(b43i IC 28 19U GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES COMPLETELY CHARACTERIZING ALL THE CURVES IN A PLANE ALONG WHICH THE CON- STRAINED MOTION IS SUCH THAT THE PRESSURE IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE NORMAL COMPONENT OF THE ACTING FORCE. BY SARAH ELIZABETH CRONIN f o-ftu-b; ' DNIVSRSXXy Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty OF Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. 1917 GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES COMPLETELY CHARACTERIZING ALL THE CURVES IN A PLANE ALONG WHICH THE CON- STRAINED MOTION IS SUCH THAT THE PRESSURE IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE NORMAL COMPONENT OF THE ACTING FORCE. BY SARAH ELIZABETH CRONIN Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for THE Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Faculty OF Pure Science, Columbia University PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER, PA. 1917 CONTENTS. Introduction. Chapter I. The Differential Equation of the System 1 Chapter II. Geometric Properties of the System , 4 Section 1. Osculating Conies 4 2. Curvature of the Conic determined by Theorem 1 5 3. Second Center of Curvature of the Conic deter- mined by Theorem 1 5 4. Tangents to the Parabola determined by The- orem III 6 5. Center of the Conic determined by Theorem I . . 7 6. Hyperosculating Parabolas 8 7. Inverse Curve 10 8. Circles of Curvature Hyperosculating the Conies determined by Theorem 1 10 9. Mid-point of the Chord of the Inverse Curve cut from the Normal to the Lineal Element 11 10. Osculating Circles having Five-point Contact . . 12 Chapter III. Conversion of the Properties stated in The- orems I-IX 14 Section 1. Conversion of Property 1 14 II 14 III 15 IV 16 V 17 VI 18 VII 20 VIII 21 IX 23 Chapter IV. Complete Characterization 25 Section 1. Relations existing among the Arbitrary Func- iii *\ i'^ y^ i\ (-x ■ - 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. IV CONTENTS. tions entering into the Differential Equation of the System of Curves having Properties I-IX if it is to be of the Special Form given in Chapter 1 25 2. Geometric Interpretations of the Relations of Section 1 27 INTRODUCTION. In his " Differential-Geometric Aspects of Dynamics,"* Kasner gives a set of five geometric properties which completely characterize a system of curves in a plane field of force {(p, yp), along which the constrained motion of a particle is such that the pressure exerted by the particle on the curve is a given multiple of the normal component of the acting force. The defining equation of the system is P = kN, when P is the pres- sure, N the normal component of the force, and k a given con- stant. Denoting the tangential component of the force by T, the equations of motion are where -=T P^-'-N^kN ^IT+Y" VrrP' y" ' If at the initial time to the particle is at the point (ar©, yo) moving in the direction yo' with the speed Vq, the path of the particle is uniquely determined. By varying the initial direc- tion 2/0' and the initial speed Vq, we obtain 00 2 curves of the system through the given point (xo, yo). Since the path of the particle is determined by taking any one of its 00 ^ points as the initial point, the system contains in all 00 ^ curves. The differential equation of the system in intrinsic form, obtained by eliminating v between dv/dt = T and v^jr = (A + l)N, is _ Nr,= {n+l)T-rN, (1) where The equivalent equation in Cartesian coordinates is of the third order and represents, for every value of k, a triply infinite * Princeton Colloquium Lectures, page 91. VI INTRODUCTION. system denoted by Sk- The triply infinite systems of trajectories, brachistochrones, catenaries and velocity curves are but special cases of this more general system, being obtained from it for particular values of k as follows: Sq, the system of trajectories. Si, the system of brachistochrones, Si, the system of catenaries, (Soo, the system of velocity curves. In a given field of force, there are oo^ of these triply infinite systems corresponding to the oo^ values of k. The elimination of k from the differential equation (1) gives the differential equation of the quadruply infinite system obtained by com- bining all the systems Sk in the given field. The intrinsic form of this differential equation is where Nts + rN T 0, It is the purpose of the present paper to obtain a complete characterization of this oo^ system of curves. The differential equation of the system in Cartesian form is obtained in Chapter I. Geometric properties of the system are derived in Chapter II. At any point (x, y) of the plane, there are oo ^ curves of the family having a given direction y' and a given radius of curvature r. If the osculating conic of each of these curves is constructed, the locus of the centers of these conies is a conic passing through the given point in the given direction. Applying this property to the " four special cases of physical interest," Kasner restates it as follows: " In any plane field of force select any fixed element of curvature, corresponding to the initial values x, y, y', r so given, construct the unique trajectory, unique brachistochrone, unique catenary, the unique velocity curve, and the respective centers of the osculating conies; the four centers so formed and the given point {x, y) will lie on a conic passing through the INTRODUCTION. Vll latter point in the given direction y' " The radius of curvature of this conic is r/2. The 00 2 curves of the family at the given point {x, y) in the given direction y' have associated with them oo i of these conies. The centers of these conies lie on a conic passing through the given point, and their second centers of curvature lie on a parab- ola passing through the given point and having its axis parallel to the given direction. The angles (p, + 2/'^)(l + 2/'') ' QP^y' ^P^y' + Pi ^' " (^ - 2/V)(l + y") (^ + 2/'^)(l + 2/") ' {

i conies asso- ciated, by theorem I, with a given lineal element is a conic passing through the given point. The tangent to this conic at the given point makes with the given direction an angle whose tangent is equal to the sine of twice the angle the acting force makes with the given direction. Section 6. Hyperosculating Parabolas. We now determine all the curves of the system through the point {x, y) which are hyperosculated by their osculating parab- olas. The differential equation of all parabolas in the plane is The hyperosculating parabola has contact of the fourth order with its curve, hence its derivatives up to the fourth order at the given point are the same as those of its curve. Substituting the value of y^ from (22) in equation (8), we find y""+ Sy"(Qiy" + ^2)2/'"+ Sy"iQ,y"'+ Q^'"+ Q,y") = 0. (23) This is an equation of the second degree in y'". Hence two curves of the system of 00 ^ curves corresponding to a given curv- ature element are hyperosculated by their osculating parabolas. The coordinates of the focus of the osculating parabola, referred to the given point {x, y) as origin, are given by the formulas a = ^=- dyV W"(y" - 1) + 2y'{Sy" - y'y'")] 2 y""-\-(^y"'-y'y"r ' ^y" [(3y " - y'y"')iy"- D - 2yy^1 ///2 _i_ (o,,n2 „,/„"'\2 y"" + W - y'y'") GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES OP THE SYSTEM. (26) From these we have (ay' - )8)(1 + y'') (25) ,„ ^ _ 3(a2/^ - ^)(1 + y")[2^y' + a(l - y'^\ y 4(a2 4- (82)2 To obtain the locus of the focus of the hyperosculating parabola as the curvature of the element changes, its direction remaining unchanged, we eliminate y" and y'" between (23) and (25). The result of this elimination, after substituting the values of Qu Qi, Qs, Qi, Qb, given in (7), and reducing, is 4PiP2(a2+/3T+{[12Pi(^+2/V)-2(3P2+Piy')(^-2/V)]« - [(6P22/'- 2Pi) (,A- 2/V) - 12Pi2/'(^+2/V)]i8 } («'+^') +m+y")[(Y- and the conic is an hyperbola. The asymptotes of this hyper- bola are parallel to the lines WrPy'' + 2 0. Throughout this range of values of y', (34) intersects its corresponding hyperbola (28) in two real and distinct points. From (35) and (34) we find the coordinates of the mid-point of the chord to be _ 2Pyy' ^ 2Px 3(^ + t/V)(i + y'')' ^{-y'){\ + <.y')-l + y''\y + ^^ " " 1 + y'- ^^7) In accordance with property VII, if we eliminate y' and y" between (57) and equations (32), we get a cubic of the form (56). Substituting in (57) the values y'= - (Z/F), 2/" = (Z'+ P)/l^, and denoting by Hi the function of X and Y which Hi becomes on replacing y' by — (X/Y), we obtain g,'[ ^^"^|j^>J-"^ J + X^+P=0. (58) CONVEESION OP PROPEKTIES. 21 In order that (58) may have the form (56), we must have ^2' r Y(^y+^)(Y-o>X) -\ ^ y^^3_^ T2X'Y+ TzXY'+ T,Y\ _ iTiX^+ T2X^Y+ TzXY'+ rP)(l + oy") >^^ " F(a)y4-X)(F-coZ) (a,+ f)(l-cof) ^2' = Hence, Tj _ K,y"+K,Y"+KzY' + K, .^^. ^' - (0,-2/0(1 + 0,/) ' ^^^^ when the K's are arbitrary functions of x and y. The differential equation defining all 00 ^ systems having the first seven properties is 2/^ = 4 y"" + [Hiy" + my'" + M^y"' + M,y"' + ilf 32/", (60) where _ 1 + 0,2 22/' ^' ~ (0, - 2/0(1 + 0,2/') ~ fTF' __ K,y"-^K,y''+K^y' + K, .^^^ H2 - («_ 2,0(1 +0,2/0 ' ^^^^ ^ 3 32/'(l + o,2) 1 + 2/" (o,-2/)(l + 0,2/0(1 + 2/'*)' Xi, X2, K3, Ki are arbitrary functions of x and 2/ and M2, Mz are arbitrary functions of x, y, and 2/', Section 8. Conversion of Property VIII . We find the quartic corresponding, in accordance with theorem VI, to (60) by substituting in (53) the particular values of Hi, H2, and Mi given in (61). The inverse of this quartic is the hyperbola 22 CURVES IN A PLANE. [3(1 - y") + Miy'W + y^ - 3H^y\l - y'*)]^ + [Wil - y") - 2Miy'(l + yy + SH,{1 + y'Yl - Sy")]^V + [W + 6H^y'(l + y") + Mi(l + y'')]^^ (62) + 2[M2il + y") + m,y']r} + 2[3Zr2(l - y") - M,y'{l + 2/'^]^ + ^M, = 0, where Hi, H2, and il/i have the values given in (61). We find the coordinates of the mid-point of the chord of this hyperbola cut from the line v = — (1/2/0^ to be _ 2M,y' 2H,y" ^~ 3 '^l + y''' (63) 2M2 2H2y' Y= - 1 + y'" In accordance with theorem VIII (which we restate by re- placing the direction of the force acting at the given point by CO (a:, y)) these coordinates must satisfy a cubic of the form (Z2 + Y^)io}X - Y) + AX^+ BXY + CP = 0. (64) Substituting the values of X and Y from (63) in (64), we obtain [^ + ff^] (1 + /')(1 + «/) + ^^" - By'+ C = 0. Solving this for if 2 and introducing Ni = — ^A, N^ = }5, Nz= — f C, we obtain ^ ^Niy^+N^y'+Nz SH^y' (1 + 2/'=')(l + coy') a + y")' where « and the N*s are arbitrary functions of x and y, and Hi has the value given in (61). The differential equation of all 00 * systems possessing the first eight properties is f'-Y'^"" CONVERSION OF PROPERTIES. 23 "^lL("-2/')(H-coy') l-\-y"V' ^ (CO -2/0(1+ cot/') \y + r L (1 + 2/'')(l + CO2/0 (co- 2/0(1 + W2/0 J when the iiC's, the N's, and co are arbitrary functions of x and y, and ilf 3 is an arbitrary function of x, y, and 2/'. Section 9. Conversion of Property IX. We obtain the curve of system (65), corresponding to a given lineal element, which has five point contact with its os- culating circle, from (39) by replacing Q2, Q4, and Q5 by Kxy" + K<,y" ^ K^y' + K, H2 = if2 = (<0 - 2/0(1 + C02/0 (l + 2/'')(l + co2/0 1 + y" and ikfa respectively. The result is (1 + 2,")(1 + .,/) ^ +il/3-0. Hence _ il/3(l + y'^W + 1) .„, y - N,y"+N,y' + N, ' ^^' The center of the corresponding osculating circle, obtained by substituting this value of y" in (390, is y_ y'[Niy"+N2y' + Nz] Mzil + C02/O (67) _N^y;^_±N2y^±Nz Mzil + a;2/0 • 24 CUKVES IN A PLANE. In accordance with property IX (restated without assuming the existence of a force), these coordinates satisfy a conic of the form EiZ2 - IkXY + Rzr + (X + wF) = 0, (68) when Ri, Rz, R3 and w are arbitrary functions of x and y. Substituting, we obtain [Ni Y" + N^y' + N,][R^y" + R,y' + Rz] + iy' -«)(! + o}y')M, = 0. Solving for Mz, ^ _ [Njy'' 4- Njy' + NzWR^y" + Riy' + Rz] (CO -2/0(1 + "2/') when the iJ's are arbitrary functions of x and y. Hence the systems of type IV _ A n,7A__l±jl 2y^l u y y"y "^L(«- 2/0(1 +"2/0 i + y"r T Kiy"^-K,y"■\-Kzy' + K, ■^ ,„ ■^L (CO - /)(1 + C02,') J 2^ 4. r_J 3y-(l + co^) 1 ^ L 1 + 2/'' (1 + 2/'0(co - 2/0(1 + C02/O J ^ ■^L(l + 2/")(l + co2/0 (69) 3(ii:i y^* + ^22/^' + Ji^ay^' + T^^v' 1 , + 2/'0(«- 2/0(1 + C02/O J^' + (1 l^^y'^ + i\^22/' + iV^3][/?i2/'' + ^^22/' + M \y". (CO- 2/0(1 + C02/O where co, iVi, iVz, ^3, ^1, -K^2, -K^s, -K^4, i^i, jR2, and Rz are arbitrary functions of x and 2/, are completely characterized by properties I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. CHAPTER IV. Complete Chaeacterization. Types (69) and (6) involve the derivatives y', y", y'", y^ in exactly the same way; but (69) is more general than (6) with respect to the arbitrary functions of x and y appearing in the coefficients. Section 1. Relations Existing among the Arbitrary Functions Entering into the Differential Equation of the System of Curves Having Properties I-IX if it is to be of the Special Form given in Chapter I. We now determine the relations that must exist among these arbitrary functions in order that (69) may be of the special type (6). By direct comparison of (69) and (6), we have Px

^^4- ^2 (73) itroc lucing (f> = log x — W0y — Uy, Nz = — 03x — Oi4>x, (74) Ri- = Ul^y + COj,, JB2 = 01/ + (^4>X + i>ix, RZ = X, (75) Ki = W0I, — COy, iL2 = (1 — W )0J/ + W0a; — COs — C0CO«, - - - (76) Kz= {\ — (»)^)x — oi(t>v ~ 2a)y — cowx, i^4= —2(ax—oi(f>x' From the first and third equations of (74), we have 25 26 CUEVES IN A PLANE. y=Nr, :,= --^-5. (77) CO Substituting these values in the second equation of (74), it becomes wWi + U)N2 + Nz+0}^+ UUy = 0. (78) From (77) we have (78) and (79) are necessary conditions. To show that they are also suflBcient: if (79) holds, we can find a function (f> which satisfies both of the equations (77). Then on account of (78), equations (74) hold. Finally (70) and = log determine a pair of functions and ^ in terms of which we can express Ni, Nz, Nz and u in the forms given in (70) and (71). From (75) and (77), we have Ri = oiNi + oiy, R2=Ni-N3, Rs= - ^^+^" , (gQ) CO and from (76) and (77), Kl = CoiVi — C0„, ^2 = (1 — CO^)Ni — N3— 2cOx — COCOy, __ (1 — CO^) .^ ... 0)x „ rr HT ^^^^ K3= - -Nz - coiVi 2uy, Ki= Nz- cox. CO CO If relations (80) and (81) hold, we can express Ri, R2, Rz, Kl, K2, Kz, and K^ in terms of (p and \J/ in the forms given in (72) and (73). We now derive relations equivalent to (80) and (81) which admit of geometric interpretations. From (75) we have 0x = Rz, ■A — — rt ni or>t / — — ill- coi^+ w2^3* ill - coilz + w'iJi* The distance <'^ = B^r^-i;«;- (102) Now consider the orthogonal trajectories of the lines of force defined by y'=--r—\' (103) ^ co(a:, y) The radius of curvature of the one of this family passing through the given point is pi = . (104) From (102), (104) and the first relation of (83), we have OM = p2. (1040 Theorem XII. Of the oo^ curves of the system (6) which pass through a given point in a direction normal to the direction of the force acting at the point, there is one which has five point contact with its osculating circle. The radius of curvature of this element is equal to the radium of curvature of the orthogonal trajectory of the lines of force which passes through the given point. Again, consider the radius of curvature of the quartic of theorem VI corresponding to the lineal element [x, y, — (1/co)] for the branch of slope — (1/w). By formula (91) we obtain (1 + w2)3/2 R = -r V, Tn • (105) — w* w H I

^K^ a;(l + co2)2 Kr -oiK2 + o>'Kz-oi^Ki (1 + 0)2)5/2 COMPLETE CHAKACTERIZATION. 33 Then rr _ L+^' K -- i±^' Substituting these values and the values of Ni and Nz from (98) and (88), we have ^•^^-^W'-'^^]^'- (113) This is an intrinsic relation. Theorem XVI. The intercepts of the cubic associated, by theorem VI, with any point (x, y), and the intercepts of the cubic associated by theorem VIII with the same point, satisfy the relation (113). Any quadruply infinite system of curves in a plane along which the pressure is proportional to the normal component of the acting force possesses properties I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI; and, conversely, if a quadruply infinite system possesses these properties (restated by replacing the direction of the acting force by the function o){x, y) defined in section 4, chapter III, there is a field of force in which this system represents the family of curves along which the pressure is proportional to the normal component of the acting force. VITA Sarah Elizabeth Cronin, Bachelor of Science, University of Iowa, 1903; Master of Science, University of Iowa, 1905; In- structor in Mathematics, Iowa State College, 1905-1907; In- structor in Mathematics, Iowa State University, 1907-1913; Graduate student at Columbia University, 1913-1915. 84 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. m 19 ^^ ftP2 201938 4AH12 1955 ' 5Apr'56TW LD 21-50m-l,'38 GaylordBros. Makers Syracuse, N.V. ?6 7 3^/ QA. UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY