GIFT or Alhin Putzher GERMAN VERBS: Primitives and Their Compounds An Alphabetical List of the Most Important REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS of the German Language With an Appendix of the Common Compound Verbs used in the ** Conversational Language" their English Translation, Variation of Meaning, etc. By Benno Kirschbaum Founder of the " Kirschbaum School of Languages " and Bureau of Translation, Philadelphia Abridged Edition Philadelphia : Benno Kirschbaum 1906 • • • • • •• • • * • It COFSTKIGHT, I906, BY BeNNO KIRSCHBAUM. ' r q ^'UJU, ^ i^Rcss or , r. PCLL COMPANY PHILADELPHIA Hn /IDemoriam Dem Andenken meines Bruders ist dieses Buch liebevoll gewidmet 5672.4 PREFACE. To the author's knowledge no volume of a similar character to this book of "German Verbs: Primitives and Their Compounds," exists to-day in the vast collection of text -books and dictionaries. The study of the German verb being at once the most important and the most diffi- cult task in learning the language, the editor has had three chief aims in view in arranging this new Hst : (a) To afford greater f acihty in finding verbs at a glance; (b) to make the reading and the study of German easier by giving not one or two English definitions, but all the essential equivalents, as well as different shades of meaning; (c) to offer a more systematic arrangement of compound verbs than has hitherto been at- tempted, in which he thinks the especial value of the book is to be found, thereby grouping emphasizing relationships and distinctions and thus fix- ing them quickly and firmly in the memory. As an illustration of verbs frequently confused by students, differing as to form in their prefixes only, yet differing widely in meaning, may be mentioned einbilden, to imagine, picture something, pretend, and ausbilden, to improve, ac- complish, cultivate, instruct; dauern, to last, continue, and bedauern, to pity, regret; suchen, to seek, search, look for, and versuchen, to at- tempt, try, taste; schenken, to present, bestow, accord, and einschenken, to pour in or out, etc. The book contains the most important regular and irregular verbs with the most common verb-compounds. Attention has been called by markings to that pecuHar class of verbs used and conjugated both regularly and irregularly, the meaning remaining the same in both forms; as, senden, sendet^, gesendet and senden, sandte, gesandt, to send; and to that still more pecuHar class, the meaning of which changes with the form; as, wiegen, wiegte, gewiegt, to swing or rock, and wiegen, wog, gewogen, to weigh. It contains in its long list the most important verbs only. All are given alphabetically. To find a derivative or compound verb, the reader must look for the primitive verb in its alphabetic order. To furnish a vi Preface complete list of all German verbs and their compounds and the verbs from which compounds can be made would require at least five volumes each one double the size of this book, since German verbs can be formed from almost any noun, adjective, etc. The terms used in translating them are founded upon the best au- thorities, as the most modem dictionaries have been carefully consulted. Certain marks employed signify whether a verb is, or can be used as, a transitive, intransitive, reflexive, or impersonal; whether it takes the ge^ tive, the dative or the accusative; whether it requires sein or haben W both as auxiliary, and whether it is separable or inseparable. Certain other marks designated in the key show whether the irregular verb changes its termination in the present of the indicative and the impera- tive. The verb-arrangement is independent of the key. Those who follow the key — which serves merely to explain the grammatical use and qual- ities of the verbs — and the notes, will find many useful and valuable hints to aid them whenever in doubt. The past tense and the past participle are given with primitive verbs only, as the past tense and the past participle of the primitive part of the compound remains the same. There being no potential mood in German, the English subjunctive proper is given in the two verb tables at the end of the book as the equivalent of the German subjunctive. The note at the foot of each table calls attention to the latter's use for the potential. There not being a uniform orthography throughout the German- speaking world, the orthography of the modern daily newspaper has been adopted, not too conservative as to the old nor too radical in the use of the new style of writing. In order to fill the space allotted to the letter A in the list of irregular verbs a few compound verbs, such as abbeissen, abreissen, etc., are placed as primitive verbs; each of them will be found, however, under its respec- tive primitive. The author hopes this book will find a friendly reception wherever English and German are spoken and read and where the interest in the study of these two languages is growing, and that it may be always a helpful guide whenever it is consulted. Benno Kirsc&baum. KEY. Verbs marked (*) are conjugated with sein, the other verbs take haben. Verbs marked (* tr.) are used sometimes with haben and sometimes with sein. All the transitive forms of the verb take haben in the present perfect even though the intran- sitive form is used with sein. Verbs marked (sep.) are separable verbs, the other prefixed verbs are inseparable. Verbs marked (f) change in the second and third persons indicative present and in the imperative. Verbs marked (refl.) are reflexive verbs or may be used as such. Verbs marked (gen.) take the genitive. Verbs with the genitive are not now frequently used. Verbs marked {dat.) take the dative. Verbs marked (ace.) take the accusative. Verbs marked (imp.) are impersonal verbs. Verbs marked (ir.) are transitive verbs. Verbs marked (intr.) are intransitive verbs. Verbs marked (o.) are used sometimes mth the dative and sometimes with the accusative. NOTE. The HEAVY TYPED verbs are primitive verbs, those placed below them are compound verbs. The preposition to before a verb in many instances is omitted. Verbs of different meanings and shades of meaning are divided by a (;) in the English text. For verbs which cannot be found here, see list of regular verbs. For suggestions on compoimd verbs and hints on the conjuga- tion of verbs, see back part of this book. For complete table of irregular and regular conjugations in the active and passive voices, indicative and subjimctive moods, see back part of this book. Verbs, as a rule, are written with a small letter in German, unless they begin a sentence. For the qualities, or some of the qualities of a verb not found under compoimd verbs, see primitive verb. The auxiliary verbs and also the modal auxiliaries are given both under the irregular and regular verbs. Any verb not found in its alphabetic order should be looked for imder the compound verb from which the same is derived. The past tense and the past participle are given in this book with the original (primitive) verb only; the past tense and the past participle of the compound verb remain the same as in the primi- tive verb. The irregular verbs in this book are equivalent to the so-called strong verbs and the regular verbs to the weak verbs as found in the various grammars published at present. Certain compound verbs, on account of their importance, have been inserted not only under their primitive verbs from which they are compounded, but also in their natural alphabetical order. Thus, verbs like erscheinen, gebrechen, gerathen, verbinden, etc., are given not only under scheinen, brechen, rathen, binden, but also under E, V, G. It is done with a view to more fully define their uses and synonyms and to illustrate better some of the primitive verbs. PART I. I Alphaletical List of the Most Important IRREGULAR VERBS with a list of a number of their "Compound Verbs'* Occurring in the conversational and idiomatic language, with their English translations. Irregular Verbs. ABBACKEN {sep., f ace, tr.), buk ab, abgebacken, to dry or bake completely, to separate in baking (see backen). ABBEFEHLEN (sep., dat., f), befahl ab, abbefohlen, to counterorder, to countermand (see hefehlen). ABBEHALTEN {sep., t ace, tr.), behielt ab, abbehalten, to remain uncovered, to take off (see halten). ABBEISSEN {sep., ace, tr.), biss ab, abgebissen, to bite off; to nip off (see heissen). ABBEKOMMEN {sep., ace, tr.), bekam ab, abbekommen, to par- take of or in; to take or get or have share in; to get blows {Schldge abbekommen) (see kommen). ABREISSEN {sep., ace, tr.), riss ab, abgerissen, to tear off, to pull off, to pluck off, to tear away, to pick off (see reissen). AUFBEHALTEN {sep., ace, tr., f), behielt auf, aufbehalten, to keep open; to keep up; to keep one's hat on (see halten). B. BACKEN {tr., f ace; reg. andirreg.), buk, gebacken, to dry, to burn, to bake. Ausbacken {sep., tr., f ace), buk aus, ausgebacken, to have done baking. Es ist ausgebacken, it is done baking (see abbacken). BEDENKEN {reft., ace), bedachte, bedacht, to consider; to reflect; to think; to ponder, to care, provide for, bequeathe (see denken). BEDINGEN {tr., ace), bedang, bedungen, to contract; to stipulate; to agree, to bargain (see dingen). 4.BEDURFEN {intr., imp., gen., insep.), bedurfte, bedurft, to need, to want, to lack, to be short of (see diirftn). BEFAHREN (f tr., ace), befuhr, befahren, to apprehend; to an- ticipate, to navigate, to ride on (see fahren). 2 17 i8 ;'•'•. : ••• : ;.' ; '. .1 r:!* e.g ir 1« a-r Verbs. J BEFALLEN (f ir., ace), befiel, befallen, to meet with; to attack; to befall (see fallen). Befallen werden, to be overtaken; to be attacked with; to be sud- denly seized. BEFA1?GEN (f /r., ace), befing, befangen, to be confused, to be embarrassed, prepossessed (see fangen). BEFEHLEN (f dat.), befahl, befohlen, to command; to bid, to order; to charge (see ahhefehlen). Anbefehlen {sep., f dat.), to lay upon one's heart. BEFINDEN (/r., ace), befand, befunden, to find; to deem, to think (see finden) . Gut befinden {tr., ace), to find good, to be satisfied with. Schuldig befinden or erklaren {tr., ace, sep.), to find guilty, to convict. Sich befinden {refl., ace), to be in health; to be of the opinion. BEFLEISSEN {reft., gen.), befliss, beflissen, to apply oneself to; to endeavor. Sich befieissigen (refl.), to be studious; to exert oneself. BEGINWEN (tr., ace), begann, begonnen, to begin, to commence; to originate; to start. BEISSEN (tr., ace), biss, gebissen, to bite; to snap; to nibble; to smart (see abbeissen). Anbeissen (sep., tr., ace), to bite at; to catch; to bait; to deceive. Verbeissen (tr., ace, refl.), to suppress by an effort, to restrain; to stifle (see primitive verb). Zubeissen {sep., tr., intr.), to snap at, to jump at a thing eagerly. BEKLEMMEN {tr., ace), beklomm, beklommen, to confine; to afflict; to oppress; to grieve; to press. Es beklemmt mir das Herz, it oppresses or afflicts my heart. Mir ist beklommen, I am anxious or uneasy (see klemmen). BERGEN (t tr., ace, refl.), barg, geborgen, to save; to shelter; to secure; to hide, to conceal. Verbergen (f tr., ace, also refl.), to hide, to conceal {see primitive verb). BERSTEN (t *), barst, geborsten, to burst, to split; to crack; to chap; to rend. Vor Neid oder Lachen bcrsten, to burst with envy; to convulse with laughter. BESINNEN {refl.,- gen., ace), besann, besonnen, to recollect, to re- member, to call to mind (see sinnen). BESITZEN {tr., ace), besass, besessen, to possess, to own, to hold; to sit upon; to enjoy (see sitzen). BETRUGEN {tr., ace), betrog, betrogen, to cheat, to defraud, to trick, to dupe, to deceive (see triigen). Irregular Verbs. 19 BEWEGEN {refl., tr., ace; reg. and irreg.), bewog, bewogen, to stir, to move; to agitate; to exercise. Sich bewegen lassen {refl.), to be induced; to yield; to be led to. BIEGEN {tr., ace, refl.), bog, gebogen, to bend, to curve, to bow, to turn, to cringe. Abbiegen {sep., tr., ace), to turn off, to turn aside. Ausbiegen (sep.), to turn out, to widen; to straighten out. Verbiegen (tr., ace, refl.), to put out of shape, to distort; to bend wrong, to misshape ; to spoU (see primitive verb) . Zubiegen (sep., tr., ace), to close or shut up with bending, BIETEN (tr., ace), bot, geboten, to bid, to offer, to tender, to propose. Es bietet sich die Gelegenheit, the opportunity offers itself. Anbieten (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to bid first, to tender, propose, offer. Aufbieten (tr., sep.), to use every effort; to do one's utmost; to con- voke; to raise; to publish; to proclaim. Entbieten and Erbieten (see primitive verb). Missbieten (tr., ace, intr., insep.), to underbid; to bid to no purpose. Nachbieten (sep., tr., ace), to offer subsequently; to bid higher. Verbieten (tr., dat.), to forbid, to prohibit ; to veto (see primitive verb). BIWDEN (tr., refl., ace), band, gebunden, to bind, to tie, to fasten; to unite; connect, join, to engage. Abbinden (sep., tr., ace), to loosen, to untie, to unfasten. Aufbinden (sep., dat., o.), to unlace, untie, undo, to loosen; to break with; to hoard; to impose a burden. Ausbinden (sep., tr., ace), to untie, to take out; to tie on, to tie; to cease binding; to unbind. Entbinden (gen., ace, refl., insep.), to disengage from; to ab- solve of; to discharge, dispense with; to free, release; to deliver, to give birth to. Sich verbinden (refl., ace), to unite, to combine, to associate; to wed; to oblige. Umbinden (sep., tr., ace), to tie round, put on, rebind, to bandage. Verbinden (tr., ace), to connect, to join; to unite; to bandage (see primitive verb). Zubinden (sep., tr., ace), to tie up, bind up; to fasten, to bandage; to blindfold. BITTEN (tr., ace), bat, gebeten, to beg, to request, to ask; to induce; to pray. Abbitten (sep., ace, tr.), to apologize, to ask or beg pardon. Ausbitten (sep., ace, tr.), to ask or beg for, to request; to insist upon. Erbitten (refl.), to entreat, to prevail upon; to request; to obtain. Verbitten (refl., tr., dat.), to forbid, defy, prohibit (stt primitive verb). 20 IrregularVerbs. BLASEN (t ace, tr., intr.), blies, geblasen, to blow, to sound, to distend. Anblasen (se^., f tr., ace), to blow at or against, to kindle. Aufblasen (f sep., tr., ace, and refl.), to blow up, to strike up. Ausblasen {sep., t ir., ace), to blow out, to extend. Fortblasen {sep., f ir., ace), to blow off or away, to continue blow- ing. Zerblasen (f ir., ace), to rend by blowing, to blow apart or away. BLEIBEN (* dai.), blieb, geblieben, to stay, to remain; to be left; to outstay; to survive. Aufbleiben (* sep.), to remain open, to stay or sit up. Ausbleiben (* sep.), to be absent, to stay away, to loiter. Fortbleiben (* sep., dat.), to keep off, to stay away. Verbleiben (*), to remain, to stay, to continue to be. BLEICHEN {tr., sometimes *; reg. and irreg.), blich, geblichen, to bleach, to fade, to wither, to turn pale, to whiten. Erbleichen {insep., *), to turn pale. Verbleichen {insep., *), to grow pale or livid, to expire or die. BRATEN (t tr., ace), (briet) bratete, gebraten, to roast, to broil, to scorch. Abbraten {sep., f tr., ace), to roast thoroughly, well done. Aufbraten {sep., f tr., ace), to roast afresh, to fry. Ausbraten {sep., ^tr., ace), to roast well or sufficiently. Einbraten (* tr., f), to shrink in roasting. BRECHEN (t tr., ace), brach, gebrochen, to break, to sever, to smash; to shatter; to split, to fracture; to rupture. Abbrechen {sep., f tr., ace), to break off; to pluck; to discontinue, to stop. Anbrechen {sep., * hab., f), to set in, to dawn; to begin. Ausbrechen {sep., * hah., f), to break out or forth. Erbrechen(t/r., ace, re^.), to vomit. Gebrechen {imp., f), to be in want of, to be short of, to lack, to need. Es gebricht mir an, I am wanting. Unterbrechen (t tr., refl., ace), to interrupt, to stop, to disturb. Verbrechen (see primitive verb). Zerbrechen {tr., ace, t), to break to pieces, to smash, to shatter. BRENWEN {tr., intr., ace), brannte, gebrannt, to burn; to heat; to dry; to distil; to refine; to calcine. Abbrennen {sep., hah., * tr., ace), to burn down or to the ground. Anbrennen {sep.,* tr., hab., ace), tokindle, to taste or smell of burning. Ausbrennen {sep., hab., *), to burn out, to cease burning. Irregular Verbs. 21 Durchbrennen {tr., * refl., inlr.), to burn through, to be burnt through, to evaporate; to run away, to abscond; to elope with. Entbrennen (*), to light, to be lighted, to kindle, to become inflamed, to flare up, to fly into a passion, to become hot and hotter, Verbrennen (* tr., intr., ace), to burn to pieces, to burn, to be con- sumed by fire, to perish in flames; to burn out, to scorch; to blast; to scald (see primitive verb) . BRINGEN {tr., dat., ace), brachte, gebracht, to carry, to bring; to cause; to produce; afford; bear; to take. Abbringen {tr., ace., sep.), to remove; to clean; to turn; to win; to bring off; to divert; to dissuade; to sell. Anbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring to; to apply; to employ; to place; to settle; to establish. Aufbringen {sep., tr., ace), to get open; to raise, to lift, to elevate; to erect; to restore; to furnish; to foster, to bring up; to nurse; to club together ; to supply. Beibringen {sep., tr., ace), to produce; to impart; to administer, to give; to inflict; to allege. Fortbringen {sep., refl., tr., ace), to carry away; to take off; re- move, transport, convey; to get away. Heraufbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring, to carry, to fetch or take up; to bring upstairs (see herunterhringen) . Hereinbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring in, to carry in, to take in, to lead to a place (see hineinbringen) . Heninterbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring, to carry, to fetch or take down; to bring downstairs. Hinaufbringen {sep., tr., ace) (see heraufbringen). Hinbringen {sep., tr., ace), to carry, to take or bring to, to eke out a precarious existence, to make; to shift; to live Hineinbringen {sep., tr., ace) (see hereinbringen). Hinterbringen {tr., sep., insep., dat.), to put behind, to carry back; to acquaint one, to give a person notice or information; to de- nounce. Hintinterbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring, to carry or get down; to show a person or accompany one down (see herunterbringen) . Mitbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring, take or carry along, to fetch with or along. Nachbringen {sep., tr., ace), to bring, take or carry afterwards or later, to supply with. Uberbringen {tr., ace), to bring, to carry, to convey; to take, to deliver, to bear to; to transmit. Unterbringen {tr., sep., refl.), to shelter, to give a place of safety; to accommodate, to lodge, to house; to sell, dispose; to get off. 22 IrregularVerbs. Verbringen (/r., ace), to spend with; to squander, to spoil; to trans- port (colloquial) ; to pass. VoUbringen (/r., ace), to do; to accomplish, to achieve; to carry out, to perform; to execute; to finish, to consummate; to commit. Vorbringen (sep., tr., ace), to say, to utter, to express, to assert; to bring forward; to break a matter to a person; to allege; to plead; to propose. Zubringen (sep., tr., ace), to spend with; to carry to; to offer, to spend, pass; or employ. Zurlickbringen {sep.^ tr.^ ace), to bring, take or convey back; to reduce to. D. ( DENKEN {tr., intr., refl., gen.), dachte, gedacht, to think; to be of opinion; to imagine; to conclude. Bedenken {refl., tr., ace), to consider, to weigh, to deliberate, to reflect, to reason. Erdenken {tr., aee), to devise, to imagine; invent, fabricate; to forge, coin. Gedenken {intr., gen), to bear a person a grudge or a spite; to remem- ber, to bear in mind. Nachdenken {sep), to contemplate, to dwell on or upon a thing, to devise, to ponder, brood. Sich denken {refi), to imagine, to have an idea, to follow a thought, to fancy. Uberdenken {tr., insep), to think over, reflect, meditate; to ponder; to resolve a thing. Verdenken {tr., ace), to blame; to misunderstand; to lose oneself in thought (ich kann es ihm nicht verdenken, I cannot blame him for it). I , DIN GEN {tr., ace), dang, gednngen, to hire; to take; to retain; to "" bind; apprentice, to engage, to enlist, to enroll; to bargain; to charter. Abdingen {sep., tr., ace), to cheapen; to haggle; to chaffer, to beat down the price, to abate. Andingen {sep., tr., aee, refi), to enter an agreement; to go into service. Ausbedingen {sep., reft., tr., ace), to stipulate; to covenant; to pro- vide against or for, to reserve; to take exception to. Ich habe es mir ausbedungen, I reserved or conditioned it (see ausdingen). Ausdingen {sep., reft), to cease bargaining; to go into service; to agree upon (see ausbedingen). Irregular Verbs. 23 Bedingen (/r., ace), to settle, to stipulate, to make or agree upon terms, to engage in; to limit, restrain, restrict. Einbedingen {sep., tr., ace), to include in; to provide in a contract; to stipulate in a bargain. Verdingen {tr., ace, refl.), to let out, to hire, to put, give or let out work by contract, to contract oneself in work; to lease; to appren- tice. DRESCHEN (f tr., ace, intr), drosch, gedroschen, to thrash, to thresh, to beat, to give a drubbing, to read, go over, to examine; to gossip, to babble. Abdreschen {sep., f tr., ace), to thrash off or out, to finish thrashing, to beat a person soundly. Nachdreschen {sep., f tr., ace), to thrash (corn), to thrash again. Verdreschen (f tr., ace), to give a person a good thrashing (see dreschen). Zudreschen {sep., f tr., ace), to thrash over and over again (see dreschen) . DRINGEN {intr.,*), drang, gedrungen, to burst; to gush; to come out, to penetrate, to go through; to rush; to press. Ich habe darauf gedrungen, I urged upon it. Andringen (* sep.), to press or push on, to push forward, to advance, to rush to. Aufdringen (* sep.), to move or press up, to rise to, to be intrusive, importune, to force upon (see aufdrdngen, among regular verbs). Durchdringen (* sep.), to penetrate, to pour through, to force, cut, make one's way through. Nachdringen (* sep.), to pursue; to press after, to push forward, to force an entrance. Vordringen (* sep), to push or press on or forward, to advance, to penetrate, to gain ground, to make headway, to force one's way head ward. Zudringen (* sep), to rush, crowd, flock or throng to a place, to besiege a place, to intrude. DURFEN {auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), durf te, gedurft, expressing possibility, venture, need, likelihood, permission or right. Ich darf, I may; 1 am willing; I am permitted, I can, I am authorized to. Bediirfen {gen., tr., ace, w^.),. to be in need or want of anything. 24 IrregularVerbs E. EINBACKEN (/r., ace, sep., f refl.), buk ein, eingebacken, to bake brown, to make crisp (see hacken). EMPFANGEN (f tr., ace), empfing, empfangen, to receive; to admit, to see; to accept; to adopt (see fangen). EMPFEHLEN (f tr., ace, also refl.), empfahl, empfohlen, to recom- mend; to present; to take leave, bid adieu (good-bye). Anempfehlen (f tr., ace, sep.), to recommend something to a person, to recommend strongly. Mitempfehlen (f sep., tr., ace), to partake in recommending a thing or a person. EMPFINDEN {tr., ace), empfand, empftinden, to be sensible of, to be aware of, conscious of (see finden). Lebhaft empfinden, tief empfinden, to be deeply, fully alive to; to sympathize. Ekel, Widerwillen vor etwas empfinden, to have repugnance (see finden). ENTBIETEW {tr., ace), entbot, entboten, to order, to bid, to enjoin something on, to notify (see hieten). ENTBINDEN {tr., intr., gen., insep., ace, refl.), entband, entbunden, to disengage; liberate, exempt; deliver; give birth. Sie ist eines Sohnes entbunden, she gave birth to a son (see hinden). ENTBRECHEN (f), entbrach, entbrochen, to avoid, to get out of, to escape, refrain, to forbear (see hrechen). ENTBRENNEN {intr.,*), entbrannte, entbrannt, to light, to burn, to kindle, to become inflamed (see brennen) . Der Kampf entbrennt, the combat rages. Von Zorn entbrannt sein, to be inflamed with anger, to flare up (see brennen). ERBIETEN {refl., tr., dat., ace), erbot, erboten, to offer, to be will- ing, to propose (see bieten). ERBLEICHEN {intr.,*), erblich, erblichen, to turn white or gray; hoary; change color {see bleichen) . ERLOSCHEN {intr.,*), erlosch, erloschen, to expire, to die away; to become extinct ; to put out. Der Tag erlischt, it is growing dark. Aufhoren zu leuchten, to grow pale, dull, to lose lustre, to fade away (see loschen). ERSAUFEN {intr.,*), ersoff, ersoffen, to drown, to be drowned; to submerge; overflow Der Acker ist ersoff en, the ground is flooded, swamped, under water. Kummer im Becher ersaufen, to drown one's sorrow in wine (see saujen). Irregular Verbs. 25 ERSCHEINEN (intr.*), erschien, erschienen, to appear, show; re- veal, arise; break; approach (see scheinen). Erscheint in Liefer- ungen, appears in parts. Es wird Ihnen nicht unbillig erscheinen, it will not seem unreasonable to you (see scheinen). ERSCHRECKEN (f * reft., tr., ace, sometimes used as regular verb), erschrak, erschrocken, to be frightened, terrified, to be struck with fear, to be alarmed, startled, or confounded; to be scared away. Er erschrak dermassen dass — , he was startled, struck so much with horror that — (see schrecken, regular verbs). Abschrecken {sep., f tr., ace), to rouse, scare, frighten away; to discourage, to deter; to intimidate, to dishearten, to repel from. Einschrecken {sep., f tr., ace), to frighten or terrify one into silence or compliance, to discourage a person, to intimidate one. Das Kind ist eingeschreckt, the child is frightened, timid. Verschrecken (f /r., ace), to frighten away, to intimidate (see er schrecken) . Zuriickschrecken {sep., f), to start back in terror. Zusammenschrecken {sep., f), to shrink or start with fright. ERWAGEN {tr., ace), erwog, erwogen, to weigh, to ponder over, to poise, to consider. Die Umstande in Erwagung ziehend, consider- ing the circumstances. In Erwagung seiner Jugend, making allow- ance for his youth (see wdgen). ESSEN (t tr., ace), ass, gegessen, to take food, to eat, feed, dine, sup. Essen Sie zu, go on eating, do not detain yourself. Abessen {intr., sep., t), to eat or pick off; to finish eating; to con- sume, to deprive of by eating; to reduce (a debt) by eating. Anessen {sep., f reft), to start eating (prov.); to eat one's fill, to cram oneself. Aufessen {sep., f tr., ace), to eat up, to consume, to eat to the very last; to finish eating. Ausessen {sep., f), to empty by eating, to eat out; to pay the fault of another; to dine out. Mitessen {sep., f), to join one in eating; to partake of Essen Sie mit, take dinner with me. Nachessen {sep., f), to eat after or afterwards, to have a by-dish or dessert; to eat alone 26 IrregularVerbs FAHREN (intr., refl., f *), fuhr, gefahren, to ride, move, go, travel; to pass, depart, ascend, to take a trip, to journey. Abfahren {sep., f *), to leave, start; to move; to sail; to clear, to run; sweep or dash off; to depart. Anfahren {sep., f *). to drive close, to come near up; to arrive; to approach; to rebuke. Ausfahren (sep., f *), to go out, to take a ride; to set out; to dis- embark ; to emerge. Befahren (/r., insep.), to travel over, to ride on; to frequent; to use for riding. Einfahren {sep., f *)> to break in, to train; to carry in, to bring in; to upset; to break down; to stop, to enter, to arrive in. Entfahren (f *), to fly off, to slip off; to escape. Ein Wort entfuhr ihm, he blurted out a word. Fortfahren {sep., f *), to continue; to carry or drive off or away; to pursue, to go on. Mitfahren {sep., f *), to join; to go along, to accompany. Einem libel fahren, to treat one ill; to ill-use. Ifachfahren {sep., f *)» to go or ride after; to follow, to pursue; to carry, to convey after. tjberfahren (/r., hah., * f sep., insep.), to drive over; to run over. Verfahren {intr., * t). to deal, to proceed, to act; to take a course, to manage, to take legal measures (see primitive verb). Vorfahren {intr., * sep.), to come around; to pull up at the door; to order a carriage at the door; to drive past, to outstrip in rid- ing; to block up one's way. Voriiberfahren {sep., f * ), to pass by; to go by (see fahren). Wegfahren {tr., intr., *), to drive or ride off; to sail away; to leave, to go away; to take away or remove something; to cart off or away. Widerfahren {dat., * insep., imp.), to happen, befall, meet; to do or mete out (right, etc.). Willfahren {dat., intr'.), to grant, comply, please; to acquiesce in; to accede to. Zerfahren {tr., imp., * t)> to fly asunder, to be scattered or dispersed; to be unsettled; to crush or spoil by driving over; to be confused, disconnected (see primitive verb). Zufahren {sep., * f), to drive faster, to drive brisk; to rush upon; to drive toward. Zusammenfahren {sep., * t). to ride or travel together; to rush together; to encounter; to collide; to startle; to wince. Irregular Verbs. 27 FALLEN {intr., refl., f *), fiel, gefallen, to fall, tumble, drop; to devolve, descend, to hit; to decline. Anfallen (f tr., sep.), to fall against or toward; to attack, to assail, to fly at, to invade (see angreifen) . Auff alien (* f sep., imp., dat.), to give shock; to hurt, bruise, wound by falling; to strike, astonish, to excite, to surprise. Ausfallen {sep., intr., *), to be wanting, lost, omitted, left out; to fall out (baldness); to rush out; to strike a blow with something; to turn out, to result, to prove. Befallen (f imp., ace), to befall; to attack; to meet with, to be over- taken or surprised by. Befallen werden, to be suddenly seized or attacked with or by. Beif alien (* f sep), to applaud, ascend or subscribe to; to coincide with; to occur, to recur. Es fallt mir nicht bei, I cannot recall. Durchfallen {sep., intr., *), to fall through; to fail, to be rejected, unsuccessful; to be thrown out; to be black-balled; to be unsuc- cessful in passing an examination; to prove a failure or fiasco. Einfallen {intr., * f dat., sep., imp), to occur; to invade; to pene- trate; to settle in; strike. Entf alien (* f dat), to drop, slip or fall; to escape or slip one's memory; to share or devolve upon. Gefallen (f imp., dat), to please, to content or satisfy; to comply with. Herauff alien {dat., sep., f), to fall on or upon (see fallen). Heninterf alien {sep., f *), to drop, to fall down (see fallen). Hineinf alien {sep., f *), to fall in; to entangle, to involve; to be cheated (by illusion). Hinfallen {sep., intr., *), to fall or tumble down; J^get a fall; to plump or flop down; to drop. w^^:^ Missfallen {dat., f imp), to displease; to cause di^HBp^ dissatisfy, to disoblige (missfallig, disagreeable, unpleasant, offensive, odious). Verf alien (f *), to decay, sink, decline, to go to ruin; to dilapidate, to deteriorate, to degenerate; to be forfeited; to be due, payable, forthcoming. Zerfallen {insep., intr., *), to fall to pieces, to shatter, to tumble down; to fall into ruin, to become dilapidated; to fall to dust, to crumble away; to get decomposed; to break down, collapse; to fail. FANGEN (t refl., tr., ace), fing, gefangen, to catch, take, seize, cap- ture; to bite, snap, snatch; to trap; overtake. Anfangen {sep., f tr., intr), to begin, commence, originate, start; to enter into; to establish, to set out. Auffangen {sep., f tr., ace), to catch or snatch up; to gather, to collect; to grasp. 28 IrregularVerbs. Einfangen {sep., ^ tr., ace), to catch, to apprehend, to enclose, to shut up; to fetch in, inclose. Empfangen (f tr., ace), to receive, take, get; to accept, to conceive; to be favored with. Betragdankend empfangen, amount received with thanks. Umfangen {^ tr., ace), to embrace, to encircle, to enclose; to clasp; to surround. Verfangen (f refl., tr., intr.), to be caught, entangled; to commit oneself; to work, operate, effect, avail, produce. FECHTEN {intr., tr., reft., f), focht, gefochten, to fight, fence, tilt; to contend or strike; to go begging; to contest. Anfechten (f sep., tr., ace), to attack, to assault, to assail; to combat, dispute, controvert; to touch, to trouble, to concern, to contest; to impugn; to call in question; to impeach; to challenge. Ausfechten (t sep., tr., ace), to fight out; to have it out; to cease fighting. Beifechten {sep., f), to fight together (prov.) (see fechten). Mitfechten {sep., f), to join, to take part in fighting or fencing; to join war for a cause. Verfechten (f tr., ace), to defend, assert, maintain; to fight, con- tend, dispute; to plead for one. FINDEN {tr., reft., ace), fand, gefunden, to find, meet with, to dis- cover; to feel, think, see; to exist, to be. Jemanden treu finden, to find or prove one faithful or true. Finden Sie es mir, look it up, find it for me; get it. (See the table of the conjugation of this verb in the back of this book.) Abfinden {sep., tr., reft), to satisfy, pay ofif, to portion, to make settle- ment; to compromise, agree. Auffinden {tr., sep), to discover; to hunt or trace out; to meet. Ausfinden {sep., tr., ace), to find out, make out, seek out, to dis- cover; to smell out, to hunt out. Befinden {reft., tr), to be in health. Ich befijide mich wohl, I am in good health. Durchfinden {intr., reft., ace), to get through; to find one's way through. Einfinden {sep., reft), to come, appear, arrive, to be present; to meet. Sich einfinden, to be on one's post. Empfiinden {tr), to feel, perceive, to be sensible of; to experience; to take offense at. Empfindlich sein, to be sensitive, easily affected. Erfinden {tr., ace), to find out, invent; to contrive, fabricate, devise; to find by experience. Stattfinden {sep), to take place, to happen; to be permitted or allowed. Irregular Verbs. 29 Vorfinden {sep., tr., ace, refl.), to find, to meet with; to light upon; to be on hand, to be forthcoming. Sich vorfinden, to be met with. Wiederfinden {tr., refl.), to find or meet again; to recover; to return to reason, to be oneself again. FLECHTEN (f tr., ace), flocht, geflochten, to braid, plait, twist, entwine; to wreathe or make a garland. Aufflechten {sep., f tr., ace), to twist up, to plait; to braid up; to tie down, to unmat; to unplait. Ausflechten {sep., f tr., ace), to unplait, untwist; to line with; to disentangle, to free from. Einflechten {sep., f tr., ace), to plait, braid; to interweave, to inter- twine; to put in, insert; to intermeddle, to mention by the way. Verflechten {refl., f tr., ace), to interlace, to interweave, to entwine; to involve, to implicate, to entangle; to engage in a talk; to con- sume in. Zuflechten {sep., f tr., ace) (also zusammenjflechten), to close by twisting, plaiting or braiding. FLIEGEN {intr., *), flog, geflogen, to fly, to be on the wing; to pass swiftly, rush, shoot, sweep. Auffliegen {sep., *), to fly up; to explode; to start, to soar; to take a flight, to blow up. Ausfliegen {sep., *), to take wing, to fly out or away; to leave the nest; to leave home, to make a trip; to escape. Entfliegen (*), to fly away, to pass away quickly; to skip; to escape. Herabfliegen {sep., *), to fly down, to come down, to descend. Hinabfliegen {sep., *), to fly down, to storm down, to come down quickly. HinauflBliegen {sep., *), to step up, to ascend, to mount, to fly up. Hineinfliegen {sep., *), to fly in, to come in quickly; to rush in. Hinzufliegen {sep., *) (see fliegen or hinfliegen). Verfliegen {insep., intr., * refl.), to fly away, off, or out of sight; to vanish; to pass away quickly (time), to slip by; to evaporate; to volatilize. Sich miide fliegen, to become exhausted. FLIEHEN {intr., *), floh, geflohen, to flee, fly or run away; to escape or pass away quickly. Entfliehen (*), to flee, to run away, to escape; to come (or get) off. Mitfliehen {sep., *), to join the flight, to flee along with someone; to escape together. Nachfliehen {sep. *), to flee after, to join; to try to catch up. Zufliehen {sep., *), to escape to, to pass rapidly; to vanish away (see verfliegen). so IrregularVerbs. FLIESSEN {intr., tr., *), floss, geflossen, to flow, run, stream; to drop, trickle down; to blot, sink. Abfliessen {sep., *), to flow down, to flow off; to ebb; to discharge. Ausfliessen {sep., *), to leak out; to discharge itself; to issue out from; to emanate. Entfliessen (*), to flow, to gush or issue from; to discharge itself from. Verfliessen (*), to flow off or away, to subside; to pass, glide on or away; to expire, elapse, or intervene; to blend. Zerfliessen {intr., * insep.), to melt or flow away; to dissolve; to liquefy; to flow off; to fuse, to melt into; to be drowned in. Zufliessen {sep., *), to flow to, to flow into, to flow toward. FRAGEN (t tr., intr., refl., imp., ace; used reg. and irreg.), fnig, gefragt (this is an older form of the verb; the regular form is more frequently used now — see regular verb), to interrogate, to inquire; to ask, to care for, to inquire after, to question. Abfragen (f sep., tr., ace), to get or draw out a secret from one; to elicit a secret by inquiry; to question. Anfragen (f sep., tr., ace), to inquire, to make inquiry; to interro- gate, to ask, to question, to apply. Ausfragen (f sep., tr., ace), to question, examine, interrogate; to query; to tire oneself out by questioning. Befragen (f tr., ace), to ask, examine, to question, to interrogate, to consult with, to ask advice; to ask upon or about a thing, Erfragen (f tr., ace), to find out or to endeavor to find out by in- quiring; to ascertain, to get at something. Nachfragen {sep., f tr., ace), to inquire or ask for or after; to find out. FRESSEN {tr., f ace), frass, gefressen, to eat (greedily), to devour, to swallow, to corrode, consume. Abfressen {sep., f tr., refl., dat., ace), to eat off, to clear off by eating; to graze; to consume. Anfressen {sep., f tr., ace), to gnaw or nibble at; to devour; to begin to corrode, to eat into, to prey upon like an animal; to impair, to canker. Auffressen {sep., f tr., ace), to devour, to eat up, to consume like an animal; to corrode, to spoil. Ausfressen {sep., t tr., ace), to empty by eating, to consume; to ruin; to impoverish, waste; to corrode. Einfressen {sep., f tr., ace), to penetrate by corroding; to eat one's way into; to eat up, swallow. Verfressen (* tr., f ace), to consume in eating; to be a glutton {gefrdssig sein, to be greedy, ravenous; to be constantly hungry). Zerfressen (* tr., f ace), to eat to pieces, to corrode, to consume, to spoil. Irregular Verbs. 31 FRIEREN (/r., intr., o., impers.), fror, gefroren, to be cold, to feel cold; to freeze, to be chilled, Es friert mich (mich friert), I am cold, I feel cold, Abfrieren (Jr., ace, sep.), to be frozen off, to be nipped off by cold; to lose a limb of the body by extreme cold. Anfrieren {sep), to freeze to the ground; to become attached by frost; to stick fast by freezing, Ausfrieren {sep.), to freeze thoroughly; to lose quality by frost; to increase strength by congealing the watery particles, Erfrieren (*), to freeze to death, to die wdth cold; to chill (iron). Gefrieren (*), to freeze, to turn to ice; to congeal, Es gefriert, it is freezing, Verfrieren (*), to freeze, to get chilly, frozen (see gefrieren). Zerfrieren (*), to crack from the effects of frost. Zufrieren {sep., *), to freeze up, to freeze over, to congeal; to get frozen up, ice-bound, Zusammenfrieren {sep., *), to freeze or congeal together. GAREN {intr., tr., imp refl.), gor, gegoren {reg. and irreg.), to ferment, to work, to effervesce. Der Wein hat sich vergart, the wine is clarified. Aufgaren {sep., tr., ace), to ferment anew, to raise a new fermentation, Ausgaren {sep., tr., ace), to rise by fermentation, to ferment sufl&ciently ; to weld metal, Eingaren {sep.) (see gdren). Vergaren (see ausgaren), to breed, to procreate. GEBAREN (/z., /r., ace), gebar, geboren, to give birth, to deliver, to bring forth, to produce, Ausgebaren {sep., tr., ace), to breed (see gebdren). Fortgebaren {sep., tr., ace), to produce (see gebdren). Missgebaren {ace, tr.), to abort, miscarry. Nachgebaren {sep., tr., ace), to breed forth (die Nachgeburt). GEBEN (t dat., are, imp., reft., tr.), gab, gegeben, to give, pay, confer, bestow; to express, render, ofifer; grant. Abgeben {sep., imp., f ^^-y ^^fl-y intr., ace), to hand, deliver, make over; to submit, pay; to sell, negotiate; to act or serve as; to keep company, to addict oneself to; to be concerned. Angeben {sep., f tr., ace), to state, declare, specify; to enter goods in a custom-house; to denounce, to accuse; to begin to give; to indicate, define, to mark, to enact, perform. 32 IrregularVerbs. Aufgeben (sep., f tr., dat., ace), to deliver, to send, to post; to give up; to surrender, yield; to impose; to order, direct; to propose a question or a riddle; to relinquish. Ausgeben (sep., f tr., ace), to give out, issue, distribute; to deal out; to dispose of, to utter; to publish; to spread, disburse; to ex- haust; to yield, bear, produce; to report. Begeben (f refl.), to happen, to come to pass; to enter; to venture, to go. Beigeben (sep., t ^''•> dat., ace), to add, join, to appoint; to grant; to admit. Eingeben (sep., f ir., dat., ace), to administer, prompt, suggest, dictate; to inspire; to deliver, exhibit. Ergeben (f refl.), to yield, to resign, to give oneself up to; to result, follow; to take place. Herausgeben (f sep., tr., ace), to issue; to edit; to publish, to give out, hand over; to give back, to hand the change. Hereingeben (sep., f tr., ace) (see eingeben). Hingeben (sep., f tr., refl.), to give, to reach, to pass round; to re- sign, to give up, to yield, to abandon, to surrender; to devote, to sacrifice. Mitgeben (sep., f tr., ace), to give, to take along with; to give a por- tion or dowry; to entrust with. Nachgeben (sep., f o.), to yield, to grant, concede; to give way, to flinch; to slacken, submit. Ubergeben (sep., f ff., refl., ace), to surrender, deliver, give up, yield to; to hand over; to resign; to give in charge, to commit, to consign. Umgeben (refl., f ir., ace!), to surround, encompass, environ, enclose; to wall, to hedge in. Vergeben (intr., f '''•» ^^fl-^ dat., ace), to forgive; to give away, to dispose of; to yield up; to bestow. Vorgeben (sep., f tr., ace), to sham, pretend, feign; to plead; to give points or odds; to place before; to protest; to profess. Weggeben (sep., tr.), to give something away, to give up a thing; to part with; to get rid of a thing. Zugeben (sep., f tr., ace), to add, to give to the bargain; to give in; to follow suit; to grant, allow; consent, concede, permit, yield, to suffer; to own, to confess. Ich gebe klein zu, I begin to admit. Zuriickgeben (sep., f tr., ace), to give back, to render, return, re- store, to reciprocate, to retort. GEBIETEN (tr., intr., dat.), gebot, geboten, to command, order, bid; to enjoin, impose, dictate, to rule, control, to check (see bieten). IrregularVerbs. 33 GEBRECHEN (impers., f dat.), gebrach, gebrochen, to be wanting or destitute of; to have a defect, to be infirm, an invalid. Ge- brechlich, to be afflicted, frail, shaky, crazy (see brechen). GEDEIHEN (intr.*), gedieh, gediehen, to thrive, to get on, to grow, to increase, prosper. GEDENKIEN (gen., tr., intr.), gedachte, gedacht, to think of, to re- collect, remember, mindful of (see denken). GEFALLEN (dat., imp., f), gefiel, gefallen, to please, to humor one, to please one; to take pleasure or delight in; to relish; to take a fancy or liking to. Es gefallt mir, I am pleased, it pleases me (see fallen). GEHEN (impers., intr. *), ging, gegangen, to go, pass, walk or de- part; to go away, to extend to. Abgehen (* sep.), to go down, away, to walk off, to go out, to come off, to pass, to evacuate. Angehen (sep., * o.), to approach, go towards, to apply to; to solicit, request, entreat; to begin, to go; to rot, spoil, to be unsound; to be passable, tolerable, to do; to address; to open; to com- mence. Das geht Sie nicht an, this does not concern you. Aufgehen (* sep.), to walk up, to rise, arise, to mount, to come loose, to untwist, to be even. Ausgehen (* sep.), to go out, to proceed, to issue, to emanate, to edit, to end, terminate; fail. Begehen '(tr., ace), to celebrate, to solemnize, to keep, to do; to commit, perpetuate. Dahingehen (sep., *), to pass along, to saunter along; to perish away, to die. Durchgehen (sep., intr., * tr.), to pass, go through; to wear out; to walk one's feet sore; to look over, to glance over, to run through; to revise; to run away, to escape. Ich habe das Buch durchge- gangen, I examined, I looked the book over. Eingehen (sep., *), to enter, go in, walk in; to shrink, to be lost; to agree, yield, accede; to accept, to comply with; to enter into; to dissolve, to cease. Einhergehen (sep., *), to go along; to carry oneself; to appear; to go ragged, miserably. Stolz einhergehen, to walk proudly; to have a proud air about oneself. Entgegengehen (dat., sep., *), to go towards, to meet, to encounter, to face, to advance in. Entgehen (dat., *), to escape, get off, avoid; to fail, to leave, to lose. Fortgehen (sep., *), to leave, to go away; to continue, to proceed, to advance, to depart, set out. Hinaufgehen (sep., *), to go or walk up, to ascend, to rise. 3 34 IrregularVerbs. Hineingehen (o., sep., *), to go in; to find room; to enter. • Hingehen {sep., *), to go to; to pass, to elapse; to tolerate; to waste away; to go about. Hintergehen (/r., ace), to deceive, delude, to decoy, to take in; to cheat. Hinuntergehen (sep., *), to go down, to descend, to go down- stairs. Mitgehen (sep., *), to go along, to accompany, to attend, to join, Nachgehen (dat., sep., *), to go after, to follow; to prosecute, to court; to give one the precedence. tjbergehen (sep., insep., tr., ace), to go or pass over; to overflow, to run over; to turn, change, slide. Umgehen (sep., tr., ace, *), to go round or about, to make a circuit; to alternate; to turn round, to revolve; to associate, to consort, to have intercourse with; to treat. Vergehen (refl., *), to pass, elapse; to vanish, disappear, go; to pine away, cease; to grow weak. Vorangehen (dat., sep., *) (see vorgehen). Vorbeigehen (dat., sep. *), to go, to pass by; to blow over. Vorgehen (sep., *), to go first, to take the lead; to proceed; to show; to overtop; to outgo. Weggehen (intr., * sep.), to go away, to go off; to depart, to leave. Hinweggehen iiber etwas, to pass over a thing lightly, to slur a thing. Zugehen (sep., *), to move towards, to go up to; to enter, to join, to draw to; to come to hand; to walk on; to freeze up; to ap- proach. Zuriickgehen (sep., *), to go back, to retrograde; to retrace one's step; to be broken off, to resort, to fall back; to deteriorate. Zuvorgehen (dat., sep., *), to go before, to advance; to proceed; to lead. GELINGEN (in^., imp., * dat.), gelang, gelungen, to succeed, to be successful, to turn out right, to take the right effect. Misslingen (dat., imp., *), to go amiss, to fail, to miscarry, to succeed ill, to prove unsuccessful, to come to naught, to be disap- f)ointed, to frustrate, to thwart. • 6ELTEN (impers.y f o.), gait, gegolten, to be worth, cost, to be current; to prevail, be valid, to be good; to be fair, allowable, permitted to be of authority, to pass for. Entgelten (tr., ace, f), to pay for, to atone for, to suffer; to visit upon one; to make one feel a thing. Vergelten (tr., ace, f), to repay; requite ; return; retaliate, to recom- pense, remunerate, reward. IrregularVerbs. 35 GENESEN {intr., gen., *), genas, genesen, to recover, to grow well, to be convalescent. GENIESSEN {tr., ace, gen.), genoss, genossen, to enjoy, make use of; to have the benefit of; to taste (drink or food); to scent, smell, catch the scent. Ausgeniessen {sep., tr., ace), to empty to the very dregs; to empty (by eating and drinking). Vollgeniessen {sep., tr., ace.) (see geniessen). GERATEN (* intr., f), geriet, geraten, to come into; to turn out; to prove; to fall into; opposite of missraten. Ein gut geratenes Kind, a well-mannered, well-brought-up child (see ratten). GESCHEHEN (* imp., f), geschah, geschehen, to happen, take place, occur; to come to pass, befall. GEWINNEN {tr., ace), gewann, gewonnen, to win, to gain, obtain, carry; to profit, acquire, get, earn; to assume, to gather. Abgewinnen {sep., tr., ace), to win, gain, or obtain something; to carry off a prize; to excel. Angewinnen {sep., tr., ace.) (see gewinnen). GIESSEN {o., tr., intr., reft.), goss, gegossen, to pour, throw, spill; to found, cast; to mould, drop. Abgiessen {sep., tr., ace), to pour ofif, clear off; to decant; to take a cast of, to cast. Angiessen {sep., tr., ace), to pour to, against or on; to calumniate; to soil. Ausgiessen {sep., tr., ace), to pour out, empty, effuse; to dififuse, to shed; to put out; to fill up. Begiessen {tr., ace), to water; to sprinkle, wet, moisten, bathe, soak; to pour or drip upon. Eingiessen {sep., tr., ace), to pour in or into; to infuse, cast; to seal or fasten. Ergiessen {refl), to flow or issue out; to gush or pour forth; to over- flow, to run over; to break out or forth; to burst or run into. Fortgiessen {sep., tr., 0.), to continue pouring, to pour away, to throw out. Vergiessen {tr., ace), to spill, shed; to consume or to spoil in cast- ing; to fasten together. Weggiessen {sep., tr., ace), to pour away, to pour out (see fortgiessen). GLEICHEN {tr., intr., dat.), glich, geglichen, to equal, to be equal to; to match, resemble, to be like; to adjust. Abgleichen {sep., tr., ace), to equal, to equalize; to level, make even; to adjust, settle, audit; compare. Angleichen {0., sep., tr., ace), to assimilate, to make look like. Ausgleichen {sep., tr., ace), to even, equalize, level; to balance. 36 IrregularVerbs. adjust; make up; to clear, to compensate; to reconcile, to redeem; to arrange, to agree. Begleichen (/r., ace.) (see ausgleichen) . Nachgleichen {sep., tr., ace.) (see abgleiehen). Vergleichen {tr., ace.), to make even, to level, to smooth; to equal- ize, to compare; to parallel (see primitive verb). Zugleichen (o, sep., tr., ace.), to make even or smooth; to assimilate, to adjust. GLEITEN {intr., tr., *), glitt, geglitten, to glide, to slide, to slip (poet, rhyming dactyls). Es ist ihm aus der Hand geglitten, it slipped from his hand. Abgleiten (sep., *), to slip, to slide or glide down or off; to glance off. Angleiten {sep., *), to strike against in gliding. Ausgleiten {sep., *), to slide, slip, trip; to miss a step; to lose foot- ing. Entgleiten {intr., *), to slip, slide from; to escape; drop from, to fall. Wie entglitt es Ihnen, how did it slide from you ? GLIMMEN {intr., *), glomm, geglommen, to burn or shine faintly; to glimmer, glow, gleam, sparkle. Abglimmen {sep., *), to cease glowing or glimmering, to die away gradually. Anglimmen {sep.), to catch fire; to kindle. Entgliimnen (*), to kindle, inflame; to get in love. Verglimmen (also refl., *), glowing, to lose its glow, to cool down, subside, to die away (see primitive verb). GRABEN {tr., ace, f), grub, gegraben, to dig, trench, delve; to en- grave, cut, carve; to impress deeply. Abgraben {sep., f ir., ace), to dig off, to remove by digging, to sepa- rate by digging, to drain, pay by digging. Angraben {sep., f tr., ace.) (see aufgraben), to dig up, break ground, to open, unbury, to trench. Ausgraben {sep., f '''•. ace), to dig out (of), to excavate (ruins); to dig, delve, cut out; to disinter; to exhume. Begraben (t tr., ace), to bury, to inter, to sepulchre, inhume; to hide, to conceal. Eingraben {sep., t tr., dce), to dig in, to inter, to hide, to lay in the ground; to engrave, cut in; to intrench, dig ditches round; to burrow, to cut. Entgraben (f tr., ace) (see ausgraben). Vergraben (f tr., ace), to inter, to bury, to hide in the ground, to intrench, to burrow, to bury oneself (see primitive verb). Zergraben (f tr., ace), (see aufwiihlen), to disarrange, to dig out. t Irregular Verbs. 37 Zugraben {sep., f ^^-j intr.), to cover with earth, to inter, to bury, to hide in the ground, to dig on. GREIFEN {tr., ace), griff, gegriffen, to grasp, gripe, lay hand on; seize,. catch. Die Flamme greift um sich, the fire is spreading. Abgreifen {sep., ace, tr.), to wear out by constant handling (books, touched or handled volumes). Angreifen {reft., sep., ace, tr.), to attack, assault, to charge upon; to handle, to invade, insult, offend. Angegriffen sein, to be ex- hausted; to be weak, fatigued, hurt. Begreifen {tr., ace), to comprehend, comprise, contain; to con- ceive, apprehend, understand. Eingreifen {sep), to catch, lock, indent; to gear together; to inter- fere, to exert power. Ergreifen {tr., ace), to seize, to lay hold of, to take; to resort to, to adopt; to take, embrace. Fortgreifen {sep., tr., ace), to seize from, to snatch away, to grasp. Vergreifen {reft), to buy up, to consume; to sell out, to be out of print; to mistake, to seize improperly; to meddle; to outrage, violate (see primitive verb). Zugreifen {sep), to take or lay hold of; to lay hand upon; to take, seize; to bear, lend or give hand. BLABEN {auxiliary verb, one of three) {used reg. and irreg., tr., imp., refl), hatte, gehabt, to have, to take, and in many other variations. Used also as an independent or principal verb in a sentence. Was haben Sie? What is the matter with you? Abhaben {tr., sep), to have off; to wish to partake or have a share in. Anhaben {tr., sep), to wear, to have on; to hurt one; to get or hold on a person. Aufhaben {tr., sep), to keep on, to keep covered; to keep open; to have a task to do. Behaben {refl., *), to behave, to deport; to give to oneself or to as- sume an air of importance (a verb rarely used). Gehaben {refl.), to be in health. Gehaben Sie sich wohl! good-bye 1 adieu! Mithaben {tr., sep), to have about one; to have or take along. Theilhaben {intr., sep), to share in, to have or bear a share in some- thing. Vorhaben {tr., sep), to wear something in front of; to be engaged in or occupied with; to be at something; to plan, contemplate 38 IrregularVerbs. something; to purpose, to intend to do something; to plot, to have designs; busy. Zuhaben {tr., sep.), to have or to keep shut or locked up; to wish something in the bargain. HALTEN (t tr., intr., ace, refl.), hielt, gehalten, to hold, keep, sup- port; entertain; maintain; detain, check; to have; to observe. Abbehalten (tr., f sep.), to keep off or away; to keep one's hat off, to remain uncovered. Abhalten (f sep., tr., ace), to hold, to keep, to prevent, to ward off; to keep back, detain, hinder. Anbehalten (f sep., tr., ace), to keep on (especially of things pre- viously worn). Anhalten (f sep., tr., intr.), to stop; to arrest, to hold up; to pin; to restrain, to control, seize. Aufbehalten (f sep., tr., ace), to keep on; to keep in store; to save, reserve, garner up. Aufhalten (f sep., refl., tr., ace), to detain; to stop; to keep up, to delay; to censure, criticize. Aushalten (f tr., ace, sep.), to sustain, dwell on; to hold out, to en- dure; to bear, suffer; to abide. Behalten (f tr., ace), to keep, retain; to carry over (im Magen, to keep in the stomach). Beibehalten {sep., f tr., ace), to keep up, to keep on; to contain, to continue, to reserve; to go on. Einhalten (refl., sep., f if., ace), to detain, check, to keep within limits; to observe, follow; to stop. Enthalten (refl., f tr., ace, gen.), to contain, comprise, compre- hend; to hold, include, cover; forbear, refrain. Erhalten (refl., f tr., ace), to receive, obtain, get, to hold in; to pre- serve, save, conserve; to acquire. Mithalten (sep., f), to takepart in, to participate in, to join, to cele- brate with. Nachhalten (sep., f tr., ace), to hold, give, or celebrate after or later; to last or to continue. Uberhalten (tr., f), to hold or to keep over; to protect; to over- charge. Umbehalten (sep., f if., ace), to keep on (a cloak or dress). Umhalten (sep., f ir., ace) (see halten). Unterhalten (f tr., sep., insep., refl., ace), to maintain, sustain, to support; to keep or hold under; to keep up; to entertain, to amuse, to converse, to discourse, talk about; to enjoy oneself. Verhalten (f tr., refl., ace), to keep back, retain, suppress; to act, to behave; to be in relation; to compsire. \ IrregularVerbs. 39 Verhalten, sich (f), to keep quiet, to obey directions. Vorbehalten {ir., sep., f dat.), to keep on; to keep, reserve, or save, to claim or reserve; to stipulate; to copyright. Ich behalte es mir vor, I shall keep it under reserve. Vorenthalten (ir., f sep.), to keep back, to withhold; to deprive of; to detain; to cut one short. Zubehalten {tr., f sep.), to keep shut, to keep quiet; to keep buttoned up. Zuriickbehalten (ir., f sep.), to keep back, to retain, to withhold from. HANGEN (see hdngen, reg. verbs) (h., *, f), hing, gehangen, to hang; to be suspended; to fasten; to attach; to swing; to catch, to stick. An einander hangen, to cleave or stick to one another, to be on friendly terms. Abhangen {sep., f), to hang at a distance, to decline, slope; to de- pend on, to wait for, to take off, to unhang. Anhangen {o., sep., f tr., ace), to hang, append, fasten, add, join, annex, to follow, to hang on; to sufl&x. Aufhangen {reft., sep., f tr., ace), to hang up, to hang, to suspend; to put up a thing. Aushangen {sep., intr., tr., refl.), to hang out; to exhibit; to put up; to unhinge; to display; to post. Es hangt davon ab (f imp.), it depends upon, it is a question of argument. Zusammenhangen (f sep.), to hang together, to cohere; to be connected, to communicate; to be involved. Wie hangt es zusam- men? in what relation does it stand? HAUEN {tr., intr., refl., dat., ace; reg. and irreg.), hieb, gehauen, to cut, hew, chop; to cut up; to whip; to strike, scuffle; to beat. Abhauen {tr., sep., ace), to chop, cut, strike ofiF; to hew down; to detruncate; to decapitate, behead; to beat soundly (abprii- geln). Anhauen {tr., sep.), to make the first cut into; to open; to cut feeders; to whip on, to drive forward by whipping; to mark; to examine by cutting. Aufhauen {tr., intr., sep.), to cut, break, or hew open; to flay a per- son's back by flogging; to pile up; to cut anew or again; to beat, to strike. Aushauen {tr., intr., sep.), to dig, excavate, to hollow out; to cut, carve, punch out; to thin (a forest), to clear away trees; to whip, flog; to drub, thrash. Behauen {tr.), to spot, to hew; to cut, to chip, to fell; to trim; to edge, square, dress; to assay; to chisel. 40 IrregularVerbs. Durchhauen (/r., intr., sep., insep., ace), to cut or hew through; to split, cleave asunder; to break or force through; to horse- whip; to slander, traduce, or calumniate; to thrash one through. Einhauen (tr., intr., sep.), to fall, rush, or pounce upon; to attack impetuously; to plunge, run, or thrust into; to cut or carve in; to engrave; to cut up (meat). Forthauen {tr., sep.), to drive one away by blows. Verhauen {tr., refl.), to injure by knocking or beating; to thrash a person, to give a person a hiding; to waste or use up one's wood in cutting; to blunder, to miss; to bar; to mince; to shorten; to prune; to spoil. Weghauen {tr., sep.), to cut away, to throw away by cutting. Zerhauen {tr.), to cut or hew asunder or in two; to chop to pieces; to beat soundly. Zusammenhauen {tr., sep.), to hew to pieces, to cut up; to cut down; to massacre. HEBEN {tr., ace), hob, gehoben, to lift, heave, hoist, draw up; to raise, elevate; set^ofif. Abheben {sep., tr., ace), to lift or take off; to cut; to detach; to separate, to unwind. Aufheben {tr., sep., ace), to raise, lift up; heave, take up; to pick up; to remove, finish; to neutralize, to capture, to keep. Ausheben {tr., sep., ace), to unset, unhinge; to draw out; to pick out, to select, to levy, raise; to empty. Emporheben {intr., sep., refl.), to elevate, to heave up; to exalt, to cast up; to rise, bear, to lift oneself up. Entheben {tr., ace, gen.), to take away, to lift from; to case, to ex- onerate; to exempt, deliver from; spare. Erheben {tr., refl., ace), to lift, elevate, raise; to advance, prefer, pro- mote; to praise, extol; to exalt; to levy; to take up, to collect. tjberheben {tr., ace), to discharge, exempt, excuse; to excuse from. tjberheben, sich {refl.), to be overproud; to be overweening, haughty; to be conceited; boast, brag. Umheben {tr., ace, sep.) (see heben), Verheben {refl.), to lift in a wrong manner; to strain oneself; to stop, hinder; to hurt oneself. Zuriickheben {sep., tr., ace), to lift back, to replace; to bring back. HEISSEN {tr., ace, intr., imp.), hiess, geheissen, to call, name; to bid, desire, tell, enjoin; to command. Wie heissen Sie? what is your name? Verheissen {tr., ace), to promise, to prophesy. HELFEN {intr., imp., refl., t o.), half, geholfen, to help, aid, sup- port; succor; to assist, relieve; to cure. IrregularVerbs. 41 Abhelfen {sep., f), to relieve, supply, redress; to remedy, to help; to correct, amend. Aufhelfen {sep., f), to help one, to give a lift; to set up, to prop up; to support, assist. Aushelfen {dat., sep., f), to aid, assist, help, succor, relieve; to accommodate, supply; to support. Mithelfen {sep., f), to assist, to give a helping hand, to co-operate. Nachhelfen {sep., f), to help forward, to assist, to lend a helping hand; to touch up, to rem.edy. Verhelfen {insep., f), to help to, to assist in obtaining; to procure; to put one in the way of. B:EIFEN {inlr.), kiff (keifte), gekiffen, to scold, to chide; to rate; to upbraid; to grumble, quarrel; to nag; to brawl. KENNEN {refl., tr., ace), kannte, gekannt, to know, to be acquainted with; to have knowledge of. Anerkennen {sep., ace., tr.), to value, to acknowledge, recognize; appreciate. Auskennen {tr., sep., refl.), to discriminate, to know a person; to have knowledge or intelligence of; to see one's way clearly. Bekennen {refl., tr., ace), to confess, own, acknowledge; to follow suit; to advocate, embrace, avow; hold to. Erkennen {tr., ace), to perceive, to identify, to know; to acknowl- edge, discern, distinguish; to credit for, to stand; to decide, judge, award; to allow, admit. Verkennen {tr., ace), to mistake, to take for another; to misjudge, misconstrue; to be mistaken. Zuerkennen {sep., tr., ace), to award, adjudge, to acknowledge, to allow (Strafe — , to condemn). EXEEBEN (KLEBEN) {tr., ace), klob, gekloben, to cleave, to fasten, to stick together. KLEMMEN {tr., ace.; old irregular form, hut now used as regular verb), klamm or klemmte, geklemmt, to feel heavy at heart, to feel oppressed (for klemmen, to pinch, squeeze, screw, nip, etc., see list of regular verbs). Beklemmen {tr., refl.), to be afflicted, oppressed; to grieve. Warum wollen Sie mir das Herz beklemmen ? why do you want to make my heart uneasy ? in beklommener Stimmung sein, to be in a depressed mood; es ist heute eine beklemmende Hitze, it is a sultry heat to- day. 42 Irregular Verbs. KLIMMEN {inter., hah., *), klomm, geklommen, to ascend, to rise, to climb, to clamber, to aspire, to twine up. Aufklimmen {sep., * ), to climb up (see aufklettern). Erklimmen (* tr., ace), to climb up, to ascend, to rise up. Er hat das Hochste erklommen, he reached the very highest. Heraufklimmen {sep., * tr., ace) (see aufklimmen). KLINGEN {imp., intr.), klang, geklungen, to sound, to clink, tinkle; to chime, ring, chink. Abklingen {sep), to expire, die off; to decrease in intensity; to sound away. Ausklingen {sep) {ausklingeln, to cease ringing a bell). Entklingen (* imp) (see erklingen). Erklingen {imp), to jingle, to resound, to ring out; to begin to sound. Umklingen {sep) (see erklingen). Verklingen (* imp), to die away, to sound away, to cease ring- ing. KNEIFEN {tr., ace), kniff, gekniffen, to pinch, to hurt; to nip (Segel— , to keep close to the wind) . Einkneifen {tr., sep., ace.), to pinch in, to mark with the nail; to stop at or frequent a place. KOMMEN {intr., imp., * o), kam, gekommen, to arrive; to come, get in or into; to happen; arise, cost; to reach; to be worth. Abbekommen {tr., sep), to sever; to loosen; to get off; to par- ticipate in a thing; to share, to get a share in. Abkommen {o.,intr., sep., *), to come or get down from; to proceed, derive or descend from; to miss (the road), to go astray; to come away, to get off. Ankomnien (* sep), to arrive, come, drop or get in; to approach, advance; to depend upon. Aufkommen (* sep), to get up, come up; to grow up, recover; to come into vogue, into fashion. Auskominen (* sep), to come out; to have enough, to be satisfied; to get on, succeed; transpire. Beikommen (* sep), to be enclosed, annexed; to come or get at; to reach, match, assist; repair. Bekommen {dat., tr., ace, hah), to get, have, take, receive, obtain; to agree, to do. Emporkonimen (* sep), to get up or on in the world; to rise, thrive, or succeed; to spring up. Entgegenkoininen {dat., sep., *), to meet, to come to meet; to approach, to settle. IrregularVerbs. 43 Entkommen {dat., *), to escape, evade, to come or get off; to make or have a narrow escape. Es bekommt mir {imp), it agrees with me. Mitkommen {sep., *), to come along, to join, to go with, to accom- pany. Wachkommen {sep., *), to come after, to follow; to fulfill, to at- tend, to comply with. Nahekommen {sep., *), to approach, to come near. Sich nahern, to advance. Riickwarts kommen {sep., *), to go backwards, to recede; to back astern. Sich bekommen {refl.), to get (marry) each other. Umkommen {sep., *), to perish, die; to spoil from not being used; to lose. Verkommen (*), to starve, perish, to go to ruin, to decay or pine away. Vorkommen {dat., sep., *), to occur, happen; offer, present; to be found, to meet with. Vorwarts kommen {sep., *), to come forward, to succeed; to get along. Zukommen {dat., * sep), to approach, to go up to; to pass on to; to send a thing; to be entitled to. Zuvorkomimen {dat., sep., *), to get ahead, to be beforehand; to forestall, prevent; to be polite. KONNEN {auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), konnte, gekonnt, express- ing capability or permission; possibility or right; artistic, intellectual, moral, or physical ability. Ich kann, I can, I am able, I am willing, desirous of, I am capable, I have the ability to. KRIECHEN (i«/r., •!=), kroch, gekrochen, to creep, crawl; to sneak, to grovel. Abkriechen {sep., *), to creep off or away (see wegkriechen or fortkriechen) . Ankriechen {sep., *), to creep up or crawl near; to approach crawl- ingly. Aufkriechen {sep., *), to crawl upward; to throw oneself upon; to bother. Auskriechen {sep., *), to creep or crawl out of; to peep out of; to be hatched out. Beikriechen {sep., *) (see lierheikriechen) . Einkriechen {sep., *), to creep in; to shrink or shrivel up. Heraufkriechen {sep., *) (also hereinkriechen), to creep in. Herbeikriechen {sep., *), to crawl to a place, to approach by crawl- ing along. 44 Irregular Verbs. Heninterkriechen {sep.y *) (also herunterkommen), to come or creep down; to come oflf. Nachkriechen {sep., *) (also nachschleichen), to sneak after, to dog one; to creep after. Umkriechen {sep., *), to creep or sneak round. Verkriechen {sep., refl.), to creep away, to hide, abscond; to cover oneself from. Zukriechen {sep., *) (or nahe kriechen), to creep, crawl, or sneak to. Zuriickkriechen {sep., *), to sneak or crawl away. KUREN {Ir., ace), kor, gekoren, to choose, to elect, to select. Abkiiren {sep., tr., ace.) (see kuren). Erkuren (erkiesen) {tr.), to select, to elect, to make a choice. Umkiiren {sep., tr., ace) (see kiiren). LADEN {tr., f ace; reg. and irreg), lud, geladen, to lade, load, to freight; to ship; to fill, charge, invite. Etwas auf sich laden, to incur something. Abladen {sep., f tr., ace), to unload, disburden, discharge, to unpack, to unlade, Anladen {sep., tr., f ace.) (see eirdaden). Atifladen {sep., tr., ^ ace), to load, lade; to burden one with; to put one to trouble (thrash one). Ausladen {sep., tr., f ace), to unload, unpack, discharge, to disburden, to disembark, break bulk. Beladen {tr., f ace), to load, charge freight; to encumber, burden; to freight a ship. . Einladen {sep., tr., f ace), to lade or load in, take in cargo; to in- vite, ask, bid; to cite, summon. Entladen {tr., refl., f ace), to disburden, unload; to exonerate; to dis- charge; to clear. tiberladen {sep.,tr.,-\acc), to overload, overfreight; to overcharge, overburden; to clog, overdo. Umladen {sep., tr., f ace), to unlade, to shift; to lade in another car- riage or vessel; tranship. Verladen (/r., t ace), to load, lade, ship; to send, tranship; to load wrongly. Vorladen {tr., f sep., ace), to cite, summon; to subpoena; to load ahead or before some one. Irregular Verbs. 45 LASSEN (o., tr., inir., f ace), liess, gelassen, to let, give up, desist from, forbear; to allow, permit, to abstain, refrain, or desist from. Ablassen (sep., f), to leave off, to cease; to desist; to slacken; let or draw off; dispose. Anlassen {sep., reft., f ir., ace), to let on or into; to keep on; to address, treat, receive. Auflassen {sep., f tr., ace), to leave open, to suffer, to rise; to aban- don, resign, give up. Auslassen {sep., f tr., ace), to let out, discharge, issue; to omit, skip, to leave out; to strain. Beilassen {sep., f tr-, ace) (see zulassen). Belassen (f tr., ace), to leave in the former condition or place; to continue in. Durchlassen {sep., f tr., ace), to let or pass through; to strain or filter; to suffer to pass. Einlassen {refl., sep., f tr., ace), to let in, admit; to immit; to enter into; to engage; to enter, to deal. Entlassen (f tr., ace, gen.), to - dismiss, give leave, discharge; to absolve, emancipate, release. Erlassen {tr., insep.), to issue, announce, publish, proclaim, prom- ulgate; to exempt, to release from; to abate, to remit; to dis- charge from (fine); to forgive, to absolve. Fortlassen {sep., f tr., ace), to suffer (one) to go or to proceed; to suffer to go away or let off. Herablassen {refl., sep., f tr., ace), to let down, to descend; to stoop to meanness; to condescend. Herauflassen {sep., f tr., ace), to let or allow one to go or get up. Herauslassen {sep., f tr., ace), to let out, to suffer to go or pass out. Herunterlassen {sep., f ir., ace), to let down (see herablassen). Hervorlassen {sep., f tr., ace) (see herauslassen). Loslassen {tr., * intr.), to let go, fall, or fly; to loose, to quit; to un- couple; to let or set free, at liberty; to release, discharge; to launch, let fly; to relax, give way. Was haben Sie losgelassen? what have you done? Mitlassen {sep., f tr., ace) {mitgehen). Nachlassen {intr., f tr., ace, sep.), to leave behind, bequeath, to transmit; to slacken, relax, loosen, to remit; let go, permit; to rebate, abate; to make an allowance. Niederlassen {tr., ace, sep., f refl.), to let down; to alight; to sit down; to settle or establish oneself. Uberlassen (f tr., ace), to leave, give up; relinquish; to aban- don, resign; to cede, transfer. 46 IrregularVerbs. Unterlassen (f tr., ace), to intermit, leave off; to cease from, to discontinue; to fail, omit. Veranlassen (/r.), to occasion, to give rise to, to bring about, to induce; to involve, to entail, to effect; to be the cause of; to oblige, to instigate, to attempt; to prevail upon. Verlassen {reft., f tr., ace), to abandon, forsake; to leave, quit, to vacate; to desert, relinquish. Sie konen sich auf mich ver- lassen, you may depend on me. Vorbeilassen {tr., sep.), to let or permit a person to pass. Vorlassen {sep., f tr., ace), to give the precedence; to admit before; to give access; to come forward. Voriiberlassen {tr., sep.) (see vorbeilassen). Weglassen {tr., sep.), to let off; to discharge; to omit; to allow or suffer one to leave, to discharge (a person). Zulassen (f sep., tr., ace), to leave unopened; to admit;^to allow, suffer, permit, grant, concede. Zurticklassen (f sep., tr., ace), to leave behind, to abandon; to lay up, to spare; to subjoin to. LAUFEN (t *), lief, gelaufen, to run, flow, leak, drop, trickle; to be in motion; move. Es lauft sich hier gut, it is good running here. Es iiberlauft mich heiss, I feel hot all over. Seines Weges laufen, to go one's way. Ablaufen {sep., f *), to elapse, pass away, end; to run out; to flow off; to expire, to be due. Anlaufen {sep., tr., ace, f *), to begin to run, rush upon, to rise, swell; to put into; to increase. Auflaufen {sep., f *), to swell, rise, increase; to run up; to germi- nate; to swell, distend, inflate. Auslaufen {sep.. If*), to run out, to start out; to leak out, to dis- charge itself; to clear. Beilaufen {sep., f *), to run by the side of (der Beilaufer, the foot- boy, the errand boy). Belaufen (f), to amount or come up to; to line, to copulate. Es belauft sich auf, it amounts to. Einlaufen {sep., t *), to come in, enter, arrive; to sponge; to keep in; to call at a port. Entlaufen {dat., f *). to run away, desert, escape; to elope with; to give one the slip. Mitlaufen {sep., f *), to run along with (ein Mitlaufer, a young stag). Nachlaufen {sep., f * dat.), to run after; to dangle after; to bother one; to make a fool of oneself 'Ol>erlaufen {tr., refl., intr. *), to run over, to overflow; to run a Irregular Verbs. 47 person down; to overtake a person; to overboil; to go over to, to desert; to intrude, annoy; outrun. Verlaufen {'\ haben, refl., *), to flow or run off; to fall, decrease, sub- side; to pass, elapse, expire, go by; to lose one's way; to turn out; to pass off. Weglaufen (intr., *), to run away, to escape; to run off, to desert. Zerlaufen (f *), to wear out by running. Sich zu Tode laufen, to tire oneself to death, to kill oneself in running. Zulaufen (sep., dai., f *), to run to or toward one; to flock, to run on; to taper; to mend one's pace. Zuriicklaufen (sep., f *)> to leap back, to run or flow back; to retro- grade, to recoil. Zusammenlaufen (sep., f *), to shrink; to gather, to flock to; to concentrate, to meet; to crowd to. LEIDEN (/r., dat., intr., ace), litt, gelitten, to suffer, to be in pain, endure; undergo; to abide, tolerate, to like; to sustain. Ausleiden (sep.), to suffer to the end, to cease suffering; to die, to expire. Erleiden (tr., ace), to suffer; to sustain, bear, to undergo, to abide, to endure. Mitleiden (sep.), to partake of one's suffering, to sympathize; to bear with a person. Nothleiden (sep.), to be suffering, distressed, to be in need, in want. Verleiden (tr., dai., ace, regular form, see primitive verb, list of regular verbs), to render disagreeable; to be dissatisfied or dis- gusted with ; to make averse Es ist mir verleidet, I am displeased or sick of it. LEIHEN (tr., dat., ace), lieh, geliehen, to lend, to let out on hire; to borrow, to part with; to get; attribute; to credit with. Ableihen (sep., tr., ace), to borrow something from one; to be in the habit of borrowing. Anleihen (sep., tr., ace), to borrow, to raise a loan on. Aufleihen (sep., tr., ace), to borrow up. Ausleihen (sep., tr., refl., ace), to lend out, to put out; to invest capital, to put out at interest. Ich lieh es mir, I had it lent to me. Beleihen (tr., ace), to invest; to endow with. Entleihen (tr., ace) (entlehnen), to borrow, to derive; to take out from; to derive from. Mitverleihen (sep., tr., ace) (verleihen). Verleihen (tr., ace), to lend, let out; to put at interest, to invest; to confer upon; to bestow. 48 IrregularVerbs. Wegleihen (tr., sep., daL), to lend to a person; to give to somebody as a loan. LESEN ( t intr., tr., ace), las, gelesen, to gather, pick, glean; to read, recite, lecture; grasp. Ablesen {sep., f tr., ace), to pick off, pluck off, gather from; to wear off by much reading; to finish gathering; to read from. Auflesen {sep., f tr., ace), to pick up, to gather. Auslesen {sep., f t^-, a-cc), to select, elect, pick or single out; to choose; to finish reading; to end. 'Belesen{insep., f *)» to be well or deep read; to pick and clean; to be studied, versed in books. Ein sehr belesener Mensch, a man of extended reading. Mitlesen {sep., f), to read conjointly (see mithalten). Nachlesen {sep., t tr., ace), to glean; to read after, to read a quoted passage; to follow reading, repeat. tlberlesen (f tr., sep., insep., ace), to read 'over, to run over, peruse; to overlook in reading, to read proof {iibersetzen). Umlesen {sep., f tr., ace) (see iiherlesen). Verlesen (t tr., dat.,ace), to recite, read aloud; to call over names, to pass in reading; to read wrong; to be absorbed by a book; to read too much; to be doomed, lost. Vorlesen {sep., f tr., ace, 0.), to gather before some one else; to read to; to call over entries; read aloud. Zerlesen (f tr., ace), to spoil a volume by too much reading. Ein zerlesenes Buch, a well-read book. LIEGEN {intr.,haben, * imp.), lag, gelegen, to lie, incline, lean; rest, to be placed or situated, to stand; to be ill or sick; to be at a standstill. Es liegt daran, it is of consequence, of importance to. Was liegt daran, what of that! who cares about it! Brach liegen, to lie fallow. Abliegen (* sep), to be or lie at a distance; to be far; to wear or rub off by; to be bedridden. Anliegen {imp.y intr., * 0.), to lie close to, to join, to sit close, to adhere to, fit. Ausliegen (* sep), to lie long enough, to lie a fixed time; toipiprove by or lose by lying. Erliegen (* dat., insep), to sink, bend; to succumb; to lie under; to be overwhelmed with. Obliegen {intr., dat., imp., * sep), to conquer, prevail, to be victorious; to be imposed as a duty; to apply oneself to; to study, pursue; to ply or fix the mind upon. Umliegen (* sep), to lie round, to lie on the ground; to surround. IrregularVerbs. 49 Unterliegen {dat., *), to be at the bottom of; to be at the basis; succumb; yield; to be subjected. LOSCHEN {intr., * t, used as regular and as irregular verb), losch, geloschen, to put out, to extinguish, to go out. Das Licht is erloschen, the candle went out; lisch das Gas um neun Uhr aus, put out the gas at nine. (For loschen, to erase, blot out, to quench one's thirst, etc., see list 0} regular verbs.) Abloschen {intr., * sep., t) to extinguish, to die away (for abloschen, to erase, etc., see regular verbs). Ausloschen (intr., * sep., f), to go out, to be extinguished, to drop, to put out. Erloschen (intr., * f)) to die away, decline; to go out, to become void, extinguished, extinct; to expire. Verloschen (Intr., * f), to go out, to become extinct, obliterated; to die, expire (see primitive verb) . LUGEN (intr., dat., tr.), log, gelogen, to lie, tell a lie or falsehood; deceive, be false to. Abliigen (tr., ace, sep.), to deny by false assertion; to obtain from by lying; to get by asserting falsehood. Anliigen (tr., ace, sep.), to belie, to calumniate; to impute falsely; to tell falsehood. Beliigen (tr., ace), to belie, to tell a lie, to deceive; to tell a story, a falsehood, Sich selbst beliigen, to be a liar to oneself. Vorliigen (tr., sep., dat.), to lie to a person, to tell an untruth, to cram one with lies. Verlogen sein, to be given to lying. M. MAHLEN (tr., imp., refl., ace; reg. and irreg.), mahlte, gemahlen, to grind, to mill, to pulverize, to powder. Es mahlt mir im Kopfe, my head is swimming around. Abmahlen (sep., tr., ace), to grind off, to grind duly or completely; to finish grinding. Anmahlen (sep., tr., ace), to grind up for stock. Ausmahlen (sep., tr., ace), to grind out, to cease grinding, to finish, etc. Einmahlen (sep., tr., ace), to grind for storing it up. Ummahlen (sep., tr., ace), to grind or to mill over, to regrind. Vermahlen (tr., ace), to grind up; to spoil by bad grinding. Zermahlen (tr., ace), to grind up, to grind to pieces, to powder, to crush finely. Zumahlen (sep., tr., ace) (see mahlen), 4 50 IrregularVerbs. MEIDEN {tr., ace), mied, gemieden, to avoid, shun, to keep clear from; to abstain from, to forbear. Ich kann es nicht meiden, I cannot do without it. Sich meiden (refl.), to avoid each other, shun one another. Vermeiden {tr., ace), to avoid, shun, to forbear, to escape; to save (expenses). MELKEN {tr., ace), molk, gemolken, to milk, to drain; to impoverish. Frisch gemelkte Milch, new milk. Abmelken {sep., tr., ace), to take away by milking; to milk; to finish or have done milking. Anmelken {sep., tr., ace), to begin to milk; to milk a cow that has calved. Ausmelken {sep., tr., ace), to milk out, to drain by milking. Einmelken {sep., tr., ace) (see melken). MESSEN (t tr., ace), mass, gemessen, to measure, size, survey; to scan, adjust; to compare, to cope. Abmessen (f tr., ace, sep.), to measure off, to cut off; to divide into, to scan; to adjust, regulate. Anmessen (f dat., tr., ace, sep), to take one's measure for; to fit, adapt. Ausmessen (t tr., ace, sep), to survey, to gauge; to sell by measure; to dispart; to give or hand one. Bemessen (f tr., ace), to apportion; to subject to measurement; to ascertain, to adjust; to mete out. Einmiessen (f tr., ace, sep), to measure into; to diminish or lose in weight; to measure exactly. Ermessen (f tr., ace), to measure, fathom; to judge, consider, weigh; to infer, conclude; to estimate. Wachmessen (t tr., ace, sep), to measure again, to measure over; to take new measure. Ummessen (f tr., ace, sep), to measure again, to measure over. Vermessen (f tr., * ace, gen., reft), to measure, survey; to measure wrong, to mistake in measuring; to dare, to arrogate, to pre- sume; to vow boastfully; to be audacious. Zumessen (f tr., ace, sep), to measure, to mete, to dole out; to ascribe, attribute; to impute, grant. MISSBEETEN {tr., intr., insep., ace), missbot, missboten, to under- bid, to bid to no purpose (see hieten). MISSF ALLEN {dat., imp., f), missfiel, missfallen, to displease, cause dislike; to dissatisfy; disgust (see fallen). Gef alien {dat., f), to please, to content or satisfy, to comply with or gratify. IrregularVerbs. 51 MISSGEBAREN {tr., ace), missgebar, missgeboren, to abort, miscarry; to breed something bad (see gebdren). Gebaren {tr., ace, hob.,), to give birth to, to deliver, to bring forth, to produce, breed, procreate. MISSLINGEN {imp., dat., *), misslang, misslungen, to go amiss, fail; miscarry; to succeed ill. Gelingen {intr., imp., * dat.), to succeed, to be successful, to turn out right, to take the right effect. MOGEN {auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), mochte, gemocht, ex- pressing possibility or permission, willingness, desire, wish, ability, power, inclination, liking. Ich mag, I wish, I may, I desire, like, I am inclined to; I might, I am likely to. Vermogen {tr., insep., ace), to be able, to be in a position, to be in power, to be capable of; to be worth. MUSSEN {auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), musste, gemusst, ex- pressing obligation, physical or moral necessity or need; certainty, requirement; consequence, constraint of conscience; compulsion by force of habit or circumstance. Ich muss, I am obliged, forced, compelled, I am under necessity, I have to. NEHMEN (t tr., ace), nahm, genommen, to take, take away; to remove, capture. Etwas zu sich nehmen, to take food, to drink. Abnehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to take off, away, down; to cut off; shave off; amputate; to narrow, lessen. Annehmen {sep., f Ir., ace, gen., refl), to take, accept, receive; to take for granted, to suppose; to engage, enlist; to adopt, espouse; to grant, consent, to accede to; to contract; acquire. Aufnehmen (f tr., sep., ace), to take up, to advance, to enter into, to begin; to shelter, accommodate. Ausnehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to take out, draw, extract; to choose, take up; to exclude, exempt. Beinehmen {sep., f tr., ace) (see zunehmen). Benehmen (f refl., tr., dat., ace), to take away from, to deprive; to abate, detract; to obstruct, remove from; to deport, behave, to demean, to behave oneself; to bear, to conduct oneself. Durchnehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to canvass; examine; to censure, to criticize. Einnehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to take in; to earn; receive; capture, occupy; to take, swallow; to captivate, to charm. Entnehmen {sep., f tr., dat., ace), to take, get, or draw from; to borrow; to understand; to conclude; to see. 52 Irregular Verbs. Fortnehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to take away, to remove, to capture, to take possession of. Herausnehmen {sep., f refl., tr., ace), to take out or up, to draw; to presume, to dare; to venture. Inachtnehmen {sep.), to take care, to be careful with or of. Mitgenommen sein, to feel for any one, to sympathize. Mitnehmen {sep., f ir., ace), to take along, to take in addition, to carry away; to weaken, reduce, to debilitate; to treat harshly, criticize; to put up with, affront. Nachnehmen {sep., f ir., ace), to take in addition; to collect charges; to reimburse; to send C. O. D.; to take later or afterward. Ubemehmen (f tr., ace), to take possession, to accept, receive; to enter upon; to assume, take up. Untemehmen (f tr., ace), to undertake, take in hand; charge oneself with, to attempt, venture. Vemehmen (f tr., ace), to understand, learn, hear; to give ear, to listen; to have a hearing. Vomehmen {sep., f tr., refl., ace), to put on; to take in hand; to undertake, proceed; to rebuke, examine. Wegnehmen {tr., f sep., dot.), to take away, carry off, to remove; to capture, to intercept; to put out of the way, to put aside; to ab- stract; to confiscate; to cut off; to deduct, subtract; to withdraw or draw away. Zunehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to take some more, in addition; to increase, augment, grow; to advance in. Zuriicknehmen {sep., f tr., ace), to retract, to withdraw; to recall; take off; to take back; to apologize. Zusammennehmen {sep., refl., f tr., ace), to put together, gather; to collect, concentrate; to use best efforts. NENNEN {tr., refl., ace), nannte, genannt, to name, call, denominate; term, style, mention, fix. Benennen {tr., ace), to mention, call; nominate; christen; to desig- nate, place, appoint; fix a day or date; to nickname one. Emennen {tr., ace), to nominate, appoint, name; to create; to call to office. Vemennen {tr., ace), to name wrong; to make a mistake in nam- ing or calling (versprechen). IrregularVerbs. 53 PFEIFEN (/r., ace, intr.), pfiff, gepfiffen, to pipe, whistle, to whiz, to hiss, to squeak. Anpfeifen (sep., tr., intr.), to whistle at, to hiss at; to approach whistling; to make fun. Auspfeifen (sep., tr., intr.), to cease whistling; to hiss, damn, con- demn; to hiss off the stage. Herbeipfeifen {tr., sep.), to whistle to or for (dog or bird). Nachpfeifen {sep., tr., ace), to whistle or whiz after; to repeat or imitate a tune by whistling. Verpfeifen {refl., tr., insep.), to whistle away. Sich die Zeit ver- pfeifen, to whistle away one's time. Zupfeifen {sep., dat.), to whistle to, to make oneself known by whistling. PFLEGEN {tr., intr., gen., ace, used as regular and as irregular verb), pflog, gepflogen, to be accustomed (to), to be in the habit (of). Er pflegt nachtmittags nach Hause zu kommen, he generally comes home in the afternoon; to carry on, to manage, superintend; to be entrusted with (the administration); to look after; to enjoy, indulge in. Jemands Bekanntschaft pflegen, to cultivate a pei-son's acquaintance. (For pflegen, to tend, attend, nurse, see list of regular verbs). PREISEN {tr., refl., ace), pries, gepriesen, to praise, commend, glorify, to consider. Anpreisen {sep., tr., ace), to puff up; to praise, command, recom- mend, to extol. Lobpreisen {tr., ace, insep.) (used in the present and the imperative only), to praise, to sing the praises of, to glorify; to give glory to, to carol; to laud, extol, exalt; to blazon, to panegyrize. Preiset den Herrn, sing praises unto the Lord. QUELLEN (t intr., tr., imp., *), quoll, gequollen, to spring forth, to gush, to well, to swell, soak, rise. Einquellen (f sep., tr., ace), to soak, to steep. Entquellen (f *), to burst, flow, bubble up {entstromen). 54 Irregular Verbs. R. RATEN (/r., dat., ace, intr., f). riet, geraten, also rathen, to guess, to solve; to counsel, to advise; to hit, to read, puzzle. Abraten (f sep., ace, tr., dat.), to dissuade from; to advise or exhort one against; to take due counsel upon; to talk out of. Anraten (f sep., tr., ace, dat.), to recommend, advise, suggest; to give counsel. Beraten (f tr., ace, refl.), to consult, consider; to advise or take counsel; to consult; to commune. Entraten (gen., intr.), to dispense with. Ich kann mich nicht ent- raten, I cannot forbear. Erraten (f tr., ace), to guess, conjecture, divine; to hit upon, de- vise, find out; to solve. Geraten (dat., f *). to come, to fall into; to turn out, prove; to prosper, thrive; to incur. Lassen Sie sich raten (refl.), take my advice. Verraten (f tr., dat., ace, refl.), to betray, let out; to argue, be- speak; to show, discover, tell; to sell. Zuraten (f sep., tr., dat., ace), to advise to do a thing; to counsel. REIBEN (o., tr., ace, refl.), rieb, gerieben, to grind, pound, to rub, to fret, gall; to massage; to mock, attack, provoke. Abreiben (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to rub off, remove; to clean, wear off; to efface; chafe; polish, clean. Anreiben (sep., tr., ace), to rub against, to rub with; to rub down; to mix. Ausreiben (sep., tr., ace), to rub out, off, or away; to clean; polish, burnish, efface. Bereiben (tr., ace) (see einreihen). Einreiben (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to rub into; to embrocate, moisten, to rub a diseased part (einstreichen) . Fortreiben (sep.,'tr., ace), to rub off or away; to clean off. Verreiben (tr., ace), to grind sufl&ciently, to triturate; to consume in grinding. Wundreiben (sep., refl.), to blister oneself, to rub until a wound arises. Zerreiben (tr., ace), to grind, rub, triturate, chafe; to pulverize. REISSEN (tr., dat., ace, refl., imp.), riss, gerissen, to tear, scratch, split; draw, pull, snatch, wrest. Abreissen (sep., tr., ace), to tear off, rend off, pull off; to pluck, break off; to sunder, detach. Irregular Verbs. 55 Anreissen {sep., tr., ace), to tear or take off; to break a new bunch, etc.; to mark; to blaze; to sketch, design, to chalk out. Aufreissen {sep., tr., * intr., dat., refl.), to rend open, to open violently, to burst, crack, cleave, or rift open; to tear open; to stare; to unpave. Ausreissen {sep., tr., ace), to pull out, tear out; to extract; to break loose, dash; to tear, burst, to run off, to escape, to elope. Durchreissen {sep., insep., tr., ace, intr., *), to tear in two, to rend asunder; to break or rend asunder. Einreissen {tr., sep., intr., refl.,*), to tear, rupture, lacerate; to trace, mark, draw, delineate, sketch; to pull, throw, beat, tear down; to split, rend, or burst open; to gain ground, find its way; to take root; to be expensive. Sich einen Splitter ein reissen, to run a splinter into (one's hand). Dies reisst tief in den Beutel ein, this is a very expensive affair. Entreissen {tr., dat., ace, refl.), to snatch away; to tear, seize, wrest, or wring from; to rescue, save. Fortreissen {sep., tr., ace), to tear away; to carry on, along, or away; to hurry on. Herausreissen {sep., tr., ace), to pull, wrest, tear out; to extricate; to extract. Losreissen {tr., ace, refl.), to tear, rend, pull off or away; to dis- unite, break loose, to disengage; to disentangle; to make oneself free; to break or snap off. Sich fortreissen lassen {refl.), to allow oneself to be carried away by passion or impulse. Verreissen {tr., refl., ace), to sever; to split; to quarrel with one another; to give a person a good scolding. Die Waare ist verrissen, the article is sold out. Wegreissen {tr., intr., *), to pull away, to tear away; to loosen by disuniting. Zerreissen {tr., ace), to rend asunder; to tear off, to pieces; to break, delacerate; dissever; to break up; to distract, to rup- ture; to wear out. REITEN {h., * tr., intr), ritt, geritten, to ride, go on horseback, to gallop; to cover, to couple. Abreiten (* sep., tr., ace), to ride off or away, to set off; to turn off; to wear out; to override. Anreiten (* sep., tr., intr), to ride against, to ride up to; to ride forward, to break in a horse. Ausreiten (* sep), to ride out; to take a ride; to air a horse. Darauf losreiten, to ride headlong, at a distance; to rush upon in a gallop. Einreiten {tr., intr., sep., refl., *), to ride in, to enter on horseback; to train, to dress a riding-horse; to break a horse to the saddle; to 56 IrregularVerbs. drill. Nicht eingerittene Pferde, unbroken horse. Ein Pferd ein- reiten, to dress or train a saddle-horse. Fortreiten (* sep.), to ride on, onward, along; to ride away, to de- part on horseback. Herausreiten (* sep.) (see reiten). Verreiten (* tr., ace, refl.), to spend in riding; to miss one's way on horseback; to ride down. Zureiten (sep., tr., ace, *), to break in or manage a horse; to ride on, toward, to turn to. RENNEN {tr., intr., *), rannte, gerannt, to run, to race, to float, to course. Abrennen {sep., tr., ace, dat., * refl.),to run off, away; to run down; to outrun, to get a start; to get fatigued. Anrennen {sep., * tr., ace), to run against; to tumble, bump up against; to advance, approach; to start. Ausrennen {sep., *), to run out; to start from; to cease running; to finish racing. Einrennen {sep., refl., * tr., ace), to break or knock down by running against; to run into. Entrennen {intr., *), to escape by running. Errennen {tr., * insep.), to reach, overtake, or acquire by running. Fortrennen {sep., *), to run off, to run away; to elope with. Herausrennen {sep., *), to run or come out; to flow out. Herbeirennen {sep., *), to run to, to flock, to assemble, to crowd to a place. Hereinrennen {sep., *), to run in or into, to enter suddenly; to come in hastily. Losrennen {intr., * tr.), to run or rush headlong, to rush at or upon; to fly at. Nachrennen {sep., *), to run after or chase (with eagerness) (see nachlaufen). Niederrennen {sep., tr., ace, *), to run down; to knock down. tiberrennen {tr., sep., insep., *), to run beyond; to knock down by running against; to run over; to outrun. Verrennen {refl., * ace), to pass in running; to run out of one's way; to stop one's passage, to bar. Vorbeirennen {sep., *), to rush by, to run by or pass by quickly. Vorrennen {sep., *), to run forward; to run before a person; to outrun. Wegrennen {sep., *) (see weglaufen). Wettrennen {intr., *), to run, to take part in a race. Das Wettren- nen, the race. Irregular Verbs. 57 Zerrennen (/r., ace, refl.) (zerren), to pull, haul, drag, or tear away. Zurennen {sep., *), to continue running; to shut by running against; to run to. RIECHEN (/r., ace, intr.), roch, gerochen, to smell, scent; perceive, find out, know; to imagine. Abriechen {sep., tr., ace), to recognize by smelling; to obtain, get by smell; to evaporate by smelling. Anriechen {sep., tr., ace), to smell at; to know by smell; to emit or cause a smell. Ausriechen {sep., tr., ace), to smell out; to find out by smell; to cease emitting smell or scent. Beriechen {tr., ace), to smell at (to nose, like a dog). Herausriechen {sep., tr., ace), to find out by smell; to detect a thing. Nachriechen {sep., tr., ace), to smell for, to try to find out or detect a thing by smelling. RINGEN {tr., intr., refl.), rang, gerungen, to ring, to encircle, struggle, wrestle, strive. Abringen {refl., sep., dat., ace, tr.), to detach from a ring; to twist or squeeze off; to wring or wrest from. Anringen {sep.), to struggle against; to fasten with rings. Ausringen {refl., sep., tr.), to wring or press out; to end one's struggle; to succumb to. Entringen {tr., ace, refl.), to wTest a thing from; to wrench out of one's hands. RINNEN {intr., haben, *), rann, geronnen, to run, flow, trickle, gush, to leak, to drop; to course, to stream; to become watery. Abrinnen (* sep.), to run, flow, drop, or trickle off or down. Anrinnen {sep., *) {anfliessen). Ausrinnen {sep., *), to run, leak, trickle out. Entrinnen (* dat.), to run or flow down from; to escape; to run away; to pass rapidly. Fortrinnen (* sep.), to flow on or run away; to flow away; to keep on running. Gerinnen (*), to curdle, to coagulate, to clot. Verrinnen (*), to run off or out; to pass away; to elapse {ver- fliessen) . Zerrinnen (*), to melt, dissolve, liquefy; to crumble away; to van- ish; to perish. Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen, lightly come, lightly go- RUFEN {tr., intr., dat., ace, o.), rief, gerufen, to call on; to cry, to bid one to come; to send for; to summon; to order; to be called to. Abbenifen {sep., tr., ace), to recall home, to call home; to appeal; to call away; to die. 58 Irregular Verbs. Abnifen {sep., tr., ace), to call off or away; to remove by death; to reach by calling; to call roll. Anrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call, invoke, implore; adjure; to chal- lenge; to appeal to; to announce. Aufrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call up; to bid one rise; to summon; to advertise for; to take witness. Ausrufen {sep., tr., ace), to exclaim, cry aloud; to call out; to pro- claim; to bid. Berufen {tr., ace, intr.), to convoke, summon, convene; to appoint, nominate; to be called to (God) . Berufen, sich {refl.), to appeal to, to call upon; to refer to; to make use of. Fortrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call away. Heraufrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call up; to call upstairs. Herausrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call for; to call or recall actors be- fore the curtain. Herbeirufen {sep., tr., ace), to call in, to get; to consult. Hereinrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call in, to invite, to bid to come in. Herunterrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call down. Hervorrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call forth or out; to evoke, occasion, provoke {hervorbringen) . ■ Mitrufen {sep., tr., ace), to call, invite, or ask one to come along. Wachrufen {intr., sep., tr., ace), to call after; to eulogize death or departure of a person. Vemifen {tr., ace), to bring into bad repute; to decry or cry down; to depreciate. Verrufen sein, to be notorious; to be ill-reputed, ill-famed. "Wachrufen {sep., tr., ace), to give the alarm; to awaken, to bring to life. Gefiihle wachrufen, to awaken feelings in one's soul. Zuriickrufen {sep., tr., ace), to recall, to call back. Zurufen {dat., sep., tr.), to call to one; to give one a call; to applaud; to beckon or motion to. Irregular Verbs. 59 SAUFEN (t tr., intr), soff, gesoffen, to drink, to drink hard; to fuddle, carouse; to get drunk. Ansaufen (f sep., refl.), to drink immoderately, to drink like a sponge, to get intoxicated. Aussaufen (f sep., tr., intr.), to drink out or up; to finish drink- ing greedily; to cease to drink, Besaufen (f tr., ace), to make drunk, to intoxicate one. Ersaufen {tr., ace, * refl., f), to drowTi; to get drowned; to die by drowning; submerge; overflow; deluge (ertrinken). Fortsaufen {sep., f), to continue to drink on, to be dissipated. Mitsaufen {sep., f), to drink along, to drink in company, to get drunk together. Sich besaufen (f reft), to get drunk, to become deeply intoxicated, to get full (betrinken). Versaufen (* hahen f), to spend, consume, or pass away in drinking; to get ruined by drink; to be a drunkard; to be always drinking or on the spree. SAUGEN {tr., intr), sog, gesogen, to suck, absorb, drink; to im- bibe; to invent, fabricate; to suckle; to give the breast; to nurse (see reg. sdugen). Absaugen {sep., tr., ace), to suck off; to weaken by sucking; to exhaust, to finish sucking. Ansaugen {sep., tr., ace), to suck fast; to suck up. Aufsaugen {sep., tr., ace), to suck up; to absorb; to open or make sore by sucking. Aussaugen {sep., tr., ace), to suck out; to exhaust; to fleece, bleed, draw, drain, impoverish, weaken. Fortsaugen {sep., tr., ace), to continue sucking. Heraussaugen {sep., tr., ace), to drain or suck to the last far- thing; to suck one's marrow. Leersaugen {sep., tr., ace), to suck empty; to exhaust or empty by sucking. Rothsaugen {sep., refl.), to make red or sore by sucking; to suck sore. VoUsaugen {sep.) (see aussaugen). ' "Wundsaugen {sep., refl), to suck sore; to chafe, to get sore by sucking. SCHAFFEN {tr., intr.; reg. and irreg), schuf, geschaffen, to do, make, work, bring to pass; procure, get, furnish; to be busy; to convey, take. 6o IrregularVerbs. Abschaffen {sep., tr., ace), to do away with; to dismiss, discharge, discard; to remove, give up, to abolish, abrogate, repeal, annul, nullify. Anschaffen {sep., tr., refl.), to procure, supply; to furnish oneself with; to purvey, provide for. Aufschaffen {sep., tr., ace), to obtain, to provide for, to procure. Beischaffen {sep., tr., ace), to procure (see herbeischaffen) . Erschafifen {tr., ace), to create, cause to exist; to make anew; to bring to life. Fortschaffen {sep., tr., ace), to remove, transport, to move out of the way; to convey, carry away, to get rid of. Herbeischaffen {sep., tr., ace), to bring up to a certain place; to gather, collect, procure, accumulate, produce, raise. Mitschaffen {sep.) (see mitwirken), to co-operate; concur. Verschaffen {tr., ace), to furnish, supply, procure, provide, find. SCHALLEN {intr., tr. reg. and irreg.), schoU, geschoUen, to sound, echo, resound, to ring. Abschallen {sep.), to resound, to re-echo. Anschallen {sep.), to strike against (of sound). Ausschallen {sep.) {ausklingen), to cease ringing or sounding; to make known. Einschallen {sep.), to sound in; to have a sound enter, Entschallen (*), to sound from, to sound away from. Erschallen (*), to .sound, resound, ring; to spread abroad; to go forth. Fortschallen {sep.), to continue to resound; to sound far away. Heraufschallen {sep., *) (see einschallen). Herunterschallen (* sep) (comp. with heraufschallen). Nachschallen {sep.), to echo, to reverberate, to resound. Niederschallen (* sep.) (see erschallen). Verschallen (*), to sound, to die away; to cease sounding (see primitive verb) . Zuriickschallen {sep) {wiederhallen). SCHEIDEN {tr., reft., * intr), schied, geschieden, to divide; disjoin; separate; to analyze, to decompose ; to refine; to divorce; to branch off; to depart. Sich scheiden lassen, to obtain a divorce, to be sep" arated or divorced. Abscheiden {tr., intr., sep., refl), to depart, die, to separate, divide, refine. Ausscheiden {tr., intr., sep), to extract, secrete, secern; to wash out; to sift, expunge; to retire. Bescheiden {tr., ace, refl), to allot, assign; to inform, direct, order, Irregular Verbs. 6i to summon; to be contented, to be modest; to be discreet, sober, demure, unostentatious. Bescheiden sein, to be moderate, modest, sober, discreet, to be unostentatious. Entscheiden {reft., Ir., ace), to decide, determine, to pass judgment or sentence; to resolve. Unterscheiden (tr., ace), to distinguish, to discern, discriminate; to become distinct. Sich unterscheiden, to tell apart, to differ. Verscheiden (*), to die, to expire, to decease, to breathe one's last. SCHEINEN (inlr., imp., dat), schien, geschienen, to shine, to light; to beam, glare; to appear, seem, look. Abscheinen (sep.), to reflect. Anscheinen (ir., ace, sep.), to shine upon; to appear, to have the appearance. Bescheinen (insep., tr.), to shine; to throw rays of light upon; to irradiate; to be sunlighted, sunlit. Durchscheinen {tr., ace, insep., sep.), to shine through, to be translu- cent. Erscheinen {dat., *), to appear; arrive, attend; to come out; to publish, issue; to be out. Heraufscheinen {sep.), to shine up to. Herunterscheinen {sep), to shine down. SCHELTEN (f tr., intr., refl., ace), schalt, gescholten, to scold, chide, abuse, rebuke, reproach, revile; to call a nickname. Anschelten {tr., ace, f sep.) (see schelten). Ausschelten {tr., ace, f sep.), to chide, scold, abuse, upbraid, re- prove, rebuke; to cease scolding. Beschelten {tr., ace, f), to defame, to scold, to speak ill, SCHEREN {tr., refl.), schor, geschoren, to shave, shear, clip, fleece; to cheat; to mind, to care. Scheren Sie sich, leave, get away! leave the place! Abscheren {sep., tr., ace), to shave, sheer off, to separate. Bescheren {tr., ace), to shave, to shear; to give, grant, to bestow upon; to offer a gift. SCHIEBEN {refl., tr., * intr.), schob, geschoben, to put, bowl, to push, slide, shove; throw, to move, shift; impute. Abschieben {sep., tr., refl., intr.), to shove, to push off; to clear, to exculpate oneself; to knock down; to slink away; to make oneself scarce; to take French leave. Anschieben {sep., * tr., ace), to shove on, to push against; to join or connect by moving up to. Aufschieben {sep., tr., ace), to postpone; to defer, delay, put off; to prolong; to push open; lift the sash, 62 IrregularVerbs. Ausschieben (sep., tr., ace), to shove, push out; to draw, draw out; to finish, end; to play or bowl out. Beischieben {sep., tr., ace) (see schiehen). Durchschieben {sep., tr., ace), to shove or push through. Fortschieben {sep., tr., * ace), to shove away; to take or withdraw one- self secretly; to take French leave. Mitschieben {sep., tr., ace), to push or shove along. Nachschieben {sep., tr., ace), to push or shove after. Umschieben {sep., tr., ace), to roll over, to upset, carry, or take over (to take a pin at ninepins). Unterschieben {tr., sep., insep.), to push, to shove under; to sub- stitute, to foist upon; to misconstrue; to interpolate. Verschieben {tr., ace), to move out of its place, to shift; displace, dislodge; to defer; delay. Vorschieben {sep., tr., ace), to push forward, to advance; to put in, to interpose; to push the bolt. Zuschieben {sep., tr., ace), to shove, to push to or toward; to close; to close responsibility upon one. SCHIESSEN {refl., tr., * ace, intr), schoss, geschossen, to shoot, fire, discharge; to rush, sweep; schiessen lassen, to let fly, go, or fall. Auf den Haufen schiessen, to shoot down, to massacre. Abschiessen {sep., tr., ace), to fade away, to shoot off, discharge; to let fly or go; to turn gray. Erschiessen {tr., refl., intr), to shoot, to kill by shooting; to get a prize in a shooting-match; to shoot oneself, to blow out one's brains by shooting; to shoot up, to sprout up (as of a plant). Zum Totschiessen vergniigt, to enjoy oneself in the most enchanting manner. Totschiessen, to shoot to death, to kill by shooting. Fehlschiessen {sep), to miss the mark; to be entirely mistaken; to err; to be quite out. Fortschiessen {sep), to rush, to shoot along; to depart in great haste; to continue to shoot. Nachschiessen {sep), to shoot after; to pay after, to supply, to add; to spring up later. Verschiessen {tr., refl., intr), to fade, to go (of colors), to discolor; to shoot away, to exhaust in shooting. Vorschiessen {sep., tr., dat., ace), *to dart forward; to fire or shoot before; to advance or lend in advance. Zerschiessen {tr., ace), to shoot to pieces. Zusammenschiessen {sep., tr., ace), to destroy by shooting, to batter down; to club, to contribute. Zuschiessen {sep.^ tr., ace), to give fire, to fire away; to rush upon one, to fly at. IrregularVerbs. 63 SCHINDEN {tr., ace, refl.), schund, geschunden, to flay, to skin, to scalp; to murder, mutilate; to excoriate. Abschinden {sep., Ir., ace), to strip off, to skin, to flay an animal; to peel off. Sich abschinden (refl.), to exhaust oneself by hard labor, to plague, tire, or weary out. Zerschinden {ir., ace), to rub the skin off, to gall. SCHLAFEN (intr., hahen {ace. rarely) f), schlief, geschlafen, to sleep, to be or lie asleep; to rest, repose. Schlafen gehen, to fall asleep, to go to bed, to retire. Abschlafen {sep., f), to take a rest, to take an afternoon's nap (pro- vincial) . Ausschlafen {refl., sep., f), to have done sleeping; to sleep enough; to sleep away; to sober up. Beschlafen {tr., ace, f), to lie or sleep with; to sleep on or upon a thing. Durchschlafen {sep., tr., ace, t)> to pass sleeping. Einschlafen {sep., f), to fall, drop, or go to sleep; to die, to expire; to be asleep or benumbed. Verschlafen {tr., ace, refl., t)> to be sleepy, to be given to too much sleep; sleepy, drowsy, lazy. Verschlafen sein, to be of a sleepy temperament, to be slow or lazy. SCHLAGEN {tr., intr., ace, f refl), schlug, geschlagen, to rout; to drive into; to beat, strike, knock, rap, clap, dash, hit; to fight. Abschlagen (f sep., refl., tr., dat., ace), to separate, to bring down by beating; to turn off; to drain; to deduct; to refuse, deny, decline one's request; to give a refusal. Anschlagen (f sep., tr., ace), to fasten; to strike at or against; to nail; to begin, to placard, to put up; to post up; to estimate, rate, value. Aufschlagen (f sep., tr., ace), to strike up, to break open; to put up, set up; to turn up; to open, to fold open; to beat against; to raise in price; to charge additionally. Ausschlagen (f sep.,refl., intr., tr., ace), to beat, dash, or knock out; to cut or stamp out; to kick or jerk out; to line or finish the in- side of; to refuse, decline, reject. Beschlagen (f tr., ace), to cover, bind, or case with; to stud with nails; to tire a wheel; to calk, to iron a horse; to seize, attach; to get tarnished, covered with damp. Durchschlagen (f sep., tr., refl), to beat, break, or pierce through; to strain, sieve, filter; fight through. Einschlagen (f sep., tr., ace), to adopt, take, to burst, break in, open; to wrap up, fold, envelop; to turn to or take a certain course; to clasp or shake hands. Der BUtz schlug ein, the Hght- ning struck. 64 IrregularVerbs. Entschlagen (f tr., refl., gen), to rid oneself of; to cast off, to for- get, to throw off. Nachschlagen (f sep., tr., ace), to consult; to strike after, to follow, dig after; to open the pages, to refer to a book or documents; to look into. Umschlagen (f sep., tr., ace), to turn over, to turn; to change, to veer round; to turn sour, sad; to degenerate; to wrap up, to put round; to bind with; to apply. Verschlagen (f tr., reft., dat., ace), to drive away; to take the wrong way; to spoil by beating; to nail up; to fasten with nails; to partition; to consume; to lose a page; to miss. Vorschlagen {■\sep.,tr., aee), to strike too soon; to fasten before; to ask a higher price; to move; to propose; to present; to motion; to thrash; to give signals. Zerschlagen (f tr., reft., aee), to beat to pieces, to beat, dash; to wear out by beating; to divide; to fall to the ground, to come to nothing; to be bruised; to be fatigued. Zusammenschlagen (f sep., tr., aee), to clap together; to beat in pieces, to knock down; to fold; join. Zuschlagen (f sep., tr., dat., ace), to strike or hit hard; to go on beating; to agree with; to close suddenly a door; to dispose or sell. SCHLEICHEN {intr., hdben, * reft), schlich, geschlichen, to sneak, crawl, move slowly; to smuggle; to steal away; to linger. Abschleichen {tr., * aee, dat., sep., reft), to steal upon, to take by surprise; to get or obtain insidiously. Anschleichen {reft., sep., *), to creep or steal near slowly and gently. Ausschleichen (*), to sneak out, about, off; to search out sneak- ingly. Beschleichen {tr., aee), to steal upon; to come stealingly; to sur- prise, deceive, cheat, take in. Durchschleichen {sep., reft., *), to creep, sneak, slink, or steal through. Einschleichen {reft., sep., *), to sneak, slide, slip, steal, creep in or into; to sneak into one's favor. Entschleichen (*), to sneak, creep, or steal away, to get away slowly. Erschleichen {tr), to obtain something fraudulently, by stealth, deception, intrigue; to usurp a thing by undue influence or means. Fortschleichen {sep., *), to creep on, along; to escape; to slip away, to steal off. Wachschleichen {sep., tr., *), to sneak after, to dog one. Umschleichen {sep., tr., *), to hover round; to sneak or slink round about. Zuschleichen {sep., ♦), to approach §n?^kingly; to conie up slowly, to steal hy. IrregularVerbs. 65 SCHLEIFEN {hahen, * tr., ace), schliff, geschliffen, to whet, to grind, cut; rub, sand, polish; to drag, pull along; carry, convey; to slide, dance; to tie; to catch. Abschleifen {sep., tr., ace), to grind off; to smooth, polish; to whet; to wear off; to grow refined. Anschleifen {sep., tr., ace), to begin to grind, to set on edge; to bring or to transport; fasten. Ausschleifen {sep., tr., ace), to grind sufl&ciently; to grind hollow; to wear out by friction. Entschleifen (*), to untie. Umschleifen {sep., tr., ace), to grind over. Verschleifen {tr.), to spoil in grinding (a blade); to sell or bargain for (goods); to draw out, protract, delay; to transport something. Zerschleifen {tr., ace), to spoil by whetting; to wear out by slid- ing (dancing). SCHLEISSEN {tr., refl., ace, intr., *), schliss, geschlissen, to slit, split; to strip off; to wear off. (The tr. form is regular.) Abschleissen {sep., tr., refl., ace), to wear out, to use up by wearing. Verschleissen {tr., ace), to wear out; to sell; to wear or pass away. Zerschleissen {tr., ace), to wear off; to grow fettered. SCHLIESSEN {tr., refl., ace, intr.), schloss, geschlossen, to shut, lock, close; finish, end, conclude; to fit. Abschliessen {sep., tr., refl., ace), to close, lock; to unfetter; to separate; to turn the key; to settle, to conclude; to effect, wind up; to retire; to make final arrangements. Anschliessen {sep., dat., ace, tr., reft.), to chain to, to fix with a lock; to add, annex, inclose; to attach; to join; to conform, sympathize with; to fit close, tight; to connect. Aufschliessen {sep., tr., refl., ace), to unlock, open; to flux; to drain off; to unfold, disclose; to make accessible; to unfold one's secrets; to confide to. Ausschliessen {sep., refl., tr., ace), to lock, bar, shut out; to loosen, unfetter; to exclude, debar; to seclude, excommunicate; to flunk. Beischliessen {sep., tr., ace), to inclose, add, annex; to lock up. Beschliessen {tr., ace), to inclose, lock up; to conclude, end, finish; to complete; determine; to decree, resolve upon; to decide, fix; to vote; to agree upon. Einschliessen {sep., tr., refl., ace), to shut in or up; to lock up; to inclose, encompass, surround; to embrace; to fold in, to fit, catch. Entschliessen {refl.), to resolve, fix, determine; to make up one's mind; to unlock. 5 66 IrregularVerbs. Erschliessen {tr., refl.), to open, to dawn, to disclose; to unlock; to infer, to deduce, to conclude. Umschliessen {tr., ace), to inclose, encompass, surround; to embrace, Verschliessen {tr., ace), to shut up; close up; to obstruct, dam up; to keep under lock and key. Vorschliessen {sep., tr., ace) (see schliessen). Zuschliessen {tr., sep., ace), to lock up, shut, to close. SCHLINGEN {tr., refl., intr., ace), schlang, geschlungen, to swallow, devour; to wind, twist, sling, twine; to plait, braid; to knot. Einschlingen {sep., tr., ace), to sling or put in a sling; to draw in hastily; to swallow up greedily. Entschlingen (/r., ace), to take out of the noose. Umschlingen {sep., tr., ace), to embrace closely; to clasp round; to cling; lock; entwine. Verschlingen {tr., ace), to twist, entwine; to tangle, entangle; to devour, swallow up or down. Vorschlingen {sep., tr., ace) (einen Knoten), to tie a knot before or in front of. SCHMEISSEN {tr., intr., ace), schmiss, geschmissen, to fling, to throw, to strike, to smite, smash; to blow (werfen). Beschmeissen {tr., ace), to blow upon, to fly-blow; to dirty, to soil. Hinausschmeissen {tr., sep), to throw or turn out, to eject; to expel; to throw very far (hinauswerfen). Nachschmeissen {sep., tr., ace) (see nachwerfen). Verschmeissen {tr., ace) (see verwerjen). Zerschmeissen {tr., ace) (see zerschmettern) . Zuschmeissen {sep., tr., ace) (see zuwerfen). SCHMELZEN {reg. and irreg., f * tr., intr., ace), schmolz, ge- schmolzen, to melt, dissolve, liquefy; reduce, diminish; to fuse; to pine away (melting, languishing, dying, moving, tender, melodi- ous, gentle, when speaking of music and song) . (The tr. form of this group of verbs is regular). Abschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., f * ace), to melt off, to separate by melting; to part, clarify; to finish melting; to fall off in con- sequence of melting. Anschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., * f ace), to adhere by melting; to begin to melt; to fasten by melting; to solder. Aufschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., * f ace), to open, dissolve by melting; to fasten; to consume by melting. Ausschmelzen {sep., tr., f ace), to melt out, run out by melting; to clear, purify by. melting; to extract; to be dissolved. Irregular Verbs. 67 Beischmelzen {sep., tr., t ace), to add to in melting, to melt one metal with another. Durchschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., * f ace), to melt through, to cast through, to fuse completely. Die Sonne hat es durchschmolzen, the sun has melted it. Einschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., f * ace), to melt down, to reduce, diminish by melting. Umschmelzen {sep., tr., f ace), to melt again, to recast, cast anew; to reform, remodel, to mould over; to melt up; to cast. Verschmelzen {tr., intr., f * ace), to melt away, dissolve; to blend with, melt into each other; to melt together, bind up together, consume together. Wiederschmelzen {sep., tr., intr., f * ace), to remelt, to melt again. Zerschmelzen {tr., * f intr), to dissolve, to liquefy, to melt away. Zusammenschmelzen {sep., intr., tr., f ace), to melt up, to dissolve; to diminish; to melt together; to melt away; to vanish. SCHNAUBEN {reg. and irreg.; dat., refl., tr., intr), schnob, geschnoben, to snort, to breathe heavily; to hufif, snuff, puff; to wheeze; to blow one's nose. Rache schnauben, to pant for revenge; to breathe vengeance. Abschnauben {tr., ace, sep), to snuff, to take off with a pair of snuffers (abschnauzen) . Ausschnauben {tr., intr., sep., reft), to recover breath, to respire, to get one's wind; to blow one's nose; to snort (of horses); to cease raging, to stop roaring (of the wind). Verschnauben {tr., intr., * reft), to stop for breath, to recover one's breath; to blow one's nose (verschnaufen). (The tr. form of this group of verbs is regular.) SCHNEIDEN {tr., ace, reft), schnitt, geschnitten, to cut, carve; prune; to mince, cut up; castrate; to chip; trim; to slit. Abschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut off or aw^ay; to reap; crop, clip; to shape; deprive of; cut short; to amputate. Anschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to give the first cut; to carve; to fit by cutting; to score down. Aufschneiden {sep., tr., intr., ace), to cut open, rip open, unrip; to make an incision; to brag, boast. Ausschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut out, carve out; to cut into figures; to castrate, extirpate. Beschneiden {tr., ace), to clip, dress, prune, trim; to circumcise; to cut off, to lessen. Durchschneiden {sep., tr., insep., ace), to cut through; to cross each other; to intersect, to divide; to penetrate. 68 IrregularVerbs. Einschneiden (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to cut in, into; to notch; to re- move, cut up; to incise, trenchant. Fortschneiden (sep., tr., ace), to cut away, to cut off. Nachschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut or carve after or from, to imitate style of cut. Umschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut, carve all round; to recut. Verschneiden {refl., tr., ace), to cut or clip away; to spoil in cut- ting; to adulterate or force; to geld, castrate, emasculate Vorschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to carve, cut; to make faces at one; to cut out, to cut before a person. Wegschneiden {tr., sep.), to cut off, to cut away; to retrench; to extirpate, to amputate. Zerschneiden {tr., ace), to cut in pieces, to cut up; to carve, to shred. Zusammenschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut up to pieces. Zuschneiden {sep., tr., ace), to cut away; to cut out; to fashion; to make a scanty allowance. SCHREIBEN {tr., refl., dat., intr., ace), schrieb, geschrieben, to write, mark; spell; to copy, to communicate; to reply; to compose. Abschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to wear out by writing; to dull; to copy, transcribe, write out; deduct; to revoke an order or invi- tation previously made. Anschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write, put or set down; to charge one's bill; to book down; to be in favor, to be good in one's book. Aufschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write or set down; to note, enter, record; to charge with, book a- debt. Ausschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write out, copy, extract; to draw; finish; write to the bottom. Beischreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write; to note; to add; write on the margin; to attribute. Beschreiben {tr., ace), to fill with writing; to describe, define; de- tail. Durchschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write through; to finish writing. Einschreiben {sep., tr., refl., ace), to enter, to write in or down; to note, enlist, enrol; to register. Hinschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write or pen down; to send word to; to write to a place. Nachschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write down; to take notes; to write in pursuance of; to copy, imitate. Niederschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write, note or pen down; to depose; set, put, take down in writing. tJberschreiben {sep., tr., insep., ace), to inscribe; entitle, head; superscribe; to copy; to address. IrregularVerbs. 69 Umschreiben {sep., insep., tr., ace), to write round; cover with writing; to copy; paraphrase; circumscribe. Unterschreiben {sep., insep., tr., ace), to put one's name to or under; to sign; to subscribe; to affix signature. Verschreiben {tr., dat., ace, refl.), to prescribe; write for; order, com- mand; to mis write, write incorrectly; to assign; make over; trans- fer in writing; to commit a slip of pen. Verschreiben {sep., tr., dat., ace), to set a writing copy; to prescribe, dictate, direct; to appoint, order. Zusammenschreiben {sep., tr., ace), to write together, to compile; to accumulate by writing. Zuschreiben {sep., tr., dat., ace), to attribute; to add; dedicate; ascribe, assign; impute; to credit oneself with. SCHREIEN {tr., intr., refl), schrie, geschrieen, to cry, shout, clamor; to scream; shriek; cry out, yell; screech; to groan; to moan; to squeak. Abschreien {refl., sep), to bawl forth; to roar or cry out; to reach by crying aloud; to tire oneself by crying. Anschreien {tr., ace., sep), to cry, to call at; to call out to; to hail; to hoot at. Aufschreien {sep., intr.), to cry aloud; to cry out; to set up a scream; to give a shriek; to awake with crying. Ausschreien {tr., intr., sep., refl), defame; to cry out; proclaim; to cry aloud; to report, scream. Beschreien {tr., aec), to cry at or about; to decry, talk HI; to dis- parage. Beschreien Sie es nicht, let the devil rest. Fortschreien {sep), to continue to cry. Heraufschreien {tr., intr., ace., sep), to scream up to. Herausschreien {sep., tr., intr., ace), to cry out; to scream out. Herunterschreien {sep., tr., intr., ace), to hallo down; to cry down ( herabschreien) . Mitschreien {sep), to join in a cry. Nachschreien {sep., tr., ace, dat., intr), to cry or call after; to shout after; to lament after; to weep over. tJberschreien {tr., ace, insep., sep), to outcry, outroar; to cry oneself out of breath; let the devil come out. Verschreien {tr., aec), to decry, cry down; to scream away; to bring into ill or bad repute. SCHREITEN {intr., *), schritt, geschritten, to stride, step, stalk; to proceed, come, pass on to; to march, to walk; to tread; to resort to. Abschreiten {intr., tr., ace; sep., *), to pace or stride away; to retire; to alight; deviate; digress; swerve; to go away, leave, forsake. 7© IrregularVerbs. _ Anschreiten {sep.^ *), to approach with long steps, to stalk; to be- gin to stride. Aufschreiten {sep., *), to march steadily along. Auf und ab schreiten, to march up and down. Ausschreiten {sep., *), to step out, to stride; to go to excess, to trans- gress. Einherschreiten {sep., *), to strut, to stalk, to sweep along; to move along (proudly). Einschreiten {sep., *), to step in, stride in, to interfere; interpose; to take legal steps. ''' Fortschreiten (5e/>., *), to step, stride on; to go onward; to get along, proceed ; progress . Riickschreiten {sep., *), to recede, retrograde; to go backward. Riickwarts schreiten {sep., *), to step back; to retrograde. tJberschreiten {sep., insep., ir., intr., *), to step over; to cross, to pass, to stride, to go across or over; to exceed one's power, to pre- sume upon one; to transgress, to violate; to overdraw, to outrun. Umschreiten {sep., *) (see schreiten). Vorwarts schreiten {sep., *), to get along; to make progress; to proceed; to advance. Zuriickschreiten {sep., *), to go or stride back. SCHROTEN {tr., ace, used sometimes reg.), schrot, geschroten, to cut or tear in pieces, to cut in two; to crush, to crunch, to bruise, to rough-grind, to prune, to turn in. Beschroten {tr., ace), to clip, to strip off the burs, to fettle, to clean, to beard off. Umschroten {tr., ace), to grind over, to prune again, to clean or crush again and again. Verschroten {tr., ace), to uncover (discover) by digging; to grind up; to cut to pieces, to crush. SCHWEIGEN {intr.)f schwieg, geschwiegen, to be or keep silent; to suppress mentioning; to express by silence; to cease to speak; to pause; to stop; to say nothing. Totschweigen {sep., tr., ace), to be as silent as death. Verschweigen {tr., ace), to conceal, to keep close or secret; to suppress. SCHWELLEN {reg. and irreg.; intr., tr., *), schwoll, geschwollen, to swell, rise, expand; to heave; distend, bloat. Anschwellen {sep., t *), to swell, rise; to swell up, grow large; to become tumorous. Aufschwellen {sep., f *), to swell, pufiF up, distend; to inflate; to flush; to get passionate. Ausschwellen {sep., f *), to swell out. Irregular Verbs. 71 Verschwellen {intr., tr., f *), to swell, be swollen, be closed by swelling; to moisten; to inflate; to cause to swell. SCHWIMMEN {intr., haben, *), schwamm, geschwommen, to swim, float; let pass; to stream; drift. Abschwimmen {sep., tr., ace, *), to swim or float down; to tire or exhaust oneself by swimming. Anschwiinnien {sep., *), to swim or float to or near. Auf- und abschwimmen {sep., *), to swim or float up and down. Fortschwimmen {sep., *), to swdm on or along; to swim away; to continue to swim. Hinausschwiminen {sep., *), to swim out or out of. Mitschwimmen {sep., *), to swim along, to swim together. Nachschwimmen {sep., *), to swim after; to follow. Zuschwimmen {sep., dat., *), to swim toward; to continue to swim, to swim on. SCHWINDEN {intr., *), schwand, geschwunden, to disappear, vanish; to dwindle, fail, wear off; to die away, sink, waste, fade, wane, fall, shrink, lose; abandon. Entschwinden (*), to disappear, to vanish from. Hinschwinden {sep., *), to pass away; vanish; to waste or die away. Umschwinden {insep., *) (see schwinden). Verschwinden (*), to faint or pass away; to disappear, to get lost (see primitive verb) . SCHWINGEN {refl., tr., ace, *), schwang, geschwungen, to swing; vibrate; to wave, shake; to oscillate; to wing, to soar, to fan. Abschwingen {tr., intr., * ace, sep., refl.), to shake off; to fan; to cleanse by shaking; to alight from; to leap down. Aufschwingen {sep., tr., refl., ace), to swing up; to rise by sudden effort; to soar or tower up. Ausschwingen {sep., * refl.), to winnow, fan; to swing; to swing out; to cease swinging; vibrating. Beschwingen {tr., ace), to accelerate; to wing; to make out or get along. Erschwingen {refl., tr., ace), to reach; to afford to buy; to get, raise, furnish; to attain something by efforts; to soar up to. Heraufbeschwingen {tr., ace) (see erschwingen). Hin- und herschwingen {refl., tr., ace), to swing oneself up and down; to and fro. Hinauf- und hinabschwingen {refl., tr., ace) (vom Pferde), to throw oneself on and from a horse. 72 IrregularVerbs. Umschwingen (tr., ace, refl.), to swing, move round; to revolve or turn round. SCHWOREN (inir., tr., dat., ace), schwor, geschworen, to take an oath, to swear, to vow; to pledge; to afiirm. Falsch schworen, to forswear, to perjure oneself. Gehorsam und Treue schworen, swear allegiance to, to swear obedience, faith; to hold or pro- fess to. Abbeschworen {sep., tr., ace.) (see dbschworen) . AbschwcJren {tr., ace, sep.), to swear to; to deprive of by taking an oath; to free; to abjure; to cast off or renounce upon; to retract, recant; to pledge oneself by oath. Anschworen {sep) (see zuschworen). Aufbeschworen {sep., tr., ace), to conjure; to excite; to revolt. Beschworen {tr., ace), to confirm by oath, to take one's oath upon; to swear to; to conjure, to adjure, implore, entreat. Beschweren, sich, to complain, to find fault with; to grumble. Heranbeschworen {sep., tr., ace) (see beschworen). Heraufbeschwbren {sep., tr., ace), to pray upon, to pray for; to cause by prayer. Verschworen {tr., ace, refl.), to forswear, abjure, renounce; to curse; to swear falsely; to bind oneself by an oath; to conspire, to form a conspiracy. Zuschworen {tr., ace, sep.), to assure by an oath. SEHEN {tr., ace, f intr., refl.), sah, gesehen, to see, to perceive, look, to behold, view; to be sensible of; to notice, to catch sight of; discern; recognize. Absehen (f sep., tr., intr.), to look off or turn away; to avert; to see, perceive; to put out of question. Ansehen (f sep., tr., intr., refl.), to look at or on, behold, see; examine, regard, consider; to respect, esteem. Sich etwas ansehen, to examine something. Aufsehen (t sep.), to look up; to make a sensation, noise; eclat; to cause or excite a show. Aussehen {intr., f sep* tr.), to look out; to appear; to look well, ill, angry, etc. Besehen {refl., f tr., ace), to look on, at, to inspect; to view, to take a view; behold, examine, search into. Durchsehen {sep., f if-) ace), to see through; to look, glance, or go over; examine, review, revise. Einsehen {sep., f tr., ace), to look into, over; to get an insight; to understand, conceive, apprehend. Ersehen (f tr., ace), to see, perceive, to learn, understand; to observe, watch; spy; to infer from; judge. Fortsehen {intr.), to look away, to glance aside (wegsehen). IrregularVerbs. 73 Heraufsehen {sep., f), to look up, to glance or see up or on high. Heruntersehen {sep., t)> to look down, to throw or cast one's look down. Klarsehen (f), to look clearly, distinctly, plainly; to see clearly. Mitansehen {tr., ace, sep., t)> to look at; perceive; stand; tolerate; bear. Nachsehen {sep., f tr., intr., dat.), to look after, to attend; to indulge in; to refer to; to investigate; inspect; to revise, audit. Nahesehen {sep., t t^-, ace), to inspect, to look at near; to take a clear view; to examine. Ubersehen {sep., insep., intr., dat., f tr., ace), to look over, survey, to miss, lose, pass by; to take no notice of; forbear; to connive at; to let pass without reproof; to overlook, pardon; to pursue, run over; examine; to supervise. Umsehen {sep., f refl.), to look round, about; to have or take a view; to turn round. Versehen (f tr., refl.), to overlook, pass by; omit, fail, err, miss; mistake; to furnish, provide, supply with; to attend; to admin- ister; to see wrong. Wegsehen {intr.), to glance aside, to look away (fortsehen). Weitsehen {sep., f), to see far; to pierce through; to be of a far- seeing mind. Wiedersehen {sep., f tr., ace), to see, behold, or meet again; to look again, to examine anew. Auf Wiedersehen! Until we meet again! Good-bye! Zuriicksehen {intr.), to look back, to review the past. Zusehen {sep., f tr., dat.), to look at, on, upon; to gaze at; to see, take care, take heed. SEIN {intr., * auxiliary verb, one of three), to be; to exist, to live or dwell (expressing being, essence, existence, modality, or ontology). Used also as copula or independent verb in a sentence. Ich bin, I am; ich bin es, it is I; sind Sie es? is it you? ich bin gewesen, I have been; er wird sein, he will be; sei, seid, seien Sie (imperative), be. SENDEN {tr., ace), sandte, gesandt, to send, transmit; forward, consign; to despatch. Absenden {sep., tr., ace), to send off, away, despatch; to forward, ship, expedite; to depute. Aufsenden {sep., tr., ace), to send up. Aussenden {sep., tr., ace), to send out or abroad, to emit; to dis- tribute. Beisenden {sep., tr., ace), to add to; to inclose; to send by oppor- tunity. Einsenden {sep., tr., ace), to send in, remit, transmit. 74 IrregularVerbs. Entsenden (ir.), to send away, to send ofiF, to despatch; to dart, let fly, to shoot (looks). Mitsenden (sep., tr., ace), to send together, with, to add. Nachsenden {sep., tr., ace), to send after, to send for, to transmit afterward (nachschicken). Rticksenden {sep., tr., ace.) (see zurueksenden) . Ubersenden {sep., insep., tr., ace), to send, transmit, remit, to for- ward, consign, convey. Versenden {tr., ace), to send away or off; to despatch; to transmit, convey, export. Zuriicksenden {sep., tr., ace), to send back, to return. Zusenden {sep., tr., ctec), to send, remit, convey, or forward; to consign. SIEDEN {tr., intr.), sott, gesotten, to boil, to simmer, to stew; to blanch, refine. Absieden {sep., tr., ace), to boil duly; to extract, to elixate; to decoct; cleanse by boiling. Aufsieden {sep., tr., intr., h., *), to seethe, boil, parboil, stew again; to whiten, scour, blanch. Aussieden {sep., tr., ace, intr., h., *), to boil out, to cease boil- ing; to purify by boiling, to scour, blanch. Versieden {tr., intr., *), to boil away; to consume or spoil by boiling. SINGEN {tr., reft., intr.), sang, gesungen, to sing, chant; to tingle; to warble, carol, chirp. Absingen {tr., reft., sep.), to sing off, to recite singing; to chant; to finish singing, sing to the end; fatigue oneself by singing. Ansingen {tr., intr., sep), to welcome with a song; to give a song, to favor with a tune. Aufsingen {tr., intr., sep), to awake by singing; to sing to; to sing out; to call upon for a certain purpose. Aussingen {tr., intr., reft., sep), to sing out or through, to sing to the end; to perfect a voice by singing. Besingen {tr., ace), to sing; to celebrate by song or poetry; to laud one. Einsingen {reft., sep., tr., ace), to sing or lull asleep; to practise singing; to acquire readiness in singing. Umsingen {sep., tr., ace) (see singen). Vorsingen {sep., tr., ace), to sing something to one; to lead the choir; to test the voice. Zusingen {sep.), to sing on, to sing to, to continue singing. SINKEN {intr., tr., *), sank, gesunken, to sink, fall, go down, drop; to subside, to lower, degrade; to settle; to decay; to decline, come down; to faint, to swoon away. IrregularVerbs. 75 Absinken (* sep.), to sink down; to set; to sink away at a certain depth. Entsinken (*), to sink down, to drop, to sink gradually. Herabsinken (* sep.), to descend, dismount, sink down (see herab- steigen) . Henintersinken (* sep.), to sink low; to be degraded. Mitsinken (* sep), to sink down or fall together. Nachsinken (* sep), to sink after. Umsinken (* sep), to sink down, to faint away, to fall, to become prostrated. Untersinken {sep., *), to go to the bottom, to sink under the bottom . Yersinken (*), to sink down, to be swallowed up; to be sunk, ab- sorbed, immersed in sorrow. Zusammensinken {sep., *), to sink down, fall to the ground; to become prostrated. SINNEN {h., intr., *), sann, gesonnen, to meditate, muse, reflect, speculate; to think upon, to plot, to ponder; consider; to brood; to cogitate; to contemplate; to have intentions. Absinnen {sep) (see sinnen). Ansinnen {tr., ace, sep), to expect one to do a thing; to demand or to exact a thing from. Aussinnen {tr., ace, refl., sep), to contrive, plan out, to devise, im- agine; to invent, frame (some excuse). Besinnen {ace, refl., gen), to recollect, remember, call to mind; to consider, linger, meditate; to think of, to recollect. Entsinnen' {gen., refl., ace), to remember, recollect, to call to mind. Nachsinnen {sep), to meditate, muse, reflect upon; to ponder, study. ijbersinnen {tr., ace), to reflect, meditate upon, to think over. Zusinnen {sep., tr., ace) (see sinnen or zuschreiben) . SITZEN {intr., dat., h., *), sass, gesessen, to sit; stick fast; to be imprisoned; to fit. Sitzen bleiben, to remain an old maid. Besessen sein, to be possessed of the mind (of a demon). Absitzen {tr., intr., sep., h., *), to sit away, to alight from; to wear out by sittihg; to atone for. Ansitzen {sep., *), to sit fast, to cleave, to stick; to be settled. Aufsitzen {sep., h., *), to sit up; watch; to sit fast; to rest upon; to mount, take horse. Aussitzen {sep., tr., intr., h., *), to sit out; to sit on the outside of the house; to hatch. Besitzen {tr., ace), to sit upon; to possess, own, enjoin, hold. 76 IrregularVerbs. Nachsitzen {sep., h., *), to be confined in school beyond the usual hours; to be kept in school. Umsitzen (ir., ace.) (see silzen), to sit round. Untersitzen {sep.) (see sitzen). Versitzen (/r., intr., * refl.), to sit away; to grow inactive, old, or ill by sitting; to lose one's youth. Sitzen lassen, to abandon, dis- appoint, leave in the lurch; to give the slip to (eine sitzenge- bliebene Jungfer, an old maid). SOLLEN (auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), sollte, gesollt, expressing command, obligation; moral speculation, purpose with regard to another; and, when used interrogatively, a request for direction or information; ich soil, I am to, I am obliged to, I am compelled to, I have to. ** FortsoUen (sep.), to be obliged or ordered to depart or to go (soil ich schon fort? — am I to leave already?). Hinsollen (sep.), to have to go to a place, to be bound for a place (wo soil ich hin? — where am I to go? — where am I to be put in?). ZuriicksoUen (sep.), to be ordered back (er soil zuriick, he is to, he shall return). SPEIEN (tr., intr.), spie, gespieen, to spit, spatter, vomit; to expec- torate. Anspeien (sep., tr., ace), to spit at or upon. Ausspeien (sep., tr., ace), to expectorate, to spit out; to vomit forth, up; to disgorge; to reject with disdain; to show contempt for. Bespeien (refl., tr., ace), to spit or vomit upon. Fortspeien (sep., tr., ace.) (see ausspeien). Heraufspeien (sep., tr., ace), to spit up. Herunterspeien (sep., tr., ace), to spit out or down, to expectorate. SPINNEN (tr., intr.), spann, gesponnen, to spin; to plot; to intrigue; to whirl; to purr; to ponder over or on; to brood or ruminate over. Abspinnen (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to wear out; to spin off, to spin or draw out; to unwind, unfold. Anspinnen (sep., tr., ace, refl.), to spin together; ^o contrive, lay a plot; to cause; to originate. Aufspinnen (sep., tr., ace), to spin up; to make one's fingers sore by spinning; to consume by spinning. Ausspinnen (sep., tr., intr.), to spin out; to amplify; to enlarge, enrich, contrive, devise; frame. Entspinnen (refl.), to contrive, bring about, originate; to ensue; to begin. IrregularVerbs. 77 Mitspinnen (sep.), to spin with, to spin together; to plot or intrigue in common. Verspinnen {ace, tr., re/l.), to pass (time) in spinning; to employ or consume in or with spinning. SPLEISSEN (tr., intr., *), spliss, gesplissen, to split, to cleave, to slice, to refine. Verspleissen {tr., ace), to portion or lot out an estate; to split up, to splice a rope, etc. SPRECHEN {tr., refl., f intr), sprach, gesprochen, to speaks talk, say, to discourse, converse, chat; to confer; to utter. Absprechen (f sep., tr., ace), to take away from one; to deprive of; dispossess; to dissent, object; to renounce, to arbitrate; to settle, decide; to deny. Ansprechen (f sep., tr., ace), to accost, address; call; indite; touch; interest; lay claim on, appeal to. Aussprechen (f sep., tr., ace), to speak to the end, speak out; to finish, pronounce; accent, sound; to pass sentence; to express, explain; to declare. '. Beisprechen (t sep) (see entgegensprechen) . Besprechen (t tr., ace, refl), to talk over, discuss, arrange, settle; to agree upon; notice; to conjure; to charm for the illness of a person; to defame, slander. ! Entgegensprechen {dat., f sep), to contradict; to disobey; to speak against. Entsprechen {dat., f), to agree with, to accord with, to correspond to; to suit, to answer, to match. ^ Freisprechen {gen., ace, f tr., sep), to acquit, to make one free; to discharge one. Mitsprechen (f sep), to speak at the same time, to join in con- versation; to give one's opinion. Nachsprechen {tr., f ace, sep), to repeat, speak, or say after one; to imitate; to mimic another person. Seligsprechen {tr., f ace, sep), to beatify; to promise bliss, blessed state; to promise happiness. Sich Versprechen (f refl), to make a mistake in the selection of ' a word; to make a slip of the tongue. Versprechen {refl., f if., dat), to promise, to give one's word; to engage, bespeak; to bid fair; to make a mistake in speaking. 1 Widersprechen {dat., f), to contradict; to gainsay, to oppose; to talk inconsistently. Zuriicksprechen {sep., f), to contradict; to speak against; to answer impolitely. Zusprechen (f tr., intr., sep), to address, accost one; to speak to one; to adjudge; to award; to comfort, console; to encourage. 78 IrregularVerbs. SPRIESSEN(^.,m/r., *), spross, gesprossen, to sprout, shoot up, ger- minate; to spring up, to begin to grow, to put out shoots; to prop up. Entspriessen (*), to sprout forth; to come forth. SPRINGEN (inir., *), sprang, gesprungen, to leap, jump, skip; spring; to sprout, gush, burst; to hop, to skip, caper; to over- leap. Abspringen {sep., *), to leap, jump off or away; to start or fly off; to snap, break, crack off; to fall off suddenly; to contrast. Anspringen (sep., *), to begin to spring, to leap, to jump; to fly against; to bounce. Aufspringen {sep., *), to jump, leap, spring, or bounce up; to split asunder, crack; to chap; to get in a rage. Beispringen {sep., *), to hasten to one's assistance; to relieve, to succor. Durchspringen {sep., *), to leap through or across; to crack or burst through; leap through. Entspringen (*), to jump away, escape; to run away; to spring, rise, come from; descend. Mitspringen {sep., *), to jump along; to dance with. Nachspringen {sep., *), to leap; run after. Uberspringen {sep., tr., ace, *), to flit from one to another; to pass abruptly; to leap, jump over. Umspringen {sep., tr., ace, *), to jump round, to leap round; to handle. Vorspringen {sep., *), to jut out; to leap before, to outleap; to proceed. Zuspringen {sep., *), to spring or leap forward; to hasten to or in; to catch with a spring; to lock or shut suddenly. STECHEN {tr., intr., 0., reft., h., * f), stach, gestochen, to sting, prick, puncture; to bite, pierce; cut, engrave; to sail; to stitch, to stab, to perforate; to draw from (wine); to provoke; to nettle; to shoot; to tingle; to burn, to scorch (sun). Abstechen {tr., intr., sep., t)> to slope down; to draw or dig off; to engrave, mark out; to outdo; to reflect. Ein Schwein abstechen, to kill a pig. Anstechen (f sep., tr., * ace), to prick, pierce, top; to open, begin to take from; to fix, stitch to (ein Fass anstechen). Ausstechen {tr., ace, sep., f), to dig, prick, cut out; to carve, en- grave; to mark; outdo, supplant; beat. Bestechen {tr., ace, f), to stitch, seam, border with; to bribe, cor- rupt; to delude, deceive, dazzle. Durchstechen (f sep., insep., tr., intr.), to run, drive, or push through; to stir; melt, smelt; clear; transfix; to perforate IrregularVerbs. 79 Einstechen (f tr., intr., reft., sep), to stick or thrust in; to pierce or prick with; to fill up. Hervorstechen {intr., sep.), to stick out or stand out or forth. Losstechen {tr., sep.), to remove or unfasten; to untie; to open, Verstechen {tr., ace, f), to adulterate or force wine; to prick one- self; stitch together; sew up. Zustechen (f sep., tr., intr.), to pin up; to thrust on; to sew up; to stitch on or up; to fasten. STEHEN {imp., dat., intr., reft., *), stand, gestanden, to stand, stop; to become, fit, suit; to answer, to be responsible for, to warrant, vouch; to be in easy or good or bad circumstances; to fare ill or good, to be in condition. Wie steht es? — how are you? how are things ? Abstehen {sep., intr., *), to stand off, be at a distance; to get stale; to desist or abstain from, Anstehen {sep., dat., *), to stand close, near; to become, fit, suit; to linger, waver; to hesitate, Aufstehen {sep., *), to stand open, firm upon; to get up, turn out; rise; to revolt; to fly up, Ausstehen {tr., sep., h., * ace), to stand out; to be owing; to serve, suffer, endure; to undergo, encounter. Beistehen {dat., sep., h., * dat.), to stand by; assist, help; to sup- port, second, help; to relieve, attend; to comfort. Bestehen {tr., intr., h., *), to last, endure, be maintained; to be, exist; to manage; to encounter, suffer; to be established; to insist upon; to quarrel about. Bevorstehen {sep., dat.), to impend, to be imminent; to be near at hand; to draw, press near, to approach. Einstehen {sep., *), to enter, take possession of; to answer for, to become security. Entgegenstehen {sep., * dat.), to stand against; to be in one's way; to hinder, Entstehen (*), to arise, rise, spring up; begin, originate; be formed, it is forming. Gestehen {tr., ace), to confess, own, acknowledge, avow (sich gestehen, to dare, venture). Man muss es gestehen, it must be admitted, granted — nun, das muss ich gestehen. Well, I declare ! Herausstehen {sep., *), to protrude, to stand out, to come forth. Hervorstehen {sep., *), to stand out in high relief; to be promi- nent, project; protuberate. Missverstehen {tr., ace), to mistake, to misunderstand; misap- prehend. Man moge mich nicht missverstehen, do not let me be misunderstood. 8o IrregularVerbs. Nachstehen (* sep., dat.), to stand after, follow; to fall short; to be second to, inferior; behind. Uberstehen {sep., intr., tr., insep.), to stand over, to stand out, to hang or lap over; to project; to sustain, to get through; to bear, endure; to get off, escape; to survive. Er hat es iiberstanden, he is at rest, his struggles are over, Umstehen (/r., ace), to stand round; to grow vapid (die Umste- henden, bystanders). Unterstehen (inir., * sep., insep., refl., tr.), to stand under, to take shelter; to dare, venture, to be bold enough; to presume. Unter- stehen Sie sich das nicht, dare not do it. Verstehen (tr., ace), to be injured by long standing; to understand; comprehend, take a hint; to agree, consent, submit, accede; to know well; to be at home in; to suppose. Vorstehen (sep., dat., *), to conduct, govern; to stand before a thing; to stand out, project; rule. Widerstehen (imp., dat., *), to resist, oppose, withstand; to be re- pugnant; to go against; disobey. Zugestehen (sep., tr., ace), to confess, own; to concede, grant; to yield, allow, permit, sufifer. Zurtickstehen (sep., *), to stand back, be modest; to be behind or inferior to. Zustehen (sep.), to insist; to be incumbent on, due; to appertain to. STEHLEN (t tr., intr,, refl., o., ace), stahl, gestohlen, to steal, to pil- fer, to rob; to captivate; to bag, pick; to lift; to grab; to sneak off or away; to creep into. Sich in Jemandes Gunst stehlen, to wind (or steal) oneself into one's graces. Bestehlen (f tr., ace), to rob, to steal from. Die Taschen bestehlen, to pick pockets. Entstehlen (f tr., ace) (see Jortstehlen. Fortstehlen (sep., refl., f ^^-j intr.), to continue to steal, to steal, take away secretly; to sneak away. Verstehlen (f tr., refl) (see wegstehlen). Wegstehlen (sep., tr., refl.), to purloin; to steal away; to steal or sneak off. STEIGEN (* intr., tr.), stieg, gestiegen, to rise, mount, ascend; climb up; to increase, advance; to fly up; improve; to step or get. Absteigen (sep., *), to descend, step or get down; to alight; take temporary lodging; to stay. Ansteigen (sep., *), to rise, ascend, step up; to come stalking along. Aufsteigen (sep., *), to get up, rise, ascend; to be elevated; to fly up. Aussteigen (sep., *), to step out, get out; alight; to disembark. Irregular Verbs. 8i Besteigen (tr., ace), to mount, get up; to leap, cover; to climb up, to go aboard. Einsteigen (sep., *), to step or get in or into; to enter, to get on board. Entsteigen (*), to rise, to come forth, from, or out of; to emerge from; to cause. Herauf- und herabsteigen {sep., *), to climb up and down. Nachsteigen (sep., *), to mount or rise after; to follow. Versteigen (refl.), to climb or mount too high; to go too far; to lose oneself. STERBEN (t gen., o., imp., refl., *), starb, gestorben, to die, pass away; succumb to; to expire; to be stricken down; to decay. Es ist hier wie ausgestorben, it is here as quiet as the grave. Sein verstorbener Herr, his deceased or late master. Zum Sterben gelangweilt, to be bored to death. Absterben (f sep., *), to die off or away; to fade, wither, decay; to become indifferent. Aussterben (f sep., *), to die away or out; to expire; to get off; to become extinct. Ersterben (f *), to die, become extinct; to die away or out; to fade away, Versterben (f *), to die, expire, decease; to be extinguished or ex- tinct. STIEBEN (tr., intr., h., *), stob, gestoben, to fly about, to rise like dust; to disperse, drift. Verstieben {tr., intr., *), to fly away like dust; to disperse, scatter, to be gone. STINKEN {intr.), stank, gestunken, to cause bad odor, to stink; to bring out an unhealthy odor; to have a fetid smell; to have a foul or nasty breath. Er stinkt vor Faulheit, he is as lazy as Ludlam's dog. Anstinken {tr., ace, sep.), to be offensive to one's smell; to be ex- tremely disagreeable to. Einstinken {sep.), to bring forth or cause a bad odor. Verstinken {tr., intr.), to rot (of eggs, etc.); to stink (a room, place, etc.). STOSSEN (t tr., intr., refl), stiess, gestossen, to push, knock, hit, jerk, pound, bruise, strike, touch, hurt; to reduce to (powder), to pulverize; to smooth off; to play (a ball); to run or dash against or into; to thrust at; to kick. Abstossen {sep., f refl., tr., intr), to remove by pushing, thrusting, driving; to wean; to sell; to pound, beat. Anstossen {sep., f tr., intr), to strike, knock, push, thrust; to invade; attack; to bump against; to give offense; shock; to clink glasses. 6 82 Irregular Verbs. Aufstossen {sep,, f tr., intr.), to push or throw up; to ferment afresh; to eructate, to vomit up, Ausstossen {sep., f tr., intr.), to push, thrust, throw out; to turn out, expel; oust, eject; to ostracise. Durchstossen {sep., t t^-y intr., ace), to push through; to wear out by pushing against; to make sore, open. Einstossen {sep., f tr., ace), to push, drive, or ram in; to break, knock in; to thrust in; to throw down. Fortstossen {sep., f tr., ace), to repel; to push away, to hustle; to propel; to jog on, Verstossen {tr., ace, f intr), to offend against, to commit a mistake; to commit a breach of custom; to dispossess, to turn out; to divorce; dislocate by pushing; put out of place. Vorstossen {sep., f tr., intr), to push forward; to braid, edge; to project, jet out. Zusammenstossen {sep., f). to knock, hit, or dash together; to collide, run foul; sew together, Zustossen {sep., f), to push to or toward; to shut; to befall, happen; to occur. STREICHEN (* dat., tr., intr., reft), strich, gestrichen, to touch, stroke, rub; pass, move, rush, sweep; roam, wander; to grind, to whet; to magnetize; to spread over (butter); to cancel; to sup- press; to scourge or whip. Abstreichen {tr., ace, sep), to rove, wander, move; to strike, scrape off; to remove, take away; whet. Anstreichen {tr., ace, sep), to paint, varnish, color; to tar, whiten, whitewash; to scrape. Aufstreichen {tr., ace, sep), to spread, lay on; draw upward; to strike against; to whip, Ausstreichen (/r., ace, sep.), to cross, dash, or do out; to erase; . to whip, scourge, smooth down; to unplaid. Bestreichen {tr., ace), to spread over; smear, besmear; to paint, plaster; to touch, stroke, rub. Durchstreichen {tr., ace, insep., sep.), to run a line through, to cross through; to erase, cancel. Einstreichen {tr., ace, sep.), to rub into; to take up and pocket; to sweep in, imburse; to punish. Entstreichen (see verstreichen). Fortstreichen {tr., intr., sep., *), to erase; to stroll away, to run out or away (from a certain district). Uberstreichen {tr., sep., insep.), to spread over, to put on; to varn- ish, to paint over; to go over. Unterstreichen {tr., ace), to score, mark with a line; to underline; to dash or double-dash. IrregularVerbs. 83 Verstreichen {tr., intr., * h.), to pass or glide away; to consume, spread, or do over. Vorstreichen (sep., tr., ace), to strike or rub forth; spread forward; to dot, mark with a dash. Zerstreichen (see verstreichen). Zustreichen {tr., intr., sep., * h.), to smear up, to close by smearing; to bear away; to extend to. STREITEN (tr., intr., o.', refl.), stritt, gestritten, to fight, combat, strug- gle; contend, dispute, quarrel; to wrestle; to strive; to engage in a controversy; to haggle about. Anstreitig machen, to charge a person with denying his allegations; to contest. Abstreiten (tr., ace, sep.), to take or wrest from; to contest, dis- pute; to deny, controvert. Anstreiten (tr., ace, sep.), to strive against a thing; to impugn, call in question; to contest. Ausstreiten (sep., tr., ace), to fight out, to terminate a difference; to wrangle. Bestreiten (tr., ace), to combat, fight, attack; to impugn, contest, deny; to provide for, meet. Mitstreiten (sep.), to fight with or along; to join in the combat. Widerstreiten, to oppose, to militate against; to clash; to antagon- ize, conflict. T. THUN (tr., dat., intr., refl.), that, gethan, to behave well; to do, act, make, pretend, affect; perform; to render; to work; to occupy oneself; to pretend, affect, feign. Ich werde es thun, I will attend to it. Abthun (tr., refl., sep.), to put down or off; to take away, remove; to cease to aid; to retire, divest. Anthun (sep., tr., refl.), to put on, don, clothe, attire; to show, offer, commit; to make; to constrain oneself. Aufthun (sep., tr., refl.), to open, spread, expand; to disclose, swell up; to add; to put on weight. Austhun (sep., tr., refl.), to put off or out; to pull or take off; to un- dress; to erase, blot out. Einthun (sep., tr., refl.), to get in; to purchase; to lay in, put up. Fortthun (sep., tr., ace), to put away, to lay aside; to get rid of. Gross thun (sep., refl.), to brag, to vaunt one's bravery; to boast; to swagger. Mitthim (tr., ace, sep.), to do with others, to join in. 84 IrregularVerbs. Nachthun {sep., tr., ace), to do after, to do as another does; to imi- tate; to come up with one, Verthun {tr., intr., *), to do one's duty; to be at an end, to be done for; to spend lavishly, to squander, to waste; to use up, to dispose of; to disperse; to put away. Vorthun {sep., tr., ace), to put before one; to do beforehand, hastily; to distinguish oneself. Zuwiderthun {sep.), to do in spite of; to do against one. TRAGEN {tr., intr., refl., f), trug, getragen, to bear, carry, wear; to go in; to put; to' hold; to support; to yield; to produce; to entertain. Abtragen {sep., f tr., reft.), to carry off, to take away; to pull or take down; to transfer; to wear off. Antragen {sep., f tr., ace), to bear, carry, bring near; to propose, offer, proffer, tender; to move for. Auftragen {sep., f tr., ace), to put on, carr}' up, bear; to lay, put on, to apply; to commission; to beat. Auf Handen tragen, to worship. Austragen {sep., f tr., ace), to carry out, deliver, distribute; to wear out; to report, defame; to blab. Beitragen {sep., f tr., ace), to contribute, to bear a share; to be conducive, to assist; to help. Betragen (f intr., reft.), to lay on; to amount or come to; to behave, conduct, demean oneself. Durchtragen (f sep., tr., ace), to carry through, to wear through or out. Eintragen (f sep., tr., ace), to enter in a book; to carry or gather in; to register, record; to yield. Ertragen (f tr., ace), to bear, support; to endure, suffer, undergo; to sustain, to brook. Forttragen {tr., sep.), to carry, to take or bear away; to convey. Der Wind trug>den>Laat fort, the wind caught up the sound. HeFUtntragen {reft., tr., sep.), to carry round, to carry to one's neigh- bor; to carry, wear, or bear about one; to circulate (a report); to canvass. Ich trage etwas im Kopfe herum, something runs in my mind. Hintragen (f sep., tr., ace), to carry to; to bring hither. Leidtragen (see trauern). Mittragen (f sep., tr., ace), to assist in bearing or carrying; to share; to carry in common with others. Nachtragen (f sep., tr., ace), to bear a grudge or a spite; to owe one no good will; to be resentful; to add; to supply, to bring up, to post; to bear or carry after. Ubertragen {sep., tr., insep., reft., *), to transport, to carry over; Irregular Verbs. 85 to wear over (something); to convey, confer; grant; to make something over to; to consign, to assign; to commission a per- son with something, to ask, request; to transcribe; to enter; to translate; to be transferred; to be infectious or contagious, to be catching (med.); to injure one's health by carrying too heavy loads; to be overburdened. Umtragen (tr., sep., refl.), to carry from one place to another; to have a mind to, to have the intention to. Vertragen (f ir., ace, dat., refl.), to carry away, misplace, wear out; to become reconciled; to come to an agreement, to make up. Sich vertragen, to be compatible or consistent with another. Vortragen (f sep., tr., ace), to bring or carry before; to put or place before a person; to propose, to propound; to submit; to dis- course, lecture; perform; to state, deliver. Wegtragen (tr., sep.), to carry away or off; to bear off; to ward off with; to steal. Zertragen (f tr., ace), to carry out to the very last; to carry to pieces (see tragen). Zutragen (f tr., ace, refl.), to carry to, to bring; to report, to yield a crop; to happen, occur. TREFFEN (f tr., intr., refl.), traf, getroffen, to hit, strike, touch, affect; to regard, concern; find; to happen; to chance; to coincide; to meet or fall at a certain date (es fait am — it falls on) ; to be like or resemble. Antreffen (f sep., tr., ace), to meet or fall in with; to catch, find; to take in the act. Auftreffen (f sep., tr., ace), to hit or strike upon; to find up; to find out of bed. Betreffen (f tr., ace), to befall, fall upon; to surprise, catch in; to concern, import, affect. Eintrefifen (f * sep), to arrive, come in; to be due; to coincide with; to come to pass; to be fulfilled; verified; realized. Zusammentreffen (f * sep), to meet, to come together; to fall in; to encoun^r; to coincide. Zutreffen (t sep), to agree, concur; to come up; to be just; to come right; to turn out true. TREIBEN {tr.j'^'rntr., refl), trieb, getrieben, to drive, turn, move; put in motjort- set going; chase; force; to insist; to urge on, to hurry, to push, to press; to bring to (tears); to deprive or dismiss; to do, to be, G'jrto (mischief) . Abtreiben (sep.,' tr., ace), to remove by driving, to force away; to repulse, repel; to procure abortion. Antreiben (sep., tr., ace), to drive or push on; to hurry forward, fasten; to urge on; incite, prompt. 86 IrregularVerbs. Auftreiben {sep., tr., ace), to drive, blow, or swell up; to procure, raise, levy; to enter, appear. Austreiben {sep., tr., ace), to drive out; expel; cast out; to eject; to exile. Betreiben {tr., ace), to drive, push on; hasten, press; pursue, pro- secute; to manage, carry on. Durchtreiben {sep., tr., ace), to drive through; to strain; to carry out, to efifect. Er ist sehr durchtrieben, he is very sharp. Ein durchtriebener Mensch, a cunning fellow. Eintreiben {sep., tr., ace), to drive in or home; to exact, enforce, collect; to gather, cash, recover. Entgegentreiben {tr., * sep.), to drive toward or against. Heraustreiben {sep., tr., ace), to drive out; to beat out. Herumtreiben {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to drive round, to drive about; to float about; to go, run, rove about; to go begging; to frequent pot-houses; to booze about; to rove all the world over; to loaf around. Vertreiben {tr., ace), to drive away, forth, from; to dispel, dislodge, remove; to eject, chase out or away. Wegtreiben {tr., intr., sep.), to drive or chase away; to beat oflF; to drift. Das Boot ist weggetrieben, the boat has broken loose. Zutreiben {sep., tr., intr.), to drift toward, to drive or to convey to- ward. TRETEN (t h., * tr., intr.), trat, getreten, to tread, step on, into; to enter, walk on; to trample; to gb to (altar); to kick. Abtreten (t sep., tr., intr., h., *), to alight, stop, take up one's quarters; to recede, retire; to cede, yield, render, resign; to aban- don, transfer. Antreten (f sep., h., * tr., intr.), to tread fast; to approach, accost, address; to set out, to enter upon, to begin, to commence, to fall in. Auftreten (f sep., *), to step on the ground, to walk; to proceed, go to work, act; appear, enter. Austreten (f sep., h, * intr., tr., ace), to step out, come forth, leave; to quit, retire, resign; to tread out. Beitreten (f * sep.), to accede; to come over; to take part, join; to enter into; assent to. Betreten (f tr., ace, h., *), to set foot upon; to tread, step on; to fall in with, to encounter; find. Betreten sein, to be concerned, abashed, to be shocked, embarrassed, surprised. Durchtreten (f sep., tr., ace), to tread through; to wear out. Eintreten (f * sep., tr., intr.), to enter, step in, to make one's entrance; to commence; to join; to be initiated. IrregularVerbs. 87 Ubertreten (t sep., tr., ace), to step or pass over; to go over, to change sides; overstep, transgress. Vertreten (f ir., ace, reft), to injure by treading; to sprain one's foot; to appear for, to stand for, to represent; to intercede, to mediate; to defend, to advocate. Vertreten (t sep., *), to step, go, or walk before; to step forth; to come out (see vorragen). Riickwarts und forwartstreten, to step forward and backward. Zertreten (f sep., tr., ace), to crush or break by treading; to tread or crush under foot; to ruin. Zutreten (f sep., intr., *), to step up to one; to step nearer, to accede; to tread or stride on. TRIEFEN {reg. and irreg.; tr., intr., *), troff, getroffen, to drop, drip, trickle; to run; to flow; to perspire (triefende Augen haben, to be blear-eyed). Von Schweiss triefen, to drop with perspiration. Abtriefen {sep), to drip, trickle down. Antriefen {sep) {antrdufen), to drop, drip on, against, to trickle upon. Austriefen {sep), to cease trickling; to trickle down in small drops; to fall in small drops; to drop upon. Eintriefen {sep), to drop in, to instil, to infuse drop by drop {eintrdujeln) . TRINKEN {tr., dat., intr), trank, getrunken, to drink, to absorb; to inhale; to take; to have; to drink to; to toast a person; to imbibe. Auf Etwas trinken, to drink to (a person's health, prosperity, birth- day, etc.). Auf Gesundheit trinken, to toast a person. Ab trinken {sep., tr., ace), to drink, sip off, finish drinking; to reduce a debt by drinking. Antrinken {sep., tr., ace), to begin to drink, to drink first; to drink hard; to fill oneself with drink. Auf trinken {sep), to drink up, to imbibe, to absorb; to drink one's health. Austrinken {sep., tr., ace), to drink out, off, up; to finish or leave off drinking; drink to the bottom. Betrinken (* reft), to get drunk; to drink to excess; to drink too much. Er ist betrunken, he is drunk; er hat sich betrunken, he got drunk. Eintrinken {sep., tr., reft), to imbibe, to admit, to drink in or initiate a newcomer. Ertrinken (*), to be drowned. Mittrinken {sep., tr., ace), to drink along, to drink in company. Nachtrinken {sep., tr., intr), to drink after, to drink one's health and prosperity. 88 IrregularVerbs. Vertrinken (tr., ace), to spend, consume, or pass away in drinking; to drink up; to drown one's sorrow by drinking. Vortrinken (sep., tr., ace), to drink first, to drink before. Zutrinken {sep., dat.), to drink to, drink one's health; to pledge or toast a person. TRUGEN {tr., intr.), trog, getrogen, to deceive, delude; to prove fallacious; to swindle; to be deceitful; to fail. Es trog mich nicht, I was not deceived; my instincts did not deceive me. Abtriigen {sep., tr., ace), to cheat out of a thing. Betriigen {ace, refl., tr.), to cheat, defraud; trick; overreach; dupe; come over; to mistake, to disappoint. Er hat ihn um sein Vermogen betrogen, he cheated him out of his fortune. Sich selbst betrugen, to deceive oneself (see primitive verb). VERBEISSEN {tr., * ace, refl.), verbiss, verbissen, to bite off; nip; spoil by biting; to swallow, choke one's anger, forbear; to choke; bitter, sullen; to gnaw, to wear away by biting; to suppress by an efifort; to restrain, swallow, stifle (see beissen). VERBERGEN (f tr., dat., ace, refl.), verbarg, verborgen, have secrets; to hide, conceal, keep from; to cover, screen; to veil, to shade; to hush up, to suppress (see bergen) . VERBIEGEN {tr., ace, j'efl.), verbog, verbogen, to spoil or to make useless by bending; to give a wrong bend; to twist the wrong way; to distort, to put out of shape; to curve, to cause to deviate; to get bent or twisted (see biegen). VERBIETEN {tr., dat., ace), verbot, verboten, to forbid, prohibit; to interdict; to veto (see bieten). VERBINDEN {tr., ace, refl.), verband, verbimden, to bind, tie up; dress a wound; to unite, join, to combine; to link together, to cement; to bind wrong, to misplace; to associate; to make com- mon cause with; to enter into; to amalgamate; to grow together; to combine with; to reunite; to engage; to undertake to do some- thing; to be under obligation (see binden). VERBITTEN {refl., tr., dat., ace), verbat, verboten, to deprecate, refuse, decline; to forbid; beg to discontinue; to desire to be excused from (see bitten). VERBLASEN (f tr., ace, refl.), verblies, verblasen, to remove by blowing; to refine, dilute; to blend; to spoil in blowing; to play out of tune (see blasen). Irregular Verbs. 89 VERBLEIBEN {intr., *), verblieb, verblieben, to remain, abide, stay, continue; persist (see bleiben). VERBLEICHEN (inlr., *), verblich, verblichen, to grow pale, wan; to fade; to expire, die; to change colors (see hleichen). VERBRECHEN (f tr., ace), verbrach, verbrochen, to break, mar; to commit, perpetrate a crime; to offend; to do wrong, harm; to be guilty of a crime; to trespass, to outrage (see hrechen). VERBRENNEN {intr., * tr., ace, reft.), verbrannte, verbrannt, to burn, to be consumed or destroyed by fire, to scorch, scald, tan; to blast by heat; to be burned to death (see hrennen). VERDERBEN (f intr., * tr., ace), verdarb, verdorben, to spoil, fail, deteriorate; decay; go to ruin; to render unfit; to corrupt, taint, blight, mar; to injure; to waste, rot, degenerate; to become damaged; to die, to perish; to undo; to taint; to come to grief. VERDRIESSEN {tr., ace), verdross, verdrossen, to grieve, fret, vex, irk, mortify; trouble. Es verdriesst mich, dass Sie, I am mortified that you. Sich verdriessen lassen, ngt to mind the trouble. VERFAHREN {h., * f intr., tr., ace, reft.), verfuhr, verfahren, to deal, proceed, act, take a course; to treat; to use, manage, dis- pose; to go or set to work; to spend on vehicles or driving; to convey, carry, transport; to lose one's way in driving (see }ahren). VERGESSEN {tr., gen., ace, t reft.), vergass, vergessen, to forget, omit, neglect; to leave behind; to overlook; to slip a person's memory. VERGLEICHEN {tr., ace, reft.), verglich, verglichen, to make even, level, to smooth; to equalize; to compare; to point off, draw par- allel; to adjust; to contrast; to match; to collate (see gleichen). VERGLIMMEN {intr., * reft.), verglomm, verglommen, to cease glowing, to cease its glow; to cool down; to go out slowly; to die out, down, away (see glimmen). VERGRABEN {tr., f ace, reft.), vergrub, vergraben, to inter, bury, hide in the ground, to intrench; to shut oneself up; to retire (see graben). VERGREIFEN {tr., ace, reft.), vergriff, vergriffen, to buy up, to consume; to mistake in seizing; to violate, to outrage; to meddle with; to purloin, steal; to embezzle, to rob; to maltreat; to at- tempt a person's life; to insult one; to trespass against (see greifen) . VERLIEREN {tr., ace, reft.), verier, verloren, to lose, to be at fault; to go astray; drop, pass; to forfeit; to vanish, to disappear; to pass away; to evaporate (of fragrance); to escape; to disperse, to scatter; to fade away (of colors). go IrregularVerbs. VERLOSCHEN (/r., ace, intr., *), verlosch, verloschen, to be ex- tinguished, to go out; to become extinct; die; to expire; to become effaced, obliterated, blotted out (see loschen, list of regular and irregular verbs). VERSCHALLEN {inlr., *), verscholl, verschoUen, to die away, to cease sounding; to die off; to be missing, long forgotten; to van- ish; to be absent, gone (see schallen). VERSCHWINDEN {intr., *), verschwand, verschwunden, to dis- appear, vanish, pass away; to be lost to sight; to dip; run away; to decamp; to dissolve; to fade away; to go (see schwinden). VERWENDEN {tr., ace, refl.), verwandte, verwandt (also used as regular verb), to turn away; to use, to employ, to apply; to convert for or upon; to spend, to expend, to bestow; to devote; to turn something to use, to utilize; to use one's influence or interest for or on behalf of; to plead for; to intercede; to take up a person's cause (see wenden). W. WACHSEN (t refl., *), wuchs, gewachsen, to grow, sprout; increase, gain ground; thrive; outgrow; to shoot up, to come up; to pro- gress, prosper, to do well; to advance; to widen; to expand; to take root; to be shaped. Abwachsen (t sep., *), to decrease, grow less. Anwachsen (f sep., refl., dat., *), to begin to grow; to grow in plenty. Aufwachsen (f sep., *), to grow up; to thrive. Auswachsen (f sep., *), to shoot out, to grow out; to sprout, crys- tallize; to grow humpbacked; to be full grown, adult, mature, ripe. Bewachsen (f *), to overgrow, to cover with growth. Durchwachsen (f sep., *), to grow through. Einwachsen (f sep., * refl.), to grow in or into. Erwachsen (f *), to grow, grow up; to arise, spring, proceed; to accrue, ripen, grow to maturity. Mitwachsen (t sep., *), to grow up with; to thrive along. Nachwachsen (t sep., *), to grow after, to grow up to; to grow into the place of something. tiberwachsen (f sep., *), to overgrow, to cover with growth; to out- grow; to grow too fast. ^ Verwachsen (f *), to be grown or overgrown; to grow together; entwine; to grow too much. IrregularVerbs. 91 Zusammenwachsen (f sep., *), to grow together; to coalesce; connate. Zuwachsen (f sep., *), to be covered or closed by overgrowing; to heal up; consolidate; close. WAGEN {tr., ace, refl.), wog, gewogen, to ponder, consider; to weigh; balance, poise; to level; to equilibrate (see wiegen). Aufwagen {sep., tr., ace), to weigh, draw, lift, or raise up; to weigh down; overbalance. Auswagen {sep., tr., ace), to sell by weight or by retail; to weigh or weigh out. Erwagen {tr., ace), to weigh, ponder, consider, reflect upon; to canvass, deliberate, discuss (see primitive verb). WASCHEN {intr., f tr., dat., ace, refl.), wusch, gewaschen, to wash, clean, cleanse; to scour; to dress (a wound); to clear, to excul- pate. Abwaschen {tr., ace, f sep.), to wash off, away, out; to remove by washing; to wipe oflF; to clear away. Aufwaschen {tr., ace, f sep.), to cleanse, wash off, remove; to use up by washing. Auswaschen {tr., ace, f sep.), to wash out or off; to cleanse by washing; to bathe; to lose color. Durchwaschen {tr., ace, f sep.), to wash through, to wear out by washing; to make sore by washing. Einwaschen {tr., refl., f sep)., to wash (ore); to reduce by washing. Reinwaschen (tr., refl., f sep.), to clean, clear, cleanse, purge, to wash, sweep (reinigen). Uberwaschen {tr., ace, f sep.), to wash over, to wash again. WEBEN {tr., ace, refl., intr.), wob, gewoben, to move, wave, float, hover; to weave, entwine, wreathe; form; to work (tapestry); to be astir or alive; to be energetic; to stir up. Abweben {tr., ace, sep.), to wind off, to unwind; to finish weaving, to weave to the end. Umweben {tr., ace, sep.), to weave round, to entangle, to surround with a net. Verweben {tr., ace), to consume in or with weaving; to cover with ' cobwebs; to interweave. WEICHEN {intr., * hab., dat.; used as regular and irregular verb), wich, gewichen, to yield, withdraw; to go away, shift, retire, retreat, to lose ground; to give way. (For wcichen, to soak, drench, etc., see list of regular verbs.) Abweichen {tr., intr., * ace, sep.), to deviate, turn aside; away from; to recede, leave, forsake; to vary, differ; dissent from; to pass by; to elapse. 92 IrregularVerbs. Ausweichen {intr., sep., * daL, sometimes used tr.), to give way, to step aside, to turn aside; to modulate, to change or pass from; to escape from; to shrink from, to avoid; to yield, to give way. Er weicht mir aus, he does not notice me, he gets out of my way. Entweichen {intr., * dat.), to escape, to run away, to disappear; to abscond from; to elope. Der Boden wich unter meinen Fiissen, the ground sunk under my feet. Das Gas entweicht irgendwo, the gas is escaping somewhere. Zuriickweichen (sep., intr., * o.), to recede, to retreat, to retire, to draw or fall back; to give way, to shrink from; to decline; to shade off. Muthig weicht zuriick der Starke, the brave man yields frankly. WEISEN {tr., dat., intr., refl), wies, gewiesen, to show, indicate, point out, direct; to teach; to refer; to give; to take a person to; to fix. Etwas von sich weisen, to decline, refuse, repel, to turn away; to dismiss. Abweisen {tr., ace, sep), to reject, to put or turn off; to refuse admittance; to decline, dismiss. Anweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to assign, allot, appoint; to grant, open credit; to make payable to; to teach, instruct; to direct. Aufweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to show, produce, exhibit, present. - Ausweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to order out, to quit, to expel, banish, exile, turn out; to show, prove; to decide; to legitimize oneself. Beweisen {tr., ace), to make appear, to display, to show; to prove, demonstrate, make good; to evidence, verify, evince; to establish or clear a title. Erweisen {tr., ace , refl.), to show, to do, to render; to prove, make good, to confer; pay. Fortweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to show the way; to turn or send away. Hinweisen (see verweisen). Nachweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to prove, to show, point out, direct, refer; to authenticate, establish. Verweisen {tr., ace), to rebuke, reprove, reprimand, to chide, check, reproach. Verweisen {tr., ace, sep.), to produce, exhibit, show forth, to present. Zurechtweisen {sep., tr., ace), to show the right way, to set aright; to instruct, advise, admonish, to reprimand, to chastise, to casti- gate. Zuriickweisen {sep., tr., ace), to show back, to send back, to refer to; to decline, reject, refuse. WENDEN {tr., ace, refl.), wandte, gewandt, to turn, change, alter, direct, apply to, bestow upon; to cast (eyes); to spend; to strike out (direction); to lay out; to devote. IrregularVerbs. 93 Abwenden (tr., ace, reft., sep.), to avert, to turn off, aside, away; to remove, prevent; to leave. Anwenden {tr., ace, sep.), to employ, use, make use of; to exert, bestow; to experiment; to spend. Aufwenden {tr., ace, sep.), to spend, expend, lay out; to bestow; employ; to devote to or on. Auswenden {tr., ace, sep.), to alter or turn a piece of clothing. Bewenden (used inftnit. with lassen only), to acquiesce in; to be satisfied in; to apply to. Entwenden {tr., ace), to purloin, pilfer, steal, abstract, embezzle; to take away. Umwenden {tr., ace, intr., reft., sep.), to turn round, over, up; to veer. Verwenden {tr., ace, reft.), to turn away, to turn round; to apply oneself to; to intercede in behalf of; to use one's interest for; to dispose of; to spend (see primitive verb). Zuwenden {tr., ace, sep., reft.), to turn to; to procure, to bestow; to throw into one's way. WERBEN {tr., intr., f), warb, geworben, to obtain, gain, levy, raise, enlist; recruit; to woo; apply. Anwerben {sep., f tr., intr.), to levy, raise, enlist, engage, to canvass for. Bewerben (f ace, reft.), to solicit, seek, to endeavor, to take pains in; ' to court, to compete. Erwerben {tr., dat.), to acquire, earn, obtain; to get, purchase, to buy; to establish, accomplish. Umwerben (f tr., ace), to court, to be in great demand, to be a de- sirable match. WERDEN (t * intr., auxiliary verb, one of three), wurde (ward), ge- worden (expressing growth, origin, rise, birth, formation, develop- ment, evolution), to become, arise, to come into existence; to turn to; to originate; to be created, to be called into life; to be born, to grow; to develop; to be raised to; to happen, to occur. Ich werde, I am, I become, I grow, I get; ich wurde (ward), I became, etc. ; er ist geworden, he has become, etc. ; Sie werden werden, you shall become; werde, werdet, werden Sie (imperative), become. Used also as copula or independent verb in a sentence. WERFEN (t tr., dat., intr., reft.), warf, geworfen, to throw; cast; fling; to fall or pounce upon; to warp; to rush to; to drop; to have (young ones) ; to bowl. Abwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw or cast down or ofif; to slip, knock, or fling off; to remove. 94 Irregular Verbs. Anwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to cast, throw, or fling at, against, or upon; to rough-cast; to slip on. Aufwerfen (f sep., tr., reft., ace), to throw or cast up; to raise; to toss up, to turn up; to strike open. Auswerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw, cast, or fling out; to throw overboard; to eject, expel; to expectorate. Bewerfen (f tr., ace), to throw upon or at one; to pelt with filth; to plaster; to rough -cast. Durchwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to cast or throw through; to riddle; to screen; to cross. Einwerfen (f sep., tr., intr., ace), to throw in, break, smash; to put into the box; to object to. Entgegenwerfen {sep.), to throw against, toward, to. Entwerfen (f tr., ace), to trace out, sketch, delineate; to rough- draw; to design, plan, project. Nachwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw after (see werfen). Uberwerfen {tr., refl., ace), to throw over or across; to slip on; to upset, throw down; to overthrow; to quarrel, to fall out with a person; to have a quarrel with. Umwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw round, to put on; to overthrow, to subvert, upset, reverse. Unterwerfen (t refl., dat., tr., ace), to subject, subdue, to submit, yield, resign oneself to; to be liable. Verwerfen (f tr., ace, refl.), to discard; to throw out wrong; to throw, fling, or cast aside or away. Vorwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to reproach; upbraid, to exprobate; to throw or cast before; to throw to. Wegwerfen {tr., refl., ace), to throw away, cast off, reject; to waste, lavish, squander; to degrade, to debase, or to demean oneself; to make oneself cheap; to throw oneself away to a person; to be disdainful, contemptuous. Zuruckwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw back, to throw aside, to cast aside, put by; to reflect. Zuwerfen (f sep., tr., ace), to throw or cast to; to close or fill up. Einem einen Blick zuwerfen, to throw or cast a look at one. WIEGEN {tr., ace, intr., reg. and irreg.), wog, gewogen, to scale; to be of a certain weight; to weigh, to calculate; to determine (see wdgen). (For wiegen, to cradle, rock, etc., see list of regular verbs.) Abwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to weigh duly, to determine the weight of; to balance, to poise, to weigh. Aufwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to outweigh, to counterbalance; to make amends for; to counterpoise. IrregularVerbs. 95 Auswiegen (/r., ace, sep.), to sell by weight or retail, to weigh out. Durchwiegen {tr., ace, sep.) (see abwiegen). Nachwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to weigh, to find out the right weight. tJberwiegen {tr., o., intr.), to outweigh, to overpoise; to overbalance, to surpass, exceed, prevail. Umwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to weigh over, to weigh again. Vorwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to outweigh; to prevail, preponderate; to weigh before a person. Zuwiegen {tr., ace, sep.), to weigh to; to give the right weight. WINDEN {refl., tr., ace), wand, gewunden, to wind, turn, wring, reel, wrest, twist; to wreathe, to coil; to make or bind; to twine around; to WTest or wrench from; to wind up, to hoist; to curl, wriggle, turn; to writhe (with pain); to squeeze through. Abwinden {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to unwind, to reel off; to unweave; to untwist; to lower. Auswinden {tr., ace, sep.), to wring out; to wring or wrest from one (auswickeln). Bewinden {tr., ace) (see umwinden). Entwinden {tr., dat.), to rend from; to loosen, to untie. Loswinden {tr., sep.), to entwist, disentwine, to unwind; to unwreathe; to struggle out (of); to loosen oneself. Umwinden {sep., insep., tr., ace), to wind about, to twine, wreathe, twist round; to wind round about. Verwinden {tr., ace), to intertwist, to interlace; to get the better of; to overcome, outgrow. Zerwinden {tr., ace), to spoil by overwringing. WISSEW {tr., ace), wusste, gewusst, to know, have knowledge of; to be aware of; to understand; to be sensible of; to have; to be cog- nizant of ; to be acquainted with (facts) ; to be initiated into. Ich weiss, I know, I am familiar with. WOLLEN {auxiliary verb oj mood, one 0} six), woUte, gewoUt, express- ing choice, willingness; intention; volition; determination; profes- sion; assertion; requirement; incipient action — Ich will, I am will- ing, I intend, I wish to. 96 IrregularVerbs. ZEIHEN (/r., ace, refl., gen.), zieh, geziehen, to charge or tax; to accuse; to be witness of, for, or against. Bezeihen {tr., ace), to charge with, to accuse of (see bezeigen, reg. verb). Verzeihen {tr., refl., dat.), to pardon, excuse, forgive. ZERFAHREN {tr., intr., f *), zerfuhr, zerfahren, to fly asunder, to be scattered or dispersed; to be unsettled; to crush, break, or smash by driving over something; to ruin or spoil by heavy cart- ing; to be disconnected, confused, unsettled, loose; to be absent- minded, thoughtless, heedless (see fahren) . ZIEHEN {tr., intr., imp., dat., refl.), zog, gezogen, to draw, pull, drag; extricate, derive; to rifle, warp; haul, tow; to suck, imbibe, drink; to gain (interests); to blister; to attract; to breed (cattle); to rear, raise; to stretch; to draw (tea); to pass (through), ramble; to go, return. Es zieht mir (mich), I feel cold, there is a draught. Abziehen {tr., ace, sep.), to draw or pull off or down; to remove, deduct; to undress; take impression. Anziehen {tr., h., * intr., refl., ace, sep.), to put on, to dress, to draw or pull on; to haul, adduce; to tighten, stretch; to interest, attract. Aufziehen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to draw, pull up, hoist; to untie, loosen, or knot; to go, march, move in procession; to raise, bring up; to appear. Ausziehen {intr., refl., h., * tr., ace, sep.), to take ofiF, to draw out, extract; pull or pull up; to undress; strip ofif; to stretch. Beiziehen {tr., ace, sep.) (see herbeiziehen), to lug in, to arrive in procession. Beziehen {tr., ace, refl.), to draw over, cover; to move to, take possession of, enter; to mark out, to receive, obtain; to refer, re- late, allude; to make reference; to subscribe. Durchziehen {tr., refl., insep., sep., h., ace, * intr.), to inter- weave, intermix; to pull through; to traverse, march, wander through. Einziehen {tr., ace, intr., h., *), to draw in, pull in, run in; to diminish, reduce; suppress, call in; to enter. Entziehen {tr., refl., ace), to take away, to withdraw from; to de- prive, strip, despoil; to shrink from, to shift off; to escape; to evade. Erziehen {tr., ace, refl.), to draw away, move; to bring up, educate, breed, train; to school, to rear. Fortziehen {tr., ace, intr., sep., h., *), to drag on, pull or draw along; to move onward, to march; depart; remove. IrregularVerbs. 97 Herbeiziehen (/r., ace, sep.), to draw near, to pull toward, to; to drag in; invite; attract, march near. Herunterziehen {tr., intr., sep.), to take oflF, to slide down, to descend; to go down (to live), pull down. Hervorziehen {tr., h., * ace, sep.), to draw forth or out; to pull out, educe; to raise from, to protract. Herziehen {tr., intr., h., * sep.), to draw down; to reduce to one's own level; to scold; to insult; asperse. Hinziehen {tr., intr., h., * sep.), to draw thither, toward, to; to draw out, drag along; to run, stretch, spread. Hinzuziehen {tr., ace, sep.), to consult, to take part or share in, to add. Losziehen {tr., intr., * h.), to draw oflF, loose, or away; to de- claim against; to inveigh against; to rail at; to run down; to go away, to march off; to make straight for (something). Mitziehen {intr., tr., ace, h., * sep.), to draw jointly with; to assist in drawing; to march along with; to remove together with stroll along. Nachziehen {intr., tr., ace, h., * sep.), to draw after; to follow, go, or travel after. Umziehen {h., * sep., tr., ace), to go, move, travel round; to surround or cover with something; to remove to other quarters; to change clothes; to draw or pull down or around. Unterziehen {tr., refl., sep., insep.), to draw or lay under; to supply, undertake, to undergo, to accept. Verziehen {h., * sep., tr., ace), to draw wTong or false; to mop; to spoil, miseducate; to get out of shape. VoUziehen {tr., refl.), to accomplish, to take place; to execute (an agreement); to sign (a deed); to consummate (a marriage); to solemnize; to effect, carry out. Vorbeiziehen (* sep.), to pass by, to blow over, to pass in pro- cession. Voriiberziehen {intr., sep.), to pass by. Vorziehen {tr., ace, sep.), to precede, advance; to draw forth or forward; to prefer, give preference. Wegziehen {intr., tr., h., * sep.), to draw away, pull away; to de- part, march away; to remove, leave one's place. Weiterziehen (* sep.), to draw, go, or pull on; to move on; to pro- ceed. Zuriickziehen {tr., intr., h., * refl., sep.), to draw back, to with- draw; to redeem, recover; return, move, march back; to retire, to go into private life. Zusammenziehen {tr., refl., sep.), to draw tight, to pull, to draw together, to contract; collect. 7 98 IrregularVerbs. Zuziehen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to pull to, shut, close; to draw to; to admit as a participant; invite, consult, call in; seek advice; to draw or tighten, to tie; to contract (a disease). ZWINGEN {tr., reft.), zwang, gezwungen, to constrain, force, com- pel, enforce, to subdue, vanquish; cope; to oblige; to necessitate; to manage (to eat) . Abzwingen {tr., ace, sep.), to extort, wring, wrest, to force something out of or from; to make a fight for. Aufzwingen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to obtrude, press, or force upon; to enforce something; to intrude oneself on. Auszwingen {tr., ace, sep.), to force out, to get out by force; to extort, Bezwingen {reft., tr., ace), to overcome, to subdue, vanquish, to conquer, master. Durchzwingen {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to force oneself through. Erzwingen {tr., ace), to force, enforce, to obtain by force; to extort, command. Zuzwingen {tr., ace), to force to, to close with an effort. I PART II. Alphatetical List of the Most Important REGULAR VERBS with a list of a number of their "Compound Verbs" Occurring in the conversational and idiomatic language, with their English translations. Regular Verbs REGULAR VERBS do not change in the second and third persons indica- tive present and imperative ; they only add st or est in the second and t or et in the third persons singular. The subjunctive, too, is conjugated regularly. All the transitive (and also the reflexive) forms of the regular and irregular verbs take haben in the present perfect and the other compound tenses, even though the intransitive form is used with sein; as, untertauchen (tr., intr., *sep.), ich habe den Knaben untergetaucht (I have dipped the boy under the water); ich bin untergetaucht (I have plunged, dipped under). ACHTEN {ir., gen., ace, intr., reft.), achtete, geachtet, to esteem, to respect, value; heed, beware, to pay attention; to consider; to mind, to regard, to be guided by; to make known to. Beachten {tr., ace), to take notice, attend, mind, observe, to keep or bear in mind. Beobachten {tr., refl., ace), to observe, study, examine; to control, watch; to pay attention; to fulfil, to perform, to execute; to keep, decorum ; to act up to, to adhere. Erachten {tr.), to think a thing proper, fit, good; to judge, consider. Verachten {tr., ace), to despise, to disdain, to look down upon, to scorn, to keep unworthy of. ACKERN {tr., intr.), ackerte, geackert, to plow, to till, to cultivate; to work painfully, laboriously. Abackem {refl., tr., sep.), to plow away; to separate, to take off by plowing; to tire oneself out by plowing. Aufackem {sep., tr., ace), to till or plow up or again; to break ground, to dig up. Ausackem {sep., tr., intr.), to finish, to leave off plowing; to plow up and down; to plow through and through. Beackem {tr., ace), to fallow, to till, plow; to cultivate. Durchackem {sep., insep., tr.), to root up; to plow thoroughly up; to till all over. Einackem {tr., refl., sep.), to turn in; to practise, to get used to plowing. Uberackem {tr., refl., ace), to plow over again; not to plow deep; to overwork oneself (at field labor). lOI I02 " '' ' '' ' 'Regular Verbs. Umackem {tr., sep., insep.), to plow round (something); to root up; to turn up the soil; to turn over; to ransack. Unterackem (/r., sep.), to plow in; to plow down or turn down; to underplow. ADELN {tr., ace), adelte, geadelt, to ennoble, to j-aise one to nobility, to knight, to create a nobleman. Entadeln {tr., ace), to deprive of nobility, to disennoble; to degrade. ADRESSIREN {tr., reft.), adressirte, adressirt, to address, forward, consign; to address oneself to; to apply to. AHMEN {tr., ace, intr.), ahmte, geahmt, to imitate, to gauge. Nachahmen {o., tr., ace, sep.), to feign, to simulate, to act, to par- rot, imitate. AHNDEN {tr.), ahndete, geahndet, to avenge, to take revenge; to blame; to chasten, to correct, to chastise, to punish; visit with punishment; to resent. AHNELN {tr., intr., refl., dat.), ahnelte, geahnelt, to bear a likeness to; to have a certain resemblance to; to be like, to take after; to re- semble one another. Anahneln {tr., sep.), to assimilate (anahnlichen) . AHNEN {tr., intr., imp., dat.), ahnte, geahnt, to anticipate; conceive darkly; to divine, to forebode, foreknow, foresee; to know by second sight; to guess, conjecture, surmise. Es ahnt mir, I have (strange) forebodings; I anticipate, I have presentiments. ANDERN {tr., intr., ace, refl.), anderte, geandert, to change, to alter; to vary; to shift, remove, to set right; to turn, reverse; to remedy. Abandem {tr., sep.), to modify, qualify, change; to diversify, to alter; to rectify, to reform, to correct; to derogate, to reverse. Umandem {tr., sep.), to change, alter, rectify. Verandem {tr., refl., ace), to transform, modify, vary; to turn, to change; to marry; to improve; to find another place. ANGELN {tr., intr.), angelte, geangelt, to angle, to fish with a line; to catch, to ensnare; to nick; to pilfer. ANGSTIGEN {tr., refl.), angstigte, geangstigt, to intimidate, to distress, to trouble; to vex, to torment; to be worried about, to be uneasy. Angst sein, to be anxious, afraid, uneasy, discouraged (used as infinitive only). Mir wird angst um, I begin to tremble for. Haben Sie keine Angst, fear not. ANMASSEN {gen., dat., ace, refl., sep.), masste an, angemasst, to claim, to consider as one's own, to usurp, to attribute to; to arrogate; to impute; to venture, dare, presume; to take upon oneself; to assume. ANTWORTEN {dat., tr., intr.), antwortete, geantwortet, to answer, reply, respond; to write, to say. Regular Verbs. 103 Beantworten (/;•., ace, 0.), to answer, reply, to respond to. tiberantworten (/r., ace, 0.), to consign, to give in charge of, to hand over, to ship or send. Verantworten (tr., ace, reft.), to answer for, to be responsible, to account for, to stand or be good for, to vouch for. ARBEITEN (/r., ace, intr., refl.), arbeitete, gearbeitet, to work, to manufacture; to do; to make; to labor; to fashion, form, shape, to figure, to mould; to open; to extricate oneself from. Abarbeiten {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to work off; to finish off; to wear out; to fatigue. Ausarbeiten {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to cease working; to complete; to compose. Bearbeiten {tr., ace), to make; to manipulate; to train. Hinarbeiten {intr., sep.), to direct one's efforts or to aim at some- thing. Mitarbeiten {intr., sep.), to co-operate; to collaborate; to take part in a work. Nacharbeiten {tr., intr., sep.), to copy, to work after a pattern or model. Uberarbeiten {tr., ace, refl.), to do over again, to work over; to revise; to overwork oneself. Verarbeiten {tr., ace), to mould; to manufacture; to consume; to elaborate. ARGERN {tr., ace, refl.), argerte, geargert, to annoy, to aggravate, to irritate, to mortify, to make one angry; to be or become vexed; to vex some one; to offend. Abargern, sich, to be vexed, to be mortified. Zu Tode argern, to worry or vex to death. ARGWOHNEN (also argwohnen) {intr., tr.), argwohnte, gearg- wohnt, to suspect, to have a suspicion of; to be apprehensive, to distrust; to doubt, to surmise (verargen). Beargwohnen {tr., ace), to suspect a person of a thing. ARTEN {intr., tr., refl.), artete, geartet, to acquire a certain quality; to be of a certain quality; to be changed to; to resemble; to become qualified or fit for; to take well; to thrive; to form; to be of or have a certain temper. Ausarten {intr., * sep., refl.), to degenerate, to deteriorate; to fall off (in quality). Entarten (* refl., intr.), to pervert, to corrupt; to unnaturalize; to deteriorate; to become corrupted, debased. Verarten {intr., *), to degenerate, to cause to degenerate. ATMEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), atmete, geatmet, to breathe, to inhale; to gasp; to aerate; to manifest, display, show; to breathe one's fill (with great force). I04 RegularVerbs. Ausatmen (jr., intr., sep.), to exhale; to expire; to rest; to die. Einatmen (/r., ace, sep.), to inhale, to breathe in; to inspire. AUGELN (intr.), augelte, geaugelt, to ogle; to gleam, to glance. Liebaugeln (intr., dat.), to cast amorous glances at a person; to ogle a person. AUSSERN {tr., refl., gen.), ausserte, geaussert, to manifest, show, express; to prove, exert; to break out; pronounce; to utter; to display; to advance, deliver; to pass; to speak, say, remark. Entaussem {tr., reft., gen., insep.), to rid oneself of, to get rid of; to sell; to part with; to divest. Veraussem {tr., insep.), to dispose of; to alienate; to sell; to sell at auction. B. BACKEN {reg. and irreg.), backte, gebacken (see hacken, list of ir- regular verbs). BADEN {tr., intr., refl.), badete, gebadet, to bathe, to give a bath; to water, to take into the water; to swim; to bathe oneself in; to clean oneself. Abbaden {tr., refl.), to give oneself a good washing; to have a jolly bath; to cleanse by bathing; to wash off . BALGEN {tr., ace, refl.), balgte, gebalgt, to romp; to scuffle, to quar- rel, to scramble, to fight with; to tussle. Sich balgen (urn), to romp, to scramble; to quarrel. Abbalgen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to skin, to flay, to shell. Ausbalgen {tr., ace, sep.), to stuff (animals). BAUEN {tr., intr., refl.), baute, gebaut, to build, construct, to raise, set up, form; to base, found, ground; to cultivate, to till; to grow, to produce; to be busy building; to rely; count, reckon, to depend upon. Anbauen {sep., tr., refl.), to improve; to annex; to establish; to settle down; to reconstruct; to rebuild. Aufbauen {tr., refl., sep.), to erect, raise, to construct. Bebauen {tr.), to cultivate, to till; to overbuild; to cover with; to build on. Uberbauen {tr., intr., sep., insep., refl.), to raise a building on a foun- dation; to build something over; to exceed one's means in building; to ruin oneself (by building or building too much) ; to build (a story) over; to build something projecting; to add another story; to build on higher ground. Umbauen {tr., sep., insep.), to surround with (buildings); to wall in a house; to rebuild, to renew; to make alterations. Regular Verbs. 105 Verbauen (/r., refl.), to wall in, to block up; to commit blunders in building. Zubauen {sep., tr.), to add an annex or a wing to; to erect auxiliary works; to block up with buildings. BEBEN {infr., hob.), bebte, gebebt, to tremble, to quake, to shiver, to shake; to vibrate; to oscillate; to fear; to quail. Aufbeben {intr., * sep.)^ to start up, to tremble, to shake. Erbeben (intr., h., *), to tremble, to vibrate; to warble. BEEIDIGEN {tr., ace), beeidigte, beeidigt, to confirm, to take an oath, to make an afl&davit; to administer an oath; to bind one by oath. BEFAHIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), befahigte, befahigt, to fit, enable, to quaUfy, to capacitate; to render competent; to make one apt for. Jemand fiir etwas befahigen, to capacitate some one for any- thing, to render competent, to enable one. BEFESTIGEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), befestigte, befestigt, to fasten, to fix, to attach, to Unk; to fortify; to surround; to inclose with; to hedge; to in wall; to secure, settle, confirm; to consolidate; to strengthen. BEFLEISSIGEN {refl., gen., ace), befleissigte, befleissigt (also be- fleissen), to apply oneself, to be attentive, to devote oneself, to endeavor, to take pains, to be studious, to please (befleissigen) . BEFREMDEN {tr., insep., dat., refl.), befremdete, befremdet, to surprise, astonish, amaze; to wonder at, to be struck at. Es be- fremdet mich, I am surprised at it. Fremd sein, to be foreign, strange, unknown, remote. Entfremden {tr., refl., dat.), to alienate or estrange from; to sepa- rate, disunite; to estrange oneself from. Verfremden {insep., tr., intr., *), to become a stranger or an alien. BEFREUNDEN {tr., refl.), befreundete, befreundet, to make one acquainted with another; to bring people together, to bring about a reconciliation; to ally oneself to; to enter into affinity, to marry into (a family) ; to become related, connected. BEFRIEDIGEN {tr., refl.), befriedigte, befriedigt, to content, to satisfy (oneself); to satiate; to please; to indulge in; to meet; to answer; to pay (a debt); to furnish; to suffice; to get satisfied (in). BEGEGNEN {tr., intr., * dat., ace), begegnete, begegnet, to meet, to encounter with; to catch one's eyes; to meet one's wishes; to happen, to come to pass, to occur, to take place. Entgegnen {intr., dat.), to answer, to reply, rejoin; to respond, retort, return. BEGEHREN {gen., ace, tr., intr.), begehrte, begehrt, to ask, de- sire; to require, request; to long for, hanker after; to clamor; to ask in marriage. io6 Regular Verbs. BEGLAUBIGEN (/r., ace), beglaubigte, beglaubigt, to testify, to prove, to substantiate, to certify, to attest. BEGLEITEN (/r., ace), begleitete, begleitet, to accompany, to escort, to attend a person ; to wait on; to conduct; to convey; to go along with; to follow a person; to see one home (see leiten). BEHAUPTEN (/r.), behauptete, behauptet, to maintain, to sustain, to keep the field, to remain master of; to uphold, to support; to pretend, to assert. Enthaupten (see primitive verb). BEICHTEN (/r., intr.), beichtete, gebeichtet, to avow, to acknowledge, to confess one's sins; to return to confession (previous to com- munion). Ausbeichten {sep., tr., insep.), to make a full confession; to examine a person minutely; to finish confession. BELASTIGEN {tr., ace), belastigte, belastigt, to importune, to molest, to trouble, to incommode; to annoy; to bore; to worry; to weary; to bother; to harass. BELIEBEN {tr., intr., dat., imp.), beliebte, beliebt, to deign, con- descend; to desire; to agree; to find proper, good, or right; to please; to be pleased with; to be inclined; to be willing; to have the kindness to. Wie beliebt es Ihnen ? how do you like it ? Er ist beliebt, he is popular, beloved, in favor. Nach Ihiem Belieben, at your option, at your discretion. BELLEN {intr., hah.), bellte, gebellt, to bark, to cry, to yelp; to bow-wow; to babble; to cough (of a dog). Anbellen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to bark at, to snarl, gnarl. Aufbellen {intr., tr., hah., sep.), to begin to bark, to awaken by barking, to bay. Nachbellen {tr., inir.y dot., hah., sep.), to bark after some one; to repeat in a howling voice. Zubellen {sep.), to bark more. BELUSTIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), belustigte, belustigt, to amuse, to entertain, to recreate; divert; to enjoy oneself over; to be merry, to pass away the time. BEMACHTIGEN {refl., insep., gen.), bemachtigte, bemachtigt, to take possession of; to arrest; to usurp; to encroach; to seize; to overpower. Erm^chtigen {tr., refl., insep.), to appoint, authorize; to warrant; to empower. BEMANTELN {tr.), bemantelte, bemantelt, to legitimate; to cover (with a cloak); to hide, conceal; to patch up; to mitigate, to soften; to varnish, to gloss over. Regular Verbs. 107 BEMITLEIDEN {tr., ace), bemitleidete,bemitleidet, to pity, to take pity on a person; to commiserate, to con^assionate; to sympa- thize with. Verleiden (see primitive verb; for leiden, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 47). BENACHRICHTIGEN {tr., ace.), benachrichtigte, benachrichtigt, to inform a person of; to give notice, account, or intelligence of; to acquaint with; to advise of; to appraise, notify of; to advertise, warn, to certify; to let know, tell, bring word; to send a message; to impart particulars. BENUTZEN {tr., ace.), benutzte, benutzt, to use, to turn to account, to profit; to take advantage, to avail oneself of; to seize (time); to utilize, to turn to account; to draw profit from; to employ a thing (also beniitzen, benutzte, benutzt). BERECHTIGEN {tr., ace), berechtigte, berechtigt, to entitle, to qualify, to authorize, to empower, to warrant. BEllEICHERN {tr., refl., ace), bereicherte, bereichert, to enrich; to feather one's nest; to enrich oneself; to grow prosperous. BEREITEN {tr., reft., dat.), bereitete, bereitet, to prepare, get ready, to make; brew; to curr\', to taw; to finish, to honor. ¥ox bereiten, see reiten, list of irregular verbs, page 55. Vorbereiten {tr., reft., sep., imp.), to get, to make ready; to train; to prepare; there is something in the wind (something is going to hap- pen) ; to arrange. Zubereiten {tr., sep.), to prepare, to make ready; to make up; to dress (meat); to cook; to do. BESANFTIGEN {tr., reft.), besanftigte, besanftigt, to soften, to ease; to pacify; to soothe; to calm; to coax; to cajole; to mitigate; to assuage; disarm; to quiet, tranquilize; to temper. BESCHEINIGEN {tr., dat., ace), bescheinigte, bescheinigt, to attest, to certify, to acknowledge; to receipt; to vouch for; to warrant. BESCHEREN {tr., dat., ace), bescherte, beschert, to give, to bestow upon, to make a present; to prepare something for. BESCHRANKEN {tr., ace, reft.), beschrankte, beschrankt, to re- strain, to limit, to confine, to set; to shorten, to curtail, to abridge; to modify; to qualify; to restrict; to remove. Auf Etwas beschran- ken, to confine, to restrict to something, limit to. BESCHULDIGEN {tr., ace), beschuldigte, beschuldigt, to charge; to accuse; to attribute or ascribe a thing to a person; to inculpate; to reproach; to incriminate; to arraign. Entschuldigen {tr., reft., ace), to excuse; to apologize; to evade, shift, plead, pretend; to allege. Ich bitte um Entschuldigung, I beg your pardon. io8 Regular Verbs. BESEITIGEN (/r.), beseitigte, beseitigt, to make away with; to kill, to put, lay, or set^side; to lay on the shelf; to dismiss, to remove; to redress; to clear off an affair; to arrange, settle, wind up. BESICHTIGEN (/r., acc.)y besichtigte, besichtigt, to survey; to in- spect, to view, to regard; to search for. BETEN {tr., ace, intr.), betete, gebetet, to ask, to pray, to beg (zu Tisch beten, to say grace at meal); to offer prayer; to say litany; to linger in devotion. Anbeten (/r., dec, sep.), to adore, to admire, to idolize. Ausbeten (/r., intr., sep.), to finish praying, to pray to the end. Erbeten (/r., ace), to obtain by prayer or petition. BETHOREN (tr., ace), bethorte, bethort, to delude, to fool, to dupe, to cheat, to deceive. BETTEN {tr., intr., o., refl.), bettete, gebettet, to make a bed, to make one's bed; to place one in bed. Umbetten (sep., tr.), to put (a patient) into another bed. BETTELN {tr., ace, intr.), bettelte, gebettelt, to beg, to pray, to ask alms. Abbetteln {tr., ace, sep.), to beg, to get something by begging. Anbetteln {tr., ace, sep.), to ask or beg alms or something else. Ausbetteln {tr., ace, sep.), to drain a person of all his money. Fortb^tteln {intr., refl., sep.), to continue begging. BEUGEN {tr., ace, refl.), beugte, gebeugt, to stoop, to bend; to sub- mit; to subdue; to bow; to humble oneself; to reduce, to subdue to; to yield, stoop, or submit to. Ausbeugen {sep., intr., *), to give way or room, to elude, to avoid. Uberbeugen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to bend down or over something, to incline. Umbeugen {tr., ace), to bend or turn down, up or in. Verbeugen {refl.), to bow, to make a bow, to curtsy. Vorbeugen {tr., intr., dat., refl.), to bend forward; prevent; to use precautionary measures; to avoid. BEVORMUNDEN {tr., ace), bevormundete, bevormundet, to be a person's guardian; to tutor; to place a person under a guardian. BEWEGEN {tr., ace, refl.; reg. and irreg.), bewegte, bewegt, to pity, affect, touch; to trouble, disturb, to feel inclined to do; to agitate; to shake; to move. For bewegen, to induce, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 19. BEWIRTEN {tr., ace), bewirtete, bewirtet, to keep, board, accommo- date, lodge, harbor; to entertain; to receive at one's table; to ban- quet, to feast, to regale, to treat. BILDEN {tr., ace, refl.), bildete, gebildet, to form; to build; to shape; Regular Verbs. 109 to organize; create; to improve by; to pattern, to model; to polish, refine; to constitute; to instruct. Abbilden -{tr., ace, refl., sep.), to portray, to paint; to copy; to draw. y-Ausbilden (/r., ace, reft., sep.), to develop; to instruct; to perfect; to improve. Einbilden {tr., dat., rejl., sep.), to imagine, to fancy, to believe. Nachbilden {tr., ace, sep.), to copy, to imitate; to reproduce; to counterfeit. Umbilden {tr., ace, sep.), to remodel; to transform; to reform. BLEICHKN {fr., ace, refl.; used reg. and irreg.), to bleach, to whiten. Auf dem Grase bleichen, to bleach in the sun. For hleichen, to turn pale, white, etc., see list of irregular verbs. Abbleichen {tr., ace), to bleach thoroughly. Die Bleiche beenden, to finish bleaching. Ausbleichen {tr., ace), to finish bleaching. Das ist schon ausge- bleicht, it is now bleached. BLICKEN {tr., ace, intr.), blickte, geblickt, to look, to perceive, to see; to show, to manifest, to behold. Blicke werfen oder zuwerfen, to cast (sly, furtive) glances at a person. Anblicken {tr., ace, sep.), to look or glance at; to regard. Aufblicken {intr., sep.), to look up to, to raise one's eyes to. Erblicken {tr., ace), to see, to behold, to perceive, to discover. Fortblicken {intr., sep.), to look another way, to glance aside. Heraufblicken {intr., sep.), to look up. Hiniiberblicken {intr., sep.), to look across. Nachblicken {intr., dat., sep.), to look after a person. Uberblicken {tr., ace), to survey, to overlook, to glance over. Umblicken {refl., sep.), to look around or back. BLINZELN {intr.), blinzelte, geblinzelt, to twinkle; to wink; to send looks; to blink at a person. BLITZEN {imp., ace), blitzte, geblitzt, it lightens (blinds, fumes). Abblitzen {sep., tr., ace), to flash off; to come to nothing, to give up or give a mitten; the lightning is over. Aufblitzen {intr., * hah.), flash or sudden burst of light (see hlitzen). BLUHEN {hah., intr.), bliihte, gebliiht, to bloom, to flower, to blos- som; to reflourish; to prosper; to be healthy. Erbliihen {intr., *), to floresce; to rejuvenate. Verbliihen {intr., * hah.), to cease blossoming or blooming; to fade, to wither. BLUTEN {intr., tr., refl.), blutete, geblutet, to bleed; to die for (some one); to stain; to shed (one's blood); to sacrifice (one's life). no Regular Verbs. Verbluten (/r., intr., * reft.), to shed one's blood for; to bleed pro- fusely; to bleed to death; to lose a great deal of blood. BORGEN {tr., refl., dai., ace), borgte,geborgt, to borrow, take from; to lend, give credit, to trust, to obtain; to submit to. Anborgen (/r., sep., ace), to borrow of or from. Aufborgen (tr., sep.), to take up money; to collect by borrowing. Ausborgen {tr., sep.), to lend out (verborgen). Erborgen (tr.), to obtain by borrowing; to get on trust or credit. Verborgen (/r.), to advance, to lend out; to sell on credit. Verborgen, to be hidden, see verbergen, list of irregular verbs. BRAUCHEN (/r., ace, *'w/).), brauchte, gebraucht, to be in need; to make use of, to use, to want; to employ; to require; to con- sume (it is necessary). Gebrauchen {tr., ace), to use, to make use, to employ. Verbrauchen {tr., ace), to use up, to consume, to spend, to expend. BREITEN {tr., ace, refl.), breitete, gebreitet, to spread, to extend, to hold out, to open; to stretch; to flatten; to beat out. Ausbreiten {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to spread, to extend, to expand, to unfold. TJberbreiten {tr., ace, sep.), to spread, to cover over. Unterbreiten {sep., tr., ace), to lay before, to submit, to present.., Verbreiten {refl., tr., ace), to spread, to diffuse, to propagate, to scatter. BRULLEN {tr., ace, intr.), briillte, gebriillt, to roar, to bellow, to low, to howl, to shout, to yell; to rage, to be in fury; to vociferate; to clamor. Anbriillen {tr., ace, sep.), to bellow, to roar, to bawl at. Aufbriillen {intr., sep.), to low, to roar, to awaken by roaring. ZubruUen {dat., tr., sep.), to roar or shout out (to a thing or person). BRUSTEN {refl.), briistete, gebriistet, to brag, to boast, to glory oneself, to pride oneself. Umbriisten {tr., ace, sep.), to change, to bend over, to turn over. Zubriisten {tr., ace, sep.), to level, to close. BUCHSTABIREN {tr., ace, intr.), buchstabirte, buchstabirt, to spell; to take things literal, letter by letter. Ausbuchstabiren {tr., ace, sep.), to spell out, to spell each word singly. Nachbuchstabiren {tr., sep.), to spell again, or after some one. BUCKEN {tr., ace, refl.), biickte, gebiickt, to bend, to stoop, to bow, to incUne, to duck; to bend low; to fawn; to yield; to submit to. Uberbiicken {intr., refl., sep.), to bend over, to stoop forward, to incline. Regular Verbs. iii Umbiicken {reft., sep.), to bend around, to turn around, to stoop around. BtiNDEN (tr., ace), biindete, gebiindet, to oblige, to bind; to make valid; to conclude (mostly used in verhunden). Verbiinden {reft.), to ally, to unite; to conspire. BURSTEN {tr., ace, intr.), biirstete, gebiirstet, to brush, to clean; to take long strides; to move quickly; to brush away (like the wind). Abbiirsten {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to brush off or away. Ausbiirsten {tr., ace, sep.), to brush the dust away or out. Fortbiirsten {tr., ace, sep.), to brush off, to dust away something. DAMMERN {imp., intr.), dammerte, gedammert, to dawn, to break; to spread a weak, faint light. Es dammert mir in der Seele, a pre- sentiment begins to dawn upon me. Andammem {sep., imp., *), to begin to dawn; to shine upon; to approach with a faint light. Aufdammem {intr., * hah., sep.), to begin to appear; to dawn, to break. Es dammert einige Hoffnung in mir auf, some hope dawns upon me. Ausdammem {sep., tr., intr., imp.), einen Rausch ausdammern, to sleep out an intoxication (see ausschlummern). Verdammem {hab., * tr., intr.), to dream away; to grow dark. DANKEN {dat., tr., intr.), dankte, gedankt, to thank, give or re- turn thanks; to be obliged; to reward, repay, recompense; to praise; to celebrate. Abdanken {sep., tr.), to dismiss, discharge; to disband, to put on half pay; to leave off, discard, reject; to quit, lay aside. Bedanken {reft., tr., ace), to return thanks; to be grateful; to appreciate. Verdanken {dat., tr.), to owe, to be thankful for; to be indebted to. DARBEN {reft., intr.), darbte, gedarbt, to be in want, to suffer hun- ger, to starve, to be needy, to be poor; to grow rich by privation. Abdarben {reft., sep., intr.), to stint oneself; to starve. Ausdarben {tr., intr., sep.), to let one starve, to let one die of hunger. Verdarben {intr., tr.), to be destitute, to be starving, dying, or want- ing, to be hungry. DAUERN {tr., intr., imp., o.), dauerte, gedauert, to last, continue; hold out, endure, stand; to keep; to take pity on; to regret; to grieve; to be sorry for; to repent. Andauem {imp., sep.), to last for a time without intermission, to con- tinue; to hold on. 112 Regular Verbs. Ausdauem (tr., intr., sep.), to last, to hold out, to persevere; to be steadfast; to endure. Bedauem (tr., reft., ace), to take pity on; to deplore, bewail, mourn, to be sorry for, to have compassion, regret. Durchdauem {tr., intr., sep., insep.), to last through; to outlast, to outlive; to winter, to hibernate. Es dauert mich, I am sorry for it; it gives me pity. Es dauert noch lange, it still takes a long time. Uberdaijem {tr., ace), to outlast, to outlive. DECKEN {tr., ace, refl.), deckte, gedeckt, to cover; to lay out, to spread out; to hide, to conceal; to make good; to supply; to re- fund; to protect, secure; to shelter, shield, screen. Abdecken {tr., ace, sep.), to uncover, to untile; to flag; to clear (the table). Aufdecken {tr., ace, sep.), to "cover or spread over, to set (table); to reveal; to disclose, to expose. Bedecken {tr., ace, refl.), to cover, to hide, to deck. Entdecken {tr., ace, refl.), to discover; to discern; to reveal, to disclose. tjberdecken {tr., ace, sep.), to lay over, to cover or to spread over, to veil. Verdecken {tr., ace), to cover up, to conceal, to hide, to mask. Zudecken {tr., ace, sep.), to cover (up), to tuck up or in. DEHNEN {tr., ace, o., refl.), dehnte, gedehnt, to stretch; to prolong; to delay, to put off; to lengthen; to drawl out. Ausdehnen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to spread, to stretch; to extend. DEKLAMIREN {tr., ace, intr.), deklamirte, deklamirt, to recite, to declaim; to specify. DEPOWIREN {tr.), deponirte, deponirt, to depose; to deposit; to lay down, to lodge, a bailment (see poniren). DEUTEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), deutete, gedeutet, to point; to fore- bode, to augur; to manifest; allude. Andeuten {tr., ace, refl., sep), to indicate; to suggest; to signify; to allude to. Ausdeuten {tr., ace, sep.), to explain; to interpret; to decipher. Bedeuten {o., tr., imp., ace), to mean, to signify; to direct; to be im- portant. Hindeuten {intr., hah., sep.), to point out, to insinuate, to refer to; to aim at something; to hint. Umdeuten {tr., ace, sep.), to interpret anew. DICHTEN {tr.), dichtete, gedichtet, to make close or compact; to close together; to tighten; to fill up; to obturate; to write poetry. Verdichten (/r.), to condense, to compress; to consolidate; to solidify; to concentrate; to thicken, to make heavy. Regular Verbs. 113 DICHTEN {tr., intr.), to compose (verses or poetry); to rhyme; to ex- temporize; to improvise; to invent; to imagine. Erdichten {tr., dat.), to forge; to fabricate; to feign; invent; to romance; to win money by one's rhymes or verses. DIENEN {gen., dat., tr., intr.), diente, gedient, to serve, to do; obey; to perform, to act as; to render service; to answer. Bedient sein, to be served, attended to. Abdienen {sep., tr., ace, dat.), to serve one's time, to pay off, get square or even with a person; to return compliments. Ausdienen {tr., intr.), to be pensioned, retired, to have served, to serve one's time, to be worn out, cast away. Ausgedienter Pro- fessor, emeritus. Bedienen {gen., ace, tr.), to serve, to wait at; to attend to. Sich bedienen lassen, to use, take advantage of; to avail oneself of. Verdienen {tr., 0., imp., reft.), to earn, get, make, win; to deserve, merit, be worthy of; to do. DONNERN {intr., imp.), donnerte, gedonnert, to thunder; to swear; to storm, to rage. Abdonnern {sep., intr., * imp.), to cease thundering; to rebuff a person; to fly off; to pronounce with a thundering voice; to be precipitated (with a thundering noise). Andonnem {sep., tr., intr., ace), to stun, amaze, astonish; to shout at; to confound. Aufdonnem {refl., sep., *), to rise with a thunder noise; to deck out, to dress up. Ausdonnem {tr., intr., sep.), to cease thundering; to excommunicate. Erdonnem {intr.), to resound; to begin to thunder; to burst forth. Verdonnem {ace, tr., intr.), to condemn, to pass judgment upon (verurtheilen). DRANGEN {tr., ace, imp., refl.), drangte, gedrangt, to press, to throng, to harass, to constrain; to squeeze; to push; to put, to set aside; to oppress; to pursue; to hurry, urge; to be anxious, impatient; to press close, to force through. Andrangen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to press, push, or crowd against. Aufdrangen {tr., dat., o., refl., sep.), to crowd on, to press open; to obtrude; to intrude. Bedrangen {tr., ace, insep.), to oppress, to distress, to afflict. Eindrangen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to push in, to intrude, to penetrate. Fortdrangen {tr., ace, sep.), to push away. Hindrangen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to press to or toward. Nachdrangen {tr., intr., refl., sep., dat.), to crowd, to press, to push after. 3 114 Regular Verbs. Umdrangen (tr., ace), to crowd, to throng around. Verdrangen {tr., ace.), to push aside or away, to crowd out, to dis- place. Zudrangen {refl., sep.), to rush, to crowd, to throng to a place; to intrude. DRECHSELN (tr., intr.), drechselte, gedrechselt, to form; to turn on a lathe; to shape, form, turn (in the various forms of turning work). DREHEN {tr., ace, refl.), drehte, gedreht, to turn; to twist; to re- volve; to rotate; to whirl; to twirl. Andrehen {tr., ace, sep.), to turn on, to set a thing going. Aufdrehen {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to ravel out; to untwist, to un- twine. Ausdrehen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to wring out; to turn out or down; to put out. TJberdrehen {tr., ace), to overwind; to spoil. Verdrehen {refl., tr., dat., ace), to distort; to twist the wrong way; to sprain; to pervert; to turn. Zudrehen {tr., ace, sep.), to turn to; to shut off; to turn off. DRESSIREN {tr., ace), dressirte, dressirt, to break in, to train, to drill; to straighten. DROHEN {dat., tr., imp., ace, intr.), drohte, gedroht, to threaten, menace; to show one's teeth. Androhen {sep., tr., intr.), to menace; to be imminent; to denounce; to be impending. Ausdrohen {intr., sep., dat.), to cease threatening, Bedrohen {tr.), to menace, to threaten with. Es sieht bedrohlich aus, it looks stormy, threateningly. Umdrohen {tr., ace), to beset; to threaten on all sides. DRUCKEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), driickte, gedriickt, to press; to squeeze; to clasp; to impress; to flatten; to bring out by press- ing; to suffocate; to compress; to weigh down; to overwhelm; to weigh hea^y; to depress. Er druckte sich, he took French leave; he escaped. Abdriicken {tr., intr., * refl., sep.), to impress, to imprint, to stamp. Andnicken {tr., ace, sep.), to press against. Aufdriicken {tr., ace, sep.), to stamp on, to impress; to break open. Ausdriicken {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to squeeze out; to express, to enun- ciate. Bednicken {tr., ace), to oppress, to crush; to vex; to burden. Zerdriicken {tr., refl., ace), to crush; to mash; to crumple. Zudriicken {tr., ace, sep.), to shut, to close; to overlook or ignore something. RegularVerbs. 115 DRUCKEN {tr., ace), druckte, gedruckt, to print; work off; pull off; to publish; to emboss; to figure; to impress, to stamp; to stencil. Abdrucken {sep., tr., refl.), to trace, copy; to countertrace, to counter- draw, to strike off; to print again. Ausdrucken (sep., tr., intr.), to finish printing; to work off; to print in full length (without abbreviation); to use up by printing; to cease printing. Bedrucken {tr.), to print; to print upon or over something. Eindrucken {tr., sep.), to ground in; to insert; to print in; to illustrate. Verdnicken {tr., refl.), to misprint, to print wrongly; to transpose; to use up in printing. DUFTEN {hab., tr., intr.), duftete, geduftet (also duften), to breathe, to exhale; to emit an odor, to smell; to give fragrance or smell. Anduften {tr., ace, sep.), to exhale fragrance in the direction of a person. Verduften {refl^., intr., *), to evaporate; to vanish. DtlNKEN {intr., tr., ace, refl., imp., dat., o.), diinkte, gediinkt, to seem, to appear, to imagine; to presume; to seem to consider oneself; to be of the opinion; to be conceited. Bediinken {intr., imp., o.), to seem, appear. Mich will bediinken, methinks, meseems. DUNSTEN (DUNSTEN) {intr., imp., hah., *), dunstete, gedunstet, to evaporate; to smoke, to fume; to sweat; to give forth, to exhale vapor or steam; to cause dampness (dampfen). Verdunsten {tr., ace, intr., *), to evaporate; to exhale. DURFEN, durfte, gedurft {auxiliary verb of mood, one 0} six) (see diirfen, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben). DURSTEN {intr., hah., imp., ace), diirstete, gediirstet, to feel thirsty. Rache diirsten, to be revengeful (also dursten). Verdursten (* intr.), to die of thirst; to be parched. £. EHREN {tr., ace), ehrte, geehrt, to honor, to credit; to esteem. Beehren {tr., refl., ace), to favor, to honor, to do honor; to have the honor to; to inform. Entehren {tr., refl.), to disgrace, to dishonor; to bring shame upon; to defame; to pollute, to prostitute; to derogate. Verehren {tr., ace), to respect, to venerate, to revere; to honor; to adore; to worship; to serve; to make an idol; to fear. EIFERN {intr., dat., refl.), eiferte, geeifert, to declaim against, to preach down; to compete with, to emulate, rival, strive; to be zealous, anxious; to prove one's zeal. X ii6 Regular Verbs. Aneifem {tr., sep.), to incite, instigate; to stimulate, to rouse; to fill with ardor. Beeifem (refl., insep.), to endeavor, take pains; to exert oneself, strive; to take interest in one's behalf. Nacheifem {inir., sep., dat.), to emulate a person, to strive to equal; to vie with a person; to rival one. EILEl? {tr., dat., ace, imp., refl., hah., *), eilte, geeilt, to hasten, to press, urge; to move quickly; to make haste; to hurry, to ply; to push on, to run, to flee; to take flight, to fly. Es eilt, it is urgent. Jeman- dem zu Hilfe eilen, to run to one's rescue. Warum eilen Sie so? What's your hurry ? Beeilen {tr., refl.), to hurry, to hasten; to speed. Enteilen {intr., *), to fly or hasten away; to spur from; to escape, to slip. Ereilen {tr., ace), to overtake, catch; to fetch, come up with. Forteilen {intr., * sep.), to whirl away; to hasten, scurry or hurry off. Ubereilen {tr., insep., refl.), to urge, to hurry too much; to hasten, to precipitate. Zueilen {intr., * sep.), to hasten toward; to run up (to a person). Seinem Verderben zueilen, to rush into destruction. EINIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), einigte, geeinigt, to unify, to unite; to agree; to compromise; to form into one; to reconciliate; to accommo- date, to bring together. Vereinigen {tr., ace, refl.), to unite, to combine; to associate. EKBLN {intr., imp., refl., dat., o.), ekelte, geekelt, to be disgusted, to be nauseated; loathe. Es ekelt mir, it makes me sick, it goes against me; it is nauseating. Ich ekle mich vor, I have taken a disgust or dislike to. Anekeln {tr., ace, sep.), ekelte an, angeekelt, to be disgusted with, to be sickened. Verekein {tr., ace, refl.), to render loathsome, to become disgusted with. ENTBEHREN {tr., imp., gen., ace), entbehrte, entbehrt, to be de- prived, to be short, to be in want; to do without; to dispense with. ENTBLOSSEN {tr., refl., insep.), entblosste, entblosst, to lay bare, uncover, open; to unclothe, to denude; to unveil, disclose, show. ENTFACHEN {tr.), entfachte, entfacht, to rouse, to kindle, to set on fire, to inflame. Anfachen {tr., ace), to excite, to stir up. ENTFERNEN {tr., refl.), entfernte, entfernt, to remove, to withdraw, to do, take, keep, throw, strike away; to abstract; to purloin; to displant; to expel; to dismiss, to show out ; to eat away; to corrode; to be, run, come away; to go away, to depart; to retire, retreat, recede; to sneak away; to abscond; to retire from; to bid adieu, good-by. Regular Verbs. 117 ENTFREMDEN {tr., dat., refl.), entfremdete, entfremdet, to alienate; to estrange from; to separate; to set at variance; to dis- unite; to abstract; to pilfer, to steal; to estrange oneself from. Befremden (tr., reft.), to be surprised, to find strange, odd. Das befremdet mich, it astonishes me. ENTGLEISEN {intr., tr., *), entgleiste, entgleist, to get off or run off the rails; to derail, to wreck, to go on the wrong track; to re- move or take up the rails. ENTHAUPTEN (tr., ace), enthauptete, enthauptet, to behead, to decapitate; to decollate; to guillotine; to take one's head oflF. Behaupten (see primitive verb). ENTLEDIGEN (tr., refl., insep., gen.), entledigte, entledigt, to de- liver, free; discharge; to perform; to execute. ENTSCHULDIGEN (tr., ace, refl.), entschuldigte, entschuldigt, to apologize; to justify; to defend; to excuse, to pardon, spare. Beschuldigen (gen., tr., ace), to accuse, to reproach, to charge with, to impeach. ERBARMEN (refl., gen., imp.), erbarmte, erbarmt, to commiserate, to have pity, mercy, compassion; to be merciful. ERBEN (tr., ace, intr., refl.), erbte, geerbt, to inherit; to succeed to; to share; to fall to (one's lot); to be bequeathed; to devolve on or upon; to become heir to; to be transmitted by inheritance to. Beerben (tr., ace), to inherit, to succeed to, to be an heir. Enterben (tr., ace), to disinherit. Vererben (tr., ace, refl., intr.), to bequeath, to transmit, to hand down. ERDREISTEN (DREISTEN) (gen., refl., insep.), to dare; take liberty; risk; presume; venture; to pretend; to have the impu- dence, the face, the cheek; to have the courage, the boldness to. ERFRECHEN (refl., insep., gen.), erfrechte, erfrecht, to take liberty, to presume; to dare (erdreisten). ERHELLEN (tr., ace, intr., imp.), erhellte, erhellt, to light up, to illuminate, to brighten, to manifest; to smile; to elucidate; to clear up; to throw Ught upon; it is clear, apparent, evident, obvious; it speaks for, proves. ERINWeRW (tr., ace, gen., refl.), erinnerte, erinnert, to remind, to commemorate, to think, to recollect, to bethink; to resemble; to recall; call back, revive; to bring to one's recollection; to remember (something); to bethink oneself of. Es erinnert mich, it reminds me. Erinnern Sie sich ja, dass, do not forget that. ERKUHLEN (intr., tr., refl., *), erkiihlte, erkiihlt, to cool, to make fresh; to become, grow, or get cool; to cool off; to become tired of (erkalten). ERKUHNEN (refl., gen., intr.), erkuhnte, erkiihnt, to have the bold- ness, audacity; to dare. ii8 RegularVerbs. ERKUNDIGEN (gen., refl.), erkundigte, erkimdigt, to inquire into, to ask, to gather information. ERLAHMEN {intr., *), erlahmte, erlahmt, to grow, to become lame; to be paralyzed; to lose one's zeal; to make lame. ERLANGEN (/r., ace), erlangte, erlangt, to catch, to reach, to attain, to obtain; to get, to recover; to achieve. ERLAUBEN {tr., refl., dat.), erlaubte, erlaubt, to allow, permit; to consent, let; to grant; to give leave; to give license; to excuse, to exempt from; to dispense with; to pardon. ERMOGLICHEN (tr., dat., ace), ermoglichte, ermoglicht, to con- trive, to render possible; to make attainable, obtainable, feasible; to bring within reach. ERMORDEN (/r., refl., ace), ermordete, ermordet, to murder, to assassinate; to butcher, massacre, slay, slaughter; to kill oneself, to commit suicide (see m or den). ERMUDEN {tr., refl., intr., *), ermiidete, ermiidet, to tire, weary out; to overdo; to annoy, bother, tease, bore; to get tired, to become weary; to get fatigued; to get exhausted. ERMUNTERN {tr., refl.), to awake, to rouse, to enliven, cheer up; to divert, to recreate oneself; to grow animated; to encourage, incite, inspirit; to brisk up. ERMUTIGEN {tr., ace, refl), ennutigte, ermutigt, to take courage or heart; to pluck up spirits; to encourage; to inspire; to increase confidence in a person or thing. Entmutigen {tr.), to dishearten, to discourage; to beat or cast down, ERNAHREN {tr., refl.), emahrte, emahrt, to feed, to keep in food, to nourish, to aliment; to live or subsist on or upon (see ndhren). ERNEUERN {tr., refl.), emeuerte, emeuert, to renew, to regenerate; to repair, mend, do up; to renovate, restore, reinstate; to modern- ize; to bring again to life; to revive; to prolong. EROBERN {tr., ace), eroberte, erobert, to conquer, to take, to capture. ERROTEN" {intr., *), errotete, errbtet, to blush, to flush, to color, to get red. ERSAUFEN {tr., refl., ace), ersaufte, ersauft, to drown, inundate; to submerge, flood; to overflow, to deluge; to drown oneself, to throw oneself into the water. ERSCHLAFFEN {intr., *), erschlaffte, erschlafft, to grow weak, to re- lax, to slacken, to droop. F. FACHELN {tr., dat., refl.), fachelte, gefachelt, to fan, to fan to sleep; to winnow. UmfHcheln {tr.), to refresh with cooling air, to fan. Regular Verbs. 119 FALLEN {tr., ace), fallte, gefallt, to cut down, to hew, strike, to kill (animals); to nun; to slay; to precipitate; to pronounce or pass judgment or sentence; to give an opinion. FALTEN {tr., ace, refl.), faltete, gefaltet, to fold; to ruffle; to crimple; to clasp (hands). Ausfalten {tr., ace, sep.), to unfold, to unplaid. Entfalten {refl., tr., insep.), to unfold, open; to expand, unroll; to display, unfurl; bloom. Umfalten {tr., ace, sep., insep.), to surround or cover, to drape, to refold. FARBEN {tr., refl.), farbte, gefarbt, to color, to tincture, to tinge; to change color; to get, to assume color; to blush. Entfarben {tr., refl.), to decolor, to decolorate; to blush; to lose one's color. Verfarben {tr., refl., intr.), to use up in dyeing; to dye badly; to discolor; to turn pale, to change color; to fade. FEHLEN {imp., gen., dat., tr., intr.), to miss; to go astray; to mistake; to blunder, to be mistaken; to err, to misdo; to stumble; to do, act, or deal wrong; to commit a fault; to be wanting, lacking; to be absent from, to stay away; to be short of. Es fehlt mir, I am wanting, missing; I am in need of. Verfehlen {insep., tr., refl.), to miss; to lose or mistake; to be un- successful. FEIERN {tr., intr., dot., ace), feierte, gefeiert, to cease from work, to rest from labor; to enjoy a holiday; to be idle, to do nothing; to repose; to strike; to celebrate, to solemnize; to keep, to observe, to commemorate; to do honor; to extol (a person}. FEILSCHEN {tr., ace, intr.), feilschte, gefeilscht, to bargain, to cheapen, to haggle, to barter; to trade; to beat down the price; to bate. Abfeilschen {tr., ace, sep.), to barter, to bargain. FERTIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), fertigte, gefertigt, to prepare, to prompt, to make ready. Abfertigen {tr., sep.), to forward, to clear off; to expedite; to des- patch; to send away, to dismiss; to patch; to polish off; to reproach; to rebuff; to snub a person; to put off with fine speeches. Anfertigen {tr., ace, sep.), to make, to do, to manufacture. Ausfertigen {tr., ace, sep.), to dispatch, to execute, to make out. Rechtfertigen {tr., ace, refl.), to justify, to defend; to censure. Verfertigen {tr., ace), to make, to manufacture; to construct. FESSELN {tr., ace), fesselte, gefesselt, to fetter, to chain; to bind, to tie; to tether; to arrest; engage, bespeak; to rivet (attention); to captivate; to fascinate; to interest one. I20 Regular Verbs. Anfesseln (/r., ace, sep.), to attach, to fasten, to chain, to fetter to. Entfesseln (/r., ace, refl.), to unfetter, to unchain; to liberate. FESTIGEN (Jr., ace), festigte, gefestigt, to strengthen, to make firm, to tighten. Anfestigen {tr., ace, sep.), to fasten, to tie. Befestigen (tr., ace), to fasten, to attach to. FEUERN (/r., ace, intr.), feuerte, gefeuert, to make a fire, to lay (or) to make a light; to keep a fire going; to discharge (guns); to shoot; to be glowing, burning; to heat (with); to give or fetch a person a blow. Abfeuem {tr., ace, sep.), to discharge, to fire or shoot off. Anfeuem {tr., ace, sep.), to light, to kindle; to incite; to stimulate. Einfeuem {intr., tr., dat., ace, sep.), to light; to excite, incite, stir up, urge; to fire. Losfeuem {sep., intr., hah.), to fire or shoot at a person. FISCHEN {tr., ace, intr.), fischte, gefischt, to fish, to tackle; to get, to obtain; to dredge; to angle. Es ist nichts daljei zu fischen, there is nothing to be got. Auffischen {tr., ace, sep.), to fish up or out, to find, to pick up. Ausfischen {tr., ace, sep.), to find out, to ferret out. Erfischen {tr., ace), to pick up, to hook, to get by cunning. FLEHEN {tr., ace, intr.), flehte, gefleht, to pray, to implore, to con- jure; to entreat. Anflehen {tr., ace, sep.), to ask, to entreat, to implore, to beg. Ausflehen {ace, rejl., tr., intr., sep.), to beseech for help, to pray fervently. Erflehen {tr., ace), to beg for, to implore, to supplicate. FLICKEN (/r., (fa/., ace), flickte, geflickt, tobotch; to dam; to mend, repair; to cobble; to clout; to seek or pick a quarrel (with a person). Ausflicken {sep., tr.), to mend, piece, patch; to botch. FLUCHEN {intr., dat., tr.), fluchte, geflucht, to curse, to damn, to imprecate; to use bad language; to swear, to blaspheme. Anfluchen {tr., sep.), to swear at, to curse one; to invoke evil upon one. Ausfluchen {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to cease cursing or swearing. Nachfluchen {intr., hah., sep.), to swear after a person, to pursue a person with curses; to repeat the curses after another. Verfluchen {tr., insep., refl.), to execrate; to excommunicate; to curse; to invoke curses; to damn, to confound. FLUCHTEN {refl., intr., *), fliichtete, gefluchtet, to flee, to fly, to take flight to; to escape, to run away; to slide, to take to; to take refuge to; to shelter something (behind or under); to save or secure. Regular Verbs. 121 Verfliichten (verfliichtigen) {tr., refl.), to volatilize; to evaporate; to be subtilized; to be off; to make oneself scarce. FOLGEN (hab., * daL), folgte, gefolgt, to follow, to come after, to go behind, to obey; to heed; to result; to ensue; to accompany; to succeed; to result (from); to listen to; to be attended to. Befolgen (/r., ace), to obey; to observe; to execute. Erfolgen {inir., *), to result; to arise; to ensue. Nachfolgen (intr., * dat., sep.), to come after, to follow, to succeed. Verfolgen {tr., ace), to pursue, to chase; persecute; to haunt. FOLGERN {tr., ace), folgerte, gefolgert, to draw an inference or conclusion, to infer; to reason; to argue; to draw inferences; to come to conclusions; to ratiocinate. FORDERN {tr., ace), forderte, gefordert, to demand, to ask, to call for, to exact, to desire; to claim as due; to require; to challenge, to demand satisfaction (in a duel); to importune a person for some- thing; to call to account, to reckon with; to summon a person. Abfordem {tr., ace, sep.), to demand from, to ask for. Anfordem {tr., ace, sep.), to demand, to require, to exact. Auffordem {tr., ace, sep.), to ask, to request; to invite; to urge. Ausfordem {tr., ace, sep.), to call for or out. Herausfordem {tr., ace, sep.), to challenge, to defy, to demand. Zuriickfordem {tr., ace, sep.), to ask back, to reclaim. FORDERN {tr., refl., intr.), forderte, gefordert, to advance, to further, to promote; to serve, to be useful to; to hasten, to accelerate; to set going, to forward; to patronize; to interest in; to facilitate. Befordem {tr., ace), to hasten, to quicken, to urge, to further; to dis- patch; to stimulate; to favor; to protect; to develop; to encour- age; to convey, to expedite; to send, to ship; to raise, advance, promote; to exalt. FORSCHEN {tr., ace, intr.), forschte, geforscht, to investigate, to inquire, to search, to seek; to institute investigations; to sound a person; to dive into; to scrutinize; to examine; to meditate (on something). Abforschen {tr., ace, sep.), to question, to inquire. Ausforschen {tr., ace, sep.), to try to find out, to pry into, to ask questions. Nachforschen {tr., ace, sep.), to search, to investigate, to examine. Umforschen {tr., ace), to make an investigating search for a thing; to scrutinize. FRAGEN {tr., ace, intr. ,rejl., imp.; used reg. and irreg.), fragte,gefragt (see jragen, list oj irregular verbs, page 30). Abfragen {tr., ace, sep.), to question, to examine, to inquire, to glean from. 122 Regular Verbs. Anfragen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to inquire, to examine, to ask. Ausfragen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to cross-examine, to cross-question, to inquire. Befragen {tr., ace, refl.), to ask, to query, to confer about, to ques- tion. Erfragen {tr., ace, refl.), to find out, to ascertain, to apply for. Nachfragen {sep., tr., ace), to inquire, to ask, to require. FREUEN {imp., ace, refl.), freute, gefreut, to enjoy, to delight, to be glad, to be pleased; to rejoice in; to exult in something; to be joyful. Erfreuen {tr., ace, refl., gen.), to rejoice, to gladden, to please, to delight. FROHNEN {intr., dat.), frohnte, gefrohnt (also jrohnen), to toil, slave; to do service in socage; to indulge in; to abandon oneself to. FUGEN {tr., o., imp., refl.), fUgte, gefiigt, to unite, to connect, to put together, to adapt; to adjust; to join together; to fit in; to be suitable, proper; to acquiesce in something. Anfiigen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to adjoin, to annex, to add; to inflict. Beifiigen {tr., ace, sep.\ to add; to enclose. HinzufUgen {tr., ace, sep.), to adjoin, to add, to affix. Verfiigen {tr., ace, refl., intr.), to decide, to settle, to order; to be- take oneself to; to dispose of. Zufiigen {tr., ace, sep.), to injure, to do harm, to hurt; to add to; to do; to cause. ZuriickfUgen {tr., ace, sep.), to reconduct, to reconvey, to set back, to push back. FtJHLEN {tr., o., intr., refl.), fiihlte, gefiihlt, to feel, to be aware of, to be affected by; to perceive; to be sensible of; to be conscious; to be susceptible, sensitive; to be sentimental. Er fiihlte mir den Puis, he felt my pulse. Jemandem auf den 2^hn fUhlen, to sound or try a person. Wie fiihlen Sie sich ? how are you ? Anftihlen {tr., ace, sep.), to feel, to touch, to handle. Befiihlen {tr., ace), to feel, to touch, to handle, to finger. FUHREN {tr., refl., ace), fiihrte, gefUhrt, to lead, to conduct, to guide, to direct, to carry; to control, to superintend; to overlook; to manage. Abfiihren {tr., ace, sep.), to lead away or off, to take away, to drain, to remove. Anfiihren {tr., ace, sep.), to command, to lead, to allege, to quote; to deceive. Ausfuhren {tr., ace, sep.), to lead out; to export; to carry out, to succeed. Einfiihren {tr., ace, sep.), to introduce, to present; to initiate, to establish. Regular Verbs. 123 Entfuhren {tr., ace), to carry away; to abduct; to elope; to kidnap. Herbeifuhren {tr., ace, sep.), to bring on; to induce; to entail; to procure. Uberfiihren (tr., ace, gen., insep., sep), to lead across, to transport; to convey; to reduce; to convince; to convict. Umfuhren {tr., ace, sep.), to lead around, to lead about, to lead a roundabout way. Verfiihren {tr.), to mislead, to lead astray; to misguide; to export, transport; to betray one into something; to seduce. Wegfiihren {tr., sep.), to lead or take away; to march off (prisoners); to remove; to transport. FULLEN {tr., refl.), fiillte, gefiillt, to fill, to fill up; to cram, choke; to replenish; to live up; to multiply; to double; to stuff (a chicken). Abfiillen {tr., ace, sep.), to pour or fill out; to skim; to draw off; to empty; to bottle. Anfiillen {tr., refl., sep.), to stock, to store; to crowd; to be filled with; to gorge oneself Avith (food). Ausfiillen {tr., ace, sep.), to fill up or" out; to employ (time); to occupy, absorb. Erfiillen {tr., refl., imp.), to fill, fulfil; to multiply; to grant, comply with; to hear (a prayer); to keep (a vow); to discharge (obliga- tions); to execute; to accede, satisfy, to meet with; to come true, to take effect. Es hat sich erfullt, it became realized. trberfiillen {tr., ace, refl., sep., insep.), to crowd, throng or cram (a place); to fill to excess; to overcrowd; to congest; overstock; to overload (the stomach) ; to pour from one vessel into another. FtJRCHTEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), fiirchtete, gefurchtet, to appre- hend, to be afraid, to fear, to dread. Befiirchten {tr., ace), to fear, to apprehend, to doubt. Erfurchten {tr., ace), to be in a state of horror, of fear, trembling. G. GAHNEN {intr.), gahnte, gegahnt, to yawn, to gape. Angahnen {tr., sep.), to yawn at a person; to stare at a person yawning. Ausgahnen {intr., hah., refl., sep.), to cease yawning; to yawn one's fill GAREN {tr., intr., refl.; reg. and irreg.), garte, gegart, to ferment, work, to effervesce, to yeast, to set in fermentation (see gdren, list of irregular verbs). Vergaren {intr., hah.), to cease fermenting. GEBAREN {intr., hah., refl.), gebarte, gebart, to present a certain ap- pearance, to appear; to demean oneself ; to take a course of action 124 Regular Verbs. GEBARDEN (old intr. form, reft.), gebardete, gebardet, to behave; to demean, to deport oneself (see geberden). GEBERDEN (intr., hah., refl.), geberdete, geberdet, to gesticulate; to demean oneself, to behave, to cany oneself. Sich geberden als ob, to put on airs as if (see gebdrden). GEBUHREN (intr., refl., imp., dat.), gebiihrte, gebiihrt, to become, suit, behave; to be fit or proper; to pay attention to rules of pro- priety, GELEITEN (tr., ace), geleitete, geleitet, to conduct, to accompany, to escort; to convey; to see a person (home) (see leiten). GESELLEN (tr., refl.), to join; to associate; to unite intimately; to consort with a person. GESTALTEN (tr., refl.), gestaltete, gestaltet, to shape, form, figure, fashion, organize, model, mould; to take shape, assume a form; to turn out (well). Veranstalten (tr.), to arrange, make, prepare, contrive, manage, get up; give (a party). Verunstalten (tr.), to disfigure, deface, spoil, mar, put out of shape. GEWOHNEN (tr., ace, gen., refl.), gewohnte, gewohnt, to habituate, to accustom oneself, to get used; to familiarize with; to train; to harden or inure a person to; to teach; to get seasoned or accus- tomed to. Abgewohnen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to break a habit; to wean from. Angewohnen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to get into a habit, to accustom. Entwbhnen (tr., ace, refl., gen.), to disaccustom, to wean gradually from a thing, to get out of habit. Verwohnen (refl., tr., ace), to spoil, to accustom one; to pamper a person; to make fastidious. GLANZEN (tr., intr.), glanzte, geglanzt, to light, to be bright, to shine; to glisten; glitter; to glare, flash, flare; to radiate; to beam; to blaze; to dazzle; to shed luster; to brighten; to polish, to burnish; to gloss. Erglanzen (intr., *imp., hah.), to shine, to beam, to sparkle, to gleam forth ; to emit rays of light. GLAUBEN (tr., dat., intr.), glaubte, geglaubt, to credit, to trust, to believe, to take for granted. Beglaubigen, to testify, prove, to substantiate; to attest, certify. GLtJCKEN (imp., * hah., dat.), gliickte, gegliickt, to succeed, to turn out well; to be successful, to have good luck. Beglticken (tr., ace, insep.), to make happy; to bless; to felicitate; to prosper; to favor or delight one. Missgliicken (* hah., imp., dat.), to fail, miscarry, to fall flat (see misslingen). GLtJCKWUNSCHEN (tr., dat., sep.), wiinschte Gliick; Gltick ge- Regular Verbs. 125 wimscht (used as infinitive only) ; to congratulate, to wish joy, to wish God-speed (see wiinschen) . Begluckwunschen {tr., ace), to compliment, to felicitate, to con- gratulate. GLUHEN (* intr.), gliihte, gegliiht, to be in love; to glow; to be red hot; to be ignited; to gleam, to blaze; to sparkle. Angliihen (* intr., sep.), to begin to glow; to inflame; to become excited; to flush. Ausgliihen {sep., tr., intr., hah. *), to anneal; to go out, to cease glowing; to be consumed by fire. Ergliihen {intr., *), to burn, to inflame, to glow; to inflame with passion; to kindle a glow. Vergliihen {intr., *), to cool down; to be consumed by fire, to cease, glowing; to die away. GRAMEN {tr., ace, imp., refl.), gramte, gegramt, to grieve, to worry, to distress, to aflSict, to sadden, to sorrow; to grieve at something; to be grieved at; to pine away; to take something to heart; to fret (over or about something); to droop away; to die of a broken heart. Abgramen {refl., sep.), to pine away with grief, to be in a heartbroken state. Angramen {intr., refl., sep.), to trouble, to worry; to be attacked by sorrow; to begin to grieve. Ausgramen {refl., sep.), to cease grieving, to stop distressing one- self; to die; to stop troubling. Vergramen {tr., ace, * refl.), to pass in grieving, to spend in troub- ling, to pine away. GRASEN {tr., intr.), graste, gegrast, to graze, to feed on grass; to pasture; to cut or mow grass; to trespass another man's right of property. GRATULIREN {intr., dat.), gratulirte, gratulirt, to wish joy, to con- gratulate, to wish happiness. GRAUEN {intr., dat., refl., imp.), graute, gegraut, to grow gray, old; to dawn (at daybreak), to have horror, to be in horror or dread; to shudder; to feel an aversion (for or to something); to be hor- ror-stricken. Ergrauen {intr., * insep.), to become gray, old; to be struck with horror. Es graut mir davor, I shudder to think of it. Es graut der Tag, the day breaks. Die Nacht ergraut, it is turning dark or twilight. GRAVIREN {tr., ace), gravirte, gravirt, to engrave, to hatch, to carve, to sculpture. Eingraviren {tr., ace, sep.), to engrave, to enchase, to cut in, to incise, to ensculpture. 126 Regular Verbs. GRENZEN (/r., ace, intr.), grenzte, gegrenzt, to border; to confront, to confine, to limit, extend; to join to adjoin; to stretch out. Abgrenzen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to mark, to divide by boundaries, to limit, to define. Angrenzen {intr., hah., sep.), to border on, to join, to be adjoining to, to be verging on; to abut. Begrenzen {tr.), to define, to determine, to terminate; to border, to limit; to fix; to circumscribe; to confine. Ubergrenzen {sep., tr., ace), to overjoin, to overlimit. Umgrenzen {tr., ace), to encircle, to encompass, to fence in, to re- strict, to define. GRUBELN {intr., hab., tr., ace), griibelte, gegriibelt, to meditate, to muse, to ponder, to brood, puzzle; to speculate; to ruminate; to beat one's brains about; to refine (on something); to kill oneself by racking one's brains. Abgriibeln {refl., sep.), to muse to excess, to brood too much, to puzzle too hard. ^ Ausgriibeln {sep., tr., intr.), to devise a plan; to meditate; to reflect upon; to ascertain; to cease racking one's brains. Nachgrubeln {sep.), to muse, to ponder, to meditate, to brood over; to investigate. tibergriibeln {sep.), to muse to excess, to ponder over and over again. GRUWDEN {tr., ace, refl.), griindete, gegriindet, to found, to estab- lish, to institute, to create; to found, ground, or base one's judg- ment (upon something); to speculate; to center in; to be attribu- table to something. Begriinden {tr., ace, hab., *), to form, to establish, to found; to con- solidate; to justify. Es ist begriindet auf, it is founded upon. Entgriinden {tr., ace), to unfound, to dissolve, to liquidate. Ergriinden {tr., ace), to sound, to fathom; to ascertain the depth of; to dive (deep into); to sift; scrutinize; to find out, to discover; to unravel; to investigate. GRUSSEN {tr., ace), griisste, gegriisst, to salute, to greet, to welcome; to hail; to exchange greetings; to bid one good-morning, good-day, good-evening; to bow to a person ; to speak to. Begriissen {tr., ace), to salute, to hail, to cheer; to take one's hat off to; to bow or speak to; to wish a person a good-day; to hail. GUCKEN {tr., dat., ace, refl., intr.), guckte, geguckt, to look at, to gaze at, to peer into; to pry (into something). Zu tief ins Glasgucken, to drink too much. Guckeln, to peep, to gaze, to look, to peer. Abgucken {tr., ace, sep.), to learn by looking on, by observing; to catch a thing from some one. I Regular Verbs. 127 H. HABEN {auxiliary verb), hatte, gehabt (see haben, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben). HACKEN (tr., ace), hackte, gehackt, to hack, to hoe, to chop, to pick, to tap, to hew; to hash, to mince; to cleave. Abhacken (tr., ace, sep.), to chop off, to cut down; to behead, to decapitate. Anhacken {tr., ace, sep.), to adhere, to hang around, to stick, to cleave, to cling; to peck. Aufhacken {tr., ace, sep.), to hoe, to grub up, to split, to pick, to peck, to cleave into. Zerhacken {tr., ace), to cut or chop into, to cut up, to hash, to mince, to hack; mutilate. HAPTEN {intr., hab., dat.), haftete, gehaftet, to cling, to cleave, to stick, to adhere, to remain; to rest; to answer for; to be surety or bail; to be liable (personally). Anhaften (intr., dat., sep.), to adhere, to inhere, to cohere, to cling, to stick on. Behaften {tr., intr., ace, *), to be attached or fixed, to adhere, to stick, to take possession of. Verhaften {tr., ace), to arrest a person, to apprehend, to mortgage, to fix, to seize. HAGELN {imp., tr., intr.), hagelte, gehagelt, to hail, to shower. HALLEN {tr., intr.), halite, gehallt, to resound, to ring, to echo, to sound. Erhallen {intr., *) (erklingen), to resound, to echo, to ring, to sound; to blow. Nachhallen {sep., tr., intr.), to resound, to re-echo, to reverberate. Umhallen {tr., ace), to resound, to re-echo, to be surrounded by sound. Verhallen {intr., *), to die away, to fade away, to become extinct, to resound lingeringly. Widerhallen {sep., tr., intr.), to resound, to be re-echoed, to re- echo; to respond; to reflect. HANDELN {intr., refl., imp.), handelte, gehandelt, to act; to proceed; to behave; to conduct; to trade; to do; to be at stake; to beat down, to abate (the price of a thing). E* handelt sich um, the question is, whether. Abhandeln {tr., ace, sep.), to treat; to settle, to negotiate; to dis- cuss, to debate, to speak. Aufhandeln {tr., ace, sep.), to trade up things; to buy certain old objects. 128 Regular Verbs. Aushandeln (/r., intr., sep.), to shut up shop, to give up business, to retire from business; to conclude; to strike (a bargain). Behandeln (/r., ace), to treat, to handle; manage; serve; use; to discuss; to work, to manipulate; to do, to execute; to bargain, to chaffer; to attend. Mithandeln (intr., sep.), to join in buying, to trade with. Verhandeln (/r., ace, intr.), to negotiate; to debate, to argue, to discuss; to try a case, to plead. HANGEW {tr., ace, reft.) (see irregular verb hangen, page 39), hangte, gehangt, to hang, to hang up, to suspend, to attach. The reg. verb hangen (tr., hah.), hdngte, gehangt, to hang, to hang up, to execute a person by hanging, etc., only differs from the irreg. verb hangen (tr., intr., * hah.), hing, gehangen, in the sense of hanging loose, being suspended, by an " Umlaut'^ (a) to the in- finitive of the former. They are otherwise the same. They are alike in the second persons singular of the present, hdngst, and in the third persons, hdngt; they are also alike in the present of the subjunctives, hdngest, hdnge. Anhangen (tr., ace, sep.), to hang up; to suspend; to annex, to append; to connect; to hook on, Aufhangen (tr., reft., sep.), to hang up; to put up; to hang out linen, etc.; to hang a person. Aushangen (tr., ace, sep.), to hang out; to be put up, to be exhibited for sale; to post. Behangen (tr., ace), to hang or cover with a thing; to attire, to deck, to adorn, to drape. Erhangen (tr., reft.), to hang; to hang oneself, to commit suicide by hanging. Forthangen (tr., ace, intr., sep.), to hang away; to suspend for a time being; to put a-^ay. tJberhangen (tr., ace, sep.), to put, to throw over, to cover over. Umhangen (tr., ace, sep., intr., insep.), to hang; to decorate; to furnish; to put on, to throw ov^r. Verhangen (tr., ace), to decree; to cover, to veil; to inflict a penalty; to entangle. HARMEN (tr., ace, reft.), harmte, geharmt, to take to heart, to grieve, to worry, to droop, to sorrow. Abharmen (reft., sep.), to pine away, to fret, to be careworn. Anharmen (reft., sep.), to become melancholy, to allow oneself to be grieved; to worry. HARREN (intr., hah., gen.), harrte, geharrt, to persevere, to wait pa- tiently; to stay, to remain, to wait, to abide; to hope, to expect. Ausharren (irUr., hah., sep.), to hold out, to stand fast; to bear up against misfortune. Regular Verbs. 129 Beharren {inir., hob., gen.), to insist on, to maintain one's statement, to be steadfast, to continue. Verharren {intr., hob.), to abide, to dwell, to remain, to continue; to persist in one's opinion. HARTEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), hartete, gehartet, to harden, to in- durate; to temper; to make hard. Abharten {tr., refl., sep.), to inure, to make strong, callous; to train oneself to be storm-proof. Verharten (refl., tr., intr., hah., *), to obdurate, to indurate, to grow hard, to harden oneself. HASCHEN {tr., refl., ace., intr.), haschte, gehascht, to catch, to snatch; to aim; to play at (catching); to run to catch each other. Erhaschen {tr., ace), to grasp, to gripe; to snatch up, to lay hold on, to seize. Nachhaschen {intr., sep.), to snatch after one, to try to catch one, to lay hold. HASSEN {tr., refl., ace), hasste, gehasst, to hate, to abhor, to detest, to loathe, to spite; to be averse to; to hate each other. Anhassen {tr., ace, sep.), to despise one's look, to detest one; to cause hatred behind one's back (verachten). Verhassen {tr., ace), to make one odious, obnoxious, loathsome; to aim to make one unpopular. HAUEN {tr., ace, refl.), haute, gehaut {used reg. and irreg.), to strike (a blow) ; to fight, to beat. For hauen, to cut, to hew, to chop, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 39. Aushauen {tr., ace, sep.), to sculpture; to hollow, to dig, to exca- vate; to mortise; to lop off; carve. Behauen {tr., ace), to cut, to chip, to hew; to dress; to rough. Verhauen {tr., ace), to thrash; to cut badly; to injure by knocking; to lop oflf. HEFTEN {tr., ace, refl.), heftete, geheftet, to tack; to fasten, to stick; to aflSx, to attach; to stitch; to sew; to pin; to hook; to nail. Anheften {tr., ace, sep.), to stitch on, to sew on; to fix, to attach to; to placard. Aufheften {tr., ace, sep.), to pile up; to attach documents together. Beiheften {tr., ace, sep.), to add; to join things, to subjoin; to add by sewing. Einheften {tr., ace, sep.), to stitch, to sew together, to baste; to tack together; to file; to fold. Festheften {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to fix, to tack together, to subjoin firmly; to baste, to sew up. Zuheften {tr., ace, sep.), to sew up, to patch up, to stitch up; to file or fold together. 9 130 RegularVerbs. Zusammenheften (/r., ace, sep.), to join together, to stitch together; to file or fold together. HEILEN (/r., intr., *), heilte, geheilt, to be cured, to heal up, to close (a wound); to cure, to effect a cure; to doctor up; to remove (an evil) ; to rectify, to correct. Ausheilen (/r., intr., sep., refl.), to cure or heal thoroughly; to become, to be cured effectively. Zuheilen {intr., * sep.), to heal up, to heal over; to skin over; to cicatrize. HEIRATHEN {tr., ace, refl., intr.), heirathete, geheirathet, to marry, to get married, to wed, to espouse; to take a wife or a husband; to give one's hand in marriage. Sie haben geheirathet, they have tied the nuptial knot. Verheirathen {tr., ace, refl.), to give away in marriage; to marry; to be or get married; to tie together. Sie hat ihre Tochter verheirathet, she married her daughter (to) . Wiederhefrathen (sep.), to remarry, to marry again, to be reunited in marriage, to contract a second marriage. HERRSCHEN (intr., imp., hah.), herrschte, geherrscht, to rule, to reign, to dominate, to govern, to command; to hold sway; to wield the scepter; to prevail; to be predominant; to be in vogue; to rage (a disease). Anherrschen (tr., ace, sep.), to talk to a person in an imperious tone; to reprimand, to rebuke. Beherrschen (refl., tr., ace), to domineer over, to govern, to ride, to rule; to restrain, to subdue. Umherrschen (tr., ace), to be master over, to govern over a certain district. HEULEN (intr., hah.), heulte, geheult, to howl, to yell, to roar, to bawl; to scream; to moan; to cry; to toot; to whine; to brawl, to yawl. Anheulen (tr., ace, sep.), to howl at, to scream at, to halloo, to hoot at; to reprimand. Ausheulen (intr., hah., sep.), to cease howling, to cry out, to shout out; to disparage. HINDERN (tr.y imp., ace), hinderte, gehindert, to prevent, to hinder, to impede; to preclude; to arrest; to prohibit; to detain; to de- lay; to cross, to thwart; to encumber; to abstract; to bar, to bar- ricade; to block (up); to embarrass, Behindern (tr., ace), to intercept, to thwart, to restrain from, to suppress, to obstruct. Verhindem (tr., ace), to prevent, to hinder, to interfere with; to blight prospects. HITZEN (tr.), hitzte, gehitzt, to give heat, to cause heat to; to make hot; to warm. Regular Verbs. 131 Erhitzen {tr., refl., ace), to become heated, to get hot or warm; to inflame, to excite; to incite; to exult, enrapture, to enthuse; to heat. Verhitzen {tr., refl.), to overheat. HOFFEN {tr., ace, intr.), hoffte, gehofift, to hope, to expect, to anti- cipate; to promise; to trust; to wait; to be hopeful; to flatter oneself with the expectation of. Erhoffen {tr., ace), to anticipate, to hope for, to desire, to be eager, to look forward to. Weiterhoffen {tr., intr., sep.), to hope on, to extend confidence, to anticipate further hope in. HORCHEN {tr., dat., ace, intr.), horchte, gehorcht, to listen, to hearken, to hear, to lend one's ear to; to pay attention; to be atten- tive; to catch (a word). Abhorchen {tr., ace, sep.), to spy, to listen hushingly, to watch, to wait for, to waylay. Anhorchen {tr., ace, sep.), to listen to, to hear out, to give one's attention to. Aufhorchen {intr., sep.), to give ear, to lend an ear, to stand listening. Aushorchen {tr., ace, sep.), to sound a person, to draw him out, to worm out a secret; to examine. Gehorchen {intr., dat.), to obey, to take counsel, to mind; to be good. tjberhorchen {tr., ace, sep.), to overhear a remark or word; not to understand, to miss something. HOREN {tr., dat., ace, intr., refl.), horte, gehort, to hear, to listen, to lend ear to, to obey, to pay attention; to understand; to attend (lectures). Jemandem Beichte horen, to hear a person's confession. Abhoren {tr., ace, sep.), to examine, to witness, to ascertain by hearing; to audit. Anhoren {tr., ace, imp., refl., sep.), to listen, to harken to, to hear out; to perceive. Angehoren {sep., dat., tr.), to belong to; to be related to; it dates from. Aufhoren {intr., sep.), to cease, to discontinue, to have done with, to end, to finish; forbear. Aushoren {tr., ace, sep.), to hear through, to hear out, to listen to one without interruption. Gehoren {intr., hah., dat.), to belong to; to own; to be possessor of. Es gehort sich, it is becoming, suitable, right, fit. tjberhoren {tr., ace, insep.), to miss hearing, not to hear; to repeat a lesson, to hear one's task. Verhoren {tr., ace, refl.), to examine; to interrogate; to cross-examine; to try a person; to take evidence. 132 Regular Verbs. Zuhoren {tr., dat., sep.), to hearken, to listen attentively, to lend an ear, to be all listening. Zusammengehoren {intr., hah., sep.), to be one, to be a pair, to be fellows. HULDIGEN (/r., intr., dat.), huldigte, gehuldigt, to pay or render homage; to swear; to love; to give a person an oath of allegiance; to court; to pay attention; to respect; to pay tribute. HtJLLEN {tr., ace), htillte, gehiillt, to wrap, to envelop, to involve, to cover, to veil. Einhiillen {tr., ref,., sep.), to wrap around, to pack or bundle up, to truss, to enwrap, to hide, to cover. Enthiillen {tr., dat., ace), to uncover, to unclose, to disclose, to lay open, to reveal, to unfold, unveil. Umhiillen {tr., ace), to wrap up, to envelop, to cover, to muffle, to enshroud, to protect; case. Verhiillen {tr., ace), to hide, to wrap up, to cover, to veil, to cloak, to mask, to conceal. HUNGERN {imp., intr., reft.), hungerte, gehungert, to be hungry, to starve, to famish; to fast; to be on a low diet; to diet oneself; to be greedy (after something). Sich zu Tode hungem, to starve oneself to death. Abhungem {tr., refl., sep.), to starve one, to keep one hungry. Aushungem {tr., refl., sep.), to reduce by famine or hunger into sur- render; to follow a fasting cure. Verhungem {intr., *), to die of hunger or starvation, to be on the verge, hunger-death. HtJPFEN {intr., hah., *), hiipfte, gehiipft, to hop, to skip, to bounce, to leap, to spring, jump, Abhiipfen {intr., * sep.), to hop away, to jump off, to disappear lightly. Anhiipfen {intr., * sep^, to approach hopping, to reach a place by jumping; to get to a place. Aufhiipfen {intr., * sep.), to bound up, to jump up, to bounce, to leap; to dance. Aushtipfen {intr., * sep.), to run away, to jump out, to leap off. Beihiipfen {intr., * sep.), to spring to, to hasten to, to jump to. Forthiipfen {intr., * sep.), to escape, to run away, to skip away, to take leave quietly. Herbeihupfen {intr., * sep.), to hasten to; to jump to a person, to spring quickly to one. Nachhiipfen {intr., dat., * sep.), to run after, to chase, to pursue a person by leaping. Zuhiipfen {intr., * sep.), to spring quickly to one, to hasten to, to run to. Regular Verbs. 133 Zuriickhiipfen {intr., * sep.), to turn or jump back, to hasten back or return quickly. HUSTEN {tr., ace, intr.), hustete, gehustet, to have a cough; to bark. Jemandem die Ohren vollhusten, to annoy a person by coughing. Ich werde Ihnen etwas husten, catch me doing it. Sich zu Tode husten, to cough oneself almost to death. Aufhusten {tr., ace, intr.), to cough in clearing the throat, to cough aloud. Aushusten {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to expectorate, to cease coughing, to clear one's throat. HtJTEN (tr., ace, refl.), hiitete, gehiitet, to tend, to guard, to watch over, to keep, to mind, to take care; to be on one's guard; to use caution. Behiiten {tr., ace), to guard, to take heed, to care, to protect, to shield, to preserve. Gott behiite, God forbid, Heaven forbid, may the Lord prevent it. Verhiiten {tr., ace), to prevent, to avoid, to ward off, to preserve, to forestall. IGNORIREN {tr., ace), ignorirte, ignorirt, to be ignorant of; to ignore; not to know; to take no notice of, to pass over; to overlook; to turn the cold shoulder to (see iibersehen). IMITIREN {tr., ace), imitirte, imitirt, to imitate (see nachahmen). IMMATRIKULIREN {tr., refl., ace), immatrikulirte, immatriku- lirt, to enroll; to matriculate (see einschreiben). IMPFEN {tr., dat., ace), impfte, geimpft, to inoculate, to vaccinate; to ingraft, to graft. Pocken impfen, to inoculate a person for small- pox. Einimpfen {tr., ace, sep.), to inoculate a person with a virus of a disease; to ingraft; to vaccinate. IMPONIREN {intr., hah., dat.), imponirte, imponirt, to produce an impression on a person; to fill a person with respect; to strike one with awe; to command one's respect; to baffle one (Eindruck machen). INFIZIREN {tr., ace), infizirte, infizirt, to infect, to attaint, to be contagious (see anstecken). INFORMIREN {tr., ace, refl.), informirte, informirt, to gather, to collect information, to inform; to instruct (see mittheilen) . INSPIZIREN {tr., ace), inspizirte, inspizirt, to examine; to survey; to inspect; to superintend (see besichtigen). INTERESSIREN {tr., refl., ace), interessirte, interessirt, to concern, to interest; to enlist a person's sympathies (teilnehmen). 134 Regular Verbs. IRREN (intr., refl., acc.)y irrte, geirrt, to rove, wander, stray; to be in error, to commit an error; to make a mistake; to be in the wrong; to go amiss; to stagger; to be puzzled; to be perplexed; to be misled; to be at fault. Beirren (/r., ace), to confuse, to abash, to confound; to get troubled, disconcerted. Verirren {refl., hah., intr., *), to lose one's way, to go astray; to err; to get bewildered; to lose oneself, to be lost. ISOLIREN {tr., ace, reft.), isolirte, isolirt, to quarantine, to isolate; to insulate; to cut oneself adrift (absondern). J. JAGEN {tr., reft., dat., ace, intr.), jagte, gejagt, to hunt, to chase, to drive, to hurry, to pursue, gallop. Abjagen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to overdrive, to override, to jade, to leave off hunting, to drive away. Ausjagen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to chase out; to press a person hard or close; to indulge one's mirth without restraint. Erjagen {tr., ace), to trap, to gain, to attain, to bag; to run after honors; to obtain. Fortjagen {tr., ace, intr., * sep.), to drive away, to chase away, to turn olf, to expel, to discard. Herausjagen {tr., ace, sep.), to drive thither; to expel a person; to chase out. Nachjagen {intr., * sep., tr., dat.), to chase after, to try hard to ob- tain something, to pursue, to hunt for. Uberjagen {tr., ace), to catch one, to hasten, to precipitate, to jade, to outride. Verjagen {tr., ace), to hide away, to expel, to dislodge, to rout, to put to flight. Zuriickjagen {tr., ace, sep.), to drive or speed back, to try hard to return, to pursue in haste. JAMMERN {intr., tr., ace, reft.), jammerte, gejammert, to lament, to wail, to whine; to cry; to groan; to complain. Bejammem {tr., ace), to lament, to deplore; to bewail. Verjammem {tr., intr., *), to spend (one's life) in grieving or in vain regret; to be consumed with grief. JAUCHZEN {dat., intr.), jauchzte, gejauchzt, to exult, to cheer, to jubilate, to shout out with joy. Auf jauchzen {intr., hah., sep.), to utter a shout of joy, of triumph, of exultation; to shout. Regular Verbs. 135 Ausjauchzen (/r., intr., refl., sep.), to cease rejoicing or shouting; to proclaim in joy, to shout in superhappiness. Erjauchzen (intr.), to burst into shouting, to allow one's heart to burst out in joy (erjubeln). Mitjauchzen {intr., hub., sep.), to rejoice with one, to join in shout- ing, to utter shouts together with others. Zujauchzen (dat., intr., hah., sep.), to cheer, to acclaim, to hurrah, to welcome a person with acclamations. JOHLEN {intr., hab.), johlte, gejohlt, to howl, to hoot, to bawl, to roar. JUBELN {intr., tr.), jubelte, gejubelt, to rejoice, to exult; to triumph; to carol forth; to lead a merry and jolly life; to be cheerful, happy. Verjubeln {tr., intr.), to spend in merriment or jubilation; to throw away one's money in foolishness. JUCKEN {intr., hab., dat., ace, imp.), juckte, gejuckt, to itch; to bum; to scratch oneself. Es juckt mich unter der Haut, m.y skin itches. Die Zunge juckt ihm, he is eager to speak. Die Haut juckt ihm, he wants a thrashing. KAMPFEN (/r., ace, intr.), kampfte, gekampft, to wrestle, to com- bat, to contend, to scufHe, fight, conflict, to struggle, to battle. Schulter an Schulter kampfen, to fight for one cause, to fight together, to be comrades in war. Ankampfen {intr., sep.), to struggle, to strive, to compete with, to struggle against, to contest. Auskampfen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to cease fighting, to fight it out, to arrange, to fix up matters. Bekampfen {tr., ace), to combat, to vanquish, to subdue, to strive against, to oppose, strife. Erkampfen {tr., reft., ace), to gain by fighting, to obtain by struggling, to strive through, to get to victory by struggle. Fortkampfen {intr., hab., sep.), to continue in fight, to keep on struggling; to insist in. Mitkampfen {intr., hab., sep.), to fight along, to join in combat or struggle, to take part in war. Umkampfen {tr., intr.), to fight down, to struggle all around. KAUFEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), kaufte, gekauft, to buy, to purchase, to get, to trade, to take, to deal. Abkaufen {tr., ace, sep.), to get from, to buy of, to purchase a thing from a person, to purchase from. Ankaufen {tr., reft., sep.), to acquire, to take up, to purchase, to settle down, to take possession. 136 Regular Verbs. Auskaufen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to buy up, to make the most of, to use well; to outbid; to ransom. Ausverkaufen (tr., ace, sep.), to sell out, to clear a shop; to run off; to sell all. Bekaufen {refl.), to get stuck; to take in stock; to make a bad bargain;, to be swindled. Einkaufen (tr., ace, sep.), to purchase, to buy, to make a deal, to shop, to go shopping, to market. tjberkaufen {tr., ace, refl.), to buy too dear, to pay too high a price; to ruin oneself by buying. Verkaufen {tr., ace, refl.), to sell, to dispose of, to part with, to vend, to clear out. Ziiriickkaufen {tr., ace, sep.), to buy back, to repurchase; to re- gain, to get possession again. KEHREN {tr., dat., ace, intr., refl.), kehrte, gekehrt, to turn, to return, to come back; to mind, regard; to care; to change (one's fate); to sweep; to broom, to brush; to dust, to whisk. Neue Besen kehren gut, new brooms sweep well. Abkehren {tr., intr., refl., sep.), to turn away (off, aside) from; to sweep off; to leave one, to turn an enemy. Aufkehren {tr., ace, sep.), to turn up, to sweep up; to snarl; to stamp; to clean away. Auskehren {tr., ace, sep.), to sweep off, to swab, to brush away, to dust off. Bekehren {refl., tr., ace), to convert; to proselyte; to reform; to turn; to amend; to change. Einkehren (* intr., sep.), to enter, to stop, to take up quarters, to call; to repent, to amend. Umkehren {tr., ace, intr., * refl., sep.), to return; to turn about, to upset, to subvert, to turn round, revert. Verkehren {intr., tr., ace), to change, to pass and repass; to fre- quent, to visit, to associate. Wiederkehren (* intr., sep.), to return, to come back, to repeat itself, to recur, to take place again. Zuriickkehren (* intr., sep.), to come back, to return, to visit, to sojourn again, to see again. KETTEN {tr., ace, refl.), kettete, gekettet, to join, to chain, to fasten to tie, to link, to bind; to attach oneself to. Anketten {tr., ace, sep.), to fasten with a chain, to chain up, to en- chain, to shackle up. Einketten {tr., ace, sep.), to hook on a chain, to put in fetters, to put one in irons, to chain. Uberketten {tr., ace, sep.), to chain over, to fasten over, to link together. Regular Verbs. 137 Umketten {tr., ace), to bind together, to surround, to bind round with chains, to tie up, Verketten {tr., reft., ace), to link to, to couple, to concatenate, to connect, to unite, to bind. Zusammenketten {tr., ace, sep.), to tie together, to link together, to concatenate, to chain one to another. KEUCHEN {intr., hab.), keuchte, gekeucht, to pant, to gasp, to blow, to wheeze, to be asthmatical. Verkeuchen {reft.), to expire, to stop for breath, to breathe, to wind, to recover breath. KITZELN {tr., imp., reft., ace), kitzelte, gekitzelt, to tickle; to itch; to titillate. KLAFFEN {intr., hah.,*), klaffte, geklafft, to split; to yawn; to gape. KLAGEN {tr., ace, reft., intr.), klagte, geklagt, to lament, to com- plain, to sigh, to mourn, to weep, despair; to complain of indis- position; to go into court, to go to law; to sue a person. Anklagen {tr., ace, reft., sep., gen.), to accuse, to charge one vdih, to denounce, to inform against one. Ausklagen {tr., ace, sep.), to lament, to sue, to prosecute, to take legal action, to proceed against. Beklagen {tr., ace, reft.), to pity, to complain of, to deplore, to weep for, to deprecate, to regret. Erklagen {tr., ace), to obtain by plaints, to get by lawsuits, to get a thing by entreaties. Nachklagen {intr., dat., sep.), to lament to death, to imitate a per- son's complaints, to mourn after. Verklagen {tr., ace), to sue a person, to prosecute, to proceed against, to accuse. Wehklagen {intr., insep.), to lament, to wail, to moan, to groan, to be full of aches and pains. KLAMMERN {tr., reft., ace), klammerte, geklammert, to clasp, to clamp, to clinch, to rivet, to fasten. Anklammem {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to cling to, to fasten with pegs, to take a fast hold of; to grapple. Entklammem {tr., ace), to untie, to unfasten, to loosen or open a thing. Festklammem {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to clamp together, to fasten with clamp-irons, to tie oneself. Umklaminem {tr., insep., ace), to embrace, to clasp closely; to grasp; to seize hold of, to entwine. KLAPPEN {intr., tr., reft.), klappte, geklappt, to clap; to click; to clatter; to flap; to work well; to fit; to turn or spring up; to slap or spank (a child). 138 Regular Verbs. Abklappen (/r., ace, intr., sep.), to let down the leaf of (a table); to let down the flaps of (a hat) ; to die. Aufklappen (/r., sep.^ * intr.), to turn up the brim of; to put up the leaves of; to open; to unclasp; to awaken by clapping; to fly open (with a bang) ; to fall with a noise or clapping. Umklappen {sep., tr., ace), to double up or back; to turn up or down (umf alien or umsinken). Ztiklappen (Jr., ace, intr., *), to close with a snap; to bang or slam; to shut up; to double (a knife). KLAPPERN {intr., hah.), klapperte, geklappert, to rattle; to clink; to clatter; to stump or come rattling downstairs. KLAREN {tr., refl.), klarte, geklart, to clarify; to settle; to clear; to cleanse; to clean, purify; to defecate; to dissolve. Aufklaren {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to clear up; to uncloud; to grow bright, to turn fair; to enlighten, instruct, inform; to give a clear insight into; to distinguish; to clear up; to dissolve; to become civilized, intelligent. Erklaren {tr., refl., dat., ace), to account for; to declare; to explain; to interpret; to assert; to vow; to stipulate; to reveal; to confess; to pronounce; to profess; to solve. Verklaren {tr., refl.), to become effulgent; to transfigure, glorify; to hallow. Ein verklartes Aussehen haben, to look radiant. KLATSCHEN {tr., intr., dat., ace, imp.), klatschte, geklatscht, to flap; to pop; to lap; to speak; to applaud, to clap one's hands; to gossip; to crate; to tell tales, to slander. Es regnet dass es klatscht, the rain splashes. Jemandem die Wange klatschen, to slap a person's cheek. BeMatschen {tr., ace), to calumniate a person; to gossip about; to applaud one. Verklatschen {tr., ace), to defame a person; to spend (in gossiping). KLEBEN {tr., dat., ace, intr.), klebte, geklebt, to adhere, to stick, to cleave, to attach, to fasten (with glue, gum, paste). Abkleben {tr., ace, sep.), to stick, to soil, to tarnish, to give off. Ankleben {tr., ace, sep.), to paste, to glue, to gum, to stick, to post, to adhere. Aufkleben {tr., ace, sep.), to paste on, to stick up, to put a plaster on; to mount. Auskleben {tr., ace, sep.), to paper, to paste over, to fill up, to stop up. Bekleben {tr., ace), to cover or to line with, to paper, to label, to placard. tJberkleben {tr., ace, sep.), to paste over, to glue over, to cover, to stick up. • Umkleben {tr., ace, sep., insep.), to stick in another place, to glue around, to fasten, to plaster on. I Regular Verbs. 139 Verkleben {tr., ace), to cover, to paste over, to glue up, to apply ointment, to agglutinate. Zusammenkleben {tr., intr., sep.), to stick together, to glue together, to adhere together. KLEIDEN {tr., ace, o., intr., refl.), kleidete, gekleidet, to dress, to fit, to be becoming to a person, to attire, to clothe, to vest; to mount; to be suitable to. Sich geschmackvoll kleiden, to dress tastefully. Es kleidet, it fits, it is becoming, it sits well, it is suitable. Abkleiden {tr., ace, sep.), to undress; to plaster the walls; to par- tition; to untie; to take off one's clothes. Ankleiden {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to dress, to put on clothes, to attire a person, to robe, to vest a person, to change clothes. Auskleiden {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to undress, to unrobe, to take off clothes, to strip; to wainscot. Bekleiden {tr., ace), to deck, to trim, to clothe, to dress; to arrange; to incrust; to line. Entkleiden {gen., tr., ace, refl.), to unclothe, to undress, to uncover; to denude; disease; divest, strip. Uberkleiden {tr., ace), to cover, to clothe, to drape, to hang over; to adorn, to decorate; to cover over (see bekleiden). Umkleiden {tr., refl., sep., insep.), to change clothes; to decorate, to adorn; to invest; to dress oneself. Verkleiden {tr., ace, refl.), to disguise, to dress up, to mask; to rivet; to wainscot; to line. KLEINERN {tr., ace), kleinerte, gekleinert, to reduce, to make small, to diminish. Verkleinem {tr., ace), to diminish, to lessen, to reduce, to dwarf, to make smaller; to disparage. Zerkleinern {tr., ace), to make small pieces of, to cut, to split; to pulverize; to hack, chop. KLEMMEN {tr., ace, refl.), klemmte, geklemmt, to pinch, to squeeze; to screw; to nip; to jam. For klemmen, to feel heavy, oppressed, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 41. Abklemmen {sep., tr., ace), to pinch off, squeeze off. Sich den Finger abklemmen, to squeeze off one's finger, Einklemmen {sep., tr., ace), to squeeze in, to pinch in, to cram in or into; to jam. Zuklemmen {sep., tr., ace), to close by pressing or pinching; to squeeze together. KLETTERN {hab., intr., *), kletterte, geklettert, to climb, to clamber, to ascend, to mount, to creep, to scramble. Abklettern (* intr., sep.), to climb off or down, to scramble down, to get down, to descend. I40 Regular Verbs. Aufklettem (* intr., sep.), to climb up, to scramble, to creep up. Erklettem {tr., ace), to ascend, to get up, to climb up; to scramble up; to get over. Herabklettem (* intr., sep.), to climb down, to get down, scramble down. Herbeiklettem (* intr., sep.), to approach by scrambling, to come near by creeping. Herunterklettem (* intr., sep.), to climb down, to get down, to scramble down. Hinanklettem (* intr., sep.), to climb up, to clamber, to toil to the top of a mountain, etc. Hinzuklettem (* intr., sep.), to approach by climbing, to come near by scrambling. KLINGELN {tr., ace, dat., imp., intr.), klingelte, geklingelt, to ring, to tinkle, to waken, to jingle. Es klingelt, there's the bell! Anklingeln {tr., intr., sep.), to ring the bell, to ring a person up, to request to be connected with a person by phone. KLIRREN {intr., hah.), klirrte, geklirrt, to clatter; to clink; to clash; to rattle; to rouse a person (from sleep) by making a clatter. Erklirren {intr., *), to begin to rattle, to make a sharp noise. KLOPFEN {tr., dat., ace, intr., imp.), klopfte, geklopft, to knock; to bounce; to rap; to clap; to beat, palpitate; to pat or tap; to drum (on the table). Anklopfen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to knock; to fasten; to rap, to beat (percussion). Ausklopfen {tr., ace, sep.), to clean, to beat out; to clear; to dust; to whip. Verklopfen {tr., ace), to give a thrashing, to drub, to leather one; to sell; to stop up by knocking. Zusammenklopfen {tr., ace, sep.), to thrash one, to leather one. KNETEN {tr., ace), knetete, geknetet, to knead, break, impaste; to tread, to trample; to stamp; to work; to mould; to massage; to shampoo. Verkneten {tr.), to mix something with the dough. Zerkneten {tr.), to spoil by kneading. KNIEEN (KNIEN) {hah., intr., refl., *), kniete, gekniet, to kneel, to be on one's knee, to bend, to go down (on one's knees). Niederknien {refl., intr., hah., *), to kneel down, to fall on one's knee; to pray. KNIRSCHEN {tr., ace, intr.), knirschte, geknirscht, to crepitate, to crash; to creak; to grind (one's teeth) ; to rage. KNISTERN {intr., hah.), knisterte, geknistert, to crackle; to rustle; to grit. Regular Verbs. 141 KNOPFEN {tr., ace), knopfte, geknopft, to button; to tie; to fasten. Aufknopfen {tr., sep., o., refl.), to unbosom oneself; to disclose freely; to unbrace, to unbutton. Zuknopfen {tr., refl., sep., o.), to button up; to button (one's coat); to knot; to tie up. KITLTPFEN {tr., ace, refl.), kniipfte, gekniipft, to tie, to knit, to knot, to fasten, to unite; to strengthen (friendship); to connect. Abkniipfen {tr., ace, sep.), to untie, to loosen, to remove, to rip off. Ankniipfen {tr., refl., sep.), to knot, to fasten, to seize, to lash, to enter into, to begin, to attach. Aufkniipfen {tr., ace, sep.), to loosen; to untie; to bind up, to knit, to tie up; to truss. Einknupfen {tr., ace, sep.), to wrap up, to envelop, to fasten, to bind. Loskniipfen {tr., sep., refl.), to untie; to free oneself. Verkniipfen {tr., refl., ace), to unite, to knot, to connect, to involve, to join. Zukniipfen {tr., ace, sep.), to tie up, to knot, to connect, to unite. Zusammenknupfen {tr., ace, sep.), to tie together, to unite, to as- sociate, to bring together. KNURREN {intr., imp.), knurrte, geknurrt, to snarl, to growl, to grumble. KOCHEN {tr., imp., ace, intr.), kochte, gekocht, to boil, to cook, to simmer, to ferment. Abkochen {tr., ace, sep.), to boil off or out, to scald, to coddle, to stew, to elixate (decoction). Auskochen {tr., intr., sep.), to cease boiling, to boil sufficiently, to cleanse; to mature; evaporate. Einkochen {tr., intr., *), to boil down or away, to stew; to evaporate; to season, to marinate. Verkochen {intr., * tr.), to spoil in cooking; to boil away; to evapor- ate; to waste in boiling; to subside; to cool down (one's anger); to use up in boiling, to boil away, to boil to nothing. Zerkochen {tr., intr., *), to boil to pulp, to boil to death, to boil too much, overboil. KOHLEN {intr., hah.), kohlte, gekohlt, to char, to carbonize, to car- burize; to draw or sketch with charcoal. Verkohleti {tr., intr., refl., *), to turn to coal; to char; to combine with carbon; to be converted into carbon. KONNEN {auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), konnte, gekonnt (see konnen, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben). KOSEN {tr., intr.), koste, gekost, to caress, talk, prattle; to chat; to make love; to fondle. Ankosen {tr., intr., sep.), to prattle, to chatter (see kosen). 142 Regular Verbs. Liebkosen (/r., intr., o), to caress, fondle, cherish; to soothe, hug, favor, smile upon, endear one. KOSTEN {imp., tr., dat., ace, intr.; person, dat.; price, ace), kostete, gekostet, to cost, to be worth, to be valued; to taste, to sip, to try; to enjoy; to experience. Es kostet, it costs, it is v^^orth, it is valued at, its worth is. Auskosten {tr., ace, sep.), to select by tasting; to empty, finish, taste to the end; to test; choose. KRACHEN {hah., tr., intr.), krachte, gekracht, to crack, to crash, to fulminate; to roar; -to break down; to burst. Abkrachen {sep., intr., *), to go off with a crash; to die (sometimes also abkratzen). Erkrachen {intr., *), to begin to crash; to burst aloud (see krachen). Verkrachen (* intr.), to go to smash, to become a bankrupt. Zerkrachen (* intr.), to burst with a noise; to split asunder. Zusammenkrachen {intr., sep., *), to smash; to fall to pieces; to crush down. KRACHZEN {intr., hah.), krachzte, gekrachzt, to croak; to groan; to sigh. KRAHEN {intr., hah.), krahte, gekraht, to crow, yell, or sing; to whistle; to screech, to cry. KRANKEN {intr., hah.), krankte, gekrankt, to be diseased or afflicted with something; to suffer, to be ill of something. Erkranken {intr., *), to fall or grow ill; to sicken, to get sick; to be struck down by sickness; to be attacked by an illness; to become suddenly indisposed. KRANKELN {intr., hah.), krankelte, gekrankelt, to be ailing, to labor under ill health; to be weak, sickly, poorly; to fail, to decline. KRAWKEN {tr., refl., imp., ace), krankte, gekrankt, to hurt, mortify, sting; to injure, to defame; to grieve; to be afflicted with some- thing. Es krankt mich, it hurts, it grieves me. KRANZEN {tr., ace), kranzte, gekranzt, to coronate, to wreathe. Bekranzen {tr., refl., ace), to festoon, to crown; to put garlands around. KRATZEN {tr., intr., refl., imp., dat., ace), kratzte, gekratzt, to scrape; scratch (oneself), to claw; to wound (oneself) by scratching; to scrub; to tease (cloth); to card (wool). Abkratzen {sep. tr.), to scratch off, to remove or clean; to rasp; to scrape off; to die (provincial). Ankratzen {sep., tr.), to scratch on or against something; to wound lightly. Aufkratzen {tr., sep., refl.), to engrave; to poke, rake, stir; to rub off the skin; to raise; to notch, to roughen; to spruce oneself up (provincial). Regular Verbs. 143 Auskratzen {sep., tr., intr., * reft.), to scratch out or off; to erase, to efface; to scrape out; to draw out (the furnace); to run away, to escape; to take French leave. Durchkratzen {tr., sep., insep., reft.), to rub off; to scratch sore; to force one's way through; to cover with scratches. Einkratzen {tr., sep.), to scratch in, to make a hole by scratching; to engrave. Verkratzen {tr., ace), to spoil by scratching. KREPIREN {intr., *), krepirte, krepirt, to die, fall, to peg out; to kick the bucket; to splinter; to burst. Das krepirt mich, that ag- gravates, vexes, or annoys me. KREUZEN {tr., intr., refl.), kreuzte, gekreuzt, to cross; to inter- cross, interbreed (races); to grade; to cross (the course of a ship); to cruise; to be on a cruise; to cross (each other); to intersect. Kreuzigen, to crucify. Durchkreuzen {tr., refl.), to traverse; to thwart (by obstacles); to check, oppose, obstruct; to come into collision with. KRONEN {tr., ace), kronte, gekront, to crown; to assign the prize. KRUMMEN {tr., refl.), kriimmte, gekriimmt, to bend, reflect, inflex; to turn out of a straight direction; to strain; to twist, to contort; to curl; to geniculate; to turn in and out; to crouch (before a person). Verkrummen {tr., refl.), to deform; to become bent; to curve. KUGELN {tr., intr., * refl.), kugelte, gekugelt, to conglobate; to roll; to vote, ballot (for a person); to bowl; to assume a globular form; to double up (with laughter). KUHLEN {tr., imp., refl., ace), kiihlte, gekiihlt, to cool; to refresh; to refrigerate; to appease (one's passion). Es kiihlt mich, it cools me off. Abkiihlen {sep., tr., intr., hah., * refl.), to breathe fresh air; to cool down or off; to get cold (see kiihlen). Auskiihlen {tr., refl., sep.), to cool inwardly; to cool thoroughly. Verkiihlen {refl., ace, intr., *), to cool down; to catch a cold. KUMMERN {tr., ace, refl.), kiimmerte, gekiimniert, to grieve, to afl^ct, to distress, to trouble, concern. Bekiiinniem {tr., ace, refl.), to concern, to worry, to be anxious; to distress, to afflict, to trouble. Sich um Jemand bekiimmern, to take an interest in one, to concern oneself, to mind one. Verkummem {tr., ace, intr., *), to languish, to perish, to be stunned; to waste, to pine away, to starve. KURIREN {tr., ace, refl.), kurirte, kurirt, to cure, heal, physic; to doctor; to treat; to nurse. KURZEN {tr., ace), kiirzte, gekiirzt, to cut down, to shorten, to clip, to abridge, to abbreviate. 144 Regular Verbs Abkiirzen (/r., ace, sep.), to cut, to make short, to abridge, to cur- tail; to draw a narrow compass; reduce. Verkiirzen (tr., ace, refl.), to shorten, to cut, to abbreviate, to lessen, to diminish, abridge. KUSSEN (tr., refl., ace), kiisste, gekiisst, to kiss, to smack. Abkiissen {tr., refl., sep.), to kiss heartily; to fatigue, to tire by kissing. Auskiissen {intr., refl.), to cease kissing; to kiss to one's heart's content. KUTSCHIREN (m/r., hab., *), kutschirte, kutschirt,togoorrideina coach; to drive a coach. L. LABEN (tr., refl., gen., ace), labte, gelabt, to ease; to restore; to comfort; to relieve; to revive; to invigorate, to refresh; to enjoy something. LACHEN (tr., ace, gen., intr.), lachte, gelacht, to laugh, to smile, to chuckle, to sneer, to giggle. Anlachen (tr., ace, sep.), to laugh at, to laugh upon, to greet, to irritate by laughing. Auslachen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to make fun of, to laugh at, to ridicule, to mock at one, to laugh one's fill. Verlachen (tr., ace), to laugh, to sneer at a person, to ridicule, to laugh away, to deride. LACHELN (tr., intr., imp.), lachelte, gelachelt, to smile, to laugh, to show a beaming face, to be joyous. Ablacheln (tr., intr., sep.), to smile one's fill, to have a thorough laugh; to win a person's heart. Anlacheln (tr., ace, sep.), to smile at, to win a person's confidence and heart by sinile. Herablacheln (intr., hab., sep.), to smile upon a person, to be kind and generous to one. Herauflacheln (intr., hab., sep.), to flirt to, to smile up to, to send smiles. Hiniiberlacheln (intr., hab., sep.), to smile to a person, to send smiles over, to flirt to one. Zulacheln (dat., intr., hab., sep.), to smile at, to smile approval, to encourage one by smiling. LAGERN (tr., intr., refl.), lagerte, gelagert, to place, to lay down; to store; to rest, to repose; to lie down; to camp, to encamp. Belagem (tr., ace), to besiege, to beleaguer; to invest; to blockade; to beset. Regular Verbs. 145 Umlagem {tr., ace, sep., insep.), to put upon another couch, into another bed; to encompass; to surround closely; to blockade; to beset. LAHMEN (intr., hah., *), lahmte, gelahmt, to limp, to go or walk lame; to be powerless; to slacken; to halt, fall flat. Erlahmen {intr., *), to become or grow lame, to grow weary; to diminish (erschlaffen). LAHMEN {tr., intr., hah., * da^.), lahmte, gelahmt, to paralyze; to strike with lameness; to cripple, to torpify, to benumb. LANDEN {intr., hah., * tr.)., landete, gelandet, to come to shore, to get to land, to touch land; to set on shore, to disembark; to arrive; to establish a footing. LANGEN {tr., ace, intr.), langte, gelangt, to reach, to go, to sufl&ce, to do; to extend; to seize. Anlangen (* tr., intr., sep.), to arrive, to attain, to reach, to get in, to touch; to concern, to relate to. Belangen {tr., ace), to bring to action; to file a bill; to concern; to proceed; to begin a lawsuit, to sue, to prosecute. Erlangen {tr., ace), to catch, to attain, to obtain, to win, to procure, to achieve. Verlangen {tr., imp., ace), to demand, to wish, to desire, to long, to aspire, to exact, to expect, ask. Zulangen {sep., tr., intr), to help oneself, to stretch out one's hand, to seize, to fall, to help oneself. Zuriickverlangen {tr., ace, sep.), to demand back, to ask to return, to reclaim, to revindicate. LARMEN {intr., hah.), larmte, gelarmt, to make a noise; to shout; to clamor; to cry; to wake up by making a noise. LASTEN {tr., intr), lastete, gelastet, to weigh, to lie heavy, to press or bear hard, to be cumbersome. Auflasten {tr., ace, sep), to burden upon, to load, to charge, to lay or put on one's back, ascribe. Belasten {tr., ace, refl), to overload, to overcharge, to burden, to weigh upon, to carry, to encumber. Entlasten {tr., ace), to clear, to disburden, to disencumber, to un- clog, to unload, to balance. Uberlasten {tr., insep., ace), to overload, to overfreight, to over- furnish, to overdo, to overburden. LAUERN {intr., hah), lauerte, gelauert, to watch, to wait impatiently, to look out, to waylay, lurk. -- Ablauern {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to be on the watch for, to be on the wait for, to waylay, to lie waiting, Auflatiern {tr., intr., dat., sep.), to set an ambush, to watch, to wait lurkingly, to waylay, to spy. JO 146 Regular Verbs. Umlauem (/r., ace), to watch closely, to lurk about, to surround by watching. LAUSCHEN {intr., hah.), lauschte, gelauscht, to listen, to give ear to, to harken, to glance. Ablauschen {tr., ace, sep.), to get at a person by listening, to dis- cover or learn by hearing, to do eavesdropping. Auflauschen (sep., tr., intr.), to harken, to look up, to glance up; to be interrupted; to listen secretly; to spy; to catch by lurking. Auslauschen (tr., ace, sep.), to terminate looking up, to cease listen- ing, to stop hearing. Belauschen (tr., ace), to overhear, to listen, to hearken, to act as an eavesdropper. Eriauschen [tr., o.), to bide one's time, to watch the opportunity. Hinlauschen {intr., sep.), to take a peep, a look, or a glance, Hintiberlauschen (intr., sep.), to listen to what is going on over the way; to seek in a different direction. LAUTEN (intr., imp.), lautete, gelautet, to sound; to run; to read; to purport; to be worded; to be issued, to be payable. Verlauten (intr., hah., *), to be in rumor; to be spread abroad; to become known, reported. LAUTEN (tr., intr., imp.), lautete, gelautet, to ring, chime, peal; to toll, knoll, to tinkle, to echo. LAUTERN (tr., ace), lauterte, gelautert, to cleanse, to refine; to purge, to purify; to chasten; to strain; to rectify; to clear; to clarify. Erlautem (/r.), to explain; to clear up; to elucidate; to demonstrate; to paraphrase ; to exemplify; illustrate; to purify, to cleanse. LEBEN (intr., hah), lebte, gelebt, to live, to be alive, to breathe, to exist, dwell. Ableben (tr., intr., refl., sep.), to end, to pass, to come to an end, to pine away, to be used up, to die. Aufleben (tr., intr., * sep.), to revive, to come to life again, to be restored to life, to refresh, enliven, Ausleben (tr., intr., refl., sep.), to live to see the end, to cease to live, to exhaust one's vital power, to become polished, Beleben (tr., ace, ref,.), to give life to, to endow hfe, to invigorate, strengthen, to electrify, vitalize, encourage, stimulate. Durchleben (tr., ace, sep., insep.), to live over, to live a second life, to renew, to call back, to revive one's life, to vivify. Erieben (tr., ace), to live to see; to feel, to experience, to meet with; to pass, to go through, to undergo; to know; to have. Fortleben (intr., sep.), to continue to live, to live on, to survive, not to be forgotten. Regular Verbs. 147 Hinleben {intr., sep.), to live a reckless life; to live from hand to mouth; to loll in the lap of luxury; to be free. In Saus und Braus leben, to li^e fast. Mitleben {intr., sep.), to live, to stay together; to be a contemporary; to enjoy life with some one together. tJberleben {tr., insep., ace), to survive, to live longer, to grow old; weary to death ; time-worn, out of fashion, antiquated. Verleben {tr., ace), to spend, to live all through, to be used up, worn out, to be decrepit. Zusammenleben {intr., sep.), to live together, to stay together, to room, to cohabit, to keep house together. LECHZEN {intr., hab.), lechzte, gelechzt, to hanker after something, to be dying for a thing, to thirst for a thing, to gape with thirst, to pant, languish. Auslechzen {intr., sep.), to be languishing for something, to pine away patiently. LEEREN {tr., refl.), leerte, geleert, to empty, clear out; to vacate; to evacuate; to drain, exhaust; to suck; to get empty. Ausleeren {sep., tr., refl.), to empty (to the very dregs); to clear out; to drain; to ease nature; to eject; to use a laxative. Entleeren {tr., refl.), to evacuate, to eject, to cast out. LEGEN {tr., dat., ace, refl.), legte, gelegt, to lay, to put, to place, to set; to clap; to deposit; to abate, to subside, to calm down, to slacken; to die away; to go to bed; to lie down; to prevent a per- son (from doing something). Zur Last legen, to charge against, to accuse one of. Ablegen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to take off, to undress, to put aside, to cast off, to pass, to throw off. Anlegen {tr., ace, sep.), to put (or) lay, set, place on, to, or against; to dress in; to establish; to construct. Auferlegen {tr., dat., sep.), to impose upon; to charge, inflict, enjoin a thing upon a person; to fine; to amerce. Auflegen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to lay, put, set upon; to apply; to contribute; to lean, to rest; to be in good humor. Auslegen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to advance; to lay out; to spread, to display, to dispose; to explain, to construct, to interpret. Belegen {tr., ace), to cover, to lay over, to garnish," to spread over, to lay down; to reserve; to engage; to secure. Beilegen {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to enclose, to join, to ascribe, to attrib- ute, to give, to settle, arrange, to terminate, to come (or to heave) to. Beiseitelegen {tr., ace, sep.), to reserve, to place aside; to deposit; to turn aside; to remove. Bloslegen {tr., sep., ace), to lay bare, to expose, to denude; to show, to make public; to stow, to lay open. 148 Regular Verbs. Einlegen (/r., ace, sep.), to put, place, lay, set; to pickle, to mar- inate; to preserve; to encase; to set to rest; to reap, gain. Erlegen {tr., ace), to kill, to shoot, to pay, put, or lay down; to acquit; to repay, to refund; to slay, to strike down. Fortlegen (tr., ace, sep.), to put aside, to place aside, to place out of the way, out of reach. Hinlegen (Ir., ace, sep.), to lay, put, or place down; to advance; to make; to represent. Loslegen (intr., hah., sep.), to begin energetically; to start in; to throw off; to raise the waters; to set about. Uberlegen {tr., ace, reft., sep., insep.), to consider, to think over; to be superior, to have advantage; to trim; to discuss; to de- liberate, consult. Umlegen {tr., refl., sep.), to lay around, to put on; to turn down; to put differently; to shift, to relay, to change position. Verlegen {reft., hah., * tr., ace), to be worn; to remove; change; to be spoiled, damaged, stale; to be abashed, awkward; to publish, to print. Verlegen sein, to be perplexed, to be embarrassed, to be in confusion, constraint. Zulegen {tr., ace, sep.), to add, to raise; to provide; to increase; to fill out; to procure. Zuriicklegen {tr., ace, sep.), to lay or put back, to put aside, to save; to travel, to cover a long distance. Zusammenlegen {tr., ace, sep.), to fold, to double; to collect; to make up a purse; to shut up. LEHNEN {tr., ace, intr., reft.), lehnte, gelehnt, to rest, to repose, to lean, to put, to recline, to lie back. Ablehnen {tr., ace, sep.), to refuse, to decline; to repel; to shift off, to shuffle off; to reject. Anlehnen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to lean, to rest, to support; to in- cline; to clap against; to hold oneself. Auflehnen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to resist; to cry out against; to wth- stand; to insurrect; to rear up; to prance; to lean, to rest upon. Auslehnen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to stretch oneself out (see zuriick- lehnen). Entlehnen {tr., ace), to borrow, to reproduce, to take up from; to derive from (plagiarism, literary theft). Zunicklehnen {reft., sep.), to lean back; to recline; to place oneself in a comfortable position. LEHREN {tr., dat., ace), lehrte, gelehrt, to teach, instruct; to profess, to lecture; to show how to; to administer or show how to do a thing. Ablehren {tr., sep., dat.), to get a person out of the habit of; to ween; to break one from a habit (abgewohnen). Regular Verbs. 149 Anlehren {tr., sep., dat.), to instruct, teach, make fit; to apprentice; to bring up. Belehren {tr., refl.,gen., ace), to instruct, advise, apprise; to inform, to tell, to show. LEIMEN {tr., ace), leimte, geleimt, to glue, to coat over; to dress; to lime; to take one in. Anleimen {tr., ace, sep.), to glue on; to entrap; to deceive; to fasten by way of gluing. Verleimen {tr., ace), to fill up with glue, to glue a thing; to give one a good thrashing. Zuleimen {tr., ace, sep.), to glue up, to fasten, to coat over, LEISTEN {tr., refl., dat.), leistete, geleistet, to do, to execute, to per- form; to effect, make good, reaUze; to render; to give. ■ Ableisten {tr., sep.), to take off the last; to take in due form; to take (an oath). LEITEN {tr., ace), leitete, geleitet, to lead, to guide, to pilot, to' steer; to govern, to preside, to head; to accompany; to direct; to conduct. Sich leiten lassen, to be docile, manageable. Ableiten {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to turn off or aside; to divert; to drain, to conduct, to draw away, to revulse; to deduct; descend, Anleiten {tr., ace, sep.), to lead, to guide, to conduct; to direct; to instruct. Geleiten {tr., ace), to escort; to convey; to accompany; to conduct. Gott geleite Sie, God speed you. Herleiten {tr., sep.), to conduct, to lead hither or here (to). Hinleiten {tr., ace, sep.), to manoeuvre to; to march to; to guide, to lead to; to persuade one to. Verleiten {tr., ace), to lead astray, to lead to temptation; to mis- lead, to entice; to lead to error, to delude; to incite. Wegleiten {tr., sep.), to carry off; to drain off. Zuriickleiten {tr., ace, sep.), to lead back, to reconduct; to bring back. LENKEN {tr., intr., refl.), lenkte, gelenkt, to guide, direct, to turn, incline; to govern, steer, navigate, pilot; to manage, overrule; to sway, wield; to incline; to be docile or tractable; to control oneself. Ablenken {sep., tr., intr.), to turn off, aside, or away; to divert; to lead astray; to steer off; to ward off; to sheer off; to turn aside or away ; to deviate, digress, take another course or direction. Anlenken {tr., sep.), to turn toward. Auslenken {tr., intr., sep.), to turn aside, to turn out, to make way for (ausbiegen). Einlenken {sep., intr., hah., * tr., refl.), to turn into; to turn to one's subject, topic, story; to alter one's mind; to come round; to make a person turn back to the right road; to be articulated. 150 Regular Verbs. Hinlenken (/r., sep.), to lead, conduct, convey to; to concentrate on a point; to draw or direct one's attention to; to broach upon (a subject). Verlenken (/r., ace), to misguide, to misdirect; to dodge something. LERNEN {tr., intr.), lernte, gelernt, to learn, to study, to acquire; to be apprenticed to; to serve as. Ablemen {tr., sep., dat.), to learn a thing from a person by observing his doings; to acquire a person's knack (absehen). Auslemen {tr., intr., reft., sep.), to learn thoroughly or completely; to serve one's time in learning; to finish instruction; to take a course; to master; to be a complete master of. Durchlemen {tr., refl.), to study thoroughly; to look over again or repeat a lesson ; to make (thoroughly) one's own. Einlernen {tr., dat., sep.), to learn thoroughly, to learn by heart; to im- press firmly in one's memory; to teach, to impart something by instruction or teaching; to train up for. Kennenlemen {tr., ace, sep.), to acquaint oneself with; to make the acquaintance of. Verlemen {tr., ace), to forget or lose something that one has learned or acquired; to unlearn. Zulernen {tr., sep.), to learn in addition (to what one knows); to add to one's stock of knowledge; to increase one's learning. LEUCHTEN {dat., intr.), leuchtete, geleuchtet, to shine, to give light; to radiate, loom; to glisten, glow, burn; to flash, flame, fulgurate. Anleuchten {tr., sep.), to cast light upon; to hold a light up to. Ausleuchten {tr., intr.), to eclipse; to throw a person into the shade; to cease giving light; to exhaust one's light. Beleuchten {tr.), to light up, to be lighted up; to clear up, to explicate. Einleuchten {dat., hah., imp.), it is apparent, clear, evident; it is ob- vious; to please. Erleuchten {tr., ace), to enlighten; to illuminate; to instruct; to in- form ; to light with. Nachleuchten {sep., dat.), to go on spreading light; to follow a per- son with light. Umleuchten {insep., tr., imp.), to shed light around, to surround with light. LEUGWEN {tr., ace), leugnete, geleugnet, to deny, disaffirm, to disavow; to contradict, to gainsay; to disclaim (see verleugnen). LIEBEN {tr., reft., ace), liebte, geliebt, to love, to hold dear, to be devoted, to cherish, to be fond of, to like, to fancy, to affect; to admire; to adore; to idolize. (See the tahk of the conjugation of this verb in the back of this book.) Auslieben {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to cease loving, caressing, being fond of a person; to love to the very end. Regular Verbs. 151 Belieben {tr.,refl., ace, intr., hab., * imp.), to be inclined, willing, or pleased; to consent, to desire, to agree. Verlieben (refl., hab., *), to fall in love, to^'take a liking or a fancy, to be fascinated, fond of, charmed or enamored with. VerHebt sein, to be in love, fascinated, enamored, to be fond of. LIEFERN (/r., intr., refl., dat.), lieferte, geliefert, to deliver; to sup- ply, to provide, to produce; to yield; to afford, bear; to turn out; to work; to give oneself up to. Abliefern (/r., Ja/., ace), to consign; to return, send; to issue; deliver. Ausliefern {tr., refl.), to restore; to return, to give back; to extradite; to hand over. Uberliefem {tr., dat.), to deliver, hand over; to yield; to transmit; to circulate, to report; to record, to hand to posterity; to surrender; to come down to tradition. LINDERN {tr., refl., dat.), linderte, gelindert, to appease; to compose; to temper, to moderate; to sweeten; to balm, to charm; to lessen, to abate, to diminish; to decrease, to become milder. LOBEN {tr., refl., ace), lobte, gelobt, to praise, to approve; to com- mend; to extol; to belaud, to compliment, to eulogize. Anloben {tr., ace, sep.), to give a glowing account of; to puff; to commend; to eulogize, to extol. Beloben {tr., ace), to mention honorably, to make honorable men- tion of, to commend, to praise. Geloben {tr., dat., ace), to promise, to vow, to vow with an oath, to pledge solemnly, to pledge oneself to. Verloben {tr., ace, refl.), to become engaged to marry, to betroth, to promise in marriage. Die Verlobte, the fiancee, the in- tended wife; der Verlobte, the intended husband, the affianced husband. LOCKEN {tr., ace, intr.), lockte, gelockt, to entice; to hunt; to lure; to bait; to call; to toll; to tempt; to invite; to decoy. Ablocken {tr., ace, sep.), to entice, to lure away; to catch; to draw; to get or obtain something by craft. Anlocken {tr., ace, sep.), to decoy; to troll on; to draw to; to tempt, to attract; to encourage; to drum. Auflocken {tr., ace, sep.), to unfix, to shake, to loosen, to come or make loose; to relax, to slacken. Auslocken {tr., ace, sep.), to entice or draw out, to allure forth; to inquire, to question, to cross-examine. Entlocken {tr., ace), to elicit, to get, to draw a thing from a person by flattery, to entice a secret. Fortlocken {tr., ace, sep.), to lure away, to bait from a person, to entice a thing from one. 152 Regular Verbs. Frohlocken (inlr., hah.), to shout for joy, to jubilate, to exult at, to triumph over, to rejoice. Heranlocken {tr., ace, sep.), to draw one near; to make love to a person, to court a person; to allure. Herauflocken {tr., ace, sep.), to invite up, to allure or entice up, to attract a person up to a place. Herbeilocken (tr., ace, sep.), to allure, to decoy, to invite, to call forth by enticement or flattery. Umlocken (tr., ace), to allure or entice about, to linger or draw about a person; to tempt. Verlocken (tr., ace), to inveigle, to entice, to allure, to lead astray, to seduce, to tempt. LOCKERN {tr., reft.), lockerte, gelockert, to loosen; to light up; to break up; to disroot; to unhinge; to slacken; relax, to give way. LOHNEN {tr., intr., imp., refl.), lohnte, gelohnt, to reward, to recompense, requite; to pay wages, hire to, to pay; to remunerate, to give a sufficient return, to make worth while. Belohnen {tr., ace, refl., imp.), to pay, to recompense, to remuner- ate, to pay a reward, to requite. Entlohnen {tr., ace), to pay off. Verlohnen {imp., dat.), to requite, to pay back. Es verlohnt sich der Miihe nicht, it is not worth while. LOSCHEN {tr., ace; used reg. and irreg.), loschte, geloscht, to quench, to cool, to efface, to cancel, to obliterate, to extinguish, to unload, to discharge, to put out. For loschen {intr.), to put out, to extinguish, etc., see list 0} irregular verbs, page 49. Abloschen {tr., ace, sep.), to smother; to cool; to wipe out, to blot out, to clear off; to discharge. Ausloschen {tr., ace, sep.), to extinguish, to put out, to quench, to blot out, to pass away, to expire, obliterate. Verloschen {tr., hah., * intr., ace), to die, to pass away, to go out, to become extinct, to blot out, efface. LOSEN {tr., ace, refl.), loste, gelost, to loosen, to untie, to unfix, to separate, disjoin, to unravel, to disentangle, to untwine. Ablosen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to sever, to detach, to separate, to dis- connect, to uncouple, to take off; to relieve guard. Auflosen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to disentangle, to loosen, to unknot, to unrivet, to disconnect, to dismember, to melt, to volatilize; to fume. Auslosen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to take out; to cut off; to allot, to lot, to draw lots, to raffle for; to deliver; to ransom, to redeem, to rescue. Einlosen {tr., ace, sep.), to redeem, to recover, to take out a pledge or pawn; to meet; to pay; to draw; to honor; to protect. Regular Verbs. 153 Erlosen {tr., ace), to save, to deliver, to free, to release, to ransom, to redeem, to rescue, to bring to salvation. i Loslosen (i«^r., re^.), to untie; to detach; to separate; to disjoin; to get off; to extricate oneself from something. Umlosen {tr., ace, sep.), to change; to exchange; to take out, to cut off or away. LOSEN (tr., ace, intr.), loste, gelost, to cast or draw lots; to toss up; to raffle; to ballot. Auslosen {tr., ace, sep.), to allot, to distribute by lot; to draw lots, to raffle for. Verlosen {tr., ace), to dispose of something by lots or lottery, to raffle out. LOTEN {tr., ace), lotete, gelotet, to solder, to burn together, to braze, to join. Anloten {tr., ace, sep.), to braze or solder on, to fix by soldering, to join, to fasten, to unite. Ausloten {tr., ace, sep.), to solder or braze inwards or on the side. Verloten {tr., ace), to solder up, to close hermetically, to blanch, to tighten. LUFTEN {tr., refl.), liiftete, geliiftet, to ventilate; to expose to the air, to the weather; to take the air. M. MACHEN {tr., ace, 0., intr., impers., refl.), machte, gemacht, to make, to create, to produce, to form, to frame, to shape, to fabri- cate, to create, to manufacture. Es macht sich, it is all right. Bekannt machen, to announce; to inform; to acquaint one, to make one acquainted with; to study, to learn, to familiarize with. Abmachen {tr., ace, sep.), to conclude, to arrange, to stipulate, to settle, to clear, to square, to balance, to compromise; to undo, to detach. Anmachen {tr., refl., ace, sep.), to fasten, to bind, to tie; to knit; to add; to mix; to kindle, to light. Aufmachen {tr., ace, sep.), to open; to make, to set, to throw open; to make up a bed, to put fresh linen; to attach, to fasten, to separate, undo. Ausmachen {tr., ace, sep.), to make or take or put or get out; to clean, to scour; to decide, determine, to settle, to agree; to amount to. Bemachen {tr., ace, refl.), to soil, to embnie, to make dirty; to de- file; to befoul. Durchmachen {tr., sep.), to bring or get through; to experience; to run through; to decline, to conjugate. 154 Regular Verbs. Eininachen {tr., ace, sep.), to lay in, to put up, to preserve, to con- serve, pickle, cure, marinate. Fortmachen {refl., tr., intr., sep.), to make haste, to be quick, to get away, to walk ofif, to decamp, to pack off. Hinmachen {tr., ace, refl.), to bundle in; to sit down; to put down; to kill. Ubermachen {tr., ace, sep., insep.), to transfer, to transmit; to make over, to consign; to remit; to deliver, to hand over; to change; to enclose. Ummachen {tr., ace, sep.), to cut down, to put around; to change; to rebind; to make over; to alter. Unfahig machen {tr., refl.), to disqualify, to render powerless, to disable one, to make unfit. Verdient machen {tr., refl.), to make oneself indispensable, to make oneself worthy, deserving. Vermachen {tr., ace), to bequeathe, to will or leave; to settle; to devise; to transfer; to stop, to barricade. Vertraut machen {sep., ace, refl.), to familiarize oneself, to become thoroughly acquainted with. Zumachen {sep., ace, tr.), to close, to shut; to secure; to seal; to fasten; to fold; to button up. Zurechtmachen {sep., ace, tr., refl.), to arrange, to prepare, to or- ganize; to adjust; to get ready; to do up; to trim; to fix, to dress. MAHEN {tr., intr., ace), mahte, gemaht, to mow, to cut down, to reap; to crop; to pull grass. Mahen (of sheep), to baa, to bleat; to cry. Abm.ahen {tr., sep.), to cut down; to finish mowing, to crop. MAHLEN {tr., ctce, refl., imp.; used reg. andirreg.), mahlte, gemahlt, to grind, to pulverize, to crush, to put to powder (see list oj irregu- lar verbs). Abmahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind off, to grind completely, to finish grinding. Anmahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind in quantity, to pulverize in large stock. Aufmahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind all, to grind completely, to fin- ish grinding or pulverizing. Ausmahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind all up. Sand ausmahlen, to undermine or to hollow the sand. Nachmahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind again, to mill over, to repul- verize {zermahlen, see irregular verbs). tJbermahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to regrind, to grind or pulverize over, to mill over. Ummahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to grind over, to regrind, to repulverize. Regular Verbs. 155 Vermahlen {tr., ace), to grind down, to grind badly, to spoil in grind- ing or in milling. MAHNEN {tr., ace, gen., intr.), mahnte, gemahnt, to remind, to recall; to ask back, to redemand; to exhort; to press. Abmahnen {tr., ace, sep.), to dissuade from; to warn against; to obtain by dunning. Anmahnen {tr., ace, sep.), to exhort a person to a thing, to remind one; to redemand, to press. Ausmahnen {tr., ace, sep.), to dissuade; to obtain something by reminding; to press a person for a thing. Ermahnen {tr., ate), to admonish, to advise, to counsel, to exhort, reprimand, warn, reprove, lecture, to preach, sermonize; hint; caution. Fortmahnen {intr., sep.), to continue exhorting, to keep on remind- ing one, to redemand constantly. Gemahnen {tr., ace), io remind; to appear, as: Es gemahnt mich, it appears to me in a certain way, it reminds me. Vermahnen {tr., ace), to lecture, to sermonize, to admonish, to urge, to advise, to warn, MALEN {tr., ace, intr., reft.), malte, gemalt, to mark; to paint; to color; to dye, to stain; to enamel; picture, to sketch; to portray oneself. Abmalen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to paint, to picture, to delineate; to depict; to portray; to draw; describe. Anmalen {tr., ace, sep.), to adorn; to paint over, to daub; to color; to enamel, to stain. Aufmalen {tr., ace, sep.), to refresh, to retouch, to touch up, to paint anew, to retouch afresh. Ausmalen {tr., intr., sep.), to illuminate; to color; to print; to em- blazon; to finish painting, to give a finishing touch; to amplify. Bemalen {tr., ace, reft.), to bepaint, to paint over, to daub; to make up; to mark; to portray. Nachmalen {tr., ace, sep.), to copy; to forge; to imitate; to repro- duce by painting or drav^dng. Ubermalen {tr., ace, sep.), to paint out or over, to cover one pic- ture with another; to color, to dye; to touch up; to repaint. Ummalen {tr., ace, sep.), to repaint, to color over, to touch over; to print again; to re-enamel. Vormalen {tr., ace, sep.), to paint or draw a thing before a person; to describe; to paint a thing as an example; to picture a thing. MANGELN {dat., gen., intr., hab., imp.), mangelte, gemangelt, to be in need of, to suffer want, to be wanting. An mir soil es nicht mangeln, I shall not fail. Es mangelt an nichts, nothing is wanting. 156 Regular Verbs. Erxnangeln {imp., dat.), to be in want of, to lack, to be in need of. Es mangelt mir, I am in want or need of; I need; to be destitute of. Ich werde nicht ermangeln, I shall not fail to, I shall not neglect. MANGELN {intr., hah.), mangelte, gemangelt, to find fault with; to cavil at everything; to pick and choose; to be constantly fault-finding. Bemangeln {tr., insep., dat.), to criticise, find fault with, to correct one; to show one's defects. MANNEN {tr., intr.), mannte, gemannt, to hand on from man to man; to marry. Bemannen {tr., ace), to equip, to man; to fit out, to commission; to marry (verheirathen). Ermannen {tr., reft.), to encourage, to recover, to regain strength and manly courage. Ermannen Sie sich! take heart! tJberinannen {tr.), to overwhelm, to overcome, to overpower. MARSCHIREN {intr., hah., *), marschirte, marschirt, to move, to march, to walk; to pace. Anmarschiren {sep., intr., *), to march toward or against; to advance; to march along. MARTERN {tr., ace), marterte, gemartert, to torment, to torture, to (put to the) rack; to kill a person (by torturing). Abmartem {sep., tr., ace, reft., dat.), to extort (a thing from a person); to torture (a person) ; to harass (oneself to death) ; to torment, vex, worry; to rack (one's brains). MASSIGEN {tr., ace, reft.), massigte, gemassigt, to moderate; to '-^^-v-v temper, to mitigate, to restrain; regulate, to restrict, to lessen. \Ermassigen {tr., ace), to lessen; to moderate; to lower, to diminish; v^ to reduce, to abate. Eine Strafe ermassigen, to reduce a sentence. -..■"^lASTEN {tr., reft.), mastete, gemastet, to feed, to fatten; to cram (poultry); to batten. MEHREN {tr., reft.), mehrte, gemehrt, to increase, to augment, to accumulate; to grow apace. Vermehren {tr., reft.), to multiply, enlarge, add, extend; to swell, to propagate; to breed; to increase. MEINEN {tr., intr.), meinte, gemeint, to beUeve, fancy, think; to imagine; to be of opinion; to suppose, assert. Was meinen Sie? what do you mean, aim at, intend, purpose, allude, refer to ? Vermeinen {tr., intr.), to imagine, presume, suppose; to be under the impression. MELDEN {tr., intr., reft., dat.), meldete, gemeldet, to announce, to bring word to; to report, return; to tell of; to mention, say; to usher in; to apply for. Sich melden lassen, to announce oneself, to send in one's name, to report oneself. Abmelden {tr., sep., reft.), to countermand; to give notice. Anmelden {tr., reft., sep.), to notify; to give notice; to announce, report; to send word. I Regular Verbs. 157 Ermelden (dot.), to purport, to mean, to signify; to say. Vermelden {insep., imp., tr., dai.), to notify; to be duly informed; to announce. MELKEN {tr., ace; used reg. and irreg.), melkte, gemelkt, to milk, to draw from (by milking). For melken {tr., ace), to drain, to impoverish, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 50. MENGEN {tr., ace, refl.), mengte, gemengt, to mix, to mingle, to blend; to embroil; to muddle; to intermingle; to mash. Abmengen {tr., ace, sep.), to muddle up; to intermingle. Einmengen {tr., refl., sep.), to intersperse; to put in, to insert; to mingle with; to meddle in, to interfere, interpose, intercede. Vermengen {tr., ace, refl.), to mix or to muddle up; to entangle; to jumble; to blend. MERKEN {tr., dat., refl.), merkte, gemerkt, to mark, to note, to re- member; to advert; to heed, to observe, to take notice; to intimate; to impress on one's memory; to bear in mind; to retain something. Abmerken {tr., dat., refl., sep.), to learn a thing by observing, to pay strict attention, to see closely; to take notice of; to note down. Anmerken {tr., refl., sep.), to remark, to observe, to perceive, to become aware; to quote; to jot down. Aufmerken {tr., intr., sep.), to mark or note or put down; to give or pay attention, to listen, to heed, to mark, to mind, to watch, to observe. Bemerken {tr., ace), to remark, to see, to discover, to perceive, to become aware of, to mention. Beimerken {tr., ace, sep.), to add, to add by the way; to observe. Einmerken {tr., ace, sep.), to embroider, to inwork; to mark in; to put initials into. Vermerken {tr., ace), to note, to take notice, to observe; to enter; to listen. Zumerken {intr., sep.), to pay attention; to listen; to take heed; to remember. MIETHEN {tr., ace), miethete, gemiethet, to take; to hire, rent, lease ; engage; charter. Abmiethen {tr., sep.), to hire or to rent a thing from a person; to engage or lease. Anmiethen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to engage; to hire something; to rent by paying on a certain sum. Ausmiethen {sep., tr., o.), to hire; to let out; to dislodge (a person); to find a lodging (for a person); to take out or put out of the rick or stack. Einmiethen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to take a lodging for a person, to hire, to take up lodgings or quarters (einquartiren). Vermiethen {tr., ace), to let out, to let out on hire or on lease; to 158 Regular Verbs. relet, to sublet; to rent out. Ein Haus vermiethen, to let a house. Moblirte Zimmer vermiethen, to rent furnished rooms. MILDERN (/r., ace), milderte, gemildert, to soften, smooth, mod- erate; to temperate; to extenuate; to lessen, diminish; to mitigate, alleviate; to tone down. MISCHEN (/r., ace, refl.), mischte, gemischt, to mix, to blend, to mingle; to shuffle; to mash; to alloy; to pack; to meddle, to interfere. Aufmischen (/r., ace, sep.), to mix together, to blend together, to mix up; to join. Ausmischen (/r., ace, sep.), to alloy, to amalgamate, to pour out. Einmischen (tr., refl., sep.), to mingle with; to mix up, to inter- sperse; to meddle in other people's affairs, to intercede, interfere. Vermischen {ir., ace, refl.), to intermix, to intermingle, to mix up, to compound; to get mixed; to cross. MISSEN (/r., intr.), misste, gemisst, to miss, dispense with; to be without; to grieve to part (with something); to spare. Vermissen (tr., ace), to deplore, regret, or bewail the loss of some- thing, to miss. MODERN {tr., intr., hah., *), moderte, gemodert, to moulder, to rot, decay, to putrefy; to manure with mud or slime (see vermodern). MO GEN {auxiliary verb 0} mood, one of six), mochte, gemocht (see mo gen, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben) . MORDEN {tr., intr. ace), mordete, gemordet, to murder, to commit a murder; to kill, to slay; to butcher, to massacre; to assassinate. Ermorden {tr., refl.), to murder, to assassinate, to slay, to slaughter; to kill oneself, to commit suicide. MtJHEN {tr., ace, refl.), miihte, gemiiht, to endeavor; to trouble; to toil, to labor; strive. Abmiihen {tr., refl., sep.), to drudge, to slave, to fag away; to struggle; to fatigue; to exert, to toil; to pluck. Bemtihen {tr., ace, refl.), to molest, to annoy, to inconvenience, to trouble, to disturb, to use efforts, to strain, try. Vermuhen {refl.), to make it worth one's while; to inconvenience oneself. MUNDEN {tr., dat.), mundete, gemundet, to taste well, to be to one's taste, to be palatable; to go down well. Das mundet mir, I relish, I like it. Bevormunden {tr., ace), to be a person's guardian; to tutor. Jemandem Vormund sein, to be a person's guardian (see primitive verb). MUNDEN {intr., refl.), mundete, gemundet, to flow (into); to dis- charge or empty itself (into) ; to run or strike (into) ; to disembogue (into). Regular Verbs. 159 MURREN {intr., hah.), murrte, gemurrt, to grumble, to growl, to murmur, to grudge, mutter, to complain of. Anmurren (/r., ace, sep.), to mutter at, to grumble at a person, to complain at; to talk in an arrogant manner. Vermurren (intr., *), to be cut up by torrents carrying earth and stones; to deteriorate, decay. MUSSEN (auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), musste, gemusst (see mogen, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben) . MUTHEN {tr., intr.), muthete, gemuthet, to take up claims; to request permission; to demand something; to be inclined, to be disposed. Wohlgemuth sein, to be in good humor. Muthmassen, to guess; to make, give, or have a guess; to presume, to sup- pose; to conjecture; to surmise, to augur. Anmuthen {sep., dat.), to expect a thing from a person. Vennuthen (tr.) (see primitive verb). Zumuthen {tr., sep., dat.), to presume; to exact, to impute. Ichkann es ihm nicht zumuthen, I cannot expect it of him. Welch eine Zumuthung, what a presumption. N. NAGELN {tr., ace), nagelte, genagelt, to nail, to tack, to spike, to rivet, to stud. Abnageln {tr., ace, sep.), to take off, to remove, to throw off; to take away. Annageln {tr., ace, sep.), to fasten, to nail on, to, up; to pin down, to spike down. Benageln {tr., ace), to nail, to spike down, to fasten with nails, to stud, to put nails in. Umnageln {tr., ace), to fasten, to put nails about, to tighten. Vemageln {tr., ace), to injure; to prick; to be dull, stupid, or dense, to be devoid of sense; to nail; to fasten. Zunageln {tr., ace, sep.), to nail up; to nail down; to fasten; to put rivets in; to close; to tack. NAGEN {intr., tr., ace), nagte, genagt, to gnaw, to nibble; to eat into, to corrode; to fret. Abnagen {tr., ace, sep.), to gnaw the flesh from the bone, to pick the bone; to nibble; to wear out; to eat up. Umnagen {tr., ace), to nibble around, to gnaw around the flesh; to eat up. Vemagen {tr., ace), to gnaw through, to nibble through; to eat through. i6o Regular Verbs. Zemagen (/r., ace), to tear or gnaw asunder, to eat away, through; to corrode; to erode. NAHERW (ir., reft., dat.), naherte, genahert, to bring near, approach; to adduct; to draw near, to come up to; to access. Annahem {sep., tr., ref,. intr.), to bring near; to approach; to con- verge; to use approximately; to bring together (a reconcilia- tion). NAHREN {tr., reft., ace, o., intr.), nahrte, genahrt, to nourish; to nurse; to foster; to nurture, cherish, to feed; to keep alive; to entertain; to nutrify. Annahren {tr., ace, sep.), to feed, to make one accustomed to take a certain food. Emahren (reft., tr., ace), to support; to feed, to nourish, to nurture; to consume; to aliment. WASCHEN (tr., ace), naschte, genascht, to nibble (at something); to eat tidbits (by stealth or on the sly) ; to pilfer; to enjoy (forbidden things). Vemaschen (tr., ace), to spend or waste on dainties or on sweets. NECKEN (tr., reft.), neckte, geneckt, to tease, banter, chaff; to joke, quiz; to mock; provoke. Abnecken (tr., sep.), to tease a person out of a thing; to obtain by teasing. Ausnecken (tr., sep.) (see necken). NEIDEN (tr., o., ace), neidete, geneidet, to envy, to grudge, to feel envious. Abneiden (sep.), to begrudge one, to feel envious of one. Anneiden (sep.), to envy, to feel envious of; to grudge at. Beneiden (tr., ace), to grudge, to envy, to be enviable. NEIGEN (reft., tr., ace, intr.), neigte, geneigt, to incline; to slope, to slant, to converge; to bow to; to lean toward; to have a liking for; to be prone to something. Abneigen (reft., tr., ace, sep.), to turn aside, away from, to be averse; to be disinclined, to be indisposed, unfavorable toward, to be un- friendly. Umneigen (tr., ace), to be flattered; to be sought after, to be well liked, to be cherished. Vemeigen (reft.), to make a bow; to incline; to make or drop a curtsy, to bow low, to make obeisance. Zuneigen (tr., ace, dat., reft.), to incline; to lean toward; to feel drawn towards a person; to have sympathy; to take a liking or a fancy. NICKEN (tr., intr., dat.), nickte, genickt, to nod, beckon; to drop one's head; to assent; to bow. Regular Verbs. i6i Abnicken {sep., tr.), to give the finishing stroke to; to stab (with the hunting knife in the nape of the neck). Annicken (Jr., dat., sep.), to nod to a person; to greet. Ausnicken {intr., sep.), to cease nodding, to finish taking one's nap. Einnicken {intr., sep., *), to nod off; to fall asleep. Zunicken {tr., intr., sep., dat.), to nod to a person; to intimate something to a person by a nod. NIESEN {intr.), nieste, geniest, to sneeze. NIETEN {tr., intr.), nietete, genietet, to rivet, to cHnch, to tie up; to fasten, to nail. Annieten {tr., ace, sep.), to rivet to, to fasten, to tie to. Vemieten {tr., ace), to unite, to rivet, to tie together by means of rivets. Zunieten {tr., ace, sep.), to fasten, to clinch, to tie up, to rivet, to bring together. NOTHIGEN {tr., ace), nothigte, genothigt, to compel, force, drive to do (a thing); to be bound to; to press, urge, invite to. Benothigen {gen., tr., ace), to be in need or want of; to be hard up (for something). NUTZEN (NUTZEN) {tr., intr., hah., dat.), niitzte, genutzt, to utilize something, to turn something to account; to be of use, of service to a person; to do a person good. Was niitzt es? of what use is it ? Was wUrde es Ihnen niitzen ? of what benefit would it be to you ? Abniitzen {sep., tr., reft.), to use up, to wear out; to fret, chafe; to hackney; to consume, to spend or waste; to explode. Ausniitzen {tr., sep.), to make profit, to take advantage of; to turn into profit; to wear out; to finish wearing. Beniitzen {tr., insep.), to profit by a thing, to take advantage; to utilize, to turn to account; to draw profit from; to make the best of; to use. OFFNEN {tr., reft.), offnete, geoffnet, to open; to unwrap; to undo; to force; to unbar. Eroffnen {tr., ace), to reopen; to commence, to start, to begin; to inaugurate; to acquaint; inform; to explain; to relax; com- municate. OLEN {tr., ace), olte, geblt, to oil, grease, lubricate; to anoint; to receive the last sacrament; to administer. Einolen {tr., sep., ace), to smear with oil; to anoint. Jemandem einolen, to make something go down with a person. II i62 Regular Verbs. OPERIREN (/r., ace), operirte, operirt, to operate; to operate upon. Sich operiren lassen, to undergo an operation. ORDNEN {ir., refl., ace), ordnete, geordnet, to order, set (aright); to settle, regulate; to arrange; to dispose of; to classify; to reform; to couple; to seriate; to systematize; to array; to parse or construe; to form into a procession. Anordnen {ir., sep., refl., intr.), to appoint, constitute, institute; to regulate, rule, order; to marshal, supervise. Verordnen {tr., dat.), to prescribe; to establish, institute, to appoint, decree; to designate. PAAREN {tr., ace, refl.), paarte, gepaart, to pair, to couple, match; to assort; to combine, unite, add; form a couple; to mate, to join. Abpaaren {tr., refl., intr.), to range in couples; to pair (with one another). PACHTEN {tr., ace), pachtete, gepachtet, to rent; to farm; to take on lease. Abpachten {sep., dat., ace), to rent (a thing from a person), to lease. Verpachten {tr., dat.), to lease or farm out; to let out; to sublet. PACEIEN {tr., refl., dat., ace), packte, gepackt, to pack, fill, box (up), to barrel, ton; to bundle oflf; to go off in a hurry; to seize, catch, to grasp, grip, or clutch. Aufpacken {sep., tr., refl., dat.), to pack upon; to impose oneself upon a person. Auspacken {sep., tr., ace), to unpack, to unbale, to unload. Bepacken {tr., ace), to load or pack with luggage. Einpacken {tr., sep., intr., refl., dat., ace), to bale, put up; to do up; to truss; to pack (off or away); to be off; to muffle or wrap (oneself up). Erpacken {tr., ace), to seize (one); to grab or take hold (of one). Fortpacken {tr., refl.), to pack away; to decamp; to take oneself off. Verpacken {tr., ace), to wrap up, to make a package, to use up in packing. Zupacken {tr., intr.), to take hold of; to pack up, to stop up. PASSEN {intr., hah., dat.), passte, gepasst, to fit, suit; to be convenient; to go with, to match; to correspond to; to be in keeping with; to tally with; to be qualified for. Abpassen {tr., sep., dat.), to measure off, to adapt; to make suit- able; to watch. Anpassen {tr., sep., dat.), to fit, to measure; to be adapted to; to Regular Verbs. 163 try on. Anpassen, sich, to adapt oneself to; to conform, to strike in with. Aufpassen (ir., sep., dat.), to pay attention, to take care of; to watch or wait for. Auspassen (/r., sep.), to pass through (ausmessen). Einpassen {sep., tr.), to fit, adapt, adjust; to suit in; to accommo- date; to insert into. Verpassen (tr., insep.), to miss, to lose; to let a thing slip. Zupassen (sep., dat.), to fit, to add, to join to. Zusammenpassen (sep., tr.), to belong to; to be adapted to each other; to go together. PASSIREN (tr., intr., * dat., imp.), passirte, passirt, to let pass; to come to pass, to happen, occur; to take place; to pass through a place; to clear; to cross (a line); to pass (muster or in re- view). PEINIGEN (tr., ace), peinigte, gepeinigt, to torment, to torture, to worry; to harass; to tantaUze; to suffer (great pain). PEITSCHEN (tr., intr., ace), peitschte, gepeitscht, to whip (away), to flog; to scourge. Abpeitschen (sep., tr., ace), to whip off (a thing from); to whip, to scourge, lash. Auspeitschen (tr., intr., dat., ace), to horsewhip; to scourge publicly; to expel by a public whipping; to whip out of a person; to cease whipping. Durchpeitschen (tr., sep., insep., ace), to flog soundly; to horsewhip; to read, look over, or despatch hastily. PFANDEN (tr., dat., ace), pfandete, gepfandet, to levy (a distress); to put in an execution; to seize something (as an execution); to distrain; to take away, to seize. Abpfanden (sep., dat., tr.), to take a thing from a person (as a pledge or a pawn); to seize it (by process of law). Auspfanden (tr., sep., ace), to put an execution in a person's house; to levy (a distress on); to distrain, to distress. Verpfanden (tr., ace), to pawn; to give (as a pledge); to mortgage; to hypothecate; to put in (as a pawn). PFLANZEN (tr., ace), pflanzte, gepflanzt, to plant; to lay out; to place; to implant. Anpflanzen (sep., tr., refl.), to plant, clear, cultivate; to settle. Aufpflanzen (tr., refl.), to erect, set up, place; to place or set one- self; raise. Auspflanzen (sep., tr., intr.), to transplant; to unpot; to cease plant- ing. Bepflanzen (tr., insep.), to plant; to line or set with; to colonize. 164 Regular Verbs. Einpflanzen {sep., tr., reft.), to take root; to plant; to implant; inculcate. Umpflanzen {sep., insep.), to transplant, to bed out; to surround something with a border. Verpflanzen {tr., insep.), to transplant, replant; to retransplant; to transfer to the nursery; to pot or bed out. PFLEGEN {tr., intr., gen., ace, used reg. and irreg.), pflegte, gepflegt, to nurse, take care of, cherish, nourish; to cultivate; to tend; to manage, superintend, entrust. For pflegen {intr.), to be accustomed, to carry on, etc., see list 0} irregular verbs, page 53. Verpflegen {tr., ace), to nurse, tend, look after; to mind, take care of; to supply with, to sustain; to provide with. PFLICHTEN {intr., tr., dat.), pflichtete, gepflichtet, to pledge oneself; to contribute. Beipflichten {sep., intr., dat.), to consent, to accede to; to agree; to assent, approve. Entpflichten {tr., ace, gen.), to free or make a person free from an obligation. Verpflichten {tr., ace, reft.), to oblige, bind oneself; to pledge oneself to; to promise. Ich bin verpflichtet, I am under obligation, under oath. PFLUCKEN {tr., ace), pfliickte, gepfluckt, to pluck, pull, pick; to burl; to fleece (a person). Abpflticken {sep., tr., ace), to pluck, to gather, to pick. PFLUGEN {tr., ace), pfliigte, gepfliigt, to plow; to break up; to subsoil; to trench; to furrow. Auspfliigen {sep., tr., ace), to plow up; to cease plowing. PFUSCHEN {intr., tr.), pfuschte, gepfuscht, to blunder, to spoil, to botch; to encroach upon; to carry on a trade without a license; to cheat; to plow a stubble-field. Abpfuschen {tr., ace, sep.), to do a thing in a careless way, to dabble a job. Nachpfuschen {tr., sep.), to imitate in a clumsy manner; to try to do a thing carelessly. Verpfuschen {tr., ace), to spoil, to botch, to bungle, to make a mess or a hash, to do badly. PLAGEN {tr., reft., ace), plagte, geplagt, to torment, torture, worry; to wear out; to trouble, importune; to pester; to molest, tease, vex, annoy, bore; to drudge; to slave. PLANEN {tr., intr., ace), plante, geplant, to plan, scheme; to project; to conceive; to intend to do; to plot. PLATZEN {intr., hah.,*), platzte, geplatzt, to burst, to explode, crack; to split; to break forth; to blurt out (something). Aufplatzen {sep., intr., *), to burst open, to explode. Regular Verbs. 165 Ausplatzen {intr., * sep.), to burst asunder; to burst out (in a laughter). Zerplatzen {intr., *), to burst apart; to fly into pieces; to split into. PLAUDERN (Ir., intr.), plauderte, geplaudert, to talk, to chat, to prattle, to gossip, to tell. Abplaudem {tr., reft., sep.), to discuss, to have a talk about a thing; to obtain a thing by talking. Anplaudem {tr., ace, sep.), to deceive a person by chatting; to palm a thing off or on a person. Ausplaudem {tr., refl., sep.), to tell tales, to tell abroad, to divulge or let a thing out, to blurt out. Verplaudem {tr., refl., ace), to prattle or chat away, to waste time in idle talk; to neglect over gossiping; to give oneself away; to be- tray oneself. PLUNDERN {tr., ace, intr.), pliinderte, geplundert, to plunder, rob, ravage; to pirate, loot; to take away. Auspliindem {tr., ace, sep.), to pillage, plunder, to ransack; to de- spoil, to spoliate. PONIREN {tr., ace), ponirte, ponirt (deponiren), to deposit money; to place, stand or put up something (hinlegen). Deponiren {tr., intr., ace), to depose; to lodge; to lay down; to depone; to make a deposit (hinterlegen). Exponiren {tr., ace, refl.), to expose or endanger; to expound some- thing (sich aussetzen, erklaren, erlautern). Imponiren {dat., intr., tr.), to produce an impression, to impress strongly, to strike with awe, to command respect; to face a person down; to impose upon (Achtung einflossen, Eindruck machen). PRAGEN {tr., ace, refl.), pragte, gepragt, to stamp, to coin, to im- press, imprint. Abpragen {tr., ace sep.), to impress, strike off by coining or stamp- ing, make good impression. Aufpragen {tr., ace, sep.), to imprint, impress, to stamp upon. Auspragen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to coin, imprint, impress, stamp, to pronounce, mark; decide. Einpragen {tr., dat., o., refl., sep.), to inculcate, to register, to re- member, to imprint, to impress. Fortpragen {intr., tr., ace, sep.), to continue coining. Umpragen {tr., ace, sep.), to recoin, to coin or mint over (again), to recast, to remodel; to leave mark. Verpragen {tr., ace), to coin badly, to spoil in coining or imprint- ing. Zusammenpragen {tr., ace, sep.), to coin or mint a mass. PRAHLEN {tr., intr., refl., ace), prahlte, geprahlt, to boast, to brag, to vaunt, to crow, to talk big, to attract notice, to display, to parade. i66 Regular Verbs. Anprahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to boast about things, to praise oneself; to attract notice. Verprahlen (intr., *), to talk big, to brag, to vaunt, to boast by trying to attract notice. PRALLEN {intr., hah., *), prallte," geprallt, to bounce, to dash, to knock against; to be dazzled. Abprallen {intr., * sep.), to rebound, to recoil, to fly, to spring back, to reverberate; to reflect. Zuriickpralleii (intr., * sep.), to rebound, to recoil, to be thrown back, to be reflected, to reverberate. PRASIDIREN (intr.), prasidirte, prasidirt, to preside over, to sit at the head, to be chairman. PROPHEZEIEN (tr., ace), prophezeite, prophezeit, to prophesy, to foretell, to predict, prognosticate. PUDERN {tr., refl.), puderte, gepudert, to powder, to powder oneself. Einpudem {tr., sep., refl.), to sprinkle with powder; to whiten. PULVERN {tr., ace), pulverte, gepulvert, to pulverize, to grind, to re- duce to powder; to levigate. Einpulvem {sep., tr., ace, refl.), to prime; to bleak; to dust one's face. Verpulvem {tr., ace), to pulverize; to squander (Geld verpulvern). PUMPEN {tr., dat., accs), pumpte, gepumpt, to pump; to pump out; to borrow. Anpumpen {tr., sep., ace), to borrow money (of a person); to squeeze money (out of a person). Auspumpen {tr., intr., sep., refl.), to pump (water) out of a place; to free from; to exhaust; to extract, to make a vacuum; to exploit (a person by borrowing all his money). Verpumpen {tr., ace), to lend, borrow; to give on credit. PUTZEN {tr., refl., ace), putzte, geputzt, to clean, cleanse; to scour; to shine, polish; to trim, decorate, adorn; to dress, to make oneself smart; to spruce up. Aufputzen {tr., intr., refl.), to brighten, brush up; to dress up, to attire, deck, trim; to flounce; to clean up. Ausputzen {tr., sep., refl., ace), to snuff out; to extinguish by snuff- ing; to prune; trim; to cleanse, clean; to decorate, adorn, attire; to reprimand, scold, lecture (a person); to empty. Beputzen {tr., ace), to trim, decorate, to ornament. Verputzen {tr., ace), to spend on finery of fine clothes; to squander, to fritter away; to clear; polish. Geld verputzen, to spend or waste money. I Regular Verbs. 167 QUALEN {tr., ace), qualte, gequalt, to torment, to torture, to vex, to excruciate, to try, to worry, tantalize, molest; drudge; to impor- tune. Qualender Schmerz, excruciating pain. Abqualen {tr., refi., sep.), to labor, to drudge, to slave, to struggle, to toil, to strain or exert oneself. Ausqualen {tr., refl., intr., sep.), to worry or torment to death, to cease tormenting or worrying. Fortqualen {refl., sep.), to continue to live a life of misery, to drudge along, to go on toiling. Hinqualen {reft., sep.), to drag on a painful existence, to spend a life of misery, of torture. Verqualen {tr., ace, reft.), to spend one's life in torment, in vexa- tion, in slavery, in struggle. R. RACHEN {tr., ace, reft.), rachte, geracht, to revenge, to avenge; to have vindictive thoughts. Alle Schuld racht sich auf Erden, all guilt comes home on earth. Ausrachen {tr., ace. sep.), to take vengeance, to avenge, to be revenge- ful, to show vindictive sentiments. Fortrachen {reft., sep.), to continue to revenge, to be avengeful without ceasing. RAFFEN {tr., ace), raffte, gerafft, to snatch up, to sweep away; to carry off hastily; to gather up. Auf raff en {sep., tr., reft., ace), to snatch up; to rise quickly; to get up ; to recover, collect oneself. Zusammenrafifen {tr., reft.), to collect hurriedly; to scrape together; to take up courage. RAGEN {intr., hah.), ragte, geragt, to tower, rise up. Emporragen {intr., sep.), to tower above. Hervorragen {intr., sep.), to project, to be prominent; to protuberate; to stick out; to stand forward; to rise above. Uberragen {tr., imp., o.), to surpass, excel, exceed; to transcend, overtower, overlook, overtop. RAHMEN {tr., intr., ace), rahmte, gerahmt, to cream, to skim; to put into a frame. Abrahmen {sep., tr., ace), to skim or cream off; to frame or unframe. Ausrahmen {tr., intr., sep.), to unframe; to (let) cream. Einrahmen {tr., sep.), to place in a frame; to scarf; assemble. i68 Regular Verbs. RANDERN (RANDEN, RANDEN) (/r., ace), randerte, gerandert, to border, to rim, to edge; to turn over. RASEN {tr., intr.), raste, gerast, to rage, bluster; to rush; tear; to be beside oneself, out of one's senses; to be delirious, distracted; to be in passion; to do or utter in a fit of frenzy. RASIREN {tr., refl., ace), rasirte, rasirt, to shave, to get shaved, to have a shave. RASTEN {intr., refl.), rastete, gerastet, to rest, repose; to make a halt, a stop. Rast' ich, so rost' ich, resting is rusting. RAUBEN {gen., dat., ace, tr., intr.), raubte, geraubt, to rob, steal, deprive of; to defame; to plunder, to prey, spoliate; to take away; to encroach. Ausrauben {tr., intr.), to steal frpm; to plunder (plundem), to de- prive of. Berauben {insep., tr., gen., refl.), to deprive, to curtail of, to dispossess, divest of, to deprive oneself of. RAUCHEN {tr., ace, intr., imp., refl.), rauchte, geraucht, to smoke, to reek, to fume, to steam. Das Rauchen ist verboten, smoking is prohibited. Anrauchen {tr., ace, sep.), to smoke, to fill or blacken, to infest, or incommode with smoke. Aufrauchen {tr., intr., sep.), to rise like smoke, to finish up smok- ing, to smoke all out. Ausrauchen {tr., ace, sep.), to smoke out, to cease smoking, to fin- ish smoking. Einrauchen {tr., ace, sep.), to blacken with smoke, to initiate a person in smoking, to color a pipe. Fortrauchen {tr., intr., sep.), to continue smoking, to go on smoking, to smoke on and on, to be constantly smoking. Mitrauchen {tr., intr., sep.), to join one in smoking, to smoke in company, to smoke with some one together. Verrauchen {tr., intr., *), to go off in smoke, to fume away, to evap- orate, to steam away, to keep on smoking. Zusammenrauchen {tr., intr., sep.), to smoke in company; to smoke to a large extent, to be a great smoker. RAUMEN {tr., ace), raumte, geraumt, to clear away; to put aside; to put out (of the way); to clean, dredge; to leave, quit, give up; to evacuate, remove from. Ausraumen {tr., sep.), to remove; to clear out; to sell; to steal. Einraumen {tr., dat., sep.), to put in order; to deposit; to give up to; to acknowledge, admit, grant; to concede. Fortraumen {tr., ace), to remove, clear away. RAUSCHEN {intr., hah., imp.), rauschte, gerauscht, to plash, ripple, to rush, splash; to rustle, murmur; to vibrate, lisp; to roar. Regular Verbs. 169 Verrauschen {intr., *), to cease roaring; to die away; to slip by; to pass or hurry away (like a rushing stream). RECHNEN (/r., ace, intr.), rechnete, gerechnet, to count, to bar- gain, to cast up, to reckon, to sum up, to calculate, to compute, to solve, estimate. Abrechnen {ir., ace, sep.), to make a reduction, to subtract, to bal- ance, to square, to settle an account. Anrechnen {tr., ace, ref,., sep.), to credit, to put down to one's account, to charge, to rate, to score, to give value to, to deduct; regard. Aufrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to count up, to specify, to enumerate, to charge, to balance, to square up. Ausrechnen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to cast up, to reckon up, to calculate, to compute, to set a price. Berechnen {tr., ace), to cipher, to calculate, to sum up, to com- pute, to value, to appraise, fix. Beirechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to charge, to ascribe to, to attribute, to account, to add, to include. Einrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to include, to add, to comprise, to make allowance for, to charge with. Mitrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to help in casting accounts, to include; to count in, to add to a bill. Nachrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to check, to verify, to examine, to revise; to find out by reckoning; to recalculate. Umrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to change, to reduce, to convert into, to make a calculation, recalculate. Verrechnen {tr., ace, refl.), to reckon up, to place to account, to liquidate; to miscalculate, to make a mistake in calculating, to mistake, to err. Verrechnen {sep., refl., dat.), to do a sum in a person's presence; to enumerate; to count something to oneself; to do a sum in one's head. Zurechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to add, to include in, to ascribe, to attrib- ute, to include in, to charge. Zusammenrechnen {tr., ace, sep.), to add, to sum up, to figure up, to total, to make up, to include all. RECHTEN {intr., hah.), rechtete, gerechtet, to go to law, to litigate, to dispute, to argue, reason, to remonstrate, to interplead. Ausrechten {tr., ace, sep.), to fight out, to go to court, to argue to an end, to interplead with an attorney. Bevorrechten (bevorrechtigen) {tr., ace), to privilege; to peculiar- ize; to monopolize; to offer special rights. Entrechten {tr., ace), to outlaw, to deprive one of rights. REDEN {tr., ace, dat., intr.), redete, geredet, to talk, to chat, to speak, to discourse, to converse. Reden Sie mir nichts vor, do not try to make me believe. lyo Regular Verbs. Abreden {tr., inlr., refl.), to fatigue or tire one by talking, to agree upon, to plan, to stipulate, settle, to detract; to lead a person from some one. Anreden (ir., ace, sep.), to address, to speak to, to accost, to turn to. Ausreden {tr., refl., sep.), to finish one's speech, to finish, to make an end to to utter, to say. Bereden {Ir., ace, refl.), to speak ill, to discuss, to debate, to confer about, to concert a plan; to conjure, to charm, persuade; to cheat; to deceive; to slander. Beireden {ir., ace, sep.), to attribute, to confer, to attach, to convince by talking. Einreden {tr., dat., refl., sep.), to persuade, to get into one's head, to convince, to interrupt; to object. Fortreden {tr., intr., sep.), to continue to speak, to chat, to pro- ceed, to run on, to go on speaking. Mitreden {tr., intr., sep.), to put in a word, to join in a conversation or discussion; to speak at the time. Nachreden {Ir., intr., sep.), to imitate, to repeat another's remark or speech, talk; to speak like another; to slander. tiberreden {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to persuade, to win over, to convince, to allow, to prevail. Verreden {tr., intr., refl.), to forswear or abjure; to renounce, to promise to abstain from doing a thing; to blunder; to splutter; to plead excuses; to vow. Vorreden {tr., intr., sep., dat., refl.), to make a person believe some- thing; to talk a person into an opinion. Sich etwas vorreden lassen, to let oneself be humbugged. Zureden {tr., intr., sep.), to advise; to urge; to persuade; to console, to encourage, to admonish, to entreat. Zusaimnenreden {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to marry, to pronounce the nuptial benediction; to talk or speak. REGEN {tr., ace, refl.), regte, geregt, to stir, to agitate, to move, to rouse, to awaken, to breathe. Anregen {tr., ace, sep.), to animate, to excite, to irritate, to quicken, to stimulate, to urge; to cheer. Aufregen {tr., refl., sep.), to excite, to incite, to agitate, to get angry, to vex, to stir, to inflame. Erregen {tr., ace, refl.), to cause, produce, bring, or draw forth; to agitate, to excite; to inflame; to animate; to provoke; to over- excite; to stir up, to work up. REGIEREN {tr., ace, intr.), regierte, regiert, to reign, to rule, to govern, to guide, to conduct, to direct. Mitregieren {intr., sep.), to be a co-regent, to be a fellow-ruler, to rule with some one together. Regular Verbs. 171 Zusammenregieren {intr., sep.), to govern, to reign by a body, to be under an administration. REGNEN {imp., intr., tr., ace), regnete, geregnet, to rain, to drizzle, to be rainy, wet, showery; to sprinkle. Beregnen {tr., ace), to rain over, to get wet, to be watered or re- freshed by rain. Hineinregnen {intr., sep.), to rain through, to rain in. Verregnen {tr., ace), to be spoiled or marred by rain, to be dampened by rain. REICHEN {imp., dat., tr., intr.), reichte, gereicht, to reach, to hand, to pass, to give, to present, to offer. Es reicht, it is enough. Ausreichen {sep., intr.), to be sufficient, enough, to suffice, to extend, to spread, to give out; pass. Einreichen {tr., ace, sep.), to present, to hand, to deliver, to produce. Erreichen {tr., ace), to reach, to gain, to attain, to obtain, to get, to procure, to secure. Gereichen {intr., dat., imp., insep.), to redound, conduce, to tend; to prove, contribute; to do, afford. Es gereicht mir zur Ehre, it does me honor. Hinreichen {tr., intr., sep.), to suffice, to offer, to hand, to give, to present. Uberreichen {tr., sep.), to reach over, to extend, to exceed, to go beyond; present, deliver. Umreichen {tr., ace) (umfassen), to embrace, to clasp, to hug, to clutch, to span, to encircle, to comprehend, include, comprise; to reset, to enclose. Umherreichen {tr., ace, sep.), to hand or to pass around (herum- reichen, to pass or hand round, also "herumlangen"). REIHEN {tr., refl.), reihte, gereiht, to file, rank, range; to form (a row); to string (together); to stitch, tack. Anreihen {tr., refl.), to add, annex, join; to tack or run (together). REINIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), reinigte, gereinigt, to clean, purify, refine; sweep; polish; rub; scrub; cleanse; peel, shell; to prepare; to purge; rectify; to amend, revise, reform. Ausreinigen {tr., ace, sep.), to cleanse (thoroughly). REISEN {intr., * imp., refl.), reiste, gereist, to travel, to journey, to go, to take a trip; to shift. Abreisen {intr., * sep.), to depart, to set off, to start, to set out for a trip. Anreisen {intr., * sep.), to arrive, to reach, to get, to depend, to attain, to approach, near. Bereisen {tr., hah., * ace), to make a tour, to travel, to ride over, to take in, to visit. 172 Regular Verbs. Entgegenreisen (i«/r., * sep^, to travel or go to meet. Fortreisen {sep., infr., *), to depart, to start, to set out, to leave, to go away. Herreisen {inir., * sep.), to travel or journey hither or home. Hinreisen (intr., * sep.), to travel, to take a trip to a place; to go, to make a journey. Mitreisen (sep., intr., *), to go or travel with, to join a party, to be a fellow-traveler. Nachreisen {sep., intr., dat., *), to go after, to travel after, to rejoin, to foUow one. Verreisen {intr., *), to go, to set out on a journey, to leave, to start, to travel, to tour. Vorbeireisen (* intr., sep.), to travel or sail or journey past, to pass by in traveling. Wegreisen {intr., sep., *), to depart, to start on a journey, to leave. Zureisen (* intr., sep.), to travel to a place, to arrive in a place, to stop at a place. Zuriickreisen (* intr., sep.), to return, to journey back, to go home, REIZEN {tr., ace), reizte, gereizt, to stimulate, to excite, to irritate, to provoke, to tickle, to rouse, to stir up, to exasperate; to put out. Anreizen {tr., ace, sep.), to abet, to bait, to excite, to incite, to in- flame, to instigate, to stimulate, to irritate, to pique; prompt, pro- voke, put on, rouse. Aufreizen {tr., ace, sep.), to incite, excite, inflame, irritate, chafe, to heat, set on, stimulate, pique. Einreizen {tr., ace, sep.), to put one into excitement, to frighten or tease, to inflame by teasing. RETTEN {tr., ace, refl.), rettete, gerettet, to save, deliver, free; to snatch fjom; to vindicate; to recover. Jemandem das Leben retten, to save one's life. Erretten {tr., ace), to rescue, save, deliver, free; to redeem. REUEN {tr., intr., imp., ace), reute, gereut, to repent, to rue; to regret, to feel sorry (for). Bereuen {tr., ace), to grieve, to be sorry (for). Gereuen {tr., imp. 0.), to cause regret; to repent, to be sorry (for). RICHTEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), richtete, gerichtet, to raise, erect, set up, to turn, direct, address, to judge, sentence; prepare. Sich nach etwas oder Jemandem richten, to act according to, to go by, to conform by, to accommodate oneself by; to follow a per- son's example; to fall in one's ideas. Abrichten {tr., ace, sep.), to train, to dress, break, teach, retrieve, to direct; shape, to fit, correct. Anrichten {tr., ace, sep.), to serve, prepare, cause, make, to do. i Regular Verbs. 173 Aufrichten {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to erect, to raise, set up, bear, lift up, put up; to console, comfort, support. Ausrichten {tr., ace, sep.), to adjust, to straighten, to put up, to execute, to effect, to commission. Berichten {tr., ace), to report, to give account, to give notice, advise, to inform, to show. Einrichten {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to arrange, dispose, organize, to accommodate, adapt, adjust, regulate; conform. Entrichten {tr., ace), to clear, to settle, liquidate, pay, to reim- burse, to satisfy, pay back, return. Errichten {tr., ace), to build, construct, institute, to establish, raise, open. Hinrichten {tr., ace, sep.), to ruin, spoil, destroy, to waste; to exe- cute, to put to death, suffer penalty. Verrichten {tr., ace), to do, perform, execute, accompHsh, to dis- charge, fulfill, attend, transact. * Zurichten {tr., ace, sep.), to prepare, get ready, do up, to turn, direct, dress; to ill-treat, handle badly. ROCHELN {intr., hah.), rbchelte, gerochelt, to rattle, to wheeze; to have the rattles in one's throat. Verrbcheln {intr. *), to breathe one's last. Sein Leben ist verrochelt, his life is flown. ROTEN {tr., refl.), rotete, gerotet (roteln), to give off a reddish color; to give a reddish tint, to color reddish; to make red, to redden, to (dye) ruby; to turn red; to turn scarlet or crimson; to color up, to get flushed. Errbten {intr., *), to turn red, to redden, to blush; to flush, color up. RUCKEN {tr., ace, ^'w/r., /ja&., * re^.)> riickte, geruckt, to move, shift, push, shove, to bring near, close, pull, draw. Abriicken {tr., ace, refl., * sep.), to move off remove, or away, to withdraw, march off, to disconnect, to leave. Anriicken {tr., intr., hah., * sep.), to approach, arrive, to bring nearer, to push forward, to advance, come in a hurry. Ausriicken {tr., intr., hah., *), to get out, march off, to decamp, to march away, to move, ungear, disconnect. Beriicken {tr., ace), to deceive, cheat, impose upon, to seduce, to captivate, to catch, ensnare, to draw in a trap, to dupe. Einriicken {tr., ace, intr., hah., * sep.), to insert, to put in, to adver- tise; to put into gear, to couple; to enter a place, to introduce, to • intercalate. Entriicken {refl., tr., ace), to remove, to take away, to conceal, to draw out of sight, to enrapture; to put into a trance, to throw in a rapture. 174 Regular Verbs. Herriicken (tr., intr.,*sep.), to move hither; to march to; to come near. Hinnicken (tr., intr., * sep.), to march there; to move or remove there. Ifachriicken (* hab., sep.), to march after, to follow, to pursue, to promote, to push; to prefer. Verriicken (ir., ace), to move, shift, displace, dislodge, change, to put out of order, to derange. Vorriicken (* tr., intr., dat., sep.), to advance, to move forward, come near, promote, to progress; to make stand out; to reproach; to march onward or forward. Wegriicken {intr., * sep.), to move away; to withdraw (with a chair); .to remove. Zuriicken {tr., intr., hab., * sep.), to move, push, or shove toward, to pull or come near, to advance. Zuruckriicken (tr., intr., hab., * sep.), to push or move back, to back, to retreat, to go back. RUHEN {intr., imp., refl.), ruhte, geruht, to rest oneself, to take a rest; to repose, to be at ease; to be at leisure, to rest idle, to do nothing; to sit still; to be at a standstill. Ich wiinsche Ihnen wohl zu ruhen, I hope you will have a good night's rest. Geruhen {intr., hab.), to deign, to please, to be pleased; to condescend; to vouchsafe. RUHMEN {tr., refl.), riilimte, geriihmt, to praise, glorify, commend, to eulogize, to extol, laud. Beriihmt machen, to render one famous or renowned, celebrated, illustrious, give a great name. Beriihmt sein, to be well known, distinguished, celebrated, renowned. Be- riihmt werden, to become famous, celebrated, distinguished. Anriihmen {tr., ace, sep., gen.), to commend, to exalt, to celebrate, to puflf, advertise; to speak honorable. Nachriihinen {tr., sep.), to belaud, to say something in praise of a person; posthumous fame, to glorify one after death. RUHREN {intr., tr., refl.), riihrte, geriihrt, to touch; to stir, to move; to affect; to mix, scramble; to be astir. Anriihren {tr., sep.), to touch, handle. Beriihren {tr., refl.), to touch a thing; to handle, to finger; to touch upon, to mention; to affect, to adjoin. Umruhren {tr., sep.), to stir up or round; to paddle, to rake. Verriihren {tr.), to mix up by stirring. RUMPELN {tr., hab., intr.), nimpelte, gerumpelt, to rumble, to rattle; to turn everything into confusion; to throw everything up- side down. Ubemimpeln {tr.), to surprise, to attack a person unawares. Sich iiberrumpeln lassen, to be caught napping; to allow oneself to be cheated out of (provincial term). Regular Verbs. 175 RtJMPFEN {tr.), riimpfte, geriimpft, to sneer, to despise; to show one's disapproval; to wrinkle, to curl. Die Nase riimpfen, to turn one's nose, to dislike a thing, to sneer or make remarks. Verriimpfen {tr., ace, intr.) (verrunzeln), to get wrinkled, to shrivel, to undue. RUNZELN {tr., rejl., ace), runzelte, gerunzelt, to wrinkle, to frown, to knit one's brows; to form wrinkles ; to shrivel. Die Stirne runzeln, to knit one's brows; to frown, to be vexed or angry. Ausrunzeln {tr., ace, sep.), to unwrinkle, to smooth down, to straighten up. Verrunzeln {tr., intr., *), to get wrinkled, to shrivel, to mess up; to render disorderly; to wrinkle, shrivel. RliSTEN {tr., ace, refl.), riistete, geriistet, to prepare, to get ready, arrange, make preparations, to arm; to fit out, furnish; to rig out, raise. Abriisten {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to take down, to dismantle, to lay up, to remove, to throw or take off; to demobilize; to put on a peace footing, Ausriisten {tr., ace, rejl., sep.), to provide, supply, to arm, furnish, endow, get ready, to complete, to fit up. Entriisten {tr., ace, ref,.), to rouse, to make a person indignant, to fill one with scorn, to stir or make one angry. RUTSCHEN {intr., hob., *), rutschte, genitscht, to slide, glide, slip; to roll down; to crumble; to give way; to sUp through (figuratively). Abrutschen {sep., intr., *), to sneak away or off; to die; to kick the bucket; to sHp, ghde, slide down. Ausrutschen {intr., sep., *), to lose one's footing; to slip; to drive out; to take a trip; to cease slipping. RUTTELN {tr., intr.), riittelte, geriittelt, to shake, jog, rock; to jolt, to rattle. Aufriitteln {ace, rejl., tr., sep.), to shake or to stir up; to rouse, to start; to shake off one's lethargy, one's idleness. S. SAGEN {tr., intr., dat.), sagte, gesagt, to tell, to say, to speak, to ob- serve; to give out something; to mention. Absagen {tr., ace, sep.), to refuse, withdraw, to declare off, to break, to cancel, decline; excuse oneself. Ansagen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to announce, to speak out, to warn, to tell, to summon; to make trumps in cards. Aufsagen {tr., ace, sep.), to say, to rehearse, to recite, to repeat; to cancel, to give notice. 176 Regular Verbs. Aussagen {tr., ace, sep.), to make a statement, to finish saying, to express, to declare, to afl5rm, depose. Besagen (ir., imp., ace), to say, purport, to signify, to mean, men- tion, to express, pronounce, state. Entsagen (tr., dat.), to give up, refuse, to abandon, to abdicate, to forswear^ resign, relinquish. Lossagen {reft., ace, sep., tr.), to renounce, to give up something; to repudiate; to declare ofiF; to desist from. Nachsagen {tr., dat., sep.), to repeat, to say a thing over again; to speak behind one's back, to tell things. Versagen {tr., intr., refl.), to deny, refuse, not to grant, to miss, fail to do a thing, to renounce. Voraussagen {tr., ace, sep.), to tell before, to forecast, to predict, to prophesy, to foretell. Vorhersagen {tr , ace, sep.), to predict, to prophesy, to prognose. Wahrsagen {dat., tr., intr.), to foretell, to predict; to divine; to prophesy. Sich wahrsagen lassen, to have one's fortune told. Zusagen {tr., sep., dat.), to promise, to pledge, to consent, to corre- spond, to be according to one's liking. SAGEN {tr., ace), sagte, gesagt, to saw; to cut through; to cut down; to cut with a saw; to file. Zersagen {tr.), to saw up to pieces; to cut; to asunder; to resaw. SALZEN {tr., ace, intr.), salzte, gesalzt, to season, to salt down, to pickle, to brine, to souse. Absalzen {tr., ace, sep.), to salt well, to pickle, to season. Ansalzen {tr., ace, sep.), to salt a Uttle; to speak ill of a person, to slander. Aussalzen {tr., ace, sep.), to salt, to spice; to separate (soap) by means of salt. Besalzen {tr., ace), to put salt on; to spoil; to fool. Einsalzen {tr., ace, sep.), to preserve, season, sprinkle or impreg- nate; to dry or to cure; to get one into trouble. Ubersalzen {tr., ace, sep.), to put salt or spice over, to have things well preserved or pickled. Versalzen {tr., ace), to oversalt, to salt too much, to spoil with salt- ing; to mar pleasure. SAMMELN {tr., refl.), sammelte, gesammelt) to gather, to amass, to store up; to gather in; to harvest; to get in; to reap; to bring, get, or draw together; to accumulate, heap, or lay up; to stock, mass, collect; to make a collection; to canvass; to assemble, collect; to mass together; to congregate. Versammeln {tr., refl.), to call together, to assemble; to convene; to summon; to gather, congregate; to muster, meet, to flock together. Regular Verbs. 177 SAUGEN {intr., tr., dat., ace), to suck, absorb, to swig; to suck up; to suck in; to sponge; to attach oneself to (by sucking). Sich satt saugen, to suck oneself full. Aufsaugen {sep., tr.), to draw in; to reabsorb; to make sore by suck- ing. Aussaugen (tr., ace, sep., intr.), to cease sucking; to exhaust; to work out; to draw out; to impoverish. Jemanden bis auf's Blut aussaugen, to suck the very blood out of a person. SAUGEN (tr., ace), saugte, gesaugt, to suckle, to give suck to; to nurse up, to wet-nurse; to give the breast; to lactate. Aufsaugen (sep., tr., ace), to nurse; to bring up by suckling; to be reared (by sucking). Aussaugen (tr., intr., sep.), to suckle sufficiently; to nurse full time; to cease suckling. SAUMEN (tr., intr., reft), saumte, gesaumt, to hem; to seam; to edge, to border; to skirt, welt; to list; to fell; to square (a plank); to be slow; to loiter, tarry, delay, lose time; to hesitate; to detain, to retard. Besaumen (tr., ace), to square, edge, plank; to hem, stitch, border. Versaumen (tr., reft.), to let pass; not to profit by; to miss; to be absent from; to omit; to detain, to keep one waiting; to neglect. SCHADEN (dat., reft., intr.), schadete, geschadet, to hurt, harm, injure; to prejudice; to make against a cause; to do damage. Das schadet nicht, that does not matter, it will not do any harm; never mind. SCHADIGEN (tr.), schadigte, geschadigt, to wrong, harm, prejudice, hurt, suflfer. Beschadigen (tr., ace, reft.), to sustain damage, to devastate; harm, injury. Entschadigen (tr., reft.), to compensate, restore, to recover damages, to reimburse; to redeem; to repay; to repair; to retrieve; to make up or amend. SCHAFFEN (tr., ace, intr., used reg. and irreg.), schaffte, geschafft, to act, to do, to perform. For schaffen, to create, to produce, to be busy, to be occupied, active, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 59- Abschaffen (tr., ace, sep.), to do away with, to abolish, abrogate, suppress, reform; to annul; reverse. Anschaffen (tr., ace, reft., sep.), to procure, furnish, provide, supply, purchase, to get in, to order, lay in. Aufschafifen (tr., ace, reft., sep.), to throw up, to heap up, to pile up, to trench, to bring or carry up. Beischaffen (tr., ace, sep.), to put or set aside to carry away (also fortschaffen). 13 178 Regular Verbs. Einschaffen (tr., ace, sep.), to implant; to get, to buy something, to obtain. Herschaffen (/r., ace, sep.), to transport, to convey, carry, bring, take, to remove, to obtain, to gather. Herbeischaffen (/r., ace, sep.), to bring up, to gather, to collect, to accumulate, to produce. Hinschaffen (/r., ace, sep.), to transport, to convey to, to place or bring to, to take to. Mitschaffen {tr., inir., sep.), to be a fellow laborer, to collaborate, to co-operate, to do work together. Verschaffen (/r., refl., dat., ace), to procure, to supply, provide, fur- nish, to help, manage, to get a thing. SCHALEN {tr., ace, refl.), schalte, geschalt, to strip, unhusk, to un- shell, to peel; to remove, shuck. Abschalen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to peel, scale, to pare off, to take off the bark, to decorticate. Aufschalen {tr., ace, sep.) (aufschaben), to scrape, scratch, shave off, to open. SCHALLEN (?w^r., imp., hah., used reg. and irreg.), schallte, geschallt, to sound or resound, to ring, to echo, clang, knoll; trill (see list of irregular verbs, page 60). SCHAMEN {refl., gen.), schamte,,geschamt, to be or feel ashamed of oneself or of something; to blush; to be bashful, modest. Beschamen {tr., insep.), to make ashamed, to put to shame; to confound, abash, confuse, to humiliate. SCHANDEN {tr., ace), schandete, geschandet, to dishonor, to dis- grace, insult, defame, injure, desecrate, profane, viciate; soil. Abschanden {tr., ace, sep.), to defame, insult, desecrate, disgrace, defile, brand, stigmatize. Anschanden {tr., ace, sep.), to prostitute, decry, dishonor. Verschanden {tr., ace), to injure, desecrate, insult (provincial term schanden) . SCHAREN {tr., refl.), scharte, geschart, to foAi into troops or bands; to assemble; to flock together; to join, unite. SCHARFEN {tr., ace, refl.), scharfte, gescharft, to sharpen, whet, edge, to grind, set, hone, point. Abscharfen {tr., ace, sep.), to whet, sharpen, to give edge, to taper, to thin; to splay. Anscharfen {tr., ace, sep.), to point, to sharpen, to grind, to whet. Aufscharfen {tr., ace, sep.), to whet or sharpen again, to edge, notch, redress, restore, scratch. Ausscharfen {tr., ace, sep.), to rip up, to cut off. Regular Verbs. 179 Einscharfen {dat., 0., tr., sep.), to imprint, impress, to stamp, to inculcate; register (einpragen). tiberscharfen (tr., ace), to make too sharp, to overgrind (iiber- scharf machen). Umscharfen {tr., ace, sep.), to sharpen over, to reset, regrind, hone or edge over. Verscharfen (tr., ace), to break to pieces; to give more relief to; to set in a stronger light (also verscherfen, verkaujen). SCHARREN {tr., intr., refl.), scharrte, gescharrt, to scratch, scrape; to root up; to search. Sich durchscharren, to scratch one's way through. Verscharren {tr., ace), to bury in the ground; to bury without cere- mony; to cover with earth. Das Feuer scharren , to rake up the fire. SCHATZEN {tr., ace), schatzte, geschatzt, to estimate, value, com- pute, to make reckoning, to appraise, assess, to rate, to esteem. Abschatzen {tr., ace, sep.), to estimate, value, appraise, tax, to rate, to measure, to assess. Uberschatzen {tr., ace), to overtax, to assess too heavily, to over- rate, overestimate, to place too high a value on, to make too much, to think too highly of a person. Unterschatzen {tr., ace), to underestimate, to underrate, to under- value; to depreciate. Zusammenschatzen {tr., ace, sep.), to add up the value, to sum up. SCHAUDERN {intr., imp.), schauderte, geschaudert, to cause a shudder, thrill, to strike terror, to shrug, tremble, thrill, quiver, quake. Anschaudem {tr., ace, sep.), to strike or fill a person with horror or awe. Erschaudem {intr. *), to shudder, to be thrilled with horror. Zuriickschaudem {intr., sep.), to shudder, to shake in one's shoes, to startle, to get alarmed. SCHAUEN {tr., intr.), schaute, geschaut, to see, behold, look; ex- amine, regard, inspect; contemplate; view; to fix one's eyes upon; to gaze, stare. Anschauen {tr., sep., rejl.), to look at; behold, regard; to consider, contemplate. Aufschauen {intr., sep.), to look up to; to lift up one's eyes; to be attentive. Ausschauen {intr., sep.), to look out; to take care; to take a look; to be vexed, annoyed. Beschauen {insep., tr., intr., refl.), to behold; to examine; to visit; to view, inspect. i8o RegularVerbs. Durchschauen {tr., intr., sep., insep.), to see or look through; to see a thing through another body; to detect, discover; to discern, to find out, observe; to go to the bottom of; to penetrate. Einschauen (inir., tr., ace, sep.), to see or look into; to fathom; to make deep study of; to call upon a person, to pay a visit. Entgegenschauen {intr., dat.), to look forward; to face; to expect. Erschauen (tr., insep.) (see erhlicken). Nachschauen {intr., tr., ace, sep., dat.), to look after, to send a glance after; to see if everything is all right; to follow with one's eyes. Vorschauen {refl., tr., intr.), to look before or ahead of one; to see ahead. Umschauen {intr., ref,., sep., tr., insep.), to look about one; to look around; to look back; to look at something carefully; to examine. Zuschauen {intr., sep., dat.), to look at something; to look at; to be an onlooker. SCHAUMEN {intr.), schaumte, geschaumt, to foam, to froth; to effervesce; to fizz; to sparkle, to pearl, to cream; to rage; to lather; to churn; to fume (or be fliTshed with excitement). Er schaumte vor Wuth, he boiled over with rage, Abschaumen {tr., sep.), to scum, skim off; to despumate; to clean; to purify; to take off impurities. Beschaumen {tr.), to cover with foam, to make foamy; to soil. tJberschaumen {tr., ace, sep., insep., intr., *), to froth over, to cover with foam. Uberschaumende Lust, exuberant mirth. Verschaumen {tr., intr.), to skim; to dissolve into foam; to turn into froth; to fly off as foam. SCHELLEN {tr., ace, intr.), schellte, geschellt, to strip, unhusk, unshell, remove, skin, peel; to sound, ring, clatter, chime (klingeln). Abschellen (/r., ace, sep.), to peel, scale, to pare off. Anschellen {tr., ace, sep.), to ring the bell; to pull or draw or ring at a cow- or horse-bell; to unhusk or unshell corn for stock. Zerschellen {tr., intr., *), to dash to pieces; to shatter; to smash, to crust; to break to pieces; to be shivered into atoms; to split (on a rock); to be wrecked (schallend zerspringen). SCHENKEN {tr., dat,, refl., ace), schenkte, geschenkt, to make a present of; to present, to bestow, to donate; to grant, to allow, to spare; to remit. Ausschenken {tr., sep.), to pour out; to sell liquors (by retail); to give the parting cup; to present with, Beschenken {tr., ace), to present a person with, to make him a present of; to favor one with (something). Einschenken {tr., intr., sep., refl., dat.), to pour (water) into; to pour out (to drink); to fill (one's glass). Schenken Sie mir ein, pour Regular Verbs. i8i out for me. Jemandem klaren Wein einschenken, to tell a person the plain truth. Er hat sich was eingeschenkt oder eingebrockt, he got into trouble. Verschenken {tr., ace), to make a present, to give away as a present. SCHEREN {tr., dat., refl., ace; used reg. and irreg.), scherte, geschert, to shave or cut off; to trim; to clip; to scop, poll; to care, to mind; to remonstrate, to object; to extend, to stretch; to warp. Scheren Sie sich, go to the deuce! For scheren, to shear, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 6i. Abscheren {tr., sep.), to cut, to shear off. Bescheren {tr., dat.), to bestow a thing upon a person; to give, to pre- sent. Eine Weihnachtsbescherung, a Christmas gift or Christmas bestowal. SCHERZEN {intr.), scherzte, gescherzt, to joke, jest, make or poke fun; to dally, to sport, to trifle; to play, to frolic. Verscherzen {tr., ace), to trifle, to joke away; to lose by one's own fault or neglect; to spurn one's good fortune. Er hat seinen guten Ruf verscherzt, he forfeited his good name. SCHEUEN {tr., intr., refl.), scheute, gescheut, to take fright, to start; to be shy, afraid of; to stand in fear, to hesitate; to dread, to shun, to avoid. SCHICKEN {tr., ace, imp., refl.), schickte, geschickt, to send, for- ward, dispatch, transmit, remit. Es schickt sich, it is proper, be- coming, right. Abschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send off or away, to forward, to con- sign, to detach, dispatch. Anschicken {refl., sep.), to prepare oneself for, to get ready for, to be going, to make up one's mind to do a thing, to be about doing, to be inclined to. Ausschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send out or forth, to send, to detach, to send on a message. Beschicken {tr., refl., ace), to perform; to bring about; to attend; to send to; to prepare; to make ready; to nurse; to inter; to bury; to inhume; to look after; to provide for; to feed; to make prepara- tions for (a trip). Einschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send in, to transmit, remit, present, forward, convey, furnish, supply, communicate. Fortschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to order away, to send off, dispatch, dismiss, discard, turn away, to send away. Hinschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send to, to transport to, to convey to. Nachschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send after, to forward or reforward, to address or readdress. Verschicken {tr., ace), to send away, to dispatch, to send on an errand; to banish, deport, exile. i82 Regular Verbs. Wegschicken {sep., tr.), to send away; to exile. Zuschicken {tr., ace, sep.), to send or forward, to remit or consign, to transmit, to dispatch. Zuriickschicken (/r., ace, sep.), to send back, to return, to remand, to reconsign, to retransmit. SCHEELEN (inlr., hah), schielte, geschielt, to squint, to look awry, asquint, to have a cast in one's eyes, to cast stolen or furtive glances. Anschielen {tr., ace, sep.), to eye askance, to squint or leer, to cast a sidelong glance, to ogle. Beschielen {tr., ace), to squint at, to leer upon (beschauen), to ex- amine closely, to view. Hinschielen {intr., sep.), to leer at or upon something. Zuriickschielen {intr., sep.), to return stolen or furtive glances. SCHIFFEN {intr., *), schiffte, geschifft, to navigate, to sail, to cross the sea; to skirt the coast; to coast; to go to; to sail to (segeln). Abschiffen {intr., * sep.), to ship; to set sail off or away; to leave, to depart (absegeln). Ausschiffen {tr., intr., hah., * sep.), to leave the port or land, to put to sea, to set sail, to discharge, to unload, disembark, land, to leave the ship, to go to land; to urinate. Einschiffen {intr., * refl., sep.), to arrive, to get aboard, to take pass- age for, to land, to enter harbor. Fortschiffen {tr.,intr., hah., * sep.) (fortsenden), to ship off, to trans- port in a ship, to convey by water, to send, to send away. Hinschiffen {intr., * sep.), to sail toward or along a place; to transport, to convey to a place. Uberschiffen {tr., ace, intr., * sep., insep.), to go, cross, or pass, to sail over, to transport over in ships, to sail across. Umschiffen {tr., ace), to navigate about, to sail round, to circum- navigate. Verschiffen {tr., ace), to forward, ship, send, to convey, to trans- port, to export. Zuriickschiffen {intr., * sep.), to return, to sail back or home by boat. SCHIMPFEN {tr., intr., ace), schimpfte, geschimpft, to insult, abuse, revile or vituperate a person; to call a person names. Beschimpfen {tr., reft.), to dishonor, to disgrace, to cover with shame or infamy; to brand, to cast a slur upon; to blemish; to affront a ' person, to insult; to depreciate, to disparage; to cover oneself with shame or infamy. Verschimpfen {tr.), to disfigure (verschimpfiren). SCHIRMEN {tr., ace), schirmte, geschirmt, to shelter from, to put under protection, to protect. I Regular Verbs. 183 Beschirmen {tr., ace), to protect, to defend, to cover, to shield, to secure, to patronize. Umschirmen {tr., ace), to screen on all sides, to protect. SCHLACHTEN (tr., ace), schlachtete, geschlachtet, to kill, to butcher, to slaughter; to slay, to massacre. Abschlachten (tr., sep.), to slaughter, to butcher. SCBXEIFEN {tr., intr.; used reg. and irreg.), schleifte, geschleift, to drag; to pull along; to slide, glide. For schleifen, to grind, sharpen, whet, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 65. SCHLEUDERN {tr., ace, intr.), schleuderte, geschleudert, to sling, to hurl, fling, dash, throw, to cast, to project, to shake, swing, toss, jolt. Abschleudem {tr., intr., sep.), to fling, to throw or cast away, to fly off. Beischleudem {tr., ace, sep.), to hurl or fling something to a person; to throw at. Entschleudem {tr., ace), to throw forth, to fling, sling, cast, or throw . away. Fortschleudem {tr., ace, sep.), to throw away; to saunter away, to loiter on; to give away. Nachschleudem {tr., ace, sep.), to throw, fling a thing after a per- son (nachwerfen). Verschleudem {tr., ace), to squander; to spend freely or lavishly; to waste; to throw away; to sell below cost; to hurl; to fling. Zuschleudem {tr., ace, sep.), to throw at, to hurl or fling some- thing at a person. SCHLUCHZEN {intr., reft.), schluchzte, geschluchzt, to sob, to blubber; to hiccup. Sich in den Schlaf schluchzen, to sob oneself into sleep (schluckzen; schlucken). SCHLUCKEN {tr., ace, intr.), schluckte, geschluckt, to swallow, gulp down. Hinunterschlucken (hinunterschlingen) {tr., ace, sep.), to swallow, to get down, to gulp down. Verschlucken {tr., ace, reft.), to bolt down, to swallow; to choke, to let a morsel down the wrong way. SCHLUMMERN {intr., imp., hab., ace), schlummerte, geschlum- mert, to slumber, to doze, to nap, snooze, to lie latent, to lie dor- mant, to feel sleepy. Mich schlummert, I am or I feel sleepy. Ausschlummem {tr., intr., sep.), to slumber enough; to become sober; to have done sleeping. Einschlummem (* intr., sep.), to cause or send to sleep, to drowse, to lull to sleep; to delude in vain, to deceive with fine promises; to make torpid, to benumb, to stupefy. i84 Regular Verbs. Entschlummem (intr., *), to take a doze, to drowse, to fall or drop or get asleep. SCHLUPFEN (SCHLUPFEN) (intr., *), schliipfte, geschlupft, to glide; to slide; to steal (along). Ausschliipfen {sep., intr., *), to slip out, to fall; to hatch, to be hatched out. Verschliipfen {tr., intr., * refl.), to hide, to slip or sneak away; to hide oneself; to conceal. SCHMACHTEN (intr., hah), schmachtete, geschmachtet, to languish; to love;- to be lovesick; to sigh, pine, yearn, to die away. Ausschmachten {intr., hob., sep.), to pine away in love; to cease languishing or pining; to pine away, to pine to death, to expire languishing. Fortschmachten {intr., sep.), to continue pining or wasting away. Hinschmachten {intr., * sep.), to languish, pine or waste away gradually. Verschmachten {intr., tr., *), to languish, to pine away, to feel faint, to droop, to feel sinking or like dying; to grieve to death; to starve. SCHMAHEN {tr., intr., ace), schmahte, geschmaht, to rail at, to revile against, to abuse, to insult, to call names, to vilify, defame. Abschmahen {tr., ace, sep.), to scold at, to revile at a person, to vilify at. Anschmahen {tr., ace, sep.), to be down upon a person, to rebuke, to speak harshly of, to defame one. Ausschmahen {tr., ace, sep.), to chide, scold, to rattle off a person, to give one a good scolding. Verschmahen {tr., ace), to refuse, to disdain, to treat with scorn, to scorn, to reject scornfully. SCHMECKEN {imp., tr., ace, intr.), schmeckte, geschmeckt, to taste, to try, to savor, relish (kosten). Abschmecken {tr., ace, sep.), to find out or distinguish the age of a thing, to find out by tasting. Ausschmecken {tr., ace, sep.), to taste, to select by tasting, to try or examine. Zusammenschmecken {sep., tr., ace), to taste or try many things at the same time, to examine by tasting various things. SCHMEICHELN {intr., dat., refl.), schmeichelte, geschmeichelt, to flatter, court, compliment; to caress, coax, fondle; to applaud, laud; to toady, to blarney. Anschmeicheln {sep., dat., refl.), to insinuate oneself into a person's favor. Beschtneicheln {tr., insep., refl.), to accost a person with flatteries; to coax with flattery. Einschmeicheln {sep., refl.), to cajole, to do a person; to persuade. Regular Verbs. 185 SCHMELZEN {tr., ace; used reg. andirreg.), schmelzte, geschmelzt, to melt, dissolve, liquefy; to reduce, to diminish. For schmelzen, to fuse, melt, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 66. SCHMERZEN (intr., hah., o., imp.), schmerzte, geschmerzt, to ache, to smart, to cause pain, to be painful. Was schmerzt Ihnen ? What ails you ? Es schmerzt mich tief, I feel it deeply. Verschmerzen {tr., ace), to put up with something (painful); to con- sole with something, to make the best of (a bad thing) ; to cease feeling pain. Ich kann es verschmerzen, I can lose it. SCHMETTERN {tr., ace, intr., *), schmetterte, geschmettert, to dash to pieces, to shatter, to crash down; to bray, to thrill, flourish, fanfare. Abschmettem {tr., ace, sep.), to dash down, off; to warble, to fan- fare, to bray trumpets. Aufschmettem {tr., ace, sep.), to smash open, to dash up, to awaken by shrill sounds, to open with a crash, to yield a shrill sound. Erschmettern {tr., intr., *), to begin to ring; to sound, to blow, to begin to warble. Fortschmettem {sep., intr.), to continue to shatter, flourish, fanfare. Umschmettem (* intr.), to resound all round, to sound, to bray everywhere. Zerschmettem {tr., ace, ref,., intr., hah., *), to smash, to shatter to pieces, to break to bits; to crush. Zuriickschmettem {tr., ace, sep.), to reflourish, to throw back, to dash back. Zusammenschinettem {tr., ace, sep.), to break to pieces, to smash or cave in, to overthrow. SCHMIEGEN {tr., ace, reft.), schmiegte, geschmiegt, to bend, sub- mit, to cling to, press close to, to cuddle or snug together, to twine, to cover in. Anschmiegen {reft., tr., dat., ace, sep.), to join closely, to press to, to apply, to stick, to press, to sit, stand, lie close together, to nestle close to a person, to fit well. Beischmiegen {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to cling close to, to cuddle up to a person, to apply or fit to. 'Einschmiegen {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to coil oneself up, to insinuate, to try to get in a person's favor. Umschmiegen {tr., reft., ace), to hold each other in close em- brace, to surround, to join closely. Zusammenschmiegen {reft., tr., ace, sep.), to snug or cuddle together, to embrace, to join closely. SCHMUTZEN {intr., hah.), schmutzte, geschmutzt, to soil, to show dirt, to get dirty. Beschmutzen {tr., reft.), to sully, to bemire, to besmirch, to dirty. Durch Gebrauch abnutzen, to thumb (books). i86 Regular Verbs. Verschmutzen {tr., intr.), to dirty, sully. SCHNAPPEN {tr., ace, intr.), schnappte, geschnappt, to snap, to grasp at a thing, to snatch, catch; to gasp or bite, to grab, to hanker after. Abschnappen {tr., intr., * sep.), to snap off, to snap or lock the door, to stop suddenly, break down, to pack off. Anschnappen {tr., ace, sep.), to catch or take hold of, to snap at a thing. Aufschnappen {tr., ace, sep.), to catch up, to snatch, to hunt up, pick up, to fish out; to gasp for breath, to tip up, to kick the bucket. Ausschnappen {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to go -off unawares, to come unbound. Herausschnappen, to snatch out, up. Erschnappen {tr., ace), to catch, to take hold of, to hunt up, to fish out. Fortschnappen {tr., ace, sep.), to snatch or snap away, to gasp or grab a thing, to take hold of by snapping. Hinschnappen {tr., ace, sep.), to grasp quickly, to take hold sud- denly. Verschnappen {tr., reft.), to blurt out with something; to betray oneself (by an indiscreet remark); to commit oneself; to make a slip of the tongue. Zuschnappen (* intr., hah.), to close in falling, to fall to, to clap to- gether. SCHNAUBEN {tr., intr., reft., o.; used reg. and irreg.), schnaubte, geschnaubt, to breathe quick, to snuffle, to blow one's nose. For schnauhen, to snort, roar, snuff, etc., see list of irregular verbs. Abschnauben {tr., ace, sep.), to snuff a candle off. Anschnauben {ace, tr., sep.), to come along puffing; to snort at; to snub. Ausschnauben {tr., intr., refi., sep.), to recover breath, to respire, to get one's wind, to snort, to blow one's nose, to bring out or up by blowing one's nose. Einschnauben {tr., ace, sep.), to soil, to make dirty, to inhale, to sniff, to breathe in. Fortschnauben {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to wipe one's nose, to blow one's nose, to respire, to bring out. Verschnauben [{intr., tr., reft.), to recover one's breath, to stop for breath, to breathe or fetch one's breath again, to get one's second breath. SCHNAUZEN (SCHNEUZEN) {tr.,refl., intr.), schnauzte (schneuzte), geschnauzt (geschneuzt), to clean, to wipe (one's nose); to snuff (a candle); to blow one's nose. SCHNEIEN (SCHNEEN) {intr., hah., impers.), schneite, geschneit, to snow. RegularVerbs. 187 Anschneien (tr., ace, intr., sep.), to snow against, to be filled with snow. Aufschneien {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to snow upon. Beschneien {tr., ace), to snow over, to cover, to be covered with snow, snow-covered. Uberschneien {tr., intr.), to snow over, to cover with snow, snowed up or obstructed with snow. Verschneien {intr., tr., hah.), to get covered, blocked, or obstructed with snow, snowed-up, snow-bound. Zusammenschneien {intr., sep.), to snow like a bHzzard. SCHNITZELN {tr.), schnitzelte, geschnitzelt, to cut, chip, carve. SCHNITZEN {tr.), schnitzte, geschnitzt, to carve, to cut. SCHNUREN {tr., refl.), schniirte, geschniirt, to tie, to tie up, to truss, to pinion; to lace, to lace oneself ; to braid, to cord. Verschniiren {tr., ace), to put laces into, to provide with laces; to cord, to tie with a cord; to disfigure by bad or tight lacing. SCHONEN {tr., refl., gen.), schonte, geschont, to save, take great care of, to be regardful, to use tenderly; to preserve; to be prodi- gal or lavish; to be considerate, indulgent. Verschonen {tr., ace), to spare, to show mercy or indulgence; to excuse, let one off. SCHRAUBEN {dat., intr., tr., ace), schraubte, geschraubt, to screw, to tighten, to turn (up); to tie a person down. Abschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to unscrew, screw off. Anschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to screw on or up, to fasten, to tie by means of a screw. Aufschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to screw on, to screw up; to exalt. Ausschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to unscrew, to screw out, to cease screwing. Beschrauben {tr., ace), to fit or cover with screws. Einschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to screw on or in, to fasten with a screw or screws. Entschrauben {tr., ace), to unscrew, to loosen or untie. Losschrauben {tr., ace), to unscrew; to screw off. Uberschrauben {tr., ace, hah.), to force, to wrench, to screw too much. Umschrauben {tr., ace), to put screws about or around, to tie with screws around. Verschrauben {tr., hah., ace), to screw together, to fix with screws; to screw on wrongly, to overscrew, to turn a person's head, to replace a worn-out touch-hole. Zurechtschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to rearrange by screws, to fit up. Zuriickschrauben {tr., ace, sep.), to slacken or loosen a screw, to turn a screw back. i88 Regular Verbs. Zusammenschrauben (/r., ace, sep.), to tighten a screw, to screw together. SCHRECKEN {tr., ace, refl.; used reg. and irreg.), schreckte, ge- schreckt, to alarm, frighten, startle, terrify, to strike with terror. See erschrecken, list of irregular verbs, page 25, for schrecken, schrak, geschrocken. Abschrecken {tr., reft., sep.), to scare, dishearten, to disspirit, to deter, to discourage, to bully. Aufschrecken {tr., sep.), to start up with fright, to startle, to give a start, to start with a nightmare, to rouse, to alarm. Einschrecken {tr., ace, sep.), to frighten, to daunt, to be affrighted, intimidated, to scare. Erschrecken {tr., ace, refl.), to be frightened, to be afraid, terrified, alarmed, scared, shy, horrified. Fortschrecken {tr., ace, sep.), to frighten away, to intimidate one, to scare one away. Verschrecken {tr., ace), to scare or frighten away, to terrify or alarm one. SCHRUMPFEN {intr., *), schrumpfte, geschrumpft, to crumple, to furrow, to shrivel, shrink. Ausschrumpfen {tr., ace, intr., *sep.), to furrow out, to crumple more and more, to get shrivelled all over; to contract gradually. Einschrumpfen (* intr., sep.), to shrivel up, to wrinkle, to draw itself together, to contract. Hinschrumpfen (* intr., sep.), to wrinkle or shrivel gradually, to draw slowly together. Verschrumpfen {tr., intr., *), to get blighted or mildewed; to shrivel up; to cause to shrink; to frizzle up. Zusannnenschrumpfen {sep., hah., refl., *), to shrivel up, to shrink, to wrinkle, to corrugate, to contract. SCHULDEN {tr., dat.), schuldete, geschuldet, to owe a person some- thing; to be indebted for something to a person; to be guilty of some- thing. Verschulden {tr., o., refl.), to be in debt, to be involved in debt; to be indebted; to run or get into debt; to be greatly indebted to a person ; to be guilty of something, to commit an offense; to be the cause of something; to wrong a person. SCHiJTTELN {tr., ace, intr., imp., refl.), schiittelte, geschiittelt, to shake, rock, toss, jog, jolt; to concuss, wag, rustle. Abschtitteln {tr., refl., sep.), to shake down, to shake out. Aufschiitteln {tr., ace, sep.), to shake up, to beat up, to bring to the surface by shaking. Beschiitteln {tr., ace) (beschiitten), to throw, cast, pour, to spill, to spread a thing on or over a person. RegularVerbs. 189 Fortschiitteln {ir., ace, sep.), to throw off, to throw away, to cast off. Uberschiitteln (tr., sep., insep., ace.) (iiberschiitten), to pour over, to spill, to cover, to coat, to heap or shower upon a person; to load, overwhelm. Umschiitteln (tr., ace, sep.), to shake (up or about); to agitate. Vor dem Gebrauch umzuschiitteln, to be well shaken before using. Zerschiitteln (ir., ace), to derange or destroy by shaking or beating. Zusammenschiitteln (tr., ace, sep.), to put together, to shake to- gether, to shake up well, to mix up. SCHUTTEN (tr., ace, imp., intr.), schuttete, geschiittet, to pour, shed, spill, dash, to make up, to throw together. Anschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to pour or throw against, to fill, to bank up, to hoard up. Aufschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to put or pour on, to amass, to heap or pile up, to raise, build up. Ausschutten (tr., ace, reft., sep.), to shoot out, to upset, to hail down, to throw out, to fill up, to shed; unburden; to reject; split. Beschiitten (tr., ace), to throw, cast, pour, spread a thing on or over a person or a thing. Beischiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to pour on to; to loosen the earth round the vine-roots; to add to. Einschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to funnel in, to fill, to pour out or in, to cover, to bury. Fortschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to throw away, to put out, to pour out. Hinschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to pour down, to pour out, to spill, to place at or in. Hineinschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to pour in, to pour down. Uberschiitten (tr., ace, sep., insep.), to pour over, to spill, to cover, to coat, to load, to heap, overwhelm, to overdo. Umschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to upset, to spill, to transfuse, to pour from one vessel into another. Verschiitten (tr., ace), to spill, to cover up, to cover over with, to fill up, to bury, to entomb. Wegschiitten (tr.), to pour away, to throw away. Zuschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to fill up, to fill in the trenches, to pour on, to add to. Zusammenschiitten (tr., ace, sep.), to pour together, to mix up. SCHUTZEN (tr., ace, reft.), schiitzte, geschiitzt, to protect, defend, safeguard, to shelter, to roof, to screen, to harbor, to preserve; to secure; to honor. Beschiitzen (tr., ace), to protect, to defend against, to vindicate from, to keep from injury. Vorschiitzen (tr., ace, sep.), to throw something up, as a defense, iQO RegularVerbs. to take shelter behind; to plead, to pretend, to feign or allege, to malign, sham. SCHWANKEN {intr., * hab.), schwankte, geschwankt, to stagger; flicker; tremble; vibrate. SCHWARMEN (hab., * intr.), schwarmte, geschwarmt, to run hither and thither, to ramble, to swarm, to cluster, to drive; to err; to rove about, to riot, to revel, to rave, to enthuse (mad). Anschwarmen {tr., acc.^ sep.), to begin to swarm, to address a person enthusiastically, to pay enthusiastical homage to a person. Ausschwarmen {sep., * intr.), to swarm out, to skirmish, to deploy, to cease revelling, rioting, swarming; to pursue fancy. Ausbum- meln, to cease lounging; lead a gay life. Entschwarmen {intr., *), to swarm forth from, to swarm away, to leave. Fortschwarmen (* intr., sep.), to whirl or swarm away; to continue leading a gay life. Hinschwarmen {*intr., sep.), to swarm hither and thither, to ramble about, to go from one ecstasy to another. Uberschwarmen {tr., intr., ace), to go into ecstasies, to swarm from one place into another. Umschwarmen {tr., ace), to swarm, hover, flit or flutter around; to harass; to surround, as an admirer. Zuriickschwarmen (* intr., sep.), to flutter or fly back, to swarm back, to flit or flutter back. Zusammenschwarmen {*infr., sep.), to swarm en masse; to fly or flutter together. SCHWARZEN {tr.), schwarzte, geschwarzt, to blacken, to make black; to sable; to darken, to sadden, to sully; to defame, to slander. Verschwarzen {tr.), to blacken, to blotch, to soil. SCHWATZEN {tr., intr., hab.), schwatzte, geschwatzt, to talk, chat, gossip, to tattle, babble, prattle, to prate. Abschwatzen {tr., ace, o., sep.), to talk a matter over, to discuss it, to have a chat about, to obtain a thing by talking, to din one's ears with chattering. Anschwatzen {tr., ace, o., sep.), to palm off a thing upon a person, to talk or humbug one into taking or buying, to beswindle. Ausschwatzen {tr., ace, sep.) (ausplaudem), to blab or blurt out, to tell or carry tales abroad, to let out or divulge a secret; to buzz; to cease tattling. Beschwatzen {tr., ace), to talk about or over; to cajole, wheedle, or blarney a person; to coax; to talk a person out of his money. Erschwatzen {tr., ace), to obtain by talking, prating, chatting, to talk one into. Regular Verbs. 191 Fortschwatzen (inlr., sep.), to chat away, to talk on, to continue prating, chatting, talking. Hinschwatzen (intr., sep.), to chat or talk on and on, to talk without aim or purpose. Nachschwatzen (/r., ace, intr., sep.), to repeat; to repeat something mechanically, to speak like a parrot (nachplappern), to repeat everything; to gossip. Uberschwatzen {tr., ace, sep.), to talk a person down, to cajole. Verschwatzen (verschwatzen) {tr., refl., ace), to fbse one's time by prating, to gossip or chat away pleasantly. Zusammenschwatzen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to carry on a conversa- tion, to chat together, to talk on. SCHWELLEN {tr., ace, imp.; used reg. and irreg.), schwellte, ge- schwellt, to expand, distend; to rise, heave, inflate. Jamandes Muth schwellen, to heighten a person's courage. For schwellen, to swell, become dropsical, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 70. Anschwellen {tr., ace, sep.), to distend, to bulge out, to intumesce, to bloat, to swell up. SCETWINDELN {intr., dat., imp.), schwindelte, geschwindelt, to swindle, humbug, cheat; to lay bogus schemes; to make one giddy, to be or feel giddy. Es schwindelt mir (mich), I feel giddy or dizzy; my head swims (goes round). Abschwindeln {sep., tr., dat.), to get a thing by swindling; to obtain by trickery or deceit; to swindle a person out of something. Anschwindeln {dat., tr., sep.), to look at a person in a manner to make him giddy; to swindle or cheat a person. Sich leicht anschwindeln lassen, to be cheatable, gullible; to be easy. Beschwindeln {tr., ace), to dupe, cheat a person; to betray. Durchschwindeln {refl., sep.), to get through by swindling; to shuffle through. Erschwindeln {tr., refl), to obtain by swindling or humbug; to cheat or do a person out of something, SCHWITZEN {hah., intr.), schwitzte, geschwitzt, to perspire, to be in perspiration; to sweat; to be moist or damp. Mich schwitzt or ich schwitze, I am in perspiration. Verschwitzen {tr., intr., hahen, refl.), to pass off perspiration or sweat; to cease perspiring; to exude; to sweat out; to forget; to unlearn. SEGELN {tr., intr., hah., *), segelte, gesegelt (schiffen), to sail, to make sail for, to go, to run, travel. Absegeln (* tr., intr., hah., sep.), to set sail, to get under sail or weight, to clear a port, to clear anchor, to put out to sea, to sail off or away. Aussegeln (* intr., sep.), to sail for pleasure, to set out sailing, to journey by sailing, yachting, cruising. 192 Regular Verbs. Besegeln (tr., ace), to cruise, to be on a cruise, to hover on the coast; to sail, to navigate; to coast (bekreuzen). Einsegeln (hab., * tr., ace, sep.), to sail in or down, to enter a port, to enter the narrows; to rock on sea. Fortsegeln (* intr., sep.), to set sail for, to sail off or away. Hinsegeln (* intr., sep.), to sail to a place, to sail along a place, to cruise. Nachsegeln (* tr., dot., sep.), to sail after or behind, to sail in pursuit, to give chas# to. Ubersegeln {tr., intr., * ace, insep., sep.), to cross the ocean, to cross over or across, to outsail, sail faster than; to run aground, to sail beyond. Umsegeln {hah., * tr., intr., sep., insep.), to navigate, to cruise around, to sail from one place to another. Zuriicksegeln (* intr., sep.), to sail back, to return from a trip; to sail across. SEGNEN {tr., ace), segnete, gesegnet, to bless, to pronounce benedic- tion; to charm. SEHNEN {ace, refl.), sehnte, gesehnt, to long, yearn, hanker for or after, to fret or crave for. Ersehnen {tr., ace), to hope for, to desire, to be eager upon, to hanker, to take pleasures in prospect; to long for, desire greatly (erhoffen) . Fortsehnen {refl., sep.), to long to get away, to wish oneself away, to yearn for some other place. Herbeisehnen {intr., refl.), to pine for; to yearn for. Hinsehnen {refl., sep.), to long or yearn for a certain place, to long to be with. Nachsehnen {refl., sep.), to long for, to yearn or wish for. Zuriicksehnen {refl., sep.), to long to return, to long to see something back. SEIN {auxiliary verb), war, gewesen (see sein, list of irregular verbs) (takes sein). SENDEN {used reg. and irreg.), sendete, gesendet (see list 0} irregu- lar verbs, page 73). SENGEN {tr., intr., ace), sengte, gesengt, to singe; to scorch; to parch; to be singed, burnt. Versengen {tr., intr., * refl., dat.), to burn, to singe one's hair; to scorch in ironing; to burn up the crops. SENKEN {tr., refl.), senkte, gesenkt, to sink, drop, droop; to lower, to bow, bend; to incline; to hand down; to subside, to settle; to incline, to slope. Versenken {tr., refl., ace), to immerse, to«%ubmerge; to commit (to the deep). Regular Verbs. 193 SETZEN {tr., ace, imp., intr., hab., reft.), setzte, gesetzt, to set, to put, place, to assign; to seat oneself, to take a seat; to run, spring, leap; fall upon. Sich setzen, to sit down, to seat oneself, to take a seat. Setzen Sie sich, be seated! An Stelle setzen, to place in the proper position, to put in or on the right place. Absetzen {tr., ace, intr., imp., sep.), to remove, put away, to take one's seat, to take off, down, to dismiss, discharge. Ansetzen (tr., ace, intr., refl., sep.), to add, to apply to, to put on, adapt, add, to prefix, to suffix, to place close, to settle, establish, to fix, appoint, name, agree upon, to note, put down; to begin; to thrive; to sprout. Aufsetzen {tr., ace, intr., reft., sep.), to put on, cover, apply, to step lightly on, to lean on, to set, affix to, fix, to add, to raise, to head, to deceive, to put or set down in writing, draw up; to oppose; to mount. Aussetzen {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to turn out, to set out; to post, to station; to expose, lay open, to run, risk, to ridicule, to play first, to have first move, to allow, fix, put down, stop, to post (sentries) ; to eject; to display. Besetzen {tr., ace), to set, put, place, furnish, border, edge, to trim, lace, braid, enrich, adorn, to populate, colonize, to garrison, to occupy, appoint; to stake upon, to list, to man (a ship); to mount (guns); to fill (an office); to guard (cards). Beisetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to deposit in a vault or grave, to depose, to entomb, to bury, to place or lay down or aside; to add, to affix, to set, to heave out, to unfold, to bear down. Daransetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to lay or put at stake, to venture, to risk, to stake or hazard, to leave nothing undone, to do all that is possible. Dariibersetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to place over, to put over; to prefer. Einsetzen {tr., reft., ace, sep.), to set, to lay, to place or put, to stake, to bet, to put in lottery, hazard, to institute, establish, to ordain, inaugurate, invest, settle, to fix; to imprison; to appoint, to insert; to deposit; to plant Entsetzen {tr., reft., gen., ace), to put out of, to dispose, to eject, to displace, degrade, to frighten, terrify, to be alarmed, disturbed, to reUeve or succor, to come to aid, to cashier; to depose; to dismiss. Ersetzen {tr., ace), to replace, to put instead, to take or supply the place of, to substitute, to succeed, to repair, to compensate, to recompense, redeem, recover; to amend; to retrieve, make good; to repay. Fortsetzen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to continue, to keep up, to perpetuate, to recontinue; to consume; to carry on, to resume, to keep on, to pur- sue; to prosecute, to maintain, to put away, to put or set forward; to transplant. Herabsetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to reduce, to lower, degrade, debase, to abate, to diminish, lessen, sink or depress, to detract, decry, under- rate, undervalue, disparage, to vilify. 13 194 RegularVerbs. Hinsetzen {tr., refl., sep.), to set or put to, away, down, to seat a person; to confine or put a person in prison; to sit down. Nachsetzen {tr., intr., sep., dat.), to pursue, to add or set a thing afterward, to put later, to postpone, to assign to, to subordinate one to another, to run, hurry, chase after, to set or place after or behind; to slight; to follow or hunt after. Niedersetzen {tr., refl., sep.), to put down, to set down, to deposit; to establish; to appoint; to sit down; to appoint. Ubersetzen {tr., ace, insep., intr., sep.), to translate; to set over; to leap or jump over, to pass, go, or cross over, to transport, to re- turn, interpret into, to cross, traverse; to transpose; to crowd. Umsetzen {tr., intr., sep., refl.), to move about, transpose, to put, set, or place differently, to alternate, to change, to convert, turn; to recompose; to realize, sell; to turn over, to transplant; to exchange; to compose; to permute. Untersetzen {tr., ace, sep., * insep.), to put or place underneath, to sign, to add one's signature, to support, to underprop, to line; strengthen. Untersetzte Statur, short and stout, square-built; fat. Verse tzen {tr., ace, refl.), to reply; to transfer, to put in the wrong place, to misplace, remove, shift, to translate, dislocate, promote, transpose, invert, to put to, arrange, to advance; to permute; to ob- struct; to pledge; pawn, mortgage; to mix up, to alloy. Widersetzen {refl., insep., dat.), to oppose, resist, to combat, fight, or struggle against, to withstand, to disobey, to rebel against, to refuse to. Zusetzen {tr., intr., hab., sep.), to add, contribute, to mix up with, di- lute, to lose, sacrifice, to obstruct, set up, to be hard upon a person, to press, to play a trick upon; to worry, to put on or over; to affix; to alloy with; to stake higher; to block up, close. Zuriicksetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to set or put back, to replace, to cast oflF, put aside, to treat one with disdain or disrespect, to slight or snub one, to leap back. Zusammensetzen {tr., ace, sep.), to compound, to mix up; to put together, to seat people together; to combine, construct, to frame or to unite. SEUFZEN {tr., intr.), seufzte, geseufzt, to sigh, groan, moan, to sigh for or over a thing, to utter with a sigh, to heave, breathe. Aufseufzen {sep., intr.), to heave a deep sigh; to sigh suddenly. Ausseufzen {refl., tr., sep.), to utter with a sigh, to sigh forth, to have done sighing, to breathe out one's last sigh, to expire (ausleiden). Fortseufzen {sep., intr.), to continue sighing, to keep on groaning, to continue worrying, troubling. Hinseufzen {intr., sep.), to sigh, to speak with a sigh, to heave a sigh. Die Zeit hinseufzen, to pass one's time in sighing. Verseufzen {tr., ace), to spend in sighing or in groaning, to utter sighs constantly, to sigh away, to sigh one's last. Regular Verbs. 195 Zuriickseufzen {sep., inir.), to be carried back to recollections by sighs (zuriickdenken, sehnen). SICHERN {tr., intr., hab., reft.), sicherte, gesichert, to assure, insure, warrant, guarantee, secure, safeguard, consolidate, to ensure, make sure, to indemnify; to test the security of a place. Versichem {tr., gen., reft., o.), to assure, insure, to vouch, to afl&rm, assert, declare, guarantee, convince, to secure, gain over, to reinsure, to ascertain; to obtain certainty about. Ich versichere Ihnen, I assure you or warrant you; I guarantee it. Ich versichere Sic, I assure you it is so (not otherwise). Das Leben versichem, to insure or assure one's life, to take out a life policy. Zusichem (tr., ace, sep.), to assure a person of something, to promise something, to guarantee something, to pledge one's word to a per- son for the fulfilment of something; to secure something for one. SIECHEN {intr., hah), siechte, gesiecht, to be a permanent invalid, to be ill or in bad health; to languish, pine, or fade (wither) away; to be sickly or infirm. Aussiechen {sep., intr), to cease being sickly, to succumb by lan- guishing. Fortsiechen {sep., intr.), to keep on languishing, withering away (fortleiden). Hinsiechen {sep., intr), to be dying, to pine, languish, or die away. Versiechen (* intr), to droop, to pine or languish away. SOHNEN {tr., ace), sohnte, gesohnt, to atone for, to expiate, to make good, to conciliate, to atone for. Aussohnen {reft., tr., ace, sep), to reconcile, to conciliate, to appease, to set or put right; to make up. Entsohnen {tr., ace, reft.), to expiate, to make expiation, to atone for, to purify or purge from guilt. Versohnen {tr., ace, reft), to propitiate, to reconcile, to expiate, to atone for. SOLLEN {reg. verb; auxiliary verb of mood, one of six), soUte, gesoUt (see sollen, list of irregular verbs) (takes haben). SPAHEN {intr., hab), spahte, gespaht, to look closely; to peer; to spy; to peep; to search; to look out for (something). Erspahen {tr., ace), to spy, to watch, to wait for. SPALTEN {tr., ace, reft., intr), spaltete, gespaltet, to split, slit, rift, crack, gape, cleave, cut, chop, skive. Abspalten {tr., ace, reft., intr., sep.), to split off, to cleave off, to become or to be separated by splitting. Anspalten {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to make a split in, to split a little, to begin to split, to split up. Aufspalten {tr., intr., reft., sep.), to split, to cleave, to rive, to burst, to chap, to crack, to split open. 196 Regular Verbs. SPANNEN {tr., intr., reft.), spannte, gespannt, to stretch, span, to wind up; to draw, to give more tension. Abspannen {sep., reft., tr.), to unbend; slacken; to unharness, unteam; to relax, to fatigue, to exhaust, to debilitate, unnerve. Anspannen {tr., sep.), to stretch, strain, bend; to put up, open; to draw in, yield. Ausspannen {tr., sep., reft.), to unharness; to strain, to stretch out; to slacken, unstring. Bespannen {tr.), to put horses to; to string. Einspannen {tr., intr., sep.), to enchase, to put in'a frame; to put into harness. Verspannen {tr., insep.), to overstretch, to spoil by stretching, to harness wrong. Vorspannen {tr., ace, sep.), to stretch in front or before something; to put the horses to the carriage. Zusammenspannen {sep., tr.), to hitch together, to stretch together, to harness to. SPAREN {tr., intr., dot., ace), sparte, gespart, to spare, to economize, to efifect a saving; to save up, to lay by. Ersparen {tr., dat., ace, reft.), to save, spare, economize; to remit, to exact, to dispense with; to be careful. SPAZIEREN {intr.,*), spazierte, spaziert, to walk about, to go about; to take a walk. Spazieren gehen, to go out walking. Spazieren fahren, to take a drive or ride. Spazieren reiten, to take or have a ride on horseback. Spazieren fiihren, to take out for a walk or for a ride. Auf- und abspazieren {intr., *), to walk up and down. SPERREN {tr., reft.), sperrte, gesperrt, to put asunder, to open (wide), to distend, to spread out; to shut, close, lock; to block; to resist, to offer resistance; to object, to refuse; to struggle, to make a fuss; to stand resistance. Absperren {tr., sep., reft.), to bar, barricade, isolate; to cut oflF. Aufsperren {tr., sep.), to open wide. Das Maul aufsperren, to stand gaping. Aussperren {tr., sep.), to distend, extend, to spread open or out; to shut or lock out; to turn out (of doors). Einsperren {tr., sep.), to lock up, to imprison; to cage up; to jail, to detain (involuntarily). Versperren {tr., reft., dat.), to obstruct, to barricade, to block up; to bar or intercept. SPIELEN {tr., ace, intr.), spielte, gespielt, to play, to stake, to asso- ciate, to give a tune, to act. Abspielen {tr., reft., sep.), to play off, to play at, to take part, to Regular Verbs. 197 pay a debt by playing, to wear out by playing, to finish playing, to enact, perform, to take place. Anspielen {tr., intr., sep.), to begin to play, to play out; to have first throw, to lead, open, to return the lead, to touch upon a thing, to insinuate or refer to, to allude. Aufspielen (/r., ace, sep.), to play or to strike up a piece of music, to act or play, to pretend, to act the swell or the grand. Ausspielen {tr., ace, intr., sep.), to play to the end, to finish, to have first throw, to lead, play first, to finish, to have done. Einspielen {refl., sep.), to practise, to get practice, to exercise, to acquire ease or ability in playing, to enter or pass easily. Fortspielen {intr., sep.), to continue playing, to keep or go on playing; to lose. Hinspielen {tr., sep.), to spend in playing, to go on playing untroubled. Mitspielen {tr., dat., intr., sep.), to join in play, to play a trick; to use a person roughly; to take part, to accompany (music). Nachspielen {tr., ace, intr., dat., sep.), to play after, to imitate or copy another's play, to return or follow the partner's lead, to follow suit; to play by ear. Umspielen {tr., ace), to play or toy round, to flutter round, to play over or again. Verspielen {tr., intr., ace), to lose, gamble away, or squander, to spend in gambling; to make a mistake in playing. Vorspielen {tr., ace, 0., sep.), to act before, to play before a person, to play, to prelude. Zuspielen {tr., ace, dat., sep.), to play something into a person's hand, to pass something on to a person in a sly or cunning manner; to play the ball to. Zusammenspielen {tr., intr., sep.), to act in unison, to act up to each other, collective acting, ensemble, to play four-hand on the piano. SPIESSEN {tr.), spiesste, gespiesst, to spear; to pierce; to pin or stick. Aufspiessen {tr., sep.), to spear; to broach; to stick through; to pierce; to spit. SPITZEN {tr., refl.), spitzte, gespitzt, to point, sharpen, taper; to hew; to look forward to something. Abspitzen {tr., sep.)., to break off the point; to point, to taper, to sharpen, to cut to a point. SPORNEN {tr., ace), spomte, gespomt, to spur, to set spurs to a horse, to plunge one's spurs into the ribs of a horse. Anspomen {tr., ace, sep.), to provide with spurs, to put on spurs, ready to set out, road-ready; encourage a person; to stimulate. Gestiefelt und gespomt, booted and spurred; to enthuse a person. SPOTTEN {intr., gen.), spottete, gespottet, to laugh at, to deride, 198 Regular Verbs. to ridicule, to sneer and scofiF at, to rail at, to make fun of, to mock, to jest. Anspotten (/r., ace, sep., gen.), to poke fun at, to mock at a person (anspotteln), Ausspotten {ir., ace, sep.) (see hespotten). Bespotten {tr., ace), to deride something, to sneer or ridicule at, to jeer at, to mock. Hinspotten {tr., ace, sep.), to make slurring remarks, to sneer at. Nachspotten {tr., intr., sep.), to pursue a person with mockery, to hoot after a person, to mock or mimic a person in his absence, to make fun behind his back, to imitate another's way of mockery. Verspotten {tr., ace), to mock at, to make a mockery of, to turn into ridicule, to scoff or sneer at, to deride, tease, hiss, hoot at, to jeer at. SPRENGEN {tr., intr., * imp.), sprengte, gesprengt, to blast, to ex- plode; to drive holes into; to burst open or asunder, to break; to take (a fortress) ; to ride full speed; to spray, to sprinkle; to water; to ride fast, at full speed; to dash; it is drizzling. Besprengen {tr., ace), to sprinkle, to dampen. Versprengen {tr.), to disperse, to scatter; to drive away; to cut off. Zersprengen {tr.), to burst, blast, blow open; to split asunder; to rout, break. SPRENKELN {tr., ace), sprenkelte, gesprenkelt, to speckle, to spot, to dot, to fleck, sprinkle, spatter. Aufsprenkeln {tr., ace, sep.), to sprinkle upon, to spatter. Aussprenkeln {tr., ace, sep.), to water, spatter, or sprinkle a place. Besprenkeln {tr., ace), to speckle, to sprinkle, to dabble, damp, to asperse, syringe. SPRUDELN {tr., intr., hah.,*), sprudelte, gespnidelt, to bubble, gush, flow, splash, effervesce, to sputter; to vomit; spurt forth. Aussprudeln {intr., hah., * sep.), to bubble forth, to throw or fling out, to gush or spout forth, to sputter. Besprudeln {tr., ace), to sputter over, to moisten by sputtering on. Einsprudeln {tr., reft., * sep.), to bubble, gush, or sputter in, to pour in bubbling or sputtering. Entsprudeln {intr., *), to burst, gush, bubble forth, to spurt or spout out from, to spring or leap up. Hervorsprudeln (* intr., hah., sep.), to burst or break forth, to gush, spout, well forth, overflowing, to sputter out. tjbersprudeln {tr., ace, intr., insep., * sep.), to bubble or gush over. Ubersprudelnde Freude, exuberant mirth, overflowing fun. Von Witz sprudelnd, sparkling with wit and humor. Zuriicksprudeln {tr., intr., hah., * sep.), to gush back. Regular Verbs. 199 SPUCKEN {tr., intr.), spuckte, gespuckt, to spit, to vomit, to ex- pectorate; to be angry, to be in a rage; to be sick (speien). SPUKEN {tr., imp.), spukte, gespukt, to walk, to appear (ghostly). Es soil dort spuken, a ghost is said to haunt there. SPULEN {tr., acc:, intr.), spiilte, gespiilt, to lap or wash against, to rinse, to clean. Abspulen {tr., acc, sep.), to rinse, wash up, to cleanse, wash away. Ausspulen {tr., acc, reft., sep.), to deposit, to wash or carry away, to eat or erode, to mine or lay bare, to wash the earth from; to purge, cleanse, flush, take away, remove, scour. Fortspiilen {tr., acc, sep.), to wash or carry away by flood (fort- schwemmen). Uberspiilen {sep., insep., * hah.), to overflow, to drench, to drown, to submerge. Umspulen {tr., acc), to wash round, to lave (see spulen). STACHELN {tr., intr., acc), stachelte, gestachelt, to furnish with prickles (spines or spikes). Anstacheln {tr., acc, sep.), to stimulate, sting, incite. Aufstacheln {tr., acc, sep.), to instigate, to irritate, incise, excite, to work up, spur on; to goad up or on. Hinstacheln {tr., intr., sep.), to allude to a person by stinging, sneer- ing remarks or words. STAMMELN {intr., tr.), stammelte, gestammelt, to stammer, stut- ter, to babble; to falter. Eine Entschuldigung stammeln, to stam- mer an excuse. Ausstammeln {sep., tr., intr.), to stammer or stutter out; to cease stammering. Durchstammeln {sep., tr.), to stammer or stutter through from beginning to end. Nachstammeln {tr., intr., sep.), to repeat something stammeringly; to stammer Hke another person. STAMMEN {intr., *), stammte, gestammt, to come down; to derive; to descend; to originate. Abstammen {sep., intr., * dat.), to descend; to be derived from; to issue from, to be born at. Anstammen {sep., intr.), to be hereditary, ancestral; to be innate, inborn; naturalized. Entstammen {intr., * dat.), to be born in; to be a descendant of; to come from, to descend from. Er stammt aus diesem Lande, he is a native of this country. STARKEN {tr., acc, reft.), starkte, gestarkt, to strengthen, to in- vigorate; to restore to health, to get as strong as ever; to strengthen, to fortify oneself; to refresh. 200 Regular Verbs. Bestarken {tr., ace), to confirm, to corroborate; to countenance a person (in his opinion), Verstarken {tr., refl.), to make stronger, to fortify; to raise, to deepen; to intensify; to increase. STAUNEN {intr., hah.), staunte, gestaunt, to be astonished, surprised, or amazed, to marvel at; to gaze into vacancy; to dream. Anstaunen {tr., ace, sep.), to gaze, stare, or wonder at, to be amazed or astonished at. y Aufstaunen {intr., sep.), to look up in amazement, in bewilderment. Erstaunen {intr., tr.), to be surprised, astonished, amazed, to be wonderstruck, to be stupefied (or dumbstruck) with astonishment. Hinstaunen {intr., sep.), to stare at vacancy, to look surprised at a thing. Nachstaimen {intr., dat., sep.), to gaze at or after, to stare or gaze after a person. Umstaunen {tr., reft., ace), to turn or look around in surprise or astonishment. STECKEN {sometimes irregular, * tr., reft.), steckte, gesteckt, to fasten, to fix, to stick, adhere, inhere, to lodge. Abstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to unpin, unpeg, undo, unfasten, take out, to trace, mark out, line out. Anstecken {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to attach, fasten, stick, pin on, to light, kindle, set fire to, to infect, to poison, to become contaminated. Aufstecken {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to put, set, or stick up, to turn or truss up; to dress one's hair; to key, to hoist, to fix; to paper pins. Ausstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to put out, expose, to show, to decorate, plant, to veer. Bestecken {tr., ace), to stick over with, to garnish or adorn, to plant, to pole. Dariiberstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to place over, to put or pin over. Einstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to put in, up, to case or put in a bag or purse, to pocket, to inclose, wedge; arrest, to lock up, to put up; to swallow. Fortstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to put away, aside, or out, to fix'or stick at a greater distance. Hinstecken {tr., ace, sep.), to put, poke, cram, or stow away, to place aside; to pin up. STELLEN {tr., intr., reft.), stellte, gestellt, to put, place, locate, station, set up, put in order, arrange. Abstellen {tr., ace, reft., sep.), to remove, take ofiF, stop, to set, to reform, redress, to remedy. Abbestellen {tr., ace, sep.), to countermand, to counterorder, to annul, cancel. Regular Verbs. 201 Anstellen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to assign, appoint, employ, to hire, post, set, to place, install, prepare. Aufstellen (ir., ace, refl., sep.), to set up, construct, raise, erect, fit up, expose, exhibit, show, draw up. Ausstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to turn or set out, to exhibit, spread out, to set on show, display, issue. Bestellen (/r., ace), to arrange, provide, to do, order, make appoint- ment, to give employment, settle. Beistellen (tr., ace, sep.), to add, to subjoin, to annex, to append (beifiigen). Einstellen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to put or set into a place, to put up, to enhst, engage, take, discontinue, suspend, stop, cease, intermit. Entstellen (tr., ace), to disfigure, deface, misshape, deform, to muti- late, misconstrue. Fortstellen (tr., ace, refl.), to put away, to put or place aside or further off, put out of reach. Gegeniiberstellen (tr., dat., sep.), to confront with; to place in op- posite direction. Herstellen (tr., ace, refl.), to produce, contrive, manufacture; to repair, cure, recover; to put up, to restitute, renew, rebuild; to mend, restore, raise. Heranstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to put, place alongside of something, to set close by, to set near. Heraufstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to put up, to convey, carry, take up. Herunterstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to carry, put, place, or set down. Hinstellen (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to put or set down, to station, stand, to put something in a place. Kaltstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to affect indifference, to leave a person out in the cold, to keep cold. Nachstellen (tr., intr., dat., sep.), to place or put behind or after, to put back, to He in wait or ambush. Niederstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to put on the table, to put or set down, to place down. * Umstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to reverse, to move about or displace, to arrange differently, transpose. Unterstellen (tr., ace, sep.), to place oneself under, to take shelter, to put up, to undergo treatment. Verstellen (tr., ace, refl.), to rearrange, transpose, misplace, put in the wrong place, to remove, shift, to block, disfigure, disguise, pretend, feign, to sham, counterfeit, assume. Verstellen (tr., dat., ace, refl.), to introduce; to place or put forward; to cover or shield; to picture; to describe; to imagine. Zustellen (tr., intr., sep.), to put or place together or side by side, 202 RegularVerbs. to join, to assemble, group, to add, to hand something, deliver, present, convey, to insinuate, serve summons. Zuriickstellen (/r., ace, sep.), to put back, to move back, to replace, to set or arrange. Zusammenstellen (/r., ace, sep.), to put side by side, associate, to join, assemble, group, assort. STEMMEN {tr., refl.), stemmte, gestemmt, to support, prop; to stem, stop; to insist; persist; oppose. Verstemmen {ir.), to caulk. Eine Fuge verstemmen, to stem a joint. STEUERN {tr., o., hah., * intr., refl.), steuerte, gesteuert, to steer, navigate, pilot, guide, to stand, ply, direct. Ansteuern (* intr., tr., sep.), to steer toward, to come ashore. Aussteuem (* intr., tr., ace, hah., sep.), to have done steering, piloting; paying taxes; to provide or furnish with a dowry; to supply; endow (ausstatten). Besteuem {tr., reft., ace), to lay or impose taxes or duties, contribu- tions, to tax, assess, or rate at. Beisteuem {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to contribute, to administer, assist, to club together. Einsteuern {hah., * tr., intr., sep.), to steer into, to pilot into, to navigate into a harbor. Hinsteuem (* sep.), to steer for, to direct to, to turn one's course to. Lossteuem {intr., hah.), to make straight for something; to stand for a point; to steer a ship. Nachsteuem (* intr., tr., hah., sep.), to pay extra duty, to follow the course of, to steer a ship after another; to run or go after. Umsteuern {tr., intr., ace), to avoid, to evade, to reverse in motion, revert, gear, to navigate around. Versteuern {tr., ace, intr., * refl.), to sell by auction, to pay ex- cise, tax, pay duty on ; to steer the wrong course or direction. Er hat sich versteuert, he steered the wrong course. Zusteuem {intr., * tr., ace, hah., sep.), to steer toward, to make for, to head for, to run in, to steer for a point, Zuriicksteuem {intr., sep.), to return, to steer back, to navigate from one point to another. STICHELN {tr., intr., hah.), to make fun of a person; to taunt a per- son; to make stinging, sneering remarks or allusions; to sneer or gibe at a person. Ansticheln {tr., intr., hah., sep.), to begin to prick, treat with sarcasm or disdain ; to goad on. STICKEN {tr., intr., hah.), stickte, gestickt, to suffocate, choke; strangle; to embroider, to work on the tambour; to do tapestry work. Regular Verbs. 203 Ersticken {intr. * /r.), to suffocate, to smother; to throttle, to sup- press, to stifle a person (with kisses). STIFTEN (/r.), stiftete, gestiftet, to found, establish, institute, raise, create, originate, produce; to leave for charitable purposes; to found (a memorial) ; to bring about ; to stir up, Anstiften {sep., tr.), to cause, abet, incite, impel, connive at, to occa- sion; to set (on); suggest. Was haben Sie angestiftet? what have you done ? STILLEN {tr., gen., ace), stillte, gestillt, to quell, stop, arrest, to ap- pease, allay, pacify; to satisfy, to silence, suckle, nurse; to calm down. STIMMEN {tr., ace, imp., intr.), stimmte, gestimmt, to utter sound, to raise one's voice, to harmonize; to tune; to vote, agree, to be of opinion. Nachstimmen, to vote later, to vote again, subsequently; to tune again. Niederstimmen, to outvote. Niedergestimmt oder niedergedriickt sein, to be oppressed, despondent, in bad humor. Abstimmen {tr., ace, sep.), to tune down, to lower the pitch; to accord; to vote, record, to register, to ballot. Anstimmen {tr., ace, sep.), to tune, to intonate, to begin to sing, to begin or strike up a tune. Aufstimmen {tr. ace, sep.), to tune or to set up. Aufrichten, to erect, raise, set up, put up, rear up. Bestimmen {refl., tr., ace, o.), to decide, to order, to appoint, to arrange, to provide, to persuade, induce, incline, dispose, determine, engage, influence, impel, settle, fix, modify. Beistimmen {dat., ijitr., sep.), to agree upon, to join, to consent, accede to, assent; to applaud (beipflichten). Einstimmen {intr., sep.), to be in accord with, to be in tune, to repeat or sing in chorus, to join. Herabstimmen {tr., ace, sep.), to set down, to lower the pitch of, to abate, to tune down, to set down. Uberstimnien {tr., ace), to tune too high, to outvote, to vote down, to be overruled. tibereinstimmen {intr., sep.), to agree, concur, to be of one accord, opinion, to suit, to fit. Umstimmen {tr., ace, sep.), to tune anew or to another pitch; to convert, to make a person change his mind or opinion; to win a per- son over. Verstimmen {hab., refl., intr., tr., ace), to be in bad humor; to untune, to put out of tune; to be depressed, dejected; to be in a bad temper, to be upset, in the dumps. Zustimmen {ir., intr., sep.), to agree, to consent to a person's pro- posals, to nod assent, to reply in the affirmative. Zusammenstimmen {intr., sep.), to harmonize, to be tuned to the same pitch, to accord, agree, to conform, to be in keeping with. 204 Regular Verbs. STOHNEN {intr.y hah.), stohnte, gestohnt, to groan, to moan, to utter groans. STOPFEN (/r., intr., dat., ace), stopfte, gestopft, to stuff, press, squeeze hard; pack, to stop; fill, bung; to arrest, bring to a standstill; to block up, to obstruct, congest. Ausstopfen {tr., sep., refl.), to pad, quilt, wad; to cushion oneself; to darn, mend. Verstopfen {tr., refl., dat., ace), to plug up; to tampon; block, choke; to fill up; to render costive, to constipate the bowels; to stop. STOREN (tr., ace), storte, gestort, to disturb, trouble, inconvenience; to derange, upset, interrupt, to prevent, to break in upon; to en- croach. Verstoren {tr., dat.), to disturb, upset, bewilder; trouble, agitate. Zerstoren {tr.), to demolish, pull down, destroy; to waste, ravage; to blight, blast, extinguish, dissipate, annul, blot out of existence; cut down, to disorganize. STRAFEW {tr., ace), strafte, gestraft, to punish, to penalize; to chasten; to correct, to avenge; to reproach. Bestrafen {tr., refl., ace), to correct, to discipline, to sentence; to doom. Siinde bestraft sich, sin carries its own punishment. STRAHLEN {intr., hah.), strahlte, gestrahlt, to beam, cast forth rays; shine; to be resplendent, to be radiant, beaming (with joy); to radiate forth. Bestrahlen {tr.), to cast rays or beams upon; to irradiate. Erstrahlen {intr., hah., *), to shine, beam, sparkle, gleam (forth); to emit rays of light (erglilnzen) . STREBEN {intr., hah.), strebte, gestrebt, to strive after, to aspire to, to aim at, to endeavor to. Vorwarts strebcn, to strive on, to keep on striving, to strive forward, onward, upward. Anstreben {tr., ace, sep.), to tend upward, to rise, to aspire to, to long for, to aim at. Aufstreben {intr., sep.), to strive upward, to soar up, to rise high or aloft, to ascend. Bestreben {refl., gen.), to exert oneself, to endeavor, to do one's utmost, to be zealous. Erstreben {tr., ace), to endeavor, to obtain, to aspire to, to pursue, solicit, to attain by effort. Fortstreben {intr., sep.), to keep on striving, to continue in one's highest efforts. Hinstreben {intr., sep.), to tend to, to tend toward something, to be determined; to gravitate. Nachstrebea {intr., sep.), to strive after, to aim at, to aspire to. Regular Verbs. 205 Widerstreben {imp., dat., sep.), to oppose or resist a person, to strive or struggle against; to loathe; to feel reluctantly; to be repugnant or distasteful. STRECKEN (tr., ace, refl.), streckte, gestreckt, to stretch, draw out, to raise up, stiffen, extend. Abstrecken (tr., ace, sep.), to stretch off or away (abrecken). Aufstrecken {tr., ace, sep.), to stretch out or up, Aufzahlen, to deal out, to administer to. Ausstrecken {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to stretch, put, or reach out, to spread out, to lift up; to lie at full length. Durchstrecken (tr., sep.), to extend; to stretch through. Erstrecken {o., tr., refl.), to extend, spread, stretch, reach, run along, to prolong, afford, demand, obtain. Hinstrecken {refl., tr., ace, sep.), to stretch, put, or hold out; to throw or knock down, to lie down, to extend. Niederstrecken {refl., tr., ace, sep.), to stretch down on the ground; to strike a person dead, to lay a person low; to lie down, to recline at full length. VoUstrecken {tr., ace, refl.), to carry out, to carry into effect, to complete, to execute, to put a person to death, to execute a warrant. STREICHELN {tr., o.), streichelte, gestreichelt, to pat a person's back; to stroke, caress, or fondle a person or animal. STREIFEN {tr., ace, hah., * intr., refl.), streifte, gestreift, to touch, brush, scrape Ughtly, to glide, skim, or slide. Abstreifen {tr., hah., refl., * ace, sep.), to strip the skin off, to skin, flay, to pull, take, slip, to put off, lay aside, get rid of, to range, to pillage. Ausstreifen {tr., ace, intr., * dat., sep.), to make an excursion, take a trip up the country; to husk, to shell. Wachstreifen (* dat., refl., tr., intr., sep.), to run or go after a person. Uberstreifen {tr., ace, sep., insep.), to draw over, to put on, to streak, to cover with stripes, to stripe. Umstreifen {tr., ace, intr., * sep.), to go about stalking, to go hunting for deer. Umherstreifen (* intr., sep.), to stroll about, to go for, to take a stroll, to ramble about (pirschen). STREUEN {tr., ace, intr.), streute, gestreut, to strew, scatter broad- cast, to sow, spread out, disseminate. Aufstreuen {tr., ace, sep.), to strew, sprinkle, to powder, to bestrew, besprinkle, to dredge. Ausstreuen {tr., ace, sep.), to disseminate, to spread about, to dis- perse, to scatter, to sow, to cast. Bestreuen {tr., ace), to strew, to besprinkle, to spread, to cover with. 2o6 Regular Verbs. Daraufstreuen {tr., ace, sep.), to sprinkle upon, to strew upon, to spread, to cover. Einstreuen {tr., ace, inir., sep.), to strew, to scatter in; to intersperse with; to breathe, to whisper a word; to suggest, to insinuate. Fortstreuen {tr., ace, sep.), to throw away; to pour out, to spill. Umstreuen {tr., ace), to throw broadcast; to throw about; to cast about. Umherstreuen {tr., ace, sep.), to throw about; to throw broadcast. Verstreuen {tr., ace), to throw here and there; to disperse, to Htter up, to use up, scatter. Zerstreuen {tr., ace, refl.), to scatter, to spread about; to diffuse, disperse, disseminate; to dispel, to dissipate. STRICKEN {tr., ace), strickte, gestrickt, to knit, to net, to mesh; to make a knot or a noose. Abstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to knit off, to pay off, to finish, to dispose, to deprive. Anstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to join by knitting, to foot, to attach, to tie fast with a cord, etc. Aufstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to use up in knitting, to take up a stitch; to untwist, to untwine. Ausstricken {tr., intr., sep.), to cease or finish knitting, to undo the cords. Bestricken {tr., ace), to fasten with cords, to chain, arrest, seize; to charm, captivate, fascinate. Einstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to provide stockings with heels, to knit on a new pair of heels. Hineinstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to knit in; to advance in knitting. Nachstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to imitate in knitting; to knit after. Uberstricken {tr., refl., ace), to cover with knitting; to knit over; to knit too much. Umstricken {tr., ace), to surround with knitting or network; also in wirework; to knit around. Umschlingen, to wind, to twine, or twist around. Verstricken {tr., ace, refl.), to use up in knitting; to make a mistake in knitting; to influence the judgment of others; to implicate, to involve in; to allure; bewitch. Zusammenstricken {tr., ace, sep.), to knit together; to tie up, to fasten. STROMEN {tr., intr., hah., * dat.), strbmte, gestromt, to stream, flow, gush forth, to pass through (in crowds) ; to let flow, shed. Entstromen {intr., * dat.), to rush, gush, stream, issue, flow (aus- stromen). STUDIREN {tr., ace, intr.), studirte, studirt, to study, to pursue, to learn, to explore, to be studious. I Regular Verbs. 207 Ausstudiren {intr., hah., sep.), to finish one's education; to study thoroughly; to cease studying, to get one's degree (auslernen), Einstudiren {tr., ace, sep.), to study; to commit to memory; to master; to put into rehearsal, turn over. Uberstudiren (refl.), to study too much, to overwork, to overtax oneself by study. STURMEN (imp., intr., hah., * tr.), stiirinte, gestiirint, to besiege, to importune, to rush upon, take by storm; it is stormy, windy; it howls, roars, whistles; to be up in arms; to storm, rave; to fret; to capture; to make assault upon. Besturmen {tr., ace), to assail, assault, attack, invade, batter. STiJRZEN {tr., ace, hah., * intr., refl.), sturzte, gestiirzt, to fall sud- denly, to tumble down, to be overthrown ; to come down with a crash; to descend; to rush forward, to make a dash. Abstiirzen (* intr., tr., sep.), to fall down, to precipitate; to break one's neck; to fall off abruptly. Aufsturzen (* intr., sep.), to fall violently against or upon. Bestiirzen {tr., intr., ace, hah., *), to be disconcerted, bewildered, dis- mayed, abashed, confused, stunned, astounded, perplexed, dazed, stupefied, dumbfounded, frightened, aghast; to supply. Beistiirzen (* intr., sep.), to come to aid suddenly, to dash to, to hurry to a place suddenly. Durchsturzen {intr., * sep., tr.), to fall, to be precipitated; to thrust, throw through. Einstiirzen (* intr., sep.), to fall in, to yield to pressure, to give way, to cause to fall, to overthrow, to demolish, to pull down. Entstiirzen {intr., dat., *), to rush or tumble from; to issue, to flow, to gush from. Fortsturzen (* intr:, sep.), to sally forth, to rush, dash, dart, or tear away or off, to run away suddenly. Herabstiirzeii (* tr., refl., intr., sep.), to dash or run down at a sud- den, to push down, to precipitate. Heraufsturzen (* tr., refl., intr., sep.), to dash or run up at a sudden. Herunterstiirzen (* tr., ace, refl., intr., hah., sep.), to swallow or drink down at a sudden; to drop down into a shaft. Hinstiirzen (* intr., sep.), to fall down, to toss off, to rush or bolt. Lossturzen {intr., * sep.), to rush, dart on or upon a person; to pounce upon a person. Nachsturzen (* intr., dat., sep.), to rush or dash after, to throw after, to gulp or drink down. Niedersturzen (* tr., intr., sep.), to fall down, to tumble down, to have a heavy fall; to be overtaken. Uberstiirzen {tr., * intr., insep., refl., sep.), to overturn, to upset, to tumble over, to fall backward; to hurry, run. 2o8 Regular Verbs. Umstiirzen (* tr., intr., sep.), to upset, to fall suddenly, to tumble down or over, to overthrow, lay low. Zunickstiirzen (* intr., sep.), to fall in, to cave in, to break down, to collapse; to be struck all of a heap. Zusammenstiirzen (* intr., sep.), to fall back, to rush back; to reel or stagger back. STUTZEN {dat., tr., intr.), stutzte, gestutzt, to trim, curtail, clip, crop; to shape, fashion; to startle, to be startled at or by; to be taken aback by something; to pause (suddenly), to hesitate. STUTZEN (tr., ace, refl.), stutzte, gestutzt, to support, to uphold, to sustain, to back up, to provide; to prop, to secure, to stand by, to recommend, to act as authority. Sich auf Jemanden stiitzen, to lean upon a person, to have a person as a support. Absttitzen (tr., refl., sep.), to prop, support, to underprop, to under- pin, to brace. Anstiitzen (tr., refl., sep.), to lean or support oneself against. Aufstiitzen (tr., refl., sep.), to lean, to rest on, to prop, to support. Unterstiitzen (tr., ace), to advise, to give relief, to support, to prop, encourage, to relieve, to back up, to grant, aid, assist. SUCHEN (tr., ace, intr.), suchte, gesucht, to seek, to try to find, to go in search (or quest), trace. Aufsuchen (tr., ace, sep.), to seek for, to hunt up, to look after, to make search for, to try to find. Aussuchen (tr., ace, sep.), to pick out, to select, to choose, to search thoroughly, to rummage, to cease seeking, to finish searching. Besux^hen (tr., ace), to visit, attend, inspect; to see one another; to frequent. Durchsuchen (tr., sep., ace, insep.), to search; to go through (one's pockets); to beat (field, wood); to rake; to bore the ground; to visit; to examine. Ersuchen (tr., ace), to ask, request, desire, entreat, to urge to do a thing, to beseech, solicit. Heimsuchen (tr., ace, sep.), to visit, to frequent a place; to plague; to punish, to afflict. Nachsuchen (tr., ace, sep.), to search after or for, to look for, to hunt, investigate, to inquire into, to apply, to make application, to peti- tion, to sue for. Untersuchen (tr., ace), to examine, to investigate, to inquire into, to verify, study, to go into, to explore, to inspect, to discuss; to go to the bottom. Versuchen (tr., ace, refl.), to try, to attempt, to venture, to test, to make an experiment, taste. SUNDIGEN (intr., hah.), siindigte, gesundigt, to trespass; to commit a sin, an offense; to transgress; to do wrong; to offend against. Regular Verbs. 209 Versiindigen {tr., refl., dat.), to wrong, to oflfend against a person; to sin against. Er hat sich an Gott und an der Welt versiindigt, he sinned against God and the world. StJSSEN (tr., dat.), siisste, gesusst, to sweeten, to sugar, to edulcorate. Versussen (tr., refl.), to make too sweet or too sugary; to sweeten. T. ^ TADELN (tr., ace), tadelte, getadelt, to blame, to censure; to take exception to, to find fault. Austadeln (tr., ace, sep.), to scold, to blame one, to find fault with a person. TAGEN (intr., imp.), tagte, getagt, to dawn, to brighten, to become morning; to meet, sit, to be in session; to deliberate. Vor einigen Tagen, a few days ago, a few days since. Nach einigen Tagen, in a few days, after a few days. Forttagen (intr., imp., sep.), to continue to be in session; to delib- erate; to continue getting brighter. Vertagen (tr., ace, refl.), to adjourn, to fall due. Auf unbestimmte Zeit vertagen, to adjourn ''sine die.'' TANZEN (tr., intr.), tanzte, getanzt, to dance, to jump. Es tanzt sich in diesem Saale gut, it is nice dancing in this hall. Abtanzen (refl., sep.), to wear out or off by dancing, to tire or exhaust by dancing. Auftanzen (tr., intr., sep.), to rise dancing, to dance upward; to dance by request; to start dancing. Austanzen (tr., ace, intr., refl., sep.), to finish, to leave off dancing; to outdo a person in dancing; to dance to one's heart's content. Eintanzen (refl., sep.), to practise a dance or dancing; to become ex- pert in dancing. Mittanzen (intr., sep.), to dance along, to dance with, to join or to make one in a dance. Nachtanzen (dat., tr., intr., sep.), to dance after a person, to follow a person in dancing, to imitate another person in dancing; to repeat. Ubertanzen (refl., sep.), to dance too much, to overdo dancing. Zusammentanzen (intr., sep.), to dance together, to dance jointly; to dance in couples. TAUCHEN (tr., ace, refl., hah., * intr.), tauchte, getaucht, to dip, to immerse, to steep, to plunge, to duck, to dive. Auftauchen (* intr., sep.), to appear, to arise, rise up, to emerge, to make appearance, to come to sight, to start up, to turn up. Eintauchen (tr., sep., intr., hah. *), to dip, to soak, to steep, to drench, to immerse, to sop, to sink. 14 2IO Regular Verbs. Untertauchen (* tr., intr., sep.), to plunge, to take a dip, to dive, to plunge into the water, to submerge. TAUEN {intr., imp.), taute, getaut, to thaw. TAUFEN (tr., ace, reft.), taufte, getauft, to baptise, to christen, to convert; to adulterate, Abtaufen {tr., ace, sep.), to half-baptise, to baptise privately. Ubertaufen {tr., sep.), to rechristen or rebaptise, to receive baptism a second time. Umtaufen {tr., reft., sep.), to rebaptise, to christen or baptise a second time, to nickname, to change a person's name, to call one a nick- name. TAUGEN {intr., imp.), taugte, getaugt, to be worth; to answer, to do, to serve, to work, to operate; to be fit, suitable, good for; to be useful. TAUSCHEN {tr., ace, intr.), tauschte, getauscht, to change, exchange, barter, truck; to trade. Austauschen {tr., ace, sep.), to exchange, to interchange, to com- mute, to barter, to swap, to reciprocate. Eintauschen {tr., ace, sep.), to exchange or to barter something, to trade in, to take something in exchange for. Umtauschen {tr., ace, sep.), to change one thing for another, to ex- change, to swap one article for another. Vertauschen {tr., reft., ace), to interchange, to change or exchange, to take each other's articles by mistake. TAUSCHEN {tr., intr., reft.), tauschte, getauscht, to cheat, to mystify, to deceive, to dupe, to gull. Enttauschen {tr., ace, reft.), to disabuse, to disenchant, to disillusion; to defeat. TEILEN {tr., ace, reft.), teilte, geteilt, to divide, distribute, share, to deal out, part, to dispense, partition, to separate, to dismember, Eine Ansicht teilen, to be of the same opinion, of the same way of thinking. Abteilen {tr., reft., sep.), to divide, to subdivide, to parcel, to separate, to portion, to pay off. Austeilen {tr., ace, sep.), to distribute among, to deal out to, to divide, to portion, to allot to. Einteilen {tr., ace, sep.), to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to allot, to divide, to classify. Erteilen {tr., ace), to administer, to give, to confer, to commission, to entrust, to send, transmit. Mitteilen {dat., tr., sep., reft.), to communicate, impart, break; ad- vise, notify; acquaint; open. tJberteilen {tr., ace, sep.), to divide in two parts (see teilen). Regular Verbs. 211 Ubervorteilen {tr., ace), to get the better of; to overreach; to do, cheat, sell, take in, defraud. Verteilen {tr., ace, reft.), to distribute, to deal out, to apportion, to share, to partition, to cut up. Vorteilen {tr., intr., sep., insep., dat.), to be of interest or advantage; to make a profit by something; to find one's account in something; to divide, iiand, dish out (vorteln). Zerteilen {tr., ace, refl.), to part, to separate, to split up into, to analyze, to break up into, to divide into, to decompose, to branch, to disperse. Zurechtteilen {tr., ace, reft.), to set aright, to arrange or to adjust matters in a proper way. TELEGRAPHIREN {tr., ace, intr.), telegraphirte, telegraphirt, to telegraph, to send a message, to cable, to wire. TILGEN {tr., ace), tilgte, getilgt, to blot out, to extinguish, to efface, obliterate; to erase, delete, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, to strike out, blot, wipe or rub out; to pay off, to discharge; to annul, cancel, annihilate. Vertilgen {tr.), to bring to naught, to extirpate, to uproot, destroy. TISCHEN {intr., hah.), tischte, getischt, to set or spread the table. Auftischen {tr., sep., dat.), to entertain, to dish (up), to serve up (auftafeln). TOBEN {intr., hah.), tobte, getobt, to rage, storm, fume, to bluster, foam. Austoben {intr., sep., refl.), to unruffle, to romp; to stop one's foolish pranks. TONEN {intr., dat., ace), tonte, getont, to sound, resound, ring; to hum, to tingle; to tint. TOSEN {intr., hah.), toste, getost, to rage, roar, to be turbulent. TOTEN {tr.,acc., refl.), totete, getotet, to kill, slay, slaughter, assassin- ate, murder; to execute, put to death. Ertoten {tr.), to extirpate, to silence, destroy; to subdue or deaden. TRACHTEN {intr., hah., dat.), trachtete, getrachtet, to aim at, to strive, to endeavor, to aspire, seek, try. Austrachten {Ir., ace, refl., sep.), to imagine, to invent, to devise, to conceive, to fabricate (see ausdenken). Betrachten {tr., ace, refl.), to behold, to look at, to observe, to regard, to consider, to weigh, to contemplate, to view, to survey, to reflect. Hintrachten {refl., intr., sep.), to tend to or toward, to gravitate toward a thing; to think of. Wachtrachten {intr., dat., sep.), to strive for, to aspire to, to pursue, to make search, to lie in wait, to set traps. Vertrachten {refl., intr.), to become absorbed or engrossed in one's thought, to concentrate one's thoughts. 212 Regular Verbs. Zusammentrachten {sep.), to combine thoughts, to meditate together. TRANKEN (/r., ace), trankte, getrankt, to give to drink; to quench or still the thirst; to soak, to drench; to imbrue in; to impregnate with; to saturate, refresh. Ertranken {tr., ace, refl.), to drown; to inundate (see ersdufen). TRAUEN (dat., refl., tr., intr.), traute, getraut, to trust, confide, have faith; to rely upon, believe in; to marry, to join in wedlock. Antrauen {tr., sep., dat.), to espouse, wed, to be wedded to. Anvertrauen {tr., refl., sep., dat.), to confide, trust; to consign, to deposit with. Betrauen {dat., tr., insep.), to commit, surrender, confide, trust to a person. Betraut sein, to be trusted in, confidential with. Getrauen {dat., refl.), I make bold, I have courage; to presume to accomplish, to trust. Vertrauen {dat., refl., tr., intr.), to trust, put faith in; to confide, rely; to enjoy one's confidence; to depend upon; to put trust in; to have confidence in. Zutrauen {tr., dat., sep.), to credit with; to trust, confide; to presume too much; to open one's heart; to tell under the seal of secrecy. TRAUERN {hab., intr.), trauerte, getrauert, to mourn, to grieve, to lament, to be sad or sorrowful. Um Jemanden trauern, to mourn the loss of a dear one, to mourn for some one. Austrauem {intr., sep.), to mourn the due time, to cease or leave ofiF mourning, to go out of mourning or black. Betrauem {tr., ace), to be in mourning for, to mourn for, to grieve over, to be distressed, to be afflicted or to lament at, to deplore, to bemoan, to bewail or regret. Forttrauem {intr., sep.), to continue grieving, being afflicted, or la- menting. Hintrauem {intr., sep.), to bewail, to groan, to cry, to weep, to mourn. Mittrauem {intr., sep.), to mourn with others in common, to con- dole, to sympathize. Nachtrauem {intr., dat., sep.), to lament the death of a person; to imitate a person's complaint. Vertrauem {tr., ace, refl.), to bemoum, to mourn away, to live in sorrow, to pine away, to languish. TRAUMEN {tr., dat., refl., intr., imp.), traumte, getraumt, to dream, to have visions, to meditate, to have illusions. Es traumt mir, I dream. Austraumen {tr., intr., sep.), to dream out or to the end, to cease dreaming, to finish dreaming. Durchtraumen {tr., sep., insep.), to pass in dreaming, to dream away; to dream a dream through; to roam through (dreamingly). Regular Verbs. 213 Ertraumen {tr., ace), to imagine, to dream of, to have chimerical or fanciful illusions. Forttraumen {intr., sep.), to waste one's time in dreaming, to keep dreaming, to idle away. Hintraumen (intr., sep.), to be in a fancy, keep oneself dreaming. Vertraumen (tr., ace), to dream away, to spend time in dreams, in reverie, to lose or absorb oneself in dreams. Zusammentraumen (tr., sep.), to have fanciful dreams, to dream different things at the same time. TRENNEN (tr., refl.), trennte, getrennt, to separate, sunder, part; to disunite, disconnect, disjoin, sever, dissolve, detach; to decompose; to cut; to resolve; to separate, divide, part with. Zertrennen (tr., refl.), to bid farewell, to leave one another, to rip up, to unpick (a dress). TRIEFEN (used reg. and irreg.), triefte, getrieft. When used regu- larly, it is transitive and takes haben as an auxiliary (see list of irregular verbs, page 87). TRIUMPHIREN (tr., ace, intr.), triumphirte, triumphirt, to triumph, to be triumphant, to be exalted in triumph. Auftriumphiren (intr., sep.), to utter a shout of triumph, of joy, of exultation. Hintriumphiren (intr., sep.), to be lost in joy, in triumphant feelings, in happy moments. TROCKNEN (tr., intr., *), trocknete, getrocknet, to dry, drain; to wither; to wipe off; to be parched. Abtrocknen (tr., intr., refl., *), to dry or wipe off; to absterge; to dry oneself; to become dry (or wither). Vertrocknen (intr., *), to be parched, to be quite dry; to wither. TROPFELN (intr., hab. *), tropfelte, getropfelt, to drip, drop, fall in drops; to trickle, distil, dribble. Es tropfelt, a few drops are falling. TROSTEN (tr., intr., refl.), trostete, getrostet, to comfort, to console, to solace; to relieve, to cheer up; to get reconciled to something; to comfort oneself; to buoy up. Vertrbsten (tr., gen., ace, refl.), to feed a person with hopes, to hold out hopes for the future; to delay, to put off. TROTZEN (dat., intr., hab.), trotzte, getrotzt, to be obstinate, to be refractory; to sulk, defy, confront. Abtrotzen (tr., dat., sep.), to get a thing from a person by a defiant attitude or stubbornness. Austrotzen (dat., refl., sep.), to cease braving; to cease sulking. Ertrotzen (tr., dat., refl., insep.), to get a thing by obstinacy, de- fiance, threatening, menacing. 214 Regular Verbs. TRUBEN (tr., ace, refl.), triibte, getriibt, to trouble, to dim, to darken, to obscure, to disturb, spoil, to bias, to prejudice, to stir up, to tarnish, to cast a gloom. Betriiben (tr., ace), to-grieve, to afflict, to distress, to mourn over, to fret about, to deject, to cast down, to be sorrowful, downhearted, depressed, downcast. Vertriiben {tr., intr.), to tarnish, to spoil, to darken, to disturb. TUMMELN {tr., refl.), tummelte, getummelt, to put in motion, to set going; to whirl round; to make haste, hurry; to move about. Abtummeln {sep., tr., refl.), to fatigue oneself by turning about. Austummeln {sep., tr., refl.), to wrestle, to revel to one's heart's content. TURNEN {intr., hah.), tumte, getumt, to do gymnastics, to practise gymnastic exercises. TUSCHELN {tr., intr., hah.), tuschelte, getuschelt, to whisper secretly. TUSCHEN {tr., intr.), tuschte, getuscht, to paint (in Indian ink), to wash; to illuminate (with water-colors); to hush up; to smother; to enjoin silence (on a person). Vertuschen {tr.), to keep something a secret, to hold one's mouth about something; to suppress something; to disguise, cover; to put a false coloring upon something. U. UBEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), iibte, geiibt, to practise, exercise, exert, to use, to train, to cultivate. Ausiiben {tr., ace, sep.), to put into practice, to carry on, to exert, to exercise, to observe, to practise, to improve. Durchiiben {tr., sep., insep.), to practise from beginning to end; to go through all the exercises (one after the other) ; to rehearse. Einiiben {tr., refl., sep.), to train, to drill, to exercise, to practise, to brush up. Fortiiben {tr., ace, sep.), to go on practising, to continue exercising (see iihen). Mitiiben {tr., intr., sep.), to practise jointly or in common, to exercise together. Veriiben {tr., ace), to do, to commit, to perpetrate. UBERBRUCKEN {tr., insep.), iiberbriickte, iiberbriickt, to span a river; to build or throw a bridge over or across. UBERBtJRDEN {tr., refl., insep.), iiberbiirdete, iiberburdet, to over- burden, to overcharge, to overload; to overwork, overtask; to over- tax one's strength. Regular Verbs. 215 UBERBURSTEN {fr.,insep.,sep.), uberburstete,uberburstet,to brush over; to brush over again. UBERDACHEN {insep., tr.), uberdachte, iiberdacht, to cover with a roof, to thatch; to shelter, to house. UBERNACHTEN {tr., intr.), ubemachtete, ubemachtet, to pass or spend the night, to stay all night, to shelter (or take shelter); to accommodate one, to give a night's lodging. UBERRASCHEN (tr., imp., ace), iiberraschte, iiberrascht, to sur- prise, astonish, to take unawares, to amaze, to startle, to be stunned. UBERVOLKERN (tr.), ubervolkerte, ubervolkert, to overpopulate, over-people, overstock (with inhabitants). UBERWALTIGEN (tr.), iiberwaltigte, iiberwaltigt, to overpower, overcome; to defeat, vanquish; to subdue, conquer; to surmount. UMARMEN (tr., refl.), umarmte, umarmt, to embrace a person; to hug (each other) ; to clasp or press a person to one's breast. UMGURTEN (tr., sep., insep.), umgiirtete, umgiirtet, to gird on; to buckle on; to encircle, encompass; to surround. UNTERRICHTEN (tr., refl., 0.), unterrichtete, unterrichtet, to in- struct, teach, educate; to give information; to make one acquainted (with something). URTEILEN (tr., intr.), urteilte, geurteilt, to reason, to conclude, to form an opinion, to decide, to determine, to judge, to pronounce sentence. Aburteilen (tr., ace, sep.), to abjudicate, to degrade, to fix final judicial sentence, to sentence. Beurteilen (tr., ace), to judge, to criticize, to discriminate, to dis- tinguish, to censor. Hinurteilen (tr., intr., sep.), to conclude without definite knowledge, to judge a thing without foundation. Verurteilen (tr., ace), to condemn, to judge harshly, to pass or pronounce sentence. VARIIREN (tr., intr.), variirte, variirt, to vary, to diversify. Ein Thema variiren, to play variations on an air (abweichen, verschieden sein); fluktuiren, to fluctuate (schwanken). VERABSCHIEDEN (tr., refl.), verabschiedete, verabschiedet, to dismiss, discharge; to part with, to send away; to disband, to pen- sion off; to decide; to take leave, to bid a person farewell. VERALTEN (intr., *), veraltete, veraltet, to grow or to become old; to become antiquated, obsolete; out of use; out of fashion, old- fashioned; not up-to-date. 2i6 Regular Verbs. VERANLAGEN (tr.), veranlagte, veranlagt, to assess, to overrate; to arrange, establish, organize; to be talented, clever, gifted. VERANSCHAULICHEN (ir.), veranschaulichte, veranschaulicht, to demonstrate, to make something clear or evident, to give a graphic description of something; to illustrate. VERANSTALTEN (/r.), veranstaltete, veranstaltet, to make, ar- range; to prepare, make preparations; to contrivcj manage, or- ganize. VERARGEN (/r., daL), verargte, verargt, to find fault (for some- thing). Ich kann es Ihnen nicht verargen, I cannot blame you for it (verdenken). VERARMEN {intr., tr.), verarmte, verarmt, to grow poor, to sink into poverty, into reduced circumstances; to become a pauper; to impoverish, to reduce to beggary or poverty. VERAUKTIONIREN {tr., ace), verauktionirte, verauktionirt, to sell by auction, to sell under the hammer (offentlich verkaufen). VERAUSGABEN (tr., ace), verausgabte, verausgabt, to spend, to pay on or for; to pass. VERBANNEN {tr., ace), verbannte, verbannt, to banish, exile, trans- port, outlaw, proscribe; expel, expatriate; ostracize. VERBAUERN {intr., *), verbauerte, verbauert, to adopt rustic man- ners; to become countrified or boorish. VERBESSERN {tr., reft.), verbesserte, verbessert, to better, improve, correct, rectify; to alter, mend, repair; to perfect, remodel, reform; to revise. VERBLUFFEN {tr., ace), verblUffte, verblufft, to stagger, startle, puzzle; bewilder, disconcert; stupefy; to amaze; to dumbfound. VERBLUMEN {tr., ace), verblUmte, verbliimt, to smother with flowers; to disguise the meaning of one's words; to allude to some- thing; to express something in veiled language; to use figurative or indirect terms. VERBRUDERN {tr., refl.), verbriiderte, verbriidert, to unite like brothers, to establish a close friendship; to fraternize; to take up a cause. VERBUHLEN {tr.), verbuhlte, verbuhlt, to spend in debauchery; to lead an unchaste, lewd, lascivious, debauched life. VERDAMMEN {tr., ace), verdammte, verdammt, to damn, curse, condemn; to doom; to reject, reprobate; to pronounce condemna- tion. VERDAUEN {tr.), verdaute, verdaut, to digest. Das kann ich nicht vcrdauen, I cannot tolerate that. VERDOLMETSCHEN (DOLMETSCHEN) (tr., intr.), verdol- metschte, verdolmetscht, to interpret, translate, to explain (erklaren). Regular Verbs. 217 VERDOPPELN {tr., reft., ace), verdoppelte, verdoppelt, to multiply by two, to double, duplicate, quicken; to geminate. VERDORREN {tr., refl., intr., *), verdorrte, verdorrt, to dry up, wither; to die; to parch; to blast. VERDtlNNEN {tr.), verdiinnte, verdiinnt, to dilute, to thin, to make thinner; to temper, wash, weaken; to reduce to a smaller scale. VEREDELN {tr., refl.), veredelte, veredelt, to raise, to elevate, to ennoble; to ameliorate, improve, purify, perfect, cultivate, to bring to better perfection. VEREHELICHEN {tr., refl.), verehelichte, verehelicht, to marry, to become married. VEREIDIGEN {tr., ace), vereidigte, vereidigt, to take or to admin- ister an oath; to swear a person in ; to bind a person by oath. VEREINBAREN {tr., refl.), vereinbarte, vereinbart, to bring about a settlement; to come to an agreement, arrangement or under- standing; to agree upon. VEREINZELN {tr., refl.), vereinzelte, vereinzelt, to isolate, to place something by itself; detach, sever, separate, insulate, dismember; to treat singly, individualize; to specify. VEREITELN {tr., gen., dat.), vereitelte, vereitelt, to frustrate, baffle, to balk, thwart, defeat, disappoint, spoil, mar. Jemands Hoffnung vereiteln, to shatter one's hope. VERENGERN {tr., refl.), verengerte, verengert, to narrow, to straiten, to contract, tighten; to grow narrower, to taper ofif. VEREWIGEN {tr., ace), verewigte, verewigt, to perpetuate, to eter- nize; to immortalize, to become immortal. VERGAFFEN {intr., refl., ace), vergaffte, vergafft, to fall in love with, to dote upon someone, to be smitten with love. VERGALLEN {tr., dat.), vergallte, vergallt, to make something ap- pear hateful in a person's eyes; to set a person against something; to worry, displease; to break the gall-bladder. VERGEGENWARTIGEN {tr., insep., dat.), vergegenwartigte, ver- gegenwartigt, to make a person see something very clearly; to de- scribe something graphically; to represent something vividly. VERGEUDEN {tr., ace), vergeudete, vergeudet, to squander, dis- sipate, misspend, throw away, lavish; to waste or fool away. VERGEWALTIGEN {tr., ace), vergewaltigte, vergewaltigt, to offer violence to a person; to use force; to use oppression; to assault; to attack. VERGEWISSERN {tr., gen., ace, refl.), vergewisserte, vergewissert, to confirm, to certify something; to convince, assure a person of something; to ascertain or make sure of. VERGIFTEN {tr., o., refl.), vergiftete, vergiftet, to poison, to infect with or to make poisonous; to envenom, corrupt, taint. 2i8 Regular Verbs. VERGITTERN {tr.), vergitterte, vergittert, to grate up, to enclose (with lattice work), to wire in; to bar. VERGNUGEN {tr., refl., * o.), vemiigte, vergniigt, to please, gratify, amuse, divert; to be satisfied with something; to enjoy, to amuse oneself. Ich bin vergniigt dariiber, I am delighted with it. VERGOLDEN (tr.), vergoldete, vergoldet, to gild, to gild over. VERGROSSERN {tr., ace, reft.), vergrosserte, vergrossert, to en- large, aggrandize, increase, augment, add to, swell, raise, enhance, multiply; amplify, extend, magnify; to exaggerate; aggravate, to increase, grow larger, expand, deepen. VERGtJTEN (VERGUTIGEN) {tr., dat.), vergtitete, vergiitet, to make up, to make amendments, to counterbalance; to compensate, restore, refund, indemnify; to make good, to reimburse; to reciprocate. VERHEEREN {tr., ace), verheerte, verheert, to lay waste, ravage, destroy, overrun, devastate, desolate, ruin, to wash or wear away. VERHEHLEN {tr., ace, reft.), verhehlte, verhehlt, to conceal, to hide, to keep away, to suppress. VERHEIMLICHEN {tr., dat.), verheimlichte, verheimlicht, to keep or conceal something, to keep back, to draw a veil over, to preserve a secrecy about something. VERHERRLICHEN {tr.), verherrlichte, verherrlicht, to brighten, adorn, glorify; to throw a glamor over. VERJUNGEN {tr., reft.), verjiingte, verjungt, to rejuvenate, refresh, to make young again; to grow juvenile; to reduce, batter. VERKLEINERN {tr.), verkleinerte, verkleinert, to diminish, nar- row down, to dwarf, to reduce in size; to belittle something, to extenuate, to disparage, depreciate (see kleinern). VERKORPERN {tr., reft., imp.), verkorperte, verkorpert, to per- sonify, impersonate, to become the personification of something; to become embodied. VERLANGERN {tr., reft.), verlangerte, verlangert, to draw out, lengthen, add, eke out; to produce (a line); to grow longer, extend, stretch, protract, prolong. VERLEIDEN {tr., dat.), vejleidete, verleidet, to disHke, to disgust a person with something; to set against; to sicken a person of something; to spoil or mar. Der Ort ist mir verleidet, I dislike this place (see bemitleiden). VERLEUGNEN {tr., reft.), verleugnete, verleugnet, to deny, disown, disavow, cast off; to betray, contest, renounce (see leugnen). VERLEUMDEN {tr.), verleumdete, verleumdet, to defame, decry; to slander, calumniate, to traduce, libel, detract from, belittle. VERMAHLEN {tr., ace, reft.), vermahlte, vermahlt, to give away in marriage, to unite in wedlock, to wed. Wiedervermahlen {tr., reft., sep., ace), to remarry, to reunite in wedlock, to contract a second marriage. Regular Verbs. 219 VERMINDERN {tr., refl.), verminderte, vermindert, to extenuate, slacken, retard; to diminish, reduce, cut down; moderate, decrease, fall off, subside, go down (in price). VERMODERW (intr., *), vermoderte, vermodert, to decay, fall to dust, rot, to perish in poverty (see modern). VERMUTHEN {tr.), vermuthete, vermuthet, to suppose, presume, guess, divine, fancy, imagine, think; surmise, suspect, conjecture, judge (see muthen). VERNICHTEN {tr.), vemichtete, vernichtet, to destroy, crush, ex- terminate, break, smash; overthrow; to reduce, to declare null and void; annul, cancel, quash, revoke, abolish; to wreck, undermine. VERNICKELN {tr.), vernickelte, vemickelt, to nickelize, to plate (with nickel) ; to polish. VERODEN {intr., tr., *), verodete, verodet, to lay waste, desolate, devastate, ravage; depopulate; to become desolate, deserted; to lay waste. VEROFFENTLICHEN {tr.), veroffentlichte, veroffentlicht, to ad- vertise, to publish, make public, bring out, promulgate; announce. VERPASSEN {tr., ace), verpasste, verpasst, to let something slip, to miss, to lose; to wait until (something is over); to pass (see passen) . VERPFLICHTEN {tr., refl., o.), verpflichtete, verpflichtet, to oblige; to pledge oneself to; to promise, to be bound over to; to put one under obligation; to swear, take an oath. Ich bin Dir zu Dank verpflichtet, I am indebted to you (see pflichten). VERRENEIEN {tr., refl.), verrenkte, verrenkt, to sprain, to wrench, to twist; to put out of joint, to dislocate; to force a bone from its socket. Sich den Arm verrenken, to sprain or dislocate one's arm. VERROTTEN {tr., intr., *), verrottete, verrottet, to fall into decay, to rot, putrefy; to cause, to let rot; to spoil. VERSCHLIMMERN {tr., intr., refl., *), verschlimmerte, verschlim- mert, to make worse, aggravate, exasperate; to grow desperate, serious; to become hopelessly bad (verschlechtern). VERSCHNUPFEN {intr., tr., ace.), verschnupfte, verschnupft, to be or feel offended or annoyed; to use much snuff; to spend on snuff; to have a cold in the head. VERSCHONERN {tr., refl.), verschonerte, verschonert, to embellish, to beautify; to adorn, to ornament; to decorate or to trim up; to improve; to grow more beautiful in appearance. Ein Verscho- nerungsmittel, a cosmetic. VERSCHRANKEN {tr.), verschrankte, verschrankt, to interlock, interlace, to dovetail, to cross (legs or arms). VERSCHWENDEN {tr., ace), verschwendete, verschwendet, to spend liberally, to give freely, to waste lavishly, to ruin oneself by extravagance, to be wasteful, to squander away. 220 Regular Verbs. VERSCHWISTERN {tr., reft.), verschwisterte, verschwistert, to make a sister of; to form a sisterly alliance; to form a close union. Ich bin mit ihnen verschwistert, we are (like) brothers and sisters. VERSEIFEN {intr., refl., *), verseifte, verseift, to turn to soap; to saponify; to wash or rub oneself with soap. VERSILBERN (tr.), versilberte, versilbert, to silver over, to do over with silver; to plate, give silver color or lustre; to sell, to turn into cash. Jemandem die Hande versilbern, to grease a person's palm (bestechen). VERSIWNLICHEN (tr., intr., * refl.), versinnlichte, versinnlicht, to materialize, to render perceptible, tangible, to grow sensual. VERSITTLICHEN {tr.), versittlichte, versittlicht, to civilize, to improve morals, to raise the moral tone. VERSPATEN {tr., refl.), verspatete, verspatet, to delay, retard, to be too late or behind time, to be overdue; to make a person late. VERSTANDIGEN {tr., refl.), verstandigte, verstandigt, to apprise, advise, inform, acquaint a person with; to come to an understand- ing; to agree, arrange, settle. VERSTEINEN {tr.), versteinte, versteint, to cover with stones or flints, to gravel or ballast (a road). VERSTEINERN {tr., intr., * refl.), versteinerte, versteinert, to pet- rify, to become petrified, to turn to stone, to become amazed. VERSTOREN {tr., o.), verstorte, verstort, to disturb, upset, bewilder; to be agitated or troubled (see storen). VERSTtJMMELN {tr., refl.), verstummelte, verstiimmelt, to man- gle, mutilate, truncate; to spoil, cut down; tamper with, curtail; to maim (oneself). VERSTUMMEN {intr., *), verstummte, verstummt, to grow dumb, mute, to become speechless, silent; to shut a person's mouth. VERSUMPFEN {intr., *), versumpfte, versumpft, to become marshy, swampy, boggy; to sink, go down (morally). VERTHEIDIGEN {tr., ace, refl.), vertheidigte, vertheidigt, to defend, vindicate, uphold, support, plea, protect. VERTIEFEN {tr., refl., ace), vertiefte, vertieft, to deepen, chisel, sink, hollow out; to immerse, penetrate; to muse, be absorbed in thoughts, etc. VERTIEREN {intr., * tr.), vertierte, vertiert, to grow brutal, to become brutalized; to sink into a brute or animal; to animalize. VERUBELN {tr., dat.), veriibelte, veriibelt, to blame, find fault with. VERUNGLIMPFEN {tr., ace), veninglimpfte, veninglimpft, to deface, disfigure, disparage; slander, libel, traduce, revile, run down, calumniate. VERUNGLUCKEN {intr., * ace), to meet with or have an accident; to come to grief; to fail; not to succeed; to be unsuccessful; to perish, to be kiUed, Regular Verbs. 221 VERUNTREUEN {tr.), veruntreute, veruntreut, to steal, embezzle, misappropriate; to administer unfaithfully; to defalcate; to act fraudulently in managing. VERURSACHEN {tr., dat.), verursachte, verursacht, to cause, to operate, to give; to be at the bottom of; to occasion, to bring on; to induce, to produce, to bring forth ;^ to provoke, to entail; to in- volve in. VERVIELFACHEN (tr.,refl.), vervielfachte, vervielfacht, to multiply, diversify, reproduce; to put in print; electrotype (vervielfaltigen). VERVIELFALTIGEN (tr., refl.), vervielfaltigte, vervielfaltigt, to multiply, diversify; to reproduce; to print; to electrotype. VERVOLLSTANDIGEN {tr., refl.), vervoUstandigte, vervollstandigt, to make or render complete, replenish; to complete, get ready for commission. VERWAISEN {tr., intr., *), verwaiste, verwaist, to become orphaned; to lose one's parents, to be deserted, desolate, bereft of one's father and mother; to orphan, to bereave a child of its parents. VERWIRREN {tr., ace, refl.), verwirrte, verwirrt, to disturb, to con- fuse, to perplex, to disarrange, turn (see wirren) . VERWOHNEN {tr., refl.), verwohnte, verwohnt, to spoil (a person), to accustom or allow one to contract luxurious, expensive habits or tastes, to become an epicure. VERWUNDEN {tr., refl.), verwundete, verwundet, to hurt, wound, to cut oneself. VERWUSTEN {tr., ace), verwiistete, verwiistet, to waste, devastate; to make a wilderness. VERZICHTEN {intr., hah.), verzichtete, verzichtet, to forego, to give up, to relinquish, to abandon, to renounce, to waive a claim, to surrender. Verzicht leisten, to resign; to be without prejudice. VERZINNEN {tr., ace), verzinnte, verzinnt, to tin, blanch; to put on a coat of tin. VERZWEIGEN {tr., intr., refl.), verzweigte, verzweigt, to branch out or off, to ramify, to send out branches (see zweigen). W. WACHEN {hab., intr.), wachte, gewacht, to be awake; to be astir about; to sit, stay up, wait or watch for; to attend; to look after; to stand (sentinel). Aufwachen {sep., * intr.), to awake, to wake up, to stir, to start up, to get up, to rise. Auswachen {tr., dat., Intr., sep.), to watch to or till the last, to sit up late watching; to be exhausted or tired by watching. or 222 Regular Verbs. Bewachen (/r., gen., ace), to guard, to watch, to keep sentry, to take charge, to commit to custody of. Durchwachen {tr., sep., insep.), to pass the night awake; to pass the night watching. Erwachen {intr., *), to awake, to wake up, to start up, to dawn, to become disenchanted. Uberwachen {tr., refl., sep., insep., ace), to watch over, to superintend, to have charge of, to keep an eye on, control. Umwachen {tr., ace), to watch around, to keep sentry of; to keep detectives or police on. Verwachen {tr., refl.), to pass a sleepless night; to sit up all night. WAFFNEN {tr., refl.), waffnete, gewaffnet, to arm oneself; to take up arms; to armor, equip; to prepare for battle; to take patience; to possess one's soul (in patience). Bewaffnen {tr., refl.), to arm, guard against. Entwaffnen {tr., intr., refl.), to disarm, divest of armor. WAGEN {tr., ace, refl.), wagte, gewagt, to venture, to risk, to hazard, to jeopardize, to dare, to attempt, to undertake, to chance. WAHLEN {tr., ace, refl.), wahlte, gewahlt, to choose, to select, to pick out, to elect, to vote, ballot. Auswahlen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to make choice of, to pick out, to select. Erwahlen {tr., ace), to elect, to be elected, to vote for, to choose, to make choice. Nachwahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to choose, elect, or select later or after- ward; to elect by second ballot. WAHNEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), wahnte, gewahnt, to beUeve, think, to be of opinion; to fancy or imagine. Dahinwahnen {intr., sep.), to dream or fancy away, to think of a remote object, to be lost in illusion. Erwahnen {tr., ace, gen.), to mention, to specify, to speak of, to cite, to make mention of. Fortwahnen {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to keep on believing, imagining. WAHREN {tr., refl., ace), wahrte, gewahrt, to observe, to save, to preserve, shield, ward, to take care. Aufbewahren {tr., ace, sep.), to save, preserve, to keep, to reserve, to lay aside, to store, to deposit. Bewahren {tr., o., ace, refl.), to protect, to shelter, to shield, to screen, to defend. Gewahren {tr., ace, gen., insep.), to become aware, to perceive, see, to catch sight of. Verwahren {tr., ace, o., refl.), to keep in safety, to preserve, to put Regular Verbs. 223 in safe custody, to deposit, protect, to protect against, to reserve against. WAHREN (tr., imp.), wahrte, gewahrt, to last, endure, to hold out; to drag on. Bewahren {tr., refl., insep.), to verify, to prove to be true; to test; to turn out; to essay; to make trial. Entwahren {tr., gen., insep.), to evict, dispossess; to eject, to turn out; to oust. Gewahren {tr., intr.), to grant, allow, permit; to concede; to let a person act, to allow a person liberty; to procure, cause, to bestow. WALLEN {intr., hah., *), wallte, gewallt, to walk, travel, journey, rove; to go on a pilgrimage; to bubble up; to simmer, to seethe; to boil; to be agitated or excited; to float, wave or stream (in the wind). WALTEN {tr., intr., o.), waltete, gewaltet, to rule, govern, sway, hold the rules of government; to act, obtain, exist; to look over; to watch something; to attend; to superintend. Verwalten {tr.), to govern, act as guardian, manage, conduct. WALZEN {tr., ace, refl.), walzte, gewalzt, to roll, turn over or about; to throw or cast (blame) upon someone else; to exculpate. WANDELN {tr., ace, hah., * intr., refl.), wandelte, gewandelt, to change, to transform, to effect, to go; to walk, to stroll; to act. Auf dem Wege der Tugend wandeln, to walk in the path of virtue. Anwandeln (* intr., tr., imp., hah., sep.), to get an attack, a fit, a qualm, stroke, spleen; to walk up, to come sauntering along. Aufwandeln {intr., sep., hah., *), to ascend, to rise, to elevate. Fortwandeln (* intr., sep.), to walk on, to go one's way. Hinwandeln (* intr., sep.), to walk or wander somewhere, to emi- grate, to go to. Nachwandeln (* intr., dat., sep.), to follow, to come after, to run after, to pursue, to succeed. Umwandeln {tr., ace, sep., insep., intr., hah., *), to walk or wander round; to be changed, to turn over, to begin anew. Verwandeln {tr., ace, refl.), to change, transform, transmute, to metamorphose, to turn, reduce, convert. WANDERN {intr., * hah.,), wanderte, gewandert, to wander, to travel, to journey, to walk, to ramble, to migrate, to go to, to leave, to emi- grate. Anwandem (* intr., sep.), to walk up, to come tramping'or wander- ing along; to arrive. Aufwandem {sep., intr., *), to come up, to arrive in. Auswandern {sep., intr., tr., hah., *), to emigrate, to quit one's country, to leave, to travel away, to wander away. Ich habe ausgewandert, I have done travelHng. 224 Regular Verbs. Einwandem {sep., intr. *), to migrate, to immigrate, to go to, to domi- cile. Fortwandem {sep., intr., *), to leave, to go away, to walk, to wander away, to go off, to set out. Herumwandem {sep., intr., *), to wander or rove about, to travel from one place to another. Hinwandem {sep., intr., *), to walk or wander somewhere, to move away, to ramble off, to loiter, to ramble. Hin- und herwandern, to wander to and fro, to go from one place to another. Mitwandem {sep., intr., *), to go or wander along, to ramble in company, to go in company with others. Nachwandem {sep., intr., *), to travel, to go, to journey after. Zuriickwandem (* intr., sep.), to return, to get back. WANKEN {intr., * hah.), wankte, gewankt, to totter, shake; to stagger; to become unsettled; to falter (schwanken). Entwanken {intr., *), to go or move away totteringly. WARNEN {tr., ace), wamte, gewamt, to warn, to caution against, to tell to beware; to hint. WARTEN {tr., ace, intr.), wartete, gewartet, to wait, to stay, to tarry, to pause; to attend; to nurse. Abwarten {tr., ace, sep.), to await, to wait for, to be expectant; to pursue, to wait till, to delay. Aufwarten {tr., dat., ace, sep.), to wait upon, to serve, to tend, to attend; to pay a visit, to call. Auswarten {tr., ace, sep.), to stay or wait to the end, to have done waiting, to apply oneself assiduously to a thing; to attain by waiting. Erwarten {tr., ace), to wait or stay for a person, to expect, to look forward to, to anticipate, to suspend, to be expectant. WECHSELN {intr., tr., hah., *), wechselte, gewechselt, to change, alter, vary; to renew or to be renewed; to shift, interchange; to substitute, replace; to exchange; to converse; to do banking. Auswechseln {tr., reft.), to exchange, interchange; to trim, newline. Verwechseln {tr.), to mix up; to exchange something for another. WECKEN {tr., ace), weckte, geweckt, to wake, to arouse, to call; to ring; to stimulate. Aufwecken {tr., ace, sep.), to rouse, to awaken, to knock or call up; to enliven. Erwecken {tr., ace), to excite; to create; to cause, to occasion; to stimulate; to revive. WEHREN {refl., gen., ace, tr., intr.), wehrte, gewehrt, to defend, fight, resist; to prevent, stop, check, avert; to oppose, restrain. Abwehren {tr., intr., sep., dot.), to keep off; to repel, repulse; to shield, protect. Regular Verbs. 225 Bewehren {gen., tr., reft., insep.), to protect, to defend oneself, to arm oneself. Entwehren {refl., gen., insep., tr.), to disarm oneself, someone; to protect. Verwehren {tr., insep., dat.), to hinder, prevent, forbid; to deny; keep from, to obstruct. WEICHEN {intr., tr., hah., *; used reg. and irreg.), weichte, geweicht, to soak, to soften, to put into water. For weichen {intr., * o.), to peld, withdraw, retreat, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 91. Ausweichen {tr., intr., sep.), to soak; to soften (abweichen). Durchweichen {sep., tr., ace, intr., *), to soak, to be soaked; to drench. Einweichen {tr., sep.), to soak, to sap; to infuse; to drench. Erweichen {tr., ace, refl., intr., *), to soften, mollify; to move to tears; to relent; to be lenient. Sich verweichen {refl.) (verzarteln), to spoil by too much tender- ness; to pet, render dainty. Verweichen (* tr., intr.) (see verweichlichejt), to effeminate, to make dainty; to soak too much. WEIDEN {tr., intr., refl., dat.), weidete, geweidet, to pasture, to graze; to keep; to tend; to rejoice, to revel in. Abweiden {tr., ace, intr.), to graze on; to feed on; to turn cattle into meadow; to pasture. *- Ausweiden {tr., intr., sep.), to graze all the pasture; to finish grazing or pasturing. WEIGERN {tr., refl.), weigerte, geweigert, to refuse, to decUne to do; to rebel; to kick against; to resist, to be stubborn. Verweigem {tr., insep.), to refuse, to reject; to disobey. WEIHEN {tr., 0., refl.), weihte, geweiht, to consecrate, dedicate; to ordain; to give blessing; to convert; to give oneself up to. Sich weihen, to dedicate or consecrate oneself to; to sacrifice oneself. Einweihen {tr., sep.), to initiate into, to acquaint with; to dedicate, to set apart to; to bless somebody; to let a person into a secret. Entweihen {tr., ace), to divest of a sacred character or office; to desecrate, to profane; to pollute. WEILEN {intr., hah., refl.), weilte, geweilt, to stop, to dwell, to stay, to tarry, to linger, to delay, loiter. Ausweilen {sep.), to wait until a certain or given time; to tarry away; to linger. Langweilen {tr., ace, imp., refl.), to weary, to be bored, to have a dull time, to get tired of. Verweilen {intr., hah., refl.), to stay, to stop, to live, to reside, to continue, to dwell, to sojourn. 15 226 Regular Verbs. WEINEN (tr., o., intr.,refl.), weinte, geweint, to cry, to weep, to lament, to bemoan, to sob, to shed tears. Aufweinen (inir., sep.), to break into tears, to awaken by weeping, to cry in violent sobs. Ausweinen (refl., sep.), to exhaust, to pine away by weeping, to calm oneself by weeping. Beweinen (tr., ace), to mourn, to weep or bewail a person's loss, to cry at a person's departure, Einweinen {refl., sep.), to get used to crying, to get accustomed to sobbing. Nachweinen (jntr., dat., sep.), to cry or weep after a person, to cry at a person's departure, to bewail a person's loss or death, Verweinen {tr., refl.; ace), to pass in weeping, to relieve one's grief by tears; to have tear-stained eyes, to weep away one's grief, to dissolve into tears. WENDEN {tr., ace, refl., used reg. and irreg.), wendete, gewendet, to turn; to dig; to change; to direct; to toss, to alter, apply; to bestow upon; to cast (eyes); to spend; devote; lay out (see list of irregular verbs, page 93) . Abwenden {tr., refl., sep.), to avert; to prevent; to change; to veer round or away, Anwenden {tr., sep.), to employ, to use, to make use of; to be- stow; to experiment; to place. Auswenden {tr., ace, sep.), to turn over; to turn up or down. Bewenden {used in the infinitive with lassen), to abide by, to acquiesce, to comply with, to let a matter rest. Daranwenden {tr., ace, sep.), to spend on, to expend upon, to add to. Einwenden (tr., ace, sep.), to oppose; to answer, to reply; to join; to demonstrate; to interpose; pretend. Entwenden {tr., 0., ace), to misappropriate; to take away secretly, to keep wrongfully, to abstract; to steal; to filch from. Verwenden {tr., ace, refl.), to turn about, to use or employ, to apply, to utilize, to make use; to influence; to impose (see irregular verbs). Uberwenden {tr., ace), to whip-stitch, to oversew; to whip together. WERDEN {auxiliary verb), wurde (ward), geworden {seewerden, list of irregular verbs) (takes sein). WETTEN {tr., ace, w/r.), wettete, gewettet, to wager, to bet; to lay out; to defy; to make up a pool, gamble, Verwetten {tr., ace), to lose by wager, by betting, by making up a pool, by gambling. WETZEN {tr., dat., intr.), wetzte, gewetzt, to whet, grind, sharpen; to scrape, scratch; to give a person a hiding. WICKELN {tr., ace, refl.), wickelte, gewickelt, to wind round, to coil round, to twist, to wrap, to make up. I Regular Verbs. 227 Abwickeln {tr., refl., sep.), to unwind, to wind up or oflF, to regulate, settle, dispatch; to liquidate. Aufwickeln (ir., ace, sep.), to wrap up, to roll, wind, or take up; uncoil, unfurl, unroll, or unravel; to develop. Auswickeln (tr., ace, sep.), to disentangle, to extricate, to unwrap, to loosen, to open. Bewickeln (tr., ace), to wind about, to wrap about, to envelop, to bundle, to wrap round or up. Daranwickeln (tr., ace, sep.), to pack or bundle together, to wrap up in one. Dariiberwickeln (tr., ace, sep.), to wrap over, to put or bundle over, to case in, to protect. Einwickeln (tr., refl., sep.), to inwrap, to envelop, to wrap up, to roll in or together, to enfold, swathe. Entwickeln (tr., ace, refl.), to develop, to cultivate, to form, improve, to ripen, to attain. Herauswickeln (tr., refl., sep.), to disentangle, to extricate, to wind or get out of, to get rid; to rub off. Umwickeln (tr., ace, sep., insep.), to wrap or put around, to protect, to bandage, to muffle, to wind round. Verwickeln (tr., ace, refl.), to entangle, to embroil, to involve, to complicate, to become mixed up or implicated in a matter, to em- bark in, to get caught. Zusammenwickeln (tr., ace, refl., sep.), to roll or wrap up, to wind, to coil round a thing, to bundle up. WIDMEN (tr., refl., dat.), widmete, gewidmet, to dedicate, inscribe; to consecrate; devote; study. WIEGELN (tr., ace), wiegelte, gewiegelt, to rock, to rock gently. Aufwiegeln (tr., ace, sep.), to raise, to stir up, to agitate, to instigate, to provoke, to incite to. Fortwiegeln (tr., intr., sep.), to continue to be in a rebellious move- ment, to continue agitating. Verwiegeln (tr., ace), to incite, raise or stir up rebellious movements. WIEGEN (tr., ace, refl.; usedreg. andirreg.), wiegte, gewiegt, to rock to sleep; to nurse; to swing. For wiegen, to weigh, to calculate, etc., see list of irregular verbs, page 94. Einwiegen (tr., refl., sep.), to lull or rock to sleep. Sich mit eiteln Hoffnungen einwiegen, to be deluded by vain hopes. WILLIGEN (tr., intr.), willigte, gewilligt, to comply with, to give consent to, to accede, assent, to agree, to be satisfied with. Bewilligen (tr., ace), to grant, to allow, to concede, to yield, to accord, to acquiesce in, to comply with, to consent to, to sanction, to permit, to vote. 228 Regular Verbs. Einwilligen (ir., inir., sep.), to consent, agree, assent, submit, allow, yield, comply with, permit. WIMMELN (inir., imp.), wimmelte, gewimmelt, to be crowded or alive with; to abound, to teem, to grow in great profusion; to be crammed full; to be filled with; to be oversowing, alive or astir with. WIMMERN {intr., tr.), wimmerte, gewimmert, to whimper, to whine; to pule, to moan. WINKELN {tr., intr.), winkelte, gewinkelt, to square; to hide in a corner, to do a thing on the sly. WINKEN (tr., inir., dat.), winkte, gewinkt, to wink one's eyes; to beckon; make a sign; to answer; to hint. Anwinken {tr., sep.), to wink at, to beckon to; to go windward. Zuwinken (intr., dat., sep.), to nod or beckon to a person; to give a person a wink. WIRKEN {tr., ace, imp., intr.), wirkte, gewirkt, to work, to operate; to weave; to embroider; to effect, to set on foot, to act, to do, to exert, to be active, to act on behalf of. Es hat gewirkt, it has acted, it had the desired effect. Striimpfe wirken, to weave or knit stockings. Abwirken {tr., ace, sep.), to do or put away by working; to cease weaving. Aufwirken {tr., ace, sep.), to use up, to unweave, to unravel, to skin; to cut game; to pare. Auswirken {tr., intr., sep.), to cease working, operating, producing, to obtain, to get, to procure; to clarify; to interweave, to effect, to operate. Bewirken {tr., dat., ace), to effect, to accomplish, to bring about, to pass, work out, to occasion, to induce; to procure; to cause. Durchwirken {tr., intr., sep., insep.), to interlace, interweave; to pierce or penetrate with effect; to make one's way through; to be an active man or actively engaged. Durchwirkte Arbeit, figured silk fabrics. Einwirken {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to make an impression upon, to induce, to influence, to work upon, to embroider. Entwirken {tr., ace, refl.), to undo, to unravel, to develop, to come to. Entgegenwirken {intr., hob., sep.), to act against, to work against. Fortwirken {hab., intr., sep.), to continue acting, operating, to still use influence, to still feel the effect. Hinwirken {intr., hob., sep.), to tend to produce an effect, to tend to a result, to direct one's efforts to something, to aim at something. Mitwirken {tr., intr., sep.), to work together with, to co-operate, to concur; to contribute; to collaborate; to assist. Kachwirken {hab., intr., sep.), to produce an after-effect, to operate afterward or later, to effect later, to act at a later time. Regular Verbs. 229 Umwirken {tr., sep., insep.), to weave around; to change the tissues of; to clinch or rivet; to surround with a tissue or web; to weave differently. Verwirken {tr., refl., ace), to forfeit, to become liable to, to incur, to commit, to work up; to weave wrongly, to make a mistake in weav- ing. WIRREN {tr., refl.), wirrte, gewirrt, to tangle; to become entangled or twisted. Entwirren {tr.), to disentangle; to untwist, undo. Verwirren {tr., o., refl.), to disarrange, disorder, confuse, perplex, disturb, throw into a confusion; to entangle. WISCHEN {tr., ace), wischte, gewischt, to wipe, to rub gently, to clean, to dust off, to brush, wipe. Abwischen {tr., sep.), to wipe off, to dry, to rub off, to swab, to dust, to brush off. Aufwischen {tr., ace, sep.), to wipe away or up, to swab, to clean up. Auswischen {tr., ace, sep.), to wipe out; to cleanse; to deceive, to dupe; to blot out; to deal a blow. Einwischen {tr., ace, sep.), to rub in; to soil; to whisk in. Entwischen {dat., intr., *), to become effaced, obliterated, to blot out; to escape, to run away. Erwischen (/r., ace), to catch; to surprise; to overtake. Fortwischen {tr., sep.), to wipe off or away, to efface; to slip, steal, or slink away. tJberwischen {tr., intr., sep.), to wipe over and again, to clean or dust again. Verwischen {tr., hah., sep.), to efface, to wipe out, to blot out, to obliterate, to blur, to erase. WITTERN {intr., tr., refl.), witterte, gewittert, to trace, to follow the scent (of something) ; to smell, sniff. Verwittem {intr., * tr., hah.), to become disintegrated, weather- worn; to decay, crumble into dust; to moulder, decompose. WOHNEN {imp., refl., intr.), wohnte, gewohnt, to live, to dwell, to reside, to abide, to lodge, to stay. Auswohnen {intr., sep.), to stay in a place for the remainder of the term or season. Bewohnen {tr., ace), to occupy, to inhabit, reside, dwell, or live in; to lodge. Beiwohnen {intr., dat., sep.), to attend, to be present, to hear, to goto. Einwohnen {refl., tr., ace, sep.), to be inherent or immanent in, to deteriorate, impair, spoil while living, to accustom one person to a dwelling-place. 230 Regular Verbs. Verwohnen {tr., intr., ace), to spoil by living, to wear off the fresh look of a place by living. Zusammenwohnen {intr., sep.), to live together, to cohabitate, to stay or sojourn together. WOLLEN (auxiliary verb of mood, one 0} six), woUte, gewollt (see wollen, list 0} irregular verbs) (takes haben). WUCHERN {intr., hab.), wucherte, gewuchert, to luxuriate; to grow rankly; to f ungate, to form proud flesh; to be rampant; to practice usury; to lend out money (at an exorbitant rate of interest). WtJHLEN {intr., tr., hab., refl., dat.), wuhlte, gewiihlt, to burrow; to root; turn up the ground; to dig or hunt for; to rummage or wallow in something; to ransack, turn upside down; to agitate, carry on political campaign. Auswiihlen {sep., tr.), to turn up, dig, stir up; to shake or rake up. Verwiihlen {tr.), to stir or root up the ground. Zerwiihlen {tr., intr.), to grub up, to search through, to hunt for. WUNDERN {tr., ace, intr., reft.), wunderte, gewundert, to wonder, to marvel, to be astonished, to be surprised. Auswundem {reft., sep.), to be surprised, to be astonished, to wonder at, to be startled. Bewundem {tr., ace), to adore, to admire, to be enrapt, to be carried away, to be struck by admiration. Verwundem {tr., reft.), to astonish, to amaze, to surprise, to startle a person, to wonder. Uber etwas verwundert sein, to be astonished at something. WUWSCHEN {tr., dat., ace, intr., reft.), wiinschte, gewunscht, to wish, to desire; to be in want, to long, yearn, pine, crave (see gliick- wiinschen). Erwunschen {tr., ace), to obtain by desiring (see wUnschen). Fortwiinschen {intr., tr., ace, sep.), to continue wishing, to wish away or off; to dislike. Hinwiinschen {tr., reft., sep.), to want, to wish, to be willing to, to yearn for a place. Nachwunschen {tr., o., sep.), to wish; to follow or pursue a person with wishes. Ich wiinsche ihm alles Gute nach, my good wishes follow him. Verwunschen {tr., ace, reft.), to enchant, to bewitch, to curse, to execrate, to wish a person at Jericho. Zuriickwiinschen {tr., reft., sep.), to wish a thing or a person to come back; to regret. WURDIGEN {tr., gen., intr.), wiirdigte, gewiirdigt, to appreciate, estimate; to be worthy or deserving; to do honor. Entwiirdigen {tr., reft., insep.), to degrade, to deprive of dignity; to disgrace; to prostitute; to derogate from, to neglect. Regular Verbs. 231 WiJRGEN (Jr., intr., refl.), wiirgte, gewiirgt, to throttle, choke, strain, strangle; to force something down one's throat; to retch. Erwiirgen (tr., intr.), to strangle, choke, garrote; to be suffocated; to choke; to bite to death; to slaughter. WURZEN (tr.), wiirzte, gewiirzt, to season, flavor, add spice to; to drug, scent; to make hot or spicy; to give new charm, new relish (to life). z. ZACKEN (tr., refl.), zackte, gezackt, to jag, notch, scallop, pink; to form in zigzag. ZAGEN {intr., hah.), zagte, gezagt, to lack, to be lacking in courage or fate; to be faint-hearted; timid, frightened, nervous; to quail, to hesitate, to waver; to tremble, to shake with fear; to be in want of spirit. Verzagen {intr., hah.), to despond, despair; to lose heart, courage, to give wa}'; to have no hope. ZAHLEN {tr., ace, intr.), zahlte, gezahlt, to count, to cipher, to figure, to sum or count up, to refer. Abzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to number, to enumerate, to count out, to deduct; to detach, to separate. Aufzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to enumerate, to reckon up singly, to detail, to particularize; to administer; to relate; to state; to strike. Auszahlen (tr., ace, sep.), to count out, to calculate out, to number, to show, to lay out, to count to the end, to cease counting or telling. Beizahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to add, to number amongst, to enumerate, to range with. Einzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to count into. Einrechnen, to comprise, to include, to reckon in. Erzahlen {tr., dat., ace), to relate, to count, to tell, to recount, to nar- rate, to state, to detail. Hinzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to count down, to pay, to hand out. Nachzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to check, to count over, to number again, tiberzahlen {tr., ace), to count over, to count again, to recount. Umzahlen {tr., sep., 0.), to count all round; to count anew. Verzahlen {refl., tr., ace), to make a mistake in counting, to misreckon, to miscount, to count wrongly. Zuzahlen {tr., ace, dat., sep.), to add, to count out, to reckon something in. Bissen zuzahlen, to grudge a person every mouthful he eats. Zusammenzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to count up, to add up, to total, to sum up. ZAHLEN {tr., ace, intr.), zahlte, gezahlt, to pay, discharge, settle, answer a debt, to square, pass. 232 Regular Verbs. Abzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to discharge, to liquidate a debt, to pay off in rates, to pay on account. Anzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay on account, to make partial payment or installment, to advance money. Auszahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay out (over or down), to pay cash, to disburse, to pay off. Bezahlen {tr., dat., ace), to pay, to satisfy, to remunerate, to settle, clear, or liquidate an account or debt. Durchzahlen {tr., sep., insep.), to count over, one by one; to cast up. Einzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to deposit, to pay or put in, to make an installment. Hinzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay out, to pay a price (see zahlen). Nachzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay later or afterward, to pay the remainder or balance, to pay additionally, to make subsequent payment, the payment of the arrears. Uberzahlen {tr., ace), to pay too much for, to pay too high a price (zu viel zahlen). Unterzahlen {tr., ace), to underpay, to pay too Uttle, not to pay enough (zu wenig zahlen). Zuzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay extra, to pay in addition, to make additional payment. Zuriickzahlen {tr., ace, sep.), to pay bacl^ to repay, to refund, to reimburse. ZAHMEN {tr., reft.), zahmte, gezahmt, to tame, break in, manage; to overcome, subdue, reduce; chasten; to master, check, control (oneself). Bezahmen {tr., reft.), to govern, keep under control (one's passions); to keep one's temper; to tame, subdue, master. ZANKEN {intr., reft.), zankte, gezankt, to fall out, to quarrel; to have a dispute, to come to words; to squabble. Auszanken {reft.), to chide, rebuke. Verzanken {tr., reft.), to quarrel, to fall out with a person. Die 2^it verzanken, to spend or lose time in quarreling. ZAPFEN {tr.), zapfte, gezapft, to tap, draw from (cask); to tap; to broach. Einzapfen {tr., sep.), to draw out, tap into; to bottle (wine); to join, let in (spokes). Verzapfen {tr.), to have or sell on draught, to join by mortise. ZAPPELN {intr., hah.), zappelte, gezappelt, to struggle, kick, strike, toss; to sprawl; to keep a person in suspense; to tantalize a person. Verzappeln {intr., reft.), to exhaust oneself, to wear out with strug- gling; to leave a person to despair. Regular Verbs. 233 ZAUBERN {intr., tr.), zauberte, gezaubert, to conjure; practice magic or witchcraft; to use charms, spells or enchantments; to lay one under a spell. Bezaubem (tr.), to bewitch, to ravish, enrapture, enchant, captivate, fascinate. Verzaubem (tr.), to spirit a person away; to charm him (into); to change, transform or transmogrify (by some charm). ZAUMEN (tr.), zaumte, gezaumt, to bridle, to put the reins or bit on ; to bit a horse. ZAUNEN (tr.), zaunte, gezaunt, to fence; pale; palisade. Einzaunen (sep., tr.), to inclose, surround, shut in (with hedges, fences); to fence in. ZAUSEN {tr., dat., reft.), zauste, gezaust, to tug, pull, drag or haul about. Zerzausen (tr.), to crumple, crease, dishevel; to handle a person roughly; to pull him (about), ZEICHNEN {tr., ace, intr., refl.), zeichnete, gezeichnet, to draw, delineate, to design, draft; to color; sign; to brand, to mark; to spot; to point; to sketch. Abzeichnen {tr., ace), to design, to take a sketch of, to draw, to copy, to mark off or out; to contrast with, to be delineated, outlined, or traced. Anzeichnen {tr., ace, sep.), to mark, to sign, to indicate, to note; to score. Aufzeichnen {tr., ace, sep.), to design, to sketch, to draw, to trace; to plot; to map; to write, to jot, to pen down, to note; to register, to record, to chronicle; to catalogue. Auszeichnen {tr., ace, refl., sep.), to distinguish, to excel, to show oflF, to label, to mark out, to notice, to point out; to take extracts; to signalize; to mark prices. Bezeichnen {tr., ace), to mark, to point out, to assign, to accent, to emphasize; to label, to brand; to indicate, to show; to express; to characterize; to qualify. Hineinzeichnen {tr., ace, sep.), to embroider, to mark, to adorn by needlework or ink. Nachzeichnen {tr., ace, sep.), to draw from a model, to copy, to take an outline drawing; to subscribe later (or subsequently) for more shares. Uberzeichnen {tr., ace), to oversubscribe; to cover over. Umzeichnen {tr., ace), to mark differently; to furnish with another trade-mark; to retouch a drawing or a picture; to surround with designs. Unterzeichnen {tr., ace, refl.), to sign, to undersign, to countersign, to draw something under. 234 Regular Verbs. Verzeichnen (tr., ace, reft.), to draw incorrectly; to put down in writing; to distort; to caricature, Vorzeichnen {tr., ace, sep.), to draw something for a pupil to copy, to trace out, to point out. ZEIGEN {tr., intr., reft.), zeigte, gezeigt, to show, prove, demonstrate; to give evidence, to testify. Anzeigen {tr., ace, sep.), to show; to declare; to advertise; to an- nounce, to make known; to indicate; to notify. Aufzeigen {tr., intr., ace, sep.), to produce, show, to exhibit, to trot out; to boast; to prove. Bezeigen {tr., ace), to show, to give signs of, to mark, to manifest, to testify, to express. Erzeigen {tr., imp., reft.), to do; to render; to pay; to confer; to show. Hinzeigen {tr., ace, sep.), to point out, to show, to indicate. Nachzeigen {tr., ace, sep.), to inform, to refer to, to assign, to es- tablish (see nachweisen) . ZERREN {tr., intr., dat., reft.), zerrte, gezerrt, to twitch, to pull roughly; to tug (at something); to drag, haul, to scuffle. Verzerren {tr., reft.), to become distorted; to make a grimace; to contract convulsively; to caricature. ZEUGEN {tr., ace, intr.), zeugte, gezeugt, to witness, to testify; to appear; to beget; to procreate. Bezeugen {tr., ace), to attest, to testify, to bear witness, to give • evidence of, to prove, declare. Erzeugen {tr., ace, reft.), to beget, to generate, to engender, to dread, to produce, to raise. Fortzeugen {reft., sep.), to generate continually, to multiply, to con- tinue to breed; to produce. tJberzeugen {tr., ace, gen., reft.), to satisfy, to assure, to convince, to persuade, to set at rest, to ascertain, to bring to conclusion. ZIELEN {tr., ace, intr.), zielte, gezielt, to aim, to level, to sight, to score, to produce. Abzielen {tr., ace, sep.), to aim at, to be aimed, pointed, or directed • at, to have in view, to have an eye to, to gain, to win, to take advantage of. Erzielen {tr., ace), to aim at, to obtain, to arrive at, to gain, profit, realize, to achieve, to command. Umzielen {tr., sep.), to change position in aiming; to try to score in a different way. ZIE,MEN {reft., imp., intr.), ziemte, geziemt, to be suitable, to fit, befit, to suit. Geziemen {intr., imp.^ reft.), to become, to beseem, to befit; to be suitable, appropriate, proper, decent; to be becoming. Regular Verbs. 235 ZIEREN (/r., refl.), zierte, geziert, to adom, grace, blazon; to set off; to embellish, decorate, ornament ; to stand on ceremony. Verzieren (/r.), to deck out, decorate, to beautify, grace, enrich. ZINSEN {tr., intr.), zinste, gezinst, to pay tribute, rent or interest; to collect, yield, bring in (rents or interests). Verzinsen {tr., refl.), to pay interest for or on something; to bear or yield interest. ZISCHEN (intr., hah.), zischte, gezischt, to hiss, whiz, whir; to cry, hush; to sibilate, assibilate; to speak faintly. ZITTERN {intr., hah., .), to continue angry, to continue being in wrath, in anger, to continue cross. Nachziimen {intr., dat., sep.), to be vexed, to continue to be vexed. ZWEIFELN {intr., hah.), zweifelte, gezweifelt, to doubt, to be skep- tical, dubious, to be despaired, to waver, to hesitate. Anzweifeln {tr., ace, sep.), to call in question, to discredit, to sus- pect, to impeach. Bezweifeln {tr., ace), to query, to question, to disbelieve, to suspect. Verzweifeln {intr.), to despair, to be broken-hearted; to be wild. ZWEIGEN {intr., refl.), zweigte, gezweigt, to branch; to ramify. Verzweigen {intr., tr., refl.), to send out branches; to ramify; to branch out. ZWICKEN {tr.), zwickte, gezwickt, to pinch, twinge, tweak; to tor- ture; to harass; to trim; to twinkle. Verzwicken {tr.), to twist or entangle something; to be queer, diffi- cult, delicate, intricate. $> Extra copies of the verb table may be obtained on application. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. APR 21970 51 rIeC'DLD may 187d-10AM6 6 1^ ,<(?> ^'^ NOV 2]974 ttC'D CIRC DEPT liEc. cm. JAN 2 2 ;:;j 2-SON^' 23 ^ LD 21-lOOm 9,'47(A5702sl6)476 MAY 3 1 6 JUN 2 8 74 5G'?171 K THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY