper sense, it is restrained to a dithy- rambic ode or hymn. BACCIITCA, in botany, Hedera, or i\-y. BACCHINI Benedict;, a learned monk of the seventeenth century, was a native of Parma, and entered at the age of sixteen into the Bene- dictine monastery of 3Iount Cassino. He after- wards travelled as secretary to the abbot of Fer- rara. At length he settled at Parma, and esta- blished a periodical journal, which he conducted for some years with learning and success : but his criticisms created enemies, who procured his banishment. He retreated to Modena, and re- sumed his journal under the patronage of the duke of ^lodena. He was also historiographer and librarian to the duke. He subsequently be- came abbot of a Benedictine monastery, and was also chosen professor of ecclesiastical history at Bologna, where h^ died in 1721, aged seventy. Bacchini was one of the most learned men of his time. His literary journal extends to nine vols. 4to. ; besides which, he published De Sistroruin Figuris ac Differentia, Bononix, 1691, 4to. ; De EcclesiasticEe Hierarchise Originibus, Mo- denae, 1703, &c. Sec. BACCHIS, or Balus, king of Corinth, suc- ceeded his father Pruinnides, and reigned with such moderation and equity, that to commemo- rate him his successors were called Bacchidae. The Bacchidoe afterwards becoming numerous, they chose one as president, with regal authority. This institution was, however, overturned by Cypselus making himself absolute. BACCHIUS, a follower of Aristoxenus, sup- posed by Fabricius to have been tutor to the emperor Marcus Antonius, and consequently to have lived about A. D. 140. He wrote in Greek a short introduction to music in dialogue, which Meibomiushas published with a Latin Translation. Bacciiius, in ancient poetry, a foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones ; as egestas. It takes its name from the god Bacchus, because it frequently entered into the hymns composed in his honor. The Romans called it likewise xno- trius, tripodius, and saltans ; and the Greeks T\apiafij3og- Baccuius and Bmius, two renowned gladia- tors of equal age and strength ; whence the pro- verb, expressive of equality, Bithus contra Bac- chium. BACCHUS, in heathen mythology, the god of wine. He is seldom named in modern times, but as a sensual encourager of feast and jollity : he was regarded in a more respectable light by the ancients, who worshipped him in different countries under the appellations : in Egypt, of Osiris; in Mysia, Fanaces; in India, Dionysius; Liber, throughout the Roman dominions ; Ado- neus, in Arabia; and Pentheus, in Lucania. Mythologists furnish reasons for all these diffe- rent names. The Greeks and the Romans ascribed to the Bacchus whom they worshipped, the several actions and attributes of the many divi- nities known by that name, and by other equiva- lent denominations in different countries. How- ever, antiquity chiefly distinguished two gods under the title of Bacchus ; the one of Egypt, the other of Thebes in Bceolia. The Bacchus of Egypt was the son of Ammon, and considered as the same with Osiris. He was brought up at Nysa, a city of Arabia Felix, whence he acquired the name of Dionysius, or the god of Nysa ; and was the conqueror of India. This Bacchus was one of the elder gods of Egypt, although, according to Sir Isaac Newton, he flourished but one generation before the Argo- nautic expedition. Bacchus, says Ilermippus, was potent at sea, conquered eastward as far as India, returned in triumph, brought his army over the Hellespont, conquered Thrace, and left music, poetry, and dancing there. Bacchts of Thebes was the son of Jupiter by Semele, the daughter of Cadmus, and ranked as the youngest of the Grecian deities. Diodorus Siclilus tells us, that Orpheus first deified the son of Semele by the name of Bacchus, and ap- pointed his ceremonies in Greece, to render the family of Cadmus, the grandfather of the Cireciaa Bacchus, illustrious. According to this author, it was the son of Semele who invented farces and theatres, and wlio first established a musical school, excepting from all military functions such musicians as discovered great abilities in their art : on which account, says the same author, musicians formed into companies have since fre- quently enjoyed great privile(;es. Pausanias, in his Attics, speaks of a place at Athens conse- crated to Bacchus the singer : whence it should seem that Bacchus was regarded by the Athenians not only as the god of wine, but of song ; and it must be owned, that his followers, in their cups, have not been uninclined to pay him service in this way. Indeed it is clear, that in none of the origies, processions, and festivals, instituted by the ancients to the honor of this prince of bons- vivans, music was forgotten. We find not only that musicians, male and female, regaled him with the lyre, the flute and the sonp ; but that he was accompanied by fawns and satyrs, play- ing upon timbrils, cymbals, bag-pipes, and horns; these Suidas calls his minstrels, and Strabo gives them the appellation of Bacchi, Sileni, Satyri, Bacchse, Lena?, Thyse, &c. These representa- tions have furnished subjects for the finest remains of ancient sculpture ; and the most voluptuous passages of ancient poetry are de- scriptions of the orgies and festivals of Bacchu?. BAG 350 BAG Bacchus, is represented on medals in tlie form where he stands under the shadow of a vine- of a boy or youth, an old man, or a female, as in brancli, near an altar, at which the emperor ligs. 1, 2, 3 ; he is mostly naked, as in fi;,'. 4, Commodus is offering him divine honors. Fig. 1. rig. 2. Fie. 3. Fig. 4 Bacchus, in entomology, a large species of scarabtEus, that inhabits the Cape of Good Hope. 2. A species of curculio. 3. A species of monoculus. Bacchus, in ichthyologry, a name given by some to the myxon, a fish of the mullet kind, remarkable for the red color of its lips, and the extremity of the covering of the gills. See MUGIL. BACCHUS-BOLE. See Botany. BACCHYLIDES, a famous Greek poet, the nephew of Simonides, and the contemporary and rival of Pindar. Both sung the victories of Hiero at the public games. Besides ;Odes to athletic victors, he was the author of love verses, prosodies, dithyrambics, hymns, paeans, par- thenia, or songs to be sung by a chorus of virgins at festivals, &c. The chronology of Eusebius places the birth of Bacchylides in the eighty-second Olympiad, about A. A. C. 450. 'BACCI'FEROUS. See Botany. BACCINA, or Baccinlm, a basin to hold water to wash the hands, The holding the basin, or waiting at the basin, on the day of the king's coronation, was an ancient tenure in ser- jeantry. BACCIO (Francisco Bartolomeo, or Barte- lemi di S. Marco), a celebrated history and por- trait painter, was born atSavignano near Florence, in 1469, and was a disciple of Roselli ; but his principal knowledge in the art was derived from Da Vinci. He understood the true principles of design better than most masters of his time, and was also a considerable painter of perspective. Raphael, after he had quitted the school of Pe- rugino, studied the art of uniting colors under him, as well as the rules of perspective. Some years after the departure of Raphael, Baccio visited Rome ; and by the observations he made on the antiquities and the works of Raphael, which, by that time, were universally admired, he improved much, and manifested liis abilities by a ]jicture of St. Sebastian, which he finished at his return to Florence. This was so well de- signed, so naturally colored, and had so strong an expression of agony, that it was removed from the convent- where it was exhibited, as it had made too strong an impression on the imagina- tions of many women. He is accounted tlie first inventor of the machine called a layman by the artists, and which is still in general use. Upon that he placed his draperies, to observe, with great exactness, their natural and their most elegant folds. A capital picture of the ascen- sion, by Baccio, is in the Florentine collection. He died in 1.517. Baccio, or Baccius (Andrew), a celebrated physician of the sixteenth century, born at St. Elpideo. He practised physic at Rome with great reputation, and was first physician to pope Sixtus W The most scarce and most valuable of his works are, 1. De Thermis. 2. De Natu- rali Vinorum Historia. 3. De Venenis et An- tidotis. 4. De Gemmis ac Lapidibus pretiosis. BACCI'V^OROUS, adj. From 6acca, a berry, and voro, to devour, Lat. Devouring berries. BACCOFOE, in botany, a fruit like tlie banana, very common in Guinea, but whiter, thicker and shorter. The taste and smell are agreeable ; and some pretend that on cutting it through transversely, there is the figure of a cru- cifix on each side of it. Phil. Trans. No. 108. BACCULL See Bacilli. BACH, a town of Lower Hungary, in the county of Tolu, seated on the Danube. Bach fJohn Sebastian), a celebrated musician, born at Eisnach in Germany in 1685. He was patronised by the duke of Saxe Weimer, who appointed him his musician in 1708; and at Dresden he gained a victory over a famous French organist, whose vanity led him to chal- lenge all the German musicians. As an organist, he was thought equal to Handel, and the excel- lence of his compositions testify him to have been among the foremost in the science. He died in 17.54. Bach (Charles and John), sons of the above, were both very eminent as performers and composers of music. Charles lived at Ham- burgh in 1773, and John was in England in 1763. BACHA, a river of Asiatic Russia, which joins the Jenesei on the right. Bacha, in ornithology, a species ot falco, figured in the fifteenth plate of Le \'aillant's work on the birds of Africa. It is about the size of the common buzzard, and naturally belongs to that tribe of rapacious birds. BACHAUjNIONT (Francois le Coigneux de), a French poet. He was counsellor to the par- liament, but his love of ease and pleasure made him give up his post and renounce his profes- sion. Contracting an intimacy with Chapelle, he was joined with him in writing A Journey to Rlontpelier, in which there is much vivacity dis- played ; besides which he wrote several other works, in a humorous style. He died at Paris in 1702, aged seventy-eight. Bacha I'MONT (Louis-Petit), a French writer, born at Paris, was author of Secret Memoirs towards a History of the Republic of Letters in France, thirty-six volumes, 12mo. and other works. He died in 1771. BACHELORS. 351 BACHELIER (Nicholas), an eminent French sculptor and architect. He was a pupil of Mi- chael Angelo, and ornamented the churches of Toulouse, his native city. lie died about 1.554. BACU'ELOR, 71. s. ) This is a word of B.\CH'f.L0KSHii', n. s. S very uncertain etymo- logy ; it not being well known what was its ori- ginal sense. Junius derives it from fydKijXog, a man of full stature but of effeminate and imma- ture mind ; Menage, from bus chevalier, a knight of the lowest rank ; Spelman, from baculus, a staff; Cajas, from buccclla, an allowance of pro- vision. The most probable derivation seems to be, from bacca laurus, the berry of a laurel or bay ; bachelors, being young, are of good hopes, like laurels in the berry. Dr. Lawrence ob- serves, that JMenage's etymology is much con- firmed by the practice in our universities of call- ing a baclielor. Sir. In Latin, baccalaureus. The former of these words describes the person ; the lattPr his condition. The more common ac- ceptation is a man unmarried. Its secondary meaning is one who takes his first degree at the university in any profession ; and its last and now obsolete sense, is a knight of the lowest order. Shall I never see a bachelor of threescore again? Shakspeare. When I said I would die a bachelor, I did not think I should live till I were married. Id. Her mother, living yet, can testify. She was ths first fruit of my bachelorship. Id. But he told the latter, that is to say, Mr. Spectator, he told the bacfielors that their lives and actions had been so peculiar that he knew not by what name to call them. Spectator. Being a boy, new bachelor of arts, I chanced to speak against the pope. Aschatn. I appear before your honour, in behalf of Martinus ■Scriblerus, bachelor of physic. Mart. Scriblerus. B.\CHEL0R, in ancient times, was a denomina- tion given to those who had attained to knight- hood, but had not a number of vassals sufficient to have their banner carried before them in the field of battle ; or if they were of the order of bannerets were not of age to display their own banner, but obliged to march to battle under another's banner. It was also a title given to young cavaliers who, having made their first campaign, received the military girdle accord- ingly. And it served to denominate him that had overcome another in a tournament the first time he ever engaged. B.vcHELOR, in the six companies of merchants at Paris, was a name given before the Revolu- tion to the elders, and such as, having served the offices, had a right to be called by the mas- ters and wardens to be present with them, and assist them in their functions. Bachelors, in the livery companies of Lon- don, are those who are not yet admitted to the livery. These companies generally consist of a master, two wardens, the livery, and the bache- lors, who are yet but in expectation of dignity in the company, and have their functions only in attendance on the master and wardens. They are also called yeomen. Bachelors, in the university sense, are per- sons who have attained to the baccalaureats, or first degree in arts, divinity, law, or plivsic. This degree in some universities has no exist- ence. It was first introduced in the thirteenth century by pope Gregory IX. The following regulations are observed respecting it in Oxford and Cambridge : In the university of Cam- bridge, a bachelor of arts must reside the greater part of twelve several terms, the first and last excepted. The statutable exercises before ad- mission, ad respondendum qua;stioni (a form in which the father of the college asks each student a question before his graduation), are two acts and two opponencies. A bachelor of divinity must be a master of arts of seven years standing : his exercises are, one act, after the fourth year, two opponencies, a concio ad clerum, and an Eng- lish sermon. The ten-year men, who are candi- dates for this degree, are tolerated by a statute 12 Eliz. They are persons who, being twenty- four years of age and upwards, are admitted at any college to take the degree of bachelor of di- vinity after ten years. During tlie last two years they must reside the greater part of three several terms. Their exercises are the same as in the regular course. A bachelor of laws must be of six years standing complete, and mu5t keep the greater part of nine several terms. The exercise is one act. A bachelor of physic must keep the greater part of nine several terms, and may be admitted any time in his sixth year : the exercise is one act and one opponency. A bachelor of music must enter his name at some college, and perform a solemn piece of music as an exercise prior to his degree. In the university of Oxford, a bachelor of arts must keep sixteen terms, and appear once as a respondent in the schools. A bachelor of divi- nity must be master of arts of seven years stand- ing : his exercises are one act, two opponencies, and a concio ad clerum after the fifth year. A bachelor of laws must be a master of arts of three years standing : his exercises are one act and two opponencies. A bachelor of medicine must be a master of arts of one year standing : his exercises are one act and one opponency. A bachelor of music must produce a competent testimonial that he has applied himself to that science during seven years, and must perform a piece of music of five parts publicly in the music school. Bachelors, Knights, the most ancient, but the lowest order of knights in England ; known by the name of knights only. They are styled knights bachelors, either (according to some) as denoting their degree, quasi bas chevaliers ; or, according to others, because this title, like the fortune of an unmarried man, does not descend to their posterity. The custom of the ancient Germans was to give their young men a shield and a lance in the great council ; this was equi- valent to the toga virilis of the Romans. Before this they were not permitted to bear arms, but were accounted as part of the father's household ; after it, as part of tiie public. Hence some de- rive the usage of knightintr, which has prevailed all over the western world since its reduction by colonies, from those northern heroes. Knights are called in the Latin equites auniti; aurali, from the gilt spurs tliey wore, and equites, be- BAG 352 BAG cause they always served on horseback ; for it is observable that ahnost all nations call their knights by some appellation deriTed from a horse. They are also called in our law milites, because they formed a part, or indeed the whole of the royal army, in virtue of their feudal tenures : one condition of which was, that every one who held a knight's fee (which in Henry II.'s time amounted to twenty pounds per annum) was obliged to be knighted, and attend the king in his wars, or pay a fine for his non-compliance. The exertion of this prerogative, as an expedient to raise money in the reit;n of Charles t. gave great offence, though warranted by law and the recent example of queen Elizabeth. At the res- toration it was, together with all other military branches of the feudal law, abolished, and it now only exists in an honorary title, conferred by the king's lightly touching the person, who is then kneeling, on the right shoulder with a drawn sword, and saying, * rise, sir.' See Kxigiit and Nobility. On bachelors, or unmarried men, the Roman censors frequently imposed fines. Dion Hali- carnasseus mentions an old law by which all persons of full age were obliged to marry. But tlie most celebrated law ^of the kind was that made under Augustus, called the lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus ; by which bachelors were made incapable of legacies or inheritances by will, unless from their near relations. This brought many to marry, according to Plutarch's observation, not so much for the sake of raising heirs to their own estate.-j, as to make themselves capable of inheriting those of others. The rab- bins maintain, that, by the laws of Moses, every body, except a few particular persons, is obliged in conscience to marjy at twenty years of age ; and that this makes one of their 613 precepts. Hence those maxims, so frequent among their casuists, that he who does not take the necessary mea- sures to leave heirs behind him, is not a man, but ought ro be reputed a homicide. Lycurgus was not more favorable to this state of life. By his laws, bachelors are branded with infamy, ex- cluded from all offices civil and military, and even from the shows and public sports. vU certain feasts they were forced to appear, to be exposed to the public derision, and led round the market-place. On one occasion, the women led them in this condition to the altars, where they were obliged to make amende honorable to nature, accompanied with a number of blows and lashes with a rod. To complete the aff'ront, they forced them to sing certain songs com- ])osed in their own derision. The Chris- tian religion has been supposed to be more indulgent to the bachelor state ; because the apostle Paul has recommended it as prefer- able (as it certainly was) during the early ages of Christianity, when a man was in danger of suf- fering, not only in his own person or property, but in those of his nearest and dearest con- nexions, for the sake of religion ; which rendered such persecutions more dreadful and severe upon the married than the unmarried. The ancient church, overlooking this principle, upon which the apostle's advice is evidently founded, recom- mended the bachelor state, as well as that of perpetual virginity in the other sex, as not only more perfect than the; married state, but even as highly meritorious : and thus gave birtii to the absurd system of monasteries, nunneries, and the celibacy of the clergy ; which for so many ages has burdened Europe, with thousands of idle drones of both sexes. In the canon law, we find in- junctions on bachelors, when arrived at puberty, either to marry or to turn monks and profess chastity in earnest. In England there was a tax on bachelors, after twenty-five years of age, £12. 10s. for a duke; and a common person Is. by 7 Wil. HI. 1695. They were also taxed by Mr. Pitt in an extra-duty on their servants. Bachelors of the Church, baccalarii eccle- sia;, an inferior class of ecclesiastics, mentioned in some old records, which speak of the bishop with his canons and baccalarii. Bachelor's Pear, in botany, a name some- times given to the solanum maramosum. BACHER, ' a lofty ridge of mountains in Styria, circle of Cilly, near the Drave, about sixty-five miles in circuit. BACHIAN, or Batchiax, one of the Mo- lucca islands in the eastern ocean, separated by a narrow channel only, from the island of Gilolo. It is about fifty miles long, and twenty in average breadth, but much narrower in the middle than towards each end. The native prince of this island early formed an alliance with the Spaniards and Portuguese, who were expelled by the Dutch in 1610. It is fertile in sago, and other fruits of the climate ; and was formerly considered as producing better cloves than any other island of these seas. On this island the Dutch fixed their principal settlement, before Amboyna attained its present pre-eminence. Bachian, covered with forests, contains a burning moimtain ; beds of coral adorn its shores, and gold has been classed among its products. It is under the government of a sultan, the sovereign of Oby, Ceram, Coram, and another contiguous islet. The inhabitants are Malay Mahommedans, who are considered as the most eastern disciples of the Arabian pro- phet. Tlie chief town is Sabongo. Latitude about 0° 48' S.; and long. 128^ 0' E. BACHILERIA, in old law Latin, the com- monality, as distinguished from the nobility. BACHILLI. See Bacilli. BACHMUTH, or Bakhmoud, the chief town of a circle in the government of Ekaterinoslav, in European Russia, situated on a river of that name, which falls into the Donetz. It is well fortified, and has a citadel for the protection of its salt-works. It has belonged successively to the governments of \'oronetz and New Russia, and was erected into its present government in 1775. The circle of Bachmuth borders on the govern- ment of X'oronetz, and the country of the Don Cossacs, and is one of the most fertile parts of Little Russia. When a scarcity of water prevails in the summer, the supplies are brought from ihe Donetz. 104 miles N.N. W. of Azoph, and 112 cast of Ekaterinoslav. BACIINEU, or Bonghu, a market town of Transylvania, in the county of Kokelburg, on the river Little Kokel. BACIIU. See Baku. BACILLARTA, in entomology, a genus of BACK. the class vermes, and order infusiora : its body consisting of cylindrical, straw-like filaments. The only species is the B. paradoxa, sen vibrio paxilifer. BACILLI, or Baculi, in medicine (from bacillus, Lat. a staff,) such compositions as are made up in a cylindrical figure, like a stick. BACILLl'M, in medicine, dim. of baculum, a troche in the form of a stick. Bacfllum, in chemistry, iron instruments in the shape of a baculum, or staff. BA.CK., n.s. v.a. ^ adv. } Sax. bac, baec; Backed, adj. i Germ. back. The noun signifies the hinder part of the body ; the outer part of the hand opposed to the palm ; the thick part of any tool opposed to the e'Sge. The adverb denotes the situation of being, and the direction of going. The adjective points out the back as the adjunct of being; the simple cir- cumstance of having a back ; and the verb is used in various senses, intimately connected and easily traced to one common source, the original etymon, namely, to mount on the back of a horse ; to break a horse ; to place upon the back ; to maintain, to strengthen, to support, to defend, to justify, and to second. His back, or rather burthen, show'd As if it stooped with its own load. Hudibroji. Did they not swear, in express words. To prop and back the house of lords ? And after tum'd out the whole houseful. Jd. Part following enter ; petrt remain without. And mount on others backs, in hopes to share. Drrjden. The epistles being written from ladies forsaken by their lovers, many thoughts came back upon us in divers letters. Id. Factious, and fav'ring this or t'other side. Their wagers back their wishes. Id. Methought love pitying me, when he saw this. Gave me your hands, the backs and palms to kiss. Donne. Those who, by their ancestors, have been set free from a constant drudgery to their backs and their bellies, should bestow some time on their heads. Locke. He might conclude, that Walter would be upon the king's back, as his majesty was upon his. Clarendon. As the voice goeih round, as well towards the back as towards the front of him that speaketh, so does the echo : for you have many back echoes to the place where you stand. Bacon. And all within it full of wyndingsis And hidden ways that scarce an hound by smell Can follow out those false footsteps of his Ne none can backe retume that once are gone amis. Spenser. Faerie Queene. At the hour of death, all friendships of the world bid him adieu, and the whole creation turns its back upon him. South. A great malice, backed with a great interest, can have no advantage with a roan, but from his expec- tations of something without himself. Id. Back you shall not to the house, unless You undertake that with me. Shakspeare. That roan shall be my throne, Well, I will back him strait. O Espcrance '. Bid Butler lead him forth into the park. Id. Vot. III. He hath a garden circummur'd with brick. Whose western side is with a vineyard backed. Id. As I slept, methought Great Jupiter, upon his eagle back'd, Appear'd to me. ' Id. Belike he means Back'd by the pow'r of Warwick, that false peer, T' aspire unto the crown. Id. You are strait enough in the shoulders, you care not who sees your back ; call you that backing of your friends ? a plague upon such backing ! give me them that will face me. Id. He sent many to seek the ship Argo, threatening that if they brought not back Medea, they should suffer in her stead. Raleigh's History of tlie World. Where they are, and why they came not back. Is now the labour of my thoughts. Milton. Back to thy native island might'st thou sail And leave half-heard the melancholy tale. Pope. So rag'd Tydides boundless in his ire. Drove armies back and made all Troy retire. Id. This Caesar found, and that ungrateful age. With losing him went back to blood and rage. Waller. I've been surpris'd in an unguarded hour. But must not now go back ; the love, that lay- Half smother'd in my breast, has broke through all Its weak restraints. Addison. How shall we treat this bold aspiring man ? Success still follows him, and backs his crimes. Id. To thee, Almighty God to thee. Our childhood we resign ; 'Twill please us to look back and see. That all our lives were thine. Watts. First Fear his hand its skill to try. Amid the chords bewildered laid. And back recoil'd he knew not why. E'en at the sounds himself had made. Colliiis. Direct us how to hack the winged horse ; Favour his flight and moderate his course. Roscommon. These were seconded by certain demilaunccs, ami both backed with men at arms. Sir J. Hayward. The patrons of the ternary number of principles, and those that would have five elements, endeavour to back their experiments with a specious reason. Boyle. We have I know not how many adages to back the reason of this moral. L'Estrange. Back, in the menage, and among farriers. A horse's back should be straight, not hollow, which is called saddle-backed : horses of lliis kind are generally light, and carry their heads high, but want in strength and service. A horse with a weak back is apt to stumble. In the French riding-schools, to mount a horse a dos, is to mount him bare-backed, without a saddle. To Back an anclior, in maritime affairs, einpen- neller une ancre, Fr. to carry out a small anchor, as the stream or kedge, ahead of the large one, by which the ship usually rides, in order to sup- port it, and prevent it from loosening, or coming home in bad ground. In this situation the latter is confined by the former, in the same manner that the ship is restrained by the latter. To Back astern in rowing, icu;- a cuter, l-r. is to manage the oars in a direction contrary to the usual method, so as that the boat or vessel impressed by their force, shall retreat or mcv« with her stern foremost. •2 A BAG 354 BAG Back the starboard oars ! scie Iribord ! avecles avirons, Fr. the command to confine the above management to the oars on the right hand side of the boat only, in order to turn her round more speedily to that direction. To Back and fill, coiffer et faire servir les voiles, Fr. is an operation generally performed in nar- row rivers, when a ship has the tide in her favor, and the wind is against her. — Exam. ' We were obliged to back and fill occasionally to get up the Thames.' To Back the sails, mettre a scier, Fr. is to ar- range them in a situation that will occasion the ship to retreat or move astern, in consequence of the tide or current in her favor, and the wind contrary, but light. This operation is particu- larly necessary in narrow channels, when a ship is carried along sideways by the strength of that tide or current, and it becomes requisite to avoid any object that may intercept her course, as shoals, or vessels under sail, or at anchor : it is also necessary, in a naval engagement, to bring a ship back, so as to lie oppposite to her adversary, when she is too far ad vanced in the line ; and also in fleets under convoy, where ships are too much crowded, by the above operation they may be preserved from falling aboard each other. See the article Aback. Back the main-topsail! brasse le grand hunier sur le mat ! Fr. the command to brace that sail in such a manner that the wind may exert its force against the fore-part of the sail, and by thus laying it aback materially retard the ship's course. Back, or Dutchman's Cap, an islet of the Hebrides. Long. 6° 27' W., lat. 56° 29' N. BACKAR, or Behkur, a district and town of Hindostan, in the province of iNIoultan. The town is situated on an island formed by the In- dus, near its junction with the Dommoody ; for- merly it was called Munsoorah, and had a strong fort. Long. 70° 2' E., lat. 28° 31' N. BACK BAR, the bar in a chimney, for sus- pending vessels over the fire. BACK-BEAR, Back-berexr, Backeerond, in old law, a criminal caught carrying off" some- thing on his back. See Backcarry. BACK'BITE, v. -% From back and bite. Back'biter, 71. s. > A familiar term for the Bacr'bitixgly, aiy. 3 calumny and calum- niators which shun the presence of their victims. To censure the absent ; the coward who defames in the dark. Use his men well Davy, for they are arrant knaves and will backbite. S/takspeare, Nobody is bound to look upon his backbiter, or his undermine!-, his betrayer, or his oppressor, as his friend. South. BACK-BOARD, in maritime affairs, is of a semi-circular figure, placed transversely in the after^part of a boat, like the back of a chair, to recline against while sitting in the stern sheets. BACK-BOND, in Scots law, a bond granted by him who receives a deed to declare the pur- pose of it, and to bind the granter to perform accordingly. •BACK'BONE, n. s. from back and bone. The boae of the back. The backbone should be divided into many vertebrae for commodious bending, and not to be one entire rigid bone. Ray. BACK'CARRY. Having on the back. Manhood in his forest laws, noteth it for one of the four circumstances or cases, wherein a forester may arrest an offender against vert or venison in the forest, ^'^z. stable-stand, dog-draw, backcarry, and bloody hand. C-iwell. BACK'DOOR, 71. s. From back and door. The door behind the house ; pri\y passage. The procession durst not return by the way it came ; but, after the devotion of the monks, passed out at a backdoor of the convent. Addison. Popery, which is so far shut out as not to re-enter openly, is stealing in by the backdoor of atheism. Atterhury. BACKER, or Bakker (Jacob), a painter of portraits and history, was bom at Harlingen in 1609, but spent the greatest part of his life at Amsterdam. lie was remarkable for an uncom- mon readiness of hand and freedom of pencil. His incredible expedition appeared in a portrait of a lady fromllaerlem, whom he painted at half length, and began and finished in one day ; though he adorned the figure with rich drapery and several ornamental jewels. He also painted historical subjects with success ; and has left a fine picture of Cimon and Iphigenia. In de- signing academj figures, his expression was so just, and his outline so correct, that he obtained the prize from all his competitors ; and his works are bought up at very high prices in the Low Countries. 'The Carmelites church at Antwerp has a capital picture of his of the Last Judgment. He died in 1651. Backer, or Bakker (Jacques, or James), also a painter of history, was born at Antwerp in 1530, and learned the principles of painting from his father, who was very knowing in his profes- sion, though his works were in no great estima- tion. After his death he lived with one Palermo, a dealer in pictures, who avariciously took care to keep him incessantly employed, and sent his paintings to Paris to be disposed of, where they were exceedingly admired. The judicious were eager to purchase them ; and though the trans- actor sold them at a great price, yet the artist was not proportionably rewarded, but continued still in the same depressed condition. His merit, indeed was universally allowed, but his name, and the narrowness of his circumstances, were as universally unknown. He had a clean light manner of penciling, and a tint of color that was extremelv agreeable. He died in 1560. BACKEREEL, or Bacquerelli (Willrara), a painter of history, born at Antwerp, and a dis- ciple of Rubens, at the same time with V'andyck. When each of them quitted that master, and commenced painters, Backereel was little infe- rior to Vandyck, which may be seen in the works of the former, in the church of the Augustin monks at Antwerp. He had likewise a taste fc" poetry ; but exercising that talent too freely in writing satires against the Jesuits, they compelled him to fly from Antvi'erp. Sandrart observes, that in his time there were seven or eight eminent paintersof this name in Italy and the Low Coun- tries. BACKERGUNGE, a district in the south- BACKGAMMON. 355 east part of Bengal, a eonsiderable portion of which, called Bokla, situated near the sea-side, was, in 1584, overwhelmed by the sea, and scarcely has recovered from the inundation: the other parts are, however, very productive, but being subject to inundations, are very unhealthy. But there are settled here a number of the descendants of the Portuguese, who, in the year 1666, were invited by the nuwab, Shaista Khan, to desert the raja of Arracan, and enter into his service. Also a town in the province of Bengal, capital of a district 120 miles east of Calcutta ; it is the residence of the English magistrate, and carries on a very considerable trade in rice, salt, and cotton cloths. Long. 89° 20' E., lat. 22° 42' N. BACK-FRAME Whkel, for laying cordage, from a six-thread ratline, to a two-inch rope, is about four or five feet in diameter, and is hung between two uprisihts, fixed by tenons, on a truck, and supported by a knee of wood. Over its top is a semi-circular frame, called the head, to contain three whi-rls (that run on the brasses), with iron spindles, secured by a hasp and pin. They are worked by means of a leather band en- circling the whirls and wheel. Three of the whirls are turned when hardening the strands, and only one when closing the rope, the strands beintc hung together on it. The truck, on which the back-frame wheel is fixed, runs on four wheels, and is made of three-inch oak plank, about nine feet long, and thirteen inches broad at one end, and eleven inches broad at the other. BACK'FRIEND, n. s. From back and friend. A friend backwards ; that is, an enemy in secret. Set the restless importunities of talebearers and hacUfriends against fair words and professions L'Estrange. Far is our church from encroaching upon the civil power ; as some who are backfriends to both would maliciously insinuate. South. BACKGAM'MON, n. s. From bach gammon, Welsh, a little battle ; a play or game at tables, with box and dice. Ti'l finding your old foe the hangman. Was like to lurch you at backgammon. Hudibras. In what esteem are you with the vicar of the pa- rish? can you play with him at backgammon? Swift. Backgammon, a game played with dice and tables, to be learned only by observation and practice. It is said to have been invented in VV'ales, in the period preceding' the Conquest. Gloss, ad Leges \VuUicas,u voc. Tawlbwrdd, cited by Henry, vol. iv. p. 404. 8vo. This game is played with dice, upon a table, by two persons. The table is divided into two paits, upon which there are twenty-four black and while spaces, called points. Each adversary has fifteen men, black and white, to distmguish them ; and they are disposed of in the following manner : Supposing the game to be played into the right hand table, two are placed upon the ace point in the adversary's table, five upon the SiX point in the opjiosite table, iiref unon the cinque point in ti.e hitheriiio-;t talle, an"^' tive on the six point in the ntihi-iiind tdle. Ihe gratid object in this game is for each player to bring the men round into nis right hand table, by throwing with a pair of dice those throws that contribute towards it, and at the same time prevent the adversary doing the like. The first best throw upon the dice is esteemed aces, be- cause it stops the six point in the outer table, and secures the cinque in the thrower's table ;'whereby the adversary's two men upon the thrower's ace point cannot get out with either quartre, cinque, or six. This throw is an advantage often given to the antagonist by the superior player. When he carries his men home in order to lose no point, he is to carry the most distant man to his adversary's bar point, that being the first stage he is to place it on ; the next stage is six points farther, viz. in the place where the adversary's five men are first placed out of his tables. He must go on in this method till all his men are brought home, except two, when by losing a point, he may often save the gammon, by tlirowing two fours or two fives. When a hit is only played for, he should endeavour to gain either his own or adversary's cinque point : and if that fails by his being hit by the adversary, and he finds him forwarder than himself, in that case he must throw more men into the adversary's tables; v.bich is done in this manner : he must put a man upon his cinque or bar point ; and if the adversary fails to hit it, he may then gain a for- ward game instead of a back game ; but if the adversary hits him, he should play for a back game : and then the greater number of men which are taken up makes his game the better, because by these means he will preserve his game at home: and then he should endeavour to gain both his adversary's ace and trois points, or his ace and deuce points, and take care to keep three men upon the adversary's ace point, that in case he hits him from thence, that point may remain still secure to himself. A back game should not be played for at the beginning of a set, because it would be a great disadvantage, the player running the risk of a gammon to win a single hit. A variety of instructions with regard to this curious game, are given by Mr. Hoyle, who calculates the odds of the game with great accuracy. The following particulars, however, may be of use to the generality of players. If a player has taken up two of the adversary's men, and happens to have two, three, or more "points made in his own tables, he shoulcj spread his men, that h'emay eithertakea new point in his tables, or lie ready to hit the man which the adversary may happen to enter. If he finds, ufon the adversary's entering, that the game is upon a par, or that tiie advantage is on his own side, he should take the adversary's man up whenever he can, it being twenty-five to eleven that he is not hit : except when he is playing for a single hit only ; then if playing the throw otherwise gives him a better chance for it, he ought to do it. As It is five to one against his being hit with double dice, he should never be deterred from jnv c^" nan (' ve advers.r\'s. If . nd vn 2 A2 t;ikin.' up '-du*'-S, ana »Cii.<;d lo 356 BACKGAMMON. he should endeavour to leave it upon doublets men to bear, he may be forced to make an ace preferable to any other chance ; because the odds or a deuce twice before he can bear all his men, are thirty-five to one, that he is not hit; whereas and consequently will require seven throws in it is only seventeen to one but he is hit upon bearing them; so that, upon the whole, it is any other chance. When the adversary is very about equal whether the adversary is gammoned forward, a player should never move a man from or not. Suppose a player has three men upon his own quartre, trois, or deuce points, thinking his adversary's ace point, and five points in his to bear that man from the point where he put it, own tables, and that the adversary has all his as nothing but high doublets can give him any men in his tables, three upon each of his five ch-ance for the hit. Instead of playing an ace highest points. Has the player a probability of or a deuce from any of those points, he should gammoning his adversary or not ? play them from his own size or highest points. Points, so that throwing two fives, or two fours, his size For bearing three m6n from his 6th point is 18 and cinque points being eased, would be a con- From his 5th point !.'> siderable advantage to him ; whereas, had they From his 4th point ......... 13 been loaded, he must have been obliged to play From his 3rd point '.» otherwise. It is the interest of the adversary to From his 2nd point t> take up the player as soon as he enters. The — blot should be left upon the adversary's lowest In all 60 point ; that is to say, upon his deuce point Bringing his three men from the adver- rather than upon his trois point; or upon his trois sary's ace point to his size point in point rather than upon his quatre point ; or upon his own tables, being eighteen points his quatre point preferable to his cinque point, each, and making together 54 for a reason before mentioned : all the men the — adversary plays upon his trois, or his deuce There must remain 6 points, are deemed lost, being greatly out of It is plain from this calculation, that the player play ; so that those men not having it in their has much the best of the probability of the gam- power to make his cinque point, and his game mon, exclusive of one or more blots which the being crowded in one place and open in another, adversary is liable to make in bearing his men, the adversary must be greatly annoyed by the supposing at the same time the throws to be player. If the player has two of the adversary's upon an equality. Suppose two blots are left, men in his tables, he has a better chance for a hit either of which cannot be hit but by double dice; than if he had more, provided his game is for- one must be hit by throwing eight and the other warder than that of his antagonist ; for if he had by throwing nine ; so that the adversary has three or more of the adversary's men in his only one die to hit either of them. What are tables, he would stand a worse chance to be hit. the odds of iiitting either of them ? The chances When a player is running to save the gammon, of two dice being in all 36 if he should have two men upon his ace point, — and several men abroad, although he should lose The chance to hit 6, are 6 and 2 twice 2 one point or two in putting his men into his 5 and 3 twice 2 tables, it is his interest to leave a man upon the 2 Deuces 1 adversary's ace point, because it will prevent his 2 Fours 1 adversary from bearing his men to the greatest The chances to hit 9 are 6 and 3 twice . 2 advantage, and at the same time the player will 5 and 4 twice 2 have a chance of the adversary's making a blot, 2 Trois . . . : 1 which he may chance to hit. However, if a — player finds, upon a throw, that he has a proba- For hitting in all 11 bility of saving his gammon, he should never Chances for not hitting, remain ... 25 wait for a blot, as the odds are greatly against So that the odds are twenty-five to eleven his hitting it, but should embrace that oppor- against hitting either of these blots, tunity. This method may be taken to find out the The following are directions for calculating the odds of hitting three, four, or five blots upon odds of saving or winning the gammon. Sup- double dice ; or blots made upon double and pose the adversary has so many men abroad as single dice at the same time. After knowing requires three throws to put them into his tables, how many cliances there are to hit any of those and at the same time that the player's tables are blots, they must be added altogether,, and then made up, and that he has taken up one of the subtracted from the number thirty-six, which are adversary's men ; in this case it is about an the chances of the two dices, and the question is equal wager that the adversary is gammoned, solved. For, in all probability, the player has borne two The laws of Backgammon are, 1. If a man men before he opens his tables, and when he is taken from any point, it must be played ; if bears the third man, he will be obliged to open two men are taken from it, they also must be his size or cinque point. It is then probable played. 2. A man is not supposed to be played, that the adversary is obliged to throw twice before till it is placed upon a point and quitted. 3. If he enters his men in the player's tables, twice a player has only fourteen men in play, there is more before he puts that man into his own no penalty inflicted, because by his playing tables, and three throws more to put the men with a less number than he is entitled to, he which are abroad into his own tables, in all plays to a disadvantage, for want of the deficient seven throws. Now the player having twelve man to make up his tables. 4. If he bears any BAG 357 BAG number of men before he has entered a man taken up, and which of course he was obliged to enter, such men so borne must be entered again in the adversary's tables as well as ' the man taken up. 5. If he has mistaken his throw and played it, and his adversary has thrown, it is not in the choice of either of the players to alter it, unless they both agree so to do. The probable method of prolonging a hit at backgammon, affords a case of instruction, as well as curiosity ; for there is a probability of making the hit last by one of the players for many hours, althougli they shall both play as fast as usual. Suppose B to have borne thirteen men, and that A has his fifteen men in B's tables, viz. three men upon his size point, as many upon his cinque, quatre, and trois points, two upon his deuce point, and one upon his ace point. A in this situation can prolong it by bringing his fifteen men home, always se- curing six close points till B has entered his two men, and brought them upon any certain point ; as soon as B has gained that point, A will open an ace, deuce, or trois point, or all of them ; which done, B hits one of them, and A, taking care to have two or three men in B's tables, is ready to hit that man ; and also he being certain of taking up the other man, has it in his power to prolong the hit almost to any length, provided he takes care not to open such points as two fours, two fives, or two si-xes, but always to open the ace, deuce, or trois points, for B to hit him. We add the foMo-^ving two critical cases for a back game : 1 . Suppose the fore game to be played by A, and that all his men are placed as usual ; B has fourteen of his men placed upon his adversary's ace point, and one man upon his adversary's deuce point, and B is to throw; who has the best of the hit? Answer: A has the best of it, gold to silver : because, if B does not throw an ace to take his adversary's deuce point, which is twenty-five to eleven against him, A will take up B's men in his tables, either singly or to make points ; and then if B secures either A's deuce or trois point, A will put as many men down as possible, in order to hit, and thereby get a back game. It is evident that the back game is very powerful ; consequently, who- ever practises it must become a greater proficient at the game than he could by any other means. 2. Suppose A to have five men placed upon his size point, as many upon his quatre point, and the same number upon his deuce point, all in his own tables. At the same time let us suppose B to have three men placed upon A's ace point, as many upon A's tiois point, and the same number upon A's cinque point, in his own tables, and three men placed as usual out of his tables ; Who has the best of the hit .' Answer : The game is equal till B has gained his cinque and quatre points in his own tables ; which, if he can effect, and by playing two men from A's cii!<|ue point, in order to force his adversary to blot by throw- ing a f iiae, which, should B hit, he will have the best of the hit. BACK-HEAVER, a machine long used in several parts jl England, particularly in Hamp- shire, Wiltshire, and Sussex, for wmnowing corn. An improved construction of this machine was proposed by Dr. Hales in 1747, which not only renders it fit for winnowing corn sooner and better than by any other means hitherto used, but also for clearing it of the very small corn, seeds, smut-balls, &c. BACK'HOUSF., n. s. From back and house. The buildings behind the chief part of the house. Their backhotises, of more necessary than cleanly service, as kitchens, stables, are climbed up unto by steps. Carew. BACKHUYSEN (Ludolph), an eminent painter, born at Embden, in 1631, wiio received his earliest instruction from Albert \'an Ever- dingen ; but acquired his principal knowledge by frequenting the painting rooms of different masters. One of these was Henry Dubbels, whose skill in his art was great ; and he was equally communicative of his knowledge to others. From him Backhuysen obtained more benefit than from all the painters of his time. His subjects were sea-pieces, ships, and sea-ports. He had not practised long when he became the object of general admiration ; so that his draw- ings were sought after, and several of them were bought up at 100 florins. He studied nature at- tentively in all her forms ; in gales, calms, storms, clouds, rocks, skies, lights, and shadows ; and expressed every subject with so sweet a pencil, and such transparence and lustre, as placed him above all the artists of his time, except the younger V'andervelde. It was a frequent custom with Backhuysen, whenever he co'jld procur.: resolute mariners, to go to sea in a storm, to store his mind with images directly copied from nature ; and the moment he landed, impatiently to run to his palletteto delineate those incidents of which the traces might, by delay, be obliterated. He perfectly understood the management of the Chiaro-scuro, and, by his skill in that part of his art, gave uncommon force and beauty to his ob- jects. His works may easily be distinguished by the freedom and neatness of his touch, the clear- ness and natural agitation or quiescence of the water, a peculiar tint in his clouds and skies, and the exact proportions of his ships. He painted, for the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, a large view of the city, for which they gave him 1300 guilders, and afterwards presented it to the king of France. No i)ainter was ever more honored by the visits of kings and princes thai» Backhuysen ; the king of Prussia was one of the number ; and Peter the Great often endeavoured to draw after vessels which he had designed. He died in 1709. BACKING. See Horsemanshu'. Backing Warrants, in law, denotes tlie signing of such as have been issued by a justice of the peace in one county, by a justice of the peace in anotlier, which is necessary before they can be executed there. This practice is authorised by statutes 23 Geo. II. c. 26. and 24 Geo. II. c. 55. BACKNANG, a town in the kingdom of Wir- temberg, circle of Heilbroim, and district of the Lower Neckar. It li' s oii the Murr, and con- tains 3020 inhabitanls many of whom are woollen-wea-vers and tanners. Elight miles east of ]\I.trbah, and twelve norih-east of Slutgard. BAC 358 BAC BACK-PAINTING, t!:e method of painting rnezzotinto prints, pasted on glass, with oil-colors. See Mezzotikto. It consists chiefly in laying the print upon a piece of crown-glass, of such a size as fits it. To do this, the print should be laid in clean water for two days and nights, if the print be on very strong, close, and hard gummed paper ; but if upon an open, so^t, spungy paper, two hours, or more, will some- times suffice. The paper or picture having been sufficiently soaked, take it out and lay it upon two sheets of paper, and cover it with two more ; and let it lie there a little to draw out the mois- ture. In the mean time, take the glass the pic- ture is to be put upon, and set it near the fire to warm ; take Strasburg turpentine, warm it over the fire till it is grown fluid, then, with a hog's- hair brush, 'spread the turpentine very smoothly and evenly on the glass. Then take the mezzo- tinto print from between the papers, and lay it upon the glass; beginning first at one end, rub- bing it down gently till it lie close, and there be no wind bladders between. After this rub or roll off" the paper from the back of the print, till it looks black, i. e. till nothing appears but the print, like a thin film left upon the glass, and set it aside to dry. Then varnish it over with some white transparent varnish, that the print may be seen through it; and it is then fit for painting. The utmost care is necessary in rubbing or rolling the paper off" the print so as not to tear it, es- pecially in the light parts. Or the prints, instead of being soaked, maybe rolled up and boiled for about two hours, more or less, according to the quality of the paper ; and that will render it as fit for rubbing, rolling or peeling, as the other method. This being done, and the oil-colors prepared, ground very fine, and tempered up very stiff", lay on the back of the transparent prints such colors as each part requires ; letting the master-lines of the print still guide the pen- cil ; and thus each particular color will lie fair to the eye on the other side of the glass, and almost as well as a painted piece, if it be done neatly. The shadows of the print are generally sufficient for the shadow of every color ; but if it is wished to give a shadow by the pencil, let the shadows be laid on first, and the other colors afterwards. In this kind of back-painting it is not necessary to lay on the colors very smooth. As the chief aim is to have the colors appear well on the fore- side of the print, all that is necessary is to lay the colors on thick enough, that its body may strike the color of it plainly through the glass. BACK'PIECE, 7J. s. From back and piece. The piece of armour which covers the back. The morning that he was to join battle, his ar- mourer put on his backpiece before, and his breast- plate behind. Camden. BACK-QUADRANT, the same with Back- staff. See Quadrant. BACK RIVER, a river of Maryland, which runs into the Chesapeake. BACK'ROOM, 71. s. From back and room. A room behind ; not in the front. If you have a fair prospect backwards of gardens. It may be convenient to make hackroums the larger. Mox. Mech. Exercises, BACKS, amofig dealers in leather, denote the thickest and best tanned hides, used chiefly for soles of shoes. BACK'SIDE, n. s. From back and side. The hinder part of any thing ; the hind part of an animal ; the yard or ground behind a house. If the quicksilver were rubbed from the backside of the speculum, the glass would cause the same rings of colours, but more faint ; the phaenomena depend not upon the quicksilver, unless so far as it increases the reflection of the backside of the glass. Newton. A poor ant carries a grain of corn, climbing up a wall with her head downwards and her backside up- wards. Addison. The wash of pastures, fields, commons, roads, streets, or backsides, are of great advantage to all sorts of land. 3Iortimer. BACK-SINEWS of a Horse, the extensor tendons of the foot, placed behind the fore-leg, and very frequently injured by over-exertion. The inflammation hereby produced is best re- moved in the first instance by emollient and astringent cataplasms. BACK'SLIDE, u.n. "^ From back and slide. Back'slider, n. s. >To retrograde in reli- Back'sliding. J gion. Exclusively a scriptural and theological term. Its precise signification, as employed by divines, is not apos- tacy as stated by Dr. Johnson, but a tendency to it. It supposes a religious profession ad- vanced to a state of spirituality and consistency, and a receding from that state in a greater or less degree in principle or practice : but it does not amount to a total abandonment of either. The backslider in his heart shall be filled with his own ways. Solomon. Tliy backsliding shall reprove thee. JeremiaJi. Remember thy backslidings from me ; lament over them': confess them before me ; and look to God to ena .le thee to take thy steps with more firmness, and to offer up thy prayers with more spirituality. Cecil. BACK'STAFF, n. s. From back and staff"; because in taking an observation, the observer's back is turned toward the sun. An instrument useful in taking the sun's altitude at sea. It was sometimes called Davis's quadrant, from its inventor, captain John Davis, a Welchman, and a celebrated navigator, who produced it about the year 1590. This instrument consists of two concentric arches of box-wood, and three vanes : the arch of the longer radius is of 30^, and the other 60°, making between them 90°, or a quadrant : also the vane at the centre is called the horizon-vane, that on the arch of 60° tlie shade-vane, and that on the other arch the sight-vane. It is unneces- sary to give a more minute description, since more complete and accurate instruments have entirely superseded the use of this. BACK'STAIRS, n. s. From back and stairs. The private stairs in the house. I condemn the practice which hath lately crept into the court at the backstairs, that some pricked for sheriffs get out of the bill. Bacon. BACK'STAYS, n. s. From back and stay- Ropes or stays which keep the masts of a ship from pitching forward or overboard. The Backstays, Fr. galhaubans, are long ropes extending from the top-mast-heads to the starboard and larboard sides of the ,'ship, where they are farther extended to the channels ; BAG 359 BAG they are used lo second the efforts of the shrouds, in supporting the masts, when strained by a weight of sail in a fresh wind. They are usually distinguished into breast- backstays and after-backstays ; the intent of the first being to sustain the mast when the ship sails upon a wind ; or, in other terms, when the wind acts upon the ship sideways; the second is to enable her to carry sail when the wind is further aft; and the tliird kind take their name from being shifted or changed from one side to the other, as occasion requires. There are also backstays for the top-gallant-masts, in large ships, which are fixed in the same manner with those of the top-masts. A pair of backstays is usually formed of one rope, which is doubled in the middle, and fis- tened there so as to form an eye, which passes over the mast-head, from whence the two ends hang do\\-n, and are stretched to the channels, by dead-eyes and lanyards. See the article Dead-eyes, &c. Backstay Stool, a short piece of plank, fitted for the security of the dead-eyes, and chains for the backstays, though sometimes the channels are left long enough at the after end, for the backstays to be fitted thereto. BA'CKSWORD, n. s. From back and sword. A sword with one sharp edge. Bull dreaded not old^Lewis at backsword. Arhuthnot. BACK Tack, in Scots law, a lease granted by a wadsetter, or heritable creditor, who, instead of possessing the wadset-lands, grants a tack thereof to the reverser or heritable debtor, for payment of a certain sura in name of tack duty. BACK'WARD, n.s. adv. & adj.-\ From back. Back' WARDS, (^and peafib, Back'wardly, adv. i Sax. that is. Backwardness, n.s. Jtowardsthe back ; contrary to forward. Backward, as an adverb, denotes simply the manner of going; and is distinguished from back, thus : a person stands back who does not wish to be in the way ; he goes backward when he does not wish to turn his back on an object. As an adjective, its mean- ing is unwilling, or averse. And hence it is often used in the sense of hesitating, dilatory. Slow in apprehension, and in growth. The sub- stantives take their literal and figurative meaning from the adverb and the adjective. They went backward, and their faces were back- ward. Genesis. All things are ready, if our minds be so : Perish the man whose mind is backward now. Sltakspeare. It should seem then, that Dobbin's tail grows back- ward. Id. What seest thou else In the dark backward or abysm of time ? Id. The monstrous sight Struck them with horror backward ; but far worse Urg'd them behind. Milton. Then darting fire from her malignant eyes. She cast him backward as he strove to rise. Dry den. We are strangely backward to lay hold of this safe, this only method of cure. Atterbury. The thing by which we are apt to excuse our back- wardness to good works, is tlie ill-success that hath been observed to attend well-designing charities. Id. Cities laid waste, they storm 'd the dens and caves ; For wiser brutes are backward to he slaves. Pupe Our mutability makes the friends of our natiun backward to engage with us in alliances. Addison, It often falls out that the backward learner makes amends another way. .- South. To prove the possibility of a thing, there is no ar- gument to that which looks backwards ; for what has been done or suffered may certainly be done or suffer- ed again. . Id. Like Numid lions by the hunters chas'd, Though they do fly, yet backwardly do go With proud aspect, disdaining greater haste. Sidney. The mind is backward to undergo the fatigue of weighing every argument. Watts. BACK-WORM. See Filanders. BACO, a town of INIindoro, one of the Philip- pines, the capital of the island, and residence o. a Spanish judge. The environs are well watered by springs from the mountains, which are covered by sarsaparilla. Long. 121° 5' E., lat. 13" 18' N. Baco, in old Latin, a fat hog. BACOBA, in botany, a name by which some authors call the banana tree, or musa fructu breviori. BACON (Anthony), the son of Sir Nicolas, and elder brother to tlie celebrated lord chancellor, was born in 1558, and educated at Cambridge. He spent much of his time in travelling, and thus became personally acquainted with most of the literati of his age. In 1579, at the age of twenty- one, he went to Paris, where he resided for some time ; and thence to Bourges and Geneva, where lie lodged at the house of the celebrated Theodore Beza. From Geneva he successively removed to Montpelier, Marseilles, Bourdeaux, and Mont- aubon, tometimes communicating intelligence of importance to England. In 1585 he visited Henry, king of Navarre, afterwards the great Henry IV. of France, who was then at Beam ; and became acquainted with the learned Lam- bert Danaus, who, as a mark of esteem, dedicated several of his works to him. ■ His health failing, he returned to England in February, 1591-2 ; and in 1595 took up his residence at Essex house, where he carried on a most extensive corres- pondence with the foreign literati, and among others with king Henry IV. The time and place of his death is uncertain. Bacox (Francis), lord high chancellor of England, under king James I. was son of Sir Nicholas Bacon, by Anne, daughter of Sir An- thony Cook, eminent for her skill in Latin and Greek. He was born in 1650; and showed such marks of genius that he was taken notice of by Queen Elizabeth when very young. He was educated at Trinity college, Cambridge ; and made such progress in his studies, that, before he was sixteen, he had not only traversed the whole circle of the liberal arts as tlien taught, but began to perceive those imperfections in the reigning philosophy which he afterwards so ef- fectually exposed. On his leaving the univer- sity his father sent him to France; where, before he was nineteen years of age, he wrote a geneial view of the state of Europe : but Sir Nicholas 360 BACON. dying, he was obliged suddenly to return to England, when he applied himself to the study of the common law, at Gray's-Inn. At this period the famous Earl of Essex, who could dis- tinguish merit, entered into intimate friendship with him; zealously attempted, though without success, to procure him the office of queen's solicitor ; and, in order to comfort his friend under the disappointment, conferred on him a present of land to the value of £l800. Bacon, notwith- standing the Earl's friendship, and even the early several of his domestics were sitting, upon iheir rising up to salute liim, he said, ' Sit down, my masters ; your rise hath been my fall.' And we are told by Rushworth, in his historical collec- tions, ' that he treasured up nothing for himself or family, but was over-indulgent to his servants, and connived at their takings : they were profuse and expensive, and had at their command what- ever he was master of. Tlie gifts taken were for the most part for interlocutory orders. His de- crees being generally made with so much equity. prepossession of her majesty in his favor, met that though gifts rendered him suspected of in with many obstacles to his preferment during her justice, yet never any decree made by him was reign. His enemies represented him as a specu- lative man, whose head was filled with philo- sophical notions, and therefore more likely to perplex than forward public business. It was with great difficulty that lord treasurer Burleigh obtained for him the reversion of register to the star chamber, worth about £l600 a-year, which only fell to him about twenty years after. He did ;not obtain any other preferments from queen Elizabeth; though, if obedience to .l sovereign in the most disagreeable of all offices, viz. the casting reflections on a deceased friend, entitled him, he might have claimed it. The people were so clamorous, even against the queen herself, on the death of Essex, that it was thought necessary to vindicate the conduct of the adminis- tration ; and to Bacon was assigned this disgrace- ful task. Upon the accession of James he was soon raised to considerable honors ; and wrote in favor of the union of the two kingdoms of Scot- land and England. In 1616 he was sworn of the privy council. lie then applied himself to the reducing and recomposing the laws of England. reversed as unjust.' It was peculiar to this great man (say the authors of the Biog. Brit.) to have nothing narrow and selfish in his composition : he gave away without concern whatever he pos- sessed ; and believing other men of the same mould, he received with as little consideration. He retired, after a short imprisonment, from the engagements of an active liCe, to the shade of a contemplative one, which he had always loved. The king remitted his fine, and he was sum- moned to parliament in the first year of Ring Charles I. In his recess he composed the greatest part of his English and Latin works, and it ap- pears from them that his thoughts were still free, vigorous, and noble. The last three years of his life he devoted wholly to his studies. He died in 1626; and was buried in St. Michael's church at St. Albans, where a monument of white mar- ble was erected to him by Sir Thomas Meautvs', formerly his secretary. A complete edition of his works was published at London in 1740. Addison has said of him, that he had the sound, distinct, comprehensive, knowledge of Aristotle, When attorney-general, he distinguished himself with all the beautiful light graces and embellisii- ments of Cicero. Mr. Walpole calls him tlie prophet of arts, which Newton was afterwards to reveal ; and adds, that his genius and his works will be universally admired as long as science exists. We must add, from another writer, with regret, * as long as ingratitude and adulation are despicable, so long shall we lament he was advanced to the dignity of the depravity of this great man's heart. Alas ! that he, who could command immorUxl fame, should have stooped to the little ambition of power.' If parts allui-e thee, think how Bacon shin'd ; The Nvisest, brightest, meanest of mankind. Pope. by his endeavours to restrain duelling, then very frequent. In 161 7 he was appointed lord keeper of the great seal; and, in 1618, lord chancellor of England, and created Lord \'erulam. In the midst of these honors, and the multiplicity of business, he forgot not his philosophy, but in 1620 published his great work Novum Organum. In 1621 Viscount St. Albans, and appeared with great splendor at the opening of the session of parlia- ment ; but soon after met with a severe reverse of fortune. For about the twelfth of March, a com- mittee of the house of commons being appointed to inspect the abuses of courts of justice, the chancellor was openly accused of corruption, and the king is said to have positively enjoined him to submit to his peers, promising to reward him afterwards ! The chancellor, though he fore- saw his approaching ruin if he did not plead for himself, resolved to obey ; and the house of peers, on the 3d of May, 1621, gave judgment against him, ' that he should be fined £40,000, and re- main prisoner in the tower during the king's pleasure ; should for ever be incapable of any office, place, or employment in the state, and that he s'.iould never sit in parliament, or come within the verge of the court.' The fault which, next to his ingratitude to Essex, thus tarnislied the glory of this illustrious man, is said to have principally j)ioceeded from his indulgence to liis servants, \vlio made a corrupt use of it. One day, during Ids trial, passing through a room where Bacon (Robert), a divine of the thirteenth century, was born about 1168. He studied at Oxford, where he distinguished himself by tlie quickness of his parts. Thence, according to the custom of that age, he removed to Paris, where he perfected himself in all the branches of learn- ing. After his return he settled at Oxford, and read divinity lectures. In 12-33 he was made treasurer of the cathedral church of Salisbury ; and distinguished himself by a sermon before king Henry III. at Oxford. In 1240 he lost his great patron and intimate friend, Edmund, arch- bishop of Canterbury, and possibly this circum- stance, joined to his love of a retired life, might induce Bacon, though very old, to enter into the order of I'riars Preaciiers. In gratitude to the archbishop, Bacon wrote his life, which was BACON. 361 highly esteemed. He wrote also many other learned pieces, and died in 1248. Bacon (Ilo^er), a Franciscan friar of surprising genius and learning; bom near Uchester in Somer- setshire, in 1214. He studied first at Oxford, and afterwards at Paris, whicn, in those times, was esteemed the centre of literature. Here lie made so rapid a progress in the sciences, that he was esteemed the glory of that university, and much caressed by several of his countrymen, particu- larly Robert Grouthead, afterwards bishop of Lincoln, his friend and patron. About 1240 lie returned to Oxford, and, assuming the Fran- ciscan habit, ])ro"secuted experimental philoso- phy, with unremitting ardor. In this pursuit, in experiments, instruments, and in scarce books, he tells us, he spent, in the space of twenty years, no less than £2000, which was given him by some of the heads of the university. But such extraordinary talents, and his astonishing progress in sciences, which, in that ignorant age, were totally unknown to the rest of mankind, wliilst they raised the admiration of the more intelligent few, could not fail to excite the envy and malice of liis illiterate fraternity ; who found no difficulty in propagating the notion of Bacon's dealing with the devil. Under this pretence, he was restrained from reading lectures ; his writings were confined to his convent; and, in 1278, he liimself was imprisoned in his cell. At this time he was sixty-four years of age. Nevertheless, being permitted the use of his books, he went on in the rational pursuit of knowledge, corrected his former labors, and wrote several curious pieces. When he had been ten years in con- finement, Jerome de Ascoli being elected pope, Bacon solicited his holiness to be released ; and towards the end of that pope's reign, obtained his liberty. He spent tlie remainder of his life in the college of his order, where he died in 1294, in the eightieth year of his age, and was buried in the Franciscan church. Such are the few particulars, which the most diligent re- searches have been able to discover concerning this very great man ; who, like a single bright star in a dark hemispliere, shone forth in an age of ignorance and superstition, the light and glory of his country. His works are : 1. Epistola fra- tris Rogeri Baconis, de Secretis Operibus Artis et Natura:, et deNullitate Magia. Paris, 1542, 4to. Basil, 1593, 8vo. 2. Opus Majus. Lond. 1733, fol. published by Dr. Jebb. 3. Thesaurus Che- micus. Francf. 1603, 1620. This was probably the editor's title ; but it contains several of our author's treatises on this subject. There are said to remain in different libraries several ma- nuscripts of his not yet published. Bacon (Sir Nathaniel), K. B. and an excellent painter, was a younger son of Sir Nicholas, and iialf brother to the great Francis Bacon. He studied painting in Italy ; but his manner and colorinjj approaches nearer to the style of the Flemish school. Mr. Walpole observes, that at CuUord, where he lived, are preserved some of his works; and at Gorhambury, his father's seat, is a large picture by him in oil, of a cook-maid wiili a dead fowl, admirably painted. In the same house is a whole length of him, by himself, drawn on paper, his sword and pallet hung up, and a half length of his mother by him. Bacon (Sir Nicholas), lord keeper of the great seal in the reign of (jueen Elizabeth, was born at Chislehurst in Kent, 1510, and educated at Cam- bridge; after which he travelled into France and visited Paris. On his return, he settled in Gray's Inn, and quickly distinguished himself so much, that on the dissolution of the monastery of St. Edmund's Bury, in Suffolk, he had a grant from king Henry VIII. of several manors. Two years after he was made attorney in the court of Wards, a place both of honor and profit. In this office he was continued by Edward \'I. and in 1552 he was elected treasurer of Gray's Inn. His great moderation and consunmiate prudence preserved him through the dangerous reign of queen Mary. In the very dawn of that of Eliza- beth he was knighted; and in 1558, the great seal of England being taken from archbishop Heath, was delivered to him witli the title of lord keeper, and he was made one of the queen's privy council. He had a considerable share in the settling of religion : as a statesman he was remarkable for a clear head and deep counsels : but his great parts and high preferment were far from raising him in his own opinion, as appears from the modest answer he gave queen Elizabeth when she told him his house at Red-grave was too little for him : 'Not so, madam,' returned he, ' your majesty has made me too great for ray house.' After having held the great seal more than twenty years, tliis able statesman and faith- ful counsellor met with his death by falling asleep in his room with a window open, and the current of fresh air blowing in upon him. He awoke very ill, and was immediately removed into his bed-chamber, where he died in a few days, i. e. on the 26th of February, 1578-9. He was buried in St. Paul's, where a monument was erected to him, which was destroyed by the fire in 1666. Sir Nicholas was the first lord keeper that ranked as lord chancellor. He was twice married ; by his first wife he had three sons and three daughters ; and hy his second, two sons, Anthony and Francis. Sir Nicholas left several manuscripts, which have never been printed. Bacon (John), an ingenious sculptor, bom in Southwark in 1740. He very early manifested an inclination for drawing, which was encou- raged by binding him as an apprentice to a manufacturer of china, at Lambeth, when about fifteen years of age. Here a considerable part of his employment was to paint on porcelain, in which he improved himself so much, in forming small ornamental pieces, that within two years all tlie models of the manufactory were committed to him. This situation also afforded him an opportunity of seeing various models executed by other artists, which were sent to a neighbour- ing potter)' to be burnt. In 1758 he obtained a premium from the society for the encouragement of the arts, for a small figure of Peace, after the manner of the antique ; and eight different pre- miums afterwards for other figures. Before his apprenticeship was out, he formed a design of making statues in artificial stone, which he afterwards perfected, ;md \\hich is still carried on in a manufactory in the New Road, with sue- 362 BACON. cess. He first began to work in marble about 1763, and soon invented an instrument for ^transferring the form of the model to the marble (getting out the points as artists call it), which other sculptors have since adopted. In 1769 he received the first gold medal bestowed by the Royal Society, and next year was chosen an associate. The exhibition of his statue of ^lars greatly increased his reputation ; and Dr. Mark- faam, since archbishop of York, employed him to make a bust of the king^ to be placed in the hall of Christ Church College, Oxford. While he was modelling this bust, his majesty asked him ' if he had ever been out of the kingdom;' and receiving an answer in the negative, said, ' I am glad of it, you will be the greater honor to it.' By the execution of this work he obtained the royal patronage, and was employed to form another for the University of Gottingen. In 1777 he was engaged in preparing a model of a moau- ment, to be erected in Guy's hospital to the me- mory of the founder, which he executed in such a manner, as recommended him to that of Lord Chatham, at Guildhall. In 1778 he became a royal academician, and finished a handsome mo- nument to the memory of Mrs. Draper, which is in Bristol cathedral. From this period, his works are so numerous, that we can only mention a few of the principal : — Two groups for the top of Somerset-house ; a statue of Judge Blackstone, for All Soul's College, Oxford ; another of Henry VI. for Eton College ; Lord Chatham's monu- ment in Westminster Abbey ; and Dr. Johnson's and Mr. Howard's in St. Paul's cathedral. He died of an inflammation in his bowels, in 1799, and left a widow and eight children. He was a man of most excellent character, and of his religious principles, let the inscription which he ordered to be placed over his grave testify : ' What I was as an artist, seemed to me of some importance while I lived; but what I really was, as a be- liever in Christ Jesus is the only thing of import- ance to me now.' Mr. Bacon also possessed respectable literary talents. Ba con, n. s. probably from baken, that is, dried flesh. The flesh of a hog salted and dried. No wine ne drank she, neyther -white ne red. Hire bord was served most with white and black Milk, and brown bred, in which she fond no lack, Seinde bacon, and sometime an ey or twey ; For she was as it were a manner dey ! When it had stabbed or broke a head. It would scrape trenchers or chip bread ; Toast cheese or bacon, tho' it were To bait a mouse-trap it would not care. Hudibras. High o'er the hearth a chine of bacon hung. Good old Philemon seized it with a prong. Then cut a slice. Dryden. Bacon, the flesh of swine, salted, diied, and generally, in this country, smoked. It is considerable article of commerce : we shall de- scribe the most approved methods of preserving it ; viz. that adopted in Somersetshire. The last three months of the year are selected as best adapted for curing bacon here. When a hog is killed for bacon, the sides are laid in large wooden troughs, and sprinkled all over with bay salt; thus they are left for twenty-four hours, to drain away the blood and the superfluous juices. After this first preparation, they should be taken out, wiped very dry, and the drainings thrown away. Next some .fresh bay-salt, well heated in a large iron frying-pan, is to be rubbed over the meat, until it has absorbed a sufficient quantity, and this friction repeated four successive days, while the meat is turned only every other day. If large hogs are killed, the flitches should be kept in brine for tliree weeks, and, during that period, turned ten times, then taken out, and thoroughly dried in the usual manner; for, unless they be thus managed, it is impossible to pre- serve tliem in a sweet state, nor will their flavor be equal to those properly cured. As the preservation of the salt used in this process, when carried on to a great extent, may be an object of economy, the following method may be adopted for recovering the saline matter contained in these drainings, or in any other brine ; it was commimicated by a person who had seen it practised on the continent, where culinary salt is sold at a considerable price. He first added such a quantity of boiling-water, to the brine or drainings, as was sufficient to dis- solve all the particles of the salt. This solution he then placed in either an iron or earthen ves- sel, over a fire, wliich, by boiling, forced all the feculent animal particles to the top, so that they were carefully removed by a perforated ladle. After the liquid Iiad become clear, it was set aside for twenty-four hours, in a cool place, that the coloring matter might subside. But, as the combination it had formed with the boiled liquor was very tenacious, he contrived two different ways of separating it : 1. A solution of alum in water, one pint to an ounce of that substance was gradually dropt into the cold liquor, in the proportion of a table-spoonful of the former to every gallon of the latter; and the whole allowed to stand for several hours ; or, 2. If time and circumstances would permit, he filtered the liquor by means of long flannel slips, cut longitudinally by the web, but previously soaked in another strong and perfectly clear solution of salt ; these slips were so immersed into the colored fluid that the projecting external end reached another vessel, which had been placed much lower than that containing the brine, or dramings. When these particulars were properly attended to, the absorbed liquor became almost colorless, and pellucid. Having thus procured a clear liquid solution, nothing more was required than to evaporate it to dryness, in order to reproduce the salt in its original granulated form. This process may be imitated without any difficulty, and at very little expense. Dr. M illich, from whose Domestic Encyclopaedia we now quote, says, the second method of discharging the color is preferable ; as by this no alum will be re- quired, which only contaminates the salt. Bacon, the service oe the, a custom, men- tioned by our old historians and law-writers ; as well as in the Spectator, as held in the manor of Whichenacre in Staffordshire, and in the priory of Dunnow in Essex. In the former of these places, by an ancient grant of the lord, a flitcli of bacon, with half a quarter of wheat, was to be given to every married couple who could swear tliat, having been married a year and a day, they BAG 363 BAO would never within tliat time have once ex- chanrjed their mate for any other person on earth, however richer, fairer, or the like. But they were to bring two of their neighbours with them to attest that they swore the truth. On this the lord of another neighbouring manor of Rud- low, was to find a horse, saddled, and a sack to carry the bounty in, with drums and trumpets, as far as a day's journey out of the manor; all the servants being summoned to attend, and pay ser\ice to the bacon. The bacon of Duimiow, first erected under Henry III. was on much the same footing ; but the tenor of the oath was only that the parties had never once repented their connexion, or wished themselves unmarried again. Bacon, a town of Persia, in the province of Seistan, eighty miles N. N. E. of Zareng. Bacon, a town on the east coast of the island of Luf on. Bacon's Island, a small island in the Chi- nese Sea. Long. 113° 5' E., lat. 11° 13' N. BACON-FOSSIL, in modern chemistry, a singular fossil discovered in the parish of Cruwj-s- Morchard, Devon, a few years since, in the fol- lowing manner : — Some workmen, in sinking a pond, had arrived at a depth of ten ft^et from the surface, when they struck upon a spongy sub- stance, which appeared to be a very thick cuticle of a brown color : they soon found pieces of bone and solid fat of the same hue. At length the entire body of a hog was extricated, reduced to the color and substance of an Egyptian mummy : the flesh was six inches thick, and tlie hair upon it very long and elastic. On proceed- ing in the work, a considerable number of hogs, of various sizes, were found in different posi- tions ; in some places two or three together, in others singly ; the bodies, when exposed to the air, still retained their consistency, and the stratum, continued for twelve feet; after which the pond, being sufficiently deep, was filled with water. The ground was never known to have been broken up before; but here had formerly been a monastery of Augustine friars. The fa- mily which preceded the present possessor has a journal of all remarkable events which have occurred in the parish during three centuries; but there was no entry which could lead to a so- lution of the phenomenon. The Rev. Mr. Pol- whele, wbo obtained a specimen, mentions, in his History of Devon, that the bed in which the fossils lay was of stiff clay. He describes the piece in his possession to be very light, some- what spongy^, mottled like mottled soap, and evidently of a sebaceous nature. On a slight chemical analysis, it was mostly soluble in spirit of wine, while hot; but separated into white flakes on cooling, in which it resembles spermaceti ; but it was easily convertible into soap on being Ijoiled in a fixed alkaline lixivium. ' It is certainly,' he says, ' an animal substance; and, if I may form any judgment from a large specimen which I immediately procured, I think I may safely pronounce it to have been originally hog's-flesh.' BACONGEN, a town on the west coast of the island of Sumatra. Long. 96° 58' E., lat. 2" 52' N. BACONO, a river of the Caraccas, South America. It runs in the mountains near Trux- illo, and serves as a line of demarcation to the provinces of Varinas and Venezuela. Thence passing through the plains, it enters tiie Oua- nare, which discharges its waters into the Por- tugueza. There is a settlement of the same name near its source. BACONTHORPE, or Bacondorp (John\ styled the resolute doctor, a learned monk, boi n in the thirteenth century at Baconsthorp, in Norfolk. He spent the early part of his life in the convent of Blackney, near Walsingham; whence he removed to Oxford, and thence to Paris ; where he obtained degrees in divinity and law, and was esteemed the principal of the Aver- roists. In 1329. he returned to England, and was chosen twelfth provincial of the English Carmelites. In 1333 he was sent for to Rome; where, we are told, he first maintained the pope's sovereign authority in cases of divorce, but that he aftei-wards retracted his opinion. He died in London in 134G, with the character of a monk of genius and learning. He wrote, 1. Commenta- ria seu Qutestiones super QuatuorLibrosSenten- tiarum; and 2. Compendium Legis Christi, et quodlibeta: both which underwent several edi- tions at Paris, Milan, and Cremona. Leland, Bale, and Pits, mention a number of his works never published. BACOPA, in botany, a genus of plants of the class pentandria, and order monogj'nia. Its ge- neric characters are cal. perianth, one-leaved : con. one-petalled : stam. filaments, five; an- therae, sagittate : pist. germ, ovate; style short; stigma, headed : per. capsule, one-celled ; seeds, very many. The only species is the B. aquatica, native of Cayenne. Linn. Spec. Plant. BACOUE (Leo), a French divine of the se- venteenth century. He was fi^st of the Protest- ant persuasion, but afterwards changed to the Roman Catholic faith, turned Franciscan, and was made bishop of Pamiers. He v. as author of a Latin poem on the education of a prince. He died in 1694, in his ninety-fourth year. BACRAG, the same with Baccharach wine. BACRAS, a town of Sennaar, in Africa, twenty-five miles east of Sennaar. BACRE, a small town in the territory of Sierra Leone. Long. 12" 11' W., lat. 8° 40' N. BACTISHUA (George Ebn), a Christian pliysician at the court of the caliph Almonsor, who sent him as a present 3000 dinars, widi three beautiful girls to supply the place of his wife, who was old : Bactishua sent tliem back, observing that his religion forbad him to have more than one woman for his wife. BACTRIA, or Bactriana, now Chorassan, or Khorasan , an ancient kingdom of Asia, bounded on the west by Margiana,on the north by theOxus, on the south by Mount Paropismus, and on the east by the Asiatic Scythia and the country of the Massageta?. It was a large, fruitful, and well-peopled country ; containing, according to Ammianus Marcellinus, 1000 cities, though of these only a few are particularly mentioned ; of which, that formerly called Maracanda, now Sa- marcand, is the most considerable. Of llie his- tory of this country we know but little. Autliors BAG 364 BAG agree that it was subdued first by the Assyrians, or gate, made hke a pit-fall with a counterpoise afterwards by Cyrus, and then by Alexander the and supported by two great stakes. It is usually Great. Afterwards it remained subject to Se- made before the corps du guard, near the gate of leucus Nicator and his successors, till the time of a place. Antiochus Theos; when Theodotus, from go- BACULI. See Bacilli. ,^ „ , Baculi bxi. rAULi, batoons of St. Paul, a kind of figured stones, of the same substance with those resembling the bristles of some Ame- rican echini, called by Dr. Plott, lapides Ju- BACULO'METIIY, n. s. From baculus, Lat. and iitTpov. The art of measuring distances by one or more staves. Baculometrv. See Geometry. BACULOSUS EccLESiASTicus, in some an- cient laws, is used for a bishop, or abbot, dig- nified with the pastoral staff, or crozier. BACULUS JDiviNATORiLs, or Virgula Di- viNA. See Baguette Devinatoire. vernor of that province, became king, and strengthened himself so effectually in his king- dom, while Antiochus was engaged in a war with Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, that he could never afterwards dispossess him of his ac- quisitions. His posterity enjoyed the kingdom for some time, till they were driven out by the Scythians, who possessed Bactria during the reigns of Adrian, Antoninus Pius, &c. The Scythians were in their turn driven out by the Huns and Turks, and these often conquered by tlie Saracens and Tartars; although they were in possession of this country, in the time of Ladis- laus IV. king of Hungary. BACTRIANS, the inhabitants of Bactria. In ancient times they differed little in their manners from the Nomades; and being near neighbours of tlie Scythians, who were a very warlike people, the Bactrian soldiers were reckoned the best in the world. Their appearance was very savage; they being of an enormous stature, having rough beards, and long hair hanging down their shoulders. Some authors assert that they kept dogs on purpose to devour such as arrived at ex- treme old ase, or who were exhausted by long sickness. They add, that for all their fierceness, the Bactrian husbands were such dupes to their . , j , ■ , i- wives that they durst not complain of them even worst. Bad respects moral and physical quali- for coniugal infidelity, to which it seems the ties indiscrimmately ; whatever offends the taste latter were very much addicted. and sentiments of a rational being, is bad ; food BACTPtlANUS, in zoology, a species of the is bad when it disagrees with the constitution; , the air is bad which has any thing in it disagree- *^^B\CTRIS in botany, a genus of plants of able to the senses or hurtful to the body; books the class moncEcia, order hexandria. Its ge- a;e bad which only inflame the imagmation and BACURIUS, or Baturius, king of the Ibe- rians, a people on the side of the Caspian sea. One day being hunting, he lost sight of his com- pany, through a great storm and sudden darkness; upon which he vowed to the God of his christian slave, that if he were delirered, he would wor- ship him alone : the day breaking up imme- diately, he is said to have made good his promise, and became the apostle of his country. BAD', adj. ^ Quoad, Dut. ; Sax. baed ; Bad'ly, adv. > Ger. bos ; probably connected Bad'ness, n.s. J with the I^Rt. pejus, worse, and the Ileb. boach. Comparative worse ; superlative iieric characters are cal, spathe universal, one- leaved : COR. one-petalled : stam. filaments, six; antherae, oblong: pist. germ, ovate; style, very short; stigma, headed: per. drupe, coriaceous, seed-nut, roundish. The species are, 1. B. minor fructibus, &c. seu cocos (quincensis) acu- leata, &c. a shrub, native of South America. 2. B. major fructu, &c. seu fructus exoticus, a shrub, native of South America. Bactris, in entomology, a species of bruchus. BACTR0PERAT7E, from (SaKrpov, a staff, and Trrjpa, a bag ; an ancient appellation given the passions. In one word, bad is equally descriptive of mental, moral, and corporeal dis- ease, and implies misfortune or delinquency, only from its application. Badly means in the manner of bad. It is always annexed to the action ; but never to the quality of things. 'Tis good ; though music oft hath such a charm. To make bad good, and good provoke to harm. Shalupeare. How goes the day with us ? O tell me, Hubert. Badly, I fear. How fares your majesty ? Id. It was not your brother's evil disposition made him to philosophers by way of contempt, denoting a seek his death ; but a provoking merit, set a work by man with a staff' and a budget. It seems to be a rcprovcable baanets in himself. Id. of this sect that : Pauchasius Radbertus speaks. under the corrupt names of Baccoperitse, or Bac- chionita;, whom he describes as philosophers who, by way of contempt for earthly tilings, kept nothing but a dish to drink out of; and that one of this order seeing a peasant scooping up the water in his hand, threw away his cup as a su- perfluity. BACULARES, a sect of Anabaptists, so called, as holding it unlawful to bear a sword, or any other arms, besides a staff. BACULARIUS, in writers of the middle age, an ecclesiatical apparitor or verger: who carries a staff, baculus, in his hand, as an ensign of his oflice. BACULE, in fortification, a kind of portcullis, Thou may'st repent. And one bad act, with many deeds well done, Ma/st cover. Milton. Tlius will tlie latter, as the former, world Still tend from bad to worse. Id. Our unhappy fates Mi. arsenal. It is eighty-two miles N.N. W. of Seville, forty-nine S. of Al- cantara. . Long. 6° 47' W., lat. 38° 49' N. BADALONA, or Baoelona, a sea-port town of Spain, in Catalonia, with a citadel. I'^arl Peterborough landed here with the arch-duke Charles in 1704. Four miles north-east of Bar- celona. Long. 2° 7' E., lat. 41° 25' N. BADANACOUPY, a town of the Mysore, Ilindostan, twenty-eight miles south of Serin- gapatam. BAD All, a town of Hindostan, in the pro- vince of Bejapour, on the south side of the Krishna, thirty miles south of Mirjee. Long. 75° 32' E., lat. 16° 40' N. BADASKY, a town of Siberia, in the go- vernment of Irkutzk, on the river Angara, eighty miles N.N.VV. of Irkutzk. BADCOCK (Samuel), the son of a reputable butcher, was bom at St. Molton, Devonshire, ia 1747, and bred a dissenting clergyman. He was first pastor at Beer-Regis in Dorsetshire, and afterwards at Barnstaple, for about ten years. Here meeting with some of Dr. Priestley's publi- cations, he paid the Dr. a visit, and established a correspondence with him. Upon investigation of the subject, however, he found it impossible to embrace Unitarianism. In 1777 he removed to his birth-place, and in 1780, engaged as a writer in the Monthly Review, llie controversy then agitated by Dr. Priestly, Price, and others, respecting the materiality of the soul, led him to publish his thoughts upon the subject, in a pamplilct entitled, A Slight Sketch of the Con- troversy between Dr. Priestly and his Oppo- nents ; which was repeatedly quotctl with great approbation. In 1781 he wrote a poem, entitled the Hermitage, and reviewed Madan's Thelyp- thora, greatly to the satisfaction of the public. In the controversy concerning the authenticity of Rowley's Poems, he took the negative side, and displayed his usual ingenuity. In the Montlily Review for 1785, he attached Dr. Priestly's History of the Early Opinions rela- tive to Jesus Christ, with such strength of rea- soning, that the doctor, without knowing his antagonist, corriplimented him in his Reply, as a formidable and respectable antaironist.' Being applied to by Dr. N\ hitc, to assist liim in completing his Bampton lectures, he wrote the greater part of the first, third, fourth, fifth, seventh and eighth; with part of the notes subjoined to them. In 1787, having expressed an intention of conforming to the established church, he was ordained in Exeter cathedral by his friend bishop Ross ; who gave him tlie order of deacon and priest, on two succeeding Sundays. He died May 19th, 1788, at the house of his friend Sir .lohn Chiches- ter, bart. in May-fair. His disposition was gen- tle, humane, and lively ; his judgment acute and comprehensive; and his literary attainments great and various. He was ctiually emment ;is a preacher and a writer. 366 BADEN. BADDAMMY, a town of Hindostan, in the province of Bejapour, in the territories of the Mahrattas. It is a place of some strength. Eighty miles south-east of Merritch. Long. 74^^ 54' E., lat. 16° 6' N. BADDERLOCKS, in natural history, a Scot- tish name given to the fucus esculentus, or eatable sea-weed. It is about four feet long, and seven or eight inches wide, but varies in lengtli from three yards to a foot, and in breadth, from a foot to two inches ; the substance is thin, membranaceous, and pellucid ; the color, green or olive. This fucus is eaten in the north of Scotland both by men and cajtle, and is in its greate.st perfection in September; that which is eaten by the common people about Edinburgh is the F. Palmatus, Dulse, or Dils, which see. BADEAUT, Loch, or, as it is erroneously spelt in some maps, B a dwell, a good harbour of Scotland, on the coast of Sutherland, in the parish of Edderachylis; where shipping of all sizes can enter, and moor close to the land, in perfect safety. BADEN, in geography, formerly a margra- vate of Germany, in the circle of Suabia, stretch- ing along the east bank of the Rhine, and forming, at present, tlie most important part of a grand duchy of the same name. It consisted of two divisions, viz. Baden-Baden, and Baden-Dur- lach ; of which the former, and part of the latter, formed a compact territory, surrounded by Spire, Wirtemberg, the bishopric of Strasburg, and the Rhine. The country is for the most part level, but intersected on the east by branches of the hilly Schwartzwald, or Black Forest. The most considerable part of Baden-Durlach lay disjointed and insulated towards the south ; and that part in the upper margraviate lying in the direction of Bale, was covered with mountains, except in the immediate vicinity of the Rhine. These divisions, taken together with the county of Eberstein, include a space of 1186 square miles, and a population of more than 180,000 inhabitants, independent of the military. VVitliin the limits of this margravate were seventeen towns, fourteen boroughs, and upwards of five hundred villages and hamlets ; the whole yield- ing an annual revenue of nearly £150,000 ster- ling. The country abounds with wood, wine, iron, cobalt, and silver. The Rhine which flows over the whole surface, from north to south, sup- plies abundance of excellent salmon. Whilst the flax, hemp, linen, and fiuits, which are found in considerable quantities, not only supply the aggregate home consumption of the inhabitants, but form important articles of e.-^portation. Silk has also been cultivated here ; but not with any great advantage. The principal manufactures are of cloth, stuffs, stockings, jewellery, &c. There is also one of steel, at Pfortzheim, and one of beautiful earthenware at Durlach. The house of Baden is descended from Her- man, second son of Berthold I. duke of Zahrin- gen, who died A. D. 1074. About the middle of the sixteenth century it split into tlie two lines of Baden-Baden, and Baden-Durlach, in which state it continued for some time; but, on the ex- tinction of the former, in 1771, the latter suc- ceeded to the whole inheritance. At the diet of the empire, the margrave of Baden had three votes in the council of princes, and one in the bench of counts, in virtue of his title as count of Eberstein. Before the memorable revolution in France, this prince possessed the following terri- tories: his patrimonial lands, different territories in Suabia and Bohemia, portions of the county of Sponheim-Graftenstein, together with the bailiwic of Roth on the French side of the Rhine, the lordships of Rodemachern and Hespringen, in Luxemberg, and several' estates in Alsace; but when the possessions on the left bank of the Rhine were ceded to France by the peace of Luneville, concluded on the 9th of February, 1801, the German princes were indemnified for their losses by the secularisation of ecclesiastical possessions ; the reduction of the imperial cities, and other alterations on the right bank of the Rhine, and the margrave of Baden on that occa- sion acquired the bishopric of Constance, part of Bale-Strasburg, and Spire, several bailiwics of the Lower Palatinate, and in Hesse, the lord- ship of Lahr, a number of secularised abbeys, and several imperial towns, together with the title of elector, and three additional votes at the diet. His augmented possessions at this time contained a territory of 2770 English square miles, and a population of 410,000 'inhabitants, yielding an annual revenue £372,000 sterling; and, in the year 1803 were separated into three divisions, viz. the margraviate, the palatinate, imd the upper principality. When the coalition was formed against France in 1805, Bavaria, Wirtemberg, and Baden, were the allies of Buonaparte ; and after the defeat of the confederated powers at Austerlitz had led to the peace of Presburg. and the subsequent form- ation of the Rhenish confederation in 1806, these states participated in the ceded possessions. Baden was erected into a grand duchy, and in exchange for the towns and territory of Biberach, which had been reduced from its imperial dig- nity, and assigned to Baden, in 1802, and now ceded by that government to Wirtemberg, she received the following accessions, the towns aad territories of Billiugen and Baeuniin^'en, the greater part of the Brisgau, the principality of Heitersheim, the county of Bondorf, the district of Ortenau, the commandery of Bengen, and the possessions of the provincial nobility; also the sovereignty over a great part of Furstenbere, Salm-Krautheim, and Loevenstein-Werheim, as well as over the whole of the Clettgau and Thengen. The county of Nellenburg was shortly aftewards added, together with several adjacent territories, and by means of new acquisitions and interchanges, the detached districts on the lake of Constance were rendered contiguous to the other dominions. These acquisitions raised the importance of Baden, and were all guaranteed to the grand duke, in 1815, by the Congress at Vienna. Baden, in its present state, therefore, remains to be considered as a grand duchy of Germany, including the territories already described. Its division into a landgraviate, a margraviate, and a palatinate, or the provinces of the L pper. Middle, and Lower Rhine, was superseded in 1809, two years after its commencement, by the following distribution into nine circles, thus peopled, according to Mr. Hassel's statistics : BADEN. 367 No. Circles. Population. 89,604 72,735 116,954 125,867 117,640 85,112 131,518 166,018 95,382 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chief Towns. Population. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The Lake (Seekreis) . . The Danube The Weisen The Treisam The Kinzig The Murg The Pfinz and Enz . . . The Neckar The Maine and Tauber Constance . ... V^illingen Lorrach Freyburg Offenburg Rastadt Durlach Manheim Wertheira 4.503 3,316 1,906 10,108 2,888 4,204 3,916 18,213 3,227 1,001,630 52,281 For the general superintendance of the circles are established two divisions of the civil govern- ment, at Manheim and Freyburgh, besides which each of the circles individually has a director and two counsellors of its own. For the adminis- tration of justice there are inferior courts, and above them three courts of appeal at Freyburg, Rastadt, and Manheim, together with an upper court at the town last mentioned, analagous to what is called in France the ' Court of Cassation.' The French code, also commonly called the code of Napoleon, was introduced during the usur- pation of Buonaparte, and is still in force, with a few modifications. The seat of the government is held at Carlsruhe, where the Grand Duke re- sides, under the designation of Royal Highness. There are four ministers connected with the exe- cutive part of government, viz. those of the interior, finance, justice, and war. The legis- lative part is conducted by the Baden cabinet, called the ministerial conference, of which the Grand Duke, hereditary duke, or, failing both, the oldest minister is president. The government has of late manifested considerable solicitude for the welfare of the people, by the formation of roads, the abolition of feudal vassalage, the establishment of an excellent system of forest laws, and above all, by the erection and endow- ment of schools, academies, and public libraries. The principal of these are at Heidelberg, Man-, heim, Baden, and Carlsruhe, Heberlingen, Offenburg, Rastadt, Bruchsal, &c. Religious toleration is also universally granted, although the religion of the Grand Duke and national establishment is Lutheranism. M. Hassel thus enumerates the different re- ligions : — Roman Catliolics .... 620,000 Lutherans 305,000 Calvinists 61,000 Jews 15,080 Mennonites 1,290 The surface of Baden is beautifully diversified by every variety of landscape, hil'l and dale, plain, and mountain, breaking on the sight in regular succession. The climate is agreeable, and the soil, generally speaking, fertile; the only part incapable ef cultivation being a portion of the Black Forest, in Brisgau. The country is intersected by the INIaine and the Neckar, and bounded on the west by the Rhine ; tributary to these are numerous smaller rivers and streams, from several of which the circles derive their names. The country bordering upon Switzer- land is mountainous, and a chain runs from the confines of that division through the southern part of Baden into the kingdom of Wirtemberg. It afterwards forms a part of the separatinc; boun- dary between them, and is joined by another chain stretching from east to west, over the whole breadth of the southern region. Perhaps one of the most beautiful portions of this grand duchy is the country lying round Heidelberg and its suburbs. The town itself ex- hibits a romantic site, mild air, delightful pros- pects, curious and extensive subterranean walks, which have been lately closed, an ancient elec- torial palace; but the- environs, if possible, are still more beautiful. Manheim is also well situ- ated, and forms a delightful appearance at the confluence of the Neckar and the Rhine. At the commencement of the seventeenth century, it was only a pleasant village, but being shortly after fixed upon as the residence of the elector, and seat of the court, it became a flourishing place, although when the court was removed, in 1777, the town considerably declined. The palace of the Grand Duke, the tower of the ob- servatory, the custom house, churches, and other public buildings, together with the gallery of paintings, cabinet of antiquities, kc. are objects worthy of notice ; as are also the bridge of boats over the Neckar, and the flying bridge over the Rhine. The horses of Baden are an excellent breed. In other respects the domestic and wild animals resemble those of the other states of Germany. Baden, a town of Germany, in the grand duchy of the same name, formerly the capital of the upper margraviate, but included, since the the year 1810, in the circle of the Murg. The town is seated among hills, on rocky and uneven ground, which renders the streets inconvenient and crooked. It derives its name from its baths, the word bad, in German, signifying bath. These baths were known to the Romans before the Christian era, and are supplied by upwards of 300 mineral springs, the waters of which are strongly impregnated with sulphur, salt, and alum. Some of these springs are hot, and are accounted good in nervous cases. Baden con- tains a population of 2000 inhabitants, and is now the head of an upper bailiwic. It has a lyceum, with several flourishing manufactures of earthenware, potash, candles, soap, and leather. The ancient castle, now in ruins, stand- 368 BADEN. jng on a neighbouring eminence, overlooks the river Oelbach, commanding the pleasing and txtensive prospects of a beautiful wine country. The town is twenty-two miles N. E. of Strasburg, and forty S. S.W. of Ileidelburg. Long. 8° IS' E., lat. 48° 46' N. Baden, a small town of Lower Austria, •seated on the rivulet of Schwocha, in a plain not far from a ridge of hills which runs out from the mountain Cetius. It is much frequented by the people of Vienna, and the neighbouring region, on account of its warm baths, which are said to be twelve in number, and beneficial in disorders of the head, as also for the gout, dropsy, and most chronic distempers. It contains three churches, 250 houses, and 1500 population, is surrounded by walls, and is twelve miles S.S. W. of Vienna. Long. 16° 14' E., lat. 48" 2' N. Baden, a district of Switzerland, in the can- ton of Aargau, bounded by Suabia on the north, Zudch on the east, Lucerne on the South, and Aargau proper on the west. It is thirty miles in length, and from eight to twelve in breadth, in- cluding a territory of 176 square miles ; and, according to an enumeration made in 1 80*3, con- tained nearly 47,000 inhabitants, which have since increased considerably. This country is one of the finest in Switzerland, and is watered by three navigable rivers, the Limmet, the Russ, and the Are. It is divided into three parts and eight bailiwics, producing great abundance of corn, fruit, and wine. Before the peace of 1712, this district formed a separate canton, but when the articles of treaty were concluded between Zurich and Berne, it was divided among these cantons and that of Claris. The two first seizing upon seven-eighths, and the last the one-eighth then remaining. In the constitution of 1798 it was restored to its original independence, but in the re-organization of the cantons by the emperor Napoleon, in 1 803, it was united to that of Aar- gau, in connexion with which it has ever since remained. Baden, the capital of the above district, is a small town containing about 1700 inhabitants, and carrying on a considerable trade. It is seat- ed on the side of the Limmet, in a plain flanked by two hills, between which the river runs. This city owes its rise to its baths, which were famous before tlie Christian era, and known to the Ro- mans by the name of Thermas Helveticae. Seve- ral monuments of antiquity have been found here, particularly in 1420; when the inhabi- tants, on opening the large spring of the baths, found statues of several heathen gods, made of alabaster, Roman coins, of Augustus, Vespasian, Decius, 8cc. made of bronze, and several medals of the Roman emperors, of gold, silver, copper, and bronze. There are two churches in Baden ; one of which is collegiate, and makes a good ap- pearance, and the other a monastery of the Capuchins, near the town-house. The inhabi- tants are rigid Roman Catholics, and formerly behaved in a most insolent manner to the Pro- testants, but they are now obliged by their mas- ters to be moie submissive. In this town were held formerly the general assemblies of the can- ton, who met in a handsome room, fitted up for their reception within tlie Capuchin's monastery ; here, too, the negociations for peace between France and the empire, which had been opened at Rastadt, were brought to a close, on the seventh of September, 1714. The town at present chooses its own magistrates; and enjoys other privileges. The governor resides in a fine castle on the other side the Limmet, erected after the destruction of the old edifice in 1712; a hand- some wooden bridge hangs over the river, form- ing a beautiful entrance to the castle, and in front of this magnificent residence is a stone pillar erected in honor of Trajan, who paved a road in this country, eighty-five Italian miles in length. The baths, which are on each side the river, are a quarter of a league from the city. .Toining to the small baths there is a village, and to the village a town, which may pass for a second Baden. It is seated on a hill, of which the ascent is steep. There the baths are brought into inns and private houses, by means of pipes, which are about sixty in all. There are also public baths in the middle of the town, from a spring which rises in the street, where the poor bathe gratis, but they are exposed quite naked to all that pass by. All the baths are hot, and one to so great a degree as to scald the hand. The springs, which originate in a place called Ort-Zum-Baden, are eight in number, and are impregnated with a great deal of sulphur, accom- panied with a little alum and nitre. The waters are used for drinking, as well as bathing, and are said to cure all diseases from a cold cause, head-aches, vertigos, &c. They strengthen the senses, cure diseases of the breast and bowels, asthmas, and obstructions, and are peculiarly excellent for diseases of women. Baden is about fourteen miles N. W. of Zurich, twenty-seven S. E. of Basle. Long. 8° 12' E., lat. 47°-24' N. Baden, a parochial village of Switzerland, in the Valais, jurisdiction of Leuck. Here is the celebrated bath commonly called the bath of Leuck, or Valais, which is of heat sufficient to boil an egg, and the water of which is used by the inhabitants both for the purposes of bathing and drinking. BAD ENOCH, a large district of Inverness- shire, of which it is the most easterly part, bounded by Inverness . on the north, Moray on the east, Athol on the south, and Lochaber on the west. It extends about thirty-three miles in length from east to west, and twenty-seven from north-east to south-west, where it is broadest. It has no considerable town, and is very barren and hilly, but abounds with deer and other kinds of game. BADENS (Francis), a historical and portrait painter, was born at Antwerp in 1751, and fir.st initiated in the art by his father. Having visited Rome, he formed an excellent taste for design, and a manner exceedingly pleasing. On his re- turn, he was usually distinguished by the name of the Italian painter. His touch was light and spirited, and nis coloring warm ; and he was the first who introduced a good taste in coloring among his countrymen. While his acknowledged merit was rewarded with every public testimony of esteem, he received an account of the death of his brother, who had been assas'sinated on a journey ; and the intelligence affected him so BADGER. 369 violently, that it occasioned his own death sud- denly, in 1003. liAUEJlALLY, a town of llindostan, 'in the province of Bejapour, seventeen miles south-west of]{aibaug. BADEVV (Richard de), the original founder of Clare-hall, Cambridge. He was born at Badow, in Essex; and in 1326 was chancellor of Cam- bridge, when he laid the foundation of a building to which he gave the name of University-hall. This being afterwards burnt down, was rebuilt by a daughter of Sir Gilbert de Clare, earl of Gloucester, and named Clare-hall. BADEY, a town of Persia, in the province of Khorassan, 140 miles north-west of 'ilerat. BADGE, V. a. &, n. s. A word of uncertain etymology ; derived by Junius from bode or bade, a messenger, and supposed to be cor- rupted from badage, the credential of a mes- senger; but taken by Skinner and Minshew from bagghc. But. a jewel, or bague, Fr. a ring. It seems to come from bujulo, Lat. to carry, The substantive denotes a mark ; or ornament worn to show the relation of the wearer to any person or cause. It also signifies a token of rank or character. An outward and visible dis- tinction, either honorable or disgraceful. But on his brnast a bloody cross he bore. The dear resemblance of his dying lord ; For whose sweet sake that glorious badge he wore. A savage tigress on her helmet lies ; The famous badge Clarinda us'd to bear. Fairfax, Mark the badge of these men, then say if they be true. S/uikspeare. Might I but know thee by thy household badge. Id. Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge. Id. Your royal father's murdered • Oh, by whom ? Those of his chamber, as it seem'd had done 't ; Their hands and faces were all badg'd with blood. So were their daggers. Id, Let him not bear the badges of a wreck. Nor beg with a blue table on his back. Drijden. The outward splendour of his office is the badge and the token of that sacred character which he inwardly bears. Atterbury. Badge, in naval architecture, a sort of orna- ment placed on the outside of small ships, very near the stern, containing either a windosv for the convenience of the cabin, or a representation of it. It is commonly decorated with marine figures, martial instruments, or such like emblems. BADGE'LESS, adj. From badge and less. Having no badge. Whiles his light heels their fearful flight can take. To get some badgeless blue upon his back. Bishup Hall's Satires. BA'DGER, n. s. Perhaps from the Lat. bujulus, a carrier ; but by Junius derived from the badger, a creature who stows up his provision. One that buys corn and victuals in one place, and carries it unto another.' — Coivel. Ba'dger, n. s. From bedour, Fr. mclis, Lat. An animal that earths in the ground, and used to be hunted. That a brock, or badger, hath legs of one side shorter than the other, is received not only by theorists and unexperienced believers, but most who behold them daily. Brown. Vol. III. BADGER, in zoology, the I'nglish name of a species of ursus. See Ursl's. Badgeu-baitixg, or Badgf.ii-iiunting. The badger has suffered more perhaps from vulgar prejudices than any other animal. He ha.s been accused of destroying lambs and rabbits: the first unquestionaiily without foundation, and it is uncertain whether the last charge be better supported; for many naturalists maintain tliat his sole food consists of roots, fruits, grass, in- sects, and frogs. From fthis general and double accusation, however, the harmless badger has been selected to make sport, as it is called, for the vulgar, in both hunting and baiting. Hunting the badger is^in general only perform- ed by moonlight : the badger, from his natuial habits, being never to be found above-ground by day. In this sport the hunters are obliged to oppose art to cunning, and obtain by stratagem what they cannot effect by strength. At a late hour in the evening, when the badger is natu- rally concluded to have left his kennel or his castle in search of food, some of the party, as previously adjusted, proceed to place a sack at length within the burrow, so constructed that the mouth of the sack directly corresponds with the mouth of the earth, and is secured in that posi- tion by means of a willow hoop, which, from its pliability, readily submits to the form required. This part of the business being completed, the parties withdrawn, and the signal whistle given, their distant companions lay on the dogs, either hounds, terriers, lurchers, or spaniels, encourag- ing them through the neighbouring woods, cop- pices, and hedge-rows ; which the badgers abroad no sooner find, than being alarmed, and well knowing their inability to continue a state of warfare so much out of their own element, in- stantly make to the eartit for shelter; where, for want of an alternative, and oppressed with fear, they rush into certain destruction, by entering the sack : being entangled in which, they are soon secured by those who are fixed near the spot for that purpose. If the badger escape by the ill-construction or accidental falling of the sack, and safely enter the earth, digging him out is not only a very laborious but very precarious attempt; for the badger, from instinctive inge- nuity, will be generally found to have formed his retreat before he can be reached : to render which the more easy, he usually constructs his kennel among the roots of some old pollard, in the ,banks of moors, or underneath some hol- low tree ; from the spreading root branches of wliich the burrows run in such various and per- plexing directions, that his assailants are often compelled, after tiring themselves by digging fifteen or twenty feet, to relinquish the pursuit ; corroborating the opmion of the common people, that in a loose and sandy soil badgers can make a way as fast as their hunters can pursue them ^ whence drawn-battles in such situations are very" common results. Badger-baiting is a different sport, and if pos- sibleofa lower description. It consists in attacking the animal at a distance from his burrow, with dogs of almost any kind ; but most successfully with the terrier. The badger is so rapid in his motions, that the dogs are often desperately '.' B BAD 370 BAD womiJed, and compolled to e:ive up the contest, 'flie loosfness and tliickness of llie hadj^jer's skin :ire admirably contriveil for liis advanta^je ; in lonsequence of the latter, and especially in con- jvniction with the coarseness and toughness of his hair, it is difficult for the dogs to lay hold of him ; and in consequence of thp former, h.p finds great facility of escaping" from their grasp when they have succeeded. These sports have given rise to a very expressive proverb of 'badgering a man with a request' for payment of debts ^vc. Ba'dger-leggep. From badger and le-jged. Having legs of an unequal length, as the badger is supposed to have. His body crooked all over, big-bellied, badger-legged, and his complexion swarthy. L'Esirunge. Badgum, a town of Ilindostan in Dowlatabad, six miles S. S. W. of Oudighir. BADHUNTOUL; Gael, a den of refuge ; a place in the parish of Fordice, in Banffshire, in former times used as a place of refuge from th^ ])anish invasions. BADIA, in concholoey, 1. A species of cyprea having an oblong gibbous shell. — Gmelin. 2. A species of helix, called by Born, helix ungu- lina; and, 3. A s;>ecies of patella. Bai)!a (D.), a Spaniard, who devoted himself, in 1803, and four or five following years, to the j)rofession of Mahommedanism, as a means of (exploring INIahommedan countries. He assumed the name of Ali Bey el Abassi, and submitted, it is said, to the most distinguishing rite of Is- lamism, the better to pursue his plans. ]Mr. Burckhardt writes thus, respecting him, from Aleppo : * He called himself Ali Bey, and pro- fessed to be born of Tunisian parents in Spain, and to have received his education in that country. Spanish appears to be his native lan- guage, besides which he spoke Frencii, a little Italian, and the Moggraheyan dialect of Arabic, but badly. He came to Aleppo by the way of Cairo, Yaffa, and Damascus, with the strongest letters of recommendation from the Spanish go- vernment to all its agents, and an open credit upon them. He seemed to be a particular friend of the Prince of Peace, for whom he was col- lecting antiques : and from the manner in which it was known that he was afterwards received by the Spanish ambassador, at his arrival at.Con- stMutinople, he must have been a man of dis- tinction. The description of his figure, and what is related of his travels, called to my re- collection the Spaniard Badia, and his miniature in your library. He was a man of middling size, long thin head, black eyes, large nose, long black beard, and feet that indicated the former wearing of tight shoes. He professed to have travelled in Barbary, to have crossed the Lybian desert, between Barbary and Egypt, and from Cairo to have gone to Mecca and back. He travelled with eastern magnificence, but here he was rather shy of showin.^' himself out of doors : iie never walked out but on Fridays, to the jirayers of noon in the grent mosque. One of the before-mentioned dervises told me that there had been a great deal of talking about this Ali Bey, at Damascus and Hamar: they suspected him of being a Christian, but his great liberality and t!io pressiu'.r h iters which he brought to all people of consequence, stopped all furdier in- ([uiry. He was busily employed in arranging and putting in order his journal during the two months of his stay at Aleppo.' His travels were published at London and in Paris, in 1814, in 2 vols. 8vo. under his assumed name. He is now known to have been an agent of Godoy, the Prince of the Peace, employed at the insti- gation of Napoleon. He died in Spain shortly after his return to Europe. Badia, La, a town of Italy, on the Adigetto, at the place where it branches from Uie Adige. It is small and open, but well-built, populous and wealthy ; and was formerly called Castello Piazzone, having two castles. The Adige is here crossed by a handsome bridge five miles from Lecnano, and fifteen W. S. W. of Rovigo. BADIAGA, in the materia medica, the name of a sort of spongy plant, common in the shops of Moscow and some other northern kingdoms. It i.s used to take away the livid marks, occasioned by blows and bruises, which the powder is said to do in a night's time. We owe the know- ledge of this medicine, and its history, to Bux- baum. He observes, that the plant is always found under water, and is of a very peculiar nature. It somewhat resembles the alcyonium, and some- what tl'.e sponge, but differs from both, it being full of small round granules, resembling seeds. It is of a loose, light, and spongj' structure ; is made up of a number of fibres of an herbaceous matter, and is dry, rigid, and friable between the fingers. Such is the generic character of the badiaga, of which this accurate observer has found three difl'erent species. Linmeus makes it a species of sponge. BADIANA, Badiane, or Bandiax, the seed of a tree which grows in China, and smells like anise seed. The Chinese, and the Dutch in imitation of them, sometimes use the badiana to give their tea an aromatic taste. BADIGEON, in joiner work, saw-dust mixed with strong glue, wherewith they fill up the chaps and other defects in the wood after it is wrought. Badigeon, in statuary, a mixture of plaster M and free-stone well ground together, and sifted ; I used by statuaries to fill up the little holes, and repair the defects in stones, whereof they make their statues and other work. BADILE (Antonio), history and portrait painter, born at \'ienna in 1480, was an eminent artist : but derived greater honor from having two such disciples as Paolo \'eronese and Baptista Zelotti. He died in 1560. His coloring, especially of his carnations, was beautiful ; and his portraits preserved ,the perfect resemblance of real life. BADINAGE, foolery, buffoonery. BADIS, a fortress of Livonia, subject to Russia, twenty miles east of Revel. BADITES, in botany, the NymphcEa, or clava Herculis : the root of which, according to Mar- celaus Empiricus, bruised and eaten with vine- gar for ten days by a boy, makes him an eunuch widiout excision. BADKIS, or Pasix, a town of Persia in the province of Khorassan, thirty-six miles north of Herat. Long. 60^ 27' E. lat. 3j^ 30. N. BAE 371 BJE BADONG, a district of tlte island of Balli, where the Dutcli had a small settlement, after- wards taken by the British. HADOO, two towns in tlie kingdom of ^Voolli, in Africa. They both united their strength in enforcing the payment of custom from Mr. Park. iiADOLX'E, in natural history, the East Indian name of a fruit, very common in tiiat part of the world. It is round, and of the size of one of our common apples ; yellow on the outside, and white within. It resembles tire manc];oustan ; but its pulp is more transparent; its taste is very agreeable, and has some resera- blance'to that of our gooselierrie.s. BADRACIIILLU.M, or the Sacui:!) Moun- tain, a town of llindostan, in Golconda, on the north-ea.st side of the river Godavery, consisting of 100 huts. Here is a pagoda of great celebrity. Distant seventy-two miles NAV. of Rajamun- dry, 150 east of Ilydrabatl, and 134 from \ izasapatam. B.VDROWLY, a town of llindostan, inGuze- r.it, sixteen miles east of Surat. BAI)RVCAZRAM,an extensive mountainous district on tiie northern borders of llindostan, between the thirty-first and thirty-thipd degrees of northern latitude; very unproductive and thinly inliabiled. BADSUIIT Bay; a bay on the coa^st of Pa- tagonia, in the straits of Magellan. Long. 74° 24' W. lat. 53^ 35' S. BADUEL (Claude), a French protestant di- vine, born at Nismes. lie went to Switzerland in 1557, vvheie he taught philosophy and mathe- matics, and exercised his ministry till his death in 13G1. B.\DULAT(^, a town and territorj' of Xaples, in Calabria Ultni, extremely productive in wine, od, honey, turpentine, cotton and silk, lourteen miles S.S. 1'^. of SquUlace. BADULE, a town of Ceylon, fifiy-four miles S. E. of Candy. BADY, a large town of Africa, in die kingdom of NN'ooUi, governed by an independent ciiief, under the appellatioa of FarLmba. BAEA, in botany, a genus of plants, of the class diandria, and order monoj^ynia. Its ge- neric character is coii. rincrent, the tube very short, upper lip flat, tridentate; lower lip Hat, bilobate: caps bilocular, quadrivahular, contorted: cal. quinquepartite, equal. BAECKEA, in botany, a genus of the octan- dria order, and mono of tlie Terto- sages in Gallia Narbonensis, on the east bank of t'.ie Obris. It is now called Besier&v B ETICA, a province of ancient Spain, so called from the river Baetis. It was bounded on the west by Ln-;it ir-i i ; on the south by the Meii- terranean. and Sinus Gadilanos; on tlie north 4jy the Cantftbric sea, now the l-'ay of Biscay. On the east and north e;ist its limits cann*jt be sn well ascertained, as they are known to have beoii in a continual state of fluctuation, each petty monarch having had an opportunity of encioaeli- ing upon his neighbour. The province v,:w divided into two by tlie river Btetis, on t!ie side of whicli, towards tlie Anas, were situated the Turdctani, from wheoce tlie kiu'.:dom was some- times called Turdetania, thou2;!i mo^e generally Baturia.. Gn the other side, ajoag the Mediter- ranean, were situated the BiistvJi, Bastetani, and Contestani. The whole prwince of Ba;tica, according to the most probable account, is con- tained in what is now called Andalusia, part of the kingdom of Grenad;i. B.ETIS, a famous river of ancient Spain, afiey- wards called Tarlessus, and now GuadaUiiUvor, or the (ireat River. B.ETOLO, a town of ancient Spain, in tlie Tcrracont>nsis ; now Badelona, ii\ Catalonia. BETCIUA. See Bktica. B.ETl'S, in ichUiyology, a name vriven by Aristotle, and others of tlie ancient (Jreeks, ») the fish, called by the Latin writers cottns; par- ticularly to that species called by us liie bull- head, or miller's tlijimb. B.ETV El A, anointed stones, wosshippcfl by the Phanicians, by the Greeks before llie tiiiiC i>f Cecrops, and by other kirbarous natioiiSs They were commonly of a bbxk color, and con- secrated to soine gc buffle, an ox, and Baf'fled, adv. j signifies to lead by the nose as an ox ; that is, to amuse or disap- point ; to perplex by a feint. Its general accep- tation is eluding the schemes of others by dex- trous management. It is sometimes explained by the words to defeat, to disconcert, and con- found. Dr. Johnson employs these terms in his definition of it. But Crabbe has well distin- guished them, and given them different shades of meaning in their application. Baffle expresses less than defeat ; defeat less than confound ; and disconcert less tha."> all. Obstinacy, persever- ance, skill, or art, baffles ; force or violence de- feats; awkward circumstances disconcert; the visitation of God confounds. Where thou wilt, lad, I'll make one ; an I do not, call me villain, and baffle me. Shakspeare. Go, baffled coward, lest I run upon thee. Milton. They made a shift to think themselves guiltless, in spite of all their sins ; to break the precept, and at the same time to baffle the curse. South. He hath deserved to have the grace withdrawn, which he hath so long baffled and defied, Atterbiiry. Experience, that great baffler of speculation, assures us the thing is too possible, and brings, in all ages, matter of fact to confute our suppositions. Government of the Tongue. Etruria lost. He brings to Tumus' aid his baffled host. Dryden When the mind has brought itself to close thinking, it may go on roundly. Every abstruse problem, every intricate question, will not baffle, discourage, or break it. Locke. Now shepherds! to your helpless charge be kind. Baffle the raging year, and till their pens With food at will. Thomson. BAG', V. a. & n. A sack, pouch, or purse Either artificially constructed, or the work of nature. Cousin, away for Eugland ; haste before. And, ere our coming, see thou shake the bagt Of hoarding abbots ; their imprison'd angels Set thou at liberty. Shakspeare. Sing on, sing on, for I can ne'er he cloy'd ; So may thy cows their burden'd bags distend. Dryden. Two kids that in the valley stray'd I found by chance, and to my fold convey'd : They drain two bagging udders every day. Id, Like a bee, bagg d with his honey'd venom. He biings it to your hive. Id. Doti Sebastia't, BAGDAD. 373 Once, vre confess, beneath tho patriot's cloak, ■ From the crack'd baf/ the dropping guinea spoke. Pope. We saw a young fellow riding towards us full gal- lop, with a bob wig and black silken bag tied to it. Addison. Bag, in commerce, a term signifying a certain quantity of some particular commodity ; a bag of almonds, for instance, is about 300 weight ; of anise seeds, from 300 to 400 ; of pepper, from H to 300; of cotton yarn, from 2^ to 4J, &c. Bags are used in most countries to put several sorts of coin in, either of gold, silver, brass, or copper. Bankers, and others, who deal much in current cash, label their bags of money, by tying a ticket or note at the mouth of the bag, signify- ing the coin contained, the sum total, its weight, and of whom it was received. Tare is allowed for the bag. Bag, in farriery, is when, in order to retrieve a horse's lost appetite, they put in an ounce of assafoetida, and as much powder of savin, into a bag, to be tied to the bit, keeping him bridled for two hours several times a-day ; as soon as the bag is taken off, he will fall to eating. The same bag will serve a long time. Bag, in medicine and pharmacy, a kind of fomentation, prepared of proper ingredients, en- closed m a bag, to be applied externally to a part diseased, for present relief. Dispensatory writers describe cordial bags, used in deliquiums ; bags for the side, for the stomach, in weaknesses of the stomach ; anodyne bags to ease pain in any part. Wines and ale are frequently medicated by put- ting into tliem bags full of proper ingredients. Sweet bags, are composed of perfumes, scented powders, and the like, enclosed in bags, to give a fragrancy to clothes, &c. BAGA. See Rutta Bag a. BAGADAT, or Bagalin, a name by which some call the carrier pigeon, the columba tabel- laria of Moore. The name is probably a cor- ruption of the word Bagdat, the city from whence they are sometimes brought to Europe ; being originally brought thither from Bazora. BAGALAEN, or Bugelen, a district in the south of Java, nearly about the centre of the island, from east to west. The dialects of Scindo and of this district, are said to be very distinct from the .Javanese Proper. From the Bugelen dialect the Sooloo language is supposed to be derived. BAGAIVIADER, or Bagamf.dri, a province of Abyssinia in Africa : so named from the great number of sheep bred in it ; meder signifying land or earth, and bag a sheep. Its length is estimated about sixty leagues, and its breadth twenty, but formerly it was much more exten- sive ; several of its provinces having been dis- membered from it, and joined to that of Tigre. A great part of it, especially towards the east, is inhabited by wandering Gallas and Caffres. BA'GATELLE, n. s. Bagatelle, Fr. A trifle ; a thing of no importance. Heaps of hair rings and cypher'd seals ; Rich trifles, serious bagatelles. Prior. BAGAUD.E, or Bacaud.i:, a faction of pea- sants, or malcontents, who ravaged Gaul about A. D. 290, and assumed the name Bagauda;» which, according to some authors, signified, in the Gaelic language, forced rebels; according to others, robbers. After seven months' siege they stormed the city of Autun. Villages and open towns were everywhere abandoned to their ra- vages ; and they shook off the yoke of slavery only to show their incompetency for freedom, by a perpetration of the most cruel barbarities. Two of their most daring leaders, TElianus and Amandus, had the boldness to assume the title and decorations of the Ca-sars ; and the cabinets of the curious still contain medals which they coined. Maximian, when associated with Dio- clesian in the imperial government, devoted him- self to the reduction of the 'Bagaudae. It has been said that they were Christians ; but even Mr. Gibbon (ii. 123) rejects this fact. BAGAUZE, the name given, in the Antilles, to the sugar-canes, after they have passed through the mill ; they are dried, and used for boiling the sugar. BAGDAD, or Bagdat, a celebrated city and pachalic of Asia, in Arabian Irak, seated on the eastern banks of the Tigris, which is here up- wards of 600 feet wide. It is 300 miles N.N.VV. of Bassora, 210 south of Mosul, and 1350 east of Constantinople. This city is of an oblong figure, about 1500 paces in length, by 800 in breadth, environed with a high but ruined wall, and a deep ditch. It has six gates surmounted with cannon, a castle, and an armoury ; but the whole of its defences are in a very feeble and contemptible state. Here are some handsome houses ; the markets are well supplied, and the bazaars are magnificent, containing from 1200 to 1500 ships, loaded with every description of east- ern merchandise. Bagdad, in fact, is the great link of communication between Asia Minor, Syria, and even Europe and the East. The chief imports from India are, gold brocade, cloths, sugar, pepper, tin, sandal-wood, iron, china-ware, spice, cutlery, arms, and broad-clotli ; in return for which they send bullion, copper, gall-nuts, tamarisk, leather, and otto of roses. From Aleppo are imported European silk-stuffs, broad-cloth, steel, cochineal, gold thread, and several other European articles, which are brought in Greek vessels to Scanderoon. The imports from Persia are, shawls, carpels, silk, cotton, white cloth, leather, and saffron : and those from Constantinople are, bullion, furs, gold and silver thread, jewels, brocade, velvets, and otto of roses. Its principal manufactures are red [and yellow leather (which is much es- teemed), silk, cotton, and woollen stuffs ; and latterly a foundry of cannon has been erected. Bagdad exhibits the ruins of a number of antique buildings. On the west side of the river is a suburb connected with the city by a bridge of boats, upon which the Biib jisri, (Bridge gate) opens. The great extent of this city anciently on the west, as well as on the east side of the river, appears from the ruins all round this suburb. Here are the tombs of many Mahommedan saints ; among others, those of the Imams Abii Hanifak and Hanbel, founders of two of the orthodox sects ; and of .M.isa Kazim, one of the twelve Imams, the successors of Ail, •374 B A G DAD. •so tTiuch vcrterated by \\\e Persians. To tlie literary traveller it oHcrs many other objects of interest; such as the tomhs otllaruun Al llaschid, and his con«;ort Zoljeidaii, so often mentioned in the Arabian Kii;hts; and the remains of some fine mos(nies and coUetjes, monuments of the most brilliant period of Arabian histoiy. But even the wrecks of many palaces and public buildings, celebrated by eastern writers, have not entirely disapi)eared. Bagdad was fomxled by the caliph Abu Jafur Almansor in 70(5, and completed in four years. In the ibllowiRt: cenfury the celebrated llaroun Al Uaschid reigned here, and under the auspices of Zobeida, his queen, and the vizier .lafter Bar- iTiakeed, it rose into great splendor and impor- ta^nee ; but was almost totally destroyed by the Turks, 100 years later; aiid i'li the thirteenth century was stornred 1 y the T-artar prince IIo- ]akn, the grandson of Jeughis Khan, who put the sovereign to earc. They were probably always in readiness, and carried among the baggage of the army. Addisun on Italt/. Dolabella designed, when his affairs grew desperate in Egypt, to pack up bag and baggage, and sail for Italy. Arhuthnof. A spark of indignation did rise in her, not to suffer such a baggage to win away any thing of hers. Sidney. When this baggage meets with a man who |ha9 vanity to credit relations, she turns him to account. Bagoa«je, in antiquity," was distinguished by the Romans into two sorts ; a greater and less. The lesser was carried by the soldier on his back, and called sarcina ; consisting of the things most necessary to life, and which he could not do without. Hence coUigere sarcinas, packing up the baggage, is used for decamping, castra mo- vere. The greater and heavier was carried on horses and in vehicles, and called onera. Hence onera vehiculorum, sarcin-je hominura. The baggage horses were denominated sagraentarii equi. The Roman soldiers in their marches were heavily laden, in so much that they were called, by way of jest, niuli mariani, and aerumno.-. They had four sorts of luggage, which they never went without, viz, buccellatum, or corn, utensils, valli, and arms. Cicero observes, that they used to carry with them above half a month's provisions ; and we have instances in Livy, where they carried provisions for a whole month. Their utensils com])rehended those proper for gathering fuel, dressing tlieir meat, and even for fortification or entrenchment; and what is more, a chain for binding captives. For arms, the foot carried a spear, shield, saw, b;isket,rutrum, hatchet, lorum, falx, &c. Also stakes or pales, valli, for the sudden fortifying a camp; sometimes seven, or even twelve of these pales were carried by each man, though generally, as PoUybius tells us, only three or foui. On the Trajan column we see soldiers represented with this sanlie of corn, utensils, pales. ie soul, when he infused it into the body; and denied his prescience. BAGOAS, a Persian (name for the king's eunuch, employed in history to denote Bagoas, an Egyptian, who governed for along time under Artaxerxes Othus. He poisoned his master, and then put to death Arses, whom he had set up as his successor, but was at length killed by Darius, against whose life he conspired. This eunuch answers to the Bagoas mentioned in Judith. — ])iodor.\.\7; Joseph. Antiq. 1. 11. c. 7. 2. A eunuch who was in great favor with Alexander the Great, &c. BAGCJI, among the ancient Persians, were the same M'ith those called by the Latins spadones, viz. a species of eunuchs. reed, and is played on by compressing the bag under tlie arm, when full ; and opening or stop- ping the holes, which are eight, with the fingers. The bagpipe takes in the compass of three octaves . — Chu7n bers . Wei coude he stolen come and toUen thries. And yet he had a thomb of gold parde, A white cote and a blew hode wered he A baggepipe wel coude he blow and soune. And therewithall be brought us out of toune. Chaucer. No banners but shirts, with some bad bagpipes, in- stead of drum and fife. Sidney. Yea, or the drone of a Lincolnshire bagpipe. Sluikspeare. Some that will evermore peep thro' their eyes. And laugh like parrots, at a bagpiper. Id. This light inspires and plays upon. The nose of saint-like bagpipe Arone, And speaks through hollow empty soul. As through a trunk or whispering hole. Hudibras. Bagpipe. The peculiarity of the bagpipe, and from which it takes its name, is, that the air which blows it, is collected into a leathern bag, from whence it is pressed out by the arm into the pipes. These pipes consist of a bass and BAGPIPE. 377 tenor, or rather treble ; and are different accord- ing to the species of the pipe. Tlie bass part is called the drone, and the tenor or treble part the chanter. Bagpipes are chiefly used in Scotland and Ireland. In all the species, the bass never varies from its uniform note, and therefore very deser%'edly gets the name of drone ; and the com- pass of the chanter is likewise very limited. There is a considerable difference between the Highland and Lowland bagpipe of Scotland; the former being blown with tiie mouth, and the latter with a small pair of bellows : though this differnce is not essential, every species of bagpipe being capable, by a proper construction of the reeds, of producing music either with the mouth or bellows. The Highland RAcriPE consists of a chanter and two short drones, which sound in unison with the lowest note of the chanter, except one. This is exceedingly loud, and almost deafening, if played in a room ; and is therefore mostly used in the fields, for marches, Sec. It requires a prodigious blast to sound it ; so that those vmaccustomed to it cannot imagine how High- land pipers can continue to play for hours together, as they are often known to do. For the same reason, those who use the instrument are obliged either to stand on their feet, or walk when they play. The instrument has but nine notes ; its scale, however, has not yet been re- duced to a regular standard, by comparing it with that of other instruments. Those who are best acquainted with it, affirm that it plays only the natural notes, without being capable of varia- tion by flats or sharps. The Irish Bagpipe is the softest, and in some respects the most melodious of any, so that music books have been published with directions how to play on it. The chanter, like that of all the rest, has eight holes like the English flute, and is played on by opening and shutting the holes as occasion requires ; the bass consists of two short drones, and a long one. The lowest note of the chanter is D on the German flute, being the open note on the counter string of a violin ; the small drone (one of them commonly being stopped up) is tuned in unison with the note above this, and the large one to an octave below ; so that great length is required in order to produce such a low note, on which account the drone has sometimes two or three turns. The instrument is tuned by lengthening or short- ening the drone till it sounds the note desired. The Scots Lowland Bagpipe is also a very loud instrument, though less so than the former. It is blown with bellows, and has a bass like the Irish pipe. This species is different from all the rest, as it cannot play the natural notes, but has V and C shaq). The lowest note of a good bag- pipe of this kind is in unison with C sharp on the tenor of a violin, tuned concert pilch ; and as it has but nine notes, the highest is D in alt. Troin this peculiar construction, the Highland and I>owland bagpipes play two species of music essentially different from one another, as each of them also is from every other species of mu- sic in die world. This kind of bagpipe was formerly very much used in Scotland at wed- dings and other festivals; being extremely well calculated for playing that peculiar species of Scots music called reels. Hut it has been often a mat- ter of surprise how this was possible, as the instrument has only a compass of nine or ten notes at the utmost, which cannot be varied as in other instruments. In this respect, however, it has a very great compass, and will play an inconceivable variety of tunes. Its notes are natu- rally so high, there is scarce any one tune but what is transposed by it, so that what would be a flat note on the key proper for the violin, may be a sharp one on the bagpipe ; and though the latter cannot play any flute note, it may in this manner play tunes which on other instruments would be flat. The small Bagpipe has the chanter not ex- ceeding eight inches in length ; for which reason the holes are so near each other, that it is with difficulty they can be closed. It has only eight notes, the lower end of the chanter being com- monly stopped. The reason of this is to prevent the slurring of all the notes, which is unavoid- able in the other species ; this, by having the lower hole closed, and also by the peculiar way in which the notes are expressed, plays all its tunes in the way called by the Italians staccato, and cannot slur at all. It has no species of music peculiar to itself; and can play nothing which cannot be much better done upon other instruments ; though it is surprising what volu- bility some performers on this instrument will display, and how much they will overcome the natural disadvantages of it. Some of this species, instead of having drones like the others, have their bass parts, consisting of a winding cavity in a kind of short case, and are tuned by opening them to a certain degree, by means of sliding covers ; from which contrivance they are called shuttle-pipes. The bagpipe appears to liave been an instru- ment of great antiquity in Ireland, though it is uncertain whence they derived it. Mr. Pennant, by means of an antique found at Richborough, in Kent, has determined that the bagpipe was introduced at a very early period into Britain ; whence it is probable that both the Irish and Danes might borrow the instrument from the Caledonians. But that writer observes, ' W'e must still go further, and deprive even that ancient race of the credit; and derive its origin from the mild climate of Italy, perhaps from Greece. There is now in Rome a most beautiful bas re- lievo, a Grecian sculpture of the highest antiquity, of a bagpiper playing on his instrument, exactly like a modem Ilighlander. The (ireeks had their AaKavXrjc, or instrument, composed of a pipe and blown-up skin ; the Romans in all probability borrowed it from them, and intro- duced it among their swains, wlio still use it under the names of piva and cornu-musa. That miister of music, Nero, used one ; and had not the empire been so suddenly deprived of that great artist, he would (as he graciously declared his intention) have treated the people with a concert, and, among other curious instruments, would have introduced the utricularius, or bag- pipe. Nero perished ; but the fiizure of the instrument is preserved on one of his coins, highly improved by that great master : it has the 378 B A II A M A. bag and two of tlie vulgar pipes ; hut was blown with a bellows like an organ, and iiad on one side a row of nine unequal pipes, resembling the syrinx of the god Pan. The bagpipe, in the un- improved state, is also represented in an ancient sculpture ; and appears to have had two long pipes or drones, and a single short pipe for the fingers. Tradition says, that the kind played on by the moutli was introduced by the Danes : as theirs was wind music, we will admit that they have made improvements, but more we cannot allow ; they were skilled in the use of the trum- pet; the Highlanders in the piohb, or bagpipe.' Aristides Quintilianus informs us, that it pre- vailed in the Highlands in very early ages; and indeed the genius of the people seems to render the opinion highly probable. The attachment of that people to their music called pilirachs is almost incredible, and on some occasions is said to have produced effects little less marvellous tiian those ascribed to the ancient music. At the battle of Quebec, 1760, while the British troops were retreating in great disorder, the gen- eral complained to a field-officer in Trazer's regiment, of the bad behaviour of his corps. ' Sir (said he, with some warmth), you did very wrong in forbidding the pipers to play this morning: nothing encourages tlie Highlanders so much in the day of action. Nay, even now, they would be of use.' — ' Let them blow like the devil, then (replies the general), if it will bring back the men.' The pipers were now ordered to play a favorite martial air; and the Highland- €irs, the moment they heard the music, returned and formed with alacrity in the rear. In the iate war in India, Sir Eyre Coote, sensible of the attachment of the Highlanders to their favorite instrument, gave them £50 to buy a pair of bagpipes. There was once a kind of college in the island of Sky, where the Highland bagpipe was taught; the teachers making use of pins stuck into the ground instead of musical notes. This, however, was for some time entirely dissolved, and the use of the Highland pipe became much less general thau before. At last a society of gentlemen, thinkiflg it perhaps impolitic to allow the ancient martial music of the country to decline, resolved to revive it by giving an annual prize to the best performers on the instrument. These compe- titions were held at Falkirk. The Lowland bag- pipe was reformed, and the music improved by George Mackie, who is said to have attended the college of Sky seven years. He had before been the best performer on that instrument in that part of the country where he lived ; but, while attending the college at Sky, adapted the graces of the Highland music to the Lowland pipe. Upon his return, he was heard with astonishment and admiration ; but unluckily, was not able to commit his improvements to writing, and indeed the nature of the instrument scarcely admits of it. BA(jRE, in ichtliyology, a small bearded fish, of the anguilliform kind, of which there are seve- ral species. It has no scales, but is covered over the whole body with a soft mucous skin of a sil- very whiteness, and the beard, the head, and \.-v fins are all _^of tiie same color; the eyes are large, the moulh small, and without teeth. It is caught in the American seas, and is eaten ; but if any body is wounded by its thorns, it gives great pain, and is difficult to cure. In the Lin- nnsan system it is classed as a species of silurus. BAGRE De Kio, a name by which some call the fish more frequently known by the name of nhaiaidia. BAG-REEF, in maritime affairs, a fourth or lower reef, sometimes used in the royal navy. BAGSIIAW, a romantic little town in the High Peak of Derbyshire. BAGSHOT, or liAOSiioT, a small town in Surry, two miles and a half south-west from Staines, and twenty-six fronr J,ondon. This place is famous for its excellent mutton, brought hither from the Hampshire downs. It was form- erly called Holy Hall, and our kings had an- ciently a house and ]iark here. The church was rebuilt in 167G, having been destroyed by light- ning. Bagshot-heath, which surrounds the town, is mostly uncultivated, but upon its borders are some handsome seats, and one is the residence of his royal highness the duke of Gloucester. BA'GUETTE, n. x. Fr. a term of architec- ture. A little round moulding, less than an astragal ; sometimes carved and enriched. Bagiette Di-.viNATOiiiE, the divining-rod, generally regarded as a piece of philosophical quackery. It is nothing else than a forked piece of hazle, the two branches of which are often from fifteen to eighteen inches in length, and form an angle of thirty or forty degrees. They are held in the hands in a certain manner, so that the trunk or middle is turned towards the heavens. Some persons, it is said, are endowed with such a property, that if they hold this rod as above de- scribed, it tends by a violent effort to turn its trunk downwards, when in the proximity of a spring, or of precious metals concealed in the bowels of the earth, or stolen money, Ike. Nay, some have even asserted that it has pointed out, in this manner, the traces of criminals, robbers, or assassins. (See Hutton's Translation of Mon- tucla's Ozanam, vol. iv. p. 260). A lady of rank, on reading his account of the divining-rod, wrote several letters to Dr. Hutton on the subject, de- scribing the wiiy in which she discovered that she possessed t!ie faculty of finding water by such an instrument ; and relating that she ac- tually found water, by means of the hazle, in the duke of Manchester's park, at Kimbolton, Hunt- ingdonshire, about thirty years ago. The same lady also exhibited successfully iier method of discovering water, at Woolwicli Common, to Dr. Hutton and his friends. See Divining Rod. BAG^'ON, or Bogendorf, a market town of Transylvania, in tlie county of Kolosch, not far from tlie rdarosch, with tliui\hes of the L'allioliv, Jveformed, and I'nitarian creeds. BAHALATOHS, a small island in the eastern seas, near the east coast of Borneo. Long. 118° 21' E., lat. 5" 45' N. BAHAMA, or Lucayas Islands, the east ernmost of the Antilles are situated in the Atlantic Ocean, to tlie south of Carolina, be- tween 21^ and 28^ N. lat. and 71° and 81° W. B A 11 A M A. 379 long. Tlipy extend along Ihe coast of Florida down to the isle of Cuba ; are said to he 300, or, according to olliers, oOO in number, some of them only mere rocks; but twelve or fourteen of them are large and fertile, and differing but little from the soil of (Carolina. I'roceeding from the southern to the northern extremity of the chain, the group may ])e thus enumerated : — 1. Turk's islands, 2. The Caucus, or Caicos, 3. The Heneagas, 4. Mayaguana, 5. Crooked island Group, 6. Long island, 7. Watlings, 8. The Kxumas, 9. San Salvado, 10. Eleuthera, or Ilabour Island, 1 1. Providence, 12. Andros, 13. Lucayo, or Abaco, 14. Bahama. In addition to the islands included in this 3'1'oup, two extensive sand-banks, called the great and little Bahama banks, occupy a wide s]iace of sea, the boundaries of wliicli are in, salt, turtle, and several species of fish. Cattle and sheep also thrive well, and great numbers cf birds are met with, generally of the same kinds as those of the West India islands. New Providence, being the seat of govern- ment, absorbs nearly the whole trade of the group, which is chiefly with England, the West Indies, and North America. Nassau is the ])rin- cipal town, and the seat of government for all the islands. This is founded upon that of the mother country, and resembles those of her otlier colonies in preserving the legislative, executive, and judicial powers distinct : the governor is the representative of the crown ; and in him the executive power is vested. He is commander-in- chief of the military, convenes and prorogues the national assembly, and has power to annul their proceedings, subject to a reference to the king in council. By his judicial character he presides in all the courts. The council consists of twelve persons, appointed by the king, who form the upper house of the legislature, and participate with the governor in his judicial authority. The house of assembly consists of twenty-six mem- bers, who are elected by the respective districts. See Edwards's History of the ^^ est Indies ; and M'Kinnen's Account of the Bahama islands. Bahama, Grf.at, Islano 01, one of the Ba- hama's, sixty-three miles long and about nine broad, situated on the south side of the Little Bahama bank, and exlening from the Florida .stream almost to the island of Abaco. The soil is fertile, the air serene, and the island well watered. It formeily produced guaiacum, sar- saparilla, and red wood ; all which the Spaniards are said to have destroyed. This islan' is fifty-seven miles from the coast of east Honda. Long. 78° 10' to 80^ 2-1' W., lat. 20'^ 40' to 27^ 5' N. Bahama Ciianm i-, the narrow sea between the coast of America and the Bahama islands, about forty-five leagues in lenuth, and sixteen in breadth. ' It is sometimes called the (Jiilf of Florida. Here t!ie current flows with that rapi- dity which renders the p;i3sage extremely dan- gerous, except under favorable circumstances. Bahama Bank, Giuat, a sand-bank, ex- tending nearly from the island of Cuba to the shores of" the Bahama group. It com- mences about 22° 20', and stretches to 26^ 15' of north latitude. A smaller bank of the same kind and iiauK' occupies a considerable s\mcii on the uortli of the inland of B.ihama. 380 B A H A R. BAHAR, from the Sanscrit Vihar, a Buddish monastery, a large and populous province of Hindostan, formerly called Magadlia, and once an independent kingdom. It lies between the twenty-second and twenty-seventh degrees of north latitude, is separated from the Nepaul do- minions by an extensive range of hills, rising upon the northern frontier. On the east it has the province of Bengal, on the south the ancient Hindoo province of Gundwana, and on the west a part of the latter, Allahabad and Oude. It was anciently separated from the Benares territories by the river Caramnassa. This pro- vince at present is one of the most fertile and highly cultivated territories of Hindostan. Its included area of arable ground is computed at 26,000 square miles, and separated north and south into two equal divisions by the river Gan- ges, wich flows from west to east in a course of 200 miles. The northern division stretches a distance of seventy miles from the forests of Nepaul and Morung to the borders of the above river. It is separated on the east from Purveah in Bengal by the Cosa or Cosi, and on the west from Gonac- poor in Oude, by the Gunduck, and a crooked line between that river and the Dewah, or Gog- grah. The whole included area is one unbroken plain, and was subdivided by the emperor Acber into four districts, namely, Hajypoor, Tirhoot, Sarun, and Chumparun, or Bettiah including four pergunnahs from Monghyr. The central division extends from the Ganges south, as far as the Vindhya-chil range of hills, a distance of sixty miles. It is separated from Bengal on the east by a branch of the above southern hills, extending to the Tilliaghury pass, on the confines of Rajemal; from Chunar, in Al- lahabad on the west, by the river Charamnassa. The district Bahar, which lies in the centre of this division, occupies one half of the inclusive level area ; the plains of INIonghyr one sixth more, and the rest is mountainous. The district of Rotas lies to the south-west, chiefly between the rivers Soane and Caramnassa, and that of Sha- habad stretches along the southern side of the Ganges. This central division is usually con- sidered the most important and fertile of the whole province, abounding in opium, and yielding nearly two thirds of the whole pro- duce. Independent of the above divisions there is a straggling hilly country of 8000 square miles, which is almost barren, and still further to the south, a third elevated region of barren rugged land, to the extent of 18,000 square miles. This lofty territory, including the modern subdivisions of Chuta Nagpoor, Ramghur, and Palamow, is bounded on the west by the Soubah of Allahabad, on the south by Orissu, and on the east by Ben- gal. Amongst geographers it is termed the Three Bellads or Cantons, and is sometimes described under the appellation of Kokerah, but is more commonly called Nagpoor, from the sup- posed wealth of its diamond mines. The extent of tliis province may easily be perceived from the following Uible in square miles : — Assessed lands of eight districts . . 26,287 Hilly territories in Ilhotas, Monghyr, &c 7,133 Content of lands belonging to Pala- mour, Ramgheir and Nagpoor. . 18,553 Total content of the province. . 51,973 The following extract from the celebrated in- stitutes of Acber, compiled by Abul Fazel, A.D. 1582, may not be unacceptable to the geogra- phical reader. ' The length of Bahar from Gurher to Rotas is 120 coss, and the breadth from Terhoot to the northern mountains includes 110 coss. It is bounded on the east by Bengal, has Alla- habad, and Oude to the west ; and on the north and south are large mountains. The principal rivers of this Soubah are the Ganges and the Soane. The river Gunduck comes from the north, and empties itself into the Ganges near Hadjypoor. The summer months are here very hot, but the winter is temperate. The rains continue for six months. In the district of Mon- ghyr is raised a stone wall extending from the Ganges to the mountains, and this wall is con- sidered to be the boundary between Bengal and Bahar. The Soubah contains seven districts, viz. Bahar, Monghyr, Chumparum, Hajypoor, Sarum, Tirhoot, and Rotas. These are sub- divided into 199 pergunnahs. The gross amount of the revenue is 55,47,985 sicca rupees.] It furnishes 11,415 cavalry, 499,350 infantry, and 100 boats.' The natural features of Bahar are by no means uninteresting. It possesses all the advantages of a rich soil, a temperate climate, and a centrical geographical situation, shaded by mountains and watered by rivers and small streams. Of these the Ganges, the Soane, the Gunduck, the Dura- moodah, Caramnassa, and the Dewali are the most remarkable. In Bahar and the contiguous districts aparching wind from the westward prevails during a portion of the hot season, and blows with great strength during the day, but at night it is succeeded by a cool breeze in the opposite direction. Both oc- casionally cease for days, and even weeks together, giving way to easterly gales ; and during the cold season a blighting frost fre- quently occurs in both the provinces of Bahar and Benares. Agriculture, manufactures, and commerce have always flourished in this province, owing perhaps in a great measure to its natural advantages. The chief productions are opium, saltpetre, grain, su- gar, betel-leaf, indigo, oils, essences, &c. together with fine timber for boat-building. Cotton cloths, for exportation, are manufactured all over the districts, and the hills are supposed to contain coal, sulphur, iron and other metals. The nu- merous productions of Bahar, together with its B A H A R. 381 internal, means of communication serving as a thoroughfare for the commerce of Bengal and foreign maritime countries with the province of Ilindostan, raised this territory |into a state of prosperity, soon after the Patan conquest, and this continued under the Mogul dynasty. Opium may be considered as the staple commodity of the province, although saltpetre is a great article of exportation. The latter is produced in consider- able quantities, in the districts of Ilajypoor and Sarun, where it is manufactured for exportation. The production of this article is always greatest during the prevalence of the hot winds, which are perhaps essential to its formation. These winds did not formerly extend their influence beyond the eastern confines of Bahar; but by the change of seasons which have been remarked within the last thirty years, they have reached to Bengal Proper, where it is now said saltpetre might be manufactured with nearly the same success as in Bahar. The opium that is pro- duced in this and the neighbouring provinces is monopolized by government, and sold in Cal- cutta by public sale. The common produce is eight pound of opium for every beegah, which measures about one-third of an acre, besides which the cultivator reaps about fourteen pounds of seed. The preparation of the raw opium is under the immediate superintendance of the com- pany's agent, and is as follows : The watery par- ticles are first evaporated by the sun, and re- placed by oil of poppy-seed to prevent the drying of the resin ; after which the opium is formed into cakes, covered with the petals of the poppy, and when sufficiently dried is packed up in chests with the fragments of the capsules, from which the poppy-seeds have been thrashed out. The opium is frequently adulterated by intermixing an extract obtained from the stalk and leaves of the poppy, and sometimes the gum of the mimosa ; but the adulteration is difficult of discovery. Bahar was, in common with the greater part of Hindostan, anciently supplied with salt from the lake of Sambher, in the province of Ajmeer ; but its supplies of that article are now brought from Bengal and Coromandel, and imported under the protection of government. Although an intimate connexion has always ex- isted between this province and Bengal, and their histories have been blended, there are, in the na- ture of landed property, several important distinc- tions; of which the following are worthy of notice. In Bengal the zemindaries are very extensive, but in Bahar they are comparatively small; hence the Bengalese zemindars assume a degree of power and influence which those of Bahar are not able to maintain. Those of the latter also from their comparative distance having been placed under a provincial administration, have been precluded from that information which the zemindars of Bengal have derived from their access to the offices of government. Though the lands of Bahar have been let to farm, from time immemorial, yet no general settlement had been concluded between government and the pro- prietors of the soil from the ac«iuisition of the Dewanny until the final and perpetual assessment in 1792 ; from which circumstance the cultivator was placed under great disadvantages. There are, at present, few instances of jaghires in Ben- gal ; but in Bahar they are common. The custom of dividing the produce of the land in certain proportions between the cultivator and the government was almost universal in Bahar, but in Bengal it was very partial and limited; so that compared with those of the latter province, the land-proprietors of Bahar, generally speak- ing, were in a degraded condition. There are now in this province three principal zemindars, viz. tlie rajahs of Tirhoot, Shahabad, and Sun- note Tekaroy; and it has been observed, that the permanent fixing of the revenue system, which was supposed to be fraught with so much mis- chief, has not been found so injurious in practice as it appeared in theory : the actual cultivators of the earth being now in a much better con- dition than they were before the adoption of that measure. It appears from the geographical chapters of the Puranas, the only documents of their ancient geography which the llindoosj possess, that Bahar was originally the seat of two indepen- dent sovereignties, viz. that of Magadha or south Bahar, and that of Mithila (Tirhoot) or north Bahar. Different dialects were anciently used, and even now prevail,'in those countries ; namely, that of Mithila, or Tirhoot, which both in the terms and form of its character has considerable affinity to the Bengale; and that of Magadha, in which the resemblance to that language is still more characteristic and striking. Of the general population of the province, at least one-fourth 'are MahommedansJ; Bahar having been conquered by that people at an early period, and afterwards retained in subjection ; so that the Brahmins have acquired an unusual degree of in- fluence. Gaya, the birth-place of the great pro- phet and legislator Buddha, is a place of pil- grimage, and the central resort of sectaries of that persuasion ; but among the resident inliabi- tants few Buddhists are to be found, owing to the intolerance and cruelty of the Brahmins, together with the Mahommedans\mode of propa- gating and confirming their faith. The chief towns are I'atna, ]\Ionghyr, Buxa, Rotas, Gayah, Uinapoor, and Boglipoor. The revenue is considerable, amounting in 1815 to 6,701,538 rupees, or nearly .£837,944 sterling. The inhabitants visibly improve, and appear to be of a different race from the Bengalese, whom they excel both in strength and stature. The province of Bahar is at present divided into the following districts; which, with their natural features and local peculiarities, we shall subjoin for the satisfaction of the reader. 1. Boo I.I POOR, south-east of Bahar, and com- prehending a part of the Motrul province of Ben- gal, is bounded on the north by Tirhoot and Piirinijah, on the east by the latter and Mur- shid-abad ; on the south by Birb'hum and Hara- garih, and on the west by that district and Bahar. It extends 133 miles one way, and eighty the other, forming a total area of about 8225 square miles, and, according to Ayeen Akberry, ii . 25. 1 97, was known anciently by the name of the sercar of Monger. The hills are imperfectly cultivated. The winds shift twice a year, blowing almost 382 B A H A R. invariably from east to west, between the months of June and February; after which they chan.ie from west to east. The heats are frequently oppressive, and the cold season comparatively mild. The soil is in many places rich, and fit for agriculture ; but in otiiers, rocky and barren. Hot springs are frequently found in tliis district; in some of which, particularly at B'hinebaud, the thermometer rises to 144° Fahrenheit. The general character of the population is respectable, but the mountaineers are wild and uncivilised : some of them have been lately brought, under the guidance of the lirahmins, who teach them, to worship Durea before a bil-tree. The most remarkable places in the district are as follow : B'hiiiral-pur, tlie capital, situated in lat. 25° 13' N., long. 86° 58' E. ; 1 10 miles north- west of IMurshid-abiid. It is a mean-looking town, in the midst of a beautiful country ; and contains a population of more tlian 30,000 inha- bitants, chiefly Mahommedans. Champanager, in lat. i.)"^ 14' iV., long. 65° 55' V.., three miles west of B'hu'zal-pur, contains, together with Lacshmi-gani, a population of 9000. A Mahom- medan saint, nine cubits high, is said to hare been buried here, whose tomb is still a place of pilgiimaje. G'hidd'hor, or Gliiddhore, lat. 24° 52'' N., long. 86° 10' S. S. W. of Monger, is remarkable for the ruins of a castle, said to- have been built by the Aflghan Shir Sliah, A. D. 1544; the massive walls of which are still remainins'. Mon'/er, Monghyr, (Mudtja or Mncti-giri), in lat. 25° 23' N. long. 86° 26' Vv., on the south bank of the Ganges. Its fort, surrounded by a deep ditch, has been a place of note from remote antiquity. The tov.n is formed by the assem- blage of sixteen distinct iiamlets, provided with only two regular streets, which lie near the eastern and southern gates of the fort. The po- pulation is about 30,000. Its most remarkable curiosity, the shrine of Per Shah Koseln Lohauni, is most venerated, both by Mussulmans and Hin- dus. About five miles distant from the above town is the celebrated hot spring called Sita- ctind, or the pool of Sita ; in oriental mythology, the wife of Rama the Indian Bacchus. The waters are received into a brick cistern, about eighteen feet square, from which air-bubbles are constantly emitted, although the nature of the gas has not been ascertained. The heat of this spring is different at diH'erent times, varying from 92° to 132° of Fahrenheit's thermometer. Muti j'harna, or Mootyjerna (the pearl drop- ing stream) lies about eigiit miles inland from the Ganges; is a remarkable cascade, formed by two fine waterfalls, together measuring 105 feet perpendicular. Tiie waters sweeping over the summit of the rocks, and falling from that lofty altitude, are received into a basin below, which has been conjectured, not upon slight grounds, to be the original crater of an extinct volcano. A view of this magnificent cascade is given in Ilodges's Travels in India. Cohl-gaiig, (spelt glini^i, and pronounced lifuuig), a small town, in lat. 25° 14' N., long. 87° 1.5' K., on a peaked hill, ten common cos south-east of Bog- lipoor. Tcliy'agar'hi, or Telliaghurry, is a small town twenty-tiiree miles north-west of Uaja- inahal; hit, "25° 15' N., long. 87° 37' K. It" is remarkable for an old castle, built by the Sijltan Shujaa, in the seventeenth century. The \'ind'- hva hills here, come down close to the river, arvl form the line of boundary between the provinces of Bahar and Bcng-al, in the Mogul division. 2. Baiiau isalarge district lying in the centre, the boundaries of which are ill defined, but generally traced to the Ganges, on the north, to Ramgur and Monghyr on the south, to the lat- ter, with the river Soane on the east, and the district of Rotas on the west ; including a terri- tory of 6680 square miles. The level land is highly cultivated, but interspersed with naked and barren hills, which are entirely isolated. Some of these rise in clusters, exhibiting a rugged irregular appearance, of which the most remarkable are, the Beraber pahar, west of the Phalgii ; the Raja-griha, or Raj-mahal, hills on its eastern side ; and a long narrow ranc;e con- tiguous to Sliaikh piirah. The southern hills form a part of tlie \ ind'iiyan chain, continued with little or no interruption for a great extent, and, in the opinion of some, even to Cape Comoriu. These hills no where approach the river, and the country, though generally lofty, exhibits the immense stretch of one continoed plain. The winds commonly blow east and west, shiffing twice in the year. The soil is highly fertile, and the climate warm ; producing nt)t only the comforts, but even luxuries of life. The rivers and streams which water the country are numerous. The (7rinj:es rolls along its mag- niticent stream to the width of an English raito- The Sonar, almost equal in the width of it's channel, is navigable in the rainy seasi n, and is celebrated for its handsome pebbles and fins fish. The Phalgii, held in religious veneration by the Hindns, is tremendously deep and rapid, and is formed by the union of two immense torrents above the city Gaya, where it spreaJs to the breadth of 500 yards. The Punpuai, Muraha, Dard'ha, Sacri, and Panchane, are ail rivers of cotisi lerable importance. Ttie popuLi- tion of this district is overflo^'ing. In 1811 it amoanted to 2,755,150 souls, and the increase has been almost incredible. The revenue in 1814 was equal to 1,748,006 rupees, or £218,500 sterling. In point of religion, Mahommedanism is widely extended, aUhough idolatry is the most prevalent. There are six great Hindoo shrines, visited by '^lilgrims, and two belonging to the Jain in the division of Nawada. The principal towns of this district are, Patna, (in Sanscrit, Padmarati, the lotus-bearing) the capital of the province of Bahar, in lat. 25° 37''N, long. 85° 15' E., on the south side of the Ganges, which is here five miles wide in the rainy season. Including the suburbs, it covers an area of twenty sql^are miles, and contains 312,000 po- pulation. The public buildinus are paltry ; the fortifications are in ruins ; and even the hand- somest mosque is now let as a warehouse. Patna is a ])lace of considerable trade. It has a court of ap])eal and cinnit; a judge and magistrate; collector, commercial-resident, and opium agent; is garrisoned by a provincial battalion, but has few European houses or inhabitants. Patna lies 400 miles from Calcutta, by Murshed-abad. Dana-pur, in lat. 25° 37' iV. long. 85° 5' E.,tcn B A H A R 383 miles west of Patna, is one of tlio principal sta- tions of the European troops, and, accordingly, has magnificent [barracks, fiood roads, elesrant villas, and is, in sliort, compared with Patna, a perfect paradise. Its population is between 20,000 and 30,000. Gavii, in lat. 24'' 49' N., lonsr. So"* E., is the capital of the district of Bahar, and consists of 1. Gaya Proper, tlie residence of the Brahmins; and 2. Sabibganj, the residence of the re- maining inhabitants, both contuning a popula- tion of nearly 40,000. This place is celebrated by the Budd'hists as the birth-place of their great legislator, and by the Hindoos as the scene of one of Vishnu's victories over an unmanageable asur or giant. Pilgrims wit!:Out number crowd from all parts, and their amount is rapidly increasing; since from 31,000 who visited it in 1811, 200,000 at present are said to arrive annually. These pious visitants are taxed by tlie Hritisli government according to the number of holy places they visit. The utmost sum is 14J rupees, or £l \2s. sterling. We have only to add, that the crimes arising from so great an influx of strangers, too evidently shows the de- plorable tendency of the Hindoo superstition. The ruins of Budd'ha-gaya, and the number of images scattered round them for fifteen or twenty miles, are astonishing, and render it probable tliat this was once the centre of Budd'hism, and the residence of some powerful monarch profess- ing that faith. 3. The third district of the province, viz. TiR- HOOT, or Tirhiit, is on the north-west of the pro- vince, bounded on the south by tlie Changes, on the west by Saren, or Sarun district, on the north by the Saptari woods of Nepal, and on the east by Purneyah in Bengal. The district is liigh, healthy, and well-watered, producing, besides the com- modities above-mentioned, turmeric, ginger, and several other valuable articles. Its chief rivers are the Gaud'aclii, B'hagmati, and Gagari. The whole area in 1784, before the alteration, was upwards of 5000 square miles ; tlie revenue, as late as 1814, amounted to 1,274,717 rupees, or £159,339 sterling; and the population in 1801 was 2,000,000. It was anciently a part of the province, or rather kingdom, of Mit'hila, which comprehended the greater part of the three dis- tricts, Tirhiit, Puriniga, Saren, together with part of the Nepalese territory; and was bounded by the Gandac, Cosa, and Ganees, together with the mountains of ISepal on the north. It was subdued by the ^Moguls in the fourteenth cen- tury, and became part of the British empire in 1765. This district has been recently selected by govern- ment for improving the breed of horses, the soil and climate appearing favorable to that purpose ; accordingly many of the first quality are reared in the Zilat, or division of Haji-pur. The most remarkable mountain feature is the towering peak of U'hola-giri in the Himalaya chain, near which the Gaud'achi, or Sulagrami river, suposed to be the Condoehates of Arrian, t ikes its rise in lat. 2U^ 30' N., and long. 83^ 45' E., or nearly. The summit of this mountain was calculated by ]Mr. Colebioke to reach nearly 27,000 feet above the level of the sea. An. Res. xii. 376. In its bed are found schistose stones, or salgnims, contaming remains of the cornu ammonis, v.hich are thence dispersed, are olijects of adoration all over India. From which circum- stance the mountain is called Siilgrami in Nepal. The spiral lines are supposed to be traces of Vishnu, and some of tliese stones sell for 2000 rupees, or £225. sterling. Within the limits of Tirhac, or Tirhoot, is the town liajypoor, or Haji-pur, with a district of the same name, including an area of 2782 square miles, whence the company obtain most of their saltpetre. The town lies nearly opposite Patna, at the confluence of the Ganges and Gaud'achi rivers, in lat. 25° 41' N., and long. 85° 21' E. It is celebrated for its horse-fair, held every November, to which, in 1807, no fewer than 6000 horses were brought, two of which sold for 4000 rupees, or £450 each. Durbliauga, in hit. 26° 9' N., long. 86° 20' E., was a considerable place in the time of Acbar ; and near Sing'hia, east of the Gaud'achi, lat. 25° 52' N., long. 85"^ 15', are some very curious ruins. 4. The fourth district is Sarex (the Asylum), comprehending Bettia or Champaran, formerly a separate district, and is bounded on the north by Macwan-pur and G6nac'h-pur, on the south by the Ganges, on the west by the Dewa or G'hara river, and on the east by 'firhoot, including, in 178,4 an area of 5106 square miles. The whole of Saren suffered extremely from the fli.mine in 1770, by which nearly half the inhabitants perished ; but is in general a well cultivated and highly fertile country, and greatly improved since the decennial settlement by Lord Cornwallis. There are only two Mahommedan zemindars in the whole district, and the revenue, in 1814, was 1,233,385 rupees, or £138,756. The popu- lation is considerable, amounting, in 1801, to 1,QOOOOO, of whom one tenth were Mahom- medans. Teryani, or Turyaui (the country of boats) lies at the foot of the northern hills and the lower lands, where t'oe rivers become navigable. The base of the mountains is covered with wood, and the intervening lands between it and the culti- vated districts are covered with grass, intersected by streams and rivers, wliich in the rainy season are navigable. The confined air, stagnant water and putrified vegetable matter, in this district render the climate unwholesome in the wet months, especially in the low-lands. The forests are inhabited by elephants, bears, tigers, rhi- noceroses, wild boars, jackals, foxes, hares, and hog-deer. The palas (erythrina monosperma) and simul (bombax heptaphyllum) are found on the Nepalese confines. Of this district Clia- prah is the capital, lying in lat. 25° 46' N., long. 84° 46' E., and extending nearly a mile along the northern bank of the Ganges. The popula- tion of this town, in 1817, imiounted to 43,700, and is now greatly increased. The Patna bearers of Calcutta, or the original C'harwa tribe, are settled near the borders of tiiis town, although they emigrated originally from Chota Nag-pur, lying in the southern part of the province. 5. SuAH-ABA» (the royal residence , is an ex tremely fertile and populous district, bounded on the north by the Ganges, on the east and south by the Son, and on the west by Chunar, 384 B A H A R. in the provinceof AUah-abiid ; and including, in 1784, an area of 1869 square miles, since which it has been materially augmented. The popula- tion is about 2,000,000, and the revenue, in 1814, amounted to 1,177,462 rupees, or £l32,465 sterling. Arrah, the capital of this district, lat. 25° 35' S., and long. 84° 40', is extensive and populous. Bagsar, or Bacsar, south of the Ganges, in lat. 25° 35' N., long. 83° 57' E., is the place of the celebrated engagement in 1764, when sir Hector Munro, with 6215 Sipakis and 856 Europeans, defeated the combined armies of Shujau'd dau- lah and Kasim All Khan, amounting to 40,000 men. Here also is a police station, at which all travellers are obliged to exhibit their passports. Sasram, Sesraun^j, Sahasram, or Sahasraung, ly- ing in lat. 24° 58' N., long. 83° 58' E., is cele- brated for the splendid mausoleum of Shir Khan the Afghan, built in the midst of a great reservoir or tank, upwards of a mile in circumfer- ence. Rohtas is the chief town of the westerly par- gauah of this district, bounded by the Caramnasa, which joins the Ganges at Bacsar, and contained, in 1784, as many as 3680 square miles. The fortress Rohtas gar'h, on the level summit of a mountain, in lat. 24° 38' N. and long. 83° 50' E. , was thought impregnable till taken from Rajah Chintamen in 1542, by Shir Shah, the cele- brated Afghan. After this it was again sur- prised, and in 1 764, when Kasim Ali evacuated the ■ province, came into possession of the English. 6. Ram-g'har (the house of Rama), the sixth division of the province, is a hilly and moun- tainous district in the south, bounded on the north by Bahar proper, on the east by Barda- hwaii and B'hal-pur, on the west by Bilaunja, Serauja and Jeshpur, and by that district, Gang- and Sing'h-b'hum on the south. A great part of this district belonged to the ancient province of Gondwana; but now, in addition to its own peculiar territory, it comprehends Palamb, Pa- chct, and Chdta Nag-pur. The population has been estimatetl at half a million, who, though improving, are at present uncivilised. The woods, wild beasts, and savage inhabitants, ren- der this district a perilous residence; whilst superstition, rapine, and murder, are to be seen ■ in all directions. The extent of the Ram-g'har territories in 1784 was 21,732 square miles, of which two-thirds was waste land. Iron is found in many of the hills. The INIahvvap tree, or Bassia longifolia, grows abundantly among the rocks, and furnishes a farinaceous pulp which is a substitute for bread, and a nutricious infusion which is used as tea. The chief rivers are Bara- car and Damodar ; and the largest towns are Alacaud-gauj, Chitra, and Ramgar'h. Ramgar'h, on the Damodar, is now a second-rate town, in lat. 23° 39' N., long. 95° 43' E. Palamo, or Palamau, the residence of a powerful rajah, is a hilly and woody territory on the Mahratta fron- tier. Berwa, in lat. 53° 20' N., long. 84° 46' E., lies contiguous to Nazari Bagh, the head quar- ters of the corps stationed in Ramgar'h. Pach^t, a zemindarl of uncivilised population, contains 2779 square miles. The town is in lat. 23° 36' N., and long. 86° 50' E. Ch'hota Nag-pur is a high, woody, and unhealthy zemindari, at the southern extremity of this province, bordered on three sides by Gondwana, and never completely subdued by the Mahommedans. The Chatauri, Cieri, and D'hangar tribes, have never embraced the religion of the Brahmins ; but have a reli- gion and language of their own. The productions are similar to those found in the other parts of tlie district. Iron is commonly met with, but is not manufactured, because that metal can be pro- cured at a smaller expense from the European markets. For a further illustration of the general features and economy of this province we refer the reader to Hamilton's Hindostan ; Asiatic Researches ; Bernouilli's Hindostan, i. and ii.; Rennell's Me- moir, Ayeen Akberry, &:c. Bahau, a town in the province of Bahar, district of Bahar, 35 miles S, E. from Patna. Lat. 25° 13' N., long. 85° 37' E. Bahar, or Baure, in commerce, weights used in several places in the Ea^t Indies. They have been distinguished as the great bahar, with •which they weigh pepper, cloves, nutmegs, gin- ger, See. and the little bahar, with which they weigh quicksilver, vermillion, ivory, silk, &c. But this weight varies much in different parts of the East. The bahar of Acheen, in Sumatra, consists of 100 caltees, and is equal to 490lbs. avoirdupois. The bahar of (Betlefackee, in Ara- bia, consisting of forty farcels, is := 815^1bs. avoirdupois. The bahar of Bencoolen = 560 lbs. avoirdupois. The bahar of Junkseylon of eight capins = 485lbs. 5oz. 5Jdr. The bahar of Molacca, of three peculs = 405lbs. avoirdu- pois. The bahar of Mocha, of fifteen franks = 445lbs. avoirdupois. BAHAREN, or Bauurein, a cluster of islands in the Persian Gulf, chiefly remarkable for the pearl fishery of the neighbourhood. They have often changed masters. With Ormus they came under the dominion of the Portuguese, were again restored to Persia by Thomas Khouli Khan ; and after his death, the confusion into which his empire was thrown, gave an opportu- nity to an enterprising and ambitious Arab of taking possession of them. But he was soon compelled to relinquish them once more to the Persians; who have lately been, in their t\irn, driven from them by the rising sect of the Wa- habees. Baharen, or Awal the principal island, was famous for its pearl fishery even when pearls were found at Ormus, Kareke, Kashy, and other places in the Persian Gulf : but became of much greater consequence when the other banks were exhausted. It lies about fifteen miles from the coast, and ninety W. N. W. of Bushire; and is covered with villages and date gardens. The capital, Medina, containing 800 or 900 houses, and a strong fort, which was 'some time ago gar- risoned by 300 Persians. The town is (destitute of water ; but here is a harbour which will admit vessels of 200 tons burden, and a strong castle. BAH 385 BAH It lies about three miles from tlie coast. Tlie I'ersians are said to resort liitlier liabitually for the study of Arabic, under the Shuats, tlie dis- ciples of Ali. Another of these islands is Arad, divided by an isthmus into two parts, the princi- pal of which is called Samoki, and has a small town, Mahared. A third island, sometimes no- ticed in the Eastern maps, is Gutter Sahari, called by the English, Meritan liock. The earliest time of fishing is in April, and the latest in October. The pearls taken at Eaharen, though not so white as those of Ceylon or Japan, are much larger than those of the former place, and more regularly shaped than those of the latter. They have a yellowish color ; but have also this good quality, that they preserve their golden hue, whereas the whiter kind lose much of their lustre by keeping, especially in hot countries. Those of deeper color are generally bought by the IMahrattas, and the paler are transported through Bassora and Bagdad all over Asia. It is said to be on the whole the richest and most productive pearl fishery in the world ; and to average a profit to the individuals who farm it of £iOO,000 per annum. The oyster banks, lying fifteen or twenty feet below the surface, stretch from about 25° to 26° 40' N. lat., and the shells from two to ten inches in dia- meter, are considered valuable, as w-ell as the pearls. It is a practice with those who are em- ployed in opening the shells, to put the finer pearls into their mouths, believing that this adds to their brilliancy ; and the fishermen always an- ticipate success after copious rains. Latterly the produce of the fishery has in some measure declined, in consequence of the JLnglish markets for the Ceylon fishery being transferred to the straits of Manaar; and the pearls are chiefly sent to Surat. BAIIARY, a town of Sennaar, fifteen miles south-east of that place. BAHAS, a town of Arabia, in the kingdom of Yemen, near the Red Sea, sixteen miles N.N.W. of Loheia. Lat. 15° 59' N. BAHATRICALLY, a town of Cochin, with a pagoda, twenty-three miles S. S. E. of Cochin. BAIIBEIT, Baleeit, or Bhabeit, a ruined place in the Delta of Egypt, where there are the remains of a magnificent marble temple. Po- cocke supposes it to have been a temple of Isis ; but this is disputed by D' Anville and Savary. The figures on the basso relievo are beautiful, but ill drawn. Pococke supposes Bahbeit to be the ancient Busiris. Seven miles S. S. W. of Mansora. BAHBELGONGE, a town of Ilindostan, in the country of Baglana, situated on the river Godavery, sixty miles east of Nassuck, sixty-five west of Aurungabad. Long. 74'^ 52' E., lat. 19° 43' N. BAHHREIN, or Ar'dv'l Bahrein (the Land of the two Seas), is the name of a pro- vince of Arabia, between Oman and Basrah. It is called also Hajar and Lahsa, or El-Alisa. This district is bounded by the Arabian desert on the north ; by Nejed on the west; by the sea on the east ; and by Oman on the south. It ap.- pears to be in a flourishing condition ; and is governed by the Arabs of the tribe of Ben'i Kh;i- VOL. III. lid. The principal towns are on the coast, viz. 1. Lahsii, or Hajar, the residence of the sheik, or head of the tril)e. 2. Katif, a sea-port, about twenty miles from the islands of Al Bahrein- It is inhabited by people employed in the pearl- fishery. 3. Coweit, or Korein (iireen), sixty or seventy miles from Zobeirch, Old Basrah. It is populous, and maintained, like other places on this coast, by the pearl-fishery. BAIIIA DE ToDOs LOS Saxctos, a province and captainship of Brasil, extending to a consi- derable distance along the coast ; being bounded on the north by the St. Francisco, which runs into the sea in lat. 11° S., and on the soutli by the province of Minas (^eraes, including the dis- trict of Ilheos, forming a separate province. The climate is always warm, but is refreshed by the sea-breeze. The soil is peculiar, and those parts between the mountains and the sea are esteemed the best in Brasil for the growth of the sugar- cane. It is also well adapted for tobacco and cotton. Coffee is grown in great quantities, but the quality is inferior. Bahia, or St. Salvador, the capital of the above province, is populous and opulent ; and the second city in Brasil. It is strong by nature and well fortified ; and was, for two centuries, the residence of the governor-general of Brasil. It is still an archiepiscopal city ; and, including its suburbs, is about four miles long. The upper town is situated upon an eminence, and the lower, which consists principally of a single street, parallel to the beach, at its western base. Here is the chief seat of its commerce, a dock- yard, and a marine arsenal. The streets of the upper town are so steep that carriages can rarely be used. The churches, chapels, and convents, of Bahia are splendid structures ; and with the archbishop's palace, the mint, and the governor's residence, are the first and most conspicuous objects that meet the eye of a stranger. The grand church, formerly belonging to the Jesuits, is by far the most supurb structure in this city. It is entirely composed of European marble, im- ported at an immense expense. Tiie wood-work of the altar is inlaid with tortoise-shell, and co- vered with paintincrs, gilding, and a profusion of ornaments. The chief commerce of Bahia is in linen, and other kinds of cloth, hats, silk and thread, stockings, grain, rice^ flour, biscuit, wine, oil, slaves, butter, cheese, bacon, and "household furniture ; for w hich gold, sugar, tobacco, skins, liides, Brasil wood, balsam, and several kinds of drugs, are exported. The population, including the suburbs, has been lately estimated at 100,000, about 30,000 of whom are whites, and the rest mulattoes and negroes. It stands in 12° 59' S. lat., and longitude 37'^ 23' W. Bahia, a province of the island of Luzon, one of the Philippine islands, so called from a lake in the neighbourhood, which is said to be ninety miles in circumference. Bahia de Chetumel, or Hanover Bay, a bay on the east coast of the peninsula of Yutucan, ill the bay of Honduras. Bahia, Honda, a large, well sheltered har- bour of the island of Cuba, on the north side, which has fifteen and ten fathoms of water in the bay, eight at the entrance into the liarbonr, and 2 C BAH 386 BA.I ancliorage in four and five fathoms. Long. 83^ 6' W., lat. 22° 58' N. BAHIE, or Bahei, an island on the coast of Arabia, in the Ifed Sea. Also a small town op- posite to it on the .shore. BAIIIOUDA, an extensive desert district to the north of Sennaar, between that country and Dongola. BAHIR, a Hebrew term, signifying famous or illustrious, but particularly applied to a book of the Jews, the most ancient of the Rabbinical works, and which treats of the profound mysteries of the Cabbala. BAHIRA, Bahri, or Rif, or the maritime province, a name given by the Arabian geogra- phers to the Delta of Egypt, and the districts immediately adjoining it east and west. It con- tains Alexandria, Rosetta, Damietta, Menuf, and Mansoura. Bahiiia, among the ancient Arabs, a name given to one of the four kinds of camels or sheep, which, according to their religion, were turned out at liberty with an ear mark, no longer to be used for service like other cattle. The bahira, with the sabahi, wasita, and hami, were abolished by iNIahomet. ' BAHLINGEN, a large and well built village in tlie grand duchy of Baden, circle of the Treisam, upper bailiwic of Hochberg. It con- tains 1620 inhabitants, who cultivate the vine to a great extent. Baiix, a town of the Prussian states, in Further Pomerania, and circle of (ireifenhagen. It con- tains about 1300 inhabitants, who derive their subsistence chiefly from tillage, the neighbouring country being very fertile ; straw hats are also manufactured here. Twenty miles S.S.W. of Stargard, thirty -two north of Custrin. Bahooan, a small island in the Sooloo archi- pelago. Long. 120° 58' E., lat. 6° 9' N. BAHOUACHE, Diak, the title of the sove- reign of Anossi. See Anossi. BAIIRABAD, a town of Persia, in the pro- vince of Khorassan, ten miles north of Sebsvar. BAHR Belame, or river without water, a deep valley in the west of Egypt, supposed to have anciently formed a canal of communication be- tween Lake Moeris (Eaioum), and the Lake Mareotis. See Barrai. BAURDT (Charles Frederick), a German writer, born at Bischosswerda, in 1741. He studied at Leipsic, where his father was profes- sor of divinity, took the degree of A.M., and was appointed his father's deputy. In conse- quence of an amour he was obliged to leave Leip'sic ; and settled at Erfurt, as professor of Biblical antiquities. Here in 1769 he published An Essay towards a system of the Doctrines con- tained in the Bible, in which several heterodox opinions were broached. He soon after left Erfurt, and went to Giessen in Hesse, where he published a number of theological tracts, abound- ing with extravagancies, confidently maintained. From Giessen he removed to Durkheim, in 177,4, and here count Von Leiningen Dachsburg ap- pointed him his preacher, and gave him a house for a seminary of education, designated the Philanthropiuin, which was opened in 1777. To oVjtain pupils. Bahrdt travelled to Holland and England ; but on his return, finding a prose- cution had been commenced against him at Vienna, he fled to Prussia. Some time after he settled at Halle, where he became an avowed deist, and commenced tavern-keeper, and farmer. At Halle he instituted a new society of free- masons, on account of which he lay twelve months in prison, but afterwards continued his business as a landlord. He died in 1792. Bahr el Abiad, or the White River, a name given to the real Nile, near its first origin ; the sources of which in the African Alps of Kumri remain to be explored. Bahr el Azrek, Blue River, or Abyssinian Nile, has its chief spring in a small hillock, situated in a marsh, and joins the Bahr el Abiad, or true Nile, about lat. 16° N. Bahr el Accaba, an arm of the upper ex- tremity of the Red Sea, penetrating into Arabia. Bahr el Sowda, a name said to be given to the lake of Antioch. BAHRY, a town of Ilindostan, in the do- minions of the rajah of Dhoulpore, 10 miles north of the river Chumbul. BAHURIM, a city of the Benjamites, about a mile or two north-east of Jerusalem. Ahimaz and Jonathan hid themselves in a well in this town, when pursued by Absalom's messengers. BAJA, or Bai^, an ancient village of Cam- pania, in Italy, between the promontory of Mi- senum and Puteoli, on the Sinus Baianus ; fa- mous for its natural hot-baths, which served the wealthier Romans for the purposes of medicine and pleasure. The variety of these baths, the softness of its climate, and the beauty of its landscape, captivated the minds of opulent no- bles, whose passion for bathing was unbounded. The wearing of linen, and the disuse of ointments, render the practice less necessary in modern life ; but the ancients performed no exercise, and en- gaged in no study, without previous ablutions, which at Rome required an enormous expense in aqueducts, stoves, and attendants : a place, therefore, where waters naturally heated to every degree of warmth bubbled spontaneously out of the ground, in the pleasantest of all situations, was such a treasure, as could not be overlooked. Baisc possessed these in the highest perfection ; its easy communication with Rome was also a point of great weight. Hither at first retired for a temporary relaxation the mighty rulers of the world, to string anew their nerves and revive their spirits, fatigued with bloody campaigns and civil contests. 'Fheir habitations were small and modest ; but soon increasing luxury added palace to palace, till ground was wanting for the vast de- mand; enterprising architects,' supported by im- mense wealth, now, therefore, carried their foun- dations into the sea, and drove that element back from its ancient limits. It has since taken ample revenge, and recovered much more than it ever lost. From being a place of resort for a season, Baiae grew up to a permanent city : whoever found himself disqualified by age, or infirmity, for sustaining any longer an active part on the political theatre, or from an indolent disposition, sought a place where the pleasures of a town were combined with the sweets of a rural life ; whoever wished to withdraw from the dangerous BAJ 38: BAJ neighbourhood of a court, or the baneful eye of informers, flocked thither, to enjoy life untainted with fear and trouble. The affluence of wealthy inhabitants rendered Raise, therefore, as much a miracle of art as it was before of nature : its splendor may be inferred from its innumerable ruins, heaps of marbles, mosaics, stucco, and other precious fragments of taste. It flourished in full glory down to the days of Theodoric, the Goth ; but the destruction of its enchanted pa- laces followed quickly upon the irruption of the northern conquerors, who sacked and burnt all before them, and destroyed or dispersed the whole race of lloman nobility. Moles and but- tresses were now torn asunder and washed away ; promontories, wnth the proud towers that once crowned their brows, undermined and tumbled headlong into tl^e deep, where, many feet below the surface, pavements of streets, foundations of houses, and masses of walls are still to be de- scried. Internal commotions of the earth contri- buted also largely to this general devastation : and mephetic vapors and stagnated waters have converted this favorite seat of health into the abode of pestilence, at least during the estival heats. Yet Baiae in its ruined state, and stripped of all its ornaments, presents many beautiful and striking subjects for the pencil. It lies in the Terra di Lavoro, twelve miles west of Naples, and two from Puzzuolo. Don Pedro, the vice- roy of Charles V. erected a castle on a neigh- bouring eminence to defend the harbour ; and about a century ago, another was built on an island adjacent, which communicates to the shore by a bridge. Baja, Baia, Bavjah, or Begia, a town of the kingdom of Tunis in Africa, supposed to be the ancient \'acca of Sallust, and Oppidum ^'ag- genese of Pliny. The Tunisians say that if there was in the kingdom such another tov.n as this for plenty of corn, it would become as cheap as sand. It has a great annual fair, to which the most dis- tant Arabian tribes resort with their families and flocks. Notwithstanding this, the inhabitants are very poor, and great part of the land about the town remains uncultivated. The town stands on the declivity of a hill, on the road to Constan- tina, about ten leagues from the northern coast, and thirty-six south-west of Tunis. On the highest part is a citadel that commands the place, but is of no creat strength. The walls were raised out of the ruins of the ancient Vacca, and have some ancient inscriptions. Baja, or Bava, a populous market town of Hungary, on the Danube, thirty-five miles north- west of Esseck. It has a Catholic and Greek parish church. Baja, in entomolo'j^y, a species of phalaena, (noctua), of the middle size, that inhabits Eujope. It feeds on the deadly night shade. Baia de Rama, a town of European Turkey, in \\'alachia, district of Mehedinza, situated on the river of the same name. BAIABAD, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Na- tolia, twenty-eight miles south-east of Kastamoni. BAIAC, a town of Asiatic Turkey, in Na- tolia, thirty miles south-east of Kutayeh. BAJ AD, in zoology, a species of silurus. BAJADOR, Cape, a cape on the west coast of the island of Luzon, being its extremity- Long. 120° 40' E., lat. 18° 40' N. BAJADOUR, in old records, a carrier or porter. BAJANA, in conchology, a species of venus found on the shores of Brasil. BAIANUS Lacus, a lake, or bay, mentioned by Tacitus, which some suppose to be the lake Lucrinus, and others the bay of Bai.^. Baianus Sinus, or Baiarum Poutus, a bay of Naples, so called. from Baia-, which was en- larged by Augustus, by giving entrance to the sea into the Lacus I>ucrinus and Averni. He ordered it to be called Portus Julius apud Baias. The modern name is Golfo di Pozzuolo. See POZZUOLO. BAJAPOUR, a town of Baglana, Hindostan, on the river Godavery, twenty miles east of Bahbelgong. BAIAS, or Bal^, a town of Syria, at the north-east extremity of the bay of Alexandretta, supposed to be the ancient Issus. On the hills fronting it, are the ruins of a triumphal arch, or of some other structure of gray marble. It is sixteen miles from Alexandretta, and the fine gardens round the town supply Aleppo with oranges and lemons. In a small bay, to the north of the town, are seen the ruins of an ancient port, which is now much exposed to the south-west winds, which are very dangerous here. On the south side there is a mountain torrent, the bed of which is conjectured to have been the boundary between Syria and Cilicia. BAJAZET I. emperor of the Turks, succeeded Amurath I., A. D. 1373. He was a renowned warrior, but a tyrant. In the beginning of his reign he was very successful. In 1393 he had conquered all Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, and the screater part of Mysia and Bulgaria ; and in 1 396 he brought an army of 300,000 men against Emanuel II. emperor of Constantinople, whom he defeated, and slew 20,000 of the Christians, but not without considerable loss on his own side. But in 1397 Tamerlane, or Timour Beg, the celebrated prince of the Tartars, brought an army against him of 400,000 horse and 600,000 foot; and having overcome him in a pitched battle, wherein 200,000 Turks were slain, took Bajazet himself prisoner, and exposed him, it has been said, in an iron cage, the fate he had des- tined for his adversary, if he had been the victor. This story, however, has been rejected as a fable by many modern writers. Mr. Gibbon has given the following narrative of this memorable transaction : ' No sooner was Timour informed that the captive Ottoman was at the door of his tent, than he graciously stepped forward to re- ceive him, seated him by his side, and mingled with just reproaches a soothing pity for his rank and misfortunes. ' Alas !' said the emperor, ' the decree of fate is now accomplished by your own fault : it is the web which you have woven ; the thoms of the tree which yourself have planted. I wished to spare, and even to assist, the cham- pion of Moslems : you braved our threats, you despised our friendship ; you forced us to enter your kingdom with our invincible armies. Behold the event. Had you vanquished, I am not igno- rant of the fate which you reserved for myself 2 C 2 BAI 388 BAI and my troops. But 1 disdain to retaliate : your life and honor are secured; and I shall express my gratitude to God by my clemency to man.' The royal captive showed some signs of repent- ance, accepted the humiliation of a robe of honor, and embraced with tears his son INIousa, who, at his request, was sought and found among the captives of the field. The Ottoman princes were lodged in a spleadid pavilion; and the respect of the guards could be surpassed only by their vigilance. On the arrival of the haram from Boursa, Timour restored the queen Despina and daughter to their father and husband; but he piously required that the Servan princes who had hitherto been indulged in the profession of Christianity, should embrace without delay the religion of the prophet. In tlie feast of victory, to which Bajazet was invited, the Mogul em- peror placed a crown on his head and a sceptre in his hand, with a solemn assurance of re- storing him with an increase of glory to the throne of his ancestors. But the effect of this promise was disappointed by tlie sultan's un- timely death : he died of apoplexy at Akshehr, the Antioch of Pisidia, about nine months after his defeat. The victor dropped a tear over his grave. His body, with royal pomp, was conveyed to the mausoleum which he had erected at Boursa; and his son Mousa, after receiving a rich present of gold and jewels, of horses and arms, was invested, by a patent in red ink, with the kingdom of Anatolia. Such (continues the historian) is the portrait of a generous conqueror, which has been extracted from his own memo- rials, and dedicated to his son and grandson nineteen years after his decease ; and at a time when the truth was remembered by thousands : a manifest falsehood would have implied a sa- tire on his real conduct. On the other hand, of the harsh and ignominious treatment of Bajazet there is also a variety of evidence. The Turkish annals, in particular, which have been con- sulted or transcribed by I.eunclavius, Pococke, and Cantemir, unanimously deplore the capti- vity of the iron cage; and some credit may be allowed to national historians who cannot stig- matise the Tartar without uncovering the shame of their king and country.' Bajazet II. emperor of the Turks, the youngest son of Mahomet II. who took Constan- tinople, succeeded his father, A. U. 1480. Like him too he was a great conqueror. In 1484, he laid waste Wallachia: in 1486, he subdued the Getae : in 1491, he took Epidamnum in Scla- vonia: in 1493, he defeated the Christians in Croatia, in an obstinate and bloody battle, wherein he lost 10,000 of his own troops : in 1498, he over-ran Russia and Dalmatia, with 70,000 men; and, in 1500, he took Modon, in the Morea, from the Venetians. He died in 1612. BAICIIA, two rivers of Siberia, flowing into the Turuchan, thirty-two and fifty-six miles north-west of Turuchansk. BAIDEAH, a valley in the great road from Cairo to Suez, at the northern extremity of which Suez stands. BAIOHA, a town of Arabia, in the province of lledjas, tliirty miles north-west of X'adilkova. BAIDYNATH, a small town of Hindostan, in the Kemaon hills, celebrated for an ancient temple, dedicated to the Hindoo god of medi- cine,^and much frequented by pilgrims. BAIEU, in zoology, the name of the cervus Mexicanus, or Mexican stag, in Bancroft's Guiana, &c. BA'IGNE, V. a. Bagner, Fr. To drench ; to soak : a word out of use. The women forslow not to baigne them, tinlcss they plead their heels, with a worse perfume than Jugurth found in the dungeon. Careiv's Survey of Cornwall. BAJITH, a city of Moab, mentioned in Isaiah XV, 2. whither the king went to bewail the state of his nation, and supplicate aid from his idols. BAIKAL, a large lake of Siberia, lying be- tween 52° and 55° lat. N. It is reckoned to be 550 versts, or 318 German miles in length; but only about thirty versts broad, and in some places not above fifteen. It is environed on all sides by high mountains. In one part of it, which lies near the mouth of the 'river Bar- guzin, it throws up an inflammable sulphureous liquid called naptha, which the people of the ad- jacent country burn in their lamps. There are likewise several sulphureous springs near this lake. Its water at a distance appears of a sea- green color : it is fresh ; and so clear that objects may be seen'in it several fathoms deep. It does not begin to freeze till near the end of December, and thaws again about the beginning of May ; fro in which time till September, a ship is seldom known to be wrecked on it ; but by the high winds which then blow, many shipwrecks happen. The fishery on the shores begin in May ; and the southern shore is divided into districts, and farmed out by the government. This lake is called by the Russians Swsetoie More, or the Holy Lake ; and Dalai Nor by the Tartars. When it is frozen over, people travel upon it in the road to China ; camels have for this purpose a particular kind of shoes, sharp at the bottom, and the oxen have sharp irons driven through their hoofs, without which it would be impossible for them to pass. The shores and islands, consisting of granite rocks, called the Yablonian and Tunkinski chain, running from east to south-west, are well wooded, and form, by their frequent projections into the lake, bays and promontories, but with little good ancho- rage. The high road from Irkutsk to Kiaekhta, passes along its southern shores. On the western shore copper has been found. Its depth, where greatest, is from eighty to 490 fathoms, but in some places it is unfathomable, and so variable that it has been conjectured with great probabi- lity to hare arisen from a deep rent in the moun- tains, occasioned by an earthquake. Under the waters of this lake, grows a peculiar species of sponge, called by the Russians morskaya suba, or sea-sponge, the spongia raicalensis of Pallas. It is used for giving the first polish to metals. The common seal (phoca vitulina) seldom found in fresh water, or at a distance from the ocean, is taken here in April, basking on the ice, and the sale of their skins is a source of considerable profit. It yields a sort of blubber, so rank that even ravens will not touch its carcase ; yet it oil is highly esteemed and purchased by the Chi BAIL. 389 nese. The baikalensis, a species of callionymus that inhabits the deep parts of the lake, is about nine inches long, soft, slender, and rather com- pressed ; and has ventral fins ; of carp, tench, sturgeon, devil's lampreys, (salmo oxyrrynchus), lenki (salmo salvelinus), there is abundance; the most important fish is the omul, or migratory salmon, somewhat resembling the herring. They are taken in October, and being dried by the frost, can be conveyed fresh almost to any distance. The climate around this lake is extremely severe ; in the midst of summer frosty nights being common ; and snow, as early as August, falling on the neighbouring moun- tains. The vegetable productions are principally the pinus cembra, empetrum nigrum, and pyrola uniflora, the silky knotgrass (polygonum seri- ceum), a beautiful plant, and the triticum lito- rale, which the peasants call dikaya koch, wild barley. Rivers flowing into the lake Baikal are, on the north side, in lat. 55° 51' the Upper An- gara, on the east the Barguzin, in latitude 54°. At its mouth is the Cape, called the Holy Pro- montory ; and on the west, the Tunga, Selenga, and Buguldeika, the last of which discharges itself by three mouths. The only outlet is the Lower, or Greater, Angara, which rushes from the lake, in lat. 50° 54' N. and long. 1 05° E. with great impetuosity, and joins the Yenisei near list Tungurskoye in north lat. 58°. The channel through which it quits the lake is more than a mile broad. BAIKALITE, in mineralogy, a variety of py- roxene, found near the lake Baikal in Siberia. See Pyroxene. BAIKALENSIS. See Baikal. BAIL', n. s. & V. a. \ Of this word the ety- Bail'able, adj. S mologists give many de- rivations ; [it seems to come from the French builler, to put into the hand ; to deliver up, as a man delivers himself up in surety. ' Bail is the freeing or setting at liberty one arrested or im- prisoned upon action either civil or criminal, under security taken for his appearance. There is both common and special bail ; common bail is in actions of small prejudice, or slight proof, called common, because any sureties in that case are taken; whereas, upon causes of greater weight, or apparent speciality, xpecial bail or surety must be taken. There is a diiference be- tween bail and mainprise ; for he that is main- prised is at large, until the day of his appear- ance : but where a man is bailed, he is always accounted by the law to be in their ward and custody for the time ; and they may, if they will, keep him in ward, or in prison at that time, or otherwise at their will.' — Cowell. A bail is therefore a surety or bondsman ; one who gives surety for another. Bailable relates to the less atrocious offences, where security for the appear- ance of the offender may be legally offered and accepted. To give or to admit to bail, is to ren- der or to accept the security which the law pre- scribes in a bailable case. In Spenser tlie word is figuratively used to signify power or jurisdic- tion. So did Diana, and her maydens all. Use silly Fauuus now within their baile. Spenser. Let mc be their hail. They shall be ready at your highness' will. To answer these suspicions. Thou shalt not bail them. Shakspeare. They are not bailable. They stand committed without bail or mainprize. B. Jonson. Worry'd with debts, and past all hopes of bail, The unpity'd wretch lies rotting in a jail. Rose07nmon. And bribe with presents, or, when presents fail, They send their prostituted wives for bail. Dri/den. Bail, is originally derived from the Greek, (iaWtiv, to deliver, and so called because by means of it, the party restrained is delivered into the hands of those that bind themselves for his forthcoming, in order to a safe keeping or pro- tection from prison ; and the end of the Ijail is to satisfy the condemnation and costs, or render the defendant to prison. The commitment of a per- son being only for safe custody, wherever bail will answer the same intention, it ought to be taken ; as in most of the inferior crimes : but in felonies, and other offences of a capital nature, no bail can be a security equivalent to the actual custody of the person. For what is there that a man may not be induced to forfeit, to save his own life ! or what satisfaction or indemnity is it to the 'public, to seize the effects of them who have bailed a murder, if the murderer himself be suffered to escape with impunity ? Upon a si- milar principle, the Athenian magistrates, when they took a solemn oath never to keep a citizen in bonds that could give three sureties of the same quality with himself, did it with an exception to such as had embezzled the public money, or had been guilty of treasonable practices. Bail may be taken either in court, or, in some particular cases, by the sheriff or other magis- trate ; but most usually by the justices of the peace. To refuse or delay to bail any person bailable, is an offence against the liberty of the subject, in any magistrate, by the common law ; as well as by the statute Westm. 1. 3 Edward I, c. 15, and the habeas corpus act, 31. Car. II. c. 2. And, lest the intention of the law should be frustrated by the justices requiring bail to a greater amount than the nature of the case de- mands, it is expressly declared by statute 1. W. and M. st. 2. c. 1. that excessive bail ought not to be required ; thougii what bail shall be called excessive, must be left to the courts, on consider- ing the circumstances of the case, to determine. And on the other hand, if the magistrate takes in- sufficient bail, he is liable to be fined, if the cri- minal does not appear. In civil cases, every defendant is bailable. But it is otherwise in criminal matters. Regu- larly, all offences either against the common law or act of parliament, that are below felony, the offender ought to be admitted to bail, unless it be prohibited by some special act of parliament. By the ancient common law, before and since the Conquest, all felonies were bailable, till murder was excepted by statute : so that persons might be then admitted to bail almost in every case. But the statute W. 1. 3 Ed. I. c. 15. takes away the power of bailing in treason, and in divers in- stances of felony. The statutes 23 Hen. VI. c. 9. 390 BAIL. and 1 & 2 Ph. & Mar. c. 13. gave farther regula- tions in this matter: and upon thewhole we may collect, that no justices of the peace can bail, 1. Upon an accusation of treason : nor, 2. Of mur- der: nor, 3. In case of manslaughter, if the pri- soner be clearly the slayer, and not barely sus- pected to be so ; or if any indictment be found against him : nor, 4. Such as, being committed for felony, have broken prison ; because it not only carries a presumption of guilt, but is also superadding one felony to another : 5. Persons outlawed ; 6. Such as have abjured the realm : 7. Persons taken with the mainmour, or in the act of felony: 8. Persons charged ^vith arson : 9. Excommunicated persons, taken by writ de ex- communicato capiendo ; all which are clearly not admissible to bail by the justices. Others are of a dubious nature, as, 10. Thieves openly de- famed and known : 1 1 . Persons charged with other felonies, or manifest and enormous offences, not being of good fame : and, 12. Accessaries to felony, that labor under the same want of repu- tation. These seem to be in the discretion of the justices, whether bailable or not. The last class are such as must be bailed upon offering suffi- cient surety; as, 13. Persons of good fame, charged with a bare suspicion of manslaughter, or other infamous homicide; 14. Such persons being charged with petit larceny or any felony, not before specified : or, 15. With being acces- saiy to any felony. Lastly, it is agreed, that the court of king's bench (or any judge thereof in time of vacation) may bail for any crime whatso- ever, be it treason, murder, or any other offence, according to the circumstances of the case. And herein the wisdom of the law is very manifest. To allow bail to be taken commonly for such enormous crimes, would greatly tend to elude the public justice ; and yet there are cases, though they rarely happen, in which it would be hard and unjust to confine a man in prison, though accused even of the greatest offence. The law has therefore provided one court, and only one, which has a discretionary power of bailing in any case ; excepting only even to this high jurisdic- tion, and of course to all inferior ones, such per- sons as are committed by either house of parlia- ment, so long as the session lasts'; or such as are committed for contempts by any of the king's superior courts of justice. In civil processes, in which an actual arrest and imprisonment is not now allowed, such as suits for the recovery of sums of less amount than £l5, or of damages, the precise amount of which cannot be shown before the jury shall have estimated them (as in actions of trespa.^s, or for any injuries, either personal or pecuniary, but to an unascer- tained amount), no arrest can be made, and, consequently, no bail need be demanded. But inasmuch as the writ, which now forms the com- mencement of all civil actions, v/ns formerly a process issued against a defendant, who had neg- lected to comply with certain anterior summonses, and who was thereby liable to imprisonment, in or- der to secure his appearance in court on the day whereon the sheriff was to make his return of the writ, as having by his previous contempt of le- gal authority, shown himself not to be trusted at large ; it was a consequence that he could not avoid imprisonment, but by giving bail. And, as by the tenor of the writ, and by fiction of law, a defendant in all cases is now held to be in the same circumstances, it is necessary that he should put in common bail : which is a mere formal entering of the names of two fictitious persons, John Doe and Richard Roe, as his sureties. In actions for a sum certain, if the plaintiff make affidavit that that sum is fifteen pounds, or upwards, the defendant must give what, tech- nically, in distinction from the fictitious laail of which we have just spoken, is called special bail : that is, in order to avoid imprisonment, he must find two real and responsible persons to be sureties for him. As soon as an arrest^ has been effected, these sureties give a bond to the sheriff, for the defendant's appearance on the day of the return of the writ, and this is called bail to the sheriff, or bail below. On that day, or within four, or in some cases, six or eight days after, they enter into recognizances, that if judgment be given against tlie defendant, he shall pay the da- mages and costs, or surrender his person. This is called giving bail above, or bail to the action. If the plaintiff requires it, they must justify, as it is termed, or perfect the bail ; that is, they must swear (if in London or iVIiddlesex, before a judge ; or, in the country, before commissioners appointed for that purpose), that they have the requisite qualifications : which are, the being housekeepers, and worth, each of them, the full sum for which they become bail, after payment of all their debts. Thus securing the plaintiff the person or property of his defendant, if the latter is insufficient to discharge the claim, the bail are entitled to apprehend him by warrant, or in any other way, to surrender his person. When a defendant has failed to put in bail above, and the sheriff is unable to produce his body, that officer is answerable to the plaintiff for the sura for which the bail below was given : and he has his own remedy against the bail, by action upon their bond. But, as a simpler plan, the sheriff usually assigns the bond to the plaiur tiff, and he proceeds upon it. It is, however, optional with the plaintiff to accept or refuse the assignment. Bail-Bond, an obligation entered into by one or more sureties, upon giving bail, insuring the defendant's appearance at the time appointed by the court. BAILEMENT. See Bailment. BAILEY (Nathan), an English lexicographer, who kept a school at Stepney, where he died June 27, 1742. He published Dictionarum Domesticum, or a Household Dictionary, 8vo ; The Antiquities of London and Westminster, 12mo; and several school books: but his princi- pal work was an Etymological English Dictionary, which first appeared in octavo, andbeing'enlarged into a folio, volume became the basis of Dr. Johnson's dictionary. BAILIE, in Scots law, a judge anciently ap- pointed by the king over such lands, not erected into a regality, as happened to fall to the crown by forfeiture or otiierwise : now abolished. It is still the title of one or more magistrates in royal boroughs, and of the judge appointed by a baron BAI 391 BAI ovL'i- lauds erected into a barony. There are four bailies in the town council of Edinburgh, three in those of Glasgow^^berdeen, Perth, &c. See Law. BAI'LIFF, Ji. s. "^ Borrowed from the Fr. Bmi.'iv,[ck, 71. s.>haillie. In our old voca- Baily, n. s. J bularies written baily, and so a steward is still called in many places. Bailiff is the person who sustains the office ; bailiwick is the place of his jurisdiction ; and baily is the office or jurisdiction itself. Every beggarly corporation affords the state a mayor or two bailiffs yearly. B. Jonson. Bailiff, Ballivis, from the French word bailli or bailiff, that is, praefectus provincise : and as the name, so the office itself was answerable to that of France, before the revolution ; where there were eight parliaments, which were high courts, from whence there lay no appeal ; and within the precincts of the several parts of that kingdom, which belonged to each parliament, there were several provinces to which justice was administered by certain officers called bailiffs. — In England there are several counties in which justice has been administered to the inhabitants, by the officer now called sheriff or viscount (one of which names descended from the Saxons, the other from the Normans) ; and though the sheriff" is not called bailiff, yet it is probable that was one of his titles, because the county is often called balliva. And in Magna Cliarta,, cap. 28. and 14 \A. 3. c. 9. the word bailiff seems to comprise both sheriffs and bailiffs of hundreds. As the realm is divided into counties, so every county is divided into hundreds ; within which, in an- cient times, the people liad justice administered to them by the officers of every hundred. But now the hundred courts, except certain franchises, are swallowed in the county courts ; and the bai- liff's name and office is grown into contempt, they being generally officers to serve writs, &c. within their liberties. In other respects, however, the title is still in esteem : for the chief maffis- trates in divers towns are called bailiffs, or bai- lies ; and sometimes the persons, to whom the king's castles are committed, are termed bailiffs, as the bailiff of Dover Castle, &c. Of the ordi- nary bailiffs there are several sorts. Bailiffs Errant, or Bailiffs Itinerant, are those whom the sheriff appoints to go up and down the country to serve writs and warrants, to summon county courts, sessions, assizes, &c. The .sheriff being answerable for the misdemeanor of these bailiffs, they are usually bound in an obligation for the due execution of their office, and thence called bound bailiffs, which is vul- garly corrupted into a much more homely appel- lation. Bailiffs of Boroughs, were magistrates an- ciently in cities and towns, answering, in some measure, to what, in later times were called portgrave, mayor, &c. Canterbury was a bailiff town 500 years before it was made a mayor town. Westminster, Southwark, Scarborough, &c. are still governed by bailiffs. Bailiffs of Forests and Manors, direct husbandry, fell trees, gather rents, pay quit- rents, &c. Bailiffs of France, under the monarchy, were appointed over the provinces originally be- longing to the crown. Bailiffs of Franchises, or Bailiffs of Liberties, in F'ngland, are those bailiffs wlio are appointed by every lord within his liberty, to execute process and do such offices therein as the bailiff errant doth at large in the county. Bailiffs of the Empire, were anciently vicars or regents of the empire; as appears from a letter of Henry of Flanders to pope Innocent III. wherein he says, the princes, barons, and knights have elected me ballivum imperii. Bailiffs, Provincial, among the French, under the old despotism, were officers appointed in certain provinces or counties, with an autho- rity somewhat like that of justices of assize, in- stituted by the dukes and counts in their several territories, after they had procured the inherit- ance of them. These acted in the name, and by the authority, not of the king as justiciaries, but of the dukes or counts who appointed them, and whose deputies they were. Bailiffs, Royal, in France, were appointed by the king over provinces annexed to the crown. Bailiffs, Sheriff's, in England, or sheriff's officers, are either, 1. bailiffs of hundreds, or 2. special bailiffs, and appointed over their res- pective districts, to collect fines; summon juries; attend the judges and justices at the assizes and quarter sessions ; and to execute writs and pro- cesses in the several hundreds. Bailiffs, Water, officers appointed in all port-towns, for the searching of ships, gathering the toll for anchorage, &c. and arresting persons for debt, &c. on the water. BAILII (David), painter of perspective views and portraits, the son of Peter Bailii, an artist of some note, was bom at Ley den in 1584. Having acquired the rudiments of the art under his father, he improved under Verburg, and still more under \'andervoort, with whom he spent above six years. While with him, he copied a perspective view of the inside of a church, by Stenwyck, with such accuracy, that even Sten- wyck himself could scarcely determine which was the original. He travelled through several parts of Italy to see the works of masters, and for a few years resided at Rome. The correctness of his drawing, and the delicate finishing of his pic- tures, have been much admired. He died in 1638. BAILIWIC, Bailywick, or Bayliwick, balliva, in law, the jurisdiction of a bailiff over that liberty which is exempted from the sheriff of the county. Stat. 27th Eliz., ch. 12. Wood's Just. 206. BAILLET (Adrian), a very learned French writer and critic, born in 1649, at Neu\^lle near Beauvais. His parents being poor, he obtained his education by favor of the bishop of Beauvais who afterwards presented him with a small vica- rage. In 1680 he was appointed librarian to M. de Lamoignon, advocate general to the parlia- ment of Paris, of whose library he made a copi- ous index, in thirty-five volumes folio. He died in 1706. His principal works are, A History of Holland, from 1609, to the peace of Nimiguen in 1679, 4 vols. 12mo. Lives of the Saints, 3 vols, folio, which he professed to have purged from fables. Jugemens des Savans, 9 vols. 12mo. and the Life of Des Cartes, 2 vols. 4to. which he also abridged to 1 vol. 12ino. 392 B A I L L Y. BAILLEUL, a town of France, in the depart- ment of the North, formerly very strong. It has been several times burnt by accident. It lies nine miles S.W. of Ypres. BAILLIAGE, the office of a bailiff, or the place where he keeps his seat, and the territory subject to his jurisdiction; which last is also de- nominated Eailiwic. Baili.iack, Water, an ancient duty received by the city of London, upon all goods and mer- chandises brouglii in or carried out of port. BAILLIE (Robert), M. A. a presbyterian BAILIA' (John Sylvian), a celebrated philoso- pher and astronomer, born at Paris in 1703. His family had been respectable as painters for several generations, and he had commenced his studies in the same profession ; but he was too much bent on the pursuit of literature, to apply himself successfully. His early acquaintance with La Caille the celebrated geometrican, determined the science which was in future to engross his atten- tion. The calculation of the comet which ap- peared in 17.59, was his first labor. In 1763 he became a member of the Academy of Sciences ; divine of Scotland, was born at Glasgow in 1.599, and in the course of the same year, published a and studied at that city ; having received orders reduction of La Caille's observations on the from Abp. Law, in 1622 he w;is chosen, regent zodiacal stars in 1760 and 1761. He vv;is next of piiilosophy at Glasgow, and some time after employed in considerinij; the theory of Jupiter's was presented to the church of Kilwinning, by satellites ; and in 1766 published the results of the earl of Eglinton. In 1633, he declined the offer of a church at Edinburgh, but in 1638 was chosen a member of the famous assembly at Glasgow, which was a prelude to the civil war, and was a member of all the succeeding assem- his investigation, with the history of that part of astronomy. In 1771 he gave the world a very valuable memoir on the light of the satellites, marking their eclipses in a very precise and accu- rate manner. The genius of Bailly was not blies, excepting those which sat while he was confined to abstract science, or profound physical at Westminster. In 1640 he was sent to London speculations; it was equally brilliant in those by the Covenanting Lords, to draw up an accu sation against Apb. Laud. In 1642 he was appointed joint professor of Divinity in the Uni- versity of Glasgow, with Mr. Dickson; which he preferred to similar offers from the odier three universities. In 1643 he was one of the com- missioners to the celebrated assembly of Divines at Westminster, and returned in 1646. When after the execution of Charles I. his son was pro- claimed in Scotland, he was appointed by the assembly to wait on Charles II. at the Hague, departments of literature where the nicest dis- crimination of character and the most powerful eloquence is requisite. His eulogies ■ upon Charles V^ Corneille, Leibnitz, Moliere, Cook, La Caille, and Gresset, raised universal admiration. In 1775, he published at Paris the first volume of the History of Ancient Astronomy ; and in 1778 the second. Thellistoiy of Ancient Astro- nomy, from the foundation of the Alexandrian school to the present age, followed in 1779. He next published Letters on the origin of the and after the restoration was made principal of Sciences, and of the people of Asia ; to which the university of Glasgow. He died in 1662, he added a series of Letters on the Atlantis of aged sixty-three. Plato and the ancient History of Asia ; which he Baillie (Matthew), M. D. a celebrated ana- addressed to Voltaire. He was also very inti- lomist. He was the son of the Rev. James mate with Buffon, till he opposed the election of Baillie, professor of divinity at Glasgow, by the the Abbe Maury into the French academy ; to sister of Dr. William Hunter. He studied at Glasgow and Baliol College, Oxford, and after- wards became the pupil of his uncle. Being made physician to St. George's hospital, he suc- ceeded Dr. Hunter as lecturer on anatomy, in conjunction with JSlr. Cruickshank. He conti- nued a public lecturer till 1799. Dr. Baillie was one of the physicians in ordinary to Geo. Ill which Bailly had been chosen secretary in 1784. This year he was named one of the commission to investigate the nature of the animal magnetism of INIesmer, practised by Deflon. His report, which was presented to the Academy of Sciences, and has been since translated into English, con- tains the most satisfactory and decisive evidence upon die subject. It is highly valuable in and Geo. IV. and long stood in the first rank developing the physical effects produced by among his medical contemporaries. He published The Morbid Anatomy of the most important parts of the Human Body, Bvo. 1793, subsequently enlarged and improved ; a Series of Engravings tending to illustrate INlorbid Anatomy ; also a moral causes. In 1785 he was admitted into the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres ; and thus was at the same time a member of all the three academies of Paris, which none had been since Fontenelle. We must now leave the Description of Gravid Uterus ; and contributed peaceable haunts of philosophy, and follow many important papers to the Philosophical Transactions and medical collections of his day. Dr. Baillie formed a valuable nmseum of anato- mical specimens which he presented to the Col- lege of Physicians. He died in 1823, in the sixty-third year of his age ; leaving by his wife, daughter of Dr. Denman, a son and a daughter. BAILLIEBOROUGH, a town of Ireland, in the county of Cavan, forty-three miles from Dublin. _ BAILLO'NE, in heraldry, a charge in coats of arms, representing a lion rampant, holding a staff in his mouth. Bailly to the revolutionary stage, on which he acted a principal part. Here, though we behold him struggling with opposite interests in the midst of a lawless mob ; zealous for freedom, and contending in its cause with enthusiasm, we hear not a charge of selfish motives, or want of integrity, brought against him by any party ; yet he fell a sacrifice to that violence which nothing could control. In 1789 he was appointed de- puty to die Tiers Etat, and was soon after elected president ; a station which he held when the national assembly was constituted, and when the king issued his proclamation for dispersing BAI 393 BAI them. In the contest between the popular assemblies and the conrt, Bailly w;is zealous to maintain the rights of the ])('ople ; and the fa- mous oath to the members of the Tiers Etat, To resist tyrants and tyranny, and never to se- parate till they should obtain a free constitu- tion, was dictated by him. Next day, the I4th of July, memorable for the taking of the Bastile, he was chosen mayor of Paris ; and thou'j;h in this higli office he S'^^'iit'y promoted the different measures by whicli the popular party became victorious over the court, yet he is allowed to have discharged the arduous duties of it, at this trying juncture, with integrity, moderation, and firmness. The public mind was now, however, become liki; the ocean in a tempest : a people ever fond of novelty, free from tiie fetters of des- potism, with enthusiastic and erroneous ideas of liberty, were every day more eager for a change, and could suHer no restraint. The disposition of the people to anarchy was evident, and Bailly, still anxious that the laws should be respected, imagined that, by the vigorous execution of them, tranquillity might be maintained. Depu- ties from the military insurgents at Nancy were arrested by his orders, and he firmly opposed iNlarat and Hubert in their proceedings. He entered into a society more select than that of the Jacobins' club ; and used every argument that the king and the royal family might be al- lowed to go to St. Cloud. Thus he lost the confidence of the ])eople ; and being called by the national assembly to dismiss the tumultuous meeting, demanding the abolition of monarchy, on the 17lh July, 1791, he ordered the soldiers to fire, which rendered him completely obnoxious to them. In the end of the same year, when the constituent assembly was dissolved, he therefore resigned his office, and retired to his philosophical studies. Yet a bloody proscription reached him ; as an enemy to the republic he was seized, impri- soned, araigned before a savage tribunal, summa- rily condemned, and executed in the fifty-seventh year of his age. lie bore his sufi'erings with great magnanimity, though they were purposely lengthened out. To mark him as a conspirator, he was dressed in a red shirt, placed in a cart, with his hands tied behind his back ; and though the rain poured incessantly on his head, tlie mob threw mud at him wiiile he passed to the place of execution, and insulted him in the cruellest manner. As he ascended the platform, a person near him cried out in a sneering m.anner, ' Bailly you tremble.' ' Yes (answered he) but not with fear.' His person was tall, his countenance se- date, but striking. Scarcely any philosopher has appeared more eminent in the difi'erent branches of science and literature. While he filled the magisterial office, he gave away no inconsiderable ])art of his fortune to relieve the necessities of the poor. He left a wife whom he had married in 1787. BAIL'.MENT, n.s. The delivery of goods; or their consiginnent from one person to another, for the benefit of a third party. Sometimes also to be delivered back to the bailor, that is to him that so delivered them : sometimes to the use of the bailee, that is of him to whom they are de- livered. Bailment, in law, is a delivery of goods in trust, upon a contract, expressed or ini])lied, that the trust shall be faithfully executed on the part of the bailee. Thus if cloth be delivered, or (in our legal dialect), bailed to a taylor to make a suit of clothes, he has it upon an implied contract to render it again, when made, and that in a workmanly mamier. If money or goods be delivered to a carrier, to convey from Oxford to London, or from Glasgow to Edinburgh, &c. he is under a contract in law to pay, or carry them to the person appointed. If a horse or other goods be delivered to an inn-keeper or his ser- vants, he is bound to keep them safely, and restore them when his guest leaves the house. If a man takes in a horse, or other cattle, to graze and pasture in his grounds, which the law calls agistment, he takes them upon an implied contract to return them on demand to the owner. If a pawnbroker receives plate or jewels, as a pledge or security for the repayment of money lent thereon, at a certain day, he has them upon an express condition to restore them, if the pledger performs his part, by redeeming them in due time ; for the due execution of which contract, many useful regulations are made by statute 30 Geo. II. ch. 24. If a landlord distrains goods for rent, or a parish officer for taxes, these for a time are only a pledge in the hands of the distrainers ; and they are bound by an implied contract in law to restore them on payment of the debt, duty, and expenses, before the time of sale, or when sold, to render back the overplus, Sec. Sir Wil- liam Jones, in his learned work on the law of bailments, distinguishes five species of tliis con- tract. 1. Depositum, or deposit, which is a bail- ment of goods to be kept for the bailor without reward. 2. Mandatum, or commission; a bail- ment of goods to be carried from place to place, or to have some act performed about them, with- out reward. 3. Commodatum, or loan for use ; a bailment of a thing for a certain time, to be used by the borrower without paying for it. 4. Pignori acceptum, or pawn; a bailment of goods by a debtor to a creditor, in pledge as a security for the debt. 5. Locatum, or letting to hire; of which there are three subdivisions distinct enough to demand enumeration. (1.) Locatio rei, or bail- ment of a thing, to be used by the hirer for a reward. (2.) Locatio operis faciendi, or letting out of work and labor to be done, or care and attention to be bestowed, by the bailee, on the goods bailed for a reward. (3.) Locatio operis merciura vehendarum, or letting of care and pains in carrying die things bailed from place to place for a reward. If a bailee refuse to return the things bailed upon a lawful demand, he becomes answerable for even tlie slightest neglect. If a guest be robbed by the servants or inmates of an inn, the inkeeper is responsible. And, if goods bailed to a common carrier be lost by any means, except by the act of Ciod, orof the kings enemies, the car rier is bound to idemnify tlie owner. BAILO, or Balio, a title formerly given at Constantinople, to the ambassador of \'enice residing at the Porte. The \'enetian consuls at Aleppo, Alexandria, Smyrna, and other parts of the Levant, are also denominated bailo. 15AI 394 r,Ai BA11.0(ill', in commerce, or BALi.oijrE, a French name for the ostrich feathers tliat are used as ornaments without dyeing. BAIL-PIECE, the parchment containing the recognisance entered into hy those who give bail for the appearance of another. BAILS, in sea-language, the hoops that bear up tlie tilt of the boat. Bails, Clkrk of the, is an officer belonging to the court of King's Bench : he files the bail- pieces taken in that court, and attends for that purpose. BAILYBOROUGII, a market town of Cavan, Ireland, twenty-five miles from Dublin. Between this place and King's Court, is a pool on the sum- mit of a mountain, much frequented for its anti- scorbutic virtues. Many bathe in the lake, and even rub the affected parts with the mud, which is of a greasy substance like tar. It has not been known to be frozen even in the severest winter. BAIMALPOUR, a town of Bejapour, Hin- dostan, fourteen miles east of Satarah. BAIN, a town of Brittany, in France, with 3450 inhabitants, and woollen manufactures; the head of a canton in the department of the lUe Vilaine, arrondissement of Kedon, sixteen miles south of Rennes, and twenty-four south-west of Vitre. BAINA, a market town of Hungary, in the county of Gran. It was formerly a considerable place. BAINBRIDGE, a township of England, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, distant two miles from Askrigg, near the Ure, conjectured to have been a Roman station. Bainbridce, Port, an inlet on the west coast of North America, extending about twenty miles northward. Long, of its west point, 212'^ 9^' E. lat. 59" 55' N. Bain BRIDGE (Dr. John), an eminent physician and astronomer, born at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, in 1582. He taught a grammar school for some years, and practised physic, employing his leisure liours in astronomy. At length he removed to London, was admitted a fellow of the college of physicians, and raised his character by his description of the comet in 1618. The next year Sir Henry Saville appointed [him professor of astronomy at Oxford ; and the masters and fellows of Merton college made him first junior, and then superior reader of Limere's lecture. He died in 1643, leaving valuable MSS. pre- served in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. BAIOCCO, a copper coin current at Rome, equivalent to a tenth part of the julio, or a hun- dredth part of the ducat. It is worth about nine deniers, French money. BAIRAM, or Beiram, a Turkish word which signifies a solemn feast. The Mahommedans have two Bairams, the threat and the little. Bairam, the Great, is properly that held by the pilgrims at Mecca, commencing on the tenth of Dliu Ihajie, when the victims are slain, and lasting three days. This is called by the Arabs, Id al adha, that is, the feast of sacrifice, as being celebrated in memory of the sacrifice of Abraham, whose son, (iod redeemed with a great victim. By European writers it is called the Lesser Bairam, as being less taken notice of by the generality of the people, who are not struck with it, because the ceremonies with which it is observed are performed at Mecca, the only scene of the solemnity. On this feast, after throwing little stones, one after another, into the valley of Mina, they usually kill one or more sheep, some a goat, bullock, or even a camel ; and after giving a part thereof to the poor, eat the rest with their friends. After this, they shave themselves. The second day is a day of rest. On the third, they set out on their return home. Bairam, the Little, is properly that held at the close of the fast Ramazan, beginning with the first full moon in the) following month Sha- wal. This is called, in Arabic, Idal Fetz, or the Feast of breaking the Fast ; by European writers, the Turkisli Easter, because it succeeds Ramazan, which is tneir Lent, more usually the Great Bairam, because observed with great ceremony and rejoicing at Constantinople, and through Turkey, for the common people, to make amends for the mortification of the preceding month. The feast commencing with the new moon, the Mahommedans are very scrupulous in observing the time when the new moon commences; to which purpose, observers are sent to the tops of the highest mountains, who, the moment they spy the appearance of a new moon, run to the city, and proclaim Muzhdaluk ! welcome news! as it is the signal for beginning the festivity. BAIRDSTOWN, a post town of the United States, the capital of Nelson county, in tiie state of Kentucky. It is seated on the east side of Beech-Fork ; thirty-five miles from Frankfort. BAIR-MAN, or Bare Man, an old law term for an insolvent debtor, who was obliged to swear that he was not worth more than 5s. 5d. BAIRNS PART Of GEAR, in the Scots law, i.e. the children's share of effects, is that portion which by the law falls to the children of a mar- riage, on the death of either of their parents; viz. two thirds when the father, and one third when the mother, dies first. BAIROUT, or Bagreuth, formerly Berytus, a sea-port town of Syria situated on a plain in the pachalic of Saide, or Acre. There was for- merly a harbour here, which is now choked up, nothing being seen of it l)ut a pier, apparently of ancient construction, which will shelter a few boats. The town is surrounded by a wall, built by the famous Djezzar Pacha, after the place was bombarded by the Russians. With the same view he pulled down and rebuilt a high tower to the north-east. The streets of Bairout are nar- row and irregular, and the suburbs nearly as large as the town. The environs are extremely agreeable, and they are laid out in gardens and plantations full of fine trees, especially mulber- ries. A stream descending from Mount Lebanon winds to the sea through the country. The po- pulation amounts to 7000 or 8000. It is the re- sidence of a Greek, and a ]\Iaronite bishop; and there is a monastery of Capuchins. The staple commodity of commerce is raw silk, which is carried to Cairo, Aleppo, Dama.scus, and Europe. Earthen jars and jugs of a particular kind are also manufactured here; and are much esteemed from the nature of the clay. The cotton cloth is manufactured by the inhabitants BAJ 395 BAJ of the adjacent mountains, and exported in con- siderable quantity. The trade to Europe is chiefly managed by French and Italian mer- chants ; but the place is the emporium to which the Druses and Maronites send their products, and in return receive rice, tobacco, coflee, and specie. It is, indeed, considered the chief town of the Druses. Agrippa, the grandson of Herod the Great, constructed a theatre and amphitheatre here, as well as baths, and no expense was spared in embellishing them. Four magnificent granite columns, of which three are within the precincts of the town, with other ancient buildings, attest its former grandeur. Bairout long remained in the sole possession of the Druses, and has only of late been united to the pachalic of Acre. BAIT', I', a. & «. 8c n. s. batan. Sax. baitzen, Germ, battre, Fr. perhaps froiii buita, Goth. According to these different derivations, the meaning of this word varies. As derived from the Saxon and German it means to put meat upon a hook to tempt fish or other animals ; or to supply food to one's self or horses. Johnson intimates that in this latter sense it is a corrup- tion of bate, to abate speed on a journey. As derived from the French and Gothic it assumes a very different signification, namely to invite, to stir up, to attack with violence, to harass by the help of others, as we bait a boar with mastiffs, but a bull with bull-dogs. In hawking, the hawk is said to bait when she flutters or claps her wings, as if preparing to fly. The kinges lawe wol no man deme Anger liche withouten answere. But if any man these misqu'eme He shall be baighted as a here. And yet wel worse they wol him tere. And in prison woUen him pende. In gines and in other gere, Whea that God woll, it may amende. Chaucer. On mony a sorj'mele now may she baite. After here dethe ful often may she waite. Or that the wild waves wol hire drive. Unto the place ther as she shal arive. Id. Like a wilde bull that being at a bay. Is hayted of a mastiffe and a hound. And a curre dog that doe him sharpe assay. On every side and beat about him round. Faerie Queene. What so strong. But, wanting rest, will also want of might ; The sun, that measures heaven all day long. At night doth bait his steeds the ocean waves among. Spenser. The pleasant'st angling is to see the fish Cut with her golden oars the silver stream. And greedily devour the treach'rous bait. ShaJispeare. She steals love's sweet bait from fearful hooks. Id. Are these thy bears? We'll bait thy bears to death. All plum'd like estridges, that with the wind Baited like eagles having lately bath'd ; Glittering in golden coats like images. Id. A grove hard by, sprung up with this their change. His will who reigns above, to aggravate Their penance, laden with fair fruit like that Which grew in Paradise the bait of Eve, Us'd by the tempter. Milton. Many sorts of tishes feed upon insects, as is well known to anglers, who bait their hooks with them. Ray. BAIT. See A^-GL:^G. Bait, White, in ichthyology, a small fish, which is caught in great plenty, from August 1. to October 1. by stat. 30. Geo. II. ch. 21, in the river Thames, near Blackwall, and is esteemed very delicious. They are the fry of some fish, and have been attributed to the shad, the sprat, the smelt, and the bleak-fish. Pennant observes, that it belongs to the genus of cyprinus, because it has only three branchiostegous rays, and one dorsal fin; its body is compressed like that of the beak; its usual length is two inches; the under jaw is the longest; the irides are silvery, and the pupil black ; the dorsal fin consists of about fourteen rays;' the side line is straight; the tail forked, and the tips black. To Bait, in falconry, the action of a hawk when slie^claps her wings, or stoops to catch her prey. BAITHOSUS, a Jew who, with Sadoc his fellow disciple, founded the sect of the Saddu- cees, denying a future state and resurrection. From Baithosus, they were for some time called Baithosffii as well as Sadducees, but are now only known by the latter denomination. BAITING, the act of smaller or weaker beasts attacking and harassing greater and stronger; as the baiting of bulls or bears by mastiffs, or bull-dogs with short noses, that they may take the better hold. Utility has been pleaded in justification of bull-baiting; the chaffing and exercise of the animals making the flesh tenderer and more digestible. But a spirit of barbarism has the gTeatest share in supporting the sport : bulls are kept on purpose, and exhibited as standing spectacles for the public entertainment. It is a very popular amusement in .Spain. In this sport, the chief aim of the dog is to catch the bull by the nose, and hold him down; to which end he will creep on his belly : the bull's aim, on the contrary, is, with equal industry, to defend his nose; in order to whicli he thrusts it close to the ground, where his horns are also in readi- ness to toss the dog. Bull-baiting was first introduced into England as an amusement in the reign of king John, about 1209. BAJULUS, an ancient officer ;n the court of the Greek emperors. There were several degrees of bajuli; as, the grand bajulus, who was precep- tor to the emperor; and the simple bajuli, who were sub-preceptors. The word is derived from the Latin verb bajulare, to carry or bear a thing on the arms or on the shoulders; and the origin of the office is thus traced by antiquaries. Chil- dren, and especially those of condition, had anciently, besides their nurse, a woman called gerula, as appears from several passages of Ter- tuUian; when weaned, or ready to be weaned, they had men to carry them about and take care of them, who were called geruli and bajuli, a gerendo et bajulando. Hence it is, that gover- nors of princes and great lords, were still deno- minated bajuli, and their charge or government bajulatio, even after their pupils were grown too big to be carried about. The word passed in the same sense into Greece. Bajllu.s is also used by Ealin writers in the several senses wherein we use bailiff. Bajulus was likewise the title of a conventual 396 BAKING. officer in the ancient monasteries, to whom belonged the charge of gathering and distributing the money and legacies left for masses and obits ; whence he was also denominated bajulus obituum novorum. Eajulus, in entomology, a species of cerambyx (callidium) that is found in the trunks of trees in the northern parts of Europe. The thorax is villous, with two tubercles ; body brown. Fabri- cius. This is the cerambyx caudatus of Degeer; and leptura bajula of Scopoli. — Gmelin. Obs. a variety of tliis species (/3) is described by Lin- ntEUs; the color of which is testaceous: thorax cinereous, and villous, with two little glabrous lines ; in the Fabrician mantissa. Another variety (y) is noticed, a native of Saxony, and only half the size of the former. BAIZE', n. s. ' A kind of coarse open cloth stuff, having a long nap ; sometimes frizzed on one side, and sometimes not frizzed. This stuff is without wale, being wrought on a loom with two treddles, like flannel.' — Chambers, BAKE', V. a. & 7i.~\ Baecan, Sax. becken, Ba'kex, part. I Ger. supposed by Wach- Ba'ked, adjec. >ter to come from bee, Ba'ker, n.s. i which, in the Phrygian Bake'house, n. s. J language, signified bread. Bread, and the process of preparing it, are very naturally identified, as the one always suggests the other. It signifies to heat or to harden by tire, and is of a more general application than to the staff of life; though the substantives have no other reference, unless they have an affix, sugar- baker, &c. To bake, is then to heat or to har- den any thing in the fire, in a furnace, an oven, or in the sun ; or to do the work of baking. Baking denotes the progress towards the com- pletion of this work. Baker is the agent by whom it is accomplished. Baked describes the quality of these substances which have gone through the entire process, as baked meats, con- tra-distinguished from viands of a different de- scription ; and bakehouse is a place appropriated to the business of baking. He -will take thereof, and warm himself; yea, he kindleth it, and baketh bread. Isaiah. There was a cake haken on the coals, and a cruse of water, at his head. 2 Kings. He could roste and sethe, and broile and frie^ Maken mortrewes and wel hake a pie. But gret harm was it as it thoughte me. That on his shinne a mormal hadde he. Chaucer. His bredc, his ale, was alway after on, A belter en^'^•'d man was no where non ; Withouten baken mete never was his house. Of fish and flesh, and that so plenteous It snewed in his hous of mete and drinke. Of all the deinties that men coud of thinke. Id, Loke of Egipt the king Dan Pharao, His baher and his hoteler also, — Wheder they ne fcltcn non effect in drcmcs. Id 1 keep his house, and I wash, wring, brew, hake, scour, dress meat, and make the beds, and do all my- self. Shakspeare. The sun with flaming arrows pierc'd the flood. And, darting to the bottom, bah'd the mud. Dryden. The work of the fire is a kind of baking ; and what- soever the fire baketh, time doth, in some degree, dis- solve. Bacon. There be some houses wherein sweetmeats will re- lent, and baked meats will mould, more than others. Id. With vehement suns When dusty summer bakes the crumbling clods. How pleasant is 't, beneath the twisted arch. To ply the sweet carouse ! Philips. In life and health, every man must proceed upon trust, there being no knowing the intention of the cook or baker. South. Baking, as a term of art, though applicable to the drj'ing of any moist substance by heat, has been used more particularly to describe the art of preparing bread, or of reducing meal of any kind, whether simple or compound, into bread. We read, indeed, as in Chaucer, (Pro- logue V. 436) of ' bake mete, of fish, and flesh ;' and some of our modern inventions in the way of cooking apparatus seem destined to extend the triumphs of this art, and to bake a whole Lord Mayor's dinner in less time than even his wor- shipful guests consume in eating it. But the ' baker,' historically and legally, has been the baker of bread. In an Anglo-Saxon colloquy, preserved in the Cotton Library (jNIS. Tib. A. 3.) and presenting a lively picture of the manners of our ancestors, a sort of dialogue occurs with the baker (bfecere) : — ' Of what use is your art ? We can live long without you.' He replies, ' You may live through some space without my art, but not long, nor well. Without my craft every table would seem empty ; and without bread (hlafe) all meat would seem nauseous.' We have therefore only here to remark, gene- rally, that the art of baking, of the highest anti- quity, is, in regard to its origin, involved in en- tire obscurity : traces of it being found in the history of all ancient nations. Abraham and Lot, in the patriarchal ages, evinced their hospi- tality by providing baked cakes or unleavened bread for their guests ; and shortly after (Exod. xii. 15.) the prohibition of leavened bread to the Israelites proves tbat the art of making it was well known and ordinarily practised. In Egypt it is highly probable the Jews became acquainted with this art : though the Chaldeans are said to have practised it as early as any people. The Greeks ascribe the invention of it to Pan, who Diodorus informs us, was originally an Egyptian deity, and that Thebes was built to his honor, (lib. i.) The Romans were long reproached as a pulse-eating people. Until .580 years after the founding of their metropolis it contained no pro- fessed bakers. They first settled in it, we are told by Pliny (Hist. Nat. -xviii. 11), during the war with Perseus, king of IMacedon : we find, how- ever, before this time families baking their own bread. Bakers, as we have seen, were esteemed im- portant members of society by our ancestors. The incorporation of a London company with this title took place in the early part of the fourteenth century (1307), and by a statute, 22 Hen. VIII. cap. 13., ^their trade was ex- empted from being reckoned as handicraft. Until a late act o( parliament abolished their control of the price, called the assize of bread, this con- stituted an important portion of the duties of the London magistracy. BAKER 397 Under the word Bread, we propose to treat of the entire manufacture of that important article : under Cookery and Dressing of Meats, of the late inventions above alluded to ; and under Oven, of those which may be thus specifically classed. Baker (David Erskine), son of Henry Baker, was a young man of genius and learning. Having been adopted by an uncle, who was a silk throwster in Spitalfields, he succeeded him in the business ; but wanted the prudence and attention necessary to secure prosperity in trade. Like his father, he was both a philosopher and a poet ; and wrote several occasional poems, some of which were much admired at the time. His principal publication was. The Companion to the Play-house, in two volumes, 1764, 12mo; a work, which though imperfect, has considerable merit. Baker (Henry), an ingenious and diligent naturalist, was born in Fleet-street, London, about the end of the seventeenth, or beginning of the eighteenth century. He was brought up under an eminent bookseller, who preceded the elder Dodsley, but being of a philosophical turn, and having studied the methods practicable in the cure of deaf and dumb persons, he made this the employment of his life. In the prosecution of so valuable and difficult an undertaking he was very successful. He married Sophia, youngest daugh- ter of the famous Daniel Defoe, who brought him two sons, both of whom he survived. In January, 1704, he was elected a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ; and, on the twelfth of March following, the same honor was conferred upon him by the Royal Society. In 1744 Sir Godfrey Copley's gold medal was bestowed upon him, for discoveries in the chrystallisation and configurations of saline particles. Having led a very useful and honorable life, hcj died in the Strand in 1774, aged above seventy. Mr. Baker was a very constant and useful attendant at the meetings of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, and in both was frequently chosen of the council. Several of his communications are printed in the Philosophical Transactions ; and he was the means, by his extensive correspondence, of con- veying to the Society the intelligence and obser- vations of many other inquisitive and philosophi- cal men, at home and abroad. The society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce, is under singular obligations to him. Being one of its earliest memliers, he contributed greatly to its rise and establishment, and at its first institution officiated for some time gratis as secretary. He drew up a short account of its origin, which was read before the society of anti- quaries. Mr. Baker was a poetical writer in. the early part of his life. His Invocation of Health was printed without his knowledge; but re- printed by himself in his Original Poems, serious and humorous, part I. 8vo. 1725. Part II. came out in 1726. Among these poems are some tales as witty, and as loose as Prior's. He w;is the author likewise of the Universe, a poem, which has been several times reprinted. His account of the water polype, originally published in the Philosophical Transactions, was afterwards enlarged into a separate treatise, and has gone through several editions. But his principal pub- lications are. The ^Microscope made Easy, and Employment for the Microscope. Baker (Sir Richard), author of the Chronicle of the Kings of England, was bom at Sissing- herst, in Kent, about the year 1568. After completing his studies at Oxford, he travelled, and upon his return was created A. M. In 1603 he was knighted by king James I. and in 1620, high sheriff" of Oxfordshire ; but engaging to pay some of the debts of his wife's family, he was reduced to poverty, and obliged to retire for shelter to the Fleet prison. His works are, 1. Meditations and Disquisitions on the Lord's Prayer. 2. INIeditations, &c. on several Psalms. 3. ileditations and Prayers upon the Seven Days of the Week. 4. Cato \'ariescatus, or Cato's ]Moral Distiches varied, &c. — Mr. Granger ob- serves. ' That his Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land was more esteemed by readers of the lower class, than by such as had a critical knowledge of history. The language of it was called polite : and it long maintained its reputation, especially among country gentlemen. The author seems to have been sometimes more studious to please than to inform, and with that view to have sacri- ficed even chronology itself to method.' In 1658 Edward Philips, nephew to Milton, pub- lished a third edition of this work, with the addition of the reign of Charles I. It has been several times reprinted, and is now carried as low as the reign of George I. Sir Richard also translated several works from the French and Italian. He died in the Fleet, very poor, in 1645. Baker (Thomas), an eminent mathematician, was born at Ilton, in Somersetshire, about 1625, and entered at Magdalane-hall, Oxon, 1640 ; after which he was vicar of Bishop's Nymmet, in Devonshire, where he wrote The Geometrical Key, or the Gate of Equations unlocked, by which he gained a considerable reputation. A little before his death, the members of the Royal Society sent him some mathematical queries, to which he returned such satisfactory answers, that they presented him a medal. He died at Bishop's Nymmet, in 1690. Baker (Thomas), a very ingenious and learned antiquary, descended from an ancient family, was born at Crook, in 1656 ; educated at the free school at Durham, and thence removed to Cam- bridge in 1674. He proceeded B.A. inl677; M. A. 1681 ; was elected fellow, March, 1679-80: ordained deacon by Bishop Compton, Dec. 20th, 1685, and priest by Bishop Barlow, Dec. 19th, 1686. Being chaplain to Lord Crew, bishop of Durham, his Lordship collated him to the rec- tory of Long-Newton, June, 1687 ; and intended to have given him tlmt of Sedgefield, worth about £700 a year, with a golden prebend, had he not incurred his displeasure for refusing to read King James II. 's declaration for liberty of conscience. Mr. Baker resigned Long-Xewton, August 1st. 1690, refusing to take the oaths; and retired to his fellowship at St. John's, in which he was protected till Jan. 20th, 1716-17, when he was dispossessed of it, in consequence of scrupling to take the oaths required on the accession of George I. but he retained his chambers at St. John's college, where he was highly esteemed, land INIr. BAK 398 BAK Prior, the celebrated poet, gave the profits of his own fellowship to Baker, in order to sujiply the loss of income which he had suffered. lie is said to have retained a lively resentment of his depri- vations ; and designated himself in his books, as well as in those which he gave to the college library, socius ejectus, and in some, ejectus rec- tor. He continued to reside in the college as commoner master till his death, July '2d, 1740. Mr. Baker's correspondence with men of learn- ing was extensive ; and he was liberal in his literary communications to those who solicited information ; particularly to bishop Burnet, who was indebted to him for several remarks and corrections relating to his History of the Refor- mation. Of his extensive collections, he left twenty-three volumes in folio, written by his own hand, to Lord Oxford, and they now compose part of the Harleian collection in the British museum. He also bequeathed fifteen volumes folio, of a like kind, to the public library at Cam- bridge, together with other ^ISS. and printed books. Biog. Brit. ' Mr. Baker,' says the Earl of Orford, was ' perhaps the sole instance of a man who bequeathed his worldly goods to a society • tliat ejected him, and to the ministers of a church in which he had lost preferment.' The only works he printed were, 1. Reflections on Learn- ing, showing the insufficiency thereof in its several particulars, in order to evince the useful- ness and necessity of Revelation, Lond. 1709-10 ; and 2. The Preface to bishop Fisher's funeral sermon for Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 1708 ; both without his name. Dr. Knight styles him ' the greatest master of the an- tiquities of this our university ;' and Hearne pays him a similar compliment ; expressing his wish that his collections were published. INIr. Baker intended something like an Athenre Can- tabrigienses, on the plan of the Athense Oxoni- enses. Baker (Sir George), M. D. was the son of a Devonshire clergyman, born in 1722, and edu- cated at Eton and Cambridge. He commenced practice at Stamford, whence he soon removed to London, and soon attained considerable repu- tation, being appointed physician in ordinary to the king, and physician to the queen : he was also chosen fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies. In 1776 he was created a baronet, and in 1 797 was placed at the head of his profession, being elected president of tlie (College of Physi- cians. He died June 15th, 1809. Sir George Baker had the reputation of being an elegant classical scholar and critic. His published works are, An I'.ssay on the Cause of the Endemical Colic of Devonshire, (about 1767), which gave rise to a controversy relative to the origin of that malady, which he attributed to the use of cyder, much impregnated with lead. Preface to a late edition of the Pharmacopoeia of the Medical Col- lege, with numerous Essays in the Medical and Philosophical Journals of his time. BAKERS' CoMPAXv; there are two com- panies of this name, the White and the Brown Bakers. The White Bakers are of great anti- quity, having been a company as early as Edward IL Their arms are (fig. 1.) ' gules, ihree garbs, or on a chief; an arm issuing out of a cloud. proper, holding a pair of scales, or, between three garbs of the first.' Fiff. 1. FiR. 2. The Brown Bakers were incorporated the 19th of James I. Their arms (fig. 2) are 'gules, a hand issuing out of the clouds, ^^ro/jf?-, holding a pair of scales ; an anchor in a chief, barry wavy, or and azure, on a chevron, gw/cs between three garbes. BAKEWELL (Robert), a famous grazier, born in 1726, on his father's estate of Dishley, in Leicestershire. For some years before his father's death, he had the management of the farm, and his attention was much taken up in im- proving the breed of his cattle. In pursuit of this object, he travelled over England into Ire- land and Holland ; and such was his success, that in a short time the Dishley sheep were prized so much above others, that he could let one of his rams for no less than 400 guineas ! and for one in particular, he drew the enormous sum of 800 guineas, besides the ewes from his own stock, which, by the same calculation, makes a total of 1200 guineas ! Dishley sheep are dis- tinguished by the fineness of their bone and flesh, the lightness of the offal, and quiet dispo- sition, which makes them fatten with less food than other sheep equally heavy. Mr. Bakewell also greatly improved his black cattle ; and could let his bulls at fifty guineas a season each. He died in 1795. On the other hand, it has been stated that he failed in business more than once ; and, with regard to the effect of his im- provements, it has been sarcastically remarked, that they enabled him to make meat too fat for any body to eat, and too dear for any body to purchase. Bakewell, a market town and parish in the hundred of High-Peak, Derby, eleven miles west from Chesterfield, and 152 north from London ; on the river Wye, near its influx with the Derwent, and containing 1000 inhabitants. It is supposed to have been a Roman town. The church is elegant, with a lofty spire, and the place is much resorted to by anglers; the Wye producing plenty of trout, grayling, &c. There are several good quarries of stone, and lead and zinc mines in the neighbourhood, with a plentiful supply of coal; here is also a large cotton manu- factory. Three miles distant is Chatsworth tlie seat of the duke of Devonshire, and first built by Sir William Cavendish, of SuflTolk, and finished by his lady, on her marriage with Sir William St. Loe, captain of the guard to queen Elizabeth. Fronting the house westward runs the River Derwent, over which is a stately stone bridge, on which ^is an old tower, and on an island in the river stands an ancient castle. On the east side, not far distant, is a high mountain, on the top of whicli millstones are dug. Here begins a BAK 399 BAL vastly extended moor, wliich, for sixteen miles, has neither house, hedge, nor tree, and over which it is impossible to pass without a guide. In ('hatsworth-house, Mary, queen of Scots, was some time a prisoner. The living of Bakewell is in the gift of the dean and chapter of Litchfield ; and the parish is exempt from episcopal juris- diction. Market on Monday. Its fairs are on Easter-monday, Whit-monday, the IMonday after October 19th, and the Monday after November 22d. At a short distance from Bakewell is Ash- ford, where are some marble works, that were the first of the kind established in England. Great quantities of black and gray marble are sawed and polished by machinery kept in motion by water. One part called the sweeping mill from its circular motion, will work upon, and level a set of marble slabs of eighty superficial feet. BAKHISHISARAI,'^or simply Bacca-Serai, * the summer-house,' a large town of European Russia, in the Crimea, government of Taurida, formerly the residence of the khans, situated be- tween two hills, and containing from 10,000 to 12,000 inhabitants. Here are manufactures of Turkey leather, saddles, silk stuffs, and cutlery. Fifty miles north of Caffa. Long. 33'^ 52' E., lat. 45^ 10' N. BAKOONGAR, one of the Sooloo islands. It is high and rocky, and has some inhabitants. BAKOS, a river of Great Bukharia, from which and others the Harrat is formed. BAKOU, or Baku, a town of Persia, in the province of Shirvan, situated at the extremity of the Gulf of Chilan, occupying the peninsula of Abasharon, on the west coast of the Caspian. It is esteemed the most commodious haven in that sea, as vessels may ride securely at anchor in seven fathoms of water, within eighty yards of the shore ; but the number of shoals, islands, and sand banks, render the entrance, in some places, difficult and dangerous. The town is of an obtuse triangular form ; it occupies a strong and fine situation, and is defended by a strong wall and deep ditch. Good cotton is yielded in the neighbourhood, together with opium, rice, silk, wine, salt, and naptha. In the latter article is the principal trade of Bakou, 1000 or 1500 pounds of it being yielded by the wells in this district daily. The country around is highly volcanic, abounding with inflammable gases, which, being collected in leather flasks, will ignite at a distance. Hence, the town and its environs abound in monuments of the supersti- tion of the Guebres, Parsies, and other fire wor- shippers, some of whom yet frequent a spot called Ateschjah. Various temples built of stone ap- pear; in one of which a blue lambent flame isssued from a large hollow cane near the altar. The jurisdiction of Baku extends over thirty-two villages. It was ceded to Russia in the year 1723, and restored to Persia in 1735; but re- taken by the Russians in 1801, who have ever since kept possession of it. BAKTEGAN, or Bakt>:ghian, a salt lake in the province of Ears, Persia, about seventy-five miles in circuit. It is nearly dry in summer, when a quantity of fine salt, left by evaporation, IS collected from the bottom. Distant ten miles south-east of Sliiraz. BAKTSCHISARI, an open town on the west side of the Crimea, near the sea, seated between two mountains. It is one of the places of resi- dence of the cham of Tartary. BAKU. See Bakou. BAL, a Gaelic word, used in the composition of the names of many places, particularly in Scot- land and Ireland, and signifying a town, village, or place of residence. BALA, a market town of Merionethshire, in North Wales, and a borough by prescription, but sending no member to parliament. It is 202 miles north-west of London, and 26 from Welshpool. Population 1163. The assizes for the county are held here alternately with Dolgelly. There are vestiges of three Roman camps in the neighbour- hood, and adjacent to the town is a large artificial mount, called Tommen y Bala, supposed to be of Roman origin. Its manufactures are woollen gloves, stockings, and the caps called Welsh wigs. Pemble Mere, Llyn Tegid, or Bala lake, lies a few miles to the south of the town, and is the largest sheet of water in Wales, being four miles in length, and about three quarters of a mile in breadth. Its depth of water is about forty feet ; but it sometimes rises above its usual level, over- flowing the beautiful vale of Eidernion. It abounds in fish, and the tradition of the country states that the rive Dee, like the Rhone at Ge- neva, passes through without mixing its waters with those of the lake. BALAAM; from ibs, without, and C2i\ people ; the son of Beor, a prophet and diviner of Pethor, upon the Euphrates, whose practices with Balak, king of the Moabites, are recorded in Numbers xxii. — xxiv. as well as his involuntary prophecies of the prosperity of Israel. Jewish writers are generally of opniion that he was a pretending astrologer, who observing when men were under a bad aspect of the stars, pronounced a curse upon them ; which sometimes coming to pass, gained him reputation. Several ancient fathers suppose him to have been a common sootlisayer, who undertook to tell future events, and discover secrets, by no very justifiable arts. Origen will have it, thait he was one of the devil's sorcerers, and that of him he went to en- quire ; but that God prevented him, and put what answers he pleased into his mouth. It cannot be denied, however, that the Scriptures expressly call him a prophet, 2 Pet. ii. 16, and therefore some later writers have imagined that he had once been a good man, till loving the wages of iniquity, and prostituting the honour of his office to covetousness, he apostatised from God, and devoted himself to idolatrous prac- tices. Philo, in his Life of Moses, passes over the miracle of his ass speaking to the prophet in silence ; and Maimonides pretends that it hap- pened to Balaam in a prophetic vision only. St. Peter, however, assuredly speaks of the fact as literal and certain. We must own, says Calmet, that this is a miraculous fact related by an inspired writer, whose authority we ouglit not to call in question in the least particular ; but we should study such ways of explaining it as are most conformable to reason, and most proper to solve the difficulties of it, without attacking the trvuh of the history. The miracle, says 40( B A L ^ N A bishop Newton, was not unnecessary. ' It evi- denced, that the same divine power, which caused the ass to speak, compelled Balaam to utter blessings contrary to his inclination. And accordingly he was overruled to bless the people, though he came prepared and disposed to curse them; which, according to Bochart, was the greater miracle of the two, for the ass was merely pursued, but Balaam resisted the good motions of GoA: BALAAMITES, a sect in the first ages of Christianity, of the same import in the Hebrew languasje with Nicolaitans in the Greek. BALABAC, an island of the eastern seas, off the south extremity of Palawan. Long. 117° 10' E., lat. 8° N. BAIABEA, an island of the South Pacific Ocean, off New Caledonia. Long. 164° 22' E., lat. 20° 7' S. BALABOLA, one of the Society Islands in the South Sea, visited by Captain Cook. It is only eight leagues in circumference, but has a very capacious harbour on the west side. BALACHNA, or Balakhan, a town of Eu- ropean Russia, in the government of Nishnei- Novgorod, on the right bank of the Wolga. The salt springs here were closed in 1755. The in- habitants, engaged partly in agriculture and partly in trade, amount to 5000. It is eighteen miles W. N.W. of Nishnei-Novgorod, and 120 E. S. E. of Petersburg. BALADAN, the scripture name for a king of Babylon, Isa. xxxix. 1. 2 Kings xx. 12, called by profane authors Belesus or Belesis, Nabonassar or Nanybrus. He at first was no more than governor of Babylon; but entering into a confe- deracy with Arbaces, governor of Media, and re- bellingagainstSardanapalus, king of Assyria, these two generals marched against him with an army of 400,000 men, and were beat in three different battles. But the Bactrians deserting the king, and coming over to Baladan and Arbaces, the re- bels attacked the enemy in the night, and made themselves masters of his camp. After this mis- fortune, Sardanapalus retreated to Nineveh, and left the command of his army to his brother-in- law Salamenes. The conspirators attacked Sala- menes, and defeated him in two great battles; after which ihey laid siege to Nineveh. Sardana- palus sustained the siege for three years ; but the Tigris, in the third year, overflowing its banks, beat down twenty furlongs of the walls : where- upon the conspirators entered the city and took possession of it, after Sardanapalus had burnt himself and all his most valuable effects upon a funeral pile, erected for that purpose in his palace. Baladan was thereupon acknowledged king of Babylon, as Arbaces was of Media. Sir Isaac Newton supposes Baladan to have been the son of Pul, king of Assyria, and to have had Babylon for his portion. BAL.ENA, the whale, in zoology, from /3aXXw, to cast up, because it throws up water, a genus of the mammalia class, belonging to the order of cete. The characters of this genus are, the balaeup, in place of teeth, has a horny plate on the upper jaw, and a double fistula or pipe for throwing out water. There are five princijial species; viz. 1. B. bo-ops, the pike-headed whale, has a double pipe in its snout, three fins and a hard horny ridge on its back. The belly is full of longitudinal folds or rugae. It fre- quents the northern ocean. The lengtl\^of that taken on the coast of Scotland, as remarked by Sir Robert Sibbald, was forty-six feet, and its greatest circumference twenty. This species takes its name from the shape of its nose, which is narrower and sharper pointed than that of other whales. 2. B. Musculus, has a double pipe in its front, and three fins ; the under jaw is much wider than the upper one. It frequents the Scotch coast, and feeds upon herrings. 3. B. mysticetus, the common whale, which has many turnings and windings in its nostrils, and no fin on the back. This is the largest of all animals ; it is commonly found at from fifty to sixty feet; but some have been taken in modern times, in the northern seas ninety feet in length. But as Mr. Scoresby observes, ' there is every probability of an error having been committed two or three cen- turies back (from which period some of our di- mensions have been derived), when we know that whales were usually viewed with super- stitious dread, and their magnitude and powers in consequence highly exaggerated. Of 322 individuals, in the capture of which I have been personally concerned, no one, I believe, exceeded sixty feet in length, and the largest I ever mea- sured was fifty-eight feet from one extremity to the other, being one of the longest to appearance I ever saw. From fifty to sixty feet therefore may be considered the average length of the Greenland whale.' The head is very much disproportioned to the size of the body, being one third of the size of the fish, and the under lip is much broader than the upper. The tongue is composed of a very soft spongy fat, ca- pable of yielding five or six barrels of oil. The gullet is very small, not exceeding four inches in width. In the middle of the head are two orifices through which it spouts water to a vast height, and with a great noise, especially when disturbed or wounded. The eyes are not larger than those of an ox, and when the chrystalline humor is dried, it does not appear larger than a pea. They are placed towards the back of the head, being the most convenient situation for enabling them to see both before and behind ; as also to see over them, where their food is prin- cipally found. They are guarded by eye-lids and eye-lashes, as in quadrupeds ; and they seem to be very sharp sighted. Nor is their sense of hearing in less perfection ; for they are warned at a great distance of any danger pre- paring against them. It would seem as if nature had designedly given them these advantages, as they multiply little, in order to continue their kind. It is true, indeed, that the external organ of hearing is scarcely perceptible, for this might only embarrass them in their natural element ; but as soon as the thin scarf-skin after mentioned is removed, a black spot is discovered behind the eye, and under that is the auditory canal, that leads to a regular apparatus for hearing. In short, the animal hears the smallest sounds at very great distances, and at all times, except when it is spouting water ; which is the time that the fishers approach to strike it. B A L ^ N A. 401 What is known by the name of whalebone, adheres to the upper jaw of the whale ; and is formed of thin parallel laminae, some of the longest four yards in length ; of these there are commonly 350 on each side, but in very old fisli more ; about 500 of them are of a length fit for use, the others being too short. They are sur- rounded with long strong hair, not only that they may not hurt the tongue, but as strainers to pre- vent the return of their food when they dis- charge the water out of their mouths. The real bones of the whale are hard, porous, and full of marrow. Two great strong bones sustain the upper lip, lying against each other in the shape of an half moon. The tail is broad and semi- lunar; and when the fish lies on one side, its blow is tremendous. The tail alone it makes use of, to advance itself forward in the water; and it is surprising to see with what force and celerity its enormous bulk cuts through the ocean. The tail occupies a surface of eighty or 100 square feet, it is only five or six feet long, but from eighteen to twenty-four or twenty-six feet in breadth, and is placed horizontally : its motions are rapid and universal. The fins are only made use of for turning in the water, and giving a direction to the velocity impressed by the tail : they are from seven to nine feet long, and four to five broad, being capable of motion in any direction ; but they are prevented from being raised above the horizontal position by the tension of the skin and flesh below ; the ac- count therefore of whales supporting their young on their back by means of their fins, must be fabulous. The whale varies in color ; the back of some being red, the belly generally white. Others are black, some mottled, others quite white. Their colors in the water are extremely beautiful, and their skin is very smooth and slippery. The outward or scarf skin of the whale is no thicker than parchment ; but this removed, the real skin appears, of about an inch thick, and covering the fat or blubber that lies beneath : this is from eight to twelve inches in thickness ; and is, when the fish is in health, of a beautiful yellow. The muscles lie beneatli ; and tiiese, like the flesh of quadrupeds, are very red and tough. The teats in the female are in the lower part of the belly. The fidelity of the male and female to each other exceeds whatever we are told even of the constancy of birds. Some fishers, Anderson informs us, having struck one of two whales, a male and a female, that were in company together, the wounded fish made a long and terrible resistance : it struck down a boat with three men in it, with a single blow of its tail, by which all went to the bottom. The other still attended its companion, and lent it every assistance ; till, at last, the fish that was struck, sunk under the number of its wounds ; while Its faithful associate, disdaining to survne the loss, with great bellowing, stretched itself upon the dead fish, and shared his fate. The whale goes with young nine or ten months, and generally produces one young one, and never above two. When she suckles her young, she throws herself on one side on the surface of the sea, and the young one attaches itself to the teat. iVothing can exceed the tenderness of thj female Vol. III.— P.vrt II. for her offspring ; she carries it with her where- ever she goes, and when hardest pursued, even when wounded, she still clasps her young one ; and when she plunges to avoid danger, takes it to the bottom ; but rises sooner than usual, to dive it breath again. In June 1811, says .Mr. Scoresby, one of my harpooners struck a sucker, with the hope that it would lead to the capture of the mother. Presently she arose close by the ' fast boat,' and seizing the young one, dragged about a hundred fathoms of line out of the boat with remarkable force and velocity. Again she arose to the surface ; darted furiously to and fro ; frequently stopped short, or suddenly changed her direction, and gave every possible intimation of extreme ag-ony. For a length of time she continued thus to act, though closely pursued by the boats ; and, inspired with courage and resolu- tion by her concern for her offspring, seemed re- gardless of the dansjer which surrounded her. At length, one of the boats approached so near, that a harpoon was hove at her. It hit, but did not attach itself. A second harpoon was struck ; this also failed to penetrate ; but a third was more effectual, and held. Still she did not at- tempt to escape, but allowed other boats to ap- proach ; so that in a few minutes three more harpoons were fastened ; and in the course of an hour afterwards she was killed. The young ones continue at the breast for a year ; during which time, they are called by the sailors, short- heads. They are then extremely fat, and yield above fifty barrels of blubber. The mother at the same time is equally lean and emaciated. At the age of two years they are called stunts, as they do not thrive much immediately upon quit- ting the breast : they then yield scarcely above twenty or twenty-four barrels of blubber : after this they are called skull-fish, and their age is wholly unknown. 4. B. physalus, or fin-fish, is distinguished from the common whale by a fin on the back, placed very low and near the tail. The length is greater than that of the common kind, being often 100 feet; but much more slender. It is furnished with whalebone in the upper jaw, mixed with hairs, but short and knotty, and of little value. The blubber also on the body of this kind is very inconsiderable. These circumstances, added to its extreme fierce- ness and agility, which render the capture very dangerous, cause the fishers to neglect it. The natives of Greenland, however, hold it in great esteem, as it affords a great quantity of flesh, which to their palate is very agreeable. The lips are brown, and like a twisted rope: the spout hole is as it were split in the top of its head, through which it blows water with much more violence, and to a greater height, than the common whale. The fishers are not very fond of seeing it, for on its appearance the others retire out of those seas. Some writers conjecture this species to have been tlie 6vffa\oQ, and phy- seter, or blowing whale of Oppian, .Elian, and Pliny : but, since those writers have not left the least description of it, it is impossible to judge which kind they meant; for in respect to the faculty of spouting out water, or blowing, it is not peculiar to any one species, but common to all the whale kind. The physalus inhabits the 2 D 402 B A L iE N A. European and American Oceans : it feeds upon herrings and other fish. 5. B. rostrata, beaked whale: rostrata uiysticete. The nose of tliis species is elongated to a beak, and the dorsal fin fat. It inhabits tlie Norway seas, is rarely seen near England, is very black, much resembling the boops, swims rapidly, and is about twenty- five feet long. Each species of whale propagates only its own kind, and does not at all mingle with the rest : however, they are generally seen in shoals, of different kinds together, and make their mi- grations in large companies. They are grega- rious animals ; which implies their want of mutual defence against the invasions of smaller but more powerful fishes. It seems astonishing, therefore, how a shoal of these enormous ani- mals find subsistence together. To increase our wonder, we not only see them herding together, but usually find them fatter than any other ani- mals of wliatsoever element. We likewise know that they cannot swallow large fishes, as their throats are so narrow that an animal larger than a herring could not enter. How then do they subsist, and grow so fat ? A certain sort of small snail, or, as Linnaeus tells us, the medusa, or sea- blubber, is sufficient for this supply. (See Me- dusa.) They float in vast abundance in the north- em seas. Content with tliis simple food, it pur- sues no otiier animal, leads an inoffensive life in its element, and is harmless in proportion to its strength to do mischief. But Martens says he has found a barrel or more of herrings at a time in the belly of the whale. Inoffensive in itself, how- ever, it has many enemies ready to take advan- tage of its disposition, and of its unfitness for com- bat. There is a small animal of the shell-fish kind, called the whale-louse, that sticks to its body as we see shells sticking to the foul bottom of a ship. This insinuates itself chiefly under the fins ; and whatever efforts the great animal makes, it still keeps its hold, and lives upon the fat, which it is provided with instruments to arrive at. The sword-fish, however, is the whale's most terrible enemy. See Xiphias. ' At the sight of this little animal,' says Anderson, * the whale seems agi- tated in an extraordinary manner; leaping from the water as if with affright: wherever it appears, the whale perceives it at a distance, and flees from it in the opposite direction. I have been myself,' continues he, ' a spectator of their terrible en- counter. The whale has no instrument of defence except the tail ; with that it endeavours to strike the enemy ; and a smgle blow taking place would effectually destroy its adversary ; but the sword- fish is as active as the other is strong, and easily avoids the stroke ; then bounding into the air, it falls upon its great subjacent enemy, and en- deavours, not to pierce it with its pointed beak, but to cut it with its toothid edges. The sea all about is seen dyed with blood, proceeding- from the wounds of the whale; while the enormous animal vainly endeavours to reach its invader, and strikes with its tail against the surface of the water, making a report at each blow louder than the noise of a cannon.' In calm weather, the fisher- men lie upon their oars as spectators of this scene, until they perceive the whale at an extremity : then they row towards him ; and his enemy re- tiring at their approach, they enjoy the fruits of the victory. Seamen report, tiiat a fish called the thresher, a species of squalus, is in league with the sword-fish ; and that the former keeps on the back of the whale, while the latter wounds it underneath in the belly. The grampus, and other large fishes of the cetaceous order, are at- tacked and destroyed by the same enemies in a similar manner. The whale has other desperate enemies in sharks of diflferent sizes, from one to three fathoms ; and it generally avoids the seas where sharks abound. But among all the ene- mies of this harmless animal, man may be ranked as the greatest. \'iewing the whale in a commercial light, we must observe, that the English were late before they engaged in this fishery. It appears by a set of queries, proposed by a merchant, in 157.5, in order to get information in the business, that we were at that time totally ignorant of it, being obliged to send to ' Biskaie for men skilful in the catching of the whale and ordering of the oil, and one cooper skilful to set up the staved cask.' This seems strange : for by the account Octher gives of his travels, to king Alfred, near 700 years before that period, it is evident that he made that monarch acquainted with the Norwegians practising the whale fishery ; it seems therefore that all memory of that gainful employment, as well as of the able voyager Octlier and his im- portant discoveries, was lost for nearly seven cen- turies. The earliest notice we find of this article in our commerce is by Hackluyt, who^ says it was brought from the Bay of St. Laurence by an English ship that ' went there for the barbes and fynnes of whales and train oil, A. D. 1594, and found there 700 or 800 whale fynnes, part of the cargo of two great Biskaine ships, that had been wrecked three years before.' About 1598, the town of Hull had the honor of first seriou-sly at- tempting this profitable branch of trade ; which has largely contributed to its aggrandizement. We will resume the history and description of it, however, under Fisheries, which see. Linnaeus makes the physeter and delphinus, which are ranked among the whales by some writers, two distinct genera. See Puyseter and Deli'hinus. BALAGHAR, a district of Persia, in the principality of Baku, including some villages, near which are twenty-five wells of black naphtha. There is also one of a very inflammable white naphtha : this remains lighted on the surface of water ; whence it is a common amusement among the inhabitants to throw pieces of it, du- ring calms, into the sea. It is subject to Russia. BALAGIIAUT, orBALAGATE,the upper passes of a chain of mountains which divides the coast of Malabar from that of Coromandel, running almost the whole length of the peninsula on this side the ( Ganges. Some parts of them are covered with fine red earth, which is blown by the strong west winds as far as Ceylon ; and when the rays of the sun are reflected from these mountains, they seem to be on fire. They make surprising alterations in the seasons; for on the north side of the cape Comorin, it is winter in May, June, July, August, and September, in which months it is summer on the south side : on one side there are continual tempests, thunder BALANCE. 40o and lightning, while the other enjoys a constant serenity. \Vhen black clouds are gathered about the mountains, they are followed by sudden rain, which causes the overflowing of the rivers, and chokes them up with sand, insomuch that they are unnavigable for some time afterwards. The buildings and clothes of the inhabitants of this region are scarcely sufficient to defend them from the weather. They live upon rice, milk, roots, and herbs, with very little meat ; they have likewise a sort of small arrac, but ttiey are not given to drunkenness. These mountains are also called the Ghauts. BALAGUEU, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, situated on the Segre, at the foot of a steep hill, in a tract of uocomraon fertility. It contains four convents, a castle, and 3700 inhabitants. The neighbourhood is very fertile. In 1709 Ba- laguer was taken by Stahremberg, for Charles III. and in 1710 by the duke de \'endome, for Philip V'. It is the capital of a district, and lies sixty-three miles north-west of Barcelona, and 219 north-east of Madrid. Long. 0° 40' E., lat. 41°55'N. BALAK; pSs, Ileb. i. e. a destroyer; the son of Zippor, a king of the Moabites, who, alarmed at the success of the Israelites, and jealous of their prosperity, sent for Balaam, and bribed liim to curse them. Num. xxiii. and xxiv. The divinations of Balaam, however, and the still more powerful enchantments of the fair Moabitesses, appear to have been the only weapons employed by Balak against the pros- perity of Israel ; for we tind Jephthah urges it as an argument, in his manifesto against the king of the Ammonites (Judges xi. 25.), that Balak never actually fought au^ainst them. BALAKLMA, or B.^lachra, a town of Rus- sia, in the province of Nizney Novgorod, on the Volga, twenty miles north of the city of Nizney Novgorod. Long. 44° 0' E., lat. 56^ 30' N. BALALUAN, a volcano in the island of Su- matra, situated in the northern part of the island, near Acheen. BALAMATTA, a town on the east coast of the island of Bouro. Long. 126° 17' E., lat. 3° 12' S. BAL.\]\IBANGAN, a fertile island in the Eastern seas, between Borneo and Magindanao. It is about fourteen mdes in length from south- east to north-west, and three to six in breadth, and has two harbours. Being ceded by the king of Sooloo to the Englisli East India Company, a settlement was established upon it in 1773 ; but the Sooloo surprised it in 1775, and seized the effects of the company, to the value of above £200,000 sterling. A new establishment was formed in 1803, which proving expensive, was withdrawn. Previous to 1774 it was nearly un- inhabited. Distant fifteen miles from tlie north- ern extremity of Borneo. Long 117° 5' E., lat. 7° 15' N. BALAMBL'AN, or Ballaxbouaxg, or Pa- LAMBUAX, a district and town in the south-east of the island of Java, along the shore of the straits of Bally ; formerly governed by an inde- pendent sovereign. A range of mountains, in- tersecting the island longitudinally, commences here. Considerable trade in pepper was once carried on here; but the European resident having removed to Bagnouangay, it has been transferred thither. Tlie town stands on a river of the same name, and is protected by a fort. Balamblax, or Pai.ambuan, a strong trading town of Asia, in the East Indies, on the east end of the island of Java, and capital of a territory of the same name. BALAMIO (Ferdinand), of Sicily, was phy, sician to pope Leo X. who greatly regarded him. He was no less skilled in the belles lettres than in medicine ; and he cultivated poetry and the Greek learning with much suc- cess. He translated from the Greek into Latin several pieces of Galen, which were first printed separately, and afterwards inserted in the works of that ancient physician, published at Venice, 1586, in folio. He flourished at Rome about the year 1555. BALAM-PULLI, in botany, a name used by some authors for the tree whose fruit is the tama- rind of the shops. BAL'ANCE, w. s. r. a. & ?j. -^ Fr. balance; Bal'ancing, > L3it. bis laiix. One Bal'ancer. j of the six simple powers in mechanics, used principally for de- termining the difference of weight in heavy bo- dies ; and consequently their masses or quantities of matter. For further definition and description, see Clock-making and Mechanics. The me- taphorical applications of the different parts of this word are various. To balance in the mind is to compare one thing with another. Tlie act of comparing two things together is called a ba- lance ; it also is used to signify fluctuation be- tween equal motives : as applied to accounts, it means that which is wanting to make two parts even, and the payment of what is deficient, to produce equality in the debtor and creditor state- ments. In general to keep in a state of just pro- portion, in equilibno. Balance of trade is the equal importing of foreign commodities with the exporting of the native. Balance of power is the exact equipoise of strength and resources between rival nations, formed by alliances and treaties with neighbouring states, in order to keep each other in check, to preserve peace, and to promote the advantage of all. In astronomy, the balances are one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, commonly called Libra. Ten thousend mark and mo, that now er in balance. And I betraised of alle, bi God, that all may auance, I salle bring him to stalie, but he make acquitunce. R. Brunne, p, 156. If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality, the blood and baseness of our nature would conduct us to most pre- posterous conclusions. Shakspcare. I have in equal balance justly weigh'd What wrong our arms may do, what wrongs we suffer : Griefs heavier than our offences. IcL Henry VI. Comfort arises not from others being miserable, but from this inference upon the balance, that we suffer only the lot of nature. L' Estrange. Upon a fair balance of the advantages on either side, it w^ill appear, that the rules of the gospel are more powerful means of conviction than such message. Atterbury, 2 D2 404 BALANCE. Since there is notliing that can offeud, I see not why you should balance a moment ahout printing it. ' Jd. to Pope. Little that is truly noble can be expected from one who is ever poring on his cash book, or balancing his accounts. Spectator. Though I am very well satisfied, that it is not in my power to balance accounts with my Maker, I am resolved, however, to turn all my endeavours that way. Addison. Id. They pass the planets sev'n, and pass the fix'd And that crystalline sphere whose balance weighs The trepidation talk'd, and that first mov'd. Milton. Were the satisfaction of lust, and the joys of hea- ven, offered to any one's present possession, he would not balance, or err, in the determination of his choice. Locke. Judging is balancing at account, and determining on which side the odds lie. Id. Care being taken, that the exportation exceed in value the importation ; and then the balance of trade uiiist of necessity be returned in coin or bullion. Bacon's Advice to Villiers. Heav'n that hath plac'd this island to give law, To balance Europe, and her states to awe. Waller A balance of power, either without or within a state, is best conceived by considering what the nature of a balance is. It supposes three things ; first, the part which is held, together with the hand that holds it ; and then the two scales, with whatever is weighed therein. Swtft. Give him leave To balance the account of Blenheim's day. Prior. Balance, the ancient or Roman, called also the Statera Romana, or steel-yard, consists, as is well known, of a lever or beam, move- able on a centre, and suspended near one of its extremities : tlie bodies to be weighed are applied on one side of the centre; and their weight is shown by the division marked on the beam, where the weight, which is moveable along the lever, keeps the steel-yard in equilibrio. This balance is still often used in weighing heavy bodies. Balance, Deceitful, or that which cheats by the inequality of its brachia, is founded on the same principle as the steel-yard. Let there be, for example, a balance so constructed, that both the brachia with their scales shall equiponderate, but that the length of the one arm shall be to that of the other as ten to nine. In this case a weight of nine pounds put into the scale of the longest arm, will counterpoise one of ten pounds put into that of the shorter one : but the cheat is immedi- ately discovered by shifting the weight from one scale to the other : in which case, the balance will no longer remain in equilibrio. The true weight is a geometrical mean proportion between the two false weights. Balance, Assay, is a very nice balance used in decimastical operations, to determine exactly the weight of minute bodies; see plate Balance, fig. 1. This sliould be made of the best steel, and of the hardest kind; because that metal is not so easily spoiled with rust as iron; and it is more apt than any other to take a perfect polish, which at the same time prevents llie rust. The structure of the assayer's scale is little diflerent from tliat of common scales, excepting in nicety and small- ness. The longer the beam of it is, the more exactly may the weight of a body be found ; how- ever, ten or twelve inciies are a sufficient length. Let the thickness of it be so little, tliat two drams may hardly be hung at either of its extremities without its bending; for the largest weight put upon it seldom exceeds one dram. The whole surface of this beam must be altogether without ornaments, which only increase the weight and gather dust, &c. We give in the plate, one made by Fontin of Paris, so delicate, that when charged with a weight of a thousand grammes in each scale, it will turn with the addition of one gramme. LL' is the beam of the balance, made of the finest steel, and of sufficient dimensions to prevent any sensible deflection in it, with the greatest weights it is proposed to charge it with ; the arms are of course of equal length and figure, and the whole is balanced on a knife-edge suspension at C, the plate G being also of polished steel, and rendered as hard as possible, to prevent the action of the knife-edge upon it. In order to relieve the suspension of the balance when the instrument is not in use, the two crotches F F are brought up by the screws shown in the figure, so as just to take off the pressure from the point of support. When the equilibrium is nicely supported, the needle, or index, CS, corresponds very accurately with zero on the graduated arc attached to the top or bottom of the principal stem, and which former, being fixed to the beam, will be displaced by, and indicate any want of due equipoise. The whole apparatus is, when used for nice experi- ments, enclosed in a case or frame, with glass faces, and which are only opened sufficiently to introduce the weights and body to be weighed. An instrument in its case, with the index pointing downwards, to save room, is shown in the figure. The method of weighing a body is this : — Place the body, which we may denote B, in one of the scales of the balance ; as, for example, in the scale A, to be put in equilibrio, by placing in the other scale A', bodies of any weight, such as grains of lead, small pieces of copper, or the like; and lastly, small pieces of leaf copper, or paper, till the needle, or index, ])oints exactly to zero on the graduated arc; the beam is then in equilibrio, and the weight in the two scales equal, or very nearly so. Take out now the body B, and replace it by different known weights, till the equilibrium is again obtained ; and these weights together, will express the pre- cise weight of the body. This method, it is obvious, is independent of the length of the arms, and even of the quantity of friction on the axis, because the body B, and its equal weights, are placed precisely in like circumstances, which is not the case in the common method of weigliing. One thing, however, is here very essential, and must be attended to ; viz. not to sliake or disturb the apparatus in removing the body from the scale, as this may change a little the point of support, and alter the degree of friction. To prevent this, the crotches F, F', are brought up to the beam, witliout removing it from its sup- port ; then before the body Bis removed, another body, of aliout half its weight, is added. The former body B is now taken out, and weights, as JBAJL^ViTrM. Hjnjrostatif Balaut-e. As 8 ay TJalanr e . /, an'fon,M,i/ijiArr/ /,r r/i^n,„s T'lftf. 7;\r*r„p3iifr,. fii/y./^'/fKtt. .l.ShnrySc. BALANCE. 405 nearly as can be judged equal to it, are put in the scale ; the other body is then removed, the crotches let down, and the balance left on its point of support as at first; and successive small weights added, till the equipoise is perfect. Balance, the Bent Lever, is represented in fig. 7. Here ABC is a bent lever supported on its axis B in the pillar III. At A is sus- pended the scale E, and at C is affixed a weight or a heavy knob. Draw the horizontal line K B G through B, the centre of motion, on which from A and C let fall tlie perpendiculars AK, CD; then if BK and BD are reciprocally in proportion to the weights at A and C, they will be in equilibrio; but if not, the weight C will move one way or other along the arc FG, till that ratio be obtained. If the lever be so bent that when A coincides with the line GK, C coincides with the vertical line BH, then as C moves along from F to (j, its momentum will increase; whilst that of a weight in the scale E will decrease; hence, the weights in E corres- ponding to different positions of the balance, may be expressed on the graduated arc of the plate F G, the whole being used in the manner of the steel-yard. Balance, the Chinese, is a steel-yard some- what different in its form and application: it is much used by the eastern merchants in weighing gems and precious metals. The beam is a small rod of wood or ivory, about a foot in length : upon this are three lines of measure made of fine silver studded work, beginning from the end of the beam, whence the first is extended eight inches, the second six and a half, and the third eight and a half. The first is European weight, the other two Chinese. At the other end of the beam hangs a round scale ; and at three several distances from this end are fastened so many fine strings at different points of suspen- sion. The first distance makes 13 or | of an inch; the second 3J or double the former; and the third, 4^, or triple the same. When the instru- ment is used, it is held up by some one of the strings, and a sealed weight, of about an ounce and a quarter, troy, is hung upon some one of the divisions of the rule, so as to produce an equi- librium, the weight of the body being indicated by the graduated scale above referred to. Balance, the Danish, is a kind of balance or steel-yard, in common use upon various parts of the continent of Europe. It consists of a bat- ten of hard wood, having a heavy lump or knob at one end, and a swivel hook at the other. The goods to be weighed are suspended on the hook, and the whole is carried in a loop of whip-cord, in which it is slidden to and fro (when placed horizontally), till the goods suspended from the hook at one end are balanced by the knob at the other. The weight of the goods is estimated by the contact of the loop with a scale of divisions in harmonic progression. Balance, 13rad\'s, or Weighing Apparatus. One of the best modern inventions of the kmd is represented in fig. 6. It unites the properties of the bent lever balance and the steel-yard. ABC is a frame of cast iron, having a great part of its weight towards A, where it is thicker than in its uther parts : F is a fixed fulcrum, and E a move- able suspender, having a scale and hook at \U lower extremity; K, E, G, are three distinct places to which the suspender E II may be applied; and to wliich belong respectively, the three graduated scales of division, or weights, fC, ccl, ab. When the scale and suspender are applied at G, the apparatus is in equilibrio, with tlie edge A B horizontal, and the suspender cuts the zero on the scale ab ; now a weight being applied, the wiiole apparatus turns about F, and the part towards B descends, till theequi- liljrium is again established ; when the weight of the body is read off from the scale at, which registers to ounces, and extends to two pounds. If the weight of the body exceeds two pounds, and be less than eleven pounds, the suspender is placed at E, and when the upper edge of the balance is horizontal, the weight or number 2, is found a little to the right of the index of the sus- pender; if now weights exceeding two pounds be placed in the scale, the whole again turns about Y, and the weight of the body is shown on the graduated arc cd, which extends to eleven pounds, and registers to every two ounces. If the weight of the body exceeds eleven pounds, the suspender is hung on at K, and the weights are ascertained in the same manner on the scale /'C to thirty pounds, the subdivisions being on this scale quarters of pounds. The same princi- ples would obviously apply to weights greater or less than the above. To prevent mistake, the three points of support, G, E, K, are numbered 1, 2, 3; and the corresponding arcs are respec- tively numbered in the same manner. When the hook is used instead of the scale, the latter is turned upwards, there being a joint at m for that purpose. Balance, Hydrostatic, an instrument con- trived to determine accurately the specific gravity of both solid and fluid bodies. It is constructed in various forms. We shall describe that which appears to be the most accurate. — V C G, fig. 2, is the stand or pillar of this hydrostatic balance, which is to be fixed in a table. F'rom the top A, hangs, by two silk strings, the horizontal bar B.B, from which is suspended by a ring i, tlie fine beam of a balance b ; which is prevented from descending too low on either side by the gently springing piece t x y z, fixed on the sup- port AI. The harness is annulated at o, to show distinctly the perpendicular position of the exa- men, by the small pointed index fixed above it. The strings by which the balance is suspended, passing over two pullies, one on each side the piece at A, go down to the bottom on the other side, and are hung over the hook at v ; whicli hook, by means of a screw P, is moveable about one inch and a quarter backward and forward, and therefore the balance may be raised or de- pressed so much. But if a greater elevation or depression be required, the sliding piece S, which carries the screw P, is readily moved to any part of the square brass rod V K, and fixed by means of a screw. The motion of the balance being thus adjusted, the rest of the apparatus is as fol- lows: — H H is a small board, fixed upon the piece D, under the scales d and c, and is move- able up and down in a low slit in the pillar above C, and fastened at any part by a screw behind. From the point in the middle of the 406 BALANCE. bottom of each scale hangs, by a fine hook, a brass wire a d and a e. These pass through two holes m m in fhe table. To the wire a rf is sus- pended a curious cylindric wire, r s, perforated at each end for that purpose : this wire r s is covered with paper, graduated by equal divisions, and is above five inches long. In the corner of the board at E, is fixed a brass tube, on which a round wire A / is so adapted as to move neither too tight nor too free, by its flat head I. Upon the lower part of this moves another tube Q, which has sufficient frictiori to make it remain in any position required : to this is fixed an index T, moving horizontally when the wire A / is turned about, and therefore may be easily set to the graduated wire r s. To the lower end of the wire r s hangs a weight L ; and to that a wire p n, with a small brass ball g, about one-fourth of an inch in dian eter. On the other side, to the wire a c, hangs a large glass bubble R, by a horse-hair. Let us first suppose the weight L taken away, and the wire p n suspended from S : and, on the other side, let the bubble R be taken away, and the wire F suspended at c, in its room. This weight F we suppose to be suf- ficient to keep the several parts hanging to the other scale in equilibrium ; at the same time that the middle point of the wire /} n is at the surface of the water in the vessel O. The wire /j n is to be of such a size, that the length of one inch shall weigh four grains. Now it is evident, since brass is eight times heavier tlian water, that for every inch tlie wire sinks in the water, it will become half a grain lighter, and half a grain heavier for every inch it rises out of the water: consequently, by sinking two inches below the middle point, or rising two inches above it, the wire will become one grain lighter or heavier. Therefore, if, when the middle point is at the surface of the water in equilibrium, the index T be set to the middle point a of the graduated wire r s, and the distance on each side a r and a s contains 100 equal parts; then, if in weighing bodies the weight is required to the 100th part of a grain, it may be easily had by proceeding in the following manner : Let the body to be weighed be placed in the scale d. Put a weight in the scale e, and let this be so determined that one grain more shall be too mucli, and one grain less too little. Then the balance being moved gently up or down, by the screw P, the equili- brium will be nicely shown at a ; if the index T be at the middle point a of the wire r s, it shows that the weights put into the scale e are just equal to the weight of the body. By this method we find the absolute weight of the body : the rela- tive weight is found by weighing it hydrostati- cally in water, as follows : Instead of putting the body into the scale e, as before, let it bans? with the weight F, at the hook c, by a horse hair, as at R, supposing the vessel of water were away. The equilibrium being then made, the index T standing between a and r, at the thirty- sixth division, shows the weight of the body put in to be 109,536 grains. As it thus hangs, let it be immersed in the water of the vessel (.), and it will become much lighter ; the scale c will de- scend till the beam of the balance rests on the support i. Then suppose 100 grains put into the scale d restore the equilibrium precisely, so that the index T stands at the thirty-sixth division above a ; it is evident that the weight of an equal bulk of water would, in this case, be exactly 100 grains. In a similar manner this balance may be applied to find the specific gravity of liquids, as is easy to conceive. Llkin's Hydrostatic Balance, an Ame- rican invention, has the recommendation of simplicity, and is said in the Report of the Committee of the Academy of Sciences at Phi- ladelphia, to be a very accurate instrument. It acts on the principle of the steel-yard ; the arms being at equipoise, when unloaded ; see fig. III. C is the body whose specific gravity is to be weighed, and it is suspended to the short arm of the instrument. On the longer arm A, the movable weight D indicates its weight in air or water. When greater accuracy is required, a second weight may be added on the long arm, which ought to be some determinate portion of D. Then, the division marked by the larger weight, will be units, and that of the smaller tenths, or lOOths as it maybe contrived. CoATEs's Hydrostatic Balance is also an instrument of American invention, upon the same principles, but differing in the mode of gradu- ation : this being adapted to the purposes cf find- ing the specific gravity of minerals ; and therefore, instead of pointing out the actual and relative weights, it shows at once their specific gravity. The instrument is accurately balanced when un- loaded, by making the shorter arm much larger than the longer one; and the latter is^graduated and marked with numbers, which everywhere show the quotient of the entire length of the longer arm, divided by the distance of the mark from the end : thus, at half the length, is marked the number 2 ; at one-third the number 3, and so on ; which numbers extend on the scale to rather more than twenty, in order to extend the use of the instrument to heavy minerals. In usmg it, a weight is suspended by a hook at A, and the body under examination is to be hung by a horse-hair on the shorter arm, and slid along:, as on the steel-yard, till an equipoise is ob- tained, say at D. Then, without altering its situation on the beam, the body is to be immersed in water, and balanced a second time, by sliding the weight C along the graduated arm, till the instrument is found again in equilibrio. The hook of this latter will then at once indicate, by its situation on the scale, the actual specific gra- vity of the body, water being considered as unity. The instrument being supposed in equilibrio, and B D and the weight of the counterpoise being constant, the weight of the body varies as the distance of the counterpoise from B, by the common principle of the lever. The Balance of Torsion, fig. V. was in- vented by M. Coulomb, to estimate minute attracting and repelling forces in electricity, mag- netism, Sec. It consists of a vertical metallic thread, the upper end of which is attached to a point A, its lower end carrying a small weight w, and a little above it a light horizontal needle, n, n. To ascertain very small forces they are made to act on the extremity of this needle, and their intensity is appreciated by the angle of de- BALANCE. 407 viation which they cause in it, so that the forces are balanced by the torsion of tlie wire, and hence the denomination. The needle is enclosed in a glass cylinder, to protect it from the action of the air, and the thread is enclosed in a smaller cylin- der fixed into the brass cover thereof. On the upper part of the small cylinder is placed a di- knife, and the other two dishes, or scales, at its extremities, are hung upon edges of the same kind, which are lirst made sharp, and then rounded with a fine bone, or a piece of buff leather. (Jr the regular formation of this part, the excellence of the instrument essentially depends. When the lever, or beam of the balance, is considered as a vided dial-plate, which, with very little friction, mere line, the two outer edges are called points turns about the cylinder. The lever which carries of suspension, and the inner the fulcrum. The the thread that suspends the horizontal needle, points of suspension are supposed to be at equal traverses this dial, and serves as an indicator, distances from the fulcrum, and to be pressed wlien it is requisite to have the torsion equal to with equal weights when loaded, a certain number of degrees. A circular division And now, observe, 1. If the fulcrum be placed applied horizontally about the glass cylinder, in the centre of gravity of the beam, and the opposite to the needle, measures the deviations three edges be all in the same right line, the beam of the latter when under excitation. Mr. Caven- of the balance will have no tendency to one po- dish determined the mean density of the earth sition more than another, but will" rest in any by estimating with this instrument the action of two leaden bails of known dimensions and spe- cific gravity ; and comparing the effect with that of terrestrial gravity. S>eeP/iil. IVa?j.s. anno. 1798. T/ie Balance, Common, or Modef.x, gene- rally used, consists of a lever or beam suspended exactly in the middle, having scales or basins position in which it may be placed, whether the scales be on or off, empty or loaded. 2. If the centre of gravity of the beam, when level, be immediately above the fulcrum, it will overset by the smallest action ; that is, the end which is lowest will descend ; and it will do this with the greater velocity, in proportion as the centre of hung to each extremity. The lever is called the gravity is higher, and tlie points of suspension jugum or beam ; and the two moieties thereof, are less loaded. 3. But if the centre of gravity on each side the axis, the brachia or arms. The of the beam be immediately below the fulcrum", line on which the beam turns, or which divides the beam will not rest in any position but when its brachia, is called the axis ; and, when consi- level ; and, if disturbed from that position, and dered with regard to tlie length of the brachia, is then left at liberty, it will vibrate, and at last esteemed a point only, and called the centre of come to rest in an horizontal position. Its vi- the balance: the handle whereby it is held, or by brations will be quicker, and its horizontal ten- which the whole apparatus is suspended, is called dency stronger, Uie lower the centre of gravity. trutina; and the slender part per- pendicular to the beam, whereby either the equili- brium or prepon- derancy of bodies is indicated, is called the tongue of the balance. — Thus, in the dia- gram annexed, ab is the beam, divided into two equal brachia, or arms, by the white spot and the less the weight upon the points of sus- pension. 4. If the fulcrum be below the line joining the points of suspension, and these be loaded, the beam will overset, unless prevented by the weight of the beam tending to produce an horizontal position, as in the third case. In this case small weights will equilibrate, as in the former ; a certain exact weight will rest in any position of the beam, as in the first case ; and all greater weights will cause the beam to over- set, as in the second. Money scales are often made this way, and will overset with any con- siderable load. 5. If the fulcrum be above jn the centre, which is the axis or centre of theline joining the points of suspension, the beam •'the balance, and c is the tongue. The tru- will come to the horizontal position, unless pre- tina, on which the axis is suspended, is not re- presented in this figure, in order to render the other parts more conspicuous. It follows from what has been obser\'ed, that in the Roman ba- vented by its own weight, as in the second case. If the centre of gravity be nearly in the fidcrum, all the vibrations of the loaded beam will be made in times nearly equal, unless the weights iance. or steel-yard, the weight used for a coun- be very small, when they will be slower. The terpoise is the same, but the point of application vibrations of balances are quicker, and the varies ; in the common balance tlie counterpoise horizontal tendency stronger, the higher the ful- is various, and the point of application the same. crum. Finally, in the proper construction of the The principle on which each is founded, may be common balance, observe, that the points of sus- very easily understood from the general proper- pension must be exactly in the same line as the ties of the lever. See Lever. The team is a centre of the balance ; that they must be pre- iever of the first kind; but instead of resting on cisely equidistant from that centre orn either side; a fulcrum, is suspended by something fastened and that the brachia must be as long as conve- to its centre of motion : consequently the me- niently they may, in relation to their thickness. chanism of the balance depends on the same theo rems as the lever. Hence as the quantity of matter in known weight is to its distance from the centre of motion, so is the distance of the un- known weight to its quantity of matter. The common balance is properly a lever, whose axis of motion is formed with an edge like that of a and the weight which they are intended to sup- port; that there must be as little friction as pos- sible in the motion of the beam and scales ; and, lastly, that the centre of gravity of the beam must be placed a little below the centre of motion. The equality of the arras of a balance is of use, in scientific pursuits, says Dr. Ure, chiefly in 408 B A L A N C E. making weights by bisection. A balance with unequal arms will weigh as accurately as another of the same workmanship with equal arms, pro- vided the standard weight itself be first counter- poised, then taken out of the scale, and the thing to be weighed be put into the scale and adjusted against the counterpoise ; or when proportional quantities only are considered, as in chemical and in other philosophical experiments, the bo- dies and products under examination may be weighed against the weights, taking care always to put the weights into the same scale. For then, though the bodies may not be really equal to the weig^its, yet their proportions among each other may be the same as if they had been accurately so. But though the equality of the arras may be well dispensed with, yet it is indispensably ne- cessary that their relative lengths, whatever they may be, should continue invariable. For this purpose, it is necessary, either that the three edges be all truly parallel, or that the points of suspension and support should be always in the same part of the edge. This last requisite is tlie most easily obtained. The balances made in London are usually constructed in such a man- ner, that the bearing parts form notches in the other parts of the edges ; so that the scales being set to vibrate, all the parts naturally fall into the same bearing. The balances made in the coun- try have the fulcrum end straight, and confined to one constant bearing by two side plates. But the points of suspension are referred to notches in the edges, like the London balances. \'ery delicate balances (continues this able writer) are not only useful in nice experiments, but are likewise much more expeditious than others in common weighing. If a pair of scales with a certain load be barely sensible to one-tenth of a grain, it will require a considerable time to ascertain the weight to that degree of accuracy, because the turn must be observed several times over, and is very small. But if no greater accu- racy were required, and scales were used which would turn with the hundredth of a grain, a tenth of a grain, more or less, would make so great a dift'erence in the turn, that it would be seen im- mediately. If a balance be found to turn with a certain addition, and is not moved by any smaller weight, a greater sensibility may be given to tliat balance, by producing a tremulous motion in its parts. Thus, if the edge of a blunt saw, a file, or other similar instrument, be drawn along any part of the case or support of a balance, it will produce a jarring, which will diminish the friction on the moving parts so much, that the turn will be evi- dent with one-third or one-fourth of the addition that would else have been required. In this way, a beam which would barely turn by the addition of one-tenth of a grain, will turn witli one-thirtieth or fortieth of a grain. Muschenbroek, in his Cours de Physique, (French translation, Paris, 1769) tom. ii. p. 247, says, he used an ocular balance of great accuracy, which turned (trebuchoit) with l-40th of a grain. The substances he weighed were between 200 and 300 grains. His balance, therefore, weighe-d to the-j^^ part of the whole ; and would ascertain such weights truly to four places of figures. In the Philosophical Transactions, vol. Ixvi. p. 509, mention is made of two accurate balances of Mr. Bolton ; and it is said that one would weigh a pound, and turn with one-tenth of a grain. This, if the pound be avoirdupois, is of the weight; and shows that the ba- 70000 ° ' lance could be well depended on to four places of figures, and probably to five. The other weighed half an ounce, and turned with — — of a gi-ain. This is - - of the weight. 24000 In the same volume, p. .511, a balance of JNIr. Read's is mentioned, which readily turned with less than one pennyweight when, loaded with fifty-five pounds, before the Royal Society; but very distinctly turned with four grains, when tried more patiently. This is about part of the weight; and therefore this balance may be depended on to five places of figures. Also, page 576, a balance of Mr. Whitehurst's weighs one pennyweight, and is sensibly affected ^'^'^ "2^°^^ grain. This is-^ part of the weight. A balance belonging to ]\Ir. Alchorne of the iVIint in London, is mentioned, vol. Ixxvii. p. 205 of the Philosophical Transactions. It is true to three grains with 15lb. an end. If these were avoirdupois pounds, the weight is known to ~ — -- part, or to four places of figures, or barely five. A balance (made by Ramsden, and turning on points instead of edges,) in the possession of Dr. George Fordyce, is mentioned in the seventy- fifth volume of the Philosophical Transactions. \\ ith a load of four or five ounces, a difference of one division in the index was made by ^ 1600 part of the weight. of a grain. This is ^ 384000 and consequently this beam will ascertain such weights to five places of figures, beside an esti- mate figure. The Royal Society's balance, which was lately made by Ramsden, turns on steel edges, upon planes of polished crystal. ' I was assured,' says Dr. Ure, 'that it ascertained a weight to the seven-millionth part. I was not present at this trial, which must have required great care and patience, as the point of suspension could not have moved over much more than the 2-1 00th of an inch in the first half minute ; but, from some trials which I saw, I think it probable that it may be used in general practice to determine weights to five places and better. Balance, in ichthyolog)', or the balance fish. See Squalus. Balance, in the woollen manufacture, is a machine invented by the Rev. \V. Ludlam. The thread is made into skeins of the same length ; and the fineness of it is denominated from the BALANCE. 409 number of skeins which go to a pound ; the coarsest being about twelve to the pound, and the finest nearly sixty. This machine is designed for weighing skeins, in order to determine their respective fineness. It resembles the beam of a common pair of scales ; at one end of it is fixed a weight, called the counterpoise, and at the other end a hook ; in sorting, the skein to be examined is put upon the hook, and sinks down more or less, according to its weight, till the counterpoise, by risinij, balances it : and then the index or cock of the beam, points out on a gradual arch, the number of skeins of that sort which go to the pound. The Balance of a Clock, or Watch, is that part which regulates the beats. The circular part of the balance is called the rim, and its spindle the verge ; there belong to it also two pallets or nuts, that play in the fangs of the crown-wheel : in pocket watches, that strong stud in which the lower pivot of the verge plays, and in the middle of which one pivot of the crown-wheel runs, is called the potence : the wrought piece which covers the balance, and in which the upper pivot of the balance plays, is the cock; and the small spring in the new pocket watches is called the regulator. The motion of a balance, as well as that of a pendulum, being alternate, while the pressure of the wheels is constantly in one di- rection, it is obvious that some art must be used to accommodate the one to the other. When the tooth of the wheel has given the balance a motion in one direction, it must quit it, that it may v- tiff" nor too crank : in the first, al- though the ship may be fitted to carry a great sail, her velocity will not be proportionably in- creased ; whilst her masts are endanged by her sudden jerks and laboring : and, in the last, she BALLAST. 427 will be incapable of carrying sail without the risk of upsetting. The former is occasioned by disposing too great a quantity of heavy ballast in the bottom, -which brings the centre of gravity near the keel ; and, that being the centre about which the vibrations are made, the lower it is placed, the more violent will be the motion of rolling. Crankness, on the other hand, is occa- sioned by disposing the ship's lading so as to raise the centre of gravity too high, which endan- gers the mast in carrying sail when it blows hard : for when the masts lose their perpendi- cular, they strain in the nature of a lever on the shrouds, which increases as the sine of their obliquity. As a general principle, it may, therefore, be observed, that ballast should be placed round and near the centre of gravity of the ship, because it will prevent the pitching being so violent as it would be if it were carried much fore or aft of that point. When a vessel is passing over a wave, slie will be at one time supported below the centre of gravity; and immediately after, her head will incline downwards, or, as it is termed, she will pitch ; when it is evident, that the nearer the weight is to the point over which thie vessel is supported, the less violent will the motion be. But this rule stands in need of fre- quent modifications : for which reason, a large quantity of shifting ballast is allowed in the Royal navy. Indeed, throughout the whole practice, as we are finding a remedy for one fault, we are in danger of running into another; and much of the final distribution of ballast depends upon knowing well the peculiarities of the vessel, and observing experimentally, how different winds and calms affect her. The following was, until lately, the Ballast allowed to our Men oi 7>^ar : Shingle 1 Shingle Guns, Tonnage. Iron Tons. Tons. Guns. Tonnage. Iron Tons. Tons. 110 2290 180 370 36 870 65 160 100 2090 180 370 32 700 65 140 98 2110 160 350 28 600 60 100 90 1870 160 350 24 500 50 80 80 1620 140 300 22 450 50 70 74 1700 80 270 20 400 50 60 1 64 1370 70 ^60 Sloop. 300 50 40 1 50 1100 65 170 Erigf IGO 30 15 44 900 65 160 Cutter. 20 .Seldom 38 930 70 170 Sloop, 15 any. The general practice then was, first, to stow the iron ballast fore and aft, from bulkhead to bulkhead, in the main hold, next to fir cants, nailed on the limber strakes, on each side of the kelson, five or more inches clear of the limber boards ; and winged up three or four piga above the floor-heads in the midships, or bearing part of the ship, with two tiers of pigs in the wake of the main hatchway, &c. The shingle ballast was spread and levelled over the iron ballast, on which was stowed the lower tier of water-casks, with the bungs up, and the bilge clear of the sides. The midship tiers were first laid, and the casks sunk about one quarter of their dia- meter into the shingle ; the sides being filled in with small casks, as half-hogsheads, &c. Since the introduction of iron tanks, shingle ballast has been altogether laid aside, and iron ballast only employed, the present proportion of which, according to the practice of the navy, is as follows : — Table of the proportion of Iron Ballast at present allowed in the navy, in propcrrtion to their ton- nage. To all three-deckers, Jth of computed ton- nage. To two-deckers and oak frigates -^xXi ditto. To fir frigates ^^ths of ditto. To 22-gun ships and sloops, ^th ditto. To brigs, sloops, Sec. ^th ditto. Smaller vessels are not submitted to these rules ; but are ballasted as circumstances may require, according to the judgment of their offi- cers. In ships of the line, sixteen ton of the above, called shingle ballast, is moveable as circumstances require, and half that quantity to frigates. Additional ballast, to the amount of one-third, and even one-half, of the original quantity is sometimes, however, demanded : and the table only exhibits the official and ordinary allowance. In the merchant-service, the stowage consists, besides the other ballast, of casks, cases, bales, boxes, &c. all carefully wedged off" from the bottom, sides, pump-well, &:c. and great atten- tion is paid that the most weighty materials are stowed nearest to the centre of gravity, or bear- ing of the ship; and higher or lower in the hold agreeably to the form of the vessel. A full low- built vessel requires them to be stowed high up, that the centre of gravity may be raised, to keep her from rolling away her masts, and from being too stiff" and laborsome ; as, on the contrary, a narrow high-built vessel requires the most weighty materials to be stowed low down, near- est the kelson, that the centre of gravity may be kept low, to enable her to carry more sail. To yachts and other small vessels, both in the navy ;ind merchant-service, the ballast is sometimes lead, worked between the timbers. By the 19 Geo. II. it is enacted, that if any BAL 428 BAL ■naster or owner, or any person acting as master of any ship or other vessel whatsoever, shall cast, throw out, or unlade, or if there shall be thrown out, &c. of any vessel, being within any haven, port, road, channel, or navigable river within England, any ballast, rubbish, gravel, earth, stone, wreck, or filth, but only upon the land, where the tide and water never flow s or runs ; any one or more justices for the county or place where, or near which the offence shall be com- mitted, upon the information thereof, shall sum- mon or issue his warrant for bringing the master or owner of the vessel, or other person acting as such, before him; and, upon appearance or de- fault, shall proceed to examine the matter, and upon proof made thereof, either by confession of the party, or on view of the justice, or upon the oath of one or more creditable witnesses, he shall convict the said master, &c. and fine him at his discretion for every such offence, any sum not exceeding £5, nor under 50s. &c.; and for want of sufficient distress, the justice is to commit the master, or person acting as such, and convicted as aforesaid, to the common jail or house of cor- rection, for the space of two months, or until payment of the penalties. Besides the above general act, there are the 6 Geo. II. c. 29, and the 32 Geo. II. which re- gulate the ballasting of merchant-vessels in the river Thames, placing it under the direction of the corporation of the Trinity-house. To trench the ballast, denotes, to divide the ballast into two several parts or more, in the ship's hold, commonly done to find a leak in the bottom of a ship, or to undock her. Shooting of the ballast is when it runs over from the one side to the other. Hence, it is that com, and all kinds of grain, is dangerous lading, for that is apt to shoot. To prevent which, they make poucles ; that is, bulkheads of boards, to secure it from moving about. BALLATAR Crag, a rocky hill in Aber- deenshire, whose tremendous impending rocks seem to threaten the astonished traveller svith in- stant destruction. BALLATIONES, in middle age writers, dan- cings. BALLATOONS, large heavy luggage-boats, used for carrying wood by the river from Astra- khan and the Caspian Sea from Moscow. They will carrj' from 100 to 200 tons, and have from 100 to 120 men employed to row and tow them along. BALLANTYNE (John), was a native of Kelso, in Iloxburgshiie; and at an early age en- tered into business as a printer. He, with his brother, distinguished himself by the great im- provement of the art, evinced in the extensive publications which have of late years issued from their press. He was at one time a proprietor of the Kelso INIail ; and subsequently ushered into the world the publications known tis the Wa- verly novels. He was possessed of sufficient literary talents to be tliought at one time to be their author. He died in 1821. BALLEBHODAN, the original name of the parish of Ardchattan, Argylesliire. BALLENA, Punta de la, a point of land on the east coast of tlie island of Mar^raritta; another in Chili, on the coast of the province ot Quillota : another in the kingdom of Quito, and on the shore of the South Sea. Ballena, a river of Florida, which falls into the Atlantic. BALLENDEN (Sir John), a Scottish poet, in the reign of James V., descended from an an- cient family in that kingdom. His father, Mr. Thomas Ballenden, of Auchinoul, was director to the chancery in 1540, and clerk register in 1541. From one of his poems we learn, that in his youth he had some employment at the court to king James V. and that he was in great favor with that prince. Having taken orders, and been created D.D. at the Sorbonne, he was made canon of Ross, archdeacon of Moray, and clerk register; but was afterwards deprived of that employment by the factions of the times. How- ever, in the reign of Marj^, he recovered that office, and was one of the lords of session. Be- ing a zealous papist, he, in conjunction with Dr. Laing, was extremely assiduous in retarding the progress of the reformation ; till at last, finding the opposition too powerful, he quitted Scot land, and went to Rome, where he died in 1550. He is generally esteemed one of the best Scot- tish poets of that age. His works are, 1. Tiie History and Chronicles of Scotland of Hector Boies (Boethius), translated by Mr. John Bal- lenden, Edinb. 1536. 2. Cosmography to the History of Scotland, with a Poetical Proem. 3. A Description of Albany. 4. Translation of Boethius's Description of Scotland. 5. Epistles to king James V. — Bale says he had seen thesa letters. 6. Several poems in Carmichael's Col- lection. 7. Virtue and Vyce, a poem addressed 10 king James V. ' BALLENGARY, a town of Ireland, in the county of Kerry, on the mouth of the Sliannon, near Ardfert. BALLENSTEDT, an ancient county and castle in the principality of Anhalt-Bernburg, Germany, on the confines of Quedlingburg. It is the ordinary residence of the prince of Anhalt, and contains a riding-house, a theatre, and beautiful gardens. At the foot of a hill on the rivulet of Getel. Population 2500. Eighteen miles south-west of Bernburg, twenty-seven north-east of Nordhausen. Long. 11° 25' E., lat. 51° 45' N. BALLERINI (Peter and Jerome), two bro- thers, Italian priests, natives of Verona. Peter was born in 1698, and Jerome in 1702. They wrote in conjunction, several learned and in- genious poems, and published various editions of ecclesiastical authors. BALLEROY, a town and castle of France, in Normandy, with 1180 inhabitants, and several iron mines, and forges. It stands ontheDrorame, and is the head of a canton, in the department of Calvados, arrondissement of Bayeux. Seven miles S.S.W. of Bayeux, eighteen south of Caen. BALLERUS, in ichthyology, a species o fresh water fish of the leather mouthed kind, which appears to be the same with the carcassius, or carcassi tertium genus. Ballerus is also a name given by Aris- totle to that species of cyprinus called blicca, and pleysta, and pallerus, by modem writers. BAL 429 BAL BALLET, a dramatic fable represented by action, music and dancing. Tlie origin of the ballet is to be traced to the meretricious taste of the Italian courts, and succeeded the more dangerous but more manly amusement of the tournament. The interview between our Henry VIIL and Francis I. of France, in the field of the cloth of gold, presents us with an early speci- men of these entertainments. In the next cen- tury they reached the summit of their glory in the splendid pomps of the courts of Tuscany and Lorraine. The genius of Ben Jonson, and even that of Shakspeare, was matured amidst the scenery connected with the Italian ballet : but it found its most zealous patron in Louis XIV. ; and probably the most magnificent ballet ever performed, was that whic!i this prince comman- ded and bore a part in, in the year 1664. In honor of this memorable fite , the name of the Carousel has been given to the spot of its cele- bration ; and the theatres of England, France, and Italy, have been always striving since in amicable warfare, to sustain the public par- tiality for these spectacles. B.iVLLETS, or Balls, in heraldry, make a fre- quent bearing in coats of arms, though never so called ; for, according to their several colors they have different names ; as besants, when the color is or; plates when argent; hurts when azure; toneaux when gules; poraies when vert; pellets or agresses when sable ; golpes when purple ; orenges when tanne ; and guzes when sanguine. BAL'LETTE, n. s. Fr. bdlette. A dance in which some history is represented. BALLEXARD i N.), a citizen of Geneva, born in 1726. He wrote a treatise on the physical education of children, which gained the prize from a society in Holland ; and a dissertation on the question, what are the principal causes of the deadis of children ? He died at Geneva in 1774. BALLI (Joseph), a scholastic divine, born at t'alermo in Sicily. He was a canon of Bari, in the kingdom of Naples ; and author of De I'ae- cunditate Dei, and De INIorte Corporum Natura- lium. He died at Padua in 1640. " BALLI ACE, in ancient geography, a town of lUyria, in the vicinity of Apollonia. BAL'LIAGE, a duty payable to the city of London, for the goods and merchandise of aliens, according to the charter 16 Car. 11. BALLIANI (John Baptist), a native of Ge- noa, born in 1586. He rose to be a member of the senate, and wrote a treatise on the Natural Motion of Heavy Bodies, 1646. He died in 1666. BAL'LIARDS, n. s. From ball and yard, or stick to push it with. A play at which a ball is driven by the end of a stick ; now corruptly called billiards, Dr. Johnson says ; but billianls is not a corruption, being the Fr. hillurd, from bilk, the term for the ball used in playing. With dice, with cards, with halliards far unlit. With shuttle-cocks misseeming manly wit. Spenser. CLEo. Let it alone ; let is to billiards ; Come, Charmian. SJialispeare. Antony and Cleopatra. BALLIBAY, a market-town of Ireland, in the county of Cavan, fifty-three miles from Dublin. BALLICORA, a borough town of Ireland, in the county of Cork. BALLblORE, a town of Ireland, in the county of Westmeath. It was taken in 1691 by General Gingle ; and burnt by the military, in the rebellion of 1798. Distant from Athlone ten miles north, and fifty from Dublin. BALLIN (Claude), a celebrated French artist, born in 1615. His father was a goldsmith, and under him he learned that business. When about nineteen years of age, he displayed un- common genius, by making four silver basins, on which were represented the four ases of the world. These were purchased by Cardinal Ri- chelieu, and he was employed to make four vases, after the antique, to match them. He afterwards executed handsome pieces for Louis XI'W and after the death of Varin, he succeeded as director of the mint, for casts and medals. He died in 1678. BALLIXA, or Belleek, a town of Ireland, in the county of Mayo ; fourteen m.iles north of Castlebar, and 120 from Dublin. It has a con- siderable salmon fisherj' ; and in 1798 was taken by the French troops who landed in Ireland under General Humbert. BALLINACARGY, a town of Ireland, in West Meath, about forty-six miles from Dublin. BALLINACHORA, a town of Ireland, near Middletown, in Cork. BALLINACOURTY, Point, a cape on the south coast of Ireland, in the county of Water- ford, on the north side of Dungarvan Bay. Dis- tant four miles east of Dungarvan. BALLIXAGAR, a town of Ireland, in King's county, Leinster, forty-one miles from Dublin. BALLIXAKIL, a market town of Ireland, in Queen's county ; a borough previously to the Union. Here are woollen manufactures, and the ruins of a castle, fourteen miles west of Carlow, fifty-eight from Dublin. BALLiNAKILL Harbocr is on the west coast of Ireland. Forty miles north-west of Gal- way. Long. 9° 58' W., lat. 53" 34' N. BALLINALACK, a town in West Meath, Ireland, about forty-eight miles from Dublin. BALLINAMORE, a town of Ireland, in the county of Galway, eighty-four miles from Dublin. BALLINANAGHT, a town of Ireland, in the county of Cavan, fifty-four miles from Dul^lin. BALLINASLOE, a town of Ireland, in the county of Roscommon, seventy-two miles from Dublin. It is noted for its great fairs of cattle, wool, &c. Of sheep there will sometimes 80,000, or 90,000, be seen tosrether here. BALLINAVAR, a town of Ireland, in Cork. BALLINDAGGIN, a towTi of Ireland, in the county of Mayo, nearly 100 miles from Dublin. BALLINEKIL, a borough town of Ireland, m Queen's county. BALLINGARRY, a town of Ireland, in the county of Limerick, 122 miles from Dublin. BALLINROBE, a town of Ireland, in Mayo, where the assizes are sometimes held. It is 112 miles from Dublin. Long. 9° 10' W,, lat. 53'' 40' N. BAL 430 BAL BALLINTOGHER, a town of Sligo, Ireland. BALLINTOY, a town of Ireland, on the coast of Antrim. It produces coals. -It has a tolerable good harbour, which has been im- proved by a parliamentary grant. A short dis- tance to the eastward is the small island of Carrick-a-rede, separated from the land by a chasm of sixty feet, of a frightful depth, which is passed by means of two cables stretched across. BALLINTRY, a village and parish of Ireland, on the coast of Antrim. Several ancient fortifi- cations are within its precincts, and there is a cromlech near the village. Other antiquities are also found here. It is twenty miles north of Ballymena, and 150 from Dublin. BALLISTA, Lat. from (3a\\iii', to shoot, a machine used by the ancients for shooting darts ; it resembled in some measure our cross bow. V^e- getius informs us, that the ballista discharged darts with such rapidity and violence, that nothing could resist their force : and Athenteus adds, that Agistratus made one of little more than two feet in lengtli, which shot darts 500 paces. See Ar- tillery. Ballista, in practical geometry, the geomet- rical cross, called also Jacob's staff. See Cross Staff. Ballista, or Os Ballist.^:, is a name given by some anatomists to the first bone of the tar- sus, otherwise called talus and astragalus. BALLISTARII, or Ballistrarii, in anti- quity, slingeis or soldiers who fought with the bollistffi. Theie are two kinds of ballistarii ; the one, called also manuballistarii, or manuballistae, cast stones and other missive weapons, with the hand. The others, called also carroballistarii, or carroballistffi, made use of a machine. The ballistarii were scarcely heard of before the age of Constantine. BALLISTARIUS is also used, in writers of the middle age, for a cross bowman, or arbaletier. BAL'LISTER. See Balluster. BALLISTEUM,orBALLiSTR«A ;from/3aXXw, to toss, to throw, or to shoot ; in antiquity, a mi- litary song or dance used on occasions of victory. Vopiscus has preserved the ballisteum sung in honor of Aurelian, who, in the Sarmatian war, was said to have killed forty-eight of the enemy in one day with his own hand. The ballistea were a kind of popular ballads, composed by poets of the lower class, without much regard to the laws of metre. BALLISTICA, or Ballistics the art of throwing heavy bodies. F. Mersennus has publislied a treatise on the projection of bodies, under this title. BALLIUM, old law Latin, bail. Ballium, in archseologia, the court of a forti- fied castle. The outer ballium was immediately within the gates, separated by a wall from the inner ballitim, which contained the apartments for the garrison and the keeper. St. Peter, in the Bailey at Oxford, stands in the outer ballium of the castle. The Old Bailey and New Bailey in London were in similar positions in regard to the walls of that city; and hence are their names. BALLIVUS. See Bailiff. BALLOCH, a lake of Perthshire, ip the parish of INIuthil, about half a mile in circum- ference. BAL'LON, ) Fr. baton, a little ball or pack ; Bal'loox. ] also a foot-ball. Dut. balloen, Germ, balluyn. Span, halo?!, Ital. hallone. A name given to a certain game played with a ball filled with wind. Many other sports and recreations there be much in use, as foot-ball, hallowne, quintan, &c. and many such, which are the common recreations of the country folks. Burton') Anatomy of Melancholy. Sir Pet. Faith, I was so entertained in the pro- gress with one count Epernoun, a Welsh knight : we had a match at haloon, too, with my lord Wr.chum, for five crowns. O, sweet lady, 'tis a strong game with tiie arm. Eastward Hoe. Ballon, or Ballone, an ancient castle, seated on the sea-coast, in the parish of Tarbat, in Ross-shire ; which exhibits a monument of the taste and grandeur of former ages. Ballon, a town in the province of Maine, France, on the Orne, with 3560 inhabitants. It is the chief place of a canton in the department of the Sarthe, arrondissement of Le Mans ; and has manufactures of stamine and other linen cloths. Ten miles north-east of Le Mans, six- teen south of Alencon. Also a town of France, in the department of the Lower Charente, arron- dissement of Rochefort; nine miles south-east of La Rochelle. Bal'loon, n. s. In chemistry, a large globu- lar glass flask, with a short neck, generally used as a receiver in distillations. In architecture, a ball or globe placed on the top of a pillar. In fire-works, a ball of pasteboard stuffed with combustible matter, which, when fired, mounts to a considerable height in the air, and then bursts into bright sparks resembling stars. In aerology, a hollow vessel of silk, which is filled with inflammable air, and ascends with considerable weight annexed to it, into the atmos- phere. Though of modern introduction, by the following citation it looks as if the existence of such a machine had been known 150 years since : ' Like halloones full of wind, the more they are pressed down, the higher they rise.' — Hewi/t' Sermons (1658) p. 115. See Aeronautics. Balloon, in a general sense, signifies any spherical hollow body, of whatever matter it be composed, or for whatever purposes it be designed. Balloon, in the French paper trade, is a term for a quantity of paper, containing twenty four reams. Balloon likewise denotes a kind of game something resembling tennis. The ballon is played in the open field, with a great round ball of double leather blown up with wind, and thus driven to and fro with the strength of a man'a arm, fortified with a brace of wood. Balloon, or Balloen, is particularly used among voyagers for the state barges of Siam. These balloons are a kind of brigantines, managed with oars, of very odd figures, as serpents, sea- liorses, &c. ; but, by their sharpness and number of oars, of incredible swiftness. They are said BAL 431 BAL to be made of a single piece of timber, of uncom- mon length; they" are raised liigh, and much decorated with carving at head and stern : some are gilt over, and carry 1-20 or 150 rowers on «ach side. The oars are either plated over with silver, gilt, or radiated with gold ; and the dome •or canopy in the middle, where the company is placed, is ornamented with some rich stuff, and furnished with a ballustrade of ivory, or other costly matter, enriched with gilding. The edges of tlie balloon just touch the water, but the extremities rise with a sweep to a great height. Some are adorned with a variety of figures, made of pieces of mother of pearl inlaid : the richer sort, instead of a dome, carr\' a kind of steeple in the middle: so that, considering the slenderness of the vessel, which is usually 100 or 120 feet long, and scarcely six broad, the height of two ends, and of the steeple, with the load of decorations, it is a kind of miracle that they are not overset. Balloon, or Ballot, in the French glass trade, signifies a certain quantity of glass plates, smaller or greater according to their quality. The balloon of white glass contains twenty-five bundles, of six plates per bundle; but the balloon of colored glass is only twelve bundles and a half, and of three plates to a bundle. Balloon, Air. See A£roxactics, &c. BAL'LOT, V. & 7^.■^ Fr. ballotter, Ital. hal- Ballota'nt, i^htare, from Gr. (iaXku), Ballot'ation, i from ball, Skinner. A Ballot'in. J particular mode of elec- tion. This is managed by putting little balls or tickets of different colors, black and white, pri- vately into a box, which has two compartments ; by counting the balls it is known what is the re- sult of the poll, without any discovery of the respective voters. The greatest of the parliament men hated this de- sign of rotation and balloting, as being against their power. Wuod^s AtltenicB Oxoniensis. Whereupon eight hallotins, or pages, take eight of the boxes, and go four on the one side, and four on the other side of the house ; and every magistrate and senator holds up a little pellet of linen as the box passes, between his finger and his thumb, that they laay sao he has but one, and then puts it into the same. Harrington's Oceana. Xo competition arriving to a sufficient number of balls, they fell to ballot some others. Wotton. The election of the duke of Venice is intricate and curious, consisting of ten several hallotaiiong. Id. Giving their votes by hallotting, they lie under no awe. Swift. BALLOTA, White IIorehocxd: in botany; a genus of the gymnospermia order, and didy- namia class of plants; ranking, in the natural method, under the forty-second order, verticillatse. The calyx has five teeth, with ten striae; and the upper lip of the corolla is crenated. It is a com- mon weed growing on the sides of banks in most parts of England, as also in walks near towns and villages in Scotland; so is seldom admitted into gardens. The flowers are in whorls, upon branched peduncles, and lean on one side of the stalk; they are commonly of a dull red color, but sometimes white. It was formerly used in hys- teric cases, but is now fallen hito disuse. The Swedes reckon it an almost universal remedy m the diseases of their cattle. Horses, cows, sheep, and goats, refuse to eat it. BALLOTADE. See BALOTAnE. BALLRIENAN, a pleasant peninsula of Ire- land, in the county of Louth; in which there are relics of a Druid's Grove; supposed to have been the chief seat of the Arch-Druid. ball's Bay, a bay on the east coast of Nor- folk island, in the South Pacific. Balls, a river of West Greenland, which runs into the sea, in long. 50° 10' W., lat. 64° 30' N. Ball's Pyramid, a small island in the South Pacific, discovered by lieutenant Ball in 1788. Lons. 159° E., lat. 310 35' S. BALLSTOWN, a thriving town of the state of New York, situated in Saratoga county, thirty miles north of Albany. Also a town of North America, in Lincoln county, district of Maine, 195 miles north-east of Boston. BALLUNTEE, a town of Hindostan, in Orissa, thirteen miles south-east of Cuttack. BALLUSTER. See BaiLlster. BALLUSTRADE. See Balustrade, and ArciiitectcrEj Index. BALLY, a small island in the Eastern seas, separated from the west coast of Bachian by a channel about five miles wide. Lat. 0"^ 30' S. Bally, a large town on the east coast of the island of Lombhook, about fifteen miles from the entrance of the strait of Alass. The inhabitants trade principally for rice with the Dutch settle- ments. Long. 116° 28' E., lat 8" 31' S. Bally, a Gaelic word, analagous to Bal, which makes part of the names of above 100 places, mostly small towns, or villages, in Ire- land ; of which we can only notice a few of the principal. The word seems to be a corruption of the term Ballibetagh, anciently used to express a town land able to maintain hospitality. Bally castle, a sea-port of Antrim, about thirty miles north of Carrickfergus, and 113 from Dublin: noted for its chalybeate spring and collieries. Ballyconnel, a town of Cavan, in Ulster, sixty-seven miles from Dublin, and eleven north- east of Cavan. Ballycottox Bay', a bay on the north-west coast of Ballycotton island. Ballycotton Island, an island or St. George's channel, on the south-west coast of Ire- land, four miles off Cloyne. Long. 7° 59' W., lat. 51° 50' N. It is a great resort of sea-fowl, and porpoises frequently come ashore here. Ballydovilin Bay, a bay on the south-west coast of Ireland. Long. 9° 32' W., lat. 51° 27' N. Ballyela Bay, a bay on the west coast of Ireland, 128 miles east of the south Arran islands. Ballygamboox, in Kerry, Munster; noted for producing great quantities of cyder. Ballygilly Head, a cape on the east coast of Ireland. Bally HAYS, a market town of Ireland, county of Cavan, fifty-seven miles from Dublin, and once a considerable place. BAL 432 BAL Ballyiiolm Bay, on tlie coast of Down, between Carrickfergus and Copland islands. Ballykooly, in Cork, seated on the Black- water, in a woody country; 111 miles from Dublin. Bally LFSS Bay, a harbour on the north- west coast of Ireland, due west from Sligo B;iy, and east from Broad-haven. Dunsinehead is its eastern limit. Ballymahox, a town in Longford, fifty-two miles from Dublin. Long. 7° 56' W., lat. 52" 31' N. Ballymexa, a market town of Antrim, on the river Maine, Ireland. It has a town-house, in which the quarter-sessions are held ; and a linen manufacture is carried on here. Twenty miles north-west of Belfast, and ninety-three north of Dublin. Ballyxahixch, a market town of Down, in Ireland, seventy-six miles from Dublin. In its neighbourhood is a chalybeate spring. Here, in 1798, the rebels were defeated after a bloody engagement on Lord Moira's estate, and the greater part of the town was at that time destroyed. Ballyquixton Point, a cape of Ireland, seven miles east of Down-patrick. Ballyraghan Bay, a bay on the west coast of Ireland, in the north part of the county of Clare. Long. 9° 6' W , lat. 53° 7' N. Ballyshaxnon, a town oflreland, in the county of Donegal, situated on a bay at the mouth of a river flowing from Lough Erne, which is here crossed by a bridge of fourteen arches. Here are two fisheries of eels and salmon. Fish and grain are the chief exports. The imports, timber, rock salt, iron, earthenware, and other commodities in small quantities. Distant forty miles south-west of Londonderry, and 100 from Dublin. Ballytore, a beautiful village, on the river Oris, in Kildare, twenty-eight miles from Dublin. Ballyvogy Head, a cape in Cork, opposite to Mizen Head, between which there is a large bay. BAL'M, I'. & n. ) Gr. (iaXaafiov, Lat. bal- Balm'y, S sainum, Fr. bakarme, hauline, Ital. huhamo, Goth, halsan, Ang.-Sax. baldsame, balzame. Germ, and Swed. balsam, Dut. balsem. Applied to a fragrant shrub, as balm-mint ; the sap of a shrub, as balm of Gilead ; to fragrant ointment; to any thing fragrant, sweet-smelling, soothing, lenifying, lulling, mitigating, either literally or metaphorically. To balm, is to wash with balm, or any thing softening, fragrant, and antiseptick. See Embalm. Of balm-mmt, the species are 1. garden balm ; 2. garden balm, with yellow variegated flowers ; 3. stinking Roman balu), with soft hairy leaves.' — Miller. ' Balm of Gilead is the juice drawn from the balsam- tree, by making incisions in its bark. Its color IS first white, soon after green ; but when it comes to be old it is of the color of honey. The smell of it is agreeable, and very penetrating ; the taste of it bitter, sharp, and astringent. As little issues from the plant by incision, the balm sold by the merchants is made of the wood and green branches of the tree, distilled by fire, which is generally adulterated with turpentine.' — Calmet. ' It seems to me tliat the zori of Gilead, which we render in our Bible by the word balm, was not the same with the balsam of INIecca, but only a better sort of turpentine, then in use for tlie cure of wounds and other diseases.' — Prideaux's Connex. In May that mother is of monethes glade. That the freshe flouris all, blew, white, and rede, Ben quicke ayen, that winter ded had made. And full of baume, is fleting euery mede. Clumcer. But forbeare to speake Of baths, or balming, or of beauty now. Chapman. Homer's Odyssey. We saw thee in thy balmy-ncst. Bright dawn of our eternal day; "We saw thine eyes break from the cast. And chase the trembling shades away. Crashaw. Upon an hill a bright flame I did see. Waving aloft with triple point to sky. Which like incense of precious cedar tree, With balmy odours fill'd th' ayre farre and nie. Spenser, Where many groomcs and squyres ready were. To take him from his steed full tenderly. And eke the fayrest Alma mett him there, With balm and wine, and costly spicery. To comfort him in his infirmity. Id. This is most strange ; That she, that even but now was your best object. The argument of j'our praise, balm of your age. Most best, most dearest, should, in this trice of time. Commit a thing so monstrous, to dismantle So many folds of favour. Shakspeare. Lear. As bees In spring time, when the sun with Taurus rides. Pour forth their populous youth about the hive In clusters ; they among fresh dews and flowers Fly to and fro, or on the smoothed plank. The suburb of their straw-built citadel. New rubb'd with balm, expatiate and confer Their state-affairs. MiUon. Now gentle gales Fanning their odoriferous wings dispense Native perfumes, and whisper whence they stole Those balmy spoils. Id. Publicola, with healing hands shall pour Balm in their wounds, and shall their life restore ; Greek arts, and Roman arms, in her conjoin'd. Shall England raise, relieve oppress'd mankind. MlarcelL So weak are human kind by nature made. Or to such weaknes by their vice betrayed Almighty vanity ! to thee they owe Their zest of pleasure and their halm of woe. Young. O smile, ye heavens, serene ; ye mildews wan. Ye blighting whirlwinds spare his balmy prime, Nor lessen of his life the little span. Beaitie. Balm, in botany. See Melissa. Balm, or Balsam. See Balsam. Balm mint. See Balm. Balm of Gilead, the English name of the dracocephalum canariense, or canary dragon's liead. Balm of sclphuu. See Sulphur. BALMURvEUM, the name given by Leslie to the ancient abbey of Balmerino, which was founded A. D. 1229, by king Alexander II. and his mother Emergarda, widow of William the Lion. That princess lies interred in the abbey church. See Baljierino. BALMURENACII, the original name of Bal- merino. BALOOCHISTAN 433 BALNAGOWN, a small river of Scotland, in Ross-shire, which bounds the parish of Kilmuir Easter, on the east. BALNAHUAICH, one of the western isles of Scotland, on the coast of Argyllshire, and in the parish of Jura, on the north end of that island. Mr. Stewart, minister of Jura and Colonsay, in his statistical report of these parishes to Sir J. Sinclair, states the population of this island in 1793 at 28 families, and 132 souls. It abounds with excellent slates. BALNA\''ES (Henry), a Scottish protestant divine, born in Fife, in the reign of James \"., and educated at St. Andrew's. He went to France to finish his studies ; and returning to Scotland, was admitted into the family of the earl of Arran, then regent; but in 1.542 the earl dismissed him for having embraced the protes- tant relieion. In 1554 he joined, says Mackenzie, the murderers of cardinal Beaton ; for which he was declared a traitor, and excommunicated. While that party were besieged in the castle of St. Andrew's, they sent Balnaves to England, who returned with a considerable supply of pro- visions and money ; but being at last obliged to surrender to the French, he was sent with the rest of the garrison to France. He returned to Scotland about 1559; and having joined the con- gregation, he was appointed one of the commis- sioners to treat with the duke of Norfolk on the part of queen Elizabeth. In 15G3 he was made one of the lords of session, and appointed by the general assembly, with other learned men, to re- vise the Book of Discipline. Knox, his fellow- laborer, gives him the character of a very learned and pious divine. He died at Edinburgh in 1579. He wrote, 1. A Treatise concerning Justification, Edinburgh, 1530, 8vo. 2. A Cate- chism, or Confession of Faith, 1584, 8vo. BALNEAL', ad. ~\ These, with hain and Bal'neary, n. s. ( bagnio, are derived from Baln'eation, Ahe Lat. balneum, which Balxe'atory, ad. J signifies a bath. To wet, to wash, to bathe. Others attribute this balneal heat to the sun, whose all-scorching beames penetrating the pores of the earth, do heat the waters. H&well's Letters. The halneariet and bathing-places he exposeth unto the summer setting. Browns Vulgar Errourt. As the head may be disturbed by the skin, it may the same way be relieved, as is observable in balnea- tiuns, and fomentations of that part. Id. BALNEARII Servi, in antiquity, servants or attendants belonging to the baths. Some were appointed to heat them, called fornicatores ; others were denominated capsarii, who kept the clothes of those that went into them ; others aliptse, whose care it was to p\dl off the hair ; others unctuarii, who anointed and perfumed the body. BALNEARIUS Flr, or Balnearivm Fur, in antiquity, a kind of thief who practised steal- ing the clothes of ])ersons in the baths. This crime was reckoned a kind of sacrilege ; for the hot baths were sacred; hence they were more severely punished than common thieves, who stole out of private houses. The latter were ac- quitted with paying double the value of the thing Vol. III. stolen ; whereas the former were punished with death. BALNEGLERA, a town of Ireland, in the county of Armagh. BALNE'UM, n. a vessel used in chemistry. Balneum, a term used by chemists to sig- nify a vessel filled with some matter, as sand, water, or the like, in which another is placed that requires a more gentle heat than the naked fire. See Chemistry, Index. Balneum Arenosum, a sand bath. Balneum Foeni, a hay bath, is when a body IS laid to digest in moist hay, whose heat is like- wise directed by the application of water. Balneum Marle is by some so called, as being supposed to have been first invented by the blessed Virgin ; but by others, with more propriety, it is called Balneum Maris, or sea bath, in regard tiie vessel here floats as it were in a sea. Here the cucurbit is placed in hot water, which warms the matter contained, and disperses it for exhalation. Balneum Minerale, or mineral bath, is used by some chemists for aqua regia. Balneum Roris, or Roritum, is a furnace where the cucurbit, or distilling vessel, is only suspended over the vapor of water, and not in contact with the water itself. Balneum Siccum, or Arenosum, a dry or sand heat. Balneum Vaporarium, or the vapor bath; the same with Balneum roris. BALDLY, a town of Hindostan, in the dis- trict of Dowlatabad, thirty-five miles E.N.E. of Oudighir. BALONGO, three islands in the bay of Ben- gal, near the coast of Arracan. Long. 93° to 93° 20' E., lat. 19° 50' to 20° 5' N. BALONICH, in the ancient materia medica, a name givenby Avicena, Averrhoes, and others, to a kind of camphor, which they describe as coarse, brown, and of less value than the other sorts. This is probably the same with our rough camphor, as brought over to us from the East Indies. BALOOCHISTAN, Balochasthan, or, ac- cording to some, Belujistan, a large province west of the Indus, bounded on the north by Seistan in Persia and Candahar, on the south by the sea, on the east by the province of Sinde and Shekarpoor, and on the west by Mekran in Persia. It comprehends all that space of terri- tory lying between the 25^ and 30° of north la- titude, and the 62° and 69° of east longitude. The political limits are, however, difficult to de- fine with accuracy, from the perpetual fluctua- tions to which they are subject. Ihe province is extremely mountainous, peopled by warlike serai- barbarous tribes, and was scarcely known to Europeans till the years 1809 and 1810, when it was visited by Mr. Pottinger and a few otiier officers in the East India Company's service. At that time the whole country of Baloochistan was divided into the following provinces: — 1. Those of J'halawan and Sarawan, and districts of Kelat. 2. Macran and Les. 3. Kohistan, the mountainous region west of the desert. 4. The desert. 5. Cach Gandavah and the district of Herrend Dajel. 6. The province of Sind'h. 2 F 434 13 A L O O C H I S T A N. The principal provinces at present are Jala- wan, Sarawan, Zukree, ^Nlekran, Lus and Mutch, although this includes territories not properly subject to INlahmood Khan, the present Ameer of Kelat, the capital. To the south Baloochistan Proper commences at Kohinee, twenty-five miles N. E. from Bayla, in lat. 26° 35' N., and extends to Nooshky, seventy-nine miles N. W. from Kelat, in lat. 30" N. The country is described generally as a con- fused heap of mountains, through which the roads lead for the most part in water-courses, and the beds of small rivers. Tlie principal mountainous range, called by Mr. Pottinger Brahiilc, from the Brahuls who in- habit it, rises abmptly out of the sea to a considerable heisht at cape !Mowari, the Monze of the Maps, in lat. 25° N., and long. 66° 58' E. whence it runs in a north-east direction, after- wards to the north, and at last resuming its ori- ginal course sinks into moderate hills and unites with the lowest ridges of the chain that traverses Afghanistan. Anciently this chain formed the separating boundary between Persia and India. Near the Indian Ocean it is not more than thirty miles in breadth ; but about the same distance from the shore it breaks into a variety of branches, and stretches over the whole country, west and north, in which direction it unites itself with the Persian ranges, ending abruptly in tlie sea, or sinking in the sandy region which divides the cultivable territory from the ocean. The general inclination of the boldest ridges is from the north-east to the south-west, whence it becomes highly probable that the Brahuic range is a pro- longation of the Hindii Cush, the Emodus of the ancients, in which the Ilezarah range or Paropa- misus, extending as far as the Caspian, has its origin. With this latter chain the western ex- tremity of the Brahuic mountains, extending north beyond the main body of highlands, is thought to be united ; a branch which lying be- tween Seistan and Kirman forms the eastern boundary of the Persian empire. Another di- vision of this range extends from their soutli- vvestern angle, and, running nearly parallel with the main heights in that direction, forms at last a junction with -the mountains of Laristan, in Persia, and sends out many collateral ramifica- tions terminating in headlands on the coast of Macran. In tlie western parts of that province the mountains recoil on the principal body, and form a complete mass of mountains, irregularly crowded, wliich the natives denominate Kohistan, or the highlands. The length of this range is stated at 350 miles, and the breadth of the loftiest ridge at nearly 200. The town of Kelat stands upon the highest level; the extraordinary elevation of which is supposed to exceed by one- eighth the highest peaks of the Pyrenees ; a fact which is confirmed by tlie severity of its winters, and by the great height of the bold defiles bend- ing down to the nortliern desert. In this mountainous country, filled probably with primitive rocks, the soil is generally barren ; but in the upper provinces rich grain crops are gatheied in from fields which to the sight exhibit .scarcely any thing but pebbles. The lowlands of Cach Gandavah, formed by the alluvions of the Indus, are extremely fertile, producing grain, cotton, indigo, and oil. The valleys of Wudd, Khozdar, and Sohrab, are capable of cultivation. Tile precious metals, together with lead, iron, copper, tin, and antimony, abound in many parts of the country; as also rock-salt, nitre, and several medicinal minerals of great value. The whole of this region, though mountainous, is remarkably destitute of water. It has not a single river that is navigable ; but on the northern side the hills are a few brooks and mountain tor- rents ; but these, with the exception of the Budar, are frequently dried up by the intense avidity of the lowland climate. The stream, known by difl!'erent names in different parts of its course, ag Budar, Mulidani, B'hagwar, Desti, &c., is supposed to have been formerly much larger and more important than at present; its source is in the district of Garmsail, near the banks of the Helraind, or Hindmind ; but has never been traced by Europeans beyond the parallel of 29° from the ocean. At the distance of a hundred yards from the beach it is not more than twenty inches deep ; more remote from the shore, how- ever, its magnitude increases ; and in the district of Penj-giir it has a copious and perpetual stream. The climate, and consequently the seasons, are very diff"erent in diff'erent parts of the coun- try. In the loftiest regions they resemble those of the southern and middle parts of Europe, whilst, in the maritime provinces and deserts, they approximate to that of the tropics, and are subject only to three changes, introducing the hot, the cold, and the rainy periods. In J'iialawan and Sarawan the spring commences towards the end of February; the summer at the beginning of ]\Iay ; the autumn succeeds and continues tlirough August and September, after which a severe winter concludes the year. The rains in the level sands of Macran continue through February and March, and afterwards return in June and July, the latter being occasioned by a south-west monsoon. Tlie hot season lasts from March till October, including the second rains, afcer which the cold succeeds and continues from November till February. The aridity and drought in ]\Iacran are so extreme in the summer as to render the country scarcely habitable. Kohistan has a climate of medium temperature ; and Cach Gandavah, where the heat is so intolerable in the summer, has scarcely any winter at all. So great a variety of climate is capable of pro- ducing a great variety of vegetation ; and after Nadir Shah, in 1739, granted the whole of this territory to Nasir Khan, that prince endeavoured to inspire his subjects with the love of agricul- ture, and gardening. With this view, he not only introduced various fruits from Cabul, but almost all the productions of temperate and tropical climes, numerous kinds of which are still to be found in some part or other of these dominions. All the difl'erent kinds of European grain, madder, cotton, indigo, esculent vege- tables, &;c. are produced in great abundance ; wheat is sown in August and reaped the follow- ing June ; barley is sown in September, and reaped in May. Madder, after lying in the ground three years, is brought to great perfec- tion. Ushpusht, or camel-grass, a large species BALOOCHISTAN. 436 of clover (perhaps lucern), produces two crops m a month, and lasts for six or seven years. The provinces of Macran and Les, or Las, yield a crop of grass in each of the rainy seasons. The palms throughout the whole region give a large quantity of dates, and, the impregnation of the female blossoms being carefully attended to, the varieties are almost innumerable. Rice is also plentiful, and forms a great part of the food of the inhabitants ; besides which, they have bajri (holcus spicatus) ; jowari, (holcus rosghum) ; mung, (phaseolus mungoj; mayz, dal, urad, and malar, ( leguminous vegetables) ; channa, (cicer arietinum) ; and til, (sesamum). Among the timber trees of Baloochistan may be enume- rated, the Babal, (mimosa famesiana) ; lai, (ta- marix) ; mulberry, nim, (melia azad lirachta) ; pipal, (ficus religiosa) ; sisir, (dalbergia sissooj ; chinar, (oriental plane); mango, walnut, and sycamore. The common European forest trees are wanting. The apurs, a species of the zizy- phus, resembles the jujube, and tamarind. The wood of the former has much the appearance ot teak, and both are remarkably hard and durable The birds and animals are of numerous species, from the great diversity of climate. Most of our domestic fowls are common, with the exception of ducks, geese, and turkies. The magpye, a bird unknown in India, is not uncommon about Kelat. Flamingoes and floricans (otis houbara) are found in the lower districts. Poisonous rep- tiles are less frequent than in India. Fresh- water fish are exceedingly scarce. The horses of Baloochistan are strong, but very vicious ; their sheep are broad tailed, of the description of the Persian dunbah. Camels and dromeda- ries are the most common beasts of burthen, the latter of which, with only one hump on its back, is remarkable for its strength, swiftness, and power of abstinence. \\ ild and veiy fierce dogs are found in the woods ; and the breed of those that are tame, especially the shepherd's dog and the greyhound, is an object of particular atten- tion. The inhabitants have been divided into four classes: — 1. The Baloochees ; 2. the Brahooees ; 3. the Dehwars ; 4. the Hindoos. The two first of these, speaking different languages, are evi- dently distinct races, forming together the ma- jority of the inhabitants. Mr. Pottinger thinks the upper and inhospitable regions of J'hilaw^n and Sariwiin were first peopled by the Hindoos, who, in the early part of the eighth century, fled from the victorious armies of ^Nlahmud Sabuctagin and his son Masuud. The two prmcipal tribes above- named are divided into many different kheils, or tomuns, but their actual number has never been ascertained. 2. The Balooches, called Nharroe, or Ruk- shani, inhabit that part of the country lying west of the desert, and are a tribe containing 1000 fighting men ; by whom the judgalls or culti- vators have been nearly exterminated out of Northern Mekran. Mr. Pottinger thinks they are descendants of the Turcuman soldiers, who served in the armies of the Seljuk dynasties, and were dispersed when those dynasties were over- turned ; on which supposition, the first establish- ment of tlie Balooches in the mountainous resions east of Persia, must be referred to the fifth century of the Hegirah, answering to the eleventh of tlie Christian era, when they begin to be named by the Asiatic historians. But the Lord's prayer in their language, published by the baptist missionaries at Serampor, affords us evidence of its having been derived from a Tartarian dialect ; also, we may observe, that the Beluchiki, or Beluch, commonly spoken, is evidently a cor- rupt dialect of the Persian, approaching to that of the Curds, on the western side of Persia, as the Brahuiki, or Brahu, does to the Hinduwe spoken in the Penj-ab. Whatever be their origin they are found in the greatest numbers in the northern and eastern provinces, and are divided into three leading tribes, — the Nhaiiiis, Rinds, and Maghsis, of which the first and last are most important; the former on the western side of Baloochistan ; the latter on the low lands of Cuch Gundava, at the eastern foot of the mountains. These tribes are again subdivided, and those of Rind and jNIu- gree, who formerly emigrated from Mekran, and live in villages, retain the appellation of Too- rauns. The Balooches are generally tall and hand- some, but not athletic ; patient, and full of courage. They delight in predatory excursions called chapaos, greatly resembling the forays of our northern borders in the sixteenth century. On these occasions they are mounted on drome- daries, provided with dates, bread, sour cheese, and water, and march without halting to the place they mean to attack ; here they conceal themselves in a wood till night, and when the inhabitants are asleep, hasten forwards, burning, destroying, and carrying off whatever comes in their way. These diversions occasion frequent warfare ; but hospitality is nevertheless general, and pilfering despised. Their domestic habits are pastoral, and their subjection to the chiefs voluntary. They reside in tents, or ghedans of black felt, or coarse blanket, stretched over a frame of wicker-work, formed of twigs of the gaz, or tamarisk ; an assemblage of which light habi- tations forms a tuman or village, and its inhabi- tants a kheil or family. Tlie men are indolent, and great lovers of opium, though not accustomed to any other species of intoxication. They are less jealous of their wives than jNIussulmans ge- nerally ; of which, though their religion allows a plurality, they commonly have only one. Tiieir regard to the sanctity of marriage is exemplary, and many of their customs appear to origi- nate in the law of Moses. A widow must be married by her husband's next brother : adultery is punishable by the death of both parties ; in- continence before marriage authorises divorce afterwards, the sang or promise of marriage is inviolable ; and a betrothed virgin is considered as having nearly the same rights as a married woman. Their clothing consists of a long shirt, and trowsers of blue and white calico, together with a quilted cap, round which, when they are in full dress, a shawl is twisted ; in winter thick warm surtouts are worn by all classes. The women when young tress their hair, and twist it round their heads, forming the ends into a knot 2 F 2 436 B A L O O C on the crown, so as to give it tlie appearance of a cap. Their dress in other respects resembles that of the men, but exposes the bosom as mucli as the tunic worn by the females of Persia. \Vhen out of doors they are completely veiled. The soldiers, although awkwardly accoutred, are excellent marksmen ; to kill a lark or spar- row with a single ball at the distance of fifty or sixty yards is not considered by them as any proof of dexterity; and the nezah-bazi, or spear play, their fiivorite diversion, evinces not only considerable skill, but superior muscular strength. It consists in the rider piercing a wooden stake, driven into the ground, widi the point of his spear while his horse is at full speed ; and re- quires the most critical management of both liorse and spear at the same instant of time. On the whole, the similarity between the manners of this people and those of the Curds and wan- dering Turcumans, the Yariik of the Turks, found in every part of Anatolia, render the above con- jecture as to their origin highly probable. 2. The Brahooees, or Brahuis, are a strong hardy race of men, with uncommonly short and thick bones. Their cast of countenance is dif- ferent from the Balooches and Asiatics, generally exhibiting a roundness of face, and bluntness of features, somewhat resembling Europeans. They are divided into separate tribes, the principal of which are tlie following : Men. The Kumburanee, or the tribe of the chief Mahmood Khan, estimated at . . . 1,000 The tribe of Mengul , - 12,000 Zukree 6,000 Pandurani 6,000 Nahari 6,000 Imaum Hosseing 4,000 Beguugje 1,000 They are hard-working people, of voracious appetites, devouring their animal food almost raw. When they cure their meat, it is effected by drying it in the sun, and smoking it over a fire ; after which it will keep for several months, and in flavor very much resembles rein-deer's tongue. The people generally are less ferocious than their neighbours, for which reason the government of their chiefs asssumes a more des- potic character. They are disinterested, placa- ble, and humane ; the very reverse of the Baloochees, and the uncouthness of their manners is to be attributed solely to their want of civi- lisation. All the Baloochees are excellent work- men, but none are equal to the Brahooees in strength and courage. Broad sword exercise, and shooting at a mark, are their common diver- sions ; in both of which they are said to excel. Their breed of shepherds' dogs is excellent ; greyhounds are also trained amongst them with great care, and a single one is frequently ex- changed for two camels, or sold for 400 rupees. Their breed of horses is large and hardy, equally accustomed to the heat of Gundava and the cold of Kelat, but they are often vicious. The Brahooees, in religion, are strict observers of the SunnahjOr the traditional law of the Mussul- mans, in which respect they approach nearer to the Turks than the Persians. They are not jealous H I S T A N. of the women, who sometimes assist in out-door work, and are seldom secluded from the society of the men. The common dress used in this part of the province is an under coat, which fits close to the body apd is worn over the pyrahun or shirt : their trowsers are gathered up at the ankle, and a small round flat-topped cap of felt silk is the only covering of the head. The shep- herds wear a white felt garment above the shirt in winter, with cloth trowsers and a felt cap. The females wear a kind of stays which lace be- hind, and give them an appearance similar to that of the peasants in Switzerland. It has also been observed that with the exception of the shepherds, the Brahooees never increase their clothing in the severest weather. The common language is the Koorgalee. 3. The Dehwars, or Dehkans, i. e. villagers, are exclusively employed in agriculture, and hold their lands by a sort of feudal tenure, being bound to provide the khan's guests with water, fuel, provender. Sec. ; to attend him in his hunting excursions, and to supply him with couriers when required, in consideration of which tliey arc exempted from all military duties ; they are tacit, harmless, and submissive to tlie other tribes. They differ considerably from all the other inhabitants of the province, being uncomely in appearance, low in stature, coarse in features, with high cheek bones, but possessing a more artless, good humored and honest expression of countenance. They never migrate, and their lan- guage is pure Persian. Mr. Pottinger from this latter circumstance concluded that they sprang from the Gebrs, or followers of Zoroaster, who fled before the victorious arms of the Mussul- mans, but, against this opinion, their dispersion through other parts of Asia, their correspondence with the tajies of Afghanistan, together with their zealous observance of the Sunnah, power- fully militate. 4. The Hindoos are few in number and carry on the miserable traflSc of the country, acting as money-changers and agents to the native chiefs. Many of them are not so indigenous as they have been generally represented, but are merchants from Multan. The Hindoos are supposed to have been the first settlers in these mountains, and were long tolerated by their Rlussulman con- querors, who, according to current traditions, were first admitted into their impregnable retreats as traders, where being indulged with too much lenience, they finally subverted the government. Numerous Hindoo occupiers, however, still re- mained in the country, till within the last two centuries, when the barbarity of the Mahomme- dan tribes increased to such a degree that no medium could be observed, and the native Hin- doos, with the exception of a few merchants, un- derwent compulsory conversion, or fled the country. The remaining few have however con- siderably degenerated from the laws of the Shas- ter ; they eat animal food, use leathern bags, and in many other respects violate their religious tenets, and perhaps it is this partial conformity which constitutes die true principle of their tole- ration. Of the divisions of Baloochistan generally, Jhalawan and Siir.'iv*ran, with the intermediate BALOOCHISTAN. 437 district, extending to the north and north-east, and bounded by that part of the Brahui'c moun- tains which is beyond the twenty-sixth degree of north latitude, come first under our considera- tion. Jh^ilawiin is the most southerly, contain- ing six t'liacs or districts, each governed by a different chief. Zehri, the largest town, is sur- rounded by a mud wall, and contains 2000 houses. There are no streams in the whole pro- vince more than ten inches deep in the dry sea- son, and water can be obtained only by digging in the beds of torrents. Kelat properly belongs to Sarawfin, but the usurpations of the khan have rendered it nearly a distinct province. To the north of it, bounded by the Afghan hills and the desert east of Kandahar, lies Sar4vvan, divided into inferior districts, and occupied by migra- tory tribes of the Brahdics. The province is mountainous, not possessing a single level of more than a few miles in circumference, except a naked plain of about thirty miles in extent, called the Deshti-be-daulat, or Pennyless Desert, forming a remarkable gap in the northern front of the great chain. The southern province is fertile, having frequent rains, but the least popu- lous ; Kelat is considered the capital of Baloo- chistan generally. Nooshky is a small tract of about thirty-six square miles, lying at the base of the Kelat mountains. It is an arid tract, the sand hills of which shift with the winds. A few patches of cultivable land are nevertheless met with occa- sionally ; and a small stream, called the Xysur, issuing from the hills, irrigates the portion of country immediately contiguous. The inhabi- tants dwell under black felts stretched over a frame of wickerwork made of the guz plant, by which they are sheltered from the heat of the sun. The soil being sandy, the heat is excessive in the summer ; the stream fails in the valley, and the inhabitants migrate to the mountains for cool air and water. The fine valley of Sohrab extends north and south about fifty miles in length by twelve in breadth. The water from the hills runs through its centre, and around it are scattered a few vil- lages. The two provinces of Les and Macran are in- cluded between the higher ridges of the Brahiiic chain and the Indian Ocean, and are varied by intersections of such branches of these hills as diverge towards the sea. On the north lie the regions of . I 'halawan, Sarawin, and Kelat, toge- ther with Kehistan and the desert; and on the west the Persian Laristan. Lus or Les, signifying in the Jedgali language a valley or plain, pre- sents a perfectly level surface for about ninety miles by fifty, enclosed on three sides by lofty mountains passable by only five lekhs, or defiles, two in the eastern and western, and one in the northern branch of this great chain. This is a fertile province, watered by two small rivers, llabb and Purali (the Arabis of the ancients), and togetiier with Maccan formed a part of tlie Persian empire. The sovereignty is at present held on a feudal tenure under the khan of Kelat. Bela, the capital, stands on a rocky eminence on the northern bank of the Purali. Many of the inhabitants are merchants from Multan and Shicarpur, west of the Indus, and their immuni- ties are considerable. The population of Lus is about 25,000, who are of the same tribe, though distinguished by the different names of Jedgil, Jok'hya, Jet'h, and Numrl. They are an indolent and curious people ; the men athletic and middle-sized, tlie women plain, and dirty. Their manners, appear- ance, and language, prove that they must have been derived originally from Hindostan ; and the latter called Jedgali or Jet'hgali has a close affinity with that of Sind'h. They are fond of intoxicating drugs, and nearly one third part of them are migratory. ( )f Makran there are fourteen districts, several of which are uninhabited. Water is extremely scarce throughout the whole territory, a great part of which consists of barren mountains with here and there a fertile valley, or an island of palms emerging from the waste, similar to those found in the vast deserts of Africa. Many of the streams of this region, now trifling brooks, were formerly navigable. In one of these, namely, Ag'hon Nadi, is a celebrated well called Anilca Cund, or Fathomless Abyss, the depth of which is not known. The Hindoos attribute the dig- ging of it to C41i, whose shrine at Hinglatz or Hing-l^j, just above it, is the resort of numerous pilgrims. The river Dest waters the district of Kedge, or Kej, which receives its name from the capital of the province. This ancient town car- ried on formerly a considerable trade with Kan- dahar and the north of India, but has gone to decay since its governors threw off their alle- giance to the khan of Kelat. It has many ad- vantages of site, and covers three sides of the base of a hill, on the summit of which is a castle deemed impregnable. Kohistan is sul-rounded on the east, north, and west, by sandy deserts, with the exception of a narrow range of hills which connect it on tlie north-west with the Paropamisus of the ancients, and on the south it is bounded by the Brahiiic chain, of which it forms one of the extremities. It is divided into two districts, the MaidAni or plain, and the Chopaki or hilly country. Water is extremely scarce and the population scanty, consisting chiefly of Beluches. It abounds with salt and chalybeate springs, with numerous mi- neral productions, and its hills occasionally be- tray a volcanic ori'^in. . The desert, 300 miles long and 200 broad, is traversed by the Ilelmind or Hermend, the natural boundary of Baloochistan, and separated on the west by a narrow range of hills from the deserts of Kirman. Its utmost extent including the latter is about 600 miles diagonally from east to west, and 500 miles from north to south, and is bounded on the north and east by the moun- tains of Afghanistan. This vast ocean of sand is composed of par- ticles so light that when taken up into the hand they are little more than palpable, and when agitated by the winds are thrown into an irre- gular mass of waves running east and west. Most of these banks rise perpendicularly from ten to twenty feet on the leeward side ; and, from the redness of their appearance, might be taken for brick walls, whilst the windward side slopes 438 BALOOCHISTAN. off with a gradual declivity to the base of the next bank or wave. The camels are with diffi- calty driven up the perpendicular or leeward sides of these sandy hdls ; but on the shelving sides they ascend with laborious perseverance, and, having reached the summit of a wave, drop most expertly on their knees and slide down with the sand to the bottom of the next hollow. These mountains of sand are observed to be succeeded by hard black gravel, without the least appearance of vegetation, and bare stony hills lying at the base of the mountains, are the first ascent towards higher and less barren regions. Throughout the whole desert the sands are ex- tremely hot, and the fine particles, raised by the wind, getting into the eyes, nostrils, and mouth of the traveller, cause an extreme degree of paiuful irritation and thirst. The Regency of Sind'h and also Cach Gan- davah, east of the Brahuic chain of mountains, between India and Persia, though commonly in- cluded in the kingdom of Baloochistan, belong more properly to Hindostan. With respect to the history of Baloochistan antiquity is almost silent. The mountainous tract, which forms the central and most important part of this territory, appears to have been unknown to the ancients, and was perhaps uninhabited up to tlie period of the Mahommedan conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries of the christian era. Alexander marched from Pattala, (T'hatt 'hah or Tattah) on the Indus, through the ter- ritory of the Arabitffi, still indicated by the cape called Arabia by the natives, the Arabah of the maps, thence he advanced into the country of the Oreitse in his way to Gedrosia or Macran, where the greater part of his troops are said to have perished from thirst, famine and fatigue. Craterus who commanded, with another part of his army, passed by a circuitous route through Arachosia and Drangiana, the Kandahar and Seistin of modern geography ; countries placed in a higher latitude, south of the extreme deserts which separate the Beluches from Persia and Afghanistan. The ]Mahommedan invaders fol- lowed the track of Alexander, whilst the Sultans of Ghaznah, who made themselves masters of the level country to the mouth of the Indus, and the coast as far as the confines of Persia, never descended the hills. The Persian historians say the idolatrous Hindoos were driven into these retreats ; but, since the present occupiers betray no affinity with the natives of India in customs, features, or language, the origin already as- signed is more probable. They themselves affirm that they are the original natives of the liills, and tliat their name Br^hu6 is derived from Baroiii mountains, whilst the inhabitants of the plain are called N'harius or Narohis, Lowlauders. The most ancient traditions do not carry the origin of the Mussulman government further back tlian seven generations. About two centuries ago the city of Kelat witli the surrounding country was possessed by Sewah Rajah a Hindoo, and the Balooches tended flocks of sheep in the moxmtains. To protect the inhabitants from, the depredations of a people residing in the low country between Kel£lt, Sinde, and Shekirpoor, the rajah sent for Kumber a Baloochy chief, and took him into his service, allowing him five bundles of grass and wood per day for each man. This auxiliary shortly after seized the government, and raised the tribute to a hundred bundles, besides a con- tribution of horses, camels, and footrunners. This tribute is still occasionally exacted by the Khan of Kelat, and paid by the detmars or pea- sants in the immediate vicinity. Kumber the first usurper was succeeded by his son Sumbar, the father of the next prince, Ma- hommed Khan, who in his turn was succeeded by his son AbduUa Khan. This prince conquered a considerable part of Cach Gandivah, till then subject to the Nawwibs of Sind'h, About that time the celebrated Nadir Sh4h carried his vic- torious arms into India ; and while at Kandah4r sent an army into the mountains of the Beluches. Abdu'Uah sent his two sons as hostages to the conqueror's camp ; after which he was allowed to continue in his government as a feudatory of Persia. Upon the death of Abdu'Uah, Nasir Khan his younger son, by the advice of NAdir Shah, put to death his elder brother, who had succeeded to the sovereignty, and took possession of the Gad'hi or throne ; and having performed some important services to his patron, was re- warded by tlie donation of several provinces, and, being a man of considerable abilities, greatly enlarged his dominions, so that at his death, in 1795, the territories descended to his son and successor Mahmood Khan in a very flourishing and prosperous state. This prince is now about twenty-nine years of age ; but his talents being very inferior to those of his father, the dominions of Keltit have been greatly curtailed by the Ameers of Sinde and other neighbouring pro- vinces. His brother ]\Iustapha Khan, who is about one year younger than the sovereign, is, however, of an active martial disposition, and bids fair on his accession to restore the empire and improve the hereditary dominions. The territory at present subject to Mahmood Khan, comprises the high hilly country of Sewistan, and the low lands of Cutch Gundava and Amund, Dajil to the eastward ; bounded on the north by Khorassan ; on the south by Lus and Sinde; on the west by Mekran ; and on the east by Sinde. His clear revenue is about three lacks of rupees, and is collected from Amund Dajil, Cutch Gundava, and the bazaar tolls of Kelat. The Khans of Baloochistan acknowledge the paramount authority of the Cabul sovereigns, to whom they are feudatories ; but their obedi- ence is in proportion to the talents of the reigning prince, and the political circumstances of the Cabul government. The present territories of Malimood Khan are supposed capable of raising an army, infantry and cavalry, of 23,000 men, although formerly the sovereign could raise 60,000. See Christie, Kinueir, Sfc. It was probably without intention that Nasir Khan laid the foundation of the present govern- ment, which is rather a military republic than an absolute monarchy. The Serdars or chiefs hold their lands on feudal tenure, each tribe chooses its own Scrd;ir,in whose family the office becomes hereditary. The general administration is, how- ever, still vested in the Khan of Kelikt. Each BAL 439 BAL Serd4r in time of war attends with his quota of troops, and is bound to obey the orders of the sovereign ; but if to his own detriment, receives compensation. A new code of laws was established by Nasir, of wliich the Koran is the standard, accompanied however by the following in.iprovenjents. In cases of murder where the deceased is a fo- reigner, every one concerned in the crime is im- mediately executed without commutation. Bur- glaries and night robberies are punished with death. Adultery may be avenged by the hus- band ; but the clearest testimonials of guilt are required ; and if he fails of producing these he is liable to severe punishment. Minor offences are cognizable by the Serdar of the Kheil, or fiimily, with an appeal lying to the Serdar of the whole tribe, and ultimately to the Khkn himself, who commonly consults the heads of his family before he decides on any intricate cause. No execution can take place without an order from the sovereign, except in case of the murder of a traveller on his road, when, as a speedy execution is necessaiy, the nearest chief is empowered to enforce the penalty of the law. BALOR, a town on the east coast of the island of Luzon. Long. 122° 5' E., lat. 15° 13' N. BAL'OTADE, n. s. The leap of an horse, so that when his fore-feet are in the air, he sliows nothing but the shoes of his hinder feet, without yerking out. A balotade differs from a capriole ; for when a horse works at caprioles, he yerks out his hinder legs with all his force. — Farrier's Dictionary. BALOTE, a town on the east coast of the island of Mindoro. Long. 121° 15' E., lat. 13° 3' N. BALOU, a to^vn of Armenia, twenty-five miles north-west of Khars. BALREMIT Bay, a bay on the east coast of the island of Colonsay, one of the Hebrides. Long. 6° 7' W., lat. 56° 6' N. BALRIE Castle, a very ancient fort, now in ruins, situated on an eminence at the west end of the moss of that name, Angusshire, Scotland. It was destroyed by the marquis of Argyll in 1640. The walls are eight feet thick. This castle and the adjacent lands were the property of the last viscount Fenton. BALROTHERY, or Balruddeky, a town of Ireland, in the county of Dublin, fourteen miles from the city and one from the sea. BALSA, an ancient town of Liisitania in the Ager-Cunaeus ; now called Tavira, in Algarva. Balsam, or Native Balsam, an oily, resinous, liquid substance, flowing either spontaneously, or by means of incision, from certain plants. There are a great variety of balsams, particularly distinguished by the names of the substances from which they aie obtained ; and which will be found explained under their names as they occur. BAL'SAM, -n- Of the same deri- Balsam'ation, / vation as balm, but Balsam'ical, \more limited in its Balsam'ick, n. & adj\ application. It is al- Balsam'ous. j most exclusively used o designate an unctuous or oily mixture, gene- rally attended with fragrance. Should I sigh out my days in grief. And, as my beads, count miseries ; My mind would meet with no relief. For all the balsam of my eyes. Stevensutt. Brave spirits are a balsam to themselves. There is a nobleness of mind that heals Wounds beyond salves. Cartwriyht. Is this the balsam that the usuring senate Pours into captains' wounds? Ha! banishment? It comes not ill •, I hate not to be banish'd ; It is a cause worthy my spleen and fury. That I may strike at Athens. Shakspeare. Christ's blood our balsam ; if that cure us here. Him, when our judge, we shall not find severe. Denham, That this herb [ros-solis] is the cause thereof, shep- herds affirm and deny; whether it hath a cordial vir- tue by sudden 'refection, sensible experiment doth hardly confirm ; but that it may have a bahamical and resumptive virtue, whereby it becomes a good medi- cine in catarrhes and consumptive dispositions, prac- tice and reason conclude. Brown's Vulgar Errourt. The Britons squeeze the works Of sedulous bees, and mixing odorous herbs. Prepare balsamic cups, to wheezing lungs Medicinal, and short-breath'd ancient sires. J. Philips, Now the radical moisture is not the tallow or fat of animals, but an oily and halsamous substance ; for the fat or tallow, as also the phlegm or watery parts, are cold ; whereas the oily and halsamous parts are of a livelj' heat and spirit. Sterne. Balsam Apple. Lat. momordica. An annual Indian plant. Balsam Tree. This is a shrub which scarce grows taller than the pomegranate-tree ; the blos- soms are like small stars, very fragrant ; whence spring out little pointed pods, enclosing a fruit like an almond, called carpobalsamum, as the wood is called xylobalsamum, and the juice opo- balsamum. BALSAMATION is used by some writers for the art or act of embalming dead bodies. Dr. Hook speaks of an universal balsamation, or method of preserving all kinds of bodies from corruption, invented by Dr. Elshot. BALSAMELiEON, in the materia medica, a name given by some to the balm of Gilead. BALSAMELiEUM, in ecclesiastical writers, the sacred chrysm. BALSAMINA Scandens, a name given to the large fruited white briony of Ceylon. BALSAMINE, Female, in botany, the name given by Toumefort to a genus of plants, callec by Linnaeus, impatiens, and belonging to the clasr of syngenesia raonogamia. BALSAMITA, a species of tansy. BALSAMICA. See Balsamics. BALSAMICS, Balsamica, Latin, i. e. miti- gating; this term includes medicines of very different qualities, as emollients, detergents, re- storatives, &c. ; but in all these kinds there are these requisites, that they be soft, yielding, and adhesive ; and by tlieir smallness they have a ready disposition to motion. Medicines of this tribe are generally required for complaints whose seat is in the viscera ; and as they cannot be con- veyed there but by the common road of the cir- culation, it follows that no great effects can be ex- pected from them but by their long continuation. 440 BALTIC SEA. Hoffman calls by the name of balsamics those medicines which are hot and acrid, also the natural balsams, gums, &c. by which the vital heat is increased. BALSAMITA, in botany, a genus of plants, of the class syngenesia, and order polygamia aequalis. Its generic character, is receptacle naked, pappus none, calyx imbricate. It con- tains four species, of which the only one re- quiring notice is the B. vulgaris (tanacetum balsa- mita of Linnaeus) common costmary, or alecost. Its stem is herbaceous, leaves oval, dentate ; in- ferior petiolate ; superior sessile, auriculate at the base, flowers corymbose. It is a perennial plant, native of the south of France and Italy ; 'and was formerly prescribed in the pharmacopoeias as a carminative. BALSAS, a town of Peru, in the province of Chachapuyas, on the east shore of the Amazons, forty miles north of Caxamarca. Lat. 6° 16' S. BALSEY Clift, ahigh land on the east coast of England, between Orford and Harwich. BALSO, a river of Quito, which, after wind- ing through forests, enters the Bobonasa. BALSTAL, a well-built market town of Swit- zerland, in the canton of Solothurn. The inha- bitants carry on a great trade between Bale and Solothurn. Ten miles north-east of Solothurn. BALSAMON (Theodore), patriarch of Anti- och in the twelfth century. He wrote a number of works on the canon law, which were printed at Paris, in folio, in 1620. BALSHAM, or Belesale (Hugh de), the tenth bishop of Ely, in the thirteenth century, was first a monk, and afterwards subprior of the Be- nedictine monastery at Ely. In 1247 he was chosen bishop by the convent. But king Henry III. who had recommended his chancellor Henry de Wengham, refused to confirm his election ; whereupon Balsham went to Rome to be con- firmed by the pope ; which, however, was not done for ten years, when at last his holiness con- firmed his election in 1257. Bishop Balsham then executed what he had long intended ; by laying the foundation of St. Peter's College, Cam- bridge, the first in that University, which has immortalised his name as the patron of literature. He was also very charitable to the poor. He died in 1286, and was buried in the cathedral of Ely. BALTA, or Balto, a town of European Rus- sia, the capital of a circle in the government of Podolia, situated on the Kadyma, a tributary stream of the Bog. Before the annexation of this part of Poland to Russia, one half of Balta belonged to the palatinate of Braclaw, and the other toTartary. In 1767, in the war which broke out between the Russians and Turks, the town of Balta was laid in ashes by the former. Sixty- five miles N.N. E. of Bender. Balta, one of the smaller Shetland islands, near the east coast of Unst. Long. 4° 2' W., lat. 61° 7' N. BALTAGI, among the Turks, porters, and hewers of wood, in the court of tlie grand seig- nior ; who also mount on horseback when the emperor rides out. Part of them, who, for that purpose, must be castrated, keep watch at the gates of the first and second courts of the ser- aglio. These last are called capigi, and their commander capigi pacha. BALTCHUTZKO, a town of Asiatic Russia, in the government of Kolhy van. BALTEATUS, in entomology, a species of cimex, inhabiting South America. 2. A species of elater, of a black color ; anterior half of the wing cases rufous. Linn. Fn. Suec. A native of Europe. BALTEUS, in entomology, a species of cer- ambyx, that inhabits Lusitania. The thorax spinous ; body ferruginous ; abdomen ovate ; wing cases with a blackish band. Linnaeus. BALTHASAR (Christopher) a learned French author of the seventeenth century. He followed the profession of an advocate ; but having em- braced the protestant religion, from pleading at the bar, he became a champion for the reformed churches; and in 1659 a pension was settled upon him by the national synod at Loudun, in consideration of his services. He displayed great abilities in combating Baronius. BALTHAZARINI, an Italian musician of the sixteenth centurj', who was a great favorite at the French court in the reign of Henry III. He composed a ballet, which he called Ceres and her Nymphs, in 1531, designed for the marriage of the duke de Joyeuse with Mademoiselle de Vaudemont, the queen's sister ; and this is thought to have been the origin of the ballet he- roique, in France. BALTHEUS Orionis, the belt of Orion, in astronomy, a part of the constellation of Orion, consisting of tliree bright stars of the second magnitude, placed nearly in a right line in Orion's girdle. BALTHICA, in conchology, a species of tel- lina that inhabits the Baltic Sea; the shell roundish, smooth outside, carnation color. Linn. Fn. Suec. About the size of a horse-bean, and very rarely larger ; extremely thin, pellucid, brittle, and white within. Chemnitz, &c. Balthica, a species of helix, found on the shores of the Baltic ; the shell imperforated, ovate, and pointed ; with elevated wrinkles; aper- ture ovate, and very ample. Linn. Fn. Suec. This animal is black, with two tentacula; shell pellucid, and with four whorls. BALTHICUS, a species of nautilus, of the smaller kind, that is found adhering to the roots of fuci. This shell is sometimes opaque, some- times glossy, frequently pellucid ; and the wreaths either smooth, striated, ribbed, or tuberculated. It is specifically distinguished by being white, convex, aperture linear, and the first wreath much larger than the others. Schroeb. BALTIA, an island in the Baltic Sea which gives name to it. BALTIC Sea. A large gulf of the German Ocean, penetrating tlie upper part of Europe, and surrounded by the coasts of Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Germany, and Prussia. It is 600 miles in length ; from eighty to 150 miles in breadth, commencing at the Danish islands of Funen and Zealand ; it stretches beyond the sixty-fifth degree of latitude, including an area of surface equal to 10,000 square leagues. The two extreme divisions of this sea are the Gulfs of Bothnia and Finland ; the former running BALTIC SEA. 441 east to the vicinity of Petersburg, the latter ex- tending north till it penetrates the arctic regions. Its access is through a narrow winding chan- nel, or strait, on the west of the European con- tinent, the northern part of which, communi- cating with the ocean on the south-west, is called the Scaggerack ; the middle consists of the Great and Little Belts, and the southern part of the Cattegat. This entrance to the Baltic is sometimes called the sound. It is also connected near Pillau and Memel by narrow passages with two large lakes called the Frische Haff and Curische Haff. The proximity of the coasts and islands, the shallowness of the waters, the flatness of the Prussian shore, the ruggedness of that of Sweden, the frequent and sudden changes of the winds, and the violent storms with which they are at- tended, render this sea very dangerous for navi- gators, although the breakers are much less for- midable than those in the German Ocean. The general depth of the Baltic is from fifteen to twenty fathoms, although in some places it is much less, and in others much more. Like other inland seas the Baltic has no tides, or, if it has, they are scarcely perceptible ; but a strong cur- rent generally sets towards the ocean, which, when cliecked by a west wind forcing the waters in a contrary direction through the straits, causes the Baltic to rise much above its ordinary level. The waters of this sea are colder and less salt than those of the Northern Ocean ; from which circumstance, together with the deficiency of tides, it is usually for about three months of the year so completely frozen as to admit in many places of a passage over the ice. Tiie ice in the southern part begins to break up in April, al- though the two gulfs are not generally cleared before the middle of May. Numerous rivers, of different degrees of im- portance, empty themselves into this sea, which greatly contribute to the freshness of its waters, and, together with the diminished evaporation of the northern regions, occasion the current to which we have already 'referred. The chief of them are the Warnow, the Oder, the Peene, the Persante, the Wipper, the \'istula, the Pregel, the Alemel or the Niemen, the Dwina, the Aura-Jocki, the Cano, the Torneo, the Skel- leftea, the Pitea, the Lulea, the Umea, the An- germany, the Motala, the Luisna, and the Dal. The earthy particles conveyed into the bed of the Baltic by means of streams, rivers. Sec. are said to cause the depth of this sea to diminish at the rate of four feet in a century ; and i\Ir. Von Buck, in his Travels in Sweden and Lapland, observes with respect to the Bothnian Gulf, that the sea-bays have become marshes by the conti- nual decrease of the gulf waters ; and that we may soon expect to see the site of that aquatic region covered with fields and cottages. The islands of the Baltic are numerous, one chain of which, reaching from Finland to Swe- den, divides the southern part of the sea from the northern, commonly called the Gulf of Both- .lia. The chief of the Danish islands forming the immediate seat of the governmnent are Zea- land and Funen. Near the shores of Livonia are the islands Dago and Oesel. Gothland and Oeland belong to Sweden ; Rugen to Pomerania ; and Moen, Bornholm, Falster, Alsen, Laaland, together with several others, are subject to the Danes. Considerable fisheries are formed on some of the coasts of the Baltic, and Mr. Fischer, a naturalist of Livonia, enumerates nearly fifty dif- ferent species of fish in the waters of that pro- vince; the principal of which known as articles of commerceare salmon, pike, streamlings, and lam- preys. The fishes most common in the Gulf of Finland are salmon, sterlets, and carp. Stur- geon is found in the Gulf of Cronstadt, and smaller fish are taken from the gulfs and bays on the eastern parts of this sea. The herring and pilchard fisheries are considerable. Amber is- also a production of this sea. It is thrown by the frequent storms on the coasts of Prussia and Courland, and is found in beds near Pillau at the depth of ninety or a hundred feet. The general commerce of the Baltic is very considerable, since it washes the shores of Den- mark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and part of Germany; it has a communication with the Cas- pian Sea, by means of the canals of Ladoga, Vyschnei-Volotschok, and Maria, thus opening facilties for conveying the commodities of nor- thern Europe into the interior of Asia. All vessels that pass in or out of the Baltic pay a certain duty to the Danish government, for the maintaining of light-houses, &c. This toll is received at Elsinore, where the vessels are regu- larly entered in the national register, a view of which for the years 1816 and 1817, will enable the reader to form some idea of the comparative importance of the Baltic commerce. In 1816 were registered the following vessels: — From the From the North Sea. Baltic. America 83 85 Bremen . . 55 56 Danish . . 408 379 Dutch . . 473 403 English . . 942 906 French . . 8 8 Hamburgh . 18 18 Hanover . . 113 111 Lubeck . . 23 22 Mecklenburg 126 127 Norwegian . 396 398 Oldenburg . 16 13 Pappenburg 22 17 Portuguese . 25 23 Prussian . . 595 489 Rostock . . 65 68 Russian . 208 191 Spanish . . 5 4 Swedish . 1097 945 4608 4263 Total number th 4608 at passed tlie ^ 8871 ' Sound in 1 316 .. i 442 BALTIC SEA In \B\7 were registered the following vessels : — America Bremea Danish . Dutch English French Hamburgh Hanover ....,• Mecklenburgh Norwegian ...... Prussian Russian Swedish Other nations Total number of vessels frona ) tlie North Sea . . . S From the Baltic the same year Total number of ships that ^ passed the Sound in 1817 i From the North Sea. 68 11 463 695 2088 22 42 212 169 470 917 197 1044 360 6758 6390 13,148 The winds are extremely variable in the Baltic ; but they blow most commonly from the east in the spring, and from the west in autumn; calms are seldom experienced except in the middle of the summer. The irregular variations of tlie level of the Baltic somewhat resemble tides, and occur generally in autumn, when the weather threatens rain. These sensible swells frequently last for weeks toj:et!ier, and their maxmium rise being three feet and a-half, all the low lands are inun- dated. On these occasions, the fresh-water lakes which communicate with the sea are rendered brackish. In the Gulf of Bothnia, the fall of the water is usually succeeded by north winds, whereas, at Stockholm, these winds follow the elevation. j\I. Kraft, who was professor of ex- perimental philosophy in the imperial academy at Petersburo;h, published a treatise on the inun- dations of tlie Neva at the autumnal equinox, in which he observes, that three or four days before or after the full or new moon, a violent north-west wind drives the waters of the Nortliern Ocean, dur- ing the influx of the tide, into the Baltic, and is im- mediately succeeded by a south wind in that sea and the Gulf of Finland, to the concurrent eff'ect of which he attributes the phenomena in ques- tion ; but Schultens, a learned Swede, who had closely studied the physical geography of the Baltic, attributed all the irregular elevations of this sea to the unequal pressure of the atmos- phere on difl"erent portions of the water, de- ranging, in his opinion, their common level. He was led to this conclusion by having observed repeatedly, that when the waters were about to rise, the barometer fell, and that when the waters were about to fall the barometer rose. The waters of the Baltic are of different de- grees of saltness in different places, and in the same pla-ces at different seasons, and during dif- ferent winds. The waves are short and broken, in consequence of sudden changes of wind, ir- regular depths, and strong currents, many of which, especially towards the north, rise thnce in the course of a year. The superior and infe- rior currents of the Sound are remarkable. These were discovered first by some of our own countrymen, who, being in a boat in the middle of the channel, found that they drifted towards the Cattegat; but upon letting down a loaded bucket to the depth of four or five fathoms found that their boat became stationary, and upon sinking the bucket still deeper, the boat drifted in a direction diametrically opposite to the superficial current. By the transfer of Swedish Pomerania to Pnissia, of Swedish Finland to Russia, and of Norway to Sweden, the commerce and resources of the Baltic nations have undergone a consider- able change. The following is a sketch of the staple articles of their commerce at the beginning of the pre- sent century. Danish vessels visit the ports of Mecklenburgh and Pomerania, with horses, bullocks, butter, cheese, fish, fish-oil, colonial produce, kc; and receive in return, thread, linen, brandy, wool, hardware, paper, &c. To Petersburgh, Riga, and Alemel, the Danes send herrings and dried fish, woollen manufactures, salt of France, Spain, and Portugal, India and China goods, oysters, and dog-skin gloves ; for which they receive potash, planks, fire-wood, flax and hemp, cor- dage, iron, copper, linens, and corn. To Hol- land, Denmark exports rape-seed, salted and dried fish, and timber ; and receives spices, drugs, corn, pipes, and paper. To England, hides, bar-iron, kelp, furs, tar, timber, &c. The returns are, hardware goods, woollens, cot- tons, hats, and colonial produce. From the official account of the real value of the imports into Denmark from Great Britain, from the 5th January 1798, to the 5th January 1808, laid before Parliament, in consequence of the attack on Copenhagen, it appears, that from 1798 lo 1803, they are rated about half a million; and that from 1803 to 1808, they varied from two to six millions. France receives from Denmark, horses, butter, cheese, fish, &c. ; and returns salt, wines, brandy, fruits, silks, &c. The exports to Spain and Portugal are nearly the same as to France ; the imports also are the same, with the addition of wool and American produce. To the Mediterranean, Denmark sends fish, salted provisions, butter, iron, &c.; and receives wines, brandy, oils, fruit, and salt. The Danes derive great profit from hiring their vessels to the ]iort5 of Italy, as their flag is generally respected by the Barbary States. The exports to the Faroe Islands are wheat, flour, brandy, tea, coflee, sugar, linens, &c.; the imports are dried and salted fish, fish-oil, feathers, hides, tallow, and worsted stockings. The exports to, and imports from, Iceland, are nearly the same ; the imports from Greenland are whale-oil and bone, seal-oil and skins, eider down ; the exports nearly the same as to the Faroe and Iceland Islands. Den- mark has also a trifling trade to the East and West Indies. In 1807 the Danish fleet consisted of twenty- BAL 443 BAL six sail of the line ; sixteen frigates ; nine sloops, twenty or thirty tons are employed in loading and thirty gun-vessels. and discharging these vessels at Cronstadt, that The foreign commerce of Sweden is confined cannot enter the Neva. At the close of 1807 to what are called staple towns, which alone the Russian Baltic fleet consisted of twenty sail have custom-houses ; they are Stockholm, Got- of the line, fourteen frigates, six brigs and cutters tenburgh, Warberg, Halmstad, Nordkoeping, and nineteen small craft ; and the Baltic flotilla' Landscrona, Carlscrona, Christianstad, Carl- of twenty galleys, twenty-five floating batteries' shanun, Calmar, Westervic, Uddervalla, Mar- eighty-one gun-boats, and sixteen yauls. strand, Gefle ; and Abo and Wasa in Finland, Baltic Port (formerly llogerwick, from the now given up to Russia. The foreign commerce island of Roog, on which it is built), a sea-port of is supposed to be divided among these cities, European Russia, in Esthonia, now the govern- as follows : . ment of Revel, at the influx of the rivulet of Pa- Stockholm -j^ths of exports, and J of imports. dis into the Baltic. The fortifications were begun Gotenburgh ^ths i by Peter I. but discontinued by Catherine ""ll. The other ports -^ths ^ Were they completed, few harbours would equal To the foreign parts of the Baltic, Sweden ex- it in size, depth, or security. Thirty-eight miles ports iron, steel, copper, lime, alum, and her- west of Revel, 150 north of Riga, and "220 west rings, and receives corn, hemp, tallow, and by south of St. Petersburgh. hides. To Holland, iron ; and receives spices, BALTIMORA, in botany, a genus of the po- tobacco, prepared colors and papers. To Eng- lygamia necessaria order, and syngenesia class of land, she exports iron, timber, pitch, tar, potash, plants. The receptaculum is chaffy ; there is no and herrings ; her imports are lead, tin, leather, pappus ; the calyx is cylindrical and polyphyl- bear, butter and cheese; and every kind of ma- lous; and the ray of the corolla is quinqueflo- nufacture and colonial produce. In France, rous. There is but one species, viz. B. recta, a Spain, and Portugal, the exports are iron, steel, native of Maryland. It is allied to ^Nlilleria. copper and brass, and wines, brandy, fruits ; oil BALTIMORE, a large, populous, and well and silks are the returns. To Italy and the cultivated county of the western shore of Mary- Levant she exports all her territorial produc- land, is bounded on the east by Harford county tions; and receives salts, spices, fruits, and cot- and the Chesapeak, north by York county, Penn- ton. There are from four to six ships of 600 to sylvania, south by Anne-Arundel county, south- 1000 tons burden in the East India trade. In '"'est by a small point of Montgomery-, "and west 1800 she had above 2000 merchant vessels of by Frederick. It is thirty-six miles from north twenty tons and upwards ; but the rupture with to south, and forty-five from east to west, and England and cession of Finland reduced them, contained in 1820, 24,580 white, and 33,463 in 1810, to 1500. In 1809 her navy was re- total population, exclusive of the city of Balti- duced, in consequence of her wars with Russia, more. In this county are found vast quantities to thirteen sail of the line, nine or ten frigates, o^ iron ore of the best quality, and it is watered and about 150 vessels of the flotilla. by numerous rivers. The Prussian ports, including Dantzic, export Baltimore, the largest city in Maryland, the almost the whole of the commercial productions third in population, and the fourth iii commer- of Poland, consisting of com, fir planks and ^"'^1 importance in the United States, is built rafters, masts, hemp, tar, pitch, potash, hides "pon a bay, which opens from the north side of and tallow, leather, honey and wax ; besides Patapsco river, and affords a spacious and conve- Pomeranian oak, brandy, woollens, linens, ca- "ient harbour. The strait which connects this viar, and amber. The imports are wines, coffee, bay with the river is scarcely a pistol-shot across, sugar, tobacco, spices, salt, iron, copper, Spanish ^P^i is well defended by fort M'llenry. A small wool, herrings, and flax seed from Livonia and river, called Jones's Falls, empties into the north Courland. Towards the close of the last cen- side of the harbour, and divides the city into two tury, the merchant marine of the Prussian ports parts, called the Town and Fell's Point, con- on the Baltic, consisted of between 900 and nected by bridges. At Fell's Point the water is 1000 ships. Salted and smoked meat, hides, ^^^P enough for vessels of 500 or 600 tons, but wool, butter, cheese, corn, and fruits, are the "O'^e larger than 200 tons can go up to the city, exports of that part of Pomerania which belono-ed Baltimore is well situated for commerce. It to Sweden and Mecklenburgh ; the corn of Ihe supplies Maryland, and large portions of Penn- latter is principally taken off by England ; that sylvania and the western states with foreign goods, of Pomerania, as well as the fruits, used to go to ^^'^ is supposed to contain nearly 70,000 iuha- Sweden. bitants. Its rapid growth maybe thus exhibited: The export and imports of Russia, in the In 1765 the population was 300 Jialtic, m the beginning of this century, were 1790 . . . . 13 503 Exports. Imports. 1810 46,555 Rubles. Rubles. 1820 62,627 In 1802 - 47,000,000 33,000,000 Tr, 1 7on fV, . e u- ■ a- i 1804 - 45,000,000 27 000 000 ^° *"^ *°"^ °^ shipping trading here 1805 - 52,000,000 29'oOo'oOO ''^eje 13,564. In 1816, 101,960, in 533 foreign rp, u r u , ' ' ^"^^ ^'^^ coasting vessels Baltimore cannot be • » ^r"? u- I merchant-vessels that na- considered on the whole a very healthy place, al- vigate the Baltic and the Ocean, do not exceed though the atmosphere is said to have become fifty; perhaps 100 smaller vessels canyon the less humid of late: in auUiran, the most unfa- coasting-trade here; and about 100 craft of vorable season, the opulent portion of the in- BAL 444 BAL habitants generally retire to their country seats in the neighbourhood. It is in general well built, most of the houses being of brick, and many lately erected displaying considerable taste. Its general plan is similar to that of I'hiladelphia, the streets crossing each other at right angles. Some of these are spacious, one in particular is about a mile long, and eighty feet wide, running east and west, nearly parallel to the water. The ground on the north and east of the city rises to a considerable elevation, and with the number of ships in the harbour forms a scene very interest- ing. The principal public buildings are a court- house, penitentiary, jail, almshouse, hospital, theatre, exchange, museum, a gallery of paint- ings, and a public libiarj', possessing about 10,000 volumes. Besides these there are ten banks, and thirty-one places for public worship, belonging to nearly all the denominations of reli- gious professors to be found in the United States. The exchange is a vast pile of building, very lately erected, 366 feet in length by 140 in breadth, comprising four wings. The Roman Catholic cathedral, the Unitarian church, St. Paul's church, the Court-house, and the Union bank, are all spacious and elegant structures. The Washington monument is another ornament to this citv. It stands in an elevated situation, at a short distance above the compact part of the town. The base is fifty feet square, and twenty- three high, on which is placed another square of about half the same size and elevation. Upon this stands a column of twenty feet diameter at the bottom, and fourteen at the top, on which the statue of Washington is placed, 163 feet from the ground. Its literary and scientific institutions are very respectable. St. Mary's college was incorporated as a university in 1806, and is well endowed. It has a good library with a philoso- phical and chemical apparatus ; and is under the direction of a president, a professor of divinity, one of moral, and one of natural, philosophy, ono of the belles lettres, four of languages and ma- thematics, besides eight assistant tutors. The number of students is generally about 140 ; but they are admitted at a much earlier age than in the universities of England. The medical college was founded in 1807. It received a new charter in 1812, when it was denominated the university of Maryland, and was authorised to annex tlie other faculties of languages, arts and sciences, law and divinity, to that of physic; out the medical department was the only one lately in operation. The building is spacious and elegant, and the instruction is under the direction of a provost and six professors of anatomy, &c. There is ano- ther literary institution, called the Baltimore college. Four daily newspapers are published here. A great number of flour mills, forges, &c. are placed on the stream, within a few miles of the town, and add greatly to its trade. In 1814 an attack was made on this city by the British troops under General Ross, but they were re- pulsed and their commander slain : a stone struc- ture, called the Battle monument, has been erected to commemorate this circumstance. Lat. 39° 17', long. 76® 36'. Baltimore, a town of Ireland in the county of Cork, on a head land, running into the sea, five miles north-east of Cape Clear. Baltimore Bird. See Oriolus. BALTINGLASS, a town of Ireland in the county of Wicklow, where are manufactures of woollen, linen, and diaper. It is situated on the Slaney, twenty-nine miles south of Dublin. BALTUS (.fohn Francis), a French Jesuit, born at Mentz in 1627, was librarian at Rheims, and wrote an Answer to Fontenelle's History (if Oracles, printed at Strasburg, 8vo. BALTZAR (Thomas), an eminent musical composer, and the finest performer on the violin of his time, born in Lubec. He came into Eng- land in 1658, and lived about two years with Sir Anthony Cope, of Hanwel, in Oxfordshire. He was the great competitor of Davis Mell, who, though a clockmaker, was, till Baltzar came hitlier, allowed to be the finest performer on the violin in England ; and after his arrival he divided with him the public applause, it being agreed that Mell excelled in the fineness of his tone and the sweetness of his manner, but Baltzar in the power of execution and command of the instru- ment. It is said of the latter that he first taught the English the practice of shifting, and the use of the upper part of the finger-board. Baltzar shortened his days by excessive drinking, and was buried in Westminster abbey, in 1663. BAL\'AG, a river of Perthshire, which runs through and connects the lakes, Lochdoine, Loch- voil and Loch-Lubnaig, in the parish of Bal- quhidder. It abounds in trout of different species, cliar, &c. and has occasionally a few salmon. BALVAIRD, a district of Perthshire, in the parish of Abernethy, memorable for one of those monuments of ancient ingenuity and superstition, called rocking stones. It is mentioned by Bu- chanan, but has long ago lost its motion ; being choked up with earth and gravel. There is another, still movable in the parish of Dron. Balvaird Castle, an ancient edifice in Perthshire, among the hills, in the south-west corner of tlie parish of Abernethy ; which be- longed originally to the Murrays of Balvaird, and is now, along with the estate, the property of the earl of iNIansfieid. BALUE (John), a native of France, born about 1420. His parents were in low circum- stances, but by art and servility he obtained se- veral rich preferments, and at last was made bishop of Angers, when his old patron of that see was deposed. He afterwards got a cardinal's hat from Paul II. But a correspondence which he had engaged in with the dukes of Burgundy and Bern, to the disadvantage of Louis, being discovered, he was seized and confined in an iron cage eleven years. .After his liberation he went to Rome, from whence he was sent as legate by Sixtus V. to France. He died in 1491. BALVENIE, or Balveny, a mountainous district of Scotland, in the county of Bamff, on the western side, watered by the Spey, where there is a noted rock, which ]iroduces hones and whet-stones sufficient to sujiply the whole island. Here are also veins of alum-stone, and springs of alum water. Balveny Castle, an ancient fort ; and BAL 445 BAL Balveny Crag, a remarkable hill or rock, in the parish of Mortlach in Banffshire, exhibiting, witli the adjacent grounds, a great deal of pictu- resque rural scenery, and a pleasing mixture of the sweet and the wild. BALUSTER, n. s. "^ Fr. ballustre, Span. Balus'tradf., n. s. ^balauster, Ital. ha- BALUs'TERED,/)ar?. & adj. j laiistrio,Gv.pa\av- ^»ov, the flower in blossom of the pomegranate. Dr. Jolmson, however, derives it from the Italian balestriera, a spike-hole, or loop-hole, to shoot out at. Baluster is sometimes corruptly written banister. A small column or pilaster from an inch and three quarters to four inches square, or diameter : their dimensions and forms are various. They are frequently adorned with mouldings ; they are placed with rails on stairs, and in the fronts of galleries in churches. Balusters, when continued form a balustrade. This should first have been planched over, and railed about with bahulers. Carew. The terraces and balustrades built along the river, are now overgrown with roses. Swinburne's Travels. Here is a vista, there the doors unfold. Balconies here are baluttred with gold. Dry den's Art of Poetry. Balustrade, n. s. ; from baluster ; an as- semblage of one or more rows of little turned pillars, called ballusters, fixed upon a terrace, or the top of a building, for separating one part from another. BALUZE, (Stephen) a French writer, born in 1641, and educated at Toulouse, where he was patronised by the archbishop, after whose death he was appointed librarian to I\I. Colbert. In 1693 the king made him professor of canon law, and gave him a pension, with the post of direc- tor of the royal college, for writing the lives of the ^ooes of Avignon ; both of which advantages he soon lost in the fluctuation of court parties ; having inserted some offensive notes in his Ge- nealogical History of the house of Auvergne. He is much more famed for collecting ancient ^ISS. and illustrating them with notes, than for his own compositions. He died in 1718. BALYUR, or Balilr, a sea-port of Africa, in the kingdom of Dancali, about fourteen hours journey west from Babel-Mandel. It is remark- able only for being the landing place of the Abys- sinian patriarch, Alphonsus Mendez, with his Jesuits and Portuguese, April 3d, 1724. BALZAC (John Lewis Guez de), born at An- goulfeme in 1595. Voltaire allows him the merit of having given numbers and harmony to the French prose, but censures his style as bombastic. Cardinal Richelieu gave him a pension of 2000 livres, with the titles of counsellor of state and historiographer of France. He died in 1654; and was buried in the hospital of Notre Dame des Anges, at AngoulCme to which he bequeathed 12,000 livres. Besides his Letters, he wrote a work called (Euvres Diverses, i. e. on various subjects ; The Prince ; The Christian Socrates, &c. ; and many otlier pieces, which have been published in two volumes folio. BAM, Beam, being initials in the name of any place, usually imply it to have been woody ; from the Sax. beam, which we use in the same sense to this day. — Gibson. BAMAH, a high place in Jerusalem^ where there was an idol temple. BAMBA, the largest province of the kingdom of Congo, in Africa. It is situated between the rivers Ambriz and Csanza; the last of which parts it from Pemba on the east, as the Ambriz does from the province of Sogno on the north. Along the sea coasts it extends on the north to the river Lelunda ; and on the south to the Danda, which parts it from the kingdom of Angola. The governors of this province bear the title of dukes, and are al- most independent of the king. The soil is very fertile, and would produce all the necessaries of life in great plenty, were the inhabitants indus- trix)us in its cultivation. The sea coasts produce a vast quantity of salt, which could be purifieri with little trouble. The fishery of the zimbis, or little sea-snail, is here carried on, whose shell is the current coin, not only in this and the neigh- bouring kingdom, but also in the most distant parts of Africa. Here are also said to be mines of gold, silver, quicksilver, copper, tin, and iron, but the iron mines alone are allowed to be worked. Bamba, the capital, is thirty leagues inland. The other chief towns are, Panza or Penga, in a plain between the rivers Ambriz and Loze, and MosuUa or Marsoula. BA^NIBARAH. an ancient city of Sinde, in Hindostan, supposed to have been the ancient Braminabad, a city which, in the tenth century, was the residence of a dynasty of Hindoo princes, ■when it had regular bastions (and corresponding defences), to the number of 1400, seventy yards distance. BA^NIBARRA, one of the largest and most powerful kingdoms of central Africa, boimded on the west by Kaarta and Manding, on the south by Ludamar and Beeroo, on the east by Tombuctoo and Baedoo, and on the south by Kong and Mamana. It is generally placed be- tween 1-2° & 18° N. lat. and about 20" W. long. The country, though in some parts desert, is in general very fertile, and often reminded Mr. Park, he tells us, of the finest parts of England. Besides the usual productions of this part of Africa, it yields the shea tree, the kernel of which forms a species of vegetable butter. The Niger traverses it from west to east, and is navigable by canoes through the whole extent of Bambarra. The inhabitants tan sheep and g >at skins, smelt iron, are pretty good smitiis, and make a tolera- ble sort of beer of durrah, (sorghum vulgare), and the lotus-berries, (zyzyphus lotus). The land about Kabba was so well cultivated, as to remind Mr. Park of England. Their language is a dialect of the Mandingo. Their canoes are large, formed of two trunks of trees joined to- gether, but have neither sails nor masts. Mr. Park, in travelling, passed through many popu- lous towns. Sego, the capital, he supposed to have 30,000, Sansanding, 10,000 or 11,000, and Jenne probably more inhabitants. Baedoo is tributary to the king of Bambarra, and some accounts represent Tombuctoo also to have fallen under his dominion. The inhabitants consist of a mixture of Moors and Negroes; and though the sovereign is a Negro, the administration of many of the towns is in the hands of the Moors. That people are the most intelligent, active, and 446 BAMBOO. commercial of the two ; but their character is narsh, severe, and intolerant ; whereas the Ne- groes are gentle and kind, the influence of which Mr. Park frequently experienced. The slaves broufrht from Bambarra are the most valued of any, both on the coast, and in Barbary. The trade with the coast is carried on by slateas, or tra- velling merchants ; that with Barbary by the INIoors from across the desert, either directly into Bambarra, or through the channel of Tombuc- too ; and although Bambarra itself does not pro- duce gold, it is the medium through which that of Manding, Kong, and Bambouk, is trans- mitted to many other parts of the continent. jNIr. Park could form no satisfactory conjecture of the number of the inhabitants altoc^ether. The name of this country was hardly known a few years ago. Its only traces in history are, that Mouette, in his History of Meuly Archy, (Mdlai Rashid,) tells us, when Sidi Ali, the Morabit, who had reigned at Sus, was obliged to fly into Nigritia, he took refuge with the king of Bambarra, and raised an army of negroes, whom he led into the empire of Morocco. This enabled Mula i Ismail, the suc- cessor of Rashid (Archy) to make the conquest of Tombuktu. Thence arose the influence of the jVIoors over the Negro countries. Their conver- sion to ]\Iahommedanism is probably of more modern date. Mungo Park's kind reception here, together with the treatment Mr. Docherd expe- rienced, during a residence of several months on the banks of the Joliba, inspires the hope that we miirht establish a friendly intercourse between Sego and the coast. Mr. O'Beirne was sent, in ]\Iarch 1820, by the governor of Sierra Leone on a mission to the Almami (Imam) of Timbo, and found there an envoy from Dhaa, king of Sego, sent to apologize to the governor for the deten- tion of Mr. Docherd. Lieutenant Lang of the second West India regiment, offered to accom- pany this envoy back to Sego ; and the envoy quitted Sierra Leone for Futah Jallon, in July 1821 ; but the final result of these measures we have not learned. BAMBERG, a large handsome town and bi- shopric of Franconia in Germany, now forms part of the circle of the Maine and of Ileizat, in Bavaria. It was formerly imperial, and the bishop was director of the circle of Franconia. He enjoyed the privileges of an archbishop, im- mediately under the pope, and wag the fourth among the spiritual princes of the empire. In 1007 the emperor Henry II. created his chan- cellor the first bishop ofBamberg, and tlie succes- sion was regular until it was secularised and as- signed to Bavaria in 1803. The diocese included 1430 square miles, and more than 200,000 inha- bitants. The number of towns was nineteen. The bailiwics exceeded fifty, and the villages and hamlets were estimated at 1200. The whole of Bamberg, including the secularised convents, is supposed to yield about £150,000 a year to the crown of Bavaria. The country produces plenty of corn, fruits, and liquorice, and the manufac- tures of chintz and iron are flourishing. The town has an university, founded in 1147; and is situated at the confluence of the rivers Maine and Reidnitz It is in part surrounded by walls and ditches The cathedral, with its four towers and rich treasury, the abbey of St. Michaelsberg, the ten monasteries and nunneries (now mostly sup- pressed), the sixteen churches, the fifteen chapels, the new episcopal residence of Petersburgh, built by bisliop Lotharius in 1702, the tombs of the emperor Henry II. and his wife, of Conrade III. and pope Clement II., are all worthy of regard, A Carmelite monastery, which is now secularised, contained a library of 14,000 volumes, besides many curious manuscripts ; and valuable collec- tions of books exist in the cathedral church and in the abbey of St. Michaelsberg. This last esta- blishment stands on a hill, and commands a de- lightful prospect. The university was converted into a lyceum in 1802. This place is noted for its abundant vegetable markets; not less than 400 market-gardeners being resident here. It has been laid under several contributions by the Rus- sians and the French. It is supposed to contain 20,000 inhabitants. Bamberg, a town of Bohemia, situated at the foot of a mountain, in long. 16° 50' E., lat. 49° 53' N. BAMBELE, in zoology. See Rutilus. BAMBO, in commerce, an East Indian mea- sure, containing five English pints. BAMBOCCIO, a celebrated painter of con- versations, landscapes, cattle, &c. was born at Laeren, near Naarden, in 1613. His name was Peter Van Laer ; but in Italy they gave him the name of Bamboccio, on account of the uncommon shape of his body, the lower part being one-tliird part longer tlian the upper, and his neck so short that it was buried between his shoulders. He had, however, an ample amends for the unseem- liness of his limbs, in tlie superior beauties of his mind ; he was endowed with an extensive genius ; and, indeed, he had an universal taste for every part of painting. See Vax Laer. BAMBOO, an Indian plant of the reed kind. It has several slioots much larger than our ordi- nary reeds, which are knotty, and separated from space to space by joints. The importance of this plant to vast regions of the East, may well excuse our dwelling on some modes of its culture, and its peculiarities. Botanists have generally ranked it with other reeds. Linnaeus, in the Systema Naturae, describes two species, under the genus bambusa, which is characterised by scales three, covering the spike- lets, whicli are about five flowered ; calyx none ; corolla, a two valved glume ; style bifid ; seed one. But Loureiro, who saw it in its own cli- mate, characterises it as having flowers with six stamina ; panicle difl'used, with imbricate spike- lets ; branches of the culm spiny ; calyx one flowered. We shall not discuss its minute bota- nical characters, as it is the practical cultivation and great utility of the plant to which we would engage the reader's attention. A native of the warmer climates only, though often growing luxuriously beyond the tropics, the bamboo rises to the height of forty, sixty, or even eighty feet, with a slender, hollow, shining, stem. Many, however, are only twelve or fifteen feet high ; and those which attain the greatest height here mentioned are rather to be viewed as over- grown. The stem is extremely slender, some- times not exceeding the thickness of five inches BAMBOO. 447 in them which are fifty feet high, and in others, being fifteen or eighteen in diameter; the whole divided into joints separated by knots or inter- nodes, between which are distances varying from a few inches to several feet. Alternate branches spring from the base to the top ; which, with the pointed leaves of the knots, give the whole tree a most elegant appearance. It will sometimes vegetate three or four inches in a single day, and it has been seen to rise twenty feet, and as thick as a man's wrist, in five or six weeks. Its full dimensions are frequently, therefore, attained in a year ; and the only change afterwards, is greater thickness and induration of the wood. Towards the root it is solid and com- pact ; and the cells of the stem become wider in proportion as they ascend. In Malabar it is said to bear fruit when fifteen years old, and that it then dies. There seem to be several species which have not yet been recognised by systematic botanists. An observer of the bamboos of China, in general, considers that there are nine species or varieties, and an observer of those in Cochin-China, admits of eight. The former judges the difference to consist, first, in the size and height, for there is here the greatest disparity in those that are full grown ; and it has been supposed that some, if not all species, originally spring of their ultimate diameter, which receives no accession. Secondly, the distance of the knots, or length of joint, which, in certain species of full-grown bamboo, is only four inches, while, in others long and slen- der, they are nine or ten feet asunder. Thirdly, in the color of the wood, which is whitish, yel- low, brown, pale blue, or speckled. Fourthly, in the size and form of the knots, some swelling out from the stem above and below ; some en- circling it like a cord ; and those of the most sin- gular kind, which do not penetrate within to interrupt the tubular part of tlie bamboo. Fifthly, by the surface and figure of the internodes being channelled or covered with tubercles ; and a kind is said to exist, called the square bamboo. The varnished surface is also of different quality. Sixthly, the substance and thickness of the wood, which, varying without any relation to the dimen- sions of the plant, afford sufficient characteristics for constituting a species. The wood is either soft and tender, or very hard and of great strength ; and the stem is either very thin and hollow, or almost totally filled up and solid, like other trees. But elsewhere, in Bangalore for example, this solidity is not ascribed to the difference of spe- cies, but to the tardiness of its growth in stony- places. Seventhly, it is said that there are bam- boos entirely devoid of branches, however old they may be; while others protrude as they spring from the earth. Eighthly, there is a great difference both in the hue and figure of the leaves, as also in their size ; they are bluish, ash- color, reddish, or mottled. Some are so large as to make good fans. Ninthly, the roots, though knotty, are found in one species to penetrate into the earth like a tuft of filaments. This ])lant is to be found growing wild in most parts of the east, and is resorted to as occasion requires. It is regularly cultivated in plantations in the more genial climates, and preserved in others in green-houses, &c. It succeeds best in low sheltered spongy grounds, but the immediate contact of the root with water is said to be fatal to it. They propagate it by shoots, deposited in pits at the close of autumn or commencement of winter, eighteen inches or two feet deep ; and if it be designed to obtain bamboos of considerable size, the scyons are cut over as they spring up. It flourishes but in large plantations, as the plants yield considerable shelter to each other in tlieir progress. As they run from the ground they are propped up and trained with rods of a proper height; and if complete plants, are cut over, in order to obtain suitalsle shoots, which are chiefly sought after. This, also, makes the root strike out and take a secure hold of the ground. Tlie planta- tion, in rainy seasons, is generally drained by a ditch, as it decays very fast in too damp groimds. To obtain good Bamboos, it is not uncommon to take a vigorous root with firm wood, and transplant it, leaving only four or five inches above the joint next the ground. The cavity is then filled with a mixture of horse-litter and sulphur. Sometimes the shoots are destroyed at an early stage during three successive years; and those springing in the fourth are then said to resemble the parent tree. The earliest shoots of this plant are edible, and arc ser\'ed up at table in autumn like aspa- ragus; in a similar manner with that vegeta- ble, also, they are earthed over to keep them : they are also salted and eaten with rice. A fluid of grateful taste and odour is yielded from the hollow joints as the plant grows up, afford- ing an agreeable beverage. In its further progress this becomes a concrete substance called tabaxir or tabascheer, highly valued for its medicinal properties, and apparently a species of siliceous earth. It resists the impres- sion of acids, is indestructible by fire, and with alkalies forms a transparent glass. A decoction of the leaves of the bamboo is recommended in the east for coughs and sore-throat; the bark for fever and vomiting; the buds as a diuretic ; and a com- pound of the root with tobacco-leaves, betel-nut, and oil, forms an efficacious ointment. ]\Iany of the poorer classes in the most populous countries subsist entirely upon it in times of scarcity. The Hindoos eat its seeds roasted, mixed with honey as a delicacy, equal quantities of each being put into a hollow joint, coated externally with clay. From the copious draught which a joint of the bamboo naturally yields, mankind are taught its use as a vessel for carrj'ing water, and iu some places no other bucket is employed. Many eastern nations build their houses solely of the bamboo-wood; entire, it forms their posts or columns; split up, it serves for floors or rafters; or, interwoven in lattice-work, it is employed for the sides of rooms, admitting light and air. The roof is sometimes, also, of bamboo, for which two of its species are described to be specially adapted; and when split, which is accomplished with the greatest ease, it can be formed into lath or planks. Vessels of all kinds are framed out of it likewise, and fitted for sea. The hull is taken from the stem; and some of the strongest plants are selected for masts of boats. In Bengal, a boat of four or five tons may be BAM 448 BAM furnished with both mast and yard from the same bamboo, at the cost of threepence ; and the masts of larger vessels are sometimes formed by the union of several bamboos built up and joined. Those of considerable dimensions are used in the higher yards of larger ships, for which, by their great strength and lightness, they are well adapted. This important plant is also employed in the construction of agricultural and domestic imple- ments; and in all materials and implements required in fishery, with die exception of hooks and nets. In Thibet bows are made of it, by the union of two pieces with many bands; and in the same country also, it is employed for pipes, in transmitting water, for several miles, to reservoirs or gardens. A single joint is sufficiently capacious to serve as a bucket; and in some places, no other is used. In thesoulh-westof Asia, a species of slender growth supplies writing-pens or reeds. Baskets, cages, hats, and various ornamental articles, are to be added to the catalogue of its extensive uses. By a particular process in bruising and steeping the wood or bark, also, a paste is procured that is made into paper. In short, as it has justly been observed, from its very origin until its decay, it never ceases to pro- duce something beneficial — all that composes a bamboo is profitable, of whatever species it may be. The artists of China have each made their choice, and in the works they produce, show the advantage they have derived from it. Its uses are so numerous, so various, and so beneficial, that it is impossible to conceive how China could now dispense with this precious reed. It is no exaggeration to affirm, that the mines of this vast empire are of less importance to it than the possession of the bamboo. Bamboo, in botany, the trivial name of a spe- cies of arundo. See Arundo. Bamboo Habit, a Chinese contrivance by which a person who does not know how to swim may easily keep himself above water. The fol- lowing account of it is taken from a letter to the author of the Seaman's Preservative. ' In the year 1730 I was passenger in a ship from Bata- via to China, burden about 400 tons, called the Pridae, Francisco Xavier, commander, freighted by the English, Chinese, and Portuguese. Near the coast of China, we met with one of those storms called atuff'oon (tau son<',), or a great wind, which carried away all our masts, bowsprit and rudder ; and in our hold we had six feet of water, expecting every moment the ship would founder. We consequently were consulting our preserva- tion ; the English and Portuguese stood in their shirts only, ready to be thrown off; but the Chi- nese merchants came upon deck, not in a jacket, but I will call it a bamboo habit, which had lain ready in their chests against such dangers ; and it wtis thus constructed ; four bamboos two before and two behind their bodies, were placed hori- zontally, and projected about twenty-eight inclies. These were crossed on each side by two others, and the whole properly secured, leaving a space for their liody ; so tliat tiiey had only to put it over their heads, and tie tiie same securely which was done in two minutes, and we were sa tisfied they could not possibly sink.' BAMBO'OZLE, v.-\ a cant word not used, Bambo'ozler, n. >says Johnson, in pure, Bambo'ozlixg. J or grave writings. To delude, to mislead, to cheat, to cozen, to deceive, to beguile. Synonymous with another cant term, to humbug, or to take in. After Nic had bamboozled John awhile, John called for counters. Swift, There are a set of fellows they call hanterers and bambooxlers, that play such tricks. Arbuthnot. But, says I, sir, I perceive this is to you all bam- booxling ; why you look as if you were Don Diego to the tune of a thousand pounds. Tatler, No. 31. BAMBRIDGE, or Bainbridge (Christo- pher), L.L.D. archbishop of York, and cardinal, was born at Hilton in Westmoreland, and edu- cated at Oxford. He rose gradually from being rector of Aller, prebendary of Salisbury, dean of York and Windsor, &c. to one of the highest dig- nities of the church. In 1495 he was elected provost of Queen's college. In 1507 he was appointed bishop of Windsor, and next year archbishop of York. He was employed in dif- ferent embassies to foreign princes ; particularly to the emperor Maximilian I., Charles VHI. king of France, &c. But he chiefly distinguished himself in the embassy from Henry \TII. to pope Julius II. who created him a cardinal, with the title of St. Praxede, in 1511, and appointed him legate of the ecclesiastical army, then besieging Bastia. In return, our new cardinal prevailed upon Hei^ry VIII. to take part with the pope against the king of France. There are extant in Rymer's Fcedera, two letters ; the one from car- dinal Bambridge to king Flenry VIII. respecting the pope's bull, giving him the title of Defender of the Faith ; and the other from cardinal Sini- galli, to that monarch, acquainting him he had delivered the instrument to cardinal Bambridge. He died at Rome in 1514, being poisoned by a domestic, in revenge for his having struck him. BAMBOROUGH, or Bambrough, a parish and castle of Northumberland, on the sea coast, five miles east from Belford, and 329 north from London. It was once a royal borough, and sent two members to parliament. The castle stands upon a rock, almost perpendicularly to the sea. and 150 feet above its level. It is acces- sible only on the south-east side. On this spot, according to historians, stood a palace of the Northumbrian kings, built by Ina in 559. In the reign of queen Elizabeth, Sir John Forster, warden of the marches, was made governor of it after the battle of Musselburgh ; and subsequently, to his great credit, his relative, Crew, bishop of Durham, purchased and bequeathed it to cha- ritable uses. In 1 757 the trustees of this charity re- paired the great tower, and formed the upper build- ings into granaries, for the sale of corn to the poor, at a cheap rate. A constant watch on the top of the tower is said to be kept, whence signals are made when any vessel is discovered in dis- tress, and boats are able to put off from Holy Island when none from the land can pass the breakers. During a storm horsemen patrol the coast, to the extent of eight miles, from sun-set to sun-rise, to give notice in case of shipwrecks to the castle, and wnere the unfortunate mariner finds an hospitable asylum. Upwards of thirty BAM 449 BAM toats are always in readiness for tliis good work. At the expense of this fund, the last offices are also performed over the bodies of such persons as may be cast on shore. Within the castle walls are to be found a school, a valuable library, an infirmary, which receives more than 1000 patients yearly, and a dispensary. BAiVIBOUClI, or BAMincH, called also Ma- gog and Ilierapolis, an ancient city of Syria, not far from tlie Sejour, and fifty miles distant from Aleppo. It is situated in a valley, watered by a stream conveyed by aqueducts to the town from a hill twelve miles south, and in some parts by a cliannel twenty feet under the earth. Tlie an- cient town was surrounded by walls above thirty feet high, and nine feet thick, strengthened by towers at the distance of fifty paces from each other ; it was entered by four gates fifteen feet wide, defended by a tower on each side, cased, as they still appear, both externally and inter- nally, by hewn stone ; the top was gained by a flight of steps built on arches. Various remains of the structures and sculptures of different nations and dates appear here. BAMBOUIv, or Bambuc, a country of Africa, whicli the Ablje Raynal states to be situated in the interior, under the twelfth or thirteenth de- gree of north latitude. It is not subject to a parti- cular king ; but governed by village lords, called farims. These hereditary and independent chiefs are obliged to unite for the defence of the state, when it is either attacked as a community or only in one of its branches. The territory of this aristocratieal state is dry and barren. It produces neither maize, rice, nor pulse. The insupportable heat it is subject to, proceeds in part from its being surrounded by high moun- tains, which prevent the wind from refreshing the air. The climate is as unwholesome as it is dis- agreeable ; vapors, which continually issue from the bowels of a soil replete with minerals, render- ing it unfit to live in, especially to strangers. Its gold has made it an object worthy of notice ; gold, which in the eyes of the covetous man seems to compensate for all the evils of nature, though in reality it increases them Sensible and judicious merchants, adds this author, have chosen to limit themselves to a commerce much more important, which is that of slaves. Almost all that is known of this state is de- rived from a Frenchman named Compagnon, ^vho passed a year and a half there in the begin- ning of the last century. Labat, Afrique Occi- dentale, iv. 5. He describes it as divided into three provinces, Bambouk Proper, Kincodon, and Satddore, each of which abounds with gold, but the first most particularly. The principal repositories are at Rakkon, Semayla, Hambia, and Ilombadyria, at each of which appears a conical hill of moderate elevation, every part of which contains gold, combined with earth, sand- .stone, lapis lazuli, &c. They obtain the metal ^y digging deep pits, and delivering the earth to the women, who cary it to the streams, and sepa- rate the gold by the simple process of agitation in water, after the manner described in i\lr. Park's second journey. When the other sub- stances are hard, tlie whole is previously pounded. Those pits being only six feet square often fall Vol. III. in, and bury the workmen. Bambouk appears to be the main source of that large quantity of gold which is on one side conveyed down the Gambia and Senegal, and traverses the desert on the other into Barbary. The population is almost entirely of the Mandingo race. It is remarkable, how- ever, that although they profess Mahommedanism, no m-.irabout or priest is suffered to reside amongst them : it is said they were all expelled some years since, being detected in a conspiracy to seize the government. It is also said that they are very jealous of European visitors ; and that the Por- tuguese and P'rench have each in vain endeavoured to establish themselves here. BAMBYCE, an ancient city of Parthia, called also Ilierapolis : famous for the rich and mag- nificent temple of Atergatis, which was plundered by Crassus. BAMEENY, Vamani, an island lying off the coast of Chittagong, in the province of Bengal, formed by the sediment deposited by the great River Megna. It is twelve miles long by about five broad. The East India company have here an extensive establishment for the manufacture of salt, of which they retain the monopoly. BAMFF, or Banff, a county of Scotland, com- prehending Strathdovern, Boyn, Enzie, Strath- aven, Balvenie, and part of Buchan, extends fifty miles from east to west, and thirty in breadth from north to south. On the south it is separated from part of Buchan by the river Ugie ; on the east it is bounded by the Deveron and the Ger- man Ocean ; on the west by the Spey and the county of Moray ; on the south-west by Badenoch and the Braes of Mar; and on the north by the Moray Frith. The face of the country is agree- ably diversified with hills and dales, woods and rivers ; and exhibits many seats and plantations. The air is pure, the climate healthy, and the soil fertile, producing plentiful crops of corn. The pasture grounds feed sheep, cattle, and horses ; the arable lands produce plenty of corn ; while the rivers and sea supply great quantities of fish. The manufactures of this county never were considerable ; and those of yarn and cloth, as well as the cotton manufacture, have declined of late. Coarse woollen stufts are made for the us-e of private families and tan-works; breweries, rops works, &c. have been established on a smill scale. The principal exports of Bam-ff are grain, fish, butter, cheese, yarn, and linen ; while the imports are flax, hemp, leather, iron, coals, wood, and wine. Various minerals have been found in different parts of the shire ; and a piece of amber, as large as a horse, was once cast ashore on the beach. Gordon castle, and several otlier seats of the duke of Gordon are situated in this county. It sends a member to parliament. Here are nu- merous remains of antiquity, consisting of cairns and tumuli, exhibiting the triumphs of our an- cestors over the Danes, whose sculls they have built into the solid walls of churches. Also the ruins of several forts, castles, and monasteries. Tiie valued rent of the county is £79,200 Scots ; and in 1811, according to the assessment of the property tax, the real gross rent of the lands was £79,396 3s. 4d., and of the houses £5514. 2s. sterling. Bamf F, the capital of the countv, is pleasantly 2G BAM 450 BAM s!Uiat2d on the south side of a hill, at the mouth of the Deveron. A fine bridge of seven arches crosses the river. It has several good streets ; of which that with the town-house in it, adorned with a new spire, is very handsome. This place was erected into a borough by a charter from llobert II. dated October 7tli, 1372, endowing it with the same privileges, and putting it on the same footing with tlie burgh of Aberdeen ; but tradition says it was founded in the reign of Malcolm III. The harbour is bad, as the en- trance at the mouth of the Deveron is very un- certain, being often stopped by the sands, which are continually shifting in great storms ; the pier is therefore placed on the outside, and defended by a half-moon battery of eight guns. Manu- factories of thread, cotton, and stockings, are carried on to a considerable extent, and great quantities of salmon are annually exported. About Troop-head some kelp is made ; and the adven- turers pay the lord of the manor £50 yearly for the liberty of collecting the materials. Near the town is a magnificent seat of the earl of Fife. It lies in a beautiful plain washed by the Deveron, the lofty banks of which, clotlied with wood on the opposite side, afford a delightful contrast to the soft vale beneath. Bam.flP has two fairs, on the first Tuesday in February, and the third Tuesday in December, both old style. Long. 2° 15' W., lat. 57° 35' N. The parish is about six miles in length, and two in breadth. The sea coast is bold and rocky. A great part of the parish, though it might be easily converted into arable land, is occupied in pas- turage. Population about 3000. BAMIAN, an ancient city and province of Asia, to the north-west of Cabul, ten days journey from Balkh. It is remarkable alike for having been once the metropolis of Buddhism, and for its dreadful catastrophe, when taken by Jenghiz Khan in 1221. • At that time it belonged to Sul- tan .lalallodm, the last of the famous Mahmud of Gazni's race. Jenghiz was about to attack (iazna, that prince's capital, but was stopped by the garrison of this place, which he had hoped ■would give him no trouble. In this, however, he was disappointed. The people had for a long time expected an attack, and had therefore ruined the country for five or six leagues round, while the peasants had carried away the stones, and every thing that could be of use to the besiegers. Accordingly Jenghiz Khan having erected wooden towers, and planted his engines upon them, was obliged to suspend his operations, till millstones and other materials could be brought from a great distance. The walls of the city were very strong, so that the engines of the Moguls made little im- f)ression , and the garrison, making frequent and urious sallies, cut off whole squadrons of his troops, and frequently overthrew his towers and engines. This so exceedingly chagrined Jenghiz that he swore to be revenged. To exasperate him yet farther a young prince, his grandson, was accidentally slain in the siege. At last, there- fore, by the numberless multitude of the Moguls, who continued their attack without intermission, the city was taken, its walls had been ruined in many places, and the bravest soldiers and officers of the garrison slain in its defence. The mother of the young prince, who had been killed, entered with the troops, and caused the throats of every one of the inhabitants to be cut, we are told, without exception, and even gave orders to destroy the women with child, that not an infant might be left alive ! Further, to gratify the rage of this inhuman monster, the buildings were all levelled with the ground ; the cattle, and every living creature, destroyed ; insomuch tliat the hardened Moguls themselves gave this place the name of iVIaubalig, or the unfortunate city. A castle has since been built out of its ruins. The place now appears surrounded with groi- toes, or caverns (several of which are inhabited), excavated from an insolated mountain. Many of these abound with carved work and sculptures, and the remains of ancient paintings. Mr. Wil- ford (As. Res. vi. 462), says ' it was formerly called Budd'h Vamiyan, ' the most beautiful and excellent,' (a name still frequently given it by the followers of Buddiia), and maliciously cor- rupted by the Mussulmans into But-Bamiyan, 'idolatrous Bamiyan.' It has been called by historians the Thebes of the east ; and here are two colossal statues, seventy-five feet high, hewn out of the rock, standing in alto relievo against the wall of the niches in which they are enshrined. A third, of less colossal dimensions, being only fifteen cubits high, stands at a small distance. The orthodox say they represent B'hima and his family ; the Budd'histi maintain that they are Shahama and his disciples Salsala ; while the Mussulmans affirm that they are no other than Adam and Eve, in the shape of Cayumans, and his consort. Between these opinions it would be presumptuous for us to decide. A door, be- tween the legs of the largest, opens into a temple still served by a few Brahmins. The province contains several villages, and decent towns. BAMIER, a plant common in Egypt. It pro- duces a pyramidal husk, with several compart- ments, of the color of alemon, and filled with musky seeds. The husk dressed with meat is a wholesome food, and of a very agreeable flavor. The Egpytians make great use of it in their ragouts. BAMMAKOO, a considerable town of Bam- barra, in Africa, situated on the Niger, at the point where the navigation higher upwards is interrupted by cataracts. It carries on a great trade in salt. It is 180 miles south-west of Sego. Long. 5° 48' \V., lat. 12° 50' N. BAMOO, a province on the north-east frontier of the kingdom of Ava. Also a town situated on the river Irrawaddy, 170 miles N.N.E. of Ummerapora, where a considerable trade is car- ried on with the Chinese. BAMOIII, a village in Northern Hindostan, where an annual fair is held, to exchange the productions of the mountaineers and the inha- bitants of the low countries. BAMOTH-BAAL, one of the towns of the tribe of Reuben, which seems to have had a tem- ple of Baal on an eminence; lying eastward, near the river Arnon, and the territory of Moab. Jerome calls it Bamoth, a city of the Amorites, beyond Jordan, in the possession of the sons of Reuben. Whether it was the same with that mentioned in Numbers xxi. is doubtful, but it appears to have been the place of encampment of the Israelites, and of Balaam's first station B A N x\ R E S. 451 where he had the first view of tiie rear of the ])eopIe. BAMPFYLDE (Sir Charles Warwick), a baronet of one of the oldest and moit distin- guished families in Devonshire. He sat in seven parliaments' for the city of Exeter, was well known upon the turf, and moved in the first cir- cles of fasliion. lie received his death from an assassin named Morland, whose wife had lived in his service. The shockinaj act was perpe- trated almost at his own door in Montague Square, where the murderer waited his approach, and after a short conversation, first discharged a pistol at his victim, and with a second blew out his own brains. April 19tli, 1822. BAMPLASOY, a town of Lower Siam, on the Gulf of Siam. Long. 101° 36' E., lat. 3^ 35' N. BAMPTON, or Bampton in the Blsh, a market town and parish of the county of Oxford, situated on the river Isis. It has a spacious church, a charity school for twenty children, and the remains of an ancient castle. Trade and manufacture are carried on here in leather articles to a considerable extent. Population 1232. Distant ten miles from Oxford, and sixty-nine and a half W.N.W. from London. Bampton, a market town and parish of Eng- land, in Devonshire, situated on a branch of the Exe called Bathara, or Batherm, where the Ro- mans are sup])osed to have had artificial hot- baths, and there is still a chalybeate spring in the vicinity. It carries on a small manufacture of serge and pottery. John de Bampton, a Carme- lite monk, who first read Aristotle at Cambridge, and died in 1361, was a native of this tow^n. A battle was fought here in 614 or 620, between the West Saxons and the Britons, wherein the latter suflered great loss. Population 1452. Distant from Tiverton five miles north, and 164 west of London. BAN, v.k. n. ^ Germ, hanncn, hann. A word Ban'mng. S exceedingly various in its appli- cations. Its primary meaning seems to be that of a public proclamation ; whether the matter in- volved were agreeable or otherwise. It generally signifies, however, proclamation with authority ; to command, or to forbid ; to excommunicate, and to curse. I bar it in the interest of my wife ; 'Tis she is subcontracted to this lord. And I her husband contradict your bans. Shakupeare. Ah, Glo'ster, hide thee from their hateful looks ; And in thy closet pent up, rue my shame, And ban thine enemies, both mine and thine. Id, Bold deed to eye The sacred fruit, sacred to abstinence, Much more to taste it, under ban to touch. To draw her neck into the bans. Milton. Hudibras. Shall we think that it baneth the work which they leave behind them, or taketh away the use thereof? Hooker. Before these Moors went a 'Numidian priest bellow- ing out charms, and casting scrowls of paper on each tide, wherein ho cursed and banned the Christians Knolles. He proceeded so far by treaty, that he was proffer- ed to have the imperial ban taken off Altapinus, upon subTuission. Huwell. Ban Of THE Empire, a public censure, by which the privileges of any German prince are suspended. Ban, in commerce, a sort of smooth fine mus- lin, whicli the English import from the Last Indies. The piece is almost a yard broad, and runs about twenty yards and a half. Banns of Marriage. The instrument which publishes the bands or obligations of matrimony into which the parties enter, to the end tliat if any man can say against the intention of the parties, either in respect of kindred or otherwise, they may take their exception in time. And, in the canon law, ein the requisite sacrifices and ablutions. BAIN^ 453 BAN Casi, the ancient name of this city, is still re- tained in preference to its modern name Banares, although there are no notices concerninis^ it in the works of ancient geographers. It is remarkable that they should omit this celebrated city, and at the same time specify INIathura or Metliora and Clisobara, wliich are near the Jumna. Banares is regarded as the ancient seat of Brahminical learning ; and within the last cen- tury the moon beams of science have in some measure relieved the intellectual gloom which lowered upon the dark hemispliere of the inha- bitants. .laya-Sing'ha, Raja of Amb'hcr, at the close of the seventeenth century erected an ob- servatory in this city. (Piiilosophical Transac- tions, vol. Ixvii ; and Asiatic Researches.) A college has also been erected by the British government, for the instruction of Hindoos in their own literature ; but the influence and prejudices of the Brahmins have prevented any considerable diffusion of learning among the natives. Reading and writing are however taught here, upon a plan strongly resembling that of some modern institutions in our own counti-y. The boys are collected on a smooth flat of sand, on which, with the finger or a small reed, they trace the letters in the sand, and learn to pro- nounce them at the same time. The number of pious foundations in Banares is very great. Hindoo temples are scattered all over the city and the surrounding plain. The principal one is called Visweswar or Bisesar, and is dedicated to Siva, whose sacred relics it contains. Aurengzebe, to mortify the Hindoos, built a splendid mosque on the highest ground of the city, and what was worse than all, on the sacred ruins of a Hindoo temple, which was destroyed to make room for it. The minarets of thi? edifice command an extensive view of the city, and open some of the finest prospects of the surrounding country. The handsome houses of the English exhibit an unusual nakedness from the want of trees ; but this in India is absolutely necessary, from the swarms of mosquitoes to which they afford a favorite resort. The Rajah resides at Ramna- gTir on the opposite side of the river, five miles from Banares. In this city are upwards of 8000 houses occupied by mendicant Brahmins, who have nevertheless considerable property of their own. Europeans in this place are few, con- sisting chieHy of a judge, collector, and registrar, a few other civil servants connected with the company's establishment, together with a few private merchants and planters. Banares is the chief mart for gems and diamonds, which are brought principally from the Bundelcund country. Merchants and bankers are numerous and wealthy, arising from the great traffic of winch this city is the site. The land is extremely high priced, and law suits respecting it are unceasing. The division of the court of circuit comprehends the following districts. 1. Mirzapoor. 2. Allahabad. 3. Bundelcund. 4. Juanpoor. 5. Gooracpoor. 6. City of Ba- nares. Cast does not appear to have been known to the Greeks, and was probably subject to the Hindoo sovereignty of Canoj. In the year 1017 Sultan Mahraood of Ghiziii took possession of it, to- gether with the town of Casum or Casuma, now Patna, and went as far as the country of Ouga- nam or Unja, west of the Cossimbazar river. The following year he overran these countries a second time, and penetrated as far as Kisraji, Cach'iia Raja, or Cooch Bahar, from which period the Hindoos in this part of India remained unmolested by the Mahommedans till the close of the twelfth century, when it was finally in- cluded within the Mogul empire. In 1775 Banares was ceded by the Nabob of Aud'h or Oude, since which for tlie most part it has en- joyed uninterrupted tranquillity ; and the inha- bitants aie fully sensible of the advantages they derive from living under the British government, with respect to the security of their persons and property. On the 14th of January, Mr. Cherry the resi- dent, and three other English gentlemen, were treacherously murdered by Vizier Ali, the de- posed Nabob of Oude, and spurious son of the late Asoph ud Dowiah. Mr. Davis would also have fallen a sacrifice had he not, from the top of a narrow winding stair-case, on the flat roof of the house, defended himself and family with a short spear till assistance could be procured. The travelling distance from Banares to Cal- cutta by Birbhoom is 460 miles, by Moorsheda- bad 565, from Buxar seventy, Allahabad eighty- three, Calpy 239, Kanoge 259, Bareily 345 miles. See Lord Valentia, third Register, Wil- Jord, and Rennel. BANBURY, a borough and market town in the hundred of that name, (Jxon, seventy-one miles from London; containing 3400 inhabitants. It stands on the river Charwell, on the road from Buckingham to Bridgenorth, and was first made a borough by queen Mary. Its privileges were afterwards confirmed and enlarged by James I. and George I. It is now governed by a mayor, high steward, recorder, six burgesses, and thirty assistants; has a town-clerk, and two serjeants- at-mace, and returns one member to parliament. The land in tliis neighbourhood is particularly fine pasture, and tlie town was noted, in Cam- den's time, for the excellence of its cheese, as it is now for cakes and ale. When Holland was employed in translating the Britannia, Camden visited the printing-office, and found that to his own observation, lliat Banbury was famous for cheese, the translator had added cakes and ale. Tiiinking this remark too trifling, he changed the last word into zeal ; and this gave much un- intentional offence. In his MS. supplement to the Britannia, in the Bodleian library, is the fol- lowing note : ' Put out the word zeale in Ban- bury, where some think it a disgrace, when as zeale with knowledge is the greatest grace among good Christians.' In the adjacent fields Roman coins have often been discovered, and the pyrites aureus, or golden fire-stone. A castle was built here in 1125, which was entirely destroyed in the civil wars of Charles I. Plush is manufac- tured here, and the trade of the town is greatly enhanced by the proximity of the Thames and Severn canal. Here are held, annually, seven fairs : those for hiring servants are called mop fairs. The church, having been of late re- built, is large though not handsome. The market on Thursday is reckoned the best in tiie BAN 454 BAN county for com, cattle, and all kinds of pro- visions, BANC, or BcNCA, in law, a tribunal, or judg- ment-seat : Hence, Banc, Common, means the Court of Common Pleas ; and Banc. King's, the Court of King's Bench. BANC A, an island of the Indian Ocean, be- tween Sumatra and Borneo; from the first of which it is separated only by a narrow channel. It is celebrated for its tin mines, the annual profit of which to the Dutch is estimated at £150,000. It is mountainous and woody. There are seven mines, which give employment to 25,000 men, originally a Chinese colony, and nominally un- der the direction of the sultan of Palembang, but in reality workmg for the profit of the Dutch East India company. The metallic sand is said to yield 70 per cent. Very little is sent to Eu- rope ; the Chinese are very skilful in adulterating it. This island, which had been captured by our forces during the late war, with the rest of the Dutch possessions in the East Indies, was civen up at the peace of 1814. It had been formally ceded to us by Najmu'ddin, sultan of I'alembans, in 1812, on condition of his being placed under our protection, but this stipulation was disregarded by the Dutch authorities in Java in 1818; and they have since that period been at war with the sultan. The straits of Banca afford a safe passage with a favorable monsoon ; but as shoal water sometimes occurs, and there are occasionally coral reefs, they require great care and attention in navigating them. The Banca islands in 2° 22' S. lat., and lOS"" 41' E. long., afford shelter from S. W. by S. to N.W. with a good supply of water and fuel. Banca, a small island of a cluster still smaller, lying oft' the north-east extremity of the island of Celebes, which are much frequented by the Ma- lay pirates. ]"ish, turtle, and fruits, are plentiful. Long. 125° E., lat. 1° 50' N. BANCAL, an East Indian weight, containing 16t^ drams Avoirdupois. BANCALI A, old law,Lat.cushions for benches. BANCALIS, a sea-port town on the east coast of Sumatra, where the Dutch have a settlement. It lies 130 miles west of Malacca. BANCHI (Seraphin), archbishop of Angou- l^me. He was at first a priest of the Dominican order at Florence; but in 1593 one Peter Bar- nere, a hot-headed fanatic, having communicated to him his purpose of murdering the king, Bon- chi prudently revealed the matter to a nobleman, by which the horrid design was prevented from being executed. He was rewarded with the archbishopric of Angoul^me. He afterwards re- signed his charge, and retired to St. James's mo- nastery at Paris, where he continued till his death. BANCIIO, or Banqiho, thane of Lochaber, the grandfather of Waller, the first lord high steward of Scotland, and the progenitor of the royal house of Stewart. He gamed several great victories over the Highlanders and Danes, in the reign of Donald VII. but his glory was tarnished by joining Macbeth in the conspiracy against that monarch ; and he was murdered by the ty- rant Macbeth about A. D. 1046. BANCI Jus, the privilege of having a bench was anciently allowed to the king's judges, qui summam administrant justitiam. Inferior courts, as courts baron, hundred courts, &c. were not allowed tliat prerogative ; and even at this day the hundred court at I'reebridge, in Norfolk, ia held under an oak at Gey-wood ; and that of Woolfry, in Herefordshire, under an oak near Ashton, in that county, called Hundred oak. BANCK (Peter Vander), an engraver of con- siderable repute, born at Paris, and bred under the celebrated Francis de Poilly. He came over into England with Gascar, the painter, about 1674; and married the sister of Forester, Esq. He was a laborious artist : but the pay he received for his plates being by no means ade- quate to the time he bestowed upon them, he was reduced to want ; and, retiring from busi- ness, sought an asylum in the house of his brother- in-law. He died at Bradfield, and was buried in the church in 1674; leaving his widow in possession of the chief part of his plates, which she disposed of to Brown, a print-seller, to great advantage, and left an easy fortune. His chief employment was engraving portraits; and accord- ing to Virtue's account of him, published by Vv'alpole, he was the first in England who en- graved them on so large a scale. Like many of Poilly's disciples, his great merit consists in the neat management of the mechanical part of the art. BANCO, an Italian word, which signifies bank, and commonly used to signify the bank of Venice. BANCOOK, a town in the kingdom of Siam, in Asia, with a fort, which was once in the pos- session of the French, but they were driven from it in 1688. The houses are made of canes, cover- ed with palm leaves, and the inhabitants go almost naked. It is forty miles south of the city of Siam. BANCROFT (Richard), archbishop of Can- terbury, was born at Farnworth, in Lancashire, in 1544, and studied at Cambridge,where he took his degrees of B. A. M.A. and D. D. After passing successively through several gradations in the church, he was, in 1597, appointed bishop of London. In 1600 he was sent by queen illiza- beth to settle some dift'erence between the Eng- lish and the Danes. He also interposed in the disputes between the secular priests and the Jesuits, and furnished arguments to the former. In 1603 he was at the conference at Hampton Court, between the bishops and the Presbyterian ministers, and was appointed a commissioner for regulating church aft'airs. In 1604 he was ap- pointed president of the convocation, and soon after elected archbishop of Canterbury, which was confirmed by king James I. His last pro- motion was in 1610, to be chancellor of the uni- versity of Oxford, which he did not long enjoy, for he died in 1612, of the stone, at Lambeth. Bancroft (John), bishop of Oxford, a nephew of the above, born in Oxfordshire. In 1592 he was ^admitted of Christ Church, in Oxford. In 1609 he was chosen master of University College, where he continued above twenty years; during which time he was at a great deal of labor as well as expense to recover the ancient lands be- longing to that foundation. He was made bishop BAN 455 BAN cl,> lllieueu 111 llic l,iiuj*,ii ui v^uuucauc BAND', V. & n.-\ Dut. bende, S; Ijaxd'age, f Gotli. bandi, Celt. Band'or, ^tie. The noun up Band'er. ' the verb to band i of Oxford in 1622, and he built the palace of Cuddesden for that see. He died in 1640, and was interred in the church of Cuddesden. BAND', V. & n.'\ Dut. bende. Sax. band, ban. A ipon which is formed, is the past participle of the verb to bind. To tie, fasten, unite, join, yoke together ; mutual engage- ment ; promise ; to be in bonds or bondage; to confederate for one common purpose. Band, in our old writers, is frequently written bende. With a bend of gold tassilcxi. And knoppes fine of gold amiled. Chaucer. The botilcr is not my friend, Whiche hathc the key by the bende. Gower, Then -wrong it were, that any other twaine Should in love's gentle band combyncd bee. But those whom heaven did at first ordains. And made out of one mould the more t' agree. Sjjenser. And when it was d'.y, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. Bible. Acts ch. xxiii. ver. 12. Yorke and his banders proudly pi-cssed in, Mirrurfor Iihiyistrutcs. Men's hearts are growne so false, that most are loath To trust each other's words, or hands, or oath j For though we had in every part an eye. We could not search out all hypocrisy. George Wither. Like Maia's son he stood. And shook his plumes, that heav'nly fragrance fill'd The circuit wide, strait knew him all the bands Of angels under watch ; and to his state. And to his message, high in honour rise. MiUon. What multitudes Were banded to oppose his high decree. Id. Now strike the golden lyre again, A louder yet, and yet a louder strain, Break his bands of sleep asunder. And rouse him like a rattling peal of thunder. Dryden. The queen, in white array, before her band, Saluting took her rival by the hand. Id, On a sudden, methought, this select band sprang forward, with a resolution to climb the ascent, and follow the call of that heavenly musick. Tatler. Strait the three bands prepare in arms to join. Each band the number of the sacred Nine. Pope Tie took his lodging at the mansion-house of a taylor's widow, who washes, and can clear-starch his bands. Addison, Zeal, too, had a place among the rest, with a hati' dage over her eyes ; though one would not have ex- pected to have seen her represented in snow. Id. Cords were fastened by hooks to my bandages, which the workmen had girt round my neck. Suift. Pride in their port, defiance in their eye, I see the lords of human kind pass by ; Intent on high designs, a thoughtful band. By forms unfasliioned, fresh from nature's hand. Fierce in their native hardiness of soul. True to imagin'd right, above control ; While e'en the peasant boasts these rights to scan. And learns to venerate himself a? man. Coldtmiih's Traveller. While her snowj' hands From her fair brow, her golden hair unbind. And of her zone unloose the silken bands. More passing bright unveil'd her beauty stands. Mrs. Tighs. Pirate, thou know'st me not — but I am one Grateful for deeds thou hast too rarely done j Look on me — and remember her thy hand Snatch'd from the fiames, and thy more fearful hand. Byrun. Band', in architecture, a low flat moulding, otherwise called a face, {vomfaHcia. Band is also the denomination of a military or- der in Spain, instituted by Alphonsus XI. king of Castile, for the youn is the past participle of Band'itti (plural), j dicere, united to ban, ex- communicated or banished ; and thus signifies one declared to be banished. An exile or out- law. Banditti are not only outlaws, but robbers, who commit their depredations in concert. Men who place themselves without the pale of society, that they may commit aggressions upon its peace and property. A Roman sworder, and handitto slave, Murdcr'd sweet Tully. Skaktpeare. Xo savage fierce, bandit, or mountaineer. Will dare to soil her virgin purity. Milton. Just as much fidelity might be expected from them in a common cause, as there is amonw a troop of honest, murdering, and ravishing bandits. Dryderi. No bandit fierce, no tyrant mad with pride. No cavcrn'd licrmit, rests self-satisfy'd. Pope. Who are they who can be said to he govern'd by laws of their own making ? I know of no such per- sons ; I never heard or read of any such, except, per- haps, among pirates, and other banditti, who, trampling BAN 457 BAN on all laws, {H\'ine and human, refuse to be governed in any other way than by their own licentious regu- lations. Beattie. Banditti. Brydone, in his Tour through Sicily, informs us, that in the eastern part, called Vul Demoni, from the devils that are supposed to inhabit Mount Etna, it was in his time found altogether impracticable to extirpate the banditti; there being numberless caverns and subterrane- ous passages round that mountain, where no troops could possibly pursue them : besides they were known to be perfectly determined and reso- lute, never failing to take a dreadful revenge on all who offended them. Hence, the prince of V^illa Franca embraced it, as the safest, wisest, and most political scheme, to become their declared patron and protector. Such of them as thought proper to leave their mountains and forests, though perhaps only for a time, met with en- couragement, and a certain protection in his service, where they enjoyed his confidence, whicli in no instance were they found to abuse. They were clothed in the prince's livery, and wore a badge of their order, which entitled them to uni- versal fear and respect from the people. The persons of those whom they accompanied were ever held sacred. For this reason travellers chose to hire a couple of them from town to town ; and many thus travelled over the whole island with them in safety. Banditti Island, an island on the east- ern Indian sea, at the south entrance of the straits of Lombhook, about twenty miles in cir- cuit. Long. 115° 35' E., lat %^ bO' N. Ban Dog. In zoology, a name of the canis molossus, or mastiff. But Dr. Johnson observes, that the original of this word is very doubtful. Caius, De Canibus Britannicis, derives it from hand, that is, a dog chained up. Skinner inclines to deduce it from lana, a murderers May it not come from hun, a curse, as we say a curst cur ; or rather from haiind, swelled or large, a Danish word ; from whence, in some counties, they call a great nut a 6an-nut. A kind of large dog. Or privy, or pert, if any bin. We have great bandogs will tear their skin. Spenser. The time of night when Troy was set on fire. The time m hen screech-owls cry, and bandogs howl. Shakspeare. Henry VI. Then, Somerset says, set the bandog on the bull. Drayton. BANDON, or Baxdon-bridge, a considerable borough town of Cork, in Ireland, situated on a river of the same name. It is called by the Irish, Drohed (the bridge), and was founded by the first earl of Cork in 1610. The walls were de- molished by the Irish, in 1689, and, in conse- quence of this violence, papists were long pro- hibited from residing in the town. Bandon principally belongs to the duke of Devonshire and the earl of Bandon. It returns one mem- ber to the imperial parliament. The cotton manufactory used to flourish here, and great numbers of vvorkmen are still employed on linens, camlets, and woollens, llie population is 10,179; distance from Cork thirteen miles ; from Dub- lin, 113. BANDORA, a town of the island of Sal- sette, on the west coast of the peninsula on this side the (janges. B ANDO 11 E, a musical instrument with strings, resembli[ig a lute, said to have been invented in the fourth year of queen Elizabeth, by John Rose, a citizen of London. BANDROL, banderol, Fr. A little flag, or streamer ; the little fringed silk flag that hangs on a trumpet. BANDUM, or Band, is used, in middle age writers, for a flag or banner. BANDURI (Anselmj, a learned Benedictine, born at Ragusa, in Dalmatia. He studied in France, and applied himself principally to anti- quities. He published. The Antiquities of Con- stantinople, two volumes, folio ; and Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, a Trajano Decio ad Paleologos Augustos, 1718. He died at Paris in 1743. BAN'DY, v., n.s., & adj. Fr. bander, to make crooked. A club turned round at bottom for striking a ball at play ; hence to bandy is to beat to and fro from one to another, to agitate, to toss about, to give and take reciprocally, to contend as at some game, in which eacii strives to drive the ball his own way. The shooting stars, Which, in an eye-bright evening, seem'd to fall. Are nothing but the balls they lose at bandy. Brewer's Lingua, ii. 6. They do cunningly, from one hand to another, bandy the sers'ice like a tennis-ball. Spenser. Do you bandy looks with me, you rascal ? Shakspeare. No simple man that sees This factious bandying of their favourites. But that he doth presage some ill event. Id. Had she affections and warm youthful blood. She would be as swift in motion as a ball. My words would bandy her to my sweet love. And his to me. Id. Could set up grandee against grandee. To squander time away and bandy ; Made lords and commoners lay sieges. To one another's privileges. Hiidibras. They now begun To spur their living engines on ; For as whipp'd tops, and bandy'd balls. The learn'd hold, are animals ; So horses they affirm to be. Mere engines made by geometry. Id And like a ball, bandy'd 'twixt pride and wit. Rather than yield, both sides the prize will quit. Denham. This hath been so bandied amongst us, that one can hardly miss books of this kind. Locke. Ever since men have been united into governments, the endeavours after universal monarchy have been bandied among them. Swift. He that is employed, has no leisure to move in the little disputes and quarrels which trouble the peace of the mind, and which are chiefly kept up and ban- died to and fro by those who have nothing else to do. A iterbury. What vigorous arm, what repercussive blow. Bandies the mighty globe still to and fro. Blackmore . She calls it witty to be rude. And placing raillery in railing. Will tell aloud your greatest failing; Nor make a scruple to expose Your Jiantfy-leg, or crooked nose. Swifi. BAN 458 BAN The Ethiopians had a one-eyeil bandy-legged prince ; such a person would have made but an odd figure. Collier. Bandy Legs, are legs distorted, turning either inward or outward on either side ; arising from some defect in the birth, or imprudence in the nurse, endeavouring to make a cliild stand or walk before his legs were strong enough to sus- tain the weight of liis body. See Valgus. BANE', r. & 7i. ") Sax. bana, a murderer, Bane'ful, ^according to Dr. Johnson; Bane'fulxess. j but it may be referred to the Goth, banjos, ulcers, sores, wounds, or to bane, destruction, death. To poison, to render poi- sonous, to destroy ; to cause destruction or ruin. For in his hunting hathe he swiche delite. That it is alle his jnye and appetite. To ben himself the grate hart's bane. Chaucer. Help me, ye banefull byrds ! whose shrieking sound Is srigne of dreary death, my deadly cries Most ruthfully to tune. Spenser. Another righteous doom I saw of greedy gain. With busy cares such treasures oft preserved, Are to their bane. Eirl uf Surrei/. The country people use kitchen physick, and common experience tells us, that they live freest from all manner of infirmities that make least use of apothe- caries' physick. Many are overthrown by preposte- rous use of it, and thereby get their bune, that might otherwise have escaped. Burton's Anatomij of Melancholi/. Lest Rome herself be bane unto herself, And she whom mighty kingdoms court'sy to. Like a forlorn and desperate cast away. Do shameful execution on herself, Shakspeare. Begone, or else let me. 'Tis bane to draw the same air with thee. Ben Jonsan. All good to me becomes Bane ; but in heav'n much worse would be my state. Mliilon. They with speed Their course through thickest constellations held. Spreading their bane. Id. Insolency must be repressed, or it will be the bane of tlie Christian religion. Hooker. Who can omit the Gracchi, who declare The Scipios' worth, those thunderbolts of war. The double bane of Carthage ? Drt/den. False religion is, in its nature, the greatest bane and destruction to government in the world. South. For voyaging to learn the direful art. To taint with deadly drugs the barbed dart ; Observant of the gods, and sternly just, Ilus refus'd t' impart the baneful trust. Pope. Thus am I doubly arm'd ; my death and life. My bane and antidote, are both before me, Tliis in a moment brings me to my end ; But that informs me I shall never die. Addison. Thy sins are of so baneful a nature, that they poison even the blood of Christ unto thee. Hopkins's Sermons. Then would'st thou steer, where fortune spreads the sails ? Go flatter vice, for seldom flattery fails. Soft through the ear the pleasing bane distils j Delicious poison ! in perfumes it kills ! Broome. O bane of good, seducing cheat. Can man, weak man, thy power defeat? Oaj/. Beneath the gloomy covert of a yew. That taints the grass with sickly sweats of dew ; No verdant beauty entertains the sight. But baneful hemlock, and cold aconite. Garth, When it is now clear beyond all dispute, that the criminal is no longer fit to live upon the earth, but is to be exterminated as a monster, and a buTie to human society, the law sets a note of infamy upon him, and puts him out of its protection. Blacbstone. So gentle life's descent. We shut our eyes, and think it is a ])lain ; We take fair days in winter for the spring ; And turn our blessings into bane. Young, But quiet to quick bosoms is a hell. And there hath been thy bane. Byron, Bane Berries, a name given to the acta-a spicata, or herb Christopher. Banewort, n. s. From bane and wort. A plant, the same with deadly nightshade. BANG', V. & 71. Dut. bengeler, to beat with sticks, clubs, &c. Swed. baiia, to strike. A northern provincialism, to beat. To beat, or strike, to hit hard ; to give repeated heavy blows. Figuratively applied to speech ; thus to tongue- bung, is to scold, and overpower others by viru- lent noisy abuse. The desperate tempest hath so bang'd the Turks, That their designment halts. Shakspeare. You should accost her with jests fire-new from the mint; you should have banged the youth into dumbness. Id. I am a bachelor. — That's to say, they are fools that marry ; you'll bear me a bang for that. la. With many a stiff twack, many a bang. Hard crab-tree and old iron rang. Hudibras^ I heard several bangs or buffets, as I thought, given to the eagle that held the ring of my box in his beak. Swift's Gulliver. He having got some iron out of the earth, put it into his servant's hands to fence with, and bang one another. Locke. Formerly I was to be banged because I was too strong, and now, because I am too weak, to resist ; I am to be brought down when too rich, and oppressed when too poor. Arbiithnot. But, dear Mr. Bickerstaff, convince 'em that as harsh and irregular sound is not harmony ; so neither is banging a cushion, oratory. Tatler. BANGALOOR, or Bangalore, a fortress in the peninsula of Hindostan, seventy-four miles from Seringapatam, the capital of the Mysore. Hyder Ali constructed the fort there, which Tippoo Saib destroyed, as useless against Europeans. Here, however, he built a palace, and laid out extensive gardens. It is a good place for trade, especially in the betel-nut, black-pepper, and sandal wood. Woollen cloths, &c., and a kind of strong silken stuff, are manufactured here. Bangaloor was annexed to the Mysore in 1787, was taken by assault, under lord Cornwallis, and plundered by the army. BANGASSI, a large fortified town of Foola- doo, in Africa. Long. 6° 45' W., lat. 13° 10' N. BANGERMOW, a considerable town of Flin- dostan, in the province of Oude. Long. 80° 23' E., lat. 26° 48' N. BANGEY, a cluster of small islands in the jNIolucca passage. Long. 124° 15' E., lat. 1° 4.5'. BANGIUS (Peter), a Swedish divine, born at Ilelsingborg in 1633. lie became professor of theology at Abo, where he continued thirty-two years; and in 1682, obtained the bishopric of BAN 459 BAN Wyborg;. He died in 1G96, leaving, besides other works, an Ecclesiastical History of Swe- den ; and a Treatise on Sacred Chronology. Bangius (Thomas), a Danish divine, born in 1660, he was professor of divinity, philosophy, and Hebrew, at Copenhagen ; and distinguished himself as an elegant Latin writer, on the orig-in of languages, and other subjects. He also pub- lished a Hebrew lexicon. He died in 1661. BxVN'GLE, V. a. To waste by little and little ; to squander carelessly ; a word now used only in conversation. Betwixt hope and fear — betwixt falling in, falling out, &c. we bangle away our best days, befool out our times. Burton's Anatom.!/ of Melancholy. If we bangle away the legacy of peace left us by Christ, it is a sign of our want of regard for him. Duty of Man. Bangle Ears, an imperfection in a horse, re- medied in the following manner : — Place his ears in such a manner as you would have them stand ; bind them with two little boards so fast that they cannot stir, and then clip away all the empty wrinkled skin close by the head. BANGLOR, a town in the Mysore territory, twenty miles south-east from Bangaloor. BANGOR, an episcopal city of Caernarvon- shire in North Wales. In ancient times it was so consideral)le, that it was called Bangor the Great, and defended by a strong castle ; but it is now a small place ; the principal buildings be- ing the cathedral, the bishop's palace, and a free school. The see is of great antiquity. The church is dedicated to St. Daniel, who was bishop about A. D. 516; but for near 580 years after- wards, there is no certainty of the name of his successors. Owen Glendower greatly defaced the cathedral church ; but bishop Dean repaired it again. This see met with a still more avari- cious ravager than Owen Glendower, in the per- son of Bishop Bulkeley ; who not only alienated many of the lands belonging to it ; but even sold, it is said, the bells of the church. This diocese contains the whole of Caernarvonshire, except five parishes, the whole of Anglesey, and part of the shires of Denbigh, Merionetli, and Montgomery ; in which are 107 parishes, whereof thirty-six are impropriated. It has tliree arch- deaconries, viz. Bangor, Anglesey, and Merionetli; of which the two first are commonly annexed to the bishopric for its better support. The pre- late is a suffragan to the metropolitan see of Can- terbuiy. The present cathedral was built during various parts of the sixteenth century, and com- prises a choir, nave, transepts, two aisles, and a quadrangular tower at the west end. The ex- treme length from east to west is 214 feet. The town of Bangor is in a narrow valley between ridges of rock. It has a fine opening to the Menai, and consists of one well-built street. A chain-bridge has lately been opened over the [Menai strait, which connects the main land with Anglesey. The population in 1821 was 3579. The new harbour was made by the late Dr. \\ arrcn, bishop of Bangor; the en- trance of the strait is difficult for ships of bur- den, except at high water. Bangor has a market on Wednesday, and tliree fairs, 5th April, 25lh June, and 2'5th October. Lat. 53° 20'., long. 4° 10' W. 236 miles nortii-west from London, by Oswestry, and 244 by Aberconway. Bangor, a town of Ireland, in the county of Down, on the south shore of Carrickfergus Bay. Before the Union, it sent members to parliament. Baxgor, Iscoed, a parish in the hundred of Maylor, Flint, eleven miles west from Whit- church, Salop, where formerly stood one of the most ancient and extensive monasteries in Eng- land, in which 1200 monks were destroyed by Ethelfrid. No traces of the structure remain; but here is an elegant ancient bridge of five arches. The meadows in the neighbourhood are so rich in pasture, that they have been let for eight or nine pounds per acre, per annum. Bangor, a township of the United States, in Hancock county, district of Maine, on the west side of the Penobscot, 280 miles north-east of Boston. BANGORI, a town of the peninsula of Ma- lacca. BANGORIAN Controversy, so called from Dr. Hoadly, bishop of Bangor. It arose from a sermon preached by him before his majesty king George I. at the royal chapel, St. James's, on Sunday, March 31, 1717. Mr. Belsham, in his Memoirs, vol. i. p. 174, gives the following ac- count of this controversy. ' As the foundation of this famous discourse, the bishop chose the declaration of Christ to Pilate : My kingdom is not of this world : and the direct and undis- guised object of it was to prove that the king- dom of Christ, and the sanctions by which it is supported, were of a nature wholly intellectual and spiritual ; that the church, taking the term in its most unlimited signification, did not, and could not, possess the slightest degree of authority under any commission, or pretended commission, derived from man; that the church of England, and all other national churches, were merely civil or human institutions, established for the pur- pose of diffusing and perpetuating the knowledge and belief of Christianity, which contained a system of truths, not in their nature differing from other tniths, except by their superior weight and importance, and wliich were to be inculcated in a manner analogous to other truths ; demand- ing only from their more interesting import, proportionably higher degrees of care, attention, and assiduity in the promulgation of them. It is scarcely to be imagined, in these times, with what degree of false and malignant rancor, these plain, simple, and rational principles were at- tacked by the zealots and champions of the cimrch. See Hoadly. On the meeting of the convocation, a committee was appointed to examine this famous publication, and a repre- sentation was quickly drawn up, in which a most heavy charge was passed upon it, as tending to subvert all government and discipline in the church of Christ ; to reduce this kingdom to a state of anarchy and confusion ; to impugn and impeach the royal supremacy in m.atters eccle- siastical, and the authority of the legislature to enforce obedience in matters of religion, by se- vere sanction. A sudden stop, however, was put to these disgraceful proceedings, by royal prorogation ; and from that period the convoca- BAN 460 BAN tion has never been convened, but as a matter of mere form, and for the purpose of being again prorogued. The controversy which then com- menced was carried on for several years, with great abiUty and animation on the part of the bishop, aided by various excellent pens, though opposed by men whose learning and talents gave an artificial lustre to bigotry and absurdity. No controversy, however, upon the whole, ever more fully and completely answered the purpose intended by it. The obscurity in which this subject had been long involved, was dissipated ; the public mind was enlightened and convinced ; churcli authority, the chimera vomiting flames, was destroyed ; and the name of Hoadly will be transmitted from generation to generation, with increase of honor, of esteem, and grateful vene- ration.' BANGUE, a species of opiate, much used throughout the east, for drowning cares and in- spiring joy. By the Persians it is called beng; by the Arabs, esscar, corruptly asseral, and as- sarth; by the Turks, bengitie, and vulgarly mas- tack : by European naturalists, bangue or bange. It is the leaf of a kind of wild liemp, growing in the countries of the Levant, and differs little, eitlier as to the leaf or seed, from our hemp, ex- cept in size. Some have mistaken it for a spe- cies of Althaea. There are various manners of preparing it; Olearius describes the method used in Persia. Mr. Sale tells us, that, among the Arabs, the leaf is made into pills or con- serves. But the most distinct account is given by Alexander Maurocordato, counsellor and phy- sician of the Ottoman Porte, in a letter to We- delius. According to this author, bangue is made of the leaves of wild hemp, dried in the shade, then ground to powder ; put into a pot wherein butter has been kept; set in an oven till it begins to torrify ; then taken out and pulverised again ; thus to be used occasionally, as much at a time as will lie on the point of a knife. Such is the Turkish bangue. Bangue in reality, is a succe- daneum to wine, and is therefore much used in those countries where Mahommedanism is esta- blished. BANGUEY, an island in the eastern seas, lying off the north coast of Borneo, and separated by a channel, three miles wide, from the island of Balambangan. It is about twenty-three miles in length, by eleven in breadth, and its shores are frequented by abundance of turtle. Long 117° 25' E., lat. 7° 1.5' N. BANIAK, an island in the eastern seas, off the west coast of Sumatra, opposite to the mouth of the Sinkell. It is one of a cluster, and is about seventeen miles in length, by seven in average breadth. It is known by a peaked hill, resembling a sugar-loaf. Sea slug, or biche-de-mar is ob- tained here. The inhabitants are of the Maruwi race, but speak a language peculiar to them- selves. Long. 9G° 48' E., lat. 2° 10' N. BANIALUCII, or Banjai.uka, a city of European Turkey, the capital of Bosnia, upon the frontier of Croatia, on the river V'erbas. The houses, which amoiint to 3000, are meanly built, and the suburbs are chiefly inhabited by Greeks. Long. 18° 20' E., lat. 44" 20' N. BANIAN Davs, in marine language, a term amonsr sailors, for those days in which they have no flesh meat. It seems to be derived from the practice of the people mentioned in tlie next article. Banians is sometimes taken as a name for a religious sect in the empire of the Mogul, and sometimes extended to all the idolaters of India, as contradistinguished from the Mahommedans : in which sense. Banians include the Brahmins and other castes. At other times it is restrained to a peculiar caste or tribe of Indians, whose office or profession is trade and merchandise ; in which sense Banians, signifying bankers, stand contradistinguished from Brahmins, Cut- tery, and Wyse, the three other castes into which the Indians are divided. The four castes are ab- solutely separate as to occupation, relation, mar- riage, &c. though all of the same religion; which is more properly denominated the religion of the Brahmins, who make the ecclesiastical tribe, than of the Banians, who make the mercantile. The proper Banians are called, in the Shaster, or book of their law, by the name of Shuddery; under which are comprehended all who live after the manner of merchants, or that deal and transact for others, as brokers ; exclusive of the mechanics or artificers, who make another caste. These Banians have no peculiar sect or religion, unless it be, that two of the eight general pie- cepts given by their legislator, Bremaw, to the Indian nation, are, on account of the profession of the Banians, supposed more immediately to relate to them, viz. those which enjoin veracity in their words and dealings, and avoiding all prac- tices of circumvention in buying and selling. Some of the Banians, quitting their profession, and retiring from the world, commence religious, assume a peculiar habit, and devote themselves more immediately to God, under the denomina- tion of V'ertea. These, though they do not hereby change their caste, are commonly reckoned as Brahmins of a more devout kind ; as monks in the Romish church, though frequently not in orders, are reputed as a more sacred order than the regular clergy. Gemelli Carreri divides the Banians into twenty-two tribes, all distinct, and not allowed to marry with each other. Lord assures us they are divided into eighty-two castes or tribes, correspondent to the castes or divisions of the Brahmins or priests, under whose discipline they are, as to religious matters, though the generality of the Banians choose to be under the direction of the two Brahmin tribes, the Visalna- granaugers and Vulnagranaugers. The Banians are represented as great factors, by whom most of the trade of India is managed; in this respect equal to the Jews and Armenians, and not be- hind either, in point of skill and experience, in whatever relates to commerce. Nothing is bought but by their mediation. They seem to claim a kind of jusdivinum to the administration of the traffic of the nation, grounded on their sacred books, as the Brahmins do to that of reli- gion. They are dispersed, for this purpose, through all parts of Asia, and abound in Persia, particularly at Ispahan and Gombroon, where many of them are extremely rich, yet never above acting as brokers. But it has been justly said by a late writer, that the name Banian was BAN 461 BAN originally given by Europeans to almost all i lindens; and that generally what we read of their peculiar tenets, their abhorrence for meat, &c. is, in fact, the practise of all conscientious Hindoos. Banian Tree. See Ficus. BANICA, a town in the island of Ilispaniola, forty miles soutii-east of Cape Francois. Also the name of a small river in the same island. BANJAR Massin, or Bagnar Messin, a town and district of Borneo, on a river of the same name, wiiich falls into the sea near the southern extremity of the island. The district produces diamonds, gold dust, iron, canes, and pepper, the last of which is its staple commo- dity. Gold is obtained here in bars, and the country is celebrated for the quality of its steel. The imports are slaves, birds' nests, nutmegs, and tortoise shells, which are all re-exported from Borneo. The rajah, or sovereign, formerly re- sided at a place called Cagu-Tangie, or Cota- Tengah, but he directed a city to be built at INIartapura, whither lie transferred his abode in 1 77 1 , changing the name of 3Iartapura to Bunire Kintjana. Ills power is considerable. A Dutch commercial establishment on tlie banks of the river, at the end of the village of Banjar Massin, called Tatas, consists of an octagonal fort, sur- rounded by palisades, with bastions towards the river side ; it was built in 1709. They had, by a previous treaty in 1648, compelled the king to relinquish for their benefit the whole pepper trade. The king has, in return, been protected by the Dutch from the unsettled predatory tribes in his neigiibourhood. In the beginning of the seventeenth century, an establishment was at- tempted here by the English East India Com- pany, but the settlers were resolved to abandon the place. During the late war, however, the Dutch fort was occupied by the British. The town of Banjar Massin formerly stood eighteen miles up the river, but has been transferred six miles lower down. It consists of about 300 houses. Long. 114° 55' E., lat. 3° S. BANIAS.S, or Panaas, anciently Csesarea Philippi, a village of Syria, near the source of a river, which has been commonly supposed to be the Jordan. This stream rises near a remarkable grotto in a rock, on the declivity of which are seen some ancient Greek inscriptions to Pan and the nymphs of the fountain. The vestiges of a flourishing city are still to be seen; but there are no remains of the temple which lierod the Great erected in honor of Augustus. The fort of Baniass, built in the time of the caliphs, stands on tiie summit of a lofty mountain. Around is an agreeable country, but pantiiers, bears, wolves, and hyanas, are numerous. There is also great abundance of game. Distant two leagues west of the lake Phiala, or Birkel-el-llam. BANIEIl (Anthony), licentiate in laws, mem- ber of the academy of inscriptions and belles lettres, and ecclesiastic of the diocese of Cler- mont, in Auvergne ; died in November 1741, aged 09. He is principally celebrated for his translation of the ^letamorphoses of Ovid, with remarks and explanations, which was published in 1732, at Amsterdam, in folio, ornamented with copper-plates, by Picart; and reprinted at Paris, 17r)<3, in 2 vols. 4to; and for his Mythology explained by History, a work full of the most important information, and printed at London in 1741, in 4 vols. 8vo. BANILLIA, in the materia medica, a name used by some for tlie vanillia, or vanilloes, used in making the scented chocolate. BANISERLIE, the capital of Dentila, in western Africa. It is a Mahommedan town. BANISH, -\ See Ban. Hhx. J'orba^nedy Banish'er, ' a banished nan. In Fr. ban- Baxish'ment, (nir, Germ, bunnen, to put out Ban'nition. J of a community by a ban or c\\-\\ interdict, which was formerly eitlier eccle- siastical or civil. Banishment, exile, and expul- sion, all include the idea of exclusion or coercive removal, but in otiier respects they differ. Ba- niskment follows from a decree of justice; exile, either by the necessity of circumstances or an order of authority ; bunishment is a disgraceful punishment inflicted by tribunals upon delin- quents ; exile is a disgrace incurred without dis- honor; exile removes us from our country; banishment drives us from it ignominiously. Banishment and expulsion, both mark a disgrace- ful and coercive exclusion. But banishment is authoritative, the public act of government; expulsion is the act of a private individual, or a small community. Banishment always supposes a removal to a distant spot, to another land ; ex- pulsion never reaches beyond a particular house or society. Banishment and expulsion are like- wise used in a figurative sense, althougli exile is not : in this sense banishment marks a distant and entire removal ; expulsion a violent removal ; we banish that which it is not prudent to retain ; we expel that which is noxious. Hopes are banished from the mind when every prospect of success has disappeared ; fears are banished when they are altogether groundless ; envy, hatred, and every evil passion should be expelled from the mind as disturbers of its peace ; harmony and good-humor are best promoted by banishing from conversation all subjects of difference in religion and politics ; good morals require that every un- seemly word should be expelled. This is thy mortal fo'', this is Arcite, That fro thy lond is banished on his hcd. For which he hath deserved to be ded. Chaucer. Plato made it a great signs of an intemperate and corrupt commonwealth, where lawyers and physicians did abound ; and the Romans distasted them so much that they were banished out of their city, as Pliny Jind Celsus relate, and for 600 years not admitted. Burtini's Anatomy of Melancholy . Oh, fare thee well I Those evils thou repeat'st upon thyself Have banish'd me from Scotland. Shfikspeare. Marius then fetching a deep sigh from his heart, gave him- this answer, ' Thou shalt tell Sextilius, that thou hast seen Caius Marius, banished out of his coun- try, sitting amongst the ruins of the city of Carthage.' North. Plutarch. They refused to do it (take the oaths), and were upon that condemned to perpetual banishment , as men that denied allegiance to the king, and by this an engine was found out to banish as many as they pleased. Bishop Burnet's Own J'iinei. 462 BANK. As I have your express orders not to restore any pei-son who has been sentenced to banuthment, either by myself or others; so I have no directions with respect to those, who having hoen banished by some of my predecessors in this government, have by them also been restored. Mdnwth's Plini/ Every professor do continue in his office during life, unless in case of such misbehaviour as shall amount to bannitwn by the university statutes. lilackstone 's Commentaries. Thus I alone, where all my freedom screw. In prison pine, with boadagc and restraint ; And, with remembrance of the greater grief. To banish the less, I find my chief relief. Earl of Surrey. Then came the autumne, all in yellow clad. As thouijh he joyed in his plentious store, Laden with fruits that made him laugh, full glad That he had banisht hunger, which to fore Had by the belly oft him pinched sore ; Upon his head a wreath that was enrol'd With ears of corne of every sort he bore. And in his hand a sickle he did holde. To reap the ripen'd fruit the which the earth had yold. Spenser's Faerie Queene. If sweet content is banish'd from my soul. Life grows a burthen and a weight of woe. Gentleman. Joy to that happy pair. Whose hopes united banish our despair. Marvell. Banish business, banish sorrow. To the gods belongs to-morrow. Coiclei/. It is for wicked men only to dread God, and to en- deavour to banish the thoughts of him out of their minds. TiUotson. Successless all her soft caresses prove. To banish from his breast his country's love. Pope. BANISTER (,!ohn), a physician and surgeon in the reign of queen I'.lizabetli, was educated at Oxford, where, says Anthony Wood, lie studied , logic for a time ; but afterwards applied himself solely to physic and surgery. In 1573 he took the degree of M. B. and, obtaining a licence from the university to practise, settled at Nottingham, where he lived many years in great repute, and wrote several medical treatises. His works were collected and published in 1633, 4to. Banister, the same with Baluster. BANISTERIA, in botany, a genus of the trigynia order, and decandria class of plants, ranking in the natural method under the twenty- third order, trihilats. The calyx is quinque- partite, with nectarious pores on the outside of the base ; the petals are roundish and ungulated ; the seeds are three, with membranaceous wings. There are seven species, all natives of warm countries, but possessing no remarkable pro- perties. An American and West Indian genus, containing twenty-four species, has been figured and described in Cavanilles, ' MonadelphiEe classis dissertation es decem.' BANK. BANK', V. &, n. Junius derives this word firora the Dutch bancke, which signifies to beat, to strike, as the waves perpetually strike against the shores of the sea, and the current of the river presses against its sides. Skinner is content, as is Johnson, with the Ang.-Sax. banc, tumulus. Wachterhas banc, a hill, mound, heap, and any eminence, or rising place. It is transferred, he adds, to all eminent or rising places for sitting or lying, as banks of oars were not on the same level in ancient ships, but seats raised above one another. It may thus be applied to any thing raised to confine a current of water; to any mound or elevation designed as a barrier to pro- tect or defend from the incursions of warriors ; or to facilitate the subjugation of forts and cities ; and to the raised table or counter of merchants, traders, or money-changers. To bank is to con- fine or surround with banks; to throw up em- bankments. (Jn the authority of Steevens, the commentator on Shakspeare, it has been suggest- ed, that to bank may mean to sail along the banks. They besieged him in Abel of Bethmaachah, and they cast up a bank against the city ; and it stood in the trench. Samjiel. When it was day they knewe not the lande, but they spyed a certayne haucn with a banke, into which they were minded (if it were possible) to thrust in the ship. Bible, 1551. Have I not heard these islanders shout out ' Vive le roy,' as I have bank'd their towns ? Shakspeare. Have you not made an universal shout. That Tyber trembled underneath his bank ? Id. Richmond, in Devonshire, sent out a boat Unto the shore, to ask those on the banks. If they were his assistants. W. How sweet the moon-light slscps upon ih'ubank! Here will we sit, and let the sounds of musick Creep in our ears ; soft stillness, and the night. Become the touches of sweet harmony. Id. That strain again, it had a dying fall ; O, it came o'er my ear like the sweet south That breathes upon a bank of violets ; Stealing and giving odour. Id, Plac'd on their banks the lusty Trojsms sweep Neptune's smooth face, and cleave the yielding deep. Waller. Mean time the king with gifts a vessel stores. Supplies the banks with twenty chosen oars. Dryden. That banks of oars were not in the same plane, but raised above one another, is evident from descriptions ef ancient ships. Arbuthnut. A brook whose stream so great, so good. Was lov'd, was honour'd as a tlood j Whose banks the Muses dwelt upon. Crashaw. 'Tis happy when our streams of knowledge flow To fill their banks, but not to overthrow. Denham. O early lost', what tears the river shed. When the sad pomp along his banks was led ! Pope. .\mid the cliffs And burning sands, that bank the shrubby vales. BANK. 463 My hankj they are furnished with bees. Whose murmur invites one to sleep. My grottos are shaded with trees. And my hills are white over with sheep. I seldom have met with a loss. Such health do my fountains bestow. My fountains all bordered with moss. Where the hare-bells and violets grow. S/ienstone. An intercourse of commerce and language was gra- dually established between the opposite banks of the Danube, and after Dacia became an independent state, it often proved the firmest barrier of the empire against the invasions of the savages of the north. Gibbon. On every bank, and under every shade, A thousand youths, a thousand damsels play'd j Some wantonly were tripping in a ring. On the soft border of a gushing spring. Sir William Jones. Is it owing to Christianity, or to the want of it, that the banks of the Nile, whose constantly renewed fer- tility is not to be impaired by neglect, or destroyed by the ravages of war, serve only for the scene of a ferocious anarchj', or for the supply of unceasing hos- tilities ? Paley. Bank', v. & jj. ^ "^ commercial Bank'er, # application of the Bank'rlpt, v., n. s., & adj. \ former word. In Bank'ruptcy, i tliis sense, bank Bank'erout, v. & 7j. ^ is a receptacle for money, and to bank is to deposit money in such receptacle. Bankrupt is of more general appli- cation, extending to persons who are dealers in any commodity, or who carry on any trade or business. It is derived from the Fr. bunqueroute, or the Ital. bancorotto. It si^nilies one whose bench or table has been broken ; that is, whose debts exceed his means of payment. The Bank- rupt laws accurately define this species of offence or misfortune. But natheless I toke unto our dame. Your wif at home, the same gold again Upon your benche, she wote it wel certain. By certain tokenes that I can hire tell. Chaucer. He hadde openly preached in the temple, he had overthrown the banker's tables, and drieven oute of the temple too. Sir Thomas More's Works. Perkin gathered together a power, neither in num- ber nor in hardiness contemptible ; 1 ut in their for- tunes, to be feared, being bankrupts, and many of them felons. Bacon. Wherefore do you look Upon that poor and broken bank'rupt there ? Shakspeare. As you Like it. Ross. The earl of Wiltshire hath the realm in farm. WiLLOUGHBY. The king's grown bankrupt, like a broken man. Id. Richard II. Dainty bits Make rich the ribs, but bankerout the wits. Id. Unless we had rather think both moral and judi- cial, full of malice and deadly purpose, conspired to let the debtor Israelite, the seed of Abraham, run on upon a bankrout score, flattered with insufficient and ensnaring discharges. Milton. Doctrine, 4'c. of Divorce. This done, he pens a proclamation stout. In rescue of the banker's bankerout. Marvell. The money of widows and orphans employ'd. And the bankers quite broke. Id, GoNZ. There's the quintessence. The soul and arrand elixir of my wit. For he (according to his noble nature) Will not be known to want, though he do want. And will be bankrupted so much the sooner. And make the subject of our scorn and laughter. Beaumont and Fletcher. By powerful charms of gold and silver led. The Lombard bankers, and the 'change to waste, Dri/den. Whole droves of lenders crowd the banker'i doors. To call in money. I J, In vain at court the bankrupt pleads his cause. His thankless country leaves him to her laws. Pope, Or at some banker's desk, liKe many more. Content to tell that two and two make four. His name had stood in city annals fair. And prudent dullness mark'd him for a may'r. Churchill. Here is again discovered the inhabitant of Cheap- side, whose head cannot keep his poetry unmingled with trade. To hinder that intellectual bankruptcy, which he affects to fear, he will erect a bank for wit. Johnson's Life of Blackmore. By an act of insolvency all persons who are in too low a way of dealing to be bankrupts, or not in a mer- cantile state of life, are discharged from all suits and imprisonments, by delivering up all their estate and effects. Blackstone. That bankruptcy , the very apprehension of which is one of the causes tissigned for the fall of the mo- narchy, was the capital on which the French republic opened her traffic with the world. Burke. Had every particular banking company always un- derstood, and attended to its own particular interest, the circulation never could have been overstocked with paper money. Smith's Wealth uf Sations. 1. BANK, Bankers, Baxkixg. The term bank has two distinct significations; one in refer- ence to commerce, implying a place of deposit or store-house; the other relating to geography and rural economy, implying an elevation of the earth, either natural or artificial ; and either below or above the surface of the water, in rivers as well as in the ocean. It is further a technical terra in law; the judges of the supreme court of law, when sitting in judgment collectively, are said to sit in bank, banque, or banco. See Jurispru- dence. It is also a military term, denoting an elevation of earth within the parapet of a for- tification, generally between two and three feet high, or more, according to the height of the parapet; being about four feet and a half lower than the top of the parapet, three feet broad, ascended at inter\-als by steps, by which tlie gar- rison get up to fire on, or to observe the proceed- ings of, the besiegers. 2. We will now proceed in the endeavour to illustrate the term bank, in conjunction with bankers and banking, as referable to commerce, by showing, 1st, the probable origin or derivation of the term; 2nd, the origin or rise, and nature of banking institutions ; 3rd, their progress, practice, and present state, throughout the commercial world; and 4th, their influence and efTect on the social and moral relations, and condition of mankind. 3. Bank, in its present application as a com- mercial term, appears to have l;ad its origin in 464 BANK. Italy, where, in the infancy of European com- merce, the Jews were wont to assemble in the market-places of the principal cities and towns, seated on benches, ready to lend money ; first on the reputation and written bond or acknowledg- ment, singly or jointly, of borrowers; but (as will be more fully shown hereafter), as there is in the lending and borrowing of money an immuta- ble tendency to demoralise and derange society, confidence and reputation soon became mere bye- words ; and, instead of bonds and written obliga- tions, money was only lent upon the security of commodity or produce, by which localised places of deposit or storing became necessary; and hence, banking, in its origin, bore an ana- logy to our present system of pawnbroking; while the term bank is supposed to have been derived from the benches and tables in the mar- ket-places, at which the money-lenders used to transact their business; the Italian word banco, signifying a bench, derived probably from the Greek word T^airt^a, signifying both a bench and a table, as does also the Spanish word banco; in reference to which the money-lenders obtained the name of benchers or bankers; the Jews of Lombardy being among the first people in Western Europe who carried into practice the principle of lending money on the security of commodity ; their repositories partially obtained the name of Lombard-houses. 4. The Lombards were a Scandinavian tribe, who first figure in history about the year 378 ; but it was not till 568 that they established themselves in Italy; at which period they made Pavia the capital of their kingdom. It must have been, therefore, subsequent to this period that bank- ing institutions assumed any thing like a perma- nent character. Lending and borrowing, how- ever, appear to have prevailed in all ages, or long before the intervention of money, to facilitate the interchange of commodities; and in all ages, as in the present day, appears to have been productive of extortion and social derangement : see the Mosaic code, Exodus, ch. xxii. v. 14 and 22, and Deuteronomy, ch. xxiv, v. 6 and 10, and by the narrative of St. Matthew, ch. xxi, v. 12, it will be seen that tables in the market or public places were in use in his day, for the accommoda- tion of money-lenders. 5. The restless disposition of the Lombards tended to excite aspirit of activity and enterprise throughout all the Italian states; by which the people of those countries became the merchants or distributors of the products of Asia over all the western and northern parts of Europe. It was towards the close of the seventh century, after the Mahommedans had obtained possession of Egypt, that the chief depot of the products of the east was transferred from Alexandria to Con- stantinople, and afterwards to Venice, that com- merce began to resolve itself mto a more regu- lar system than had ever before been practised, and a methodical and demonstrative order of keeping accounts was devised and adopted. See Book- keeping. This, in the progress of time, elicited new ideas on the economy of payment; and •about the middle of the twelfth century the bank of X'enice, so long celebrated throughout the commercial world, and which may be regard- ed as the foundation of the present system of banking, was established ; and had the operations of the bank of Venice been confined to the legi- timate object of facilitating commercial inter- change, its socialising capabilities would have rendered it worthy of the celebrity it so long enjoyed; but, whilst the principles of its eco- nomy are entitled to the highest admiration, it seems to have been established in tyranny, with a view to political aggrandisement, and throughout the whole course of its career to have been perverted to the worst of purposes. 6. It was the desolating system of the cru- sades, and not the socialising principle of facili- tating commercial interchange, which gave rise to the bank of Venice. The first crusade embarked from the shores of the Adriatic, under the auspi- ces of Pope Urban the Second, in 1095; and from the ascendancy and influence which the Venetians, by their extensive commercial inter- course, had then acquired over every part of Western Asia and Europe, they became the principal agents of the crusaders, as well for the wealthy individuals who embarked in those chi- valrous exploits as for the several governments to which they respectively belonged. The fruits of extortion, so likely to result from such a sys- tem, excited the cupidity and avarice of the Venetian senate, which led, in 1176, some say in 1157, to the establishment of the bank, under the authority and pretended guarantee of the state, the crusading agency previously having rested exclusively with individuals. 7. The original subscription fund of the bank of Venice was 2,000,000 Venetian ducats, equal to £433,333 ; but, by a solemn edict of the senate, the whole trading community of the republic were compelled to deposit their money in the bank, with which a credit was opened equal to the deposit made, which could only be made avail- able for transfer, so that not only the subscribed capital but also the aggregate amount of the depo- sits resolved themselves into a national debt. The whole amount of the intrinsic money, subscribed and deposited, having been applied by the se- nate towards aiding the views of the crusaders, and other external purposes, an ideal capital, or mere denomination of amount was thus created to adjust the operations of commercial interchange. 8. Whether the transfers at the bank in the early period of its establishment required per- sonal attendance, as is the case in transferring the national debt-stock at the bank of England in the present day ; or whether effected, on written orders corresponding to the checks in the present Engbsh practice of banking; does not appear : but, be that as it might, derangements in the social economy of the state soon ensued ; the agio or difference between the current money, and transferable amounts at the bank, attained the rate of thirty per cent. Yet such was the insidious and illusive nature of the bank system, that the bank increased in popularity in propor- tion to the extent of the derangement which ensued ; the inconvenience frequently occasioned in the minor transactions of commerce, as well as on occasions of citizens or stramrers requiring money to defray the expenses of foreign journeys, BANK. 465 led in the course of time to tlie bank paying out money. Yet such was the influx of money, which the crusading armaments brought from all parts of western Europe, that after the system of makinf^ payments in money was practised, the deposits always exceeded the demands. 9. At a later period, when the \'enetians them- selves turned crusaders against the Turks, the subscription-fund of the bank was increased to 5,000,000 of ducats; the whole of which was made use of by the senate, to aid them in their operations of warfare ; and, as previously stated, throughout the whole period of its career, it was made an instrument of aggression in aid of poli- lical aggrandisement : yet such was the fortuity of circumstances, and, for several centuries having no rivalr}-, its integrity does not appear ever to have been questioned ; the derangements occa- sioned by the fluctuation of the agio led ulti- mately to an edict of the senate, fixing it at twenty per cent., at which rate it continued up to the period of the extinction of the republic in 1797, see Venice. 10. In the fourteenth century the Genoese began to rival the Venetians in their commerce, and in 1345 a bank was established at Genoa; but the more favorable local position of Venice retained for it an undiminished political impor- tance, and although the Genoese were very successful in their commercial career, their bank, relatively to that of Venice, was an insignificant establishment ; it nevertheless was enabled, in the fifteenth century, to advance considerable sums to Spain, and other governments; but in 1751 it was deemed insolvent to a very considerable amount, and in 1798 the establishment was finally dissolved and broken up by Buonaparte. 11. No further progress appears to have been made in the formation of banking institutions, until after the discovery by the Portuguese, in 1497, of the passage to Asia by the Cape of Good Hope ; and even then, more than a century elapsed before another bank was established. It was at the commencement of the seventeenth century, when Amsterdam had become the chief mart of European commerce, that a bank was established in that city in 1609; and, as the cir- cumstances which led to, and the conduct which dictated, the formation of this bank, appear to have been purely commercial and social, void of all speculative and political influence, and its economy essentially diff'erent from either those of Venice or London, it merits the most ample elucidation of the details of its system on our part, and the utmost attention on the part of the enquiring reader. 12. Banking, in its economy, resolves itself into three distinct orders of practice, viz. 1. of deposit, transfer, and agency; 2. of discount, simply; and, 3. of discount and circulation: a banking establishment may, therefore, be formed for carrying on either any one of these orders of practice separately, or two, or all collectively ; and either, and all of them are liable to be made instruments of oppression by partial application, or by perversion to impolitic and bad purposes : a more ample elucidation of the details of each order of practice will appear hereafter (see section 14.), the analysis being exhibited in thi.s Vol. III. place, that the distinctive character of the bank of Amsterdam may be the better understood. 13. The circumstances which gave rise to the establishing of the bank of Amsterdam, were the great variety of clipped and debased coins which its extensive commerce, at the close of the six- teenth and commencement of the seventeentli century, brought into that city. The constant variations of value of these coins occasioned con- tinual disputes and inconveniences in the adjust- ment of payments, more especially so in the payment of foreign bills of exchange ; to obviate these disputes and inconveniences, it was, that the bank was established in 1607, on the legiti- mate and social principle of deposit, transfer, and agency ; the security of the deposits being gua- ranteed by the corporation of the city, by whom its managers were appointed, and wlio thereby constituted themselves the agents of the establish- ment; the expenses of which, and its manage- ment, being defrayed by fees on opening of accounts, transfers, &c. This system or practice of banking, it will be seen, requires no sub- scribed or fixed capital. 14. The bank of Amsterdam received coiivs of all descriptions at a fixed value, according to their weight and fineness, deducting an amount equal to the expense of coinage into the standard coin of Holland ; not that the various coins so paid in should be converted into standard coins, but that a credit should be placed on the bank books to such an amount, after the seignorage and fees had been deducted ; the amount so credited then constituted bank-money. It was in the next place enacted, that all payments of 600 guilders, = to £52. 10s., in amount, and upwards, whether on internal or foreign account, should be made in bank money ; and as these regulations immediately occasioned an agio or difference of value between bank-money and current money, it as immediately became com- pulsory on the part of every man of business either to open an account at the bank, or to sub- ject himself to the caprice of a fluctuating agio, to enable him to make his payment through the medium of those who had an account. 15. The distinction between the practice of the bank of Amsterdam and the bank of \'enice, is this, viz. That the bank of Venice appropriated its subscribed capital, as well as part of its de- posits, to external purposes, and created an ideal sum by means of transfers to a corresponding amount, whereby to adjust the internal payments of the public ; whilst the bank of Amsterdam retains its deposits within the walls of its own establishment ; and when we come to treat of the practice of the bank of England, that will be found to present additional features of practice deserving the utmost possible attention, as well in reference to a comparison with the practice of the banks of \'enice and of Amsterdam, as for the influence and effects of its own operations upon the general interests of the country at large. 16. In addition to the transactions of die bank of Amsterdam, as detailed in sect. 14, the bank also gives credit on its books upon deposits of gold and silver bullion, at the rate of five per cent, below the mint price of the bullion. In making these deposits, which are made more for 2 H 466 BANK. safe keeping, and tlie view of reserving them for articles of merchandise, than for conversion into coin, the bank grants a recipice, receipt, or ■warrant, entitling the holder to take out the bul- lion again at any time within six months, upon transferring to the bank an amount of bank mo- ney equal to that for wliich credit had been given in its books when the deposit was made, and upon paying one-fourth per cent, for the keeping, if tlie deposit was in silver, and one- half per cent, if it was in go'd ; the recipice ex- pressing, that in default of such payment, upon the expiration of the term of six months, the be- nefit of the recipice becomes forfeited to the bank, while the amount credited against the de- posit resolves into bank-money ; leaving a profit to the bank proportionate to the difference be- tween five per cent, below the mint price, and the value of the bullion in the market. 17. This species of deposits are, in the first instance, more generally made when the mercan- tile price of bullion is so far below the mint price as to become an article of speculation, and the profits to the bank upon this branch of its business are considerable, by the forfeiture of some of the recipices ; but more particularly so from the frequent renewals. The creditors of the bank, in bank-money, and the holders of reci- pices, are regarded by the bank as two distinct classes of creditors : hence the creditor in bank- money, having no recipice, cannot draw out bul- lion without first going to market to buy a recipice, nor can the holder of a recipice draw out his bullion, in the event of his having sold the bank- money assigned to him on making the deposit, without first going into the market to repurchase bank money, and reassigning the same to the bank. 18. In a city of extensive and complicated commercial interchange, like Amsterdam, these regulations of the bank necessarily occasion con- tinued demands for both bank-money and bullion, and gave rise to a system of jobbing and trick, precisely similar to the jobbing and tricking in time bargains upon the stock exchange in London ; and at one period the agio was wont to fluctuate from eight to ten per cent. To keep it within certain boimds, however, the- bank of Amsterdam resolved at all times to grant 100 of bank for 105 of current money ; or rather to sell bank-money at an agio of 5 per cent. In conse- quence of this resolution, the agio was prevented ever exceeding that rate; and the fluctuation now seldom exceeds 2 J per cent, between 1^ and 4. 19. In addition to the seignorage deducted on first opening an account with tlie bank in money, see sect. 14, a fee of ten guilders, rz to 17s. 6d., is also charged; and for every renewed account, 3 guilders 3 stivers; for every transfer, 5 sti- vers, ziz 2d. -^ of a penny, and in order to dis- courage a multiplicity of small transactions, if the transfer is for less than 300 guilders, the charge is six stivers; for neglecting to balance ac- counts regularly twice a-year, a fine of twenty- five guilders is exacted; and in case of attempting to overdraw an account, a fine of 3 per cent, on the sum so attempted to be overdrawn is also levied, in addition to setting aside the order. These several fees, fines, and deductions for seignorage, together with the profits which occa- sionally arise by the sale of bank-money, to maintain an equilibrium in the agio, and the for- feiture of bullion recipices, produce a considera- ble revenue to the city, over and above what suffices to defray the expenses of the establish- ment. Public utility, however, and not revenue, was the original, and up to this time, has continued the ruling object of the establishment, and the re- venue derived from it is the natural result of its invariable rule of practice, vhich, wiiether the best that can be devised or r ot, its certainty and impartiality has obtained for it the sanction and confidence of all who have been concerned in it. 20. How far the system or practice of the bank of Amsterdam approximates to perfection or utility will more fully appear as we proceed to illustrate the various practices of banking in England, and in other parts of the world. The direction of the bank of Amsterdam is vested in four reigning burgo-masters (aldermen), who are changed every year. Each new set of burgo- masters, on induction to their charge, are con- ducted to the bank, inspect the deposits, com- par.e them with the books, and acknowledge the same upon oath, delivering it over at the end of the year with the same formal solemnity to the set which succeeds ; and highly to the credit of the corporate body of the city of Amsterdam, both in its collective, and in its individual capa- city, in reference to the direction of the bank, not only has no malversation been proved, but no imputation ever brought against them ; nor have the political convulsions, by which Holland has at times been surrounded, and in which it has been involved, ever induced the bank to swerve from the strict rule of its established regu- lations ; and such has ever been the confidence in the integrity of its director, that it has at times been the depositary of the money treasure of the opulent individuals of surrounding states. 21. Of the extent of the deposits of the bank of Amsterdam at different periods, the informa- tion is very imperfect ; it may, at times, probably, have amounted to a sum equal to five, six, or seven millions sterling, and probably more, but on an average they probably have not, at past periods, nor do not at the present time, exceed three to four millions, or from forty to fifty millions of guilders. 22. As commerce extended itself over the north of Europe, banking institutions were es- tablished in different parts of Germany, but there were none that obtained any great celebrity, except those of Hamburgh and Nuremburg. That of Hamburgh was established in 1619, on principles, and for objects, not very dissimilar to those of Amsterdam, viz. those of deposit, transfer-agency and public utility. Instead of coin the deposits are made in silver bullion of a given fineness, against which credits are opened, either for transfer, or for withdrawing the bullion at pleasure, subject only to a trifling charge for deposit, or safe-keeping. The general practice of the bank of Hamburg is less formal, and more simple, than that of Amsterdam ; and has been productive of great advantage to the city, and has maintained an unsullied integrity. The ex- penses of its management have been, and still continue to be, defrayed by fees, or transfers, &c. similar to those of Amsterdam. It was plundered of a considerable portion of its deposits by the BANK. 467 French general, Davoust, in 1813, a part of which were restored by the Bourbon government at the peace of 1815. 23. In 1635 the bank of Rotterdam was established, under ref:fulations somewhat different in detail from those of either Amsterdam or Ham- burg, but upon the principle of deposits, transfer, and agency. 24. About the sixth or seventh decenary of the seventeenth century, an individual of the name of Palmshut, in Stockholm, established a bank for the purposes of exchange, discount, and circula- tion; that is, he bought and sold bills of exchange, lent money at interest, and issued notes, which became a circulating medium, or token of inter- change, for the amount they represented; na- turally enough, although Palmshut originally possessed, relativelv, great resources, derange- ment and embarrassment soon overtook him, but inflated v^ith his notions of ideal wealth, he ap- plied to the king, Charles XL, whom he induced to become his patron in the formation of a royal bank, which, under Palmshut's directions, soon obtained a general confidence; and, in 1688, the direction was transferred to the assembly of the states of the kingdom, the king declaring himself, and his successors, protectors of the bank, but renouncing all interference in the dis- posal of the money. The states being thus declared guarantees, proprietors, and directors, under the regulations which they established, the bank became a bank of deposit, discount, and circulation. Depositors were allowed interest at the rate of 6 per cent. ; and the deposits, together with notes of circulation, appropriated to dis- counts, on collat«ral securities, at the rate of 8 per cent. The king's revenues were also depo- sited at the bank free of interest. The institution immediately became popular, and all who had surplus money, in every part of the kingdom, poured it into the bank, so that, by the close of the century, the interest on deposits had been progressively reduced from 6 to 2 per cent., and on discounts from 8 to 3 per cent. 25. Like all institutions founded on specula- tive principles, the bank of Stockholm was soon destined to experience a reverse of fortune, and to become an instrument of political perversion. The chivalrous exploits of Charles XIL led to such a drain of the intrinsic resources of the bank, during the four years, 1714 — 1717, the period of the king's residence in Turkey, after the battle of Pultowa, and when the corrupt and profligate Goertz was minister of finance, that the revenues usually deposited with the bank, were unequal to discharge even the in- terest, much less contribute towards any repay- ments. This dilapidation of the resources, and credit of the bank, led to the mortgaging of other revenues of the crown, and a declaration on the part of the king, that no further drain should be made upon the bank until its resources and credit were fully restored : these measures produced a partial reaction in favor of the credit of the bank ; but it proved only temporary, until an expedient of the minister Goertz unexpectedly diverted all the disposable wealth of the kingdom into the bank. 26. Whilst the declaration and resolve of the king to restore the resources and credit of the bank were adhered to, it deprived Goertz of the adequate funds to carry on his political in- trigues, and to supply the king with sufficient means to maintain his regal importance ; under these circumstances, lie resorted first to fines and penalties, and ultimately to a species of confis- cation, by demanding all the plate, jewels, and coin in the kingdom to be placed at his disposal, for which he gave copper tokens, representing ninety-six times the intrinsic value of the metal, (paper money in effect.) This measure led all those who possessed such disposable means to confide in the royal pledge, rather than yield to the exaction of Goertz. And they consequently in secret conveyed all their treasure to the bank. Goertz, chagrined at being thus disappointed, ap- plied to the king and advised him to seize all the treasure deposited in the bank ; but the king refused to comply, and prohibited Goertz from even making any proposal on the subject, con- trary to the pledge which he had solemnly made. 27. This decision of the king reinstated con- fidence in, and fully re-established, the resources and credit of the bank, so that on the declaration of war against Russia, in 1 741 , the bank presented the king with a donation of 100,000 Swedish silver dollars, equal to about 7600, and sup- plied another 300,000 dollars, as a loan without interest, and subsequently to that period it fre- quently advanced considerable sums to the crown, and to the board of manufactures under the guarantee of the states. 28. The resources and credit of the bank being thus re-established, it was divided into two departments, lane and wexel, or loan, and exchange banks ; the former corresponding in its practice with the practice originally estab- lished in Lombardy, (see sect. 3.) and precisely similar in principle to the practice of pawn- broking in England at the present day. Whilst the practice of the wexel or exchange bank, is that of deposit, discount, and circulation. The loan bank lends money on gold and silver bul- lion, copper, and its own stock, to their full value, at the rate of three per cent, and on three- fourths of the value of iron, at the same rate of interest ; and on lands and houses at the rate of six per cent, four for interest, and two as a sinking fund, until the whole sum advanced is repaid. Jewels were at one time advanced upon, but the bank having once been defrauded to a considerable extent by them, resolved never again to make advances on those articles. 29. The wexel or exchange bank receives money on deposit, for which it allows two per cent, and issues notes, with which, together with its deposits, it discounts bills of exchange ; this practice, which is the one originally pursued by Palmshut, (see sect. 24.) involves risk, and leads to certain loss ; the issuing of notes, having no intrinsic value, sustains the loss as long as the notes retain confidence ; but when that fails, de rangement necessarily ensues, all this befell the wexel or exchange bank of Stockholm, within the short space of twenty-five years ; and in 1 766 the bank was on the verge of bankruptcy and final dissolution, when, by the interference of the 2 H2 468 BANK. states, a loan of three millions ot rix dollars, equal to abovit £700,000, was raised to liquidate the excess of notes in circulation ; since the period of 1766 successive regulations have been resorted to, to preserve the credit of the bank, and a committee, composed of a certain number of persons from each of the three states of the kingdom, viz. the nobles, clergy and burghers, has been appointed, to inspect triennial ly the general state of the bank and its accounts. 30. Under the guardianship of the States, the wcxel bank of Stockholm retains its place among the other institutions of the kingdom, but it has no importance externally, nor does the extent of its operations equal the operations of several pri- vate banking establishments in some of the pro- vincial towns in England ; it is the various kinds of practice of banking, however, and not the extent of the operations, which most demand attention ; and on that ground it is, that the bank of Stockholm has here been enlarged upon, much beyond what the extent of its operations would otherwise have rendered necessary. 31. Bank of Engl.\nd. — We now come, in order of time, to treat of the bank of England ; an establishment, whether considered with respect to the magnitude of its operations, or its influence upon the social relations of mankind, without a parallel in history ; and from the period of its foundation, but more especially since the period of 1793, it has become so interwoven with the government, and the collective interests of the nation, as to render it difficult to treat of one, without entering largely into the details of the other. We will endeavour, however, to confine our elucidation of the bank, as far as it is con- nected with the government and the nation, as much as possible within the limits of those cir- cumstances of the nation, in which the character and interests of the bank have been more imme- diately involved. 32. Although by its peculiar constitution, and terms of its charter, as well as in all the details of its practice, the bank of England appears to be an independent trading company, and although its operations combine all the various kinds of practice in banking (except the original one, of lending money on pledges,) viz. exchange, de- posit, transfer, discount, agency, and circulation, and each and all of tliese, on a more extended scale than ever was, or perhaps ever will bo, practised in any otner establishment, it is, and ever has been, from its foundation, materially connected with all the financial operations ot the government, and partakes therefore far more of a political than of a commercial character. This indeed has been considered by some writers .",nd financiers an alarming excrescence on both our commercial and political systems. But we proceed to illustrate the progress of its career. 33. It appears to the writer of this paper that instead of desirableness and necessity dictating its origin, and instead of being founded like the bank of Amsterdam (see sect. 11) on the broad and social basis of public convenience and public utility, the origin of the bank of England was a mere project, which fortuitous circumstances alone have hitherto protected in an unexpected manner The original projector of this memorable institution was a Mr.W. Paterson, who, after numerous applications on the subject to the privy council, at length succeeded in the the year 1693, in obtaining its consent to the project, and an act, 5th and t3th William and Mary, c. 20, for granting to their Majesties severa. rates and duties upon tonnage of ships and vessels, and upon beer, ale, and other liquors, for securing certain recom- pences and advantages in the said act, mentioned to such persons as shall voluntarily advance the sum of £1,500,000 towards carrying on the war against France! Section 19th of the said act, enacts that ' Their Majesties may make commis- sioners take subscriptions for £1,200,000. The sum of £100,000 to be annually appropriated to the subscribers ;' and by section 20th it was fur- ther enacted that, 'Their Majesties may appoint rules for transferring, and make the subscribers a corporation by the name of * The governor and company of the bank of England." 34. Under the authority of the aforesaid act, subscriptions were immediately entered into, and before the 1st of Jan. 1694, the whole sum was subscribed, and on the 27th of July, in that year, the charter of incorporation was executed, its duration being limited to eleven years, viz. from the 1st of August, 1694, to the 1st of August, 1 705, after which date the corporation was deter- minable upon twelve months notice, and repay- ment of the £1,200,000 advanced. At this time (1694), tlie rate of interest was 6 per cent, per annum ; but by the terms of the contract for the above £1,200,000, the corporation were to receive 8 per cent, per annum, and £4000 per annum for management, or trouble of transferring and ap- portioning the interest among the numerous subscribers. 35. Such were the circumstances, and such the origin of the bank of England, neither of which it will be seen bear any analogy to the circumstances and origin of the banks of Venice, Amsterdam, Hamburgh, or Stockholm ; but before we proceed further in exiiibiting the progress of the bank of England, it may be well to show what the state and practice of banking in Eng- land was, prior to the formation of that establish- ment ; and when the circulating medium of the country was exclusively metallic. At an early period of England carrj'ing on an external com- merce, when she received from Holland and Germany almost every species of manufacture in exchange for grain and wool, and other produc- tions of the soil and mines, England tlien had her loan banks, or Eombard houses, for lending money on pledges (see sect. 3), hence the etymo- logy of Lombard-street, in the vicinity of the Royal Exchange, in London. At a more recent period tiie goldsmiths became the bankers, first, merely as places of dejiosit or safe keeping, and afterwards for discount ; and for more than a century prior to the establishment of the bank of England, and circulation of paper money, the goldsmiths held the same rank and importance in commerce, and exercised similar functions, as the private bankers do at the present day. But the establishment of the bank of England did not merely divert tlu; transactions of private deposit and discount into new channels, but it will be BANK. 469 seen, as we proceed, that it had the effect of changing the whole social economy of the state. 36. The Bank of England being established, the charter directed that its management should be vested in a governor, deputy governor, and twenty-four directors, to be elected by the holders of the stock, a clear possession of £500 of which for six months constitutes a qualification to vote, the qualification of a director being the possession of £2000 of the stock, of a deputy governor, £3000 of do. and of a governor £4000 of do. So far as we have here described the transactions of the Bank of England, it seems confined to the mere raising of a loan of £1,200,000, for the use of government, at 8 per cent, per annum, and which was in fact, the foundation of the Funding System, or National Debt; to prevent enlarging upon which here, see each of those subjects under their respective heads, and in conjunction with them see also Circulating Medium, Exchange, Bills OF, Exchequer Bills, Money, Pater Money, and Tallies. Of the nature and ex- tent of the practice of the Bank of England, in deposit, transfer, discount, and circulation, during the early period of its establishment, but little seems to be known ; and, indeed, for some time, its transactions seem to have been very much confined to trading in the government securities, and notes of its ovra circulation. At the Exchequer, then, as is still the case, accounts were kept by tallies, similar to accounts of bakers in those parts of the country where the weight of the loaf varies, and the money price remains fixed ; notches are cut in a piece of stick, to de- note so many loaves of bread, the stick is split, the buyer holding one part and the seller the other, so with the accounts of money at the Exchequer of enlightened England, at the period of establishing the Bank of England, and so the practice continued in 1826. 37. The first and second years after the establishment of the Bank, these Tallies were a trading and speculating commodity, as stock and exchequer bills are at the present day, and such was the state of the credit of the nation at that time that the tallies were at a discount of 20 to 40 per cent, against the sealed notes of the Bank, and the notes of the bank at a discount of 20 per cent, against the standard coin of the realm. With the view of equalising these disparities of value between the bank and national securities, and the standard coin of the realm, an act was passed in 1697, 8 and 9 Will. 3 cap. 20, empower- ing the Bank to receive subscriptions for the enlargement of their stock, four-fifths in tallies, and the remaining fifth in Bank notes. The amount of tallies ingrafted under this act was £1,001, 17 1.10s. subject, like the original subscrip- tion to an interest of 8 per cent, per annum, and the charter was extended to the 1st of Aug. 1710. In 1 708, another act was passed, 7 Ann. cap. 7, under which the bank further lent the govern- ment the sum of £400,000 without interest ; thereby reducing the interest on £1,600.000 to 6 per cent. The Bank at this time held Exche- quer bills to the amount of £1,500,000, which, with an arrear of interest of £275,027. 17s. lOJrf., were cancelled (funded) at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum. For these acts of condescension, the charter of the Bank was extended to Aug. 1 1732, and the company authorised to take in subscriptions, to double their capital. In 1709 a call of 15, and in 1710 a further call of 10 per cent, was made, and in 1713 another act was passed, 12 Ann. cap. 11, extending the char- ter to Aug. 1, 1742, then, as before, determinable after twelve months notice, and repayment by the government, of all sums borrowed. 38. In 1717 another act was passed, 3 Geo. I. ch. 8, authorising the funding of a fiirther amount of exchequer bills of £2,000,000, at five per cent, per annum; to which rate the interest on £1,775,027 was also reduced after midsummer 1718. In 1722, by another act, 8 Geo. I, cap. 21, the bank was authorised to purchase stock of the South Sea Company to theamount of £4,000,000, which stock bore an interest of five per cent, per an. but was reduced to four per cent, after mid- summer 1729. To effect this purchase the capi- tal was increased £3,400,000; and in 1727, pur- suant to the act of 1 Geo. II, cap. 8, £1,000,000 of the £1,775,027. 17s. lOid, funded in 1708, at six per cent, was paid off, and the interest on the £2,000,000, funded in 1717, reduced from five to four per cent, and under the autho- rity of the same act; in 1728, £1,750,000 was further advanced to government at an interest of 4 per cent.; and, in the following year, pursuant to the act of 2 Geo. II, cap. 3, the remainder of the £1,775,027. 17s. lO'd. funded in 1708, together with £500,000 of the amount funded in 1717, was paid off by the government; who borrowed, under the authority of the said act, the sum of £1,250,000, at an interest of 4 per cent, per annum from midsummer 1729. 39. In 1738 another act was passed, 11 Geo. II, cap. 27, authorising the paying off a further portion of the bills funded in 1717, to the amount of £1,000,000; and in 1742, by the act of 15 Geo. II, cap. 13, £1,600,000 was advanced to government without interest, on condition of the bank being authorised to increase their capital stock, and the charter being extended to Aug. 1, 1764. The capital stock was accordingly in- creased £840,004. 5s. 4d. The pretension set up in reference to this £1,600,000, was the reduc- tion of the rate of interest on the original £1,200,000, and the £400,000 advanced in 1708; by the receipt of which latter sum the interest on the £1,600,000 was reduced to 6 per cent. ; and, by the receipt of a corresponding sum without interest, it made the interest on the £3,200,000 equivalent to 3 per cent. But this seeming reduction in the rate of interest is a delu- sion; for, however anomalous it may at first seem, as the rate of interest progressively became reduced from 8 to 3 per cent, the pressure of the exaction on the people, as will clearly appear hereafter, progressively and virtually increased. So far, therefore, from the £1,600,000 being entitled to be regarded as a boon to the public, it appears to us as neither more nor less than a bribe to reconcile an unsuspecting people to an extension of the charter. 40. in 1746 another act was passed, 19 Geo. 11, cap. 6, authorising the funding of exchequer bills, issued in anticipation of the tax on licenses 470 BANK for retailing spirituous liquors, to the amount of £986,800, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and for authorising the bank to increase their capital stock 10 per cent, which was done in pursuance thereof. The total sum advanced by the bank to the government, now amounted to £11,686,800, and the capital on which the stock- holders divided was £10,780,000. Of the amount advanced to government £3,200,000, (see preced- ing section) was at an interest of 3 per cent. ; part of the bills funded in 1717 remained at 5 per cent, and the remainder at 4 per cent. ; in reference to which, in 1749 an act was passed, 28 Geo. II, cap. 1, determining that from Christmas 1750 tlie interest on the whole £8,486,800 should be re- duced to 3i per cent., and from Christmas 1757 it should further be reduced to the same rate as the £3,200,000, viz. 3 per cent. Fifteen years now elapsed without any change in the terms of the charter, or accounts with the government, when in 1764, pursuant to the act of 4 Geo. Ill, cap. 25, the bank advanced £1,000,000 for two years without interest, and gave bonus to the exchequer of £l 10,000, for the extension of their charter to the 1st of August 1786. 41 . In 1781, pursuant to an act passed that year, the charter was further extended to the 1st of August 1812, and £862,400 more added to the capital stock, in return for the loan of £2,000,000 for three years at 3 per cent. ; and in 1800, pur- suant to an act of 48 Geo. Ill, the charter was fur- ther extended to the 1st of August, 1833, on con- dition of advancing £3,000,000, for the service of the year 1 800, on exchequer bills, to be discharged without interest in 1806. Such was the state of the bank of lEngland in 1800 in reference to its permanent advances to the government and ex- tent of its permanent capital, which we will here briefly recapitulate. In the session of parliament, 1822, an account of the total amount of debt due to the bank of England, distinguishing funded from unfunded, the periods when contracted for, &c. &c. was laid before the house (paper No. 190), which, up to the period of 1746, will be seen to correspond with the amounts previously enumerated, viz: Anno. 1738 Acts. 5\V.&M. c. 20 8&9 Wm.c. 19 7 Anne, c. 7 3 Geo. I. c. 8 8 c. 21 1 Geo. II. c. 8 2 c. 3 15- c. 13 19 c. 6 Original Subscription .... Ingrafted Tallies Exchequer-Bills cancelled . . . Advanced without interest . . Exchequer-Bills cancelled . . . Transfer from South-Sea Company Advanced Ditto Ditto Exchequer-Bills cancelled . . . Total Sura advanced . . . Ingrafted Tallies Part of £1,775,028 Remainder of ditto And part of £2,000,000 of 1717 Further part of £2,000,000 of 1717 Nett amount of permanent Debt in 1746, and as ) it stood up to 1816 i Amount. £1,200,000 1,001,171 1,775,028 400,000 2,000,000 4,000,000 1,750,000 1,250,000 1,600,000 986,800 £1,001,171 1,000,000 775,028 500,000 1,000,000 £15,962,990 4,276,199 £11,686,800 42. In 1816 a further advance was made of £3,000,000; and in 1823 a contract was entered into for the bank to advance the government the sum of £13,089,419, in thirteen irregular instal- ments, between the 4th of April, 1823, and the 6th of July, 1828, in consideration of an annuity of £585,740 for 44 years, from the 10th of Oct. 1823. The first of these transactions resolves itself into a bonus to tlie bank equivalent to from £7,000,000 to £8,000,000 ; the latter being to a certain ex- tent a contingent transaction, may prove disad- vantageous to the public to the extent of from five to ten or fifteen millions, and under any circumstances that can possibly occur is equiva- lent to another bonus to the bank of at leasf £2,000,000. The first transaction is simple and conclusive, and will be seen to involve moral as well as pecuniary features, demanding the very serious consideration of the public. The other is one of tlie most complex and equivocal transactions which the whole history of British financiering, with all its profligacy and tortuosity, exhibits since the commencement of war in 1793. A more circumstantial account of the nature of both transactions will be found in their order of time further on. In the mean time, the following is a reca- pitulation of the augmentations of capital, on wiiich dividends were made to the proprietors of stock, viz. BANK. 471 Anno. 1694 1697 1708 1709 1710 1722 1742 1746 1781 Original Subscription Ingrafted Tallies . . Doubled .... Call of 15 per cent. . Ditto of 10 per cent. Additional Subscriptions Ditto Ditto . Call of 10 per Cent. Auemented . . . Augmentation. Aggregate. £1,200,000 1,001,171 2,201,172 656,204 501,449 3,400,000 840,004 980,000 862,400 £1,200,000 2,201,171 4,402,343 5,058,547 5,559,996 8,959,996 9,800,000 10,780,000 11,642,400 43. Aad the following shows the rate and amount of dividends, per annum, at different periods, up to 1807, viz. Anno. Rate per cent. Amount annually divided. 1694—1696 1697—1707 1708—1729 1 1730—1741 1742—1746 1747—1752 17*1? 3 years 8 11 9 22 9 to 5^ 12 6 & 51 5 6 & 5^ 6 ■ 5 1 4i & 5 10 4J 3 5 14 5^ 7 6 19 7 9 10 8 3 8 (actual) (estimated) (actual) £96,000 198,105 450,000 520,200 563,000 539,000 512,050 485,100 539,000 592,900 698,544 814,968 1,164,240 1,455,300 1,164,240 1754—1763 1764—1766 1767—1780 1781—1787 1788—1806 1807—1815 1816—1823 1824—1826 44. Thus, as stated in sect. 39, it is seen, that whilst the bank affects to lend the public its money at 3 "per cent, per annum, the public, since 1807, have virtually been taxed at the rate of 10 per cent, to the extent of £1,164,240 per annum ; nor is this all, for, by a return made to parliameiit in the session of 1819 (Paper, No. 347), in addition to the above exorbitant exac- tion, resulting from the illusive and peculiarly involved nature of the transactions of the govern- ment with the bank, it appears that the foUowiag sums were divided among the stock-holders as bonuses, viz. Anno. 1 Amount. June, 1799 May, 1801 Nov. 1802 Oct. 1804 1805 1806 10 per cent, on the £11,642,400 . . . 5 • ■ on ditto .... 2^ on ditto .... 5 on ditto .... 5 on ditto .... 5 on ditto .... £1,164,240 582,120 291,060 582,120 582,120 582,120 Total as Bonus . . . £3,783,780 And profuse as all this may seem in favor of the holders of bank-stock, and oppressive as it must be to the public, it sinks into comparative insig- nificant" when compared with the transactions of 1816 and 1823, the nature of which shall be elucidated by and by; it seeming first desirable to take a retrospective view of the transactions of the bank, independent of its permanent ad- vances and augmentation of its permanent ca- pital. 45. By the stat. of 6 Anne, cap. 22, it was enacted, * for securing the credit of the Bank of England, that no other banking company in England should consist of more than six per- sons, empowered to issue bills or notes payable on demand, or for any time less than six months.' And the act of 15 Geo. II. cap. 13, which ex- tended the privileges of the charter to 1764, also enacted, that the acts of 7 and 12 Anne, and all all other acts for determining the corporation, should be void ; and that the governor and com- pany of the bank should remain a body corpo- 472 BANK. rate and politic for ever, subject to such restric- tions and regulations as were contained in tlie acts and charters then in force, and by the same statute it was also further enacted, * that persons forging, counterfeiting, or altering, any bank- note, bill of exchange, dividend, warrant, or any bond or obligation, under the company's seal, or any indorsement upon it, or knowingly utter- ing the same, shall suffer death, without benefit of clergy ;' and further, * that the company's servants breaking their trust to the company, sliall also suffer death, as a felon, without benefit of clergy.' The same statute also further enacts, * that when at a court of directors of the bank, neither the governor nor deputy shall attend in two hours after the time appointed for business, then any thirteen or more of the directors may choose a chairman for the time for the despatch of business, and that such court shall be as valid as if either the governor or deputy-governor had duly attended.' 46. As stated in sect. 36, the information is imperfect as to the extent of the transactions of the Bark of England in deposit, transfer, dis- count, and circulation, during the earlier period of its establishment; nor does it appear that the notes of the bank were ever at a discount against the standard coin of the realm after 1697, until 1798. In addition to the monies permanently advanced to the government, it was the practice of the bank to advance money in anticipation of the land and malt taxes; and to make other temporary advances on exchequer-bills and other floating securities ; we have not been able to ob- tain any circumstantial account of the extent of these advances at an earlier dale than 1777; from which period an account of advances by the bank to government on land, malt, exche- quer-bills, and other securities, on the 25th of February on each of the twenty years preceding the 25th of February, 1797, was laid before par- liament, vide Appendix, second Report of the Select Committee on the lixpediency of the Bank resuming Cash Payments, 1819. Commons re- print, fol. 315, of which the following is a copy, On the 25th Feb. Land and Malt. Exchequer-Bills. Treasury-Bills. Total. 1777 £4,912,000 £2,500,000 £7,412,000 1778 5,251,000 2,500,000 £2760 7,753,760 1779 5,682,000 2,769,000 15,664 8,466,664 1780 5,613,000 3,104,400 33,582 8,750,982 1781 5,517,000 262,230 49,541 8,188,841 1782 5,659,000 4,289,050 43,628 9,991,678 1783 4,962,000 4,662,200 4871 9,629,071 1784 3,901,000 3,641,000 23,853 7,565,853 1785 3,102,000 3,900,000 28,200 7,030,200 1786 2,307,000 4,303,200 24,672 6,634,872 1787 2,809,000 4,334,200 1696 7,144,896 1788 2,636,000 4,707,400 4299 7,347,699 1789 2,928,000 5,000,200 20,235 7,948,435 1790 2,882,000 5,006,500 20,468 7,908,968 1791 3,334,000 6,247,100 22,878 9,603,978 1792 2,802,000 6,636,600 26,999 *9,839,338 1793 2,698,000 5,939,600 52,359 9,066,698 1794 2,915,000 4,777,600 717,175 8,786,514 1795 4,291,000 4,329,000 2,117,491 11,114,230 1796 5,536,000 5,265,000 540,991 11,718,730 The totals in each of the five last years include £376,739 lent out of the unclaimed dividends, without interest. 47. The earliest account of the amount of bank-notes in circulation which we have been able to obtain is the following, Avhich was deli- vered to tlie House of Commons on the 18th of March, 1797, and exhibits the amount of notes in circulation on the 25th of February, in each of the ten years, 1787 — 1796, viz. 1787 £8,688,570 1788 9,370,350 1789 9,905,240 1790 10,217,360 1791 11,699,140 1792 11,349,810 1793 11,493,125 1794 10,699,520 1795 13,539,160 1796 11,030,110 As we are now approaching a most important period in the history of the transactions of the Bank of F.ngland, it will be well for the earnest enquirer after truth to bear in mind, that the notes in circulation up to the period of 1797, were convertible into gold on demand, at the rate of 77s. \0^d. per oz.; and when the above statement is compared with the preceding one, of the amount of the temporary advances to the government, and the following one, of the amount of cash and bullion in hand, and bills BANK. 47J discounted, it will be seen that the issue of notes appears to have been regulated more in reference to the amount of the temporary advances to the government, than to the means of paying them in gold on demand, as will be seen by the follow- ing statement of the amount of cash and bullion on hand, notes in circulation, bills discounted, and advances to government, on an averaire in the months of March, June, September, and December, in each of the five years, 1793 — ■ 1796, viz. Cash and Bullion Bills Discounted. Average of Notes Average of Advancs on hand. in Circulation. to Government. 1793 March . . £3,508,000 £4,817,000 £11,963,820 £8,735,200 June . . . 4,412,000 5,128,000 12,100,650 9,434,000 September . . 6,836,000 2,065,000 10,938,620 9,455,700 December 7,720,000 1,976,000 10,967,310 8,887,500 1794 March . . . 8,608,000 2,908,000 11,159,720 8,494,100 June . • . 8,208,000 3,263,000 10,366,450 7,735,800 September 8,096,000 2,000,000 10,343,940 6,779,800 December 7,768,000 1,887,000 10,927,970 7,545,100 1795 March . . . 7,940,000 2,287,000 12,432,240 9,773,700 June . . . 7,356,000 3,485,000 10,912,280 10,879,700 September 5,792,000 1,887,000 11,034,790 10,197,600 December 4,000,000 3,109,000 11,608,670 10,683,100 1796 March . . . 2,972,000 2,820,000 10,824,150 11,351,000 June . . . 2,582,000 3,730,000 10,770,200 11,269,700 September 2,532,000 3,352,000 9,720,440 9,901,100 December 2,508,000 3,796,000 9,645,710 9,511,400 1797 February 26 . 1,272,000 2,905,000 8,640,250 10,672,490 48. By the above statement, it is seen, that with £8,640,250 of notes in circulation on the 25th of February, 1797, £1,272,000 value of gold only remained in the bank, whilst the de- mand for gold continued daily to increase ; under which circumstances, on the 22d of Fe- bruary, a committee was appointed by the privy council to investigate the affairs of the bank, which committee, on the 26th of the same month, reported, that the total assets of the bank, exclusive of the £11,686,800 permanent debt of the government (see sect. 40, 4 1), was £l 7,597,298, whilst the whole of the demands upon the bank amounted to only £13,770,390, leaving a clear balance in its favor of £3,826,903, exclusive of the permanent debt due from the government. Upon this report, the privy council instantly is- sued an order prohibiting the directors of the bank from issuing any more cash (specie) in paymeiat, until the sense of parliament on the subject was obtained. From the statement of £13,770,390 being the amount of demands upon the bank, and £8,640,250 being the amount of notes in circulation, as per statement in the pre- ceding section, it appears that the demands of depositors and otlier creditors mv^t have amounted to £5,130,140; and in like manner, £17,597,298 being the whole of the assets, and £10,672,490 thereof consisting of claims on the government, £2,905,000 in bills discounted, and £1,272,000 in specie, it leaves £2,727,808 to be assigned to some specified items; including, no doubt the bank premises and probably some other property in fief, in houses or lands, &c. &c. The transactions and state of the Bank of Eng- land, as detailed in this section, bring its his- tory down to that eventful and important period when the peculiar nature of its connexion with the government first openly developes itself. To obtain a more comprehensive and distinct view of the subject, the reader will do well to refer to the journals and proceedings of parliament for the year 1797, and to examine the subject attentively, in relation to the nature and amount of the loans, and extent of the revenue and expenditure of the government at that period, as exhibited in Mr. Marshall's Statistical Illustrations of the Finances, Revenues, &c. &c. of the British Em- pire. See also the articles Funding, Loans, Sinking Fund, and Revenue, in the subsequent parts of this work. 49. It was on a Sunday evening that the order of the privy council, adverted to in the preced- ing section, was transmitted to the bank, and on Monday morning the following notice was published by the directors of that establishment, viz. ' Bank of England, February 27, 1797. ' In consequence of an order of his majesty's privy council, notified to the bank last night, a copy of which is hereunto annexed, ' The governor, deputy-governor, and directors of the Bank of England, think it their duty to inform the proprietors of tlie bank-stock, as well as the public at large, that the general concerns of the bank are in the most affluent and flourish- 474 BANK. ing situation, and such as to preclude every doubt as to the security of its notes. 'The directors mean to continue their \isual discount for the accommodation of the commer- cial interest, paying the amount in bank notes ; and the dividend warrants will be paid in tlie same manner. (Signed) 'Francis Martin, Sec' 50. The consternation of the public at this notifi- cation was extreme, but as a proof of the secret workings and illusive nature of the system, a meeting was held the same day at the mansion house, at which the lord mayor (Watson), presi- ded, when the following resolution was unani- mously agreed to, viz. 'That we the undersigned, being" highly sensible how necessary the preser- vation of public credit is at this time, do most readily hereby declare, that we will not refuse to receive bank notes in payment of any sum of money to be paid to us ; and we will use our utmost endeavours to make all our payments in the same manner.' This singular specimen of sub- serviency to speculative expediency was signed by the lord mayor and all present, and ultimately obtained upwards of 3000 signatures. We will not here enquire what portion of their names have since been exhibited on the bankrupt or other lists of insolvency ; but we must regard the conseqences to have been the degradation of an alarming portion of the total population of the kingdom to the rank of paupers, with all the consecutive concomitants of demoralisation and crime. 51. On the same day (27th Feb.), a message was delivered from the king to both houses of parliament, to the following effect, viz. ' That an unusual demand of specie having been made from different parts of the country, on the metro- polis, it had been found necessary to make an order of council to the directors of the bank, pro- hibitino; the issuing of any cash in payment, till the sense of parliament could be taken on the subject.' In the upper house, Lord Grenville, who was then secretary' of state for the foreign department, moved, 'That the communication from his ^Majesty should be taken into consider- ation the following day,' when in pursuance of the motion, after much circumlocution, Lord Grenville stated that he had two motions to sub- mit to the consideration of their Lordships, first, 'That a humble address be presented to his Majesty, to return thanks for his gracious com- munication, and to assure his Majesty that he might rely with the utmost confidence on the wisdom of parliament, to call forth, in case of necessity, the extensive resources of the king- dom.' This was agreed to, nemine contradicente. The other motion was for ' The appointment of a select committee of nine lords, to examine and report on the outstanding debts against the bank, the state of the funds for discharging the same; the cause that rendered the order of council necessary, and which might justify the members of that house for taking the proper steps for the confirmation and continuance of that measure.' This motion gave rise to considerable discussion, in wliich the Duke of Bedford moved as an amendment, 'To leave out all that part which related to the committee reporting their opinion on the continuance of the measure.' In support of which amendment, the Marquis of Lansdowne said, ' That noble Lords vv'ould do him the jus- tice to recollect, that not one session had passed over, since the fatal commencement of the war in 179.3, in which he had not, to use a vulgar but strong expression, bored their Lordships with his prophetic admonitions, and proceeded to illus- trate the nature of public credit, by saying, that it was to the people of Great Britain, what the soul of man was to his body. It was pure soul : it was immaterial in itself, and yet it was that which gave to substance its functions. It was not property, for no branch of the body could call it its own. It was not the king's credit, nor was it the credit of parliament ; it was public credit, which did not look to security alone as its basis, but which always connected security with punctuality.' 52. The shock which had been given to public credit, the noble marquis stated, proceeded from deep, progressive, and accumulated causes; causes which all thinking, all honest men, had long deplored, and which had grown to a head under the unhappy and ill-requited confidence which had so fatally been placed in the king's ministers. In endeavouring to ascertain the causes that had brought on the dilemma, one cause was manifest; the inordinate increase of expenses, of places, and establishments, in every comer of the empire, which had grown to a height beyond every thing that the mind could previously have conceived ; it was, said the noble marquis, incredible and scandalous ; the increase of fees, of salaries, of places and pensions, of new boards of commission, and new appoint- ments of all kinds, had not only served to open all the gates of waste and profusion, but to beat down and destroy all the checks of control, and all the means of correction. Waste and extrava- gance had been systematised ; one scene of abuse countenanced and protected another, and all the comers of the earth were witnesses to the ruinous waste of the treasures of the British people. In this strain, with unabated ardor, did the noble marquis continue to depict the fatal consequences which must inevitably ensue from the continu- ance of such a system, and concluded a most pa- triotic appeal to the British parliament, by call- ing upon his compeers to mark his prophecy, and not to disdain his counsel, while yet in time, for said his Lordship, if you attempt to make bank notes a legal tender, then credit will perish. They may go on for a time, but their end is certain ruin. The earnestness and force of this appeal drew the Lord Chancellor from his seat, to state, 'That he had deprecated the idea of forcing bank paper into circulation, by making it a legal ten- der, and he would take upon himself to say, that it then had never been conceived, that it would be wise or prudent to make bank notes a legal tender. After which, their lordships divided on the amendment of the duke of Bedford ; twelve for, and seventy-eight against it. After which the original motion for a committee of enquiry was carried without a division, 53. Similar proceedings took place in the commons on the same day, where, in reply to BANK. 476 sotBe observations by Mr. Fox, Mr. Pitt stated that perceiving some suspicions were entertained that the measure adopted for succouring public credit, was designed to be permanent, he assured the house, 'That nothing could be farther from his intention.* An amendment similar to that of the duke of Bedford, in the lords, was moved in the commons by Mr. Sheridaij, which was rejected by 244 against eighty-six, when the original mo- tion for a committee was carried without a division. On the 6th of March the lords' com- mittee reported to the house that it was necessary to ' continue and confirnri the measures already taken, for such time, and under such limitations and restrictions, and with such power of discon- tinuing the same, as to the wisdom of parliament might seem expedient.' And thus a system of paper money, without reference to any standard, either of value or quantity, was established, the duration and progress of which will appear, as the elucidation of the transactions of the bank is here further proceeded in. 54. On the re-assembling of parliament in November of the same year (1797), the commit- tee of secresy, appointed to enquire into the expediency of continuing the restriction on the bank, reported, that the total assets of the bank, exclusive of the £11,686,800 of permanent debt due from the government on the 11th of Novem- ber, was £21,418,640 (see sect. 48 for the amount on the 25th February preceding), and that the total amount of outstanding demands was £17,578,910, leaving a balance on that date in favor of the bank of £3,839,730. The report further stated that the advances of government had been reduced to £4,258,140, and that the cash and bullion in the bank had increased to nearly £6,500,000 or upwards, or five times its amount on the February preceding; all this be- ing true, it will be seen that the discounts of commercial bills must have been increased in the proportion of about £8,000,000 against £2,905,000, the amount in February, but it will seem, on reflection, and on comparison with the advances to the government, as exhibited in the appendix at the conclusion of this article, that the whole report was a s?hgular misrepresenta- tion of the facts of the case, to answer the purposes of the moment; at all events, it will be seen that both the temporary advances to the government, and issue of notes, progressively increased from the close of the year 1797 up to the peace of Amiens in 1802-3, and the following statement exhibits the progress and duration of that restriction, which the Lord Chancellor in the Lords, and the finance minis- ter in the Commons, so solemnly declared was to be only temporary. 55. The first act passed, relating to the subject was dated the 3d March, 1797, 37 Geo. Ill, cap. 28, authorising the issuing of notes for £l and £2 each ; the amount of such notes in circulation on the 26th August of that year was £934,015; for the progressive increase of their circulation see appendix. ACTS RELATING TO RESTRICTION. Year of Reign. Date of Act. Purport and Duration. . 37 Geo. III. cap. 45. — — — 91. 38 — — 1. 42 — — 40. 43 _ _ 18. 44 — — 1. 3d May, 1797. J 22d June, } 30th Nov. S 30th April, 1802. 28th Feb. 1803. |. 15th Dec. 1 Indemnity for order in council, and to continue during the following month of June. Extended to one month after the meeting of the next session of parliament. Further extended to one month after the ratifi- cation of a definitive treaty of peace, whicli took place on the 25th ]ilarch, 1802. Further extended to 1st March, 1803. Still further, to six weeks after the meeting of the next session of parliament. Again, to six months after the ratification of a definitive treaty of peace. j This brings the history of the restriction down to a most interesting and important period of its operation ; so far, it is important to understand, that notwithstanding the introduction of paper as a circulating medium, gold at the rate of 77s. lO^d. per ounce continued to be the legal stand- ard of value, and such was the incongruity of British legislation at this period, that whilst landlords and other creditors were authorised by law to enforce payment in gold, the acts previ- ously enumerated precluded the gold from being had, wherewith either to pay rents, or make any other payments ; such however was the insidious working of the system, that up to the period of 1809 no derangement in the social economy of the state, resulting from such incongruity of le- gislation was perceptible. 56. In 1800 foreign gold coin, commanded about 5s. to 7s. per ounce more than its equiva- lent value to British coin ; but the short peace of 1801-2 occasioned a cessation of demand, and the price again became merely nominal. From March, 1804, to October, 1805, standard gold sold at £4 per ounce; and from October, 1805, to February, 1809, no price was quoted ; in the meantime, however, all the gold coin of the realm had gradually disappeared (for the quan- tity coined in each year since the restoration of Charles II. in 1663, see Statistical Illustrations, folio 47, and the article Mint in a subsequent part of this work), partly for internal purposes of manufacture and ornament, and partly in aid of the external purposes of the war; not directly and openly for that purpose, but the excess of 476 BANK. bills drawn by the commissariat and other agents of the government, on account of the expenses of the war in different parts of the world, occasioned the bills to be drawn at a discount of 10 to 15 or 20 per cent, and at such depreciation, in- stead of being left to operate as mere extraneous equivalents of commercial exchange, they became an object of speculation against bullion, in refer- ence to tlie standard price of gold in England. 57. To render the circumstances of this very interesting and important period of the bank restriction act somewhat more intelligible to such readers as are not practically familiar with the complicated involutions of exchanges, it may not be irrelevant to state (taking the mint of France as the means of illustration), that according to the mint regulations of England and France, twenty- five francs, twenty centimes in France are equal to £l in England ; but, in consequence of the excess of bills above adverted to, in May, 1809, the £l English in France would not obtain more than twenty francs ; consequently, as long as gold could be obtained in England at the mint price of 77s. lO^d. per ounce, it yielded a profit in France of upwards of 20 per cent, against that rate of exchange, but such a disparity of value, as might naturally be expected, excited a spirit of speculation and competition, which raised the price of gold to a premium equal to the discount on the bills. So that in May, 1809, gold com- manded £4. lis. per ounce; this disparity be- tween the mint and trading price of gold excited an imiversal hubbub in every part of the country, and in February, 1810, a committee of parlia- ment was appointed to enquire into the cause of the high price of bullion, and to take into con- sideration the state of the circulating medium, and of the exchanges between Great Britain and foreign parts. This committee sat from the 22d of February to the 25th of May, during which time it took the opinions of thirty different per- sons, whose trading transactions and influence were thought to be such as qualified them to throw much light on the subject; but whether ignorant of the combination of causes that did in reality produce the disparity of value, or whether selfish motives led them to conceal their better judgment, certain it is, that although much in- teresting matter-of-fact information is here and there interspersed through different parts of the evidence, as a whole, it is completely destitute of every thing like a solution to the question proposed. In proof of this conclusion see article Exchange, in a subsequent part of this work ; and in proof of the futility of the labors of the committee, and of the frivolousness of the evi- dence in a general sense, bullion continued gradually to advance, and the exchanges pro- gressively to depreciate, until on the 18lh Sep- tember, 1812, gold commanded £5. lis. per ounce. 58. Such an extreme disparity of value had previously excited every species of contrivance to collect gold, and was beginning to lead to such general derangements in the internal econo- my of the state, in selfish and avaricious indivi- duals availing themselves of the point of law, which authorised them to demand and enforce payment in gold, in cases where by the nature of the obli- gation, payment in current money only was implied, that on the 24th July, 1811, an act was passed, 51 Geo. IIL cap. 127, to make the bank of England notes a legal tender in all payments, which by the act of the 38 Geo. III. cap. 1 . (30th Nov. 1797), were only so in private transactions, after having been accepted as such, but which were ordered to be received as cash by all the collectors of taxes and duties. The title of the act for making the bank of England notes a legal tender, in conjunction with a consideration of the circumstances which led to it, is curious, and deserves attention. It is as follows, viz. ' For making a more effectual provision for preventing the current gold coin of the realm from being paid or accepted for a greater value than the current value of such coin; and for preventing any note or bill of the governor and company of the bank of England from being received for any smaller sum than the sum therein specified ; and for staying proceedings upon any distress by tender of such notes.' To continue in force till the 25th of March, 1812, and no longer. 59. By another act in the following session, 52 Geo. III. cap. 50. dated 5th May, 1812, the preceding act was extended to three months after the commencement of the next session of parlia- ment, and no longer; and by 53 Geo. III. cap. 5, 22d Dec. 1812, further extended to 25th March, 1814 ; and by 54 Geo. III. cap. 52, 4th May, 1814, to as long as restriction continues; 54 Geo. III. cap. 19, 18th July, 1814, restric- tion extended to 25th March, 1815; 55 Geo. III. cap. 28, 23d March, 1815, further extended to 5th of July, 1816; 56 Geo. III. cap. 40, 21st May, 1816, still further to 5th of July, 1818; 58 Geo. III. cap. 37, 28th JNIay, 1818, again to .5th of July, 1819; 59 Gee. III. cap. 23, 6th April, 1819, restriction extended indefinitely; 59 Geo. III. cap. 49, 2d July, 1819, re.striction limited to 1st of May, 1823 ; and in the interim the bank empowered to exchange bullion in quantities of not less than sixty ounces for their notes, between the 1st of February and 1st of October, 1820, at any rate between 81s. and 79s. 6d. per ounce ; and from the 1st of October, 1820, to the 1st of May, 1821, at any rate be- tween 79s. 6d. and 77s. lO^d. per ounce; and from the 1st of May, 1821, to 1st of May, 1823, at 77s. 10|d. per ounce; when gold coin again became a general circulating medium, and, as will be seen by the statement at the conclusion of this article, the £l and £2 notes of the bank of England were withdrawn from circu- lation, and to meet this change in the circulating medium in the years 1821 and 1822, gold to the amount of £14,877,547 was coined at the mint. Such is the history of the bank restriction act, which in February, 1797, was in both houses of parliament so solemnly declared to be only a temporary measure, but which continued through a period of twenty-six years. 60, Preparatory to returning again to a gold circulating medium, a committee was appointed in each house of parliament, in 1819, to enquire into the state and affairs of the bank, with refer- ence to the expediency of the resumption of cash payments, when, after taking the opinion of about thirty persons, the act of 2d July, 1819, 59 Geo- BANK. 477 III. cap. 49. was resolved upon, and in tlie course of the enquiry on the 31st of March, 1819, the bank exhibited the following account of the state of their affairs, viz. 'That the whole of the claims upon them on that date amounted to £.33,948,560, of which £24,710,770 was notes in circulation, and £9,237,790 in deposits and other debts, against which their assets in cash and bullion, bills discounted, and government securities, amounted to £39,179,750, leaving a balance in favor of the bank to the amount of £5,231,190, exclusive of the £11,686,800, per- manent debt of the government, as exhibited in sect. 41, and £3,000,000 added in 1816.' Flat- tering as all this may seem on a superficial view of the subject, and confident as opinion generally was, of the country having escaped the peril, so earnestly warned of by Lord Lansdowne, in sect. 51, a short period only elapsed before the effects of the system, spectre-like, returned in a more ter- rific form than ever. Preparatory to the return to cash payments in 1823, through the years 1821 and 1822, the bank had progressively diminished the issue of its notes from an average of £22,550,000 in December, 1820, to an aver- age of £16,393,000 in December, 1822 ; a depres- sion in the money value of all the products of industiy, without any parallel since the com- mencement of the war in 1793, followed this diminution of circulating medium. But the ordeal of the experiment of paying gold on de- mand havi'ng been got over, the cupidity of avarice again began to operate, and notwith- standing the accession to the circulating medium of the £14,877,547 of gold coined in the years 1821 .and 1822, the bank again showed a dispo- sition to force its notes into circulation, so far, that instead of gold supplying the place of paper for six weeks preceding the 5th of January, 1825, the bank of England notes in circulation again exceeded an average of £20,000,000 ; and those of counti-y bankers had increased from £4,293,1 64 in 1822, to £6,724,069 in 1824, and £8,755,307 in 1825. 61. The facility of raising money among indi- viduals, which this redundancy of circulating medium aff"orded, gave rise to an extent of spe- culation, far, very far, exceeding the notable South Sea and other adventures at the commence- ment of the preceding century. (See the article Company, in a subsequent part of this work, for an elucidation of the extent and consequences of the folly at both periods.) Towards the month of September, however, the speculations generally began to be considered equivocal in their results; the first perceptible shock to what is technically termed credit, was experienced on the 24th of October, in the suspension of payment of one of the most eminent commercial establishments in London, or the commercial world (Mr. S. Wil- liams, an American). After this, a month passed away in gloomy suspense, till on the 25th of November an extensive banking establishment at Plymouth (Sir VV. Elford, Bart, and Co.) was the next evidence of the unsoundness and im- policy of the paper money system. Tliis failure strengthened the doubts of the stability of others, and suspicion falling on all the banking establish- ments in the west of England, it produced in London such a demand for gold, as excited ap- prehensions for the consequences to which it might lead ; in the meantime the bank of Eng- land had been progressively narrowing its issues, till the amount at the end of November was reduced again to £17,500,000. On the 9th of December the suspension of payment was announced of an extensive banking establishment at York (Messrs. Wentworth, Chaloner and Co.), having branches at three or four other towns in the county, and their own house of agency in London; consternation now became general, and the directors of the bank of England, who had, as we contend, contributed to bring on the de- rangement, by the facility which they afforded to get their notes into circulation, in discounting three and four months bills at 4 per cent, per annum, now as suddenly took steps which acce- lerated the derangement. On the 13th of Decem- ber the following notice was issued, viz. : — Bank of England. 'Resolved — ^That from and after tl;e 13th instant, no bills or notes will be discounted under 5 per cent, per annum.' 62. This notification added considerably to the consternation : an extensive private banking establishment, deemed one of the most reputable in London, had previously suspended its pay- ments, and on the following morning two others were reduced to the same alternative ; it would be difficult, and at all events it would exceed due limits here, to describe the dismay and confusion that now prevailed ; and with the view of endea- vouring to allay the ferment, a public meeting at the Mansion House, as on the memorable 27th of February, 1797, took place on the 13th of December, 1825, when about 700 signatures were obtained to the following resolutions : viz. ' 1. That the unprecedented embarrassments and difficulties under which the circulation of the countrj' at present labors are mainly to be attributed to a general panic, for whicli there are no reasonable grounds ; that this meeting has the fullest confidence in the means and sub- stance of the banking establishments of tlie capital and the country, and they believe that the acting generally upon that confidence would relieve all those symptoms of distress which now show themselves in a shape so alarming to the timid, and so fatal to those who are forced to sacrifice their property to meet sudden demands upon them, which it is no imputation upon their judgment and prudence not to have expected. ' 2. Tliat it having been suited to this meeting, that the directors of the bank of England are occupied with the remedy for a state of things so extraordinary, this meeting will refrain from any interference with the measures of the directors of the bank, who, they are satisfied, will do their duty towards the public. ' 3. That having the firmest confidence in the stability of the public credit of the country, we declare our determination to support it to the utmost of our power. * 4. That it is the opinion of the meeting that declarations of a similar description with the 478 BANK. present, in the country towns, where the banking establishments may appear to deserve them, may be productive of much benefit in restoring gene- ral confidence.' 63. Although it was generally believed that the bank of England liad been drained of nearly the whole of its stock of gold, during the memo- rable week between the 10th and 18th of Decem- ber; yet on an average of the five weeks between the latter date and the 22d of January, 1826, the issue of bank of England notes had been in- creased to £25,310,000.; and that this lavish ex- perimental issue did not lead to the necessity of again resorting to a restriction Act, was owmg entirely to circumstances not at all contemplated in the deliberations which led to the increased issue of notes, and which, in fact, seem to have been issued with very little calculation on the consequences to which they might lead. 64. Notwithstanding the declaration at the Mansion House, on the 13th of December, that the embarrassments and difficulties under which the circulation of the country then labored, were mainly to be attributed to a general panic, for which there were no reasonable grounds ; accord- ing to a return laid before the House of Com- mons on the 27th of February, 1826; in the interval of the end of October, 1825, and that date, fifty-nine banking establishments, com- prising 144 partners, had been declared bank- rupt, about twenty others insolvent, and every succeeding week continued to add from seventy to 100 merchants, manufacturers, and traders, to the bankrupt list, and thousands to the lists of insolvency ; whilst half a million of families in the several manufacturing districts were driven to the verge of starvation, in consequence of the destruction of confidence, and suspension of commercial operations, which the uncertain issue and uncertain value of the circulating medium in great part occasioned. 65. Having now brought the history of the bank of England from the time of its foundation down to the period of this sheet going to press, in May, 1826, in reference to its circulation, we will now proceed to bring down its history from sect. 44, in reference to its agency and connexion wiih the government. Sect. 34 shows that it originated in the raising of a loan of £1,200,000 for the use of .the government, at an interest of 8 per cent, per annum, and £4000 per annum for agency; and that that transaction was, in fact, the foundation of the funding system, which has led to an extent and pressure of taxation without any. parallel in the history of society, and which the bank of England has been the main instrument in occasioning. Sect. 42 shows (he progress of the advances made by the bank to the government up to 1781 ; which advances, in addition to the interest, were all subject to a charge for agency ; as was also all other sums raised by lottery, or borrowed by the govern- ment from individuals during the war, from 1702 to 1713, the total sum then amounting to £52,145,363. The terms of agency up to 1726 liad varied according to circumstances, at which time it was fixed at £360 per million, afterwards increased to £562. 10s. per million; after the peace of Versailles in 1782, when the total sum amounted to £249,000,000, the terms were re- duced to £450 ])er million, at which rate it con- tinued up to 1807, when it was reduced to £340 per million, on £600,000,000., and £300 for every million above that sum; during the exac- tion of the property tax, the bank received at the rate of .£l250 per million, on such portions of the tax as were paid in to the bank direct, and £805. 15s. 10 J. per million on about £600,000,000 paid in on account of loans between the 1st of February, 1793, and the 5th of January, 1823; these several charges (including £4000 to £6000 per annum for management of lotteries), and most of which charges are likely to continue, at all events up to the period of the continuance of the charter in 1833, since the commencement of the present century, have averaged about £275,000 per annum. 66. Independently of the above species of agency, subject to specific charges, the whole re- ceipt of taxes of Great Britain passes through the Bank of England, which, since 1803, have averaged upwards of £50,000,000 per annum ; upon this branch of its agency the bank makes no direct charge, but as each separate depart- ment, paymaster, or accountant of the govern- ment, upwards of fifty in number, has its se- parate account at the bank, and each holding a provision for the progress of its payments, it leaves a permanent balance in the hands of the bank of from four to seven millions per annum, and during several of the last years of the war from ten to fifteen millions per annum. The following is a statement of the amount in each of the eight years 1818 — 1825 according to returns made annually to parliament, viz. Years. Maximum. Minimum. Average of the Year. 1818 1820 1 2 3 4 5 8,852,078 5,861,631 7,096,874 7,690,046 8,305,174 10,359,773 9,239,024 5,709,487 2,246,598 2,302,591 2,867,851 3,698,764 5,000,12/ 3,197,190 7,019,071 3,713,442 3,920,157 4,107,853 5,526,635 7,222,187 5,347,314 67. By means of these balances, deposits of individuals, and the circulation of its notes (and the circulation of its notes, be it remembered, creates the means of the balances and depo- sits), the bank discounts the bills of indi- viduals, makes the temporary advances to go- vernment on interest, and buys exchequer bills and other government securities, bearing interest ; all these it is, in addition to the specific charge of £275,000 per annum specified in sect. 65, and 3 per cent, on the £14,686,800 specified in sect. 41, that enables the directors of the bank tc divide the enormous amount of £1,455,300 per annum among the holders o.f the £14,553,000 of stock, as specified in sect.43. This profuse di- vidend occasions the nominal £100 of stock on the bank books, to be saleable for transfer pro- portionate to the current rate of interest, be it 3, 4, or 5 per cent, per annum. Henoe, on the BANK. 479 lOth of May, 1816, £100 of stock commanded £262, and this leads us to an elucidation of the transaction adverted to in sect. 42. In 1816 the directors of the bank offered to lend the govern- ment a furtlier sum of £3,000,000 during the continuance of their charter, at the moderate rate of interest of 3 per cent, per annum, the current rate then being about £4. 5$. per cent. ; and such was the blindness, as the writer of this ])aper regards it, of the government at that time, tiiatthe Chancellor of the Exchequer actually held it up in parliament as one of the most disinterested acts of kindness and genero- sity of a pnblic body that he had ever known : but the r(;ader should mark the sequel. 68. There was another proposition connected with the transaction on tlie part of the directors of the bank, to the following purport, viz. That they should be empowered to add 25 per cent, to their then permanent capital of £11,453,330. This being complied with, what did the trans- action amount to ? Certainly to empower the then holders of bank stock to levy a contribu- tion of from £7,000,000 to £8,000,000 O" the public for their own exclusive benefit, bei^ause no new subscription was called for, nor was the £3,000,000 purported to be lent, the property of the bank, but simply a reduction of the ba- lances of the public money, which the bank held as the agent of the public ; which by this act they were empowered to convert either into a marketable commodity at from £262 to £220 for every £lOO, or to retain it as a permanent ac- cession of capital equivalent thereto. 6'}. Another transaction between the bank and the government, equally disadvantageous to the public, took place in 1823, act of 4 Geo. IV. cap. 22. This act, which, under the title of Mili- tary and Naval Pension Bill, was virtually an act to raise money for the purpose of sustaining a sinking fund, granted an annuity to the bank of £585,740 for forty-four years, from the 5th of April, 1823, in consideration of the bank paying to the government the sum of £13,039,419 in thirteen irregular instalments between the 5th of April, 1823, and the 5th of July, 1828. As the actual result of this transaction depends upon the rate or terms at which the £13,089,419 or a corresponding sum, may be expended in die purchase of 3 per cent, stock, prior to the pay- ment of the last instalment, we-are of course (in May, 1826) precluded from stating with accuracy the precise extent of its disadvantage to the public. But, according to one (the eighteenth) of a series of resolutions on the state of the nation, submitted to the consideration of par- liament, by Mr. Hume, on the 4th of May, 1826, it appears that £6,917,569 of the amount re- ceived up to the 6th of January, 1826, had been expended at a rate equivalent to £7,858,188 of 3 per cent, stock, whilst the equivalent of 3 per cent, stock given for that portion of the amount was £9,476,110, consequently a bonus to the bank equal to £1,617,922 of 3 per cent, stock; but, by mathematically correct working of the transaction in 1824, when the 3 per cent, stock was at 95, and assuming that rate for the ex- penditure of the remainder of the instalments then to be paid, the result would have been on the 10th of October, 1828, a cancelling of per- petual annuity to the amount of £365,880, leaving an excess of £219,852 per annum, payable for 38^ years, equivalent to an annuity in perpetuity of £146,962; and supposing from the date of the last instalment in 1828, 3 per cent, stock should recede to 60, or the rate of interest become permanent at 5 per cent, per annum, the excess of the annuity of £219,852 for 38J years, would, at the expiration of that period, be equal to £29,381,900 of 3 per cent, stock, or an annuity in perpetuity of £881,457, consequently a dis- advantage to the public to that extent for ever. 70. The following is a Statement of the Income of the Bank at the period of this article going to press. Interest on the £14,686,800 permanent Debt of the Government, at 3 per cent. Annuity for 44 years, from 5th of April, 1823 . • Charge for transfer of the Pui)lic Funds, and Payment of the Annuities, about Interest on Notes in circulation, say £20,000,000, at an average of 4 per cent. Total From which the folloAving charges and liabilities must be deducted, viz. £250,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 50,000 20,000 Salaries f»f about 1000 Clerks Stationary, Coals, Candles, and House Expenses Repair of Buildings, Taxes, &c Composition for Stamps Loss on Bills Discounted Law Expenses, Gratuities, &c. ....... Net In com:: £440,604 585,740 275,000 800,000 £2,101,344 440,000 £1,661,344 480 BANK. Being upwards of 11 per cent, on the amount of stock constituting the permanent capital annually divided upon, against which, however, £5,000,000 of the loan of 1823, for which the annuity of £383,740 was ohtained, remains to be paid up ; but, if the resources of the bank have hitherto been such as to enable it to advance the £8,000,000 without entrenching more than 2 per cent upon its profuse income, but little doubt remains that it will be able to fulfil tlie contract without any further entrencliraent, and if so, the whole annuity then remains clear income for the remainder of the period^ viz. 38J years. The amounts deducted from tlie gross income are entirely assumed, there being no authentic data before the public on the subject, they probably exceed the actual expenses. 71 . In the preceding view of tlie total income of the bank, no notice is taken of interest on the temporary advances to the government, nor of profits by discounting, nor of interest tiiat may be derived from the balances held by the bank, due as well to depositors as to the government ; because the first, tliat is, the temporary advances to the government wholly, and the others par- tially, merge in the aggregate amount of interest derived from die circulation of its notes. 72. In addition to the Bank of England there are about seventy private banking establishments in London, for the purposes of deposit, transfer, and discount only ; and about 700 others, spread over the several counties of England and Wales, and thirty-two in Scotland ; the greater portion of which circulate their own notes, in addition to acting as banks of discount, deposit, and transfer. But as, at the period of this article going to press, proceedings are pending in par- liament which threaten a change in the banking system, calculated to change these arrange- ments entirely, we refer tiie reader to the article Circulating Medium, in a subse-' quent part of this work, for a continuation of the history and practice of banking in England, Scotland, and Ireland, as well as in France, America, British India, New South Wales, and tlie Cape of Good Hope. See also Savings' Bank, under the head Savings. 73. STATEMENT. Years. 1792 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1800 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 1810 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1820 21 22 23 24 25 26 Bank Notes and Bank Post Bills in circu- lation on the 25th or 26th February. BankNotes of £5 and upwards. 10,394,106 10,780,643 10,079,163 12,968,707 10,266,561 8,167,949 10,856,188 10,576,510 13,106,368 12,975,006 12,038,970 11,796,424 12,054,943 11,403,290 11,994,350 12,274,629 13,746,598 12,730,999 13,650,592 15,110,688 14,523,049 14,567,267 13,632,-250 16,394,359 15,307,228 17,538,656 19,077,951 16,549,270 15,393,770 15,766,270 15,178,490 15,749,980 17,469,210 Batik Post Bills, 753,703 647,738 618,739 570,456 643,133 474,615 551,549 607,907 723,600 954,982 803,499 820,039 848,894 1,029,580 723,736 724,485 742,671 944,727 907,620 1,133,419 1,039,834 1,034,882 1,091,242 1,184,459 1,336,467 1,376,416 1,838,600 1,602,390 1,401,200 1,606,820 1,609,620 1,747,160 2,246,040 ^x3n: ^ .HiO CO Total. 1,442,348 1,451,728 1,406,708 2,647,526 2,616,407 2,960,469 4,673,515 4,801,596 4,428,360 4,206,230 4,103,785 4,338,951 5,871,069 7,140,726 7,415,294 7,705,322 8,371,923 9,094,552 9,036,374 8,143,506 7,362,492 7,276,590 6,689,130 6,451,520 1,384,360 692,110 491,370 1,559,756 11,149,809 11,428,381 10,697,924 13,539,163 10,909,694 8,601,964 12,850,085 12,636,145 15,236,676 16,577,514 15,458,876 15,376,932 17,577,352 17,234,466 17,148,446 17,205,344 18,593,034 18,014,677 20,429,281 23,384,833 22,998,197 23,307,471 23,093,413 26,673,370 23,680,069 27,038,578 28,279,043 25,947,637 23,484,100 23,824,610 18,172,470 18,189,450 19,736,986 21,060,145 23,673,737 Total on the 25th or 26th of August. 11,006,969 10,838,214 10,628,220 11,458,382 9,531,335 10,568,216 12,191,025 13,259,873 14,735,378 14,970,321 16,887,113 17,035,959 17,323,994 16,296,178 19,072,893 20,034,112 17,365,266 19,357,241 24,446,175 23,793,115 23,482,910 24,024,869 28,979,876 27,024,049 27,075,834 30,099,908 26,602,837 25,637,610 24,533,160 20,327,753 18,142,700 19,582,348 20,293,326 19,290,570 Amount of Debt due to Bank fromGo vernment. On 23th or 26th of February. 10,968,306 10,529,828 10,816,867 13,118,013 12,717,239 10,181,862 9,807,814 10,082,739 13,201,639 15,289,439 14,284,239 9,595,939 11,715,239 17,202,739 14,663,339 13,763,539 14,364,939 15,400,139 15,017,839 18,068,439 22,551,739 25,893,939 24,484,039 28,032,739 19,865,039 26,373,570 28,035,523 23,727,720 23,005,204 16,641,620 14,188,200 14,969,554 15,600,780 19,679,288 18,724,246 On 25th or 26th of August. 11,684,484 11,851,388 8,737,806 13,460,144 10,454,614 7,145,134 9,444,976 8,986,439 12,899,239 11,948,339 13,352,339 13,635,239 15,304,439 11,745,339 14,445,339 13,665,339 15,677,539 16,009,339 17,689,739 22,696,239 21,957,639 25,731,239 25,814,539 24,955,839 27,22-2,845 28,300,309 28,087,860 25,546,230 20,826,447 17,214,325 15,450,938 13,319,316 15,884,468 18,261,100 BANKRUPTS. 481 BANILA.FALET, a game of cards played thus : after cutting the cards into as many parts as there are players, every man lays what money he chooses on his card ; and according to the value of his card, above or below those of the other game- sters, the dealer wins or loses. The ace of dia- monds is the best card ; the ace of hearts next ; the ace of clubs after it ; then the ace of spades ; and so of the rest of these suits in order, accord- ing to their rank. The cheat depends on secu- ring an ace, or such other sure winning card; which are known to the sharper by some secret mark. Bankers, in antiquity, were called argentarii, and nummularii ; by the Greeks rpaviZiTai, ko\- \vj3iTai, and apyt)pajuoi/3oi. Their chief business was to put out the money of private persons to in- terest : they had tlieir boards and benches for this purpose in all the markets and public places, where they took in tlie money from some, to lend it to others. The Romans had two kinds of bankers, though their office was much more ex- tensive than that of the bankers among us, theirs being that of public officers, in whom were united the functions of a broker, agent, banker, and no- tary ; managing the exchange, taking in money, assisting in buying and selling, and drawing the writings necessary on all these occasions. Bajskers, in bricklaying, pieces of timber whereon bricks are cut. The banker is six feet long or more, according to the number of men to work at it, and nine or ten inches square; it is to be laid on two piers of timber, three feet high from the floor. Bankers, in the court of Rome, are persons authorised, exclusively, to solicit and procure by their correspondents at Rome, all bulls, dispen- sations, and other acts despatched at the papal datary, or in the legateship of Avignon. They were common in all the cities of France that had a parliament, or a presidial before the revolution ; and were erected into a regular and hereditary office, by an edict in 1673. They owed their origin to the Guelphs, who took shelter at Avig- non, and in other cities within the jurisdiction of the pope, in the time of the civil wars of Italy. But the heavy extortions they practised towards their clients, soon rendered them odious, and oc- casioned several denominations of reproach, as coarcini, caturcini, caursini, corcini, &c. from the city Cahors, the native place of pope John XXII. in whose pontificate they were in their highest power. Bankers, in seamens' language, vessels em- ployed in the cod-fishery on the banks of New- foundland. Banking, in architecture, the making of banks to oppose the force of the sea, rivers, or tlie like, and secure the land from being overflowed thereby. With respect to the water whicli is to be kept out, this is called banking ; with respect to the land, which is thereby to be defended, em- bankins;. BANKALA, an island in the eastern seas, off the coast of Celebes, about twenty miles in cir- cumference. Long. 122"^ 51' E., lat. 2°30*S. BANKAPOUR^ or Bancapour, a fortress of Hindostan, in the Mysore, now dismantled. Vol. III. Distant 108 miles N. W. of Seringapatam, and sixty S. W. of Bednore. BANKINSKOI, a town of Siberia, in the envi- rons of Lake Baikal. Long. 117° 14' E., lat. 51° 11' N. BANKMORE, a sand bank in the Irish Sea, one mile south of Pontaferry harbour, in tlie county of Down. BANKODANG, a small island in the Eastern Indian sea. Long. 118° 2' E., lat. 5° 12' S. BANKOSSEI, a town of Lower Siam, on the west side of the gulf. Distant seventy miles south of Juthia. Long. 100° 38' E., lat. 13° 12' N. Bankrupts, Laws respecting. The title of the first English statute on this subject, 34 Henry VIII. cap. 4, which is said to be ' a'jainst such persons as do makebankrupt,' is a literal translation of the French idiom, qui font banque route. The 3d of Elizabeth followed, all of the provisions of which were incorporated in 1 Jac. I. A bankrupt, according to these statutes, was con- sidered as a criminal or offender, 1. Jac. I.e. 15. sect. 17 ; but at present the laws of bankruptcy are regarded as calculated for the general benefit of trade, and being founded on broader views of humanity and justice, confer some privileges not only on the creditors, but also on the bankrupt himself: on the creditors, by compelling the bank- rupt to give up all his effects to their use, without any concealment; — and on the debtor, by ex- empting him from the rigor of other parts of the law, whereby his person might be confined at the discretion of his creditor, though in reality he has nothing to satisfy the debt; and, together with the liberty of his person, affording him, on cer- tain conditions, some pecuniary provision for his future maintenance. In this respect our legisla- tures seems to have attended to the example of the Roman law. We mean not the terrible law of the XII tables ; whereby creditors might cut the debtor's body into pieces, and each of them take his proportionable share : if indeed that law, de debitore in partes secando, is to be un- derstood in so barbarous a light; nor do we mean those less inhuman laws (if they may be called so, as their meaning is indisputably certain), of imprisoning the debtor's person in chains, subject- ing him to stripes and hard labor at the mercy of his creditor ; and sometimes selling him, his wife, and children, to perpetual foreign slavery trans Tiberim ; an oppressionwhich produced so many popular insurrections, and secessions to the mons sacer. Laws equally barbarous are quoted by Blackstone, as existing in Peeru, and the adjacent countries ofthe East, where the creditor is entitled to dispose of the debtor himself, and likewise of, or appropriate, his wife and children : though in- deed by doing so, the debt is understood to be discharged. But we mean the law of cession in- troduced by the Christian emperors; whereby, if a debtor ceded or yielded up all his fortune to his creditors, he was secured from imprisonment, ' omni quoque corporal! cruciatu semoto.' For, as the emperor justly observes, ' inhumanum erat spoliatum fortunis suis in solidum damnari.' Thus far was just and reasonable ; but, as the de- parting from one extreme is apt to produce its opposite, we find it afterwards enacted, that if the 21 482 BANKRUPT. debtor, by any unforeseen accident, was reduced to low circumstances, and would swear that he had not sufficient left to pay his debts, he sliould not be compelled to cede or give up even that which he had in his possession; a law which, under a false notion of humanity, seems to be fertile of perjury, absurdity, and injustice. The laws of England, more wisely, have steered be- tween these extremes : providing at once against the inhumanity of the creditor, who is not suf- fered to confine an honest bankrupt after his effects are delivered up ; and at the same time taking care that all his just debts shall be paid, so far as the effects will extend. But still they are cautious of encouraging prodigality and ex- travagance by this indulgence to debtors : and therefore they allow the benefit of the laws of bankruptcy to none but actual traders ; since that set of men are, generally speaking, the only per- sons liable to accidental losses, and to an inabi- lity of paying their debts, without any fault of their own. If persons in other situations of life run in debt without the power of payment, they must take the consequences of their own indis- cretion, even though they meet with sudden ac- cidents that may reduce their fortunes ; for the law holds it to be an unjustifiable practice, for any person but a trader to encumber himself with debts of any considerable value. If a gentleman, or one in a liberal profession, at the time of con- tracting his debts, has a sufficient fund to pay them, the delay of payment is a species of dis- honesty, and a temporary injustice to his creditor ; and if, at such a time, he has not sufficient fund, the dishonesty and injustice is the greater. He cannot, tlierefore, murmur, if he suffer the pu- nishment which he has voluntarily drawn upon himself. But in mercantile transactions, the case is far otherwise. Trade cannot be carried on without mutual credit on both sides ; the con- tracting of debts is therefore here not only justi- fiable but necessary. And if by accidental calamities, as by the loss of a ship in a tempest, the failure of brother traders, or by the non-pay- ment of persons out of trade, a merchant or trader becomes incapable of discharging his own debts, it is his misfortune and not his fault. Such is the spirit cif our law : which has been rendered more simple in the mode of its execution of late by the comprehensive statute 6 Geo. IV. cap. 16. which, repealing the greater part of the former statutes on this subject, dictates a line of practice which may be conveniently considered under, 1 . Who may become bankrupts. 2. What is an act of bankruptcy. 3. Proceedings thereon up to, and inclusive of the meetings of creditors. 4. Effects to the bankrupt and his creditors. I. Persons who may become bankrupts are de- fined to be, all bankers, brokers, and persons using the trade or profession of a scrivener, re- ceiving other men's monies or estates into their trust or custody, and persons insuring ships or their freight, or other matters, against perils of the sea, warehousemen, wharfingers, packers, builders, carpenters, shipwrights, victuallers, keepers of inns, taverns, hotels, or coffee-houses, dyers, printers, bleachers, fullers, calenderers, cattle or sheep salesmen, and all persons using the trade of merchandise by way of bargaining, exchange, bartermg, commission, consignment, or otherwise, in gross or by retail ; and all per- sons who, either for themselves or as agents or factors for others, seek their living by buying and selling, or by buying and letting for hire, or by the workmanship of goods or commodities, shall be deemed traders liable to become bank- rupt : Provided that no farmer, grazier, common laborer, or workman for hire, receiver-general of the taxes, or member of or subscriber to any incorpo- rated commercial or trading companies, establish- ed by charter or act of parliament, shall be deemed, as such a trader, liable to become bankrupt. II. An act of bankruptcy is committed. 1. * If any trader shall depart this realm, or being out of this realm shall remain abroad, or de- part from his dwelling-house, or otherwise ab- sent himself, or begin to keep his house, or suffer himself to be arrested for any debt not due, or yield himself to prison, or suffer himself to be outlawed, or procure himself to be arrested, or his goods, money, or chattels, to be attached, se- questered, or taken in execution, or make or cause to be made, either within this realm or elsewhere, any fraudulent grant or conveyance of any of his lands, tenements, goods, or chattels, or make or cause to be made any fraudulent surrender of any of his copyhold lands or tene- ments, or make or cause to be made any fraudu- lent gift, delivery, or transfer of any of his goods, or chattels ; every such trader doing, suffering, procuring, executing, permitting, making, or causing to be made any of the acts, deeds, or matters aforesaid, with intent to defeat or delay his creditors, shall be deemed to have thereby committed an act of bankruptcy. 2. But where any trader shall execute any conveyance or assignment, by deed, to a trustee or trustees, of all his estate and effects for the benefit of all the creditors of such trader, tlie execution of such deed shall not be deemed an act of bankruptcy, unless a commission issue against such trader within six calender months from the execution thereof, provided that such deed shall be executed by every such trustee within fifteen days after the execution thereof by the said trader; and that the execution by such trader and by every such trustee be attested by an attorney or solicitor ; and that notice be given within two months after the execution thereof by such trader in the London Gazette, and two London daily newspapers ; or in case the trader does not reside within forty miles of London, in the London Gazette and in one Lon- don daily newspaper and one provincial news- paper, published near to such trader's residence ; such notice containing the date and execution of such deed, and the name and place of abode respectively of every such trustee, and of such attorney or solicitor. 3. Other acts of bankruptcy are lying in prison for debt twenty-one days ; escaping out of prison or custody; or, which is the most novel and im- portant feature of this act, — If any trader shall file in the office of the Lord Chancellor's secretary of bankrupts, a declaration in writing, attested by an attorney or solicitor, that he is insolvent, or unable to meet his engagements, the secretary of bankrupts or his deputy is then to sign a memo- BANKRUPT. 483 randum that such declaration hath been filed, which is authority for the printer of the London Gazette to insert an advertisement of such decla- ration therein ; and every such declaration shall, after the advertisement inserted, become an act of bankruptcy committed by such trader at the time when such declaration was filed : but no commission can issue thereupon, unless it be sued out within two calender months next after its insertion, nor unless such advertisement shall have been inserted in the London Gazette within eight days after such declaration was filed ; and no docket can be struck upon such act of bankmptcy before the expiration of four days next after insertion of such advertisement, in case such commission is to be executed in Lon- don, or before the expiration of eight days next after such insertion, in case such commission is to be executed in the country. A further provision upon this point, and which seems designed to encourage a settlement of in- solvents' aflairs in this way is, That no commis- sion under which the adjudication shall be grounded on the act of bankruptcy being the filing of such declaration, shall be deemed in- valid by reason of such declaration having been concerted or agreed upon between the bankrupt and any creditor or other person. If any trader having privilege of parliament shall commit any act of bankruptcy, a commis- sion of bankrupt may issue against him, and the commissioners and all other persons acting under such commission, may proceed thereon in like manner as against other bankrupts, only such person shall not be subject to be arrested or im- prisoned during his privilege, except in cases made felony by this act. IIL Proceedijigs hereupon. 1. The Lord Chancellor has power upon petition stating to him in writing that any trader has committed any act of bankruptcy, by any creditor or creditors of such trader ; if one being a credi- tor for £100, if two for £l50, and if three being creditors for £200 ; by commission under the great seal, to appoint such persons as to hinr shall seem fit, to have full power and authority to take such order and direction, with the body of the bankrupt, as herein after men- tioned, as also with all his lands, tenements, and hereditaments, both within the realm and abroad, which he shall have in his own right before he became bankrupt, as also with all such interest in any such lands, tenements, and hereditaments as such bankrupt may lawfully depart with all, and with all his money, fees, offices, annuities, goods, chattels, wares, merchandise, and debts,, wheresoever they may be found or known, and to make sale thereof, &c. for satisfaction and payment of the creditors. The petitioning creditor must prosecute a commission at Ins own costs, until the choice of assignees ; or the commissioners may appoint temporary assignees. Any creditor or creditors whose debt or debts is or are sufiicient to entitle him or them to petition for a commission against all the partners of any firm, may petition for a commission against one or more partners of such firm, and every commission issued upon such petition shall be valid although it does not in- clude all the partners of the firm, and in every commission against two or more persons it shall ■be lawful for -the Lord Chancellor to supersede such commission as to one or more of sucii per- sons, and the validity of such commission shall not be thereby affected as to any person as to whom such commission is not ordered to be su- perseded, nor shall any such person's certificate be thereby affected. Auxiliary commissions for the proof of debts or examination of witnesses may also be issued by the chancellor. But the examinations are to be annexed to the original commission. 2. The commissioners take oath impartially and honestly to execute iheir office; and they take a f«e of twenty shillings for evGry meeting and for the signature of every deed and conveyance, and the bankrupt's certificate. The first duty is, upon proof made before them of the petitioning creditor's debt or debts, and of the trading and act or acts of bankruptcy of the person or per- sons against whom such commission is issued, to adjudge such person or persons bankrupt. Then the commissioners ' shall forthwith cause notice of such adjudication to be given in the London Gazette, and shall there'by appoint three public meetings for the bankrupt to sur- render and conform, the last of which meetings shall be on the forty-second day hereby limited for such surrender.' No commission shall abate by reason of a demise of the crown, and (if by reason of the death of commissioners, or for any other cause, it becomes necessary) any commis- sion may be renewed, but only half the fees usually paid upon obtaining commissions shall be paid for the same ; and if any bankrupt shall die after adjudication, the commissioners may proceed in the commission as they might have done if he were living. 3. The messenger of the commissioners may break open the bankrupt's doors, &c. and seize upon his body or property ; and if the bankrupt be in prison or in custody, it shall be lawful for the person so appointed as aforesaid to seize any property (his necessary wearing apparel only ex- cepted; in the custody or possession of such bankrupt, or of any other person, in any prison or place where such bankrupt is in custody. But, in ordinary cases, the messenger proceeds quietly to enter on the bankrupt's premises, and take possession of his goods. The commissioners are empowered to summon persons suspected of having bankrupt's property in their hands, &c. ; and compel them to produce books. Sec. under pain of being committed to prison without bail. They may even summon the bankrupt's wife. And the concealment of his effects subjects other parties to a fine of £lOO. 4. At the three several meetings appointed by the commissioners, and at every other meeting by tiiem appointed for proof of debts (whereof, and of the purport whereof, ten days notice shall have been given in the London Gazette), every creditor of the bankrupt may prove his debt by his own oatli ; and all bodies politic and public companies incorporated or audiorised to sue or bring actions, either by charter or act of par- liament, may prove by an agent, provided such agent shall in his deposition swear that he is such 2 1 2 484 BANKRUPT. a surrender, and submit to be exa- mined before them, from time to time, upon oath, or, being a Quaker,^ upon solemn affirma- tion ; or if any such bankrupt upon such exami- nation shall not discover all his real or personal estate, and how and to whom, upon what consi- deration, and when he disposed of, assigned, ui transferred any of such estate, and all books, papers, and writings relating tliereunto (except such part as shall have been really and bona fide before sold or disposed of in the way of his trade, or laid out in the ordinary expense of his family) ; or if any such bankrupt shall not upon such ex- amination deliver up to the commissioners all such part of such estate, and all books, papers, and writings relating thereunto, as be in his pos session, custody, or power, (except the necessary wearing apparel of himself, his wife and chil- dren) ; or if any such bankrupt shall remove, conceal, or embezzle any part of such estate, to the value of £lO or upwards, or any books of account, papers, or writings relating thereto, with intent to defraud his creditors, every such bankrupt shall be deemed guilty of felony, and be liable to be transported for -life, or for such term, not less than seven years, as the court be- fore which he shall be convicted shall adjudge, or shall be liable to be imprisoned only, or im- prisoned and kept to hard labor in any common gaol, penitentiary house, or house of correction, for any term not exceeding seven years. But the lord chancellor, or the commissioners have power, as often as they shall think fit, from time to time, to enlarge the time for the bankrupt sur- rendering himself, so as every such order be made six days at least before the day on which such bankrupt was to surrender himself; and an allowance is to be" made to the bankrupt for his maintenance, out of his estate, until he shall have passed his examination. The bankrupt shall also be free from arrest or imprisonment by any cre- ditor in coming to surrender; and after such surrender during the said forty-two days, and such fui flier time as shall be allowed him for finishing his examination, provided he was not in custody at the time of such surrender; and if such bankrupt shall be arrested for debt, or on any escape warrant in coming to surrender, or shall after his surrender be so arrested within the time aforesaid, he shall, on producing the sum- mons under the hands of the commissioners to the officer who shall arrest him, and giving such officer a copy thereof, be immediately discharged ; and if any officer shall detain any such bankrupt after he shall have shown his summons^ to him, so signed as aforesaid, such officer sliall forfeit to such bankrupt, for his own use the sum of £5. for every day he shall detain such bankrupt, to be recovered by action of debt in any court of record at Westminster, in the name of such bank- rupt, with full costs of suit. IV. The effects of these provisions with regard to the bankrupt and his creditors are, 1. All pre- vious conveyances of property, made while he was insolvent, become void (except upon mar- riage of his children or for some valuable consi- deration). 2. He is no longer entitled to leasers, or agree- ments for leases, nor liable for rents or cove- nants ; but his assignees may elect to abide by or abandon a lease or agreement, and execute all powers previously vested in bankrupts. But BANKRUPT. 485 all conveyances by, and all contracts and other dealinsTs and transactions by and with any bank- rupt, bona fide made and entered into more than two calendar months before the date and issuing of the commission against him, and all execu- tions and attachments against the lands and tene- ments or goods and chattels of such bankrupt, bona fide executed or levied more than two ca- lendar months before the issuing of such commis- sion, shall be valid, notwithstanding any prior act of bankruptcy by him committed ; provided the person or persons so dealing with such bank- rupt, or at whose suit or on whose account such execution or attachment shall have issued, had not at the time of such conveyance, contract, dealing, or transaction, or at the time of execut- ing or levying such execution or attachment, no- tice of any prior act of bankruptcy by him com- mitted : payments made l)y and to the banknipt without notice, are valid, notwithstanding an act of bankruptcy. And no person or body corpo- rate, or public company, having in his or their possession or custody any money, goods, wares, merchandises, or effects belonging to any bank- rupt shall be endangered by reason of the pay- ment or delivery thereof to the bankrupt or his order; provided such person or company had not at the time of such delivery or payment, no- tice that such bankrupt had committed an act of bankruptcy. 3. Every bankrupt who shall have duly sur- rendered and conformed himself to the laws in ibrce concerning bankrupts at the time of issuing the commission against him, shall be discharged from all debts due by him when he became bank- rupt, and from all claims and demands provable under the commission, in case he shall obtain a certificate of such conformity, so signed and al- lowed, and subject to such provisions as herein- after directed ; but no such certificate shall release or discharge any person who was partner with such bankrupt at the time of his bankruptcy, or who was then jointly bound, or had made any joint contract with such bankrupt. Such certifi- cate shall be signed by four-fifths in number and value of the creditors of the bankrupt, who shall have proved debts under the commission to the amount of twenty pounds or upwards, or after six calendar months from the last examination of the bankrupt, then either by three-fifths in imm- ber and value of such creditors, or by nine- tenths in number of such creditors, who shall thereby testify their consent to the said bank- rupt's discharge as aforesaid ; and no such cer- tificate shall be such discharge, unless the commissioners shall in writing, under their hands and seals, certify to the Lord Chancellor tliat such bankrupt has made a full discovery of his estate and effects, and in all things conformed as aforesaid, and that there does not appear any reason to doubt the truth or fulness of such dis- covery, and also that the creditors have signed in manner hereby directed, and unless the bankrupt make oath in writing that such certificate and consent were obtained without fraud, and unless such certificate shall, after such oath, be allowed by the Lord Chancellor, against which allowance any of the creditors of the bankrupt may be heard before the Lord Chancellor. But the commis- sioners shall not sign any certificate unless they shall have proof, by affidavit in writing, of the signature of the creditors thereto, or of any per- son thereto authorised by any creditor, and of the authority by which such person shall have so signed the same ; and if any creditor reside abroad, the authority of such creditor shall be attested by a notary public, British minister, or consul ; and every such affidavit, authority, and attestation, shall be laid before the Lord Chan- cellor, with the certificate, previous to the allow- ance thereof. Any contract or security made or given by any bankrupt or other person unto or in trust for any creditor, or for securing the payment of any money due by such bankrupt at his bankruptcy, as a consideration or with intent to persuade such creditor to consent to, or sign such certificate, shall be void, and the money thereby secured or agreed to be paid shall not be recoverable, and the party sued on such contract or security may plead the general issue, and give this act and the special matter in evidence. And, finally, any bankrupt who shall, after this certificate shall have been allowed, be arrested, or have any ac- tion brought against him for any debt, claim, or demand, hereby made provable under the com- mission against such bankrupt, shall be dis- charged upon common bail, and may plead in general that the cause of action accrued before he became bankrupt, and may give this act and the special matter in evidence, and such bank- rupt's certificate, and the allowance thereof, shall be sufficient evidence of the trading, bankruptcy, commission, and other proceedings precedent to the obtaining such certificate ; and if any such bankrupt shall be taken in execution, or detained in prison for such debt, claim, or demand, where judgment has been obtained taefore the allowance of his certificate, it shall be lawful for any judge of the court wherein judgment has been so ob- tained, on such bankrupt's producing his certifi- cate, to order any officer who shall have such bankrupt in custody by virtue of such execution, to discharge such bankrupt without exacting any fee, and such officer shall be hereby indemnified for so doing. It is nevertheless provided that if any person who shall have been so discharged by such certifi- cate as aforesaid, or who shall have compounded with his creditors, or who shall have been dis- charged by any insolvent act, siiall be or become bankrupt, and have obtained or shall hereafter obtain such certificate as aforesaid, unless his estate shall produce (after all charges) sufficient to pay every creditor under the commission fif- teen shillings in the pound, such certificate shall only protect his person from arrest and nnprison- ment, but his future estate and effects (except his tools of trade and necessary household furniture, and the wearing a]jparel of himself, his wife and children), shall vest in the assignees under the commission. A scale of allowance on the other hand is made for every bankrupt who shall have ob- tained his certificate, if the net produce of his estate shall pay the creditors who have proved under the commission ten shillings in the pound; in which case he shall be allowed five per cenU 486 BANKRUPT. out of such produce, to be paid him by the as- signees, provided such allowance shall not exceed four hundred pounds ; and every bankrupt, if such produce shall pay such creditors twelve shillings and sixpence in the pound, shall be al- lowed and paid as aforesaid seven pounds ten shillings per cent., provided such allowance shall not exceed five hundred pounds ; and every bank- rupt, if such produce shall pay such creditors fifteen shillings in the pound or upwards, shall be allowed and paid as aforesaid ten pounds per cent., provided such allowance shall not exceed six hundred pounds; but if such produce shall not pay such creditors ten shillings in the pound, such bankrupt shall only be allowed and paid so much as the assignees and commissioners shall think fit, not exceeding three pounds per cent, and three hundred pounds. As to the important point of making dividends, the commissioners shall, not sooner than four nor later than twelve calendar months from the issuing the commission, appoint a public meeting (whereof, and of the purport whereof, they shall give twenty-one days notice in the London Gazette), to make a dividend of the bankrupt's estate, at w^iich meeting all creditors who have not proved their debts shall be entitled to prove the same ; and the said commissioners at such meeting shall order such part of the net produce of the bankrupt's estate in the hands of the as- signees, as they shall think fit, to be forthwith divided amongst such creditors as have proved debts under the commission, in proportion to their respective debts, and shall make an order for a dividend in writing under their hands, and shall cause one part of such order to be filed amongst the proceedings under the commission, and shall deliver another part thereof to the as- signees, which order shall contain an account of the time and place of making such order, of the amount of the debts proved, of the money re- maining in the hands of the assignees to be di- vided, of how much in the pound is then ordered to be paid to every creditor, and of the money allowed by the commissioners to be retained by the assignees, with their reasons for allowing the same to be so retained ; and the assignees, in pursuance of such order (and without any deed of distribution made for that purpose), shall forth- with make such dividend, and shall take receipts in a book to be kept for that purpose from each creditor, for the dividend received by such credi- tor ; and sucli order and receipt shall be a dis- charge to every such assignee for so much as he shall pay pursuant to such order ; and no divi- dend shall be declared, unless the accounts of the assignees shall have been first so audited as aforesaid, and such statement delivered by them upon oath as aforesaid. No creditor having security for his debt, or having made any attachment in London, or any other place, by virtue of any custom tliere used, of the goods and chattels of the bankrupt, shall receive upon any such security or attachment more than a rateable part of such debt, except in respect of any execution or extent served and levied, by seizure upon, or any mortgage of or lien upon any part of the property of such bank- rupt before the bankruptcy; provided that no creditor, though for a valuable consideration, who shall sue out execution upon any judgment obtained by default, confession, or nil dicit, shall avail himself of such execution to the prejudice of other fair creditors, but shall be paid rateable with such creditors. If the bankrupt's estate shall not have been wholly divided upon the first dividend, the com- missioners shall, within eighteen calendar months after the issuing of the commission, appoint a public meeting (whereof, and of the purport whereof, they shall give twenty-one days notice in the London Gazette), to make a second divi- dend of the bankrupt's estate, when all creditors who have not proved their debts may prove the same ; and the commissioners at such meeting, after taking such audit as herein-before directed, shall order the balance in the hands of the as- signees to be forthwith divided amongst such of the creditors as shall have proved their debts ; and such second dividend shall be final, unless any action at law or suit in equity be depending, or any part of the estate be standing out, not sold or disposed of, or unless some other estate or effects of the bankrupt shall afterwards come to the assignees, in which case they shall, as soon as may be, convert such estate and effects into money, and within two calendar months after the same .shall be so converted, divide the same ia manner aforesaid. Lastly, if any assignee, under any commission of bankrupt, shall have, either in his own hands or at any banker's, or otherwise subject to his order or disposition, or to his knowledge in the hands of, or in the order and disposition of him- self and any co-assignee or co-assignees, or of any or either of them, any unclaimed dividend or dividends, amounting in the whole to the sum of fifty pounds, and shall not within six months after this act shall have taken effect, or two calendar months after the expiration of one year after the declaration and order of payment of such dividend or dividends made by the com- missioners, either pay to the creditor or creditors entitled thereto, or cause a certificate thereof to be filed in the office of the Lord Chancellor's secretary of bankrupts, containing a full and true account of the name or names of the creditor or creditors to whom such unclaimed dividend or dividends is or are respectively due, and of the amount of such dividend or dividends respec- tively (such account being signed by the assignee or assignees rendering the same, and attested by the solicitor to the commission, or the solicitor to the assignee or assignees signing the same), such assignee or assignees shall be charged, in account with the estate of the bankrupt, interest upon such unclaimed dividend or dividends, to be computed from the time that such certificate is hereby directed to be filed, at the rate of five pounds per centum per annum, for such time as he shall thenceforth retain the same, and also such further sum as the commissioners shall think fit, not exceeding in the whole twenty pounds per centum per annum ; and the Lord Chancellor, or the said commissioners, may order the investment of any unclaimed dividends in the public funds, or in any government security, for or on account of the creditors entitled, and BANK S. 487 subject to such order as the Lord Chancellor may think fit to make respec'.ing the same, who, if he shall think fit, may, after the same shall have remained unclaimed for the space of three years from the declaration of such dividends by the commissioners, order the same to be divided amongst and paid to the other creditors, and the proof of the creditors to whom such dividends were allotted shall from thenceforth be considered as void as to the same, but renewable as to any future dividends, to place them pari passu with the other creditors, but not to disturb any divi- dends which shall have been previously made. We have thus fully stated the general pro- visions of the late act, as useful to all persons connected with trade ; more minute provisions will of course engage the attention and require the aid of professional men. BANKS, Cape, the north-east point of Bo- tany Bay, on the east coast of New Holland. Banks' Island, an island of New Zealand, off the north-east coast of Tavai Poenammoo. It is about sixty miles in circumference, and suf- ficiently high to be visible at the distance of twelve or fifteen leagues. It is barren but inha- bited. Distant fifteen miles from Tavai Poe- nammoo. The south point lies in long. 186° 30' VV., latitude 43° 32' S. Also, an island in the North Pacific, near the west coast of North America, about sixty miles long, and five broad. Long. 129° 4.5' to 130° 10' W., lat. 50° 30' N. Banks' Port, a harbour on the north-west coast of America, south-east from Cape Edge- cumbe, and north-west from Sea Otter Sound. Banks (Sir John), Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, in the reign of Charles I., was born at Keswick, in Cumberland, in 1589. He studied at Oxford, but took no degree : applying to the law, his extraordinary reputation in that profession soon recommended him to the king, who made him attorney to the prince in 1629 ; knighted him, and appointed him attorney- general in 1634 ; lord chief justice in 1640; and a member of the privy council in 1642. In these perilous times, he discharged the duties of his important and arduous offices with very ge- neral approbation. But at last lost his popu- larity, by declaring from the bench, in the sum- mer circuit, tliat the actions of Essex, Man- chester, and Waller, were treasonable ; and the Commons voted him a traitor. Meantime his lady, being with her family at his seat at Corfe Castle, in the isle of Purbeck, was sumraoned to surrender hy the friends of the parliament; but refused, though she had then only five men in the castle, and sustained a siege, by William Earl, with not more than forty men. At last lady Banks was relieved by the arrival of lord Caernar- von with a body of horse. Sir John continued with the king at Oxford till 1644, when he died. Banks (John), an English author, born at Sunning, in Berkshire in 1709. He was bred a weaver at Reading, but gave up that business and went to London, where he became a book- seller. Not succeeding in this, he published various tracts, particularly a Critical Review of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, which met with it favorable reception. He died in 1751. Banks (Thomas), an eminent English sculptor, was bom in 1735, and was son of Mr. William Banks, steward of the duke of Beaufort. He was educated with Kent, the well-known archi- tect of that period ; but afterwards, showino- a preference for sculpture, studied it at the Royal Academy with great success, and was elected to be sent as one of its students to Italy. Here he executed several good pieces, particularly a basso-relievo of Caractacus, in the possession of the duke of Buckingham; and a Cupid catching a butterfly, which was afterwards purchased by the empress Catharine. He went from Italy to Russia, where he staid two years, and returned to his own country to acquire both fame and for- tune. Among his works are a colossal statue exhibiting Achilles mourning the loss of Briseis, in the hall of the British Institution ; and the monument of Sir Eyre Coote, in Westminster Abbey. Mr. Banks was elected a member of the Royal Academy not long after his return from Russia, and finished his useful life in February 1805. Banks (Sir Joseph), the late celebrated natu- ralist, was the son of William Banks, Esq. of Revesby Abbey, Lincolnshire, where he was born in 1743. He received his education at Eton and Oxford, where he continued till the death of his father. In 1765 he made a voyage to Newfoundland and Labrador, for the purpose of making researches relative to natural history; and in 1763 embarked with his friend, Dr. So- lander, in the first voyage round the world made by the great captain Cook. In the course of this expedition Mr. Banks, in traversing the rocks of Terra del Fuego, narrowly escaped pe- rishing from intense cold. In consequence of a misunderstanding with captain Cook, he did not join, as he intended, in the expedition of 1772; but the same year undertook a voyage to the Western Isles of Scotland and to Iceland, in the course of which he made important additions to our knowledge of those regions. About this time he received the compliment of a diploma of LL. D. from his alma mater. In 1778 he was made a baronet and elected president of the Royal So- ciety. Some unpleasant dissentions, which arose in the society not long after, were almost the only circumstances which occurred to inter- rupt his tranquillity. These, however, subsided, and the remainder of his life was passed amongst scientific associates, and the prosecution of re- se?.rche3 connected with natural history. His house was always open to the learned world. He died June 19, 1820, at his seat at Spring Grove, Middlesex. The published writings of Sir Joseph Banks are neither numerous nor im- portant. They consist of papers in the Philoso- phical Transactions, the Archa;ologia, the Trans- actions of the Horticultural Society, and other periodical works ; and a small tract, entitled A Short Account of the Causes of the Diseases in Corn, called by Farmers the Blight, the Jlildew, and the Rust, with plates. Loudon, 1803, 4to. This impression was only for private distribution ; but an edition in 8vo. was published in 1805. Sir Joseph possessed a noble librarj' of works on natural history, of which an admirable catalogue, in five vols. 8vo. was compiled by his librarian^ Mr. Dryander. BAN 488 BAN Banks-Bkae, a hill of Scotland, in Renfrew- shire, on the south-west border of the parish of Kilbarchan, beautifully adorned with plantations. BANKSIA, in entomology, a species of pa- pilio, (nymph), with angulated wings; brown above, with a yellowish disk. Fabricius. It is a native of New Holland, and the papilio ismene of Cramer. Banksia, in botany, a genus of the monosy- nia order, and tetandria class of plants. The amentum is scaly, the corolla consists of four petals. The antherae are in the cavity of the folds and sessile; the capsule is bivalvular; and the seed is solitary, and bipartite. There are four principal species, viz. 1. B. dentata; 2. B. ericjefolia; 3. B. integrifolia ; 4. B. serrata; all natives of New Holland. See Mr. Brown's Transactions of the Linnsean Society, vol. x. p. 202; and Commentaries to the Hortus Kew- ensis, vol. i. p. 213. Bakksia AiiYssiNiCA, a bcautiful Abyssinian tree, so named by Bruce. BANKSII, a species of scarabaeus melontha; described by Fabricius, from a specimen in the museum of Sir Joseph Banks. The head and thorax are black ; wing-cases villose, and legs testaceous ; abdomen short and retuse. Baxksii, a species of cimex (reduvius), that inhabits India. It is rufous above, with black wings; abdomen deep black; border rufous. Baxksii, a species of chrysomela that inha- bits Calabria. It is brassy above, beneath tes- taceous. Baxksii, a species of cerambyx (lamia), that is found at the Cape of Good Hope. It is of a grayish color ; thorax slightly spined ; wing-cases speckled with ferruginous, and marked with two cinereous bands. BANLEUGA, Bamleu, or Banxileuga, in writers of the middle age, the territory within which the jurisdiction of municipal magistrates, or ordinary judges of a city, town, or the like, is confined : so called, because within this tract they make their proclamations, prohibitions, and other acts of justice and policy, comprised under the name of ban or bannum. BANiMORE, Eilan Nan, Gael. i.e. the island of great women; the ancient name of the island of Eigg. BANN, fromi the Brit, ban, i.e. clamor, a proclamation, public notice, command, or prohi- bition. Bann, in ancient jurisprudence, denoted proscription or banishment for a crime proved ; because anciently published by sound of trumpet; or, as Vossius thinks, because those who did not appear at the above-mentioned summons, were punished by proscription. Hence, to put a prince under the bann of the empire, is to de- clare him divested of all his dignities. The sentence denotes an interdict of all intercourse and offices of humanity with the offender; the form of which seems taken from that of the Ro- mans, who banished persons by forbidding them the use of fire and water. Sometimes also ci- ties were put under the imperial bann ; that is, stripped of their rights and privileges. The word also denotes a pecuniary mulct, or penalty, laid on a delinquent for offending against a bann. Bann, in military affairs, a proclamation made in the army by beat of drum, sound of trumpet, &.c. requiring the strict observance of discipline, either for the declaring a new officer, or punishing an offender. Bann, a river of Ireland, descending from tlie north of the mountains of Mourne, and flow- ing north-west into the Lough Neagh : again is- suing from the north side of that lake, it passes Coleraine, and enters the sea a few miles east of Lough Foyle. Its course, including the lough, is about seventy miles; and, with the canal of Newry, which joins it to the Irish sea, it makes the north-east portion of Ireland a peninsula. Bann, or Bannus, a title anciently given to the governor or viceroy of Croatia, Dalmatia, and Sclavonia. Bann, Episcopal, bannus episcopalis, a mulct paid to the bishop by those guilty of sa- crilege and other crimes. Bann of Harvest, or Vintage, &c. in the ci-devant French customs, imported a prohibition to reap, or gather the grapes, without the leave of the lord. Banns of Marriage are solemn notices of matrimonial contracts, made in the parish-church before marriage; that if there be any objections to either party as to prior engagements, &c. there may be an opportunity of making them. The publication of banns, popularly called asking in the church, was intended to prevent clandestine marriages : but a licence may be ob- tained for the marriage, and then this ceremony is omitted : but ministers are not to celebrate matrimony between any persons without a li- cence, except the banns have been first pub- lished three several times, upon pain of suspen- sion, &c. The use of matrimonial banns is said to have been first introduced in the Galilean church, though something like it obtained even in the primitive times: and it is this that Ter- tullian is supposed to mean by trinundina pro- mulgatio. The council of Lateran first extended and made the usage general. By the ordinance of Blois, no person could validly contract mar- riage, without a preceding proclamation of three banns; nor could any person whatever be ex- empt except for the two last. Banns, Papal, solemn anathemas, or excom- munications, attended with curses, &c. BANNAGIiER, or Banagher, a town of Ire- land, in King's county, Leinster, on the Shan- non, fifteen miles south of Athione. BANN ALEC, a town of Brittany, France, department of Finisterre, arrondissement of Quimperle, the head of a canton ; has 4700 in- habitants. It is four miles from Rosrporden and six from Quimperle. BANNALIS MoLA, or Bannal Mill, a kind of feudal service, whereby the tenants of a dis- trict are obliged to carry their corn to be ground at a certain mill, or to be baked at a certain oven, for the benefit of the lord. This in Scot- land is called thirlage. BANN EC, an island in the English channel, near the coast of France. Long. 4" 56, N\ ., lat. 43^ 25' N. BAN 489 BAN Ban'nered, fdiera, Ger. banner, Swed. baner, Ban'neret, I'Dut.baniere. In old Sax. ban- Ban'nerol. 3 se^n is the ensign or banner, rrom bundvo, signian ; bandvjan, significare. Bannerol, or more properly banderol, is derived from banderolle, Fr. Spenser writes it bannerall ; and the old Fr. is banneralle. The banner, handrail, or bansegn, is probably the sign of union, which fastened to a pole, may be furled and unfurled at pleasure, like a roll of canvass or silk ; and which armies and other bodies of men elevate as a standard, which distinguishes the party and cause which they have espoused, or the common purpose to which they have bound themselves. ' We find (say the writers in the Encyclopaedia Britannica), a multiplicity of opinions concerning the etymology of the word banner ; some deriving it from the Latin bandum, a band or flag ; others from the word bunn, to summon the vassals to appear in arms ; others again from the German ban, a field or tenement, because landed men alone were allowed a ban- ner ; and finally, there are some who think it is a corruption of panniere, from pannus, cloth ; be- cause banners were originally made of cloth. Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountains. Isaiah Then lo tryumphe ! great beautie's queen. Advance the banner of thy conquest hie. Spenser. From France there comes a power who already Have secret spies in some of our best ports. And are at point to shew their open banner. Shakspeare. All in a moment through the gloom were seen Ten thousand banners rise into the air. With orient colours waving. Milton. A gentleman told Henry, that Sir Richard Croftes, made banneret at Stoke, was a wise man ; the king answered, he doubted not that, but marvelled how a fool could know. Camden. King Oswald had a bannerol of gold and purple set over his tomb. Id. Philip Augustus, and Richard the First, are the only kings of France and England who have fought under the same banners. Gibbon. Banner, in heraldry, such a flag is borne as a charge, in coats of arms, and when open and flying is called ' the banner disveloped,' as 'the field is Ju- piter, three banners disveloped, in bend Sol,' which are said to have been the arms of the king- dom of Baldachia. Banner of Denmark, or the Danish Banner, was a famous magical standard, taken from the Danes by Alfred the Great, in spite of its miraculous powers and properties, which are thus described by Sir John Spelman. ' It was a batmer with the image of a raven magically wrought by the three sisters of Ilungar and Hubba, on purpose for their expedition, in re- venge of tlieir father Lodebroch's murder, made, they say, almost in an instant, being by them at once begun and finished in a noontide; and be- lieved by the Danes to have carried great fa- tality with it, for which it was highly esteemed by them. It is pretended, that being carried in battle, towards good success it would always seem to clap its wings, and make as if it would fly ; but towards the approach of mishap, it would hang down and not move !' The Banner of France was the largest and richest of all tlie flags borne by the ancient kings in their military expeditions. St. Mar- tin's cap was in use 600 years as the banner of France ; it was made of taffety, painted with the image of that saint, and laid one or two days on his tomb to prepare it for use. This was suc- ceeded by the famous auriflamma, or oriflamme. About the year 1100 was introduced a more pompous apparatus; the mode of which was borrowed from Italy. The banner-royal was fastened to the top of a mast, or some small tree planted on a scaffold, borne on a chariot drawn by oxen, covered with velvet housings, decorated with devices, or cyphers of the reigning prince. At the foot of the tree was a priest, who said mass early every morning. Ten kniglits mounted guard on the scaffold night and day, and as many trumpets at the foot of the tree never ceased flourishing to animate the troops. This cumbrous machine continued in use about 130 years. Its post was in the centre of the army. And here the chief feats were performed to carry off and defend the royal banner: for there was no victory without it; nor was an army reputed vanquished till they had lost this banner. Banneret, from banner. A knight made in the field, with the ceremony of cutting off the point of his standard, and making it a banner. They are next to barons in dignity; and were anciently called by summons to parliament. It is also the name of an officer or magistrite of Rome towards the close of the fourteenth cen- tury. The people of that city, and througliout the territory of the church, during the disputes of the antipopes, had formed a kind of republican government, where the whole power was lodged in the hands of a magistrate, called senator, and twelve heads of quarters called bannerets,by rea- son of the banners which each raised in his district. Bannerets, an ancient order of knights, or feudal lords ; who, possessing several large fees, led their vassals to battle under their own fla'^- or banner, when summoned thereto by the king. They are also called in ancient writers milites, vexilliferi, and vexillarii, bannerarii, bannarii, banderisii, &c. There are two kinds of knights, great and little ; the first whereof were called bannerets, the second bachelors ; the first com- posed the upper, the second the middle nobility. Tiic banneret was a dignitary allowed to march under his own flag, whereas the bachelarius eques followed that of another. To be qualified for a banneret, one must be a gentleman of family, and must have a power to raise a certain number of armed men, with estate enough to subsist at least twenty-eight to thirty men. This must hare been very considerable in those days ; because each man, besides his servant, had two horsemen to wait on him armed, the one with a crossbow, the other with a bow and hatchet. As he was not allowed to be a baron who had not abo*e thirteen knights' fees, so he was not admitted to be a banneret if he had less than ten. The order of ban- neret, according to Spelman, was a middle one,, between a baron and a simple knight ; called 490 B A N N O C K - B U R N. sometimes also vexillarius minor, to distinguish liim from tlie greater, that is from the baron, to whom alone properly belonged tiie jus vexilli, or privilege of the square flag. Hence the banneret was also called banneretus, quasi baro minor ; a word frequently used by English writers in the same sense as banneret was by the French, though neither of them occur before the time of Edward II. Some will have bannerets to have originally been prisons who had some portion of a barony assigned them ; and enjoyed it under the title of baro proximus, and that with the same preroga- tives as the baron himself. Some again find the origin of bannerets in France, others in Brittany, others in England. These last attribute the insti- tution of bannerets to Conan, lieutenant of Max- imus, who commanded the Roman legions in England under the empire of Gratian in 383. This general, say they, revolting, divided England into forty cantons, and in these cantons distri- buted forty knights, to whom he gave a power of assembling, on occasion, under their several banners, as many of the eflective men as were found in their respective districts : whence they are called bannerets. However this be, it appears from Froissard, &c. that anciently such of the military men as were rich enough to raise and subsist a company of armed men, and had a right to do so, weie called bannerets. Not, however, that these qualifications rendered them knights, but only bannerets ; the appellation of knight being only added thereto, because they were sim- ple knights before. Bannerets were second to none but knights of the garter. They were repu- ted the next degree below the nobility, taking precedence next to the knights of the bath, and were allowed to bear arms with supporters, which none else may under the degree of a baron. In France, it is said, the dignity was hereditary, but in England it died with the person who gained it. The order dwindled on the institution of baronets by king James I., Sir John Smith made so after Edgehill-fight, for rescuing the standard of King Charles I., being the last batmeret, until the late Sir William Erskine, on his return from the continent in 1764, was made a knight-banneret in Hyde Park by his late Majesty, in consequence of his dis- tinguished conduct at the battle of Emsdorff. But he was not acknowledged as such in this country, although he was invested with the order between th.e two standards of the fifteenth regiment of light dragoons, because the ceremony did not take place where the engagement happened. Captain Trollope of the Royal Navy was another knight-banneret, created by Geo. III., after lord Duncan's victory at Camperdown, but as this involved some heraldic difficulties on points of precedency, and there was some apprehension of jealousy on the part of baronets, the practice was discontinued. In Switzerland the banneret was a civil officer like the Gonfalonier in some of the Italian republics ; and at Lausanne the title was conferred on those magistrates who had tlie privilege of carrying the baimer of that city at the confederation of the cantons. Tlie form of creating bannerets was on a day of battle; the candidate presented his flag to the king or general, wlio cutting off" the train or skirt thereof, and making it a square, returned it again, the proper banner of bannerets, who are hence sometimes called knights of the square flag. There seems to have been bannerets created either in a different manner, or by others than the sovereign ; since King James, in the patent of baronets, gives them precedence to all knights bannerets, except such as are created by the king himself in the field ; which implies, either that there are some of this order created out of the field, or by inferior persons. Baxxerol, more properly Banderol, from banderole, Fr. a little flag or streamer. BAN'NIAN, rz. s. 1. A man's undress, or morning gown, such as is worn by the Bannians in the East Indies. 2. A native of India ; now usually applied to a Gentoo servant employed in managing the commercial affairs for Englishmen. Bannian-Day, in common parlance, a day of self-denial ; of shifts and expedients ; derived probably from sacred or fast-day. Bannian-Tree. A sacred fig-tree, growing in India, called by our old herbalists ' the arched Indian fig-tree ;' from the various branches of which grow little sprigs downwards, till they reach the ground, take root, as Milton has observed. And daughters grow About the mother tree, a pillar'd shade. High o'er-arch'd, and echoing walks between. Paradise Lost BANNIANS. See Banians. BANNIER (John), a Swedish general, born in 1601. He served under Gustavus Adolphus^ and on his death became commander-in-chief. After gaining many victories, and taking several important places, fortune favored the Imperial- ists, and they at last drove him out of Bohemia. He died in 1641, on his retreat from the German dominions. BANNIMUS, q. d. we banish, from the obso- lete verb bannio, the form of expulsion of any member from the University of Oxford, by affix- ing the sentence up in some public place, as a promulgation of it. BANNITUS, an exile or outlaw. BAN'NOCK, n. s. A kind of oaten or peas- meal cake, mixed with water, and baked upon an iron plate over the fire ; used in the northern counties, and in Scotland. Bannocks differ from cakes, in being thicker and softer ; and their taste is thought to be improved by being baked in the embers, or on a stone placed before the fire, or a slate above it. Bannock-burn, a village of Scotland, in Stir- lingshire, seated on the Bannock, from whence it is named, famous for the decisive battle fought near it between king Robert Bruce of Scotland, and Edward II. of England. A.D. 1314. It is to be regretted that to poetical narratives only (that of the Scottish poet Barbour particu- larly) we must look for the existing detail of the events of this memorable day. They, how- ever, were so important, and have since been so frequently alluded to by poets and historians, that we cannot omit to furnish the reader with the best account we can digest. On Saturday the 22d of June, Bruce having received intelli- gence that the English had reached Edinburgh, BANNOCK-BURN. 491 drew his army out of liis encampment to take up a position in the neighbourhood of Stirlin;^. Here he occupied a wood, extending on the right towards the church of St. Ninian, and on tlie left nearly, it is supposed, in the direction of the road from Edinburgh to Stirling; directing a number of small pits to be dug knee-deep, and covered with turf, which concealed at the bottom a kind of spikes called calthrops, designed for the destruction of the enemy's cavalry. The po- sition was besides protected by a neighbouring morass. On Sunday, the 23d, an alarm being given of the approach of the enemy, Bruce pre- pared to receive them. His army heard mass : and in answer to a proclamation that whoever would, might retire, all unanimously declared their resolution to conquer with him or die. His right wing was commanded by his brother Ed- ward, the left by lord Douglas and the younger Stewart, and the centre by his nephew, Randolph, earl of Murray, while he himself commanded a reserve posted on a rising ground. The English army meanwhile had sent a squadron of 800 horse for the purpose of gaining Stirling castle by a circuitous route, which the king perceiving, reproached the earl of Murray with leaving the place exposed, and the latter hastened with 500 spearmen to turn the enemy, an object which he with difficulty accomplished. The van of the English army soon after appeared in sight. Henry de Bohun, a knight of the Hereford fa- mily, advancing a bow-shot before his comrades, now distinguished * the Bruce' from a crown sur- mounting his helmet, and the manner in which he disposed his troops, he himself being in ad- vance of his front. The Englishman advanced upon him, but his spear missing tlie king, the latter, rising in his stirrups, cleft his opponent's helmet with a single blow of his battle-axe, and Bohun fell : this was the only memorable event the first day. At the succeeding dawn Bruce reminded his troops of the past conduct of the enemy be- fore ihem, their usurpation of the government of tlie country, and their barbarous treatment of those that had fallen into their hands, that they therefore were now to fight for all they held dear, t!:eir own liberty, and the comfort and existence of their families. He showed them his excellent position, urged the necessity for order, and to preserve their line unbroken, while he promised the amplest rewards to all who exerted them- selves, and to their heirs if they fell. At day- break Maurice, Abbot of Inchafi'ray, celebrated mass in front of the army, and exhorted the sol- diers, bearing a crucifix in his hand. The troops now breakfasted on the ground, and Bruce cre- ated some of the most distinguished of his fol- lowers knights. Edward also in person com- manded the English army, attended by a body- guard of .500 cavalry : am.ong his troops were 52,000 archers. He likewise was confident of victory, but the same unanimity did not subsist a.s among his foes ; and the Scottish host having knelt to utter a prayer and receive benediction, he exclaimed to those around him, ' Behold, they kneel for mercy !' But they quickly unde- ceived him ; — the armies approached, and a contest ensued, unexampled in the annuls of British history. The English van, composed of cavalry, charged the right wing of the Scots in full gallop. Here Edward Bnice commanded, and received them with intrepidity. While this wing was engaged, Randolph advanced to meet the main body of the enemy ; and the left wing also hastened into the conflict. Repeated charges of cavalry in vain attempted to break the Scottish line — it was impenetrable ; everywhere they were resisted and driven back. At this time the battle became general. The Scots were annoyed by the English archers; but they fought despe- rately with their spears, swords, and knives, and also with iron clubs or maces, and found the ad- vantage of acting in a com.pact body, while the English forces were too unwieldy to be concen- trated. The Scots were also protected by their light armour, which at the same time did not restrain their movements. Edward, the king's brother, was hard pressed by the English cavalry, and Murray, making a movement to his support, was almost overwhelmed by the multitude of the enemy, who presented a vast and extensive front. The Scottish king now directed Sir Ro- bert Keith to take the archers in flank with 500 horse, and their impetuosity proved irresistible. The enemy were overthrown, and fled with pre- cipitation. The earl of Gloucester, endeavour- ing to rally the fugitives, was unhorsed and slain. The numbers of the English finally proved their destruction : for those who recoiled threw the rest into disorder, and those who fell were trampled to death. The battle, notwithstanding, continued to rage, and victory was long and fu- riously contested. But, at length, the reUiiners of the Scottish camp, who had previously been sent to a valley in the rear, suddenly appeared on a neighbouring height, and the enemy, be- lieving it a strong reinforcement, took at once to flight. Edward, with 500 horse, sought shelter in Stirling castle, but the governor found means to dissuade him from remaining there. The rout of his army became complete. Some sought re- fuge among the rocks of the castle, others hur- ried to the river Forth, and they were drowned ; but the most terrific carnage was in the valley of the Bannock, for the ascent towards the east being diflacult, and probably impeded by wood, the fugitives were exposed to inevitable destruc- tion. Scarcely any who took that direction es- caped ; and the course of the river is said to have been completely dammed up by the English who were slain. Edward, hotly pursued, con- tinued his flight, followed by sixty horse, to ^^ inchburgh, twenty miles from the field of battle, where, again mounting, the pursuit was continued to Dunbar castle, whence he was ultimately conveyed by a vessel to England. The loss on both sides in this memorable battle was immense. Barbour a.sserts that the English had 30,000 men and 200 knights killed : but the truth of this calculation is questionable, as it is said elsewhere that only forty-two knights were slain, and sixty made prisoners. Barbour also affirms that only two Scotsmen of note fell on the occasion, Sir William Vipont and Sir AN'alter Ross. The earl of Gloucester's fate, who was the near relative to Edward, w;is much la- mented ; and historians state that had the Scots known him he would not have fallen. His body BAN 492 BAN ^vis carried to St. Ninian's church, and sent \vith that of lord Clifford to England. ' O day of vengeance and fatality,' one of our historians exclaims, ' hateful accursed day, to be blotted from the circle of the year; a day which tar- nished the glory of England, despoiled our na- tion, and enriched its enemies to the amount of £200,000. How many valiant youths and il- lustrious nobles, how many excellent horses and beautiful arms, how many precious vestments and golden vessels, were lost in that single unfor- tunate day.' The privy seal of Edward was amons the spoils, and afterwards restored by Robert. He is said, indeed to have acted upon this victory with that clemency and moderation which lias rarely been equalled. The consequences of this great battle were the surrender of the fortresses of Scotland to Bruce, the liberation of the inhabitants from a foreign yoke, and the firm establishment of that prince upon the throne. Memorials of it are said still to remain near the spot, where armour and weapons are frequently dug up ; and at an inter- val of 500 years the inhabitants of the vicinity met on the 24th of June 1814, to celebrate the triumph of their ancestors. Sir Walter Scott has commemorated it with enthusiasm in his Lord of the Isles. BANNOW, a town of Ireland, ten miles south-west of Wexford. BANNU^I, in law, the utmost bounds of a manor or town ; bannum capitis was a mulct paid in cattle. BANNUS Dei, the bann of God, an expres- sion used by writers of the middle age, for excommunication. BaxNxus Regis, a proclamation of silence anciently made by the court, before the encounter of the ^champions in a combat. BANOLAS, a town of Spain, in Catalonia, district of Gerona, with 3000 inhabitants, and a considerable trade in linen. BANGS, a town of Leon, Spain, thirty miles from Plasencia, in Estremadura. The number of families is about 300, who are employed prin- cipally in the manufacture of linen. It takes its name from the hot sulphureous baths to the north-east of the town. Here are to be seen the remains of a Roman mound or dyke. The territory is covered with olives, chestnuts, and vines ; the last produces annually 15,000 arobas of wine. BANGY, the name given by the people of the Philippine Islands, to a species of hawk, some- what larger than our sparrow-liawk, of a yellowish color on the back and wings, and white under the belly. It is the most common species of hawk in that part of the world, and is very voracious. BAN'QUET, t;. & n. -\ Fr. banquet, Ital. Ban'quetant, (banclietto, Span, bcm- Banquet'er, lquete,vanqueto; Germ. Ban'queting. 'and Dut. bancket. Derived from bank, a bench or table, around which messmates or companions sit to eat or feast together. It now signifies a luxurious and .sumptuous entertainment. W hether the feast, or the dessert which succeeds it, or both. Shall the companions make a banquet of him ? — Shall they part him among the merchants ? Job. In which how many wonders doe they reede, To their conceipt that others ne"er see 1 Now of iier smiles with which their soules they feede. Like gods with nectar in their bankets free. Spenser, The mind shall banquet, tho' the body pine : Fat paunches make lean pates, and dainty bits Make rich the ribs, but bankerout the wits. Shakspeare, Welcome his friends. Visit his countrymen, and banquet them. Id. In his commendations I am fed ; It is a banquet to me. Id. You cannot have a perfect palace, except you have two sides ; a side for the banquet, and a side for the household ; the one for feasts and triumphs, and the other for dwelling. Bacon. They were banqueted by the way, and the nearer they approached, the more increased the nobility. Sir J. Hayward, In a banqueting-ho\i%t, among certain pleasant trees, the table was set near to an excellent water-work. Sidney. Home then, my lambs ; the falling drops eschew : To-morrow shall ye feast in pastures new. And with the rising sun, banquet on pearled dew. Fletcher's Purple Island. When Venus was born all the gods were invited to a banquet. Burton's Anatomy of Melanclioly. If a fasting-day come, he hath on that day a bati- quet to make. Hooker. At that tasted fruit. The sun, as from Thyestan banquet, turn'd His course intended. Milton, So long as his innocence is his repast, he feasts and banqttets upon bread and water. South. That dares prefer the toils of Hercules, To dalliance, banquets, aud ignoble ease. Dry den. At the walk's end behold, how rais'd on high, A hanquet-hoM^e salutes the southern sky. Id, I purpos'd to unbend the evening hours. And banquet private in the women's bow'rs. Prior. With royal banquets feasts my longing soul. And seals his truth with sacramental wine. Mrs. Rows. Baxquetixg-House, Banqueting Room. The ancient Romans supped in the atrium, or vestibule of their houses ; but, in after-times, magnificent saloons, or banqueting rooms, were built for the more commodious and splendid entertainment of their guests. Lucullus had several of these, each distinguished by the name of some god ; and there was a particular rate of expense appropriated to each. Plutarch relates with what magnificence lie entertained Cicero and Pompey, who went with design to surprise him, by telling only a slave who waited, that the clotii should be laid in the Apollo. The emperor Claudius, among others, had a splendid banquet- ing room named Mercury. But every thing of this kind was outdone by the lustre of that cele- brated banqueting house of Nero, called domus aurea; which, by the circular motion of its partitions and ceilings, imitated the revolution of the heavens, and represented the difl'erent sea- sons of the year, wiiich changed at every service, and showered down flowers, essences and per- fumes, on the guests. See Saloon. BAiN'QUETTE, n. s. Fr. in fortification, a small bank at the foot of the parajiet, for the soldiers to mount upon when they fire. BAN 493 BAN BANSTICKLE, in ichthyology. See Gas- TEROSTF.VS. BAN'STICKLE, n. s. A small fish, called stickleback. BANTAM, a large town of the island of Java, in the East Indies, once the capital of an indepen- dent state. But its harbour has been gradually choked up with soil from the surroundina: hills: and the air is so unhealthy that its inhabitants have been compelled to desert the place almost entirely. In 1595 the kin^ of Bantam called in the assistance of tlie Dutch of Java, against the Portuguese, and as a return for their aid allowed them to build a factory here, where also the English, under Captain Lancaster, established one in 1603. At this time the sovereign had a commercial navy of his own, and until the latter end of the seventeenth century, when he sent an embassy to England, to request assistance against the Dutch. In the following year the latter took his capital, and in 1683, they entirely dispossessed him of the government ; the English factory withdrawing to Surat. The Dutch East India Company now keep a garrison here, nominally to defend the king, but in fact to have him always in their own power. The chief authority on the part of the Dutch East India Company was vested in a senior merchant, with the title of Commandant, who had the management of the trade, which consisted chiefly in pepper and some cotton yarn. To the com- mandery at Bantam belonged the residencies of Lampons, Toulang, Baunang, and Lampong Samanca, situated on the southern part of Suma- tra. The sovereicrns possess the power of life and death over their subjects, but pay an annual tribute of six million pounds of pepper to the Dutch. The climate of Bantam, says Mr. Hamilton, is still more pestilential than that of Batavia, of which a remarkable instance is mentioned. On the night of the 18th March 1804, the king of Bantam was murdered by one of his grand nephews, who had concealed himself under his bed, and who was afterwards discovered and put to death. An embassy was sent from Batavia, to elect and instal the new king in the name of the Dutch Company, part of w hich ceremony consists in having him weighed in a pair of scales at the palace gate, after iiavin2- feasted for fifteen days. This deputation was composed of a counsellor of India, four senior merchants, a major, lieutenant, Serjeant, two corporals, eighteen trench and eighteen Dutch grenadiers. Tlie external forms occupied fifteen days ; at the end of which time, or soon after their return, the whole of the Euro- pean grenadiers and subalterns died, except two or three of the French who escaped. The coun- sellor, his wife who had accompanied him, the major and four merchants, all returned with putrid fevers, which brought them to the brink of the grave, and the secretary died. In 1811, after the conquest of Batavia, the town and district of Bantam surrendered to the British arms -without resistance. Bantam was restored to the Dutch by the peace of 1814. Long. 106° 31' E., lat. 6° 14' S. Bantam, or dwarf cock, in zoology, a well known variety of the species phasianus gallus. See Phasianus. Bantam Work, a kind of painted or carved work, resembling that of Japan, only more gaudy. Some are flat, lying even with the black, and others highly embossed, as we find in many lartre screens. The Japan artists work chiefly in gold and other metals ; and those of Bantam generally in colors, with a small sprinkling of gold here and there : for the flat Bantam work is done in colors mixed with gum- water, proper for the thing designed to be imitated. BAN'TER,7;.&7t. ^ The derivation unknown. Ban'terer, > Perhaps from 6a(ii«er, Fr. Ban'tering. jh signifies to mock with ridicule. A lighter kind of raillery. Playing; upon the fretfulness of the testy, the simplicity of the ignorant, the self-importance of the proud, and the conceitedness of the vain. It is some- times employed a'j;ainst the infirmities of the good and the virtuous. A species of humor that is more allied to malignity than kindness, and which sometimes meets with its reward. 'Tis thus, malicious deity. That thou hast banter'd wretched me ; Thus made me vainly lose my time. Thus fool away my youthful prime. Walsh. On loving une I never saw. The magistrate took it that he bantered him, and bade an officer take him into custody. L' Estrange. It is no new thing for innocent simplicity to be the subject of bantering drolls. Id. This humour, let it look never so silly, as it passes many times for frolic and banter, is one of the most pernicious snares in human life. Id. What opinion have these religious banferers of the divine power ? Or what have they to say for their njockery and contempt? Id.. And the grave affairs of state have been treated with an air of irony and banter. Shaftethury . Could Alcinous' guests withhold From scorn or rage ? Shall we, cries one, permit His lewd romances, and his bant'ring wit? Tate. Metaphysicks are so necessary to a distinct concep- tion, solid judgment, and just reasouing on many sub- jects, that those who ridicule it, will be supposed to make their wit and banter a refuge and excuse for their own laziness. Watts. BANTIUS (L), a spirited youth of Nola, whom Hannibal found almost dead among those who had fallen m the battle of Cannae. Havmg been kindly treated, and sent home with great generosity, he took it mto bis head to betray his country to such a humane enemy; but Marcellus, the Roman general, being informed of it, repri- manded Bantius, and he afterwards continued steady in the Roman interest. Bantling, 71. $ if it has any etymology, it is perhaps corrupted from the old word buim, bairnling, a little child. A low word ; so says Johnson. But it is usually applied to a child born, or at least begotten, before marriage. If the object of their love Chance by Lucina's aid to prove. They seldom let the bantling roar In basket at a neighbour's door. Prior. BANTRY Bay, called also Beerhavf.n, a capacious bay of Ireland, on the coast of Cork, capable of containing all the shipping of Europe. It is twenty-six miles long, three broad, and forty fathoms deep in the middle, where are two small islands, Bear and Whiddy. Coral is BAO 494 BAP dredged from the bottom of the hay, and used as manure in the neighbourhood. Fish were for- merly very plentiful here ; but of late the business has declined. In May, 1689, a French fleet, which had brought succours of arms, ammuni- tion, and money, to the adherents of king .James, was attacked in this bay by Admiral Herbert; and in December, 1796, another French fleet, consisting of seven sail of the line, tv»ro frigates armed en flute, and seventeen transports, an- chored here for a few days, and landed an officer and eight men in a boat, who were taken priso;iers. Bantry, a large barren barony of Ireland, in the county of Cork. Bantry, a sea-port town of Ireland, in the county of Cork, and province of Munster, seated on the bay, about thirty miles west of Cork, and 164 south-west of Dublin. BANYAN Tree, in botany, a name sometimes given to the ficus Indica. BANYOUWANGY, a Dutch settlement of Java, containing the residence of a" native chief. The Dutch garrison the fort to protect tliemselves and commerce from the numerous pirates of the straits of Bali. BANZA, a town of Congo Proper, on the river Zaire. BAOBAB, the name given by Prosper Albi- nus to the African calabash. See Adansonia. This is the largest vegetable production known : althouer indicate a scrupulous attention to delicacy, than imply any indecency in the circumstance of immersion it- self. From the candidates being immersed, there is no reason to infer that tliey were naked : The present baptists never baptise naked, thougli they always immerse. After immersion, followed the unction ; by which (says St. Cyril) was sig- nified, that they were now cut off from the wild olive, and were ingrafted into Christ, the true vine ; or else to show that they were now to be champions for the gospel, and were anointed thereto, as the old athletae were against their solemn games. VVith the anointing was joined the sign of the cross, made upon the forehead of the person baptised ; which being done, he had a white garment given him, to denote his being washed from the defilements of sin. From this custom the feast of Pentecost, which was one of tlie annual seasons of baptism, came to be called Whit-sunday, i.e. White Sunday. This garment was afterwards laid up in the church, that it might be an evidence against such persons as violated or denied that faith which they had owned in baptism. The person baptised was then, according to Justin IVIartyr, 'received into the number of the faithful, who sent up their pub- lic prayers to God, for all men, for themselves, and for those who had been baptised.' The Form of Baptism in the church of Rome is as follows : — When a child is to be baptised, the persons who bring it, wait for the priest at the door of the church, who comes thither in his sur- plice and purple stole, attended by his clerks. He begins with questioning the godfather, whe- ther they promise, in the child's name, to live and die in the true catholic and apostolic faith, and what name they would give the child. Then fol- lows an exhortation to the sponsors : after which the priest calling the child by its name, asks it, What dost thou demand of tlie church? The godfather snswers, eternal life. The priest goes on : If you are desirous of obtaining eternal life, keep God's commandments, thou shalt love the lord thy God, &c. After which he breathes three times in the child's face, saying. Come out of this child, thou evil spirit, and make room for the Holy Ghost ! This said, he makes the sign of the cross on the child's forehead and breast, say- ing. Receive the sign of the cross on thy forehead^ and in thy heart. Then taking off his cap, he repeats a short prayer; and laying his hand softly on the child's head, repeats a second prayer: which ended, he blesses some salt, and putting a little of it into the child's mouth, pronounces these words. Receive the salt of wisdom. All this is performed at the church door. The priest, with the godfatliers and godmothers, coming into the church, and advancing towards the font, repeat the apostle's creed and the Lord's prayer. Being come to the font, the priest exorcises the evil spirit again ; and taking a little of his own spittle, with the thumb of his right hand, rubs it on the child's ears and nostrils, repeating, as he touches the right ear, the same word (Ephatha be thou opened), which our Saviour made use of to the man born deaf and dumb. Lastly, they pull off its swaddling-clothes, or strip it below the shoulders, during which the priest prepares the oils, &c. The sponsors then hold the child directly over the font, observing to turn it due east and west : whereupoii the priest asks tho child. Whether he renounces the devil and all hi.; works ? and the godfather having answered in BAPTISM. 501 the affirmative, the priest anoints the child be- tween the shoulders in the form of a cross. Then taking some of the consecrated water, he pours part of it thrice on the child's head, at each per- fusion calling on one of the persons of the Holy Trinity. The priest concludes the ceremony of baptism with an exhortation. The Romish church allows midwives, in cases of danger, to baptise a child before it is come entirely out of its mother's womb : where, it is to be observed, that some part of the body of the child must appear before it can be baptised, and tliat it is baptised on that part which first appears : if it be the head, it is not necessary to re-baptise the child ; but if only a foot or hand appears, it is necessary to repeat baptism. A still-born child, thus baptised, may be buried in consecrated ground! The Greek church differs from the Romish, as to the rite of baptism, chiefly, in performing it by complete immersion. Forms of Baptism in the Church of England. The forms of administering baptism among us being too well known to require a particular de- scription, we shall only mention one or two of the more material differences between the form, as it stood in the liturgy of king Edward, and that in the English Common Prayer Book at present. The form of consecrating the water did not make a part of the office in king Edward's liturgy, as it does in the present, because the water in the font was changed, and consecrated but once a month. Tlie form likewise itself was something different from that now used ; and was introduced with a short prayer ; that Jesus Christ, upon whom (when he was baptised), the Holy Ghost came down in the likeness of a dove, would send down the same Holy Spirit, to sanctify the foun- tain of baptism ; which prayer was afterwards left out at the second review. — By king Edward's first book, the minister is to dip the child in tl e water thrice ; 1st, dipping the right side; 2dly, the left ; the 3d time, dipping the face toward the font. This trine immersion was a very ancient practice in the Christian church, and used in honor of the Holy Trinity ; though some later writers say, it was done to represent the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, together with his three days continuance in the grave. After- wards, the Arians, persuading the people that it was used to denote that the three persons in the Trinity were three different substances, the or- thodox left it off, and used only one single immer- sion. By the first common prayer of king Edward, after the child was baptised, the god- fathers and godmothers were to lay their hands upon it, and the minister was to put on him the white vestment commonly called the chrysome, and to say, ' Take this white vesture, as a token of the innocency, which by God's grace, in the holy sacrament of baptism, is given unto thee; and for a sign, whereby thou art admonished, so long as thou livest, to give thyself to innocence of living, that after this transitory life tliou may- est be parUiker of the life everlasting. Amen.' As soon as he had pronounced these words, he was to anoint the infant on the head, saying, * Almighty God, the father of our Lord Jesus (^^hrist, who hath regenerated thee by water and Jhe Holy Ghost, and hath given unto thee remis- sion of all thy sins ; may he vouchsafe to anomt thee with the unction of his Holy Spirit, and bring thee to the inheritance of everlasting life. Amen.' This was manifestly done in imitation of the practice of the primitive church. The only human institutions connected with baptism in our established church, at present, are two, namely, sponsors and signing with thp cross. Sponsors, or godfathers, called in ancient ecclesiastical writings, patrini, and avdcoxoi, or susceptores, are mentioned as early as TertuUian. Cyril of Alexandria, A. U. 412, mentions the susceptor as saying Amen for the child baptised. It is also evident that in the second century there were attendants upon the children to be baptised, whose distinct office was to receive them from the priest, and who, it is highly probable, an- swered for them at the font ; but that the prac- tice was not used in the days of the apostles is evident, since it is not mentioned by Justin Martyr- The sign of the cross is a ceremony against which much censure has been levelled. It was used as early as the third century, and, although many efforts were made at the reforma- tion to abolish it, has been carefully preserved. Other customs, however, have by different churches, and in different ages, been introduced into the celebration of this sacrament, which are now totally disused, or retained only in the church of Rome. They may be enumerated in the following order : 1. Trme immersion, already alluded to, the practice of which commenced about the opening of the fourth century. Al.. though prescribed in the English church by the prayer-book, 2 of Edward VT., this form was afterwards omitted. 2. Chrism, or unction, as mentioned by TertuUian, Cyprian, Cyril, and Chrysostom. It was performed with plain oil before baptism, and with unguent afterwards. 3. TertuUian mentions the practice of giving milk and honey to persons after baptism. Tliis ceremony, which after a few centuries was dis- continued, has been derived by some learned men from the Jewish customs at proselyte bap- tism. 4. Exorcism, or putting the baptised per- son upon his oath, and declaring to him his obligation to renounce sin, was used in the fourth century. This ceremony abounds with corruption in the church of Rome. 5. Candles lighted after baptism, and placed in the hands of the person baptised, as an emblem of the illumi- nation of the spirit, was a ceremony used as early as the fourth century. 6. The chrisom, so called in the English church, was a white gar- ment or surplice, put on immediately after bap- tism. 7. Easter and Pentecost were considered solemn times for the administration of baptism, as early as the second and third centuries. 8. Salt was not given to the baptised till the eighth century ; nor, 9. The ears touched with spittle till the ninth. 6. Our sixth object wUl be to exhibit some of the most popular heresies which have prevailed at different periods respecting baptism. These arose chiefly in the second and three following centuries. 1. In the second century Marcion permitted women to baptise ; affirmed that none but virgins, widows, or celibates, were fit sub- jects for baptism ; and allowed baptism to be 502 B A P T I S M. repeated thrice. The Montanists baptised the dead. The Valentinians, instead of baptising in the name of the Father, &c. used a mysticid form in the name of the Unknown Father of all things, in the Truth the Mother of all things, in him that came down on Jesus, in the union and re- demption and communion of powers. Instead of using water they poured a mixture of oil and water on the head, after which they anointed tlie persons so baptised. 2. In the third century arose the heresy of the Manichees, who affirmed that baptism by water was not necessary to sal- vation, and accordingly neglected it. 3. The fourth century w^as remarkable for the heresy of Arius, who baptised in the name of the Son only. 4. Pelagius, in the fifth century, affirmed that infants were baptised for other reasons, and not because of original sin. 7. Several laws have passed in different ages for enforcing and restricting baptism. In the ancient church, baptism was frequently con- ferred on Jews by violence ; but the church never seems to have allowed of force on this occasion. By a canon of the fourth council of Toledo, it is expressly forbidden to baptise any against their wills. That which looks most like force in this case, allowed by law, were two orders of Justinian ; one of which appoints the heathens, and the other Samaritans, to be bap- tised, widi their wives and children and servants, under pain of confiscation. By the ancient lav.s, baptism was not to be conferred on image-makers, stage-players, gladiators, auriga or public drivers, magicians, or even strolling beggars, till they quitted such professions. Slaves were not al- lowed the privilege of baptism without the tes- timony and consent of their master?7 «.xcepting the slaves of Jews, heathens, and heretics, who were not only admitted to baptism, but, in con- sequence thereof, had their freedom. Vossius has a learned and elaborate work, I)e Baptismo, wherein he accurately discusses all die questions concerning baptism according to the doctrine of the ancients. 8. Baptism for the Dead was a sort of vica- rious baptism, formerly in use, where a person dying without baptism, another was baptised in his stead. St. Chrysostom tells us, this was practised among the JNlarcionites with a great deal of ridiculous ceremony. After any catechu- men was dead, they hid a living man under the bed of the deceased ; then coming to the dead man, they asked him, whether he would receive baptism ? and he making no answer^ the other answered for him, and said, he would be bap- tised in his stead ; and so they baptised the living for the dead. Epiphanius assures us, the like was also practised among the Corinthians. This practice tiiey pretend to be founded on the apostle's authority ; alleging that text for it, If the dead rise not at all, what shall they do who a-e baptised for the dead .' This text, indeed, has given occasion to a great variety of different systems and explications. Bosius enumerates no less than nine different opinions among divines concerning the sense of die phrase. St. Ambrose and W alafred Strabo seem clearly of opinion, that the apostle had respect to such a custom theu in being ; and several moderns are of the same opinion, as Baronius, Jos. Scaliger, Jus- tellus, and Grotius. But Bellarmin, Salmeron, Menochius, and several other Roman catholics, understand it of the baptism of tears, and pe- nance, and prayers, which the living undergo for the dead ; and thus allege it as a proof of the belief of purgatory in St. Paul's days. Some protestant divines read the passage, baptised into death ; and illustrate it by the context ; par- ticularly the words ' being buried with Christ by baptism into death.' Paul, they say, is proving the resurrection by that of our Saviour, and the strength of his argument is, (1 Cor. xv. 16, 17, 29.) ' If Christ be not raised, and if the dead rise not, what shall they do who are baptised into his death V This appears the most probable interpretation of tlie text. Baptism of the Dead was a custom which anciently prevailed among some people in Africa. The third council of Carthage speaks of it as a thing that ignorant Christians were fond of. Gregory Nazianzen also takes notice of the same superstitious opinion prevailing among some who delayed to be baptised. In his address to this kind of men, he asks whether they staid to be baptised after death ? Philastrins also notes it as the general error of the Montanists or Cata- phrygians, that they baptised men after death. The practice seems to be grounded on a vain opinion, that, when men had neglected to receive baptism in tlieir life-time, some compensation might be made for this omission by receiving it after death. Baptism of Bells, a superstitious custom practised in the church of Rome, whereby the bell was supposed to be rendered capable of driving away tempests and devils. It is first taken notice of in the capitulars of Charles the Cireat. Baronius carries its antiquity no higher than the year 968, when the greatest bell of the church of Lateran was christened by pope John III. In 1581 it was- complained of in the cen- tum gravamina of the German nation, drawn up in the pul)lic diet at Nuremberg. In this cere- mony the bell v.as provided with godfathers, who made responses, and gave it a name ; after which they clothed it widi a new garment, as Christians used to be clothed on coming out of the water. Baptism, Fire, spoken of by St. John the the Baptist, has occasioned much conjecture. Some of th.e fathers held that believers, before they enter paradise, are to pass through a cer- tain fire, which is to purify them from all re- maining pollutions. Others, with St. Basil, understood it of the fire of hell ; odiers of that of tribulation and temptation. Others, with St. Chrysostom, will have it to denote an abundance of graces. Others suppose it to mean the descent of the Holy Ghost on the apostles, in tiie form of fiery tongues. Lastly, odiers maintain that the words ' with fire' are an interpolation. Some MS. copies of St. Matthew, indeed, want these words ; but still they are to be found in St. Mark and St. Luke. The ancient Seleucians and Iler- minians, understanding it literally, maintained that material fire was necessary in the adminis- tration of baptism. But we do not find how, or to what part of the body, they applied it, or whether they were satisfied with obliging the BAPTISTS. 503 person l>aptised to pass through the fire. Valen- tinus, according to Tertullian, rebaptized all who had received water baptism, and conferred on them the baptism of fire. Ileracleon, cited by Clemens Alexandrinus, says that some applied a red hot iron to the ears of the person baptised, as if to impress some mark upon him ! If many of the plainest texts of Scripture had not been misconstrued by ignorance, and darkened by knavery, one would be surprised that ever this text should have occasioned the smallest contro- versy. The context suggests one good interpre- tation. The Baptist spoke to a mixed multitude, many of whom were or would be believers, and manyof wliom never did believe the gospel. He tlierefore tells them that One, mightier than he, should baptise them (the one class) with the Holy tJhost, and (the other) ' with fire ;' that he will thoroughly purge his floor and gather his wheat into his garner; but he will burn up the chaff", &c. Other passages of the New Testament speak of a ' fiery trial,' which is to try all faithful believers, as no ' strange thing,' 1 Pet. iv. 12 ; and Jesus Christ, alluding to his own sufferings, as- sured his immediate followers ' that they should be baptised with the baptism wherewith he was baptised.' Probably therefore we unite the best interpretations of the passage by considering it to refer to the baptism of the day of I'entecost literally, and symbolically to the Christian's siiare of afflictions in this suffering and vain world. BAPTISTS, a general name by which those Christians are distinguished who deny the validity of infant baptism, and restrict the administration of that sacrament to persons capable of believing , and understanding the religion into which they are thus initiated. They also maintain generally that immersion is necessary to constitute a scrip- tural baptism. Like all other denominations of Christians, they call in the evidence of antiquity; and their pretensions, if founded on fact, as will be seen hereafter, are considerable. They affirm that infant baptism was unknown before the third century, was established in tlie fourth and fifth, and prevailed generally till the Reformation ; that even in the dark ages some. traces of pure bap- tism are discernible ; that the ancient British church, before the arrival of St. Austin, did not baptise infants ; that Bruno and Berengarius in the eleventh century, the Waldenses, the Lol- lards, and the Wickliffites, opposed infant bap- tism, together with William Sawtre, the first Lollard martyr in England, who was burnt A. D. 1401, in the reign of Henry IV. This is certain, with respect to their antiquity, that at an early period of the Reformation disputations were held at Zurich, Bale, and Berne, upon infant baptism. To the class of Baptists belong the ancient Ko- vatians, CaUiphrygians, the Donatists, the Ana- baptists and Mennonites of Germany, and others, who, though they differed widely in their opinions upon other subjects, held the same general views with respect to the initiatory sacrament. Although the term Anabaptist has been pro- miscuously used as a general name by which to distinguish Baptists or re-baptisers, still we must distinguish between the Baptists in general and the Anabaptists of Germany, for which see article Anabaptist. It would be equally uncandid and unjust to confound, with the latter enthu- siasts, so respectable and consistent a body of Christians as the Baptists are, merely from a coin- cidence of opinion on the subject of baptism, especially since the wild doctrines of the latte"- on the subject of civil government have always been disclaimed by the former, although it must be confessed a difficulty to distinguish them for some years after the Reformation. The Baptists in England separate from the es- tablishment for the same reasons as their brethren of the other denominations do; and from the ad- ditional motives derived from their particular tenets respecting baptism. The constitution of their churches, and their modes of worship, are congregational or independent ; in the exercise of which they are protected in common with other dissenters, by the act of toleration. Before this act they were liable to pains and penalties as nonconformists, and often for their peculiar sen- timents as Baptists. A proclamation was issued out against ttiem, and some of them were burnt in Smithfield in 1538. Many of them were per- secuted as Anabaptists in the reign of Elizabeth, charged with holding opinions which tended to anarchy. Indeed, during the latter part of Eliza- beth's reign, the powers of the Star Chamber, and the High Commission, lad almost destroyed dis- sent ; the Baptists fled the country, and settled principally in Holland. Mr. Smyth, a beneficed clergyman who had seceded from the establish- ment, founded a Baptist church of English refu- gees at Amsterdam. He appears to have been an Arminian in point of sentiment; but in his settlement over this people we have the earliest evidence of the existence of regular Baptist churches. Mr. Smyth died in 1610, and was succeeded in his ministry by Thomas Helwisse, who shortly after returned with his congregation to England, and settled in London. The severi- ties exercised by king James I. at this time against the Puritans and Baptists, called forth some able writings in explanation and defence of their principles. A petition was presented to parliament in 1620, after which the Baptists were legally acknowledged as a body distinct from the Anabaptists, although considerable prejudice existed against them, even to the time when bishop Taylor wrote his Liberty of Propiiecying. It was particularly unhappy for their cause that the fifth monarchy men, of Cromwell's time, were chiefly Baptists. The year 1633 affords us the earliest records remaining of a particular baptist church in London, formed under a Mr. Spilsburj'. The persons who formed this con- gregation had separated from one of the inde- pendent persuasion ; and, conceiving the right of administering baptism to descend in uninter- rupted succession, sent one of their members over to Holland to receive that ordinance, ard bring it over to them. Tliey might, it is true, have received baptism from some member of 31 r. Spilsbury's congrega- tion ; but that body being Particular or Cal- vinistic Baptists would not liave any connexion with the Arminian or General Baptists. Be- tween thes^ two denominations there never wa.« much intercourse, nor is there at the presen* 304 BAPTISTS. day. After the murder of Charles I. bot!i the Baptists and Independents suHered much from the intolerant spirit of the Presbyterians ; but in the short parliament of Cromwell, commonly called ' Praise God Barebone's parliament,' from the circumstance of Mr. Barebone, a Baptist mi- nister, havincf made himself conspicuous in it, the Baptists appear to have had some influence. Great suspicion, nevertheless, rested upon them generally; especially as amongst the Baptists at hat period were found some who opposed the Protector's government, and advocated republi- can principles, and others who believed the near approach of Christ to reign upon the earth, and were ever ready to promote by the sword the establishment of what was called by way of con- tempt the fifth monarchy. A conspiracy of tiie fifth monarchy was defeated by Cromwell, in 1650, and Harrison, the regicide, at their head, was imprisoned for life ; but upon the restora- tion the Baptists publicly disclaimed Anabap- tist principles, and presented the king with a confession of their faith. A second conspiracy of the same deluded class took place in 1661, after which the Baptists repeated their disavowal of Anabaptist principles, and, with the excep- tion of their sufferings in common with their dis- senting brethren during the period between the Restoration and the Revolution in 1688, from the rigorous measures employed to compel them to conform, neither the general nor particular Bap- tists have since that period suffered any consi- derable molestation. The particular Baptists, at a general assembly held in London in the year 1689, professed their belief in the distinguishing doctrines of Calvinism, which are still the general sentiments of all their churches. As a body they are highly respectable, and rising in importance. They have several academies for the education of students for the ministry in their congregations, the oldest of which is at Bristol ; and also two exhibitions for students to be educated at one of the universities in Scotland, given them by Dr. "Ward of Gresham college. Both the particular and the general (or Armi- nian) Baptists have a form of church government under bishops, whom they term messengers, priests, whom they term elders, and ministering brethren, or deacons. Their churches are not parochial, or confined to certain districts, but congregational and independent, every congrega- tion being empowered to prescribe its own rulers, independent of the general assembly. The meetings of the messengers and members of the different congregations are not for die general government of tlie body, but for mutual advice and encouragement. A considerable controversy has of late agitated both the above denominations of Baptists, on the question of open commiuiiun, namely, whether persons who have been baptised in infancy may oe admitted without any further baptism to the other sacrament when they arrive at years of dis- cretion, provided in other respects they are thought proper persons. On this particular the teachers of both denominations are much divided in opinion, and frequent pamphlets have been written on both sides. SCOTCH Baptists, a denomination of Christians in Scotland, who profess to deduce their original from the apostolic age. Their views of the initiatory sacrament, and arguments against the validity of infant baptism, are the same as those held by Baptists generally, but their collateral opinions, especially on the sub- ject of church government, are peculiar. They stand in no particular connexion with any other class of Baptists, either abroad or in England, although they ha\e churches and brethren in their own communion in London and other places. It was not known till lately that a so- ciety of Baptists had existed in Scotland before 1765, but now the fact is ascertained that such a society did really exist, and usually met bo*h in Leith and Edinburgh as far back as the middle of the last century. At the period already al- luded to, the Baptist profession publicly revived, first in Edinburgh and afterwards in other places, so tliat now there are disciples and brethren in all parts of the kingdom. Tliey are generally remarked for their unity and love to each other, to which is superadded a firmness in maintaining their religious opinions. I. They hold, from the New Testament, that each church planted by the apostles was a single congregation, and met together in one place. Acts ii^ I. 46; iv. 31; and v. 12; 1 Cor. xi. 18. 20; so that it was composed of visible be- lievers ; 1 Cor. i. 2 ; Philip i. 1 ; Col. i. 2 ; that it had a plurality of elders, or bishops, to rule and labor in the word and doctrine; (Acts xiv. 23; XX. 17; Phdip i. 1 ; Titus i. 5; 1 Tim. V. 17; also a plurality of deacons to minister in t!ie proper application of the church's bounty ; Acts vi. 1 — 17; Philip i. 1; and that both were cliosen not by their academical abilities,. ■ but by their characters laid down in 1 Tim. iii. 1 — 16 ; Tit. i. 5 — 10 ; and set apart by the laying on of hands; Acts vi. 6; 1 Tim. iv. 14; v. 22. II. They aim at the faithful and impartial exer- cise of discipline, according to the several rules laid down in the New Testament; Matt.xvii. 15 — 17; 1 Cor. v.; 2 Thess. iii. 6— 15 ; 2 Tim. iii. 5. Tit. iii. 10, 18. Gal. vi. 1 Jude 22, 23. Such discipline, they say, is essential to the very being of a christian churcli ; bftt altogether impracti- cable in any otlier society. III. They receive none into clmrch-fellowship but such as make a scriptural profession of their faith in Christ, and show their readiness to observe whatsoever he enjoins ; and they retain none in their com- munion who visibly depart, in any instance, from the faith and obedience of the gospel, and are proof against all the instituted means of recovery. IV^. Tiiey hold that the rule of forbearance is divine revelation, making all due allowance for differences in natural tempers, capacities, growth in grace, &c. and exercising all long-suffering, lowliness, and meekness, in their endeavours to reclaim an erring brother. \'. Th.ey consider it their duty to be all of one mind, in every thing that regards their faith and practice as a body. Acts iv. 32. 1 Cor. i. 10. 2 Cor. xiii. 11. Philip, i. 27. ii. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 8. Nothing is decided among them by human influence or policy, or by majority of votes, but by the unanimous con- sent and explicit agreement of every member. VI. They meet every first day of the week for BAPTISTS. 505 reasons and ends given in Matt, xxvii. 1 — 7. Luke XXIV. John xx. 19, 26. Acts ii. 1. xx. 7. 1 Cor. xi. 18. 20. xvi. 2. Rev. i. 10. When they observe the following institutions of divine worship: 1. The public rf;ading of tlie scrip- tures of the Old and New Testaments, from what is written. Acts xv. 20, 21. Col. iv. IG. 1 Thess. V. 27. 1 Tim. iv. 13. 2. The mutual exhorta- tion of the brethren, which is attended to on the mornin^of Lord's day, immediately after the read- ing of the scriptures. Col. iii. 16. 1 Thess. iv. 18. lleb. iii. 13.; x. 24, 25. 3. Preaching and ex- pounding the word, which is done by the elders and pastors. 1 Pet. v. 2. 1 Tim. v. 17. Acts v. 42. XX. 20. 2 Tim. iv. 2. 4. The public prayers, not only of the elders, but also of the brethren, as was exemplified in the first churches. Rom. xii. 12. 1 Cor. xi. 4. xiv. 14. Eph. vi. 18. 1 Tim. ii. 1, 2. .las. v. 16. Jude 20. To these prayers and thanksgivings, the whole church say Amen. 1 Cor. xiv. 16. 5. The singing of praise. INIatt. xxvi. 30. 1 Cor. xiv. 15. In doing which they use the Psalms of David, and other spiritual songs. Eph. v. 19. Col. iii. 16. 6. The fellowship, contribution, communication, distribution, or well doing, as in Rom. xvi. 26. 2 Cor. ix. 13. Philip, iv. 14, 15. 1 Tim. vi. 18. Ileb. xiii. 16. i. e. the collection for the support of the poor saints, and other necessary uses. See Acts ii. 41. and 1 Cor. xvi. 1, 2. 7. The breaking of bread, or the Lord's supper : this they observe every Lord's day without any regard to preparation and thanks<:iving days, as the church at Troas came together chiefiy for that end on the first day of the week. Acts xx. 7. 8. In the interval of public worship, they have the feast of charity, in an appropriate place, and generally contiguous to the ordinary place of meeting for worship, where every member may attend. Its nature is to promote love, pleasure, har- mony, and mutual edification among tlie brethren, also for disengaging the minds of the members, from the time and care spent in preparing a diet at their own houses on that day ; for refreshing those who come from a distance, and for affording a moderate repast to the poorer members. These love feasts they deduce from the apostolic churches. Acts ii. 46. xx. 11. 1 Cor. xi. 20, 21, 22. Jude 12. 2 Pet. ii. 13. VII. They consider it their duty to join fasting with prayer, on particular occasions. Matt. ix. 25. Acts xiii. 2. compare Isaiah Iviii. 5. with James iv. 8 — 10. \ III. They use the kiss of charity on various occasions ; such as, the reception of a new mem- ber, the forgiveness of offences, the reconciliation of differences, the setting apart of oHice-bearers, the departure or return of brethren, &.c. Rom. xvi. 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 20. 2 Cor. xiii. 12. 1 Thess. V. 26. 1 Pet. v. 14. IX. They wash the saints' feet, even literally, and that not as a ceremony, but whenever it can be of real service to a bro- ther ; the men perform that service to those of their own sex, and the women to their's only. John xiii. 14, 15. X. They abstain from eating of blood and strangled, or ' flesh with the blood tiiereof ;' because these were not only forbidden to Noah and his posterity. Gen. ix. 3, 4 ; but also under the gospel. See Acts xv. 28, 29. xvi. 4. and xxi. 25. Rex. ii. 20. 24. and ver. 52. XI. They do not find themselves at liberty fo eat a common meal with persons excommuivi- cated from their fellowship ; but they do not set aside any natural or relative duty. Matt, xviii. 17. Luke XV. 2. Acts x. 28. 1 Cor. v. 9, 10, 11. And XII. They consider themselves subject to the powers that be in all lawful civil matters, Rom. xiii. 1 — 6. 1 Pet. ii. 13 — 16. to honor them, ver. 17. pray for them, 1 Tim. ii. 2. pay them tribute, Rom. xiii. 6, 7. and rather to suffer patiently for a good conscience, than in any case to resist them by force. Acts v. 29. 1 Pet. ii. 19 — 24. Therefore they can have no fellowship with any who are known to be disaffected to government; Prov. xxiv. 21. BAPTISTERY, in ecclesiastical writers, was. one of the exedra:', or buildings distinct from the church itself ; and consisted of a porch or anti- room, where the persons to be baptised made their confession of faith, and an inner room, where the ceremony of baptism was performed. Thus it continued till the sixth century, when the bajitisteries began to be taken into the church porcii, and afterwards into the church itself. The ancient baptisteries were commonly called ^o- TiTT]pia, pholisteria, q.d. places of illumination; either because that name was sometimes given to baptism, or because they were the places of an illumination, or instruction, ^preceding bap- tism ; where the catechumens were taught the first rudiments of the Christian faith. Baptisteries in general are either octagonal or circular, surmounted with a dome, and as the font is usually placed at the entrance of the church to represent the initiation of the new christian, so the baptistery is situated at the approach to the western or principal gate. These edifices are of very high antiquity, since one was prepared for the ceremonial of the baptism of Clovis; and, as the times of baptising returned but seldom, they have been usually very ca- pacious. In Italy, although the churches were' numerous, in some of the most considerable cities there was only one general baptistery, to which they all resorted. This was dedicated to John the Baptist, and the church to which it was at- tached, assumed the pre-eminence connected with the church of Santa Sophia. At Constanti- nople was a spacious baptistery, in which we read of ancient councils assembling. Of the baptis- teries of Rome, the Lateran is the most ancient, in which some antiquaries are said to have disco- vered the remains of the Thermae, anciently within the precincts of the imperial palace. The bap- tistery of Pisa, both externally and internally, presents a fine display of tlie most exquisite workmanship, and accordingly has greatly excited the admiration of modern travellers, among whom we may distinguish the celebrated Joseph Ad- dison. The baptistery of I'lorence is remarkable for the beauty of its gates. Here also are to be seen the bas reliefs, of which Michael Angelo was so enamoured, that he exclaimed tliey de- served to be portals of paradise. The Italian baptistery in appearance is -not very dissimilar to the octagon in Ely cathedral at the intersection of the transepts and nave ; but it does not ap- pear from history that any building especially devoted to the purpose of baptism, was ever 506 BAPTIST MISSION. erected in England. Many of the fonts in our churches are nevertheless highly interesting to the antiquarian, that of Bridekirk in Cumberland is of Danish origin, and that which was removed from the church of St. Peter in the east, 0.xford, exhibited proofs of an antiquity almost as early. See Font. Upon fonts and baptisteries in general, the following curious inscription is frequently found, especially upon those wliich are ancient: 'NI^ON ANOAIHMATA MH MONAN O^IN.' The pious monks often exercised their 'gifts in forming acrostics and chronograms ; but this line exhibits the happiest instance of the amphisbsena; the words being exactly the same whether we read the line backwards or forwards. Baptist Mission. — While the Missionary Societies of various denominations have an ul- terior object in view, too high and sacred for much discussion in books of Imman science, there are collateral benefits to mankind, which gradually accompany their march, that fall strictly within our sphere to record. The bearing of these societies, on our acquaintance with the physical and political geography of the globe, and on the study of its languages, ancient and modern, is obvious : while the very object al- luded to, and a missionary ardor for its accom- plisliment, has armed, and will arm, the traveller and the scholar (when a missionary), with a patient and persevering zeal, to be imbibed, per- haps, in no other school. It will be principally to the literary and scientific aspect of these in- stitutions that we shall, in this work, direct the attention of the reader ; but we purpose, in so doing, to insert a slight sketch of the rise and progress of all the reputable societies of this kind. Among Protestants, it may be said, that in 1732 the L'nitas Fratrum, or Moravian brethren, led the way in these benevolent enterprises. Tiiey became deeply impressed with tiie fact that so many millions of the human race were sitting in darkness, and held in bondage by idolatry and vice ; and they formed themselves into a small society for endeavouring to convey the benefits of Christianity to heathen nations. At first their beginnings were very small, but they now possess between forty and fifty settlements, employing from 160 to 180 missionaries. For sixty years this society pursued its way, in the most unos- tentatious and silent manner, before any others of a like nature were formed. Oct. 2, 1792, a few Baptist ministers meeting at Kettering, Nortliamptonshire, entered into a scries of resolutions for the formation of a so- ciety, to be called The Particular (or Calvinis- tic) Baptist Society for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen. ' But so far,' say they, ' were we from having in view the exclusive pro- motion of our own peculiar principles as Bap- tists, that we were determined from the beginning, if no opportunity appeared for sending out Mis- sionaries of our own, that we would assist other societies already in being amongst the Presby- terians and the Moravians.' The names of the firstcommittee were John Ryland, Reynold Hogg, William Carey, John Sutcliff, and Andrew Ful- ler. Reynold Hogg was chosen Treasurer, and Andrew Fuller, Secretary. Nov. 13. — The committee meeting again at Northampton, learned that a Mr. John Thomas, a surgeon, who had been several years in Ben- gal, and during that period had occasionally preached tlie gospel to the natives, was then in London. He was said to be endeavouring to establish a fund for a mission to that country, and to be desirous of engaging a companion to return with him. Enquiry was made concerning Mr. Thomas, as to his character, principles, &c. ; and the accounts wliich were received proving satisfactory, the committee resolved to invite him to go out as one of tlieir missionaries, and to en- deavour to furnish him with a colleague. Mr. Carey, on being asked if he were willing to accompany Mr. Thomas, answered readily in the affirmative. And thus was furnished to the so- ciety one of the most useful laborers in the missionary field, and ultimately one of the most profound of oriental scholars, from the humble station of an uneducated provincial dissenting minister. The next step was to calculate the expense of sending them out, and to obtain the means of defraying it. The expense was estimated at £500, which sum required to be raised in about three or four months. To accomplish this the committee frankly stated to the religious public their plan, requesting that so far as it appeared to be deserving of encouragement, they would encourage it. Letters also were addressed to the most active ministers of the denomination through- out the kingdom, requesting their concurrence and assistance. The result was, that more than twice the sum which had been asked for was collected ; yet, when the work was finished, the actual expense had so far exceeded the estimate, that there were only a few pounds to spare. A principal cause of this was, that the wliole of the new missionary's family were induced to ac- company him. The first laborers in this mission sailed on June 13, 1793, on board the Princessa Maria, a Danish Indiaman ; but no tidings of their pro- ceedings arrived in this country until July of the following year. For the first three or four months, it seems, Mr. Carey found himself in consider- able pecuniary difficulties. The investment which was taken out for their immediate sup- port, was sunk ; and he, witli his wife and family in a foreign land, were utterly destitute of the means of subsistence. He now, therefore, en- quired for secular occupation ; and early in March, 1795, received an invitation from Malda,to take the superintendance of an indigo factory. His colleague also, Mr. Thomas, who had stopped at Calcutta, under an idea of supporting himself by his profession, received, a little before, a similar invitation. Mr. Carey accepted the superintendence of an indigo factory at Mudnabatty, and Mr. Thomas of another at Moypauldiggy, both in the neigh- bourhood of I\Ialda. Here they considered them- selves capable of watcliing the best opportunity for proceeding wit!i their noble undertaking in coming out ; and letters were sent to England, expressing their great pleasure in being able to decline, at present, any further assistance from the Society's funds. BAPTIST MISSION. 507 At home, about this time, two young men, Mr. Jacob Grigg, and Mr. James Rodway, had offered themselves as missionaries, and being considered suitable persons, the committee re- solved on another mission, i. e. to Africa, in the neighbourhood of Sierra Leone. In the autumn of 1795, the missionaries left England; but through the indiscretion of one of them, and the ill health of the other, the undertaking failed. In the spring of 1796, a Mr. J. Fountain offer- ing himself as a missionary, was accepted, and sent out to join his brethren in India. During the first year of his residence, Mr. Carey had repeated attacks of an intermittent fever with a dysentery. Mrs. Carey also, and tlieir eldest son, were much afflicted ; and their third son, Peter, died at five years of age. As soon as they were able to apply themselves to the work, they set up schools at their respective factories ; preached every Sunday, and frequently on week days ; and Mr. Thomas being particu- larly attentive to the poor, in administering me- dicines, &c. to them ; many people, besides the workmen, attended their preaching. Two Englishmen, a Mr. Long and a Mr. Powell, who had settled in Bengal, joining in the views of this little band, on Nov. 1, 1795, they, with the mis- sionaries, formed a church, and commemorated the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Mr. Long was afterwards excluded for improper conduct ; but Mr. Powell contirmed an useful character till his death, which was at Dinagepore, on Sept. 25, 1802. An European or two were joined to this body, from 179G to 1800 ; a spirit of enquiry was awoke among the natives, and a school erected at Dinagepore ; but no native converts manifested, as yet, sufficient boldness to shake off caste for the benefit of the new faith. The missionaries, however, were not easily dis- couraged. They requested nev helpers from home, and particularly some one who should understand the printing business. Accordingly, in the spring of 1799, Mr. and Mrs. Marshman, Mr. and Mrs. Grant, I\Ir. and Mrs. Brunsdon, Mr. William Ward, and JNIiss Tidd, embarked for India. Mr. Ward being a printer, and Mr. and jNIrs. Marshman having kept a school. Tlieir instructions were, to ' beware, both from a principle of conscience, and from a regard to their own interest, and that of the mission, of intermeddling with any political concerns — to be obedient to the laws in all civil affairs — to re- spect magistrates, both supreme and subordinate, and teach the same things to others — in fine, to apply themselves wholly to the all-important concerns of that evangelical service to which they had so solemnly dedicated themselves.' Moreover, that ' however gross might be the idolatries, and heathenish superstitions that might fall under their notice, they should se- dulously avoid all rudeness, insult, or interrup- tion, during the observance of such superstitions, observing no methods but those of Christ and his apostles, namely, the persevering use of scriptui-e, reason, prayer, meekness, and love.' Mr. Carey was anxious that the new mission- aries and their wives might be permitted to pro- ceed and settle in the neighbourhood of Mal^a. He had taken a small place at Kidderpore, about twelve miles distant, where he mtended to carry- on a little business, and to erect some dwellings for them. The relinquishing of this undertak- ing would be a loss of £500. But the British authorities were inflexible in their opposition to his plan of increasing his establishment. Mr. Carey, therefore, determined to remove to the Danish settlement of Serampore, where his bre- thren had arrived. This important step was accomplished January 10, 1800, and the next day he was introdi'ced to the governor, who received him in a very friend- ly manner. The first object of attention was to settle a plan of internal government. All the missionaries determined to consider themselves as one family ; they were to preach and pray in turn; one to superintend the affairs of the family for a month, and then another. Mr. Carey was appointed treasurer and keeper of the medicine chest; Mr. Fountain librarian. Saturday even- ing was devoted to adjusting any differences wliich might arise during the week, and" pledg- ing themselves to love one another ; finally, it was resolved that no one should engage in any private trade ; but that whatever was done by any member of the family, should be done for the benefit of the mission. The first sheet of the Bengalee New Testament was printed May 16. They worked off 2000 copies, besides 500 of the gospel by Matthew, for immediate distribution. Early in June they opened a Bengalee school, in which the children of those natives who chose to send them, were taug'at gratis ; and by the 20th of July they had forty pupils. A native, named Gokool, also ap- peared exceedingly attentive to their ministry. On the 22d of December, Gokool, and a man named Kristno, came and ate in public with the missionaries, by which act they threw off their caste. All who witnessed it were surprised ; it was so universally said, No one would lose caste for the Gospel. ' Thus the door of faith is opened to these Gen- tiles — who shall shut it?' said Mr. (now Dr.) Marshman. ' The chain of the caste is broken, who shall mend it?' The same evening Gokool, without his family, and Kristno with his, came and offered tliemselves willingly to the church, each making a solemn profession of faith in Christ, and of obedience to his commands. It was soon noised abroad that these people had lost caste ; and now a time of trial drew near. The next day a great company of people assem- bled, two thousand or thereabouts, pouring out their execrations upon them. Taking them by force, they first dragged them before the Danish magistrate ; but he, instead of censuring, com- mended them for what they had done. Being dismissed, they came a second time with Kristno with a new charge, accusing him of refusing to deliver up his daughter to a man wiio had con- tracted for her in marriage. Tlie magistrate, however, defended Kristno, and assured the girl that she should not be compelled to marry the man against her consent. The governor also promised the missionaries that they should not be interrupted in baptising. The hubbub that had thus been raised, did not shake the resolution of Kristno ; but his family, and Gokool, were in- 508 BAPTIST MISSION. timidated by it. On the 27th they sent to the mission-house, saying, ' they wished to put off their baptism for a few weeks.' The next day (the 28th) was the time appointed for baptising. Kristno came forward, and with Felix Carey, was baptised in the Hoogly. A considerable num- ber of Europeans and natives attended; many of whom appeared to be struck with the so- lemnity of the ordinance. Shortly after, a Mr. Fern:uidez, and Joymooni (Kristnoo's wife's sister), were baptised, and joined the church. At a meeting on the 22d, she said, ' She had found a treasure in Christ greater than every thing else in this world.' Krislnoo said his chief ' thoughts now were about the salvation of others.' The effect of these baptisings was, that all the children of the Bengalee school were taken away by their parents, lest they should be made Christians ; and the only children left for instruc- tion were those of Kristno, to whom the mis- sionaries now paid the greater attention, and amongst whom there were some hopeful ap- pearances. The baptised Hindoos appeared to improve much in knowledge and affection. Their manner of speaking was singular and impressire. ' Christ (said one) is my joy, my hope, my all. If worldly things draw my mind from him, I say, mind, why dost thou leave Christ? There is no other Saviour. If thou leave him, thou fallest into hell.' ' I was for- merly,' said another, 'in prison; the light of the Gospel came to the prison door, and I got out !' About this time Mr. Carey was appointed by Marquis Wellesley to a professorship in the New College of Fort William. When an appli- cation was made to him on the subject, he had some hesitation as to complying with it, lest it should interfere with his proper work as a mis- sionary. Nor did he accede to the appointment till he had consulted with his brethren, who thought that it might promote rather than ob- struct the great objects of the mission. Every temporal advantage that might arise from it would, on the ground of their established rules, be only so much added to the missionary stock. And here let us add, that steadily, and when these advantages have risen to several thousands per annum, has this good man added them to that stock. On the morning of May 8th, during our short war with the Danes, the British flag was hoisted at Serampore. At ten o'clock the missionaries were ordered to appear at tlie government house. On presenting themselves, they were treated with the utmost civility, both by the late Danish governor, and the English commander, and told to go on with their school, preaching, &c. in the same peaceable way as before. — On the 29th, Gokool, who had fainted at the outset, came for- ward again, and on June 7th, he was Imptised. Kristn-o was now in the habit of talking to his neighbours who came to him at his work, in some such strain as this : — ' In all your worship there is no fruit. None of the debtas died for sinners; but Jesus Christ came into the world for this. This is the greatest love I ever heard of. At the bouse of the missionunes I have seen such love as I never saw before. When a man believes in Christ he gets a new mind. This is the fruit of becoming a Christian, &c. Sec' The missionaries from such specimens hoped that he would soon be able to preach Christ to his countrymen. During this month, Mr. Ward and Kristno visited certain parts of the country from whence persons had come for religious instruction, preach- ing and distributing papers as they proceeded; and some of the women went to visit their female relations up the country, where they also con- versed about the gospel. Mr. Ward in his ex- cursion was detained by a police officer, on the ground ' that the company had given no orders for the natives to lose caste.' Mr. W. assured him that the papers were entirely religious; and on his offering to sign them with his own name, the officer released him. The papers thus signed were sent to Calcutta, and examined. Some alleged, that it was improper to attack the reli- gion of the natives ; but others answered that there was nothing more in the papers than had been always tolerated in the Roman Catholics in the company's territories. Nothing therefore came of it ; and during the administration of Marquis Wellesley, no more was heard of the subject. In the course of this year, colonel Bie trans- mitted to his government an account of the set- tlement of the missionaries at Serampore, in con- sequence of which his Danish majesty directed the Royal College of Commerce at Copenhagen to signify his pleasure to the governor of Seram- pore, that the society of missionaries be con- sidered as under his majesty's protection and patronage, which they accordingly signified by a letter, bearing date Sept. 5, 1801. The gover- nor-general also of British India was pleased to assure one of the missionaries, that he * was per- fectly acquainted with all the concerns and opera- tions at Serampore, and felt great satisfaction at their affairs being attended with a degree of success'. In the beginning of 1802 the mission had bap- tised seven natives. On the 4th of April, a native who had previ- ously lost caste, of the name of Syam Dass, was baptised. lie proved to be a simple-hearted good man, and was instrumental to the conver- sion of one of his neighbours, Bharut; but died, or was murdered on a journey in the autumn ot the same year, about five -months after his bap- tism. About this time a-brahmin came to Seram- pore, who lived with Dulol, a famous leader of a Hindoo sect. They are a kind of Deists, setting light by the superstitions of the country, and by the caste; but making light also of sin, and a future state. He said that Dulol sent him to get baptised first, and that he himself would fol- low, and bring with him an hundred thousand disciples! The missionaries had no faith in this tale; but thought it right to pay him a visit. Mr. Carey, Mr. Marshman, and Kristno (who had formerly been one of his disciples) therefore^ set off for Ghospura, the place of his residence. They perceived him to be what they expected,, a designing man, living in state only upon the credulity of his followers. BAPTIST MISSION. 509 On May 10th, Mr. Ward and Mrs. Fountain were married. Heretofore the marriages had been performed by an English clergyman; but the missionaries having been advised to marry their own people, they, with the concurrence of the civil authorities, drew up a simple form for the purpose; and the business was conducted to the satisfaction of all present. In June or .luly five more natives were baptised at Serampore. Towards the end of this last month, a Mussul- man, whose name was Moorad, came from Ponche- taluckphool, or as they usually call it by way of contraction, Luckphool, with an invitation from a considerable number of people in that part of the country to go and preach the gospel to them. Mr. Marshman, accordingly, set out on the 10th of August, taking Petumber Mittre and Bharut with him. At Luckphool, they halted under a large tree, which was the appointed place for hearing; the people came together and received them sitting down on the grass, and after having heard with much earnestness for about half an hour, entreated the preacher to rest, and take refreshment. He did so, and then renewed his subject. They spent the evening, sitting round him, and asking questions on Christ, the resur- rection, a future state &c. These people, amounting to some hundreds, had, for the last fourteen years, begun to dislike the idolatry of the country; and attaching them- selves to a grave elderly man, as their goroo or teacher, had from that time been enquiring after the right way. Neelo, for that was the old man's name, had taught them that there was one God, whom he called father, who alone was to be worshipped; that sin was to be forsaken; and that a farther revelation was to be expected. It was in consequence of his having heard of the missionaries that Moorad was sent to Seram- pore, to request them to come and visit them. After the worship, as above related, the old man took Mr. Marshman aside for private conversa- tion, and appeared to be very averse to Brahmin- ism, and friendly to the gospel as opposed to it; recommending it also to his people, as being the revelation which he had given them to expect. In returning home, Mr. M. called on another goroo, who had nearly 20,000 followers. His name was Seeb Ram Dass, and his residence at Juggerdandakatty. There was much less pomp and artifice in him than in Dulol; and less con- viction and affection than in Neelo, and his people at Luckphool. The general impression was, that these people were loosened from the Hindoo and Mahommedan systems, which marked the hand of providence, and might be introduc- tory to the gospel. During this year Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain were sent out by the committee to assist in the labors of the India mission. About the same time, the missionaries purchased the house and premises adjoining their own. The garden and out-buildings contained more than four acres of land. By this addition they had room not only for the schools, and for the printing and bindmg business, but also for any new missionaries that might arrive. They made themselves trustees for the society, as they had done in the first pur- chase. Towards the end of January, 1803, be- sides the New Testament, the first volume of tiie Old, the Psalms, and a part of Isaiah, were finished, and began to be a good deal read in different places. A new fount of Naggree types- was nearly completed ; and a house was taken in Calcutta for preaching to both Europeans and natives. In Eebruaiy they speak of ' the affairs of the mission growing more and more weighty.' Se- veral new enquirers arrived ; amongst whom wa.» Sheetaram, a sooder, from Bishoohurry; in Jes- sore, and who on the 27th was baptised. The zeal, the simplicity, and the good conduct of this man proved, as will be seen, a great blessing to several of his relations and neighbours. In April two of the native converts intermar- ried. "The ceremony was conducted much in the same way as Mr. \\ ard's had been. Mr. Carey, after explaining the nature and ends of marriage, and noticing the impropriety of the Hindoo cus- toms, read certain portions of scripture, and after them the marriage agreement. The parties then joined hands, promised love, faithfulness, obedience, &c. ; then signed the agreement, to which others added their names as witnesses. A prayer for a divine blessing followed, and the whole was concluded with a temperate and cheerful repast of raisins, plantains, &c. Tlie day following they had a supper at the house of Kristno, the bride's father, where all sat down together without dis- tinction of color or country. This to the spec- tators was quite a new thing. During this month several of the native brethren, as Kristno, Pre- saud, Ram Roteen, &c. went into the villages to talk with the people about Christ. Tliey were treated with abuse, but bore it with Christian meekness, telling their abusers, that they * only did what every sect did, who, v.hether Hindoos or Mussulmans, were allowed to perform their poorjahs in the streets ; and that insults, stripes, and even death were good for them, so that God by them did but turn their hearts.' Frequent additions were now made to the Baptist flock here ; nor did the diligence of the missionaries slacken in their noble work of trans- lating the scriptures. In August, a new and improved edition of the Bengalee New Testament was begun, as only 600 copies remained of the first impression. In September, the convert, Gokool, seemed to be drawing near his end. But his mind was steadily fixed in the faith of Christ, and on the 7th of October he died. * About two hours be- fore his death,' says Mr. Marshman, * he called the native brethren round him to sing and pray. He was perfectly sensible, resigned, and tranquil. Some of the neighbours had been trying to per- suade him to employ a native doctor ; but as all their medicines are accompanied with hea- then incantations, he refused them, saying, he would have no physician but Jesus Christ. ' How is it,' 'said they, 'that you, who have turned to Christ, should be thus afflicted ?" My affliction, replied he, is on account of my sins: my Lord does all things well. Observing Koma'. to weep (who was a most affectionate wife) he said. Why do you weep for me? His tranquil and happy end made a deep impression on all around. They said one to another, May my 510 BAPTIST MISSION. mind be as Gokool's was.' Ilis funeral, in the European manner, made also a considerable im- pression on the n-itiv(;s. On the 23d, a brahmin from Assam was baptised. During this year, the society presented a copy of the Benjialee New Testament, and of the penta- teuch, to his majesty, Geo. III. by the hands of Robert Bowyer, Esq. His majesty was pleased graciously to accept of them, and to direct that his thanks should be given to the society. During this year also a plan was laid for translatinij the scriptures into various other eastern languages. In February, 180-1, these worthy laborers had the happiness of devolving a portion of their work upon two native teachers, and ordained Kristno and Petumber Shingo to the work of the ministry, with prayer and the imposition of hands. In the course of the year, fourteen more natives were baptised. About four years previously, Mr. Ward being, on a visit at Calcutta, went with Kristno to a village called Ramkreeshnopore, on the other side of the river, opposite Calcutta. Here they left a num- ber of small tracts, and a New Testament. Till now the effects were unknown. Kristno, on re- visiting the village, meets with a byraggee, who tells him that the books have been read, and that several persons are convinced by them. In November and December twenty-one per- sons were baptised, seven of whom came from Kristnopore, and were the fruits of the New Testament and tracts which were left at that vil- lage. One of them, named Kristnoo Dass, re- ferring to Mr. Ward's having declared that ' it was for the use of the whole village, and that he who could read the best should keep it, and read it to all who wished to hear it,' said, ' he had got it, and that the reading of it had changed his ideas, and made him leave off idolatry, and put his trust in Christ.' The Testament was produced, and was nearly worn out by reading. Ten out of the twenty-one were baptised on No- vember 3d. 'A solemn seriousness,' says Mr. Biss, ' pervaded the company. Some who seemed to know nothing of the power of religion, nevertheless shed tears.' At the Lord's supper there was great joy tlirough the whole church, singing, and making melody in our hearts to the Lord.' In the autumn of this year, captain Wickes being in London, the committee sent by him 1000 guineas, whicli had l)een collected in Eng- land, Scotland, and Ireland, towards the transla- tion of the Scriptures into the eastern languages. On the captain's arrival in America, he expressed a wish in the public papers, that the friends of religion in his country would add something to it. The result was, that by the generous exer- tions of the different denominations, the original sum was considerably more than doubled, and sent in dollars to Serampore. We have been followmgthis band of brethren to the period of their cause taking that deep and well grounded root in India, from which it will not quickly be removed. But their steps were not everywhere encouraged. Both at home and in India, British authority and influence were oc- sionally arrayed against them. When, on the 23d of August, Messrs. Chatcr and Robinson arrived, a demur was made as to their being per- mitted to proceed to Serampore. Next day, Mr. Carey was told by the magistrates that they had a message for him, ' that as government did not interfere with the prejudices of the natives, it was the governor-general's request that Mr. Carey and his colleagues would not.' As ex- plained by the ma2:istrates, this request was said to be a kind of order. 'They were not to preach to the natives, nor suffer the native converts to preach; they were not to distribute religious tracts, nor suffer the people to distribute tliem ; they were not to send forth converted natives, nor take any steps, by conversation or otherwise, for persuading the natives to embrace Chris- tianity. Mr. Carey enquired whether they had any written communication with the governor- general ; and being answered in the negative, took leave. This, however, it was afterwards said was not meant • to prohibit Mr. Carey or his brethren from preaching at Serampore, or in their own house at Calcutta ; only they must not preach at the loll bazaar. Nor was it intended to prevent their circulating the scriptures, but merely the tracts abusing the Hindoo religion : or to forbid the native Christians conversing with their countrymen on Christianity, only they must not go out under the sanction of the mission- aries.' In a conversation that took place between the magistrates and a friend of the missionaries, they acknowledged themselves 'well satisfied with their character and deportment.' Messrs. Chater and Robinson, however, were commanded to return to Europe. A tract, about this time, was translated and sent to England, in which the missionaries were represented as calling the natives ' barbarians,' and their shasters ' barbarian shasters,' when in the original they had only intreated them not to reject the bible as being the shaster of the bar- barians, or ' M'leeches,' a name by which they designate all who are not of the caste. After this a pamphlet appeared by Mr. Twining, and was followed by several more, written by major Scott Waring, and others: some openly espousing the cause of idolatry, and most of them filled with unfounded statements, and inef- fectual endeavours to trace the Vellore mutiny to the attempts at christianising the natives. The charges produced in these pamphlets were answered by the friends of the mission. Not long after, a tract which had been printed in Bengalee, and which in that language contained nothing offensive, was put into the hands of a native to be translated into Persic. The transla- tion being finished, it was, through the pressure of business, inadvertently printed off without be- ing first inspected by the missionaries ; and the translator having introduced various strong epi- thets, calling Mahomet a tyrant, &c. which it was alleged would irritate his followers, the Bri- tish authorities took it up in a serious manner. Mr. Carey being sent for, readily acknowledged the impropriety of the epithets, and promised to enquire into the affair. Had the object of the party been merely to prevent the disturbance of the public tranquillity, things would have is- sued here. But proceedings were commenced BAPTIST MISSION. 511 which threatened ruin to the mission. In con- In the month of iNIarcli, 1809, they finislted the sequence, however, of an explanation, and a Orissa New Testament. Towards the close of respectful memorial presented to the governor- this year an improved paper manufacture was general, the most serious part of the proceedings established in Serampore. The Benevolent In- was revoked; and when two of the missionaries stitution had increased to nearly ninety children, waited on his lordship to thank him for his and a humane medical gentleman prescribed and candour in regard to their memorial, he replied, furnished medicines for it and the family gratis, that nothing more was necessary than a mere Access was allowed, and the gospel freely examination of the subject, on which every thing preached amongst the soldiers and their wives in appeared in a clear and favorable light. The the fort. In all the stations 106 were bantized missionaries however, were required, in future, during the year. not to print any tracts without first submitting From the commencement of the following year, them to the inspection of government. the missionaries speak of themselves no longer In 1807 new rules were formed suited to the as a single mission, but as divided into live mis- present state of the mission, every station being sions, according to the different lanpruages of the independent of the other, but all united as a ge- country, and which they designate, the United neral body. A considerable advance was made jNIissions in India. These are the Bengal, the in ten of the translations: two new founts of Burman, the Orissa, the Bootan, and the Ilin- type completed, viz. the Orissa and the Mahratta, doost'han. The Bengal contains five stations, and two others begun, viz. the Burmah and Chi- the Hindoost'han two, and the rest one eacli. nese; a new and improved fount of Nagree also In March the New Testament in the llindee begrm. With respect to printing, an impression and Mahratta languages, the Pentateuch in Sung- of 1500 copies of the fourth volume of the Ben- scrit, and the Prophetic books in Orissa, were galee Old Testament, containing all the prophets, finished at press; and considerable numbers of was completed ; the third volume, comprising them were sent and distributed in the respective the historical books, being in the press ; an edi- countries, from whence they afterwards received tion of 10,000 copies of Luke, the Acts, and intelligence of their being read and understood, the epistle to the Romans was completed ; the In April the plan suggested by Dr. Bell and New Testament in the Sungscrit and Orissa improved by Mr. Lancaster was introduced by considerably advanced; and the Ilindostanee, Mr. Marshman into the scliool at Calcutta, by Mahratta, and Guzuratee, put to press. which the number of children could be greatly January 28, 1808, Serampore was taken by increased, and the expense contracted. Ground the English, but without making any difference was purchased, and a new school-house erected, in the situation of the missionaries. Mr. F. near the chapel, ninety feet by seventy, which Carey, having studied medicine at Calcutta, in- would contain 800 children. Among the chil- troduced the vaccine inoculation at Rangoon, dren in this school was a INIalay boy, bought by After having inoculated about fifty in the city Captain W. out of the hands of persons who with success, he was sent for by the governor to were fattening hirn for sale to the Batta can- perform the operation on his children. This nibals ! circumstance proved favorable to their settling On the 11th of March, 1812, occurred a me- ns missionaries. morable calamity for the mission, the spacious During this year the Danish clergyman at printing-office at Serampore was consumed by Serampore being dead, a question was moved fire, with all the types, many valuable MSS. among the inhabitants who should succeed him? and a large quantity of paper; the whole The majority expressed their wish, that the mis- amounting to a loss of nearly £I0,000. The sionaries might be permitted to do so. A peti- missionaries, though much aftected, were not tion was accordingly presented to the governor- greatly disheartened, nor in any degree induced general for the purpose, w^hich being granted, to relax their efforts. New founts of type, in all the parish church has from that time, about Sep- the eastern languages, were cast, as soon as pos- tember, been occupied by some of the Baptist sible, from the melted metal recovered from the brethren. They accept of no pecuniary reward ruins; and the printing of the Scriptures was for their services. resumed, as fast as they could be prepared. Towards the latter end of September there was On the 19th of February the following year, a second examination of the lads engaged in the the Tamul New Testament was finished at the study of the Chinese langtxage, held at Seram- press, and on the 20th was laid before the Ca!- pore ; at which were present the vice-president cutta Auxiliary Bible Society, at their anniver- of the Asiatic Society, with several other Euro- versary. This edition, consisting of 5000 copies, pean gentlemen, who expressed their satisfaction was begun in April 1812, and completed in ra- in very strong terms. The missionaries now oc- ther more than ten months, cupy the ten following stations, viz. The progress of the translations, during this Bootan, Missionary, Robinson. year, cannot be better described than in an ex- Dinagepore, F'ernandez. tract from a letter of Dr. Carey, dated Decem- Saddamahl, VVm. Carey. ber 14. — ' We are, at this time, engaged in Goamalty, Mardon. translating the Bible into twenty-one languages, Miniary, INIoore. ' including the Bengalee, which is finished. This Cutwa, Chamberlain. week, we obtained a person to assist in tlie trans- Jessore, . Carapeit Chater. lation of the Scriptures into the Kassai language. Serampore, Carey, &c. About a fortnight ago we obtained help for the Calcutta, Carey, &c. Sindh and Wuch. I believe we have now all Rangoon, Chater and F. Carev. the languages in that part, except that of Kutciij .12 BAPTIST MISSION. which, I hope, will soon be brouaht within our reach. We have not yet been able to secure the languages of Nepala, Bootan, Munipoora, and Siam, and about live or six tribes of moun- taineers : besides these, I am not acquainted with any language on the continent of India, into which tlie word of God is not under trans- lation.' At the public disputation of the students of the college of Fort William, held before Lord ^linto as visitor of the college, on September 20th, his lordship, after enumerating their recent labors, concludes thus : ' I profess a very sincere pleasure in bringing the literary merits of j\Ir. 3Iarsliman and the other Reverend Members of the Serampore Mission to the notice of the pub- lic, and in bearing my testimony to the great and extraordinary labors which constancy and energy i-n their numerous and various occupations have enabled this modest and respectable community to accomplish. I am not less gratified by the opportunity which their literary achievements afford, of expressing my regard for the exemplary worth of their lives, and the beneficent principle which distinguishes and presides in the various useful establishments which they have formed, and which are conducted by themselves.' The stations occupied by the mission in 1814 had increased to twenty-four. In 1815 the society had to sustain one of its greatest losses at home in the death of their secretary, the Rev. Andrew Fuller, who expired at Kettering, after a short illness, on May 7th. He had sustained this arduous and important office ever since the commencement of the society in 1 792 ; and at length fell a sacrifice to its ac- cumulated cares and labors. At the next meeting of the committee, Dr. Ryland, of Bristol, was re- quested to undertake the office, pro tempore ; and, at the annual meeting, held at Northampton, in October, this appointment was confirmed, and Mr. Ilinton, of Oxford, associated with the Doc- tor, as joint-secretary. November 27th the mis- sion premises were visited by the Right Hon. Earl Moira, the bishop of Calcutta, and other distinguished personages, who expressed their high gratification with what they saw. On December 15th the settlement was restored to the Danisli government. January, 1818, say the missionaries, ' In the Bengalee we have commenced a new edition, of 5000 copies, of the whole Scriptures, in a new and much-reduced type, reduced by brother Lawson, when he resided at Serampore. By means of this alteration we shall be able to com- prise the whole Bible in one large octavo volume of 850 pages ; which has hitherto occupied five volumes, of 800 pages each. The brethren in- tend to print 5000 additional Testaments, form- ing a thin volume, of about 180 pages. In the Sungscrit, the Latin of the east, and intelligible to almost all the learned men throughout Hin- doostan, the Historical Books have been com- pleted, and the printing advanced to the middle of Jeremiah. We therefore expect to complete this volume within the next three months, and shall then have printed the whole of the Scriptures in that language. The Hindee Bible is still further advanced; and we fully expect that within a month the last part will be ready for distribution. We sliall then have printed the first edition of the whole Scriptures, with a second edition of the New Testament. In the Mahratta the historical books have been printed off, since the last Memoir, and the Ilagiographa advanced to the middle of Proverbs. In the Sikh, the Pentateuch is just completed, and the historical books begun. In the Chinese we have just com- pleted the Pentateuch, and are now proceeding with a second edition of the New Testament. In the Telinga the New Testament is printed as fur as the Tiiessalonians ; and we hope to have finished the volume ere this reaches you. In the Pushtoo Testament the printing is advanced as far as the first of Peter; and in the Assam and Wuch, to the Romans : while, in the Bruj Bhassa, although a delay has arisen in consequence of the distance of brother Chamberlain's station, who was superintending the version, we are pre- paring to proceed with the version as before. In the Kurnata we have finished Mark, and are pro- ceeding with Luke: while in the Kunkuna, the Mooltanee, the Sindhee, the Kashmere, the Bikaneer, the Nepal, the Ooduypore, the Mar- war, the Juypore, and the Khassee, not much progress in printing has been made since the last Report. As soon, however, as the Hindee and Sungscrit versions are completed, it is in- tended to proceed with them. These translations were never advancing more rapidly than at present. The office now furnishes our venerable editor, Dr. Carey (independently of the Chinese proofs it forwards to Dr. Marshman) with twelve proofs per week, on an average. To which may be added, that opportunities of distributing the Scriptures, when printed, are becoming more extensive.' Copies of the New Testament, in various lan- guages, as printed and published at Serampore, were presented by Mr. Ward at the Annual Meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in 1820; and two years after, the Chinese Bible complete, the result of sixteen years labor on die part of Dr. Marshman, was presented on a simi- lar occasion, by his eldest son, then in England. At that time, 1822, the New Testament had been printed and published in twenty-one different languages, and the work was proceeding in ten others. Four versions, after having been carried to a certain point, had been resigned to other individuals, whose local residence afforded greater facilities for completing them ; and ten besides were suspended, jjrincipally because the requisite pecuniary means were wanting. In 1819 a new station was formed in tlie island of Ceylon, at a place called liangwell, about fourteen miles from Colombo. Mr. Siers re- moved hither, and a small church was subse- quently formed under his direction. The trans- lation of the whole Bible into Cingalese, by the united efforts of Messrs. Chater, Armour, and Clough, was completed about the end of 1822. No part of the missionary undertakings of this society has succeeded more satisfactorily than the Jamaica mission. In 1819 two gentlemtii left England for Kingston and Spanish town ; a spacious chapel has been built at the former place. BAPTIST In the year 1822 the number of members in the church exceeded 2,000 : Mr. Knibb arrived this year to take charge of a free school, estab- lished and maintained by the congregation ; and Mr. Tinson to commence a new station in a dis- tant part of the island. A station has been also formed in tlie north-west part of the island, on an estate in the parish of St. James's; the owners of which had long been favorable to the instruc- tion of their negroes. In consequence of facilities afforded by some pious gentlemen, in the habit of trading to that quarter, the committee were induced, in 1822, to turn their attention further westward still, and to send out Mr. James Bourne as a missionary to the bay of Honduras, South America. At home, the business of the society having become far more extensive than formerly, some alterations were made in the manner of con- ducting it. At the General Meeting held at Cambridge, October, 1819, it was resolved that a central committee should be formed out of the general committee, who should meet monthly, in London, for the transaction of business ; and from that time the Annual Meeting of the society has been held also in the Metropolis, in the month of June. Mr. Hinton, of Oxford, incon- sequence of his other numerous and important engagements, had resigned the office of joint secretary, in October, 1817, on vyhich Mr. Dyer, then of Reading, nov*^ of Battersea, was chosen assistant secretary to Dr. Ryland, and, in the following year, requested to devote himself ex- clusively to the service of the mission, as joint secretary. In 1820 premises were engaged for the society in London, and at length a suitable house purchased, at No. 6, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, where its still increasing business is now carried on. Exclusive of the Chinese, the New Testament is published and sent into circulation in twenty of the languages of India. They are : Finished Commenced. at press. 1. The Bengalee, 6th ^ ^^^^ ^g^^ edition m the press > TheHmdee,2dedi-^ ^g^^ ^^-^i tion in the press S The Sungscrit, 2d ) edition in the press S The Orissa, 2d edi- ^ tion in the press J 5. The Mahratta, 2d } edition in the press i The Telinga . . . The Sikh .... The Gujuratee . The Kunkuna 10. The Kurnata . . . The I'ushtoo or Aff- } ghan S The Assamee . The Wutch or Mu\- j tanee S The Bikaneer . . . 15. The Kashmeer . . The Bhugulkhund . The Marttwar . Vol. in. 1803 1803 1804 1810 1811 1811 1805 1818 1807 1815 1807 1820 18.08 1819 1808 1822 1811 1819 1811 1819 1812 1819 1813 1820 1810 1820 1814 1821 1814 1821 MISSION. 513 The Nepalee . . . 1812 1821 The Ilarotee . . 1815 1822 20. The Kanojft ... 1815 1822 The Chinese, 2d edi- ^ tion of the gospels > 1806 1817 printed J From this view of the translations, and of the time whem they were respectively begun and fiuished at press, it will be evident that none of them have been brought hastily through the press. Seven years have formed tlie shortest period which has been occupied, even by those in which the terminations were the nearest akin to those in the neighbouring dialects : we have before us the most honorable and competent eastern tes- timony to the corrrectness of these versions. The following list exhibits ten other versions now or recently in the Serampore press, with the period of their commencement, and the stale of their progress. Begun. Printed to. The Jumboo .... 1814 Phil. iii. 9 The JNhmipoor . . . 1814 2 Cor. xiii. 4 The Me^gudh .... 1814 Rom. xiii. 4 The Khasee .... 1814 Acts xix. 29 The Oojjuyunee. . . . 1815 Phil. i. 10 The Bruj 1815 2 Cor. ii. 9 The Kzimaoun . . . 1815 Luke x. 23 The Bhwtneer .... 1816 Rom. xiv. 13 The Sree-nugar, or Gur- wal 1816 Luke xi. 21 The Palpa 1817 Matt, xxvii.8 To these we may add the Kythee edition, which is the Hindee in the current Naguree character, chiefly used by the mercantile and trading classes, and in which at the earnest request of the late Mr. Chamberlain, they prepared a fount of types for the sake of printing the New Testament. We are able further to submit to the reader a brief view of what have been done by this society re- lative to the Old Testament, as well as the New. State of the VersioTis of the Old Testavicnt. The Bengalee, second edition advanced to 1 Sam- XX. The Stingscrjt, second edition advanced to Exod. xxxi. The Orissa, first edition finished at press in 1819. The Mahratta, first edition printed off in 1820. The Chinese, finished at press April 1822. The Sikh, Pentateuch, and Historical Books, printed ; Prophetic printed to Jer. xiii. The Assamee, Pentateuch finished, Historical Books begun. The Pushtoo or Affghan, Pentateuch advanced to Deut. XXX. The Kashmeer, Pentateuch advanced to Gen. XXX vi. The Tehnga, Pentateuch printed ; and the ver- sion resigned to the ISIadras Bible Society. The Old Testament now printed off in Chi- nese, forms the sixth version completed here of the whole Scriptures in the different Indian lan- guages. This was finished at press in April this vear ; after sixteen years of unremitting labor. 2 L BAP ;i4 BAR We close with a fac-simile of a printed passage, in thirteen of those eastern languages, in which the Scriptures have been published in the whole, or in part, by this Society. Text. — 'The people which sat in darkness saw great light/ &c. — Matt. iv. 16. No. 1. The Bengalee. 2. The Orissa. 3. The Hindoostanec 4. The Sungskrit. 5. The Telinga. 6. The Kurnata. 7. The Affghan. 8. The Burman. 9. The Tamul. 10. The Singalese. 11. The Malay. 12. The Chinese. 13. The Multanee. 7^0<3d3S A^si^oo i>^^(S^^ ^agr^vs Battiste (John Monoyer), an artist, born in Lisle in 1635, who received his education at Antwerp, and in his first years was intended for a painter of history ; but his genius more strongly inclining him to the representation of flowers he applied his talents to those subjects, and became in that style one of the greatest masters. The disposition of his objects is elegant and beautiful ; and his compositions are easily known in that respect. The duke of Montague employed him in conjunction with La Fosse and Rousseau, to embellish his house, now the British Museum ; where are some of the finest performances of Baptist. A celebrated work of his is a looking- glass in the royal palace at Kensington, which he decorated with a garland of flowers for Queen Mary IL who sat by him during the greatest part of the time he was painting it. Baptist died in 1699, leaving a son, Anthony, who painted flowers in his father's style. Bai'tiste (John Caspars), born at Antwerp, was the disciple of lioschaert. During the civil war he came to England, and entered into the service of General Lambert; but after the resto- ration was engaged by Sir Peter Lely to paint the postures and draperies of his portraits; and he lias been called Lely's Baptist. Kneller also, and Riley, employed him for the same purpose. In the hall of St. Bartholemew's hospital is a portrait of King Charles IL painted by this ar- tist, who died in 1691. BAPTISTIN (John Baptiste Stuk), an Italian musician, was a native of Florence. lie was a good composer, but is chiefly famed as having first brought the violincello into fashion in France. He died about 1 740. BAR', V. & n., \ From the Ang.-Sax. bairgan, Bar'ful. jbeorgan, birgan, byrgan, lite- rally to prevent, to keep out, or obstruct, to guard, to secure, to fortify, to prohibit. Chaucer once uses it in a metaphorical sense, ' covered with precious cloth and rich, barred (that is striped and crossed in the form of bars) and plated of gold and silver.' — The Persones Tale. But we meet with it in other parts of his writings, era- ployed according to the common acceptation. He rode but homely in a medlee cote. Girt with a seint of silke, with barres small. Chaueer. He was short shuldered, brode, a thikke gnarre, Ther 'nas no dore that he 'nolde heve of harre. Or breke it at a renning with his hede. Id. He breake the barres, and through the timber pearst So large a hole, wherby they might disccrne The house, the court, the secret chambers eke Of Priamus, and auncient kings of Troy. Surrey. Deep in the bottom of an huge great rocke The dungeon was, in which her bound he leftc. That neither yron harrcs, nor brasen lockc. Did need to guard from force or secret theft. SpenicT, B A R. .16 Hath he set bounds between their love and me ? I am their mother, who shall bar them from me ? Shakspeare. My dvity cannot suffer T' obey in all your daughter's hard commands j Though their injunction be to bar my doors. And let this tyrannous night take hold upon you. Id. AVTien law can oo no right. Let it be lawful, that law bar no wrong. Id. Viola. I'll do my best To woo your lady ; yet, a harrefull strife. Whoe'er I woo, myself would be his wife. Id. Twelfth Night. Ye sit like pris'ners, barr'd with doors and chaines. And yet no care perpetual care restvaincs. Beaumont. Of True Liberty. Hard, thou know'sl it, to exclude Spiritual substance with corporeal bar. Milton. These iurs enclose that wider den. Of those wild creatures called men. Marvell. Our hope of Italy, not only lost. But shut from ev'ry shore, and barr'd from cv'ry coast. Dryden. When you bar the window shutters of your lady's bed-chamber at nights, leave open the sashes, to let in *ir. Swift. What is a greater pedant than a, mere man of the town ? Bar him the playhouses, and you strike him dumb. Addison. With emulation fir'd. They strain to lead the field, top the barr'd gate. O'er the deeo ditch exulting bound, and brush The thorny-twining hed;e. Somerville. The Chace. Fis. 1. 5'!?l!;i w Fig. 2. , 1 Ifi m V The folded ^ates would bar my progress now. But that the lord of this cnclos'd demesne. Communicative of the good he owns. Admits me to a share ; tlie guiltless eye Commits no wrong, nor wastes what it enjoys. Cowper's Tatk. Bar, in law, is a peremptory exception against a demand or plea brought by the defendant in an action, tliat destroys the action of the plaintiff for ever. It is divided hito a bar to common intent, and a bar special ; a bar to common intent is an ordinary or general bar, that disables the de- claration or plea of the plaintiff; a bar special, is that which is more than ordinary, and falls out in the case in hand, upon some special circum- stance of the fact. Bar, in heraldry, one of the honorable ordi- naries, consisting of two horizontal lines drawn across the escutcheon, as in tig. 1 . The bar dif- fers from the fesse in three particulars, namely, that it occupies a fifth part of the field instead of a third; it is not limited to any part of the escutcheon, and is never borne single. It has two diminutives, namely, the closet (fig. 2), which is half the bar, and the harrute (fig. 3), which is half the closet. Of the closet there may be five in one field ; but the barmlet can be borne only in couples. Bars-gemclles are so called when they stand in couples, as in fig. 4. * The field is argent, a fesse between two bars, gemelles gules, by the name of Badlemere.' Fis. 3. Fi-. 4. Bar, in African traffic, is used for a denomi- nation of price : payment being formerly made by the negroes almost wholly in iron bars. Bar, in courts of justice, is an enclosure made with a strong partition of timber, where the council are placed to plead causes. It is also applied to the benches where the lawyers or advocates are seated, because anciently, there was a bar to separate the pleaders from the at- torneys and others. Hence our lawyers, who are called to the bar, or licensed to plead, are termed barristers, an appellation equivalent to licentiate in other countries. Bar of gold or silver, is a lump or wedge from mines, melted down into a sort of mould, and never wrought. Bars of a horse, are the upper part of the gums between the tusks and grinders, which bear no teeth, and to which the bit is applied, and by its friction the horse is governed. Bars, in music, are strokes drawn perpendi- cularly across the lines of a piece of music ; used to regulate the beating or measure of musical time. Tiie use of bars in music is a modern in- vention. They cannot be traced higher than the year 1574, and seem not to be in general use till about the middle of the seventeenth century. It is not easy to imagine how music in many parts could be composed without bars, or how the maxima, or large, equal to eight semibreves? could be divided into bars of one or two semi- breves in each. See Battitta, and Time-table. A double bar implies the end of a strain. When double bars are dotted on both sides, thus, the dots imply a repetition of each strain ; but if dotted only on one side, that strain only which precedes or follows the dots, is to be repeated. Bar, in geography, (Gael, a hill or brae), the name of several places in different parts of Eu- rope : such as. Bar, a ci-devant duchy of France, bounded on the east by Lorraine, on the north by Luxem- bourg, on the west by Champagne, on the south by part of the same country and by Tranche Comte ; it is crossed by the Meuse from south to north, and watered by several other rivers, which render it very fertile. It was divided into four bailiages, viz. Bassigni, Bar, St. Michael, and Clermont. The chief towns are Bar-le-Duc, Clermont, St. Michael, Longwy, Pont-a-Mous- son, and Stenay. In 1736 it was given to Sta- nislaus, then king of Poland. Bar, a city of Poland, in Podolia, seated on the river Kiov, and strongly fortified ; forty-eight miles north-west of Braclaw, and sixty-five north-east of Kaminieck. 2 L2 BAR 516 BAR Bar, a town in the province of Bahar, in the district of the same name, thirty-five miles E.S. E. of I'atna. Long. 86° 46' E., lat. 25° 28' N. Bar, a liill of Scotland, in Renfrewshire, in the parish of Kilbarchan, on the top of which are the remains of an old encampment, consist- ing of a semicircular parapet of loose stones to- wards the south, and defended on the north by perpendicular basaltic rocks. Tradition says it was an encampment of the celebrated Sir William Wallace ; and the people show a pinnacle of rock where they say he sat, while he enticed the Eng- lish forces into a bog at the bottom of it, where they perished. But Mr. Maxwell, the minister of the parish, concludes it to be Danish from its form, and from the silence of historians respect- ing this anecdote of the Scots patriot. Mv. Maxwell also mentions it as a singular fact in natural history, by no means consonant to the prevailmg theories, that these perpendicular ba- saltes are incumbent upon coal, formerly wrought to a great extent. Bar, or Barr, a small but thriving town of France, in the department of the Lower Rhine, sixteen miles south-west from Strasburg. It has a population of 4100 souls. Bar-le-Mont, a town of France, in the ci- devant French Netherlands, now in the depart- ment of the North ; fifteen miles south of Mons, situated on the Sambre. Bar sur Aube, an ancient town of France, in the department of Aube, and ci-devant province of Champagne, twenty-six miles east of Troyes, famous for its excellent wines. The manufac- tures are soap, linen, serge, and leather. Here are also some good iron-works. It is the capital of an arrondissement, containing 44,000 inhabi- tants. Bar sur Ornain, or Bar-le-Duc, a town of France, in the department of Meuse, and the ci- devant capital of the duchy of Bar. It is seated on the declivity of a hill, and divided into the higher and lower town ; the lower town is watered by the rivulet Ornain, which abounds with excellent trout. The population nearly 10,000. Here are manufactures of calicoes, woollen stuffs, stockings, hats, and leather ; also a good trade in grain, wood, brandy, win?, and hemp. Forty-two miles west of Nancy, and 133 east of Paris. Long. 52° 15' E., lat. 48° 47' N. Bar-sur-Seine, a town of France, in Bur- gundy, on the Seine ; formerly the capital of a county of the same nan.e, now of an arrondisse- ment in the department of the Aube. In it are 460 houses, and 2270 inhabitants, with manufac- tures of knives, leather, and woollen caps, and a trade in wine, grain, and paper. Eighteen miles south-east of Troyes, and 110 south-east of Paris. Long. 4° 27' E., lat. 48° 7' N. Bars-gemel, or bars-geraelles, are diminu- tives of the bar, and are placed in pairs, or two and two on a shield. They derive their name from the Latin gemelli, twins. BARA,. a festival celebrated with much mag- nificence at Messina, and representing the as- sumption of the Virgin. Tiie bara, though used as the general denomination of this festival, sig- nifies more particularly a vast machine fifty feet high, at the top of which a young girl of four- teen, representing theX'irgin, stands upon the hand of an image of Jesus Christ. Round him turn vertically, in a circle, twelve little chddren, which represent the seraphim; below them, in another circle, which turns horizontally, are twelve more representing the cherubim; beiiow these a sun turns vertically, with a child at the extremity of each of the four principal radii oi his circle, who ascend and descend with his ro- tation, yet still stand upright. Below the sun is the lowest circle, about seven feet from the ground, in which twelve boys turn horizontally without interruption : these are intended for the twelve apostles, who are supposed to surround the tomb of the \'irgin at the moment when she ascends into heaven. This description of such a complication of superstitious whirligigs may nearly turn the stomachs of our delicate readers ; but think of the poor little cherubim, seraphim, and apostles, who are twirled about in this pro- cession! 'For,' says M. Houel, in his Travels through Sicily, ' some of them fall asleep, many of them vomit, and several do still worse :' but these unseemly effusions are no drawback upon the edification of the people; and nodiing is more common than to see fathers and mothers soliciting with ardor for their boys and girb the pious distinction of puking at the bara. This machine is not drawn by asses or mules, but by a multitude of robust monks ! Bara, in ancient geography, 1 . a small islaud in the Adriatic, opposite to Brundusium ; the Pharos of Mela : 2. A Frith, or arm of the sea of Britannia, supposed to be the Murray frith. Bara, or Barray, one of the Western Islands of Scotland, eight computed miles in length, and from two to four in breadth. BARABAIAN Desert. See Barabinzians. BARABBAS, from p, a son, and N3N, a fa- ther, a notorious robber and murderer, whom Pilate, wishing to save Jesus, offered for execu- tion to the Jews; but they, instigated by their rulers, saved the murderer, and murdered the Saviour of mankind. BARABINZIANS, a tribe of Tartars, who live on both sides the river Irtisch. They seem to derive their name from the Barabaian desert, whose lakes supply them abundantly with fish, on which, and their cattle, they chiefly subsist. BARABRAS, a people of Lower Nubia, con- tiguous to Egypt. They are a distinct race from their neighbours, and of unknown origin. BARACHAN, a creek on the western coast of Scotland, on the Ross side of the Sound of Eye, where vessels of considerable burden may an- chor in safety. BARACOA, a sea-port on the north-east coast of the island of Cuba, fifty miles north-east of St. Jago. BARADjEUS , Jacob, or Jacob Z anzalvs, a monk of the sixth century. He was a Syrian by birth, and a disciple of Eutyches and Dioscorus. He maintained that there is but one nature ii. Christ; and his doctrines spread so much in Asia and Africa that tlie Eutychians were swal- lowed up by tiiat of the Jacobites, which also comprehended all the ISlonophysites of the east. His party made liiin bishop of Edessa. He died in 588. BAR 517 BAR BARAK, pna, i.e. lightning; the son of Abinoam, of Kedesh Napthali, one of the deli- verers of Israel from the oppression of the Ca- naanites. See Judges iv. BAHAKAN, or Parkan, a town of Hungary, formerly fortified, in the farther circle of the Danube, where the Turks were defeated, and the town recovered by the Imperialists, who took it by storm in 1684. It is opposite to Gran, of which it is reckoned a part. BAllALIPTON, among logicians, a term de- noting the first indirect mode of the first figure of syllogism. A syllogism in baralipton, is when the two first propositions are general, and the third particular, the middle term being the subject in the first proposition, and the predi- cate in the second. The following is of this kind : Ba. Every evil ought to be feared ; K A. Every violent passion is an evil ; LIP. Therefore something that ought to be feared is a violent passion. BARALLOTS, in church history, a sect of heretics at Bologna, in Italy, who had all things in common, even their wives and children ! Their facility in complying with all manner of debauchery made them get the name of obe- dientes, or ccmplicrs. BARAN, a river rising in the Hindoo Kho mountains, and flowing through the north-east of Cabul. BARANCA DE Malambo, a town of Terra Firma in America, with a bishop's see and a good haven. It is a place of great trade, seated on the river Magdalena, seventy-five miles north of Carthagena. BARANGI, oflScers among the Greeks of the lower empire, who kept the keys of the city gates where the emperor resided. Codinus says, they stood guard at the door of the em- peror's bed-chamber and dining-room. Codinus ■and Curopalata observe, that the name is English, formed from bar, to shut ; and that the barangi were Englishmen by country ; Anglo-Danes, who, being driven out of England, were received into the service of the emperor of Constantinople, and made guards or protectors of his person. Whence they are called in Latin (Cujaccius), protectords ; by others, securigeri, as being armed with securis, a battle-axe. Codinus adds, that they still spoke the English tongue. Anna Comnena says, the barangi came from the island Tlmle ; by which is doubtless meant our island. Yet Nicetas makes them Germans ; a mistake easy to be made at that distance, considering the relation the Anglo-Saxons bore to Germany. There were barangi as early as tlie emperor Mi- chael Paphlagonius, in 1035, as appears from Cedrenus; but they were then only common soldiers, not a life-guard. Their commander was called oKoXoOoQ, importing a person wiio always followed the emperor. BARANTA, a West Indian balsam. BARANYAT, a county of Lower Hungary, bounded by the Danube, Sclavonia, and the counties of Tolna and Schumeg. It abounds in grain, fruit, wine, cattle, and gama. Its capital is Funf kirchen, and it has a population of 140,000 persons. BARANZANO (Redemptus), a Barnabite monk, born in Piedmont in 1.'j90. He became professor of philosophy and mathematics at Anneci, and was highly esteemed by lord Bacon, who corresponded with him. He died at Mon- targis in 1622. He wrote, I, Uranoscopia, seu Universa Doctrinade Coelo, fol. 1617; 2. Cam- pus Philosophicus, 8vo. 1620; 3. De Novis Opinionibus Physicis, 8vo. 1617. BARA-PicKLET, bread made of fine flour kneaded with barm, which makes it very light and spongy : bara being the Welch for bread. BARATHIER(Barthelemy),an Italian lawyer of the fifteenth century. He was born at Pla- centia, and became professor at Pavia and Fer- rara. He published a New Digest of the Feudal Law, at Paris, in 1611. BARATHRA, a name of the Serbonian bog. BARATHRO, a glutton. See Barathrum. BARATHRON, solemn games held at Thes- protia. BARATHRUM, (3a()a9pov, in antiquity, a deep dark pit at Athens, into which condemned persons were cast headlong. It had sharp spikes at the top that no man might escape out ; and others at the bottom, to pierce and torment such as were cast in. Its depth and capaciousness made it to be applied proverbially to a covetous per- son, a glutton, called barathro by the Romans, and a common prostitute. Barathrvm, in physiology, a baleful cavern, inaccessible on account of its foetid, or poisonous fumes ; styled by others fossa charonia. BARATIER (Philip), a most extraordinary instance of early and rapid exertion of mental faculties. This surprising genius was the son of Francis Baratier, minister of the French church at Schwabach, near Nuremberg, where he was born January 10, 1721. The French was his mother-tongue, and High Dutch the language of the place; but his father talking Latin to him, that language became as familiar to him as the rest: so that without knowing the rules of grammar, he, at four years of ase, talked Fretich to his mother, Latin to his father, and High Dutch to the maid, or neighbouring children ; and all this without mixing or confounding the respective languages. About the middle of his fifth year he acquired Greek in like manner; so that in fifteen months he perfectly understood all the Greek books in the Old and New Testament, which he readily translated into Latin. When he was five years and eight months old, he en- tered upon Hebrew ; and in three years was so expert in the Hebrew text, that from a bible without points, he could give the sense of the original in Latin or F"rench ; or translate extem- pore the Latin or French versions into Hebrew, almost word for word ; and had all the Hebrew psalms by heart. He composed, at this time, a dic- tionan,- of rare and difficult Hebrew words, with critical remarks and philosophical observations, in about 400 pages in 4to; and, about his tenth year, amused himself for twelve months with the rabbinical writers. With these he intermixed a knowledge of the Chaldaic, Syriac, and Arabic ; and acquired a taste for divinity and ecclesiastical antiquity, by studying the Greek fithers and councils of the first four ages of the church. In the midst of tliese occupations, a pair of globes BAR 518 BAR coming into his possession, he could, in ten days time, resolve all the problems on them ; and in about three months (in January, 1735), devised his project for the discovery of the longitude, whicii he communicated to the Royal Society at London and the Royal Academy of Sciences at Berlin. In June, 1731, he was matriculated in the university of Altorf; and at the close of 1732, he was presented by his father at the meet- ing of the reformed churches of tlie circle of rranconia; who, astonished at his wonderful talents, admitted liim to assist in the deliberations of tlie synod ; and to preserve the memory of so singular an event, it was ordered to be registered in their acts. In 1734 the margrave of Bran- denburgh Anspach granted this young scholar tlie use of whatever books he wanted from the Anspach librarj', together with a pension of fifty florins, which he enjoyed three years; and his father receiving a call to the French church at Stettin, in Poraerania, young Baratier was, on the journey, admitted M.A. with universal ap- plause at the university of Halle ; at Berlin he was lionored with several conversations with the king of Prussia, and was received into the royal academy. Towards the close of his life he ac- quired a taste for medals, inscriptions, and anti- quities: metaphysical enquiries, and experimental philosophy, intervening occasionally between these studies. He wrote several essays and dis- sertations ; made astronomical remarks and labo- rious calculations; and took great pains towards a history of the heresies of the anti-trinitarians, and of the thirty years' war in Germany. His last publication, which appeared in 1740, was on the succession of the bishops of Rome. The final work he was engaged in, and for which he had collected many materials, was Enquiries concern- ing the Egyptian Antiquities. But the sub- stance of this blazing meteor was now nearly exhausted ; he was always weak and sickly, and died October 5, 1740, aged nineteen years, eight months, and sixteen days. He published eleven different pieces, and left twenty-six INISS. on various subjects, the contents of which may be seen in his life, written by M. Formey, professor of philosophy at Berlin. BARATOR, or Barretor, in law. Lambert derives the word from the Latin balatro, a vile knave ; but the proper derivation is from the French barrateur, i. e. a deceive! : and this agrees witli the description of a common barretor in lord Coke's report, viz. that he is a common mover and maintainer of suits in disturbance of the peace, and in taking and detaining the pos- session of houses and lands, or goods, by false inventions, &c. And, therefore, it was adjudged that the indictment against him ought to be in these words, viz. that he is communis malefactor, calumniator et seminator litium et discordiarum inter vicinos suos, c;t pacis regis perturbator, &c. It is said that a common barretor is tlie most dangerous oppressor in the law, for he oppresseth the innocent by color of law, wliich was made to protect them from oppression. Baratry, or Barratry, in a shipmaster, is his cheating the owners. If goods delivered on ship-board are embezzled, all the mariners ought by the maritime law, to contribute to the sa- tisfaction of the party that lost his goods, and the cause is to be tried in the admiralty. In a case where a ship was insured against the baratry of the master, &c. and the jury found that the ship was lost by the fraud and negligence of the master, the court agreed, that the fraud was baratry, though not named in the covenant ; but that negligence was not. Baratry, or Barrf.try, from baraterie, Fr. fraud ; in law, is the oti'ence of frequently stirring up suits and quarrels between his majesty's sub- jects, either at law or otherwise. The punish- ment for this offence, in a common person, is by fine and imprisonment : but if the offender, as is too frequently the case, belongs to the profes- sion of the law, the barator who is thus able as well as willing to do mischief, ought always to be disabled for practising for the future. And, indeed, it is enacted by statute 12 Geo. I. c. 29, that if any one having been convicted of forgery, perjury, subornation of perjury, or common bar- retry, shall practice as an attorney, solicitor, or agent in any suit, the court, upon complaint, shall examine it in a summary way ; and if proved, shall direct the offender to be transported ■ for seven years. Hereunto also may be referred another offence of equal malignity and audacious-^ ness, that of suing another in the name of a fic- titious plaintiff, either one not in being at all, or one who is ignorant of the suit. This offence, if committed in any of the king's superior courts, is left, as a high contempt, to be punished at their discretion : but in courts of a lower degree, where the crime is equally pernicious, but the authority of the judges not equally extensive, it is directed by statute 8 Eliz. c. 2, to be punished by six months imprisonment, and treble damages to the party injured. Baratry is also used for bribery or corrup- tion in a judge, giving a false sentence for money. Baratry is also used, in middle age writers, for fraud or deceit in making of contracts, sales, or the like. BARATZ, Turkish, letters-patent granted by the Turkish emperors to the Greek patriarchs, bishops, &c. for the exercise of their ecclesias- tical functions. This baratz gives the bishops full power and authority to establish and depose the inferior clergy, and all other religious per- sons ; to grant licenses for marriages, and issue out divorces ; to collect the revenues belonging to the churches ; to receive the pious legacies bequeatlied to them ; in short, to enjoy all the privileges and advantages belonging to their high station: and all this (as it is expressed in the baratz itself), * according to the vain and idle ceremonies of the Christians.' BARB', V. Si. n. -n \'Y.barbia;Dui.barbeeren, Barb'ated, i Lat. barba. Theetymology Barb'ep, '.doubtful. It signifies a Barb'er, v. h n. i beard ; hence it has grown Barb'et. J to mean a covering and protection ; as armour and trappings for horses, a hood or muffler for the head and lower part of the face and shoulders. It has also been ex- tended in Its application to the jags or reversed points of an arrow or hook. To barb, is to cut, to shave, or to dress out the beard. Barb, con- tracted from Barbary, signifies a Barbary horse BAR 519 BAR For of a sucrtio the duke strake the kyng on the 'tow, right under the defence of the hedpece, on the very coyffe scull or bassenet pece, whereunto the bar- bet for power and defence is charneld. Halt. King Henry VIII. fol. 133. But let be this, and tell me how you fare. Do way your barhe, and shew your face bare. Do way your bokc, rise up and let us dance. And let vs done to May some observaunce. Chaucer. Troilus and Creseide. Two manner of arrows heades sayth Pollux, was used in olde time. The one he calleth tyxio;, de- scribinge it thus, having two points or barbes, looking backwarde to the stele and the feathers, which surely we call in Englishe, a brode arrowe head or a swalowe tayle. Roger Ascham. Toxopkilus. Thanked they were from the senate, and presents were sent unto them, to wit, a chaine of gold weigh- ing two pounds ; certain golden cups of foure pounde weight; a brave courser barbed and trapp'd, and an hoi-seman's armour. Holland. Livim. Shave the head, and tie the beard, and say it was the desire of the penitent to be so barbed before his death. Shakspeare, Grira-visag'd war hath smooth'd his wrinkled front ; And now — instead of mounting barbed steeds. To fright the soul of fearful adversaries. He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. Id. Their horses were naked, without any barbt ; for albeit many brought barhi, few regarded to put them on. Hayward. The stooping scythe-man, that doth barb the field. Thou mak'st wink-sure ; in night all creatures sleep. Marston. Malcontent^ No drizzling show'r. But rattling storm of arrows, barb'd with fire. 3Iilton. Thy boisterous looks No worthy match for valour to assail. But by the barber's razor best subdued. Id. A warriour train That like a deluge pour'd upon the plain ; On barbed steeds they rode, in proud array. Thick as the college of the bees in May. Dryden'i Fables, Nor less the Spartan fear'd before he found The shining barb appear above the wound. Pope. M'^atermen brawl, coblers sing ; but why must a barber be for ever a politician, a musician, an anato- mist, a poet, and a physician ? Talter, No. 34. I cannot lay so much stress on a plate and descrip- tion, given by Plot, of a dart uncommonly barbated. Warton. To make a fine gentlemen several trades are re- quired, but chiefly a barber. You have undoubtedly heard of the Jewish champion, whose strength lay in his hair ; one would think the English were for placing all wisdom there j to appear wise nothing is more requisite here than for a man to borrow hair from the heads of all his neighbours, and clap it like a bush on his own. Goldsmith. Citizen of the World. Straight as above the surface of the flood. They wanton rise, or urg'd by hunger leap. Then fix, with gentle twitch, the barbed hook. Thomson. Horses brought from Barbary are commonly of a light slender si/c, and very dear, usually chosen from stallions. Barbs, it is said, may die, but never grow old ; the vigour and mettle of barbs never cease but ■xith their life. Farrier's Dictionary. They are ill-built, Pin-buttock'd like your dainty barbaries. And weak i' the pasterns. Beaumont and Fletch-^r, But why should you who still succeed. Whether with graceful act you lead The fiery barb, or with as graceful motion tread In shining balls, where all agree To give the highest praise to thee. Verses to Lantdowne. Barb is also used for tae Barbary pigeon, called by Moore the coluinba numidica. This bird is but a small ])igeon, and has a very short beak like a bullfinch, with a small water, and a naked circle of tuberose red flesh round the eyes ; the iris of the eye is of a pearl color, and the broader and redder this circle round them is, the more the pigeon is valued ; but this is always narrow while they are young, and does not arrive at its full breadth till they are four years old. Som^ of this species have a tuft of feathers behind their head, and others not. The red circle round their eyes grows pale and whitish if they become sick, but always recovers its redness as they grow well. Their proper color is black or dun. There are likewise pied ones ; but they are of a mixed breed and not so valuable. BARBA, in botany, a species of pubes, or down, with which the surface of some plants is covered. The term was invented by Linnaeus, and by its application in the Species Plantarum, seems to signify a tuft or bunch of strong hairs terminating the leaves. The mesembryanthemum barbatum, a species of marygold, furnishes an ex- ample. The word is also often used in composi- tion to form the trivial names of several plants. Barba Aron, in botany, a name given by some authors to the common great house-leek. Barba Capr.-e, in botany. See Spzr.ia. Of this genus Mr. Tournefort allows only one spe- cies, the common barba caprae, or, as it is called by some, drymopogon. Barba Jovis, in botany, a species of anthyllis. Barba (Alvarez Alonzo), curate of St. Ber- nard de Potosi, in the seventeenth century. He was author of a curious book on metallurg)', published at Madrid in 1620, quarto, and again in 1730, abridged in French, 12mo. BAR'BACAN, n. s. Fr. barbacane. Span, bar- bacana. A fortification placed before the walls of a town. A fortress at the end of a bridge. An opening in the wall through which the guns are levelled. Wiihin the barbacan a porter sate. Day and night duly keeping watch and ward : Nor wight nor word mote pass out of the gate. But in good order, and with due regard. Faerie Queene. Barbacan, or Barbican. See Castle. BARBADENSIS, in conchology, a species of voluta, inhabiting tlie American seas. The shell is an inch and a half long, tapering; color red- dish, with very fine transverse strije. Barbadensis, in ornithology, a species of psittacus, the ash-fronted parrot of Latham. This bird is green; about the size of a pigeon, and inhabits Barbadoes. BARBADILLO (Alphonsus Jerom de Salas), a Spanish dramatic writer, born at Madrid. He 520 BARBADOES. was author of several comedies, and of the Ad- ventures of Don Du-go de Noche, 1624, 8vo. BARBADINO, a learned Portutjuese. lie wrote and publislied at Paris, in 1746, a book in his native lau^uage, On the present state of Literature in Portugal. This work was attacked ■^vith great severity by a Portuguese Jesuit, and defended by Don Joseph de Maymo. BARBADO, a district in the island of Arbe, which produces excellent wines. See Arbe. BARBADOES, the most easterly of all the Carribee Islands, subject to Great Britain, and, according to the best geographers, lying between 59° 50' and 62° 2' W. long., and between 12° 56' and 13° 16' N. lat. It is seventy miles from St. Vincent's. Its extent is not certainly known ; but, according to Edwards, the length of the island is twenty-one miles, and its breadth four- teen. From the returns to parliament in 1811, at appears that the population of its different pa- rishes was at that time as follows : — viz. Parishes. Whites. Free color. Slaves. St. Michael . 5405 1551 12,198 Christ Church 1570 66 9234 St. Philip . 1510 212 9682 St. John . . 1148 887 58 St. Joseph . 1066 77 3104 St. Andrew . 571 165 3249 St. Lucy . 1043 34 5282 St. Peter . . 1356 223 5725 St. James 708 33 4295 St. Thomas . 773 31 4003 St. George . 1139 113 5428 16,289 3392 62,258 The whole population of the island, therefore, was 81,939; and from this statement it appears that the number of slaves had been nearly sta- tionary during a period of thirty years, i. e. from 1781 to 1811 ; for it was affirmed by INIr. Wil- berforce, in the House of Commons, in the course of the debates on the slave trade, that in the former of these years there were 63,248 .slaves on the island; in 1786 the number was 62,115; and in 1811 they were, as we see, 62,258. Barbadoes is supposed to have attained the summit of prosperity more than a century ago; and between the great planters and the people of color here there is a numerous and remarkable class of inhabitants, descended from the original settlers, who have no precise know- ledge when their ancestors arrived at the island. These, consequently, consider it as their coun- try, and do not look back, therefore, like the planters or the negroes, to early associations or other scenes as their home. At a distance, Bar- badoes presents a brown and nearly uniform surface , and the West Indians generally think it a very flat country ; but on a nearer approach the prospect improves, and the scenery becomes more diversified. The ground rises in singular and almost regular ridges from the shore. Rugged acclivities of about 100 feet each are separated by plains or terraces, nearly half a mile broad, and these, highly cultivated, form a strong contrast witli the black rocky precipices and bold promontories, projecting over deep ravines covered with dark foliage, by which they are surrounded. When Barbadoes was first settled by tlie English, in 1605, few or no quadrupeds were found upon it except hogs, whicli had been left there by the Portuguese. For convenience of carriage to the sea-side, some of the planters at first procured camels, which undoubtedly would, in all respects, have been preferable to horses for their sugar and other works; but the nature of the climate disagreeing with that ani- mal, it was found impossible to preserve the breed. Some gentlemen of small fortune in England resolved at this time to become adven- turers thither. The trees were large, and of a wood so hard and stubborn that it was with great difficulty they could clear as much ground as was necessary for their subsistence ; but by unremitting perseverance they brought it to yield them a tolerable support. They found that cotton and indigo agreed well with the soil ; and that tobacco, vvliich was beginning to come into rep\!te in England, answered tolerably welL These prospects, together with the storm be- tween the king and pailiamjent, which was be- ginning to break out in England, induced many to transport themselves into this island : and so great was tlie increase of people in Barbadoes, within twenty-five years after its first settlement, that in 1650 it contained more than 50,000 whites, and a much greater number of negro and Indian slaves. They now applied for horses to Old and New England : from the former they had those that were fit for show and draught; from the latter those that were proper for mount- ing their militia, and for the saddle. They had likewise some of an inferior breed from Curassao, and other settlements. They are reported to have had their first breed of black cattle from Bonavista and the Isle of May ; they now breed upon the island, and often do the work of horses. The sugar, which soon after this was cultivated, rendered them extremely wealthy. Tlie number of slaves, therefore, was still augmented ; and in 1676 it is supposed that they amounted to 100,000, which, together with 50,000 whites, made 1.00,000 on this small spot : a degree of population un- known in Holland, in China, or any other part of the world most renowned for numbers. At this time Barbadoes employed 400 sail of ships, one with another 150 tons, in their trade. Their an- nual exports in sugar, indigo, ginger, cotton, and citron-water, were above .£'350,000 ; and their circulating cash at home was £200,000. Such was the increase of population, trade, and wealth, in the course of fifty years. The asses here are very serviceable in carrying burdens to and from the plantations. The hogs of Barbadoes are finer eating than those of Britain, but the few sheep they have are not near so good. They likewise have goats, which when young are ex- cellent food. Racoons and monkeys are also found here in great abundance. A variety of birds are produced on Barbadoes, of which the humming-bird is the most remarkable. Wild fowl do not often frequent this island ; but sometimes BARBADOES. 521 toal are found near their ponds. A bird which tliey call the man of war, is said to meet ships at twenty leagues from land, and their rtturn is to the inhabitants a sure sign of the arrival of these ships. When the wind blows from the south and south-west they have flocks of cur- lews, plovers, snipes, wild pigeons, and wild ducks. The wild pigeons are very fat and plen- tiful at such seasons, and rather larger than those of England. The tame pigeons, pullets, ducks, and poultry of all kinds, that are bred at Barba- does have also a fine flavor, and are accounted more delicious them those of Europe. Their rabbits are scarce ; they have no hares ; and the few deer they have are kept as curiosities. The insects of Barbadoes are not venomous, nor do either their snakes or scorpions ever sting. The mosquitoes are troublesome, and bite ; hut are more tolerable in Barbadoes than on the conti- nent. Various other insects are found on the island, some of which are troublesome, but in no greater degree than those that are produced by every warm summer in England. Oranges and lemons grow in Barbadoes in great plenty, and in their utmost perfection. The lemon juice here has a peculiar fragrancy. The citrons of Barbadoes afford tlie best drams and sweetmeats of any in the world, the Barbadoes ladies excel- ling in the art of preserving the rind of the fruit. The pine-apple is also a native of Barbadoes, and grows there to much greater perfection than it can be made to do in Europe. A vast num- ber of different trees, peculiar to the climate, are also found to flourish in Barbadoes in great per- fection, such as the aloe, mangrove, calabash, cedar, cotton, ginger, plantains, guavas, mastic, &c. Here likewise are produced some sensitive plants, with a good deal of garden stuff. Bar- badoes is well supplied with fish ; and some caught in the sea surrounding it are almost pe- culiar to itself, such as the parrot-fish, snappers, gray cavallos, terbums, and coney-fish. The mullets, lobsters, and crabs, caught here are ex- cellent ; and the green turtle is perhaps the greatest delicacy that ancient or modern luxury can boast of. At Barbadoes this delicious shell- fisli seldom sells for less than a shilling a pound, and often for more. There is found in this island a kind of land-crab which eats herbs whereever it can find them, and shelters itself in houses and hollows of trees. According to re- port they are a shell-fish of passage ; for in INIarch they travel to the seain great numbers. See Cancer. Barbadoes is considered by some writers as having its fertility diminished by long cultiva- tion ; and its produce is, therefore, thought to be little in proportion to the quantity of land. The soil chiefly rests upon a basis of calcareous rock, formed of madripores and other marine concretions. In some places it is composed of a deep black mould ; red earth, of the same kind as in Jamaica, is also found, and sometimes the surface consists of a species of light white earth, which is chiefly indurated argil, bleached by ex- posure. Barbadoes on the whole must be con- sidered as an important possession : its situation renders it the key to the West Indies ; and its fine bay affords an excellent rendezvous for ship- ping, while, the salubrity of its climate exceeds that of most of the other West India islands. But it has been thought to decline considerably since tlie year 1787, a circumstance ascribed to the dreidful succession of hurricanes with which it has been visited. The capital of the island was scarcely risen from tlie ashes to which it had been reduced by fire, when it was torn from its foundations, and the whole country made a scene of desolation by the storm of the 10th of October, 1 780. Above 4000 of tlie inhabitants miserably perished, and the damage of property was com- puted at above one .million sterling. Indepen- dent of those sudden calamities, arising from the fury of tlie elements, its inhabitants are also sub- ject to a distressing malady, in the form of an elephantiasis, so peculiar to this island that it has obtained the appellation of the Barbadoes disease. Dr. Pinckard, however, describes the heat as less inconvenient than he expected. In the harbour, and placed in the shade, the thermo- meter seldom rose higher than 84°, and never exceeded 86°. The inhabitants may be consi- dered in three classes, viz. the masters, white servants, and blacks. The former are either English, Scots, or Irish ; but the great encou- ragement given by government to the peopling this and other West India islands, induced some Dutch, French, Portuguese, and Jews, to settle among tliem with their estates ; by which, after a certain time, they acquire the rights of natura- lization in Great Britain. Tiie white servants, whether by covenant or purchase, are said to live more easy lives than the day-laborers in England ; and when they come to be overseers, their wages and other allowances are consider- able. The earliest planters of Barbadoes were reproached with cruelly forcing into slavery the Indians of the neighbouring continent; and the history of Inkle and Yarico, which Mr. Addison, in his Spectator, has recorded for the detestation of mankind, took its rise in this island. For the treatment of the negro slaves in this and otlier islands, see Negro, Slave, and West Indies. St. Vincent may be seen from Barbadoes in a clear day. It is twenty-five miles only from St. Lucia; t^venty-eight south-east from Martinico ; sixty north-east from Trinidad ; and 100 south- east from St. Christopher. Barbadoes, Flower-I'ekce. See Poinciana. Barbadoes Tar; a bituminous substance, difi'ering little from the petroleum floating on several springs in England and Scotland. It is a mineral fluid of the nature of the thicker fluid bitumens, of a nauseous bitterish taste, very strong and disagreeable smell, found in many parts of America, trickling down the sides of the mountains, and sometimes floating on the surface of the waters. It has been greatly recom- mended in coughs, and other disorders of the breast and lungs. BAIIBANA, a district and village of the late maritime Austria, in the province of Istria, seated on the Arza, with two forts. BARBARA, in logic, the first mode of the first figure of the syllogisms. A syllogism in bar- bara is that whereof all the propositions are uni- versal and afllirmative; the middle terra being the subject in the first proposition, and attribute or predicate in the second. — Example: BAR 522 BAR BAR Whoever suffers a man to starve, whom he is able to sustain, is a murderer : BA Whoever is rich, and rehiseth to give alms, suffers those to starve, -whom he is able to sustain : RA Therefore, whoever is rich, and refuses to give alms, is a murderer. Barbara, sister and successor of Zingha, queen of Angola. Barbara, St. an island on the coast of Brasil. Barbara, St. the capital of New Biscay. BARBARANO, a district of maritime Austria, in the Vicentino,on the banks of theBacchiglione, among the Berean hills, containing one town, of the same name, &c., and fifteen populous villages. BARBARIAN!. See Bakbelicot^. BARBARICARII, in antiquity, 1. artists, who, with threads of divers colors, expressed the figures of men, animals, &c. or, whose business was to gild and decorate shields and helmets with gold and silver. They were so called, because they learned these arts from the Phry- gians, who were particularly denominated bar- barians, in regard of their opposition to the Greeks. The name is sometimes also written branbaricarri. 2. Soldiers, or officers, who wore masks and vizards thus adorned with gold and silver. BARBARICUM, in ancient writers, 1. A military shout raised by the soldiers on point of engagement; so called from the barbarians, in whose armies this method much prevailed: 2. A war or expedition undertaken against the bar- barians; Quousque ad ipsum tempusquo barba- ricum exortem est inter nos et vos : 3. An armory, or magazine, wherein the Greek em- perors kept the spoils taken from the barbarians. Barbaricum, m botany, an appellation given by the modern Greeks to rhubarb; so called from the sinus barbaricus, by the way of which this root was first brought to them. BARBARICUS, in entomology, a species of cimex (reduvius) of a black color; thorax and wing-cases obscure ferruginous, and a little white line on the middle of the scutellum. A native of Barbary. Gmelin. Barbaricus, in ornithology, a species of ral- lus that inhabits Barbary; the Barbary rail of Latham ; and, 2. A species of turd us, of a green color, with the breast spotted with white; rump and tip of the tail yellow. It is the grive bas- sette de Barbarie of Buffon, and the Barbary thrush of Linnaeus. BARBARIES, that rudeness of mind where- in the understanding is neither furnished with useful principles^ nor the will with good inclina- tions. ~^ Gr. /3ap/3apof, Lat. j fcar6«ri/s, of uncertain BARBARIZE, Bar'barism, Barba'rity, etymology, applied Barba'riax, n. & adj. [ to any nation, person, Barba'rick, n. Si, adj. Bar'barols, Bar'barously, Bar'barocsness. ^ lisation. It seems to have signified at first only foreign or a foreigner. The Greeks applied it to all nations but themselves, and conveyed by it an idea of disparagement and contempt. It is 'or thing, which indi- cates a want of cul- ture. It is opposed in all respects to civi- now applied to every species of wildness, fierce- ness, and cruelty ; to untaught savages ; to mon- sters without pity; to ignorance of arts and want of learning ; to inaccuracies, vulgarisms, impurities of speech and language ; and to inci- vility of manners. Bruce has sliown, that bar- burick, barbarine, and barberin, are names derived from Berber or Barbar, the native name of the coast of the troglodytae, ichthyophagi, and shep- herds. It goes down the whole western coast of tlie Red Sea. The Egyptians hated and feared them. It was therefore in Egypt a term both of dread and contumely ; in which sense it passed to the Greeks, and from them to the Romans. To barbarize, is to reduce to a state of barbarism ; to make, or cause to be made, fierce, cruel, and uncivilised. Nor were the Corinthians proude only by reason of their welthe, but also because they were learned in the Grecians' philosophy, and therefore despised they suche as were not learned therein as rude and bar- barous. Vdaii. What need I say more to you ? What ear is so barbaruus, but hath heard of Amphialus? Sidney. The doubtful damsel dare not yet commit Her single person to their barbarous truth. Spenser. Faerie Qtieene. I have for barbarism spoke more Than for that angel knowledge you can say. Shukspcare. Thou art a Roman ; be not barbarous. Id. "No joyful tongue gave him his welcome home ; But dust was thrown upon his sacred head ; Which with such gentle sorrow he shook off. His face still combating with tears and smiles. The badges of his grief and patience. That had not God for some strong purpose steel 'd The hearts of men, they must perforce have melted. And barbarism itself have pitied him. Id. I would they were barbarians, as they are, Though in Rome littered. Id. Coriolanus. IModeration ought to be had in tempering and ma- naging the Irish, to bring them from their delight of licentious barbarism unto the love of goodness and civilitj'. Spenser's Ireland. Divers great monarchies have risen from barbarism to civility, and fallen again into ruin. Davies on Ireland. A barbarous country must be broken by war, before it be capable of government; and when subdued, if it be not well planted, it will eftsoons return to bar- barism. Id. He left governor, Philip, for his country a Phry- gian, and for manners more barbarous than he that set him there. Mace. Our groaning country bled at every vein. When murders, rapes, and massacres prevail'd. When churches, palaces, and cities blaz'd. When insolence Lud barbarism triumph'd. And swept away distinction. Rowe. By their barbarous usage, he died within a few days, to the grief of all that knew him. Clarendon. And they did treat him with all the rudeness, re- proach, and barbarity, imaginable. Id. The barbarousness of the trial, and the persuasives of the clergy, prevailed to antiquate it. Hale's Common Lavo. The gorgeous East, with richest hand, Show'rs on her kings barbarick pearl and gold. Paradise Lost. BAR 623 BAR Next Petrarch follow'd, and in him we see What rhyme, improvM in all its height, can be; At best a pleasing sound, and sweet barbarity. Dryden. They who restored painting in Germany, not hav- ing those reliqucs of antiquity, retained that barbarous manner. Id. Latin expresses that in one word, which either the barbarity or narrowness of modern tongues cannot sup- ply in more. Id. The genius of Raphael having succeeded to the times of barbarism and ignorance, the knowledge of painting is now arrived to perfection. Id. Dufreinoy, Preface. The language is as near approaching to it, as our modern barbaritm will allow ; which is all that can be expected from any now extant. Id. Juvenal, Dedication. The eastern front was glorious to behold. With diamond flaming, and barbarick gold. Pope. Some felt the silent stroke of mould'ring age. Barbarian blindness. Id. We barbarously call them blest. While swelling coffers break their owner's rest. Stepney. Excellencies of musick and poetry are grown to be little more, but the one fiddling, and the other rhiming ; and are indeed very worthy of the igno- rance of the friar, and the barbarousnest of the Goths. Temple. Proud Greece all nations else barbarians held, Poasting her learning all the world excell'd. Denluim. There were not different gods among the Greeks and barbarians. Stillingjieet. But with descending show'rs of brimstone fir'd. The wild barbarian in the storm expir'd. Addison. She wishes it may prosper ; but her mother used one of her nieces very barbarously. Spectator. Thou fell barbarian. What had he done ? What could provoke thy madness To assassind;"" so great, so brave a man ? A. Phillips. This moon, which rose last night, round as my shield. Had not yet fill'd her horns, when by her light, A band of fierce barbarians, from the hills, Rush'd like a torrent down upon the vale. Sweeping our flocks and herds. Home. The barbarians of Germany, still faithful to the maxims of their ancestors, abhorred the confinement of walls, to which they applied the odious names of prisons and sepulchres ; and fixing their independent habitations on the banks of rivers, the Rhine, the Moselle, and the JMeuse, they secured themselves against the danger of a surprise, by a rude and hasty fortification of large trees, which were felled and thrown across the roads. Gibbon. We shall be barbarized on both sides of the water, if we do not see one another now and then, we shall sink into surly brutish Johns, and you will degene- rate into wild Irish. Burke. Letter to Sir C. Bingham. That saddening hour when bad men hotlicr press. But these did shelter him beneath their roof. When less barbarians would have cheer'd him less. And fellow-countrj'men have stood aloof — In aught that tries the heart, how few withstand the proof. Byron. Childe Harold. We retain from a preceding work of this kind an illustration of this subject; not the most glar- ing, perhaps, which has happened in the same quarter of the world ; as it displays at once the savage cruelty of a man bred among Christians, and the noble disinterested friendship and true greatness of soul, in those too often considered barbarians. A planter in Virginia, who was owner of a considerable number uf slaves, instead of regarding them as human creatures, and of the same species with himself, used them with the utmost cruelty, whipping and torturing them for the slightest faults. One of these, thinking any change preferable to slavery under such a barbarian, attempted to make his escape among the mountain Indians; but unfortunately was taken and brought back to his master. Poor Arthur (this was his name) was immediately ordered to receive 300 lashes. These were to be given him by his fellow slaves, among whom there happened to be a negro whom the planter had purchased on the preceding day. This slave, the moment he saw the unhappy wretch destined to the lashes, rushed forward, clasped him in his arms, and embraced him with the greatest tenderness : the other returned his transports, and nothing could be more moving than their mutual bemoaning each other's misfortunes. Their master was soon given to understand that they were countrymen and intimate friends; and that Arthur had formerly, in a battle with a neighbouring nation, saved the life of his friend at the expense of his own. The newly purchased negro tlirew himself at the planter's feet, with tears, beseeching him, in the most moving man- ner, to spare his friend, or at least to permit him to undergo the punishment in his stead, protesting he would rather die ten thousand deaths than lift his hand against him. But the haughty planter, looking on this as an affront to the absolute power he pretended over him, ordered Arthur to be immediately tied to a tree, and his friend to give him the laslies; tell- ing him that for every lash not well laid on, he should himself receive a score. The negro, amazed at a barbarity so unbecoming a human creature, with a generous disdain refused to obey him, at the same time upbraidin,' him with his cruelty ; upon which, the planter turning all his rage on him, ordered him to be immediately stripped, and commanded Arthur, to whom he promised forgiveness, to give his countryman the lashes which he himself had been destined to receive. This proposal was heard with scorn, each protesting he would rather suffer the most dreadful torture than injure his friend. This generous conflict, which mus* have raised the strongest feelings in a breast susceptible of pity, did but the more inflame the monster, who now determined they should both be made examples of, and, to satiate his revenge, was preparing to begin with Arthur, when the negro drew a knife from his pocket, stabbed the planter to the heart, and, at the same time struck it to his own, rejoicing with his last breatli, that he had avenged his friend, and rid the world of such a monster. — Enct/clo. Perthensis. BAliB.\RISM, a name applied by St. Epi- phanius, to the most ancient of the four primitive religions; that which worshipped hills, trees, and fountains. BAllBAROLOGIA,barbarolog)', a word used 524 B A R B A R O S S A. by Isidore, to express that species of writing, wherein foreign words are adopted, or as he rlyles it, intruded into the Latin language. BARBAROSSA (Aruch), and his brother TIayradin, were famous corsairs, the sons of a potter in the isle of Lesbos ; who being of a rest- less and enterprising spirit, left their father's em- ployment, and joined a crew of pirates. They soon distinguished themselves by their zeal and ac- tivity, and, becoming masters of a small brigan- tine, they carried on their depredations with such success and conduct, that they were soon pos- sessed of twelve galleys, besides smaller vessels. Of this fleet Aruch, the elder brother, was ad- miral, and Hayradin the second in command ; they called themselves the friends of the sea, and the enemies of all who sailed upon it ; and their names became terrible, from the straits of the Dardanelles to those of Gibraltar. With such a power they wanted an establishment; and the opportunity of settling themselves offered in 1416, by the inconsiderate application of Eutemi, king of Algiers, to them for assistance against the Spaniards. The active corsair gladly accepted the invitation, and, leaving his brother Hayradin with the fleet, marched at the head of 5000 men to Algiers, where he was received as their de- liverer. Such a force gave him the command of the town ; and observing that the Moors neither suspected him of any bad intentions, nor were capable, with their light-armed troops, of oppos- ing his disciplined veterans, he secretly murdered the monarch he came to assist, and caused him- self to be proclaimed king in his stead. The authority thus boldly usurped, he endeavoured to establish by arts suited to the genius of the people he had to govern ; by liberality without bounds to those who favored his promotion ; and by cruelty no less unbounded, towards all whom he had any reason to distrust. See Algiers. The Arabians, alarmed at his success, implored the assistance of Hamidel Abdes, king of Tunis, to drive the Turks out of Algiers. That prince readily undertook to do what was in his power for this purpose, and, upon their agreeing to settle the kingdom on himself and his descen- dants, set out at the head of 10,000 Moors. Upon his entering the Algerine dominions, he was joined by all the Arabians in the country. Barbarossa engaged him, with only 1000 Turkish musqueteers and 500 Granada Moors ; totally defeated his numerous army ; pursued him to the very gates of his capital, which he easily made himself master of; and, having given it up to be plundered by his Turks, obliged the inhabitants to acknowledge him sovereign. This victory, (which was chiefly owing to his fire-arms), was followed by an embassy from the inhabitants of Tremecen, inviting him to come to their assistance against their prince, with whom they were dissa- tisfied on account of his having dethronpd his nephew, and offering him even the sovereignty, in case he accepted of their proposal. The king of Tremecen, not suspecting the treachery of his subjects, met the tyrant with an army of GOOO horse and 3000 foot; but IJarbarossa's artillery gave him such an advantage, that tlie king was at lengiii forced to retire into the capital; which he liad no sooner entered, than his head was cut off", and sent to Barbarossa, with a fresh invitation to take possession of the kingdom. On his ap- proach lie was met by the inhabitants, whom ho received with great complaisance, and many fair promises ; but beginning to tyrannise as usual, nis new subjects soon convinced him that they were not so passive as the inhabitants of Algiers. He therefore entered into an alliance with the king of Fez ; after which he secured the rest of the cities in his new kingdom, by garrisoning them with his own troops. Some of these, how- ever, revolted soon after ; upon which he sent one of his corsairs, named Escander, a man no less cruel than himself, to reduce them. The Treme- cenians now began to repent of their having in- vited such a tyrant to their assistance ; and con- sulted how to bring back their lawful prince Abu- chen-Men : but their cabals being discovered, a great number of the conspirators were massa- cred in the most cruel manner. The prince escaped to Oran, and was taken under tlie pro- tection of the marquis of Gomarez, who sent immediate advice of it to Charles V. then lately arrived in Spain, with a powerful fleet and army That monarch immediately ordered the young king a succour of 10,000 men, under the com- mand of the governor of Oran ; who, under the guidance of Abuchen-Men, began his march to- wards Tremecen ; and in their way were joined by prince Selim, with a great number of Arabs and Moors. The first thing they resolved upon was to attack the important fortress of Calau, situated between Tremecen and Algiers,and commanded by Escander at the head of about 300 Turks. They invested it closely, in hopes that Barbarossa would come out of Tremecen to its relief, which would give the Tremecenians an opportunity of keeping him out. That tyrant, however, kept close in his capital, being embarassed by his fears of a revolt, and the delays of the king of Fez, who had not sent the auxiliaries he promised. The gar- rison of Calau, in the mean time, made a brave defence; and, in a sally, cut oflT near 300 Spa- niards. This encouraged them to venture a se- cond time ; but they were now repulsed with a great loss, and Escander himself wounded : soon after which, they surrendered, but were all mas- sacred by the Arabians, except sixteen, who clung close to the stirrups of the king, and of the Spanish general. Barbarossa being now in- formed that Abuchen-lNIcn, with his Arabs, ac- companied by the Spaniards, were in full march to lay siege to Tremecen, came out at the head of 1500 Turks, and 5000 Moorish horse, in order to break his way through the enemy ; but he had not proceeded far, before his council advised him to return and fortify himself. This advice was now too late; the inhabitants being resolved to keep him out, and open their gates to their own lawfid prince as soon as he appeared. In this distress Barbarossa saw no way left but to retire to the citadel, and there defend himself till he could find an opportunity of stealing out with his men and all his treasure; bet, iiis provisions failing, he took advantage of a suhterraneous back way, and, taking his immense treasure with him, stole away as secretly as he could. His fl.ight, however, w;i3 soon discovered ; and he was so closely pursued, tliat to amuse, as he BAR 525 hoped, the enemy, lie caused a great deal of his money, plate, jewels, &c. to be scattered all the way, thinking they would not fail to stop their pursuit to gather it up. This stratagem, how- ever, failed, through the vigilance of the Spanish commander, who being at the head of the pur- suers, obliged them to march on, till he was come up close to him on the banks of the Iluexda, about eight leagues from Tremecen. Barbarossa had just crossed the river with his vanguard, when the Spaniards came up with his rear on the other side, and cut them all off; and then crossing the water, overtook him at a small dis- tance from it. Here a bloody engagement en- sued, in which the Turks fought like lions ; but being at length overpowered by numbers, they were all cut to pieces, and Barbarossa among t!ie rest, in the forty-fourth year of his age, and four years after he had raised himself to the royal title of Jigel of the adjacent country; two years after he had accomplished the reduction of Treme- cen. His head was carried to Tremecen, on the point of a spear; and Abuchen-i\Ien pro- claimed kins:, to the joy of all the inhabitants. A few days after, the king of Fez appeared at the head of 20,000 horse, near the field of battle ; but hearing of Barbarossa's defeat and death, marched off with all possible speed. Barbarossa CHayradin), upon his brother's death, assumed the sceptre at Algiers with equal abilities, but with better fortune; for the Spa- niards, sufficiently employed in Europe, giving him no disturbance, he regulated the interior po- lice of his kingdom with great prudence, carried on his naval operations with vigor, and extended his conquests on the continent of Africa. But perceiving that the Moors and Arabs submitted to his government with the utmost impatience, and being afraid that his continual depredations would one day draw upon him the arms of the Christians, he put his dominions under the pro- tection of the Grand Seignior, and received from him a body of Turkish soldiers, sufficient for his security against his domestic, as well as his fo- reign enemies. At last the fame of his exploits daily increasing, Solyman, the Turkish emperor, offered him the command of his fleet, as the only person whose valor and skill entitled him to command against the famous Andrew Doria. Proud of this distinction, Barbarossa repaired to Constantinople ; and with a wonderful versatility of mind, mingling the arts of a courtier with the boldness of a corsair, gained the entire confi- dence both of the sultan and his vizier. To them he communicated a scheme he had formed of making himself master of Tunis, the most flourish- ing kingdom at that time on the coast of Africa; which being approved of, they gave him what- ever he demanded for carrj'ing it into execution. He obtained it in a manner similar to that by which his brother gained Algiers ; Vjut was driven from it by Charles \^ in 1536. After this he ravaged several parts of Italy, and reduced Ye- Men, in Arabia Felix, to the Turkish go%'emment. He died in 1547, aged 80. See Algiers. Barbaro>sa was also a title or surname of Frederick I. emperor of Germany, one of the first sovereigns in Europe who ventured to speak freely of the papal hierarchy, and the pride of BAR the popes. Of tlie cardinals he said, Cardina- lis non esse praedicatores sed praedatores ; — the cardinals were not preachers, but plunderers. This was so early as A. D. 1155. See Ger- many. Barbarossa, in entomolosry, a species of scarabaius, a native of New Holland. The an- terior part of the thorax is scabrous ; horns of the head recurved and short. BARBAROUX (Charles), a French republi- can, and a sufferer by the guillotine. He was a native of Marseilles, and became a member of the national assembly. He was a great adver- sary to Robespierre and Tallien, against whom he brought many charges. He likewise proposed the trial of the king and the royal family. On the overthrow of the Girondist partj^, he was arrested, but found means to escape. Some time after, however, he was seized, and brought to the guillotine at Bourdeaux, on the 25th of June, 1794. BARBARUS (Daniel), a noble Venetian, pa- triarch of Aquileia, and famous for his learning, was ambassador from \ enice to England ; and one of the fathers of the council of Trent, where he acted with great zeal for the interest of the pope. He wrote, 1. A Commentary upon ^'i- truvius. 2. Catena Gra;corum Patrum in quin- quagiuta Psalmos Latine versa. 3. La Pratica della Perspectiva. He died in 1569, aged 41. Barbarus (Francis), a noble Venetian, of the same family widi Daniel. He was born in 1398, and gained great fame in the fifteenth century, not only for his learning, but for a skilful address in the management of public affairs. He wrote a book De Re Uxoria, on the Choice of a Wife and the Duties of Women ; and translated some of Plutarch's Lives. He died in 1454. His book, De Re Uxoria was printed at Paris in 1515, and his Letters in 1743. Barbarus, (Hermolaus), grandson of Fran- cis, one of the most learned men of the fif- teenth century. The public employments he was entrusted with early, did not prevent 'nim from cultivating letters. He understood the most difficult authors ; ^vrote a celebrated para- phrase upon Aristotle ; and corrected and trans- lated Dioscorides, and added a commentarj'. But of all his works none gained him so much reputation as his commentary upon Pliny ; wherein he corrected above 5000 passages, and oecasionally restored 300 in Pomponius Mela. Pope Innocent VIII. to whom he was ambas- sador, conferred upon him the patriarchate of Aquileia. He imprudently accepted it without waiting for the consent of his superiors ; though the republic of Venice had made laws forbidding the ministers they sent to the court of Rome to accept any benefice. The haughty aristocrats were inflexible ; and not being able to gain any thing upon them either by flattery or his father's interest, the father died of grief, and the son soon followed him. Barbarus (Hermolaus), was a nephew of Francis, and distinguished himself by his know- ledge of the Greek language. At the age of twelve years he translated some of ^Esop's Fables into Latin. He was successively bishop of Tre- visa and of Verona, and died at the latter in 1470. 526 B A R B A R Y. Barbarus, in entomology, 1. A species of papilio ; the wings without tails, and blueisli. '2. A species of tenebrio, of a black color, and very glossy. 3. A species of cryptocephalus that inhabits Barbary. Barbaris, in ichthyology, a species of syng- nathas, found in European seas. Barbarus, in ornithology, a species of brown Tulture that inhabits Barbary, and some other parts of Africa. The vulturbarbatus, Briss. Orn. and bearded vulture of Edwards and Latham. Also a species of Falco, called by the English writers Barbary falcon. BARBARY, a part of Africa, including the states of Fez, Algiers, Morocco, Tripoli, and Tunis. This country contains almost the whole of what the Romans possessed of the conti- nent of Africa, excepting Egypt. It stretches in length, from east to west, from Egypt to the straits of Gibraltar, full 35° of longitude; and from thence to Santa Cruz, the utmost western edge of it, about six more, in all 41°. On the south, indeed, it is confined within much narrower bounds, extending no further than from 27° to 35^° N. lat. In this view of it Barbary begins on the west of the famed mount Atlas, called by the Arabs Al Duacal, enclosing the ancient king- doms of Suez and Dela, now provinces of Mo- rocco ; thence stretching along the Atlantic to the pillars of Hercules at cape Finisterre, then along the coast of the Mediterranean, it is at last bounded by the city of Alexandria in Egypt. ■ In the ancient world this comparative desert was rendered interesting by being the seat of the Carthaginian empire ; and portions of it were then so fruitful, that Northern Africa was some- times denominated the granary of Italy. Concerning the origin of the name there are many conjectures. According to some, the Ro- mans, after they had conquered this large tract of country, gave it the name of Barbary, out of dis- like to the manners of the natives, according to their custom of calling all other people but them- selves and the Greeks, Barbarians. JNIarmol, on the contrary, derives the word Barbary from Ber- ber, a name which the Arabs gave to its ancient inhabitants, on account of the barrenness of the country, and which they retain to this day in many parts of it, especially along the great ridge of the mountains of Atlas. According to Leo Africanus, the name of Barbary was given by the Arabs on account of the strange language of the natives, which appeared to them more like the grumbling of brutes than articulate sounds. Others derive it from the Arabic word bar, signi- fying a desert, which was given by one Africus, a king of Arabia, from whom the whole continent of Africa is said to have taken its name ; and who being driven out of his own dominions, and closely pursued by his enemies, some of his retinue called out to him Bar-bar ; that is, To the desert, to the desert ; from which the country was after- wards called Barbary. Gibbon (Decline and Fall Rom. Emp. v. ix.) says that the history of the word Bar-bar is divi- sible into four periods. 1. In the time of Homer, when the Greeks and Asiatics might probably use a common idiom, the imitative sound of Bar- bar, was applied to the ruder tribes, whose pro- nunciation was most harsh, whose grammar was most defective. Kajjtc Bap/Sapo^wi/ot (Iliad, ii. 867. with the Oxford Scholiast, Clarke's Annota- tions and Henry Stephens's Greek Thesaurus, torn. 1. p. 720.) 2. From the time, at least, of Herodo- tus, it was extended to all nations who were strangers to the language and manners of the Greeks. 3. In the age of Plautus, the Romans submitted to the insult (Pompeius Festus, 1. ii. p. 48. ed. Dacier), and freely gave themselves the name of Barbarians. They insensibly claimed an exemption for Italy, and her subject provinces, and at length removed the disgraceful appellation to the savage or hostile nations beyond the pale of the empire. 4. In every sense it was due to the Moors ; the familiar word was borrowed from the Latin provincials by the Arabian conquerors, and has justly settled as a local denomination^ (Barbary) alon? the northern coast of Africa. By the Romans, this country was divided into the provinces of Mauritania, Africa Propria, Sec, and they continued absolute masters of it from the time of Julius Cssar till A. D. 428. At that time Bonifacius, the Roman governor of these pro- vinces, having through the treachery of iEtius been forced to revolt, called to his assistance Genseric king of the Vandals, who had been some time settled in Spain. The terms offered, accor- ding to Procopius were, that Genseric should have two thirds, and Bonifacius one third, of Africa, provided they could maintain themselves against the Roman power ; and to accomplish this they were to assist each other to the utmost. This proposal was instantly complied with ; and Gen- seric set out from Spain in May 428, with an army of 80,000 men, according to some, or only 24,000 according to others, together with their wives, children, and all their effects. In the mean time the Empress Placidia, having discovered the true cause of Bonifacius's revolt, wrote a most oblig- ing letter to him, in which she assured him of her favor and protection for the future, exhorting him to return to his duty, and exert his usual zeal for the welfare of the empire ; by driving out the Barbarians, whom the malice of his enemies ^ had obliged him to call in for his own safety and y preservation. Bonifacius readily complied, and offered the \'andals considerable sums if they would return to Spain. But Genseric, already master of the greatest part of the country, return- ing a scornful answer, and fallinir unexpectedly on him, cut most of his men in pieces, and obliged Bonifacius himself to fly to Hippo, which he invested in May 430. The siege lasted till July 431, when the Vandals were forced, by a fa- mine that began to rage in their camp, to drop the enterprise, and to retire. Soon after, Boni- facius having received two reinforcements, one from Rome, and the other, under the celebrated Aspar, from Constantinople, a resolution was taken by the Roman generals to offer the enemy battle. A bloody engagement ensued, in which the Romans were utterly defeated, a prodigious number of them taken, and the rest obliged to shelter themselves among the rocks and mountains. Aspar, who commanded the eastern troops, escaped with difficulty to Constantinople, and Bonifacius was recalled to Italy. Upon their de- parture, the \andals overran all Africa, committing B A R B A R Y. 527 everj'where the most terrible ravages, which stnick tlie inhabitants of Hippo with such terror, that they abandoned the city, which was first plundered, and then set on fire by the victorious enemy ; so that Cirtha and Carthage were now the only strong places possessed by the Romans. In 435, Genseric, afraid of an attack by the united forces of the eastern and western empires, con- cluded a peace with the Romans, who yielded to him part of Numidia, the province of Procon- sularis, and PJyzacene, for which, according to Prosper, he was to pay a yearly tribute to the emperor of the east. Genseric delivered up his son llunneric by way of hostage ; but so great was the confidence which the Romans placed in that barbarian, that some time after they sent him back his son. Of this they soon had reason to repent ; for in 439, the Romans being engaged in a war with the Goths in Gaul, Genseric laid hold of that opportunity to seize upon the city of Car- thage ; by which he considerably enlarged his African dominions. Valentinian, however, re- tained as long as he lived, the two Mauritanias with Tripolitana, Tingitana, and that part of Numidia where Cirtha stood. On taking Car- thage, Genseric made it the seat of his empire; and in 440 ravaged the island of Sicily, and laid siege to Palermo. Not being able, however, to reduce that place, he soon returned to Africa with an immense booty, and a vast number of captives, Being now become formidable to both empires, Theodosius, emperor of the east, resolved to assist Valentinian against so powerful an enemy. Ac- cordingly, he fitted out a fleet consisting of 1100 large ships ; and putting on board of it the flower of his army, under the conduct of Arcovindas, Ansilus, a/id Germanus, he ordered them to land in Africa, and joining the western forces there, to drive Genseric out of the countries he had seized. But the latter, pretending a desire to be reconciled with both empires, amused the Roman general with proposals of peace, till the season for action was over; and, next year, Theodosius being obliged to recal his forces to oppose the Huns, V'aleiitinian found it necessary to conclude a peace with »lie \'andals ; and this he could ob- tam on no other terms than yielding to them the quiet possession of the countries they had over-run. So powerful was Genseric now become, or rather so low was the Roman empire by this time re- duced, that in 455 he took and plundered the city of Rome itself (.See Rome), and, after his return to Africa, made himself master of the remaining countries held by the Romans in that part of the world. Hereupon Avitus, wiio had succeeded \'alentinian in the empire, despatched ambassa- dors to Genseric, putting him in mind of the treaty he had concluded with the empire in 442 ; and threatening if he did not observe the articles at that time agreed upon, to make war upon him, not only with his own forces, but with those of his allies the \'isigoths, who were ready to pass over in- to Africa. To this Genseric was so far from paying any regard that he immediately put to sea with a fleet of sixty ships ; but being attacked by the Roman fleet under Ricimer, he was utterly de- feated, and forced to fly back into Africa. He returned, however, soon after, with a more power- ful armament, committing great ravages on the coast of Italy : but in a second expedition he wa.s not attended with so good success ; the Romans falling unexpectedly upon his men,while busied in plundering the country, put great numbers of them to the sword, and among the rest the brother- in-law of Genseric himself. Encouraged by this advantage, Majorian, then emperor, resolved to pass over into Africa, and attempt the recovery of that country. For this purpose he made great preparations ; but his fleet being surprised and defeated by the Vandals, through the treachery of some ofhis commanders, the enterprise miscarried. Notwithstanding this misfortune, Majorian per- sisted in his resolution, and would in all likelihood have accomplished his purpose, had not he him- self been murdered soon after by Ricimer. After his death Genseric committed what ravages he pleased in the poor remains of the western em- pire, and even made descents on Peloponnesus and the islands belonging to the emperor of Con- stantinople. In revenge, Leo made vast prepa- rations for the invasion of Africa, insomuch that, according to Procopius, he laid out 130,000 pounds weight of gold in the equipment of his army and navy. The forces employed on this occasion were sufficient for expelling the Vandals, had they been much more powerful than they were ; but the command being given to Basiliscus, a covetous and ambitious man, the fleet was ut- terly defeated through his treachery, and all the vast preparations came to nothing. By this last defeat the power of the Vandals in Africa was fully established, and Genseric made himself master of Sicily, as well as all the other islands between Italy and Africa, without opposition from the western emperors, whose power was entirely annihilated, A. D. 476. Thus was the Vandalic monarchy in Barbary founded by Genseric, be- tween the years 428 and 468. That prince's government, in his new dominions, presents no very agreeable prospect. Being himself a barba- rian in the worst sense of the word, and an utter stranger to every useful art, he displayed his prowess by the destruction of all the monuments of Roman greatness, which were so numerous in the country he had conquered. Instead of improving the country he laid it waste, by de- molishing all the stately structures both public and private with which those proud conquerors had adorned this part of their dominions. Mo- numents which the Romans had been at an immense expense to erect, the barbarous \'an- dals reduced to heaps of ruins. Besides this kind of devastation, Genseric made his dominions a scene of blood, by persecuting the orthodox Christians; being himself.as well most ofhis coun- trymen, zealously devoted to the Arian party. He died in 477, after a reign of sixty years ; and was succeeded by his son Hunneric, who also proved a still greater tyrant than his father, per- secuting the orthodox with the utmost fury ; and, during his short reign of seven years and a half, destroying more of them than Genseric had done in all his life. He died miserably ; his flesh rotting upon his bones, and crawling with worms, so that he looked more like a dead carcase than a living man. Concerning his successors Gun- damund, Thrasimund, and Hilderic, we find nothing remarkable, except that they sometimes 628 B A R B A R Y. persecuted, and sometimes were favorable to, the orthodox. Hilderic by favoring them was ruined ; for, having published, in the beginning of his reign, a manifesto, v^rherein he repealed all the acts of his predecessors against them, a rebellion was the immediate consequence, lie was de- posed in tlie seventh year of his reign by Gilimer, a prince of the blood-royal, who caused the king with all his family to be closely confined, and himself to be crowned at Carthage. Gilimer proved a greater tyrant tlian any that had gone before him. He not only continued the perse- cutions of the orthodox, but horribly oppressed the rest of his subjects, so that he was held in universal detestation, when the Greek emperor Justinian projected an invasion of Africa. This expedition is fabled to have been occasioned by an apparition of Lffitus, an African bishop, wiio had been murdered some time before, and now com- manded the emperor to attempt the recovery of Africa, assuring him of success. Justinian, not- withstanding his being at that time engaged in a war with Persia, now, therefore, sent a powerful fleet and army to Africa, under the command of the celebrated Belisarius. At this time Gilimer was so much taken up with his pleasure that he knew little or nothing of the formidable prepa- rations against him. On the arrival of Belisarius, however, he put himself in a posture of defence. The management of his army he committed to his two brothers, Gundimer and Gelamund, who accordingly attacked the Romans at the ^head of a numerous force. Tlie engagement was long and bloody ; but at last the Vandals were de- feated, and the two princes slain. Gilimer, in desperation, sallied out at the head of his corps of reserve, to renew the attack with the utmost vigor; but by his own indiscretion lost a fair opportunity of defeating the Romans. For as soon as they perceived Gilimer hastening after them at the head of a fresh army, they fled and the greatest part were dispersed in such a manner, that, had the king followed them close, they must have been totally cut off". Instead of this, how- ever, stumbling on the body of one of his slain brothers, the sight of it made him lose all thoughts of the enemy ; and instead of pursuing them, he spent his time in idle lamentations, and in bury- ing the corpse with suitable pomp. Belisarius had thus an opportunity of rallying, which he did so effectually, that, coming unexpectedly upon Gilimer, he easily gained a new and com- plete victory over him. This defeat was followed by the loss of Carthage, which the barbarians had been at no pains to put into a posture of defence. Gilimer, having in vain solicited assistance from the Moors and Goths, recalled his brother Zano from Sardinia, resolving to make one desperate attempt to regain the kingdom, or at least recover the captives. The consequence was another en- gagement, in which Zano was killed with 800 of his choicest men, while the Romans lost only fifty; after which Belisarius, moving suddenly forward at the head of his army, fell upon the camp of the Vandals. This Gilimer was no sooner apprised of than he fled towards Numidia in the utmost consternation. As soon as the flight was known among his troops, they aban- doned their camp to the Romans, who plundered it, and massacred all the men that were left, car- rying the women captives. Thus a total end was put to the power of the Vandals, and the Romans once more became the masters of Bar- bary. The Vandal inhabitants were permitted to remain, on condition of exchanging the heresy of Arius for the orthodox faith. Gilimer fled to Medamus, a town situated on the top of the Papuan mountains, and almost inaccessible by its height and ruggedness. The siege of this place was committed to Pharas, an officer of great experience, who having shut up all avenues to the town, the fugitive was reduced to the great- est straits for want of provisions. Pharas being apprised of the distress he was in, wrote him a friendly and pathetic letter, exhorting him to put an end to the distress of himself and his friends by a surrender. This Gilimer declined ; but at the same time concluded his' answer with a most sub- missive request, that Pharas would so far pity his great distress as to send him a loaf of bread, a ■ sponge, and a lute. This strange request surprised I Pharas, but was explained by the messenger, who I told him that the king had not tasted any baked I bread since his arrival on that mountain, and ear- nestly longed to eat a morsel of it before he died ; the sponge he wanted to allay a humor that had arisen in one of his eyes; and the lute, on which he had learned to play, was to assist him in setting some elegiac verses, he had composed on the sub- J ject of his misfortunes, to a suitable tune. At M this mournful report, Pharas could not refrain from tears, and immediately despatched the mes- senger with tlie things he wanted. Gilimer had spent nearly three winter months on the summit of this inhospitable mountain, his misery hardening him against the thoughts of surrendering, when a melancholy scene in his own family at once re- conciled him to it. This was a bloody struggle between two boys, one of them his sister's son, about a flat bit of dough, laid on the coals ; which the one seized upon, burning hot as it was, and clapped into his mouth, but the other by dint of blows forced it out, and eat it from him. The quarrel, which might have ended fatally, had not Gilimer interposed, made so deep an impression upon him, that he immediately despatched a mes- senger to Pharas, acquainting him that he was willing to surrender himself and all his effects upon the conditions he had offered, as soon as he was assured that they were embraced by Belisarius. Pharas lost no time in getting them ratified and sent back to him. Gilimer was afterwards brought in golden chains before Justinian, whom he be- sought in the most submissive manner to save his life. That emperor treated him with a degree of humanity he little merited ; allowing him a hand- some yearly pension to live upon as a private gentleman. But his mind was too much unsettled to enjoy the sweets of a private life ; so that, op- pressed with grief, he died in the first year of his captivity, five years after he had been raised to the throne, A. D. 554. Barbary being thus again reduced under the power of the Romans, its his- tory falls to be noticed under that of Rome. In the khalifat of Omar this country was reduced by the Saracens, as the reader will find under the article Khalifs. It continued subject to the khalifs of Arabia and Bagdad till the reign of B A R B A R Y. 529 Haroun Al Raschid, who having appointed Ibra- him Ebn Aglab, governor of the western parts of his empire, that prefect took the opportunity, first of assuming greater powers than had been granted by the khalif, and then erecting an inde- pendent principality. The race of Aglab con- tinued to enjoy their new principality peaceably till the year of the llegira 297 or 298, during which time they made several descents on the island of Sicily, and conquered part of it. About this time, however, one Obeidallaii re- belled against the house of Aglab, and assumed the title of khalif of Kairwan, the ancient Cyrene, and residence of the Aglabite princes. To give the greater weii^ht to his pretensions he also took the surname of Al Mohdi, or Al Mohedi, the director. lie pretended to be descended in a right line from Ali Ebn Abu Taleb, and Fatema the daughter of Mahomet ; for which reason the Arabs called him and his descendents Fate- mites. He likewise encouraged himself and his followers by a traditional prophecy of Mahomet, that at the end of 300 years the sun should rise out of the west. Having at length driven the Aglabites into Egypt, where they became known by the name of INIagrebians, he extended his do- minions in Africa and Sicily, making Kairwan the place of his residence. In the 300th year of the llegira, Habbasah, one of Al Mohdi's gene- rals, overthrew the khalif Al Mokhtader's forces in the neighbourhood of Barca, and made him- self master of that city. After which he reduced Alexandria; and was making great progress in the conquest of the whole country, while Al Mokhtader serit against him his generals Takin and Al Kasem, with an army of 100,000 men. Habbasah, being informed that the khalif 's troops were in motion, advanced at the head of his ;.riny to give them battle, and at last came up with them in an island called by the Arabs Ard Al Khamsin. Here he attacked them with incredible bravery, notwithstanding their force was much superior to his ; but the approach of night obliged both generals to sound a retreat. The action therefore was by no means decisive, though extremely bloody, the khalif 's generals having lost 20,000 men and Habbasah 10,000. The latter, however, durst not renew the fight next morning ; but stole off in the night, and returned home, so that Al Mokhtader in effect gained a victory. In the 302d year of the Hegira, however, Habbasah returned, possessed himself of Alexandria a se- cond time, defeated a body of the khalif 's forces, and killed 7000 upon the spot. In the 307th year, Abul Kasem, son to Al INIohdi, entered Kgiypt with an army of 100,000 men. At first he met with extraordinary success, and overran a considerable part of that fine country. He made himself master of Alexandria, Al Tayum, Al Baknasa, and the isle of Ashmaryin, penetra- ting even to Al .lizah, where the khalif 's army Uiider the command of Munes was posted to op- pose him. In this country he maintained himself till the 308th year of the Hegira, when he was entirely defeated by Munes, who made himself master of all his baggage, as well as of die plunder lie had acquired. .This obliged Abul Kasem to fly to Kairwan with the shattered remains of his army, where he remained without making anv V'OL. II [. further attempt on Egypt. Al Mohdi reigned twenty-four years, and was succeeded by Abul Kasem, who then took the name of Al Kayem Mohdi. During his reign we read of nothing very remarkable, except the revolt of Yezid Ebn Condat, a man of mean extraction, but who, having been raised to the dignity of chancellor, found means to create such a strong party, that the khalif was obliged to shut himself up in the castle of Mohedia. Yczid, being then at the head of a powerful army, soon reduced the capital of Kairwan, the cities of Al Rakkada and Tunis, and several other fortresses. He was no less successful in defeating a considerable number of troops which Al Kayem had sent against him ; after which he closely besieged the khalif himself in the castle seven months, when die khalif died, in the twelfth year of his reign, and 334th of the Hegira. Al Kayem was succeeded by his son Ishmael, who immediately took the title of Al IVIansur, but concealed the death of his father till he had made preparations for reducing the rebels. In this he was so successful, that he obliged Yezid to raise the seige of ]Mohetdi, and in the following year obliged him to shut himself up in the fortress of Kothama, where he besieged him in his turn. Yezid defended the place a long time with desperate bravery, but, finding the gar- rison at last obliged to capitulate, he made shift to escape privately. Al Mansur despatched a body of forces in pursuit of him, who overtook, and brought him back in fetters, after a vigorous defence, in which Yezid got several dangerous wounds, of which he died in prison. After his death Al Mansur caused his body to be flayed, and his skin stuffed and exposed to public view. For Al Mansur's exploits in Sicily, see that article. Nothing farther remarkable happened in his African dominions. He died after reigning seven years and sixteen days, in the 341st of the Hegira, and was succeeded by his son Abu Zam- min Moab, who assumed the surname of Al Moez Ledinilloh ; and maintained a bloody contest with Abdalsahman, khalif of Andalusia : for a particu- lar account of which, see Spain. In the 347th year of the Hegira, beginning March 25th A. D. 958, Al Moez sent a powerful army to the western extremity of Africa, under the command of Abul Hasan Jawhar, one of his slaves, whom he had advanced to the dignity of vizier. Jawhar first advanced to a city called Tahart, which he be- sieged for some time ineffectually. From thenca he marched to Fez, which he took at last by storm in the following year. But the greatest achieve- ment performed by this khalif was his conquest of Egypt, and the removal of the khalifat to that country. This conquest, though long projected, he did not attempt till the year of the Hegira 358. Having then made all necessary preparations for it, he committed the care of that expedition to an experienced general called Giafar, but in the mean time, this enterprize did not divert Al Moez from the care of his other conquests, particularly those of Sicily and Sardinia ; to the last of which he sailed in the year of the Hegira 361, continu- ing a whole year in it, and leaving the care of his African dominions to an experienced officer named Yusef Ben Zeiri. He sailed thence the following year for Tripoli in Barbarv, where he 2 M 530 B A R B A R Y. had not staid long, before lie received the agree- able news tliat his general had made himsell" m;ister of Alexandria, lie lost no time, but im- mediately embarked for it, leaving the government of his old African dominions in the hands of his trusty servant Yusef, and arriving safely at that port was received with all the demonstrations of joy. Here he began to lay the foundations of his new Egyptian dynasty, wiiich put a final end to the old one of Kairwan, after it had continued about sixty-five years. Al Mqez, however, preserved all his old dominions of Barbary and Africa Pro- per. But tlie avarice of the governors, whom he appointed, occasioned them to run quickly to decay ; particularly the new and opulent metro- polis of jNIohedia, on which immense sums had been lavished, so as to render it not only one of the richest and stateliest, but one of the strongest cities in the world. But the wealth and splendor of this once famed, short-lived state, took their leave of it with the departure of the khalif Al Moez. The whole maritime tract from tlie Eyp- lian confines to the Straits of Gibraltar has since become the nest of the most odious piratical crew that ever existed. Under the article Al- giers we have given a short account of the erection of a new kingdom in Barbary by Texe- fien; which, however, is there no farther conti- nued than is necessary for connecting the history of that country. A general history might here be given of the whole country of Barbary ; but as that would occasion repetitions under the ar- ticles Morocco, Tripoli, Tunis, &c. we must refer to these articles for the rest of its history, as well as for other particulars not here mentioned. The great natural feature of this region, and that which appears to exempt it from the sterility by which it is surrounded, is the mountain chain of Atlas. This celebrated range, which ancient fable imaged as the prop of heaven, has its loftiest pinnacles in the west, immediately behind Mo- rocco ; but it extends in various branches, which have been little explored, and at different heights, along the whole southern frontier of Algiers and Tunis, leaving a fertile tract of from 50 to 200 miles on the shores of the M.editerranean. Lime- stone is the predominant rock of this range, which in the western and loftier ranges appears in the form of marble, and afterwards in the looser forms of secondary limestone. The marbles of Numidia are well known in history. The me- tallic products are not well ascertained, from the unskilful manner in which they have been worked. Silver, copper, and lead, are found to a consideralile extent in Algiers and Tunis. Iron, lead, copper, silver, antimony, and a mix- ture of antimony, lead and gold, are found in the mountainous districts ; but none of them are worked to any great extent. Salt, in many places, especially in the southern countries bor- dering upon the Great Desert, completely im- pregnates the earth ; and tlie water of the springs and pools, when evaporated, Knaves a thick crust of saline matter : in otliers it appears in large solid masses. Springs, some of them hot, con- taining other mineral sul)stances, particularly sulphur, are frequent; indicating the presence of great internal heat. At llamuiaii Alescouteen, near Constantia, the waters of a spring absolutely calcine the rock over which they pass. Much of the general character and produc- tions of this entire region appears in our article Algiers, above referred to: the whole is ill- cultivated. Of the improvements in agriculture they have no notion ; and their industry is con- stantly checked by the pressure of a short-sighted and iniquitous government. Burned stubble, and the litter of the cattle turned out upon the fallows, is the only manure they use. Their ploughing is done by a wooden plough, drawn by a single yoke of oxen, going over not more than one acre in a whole day. Two bushels and a half per acre is their ordinary allowance of seed-corn, and 1200 per cent, the return ex- pected. Dr. Shaw found the Asiatic customs introduced by the Arabs everywhere prevailing ; the ox is driven round the circular threshing- floor, to tread out the corn, which is afterwards winnowed by being thrown up against the wind, just as it was in Judea three thousand years ago. (Dent. xxv. 4. Is. xxx. 24.) The grain is depo- sited in large subterraneous magazines called raatm(jrs, each containing at least 500 bushels. Wheat, maize, and different species of millet (sorghum), pulse, vetches, lentils, and caravances (garbanzos), chich-peas, (cicer arietinum), are their agricultural objects. Neither oats nor hay are used; but, as in western Asia, barley and chopped straw are substituted for them. Hemp, flax, cotton, and tobacco, make up the remainder of their field produce. Their gardens abound with figs, melons, oranges, lemons, and limes; vineyards and olive-yards are seen on the plains and declivities, and our common forest-trees, corks and evergreen oaks, in the woods. There are also some inferior kinds of fruit, such a.s the jujube, lote-tree (zizyphus lotus), elseagnus, argan (elseodendrum arg.), diospyros lotus, celtis australis, and cornelian cherry (cornus mascula), not common among us : some gum resins, such as galbanum, opopanax, ammonia- cum, and sandarac, the produce of the Arar, or Juniperus communis, and medicinal herbs, such i^ as wormwood, orrisroot (iris Germanica, Floren- ,P tina), colocinth, or coloquintida, &c. The climate is upon the whole temperate and salubrious, with considerable variations in the diff'erent regions. The formidable scorpion, the boa constrictor, and above all the dreaded locust, appear here ; the latter in those prodigious swarms that convert a ' garden of Eden into the wilderness.' Here also range the lordly lion, (who is nowhere seen more strong or ferocious), the panther, and the hyena. The last is said, however, not to manifest in its wild state that fierceness which it displays in our menageries, and which is generated by confinement. It sel- dom attacks man, unless molested by him; and boys are sometimes seen leading it about with ropes. It remains all day in its cave, staring witli its eyes fixed, and comes out in the night, chiefly after dead bodies. The same is observa- ble of the jackal, here called the deeb, about iialf the size of the hyena. The animal most valued is the antelo]ie or gazel, whose beauty is the object of universal admiration here; the term gazel being omjiloyed as the highest praisei to a beautiful woman. The mutton is very fat here, but it is eaten as a great delicacy. The sheep of eastern Barbary, according to Shaw, B A R B A R Y. 531 have fleeces coarse and hairy, like those of the goat ; but Morocco contains some breeds with very fine wool. That territory produces likewise the breed of goats whose skins yield the leatlier so much esteemed in Europe. The finest species is produced in Tafilet, on the southern side of the Atlas. They are tanned with the leaves of a shrub called tizre, which are thought by some to give them their peculiar softness and pliability. The tanners, however, conceal as much as pos- sible the processes employed. The government of each of the four states, Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, is essen- tially despotic. For any varieties in their parti- cular forms, we must refer the reader to the sepa- rate articles. The general population of Barbary consists of, 1 . Moors, who are the ruling race ; 2. Jews; 3. Arabs; and 4. Brebers, or ancient natives. The Moors are the chief inhabitants of the towns and cities. The term may be consi- dered as including that portion of the Mahom- medan conquerors of northern Africa who have habituated themselves to a settled mode of life, along with all the inhabitants who have been incorporated with them, and trained to the same religious habits, which here regulate all the social relations, and extend their influence to the mi- nutest practices of life. The daily ceremonies of worship are very numerous. Prayer is repeated five times a day, once before, once after sun-set, and three times in the course of the day ; the crier each time from the top of a minaret loudly announcing the hour. Necessity allows the Moor to worship in any spot where he may be placed, at these hours ; but such devotions are not con- sidered equally beneficial with the public ones. At the door of the mosque is a bath for ablution ; and no worshipper must enter unless barefooted. Mr. Addison relates the contempt with which a Moor once spoke to him, of the indecencies of our admitting into Christian places of worship * women, clogs, and dirty shoes,' all of which are here excluded. The Jews, who are numerous, are the objects of constant insult and oppression. They are envied for their wealth, despised for their avarice, and abhorred as enemies to the faith ; and, as in most of the states there exists no law for their protection, the hardships of their situation are no- where greater. As they form, however, the only class capable of managing trade or money con- cerns, they make immense profits, the opportu- nity of reaping which no oppression can induce them to relinquish. The Arabs occupy, with their flocks and herds, all the interior and pastoral districts. They live in movable villages or douars composed of tents, which are generally arranged in concentric circles, around the habitation of the sheik. They are made of camels' hair and the fibres of the palm tree. In removing, they place on the backs of camels the women, children, and young animals, the latter enclosed in baskets. The interior government of these villages is en- tirely conducted by their own chief or sheik, who, when the supreme government is weak, often sets it at defiance. The Brebers inhabiting the mountain districts have a language of their own, which seems to be indigenous. They live in small fixed villages, and cultivate the ground. They also elect their own sheik, and have some forms of popular government ; are very strong, athletic, and formidable. Their chief amuse- ment consists in tlie use of the musket. With respect to the habits and manners of Barbary, nowhere is grovelling ignorance sulj- ject to a worse tyranny on the part of knavish priests, called here marabits, or as the word is commonly written in Europe, marabouts. These men, affecting a scrupulous observance of the Koran, and continually repeating favorite texts, gain the reputation of extraordinary sanctity, and soon persuade the people to believe them the favorites of heaven. Some pretend to miraculous powers ; others practise the arts of divination, and all deal in charms, from the sale of which they make great profits. The greater part wan- der about through the country, professing to live on charity, (they call themselve dervises or fakirs, i. e. poor men,) and doing far more mischief than the mendicants in Popish countries. Amongst all classes in Barbary their influence is uncon- trolled. At the great festivals they give an en- tire loose to religious phrenzy, heightened pro- bably by large doses of opium, and the excesses in which they then indulge are truly horrible. Mr. Lyon (Travels, ii.) saw a man thrust his hand into the side of a living ass, tear out his bowels, and devour them ! Idiots and madmen are, on the same stupid principle, considered as half-inspired, and are therefore looked upon with veneration, and allowed to do all the mischief which their bewildered imagination suggests. The most simple arts are little known here. Though the liardest stone and better materials abound, timber, we are told by travellers, is almost the only thing used for building. They have, however, in some parts, a sort of artificial stone, called tabiah, a mixture of lime, sand, and pebbles, put into a wooden frame of the pro- per size and shape, and beaten down with square rammers; and a hard and durable cement, a com- pound of sand, wood ashes, and lime beaten toge- ther for three days and nights without intermission, and frequently sprinkled with oil and water. Another cement used by them is made of tow, lime, and oil. The houses are built round (sometimes paved) square courts, into which tlie windows open ; the lower part is used as stable? or out-houses, the upper part for the apartments of the family. In each story is an open corridor, with which stair-cases from below and all tlie chambers communicate. Sometimes a fountain appears in the centre of the court, and an awn- ing is stretched across from side to side. The ordinary houses seldom have more than one story, about sixteen feet high, with an apartment on each side of the court ; and the windows being small, the want of light and air are insufferable to Europeans. No fire-places appear : a char<;oal fire, in an earthern chafing dish, placed in one comer of the court, serves to cook the dinner ; and mattresses on the floors, with large cushions against the walls, are the seats by day and beds by night : at one end of the room, a raised platform sometimes receives tlie beds. Their household utensils consist of a few pewter plates, spoons and basins, wooden bowls, earthen pots, and iron ladles, some China iilates for show, anu 2 M 2 532 B A R B A R Y. perhaps a tea equipage. The roofs of their houses are flat, and in the cool of the day are much used by the females. Tlie rich have often a small additional building, called oliyyali, for the accommodation of strangers. It is like ano- ther house on a small scale, and is placed over the gateway at tli£ entrance, exactly answering to the upper chamber of the Jews. Boarded ceilings, diversified by painted lattice work, walls covered half-way down with gilt and painted wainscoting:, hangings of different colored cloths, or tyger-skins, filling the interval between the wainscot and the tloor, looking-glasses, clocks, or arms arranged in fanciful patterns, are the de- corations of their rooms ; and the courts of better houses, paved with marble and elegantly covered above, form an agreeable saloon for their com- pany. Eastern Barbary is distinguished by several noble monuments of antiquity. The traces of Punic architecture indeed have in a great mea- sure disappeared; and the labors of that cele- brated people are only attested by subterraneous ruins,particularly those of the celebrated aqued uct, by which water was conveyed to it from the dis- tance of upwards of sixty miles. The whole course of it may still be traced ; and several arches are entire, seventy feet high, and sup- ported by columns sixteen feet wide. The architectural ruins being of Roman erection, are chiefly of the composite order, the favorite one of that people. The temple at Spaitla appeared to Bruce to present a specimen superior to what is to be found on any other spot. In conse- quence of recent excavations, some very valua- ble remains of statuary have been dug up ; and it is probable that, by the continuance of similar researches, further valuable discoveries might be made. The dress of the inhabitants of Barbary is cum- bersome, and unlike those of eastern climates ge- nerally. The men wear a red woollen skull-cap, called Fez, (where it is manufactured,) and a white shawl twisted round the head ; linen and woollen trowsers, a cotton or silk shirt, a tunic called kaftftn, with or without sleeves, having rows of buttons down the front, kept close to the body by a sash folded round the waist ; and a pair of yellow slippers. The belter sort have a strip of velvet passed over the right shoulder, by which they suspend the sabre ; and the dagger is stuck into the folds of the sash. The arrangements in Barbary regarding the female part of society are the same as in all Ma- hommedan countries. The harem is supplied chiefly from Constantinople, by Georgian or Circassian slaves, trained for this purpose by persons who carry on this employment as a trade. The interior arrangements appear to differ con- siderably in the different states, and, so far as known, will be described respectively under each. The women are fattened to make them plump, the grand criterion of beauty ; and their under dress resembles that of the men. Two broad straps pass over the shoulders from their girdle, and are crossed upon the breast. Their hair, as in tiie east, is tressed and braided, and a handker- chief is tied close round the head. They wear earrings from the upper and lower parts of the ears, and upon their ancles gold and silver rings. Their slippers are always red, and usually em- broidered. Veils and hayics, and sometimes straw hats, form a part of tiieir dress out doors. A black stripe down the forehead, along the nose, chin, and throat, is considered as a great improvement of their beauty. This is very con- spicuous in a plate of the Tripolitine costume, given by Captain Lyon, p. 7. They use a profusion of hinna, for giving a red tint to their hair and fingers, and stibium (al-cohl), to blacken the inside of their eye-lids. Some days before a marriage the bride is visited by her female friends, and the bridegroom parades the streets on horseback, attended by his associates, a band of music, musketry, shouting, racing, &c. an- nounce his expected joys. On the wedding day the bride is carried through the town in a sort of sedan-chair, fixed on the back of a mule or camel, (see plate at p. 299, Captain Lyon's Travels,) covered with silk or linen. In this at- tire, surrounded by torches, drums, and musketry, large bodies of her relations attend her home. Nor are the attendants of the bridegroom less daz- zling and noisy. Arrived, the company retire, and he is left alone with his wife, whose veil he then removes for the first time. The amusements in Barbary are the indo- lent Asiatic ones of smoking, tea, and pompous talk, or the most violent exercises, such as play- ing with the jerid, (see JERin,) leap-frog, foot- ball, and a few more such games, probably borrowed from Spain ; but one is quite peculiar to themselves : it consists of a sort of mock-fight ; parties of horsemen riding full speed at each other, discharge their pieces, then wheel round and retreat. This is much like the game with the jerid ; but to improve it they ride full gallop towards a wall, approach it as near as possible, then stop short and fire. Sometimes, instead of chasing a wall for this purpose, they chase a friend, when they tliink they cannot do him a greater honor, that by galloping up and dis- charging their muskets full in his face. Their lively musical airs are said to be simple and beautiful ; but their serious ones dull and te- dious. In riding they have a thong attached to the rein, which serves as a whip. Their spur is a long spike loosely attached to the foot, and carefully kept from the horse's side, except in case of need. The principal and best manufacture here is morocco leather. Good carpeting is also made : mats of the palmetto ; and cotton, silk and wool- len cloths. Their swords and gun-barrels are also of home make. An inland traffic is main- tained by periodical fairs; but the caravans, protected by their numbers, are the only safe medium of general commerce. BARBASTELLUS, Vespehtilio, in zoology, the tailed bat, with elevated hairy cheeks, and large ears, angulated on the lower part, the bar- bastelle of Buffon and Pennant. BARBATA, in entomology, a species of brown cantharis that mhabits Germany. 2. A species of cicada (deflexa), of a brown color, with greenish abdomen. 3. A species of phalsena that inhabits Barbary. 4. A species of pimelia, f llelops Fabr.) inliabiting Saxony. Fabricius. BAR 533 BAR Barbata, in natural liistory, a species of co- rallina, about three inches in length, that grows on the shores of Jamaica. Ellis, in his work on coralline, calls it the rosary or bead-coralline of Jamaica ; it is the bead-band string of Plunket, and corallina major, nervo cassiori fuciformi in- termedia breviora nectente of Sloane. (Hist. Jam.) Also, a species of Nais. Barbata, in ornithology, is a species of frin- gilla of Chili ; and a species of muscicapa, inha- biting Cayenne : called by Linnaeus, the whis- kered fly-catcher. BARBATEU Leaf, in botany, a leaf termi- nated by a bunch of strong hairs. BARBATELLI (Bernardino), otherwise called Pochetii, an eminent painter of history, fruit, animals, and flowers, was bom at Florence in 1542. He was the disciple of Ridolfo Ghirlan- daio at Florence, from whose school he went to Rome, and studied there with such uncommon assiduity, that he was frequently so absolutely engrossed by the objects of his contemplations, as to forget the necessary refreshments of sleep and food. His touch was free, light, and delicate, and the coloring of his objects inexpressibly true, llie historical pieces which he designed were much admired. He died in 1612. BARBATINA, a seed which is thought effica- cious in extirpating worms from the human body, to which children are chiefly liable. It comes from Persia, and the borders of Russia. It ought to be chosen plump, of an agreeable scent, and very green : special care must be taken that the color be not dyed, and that the seed of sou- thernwood be not sold instead of it. BARBATULA, in ichthyology, a species of cobitis, with six cirri ; head unarmed and com- pressed ; the bearded loche of English writers ; enchelyopus, &c. Klein ; cobitis fluviatilis, Ray ; fundulus, Marsden. It is a native of Europe and Asia ; and is most frequent in fresh-water streams, and lakes in mountainous countries. From its habit of lurking at the bottom of the water, on the gravel, it has been called the groundling ; but the latter name is now more generally given to the spiny loche, a fish distin- guished from the present by having a forked spine under each eye, and is that species of cobi- tis, which Gmelin calls ta;nia. This is a fertile creature. We are told by Mr. Pennant, that it is frequent in a stream near Amesbury in Wilt- shire, where the sportsmen, through frolic, swal- low it down alive in a glass of wine. It is also found in great abundance in France. BARBATUS, in entomology, a species of ce- rambyx (prionus), of a large size that inhabits South America. Also a species of scarabaeus, unarmed, smooth, and black ; vent bearded. (Fabricius.) A native of India. Barbatus, in ichthyology, a species of gobius. 3. A species of lophius, of a depressed form, with the lower jaw bearded. (Montin. act. suec, 1779.) Inhabiting the seas in the northern parts of Europe. Barbatus, in omithologj', a species of falco, of a whitish red color, with brown back : the vul- tus barbatus, Linn., and vulturine eagle of Albinus. Barbatus Piscis, in ichthyoloofy, a name given by Salvian and others, to the Silurus, or sheat-fish ; the Glanus of Pliny, and the ancients. This Artedi describes under the name of silurus with four cirri at the mouth. By this it is dis- tinguished from the fish called the alkussa, or lake, which, though a genuine species of the silurus, has one beard. BARBAULD (AnnaLetitia), was the daughtei of the Rev. John Aikin,,of Kibworth, in Leices- tershire, and born June 20, 1743. She received from her father, who in the early part of her life presided over a dissenting academy at Warring- ton, an excellent classisal education, to which she was indebted for the full development of her great natural talents. Her first production was a small volume of miscellaneous poetry, printed in 1772, which in the year following was suc- ceeded by a collection of pieces in prose, pub- lished in conjunction with her brother. Dr. John Aikin, of Stoke Newington. Sheaccepted, in 1774, the hand of the Rev. R. Barbauld, with whom she took up her residence at Palgrave in Suffolk, and there composed the work on which her re- putation is chiefly founded, viz. Early Lessons and Hymns for Children, pieces of standard merit, in conveying the first rudiments of instruc- tion. In 1785 she accompanied her husband on a tour to the continent, and on their return they resided for several years at Hampstead ; in 1802 they again removed to Stoke Newington, in order the more constantly to enjoy her brother's society. In 1812 appeared the last of her publications, entitled Eighteen Hundred and Eleven, a poem ; previous to which she had amused herself by select- ing and editing a collection of English novels,with critical and biographical notices. A similar selec- tion followed, from the best British Essayists, since the reign of Anne, and another from Richardson's manuscript correspondence, with a memoir and critical essay on his life and writings. JNlrs. Bar- bauld died at Stoke Newington, ^larch 9, 182.5, in her eighty- second year. BARBAZAN, (Stephen) a French author, born at Saint Fargeau, in the diocese of Auxerre, in 1696, and died in 1770. He wrote Instruc- tions from a Father to a Son, 8vo. 1760; but he is chiefly famed as the editor of old French books, particularly Tales and Fables of the twelfth and thirteenth Centuries, 3 vols. 12mo. Few persons were so well acquainted as he was with the an- tique French language, and he had almost an equal knowledge of the provincial dialects. BARBE, or Barbette, in the military art. To fire in barbe means to fire the cannon over the parapet, instead of firing through the embrasures; in which case the parapet must not be above three feet and a half high. Barbe, or Barb. See Barb. Barbe, or Barde, is an old word, denoting the armour of the horses of the ancient knights and soldiers, who were accoutred at all points. It is said to have been an armour of iron and leatiier, wherewith the neck, breast, and shoulders of the horse were covered. Barbe, St. a town of Biscay in Mexico, near which are rich silver mines, 500 miles north-west of the city of Mexico. Long. 110° 5' W., lat. 26° 10' N. The Barbe, or Barb, of zoolo::)- and com- merce, brought from Barban,', is a iiorse much esteemed for its beauty, vigor, and swiftnes-. It lias a long fine neck, not overcharged with BAR 534 BAR liair, vTell divided from the withers : the head small and beautiful ; the ears handsome ; the shoulders li',4u and flat; the withers thin and well raised ; the back straight and short ; the flank and sides round, and the belly not too large. The haunch bones are properly concealed ; the crupper is somewhat long, and the tail placed high; the thigh is well formed, and rarely flat; the limbs are fine, handsome, and not hairy ; the tendon prominent, and the foot well made ; but the pastern is often long. They are of all colors, but generally gray. In their movements they are apt to be careless, and require to be checked. They are swift, nervous, light, and make very fine hunters. These horses are much sought after for improving a breed. They are seldom, how- ever, above four feet eight inches, and never ex- ceed four feet nine inches, or 14^ hands ; but they produce foals which grow larger. Those of the kingdom of Morocco are said to be the best, and next to these the barbs from the mountains. The horses from Mauritania are of an inferior quality, as well as those of Turkey, Persia, and Armenia. (Buff'on's Nat. Hist. vol. iii. p. 337.) It is a maxim, that barbs grow ripe, but never grow old, because they retain their vigor to the last, which makes them prized for stallions. In Numidia, the race of horses is much degenerated. The Tingitanians and Egyptians have had the repu- tation of preserving the best breed. Some of these are sixteen hands high, and all of them shaped, according to their phrase, like the ante- lope. The good qualities of a Barbary horse, besides the supposed one of never lying down, and of standing still when the rider drops his bridle, are to have a long walk, and to stop short, if required, in full career. The barb is very lazy and negligent in his general motions ; he will stumble in walking upon the smoothest ground ; his trot is like that of a cow, and his gallop very low, very easy to himself. This sort of horse, however, is for the most part sinewy, nervous, and excellently winded ; it is therefore good for a course, if not overweighted. The mountain barbs, which are the largest and strongest, are much esteemed : common barbs have been usually bought in Provence and Lan- guedoc in France, at a moderate price ; and many of our persons of fashion in England have them from thence. Barbs, amongst us, fall short of the swiftness attributed to them in their native coun- try ; this may be accounted for, partly from the smallness and lightness of their riders, and partly from their not being loaded with heavy saddles and bridles, us in Europe, nor even with shoes. An Arab saddle is only a cloth girt round with a pair of light stirrups, and a sort of pummel to sustain them. Bas far d-BARBs, are those descending from English mares, covered by barb stallions, and who are, by experience, found both better shaped, stronger, and fitter for the saddle, than their sires. Phil. Trans. No. lOo. BAIIBEAU Dr. la Bruyeue (John Lewis), a celebrated French chronologer, born at Paris in 1710. He published an historic map of the world, ill which geography, chronology, and his- tory, are combined in one view; and an edition, a great part of which he compiled, of tiie Abbe Lenglet's Chronological Tables ; also, La Croix's Modern Geography, and the two last volumes of Bibliotheque de France. Besides which, he trans- lated into French, Strahlenberg's Description of Russia, &c. He died in 1781. Barbe.'^u, a river of Canada, which runs into the Utawas. Long. 76° 55' W., lat. 45° 5' N. Barbed, in heraldry, the five petals or leaves which appear on the outside of a full blown rose are called barbs ; and are thus emblazoned : a rose gules barbed and seeded proper, the rose is red, the barbs green, and the seeds yellow or gray. A barbed arrow, signifies an arrow whose head is pointed of an angular form, and jagged. A barbed horse is a horse barbed at all points, that is, a war-horse completely armed, furnished, and accoutred. Barbed Cross, in heraldry, a cross, the extremities whereof are like the barbed irons used for striking fish. BAR'BEL. A fish so called by reason of the barb, or wattels, at his mouth, which are under his nose or chaps, so says old Izaak Walton. It is the vulgar name of the cyprinus barbus, which cost the fisherman so dear, when he presented it to the gloomy and savage Tiberius, at Capraea. The lavish slave Six thousand pieces for a barbel gave ; A sesterce for each pound it -weigh'd, as they Gave out, that hear great things, but greater say. Duke. Barbel, in heraldry, is understood of a cock, when his comb and wattles are of a different co- lor from the rest of the body ; in which case he is said to be barbed and crested. Barbel, in ichthyology. See Cyprinus. BARBELA, or Verbela, the branch of the Zaire or Congo which comes from the south, and is considered by the Portuguese geographers as the principal one. It is said to take its rise in the kingdom of Matamba. BARBELICOT.E,, an ancient sect of Gnos- tics, spoken of by Theodoret. Their doctrine was, that one of the iEons, possessed of immortality, had commerce with a virgin spirit named Barbe- loth, who demanded of him, first prescience, then incorruptibility, and lastly eternal life ; all which were granted to her : that being one day in a gayer humor than ordinary, she conceived and afterwards brought forth light, which being per- fected by the unction of the spirit, was called Christ : the child Christ desired to have under- standing, vsv, and obtained it; after which, un- derstanding, reason, incorruptibility, and Christ united together ; and from their union arose au- togenes avroiyevrjc- To these fables, they add divers others. They were also denominated Bar- bariani. BARBELOTII. See the last article. T^ARBER-CiiiRDRGEONs anciently had a lute, vicil, or some other musical instrument, as part of the furniture of their shops, which were fre- quented by persons above the ordinary level, who resorted. to the barber either for the cure of wounds, or to undergo some chirurgical opera- tions, or, as it was then called, to be trimmed BAR 635 BAR a word that signified eitlier shaving or cutting and curling tlie hair ; these, together with letting blood, were the ancient occupations of the bar- ber-surgeons. As to the otlier important branch of surgery, the setting of fractured limbs, that was practised by another class, called bone-setters, of whom there are hardly any now remaining. The musical instruments in their shojis were for the entertainment of waiting customers ; and an- swered the end of a newspaper, with which those who now wait for their turn at the barber's amuse themselves. Barker, Chirurgeoxs, in heraldry, were in- corporated by king Edward IV., but the barbers were separated from the surgeons by 18 Geo. 2, c. 15. Their arms are, ' A St. George's cross gules ; thereon a lion passant gardant, or quarterly ; the first and fourth a chevron between three fleams; the second and third per pale argent and vert, a rose, gules, crowned, and seeded or. Barbers of Edinburgh were formerly united in one incorporation with the surgeons ; but about the year 1720, some disputes arising about precedency, a process commenced before the Court of Session, which ended in a total separa- tion of these two bodies ; and the surgeons were found entitled to retain the charter and privileges of the incorporation. The barbers have ever since met as a regular, but unincorporated society ; and though they retain some of their former privileges, such as their preses being one of the governors of the Trades Maiden Hospital^ &;c. they have no representative in the town council, nor even the shadow of a vote in the election of a member of parliament. Mr. Creech, in his Statistical Account of Edinburgh, records a revolution of a different nature in that society, which affords an instance of the rapid progress of refinement, or, as a philosopher would express it, the rapid in- crease of luxury, in the metropolis of Scotland. ' In 1763,' he says, ' there was no such profession known as a perfumer; barbers and wigmakers were numerous, and were in the order of descent bur- gesses : hairdressers were few, and hardly per- mitted to dress hair on Sundays ; and many of them voluntarily declined it. In 1783 perfumers had splendid shops in every principal street : Some of them advertised the keeping of bears, to kill occasionally, for greasing ladies' and gentle- mens' hair, as superior to any other animal fat. Hairdressers were more than tripled in number ; and iheir busiest day was on Sunday. There was a professor who advertised a hair-dressing academy, and gave lectures on that noble and useful art.' Barber's Pole. See Appellation. BARBEIUNO (Francis), one of the most ex- cellent poets of his age, was born at Barberino, in Tuscany, A. D. 1264. As his mother was of Florence, he settled in that city ; where his pro- fession of the law, but especially the beauty of his jjoetry, raised him a very considerable character. The greatest part of his works are lost ; but his 'Preceptsof Love, amoral poem, calculated to in- struct all who have a regard for glory, virtue and eternity,' has had a better fate. It was published at Rome, adorned with beautiful figures, in 1640, by Frederick Ubaldini ; who prefixed the au- thor's life ; and, as there are in the poem many words which are grown obsolete, he added a glossary to explain them, which illustrates the sense by the authority of contemporary poets. BARBERINO, a town of Italy, in Tuscany, situated at the foot of the Appenine mountains, twelve miles south of Florence. Bap.kerry, in botany. See Berberis. BARBERSTOWN, a town of Ireland, in the county of Kildare, Leinster, twenty-three miles from Dublin. BARBESULA, in ancient geography, 1. a town, and 2. a river, of Bsetica ; 3. a colony in the resort of the Conventus Gaditanus in Spain : now Marbella, in Grenada. BARBET, in natural history, a name given by M. Reaumur, and other of the French writers, to a peculiar species of the worms which feed on the pucerons or aphides. See Aphis. Barbet, in zoology. Buffon calls the watei- dog of Pennant, canis aquaticus of Gmelin, &c. le grand barbet ; and canis minor Gmel. le petit barbet. Hist. Nat. Barbet, in ornithology, the English name of a genus of birds in Latham's Synopsis, correspond- ing with that of bucco, Linn. See Bucco. Barbets, the name of the inhabitants of seve- ral valleys in Piedmont, particularly those of Lucem, Angrona, Perusa, and St. Martin. BARBEYRAC (Charles), an eminent physi- cian, born at Cereste, in Provence, in 1629. He studied at Montpelier, and afterwards settled there. The celebrated Locke, with whom he was in friendship, compared him to Sydenham. He died in 1699. He was author of Traites nou- veau de Medicine, &c. 12mo. 1654; and Ques- tiones Medicae Duodecim, 4to. 1658. Barbeyrac (John), was born at Besiers, in Lower Languedoc, in 1674. He was madepro- fessor of law and history at Lausanne in 1710, which he enjoyed for seven years. In 1717 he was professor of public and private law at Gron- ingen. He translated into French, Puffendorf 's Law of Nature and Nations, and his Duties of a Man and a Citizen; to both which he wrote ex- cellent notes, and to the former an introductory preface. He translated also Grotius's treatise De Jure Belli ac Pacis, with large and excellent notes ; and several of Tillotson's sermons. He wrote a work entitled Traite de Jeu, 2 vols. 8vo. BARBEZIEUX, a town of France, in the province of Saintonge, vvilh 2452 inhabitants, and the title of raarquisate. It is the capital of an arrondissement of six cantons, in the depart- ment of the Charente. Here are thriving linen manufactures ; -and in the neighbourhood there is a mineral spring. Twenty-eight jniles south-east of Saintes, and forty-four nortli-east of Bourdeaux. Long. 0^ 4' W., lat. 45° 28' N. BARBI, in natural history, aspecies of echino- rhynchus, of an ovate shape, yellow color, fas- ciated ; neck long, white, cylindrical; and cyathiform (glass or pot-shaped) at the end, found in the intestine of the barbel. . BARBICAN. See Barbacan. Barbican, in ornitholog}-, the name of the Gmelinian bucco dubius, or doubtful barbet, in BAR 536 BAR Buffon's Hist. Birds. Barbu is also a name given by that writer to all the birds of the bucco genus, which he describes. BARBICANAGE, or Barbicanaoium, in our old writers, money given for the maintenance of a barbican, or watch tower; or a tribute towards repairing or building a bulwark. BARBICON (Baubicon de Cayenne), in or- nithology, the name of the Muscicapa barbata of Graelin, in Buffon's History of Birds. BAllBICORNIS, in entomology, a species of brentus that inhabits New Zealand, the curculio barbicornis of Fabricius. 2. A species of ceram- byx. 3. A species of cimex (reduvius), of Sierra Leone. 4. A species of tipula. BARBLER(M.), an English singer, who ap- peared on the revival of the opera of Almahide, in 1711. Her timidity on this occasion gave birth to an admirable Spectator (No. 131), in which Addison apologises for and commends her diffidence and modesty. This lady was a native, of England, who continued to sing at the opera several years, and afterwards was a favor- ite concert and playhouse singer till the year 1729. In 1717 it seems she had somewhat van- quished her bashfulness in private. Her elope- ment from her father's house gave occasion to the following elegant lines by Hughes : — All, ■who in town or countr}* dwell. Say, can you tale or tidings tell OfTortorella's hasty flight? Why in new groves she takes delight ; And if in concert, or alone. The cooing murmurer makes her moan ? Now learn the marks, by which you may Trace out and stop the lovely stray. Some wit, more folly, and no care. Thoughtless her conduct, free her air ; Gay, scornful, sober, indiscreet. In whom all contradictions meet. Civil, affronting, peevish, easy, Form'd both to charm you and displease you ; Much want of judgment, none of pride. Modish her dress, her hoop full wide ; Brown skin, her eyes of sable hue. Angel when pleased, when vexed a shrew. Genteel her motion when she walks. Sweetly she sings, and loudly talks ; Knows all the world, and its affairs. Who goes to court, to plays, to prayers. Who keeps, who marries, fails or thrives. Lead honest or dishonest lives ; What money match'd each youth or maid. And who was at each masquerade ; Of all fine things in this fine town. She's only to herself unknown. By this description, if you meet her. With lowly bows, and homage greet her 1 And if you bring the vagrant beauty Back to her mother and her duty. Ask for reward a lover's bliss. And, if she'll let you, take a kiss ; Or more, if more you wish, and may. Try if at church the words she'll say. Then make her, if you can — obey. BARBIERI (Giovanni Francesco), otherwise called Guercino da Cento, an eminent histori- cal painter, was born at Cento, near Bologna, in 1590. He was the disciple of Benedcttq Gen- nad, but afterwards studied in the school of the Caracci, though he did not adopt the manner of that famous academy. He preferred the style of Caravaggio to that of Guidft or Albano, imagin- ing it impossible to imitate nature truly, without the assistance of strong lights and strong shadows. In effect, by this opposition, he gave such force to his pictures, that few, except those of Cara- vaggio, can stand near them, and not seem feeble in their effect ; however, his manner is censured as not being like nature, because it makes objects appear as if they were seen by a candle-light, or a sun-beam, which alone can justify the deepness of his shadowing. His princpal attention seems to have been fixed on perfection in coloring ; he saw the astonishing effects produced by the color- ing of the celebrated Venetian masters ; and ob- served that notwithstanding any imperfection in regard to correctness or elegance, their works were the objects of universal admiration. On this account he devoted his whole study to excel in coloring ; being convinced that few are qualified to discern the elevation of thought which consti- tutes the excellence of a composition ; that few are touched with the grandeur or beauty of the design, or have a capacity to examine the correct- ness of a painting ; but that every imperfect judge may be sensibly affected by the beauty of the coloring. His taste of design was natural, easy, and often grand, but without any extraordinary share of correctness or elegance. The airs of his heads are often deficient in dignity, and his local colors want truth. However, there is great har- mony in his colors, although his carnations are not very fresh ; and in all his works there is an expres- sive imitation of life, which will always render tliem estimable. Towards the decline of his life, he observed that the clearer and brighter style of (Juido and Albano had attracted the admiration of all Europe; and therefore he altered his man- ner, even against his own judgment. But he apologised for that conduct, by declaring that in his former time he painted for fame, and to please the judicious ; and he now painted to please the ignorant, and enrich himself. He died in 1666. The most capital performance of Barbieri is the history of St. Petronilla which is considered as one of the ornaments of St. Peter's, at Rome. Barbieri (Paolo Antonio, da Cento), painter of still life and animals, was the brother of Gio- vanni, and born at Cento in 1596. He chose for his sQbjects, fruit, flowers, insects, and animals ; which he painted after nature, witlt a lively tint of color, great tenderness of pencil, and a strong character of truth and life. He died in 1640. BARBIGEROUS, bearded. BARBILLONS, in entomolog), are certain bodies, usually two in number, placed under the head of an insect, and movable at pleasure, some- what resembling hands or fingers placed on a short or broken arm. The word is a diminutive of the French barbe, the beard. BARBING, is sometimes used in ancient statutes for shearing. Cloth is not to be export- ed till it be barbed, rowed, and shorn. 3 Hen. VII. c. 11. BARBISTON, an ancient castle in the parish of Dalrymple, in Ayrshire, near which a battle was fought. 'The dates of 1340 and 1345, are on some stones in the old vaults. BAR 537 BAR BARBITOS, or Barbiton, an ancient instru- ment of music, mounted with three strings ; others say seven, much used by Sappho and Alcaeus ; whence it is also denominated lesboum. It is said to have differed from tlie lyre and cithara. Strabo makes it the same with tlie sambuca. It is represented as yielding a grave, deep, sound, and on that account peculiarly fitted for Doric composi- tions. Anacreon is said to have been the inventor. BARBLE, or Baebel, in ichthyology. See Cyprinus. BARBLES, Barbes, or Barbs, in farriery, the icnots or superfluous flesh that grow up in the channels of a horse's mouth; that is, in the inter- vals that separate the bars, and lie under the tongue. These obtain in black cattle as well as horses, and obstruct tlieir eating. For the cure, they cast the beast, draw out his tongue, and clip oft' the barbies with a pair of scissars, or cut them with a sharp knife;, others burn them off" with a hot iron. BARBO, a river of Mexico, which rises in the province of Honduras, and runs into the Spanish Main, forty miles south-east of Cape Camaron. BARBONI, in ichthyology, a name given to the mullus barbatus, a fish greatly esteemed at table, and caught in the Mediterranean and some other seas. ' BARBONNE, a town of France, in the depart- ment of the Marne, five miles from Sezanne. BARBORA, a maritime town of Africa, in the kingdom of Adel. BARBOUR (John), archdeacon of Aberdeen, was esteemed an elegant poet in the reign of David I, He wrote the history of Robert the Bruce, in an heroic poem, which is still extant, and contains many facts and anecdotes omitted by other historians. An edition of this book was printed at Glasgow, 8vo, in 1762: en- titled The Acts and Life of the most victorious conqueror Robert Bruce, king of Scotland, where- in also are contained the martial deeds of the valiant princes Edward Bruce, Sir James Doug- lass, Earl Thomas Randall, Walter Steward, and sundry others. In one passage he calls it a ro- mance ; but that word was then of good repu- tation. The Romaunt of romaunts has been applied to true history ; as well as the Ballad of ballads to a sacred song. Mr. Pinkerton pub- lished an edition in 1790, from an ancient MS. BARBUD, a Persian musician in the service of Kosru Parvif, whose name was afterwards adopted to signify the master of music. Barbud is also the name of a sort of lyre in use among the Persians. BARBUDA, or Berbuda, one of the British Carribee islands, about twenty miles long, and twelve broad. It is low land, but fruitful and pretty populous, abounding in cattle and fruits, especially in cocoa trees, which arc here ex- tremely fine. It also yields cotton, pepper, tobacco, indigo, ginger, and sugar-cane, besides fine woods, herbs, and roots, with which it is plentifully stocked. Several species of snakes are found in this island, some of which are harm- less, while others are exceedingly venemous. Amongst die latter is one having a flat head, whose bite occasions instant death. The island has no harbour, but a well sheltered road on t!ie west side. The inhabitants are about 1500, and follow husbandry, finding always a ready mar- ket for their corn and cattle in the sugar islands. Barbuda is the property of the Codrington fami- ly, who have great numbers, of negroes here, as well as in Barbadoes. That family have one merit which few slave-holders can lay claim to : they have given large benefactions to instruct their slaves in Christianity. Barbuda lies about twenty miles north-east of St. Christopher's, and forty-five north of Antigua. Long. 61° 50' W., lat. 18° 30' N. BARBUE, a river of North America, i-n the north-western territory, which runs west by north, and falls into the Lake of Michigan. It is about 150 yards broad at the mouth. BARBULiE in botany, a name given by Pliny to the semi-flosculi. BARBURY Castle, and Barbury Hill, places in Wiltshire, west of Ogborn St. George, and near Marlborough Downs. There formerly stood here a castle of considerable magnitude, surrounded by a double moat; and on the ad- jacent plain are many barrows, which seem to indicate that a great battle was fought on this spot, at some remote period. Barby, a county in the Prussian states on the Elbe, between Magdeburg and Anhalt, consist- ing of the bailiwics of Barby, Rosenburg, Wal- ther-Nienburg, and Muhlingen. On the death of the last of the counts in 1659, Barby Proper came to the elector of Saxony, and after forming part of Jerome Buonaparte's kingdom of West- phalia, was annexed to Prussia in 181 5. Barby, the chief town is situated on the Elbe, near where it receives the Saale, and has 2900 inhabitants. It is well built, has an old castle, and is the seat of the superintendant of eight churches in the county. The Moravian brethren obtained permission in 1749 to remove hither their academy and theological seminary, and they founded an academical college in 1 754. They had here also a school and chapel, an observatory, and a cabinet of natural history ; but the greater number of these establishments have been trans- ferred to Niesky, inUpperLusatia. Fourteen miles north-west of Dessau, and fourteen S. S. E. of Magdeburg. Long. 11° 58' 47" E., lat. 51° 59' N. BARBYLA, in botany, a name by which The- ocritus and other of the early writers, have called the common damask prune. BARCA, a large country of Africa, lying on the coast of the Mediterranean sea, between the kingdoms of Egypt and Tripoli, extending in length from east to west from 39° to46°E. long., and in breadth from north to south about thirty leagues, as is generally supposed. It is for the most part, especially in the middle, a dry sandy desert ; on which account the Arabs call it Sahart, or Ceyart Barka, that is, the desert or road of whirlwinds or hurricanes. It labors almost everywhere un- der a great scarcity of water ; and except in the neighbourhood of towns and villages, where the ground ])roduces some small quantities of grain, such as millet, and some maize, the rest is in a manner quite barren and uncultivated, or rather uncultivable : and even of that small quantity which those few spots produce, the poor inhabi- tar*'- "-^ '^'-'''-ed to exchange some part with their 538 BARCELONA. indigent neighbours, for dates, sheep, and camels, •which they stand in greater need of than they, by reason of their great scarcity of grass and otjier proper food ; for want of wliich, those that are broushl to them, seldom thrive or live lonpr. In this territory stood the famed temple of Jupiter Amnion : and notwithstanding the pleasantness of the spot where it stood, tliis part of the country is said to have been the most dangerous of any, being surroimded with such quick and burning sands as are very detrimental to travellers ; not only as their feet sink into theni, but being light and heated by the rays of the sun, they are easily raised bv every breath of wind ; which, if it chance to be in their faces, almost burns their eyes out, and stifles tliem for want of breath ; or, if vehement, often overwhelms whole caravans. Against this temple Cambyses, king of Persia, despatched an army of 50,000 men. They set out from Thebes, in Upper Egvpt, and under the conduct of pro- per guides, reached the city of Oasis, seven days journey from that place : but what was their fate afterwards is uncertain ; for they never returned either to Eg^'pt or to their own country. The Ammonians informed Herodotus, that, after the armv had entered the sandy desert which lies be- yond Oasis, a violent wind began to blow from the south at the time of their d inner, and raised the sand to such a decree, that the whole army was overwhelmed and buried alive. Concerning the government or commerce of this country we know nothing certain. The maritime towns are under the nominal protection of the Porte, and the whole countr>' is subject to Tripoli, the bashaw of which appoints a sangiack, who resides at Deme, the capital of Barca. Barca, a sea-port town in the territory of the same name. Long. 20° 25' E., lat. 32° 26' N. BARC^VLAO, a Spanish word, which the French pronounce baccala, or baccaliau. By this last name the Basques most commonly call tlie fish which we style cod; and those people call also the island which we call Newfoundland, the isle of Baccalian, cod island, because of the great plenty of cod caught there. BARCALON, an appellation given to the prime minister of the king of Siam, who super- intends every thing relating to commerce, both foreign and domestic, as well as the king's magazines. BARCA-LONGA, a large Spanish fishing- boat, navigated with lug-sails, and having two or three masts, very common in the ^Mediterranean. BARCALORE, a town of Cochin, twenty-two miles east of Cranganore. BARCaNS, the natives of Barca, which see. BARCARIA, old law Lat, a barkery or tan- house. BARCARY, bergerie, Fr. a sheep-cote. BARCAS, a town of New ^lexico, in the in- lendancy of Guadalaxara, which has a numerous population of Spaniards, ^lestizoes, and Mu- lattoes. BARCATTY, a town of Cochin, on the con- fines of Dindigul, sixty miles east of Cochin. BARCE, the chief city in the province of Barca, about nine miles from the sea. It was founded by the brothers of Arcesilaus, king of Cyrene, 515 years before the Christian era. BARCELONA, a handsome, rich, and strong city of Spain, in the province of Catalonia, of which it is the capital. It is situated by the sea side, of a form between a square and an oval; surrounded with a good brick wall, round which is anotlier, with fourteen bastions, horn-works, ramparts, and ditches; the ramparts are high, broad and spacious. This city, which is reckoned the second in Spain in population, is divided into two parts, the Old and the New, separated from each other by a wall and a large ditch; the streets are handsome, well paved with large stones, wide, and very clean. It is a bishop's see, tlie seat of a captain-general, a governor, and a royal audiencia; and here the archives of the kingdom of Ai-ragon are preserved. The Barcelonians have also a fine university, and various institutions for the promotion of lite- rature, arts and sciences; the academies for juris prudence, natural philosophy, medicine, history, and the fine arts, are celebrated throughout Spain. The most remarkable buildings are the cathedral, which is adorned with two high towers; the church of the \'ir3:in ^Nlary, the palace of the bishop, that of the inquisition, and several religi- ous houses ; add to these the palace of the viceroy, the arsenal, which contains arms for 1000 men, and a cannon-foundry, the exchange, where the merchants meet, the tersana, where they build the galleys, and the palace where the nobi- lit)^ of the country meet, called La Ca^a de la Deputation. This last is built with fine large free stone, and adorned with columns of marble : there is in it a large hall, with a handsome por- tico. There are several fine squares, particularly that of St. Michael, into which all the great streets run. This city wras originally founded by Hamilcar Barcas, and from him called Barcino. It was reduced by the Romans, and continued subject to them till Spain was over-run by the Goths and Vandals. In the beginning of the ninth century Barcelona was in the hands of the Sara- cens, under the government of one Zade. Tlie government having more than once abused the clemency of Charlemagne, at last irritated Louis king of Aquitain, his son, to such a degree, that he gave orders to his generals to invest the city, and not to rise from before it till they had put Zade into his hands. Zade made a most obsti- nate resistance, so that the siege lasted many months; at last, finding it impossible to preserve the city much longer,, and being destitute of all hopes of relief, he deteroiined, or rather was compelled by the inhabitants, to go to the Chris- tian camp and implore the emperor's mercy ; and being sent prisoner to Charlemagne, he was con- demned to perpetual banishment. Tlie people gaining nothing by this expedient, continued to hold out for six weeks longer, when Louis him- self took the command of the siege. To him tliey made a proposal, that if he would allow them to go where they pleased, they would sur- render. Louis, having agreed to this, made his public entry into Barcelona, where he formed a design of extending his father's dominions as far as the Ebro; but being recalled before he could put his design in executiou, he appointed one Bera, count of Barcelona. "The city continued BARCELONA. 539 subject to him and his successors, who enjoyed tlie title of counts of Barcelona, from A. 1). 802 to 1131 ; during which time notiiing remarkable occurred, except that the city was once taken by the Moors, but soon after retaken by the assist- ance of Louis IV'. king of France. In 1131 it was united to the crown of Arraijon by the mar- riage of Raymond V. count of Barcelona with the daui.'hter of llamiro the monk, king of Arra- gon. In 14G3 the Catalonians revolted against John II. king of Arragon, out of hatred to the queen Donna Joanna ; the consequence of which was, that Bai-celona was besieged by that monarch in 1471. \'arious efforts were made by Louis XI. of France and the duke of Lorraine to raise the siege, but without effect. Things at length were brought to the utmost extremity, when the king oflered to pardon them all, without the smallest punishment either in person or property, provided they would submit ; but these terms they rejected, chietiy through the influence of the count de Pailhars, who had been pardoned the year before. The army on the other liand, was very earnest in being led on to the assault, in hopes of plunder. The king, however, wrote a letter to the citizens, dated the 6th of October, in terms as afiectionate as if he had been writing to his children, bewailing the miseries they had brought on themselves, and concluding with a protestation that they, and not he, must be answerable for the consequences. Upon this, they sent deputies to the king, and made a capi- tulation on the 17th of that month. In this the king acknowledged they had taken up arms on just motives; and forgave everybody except Pail- hars, who was, however, suffered to escape. On the 22nd of October the king made his entry into the city, and confirmed all their ancient privi- leges. In 1697 Barcelona was taken by the French, after a bloody siege of fifty-two days ; and the loss of this city had a considerable effect in disposing the Spaniards to agree to the treaty of Ryswick. In queen Anne's time it was taken by the allies, under the earl of Peterborough, Oct. 4, 1705; but, being afterwards shamefully denied assistance by the English ministry, was obliged to submit to Philip V. by whom the whole province was deprived of its ancient pri- vileges, in 1714; for a particular account of which, see Si-ain. The port of Barcelona is wide, spacious, deep, and safe ; defended on the one side by a great mole, and on the other sheltered from the west wmd by two mountains that advance into the sea, and form a kind of promontory ; the mole is 750 paces long, with a quay, at the end of which is a light house and a small fort. One of the moun- tains, called Montjoui or Mount Joy, is very high, and rises in the middle of the plain near tlie city : it is covered with gardens, vineyards, groves of trees, and has a strong fort for the defence of the city; this mountain being a rock, yields an inexhaustible quarry of fine hard free- stone. Barcelona is a place of great trade. The number of ships which arrived here in 1803, before its commerce was impeded by the penin- sular war, has i)een stated at 1333, 927 of which were Spanisli, and the remainder belonged to other nations. The manufacturing establish- ments are calico presses, looms for silk, wool. and cotton, hats, laces, ribbons, stockings, and soap. Here, also, are fabricated excellent mus- kets, pistols, swo'-ds, and other small arms, not only for the army at home, but for Naples and America. There are, besides, ^several steel and brass works. It has, also, a good trade in linen, copper, and brass, from Germany. An- other extensive article of its trade is salt fish, from Ts'ewfoundland, tlie chief trade for which is with F.ngland. When the trade widi Mexico was first opened, in 1778, the Barcelonese merchants soon distin- guished themselves by successful enterprises in it. Twenty-three ships, whose cargoes of Spa- nish produce was valued at .£85,000 English, and the foreign freight at £25,000, cleared o\it here the first year. In ten years after, tlie goods thus exported amounted to .£400,000, and the return cargoes to £450,000. The present export and irjiport trade are taken together at £1,750,000, and the population at about 112,000. At Barcelona Charles III., of the house of Bourbon, landed from Naples in 1759, to take possession of the throne of Spain. On the 16th February, 1808, it was surprised by a body of French troops under general Duhesme. They arrived in the neighbouhood on the 13th of February to the number of 10,000; and, hav- ing requested permission to halt and refresh themselves on their way to Valencia, the gates were opened to receive them, and tliey were hailed as friends and allies. On the IGtli, having assembled on the parade, Lat. harga, Goth, bairgan, to Bar'geman. 3 strengtlien. A barge, says Tooke, is a strong boat, and this is still its widest meaning, as in coal barge. Sec. &,c.; but it has also grown to mean, not merely a boat massy and sea worthy, but one of pleasure; light, airy, and elegant, more remarkable for beauty than strength. So mykell was {sat barge, it might not lightly saile> And so heuy of charge, and )3C wynde gan faile. R. Brtinne. He knew wel alle the havens, as tliey were, Fr5 Gotland to the Cape de Finistere, BAR And eucry crckc in Bretagno and in Spaine ; His barge yclcped was the Magdelaine. CItaucer. Prologue. Many wafarers make themselves glee, by putting the inhabitants in mind of this privilege ; who again, like the Campellians in the north, and the London bargers, forslow not to baigne thorn. Carew's Survey of Cornwall. Eno. I will tell you. The barge she sat in, like a burnish'd throne. Burnt on the water ; the poop was beaten gold. Purple the sails ; and so perfumed, that The winds were lovesick with them ; tha oars were silver ; Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke, and made The water, which they beat, to follow faster. As amorous of their strokes. Shakspeare. Antony and Cleopatra. Plac'd in the gilded barge. Proud with the burden of so sweet a charge ; With painted oars the youths begin to sweep Neptune's smooth face. Waller. Barges are vessels of state, furnished with elegant apartments, canopies, and cushions ; equipped with a band of rowers, and decorated with flags and streamers : they are generally used for processions on the water by noblemen, offi- cers of state, or magistrates of great cities. Those annually exhibited on the Thames, at the election of the lord mayor of London, are uncommonly elegant. Barges for the use of admirals and captains of ships of war, are smaller and of a lighter frame, and may be easily hoisted into or out of the ships to wViich they belong. Barges of Burden, are for lading and dis- charging ships, and removing their cargoes from place to place in a harbour. Barge, in ornithology, a name used by some authors for the godwit or stone-plover ; the aego- cephalus. Barge, or Barges, a town of Piedmont in the district of the Four Valleys ; seven miles south of Pinarolo, or Pignerol. Barge-coi'ples, in architecture, abeam mor- tised into another, to strengthen the building. Barge-coi;rse, with bricklayers, a term used for that part of the tiling which projects over, without the principal rafters, in all sorts of buildings where there is either a gable or a kirkin head. BARGH-MASTER, Barmer, or Bar-Mas- ter, from beirg-meister, Ger. i. e. master of mines ; in the royal mines, the steward or judge of the barmote. The bar-master keeps two great courts of barmote yearly ; and every week a small one, as occasion requires. Barghmote, or Barmote, a court which takes cognizance of causes and disputes between miners. By the custom of the mines, no person is to sue any miner for ore debt, or for ore, or for any ground of variance, but only in tiie court of barmote, on penalty of forfeiting the debt, and paying the charges at law. BARGRAVE (Isaac), an English divine, born in 1586, and educated at Clareliall, Cambridge. lie was appointed chaplain to .James I.; and in 162.5 was made dean of Canterbury. When the civil war commenced he was iinprisoned in the Fleet, by colonel Sandys, a man whom he had saved from the gallows ! lie died in 1642. BARJAPOOR. 549 BARI, a province in tlie kingdom of Naples, which lias the Gulf of Venice to the north, the Terra d' Utranto to the east, Basilicata to the south, and Capitanata to the west. It contains 17(10 square miles, and 290,000 inhabitants, and is rich in grain, wine, oil, cotton, fruit, and saf- fron. The chief town, called Bari, lies on the Gulf of Venice, and is well fortified ; it is a trading place of some consequence, with 18,000 inhabitants. The principal objects of its trade are wine, oil, and fruit; and a great deal of linen is woven here for inland consumption. It has tl>o title of a duchy, and is an archbishop's see. Eighteen miles east of Trani, 120 E.N. E. of Naples. Long. 16° 52' E., lat. 41° 15' N. Bari, a town of Hindostan, in the province of Btjapoor, thirty miles south-west of Raibaug. BARJAPOOR, Bejapoor, or Bija-pur, (a corruption of Vijaya-puri, the impregnable, the ancient name of the capital;) is a large province in tlie Deccan, extendmg from the fifteenth to the nineteenth degrees of north latitude. It is bound- ed on the north by the province of Aurungabad, so\ith by the Toombuddra River and North Canara district, east by Aurungabad and Beeder, and on the west by the Indian Ocean ; including a superficial area of 350 miles in length, by 200 the average breadth. The chain of the western Ghauts traverses the province at a moderate dis- tance from the coast, with which it is in perfect parallel ; the surrounding region is mountainous, but the eastern part is more level, watered by several fine rivers, particularly the Krishna, the Beemah, the Toombuddra, and the Gutpurba; the latter of which, before the year 1790, formed the separating boundary bet\Yeen the dominions of Tippoo and the JIahrattas. The productions of this province are the same as of the Deccan gnerally ; the internal traffic is considerable, and the ban.ks of the Beemah, celebrated all over the continent for their superior breed of horses, sup- ply the best cavalry in the Mahralta armies. The most remarkable natural features of the province are rivers, of which the Krishna, de- riving its name from the dark color of its waters, or from its mythological connexion with the Indian Apollo, the Crishna of the Hindoos, is tlie most important. Emerging from the western Ghauts, forty-two miles from the coast, this river takes a south-west direction, falls in with the Warnah about ]Merich, and then rolling its vast stream to the east receives the principal rivers which diversify this part of India in its course, and at last empties itself by three channels into the Bay of Bengal. Altiiougli from its lofty banks, which do not admit of extensive irriga- tion, this river contributes less to the fertilisation of the country than others of inferior importance, it is perhaps more abundant in gems than any other river of India; gold, chalcedonies, cats- eyes, onyxes, and even diamonds, being found in its bed. Of the province generally, four-fifths have long appertained to the Mahrattas, and the remainder to the government of Nizam. The Peshwa, though nominal lord of the whole, has little effective jurisdiction. The population is esti- mated at seven millions, of whom one-twenlieth part are Mahommedans, and the rest Hindoos of the Brahminical order. Two languagfes gene- rally prevail; the Canara on the north, the iVIah- ratta on the south of the river Krishna; which also forms an interesting line of separation b'- tween the two different styles of building, the houses to the south being covered witli clay or mud, and flat roofed, those to the north having the roofs pitched and thatched. At the conclusion of the war between the British and Sindia in 1804, the Mahratta terri- tories of this province exhibited a scene of the greatest anarcliy. The authority of the Peshwa wo:5 resisted by the chief of every petty village. The chiefs of the various banditti were almost innumerable; amongst whom Goklah, Appah Saheb, and Bala Saheb (the sons of Purseram Bhow, and heads of the Putwurden family), Ap- pah Dessaye, Furkiah, Bapoojee Sindiah, Mada- row Rastiah, the Rajah of Colapoor, Futteh Sing Bhoonslah, Chintamuny Row (the nephew of Purseram Bhow), Tantia, Punt Pritty Niddy, and others, presented formidable obstacles to the return of peace and tranquillity. The country had likewise been otherwise ravaged and depopu- lated, from the laxity of its internal government, and the rapid succession of governors appointed by the Peshwa, the preceding one uniformly op- posing his successor. The chiefs above-named although commonly distinguished by the name of ' Southern Jaghiredars,' were properly the Serinjaray Sirdars of the Poonah state; the pos- session of whose lands being granted for the pay- ment of troops employed in state service, might be changed annually; although in this instance the lands themselves, with several other species of property, had been retained for many years. Amidst the confusions consequent on so em- barrassed a state of government, the British em- pire interposed her arbitration, ascertained on the part of the Peshwa to what extent of service he was entitled from the Jaghiredars, and, on the part of the latter, engaged to guarantee their pos- sessions, and protect them from the oppressions of the Peshwa's government. General Welles- ley (now duke of Wellington) expressed his disapprobation of the projects of vengeance which the above sovereign had formed against the Putwurden family, and others of the Mahratta state in immediate subjection to Poonah ; and in his march southwards in 1804, entered into negociations with the chiefs, adjusted the dissen- sions of the sovereign, and by the able co-opera- tion of Col. Close and Mr. Strachey succeeded in what the home government contemplated, the final settlement of these complicated claims. That it was effected without bloodshed, is to the honor of British prudence and benevolence. j\lSS. Ferishta, Moor, Wilks, Scott, &c. The territorial divisions of the province are as follows : — 1. The Concan ; 2. Cola-pur ; 3. I\Iur- teza-abad ; 4. Ased-nagar; 5. District of Bija- piir; 6. Sacar; 7. Rai-chur; 8. Mudgal ; 9. Ga- jindra-gar'h; 10. Anagimdi; 11. Bauca-pur ; 12. Gandac; 13. Nurgul; 14. Azim-nagar-, 15. Rii-bagh. 1 . Tlie first of these divisions, Concan, Cancana, or Cocan, includes a portion of territory 220 miles in length, and thirty-five in breadth, occu- pying the whole sea coast of the province. It is 550 BARJAPOOR. bounded on the north by the river Sawatri, which separates it from Calyani, on the west by the Indian Ocean, on tlie south by Canara, and on t!ie east by the G'hats or Ghauts. Formed by the gradualdeclivity of tlie mountains towards the sea, it presents a very unequal surface, inter- sected by numerous streams and torrents, together with a coast diversified with bays and inlets, although without deep and spacious harbours. The soil below the Ghauts is fertile, producing grain, hemp, cocoa-nuts, &c. The trees planted near the coast are, however, more vigorous and fertile than those cultivated higher up the coun- try, wiiich is commonly attributed to the sea air. I'he language of the province is peculiar, pos- sessing a great resemblance to the Sanscrit, from which some imagine it is derived. It is chiefly cultivated by the Brahmans, a peculiar race, not acknowledged by their brethren in the rest of India. The principal divisions of the province are Concan, B'honsala, and Goa. The former in- cludes Fort Victoria, a fortress at the entrance of the Bancut river. This division, comprehend- ing nine villages, was taken by the British forces in 1756. So" great is the advantage of living under the British government, that in 1812 the population had nearly doubled within the last ten years. B'honsala, the second division of the Concan, is a beautiful district formed by a gentle slope of hills descending from the western Ghauts to the sea, and watered by numerous rivers and mountain torrents. Like the former, it has seve- ral strong posts or rocky heights, difficult of access. Though thinly peopled, the soil is extremely fertile, producing cocoa, betel nuts, ginger, sugar, cardamoms, pepper, and other tropical ve- getables in great abundance. Iron is also found in the mountains, though wrought in a very clumsy manner by the natives. Goa, now in possession of the Portuguese, forms the southern division of the Concan. Its capital, bearing the same name, although dignified by many noble churches and public buildings, is nearly deserted from the unhealthiness of its climate and the terrors of the Inquisition. So great is the fecun- dity of the Roman church in this settlement, that in the year 1808 were found no fewer than 2000 ecclesiastics, although the whole extent of the territory does not exceed 400 square miles. The trade has very much declined, and the wretched- ness of the country presents a very striking con- trast with the English settlements in its vicinity, where every luxury is to be found. It had for- inerly a considerable manufacture of arack, a spirituous liquor made from toddy, or tari, ex- tracted from the trunks of palm trees ; but this is now superseded by a similar spirit at Batavia, of which rice and sugar are the principal ingre- --Jients. The dialect that is used here is a bar- oarous mixture of the Portugtiese, Canara, and Mahratta languages. This place has been ren- dered interesting to the English reader by the visit which Dr. Buchanan paid to it, a full ac- count of which is inserted in his C^hristian Researches. 2. Cola-par, or Cola-poor, according to the former division of the province, was in the Ser- car of Raib4gh, and subsequently formed a small independent state, composed of several districts above and below the mountains, but so inter- mingled with the neighbouring states a." not to be easily discriminated. 3. Mortezabad, a contraction of ]\Iorteza-abad, is a small hilly division of llie province, at a much greater elevation above the sea than the Concan, and is traversed by the Krishna, which rises at Mahibaliser, within the same division of Bija- pur. Among the most remarkable ])laces of this province is the hill-fort of Satarah, a strong-hold of no small celebrity in the Mahratta annals, standing in lat. 17° 42' N., and long. 74'' 12 E., on the pinnacle of a lofty hill, and accessible only by a narrow winding path, whicii admits no more than one person at a time. Its name, wjiich signifies 'seventeen,' answers to the re- puted number of its towers. A wall of solid rock encloses it on all sides to the height of thirty or forty feet. Similar sites are found in the sur- rounding country, and are occupied by fortresses, which, to a native army, must be nearly im- pregnable. Kelingah is considered as almost capable of baffling European skill if resolutely defended. 4. Ased-nagar (the city of Lions) is another division of this province. Its chief town is Pun- dar-pijr, a large well-built handsome town, and, what is more extraordinary in an Indian city, has several broad well-paved streets. The mar- kets are supplied with native productions and English manufactures. The banks of the river are lined with stone walls, and handsome flights of steps lead down to the water. The soil around is fertile, but little cultivated ; the Brahmins considering it too sacred to be used for the un- holy purposes of producing fruit for mortals. 5. Bejapoor, or Mjayapura, the Impregnable, The chief city, of the same name as, and formerly the capital of, the province, has, by European travellers of the last three centuries been deno- minated Viziapoor. The wall of the city was twenty feet thick, surrounded by a ditch of vast dimensions, excavated out of the solid rock, from J| the berme of which the curtain rises nearly forty " feet, composed of huge stones strongly cemented, and frequently adorned with sculptural repre- sentations of Hqps, tigers, &c. The towers which flank the wall are numerous and of vast size, occurring at intervals of 100 yards. The fort is one of the largest in the world, and, measured by the counterscarp of the surrounding ditch, is no less than eight miles in circumference^ and adorned with a spacious courtway from 150 to 200 yards broad. Within the citadel were the king's palace, the houses of the nobility, together with several large magazines ; and without the walls were large suburbs, adorned with noble palaces. The rock on which the city stood furnished abundance of stone for public and private build- ings, and the style of tlieir architecture unites elegance with solidity. Tiie city is well watered and the soil rich : large sums of money, with other valuable articles, are also found among its ruins. It is said, in its most flourishing state, to have contained 984,000 inhabited houses and 1600 mosques. BAR 551 BAR Several enormous pieces of cannon, to the its growing on a still drier Salter earth, conse- number of twelve, are to be seen here, corres- quently it is impregnated witVi a stronger salt, ponding with the magnitude of the fort, of which It does not rise above two inches out of the the three largest are of the following dimen- ground, spreading out into little tufts. Its giong . sprigs are much flatter and more pulpy than those 1. A Malabar gun. of barilla, and are still more like samphire. It Feet. Inches, is sown but once in three, four, or five years. Diameter at the breech 4 5 according to the nature of the soil. Soza, when Length from breech to muzzle . . 21 5 of the same size, has the same appearance as Circumference of the trunnions . 4 7 gazul, but in time grows much larger, as its na- Diameter at the muzzle 4 3 tural soil is a strong salt marsh, where it is to be Ditto of the bore 1 9 found in large tufts of sprigs, treble the size of . , t u A 1 . «« „ barilla, and of a bright green color, which it re 2. A brass gun cast by AurennJ'/jf>f/j./i,v/ f^i/ J7i,-//itf/!^Tef/,a. !'.3.rA^a/'.T/t/ejra,v.JL/A;r. JShnrv Srnlp 1 1 1 III 1 .■ -^^ «^""~i '/': V -sr,^ > BAROMETER. 569 higher, it is attached to the stand by a ring, in which tlie frames turn round with a smooth and steady motion, for the purpose of placing the in- strument in the beFt light for reading off, &c. The actually divided scale commences at about fifteen inches above the zero, and is continued as hiirh as thirty-three inches; and, by the usual help of a vernier, is subdivided down to 001 of an inch. A longitudinal slit, from end to end of the divided part, exposes to view the glass tube and mercury within it. The whole of this part consists of two tubes of brass : in the inside of the interior one, slides a cylindrical jiiece, and on tiiis is divided the vernier scale, the index to which is the lower end of the piece. In Uiking the height of the mercury, this piece is brought down so as just to exclude the light from passing between itself and the spherical surface of the mercury. The screw at top, although but a shoft one, performs this office in whatever part of the scale the vernier piece may be ; for it acts upon the interior long tube, in the inside of which the piece is sustained by friction, and in which it is, on every occasion, to be set by hand nearly. The tripod is altogether similar to what Mr. Ilamsden used for the same purpose, as far back as the year 1775. It affords when closed, fig. 15, a safe and convenient packing-case for the instrument : the structure of the staff head is cu- rious : the principal part is a circle fig. 16, about -75 of an inch broad, joined in three pieces; these, although they seem in principle to be in- capable of motion, yet, in practice, produce what is fully adequate to the purpose. The three joint-pins extend inwards, so as to pass through a circular rim, which they hold fast ; within this rim is hung a similar one, by two pivots; and, inside the latter, at right angles to the pivots, are fastened two_y's, or angles, in which the barome- ter hangs by its gudgeons. Thus are brought about, in a small compass, the means of ex- tending the legs, of turning the instrument about in the tripod, and an universal joint, whereon it readily places itself perpendicular to tlie horizon. The importance of these instruments at sea, where every real indication of the approaching weather must be important, early suggested a Ma- rine Barometer, first invented by Dr. Hooke. It is contrived so as not to be affected or injured by the motion of a ship. His contrivance consisted of a double thermometer, or a couple of tubes half filled with spirit of wine ; the one sealed at both ends, with a quantity of air included ; the other sealed at one end only. The former of these is affected only by the warmth of the air ; but the other is affected both by the external warmth and by the variable pressure of the at- mosphere. Hence, considering the spirit ther- mometer as a standard, the excess of tne rise or fall of the other above it will show the increase or decrease of the pressure of the atmosphere. This instrument is described by Dr. Ilalley, in the Phil. Trans. No. 269, where he says, ' I hud one of these barometers with me in my late southern voyage, and it never failed to prognos- ticate and give early notice of all the bad weather we had, so that I depended thereon, and made provision accordingly ; and from my own expe- rience I conclude, that a more useful contrivance hath not for this long time been offered for the benefit of navigation.' Mr. Nairne, an artist of London, invented another kind of Marine Baro- meter, having the lower part of the tube, for about two feet long, made very small, to check the vi- brations of the mercury, which would otherwise arise from the motions of the ship. This was also assisted by being hung in gimbals, by a part which subjects it to be the least affected by such motions. It was constructed for the use of Cap- tain Phipps in his celebrated voyage to the North Pole. A marine barometer has also been in- vented by J\I. Passemente, an ingenious artist of Paris. This contrivance consists only in twist- ing die middle of the tube into a spiral of two revolutions ; by which contrivance the impulses which the mercury receives from the motions of the ship are destroyed, by being transmitted in contrary directions. Troughton's Marine Barometer may be considered the best, perhaps, at present known. The upper part of the tube here is four-tenths of an inch diameter, and the smaller part only one- fiftieth ; and, to counteract more effectually the effects of the ship's motion, the instrument, like the above, is suspended in gimbals, as shown in figs. 17 and 18. The whole is attached to the side of the cabin by two brass tubes, which slide one within the other, and render the instrument capable of being suspended at different distances from the place of support ; that the bottom of it may not strike the side of the cabin during any heavy rolling of the vessel, the inner tube carries the gimbal. The external frame of the barometer is a cylindrical tube of wood, on which the brass sockets slide ; and in this is inserted the inner- most pair of pivots, or universal joint, which furnishes the instrument with a movable point of suspension. The top is terminated with a brass ball, of a weight nearly equal to that of the mer- cury, 8cc. at the lower end. With respect to the position of the point of suspension, no general rule can be given applicable to every case, though it is a circumstance on which the oscilla- tions of the mercury greatly depends ; it is indeed obvious, that, though this point were accurately determined for one particular height of the mer- cury, it would not correspond with every other. By this ingenious contrivance of the counterpoise to the weight of the mercury, the centre of gra- vity of the whole will be about the middle ; and if the instrument were of the same specific gra- vity throughout, the point of suspension that would produce the smallest oscillation, would be about one-third of the length of the instrument from the top, considering the lower part as a fixed point; but as this is not strictly the case, the point of suspension is best ascertained by ex- periment. The graduation is on two scales of ivory, about four inches long, for the reception of which two opposite quarters of the cylindrical frame are sunk through that length, their planes pointing towards the centre of the tube, and the index is very light, and slides on the ghiss tube, without touching any other part. At the bottom is the usual screw, which, pressing up the leather bag, prevents the mercury from oscillating when the instrument is removed. For an instrument of this kind, lately invented by Mr. Adie, sec Sympiesometer. 570 BAROMETER. Among barometers, or baroscopes, mijjht be ranked a weather instrument to ascertain the variation of the atmosphere, by tlie sound of a wire, mentioned by M. Lazowski in his Tour through Switzerland, and discovered by accident. A clerijyinan, who was near-sighted, often amused himself with tiring at a mark, and contrived to stretch a wire so as to draw the mark to him to see how he had aimed. He observed that the wire sometimes sounded as if it vibrated like a musical chord ; and that after such soundings a change always ensued in the state of the atmos- phere ; from whence he came to predict rain or fine weather. On making farther experiments, it was found that the sounds were most distinct wlien extended in the plane of the meridian. According to the weather which was to follow, the sounds were more or less soft, or more or less continued. Fine weather was announced by the tones of counter-tenor, and rain by those of bass. It has been said that IM. Volta mounted fifteen chords in this way at Pavia, to bring this method to some precision, but no accounts have appeared of his success. Marine barometers are now generally used on board all ships of war and Indiamen. To fa- cilitate the keeping of a register of barometrical observations, Mr. Ilorsburgh, hydrographer to the East India Company, has lately published a set of engraved ruled sheets, adapted for the convenience of navigators. In these plates the height of the mercury, from twenty-seven to thirty-one inches, is represented in inches and tenth parts, by horizontal lines ; while each suc- cessive day has a space apportioned to it by ver- tical bars. The state of the barometer at every observation is marked with a dot; and these dots being afterwards connected together, exhibit an irregular waved line, stretching across the sheet, and indicating the series of the changes of the weather. At the lowest points, from which the curve again returns, a gale generally follows. From the observations made off the Cape of Good Hope, during the month of May 1815, by Captain Basil Hall, of his Majesty's sloop Vic- tor, it appears that whenever the mercury fell to 29'60 inches, a storm always ensued; the column always rose when the gale abated, and when it reached near thirty inches, the weather became fair. Those gales often came on suddenly, without any visible change in the aspect of the sky, but the marine barometer never failed to give warning of their approach. The following observations, upon the move- ments and state of the mercury in the marine barometer, were made by Captain Flinders, of his majesty's ship .Investigator, during his ex- amination of the coasts of New Holland and New South Wales, the Terra Australis of the earliei charts, in the years of 1801, 1802, and 1803. Phil. Trans. 1806, Part. 2. The ba- rometer, with which these observations were made, was constructed by Nairne and Blunt, and had been used in Captain Cook's voyages. The height of the mercury was taken regularly at day-break, at noon, and at eight o'clock in the evening. The temperature of the thermometer was also registered at the same periods. The circumstances that led Captain Flinders to think his observations worth attention were, the coin- cidence that took place between the rising and falling of the mercury, and the setting in of •wind that blew from the sea and from off the land, to which there seemed to be at least as much reference as to the strength of the wind, or the state of the atmosphere. Among the ex- amples selected from the captain's journals, are nine that relate to the south coast ; from these it appears, generally, that a change of wind from the northern, to any point in the southern half of the compass, caused the mercury to rise, and a contrary change, to fall ; and that the mercury stood considerably higher when the wind was from the south side of east and west, than it did in similar weather when the wind came from the north side. Tlie cause of this appears to be, that the first proportion of air brought in from the sea, is impelled upwards by the land which it encounters, and along the inclined surface of tlie land, in a sloping direction : the next portion is, in the same manner, stopped and forced up- wards ; but it has a shorter space to pass through, because the former portion goes along two of the sides, and the latter along the third side of an obtuse-angled triangle: thus, the succeeding portions of air meet the summit of land before the first portions, and cause tlie latter to eddy and stagnate ; while the stream blowing above this portion, compresses it, and augments its density, whence the increased lieight of the barometer. * The barometer,' says Captain Flinders, ' was of great service to me in the investigation of this dangerous part of tlie east coast, where the ship was commonly surrounded with rocks, shbals, islands, or coral reefs. Near the main land, if the sea-breeze was dying off at night, and the mercury descending, I made no scruple of an- choring near the shore, knowing that it would either be a calm, or a wind would come off from the land ; but if the mercury kept up, I stretched off, in the expectation that it would freshen up again in a few hours. Amongst the barrier-reefs, when the wind was dying away, t'ae barometer told me, almost certainly, from what quarter it would next spring up. If the mercury stood at 30° 15' or near it, and was rising, I expected the proper trade wind ; and if higher, that it would be well from the southward, or would blow fresh ; and, if it was up to 30° 30' both. The falling of the mercury to 30° 10' was an indica- tion of a breeze from the north-eastward ; and its descent below thirty inches, that it would spring up, or shift round to the westward.' Hence, it appears, that this skilful commander navigated his vessel througho)it those dangerous parts of the eastern coast that are between the latitudes of 23° and 17°, pursuant to a confident deduc- tion from his own Jieory. Dk. H.\lley's Rules for judging of THE WEATHER BY Barometers. — I. In calm weather, when the air is inclined to rain, the mercury is commonly low. II. In serene, good, and settled weather, the mercury is generally high. III. Upon very great winds, though they be not accompanied with great rain, the mercury sinks lowest of all, accordmg to the point of the compass the wind blows from. IV. The greatest heights of the mercury are found upon easterly or north-easterly windt;, other circumstances alike. \'. In calm frosty weather, tlie mercury covnmonly BAROMETER. 571 stands liigli- ^'I• After very ^reat storms of wind, when the mercury has been very low, it e,enenilly rises again very fast. VII. The more northerly places have greater alterations of the barometer tiian tlie more soullicrly, near the equator. VIII. Within the tropics, and near them, there is little or no variation of the barometer, in all weathers. For instance, at St. Helena it is little or nothing, at Jamaica three-tenths of an inch, nnd at Naples the variation hardly ever ex- ceeds an inch ; whereas in England it amounts to two inches and a half, and at Petersburgh to '.ijt nearly. Mr. Uowning justly remarks, that it is not so iDucii the absolute height of tlie mercury in the fil)e that indicates the weather, as its motion up and down, and therefore, to i)ass a right judg- ment of what weather is to be expected, we ought to know whether the mercury is actually rising or falling ; to which end the following rules are of use. I. If the surface of the mer- cury is convex, standing higher in the middle of the tube than at the sides, it is a si<:n that the mercury is then rising. II. But if the surface is concave, or hollow in the middle, it is then sinking. And, III. If it be plain, or ratlier a very little convex, the mercury is stationary ; for mercury being put into a glass tube, especially a small one, naturally has its surface a little convex, because the particles of mercury attract one another more forcibly than tliey are attracted by glass. IV. If the glass be small, siiake the tube; then if the air be grown heavier, the mer- cury will rise about half a tenth of an inch higher than it stood before ; but if it be grown lighter, it will sink as much. And, it may be added, in the wheel or circular barometer, tap the instrument gently with the finger, an^ the mdex will visibly start forwards or backwards according to the tendency to rise or fall at that time. This proceeds from the mercury's sticking to the sides of the tube, whicii prevents die free motion of it till it be disengaged by tlie shock ; and therefore, when an observation is to be made with such a tube, it ought to be first shaken ; for sometimes the mercury will not vary of its own accord, till the weather is present which it ought to have indicated. Variations of the Barometer. Several members of a German meteorogical society have registered observations upon the barometer. The most noted of those observers are, Steilehner, Planer, Chiminello, and Ilemmer. The first of these gentlemen says, that he found, by several comparative observations, that the greatest fall of the barometer does not happen in very remote places at the same time; but that it is earlier towards the west, and later towards the east ; and that the difi'erence of the time is nearly equal to the difference of die meridians of the places ; an assertion which deserves to be accurately examined. M. Planer observed the barometer for a whole year, six times every day, viz. at two, six, and ten o'clock in tlie morriing, and at the same hours in the afternoon ; and found, in general, that the barometer, between ten in the morning and two in the afternoon, and between ten at night and two in the morning, was less in its rising, and greater in its fall ; and that the contrary w;is the case between the hours of six and ten in die evening and morning. CHuminello observed the barometer twenty-two times a day, for three years, but he left a chasm in the night, which he supplied by calculation. The principal positions which he then deduced are, that the barometer falls towards noon, as well as towards midnight. Ilemmer deduced the three following general rules from a great number of accurate observa- tions : 1. When the sun passes the meridian, the barometer, if in the act of falling, continues to fall, and the falling is accelerated. 2. When the sun passes the meridian, the barometer, if in the act of rising, falls, or becomes stationary, or rises more slowly. 3. When the sun passes the meridian, the barometer, wliich is stationary, falls, if it has not risen before or after being sta- tionary ; in which case it usually becomes sta- tionary during the sun's passage. From a register kept by a Mr. Dunbar, near the banks of the Mississippi, in N. lat. 31° 28', we find that, for the space of about four days before, and six days after the summer solstice, the barometer regularly rises from nine P. M. to about six A. 31. then falls till the return of the former hour in tlie evening, then rises again as before, &c. in alternate periods. In the first four days the direction is ascending, and the I elevation of a line drawn through the mean is about ^^ of an inch. In the latter six days the mean line is perfectly horizontal, the elevation each night amounting to ^^a , and the depression each day to the same, but occupying double time. The celebrated Humboldt made some inter- esting observations at Caraccas, in South America, near the eqnator. There are, he says, four at- mospherical tides every twenty-four hours, which depend only on the attraction of the sun. The mercury falls from nine in the morning to four in the evening : it rises from four to eleven o'clock : it falls from eleven o'clock till past four in the morning : and it re-ascends from that time till nine o'clock. Neither winds, storms, nor earthquakes, have any influence on this motion. Horsburgh, in his last voyage to Bombay, employed two marine barometers, one made by Troughton, and the other by Kamsden; with which he made very minute observations ; which were published in the second jiart of the Phil. Trans, for 1805 ; and in the Hist. Roy. Soc. Edin. of the same year, we have a comparison of the diurnal variations of the barometer, made in Peyrouse's voyage round the world, widi those made at Calcutta, by Dr. Balfour. The agreement between these observations seems very remarkable. Dr. Balfour found that, during the wliole lunation, in which he observed the barometer from half hour to half hour, the mercury constantly fell fcom ten at night to six in the morning ; from six to ten in tlie morning it rose; from ten in the morning to six at night it fell again ; and, lastly, rose from six to ten at ni'^ht. The maximum height i«, there-f^ore, at ten at night and ten in the morning ; and the mini- mum at six at night and six in t'.ie morning. The only diff'erence is, that in M. l.amanon's observations, the minimum is stated to have haji- pened at about four instead of six. This, iiow- 672 BAROMETER. ever, will not seem a very material difference, when it is remembered, that the instant when any quantity attains either its greatest or its least state is not easily ascertained with precision. From the observations, as detailed by M. Lama- non, the time of the minimum seems to answer fully as well to five as to four; so that the dif- ference of the results is in every view incon- siderable, and their coincidence on the whole not a little singular. The variation in Dr. Bal- four's barometer between the nearest maximum and minimum is sometimes about -^^ of an inch, though, in general, considerably less. Many hypotheses have been advanced to ex- plain the cause of the variations of the barometer. The various and often imaginary effects of vapors of heat and winds have been employed in framing an explication of the changes of the atmosphere. The fact that the mercurial column generally falls before rain, seemed at complete variance with the intimation of the senses ; it being a notion universally prevalent, that the air is heavier when the sky appears lowering and over- cast ; another proof, if it were wanted, how fallacious are all current opinions in matters of science. Leibnitz endeavoured, by a sort of metaphysi- cal argument, to demonstrate that, though a body adds its own weight to the pressure of a fluid in which it is suspended, yet it will cease to be ponderous in the act of falling. This alleged principle will not, in the actual state of science, be thought to require any serious refutation. Dr. Halley thought the winds and exhalations sufficient to account for these variations ; and on this prin- ciple gives a theory, the substance of which may be comprised in what follows : 1st That the winds must alter the weight of the air in any particular country ; and this, either by bringing together a greater quantity of air, and so loading the atmos- phere of any place, which will be tfce case as often as two winds blow from opposite parts, at the same time, towards the same point ; or by sweeping away some part of the air, and giving room for the atmosphere to expand itself, which will happen when two winds blow opposite ways from the same point at the same time : or lastly, by cutting off the perpendicular pressure of the air, which is the case when a single wind blows briskly any way ; it being found by experience, that a strong blast of wind, even made by art, will render the atmosphere lighter : and hence the mercury in a tube below it, as well as in others more distant, will considerably subside. See Phil. Trans. No. 292. 2dly, That the cold nitrous particles, and even the air itself condensed in the nordiern regions, and driven elsewhere, must load the atmosphere, and increase its pres- sure. 3dly, That heavy dry exhalations from the earth must increase the weight of the atmosphere, as well as its elastic force : as we find tlie speci- fic gravity of menstruums increased by salts and metals dissolved in them. 4lhly, That the air being rendered heavier by these and the like causes, is thence better able to support the vapors ; which being likewise intimately mixed with it,make the weather serene and fair. Again the air being made lighter from the contrary causes, it becomes unable to support the vapors with which it is replete ; these therefore precipitating, are collect- ed into clouds, the particles of which in their progress unite into drops of rain. Hence he infers, that the same causes which increa.se the weight of the air, and render it more able to support the mercury in the barometer, likewise produce a serene sky, and a dry season ; and that the same causes which render the air lighter, and less able to support the mercury, likewise generate clouds and rain. Dr. James Hutton, in his Theory of Rain, printed in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 1, gives ingenious and plau- sible reasons for thinking that the lessening the weight of the atmosphere by the fall of rain, is not the cause of the fall of the barometer, but that the principal, if not the only cause, arises from the commotions in the atmosphere, which are chietly produced by sudden changes of heat and cold in the air. The barometer, says he, is an instrument necessarily connected with motions in the atmosphere ; but it is not equally affected with every motion in that fluid body. The barometer is chiefly affected by those motions by which they are produced, accumulations and abstractions of this fluid, in places or regions of sufficient extent to affect the pressure of the atmosphere upon the surface of the earth. But as every commotion in the atmosphere may, under proper conditions, be a cause for rain, and as the want of commotion in the atmosphere is naturally a cause of fair weather, this instrument may be made of great importance for the purpose of meteorological observations, although net in the certain and more simple manner in which it has been with the increase of science, so suc- cessfully applied to the measuring of heights. See Rain. Hauksbee's celebrated experiment has been quoted as confirming the theory of Dr. Halley. That ingenious experimentalist, about the year 1 704,placed two barometers, about three feet asun- der, with their naked cisterns in two close square wooden boxes, connected by a horizontal brass pipe ; one of these boxes had, inserted at right angles, an open pipe on the one side, and a second pipe, terminating in a screw, on the other side ; to this end he adapted a strong globular receiver of about a foot in diameter, which had been charged, by injection from a syringe, with three or four atmospheres ; then suddenly opening the stop-cook, and giving vent for the escape of the air through the box and over the surface of the included cistern the mercury sunk equally in. both barometers more than two inches. This experiment might be deemed entirely conclusive, if a minute circumstance, on which its success depends, had not unfortunately been overlooked. It will be perceived frem the inspection of the figure which Hau'ksbee has given, that the exit pipe of the box was considerably wider than the pipe which con- veyed into it the stream of air. This fluid, escaping from compression, would, therefore, be carried by its elasticity as much beyond the state of equilibrium ; while the width of the orifice, by facilitating its emission, would allow the por- tion occupying the box and the connected reser- voir to preserve its acquired expansion. If the pipe of discharge from the box had been much BAROMETER. 573 narrower than the other, an opposite effect must have taken place; for the air accumulated over the cistern, not finding a ready vent, would remain in a state of condensation. This fact is a remark- able indication of the great delicacy required in performing such experiments. The same result, however, can be exhibited by a very simple apparatus. Let a small box, or rather a glajs ball, have a short narrow tube inserted in the one side, and another wide tube opposite to this, with a cross slider of brass, for contracting the oritice at pleasure; and, to the under part of the ball, join a long perpendicular tube, bent back like a syphon to more than half its height and containing a double column of water. Now, blow through the narrow tube into the cavity of the ball, while the orifice of emission is quite opened, and the liquor will rise several inches in a long stem; but, still continuing the blast, let the orifice be gradually contracted, and the column will first descend to its ordinary level, and then sink considerably below it. It is clear that the fall and rise of the mercury in the barometer must evidently be occasioned by some corresponding reduction or accumulation of the atmosphere at the place of observation. Whatever augments the elasticity of the air will cause part of the incumbent fluid to evade and leave for the time a diminished vertical pressure. The efflux of wind might also produce a tempo- rary reduction of the atmospheric column. But the real difficulty consists in explaining why the variations of the barometer should be greater in the high latitudes than between the tropics, and why they do much exceed in all cases the quantities which calculation might assign. On the whole, the present state of physical science presents nothing but a series of conjectures on this subject. The augmented elasticity communicated to the air by the action of heat or the presence of hu- midity, and tlie. reduction of the incumbent mass by the efflux of winds, have doubtless each their distinct influence, in disturbing the equilibrium of the atmospheric ocean. But the effects, par- ticularly m tiie high latitudes, much surpass the regular operation of those causes. The only mode, perhaps, of removing the difficulty, is to take into consideration the comparative slowness with which any force is propagated through the vast body of atmosphere. An inequality may continue to accumulate in one spot, before the counterbalancing influence of the distant portions of the aerial fluid can arrive to modify the result. In the higher latitudes, the narrow circle of air may be considered as, in some measure, insulated from the expanded ocean of atmosphere, and hence, perhaps, the variations of the barometer are concentrated there, and swelled beyond the due proportion. The use and application of barometers in measuring altitudes, has of late attracted more of the attention of philosophers than their fa- culty of indicating the weather. As before ob- served, this use of the instrument was first proposed by Pascal and Descartes. Succeeding philosophers have been at great pains to ascer- tain the proportion between the fall of the ba- rometer and the height to which it is carried ; as Ilalley, Mariotte, Maraldi, Scheuchz.er, J. Cassini, D. Bernoulli, Ilorrebow, Bouguer, Shuckburgh, Roy, and more especially De Luc, who has given a critical and historical detail of most of the attempts, that have at different times been made, for applying the motion of the mer- cury in the barometer to the measurement of accessible heights. We have noticed the re- searches of Dr. Halley and De L»c, who intro- duced the corrections of the columns of mercury and air, on account of heat. The following rules for computing heights (the principles of which the reader will find explained under Pneumatics,) are given by Dr. Maskelyne, in his Introduction to Taylor's Tables of Loga- rithms. The altitudes of the barometer at two stations, with tlie heights of Fahrenheit's ther- mometer attached to the barometer, and the heights of two thermometers of the same kind, exposed to the air but sheltered from the sun, at the' two stations being given, to find the perpen- dicular altitude of the one station above the other? — Put B for the observed height of the barometer at the lower station, and b for that at the upper station, D for the difference of heights of Fahrenheit's thermometer attached to the barometer at the two stations, and F for the mean of the two heights of Fahrenheit's thermo- meter, exposed freely for a few minutes to the open air, m the shade at the two stations. The altitudes of the upper station above the low^, in English fathoms, will be expressed as follows, according to the respective observations of M. de Luc, the late General Hoy, and Sir George Shuckburgh, in which the upper sign — is to be used when the thermometer attached to the baro- meter is highest at the lower station, (which is most usual,) and the lower sign ■\- when it is lowest at the lower station. M. De Luc Log. B — Log. 6zf:0-452D x 1 + F — 40° x 0-00223. General Roy .... Log. B — Log./) ipoO-468 D x 1 -|- F — 32*^ x 0-00245. Sir G. Shuckburgh . . Log. B — Log. tip 0-440 D X 1 -f- F— 32° X 000243. Mean of the two last . Log. B — Log. b^O-Ai>\ D x 1 + F — 32° x 000244. The observations of General Roy and Sir George vided by Mr. Ramsden, and with the detached Shuckburgh having been made with barometers thermometers never expesed to tlie sun, appear and thermometers constructed and accurately di- clearly to deserve the preference above those of i74 B A R O I\I E T E R. M. de Laic. Tlie last of the above rules, which is a mean between those of General Roy and Sir George Shuckburgh, may be expressed in words at length, as follows : take the difference of the tabular logarithms of the observed heights of the barometer at the two stations, considering t!ie four first figures, exclusive of the index, as wliole numbers, and the remaining figures to the right as decimals, and subtract or add -^ of the dif- ference of altitude of Fahrenheit's thermometer, attaclied to the barometer at the two stations, ac- cording as it was highest at the lower or upper station; thus the height of the upper station above the lower in English fathoms, will be found nearly; to be corrected as follows: — Multiply the height found nearly by the difference between the mean of the two altitudes of Fahrenheit's thermometer exposed to the air of the two sta- tions and 3'^°, and by the decimal fraction 0-00244 ; the product will be the correction of the approximate height, which added to, or sub- tracted from the same, according as the mean of the two altitudes of Fahrenheit's thermometer exposed to the air was higher or lower than 32°, will give the true height of the upper station above the lower in English fathoms ; which mul- tiplied by 6, will give the true height in English feet. Example. Let the state of the barometers and thermometers be as follows, to find the al- titude. Thermometers. Detached. 57 42 Mean 49i Attached. 57 43 Diff 14 Heights 29-68 25-28 Barometers. 29-68 lower. 25-28 upper Log. 4724-639 4027-771 from 606-868 Subtract ^X 14= 6-356 Height nearly = 690-512 Multiply by 49^—32 zz 17^ Height nearly = 690-512 Product — 21083-960 Multiply by -00244 Correction =r 2Q-485 Height nearly zz 69051 2 Correct height in fathoms zz 719-997 Professor Play fair, in a learned paper, printed in the first volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, has examined all the circumstances which can affect Joarometrical measurements, with his usual correctness and perspicuity. La Place resumed the subject in his Mecanique Celeste, and brought all the condi- tions together in a very complicated formula, to which we have before alluded. Such an appear- .'uice of extreme accuracy, however, is perhaps to be regarded rather as a theoretical illusion, than a view of results founded on the real state of practice. Biot also, in attempting to arrive at a similar conclusion, confines himself to the same remark. He sfts out a priori from sonie careful experiments on tlie relative density of air and mercury, performed by him in conjunction with Arago. He thence infers, that in the latitude of Paris, and at the point of coiuielation, air, under a mercurial pressure of 76 metres, or 29-922 English inches, is 10,463 times liijhter than mer- cury at the temperature of water at its lowest contraction. This would give 26-090 feet for the height of a column of homogeneous fluid, whose pressure is equivalent to the elasticity of the atmosphere. The coefficient adapted to com- mon logarithms, and adjusted to the force of at- traction at the level of the sea, would therefore be 60,148 feet, or 18,334 metres; scarcely dif- fering sensibly from the quantity which Ramond had deduced from a very numerous set of expe- riments made by him on the Pyrenees. But Biot prefers, as the coefficient, the number 18,993, answering for an elevation of 1200 me- tres, or about 4000 feet above the sea, which is not far from the general level of such observa- tions. The formula is hence, in English feet, 60,346 (1+-002837 cos. 2^) ( 1 -}- ^^^^) log. ~r; where \b denotes the latitude of the h place, T and t the temperatures of the air at the two stations, as indicated by the centesimal ther- mometer, and H and h the heights of mercurial columns corrected for the effects of heat. This writer has likewise given tables for ex- pediting the calculation of barometrical measure- ments; in which he was anticipated, however, by Oltmans of Berlin, who published, in 1809, large Hypsometrical Tables, as they are called, accommodated to the complex formula of La Place. Such tables might, no doubt, prove use- ful where very frequent computations are wanted, as in the case of the reduction of the numerous observations brought home by Baron Humboldt, for which, indeed, they were first designed. But still they contain a needless profusion of figures, and hold forth a show of extreme accuracy which the nature of the observations themselves can never justify. By barometrical admeasurements, prin- cipally scientific, travellers have of late years been able to form vertical sections of different countries, which contribute further to our know- ledge of their geological character than any pre- vious mode of delineation. Thus Humboldt, in his Geography of Plants, gives a section across the American continent, one of the best and most interesting that has yet appeared. It consists, in fact, of four combined sections, traversing through an extent of 425 miles. The line begins at Acapulco on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, and runs 195 miles, about a point of the compass towards the east of north, to the city of Mexico ; then eighty miles, a point to the south of east, to La Puebla de los Angeles; again it holds a north- east direction of seventy miles, to the Cruz Blanca ; and finally bends eighty miles east by south, to \'era Cruz, on the coast of the Atlantic. A scale of altitudes is annexed, which shows the vast elevation of the table-land at Mexico. This mode of distant levelling has origmated also a very interesting discovery, recently made by Engelhardt and Parrot, two Prussian travel- B A R O M K T E R. lors, in luiotlior quarter of our globe ; they pro- ceedeJ, on the 13tli of July, 1814, from the mouth of the Kuban, at the island of Tanian, on the lilack Sea; and, examining carefully eveiy day the state of the barometer, they advanced with fifty-one observations, the distance of 990 versts, or 711 English miles, to the mouth of the Terek, on the margin of the Caspian Sea. Si- milar observations were repeated and multiplied on their return. I'rom a diligent comparison of the whole, it follows that the Caspian is .334 English feet below the level of the Black Sea. That the Caspian really occupies a lower level than the ocean, had been suspected before, from a comparison of some registers of barometers kept at St. Fetersburgh, and on the borders of that itdand sea; but the last observation places the question beyond all doubt. It farther appears, that within 250 versts, or 189 miles, of the Cas- pian, the country is already depressed to the level of the ocean, leaving, therefore, an immense basin, from whicli the waters are supposed to have retired by a subterranean percolation. \Vc subjoin a table of the altitude of some of the most remarkable mountains, &c. on the earth above the surface of the ocean : — Eng. feet. Mount Puy de Dome in Auvergne, the first mountain measured by the baro- meter 5088 Mount Blanc > 15G62 575 I'liosi'iioRts. See Pho-^- Monte Rosa Aiguille d'Argentiere Monastery of St. Bernard Mount (,'enis Pic de los Reyes > Alps yrenees ric de los Keyes^ Pic du Midi f Pic d'Ossano ^ Canegou ' Lake of Geneva . Mount iEtna Mount Vesuvius . Mount llecla in Iceland Snowdon .... Ben Moir .... Ben l.awers .... Ben Gloe .... Schihallion .... Ben i.omond Tinto .... Table Hill, Cape of Good Hope Gondar, city in Abyssinia Source of the Nile Pic of Teneriff'e Chimboraco Cayambouro Antisana .... Pichincha .... City of (iuito The mean height of the barometer in London, upon an average of two observations in every day of the year, kept at the house of the Royal Society, for many years past, is 29-88 ; the ini;- dium temperature, or height of the thermometer, according to the same, being 58°. But the me- dium height at the surface of the sea, according to Sir George Shuckburgh, (Phil. Trans. 1777. p. 586.) is 30-04 inches, the heat of the thermome- ler being 55°, and of the air G2°. 15048 13402 7944 9212 7620 9300 11700 8544 1232 10954 3938 4887 3555 3723 3858 3472 3461 3180 2342 3454 8440 8082 1402G 19595 19391 19290 1 5670 9977 B.\H0Mr.lHU AL I'lIOl! IS. BA'RON, "> Fr. baro,, ; Ital. haronc ; Sp. Ba'iionage, huron. See to Bar. Bairgan, B a'i;on ess, [ to arm ; to defend ; to strengthen . Ba'iio.\et, <■ The etymology of this word is Ba'ronial, very uncertain. Baro, among Barony. J the Romans, signified a brave warrior, or a brutal man ; and, from the first of these significations, Menage derives baron, as a term of military dignity. — Other* supi)0se it originally to signify only a man, in which sens:- baron or varon, is still used by the Spaniards ; and, to confirm this conjecture, our law yet uses baron and feinrnc, husband and wife. Others deduce it from ber, an old Gaulish word, signi- fying commander; odiers from the Hebrew "IDJ, of the same import. Some think it a contraction of par hornme, or peer, which seems least pro- bable. Allowing the derivation to be from bairgan, which is the suggestion of Tooke, then the simple idea, of baron is a man of power, armed and surrounded with abundant means of defence. This generally implies rank ; and baron is a title of nobility, it is likewise a name of office. When loue has told herr his extent The baronaye to counsaile went. In many siuti'nces they fdl. And diuersly they saied her will. Chaucer. Roniaun! of the Rose: My lord, I'll tell you what, — If my young lord, your son, have not the day. Upon mine honour for a silken point I'll s^ive my barony. Shahrijeare. Where throngs of knights and barons bold In weeds of peace high triumph hold, Willi store of ladies, whose bright eyes Rain influence, and judge the prize Of wit or arms, while both contend To win her grace whom all commend. Milton. Sir Edward Walker, garter and secretary of war to King Charles the First, observes, ' That in all Queen Elizabeth's forty-four years reigu, she created but six earls and eight or nine barons.' OtJi/s' Life of Sir Walter Rdeirjh. The second was the baronage, the nobility and gentry who held their baronies of the king, and the third was the boroughs, who held of the king by ba- rony, though in a community ; so that the parliament was truly the baronage "f the kingdom. The lesser barons grew weary of this attendance. Burnet. Hlslury of hit own Timet. Coffee (which makes the politician wise. And see thro' all things with his half shut eyes) Sent up in vapours to the baron's brain New stratagems the radiant lock to gain. I'.';ic. Here might you sec Barons and peasants on the embattled field. Slain or half dead, in one Luge ghastly heap Promiscuously amassed. Philij/s's Cider, b. ii. The title of baronet, invented by Salisbury, wu'^ sold ; and two hundred patents of th- 1 species of knighthood were disposed of for so many thousand pound?. Hmne. History of England. King Jamei 1st. A baron is the most general and imiversal title of nobility ; for originally every one of the peers of supe- rior rank had also a barony annexed to his other titles. But it hath sometimes happened, that when an ancient baron hath been raised to a new degree of peerage, in the course of a few generations the two titles have descended differently. BUickstonc't Commen'uiiis. 576 BARON. Baron (Robert), a dramatic author, who lived during the reign of Charles I. and the protectorship of Oliver Cromwell. He was edu- cated at Cambridge, after which he became a member of the society of Gray's Inn. During his residence at the university he wrote a novel, called the Cyprian Academy, in which he in- troduced the first two of the dramatic pieces mentioned below. The third of them is a much more regular and perfect play, and was probably written when the author had attained a riper age. Their names are, 1. Deorum Dona, a masque. 2. Gripus and Hegio, a paitoral. 3. Mirza, a tragedy. Mr, Baron was intimate with the celebrated Mr. James Howell, the traveller, in whose collection of letters there is one to this gentleman, vol. iii. let. 418, who was then atParis. To Mr. Howell, and the ladies and gentlewomen of England, he dedicated his romance. Baron. This title in ancient records was ap- plied to all the nobility of England, because regularly all noblemen were barons, though they had also a higher dignity. But it has sometimes happened, that when an ancient baron has been raised to a new degree of peerage, in the course of a few generations the two titles have descended differently ; one perhaps to the male descendants, the other to the heirs general; whereby the earldom or other superior title has subsisted without a barony : and there are also modern instances, where earls and viscounts have been created without annexing a barony to their other honors : so that now the rule does not hold universally that all peers are barons. The origin and antiquity of barons has occasioned great enquiries among antiquaries. The most pro- bable opinion is, that they were the same with our present lords of manors. It is said the original name of this dignity in England was vavassour, which by the Saxons was changed into thane, and by the Normans into baron. It may be collected from king John's magna charta, that originally all lords of manors, or barons, had seats in the great council of parliament; but such is the deficiency of public records, that the first precept to be found is of no higher date than the 49 Henry III. which, although it was issued out in the king's name, was neither by his authority nor by hig direction : for tlie king himself, his son prince Edward, and most of the nobility who stood loyal to him, were then prisoners in the hands of the rebellious barons ; having been taken in May preceding, at the battle of Lewes, and so continued until the battle of Evesham, in August the year following ; when, by the escape of prince Edward, he rescued the king and his adherents out of the hands of Simon Mountford, Earl of Leicester. It cannot be doubted, but that several parliaments were held by Henry III. and Edward I. yet no record is to be found, giving any account of them, e.xcept the fifth of Edward I. until the twenty-second year of that king's reign. Before the 49 Henry III. the ancient par- liaments consisted of the archbishops, bishops, abbots, earls, and barons. Of these barons there were two sorts ; the greater barons, or the king's chief tenants, who held of him in capita by barony ; and the lesser barons, who held of the first by military service in capite. The former had summons to parliament by several writs; and the latter (i. e. all those who were possessed of thirteen knight's fees and a quarter) had a general summons from the sheriff in each county. Thus things continued till the 49 Henry III. when, insteeid of keeping to the old form, the prevailing powers thought fit to summon, not all, but only those of the greater barons who were of their party ; and, instead of the lesser barons who came with large retinues, to send their precepts to the sheriff of each county to cause two knights in every shire to be chosen, and one or two burgesses for each borough, to represent the body of the people residing in those counties and boroughs ; whic'a gave rise to the separation into two houses of parliament. By degrees the title came to be confined to the greater barons, or lords of par- liament only ; and there were no otiier barons among the peerage but such as were summoned by writ, in respect of die tenure of their lands or baronies, till Richard II. first made it a mere title of honor, by conferring it on divers persons by his letters patent. Barons by ancient tenure, vvere those who held certain territories of the king, who still re- served the tenure in chief to himself. We also read of barons by temporal tenure ; who are such as hold honors, castles, manors, as heads of their barony, that is, by grand serjeantry ; by which tenure they were anciently summoned to parliament. But at present a baron by tenure is no lord of parliament, till he be called thither by writ. The barons by tenure, after the con- quect, were divided into majores and minores, and were summoned accordingly to parliament ; the majores, or greater barons, by immediate writ from the king ; the minores, or lesser barons, by general writ from the high sheriff", at the king's command. Anciently they distinguished the greater barons from the less, by attributing high, and even sovereign jurisdiction, to the former, and only inferior jurisdiction over smaller matters to the latter. When a baron is called up to the house of peers by writ of summons, the writ is in the king's name, and he is directed to come to the parliament appointed to be held at a certain time and place, and there to treat and advise with his majesty, the prelates, and nobility, about the weighty aff"airs of the nation. The ceremony of his admission into the house of peers is this : He is brought into the house between two barons, who conduct him to the Lord Chancellor, his patent or writ of summons being carried by a king-at-arms, who presents it kneeling to the Chancellor, who reads it, and then congratulates him on his becoming a member of the house of peers, and invests him with his parliamentary robe. The patent is then delivered to the clerk of the parliament, and the oaths are administered to the new peer, who is conducted to his seat on the barons' bench. Some barons hold their seats by tenure. The coronation robes of a ba- ron are the same as an earl's, except that he has only two rows of spots on each shoulder. In like manner, his parliamentary robes have but two guards of white fur, with rows of gold lace. BARONS. 577 In other respects they are the same witli those of other peers. A Baron's coronet, in herald- ry, is a gold circle, on which are six pearls, which were assigned to barons by king Charles II. after the Restoration. Previously to this time the barons wore scarlet caps, turned up with ermine, and on the top a tassel of gold. Though called pearls, the globes round the coronet are always made of silver. Ilis cap is the same as a viscount's. His style is Right Honourable ; and he is addressed by the king or queen. Right Trusty and Well Beloved. See Barony. Baron and Femme, in English law, husband and wife. They are deemed but one person ; so that a wife cannot be witness for or against her husbaiid, nor he for or against his wife, except ill cases of high treason. Baron and Femme, in heraldry, is when the coats of arms of a man and his wife are borne par pale in the same escutcheon, the man's being always on the dexter side, and the woman's on the sinister ; but here the woman is supposed not an heiress, for then her coat must be borne by the husband on an escutcheon of pretence. Baron, Lord Chief, the president of the court of Exchequer. Barons of the Cinque-Ports, are members of the house of commons, elected by the five ports, two for each port. Those who have been mayors of Corfe-castle, in Devonshire, are like- wise styled barons ; and formerly the principal citizens of London were honored with the title of baron. See Cinque-Pouts. Barons of the Exchequer, four judges in England, and five in Scotland, to whom the ad- ministration of justice is committed, in causes between the king and his subjects, relating to matters concerning the revenue. They were formerly barons of the realm, but of late are ge- nerally persons learned in the laws. Their office is also to look into the accounts of the king, for which reason they have auditors under them. See Exchequer. BARONAGIUM. See Barony. Baronets of England. The dignity of baronet is given by patent. The order was founded by King James I. at the suggestion of Sir Robert Cotton, in 1611, when 200 baronets were created at once ; to which number it was intended they should always be restrained : but it is now enlarged at the king's pleasure, without limitation. They had several considerable pri- vileges given them, with an habendum to them and their heirs male. They were allowed to charge their coat with the arms of Ulster, which are, in a field argent, a sinister hand, gules ; and that upon condition of their defending the pro- vince of Ulster in Ireland against the rebels, who then harassed it extremely : to which end they were each to raise and keep up thirty soldiers, at their own expense, for three years together, or to pay into the exchequer a sum sufficient to do it ; which, at eight-pence per day per head, was £1095. So that, including fees, the expense of this dignity may be about £l200 Vol. III. sterling. To be qualified for it, one must be a gentleman born, and have a clear estate of £l000 per annum. Baronets take place according to the dates of their patents ; by the terms of which no honor is to be erected between barons and baronets. The title, Sir, is granted them by a peculiar clause in their patents, though they be not dubbed knights : but both a baronet and his eldest son, being of full age, may claim knight- hood. The first English baronet was Sir Nicholas Bacon, of Redgrave, in Suflblk, whose successor is therefore styled primus baronetorum Anglia. If a baronet be named at an installation as proxy for a knight of the Bath, it appears es- sential tliat he should be knighted for the occasion ; thus Sir George Osborne, Bart, was knighted by king George III. A baronet takes precedence of all kniglits, except bannerets. Baronets' mark ; the arms of the province of Ulster, viz. \^^^jT^^ argent, a hand, t^'ules, in a ^' ^ - canton, or in escutcheon, are borne by every baronet, as in tiie annexed example. ' He beareth, or, between two chevronels,tliree trefoils, slip- ped, sable,' as in the arms of the Abdy family. Baronets of Ireland. In Ireland, an he- reditary dignity somewhat similar to knighthood, appears to have been occasionally conferred in the earliest times ; and the kniglits of Kerry and of Glyn are yet permitted to bear distinctions bestowed on their ancestors by the ancient so- vereigns of the country. The order of baronets, however, was likewise instituted here by James I. in the eighteenth year of his reign, for the same purpose, and with the same privileges within the kingdom of Ireland as he had con- ferred on the like order in England; for which the Irish baronets paid the same fees into the treasury of Ireland. Tlie first of that kingdom who was advanced to this hereditary dignity was Sir Francis Blundell, then secretary for the affairs of Ireland. Several more have been added, no number being limited ; but since the union in 1801, none have been created otherwise than as baronets of the united kingdom. Baronets of Nova Scotia, and Baronets of Scotland. The order of knights baronets was also designed to be established in Scotland in 1621, by James I. for the plantation and cul- tivation of the province of Nova Scotia, in America ; but it was not actually instituted till the year 1625, by his son Charles I. when the first person dignified with this title was Sir Ro- bert Gordon, of Gordonstone, a younger son of the Earl of Sutlierland. The king granted a certain portion of land in Acadia or New Scotland, to each of them, whicli they were to hold of Sir William Alexander, afterwards Earl of Stirling, for their encouragement who sliould hazard their lives for the good and increase of that plantation, with precedency to them, and their heirs male for ever, before all knights called equites aurati. and all lesser barons tailed lairds, and all other gentlemen, except Si: William Alexander, his majesty's lieutenant in Nova Scotia, his l^tirs, their wives and children ; that the title of Sir should be prefixed to their 2P BAR 578 BAR Christian name, anJ Baronet added to their sur- iiaine ; and their own and tlieir eldest sons' wives should enjoy the title of Lady, Madam, or Dame. His majesty was so desirous of adding every mark of dignity to this, his favorite order, that four years after its institution, he issued a royal warrant, granting tliera the privilege of wearing an orange ribbon and a medal : wliich last was presented to each of them by the king himself, according to the words of the warrant. All the privileges of tlie order, particularly this of wearing the medal, were confirmed at the king's request by the convention of estates in the year 1630 ; and, in order to establish them on the most solid foundation, they were again con- lirmed by an act of the parliament of Scotland in 1633. The premier baronet of Scotland, at present, is Sir Richard Strachan ; and the num- ber of tlie order, exclusive of such titles as are merged in peerages, is 135. Since t'ne union the power of the king to create new baronets within Scotland is held to have ceased. BAIIONI (Adriana), baroness of Piancaretta, in Mantua, an eminent singer, surnamed the fair, on account of her uncommon beauty. See next article. Baroxi (Leonora), and her mother, Adriana, were botli distinguished for their extraordinary musical talents. Leonora was born at Naples, but spent the greatest part of her life at Rome. She had less beauty than h<^r mother ; but ex- celled her in profound skill in music, the fineness of her voice, and the delicacy of her manner. Mr. Bayle styles her one of the finest singers in the world ; she was equally eminent as a com- poser, and was accordingly, as well as her mother, celebrated by the wits. In 1639 there was published, at Bracciano, a collection of Latin, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and French poems, in her praise, with this title, Applausi Poetici alle Glorie della Signora Leonora Ba- roni. Among the Latin poems of Milton there are three addressed, Ad Leonoram Roma; ca- nentem, wherein this lady is celebrated for her singhig, with an allusion to her mother's ex- quisite performance on the lute. A fine eulogium on her is contained in a discourse on the music of the Italians, printed with the life of Malherbe, and some other treatises at Paris, in 1672, in 12mo. It was composed by M. Maugars, prior of St. Peter de Mac, the king's English inter- preter, who says, ' her singing threw me into such raptures, that I forgot my mortality, and thought myself among the angels, enjoying the felicity of the blessed !' BARONL'E Caput. See Caput. BARONIS, a mountain of Chaus, in Barbary, three miles north of Fez. It produces red grapes, of which they make good wine, and is surrounded by villages. BARONIUS (Caesar), was born at Sora, in 1538, and studied at Rome, under Philip de Neri. In 1593 ha was made general of the con- gregation of the Oratory, on the resignation of Philip de Neri, the founder. Pope Clement VIII. made him his confessor, and created him a car- dinal in 1493. He was afterwards librarian to the Vatican ; and died in 160.5, at sixty-eight year:; of age. He wrote several works, the prin- cipal of which is his Annates Ecclesiastici, from A. D. 1 to 1198, in twelve vols, folio; which has been abridged by several persons, particularly by Henry Spondoeus, Bzovius, and Ludovico Aurelio. BARONSTOWN, a town of Ireland, in the county of Louth, six miles W. N. VY- of Dundalk. Barony, Baroma, or Baroxagium, may be considered as a lordship, held by some service in chief of the king, coinciding w'ith what is otherwise called grand serjeanty. Baronies, in their first creation, moved from the king himself, the chief lord of the whole realm, and could be holden of no other lord. For example, the king enfeoffed a man of a great seigneurie in land, to hold to the person enfeoffed and his heirs, of the king and his heirs, by baronial service; to wit, by the service of twenty, forty, sixty, knights, or of such other number of knights, as the king by his feoffment limited or appointed. In the ages next after the conquest, when a great lord was enfeoffed by the king of a large seigneurie, such seigneurie was called barony, but more commonly an honor; as, the honor of Glouces- ter, the honor of Wallingford, and the like. There were in England certain honors, which were called sometimes by English and sometimes by foreign names. This happened when the same person was lord of an honor in Normandy, or some other foreign country, and also of an honor in England. For example, William de Forz, de Force, or de Fortibus, was lord of the honor of Albemarle in Normandy : he was also lord of two honors in England; to wit, the honor of Holderness, and the honor of Skipton in Cra- vene. These honors in England were sometimes called by the Norman name, the honor of Albe- marle, or the honor of the earl of Albemarle. In like manner the earl of Britannie was lord of the honor of Britannie in France, and also of the honor of Richmond in England ; the honor of Richmond was sometimes called by the foreign name, the honor of Britannie, or the bono:- of the Earl of Britannie. This serves to explain the terms honor Albemarliae, or comitis Albe- marlice in Anglia ; honor Britannia^, or comitis Britannire in Anglia; not that Albemarle or Bri- tannie were in England, but that the same per- son respectively was lord of each of the said honors abroad, and of each of the said honors in England. The baronies belonging to bishops are by some called regalia, as being held solely on the king's liberality. These do not consist in one barony alone, but in many; for tot erant baroniffi quot majora proedia. A barony, accord- ing to Bracton, is a right indivisible. Where- fore, if an inheritance be to be divided among co-partners, though some capital messuage may be divided, yet if the capital messuage be the head of a county or barony, it may not be par- celled : and the reason is, lest by this division many of the rights of counties and baronies by degrees come to nothing, to the prejudice of the realm, which is said to be composed of counties and baronies. Baroxy of Glasgow. See Glasgow. BAROPTIS, or Baroptinus lapis, among ancient naturalists, a species of stone, supposed BARRACK. 579 to liave wonderful virtues against venemous bites, externally applied. Pliny has left us but a very short description of it; he says, it was black in color, but variegated with large spots of red and white. BAROS, or Barios, a sea-port of the island of Celebes, having a Dutch factory and settle- ment. There is a good trade here in opium. Long. 119° 15' E., lat. 1° 24' S. BA'ROSCOPE, n. s. Bajjoc and oKoirno, an instrument to show the weight of tlie atmosphere. See Barometer. If there was always a calm, the equilibrium could only be changed by the contents ; where the winds are not variable, the alterations of the barusoope are very small. Arhutltnot. BAROTII, a market-town of Transylvania, ou the Aluta. BARQUETTE, or Barchetta, denotes a lesser sort of barks, used in the Mediterranean, for the service of galleys, as boats and shallops are for otiier ships. BARQUISIMETO, a city of South America, in the province of Venezuela, founded by the Spaniards in 1552. It is placed on an elevated plain, and enjoys great comparative coolness. The most constant and equal wind which prevails IS the north-east, and, whenever the rays of the sun are not tempered by it, the thermometer of Fahrenheit rises to 82° and 84°. In the surround- ing plains and hills excellent pasture encou- rages the rearing of all sorts of cattle. Many of the citizens prefer this speculation, and tind it to their advantaue, although at the same time they cultivate the sugar-cane and wheat. From a freshness preserved by irrigation the vales pro- duce cacao abundantly, and of a good quality ; and the sides of the hills have lately been em- ployed in the culture of coffee. There are in this place from 11,000 to 12,000 inhabitants, and the aspect of the city announces ease and affluence. The liouses are well built; the streets straight, wide, and airj'. The parish church is liandsome, and served by two priests. The judi- cial and police duties are discharged by a com- mon council and lieutenant. Barquisimeto is 120 miles W.S.W. of Caraccas, 450 N.N.E. of Santa Fe, and forty-five N.N.E. of Tocuyo. BAR Dice, a species of false dice, so formed as that they will not easily lie on certain sides, or turn up certain points. Bar dice stand oppo- sed to flat dice, which come up on certain points oftener than they should do. Barr, or Barra, a small kingdom of Africa. See Barra. Barr, St. the tutelar saint of the island of Barray, which was named after him. His holi- liday is the 25th of September. On this day the priest says mass, and all those of the Romish religion used punctually to attend. See Barry. BARRA, a hill of Scotland in Aberdeenshire, in the parish of Bourtie, on the top of which are still distinctly visible the remains of an ancient camp, of a circular form, surrounded with ditches, and extending to near three acres. Barka, in commerce, a long measure used in Portugal and some parts of Spain, to measure woollen cloths, linen cloths, and serges. There are three kinds; the barra of Valencia, thirteen of which make twelve yards and six seventh. English measure; the barra of Castile, seven o*' which make six yards and four sevenths; and the barra of Arragon, tliree of which make two yards and four seventiis English. Barra, in law. See Bap.. Barra, a kingdom of the western coast of Africa, at the mouth of the Gambia, fourteen leagues in breadth, and eighteen long, according to Golberry. It contains a population of 200,000 souls, chiefly of the Mandingo race, zealous Mahommedans, and acute in commercial trans- actions. The capital is Barra Inding, where a considerable trade is carried on to Barraconda in maize, elephants' teeth, gold dust and cotton cloth. Every vessel entering the Gambia here pays a tax of about £20 sterling to the king of Barra. BARRABA, or Barrada, a tract of land in Siberia, lying between the rivers Irtisch and Oby, in the province of Tobolsk. It is uninhabited, but not through any deficiency of the soil; for that is excellent for tillage, and part of it might also be laid out in meadows and pastures. It is interspersed with a great number of lakes, which abound with carp, and the country produces great numbers of elks, deer, foxes, ermine, and squirrels. Between the Irtisch and Oby are some copper-mines. BA'RRACAN, n. s. Fr. houracan, or barracan, a strong thick kind of camelot. Barracan, or Barragax, is something like camlet but of a coarser grain. It is used to make cloaks, surtouts, See. to keep off" rain. Barracans are chiefly made in l>ance, ;xs at Valenciennes, Lisle, Abbeville, Amiens, and Rouen. Those of \'alenciennes are the most valued. BARRACIDA, in ichthyology, a species of pike. See Esox. BA'RRACK, n. s. Span, barracca. Little cabins made by the Spanish fishermen on the sea shore; or little lodges for soldiers in a camp. It is generally taken among us for buildings to lodge soldiers. It is not found in our early lexi- cographers. Perhaps from burricado, barrique. See Barricado. Like ours it should wholly be composed of natural subjects ; it ought only to be enlisted for a short and limited time ; the soldiers also should live inter- mixed with the people ; no separate camp, no bar- racks, no inleind fortresses, should be allowed. Blackstone, Commentaries. Modern military men have always thought barracks very convenient, when there is suflicient room to make a lartre square, surrounded with buildings; because the soldiers are easily con- fined to their quarters, and the rooms being con- tiguous, orders are executed with privacy and expedition; and the troops havft not the iea^ connexion with the inhabitants of Uie place. This prevents quarrels and riots. Those for the horse were formerly called barracks, and those for tlie foot, huts ; but now barrack is used indiffer- ently for both. Much opposition was made in parliament dur- ing the late war to the erection of barracks, as inimical to the liberties of Britain, by tending to estrange the soldiers from tHe citizens; thus ren- dering the formtr fit tools to enslave the lattei-, 2 P 2 580 BARRACK. should any future king or ministry wish to change 5. South-western, containing Ilumpsiure an J the constitution, or compel the people to submit Dorsetshire. to unpopular and arbitrary measures. Plausible 6. Isle of Wight. as these arguments may appear, there are otliera 7. Western, containing Deronshire, Cornwall, that have also considerable weight, on the side and Somerset. of these establishments : in regard to the morals of 8. Severn, containing Gloucestershire, Wor- the people, we are persuaded the most virtuous cestershire, Herefordshire, ^Monmouthshire, and country town or village will be proportionally South Wales. corrupt as soldiers are quartered among them ; 9. North-western, containing Cheshire, Shrop- and the fact is, that the soldiers and the citizens shire, Lancashire, North Wales, and the Isle of may be too much as well as too little inter- Man. mixed. 10. London. Until the year 1793, barracks were neither IL Home, containing Middlesex, Surry, numerous in Great Britain, nor were they under Hertfordshire, and part of Kent, the control and management of a separate and 12. North-inland, containing Derbyshire, Not- peculiar board. In January 1793, a superinten- tinghamshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Lei- dant-general of the barracks was appointed ; and, cestershire, and Rutlandshire, on the 1st of JNIay that year, the king's warrant 13. South-inland, containing Bedfordshire, was issued for their regulation. Greater powers Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, and Bucking- were given to hira in the year 1794; but as these hamshire. seemed to interfere with the duties and powers 14. Jersey, Guernsey, and Alderney. of the Board of Ordnance, a new warrant was issued in the year 1795, defining and limiting Scotlaxd. the respective duties and powers of the Board of Nortliern, containing Caithness, Sutherland, Ordnance, and the superintendant-general, or Ross-shire, Inverness-shire, Nairnshire, Moray- barrack-master-general, as he was now called, shire, and Bamffshire. The salaries and extra pay of the barrack-master- Western, containing Aberdeenshire, Argyle- general and his officers amounted in 1796 to shire, Ayrshire, Bute, Kincardineshire, Lanark- £9524. 17s. 2d. The establishment was after- shire, Renfrewshire, and Wigtonshire. wards considerably increased, in proportion as Centre, containing Angusshire, Clackmannan- tlie number of barracks throughout the kingdom shire, Dunbartonshire, Fifeshire, Kinross-shire, mcreased, and by the creation of some new offi- Perthshire, and Stirlingshire, cers, among whom was a law clerk. In 1806, Southern, containing the Lothians, Berwick- their salaries amounted to £19,329. 4s. lOd. shire, Peeblesshire, Selkirkshire, Roxburghshire, During this year the commissioners of military and Dumfriesshire. enquiry recommended that the offices of barrack- On the 14th of July, 1805, there were in master-general, and deputy barrack-master-gene- Great Britain and Jersey, &c. ral, should be totally abolished, and that the Established barracks of brick and stone . . 84 superintendence of the barrack establishment wood 12 should be vested in commissioners. This sug- Temporary barracks 75 gestion, and some others relative to the mode of rented 41 transacting the business of the department, and preventing useless and extravagant expenditure, 212 have been foUovved ; and the barrack establish- The followino- statement exhibits the several ment is now under the direction of fourcommis- particulars of the total expense incurred by the sioners, one of whom is generally a mditary man. nation for barracks, and the barrack-office, in As It frequently happened that it was abso- Great Britain, between the 25th of December lutely necessary to bmld barracks on an emer- 1792, and the lOth of November 1804: gency, government was often obliged to pay an extravagant price for the land which they needed ^ ^- '^• for their erection; in order to remedy this evil, it Buildings and purchases of land 3,930,223 5 8 was provided by the act, usually called the ^'orage 840,246 7 10 defence act, 43d Geo. III. ch. 55, that justices ^^er 643,030 9 6 of the peace might put any general officer into Coals, candles, furniture, rents, repairs, the possession of such ground as he might deem supplied by barrack-masters, and fit for the erection of barracks ; the value of it to salaries 1,685,487 8 be settled afterwards by a jury; provided, how- Office-establishment . . . 256,129 10 4 ever, the necessity for such ground was certified ^^^^^ ^^ War-office ..... 80,346 3 6 by the lord lieutenant, or two deputy lieutenants Insurance 1,519 2 2 of the county. The following are the barrack Additional rents 36,860 13 .5 districts in Great Britain: Lodging money to officers . . 139,582 16 1. Northern, containing Northumberland, Engines 11,866 5 Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Durham. Bedding, furniture, &c. issued by the 2. York, containing Yorkshire. barrack-office, and instore 1,357,215 7 3 3. Eastern, containing Norfolk, Suffolk, Cam- Miscellaneous 35,498 4 8 bridge, Huntingdonshire, and all Essex, except " ^ Tilbury-fort. ^ Total, £9,024,005 8 9 4. Southern, containing Kent, Tilbury-fort, The annual expense, during the last war, and Sussex varied from £350,000 to £500 000; in the year BAR 581 BAR 1814, it was £309,826. The peace estimate for 1816 is £173,500. In Ireland, where barracks are more numerous, the expense, in 1814, was £360,515, and the peace estimate for 1816 was £•213,000. See first, second, third, and fourth Reports of the Commissioners of IVIilitary Enquiry, 180G; Finance Reports and Estimates laid before Par- liament for 1814 and 1816, 8.c. Baurack ALLOWANcr,, a specific allowance of bread, beer, coals, &c. to the regiments sta- tioned in barracks. Barrack Guard, tlie principal guard of a regiment in barracks; the officer of which is responsible for the regularity of the men, and for all prisoners duly committed to his charge while on that duty. Barrack-master-genekai., a staff-officer at the head of the barrack-department, who has a number of barrack-masters and deputies under him, that are stationed at the different barracks. He has an office and clerks for the despatch of business; and to this office all reports, &c. respecting the barrack department are made. BARRACOL, in ichthyology, a name given by Artedi, from the \'enetians, to the species of ray fish called by Bellonius and Gesner mirale- tus, ;ind by others raia oculata lavis. The spe- cific name of Artedi carries in it a much better character of the fish ; he calls it the ray, with a smooth back and belly ; and with the eyes sur- rounded with a series of spines, and three other rows of them on the tail. BARRACONDA, a considerable town in cen- tral Africa, about 400 miles up the Gambia, where very formidable cataracts obstruct the navigation of the river, and prevent any but the smallest canoes from passing. The tide flows up to this place. Long. 13" W., lat. 13° 36' N. BARRACUDA, a species of esox. BARRADA, or Bauradys, a river of Syria, rising at Barraud, twenty-four miles west of Da- mascus. Receiving the Fichee, it divides into seven branches, six miles from that city ; the fourth alone, which washes the northern walls, preserving the original name. All the different branches afterwards rejoin the main stream, which is discharged into a lake twenty-one miles north-east. BARRAGAN, a river of the province and government of Buenos Ayres, which runs north, and enters the Plata. BARRAGAN, Bay of, in the La Plata, about twelve miles below Buenos Ayres, to the south- east. Ships discharge, in lighters, their car- goes in the roadstead of Buenos Ayres, and then go to the bay of Barragan to wait for their cargoes out. The land about it is low, and tlie bay therefore much exposed, nor can ships of any burden come within two or three miles of the shore. Some banks under water, how- ever, meet the force of breakers, but there is little security, when a storm comes on, against a ship's parting from her ground-tackle, and being driven on them. The river running into the bay can receive vessels drawing twelve feet water, but none larger. BARRAI ScjAiiiAT, the Arabian name given to the desert of Natron in Egypt, situated to the west of the Delta, and the south of lake Mareo- tis. It contains the two lakes Nedebe and Lebe from which the Natron is drawn, and is pervaded by a vast and deep ravine, called the Bahr Be- lame, or river without water. This desert is celebrated for the great number of monasteries which were founded in it at a former period. BARRAMAIIAL, a district in Southern India, situated between twelve and fourteen degrees of north latitude, consisting of twelve places, which the name is said to signify. These are Krish- nagiry, Jacadeo, \'arinaghada, Mahaiay-ghada, Bujungaghada, Tripatura, \'anambady, Ghan- ganaghada, Sudarshana-ghada, and Tatucallu. This district was ceded to the British byTippoo, in 1792. The inhabitants are Hindoos. BARRATI, Barred, in ecclesiastical history, an appellation given to the Carmelites, after they were obliged to lay aside the white cap, and wear cowls striped black and white. BA'RRATOR, s. I' From barat, o\d French; Barratry, s. S from which is still rettiined barateur, a cheat; from the Dano-Norman baret, our lawyers have baretter, barettry, a wran^-ler and encourager of law-suits; one who harasses tlie bar or courts with importunate litigations. Lord Coke defines barrator to be a common mover and maintalner of suits, in disturbance of the peace. This exciting and fomenting of liti- gious quarrels is an offence by common law, and punishable by fine and imprisonment; and if the barrator be an attorney, a statute of the 12th of George the First provides that he shall be inca- pacitated from practising for the future, under pain of seven years' transportation. Will it not reflect as much on thy character, Xic, to turn barrator in thy old days, a stirrer-up of quar- rels amongst thy neighbours .' Arbuthnut's History of John Bull. 'Tis arrant barratry, that bears Point blank an action 'gainst our laws. Hudibras. Barratry, in commerce. See Baratry and IxsiRANCE. Barratry, in the law of England, has been noticed. See Baratry. The term, however, is of foreign origin; and in Italy, and other coun- tries, seems ordinarily to have been applied to the traffic of ecclesiastical benefices; but was afterwards used in a more general sense, as ap- plicable to all corrupt buying and selling of jus- tice. In Scotland it signified the corrupt pur- chasing of benefices or oflices of collection, from the see of Rome, by persons who left the realm for that purpose ; a practice which had become frequent, and was in various respects injurious to the realm ; as a means of carrj'ing money out of it, without any return of value, as prejudicial to the right of patronage in the king or others, and to the free elections of the monks in the mo- nasteries, both which the pope by prevention pretended to exclude ; and as contributing to raise the rate of taxation upon benefices, by the false accounts which those suitors for the office of collector carried to the pope. BARRAUX, or Fort Barrealx, a fortress of France, in Dauphiny, on the borders of Savoy, now included in the department of the Isere, ar- rondissement of (Jrenoble. It stands on t'ne right bank of the river Isere, near the entrance BAR 582 BAR of the valley of Gresivaudan, on the road from Grenoble to Chamberry, eighteen miles north- east of the former town. The fort was erected at a great expense by Charles Emanuel, duke of Savoy, in 1597, and is strong both by nature and art. The French, however, got possession of it in a single night, and is retained it at the peace of Vervins, on the plea that it was built on French ground. Population 1320. 13ARRE (Louis Francis Joseph de la), an in- genious writer, born at Tournay, in 1688. He received his education at the college of St. Barbe, at Paris, where he assisted Anselm Banduri in his extensive work, Imper. Orientate, Recueils de Medailles des empereurs, after whicli he had a pension given him by the grand duke of Tus- cany. He also published Memoirs for the His- tory of France and Burgundy, and various other works. He died in 1738. Barre' or Barry ,(Madame Du), the favorite mistress of Louis XV. She is said to have been one of the richest women in France. She was condemned by the revolutionary tribunal of Paris, as a conspirator against the republic. Her beha- viour was marked by unusual cowardice. The ex- ecutoiner was obliged to support her all the way to the scaffold, and he required two assistants to lift her upon it ; after which she exerted all her strength to prevent being fastened to the pknk. She was guillotined on the 9th December 1793. Barre', a township of Worcester county, Mas- sachusetts, twenty-four miles north-west of Wor- cester, and sixty-six west of Boston. Also a township of Pennsylvania, in Huntingdon county. BA'RREL, V. & 71. Ft. barril, Ital. bairile. Span, barril. Junius says, perhaps from barre, repagulum (see To Bar) ; because liquids are held or contained in a cask, quasi in quondam repagulo ; as if under bar, or in a stout strong vessel stopped close. It is applied to any thing hollow, as to the ear, the barrel of a gun, a cy- linder about which any thing is wound. It also denominates a particular measure. I would have their beef beforehand barrelled, which may be used as is needed. Spenser on Ireland. Barrel up earth and sow some seed in it, and put il in the bottom of a pond. Bacon. It hath been observed by one of the ancients, that an empty barrel, knoclied upon with the finger, giveth a diapsison to the sound of the like barrel full. Id. Trembling to approach The little barrel which he fears to broach. Dry den. Several colleges, instead of limiting their rents to a certain sum, prevailed with their tenants to pay the price of so many barrels of corn, as the market went. Swift. Take the barrel of a long gun perfectly bored, set it upright, with the breech upon the ground, and take a bullet exactly lit for it; then, if you suck at the mouth of the barrel ever so gently, the bullet will come up so forcibly, that it will hazard the striking out your teeth. Digby, Your string and bow must be accommodated to your drill ; if too weak, it will not carry about the barrel. Moxon. Barrel, in mechanics, a term given by watch makers to the cylinder about which the spring is wrapped ; and by gun-smidis to the cylindrical tube of a gun, pistol, &c. through which the ball is discharged. Barrel of a Pump, is the wooden tube which makes the body of the engine, and where- in the piston moves. Barrel of Eels and Barrel of Salmon, ought to contain forty-two gallons each. Barrel of Soap must weigh 2561b. Barrel, or Barille of Florence, is a liquid measure, containing twenty flasks, or one-third of a star or staio. Barrel, or Barique of Paris, contains 210 pints, or twenty-six septiers and a half; four bariques make three muids, or one tun. Barrels, in artillery, are used for holding powder, small-shot, flints, sulphur, salt-petre, resin, pitch, quick-match, &c. Barrels filled with earth serve to make a parapet to cover the men, like gabions and canvas bags. Barrels, Fire, are casks of divers capacities, filled with bombs, grenadoes, fire pots, &c. and mixed with great quantities of tow soaked in petroleum, turpentine, pitch, &c. used by the be- sieged to defend breaches. Some are mounted on wheels, filled with composition, and inter- mixed with loaded grenades, and the outside full of sharp spikes; some are placed under ground, which have the effect of small mines : others are used to roll down a breach, to prevent the ene- my's entrance. Composition, corned powder, thirty pounds, Swedish pitch twelve, saltpetre six, and tallow three. Not used now. See Fire Ship Barrels of Gunpowder are about sixteen inches diameter, and thirty or thirty-two inches long, holding 100 pounds of powder; but the quantity put into a whole barrel is only ninety pounds, into a half barrel forty-five pounds, and a quarter barrel, used for rifle powder, only twenty-two pounds and a half; this propor- tion leaves a space for the powder to separate when rolled, or otherwise it would always be in lumps, and liable thereby to damage. Barrels, Budge, hold from forty to sixty pounds of powder ; at one end is fixed a leathern bag with brass nails : they are used in actual service on the batteries, for loading the guns and •mortars, to keep the powder from firing by ac- cident. Barrels's Sound, on the north-west coast of America, is situated about six leagues north-west of Washington, or Charlotte Islands. Long. 131" W., lat. 52° N. Barrelling of Herrings. See Herring Fishery. BA'RREN, adj. ^ Barren, i. e. hi Ba'rrenly, arfu. > stopped, shut, st Ba'rrenness, s. 3 closed up, which fcarr-ed, strongly cannot be opened, from which can be no spirit or issue. — Tooke. See To Bar. Thus it is ap- plied to sterile ground, unfruitful trees, unpro- lific animals; to unimaginative and uninstructed minds; to professedly intellectual works, desti- tute of thought, and originality; to whatever is useless and unproductive. But I that am exiled ; and barreine. Of alle grace, and in so gret despaire. That there n'is erthe, water, fire, ue aire. BAR >83 BAR Ne crcaturn that of him maked ii That may nic hele, or don comfort in tliis. Chaucer. Glad was the markis, and his folk therefore. For though a maiden child come all before She may unto a knave child attcine ; By likclyhed, sin she n'is not barreiiie. Id. It is a darksome delve, farrc undt r ground. With thorncs and barren brakes environed round. That none the same may easily out-wia j Yet many waies to enter may be found, l?ut none to issue forth vrhen one is in : For discord harder is to end than to begin. SpeTiser. Thou barraine ground, whom winter's wrath hath wasted. Art made a mirror to behold my plight. Whilome thy fresh spring flowr'd, and after hasted Thy summer proude with dafibdillees dij:ht ; And now, is come thy winter's stormic state. Thy mantle mard wherein thou maskedst late. Id. Yel, O most blessed Spirit ! pure Lampc of Light, Eternal Spring of Grace and Wisedom trew. Vouchsafe to shed into my barren spright Some little drop of thy celestial dew. That may my rimes with sweet infuse embrew. And give me words equal unto my thought. To tell the marveiles by Thy mercie wrought. Id. It is one especial praise of many, which are due to this poet, that he hath laboured to restore as to their rightfull heritage such good and naturall English wordes as have beena long time out of use and almost clean disherited, which is the only cause that our mother tongue, which truly of itself is both full enough for prose, and stately enough for verse, hath long time been counted most barren and bare of both. Critique on Spemitr, prejixed to his Works. There shall not be male or female barren among you, or among your cattle. Deuteronomy. Give me no help in lamentations ; 1 am not barren to bring forth laments. Shalispeare. There be of them that will make themselves laugh, to set on some quantity of barren spectators to laugh too. Id. Forget not in your speed, Antonius, To touch Calphurnia ; for our elders say The barren, touched in this holy chase. Shake olT their steril curse. Id. The situation of this city is pleasant, but the water is naught, and the ground barren. 2 Kings. Within the self same-liamlet, lands have divers degrees of value, through the diversity of their fer- tility or barrenness. Bacon. The importunity of our adversaries hath constrain- ed US longer to dwell than the barrenness of so poor a cause could have seemed either to require or to admit. Hooker, Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures Whilst the landscape round it measures ; Russet lawns and fallows gray. Where the nibbling flocks do stray ; Mountains, on whose barren breast The lab'ring clouds do often rest ; Meadows trim, with daisies pied. Shallow brooks, and rivers wide. Milton. They led the vine To wed her elm ; she spous'd about him twines Her marriageable arms, and with her brings iler dow'r, th' adopted clusters, to adorn His barren leaves. Id. I pray'd for children, and thought barrenness II wedlock a reproach. Id. No more be mention'd then of violence Against ourselves ; and wilful barrenness That cuts off us from hope. Id. The adventures of Vlysscs arc imitated in the iEneis ; though the accidents are not th(; same, which would have argued him of a total 6arrcnn^M of invention. Drt/den. Telemachus is far from exalting the nature of his country ; he confesses it to be barren. Pope. Some schemes will appear barren of hints and mat- ter, but prove to be fruitful. Swift. Without the evening dew and show'rs. The earth would be a barren place. Of trees, and plants, of herbs and flow'rs. To crown her now enamell'd face. Charles Cotton. This heart, by age and grief congeal 'd. Is no more sensible to love's endearments. Than are our barren rocks to morn's sweet dew. That calmly trickles down their rugged cheeks. Miller's Mahomet. There is a power upon me which withholds And makes it my fatality to live : If it bo life to wear within myself. This barrenness of spirit, and to be My own soul's sepulchre, for I have ccas'd To justifj' my deeds unto myself. The last infirmity of evil. Byron. Barren Island, an island in the bay of Bengal, about eighteen miles in circumfer- ence ; the vegetation consists principally of withered shrubs and trees. It contains a vol- cano 1800 feet above the level of the sea. Im- mense columns of smoke and showers of red-hot stones, some of tliem three or four tons weight, are discharged from it. Distant forty-five miles east of the Lower Andaman Island. Lat. 12" 15' N. Also a small island in Chesapeake bay, north-east from the mouth of Patuxent river. Long. 76° 22' W., lat. 38= 34' N. Barrfn Island, C ai'k, an island of the South Pacific Ocean, in Bass Straits, between Great Island on the north, and Clarke's Island on the south. It is abput twenty miles in length, and ten in breadth, chiefly covered with low vegeta- tion. Here are found the peculiar quadrupeds of the Australasian regions, the kangaroo, wombat, and duck-billed ant eater. Barrenness. See Sterility. Barren-wort. See Epimedium. BARRERIA, in botany, a genus of plants, class pentandria, order monogynia. Its generic character is cal. quinquedentate ; cor. rotate, divisions scrobiculate ; filaments dilated ; antu. tetragonal, marginate, margins cohering. The only species of this genus is the B. theobroma;- folia, a tree of about fifty feet in height, a native of Cayenne. BARRETRY. See Barratry. BARRETT (George), an eminent landscape painter, was born in Dublin about 1732. By natural genius and application, he acquired, with- out a teacher, such skill in the art of painting, as to obtain the premium of £50 offered by the Dublin society for the best landscape in oil. He afterwaiils went to London, and there, in 1763, the premium of £50 for the best land- scape, was adjudged to him by the society for tlie encouratrement of arts, &c. lie was one of the original planners of the Royal Academy, of which he became a member. He died in 1784. Barrett (William,) an eminent surgeon, born in Somersetshire. He settled at Bristol, and ■j.iined great reputation in his business. In 178B BAR 584 BAR he published a history of the city of Bristol, in one vol. 4to. the materials of which he had em- ployed upwards of twenty years in collecting. He died in 1789. Mr. Barrett was the early patron of the celebrated Chatterton. Barrica'de,i'.&»."\ From barr, to stop, Barrica'do,u. &?j. ( bar, or obstruct. A Ba'rrico, ^fortification; any thin^ Barrier. 3 fixed to hinder entrance; barrier likewise si^rnifies boundary or limit; a bar to mark the limits of any place. Why it hath bay windows, transparent as barrica- dues ; and the clear stones to the north are as lustrous as ebony ; and yet complainest thou of obstructions. Shahf.-peare. The access was by a neck of land, between the sea on one part, and the harbour water, or inner sea on the other ; fortified clean over with a strong rampier and barricado. Bacon. For justs, and toiu-neys, and barriers, the glories of them are chiefly in the chariots, whereia the chal- lengers make their entries. Id. Fast we found, fast shut The dismal gates, and barricado'd strong 1 Milton. He had not time to barricadu the doors j so that the enemy entered. Clarendon. The truth of causes wc find so obliterated, that it seems almost barricadoed from any intellectual ap- proach. Harvey. This he courageously invaded. And having enter'd, barricaded, Insconc'd himself as formidable As could be underneath a table. Hudibras. Pris'ners to the pillar bound. At either barrier plac'd ; nor, captives made. Be freed, or arm'd anew. Dryden. The queen is guarantee of the Dutch, having pos- session of the harrier, and the revenues thereof, be- fore a peace. Swift. But wave what'er to Cadmus may belong. And fix, O muse, the barrier of thy song At Oedipus. Pope's Statins. How instinct varies in the grovelling swine, Compar'd half reas'ning elephant I with thine : 'Twixt that and reason what a nice barrier ! For ever sep'rate, yet for ever near. Pope. Safe in the love of Heav'n, an ocean flows Around our realm, a barrier from the foes. Id. Now all the pavement sounds with trampling feet. And the mix'd hurry barricades the street ; Entangled here, the waggon's lengthened team. Gay. 11 you value yourself as a man of learning, you are building a most impassable barrier against improve- ment. Watts. The barrier wall, the river deep and wide. The horrid crags, the mountains dark and tall. Rise like the rocks that part Hispania's land from Gaul. Byron. Barricade, in military affairs, is usually formed when time permits, of pales or stakes crossed with batoons, and shod with iron at the feet, and set up in passages or breaches. Barricade, in naval architecture, a strong wooden rail, supported by stanchioss, extending across the foremost part of the quarter deck. In a vessel of war, the vacant spaces between the stanchions are commonly filled with rope-mats, cork, or pieces of old cable ; and the upper part, which contains a double rope-netting above the rail, is stuffed with full hammocks to inter- cept the motion, and prevent tlie execution of small shot in time of battle. BARRIER, in fortification, a kind of fence made at a passage, retrenchment. Sec. to stop up the entry. It is composed of great stakes, about four or five feet high, placed at the dis- tance of eight or ten feet from one another, with transums, or overtliwart rafters, to stop either horse or foot, that would enter or rush in with violence : in the middle is a moveable bar of wood, that opens or shuts at pleasure. A bar- rier is commonly set up in a void space, between the citadel and the town, in half-moons, &c. Barrier Islands, a range of islands near the east coast of New Zealand, thirty miles in length, at the mouth of the river Thames. Long. 184° 27' W., lat. 36° 11' S. BARRIERS, styled the jeu de barres, French, was a martial exercise of men armed and fighting together with swords, within certain bars or rails which separated them from the spectators. It is now disused. BARRIGA NEGRA,ariver in the vice-royalty of Buenos Ayres, South America, which has its rise about f 60 miles north-west of Monte \'ideo, and after being augmented by the accession of several streams, falls into lake ]Meri. The coun- try around is well watered, mountainous, and woody. Here are numbers of great breeding estates for cattle. BARRING A Vein. See To Bar. BARRINGTON (John Shute, Viscount), a distinguished theologian, wa^ the youngest son of Benjamin Shute, Esq. a merchant and a pro- testant dissenter. He was born in 1678, and re- ceived part of his education abroad. On his re- turn to London, he studied in the Inner Temple, and in 1701 distinguished himself as a writer in favor of the civil rights of the dissenters. Being employed by Lord Somers to engage the Presby- terians of Scotland to favor the union between the two kingdoms, he was in 1708 rewarded by the place of commissioner of the customs, from which the torj' ministry of Anne removed him. About this time an ample fortune was left him by Francis Barrington of Tofts, Esq. whose name he assumed. On the accession of George I. he was chosen member of parliament for Berwick- upon-Tweed, and in 1720 was raised to the peerage by the title of viscount Barrington of Ardglass. Unfortunately he became connected with one of the bubbles of that time, called the Harburgh Lottery ; and was in consequence ex- pelled the House of Commons ; a censure which lie scarcely merited, as the misconduct seems to have rested principally with the ministry of Ha- nover. But his strong opposition to Sir Robert Walpole is thought to liave produced this seve- rity. In 1725 Lord Barrington published his ' Miscellanea Sacra,' 2 vols. 8vo., since reprinted by his son, the late Bishop of Durham, 3 vols. 8vo. 1770. In the same year he published 'An Essay on the several Dispensations of God to Mankind,' 8vo. and was also the author of va- rious other tracts relative to toleration in matters of religion. He died in 1734, leaving severd children, of whom five sons rose to high statiois respectively in the state, the church, the law, the army, and the navy; the youngest of them vas the late venerable Bishop of Durham. Lcrd Barrington was the friend and disciple of Locke,; BAR 585 BAR and although bred a Dissenter, and a leader of that body, was also a frequenter and communi- cant of the Church of England. BaRrington (Daines), fourth son of viscount Barrington, was distinguished as a lawyer, anti- quary, and naturalist. He was bom in 1727, and, after preparatory studies at Oxford and the Inner Temple, was called to the bar. He held several offices previous to his being appointed a Welch judge in 1757, and was subsequently se- cond justice of Chester till 1785, when he re- signed that post, and thenceforward lived in retirement, in the Temple, where he died, March 1800. His works, which are numerous, consist principally of papers in the Transactions of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, of both which learned bodies he was a fellow ; Observations on the Statutes, chiefly on the more Ancient, &c. 1766, 4to. ; an edition of Orosius, with the Anglo-Saxon version of king Alfred, and an English translation and notes, 1773; Tracts on the Probability of reaching the North Pole, 1775, 4to. occasioned by the arctic expedition of Capt. Phipps, afterwards Lord Mulgrave. Barringtox, a township of Nova Scotia, in Queen's county, on the east side of the bay of Fundy. 2. A township of New Hampshire, in Stafford county, about thirty miles north-west of Portsmouth. Alum is found here. 3. A town- ship of'Rhode Island, in Bristol county, on the north-west branch of the Warren, seven miles south-east of Fox-Point, in Providence. Barrington, Great, a township in Berkshire, county of ^lassachusetts. It lies 140 miles west of Boston. BARRINGTONIA, in botany, a genus of the polyandria order, belonging to the monadelphia class of plants, the characters of which are : one female, the calyx dephillous above; with adrupa, which it crowns ; and the seed is a quadrilocular nut. There is but one species known, viz. B. speciosa, a native of China and Otaheite. BA'RRISTER; from barr, and e.sYfr, to re- main or continue : thus the combination of the two forms, barrester, one who takes his sta- tion at a bar ; who continues there — that is who carries on his profession at the bar; a pleader of causes. Jollier of this state. Than are new-beneiic'd ministers ; he throws. Like nets or lime-twigs, wheresoe'cr he goes. His title of barrister on everj' wench. And wooes in language of the Pleas and Bench. Donne. This being reveal'd, they now begun With law and conscience to fall on. And laid about as hot and brainsick. As th' utter barrister of Swanswick. Butler's Httdihras. Barristers are sometimes termed juriscon- sulti ; and in other countries called licentiati in jure. Anciently barristers at law were called apprentices of the law, in Latin, apprenticii juris nobiliores. The time before they ought to be called to the bar, by the ancient orders, was eiglit years, now reduced to five ; and the exercises done by them, (if they were not called ex gratia) were twelve grand moots performed in the inns of Chancery in the time of the grand readings, and twenty-four petty moots in the term times, before the readers of the respective inns : and a barris- ter newly called is to attend the six (or four) next long vacations the exercises of the house, viz. Lent and Summer, and is thereupon for those three (or two) years styled a vacation bar- rister. The duties of a barrister are to be consi- dered honorar}% and he can maintain no action for his fees, which are reckoned a gratuity, not a hire ; and which cannot be even demanded by a barrister without doing wrong to his reputation. BARRITUS is a word of German original, adopted by the Romans to signify the general shout usually given by the soldiers of their armies on their first encounter after the classicum or alarm. This custom, however, of setting up a general shout was not peculiar to the Romans, but prevailed amongst the Trojans according to Homer, amongst the Germans, the Gauls, Mace- donians, and Persians. See Classicum. BARROS (John de), a celebrated Portuguese historian, born at Visere, in 1496. He was edu- cated at the court of king Emanuel, among the princes of the blood, and made a great progress in Greek and Latm. The infant John, to whom he attached himself, and became preceptor, having succeeded the king his father, in 1521, Barros obtained a place in this prince's house- hold ; and in 1522 was made governor of St. George del ]Mina, on the coast of Guinea. The king, having recalled him to court three years after, made him treasurer of the Indies, and this post inspired him with the ttiought of writing this history ; for which purpose he retired to Pombal, where he died in 1570. His historj' of Asia and the Indies is divided into decades; the first of which he published in 1552, the second in 1553, and the third in 1563 ; but the fourth decade was not published till 1615, when it ap- peared by order of Philip III. who purchsised the MS. Several authors have continued it, so that we have at present twelve decades. He left many other works. BARROW, 11. s. bejiefje, Sax. supposed by Skinner to come from bear; any kind of carriage moved by the hand ; as a hand-bunou- , a frame of boards, with handles at each end, carried be- tween two men; a ichcel-barrow, that which one man pushes forward by raising on one wheel. Have I lived to be carried in a basket, like a barrow of butcher's offal, and thrown into the Thames. Sliakspeare. No barrow's wheel Shall mark thy stocking with a miry trace. Gay. Ba'rrow, n. s. beji3. Sax. a hog; whence barrow grease, or hog's lard. His life was like a barrow hogge. That liveth many a day. Yet never once doth any good. Until men will him slay. The Jew of Venice, in Percy, And therefore take my words thus, that 1 mean no other swine but such as feed and root in the field : among which the female, especially a guclt that never farrowed, is more effectual than a (tame) bore, barrow hog, or a breeding sow. Holland's Plinie. Barrow, whether in the beginning or end of names of places, signifies a grove ; from beanl"-S which tlie Saxons used in the same sense. Gibson. Barrow is likewise used in Com%N-all for a BAR 586 BAR hillock, under which, in old times, bodies have been buried. See Barrows. Barrow, a river of Ireland, which rises in Queen's county, and passing by Port-Arlington, Monastereven, Athy, Carlow, &c. is joined by the Nore before it arrives at Ross, after which, continuing south, it joins the Suir in Waterford Haven. ' Barrow, a river of Westmoreland, which runs into the Burbeck, near Howse-house. Barrow (Isaac), an eminent mathematician and divine, of the last century, was the son of Mr. Thomas Barrow, a linen-draper in London, where he was born in 1630. He was at first placed at the charter-house school for two or three years ; where his behaviour afforded but little hopes of success in the profession of a scholar, but being removed thence his disposition took a happier turn ; and having soon made a suffi- cient progress in learning, he was admitted a pensioner of Peter House, Cambridge. He now applied himself with great diligence to the study of all branches of literature, especially that of natural philosophy. He afterwards turned his attention to physic, and made a considerable progress in anatomy, botany, and chemistry ; after which he studied chronology, astronomy, and geometry. He then travelled into France and Italy, and in a voyage from Leghorn to Smyrna, the ship being attacked by an Algerine pirate, he staid upon deck, and with the greatest intrepidity, worked the guns, till the pirate, per- ceiving the stout resistance the ship made, sheered off and left her. At Smyrna he met with a most kind reception from Mr. Bretton, the English consul, upon whose death he after- wards wrote a Latin elegy. From thence he proceeded to Constantinople, where he received similar civilities from Sir Thomas Bendish the English ambassador, and Sir Jonathan Dawes, with whom he afterwards preserved an intimate friendship. At Constantinople he read the works of St. Chrysostom, once bishop of that see, whom he preferred to all the other fathers, and about a year after he returned to Venice. From thence he came home in 1659, through Germany and Holland ; and was ordained by bishop Brownrig. In 1660 he was chosen to the Greek professorship at Cambridge, and gave lectures upon Aristotle's rhetoric. In 1662 he was appointed professor of geometry in Gresham college, and in 1603 elected a fellow of the Royal Society, in the first clioice made by the council after their charter. The same year he was chosen professor of mathe- matics at Cambridge, and resigned his professor- ship of Gresham college. In 1669 he resigned his mathematical chair to his learned friend Isaac Newton, being determined to give up the study of mathematics for that of divinity. Upon quitting his professorship, he was only a fellow of Trinity college, till his uncle gave him a small sinecure in Wales, and Dr. Seth Ward, bishop of Salisbury conferred upon him a prebend in his church. In 1670 he was created D. D. by mandate ; and, upon the promotion of Dr. Pear- son, master of Trinity college, to the see of Chester, he was appointed to succeed him by the king's patent, dated the 13th of February, 1672. When the king advanced him to this dignity, he said, ' he had given it to the best scholar in Eng- land.' In 1675 he was raised to be vice-chancel- lor of the university.- He died on the 4th of May, 1677, in the forty-seventh year of his age, and was interred in Westminster abbey, where a monument adorned with his bust was soon after erected. Among other instances of his wit and vivacity, is related the following rencontre be- tween him and the Celebrated Lord Rochester. These two meeting one day at the court, while the doctor was king's chaplain in ordinary, Roches- ter, thinking to banter him, with a flippant air, and a low formal bow, accosted him with, * Doc- tor, I am yours to my shoe-tie ;' Barrow, per- ceiving his drift, and determined upon defending himself, returned the salute, with, ' My lord, I am yours to the ground.' Rochester, on this, improving his blow, returned it with, 'Doctor, I am yours to the centre ;' which was as smartly followed up by Barrow, with, *My lord, I am yours to the antipodes.' Upon which, Roches- ter, disdaming to be foiled by a musty old piece of divinity, as he used to call him, exclaimed, ' Doctor, I am yours to the lowest pit of hell ;' upon which, Barrow turning upon his heel, with a sarcastic smile, archly replied, ' There, my lord, I leave you.' Of Dr. Barrow's numerous works, the princi- pal are, 1. Euclidis Elementa, 8vo. Cantab. 1655. 2. Euclidis Data, 8vo. Cantab. 1657. 3. Lectiones Opticse XVIII. 4to. Lond. 1669. 4. Lectiones Geometricae XIII. 4to. Lond. 1670. 5. Archimedis Opera, ApoUonii Conicorum, Libri IV; Theodosii Sphericorum, Lib. III.&c. 4to. Lond. 1675. 6. Lectio, in qua Theoremata Archimedis de Sphaera et Cylindro exhiben- tur, 12mo. Lond. 1678. 7. Mathematicae Lectiones, &c. Lond. 1683. 8. Theological Works in 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1683, published by Tillotson. 9. Isaaci Barrow Opuscula, &c. fol. Lond. 1687. Barrows, in ancient topography,' artificial hillocks or mounts, met with in many parts of the world, intended as repositories for the dead, and formed either of stones heaped up, o{ of earth. For the former, more generally known by the name of cairns, see Cairns. Of the lat- ter Dr. Plott takes notice of two kinds in Oxford- shire : one placed on the military ways ; the other in the fields, meadows, or woods ; the first sort doubtless of Roman erection, the other more probably erected by the Britons or Danes. We have an examination of the barrows in Cornwall by Dr. Williams, in the Phil. Trans. No. 458, from which we find that they are generally com- posed of foreign or adventitious earth ; that is, such as does not rise on the place, but is fetched from some distance. Monuments of this kind are also very frequent in Scotland. On digging into the barrows, urns have been found in some of them, made of calcined earth, and containing burnt bones and ashes ; in others, stone chests containing bones entire ; in others, bones neither lodged in chests nor deposited in urns. These tumuli are round, not greatly elevated, and ge- nerally at their basis surrounded with a foss. They are of different sizes ; in proportion, it is sup- posed, to tlie greatness, rank, and power, of the deceased person. The links of Skail, in Sand- BARROW. 587 wick, one of the Orkneys, abound in round barrows. Some are formed of earth alone, others of stone covered with earth. In the former was found a coffin, made of six flat stones. Tliey are too short to receive a body at full length : the skeletons found in them lie with the knees pressed to the breast, and the Icrs doubled along tiie thighs. A bag, made of rushes, has been found at the feet of some of these skeletons, containing the bones, most probably, of another of the family. In one were to be seen mul- titudes of small beetles ; and as similar insects have been discovered in the bag which enclosed the sacred ibis, we may suppose that the Egyp- tians, and the nation to whom these tumuli be- longed, might have had the same superstition respecting tliem. On some of the corpses in- terred in this island marks of burning were ob- served. Tiie ashes deposited in an urn, which was covered on the top with a flat stone, have been found in the cell of one of the barrows. This coffin or cell was placed on the ground, then covered with a heap of stones, and that again cased with earth and sods. Both barrow and contents evince them to be of a different age from the former. These tumuli were in the nature of family vaults : in them have been found two tiers of coffins. It is probable, that on the death of any one of the family, the tu- mulus was opened, and the body interred near its kindred bones. Ancient Greece and Latium concurred in the same practice with tlie natives of this island. Patroclus among the Greeks,' and Hector among the Trojans, received but the same funeral honors with our Caledonian heroes; and the ashes of Uercennus the Laurentine monarch had the same simple protection. The urn and pall of the Trojan warrior might per- haps be more superb than those of a British leader : the rising monument of each had tlie common materials from our motlier earth. See Homer's Iliad, xxiv. 1003. The Grecian bar- rows, however, do not seem to have been all equally simple, '^he barrow of Alyattes, father of Croesus king of Lydia, is described by Hero- dotus as a most superb monument, inferior only to the works of the Egyptians and Babylonians. It was a vast mound of earth heaped on a base- ment of large stones by three classes of the people : one of which was composed of girls, who were prostitutes. Alyattes died, after a long leign, A. A. C. .562. Above a century inter- vened, but the historian relates, that to his time five stones (spoi termini or stela;) on which let- ters were engraved, had remained on tiie top, recording what each class had performed ; and from the measurement it appeared, that the greater j:ortion was done by the girls. Strabo likewise has mentioned it as a huge mound, raised on a lofty basement by the multitude of the city. The circumference was six stadia or three quarters of a mile ; the height two ple- thra or 200 feet ; and the width thirteen plethra. It was customary among the Greeks to place on barrows, either the image of some animal or sfela;, jommonly round pillars witli inscriptions. The famous barrow of the Athenians in the plain of Marathon, described by Pausanias, is an in- stance of the latter usage. An ancient monu- ment in Italy, by the Appian way, called the sepulchre of the Curiatii, has the same number of termini as remained on the barrow of Alyattes, the basement which is square, supporting five- round pyramids. Of the barrow of Alyattes, the apparent magnitude is described by travellers as now much diminished, and tlie bottom ren- dered wider and less distinct than before, by the gradual increase of the soil below. It stands in the midst of others by the lake Gygxus ; where the burying place of tlie Lydian princes was situated. The barrows are of various sizes, the smaller made perhaps for children of the younger branches of the royal family. Four or five are distinguished by their superior magni- tude, and are visible as hills at a great distance. That of Alyattes is greatly supereminent. All of them are covered with green turf, and retain their conical form without any sinking in of the top. Barrows, American. Barrows are also found in great numbers in America. These are of different sizes, according to Mr. Jefferson ; some of them constructed of earth, and some of loose stones. That they were repositories of the dead is obvious ; but on what particular occasion con- structed, is matter of doubt. Some have thought tliey covered the bones of those who have fallen in battles, fought on the spot of interment. Some ascribed them to the custom said to pre- vail among the Indians, of collecting, at certain periods, the bones of all their dead, wheresoever deposited at the time of death. Others again supposed them the general sepulchres for towns, conjectured to have been on or near these grounds ; and diis opinion was supported by the quality of the lands in which they are found (those constructed of earth being generally in the softest and most fertile meadow grounds on river sides"!, and by a tradition said to be handed down from the aboriginal Indians, thnt when they settled in a town, the first person who died was placed erect, and earth put about him, so as to cover and support him ; that when another died, a narrow passage was dug to the first, the second reclined against him, and the cover of earth replaced, and so on. ' There being one of tliese barrows in my neighbourhood (says INIr. Jefferson), I wished to satisfy myself whether any, and which, of these opinions were just. For this purpose I determined to open and ex- amine it thoroughly. It was situated on the low grounds of the Kivanna, about two miles above its principal fork, and opposite to some hills, on which had been an Indian town. It was of a spheroidical form, of about forty feet diameter at the base, and had been of about twelve feet altitude, though now reduced by the plough to 7.^, having been under cultivation about a dozen years. Before this it was covered witii trees of twelve inches diameter, and round the base was an excavation of five feet depth and width, whence the earth had been taken of wliicli the hillock was formed. I first dug superficially in several parts of it, and came to collections of human bones, at different depths, from six inches to three feet below the surface. These were lying in the utmost confusion, some vertical, some ob- lique, some horizontal, and directed to every 688 BARROW. point of the compass, entangled, and held to- getlier in clusters, by the earth. Bones of the most distant parts were found together; as, for instance, the small bones of the foot in the hol- low of a skull, many skulls would sometimes be in contact, lying on the face, on the side, on the back, top or bottom, so as on the whole to give the idea of bones emptied promiscuously from a bag or basket, and covered over with earth, without any attention to their order. The bones of which the greatest numbers remained, were skulls, jaw-bones, teeth, the bones of the arms, thighs, legs, feet, and hands. A few ribs re- mained, some vertebra of the neck and spine, without tlieir processes, and one instance only of the bone which serves as a base to the vertebral column. The skulls were so tender, that they generally fell to pieces on being touched. The other bones were stronger. There were some teeth which were judged to be smaller than those of an adult ; a skull which, on a slight view, ap- peared to be that of an infant, but it fell to pieces on being taken out, so as to prevent satis- factory examination ; a nb, and a fragment of the under jaw of a person about half grown ; another rib of an infant ; and part of the jaw of a child, which had not yet cut its teeth. This last furnishing the most decisive proof of the burial of children here, I was particular in my attention to it. It was part of the right half of the under jaw. The processes by which it was articulated to the temporal bones were entire ; and the bone itself firm to where it had been broken off, which, as nearly as I could judge, was about the place of the eye-tooth. Its upper edge, wherein would have been the sockets of the teeth, was perfectly smooth. Measuring it with that of an adult, by placing their hinder processes together, its broken end extended to the penultimate grinder of the adult. This bone was white, all the others of a sand color. The bones of infants being soft, they probably decay sooner, which might be the cause so few were found here, I proceeded then to make a perpen- dicular cut through the body of the barrow, that I might examine its external structure. This passed about three feet from its centre, was opened to the former surface of the earth, and was wide enough for a man to walk through and examine its sides. At the bottom, that is, on the level of the circumjacent plain, I found bones ; above these a few stones, brought from a cliff a quarter of a mile off, and from the river one eighth of a mile off; then a large interval of earth, then a stratum of bones, and so on. At one end of the section were four strata of bones plainly distinguishable : at the other, three; the strata in one part not ranging with those in another. The bones nearest the surface were least decayed. No holes were discovered in any of them, as if made with bullets, arrows, or other weapons. 1 conjectured that in this barrow might have been 1000 skeletons. Everyone will readily seize the circumstances above related, which militate against the opinion that it covered the bones only of persons fallen in battle ; and against the tiadition also which would make it the common sepulchre of a town, in which the bodies were placed upright, and touching each other. Appearances certainly indicate that it derived both origin and growth from the ac- customary collection of bones, and deposition of them together ; that the first collection had been deposited on the common surface of the earth, a few stones put over it, and then a co- vering of earth ; that the second had been laid on this, had covered more or less of it in pro- portion to the number of bones, and was then also covered with earth, and so on. The fol- lowing are the particular circumstances which give it this aspect. 1. The number of bones. 2. Their confused position. 3. Their being in different strata. 4. The strata in one part having no correspondence with those in another. 5. The different states of decay in these strata, which seem to indicate a difference in the time of in- humation. 6. The existence of infant bones among them. But on whatever occasion they may have been made, they are of considerable notoriety among the Indians : for a paity passing, about thirty years ago, through the part of the country where tliis barrow is, went through the woods directly to it, without any instructions or enquiry ; and having staid about it some time, with expressions which were construed to be those of sorrow, they returned to the high road, which they had left about half a dozen miles to pay this visit, and pursued their journey. There is another barrow, much resembling this in the low grounds of the south branch of the Shenandoah, where it is crossed by the road leading from the Rockfish gap to Staunton. Both of these liave, within these dozen years, been cleared of their trees and put under cultivation, are much re- duced in their height, and spread in width, by the plough, and will probably disappear in time. There is another on a hill in the Blue ridge of mountains, a few miles north of Wood's gap, which is made up of small stones thrown to- gether. This has been opened and found to contain human bones as the others do. There are also many others in other parts of the country.* In South Africa, to the north of the Hottentots, innumerable barrows are described to have been seen by Dr. Sparrow, (Travels ii. 264.) In New Caledonia, also, Mr. Foster met with a barrow four feet high, surrounded by an en- closure of stakes. But the most recent disco- veries of the kind, in countries removed from all intercourse with Europe, have been made by Mr, Oxley during his expedition into the in- terior of New South Wales, in 1817-18. On his return, he passed two native burial places. The first presented a raised mound of earth, under which were some ashes ; but there was no decisive proof whether they were from wood or bones. A semicircular trench was dug round one side of the barrow, as if designed to afford seats for persons in attendance. The second appeared not to have been constructed more than a year or two ; and, from the care displayed in it, evidently belonged to some personage of dis- tinction. The form of the whole was semicir- cular. Three rows of seats occupied one half; the grave and an outer row of seats the other. The seats formed segments of circles of' from forty to fifty feet, and were raised by the soil being trenched up between them. The grave BAR 589 BAR was shaped into an obloiiiJj cone, five feet high and nine long. On opening this barrow, a layer of wood presented itself, about two feet beneatli tlie surface, forminira sort of arch, which su{)ported the upper cone. Beneath lliis were placed several sheets of dry bark ; then dry grass and leaves, to winch no damp IkkI ever pene- trated. The body, which was fresh enougli to be extremely offensive, was deposited, at the depth of four feet, in an oval grave, as many feet long, and about two feet broad. The legs were bent quite up to tlie head, and the arms were placed between the thighs. The face was downwards. The direction of the corpse was east and west, the head being to the east. The body was carefully wrapped in a great number of opossum skins. The head was bound round by the common net and girdle of the natives. Over the whole was a larger net. Two cypress trees were to the west and north of this barrow, distant about fifty feet. The sides of them to- wards the sepulchre were barked, and curious characters were deeply engraven in them. Barhow, Little, a river of Ireland, which falls into the Barrow, about four miles east of Portarlington. Bariiow, Poixt, a cape on the south coast of Ireland, in the county of Cork, five miles east of Kinsale. Long. 8° 21' W., lat. 51" 43' N. Barrow's Strait, a considerable strait of the Northern Ocean, so named by Captain Parry, in one of his voyages, in honor of INIr. Barrow of the admiralty. Barrow upon Soar, a village in Leicester- shire; the birth place of bishop Beveridge. It is celebrated for ])roducing a hard blue stone, which, when calcined, makes a lime fit for a strong cement, and adapted to all works under water. The Barrow blue stone was conveyed to Ramsgate for the building of the piei and was found to succeed, after the Dutch tarras mortar had failed. Barrows, in the salt works, are wicker cases, almost in the shape of a sugar loaf, wherein the salt is put to drain. BARRSTOBRICK, a rocky moorish hill, in the county of Kirkcudbright and parish of Tong- land, where tiie unfortunate Mary, Queen of Scots, rested and refreshed herself with a few faithful friends, in 1568, after the fatal battle of Langside; on her way to the Abbey of Dun- drennan. From this circumstance the farm on that part of Barrstobrick has ever since been called Queen's Hill. BARRUEL(Augustin), a French ecclesiastic, and a literary man of some eminence during the French revolution, commenced his career in 1774, with an ode on the accession of Louis XV'I. Soon after he united with Freron in the compo- sition of the Annee Litteraire. In 1788 he became editor of Le Journal Ecclesiastique, which he carried on till July 1792. In 1794 he had escaped, from the opposition his sentiments encountered in Paris, to Entjland, and published his History of the French Clergy during the Re- volution. In 1796 appeared the first two volumes of the work by which he is best known, Memoirs for a History of Jacobinism, Impiety, and Anar- chy, the remaining part of which followed some years after. Tliough an exaggerated production, it supplies many facts not otherwise to be found recorded. lie returned to France in 1802, and did (Jet. 5, 1820, at the age of seventy-nine. BARRLLFT, in heraldry, the fourth part of the bar, or the one half of tlie closset, an usual bearing in coat-armour. BAllRULY, in heraldry, is when the field is divided bar-ways, that is, across from side to side, into several parts. BARRY (.lames), a celebrated painter, was born at Cork on the lltli of October, 1741. His father's occupation was that of a coasting-trader, and, anxious to engage his son in the same busi- ness, he carried him along with him in several voyages. The mind of Barry, however, averse to such an employment of his talents, was engaged at all leisure moments in sketching and drawing; and his father, perceiving the impossibility of fix- ing his choice in a seafaring profession, allowed him at last to pursue the natural bias of his dis- position. His eager thirst of knowledge, and his persevering industry in acquiring it, now excited the admiration of all his acquaintance, and carried him forward to improvement and information far beyond his years. He read all the books that his slender finances could com- mand, or the kindness of his friends supplied ; and his unwearied diligence allowed him no time for frivolous amusement, and little for re- pose. But he devoted a part of every day to the exercise of his pencil, and at a very early age furnished designs for a volume of fables, printed by an Irish bookseller. He was seventeen years old when he attempted oil painting; but his progress in this first art must have been extremely rapid, and his execution of individual pieces uncom- monly quick, since we find him in less than five years not only finishing sereral large paintings, but producing that work which drew him from the obscurity of a provincial town, and gave him a high place among the artists of his country. The subject that he chose for this picture was an old traditionary story concerning the arrival of Saint Patrick in Ireland ; and as soon as he had finished it he set out with it for Dublin. With- out acquaintance or recommendation of any kind, he obtained leave to expose his piece in an exhibition of paintings, which was just opening upon his arrival, and had the happiness to see it marked out by public approbation and ap- plause. He shortly after was introduced to the acquaintance, and soon obtained the friendship, of Burke. With that great man he repaired to London, as a better field for the display of his talents, and, under his patronage, was introduced to several artists of eminence. The talents of Mr. Barry were here universally acknowledged to be great ; but in proportion as nature had been libe- ral, his friends and himself felt the importance of seconding her views, by embracing every at- tainable opportunity of improving her gifts. The most important part of a painter's education having for a long time been considered to be a short residence in Rome, Barry, was enabled to visit, by the assistance of the Burkes, that seat of the arts. There he remained nearly five years, engaged in the deepest researches on the princi- ples of his art, and in the most laborious exami- nation of its noblest specimens. For three years, 590 BARRY. he mentions in a letter to Sir Joshua Reynolds, he was so completely occupied in studying the inimitable ni0(lels of perfection bestowed upon the world by the genius of INIichael Angelo, Ra- phael, Titian, Guido, and other celebrated masters, that he could not spare two hours for any other employment. Nor was any of this portion of his time spent in copying them,- — it was entirely devoted to a minute and critical examination of their peculiar manner and characteristic excel- lencies. In 1771 he returned to his native country, and soon displayed the extent of his powers, and the improvement of his taste, in se- veral masterly appeals to public admiration. His first was a Venus, in which he embodied an amazing assemblage of beauty and grace. The subject he chose for the following year was like- wise mythological, being, a representation of Ju- piter and Juno on Mount Ida. But Mr. Barry's chief object of ambition was to be employed in some national work, which should raise the cha- racter of his country, while it should confer per- manent reputation on his own name. He had beheld at Rome the works of Raphael and ]\Iichael Angelo on the walls of the Vatican, and he saw what splendor magnificent edifices, and noble designs in painting, mutually diffused over each other. He therefore concurred with ala- crity in a proposal made to decorate the cathe- dral of St. Paul's with paintings, and offered his services as one of the artists. But this design was reliquished, owing to the opposition of the primate and the bishop of London. A proposal that was made soon afterwards to Barry and his ' brother artists, to decorate the great hall of the Society of Arts with historical and allegorical paintings, failed, to his great mortification, like the former. Bent on his great object, he offered to execute this work by himself, and the only condition that he stipulated for was, that he might be allowed to proceed to the end of his designs without in- terference or control. The condition was agreed to, and the work will remain a lasting monument of his fame. We have not space in this short sketch to describe his beautiful and ingenious designs ; we must therefore refer our readers to his own writings for their details, and to the pic- tures themselves, for a knowledge of the feeling of that excellence; to which his own description can do justice no more than that of others can convey. Dr. Johnson observed, upon seeing them, that they displayed a grasp of mind which was nowhere else to be found. This great work was unproductive of emolument to the author. But the society voted him their gold medal, 230 guineas at different periods, and allowed him the profits of exhibitions, which amounted to £500. It is not very pleasing to follow the artist through tlie remaining part of his life. In 1777 he was made a Royal Academician, and in 1780 professor of painting in the academy, which situation he lost in 1799, in consequence of his extreme anxiety to induce the academy to appropriate the receipts of the exhibitions to the formation of a gallery of old masters for the use of the pupils. Soon after, the earl of Buchan set on foot a subscription for him, which amounted to about £lOOO. With this it was intended to purchase an annuity for him, when he was seized with a pleuritic fever, which carried him off on the 22d of February, 1 806, aged sixty-five. ' Mr. Barry, as an artist,' Mr. Hazlett has well said, 'as a writer, and a man, w;is distinguished by great inequality of powers and extreme contra- dictions in character. He was gross and refined at the same time ; violent and urbane ; sociable and sullen ; inflammable and inert; ardent and phlegmatic ; relapsing from enthusiasm into in- dolence ; irritable, headstrong, impatient of re- straint ; captious in his intercourse with his friends, wavering and desultory in his profession. In his personal habits he was careless of ap- pearances or decency, penurious, slovenly, and squalid. He regarded nothing but his im- pulses, confirmed into incorrigible habits. His pencil was under no control. His eye and his hand seemed to receive a first rude impulse, to which he gave himself up, and paid no regard to any thing else. The strength of the original impetus only drove him farther from his object. His genius constantly flew off in tangents, and came in contact with nature only at salient points. His enthusiasm and vigor were exhausted in the conception ; the execution was crude and abortive. His writings are a greater acquisi- tion to the art than his paintings. The powers of conversation were what he most excelled in ; and the influence which he exercised in this way over all companies where he came, in spite of the coarseness of his dress, and the frequent rude- ness of his manner, was great. Take him for all in all, he was a man of whose memory' it is impossible to think without admiration as well as regret.' Towards the close of life he was doubtless occasionally deranged. His works are collected in two quarto volumes, 1809, of which his Lectures are deemed the best part. Barry (Girald), commonly called Giraldus Cambrensis, Girald of Wales, an historian and ecclesiastic in the reigns of Henry II. and Richard I., was born at the castle of Manorbier, near Pembroke, A. D. 1146. By his mother he was decended from tlie princes of South \V ales, and his father, William Barry, was one of the chief men of that principality. Being a younger brother, and intended for the church, he was sent to St. David's, and educated in the family of his uncle, who was bishop of that see. He acknow- ledges, in his history of his own life and actions, that in his youth he was too playful ; but being reproached for it by his preceptors, he became a very hard student, and excelled all his school- fellows. When he was about twenty years of age he was sent, A. D. 1166, for improvement, to the university of Paris ; where he continued five years. On his return to Britain he entered into holy orders, and obtained several benefices in England and Wales. Observing that his countrymen were backward in paying the tithes of wool and cheese, which he'was afraid would in- volve them in eternal ruin, he applied to Richard, archbishop of Canterbury, and was appointed his legate in Wales for rectifying that disorder. He executed his commission with great spirit; excommunicating all who refused to save their souls by surrendering the tithes of cheese and wool. Not satisfied with enriching, he also at- tempted to reform, the clergy ; and reported the archdeacon of Brecon, for the unpardonable BARRY. 591 crime of matrimony. The poor old man refusnij^ to put away his wife, wxs deprived of his arch- deaconry ; which was bestowed upon our zealous legate. Ilis great vigor involved him in many quarrels. His uncle, the bishop of St. David's, dyin? A. D. 1176, he was elected his successor by the chapter : but this election having been made contrary to the inclination of Henry II. he did not insist upon it, but went a^niin to Paris to prosecute his studies, in the civil and canon law, and theology. Ilaviu'^ spent about four years at Paris, he returned to St. David's, where he found every thing in confusion ; and the bishop being expelled by the people, he was ap- pointed administrator by the archbishop of Can- terburj-, and governed the diocese in that capacity till A. D. 1184, when he was restored. About the same time he was called to court by Henry the Second, appointed one of his chaplains, and sent into Ireland A. D. 1185, witli prince .lohn. By this prince he was offered the united bishop- rics of Femes and Leighlin, but declined them, and employed his time in collecting materials for his Topography of Ireland, and his history of the conquest of that island. Having finished the former work, which consisted of three books, he published it at Oxford, A. D. 1287, in the follow- ing curious manner, in three days. On the first day he read the first book to a great concourse of people, and afterwards entertained all the poor of the town ; on the second day he read the se- cond, and entertained the doctors and chief scholars ; and on the third day he read the third book, and entertained the young scholars, sol- diers, and burgesses. ' A most glorious specta- cle !' says he, ' which revived the ancient times cf the poets, and of which no example had been seen in Kngland.' lie attended Baldwin, arch- bishop of (.'anterbury, in his progress through Wales. A. D. 1186, in preaching a croisade for the recovery of the Holy Land; in which he tells us he was far more successful than the primate ; and that the people were prodigiously affected with his Latin sermons, which they did not un- derstand, melting even to tears, and coming in crowds to take the cross. Although Henry II. entertained the highest opinion of his abilities, he never advanced him to any higher dignity in the church on account of his relation to the princes of Wales. But on the accession of Richard I. A. D. 1189, his prospects of prefer- ment became better, for he was sent for by that prince into Wales to preserve the peace of that country, and joined in commission with William Longchamp, bishop of Ely, as one of the regents of the kingdom. He did not however, improve this favorable opportunity, refusing the bishopric of Bangor in A. D. 1190, and that of Landaff the year after, having fixed his heart on the see of St. David's, the bishop of which was very old and infirm. In A. D. 1 1 92 the state of public affairs and the course of interest at court became so un- favorable to our author's \-iews, that he deter- mined to retire. At first he revived to return to Paris to prosecute his studies ; but meeting with difficulties in this, he went to Lincoln, where William de Monte read lectures in theo- logy with great applause. Here he spent about six years studying divinity, and composing vari- ous works. The see of St. David's, woich had long been the object of his ambition, now be- came vacant, (A. D. 1 198) and brought him again upon the stage. He was unanimously elected by the chapter ; but met with so powerful an adver- sary in Hubert, arclibishop of Canterbury, that it involved him in a litigation which lasted three years, cost him three journeys to Rome, at a great expense, and in which he was at last de- feated, A. D. 1203. Soon after, he retired from the world, and spent the last seventeen years of his life in a studious privacy, composing many books, of which we have a catalogue in the Bio- graphia Britannica. That Girald of Wales was a man of uncommon activity, genius, and learning, is undeniable; but these and his other good qualities were much tarnished by his insuffera- ble vanity, which must have been as offensive to his contemporaries, as it is disgusting to his readers. Barhy (James, baron Santry), was also a descendant of the ancient princes of Wales. Be- ing bred to the law, he was appointed king's Ser- jeant for Ireland in 1629. In this station he was noticed by Lord Wentworth, after%vards earl of Strafibrd, who promoted him to be second baron of Exchequer in 1634. Barry was not un- grateful. In 1640, when the Irish parliament pro- posed sending over a committee to impeach Lord Strafford, he did his utmost to oppose the mea- sure, though his efforts proved fruitless. During the commotion and revolution tliat followed, we hear nothing of Mr. Barry; but in 1660 he was appointed chairman of the Convention, which voted for the restoration of monarchy ; and in the end of that year, king Charles II. showed his opinion of his services, by appointing him Lord Chief Justice of the Iving's Bench, and a privy counsellor, and creating him a peer of Ireland. He did not live to see a third revolution, for he died in 1672. Baruy, a hill of Scotland, in Angiisshire, three miles north of Belmont, and 688 feet in height. Tradition says, that queen Guinever or \'anora, the wife of Arthur king of the Britons, was confined upon it, after having been taken prisoner in a battle between that prince and the Scots and Picts. Dr. Playfair has given the fol- lowing particular account of this hill. ' Barry-hill, the supposed place of V'anora's confinement, merits some description. It is one of the Grampians, one mile and a half north-east of Alyth. It commands an extensive view of Strathmore, and of several remarkable hills in the Sidlaw range, viz. Dunsinnan, Kinpurnie, Sidlaw, Finhaven, &c. all of which might have been anciently used as watch towers, or places of defence. History in- forms us that the Picts kept possession of Dun- barry, and the adjacent country, from a remote period to the ninth century, or later ; but the precise dates of their settlement in these parts, and of their expulsion, cannot be ascertanied. The hill itself is of an ovnl form. Its summit was levelled into an area 1 80 feet Ion?, and se- venty-two or seventy-four broad. Around the area a mound of earth w:is raised, from six to eight feet high, and ten to twelve broarl at top. On this mound a wall of free stone was built without any cement whatever. The 592 BARRY. foundation of the wall was composed of rough granite, and still remains. It is of the same breadth with the summit of the mound ; but the height of the wall cannot be known ; Gor- don's estimate of it is extremely erroneous. Among the ruins there are several pieces of vitri- fied stone ; but these vitrifications must have been accidental, as they are few and inconsider- able. Along the west and north borders of the area, barracks, or huts, were built of dry stone, and sufficiently sheltered by the mound and wall; but no structures of this sort can be traced in the south part of the area. As the north and west sides of the hill are steep, and of difficult access, there was no need of an outer ditch in those quarters: but, towards the south and east, where the hill gently slopes, there is a ditch ten feet broad, and from twelve to sixteen feet below the foundation of the wall. At the south-east extremity of the fort, a narrow bridge was raised over the ditch, eighteen feet long, aijd two broad, except towards each end, where the breadth was increased. It was composed of stones laid to- gether with much art and vitrified above, below, and on both sides ; so that the whole mass was firmly cemented. That an opening was left below after the process was finished is doubtful. On the upper part of the bridge a stratum of gra- vel was laid, to render the passage smooth and easy. This is the sole part of the fort intentionally vitri- fied. A few yards distant from the ditch there is an outer wall, the foundation or" which is about three feet lower than the summit of the mound. The approach to the fort is from the north-east, along the verge of a precipice; and the entrance was secured by a bulwark of stone, the ruins of which are extant. There is no vestige of a well within the fort; but westward, between the basis of the mound and the precipice, there was a deep pond or lake, recently filled up by the tenants in that neighbourhood. About a quarter of a mile eastward, on the declivity of the hill, there are some remains of another oval fort, of less extent than the preceding, consisting of a strong wall and ditch. Tradition says, that there was a sub- terranean communication between these forts, which is not improbable. From the account now given, it would appear, 1. That botii were constructed before the Romans introduced the art of building with lime and other cement. 2. That the Picts and ancient Scots had stone edifi- ces, which M'Pherson is not inclined to admit. 3. That they sometimes vitrified particular parts of their forts, to render them the more durable. BARR\, Barra, or Bara, one of the wes- tern isles of Scotland, lying in the Atlantic Ocean ; eight miles south from that of South Uist. Its extent has been strangely misrepresented, some stating it at five miles long and three broad, and otliers reducing it to a mere rock, half a mile in circumference, and inhabited only by solan geese and wild fowls ! It is at least twelve English miles long, and from three to six broad ; being intersected in different places by arms of the sea ; separated from the island of Watersay, by a channel of one mile. It has a barren ap- pearance, from the great quantity of rocks to be seen every where ; but on the north end, in good .seasons, it may vie in fertility with any ground of equal extent in Scotland. In the middle and south end there are very high hills, which are a mixture of green, rock and heath, and seem fitted for slieep-walks, if the island were near a good market. The west coast is low and flat ; the soil, fine shell sand, in many parts very fertile; but the ground rises to the east coast, where it is barren, and breaks off abrupt, irregular, and steep. In some parts, where the soil is rocky and uneven, it admits not of being plowed ; it is cultivated, therefore, by a kind of crooked spade, called cashroom. The inhabitants are about 1500. Long. 7^ 30' W., lat. 56° 55' N. Barry, a town of Ireland, in the county of Longford, fifty-four miles from Dublin. Barry, a small island in the Bristol channel, near the south coast of Wales ; distant three miles west of Flat Holm. Its name is said to be derived from a hermit, St. Baruch, who died there in 700. Giraldus Cambrensis states, that in a rock near the entrance of the island there is a small cavity, to which, if the ear be applied, a noise is heard like that of smiths at work, the blowing of bellows, strokes of hammers, grind- ing of tools, and roaring of furnaces,' and Sir Richard Iloare adds, that towards the southern part of the island, on a spot, called Nell's point, is a fine well, to which great numbers of women resort on Holy Thursday : having washed their eyes at the spring, each drops a pin into it. The landlord of the boarding-house (for the island is frequented by bathers) informed Sir Richard Iloare, that in the last cleaning of the well he took out a pint of these votive offerings. Barry, in heraldry, is when an escutcheon is divided bar-ways, that is, across from side to side, into an even number of partitions, consisting of two or more tinctures, interchangeably disposed. It is to be expressed in the blazon by the word barry, and the number of pieces must be specified ; but if the divisions be odd, the field must be firit named, and the number of bars expressed. Barry-bendy is when an escutcheon is divided evenly, bar and bendways, by lines drawn transverse and diagonal, inter- changeably varying the tinctures of which it consists, thus: Barry'-pily, is when a coat J is divided by several lines drawn ^ '^^^ obliquely from side to side. where they form acute angles, p ^^^ ~^B thus : BARSA, in ancient geography, an island oh the coast of France, in the English channel ; now called Basepool, according to some ; according to others, Bardsey. BARSABAS ; from -|D, a son, and K3i', rest ; a name of Joseph, surnamed Justus, who was competitor with Matthias for the apostleship, and is said to have been one of the seventy disciples. Barsabas (Judas), a member of the synod at BAR 593 BAR Jerusalem, wlio was sent witli Paul, Barnahas, and Silas, to publis'p their decree against the Judaising teachers among the Gentile churches at Antioch. lie is also styled a prophet : Acts XV. 32. BARSAC, a town of France, in Guienrie, in the Bourdelois, on the left hank of the Garonne ; contains 480 liouses, and belongs to the depart- ment of the Gironde, arrondissement of Bour- deaux, eighteen miles south-east of Bourdeaux. It is noted for its excellent wine. BAllSALLACH, Point, a cape of Scndand, on the coast'of the county of Wigton, in the bay of ].uce, eight uiiies north-west of Burrowhead. Long. 4° 35' 17" W., lat. 54° 48' N. BARSALLI, or Baksali.o, ■&. kingdom of Africa, bordering on the (Jambia, inhal)ited by a Irioe of negroes called .lalofls. Their govern- ment is a despotic monarchy ; all people being obliged to prostrate themselves on the earth when any of the royal family makes his appearance. It is divided in to a number of provinces, over which governors are apjiointed, called buineys. The Mahommedan is the professed religion, but little regard is paid to that part of the impdstor's laws which forbids the use of wine ; for tlie king cannot live without brandy ; nor is he ever more devout than wlien he is intoxicated. \A'hen he wants a fresh supply of this liquor, or of any other commodity, he seizes a certain number of his subjects, and sells them as slaves. BARSANIANI, in church history, a sect who held the errors of the Severians and Theodosians. BARSANTI (Francisco), an eminent musi- cal performer and composer, was born at Lucca about 1690. lie studied the civil law in the university of Padua ; but after a short stay there preferred music, and put himself under the tui- tion of some of the ablest masters in Italy. Having attained to a considerable degree of proficiency in practical composition, he resolved to settle in England, and came hither with Ge- miniani, in 1714. lie was a good performer on the hautboy and flute. He was many years a performer at the opera-house ; and at last went to Scotland, where he improved the music of that country, by making basses to a great num- ber of the most popular Scots tunes. About 1750 he returned to England; but, being ad- vanced in years, he went into the opera band as a performer on the tenor violin ; and in the summer season into that of ^'auxhall. At this time he published twelve concertos for violins; and shortly after, Sei Antifone,. in which he en- deavoured to imitate the style of Palestrina, and the old composers of motets ; but so little profit resulted, that, towards tHe end of his life, the industry and economy of an excellent wife, whom he had married in Scotland, and the labors of a daughter whom he had qualified for a singer, but who afterwards became an actress at Covent Garden, were his chief supports. iNIiss Barsanti wgnt on the stage in consequence of her entirely losing her singing voice by catching cold. Col- man engaged her as a comic actress for the ilaymarket tlieatre, and she gained great ap- plause. She afterwards went to Ireland, became a favorite there, and married Mr. Daly, the manager of the Dublin theatre. Vol. III. BARSR, in ichthyology, an Engli.sh name for tlie pearch, still used for the Siirne fish in the Saxon language, and one of t!ie many Saxon words we have retained. B.VRSICK, a head land on the coast of the island of South Ronaldshay, one of the Orkneys, wiiich is 250 feet perpendicular above the level of tlic sea. BAR-SUR-AUBE. See Bar. Bap-suu-sf.ine. See Bar. BA'RTI'Jl, V. & n.^ Fr. harater; Ital. bur- Bar'tkheh, ^rutarc ; Span, barrator, liAu'TLiiY. J from t«rn^ craft, fraufl. It is now, howevi-r, no longer used in this ill sense. It signifies a particular mode of exchange. \\\- change is the general term signifyinj; to take one for another. To barter is to exchange one ar- ticle of trade for another. The words that bear a near affinity to this are truck and commute; but their precise difference is this : truck is a familiar term to express a familiar action for exchanging one article of private property for another ; and commute is applied to the ex- changing one mode of punishment for another. We may exchange one book for another ; traders barter trinkets for gold-dust ; coachmen truck a whip for a handkerchief; government commutes the punishment of death for that of banishment. For him was I exchang'd and ransoin'd ; But with a baser man of anus by far Once, in contempt, they would have barler'A me. Shakspcare. From England they may be furnished v.ith such things as they may want, and in exchange or barter send other things with which they may abound. Bacon. As if they scorn'd to trade and barter, By giving or by taking (juarter. Hudibroj. A man has not every tiling growing upon his sml, and therefore is willing to barter with his ncis'hbour. Ciillier. I see notliing left us, but to truck and barter our goods, like the vild Indians, with each other. Swift. He who corrupteth English with foreign words, is as wise as ladie.? that exchange plate for china ; for which the laudable traffick of old clothes is much the fairest barter. ■ Fclton. It is a received opinion, that, in most ancient ages, there w.is only bartery or exchange of commodities amongst most nations. Camdcn't Rem. Tlien as thou wilt dispose the rest. To those who, at the market rate. Can barter honour for estate. Prior. If they will barter away their time, methinks they should act least have some case in exchange. Decay of Piety. He also bartered away plums, that would have rotted in a week, for nuts that would last good for his eating a whole year. Locke. At the same time those very men tear their lungs in venJing a drug, and show no act of bounty, except it be that tliey lower a demand of a crown to six, nay to one penny. We have a contempt for such paltry bartcren. Taller. No. 4. The tiiost ancient and most obvious sort of commer- cial contract is barter, or the exchange of goods for goods. But, where there is no other sort of com- merce, cotitra^cts of barter must be liable to great in- equalities. Beattie. Moral Science Some men are willing to bur.i'r their blood ir. « lucre. tttirhe. 2Q BAR 594 BAR Barter. See Arithmetic, Index. Barth, or Bart ( Jolin), a Frencli admiral, born at Dunkirk in 1651. He left his father, who was a poor fisherman, and entered into the navy, where he distinguished himself by his valor. Having, in 1692, obtained the command of a squadron of frisates and a fire ship, lie destroyed eighty-six English mercliant ships, made a de- scent on the English coast, near Newcastle, where he set fire to several houses, and returned to Dun- kirk with prizes valued at 500,000 crowns. In 1696 he was appointed with a squadron of six ships, to convoy a fleet laden with corn, and be- fore he fell in with it, it had been captured by a Dutch squadron of eight men of war. Though his numbers and strength were so much less, he not only retook the prizes, but the war ships. For this action a patent of nobility was granted him. He died at Dunkirk in 1702. BARTHELEMY (John James), a celebrated French writer, born at Cassis, in Provence, in 1716. He was sent to school at Marseilles, and admitted into the college of tlie Oratory, where his promising genius was discovered, and encou- raged, so that he made a rapid progress in learn- ing. But his design being for the church, it was necessary for him to leave the Oratory, and go for philosophy and theology to the Jesuits. Here he acquired, more by his own labor and perseverance than by the instructions of the pro- fessors, a knowledge of the Greek, Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, and Arabic languages. Before Barthelcmy left Marseilles, and when about twenty-one years of age, the merchants of that city having met with a Jew boasting of his learn- ing, and wishing trial to be made, by introducing him to some learned man, with some difficulty got him to engage with the Jew ; and Bartlie- lemy came off with the character of a prodigy of oriental learning. After finishing his education at the seminary, he retired to Aubagne, and spent some time with his family, by whom he was highly esteemed. But he ciften visited Mar- seilles, for the company of learned men ; and he was particularly taken up with one M. Gary, who had a fine cabinet of medals and an exten- sive library. He also associated himself with Father Sigaloux, in making astronomical obser- vations. At last, however, he resolved to devote himself to literature, and accordingly went to Paris in 1744. He was recommended to M. de Boze, keeper of the medals, and secretary of in- scriptions and belles lettres, who received him kindly, and paid him every possible attention ; and, in a short time, on account of the age and infirmity of I\I. de Boze, Barthelemy was chosen his assistant in the care of tlie cabinet of medals; in arranging which he labored incessantly. Some- time after he was nominated secretary to .the academy of inscriptioni ; and on the death of his colleague M. de Boze, in 1753, he succeeded him as keeper of the cabinet. In 1 755 he visited Rome and Naples; the latter being then pecu- liarly interesting to an antiquarian by the recent discoveries in its neighbourhood. Here, among the numberless curiosities that drew his attention, the manuscripts saved from the ruins of Hercu- laneum were particularly noticed ; and he was anxious to have a specimen of the ancient writing in the Greek MSS. but those who had the care of them, from their injunctions, could not gratify him. On this he begged a sight of a page for a few minutes. It contained twenty-eight lines, which he read over attentively, and, retiring to a corner, transcribed the whole, and sent the fac simile to the academy of belles lettres. About the end of 1758, the duke de Choiseid, having been appointed minister for foreign affairs, gave him a pension of £250, and in 17G5 conferred on him the treasurership of St. Martin de Tours; to which in 1758, he added the place of secretary- general to the Swiss guards In 1768 appeared his great work, the fruit of thirty years labor, entitled, The \'oyage of the younger Anacharsis in Greece ; in which the traveller gives an account of the customs, government, and antiquities of the country he visited ; remarks on the music of the Greeks, on the library of the Athenians, and on the customs of all the surrounding states. In 1789 Barthelemy became a candidate for a chair in the French academy ; and so great was the reputation he had gained by his writings, that this learned body elected him by acclamation. The speech he delivered on the occasion, for modesty and simplicity, is deservedly celebrated. In consequence of the revolution, he was re- duced to a pittance merely sufficient to furnish the necessaries of life ; yet, in 1790, when M. de St. Priest off"ered him the place of librarian to the king, he expressed his gratitude, but declined accepting, lest it should interfere with his occu- pations in the cabinet, which he still continued to enrich. In 1792 his strength began to fail, and, in 1793, now a feeble old man, he was arrested as an aristocrat, and hurried to prison ; but was liberated the same night, by order of the committee. He died in 1795, regretted by all his relations as their common father. Besides his Anacharsis, he was author of many papers, principally on medals, in the collection of the academy of inscriptions, &c. Barthelemy (St.), a town of France, in the department of the Lot and Garonne, arrondisse- ment of Marmande, with 2300 inhabitants. Nine miles east of Marmande, and twenty-four north- west of A gen. BARTHIUS (Caspar), a learned and copious writer, born at Custrin, in Brandenburg, in 1576. Mr. Baillet, in his Enfans Celebres, tells us, that at twelve years of age he translated David's Psalms into Latin verse of every measure, and published several Latin poems. Upon the death of his father (who was professor of civil law at Frankfort, counsellor to the elector of Branden- burg, and his chancellor at Custrin), he was sent to Gotha, then to Eisenach, and afterwards, ac- cording to custom, went through all the different universities in Germany. He afterwards virited Italy, France, Spain, England, and Holland, improving himself by the conversation and works of the learned in every country. He studied also the modern languages, and his translations from the Spanish and French show that he was not content with a superficial knowledge. Upon his return to Germany he led a retired life at Leipsic, his passion for study having made him renounce all sort of employment. He wrote a vast number of books; tlie principal of wliich are, 1. Adversaria, a large volume in folio; the second and third volumes of which he left in BAR 395 BAR MS. 2. A TransJatioii of TEneas Gazaeus. 3. A large volume of Notes upon Claudian, in 4to. 4. Three large volumes upon Statius, &c. He died at Leipsic, in 1658, aged seventy-otic. J5AUT1 lOLINA, in botany, a genus of plants, named after the naturalist Bartliolinus. Class and order, gynandria monogynia. Natural order, orcliidea. Essential character : cal. tu- bular at the base : pet. united to the base of the lip, whose spur is shorter than the germen. Stalks of the pollen elongated ; their cells laterally fixed ; glands distinct, half covered by the ex- terior lobe. The principal species is, B. pecti- nata. P'ringed bartholina. BARTIIOLINUS (Caspar), a learned phy- sician and anatomist of the seventeenth cen- tury, born at Malmoe, in Schonen, which then belonged to Denmark. At three years of age he had such a quick capacity, that in four- teen days he learned to read; and, in his 13th year, he composed Greek and Latin orations, and pronounced them in public. When he was about eighteen he went to the university of Copenhagen, and afterwards studied at Rostock and Wittemberg. He afterwards travelled, and neglected no opportunity of improving himself at the different universities which he visited. He was, in 1613, chosen professor of physic in that university, which he enjoyed eleven years ; when, falling into a dangerous illness, he made a vow, that if it should please God to restore him, he would solely apply himself to the study of divinity. He recovered and kept his word ; and soon after obtained the professorship of divinity, and the canonry of Roschild. He died in 1629, having written several small works, chiefly on metaphysics, logic, and rhetoric. Bartholincs (Thomas), a celebrated physi- cian, son of the former, born at Copenhagen, in 1616. After studying some years in his own country, he. in 1637, went to Leyden, where he studied physic three years. He then travelled into France; and resided two years at Paris and Montpelier, for improvement. Afterwards going to Italy, he continued three years at Padua ; and at length went to Basil, where he obtained the degree of doctor of philosophy. Soon after, he returned to Copenhagen; where, in 1647, he was appointed professor of mathematics ; and, in 1648, of anatomy, a branch better suited to his genius and inclination; which he discharged with great assiduity for thirteen years, and dis- tinguished himself by making several discoveries with respect to the lacteal veins and lymphatic vessels. His close application, however, having rendered his constitution very infirm, he, in 1661, resigned his chair ; but the king of Den- mark allowed him the title of honorary professor. He now retired to a little estate he had purchased at Hagested, near Copenhagen, where he hoped to have spent the remainder of his days in peace and tranquillity ; but his liouse being burnt in 1670, his library, with all his books and MSS. was destroyed. In consideration of this loss the king appointed him his physician, with a hand- some salary, and exempted his land from all taxes; the university of Copenhagen also ap- pointed him their librarian; and, in 1675, the king did him the honor to give him a seat in the •Traod council of Denmark. He wrote, 1 . Anato- mia Caspari Bartholini Parentis, novis Observa- tionibus primum locupletata.Svo. L'.DeMonstris in Natura et Medicina, 4to. 3. De Armillis Vete- rum, 8vo; and several other works. This great man died in 1680. BARTHOLOMEW (St.); from 12, a son, rhr\, elevating, and Q'O, waters ; one of the twelve Apostles, and generally believed to be the same with Kathanael, for the following reasons; 1. John never mentions Bartholomew but Na- thanacl ; 2. the other Evangelists never mention Nathanael but Bartholomew : 3. John classes Philip and Nathanael, as the others do Philip and Bartholomew: 4. Nathanael is mentioned with the other apostles that met our Lord, after his resurrection, at the sea of Tiberias : and 5. Bartholomew is not a proper name, but a patro- nymic signifying the son of Tolmai or Thiloma;us ; a mode of denomination common among the He- brews, and other ancient nations (seeBARJOXAs), and which still prevails in some modern nations; for instance in Russia, where Petrovvitz, Alexio- witz, Alexandrowitz, &:c. signify, the son of Peter, Alexis, Alexander, &c. It is said that this apostle travelled as far as India, to propagate the gospel : and Eusebius relates, that a famous phi- losopher and Christian, named Pantienus, desiring to imitate the apostolical zeal in propagating the faith, and travelling for that purpose as far as India, found tliere, among those who yet re- tained the knowledge of Christ, the gospel of St. Matthew, written by St. Bartholomew. From thence he returned to the more northern and western parts of Asia, and preached to the people of Hierapolis ; then in Lycaonia ; and lastly, at Albania, a city upon the Caspian Sea,; where his endeavours to reclaim the people from idolatry were crowned with martyrdom, he being flead alive, and crucified with his head downwards. Bartholomew, Cai'e, the southernmost point of Staten-Land, in Le Maire straits, at the south extremity of South America. Bartholomew, St., one of the Caribbee islands, to which, in 1748, a colony was sent by the French, by whom it was ceded to Sweden in 1785. It is reckoned about fifteen miles in cir- cumference, and is now the only island which Sweden possesses in the Columbian Archipelago. It is very fertile, producing sugar, tobacco, cot- ton, indigo, and cassava, but having no water, except what is supplied by the rains, is not much resorted to. Many of the trees are valuable ; the aloe is held in high estimation, and there are others from which a gum of excellent cathartic qualities is extracted. The branches u.^ the pa- rotane growing downwards, take root and rise in fresh stems ; forming an almost impenetrable barrier. The species called sea trees, line many parts of the shore. The isUmd also produces lignum vitae and iron-wood ; and a great variety of birds. The inhabitants also export a peculiar kind of lime-stone. The coast is surrounded with rocks, and cannot be safely approached without a pilot ; but it has a very capacious and well-sheltered harbour, capable of receiving and sheltering the largest ships. About half the in- habitants are Irish Roman Catholics, whose an- cestors settled here in 1666. Bartholomew, St. a river of South America, 2Q2 BAR 396 BAR in the province of Antioquia, which falls into the Madalena. Bartholomew (St.), one of the islands of the New Hebrides, in the South Pacific, three leagues from the north-west point of Mallicolo, from which it is separated by a channel, called Bou- gainville's passage. It is from six to seven leagues in circumference. Long. 169° 23' E., lat. 15'' 41' S. Bartholomew's Day (St.), a festival of the Church, celebrated on the 24th of August. This day has been rendered infamous in the annals of France, for the massacre of the protestants in 1572, by the order of the bloody Catharine de Medicis, and her tyrannical son, Charles IX. On Bartholomew's day also, in the year 1662, the act of uniformity, which obtained the royal assent on the 19th of ^lay, took place, in conse- quence of which about 2000 ministers relin- quished their preferments in the church of Eng- land. The liturg)-, with its alterations, carre out of the press on Bartholomew eve, and the follow- ing day was the ultimate time fixed by the act for the subscription ; so that all those throughout the kingdom who conformed, except a few in Lon- don, subscribed in ignorance of its contents. * Bartholomew's day,' says ]Mr. Locke, ' was fatal to our church and religion, by throwing out a very great number (about two thousand) of worthy, learned, pious, orthodox divines, who could not come up to this oath, and other things in that act. And so great was the zeal in carry- ing on this church affair, and so blind the obe- dience required, that if you compute the time of passing this act with that allowed for the clergy to subscribe the book of common prayer thereby established, you will find it could not be printed and distributed so as that one man in forty could have seen and read the book they did so perfectly assent and consent to.' — ' The matter was driven on,' says bishcp Burnet (Hist, of his Times, vol? i. p. 212, 8vo.) 'with so much precipitation, that it seemed expected the clergy should subscribe implicitly to a book they had never seen. This was done by too many, as the bishops themselves informed me.' Among these were several, who, according to Mr. Locke's description of them, were ' taught rather to obey than to understand.' Bartholomew's Gospel (St.), is mentioned in the preface to Origen's Homilies on St. Luke, and in the preface to St. Jerome's commentary on St. Matthew ; but generally regarded as spu- rious ; and placed by pope Gelasius among the apocryphal books. Bartholomew's Hospital (St.), an institution for the reception of sick and wounded poor per- sons, situated on the south-east side of Smithfield, and incorporated by the name of the hospital of the mayor, commonalty, and citizens, of London, governors for the poor, called Little St. Bartho- lomew's, near West Smithfield. The building formerly belonged to the priory of St. Bartholo- mew, in Smithfield, founded by one Habere, about 1102. At the dissolution of the monaste- ries, Henry V^IIL left 500 marks a year to it, on condition that tlie city should add 500 marks per annum for the relief of the sick and poor people ; but it was more largely endowed for the benefit of sick and lame persons only, by Edward \T. and the munificence of the city and private benefactors. This hospital having escaped the dreadful fire in 1666, was repaired and beautified by the governors in 1691. But the buildings be- came at length so ruinous, that a subscription was entered into in 1729, for defraying the expense of rebuilding it, on a plan comprehending four detached piles of building, to be joined by stone gate-ways, about a court or area. The four piles were erected and finished ; one of these piles contains a large hall for the governors at general courts, a counting-house for the com- mittees, and otlier necessary offices ; the other three piles contain wards for the reception of the patients, &c. It is governed by a president, treasurer, &c. It is attended by three physicians, and three surgeons, besides as many assistant surgeons. It has an apothecary, a chaplain, cook, steward, renter, matron, and porter. Sines its enlargement, it is capable of accommodating 820 patients ; it extends relief also to a great number of out-patients. BARTHOLOMITES,areligious order, found- ed at Genoa in 1307 ; the monks leading very irregular lives, the order was suppressed by pope Innocent X.in 1650, and their effects confiscated. In the cliurch of the monastery of this order at Genoa, is preserved the image which it is pre- tended Christ sent to king Abgarus. BARTLEMAN (.1.), a very celebrated bass- singer, was educated under Dr. Cooke, and brought up in the choirs of the Chapel Royal and Westminster abbey. His first appearance as a professional singer was at the concerts at Free- masons' Hall, where the compass and sweetness of his fine baritone voice raised him at once to the top of his profession. He was immediately en- gaged in the ancient concerts, and became even- tually one of the proprietors and conductors at the Hanover-square rooms. He died in 1820, and was buried in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey, most of his professional associates of emi- nence attending the funeral. There is a hand- some tablet erected there to his memory. BARTOLOCCI (Julius), a learned monk, and professor of Hebrew at Rome, was born at Cela- no, in 1613 ; and distinguished himself by writ- gt ing an excellent Latin catalogue of the Hebrew ^ writers, in 4 vols, folio ; a continuation of wliich was drawn up by Imbonati his disciple. He died in 1687. BARTOLO]MEO (Francisco), whose real name was Baccio, a celebrated painter, born at Savig- nano, near Florence, in 1469. He was the dis- ciple of Cosimo Rosselli, but owed to the works of Leonardo da Vinci his extraordinary skill in painting. Raphael, after quitting the school of Perugino, studied perspective under him, with the art of managing and uniting colors. In 1500 he turned Doramican friar; and some time after was sent by his superiors to the convent of St. Martin, in Florence. He painted both portraits and histories ; but his scrupulous conscience would hardly ever suffer him to draw naked figures, though nobody understood them better. He died in 1517, aged 48. BARTOLOZZl (Francis), an eminent en- graven, was born at Florence in 1728. His father was a silversmith, and he was intended for the BAR 597 BAR same business, but displayed so much taste and execution at the first handling; of the graver, tliat he was placed at the Florentian academy, under Gaetano Biagio and I>(nazio llugford. Here Giovanni C'ipriani was his fellow-pupil. ^Ile was subsequently articled to Joseph Wagner, of Ve- nice, who employed him too much in copying from inferior masters. When this engagement was expired, he married a respectable Venetian lady, and accepted the invitation of cardinal Bottari to repair to Rome. Here he engraved liis fine plates from the life of St. Nilus, and the heads of painters for a new edition of Vasari. He returned to Venice, where Mr Dalton, libra- rian to George III. employed liim to engrave some of the drawings of Guercino, and, pleased with tlie execution of them, offered him £300 per annum to accompany liim to England, and work on his account. Under this engagement he com- pleted his beautiful collection of Guercinos. Af- terwards he worked on his own account, and for Mr. Alderman Boydell. He was highly distin- guished for the elegance of his designs for the benefit tickets of the higher performers of the Opera-house ; and hearing that the celebrated Strange said he could execute nothing else, in a fit of emulation he produced his Clytie, and Vir- gin and Child, from Carracci and Carlo Dolci. About this time the red dotted or chalk manner became prevalent ; and Bartolozzi contrived to execute it so beautifully as to assist in seducing the public taste from the superior and legitimate style of the line. He was elected a member of the Royal Academy, on its institution. In 1802 he accepted an invitation from the Prince Regent of Portugal, to superintend a school of engravers at Lisbon, with a pension of .£l00 per annum, a handsome liouse, and the produce of the engrav- ings. It is said a pension of £400 was offered to him to remain in England; but that he would accept it only on condition that government would explain the matter to the prince Regent of Portugal. It is quite clear that all his past labors had left him in real need of one appointment or other. This interference being deemed improper, he bade England farewell, in his seventy-fifth year, and was received at Lisbon with great dis- tinction. He died in that capital in his eighty- eighth year. Few artists have reached so dis- tinguished a rank in every species of engraving, as Bartolozzi. His etchings in imitation of the drawings of the great masters, admirably repre- sent the character and spirit of the originals ; and his Marlborough gems, musical tickets, and prints for Boydell's Shakspeare, exhibit exquisite jiroofs of taste. Hewas so generous as to finish a plate left incomplete by Ryland, at the request of that 'mhappy man, while under sentence of death for forgery, and exhibited many other traits of a humane and benevolent united with a thoughtless character. Among the pupils of Bartolozzi were Sherwin, Tomkins, Cheeseman, and the two Vandramini. BARTON-ON-HUMBER, a market-town and parish in the hundred of Yarborough, and county of Lincoln, 167 miles north from London ; containing 2500 inhabitants. It is seated on the I south side of the Humber, over which there is a ' ferry into Yorksliire, nearly six miles and a half I across. There is a great trade in com and flour, as well as bricks and tiles, carried on, and a ma- nufactory of Paris whiting. The town consists of several streets irregularly built, and hast'.voparisli churches, the livings of the two parishes bein=j united. Market on Monday. Barton (Eliz.), commonly called The Maid of Kent, was a religious impostor in the reign of Henry VIII. She was originally a servant at Aldington, in Kent, who had long been troubled with convulsions, which distorted her limbs and countenance, and threw her body into the most violent agitations. After she recovered, she is said to have counterfeited the same appearances. Masters, the minister of Aldington, with other ecclesiastics, thinking her a proper instniment for their purpose, persuaded her to pretend that what she said and did was by a supernatural im- pulse, and taught her to act her part in the most perfect manner. Thus she would lie as it were in a trance, then, coming to herself, would break out into pious ejaculations, hymns, and prayer ; sometmies delivering set speeches, sometimes uncouth monkish rhymes. She pretended to be honored with visions and revelations, to hear heavenly voices, and the most ravishing melody. Amongst other wickedness of the times, she de- claimed against heresy and innovations; exhort- ing the people to frequent tlie church, to hear masses, to use frequent confession, and to pray to our lady, and the saints. This artful manage- ment, together with her great exterior piety, and austerity of life, not only deceived the vulgar, but the celebrated Sir Thomas More, bishop Fisher, archbishop Warkam, &c. : the last of whom appointed commissioners to examine her. She now declared, that the blessed \'irgin had ap- peared to her, and assured her that she should never recover, till she went to visit her image, in a chapel of the parish of Aldington. Tiiither she accordingly repaired, processionally, and in pil- grimage, attended by above 3000 people, and many persons of quality of both sexes. She fell into one of her trances, and uttered many things in honor of the saints, and the popish religion : for herself, she said that by the inspiration of God, she was called to be a nun, and t!\at Dr. Bocking was her ghostly father. Bocking was a canon of Christ's church, Canterbury, and most probably associate in carrying on the imposture. Meanwhile, the archbishop ordered her to be admitted into the nunnery of St. Sepulchre, Can- terbury ; where she had frequent inspirations and visions, and pretended to work miracles for all such as would make a profitable vow to our lady. The priests, her managers, having so far suc- ceeded, now announced the great object of her mission, i. e. to proclaim, that ' in case the king should divorce queen Catherine of Arragon, and take another wife during her life, his royally would not be of a mondi's duration, but he sliould die the death of a villain.' Bishop Fisher, and others in the interest of the queen, and of the Jiomish religion, hearing of this, held frequent meetings with the nun, the fathers and nuns of Sion, tlie Charter-house, Sheen, &c. Encouraged by the lenity of the government, the ecclesia.stics in this conspiracy resolved to publish the reve- lations of the nun. in their sermons, t'-.roughcut BAR 598 BAR ttie kingdom : they had communicated them to llie pope's ambassadors, to whom also they iii- - troduced the maid of Kent ; and they exhorted queen Catherine to persist in her resolutions. At length this confederacy began to be a very serious affair, and Henry ordered the maid and her accomplices to be examined in the star-cham- ber. Here they confessed all the particulars of the imposture, and afterwards appeared upon a scaffold erected at St. Paul's Cross, where tlie articles of their confession were p\iblicly read in their hearing. Thence they were conveyed to the Tower, until the meeting of parliament; who, having considered the affair, pronounced it a conspiracy against the king's life and crown. The nun, with her confederates. Masters, liocking, Deering, Able, &c. were attainted of liigh treason, and executed at Tyburn, April 20, 1534; where she confessed the imposture, laying tjie blame on her accomplices the priests, and craving pardon of God and the king. BARTIIAMIA, in botany, pellitory : a genus of the decandria monogynia class of plants ; the calyx of which is a perianthium, cut into five parts ; the corolla consists of five wedge-sliaped petals ; the fruit is globular, and the seeds are four in number, convex on one side, and angular on the other. It was so named in honor of a friend of Linna;us, J. Bartram. Eight species are described in English Botany. BARTSIA, in botany, a genus of plants, named after Linnseus' unfortunate friend, John Bartsch,MD. Class didynamia; order angiosper- mia. Its generic characters are, cal. perianth one- leaved : COR. monopetalous : stam. filaments four: ANTH. oblong: pist. germ ovate; style filiform ; stigma obtuse : per. capsule ovate : SEEDS numerous. The species are mostly peren- nials, ,as — B. coccinea, pedicularis, seu crista galli, &c. seu horminum, &c. lied bartsia, na- tive of \'irginia. B. pallida foliis alternis, &c. seu foliis lanceolatis. Sec. Pale-flowered bartsia, native of Siberia. B. alpina foliis oppositis, Sec. Staehelinia foliis. Sec. Staehelinia alpina, eu- phrasia caule, Sec. Euphrasia rubra, Sec. Cha- masdry vulgare. See. Clinopodium alpinum, Sic. Teucrium alpinum, cratJEOgonon, seu pedicularis. Alpine bartsia, native of Britain ; but the B. vis- cosa, "euphrasia latifolia, seu alectorophos, Sec. Viscid bartsia, or yellow marsh eye-bright, native of Britain, is an annual. B. viscosa, marshy, or yellow marsh eye-bright, was found by Mr. Lightfoot in bogs and marshy places about Loch- Goyl, near Loch-Lcng, in the district of Cowal in Argyllshire. Tlie plant is about ten or twelve inches high, with an erect stalk, downy and un- branched : the leaves are sessile, spear-shaped, and a little viscous ; the flowers are yellow, and the plant dyes black. It is likewise found in marshy places in Cornwall in England. BAllUCH, the son of Neriah, the disciple and amanuensis of the prophet .Jeremiah. Josephus tells us he was descended of a noble family : it is said in his prophecy that he wrote it at Babylon, but at what time is uncertain. Baruch's Prophecy, one of the apocryphal books subjoined to die canon of the Old Testa- ment. It has been reckoned part of Jeremiah's prophecy, and is often cited by the ancient fathers as such. It is difficult to determine in what language it was originally written. There are three copies of it extant; one in Greek, the other two in Syriac. BAKl LES, in church history, heretics who held that the Son of God had only a phantom of a body, that souls were created before the world, and that they lived all at one time. BAllUTH, an ancient town of Turkey, in Syria, with a Christian church of the Nestorian persuasion. It is situated in a fine fertile soil, but is inconsiderable now to what it was for- merly. Baruth, an Indian measure, containing seven- teen gantans : it ought to weigh about three pounds and a half English avoirdupois. BARWICK (John), an English divine of the seventeenth century, was born at Wetherslack in Westmoreland, in 1612. He studied at Cam- bridge, where he took his degrees of B. A. and M.A, in 1635 and 1638. When the civil war broke out he conveyed the university's plate, by their order, through bye roads to supply the king, who was then in great necessity. "Through this, and other acts of loyalty, having rendered himself obnoxious to the parliament, particularly by keep- ing up a secret correspondence with the royal party, both before and after the king's death, he was at last committed to the tower, where he suffered great hardships for fifteen months, but was at last discharged, 1652, and, to the surprise of many, in better health dian when he was in- carcerated. Upon the restoration he was made dean of St. Paul's in 1661 ; in vrhich station he repeatedly hurt his health, by his exertion in putting in order the archives of that church. He died of a pleurisy in 1664. His chief work was a Treatise Against the Covenant, which he published before the king's death. Barwick (Peter), physician to king Charles II. brother of the dean, was born in 1619, and studied also at Cambridge, where he took the degree of M. D. in 1655. Having settled in London, he soon rose to fame in his profession, by writing a defence of Dr. Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood. He was equally active and useful during the plague, and was no less successful in curing the small pox. He not only gave advice and medicines gratis to the poor, but also supplied their other necessities. He was. particularly kind to the sufferers for roy- alty. He wrote the life of his brother in Latin, in 1671, which he deposited in the college library at Cambridge, and in 1693, when in his seventy- fourth year, added an appendix in defence of the EiKov BaffiXtKi; of king Charles I. He died in 1705, aged eighty-six. BARYPYCNI ; (iapvirvKvoi ; in the ancient music, such chords as formed the gravest notes of the several spissa. There were five barypyeni in the scale. See Pvcni. BARYTES, in chemistry, a genus of earths, which by Bergman, LaVoisier, and other eminent chemists, has been considered as a refractory metallic oxyd. This supposition has been con- firmed by the experiments of Berzelius and Pon- tin, who, led by Sir H. Davy's decomposition of potash and soda by galvanism, subjected this earth to the same agent. Their experiments were BAR 599 BAR attended with complete success, and have been since verified by Sir H. Davy himself. To this metallic basis Davy gave the name of Barium, which see. ' Pure barytes, ' says Dr.Ure, < is best obtained by ignitinpr, in a covered.crucible, the pure crys- tallised nitrate of barytes. It is procured in the state of hydrate by adding caustic pot;ish or soda to a solution of the muriate or nitrate. And ba- rytes, sli'jhtly colored with charcoal, may be obtained by strongly igniting the carbonate and charcoal mixed together in fine powder. Barytes obtained from the ignited nitrate is of a whitish- gray color ; more caustic than strontites, or per- haps even lime. It renders tlie syrup of violets green, and the infusion of turmeric red. Its specific gravity by Fourcroy is 4. When water in small quantity is poured on the dry earth it slakes like quicklime, but perhaps with evolution of more heat. When swallowed it acts as a vio- lent poison. It is destitute of smell. When pure barytes is exposed in a porcelain tube, at a heat verging on ignition, to a stream of dry oxygen gas, it absorb the gas rapidly, and passes to the state of deutoxide of barium. But when it is calcined, in contact with atmospheric air, we ob- tain at first this deutoxide and carbonate of ba- rytes ; the former of which passes very slowly into the latter, by absorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere.' Again — ' water at 50°, Fahrenheit, dissolves one-twentieth of its weight of barytes, and at 212" about one-half of its weight; though M. Thenard, in a table, has stated it at only one- tenth. As the solution cools, hexagonal prisms, terminated at each extremity with a four-sided pyramid, form. These crystals are often attached to one another, so as to imitate the leaves of fern. Sometimes they are deposited in cubes. They contain about 53 per cent, of water, or 20 prime proportions. The supernatant liquiu is barytes water. It is colorless, acrid, and caustic. It acts powerfully on the vegetable purples and yellows. Exposed to the air it attracts carbonic acid, and the dissolved barytes is converted into carbonate, which falls down in insoluble crusts. It appears from the experiments of M. BerthoUet that heat alone cannot deprive the crystallised hydrate of its water. After exposure to a red heat, when it fuses like potash, a proportion of water remains in combination. This quantity is a prime equivalent rr I'l'i 5, to 9-75 of barytes. The ignited hydrate is a solid of a whitish-gray color, caustic, and very dense. It fuses at a heat a little under a cherry red ; is fixed in the fire; attracts, but slowly, carbonic acid from the atmosphere. It yields carburetted hydrogen, und carbonate of barytes when heated along with charcoal, provided this be not in excess.' * Sulphur combines with barytes, when they are mixed together, and heated in a crucible. The same compound is more economically ob- tained by ignitiuix a mixture of sulphate of barytes and charcoal in fine powder. Tliis sul- phuret is of a reddish-yellow color, and when dry without smell. Wiien this substance is put into hot water a powerful action is manifested. Thewatcr is decomposed, and two new products are formed; namely, hydrosulphuret, and iiydpo- guretted sulphuret of barytes. The first crystal- lises as the liquid cools; the second remains dissolved. Tiio hydrosulphuret is a compound of 9-75 of barytes with 2-125 sulphuretted hy- drogen. Its crystals should be quickly separated by filtration, and dried by pressure between the folds of porous paper. They are white scales have a silky lustre, are soluble in water, and yield a solution having a greenish tinge. Its taste is acrid, sulphurous, and, when mixed with the hv- droguretted sulphuret, eminently corrosive. It rapidly attracts oxygen from the atmosphere, and is converted into the sulphate of barytes. Tlie hydroguretted sulphuret is a compound of 9-75 barytes wtth 4-125 bisulphuretted hydrotjen; but contaminated with sulphite and hyposulphite in unknown proportions. The dry sulphuret con- sists probably of 2 suIphur-(-9-75 barytes. The readiest way of obtaining barytes water is to boil the solution of the sulphuret with deutoxide of copper, which seizes the sulphur while the hydro- gen flies off, and the barytes remains dissolved. Phosphuret of barytes may be easily formed by exposing the constituents together to heat in a glass tube. Their reciprocal action is so intense as to cause ignition. Like phosphuret of lime, it decomposes water, and causes the disengage- ment of phosphuretted hydrogen gas, which spon- taneously inflames with contact of air. Wlien sulphur is made to act on the deutoxide of ba- rytes, sulphuric ac>d is formed, which unites to a portion of the earth into a sulphate. ' Its salts are all, more or less, white and transparent: the soluble sulphates make, with the solulile salts of barytes, a precipitate insoluble in nitric acid ; and they are all poisonous except the sulphate. See the respective Acids, for the most useful. BAIIYTONO, in the Italian music, answers to our common pitch of bass. BARYTONUINI; from (iapvc, grave, and Tovos, accent; in the Greek grammar, denotes a verb, which having no accent marked on the last syllable, a grave accent is to be understood. BARZILLAI; from bna, iron, Ileb. : l.A Gileadite of Kogelim, who supplied David and his few faithful friends with provisions, while they lay at Mahanaim, during the usurpation of Absalom (2 Sam. xvii. 27 — 29); 2. A Simeonite of Meholah, the father of Adriel, one of Saul's sons-in-law (1 Sam. xviii. 19); 3. A priest who married a daughter of the hospitable Barzillai, and whose descendants returned from Babylon. Neh. vii. 63. BAS, an island of France, on the coast of the department of Finisterre, to which department it belongs ; it is about a league in leniitli, and is situated two leagues north of St. Pal de Leon. Bas (James Philip Le), a n->odern French en- graver, by whom we have some excellent prints. His great force seems to lie in landscapes and small figures, which he executed in a superior manner. His style of engraving is extremely neat; he proves the freedom of the etching, and harmo- nizes the whole with the graver and dry point. We have also a variety of petty vignettes by this artist. He flourished about the middle of th« 600 BASALT. present century ; but we have no account of the time of his birth or death. BAS.\AI>, in botany, an Indian tree which grows about Cochin. BASALITES, a word used by Salmasius for Basaltes. BASALT, ARTiFiciAr., or black porcelain, a composition, having nearly the same properties v.itli the natural basaltes, invented by Messrs. Wedgwood and Bentley, and applied to various purposes in their manufacture. Basalt, or Basaltes; from basal, iron, or /3affavi4'w, diligenter examine; in natural history, a heavy, hard stone, chiefly black or green, con- sisting of prismatic crystals, the number of whose sides is uncertain. The English mmers call it cockle; the German schoerl. It abounds in gi- gantic masses in every part of Europe, and is now regarded by mineralogists as one of the most remarkable species of trap rocks. Basaltes was originally found in columns in Ethiopia, and fragments of it in the river Tmolus, and some other places. We now have it frequently both in columns and small pieces, in Spain, Russia, Po- land, near Dresden, and in Silesia ; but the most magnificent ranges of basaltic columns in the world are those called the Giant's Causeway, in Ireland : and next to them, perhaps, those of Stafta, one of the western isles of Scotland. Great quantities of basalt are likewise found in the neighbourhood of Mount iEtna in Sicily, of Ilecla in Iceland, of the volcano in the island of Bourbon, and in the ci-devant province of V'iva- rais in the south of France. It is found there- fore in the neighbourhood of active volcanoes, and one of the great questions that geologists have agitated is, whether it does not always de- monstrate the existence of some extinguished volcano in its vicinity. The rocks of the Cyclops, in the neighbour- hood of iEtna, exhibit very magnificent basaltic pillars. One is an island composed of lava, on a base of basalt, of no uncommon nature ; above which there is a crust of pozzolana, combined with a certain white calcareous matter, hard and compact; and which, as it is composed by the action of the air, appears like a piece of knotty porous wood. That rock, at some former period, became so hard as to split ; and the clefts were then filled up w-ith a very hard and porous mat- ter like scoriai. This matter afterwards acquiring new h.ardness, also splits, leaving large interstices, which in their turn have been filled up with a species of compound yellow matter. The island was formerly inhabited; and there remains a flight of steps leading from the shore to the ruins of some houses, which appear to have been hewn in the rock. These basaltic columns, at first viev/, seem to resemble those of the Giant's Causeway, and others commonly met with : But on a nearer inspection, we find this difference, fhat the former are assembled in groups of five or six about one, which serves as tlieir common cen- tre, and are of various sizes and forms ; some square, others hexagonal, heptagonal, or octago- nal. It seems also peculiar to that neiglibour- hood, that some portions of the basaltic formation present the likeness of cannon or hollow cylinders, varying in their diameters from six inclies to twenty feet ; but these descriptions not being so well authenticated as some which we possess of basaltes nearer home, we may proceed to remark, that in Ireland the basalt forming the Giant's Causeway rises far up the country, runs into tlie sea, crosses at the bottom, and rises again on the opposite land. The immense pillars of it have been very particularly described and examined in a work entitled Letters concerning the north- ern coast of the county of Antrim ; from which the following brief particulars are extracted : — ' 1. The pillars of the Causeway are small, not very much exceeding one foot in breadth, and thirty in length; sharply defined, neat in their articulation, with concave or convex terminations to each point. (Basaltes, fig. 5.) In many of the capes and hills they are of a larger size, more imperfect and irregular in their figure and articulation, having often flat terminations to their points. At Fairhead they are of a gigantic mag- nitude, sometimes exceeding five feet in breadth, and 100 in length; often apparently destitute of joints altogether. Through many parts of the country this species of stone is entirely rude and unformed, separating in loose blocks ; in which state it resembles the stone known in Sweden by the name of trappe. 2. The pillars of the Giant's Causeway stood on the level of the beach, whence they may be traced through all de- grees of elevation to the summit of the highest grounds in the neighbourhood. 3. At the Cause- way, and in most other places, they stand per- pendicular to the horizon. In some of the capes, and particularly near Ushet harbour, in the isle of Baghery, they lie in an oblique position. At Doon Point, in the same island, and along the Balintoy shore, tliey form a variety of regular curves. 4. The stone is black, close, and uni- form; the varieties of color are blue, reddish, and gray; and of all kinds of grain, from extreme fineness to the coarse granulated appearance of a stone which resembles imperfect granite, abound- ing in crystals of schorl, chiefly black, though sometimes of various colors. 3. Though die stone of the Giant's Causeway' be in general compact and homogeneous, yet it is remarkable that the upper joint of each pillar, where it can be ascer- tained with any certainty, is always rudely formed and cellular. The gross pillars also, in the capes and mountains, frequently abound in these air-holes through all their parts, w'hich sometimes contain fine clay, and other appa- rently foreign bodies : and the irregular bas- altes beginning where the pillars cease, or lying over them, is in general extremely honey- combed ; containing in its cells crystals of zeolite, little morsels of fine brown clay, some- times very pure steatite, and in a few instances, bits of a^ate.' In Staflii, one of the western isles of Scotland, the whole end of the island is supported by ranges of pillars, mostly about fifty feet high, standing in natural colonnades, according as the bays and points of land have formed themselves, upon a firm basis of solid unformed rock. Above these, the stratum, which reaches to the soil or surface of the island, varies in thickness, as the island itself is formed into hills or valleys, each hill, which hangs over the v;\lleys below, form- BASAI. TJE.B J^LATKIL. y"l>.-/. ^1 £^l ^ - ''S^Sf^^ V^2| ^^tf ^5P ^mi p^i. ^^^^^J |F,, ■.n^iJM "S^gKffl^^fl hshh^^^^I ^^^^^■v^^i H^^^^BIi /.,..,/.«. /»-/VV.W„-,//.,' /;i.w,«.r /w frt'-J /■•>-" B A v^ Ai t:e s -PJ.-ITE 1 . GJ.IXTS CJI stnwtT. l.,„,/,„.h,/./,w,.,/ /,• /■/,„,„.,• T,;,,, I >,iri ift'jt: BASALT. 601 mg an ample pediment. Some of these, above sixty feet in thickness from the base to the point, are formed by the sloping of the hill on each side, almost into the shape of those used in architec- ture. Sir Joseph Banks observed tliat the bend- in"; pillars of Stafiadifl'er considerably from those of the Giant's Causeway. In Slurta they lie down on their sides, eacii forming the segment of a circle ; and in one place a small mass of tliem very much resembles tlie ribs of a ship. Those of the Giant's Causeway, which he saw, ran along the face of a hi;2;h cliff, bent strangely in the middle, as if unable at their first form- ation, while in a .soft state, to support the mass of incumbent earth. Sir William Hamilton informs us,, that in 1779 he picked up some fragments of large and regu- lar crystals of close-grained lava or basalt, in the neiglibourhood of Vesuvius, the diameter of wiiich, when the prisms were complete, might have been eight or nine inches. He observes, that Vesuvius does not exhibit any lavas regularly crystallised, and forming what are called Giants' Causeways, (jxcept a lava tliat ran into the sea, near Torre del Greco, in 1631, which has a small degree of such an appearance. As the fragments of basaltes which he found on this mountain, however, had been evidently thrown out of the crater in their proper form, lie puts the question, ' May not lavas be more ready to crystallise within the bowels of a volcano than after their emission? And may not many of the Giants' Causeways already discovered be the nuclei of volcanic mountains, whose lighter and less solid parts may have been worn away by the hand of time ? ilr. Faujas de St. Fond gives an exam- ple of basalt columns placed deep within the crater of an unextinguished volcano.' We suppose this writer to allude to the moun- tain of Aisa, called La Coupe, or the Col d'Aisa, situated near the village Entrague, in the \ iva- rais. This village, according ;to St. Fond, is placed on a kind of platform of volcanic matter above the torrent of the Volant, which has here excavated a bed of great depth and width, bor- dered on the right and left by grand ranges of basaltic columns. In the midst of a prodigious rampart of these columns, at different levels, may be seen a current of lava descending from a neighbouring mountain, and joining the columns that border the river. Here we see, in the most unequivocal and convincing manner, that the lava, under the form of hard and compact basalt, has flowed at several times from the mountain, and has formed the great causeways at different lieights, to which the lava is still united and ad- hering. We may follow the current of basalt up the declivity of the mountain, which has a conical form and a great elevation, and is entirely vol- canic from the base to the summit. According to St. Fond, it is the most remarkable and best characterised crater in all the X'ivarais. All the base of the conical mountain La Coupe is covered by porous and cellular lava in detached irregular masses, heaped on each other, so as to leave no doubt that they have, been ejected in a liquid state by one or more formidable eruptions, and have taken their forms as they fell at the foot of tiie cone. On reaching the summit or edge of the crater, we may see the vvhole mountnin, which forms a regular cone resembling that of Vesuvius. The edges of the crater are steep, and formed in the sliape of a tunnel ; the greatest diameter be- ing from 140 to 150 toises, and the depth about 600 feet. The lavas are colored, and converted into a kind of puzzolani, and mixed with great masses of black and shar]j scoriae, which makes the descent difficult. At the bottom of this in- verted cone is a magnificent plantation of chest- nut-trees, which have flourished astonishingly in this ancient moutli of a volcano, liaving no other soil than the dry and friable puzzolani. It may be noticed, that the crater of Vesuvius was lined with lofty trees at the period of its eruption in 1631. At the bottom of the crater, in La Coupe, we may observe a breivch or opening on the side facing the houses of the Col d'Aisi; there is a general inclination to this opening, which has served to give a passage to the lava. When we are arrived at the opening we may observe a streani of lava coming from the interior, and taking its course down the mountain, it descends in a waving direction amidst the porous lavas. This current is a true black basalt, compact and similar to that of the columns ; in certain parts its surface appears blistered, and in other places it becomes porous. Following the current of lava, after it has crossed the path, which is at the foot o." the mountain, we may trace its course to the bed of a torrent not far from the high road. There may be seen, says St. Fond, a spectacle most gratifying to the geologist ; for the lava whilst still on the descent, and before it had reached the level ground, has effected a prismatic form ; and the lava at the bottom has formed a beautiful colonnade. There is a similar conical mountain in the Viva- rais, with a distinct and much larger crater, called La Coupe de Jaujeac. The river \ ignon flows at the foot of it. On its banks are immense ranges of basaltic columns, the most elevated of any in the Vivarais. They enclose the borders of the river on each side for more than a league. Some of the prisms rise in one shaft to the lieigHt of fifty feet; in other parts, the articulated columns form a kind of regular causeway. In some places the columns are bent, and abovewe see immense ramparts of basalt, of more than 140 foet in height, in several ranges, spreading out like a fan, and diverging in every direction. On the left, the current of basalt covers several little hills of granite, and is moulded upon them. In some parts the compact lava forms one solid mass ; in other places it is arranged in great beds. Notiiing can be more grand and varied, says St. Fond, than the courseof the river V'ignon to the Ardeche, where the great current of lava joins the stream* that have flowed from the volcanoes of Thueyts and Neyrac. — Faujux St. Fund sur lis Volcum ctcint's (III Vivaraiis et du Vcliii/. Having noticed the principal localities oi b;isalt, we may now observe that the structure or form in which it appears, presents one of its most striking peculiaritiei. This would seem to be essentially the same in the various and immense stores of it yet discovered ; so that the accurate description of one basaltic deposit might serve, as far as any purposes of science are concerned. G02 BASALT. for that of any other. Mr. Hamilton, for instancp, the author of the Letters on Antrim, describes the Giant's Causeway in language which might at once be applied to the picturesque pillars of Staffa; telling us that the pillars of the former, varying in their length and thickness from 30 feet to 100, and from one foot to five respectively, rise from the level of the beach, and ascend gradually into the greatest elevations of the neighbouring hills. Tliese colonnades, we are also informed, are generally perpendicular to the horizon, and particularly at the causeway itself; but it is added that, in the vicinity, they are not unfrequently observed lying in an oblique posi- tion, and assuming a great variety of regular curves. The same facts are recorded in reference to the famed rocks of the Cyclops. The columns there, as at Staffa and Antrim, are of various sizes and forms, as we have indeed already noticed ; some being four-sided, others hexagonal, heptagonal, octagonal, and even nine-sided ; which last is the rarest form which basalt ever assumes. Tlie position, too, is equally various; some standing erect, whilst others are laid on their sides, piled above one another like sacks of corn in a granary. The jointed columns too are of ever-varying lengths and joints; some a few inches, others many feet long, found occasionally bent, but generally nicely fitted up, as by the hands of a most skilful mechanic. Kirwan is also of opinion, tliat the basaltes owe their origin both to fire and water; they seem to have been at first a lava, he observes ; but this, while immersed in it water, was so dif- fused or dissolved in it with tlie assistance of heat, as to crystallise when cold, or coalesce into regu- lar forms. That basaltes is not the effect of mere fusion, he concludes from comparing its form with its texture. Its form, if produced by fusion, ought to be the effect of having flowed very thin ; but in that case its texture should be glassy : whereas it is merely earthy, and devoid of cavities. Hence, we may understand how it comes to pass that lava perfectly vitrified, and even water, have been found enclosed in masses of basaltes. It is known, in confirmation of this reasoning, that when lava runs into the sea, it does in most cases actually assume the basaltic structure more or less perfectly : and, it is worthy of par- ticular observation, that all the columnar trap which has attracted any attention on account of its regularity or beauty, is eitlier altogether insu- lar or situated near the ocean. As to its formation and analysis : — * Ten years ago,' says Mr. Bergman,' it was a general opi- nion, that the surface of the earth, together with the mountains, had been produced by moisture. It is true that some declared fire to be the original cause, but the greater number paid little atten- tion to this opinion. Now, on the contrary, the opinion that subterraneous fire had been the principal agent gains ground daily ; and every thing is supposed to have been melted, even to the granite. My own opinion is, that both the fire and water have contributed their share in this operation ; though in such proportion that the force of the former extends nmch farther than the latter ; and, on the contrary, that the fire has only worked in some parts of the surface of the earth. It cannot be doubted that there has been some connexion betwixt the basaltic pillars and subterraneous fire; as they are found in places where the marks of fire are yet visible ; and as they are even found mixed with lava, tophus, and other substances produced by fire. As far as we know, nature makes use of three methods to produce regular forms in the mineral kingdom. 1. That of crystallisation or precipitation. 2. The crust- ing or settling of the external surface of a liquid mass while it is cooling : and 3. The bursting of a moist substance while it is drying. 1. The first method is the most common ; but to all appear- ance, nature has not made use of it in the present case. Crystals are seldom or never found in any quantity running in the same direction; but either inclining from one another, or, what is still more common, placed towards one another in sloping directions. They are also generally separated a little from one another when they are regular. The nature of the thing requires this, because the several particles of which the crystals are com- posed must have the liberty of obeying that power which affects their constitution. The basaltic columns on the contrary, whose height is frequently from thirty to forty feet, are placed parallel to one another in considerable numbers, and so close together that the point of a knife can hardly be introduced between them. Be- sides, in most places, each pillar is divided into several parts or joints, which seem to be placed on one another. And indeed it is not uncom- mon for crystals to be formed one above another in different layers, while the solvent has been visibly diminished at different times : but then the upper crystals never sit so exactly upon one another as to produce connected prisms of the same length or depth in all the strata taken to- gether; but each stratum, separately taken, pro- duces its own crystals. Precipitation, both in the wet and dry way, requires that the particles should be free enough to arrange themselves in a certain order ; and as this is not practicable in a large melted mass, no crystallisations appear, ex- cepting on its surface or in its cavities. Bergman found that the component parts of various specimens of Basaltes were, at a medium 52 parts silex, 15 alumina, 8 carbonate of lime, and 25 iron. Several modern mineralogists have analysed basalt, and other trap rocks, to discover their affinity with one another, and to the lava of vol canos, of which they are all conceived to be only varieties. Indeed the facts we have already given of the basaltic formations in France, seem to put the question at rest. The following results obtained by Dr. Kennedy, are extracted from the Edinburgh Philosopliical Transactions. The basalt from Staffa contains in 100 parts Silex 48 Argil 16 Oxide of iron . . . . 16 Lime 9 Soda 4 Muriatic acid ... 1 Loss 6 100 B A S The lava of Catanea, iMouiit .'iL.tira, coiiluins in 100 parts, Silex 51 Argil 10 Oxide of iron .... 145 Lime 95 Soda 4 Muriatic acid .... 1 Loss 1 100 The greenstone of Salisbury craig, contains in 100 parts, Silex 46 Argil 19 Oxide of iron .... 17 Lime 8 Soda 3-5 Muriatic acid .... 1 Loss 5*5 100 The lava of Santa \'enese, Mount .-Etna, con- tains in 100 jjarts, Silex 50-75 Argil 17-5 Oxide of iron .... 1425 Lime .10 Soda 4 Muriatic acid .... 1 Loss 2-95 ALT. 603 100 The greenstone of Calton hill, at Edinburgh, contains in 100 parts, Silex 50 Argil 18-50 Oxide of iron . . . . 16-75 Lime 3 Soda 4 Muriatic acid .... 1 Loss ...'.... 6-75 100 The amorphous basaltes, known by the name of llowley Rasr, the ferrilite of Kirwan, of the speci- fic gravity of 2748, afforded Dr. \\ithering 47-5 of silex, 32-5 of alumina, -.ind 20 of iron, at a very low desree of oxidation. Klaproth givos, for the analysis of the prismatic basaltes of ll;i.- senberg, silex 44-5, alumina 16-75, oxide of iron 20, lime 9-,5, magnesia 225, oxide of manganese 12, soda 2-60, water 2. On a subsequent analysis, with a view to detect the existence of muriatic acid, he found slight indications of It, but it was in an extremely minute propor- tion. On the whole, the affinity between lava and trap rock formations seems established, but for further information we would refer the reader to the interesting work of Ur. M'Culloch, on the vytstern isles ; Dr. boue's Essai Geologique sur I' Ecosse, Necker de Saussure ; and the Geologi- cal Essays of Messrs. Buckland, Conybeare, and Dauting. BASALTIC IIoRXEBLENDE, occurs usually in opaque six-sided single crysuls, which some- times act on the magnetic needle. It is imbedded in basalt or wacke. Color velvet-black. Lustre vitreous. Scratches trlass. Sp. gr. 3-25. Fuses witii difficulty into a bl-ack glass. It consists of 47 silica, 26 alumina, 8 lime, 2 magnesia, 15 iron, and 0-5 water. It is found in the basalt of Arthur's Seat, in that of Eifeshire, and in the isles of Mull, Canna, Eigg, and Sky. It is found also in the basaltic and floetz trap rocks of Eng- land, Ireland, Saxony, Bavaria, Hungary, France, and Spain. BASAN. See Bashan. BASANITE, in mineralogy, is a variety of silicious slate, commonly known under the name of touchstone, and has been used both in ancient and modern times, to determine the purity of gold and silver by the color of the streak which those metals leave when rubbed on it. The per- manency or otherwise of the streak, under the application of nitric acid, is a further test of the purity of gold. Other stones have been occasion- ally applied to this purpose. See Assay. BASANWOW, in the Celtic mythology, was the son of Diodes, the king of the Sicambrians. lie disappeared suddenly, after having reigned tliirty-six years, was supposed to have ascended to heaven, and was honored by the Germans as the god of armies. BASARTSCIIIK, a considerable town of European Turkey, in Romania. It is well built, and has clean and broad streets. It is situated on the river INIaritz. BASARUCO, in commerce, a small base coin in the East Indies, made of very bad tin. Of this coin there arc two sorts ; the base sort is one- sixth lower in value than the good. Three basarucos are equal to two rees of Portugal. BAS-BRETON, the language of the natires of Bretagne, or Brittany. BASCAMA, in antiquity, ridiculous or gro- tesque figures, hungup by the ancient smitiis be- fore their furnaces, as charms against envy. BAS-CIIEVALIER. See Bachelor.' BASE, V. n. & adj.'^ Derived from Bai!:Iit. 2 Hum. 604 BASE. Lpou this base a carious work is rais'd. Like undivided brick, entire and one ; Though soft, yet lasting, with just balance pois'd ; Distri')ulcd with due proportion. P. Fletcher. Purple Island. Instead of music, and base flattering tongues. Which wait to first salute my lord's uprise ; The cheerful lark wakes him with early song. And birds' sweet whistling notes unlock his eyes. Id. By him Andicou pac'd of middle age. His mind as far from rashness, as from fears ; Hating base thoughts, as much as desperate rage. The world's loud thunderings he unshaken hears, Ti^or will he death or life, or seek or fly ; Ready for both — He is as cowardly Who longer fears to live, as he who fears to die. Id. Wl-at if it tempt thee tow'rd the flood, my lord ? Or to the dreadful summit of the cliflf. That beetles o'er his base into the sea? Shakspeare. If that rebellion Came, like itself, in base and abject routs, You, reverend father, and these noble lords, Had not been here. Id. It could not else be, I should prove so base To sue and be denied such common grace. Id. Why, bastard ? wherefore base ? When my dimensions are as well compact As honest madam's issue. Id. The king is not himself, but basely led By flatterers. Id. Why brand they us With base? with basciiess? bzistardy? Id. I have sounded the very 5a»e-string of mortality. Id. Henrt/ IVth. Men of weak abilities in great place, arc like little statues set on great bases, made the less by their ad- vancement. Bacon. Insurrections of base people are commonly more fu- rious in their beginnings. Id. In pipes, the lower the note holes be, and the fur- ther from the mouth of the pipe, the more base sound they yield. Id. The just and measured proportion of the air per- cussed towards the baseness or trebleness of tones, is one of the greatest secrets in the contemplation of sounds. Id. This young lord lost his life with his father in the field, and with them a base son. Camden's Rem. A lieutenant basely gave it up, as soon as Essex in his passage demanded it. Clarendon. If fortune hath envyed me wealth, thieves have robbed me, my father have not left me such revenues as others have, that I am a younger brother basely born, of mean parentage, a dirt-dauber's son, am I therefore to be blamed ? an eagle, a bull, a lion, is not rejected for his poverty, and why should a man ? 'Tis fortune's fault ; not mine. Anat. Melancholy. Swinish gluttony ; Ne'er looks to heaven amidst his gorgeous feast. But with besotted base ingratitude Crams and blasphemes his feeder. Milton'* Comut. Phalastus was all in white, having his bases and caparison embroided. Sidney. Since the perfections are such in the party I love, as the feeling of them cannot come unto any unuoble hi'art ; shall that heart, lifted up to such a height, be counted base. Id. We hold, that seeing there is not any man of the Church of En^^land but the same man is also a mem- het of the commonwealth, nor any member of the commonwealth which is not also of the Church of England ; therefore, as in a figure triangle, the base (loth ditfor from the sides thereof, and yet one and tiie self-same line is both a ba^ie and also a side ■, a side simply ; a bate if it chance to be the bottom aud underlie the rest : so, albeit, properties and actions of one do cause the name of a commonwealth, qualities and functions of another sort, the name of the church to be given to a multitude, yet one euid the self-same multitude may in such sort be both. Hooker. Ecclet. Pol. Which when the cruel Amazon pcrceiv'd She 'gan to storme, and rage, and rend her gall For very fell despight, which slxe conceiv'd To be so scorned of a fcote-born thrall. Whose life did lie in her least eye-lids' fall. Spenser. Such is the power of that sweet passion. That it all sordid baseness doth expel. Id, The silver-sounding instruments did meet With the base murmur of the water's fall ; The water's fall, with difference discreet. Now soft, now loud, unto the wind did call ; The gentle warbling wind low answered to all. Id, If the lords and chief men degenerate, what shall be hoped of the peasants and baser people. Id. On Ireland. Oh ! she is the pride and glory of the world j Without her all the rest is worthless dross • Life a base slavery ; empire but a mock ; And love, the soul of all, a bitter curse. Rochester's Valeniinian. Nor shall it e'er be said, that wight. With gauntlet blue and bases white, .4.nd round blunt truncheon by his side. So great a man at arms defy'd. Hudibras. He, whose mind Is virtuous, is alone of noble kind ; Though poor in fortune, of celestial race \ And he commits the crime who calls him base. Dry den. At thv well-sharpen'd thumb, from shore to shore. The trebles squeak for fear, the bases roar. Id. Your soul's above the baseness of distrust. Nothing but love could make you so unjust. Id. We alleged the fraudulent obtaining his patent, the baseness of his metal, and the prodigious sum to be coined. Swift. When a man's folly must be spread open before the angels, and all his baseness ript up before those pure spirits, this will be a double hell. South, It is base in his adversaries thus to dwell upon the excesses of a passion. Atterbury. At the first grin he cast every human feature out of his countenance ; at the second he became the head of a bas3-vio\. Addison. A guinea is pure gold, if it has nothing but gold in it, without any alloy or baser metal. Watts. But see thy base-born child, thy babe of shame. Who, left by thee, upon our parish came. Oay. Those wise old men, those plodding grave state pedants, Forget the course of youth ; their crooked Prudence, To baseness verging still, forgets to take Into their finespun schemes the generous heart. That through the cobweb system bursting lays Their labours waste. Thomson's Tancred and Sigismunda, When men of rank sacrifice all ideas of dignity to ambition without a distinct object, and work with low instruments for low ends, the whole composition becomes low and base. Burke. ' Oh, ye seven hills ! awaken, I Ere your very base be shaken. Byrcn. Base. A game or play; to keep moving about one spot of ground. The first day of the challenge at base, or running, the king won. Burnet's Hist, of Reform. BASE. 605 Base, in architecture, is used fer ony body which bears another, but particularly for the lower part of a column and pedestal. The ancients, in the early times of arciiitecture, used no bases. The doric columns in the temple of Minerva at Athens have none, but stand immedi- ately upon the floor of the porch. Columns afterwards came to be supported on square pieces called plinths, and after that on pedestals. The base of a column, of whatsoever order, on a pe- destal, is that part which comes between the top of the pedestal and the bottom of the shaft of the column ; when there is no pedestal, it is the part between the bottom of the column and llie plinth : some have included the plinth as a part of the base, but it is properly the piece on which the base stands, as the column stands upon that. The pedestal also has its base as well as the co- lumn, and the pilaster. The base of columns is. diilerently formed in the different orders; but in general it is composed of certain spires or circles, and was thence in early times called the spire of a column. These circles were in this case sup- posed to represent the folds of a snake as it lies rolled up ; but they are properly the represen- tations of several larger and smtdler rings or circles of iron, with which the trunks of trees, which were the ancient columns, were surrounded to prevent their bursting:; these were rude and irre- tjular, butthe sculptor v%ho imitated them in stone found the way to make them elegant. The base is different in the different orders : thus. Base, Composite, has an astragal less than the Corinthian. Base, Corinthian, has two toruses, two sco- tias and a fillet. Base, Doric, has an astragal more than the Tuscan, though that was introduced by the mo- derns. Base, Ionic, has a lage torus over two slender scotias, separated by two astragals : though in the most ancient monuments of this order there are no bases at all; which the architects are at a loss to account for. Base, Tuscan, is the most simple of all others ; coiisisting of a single torus besides the plinth. Base, in chemistry. See Basis. Base, in fortification, the exterior side of the polygon, or that imaginary line which is drawn from the flanked angle of a bastion to the angle opposite to it. Base, in geometry, the lowest side of the perimeter of a figure. Base or a Conic Sfxtion, a right line in the hyperbola and parabola, arising from the com- mon intersection of the secant plane and the base of the cone. Base of a Rectancled Triangle, the side opposite the right angle, i. e. the hypothenuse. JjASE OF A Solid Iiguue, the lowest side, or that on which it stands. Base ok a Triangle, any side thereof is occa- sionally so called ; though properly it is the lowest side, or tliat which lies parallel to the horizon. Base, in gunnery, the least sort of ordnance, the diameter of whose bore is 1^ inch, weight 200 pounds, length 4 feet, load 5 pounds, shot IJ pound weight, and diameter J inch. Base Colrt, in law, sometimes signifies any court not of record. — Such, is the Court-baron. Base Estates are such as base tenants have in their lands. Base Fee, a tenure in fee at the will of the lord, as distinguished from soccage, or free tenure; but, according to Lord Coke, a base fee is what may be defeated by limitation, or on entry, &c. Base Tenure (bassa tenura), holding by vil- lenage, or other customary service ; as distin- guished from the higher tenures in capite, or by military service. Base, in music, see Bass. Base, in trigonometry. See Alterx Base. Base Knights, the inferior order of knights, as distinguished from barons and bannerets, who were the chief or superior knights. BASELLA, climbing nightshade, from Malabar. A genius of the trigfynia order, belonging to the pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the twelfth order, holoraceae. Tlie calyx is wanting ; the corolla is seven-cleft, with the two opposite divisions broader and at last berried, there is one seed. 1. B. albrx, with oval, waved, flaccid leaves, and small flowers and fruit. These plants will climb to a considerable height, and send forth a great number of branches ; so they should be trained u p to a trellis, or fastened to the back of the stove ; otherwise they will twist themselves about what- ever plants stand near them, which will make a very disagreeable appearance. 2. B. rubra, with red leaves and simple footstalks, has thick, strong, succulent stalks, and leaves which are of a deep purple color. — This plant will climb to the height of ten or twelve feet, provided it is kept in a stove ; but in the open air it will not grow so large in this country ; nor will the seed come to perfection unless in very warm seasons. The flowers of this plant have no great beauty, but it is cultivated on account of the odd appear- ance of its stalks and leaves, and the flowers of a whitish green color tipped with purple. BASELLI or Basels, in our old historians, a species of coin abolished by King Henry II. A.D. 11.58. BASEMENTS, in architecture. See Archi- tecture, Index. BASE King of a cannon, is the great ring next behind the touch-hole. Base Rocket, in botany. See Reseda. BAS-EN-BASSET, or Basset, a market to^vn in the department of the Upper Loire, France, arrondissement of Issengeaux. It is the head of a canton and has 5000 inhabitants. Here are manufactures of blond lace, tobacco-pipes, and earthenware. It is three miles north-west of Monistrol, and twenty north-east of Le Puy. B.VSENET, ¥t. bassinet ; Old I-:ng. basrtyt ; a little bowl, a small basin; a part of military equipage, a kind of helmet or head-piece, worn originally by the French men at arms. Notwithstanding; at the last the king made him put on his haaenet, and then took a surd with both his hands, and strongly with a good will strake hira on the nccke> and the same day hee made three oth^r citizens knights for his sake in the same place. S/o;r. .\nn. 1381. R. 2. BAS 606 BAS Thcreforo he would her doe away all dread ; And that of him shee mote assur'd stand. He sent to her his basenet, as a faithful band. Spenter. Faerie Queene. BASH, V. n. -\ See To Abash. This Bash'fui., flf/j. y word, with all those of Bash'fully, adv. ^~ the same race, Ur. John- Bash'mekt, n. s. i son snys, are of uncer- Bash'fulxess, m. s. ) tain etymolojjy. Skinner imagines them derived from base or mean ; Min- sheii from irrbatsen, Dut., to strike with asto- nishment ; Junius from ^amg, which he finds in Hesychius to signify sliame. The conjecture of IMinsheu seems most probable. It is sometimes used as synonymous witli modest and modesty ; but not with a nice regard to accuracy. Modest signifies setting measure to ones estimate of one- self; but bashful, a lady to be abashed. Modesty is a habit or principle of the mind ; bashful/iess is a state of feeling. Modesty is at all times be- coming ; baskfiUness is only becoming in females, or -rery young persons, in the presence of their stiperiors. Modesty discovers itself in the ab- sence of every thing assuming, whether in look, word, or action ; baihfulness betrays itself by a downcast look, and a timid air. A modest de- portment is always commendable; a bashful temper is not desirable. — Crabb. Are you not ashamed, hash you not to broach and set abroad, in the view and face of the world, such mockeries of religion? Holland's Livius, fol. 320. It might be either for the lacke of leamyng and good bryngyng up (a great and common fault in great princes of Germany), or els for his bashful na- ture in youth, which propertie Xenophon wittely faynged to be in Cyrus at lyke yeeires, judging bash- fulness in youth, to be a great token of virtue in age. Ascham. Report and Discourse. He looked with an almost bashful kind of modesty, as if he feared the eyes of man. Sidney. They bashe not to defile the wives of other men. Bale on the Reflations. Ah! see the virgin rose, how sweetly shee Doth first peep forth with bashful modestee. That fairer seemes the lesse ye see her may ! Lo ! see soone after, how more bold and free. Her bared bosom she doth broad display ! Lo ! see soone after, how she fades and falls away. Spenser- His countenance was bold, and bashed not For Guyon's looks, but scornful eye glance at him shot. Id. I never tempted her with word too large ; But, 2is a brother to a sister, show'd Bashful sincerity with comely love. Shalispeare. Hence bashful cunning ? And prompt mc plain and holy innocence. Id. Another, through bashfulness, suspicion, and timo- rousness, will not be seen abroad, loves darkness as life, and cannot endure the light, or to sit in light- some places ; his hat still in his eyes, he will neither see, nor be seen by his good will. Anat. Mel. Her golden hair, her silver forehead hicrh. Her teeth of solid, eyes of liquid pearl ; But neck and breast no man might bare descry. So sweetly modest was this bashful girl. Fletcher's Purple Island. There are others, who have not altogether so much of this foolish bashfulness, and who ask every one's opinion. Dryde'n. Our author anxious for his fame to-night. And bashful in his first attempt to write. Lies cauliuasly obscure. Addison, Mere bashfulness without merit is awkwardness. Id. Doubtless there are men of great parts that are guilty of downright bashfulness, that by a strange he- sitation and reluctance to speak, murder the finest and most elegant thoughts, and render the most lively conceptions flat and heavy. Tatler, No. 252. Our orators, with the most faulty bashfulness, seem impressed rather with an awe of their audience than with a just respect for the truths they are about to deliver ; they, of all professions, seem the most bash- ful who have the greatest right to glory in their com- mission. Goldsmith. Essay III. So bright the tear in Beauty's eye, I'pt, princi- pally on the frontispieces of the temples where the Scarabeus extends his reign. The Persians ■were also partial to the use of bassi rilievi, as in the walls of Tschelminar, the ancient Persepolis. (See Persepolis.) They are executed in very high relief. The Etruscans also used bassi rilievi ; but Winckelman errs in attributing to this people all those works in which the figures are clothed in draperies, with straight square folds, designed in a stiff formal style like the antique altar of the Cardinal Albani, on which is represented their twelve principal god^. On the contrary, every well informed archaiologist allows these and other similar monuments of art to belong to the very earliest period of the Greeks. Some bassi rihevi of clay, painted in water colors, found near the country of the \'olscii, which are preserved in the cabinet of Cardinal Borgia, and published under his patronage, prove, beyond a doubt, that the Etruscans, like the Greeks, often painted their sculptural figures. The bassi rilievi used by the ancients were often formed of baked clay : sometimes of ivory and various metals, but oftener of marble. Among the most celebrated Greek bassi rilievi of antiquity are those which Phidias carved in ivorj-, upon the shield and the base of the statue of Minerva at Athens. Those which ornamented the throne of Jupiter Olympus, executed by Al- camenes ; those of Apollo, at Amyclae, in Laco- nia ; the bassi rilievi of the temple of Hercules, at Thebes, executed by Praxiteles ; those of the temple of Delphos, the joint work of Praxias and Androsthenes ; the celebrated funeral monument of Mausolus, called the mausoleum, executed by Scopas, Bryaxis, Timotheus, and Leochares ; the thirty-six columns of the temple of Diana, at Ephesus, Sic. The sculptures in the metopes ajid pediments of the Parthenon at Athens, which were entire in the time of Spon, who has described them, are in alto rilievo, like statues affixed to a back ground of marble. Their great size and height preserved them from those accidents to which they would have been liable in a lower situation, and to which, on the same account, they gave a less projection. Many of these invaluable relics of the brightest days of Grecian art, were brought to England by Lord Elgin, and are preserved in the British Museum. As the greater part of the antique bassi rilievi, now remaining, are executed in marble, they form the principal criterion by which we can judge of the excellency of their sculptors. Many of the best preserved were used to ornament their altars, as is seen in those which are in the muse- um capitolinum. One of these represents the education of Jupiter, and the others the labors of Hercules. They were also used as decorations to the bases of statues, and oftener to their tombs ; and even sometimes to the pedestals or stones on the margin of wells, as may be seen on one be- longing to the last-named museum, representing the education of Achilles ; and a beautiful one of nymphs and fawns, in the British Museum. The Romans made use of bassi rilievi to commemorate victories and embellish columns, triuin})hal arches, &c. But the greater number now preserved were attached to sarcophagi. The custom of burning their dead had fallen into disuse, partly from a scarcity of fuel, and partly because they had acquired many of the religious opinions of the eastern nations, from whom they adopted the mode of occasionally interring the bodies of their dead in coffins of marble, and other valuable materials. Their numbers at length became immense, both in the city and in the environs of Rome, if we may judge only from those which are to be found in the cabinets of the curious. The bassi rilievi, with which these sarcophagi are ornamented, are usually wrought with little care, and by sculptors of mi- nor talents ; but they preserve to us many of the finest compositions of their greatest artists, which were the admiration of antiquity. In many of the Greek bassi rilievi, the face of the deceased only is finished, and many antiquaries, from this cir- cumstance, have conjectured that it was a sort of manufacture in Greece, to make sarcophagi for the Romans, and that they were to be finished after they were sold. The bad style of these sculptures is no reason for supposing that these iparbles were not carved in Greece, because in the time of the emperors, the best Grecian artists were removed to Rome, and those of meaner talents remained at home. From the great quan- tity of marble that Attica, and indeed all Greece, possessed, it is natural to suppose that those sculptors who remained behind m their country would execute bassi rilievi for sarcophagi, when so ready a sale was found for them at Rome. Many archaiologists have supposed that the greater part of the compositions which are found on these sarcophagi, were copied from the great masters, of which the originals (as the paintings of Pana}nus and Polignotus in the ^oekile, &.c.) perished, when the cities of Greece were pillaged and ransacked. The study of the ancient bassi rilievi is of great service in the history of the arts ; as from them may be collected many important facts of tiie mythology, customs, costume, &c. of the ancients. The finest collections of bassi rilievi now exist- ing, are those of the British Museum, formerly the Townly collection; the Eltrin marbles in the same museum ; the collections of Mr. Thnmas Hope, and Mr. Soane, the professor of architecture in the Royal Academy of London ; and several fine casts in the Royal Academy. In Paris they had some fine antique bassi rilievi in the Royal Mu- seum ; in the museum of the Augustins ; and many private collections. The application of bassi rilievi among the moderns is the same as among the ancients ; being used to decorate pub- lic buildings, palaces, churches, triumphal arches, theatres, concert rooms, and private houses ; fur- niture, tombs, and other subjects of ornamental architecture. The most celebrated specimens of bassi rilievi (properly so called) of modern art in England, are those of the tympanum of the pediment of the East India house, by Bacon ; the monument of Captain Millar in a pannel of St. Paul's cathedral, by Flaxman. Several otheis on the public monuments, erected in that cathe- dral, and in Westminster abbey, by Bacon, Banks, Bacon, jun. Rossi, Chantiey, Kemirick, 2 S 2 BAS 628 BAS Hopper, and Westmacott. Ami on the conti- Baharin, and coffee from Mocha, iron, lead, nent, most of the sculptures are thus decorated, and woollen cloth, from Europe. Some of these and embrace the names of the most celebrated commodities are shipped on board small Arabian artists. The French critics particularly admire vessels; but the greater part is brought by Eu- the bassi rilievi on the Porte St. Denys, begun ropean vessels. Yet all European commodities by Girardon, and finished by Michel Anguiere, are dear here ; a decided preference is given to and those on the Fountain of the Innocents, called articles of English manufacture, especially broad the Nymph's Fountain, by the celebrated Jean cloth and watches. Many of the products of other Goujon. countries are re-exported, and an extensive traffic Basso RipiENO,the bass of the ground chorus, is carried on in horses, which, being very strong or that which plays only in particular places. and beautiful, are exported by the English. Its Basso Violino, the bass for the bass viol. BASSOON, bus son, ¥t. low sound ; an in- strument which forms the natural base to the hauthois. It is played like that instrument, with a reed, and forms a continuation of its scale downwards. The reed is fixed to a crooked mouth-piece issuing from the side of the bassoon. Three keys communicate to the ventages which otherwise are too remote for fingering. The Italian name fagotto is derived from its appear- ance ; it consists of four tubes bound together so as somewhat to resemble a fagot. Its compass is three octaves, from double AA in the base, to a in the second space of the treble. BASSORA, Balsora, Bossoua, of Basra, a city between Aralna and Persia, situated in the extremity of the deserts of Irak, a little west of population was estimated by Mr. Parsons, who was here in 1775, at 200,000; but it is now thought not to exceed 60,000 ; but it is still the second city of the pachalic of Bagdad. It fell into the hands of the Turks, (who took it from the Persians) in 1688 ; was re-taken by Persia in 1777, but resigned to the Turkish army the fol- lowing year. The Arabs expelled the Turks in 1787, but the latter, under Soliman Pacha o' Bagdad, regained it shortly after, and have helc it ever since. It is distant from Ispahan 21( miles south, 903 from Alexandretta, and 181£ south-east from Constantinople. Long. 44° 46 E., lat. 30° 32' N. BASSOVIA, in botany, a genus of plants oi the class pentandria, and order monogynia. It,' generic characters are, cal. perianth one-leaved ; the Tigris, where it is navigable for vessels of cor. one-petalled : stam. filaments five; anthers 500 tons, and not far from its junction with the Euphrates. It was tjuilt by the khaliff Omar, in the fifth year of the Ilegira, for the sake of carry- ing on more commodiously an extensive com- merce between the Syrians, Arabians, Persians, and India. It is at present a famous emporium of Eastern commerce, and stands upon a thick ovate : pist. germ ovate ; style short ; stigma thickish ; per. berry ovate ; seeds very many. — The only species is the B. sylvatica, a perennial, native of Guiana. BASS Viol. See Bass. BASSUM, a district in the province of Nan- dere, in the Nizam's dominions, Hindostan. It stony soil, as the name imports. That mouth of '^^s an uneven hilly surface, intersected^y several the Tigris which empties itself into the Persian Gulf after passing the town, is called from it, the Bay of Bassora. The circumjacent country is regarded by the Arabs as one of the most delight- ful spots in Asia, and is certainly one of the most beautiful tracts in the world; however, the hot winds that frequently blow here are very trouble- some to travellers, and sometimes overwhelm them with sand. The city is inhabited by Nes- torians, Jews, Mahommedans, and Chaldean Christians, or Christians of St. John, which last are pretty numerous. The walls are about seven miles in circuit, and twenty-five feet thick. The city is entered by five gates ; but much of this space is occupied by plantations and gardens, in- terspersed with canals, which are cleansed by the tide flowing into them twice every day, to the height of nine or ten feet. The city is indiffer- ently built ; the houses very mean, and con- structed chiefly of clay; the streets are irregular, small streams, which flows into the Godavery ; and it lies between the twenty-first and twenty- second degrees of north latitude. The chief town is Bassan, which is situated six miles from the Gunga. Very little is known respecting this part of Nandere. BAST, lime tree bark made into ropes or mats. BASTAGA, from ^a^-a^ttv, portare, to carry, the office of carriage or conveyance. BASTAGARII, in ecclesiastical antiquity, those who carry the images of saints at pro- cessions. BA'STARD, V. n. & adj.-\ Bas/ard(f, Welch, Ba'stardize, {bastarde,l:x.oi\ovi Ba'staf.dly, 4^ birth, from base, Ba'stardy. } and ord, A. S., the one signifies mean, disgraceful; and the other source and origin; thus bastard means base- born. It is also applied to any thing not pro- and notwithstanding the advantage of the canals, ceeding from a legitimate source ; to whatever is are kept in a filthy state. Even the bazaars, though containing the richest products of the East, are but miserable edifices. The English factory is the best building in the city. The abbe Raynal describes its trade as consisting of rice, sugar, plain striped and flowered mus- lins from Bengal, spices from Ceylon and the Molucca islands, coarse white and blue cottons, from Coromandel, cardamum, pepper, sanders- wood, from Malabar, gold and silver stuffs, tur- bans, shawls, indigo, from Sural, pearls from spurious or mixed. In the earlier writers it is not uncommon to meet with bast without the termination ard. When he was aryued, he sent to Harald, And said that a bastard no kyngdom suld hald. R. Brunne. And so shee (queen Anne) putting in obliuion tlie hastardyng of her daughter, deliuered into king Richard's hands her five daughters, as lamhes "nee again committed to the custodie of the raucnous woolfc. Grafton. Richard III. BASTARDS. 629 And ouer this he (Sir H. Bolyngbrookc) hadde of hatt, whiche after were made legyttymat, by dame Katheryne Swynforde iii sonnys. Fahyan. Ann. 1386. R. 2. When thou shalt find the catalogue enroU'd Of thy misdeeds, there shall be writ in text. Thy boitarding the issues of a prince. Ford's Love's Sacrifice. Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy, insensible, a getter of more bastard children than war's a destroyer of men. Shakspeare- I should have been what I am, had the maidcn- liest star in the firmament twinkled on my bastard- ixing. Id. Once she slandered me with bastardy ; But whether I be true begot or no. That still I lay upon my mother's head. Id. Words But rooted in your tongue ; bastards and syllables Of no allowance to your bosom's truth. Id. Score a pint of bastard. — Then your brown bastard is your only drink. Id. We are bastards all ; And that most venerable man, which I Did call my father, was I know not where When I was stampt ; some coiner with his tools Made me a counterfeit : yet my mother seem'd The Dian of that time : so doth my wife The nonpareil of this. Donne. Good seed degenerates, and oft obeys The soil's disease, and into cockle strays ; Let the mind's thoughts but be transplanted so Into the body, and bastardly they grow. Id. She lived to see her brother beheaded, and her two sons deposed from the crown, bastarded in their blood, and cruelly murdered. Bacon. He That kills himself t' avoid misery, fears it. And at the best shows but a bastard valour. Massinger. Of all passions, as I have already proved, love is most violent, and of those bitter potions which this love-melancholy affords, this bastard jealousie is tlie greatest, cis appears by those prodigious symptoms which it hath, and that it produccth. Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. In respect of the evil consequents, the wife's adul- tery is worse, as bringing bastardy into a family. Taylor. Him to the Lydian king Lycimnia bare. And sent her boasted bastard to the war. Dry den. Men who, under the disguise of publick good, pur- sue their own designs of power, and such bastard honours as attend them. Temple. Not more of simony beneath black gowns. Not more of bastardy in heirs to crowns. Pope. A bastard, by our English laws, is one that is not only begotten, but born, out of lawful matrimony. Blackstone's Commentaries. And these are men, forsooth ! Heroes and chiefs, the flower of Adam's bastards. Byron. Bastards; in the English law. The cele- brated Blackstoiie observes in his Commentories on the difference between our common and the civil and canon law. The civil and canon laws do not allow the child to remain a bastard, if the parents afterwards intermarry : and herein they differ most materially from our law ; which, though not so strict as to require that the child sliould be begotten, yet makes it an indispensible condition that it should be born after lawful wed- lock. And the reason of our law, he continues, is surely much superior to that of the Uoinan, if we consider the principal end and design of establishing the contract of marriage, taken in a civil light, abstractedly from any religious view ; which has nothing to do with the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the cliildren. The main end and design of marriage, being to ascertain and fix upon some certain person, to whom the care, the protection, the maintenance, and the education of the children, should belong: 1. Because of the very great uncertainty there will generally be, in the proof that the issue was really begotten ])y the same man ; whereas, by confining the proof to the birth, and not to the begetting, our law iias rendered it perfectly certain what ciiild is legiti- mate, and who is to take care of the child. 2. Becatise by the Roman law a child may be con- tinued a bastard, or made legitimate at tlie option . of the father or mother, by a marriage ex post facto ; thereby opening a door to many frauds and par- tialities, which by our law are prevented. 3. Because by those laws a man may remain a bas- tard till forty years of age, and then become legi- timate by the subsequent marriage of his parents ; whereby tlie main end of marriage, the protection of infants, is totally frustrated. 4. Because this rule of the Roman law admits of no limitation as to the time, or number, of bastards to be so legi- timated ; but a dozen of them may, twenty years after their birth, by the subsequent marriage of their parents, be admitted to all the privileges of legitimate children. Tiiis is plainly a great dis- couragement to the matrimonial state; to which one main inducement is usually not only the desire of having children, but also the desire of procreating lawful heirs. Whereas our constitu- tion guards against this indecency, and at the same time gives sufficient allowance to the frail- ties of human nature. By the law of Scotland, following the canon law, bastards may be legitimated, or made law- ful, 1. By the subsequent intermarriage of the mother of the child with the father; and this legi- timation entitles the child to all the rights of law- ful children. The subsequent marriage, wiiich produces legitimation, is considered by the law to have been entered into when the child legiti- mated was begotten ; and hence, if lie be a malc> he excludes, by his right of primogeniture, the sons procreated after the marriage, from the suc- cession of the father's heritage, though these sons were lawful children from the birth. Hence, also, those children only can be thus legitimated, who are begotten of a woman whom the father might at that period have lawfully married. 2. Bastards are legitimated by letters of legitima- tion from the sovereign A bastard, as such, is excluded by the Scottish law. 1. From bis father's succession; because law knows no father who is not marked out by marriage. 2. From all heritable succession, whether by the father or mother ; because he can- not be pronounced lawful heir by the inquest, in terms of the brief. And, 3. From the movable succession of his mother ; for though the mother be known, the bastard is not her lawful child, and legitimacy is implied in all succession con- ferred by law. Yet a bastard, though he cannot 630 BASTARDS. succeed jure sanguinis, may succeed by destina- tion, where he is specially called to the succession by an entail or testament. Every attempt to introduce the civil law, in this respect, into Enaland, by declaring children legitimated by a subsequent marriage, has been steadily rejected. It was upon an occasion of this kind, that the barons of England, assembled in the parliament of Merton, A.D. 1272, made that famous answer, ' Nolumus leges Anglic mutare.' 20 Hen. III. cap. 9. From what has been said it appears, that all children born before matrimony are bastards by our law : and so it is of all children born so long after the death of the husband, that, by the usual course of gestatioa, they could not be begotten by him. But this being a matter of some uncer- tainty, the law is not exact as to a few days. But if a man dies, and his widow soon after marries again, and a child is born within such a time as that by the course of nature it might have been the child of either husband: in this case, he is said to be more than ordinarily legitimate; for he may, when he arrives at the years of discre- tion, choose which of the fathers he pleases. To prevent this, among other inconveniences, the civil law ordained that no widow should marry infra annum luctus; a rule which obtained so early as the reign of Augustus, if not of Romu- lus: and the same constitution was probably lianded down to our early ancestors from the Romans, during their stay in this island : for we find it established luider th" Sa.Kon and Danish governments. As bastards may be bom before the coverture of marriage-state is begun, or after it is deter- mined, so also children born during wedlock may in some circumstances be bastards. As if the husband be out of the kingdom of England, or as the law loosely phrases it, extra quatuor raaria, for above nine months, so that no access to his wife can be presumed, her issue during that period shall be bastards. But generally during coverture, access of the husband shall be presumed, unless the contrary shall be shown ; which is such a negative as can only be proved by showing him, to be elsewhere; for the general rule is prsesuraitur pro legitimatione. But modem decisions have considerably narrowed this rule. It is now held that the husband's being within the four seas is not conclusive evidence of the legitimacy of the child, and it is left to a jury to determine whether the husband had access or not. 3 P. W. 275, 276. 2 Str. 925. And evi- dence may be given, that the husband was from natural or incidental causes impotent. 2 Stra. 940. 1 Roll. Abr. 358. 1 Salk. 123. But in this latter case an impossibility must be proved, and not a bare improbability. In a divorce, amensa etthoro if the wife breeds children they are bastards ; for the law will presume the husband and wife con- formable to the sentence of separation, unless ac- cess be proved ; but in a voluntary separation by agreement, the law will suppose access, unless the negative be shown. So also if there be an appa- rent impossibility of procreation on the part of the husband, as if he be only eight years old, or the like, there the issue of the wife shall be bastards. Likewise, in case of divorce in the spiritual court a vinculo matrimonii, all the issue born during the coverture are bastards ; because such divorce is always upon some cause that rendered the marriage unlawful and null from the beginning. As to the rights and incapacities which appertain to a bastard : the former are very few, being only such as he can acquire ; for he can inherit nothing, being looked upon as the son of nobody, and sometimes called filiusnullius,sometimes filius populi. Yet he may gain a surname by reputa tion, though he has none by inheritance. All other children have their primary settlement in their father's parish : but a bastard in the parish where born, for he hath no father. However, in case of fraud, as if a woman be either sent by order of justices, or comes to beg as a vagrant, to a parish which she does not belong to, the bastard shall, in the first case, be settled in the parish from whence she was illegally removed ; or in the latter case, in the mother's own parish, if the mother be apprehended for her vagrancy. Bastards also born in any licensed hospital for pregnant women, are settled in the parishes in which the mothers belong. The incapacity of a bastaid consists principally in this, that he cannot be heir to any one , for being nuUius fi- lius, he is therefore of kin to nobody, and has no ancestors from whom any inheritable blood can be derived. Therefore, if there be no other claim- ant upon an inheritance than such illegitimate child, it shall escheat to the lord. And as bas- tards cannot be heirs themselves, so neither can they have any heirs but those of their own bodies. For as all collateral kindred consists in being derived from the same common ancestor, and as a bastard has no legal ancestors, he can have no collateral kindred ; and consequently can have no legal heirs, but such as claim by a lineal de- scent from himself. And therefore, if a bastard purchases land, and dies seised thereof without issue, and intestate, the land shall escheat to the lord of the see. A bastard was also, in strict- ness, incapable of holy orders ; and though that were dispensed with, yet he was utterly disqua- lified from holding any dignity in the church ; but this doctrine seems now obsolete ; and in all other respects there is no distinction between a bastard and another man. And really any other distinction but that of not inheriting, which civil policy renders necessary, would, with re- gard to the innocent offspring of his parent's crimes, be odious, unjust, and cruel, to the last degree ; and yet the civil law, so boasted of for its equitable decisions, made bastards in some cases incapable even of a gift from their parents. A bas- tard may, lastly, be made legitimate and capable of inheriting by the transcendant power of an act of parliament, and not otherwise : as was done in the case of John of Gaunt's bastard children, by a statute of Richard II. The principal duty of parents to bastard children, by the English law, is that of mainte- nance. For though bastards are not looked upon as children to any civil purposes ; yet the ties of nature, of which maintenance is one, are not so easily dissolved ; and they hold indeed as to many other intentions ; ;is jjarticularly that a man shall not marry his bastard sister or daughter, &c. The BAS 631 BAS method in which the English law provides main- tenance for them is as follows : When a woman is delivered, or declares herself with child, of a bastard, and will by oath before a justice of the peace charge any person with havin„'gother with child, the justice shall cause such person to be ap- prehended, and commit him till he gives security, either to maintain the child, or appear at the next quarter-sessions to dispute and try the fact. But if the woman dies, or is married, before deliver)-, or miscarries, or proves not to have been with child, the person shall be discharged ; otlierwise the sessions, or two justices out of the sessions, •ipon original application to them, may take or- der for the keeping of the bastard, by the charg- ing of the mother or the reputed father with the payment of money or other sustentation for that purpose. And if such putative father, or lewd mother, run away from the parish, the overseers by direction of two justices may seize their rent, goods and chattels, in order to bring up the said bastard child. Yet such is the humanity of our laws, that no woman can be compulsively ques- tioned concerning the father of her child till one month after her delivery ; which indulgence is, however, very frequently a hardship upon pa- rishes, by giving the parents opportunity to escape. By the stat. 18 Eliz. c. 3, two justices may take order for the punishment of the mother and reputed father ; but what that punishment shall be, is not therein ascertained : though the con- temporary exposition was, that a corporeal pu- nishment was intended. By stat. 7 Jac. I. c. 4. a specific punishment, viz. commitment to the house of correction, is inflicted on the woman only. But in both cases, it seems that the pe- nalty can only be inflicted if the bastard becomes chargeable to the parish ; for otherwise tiie very maintenance of the child is considered as a de- gree of punishment. By the last mentioned sta- tute the justice may commit the mother to the house of correction, there to [he punished and set on work for one year ; and in case of a second offence, till she find surety never to offend again. It was enacted by statute 21 Jac I. c. 27. that if any woman be delivered of a child,, which if bom alive, should by law be a bastard, and en- deavours privately to conceal its death, by bury- ing the child or the like; the mother so offending shall suff"er death, as in the case of murder, un- less she can prove by one witness Rt least that the child was actually born dead. This law is to be met with also in the criminal codes of many other nations of Europe ; as the Danes, the Swedes, &c. but it has been repealed by 4.3 Geo. III. c. 58. called Lord Ellenborough's act, Women can only be convicted of murder in this case on proof of the child being actually born alive: but in all cases when a child would have been a bastard, are punishable for conceal- ment of birth, whether the child be born alive or otlierwise, by imprisonment for two years. Bastards, in history, a troop of banditti who rose in Guienne about the beginning of the fourteenth century, and joining with some Englisli parties, ravaged the country, and set fire to tlie city of Saintes. Mezeray supposes them to have consisted of the natural sons of tlie nobility of Guienne, who being excluded the right of inhe- riting from tlieir fathers, put themselves at the head of robbers and plunderers to maintain themselves. Bastards, in the sea language, large sails of a galley, which will make way with a slack wind. Bastard Cedar Tree, called guazuma in the West Indies. Bastard Floweh Pence. See Adesanthera. The flowers of this plant bruised .and steeped in breast milk are a gentle anodyne, for which pur- pose they are often given in the West Indies to quiet very young children. The leaves are us?d in Barbadoes and the Leeward islands. In Ja- maica the plant is called Sena. Bastard Hemp. See Datisca Bastard Rocket. See Resed . Bastard Scarlet is a name given to red dyed with bale-madder, as coming nearest the bow-dye, or new scarlet. Bastard Star of Bethlehem. See Alblca. BASTARDY, according to Eustathius, was held among the Greeks as honorable as legitima- cy, down even to the time of the Trojan war ; but tlie course of antiquity seems against him. The ancient Greeks indeed, appear to have been proud of their reputed descent from the gods, but Potter and others show that there never was a time when bastardy was not a disgrace. In the time of our William the Conqueror, however, it seems not to have implied any reproach, that monarch himself not scrupling to assume the appellation of bastard. His epistle to Alan, count of Bretagne begins, Ego Willielmus,.cognomento bastardus. Bastardy, in relation to its trial in law, is distinguished into general and special. Bastardy General, is a certificate from the bishop of the diocese, to the king's justices, after inquiry made, whether the party is a bastard or not, upon some question of inheritance. Bastardy Special, is a suit commenced in the king's courts, against a person that calls another a bastard. Bastardy, Arms of, should be crossed with a bar, fillet, or traverse, from the left to the right. They were not formerly allowed to carry the arms of their father, and therefore they invented arras for themselves ; and this is still done by the natural sons of a king. BASTARXyE, or Bastern.e, a people of German original, manners, and language, who extended themselves a great way to the east of the Vistula, the east boundary of Germany among the Sarmatse, as far as the mouth of the Ister and the Euxine, and were divided into several nations. BASTARNIC/E Alps, in ancient geography, mountains extending between Poland, Hungary, and Transylvania, called also the Carpets, and now the Carpathian mountains. BASTAYOE, a bay on the east side of Yell, one of the Shetland islands. Long. 1° 16' W., lat. 60° 59' N. BASTE', -^ Participle pass, basted, Bastina'de, v. & n. ^^^o^ hasten. Fr. basionncr. Bastixa'do, v. & n. J Bazata, in the Armorick dialect, signifies to strike with a stick; from which perhaps baston a stick, and all its deriva- tives, or collaterals, may be deduced ; to strike, 632 B A S T I L E. l>eat, bang, bethwack with a cudgel ; so Cotgrave. Applied to noisy abuse with the tongue. What cannoneer begot this lusty blood ? He speaks plain cannon, tire, zind smoke und bounce ; He gives the bastinado with his tongue ; Our ears are cudgell'd ; not a word of his But buffets better than a fist of France. Zounds ! I was never so bethump'd with words Since I first call'd nay brother's father dad. Shakspeare. But this courtesy was worse than a bcutinado to Zelmane j so with rageful eyes she bade him defend himself. Sidney. I am not apt upon a wound. Or trivial basting, to despond ; Yet, I'd be loth, my days to curtail. Hudihras. The beaten soldier proves most manful. That like his sword endures the anvil. And justly's held more formidable. The more his valour's malleable. But he that fears a baitinado. Will run away from his own shadow. Id. Quoth she, I grant it is in vain For one that's basted to feel pain ; Because the pangs his bones endure Contribute nothing to the cure. Id. Bastings heavy, dry, obtuse. Only dulness can produce ; While a little gentle jerking Sets the spirits all a-working. Swift. Nick seized the longer enj of the cudgel, and with it began to bastinado old Lewis, who had slunk into a ccmer, waiting the event of a squabble. Arbuthnot. In T'lrkey, says Montesquieu, where little regard is shown to the lives and fortunes of the subject, all causes are quickly decided. The bashaw, on a sum- mary hearing, orders which party he pleases to be bastinadoed, and then sends them about their business. Blackstone's Commentaries. Baste, v. To baste meat ; to drop butter, or any thing else upon it as it turns upon the spit. This was formerlyrwith a stick covered with fat, and it is therefore probable, that the term to baste, to strike with a stick, came at length to be thus employed. Sir, I think the meat wants what I have, a basting. Shakspeare. The fat of roasted mutton falling on the birds, will nerve to baste them, and so save time and butter. Swift. Baste', v. Besten. To sew or stitch together slightly. Fr. baster, to stitch. And on her legs the painted buskins wore. Basted with bands of gold on every side ; And mailes betweene; and laced close afore. Spenser. Faerie Queene. Shall the proud Lord That battes his arrogance with his own seam. And never suffers matter of the world Enter his thoughts ; save such as do revolve And ruminate himself, shall he be worshipt ; Of that we hold an idol more than he. Shakspeare. Troilits and Cressida. BASTERNA, a kind of vehicle, or chariot, used by the ancient Roman ladies. Papias thinks, that basterna was first written for vesterna, but the word seems better derived from the Greek ftacaH^w, porto, I carry. Salmasius observes, that the basterna succeeded the lectica, or litter ; from which it differed very little, except that the litter was borne on the shoulders of slaves, and the basterna drawn by beasts. The inside they cal- led the cavea, or cage : it had soft cushions or beds, and glasses on each side like our chariots. Basternae passed from Italy into Gaul, and thence into other countries ; and to this we owe our chariots, which, though we call them currus, yet they have no conformity to the ancient currus, but are in effect basternae improved. The bas- terna appears also to have been used in war, for carrying baggage. BASTI, in ancient geography, a town of the province of Ba;tica in Spain, situated to the west of tlie Campus Spartarius, now called Baza in Granada. BASTIA, a sea-port town of Albania, in Tur- key in Europe, over against the island of Corfu. Bastia, a town of the island of Corsica, on the north-east coast, seated on a hill, in the form of an amphitheatre. It is ill built, and has nar- row streets, but is defended by a citadel, and has a safe but not very commodious harbour. The inhabitants carry on a considerable trade in wine, skins, pulse, oil, and figs, and the stilettos made here are much valued by the Italians. In 1745, it was bombarded and taken by the English, but restored to the Genoese the following year. The Austrians and Piedmontese besieged it unsuccess- fully in 1748. It was annexed to France in 1768, and with the exception of a short period after its capture by the English in 1794, has remained ever since in the hands of that power. It con- tained a population of 11 or 1 2,000 souls, and before the French revolution it was the capital of the island, the seat of the governor, and of the principal offices of state, and courts of justice. It was also the see of tlie bishop of Marian and Acci. On the new modelling of the French ter- ritory in 1791, it was created the capital of the department of the Golo,and subsequently the head- quarters of the twenty-third military division. It is now the chief town of an arrondissement in the department of Corsica, the residence of a sub- prefect, and the seat of a civil and a commercial tribunal. Thirty-three miles E.N.E. of Calvi, and fifty-eight north-east of Ajaccio. Long. 9° 26' 30" E., lat. 42° 41' 36* N. BASTIDE de Clerence La, a town of Lower Navarre, France, the head of a canton in the department of the Lower Pyrenees, arrondissement of Bayonne. It is about six miles E. S. E. of Bayonne, and has 2000 inhabitants. Bastide, La, a town of France, in Quercy, the head of a canton in the department of the Lot, arrondissement of Gourdon, with 1200 inhabitants, ten miles south-east of Gourdon. Bastide de Seron, La, a town of France, in the county of Foix, department of the Arriege, arrondissement of Pamiers, with 1 760 inhabitants, nine miles W.N.W. of Foix, and twelve north- west of Tarascon. BA'STILLE, or-^ Bastille, Fr., bastide, Sp. Bastile, > from French fcasfiV, to build, Ba'stillions. 3 probably from the Greek and Latin basis, q. d. basitare, i. e. to raise upon a basis or foundation ; applied to military for- tresses, and to places of special defence, and of confinement. These lordes caused bastiles to be made roundc about the cytie, with which they troubled their ene- mies and assaulted the walles. Hall. King Henry VI, B A S T I L E. 633 The same season there iwas a capytayne at Calais, Sir Johan Delnarnes, who receyued the bysshoppe and his company with grete ioye ; and so they landtd lytell and lytell, and all their horses and baggage, and so lodged in Calays, and thereabout in bastyUes that they made dayly. Frousart. Crmycle, v. i.e. 329. Our soldiers rose at the call of their captains, and removed their munitions farr from the wall, providing to fight more close and short along the high hoMiles, or countermures, which now, that they were finished, overtopped th-j walls. Holland. A tnmianus. Thus fortune fares her children to empound. Which on her wheel their battilea bravely beeld. Mirror for Mai/istratei. Near which there stands A bcutile built to imprison hands. Hudibras. Bastile, anciently used as a common name officers, together with some rooms appropriated for prisoners of distinction. The second court was seventy-two feet long, and forty-two broad, containg two towers, and lodgings for persons belonging to the castle. The prisoners were chiefly confined in the towers of the bastile, the entrances to whicli were secured hy double doors of oak, and con- ducted to a winding stair-case, lighted by narrow grated windows, which led to the rooms above, and the dungeon below. The dungeons had no fire place, and instead of windows a small cre- vice towards the ditch, that served the twofold purpose of letting in air and light. They were arched, paved, and lined with stone, and were said to be places for the temporary punishment for a prison, under the feudal system in our own of those unhappy persons who might attempt to country, was a name particularly applied to make their escape. In these dungeons the un- several state prisons in France : but that which fortunate princes of Armagnac, sons of James, was termed the bastile, by way of distinction, who was beheaded, were confined by Louis XI., was situated near the gates of Paris, on the road the oldest of whom lost his senses in prison, and to St. Anthony. The building was originally the youngest, obtaining his liberty on the death of commenced by order of Charles V., and finished the tyrant, related a tale of suffering which, if in 1383 under the reign of his successor. The it were not corroborated by the most unqualified original projector was Hugh d' Aubriot, mayor of evidences, would almost exceed belief. Above Paris, who laid the first stone of the foundation each of these dungeons were four stories, con- on the 22d of April, 1370. Descended from an taining each a single room, some of them having obscure parentage, this person had been raised by a small dark closet adjoining them, indented in his merit into the favor of his sovereign, and so the thickness of the wall. The rooms had each unqualified was the confidence reposed in him, one window, glazed within, and doubly grated, that the charge of the capital was committed ex- one near the centre of the wall, and again at its clusively to his care. The bastile, as planned by d' Aubriot, consisted only of two round towers, one on each side of the road leading into Paris, from the suburbs of St. Anthony, and united by means of a strong high wall, in the centre of which was the gate of the exterior surface. Each room had a fire place and stove, the vents of the chimneys being se- cured by strong iron grates. The double doors were secured by several locks and bars, and many of the rooms had double ceilings ; the first was composed of lath and plaster, and the second town. Several additional towers were afterwards of oak, supporting the floor of the room imme- erected, and in the succeeding reign two com- diately above. The walls and ceilings of these plete courts were formed by means of intervening apartments were all plastered and white-washed, walls, which composed the body of the edifice, and the floors laid with tile or stone; they were The road itself turned off" to the right of the cas- perfectly dry, owing to the extreme thickness of tie, and left the whole building enclosed by a the building, being nearly seven English feet in deep ditch, and secured by a counterscarp of diameter at the top, and gradually increasing nearly thirty-six feet from the bottom. The downwards to the foundation. The three first usual entry into the bastile was from St. stories were irregular polygons of about eighteen Anthony street. Above the first gate was an feet in diameter, and as many in height ; but the armoury, and on the right side of the entrance a fourth, or top room, called calotte, was neither guard room, The first enclosure, from which a so large nor so high as the others, and was gate led to the arsenal, contained barracks for the garrison, coach houses and stables for the gover- nor and officers, shops for the sutlers, &c. A draw-bridge led from the court into the second enclosure, on entering which, was a guard-roam to the left, and the governor's house to the right ; and at the end a terrace, on which stood a pavi arched to support the stone roof or platform with which it was overlaid. Such was the place of horror, in which hun- dreds were confined at the caprice of an arbi- trary monarch, or minister ; and so rigidly were the wretched victims concealed, that many have been shut up for years, cut off" from all commu- lion, with beautiful walks, shaded with rows of nication with mankind, except the turnkeys and trees. Opposite the governor's house was the entrance into the castle, and between the two were kitchens and other conveniences, erected on a blind bridge thrown across the ditch. From the second court was a draw-bridge, which led into the castle, and within the gate was another guard- room. The first court was 102 feet Ion?, and keepers of the prison, and neither friends nor relations have known what was become of the persons so mysteriously lost. The officers who had the charge of the bastile were a governor, lieutenant du roi, a mayor, two adjutants, a surgeon and his assistant, a chaplain, and four turnkeys : these, with a com- seventy-two broad. It had six towers, and was pany of invalids and officers, lodged in the castle ; terminated by a modem building, on the ground- besides whom, a physician, two priests, a keeper floor of which was the council chamber and of records, a clerk, a superintendent of buildings, librarj', and over it the apartments of the Lieu- and an engineer, who lodged in the town, hia tenant du Roi, the surgeon, major, and other services being only occasionally required. 634 B A S T I L E The king allowed the governor a daily sum for the maintenance of each prisoner, according to his rank in Society ; namely, Livres. For a prince of the blood ... 50 per day. For a marshal of France ... 36 For a lieutenant-general ... 24 For a person of quality or a member of parliament 15 For an oidinary judge, a priest, or persons in the finances ... 10 For a respectable citizen ... 5 which, together with an additional salary for firing, candles, washing, &c., more than indem- nified him for the expenses of the prison. The mode of arresting prisoners was by lettres de cachet, which were sometimes signed by the king himself, and always countersigned by the minister of Paris, or one of the secretaries of state. We subjoin the following as a copy of one of these fatal instruments. * MoN Cousin, ' Etant peu satisfait de votre conduite, je vous fais cette lettre, pour vous dire, que raon intention est qu' aiissitot qu' elk; vous aura ete remise, vous aycz a vous rendre em mon chateau de la Bastile, poury rester jusqu' a. nouvel ordre de moi. Sur ce je prie Dieu qu'il vous ait, mon Cousin, en sa sainte garde. Ecrit k Versailles, 25 Juin, 1748. ' Signe, Louis, 'Voyer d' Argenson..' The above was inscribed, 'A mon Cousin, le Prince de Monaco, Briga- dier en mon Infanterie. Every prisoner, on coming to the Bastile, had an inventory made of ever}' thing about hinn. His trunks, clothes, linen, and pockets, were searched, to discover whether there were any papers in them relative to the matter for which he was apprehended. It was not usual to search persons of a certain rank ; but they were asked for their knives, razors, scissars, watches, canes, jewels, and money. These were put into a box, and labelled, with the tower and number of the chamber in which he was to be confined, and by which he was afterwards called ; so that the name of a prisoner was never pronounced, nor even known, among the inferior officers of the Bastile, the appellation being No. 1, de la Bertaudiere; No. 2, du Tresor ; No. 3, de la Liberte, &c. After this examination of his person, the pri- soner was usually conducted to his apartment, where he was carefully locked up, and an invalid soldier appointed to attend him, who slept near him and waited upon him. The unliappy vic- tim soon found that in this castle all was mystery, trick, artifice, and •treachery ; the attendant conveyed all his words to the police, while the officers, turnkeys, valets, &c. used every effort to draw him on to speak against government, merely for the purpose of getting a reward for revealing what w.as said. Oh a prisoner's first entrance, lie was not permitted to write to any person, not even the lieutenant of the police. When a per- son had obtained permission to write to the latter gentleman, he might solicit the indulgence of being allowed to address a letter to his family, and receive their answers, which on some occa- sions was granted ; but letters when sent were commonly intercepted, and seldom delivered to the friends. The officers of the staff took tlie charge of conveying the letters of the prisoners to the police, by whom they were sent regularly twice a day, and suitable answers were addressed to the major, who commtmicated them to the pri- soner; bu' if no notice was taken of any request contained in the letter of the prisoner, it was to be considered as a refusal. A criminal might ask to see the lieutenant of the police when he came to the Bastile, and in that case the conver- sation always turned upon the cause of his con- finement. This crentleman would sometimes ask for written and signed declarations, and on these occasions nothing that the prisoner wrote or said was forgotten. A person confined in the Bastile was never anticipated in any thin? — he must ask for every thing; even for permission to be shaved, an office always performed by the surgeon ; who also furnished sick or indisposed persons with sugar, coffee, tea, chocolate, confections, and the remedies necessary for their complaints. Their hour of dining was eleven, and of supping, six ; and tlie time allowed for walking was commonly one hour in the day, sometimes an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, in the great court of the fortress. To give the reader some imperfect idea of the internal discipline of the BasMle, under its mildest regime, we shall quote a short extract from the account of a prisoner, once confined there. — 'About five in the morning,' says he, 'on the 2d of April, 1771, I was awaked by a violent knocking at my chamber door, and was com- manded in the name of the king to open it. I did so, and an exempt of the police, three men and a commissary, entered my room. They de- sired me to dress myself, and began to search the apartment. They ordered me to open my drawers ; and having examined my papers, they took such as they chose and put them into a box, which, as I understood afterwards, was carried to the police-office. The commissary asked me my name, my age, the place where I was born, how long I had been at Paris, and the manner in which I had spent my time. The examination was written down ; a list was made of every thing found in tlie room, which, with the examination, I was desired to read, and si'^n. The exempt then told me to take all my body-linen, and such clothes as I chose, and to come with them. Having shut and sealed the drawers, they desired me to follow ; and in goincj out they locked the chamber door, and took the key. On coming into the street I found a coach, into which I was desired to go, and the others followed me. After sitting for some time, the commissary told me they were carrying me to the Bastile, and soon afterwards I saw the towers. They did not go the shortest and direct road : the coach stopped at the gate in the street of St. Anthony. I saw the coachman make signs to the sentinel, and soon after the gate was opened ; the guard was under arms, and the gate shut again. On coming B A S T I L E. 635 to the first draw-bridgf, it was let down, the guard there also being under arms. The coach went on and entered the castle, where a third guard was stationed. I was conducted to a room that I heard named the council chamber. After an examination similar to that of the commissary, 1 was desired to empty my pockets, and lay what I had in them on the table. My handkerchief and snuff-box being returned to me, my money, watch, and indeed every thing else, were put into a box, and an inventory bavins been made, were sealed up in my presence. The major then called for the turnkey, whose turn of duty it was, and asked what room was empty. lie said the calotte de la Bertaudiere. He was ordered to convey me to it, and to carry thither my linen and my clothes. Tlie turnkey having done so, left me and locked the doors. The weather was still extremely cold, and I was glad to see him return soon after with lire-wood, a tinder-box, and a candle. lie made my tire, but told me, on leaving the tinder-box, that I might in future do it myself when so inclined. At eleven the turnkey entered with my dmner. Having spread the table with a clean napkin, he placed the dishes on it, cut the meat, and retired, taking away tlie knife; the dishes, plates, fork, spoon, and goblet were of pewter. The dinner con- sisted of soup and bouillie, a piece of roasted meat, a bottle of good table wine, a pound loaf of the best kind of household bread. In the evening at seven he brought my supper, which consisted of a roast dish, and a ragout. The same ceremony was observed in cutting the meat, to render the knife unnecessary to me. He took away the dishes he had brought for dinner, and returned at eight next morning to remove the supper things. Fridays and Saturdays, being fast or maigre days, the dinners consisted of soup, a dish of fish, and two dishes of vegetables ; the suppers of two dishes of garden-stuff, and an omelet, or something made with eggs and milk. The dinners and suppers of each day in the week were different, but every Friday was the same ; so that the ordinary class of prisoners saw in the course of the first week their bill of fare for fifty years, if they staid so long. I had remained in my room about three weeks, when I was one morning carried down to the council chamber, and again examined by the commissary. He then asked if I had any knowledge of some works he named, meaning those which had been written by me, if I was acquainted with the author of them, whether there were any persons concerned with him, and if I knew whether they had been printed ? I told him that as 1 did not mean to conceal any thing, I should avoid giving him needless trouble ; that I was myself the author of the works he had mentioned, and guessed I was there on that account ; that they never had been printed ; that the work which I conceived was the cause of my confinement had never been shown to any, but one person, whom I thought my friend, and having no accomplices, the offence, if tliere was any, rested solely with myself. He said my examination was one of the shortest he had ever been employed at, for it ended here. 1 was carried back to my room, and the next day was shaved for the first time since my confine- ment, it being usual never to shave a prisoner till after his first examination. A few days after- wards I wrote to the lieutenant of the police, requesting to be indulged with the use of books, pen, ink, and paper, which was granted ; but I was not allowed to go down to the lib-^rj' (a col- lection of about .500 volumes, founded by some prisoner in the early part of the eighteenth cen- tury) to choose the books. Several volumes were brought to mie by the turnkey, who, when I de- sired it, carried them back and brought others. After my last examination I was taken down almost daily, and allowed to walk about an hour in the court within view of the sentinel ; but my walks were frequently interrupted, for if anyone appeared the sentinel called out ' au cabinet !' and I was then obliged to conceal myself hastily in a kind of dark closet in the wall. ' The sheets of my bod were changed once a fortnight. I was allowed four towels a-week, and my linen was taken to be washed every Saturday. I !iad a tallow candle daily, and in the cold season a certain number of pieces of fire wood. Mm being detained above eight months 1 was in- formed that an order had come to discharge me. I was desired to go down to the council chamber, every thing I had brought with me was returned, together with the key of my apartment, which I found exactly in the state I left it. During ray confinement I wrote many letters to several of my friends, which were always received with civility, but not one of them had been deli- vered.' The above was a case of uncommon indul- gence, and displays a lenity unusual in the Bas- tile. In common cases the course pursued was as follows : — The prisoner, a few days after his entrance into the Bastile, was brought down to the council chamber, where a commission of interrr>- gatory was executed by tlie lieutenant of the police, a counsellor of state, a master of re- quests, a counsellor or a commissioner of the Chatelet. When the lieutenant of the police did not himself interrogate, he casually came at the end of the examination. These commis- sioners were mere tools. Frequently they at- tempted to frighten a prisoner : laying snares for him, and employing the meanest artifices to draw a confession from him. With this insidious view, it was customary to pretend proofs, and exhibit papers without suffering him to read thera; asserting that they were instruments of unavoidable conviction. Their interrogatories were always vague, and turned not only on the prisoner's own words and actions, but on his most secret thoughts, and on the discourse and conduct of persons of his acquaintance, whom they likewise wished to bring into question. The examiner usually told the prisoner that his life was at stake ; that on that day his fate depended on himself; that if he made a fair declaration, they were authorised to promise him a speedy release ; but if he refused to confess he would be given up to a special commission : that they were in possession of decisive documents, and authentic proofs, more than sufficient to ruin him ; that his accomplices had discovered all ; that the government had unknown resources, of wliich he could have no suspicion. The pri- 636 B A S T I L E. soners were thus beguiled by varied and infinitely multiplied interrogatories ; by promises, caresses, menaces, Sec. If the prisoner made the re- quired confession, tlie commissioners then told him that they had no precise authority for his enlargement, but they had every reason to ex- pect it ; that they were going to solicit it, &c. The prisoner's confession, far from bettering his condition, usually gave occasion to new interro- gatories, often lengthened his confinement, drew in the persons with whom he had connexions, and exposed himself to new vexations. But although there were rules adapted to all oc- casions, yet every thing was subject to excep- tions arising from influence, recommendation, protection, intrigue, &c. Very frequently, per- sons confined on the same account were treated very differently, according as their recommenda- tion was more or less considerable. The falsest things were told the prisoners with an air of sincerity and concern ; as ' it is very unfortunate that the king has been prejudiced against you. His majesty cannot hear your name mentioned without being irritated. The aflTair for which you have lost your liberty is only a pretext. They had designs against you before, you have power- ful enemies' These discourses were the etiquette of the place. It was in vain for a prisoner to ask leave to write to the king, for he never could obtain it. What constituted the perpetual and most insupportable torment of this cruel and odious inquisition, was the vague, indeterminate, false, or equivocal promises, inexhaustible and constantly deceitful hopes of a speedy release, exhortations to patience, and blind conjectures, of which the lieutenant of the police and his officers were very lavish. To cover the odium of the barbarities exercised here, and slacken the zeal of relations or patrons, to obtain justice for incarcerated innocence, the most absurd and contradictory slanders against the prisoner were frequently published ; whilst the true causes of imprisonment, and real obstacles to his release, were concealed. These resources, so infinitely varied, were inexhaustible. When a prisoner who was known and protected had entirely lost his health, and his life was thought in danger, he was always sent out ; the ministry not choosing that, persons well known should die in the Bas- tile. Whenever a prisoner happened to die there, he was interred in the Parish of St. Paul, under the name of a domestic ; and this falsity was also written in this register of deaths, in order to deceive posterity. But there was another register in which the true names of the deceased were entered ; though it was not without great difficulty that extracts could be procured from it : and when this indulgence was granted, the com- missary of ilie Bastile was first to be informed of the use the family intended to make of the extract. Singular Distress of an aged Prisoner IN THE Bastile. Nowhere else on earth, per- haps, has human misery, by human means, been rendered so lasting, so complete, or so remediless, as wiiliin the dire walls of the Bastile of France. This the following case, the particulars of which are translated from that elegant antl energetic writer M. Mercier, may sufficiently show. The heinous offence which merited an imprisonment surpassing torture, and rendering death a bles- sing, though for obvious reasons not specified by our author, is known from other sources to have consisted in some unguarded expression of dis- respect towards the Gallic monarch Louis XV. Upon the accession of his late unfortunate suc- cessor, the ministers then in office, moved by hu- manity, began their administration with an act of clemency and justice : they inspected the re- gisters of the Bastile, and set many of the pri- soners at liberty. Among the number was an old man, who had groaned in confinement, for a period of forty-seven years, between four thick and cold stcne-walls. Hardened by adversity, which strengthens both the mind and the consti- tution, when men are not overpowered by it, he had resisted the horrors of his long im- prisonment with an invincible and manly spirit. His locks, white, thin, and scattered, had almost acquired the rigidity of iron ; whilst his body, environed for so long a time by a coffin of stone, haa borrowed from it a firm and compact habit. The narrow door of his tomb, turning upon its grating hinges, opened not as usual by halves ; and an unknown voice announced his liberty, and bade him depart. Believing this to be a dream, he hesitated ; but at length rose up and walked forth with trembling steps, amazed at the space he traversed : the stairs of the prison, the halls, the court, seemed to him vast, immense, and almost without bounds. He stopped from time to time, and gazed around like a bewildered traveller : his vision was with difficulty recon- ciled to the clear light of day : he contemplated the heavens as a new object : his eyes remained fixed, and he could not even weep. Stupified with the newly acquired power of changing his position, his limbs, like his tongue, in spite of his efforts, refused to perform their office ; at length he got through the formidable gate wiiich so long before had closed upon him. When he felt the motion of the carriage designed to con- vey him to his former habitation, he screamed out, and uttered some inarticulate sounds ; and as he could not bear this new movement, he was obliged to descend. Supported by a bene- volent arm, he sought out the street where he had formerly resided : he found it, but no trace of his house remained : one of the public edi- fices occupied the spot where it had stood. He now saw nothing that brought to his recollection, either that particular quarter, the city itself, or the objects with which he had formerly been acquainted. The houses of his nearest neighbours, which were fresh in his memoiy, had assumed a new appearance. In vain were his looks directed to all the objects around him; he could discover nothing of wliich he had the smallest remembrance. Terrified, he stopped and fetched a deep sigh. To him, what did it import that the city was peopled with living creatures ? none of them were alive to him ; he was unknown to all the world, and he knew nobody : and whilst he wept, he regretted his dungeon. At the name of the Bastile, which he often pronounced, and even claimed as an asylum, and tlie sight of his clothes that marked a for- mer age, the crowd gathered round him : cu- riosity, blended with pity, excited their attention. B A S T T L E. 637 The most aged asked him many questions, but had no remembrance of the circumstances he recapitulated. At length accident brought in his way an ancient domestic, now a super- annuated porter, who, confined to his lodge for fifteen years, had barely sufficient strength to open the gate : he did not even know the master he had served ; but informed him that grief and misfortune had brought his wife to the grave thirty years before, that his children were gone abroad to distant climes, and that of all his rela- tions and friends none now remained. This re- cital was made with the indifference which people discover for events long passed, and almost for- gotten. The miserable man groaned, and groaned alone. The crowd around, offering only un- known features to his view, made him feel the excess of his calamities even more than he would have done in the dreadful solitude that he had lately quitted. Overcome with sorrow, he pre- sented himself before the minister, to wliose hu- manity he owed that liberty which was now a burden to him. Bowing down, he said, ' restore me again to that prison from which you have tiken me : I cannot survive the loss of my nearest relations ; of my friends ; and, in one word, of a whole generation. Is it possible in the same moment to be informed of this univer- sal destruction, and not to wish for death ? This general mortality, which to the rest of mankind comes slowly and by degrees, has to me been instantaneous, the operation of a moment. Whilst secluded from society, I lived with my- self only ; but here I neither can live with my- self nor with this new race, to whom my anguish and despair appear only as a dream. There is nothing terrible in dying; but it is dreadful indeed to be tlie last.' Tlie minister was melted ; he aiused the old domestic to attend this unfor- tunate person, as only he could talk to him of his family. This discourse was the single consolation that he received : for he shunned all intercourse with a new race, born since he had been exiled from the world ; and he passed his time in the midst of Paris in the same solitude as he had done whilst confined in a dungeon for almost half a century. But the m.ortification of meeting no person who could say to him, ' we were formerly known to one another,' soon put at end to his existence. The man with the mask was the rrfost astonish- ing prisoner ever known to have been within the walls of the Bastile ; of whom, notwithstanding all the curiosity and conjecture that have been employed to ascertain his quality and pedigree, nothing authentic has transpired to the present time. In 1698 he was brought from the island'of St. Marguerite by Mons. de St. Mars, the newly appointed governor of the Biistile, was attended with the greatest respect, maintained a sumptuous table, and had every possible indulgence shown him till the time of his death in Nov. 19, 1703. This mysterious prisoner, on his removal to the Bastile, was carried in a litter, accompanied by several men on horseback, who had orders to put him to death if he made the smallest attempt to show his face or otherwise discover himself. His face was concealed by a mask of black vel- vet with. springs of steel, which were so contrived that he could eat without taking it off. A phy- sician of the Bastile, who had often attended him, said he had never seen his face, thougli be had frequently examined his tongue and other parts o. his body; but added, that he wiis admirably well made, that his skin wa.s brown, his voice interest- ing; that he was very accomplished, read much, played on the guitar, and had an exquisite taste for lace and fine linen. The pains taken for his concealment shows that he was a person of considerable quality and im- portance, and from the following circumstances it appears singular that he was never discovered. Whilst at St. Marguerite, he one day wrote something with his knife on a silver plate, and afterwards threw tiie plate through the window towards a boat which lay near the tower. A fisherman took up the plate and brought it to the governor, who, with great aitonishment, asked the man if he had read the writing or shown it to any other person ; and, although he answered in the negative, put him intn confinement till he was perfectly satisfied, after which he dismissed him, saying, ' It is lucky for you tliat you can- not read.' The abbe Papon says, in the year 1778 I had the curiosity to visit the apartment oi this unfortunate prisoner : it looks towards the sea. I found in the citadel an officer in the inde- pendent company there, seventy-nine years of age. He told me that his father had often related to him that a young lad, a barber, having seen one day something white floating on the water, took it up. It was a very fine shirt, writ- ten almost all over; he carried it to Mons. de St. Mars ; who, having looked at some parts of the writing, asked the lad, with an appearance ot anxiety, if he had not had the curiosity to read it. He assured him that he had not, but two days afterwards the boy was found dead in his bed. Mons. de Jonca, for many years Lieutenant du Roi, kept an exact journal of all that passed in the Bastile. He thus records the death of the black mask. 'Monday, Nov. 19, 1703. The unknown prisoner, whom Mons. de St. Mars brought with him from the island St. Marguerite, where he had been a long time under his care, and who has always been masked with a mask o. black velvet, found himself worse yesterday in coming from mass and died tliis evening at ten o'clock, without any great illness. The smell, however, is not less offensive. Mons. Girault, our chaplain, confessed him yesterday, his death being sudden he had not an opportunity of taking the sacraments ; but our chaplain exhorted him a few minutes before he expired. He was buried on Tuesday, the 20th of November, in the burying-place of our parish of St. Paul. His burial cost forty livres.' Immediately after the prisoner's death his apparel, linen, clothes, mattresses, and every thing that had been used by him, were burnt; the walls of his room were scraped, the floor was taken up, and every precaution used that no trace of him might be left behind; and yet there are traces. When he was on the road from St. Marguerite to his last residence, Mons. de St. Mars was ov( rheard to reply to a question of the prisoner, relative to any design against his life. ' No, prince, your BAS 638 BAS life is in safety; you must only allow yourself to be conducted.' A prisoner tolJ Mons. la Grancce Chancel that he was lodged, with other prisoners, in the room immediately over this cele- brated prisoner, and found means of speakin^j to him by the vents of the chimney; but he refused to mform them wlio he was, alleging, that it would cost his own life, as well as the lives of those to whom the secret might be revealed. Various have been the mdividuals supposed to be the masked prisoner ; particularly the duke de Beaufort, tlue count de V'ermandois, a foreign minister, and the duke of Monmouth, have been conjectured in turn. Collateral facts, nevertheless, demonstrate that neither of these could have been the person. Voltaire, who has expressly written on this mys- terious affair, says, that the secret was known to Mons. de Chamillard, and that the son-in-law of that minister conjured him on his death-bed, to tell him the name of the man with the mask ; but he replied that it was a secret of state which he had sworn never to divulge. The most singular circumstance of the whole, perhaps, is, that dur- ing the confinement of this man with the mask no person of importance was missing in Europe; ■whence it has been thought that he was the twin brother of Louis XIV., whose birth was concealed by the advice of cardinal Richelieu, but himself preserved, lest, by the death of his brother, it should be necessary to avow him. Upon the whole, after a long series of oppres- sions, the horrors of the Bastile became so noto- rious that in July, 1789, the people made an attack upon the building, which held out a few hours and afterwards surrendered. The gover- nor was seized, carried through the streets, and afterwards beheaded. The major, aid-major, and lieutenant of the invalids, were killed in the streets. One soldier was killed and four wounded in the defence; but numbers were wounded, another killed, and two hanged, at the Greve, by the populace, as soon as they gained possession ; the prisoners were feasted and made public spectacles in Paris, the governor's house and adjacent build- ings were levelled, and the mayor afterwards decreed that the whole edifice should be demo- . lished. See Boulanvilliers' Histoire de I'ancien Gouvemement, torn, iii.; Memoiresdu Marechal Due de Richelieu. The History of the Bastile, Lond. 1790, 8vo. BASTIMENTOS, several small islands near Terra Firma, in South America, at the mouth of the bay cf Nombre de Dios, east of Porto-Bello. These islands form a very good port which serves as a watering-place for smugglers. Here admiral Hosier lay witli a British squadron many years ago, and the station being unhealthy it proved fatal to himself and the greater part of his men. Long. 79° 40' W., lat. 9° 32' N. It was on this circumstance that Glover, the author of Leonidas, grounded his spirited ballad of Hosier's Ghost. Bastinade, Bastonade, or Bastonado, the punishment of 'oeating a criminal with a stick. It was in use among the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Jews, and still is among the Turks. The Romans called it fustigatio, fustium admonitio, or fustibus cadi ; which differed from the flagel- latio, as the former was done with a stick, the latter with a rod, or scourge. The fustigation was a lighter punishment, inflicted on freemen ; the flagellation more severe, and reserved for slaves. It was also called tympanum, because the patient here was beaten with sticks, like a drum. It is much used in the East to this day. The method there practised is this : the criminal being laid on his belly, his feet are raised, tied to a stake, and held fiist by officers for the purpose, in which posture he is beaten by a cudgel on the soles of his feet, back, chine, &;c. to the number of 100 or more blows. Dr. Shaw suggests (Travels, p. 253.), that it was probably in this manner that St. Paul was * thrice beaten with rods.' BAS'TION, n. s. Fr. bastion. A huse mass of earth, usually faced with sods, sometimes with brick, rarely with stone, standing out from a rampart, of which it is a principal part, and was anciently called a bulwark. And with five bastions it did fence. As arming one for every sense. Marvell. To ward : but how ? ay there's the question : Fierce the assault, unarm'd the hantion. Prior. Bastion, in fortification, a large mass of earth at the angles of a work, connecting the curtains to each other. It is formed by two faces, two flanks, and two demigorges. The two faces form the saliant angle, or angle of the bastion ; the two flanks form with the faces, the epaules or shoulders ; and the itnion of the other two ends of the flanks with the curtains, forms the two angles of the flanks. There are various kinds of bastions : such as, — Bastion composed, when two sides of the interior polygon are very une- qual, making the gorges also unequal. Bastion cut, or Bastion with a