UC-NRLF ^C 3M S7S HlltTfi -f Hp} ; 3 Am» OI- THK. University of California. f >I KT OK zAcccssions No.SS^^SL ■ Cla^s No. fjy- Of run ^ lusriVEnsiTY] ^'^■^z-'t^-^^^e^d- — i^. ^^Z^-ez^'t'^z-'^^^'^e^. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/catalogueofbooksOObuttrich irvT roK "yi ^[IVtLK or- 1 irc PREFACE. Butte, Montana, July 24, 1894. N making it possible to issue this Catalogue, for the use and convenience of the patrons of the Butte Free JPublic Library, the incurrence of a great expense was necessary; a cost, which if taxed against the library fund, would have made the jiublication at this time impracticable. The Library Trustees therefore found it expedient to adopt a plan by which the Catalogue was issued without being a draft upon the library fund, and at the same time give to the public a complete and perfect finding list of the sixteen thousand volumes in the Library and provide the advertising public a medium for reaching the notice of innumer- able readers who could not be reached by any other means. The list of advertisers and the character of the advertisements were sub- mitted to the Trustees and by them approved. While no apology is at ail necessary for the appearance of the artistic advertising pages in this Catalogue, yet this brief explanation may be proper, as it is a new venture and a slight departure from the usual make-up of library catalogues. There are thirty-one hundred of these lists issued, and it may be of interest to know that five thousand pounds, or two and one-half tons of paper are used in them. The typographical work is the product of home printers, and the book is confidently submitted to the public. JOHN F. DA VIES, Librarian. T. E. BUTLER, Publisher. Qnaconba,,.. HE CITY OF ANACONDA has a population of eight thousand. Its site on the edge of the famous Dser Lodge Valley is one of the most delightful in Montana. Its surroundings are inviting. The location is famous for its natural beauty and healthfulness, and it is provided with an abundant supply of water of remark- able purity. The city is an inviting home for families; its social conditions are the best. ..... \ zr^' ANACONDA is distinctively a progressive town. Its famous hotel, the Montana, is unmatched between Minneapolis and Portland, its leading newspaper The Standard, holds the first rank among the newspapers of the Northwest. The city is equipped with a superior electric service, a sewer system, electric street car service, an admirable fire department and all the adjuncts of a thriving city. Its merchants and business men are prosperous beyond the average, East or West. It has long avenues lined with attractive houses and its municipal debt is next to nothing. ...... ANACONDA enjoys the distinction of being the home of the largest Copper Smelting Plant in the World. Its railway traffic is second only to that of the City of Butte, among the cities of Montana. It has the usual railway facilities, having immedi- ate connection with two transcontinental railways, and being the western terminus of the Great Nor- thern's still unfinished line to the Pacific coast. It is an attractive place for those seeking safe and profitable investments. It welcomes all who come to visit or who come to stay . h4^*h(5xoc(^ms 3^ The buying of GROCERIES is almost an every day consideration in the Home, Restaurant and Hotel To know where the best goods that the market affords can be bought at prices absolutely fair and in perfect accord with the market is certainly an ^r^S advantage. If you desire this information you are respectfully referred to 308 mortb fIDain Street, Butte. illlllllllllllillliniii TELEPHONE 185 •:-:-ThOS. F. CoURTNEY^^ ^■f^ r pure 2)rug5 anb VHebicincs ABOUT PERFUMERY^^^ Ed. PINAUD of Paris is the universally acknowledged leader in the manufacture of Fine Perfumes, the delight of all ladies. We Import direct and carry the finest and largest stock in Mon- tana, equal In fact to the comblrtfed stocks held in Silver Bow County. The best is here and at a price not exceeding that often paid for inferior goods. Here are some of the choicest odors: REINE BLANCHE EUROPIA ^'fi; WiTlH-HAZEL ■fflEMIBf. f CURE5 CH*, ,^ND Scaled AND h-llCSvLb mjS^«,SALT RHEUM.CHiC at-CP ^ ^ ^ cfWroiuET NOT conpixr^ wiTHou\i V ionSosial artists pronounce it Q^ PERrECTION WREGTIONS. Wadilhiparisa&dedwghsoapmdwanii mttr t/ien a^ily tht crtam md rui wtU out t/u An. c a |>^ WITCH-HJIEL HLMOID CflEUM BORGHETTO LILASde FRANCE VIOLETTE dePARME GREEN PINK Other leading foreign and domestic manufacturers are represen- ted by their special odors, so that ladies can depend upon getting the best in each line. n-nEWM0-DRUG-ca SHOULD BE ON EVERY LADIES TOILET TABLE IT IS A GREAT BEAUTIFIER OF THE COMPLEXION RENDERING THE SKIN SOFT AND TRANSPARENT. BY ITS USE FRECKLES and PIMPLES Ana QUICKLY REMOVED AND IT IS A SURE CURE FOR CHAPPED HANDS. SALT RHEUM^ CHAFED and SCALDED SKIN. FOR SALE BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUG- GISTS IN THE COUNTRY AT 25o. AND SOo. A BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND EMPI-OYEES OF Butte Free Public Library. TRUSTEES 1892-3. From City Council. R. H. Paxson, Pres. J. W. Howard, Sec. E. O. DUGAN. 1893-4. From City Council. J. E. Dawson, Pres. J. W. Howard, Sec. R. H. Paxson. From City Council. J. E. Dawson, Prea. John Bvrne, Sec. E, H. Shi;rman. Citizen Representatives. M. KiRKPATRICK. Clinton H. Moore. Citizen Ue|)resentatives. J.J. McHatton. Clinton H. Moore. Citizen Representatives. Clinton H. Moore J. J. McHatton. COMMITTEES OF TRUSTEES, 1894-5. Finance— E. H. Sherman, John Byrne, Clinton H. Moore. Examinations— Clinton H. Moore, J. J. McHatton, John Byrne. Rules and Bylaws— E. H. Sherman, Clinton H. Moore, J. J. McHatton. Administration— John Byrne, J. E. Dawson, J. J. McHatton. f LIBRARIAN, JOHN F. DAVIES. LIBRARY ASSISTANTS, KATE T. HAMMOND. IDA E. STERNFELS. MAY E. WHITE. Janitor-JOHN RALEY. ADVERTISERS Anaconda, City of 3rd Anaconda Standard Babcock & Co. Barret & Jacky Blurae, H-J. . Boucher, Frank Brophy, P. J., & Co. Brownfield-Canty Carpet Co. Butte, City of Butte Art Stained Glass Works Butte Business College Butte Hotel Co. . . . Butte Miner .... Calkins, B. E. . Carder Brothers Centennial Brewing Co. Chauvin-Fant Furniture Co. Clark, W. A., & Bro. Cohn, M. G Connell, M. J., Co. . Courtenay, Case i.A0.3 r)9().A0.() 504.A0.0 571. AO ."jCM AO.(JO 820.9. BO.O 823.A00.2 808. AO 270.1. AO.O 331.7. AO 832.33.AO 938.07. A4.0 942.01. A4 813.A00.080 813.A00.083 813.A()0 08.38 813.A(K).087 937,05. CO 942.0().C31 943.06. C33 933. C4 935,C9 935. DO 943.05. E4 9.50. G3 939.73. HO 813.A00.483 813.A00.484 813. A00.4848 Abbott, Jacob, (Con'inucd) Mary Osborne . . 813. AGO. 485 IJTTLE I.EAIiNKB SKIUE8. Learning to talk 372.A0.1 Learning to think 372.A0.3 Learning to read 372.A0.3 Learning about common tilings . . S72.A0.4 Learning about right and wrong . . 373.A0.5 MAHCO I'AUI.'S VOYAGES AND TKAVEI^S. Marco Paul in New York . 813.A00..51 Marco Paul on the Erie canal 813.AO0..52 Marco Paul in Maine . 813.A00.53 Marco Paul in Vermont . 813.A00.54 Marco Paul in Boston . 813.A00.55 Marco Paul at the Spring field Armory . 813.A00.56 Margaret of Anjou . . 912.04. M(X) Mary (jueen of Scots . 941,05.M(J0 Nero .... 937.07. N3 ' Peter the great 947.05. P3 Pyrrhus 938.08. P9 Richard I . 943.03. R41 Richard II . 942.03.R42 Richard III . 942.04. R43 IJOX/LO BOOKS. Rollo learnins: to talk J/i813.A00.«>4 Rollo learning to read /n813.A00.004 Rollo at wt)rk . 7n813.A(X).0(i08 Rollo at play In 813. A(K) 0(508 Rollo at school In 813.A(X).GG0 Rollo's vacation In 813.A00.600 Rollo's experiments . In 813. A00.0()2 Rollo's museum In 813.A00.6()2 Rollo's travels . .. 7fiS13.A00(>()8 Rollo's correspondence AhS13.A00.668 Rollo's philosophy, fire i/tSl3.A00.()()24 Rollo's philosophy, water . In 813.A00.6(J24 Rollo's philosophy, sky 7n8]3 A(X).667 Rollo's philosophy, air 7ft 813. AOO. 007 Romulus . 937.01. R05 SCIENCE FOR THE YOUNG. ■ Force .... 531. AO Heat .... .536. AO Light .... 535. AO Water and land 551. AO ABBOTT Abbott, Jacob, (Conclwlefl) William I 042.03 W41 Xerxes 935.X2 Young Christian 348 AO. 9 Abbott, J: S. C. AMERICAN PIONEEUS AND I'ATRIOTS. 6 97().9.13(j 910.9. CO.OO 973.5.C()() 975.9. D3 973 3.J(5 977. LO 974.4 StO 974.7.818 973.0(5 943.05. F() 944.03. Ii3 944.05. H() ndepend- Boone, Daniel . Columbus, Christopher Crockett, David De Soto, Ferdinand . Jones, J: Paul . La Salle, Robt. Chevalier Standish. Miles Stuyvesant, Peter Cortez, Hernando Frederick the great . Henry IV. of France Hortense .... Italy and the war for Italian ence .... Joseph Bonaparte Josephine .... Louis XIV Louis Phillippe Marie Antoinette Napoleon Bonaparte. 3 vols Napoleon at St Helena Napoleon III . Philip, Kino Roland, Mme Abbott, Liyman. Evolution of christi Abbott, Willis J tires Battlefields. and victory Battlefields of '61 Blue jackets of 1813 . Blue jackets of '7(j Blue jackets of 'til Abilallah; by E. R. L Abel, SfrF: A: Mining accidents . Abel, Mrs. Mary H. Practical sanitary and economic cooking Abelard and the early hist, of universi- ties; by G. Compayre .... Abelard and Eloisa, Letters of; by J: Hughes 189.4.A0.3 Abercroniby, Ralph. Seas and skies in many lands Weather. (Inter, sci. ser.) Aberdeen, Earl of; by Sir Art. Gordon ((Jueen's prime ministers.) . Almde of snow; by And. Wilson Abolition of the presidency; by H. C. Lock wood About, Edmond. Man with the broken ear Notary's nose About money and other things; by Mrs. I). M. Craik About old story tellers; bv D. G. Mitchell Abraham: his life and times; by W. J. Deane (Men of the Bible) Abrantes, Dimh'ss d\ Napoleon; his court and family 944 0.5.N0.000 Abroad again; by Curtis Guild . OH.GS.fU Abroad and at home; by Morris Phillips 910.3.P3 945. AO 944.05 JC) 944.04.J()7 944.03. LO 944 0(5. LG . 944 03. MO . 944.05. NO.OO .944.05 NO.(XX) . 944.07. NO 974.4. P3 944.04. Rf) anity 213. AO Battlefields and camp 973.7. A()9.(X)] . 973.7. A0il.0()8 . 973.7.A09.(K)7 . 973.5.A09.0 . 973.3.A0'.).0 . 973.7. A09.04 843. L(W).0 ()33.8.A0 irt 353.4. M04 189.4.A0.1 Laboulave 910. A() 551.5. AO 943.08. A(J3 915.15. W4 '321 8.L.() 843.A0.5 843.A0.G 834.C0r,.0 804. M4 333.1A0.3 Ab-sa-ra-ka: Wyoming opened; by H: B. Carrington Acadia; or, A month with the blue noses; by F. S. Cozzens Acland, Art. H. D. and Cyril Ransome. Political hist, of England to 1890 Acrobats aid mountebanks; by H. Le Roux and J. Garnier .... Across the chasm; by Julia Magrude?: Across the plains, itc ; by Rob. L: Steyen- son Ada and Gerty; by Louisa M. Gray . Adam and Eve; bv Mrs. Louisa Parr Adam Bede; by Mrs. M. E. Cross Adams, O: Folleii Dialect ballads Adams, C: Fs. Dana, R: H: a biography. 2 vols Notes on railroad accidents Railroads: origin and problems Adams, C: Fs ani H: Chapters of Erie, etc Adams, C: Jos. Where is my dog? . Adams, C: Kendall. Columbus. (Makers of America) Adams, C: Kendall ed. Representative British orations. 3 vols. Adams, Eliz. Jj. S., and Fes. M. Steele. Beauty of form and grace of vesture . Adams, Fs. O. and C. D. Cunningham. Swiss confederation .... Adams, G. Mercer. Outline of Canadian literature Adams, H: Hist, of U. S., 1801-1813. () vols Hist, of U. S., 1813-1817. 3 vols Randolph, J: (American statesmen) Adams, H: C. Public debti Adams, J: Life; by J: Q, and C: F. Adams [J^ife]; by J: T. Morse, jr. (Am. states- men) ....... [Life]; by W: O. Stoddard. (Lives of the presid8.97 Northern lands 813.A2098.98 Cross and crescent 813.A2098.99 Sunny shores 813.A2098.910 Vine and olive 813.A2098.911 Isles of the sea 813.A2098.912 Adamson, Kob. Fichte. (Phil, classics) 193.3.F4 Addams, Jane, amd others. Philanthropy and social progress .... 3G0.A2 Addis«m, C. G. Knights Templars 929.712. A2 Addison, Jos. [Life] ; by W. J. Courthope (Eng. men of letters) .... 820.9.A22 Works. Vol. 1. Poems, etc . . . 821.A2 Same. Vols. 2-G. Taller, Spectator, etc . 824.A2 Adela Cathcart; by G: MacDonald S23.M20.02 Adele; by Julia Kavanagh . 823.K08.0 Adirondack cabin; by Mrs. Ht. M. Lothrop 813.L083.0 Adirondack League Club. [Constitution, Reports, etc.] 799. A24 Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of chil- dren 377.A2 Adler, G.J. Handbook of German lit- erature 830.7.A2 Admiral's caravan; by C: E. Carryl 813.C0069.0 Adopted daughter; by Edg. Fawcett 813.F09.00 Adrilt in the ice fields; by C: W. Hall 917.1 HO Advance and retreat; by J. B. Hood 973.7. HOG AGAINST ALDEN Against the stream; by Mrs. Eliz. Charles. Agassiz, Alex. Three cruises of the Blake. 2 vols Ajjassiz, Li: Life and correspondence; ed. by Eliz. C. Agassiz Life and work; by C: F: Holder. [Lead- ers in science,] Agassiz, Ij: Geological sketches. 2 vols. Same. 1 vol Methods of study in natural history. Agassi/;, li:, and Mrs. VAi/.. C. Journey in Brazil Agatha and the shadow; by E: P. Tenny. Agatha Page: by I: Henderson. Agatha's husbandt by Mrs. D. M. Craik. Age of chivalry; by T: Bulfinch; ed. by E: E. Hale. . ... Age of fable; byT: Bulfinch; ed. by E: E. 1 1 ale Age of the world, etc.; by 11. C. Shi meal 1. Agineoiirt; by G. P. R. James. Agnes of Sorrento, by Mrs. Ht. B. Stowo. Agnes Surriage; by Edw. L. Bynner. Agnostieisni, and other essays; by Edg. Fawcett. Aguihir, Grace. Days of Bruce. Home influence. Mother's recompense; scciuel to Home influence. Vale of cedars. Woman's friendship. .... Women of Israel Aids to reflection, etc. ; Aikin, J:, and Annalj. Barbauld, ings at home. Ainger, A. C. Fives, brary) Ainger, Alf. Lamb, C: (Eng. men of letters) Ainsworth, AV: P. Euphrates expedi- tion. 2 vols. Ainu of Japan; by J: Batchelor. Airy fairy Lilian; by Mrs. Marg. Hunger- ford. Akenside, M:, o.id Ja Beattie. Poetical works Alabama, oeoZ 8unj< y. Report on Cuhaba coal fields Alareon, Pedro A. de. Brunhilde Tito Gil, The strange friend of Alaskana; by Bushrod W. James Albach, Ja. li., c mp. Annals of the west Albany, Countess of. [Life]; by Violet Paget Albany depot; by W: D. Howells Albee, J: Prose idyls . . . . Albert Savarus; by H. de Balzac. Alby, F. A. (AnaUlc France). Sylvcstre Bonnard, Crime of .... Alcohol and the state; by Rob. C. Pitman Alcott A, Bron.son. Life and philoso- phy; by F. B. Sanborn and W. T. Har- ris. 2 vols Alcott, A nronsou. Table talk Alcott, liouisa M. Life, letters and journals; ed. by Ednah'D. Cheney by S: T.Coleridge. Even- Badminton 11- 823.C30()4.13 .551. 4(5. A3 5ftO.!t.A3 .5'.H).9 A3. 3 550.4. A3 .5.50.4. A3.3 .5!K).7.A3 9] 8.1. A3 S13.T2.0 813.H2(;.03 823.C(504.03 942.0LB8 291. B8 2S9.3.Sh4 823.J05.03 813.St()9 03 8J3.B9.03 040. F09 82.3.A38.2 823.A38.3 823.A38.5 823.A38.8 823.A38.9 933. A 38 204.CG42 504. A44 rn7CM).H20 820.9. L05,0 915 GA4 91.5.2.B0 823.H8f)3.0 821.A4 557.01. A.4 803.A4.1 863. A4 8 811. J05 977. A4 8.50. 9. A4 812.HG9.0 818. A40 842.B0.0 843.A40.7 178.4 P4 191.9. A4.7 191.9.A4.8 810.9. A41 Alcott, liOuisa M. AUNT JO"S SCRAP BAG My boys, etc Shawl-straps Cupid and chow chow, ct . My girls, etc Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc. Old fashioned Thanksgiving Eight cousins; or. The aunt hill (iarland for girls .... Hospital sketches ... Indenendence Jack and Jill Jo's boys: sequel to "Little men"' . Little men: sequel to "Little women"' . Little women Lulu's library. 3 vols Moods Old fashioned girl Proverb stories Rose in bloom: sequel to "Eight cousins" Silver pitchers, ari-l Independence Spinning-wheel stories .... Under the lilacs Work Alcuin and the rise of Christian school*; by And. F. West Alden, H: M. God in his world Alden, Mrs. Tsa. M. [Pangy] Chautau- qua girls at home: sequel to "Four girls at Chautauqua." .... Chrissy's endeavor .... Cunning workmen .... Eighty-seven Endless chain Ester Reid Ester Reid yet speaking . Four girls at Chautauqua Hall in the grove .... Her associate members: sequel Chrissy's endeavor .... Interrupted Judge Burnham's daughters: sequel to "Ruth Erskine's crosses." . Julia Reid .... Links in Rebecca's life .... New graft on the family tree . One commonplace day .... Randolphs Ruth Erskine's crosses: sequel to Chau- tauqua eirls at homo .... Spun from fact Twenty minutes late .... Alden, Mrs. Isa. M., and Mr. . C M. Liv- ingston. Aunt Hannah and Martha and John Alden, Jos. Studies in Bryant Alden, Raymond M. World of little people Alden, W. Li. Columbus, Christopher. [Am. worthies] Cruise of the "Ghost." .... Jimmy Brown. Adventures of Moral pirates New Robinson Crusoe .... Told bv the colonel 813.A416.01 813.A41(i.03 813.A416.03 813.A4ir).04 813.A4]()05 813.A41().0() 813.A41G.24 813.A41G.30 813.A41(5.36 la 813.A41().7 813.A41{).40 S13.A416.4() 813.A41().445 813.A416.449 813..A4ir).48 813.A41fi.5 813.A4ir).(>4 813.A4]6.()(i8 813.A416r)6 813.A410.7 813.A416.76 813.A410.8G 813.A410.9 37().9.A4.9 232. A4 . 813.A4224.1 .813.A4224.136 . 813.A4224.18 . 813.A4;224.24 . 813.A4224.2 . 813.A4224 27 .813.A4224.279 . 813.A4224 2G . 813.A4;^24.2G to 813.A4224 32 813.A4224.4 813.A4224.48 813.A4224.484 813 A4224.44 813.A4224.6 813.A4224.G(5 813.A4224.G0 813 A4224.G8 813.A4224.7 813.A4224.8 813.A4224.08 811.B09.0 575.79. A4 910.9.CG.04 813.A4229.1 813.A4229.4 813.A4229.5 813.A4229.G 813.A4:i;29.8 AIjDRICH 9 AliLSTON Arctic Alaska and From Ponkapog to Oli- Aid rich, Herbert Li. Siberia Aldrich, T: Bailey. Pesth Marjorie Daw, and other people Old town by th ■! sea Poems Prudence Palfrey Queen of Sheba Stillwater tragedy Story of a bad boy Two bites at a cherry, ttc Aldrich, T: B., and Mrf. M. O. W phant. Second son .... Alec Forbes; by G: MacDonald Ale.xander, tlie great. History; by Ja. Ab- bott [Life]; by T. A. Dodge. (Great captains) Story of Alexander's emuire; by J : P. Mahaffy. (Story of the nations) Alexander, E.Porter. Hail way practice Alexander, "Prancesca." Christ's folk in th« Appennine Ida, The story of Alexander, W. D. Prief Hist, of the Ha- waiian people Alexander, W: Witness of the Psalms to Christ Alexander, W: S., ari/1 Ernest Whitney. Legends of the Pike's Peak region Alfleri, Vittorio. Tragedies; ed. by E. A. Powring. 2 vols .... Alford, C: J. Geol features of the Trans- vaal, S. Africa Alfred, fie g eat History; by Ja. Abbjtt [Life]; by Asser Dragon and the raven; by G. A. Henty . [Life]: by T: Hughes . . . . AM'reil, the great, king of Engl ml. Works. Vol. 1 Alger, Hor., jr RAGGED DICK SERIES. Ragged Dick Fame and fortune .... Mark, the match boy Rough and Ready . . . Rufus and Rose .... Ben, the luggage boy TATTERED TOM SERIES. Tattered Tom . . '. Paul, the peddler .... Phil, the fiddler .... Slow and sure Julius Young outlaw Sam's chance Telegraph boy . . . ' . Alger, W. R. Solitudes of nature and of man Alhanibra; by Washington Irving . Alice, Princeii. Biog. sketch Alice; by E: G: L. Hnlwer Alice Learmont; by Mrs. D. M. Craik Alice's adventures in Wonderland; by L. Dodgson Aliens: by H: F. Keenan . Aliette; by Octave Feuillet <)19.8.A4 914.A43 Si:5.A42G.5 UI74:i.A4 811.A4:3 8i;?.A4:.>()()<; 8 13. A 4:30. 08 8i:{.A43().7 813.A43G.78 813.A42G.8 823.0447.72 S23.M20.tM2 938.07. A4.() 938.07. A4.2 938.07. MO f)r>ri.A4 914.5.'>.A4 39G.I2 98.02 All about Pasadena; by C: F: Holder 917.94.HG All among the lighthouses; by Mary 1>. Crowninshiold 917.41.('(')() All around the house; by Mrs. H. W. P.co- cher G40.B2.0 *A1I in a garden fair; by Wa. Besant. //i 0.50. (}G. 1883 All sorts and conditions of men; by. Wa. Besant 823.B27.04 .Allan (Juarterman; by H. Rider Haggard 823.H033.04 AUdridge, Tiiz/.ie. Florence Nighten- gale; Fes. Ridley Havergal: Catherine Marsh; Mrs. Raymond. (World's work- ers) 610.73. N4 Allen, Alex. V. G. Edwards, Jona. (Am. religious leaders) 285. E2 Allen, E: Heron. Practical cheirosophy 133.().A4 Allen, Ethan: the Robin Hood of Amer- ica; by H: Hall 974..3.A4.3 Allen, Fred H. Young folks' history of the reformation 270.6. A44 Allen, Grant. Blood royal 823.A442.0 Common sense science .... .504.A4.1 Darwin, C: (Eng. worthies) . 57.5.D().0 Falling in love, e'c . Physiological aesthetics . Scallawag, The This mortal coil .... Allen, H. N. Korean tales Allen, Ja. Ijane. Blue grass region, c.c Flute and violin .... John Gray King Solomon of Kentucky Posthumous fame .... Sister Dolorosa Two gentlemen of Kentucky . White cowl Allen, J: Blessed bees .... Allen, J: H. Tariff and its evils *Allen, Jas. Asaph. Hist. ofN. A. Pin- nipeds Allen, Jas. H., and otlnra. Unitarianism Allen, Stanton P. Down in Dixie . Allen, W. W., an i R. B. Avery. Califor- nia gold book Allen, W: Array of northern Virginia Allen, Willis B. Gulf and glacier . . 91 Lion city of Africa Red mountain of Alaska .... Allen, Zachariah. Solar light and heat Allen Dare and Robert le Diable; by D. D. Porter. 2 vols Allison, Fes. E. Men, women and money rn3%.4.St0l) Allison, Young E. Major Kilgore, Pass- ing of Allonge, Auguste. Charcoal drawing . All's dross but love; by A. E. Lancaster . Allsop, F. C. Electric bell fitting Allston, "Wash. Life and letters; by Jarcd B. Flagg ...... Last evening with; by Eliz. P. Peabody 504. A4 701. A4 8.23.A442.7 828.A442.8 895.3. A4 917.69. A4 813.A442.24 813.A442.4 //1813.A442.24 In 813. A442.24 rrt813.A442.24 rn813.A442.24 In 813.A442.24 638. A4 337.2.A4 599.5.U.S. 288. A4 973.7. A442 979.4. A4 f»73.7.A44 7.98.A442.3 916.7.A4 917.98. A4 ,523.72.A4 813.PG(58.0 813.A444.6 741. A4 813. LO 621.3.L.A4 759.1.A4.2 7,59.1.A4.G ANCIKNT 12 APPLETON Ancient Classics for English Headers, (Conclud'.d) Pliny's letters; by Alf Church and VV. J. Brodribb Propertius; by Ja. Davios Sophocles; by C. W. Collins Tacitus; by W: 15. Donno Terence; by W. L Collins Theognis; by Ja Davies Thucydides; by W. L. Collins Tibulhis; by Ja Davies Virgil; by VV. L. Collins . Xenophon; by Alex Grint Ancient empires of the east; by A. H Sayce Ancient history from the monuments; ed. by A H. Sayce. Assyria; by G: Smith Babylonia; by G: Smith Egypt: by S. Birch Persia; by W. S. N Vaux Sinai; by H: S. Palmer Ancient literature; byJ:D Quackenbos 876.2 P4.1 In 874 1 CO 2 882 2 SoG 16 878 6 TO 2 I«872 3.P4 1 In 883 2-H3 2 888 2 T3 1 I'i874 1 C0.2 873 1 V4 1 888 3 X2 3 930 Sa9 935 2.Sm4 935 4.Sm4 932. B4 935 5 VO 939.48. PO 880 9 Q80 Ancient mysteries described; byW: Hone 8.20 9.116(52 Ancient regime; by d: P. R. James 823 J05.10 Ancient regime; by H. A. Taine . 342.44. TO Ancient society; by Lewis II Morgan 3'.K).M6 Ancient Spanish ballads; tr. J. G. Lock- hart . • 861 L6 Ancient states and empires; by J : Lord 930L()0 Anders, J. M. House [ilants as sanitary agents 613.1 At; Anderson, Hs. Chr. Improvisatore . 839 83.A()2 4 In Spain; A visit to Portugal . 914 6 Aii O T.: a Danish romance . . . 839 83 A()2 6 Only a liddler 839.83. A()2.()() Pictures of travel . 914. 3. A6 Poet's bazaar 914.5.A6 Stories and tales 839.83 A62.7 Story of my life S39.8.A62 Two baronesses . . . . 839 83.A62.8 Wonder stories told for children . 839.83. A62.9 An,; pseud Sei Bell, N. R. E Apache campaign, 1883; by J: G. Bourke 979 H(i Apastamba; tr by (J: Buhler. (In Sacred books of the East, Vol. 3) . . M294 158 7. Vol 1 Apastamha's Yagna-Parihaska-Sutras; tr. by F. Ma.\ Muller. (In Sacred books of the East, Vol 30) . . .In 294 04 Vol 4 Aphrodite; by Ernst Eckstein " 833.E1.0 Apjohn, Lewis. Bright, J:, Life of 942 08 B64 Apol«>gia pro vita sua; by J: H: Newman 282.N3 Apostolic fathers; by G: A. Jackson. (Early christian lit. primers) 270.1. Joo Appeal to Caesar; by A. W. Tourgee 326 8 T6 Appeal to Pharaoh; by C McKinley 326 8 M4 Appleton, W: Hyde, ed. (Jreat poets in English dress 808 8. A6 *Appleton'8 European guidebook. 3 vols 914. A6 Xea&5 all otber iDmi^ iRewspapers in /IDontana in news, enterprise an& circulation. The Standard's Circulation is three times larger than that of any other Daily Newspaper published in the State. The Standard has a Special Newspaper Train service between Anaconda and Butte. The Standard is published in a city of only 7,500 popu- lation, yet by its systematic and complete news and circula- tion service, it has subscribers in every city and town in the Central Northwest. The Standard has fully equipped offices in Butte, Great F'alls and Missoula. In short, if you don't take the Standard you don't get the news — of Montana and the world. 3ol) {Printing anD 1Boo\\ Bin^ino. The Standard Publishing Company has the best equipped Job Printing and Book Binding Establishment in the west. First-class work only. Prices reasonable. Es- timates furnished. Zbc Stan^al^ publishing Company, publisbcre nni> propifetors, 2lnacon5a, /iRontana. iiins. scnmzLEin mini cd. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Xio. U tDsst Broabmay IPall Paper, ^lass, painters' Supplies, (£ic. A COMPLETE LINE OF ARTISTS' MATERIALS ALWAYS IN STOCK Particular attention paid to Paper Hanging, Sign a\m» House Painting, Frescoing and all kinds of Interior Decoration ESTIMATES GIVEN ON APPLICATION. CHAS. SCHATZLEIN PAINT CO.... BUTTE, MONT ESTABLISHED IN ISSO J. H. LEYSON, 3mder.:..:..:-..:..:- 3. •^. Ceyson Co. Salt take CitB, Utal]. UR Two Stores give us superior advantages in the market. VVe sell DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE at the lowest prices quoted . Inspection cordially invited Diamond Mounting, Badges and Jewelry made to order and Repairing done. . Our shop is the only one fitted with Improved Machinery and Motive Power, therehy obtaining the best work at least cost . Fine Watch Repairing done, warranted equal to watch factory work, as cheap as first-class work can be turned out. J. H. l£3 n jeweler and optician, , _aA2?i upper main street APPL.ETON 13 *Appleton's general guide book to U S. and Canada 917 3 AG Appleton's home books. Amenities of home; by Mrs. M. E. W. Sherwood 173 Sh2 Health at home; by A. H. Guernsey and I P. Davis 613 G8 Home amusements; by Mrs. M. E. W. Sherwood 793 Sh2 Home decoration; by Janet E. Riiutz- Rees . ' 740 R2 3 Home garden; by Ella R. Church . . 716 C3 Home grounds; by Alex. F. Oakey . 712.00 Home library; by Arthur Penn . 020.92 Home occupations; by Janet E. Ruutz- Rees 740.R2 6 How to furnish a home; by E la R Church 645 C3 Appleton's illus hand-book of Am sum- mer resorts 917 3 A66 Applied Christianity; by Wash. Gladden 5.35 7 G4 Appreciations, etc ; by \Va Pater . 820 9 P08 April hopes; by W: D. Howells . . 813.H692 066 Arabian nights 892.73. AG Arabian nights; ed. by E: E. Hale . 892 73 A6 3 Arblay, 3fm6. Pes. (Burney) d'. Evelina 823 AGO 2 Arcadia; by Sir Ph. Sidney . . 823 Si2 Arcady for better or worse; by A: Jessopp 914.2. J2 Archer's manual 79() AG Archie of Athabasca; by J. M Oxley 813 09 Archie's shadow; by Mrs. Mary L. Pee- bles. (Magnet stories) . .813 P220 53 Arctic sunbeams; by S: S Cox . . 914.C6 Arey, H: W. Girard college and its founder . 378 7 G4 Argyll, Duke of. Eastern question 949 (5 A() Irish nationalism 941 5 A() Primeval man; Reign of law . . 571. A() Unity of nature 215 AG Unseen foundations of society 330.AG3 Argonauts of California; by C. VV Has- kins 979 4 HO Ariadne Florentina; by J: Ruskin . 7(iO R8 Arians of the4th century; by J: H: New- man 273 4 N2 Ariosto, Liudovico. Orlando Furioso. 2 vols 851 A() Aristocracy: a novel .... 813 AG47 Aristocracy in England; by Adam Padeau 914 2 F502 Aristophanes; by W: Lucas Collins (Ancient classics) 882 4 AG 1 Aristophanes' Apology; by Robt Brown- ing In 821 1{(;GG G2 Aristotle; by Alex. (Jrant. (Ancient classics) 185 LAG 3 Aristotle, and ancient educational ideals; by T. David.son 370 9 AG Aristotle. Nicomachean ethics; tr. by R. W. Prowne 170 AG Politics; tr. by P. Jowett 2 vols . 30LAG.4 Politics and economics; tr. byE: Walford 330 AG Arius, the Libyan; by N. C. Kouns . 813 KG8.0 Ark of Elm island; by E. Kellogg . . 813 K244.243 Arkansas, hurezu of m^nef, etc Biennial reports, 1889-90 630 AG Geiil. mrviy Report 1888-90, viz: 1888. Vol. 1 553 A6 4 Arkansas, (Cimclucl d) 1888, Vols 2 and 4; 1889. Vol. 2 . 1888. Vol. 3 18iK). Vol. 3 1890. Vol. 3 Swpt. of puJd'c instruction. Reports 1883-90. 4 vols Armadale; by Wi I kie Collins Armitage, G: Every man his own horse doctor Armitage, J: Hist, of Brazil, 1808-1831. 2 vols Armin, Rob. Nest of ninnies Armorel of Lvonesse; by Wa. Besant Armsby, H: P. Manual of cattle feeding Armstrong, Mr<>. Heaton. Etiquette for girls Etiquette of party giving Armstrong, Le lioy. Indiana man Armstrong, Mrj. Lucie H. Ball room guide Armstrong, W: Jackson. Siberia and the nihilists Army life in a black regiment; by T: W. Higginson Arne; bv Bjornstjerne Bjornsen Arnold, Benedict. Life; by I Arnold, K.dw., as poetizer and paganizer; by VV: C. Wilkinson .... Arnold, Sir Edw. Adzuma; or, The Jap- anese wife Death — and afterwards .... India revisited Japonica Light of the world Poetical works Potiphar's wife Seas and lands . . . . Arnold, Edw. Lester. Phra the Ph(je- nician Arnold, G: M. Brock. Gainsborough, T: and J: Constable. (Great artists) Arnold, I: N. Arnold, B:, Life of . Arnold, Matthew; by J : M. Robertson . Arnold, Matthew. Celtic literature; On translating Homer Culture and anarchy Discourses in America Essays in criticism. 2 vols Friendship's garland God and the Bibl(^ Literature and dogma Mixed essays; Irish essays Poems .... vSt. Paul and protestantism, et! Arnold, T:; by Rose E. Selfe (World's workers) Around a spring; by Gustav Droz . Around the hub; by S: Adams Drake Around the world in 80 days; by Jules Verne Around the world in the yacht "Sun- beam;" by Lady Anna Brassey . Around the world on a bicycle; by T: Stevens Around the world with the Blue Jackets; by H: E. Rhoades .... AROUND .557 67. AG 553. AG. 2 5.53. AG. 1 .552.A6.4 379 A6 823 C(>14 16 619 1.A6 981 A6 823 33 Sho 76 . 823.B37 16 636 AG .395. A6 ]75.A6 813 A657 4 793 A65 915.7.A6 973 7.H43 .Zrt839 83 B466 vol 1 Arnold 973 3 AG6 820.9 A6() 9 822.A66 2.37. A66 915 4 A6 . 915.2 A6 4 821 Am 4 821.A6()66 821 A6(5 6 915 2 A6 4 8:23. A6 (5 759 2. (JO 973.3.A6() /uiy3.R6 891.<).AG6 824.AGG.1 8;.'4.A()().2 8:.'4.A6(.1.;27 InSU.Am.l 231. A66 2:.'() s.AGG 4 .S24.A()G.5 821.A(Ki5 270.A()(j 371.A6.7 843. Dm 974.46.D6 843,V2.06 910.4.BG 910.4,St3 910.4.R3 ART 14 ATTWEIiL 704. C34 704. B4 Art and criticism; by Theo. Child Art and literature; by .1: S. lilackie and others ....... Art of entertaining; by Mrs. M. E. VV. Snerwood 394.1. Sh3 Art of extempore speaking; by M. Bautain S08.5.B08 Art of fiction; by VVa. Besant arulH: James 808.3.B2 Art of literature; by Art. Schopenhauer . 830.4. SchG Art of of speech; by L. T. Townsend. 2 v 808.T6 Arthur, Imcndam kino <>' Brjy/mirf. Boy's King Arthur; ed. by 8. Lanier 942.01. AG.5 li story of King Arthur and the quest of the Holy Grail 942.01. A6.50 Knightly legends of Wales; ed. by S. Lanier 942.01 AG.S King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table; by II: Frith . . 942.01.A6.26 Same; by C: Morris .... 942.0LA(5.56 Tales of King Arthur; by Marg. V. Far- rington 942.01.Afi 2 Arthur, Chester A; by W. O. Stoddard . In 972.8. H07 Arthur, J. C, C: R. Barnes and J: M. Coulter. Handbook of plant dissec- tion . 581.A(5 Arthur, T. S. Ten nights in a bar-room 813.Afi83.8 Three years in a man trap . . . 813.AfiS3.83 Arthur, W: Tongue of fire . 231 3. A6 Arthur Blane; by Ja. Grant . . . 823.Gfi.or) Arthur Bonnicastle; by J. G. Holland 813 Hfi44.0 Arthur Brown; by Elijah Kellogg . . 813.K244.fil Arthur Mervyn; by C: Brockden Brown 813.B6.0 Arthur O'Leary: by C: Lever . . . 823 L282.0 Artist hiographies; by M. F. Sweetser. Vol. 2: Titian-Guido Reni-Claude Lor- raine 7.59 .5 T4 7 Vol. 3. Sir Joshua Reynolds— J: M. W: Turner— Edwin Landseer. . . 759 2 R29 7 *Artistic homes; by A. W. Fullerand W: A. Wheeler 728. F8 Artist's tour; by B. Kroupa . 917. K(5 Arundell, T: Reminiscences of the city of London and its livery companies 942 1.A6 As it was written; by H: Harland 813.H(K)4 As we were saying; by C: D. Warner 817 WOO Asaph; by Alice K. Cooley . . 813.Cfi()4 *A8b<)th, J. de. Official tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina . . . 914 39 A7 Asbury twins; by Rebecca S. Clarke .813.C40r)4fi (M^ Aschenbroedel; by K. Carrington. (No name ser.) 813.C0(Jfi Ascher, Isidore C. Voices from the hearth 821. A7 Ascutney street; by Mrs. A. 13. Whitney813. W348fi 07 AsjB^ard and the gods; by W. Wagner 293. WO Ashe, T: Spirit of "the book." 3 vols . 823 A732.7 Ashen faggot; by T: Hughes Iw914 2.Il83 7 Ashley, W. J. English manor (Soc. science ser.) in 333 3 Cfi Intro, to Eng. economic hist. . 330 4.A7 Ashniont, jjaeui,. Kennel secrets . fi3fi.7 A7 Ashton, J: Dawn of the 19th century in England 942.07.A73 2 Fleet, The: river, prison and marriages 3fi5.A7 *Napoleon, English caricature and satire on. 2 vols 944 05.N0 07 Old times 942 07.A7.G Romances of chivalry .... &40,4 A7 Ashton, J:, (Concluded) Social England undfer the regency 2 vols. Social life in the reign of queen Anne Ashworth, H: Cobden, R:, and The Anti- corn law league Asliinson, G: W: Perfumes and their preparation Asolando; by Robt. Browning Aspasia; by Robt. Hamerling. 2 vols Aspects of poetry; by J: C Shairp . Aspects of the earth; by N. S. Shaler Assyriology; by Fs. Brown Astor, W: Waldorf. Sforza Valentino . . . Astoria; by Wash. Irving *AsvaghoshaBodhisattva. Fo-sho-hing- t!?an-king. The: a life of Buddha; tr. by, S: Beal. (Sacred books of the East. vol. 19.) 942 07.A7 7 942.06.A7 337 C6 fifi8.5.A7 821 B(j()ti 833 H05 . 808 Sh04 .551 ShO 221 . Bfi 813.A78.72 813.A78fi.8 979.5.16 294. B2 At his gates; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant In0.50.Gfi.l873 At home and abroad; by J. P. Kennedy . 814. K2 At home and abroad; by Mme. Marg. F. Ossoli 914.07 At home and in war; by Alex. Verestch- agin 759. 9. V2 At home in Fiji; by Lady C. F. G. Cum- mings 919.fil.C8 Atlast; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune . . 813.T2fi.08 At last: a Christmas in the West Indies; byC:Kingsley 917.29. K4 At odds; by Baroness Tautphoeus . . 823.T088.0 At the back of the north wind; by G: Mac- Donald 823.M26.08 At the councillor's; by E. Marlitt . 823.M06.0 At the mercy of Tiberius; by Mrs. Au- gusta J. Wilson 813.W447.08 to At the North Pole; by J. Verne At the South Pole; by W. H. G. Kingston *Atala; by Chateaubriand; ill, by G. Dore Atalanta's race, etc.; by W: Morris; ed by O. F. Adams and.W: J. Rolfe Atheism in philosophy, etc.; by F: H Hedge Atkinson, E: Distribution of products Industrial progress of the nation . Margin of profits .... Science of nutrition .... Taxation and work .... Atkinson, J. Beavington. Art tour the Northern capitals of Europe Overbeck, J: (Great artists) . Atkinson, J. C. Forty years in a moor- land parish Atkinson, J. J, Gases met with in coal mines; added. Action of coal dusts; by E: H. Williams Atkinson, Ph. Elements of dynamics, electricity and magnetism Atlantic essays; by T: W. Higginson Atlantic ferry; Arc. J. Maginnis Atlantis; by Ignatius Donnelly Atlantis arisen; by Mrs. Fes. F. Victor Attic philosopher in Paris; by E. Sou- vestre Attwell, H: Italian masters, The . 843.V3.0 919.9. K4 843.C3.0 821,Mfifi.0G 104. H2 330. 4. A8 330.9.A8 331 2.A8 612.39.A8 337.AS 708. A8 759 3 08 914.2. A8 fi22.33.A8 537. A8 814.1143.0 fi5(i.M3 571.1X5 91 7.95. V4 843.SO8.0 759.5. A8 AT WOOD 15 AZTLAN *Atwood, Melville. On the milling of gold quartz Aubertin, J. J. Fight with distances Six months in Cape Colony and Natal etc Audubon, J: Ja. Life; ed. by Mrs. Lucy Audubon Life; by Mrs. Hor. St. John Audubon's adventures; by li. K. Pierce Auerbach, Berthold. Edelweiss On the heights .... Spinoza Villa on the Khine. Same as Villa Eden August and El vie; by Jacob Abbott Augustine, St. Confessions Auld licht idylls; by J. M. Barrie Aulnay tower: by IHanche VV. Howard Aulnoy, Marie Cath. de, countess. Fairy tales Aunt Anne; by Mrs. VV. K. Clifford . Aunt Diana; by Rosa N. Carey Aunt Hannah and Martha and John; by Mrs. I. M. Alden and Mrs C. M. Liv- ingston Aunt Jane's hero; by Mrs. E. Prentiss Aunt Jo's scrap bag; by Louisa M. Al- cott, viz: My boys, etc Shawl straps Cupid and chow-chow, etc My girls, e'c Jimmy's cruise in the Pinafore, etc Old fashioned Thanksgiving . Aunt Madge's story; by Rebecca S 7/1353.C0.25.3 917. A8 91G.8.A8 590.9. A8 590.9.A8.7 .5CK).P2 833.A8.2 833 A8.() 833.A8.7 833.A8.8 813.A00.080 282. SaO 823.BO()(5.0 813.HG90.0 843. A84 823.C442.0 823.CO02.O 813.A422(3.08 813.P626.08 813.A416.01 813 A4iG.02 813.A416 03 813.A416.04 813.A416 05 813.A416 06 Clarke 813.C40646.443 Aunt Martha's corner cupboard; by Mary and Eliz. Kirby 641. K4 Aunt Serena; by Blanche VV. Howard . 813.H(')90.08 Aurelian; by W: W^are .... 813.W0()2.0 Aurelius Antoninus, M.; by F. VV. Farrar in 188. FO Same; by Paul B. Watson 188.8. A8. 9 Aurelius .-Antoninus, M. Thoughts 188.8.A8 Austen, Pes. V. Elfie's visit to cloud- land, cfc 813.A87.2 Austen, Jane; by Mrs. C: Maiden. (Fa- mous women) 820 9.A8 5 Life; by Goldwin Smith. (Great writers) 820 9.A8 7 Austen, Jane. Emma .... 823 A87.3 Letters , . 8;30 9AS Mansfield Park 823 A87 5 Northanger Abbey .... 823.A876 Pride and prejudice .... 823.A87.(56 Sense and sensibility .... 823.A87.7 Austen, VV. C. Roberts—. Intro, to the stuay of metallurgy .... 669 A8 Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden . 813 A878 08 David Alden's daughter . . . .813 A878.20 Desmond hundred (Round Robin ser.) 813.A878 22 Dr. Le Baron and his daughters . . 813 A878 26 Dora Darling: the daughter of the regi- ment 813.A8r8 266 Don Darling and Little Sunshine . .813.A878 26G0 Mrs. Beauchamp Brown. (No name ser) 813 A878.54 Moonfolk 813.A878 56 Standish of Standish .... 813.A878 7 Australian ballot system . ... In 331. N20 Sam.e; by J. H. Wigmore .... 324. W4 Australian poets; by Douglas B. VV. Sladen 821.SI02 Authors and authorship; by VV. S. Walsh 010.4. WO Authors and publishers .... 655.A8 Authors and their public in ancient times; by G. H. Putnam . . . 655.5 P8 Autobiography of the earth; by H. N. Hutchinson 550.H88 Autocrat of the breakfast table; by O. VV. Holmes 817.H64.0 Aveling, E: Intro, to the study of botany .580.7.A8 Student's Marx. (Soc. sci. ser.) . . 331.M0.0 Aveling, E: and Eleanor M. Working- class movement in America. (Soc. sci. ser.) 331.2.A82 Aveling, Eleanor M. tr. History of the commune of 1871; by P. O. Lissagaray 944 08.L4 Aveling, S. T., and C: Boutell. Her- aldry 929.6.A8 Average man; by Robt. Grant . . 813.G606.0 Averil; by Rosa N. Carey . 823.C062.08 Avery, R. B., and W. W. Alien. Califor- nia gold book 979.4.A4 Ayis, Story of; by Mrs Eliz. S. Phelps , Ward . 813.W0622.08 Away in the wilderness; by R. M. Ballan- tyne Ayala's angel; by Ant. Trollope Aylward, Alf, Transvaal of to-day Ayres, Alf. pHcud. See Osinun, T: E. Azarian; by Mrs. Ht. P. Spofford Azarias, Brother. See Mullany, Patrick Fs. Aztec land; by M. M. Ballou Aztec treasure house; by T: A. Janvier . Aztlan; by W: G. Ritch .... 917.8. BO 823.T664 916.8. A9 813Sp62 09 917. 2. BO 813.J0688.09 917.89. R4 B.C. 10 BAL.CH B B. C. 1887; by J. A. TiOos and VV. J. Clut- terbuck 917.11. L2 B. O. W. C; by .Ta. De Mille . . 813.D2r)4.01 Babcock, W: H. Two lost centuries of Britain 942.01.B0 Babelon, Krriest. Manual of oriental antiquities 930.T500 Babolaiii; by G. Droz .... 843.Dr)f)0 Baby Hue; by Charlotte M. Clarke . . 813.C406.1 Baby'.s grandmother; by L. ]}. Walford . 823.W042 00 Bach, Alb. B. Musical education and vocal culture 784.9 BO Bach, F. W. How to judge of a horse . 019.1. BO Bach, J: Sebastian; by R. Lane-Poole. (Gr. musicians) 786.1101 Bachelor of Salamanca; by A. R. Le Sage 823.L3.10 Backlog studies; by C: T). Warner . 817. WO 01 Backsheesh; by T: VV. Knox . 91.5.0 K6 Bacon, Alb. M. Manual of gesture 808.r).B0 Bacon, Alice M. Japanese girls and women 915.2.B01 Japanese interior 91.').2.B01.4 Bacon, l>elia: biographical sketch . . 822.33.B0 2 Bacon, Fs., hii^on Vtrulam and vIhcuUiU St. Alhanf. Bacon and Essex; by Edw. A. Abbott . 820.9.B0.0 Bacon, Shakespeare and the Roslcruci- ans; by W. F. C. Wigraore . . . 822.33.B0.9 Francis Bacon and his secret society; by Mrs. II: Pott 822.33.B0.6 [Life!; by R. W. Church. (Eng. men oT letters) 192.1.B0.1 Life and philosouhy; by J: Nichol. (Phil, classics) 192.1 BO.O Sir Fs. Bacon's cipher story; by O. J. Owen 822.33 09 Bacon, Fs. New Atlantis .In 320 1. MO 4 Works 2 vols 192.1. BO Bacon, G:, con.p. Siam; ed. by B. Taylor 915 93.T0 Bad boy's diary 817.B02 Bad times; by Alf. R. Wallace . . 380 WO Baddeck; by C: I) Warner 817. WO 00 Badeaii, Adam. Aristocracy in England 914 2.B02 Badminton library of sports and pastimes. Athletics and football .... 790. Sh3 Coursing and falconry .... 799C0.1 Cricket 797.S12 Cycling 79().K2 Driving 798.So5 Fishing. 2 vols 799.P2 (!olf 7tX5H8 Hunting 799 So5 Racing and steeple chasing 798 Ho9 Snooting. 2 vols 799 G()2 Tennis, lawn tennis, Ac .... 7!H).H20 Baetleker, K. Bt^lgium and Holland 914 93 BO Paris 914.4.30 BO Southern Franc<', including Corsica 914 4 1{() Traveller's manual of conversation 403.B02 Baernreither, J. M. English associa- tions of workingmen .... 331 88 BO Baflled conspirators; by W. E Norris 823NO(5().0| Bagehot, Wa. IJiographical studies 942 07.B03 Economic studies . . . . 330 4B03 English constitution .... 342.42. B03 Estimates of some Englishmen and Scotchmen Literary studies. 2 vols . Lombard street .... Physics and politics. (Inter, sci. ser.) Postulates of English political economy Universal money Bagenal, Ph. H. American Irish Bagot, A. G. Shooting and yachting in the mediterranean Bagpipers; by Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevan Baigent, Fs. J., and C: Ja. Russell Practical manual of heraldry . Bailey, Ja. M. Life in Danbury Bailey, J: Burn. Modern methuselahs Bailiff's maid; by E. Marlitt . Baily, W: Li. Our own birds Bain, Ale.v. Education as a science. (Inter sci ser ) Mind and body. (Inter, sci. ser.) Practical essays Bain, F. W. Christina, queen of Swed.-n Bainton, G:, con.p. and ed. Art of author- ship Baird, H: M. Rise of the Huguenots of France. 2 vols Huguenots and Henry of Navarre. 2 vols Baked meats of the funeral; by Private Miles O'Reilly . . . Baker, C: W. Monopolies and the people Baker, G: M. Baker's dozen: Drawing room stage Exhibition drama Running to waste Baker, G: M., ed. Favorite speaker Handy speaker Prize speaker Baker, H. Bar«on. London stage, 1.570 1888. 2 vols Baker, Ira O. Treatise on masonry con struction Baker, Sir S: W. Cast up by the sea Eight years In Ceylon ... Ismailia Rifle and hound in Ceylon Wild beasts and their ways Baker, T. Barwick. War with crime Baker, T:, and T: Fenwick. Subterra- nean surveying . • . . Baker, W: Lewis. The beam . Baker, W: M. Blessed saint certainty His majesty, myself Making of a man .... Year worth living .... Balaam and his master; by Joel C. Harris 813.110664.04 Balance of military power in Europe; by J: F: Maurice 940.9. M08 Ba,lch. F. H. Bridge of the gods 813.B041 820 9 B()3 804 B03 332.B0.4 320 BO 330.4. HO 332.4. BO 914.15. BO 914.5 BO 843 D82.00 929 O.BO 817.B0 920 BO 833 M 06.00 598 2.B04 370 1. BO 130. BO 040 BO 948.5 C30.0 055.B(>4 272.4 BO 944.03 B04 818.00 338.8. BO dialogues 371.32.B042.0 .371 32.B042.2 371.32.B042 29 813.BO423.0 371.32.B042.0 371.32.B042.23 371.32.B042.6 792 BO 4 093. BO 823.BO420.1 915.48 B0.2 91().2f).B0 4 915.48. BO 599. B04 3()4.B0 023.1 4. F2 024.2. BO 813.B0430.0 813.B042().0 813.B(H20 5 813.BO420.9 BAIiCH 17 BANCROFT Balch, G: T. Methods of teaching pa- triotism in the public schools Balch, T: French in America, 1777-188.'5 . Baldwin, J. Art of school management , Baldwin, Ja. Roland, Story of Siegfried, Story of Story of the golden age . . . . Baldwin, Ja.,«J. Harper's school speak- ers . . . ■ , ■ Baldwin, J: D. Ancient America Baldwin, Jos. Elem. psychology and ed- ucation. [Inter, ed. ser.] Psychology applied to the art of teaching. [Inter, ed. ser.] Baldwin, Lydia W. Yankee school teach- er in Virginia Baldwin, W: J. Steam healing for build- ings Balestier, Josephine. Life and vSylvia Balestier, Wolcott, and Rudyard Kip- ling. Naulahka . . . . Balfour, H: Evolution of decorative art Ball, « r Rob. S. Atlas of astronomy Cause of an ice age. (Mod. sci. ser.) Elem. lessons in applied mechanics In starry realms In the high heavens Star-land Story of the heavens Time and tide . Ball-room guide: by Lucie H. Armstrong Ballads and verses vain; by And. Lang Ballantine, W: Some experiences of a barrister's life, 3 vols Ballantyne, Rob. Michael. Away in the wilderness Battery and the boiler Black ivory Blue Lights Cannibal islands Chasing the sun Coral island Deep down Dog Crusoe Fast in the ice . Fighting the flames . Fighting the whales Floating light . Freaks on the fells . Fugitives Gascoyne . Giant of the north Gorilla hunters . Hot swamp Hudson bay Hunted and harried Life boat . Lonely island Martin Rattler . Norseman in the west Red Rooney Riyers of ice Rover of the Andes . Settler and the savage Ungava Up in the clouds Why I did not become a sailor 377. BO 973.3. BO 371.BO f)44.0LB0 830.9. BO. 7 292.B0 371.32.B04 3 571. BO 1.50. BO 150 B042 91 7. 5.5. BO (597.5. BO 813.B04.4 823 K464 6 740. BO 524. BO 5.51.31. B04 621. BO 523.B0.4 520 BO 523.B04.7 523. BO' 525 6. BO 793. A6 821.L063 340. B04 917.8. HO ()54.5 B04 916.7. B04 916.6..B04 919 6.B04.1 914.81.B0 919.6. B04,16 622. B04 917.8. B04. 2 919.8. BO 823.B0440 24 639. BO 823.B0440 246 914.1.B04 969 B04 919.6. B04. 3 919 8.B04.3 599.8 B04 823.B0440 36 917.12. R04 823.B0440 3 614.867. BO 997. B04 918 1.B04 973.1. B04 919.8 B04 823 B()440.6 918. BOl 916 8 B04 919.8 B04.8 533.6. B04 In 914.1.B04 Paris Ball.antyue, Rob. Michael, ((■oiu:liule(i) Wild man of the west World of ice Ballard, H. H. Three kingdoms Ballard, Julia P. Among the moth: and butterllies .... Ballon, Maturin M. Aztec land Due north Due south Due West . . . Equatorial America Footprints of travel .... New eldorado Story of Malta Travels under the Southern cross . Balniforth, Ramsden. New reforjua tion. (Soc. sci. ser.) Balzac, Honore de. Life; by F: Wed more. (Gr. writers) Balzac, Honore de. Albert Savaru Alkahest .... Brotherhood of consolation Bureaucracy Cesar Birotteau Chouans Country doctor . Cousin Bette Cousin Pons Duchesse de Langeais Eugenie Grandet Fame and sorrow Great man of the provinces in Historical mystery Lily of the valley Lost illusions Louis Lambert . Magic skin Modiste Mignon Pere Goriot Pierrette .... Seraphita .... Sons of the soil. Two brothers Two young married women Ursula .... Village rector Baniford, Mary K. Look about club Talks by queer folks Up and down the brooks Banbury, G. A. Li. Sierra Leone Bancroft, G: Battle of Lake Erie, et Hist, of the U. S. [to 1789] 6 vols . Literary and hist, miscellanies *Bancroft, Hu, Howe. ^California inter pocula *CaIifornia pastoral *Essays and miscellany . *Hist. of Alaska, 1870-1885 *Hist. of Arizona and New Mexico *Hist. of British Columbia *Hist. of California, 1542-1890. 7 vols *Hist. of Central America. 3 vols . *Hist. of Mexico, 1516-1887. vols *Hist. of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming *Uist. of N. Mexican states and Texas, 1531-1789. 2 V *Hist. of the northwest coast. 2 vols 917.8 B04.9 919.8. B04.9 ,50<).Ii04 595 78. BO 917 2 BO 914.8 BO 917.291. BO 910 4 B04.2 918.B044 910 4.B04.3 917.98.1?04 945.8 BO 919 BW 304. T?0 840.9. T?0.9 843 BO.O 843. BO. 04 843 BO. 166 843.IW.1 843. BO. 12 843. BO. 13 843. BO. 16 843. BO. 168 843 BO. 1687 843. BO. 2 843 BO 28 843 BO 20 843.B0.3 843. BO. 34 843.B0.4 843. BO. 46 843.B0.468 843.B0.5 843. BO. 56 843. BO.O 843.B0.64 843.B0.7 843.B0.8 843.B0.8 843.B0.89 843.B0.86 843.B0.84 590.B05.4 .590.B05.8 595. BOo 916.64. BO 810 9.B06 2 973 BO. 3 040.B06.4 979.4. B03.1 979.4.B03.6() 979. B03 979.8.B03 979.1.B03 971. B03 1 979.4.I503.3 972.8. BO. 3 972.B03.5 979.3. B02 St72.B03 971.1.B03.3 BANCROFT 18 BARROWS Bancroft, Hu. Howe, {Concluded) *IIist. of Oregon. 2 vols .... 979.5.1506 Hist, of Utah 979.3.B03 *Hist. of Washington, Idaho and Mou- • tana 979 7.B03 *Literary industries .... 810.9.B03 Native races. 5 vols .... 571 97.B03 *Popular tribunals. 2 vols . 979.4.B03.60 Bancroft, Jos., and Roto. Barclay, Per- suasive to unity ..... 389.6 B06 Bancroft, Roto. M. and Fs. J. Construc- tion of tall chimney shafts . . . 697.8.B0 Bancroft, T. Whiting. Method of Eng. composition 808.B06 Bandelier, A. F. Archaeolosical recon- noisance into Mexico .... 972.01. BO Gilded man, (El Dorado) etc . . . 980.B0 *Ban(lhayana; tr. by G: Buhler . In 394.B8.7.vol 3 Bandinel, Ja. Sermons .... 220.1. B06 Bangs, J: Kendrick. Coffee and repartee 817.B06 Toppleton's client 813. BO Banks, Mary R. Bright days in the old plantation times 813.B0647.1 Banned and blessed; by E. Werner . . 833.W2.00 Baptist meeting house; by S: J. Barrows 283.B3 Bar harbor days; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison 813.H06647.00 Barbara Heathcote's trial: by Rosa N. Carey . . . . • • • 823.C062.06 Bartoara Thayer; by Mrs. Annie Jenness Miller 813.M444.20 Bartoanld, Anna Letitia an I J: Aikin. Evenings at home .... 504.A44 Bartoer, Edw. Atlee. Pottery and por- celain of U. S 738.B0 Bartoer, T: Wa. Engineer's sketch book of mechanical movements, etc. . . 621 BO Barberine, and other comedies; by Alf. de Musset 842.M8 00 Barchester towers; by Ant. Trol lope . 823.T664.00 Barclay, J: Memoirs of the Quakers 289.6.B0 Barclay, Jos., comp. Talmud, The 396. TO Barclay, Rotot. Apology: doctrines of Quakers . 289.6.B0.0 Catechism and confession of faith 389.6.B0.1 Barclay, Hob., and Jos. Bancroft. Per- suasive to unity 289.0.B0() Bard, S: A. Waikna; or, Adventures on the Mosciuito shore .... 917.285:B0 Barhani, R: H. Ingoldsby legends . 834.B06 Barhani, R: H., andothem. Personal rem- iniscences 820.9.B06 Barkley, H. C. Studies in the art of rat- catching 824.B064 Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus 811.B0.8 Barnaby Rudge; by C: Dickens. 3 vols 833.D414.1 Barnard, C: Co-operation as a business 334. HO First steps in electricity .... .')37.BO().2 Tone masters 780.9. B0() Barneby, W. H: Life and labor in the far, far west 917. BO Barnes, C. R., rtnrfot?f:r-. Plant dissection .^SLAO Barnes' popular hist, of U. S. . . 973.B06 Barnevehl, J: of, Life and death of; by J: L.Motley 949.2 M6. 4 Barney, Joshua. Biog. memoir; by Mary Harney '. 973.3.B06 Baron Munchausen, The adventures of; by Rudolph E. Gaspe .... 833.M8G voh Baroness, The; by Fes. M. Peard Barque Future; by Jonas Lie . Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. Beads of TaSDDar Between two loves Border shepherdess . Bow of orange ribbon Cluny MacPherson Daughter of Fife Feet of clay Friend Olivia Girls of a feather Hallam succession Jan Vedder's wife Last of the Macallisier's . Lost silver of Britt'ault Love for an hour is love forever Master of his fate Mate^f the "Easter Bell," e c Michael and Theodora Paul and Christina . Preacher's daughter Remember the Alamo Rose of a hundred leaves Scottish sketches She loved a sailor Singer from the sea . Sister to Esau . Squire of Sandal -side Young people of Shakespeare's dramas Barr, W: M. Pumping machinery . Barrett, Lawrence. Forrest, Edwin (Am actor ser.) Barrett, Mary. William the silent Barrett, W. A. Flowers and festivals Barrett, W: Alex. English church com posers. (Gr. musicians) Barrie, J. M. Auld licht idylls Better dead, and My Lady Nicotine Edinburgh eleven. An. Holiday in bed, etc Little minister Tillyloss scandal .... Two of them When a man's single Window in Thrums . . ! . Barriers burned away; by E: P. Roe Barrili, Anton G. Devil's portrait Eleventh commandment .... Whimsical wooing Barrington; by C: Lever .... Barrington's fate; by M. R. Hunt. (No name) Barrow, W: Sermons .... Barrows, Anna, ed. Eggs Barrows, H: D. International bi-metal- ism Barrows, J: H: Beechcr, H: W. (Am. reformers) Barrows, J: H:, cl. World's parliament of religions: Columbian exposition, 1893. 3 vols Barrows, S: J. Baptist meeting house Doom of the majority .... Barrows, S: J. and Isabel C Shaybacks in camp Barrows. W: General, The; or. Twelve nights in the hunter's camp 833.P206.00 839 83.L4.0 813.B066.03 813.B066.038 813.B006.06 813.B0(}6.169 813.B066.1 813.B066 20 813.B066.333 813.B0(i6.36 813.B066.3 813.B066.30 813.B066.40 813.BO(56 407 813.B006.46 813 B006 468 813 B066.50 813.B066 .508 813.B066 54 8t3.B066.60 813.B066.66 813 B066.63 813.B066.667 813.B066.71 813.B066.73 813.B066.746 813.B066.74 813.B066.76 833.33.B06 631. 64. BO 792. F6 1)49.2. W4.0 394.B0 786. B06 823.B()()(5.0 823 B(X)6 02 820 9.B006 823.BO(56.3 833.B(K)6.4 833.B06<5.8 833.B066.89 S23.B0(i(J 9 833 B0(j().94 813.R63.0 8.53.B04.33 8,53.B04.3 853.B04.9 823.L383.G0 813 H808.0 239. B06 080. BOG 332.42 BO .288.B2 204. BO 288. B3 237. BO 796 BO 813.B0666.3 BARROWS 19 BECKFORD Barrows, W: (Conclud d) Indian's side of the Indian question . 970.5.B04 Oregon .' 979.5.B0 United Stales of yesterday and of to- morrow ^ . 917.3 BOO Barrus, G: H. Boiler tests ... 631 18.B0 Barry, Alf. Some lights of science on the faith 301 BOG *Barry, Ja. Works. 3 vols. ... 750 BO Barry Lyndon, Memoirs of; by W: M. Thackeray 833.T3.1 Barth, A. Religions of India . . 399 ll.BO Bartliolovv, Roberts. Materia medica and therapeutics 61.5 l.BO Bartlett, J: Familiar quotations . 808.B0 Bartlett, Robt. K: Letter and the spirit 201 B068 Bartol, C. A. Principles and portraits . O4().B06 Bartoloiniiieo di Paolo, Fra; by Mrs. Lucy E. Baxter (Gr. artists) . . 759.5.B0 Bascom, J: Sociology .... 303. BO Basil; by VVIlkie Collins .... 833.C644.10 Bastiat, F: Essays on political economy 330 4.B07 Sophisms of protection . 337.3.B0 Bastin, Kdson S. College botany . 580.B0 Batavia; by Hendrik Conscience . 839.33. C6.00 Batchelor, J: Ainu of Japan . . 915 3 BO Bates, H: W. Naturalist on the river Amazons 918.1 BO Bates, Jos. Early life and later experi- ences, etc ; ed. by Ja. White . . 389.3.B0 Bates, Josephine W. Blind lead . 813 B083 Bates, Katherine liee. English religious dramas . . . . ' . . 344 BO Bates, liizzie. Stories from the moorland 813 B08.7 Bates, W: W. American marine 387 B08 Battershall, Jessie P. Food adulteration 614.31. BO .Battery, The, and the boiler; by R M. Ballantyue 654.5.B04 Battle and a boy; by Blanche W. Howard 813.H69O.00 Battle of New York; by W: O, Stoddard 973.7.St63 Battle of the Big Hole; by G. O. Shields 978.6.Sh4 Battlefields and camp-fires: by W. J. Abboit 973.7.A09.001 Battlefields and victory; by W. J. Abbotl973.7.A0<.).008 Battlefields ot '61; by W. J. Abbott . 973.7. A09.007 Batty, Jos. H. Practical taxidermy . .579.4.B0 Bauernian, H. Treatise on the metal- lurgy of iron 6(J9.1.B0 Baughan, Rosa. Influence of the stars . 133.5.B0 Bautain, M. Art of extempore speaking 808.5. B08 Bax, Ernest Belfort. Ethics of socialism. (Soc. sci. ser.) 335. BOS Outlooks from a new standpoint. (Soc. sci ser.) 304.B0 Religion of socialism. (Soc. sci. ser.) 335.BO(5 Story of the French revolution. (Soc. sci. ser.) 343.44. BO Bax, Ernest Belfort, and W: Morris. Socialism. (Soc. sci. ser.) . . . 335.M6 *Baxendale, Wa. Dictionary of anecdote 808. B09 Baxter, Mrs. liucy. {Leader Scott.) Bar- tolommeo Di Paolo, Fra; Mariotto Al- bertinelli, and Andrea D'Agnolo. (Gr. artists) 759.5.BO Ghiberti, Lorenzo ond Donatello, et als. (Gr. artists,) 759.5. B09 Robbia, Luca Delia, et als. (Gr. artists) . 735.BO Sculpture: renaissance end modern . 730.9.BO Bayard, Chevalier and The Cid. Heroes of history 940 3. BO Baye, J. de , baron. Industrial arts of the Anglo-Saxons 913 43.B0 Baylor, Fes. C. Behind the Blue Ridge 813.B(H).0 Juan and Juanita 813.B09.4 On both sides 813.B()9.0 Bayly, Ada Ellen. (ElvaLyall). Donovan 833.B()9.3 Hardy Norseman 833.B09.3 In the golden days . . . . 833 B()9.46 Knight errant S33.B09.464 Their hanpiest Christmas 833.B()9.8 To right the wrong ..... SSS.BOD.SO We two . 833.B09.93 Won by waiting 833.B09.96 Bayou folk; by Kate Chopin 813. C3 Bay-path; by J. G. Holland . . . 813.H644.00 Bazan, Emilia P. Russia: people and literature Ml.BO Beach, Eliz. T. Porter. Pelayo 811 B3 Beadle, J. H. Undeveloped west . 917.8. B30 Beads of Tasmar; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . 813 ii066 03 Beal, S:,tr. Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king,The: .life of Buddha 394 B3 Beale, David J. Through the Johnsiown flood 974 87.B3 Beale, Ste. Profitable poultry keeping . 636 5.B3 Beard, C: Reformation of the 16th cen- tury 370 6. B3 Beard, D. C American boys' handy book 7iX) B3 Beard, G: M. Stimulants and narcotics . 613.393.B3 Beard, J: R. Toussaint L'Ouverturo, Life of 973.93.T6 Beard, Liina and Adelia B: American girl's handy book 793.B0 3 Beatrice; by Julia Kavanagh . 833.K08 03 Beatrix Randolph; by J. Hawthorne . 813.H094.03 Beattie, Ja. Poetical works ... la 831. A4 Beauchampe; by W: G. Simms 813.Si55.13 Beauchanipe's career; by G: Meredith . 833.M363.03 Beauclerk, W: N. Rural Italy 914 5 B3 Beaugrand, C: Walks abroad of two young naturalists 590.4. B3 Bcaulieu, Paul L. Modern state in rela- tion to society and the individual. (Soc. sci. ser) 331. B2 Beaumont, Fs. a?Kt J: Fletcher. Poems 832. B3 Beaumont, Roberts. Color in woven de- sign 745. B3 Woolen and worsted cloth manufacture 677. B2 Beauregard, G. T. Campaign of Man- asses 973 7. B3 Beauties of nature; by Sir J: Lubbock 504.L8.0 Beauty in the household; by Mrs. T. W. Dewing 645.1)3 Beauty spot, etc.; by Alf. de Musset 843.M8.0 Beauty's daughters; by Mrs. Marg. Hun- gerford 833.11863.03 Bechstein, J. M. Cage and chamber birds iVUli} B3 Beck, Ja. B., Memorial addresses on . 973.8.B31 *Becker, G: F. Geol. of the Comstock lode, etc. 3 vols 553.43 U.S.I6 Becker, W. A. Charicles .... 938.B3.1 Galius 937.07.B3.3 Becket, T: a. See Thomas a. Becket. Beckett, Gilbert Abbott A. Comic hist. of England 827.B2 Beckford, W: Caliph Vathek 833.B314.9 BECKWOURTH 20 BERDOE Beckwourth, Ja. P. Life and adven- tures. (Adv. ser.) 970.3. 1« Bedtime stories; by Mrs. L. C. Mouiton . 813.M68() Bede, Th'- veneratde. Ecclesiastical hist, of England 942.01.H2 Bedell, F: Alternating currents 537. B3 Beecher, H: W.; by J : U: Barrows (Am. refa-mers) 285 8.B3 Beecher, H: W. Letters from Florida . 917..¥J.B2 New star papers ..... 204.B2.6 Norwood; or, Village life in New Eng- land 813.B221.(i Proverbs from Plymouth pulpit 81()8.B2 Star papers 040.B2.7 Twelve lectures to young men 177.B2 Yale lectures on pn-aching 251. B2 Beecher, Mrn. H. W. All around the house G4().B2.0 Motherly talks with young housekeepers 640.B2.5 Bee-manof Orn, e/c; by Fk R Stockton 813.St(U4 02 Beers, H: A. From Chaucer to Tennyson Initial studies in American literature Willis, N P. (Am men of letters) Beesly, A. H. Franklin. Sir J: (New Plutarch) Gracchi, Marius and Sulla Beethoven, Ludvig, van. Life; by L: Nohl [Life]; by H A lludall. (Gr. musicians) [Life]; by 11: Wagner .... Beethoven, Ludvii^Tan. Quartetto- viola. F .... Quartetts for violin. F . Quartetts for violincello. F . Sonatas for violin. F . . . . Beethoven's nine symphonies: by G: Grove Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas ex- plained; by E. V. Elterlein . Beeton's book of drawing room plays, etc Beji>'innin;i;H of history; by F. Lenormant Beginnings of New England; by J: Fiske Begum's daughter; by E L. Bynner Behind closed doors; by Mrs. Anna K. ((Jreen) Rohlfe Behind the Hlue Ridge; bv Fes. C. Baylor Behind time; by G: P. L.ithrop Behnke, Emil. Child's voice . Behnke, Emil, and Ijennov Browne. Voice, song and speech Being a boy; byC: D Warner . Belcher, JLadt/ Diana. Mutineers of the Bounty Beleaguered city; by Mrs. M. O. W Oli- phant Belhuven tales, ec; by Mrs C. C. Harri- son . .813.II(X5()47.U) Bclisic, D. W Hall to 18.59 Bell, Sir C: Hand, The treatises) *Bell, Clarence Clough and Rob. Un- tlerwood Johnson, ei*. Rattles and leaders of the civil war; by C: P. Stone rtrtd othe/v. 4 vols Bell, Ernest, ed. Handbook of athletic sports. G vols 79<).B2 820 9. B2 810 9. B2 810 9. W47 919 8.F() 9.37.04. B2 78G B2 (5 78() B2 786 B2 9 787 2.B2 787.1.B2() 787.3 B2 787 1 B2 7 785 1 B2.3 78G 41 B2 2 793. B2 930 L2G 974 F47 813 B9 813.RG,34 813 ]{09 813 L083 02 784 9 B2 784 B() 813 W(Xi()1.0 997. B2 823 044ti.l2 Hist of Independence (Bridgewater 974 81 B2 215 J5G.4 973.7. StG *Bell, I. liowthian. Principles of the manufacture of iron and steel 6(59 1.B2 Bell, J: Chemistry of foods 614 3. B2 Bell, Lilian. Love affairs of an old maid 813.B24.4 Itell, Li:, aitd Osci T. Crohby. Electric railway 621.33.CG Bell, N. R E (N. D\4...v6rs) Elementary hist, of art 709. B2 Raffaelio Sanzio da Urbino. (Gr. artists) 7.59 5 RO Bellairs, H: Walford. Church, The, and the school 2()0.B2 Bellamy, Blanche W. and Maud W. Goodwin, eds. Open sesame. 3 vols 808.B2 Bellamy, E: Looking backward . 813B2440 4 Bellew, Fk. P. W. Chips unnatural his- tory 817.B2.1 Health guyed 817.B2 Bellows, Alb. Philosophy of eating 613.2. B2 Bellows, H: W. Old world in its new face 914. B24 Hist, sketch of the Union Lpague club 329G.B2 Bellows, H: W., and others. Christianity and modern thought .... 204. B2 Belloy, i? Ma quis de. Columbus, Christo- pher, and the discovery of the new world 910.9.CG.044 Belt, F: Naturalist in Nicaragua . 917.285 B2 Belton estate; by Ant. Trollope . . 823.TGG4.02 Ben the luggage boy; by H. Alger . 813.A432.66 Bench and bar of New York; by L. B. Proctor . 340. P6 Bench work in wood; by W. F. M. (ross 371.42.GG Beneath two flags; by Maude B. Booth . 267.15. B6.8 Benedict, Sir Julius. Weber. (Gr. mu- sicians) . • 786. W2 Ben Hur; by Lew Wallace . . 813.W(M4.0 Benjamin, Park. Voltaic cell. 537. Ii2.8 Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary art in Europe 709. B26 Persia and the Persians .... 915 5 B2 Story of Persia. (Story of nations). 935 5 B2 Troy. (Epochsof anc. hist) . 939 21.B2 World's paradises 9H) B2 Bennett, Alfr. aiil G: Murray. Crypto- gamic botany .58().B2 Benson, E. F. Dodo .... 823 B2G Bentham, Jeremy. Fragment on gov- ernment. 321. B2G Bentley, R:; by R. C. J ebb. (Eng. men of letters) 820.9 B26 Bentley, Rob. Physiological botany .581. B2G Bentley, W. Holman. Life' on the Congo 9H).72.B2 Benton, T: Hart; by Theo. Roosevelt. (Am. statesmen) 973.5 B2() Benton, T: Hart. Decision in the Dred Scott case 32G.7.B3 Thirty years' view, 1820-1850. 2 vols. . 328.73.B2 Benyowsky Mauritius A., count. Mem- oirs and travels; ed. by P. Oliver. (Adv. ser.) 91.5. B2 Beowulf; ed. by J a. Harrison and Rob, Sharp 829.3.B2 Beranger, Pierre Jean. Poems 841 B2 Berdoe, E: Browning's message to his time . 820.9 B6(56.03 THE OLDEST REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY IN BUTTE. ChaS. S. passmore, notary public. preo p. GUTELIUS, civil enginber i=i=^^ Drv^C3I=RE: Sc LEADING FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND IDEMNITY INSURANCE AGENTS REAL ESTATE AND MINING BROKERS Survey, plat and put on the market city additions and townsites, lease AND bond mines. HOUSES BUILT ON INSTALLMENT PLAN, FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTIATED. PURCHASE AND SELL MUNICIPAL AND COUNTY BONDS. WARRANTS AND SCRIPT. RENTAL AGENTS FOR NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS. OFFICE: 25 WEST GRANITE STREET, BUTTE, MONTANA BABGOCK 6c OO. "-"-*" HATTERS Dunlap's an& Stetson Soft anO Sttft Ibats. Ibarrington's Celebrated Stiff Ibats. MEN'S F"INE FURNISHERS. BUTTE HELENA CANS 6c KLEIN, THE LEADING CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND FURNISHERS OF MONTANA. AGENTS DR. JE/VGER'S SANITARY UNDER-WEAR IVIANHATTAN SHIRTS AND KNOX HATS CANS 6c KLEIN, S. MARKS, MANAGER BUTTE HOUSE. Without a Rival Exnti Size Perffcto. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. HAVANA CIGAR Highest Award World'' s Columbian Exfosihon John E. Davis Distributing A ^-e^it, Butte, City, Montana, Butte art Statneb ©lass tDorks The glass for the Library Building was furnished by us, secured by sharp competition from eastern firms. If you need Glass, we are in a position to suit you in price and material, as we handle Glass of all descriptions. ^i^ure lDinbou?s anb paintings in tl^e ^\<^^s^ Style of tl^e art. Mail orders promptly attended to. Write for Estimates. 336 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTHTE JOHN 0. JONES, TRANSFER LINE. PIANOS, FURNITURE AND SAFES MOVED WITH CARE. PIANOS BOXED. SHIPMENTS ATTENDEO TO. OFFICE IN M. & B. BLOCK, 19 W. BROADWAY. TELEPHONE 285. RESIDENCE, 427 HOPKINS STREET. BERG 21 BIGELOW *Berg, It: de Coppet. Safe building. 3 vols (590.B2 Berg, AVa. Buildings and structures of Am. railroads 725.3.B2 Bergen, J. Y. and Fanny D. Primer of Darwinism; Organic evolution . 57.5.B2 Bergstresser, P. Vain excuses an- swered 248. B2 Beric the Briton: bv G: A. Henty . . 942.01.H2.0 Bering, Vitus; by P. Lauridsen 998.B2() Berioger, C. end J. J. Text book of as- stying G(59.9.B2 Berkeley, G:; by A. Campbell. (Phil. classics) . • 192.3.B2.2 Berkeleys and their neighbors; by Molly E. Seawell . . . . . • 813.SeO.O Berlin and Sans-Souci; by L. Muhlbach 833.M83 02 Bernard, P., and R: Whiting. Wonder- ful escapes 920. B2 Bernard, H: Meyners. The apodidae. (Nature series) 595.7. B2 Bernard, T: D. Progress of doctrine in the New Testament .... 225.B26 Bernhardt. J. W. Vox humana 784.9.B2 Bernheim,H. Suggestive therapeutics . 134.B2 Bernstein, E: Lassalle, Ferd., as a so- cial reformer. (Soc. sci. Ser.) . . 335.5.L0 Bernstein, Julius. P"'ive senses of man. (Inter, sci. ser.) 611.8.B2 Berry, Luchiss "f, and the court of Charles X; bvl. deSaint Amand . . 944 06 B2.1 Berry, Duchess of, and the court of Louis XVIII; by I. de Saint Amand . . 944.0(3.B2.4 Bert, Paul. First steps in scientific knowledge 502. B2 Bertram family; by Mrs. Eliz. Charles . 823.C30<)4.02 Bertrams; by Ant. Trollope . . . 823.T6(i4.02() Besant, VVa. All sorts and conditions of men 823.B27 04 Armorel of Lyonesse .... 823.62(5.16 Children of Gibeon 823.B27.134 Coligny, G. de. (New Plutarch) . . 944.02.C6.0 Cook, Ja. (Eng. men of action) . . 910.9 C66.0 Fifty years ago ..... 942.08. B27 For faith and freedom .... 823.B27 26 French humorists 840.9.B27 Ivory gate 823.B27.4 Katherine Regina Zn823.B27.86 London 942.1. B2.4 Kabelais (Foreign classics) . . 840.9.R0.0 Rebel queen 833.B27.6 St. Kalherine's by the tower . 823.B27.70 Studies in early French poetry . 840.9.B27.7 Tocall her mine 823.B27.86 World went very well then . . 823.B27.96 Besant, Wa.. ed. Dorothy Wallis 792.B27.2 Besant, Wa., and H: James. Art of fic- tion 808.3 B2 Besant, Wa.. nni E. H. Palmer. Jerusa- lem 956.B27 Besant, Wa and Ja. Rice. Case of Mr. Lucraft, otc 823 B27 10 Chaplain of the fleet .823 B27 13 Golden butterliy 823.B27.364 My little girl 823.B27 59 Ready -money Mortibov .... 823.B27.62 Seamy side 823.B27.72 Besant, Wa., (Concluded^ Ten years' tenant, etc . . 823.B27.83 This son of Vulcan 823.B27.83 ' rwas in Trafalgar's Bay, cfc . 823.R27.89 Whittington, Sir R: (New Plutarch) 942.1 W3.0 Bessie Bradford's prize; by Joanna H. Matthews 8I3.M083.01 Bessie's fortune; by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes 813.H645.5.02 Best reading; by Lynds E. Jones. 3 vols Best reading; ed. by F: H. Perkins . Bethia Wray's new name; by Amanda M. Douglas Betrothed; by Sh- Wa. Scott Betrothed lovers; by A. Manzoni Bettany, G. T. Darwin, C:, Life of (Gr. writers) *VVorld's religions Better days; by T: and Anna M. Fitch Better dead; by J. M. Barrie Better not; by J: H. Vincent Betty Alden; by Jane G. Austin Retty Leicester; by Sarah O. Jewett Betty's bright idea; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe Between the lines; by C: King 028.J6 028. P3 813.D68.0 823.Sc6.2 853. MO .575. 1)0.02 290. B3 813.F481.5 833. BOW) 03 175. V4 813.A878.0 813.J29.03 813 St69.08 813.K4G31 02 Between two loves; by Mrs. A. E. Barr 813.B066.038 Beulah; by Mrs. Augusta E. Wilson 813. W4447.028 Bevan, Theo. F. Toil, travel and dis- covery in British New Guinea 919.5.B3 Beveridge, W^: Theological works. 7 vols 2.52.B2 Beyond recall; by Adeline Sergeant . 823.Se632.0 Beyond the gates; by Mrs. E. S. P. Ward. 813 WO(522.02 Beyond the Himalayas; by J: Geddie 915.15.G3 Beyond the Mississippi; by A. D. Richard- son 917.8.R4 Bhagavadgita; tr. by Kashinath Trim- bak Telang 294. KO Biart, Lucian. Adventures of a young naturalist 917.2.B4 Aztecs 972.01. B4.4 Involuntary voyage 843. B4. 4 Bible, The holy 220. B4 Bible and modern discoveries; by H. A. Harper 220.9. HO Bible in public schools .... 377.1. B4 *Bible gallery; by G: Dore 708.4D6.0 Bible in Spain; by G: Borrow. . 914.6. B6 Bible readings for the home circle 289.3.B4 Bickersteth, E: H: Yesterday, to-day and forever 831.B4 Biddy club; by G. A. Nicholas . 647.N4 Bidgood, J: Course of elementary bi- ology 576.B4 Biding his time; by J: T. Trowbridge . 813.T669.04 Bidlake, J: Truth and consistency of divine revelation 211. B42 Bidwell, D. D.. and H. Ward. Five years with ihe Congo cannibals. . . 916.73. WO Bienville, Jean B. L, M., SUur de.; by Grace King (Makers of Am.) . 976.3.B4.4 Bierbower, Austin Socialism of Christ 33.5.7.B4 Big brother; by G: Cary Eggleston . . 813.E3343.0 Bigelow, J: Bryant, W: C. (Am. men of letters) 810.9.B69.0 Fremont, J: C. 973.6. F6 Bigelow, J:, £d. Franklin, B: 3 vols, . 973.3.F6 BIGG 22 BLACKBURN Bigg, C: Christian Platonists of Alex andria Bigot, Mme. Mary H. Foreign match Bill, Ledyard. Minnesota ^Billings, J: S. Ventilation and heating Billy's Christmas tree, etc.; by Mrs. S. F Keene Biuet, Alf. Psychic life of micro-organ- isms Binet, Alf. and C: Fere. Animal magnet ism. (Inter sci. series ) *Binghain, D. Bastile, The. 2 vols. ^Marriages of the Bourbons. 2 vols Bingham, Hiram. Twenty-one years in the fSandwich islands .... Biographical stories; by N. Hawthorne Biographies of words, etc.; by F. Max Muller Bioii. Idylls; tr. by by J. Banks Birch, B. Egypt, to B. C. 300. (Anc from the monuments) . Birch S:, tr. Casket of gems Bird, C: Elementary geology . Bird, Isabella L. See Bishop, Mr«. Isa.L. Bird, Rob. M. Nick of the woods . Bird life of the Bible: by J. G. Wood Birds and poets, etc.; by J: Burroughs Birds' Christmas Carol; by Mrs. K. VViggin *Bird's-eye view of the world; by Reel us, and others Birdwood, G: C. M. Industrial arts of India Birney, Ja. G., and his times; by W: Birney Birrell, Augustine. Bronte, Charlotte, Life of. (Gr. Writers) .... Obiter dicta. 2 vols Res judicatae Birth and education; by Marie S. hist. D. O. 189. B43 813.B43 91T76.B4 638 8.B4 813 K2262.0 577. B4 134. B4 944.041.B4 944.03.B4 996.9.B46 In920fl09 412. M8 In 884 6.T3 932. B4 495. 3. B4 550.2. B4 813.B462.6 220.85. W6.0 814.B8.0 813.W433.0 910.R21.04 609. B4 329. 6. B4 820.9 B6.1 820.4.B46 820.9. B4.6 Schwartz .... Bishop, Emily M. Americanized Del- sarte system Bishop, Ht. E. Floral home; or First years of Minnesota .... Bishop, Mrs. Isa. L. (Bird). Golden Cher- sonese Hawaiian archipelago: six months among the Sandwich islands Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 2 vols Lady's life in the Rocky Mts . Unbeaten tracks in Japan Bishop, Natl. H. Thousand miles walk across South America .... Voyage of the paper canoe Bishop, W: H: Detmold .... Golden justice House hunter in Europe House of a merchant prince Mexico, California and Arizona Yellow snake ' 813.B47.92 Bismarck-Schonhausen, K: Otto von. prince. Iron chancellor in private life Bismark and state socialism; by W: H. Dawson. (Soc. sci. ser.) Bissell, Edw. Cone. Pentateuch, The . 839.73.Sch9.04 808. 5. B4 977.6. B4 915.9.B4 919.69. B4. 7 9155.B4 917.8. B4 915.2. B4 918.2.B4 9177.B4 813.B47.22 813.B47 364 914. B47 813.B47.368 917.2.B47 943.08. B4 335.5.D0.0 222.1.B4 Bissell, Mary Taylor. Household hygiene 613. 5. B4 Physical development and exercise for women 613 B4 Bits of blarney; by R. S. Mackenzie 828.M4 Bits of talk; by Mrs. H. H. Jackson 814. JOl Bits of travel; by Mrs. H. H. Jackson . 914. JOl Bits of travel at home; by Mrs. H. H. Jackson 917.3.J01 Bitter-sweet; by J. G. Holland 811.H64.0 Bittinger, J. Q. Plea for the Sabbath and for man 263. B4 Bi.vby, Ja. Thompson Crisis in morals 171. B4 Bjorling, Ph. R. Pumps .... 621.64.B4 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Works. 3 vols 839 83.B466 Contents:— Vol 1. Biog. sketch, by R. B, Anderson; wSynnove Solbakken; Arne; Early tales ana sketches. Vol. 2. Happy boy; Fisher maiden; Later sketches. \^ol. 3. Bridal march; Capt. Mansana; Magnhild; Dust. Black, Alex. Photography: indoors and out 770 B4 Story of Ohio 977.1.B4 Black, Rob. Horse-racing in France 798.B4 Jockey club and its founders . . 798 B4 4 Black, \V: Daughter of Heth . .823.B4014 208 Donald Ross of Heimra .... 823.B4014 26 Four MacNicols 823.B4014 268 Goldsmith, 01. (Eng. men of letters) . 820,9.G6 Green pastures and Piccadilly . 823.B4014.36 In far Lochaber 823.B4014.462 In silk attire 823.B4014.467 Judith Shakespeare .... 823.B4014.48 Kilraeny . . . . • . . . 823.B4014.44 Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, etc . 823.B4014.40 Macleod of Dare 823.B4014.501 Madcap Violet . . . . . .823.B4014..502 Magic ink, etc 823.B4014..503 Prince Fortunatus 823. B4014 6 Princess of Thule ..... 823.B4014.66 Sabina Zembra 823.B4014.70 Shandon bells 823.B4014.73 Stand fast, Craig-Royston! . . . 823.B4014.78 Strange adventures of a house-boat .823.B4014.783 Strange adventures of a phaeton . 823.B4014.7863 Sunrise 823.B4014.7866 That beautiful wretch .... 823.B4014.83 Three feathers ..823.B4014.836 White heather 823.B4014.93S White wings 823.B4014.939 W^ise women of Inverness, €tc . . . 823.B4014.9 Wolfenberg 823.B4014.962 Yolande ... ... 823.B4014.9(J Black, W: G: Heligoland, etc . 914.35.B4 Black America; by W. L. Clowes 326.8.C4 Black and white; by F. T: Fortune 326.8.F6 Black arrow; by R. L. Stevenson . 823 S 1282. 14 Black Beauty; by Anna Sewell . . 636.1. Se9 Black dwarf; by Sir Wa. Scott . 823. Sc6 17 Black ice; by A. W. Tourgee . 813.T686.04 Black ivory; by R. M. Ballantyne . 916.7 B04 Black Rifle's mission; by E. Kellogg . 813 K:244.264 Black watch; by Ja. Grant 833.G6.04 Blackall, Clarence H. Builder's hard- ware 691.7. B4 Blackburn, H: Art in the. mountains 792.B40.0 Blackburn, W:M. Young Calvin in Paris 285.B4 BLiACKETT 23 BOLTON Blackett, Howard. Garibaldi, Gr., Life of 945. GO Black foot lodge tales; by G: B. Grinnell 299.7.G6.0 Blackie, J. Stuart. Burns, Rob., Life of. S30.9 B86.1 Blackie J. Stuart, and n-lier^. Art and literature; ed by T. M. Coan 704. B4 Blackmore, R: D. Cradock Nowell . 923.B4014.1.1 Erema 833. B401 45.2 Kit and Kitty 823.B4014.5.44 Lorna Doone 823.B40145.4 Mary Anerly 823.B40145.5 Springhaven . . . . .S23.B40145.T(5 Blackstock, E. Frazer. Land of the viking and empire of the Tsar 914.7.B4 Blackstone, SirW: Commentaries; ed. by T: M. Cooley. 2 vols. . . 347.B4 Blades, W: Enemies of books 025.9.B4 Pentateuch of printing .... 655.1.B4 Blaikie, W: How to get strong and how to stay so 613.71. B4.3 Sound bodies for our boys and girls . 613.71. B4. 7 Blaine, Ja.G. Life; by T. V. Cooper . 973.8.B4() Life and work; by J. C. Ridpath, a-id o'hen . . . . 973.8 B4.6 Blaine, Ja. G. Twenty years of con- gress. 2 vols 338.73. B40 Blair, And. Alex. Chemical analysis of iron 546.7.B4 Blair, H: W: Temperance movement 178. B4 Blair, Lewis H. Prosperity of the south dependent upon the elevation of the negro 336.8. B4 Unwise laws 337 2. B4 Blake, Mary. Twenty-six hours a day 649.B4 Blake. Mary E. Summer holiday in Europe 914.B40.7 Blake, Mary Eliz., and Mary P. Sulli- van. Mexico: picturesque, political and progressive 917.2.B44 Blake, Mary J. S., ard others. Dress re- form; ed. by Abba G. Woolson. . 391.2.B4 Blake, Rob.; by D: Hannay 942.0.5. B4 Blake, AV: P. Ceramic art . . . 666 3 B4.1 Cieol. reconnaissance in Calif., 18.53. Q. . 5,57 94 B4 Report on precious metals. Paris expo- sition [18671 669.3.B4 Blake, AVillson W. Cross, The 247.9.B4 Blanche, Lady Falaise; by J. H. Short- house 823.Sh66.04 Blanqui, Jerome Adolphe. Hist, of political economy in Europe . . . 330.9.B4 Blaserna, Pietro. Sound in relation to music 534.3. B4 *Blavatsky,ilfm'. H. P. Isis unveiled. 2v 313. B4 Key to Theosophy 212.B4.4 Bleak house; by C: Dickens 3 vols. . 823.D414.2 Blennerhassett, Harinan. Papers; ed. byW: H. Safford 973.4.B42 Blessed bees, The; by J: Allen 638.A4 Blessed Saint Certainty; by W: M. Baker 813 B0426.0 Blind, Mathilde. George Eliot 820 9.C6.0 Roland, >/m' 944 03.R6 Blind lead: by Josephine W. Bates 813.B082 Blind Mother; by T. H: Hail Caine. . /ji823.C046 4 Blind Rosa; by H. Conscience . . I1; by W. J. Abbott Blue lights; by R. M. Ballantyne Blue poetry book; ed. by And. Lang Blyden, E: W. Christianity, Islam and the negro race .... Blyth, A. Winter. Manual of public health Boase, C: W. Oxford Boat club; by W: T. Adams Bobbin boy Bode, J: Ernest. Absence of precision in the formularies of the church of Eng- land Bodleys afoot; by H. E. Scudder Bodleys on wheels; by H. E. Scudder Bodmer, G. R. Hydraulic motors . Bodyke; by H: Norman Bogart, W. H. Border boy: Dan. Boone Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen V. Capital and interest Boies, H: M. Prisoners and paupers Boismont, A. Brierre de. On hallucina tions Boissier, Gaston. Sevigne, Mme. de Boker, G: H. Plays and poems. 3 vols Boldrewood, Rolf. Miner's right . Nevermore . ^. Robbery under arms Sydney -side Saxon .... Boiler, Alf. P. Construction of iron highway bridges .... Bolles, Alb. S. Chapters in political economy Financial hist, of U. S. 3 vols National bank act .... Bolton, H. W. America's next war Bolton, Sarah K. Famous American authors . . ... Famous American statesmen . Famous English authors 974.4. B4 333.8. B4 813,H09.1 843 E6.0 fn843.V3 346 973.7. H03 833 A442.0 813.Sm4.9() 914.2. B4 2 917 3.B46.3 914 4.B46.4 914.3. B46.4 917.3.B4 540. B4 669. B4 823.P20(5.0 823.LO(J3.04 917.69.A4 839.33.C6.04 973.5. A09.0 973.3 A09.0 973 7.A09.04 916 6. B04 821.L0(i3.04 326 B4 614. B4 942.57. B6 813.A2098.01 ' 974.4. B69 283. B62 813.Sc82.00 813.Sc82.09 621.2.B6 333. N6 976.9. B6.06 333.8B.6 346.B6 133. B6 840.9.Se8.0 813. B6 833.B643.5 833.B642.62 823.B643.6 823.B643.7 624. B6 330.4. B64 336.73.B6 332.1.B6 339..5.B6 810.9. B64 973.B64.3 820.9. B6 1 BOLTON 24 BOURNE Bolton, Sarah K., (Concluded) Famous English statesmen Famous Iiiuropean artists Famous men of science Famous types of womanhood Girls who became famous Poor boys who became famous Social studies in England Successful women Boinbaugh, C. C. Literature of kissing Bonar, Ja. Mai thus and his works Bona venture; by (i: W. Cable Bonhani, J: M. Industrial liberty Railway secrecy and trusts Bonitz, Hermann. Origin of the Homeric poems Bonner, J: Child's history of France Bonner, Sher^\'ood, josmd. Se? McDow- ell, Mrs. K. S. Bonneville, Capt., Adventures of; by W. Irving Bonney, G. E. Electrical experiments . Electroplater's handbook *Bonnpy, T. G., ed. Abbeys and churches of Eng. and Wales .... Bonnie Prince Charlie: by G: A. Henty . Bonny Kate; by Fes. C. Fisher Bonnybel Vane; by J: E. Cooke 942 08.B() 750. B6 509. B6 396. 9. B6 396.9. B6 3 920. B6. 6 396 B6.7 3%.B6 393.3.B6 312. MOO 813.C004.16 331 8.B6 656. B6 883 1.B6 944 B6 917.8 16 537. B6 537.85.B6 91 4.2. PC 941.07 H2 813 F473 06 813.C6(544 06 Bonnyborongh; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney 813. W3486 06 Bonoini, Jos. Nine-veh and its palaces . Bonpland, Ainie, and Alex v. Hum- boldt. Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of America, 1799-1804. 3 vols Bonsai, Ste , jr. Morocco as it is Bonvalot, Gabriel. Through the heart of Asia Bonwiek, Ja. British colonies. Africa America Asia Australasia Book about roses; by S. R. Hole Book of Amer. explorers; by T: W. Hig ginson Book of Christmas; by T: K. Hervey Book of eloquence; by C: D. Warner Book of folk stories; by H. E. Scudder Book of love stories; by Nora Perry Book of martyrs; by J: Fox Book of Mormon; tr. by Jos. Smith . Book of snobs; by W: M. Thackeray Book of tales; by W: Swinton . Book of the beginnings; by R. II. Newton Books about books series. Duff, E. G. Early printed books . Elton, C: I: and Mary A. Great collectors Hardy, W. J. Book-plates Home, Herb. P. Binding of books Madan, F. Books in manuscript Pollard, A. W. Early illus. books . Books and bookmen; by And. Lang Books and reading; by Noah Porter Books condemned to be burnt; by Ja. Farrer Boone, Dan.; by J: S. C. Abbott Border boy; by W. H. Bogart book 913 352. B6 508.98. H8 916.4 B6 91.5. B66 916. B6 917. B6 915. B6 919. 3. B6 716 2 H6 973.1 H4 3SH H26 808 WO 813,Sc82.26 813 P2(56.06 272 YQ 298 Sm4.0 In 823.T3 7 813.Sw46 0() 223.1. N2 093. D8 090. E2 (X)7.H0 686. H() 091. MO OiK).PO 010. LO 028. P6 098. FO 976.9. B() 976.9. B6.0() Boone, R: G. Educiition in U. S. . *Boot, W. H. J. Trees and how to paint them in water-colors .... Booth, Catherine. Life; by F. de L. Booth-Tucker. 2 vols .... Booth, C: Pauperism; Endowment of old age Booth, C:, ed. Labor and life of the peo- ple. 3 vols Booth, Maude B. Beneath two flags Booth, "Gen." W: In darkest England and the way out Booth, The elder and the younger; by Asia Booth-Clarke .... Boots and saddles: by Mrs. Eliz. Custer . Border beasrles: by W: G. Simms Border boy ; by W. H. Bogart . Border shepherdess; by Mrs. A. E. Barr Borderland; by Jessie Fothergill Borrow, G: Bible in Spain Lavengro Romany Rye Wild Wales Zincali, The Bosanquet, Bernard. Civilization of Christendom, etc Essays and addresses .... Boscowitz, Arnold. Earthquakes Bo.ston. Railroad jubilee. 1851 Boston girls at home and abroad; by Fannie Wilder Bo.ston Monday lectures. See Cook, Jos. Boston tea party; by H: C. Watson Boston Unitarianism; by O. B. Frothing- ham Bostonians; by H: James Boswell, Ja. Johnson, S:, Life of . Both well; by Ja. Grant .... Botta, Anna C. Li. Universal literature . Bottone, S. R. How to manage the dynamo Bottone, S. Tl.,and A. M. A Beale. Elec- tro-motors Botume, Eliz. H. First days among the contrabands Bouchot, Henri. Book, The, to 1890. Q Boucicault, Dion, and C: Reade. Foul play Boulanger, G. E. J. M.; by F. Turner Boulger, Demetrius C. Short hist, of China Boulger, Theodora H. {Theo. Gift) Pretty Miss Bellew Bound in honor; by J: T. Trowbridge Bound together; by D. G Mitchell . Bourbon lilies; by Mrs Eliz. W. Champney Bourke, J: G. Apache campaign On the border with Crook Snake dance of the Moquis of Arizona . Bourne, C. E. (rreat composers Bourne, E: G. Hist, of the surplus rev- enue of 1837 Bourne, H R. Pox English merchants 2 vols English newspaoers .... Sidney, Sir Ph . Story of our colonies .... 370.9. B6 7.52. B6 267.15.B61 339.B66 914.21. B6 267.15. B6.8 339. B66 792. B6 973.8 C8.0 813.Si55.640 976.9. B6.06 813.B066.06 823. F68 914.6. B6 823.B()6 4 823.B66.6 914.29. B6 397. B6 040 B67 304. B6 551.22. B6 385. B6 813.W442.07 973.3.W0S0 288 F6 813 J0.52.0(3 820.9. J()3. 16 823.G6.068 809. B6 621.31.B6 621. 3. B6 326.9. B6 655 B(5 823.R202.2 944 0S.B68 951. B6 823.B684 6 813.T669.16 814. M4 813.C3056.0 979. B6 973 8.C6() 1 970.1. B6 781.6. 86 336. B6 650. B6 070 B6 942.05. Si2.0 940.9. BO BOURRIENXE 25 BRANN Bourrienne, Lc A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. 4 vols . Boutell, C:. and S. T. Avelin^. Heraldry Boutweli, G: S. Lawyer, the statesman, and the soldier Bouverie, E. O P. Rackets Bouvet, Marguerite. Little Marjorie's love story Prince Tip-Top: a fairy tale . Sweet William Bovet, Marie Anne de. Gounod, C. Bow of orange ribbon; by Mrs. A. E. Barr Bowen, Fs. Gleanings from a literary life Bowen, G: F. Thirty years of colonial government Bowen, H. C Froebel and education by self-activity Bower, G. S. Hartley. D:, and Ja. Mill Bowie, A: J., Jr. Hydraulic mining Bowker, R. R. Economics for tlae pi^ople Of work and wealth Bowles, S: Across the continent Bowman, S. M., and R. B. Irwin. Sher man and his campaigns Bowne, Borden P. Principles of ethics Boy emigrants; by Noah Brooks Boy engineers: by J. Lukin Boy farmers: by E. Kellogg Boy hunters; by Mayne Reid Boy joiner and model maker; by E. A Davidson Boy knight; by G: A. Henty Boy life in the U. S. Navy; by H. H Clark Boy settlers; by Noah Brooks Boy slaves; by Mayne Reid Boy tar; by Mayne Reid [Boy travellers] in Africa; by T: W Knox in Australasia; by T: W. Knox in Ceylon and India; by T: W. Knox in Egypt and the holy land; by T: W Knox in Great Britain and Ireland: by T: Knox in Japan and China; by T: W. Knox in Mexico: by T: W. Knox in Siam and Java: byT: W. Knox in northern Europe; by T: W. Knox in the Russian empire; by T: W. Knox in South America: by T: VV. Knox on the Congo; by T: W. Knox Boy wanderer: by Hector Malot Boy with an idea; by Mrs. Eliz. Eiloart Boyd, A. K. H. Critical essays of i country parson .... Recreations of a country parson. 2 vols Boyd, R. Xelson. Coal pits and pitman Boyesen, Hjalniar Hjorth. Against heavy odds Boyhood in Norway Daughter of the Philistines Essays on German literature Falconberg Gunnar .... Ilka on the hill-top . Light of her countenance W 944.0.-). NO.CKi 939 6. A8 920. B6 In 796. H20 813.B688.4 813.B688.6 813 B688.7 781.6.G6 813.B066.169 (M0.B6.3 994. B6 372.2 F6.0 192 9 H0(j 622 32.B6 330. B6 3.30.4. B6 917.3. B69 973.7.Sh2.0 170. B6 813.B6664.163 621.L8.0 813 K244.244 823.R242.03 680. D08 940.4. H2 813.C40643.0 813.B6664.17 823.R242.0697 823.R242.08 916.7.K6.0 919. 3. K6 91.5.4. K6 916.2. K6 914.2. K6 915.1.K6 917.2.K6 91.5.93. K6 914. 3. K6 914.7. K6 918.K6 916 7.K6.1 843.M04.06 823.E446.0 824. B69 1 824. B69 622.33.B6 813.B692.0 813.B692.0f) 813.B692.2 830.4. B6 813. R692.20 813.B692.38 813.B692.44 813.B692.4 Boyesen, H,jalniar Hjorth, (Concluded) Mammon of unrighteousness . Modern vikings Queen Titania Social struggles Boyhood in Norway; by H. H. Boyesen . Boyhood of great men; by J. G. Edgar . Boyhood of living authors; by W: H. Rideing Boynton, H. V. Sherman's historical raid Boys and girls in biology; by S. H. Steven- son Boys' and girls' Pliny; ed. by J. S. White Boys' and girls' Plutarch; ed. by J: S. White Boys at Chequasset; by Mrs. A. D. T Whitney, .... Boys' book of famous rulers; by Lydia H Farmer. Boys coastwise; by W: H. Rideing . Boys' Froissart; ed. by S. Lanier Boys in the mountains and on the plains by W. H. Rideing .... Boys' King Arthur; ed. by S. Lanier Boys' Mabinogion; ed. by S. Lanier Boys of 1812; by Ja. R. Soley Boys of Greenway court; by H. Butter worth Boys of '76; by C: C. Coffin Boys of Grand Pre school; by Ja. De Mille Boys of other countries; by B. Taylor Boys of '61; by C: C. Coffin Boys of '3.5; by E: H: Elwell Boys' Percy; ed. by S. Lanier Boy's town; by W: D. Howells Boy's workshop; by H: R. Waite Brace, C: L. Gesta Christi Home life in Germany New West: California in 1867-8 Bracebridge hall; by W. Irving Brackett, Alb. G. Hist, of U S. cavalry Brackett, Anna C. Technique of rest Brackett, Anna C. ed.. Woman and the higher education . Brackett, Anna C, and IdaM. Eliot, eds Poetry for home and school . Brackett, Cyrus F., andW: A. Anthony Elementary text book of physics . Brackett, Cyrus F., and others. Electric- ity in daily life .... *Brackett, Jeffrey R. Negro in Mary land Braddock; by J: R. Musick Bradley, E: {CuthheH Btdi) Mr. Verdant Green Bradley, H: Story of the Goths Braganza diamond; by Ja. Otis Kaler Brahe, Tycho; by J. L. E. Dreyer Brain of an army; by S. Wilkinson . Bramhall, J: Theological works. 5 vols Brampton sketches; by Mary B Claflin Branch-builders, etc.; by J. G. Wood Brandes, G: Eminent authors of 19th century ....'. Impressions of Russia Brandt, J, D. Gunnery catechism [1864] Brann, H: A. Hughes, J: 813.B692.5 813.B692..56 813.B692.68 813.B692.7 813.B692.06 920. E2 810.9. R42.0 973.7.B6 .577.St2 509.P4.9 .8.P48.9 813 W3486 09 930.F0 813.R42.0 940.4. F66.4 813 R42.1 942.01. A6.5 942.01.A6.3 973.5.So4 813.B88.0 973.3.C62 813 D2.54.02 813.T09 973.7. C62.06 813.E49.0 821.P26.4 813.H692.069 680. WO 360. B6 914.3 B6 917.94. B6 813 16 973 B60 613.7.B60 396.4. B6 808.1 B6 530. A6 621 3.B6 336.J6 813.M87.8 823.B602.8 940.1.B6 813 K0426 1 520.9. B6 355. W4 252. B6 613.C402.1 5V)0 W6 809 B60 914.7.B6 623.5. B6 282. H8 BRANNT 26 BROOKS Brannt, W: T., ed. Practical scourer and garment dyer 667.B6 Raw materials and the distillation and rectification of alcoliol, etc. . . 663.B6 Brannt, W: T., tr. and e± Assayer's man- ual: by B. Kerl 669 9.K3 Metallic alloys; by A. Krupp, and others 671. B6 Treatise on the electro-deposition of metals; by G: Langbein . . 537.85.L0 Brannt, W: T., and W: H. Wahl, edi. Techno-chemical receipt book . . 603.B6 Brassey, Lady Annie. Around the world in the yacht 8unt)eam .... 910.4.B6 In the trades, the tropics and the roaring forties 917.29.Bf) Last voyage Ql.'S.BGO Sunshine and storm in the East ^ 915.6. B6 Brave hearts: by R. W. Raymond . ' 813.R09.5.1 Brave lady; by Mrs. D. M. Craik . 823.C604.10 Brave lady; by E. Marlitt . 833.M0().7 Brave old salt; by W: T. Adams .813.A2098.093 Bravest of the brave; by G: A. Henty 946 05. H3 Bravo; by Ja. F. Cooper .... 813.C666.3 Bread-winners, The 813.B620 Breaking away; by W: T. Adams . . 813.A2098.73 Breech-loader and how to use it; by W. W. Greener 799. G6 Breed, W. P. Jenny Geddes . 285.B6 Presbyterianism 300 years ago 285.B6.fi Bremer, Fredrika. Diary; H— family, etc 839.73.B6.2 Home, The; Strife and peace . . 839 73.B6.3 Homes of the new world. 2 vols 917 3.B6 Neighbors 839.73.B6.6 President's daughters; Nina . . 839.73 B6 66 *Brenchley, Julius, and Jules Remy. Journey to Salt Lake City . . . 298. R3 Brentano. New fairy tales . 833.B6 Brentano, Lujo. Hist, and development of gilds 338 6.B6 Relation of labor to the law of to-day 331.2. B6 Bressant; by J. Hawthorne . 813.H094.16 Brewer, R. F. Orthometry 808.1. B62 Brewster, Sir D: Martyrs of science 520.B6 Bric-a-brac series; ,56 B8 343 B8 m. mUcbre Hrmor^ 11 an& 13 M. parft St. Butte, /iDontana The Xmly Exclusive Sporting Goods House in the City. XRHbolcsalc anO IRctaU 2)ealer (n (Buns, pistols, Hmmunitions... FISHING TACKLE, BASE BALL. ATHLETIC AND SPORTING GOODS -i^-O^ Agent for Clover's Dog Remedies. Orders by Mail Promptly Attendei Jlobcrt Koenne-:":":-: MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF fm (Barments, Caps anb (Bloves LARGEST STOCK IN MONTANA. SEALSKIN GARMENTS a specialty. Seal Sacques made over into the latest styles at moderate prices, and a perfect fit guaranteed. Only First-Class Work Done. Highest price paid for Raw Furs. ROBERT KOENNE, 25 W. BROADWAY BUTTE, MONT. - We are Happy Because we are Attending * DUra • DUMHESS • C0LLEQE Open to Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Bovs. Special instruction in all the Commercial and English Branches, Penmanship, Shorthand, Type- writing and Music. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. For information write or call at Collej^e Office 5th Floor, Owsley Block Hbcn a IDalisc is a IHccesslt^ We have a stock, we think, second to none in Montana . Lots of experience, the ability to buy closely, and ready money, all are ours . There- fore it is to your interest to buy from us We make it so . Do you want any of the little things men need so much V See our new line of HATS and CAPS, SHIRTS and GLOVES, UNDER\VEAR and MEN'S FURNISHINGS We cater to the popular taste and always carry the newest and best goods that appear in the lead- ing markets of the worjd. S. Jacobs 8f Co. THE PIONEERS Park and Main Sts., )VW Till: SOUTHERN IIOTI:!/^ DAN TEWEY, Proprietor RAILS Sl.UU, S1.25 and $1.50 PER DAY For the rates charged it is the Best Hotel in Montana. Excellent Table Board with The Best of Service Bverything Neat and Clean Rates for board by the month can be had by applying to the office East Broadway, BUTTE. X. B. — Cnr'^ from -.ill the ilepols pnss llie iloor. .sSi: ^=g^ ELLinGW0OD"&"ItEZn0R. ..GKOCERi. no WEST rm street. DUTTE, nomnnn ^^3?g=^ BURKE 29 BUTTERWORT H Burke, Christian. Roses and lilies of Christendom 270. B8 Burke, Edm. [Life] ; by J: Morley . 942.07.B86 Life; by Ja Prior 942 07 B8 Burke, Edm. Works. 6 vols ... 308 B8 Burke, Finley. Law of public schools . 379 14.B8 Burke, P: Romance of the forum . 340 9.B8 Burke, AV: E. Federal finances 336.B8 Burn, Rob. Roman literature in relation to Roman art 709.37. B8 Burnaby, Fred. Ride to Khiva . 915.8.B8 Burnand, F. C. Happy thoughts; More happy thoughts 834.B86 3 Rather at sea 834 B86.6 Sandford and Merton, New hist, of . 823.B86.6 Very much abroad 824.B86 8 Burnet, J: Practical hints on composition in pictures 751. B8 Burnett, Mis. Fes. Hodgson. Editha's burglar . 813.B8662.22 Fair barbarian 813.B8662.204 Giovanni and the other, etc. . . . 813.B8662.34 Haworths 813.B8662.30 Lindsay's luck 813.B8e62.20 Little Lord Fauntleroy .... 813.B8662.44 Little Saint Elizabeth, etc. . . . 813.B8662.47 Louisiana .813 B8662 46 M iss Crespieny In 813.B8663.20 One I knew best of all . '. . . 810.9. B8 Pretty sister of Jose . . . . 813.B8662.66 Sara Crewe 813.B8662.70 Surly Tim, etc 813.B8662.78 That lass o' Lowries . . . .813.B8662 83 Theo In813.B8663.20 Through one administration . . .813.B8662.830 Vagabondia 813.B8662.80 Burnett, P: H. Recollections and opin- ions of an old pioneer .... 979. B8 Burney, Fes. See Arblay, Mme. Fes. d Burnhani, Clara Louise. Dearly bought 813.B8663.3 Dr. Latimer M iss Bagg's secretary Mistress of Beech-knoll Next door No gentleman . Sane Innaiic Young maids and old Burnhani, S. M. Struggles of the nations 2 vols Burnhatn, W. P. Three roads to a com mission in the U. S. army Burnhani breaker; by Homer Grreene Burning of Rome; by Alf. J. Church Burning questions; by Wash. Gladden Burnley, Ja. Romance of invention Salt, Sir Titus, and G. Moore . Burns, Rob. Life; by J: S. Blackie [Life]; by J: C. Shairp . Burns, Rob. Poetical works Burnt million; by Ja. Payn Burrell, E: J. Elementary building con struction and drawing Burritt, Elihu; by J: W: Kirton Burroughs, J: Birds and poets, etc Fresh fields Indoor studies Locusts and wild honey 813.B8663.2C 813.B8663.54 813.B8663 .5 813.B8663 62 813.B8663.66 813.B8(3(i3.7 813.B8663.9 902. B8 3.5.5. B8 813 G63.1 823.C386 18 2(M.G4 609. B8 677. Sa4 830.9. B86.1 820.9. B86 821. B8() 823.P096.1 690. B8 Irtl78.G8 814. B8 504. B8. 2 814. B8.4 504 B8.4 Burroughs, J: (Cj/icloded) Pepacton Signs and seasons .... Wake-robin Winter sunshine .... Burrows, Montagu. Cinque ports Burt, Mary E. Literarv landmarks Story of the German Iliad World's literature, Pt. 1 . Burton, E: Heresies of the Apostolic age *Burton, Sir R: F. Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah. 2 vols Burton, Rob. Anatomy of melancholy . Burying the hatchet; by E. Kellogg Busey, S: C. Immigration Bush, G: G. Harvard Bush boys; by Mayne Reid Bushman, J. S. Ichthyology Bushnell, Hor. Building eras in religion Character of Jesus . Christian nurture Moral uses of dark things Nature and the supernatural Woman suffrage: reform against nature Work and play Business life in ancient Rome; by C: G. Herbermann . . . Business openings for girls; by Mrs. S. J. White "But men must work;" by Rosa N. Carey But yet a woman; by Art. S. Hardy Butcher, S. H. Demosthenes Butler, Alf. J. Ancient Coptic churches of Egypt Butler, B: F. Butler's book . Butler, Hiram E. Solar biology Butler, Jos.; by W. L. Collins Butler, Jos. Analogy of religion to the constitution and course of nature Butler, S: Poetical works Butler, W: Mexico in transition Butler, W: A. Domesticus Nothing to wear Butler, Sir W: F. Gordon, C: G Hero of Pine Ridge Napier, Sir Q: Butt, Beatrice M. Delicia Geraldine Hawthorne Keith Deramore Butterfleld, Dan. Camp and outpost duty for infantry . *Butterworth, B: Growth of art . . . . . Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys way court Great composers In the boyhood of Lincoln Log school-house on the Columbia Story of the tunes Wonderful Christmases of old Young folks' hist, of America Young folks' hist, of Boston Zigzag journey in the sunny south Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France industrial of Green- 504.B8.6 504.B8.7 598.3 B8.9 504.B8.9 942.23.B8 028. B8 831.B8 883 1.B8 273. B86 915.3. B8 132.8.B8 813.K244 366 325 1.B8 378.73. B8 916.8. R24 1 597. B8 204 B87.1 232 8.B8 249. B8 170 B8 210. B8 3% 3. B8 040 B8 937 H26 3i)6..5.W3 833.C063 1 813.H0620.0 In 820.9.M4.1 281 7 B8 973.7.B88 133 5.B8 219.B8.1 319. B8 831. B88 372.B8 813.B884 ' 811.B88 943.08 G6.1 970. 3. R2 9.54. NO. 1 823.B888.2 823.B888.3 823.B888.4 355. B88 609. U.S. 16.6 813.K88.0 780.9.B8 973.7. L4.1 813.B88.4 783. B8 394. B8 973. B8 974.46. B8 917.5.B8 917.1. B8 BUTTERWORTH 30 CALIFORNIA Butterworth, Hezekiah (Concluded) Zigzag journeys in Australia . . 919.4.B8 Zsgzag journeys in classic lands . 914 6.B8 Zigzag journeys in Europe 914.B8 Zigzag journeys in India . . . 915 4 B8 Zigzag journeys in northern lands 914 8 B8 Zigzag journeys in the Antipodes . 915 9.B8 Zigzag journeys in the British isles . 914.2. B88 Zigzag journeys in the great northwest 917 11. B8 Zigzag journeys in the Levant . 916.2.B8 Zizzag journeys in the Occident . 917.3.B8 Zigzag journeys in the Orient 914.96.B8 Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi . 917.7.B8 Buxton, Dudley Wilmot. Anaesthetics. 615.781. B8 Buxton, E: North. Short stalks 799.B8 Buz; by Maurice Noel .... 595.79.N6 By canoe and dog-train among the Cree and Salteaux Indians; by E. R. Young 266. Y6 By England's aid; by G: A. Henty . By his own might; by W. v. Hlllern By order of the king; by Victor Hugo By pike and dyke; by G: A. Henty . By sheer pluck; by G: A. Henty Bynner, Edwin li. Agnes Surriage Begum's daughter .... Damen's ghost Zachary Phips Byr, Rob. Cipher despatch Byron, G: G. N., baron. Life; by J: Nichol Life; by Roden Noel Byron, G: G. N., baron. Childe Harold' pilgrimage Letters and journals; ed. by T: Moore Poetical works By-ways of literature; by D: H. Wheeler By-ways of nature and life; by C. Deming 949.2. H3 19 833.H44.1 843.H8.1 949.2 H2.1 966.7.H2.1 813.B9.03 813 B9.0 813. B9. 2 813.B9.9 833.B9.1 820 9. B9 820.9. B9.6 821.B9.1 7 820.9.B9.5 821. B9 814. W32 910. D2 C Cab and caboose; by Kirk Munroe . . 813.M866.100 Cabel, Isa. Carrington. Seen from the saddle 798.C0 Cabin in the clearing; by B: S. Parker . 811.P06.1 Cabin on the prairie; by C. H. Pearson . 813.P306.1 Cable, G: Bonaventure .... 813.0004.16 Busy man's Bible 220.8.C0 Convict lease system . . . .In 326.8.C0.7 Creoles of Louisiana .... 976.3.C0.1 Dr. Sevier 813.C004.26 Freedman's case in equity . . .In 326.8.C0.7 Grandissimes 813.C004.36 Madame Delphine . . . 813.C004..50 Negro question 326.8. CO Old Creole days 813.C004.64 Strange true stories of Louisiana 976.3. C0.7 Cabot, Ja. Elliott. Emerson. R. W., Memoir of. 2 vols .... 191.3.E5 1 Caedmon. Exodus and Daniel; para- phrased by T. W. Hunt . 829.2.C0 Caesar, C. Julius. Abbott, Ja. Julius Caesar 937.05. CO Fowler, W. W. Caesar and the Roman imperial system 937.05.C02 2 Froude, Ja. A. Caesar .... 973.05.C0.2 TroUope, A. Commentaries of Caesar . 871.1. C0.8 Caesar, C. Julius. Commentaries, etc.; tr. by W. A. M'Devittecmci W. S. Bohn 878.1.C0.1 Caesar's column; by I. Donnelly . 813.D666.1 Caflfyn, Mrs. Mannington. {Tota) Yellow aster 823.C0 Caged lion; by Charlotte M. Yonge 823. CO Cahun, Leon. Mago, Capt., Adventures of 939.44.M0 Caine, Ralph H., ed. Humorous poems 821. CO Caine, T: H: Hall. Blind mother. The . In 823.C046 4 Capt'n Davy's honeymoon . 833.C046.1 Coleridge, S: T., Life of . 820.9.C64.1 Deemster, The 823.C046 2 Last confession 823.C046.4 Caine, W. S. Picturesque India 915.4.C0 Caird, E: Hegel 193.5. H3.1 Caird J: Intro, to philosophy of religion 201. CO Spinoza 190Sp4.1 Caird, J:, and others. Faiths of the world 290.CO Cakes and ale; by Douglas Jerrold . . irt823.J26.3 Calamities and quarrels of authors; by I. Disraeli 824.D47.1 Caldecott, Alf. English colonizaiion and empire. (Univ. ext. manuals). . . 940.C0 Calderon [de la Barca, Pedro] ; by E. J. Hasell 8eo.9.C0.3 Calderon the courtier; by E: G: L. Bul- wer In 823. B849.14 Calderwood, H. Caff res and caff re mis- sions, etc 2e6.C04 Handbook of moral philosophy . 171.00 Caldwell, C:, M. D. Autobiography . 610 9.C04 Calhoun, J: C; by H. von. Hoist . 973.5.C04 Calhoun, J: C. Works. 2 vols. . 308.00 Califf, Jos. M. Notes on military science 3.55.00 California. Sections of the constitution and the codes of Oalif. relating to oanks, building assns., etc. . . 332.004.7 AssemMy. Journal. 13th Sess. 1893 . 353.004 Board of bank commissUmers. Reports, 1891-3. 3 vols. ... . . . 332.C04 Board of dental examiners. Reports, 1888- 91. 4 vols 617.00 Board : Life and adventures; by J : S. C. Abbott Crockett, D: Life; by himself Croft, G. Sermons Croker, Mrs. B. M. Family likeness Interference .... Third person .... To let Crolius, Tucker & Allen Co. Illus catalogue of surgical instruments Croll, Ja. Discussions on climate and cosmology Stellar evolution .... Croly, G: Salathiel, the immortal . Croly, Mrs. J. C. Thrown on her own re sources Crombie J. W. Some poets of the people in foreign lands Cromwell, J. Howard. Treatise on belts and pulleys. . 638 2.C6 736.C6 339.6.J0 973.5. C66 in 972. 8. R6 260 C66 823.C664.2 833.C664.4 833.C664.8 833.C664.86 617 91.C6 5.51.56.C6 531.C6 823.C664.7 396.5 C6 809. C6 621.85.C66 CROMWELL 44 CURTEIS Cromwell, Oliver; by G: H. Clark . Cromwell, Oliver. Letters and speeches; ed. by T: Carlyle. 2 vols. Crook, G:, On the border with; by J. G. Bourke . Crookes, W: Select methods in chemical analysis Crooks, G: R. Simpson, Bishop Matthew, Life of Crosby, Howard. Christian preacher . Seven churches of Asia .... Crosby, Oscar T. ami L: Bell. Electric railway Crosby, W. O. Tables for the determina- tion of common minerals Cross, Mrs. M. E. {George Eliot). Blind, Matilde. George Eliot. Browning, Oscar. Life of George Eliot Kaufman, D: George Eliot and Judaism Woolson, Abba G. George Eliot and her heroines Cross, Mrs M. E {George Eliot.) Adam Bede Amos Barton Birthday book . Complete poems Daniel Deronda. 2 vols Felix Holt . Janet's repentance . Letters and journals; ed. by J. W. Cross 3 vols Middlemarch. 2 vols Mill on the Floss Miscellaneous essays; Theophrastus Such; Veil lifted; Brother Jacob Mr. Gilfirs love-story Romola. 2 vols .... *Same. 2 vols Scenes of clerical life Cross and crescent; by W: T. Adams Cross-patch, etc ; by Sarah C. Woolsey Crowded onto' Crofleld; by W: 0. Stod dard Crowe, Eyre Evans. Hist, of France. 3 v Crowe, J. A., and G. B. Cavalcaselle Early Flemish painters *Titian, Life and times of. 2 vols Crowest, F: J. Cherubini Musical groundwork Crown of wild olive; by J: Ruskin Crowninshield, Mrs. Mary B. All among the lighthouses Ignoramuses, The Crowns and coronations; by W: Jones Crozier, J: B. Civilization and progress Cruikshank, G:, Memoirs of; by F: G Stepht-ns .... Cruikshank, G: Comic almanack Punch and Judy Three courses and a dessert Cruise, Ps. R: Thomas a Kempis . Cruise in an opium clipper; by L. Ander son of the Betsey; by Hugh Miller of the Casco; by E. Kellogg of the "Ghost;" by W: L. Alden of the Midge; by M. Seott 942.06. C6. 14 943.06. C6.1 973 8.C66.1 543. C6 287.815 25LC6 252.C66.7 681.33.C6 .549 1.C6 820 9 C6 820.9. C6.1 820.9. C6 4 820.9. C6.9 823.C667.1 rn823.C667.2 820 8. C6 821 C66 823 C667 3 823.C667.5 In 823. C667.2 820.9 C6.10 823 C667.6 823.C6(i7.8 824.C66 rTi823.C667.2 823.C667.9 823 C667.91 823 C667.2 813.A2098 99 813.W6647.16 813 St622.16 944. C6 759.9 C66 759 9.T4.1 786. C3 780 C6 In 370 4. R8 917 41.C06 813.C669 4 394.4. J6 901. C6 740. C6 827 C6 1 827.C6 6 828. C68 242.1.T3.1 178.8. A6 508 41 M4 813.K244.62 813.A4229.1 823.SC65.1 799.Sh4.1 t ruising in the Cascades; by G. O. Shields Crump, Art. Causes of the great fall of prices. . .coinciden tally with the de- monetization of silver in Germany Theory of stock exchange speculations Cryptogram, The; by Jules Verne . Crystal hunters: by G: M. Fenn Cud jo's cave; by J: T. Trowbridge Cuijp, Aelbert; by Fk. Cundall Cultivation of the senses .... Culture and anarchy, etc ; by M. Arnold Culture and religion; by J. C. Shairp Cumming, Constance F. Gordon. At home in Fiji Granite crags of California Lady's cruise in a French man of war. 2 vols Two happy years in Ceylon Cumming, J: Is Christianity from God? Cumming, Ronaleyn Gordon. Hunter's life among lions, elephants, etc , of S. Africa Cumming. "W: Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts Cummings, G. D. Geronimo's summer campaign in 1885 Cummings, W: H. Purcell Cummins, Mrs. Ella S. Story of the files Cummins, I^aria S. El Fureidis . Lamplighter, The Mabel Vaughan Cumnock, Rob. McLi., comp. School speaker Cundall, Fk. Landscape and pastoral painters of Holland .... Cundall, Jos. Holbein. Hans . Cunning workmen; by Mrs. Isa. M. Alden 813.A4224 18 Cunningham, Allan. British painters. 2 vols Cunningham, C. D., and F. O. Adams. Swiss confederation .... *Cunningham, P: Charles II , Sayings of, and story of Nell Gwyn . Revels at court in reigns of Elizabeth and James 1 822.33.Sh0.76.16 Cunningham, W. Use and abuse of money Cunningham, W: Growth of Eng. in dustry and commerce . Cunynghame. Art. T. My command in South Africa Cuore; by E. de Amicis ... Curate in' charge; by Mrs. M. O. W. OH- phant Curiosities of literature; by I: Disraeli 3 vols Curious myths of the middle ages; by S Baring-Gould .... Curtey, Edw. A. Nebraska Currie, Ja. Common school education Curry, J. Li. M. Constitutional govern ment in Spain .... Curse of Koshin; by Lewis Wingfield Curse of the village; by H. Con.«cience In 839.33.C6.16 Curteis, Art. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire 938.07.C8 332.42.C6 332.6. C6 In 843. V2 3 823.F266.1 813.T668.18 In 759 9 R84 152. C8 824.A66.1 204. ShO 919.61 C8 917.94. C8 919 6 C8 915 48.C8 220.1.C8 799. C8 915.4.C89 812.C8 786.P8 810.9. C8 813.C855 2 813.C855.4 813(^855.5 371.32.C8 759 9.R84 7.59. 3. H6 750. C8 342.494.A2 942 06.C32.1 330 C8 330. 9. C8 916.8. C8 853. A5 823 0446 18 824.D47.18 398.2, G6 917.82.C8 370. C8 342 46.C8 823.W4632.1 of the Rocky Mountains are contained all the ele- ments of a great empire. Not only are mountains pro- ductive in silver, copper, gold, coal and wood, but on the beautiful valleys are raised green vegetables and fruits of all kinds, while sheep and cattle feed on a thousand hills. The marvelous productiveness of the Rocky Mountains brings to the surface the finest barley raised anywhere on earth. That reason, added to the enterprise of the managers, explains why the Centennial Brewing Company Furnishes Beer that can be excelled by no brewery, and can be equalled by few. Nature favored the Rocky Mountains with an unequalled grade of barley, and the enterprise of Messrs. Leopold Schmidt and Henry Mueller, established right in the Rockies a brewery wjiich has all the latest facilities. They are progressive men, and like all western men are never satisfied to stop, but are constantly introducing new improvements by which the quality of the beer is improved and the quantity increased. The Centennial Beer is acknowledged the best for home consumption. •It is pure-and wholesome. Ask your grocer for it, or ring up Zbc Centennial Brevoing Company, MONjy^A. cnnuvin-mnT rURniTURE'CO. ARE THE LEADERS IN THE irURHITURB TRADE IN BUTTE. MONTANA Our Mr. CiiAUVtN having been connected with it for thirteen ^-ears— before railroads were in Butte — and is known in nearly every household for one liundred miles around Butte. Our stock is all new, fresh goods, bought at the ebb tide of hard time prices, and we can knock the spots off the moon in low figures. It will pay you to send your mail orders to us or see us before you buy at 42 WEST BROADWAY. ADJOINING THE OPERA H IN THE I. O. G. T. BUILDING. T. A. GRIGG, M. D., OCULIST Eye, Ear, Xosc, Throat and Diseases of Chest PRAOTlOa LIMITID TO THIBI DiaaAaiB OFFICE HOUR8:--« TO 12 A. m. 2 TO 4 p. M. 7:30 TO 9 P. M. '///^%W §05 N. MAIN STREET. ROOMS 11 AND 12. BUTTE WM. L. HOGE M. B. BROWNLEE R. C. CHAMBERS MARCUS DALY F. E. SARGEANT Hoy^e, Brownlee h Co, BANKERS BUTTE CITY, MONTANA Transact a General Banking Business. Exchange Drawn on the leading Cities of Emope. Collections Promptly Attended to. CORRESPONDENTS: Wells, Fargo & Co., New York; Wells, Fargo Co., Salt Lake; Wells, Fargo iS: Co., San Fran co; Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Neb.; First tional Bank, Omaha, Neb.; First National Bank, onda FIRE INSURANCE. M I N E S RICKARDS «"« . LEWIS^- 53 EAST BROADWAY BUTTE, MONTANA. COLLECTION OF RENTS A L T Y REFER BY PERMISSION TO FIRST NATIONAL BA BUTTE, MONT. CURTEIS 45 Curteis, G: Herbert. Dissent in Its rela- tion to the church of England . 280.C86 Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland 398.C8.4 Myths and folk-lore of the Russians, western Slavs and Magyars . . . 398.C8.6 Curtis, A. W. and I>. S. Spirit of '76; or. The coming woman; Change of base; Dr. Mondschein 817.C8 Curtis, G: T. Webster, Dan., Life of. 3 v 973.5. W3.1 Curtis, G: W: From the easy chair 814.C8 2 Howadji in Syria . . . . . 91.5.6 C8 Lotus eating 917.4.C8 Nile notes of a howadji .... 916.2.C8 Orations and addresses. Vols 1-3 . 308.C8 Our best society 817 C8.6 Potiphar papers 814.C8.6 Prue and I 813.C868.6 Trumps 813.C868.8 Curtis, W: E. Capitals of Spanish America 918.C8 United States and foreign powers . 337.73 C8 DARKNESS Curwen, H: Hist, of booksellers 6.55.4.C8 Curwen, J. Spencer. Studies in worship music 783.08 Curzon, G. N. Russia in central Asia . 9,58.08 Cusack, M. F. Clare. Nun of Kenmare 271.97.08 Cushing, Caleb. Treaty of Washington 341.6 08 Cushing. Luther S. Rules of proceeding and debate 328.1.08 Cushing, Marshall. Story of our post- office Cushman, Charlotte; by Clara E. Clement Waters Ju793.B6 Custer, Mrs. Eliz. B. Boots and saddles 973.8.08.0 Following the Guidon .... 973.8.08 2 Tenting on the plains .... 973.8.08.1 Cutts, E: Li. Colchester .... 943.67.08 *Cuvier, G: C. li. F: I>., baron. Animal kingdom .590.08 Cynthia Wakeham's money; by Mrs. A. K. Rohlfe 813.RG34.19 Cyrus the great, Hist, of; by J. Abbott . 9.35.09 Czeika. Operetta in profile . . . 812.09 D Dab Kinzer; by W: O. Stoddard . 813.St623.30 Dabney, R: H. Causes of the French revolution 944.04.D00 Dabney, W. D. Public regulation of railways 38.5.D0 Daddy Jake; by Joel 0. Harris . . 813.H0664.2 Daddy's boy; by Eliz. T. Smith . . 823.Sm48.2 Dahlgren, J. A. Memoir; by Mrs. M. V. Dahlgren 973.7. D03 Dahlgren, Mrs. Madeleine V. Chim 813.D03.1 Dahn, Felix. Felicitas .... 833.D0.2 Daisy Burns; by Julia Kavanagh . 823.K08 3 Chain; by Charlotte M. Yonge . . 823.Y66.2 Miller; by H: James .... 813.J0.52.2 Thornton; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . . 813.H64.55 20 Travers; by Adelaide F. Samuels . . 813.Sa58.20 Dall, Mrs. Caroline H. What we really know about Shakespeare . . . 823.33.D0 Dallas, G: M. Diary [in] Russia and England 947.08. DO Dalton, W: Tiger prince: adv. in Abys- sinia 833 D048.84 White elephant; or, Hunters of Ava . 823.D048.93 Daltons; by 0: Lever ..... 823.L383.30 Daly, C: P. Settlement of Jews in N. A. 396.D0 Daly J. Bowles. Dawn of radicalism . 942.07.D0 Glimpses of Irish industries . . . 914.15. DO.3 Daly, J. Bowles, and R: R. Madden. Ireland in '98 . . . . . 941.57.M03 Dame Care; by H. Suderman . .' . 823.Su2.2 Dame Heraldry; by F. S. W. . . . 929.6. W Damen's ghost; by E. L. Bynner . 813.B9.2 Damien de Veuster, Father; by E. Clifford 383.D0 Damocles, Sword of; by Mrs. Anna K. G. Rohlfe 813.R634.79 Damon, W: E. Ocean wonders . .590. DO Dampier.W:; by W. 0. Russell . 910.9.DO Dana, D. D, Fireman, The . . 3.53.3.DO *Dana, E. Salisbury and Ja. Dwight. System of mineralogy . Text-book of mineralogy Dana, Ja. Dwight. Characteristics of volcanoes ' Corals and coral islands Geological story briefly told . Manual of geology .... Manual of mineralogy and petrography Text book of geology Dana, Katharine Floyd. Our Phil, etc. Dana, R: H:; by C: Fs. Adams. 2 vols. . Dana, R: H:,ir. Two years before the mast Dana, W: F. Emerson, R. W., Optimism of Dana, Mrs. W: Starr. How to know the wild flowers Dance, C: D. Four years in Venezuela . Danger signals; by Fs. E. Clark Daniel; by H. Deane .... Daniel Deronda; by Mrs. M. E. Cross Danilevski, G. P. Princess TaraWanova Danish emigrant, Adv. of, in Queensland Dante Alighieri. Church, R. W. Dante, efc Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Dante . Scartazzini, G. A. Handbook to Dante Dante Alighieri. Divine comedy; tr. by C: E. Norton. 3 vols 851.15.D0.3.6 Same; tr. by I. 0. Wright . . . 851.15.D0.9 *Inferno; tr. bv H: F. Gary; illus. by G. Dore. F. ' 8.51.15.D0 4.3 New life; tr. by 0: E. Norton . 8.51.15.. DO.62.6 *Purgatory and Paradise; tr. by H: F. Gary; illus. by G. Dore. F. . . 851.1.5.D0.6.3 D'Anvers, N., See Bell, N. R. E. Darius tJic i/reat, Hist, of; by J. Abbott 93.5. DO Dark days in Chile; by M. H. Hervey . 983.H2 Darkness and dawn; by F: W. Farrar 833 F066.2 and daylight; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes 813.H64.55.206 549.D0.7 . 539 D0.8 .551. 21. DO .593.6. DO .5.50. 3. D3 550.3. DO .549. DO. 5 .5.50.7 DO 813 D060 810 9.D06.0 6.56. DO 191.3.E.5.3 .580. DO.3 918.7. DO 170.04 224 5.D06.3 833.0667.3 891.73. DO 919.43.1)0 850.9. DO. 1 851.15 D0.6 8.51.15.ScO DARLING 46 DAVIS Darling, Grace, Life of; by Eva Hope . 614.868.D0 Darmesteter, A. Mary F. (Robinson) Bronte, Emily 820.9 B6.2 End of the middle ages .... 940.4.D0 Margaret of Angouleme . . 944.02.M068 *Darniesteter, Ja. and L H. Mills, trs. Zend-Avesta. 3 vols 295.DO Darnley; by G. P. R.James . . . 823.J0.5.29 Darwin, C: [Life] ; by G. Allen . . 575.D0.0 Life; by G. T. Bellamy .... 57.5.D0 02 Life and letters; by Fs. Darwin. 2 vols. ^In.'DOG Life and work; by C: F: Holder . 575.D06.3 More criticisms; by T:H: Huxlev . .57o.D06.38 Darwin, C: Darwinism; ed. by N. Shep- pard .575.D06.7 Descent of man, etc. .... 573. D06 Different forms of flowers on plants of the same species .581.D0€.2 EtTects of cross and self fertilization . 581 D06.1 Expression of the emotions . . . 591.5 D06 Formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms .... .595.1. D06 Geological observations .... 550.4.D0 Insectivorous plants .... 581..5.D06.4 Journal of researches during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle .... 508.3. DO Movements and habits of climbing plants 581.5. D06.1 Origin of species 575.8 D06 Power of movement in plants . 581.1. D06 Structure and distribution of coral reefs 551.96.D06 Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 vols 630.D06 Various contrivances by which orchids are fertilized by insects . . . 581.D06.6 What Mr. Darwin saw .... 508 3.D06 Darwinism, efc ; by J: Fiske . . 040.F4.2 and politics; by D: G. Ritchie . . 330.R4.8 in morals, ftc. ; by Fs. P. Cobbe . . 040.C60.2 Daryl, Ph. Public life in England . 914.2.D0 Dasent, G: Webbe. Popular tales from the Norse 839.83. DO Dash for Khartoum; by G. A. Henty . 962.H2.2 D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. Story of the re- formation 270 6. DO Daudet, Alph. Immortal, The; or, One of the "forty" 843.D08.45 Jack ........ 843.D08 Kings in exile 843.D08.4 Port Tarascon . . . .843 DOS 68 Tartarin of Tarascon .... 843.D08.88 Tartarin on the Alps . . .843 D08.80 Daughter of an Egyptian king; by G: Ebers 833.E0.2 of an empress; by L. Muhlbach . 833.M83.20 of Bohemia; by Fes. C, Fisher 813.F473 2 of Eve; by Mrs. E. W. Kirk . . .813 K464.20 of Fife; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . . . 813.B066 20 of Ileth; by W: Black . . .813 B4014.208 of the Philistines; by H. H. Boyesen . 813.B692.2 of the South, etc. ; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison 813.H06647.20 Daunt, Achilles. Crag, glacier and av- alanche 796. DOS Frank Redcliffe 918.7. D0.2 Land of the moose, the bear and the beaver 917.12, D0.4 Our sea-coast heroes .... 614.868. D08 Daunt. Achilles, (Concluded) Three trappers With pack and rifle in the far southwest Davenport Dunn; by C: Lever David. Deane, W: J. David . Ingraham, J. H. Throne of David Taylor, W: M. David, king of Israel. David Allen's daughter, e'c : by Jane G Austin Balfour; by Rob. L: Stevenson Copperfield; by C: Dickens Elginbrod; by G: MacDonald . Grieve; by Mrs. Mary A. Ward *David8, T. W. Rhys, tr. Buddhist Suttas *Melinda, King, The questions of . *Vinaya texts. 3 vols. ... Davidson, Sllis A. Boy joiner and mode maker Drawing for bricklayers . Drawing for cabinet makers . Drawing for carpenters and joiners Drawing for machinists and engineers Drawing for metal plate workers . Drawing for stone masons Elements of building construction, etc. Elements of practical perspective . Gothic stone work .... Model drawing Orthographic and isoraetrical projection Davidson, Ja. Ward. Florida of to-day Davidson, T: Aristotle Prolegomena to "In memoriam" Davie, Oliver. Nests and eggs of N. A birds Davies, D. C. Treatise on earthy min- erals, ec. Treatise on metalliferous minerals, etc. Treatise on slate and slate quarrying Davies, F: Temperance drinks for sum mer and winter .... Davies, Ja. Hesiod and Theognis . Davies, T: Dramatic miscellanies. Garrick, D:, Memoirs of. 2v Davis, C: T. Manufacture of paper Steam boiler incrustation Davis, G. G., and Rob. N. Keely, jV Arctic seas Davis, G: F. Practical microscopy . Davis, Ht. Riddle. Gilbert Elgar's son Davis, Irenaeus P., and A. H. Guernsey Health at home .... Davis, J. C. Mr. Fish and the Alabama claims *Davi8, Jefferson. Rise and fall of the Confederate government 2 vols. Davis, J:, the navigator; by C. R. Mark- ham Davis, L: S. Studies in musical history Davis, Nathan. Carthage and her re- mains Davis, Rebecca Harding. Kent Hamp- den Davis, R: Harding. Gallegher, etc. Rulers of the Mediterranean . Van Bibber, and others West from a car window . 3 v In 917.12.D0.S 917 28. DO 823.L282.208 222.4. DO. 2 222.5. D0.4 222.5.D0.8 813.A878.20 S23.St282.20 823.D414.4 833. M 26 20 823.W062.2 294. DO 294.1)0.5 294.1)0.8 680. DOS 693 2.1)0 684. DO 680. DO. 2 621. DOS 680. DO 693.1. DO 6i)0 DO ,515.6. DO 723.5. DO 680. DOS 515. DO 917..59.D0 370.9. A6 821. T2 4.2 598.2. DOS 622 D0.2 .549.1)08 622.22 DO 642 DO 8S3 2.H2.2 792.G0.2 792. G06 676. DO 621.18. DO 919.8. P2.4 .578. DO 813.D0S4 3 613.G8 973. 8. F4 973.7. DOS 919 8. DOS. 5 780 9 DO 939.73. DO 813 D0S4.4 813 DO84.30 916. DO 813.D084.8 917.64. DO liAVIS 47 DEMOCRACY Great streets of Davis, R: H., and others. world Davis, Winfleld J. Political conventions of California Davy and the goblin; by C: E. Carryl Dawes, Anna L. How we are governed Sumner, C: Dawn; by H. Rider Haggard of radicalism; by J. B. Daly . Dawson, Sir J. W: Geol. hist, of plants Modern ideas of evolution Modern science in Bible lands Nature and the Bible Story of the earth and man Daw^son, S. E. Study of "The princess" DaAvson, W. J. Makers of modern English Dawson, W: H. Bismarck and state socialism German socialism and Ferdinand Las- salle Unearned increment Day, Alf. Complete shorthand manual Day, H: N. Science of education Day, Lewis F. Nature in ornament Ornamental design .... Day, S: Phillips. Reynard the fox Day, T: Sandford and Merton Day, W: Racehorse in training Turf celebrities I have known Day and night stories; by T. R. Sullivan of fate; by E: P. Roe Daylight land; by W. H. H. Murray Days and nights in the tropics; by F. L Oswald of Bruce; by Grace Aguilar of chivalry; by W. H. D. Adams of my life; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant out of doors; by C: C. Abbott . ride; by C: Lever .... with industrials; by A. H. Japp Dead secret; by Wilkie Collins shot; or, Sportsman's guide . tryst, etc ; by Ja. Grant . Dealings with the fairies; by G: Mac Donald Dean, Amos. Bryant and Stratton'scom mercial law Dean, C. Science of utterance Dean, Theresa. How to be beautiful Dean Maitland, Silence of; by M. G Tuttiet Deane, Fannie A. National flowers Deane, H. Daniel Deane, W. J. Abraham David . . Joshua Samuel and Saul Dear Lady Disdain; by J. McCarthy Dearly bought; by Clara L. Burnham Death— and afterwards; by Sir Edwin Arnold Deb and the duchess; by Eliz. T. Smith Debit and credit; by G. Freytag De Bow, J. D. B. Industrial resources of southern and western states [1852-3 ] 3 v Decision of the court; by J. B. Matthews 914. DO ■ 339. DO 813.C0669.2 353. D09 973.8.Su5.1 823.H033 3 942 07.D0 561. DO 575.D08 220.8 D09 215. D08 560. D09 821.T2.6.2 820.4.D0 33.5.5 Do 335.5 D03 333. DO 653.6.D09 370 1.D09 745.D0.6 745.D0.0 823.D09.6 833.D09 798. DO 798. DO. 8 813. Su4 813.R62 2 917 1.M8 918.1.07 823.A38.2 394.7.A2 823 0446 30 504.A0.2 823.L282.209 640 JO 823.C644.22 799. MO 823.G6 3 823.M36.22 347.7. D2 808 5.D30 613. D2 823.T88.2 580. D30 324.5. D06.3 221.1.A0.3 222.4. DO 2 222 1. J6.3 333.4. Sa5 3 833.M1.23 813.B8663.2 237 A66 823 Sm48 32 833.F62.2 917.3 D3 813.M08.3 De Costa, B. F. Pre-Columbian discov- ery of America by the Northmen . 973.1.D3 Dedication of books; by H: B. Wheatley 804. W3 Deeds worth telling; by E: A. Rand . 904 RO Deemster, The; by T: H: Hall Caine 833.C046 3 Deep down; by R. M. Ballantyne . . 633.B04 Deephaven; by Sa. Orne Jewett . 813.J39.32 Defoe, Dan.; by W: Minto 820.9.D2 Defoe, Dan. Capt. Singleton; Colonel Jack 823 D326.1 Duncan Campbell; New voyage round the world; Warnine against innova- tions; But what if the queen should die?; Reasons against succession of House of Hanover; What if the pre- tender should come? .... Memoirs of a cavalier; Capt. Carleton; Everybody's business is nobody's busi- ness tire in True Moll Flanders; Hist, of the Devil Plague in London, 1665; Great London, 1666; The storm, 1703; born Englishmen .... Robinson Crusoe .... Roxana; Mrs. Christian Davies De Forest, J. W. Miss Ravenel's conver slon Defries, Esther P. Browning primer De Garnio, C: Essentials of method De Graflf, Esmond V. Development les sons School room guide .... Delaborde, Henri, vicomte. Engraving Deland, Marg. Florida days . John Ward, preacher Mr. Tommy Dove, etc. Sidney Story of a child .... De la Roche, Paul ,• by J. Runtz Rees Delaware; by G: P. R. James . De Leon, T. C Four years in Rebel capitals .... De Leon, T. C , and E. Ledyard. John Holden, unionist . Delicate feasting; by Tbeo Child Delicia; by Beatrice M. Butt De Long, G "W. and others. Our lost ex plorers: Jeannette De Lorme; by G: P. R. James . Delta Bixby; by KirK Munroe . Deluge, The; by HenrykSienkiewicz De Mille, Ja. Among the brigands B. O. W. C. SEKIES. B. O. W. C Boys of Grand Pre School Lost in the fog .... Fire in the woods . . . , Picked up adrift .... Treasure of the seas .... 823.D226.38 833.D326.5 823.D226.56 943 06.D33 833.D336.6 833 D226.66 813.D22.5 821.B666.66 371.3. D23 371.3. D2 371. D2 760. D2 917.59.D2 813 D240.46 813.D240.5 813 D240.74 813.D340.78 Ire 7.59.4. V3 833.J05.83 973.6. D2 813.D243 643.C3 833.B888.2 919.8.D3.4 823. J05 23 In 813 M866.13 891 853.812.2 813.D254.91 813.D2.54.01 813 D254.03 813.D354 03 813.D354.04 813 D354 06 813.D354.05 Castle in Spiin Dodge club; or, Italy in 1859 . Lady of the ice Lily and the cross .... Seven hills Winged lion, The; or, Stories of Venice Deming, Clarence. By ways of nature and life Democracy: an American novel in Europe; by T: E May 813.D354.10 813.D254 26 813.D254.4 813.D254.44 813.D254 93 813.D254.93 910. D2 813.D25 940. MO DEMOCRATIC 48 DICKENS Democratic Convention, Chicago 1892. Proceedings ...... 329.3.D2 Demonof gold; by H. Conscience . 839.32.C6 22 Demosthenes. [Life] ; by W. J. Brodribb 885 6 D2 16 Life; by S. H. Butcher . . !« 820.9 M4.1 Demosthenes. Olynthiacs, etc.; tr, by C: K. Kennedy 88.5 6.D2 6 Orations; tr. by C: K. Kennedy . 885.6. D2 5 Orations against Leptines, etc.; tr. by C: R. Kennedy . . . . . . 885 6.D2 4 Orations against Timocrates, etc ; tr. by C: R. Kennedy 885.6.D2.66 Orations on the crown, etc.; tr. by C: R. Kennedy 885 6.D2.1 Denis Duval, by W: M. Thackery . . In 823.T3.1 Denison, C: Rocky mountain health re- sorts 917.8 D2 Denison G: T. History of cavalry . 357. D2 Denison. Mary A. Romance of a school ■ boy 813.D264.6 That husband of mine .... 813.D264.8 That wife of mine 813 D264,83 Denning, W: P. Telescopic work for starlight evenings 522.2.D2 Denslow, Van Buren. Economic phil- osophy 330 D2 Modern thinkers 190.D2 Denslow, Van Buren, and Jane M. Par- ker. Edison, T: A., and S: F. B. Morse 621.3.E2.2 Denzil Quarrier; by G: R. Gissing . . 823.G477.2 Departmental ditties, etc.; by R. Kipling 821.K4 Depew, Chauncey M. Orations and after dinner speeches .... 81.5. D2 Depping. Guillaume. Wonders of bod- ily strength and skill .... 796.D2 De Quille, Dan. Comstock silver lode . 622.09. D2.1 Hist, of tne Big Bonanza . . .. 622 09.D2 De Quincey, T:; by D: Masson . 820.9.D26 DeQuincey, T: Autobiographic sketches 820.9.D26.0 Biographical and historical essays . 804.D2.0 Confessions of an English opium eater . 820.9.D26.1 Eighteenth century in scholarship and literature 804.D2.2 Essays in ancient history . . . 937.05. D2 Essays in philosophy .... 190.D26 Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition 204. D3 Literary criticism 804.D2.4 Literary reminiscences .... 820.4.D2.4 Narrative and miscellaneous papers . 040.D2 Politics and political economy . . 331.D2 Romances and extravaganzas . . . 823.D268 De Quincey, T:, an i others. Wider hope . 237.6.D2 Derrick Sterling; by Kirk Munroe . . 813.M866.22 Derby, E: G. S. S., I4tli earl; by G: Saints- bury 942.08.D2 Derval Hampton; by Ja. Grant . 823.G6 22 Descartes, Rene; by J. P. Mahaffy . 194.1. D2.5 Descartes, Rene. Philosophy; tr. and ed. by H: A. P. Torrey . . . . 194 1.D2.8 Dcschanel, A. Privet. Elementary treat- ise on natural philosophy . 530.D2 Desert home; by Mayne Reid 917.8.R2 Deserter, The; by C: King . 813 K4631.22 Desmond hundred; by Jane G. Austin . 813.A878.22 DeSoto, Ferdinand; by J: S. C. Abbott . 975.9. D2 Desperate remedies; by T: Hardy . 823.H062.22 Despot of Broomsedge cove; by Mary N. Murfree 813.M8625.32 Destruction of Gotham; by Joaquin Miller 813. M444.2 Detmold; by W: H: Bishop . . 813.B47.22 Deucalion: by J: Ruskin .... 5.51. R8 Development lessons; by E. V. De Graft" 371. 3. D2 DeVere, Scheie. Leaves from the book of nature Devereux; by E: G: Bulwer Devil's portrait; by A. G. Barrili Devon boys; by G: M. Fenn Dewey, J: Psychology .... Dew^ey, Orville. Works .... Dewing, Mrs. Maria R. Beauty in dress Beauty in the household DeWint, P:; by G. R. Redgrave De Wolf, Austin. Town meeting: Mass. law Dexter, Franklin. Hist, of Yale uni- versity . Dexter, H: Martyn Handbook of Con- gregationalism Dexter, Seymour. Co-operative sav- ings and loan associations *Dhammapada, The; tr. . by F. Max Muller Dialect tales; oy Mrs. Kath. S. McDowell Diana of the crossways; by G: Meredith Diane Coryval Diary, A., etc.; by Fredrika Bremer of an ennuyee; by Mrs. Anna Jameson . of a pilgrimage; by Jerome K. Jerome . Diaz. Mrs. Abby Morton. Only a flock of women . . . - William Henry letters .... Diaz, Narcisse Virgil; by J: W. Mol- lett Diaz, Rodigo, of Bivar See Cid, The Dibble, E. L. Vagaries of sanitary science Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule .... Dicey, E: Victor Emmanuel . Dick, T: Celestial scenery Philosophy of religion Sidereal heavens Dick, W. B., ed. Dick's recitations. 17 v Dick Netherby; by Mrs. L. B. Walford o' the fens; by G: M. Fenn Onslow; by W. H. G. Kingston Rodney; by Ja. Grant Sands; by J. Verne .... Dickens, C: Dickens, Mamie. Life of C: Dickens Forster, J: Life of C: Dickens. 2 vols Jones, C: H. Life of C: Dickens . Marzials, Fk. T. Life of C: Dickens Pierce, G. A., and W: A. Wheeler. Dick ens dictionary .... .504. D28 823.B849.5 853B04 23 823.F266.22 1.50. D2 208. D2 391.2. D2 045. D2 In 7.59.2. C6 3.52. D29 378.73 D2 285.9.D3.3 334.1. D2 294. M 8 817. M 26 823. M 362.24 813.D406 839.73. B6 2 914.5.J05 823.J266.2 Stoddard, R: H: C: Dickens biography Ward, A. W. C: Dickens Dickens, C: American notes Barnaby Rudge Battle of life . Birthday book . Bleak house anecdote 814. D4 813.D409.9 1/1759 4. M4 614.D4 941. .58 D4 945.09. V4. 2 533.D4.1 201. D4 533. D4 371.23 D4 823.W043.3 833.F266 24 970 1.K46 2 833.G6.24 843. V2 24 820 9. D4. 24 830.9. D4.2 820 9.D4 4 820.9. D4. 5 823.D414 In 830 9.T3.7 830.9. D4.9 917.3. D41 823.D414.1 D414.3.VoI.2 820.8. D4 823.D414.2 DICKENS Dickens, C:, (Concluded) Child's history of England. 3 vols. Christmas books and stories. 3 vols Christmas carol. . . . rn823 Collection of letters, 1833-1870 Cricket on the hearth . . .I..833 David Copperfield Dombey and son Edwin Drood, Mystery of Great expectations . Hard times Little Dorrit Martin Chuzzlevi^it . Nicholas Nickleby . Old curiosity shop Oliver Twist Our mutual friend Pickwick club ... Reprinted pieces Sketches by Boz Tale of two cities Uncommercial traveller . Dickens, C:, and W. Collins. No thor- oughfare Dickens, Mary Angela. Mere cypher 49 ,943 D41 833.D414.3 D414.3. Vol.1 830 9.D41 .D414 3. Vol.1 823.D414.4 823.D414.5 833.D414.6 833.D414.7 833.D414.8 833.D414.9 833D414 10 833 D414.il 833.D414 12 833.D414 13 833 D414.14 823 D414.15 833.D414 16 833 D414.17 833.D414 18 823.D414.19 7»823 D414.i7 833.D41.5 Dickins, Mrs. Marguerite. Along shore with a man-of-war .... 918.D4 Dickinson, Mrs. Ellen E. New light on Mormonism 398. D4 Dickinson, J:, Life and times of; by C: J- Stille 973 3.D41 Dick's book of alphabets .... 74.5.D4 Dickson, W: Bradford. Modern punc- tuation . 421.9.D4 Dictator, The; by J. McCarthy 823 MlO.2 Did she love him? by Ja. (Trant . . 823. GO 342 Diddie, Dumps and Tot; by Louise C. Pyrnelle 813.P96.2 Diderot and the encyclopaedists; by J: Morley. 3 vols 840.9.D4 Didron, Adolphe N. Christian icano- graphy. 3 vols 709 D4 Diehl, Mrs. Anna Randall. Practical Delsarte primer 808.5 D4 3 Dikes and ditches; by W: T. Adams . 813.A2098.94 Dilke, C: Wentworth. Greater Britain. 910.D4 Papers of a critic. 2 vols . . . 824.D44 Problems of Greater Britain . . . 940.D4 Dilke, Lady Emilia F. S. Art in the modern state 704 D4 Dimitri Roudine; by I. Turgenieft . . 891. 73. T8 2 Dimitry, J: Lessons in the history of Louisiana . . - . . . . 976.3 D4 Dinah Shadd, The courting of; by R. Kipling 7n823.K464.5 Dippold, G: T. Great epics of mediaeval Germany 830.9 D4 R: Wagner's poem: ring of the Nibelung 830.9. W0.24 Discourses in America; by Matthew Arnold 824 A66.2 Disowned; by E: G: L. Bulwer . . 833.B849.6 Disraeli, B:, earl of Beaconsfield. Eraser, Sir W: Disraeli and his day . 942.08.D47.26 Froude, Ja. A. Lord Beaconsfield . 942.08.D47.2 Kebbel, T. E. Life of Lord Beaconsfield 943.08 D4 4 Disraeli, B:, '.arl of Beaconsfield. Coningsby; or, The new generation . . . 823.D47.1664 by Disraeli, B:, (Concluded.) Contarini Fleming; Rise of Iskander Endymion .... Henrietta Temple Lothair .... Tancred .... Sybil; or. The new crusade Venetia .... Vivian Grey . . Young Duke; Count Alarcos Disraeli, I: Amenities of literature Calamites and quarrels of authors Curiosities of literature. 3 vols. Literary character, or, The history of men of genius . Distribution of products; byE: Atkinson Ditson, G: Ijelghton: Circassia Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey; S: S. Cox Dix, Edw. A. Midsummer drive through the Pyrenees ... Dixey, Wolstan. Trade of authorship Dixie, Lady Florence. Across Patagoni Gloriana; or. The revolution of 1900 Young castaways .... Dixon, Rob. B. Fore and aft . Dixon, W: Hepworth. Free Russia Howard, J:, and the prison world c Europe New America Djambek, the Georgian; by A. G. von Suttner .... Dobson, Austin. Fielding, H: Goldsmith, Oliver, Life of Hogarth, W:, Life of Steele, R: . Doctor and patient; by S. Weir Mitchell Antonio; by G. D. Ruffini Breen's practice; by W: D. Howells Claudius; by F. M. Crawford Grattan; by W: A Hammond Grimshaw's secret; by N. Hawthorne Huguet; by Ign. Donnelly ' J. B. Quies, Startling exploits of; by P Celiere Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Strange case of by R. L. Stevenson Johns; by D. G. Mitchell Latimer; by Clara L Burnham LeBaron and his daughters; by Jane G Austin Martha Scarborough; by Mrs. H. Camp bell Papa; by Rebecca S. Clarke Rameau; by G. Ohnet Sevier; by G: W. Cable . Thorne; by Ant. Trollope Wortle's school; by Ant. Trollope . Zay; by Mrs. E S'. Ward. Dodd, Anna B. Cathedral days In and out of three Normandy inns Dodd family abroad; by C: Lever Dodge, Grace H. Bundle of letters busy girls Thoughts of busy girls Dodge, Li. Question of identity Dodge, Li. arid Ht. W. Preston. Guardians DOfDGE 823.D47.1668 833.D47.36 873.D47.33 823.D47.46 823.D47.80 833.D47.79 823.D47.82 823.D47.84 823. D47.96 824.D47.0 824.D47.1 824.D47.18 824.D47.4 336.4. A8 914.79. D4 91 4.96. C6 2 914 4.D4 6.5.5. 5. D4 918 2.D4 823.D49.3 918.2D4.9 813.D49.2 914.7. D49 36.5. H6.2 321 8. D4 833.Su8.2 830.9. F4 830.9.G6.3 759.2. H6 820.9 St22 610. M4 853. R8. 2 813.H692 3 813.C609.36 813.H055 3 813.Ha).3 813.D666.2 847. C2 823.St382.24 813 M481 2 813.B8663.26 813.A878 26 813.C056.7 813.C40646.243 843 03 2 813.C004.26 823.T664.2618 823.T664.261 813.W0632.36 914.2. D62 914 42. D6 823.L282.26 to 396.D63.1 396. D6. 8 813.D623.6 813.P627.3 DODGE 50 DOUGLAS Dodge, Mary A. {Gail Hamiltnn). Coun- 814.D6.1 943. DO 813. D62 379 1.D6 241 D6 814.D6.7 220 7.D6 39<5.D6 917.3.0(52.9 813.D6.1 813.D6.30 811. D62 970 1.D6 938. A4 2 904. D6 939.73. H0.2 796. DO 880.8. D6 380 D6 813.D354 36 823 D633.0 823.D623 8 823.B26 try living and country thinking English kings in a nutshell First love is best Our common school system Sermons to the clergy Summer rest Washington Bible class . Woman's wrongs Wool gathering Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dor othy Hans Brlnker Rhymes and jingles ... Dodge, K: I. Our wild Indians Dodge, Theo. Ayrault. Alexander [thi great] Great captains Hannibal Riders of many lands Dodge, Wa. Phelps. Three Greek tales Dodge, W: E.; by Carlos Marty n . Dodge club; by Ja. De Mille Dodgsoii, C: li. {LewU Cmrol.) Alice adventures in wonderland . Through the looking glass Dodo; by E. F. Benson Dodsley, Rob., pub. Select collection of old English plays; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt 15 vols 822.D6 Dodsworth, Allen. Dancing . 793.D6 Dog Crusoe; by R. M. Ballantyne . . 917 8.B04 2 fiend; by F: Marry at .... 823.M066.7 stories and dog lore; by T: W. Knox . 636 7.K6 Doing his best; by J: T. Trowbridge . 813.T669.36 Dolbear, A. E. Matter, ether and motion 530.D6 Dole, C: F: American citizen. . . 321.8.D6 Dole, Nathan H Not angels quite 813.D64 Score of famous composers. . . 786. D6 Dolliver romance, etc. ; by N. Hawthorne 813.H09.26 Dolores; by Roland Vernon . . . 813. V26 Dombey and son; by C: Dickens . . 823.D414 5 Domestic stories; by Mrs. D. M. Cralk . 823.0604.26,5 Domesticus; by W: A Butler . . . 813 B884 Dominant seventh; by Kate E. Clark . 813.C4064.40 Don Braulio; by J. Valera . . 863.V04.2 Finimondone; by Elis. Cavazza . . 813 C080.2 John: by Jean Ingelow .... 8231632.3 Orsino; by F. M. Crawford. . 813.C609.366 Quixote; by M. de Cervantes-Saavedra 863. C2 Dona Luz; by J. Valera . . .863 V04.26 Donal Grant; by G: Mac Donald . . 823.M26.26 Donald and Dorothy; by Mary M. Dodge 813.D6.1 Marcy; by Mrs. E. S. Phelps Ward 813.W0622.266 Ross of Heimra; by W: Black . .823.B4014 26 Donatello; by Mrs. L. E. Baxter . 759 5.B09 Donisthorpe, Wordsworth. Individ- ualism 321. D6 Donkin, J: G. Trooper and redskin in the far northwest 971 2 D6 Donna Quixote; by J. McCarthy 823.Ml.26 Donne, J: and J: Shelton. Poetical woiks. 2 vols 821. Sk2 Donne, W: Bodham. Euripides 882.3.E8.2 Tacitus 878.6.T0.2 Donnell, E. J. Outlines of a new science 337.D6 Donnell, Webb, and E: R. Shaw. School devices 371.3.Sh0 Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis 571. D6 Caesar's column 813.D666.1 Doctor Iluguet 813.D666 2 Golaen bottle 813 D666.3 Great cryptogram 822 33.D6 Ragnarok 560. D66 Donovan; by Ada E. Bayly . 823.B09.2 Don't; by O. B. Bunce .... 39.5.B8 2 Dora Darling; by Jane G. Austin . 813.A878.266 Darling and Little Sunshine; by Jane G. Austin 813. A878.2660 Deane, etc.; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . . 813 H64.55.26 Doran, J: Annals of the English stage. 3v 792.D6.0 Knights and their days .... 929.71. D6 Monarchs retired from business . . 920. D6 Dorcas, daughter of Faustina; by N. C. Kouns 813.K68.2 Dorchester, Dan. Christianity in the U. S 277.73.D6 *Dore, Gustave, ilZus. Bible gallery. Q. 708.4.1)6.0 *Chateaubriand, F. Alata. Q . . 843 C3.0 *Dante Alighieri. Inferno. Q . . 851.15 DO.4.2 *Purgatory, and Paradise. Q . . 815.15.D0.6 2 *La Fontaine, Jean de. Fables. Q . 841.L02.3 *Dore, Gustave, and B. Jerrold. Lon- don. Q Doris and Theodora; by Marg. T. Janvier Dorland, W. A. N., camp. Clusterof pearls Dorothea. (Round-robin) Dorothy Fox; by Mrs. Louisa Parr . Dorothy Wallis; with intro. by Wa Besant Dorymates; by Kirk Munroe Dos Passos, J: R. Inter-state commerce act Dosia's daughter; by Mme. Alice Durand Dottings on the roadside; by B. Pim, and B. Seeman Dotty Dimple; by Rebecca S. Clarke at her grandmother's; by Rebecca Clarke at home; by Rebecca S. Clarke . at play; by Rebecca S. Clark at school; by Rebecca S. Clarke . out west; by Rebecca S. Clarke . Dotty Dimple's flyaway; by Rebecca Clarke Doty, Alvah. Prompt aid to the injured Double play; by W: Everett story; by G: MacDonald . Double witness of the church; by W: I Kip Doubleday, Abner. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg .... Double-runner club; by B. P. Shillabar Douce, Fs. Holbein's Dance of death, etc Doudney, Sarah. Michaelmas Daisy Under false colours .... Douglas, Amanda M. Bethia Wray' new name .... Claudia Floyd Grandon's honor Foes of her household Fortunes of the Faradays From hand to mouth Home nook .... Hope mills .... 708 4.D6 813.J068.2 267.613 D6 813 D66()8 823.P066.1 792.B37.2 813.M866.26 386. D6 843.D860 36 918.6. P4 813.C40646.406 S. 813.C40646.201 813.C40646.202 813.C40646.2()4 813.C40646.205 813.C40646.203 S. 813.C40646 206 617 D6 813.E826.3 823.M26 268 283. K4 973.7 D6 813.Sh44.2 704 H(i 823.D682.5 823.D682.8 813 D68.0 813 D68.1 813 D68.34 813.D68.263 813.D68.36G 813.D68.2 813. D68 365 813D68 3 DOUGLAS DUCOUDRAY 813.D68 368 813.DG8 406 813.D68.405 813 D68.404 813 D68 403 813.D68 401 813.D68.402 813 D68.40 813.D68.4 813.D68.730 813. D68 56 813.D68.6 813.D68 67 813 D68 68 813.D68.7 813.D68 73 813.D68.78 813D68 79 813.D68.93 813.D68.96 636.9.D6 Dongias, Amanda M., (Concluded) In trust KATHIE STORIES Kathie'h harvest days In the ranks Kathie's soldiers Snmmer at Cedarwood Kathie's three wishes Kathie's Aunt Ruth Larry Lost in a great city . Lyndell Sherburne . Modern Adam and Eve Nelly Kinnard's kingdom OsDorne of Arrochar Out of the wreck Seven daughters Sherburne house Stephen Dane . Sydnie Adriance Whom Kathie married Woman's inheritance Douglas, Art. Ostrich farming 'in S Africa Douglas, Fanny, and Edith L. Cham- berlain. Gentlewoman's book of gardening 716.C3 Douglas, W: Dueling days in the army 394.8.D6 Douglas Duane; by Edgar Fawcett . 813.F09.2 Douglass, F:; by F: May Holland 326 93.D6 Douglass, Mrs. K. Dun. Romance at the antipodes 813.D686.6 Dove in eagle's nest; by Charlotte M. Yonge 823.Y66.26 Dowd, D. Ij. Physical culture . . 371.73 D6 Dowden, E: Shakespeare . .rn883.1.H6.34 Shakespeare: his mind and art . . 822.33 D69 Southey, Rob 820.9.So8 Studies in literature, 1789-1877 . . 804 D6.7 Transcripts and studies .... 820.9.D6.8 Dowie, M. M. See Xorman, Mrs. M. M. Down East master's first school: by E: A. Rand 813.RO in Dixie; by S. P. Allen .... 973 7.A442 the great river; by W: (Hazier . . 917 9.G4 the islands; by W: A. Paton . . 917.29.P08 the ravine; by Mary N. Murfree . . 813.M8625.26 the Rhine; by W: T. Adams . . . 813.A2098.96 the river; by W: T. Adams . . . 813.A2098.76 the west branch; by C: A. J. Parrar, etc. 917.41. F0.2 Doyle, A. Canon. Captain of the Pole- star, etc 823.D694.1 Firm of (Mrdlestone . • . . . .823 D693 34 Great shadow 823.D694.3 Micah Clarke 823.D694.5 Refuges, The 823.D694.6 Sign of four 823.D694.7 White company 823.D6949 Doyle, J. A. Eng. colonies in America. 3v. 973.2.D69 Hist, of the D. S 973.D6 Dragon and the raven; by Vr. A. Henty . 942.01. A4.3 image and demon; byC. DuBose . . 299.D8 of the North; by Miss E. J. Oswald . 823.079.2 Drake, Fs. Indian hist, for young folks 970 1 D60 Drake, Sir Fs. Cobbett, J. Sir Fs. Drake 942.05.D6.1 Henty, G: A. Under Drake's flag . . 942.0.5. D6. 3 Mitchell, S. W. Francis Drake 811.M48.3 Drake, Sir Fs., (Concluded) Towle, G: M. Drake: the sea-king of Devon 942.05. D6.8 Drake, S: Adams Around the hub 974.46.D6 Battle of Gettysburg .... 973.7.D60 Burgoyne's invasion of 1777 . . . 973.3.D6 *Heart of the White Mts. F. . . . 917.422 DG Making of New England .... 974.D6 Making of the great west ... 979 D6 Pine-tree coast 917.41. D6 Taking of Louisburg, 1745 . . .973 2.D6.8 Dramatis personae; by Rob. Browning .In 821 B666.1 Draper, J: W: Conflict between religion and science 109. D6 Future civil policy of America . . 321 8.D60 Intellectual development of Europe. 2 v 901. D6 Dray tons and Davenants; by Mrs. E Charles 823 C3064.26 Dream life; by D. G. Mitchell . 817.M48.2 Drechsel, Edm. Intro, to the study of chemical reactions .... 543 D6 Dred; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe . . .813 St69,26 Dress-reform; ed. by Abba G. Woolson . 391.2.B4 Drew, B: Pens and types . . 655 D6 Dreyer, J. L. E. Brahe, Tycho . . ,520.9. B6 Drifting; by T. B. Read .... 811.R2.2 and steering; by Mrs. M. L Peebles . 813.P220.51 Driven back to Eden; by E: P. Roe 813.R62.26 Driver, S. R. Isaiah .... 324.1.17.2 Droz, Gustave. Around a spring . 843.D66 Babolain 843.D66.0 Droz, Gustave, aniothcrs. Plays for priv- ate acting 793. DO Drum-beat of the nation; by C: C. Collin 973.7.C62.91 Drummer boy; by J: T. Trowbridge . 813. '1669.268 Drummond, H: Addresses . . . ' 252.4. D6 Natural law in the spiritual world . 191. D6 Programme of Christianity . . . 232.D6 6 Tropical Africa 916.D6 Drury, Rob. Madagascar . . . 916.9.D6 Dryden, J:; by G: Saintsbury . . . 820.9.D69 Dryden, J: Poetical works . 821. D69 Duane, J. C. Manual for engineer troops 623 D8 Du Bois, A. Jay. Strains in framed structures 624.2.D8 Du Bois, CoDstance G. Columbus and Beatriz 813.D806.1 Martha Corey 813.D806.5 Du Bose, Hampden C. Dragon, image and demon 299.1)8 Du Cane, Edmund F. Punishment and prevention of crime .... 365. D8 Du Chaillu, Paul B. Country of the dwarfs 916 D8.1 Equatorial Africa 916.D8.2 Ivar the viking 813.D8 Land of the midnight sun. 2 vols . 914.8.D8 Lost in the jungle 916 D8 4 My Apingi kingdom .... 916 D8 5 Stories of the gorilla countay . 916.7.D8.7 Viking age. 2 vols. 948.01.D8 Wild life under the equator . . 916. D8 9 Duchess Emilia; by B. Wendell . 813.W262.2 Duchesse de Langeais; by H. de Balzac 843.B0.2 Ducoudray, G: Hist, of ancient civiliza- tion 930. D81 Hist, of modern civilization . 901.D8.5 DUDEVANT 52 DYSON (Georye Dudevant, Mme. A. Lt. A. D. Caro, E George Sand . Thomas, Bertha. George Sand Dudevant, Mme. A. Li A. D. Sand.) Antonla Bagpipers .... Consuelo Countess of Rudolstadt Fanchon the cricket; or, La petite fadette Gallant lords of Bois-Dore. 2 vols Indiana Maiiprat Monsieur Sylvestre My sister Jeannie Priness Nourmahal Recollections Snow man . Tower of Percemont Dudley, Dean. First council of Nice Due North; by M. M. Ballou South; by M. M. Ballou . West; by M. M. Rallou . . . Duff, E. Gordon. Early printed books Duff, Mrs. M. A.; by J. N. Ireland . Duffels; by E Eggleston . Dufferin, Earl of. Letters from high lati tudes Dufferin, Lady P. T, Blackwood. My Canadian journal . Our viceregal life in India Duflield, Mrs. W: Art of flower painting Duffy, Bella. Stael, Mme. de Tuscan republics, et--. Duffy, O: G. Young Ireland, 1840-1850 Dugdale, R. Li. The Jukes; Dugdale millions; by W. C. Hudson Duhring, Julia. Mental life and culture Duke of Albany's own Highlanders; by Ja. Grant Duke's children; by Ant. Trollope . Dukesborough tales; byR: M.Johnston Dulce's promise; by Flo. and Edith Scan- nell Duloie Carlyon; by Ja. Grant . Dullea, Owen J. Claude Gellee, le Lor- raine Dumas, Alex. Count of Monte Cristo d'artagnan series. Three musketeers Twenty years after Vicomte de Bragelonne. 2 vols queen's necklace series. Memoirs of a physician .... Queen's necklace Taking the Bastile Countess of Charny Chevalier of Maison Rouge REGENCY SRRIE8. Conspirators Regent's daughter VAI.OIS SERIES. Marguerite de Valois . . . . Chicot, the jester P''orty- five guardsmen . . . . Du Maurier, G: Peter Ibbetson Society pictures, from Punch. 4 v. F . 840.9. D82.1 840.9. D82 8 843 D82.0 843.D83.00 843. D82 16 843.D82.168 843. D82 2 843.D82.30 843.D82.4(5 843.D82.50 843.D83..')6 843.D83..59 843 D83.66 In 840,9.M3 843.D82.76 843 D83.86 270.31 1)8 914.8 BO 917 391. BO 910 4.B04.2 093. D8 792. D8 813.D334.28 919.8.D8 971. D8 915.4 D8 7.58. D8 840 9 StO 945. 5. D8 941..58.D8 575.1.D8 813.H82,3 040 D8 823.G6.38 823.T664.38 813.J6367.3 833.Sc0 2 833.G6.384 759.4.C4 843.D85.1 843.D85.31 843.D85.32 843.D85.33 843.D85.601 843.D85.603 843.D85.603 843.D85.604 843.D85.605 843.D85.631 845.D85.622 843. D85 81 843.D85.83 843.D85.83 823.D850.6 837. D8 Dunalton; by Louisa M. Gray . Dunbar, C: F. Theory and hist, of bank ing Dunbar, C: F., comp. Laws relating to currency, finance and banking Dunbar, E: E. Romance of the age Dunbar, New^ell, a-id uthe s. Brooks Phillips . Duncan, Ja. Beetles British butterflies British moths, etc Exotic moths Foreign butterflies . Intro, to entomology Duncan, P. Martin. Heroes of science botanists, zoologists and geologists Duncan, Sara Jeannette. Am. girl in London Simple adventures of a mensahib . Social departure .... Duncan, W: A , Memorial addresses on Dunckley, H: Melbourne, Lojd Dunlop, J: Cohn Hist, of prose fiction. 3 Dun lop, Rob. Grattan, H: Dunn, J. P., jr. Indiana . Massacres of the mountains Dunning, Charlotte. Step aside, A Dunraven ranch; by C: King 833.G64.2 332.1 D8 333.D8.4 979.4 D8.6 283. B6 595.76. D8 .595.78. D8.1 .595.78.i:)8 5 .595 78. U8.39 595.78. D8.2 .595.7.D8 580.9. D8 914 2.D8 813.D8.7 910. 4. D8 973 8.D8 942.08. M3 809. D8 941.. 57. G 6 977.3.D8 979 3. D8 813 D866.98 2n 813.K4631.89 Duplessis, Georges. Wonders of engrav- ing 760.D8 Dupre, Jules; by J: W. MoUett . . Jn 759.4.C6 Dupuy, Ernest. Great masters of Rus- sian literature in 19th century . . 891.7. D8 Durand, Mme. Alice. (Henry Greville) Cleopatra 843 D86.14 Dosia's daughter 843.D860.36 Gabrielle 843.D86.30 Markof 843 D86 5 Nikanor 843.D86.6 Durer, Albrecht; by R: Ford Heath . 759.3.D8 Durham, W: Evolution, etc. . 575.D8 Duruy, Victor. Hist of France; abridged 944.D8 Hist, of the middle ages .... 940 1.D8 Duryea, J. B. Banking and commercial credits 333.D8 Dust; by B. Bjornson . In 839.83.B466 vol.3 Dutchman's fireside; by J. K. Paulding. 3 vols 813.P08 2 Dutt, Toru. Ancient ballads and legends of Hindustan . . . . . . 831.D8 Duval, Mathias. Artistic anatomy 743. D8 Dwight, Ja. Practical lawn tennis 796.D9 Dyce and Forster collections in the South Kensington Museum, Handbook to . 708.3. D9 Dyche, Louis L. Edwards, C. E. Camp- fires of a naturalist .... 590. D9 Dyer, L: Studies of the gods in Greece . • 292. D9 Dyer, T. F. Thistleton. English folk-lore 398.3.D9 Folk-lore of plants 398.D9 Folk-lore of Shakespeare . . . 833 33.D9 Dyer, T: H. Pompeii .... 933.77.D9 Dymond, Jona. Accordancy of war with Christianity . : 172.4.D9 Dynamiter, The; by R. L: and Fanny Van de G. Stevenson .... 833.St282.39 Dyson, C. E. Bird-keeping . 636.6.D9 EAGLE 53 EGGIiESTON E Eagle and dove; by M. E. Clements Eagle's nest: by J: Ruskin Eagle, Alice Morse. China collecting in America Sabbath in puritan New England Earling, P. R. Whom to trust Early dawn; by Mrs. Eliz. Charles lessons; by Maria Edgeworth . renaissance; by Ja. M. Hoppin Earnest trifler; by Mary A. Sprague Earth trembled; by E: P. Roe Earthly paradise; by W: Morris. 3 vols PJassie, W: Cremation of the dead East and west; by E: E. Hale . angels; by Constance F. VVoolson of the Jordan; by Selah Merrill Eastern question; by the Duke of Argyll 3 vols tour at home; by Joel Cook Eastlake, Sir C: Li. Literature of the fine arts. 3 vols Notes on the principal pictures In the royal gallery at Venice Eastman, Edith V. Ethics of music Musical education and musical art Eastward ho! by C: J. Farrar Eastwick, Rob. W: Master mariner Eaton, Art. W. College requirements in English Good form: letter writing Eaton, Dorman B. Civil service in Gr. Britain . Eaton, J: R: Turner. Permanence of Christianity Eaton. T. T. Talks on getting married Ebb-tide, etc.; by Fes. C. Fisher Ebers, G: Bride of the Nile Burgomaster's wife . Egyptian princess Emperor, The. 2 vols Gred of Nuremberg . Homo sum, etc. Joshua Margery Question, A Serapis Sisters, The Story of my life Thorny path. 2 Uarda Word, A, only a word Echo of passion; by G: P. Lathrop Eckerniann, J: Peter. Conversations with Goethe Eckstein Ernst Aphrodite Chaldean magician Hertha Nero. 2 vols PriKias. 2 vols. Quintus Claudius vols. 91' 944.08.C4 Jt331.R8 738. EO 263.2.E0 659. EO 823.C3064.20 In 823. E23 704. H 66 813.Sp603.2 813.R63.206 821.M66.2 393.2.EO 813. H042.2 813.W(K)48 20 915.6. M2 949.6. A6 917.4.C6 704. EO 708. 5. EO 780.1.E0 780 7. EO .41 F0.207 656. EO 1 378.73 EO 808.6 EO 351.E0 239. EOS 173.1.E0 813.F473.30 833.E0.1 . 833.E0.18 833 EO 3 833.E0.25 833.E0.50 833.E0.36 833.E0.46 833. EO 50 833.E0.62 833.E0.72 833.E0.74 830.9 EO 833.E0.83 833. EO. 8 833.E0.96 813.L083.21 830 9.G6 2 833. El 833. El. 13 833. El. 3 833.E1.62 833.E1.66 833.E1.68 and Ecob, Helen Gilbert. Well dressed woman ... Eddy, Mary B. G. Retrospection introspection . Science and health . Unity of good Edelweiss; by B. Auerbach Edersheini, Alf. Jesus the messiali Edgar, J: G. Boyhood of great men Footprints of famous men Sea-kings and naval heroes Wars of the Roses .... Edgeworth, Maria; by Helen Zimmern Edgew^orth, Maria. Early le.'isons; Par ent's assistant; Frank; Rosamond Harry and Lucy .... Edenburgh eleven, An; by J. M. Barrie Edison, T: A. Denslow, Van B., and Jane M. Parker. Life of Edison McClure, J. B. Edison and his inventions Edith Lyle; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . Editha's burglar; by Fes. H. Burnett Editor's tales, An; by Ant. Trollope Edmonds, H: Elem. botany Edmundson, W: Journal Edna Browning; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes Edwardes, C: Rides and studies in the Canary islands .... Edwards, Amelia B. Pharaohs, fellah and explorers .... Thousand miles up the Nile . Edwards, Clarence E. Camp fires of a naturalist Edwards, Emory. Practical steam engi neer's guide Edwards, H: Sutherland. Prima donna The. 3 vols Rossini and his school Edwards, Jona.; by Alex. V. G. Allen Edwards, M. Betham. France of to-day Roof of France . Two aunts and a nephew Edwin Drood; bv C: Dickens Eggeling, Julius, tr. Satapatha-Brah mana, The. 2 vols. Eggleston, E: Circuit rider Duffels End of the world Faith doctor, The Graysons, The Hist, of the U. S. ' . Hoosler school boy Hoosier school master Roxy Eggleston, E: and Lillie E tezuma Pocahontas Tecumseh and the Swanee prophet Eggleston, G: Gary. Big brother Captain Sam Seelye. Mon 613.48.E1 615.851. E2.6 615.851.E2.7 615.851.E2.8 833. A8 3 232 E2 920 E2 930.E2.2 920.E2.7 942.04.E2 820.9.E33 823. E23 830.9.B066 631.3.E3.2 537. E3 813.H645.5.24 813. H8662.22 833.T664.33 580. E2 289. 6. E2 813.H6455.25 914.68 E2 371. E29 916 3 E2 .590. D9 631.1.E3 793 E3 786 R6 385. E2 914.4 E2 914 48.E3 823 E29.8 833. D4] 4.6 294 E3 813.E334.14 813.E334 28 813 E334.2 813.E334.3 813.E334.30 973. E3 813.E334 360 813.E334.36 813.E334.66 972. M6 975. 5. P6 973.5.T2 813.E3343.0 813.E3343.1 EGGIiESTON EMERSON Eggleston, G: Cary, (Conclvded) How to educate youfself How to make a living Red Eagle Signal boys Wreck of the Red ]?ird Eggleston, G: Cary. «d. Am. war bal lads and lyrics. 2 vols. Eggs; ed. by Anna Barrows Egil Skallagrimson, Story of; tr. by W. C Green Egleston, Nath. H. Hand-book of tree planting *Egleston, T: Metallurgy of silver, gold and mercury. 2 vols Egoist, The; by G: Meredith Egyptian orincess; by G: Ebers Ehlert, Ij: From the tone world Ehrich, L: R. Question of silver Eight cousins; by Louisa M. Alcott hundred leagues on the Amazon; by J Verne hundred miles in an ambulance; by Laura W. Johnson Eighty-seven; by Mrs. Isa. M. Alden Eiloart, Mrs. Eliz. Boy with an idea Eimer, G. H. Organic evolution Eissler, M. Metallurgy of silver Modern high explosives . Eivind, R. Finnish legends for English children Ekkehard; by J. V. von ScheiTel. Elbow-room; by C: H. Clark . El Fureidis; by Maria S. Cummins Elderhorst's manual of blowpipe analysis Eldorado; by Bayard Taylor El D.»rado, the gilded man; by A. F. Ban delier Elect lady; by G: MacDonald . Elective affinities; by J. W. von Goethe Elene; ed. by C: W. Kent . Eleventh commandment; by A. G. Barril Elfle's visit to Cloudland, etc.; by Fes. V Austen. Q Elgin, and Phigaleian marbles. 2 vols Eli Perkins: wit, humor and pathos; by M. D. Landon Elia, Essays of; by C: Lamb Eliane; by Mme. A: Craven Elijah; by W. Milligan Elijah, the prophet; by W. M Elinor, Marriage of; by Mrs. Oliphant .... Eliot, C. W., arid F. H. Storer. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis Eliot, G: See Cross, Mrs. M. E. Eliot, Ida M., and Anna C. Brackett, eds Poetry for home and school . ' . Eliot, S:, ed. Poetry for children Eliot, W: G. Doctrines of Christianity Early religious education Lectures to young men . Lectures to young women Eli's children; by G: M. Fenn . Elizabeth, Queen. Abbott, J. Hist, of Queen Elizabeth Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth Taylor M. O. W 374 E3 174. E3 976.1.R2 813.E3343.7 813.E3343.9 8n.E3 080. B06 839 63. G6 634. 9. E3 669. 2. E3 823.M262.23 833.E0.2 780.4 E3 332.42.E3 813.A416.24 In 843. V2. 3 917.8.J63 813.A4224.24 823.E446.0 575. E4 669 2 E4.7 662.2. E4 894 3. E4 833.Sch22.2 817.C4.2 813.C855 2 .549.1.E4 917.94.T0 980. BO 823. M 26. 24 In 833.G6.7 829.4.C9 8.53. B04. 2 813.A87.2 733. E4 817. LO 824.L06.2 843.060 24 222.5. E4.5 222.5.E4.8 823.0446.60 544. E4 808.1.B6 808.1.H69 230. E4 234. E4 170. E4 5 1()0 E4 9 823 F266.-.'47 942.05 E4 940 7.C6 Elizabeth; or, The exiles of Siberia by Mme. S. Cottin .... Ellet, Mrs Eliz. F. Pioneer women of the west Queens of Amer. society . Elliott, Fes. Diary of an idle woman in Constantinople Elliott, J. R. American farms Elliott, Mrs. Maud Howe. San Rosario ranch Elliott, Mrs. Maud Howe, ed. Art and handicraft in the woman's building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chic. 1893 Elliott, Sarah Barnwell. Fel meres. The Jerry ...... John Paget Ellis, E: S. Lost in Samoa Ellis, G: E. Puritan age and rule Ellis, Havelock. Criminal, The Nationalism of health Ellwanger, G: H. Garden's story, The In gold and silver .... Story of my house .... Eloisa and Abelard, Letters of; by J Hughes Elsie and the Raymonds; by Mrs. M Finley at Ion; by Mrs. M, Finley at Nantucket; by Mrs. M. Finley . at Viamede; by Mrs. M. Finley Dinsmore; by Mrs. M. Finley Venner; by 01. W. Holmes yachting with the Raymonds; by Mrs M. Finley Elsie's children; by Mrs. M. Finley friends at Woodburn; by Mrs. M. Finley 813.F#)4.2.13 girlhood; by Mrs. M. Finley . holidays; by Mrs. M. Finley motherhood; by Mrs. M. Finley kith and kin; by Mrs. M. Finley new relations; by Mrs. M. Finley . Santa Glaus; by Joanna H. Mathews vacation; by Mrs. M. Finley . widowhood; by Mrs. M. Finley womanhood; by Mrs. M. Finley Elsket, etc; by T: Nelson Page Elson, Li: B. Realm of music . Elterlein, Ernst votj. Beethoven's plan oforte sonatas explained Elton, C: I: and Mary A. Great book col lectors Elwell, E: H: Boys of '35 Ely, R: T. Intro, to political economy Labor movement in America Outlines of economics Problems of to-day Social aspects of Christianity, etc. . Taxation in American states and cities Ely, Talfourd. Manual of archaeology Elze, K: Essays on Shakespeare Enibden, Baron li. von, ed. Heine. H:, Family life of Emerson, C: W. Physical culture . Emerson, G: B. School, The, and the schoolmaster 843.C68.2 396 9.E4 396.9.E4.6 914. 961. E4 330. E44 813.E4 606.C3.2 813.E444.2 813 E444.4 813.E444.46 919.61. E4 974.4. E6 365. E4 362. E4 716. E4 813 E449 4 728. E4 189 4.A0.3 813.F464.2.15 813.F464.2.19 813.F464.2.10 813.F464.2 18 813.F4(M 2.1 813.H6456 2 813.F464.2 16 813.F464.2.6 813 F464.2.3 813 F464.2.2 813.F464 2 5 813.F464.2.12 813.F.4(54.2.9 813.M683.24 813.F464.2.17 813 F4(>i.2.7 813.F464.2.4 813.P032.24 780 4 E4 7S6.41.B2 2 090. E2 813 E49.0 330. E4 331. E4 330.E4.6 304. E4 335 7 E4 336.2. E4 .571. E4 822 33. E4 830.9. H2 613.71. E5 i»371.1.P6 EMERSON ENGLISH I. C Emerson, G: B., ami others. May, 8: Jos Memoir of Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Cabot, Ja Memoir of R. W. Emerson. 3 vols. Dana, \V: F. Optimism of Emerson Garnett, R: Tilfe of R. W. Emerson Guernsey, A. H. R. VV. Emerson . Holmes, O. W. R. VV. Emerson Sanborn, F. B., ed. Genius and charac ter of Emerson .... Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Birthday book Conduct of life English traits Essays. 2 vols Lectures and biographical sketches Letters and social aims . Miscellanies Nature, addresses and lectures Poems Representative men .... Society and solitude Emerton, Ephraim. Intro, tj study the middle ages .... Emile; by J. J. Rousseau . Emilia in England; by G: Meredith Emin Pasha. See Schnitzner, E. Emma; by Jane Austen Emmet, Robt.: a tragedy; by Jo Clarke Emmett Bonlore; by Opie Read Emperor, The; by G: Ebers Emjiress Josephine; by Louisa Muhlbach Empty heart; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune End of a rainbow; by Rossiter Johnson of the world; by E: Eggleston Endeavor doin's down to the corners; by J. F. Cowan Endeavorers of Maple Grove; by Hatti S. Gardner Endless chain; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden Endymion; by IJ: Disraeli Enfield, E. Indian corn p]ngel, Carl, Musical instruments • Engel, Ij: From Handel to Halle . . From Mozart to Mario. 3 vols. Engels, F: Condition of the working class in England in 1844 Socialism England's ideal, etc.; by E: Carpenter p]nglish fairy and other folk tales; ed. by Edw. S. Hartland . colonization and empire; by A. Caldecott fairytales; coll. by Jos. Jacobs hearts and English hands; by F: Chal mers illustrated magazine, 1883-1886, 1891-3. 4v lands, letters and kings; by D. G. Mitch- ell. 2 vols English men of action series. Clive, Rob.; by Sir C: Wilson . Cook, Ja.; by Wa. Besant Dampier, W:; by W. C. Russell Drake, Sir Fs.; by J. Corbett . Gordon, C: G:; by Sir W: F. Butler Hastings, W.; by A. Lyall Havelock, Sir H:; by A. Forbes Henry v.; by A. J. Church 388. M09 191.3.E5.1 191.3. E5.3 191.3. E5. 3 191.3 E5.38 191.3.E5.36 191.3 E.5.13 810.8.E.5 191 3.E5.16 914 3.E5 191.3.E.5.27 191.3 E5.4 191.3.E.5.43 191.3. E5.5 191.3.E.5.6 811. E!5 191.3.E5.62 191.3.E5.7 940.1.E.5 370. RG3 823.M362.70 823.A87.3 823.C40.6 813.R2.2 833.E0 25 833. M 83.25 813.T2G.25 813.J03G.2(5 813.E334.2 813.C690.2 813 G0.2 813.A4224.2 S23.D47.3(5 633. E6 780 E6 780.9.E6 7809.E6.2 331.8.F6 33.5. E6 330.4. CO 823.H068.2 940. CO 823.J01 367.362.03 050. E6 830.9.M48 954. C4 9 910.9.C66.0 910 9. DO 942.05.D6.1 942.08 G6.1 954.H0.4 954. H08 942.04. H5 English men of action series, (Concluded) Lawrence, Lord; by Sir R. Temple . 954.L0.8 Livingstone, D:; by T: Hughes . . 266. L4 3 Monk. G:; by J. Corbett . . . 943.06. M6 1 Montrose; by M. Morris .... 941.06 M6.5 Napier, C:; by W: F. Butler . . 954.N0.1 Peterborough; by W: Stebbing . . 946 05.P3 Rodney, G: B.; by D: Hanney . . 943.07.R6.3 Strafford, 1st Eatl of by H. D. Traill . 942.06.St6.8 Warwick; by C: W. Oman . . . 942.04. WO English men of letters series. Addison; by W. J. Courthope . . . 820.9. A22 Bacon; by R. W. Church . . . 193.1.B0.1 Bentley; by R. C. Jebb .... 820.9. B36 Bunyan; by Ja. A. Trollope . . . 286.B8.2 Burke; by J: Morley . . . . 943.07.B86 Burns; by J: C. Shairp .... 830.9. B86 Byron; by J: Nichol .... 830.9.B9 Chaucer; by A. D. Ward . . . 82o.9.C3o' Coleridge; by H. D. Traill . . . 830 9.C64 8 Cowper; by G. Smith .... 830 9.C69 Defoe; by W: Minto .... 830 9. D3 DeQuincey; by D: Masson . . . 820 9D26 Dickens; by A. W. Ward . . . . 820.9 D4 9 Dryden, by G: Saintsbury . . . 820.9.D69 Fielding; by A. Dobson 830.9.F4 Gibbon; by Ja. C. Morison . . . 830.9.G4 Goldsmith; by W: Black . . . 830.9 G6 Gray; by E. W: Goss .... 830.9.G60 Hawthorne; by H: James, jr. . . 810.9.U09.4 Hume; by T: H: Huxley . . 193 4 H8 Johnson, S:; by L. Stephen . . . 820.9 J 63.7 Keats, J:; by S. Colvin .... 820.9 K2 Lamb; by Alf. Ainger .... 820.9 L05.0 Landor; by S Colvin .... 830.9. L06 Locke; by T: Fowler . . . . 192 2.L6 26 Macaulay; by J: C. Morison . . . 830.9.M08 Milton; by M. Pattison .... 8.20.9.M4.6 Pope; by L. Stephen .... 830.9 P6 Scott; by R. H. Hutton .... 830.9.Sc6.3 Shelley; by J: A. Symonds . . . 830.9.Sh3 Sheridan; by Mrs. Oliphant . . . 793. Sh3 Sidney; by J: A. Symonds ... 8309.Si3 Southey; by J: A. Symonds . . 830.9.Su8 Spencer; by R. W. Church . . . 820.9 Sp2 Sterne; by H. D. Traill .... 820.9 St3G Swift; by L. Stephen .... 820.9.Sw4 Thackeray; by A. Trollope . . . 820 9.T3.8 Wordsworth; by F. W. Myers . . 820.9. W6 English note books; by N. Hawthorne. 4 v. 914.3 H09 orphans; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes . . 813.H64.55.3G Pharisees, French crocodiles; by Paul Blouet 914.2 B4.3 English philosophers series. Hartley, D:; by G. S. Bower . . . 193.9. HOG Hutcheson; by T: Fowler . : . In 193.9. ShO Mill, Ja.; by G. S. Bower . . . In 193.9.H06 Shaftesburv; by T: Fowler . . . 192.9.ShO English republic; by W. J. Linton . . 331.7 L4 thought in the 18th century; by L. Stephen. 3 v 193 St2 traits; by R. W. Emerson . . . 914.3.E5 wayfaring life in the middle ages; by J. J. Jusserand 943.03.J8 English Avorthies series. Blake, ^(Im.; by D: Hannay . . . 943.05.B4 Canning, G:; by Fk. H. Hill . . . 942.07.C06 ENGLISH 56 EVERETT English worthies series, (Concluded) Claverhouse; by M. Morris Darwin, C:; by G. Alien . Jonson, Ben; by J: A. Symonds Marlborough; by G: Saintsbury Ealeigh; by Edm. Gosse . Shaftesbury, Utearlof; by H, D. Traill Steele, R:; by A. Dobson English-American; by Emma H. Thayer Enoch Arden, e'c; by A. Tennyson; ed by W. J. Rolfe .... Epic of Hades; by Lewis Morris Epictetus. Discourses, Theencheiridion etc.; tr. and ed. by G: Long . Encheiridion; tr. by Lady Mary VV Montagu .... Selections; tr. by G: Long Epochs of American history. ' Wilson, W. Division and reunion . Epochs of ancient history series. Athenian empire; by G: W. Cox Early Rome; by W. Ihne Gracchi, Marius and Sulla; by A. H IJeesly Greeks and the Persians; by G: W. Co Rise of the Macedonian empire; by A. M Curteis Roman empire of the 2nd century: age of the Antonines; by W. W. Capes Roman history: the early empire; by W W. Capes Roman triumvirates; by C: Merivale Rome and Carthage; by R. B. Smith Spartan and Theban supremacies; by C Sankey Troy; by S. G. W. Benjamin . Epochs of modern history series. Age of Anne; by E: E. Morris . Age of Elizabeth; by M. Creighton Beginning of the middle ages; by R. Church Crusades. The; by G: W. Cox . Early Hanoverians; by E: E Morris Early Plantagenets; by W. Stubbs . Early Tudors; by C. E Moberly Edward IK.; by W. VVarburton English restoration and Louis XIV; by O. Airy Epoch of reform; by J. McCarthy Era of the Protestant revolution, by F Seebohm Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe by E: E. Hale Frederick the great and the 7 years' war by F. W. Longman French revolution and first empire; by W: O'C. Morris .... Houses of Lancaster and York; by Ja Gairdner . . Normans in Europe: by A. H. Johnson Puritan revolution; by S: R. Gardner Thirty years' war; by S: R. Gardner Erasmus, Desiderius; by R. C. J ebb Erckinann, E., awi A. Ohatrian. Block ade of Phalsburg .... Conscript Friend Fritz W 942.0.5.G6 575.D00 820.9 J6() 940.7. M06 942 05 RO 942.06. ShO 820.9. St22 813.T309 821.T2.2.G 821.M664.2 188.7. E6 In 826. MO 188.7.E6.7 973 7.W47 938.04. C6 937.01.13 937.04. B2 938.03. B6 938.07.C8 937.07. CO 937.06. CO 937.05. M2 937.04 Sm4 938.06. Sa6 939.21. B3 940.7. M6.0 940.7.C6 940.1.C3 940 4. C6 940.7. M6 3 942.03 Sl6 942 05. M 6 942.03. WO 944.03. A4 942.08.M1.38 940.7.Se2 940.7 HO 940.7. FG.4 944.04 MG 942.04.GO 940.3.J6 942.06. GO 940.7.G0 270.6. E6 843.E6.0 843.E6.16 843. E6. 2 Erckinann, E., (Concfuded.) Invasion of France in 1813 . . . 843. E6 4 Madame Therese 843.E6.5 Plebiscite 843.E6.6 Waterloo .' 843. E6. 9 Erdmann, J : E. Hist, of philosophy. 3 v. 109.E6 Erema; by R: D. Blackmore . . . 823.B40145 6 Eric; by F: W. Farrar .... 823.F0()6 26 Erichsen, Hugo. Cremation of the dead 393.2.E6 Ericsson, J:, Life of; by W: C. Church. 2v. G08.E6 Eriach court; by O. Schubin . . .833 Sch8.3 Ernest Maltravcrs; by E: G: L. Bulwer 823.B849 7 Ernestine; by W. Von Hillern . .833 H44 66 Erni, Henri. Mineralogy simplified . 549.E6 Flscaped from Siberia; by H: Frith . 915.7.F6 Eschenbach, Marie Ebner v. Two countesses 833.E7.8 FJspinasse, Fs. Voltaire, Life of . 840.9. V6.2 Essays and reviews; by F. Temple and others 210. E7 Ester Reid; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden . 813.A4224.27 Ester Reid yet speaking; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813 A4224.279 Estevan; b^ J: R. Musick . . . 813.M87.2 Esther, the queen: by W: M. Taylor . in222.3.R6 Esther; by Rosa M. Carey . . 823.C062.27 Esther Cameron's story ; by Rosa N. Carey 823.C062.278 Esther Denison; by Adeline Sergeant . 823.Se632.2 Esther's fortune; by Lucy C. Lillie . . 813.444.27 Estrange, Hamon L', Alliance of di- vine offices 264.03.E7 Eternal hope; by F: W. Farrar . . 237. F02 P:thelberta, Hand of; by T: Hardy . . 823.H062.30 Ethelyn's mistake; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes 813.H6455.28 Ethelwerd's chronicle .... /n942.01Si9 Ethics of literary art; by M. Thompson 804 T3 of the dust; byJ:Ruskin . . . Ta 370.4. R8 Eugene Aram; by E: G: L. Bulwer . 823.B849.8 Eugenie, empress of France. Carette, Mine. My mistress, the empress Eugenie. . 944.07. E8.1 Eugenie Grandet; by H. de Balzac . 843 BO 28 FJuripides; by W: B. Donne . . . 882.3.E8.2 Euripides; by J. P. Mahaffy . . .Jrt882.2.So6.1 European breezes: by Mrs. Marie J. Pit- man . * 914.P4 Europeans, The; by H: James . . 813.J052 28 Eustace diamonds; by A. Trollope . 823.T664.287 Eutaw;by W: G. Simms .... 813.Si55.20 Evan Harrington; by G: Meredith . . 823 M262.28 Evangelical Alliance for the U. S. Dis- cussions of the general conference held in Boston, 1889 Evans, C: G. Illus. hist, of the U. S. mint Evans, W. F. Esoteric Christianity, etc. Eve; by S. Baring-Gould .... 206. F8 332.46. E8 615. 8.51. E8 823.G68.2 Eve of an empire's fall; by Mme. Carette 944 07.C06.28 Eveleigh, J: Sermons .... 239. E82 Evelina; by Mme. Fes. d'Arblay . . 823.A60.2 Evening dress; by W: D. Howells . . 812.H69.3 Evenings at home; by J: Aikin and Anna L Barbauld ...... .504. A44 Everett, C C. Ethics for young people 170.E8 Everett, E: Orations and speeches. 4 v. 308. E8 Everett, W: Changing base . . 813.E^26.1 Double play: sequel to Changing base . 813.E826.2 Thine, not mine 813 E826.8 Everett, (Wash.) the city of smokestacks 917.97. E8 EVERY Every day English; bv R: Grant White . Everyday topics; by J: G. Holland. 3v Eves, C. Wash. West Indies Eviiis, J: H., Memorial addresses on. Q Evolution of an empire; by Mary Parmele Evolution of love; by Emory Miller Evolution of the snob; by T: S. Perry Ewald, Heinrich. Hist, of Israel. 8 v. Ewing, Juliana H. Flat iron for a far- thing Great emergency, etc. .... Jackanapes; Daddy Darwin's dovecot; Story of a short life .... Jan of the windmill 57 420. W3 304.H6.3 917 29. E8 la 973.8 D8 943. PO 231.6 M44 813.P266.28 933. E9 823.E94.24 823.E94.36 833.E94.401 823.E94.406 E^ving, Juliana H., (ConcludLd.) Last words Lob-lie-by-the-fiire .... Melchior's dream, etc. Mrs. Overtheway's remembrances . Six to sixteen We and the world .... Excursions; by H: D. Thoreau in art and letters; by W. W. Story Expiation; by Mrs. Alice French Exploration of Dartmoor; by J. L. Page Eyebright; by Sarah C. Woolsey Ezra; by G: Rawlinson W FAMOUS 823.E94.40 8-33.E94.66 823.E94.52 823.E94.54 823.E94.74 823.E94.92 .504.T3.2 730. St6 813.F620.2 914.2.P03 813.W6647 29 222. E9 F Paber, G: Stanley. Horae Mosaicae. 2 v 222.1. FOO Fabiola; by Card. N. Wiseman . . 823.W472 Face illumined; by E: P. Roe' . . . 813.R62.201 Facing death; by G: A. Henty . . 622.33.H2 Factors in American civilization . . 304.B66.2 Fagots for the fireside; by L. P. Hale . 793. HO Faience violin; by Jules Fleury . . 843. F4 Failure of Elizabeth; by E. Fes. Poynter 823.P69.2 Pair barbarian; by Mrs. Fes. H. Burnett .813.B8662.204 god; by Lew Wallace .... 813.W044.2 maid of Perth; by Sir Wa. Scott . . 823.Sc6..5 Fairer than a fairy; by J a. Grant . . 823.G6.20 Fairfield, Fs. G. Clubs of New York 917.471.F0 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England. 2v 391.F0 Home of Shakspere .... 832.33.Sh0.2.3 Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasan- try; ed. by W. R. Yeats . . . 823. Y2 book; by Rebeccas. Clarke . . 813.C40646.404 book; by Mrs. D. M. Craik book; by E. Laboulaye Frisket; by Charlotte Tucker . legends of the French provinces; tr. and ed. by Mrs. M. Carey mythology; byT: Keightley . tales; by Marie C. D'Aulnoy . tales; ed. by W: J. Rolfe tales in other lands; by Julia Goddard Fairy-land of flowers; by Mara L.Pratt Fairy-land of science; by Mrs. A. B Fisher ...... Faith; by A. P. Valdes . . and philosophy; by H: B. Smith and unfaith; by Mrs. M. Hungerford doctor; by E: Eggleston . Gartney's girlhood; by Mrs A. D. Whitney . - of our fathers; by Cardinal Gibbons of our forefathers; by E: J. Stearns Falconberg; by H. H. Boyesen Falconer, Lance. Mademoiselle Ixe Falconer, T: Evanson's Dissonance the- four Evangelists Falconer, W: Poetical works . Falkenhorst, C America With Columbus in 823.C6044 20 843.L006.2 .59.'i.7.T8 843. CO 398. K2 843. A84 823.A4.6 813.G623.2 .580. P6 .5()4.F4 2 863.V0.2 204 Sm4 823.H863.2 813.E334.3 813. W3 186. 30 282. G4 282.St2 813 B692 20 813.F04.5 226 1.F04 f)i821.C05 813.F044.91 Falkenhorst, C, (Concluded.) With Cortez in Mexico .... 813.F044.916 With Pizarro in Peru .... 813.F044.96 Fallen idol; by T: A. Guthrey . . 823.G88.2 Falling in love, etc.; by Grant Allen . 504. A4 False witness; by Lucy C. Lillie . .M813 L444.63 Fame and fortune; by H. Alger, jr. . 813.A432.6-3 and sorrow, etc.; by H. de Balzac . 843.B0.20 Familiar studies of men and books; by R. L. Stevenson 824.St29.3 Family feud; by L. Harder . 833.H06.2 flight around horae; by E: E. and S Hale 917.4. HO over Egypt and Assyria byE: E. aid S. Hale 916.2 HO through Mexico: by E: E. and S. Hale 917.2.H0.3 through Spain; by S. Hale . . 914.6.H0 happiness; by Count Leo Tolstoi . In 891 73.T6.48 likeness; by B. M. Croker . . 833.C664.2 tree, etc.; by Brander Matthews . . 813.M088.2d Famous caves and catacombs; by W. H. D. Adams 551.44.A2.3 horses of America 798. FO pets of famous people; by E. Lewis 599.L2 single and fugitive poems; ed. by R. Johnson stories; by T: De Quincey and others travels and travelers; by J. Verne . types of womanhood; by Sarah K. Bolton Famous Avomen series: Albany, Countesi^ of; by Violet Paget Austen, Jane; by Mrs. C: Maiden . Bronte, Emily; by Mrs. A. M. F. R Darmesteter Browning, Mr^. Eliz. B.; by J. H. Ingram 820.9. BG63.4 Edgeworth, Maria; by Helen Zimmern Eliot, G:; by Mathilde Blind . Fry, Eliz. ; by Mrs. E. R. Pitman . Fuller, Marg. ; by Mrs Julia W. Howe Lamb, Mary; by Anne Gilchrist Margaret of Angouleme; by Mrs. A. M F. R. Darmesteter .... Martineaa, Ht.; by Mrs. F. F. Miller More, Hannah; by Charlotte M Yonge Rachel; by Mrs. N. H. Kennard Ristori, Adelaide 808.1.J6 808.3 FO 910.9. V2.20 396. 9. B6 850.9. A4 820.9. A8 5 820 9.B6 3 820 9.E23 8?0 9.C6 364. F6 810. 9. 07. 36 820.9 L05.3 944.02. M063 820.9. MOO 820.9.M66.2 793 RO 792.R4 FAMOUS 58 FEL.ICITAS Famous women series, (Concluded.) Eoland, Mme.; by Mathilde Blind Sand, G: ; by Bertha Thomas Siddons, Mrs.; by Mrs. N. H. Kennard Stael, Mme. de; by Bella Duffy Theresa, St; by Mrs. M. R. F Oilman . Wesley, Susanna; by Eliza Clarke Wollstonecraft, Mary; by Eliz. R. Pennell Fiimous women of the French court; by Imbert de Saint- Amand. 12 vols. For separate titles See Saint- Amand, Im- bert de. Fanchette; by J: Esten Cooke Fanchon the cricket; by Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant . . . . . Fanning, J. T. Hydraulic and water- supply engineering .... Fanny's birthday gift; by J. H. Mathews Far away and long aeo; by Fes. A. Kerable from the madding crowd; byT: Hardy . in the forest; by S. Weir Mitchell . west sketches; by Mrs. J. B. P"'remont Faraday, Michael; by J. H. Gladstone as a discoverer; byJ:Tyndail Faraday, Michael. Chemical hist, of a candle; A lecture on platinum . Fargus, F: J. (Hugh Conway). Called back Farina; by G: Meredith Farjeon, B. L. Last tenant Mystery of M. Felix .... Something occurred .... Ties— human and divine . Toilers of Babylon .... Farley, F: A. Unitarianism defined Foamier, Ijydia Hoyt. Boys' book of fa mous rulers . . . . Girls' book of famous queens . Story book of science . . . Farmer, Lydia Hoyt, id. National Ex- position souvenir: what America owes to women 396.F0 Farmer'sside, The; by W. A. Peffer 330 4.P22 Farnell's folly; by J. T. Trowbridge . 813.T6G9.20 Farnham, J. T. Early days of California 979.4 F06 Farquhar, Art. B and H. Economic and industrial delusions .... 337.3 FO Farragut, I>: G.; by A. T. Mahan 973 7.F0 Farrar, Adam S. Free thought in refer- ence to the christian religion . 211. FOG Farrar, C: A. J. Camp life in the wilder- ness 813.F066.1 From lake to lake 813.F066 2 LAKE AND FOREST SERIES. Eastward ho! 917.41. FO.207 Wild woods life 917.41. F0.9 Down the west branch .... 917.41. F0.2 Up the north branch .... 917.41 F0.8 Farrar, F: W. Darkness and dawn; or, Scenes in the days of Nero . .823 F066 2 Early days of Christianity 270.1. FO Eric; or, Little by little . . 823.F066.26 Eternal hope 237. F02 Every day christian life .... 348 FO History of interpretation . . 220.1. FOG Julian home: tale of college life . . 823. FOGG 4 Language and languages . 401. FO 944.03.RG 840.9.D8 8 792 Si2 840.9. StO 271.9.T3 287.W2,7 820.9. W662 813.C6044.2 843.D82.2 627 FO 813.M083.20 823.K250.2 823.H062.2 813.M481.20 917.9.F62 540.9. FO. 3 540.9 F0.8 542. FO 823.F063.10 //1823.M2G2.73 823.F0G4 4 823.F0(J4.5 823.F064.7 823.F0G4 8 823.F0G4.86 288. FO 920. FO 39G.9.F0.3 504. FO Farrar, F: W., (Concluded.) Life of Chi'ist Lives of the fathers. 2 vols Minor prophets .... Our English minsters Passion play at Oberammergau, 1890 Paul, St., Life and times of. 2 vols St. Winifred's; or. The world of school Seekers after God .... Sermons and addresses in America Social and present day questions . Solomon Talks on temperance Voice from Sinai .... Farrar, F: W., and oUiers. Non-biblical systems of religion Farrer, Ja. A. Books condemned to be burnt Military manners and customs Smith, Adam Farrer, Ja. W. Paganism and chris tianity Farrer, J: Mission and character of Christ— and the beatitudes . Farrington, Marg V. Tales of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table Fashion in deformity; by W: H: Flower Fast friends; by J: T. Trowbridge in the ice; by R. M. Ballantyne . Fatal duel; by H. Conscience . Fated to be free; by Jean Ingelow Father Aldur; by Agnes Giberne Brighthopes; by J: T.Trowbridge . Fathers and sons; by Ivan Turgenieff Fanssett, Godfrey. Claims of the es- tablished church Faust; by J. W. von Goethe; tr. by A. Hayward 832.G6.2 232.9. FO 270.1.F0.4 224 FO 5 914.2. FO 792. FO 270 1 SaG.2 823.F0(5G.7 188. FO 252 F06.7 304. FO 222.5.So4.2 178.F06.8 222.16.F0.8 290. FO 098. FO 399. FO 330.9. Sm4 212. FO 232. FOG Same; tr. by Anna Swanwick . Same; tr. oy Bayard Taylor Fawcett, Kdg. Adopted daughter Adventures of a widow Agnosticism, etc. American push Douglas Duane Gentleman of leisure Heir to millions House at High Bridge Loaded dice .... Man's will .... Olivia Delaplaine Rutherford .... Social silhouettes . Fawcett, H: Manual of political economy Fawcett, Mrs. H: Some eminent women of our time 3%.9.F09 Fay, Amy. Music study in Germany 780.7. FO Fay, Theo. S. Three Germanys 943. FO Fearful responsibility; by W: D. Howells 813.H692.22 Feats on the fiord; by Ht. Martineau . 823 M0G8 2 Fechter, C: Alb.; by Kate P'ield . . /n792 D8 Federalist, The; by Alex. Hamilton and (.thtrs 342.73. F2 Feet of clay; by Mrs. Amelia E. Barr . 813 B06G.222 Felicia; by Fanny N. D. Murfree . . 813.M8622.22 Felicitas; by Felix Dahn . . . 833.D0.2 t)42.01.A6.2 391. F4 . 813.TG69.207 919.8, BO /n839.33.C4.04 . 823 1632.20 . 833.G4a3.2 . 813.TG67 208 . 891.73. T8.20 283. F08 ,7.VoI.2 832.G6.2 7. Vol.1 832.(JG.80 813.F09.00 813.F09.0 040. F09 813. Ftt) 05 813. F09 2 813.F0i) 3 813.F09.32 813.F()9.36 813.F09.4 813.F09.50 813.F09.G 813 F09G8 813.F09 7 330. FO FELIX Felix, Elis. Rachel. See Rachel. Felix Holt; by Mrs, M. E. Cross . . 823.C667 5 Fellowe and his wife; by Blanche W. Howard and W: Sharp .... 813.H690.22 Felmeres, The; by S. B. Elliott . 813.E444.3 Felton, C. C. Familiar letters from Europe 914.2.F2 Greece: ancient and modern . . . 938.F24 F^eiielon, Fs. de S. tie la M. [Selections] 241. F2 Telemachus 843.F2(3 Feiiii, G: Manville. Antony Grace, Story of 823.F2G6.0 Crystal hunters 823.F266.1 Devon boys 823.F266.22 Dick o' the fens 823.F2(56.24 Eli's children 823.F266.247 Grand Chaco 82e.F266.3 In the king's name 833.F2(57.44 Master of the ceremonies . . . 823.P266.50 Menhardoc 833.F266..52 Middy and ensign 915.9.5 F2 Mother Carey's chicken .... 823.F266.56 New mistress 823.P266.6 Nurse Eiisia 823.F266.68 One maid's mischief 823 F266.66 Rajah, The. of Dah 823.F266.60 8yd Helton 823.F266.79 Witness to the deed 823.F266.9 Fenton, Hector T., a) d T: V. Cooper. American politics 329 C6 Fenwick. T:, and T. Baker. Subterra- nean surveying 622.14.F2 Ferdinand and Isabella, Hist, of; by W: H. Prescott 946.03. P6 F'ere, C:, avd Alf. Binet. Animal mag- netism 134.B4 Ferguson, S: Father Tom and the Pope Ift808.L4 1 Fergusson, Ja. Indian and eastern ar- chitecture. 2 vols. .... 722.F2 Modern styles of archit'^cture. 2 vols. . 720 9F2.5 Fern leaves; by Mrs. S. P. W. Parton . 814.P0 Fernald. Ja. C. Economics of prohibition 178.5.F2 New womanhood 396.F26 Ferrel, W: Popular treatise on the winds 551.5 P"'2 Ferris, D: Memoirs 289.6.F2 Ferris, G: T. Great Italian and French composers 786. F2 Great singers. 2 vols .... 784.F2 Great violinists and pianists . . . 787.1. F2 Ferris, I: Semi-centennial memorial dis- course of the N. Y. S S. union . . 268 F2 Feudge, Fannie R. India 9.54.F2 Feuillet, Octave. Aliette . . 843.F28.0 Marriage in high life .... 843.F28 5 Romance of a poor young man . . 843 F28.6 Fians, The; ed. by J: G. Campbell . . ' 398 3. CO. 4 Fichte, J. Gottlieb; by Rob Adamson . 193.3.F4 Fiddler of Lugau; by Marg. Roberts 823. R65 3 *Fidler, T. Claxton* Practical treatise on bridge construction . . . . 624. F4 Field, Mrs. Caroline Leslie. High-lights 813.F424.3 Field, D: Dudley. Speeches, etc. 3 vols. 304. F42 Field, Eugene. Holy cross, etc. 813.F4.3 Little book of profitable tales . . . 813 F4.44 Little book of western verse ... 811 F4 Second book of verse .... 811.F4.2 With trumpet and drum . . . . 811.F42.9 59 FINL.EY Field, H: M. Barbary coast, The . . 916.1.F4 From Egypt to Japan .... 915.F4 From the lakes of Killarney to the Gol- den Horn 914. F4 Greek islands, and Turkey after the war 914.95.F4 Old Spain and new Spain . . . 914.6.F41 On the desert, e(c 915.3. F4 Story of the Atlantic telegraph . . 6.54.5 F4 Field, Kate. Fechter, C: Alb. . J/i792.D8 Ten days in Spain 914 6. F4 Field, Marg Fontaine-le-Croix, Secret of 813.1''4242.2 Field and hedgerow; by R: Jefferies . .504. J2 24 of honor; by B. C. Truman . . 394.8.T6 Fielding, H:; by A. Dobson . 820.9.F4 *Fielding, H: Works. 14 vols. 820.8.F4 Fields, Ja.T: Biographical notes, etc. . 818.F4.0 Underbrush 814. F4 8 Yesterdays with authors . . . 820.9.F42 Fields, Mis. Ja. T. How to lielp the poor 361. F4 Whittier, J: G., Notesof . . . 810.9. W3.24 Fifth Avenue to Alaska; by. F: Pierre- pont 917.3.P4 Fifty years ago; by Wa. Besant . 942.08.B27 years hence; by Rob. Grimshaw . . 504. G6 years observation; by E. D. Keyes . 973.6 K2 years on the Mississippi; by E. W. Gould 6.')6.G6 Fight with distances; by J. J. Aubertln . 917.A8 Fighting Joe; by W: T. Adams .813 A2098.091 the flames; by R. M. Ballanty no . . 823.B0440.24 the Saracens; by G: A. Henty . . 940 4.H2 the whales; by R M. Ballantyne . 639.B0 Figs and thistles; by A. W. Tourgee . 813.T686 34 Flguier, L: Human race . . .599 9.F4 Insect world 595 7 F4 Joys beyond the threshold . . . 237.2. F4 Mammalia .599. F4 Ocean world 590. F4 6 Reptiles and birds 598. F4 To-morrow of death .... 237.F4 Vegetable world 580 4 F4 World before the deluge . . . 560.F4 Figures of the past; by J. Quincey 973 5 Q8 Fillmore, Millard; by W. O Stoddard . In 973 6 T0.7 Final reckoning; by G: A. Henty . . 919.4 113 3 Financier and finances of Am. revolu- tions; by W: G. Sumner. 2 vols . . 973 3 M66.7 Finch, J: B People vs. the liquor iraflic 178 5 F4 Finch, W: Objections of historians, e'c . 339.F46 Finck, H: T. Chopin, e'c. . : . . 780.4.F4 Pacific coast scenic tour .... 917.9.F4 Romantic love and personal beauty . 157.F4 Spain and Morocco 914 6.F46 Wagner and his works 2 vols. . . 780.9. W0.2 Findlay, G: Working of an Eng. railway 656 F4 Finerty, J: F. War-path and bivouac 970.2.F4 Finger-ring lore; by W: Jones . . 391. 7. J6 Finley, J: P. Climatic features of the two Dakotas .551.5.U.S.A.3.2 Finley, Mrs. Martha /ormer fyFarquharson ELSIE BOOKS. Elsie Dinsmore . Elsie's holidays Elsie's girlhood Etsie's womanhood Elsie's motherhood Elsie's children . Elsie's widowhood 813.F464.3.1 813.F464.3.3 813.F464.3.3 813.F464.3.4 813.F464.2.5 813.F464.2.6 813.F464.3.7 FINLEY 60 FliATLAND Finley, Mrs Martha form''rly Farquhar- son, {Concluded.) Grandmother Elsie 813.F4(34.2.8 Elsie's new relations . 813.F464.3.9 Elsie at Nantucket 813.F464.3 10 Two Elsies 813.E4r>4.3.11 Elsie's kith and kin 813 F464.2.12 Elsie's friends at Woodburn . . . 813.F464.2.13 Christmas with Grandma Elsie . . 813.F464.3.14 Elsie and the Raymonds 813.F4(54.3.15 Elsie yachting with the Raymonds . 813.F4t54.2.16 Elsie's vacation 813.F464 3.17 Elsie at Viamode 813.F4rj4.3 18 Elsie at Ion 813. F464. 3.19 MILDRED BOOKg. Mildred Keith 813 F464.5.1 Mildred at Roselands . . . . 813.F464 .5.2 Mildred and Elsie 813.F4(J4 .5.3 Mildred's married life .... 813.F464.5.4 Mildred at home 813.F464 5.5 Mildred's boys and girls .... 813.F464.6 6 Our Fred 813.F464.68 Tragedy of Wild River valley 813.F464.8 Finney, C: (Jrandison; by C. F: Wright 285 8. F4 Finni.sh legends for English children; by R. Eivind . . ... . . 894.3.E4 Fire brigade; by R. M. Ballantyne . . 833.B0440.34 in the woods; by Ja. DeMille . . .813 D354.04 Firelight stories; by Mrs. L. C. Moulton 813.M68.24 Firm of Girdlestone; by A. C Doyle . 833 D694.34 First day among the contrabands; by Eliz. H. Botune 326.9. B6 family of Tasajara; by Bret Harte . 813.H068.24 harvests; by F. J. Siimson . . . 813.St457 24 love and last love; by Ja. Grant . . 813.G6.246 love is best; by Mary A T)odge . . 813. D62 violin; by Jessie Fothergill . . . 823.F68.24 Firth, J. C. Nation making: New Zealand 993 1.F4 Our kin across the sea .... 917 3.F6 Fish, G: T. Guide to the conduct of meetings 338 1.F4 Fish, Hamilton, and the Alabama claims; by J. C. B. Davis 973.8.F4 Fisher, Mrs. Arabella B., formerly Buck- ley. Fairy-land of science . . . 504.F4.2 Life and her children .... 592.F4 Moral teachings of science . . . 504 F4.5 Short hist, of natural science [to 1879] . 509.F4 Through magic glasses, etc. . . . .504 F4 8 Winners in life's race .... 596 F4 Fisher, Fes. C. {Christian Reid). After many days 813.F473.0 Bonny Kate 813.F473.06 Comedy of elopement .... 813.F473.1 Daughter of Bohemia .... 813 F473.3 Ebb-tide, etc 813.F47.3.30 Heart of steel 813.F473.3 Land of the sky 813.F473.4 Lost lode . 813.F473.46 Mabel Lee 813.F473.5 Miss Churchill 813.F473..54 Morton house 813.F473.56 Nina's atonement, etc 813.F473.6 Question of honor 813.F473 68 Roslyn's fortune . . . . . 813,F473.66 Summer idyl .813 F473 7 Valerie Aylmer 813.F473.8 Fisher, G: Paric. Beginnings of Christi- anity 370 1.F4 Colonial era 973 2.F4 Hist, of the Christian church . . . 370.F4 3 Manual of christian evidences . . 339. F4 Nature and method of revelation . . 220 1.F4.6 Outlines of universal history . . . 909.F4 Fisher, Osmund. Physics of the earth's crust .551.4.F4 Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove; by E. Kellogg 813.K344.66 maiden; by B. Bjornson . . 7nS39.83.B4(>().Vol.3 FishermanVs daughter; by H. Conscience /n 839.33. C6.8 Fisk, Wilbur: by G: Prentice ... 387 F4 Fiske, J: American political ideas . 331.8.F4 American revolution 2 vols . . 973.3.F4 Beginnings of New England . . . 974.F47 Civil government in the US. . . 342.73. F4 Critical period of Am. hist . . . 973 4. F4 Darwinism, etc. 040 F4 2 Destiny of man 575.F4 2 Discovery of America. 2 vols . 970. F4 Excursions of an evolutionist. . . 575. F4 Idea of God ...... 191.9 F4 Myths and myth-makers . . . 39S.1.F4 Outlines of cosmic philosophy . . 191 9 F4 Unseen world, etc 040 F4.8 War of independence .... 973.3.F4 Fiske, J:, ed. Washington and his country 973 3 WO 4682 Fitch, J: G. Lectures on teaching 371. F4 Fitch, T: mict Anna. Better days . 813.F481 5 Fitztooodle papers; by W: M. Thackeray Jn 833.T3.10 Fitzgerald, O. P. California sketches. 3v 91794 F4.1 Fitzgerald, Percy. Art of acting 793.F4 Fitzpatrick, W. J. Secret service under Pitt 943.07.F4 Fitzwygram, Sir F. Horses and stables 636.1 F4 Five gateways of knowledge; by G: Wilson . . . . . . . 611.83 W4 little peppers and how they grew; by Mrs. 11. M. Lothrop .... 813.L683 241 little pepners grown up; by Mrs. II. M. Lothrop 813 L683 243 little peppers midway; by Mrs. H. M. Lothrop 813.L683 343 talents of woman; by E. J. Hardy . 396.H06 thousand miles on a sledge; by L. F. Gow- ring 915 7.G6 weeks in a balloon; by J. Verne . . 843.V3 :i48 Flagof distress; by Mayne Reid . . 823 R242.24 on the mill; by Marv B. Sleight . . 813 S134 Flagellation and the flagellants; by W: M. Cooper 365.C6 Flagg, Jared B. Allston, Wash., Life and letters of 759.1. A4. 3 Flagg, Wilson. Year among the trees 582.F4 Year with the birds 598 2.F4 Flamingo feather; by Kirk Munroe . 813 M866.24 Flammarion, Camille. Atmosphere, The .551 5 F4 Stories of infinity 520 F4. 7 Uranie 843.F40.8 Wonders of the heavens .... .530.F4 Flanders, H: Lives of the chief justices 340.F4 Flat iron for a farthing; by Juliana 11. Ewing 833.E94.24 Flatland: by E A.Abbott 823.A00.3 MAKE IT THEIR S T U D Y '•*• *•*• To have the LA TEST NO VEL TIES MAKE IT THEIR BUSINESS To have the BEST QUALITIES MAKE IT THEIR PURPOSE To have the GREA TEST VARIETY AKE IT THEIR AIM *•*• '•*• *•*' To charge the L O IVEST PRICES oti everything in 2)ry (Soobs, dlotl^ing, f?ou5c ^urnist^ings i i •••^'•'"■''•''''•HOUSEKEEPERS-A-:--:--:- WE ARE THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE ■^•^CARPET Uffla IN THE CITY ....©ur stoch of Carpcte, ®fl Clotbs, Xlncollums, ©raperfes, IRugs bhD "ClpbolstcrK are always NEW AND FASHIONABLE Tftflc bug Direct from tbe leaDing manufacturers of tbe country an& our a&vantafles are sutRctent to malie sou a saving of at least 10 to 15 per cent, on ijour purcbases in tbe Ibouse ff urnisbinfl line. Me prepay freigbt to all points in tbe State. BROWNFIELD-CANTY CARPET COMPANY.... TELEPHONE 304. 18 W. PARK STREET. BUTTE .=^T<5^ UPHOL.STERY. OARPETS DRAPERY rviATTIIMGS, ^::^T^^^ STORY & CO. = Merchant Millers and Grain Dealers BozEMAN, Montana. Capacity of Mill 300 Bbls. Daily. Elevator Capacity, 250,000 Bushels. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ^5 >V^ '(. -Kv- -•a Grain and Mill Products Mafiufacturcrs of SASKATCHEWAN— Best Hard Wheat Flour, MONTAl^A BELLE— Excels all other Soft Wheat Flour. And CI. S. STANDARD — Superior for Pastry Cooking Brands of Flour. ^^;^^^k^^^%X TRY THEM, EVERY SACK GUARANTEED FliAXIE 61 Flaxie Frizzle; by Rebecca S. Clarke 813.C40646 341 growing up; by Rebecca S. ClarKe . 813 04064(5.346 Fleet, The; by J: Ashton .... 365.A7 Fletcher, J:, and Fs. Beaumont. Poems 833.B3 Fletcher, J:, andW. Shakespeare. Two noble kinsmen .... 832.33.ShO.66 89 Fletcher, Julia. {George Fleminy.) An- dromeda 813.F438.0 Clement Ker, Truth about . . 813.P"438.14 Head of Medusa ..... 813.F438.3 Kismet 813 F438.4 Mirage 813 F428.5 Vestigia 813.F438.82 Fletcher, Marg. Sketches of life and character in Hungary .... 914.39. F4 Fletcher, Rob. Howe. Johnstown stage 813.F4386.4 Fleurange; by Mme. A: Craven . * 843.C60.3 Fleury, Jules. (Champfleury) Faience violin 843.F4 Flights inside and outside paradise; by G: C. Pearson 915.2.P2 *Flint, Austin. Human physiology 613.F4 Flint, Rob. Vico 19.5. V4 Flippin, J. R. Sketches from the mount- ains of Mexico 917.2.F4 Floating city, etc.; by J. Verne . 843.V3.346 light; by R. M. liallantyne . . .833.1}(>140.346 prince, etc.; by F. R. Stockton . . 813.St614.34 Flock of girls, cfc ; by Nora I'erry . . 813.P366.34 Floral home; by Ht. E. Bishop 977.6.B4 Florence of Worcester, Chronicle of , . 943.02.F4 Florentine nights; by H: Heine . . 834.H24.2 Florida enchantment; by A. C. Gunter and F. Redmond 813.G86.3 Flower, Ph. W: Hist, of trade in tin, etc. 669.6.F4 Flower, W: H: Fashion in deformity 391. F4 Horse, The .599.7. ^"46 Flower de hundred; by Mrs. C. C. Harrison 813.H06647.3 fruit and thorn pieces; by J. P. F. Richter 833. R4 of the family; by Mrs. E Prentiss . 813.P626.34 Flowers and festivals; by W. A. Barrett 390.B0 and flower lore; by H. Friend . . 716.3.F6 Floyd, N. J. Thorns in the flesh . . 813.F469.8 Floyd (irandon's honor; by A. M. Douglas 813 U68.34 Flute and violin, etc.; by Ja. L. Allen . 813.A442.34 Flying Dutchman; by F: Marryat . . 823.M066 63 Flying Hill farm; by S. Swett . . . 813.Sw28.2 Fo Hi, Miseries of; by F. Sarcey . 847.Sa6 Foes in ambush; by C: King . 813.K4631.3 of her household; by A. M. Douglas . 813. D68 363 Folkard, R: Plant lore .... 398. FO Folk-lore of plants; by T: F. T. Dyer 398. D9 Following the flag; by C. C. Coffin . . 973 7.C63.26 the Guidon; by Eliz. Custer . . . 973.8.C8.2 Folsom, W. H, C. Fifty years in the northwest 977.5 F6 Fonssagrives, J. B. Mother's work with sick children 649.F6 Fontaine, Hyppolyte. Electrolysis 545.3. F6 Fontaine-la-Croi.\, Secret of; by Marg. Field 813.F4343.3 Fonvielle, W. de. Thunder and lightning 537.F6 Fool's errand; by A. W. Tourgee . . 813.T()86.26 of nature; by Alice Brown . .813 B669.26 Foote, Mary Hallock. Chosen valley 813.F668.1 In exile, etc 813.F668 4 FOREST Foote. Mary Hallock, (Concluded) John Bodewin's testimony . . 813.F668.46 Last assembly ball 813.F668.40 Led horse claim 813.F668.43 Footnote to history; by R. L. Stevenson. 996.St3 Foot-pathway; by B. Torrey . . .504. T6 3 Footprlntsof famous men; by J: G. Edgar 920.E2.2 of the creator; by H. Miller . . . 21.5.M4 3 of travel; by M. M. Ballon . . . 910.4. B04.3 For cash only; by Ja. Payn . . 833.P096.26 faith and freedom; by Wa. Besant . 833.B37.26 fifty years; by E: E. Hale . . . 811.H God and gold; by J. Corbett . . . 823.C660 honor's sake; by Lucy C. Lillie . . 813.L444.36 lack of gold; by C: Gibbon . . . 833.G40.3664 Lilias; by Rosa N. Carey . . . 823 C0638.3 name and fame; by G: A. Henty . . 9.58. H3.3 the king; by C: Gibbon .... 833.G40,2668 the major; by Constance F. Woolson .813.W6648.36 the right; by K: E. Franzos . . 833.F6 the temple; by G: A. Henty . . . 933.H3 Forayers, The; by W: G. Simms . .* 813.Si.55.3 Forbes, Arch. Afghan wars . . _ . 958.F6 Glimpses through the cannon smoke . 904.F6 Havelock 954 H08 Forbes, G: Transit of Venus . .533.42.F6 Forbes, R. B. Wrecks and rescues [19th century] 614.858.F6 Force, M. F. From Fort Henry to Corinth 973.7. F6 Forced acquaintances; by Edith Robin- son . 813.R604.2 *Force8 of nature; by A. Guillemin . .530.G8 Ford, I: M. Tropical America . . . 918.F6 Ford, Ja. L. Third alarm 813.F662 Ford, Melbourne H., Memorial ad- dresses on Q 973.8. F6 Ford, Worthington C. Am. citizen's manual 331 8.F6 Ford, J: of life Honour triumphant, and a line 832 33.Sh0.76.26 Fore and aft; by R. B. Dixon Foregone conclusion; by W: D. Howells Foreign classics for English readers. Calderon; by E. J. Hassell Cervantes; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Corneille; by H: M. Trollope . Dante; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Goethe; by A. Hayward La Fontaine; by W. L. Collins Moliere; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant Montaigne: by W. L. Collins . Pascal; by .1 : Tulloch Petrarch; by H: Reeve Rabelais; by Wa. Besant Racine; by H: M. Trollope Rousseau; by H: G. Graham . Saint Simon; by C. W. Collins Schiller; by Ja. Sime Sevigne; by Mrs. Anne I. Ritchie . Tasso; by E. J. Hasell Voltaire; by E: B. Hamley Foreign match; by Mme. M. H. Bigot *Forenian, J: Philippine islands . Forest days; by G: P. R. James exiles; by Mayne Reid glen; by E Kellogg .... • 813.D49.3 8i3.H693.36 860.9.C0.3 860.9.C3.6 840.9. C6 8 8.51.1 5. D0.6 S30.9.G6.3 840.9. LO.l 840.9.M6.6 840.9.M668.1 513.P0.8 850.9.P3.6 840.9. RO.O In 840.9.C6.8 840.9.R6.3 944.03.Sa7.1 830 9.Sch4.7 840.9. Se8.8 8.50.9.T0.3 840.9. V6.3 813.B43 991.4 F6 823.J05.36 918..5.R3.3 813 K244.365 PORMAN 62 FRANK Forman, S: S. Narrative of a journey down the Ohio and Mississippi, 1789-90 Forms of water; by J: Tyndall Forney, M. N. Catechisra of the locomo- tive . . . . . Forrest, Edw.; by L Barrett . Forrest house; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes Fors clavigera, etc. ; by J: Ruskin. 3v • Foster, J: Dickens, C:, Life of. 3v Foster, Joseph. Four great teachers P'rench and Spanish men of genius Porster, Max v. Compressed gun cotton for military use Forsyth, W: Ilibt. of trial by jury . Novels and novelists of 18th century Fort, G: F. Early hist, and antiquities of Freemasonry Fortnuiii, C. Uriiry E. Bronzes Maiolica Fortunate island, etc.; by C: H. Clark Fortune T.T: Black and white Fortune's fool; by J. Hawthorne Fortunes of the Farad ays; by A. M. Douglas Forty-nine; by Joaquin Miller . years in a Moorland parish; by J. C. Atkinson Forum, The. Volumes 1 to date Fosdick, C: A. {Harry Castlemon.) GUNBOAT SERIES. Frank, the young naturalist . Frank on a gun-boat Frank in the woods . Frank on the prairie Frank before Vicksburg Frank on the lower Mississippi *Fo-sho-hing-tsan-king, The: life of Buddha; by Asvaghosha Bodhisattva; tr. by S: Beale . . . . F'ossett, Frank. Colorado Foster, J. W. Pre-historic races of U. S. Foster, J: Life and correspondence. 3 v Foster, J: Critical essays. 3 vols Essays, in a series of letters Fosteriana Improvement of time .... Lectures at Broadmead chapel. 3 vols Popular ignorance; Communication of Christianity to the people of Hindoo- stan Foster, M. Physiology Foster, AVolcott C. Treatise on wooden trestle bridges .... Fothergill, Jessie. Borderland First violin From Moor isles . . . Kith and kin Lasses of Leverhouse March in the ranks Oriole's daughter .... Probation Well fi(Ods, The Fothergill, J. Mihier. Food for the invalid Maintenance of health .... Town dweller 977. F6 551.3 T9 031 13 F6 793. F6 .813.HG455 366 331. RS 3 . 830 9.D4 3 820.9. F66 840.9. FOG G63 3 FO 340 4. FG •808.3. FG 36G.1.F6 739. FG 738. FG 813.C40141.3 32G.8.FG 813.H094.26 813.D68.366 813.M444.36 914.3. A8 305. F6 813.F672.31 813. F673 33 813.FG73.33 813.FG73.34 813.FG72.35 813.FG73 36 394. B3 917.88. FG 571. FG7 830.9.FG7 834FG.1 824. FG 3 838 FG7 834.FG.4 353. FG 370.4. FG G13.FG 624. FG 833. F68.0 833.FG8.34 833 FG8.3 833.F68.4 833.FG8.40 833. F68.5 833.FG8.G 823 F6S.66 833. F(58.9 e 13.33. FG 613. F6 613.5. F6 Fouillee, Alf. Education from a national standpoint 379.3. FG Foul play; by C: Reade and D. Boucicault 833.R203.2 Foulke, W: D. Slav or Saxon 947.F6 Fouque, F: H: K: De La Motte. Theo- dolf, the Icelander .... 833.F68.83 Undine; Sintram, c.c 833.F68.8 Four and five; by E: E. Hale . . 813.H042.3G centuries of silence; by R. A. Redford . 933. R23 destinies; by Theophile Gautier . . 843.G08.3 feet, two feet and no feet; by Mrs. L. E. Richards 596.R4 girls at Chautauqua; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813.A4234.2G Macnicols, etc.; by W: Black . .823 B4014 268 years in Rebel capitals; by T. C. De Leon 973.7 D3 Fourfold root of sullicient reason; by A. Schopenhauer 193 7.Sc6.3 Fourteen to one; by Mrs. E. S. Ward 813.W0633 368 Fowle, T. W. Poor law . . . . 339 J3 Fowler, Fk. Oil painting . 750.F6.6 Fowler, T. Locke, J: .... 193.3. LG.2G Shaftesbury and Hutcheson . . . 193.9.Sho Fowler, W. Warde. Caesar, C. Julius . 937.05.C03.3 City state of the Greeks and Romans . 331 4. FG Year with the birds .... .598.3.FG Fownes, G: Manual of chemistry . .540. FG Fox, G: Collection of epistles, letters, etc. vol. 1 389.6. F6.9 Journal. 3 vols ..... 289.6.F6.4 Fox, J: Book,of martyrs .... 272. F6 Fox-hunting; by C. A Stephens . 813 St263.15 Foye, Ja. C. Chemical problems . . 543.F6 Frackelton, S. S. Tried by fire. Q. . 7.52 F6 Fraenkel, Carl. Text-book of bacteriology .589.95 F6 Fragments of science; by J: Tyndall. 3v 504.T9.3 Fraipont, G. Art of sketching 741. FG Fr.aniley parsonage; by Ant. Trollope . 833.TG64.26 France, war dept. Siege of Bomarsund, '54 947 07.F6 France, Anatole. See Alby, F. A. France, Ij. B. Mountain trails and parks in Colorado 917.88. F60 With rod and line in Colorado waters Franchere, Gabriel. Narrative of a voy- age to the N. W. coast of America, 1811-1814 Francia; by Julia Cartwright . Francillon, R. E. (Jods and heroes; or, The kingdom of Jupiter Francis I, and his times; by C. Coignet. F'rancis, Fs., i/-. Saddle and moccasin . PVancis, G: Grant. Smelting of copper in the Swansea district of South Wales to 1881 Francis, St., de Sale». New month of Mary New month of St. Joseph Francis, St , of Assisi; by Mrs. Oliphant Francis, St., of Assisi. Little flowers Francis Cludde, Story of; by S. J. Weyman Frank before Vicksburg; by C: A. Fos dick Hilton; by Ja. Grant in the woods; by C: A. Fosdick Manly; by J: T. Trowbridge . Mildmay; by F: Marry at on a gunboat; by C: A. Fosdick on the lower Mississippi; by C: A. Fosdick 799 F6.6 910.4. F6 /« 759.5. MO 393 FG 944.038. F6 799. F60 669.3. F6 342 Sa2.5 243 Sa3 4 371.3. FG.6 271.3. F6 823. W39.7 813.FG73.34 833.G6.26 813.F672.33 813.T(MJ9.368 833.M06G.26 813.F()72.32 813.F672.36 PRANK 63 FIIOISSART Prank on the prairie; by C: A Fosdlck . S13.P672.35 Redclyffe; by Achilles Daunt . 918 7.D0.2 the young naturalist; by C: A Posdick. 813.P(J72.31 Warrington; by Mrs. M. Harris . 813.H066.3 Frankenstein; by Mrs. Mary W. Shelley 833. Sh2 Pranklin, B: Bigelow, J: ei. Life of B: Pranklln 973.3.P0 McMaster, J: B. B: Pranklin . . 973.3.P6 5 Morse, J: T , Jr. B: Pranklin 973.3.Frj.56 Printer boy 973.3.F60 Tomkinson, E. M. B: Pranklin . . 973.3.P6.8 Pranklin, B: Poor Richard, Sayings of 817.F6 Franklin, Sir J:; by A. H. Beesly . 919.8. P6.0 Pranklin, Sir J:, and the N. W. passage; by A. H. Markham 919.8.P6.5 Pranklin, Sir J: Narrative of a journey to the shores of the Polar Sea, 1819- 1822. 2 vols 919.8.P6 Thirty years in the Arctic regions 919.8. Po.8 Pranks, A: \V. Japanese pottery . . 738. POO Pranzos, K: Einil. Chief justice . . 833.P6.1 For the right 833.P6 Jews of Barnow 833.P6.4 Praser, Ale.\. Campbell. Berkeley 192.3.B2.2 Locke 192.2.L6 2 Praser, Sir W: Disraeli and his day . 942.08.D47.26 Prazar, Douglas. Perseverance island . 813.P609.6 Prazer, J. G. Golden bough. 2 vols . 290.P(5 Totemism 394.F6 Prazer, Persifer. Tables for the deter- mination of minerals .... .549 1 P6 Freaks of fortune; by W: T. Adams . 813. A2098 72 on the fells; by R. M. Ballantyne . . 914.1. B04 Pream, W. Soils and their propertied . 631. P6 Fred, and Maria and me; by Mrs. Eliz. Prentiss 813. P620.2 Frederic, Har. In the valley . 813.P622.4 New Exodus: Israel in Russia . 917.08 P6 Seth's brother's wife .... 813.F623.7 Frederick the 0-eat, Hist, of; by J: S. C. Abbott 943.05. F6 Priedrich II, of Prussia; by T: Curly le. 4 v 943. P6 Frederick the great and his court; by L. Muhlbach 833.M83 261 Frederick the great and his family; by L Muhlbach 833.M83 262 Frederick the noJilc. Taylor, Lucy. Fritz of Prussia 943 08.P64 Freedom triumphant; by C: C. ColBn 973.7.C6.94 Freeman, E: A. Exeter .... 942.35.F6 General sketch of history . . . 909 F6 Growth of the English oonstituLion . 342.42 F6 Historical essays 9(>1.F62 3 Historical geography of Europe. 3 vols. 910 FO History of Europe 940 F62 History of Sicily, to B C. 405 3 vols . 937.8 F6 Methods of historical study . . . 907 F6 Some impressions of the U. S. . 917.3.F63 Fremantle, W. H. World as the subject of redemption 266.F63 Fremont, Mrs. Jessie B. Par west sket- ches 917.9 F62 Souvenirs of my time .... 973.P63.7 Story, The, of the guard .... 973.7 P6.7 Fremont, J: C:., Memoir of ; by J: Bige- low 973.6 F6 *Premont, J: C: Report of the exploring expedition to the Rocky mts., in 1842, and to Oregon and North California in 1843-4 917.8. U.S. W0.3 French, Mrs. Alice. Adventure in pho- tography . . .' . . . 770. F6 Expiation 813 P620.2 Knitters in the sun 813.F620.46 Otto the knight, etc 813.F620.68 Stories of a western town . . . 813P630 7 We all 813.F630.9 French, C. Wallace. Lincoln, Abraham 973.7.L4 2 French, Harry W. Lance of Kanana . 813.P6363.4 Only one, The 813 P6263.6 Our boys in China 915.1. F62 Our boys in India 91,5.4. P62 Our boys in Ireland 914 15.F63 Out of the night 813 F6263 68 Through Arctics and Tropics . . . 910 4.P62 French and English; by P. G. llatuerton. 914.4.H05 Frenchman in America; by Paul Blouet 917.3. B46.3 Frere, Mary, id. Old Deccan days . 891.1.F6 Freres, The; by "Mrs. Alex " P. Hector . 823.H218 26 *Fresenius, C. R. Manual of qualitative chemical analysis .544.F6 *System of instruction in qunniiiaLive chemical analysis 54.5.P6 Presh fields; by J: Burroughs . i504.B8 2 Prewen Moreton. Economic crisis . 333. F6 Preytag, Gustav. Debit and credit 833.F63.2 Ingo . . . . . . . . 833.F62.46 Ingraban 833.F62.463 Lost manuscript 833.P63.4 Fridolin's mystical marriage; by A. Wil- brandt 833.W44.2 Fridthjof'ssaga; by E. Tegncr . 8.39.5.T3 Friend, Hilderic. Flowers and flower- lore. 2 vols 716.3. F6 Friend, The; by S: T. Coleridge . . 8J4.C6.3 or. Advocate of truth. Vol.2. . . 289.0 F64 Fritz; by E. Erckmann and A. Cliairian. 843.E6 2 Olivia; by Mrs. A. E. Barr . . . 813.B066.26 Friends; by Mrs. E. S. Ward . . 813.W0622.264 in feathers and fur; byJ: Johonuot . 596. J6 2 worth knowing; by E. Ingersoll . . 59G.I6.2 Friendship of books, et.; by P. D.Maurice 8i4.M08 Friendship's garland; by M. Arnold . ia 824.A66 1 Frisk and his Mock; by Mrs. ]). P. Sanford 8l3.Sa62.26 Frith, H: Captains of cadets . . .823 F648.1 Escaped from Siberia .... 915.7.F6 How to read character in features, 6!c. . 138.F6.1 How to read character in handwriting . 138 P6 In the brave days of old . . . . 940.4 P6 King Arthur and knights of the lluunJ Table 942.01. A6.26 Search for tlie talisman .... 917.19.P6 Shaftesbury, 7th earl of . . . . 361.ShO Triumphs of steam 621.1.P6 ' Probisher, J. P Voice and action 808.5.P6 Froebel, F. Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity . . . 372 2 FO.O Bulow, BaroncxK B. v. Marenholz-. Ri m- iniscences of Froebel . . . .• 372.2.P6.1 Froebel, F: Education of man 372 2.F6 Mother-play and nursery songs. Q . 372.2. F6.5 Froissart, Sir J: Boy's Froissart; ed. by S.Lanier . . . . . . 940.4. F66 4 PROISSART 64 GANNETT Froissart, Sir J:, (Concluded) Chronicles of England, France and Spain From dusk to dawn; by K. P. Woods Hag to flag; by E. M. Ilipley . hand to hand; by Golo Rairaiind hand to mouth; by A. M. Douglas . jest to earnest; by E: P. Roe lake to lake; by C: A. J. Faarar May to Christmas at Thorne Hill; by Mrs. D P. Sanford Moor isles; by Jessie Fothergill my youth up; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune palm to glacier; by Alice W. Rollins powder monkey to admiral; by W. H. G Kingston .... the earth to the moon; by J. Verne the easy chair; by G: W. Curtis the five rivers; by Mrs. F. A. Steel the forecastle to the cabin; by 8. Samuels the Hudson to the Neva; by D: Ker the ranks; by C: King . . In ihe tone world; by L: Ehlert Frontenac, Count, and New France; Fs. Parkman .... Frontier stories; by Bret Harte Frost, H. F. Schubert Frost, J: Great expounder: Webster Little Corporal Old Hickory: Jackson Old Rough and Ready: Taylor Mill boy of the slashes: Clay Swamp Fox: Marion Frothingham, Octavius Brooks ton unitarlanism, 1820-1850 Ripley, G: .... Transcendentalism in New England Frothingham, R: Rise of the republic of the U. S Froude, Ja. A. Bunyan, J: Caesar: a sketch .... Carlyle, T: : first 40 years of his life by Bos 940 4.FG6 813.W()63.2 973.7. R40 833.ro 2 813.D68.2 813.Rfi2 366 813.F(K562 813.Sa63.266 833.F68.3 813.T36.36 917. R64 359.K46.3 843.V2.36 814.C8.3 833.St23.2 6.56. Sa.5 813.K36.3 813 K4631.23 780. 4. E3 973.2. P06..5 813.H068.3 786.Sch8 973.5.W3.3 t)44.05.N().2 973.5.J()1.3 973.6.T()9.2 973.5. C40.2 973.3. M06.2 288. F6 810.9 R4.2 141. F6 343.73.F6 .286. B8. 2 937.05.C0.2 820.9.C06.3.2 Fronde, Ja. A., iConchtded)) Carlyle, T: : life in London Catherine of Arragon, Divorce of . English in Ireland in 18th century. 3 v English in the West Indies Hist, of England, 1.539-1603. 13 vols. Lord Beaconsfield .... 'Oceana; or, England and her colonies Science of history .... Short studies on great subjects. 4 vols Spanish story of the Armada, etc. . Two chiefs of Dunboy Froude, Ja. A., ed. Carlyle, Jane Welch, Letters and memorials of, . Frozen dragon; by C: F: Holder Fruits of a father's love; by W: Ponn Fry, Eliz.; by Mrs. E. R. Pitman Fugitives, The; by R. M. Ballantyne Full stature of a man; by Julia Parsons . Fuller, Alb. W., and W: A. Wheeler. Artistic homes. Q. .... Fuller, And. S. lUus. strawberry cultur- ist. . . ■ I'ractical forestry Small fruit culturist . . . . Fuller, Anna. Literary courtship Fuller, K: Complaining millions of men Fullerton, W: M. Patriotism and science Fulton, Rob , Life of, and a hist, of steam navigation; by T: W. Knox Life of; by R. H. Thurston Furey, Fs. T. Constitution of U. S. Furneaux, W: S. Animal physiology Elementary chemistry Further records; by Fes. Anne Kemble Future of educated women; by Helen E Starret of science; by E Renan . Fyffe, C. A. Hist, of Greece Hist, of modern Europe. 3 vols 830.9.C06 3.4 943.05. CO 941.57.P6 917.29 F6 942.05. F6 942.08. D47.2 990. F6 901. FO 040. F6 904.F68.7 823.F668.8 396.C06 590.4 H6 178.6. P2 364. F6 969 B04 813.P067.2 738. F8 634 F8.75 634.9. F8 634.F8.7 813. F84 813.F8.1 304. F8 631.12.F8.4 621.12.F8.8 343.73 F8 613. F8 540. F8 792.K25.3 386.4. St06 .504. R3 In 937. C63 940.9. F9 G G., Li. G. M. Wallace, Sir W:, Authentic life of 941.03. WO Gabriel Conroy ; by Bret Harte . . 813.H068.3 Gabrielle; by Mme. Alice Durand . . 843.D86.20 Gadsbys, Story of the; by R. Kipling . 833.K464.3 Gage, Matilda J. Woman, church and state . . . . . . . 396.9. GO Gage, W. li. Leisurely journey . . 914. GO *Gaina Sutras; tr. by H. Jacobi . 399.11. JO Gainsborough, T:; by G: M. Brock-Arnold 759 3. GO Gale, Ethel C. Hints on dress . . 391 3.G0 Galileo, Private life of; by Sister Maria Celesti .509.G0.1 Gallant fight; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune 813.T36.30 Gallant lords of Bois-Dore; by Mme. A. L. A. D. Dudevant. 3 v . . 843.D83 30 Gallatin, Alb.; by J: A. Stev.ens 973.4.G0 Gallaudet. T: H., Life of; by E. M. Gal- laudet . . . . . . . 363.4 GO Gallegher, c'c. ; by R: Harding Davis . 813.D084.30 *Gallenga, A. Two years of the eastern question. 2 vols 949.6.G0 Galloway, Rob. Fundamental principles of chemistry .541. GO Galloway, W. B. Science and geology in relation to the universal deluge . . 551.93.G0 Galloway, W: Battle of Tofrek, 1885 ()63.6.G0 Gallus; by W. A. Becker .... 937.07.B3.3 Galton, Fs. Eng. men of science . 509.G0 Natural inheritance .... 575.1. GO Tropical South Africa, 1851 . . . 916 88.G0 Gama, Vasco da; by G: M. Towie . 910.9.G0 Gambrall, Theo. C. Early Maryland 975.3.G0 Ganguillet, E., and W. R. Kutter. Gen- eral formula for the uniform flow of water 637.1. GO Gannett, Ezra Stiles, Memoir of; by W: C. Gannett 388 GO GANOT 65 GERALDINE of *Ganot, Adolphe. Physics Garbett, E: Dogmatic faith Garbett, Ja. Christ as prophet, priest and king. 2 vols Garcia, Gustave. Actor's art . Garden's story; by G: II. Eliwanger Gardiner, Rob. S. Japan as we saw it Gardiner, S: Rawson. Student's hist, of England Thirty years' war Gardner, E. C. Common sense in church building ... House that Jack built Town and country school buildings Gardner, Hattie S. Endeavorers Maple Grove .... Gardner, Percy. New chapters in Gree history . ... Garfield, Ja. A. Stoddard, W. O. Ja. A Garfield ...... Tourgee, A. VV. Figs and thistles . Garfield, Ja. A. Works; ed. by B. Hinsdale. 2 vols .... Garibaldi, G. Life; by H. blackett Garibaldi, G. Autobiography. 3 vols Garland, Hamlin. Jason Edwards Little Norsk Main travelled roads Member of the third house Prairie folks Spoil of oflfice Garland for girls; by L. M. Alcolt Garlanda, Federico. Fortunes of word Philosophy of words Garner, R. Li. Speech of monkeys . Garnett, Lucy M. J. Women of Turke and their folk-lore Garnett, R: Carlyle, T:, Life of . Emerson, R. W., Life of Milton, J:, Life of .... Garnett, W: Heroes of science: physicists Garnier, Edouard, and P. Gasnault. French pottery .... Garnier, Jules, and H. lie Roux. Aero bats and mountebanks Garnsey, G: O. Am. glossary of archi tectural terms .... Garrett, P., & Co., puhs. 100 choice selec tions. 31 vols. Garrick, D: Memoirs; by T: Davies. 2 v Garrison, "Wendell P., comp (rood nigh poetry . . . '. Garrison, W: Lloyd. [Life]; by A. H Grimke Story of his life; by W. P. aiid F. J. Gar rison. 4 vols Garth: by J. Hawthorne . Gascoyne; by R. M. Ballatyne . Gaskell, Mrs. Ellz. C. Cranford North and south Right at last, etc. Sylvia's lovers .... Wives and daughters Gaspe, P. A. de. Canadians of old Gaspe, R. E. Baron Munchausen, Ad ventures of .530.G0 230 G06 283. GOO 791. GO 716. E4 915.2.G0 942.G06 940.7. GO 690. GO. 1 690. GO. 3 727.1.GO 813. GO.; 938. GO 2n 973 8. HO. 7 813.T686.24 308 GO 94.5 (iO 94.5.G06 813.G064 4 813.G0<54.44 813 G064 5 813.G064..52 813.GtH)4.6 813.(;0(54.7 813.A416.30 401.(J0.2 401.G0.6 .')99.8.(J0 396. GO 820.9.C0(5.3 191.3.Er).3 820 9.M4 3 .530.9 GO 738. GO 791. RG8 720 GO 371.32.GO 793 G06 821.G06 326.973.G0 26 326 973.G0.3 813.H094.3 919 6.B04.3 823.G074.1 823.G074 6 823.G074.64 823.G074.7 823G074.9 843. G07 1 833. M86 Gates ajar; by Mrs. E. S. Ward between; by Mrs. E. S. Ward . 813 W0623.304 813.W0622.308 Gattie, W: and H: Russell Soudan Gautama: institutes of the sacred by G: Buhler .... Gautier, Ijeon. Chivalry . . . . Gautier, Theophile. Four destines Romance of a mummy . . . . Splrite Gay, E: J , Memorial address on. Q. Gay, J: Poetical works .... Gay, Sydney H. Madison, Ja. . Gayarre, C: Louisiana: hist as a French colony Gayley, C. Mills, ed. Classic myths in Eng. literature Gayworthys, The; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney Geddes, Ja. Witt, J: de. Administration of. Vol. 1 Geddes, P., and J. A. Thompson. Rjvo- lution of sex Geddie, J: Beyond tlie Himalayas Gee, G: E. Goldsmith's handbook . Gehring, F. Mozart Gefkie, Sir Arch. Class-book of geology . Geological sketches Geology Outlines of field geology . . . . Physical geography .... Geikie, Cunningham. Entering on life . Holy land and the Bible. Hours with the Bible. 6 vols Life and words of Christ .... Old testament characters Gemini; by E: Fox Gemmer, Caroline M. Children of the sun General, The; by W: Barrows Genghis Khan, Hist. of«, by J. Abbott Genius and faith; by W: C. Scott Gentle art of making enemies; by J. M. Whistler breadwinners; by Mrs. Helen Nitsch Gentleman of France; by S. J. Weyman of leisure; by Edg. Fawcett Gentlewoman at home; by Mrs. T .Coke Genung, J: F. Handbook oi rhetorical analysis Practical elements of rhetoric Geoffrey of Monmouth's British history Geography of marriage, by W: L. Snyder George, H: Condition of labor Perplexed philosopher: H. Spencer Progress and poverty Protection and free trade Social problems George Eliot. See Cross, Mrs M. E. George Eliot's poetry, etc.; by R. E Cleveland Georgia. Comm. of oi/, iculture. Manual on cattle Dept. of agri.: Publications, 1883, 1886 1889. 5 vols Georgians; by Mrs. E H. Hammond Geraldine; by A. Hopkins Hawthorne; by B. M. Butt Ruin of the 916.62.R8 aw; tr. . I-t 294.B8.7.V0I. 1 394.7.G0 843.Ci08.2 843.G08.66 843.G08.7 973.8 G09 821. GO 973 5. MO. 2 976.3.G0 290. (M) .813.W3486.30 949,2. W4 .57.5.9.G2 91 5.1 5. G2 071. (;2 786 MG .5.50.2.G3.1 550.4. G2 5.50.2.G2 .550.G24.3 .551 4.(42 170.(J2 915.6.G3 221.G2 232.9.(]12 321.G3.6 813.F69.3 821 (}3 813.B0()66.3 9.50 (t2 804 ScO.3 177.6. W3 396. 5. N4 823.W29.32 813.F09.3 640. C6 S08.G2 63 808.tr2.6 fn 942.01. Si9 392 5.Sn9 333.1.G2.1 333.G2.62 331.G26.6 337.G2 304.G26 814 C42 636. G2 630.G2 813.H055.3 811. H66 833.B8S8.3 GERARD 66 GIRL 813.G2 Gerard, K. Voice of a flower Gerard, Emily de Li. Land beyond the Forest 914.392. G2 Gerard, Ja. W. Peace of Utrecht 940.7.G2 Gerda; by Marie S. Schwartz . 839 73.Sch9.32 Gerhard, \V: P. Disposal of household waste . Guide to sanitary house-iuspection Kecent practice in the sanitary drainage of buildings German, The popular stories; by J. L. and W: K: Grimm soldier in wars of U. S.; by J. (;. llosen- garten Germanic origins; by Fs. B. Gummere Geronimo's summer campaign in 188,5; by G. D. Cummings Gertrude's marriage; by W. Ileimburg . Gervinxis, G. G. Shakespeare commen- taries Gessi, Romola, pasha. Seven years in the Soudan Gesta Christi; by C: L. Brace Romanorufn; tr. by C: Swan Gesturesand attitudes; by E: B. Warman Getting on in the world; by W: Mathews Ghiberti, Ijorenzo; by Mrs L. E. Baxter Giannetta; by R. Mulholland Giant of the North; by R. M. Ballantyne raft; by J. Verne .... Giant's robe; by T: A. (ruthrie . Gibbins, H. de B. Eng. social reformers Hist, of commerce in Europe . Industrial hist, of England Gibbon, C: For lack of gold P^or the king Golden shaft Gibbon, E:; by Ja. C. Morison . Gibbon, E: Decline and fafl of the Ro man empire. 7 vols. Same: abridged .... Gibbon, Lardner. Exploration of the val- ley of the Amazon . 918.1.U.S.N3. Vol.2 613..'5.G2 628.5.G2 628.G2 793. G26 833.GG4.3 973. R67 571.G8 812. C8 833.H3.3 .822.33 ShO. 32 1 916.26. G2 360. B6 808.3.G2 808.5.W()6 3 174. MO In 7.59 5. B09 823.M843.4 919.8.B04.3 843. V2. 3 823.G88.3 330.9.G4 2 650. G4 330. 9. G4 823.G40.2664 823 G40.2668 823.G40.3 820.9. G4 937.06.G4 937.06.G4.0 Gibbons, Ja., card. Faith of our fathers Our Christian heritage Gibbons, J: Tenure and toil Gibbs, E: J. England and S. Africa Glberne, Agnes. Among the stars . Father Aldur Ocean of air Sun, moon and stars World's foundations .... Gibson, G: Rutledge. Stock exchanges of London, Paris and New York . Gibson, J: Chips from the earth's crust Monsters of the sea Science gleanings in animal life *Gibson, L: H. Convenient houses . Gibson, R. J. H. Elem. biology Gibson, W. H. Camp life in the woods, etc *Happy hunting grounds. Q . Strolls by starlight and sunshine Gid (Jranger; by W: O. Stoddard Giddings, Franklin H., ami J: B. Clark. Modern distributive process . 282. G4 230. G4 331.1.G4 916.8. G4 .')23.G4.0 823.G402.2 551 5.(}4 523.G4.7 550.2.G4 332.6 G4 551. G4 1 590.G4.5 590.G4.7 690. G 4 576.G4 799. (U .504.G4.3 5()4.(J4.7 813.St622 34 330.4.C4 Giddings, Joshua R. Life; by G: W. Julian Gideon and the judges; b> J: M. Lang . Giflfen, Rob. Case against bimetallism . Essays in finance (Jrowth of capital 973.6.(J42.4 222 3.(14 332.42.(;2 3.36. (14 331. (!4 Giffln, W: M. Civics for young Americans 342.73 G4 Gift, Theo. See Boulger, Theo«lora H. *GiIbert, W:, of Colchester. On the load- stone and magnetic bodies . . 538.1. G4 Gilbert Elgars son; by Ht. R. Davis 813.D084.3 Gilchrist, Anne. Lamb, Mary 820 9.L05 3 Gild merchant; by C: Gross . . . • 338.6 Go Gildas. Works f/i 943.01.Si9 Gilded age; by S: L. Clemens and C: D. Warner . 813.C42.3 Gilded man; by A F. Bandclier 980.B0 Gilder, R: Watson. Celestial passion 811 G4.1 Lyrics 811.G4.4 New day 811.G4.6 Two worlds, eti 811. G4. 8 Gildersleeve, Basil Li. Eosays and studies ■ 304.G44 Giles, Herb. A. Gems of Chinese literature 895.04 Giles, J. A., ed. Six old English chronicles 942.01. Si9 Giles Corey, yeoman; by Mary E. Wilkins 812 W444.3 Gill, J: Systems of education . . 370.9. (J4 Gillespie, W: M. Treatise on surveying 526 9. (r4 Gillet, J. A. Lecture notes on physics . .")30.(}4 Gillet, J: A., and W. J. Rolfe. Hand- book of the stars .523 R6 Gillett,E. H. England 2JJ years a^o 285 2.(i4 Gilnian, Art. Hist, of the Am. people 973 G44 Story of Boston 974.46.Cr4 Story ot Rome 937.(J44 Story of the Saracens .... 953. (J4 Tales of the pathfinders .... 973.1. (i4 Gilnian, Art., ed. Shakespeare's morals 822. 33. ShO. 66 2 Gilman, Mrs. Bradley. See Gilman, Mrs. M. R. F. Gilman, Dan. C. Monroe, Ja. 973.5.M6 Gilman, J: Bradley. Kingdom of coins 813.G445 Gilman, Mrs. M. R. F. St. Theresa of Avila 271.9.T3 Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Laws of daily conduct /n 170 (J44 Profit sharing 331.21. G4 Socialism and the American spirit . . 335. (J4 Gilmore, G: W. Korea from its capital . 915.19 G4 Gilmore, Ja. R. Advance-guai'd of west- ern civilization 976 8.G4.0 Rear-guard of the revolution . . . 973.3.(144 Sevier. J:, as a commonwealth- builder . 976.8.Se8 Gilpin, W: Cosmopolitan railway . . 386.G4 Mission of the North American people . 917.3044 Gindely, Anton. Thirty years' war. 2 v. 940.7.(M Giotto; by Harry (Jui Iter .... 759.501 Giovanni and the other, ttc; by Mrs. F. H. Burnett 813 B8062..$l Gipson, A. E. Horticulluro and irriga- tion 635.(;4 Girard, Ste.. and Oirard College; by H: W. Arey . . ' 378.7.01 Giraff'e-hunters; by Mayne Reid . 823.R242.:m Girl he married; by Ja. Cxrant . .' 823. GO.:'. graduate; by Celia P. Wooley . 813.W664.3 in the Karpathians; by Mrs. M. M. Nor- man 914.37.N6 GIRLHOOD 67 GOLiDEN Girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines; by M. C. Clarke. 5 vols Girl's book of famous queens; by Lydia 11. Farmer of a feather; by Mrs. A E. Barr who became famous; by S K. Bollon winter in India; by M. T. Carpenter Gisborne, W. Colony of New Zealand Gissing, G: K. Denzil Qiuirrier Odd women Gist; by Lilly R. Gracey Glad tidings; by D. L. Moody . Gladden, Wash. Applied Christianity Burning questions .... Cosmopolis city ciub Plain thoughts on the art of living Santa Claus on a lark, etc. Tools and the man .... Who wrote the Bible? . . • . Working people and their employers Gladden, Wash., td. Parish problems Gladiators; by G. J. White Melville Gladstone, J. H. Faraday, Michael Spelling reform .... Gladstone, J. H , and A. Tribe. Chemis try of secondary batteries Gladstone, W: E. Jerrold, Wa. Eng land's great commoner Jones, C: H. Short life of Gladstone O'Connor, T. P. Gladstone's House of Commons Russell, G: W. E. W. E. Gladstone Gladstone, W: E. 822 33.C4.3 3f)6.9.F0.3 813.B066.3 396.9.B6:3 915.4 C06 993 1 G4 823.G477.2 823.G477.6 266. G 601 2.52.M6.34 335.7.G4 204. G4 352. G4 170. G4 813.G402.7 330.4.G4 220 8.G4 331.1.G40 260 LO 823. M 248. 3 .540 9.F0.3 421.4.G4 542.8.G4 942 08.G40.4 942.08 G40.46 942 08.01 942.08. G40.6 GLEAmMGS OF PAST VEAKS. 1 Throne, Prince consort, cabinet and constitution 2 Personal and literary [essays] . 3 Historical and speculative [essays] 4 Foreign [<"ssays] .... 5 and 6 Ecclesiastical [essays] 7 Miscellaneous [essays] Homer Juventus mundi .... Landmarks of Homeric study Gladstone, WT: E., and o'.herx. Both sides of the tarifl:' question .... Order of creation Glave, E. J. In savage Africa Glazebrook, 11. T. Laws and properties of matter Glazier, Willard. Down the great river Heroes of tnree wars Peculiarities ot American cities Gleanings from a literary life; by Fs. Bowen Gleanings in science; by G. MoUoy Gleason, Ol, W. Veterinary handbook Gleig, G. II. WeUington, Duke of Glenaveril; by Rob. Bulwer Glencore, Fortunes of; by C: Lever Glimpses of (ifty years; by F. E. Willard of science; by And. Wilson of the French court; by Mrs. Tj. E Rich- ards of three coasts; by Mrs H H. Jackson. through the cannon smoke; by A. Forbes 321.7.G4 804.G4 040. G 4 940.9.G4 260.G4 040.G4 883.1. H6 34 293.G4.4 883.1.G4.4 337.G4 213.G40 916 72. (14 .530.G40 917.7.G4 973.G4 917.3.G40 040. B6 3 .504. M6 619 G4.8 942.07. W2.3 821.B8496.3 823.L282.32 267 432. W4 504. W4 944 R4 917.94.J01 904. F6 Gloria; by B. Perez Galdos. 2 vols . . 863. P26 3 victis; by Ossip Schubin . . .833 Sch8.3 GJoriana; by Lady F. Dixie . . 823.D49.3 Glunier, Claire V. Noble name . 83.3. G4.6 Gneist, R. Eng. parliament . . . 342.42.G6 6 Hist, of the Eng. constitution . . 342.42.G6.1 Go right on, girls! by Annie H. Ryder 374 R9 Godard, J: G. Poverty .... 339.G6 Godbey, A. H. Great disasters and hor- rors 551. G6 Goddard, G: Mental condition necessary to a due inquiry into religious evidence 241. G63 Goddard, F. B. Art of selling, et-. 6.59.G6 Goddard, Julia. Fairy tales in other lands . 813.G622.2 Godkin, G. S. Victor Emmanuel II. 945.09.F4 Godman, J: D. Amer. natural history. 2 v .599.G6 Godolphin; by^E: G: L. Bulwer . 823.B849.9 God's acre beautiful; bv W. Robinson . 393.2. R6.3 and heroes; by R. E. Francillon . 292 F6 fool; by M. Maar tens .... 823.M00.3 Godwin, Parke. Bryant, W: C, Biog. of 810.9 B69.3 Political essays 330.4.(jI6 Godwrin, W: Lives of the necromancers. 133.4 G6 Political justice; ed. by H. S. Salt 331. G6 Goethe, J: W. von. Hayward, A. Goethe 830.9.G6.3 Lewes, Cr:H: Story of Goethe's life . 830.9.G6.4 Sanborn, F. B., ei. Life and genius of Goethe 830.9 G6.70 Seeley, J. R. Goethe reviewed after 60 years 830 9.G6.72 Sime, Ja. Life of Goethe . . . 830.9 G6 7 Snider, D. J. Goethe's Faust. 2 vols . 832.62.G6.76 Goethe, J: W. von. Autobiograpliy. 2 v. 830.9.G6 Conversations with Eckermann and Sortit 830.9.G6.2 Dramatic works: Iphigenia in Tauqis; TorquatoTasso; Goetzv. Berlichingen; FeWow culprits 833.G6 9 Electric afJHnities Jri833.G6.7 Faust; tr. by Anna Swanwick . . 832.G6.2.7.1 Faust; tr. by Bayard Taylor . . 832.G6.80 Faust; tr. by A. Hayward; Clavigo, Ea- moni; Wayward lover .... S32.G6.2 7.2 Good women In 833.G6.7 Poems 831.G6.0 Travels in Italy, France and Switzerland 914.5.G6 Werther, Sorrows of, et". 833.G6.7 Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship and travels; tr. by T: Carlyle. 2 vols. . 833.G6.9.1 Goethe and Schiller; by L.Muhlbach . 833.M83.36 Gogel, Nikolai V. Inspector-general 891 72. G6 Gold and name; by M. S. Schwartz . 839.73.Sch9 36 Elsie; by E. Mariitt .... 833.M0(J.36 of pleasure; by G: P. Lathrop . . . 813.L083.36 Golden bottle; by I. Donnelly . . 813.D666 3 bough; by J. G. Frazer. 2 vols. . . 290 F6 butterfly; by W. Besant mid J. Rice . 823.B27.364 Chersonese; by Mrs. Isa L. Bishop . . 915.9 B4 days of '49; by K. Munroe . . 813.M866.36 dreams and leaden realities; by R. Raven 917.94.R0 fleece; by J. Hawthorne .... 813.H094.36 gossip; by Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney . .813.W3486 36 guess; by J: V. Cheney .... 814.C32 hour; by M. D. Conway . . . . 326 C6 justice; by W: H: Bishop . . . 813.B47 364 lionof Grandpere; by A. Trollope . . 823.T664.36 lotus, etc.; by E: Greey .... 895.G6.3 shaft; by C: Gibbon .... 823.G40.3 GOIiDEN 68 GRANITE Golden wedding, etc ; by R. M. Stuart 813.St8.3 west; by Ht. M. Lothrop . . . 917.3.L6 Gold-foil; by J. G. Holland . 170.4.H6.3 Goldsmith, Liewis. Napoleon, Secret hist, of 944.05.N0.36 Goldsmith, 01. [Life]; by W: Black 820.9.G6 Life; by A. Dobson 820 9.li6.2 Life; by Wash. Irving .... Ia979r).I6 Goldsmith, Ol. Hist, of England. 4 vols 943.U0 Hist, of Greece. 3 vols .... 938.G6 Hist, of Rome to 476 ... .• 937.CJ6 Hist, of the earth and animated nature. 4 vols i590.G6 Miscellaneous works. 4 vols . . 838.G6 Poetical works 82LG(5 Works. .5 vols 820.8.G6 Gomme, G: li. Ethnology in folk lore . 572 G6 Primitive folk-moots 342 43.(}6 Village community .... 32L3.G6 Good men and true; by A. H. Japp 360.J06 *Good words. 18(50 to date . 050.G6 Goode, G Brown. American fishes .597.(i6 Goodeve, T. M. Manual of mechanics . 531. G6 Goodhue, W. F. Municipal improve- ments 352.5.CJ6 Good-night poetry; comp. by W. P. (tar- rison 831.G06 Goodrich, S: G. (Pcler Parleij) Pict. geography 910. G6 Goodman, Wa. Pearl of the Antilles 917.291.G6 *Goodwin, Harry, and W: Knight. Through the Wordsworth country. Q. 830.9. W6.4 Goodwin, J. H. Improved book-keeping (i57.G() Goodwin, J: A. Pilgrim republic . 974.4.G6 Goodyear, W> H: Hist of art . 709 G6 Gordon, Mr.s., /ormcjfjy Wilson. Wilson. J: 820.9. W44.3 Gordon, Sir Art. Aberdeen, Earl of . 942.08.A03 Gordon. C:G: [Life]; by SirW: F. Butler 942.08.(^6.1 [Lifel; by S. A. Swaine .... 94208(r6.7 Gordon, J. E H. Electricity and mag- netism. 2 vols .537.G6 Gordon, Mrs. J. E. H. Decorative elec- tricity 749.G6 Gordon, Lydia li. From Lady Washing- ton to Mrs. Cleveland .... 396.973 G6 Gordon, M. Li. Am. missionary in Japan 266.G6 Gordon, T: Hist, of the Greek revolution 949.506.(i6 Gore, C: Incarnation of the Son of God . 232.1. G(56 Gore, C:,.tl. Lux mundi .... 232.1.H6 Gorham, J: System for the construction of crystal models on the type of an or- dinary plait 548.G6 Gorilla hunters; by R. M. Ballantyne .599 8 B04 Goss, W. P. M. Bench work in wood 371.42 (Jfi Goss, Warren Lee. Jed .... 973.7.(t66.4 Recollections of a private . 973.7 G6() Soldier's story of Andersonvilie, etc. . 973.7.GG6.7 Tom Clifton 973 7.(}66 8 Gosse, Edm. Browning, Rob.: personalia 830.9. B6()6.3 Congreve. W:, Lifeof .... 830.9 C66. 3 Gray. 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Thomas, G: H:; by I[: Coppee Great conversers, etc.; by W: Mathews cryptogram; by I. Donnelly disasters and horrors; by A. H. Oodbey Great educators series. Abelard; by G. Compayre Alcuin; by A. F. West Aristotle; by T: Davidson Froebel; by H. C. Bowen Loyola; by T: Hughes Great emergency; by Juliana H. Ewing enigma; by W: S: Lilly . Great expectations; ,by C: Dickens . GREAT 823.06.9 823.06.92 .598.0(5 813.0606 813.0(50(5.1 813.0(50(5.43 813 0606.44 813.O606.6 813 0(506 (52 973.7. H2 973.7.06.7 973.7.G6 813.A00.083 821. R22 3 941 57.06 949.2.06 575.06 580.(x6 5 580.8.G6 824.B81.3 940 44.06 823.O64.0 823.064.1 823.064.2 823.064.4 823.064.5 823 064.6 283.060 820.9. G60 821 06 813.E334.30 843.L0.3 332.42.06 938.A4.2 939.73. H0.2 974.46. 04 974.71. T6 975 3.T6 973.7. FO 973.3.06.3 973.5.J016 973 7.J6.3(5.1 973.6.Sc6.9 973.6. T0.3 973.7.T36.1 814.M08.3 822.33.D6 .551.06 189.4.A0.1 370.9. A4.9 370.9 A6 272.2. F6.0 271.5. L6.3 823. E94 36 210. L4 813.D414.7 GREAT 70 GREENWOOD Great explorers series. Davis, J:; by C. R. Markhara . Franklin, Sir J:; A. II. Markhara . Magellan, F.; by F. H. H. Giiillomard Palestine; by C R. Conder Park. Mungo; by Jos. Thompson Great expounder; by J: Frost Groat French writers series. Cousin, v.; by J. Simon . Montesquieu, C: L:; by A. Si-rel St. Pierre, B. de; by A. Barine Sand, George; by E. Caro Sevigne, Mme. de. ; by G. Boissier Stael, Mmc. de. ; by A. Sorel , Thiers, L: A.; by P. de Remusat Turgot, A. R. J.; by L Say Great fur land; by H. M. Robinson . joy; by D. L. Moody man of the provinces in Paris; by II. d Balzac match and other matches; by M. F Smith Great musicians series. Bach, S. ; by R. Lane Poole Beethoven; by IHA. Rudell . Eng. church composers; by VV: A. Barrett Handel; by Mrs. J. Marshall . Haydn; by Pauline D. Townsend . Mozart; by F. Gehring . . Purcell; by W: H. Cummings Rossini and his school; by H. S. Edward Schubert; by H. F. Frost Schumann; by J. A. F. Maitland Wagner, R:; by Fs. Huefler Weber; by Sir J. Benedict Great shadow; by A. C. Doyle streets of the world; by R: H. Davis an others ...... treason; by Mrs. M. A. M. Marks . war syndicate; by Fk. R. Stockton words from great Americans . Great writers series: Austen, Jtne; by G. Smith Balzac, H. de; by F: Wedmore Bronte, Charlotte; by A. Birrell Browning, Rob ; by W: Sharp Bunyan, J:; by E. Venables . Burns, Rob ; by J. S. Blackie Byron, (J: G. N.; by R. Noel . Carlyle, T:; by R: Garnett Cervantes; by 11: E. Watts Coleridge, S: T.; by Hall Calne Congreve, W:; by E. Gosse Crabbe, G: ; by T. E. Kebbel . Darwin, C:; by G. T. Bettany Dickens, C: ; by F. T. Marzials Eliot, G:; by O. Browning Emerson, R. W.; by R: Garnett Goethe, J: W. v. ; by J. Sime . Goldsmith, O.; by A. Dobson . Hawthorne, N.; by M. D. Conway . Heine, H:; by W: Sharp . Hugo, v.; by F. T. Marzials . Johnson, S:; by F. Grant Keats, J:; by W: M. Rossetti Lessing, G. E.; by T. W. Rolieston Longfellow, H. W.; by E. S. Robertson 919 8 DOS.. 5 919.8 FG..5 910.9. M03.3 915.09. C6 916.6. P0().8 973.5. W3. 3 194.7.C68 7 840 9. M 66. 7 840.9. Sa6.0 840 9.D81.1 840.9. Se8 840.9.St0.7 840.9.T34.6 336.T8.7 917 13.R0 3.53. M6 36 843. BO. 3 813.Sm4835 3 786. BOl 786. B3 786.]}06 786. HOO 786. H 09 786. M 6 786. P8 786. R6 786.Sch8 786.Sch85 786. WO 786. W3 S33.D694 3 914. DO 833. M 0647. 3 813.St614 36 330.3.G6 830 9.A8.7 840.9. BO. 9 830.9. B6.1 830.9.B666.7 386 B8.8 830.9. B86.1 830. 9. B9 6 830.9.C06.3 860.9. C2.9 830.9. C64.1 830.9.C66 3 830.9. C60 4 575.130.03 830 9.D4.5 S30 9C6 1 191.3. E5.3 830.9 Ct6 7 830.9.G6.3 810.9.H09.19 830,9.1134.7 840 9. H8.5 8309.J63.3 830.9 K3.() 830.9. L3.6 810 9.L6.6 Great writers Series, {Concluded) Marryat, F:; by D: Hannay . Mill, J: S ; by W. L. Courtney Milton J: ; by R: Garnett Rossetti, D. G.; by J. Knight . Schiller, F:; by II. W. Nevinson Schopenhauer, A.; by W. Wallace . Scott, Sir Wa.; by C: D. Yonge Shelley, P. B.; by W: Sharp . Sheridan, R: B.; by L C. Sanders . Smith. Adam; by R. B. Haldane Smollett, T. (r.; by D: Hannay Thackeray, \\ : M.; by F. T. Marzials Voltaire; by Fs. Espinasse Whittier, J: G.; by W. J Linton . Gred; by G: Ebers .... Same ...... Greek anthologv .... romances of Tieliodorus, Longus and Achilles Tatius .... Greeley, Hor.; by Fs. N. Zabriskie . Greeley, Hor American conflict. 3 vols What I know of farming . Greeley, Hor. and others. (Jreat Industrie of U. S Greeley on Lincoln .... Greely, Adolphus W. Schley. W. S Greely relief expedition Schley, W. S., and J. R. Soley. Rescu of Greely Greely, Adolphus W. American weatho Explorers and travelers . Three years of Arctic service . Green, Anna Katherine. See Rohlfe Mrs. A. K. G. Green, J: R. Conquest of England Hist, of the Eng. people, 449-1815. 4 vols. Making of England Short hist, of the Eng. people Stray studies from England and Italy Green, Rob., Marlowe, and Ben Jonson Poems Green, Sanford M. Crime Green, W. C, tr. Egil Skallagrlmson, Story of Green, W. S. Among the Selkirk glaciers High Alps of New Zealand Green fairy book; by And. Lang gate; by E. Wichert .... mountain boys; by D. P. Thompson pastures and Piccadilly; by W: Black . Greene, Fs. V. Greene, N. . . . Mississippi, The . . . . Greene, G: Wash. Greene, N., Life of. 3v. Greene, Homer. Burnham breaker Coal and the coal mines .... Riverpark rebellion; Tale of the tow- path Greane, Nath. [Life]; by Fs. V. Greene Life; by G: Wash. Greene. 3 vols. Greener, W. W. Breech-loader, The *Greenwell, G. C. Mine engineering Greenwood, F. W. P. Lives of the 12 apostles Greenwood, Grace. See Liippincott, Sara J. Greenwood, W: H: Steel and iron 820 9.M06.3 193.7. M4 1 820.9.M4.3 820.9. R67.4 830 9.Sch4 193.7.Sch6.9 830.9.Sc6.9 820.9.Sh2.7 792.Sh3.7 330.9. Sm4. 3 820.9. Sm6. 3 830 9.T3.5 840.9. V6. 3 810 9.W3.44 833.E0..50 /■• 833 E0.36 889.1.G6.6 888.9. 113 655. (i<) 973.t}63 630 (}6 603.(;6 973 7 L4.3 918.8.(J6 8 919.8.Sch4 551 .5.G6 910.9.G6 919 8 G6 943 01 G6 1 943. G63 943 01.G6 5 942 G62 914.5.G63 831. G62 364.G6.1 839.63.G6 917.11.G6 919 31. G6 823.L063.36 833.W4.3 813.T365.3 833.B4014 36 973.3.(r6.3 973.7. G63 973. 3. G6 813 G62.1 633 33.G6 813 G633.6 973.3 G6.3 973.3.G6 799 G6 623.G6 270.1.G6 669.1.G6 GREEY 71 Greey, K: Captive of love . 813.(16339.1 (Jolden lotus, etc 895.G6.3 Greg, "W. R. Literary and social judg- ments 040 G6 Miscellaneous essays. 2 vols 040.G6.5 Political problems 304.G6.6 Gregory VII. Sec Hiltlebrand. Greifenstein; by F. M. Crawford 813.0609.36 Gresley, W: S. Glossary of terms used in coal mining 623.33.G63 Greswell, W: P. Hist, of Dominion of Canada 971. G6 Gretchen; by Mrs. M. J. Holmes 813110455.303 Grettir the outlaw; by S. Baring Gould Greville, C: C. P. Greville memoirs: ed. by E: H: Stoddard . . . . Memoirs, 1818-1859. 8 vols Greville, H: See Durand, Mme. Alice. Greville Lidy Violet. Gentlewoman in society Grey, Maxwell. See Tuttiet. M. G. Grey, T: de. Shooting. 3 vols Gribayedoff, V. French invasion of Ire land in '98 Griffin, Gerald. Collegians Griffin, Wa. T. Homes of our country Griffin ahoy; by E. H. Maxwell Griffls, W: Elliot. Corea, the hormi nation Honda the Samurai Influence of the Netherlands . Japan in history, folk lore and art Johnson, Sir W: Mikado's empire .... Griffith, J: Journal Griffith Gaunt; by C: Reade Griffiths, A. B. Physiology of the inver tebrata Grigg's philosophical classics. Hegel's logic; by W: T. Harris Kant's ethics; by N. Porter *Grihya-Sutras, The; tr. by H. Olden berg. 3 vols Grinike, Arch. H. Garrison, W: Lloyd Sumner, C: Grimm, Hermann. Michael Angelo Bu onarroti. 3 vols .... Grimm, Ja. li., and AV: K: German popu lar stories Grimshaw, Rob. Engine room chat Hints on house building . Fifty years hence .... Steam engine catechism '. Grinnell, G: Bird. Blackfoot lodge tales Pawnee hero stories and folk tales . Griswold, Hattie T. Home life of groat authors Griswold, Rufus W. Female poets of America Poets and poetry of America . Poets and poetry of England . Prose writers of America Grohman, W: A. Baillie-. Camps in the Rockies Gronlund, Lawrence. Co-operative com monwealth Our destiny 949 1.G6 942.08.G63 943.07.G6 396.G6 799 G63 941.57.G64 823.G642.1 173. G6 915.6. MO 915. LG6 813 G643.3 331 8.G6 953.G0.4 974.7.J63 953. G6 389.6. GO 833.R303 3 591. G6 100. H3 170.K0.6 294.04 336.973.G0.36 973.8 Su5.3 709.M4.3 833. G64 3 621.G6.2 690. G6. 3 601.G6 021.1.G6 399.7.G6 399.7 G6 830.9. G6C 811.G64.3 811 G64 6 831.G64 6 810.3 G6 917.8.G6 335.G66 1 335.G66 GUXTER 6ross, C: Gild merchant .... 338.6.G6 Gross, S: D. Autobiography. 2 vols 610.9.G6 Grosvenor, Bertram. Mexican memories 917.2.G6 Grote, G: Hist, of Greece to ab 300 B. C. 10 vols 938.G66 Grote, G: Retreat of the 10,000 . . In 935.5 G6.8 Ground arms; by Bertha von Suttner 833. Su8 Group of noble dames; by T: Hardy . 823.H062.3 Grove, G: Beethoven's nine symphonies 785.1 B3. 3 Geography, etc. 910.7 GO Grove, W. R., and others. Correlation and conservation of forces . . . . 530 Y6 *Groves, E: E: and W: Thorpe edi. Chemical technology, vol. 1: Fuel and its applications; by E. J. Mills and F J. Rowan Guardian, The 3 vols. . 040.B64, Guardian angel; by O. W. Holmes Guardians, The; by Ht. W. Preston and L. Dodge .... Guenn; by Blanche W. Howard Guerber, H. A. Myths of trreece and Rome .... Guerndale; by F. J. Stimson Guernsey, A. H. Carlyle, T Emerson, R. W. World's opportunities Guernsey, A. H., and I. P. Davis. Health at home Guernsey, lily; by S. C. Woolsey GuertTen Eyck; by W: O Stoddard Guido Reni; by M. F. Sweetser Guild, Curtis. Abroad again . Britons and muscovites . Over the ocean .... Guild court; by G: MacDonald . Guillemard, P. H. H. Cruise of th Marchesa Magellan, F. *Guillemin, Amedee. Forces of nature Heavens, The . Sun, The . Wonders of the moon Guimps, Roger de. Pestalozzi Guinness. M;-.s. H. Grattan. New world of Central Africa .... Guizot, Prancois P: G. Hist, of civiliza tion in Europe .... *Hist. of France to 1789. 8 vols. Q ♦Popular hist, of England to 1837. 4 v ♦Popular hist, of England, 1837-1873 Washington, G:, Character and influ ence of Guizot, P. P: G., and others. Collection of theological essays; ed. by G: R. Noyes 304.G8 Gulf and glacier; by W. B. Allen . .917.98 A.442.3 Gulliver's travels; by Jona. Swift 833.Sw4.3 Gummere, Ps. B. Germanic origins 571. G8 Gunethics; by W. K. Brown 396.B66 Gunnar; by H. H. Boyesen . 813.BG93.38 Gunning, P: Paschal, or Lent fast 204.031 G8 Gunsaulus, P: W. Monk and knight. 2 v 813.G867 Gnnter, Arch. C. Miss Dividends 813.G86.52 Miss Nobody of Nowhere . . . 813G86 54 Mr. Barnes of New York . . . 813 G86.50 Mr. Potter of Texas .... 813.086.50 That Frenchman 813.G86 8 063.0. M4 Vols.lG,17,18 813.H0456 3 813. H0456.3 813.P027.3 393 G8 813.St.457.3 830 9. COG. 38 191.3.E5.38 917.3.(^8 G13.G8 813.W0647.38 813.St632.3 i.»759.5.T4.7 914. G8 61 914.2 G8 914 G8 6 823. M 26. 38 990 G8 910.9. M03 3 .530. G8 .523. G8 523 7.G8 523.3.G8 37144.P3.3 916.7G8 901 C}8 944 G8 942. G8 943.08. G8 973.3. W0.3 -^> i^.Vi(lVR GUNTER 72 Gunter, Arch. C, irnd F. Redmond. Florida enchantment .... 813.G86.2 Gunton, G: Wealth and progress 331. G8 Gustafson, Axel. Drink problen, The 178.G8.2 Gustafson, Axel, ani Z. Barnes. Founda- tion of death 178.G8.26 Gustaviis Adolphus, Hist, of; by J : L. Stevens ....... 940.7.G8.7 Gustavus Vasa; by P. B. Watson 948 04. WO Guthrie, T:; by J: W: Kirton . 7nl78.G8 Guthrie, T: Anstey. (F. AnsUy ) Fallen idol 823.G88.2 Giant's robe 823.G88.3 Vice Versa 823.G88.8 Gutta-Percha Willie; by G: MacDonald . 823.M26.388 HALLAM Guy Mannering; by Sir Wa. Scott . . 823.Sc6.22 Rivers; by W: G. Simms .... 813.Si55.3 Guyau, J. 31 Education and heredity . 370.1. G8 Guyot, Arnold. Earth and man, The 551.4.G8 Guyot, Y. Principles of social economy. 330.G8 Guy's life lesson; by Mrs. S. F. Keene . 813.K2262.3 Gwinnell, Wintour F. Geology in sys- tematic notes and tables . . . 550.G9 *Gwyn, Nell, The story of; by P: Cun- ningham Q 942.0G.C32.1 Gypsy Breynton; by Mrs. E. S. Ward. 813.W0622.391 Gypsy's cousin Joy; by Mrs. E. S. Ward. 813. W0622.392 sowing and reaping; by Mrs. E. S. Ward. 813. W0623.393 year at the (rolden Crescent; by Mrs. E S. Ward 813.W0622.394 H H., J. W. Story of Mackay of Uganda Habberton, J: Helen's babies Other people's children . Who was Paul (Jrayson? . Hackel, E: True grasses. The Hadley, Art. T. Railroad transportation Hadley, Ja. Essays .... Intro, to Roman law Haeckel, Ernst. Evolution of man History of creation. 2v . Haggard, H. Rider. Allan Quarterman Dawn Jess King Solomon's mines Maiwa's revenge .... Mr. Meeson's will Montezuma's daughter . . . Nada, the lily She Witch's head Haggard, H. Rider, aiul A. liang. World's desire Hague, PartheniaA. Blockaded family Haifa; "i)y Laurence Oliphant Haigh, A. E. Attic theatre Haigh, Dan H. Anglo-Saxon sagas Hailinan, "W. N. Kindergarten culture Primary methods .... Twelve lectures on hist, of pedagogy, etc Hake, A. Eginont, and O. E. Wesslau Free trade in capital Haldane, R. li. Smith, Adam, liife of Hale, E: Everett. East and west For 50 years .... Four and tive . In his name Lights of two centuries Man without a country, etc. Mr. Tangier's vacation . New England boyhood Our Christmas in a palace Rachel's share of the road Stories of adventure Stories of discovery . Stories of the sea Stories of war 266. MOl 813.H000.3 813.H0()0.30 813.H000.9 r)84.9.H0 656. HO 404. HO 349.37. HO 573.no 575. HO 823.H033 04 823 H033.2 823.H033.42 823.H033.4 823.H033.50 823.11033.54 823.H033.56 823.11033.60 823.H033.7 823.H033.9 823.H033.96 973.7.1103 915.69.044.3 792.110 829.110 372.2. H04 372.2. HO 370.9. 1104 331 1. HO 330.9. Sm4.3 813.H042.2 811. H 813.11042.26 813.11042.46 920 HO 813.11042.50 813.U042..54 288. HO 813.H042.13 813,11042.6 904. 1104 910.9. H04 910.4.1104 973.7.1104 Hale, E: Everett, (Concluded) Story of Massachusetts .... 974.4 HO Ten times one is ten .... 813.11042. 8J Ups and downs 813.H042.86 Washington, G:, Life of, studied anew . 973.3. W0.30 Hale, E: Everett and Susan. Family flight around home .... 917.4 HO Family flight over Egypt and Assyria 916.2.H0 Family flight through Mexico . 917.2.H0 3' Hale, E: Everett, and <,thers. "How I was educated" papers 370.4. H(>4 Workingmen's homes .... 331.83. HO Hale, Gertrude Eliz. Little flower people 580.4.H0 Hale, Ijucretia P. Fagots for the fireside 793.110 Peterkin papers 817.H04.6 Peterkins, Last of the .... 817.1104.4 Hale, Susan. Family flight through Spain 914 6. HO Halevy, Ludovic. Abbe Constantino 843.H043.0 Half-century of conflict; by Fs. Park- man. 2 vols 973.2. P06.6 Haliburton, T: C. Clockmaker, The 813.11044.7 Hall, A. Oakey. Congressman's Christ- mas dream. Q 342.73.110 Hall, A. Wilford. Problem of human life .575.H04 Hall, B: F. Republican party. The [1856] 329.6. HO Hall, C: H: Sermons .... 220.1. H04 Hall, C: AV. Adrift in the ice fields 917.1. HO Hall, E: B. Ware, Mrs. Mary L. . 288.VV065 Hall, E: H. Orthodoxy and heresy 230.110 Hall, Mrs. Florence Hall. Correct thing in good society .... 395. HO.l Social customs 395 H0.7 Hall, G. S. Aspects of German culture . 304. Ho Methods of teaching history . . 371.3.110 Hall, H: Allen, Ethan .... 974.3.A4.3 Hall, Hubert. Antiquities of the ex- chequer 336.110 Hall, J: and othetK. Timely topics dis- cussed 204. HO Hall, Jos. Mundus alter et idem .M320.1.M6.4 *Hall, S. C. and A. M. Ireland. 3 vols . 914.15.110 Hall in the grove; by Mrs. Isa M. Alden 813.A4224.30 Hallani, H: Const, hist, of England 342.42.H0 Intro, to the literature of Europe* 809. HO F HALLAM Hallani, H., {Concluded) Middle ages. 3 vols Hallani succession; by Mrs. A. E. Barr Halleck, Fitz-Greene. Poems Haller, Gustav. Renee and Franz . *Hallock, C: American game fishes Our new Alaska .... Hallowell, 11: P. Pioneer Quakers, The Hals, Frans; by Percy H. Head Halstead, Miirat, and Li. Wallace, liar rison, B: ami Whitelaw Reid Halves; by Ja. Payn .... Ham, C: H. Manual training . Hamerliiig, Rob. Aspasia. 2 vols Hamerton, Ph Gilbert. Art essays Chapters on animals French and English . Graphic arts Harry Blount Her picture Human intercourse . *Imagination in landscape painting Intellectual life Marmorne . Modern Frenchmen . Painter's camp . Portfolio papers Round my house Sylvan year Thoughts about art Wenderholme Hamerton, Ph. Gilbert and others Higher education, etc. Hamilton, Alex. [Life]; by H: C. Lodge [Life]: by W: G. Sumner . . Hamilton, Alex, and others. Federalist, The Hamilton, Allan McL. Medical juris- prudence Hamilton, Cath. J. Women writers Hamilton, Gail, pseiul. See Dodge, Mary A. Hamilton, J. A. O'Conneli, Dan Hamilton, J. C. Prairie province Hamilton, P: J. Rambles in historic lands . . . . Hamilton, Kob. Amphibious carnlvora British fishes. 2 vols .... Hamilton, T: Men and manners in America" Hamilton, .SV W: Examination of [his] philosophy: by J: S. Mill [Life]; by J: Veitch . . . . Hamley, Str K: War in the Crimea Hamley, K: Bruce. Voltaire Hamlin, Myra S. Politician's daughter Hammer, The; by A. J. Church a?id R, Seeley ..'.... and rapier; by J: E Cooke Hammersmith; by M. S. Severance Hammond, Mrs. K. H. Georgians, Hammond, W: A. Doctor Grattan Lai Mr. Oldmixon On the Susquehanna Strong minded woman 73 HARDY The 940.1. HO S13.B066.30 811. H04 843.H04.6 799.H04.0 917.98.H04 289.6. HO 6 In 759.9. VO 973.8. II06 823.P096.30 371.42.H0 833 H05.0 7.->0 H05 596.H0.5 914 4.H05 704. HO.'). 3 823.H053.3 823.H052.32 170.H05.3 758.H0.4 170 H05.4 823.H0.-)2.r) 944.H05.5 914.2. H05 824. H05 914.4. H05 6 504 H05 750. HO 8 823.H052.9 378. H05 973.4 H0.4 973.4. H05.7 342.73. F3 340.6.H0 3<)6.8.H0o 941.58.01.3 917. 12. HO 914. HO .'■)99.7.H0 597. HO 917.3. HO 19 J. 9. HO 5 192.9. H0.4 947.07. H05 840.9. V6.3 813.H054.6 823.C386.3 813.C6644.30 813.Se82 813.H055.3 813.H0.55.2 813 H055.4 813.H0.55.54 813.H0.'55.66 813.H055.78 Hampden, R. D. Scholastic philosophy and christian theology .... 273. H05 Hancock, Anson Uriel. Hist, of Chile 983. HO Hancock, E. Campbell. Amateur pot- tery and glass painter . 738. HO Hancock, W. S. Life; by F. H. Norton and D X. Jenkin 973.7. H06.4 Reminiscences; by Mrs. A. R. Hancock . 973.7. H06 Handbook of reference to Latter day Saints . . . . . . . 298.H0 Handel, G: F: [Life]; by Eliza Clarke . 786.H0.1 [Life]; by Mrs. J. Marshall . . 786.H06 Handy Andy; by S: Lover 823.L68.30 Hanging moss; by Paul Lindau 833.L46.3 Hannah, J. Divine and human elements in Holy Scripture . . . . . 220.1. H06 Hannah; by Mrs. D. M. Craik . 823.C604.30 Thurston; by B. Taylor .... 813.T09.3 Hannay, D: Blake, Adm. . . • . 942.05.B4 Marry at, F: 820.9.M06.3 Rodney, G: B. •. . . . . . 943.07.R6.3 Smollett, Tobias B 820.9.Sm6.3 Hanhibal. History; by J. Abbott . 939.73.H0 Life; by Theo. A. Dodge . . . . 939.73. H0.2 Hans Breitmann's ballads; by C: G Leland 817. L2 Brinker; by Mary M. Dodge ... 813 D6.30 Hanson, C: H: Siege of Troy, etc. . 292.H06.6 Hanson, ^X^: Fallacies in "Progress and poverty" 336 22.H06 Hopgood, Olive C. School needlework . 37143.H06 Happiness of being rich; by H. Conscience 839.33.C6.30 Happy boy; by B. Bjornsen In 839.83. B466. Vol. 2 Happy Dodd; by Rose Terry Cooke . . 813.H6646 30 Happy-go-luckv; by Mrs. M. Harris . 813.H066.30 Happy homes, etc.; by S: Smiles 173.Sm4 hunting grounds; by W: H. tJibson .'504.04.3 thoughts; by F. C. Burnand . . . 824.B86.3 Harcourt, L. F. Vernon-. Achieve- ments in engineering Hard cash, etc.; by C: Reade life in the colonies; by C. C. Jenkyns times; by C: Dickens Harder, Ludwig. Family feud Harding, J. D. Elementary art Hard-scrabble of Elm Island; by E. Kel logg Hard-won victory; by Grace D. Litchfield Hardy, Art. S. But yet a woman Justina Neesima, Jos. Hardy, Life and letters of Passe rose Wind of destiny .... Hardy, E. J. Five talents of woman Hardy, G: E. 500 books for the young Hardy, T: Desperate remedies Far from the madding crowd Group of noble dames Hand of Ethelberta . Laodicean, A . . . Mayor of Casterbridge Pair of blue eyes Return of the native Tess of the D'Urbervilles Under the Greenwood tree Wood landers Hardy, W. J. Book-plates 620. 9. HO 823.R202.30 910.4. J2 823.D414.8 833.H06.2 740. HO 813 K244.246 813.L481.3 813.110620.0 813.H0620.4 266. N2 813.H0620.6 813.H0620 9 396. H06 028. 5. HO 823.H062.22 823.H062.2 823.H062.3 823.H062 30 823.H062 40 823.H062.50 823.H062.6O 823.H062.62 823.H062.82 823.H063.86 823.H062.9 097. HO HARDY Hardy Norseman; by Ada E. Bayly Hare, A: J. C. Cities of southern Italy and Sicily Harland, H: {Suiney Lugka). As it was written Hariaiid, Marion. See Terhune, Mrs. Mary V. Harley, Kthel B. See Tweedie, Mrs. Alec. Harold; by E: G: L Bulwer Haroun Alraschid; by E H. Palmer Harper, H: A. Bible and modern dis- coveries lUus. letters from the holy land Harper's new monthly magazine, Vol. 1 to date Harper's school speaker; ed. by Ja. Bald- win. 3 vols Harrington, Ja. Commonwealth of Oceana . Harris, Joel Chandler. Balaam and his master, etc Daddy Jake, the runaway, etc. Q. Grady, H: VV., Life of, etc. Mingo, etc. .... Nights with Uncle Remus Uncle Remus: songs and sayines Uncle Remns and his friends . Harris, Mrs. M. Frank Warrington Ilappy-go-luck .... Louie's last term at St. Mary's Missy Perfect Adonis . Richard Vandermarck Rutledge St. Philip's Sutherlands Utter failure Harris, Wa. B. Land of an African sultan Harris, W: C Sportsman's guide to the hunting and shooting grounds of the U. S. and Canada Harris, W: T. Hegel's Logic . Intro to the study of philosophy Spiritual sense of Dante's Divina Com media Harris, W: T. and P. B. Sanborn. Al- cott, A. Bronson. 2 vols Harrison, B:; by L. Wallace and M. Hal- stead Harrison, Mrs. Constance C. Anglomani- acs 74 HASLUCK 823.B09.3 914.57 HO 813.H064 823.B849.10 9.53. HO. 6 320 9. HO 220 7. HO 050. HO 371.32. B04.3 320.1.H0 813. H0664 04 813.H0664.2 070. G6 813.H0664..54 817.H0(;.6 817.H0.8 817.H0.86 813. H066.2 813 HOGG 30 813.HO0G.4 813. HOGG. 5 813. H06G.6 813. H06G.()4 813.H06G.G8 813.H066.7 813.H06G.78 813.H06G8 91G 4. HO 799. HO 160. H2 191.8. HO 851.15.D0.30 ■191.9.A4.7 973.8. HOG Bar Harbor days Belhaven tales; Crow's Nest; Una and King David .... Bric-a-brac stories . Daughter of the South, ec Flower de hundred . Helen Troy, Story of Old fashioned fairy book Short comedies for amateur players Harrison, F: Choice of books Harrison, J. B. Certain dangerous dencies in American life, etc Harrison, Ja. A. Spain Story of Greece . 813.HOf5647.0 813.H06647.00 813.HO0G47.16 813.H0G047.1G4 813. HCHiG 47.20 813 H06G47.2 813.HOG647.3 813.H06647.G 793.1106 028 1106 ten 304. H06 946 1106 938. HO Harrison, Jane E. and M. Collignon. Manual of mythology in relation to Greek art Harrison, Jos. La Hoy, amip. Cap and gown: some college verse Harrison, Mrs. Mary. (Lucas Male*.) Counsel of perfection .... Mrs. Lorimer Harrison, W: H:: by W: O. Stoddard Harry and Lucy; by Maria Edgeworth Blount; by Ph. G. Hamerton Heathcote of Gangoil; by Ant. Trollope Lorrequer; by C: Lever .... Marline, Adventures of; by D. D. Porter Olgilvie; by Ja. Grant .... Richmond; by G: Meredith Hart, Virgil C. Western China Harte, Bret. Condensed novels, etc. Contents:— Story of a mine. Thankful Blossom; Twins of Table mountain; Jeff Brigg's love story; Condensed novels. First family of Tasajara .... frontier stories Contents:— Flip; Found at Blazing Star; In the Carquinez woods; At the mission of San «Jarmel; Blue grass Penelope; Left on Lone Star mountain Ship of '49. Gabriel Conroy Luck of Roaring Camp, etc. Phyllis of the Sierras; Drift from Red wood Camp Poetical works; Two men of Sandy Bar Sally Dows, etc. .... Snow-bound at Eagle's Susy Talcs of the Argonauts; Eastern sketches Waif of the plains .... Hartig, Count. Hist, of the House of Aus- tria hi 943.().C6.Vol 4 292.C6 378. HO 823 H066.1 823.H066.5 973 5 HO 7 I/1823.E23 823.H0.52.3 823.T664 30 823.L'?82.30 813 P668.3 823 G6.30 823 M262.30 915 l.HO 813.H()08.1 813. H068.24 813.H068.2 813.nO()8.3 813.H068.4 813. HOGS 63 811. HOG 813.H0G8.7 813. H068.7G 813 H0G8.78 813.H0(>8 8 813.H0G8.9 Hartland, Kd^v. S. Science of fairy tales Hartland, Kdw S., ed Eng. fairy and other folk tales Hartley, Cecil B. Hunting sports of the west Hartley, D:; by G. S. Bower Hartmann, Franz. Adventure among the Rosicrucians . . " . Magic, white and black Hartmann, Hob. Anthropoid apes Hartner, E. Sovcra .... Hartridge, Gustavus. Refraction of th eye Hartwig, G: Marvels over our heads Marvels under our feet Polar world Sea, The, and its living wonders Subterranean world .... Tropical world .... Winged life in the Tropics Wonders of the tropical forests Workers under the ground Hasell, E. J. Calderon Tasso, Torquato Haskins, C. VV. Argonauts of California Hasluck, PaulN. Metal turner's handy- book Pattern makers handy book 398.4. H06 823.H068.2 799. HOG la 192 9. HOG 366. 4. HO 133. HO .599.8. HO 833.H068.7 .535.3.110 530. HO 5,51. HO 919.8. HO .590. HO 551.44. H0.7 591 9. HO 598. HO 580.H0.9 633 HO 860.9.C0.3 850.9.T0.3 979 4. HO 671. HO 689. HO HASSAIiL Hassall, Art. Bolingbroke Hassaurek, F. Four years among the Spanish-Americans . . . . Secret of the Andes Hassler. F. K. Systems of the universe . Hastings, Warren; by Sir Alf. Lyall Hastings, Warren, and the Rohilla war; by Sir J: Straehey . . . . Haswell, C: H. Mechanics and engineers' pocketbook Hatch, Edw. Influence of Greek ideas and usages upon the Christian church Organization of the early Christian churches Hatch, F: H. Mineralogy Hatfield, M. P. Physiology and hygiene Hathercourt rectory; by Mrs. M. L. 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Hawthorne, Julian, ed. Confessions of a convict Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Bridge, Hor. Personal recollections of Hawthorne . Conway, M. D. Life of N. Hawthorne . Hawthorne, J. N Hawthorne and his wife. 3 vols James, H: N. Hawthorne Lathrop^ G: P. Study of Hawthorne . Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Blithedale romance Dr. Grimshawe's secret .... 943.06. Sa4 918. HOT 813.H077.7 533. HO 954. HO 4 954. St6 630. 8. HO 3*30 HOS 381. H08 549. HO 613. HO 833.M643.30 833.H08.8 753 HO 63.5. HO 759.9. HO 9.54. HC8 rn 954. HO 6 J7i 610.73. N4 831. HO 343 HO 914 94. HO 810 9.H093.0 780.4. H09 780. H09 7n973 8 L6 In vols 340. H09 793. HO 793. HO. 3 330. H09 813 B8663.30 813.H094.0 813.H094.02 813.EI094 16 813 H094.167 814.H094 813.H094.167 813.H094.36 813.H094.3 813.H094.36 810.9. H09. 3 813.H094.4 813.H094.46 813.H0O4.7 365.H09.1 910.9. H09.1 810.9 HQ9.16 810.9. H09. 3 810.9 H09 4 810.9. HOD. 40 813.H09.1 S13.H09.3 75 HE Hawthorne, Nathaniel, {Concluded) Doll iver romance, etc 813.H09.36 English note-books. 3 vols . 914.3. H09.Vols.3it4 Fanshawe 2n813.H09.36 Grandfather's chair . . . . In 392.H09. Vol.3 House of the seven gables . . . 813.H09.3 Little Daffydowndil]y,6t"..; Biog. stories 930 H09 Marble faun. 3 vols .... 813.H09.5 *Same. 3 vols 813.H09..50 Mossef from an old manse. 3 vols . 813.H09.,56 Our old home; English note-books. 4 v. 914.3.H0<) Passages from American note-books. 3 v. 917.3. H09 Passages from French and Italian note- books. 3 vols 914..5.H09 Scarlet letter 813. Hm) J Septimius E'elton 813.H09.72 Snow image, etc 813.H09.76 Tales, sketches, etc 3 vols . . 818. B09 Tanglewood tales In 393. H09 Twice-told tales 813.H09.8 Wonderbook, etc. 3 vols .... 393. H09 Hay, J: Castilian days .... 9146.H09 Pike county ballads, etc 811. HO *Hay, J:, and J: G. Nicolay. Lincoln, Abr. 10 vols 973.7 L4.6 *Hayden, F. V. Annual reports of the U. 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Adirondack, The 917 47.5.113 Chaplains and clergy of the revolution 377.33.113 (rrant and Sherman .... 973.7.H3 Mountain adventures .... 79(i.H3 Napoleon and his marshalls 3 vols 944.05.H2 Pen and pencil sketches of great riots 973.H30 Sacred scenes and characters . . 320.7. H2 Washington and his generals. 3 vols . 973.3. H30 Headsman, The; by J. F. Cooper . 813.C666 .5 Health guyed; by Fk. P. W. Bel lew . 817. B2 Healy, Edith. On christian art 709 H3 Healy, Mary. Mere caprice, A. . . 813. H3 Heap, D. P. Ancient and modern light- houses 637.9. H3 Heaps of money; by W. E. Norris . 833.N666.33 Heard, I: V. D. Hist, of the Sioux war, 18G3-3 977.6. H3 Hearn, Lafcadio. Chita .... 813.H306.1 Two years in the French West Indies . 917.39. H3 Youma 813.H306.9 Hearn, W: E. Aryan household . . 573. A9 Heart and cross; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oli- phant 833.0446.330 and science; by Wilkie Collins . 833 C644 33 of Mid-Lothian; by Sir Wa. Scott . . 833.Sc6.19 steel; by Fes. C. 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H3 Heimburg, "W. Gertrude's marriage 833.H3.3 Her only brother 833.H3.33 Lora, the major's daughter . . . 833.H2.46 Lucie's mistake 833 H3.48 Magdalen's fortunes .... 833. H3. 5 Miss Mischief 833.H3 .54 Pastor's daughter 833.H3.60 Penniless girl 833.H3.63 Two daughters of one race . . 833.H3 8 Heimskringla, The; by S: Sturlason. 4v 839.6.St8 Heine, H: Family life; by L. von Embden 830.9. H3 Life; by W: Sharp. (Gr. writers.) . . 830.9.H24.7 Heine, H: Florentine nights . . 834.n24 3 (Jermany. 3 vols 830 9.H34.3 Pictures of travel, 1833-1838. 2 vols 914.B24 Poems; tr. by E. A. Bo wring . 831. H2 Romantic school, The .... In 914.3 H3 Travel pictures 914.3.H3 Heir of RedclylTe; by Charlotte M. Yonge 833.Y66.33 presumptive and heir apparent, by Mrs. M O. W. Oliphant .... 833.0446.32 to millions; by Edgar Fawcett . . 813.F09.33 Held fast for England; by G: A. Henty . 946.8.H3.3 Helen Gardner's wedding day; by Mrs. M. V. Terhune 813.T36.3 Glenn; by Lucy C. 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