CJ 1 5 l7 /«/878ca f' :.l WOODVMRD CATALOGUE A A: son Oi — * = : -n 6 = I 6 i P i r— _3KSdt' Ii£^,3iJ»r_;u THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES . %lU(ft WioatXwnxiVs EIGHTY-THIRD SALE. #0ms, Iddafe; €tt ^he ^itrmiwg ©ollcttiou. APRIL 27, 28 and 29, 1886. CATALOGUE OF J. S. TWINING'S COLLECTION OF GOLD, SILVER AND COPPER WITH A LITTLE COLLECTION OF WASHINGTON PITCHERS AND JAPANESE CURIOS. €o lie ^oiti bp ^Unction 739 & 741 Broadway, New York City, ON TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ant THURSDAY, AfH 27, 28, 29, 1886. The Coins, etc., may be seen at the Auction Rooms on the davs of Sale, each clay at 10 o'clock A. M., and the Sale will bes'in promptly at Two o'clock in the Afternoon. Orders for the Sale will be carefully executed by the Auctioneers and by all Coin Dealers. BOSTON: T. R. INIARVIN & SON, NUMISMATIC PRINTERS. 1886. tVMAN H. Low '^' M I S M A T / S T U53 Broadway, ISi, > , insTTD Elzx:. A Few Gold Coins, etc.. American Colonial and State Coins, American Silver Store Cards and Medalets, American Store Cards, Bolen's Counterfeits, ete., Bric-a-Brac, Pottery, etc., Cents, .... Coins of Qneen Elizabeth, Dimes, .... Electrotypes of American Coins and Medals, Franklin Medals, etc.. Gold Coins, Half Cents, Half Dimes, . Half Dollars, . Indian Traders' Tokens, . Japanese Netsukes, Lots for Dealers, Masonic and Society Medals, Medical Medals, etc., Minor Coinages, Minor Proof Sets, . Miscellaneous Copper Coins, Numismatic Medals and Cards, Pioneer Gold Coins, Money of Necessity, etc. Plate Money of Sweden, Proof Sets, .... Quarter Dollars, Rare and Curious Odds and Ends, Rare Store Cards, . Silver Dollars, Silver Three Cent Pieces, Some Fine or Scarce Medals, Some Medical Medals, 51 44 10 9 14 04 29 41 25 56 16 37 34 27 19 15 65 56 54 16 35 41 3 53 39 52 43 22 55 11 17 28 48 52 Purchasers at this sale are requested to send their orders at the earliest practicable moment to insure proper attention to entering them in my order book. Copies of this Catalogue will be issued on thick tinted paper, with one or two plates, and neatly priced in red ink. They will be sent to order by mail for .■j;l.2.'j each. If issued with a single plate, copies will be sent before the sale at 2.'j cents each; if with two plates, for :35 cents. Orders for which are respectfully requested. Correspondents will please address me from April 17th until April 30th, care Messrs. Bangs & Co., 739 Broadway, New York City; at other times as below. A list of the Catalogues of all my sales, with prices, will be sent free, if desired. W. ELLIOT WOODWAED, 2.58 Dudley Street, Roxbury, Mass. CATALOGUE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MISCELLANEOUS COPPER COINS. 1795 Sir Isaac Newton Halfpenny ; very fine. 1794 Norwich Castle Halfpenny ; fine. 1758 and others. English Halfpence. 4 pieces. 1792 Coventry Halfpenny. Lady Godiva ; fine. 1793 Coventry Halfpenny. Naked woman on horseback; very good. 1794 Ipswich Cross Halfpenny, struck by Conder ; fine. 1795 Sise Lane Halfpenny ; good. 1813 and others ; good to uncirculated. 6 pieces. 1799 Penny. George III ; uncirculated. 2 pieces. 1806 Halfpenny. Geovgelll; uncirculated. 1806 Bahama Pirates, Penny ; uncirculated, scarce. 1853 Victoria Halfpenny ; very fine. 2 pieces. 1864 Guernsey. 4 Doubles; very fine ; and East In- dia Cent. 2 pieces. Halfpence. English and Colonial. James II, etc. ; good. 6 pieces. 1672 Farthing. Charles II ; good, scarce. 1799 Farthing. George III. Large size ; good and very fine. 2 pieces. Farthings. All the Georges, William and Victoria ; good to very fine. 24 pieces. 1711 Copper Farthing or Token. Bust of Queen Anne ; rev., anus, a cross with roses in the angles ; very fine and scarce. Model Coins. ^^ Farthing to 1 Crown for the Royal children. 6 pieces. 1510973 4 MISCELLANEOUS COPPER COINS. 20 Halfpence. Hong Kong, India and St. Helena; good. 3 pieces. 21 1821 St. Helena Halfpenny; very fine. 22 Wellington and Eiin-go-bragh Penny ; copper, proof. 23 1789 Portrait Penny. Isaac Perrins the Prize-fighter; good, scarce. 24 Canadian and Colonial Halfpence. Man with Shamrock; Rebellion Token, etc. ; good lot. 20 pieces. 25 1748 Admission Ticket to see the first Rhinoceros exhib- ited in Enrope. Picture of the beast; rev., inscription in Dutch ; tin ; fine, rare. 26 1746 George II. Half Crown. Lima under the bust ; very fine, scarce. X27 1728 George II. Shilling ; fine. 28 Elberfeldt, Liege and other curious Tokens ; scarce and good lot. 6 pieces. 29 1849 Republic of Rome. 3 Baiocchi. Eagle standing on fasces. About dollar size ; fine. 30 France. Medal of Napoleon and Eugenie ; brass, fine. Size 24. 31 China and Japan. Tempo and Cash. 3 pieces. 32 Coins of Italy, Spain and Portugal. Large and small. 8 pieces. 33 1737, etc. Coins of Russia. Large and small. 8 pieces. 34 1841 Russia. Three Copecks ; very good. 35 Greece, Mexico, Brazil, etc. Very large and small. 27 pieces. ^ 36 Germany, North of Europe, etc. Large and small; good. 14 pieces. 37 Coins and Jetons. Curious lot. 6 pieces. 38 Australia, Anti-Slavery and East Indian Pennies. 4 pes. 39 Shell Medals and a Pin. Various candidates for Presi- dent, Clay, Taylor, Seymour, Greeley, etc. Mostly fire-gilt; desirable lot. 9 pieces. 40 View of a building. The Theatre at New York in Amer- ica ; rev., cornucopia, etc. " May commerce flourish." Edge lettered " I promise to pay," etc. ; tarnished proof ; extremely rare ; not above three or four known. 41 Coins of Haiti and one of Morocco. Large and small. 5 pieces. 42 Presidential, American, French and Spanish Tokens. 12 pieces. MISCELLANEOUS COPPER COINS. 5 43 Quarter Dollar. Curolus et Joanna. Mint of Mexico; very fine for this rare and early coin. 44 Turkey and East Indies. Large, fine. 6 pieces. 45 Turkish Copper Coin ; bright, nearly proof, dollar size. 46 Portugal, Brazil, etc. ; good lot. 7 pieces. /Ip47 War Medal. Italian Independence. Roman eagle sup- porting tablet ; rev., flaming cross, 1849. 18. 48 Masonic sun-shaped Medal of Frankfurt ; the golden sun rising within a silver triangle. '' L'Aurore Naissante O. Francfort." Very fine and undescribed. I have met with no other ; gilt, with ring. 27. 49 Masonic Medal of the I^odge of Constancy and Harmony of Aachen. See Marvin, No. ^SoO, for a medal, both sides of which are like the obverse of this. The medal described by him was in use but a single year, and it is believed that no other example in this form is known ; gilt. 20. 50 Masonic Medal of the Lodge of Strict Observance, Paris; founded 1818; bronze, veiy rare. 17. 51 War Medal. -Europe Libertate Asserta, 1813-14." Maltese cross Ijacked by a wreath ; fine, bronze and gilt. 18. 52 1688 Crown and a half. A mining scene, with horse leaping over buildings; rev., monogram of Ernest Au- gustus, Electoi' of Hanover; very fine ; reverse almost proof; a broadly spread coin; scarce. 53 Works of Simon Passe. Edv/ard IV and Edward V. Charles and Mary. Engraved Mortuary Medals of the periods. Shilling size, artistic and very rare ; all hand made. 4 pieces. 54 Chinese Token coin for 100 Cash. Finely finished; scarce. 55 Foreisrn Medals. Distinguished men, etc. Vincentius Gravini, famous writer on law; bust; rev., an angel removing a screen from before a tablet; fine metal, by Mercandetti ; bronze. 40. 56 Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, Sculptor and Architect; bust; rev., sculptors at work under a master; bronze, fine. 44. 57 Medal. Idiotic bust with ram's horn curving from the temple to the back of the ear. '' Janos Plancos Arimi- nensis ; " rev., a lynx walking. '' Lynceis Restitutis." Appears to be an ancient cast in bronze. 50. 58 1621 Bust of Paul VI, Pont. Max. ; rev., a bridge over a river, towers to the right; bronze, fine. 6 MISCELLANEOUS COPPER COINS. j^-^ 59 Urban VIII; bust facing right; rev., view of a build- ing ; bronze, fine. 28. 60 Clement XI ; bust facing right; rev., the washing of feet. " Exempl. Dedi. Vobis ; " silver, good. 20. 61 Alexander VIII, 1689. Portrait. The zodiacal signs dividing the heavens from the earth; fine medal by Hanierani ; silver gilt. 24. 62 Napoleon III. Laureated head. Medal of the Exposi- tion, Paris, 1867 ; tin gilt. 32. 7 - " 231 J. A. Bolen, 1864. Bust; rev.. Liberty cap and rays; copper, proof, thick planchet. 18. 232 Bolen, 1867. Bust; rev., die sinker, etc.; copper, proof. 17. bolen's couxterfeits, etc. 15 233 Bolen, J. A., 1865. Bust; rev., stamp cutter, etc. ; tin, fine. 17. -f-^0231 Bolen, J. A. Like 231, but thick plauchet, struck in oroide. 17. 235 Bolen's Card ; rev.. Young America on an eagle ; cop- pei', proof. 17. 236 Washington. Bust; rev., " The Union," etc. ; copper, proof. 16. 237 Jackson. Bust; rev., "The Stern Old Soldier"'; copper, proof. 16. 238 U. S. Arsenal ; rev., U. S. Armory ; copper, proof. 17. 239 The same ; rev., Bolen's Card ; copper, uncir. 17. 240 Abraham Lincoln ; rev.. Emancipation ; tin, fine. 16. 241 Libertas Americana; rev., Bolen's, 1867 Bust; cop- per, proof. 16. 242 Lincoln. Bust to right; rev., "With malice toward none " ; copper, proof. 17. 243 Washington. Bust to left; rev., bust of Washington, another die ; copper, proof, very rare, only five struck. 17. 244 Lincoln. Bust; rev., Apollo Gardens ; one of the rarest of political medals. 16. 245 Washington. Bust ; rev., R. Chamberlin, Norfolk ; tin, proof, very rare. 17. 246 A collection of Presidential and Political Tokens, in- cluding nearly all the candidates from Washington to Garfield. Li size from 11 to 32 ; nearly all are fine, several quite rare, in all the usual metals includ- ing silver. 121 pieces. 247 Full set of Sage's Historical Tokens ; copper, proofs. Sets of these tokens have now become rare. 14 pes. 248 Sage's Odds and Ends, full set. Copper, proofs. 3 pes. 249 Sage's Numismatic Gallery. Bogart, Bushnell, and Dr. Lewis ; copper, proof. 3 pieces. 250 Lovett's Historical Series ; copper, fine. 2 pieces. 251 The same. Penn's Treaty ; brass, proof, scarce. * INDIAN TRADERS' TOKENS. Xii 252 Cook, George L., Post Trader, Fort Wingate, New Mexico. " Fifty Cents in trade " ; brass, good, very scarce. 19. 16 INDIAN traders' TOKENS, ETC. 253 Felt, G. W.; rev., a buck running; brass, very fine, scarce. 23. 254 Felt, George W. Same design ; brass, equally fine. 18. f ^ 255 Wanless, J. & Co., General Dealers, Fort Saunders, D. T. Head of Liberty, like 120.00. Shell Card ; gilt, verv fine. 21. FRANKLIN MEDALS, ETC. 1 • 256 Franklin. Rust facing left; rev., a wreath. " Eripuit C'oelo Fulmen," etc.; bronze, very fine. 28. . 257 Franklin. Bust to left : rev., angel standing; bronze, very fine. 28. • 258 Franklin. Large bust to left ; from Series Numismatica ; bronze, very fine. 25. -^ <• 259 Franklin. Bust to left ; medal of the Mechanics Literary Association ; rev.. House of Temperance ; copper, fine, scarce. 25. ^C" 260 Franklin and Montyou. Busts jugata ; rev., inscription ; bronze, fine. 26. 5 5"' 261 Franklin and Washington. Busts jugata ; rev., beaver gnawing at a truidc of a tree, 1776; bronze, fine. 25. MEDICAL MEDALS, ETC. l6- 262 Michel de L'Hospital. Bust; rev., inscription; bronze, fine. 24. 263 Hosack, Dr. David. Bust; rev., ''Arts and Sciences" ; bronze, fine. 29. 264 Holloway, Prof. The Pill Man. Bust; copper, silvered. 20. 265 Baron Spolasko, friend of the afflicted. Bust facing copper, fine. 14. 266 Louis XVI. Bust; rev., Societe Royale de Medecine ; silvered electrotype, fine. 17. 267 Heine, Solomon, founder of a Hospital ; copper, good. 14. 268 Mont de Piete, Limerick. Farthing, 1837. . J5'"269 Pestalozzi, Henrico. Bust; rev., inscription in nine lines; bronze, proof, scarce. 23. MEDICAL MEDALS, ETC. 17 -^3^270 German Railroad Medal. Germania seated; rev., rail- road bridge surrounded by shields ; bronze, fine. 28. 271 Louis XV^III. Bust; rev., Mercury and an Indian queen standing. '' Gallia et America Foederata." A beautiful bronze medal ; scarce. .32. 272 Medal of Churchill, Duke of Marlborough ; rev., Fanie^ crowning a skeleton. " Mars altei- Marlbrough de Marte et morte triuraphat, 1722." An original medal of the period, as shown by copper plug inserted before striking ; tin, proof, scarce. 31. SILVER DOLLARS. 273 1794 The stars to the left are as usual somewhat weak ; the head, the date, and Liberty are bold and distinct as are the stars in front ; the hair on the temple is slightly rubbed, the eagle and wreath all prominent and bold, and the inscription at the left, owing to the insufficient thickness of the planchet on which the dollar was struck, is like the stars, weak, though per- fectly distinct. A very fine dollar; indeed one of the finest of this date I have seen ; extremely rare. 274 1795 Flowing hair : very fine indeed, shows but the slightest marks of circulation, polished, nearly proof surface, rare so fine. 275 1796 Large date; very fine indeed and scarcely at all circulated, rarely found so fine. 276 1796 Small date ; better even than the last, every hair distinct, breast of the eagle slightly rubbed. 277 1797 Uncirculated, hair barely touched by cabinet fric- tion, extremely fine and rare. 278 1797 Broader date ; only inferior to the last ; rare. 278a 1797 Sixteen stars. Sharp impression ; very fine, barely circulated. 279 1798 Fifteen stars ; rev., small eagle ; only touched by circulation on the breast of the eagle ; extremely fine and rare. 280 1798 Thirteen stars; rev., small eagle; very fine, but not equal to the last, rare. 281 1799 Five stars facing ; very fine, barely circulated, rare. 281a 1799 Fine impression ; uncirculated, rare. 18 SILVER DOLLARS. 282 1799 Six stars facing ; very fine. 283 1799 Six stars facing; die broken across the reverse j very fine, polished surface. 281 1800 Uncirculated. A very fine dollar ; scarce. 281a 1800 Very fin"e, barely circulated. ♦285 1801 Very fine; barely circulated. 286 1802 Plain date. Veiy fine ; hair slightly rubbed, but hardly at all blemished. 287 1802 Die altered from 1801. Unusually fine; hair just rubbed ; polished surface. 288 1803 Scarcely at all circulated ; very fine, scarce. 288a 1836 Silver-plated electrotype. 289 1810 Very fine, with mint polish. 290 1811 Fine, sharp impression. 291 1842 Equally fine. 292 1848 Very fine. 293 1844 Very fine, polished surface, scarce. 294 1845 Equally fine. 295 1846 Very fine. 296 1847 Has been a proof, scarcely less than that now. 297 1848 Very fine. 298 1848 Very fine, polished surface. 299 1849 Very fine. 300 1850 Very fine, polished surface, nearly proof, scarce. 300a 1850 Fine, with polished surface, scarce. 301 1853 Fine, about perfect, scarce. 302 1854 Fine, scarcely touched by circulation ; very rare. 303 1855 Splendid proof ; very rare. 304 1856 Very fine or uncirculated, nearly as rare as 1855. 305 1857 Uncirculated, with polished surface, like proofs rare. 306 1859 Orleans mint; fine. 307 1860 Brilliant proof. 308 1862 Very fine. 309 1863 Fine. 310 1864 Brilliant proof, rare. 310a 1864 Very fine. 311 1865 Brilliant proof, scarce. 312 1866 Proof impression ; scarce. 313 1868 Brilliant proof. SILVER DOLLARS — HALF DOLLARS. 19 314 1869 Brilliant proof. 315 1871 Very good. 316 1872 Fine. 317 1873 Trade ; very fine. 318 1874 Trade; fine. 319 1875 Trade; fine. 320 1876 Trade; brilliant proof. 321 1877 Trade ; brilliant proof. 322 1878 Standard ; fine. 323 1878 Trade ; brilliant proof, fine. 324 1879 Standard; brilliant proof. 325 1879 Trade; brilliant proof. 326 1880 Standard: brilliant proof. 327 1880 Trade; brilliant proof. 328 1881 Standard ; brilliant proof. 329 1881 Trade; brilliant proof. 330 1882 Standard ; brilliant proof. 331 1882 Trade; brilliant proof. 332 1883 Standard ; brilliant proof. 334 1883 Trade ; brilliant proof. 334 1884 Standard ; brilliant proof. HALF DOLLARS. 335 1794 Barely circulated, with a single exception the best I have ever seen, always rare, and in this condition of great rarity. 336 1794 Fine, very rare. 337 1795 Randall 12 ; blemished by the commencement of a perforation, otherwise very good. 338 1795 R 7 ; very good, or fine for the date. 339 1795 R 15 ; good. 340 1795 R 16 ; equally good. 341 1795 R 25 ; good, a rare variety. 342 1795 Uncirculated, planchet a little drift-marked, ex- tremely rare. 343 1795 Different variety ; nearly as fine. 344 1795 R 11 ; fair. 344a 1801 Very good, scarce. 20 HALF DOLLARS. 345 1802 Barely circulated and very fine. I believe the one that once sold at auction for |i42. 346 1803 Square top to the 3 ; uncirculated, rare. 347 1803 Top of 3 slanting and smaller; very fine, but has a letter or two scratched on the face. 347a 1804 An alteration, of course. Am in doubt how it was done ; but probably from 4 under 5. A good coin. 348 1804-5 The 4 is quite distinct; fine. This variety is rare. 349 1805 But little circulated. 350 1805 Nearly as fine ; a variety. 351 1806 The 6 with pointed top; very fine and barely circ. 352 1806 The 6 with knob at the top ; very fine, almost equal to the last. 353 1806 A variety, about the same in quality. 354 1807 Close date; barely circulated; polished surface, scarce. 355 1807 Broader date, as fine as the last, scarce. 356 1808 Sharp fine impression. 357 1809 Very fine. 358 1810 Sharp impression, fine. 359 1811 Uncirculated. 360 1811 Very fine ; date punctuated thus: 18.11. 361 1812 Large close date, uncirculated. 362 1812 Broader date, very fine. 363 1813 Very fine. 364 1814 Very fine. 365 1815 Sharp impression, hair barely touched, uninjured by circulation, very rare. 366 1817 Very fine indeed or uncirculated. 367 1818 Die altered from 1817 ; very fine or uncirculated. 368 1818 Plain date, fine ; a sharp impression. 369 1819 Small date, fine, sharp. 370 1819 A variety, equally fine. 371 1820 Date has large 2 ; fine and sharp, with polished surface. 372 1820 Date different ; very fine. 373 1820 Over 1819. 374 1821 Sharp impression ; polished, nearly proof surface. 375 1821 Different die ; about as fine. HALF DOLLARS. 21 376 1823 Very fine. 377 1824 Very fine. 378 1825 Uncirculated, nearly proof. 379 1824 Different; very fine. 380 1826 Sharp impression ; uncir., nearly proof. 381 1826 Different, about as fine. 382 1827 2 with square base ; very fine. 383 1827 2 has curved base ; polished, nearly proof surface. 384 1827 Same variety, equally good. 385 1828 Straight base to the 2, polished, originally proof. 386 1828 2 with curved base, very fine. 387 1829 Uncirculated, fine. 388 1829 R 2 ; very fine. 389 1830 BriUiant, fine. 390 1830 Different, equally fine. 391 1831 Brilliant, uncirculated. 392 1831 Different, fine. 393 1832 Brilliant, almost proof. 394 1832 Fine as the last, has been proof. 395 1833 Sharp, brilliant, uncirculated. 396 1834 Small date and large stars. Randall 3. Surface nearly proof. 397 1834 Small date ; obverse has proof surface. 398 1834 Same quality as the last ; reverse from different die. 399 1835 Very fine. 400 1886 Style of 1835 ; almost proof. 401 1837 Uncirculated, nearly proof. 402 1837 Very fine. 403 1838 Fine impression ; polished surface. 404 1839 Gobrecht head ; very fine. 405 1839 Liberty seated ; fine, polished surface. 406 1840 Very fine, reverse with mint polish. 407 1842 Small date ; mint polish, uncirculated. 408 1842 Large date; about as fine. 409 1843 Very fine. 410 1844 Uncirculated, polished surface, a little scarce. 411 1845 About as fine. 412 1846 Brilliant, uncirculated. 413 1846 Same quality. 22 HALF DOLLARS — QUARTER DOLLARS. 414 1847 Perfect, with polished surface. 415 1847 Orleans mint ; equally fine. 416 1848 Polished, has been proof. 417 1848 Orleans mint ; fine. 418 1849 Very fine, with polished surface. 419 1850 Orleans mint ; fine, scarce. 420 1851 Orleans mint ; fine, rare. 421 1851 Another of the Orleans mint ; very good, scarce. 422 1852 Philadelphia mint, but has a small perforation just commenced ; but for this it would be strictly fine, rare. 423 1853 Fine. 424 1854 Orleans mint ; fine. 425 1856 Orleans mint; very fine. 426 1858 Splendid proof, rare. 427 1859 Orleans mint; fine. 428 1860 Brilliant proof, scarce. 429 1862 Splendid proof. 430 1866 Uncirculated. 431 1867 Fine, has been proof. 432 1868 Brilliant proof. 433 1869 Brilliant proof. 434 1871 Uncirculated. 435 1876 Brilliant proof. 436 1879 Brilliant proof, scarce. 437 1879 Uncirculated, rarer than proof. 438 1881 Splendid proof. 439 1882 Splendid proof. 440 1883 Splendid proof. 441 1884 Splendid proof. QUARTER DOLLARS. 442 1796 Mostly legible, but considerabl}' worn ; rare. 443 1796 A little better than the last. ' 444 1804 A fair example, but perforation at the right of the date. 445 1804 Not perforated, still not so good as the last. 445a 1805 Barely circulated, very fine and scarce. 446 1805 Barely fair, scarce. QUARTER DOLLARS. 23 447 1806 Very fine, only a little circulated, scarce. 448 1806 over 1805 Very good, nearly equal to the last, scarce. 449 1807 over 1806 Much worn ; scarce. 450 1807 Plain date. Mr. Randall's uncirculated specimen of this coin brought 190.00, a sum before unprece- dented. 451 1815 Without the obnoxious letter over the bust, but in its place an ugly perforation ; almost uncirculated, and thus rare. 452 1815 Very good, without the letter or other blemish, only a little circulated. 453 1818 Very fine indeed, stars flat, but only a little circ, scarce. 454 1819 Very fine, barely circulated. 455 1820 Very fine, polished surface, resembling proof. 456 1820 Fine. 457 1821 Sharp impression ; almost proof, scarce. 458 1822 Quality similar to last, rare. 459 1824 Fine, scarce. 460 1825 Sharp impression ; very fine, obv. nearly proof. 461 1828 Sharp impression ; but little circulated, scarce. 462 1831 Very fine, a proof impression. 463 1833 A little circulated, still fine. 464 1834 Sharp, almost proof. 465 1835 Good impression ; quality like the last. 466 1836 Fine. 467 1837 Fine. 468 1838 Fine. 469 1839 Fine. 470 1840 Fine, uncirculated. 471 1842 Very fine, uncirculated. 472 1843 Fine, uncirculated. 473 1843 Fine, barely circulated. 474 1844 Fine, a little scarce. 475 1845 Well struck ; uncirculated. 476 1845 Another as good. 477 1846 Very fine. 478 1847 Uncirculated, sharp. 479 1848 As good as the last. 480 1849 Same quality, polished surface. 24 QUARTER DOLLARS. 481 1850 Good impression ; very fine and scarce. 482 1851 Very fine. 483 1852 Sharp; very fine and scarce. 484 1853 Very fine. 485 1854 Equally fine. 486 1855 Uncirculated. 487 1856 Same quality. 488 1857 Perfect, polished surface. 489 1858 Uncirculated. 489a 1858 Orleans mint; uncirculated. 490 1859 Splendid proof. 491 1860 Brilliant proof. 492 1861 Brilliant proof, with beautiful oxidation. 493 1862 Brilliant proof. 494 1863 The same. 495 1864 Brilliant proof, scarce. 496 1865 Brilliant proof. 497 1866 Brilliant proof. 498 1867 Brilliant proof. 499 1867 Brilliant proof. 500 1869 Brilliant proof, very scarce. 501 1872 Brilliant proof. 502 1873 Fine, uncirculated. 503 1874 Fine, uncirculated. 504 1875 Brilliant proof. 505 1876 Brilliant proof. 506 1877 Brilliant proof. 507 1878 Brilliant proof. 508 1879 Brilliant proof. 509 1880 Brilliant proof. 510 1881 Brilliant proof. 511 1882 Brilliant proof. 512 1883 Brilliant proof. 513 1884 Brilliant proof. 514 1875 Twenty Cent piece ; fine, proof. 515 1876 Twenty Cent piece ; brilliant proof, scarce. DIMES. 25 DIMES. 616 1796 A scratch across the face, otherwise the piece would be very fine. In the centre the reverse has had an eye soldered to it to be used as a button ; rare. 517 1796 Difference in the die ; very good, rare. 518 17; 8 Good, nearly fine, very scarce. 519 1798 Smaller, closer date ; very good, nearly fine, rare. 520 1800 Stars flat, but fine and only a little circ. Rarest of the dimes except 1804. 521 1801 Barely circulated, very rare. 522 1802 Much worn, but date distinct and most of the inscription legible ; rare. 523 1803 Very good or fine, scarce. 524 1805 Very fine, scarce. 525 1807 Fine, scarce. 526 1809 Poor, rare. 527 1809 Another ; better, but perforated, scarce. 528 1811 Good ; almost fine, scarce. 529 1814 Barely fair. 530 1820 Very fine. 531 1820 Nearly as fine. 532 1821 Large date ; sharp impression, fine. 533 1821 Small date ; very good. 534 1822 Fair, rare. 535 1823 Fine, very little circulated. 536 1824 Fair, scarce. 537 1825 Good. 538 1827 Fine, barely circulated. 539 1828 Large date, rare. Haseltine prices this dime in uncirculated condition at -IjIO.OO. This is good only. 540 1829 Sharp, uncirculated. 541 1830 Fine. 542 1831 Fine proof, rare. 543 1832 Sharp, fine. 544 1833 Fair. 545 1834 Good impression, fine. 546 1835 Very fine, nearly proof. 547 1836 Fine. 26 DIMES. 548 1837 Bust; fine. 549 1837 Liberty seated, without stars ; unc, nearly proof. 560 1838 Without stars ; uncommonly fine, in unc. condi- tion rarer than 1804 and like this, very hard to find. 551 1839 Very fine. 552 1840 Good. 553 1841 Very good, and one of O. mint. 2 pes. 554 1842 Fine, and one O. mint. 2 pes. 555 1843 Very fair. 556 1844 Fair, rather scarce. 557 1845 Sharp; fine. 558 1846 Barely circulated, rare. 559 1846 Duplicate; about fine. 560 1846 Nearly as good. 561 1850 Fine. 562 1852 Sharp impression ; fine. 563 1853 Fine. 564 1854 Sharp; very fine. 565 1»54 Orleans mint ; fair. 566 1856 Small date ; very fine. Another, large date. 2 pes. 567 1857 One Orleans mint ; both fine. 2 pes. 568 1857 Brilliant, rare. 569 1858 Fine, proof, rare. 570 1858 Another of the same quality. 571 1860 Fine. 572 1861 Very fine. 573 1862 Proof impression. 674 1863 Brilliant proof. 675 1867 Fine. 576 1868 Fine. 577 1869 Fine. 578 1870 Brilliant proof. 579 1872 Very fine. 580 1873 Without arrows ; uncirculated. 581 1874 Fine. 682 1875 Phil., N. O., and C. C. mints ; all fine. 3 pes. 583- 1876 Uncirculated. 584 1877 Different; uncirculated. 585 1878 Brilliant proof. 586 1879 Brilliant proof. DIMES — HALF DIMES. 27 587 1880 Brilliant proof. 588 1881 Brilliant proof. 589 1882 Brilliant proof. 590 1883 Brilliant proof. 591 1884 Uncirculated. HALF DIMES. 592 1794 Break in the die extends through date and bust ; very good, nearly fine, 7'are. 593 1795 Light drift-marks shoAv on the planchet ; very fine, almost proof, rare. 594 1795 Fine, not equal to the last, rare. See plate. 595 1796 Very fine. Mr. Twining says, '' F. offered |16 — I asked |20." Scarce. 596 1797 Thirteen stars ; fine, and the rarest variety. See plate. 597 1797 Fifteen stars ; poor, in parts illegible, rare. 598 1800 Very fine or uncirculated, scarce. See plate. 599 1801 Braised and poor, but extremely rare. 600 1802 This coin, not yet received, I am unable to des- cribe vrith accuracy, but can say from memory that it is in fair condition though by no means fine; its genuineness is guaranteed, and concerning its rarity nothing further need be said. See plate. 601 1803 Fine, and very rare. See plate. 602 1805 Very good, no less than fine, rarest of all the half dimes except 1802. See plate. 603 1829 A proof impression; brilliant. First coinage since 1805. 604 1830 Proof impression. 605 1831 Sharp; very fine. 606 1832 Proof impression. 607 1833 Very fine. 608 1834 Brilliant proof, scarce. 609 1835 Fine, scarce. 610 1836 Sharp impression ; fine. 611 1837 Bust, fine ; and Liberty seated, about proof. 2 pes. 612 1838 With stars; very fine. 613 1839 Sharp; fine. 28 HALF DIMES, ETC. 614 1840 Very fine. 615 1841 Brilliant, uncir., and one Orleans mint. 2 pes. 616 1842 Fine. 617 1843 Sharp; polished, almost proof. 618 1844 Fine, rather scarce. 619 1845 Sharp; fine. 620 1846 Fair, very rare. 621 1847 Fine, with polished surface. 622 1848 Good, and broken die. 2 pes. 623 1849, '50 Fine. 2 pes. 624 1851 Brilliant, nearly proof. 625 1852 Sharp; perfect. 626 1853 With and without arrows; latter fine, both rart;. 2 pieces. 627 1854 Fine. 628 1855, '56, '57 All fine. 4 pes. 629 1858, '59, '60, '61 Fine. 4 pes. 630 1862 Proof. 631 1863 Brilliant proof. 632 1864, '66, '67 Fine. 3 pes. 633 1867 Brilliant proof. 634 1868 Brilliant proof. 635 1869 Brilliant proof. 636 1870 Uncirculated. 637 1871 Brilliant proof. 638 1872 Brilliant proof. 639 1873 Brilliant proof, rare. Last of the coinage. SILVER THREE CENT PIECES. 640 1851 Orleans mint ; uncirculated, scarce. 641 1851 Phila. mint ; uncirculated. 642 1852 Uncirculated. 643 1853 Brilliant, uncirculated. 644 1854 Fine, scarce. 645 1855 Fine, scarce. 646 1856 Fine, scarce. 647 1857 Fine. SILVER THREE CENT PIECES — CENTS. 29 648 1858 Uncirculated, scarce. 649 1859 Uncirculated, scarce. 650 1860 Uncirculated. 651 1861 Brilliant proof. 652 1862 Brilliant proof, scarce. 653 1863 Brilliant proof, scarce. 654 1866 Brilliant proof, scarce. 655 1867 Brilliant proof, scarce. 656 1868 Brilliant proof, scarce. 657 1869 Brilliant proof, scarce. 658 1870 Brilliant proof, scarce. 659 1872 Brilliant proof, scarce. 660 1873 Brilliant proof, very rare. 661 1873 Brilliant proof, very rare. 662 1873 Brilliant proof, very rare. 663 1873 Brilliant proof, very rare. CENTS. 664 1793 Flowing hair. Edge has bars and vine ; rev., wreath. Planchet a little roughened, but very fine, rare, and a desirable cent. See plate. 665 1793 Liberty cap. Obverse better than reverse ; very good, rare. 666 1794 Maris 5. Young head ; fine, mre. See plate. 667 1794 Maris 20. Fallen 4 ; fine, only a little circulated. 668 1794 Maris 32. Shielded hair ; very good. See plate. 669 1795 Thick planchet, lettered edge, barely touched by circulation. Would be one of the finest cents known of this variety but it has a little cut back of the head, which was in the planchet before striking ; polished surface, and a most desirable coin. See plate. 670 1795 Thick, lettered edge. Reverse has " One Cent " high in the wreath ; very good, almost fine. 671 1795 Thin planchet; uncirculated, with fine smooth surface. Portions of this cent retain the mint copper red, showing it to be uncirculated ; very rare in this condition. See plate. 672 1796 Liberty cap; very good, much finer than usually found ; rare. 673 1796 Liberty cap ; fair, but not equal to the last, rare. so CENTS. 674 1797 Very fine, uncirculated, shows some of the original copper red, rarer than the Nichols variety. See plate. 674a 1797 Fine, only a little circulated. 675 1797 Different die ; poor. 676 1798 Fine, barely circulated. 677 1798 Not so fine; still good, being but little circulated. 678 1799 The break in the die or so-called mint-mark shows very plainly, and the genuineness is guaranteed ; good and very rare. 679 1799 Concerning this piece Mr. Twining writes me, '"• I bought the 1799 of Haseltine ten years ago, the price $15." See plate. 680 1801 Very fine, barely circ, handsome color and surface. See plate. 681 1801 Reverse has -Q^Q. Scarce variety ; very fair. 682 1802 Fine, only slightly circulated. 683 1802 Fine, about equal to the last. 684 1803 Very good, about fine, but little circulated. 685 1804 Perfect die; very fine indeed, handsome color and surface, and only a trifle circulated. For this cent Mr. John W. Bowers paid Messrs. Chapman Brothers •175, and thought it a bargain. Very rare in any con- dition, and so fine a one is extremely rare. See plate. 686 1804 Perfect die, date distinct. Guaranteed. See plate. 686a 1804 Bright and uncirculated. Restruck before the break in the obverse die had injured it badly; scarce. 686^ 1804 Duplicate of the last, equally good and scarce. 687 1805 Fine, color and surface good, scarce. 687a 1806 In fair, ordinary condition ; scarce. 688 1807 Die altered from 1806; very rare and very fine, doubtless the finest of this variety known. 1806 is so rare that but one perfectly uncirculated specimen can be found in any collection, and I do not believe that of the 1807-6 variety another approaching this in condition can be found. Mr. Twining writes: "I received it of an old lady in Boonville, N. Y. She kept it as a memento of the year of her birth." A dealer of very conservative views values this cent at $40. I regard it as by far the rarest and most valu- able cent in the sale ; it is in beautiful condition, fine liaht chocolate color, and of smooth handsome surface. See plate. 689 1808 Sharp impression ; last figure in the date broken in the die, a rare variety ; very fine. CENTS. 31 690 1808 Perfect die ; fine, but not equal to the last, very scarce. 691 1809 Barely touched by circulation, stars a little flat, still a fine impression, and, as all collectors know, a very rare cent in such condition as this. See plate. 692 1809 Fine, though not equal to the last, very rare. 693 1809 Good, not quite fine, rare. 694 1810 Only fair, scarce. 695 1812 Fine; stars somewhat flat, and has been a little circulated, but an excellent cent ; scarce. 696 1812 Not equal to the last, still good. 697 1813 Very good ; stars flat, but a good cent ; scarce. 698 1814 Sharp and very fine ; chocolate color, polished, almost proof obverse ; cross on the 4 ; rare. See plate. 699 1814 The other variety ; plain 4 ; barely fair. 700 1816 Red; uncirculated, and a fine impression. 701 1816 Red and uncirc. ; like the last, but not so sharp. 702 1816 Perfect die ; very fine. 703 1816 Similar variety : fine, with polished surface ; some of the stars not sharply struck. 704 1817 Thirteen stars ; red, uncirculated, fine. 705 1817 Uncirculated ; the thirteen starred variety. 706 1817 Uncirculated ; a fine sharp impression. 707 1817 Uncirculated; almost as fine. 708 1817 Fine, distinct, bold impression. A handsome cent. 709 1817 Fifteen stars ; only fair ; scarce. 710 1818 Red, uncirculated, a good impression. 711 1818 Equally fine. 712 1818 Sharp; light bronze, uncirculated. 713 1818 Like the last, equally good. 714 1818 Perfectly uncirculated. 715 1819 Small date ; fine, barely circulated. 716 1819 Large date : fine, a little more circulated, scarce. 717 1819 Small date ; very fine, nearly proof surface. 718 1820 Bright ; uncirculated, sharp impression, scarce. 719 1820 Like the last; bright and uncirculated. 720 1820 Another ; of the same description. 721 1820 Still another ; equally fine. 722 1820 Very sharp ; uncirculated. 723 1821 A proof impression ; stars a little flat, and wreath slightly rubbed by cabinet friction, v. rare. See plate. 32 CENTS. 724 1821 Very good, scarce. 725 1822 Fine ; barely touched by circulation. 726 1823 Original; unusually good, scarce. 727 1823 Uncirculated; restruck before the die was much injured, scarce. 728 1823 Original ; poor, scarce. 729 1824 Good; not much circulated. A rare cent when found fine. 730 1824 Another; of the same quality. 731 1825 Fair. 732 1826 Very fine ; hardly touched by circulation. 733 1826 Good, but has been circulated. 734 1827 Sharp and good, but circulated. 735 1828 Red; sharp, uncirc, and ga:^remgZy rare. See plate. 736 1828 Somewhat circulated, still good. 737 1828 Very good, not fine. 738 1829 Poor. 739 1830 Fine ; sharp impression ; bright, uncirculated, rare. Any of the cents after 1820, and before 1835, if in this condition, readily command from !$10.00 to $15.00, a't which latter price Mr. Steigerwalt quotes 1826, '28, '29, '31, and 120.00 for 1832. 740 1830 Fine; stars flat, and a little circulated. 741 1830 A trifle better than the last. 742 1831 Bold impression; a little worn, still very good. 743 1831 A trifle better than the last. 743a 1832 Andrews variety. No. 2 ; uncirculated, very rare. Cost Mr. Randall $15. See plate. 7436 1832 Andrews variety, No. 3 ; uncirc, very rare ; as fine and rare as the last. Cost the same sum. See plate. 744 1832 Bold, fine impression ; barely circulated ; in this condition rare. 745 1834 Good impression, barely circulated. 746 1835 Only fair. 747 1836 Plain hair string; fine impression; not perfectly uncirculated, though scarcely less. 748 1836 Different; fine. 749 1837 Beaded hair string; nearly uncirculated. 750 1838 Barely circulated, but stars flat. 751 1838 Finer than the last. 752 1839 Head of 1838; ver^/^ooc?. CENTS. 33 753 1889 Silly hearl ; barely circulated ; fine, scarce. 754 1839 Head of 1840 ; fair. 755 1840 Large and small date; poor. 2 pieces. 756 1841 Very good ; but little circulated. 756a 1841 Small date ; fine. 757 1842 Small date ; very good ; about fine. 758 1842 Larger date ; very good or about fine. 759 1848 Date directly under the bust; good, scarce. 760 1848 Date more to the left; very good but not quite fine. 761 1844 Barely fair. 2 pieces. 762 1844 Very good. 763 1845 Fair. 2 pieces. 764 1846 Good. 2 pieces. 765 1847 Red; uncirculated, sharp and fine. 765a 1848 Fine chocolate proof; very rare. 766 1848 Fair. 2 pieces. 767 1849 Only fair. 768 1850 Bright red ; uncirculated. 769 1850 Another; of the same quality. 770 18')0 Finer than the last; obv. surface nearly proof. 771 1850 Same quality ; red, uncirculated. 772 1851 Very good. 2 pieces. 773 1852 Uncirculated; a fine impression. 774 1862 Equally good. 775 1852 Finer surface; almost like proof; stars not so well struck up. 776 1853 Red ; uncirculated. 777 1853 Equally fine. 778 1854 Fine and good. 2 pieces. 778a 1855 Very fine. Reverse has nearly proof surface. 779 1855 Fair. 2 pieces. 780 1856 Red ; uncirculated. 781 1856 Of the same quality. 781a 1857 Small date ; uncirculated; portions red. 782 1857 Small date ; good and rare. 783 1857 Small date ; good, scarce. 784 1857 Duplicate; good, scarce. 784a 18o7 Large date ; bronze color; fine. 785 1857 Large date ; good, scarce. 34 HALF CENTS. 786 1857 Duplicate ; good, scarce. 787 1857 Another ; good, scarce. 788 1857 'Large date. Good lot ; scarce. 3 pes. HALF CENTS. 789 1793 Very good, scarce. 790 1794 Fine or uncirculated, scarce. 791 1795 Thick planchet, lettered edge ; barely circulated, scarce. 792 1795 Thick planchet, plain edge ; fine, rare. 793 1795 Thin planchet ; fine, barely circulated, scarce. 794 1796 Very good. Obv. is fine, rev. not so good ; exces- sively rare. See plate. 795 1797 Fine, scarce. 796 1800 Smooth planchet ; uncir., scarce like this. 797 1802 Fine for this date, rare. 798 1803 Very good, about fine. 799 1804 Fine. 800 1805 Very fine, smooth surface, retains part of the original copper red, rare. 801 1806 Fine. 802 1807 Very fine, scarce. 803 1808 Barely fair. . 804 1809 Fine. 805 1809 Another about the same. 806 1828 Thirteen stars. Sharp; uncirculated, nearly proof surface. 807 1828 Twelve stars ; of the same quality, rare. I think this piece was struck proof. 808 1829 Fine or uncirculated. 809 1832 Perfectly uncirculated and a very fine impression. 810 1833 About as fine in every respect. 811 1833 Another of the same quality. 812 1834 Fine. 813 1834 Fair. 814 1835 Sharp ; fine and uncirculated. 815 1849 Large date; good. 816 1850 Fine. HALF CENTS — ?*[IN()U COINAGES. 36 817 1851 Fine, uncirculated. 817a 1853 Fine, scarce. 818 1853 Very poor, a scarce variety. 819 1854 Red, uncirculated. 820 1855 Red, uncirculated, scarce. 821 1855 As fine as the last, scarce. 822 1855 Equally fine, red, uncirculated. 2 pes. 828 1856 Splendid proof, rare. 824 1857 Red, uncirculated, scarce. 825 1857 Red, uncirculated, scarce. MINOR COINAGES. 82(3 1856 Nickel Cent. To the left of the date a minute perforation, the size of a small pin and scarcely per- ceptible : proof, veri/ rare. 827 1856 Nickel Cent ; considerably circulated, rare. 828 1857 Nickel Cent ; purple proof, scarce. 829 1857 Nickel Cent ; uncirculated, scarce. 880 1857 J^ickel Cent ; equally fine. 831 1858 Nickel Cent; proof, scarce. 832 1859 Nickel Cent ; brilliant proof. 833 1859 Nickel Cent: brilliant proof. 834 1860 Nickel Cent ; brilliant proof. 885 1861 Nickel Cent; uncirculated. 2 pes. 836 1862 Nickel Cent ; brilliant proof. 837 1862 Nickel Cent ;• brilliant proof. 838 1863 Nickel Cent ; brilliant proof. 839 1863 Nickel Cent; brilliant proof. 840 1864 Nickel Cent ; purple proof, scarce. 841 1864 Two Cents ; splendid proof. 842 1864 Two Cents ; red, uncirculated. 2 pes. 843 1865 Two Cents ; uncirculated. 844 1865 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. 845 1866 Two Cents ; brilliant proof. 846 1866 Nickel Five Cents. With rays ; proof, scarce. 847 1866 Nickel Three Cents, fine, and Bronze Cent, proof. 2 pieces. 848 1867 Nickel Five Cents. With rays; proof, rare. 36 MINOR COINAGES. 849 1867 Nickel Five Cents. Without rays : rare. 860 1867 Nickel Three Cents ; tine. 851 1868 Nickel Five Cents; brilliant proof. 852 1869 Bronze Two Cents ; proof. 852a 1869 Nickel Five and Three Cents : both tine. 2 pes. 853 1870 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 854 1870 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. 855 1871 Nickel Five Cents ; brilliant proof. 856 1871 Bronze Two Cents ; brilliant proof. 857 1871 Nickel Three Cents ; uncirculated. 858 1871 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. 859 1872 Nickel Five Cents; brilliant proof. 860 1872 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 861 1872 Bronze Two Cents; brilliant proof. 862 1872 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. 863 1873 Nickel Five Cents; brilliant proof. 864 1873 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 865 1873 Bronze Two Cents ; brilliant proof, rare. 866 1873 Bronze Two Cents ; brilliant proof ; rare. 867 1873 Bronze Cent ; scarce. 868 1874 Nickel Five Cents ; proof. • 869 1874 Nickel Three Cents ; proof. 870 1874 Bronze Cent ; splendid proof. 871 1875 Nickel Five Cents ; brilliant proof. 872 1875 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 873 1875 Bronze Cent; brilliant proof. 874 1877 Bronze Cent; brilliant proof, rare. 875 1877 Bronze Cent ; circulated, rare. 876 1878 Bronze Cent; brilliant proof. 877 1879 Nickel Five Cents ; brilliant proof. 878 1879 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 879 1879 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. 880 1880 Nickel Five Cents ; brilliant proof. 881 1880 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 882 1880 Copper Cent ; brilliant proof. 883 1880 Duplicate. 884 1881 Nickel Five Cents; brilliant proof. 885 1881 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 886 1881 Bronze Cent; brilliant proof. 887 1882 Nickel Five Cents; proof. MINOR COINAGES, ETC. 37 888 1882 Nickel Five Cents; splendid proof. 889 1882 Nickel Three Cents ; splendid proof. 890 1882 Bronze Cent; splendid proof. 891 1883 Nickel Five Cents. The old style, first issue for the year ; splendid proof. 892 1883 Nickel Five Cents. Second issue, wants the word cents ; splendid proof, scarce. 893 1883 Nickel Five Cents. Third issue ; splendid proof. 894 1883 Nickel Three Cents ; splendid proof. 895 1883 Bronze Cent ; splendid proof. 896 1884 Nickel Five Cents ; brilliant proof. 897 1884 Nickel Three Cents ; brilliant proof. 898 1884 Bronze Cent ; brilliant proof. GOLD COINS. EAGLES. 899 1795 Reverse, small eagle standing, holding an olive wreath ; very fine indeed, rev. nearly proof, rare. 900 1796 Splendid impression ; nearly or quite proof, rare. 901 1797 Sixteen stars, six facing ; fine, scarce. 902 1799 Randall 3 ; very fine indeed, scarce. 903 1800 Large stars ; fine, rar?. 904 1801 Sharp impression ; fine, rare. 905 1801 A variety ; very good, scarce. 906 1803 Fine, scarce. 907 1803 Reverse has smaller stars; fine, scarce. 908 1804 Very fine, extremely rare. HALF EAGLES. 909 1795 Small eagle reverse. First date of the coinage ; very fine, rare. 910 1795 Fine, scarce. 911 1796 Very fine and extremely rare. • 912 1797 Sixteen stars; rev., small eagle; nearly proof, excessively rare. 913 1798 Small, close date; very fine, scarce. 914 1799 Fine, rare. 915 1800 Sharp; almost proof, scarce. 38 GOLD COINS, ETC. 916 1802 Die altered from 1801, the figure 1 showing quite phiinly ; fine and a sharp impression, scarce. 917 1803 Fine and sliarp, scarce. 918 1804 Sharp; brilliant, a proof impression, rare. 919 1805 First and last figures in the date touch the bust; very fine, scarce. 920 1806 Different; fine. 921 1806 Pointed 6. Five stars facing ; good, scarce. 922 1806 Blunt 6. Sharp impression ; very fine, scarce. 923 1807 Liberty head facing right ; fine, scarce. 924 1807 Liberty facing left ; rev., eagle with shield; fine and sharp, scarce. 925 1808 Very fine. 926 1809 Sharp impression ; brilliant. 927 1810 Large date. Sharp ; brilliant. 928 1810 Small date ; very fine. 929 1811 Sharp impression ; fine. 930 1812 Sharp; brilliant, scarce. 931 1813 Very fine, scarce. 932 1814 Sharp and perfect; rare. TRREE DOLLAR PIECES. 933 1863 Fine and very scarce. 934 1863 Of the same quality, scarce. 935 1873 Fine, scarce. 936 1877 Brilliant proof, very scarce. 937 1878 Fine, uncirculated. 938 1880 Brilliant proof. 939 1881 Brilliant proof, rare. Only 500 struck. 940 1882 Brilliant proof, rare. Issue very small. 941 1884 Brilliant proof, rare. QUARTER EAGLES. 942 1796 With stars. With possibly a single exception, I know of none finer than this. Slight drift marks show in the planchet, but it is a si)lendid piece ; in })roof condition, the rarest of the quarter eagles and one of the very rarest of the gold series. 943 1802 Sharp impression ; fine, scarce. QUARTER EACiLES, ETO. 39 944 1804 Very fine indeed, scarce. 945 1805 Equally good impression and in better condition ; scarce. 946 1806 Six stars facing; fine and excessively rare. In the McCoy Sale the five-starred variety brought 190, and in the first Randall Sale $40. 947 1807 Ver}^ fine indeed, nearly proof impression, scarce. 948 1808 Head to left ; very fine and scarce. 949 1830 Sharp impression ; fine, scarce. 950 1831 Proof, mrg. 951 1831 Different die ; nearl}' equal to the last, scarce. 952 1834 The new type; very fine and sharp. 953 1867 Splendid proof, rare. But few proofs struck. 954 1879 Brilliant proof, rare. 955 1884 Brilliant proof, rare. Issue very small; the entire number, including proofs, only 1993 pieces. PIONEER GOLD COINS, MONEY OF NECESSITY, ETC. 956 1851 Slug or -iiSO piece. Octagon ; obv., an eagle standing by a shield ; '•'• United States of America Fifty dolls." ; rev. covered with lathe work. This rare piece is in fine condition, though slightly bruised on the edge. A few years ago the coin was occasion- all}' met with in circulation, but like all the pioneer gold it has become very rare. • 957 1853 Double Eagle or Twenty Dollar piece ; obv., ea- gle, shield, etc., similar to the last ; rev., covered with lathe work, and inscribed in four lines across the centre, " United States Assay Office of Gold, San Francisco, California, 1853 " ; very fine, barely circu- lated, rare. 958 1852 Ten Dollars. Same design as the preceding ; fine, rare. 959 1860 Ten Dollars. Standing eagle ; Clark, Gruber & Co. ; rev., a mountain, '•'• Pike's Peak Gold, Denver, Ten D. " ; fine, barely circulated, rare. 960 1849 Five Dollars A beaver walking to the right ; -K. M. T. A. W. R. G. S. T. O.''; rev., "Oregon Exchange Co., 130 G, Native Gold, 5 D." ; good, though not ^uite fine, rare. 40 PIONEER GOLD COINS, ETC. 961 1849 Half Eagle. Eagle standing, with arrows and olive branch ; '' California Gold without alloy " ; rev., "Full weight of half eagle," " N. G. cfe^N., San Francisco, 1849 " ; uncirculated, rare. 962 1849 Half Eagle. Obverse resembles the mint type ; the head of Libert}^ is inscribed " Moffat & Co. " ; rev., eagle and shield, "S. M. V., California Gold, Five Dol." ; fine, rare. 963 1849 Five Dollars. Hands clasped, " C. S. L. C. P. G. Five dollars " ; rev., an eye and a bishop's cap, " Ho- liness to the Lord " ; good, rare. A Mormon issue. 964 1849 Quarter Eagle. Same type as the last ; good and equally rare. 965 1850 Half Eagle. Design like the two preceding, but much finer than either, the hat and eye surrounded by circle of stars ; fine, and the date far rarer than 1849. 966 1860 Half Eagle. Mormon coinage, " Deseret Assay Office, Pure Gold." An eagle standing behind a bee- hive ; rev, a lion couchant, surrounded by an inscrip- tion in the sacred cypher of Joe Smith, date below ; perfect or uncirculated, extremely rare. 967 1860 Half Eagle. Head of Liberty inscribed " Clark & Co." ; rev., eagle standing, " Pike's Peak Gold, Den- ver " ; very fine, scarce. 968 1853 Half Dollar. Standing eagle, "California Gold Half dollar"; rev., female seated, on a panel sur- rounded by stars ; of full weight and purity and extremely rare. Used as currency. 969 1858 Half Dollar.* Head of Liberty ; rev., eagle sur- rounded by rays, "• California Gold 50 cents." Octa- gon ; full weight, very rare. 970 1854 Half Dollar. Octagon. Old and of full weight, bears the letters F. D. in the die ; proof, rare. 971 1870 Half Dollar. Head of Liberty surrounded by stars, G below the head. Octagon ; proof, original, rare. 972 1853 Eighth Doubloon of Mexico. Eagle on a prickly pear ; rev.. Liberty pole, cap, and book, supported by a right hand ; fine. 973 1741 Dollar, or Sixteenth Doubloon of Portugal. Cross with crosses in the angles ; " In hoc signo vihces " ; rev., Joan V in a wreath, and below a crown. COINS OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, ETC. 41 COINS OF QUEEN ELIZABETH. 1»74 Double Rial. The queen seated on her throne, a port- cullis at her feet ; rev., a double rose, shield of arms displayed on the centre. A magnificent coin of great size and in uncirculated condition, extremely rare. 975 Crown. The queen crowned, and holding a sceptre ; rev., arms ; fine, rare. 976 15(1)2 Milled Sixpence. Crowned bust, open rose behind the head ; rev., floriated cross with arms. 977 1570 Sixpence. Same type as the last ; about fine. MINOR PROOF SETS. 978 1864 Nickel Cent and Bronze Two Cents ; uncirculated. 2 pieces. 979 1865 One and Two Cents, the latter discolored, still a fine proof. 2 pieces. 980 1866 One, Two, Three, and B'ive Cents ; brilliant proofs ; the 5 cent piece without rays, a rare pattern. 4 pieces. 981 1867 Two and Five Cents, brilliant proofs; Three Cents, brilliant, uncirculated. The five cents with rays is very rare, and one without rays. 4 pes. 982 1 868 One, Two, Three, and Five Cents ; brilliant proofs. 4 pieces. 9S3 1869 One, Two, Three, and Five Cents ; brilliant proofs. 4 pieces. 984 1870 One Cent, brilliant pioof, and Two Cents, uncir- culated. 2 pieces. 985 1871 One, Two, Three, and Five Cents ; brilliant proofs. 4 pieces. 986 1872 One, Two, Three, and Five Cents ; brilliant proofs, rare. 4 pieces. 987 1872 Duplicate set ; brilliant, rare. 4 pes. 988* 1872 Another set of the same quality, rare. 4 pes. 989 1873 Cent, uncirculated. Two Cents, brilliant proof, rare. 2 pieces. 990 1873 Two Cents ; fine proof, rare. 42 MINOR PKOOF SETS. 991 1874 Brilliant Proof set. One, Three, and Five Cents ; scarce. 3 pieces. 992 1875 Fine proof set. 3 pes. 993 1876 Fine proof set ; scarce. 3 pes. 994 1877 Bronze Cent; splendid proof, rare, 995 1877 Bronze Cent; splendid proof, rare. 996 1878 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 997 1878 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 998 1878 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 999 1878 Splendid proofs. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1000 1878 Splendid proofs. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1001 1879 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1002 1879 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1003 1879 Splendid proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1004 1879 Splendid proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1005 1879 Splendid proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1006 1880 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1007 1880 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1008 1880 Splendid proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1009 1880 Splendid proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1010 1880 Splendid proofs. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1011 1881 Splendid proofs, scarce. 3 pes. 1012 1881 Splendid proofs, scarce. 3 pes. 1013 1881 Splendid proofs, scarce. 3 pes. 1014 1881 Splendid proofs, scarce. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1015 1881 Splendid proofs, scarce. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1016 1882 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1017 1882 Splendid proofs. 3 pes. 1018 1882 Splendid proofs. 3 sets. 9 pes. 1019 1883 Splendid proofs. 5 cents of the old type. 3 pes. 1020 1883 Another set ; splendid proofs, same issue. 3 pes. 1021 1883 Another set ; the same. 3 pes. 1022 1883 The second issue. Nickel 5 lacks the words cents. First and second of the fives. 4 pes. 1023 1883 Three fives, all different ; splendid proofs. 5 pes. 1024 1883 Another set, same variety. 5 pes. 1025 1883 Two full sets, the same. 10 pes. 1026 1883 Three sets, duplicates. 15 pes. 1027 1884 Brilliant proofs. 3 pes. 1028 1884 Brilliant proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. PROOF SETS. 43 1029 1884 IJiilliaut proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1030 1884 Brilliant proofs. 2 sets. 6 pes. 1031 1885 Brilliant proofs. 3 pes. % PROOF SETS. All the following; Proof Sets are as received from the mint, and are of course,brilliant pr(jofs, though some i)ieces are beginning to take on an oxidized surface, which is no blemish to a proof. 1032 1857 Dollar, Half, Half Dime ; fine proofs. Quarter, Dime, Half Dime, Silver Three Cents, and Nickel Cent ; uncirculated. All the proofs are 7'are. 7 pes. 1033 1858 With Nickel Cent ; brilliant proofs. The dollar is excessively rare, as collectors know. 1034 1864 Brilliant proof set, with all the minor proofs, including nickel and bronze cents. The set has become vert/ rare. 9 pes. 1035 1864 Brilliant proof set. Duplicate of the last. 9 pes 1036 1870 Brilliant proof set. 10 pes. 1037 1873 Brilliant proof set ; Standard Dollar set. Half, Quarter, and Dime, with arrow points to right and left of the date ; contains all the minor coins ; also the Silver Three and Five, which are rare. 10 pes. 1038 1873 Trade Dollar proof set, with the minor coins, silver Half Dime and Three Cent piece added. All the latter rare. 10 pes. 1039 1873 Brilliant proof set. Trade Dollar, with all the minor coins, including the Silver Three and Five, the issue of which, as well as the Two Cent piece, ceased this year. 1040 1875 Brilliant proof set, the Twenty cent piece uncir- culated, not proof. 8 pes. 1041 1878 Brilliant proof set, including the Twenty cent piece, which is rare ; also both dollars. 9 pes. 1042 1878 Brilliant proof set. Duplicate. Complete like the last. 9 pes. 1043 1879 Brilliant proof set, with both dollars ; perfect. 8 pieces. 1044 1879 Brilliant proof set. Duplicate; perfect like the last. 8 pes. 1045 1880 Brilliant proof set, both dollars. 8 pes. 1046 1880 Brilliant proof set. Duplicate. 8 pes. 44 mOOF SETS, ETC. 1047 1881 Brilliant proof s(t. Both Dollars. 8 pes. 1048 1881 Brilliant proof set. Both Dollars. 8 pes. 1049 1882 Brilliant proof set. Both Dollars. 8 pes. 1050 1882 Brilliant proof set. Both Dollars. 8 pes. 1051 1883 Brilliant proof set. Both Dollars and three Three Cent pieees. 10 pes. 1052 1883 Brilliant proof set, like the last ; perfeet. 10 pes 1053 1884 Brilliant proof set. Trade Dollar, negleeted. None yet issued to favorite eolleetors, and? none yet offered by the regular mint peddlers. 7 pes. 1054 1884 Brilliant proof set ; like the last. 7 pes. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. 1055 1652 Pine-tree Shilling. Large, well-spread planchet, but a little elipped. Fine impression ; a good coin. 1056 1652 Oak-tree Shilling. A little bruised, of large size and a fair example ; rare. 1057 1652 Pine-tree Sixpence. Very good and not clipped, though the reverse did not take the full impression of the die. Fine, scarce. 1058 1654 Copper coin. Struck for circulation in Spain at the period. Used in America as well. The counter- marks — VI, VII, XII, etc — have caused much speculation, on acaount of their resemblance to the earl}^ N. E. shillings and sixpences. Of rude coinage, but a fine specimen, and rare. 1059 Another of the same class, but differently counter- marked, and of double thickness. 1060 Others of similar origin, yet different. 2 pes. 1061 1607 Quarter Crown. Bust of Louis XIV ; rev., Arms of France crowned. Gloriam Regni Tvi Dieent. For particulars concerning this coin, reference is made to an interesting note under No. 460 in Mr. Frossard's sale of Oct. 16, 1883. For further infor- mation see Prof. Anthon in American Journal of Numismatics, and R. W. McLaehlan, Montreal, in the same work. At the date named above, Mr. Frossard offered a specimen of this coin for sale, in fine condition, at a limit of .1<325.00. The present example, of undoubted genuineness, was in a well known New York collection for many years before Prof. Anthon wrote his account of the coin. It is AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. 45 in very good or fine condition ; nnblemished except by slight, ordinary wedv, and every portion distinct and bold. It is, without doubt, the first one known in this country, and it is also quite certain that no more than two others are known here, and two in France, — five in all. It is now offered for positive sale without the least reserve. See plate for reverse. 1062 1694 Carolina Elephant Piece. "God preserve Caro- lina and the Lords Proprietors, 1694." A large elephant walking left, no inscription ; copper, thin planchet of unquestioned genuineness. The inscrip- tion on the reverse slightly indistinct in the centre, the part opposite on the body of the elephant, the planchet not being thick enough to give the full relief of both dies. Uncommonly good and an ex- cessively rare coin. It has scarcely been offered in sales since the discovery of the celebrated Bache collection, which contained no less than three speci- mens. See plate. 1063 1700 Vox Populi Half Penny. Circulated South in Colonial daj^s. Very scarce. 1064 1783 The Bit or Bill, or piece of 100 units. Unique pattern coin of the United States. An eye on a plain field within a glory or sun of thirteen points ; between the points thirteen stars forming a circle; legend, '•' nova constellatio " ; rev., a wreath of olive leaves enclosing the letters U. S. and the fig- ures 100; legend, " lip.ertas justitia, 1783." Size 11 ; weight 27 grains or nearly. The edge of the coin ornamented with leaf-work. This coin was offered for sale in the Addenda to my sale No. 73 and was limited to a starting bid of -$550.00, for want of Avhich it was withdrawn. It is 7iow offered^ with- out limits for positive sale. I have declined an ac- tual cash offer of $300.00 from a dealer, and a condi- tional offer of $400.00 from a collector. A much fuller account of the piece may be found in the Addenda referred to, a copy of which will be sent free on application. The obverse of the piece is illustrated in my ('atalogue No. 73, and the reverse is illustrated in this Catalogue, copies of which, with one or more plates, will be forwarded on receipt of order, for 35 cents. 1064a 1785 Immune Columbia. Columbia seated supporting the pole and Liberty cap, and holding the scales in her left hand ; rev., a sun surrounded by stars and 46 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. having an eye in the centre ; " Nova Constellatio." This piece is very fine, barely circulated condition, a trifling crack in the edge scarcely marring it in any respect, the result of striking ; extremely rare. See plate. 1065 1767 Colonies Fran^-oises. The so-called Louisiana Cent. Crossed sceptres; rev., countermarked R.F. ; very good, scarce. 1066 1781 North American Token : rev., a ship ; good. .1067 1783 Annapolis Shilling. Private issue by I. Chal- mers ; very fine and rare. 1068 1783 Chalmers' Annapolis Sixpence ; not as good as the last, but very much rarer. 1069 1790 Standish Barry Threepence or Baltimore town- piece. Bust to left, '' Baltimore town, July 4, 90"' ; rev., Standish Barry, and denomination across the centre ; fine and of extreme rarity. 1070 1783 Nova Constellatio ; the sun with an eye in the centre, ■ surrounded b}^ a constellation of thirteen stars ; the latter between the rays which are club- shaped or blunt pointed. "Nova Constellatio." Copper, very fine indeed or uncir., rare. 1071 1785 Nova Constelatio. Constellatio spelled with one L; copper, fine, but not nearly equal to the last. 1072 1786 Vermont Cent. Sun rising over a mountain on which are seven trees ; plough in the foreground ; fine, rare. 1073 1787 Massachusetts Cent; fair. 1074 1787 Massachusetts Half Cent ; fair, scarce. 1075 1787 Connecticut Cent. " Auctori Conn/c " ; fine and very scarce. 1076 1787 Connecticut Cent. " Auctopi Connec." Legend in large letters, no punctuation between et and lib. ; fair, scarce. 1077 1787 Connecticut Cent. " Inde et " to left of God- dess ; fair, scarce. 1078 1787 Auctori Plebis. Head to left ; rev., female seated leaning on an anchor, " Indep et Liber " ; copper, fine and rare. 1079 1787 Connecticut Cent. Horned bust and attenuated goddess ; fair, scarce. 1080 1787 Small bust and small goddess, planchet unusually small ; fair, scarce. AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. 47 1081 1787 New York Cent. Goddess facing left ; very good, scarce. 1082 1787 New York Cent. Same variety; better than the last, scarce. 1083 1787 New Jersey Cent. Narrow shield and long, slen- der plongh ; very good, scarce. 1081 1787 Shorter plough, horse's head short, small shield with branches below ; fine. 1085 1787 New Jersey Cent. Small plough and band below the horse's head, planchet of small size ; uncircu- lated, rare. 1086 1787 New Jersey Cent. Large planchet, long horse's head ; rev. with small shield ; very good or nearly fine. 1087 1787 Fugio or Franklin Cent. Original ; fine, but barely circulated. 1088 1787 Fugio ; silver, restruck from a pair of original dies discovered many years ago in New Haven. The dies are now in possession of t-he writer. 1089 Franklin Cent ; bronze, perfect, struck from the same dies. 1090 1787 Fugio ; from the same dies; perfect or proof. 1091 1787 Fugio. Duplicate of the last. 1092 1787 New Jersey Cent ; barely fair, scarce. 1093 1788 Vermont Cent. Small head ; ordinary. 1094 1788 Mass. Cent ; fair. 1095 1792 Martha Washington Half Disme. Fine bust with date below ; rev., a small flying eagle ; in beautiful condition and barely circulated, a minute perforation through the legend, but so placed as not to destroy any letter ; a rare and very desirable coin. 1096 1789 Mott's Jeweller's Token. Said to be the first American Store Card issued. Original ; good and scarce. 1097 1794 Talbot, Allum & Lee Store Card. " Liberty and Commerce " ; rev., ship sailing right. Edge lettered, " We promise to pay the bearer one cent." Original ; copper, proof, rare. 1098 1794 Talbot, Allum & Lee. New York above the ship. Edge lettered '' Payable at," etc. Original ; fine. 1099 1794 The same, but from another die. Original ; fine, scarce. 48 AMERICAN COLONIAL AND STATE COINS. 1100 1794 Franklin Press Halfpenny. Representation of the press at which Franklin worked in London. This press is now in Boston. " Sic Oritur Doctrina Surgetque Libertas." Uncirculated, rare. 1101 1794 The same on planchet a trifle thicker; equally fine. 1102 1794 Unique Franklin Boston piece; obv. like the last ; rev., the monogram of the East India Co. On a planchet of double thickness ; of cotemporary period, and the only one known ; good, a most inter- esting example. 1103 Bar Cent. Believed by the former owner to be gen- uine ; not the ordinary Bolen counterfeit. 1104 Kentucky Cent. Hand with scroll ; rev., triangle of stars, " Our cause is just " ; copper, fine, scarce. SOxMEFINE OR SCARCE MEDALS. ARTISTS AND DISTINGUISHED MEN. )^. 1105 Michael Angelo Buonarotti. A noble bust; rev., a torso with implements of art. A beautiful bronze medal by Herard ; fine proof impression. 32. 1106 Annibale Caracci. Bust to left ; rev., a Madonna ; lead, fine. 34. 1107 Albert Durer ; rev., angel supporting a tablet; old bronze cast. 33. 1108 Carvalho, Marquis de Pombal, eminent Portuguese Statesman ; rev., a group ; to the left a queen ; to the right Hercules or it may be Esculapius approach- ino; her bearino' a large club and a choice assortment of snakes of different sizes ; tin, fine. 31. 1109 Rubens, Peter Paul, most distinguished Painter ; rev., commemorates the erection of a monument to his memorj^ ; tin, nearly proof. 30. 1110 Reinhold, Charles Leonard. Philosopher and Writer. Bust ; rev., inscription. Tin medal of the period of 1794, as shown by the inserted copper plug ; fine, scarce. 31. 1111 Ridolpho Conegrano. Fine bust wearing an Order chain ; rev., a tomb surmounted by a vase of flowers, the sun appearing just above at the right, " Mors Hiuc et Vita " ; old bronze cast, fine. 31. SOME FINE OK SCARCE MEDALS. 49 J ) 1112 Leopold Frederick, Duke of Anhalt. Handsome bust; /^ O rev., coronation. Splendid bronze medal. 28. 1113 Laura M. C. Bassi. At the age of twenty-one years she was appointed to the professorship of philosophy, having first received the title of Doctor in her native city, Bologna. Handsome laureated bust in high relief; rev., allegorical group ; true bronze, rare. 43. (^'^\\\\ Gustavus III, King of Sweden ; rev., long inscription relating to his controversy with the nobles, whom he humbled and subdued ; bronze proof. 40. 1115 Gustavus III. Bust ; rev., a tomb ; coppered tin cast, fine. 34. 1116 Sforza, Galeaz. Maria, Duke of Milan. Bust and in- scription ; rev., plain. Ancient medal in true bronze. 5 5^1117 Bismarck. Bust with helmet; rev., female figure seated, holding sword and olive branch, caduceus to the right. Bronze proof. 28. J»(5 1118 Charles I. Bust ; rev., hand from a cloud supporting a radiant crown. Coronation Medal ; copper, nearly proof. 32. 1119 George III. Laureated bast facing right ; rev., female holding steelyards, date 15 Nov. 1798 ; copper proof. 32. 1120 Pet. Jac. Martel, Italian Poet and Dramatist. Fine bust facing left ; rev., oak wreath with harmonica in the centre ; a fine old cast in true bronze. 48. 1121 Metastasio, Visconti, and Pinellio. Portraits of three eminent Romans ; rev., inscription ; bronze, fine, edge slightly bruised. 31. 1122 Gustavus III, King of Sweden. Memorial Medal of his murder by Count Ankarstrom at a masquerade ball. Bust ; rev., an altar crowned and draped with flowers; silver, thick planchet, fine. 18. 1123 Gregory XVI. Bust in tiara to right; rev.. Peace and Religion standing. Fine medal by Girometti; silver, and in excellent condition. 27. 1 124 Fine bust to right, " Flavins, S. R. E. Card. Chisivs " ; rev., two figures standing ; one with a sword, and the other holding the sun, "■ Jvstitiae et Veritati." Orioinal medal in true bronze of 1680. 37. 1125 Draped bust to right. ''Johannes Conduitt. Rei Mo- net. Praef." ; rev., four figures ; three standing, one seated. Dies by Tanner; bronze, fine. 36. 50 SOME FINE OR SCARCE MEDALS. 11'26 Caidinal Coiisalvi. Bust to left; rev., Minerva stand- ing, holding a rudder; to her left an altar surrounded by a serpent and supporting an owl; bronze, fine. 32. 1127 Medallion. The nymph Daphne undergoing trans- formation into a laurel tree at the hands of Apollo, who appears, carrying his bow, at the left. A curi- ous old medieval composition ; true bronze, fine and rare. 38. 1128 Iffland, a celebrated German Actor and Dramatist. Bust ; rev., flowers, harp, emblems of the stage, and an inscription in twelve lines ; silver, fine. 28. 3 & 1129 Vaucanson, celebrated French Mechanician and maker of automata ; bronze, fine. 26. J<> 1130 Suffren, French Naval Commander. This medal pos- sesses an interest to Americans, as Suffren accom- panied Count d'Estaing's expedition here in 1778. Fine bust ; rev., inscription ; bronze. 26. "f ^$ 1131 Banks, Sir Joseph. Fine bust to right ; rev., an en- wreathed book and a flower. Beautiful bronze medal by Wyon ; fine as proof. 26. 1132 National Medal to William Washington for the battle of Cowpens ; bronze, fine. 28. 1133 Monneron Brothers' Medal of Five Sols, 1792; bronze proof, scarce in this condition. 24. 1134 Henry Clay. Naked bust facing right; rev., hand resting on a scroll, supported by a rock inscribed " Constitution." Original bronze proof in original velvet-lined case. Dies by Wright. This medal is now rare. 48. 1135 Centennial Medal. Female kneeling, "These United States," etc. ; rev., group of females, one of whom seems to be in the blacksmithing business ; bronze, fine. 36. 1136 Centennial Medal. Kneeling female, same as last; rev., inscription ; bronze, fine. 24. 1137 Beautiful fire-gilt silver medal, the gift of Mr. Aufresne at the Musical Concourse June 5, 1870 ; rev., a shield crowned between branches of oak and olive ; splendid proof. 32. 1138 Medal of the Centennial of the battle of Lexington, April, 1875. Continental soldier, etc., "What a glorious morning for America " ; silver, proof, rare. 24. SOME FINE OR SCARCE MEDALS. 51 1139 Medals of the Long Island Jockey Club for 1880 and 1883. Members' passes, not transferable ; tin, oval, with ring. 21 x 24. 2 pes. 1140 Memorial Medal. Landing of the Pilgrims; bronze, fine. 24. )^1141 George Calvert, first Lord of Baltimore. Plrst Semi- centennial of the foundation of Baltimore ; bronze proof. 20. -*.^<71142 Centennial Medal of the City of Middletown, Conn. Portrait of the first Mayor, Jabez Hamlin ; rev., seal of the city ; tin, proof. 24. 1143 Medal of the Southern Exposition at Louisville, Ky., 1883; tin proof. 28. 91144 Governor Wm. A. Buckingham of Connecticut. Un- veiling of his statue in 1884 ; tin proof. 22. 1145 Medal of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Warner ; tin proof. 21. 1146 Henry IV and Louis XVIII. Busts jugata ; bronze, fine. 21. 1147 Medal of the American Institute; copper proof. 17. 1148 The same ; brass proof, scarce. 17. 1149 French Medal. " Honor to the Mother of our Henry." (Fr.) ; rev., a family at table, "■ II Nous Rendra la Poule au Pot " ; bronze, very fine. 26. 1150 Victoria and Albert ; rev.. Key's Card ; brass pr'f. 18. 1151 Bust of Kossuth, three-quarters face to the right ; rev., small head of Bolivar. One of only two struck at Waterbury, Conn., many years ago, and I have seen no other of Bolivar from the same die ; cop. pr'f. 18. 1152 Medal of the N. Y. State Agricultural Society ; bronze proof. 19. 1153 Head of Liberty ; rev., a blazing sun in an oakw reath, without inscription ; brass, good. 21. I have never seen a duplicate of this piece. 1154 Bust of Bolivar; rev., arms of Peru. Restoration Medal. Ayacucho, 1824 ; bronze, very fine. 20. A FEW GOLD COINS, ETC. 1155 Ancient Roman. Aureus. Bust to right ; rev., seated figure, " Salus " ; fine. 1156 Ancient Roman. Aureus. Nero. Bust ; rev., Jupiter Custos ; very good, rare. 52 A FEW GOLD COINS, ETC. 1157 England. Rose Noble or Rial. Edward VI, 1547-63. A large coin ; fine impression, but cracked in strik- ing, perforation above the head. 1158 Gold Florin. Tuscany. Lily; rev., a saint; consid- erably clipped. 1159 Small, oblong Japanese gold coin about dollar weight; fine. 1160 Duplicate of the last. 1161 1689 William and Mary. Half Crown. Good. Maundy Threepence and Penny of the same reign. Both very fine. 3 pes. 1162 England. Maundy Penny of the Commonweath. Good; scarce. 1163 Charles I. Maundy Threepence and Fourpence ; good. 2 pes. 1164 1644 Charles I. Fourpence. Bust with rose facing; rev., " Rel. Pro. Leg. Aug. Lib. Par." Fine, scarce. 1165 1649 Two-thirds Piece. John George, Grand Duke of Saxony. Bust in armor, holding an immense broad- sword ; fine. PLATE MONEY OF SWEDEN. 1166 Piece of Necessity. 1723. 4 Dalers. The largest piece of this description that I have met with. Thick copper plate stamped with the denomination in the centre ; in each corner in a circle the monogram of the king, " F.R.S." ; a crown above, the date below. Size 91 X 10|; weight over 61bs. lloz. Having been long out of use, these pieces of the large denomina- tion are now rare, even in Sweden. SOME MEDICAL MEDALS. 1167 Ticket of Admission for Dr. Gysbert Van Deventer to the Botanical Garden at Amsterdam. Esculapius standing, with the serpent-entwined rod, a plant to his left ; rev., arms and inscription ; in very high relief and an original issue of the period, 1729; bronze, very scarce. 30. But one other has ap- peared in an American Sale. 1168 Hufeland, Christoph W., Professsor at Jena. Bust ; rev., two angels ministering to the sick ; bronze, ofood. 26. SOME MEDICAL MEDALS, ETC. 53 1169 Vincent de Paul. Established hospitals, etc. Canon- ized by Clement XIII. Bust; bronze, very fine. 26. 1170 Bust of George I ; rev.. Health standing by an altar, in her right hand the rod of Aesculapius, at her feet a serpent; copper, proof. 27. 1171 Astrological Amulet. 1640. " Sigillvm Solis Astron- omica." A lion rampant supporting the sun ; rev., covered with astronomical signs and inscriptions ; ring soldered on for suspension ; silver, good and extremely rare. 22. Relic of the period when as- trology and alchemy were pursued as sciences. 1172 Mexican Eagle standing on a prickly pear and holding a serpent. "Universal Remedy, 1865 " ; rev., "South American Fever and Ague Remedy, etc." A beau- tiful shell card ; silver plated and rare. 24. 1173 " The Baron Spolasco the real friend of the afflicted " : rev., "Eminent Physician, etc." ; brass, fine. 15. 1174 Basil Burchill. " Famous Sugar Plumbs (sic) etc."; copper, about proof. 18. 1175 Duke & Co., San Salvador, C. A. " Fabrica del Aguardiente," 2 reals ; rev., a distillery ; brass, plated, fine. 15. NUMISMATIC MEDALS AND CARDS. 1176 Queen Christina of Sweden. Bust facing right ; rev., an angel with palm branch and olive crown, " Victo- ria Maxima " ; true bronze, fine. 38. 1177 Christina. Laureated bust to left: rev., Minerva seated, holding a Victory ; old silver cast, looks like gold, fine, rare. 21. 1178 Christina, Queen of Sweden. Bust to left; rev., hand from a cloud extending a crown, " Avitam et Avc- tam " ; silver, fine. 26. 1179 Christina. Design like the last, but of smaller size. Style of the antique ; thick, silver, fine. 19. 1180 Chas. C. Wright. Bust facing right; rev., wreath of — - \ oak and laurel, " The Eminent American Medal Die-sinker, Born May 19, 1796, Died June 1, 1857 " ; a splendid bronze medal, extremely rare., proof. 32. I can quote but a single sale. 3^ 1181 Frederick Augustus, King of Saxony. Naked bust to right. Visit to the French Mint, Dec. 1809 ; bronze, proof. 26. 64 NUMISMATIC MEDALS AND CARDS, ETC. ;j,^ 1182 Pope Pius VII. Medal commemorating his visit to the Mint, January, 1805; bronze, proof. 24. J (5 1183 Pope Clement XII. Visit to the Mint, 1755; bronze, proof. 24. -f- ^^ 1184 Eli K. Price. Bust to left. President of the Numis- matic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia; rev., coat of arms ; bronze, proof. 26. 1185 Idler, William. Obv. of 1792 Washington Half Dollar ; copper, proof. 20. 1186 Lovett, Robert, Jr. ; rev., Minerva seated ; to her left a coining press ; copper, proof. 20. 1187 The same. Statue of Stephen Girard ; copper and tin proofs. 19. 2 pes. 1188 1878 Republic of France. Medal of the Mint for the Exposition, 1878. Thick planchet ; silver, fine. 19. 1189 Same ; copper proof. 19. 1190 William J. Mullens. Numismatic Medal ; copper, fine, 21. 1191 Napoleon. Laureated bust facing left ; rev., female seated. Medal of the Bank of France ; fine cast, coppered. 42. 2.^ 1192 Bembo, Cardinal. Bust to right ; bronze, fine. 26. 1193 Whelan. "Coin Dealer, opposite the British Muse- um." The wolf and twins. Halfpenny; fine, scarce. MASONIC AND SOCIETY MEDALS. 1194 Medal of the Lodge of St. Louis, of Martinique. Im- perial eagle standing holding a thunderbolt ; rev.. Masonic emblems, inscription, etc. ; bronze, very fine, nearly proof. 17. 1195 New Masonic Temple, Boston; rev., dedication, etc.; tin, fine. 20. 1196 Medal of a Lodge at Hamm. Struck in commemora- tion of the 25th year of service in the East, of the Worshipful Master, Bro. Edward Mayer; copper; in good order, considering the vicissitudes through which it has passed. For special account of this medal, its condition and circumstances under which it was found, see Marvin, Note 365, p. 208. Bought at the sale of the Marvin Collection, in which it has been known for nearly ten years, and, as no other has since appeared, there is little doubt that it is unique. 28. MASONIC AND SOCIETY MEDALS, ETC. 55 1197 Odd Fellows. Medal of their grand National Celebra- tion, 1869 ; tin, proof, or very fine. 32. 1198 Grand Army of the Republic. Encampment at Lan- caster, Pa., 1884. Arms of Pennsylvania ; rev., represents a war medal ; bronze, poor. 23. 1199 New York. Dedication of the Masonic Temple ; tin, proof. 19. 1200 Order of United American Mechanics. Card of S. H. Smith; bronze, proof. 13. 1201 Masonic Medal. Card of A. D. Wood, Indianapolis. Indian head ; nickel, proof. 12. RARE AND CURIOUS ODDS AND ENDS. 1202 1689 Gun Money. James II. Half Crown ; very good. 1203 1690 Same. Half Crown. Later issue and smaller size ; good. ^ "J 3) lO o '> D lO \ > > r o ( , ■^/, n'um-P&^:'^^m