mmmm $C 135 fibO 'U.i^lg ms LIBRARY OF THE University of California. Class iUI CASb ^ B ^ \ / CI)c tCuDot jFacfifrntU Certs OR cptnD, ([OtU, auD OnDetie^tanDtng The Macro Tlays, No, 2 Supposed date of MS. ^ 1460 Reproduced in Facsimile^ 1 907 Misbom fiENtRAL t!Dl)e Cutior jFacsimtle Ceyts Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER OR fl^tnU, Mill, auD ^nDerfitauDing The Macro Tlays, No. 2 Issued for Subscribers by T. C & E. C. JACK, 16 HENRIETTA STREET LONDON, W.C. : AND EDINBURGH MCMVII UNIVERSnV li OF OR qjinD, (D0t!I, anU (Untier^tanlitng The Macro Tlays. No. 2 This play, hitherto known to scholars {for no special reason) as ''^Mindy Will, and Understanding^"* was happily re- christened by Dr. Furnivall when reprinting the piece for The Early English Text Society, I have followed Dr. FurnivaWs lead, especially because it was at his sugges- tion {very kindly acceded to by Mr, John Henry Gurney of Keswick Hall, near Norwich, the owner of the original MS») that this ancient morality {together with '■^ Mankind ^^ " The Castle of Perseverance^'' and " Respublica ") has been included in The Tudor Facsimile Texts. Particulars of Cox Macro, the former owner, front whom these plays take their name, are given, and sources of information are indicated in the Introduction to " Man- kind,^* the first of the series of Macro facsimiles ; the details need not be repeated in this place. The manuscript of " Wisdom " consists of twenty -four leaves of quarto paper, and is made up of two gatherings of twelve leaves each. The manuscript is perfect ; at the end is the same inscription of ownership as at the end of '''■Mankind. ^^ Dr. FurnivalVs revised title was thus set out : — :a fl^otalitp of tlWiishom mt^o 10 Cf)ri0t? How Lucifer tempts the Mind, Will, and Understanding of Man to Sin, and it thus fully and lucidly summarises the dramatic motif 163557 of the play. For the rest, ^^ Wisdom'' is excellently edited, as far as subject-matter is concerned, by Dr. Furnivall and Mr. A. W. Pollard in The Early English Text Society's reprint {Extra Series XCL), Turning to this facsimile reprint, it will be seen that in the Macro original the margins of the manuscript are sometimes cut away or that the script is occasionally erased. Especially is this the case on leaves 98, 102 (recto and verso), 105, 106, Gff. // so happens, however, that ^^ Wisdom" exists, as far as the first four lines of leaf 1 13 verso, or rather more than half the play, in a Digby manu- script at the Bodleian Library. This furnished Dr. Furnivall with many " supplies " and variorum {generally improved) readings when he was editing the piece for The Early English Text Society in 1904. On examination, however, it is evident that the original manuscript has in the interval become less distinct in places, inasmuch as words and letters which were then (/ assume) legible are now either blurred or are altogether obliterated. Students must, therefore, on no account neglect the textual notes supplied by Dr. Furnivall' s version when dealing critically with this facsimile of the original Macro MS., which as far as craftsmanship and care permit is a faithful reproduction of the original in its present state. One other point calling for mention is less important. The ^^ scribblings" on leaf 98 {verso), 99 {foot of page), 100 {ditto), 1 01 {ditto), 103, 104, 105, 106 — indeed throughout — have been retained on the principle of " showing the original exactly as it exists to-day." The most notable example is probably that on 121 {verso) which faced, in the original Seventeenth Century binding, the first leaf {122) of " Mankind," but with which it has apparently nothing to do. J. S. FARMER. VI Wimom OR fl^tnD, Mill, and BnDer0tanDtn3 The Players in the order of their entry. Wisdom of Christ. Anima's Five Wits, Anima, or The Soul. as Five Virgins. The Three Powers of every Christian Soul : — Mind. Will. Understanding. Lucifer. A Shrewd Boy. Mind's Six Retainers : — Indignation. Hastiness. Sturdiness. Wretch. Malice. Discord. And Maintenance. Understanding's Six False Jurors: — Wrong. Falsehood. Sleight. Ravine, doubleness. deceit. And Perjury. Wit's Six Women : — Three disguised as Gallants, and Three as Matrons. Minstrels, Tramps, a Bagpipe, a Hornpipe, Six Small Boys in the likeness of Devils. r-^^jij;t- ^'^-^ll'^' a^^*c4tte vii^t^Y*^^ rf'''f^ cu>ct|.9 >jf . ^ rr ^H^ rCsp^ ♦^^-^^i^ 4?^^^ ^\^ frjt^i) e^ 5((:^ tij^Mf> ^*^. 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