* TREATISE Concerning HEAVEN and HELL, Containing A RELATION of many WONDERFUL THINGS THEREIN, as heard and feen by the Author, The HONOURABLE EMANUEL SWEDENBORG, Of the SENATORIAL ORDER of NOBLES in the Kingdom of SWEDEN. Now Firil Tranflated from the Original Latin. -This is a rebellious people which fay to the Sccrs, See not. Ifai. XXX. 9, 10. Where there is no Vifion, the people perifli. Prov. xxix. 18. I have multiplied Vifions, and ulcJ Similitudes, by the miniftry of the Pro- phets. Hof. xii. 10. For the invifiblc things of Him from the creation of the world ate clearly feen, being underilood by the things that arc mad;. Rom. i, 20. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY' JAMES PHILLIPS, GEORGE YARD, LOMBARD STP.EEr. AND SOLD ALSO BY S. LEACROFT, CHARING CROSS; T. MILLS, BRISTOL; AND E. SCORE, EXETER. M DCC LXXVIII. ••n THE R E F A C E O THE Following Translation. ESIDES the more general provifions made by the Father of Lights for the inftrusflion of his church and people in divine things, under the publick difpenfations of the Law and the Gofpel, He has alfo been gracioufly pleafed, at fundry times and in divers manners, as occalions and the needs of the church might require it, to make extraordinary difcoveries and revelations to particular perfons, either for more private or publick ufe, and to anfwer various ends of his wifdom and good- nefs : and indeed, were it fo that all things proceeded according to one invariable rule of government in his adminiftrations, in grace, in providence, and alfo in the natural world, without his interpo- fing any particular afts of his divine authority and power, God's government of the world would be lefs attended to and believed in, his cognizance of human affairs be queftioned by many, and fuch a fettled famenefs in the courfe of things be conftrued into a blind fatality. Nor is it eafily to be conceived by us, how one unchangeable mode of proceedings could be adapted to the pre- fent condition of mankind, as free agents, under their continual fluftuations and deviations from the rule of obedience, their backflidings, rebellions and apoftacy ; and accordingly we read -how the Lord varied his particular dealings with the Ifraelites, a according [ ii ] according to their ftates and circumftanccs refpecftively, for dircdion, for warning, for corrc