^ (■ B ^J\ 'Ji -^ ^\' ^ '^,^®^Y^^- V^^ w/ ^ .^^ iii UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ^& 'Xt' *f^^ ftjf>i)'5i =^/ ;;^(9> ^m§ ?^ ^^i- STATE OF WASHINGTON Code of Public Instruction ANNOTATED TOGETHER WITH Opinions of the Attorney Generals, Citations from Decisions of the Supreme Court, Rules of the State Board of Education, Instructions Relative to the Issuance of Bonds, and an appendix of blank forms for the guidance of school officers 1917 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY MRS. JOSEPHINE G. PRESTON Saperintendent of Public Instrnction OLTMPIA FRANK M. LAMBORNi^^^PUBLIC PRINTER 1917 .) 119. State School for Blind and State School for Deaf Upon the taking effect of this act, the State School for the Deaf and Blind at Vancouver shall be divided into two institutions, one for the blind to be known as the State School for the Blind, and one for the deaf to be known as the State School for the Deaf, each of said institutions to be located at Van- couver. The State Board of Control shall appoint a superintendent for each STATE OF WASHINGTON 4<1 institution. All provisions of law relating to the State School for the Deaf and Blind shall, so far as the same are applicable, govern the management of the State School for the Deaf and the State School for the Blind hereby created. (L. '13, p. 6, §1.) CHAPTER 6 — STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE JVONDED 120. To be managed by Board of Control The State Institution for Feeble Minded now located at Medical Lake shall be under the direction of the State Board of Control, and funds for its main- tenance shall be appropriated by the Legislature of the State of Washington. (L. '09, p. 260, § 1; Rem. & Bal., §4397.) Under the control of the State Board of Control. See, infra, § § 572, 573, Code Pub. Ins., establishment, location. 121. The State Custodial School That the name of the state institution established by chapter 70 of the Laws of 1905 be, and the same is hereby, changed to, and said institution shall hereafter be known as "The State Custodial School." (L. 17, p. 224, §1.) 122. Who may be admitted The State School and Colony shall be free to residents of the State of Washington under the age of twenty-one years who are feeble minded, idiotic or epileptic, or who are physically defective to such extent as to prevent them from being educated in the common schools: Provided, That they are free from contagious diseases. Admission may be applied for as follows: First. By the father or mother, if father and mother are living together. Second. If father and mother are not living together, then by the one hav- ing the custody of the child. Third. By the guardian duly appointed. Fourth. By the superintendent or other oflBcer having charge of any in- stitution or asylum where children are cared for. Fifth. By county superintendents of schools and boards of county com- missioners. Sixth. By juvenile courts under an order of commitment. Under items three, four, five and six consent of parents is not required. (L. '13, p. 598, §2.) 123. 3Iay admit children from other states The State Board of Control may admit to this institution feeble-minded children from other states, but the parents or guardians of such children must be required to pay annually or quarterly in advance a sufficient amount to cover the cost of maintaining and educating such children. (L. '09, p. 260, §3; Rem. & Bal., § 4400.) The force of this section is doubtful, as it was not included in the 1913 law. 124. Form of application The form of application for admission into said State School and Colony and the necessary checks against improper admission shall be such as the Board of Control may prescribe and each application shall be accompanied by answers under oath to such interrogatories as the said board shall prescribe, and county superintendents of schools are hereby authorized to administer oaths in such cases. (L. '13, p. 598, § 3.) 4,2 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 125. County superintendents to approve application County superintendents of schools shall cause to be filled out the pre- scribed blank applications for admission for such children in their respective districts, who by reason of mental or physical defects are incapable of receiving instruction in the common schools of this state, or whose habits are such as to render them unfit for companionship with normal children, except such as in the judgment of the county superintendeht are receiving proper care and edu- cation and are being safely kept at home. All applications for admission of defectives under twenty-one years of age except those committed by the juvenile court, shall be made through the county superintendent of schools, who shall keep a record of such and certify to the board of county commissioners all applications that are accepted by the superintendent of the State School and Colony. (L. '13, p. 598, § 4.) 126. School oflBcers to report defectives It shall be the duty of the clerks of all school districts in the State of Washington, at the time for making the annual reports, to report to the school superintendent of their respective counties, the names and addresses of all feeble minded youths residing within their respective districts, who are under the age of twenty-one years. And each county school superintendent shall make a full report of such defective youth to the county commissioners of their respective counties at their regular August meeting of each year, transmitting a copy of said report- to the State Board of Control and the superintendent of the State School and Colony. (L. '13, p. 599, §5.) 127. Parents to send defective children Upon notification by the superintendent of the State School and Colony, of acceptance of application for admission, it shall be the duty of the parents or the guardian of such defective youth to send them to said institution and the county superintendent of schools shall take all action necessary to enforce this section of this act. (L. '13, p. 599, § 6.) 128. County to pay expense, when If it appears to the satisfaction of the county commissioners that the parents of any such defective youth who have been accepted for admission are unable to pay the expense of sending them to the said institution, it shall be the duty of the commissioners to send them at the expense of the county. (L. '13, p. 599, §7.) 129. Patients may be held after majority Inmates arriving at the age of twenty-one years while in the institution, and who in the judgment of the superintendent, are unfit to be discharged, shall be reported to the superior court of competent jurisdiction, which court, after due examination and finding the case a proper subject for institutional care, may Issue an order of commitment to said State School and Colony. (L. '13, p. 599, § 8.) 1.30. Feeble minded adults may l)e admitted Adults under fifty years of age who may be determined to be feeble minded, and who are of such inoffensive habits as to make them proper subjects for classification, education and discipline In an Institution for feeble minded, may STATE OF WASHINGTON 43 be admitted free upon pursuing Tne same course of legal commitment as governs admissions to ttie hospitals for insane; but no insane persons, or those who are proper subjects for county poor farms, hospitals or asylums, or cases of senile dementia, shall be admitted to the State School and Colony. (L. '13, p. 600, § 9.) 131. Period of detention The superintendent of the State School and Colony shall detain inmates admitted to the institution until satisfied that they are in normal condition and safe and competent to be at large, or that they can receive proper care and education at the home of relatives, or in some other home or institution. In such cases, or for other good and sufficient reasons, he may grant discharges; or, in his discretion, permit inmates to visit their homes for stated periods, upon request of parents or guardians approved by the county superintendent of schools. (L. '13, p. 600, §10.) 132. Child may be entered under tuition fee Any parent or guardian who may wish to enter a child in said institution and pay all expenses of care and maintenance, may do so under terms, rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Control. (L. '13, p. 600, § 11.) 133. Cost of clothing to be charged to estate When not otherwise provided, the superintendent shall provide the in- mates with suitable clothing, the actual cost of which shall be charged against the parents, guardian or estate of such inmates; and in the event that such parent, guardian or estate is unable or is insufficient to provide or pay for such clothing, the same shall be provided by the State. The board of county com- missioners, county superintendent of schools, or other authorized officers, in recommending an applicant for admission to said institution, shall state whether or not such person has an estate of sufficient value, or a parent of sufficient financial ability to defray the expense in whole or in part for such clothing. The expense of personal clothing provided by the state shall be a charge against the parents or estate of inmates if such parents or estate are financially able to pay the same, after proper investigation, the state may pro- ceed against the party or parties or estate and collect the same through the courts as other accounts are collected. (L. '13, p. 600, § 12.) 134. Fireproof buildings — Sexes separated The future construction of the buildings of the State School and Colony shall be fire-proof as far as possible. They shall be in two groups for each sex; one for the educational and industrial department and one for the custodial or colony department, with such subdivisions as will best classify and separate the many diverse forms of the infirmity to be cared for. (L. '13, p. 601, § 13.) 135. School training — Agricultural training A school department shall be maintained from September 1st to June 1st each year, for the benefit of those who can be educated along lines best suited to individual capabilities. The processes of agricultural training shall receive consideration and the employment of the inmates in the care and raising of stock, in dairying and in the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, etc., shall be made tributary as far as possible to the maintenance of the institution. Manual training shall also be carried on along such lines as will be of greatest benefit to both the inmates and the institution. (L. '13, p. 601, § 14.) 44 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 136. Penalty for violation of act Any parent, guardian or proper officer who shall, without proper cause, fail to carry into effect the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, upon the complaint of any officer or citizen of the county or state, before any justice of the peace or superior court, shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars ($200), in the discretion of the court. (L. '13, p. 601, § 15.) TITLE m — GENERAL COMMON SCHOOL SYSTEM CHAPTER 1 — GENERAL PROVISIONS 137. Common schools defined Common schools shall include schools that are maintained at public ex- pense in each school district and under the control of boards of directors. Every common school, not otherwise provided for by law, shall be open to the admis- sion of all children between the ages of six and twenty-one years residing in that school district. (L. '09, p. 261, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4406.) Common schools do not include the state university, agricultural college, normal schools, and school for defective youth: MacKenzie v. State, 32 Wash. 666. 138. Subjects to be taught All common schools shall be taught in the English language, and instruc- tion shall be given in the following branches, viz.: Reading, penmanship, orthography, written arithmetic, mental arithmetic, geography, English gram- mar, physiology and hygiene with special reference to the effects of alcoholic stimulants and narcotics on the human system, history of the United States, and such other studies as may be prescribed by the State Board of Education. Attention must be given during the entire course to the cultivation of manners, and the fundamental principles of honesty, honor, industry and economy, to the laws of health, physical exercise, ventilation and temperature of the school room, and not less than ten minutes each week must be devoted to the sys- tematic teaching of kindness to not only our domestic animals, but to all living creatures. (L. '09, p. 262, § 2; Rem. & Bal., § 4407.) 139. School day — Number of hours — School month A school day shall consist of six hours for all pupils above the primary grades, exclusive of an intermission at noon; but any board of directors may fix as a school day for their district a less number of hours than six: Provided, That for pupils belonging to the primary grades the school day shall not be less than four hours, exclusive of an intermission at noon, and for pupils belong- ing to grades above the primary grade the minimum school day shall not be less than five hours, exclusive of an intermission at noon. In the absence of any by-law or order of the board of directors defining the schodl day for their district, any teacher may dismiss all pupils belonging to the primary grades after an attendance of four hours, exclusive of said intermission. The school month shall consist of twenty days, or four weeks of five days each, and the term "school year," for all matters pertaining to experience in teaching and for all matters pertaining to the granting of or renewing of certificates, shall consist of not fewer than nine school months. (L. '09, p. 262, §3; Rem. & Bal., H408.) A school day may be In one session provided the State Board of Education has made no contrary rule. Such session cannot be of less time than the minimum school day. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 40.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 45 140. School year The school year shall begin on the first day of July and end with the last day of June. (L. '09, p. 262, § 4; Rem. & Bal., § 4409.) 141. Contagious diseases No teacher, pupil or janitor shall be permitted to attend school from any house in which smallpox, varioloid, scarlet fever, diphtheria or any other con- tagious or infectious diseases are prevalent. No teacher, pupil or janitor shall be permitted to return to school from any house where the above mentioned diseases, or any form of them, have prevailed, until three weeks shall have elapsed from the beginning of convalescence of the patient, or upon the cer- tificate of a registered physician in good standing that there is no danger of contagion. In case of whooping cough, chicken pox and measles, certified by a physician to be not of a malignant character, this rule shall not apply to teachers, pupils or janitors who have had the diseases and have entirely re- covered from them: Provided, That no pupil, teacher or janitor can attend school or be employed who is aflaicted with pulmonary tuberculosis. (L. '09, p. 262, §5; Rem. & Bal., §4410.) Teachers are not entitled to pay for time lost while they are sick or quarantined. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1909-10, p. 17.) 142. Pupils shall comply with regulations All pupils who maj^ attend the common schools shall comply with the regulations established in pursuance of the law for the government of the schools, shall pursue the required course of studies, and shall submit to the authority of the teachers of such schools. Continued and wilful disobedience or open defiance of authority of the teacher shall constitute good cause for expulsion from school. (L. '09, p. 263, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4411.) The school board dli-ectors of a high school have the power under Rem. & Bal. Code, §§ 4411 and 4509, to enforce rules forbidding pupils in the school from joining secret fraternal societies, upon pain of loss of all privileges of the school except that of attending classes, although the meetings of the societies are held out of school hours under parental protection, where it is shown that such societies have a tendency to destroy good order, discipline and scholarship ; and such regulation Is not unreason- able : Wayland v. Eughes, 43 Wash. 441. 143. Minimum length of term All school districts in this state shall maintain school during at least six months each year. (L. '09, p. 263, § 7; Rem. & Bal., § 4412.) School funds cannot be apportioned to any school district that has not maintained school the minimum time required by law during the preceding school year. (Atty.. Gen. Ops., 1907-08, p. 222.) 144. Women may hold offices Whenever the word "he" or "his" occurs in this act, referring to either the members of the city board of directors, county superintendents of common schools, city superintendents, directors, clerks. State Board of Education or other school officers, it shall be understood to mean also "she" or "her," and any woman possessing all of the qualifications of an elector except as to sex, and possessing all of the other qualifications required by law for such offices, shall be eligible to hold such offices. (L. '09, p. 263, §8; Rem. & Bal., §4413.) Women are authorized to hold office of county superintendent of schools In this state, under a statute establishing a general uniform system of schools (Laws 1889- 90, p. 358), by implied authority conferred by §78 of the act, which provides, that 46 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION whenever the words "he" or "his" occurs in the act referring to the county superin- tendents or other school officers, it shall be understood to mean also "she" or "her :" Russell V. Guptill, 13 Wash. 360. 145. To be free from sectarian influence All schools maintained or supported wholly or in part by the public funds shall be forever free from sectarian control or influence. (L. '09, p. 263, §9; Rem. & Bal., §4414.) See Const., art. IX. § 4. Credit for Bible study may not be applied toward graduation from high schools in this state, even though such study be optional, is pursued outside the public school buildings, and no part of public school money, time or property is used in conducting such courses. (Atty. Gen., March 24, 1916.) A teacher can not legally open school each morning with a prayer. (Atty. Gen., Dec. 20, 1909.) The stated reading of the Bible in the public schools of this state is a religious exercise within the meaning of the Constitution, and as such is prohibited by sec. 11, art. I of that document. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1891-92, p. 142.) CHAPTER 2 — DIVISION OF TERRITORY Article I — Kinds of Districts 146. County school district defined For purposes of supervision and administration, each county in the state shall constitute one county school district. (L. '09, p. 264, §1; Rem. & Bal., § 4415.) 147. School districts of the first class defined Any school district in this state containing a city of the first class or of the second class, or containing a city having a population requisite for a city of the first class or of the second class, as shown by any regular or special census, shall be a school district of the first class. (L. '09, p. 264, § 2; Rem. & Bal., §4416.) 148. School districts of the second class defined Any school district in this state containing a city of the third class or of the fourth class, or containing a city having the population requisite for a city of the third or of the fourth class, as shown by any regular or special census, shall be a school district of the second class. (L. '09, p. 264, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4417.) 149. Scliool districts of the third class defined All other school districts shall be school districts of the third class. (L. •09, p. 264, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4418.) l.">0. (Jon.solidated districts defined Any school district which has been formed by the consolidation of two or more school districts shall be designated as a consolidated school district. (L. '09, p. 264, § 5; Rem. & Bal., § 4419.) 151. Joint districts defined Any school district composed of territory In two or more counties shall be designated as a joint school district. (L. '09, p. 264, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4420.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 152. Union high school districts defined Any school district established for the purpose of maintaining a high school by the union of two or more contiguous districts in the same county shall be designated as a union high school district. (L. '09, p. 264, §7; Rem. & Bal., § 4421.) See, mfra, § 556, Code Pub. Ins. (L. '13, p. 396, § 2.) 153. High school and non-high school districts For the purposes of this act all school districts in the State of Washington shall be and the same are hereby divided into two divisions to be known and designated respectively as high school districts and non-high school districts, (L. '17, p. 65, § 1.) 154. State Board to classify The State Board of Education is hereby empowered, and it shall be the duty of said board, to prescribe rules and regulations governing the classifica- tion of school districts as high school districts and non-high school districts and to classify school districts in accordance with such rules and regulations: Provided, That any school district which shall, at the time this act goes into effect, maintain a two year high school course shall by such fact be temporarily classified as a high school district. Any high school district shall be removed from such classification by the State Board of Education at any time when it shall fail to comply with the rules and requirements of such schools, or when such district shall fail to advance its high school to a four year course within two years from the time of its classification: Provided further. That for good and sufficient reasons the State Board of Education may grant one or more extensions of time for establishing such four year course. (L. '17, p. 66. § 2.) 155. Rules for classification The State Board of Education shall, within thirty days from the time this act goes into effect, provide each county superintendent of schools in the state with a copy of the rules and requirements for the classification of districts as provided for in this act; and the said board shall, on or before the first day of July of each year, certify to the county superintendent of schools of each county in the state a complete list of all high school districts in his county. (L. '17, p. 66, § 3.) 156. County superintendent to furnish list The county superintendent of schools of each county shall, on or before the first day of September, certify to the county assessor, the county treasurer, the county auditor, and the board of county commissioners of his county a complete list of all high school districts and all non-high school districts in his county. (L. '17, p. 66, § 4.) 157. Clerk's report The clerk, or secretary, of every high school district, shall certify under oath, as a part of his annual report to the county superintendent of schools to be made on or before the fifteenth day of July, as required by law, the following facts as nearly as the same can be ascertained: First, the name, post office address, county and number of school district if obtainable of each non-resi- dent high school pupil, not a resident of another high school district, en- 48 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION rolled in the high school, or high schools, of his district during the school year, with the days of attendance of each such non-resident high school pupil. Second, the cost per pupil per day of educating high school pupils for the school year in his district. For ascertaining such cost the following items of high school expenditure shall be used: Salaries of all high school teachers, supervisors, principals, special instructors, superintendent and assistants, jan- itors, clerks and secretaries, stenographers, and all other employes; fuel, light, water, power, telephones, textbooks office expenses, janitors supplies, freight, express, drayage, rents for high school purposes, upkeep of grounds, upkeep of shops and laboratories, all materials used in instruction, insurance, current ordi- nary repairs of every nature, inspection, promotion of health, and such other current expenditures as may be necessary to efficient operation of the high school, or high schools. Expenditures for real estate, construction of buildings, and for other permanent improvements and fixtures shall not be included in estimating high school expenditures for the purposes of this act. When any item shall, as a necessary result of organization, cover both grade and high school work, it shall be prorated, as nearly as practicable, by the clerk, or secre- tary. (L. '17, p. 66, §5.) 158. Tax levy The county superintendent of schools shall, after verifying such reports, certify, on or before the fifteenth day of August each year, to the county com- missioners of his county and to the county commissioners of such other counties as any high school district of his county may have claims under the provisions of this act, the amount of each such high school district claim for the cost of edu- cating non-resident high school pupils, and such county commissioners are here- by authorized to levy and shall levy as a tax, not to exceed two mills, against all non-high school districts in their respective counties the aggregate amount, as certified to them by the county superintendent of schools, such levy to be made at the same time and in the same manner as other county levies for school pur- poses are made. In fixing the amount of any such claim by a high'school district for educating non-resident high school pupils the county superintendent shall take the net difference between the cost per pupil per day of educating high school pupils in the given high school district and the apportionment per pupil per day to such high school district from the state current school fund and the county school tax as provided in section 4602, Remington & Ballinger's An- notated Codes and Statutes of Washington, such difference to be multiplied by the days of attendance of non-resident high school pupils in each case. Such amount, when ascertained and certified as provided in this act, shall constitute a valid claim against the high school district fund hereafter provided for in this act. The above tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner as other taxes are collected, and shall be segregated by the county treasurer into a fund which shall be designated as the high school district fund and which shall be used only for reimbursing high school districts for the cost of educating non-resident high school pupils whose legal residence shall be in a non-high school district. (L. '17, p. 67, § 6.) 159. Amount due, certified to treasurer The county superintendent of schools shall, on or before the first day of September, certify to the county treasurer the amounts due to each high school district in his county from the high school district fund, and also the amounts STATE OF WASHINGTON 49 due to the high school district fund of other counties wherein high school districts may have educated pupils from non-high school districts of his county as certified by the county superintendent of schools of such county to the county commissioners of his county. (L. '17, p. 68, §7.) 160. Treasurer to apportion funds At the time of apportioning funds to school districts the county treasurer shall transfer to the credit of each high school district the amount due such district from the high school district fund, or such prorated portion thereof as may be in such fund at the time. He shall at the same time transfer to the credit of the high school district fund of other counties such amounts, or pro- rated portions thereof as may be in the high school district fund of his county, as may be due the high school district fund of such other county as certified by the county superintendent of schools of his county. (L. '17, p. 69, § 8. ) 161. Students, admission of Every high school in the high school district shall admit all persons of school age who are residents of this state, and not residents of another high school district, carrying the grades for which they desire to enroll, upon pre- sentation of satisfactory evidence of having completed in a creditable manner the state eighth course of study as prescribed by the State Board of Education: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting section 4484 of Remington & Balllnger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington. (L. '17, p. 69, §9.) 162. Transportation The board of directors of a non-high school district is hereby empowered to provide and to pay for the transportation of high school pupils to the most available high school when, in their judgment, it shall be to the best interests of the district to do so. Such board is hereby further empowered to enter into agreement with the board of directors of one or more school districts, whether high school districts or non-high school districts, to jointly provide and pay for the transportation of pupils upon such terms as they shall deem best: Provided, That it shall not be required to transport any pupil living within two miles of the school which such pupil attends: Provided -further, Triat all such joint agreements for transporting pupils shall be duly executed in writing, the original to be filed with the county superintendent of schools and a copy thereof with each board of directors.; (L. '17, p. 69, §10.) 163. Reimbursement, not tuition charge The reimbursement of a high school district for cost of educating high school pupils for a non-high school district, as provided for in this act, shall not be deemed a tuition charge as affecting the apportionment of current state school funds provided for in section 4568 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of the State of Washington. (L. '17, p. 70, § 11.) Article II — Corporate Existence and Powers 164. How designated The term "School District," as used in this act, is declareu to mean the territory under the jurisdiction of a single board designated as a board of school directors, and shall be organized in form and manner as hereinafter pro- 50 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION vided, and shall be known as (here insert name of city in case of districts of first or second class) School District No. , County, State of Washington: Provided, That all school districts now existing as shown by the records of the county superintendent are hereby recognized as legally organized districts, subject to the classification of article 1 of this chapter. (L. '09, p. 264, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4422.) School districts are, within contemplation of the legislative and constitutional enactments of this state, municipal corporations : Maxon v. School District, 5 Wash. 142. 165. Shall constitute body corporate A school district shall constitute a body corporate and shall possess all the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes, and in that name and style may sue and be sued, purchase, hold and sell such personal and real estate, and enter into such obligations as are authorized by law; and the title to all school buildings or other property, real or personal, owned by any such school district, shall, upon the organization of a district under the provisions of this act, vest immediately in the new district, and the board of directors of such school dis- trict shall have exclusive control of the same for all purposes herein contem- plated. (L. '09, p. 265, § 2; Rem. & Bal., §4423.) 166. Each city must be within one school district Each incorporated city in the state shall be comprised in one scjiool dis- trict, and shall be under the control of one board of directors: Provided, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent the extension of such city district a reasonable distance beyond the limits of such city: And provided furtlier, That nothing in this section shall be so construed as to change or disturb the boundaries of any school district organized prior to the incorporation of any city, except in cases of incorporation of cities lying partly in two or more school districts organized prior to the incorporation of such city, or the extension of the boundaries of cities beyond the limits of the school districts in which they are situated, or in cases where two or more cities unite, as provided by law: And Provided further. That the fact of the issuance of bonds by school districts, heretofore or hereafter, shall not prevent the formation of new school districts, whether or not such bonds have been re- deemed, canceled, or paid in whole or in part and shall not prevent the transfer or uniting with another school district of a portion or the whole of a district where bonds have been or may hereafter be issued. (L. '09, p. 265, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4424.) 167. May purchase school lands for site That any school district may purchase, under the provisions of law govern- ing the sale thereof, a school house site or sites of not less than three acres nor more than ten acres each, of any school lands of the State of Washington. (L. '09, p. 265, § 4; Rem. & Bal., § 4425.) See, infra, §696, Code Pub. Ins., classification and preference right. STATE OF WASHINGTON 51 CHAPTER 3 — FORMATION, ALTERATION AND CONSOLIDATION OF DISTRICTS Article I — Formation of New Districts 168. Petition to be signed by five heads of faniiliies For the purpose of organizing a new district, a petition, in writing shall be made to the county superintendent, signed by at least five heads of families residing within the boundaries of the proposed new district, which petition shall describe the boundaries of the proposed new district and give the names of all the children of school age residing within the boundaries of such proposed new district, at the date of presenting said petition. (L. '09, p. 266, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4427.) The school superintendent has power, upon application, to form a new school dis- trict and fix its boundaries, and in so doing is not restricted to the territory specified in the petition : Wilsey v. Cornwall, 40 Wash. 250. Where upon appeal to the county commissioners, the decision of the school super- intendent that a district can support six months school, is affirmed, the decision is final : Id. Any person who is actually the head of a family ; that is, who is under legal obligation to provide for the support and education of persons dependent upon him, and who is in fact providing for tlieir education and support, is the head of a family for the purpose of signing petitions relating to school matters, whether he is a legal voter or not. Any person who is not the head of a family within the definition given above is not qualified to sign such petition, though he be a legal voter. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1891-92, p. 162.) When a petition Is presented to a county superintendent praying for the organiza- tion of a new school district, he may, after lie has heard all the evidence presented by the parties interested, exercise his judgment, within reasonable limits, in the or- ganization of such new district and the fixing of its boundaries, and in so doing he may correct any mistakes that may have been made in the description given in the petition, and in a proper case modify the boundaries described therein. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1891-92, p. 196.) There is no legal reason why a school district should not be formed in a com- munity inhabited principally by Indians, even though the lands in such community held by the Indians are not taxable, but, in taking the census for apportionment pur- poses, Indian children not living under the guardianship of white persons, or who have not severed their tribal relations, are not to be included. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 9, 1913.) 169. Notices and hearing The county superintendent shall give notice to the parties interested by causing, notices to be posted at least twenty (20) days prior to the time ap- pointed by him for considering said petition, in at least three of the most public places in the proposed new district, and one on the school house door of each district affected by the proposed change, and in one of the most public places of the territory affected by the proposed change. On the day fixed in the notice he shall proceed to hear said petition, and if he deem it advisable to grant the petition he shall make an order establishing said' district and describ- ing the boundaries thereof and shall certify his action to the board of county commissioners at their next regular meeting. (L. '09, p. 266, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4428.) Where a person aggrieved at the action of a county school superintendent in establishing a new school district fails to appeal to the board of county commissioners as provided in former laws, he cannot invoke the remedy of certiorari to review the proceedings wliereby such new school district was established: Gregory v. Dixon, 7. Wash. 27. 52 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 170. School must be taught at least one month No new district formed by the subdivision of an old one shall be entitled to any share of public money belonging to the old district until a school has actually been taught one month in the new district and unless within eight months from the order of the county superintendent granting such new district a school is opened, the action making a new district shall be void, and all elections or appointments of directors or clerlvs made in consequence of such action, and all rights and oflSce of parties so elected or appointed shall cease and determine, and all taxes which may have been levied in such old district shall be valid and binding upon the real and personal property of such new district, and shall be collected and paid into the school fund of the old district. (L. '09, p. 266, § 3; Rem. & Bal., § 4429.) 171. New district entitled to certain funds When a new district is formed from one or more old districts it shall be entitled to a just share of the school money to the credit of the one or more old districts, from which the new district is formed, at the time the petition was granted to establish the new district. And the county superintendent (or in case of an appeal, the board of county commissioners), shall divide such money and also such money as may, for the current year, afterward be appor- tioned to the said one or more old districts, according to the number of school children resident in the new district, as may be ascertained by a census taken for that purpose: Provided, That the new district shall be entitled to all school district tax levied within the boundaries of the new district, for the current year in which the new district is formed. And if such tax, or any part of it, has already been collected and placed to the credit of the aforementioned one or more old districts, it shall be the duty of the county treasurer, upon the order of the county superintendent, to transfer the money received from such special tax to the credit of the new district. (L. '09, p. 267, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4430.) If territory is detached from a school district having a bonded indebtedness, the detached territory Is not liable for the payment of any part of the bonded indebted- ness of the district from which It was detached. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1903-04, p. 272.) In case of the formation of a new school district by the division of an old dis- trict or districts, the basis of the division of the funds of the old district or districts should be the ratio of the number of school children In each district at the time of the formation of the new district. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1903-04, p. 37.) New districts can not participate in funds until after filing of certificate of county superintendent with county auditor. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 1911.) A county superintendent, in the event of the formation of a new school district, has no power or right to divide any sinking fund or special fund accumulated in the treasury of the old (divided) district for the payment of bonds that are not yet due. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1901-0°, p. 176.) 172. Value of pro|)erty — County superintendent may hear testimony At the hearing for the formation of a new school district, the county superintendent shall, in case the petition is granted, hear testimony offered by any person or school district interested therein, for the purpose of finding and determining the amount and value of all school property of whatever nature involved in the proposed action, the nature and amount and value of all bonded, warrant and other indebtedness of the original school district or districts out of whose territory such new district Is formed, including all legal uncompleted obligations then existing, and in so doing shall consider the amount of such STATE OF WASHINGTON 53 outstanding indebtedness incurred for current expenses, the amount incurred for permanent improvements, and the location of such improvements, and shall make an equitable adjustment of all property, debts, and liabilities among the districts involved. He shall make a full record of all such findings and terms of adjustment and the decision of said county superintendent shall be final unless appealed from in the manner provided by law, in which case the decision of the board of county commissioners shall be final. (L. '09, p. 267, §5; Rem. & Bal., §4431.) Where, upon appeal to the county commissioners, the decisions of the school superintendent that a district can support six months' school is afHrmed, the decision is final: Wilsey v. Cornwall, 40 Wash. 250. The superintendent is required to ascertain the value and amount of school property and make an adjustment. (Atty. Gen., Sept. 26, 1916.) In an appeal from the county superintendent of schools to the board of county commissioners, the county commissioners may hear the case de novo and are not confined to merely affirming or reversing tlie county superintendent. (Atty. Gen., Aug. 10, 1915.) 173. Commissioners to make appropriate levies When a new school district is formed in the manner provided by this article it shall be the duty of the county commissioners to provide by appro- priate levies on the property of such new district, in the manner provided by law, for the payment of such indebtedness as may be imposed upon it by the decision of the county superintendent, or in case of appeal by the board of county commissioners. (L. '09, p. 268, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4432.) Article n — Alteration of Boundaries of School Districts 174. "What must be included in petition For the purpose of transferring territory from one district to another or enlarging the boundaries of any school district, a petition in writing shall be presented to the county superintendent, signed by a majority of heads of fam- ilies residing in the territory which it is proposed to transfer or include, or in case there be no family resident in such territory then by the board of direc- tors in one of the districts affected by such proposed change, which petition shall describe the change which it is proposed to have made. It shall also state the reason for desiring said change, and the number of children of school age if any residing in the territory to be transferred. For such proposed transfer of territory the notices shall be posted and the hearing and appeal shall be the same as for the formation of a new district: Provided, That whenever any part of a school district of the third class in which no high school is main- tained is bounded on three sides by a school district of the second class in which a high school is situated and maintained, the county superintendent of schools may without petition, transfer the territory of the school district of the third class so bounded to the school district of the second class in which said high school is situated and maintained: Provided, That the county sup- erintendent of schools, shall hold a hearing upon the advisability of said transfer, and shall give notice of the time and place of said hearing to the parties interested, by causing notices to be posted at least twenty (20) days prior to the time appointed by him for said hearing, in at least three of the most public places in the territory proposed to be transferred, and one on the school house door of each district affected by the proposed change. On the day, and at the place fixed in the notice, he shall hold said hearing, and If he deem 54, CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION it advisable to make such transfer, he shall make an order establishing said transfer, and shall certify his action to the board of county commissioners at their next regular meeting. Upon making such transfer of territory the county superintendent of schools shall fix a time and place for adjusting the assets and liabilities of the school districts affected, and shall give notice there- of by posting said notice at least twenty days prior to the appointed time in not less than three of the most public places in the district from which the territory was transferred (at least one of which shall be in the territory trans- ferred), and a like number in the district to which the territory is transferred. At the time and place fixed he shall hear the testimony offered by any interested party or district, and make an equitable adjustment of all property, debts and liabilities among the districts affected in the same manner and to the same effect as is provided in section 4434 of Remington & Ballinger's Annotated Codes and Statutes of Washington. (L. '15, p. 171, § 1.) Districts cannot be formed out of an existing district in such a manner as to leave portions of the old district non-contiguous. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 130.) In a case where one scliool district is discontinued and its territory added to another district, and the enlarged district votes a bond issue for the purpose of build- ing a school house, and later the district that was discontinued desires to become re- establislied as a district, tiie county superintendent shall apportion the indebtedness between the districts, and such apportionment shall be binding upon the districts, unless appealed from. (Atty. Gen., April 20, 1914.) 175. Value of property — County superintendent may hear testimony At the hearing for the alteration of any school district the county superin- tendent shall, in case the petition is granted, hear testimony offered by any person or school district, for the purpose of finding and determining the value and amount of any school property of whatever nature involved in the pro- posed action, the nature and amount and value of all bonded, warrant and other indebtedness of each school district affected by the action, including all legal uncompleted obligations then existing, and in so doing shall consider the amount of such outstanding indebtedness incurred for current expenses, the amount incurred for permanent improvements and the location of such im- provements, and shall make an equitable adjustment of all property, debts and liabilities among the districts involved. He shall make a full report of all such findings and terms of adjustment and the decision of said county superintendent shall be final unless appealed from in the manner provided by law, in which case the decision of the board of county commissioners shall be final. (L. '09, p. 268, § 2; Rem. & Bal., § 4434.) A county superintendent, when presented with a petition requesting the transfer of territory from one school district to another, has the authority to transfer less territory than prescribed In the petition. He may correct mistakes, modify the boundaries, and eliminate a part of the territory which the petition proposes to trans- fer. If In doing so he acts unwisely, or is guilty of an abuse of discretion, the statute (sees. 480 to 486 inclusive. Code of Pub. Ins., 1917) provided a method of cor- recting such errors. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 223.) 176. Commissioners mu.st make certain levies In case of the alteration of any school district, in the manner provided by this article, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to pro- vide by appropriate levies on the property of such district, in the manner pro- vided by law, for the payment of such indebtedness as may be imposed upon it by the decision of the county superintendent, or in case of appeal, by the board of county commissioners. (L. '09, p. 269, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4435.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 55 Article m — Alteration of Boundaries by Extension of City Limits 177. When annexation is completed Whenever an incorporated city shall extend its limits in the manner pro- vided by law, so as to include all or a part of one or more school districts, the territory so included shall not be deemed annexed for school purposes until the 30th day of June next succeeding the date of annexation for municipal purposes, at which time the county superintendent shall declare the territory added to the limits of said city to be a part of the school district embracing said city: Provided, That when a school house is located within the territory annexed for municipal purposes, and yet remains the most accessible school for a part of the school district left outside of the territory so annexed to such incorporated city, the county superintendent may annex all or any part of such school district to the school district embracing such city. (L. '09, p. 269, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4436.) See McGovern v. Fair child, 2 Wash. 479. 178. County superintendent to adjust property At the time of declaring any territory to be added to the limits of a school district embracing an incorporated city, as provided in section 1 of this article, the county superintendent shall make an equitable adjustment of all property, including current funds and taxes, and of all debts and liabilities between the districts involved, and shall certify his action to the board of county com- missioners. Before making such adjustment, he shall give not less than ten days' written notice to the directors of each district affected by such change, fixing the time and place of the hearing before him. (L. '09, p. 269, § 2; Rem. & Bal., § 4437.) 179. County superintendent to hear testimony and adjust liabilities At such hearing the county superintendent shall hear testimony offered by any person or school district interested therein pertaining to the value and amount of any school propertJ^ of whatever nature, including current funds and taxes, involved in the proposed action, the assessed value of all taxable property in said districts, the nature, amount and value of all bonded, warrant and other indebtedness of each school district affected by the action, including all legal uncompleted obligations then existing; and whenever the territory so added to the school district embracing such incorporated city shall include a part only of the school districts from which such territory shall be taken, he shall consider the amount of outstanding indebtedness, of each of said school districts, incurred for current expenses, the amount incurred for permanent improvements and the location of such improvements, for the purpose of making such equitable adjustment of all property, debts and liabilities among the districts involved. He shall make a full report of his findings and terms of adjustment, and the decision of said county superintendent shall be final unless appealed from in the manner provided by law, in which case, the decision of the board of county commissioners shall be final. (L. '09, p. 270, §3; Rem .& Bal., §4438.) 180. District to retain corporate existence until liabilities are paid Whenever the territory so added to a school district, embracing an in- corporated city, shall include the whole of the school district from which such 56 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION territory was taken, such district shall retain its corporate existence so far as necessary for that purpose, until its indebtedness as determined by such ad- justment shall have been paid in full, and the officers of the district embracing such incorporated city to which its territory shall have been added shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, to provide, by appropriate levies upon such old district or districts, for the payment of such indebtedness: Provided, That when such payment of indebtedness is fully made, the clerk of the district shall enter the fact upon the records of the district, and report the same to the county superintendent of schools. (L. '09, p. 270, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4439.) Article FV^ — ^Formation of Consolidated Districts 181. County superintendent may establish district Upon receipt of a petition signed by five heads of families requesting the consolidation of two or more adjoining districts in the same county, the county superintendent shall call a special election of the voters of such school dis- tricts at some convenient place, by posting written or printed notices in like manner as is provided for calling annual school district elections, and said notices shall state the object for which the election is called. If a majority of the voters of each district shall vote to consolidate, the clerk of each district so proposing to consolidate, shall within ten days after the election notify the county superintendent of the holding of and the result of the election and the county superintendent shall, immediately after receipt of said notice organize and establish a consolidated school district and when such consolidated district shall have been established no new district shall be established out of any portion thereof, or any portion thereof changed to another district within five years from such consolidation. (L. '15, p. 646, § 1.) In mandamus proceedings to compel the prosecuting attorney to test the validity of an order of the school superintendent consolidating two school districts, the wisdom or policy of the order cannot be inquired into, where the same can be reviewed by appeal ; since it is a collateral attack on the order and only its validity can be ques- tioned : State ex rel. Harris v. Ward, 69 "Wash. 342. Two districts which are in different union high school districts cannot be con- solidated: State ex rel. Bell v. Thaanum, 74 Wash. 58. In the absence of statutory authority, the county school superintendent has no power to dissolve a consolidated school district, wliether the consolidation was legal or illegal. (Consolidated School Dist. No. 10!) v. Jones, 60 Wash. 537.) The petition for the formation of a consolidated school district need not be signed by the heads of families in each and every district which it is proposed to include in the consolidated district, but only by five heads of families residing in the several districts which it is proposed to include in the consolidated district. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1903-04. p. 196.) Two cities which are adjacent, each embraced in a school district, the school dis- tricts cannot unite and form a consolidated district without the consolidation of the cities. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1905-06, p. 202.) In the formation of a consolidated district the component districts maintain their existence for the purpose of appeal until the time for taking the appeal has expired. (Atty. Gen. Ops.. 1905-06, p. 345.) If two school districts, each having a school house, are consolidated and It Is proposed to establish a school house site for the consolidated district, only a majority vote Is required. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1905-06. p. 2 8.) A consolidated di.strict cannot be formed of districts lying in two or more counties. (Atty. Gen. Ops.. 1905-06. p. 135.) Section 444 0. Rem. & Bal. Code, providing, inter alia, no district shall be estab- lished out of any portion of n consolidated district or any district or portion thereof changed to another district within five years after the consolidation, does not apply to STATE OF WASHINGTON 57 district formed by consolidation and in existence at the time cliapter 182, Laws ot 1915, was passed. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 6, 1916.) In districts of the first class it is necessary to have the notice of election for consolidation posted twenty (20) days before the election. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 7, 1916.) In an appeal from the county superintendent of schools to the board of county commissioners, the county commissioners may hear the case de novo and are not con- fined to merely affirming or reversing the county superintendent. (Atty. (Sen., Aug. 10, 1915.) Any person who is actually the head of a family ; that is, who is under legal obligations to provide for the support and education of persons dependent upon him, and who is in fact providing for their education and support, is the head of a family for the purpose of signing petitions relating to school matters, whether he is a legal voter or not. Any person who is not the head of a family within the definition given above is not qualified to sign such petition, though he be a legal voter. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1891-92, p. 162.) Districts can not be formed out of an existing district in such a manner as to leave portions of the old district non-contiguous. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 130.) In the matter of holding special elections for the purpose of consolidating two or more districts, the statute intends that the election in each district be held on the same date, although the several districts vote separately upon the question of con- solidation. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 7, 1916.) 182. All boards to constitute new board until election When two or more districts are consolidated by the provisions of this act, or where two or more districts are consolidated by the uniting of two or more incorporated cities or towns, as provided by law, all the directors of the several districts so consolidated shall constitute the board of directors of the new dis- trict so formed, and shall have all the powers and authority conferred by the laws of this state upon school district directors, until the next annual school election in said district, at which time there shall be elected three directors for said district in the manner provided by law, who shall hold their respective offices as provided for the officers of new districts. (L. '09, p. 271, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4441.) 183. When district shall not be entitled to bonus Whenever, by reason of detachments of territory subsequent to the forma- tion of a consolidated district, the boundaries of such district shall become practically co-extensive with the boundaries of a district prior to the formation of such consolidated district, it shall be the duty of the county superintendent to report such fact to the Superintendent of Public Instruction at the time of making his annual report, and said district shall no longer be entitled to the bonus hereinafter provided for consolidated districts. (L. '09, p. 271, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4442.) 184. Director of city district to constitute board When two or more districts are consolidated, only one of which contains an incorporated city, the directors of the district which contains such incor- porated city shall become the directors for the consolidated district as soon as the consolidation is legally completed. (L. '09, p. 271, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4443.) 185. County superintendent to number and describe district The county superintendent of any county in which new districts are formed by the uniting of ten [two] or more districts, or by the incorporating of any city or town lying partly in two or more school districts, shall upon being notified of such action by the board of directors of such new district, proceed to desig- nate such new district by a number not the same as that of either component 58 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION district or of any existing district, and to make a record of the boundaries thereof, and he shall certify such facts to the board of county commissioners, to the county treasurer, and to the clerk of the new district formed. The county superintendent shall also divide such consolidated district into three directors' districts which shall each comprise as nearly as possible one-third of the population of the consolidated district, and thereafter one director shall be elected from among the qualified electors of each such directors' district by the qualified electors of the consolidated district. (L. '15, p. 647, § 2.) Consolidated school districts must be given a new number. (Atty. Gen., May 31, 1910.) A bond election is valid even though the superintendent did not renumber the district until after the election. (Atty. Gen., July 18, 1911.) Section 2, chapter 182, Laws of 1915, requiring the division of a consolidated district into directors' districts, does not apply to districts formed by consolidation and in existence at the time the act was passed. (Atty. Gen., Jan 31, 1916.) 186. New district entitled to property All school districts formed by the uniting of two or more districts, as provided for in this act, shall be entitled to the public property of the school districts so united and to all current funds in excess of outstanding indebted- ness other than bonded indebtedness, and the county superintendent shall transfer all such excess funds to the new district in accordance with this pro- vision and shall certify such transfer to the county treasurer: Provided, That for the purpose of apportionment the consolidated district shall be considered one district: Provided further, That for the purpose of apportionment the consolidated district shall be credited with two thousand days' attendance in addition to actual attendance for each district, less one, so consolidated. (L. '09, p. 272, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4445.) A school district may be consolidated with a consolidated district and the new district will be credited with two thousand days' attendance. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 32.) Money in the hands of the directors of a district becomes tlie property of the consolidated district by the consolidation and cannot be applied in payment of the indebtedness of the district. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 3, 1912.) In transferring the territory that was originally one of the component districts of a consolidated district to another consolidated district, the 2,000 days' credit in attendance for apportionment purposes can not be transferred. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 479.) When a new district is organized out of tlie territory of one of the original com- ponent di.stricts of a consolidated district, and is then consolidated with a consolidated district, the new consolidated district is entitled to the additional 2,000 days' credit in attendance for apportionment purposes. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 479.) Where a consolidated district in one county is joined with a district in another county, forming a joint district, it loses its bonus as a consolidated district. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 12, 1915.) 187. District to retain corporate existence until liabilities are paid Each school district composing said consolidated district shall retain its corporate existence so far as necessary for that purpose until its indebtedness has been paid in full, and the county commissioners shall have the power and it shall be their duty to provide by appropriate levies upon such old district or districts for the payment of such indebtedness: Provided, That when such payment of fndebtedness is fully made the clerk of the district shall enter the fact upon the records of the district and report the same to the county superintendent of schools. (L. '09, p. 272, § 7; Rem. & Bal., § 4446.) Where two school districts are each Indebted in excess of two per cent, of their taxable property as shown by the last assessment, and are consolidated, and the con- STATE OF WASHINGTON 59 solidated district issues bonds in excess of three per cent, of its taxable property, the issue is void, as being in excess of the constitutional limitation of five per cent, of the taxable property in the consolidated district, as each district is subject to taxa- tion as a separate entity for the purpose of paying its prior indebtedness : State ex rel. Zylstra v. Clausen, 66 Wash. 324.) 188. Organization of board and election of clerk. When two or more school districts shall be united by the provisions of this act, the board of directors of the several districts shall, within thirty days thereafter, meet and organize the new board by the election of one of their number as president of the board. The board shall elect a clerk for said dis- trict, and the clerks of the several districts so united shall deliver to said clerk all books, papers and records belonging to their respective offices. The board may in its discretion require the superintendent, if there be one, of such consolidated district to act as clerk. The clerk of the new district thus formed shall immediately notify the county superintendent of the organization of the board of the new district. (L. '15 p. 647, § 3.) Article V — Formation of Joint School Districts 189. Joint district may be organized When the public good requires it, a school district may be formed of contiguous territory lying in two or more counties, and such districts shall be known as joint school districts. They shall be designated by a separate number for each county in which any portion of their territory may lie. (L. '09, p. 273, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4448.) Contiguous territory may be formed into a joint district although the territory- is comprised of districts of different classes. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 208.) Where a consolidated district in one county is joined with a district in another county, forming a joint district, it loses its bonus as a consolidated district. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 12, 1915.) 190. Petition shall be presented For the purpose of forming such joint districts, a petition shall be pre- sented, drawn and signed as prescribed for the formation of other school districts, and a copy of such petition shall be presented to the county superin- tendent of each county affected by the formation of such proposed joint district. (L. '09, p. 273, § 2; Rem. & Bal., § 4449.) 191. Superintendents shall post notices The superintendents of all counties affected by the formation of the pro- posed joint district shall confer and shall mutually agree upon the time and place of investigating said petition, and upon such agreement each shall notify the school electors of the district or districts of his county affected by the formation of the proposed joint district, by posting notices as required in the formation of other school districts, one of which notices shall be posted upon the school house door of each district affected by the formation of the proposed joint district, and one of which shall be posted in some conspicuous place in the territory which it is proposed to include in the proposed joint district, in each county; and at the time and place mentioned in said notices the several superintendents shall meet and jointly investigate all matters per- taining to the formation of the proposed joint district. (L. '09, p. 273, §3; Rem. & Bal., § 4450.) 60 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 192. Superintendent shall appoint directors If at the investigation provided for in the preceding section the several county superintendents shall mutually agree that said district should he formed, they shall appoint a board of directors to serve until the next regular election, and the directors appointed shall qualify within ten days. At the next regular election a board of directors shall be elected as provided in the case of other new districts. (L. '09, p. 274, § 4; Rem. & Bal., § 4451.) 193. Shall file certificate and oath Every director or clerk of the joint district shall file his certificate of election and oath of office with the county superintendent of the county in which the school house is located, and his signature with the treasurer of the same county. (L. '09, p. 274, § 5; Rem. & Bal., § 4452.) 194. How vacancies are to be filled "Vacancies in the office of director of a joint district shall be filled by ap- pointment by the county superintendent in whose county the officer vacating resided while serving, and a copy of such appointment, with the oath endorsed thereon, shall be filed in the office of each county superintendent. (L. '09, p. 274, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4453.) 195. Transfers by mutual consent of superintendents After a joint school district has been formed, all transfers of territory to and from said district shall be made by mutual agreement and joint action between the countj'' superintendents of the several counties in which the territory of said joint district shall be embraced, and all notices of such trans- fers shall be signed by all superintendents in whose counties the territory of the joint district shall lie. (L. '09, p. 274, § 7; Rem. & Bal., § 4454.) 196. Superintendents to keep transcripts The superintendents of the several counties affected by the formation of any joint school district shall make and keep a correct transcript of the entire boundary of such district, and shall certify the same to the county treasurer and county auditor of each county, and all transfers of territory to or from such joint district shall likewise be certified to such officers, said certificates being signed by all county superintendents in whose counties any part of the territory of such joint district shall be located. A map of all joint districts formed under the provisions of this section shall be filed with the Superintend- ent of Public Instruction within thirty days after the formation of such dis- tricts. Said maps shall indicate the number by which the district is designated in each county, and it shall also show the location of the school house in such district, if there be one. Said map shall be certified to by all county superin- tendents in whose counties any part of such joint district shall be embraced. (L. '09, p. 274, § 8; Rem. & Bal., § 4455.) 197. Provisions for apportionments For the purpose of the apportionment of state school funds the district shall be considered as belonging to the county in which the school building is located: Provided, That the county treasurer in whose county the school house is not located shall transfer quarterly all moneys to the treasurer of the county where the school house is located, and the same shall be placed to the credit of said joint district. (L. '09, p. 275, § 9; Rem. & Bal., § 4456.) STATE OF WASHINGTON gj 198. Superintendents to hear testimony and adjust property At the hearing for the formation of a joint school district, the county superintendents shall, in case the petition is granted, hear testimony offered by any person or school district interested therein, for the purpose of finding and determining the amount and value of all school property of whatever na- ture involved in the proposed action, the nature and amount and value of all bonded, warrant and other indebtedness of the original school district or dis- tricts out of whose territory such joint district is formed, including all legal uncompleted obligations then existing, and in so doing shall consider the amount of such outstanding indebtedness incurred for current expenses, the amount incurred for permanent improvements, and the location of such im- provements, and shall make an equitable adjustment of all property, debts and liabilities among the districts involved. They shall make a full record of all such findings and terms of adjust- ment, and the decision of said county superintendent shall be final. (L. '09, p. 275, § 10; Rem. & Bal., § 4457.) Under Rem. & Bal. Code, § 4457, providing that the decision of two county school superintendents creating a joint school district from the territory of two counties sliall be final, there is no appeal therefrom to the board of county commissioners of one of the counties, as provided for by other sections of the Scliool Code in the case of specified decisions of a county school superintendent covering territory lying wholly within the same county: State ex rel. School Districts 25 and 100 v. Board of County Commissioners of Columbia County, 72 W. 454. 199. Commissioners to make levies to pay indebtedness When a joint school district is formed in the manner provided by this article, it shall be the duty of the board of county commissioners to provide by appropriate levies on the property of such joint district, in the manner pro- vided by law, for the payment of such indebtedness as may be imposed upon it by the decision of the county superintendents. (L. '09, p. 275, § 11; Rem. & Bal., §4458.) 200. Reports to be made to each superintendent All reports from joint districts shall be made in full to the county superin- tendent of each county affected thereby: Provided, That any county superin- tendent may order the segregation of any items of such report so as to show separately the numbers or amounts from each county affected thereby. (L. '09, p. 276, § 12; Rem. & Bal., § 4459.) Article VI — Formation of Union High School Districts 201. Initial procedure of formation Whenever the residents of two or more adjacent or contiguous school dis- tricts in the same county may wish to unite for the purpose of establishing a union high school, the clerks of the districts, by order of the boards of direc- tors, shall, upon a written or printed petition of five or more heads of families of their respective districts, each submit in writing a statement of the proposed union of such districts, together with the question of the advisability of the formation of such union school district to the county superintendent of schools, who shall within fifteen days report in writing to the said clerks his approval or disapproval, his action to be based ujion an investigation made by him to determine whether or not either school district so applying already maintains 62 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION or is capable itself of maintaining a high school without uniting with another district, or with other districts, or whether or not the educational and other conditions of the districts desiring to so unite are such as to insure the main- tenance of a high school in fact according to the provisions of this article. (L. '09, p. 276, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4460.) Where a petition for the union of two school districts was not acted upon by the board of directors of one of the districts until more than a year after its presentation to tiiem, and in the meantime tlie board had submitted to vote another petition for a union of districts, including the two in the original petition with others, which was submitted to a vote of the district and rejected, the board would be without power to submit the original petition, since it must be deemed as waived by failure to act within a reasonable time, and by the act of submitting a later petition to popular vote: Peth v. Martin, 31 Wash. 1. A union high school district cannot be formed by the union of school districts lying in different counties. (Atty Gen. Ops., 1901-02, p. 10.) A union high school district can not be formed so as to include more than one Incorporated city or town. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 8, 1915.) After two districts have organized a union high school, only one school can be maintained in which the high school grades are taught. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 27, 1911.) 202. The elections If the county superintendent shall approve of the formation of the proposed union high school district, each of said clerks shall call a meeting of the voters of such school districts at some convenient place by posting written or printed notices in like manner as is provided for calling annual school district elections. If a majority of the voters of each district shall vote to unite for the purposes herein stated, the clerk of each district so proposing to unite shall, within ten days after the election, notify the county superintendent of the holding of and the result of the election, and the county superintendent shall, immediately after the receipt of said notices, designate such union high school district as "Union High School District No County," and shall so notify the clerks of the several districts so uniting. (L. '09, p. 276, §2; Rem. & Bal., § 4461.) Where petitions for the formation of a union high school district, consisting of a certain number of adjacent or contiguous districts, the county superintendent of schools, on the presentation of such petition properly signed up by residents of a lesser number of the districts, would not be authorized to call an election in these latter districts on the forming of a union high school district of the lesser number. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 22, 1915.) 203. Organization of the board of directors The boards of directors of the several districts so voting to unite shall constitute the board of directors of such union high school district, and shall within ten days after the elections at which the districts voted to unite meet and organize by electing one of their number president of the board, and se- lecting their clerk for such union high school district, and the clerk and presi- dent chosen at such meeting shall hold their respective offices until the next annual school district election and until their successors are elected and qualifipd; and the election of president and clerk shall occur annually there- after, on the second Saturday next succeeding the date at which the newly elected school district officers shall enter upon the discharge of their duties: ProvidPfl. That in union districts consisting of throe or more school districts the board of directors of said union district shall be composed of the chairmen of the several boards of directors of the districts comprised in such union dis- trict. (L. '09, p. 277, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4462.) STATE OF WASHINGTON g3 204. Notices of organization The clerk of the union high school district shall within ten days after the organization of the district, by the election of a president and clerk, notify the county superintendent of the organization of said district, and the county super- intendent shall also, within ten days after receiving notice of the organization of the district, notify the county treasurer and county auditor of the fact of its organization, together with the numbers of the constituent districts and the names of the directors and clerk. (L. '09, p. 277, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4463.) 205. District may be enlarged After the formation of a union high school district the boundaries of the same may be enlarged in the manner prescribed for the formation of the said union high school district: Provided, That the board of directors of the union high school district shall not be reorganized, but that the chairman of the dis- trict, or the chairmen of the districts, so united to the union high school dis- tricts shall be added to the board of directors of the union high school until the next ensuing annual school election. (L. '09, p. 277, § 5; Rem. & Bal., § 4464.) 206. Course of study The directors of such union districts shall determine what grade or grades above the grammar grade of the state common school course of study shall be pursued and maintained in such schools: Provided, That the course of study for all high school grades shall not be inconsistent with the laws of this state, and shall be such as the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall approve. If local conditions admit of it, the directors of any union high school district may, at their discretion, admit pupils residing in such union district, belonging to a grade lower than the high school gi'ades, but no pupil belonging to a grade lower than the seventh shall ever be admitted to any such union high school. The teacher or teachers of such union high schools shall keep such records and make such reports as are required of teachers in the districts composing such union districts, and shall make such other reports as may be required by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. (L. '09, p. 278, §6; Rem. & Bal., §4465.) The directors of a union high school district, and not the State Board of Educa- tion or the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, shall determine what grade or g'rades above the grammar grades shall be maintained and pursued in such schools. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 13, 1914.) 207. Powers of directors and clerks The board of directors and clerk provided for in the preceding section shall, in all matters relating to the union high school of such district, possess all the powers herein provided for other school district officers, including the power to recommend special levies of taxes for the purpose of furnishing transportation to and from school and other additional school facilities for the union district, or for the payment of teachers' wages, or for the purchase of fuel, supplies, globes, maps, charts, books of reference or other appliances for teaching, or for any or all of these purposes. They shall discharge all the duties and be gov- erned by the laws herein provided for school district officers. (L. '09, p. 278, §7; Rem. & Bal., §4466.) 208. Apportionments to district Each union high school district shall be entitled to and shall receive appor- tionments from the state annual school fund in the manner provided by law for g4 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION the apportionments from the state annual fund to other school districts. (L. '09, p. 278, § 8; Rem. & Bal., § 4467.) 209. Taxpayers may appeal In case any resident taxpayer shall feel aggrieved at the formation of a union high school district, or at the refusal of the county superintendent to approve of its formation, he shall be entitled to an appeal as provided in this act. (L. '09, p. 279, § 9; Rem. & Bal., § 4468.) 210. Withdrawal from union district When five or more years have elapsed from the date upon which two or more school districts united for the purpose of forming a union high school district, such union may be dissolved, if at a special election called by the board of directors of such union high school district for that purpose, a majority of three- fifths of the vote cast at said election are in favor of dissolution. The liabilities and assets of the union high school district so dissolved shall be justly appor- tioned by the county superintendent among the various districts composing the union high school district. (L. '13, p. 643, § 1.) The mere withdrawal of a district from a union high school district does not deprive the owner of the bonds of his right to have all the territory embraced in the district at the time of issuance held as security for his bonds. (Atty. Gen., Jan. 31, 1917.) Withdrawal from a union high school district, organized under laws which have since been superseded, must be according to the procedure outlined in existing statutes with references to such withdrawal. (Atty. Gen., Aug. 10, 1915.) Article VII — Miscellaneous 211. When county superintendent may discontinue district In case any school district shall have fewer than five children of school age or shall not have maintained at least the minimum amount of school required by law, during the past preceding school year, or in case of territory which is not now a part of any school district, or in which there are no children of school age, the county superintendent shall have power to attach such territory to some contiguous school district or school districts without being petitioned to do so: Provided, That if any school district so disorganized shall have any out- standing bonds, warrants or other indebtedness, the assessable property of such district shall be holden for the payment of such indebtedness. (L. *09, p. 279, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4470.) If a school district is dissolved under this section, the moneys siiould be appor- tioned as provided by §4430, Rem. & Bal. (§171, Code Pub. Ins.) (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1915-16. p. 353.) School districts cannot be dissolved because of poor financial management. Section 4470, Rem. 1915 Code, specifies the circumstances under whicli a district may be dissolved. (Atty. Gen., June 21, 1917.) 212. County auditor sliall certify to county assessor In all cases involving the alteration of school district boundaries, the county auditor shall certify the action of the county superintendent or the county com- missioners to the county assessor. (L. '09, p. 279, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4471.) 2i;$. No district to be less than four sections In forming new districts, or transferring territory from one district to an- other, or changing boundaries of districts, no school district shall contain less STATE OF WASHINGTON g5 than four sections of land, unless said district can support six months' school per year after such change of territory: Provided, That the county superintend- ent may establish a district with less than four sections on a petition signed by eighty per cent, of all the heads of families of the proposed district, by and with the consent of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (L. '09, p. 280, §3; Rem. & Bal., § 4471l^.) CHAPTER 4 — OFFICERS — THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES Article I — County Superintendent of Schools 214. Election and oath of office A county superintendent of schools shall be elected in each county of the state at each general election, whose term of office shall begin on the first Mon- day in September next succeeding his election and continue for two years and until his succssor is elected and qualified. He shall take the oath of office and shall give an official bond in a sum to be fixed by the board of county commis- sioners. He may appoint a deputy, who shall qualify in the same manner as the county superintendent, and perform the duties of the office, subject, however, to revision by the county superintendent: Provided, That in any county having more than one hundred school districts, the county superintendent, with the ap- proval of the board of county commissioners, may appoint such clerical assist- ance as may be necessaiy to perform the work of his office properly. The county commissioners of each county shall fill any vacancy that may occur in the office of county superintendent until the next general election. (L. '09, p. 280, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4472.) Where a county superintendent of schools was elected for a term to begin on the second Monday in January next succeeding his election and continue for two years and until his successor is elected and qualified, and upon a change of the law during his term making the term "begin on the first Monday in August next succeed- ing his election," he is entitled to hold the office until the qualification of his successor for the term beginning in August, although thereby his term is made greater than two .years, and the statute deferring the beginning of his successor's term would not be in violation of Const., art. XI, sec. 8, which prohibits the extension of the term of any county officer beyond the period for which he is elected : State ex rel. Meridith V. Talhnan, 24 Wash. 426. See also, Thomas v. Whatcom County, 82 Wash. 113. Under the statutes of this state the county commissioners are the only body having authority to authorize the county officers to employ assistants in the absence of any statutory provisions specifically authorizing sucli employment (Thomas v. Whatcom County, 82 Wash. 113), although the county officers have the right to designate the personnel of such assistants. (Atty. Gen., Aug. 10, 1915.) 215. Eligibility No person shall be eligible to hold the office of county superintendent of schools who shall not at the time of his election or appointment have taught In the public schools of this state two school years of nine months each, and who shall not at the time of such election or appointment hold a first grade or higher certificate. (L. '09, p. 280, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4473.) One who has taught eleven months in the state, served as deputy county superin- tendent for eighteen months, served as county superintendent for one year, is qualified to act as county superintendent of schools if elected. (Atty, Gen., Nov. 18, 1912.) If a county superintendent who, at the time of his election, is the holder of such certificate as is required by law as a condition of eligibility to that offlce, fails to have it renewed or fails to obtain a new one at the time of the expiration of his old gg CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION one ; or, if his certificate should be revoked, it does not disqualify him from holding his office during the period for which he was elected. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1905-06, p. 337.) A school superintendent can not hold office of school clerk without vacating the oflSce of superintendent. A school clerk can not fill the office of school teacher, and a. teacher is ineligible to the office of clerk of the district in which he is employed. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 25, 1901.) 216. Shall file evidence with county auditor The county auditor shall not place the name of any person upon the official ballot as candidate for the office of county superintendent of schools unless such person shall have filed in the office of the county auditor, at least twenty days before the date at which the election is to be held, proof of having taught in the schools of the state one school year of nine months, together with a copy of the certificate required by this act. (L. '09, p. 280, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4474.) This section does not harmonize with the preceding section. 217. Powers and duties Each county superintendent shall have the power and it shall be his duty — First. To exercise a careful supervision over the common schools of his county, and to see that all the provisions of the common school laws are ob- served and followed by the teachers, supervisors and school officers. Second. To visit the schools in his county, counsel with directors and teachers, and assist in every possible way to advance the educational interests of his county. Third. To distribute promptly all reports, laws, forms, circulars and in- structions which he may receive for the use of the schools and the teachers, and to execute the instructions and decisions of the Superintendent of Public In- struction, as provided by law. Fourth. To enforce the outline course of study adopted by the State Board of Education, or the course of study adopted by aijy other lawful authority, and to enforce the rules and regulations required in the examination of teachers. Fifth. He shall prepare an outline course of study for the books adopted in districts of the third class when the needs of the county demand: Provided, That said outline course of study shall be in harmony with the course adopted by the State Board of Education of this state. Sixth. To keep on file and preserve in his office the biennial reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and of the county superintendent of his county. Seventh. To keep in good and well-bound books, to be furnished by the county commissioners, records of his official acts. Eighth. To preserve carefully all reports of school officers and teachers, and at the close of his term of office to deliver to his successor all records, books, documents and papers belonging to the office, taking a receipt for the same, which shall be filed in the office of the county auditor. Ninth. To administer oaths and affirmations to school directors, teachers and other persons, on all official matters connected with or relating to schools, but he shall not make or collect any charge or fee for so doing. Tenth. To keep in a suitable book an official record of all persons under contract to teach in the schools of his county, showing the number of the school district, the date of the contract, the names of the contracting parties, and the date of the expiration of the teacher's certificate and the grade thereof, STATE OF WASHINGTON 67 the salary paid, and the date of commencing school, with the length of the term in weeks, which data shall be immediately reported to the county auditor. Eleventh. To make an annual report to the Superintendent of Public In- struction on the first day of August of each year, for the school year ending June 30, next preceding. The report shall contain an abstract of the reports made to him by the district clerks, and such other matters as the Superintendent of Pubilc Instruction shall direct. And it shall be the duty of the county com- missioners and county auditor in every county wherein the county superin- tendent is about to retire from office to withhold the warrant of his salary for the month of July until they shall have received a certificate from the Super- intendent of Public Instruction that the annual report of such county super- intendent has been made in a satisfactory manner; and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to transmit such certificate to the auditor immediately upon receiving such satisfactory report. Twelfth. To keep in his office a full and correct transcript of the bounda- ries of each school district in the county, including joint districts. In case the boundaries of said districts are conflicting or incorrectly described, he shall change, harmonize and describe them, and at their riext regular meeting he shall certify his action to the county commissioners of his county, and shall file with them a complete transcript of the boundaries of all school districts affected by his action, which shall be entered upon the journal of said board and become a part of their records. The county superintendent shall, on re- quest, furnish the district clerks with descriptions of the boundaries of their respective districts. Thirteenth. To appoint school district officers in districts of the second and, of the third class, to fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, failure to hold election, failure to qualify before the day for taking office, and absence from the district for a period of ninety days or failure to attend four consec- utive meetings of the board without a reasonable excuse; to appoint school officers for any new districts: Provided, That when any new district is or- ganized, such of the school officers of the old district as reside within the limits of the new one shall be such school officers of the new one, and the vacancies in the old district shall be filled by appointment. Fourteenth. To apportion school funds as provided in chapter 5, title III, of this act. Fifteenth. To grant such temporary certificates and to conduct such ex- amination of teachers and make such records thereof as may be prescribed by law: Provided, That he shall give ten days' notice of such examination by publication in some newspaper of general circulation published in his county, or if there be no newspaper, then by posting up handbills, or otherwise. Sixteenth. To hold teachers' institutes according to law, and to conduct such other meetings of the teachers of his county as may be for the best in- terests of the schools. Seventeenth. To hold each year, if he deem it advisable, one or more directors' meetings, the expense of which shall be audited and paid by the county commissioners: Provided. That such expense shall not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars in any one year. Eighteenth. To suspend any teacher who may be teaching in his county, against whom he files charges, and in case of such suspension he shall imme- diately notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction of his action, and shall clearly and fully state his reasons for said action. 68 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Nineteenth. To furnish registers and clerks's record books to all districts of his county upon a requisition from the school district clerk, and he shall receive pay for such books by warrant drawn against the said school district by the county auditor. At the end of each quarter of the fiscal year he shall turn over to the treasurer of his county all moneys derived from the sale of such books, together with a detailed statement of the sources from which said funds were derived. He shall also at the same time send a copy of said state- ment to the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Twentieth. To forthwith enforce the provisions of section 14, article 7 [5], chapter 4, of title III of this Code, and to notify the Superintendent of Public Instruction whenever any school board of such county shall fail to comply with the provisions required. (L. '09, p. 281, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4475.) The fact that the school fund of a county is indebted to the state on account of taxes levied and collected does not justify the state auditor in deducting any portion of such indebtedness from the amount of the warrant he is required by law to draw in favor of any county, when the Superintendent of Public Instruction has apportioned the state school fund to the respective counties and reported same to the state auditor, with direction to issue warrants to the treasurers of the various counties for the respective amounts due them thereunder: State ex rel. Tanner v. Cheetham, 23 Wash. 666. A temporary certificate to teach granted by the county superintendent of schools cannot be collaterally attacked in an action brought by a teacher against a school district for breach of contract of employment to teach its school, when there is no allegation of fraud or collusion in obtaining the certificate: Kimball v. School District, 23 Wash. 520. The county superintendent is the proper person to determine the necessity for issuing any circular of information pertaining to the schools of his county. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1901-02, p. 304.) County superintendents have power to institute proceedings to stop the payment of warrants issued without authority of law. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1903-04, p. 171.) County superintendents shall furnish to the Superintendent of Public Instruction all information specifically required by law, and such other information as the Sup- erintendent of Public Instruction may desire in the administration of his office such information to be of such character as the county superintendent possesses or as he can reasonably obtain. For a persistent, refusal to furnish such information, he may be removed from his office. In turn, school district clerks shall furnish to the county superintendent all information required by law, and for a persistent refusal to do so they may be removed from office. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1899-1900, p. 82.) If a county superintendent, at the time of his election, is the holder of such a certificate as is required by law as a condition of eligibility to that office, fails to have it renewed or fails to obtain a new one at the time of the e.xpiration of the old one ; or, if his certificate should be revoked, it does not disqualify him from holding his ofllre during the period for which he was elected. (Atty. Gert. Ops., 1905-06, p. 337.) The purpose of this restriction (subdivision twenty) is to assist and compel small school districts, which, as a matter of course, have no salaried paid architect who has devoted special attention to the construction of school houses, when erecting a new school house or school houses, to erect buildings in a manner better suited to the comfort and health of the pupils In the way of heat, light and sanitation. The county school superintendent has no authority to refuse approval of plans and specifications for the reason that the site upon which the building or buildings arc to be constructed does not meet with his approval. (Atty. Gen., 1907-08, p. 521.) A county superintendent of schools has no authority to refuse to approve a con- tract entered into between a school district and a teacher on the ground that the teacher Is guilty of conduct which could be made the basis of the revocation of the latter's certificate, although no proceedings have been instituted to revoke the cer- tificate. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 149.) The duty of the county superintendent of schools in approving a contract, within the meaning of H 223 and 217 Code of Pub. Ins., 1917, is merely to approve the form of contract, which would Include passing upon such questions as to whether the con- STATE OF WASHINGTON 69 tract is for a greater length of time than that prescribed by law, whether the teacher has a certificate to teach, etc. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 149.) 218. He shall require reports The county superintendent shall require all reports of school district of- ficers, teachers and others to be made promptly as required by law. He shall see that the teacher's register is kept in accordance with law and the instruc- tions of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and that the records of the school district clerks are properly kept. He shall require the oath of office of all school district oflicers to be filed in his office, and shall furnish a directory of all such officers to the county treasurer, upon blanks furnished by the Super- intendent of Public Instruction, as soon as the election or appointment of such officers is determined and their oaths placed on file. (L. '09, p. 284, § .5; Rem. & Bal., § 4476.) 219. Office days He shall keep his office open for the transaction of official business such days of each week (at least one day each week) as the duties of the office may require, and shall keep posted on the door of his office a notice of said office days and hours of such days. (L. '09, p. 284, § 6; Rem. & Bal., §4477.) 220. Coniniissioners shall furnish office and supplies The county commissioners shall provide the county superintendent with a suitable office at the county seat, and all necessary blanks, books, stationery, postage, printing and other expenses of his office shall be paid by the county treasurer out of the county funds upon a sworn statement made quarterly and allowed by the county commissioners: Provided, That as to the necessity for the printing and issuance of circulars of information pertaining to the schools of his county, for the use of schools, school officers and teachers, the county superintendent shall determine. (L. '09, p. 284, §7; Rem. & Bal., §4478.) 221. Shall receive actual traveling expenses For all actual and necessary travel in the performance of their official duties and in attendance on the convention of county superintendents called by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, county superintendents shall be allowed actual traveling expenses. (L. '09, p. 285, § 8; Rem. & Bal., § 4479.) A county official is not entitled to pay for the use of his own horse or conveyance as part of his necessary traveling expenses. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 24.) Sec. 3918, Rem. & Bal. Code, confers upon the county commissioners the ex- clusive authority to pass upon the claims for expenses of a county superintendent in the first instance. Sec. 3 909, Rem. & Bal. Code, provides for an appeal from their decision to the superior court. (Atty. Gen., Sept. 24, 1913.) «Q CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Article II — District Officers — General Provisions 222. Election and eligibility Directors of school districts shall be elected at the regular annual school elections. No person shall be eligible to the office of school director who is not able to read and write the English language. (L. '09, p. 285, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4480.) A director of a corporation, trust company, or light and power company is not ineligible to the office of school director. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 495.) A woman, who is a citizen of the United States and of this state, and otherwise qualified to be a school director, does not become disqualified by marrying an Indian who has not severed his tribal relations. (Atty. Gen., April 20, 1915.) A school director, in addition to the qualifications specified in sec. 222, Code of Pub. Ins., 1917, must be a citizen of the United States. (Atty. Gen., May 5, 1916.) 223. Powers and duties of boards of directors Every board of directors, unless otherwise specially provided by law, shall have power and it shall be its duty: First. To employ, for not more than one year, and for sufficient cause to discharge, teachers, and to fix, alter, allow and order paid their salaries and compensation. The directors, except in districts of the first class, shall make with each teacher employed by them a written or printed contract, which shall be in conformity with the laws of this state, and every such contract shall be made in duplicate, one copy of which shall be retained by the school district clerk and the other shall be delivered to the teacher after having been approved and registered by the county superintendent as by law required. Second. To enforce the rules and regulations prescribed by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction and State Board of Education for government of schools, pupils and teachers, and to enforce the course of study lawfully pre- scribed for the schools of their district. Third. To rent, repair, furnish and insure school houses, to employ jan- itors, laborers and mechanics. Fourth. To cause all school houses to be properly heated, lighted and ven- tilated, and to cause all school premises to be maintained in a cleanly and san- itary condition. Fifth. To purchase personal property in the name of the district and to receive, lease and hold for their district any real or personal property. Sixth. To suspend or expel pupils from school who refuse to obey the rules thereof, and they shall exclude from school all children under six years of age. Seventh. To provide free text-books and supplies to be loaned to the pupils of the school, when in their judgment the best interests of their district will be subserved thereby, and to prescribe such rules and regulations as they shall deem necessary to preserve such books and supplies from unnecessary damage. Eighth. To require all pupils to be furnished with such books as may have been adopted by the lawful authority of this state, as a condition to member- ship in the schools. Ninth. To exclude from schools and school libraries all books, tracts, pa- pers and other publications of an immoral or pernicious tendency. Tenth. To authorize the school room to be used for summer or night schools, or for public, literary, scientific, religious, political, mechanical and STATE OF WASHINGTON "yj agricultural meetings, under such regulations as the board of directors may adopt. Eleventh. To provide and pay for transportation of children to and from school when in their judgment the best interests of their district will be sub- served thereby, but, in case transportation is provided, the directors shall not be compelled to transport children who live within two miles of the school house. Twelfth. To establish and maintain night schools. (L. '15, p. 144, § 1.) See, infra, § 595, Code Pub. Ins. relating to bonds for security for labor on public works. A writ of mandate will not issue to compel school directors to pay over to the county treasurer insurance money raised on a loss by fire of a school building in their district, to be divided between it and a new district recently formed out of it, when the money has been actually expended by the directors in the erection of a new school building, pursuant to a unanimous vote of the electors of the district : Elder v. Territory, 3 W. T. 438. In an action for the recovery for services as a school teacher, from which position plaintiff was discharged before the expiration of her term of employment, where the allegations of the complaint regarding her employment by the directors are admitted by the answer, proof as to the manner of the employment is unnecessary, and errors committed by the court in the admission of evidence to prove her employment are immaterial: Fitzgerald v. School District, 5 Wash. 112. In an action for services as teacher the introduction by plaintiff of a first grade certificate, regular in form, signed by the county superintendent, and two examiners and effective, for a period more than covering the time of the employment, and which she states was delivered to her by the county superintendent as a teacher's cer- tificate, is prima facie proof of her being entitled to teach at the time she was so employed: Fitzgerald v. School District, supra. In order to obtain jurisdiction of a school district, service of process must be had on the clerk, service on an individual member of the board not being sufficient : Downs V. Directors, 4 Wash. 309. Where the complaint in an action to enjoin the issuance of school bonds alleges that their issuance will increase the indebtedness of the school district to an amount exceeding one and one-half per cent, of the taxable property therein, it will be pre- sumed from the fact that a certain part of the proceeds of the bonds is to be devoted to paying outstanding indebtedness of the district, that the indebtedness will be kept within the one and one-half per cent, limit, in which case the casting of certain illegal votes at such election will not invalidate the issue of bonds, if the rejection of the illegal vote would still leave the majority in favor thereof: Luzador v. Sargeant, 4 Wash. 299. The directors of a district cannot be compelled to open and maintain a public school where it appears that the indebtedness of a school district, including its bonded and warrant indebtedness, exceeds the one and one-half per cent, limitation allowed by the constitution, and that the bonded indebtedness has not been created under a vote of the people authorizing the incurring of indebtedness in excess of such limitation, and there are no moneys on hand for school purposes : StaJiley v. McGeorge, 17 Wash. 8. It is the duty of school directors to follow the course of study prescribed by the State Board of Education: Wagner v. Royal, 36 Wash. 428. Where a school district refuses to follow the course of study adopted by the State Board of Education, the publisher of the books (under contract with the State Board) is not entitled to relief by injunction unless materially damaged: Westland Pub. Co. V. Royal, 36 Wash. 399. In case of the discharge of a teacher by a board of directors in which discharge the coimty superintendent actively participated, the teacher has the right to appeal to the superior court: State ex rel. Caffrey x-. Superior Court, 72 Wash. 444. See, also, State ex rel. Broun v. McQuade, 36 Wash. 579 ; Seattle School Dist. No. 1 V. City of Seattle, 63 Wash. 245. School districts of the second and third class have no authority to employ an attorney other than the prosecuting attorney. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1909-10. p. 129.) 72 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION The directors may make arrangements to transport children to school who live more than two miles away, but cannot discriminate. (Atty Gen., Sept. 22, 1910.) A board of directors in a school district employing not more than one teacher cannot be required to institute a high school or have high school studies taught in their district. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1901-02, p. 220.) A board of school directors has autliority to make a by-law refusing to admit children of six years of age to the public schools at any other time than the com- mencement of a term. The opinion holds such a by-law is not inconsistent with the section of the Code of Public Instruction which admits to attendance all children between ages of six and twenty-one years residing in the school district. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1901-02, p. 14.) Directors are not authorized to build a bridge, as the building of a bridge is not transportation, although it may be an aid thereof. District funds cannot be used for such purposes. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 114.) We are unable to find any provision in the School Code which authorizes the funds of any school district to be expended for speakers, orcliestra, decorations, and the rent of a hall or building as part of the commencement exercises of the school ; and since school directors only have such powers as are expressly given to them by the legislature, we are of tlie opinion that school directors have no power to expend the funds of their respective districts for the purpose above mentioned. (Atty, Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 97.) The rule above has been modified to the extent of permitting directors to expend school funds for the rent of a hall in which to hold commencement exercises when the district has no suitable room or hall for such purposes. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 448.) Directors cannot incur traveling expenses and charge the same up to the district. This might be considered an oversight on the part of the legislature if it had not specifically provided in section 221 of the School Code for the mileage and traveling expenses of the countv superintendent of schools. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 129. i There is no provision in the Code which will directly or indirectly authorize the directors of a school district to expend the funds of the district for the rent of a hall for a basket ball game. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 272.) A teacher can act as janitor, but the question as to whether or not a teacher would be entitled to extra compensation for so doing would depend entirely on the contract which tlie teacher had with the school board, and is a matter which rests with the board at the time the contract is made out. (Atty. Qen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 27.) While the purchase of supplies from an instructor is not directly prohibited by statute, the practice should be discouraged, for the reason that more or less of a fiduciary relationship exists between the board and an instructor, and therefore the whole transaction would be subject to the criticism that the board has been induced to purchase the supplies on the recommendation of the instructor. In case the board does purchase supplies from an instructor, the reason for such purpose should be clearly stated in the minutes of the board, so that all parties to the transaction may be protected. (Atty Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 27.) The consolidation of one district with another district is an act of the district Itself and does not constitute sufficient cause within the meaning of Rem. & Bal., § 4481, for the termination of a teacher's contract of employment. (Atty. Gen., Sept. 1. 1916.) Employment of teachers or increasing the compensation of teachers for night work Is a matter within the discretion of the district and is governed by the teacher's contract of employment. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 27, 1916.) Monies received upon a fire Insurance policy covering the loss of a school build- ing cannot be used for the purpose of constructing a new school house until its con- struction has been authorized by the voters of the district. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 27, 1916.) The directors of a school district may employ a watchman to protect the school property from Hallowe'en depredations. (Atty. Gen., Jan. 31, 1917.) Under the provisions of § 5544, Rem. 1915 Code, the county health officer has authority to order the abatement of a school house If the same constitutes a nuisance detrimental to the public health. (Atty. Gen., July 6, 1917.) A statute requiring that all contracts of a municipal corpor.itlon to be in writing Is mand.itory and must be .strictly complied with or the contract will be invalid. (Atty. Gen., June 29, 1917.) STATE OF WASHINGTON >Y3 The directors of a school board may employ an engineer to survey school property for the purpose of determining where line fences should be placed. (Atty. Gen., Apr. 16. 1917.) A school district has only such powers as are expressly granted to it by the legis- lature, or as may be necessarily implied, in order to carry out the powers so granted. Following this rule, a school district of the first class would have no authority for establishing a school or furnishing a teacher for adult blind. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 3.58.) Where a teacher has entered upon the performance of her contract to teach for a certain term, and after such term is begun, all the pupils comprising the school move from the district, the board of directors would have no authority to enter into a compromise to pay the teacher or issue a warrant for the full time of her con- tract without her attempting to perform. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 20, 1913.) After entering into a contract with a teacher for a definite time, a school district would be justified in discharging said teacher when it appears there are no children in the district, as the school laws of the state necessarily enter into and become a part of the contract of every teacher. And the provisions of § 223, Code of Pub. Ins., 1917, are broad enough to make it the duty of the directors to discharge a teacher when there are no children in the district. (Atty. Gen., Nov. 20, 1913.) The fact that the county superintendent has approved a contract does not necessarily mean that the county superintendent has approved the action of the schoo; board in appointing any particular teacher. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 149.') The duty of the county superintendent of schools in approving a contract, within the meaning of §§ 223 and 217, Code of Pub. Ins., 1917, is merely to approve the form of contract, which would include passing upon such questions as to whether the contract is for a greater length of time than that prescribed by law, whether the teacher has a certificate to teach, etc. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 149.) School directors may make repairs and improvements and pay for them out of the fund raised during the current year, but may not anticipate the taxes to be raised on the levy which is to be made in the following fall. (Atty. Gen., April 15, 1915.) Dancing is a form of recreation ; and since the law does not limit the use of the school property to any particular kind of recreation, we conclude that the school property may be used for dancing. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 296.) The holding of the Attorney General's office that directors could permit dancing in school houses is not to be understood that directors are obliged to permit dancing, but they are authorized to exercise their own discretion in such matters. (Atty. Gen., Jan. 28, 1914.) The use of a school house for dancing purposes would not convert the school house into a dance house so as to bring it within the provisions of the criminal code. (Atty. Gen., Jan. 28, 1914.) In districts of the third class, the matter of establishment of grades, is vested in the board of directors, and they are the board who determine what grades shall be maintained. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 551.) A school district can not pay for instruction of its pupils in an adjoining district. (Atty, Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 100.) Except in districts of the first class, there is no provision in the school law authorizing a medical inspection of school children, or the expenditure of school funds for such purpose. (Atty. Gen., Jan. 12, 1914.) A school board can not lawfully purchase text books and sell them to the pupils of the district. It can perform only such acts as the law authorizes. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1905-06, p. 253.) When the directors of a school district have established transportation routes for the transportation of children, the county superintendent of schools has no power to prevent the board of directors from discriminating against certain children of the district. The matter of transportation, like that of other provisions for the education of children, is one within the rli.^oretion of the board of directors of the district. (Atty. Gen., April 2, 1915.) The directors of a school district can not be compelled to furiii.>'ment prohibited without consent of judge. The legal age at which minors may be employed in any store, shop, factory, or any inside employment not connected with farm or house work is In the case of males 14 years or over, and In the case of females 16 years or over, unless said employment Is authorized by an order of the judge of the superior court. When STATE OF WASHINGTON 157 public schools are in session no minor under the age of 15 years may be employed without a certificate from the superintendent of schools. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 56.) 489. Penalty Any person violating any of the provisions of either of the two preceding sections shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars. Attendance officers shall make complaint for violation of the provisions of this act to a justice of the peace or to a judge of the superior court. (L. '09, p. 365, § 3; Rem. & Bal., §4716.) 490. Attendance officers — Their duties To aid in the enforcement of this act, attendance officers shall be appointed and employed as follows: In incorporated city districts the board of directors shall annually appoint one or more attendance officers. Any attendance officer may be a sheriff, constable, a city marshal, or a regularly appointed policeman. In all other districts the county superintendent shall act as attendance officer, and he shall also have authority to appoint one or more assistant attendance officers to aid him in the performance of his duties as attendance officer. The compensation of attendance officer in such city districts shall be fixed and paid by the board appointing him. The attendance officer shall be vested with police powers, the authority to make arrests and sei-ve all legal processes con- templated by this act, and shall have authority to enter all stores, mills, shops or other places in which children may be employed, for the purpose of making such investigations as may be necessary for the enforcement of this act. The attendance officer is authorized to take into custody the person of any child between eight and fifteen years of age, who may be a truant from school, and to conduct such child to his parents, for investigation and explanation, or to the school which he should properly attend. The attendance officer shall institute proceedings against any officer, parent, guardian, person, company or corporation violating any provisions of this act. and shall otherwise dis- charge the duties prescribed in this act, and shall perform such other services as the superintendent of schools or the board of directors may deem necessary. The attendance officer shall keep a record of his transactions, for the inspec- tion and information of the city and county superintendent, and shall make a detailed report to the superintendent of the city or of the county, as often as the same may be required. (L. '09, p. 365, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4717.) It would seem that the language, "Any attendance offlcer may be a sheriff, con- stable, a city mar.shal. or a regularly appointed policeman," does not mean that the attendance offlcer must necessarily be a sheriff, constable or other offlcer named therein. We do not consider the word "may" as mandatory or even directory, but simply as permissive, and it is the opinion of this office that the attendance offlcer need not be a sheriff, constable, a city marshal or policeman, but that any of such officers may be appointed as an attendance officer in the discretion of the board of directors in incorporated city districts. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1909-10, p. 1S7.) 491. May arrest without warrant Any attendance officer, sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, policeman, or any other officer authorized to make arrests in the city or district, shall arrest without warrant a child who, under the provisions of this act, is required to attend school, such child then being a truant from instruction at the school which he or she is lawfully required to attend, shall forthwith deliver 158 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION a child so arrested either to the custody of a person in parental relation to the child or to the teacher from whom the child is then a truant, or, in case of habitual or incorrigible truants, shall bring him or her before a justice of the peace. The justice of the peace shall, if he be convinced that the child so arrested is an habitual truant or that the child is guilty of wilful and con- tinued disobedience to the school rules and regulations or laws, or that the conduct of the child is pernicious and injurious to the school, bind the child over to the superior court with a view of his commitment to the State Reform School or other school for incorrigibles. (L. '09, p. 366, § 5; Rem. & Bal., § 4718.) 492. Census report It shall be the duty of the district clerk or secretary, at the beginning of each school year, to provide the teacher with a copy of the last census of school children taken in his school district: Provided, That if there be a principal or city superintendent in such district, the clerk or secretary shall make such census report to him, and it shall be the duty of every teacher to report to the proper truant officer all cases of truancy or incorrigibility in his or her school, immediately after the offense or offenses shall have been com- mitted: Provided further. That if there be a principal, the report shall be made to him and by him transmitted to the truant officer: And provided fur- ther. That if there be a city superintendent, the principal shall transmit such report to said city superintendent, who shall transmit such report to the proper truant officer of his district. (L. '09, p. 367, §6; Rem. Bal., §4719.) 493. Concurrent jurisdiction In cases arising under this act, all justices' courts, municipal courts and superior courts in the State of Washington shall have concurrent jurisdiction. (L. '09, p. 367, §7; Rem. & Bal., §4720.) 494. The county attorney shall prosecute The county attorney shall act as attorney for the complainant in all court proceedings relating to the compulsory attendance of children as required by this act. (L. '09, p. 367, §8; Rem. & Bal., §4721.) 49.J. Notice by county superintendent The county uperintendent shall on or before the loth day of August of each year, by printed circular or otherwise, call the attention of all school district officers to the provisions of this act, and to the penalties prescribed for the violation of its provisions, and he or she shall require the clerk of every school district to make a report annually hereafter, to him or her, verified by affidavit, stating whether or not the provisions of this act have been faithfully complied with in his district. Such reports shall be made upon blanks to be furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and shall be transmitted to the county superintf ndent at the time the district clerk is required to make his annual report to the county superintendent. Any district clerk who shall knowingly or wilfully make a false report relating to the enforcement of the provisions of this act or fail to report as herein pro- vided shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and any district clfrk who shall refuse or STATE OF WASHINGTON I59 neglect to make the report required in this section shall be personally liable to his district for any loss which it may sustain because of such neglect or re- fusal to report. (L. '09, p. 367, §9; Rem. & Bal., §4722.) 496. Penalty Any superintendent, teacher or attendance oflBcer, who shall fail or refuse to perform the duties prescribed by this act shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and, upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars: Provided, That in case of a district officer, such fine shall be paid to the county treasurer and by him placed to the credit of the school district in which said oflBcer resides, and in case of other officers such fine shall be paid to the county treasurer and by him placed to the credit of the general school fund of the county. (L. '09, p. 368, §10; Rem. & Bal., §4723.) 497. Fines applied to support of schools All fines except as otherwise provided in this act shall inure and be ap- plied to the support of the public schools in the district where such offense was committed. (L. '09, p. 368, §11; Rem. & Bal., §4724.) 498. Officers not liable for costs No officer performing any duty under any of the provisions of this act, or under the provisions of any rules that may be passed in pursuance hereor, shall in any wise become liable for any costs that may accrue in the perform- ance of any duty prescribed by this act. (L. '09, p. 368, §12; Rem. & Bal., §4725.) CHAPTER 17 — GRAMMAR SCHOOL EX.\MIXATIOXS 499. Duties of Superintendent of Public Instruction It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction at such times as he may deem it advisable, but not oftener than three times each year, to forward questions prepared by the State Board of Education for use in the examination of pupils having completed the grammar school course of study, to fix the date for such examination, and to grant certificates of pro- motion to pupils successfully passing such examination according to the stand- ard prescribed by the State Board of Education: Provided. That such certifi- cate shall entitle the holder thereof to entrance into any high school of the state without further examination: Provided further. That nothing in this act shall be construed as compelling boards of directors to admit non-resident pupils without tuition charge. (L. '09, p. 368, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4731.) 500. County superintendent may appoint assistant examiners It shall be the duty of the county board of education to examine and grade the manuscripts of the pupils who take the examinations mentioned in section one (1) of this chapter. The county superintendent may appoint as- sistant examiners, who shall conduct such examinations of pupils according to the rnles and regulations of the State Board of Education, and within three days transmit the manuscripts to the county superintendent. Assistant ex- aminers shall receive three dollars per day, to be paid in the same manner as the regular board. (L. '09, p. 369, §2; Rem. & Bal.. §4732.) 1^0 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 301. County board of education to grade manuscripts It shall be the duty of the county board of education to meet at the county seat at the call of the county superintendent for the purpose of exam- ining and grading the manuscripts of pupils taking such examinations under the direction of any assistant examiner or of the county superintendent. No questions shall be used in such examination except those prepared by the State Board of Education as provided in section one (1) of this chapter: Provided. That the State Board of Education may prescribe a special course of reading to be done by pupils in the last year of the grammar school course, as a requisite to their receiving certificates of graduation. (L. '09, p. 369, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4733.) 502. County superintendent to report It shall be the duty of the county superintendent to report to the Super- intendent of Public Instruction, within ten days after any meeting of the county board of education, the names of all pupils successfully passing any examination, as herein provided, together with their respective standings or grades in the several prescribed subjects and such other facts relating to said pupils or said examination as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may require. (L. '09, p. 369, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4734.) CHAPTER 18 — HIGH SCHOOL EXTENSION EXA>nNATIONS 503. State board to outline course The State Board of Education shall outline a course of reading and study similar to a course of study required in a full four-year high school course, and shall provide for the examination and certification of those taking or completing such course. Examinations for this purpose shall be held at the same time and place of holding examinations for teachers' certificates, and in such form to fully test the students' knowledge of the subject or subjects examined in. Any one or more subjects may be taken at any such examina- tion and a student failing in any subject may again be examined in such sub- ject at any subsequent examination: Provided, Each year's work of a lower grade must be completed before a student shall be permitted to complete the work of a higher year. Such examination shall be intended only for those not taking a full course in the same subject in a regular high school, and ho person shall be admitted to any such examination unless he shall have given to the county superintendent notice of his intention to take such examination and the subjects in which he desires to be examined at least thirty days before the examination, and obtain permission from such superintendent to take such examination. (L. '09. p. 370, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4735.) 504. Questions and examinations The questions for such examination shall be prepared by the State Board of Education, and shall be furnished to the State Superintendent of Public In- struction, who shall cause the same to be printed and distributed to the several county superintendents upon request therefor the same as the questions for teachers' examinations are printed and distributed. The manuscripts con- taining the answers of applicants shall be returned to the Superintendent of Public Instruction, to be niarkfd and graded by him. and who shall issue STATE OF WASHINGTON 161 certificates to those who have the required percentage in the various branches which shall be fixed by the State Board of Education. (L. '09, p. 370, § 2; Rem. & Bal., § 4736.) 505. Certificates to be issued Upon the completion of the full course as outlined by the State Board of Education, a state high school certificate shall be issued to the applicant by the said board and such certificate shall entitle the holder thereof to enter the freshman class of the State University or to enter any other class in the other state educational institutions as may be specified by the State Board of Education. (L. '09, p. 371, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4737.) CHAPTER 19 — laXDERGARTENS 506. How established in districts of the first and second class The board of directors of any school districts of the first and second classes shall have power to establish and maintain free kindergartens in connection with the common schools of said districts for the instruction of children between the ages of four and six years, residing in said district, and shall establish such courses of training, study and discipline and such rules and regulations governing such kindergartens as said board may deem best. (L. '11, p. 382, §1.) See, supra, § 254, subdiv. 4, Code Pub. Ins., kindergartens in districts of first class. 507. Shall be part of public school system Kindergartens established under this act shall be a part of the public school system and under the control and supervision of the regular officers who have charge of the public schools of the state: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to change the law relating to the taking of the census of the school population or the apportionment of state and county funds. (L. '09, p. 371, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4739.) 508. E.vpense to be paid from general fund The cost of establishing and maintaining such kindergartens shall be paid from the general school fund of the district. It shall be the duty of teachers, city superintendents, district clerks and county superintendents to respectively report as other school attendance is reported, the attendance of all childien five years of age or over at such kindergartens, and it shall there- upon be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to make appor- tionment to the proper counties of the current state school fund and of the respective county superintendents to apportion to the districts entitled thereto such funds as are now apportioned by such officers, and on making such ap- portionments to consider and allow one-half credit for such kindergarten at- tendance to the same extent as credit is allowed for attendance in primary or grammar grades: Provided, however, That credit for kindergarten attend- ance shall be based on a three-hour day: Provided, That for the purposes of this act, an attendance of two (2) hours shall be credited as one-half day. Such kindergartens shall constitute a part of the common school system and shall be open to all children of proper age resident in the district maintaining same. It shall be the duty of all district clerks to include children four years of age and over in the enumeration of the annual school census with like effect as children of higher age are now included therein. (L. '17, p. 506, § 1.) —6 2g2 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 509. Teachers to hold diplomas or certificates Kindergarten teachers and supervisors shall have diplomas or certificates from some accredited kindergarten training school, from the kindergarten department of a state normal school of this state or of a normal school whose kindergarten department is accredited by the State Board of Education. (L. '09, p. 371, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4741.) CHAPTER 20 — TAIUNG OF PRIVATE PROPERTY FOR SCHOOL, HOUSE SITES 510. School districts may take and acquire title Whenever any school district shall select any real estate as a site for a school house, or as additional grounds to an existing school house site, within the district, and the board of school directors of such district and the owner or owners of the site or any part thereof, or addition thereto selected, shall be unable to agree upon the compensation to be paid by such school district to the owner or owners thereof, such school district shall have the right to take and acquire title to such real estate for use as a school house site or additional site, upon first paying to the owner or owners thereof therefor the value thereof, to be ascertained in the manner hereinafter provided. (L. '09, p. 372, §1; Rem. & Bal., §906.) A county may take school property for public use, but the showing would have to be to the effect that the new use was more important to the public than the old use. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 72.) 511. Petition to superior court The board of directors of the school district shall present to the superior court of the State of Washington in and for the county wherein is situated the real estate desired to be acquired for school house site purposes, a petition, reciting that the board of directors of such school district have selected certain real estate, describing it, as a school house site, or as additional grounds to an existing site, for such school district; that the site so selected, or some part thereof, describing it, belongs to a person or persons, naming him or them; that such school district has offered to give the owner or owners thereof therefor dollars, and that the owner of such real estate has re- fused to accept the same therefor; that the board of school directors of such school district and the said owner or owners of such real estate are unable to agree upon the compensation to be paid by such school district to the owner or owners of such real estate therefor, and praying that a jury be empaneled to ascertain and determine the compensation to be made in money by such school district to such owner or owners for the taking of such real estate for the use as a school house site for such school district; or in case a jury be waived in the manner provided l)y law in other civil actions in courts of record, then that the compensation to be made as aforesaid be ascertained and determined by the court, or judge thereof. (L. '09, p. 372, §2; Rem. & Bal., 8 907.) 512. Notice of petition A notice, stating the time and place, when and where such petition shall be presented to the court, or the judge thereof, together with a copy of such petition, shall be served on each and every i)erson named therein as owner, STATE OF WASHINGTON -j^j^ or otherwise interested therein, at least ten days previous to the time desig- nated in such notice for the presentation of such petition. Such notice shall be signed by the prosecuting attorney of the county wherein the real estate sought to be taken is situated, and may be served in the same manner as summons in a civil action in such superior court is authorized by law to be served. (L. '09, p. 373, §3; Rem. & Bal., §908.) 513. Adjournment of proceedings The court may, upon application of the petitioner or of any owner of said real estate, or any person interested therein, for reasonable cause adjourn the proceedings from time to time, and may order new or further notice to be given to any party whose interests may be affected by such proceedings. (L. '09, p. 373, §4; Rem. & Bal., §909.) 514. Findings of court At the time and place appointed for the hearing of such petition, or to which the same may have been adjourned, if the court shall find that all parties interested in such real estate sought to be taken have been duly served with notice and a copy of the petition as above described, and shall further find that such real estate sought to be taken is required and necessary for the purposes of a school house site, or as an addition to a school house site, for such school district, the court shall make an order reciting such findings, and shall thereupon set the hearing of such petition down for trial by a jury, as other civil actions are tried, unless a jury is waived in the manner pro- vided by law in other civil actions. (L. '09, p. 373, §5; Rem. & Bal., §910.) 515. Jury — Number of persons The jury impaneled to hear the evidence and determine the compensation to be paid to the owner or owners of such real estate desired for such school house site purpose shall consist of twelve persons, unless a less number be agreed upon, and shall be selected, impaneled and sworn in the same manner that juries in other civil actions are selected, impaneled and sworn; Provided, A juror may be challenged for cause on the ground that he is a taxpayer of the district seeking the condemnation of any real estate. (L. '09, p. 373, §6; Rem. & Bal., § 911.) 516. Superior court judge to preside A judge of the superior court shall preside at the trial and witnesses may be examined in behalf of either party to the proceedings, as in other civil actions, and upon the request of all the parties interested in such proceedings the court shall cause the jury impaneled to hear the same, to view the prem- ises sought to be taken, and upon the request of any less number of the persons interested in the proceedings, the court may cause the jury to view the premises, pending the hearing of the case. (L. '09, p. 374, §7: Rem. & Bal., §912.) 517. Court to instruct jury ITpon the close of the evidence, and the argument of counsel, the court shall instruct the jury as to the matters submitted to them, and the lew per- taining thereto, whereupon the jury shall retire and deliberate and determine upon the amount of compensation in money that shall be paid to the owner |g4 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION or owners of the real estate sought to be taken for such school house site purposes therefor, which shall be the amount found by the jury to be the fair and full value of such premises; and when the jury shall have determined upon their verdict, they shall return the same to the court as in other civil actions. (L. '09, p. 374, § 8; Rem. & Bal., § 913.) Rem. & Bal., § 913, providing that, upon the condemnation of a school site, the compensation to be paid the owner shall be the fair and full value of the premises does not limit the recovery to the naked value of the land, in violation of the con- stitutional requirement requiring payment of the value of the land taken and for any depreciation of the land not taken ; since the statute is directory and contains no words of limitation confining the jury to the value of the land taken alone : State ex rel. School District No. 56 v. Superior Court, 69 Wash. 189. 518. The verdict When ten of the jurors agree upon a verdict, the verdict so agreed upon shall be signed by the foreman, and the verdict so agreed upon shall be and stand as the verdict of the jury. (L. '09, p. 374, §9; Rem. & Bal., §914.) 519. Compensation, when jury is waived In case a jury is waived, the compensation that shall be paid for the premises taken shall be determined by the court and the proceedings shall be the same as in the trial of issues of fact by the court in other civil actions. (L. '09, p. 374, §10; Rem. & Bal., §915.) 520. Entry of judgment, etc. Upon the verdict of the jury, or upon the determination by the court of the compensation to be paid for the property sought to be taken as herein provided, judgment shall be entered against such school district in favor of the owner or owners of the real estate sought to be taken, for the amount found as compensation therefor, and upon the payment of such amount by such school district to the clerk of such court for the use of the owner or owners of, and the persons interested in the premises sought to he taken, the court shall enter a decree of appropriation of the real estate sought to be taken, thereby vesting the title to the same in such school district; and a certified copy of such decree of appropriation may be filed in the office of the county auditor of the county wherein the real estate taken is situated, and shall be recorded by such auditor like a deed of real estate, and with like effect. The money so paid to the clerk of the court shall be by him paid to the person or persons entitled thereto, upon the order of the court. (L. '09, p. 374, §11; Rem. & Bal., §916.) 521. Costs All the costs of such proceedings in the superior court shall be paid by the school district initiating such proceedings. (L. '09, p. 375, §12; Rem. & Bal., §917.) 522. Ap[>eal Either party may appeal from the judgment for compensation awarded for the i)roperty taken, entered in the superior court, to the supreme court of the state within sixty days after the entry of the judgment, and such appeal shall bring before the supreme court the justness of the compensation awarded for the property taken, and any error occurring on the hearing of such matter, STATE OF WASHINGTON |fj5 prejudicial to the party appealing: Provided, however, That if the owner or owners of the land taken accepts the sum awarded by the jury or court, he or they shall be deemed thereby to have waived their right of appeal to the supreme court. (L. '09, p. 375, §13; Rem. & Bal., §918.) 523. Possession of premises An appeal from such judgment by the owner or owners of the land sought to be takon, shall not have the effect to preclude the school district from taking possession of the premises sought, pending the appeal, provided the amount of the judgment against the school district shall have been paid in to the clerk of the court, as hereinbefore provided. (L. '09, p. 375, §14; Rem. & Bal., §919.) 524. Plaintiff and defendants In all proceedings under this act the school district seeking to acquire title to real estate for a school house site, shall be denominated plaintiff, and all other persons interested therein shall be denominated defendants; and in all such proceedings the clerk of the superior court wherein any such proceeding is brought shall charge nothing for his services, except in taking an appeal from the judgment entered in the superior court. (L. '09, p. 375, §15; Rem. & Bal., §920.) CHAPTER 21 — PROHIBITING SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS \nTHIN PRESCRIBED LIMITS OF STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 325. Two thousand feet from institution That it shall be imlawful to sell or in any way dispose of any vinous, spirituous, malt or other intoxicating liquors, with or without a license, within two thousand (2,000) feet of any normal school, agricultural college, reform school, or state school for defective youth, now established or which may hereafter be legally established within the State of Washington: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be construed to affect in any way the provisions of "An act prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on or near the grounds of the University of Washington," approved March 19, 1895. (L. '09, p. 376, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4744.) See, infra, § 570, Code Pub. In-s., sale of liquors on university grounds. This also includes sale by druggists within the restricted district, as exceptions cannot be made by construction where the language is plain and unequivocal: State V. Pomeroy, 68 Wash. 389. 520. Penalty Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred (200) dollars, nor more than one thousand (1,000) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (L. '09, p. 376, §2; Rem. & Bal.. §4745.) IQQ CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION TITLE IV CHAPTER 1 — DESIGNATION AND INTENT OF ACT AND REPEALING CLAUSE 527. Official title This act shall be known and cited as the Code of Public Instruction of the State of Washington. (L. '09, p. 376, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4746.) "Act" refers to chapter 97 of the Laws of 1909. 528. Intention of act This act is intended to be and is amendatory of, and a recodification as amended of, all laws relating to the public school system of the State of Wash- ington. (L. '09, p. 376, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4747.) 529. Repealing clause All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with or in conflict with the pro- visions of this act are hereby repealed. (L. '09, p. 376, §3.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 167 MISCELLANEOUS LAWS RELATING TO SCHOOLS PUBLICATION OP ESTIMATES OF SCHOOL EXPENSES 530. Detailed estimates of expenditures It shall be the duty of county commissioners, city and town councils, and school directors of school districts lying wholly, or in part, within the limits of any incorporated city or town, on or before the first Monday in September of each year, to make estimates of the amount required to meet the public expense for the ensuing year, and to be raised by taxation In such county, city, town, road, school or other taxing district. Such estimates shall be fully Itemized, showing under separate heads the amount required for each depart- ment, public office, public official, for each public improvement, for the main- tenance of each public building, structure, or institution, the salary of each public officer or employe, the maintenance of public highways, roads, streets, bridges, the construction, operation and maintenance of each public utility, and shall contain a full and complete disclosure and statement of the contem- plated expenditures for the ensuing year, showing the amount proposed to be expended from each separate fund, and the total amount of public expense. Said statement shall also contain an estimate of the receipts for the ensuing year from sources other than direct taxation, and the amount, or amounts, proposed to be raised by taxation upon the real and personal property of such county, city, town, road, school, or other taxing district. (L. '09, p. 531, §1; Rem. & Bal., §9208.) Note : This chapter applies only to school districts of the first or the second class. In making the tax levy for the ensuing year the officers cannot exceed the amount estimated. (Atty. Gen., Oct. 23, 1915.) 531. Publication of estimate The estimates required in section one (1) of this act, together with a notice that such board of county commissioners, city or town council, or board of school directors, will meet on the first Monday in October for the purpose of making tax levies, as stated in said estimates, and naming the time and place of holding such meeting, shall be published for at least two (2) consecutive weeks following the adoption of such estimates as follows: Es- timates of expenditures, required to be disbursed by county commissioners, shall be published in the official newspaper of the county, if there be one; if not, then in a newspaper of general circulation in such county. All other estimates shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in such county, town, school, or other taxing district. (L. '09, p. 531, §2; Rem. & Bal., §9209.) See, supra, § 346, Code Pub. Ins., time of levying state school tax. 532. Public hearing It shall be the duty of county commissioners, city and town councils, and of school directors of school districts, lying wholly, or in part, within the limits of any incorporated city or town, to meet on the first Monday in October, and at the time and place designated in said notice, when and where any taxpayer who may appear shall be heard in favor or against any proposed tax levies. When such hearing shall have been concluded, such county commissioners, 168 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION city or town council, and school directors shall proceed to make, determine, and decide the amount of taxes to be levied upon the current assessment rolls. All taxes shall be levied or voted in specific sums, and shall not exceed the amount specified in such published estimates. (L. '09, p. 532, § 3; Rem. & Bal., §9210.) The provisions of §§ 9208 and 9209, Rem. & Bal., requiring the publication of estimates and hearing thereon, are not applicable to school districts of the second class. (Atty. Gen., Feb. 8, 1917.) 533. Penalty Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misde- meanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars. (L. '09, p. 532, §4; Rem. & Bal., §9211.) Rem. & Bal. Code, §§ 9208, 9209, 9211, being a general law relating to the annual levy of taxes in school districts, yields to § 4521, of the "Code of Education," passed at the same session, and being a special law relating to tax levies by school districts of the second class: Goodwin v. Carr, 78 Wash. 193. FIRE DRILLS 534. Fire drills twice each month It shall be the duty of the principal or other person in charge of every public or private school or educational institution within the state, to instruct and train the pupils by means of drills, so that they may in a sudden emer- gency be able to leave the school building in the shortest possible time and without confusion or panic. Such drills or rapid dismissals shall be held at least twice in each month. (L. '09, p. 386, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4748.) The law requiring fire drills in schools does not apply to the state institutions at Chehalis, Monroe, Vancouver and Medical Lake. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1911-12, p. 197.) 535. Penalty Neglect by any principal or other person in charge of any public or private school or educational institution to comply with the provisions of this act shall be a misdemeanor, punishable at the discretion of the court by a fine not exceeding fifty ($50.00) dollars. Such fine to be paid to the county treasurer for the benefit of said school district. (L. '09, p. 386, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4749.) 536. Publication of this act It shall be the duty of the board of directors or other body having control of the schools in any town or city to cause a copy of this act to be printed in the manual or handbook prepared for the guidance of teachers, where such manual or handbook is in use or may hereafter come into use. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to cause a copy of this act to be published in the Washington State Manual. (L. '09, p. 386, §3; Rem. & Bal., §4750.) 537. CollcRe.s and universities cvcepted The provisions of this act shall not apply to colleges or universities. (L. '09, p. 38G, §4; Rem. & Bal., §4751.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 169 PROHIBITING CHILD LABOR 538. Child labor forbidden That no person under the age of nineteen years shall be employed as a public messenger by any person, telegraph company, telephone company, or messenger company in any city of the first class in this state, nor shall any child of either sex under the age of fourteen years be hired out to labor in any factory, mill, workshop or store at any time: Provided, That any superior court judge may issue a permit for the employment of any child between the ages of twelve and fourteen years at any occupation, not in his judgment dangerous or injurious to the health or morals of such child, upon evidence satisfactory to him that the labor of such child is necessary for its support or for the assistance of any parent: And provided further, That the judge of the juvenile court may issue permits for the employment of any male child over fourteen years of age, as messenger by telegraph, telephone and mes- senger companies subject to such limitations and conditions as may be im- posed by said court. All permits herein provided for shall be issued for a definite time and shall be revocable at the discretion of the judge by whom issued. (L. '07, p. 238, § 1; Rem. & Bal. § 6570.) See, supra, §§ 487-491, Code Pub. Ins., compulsory school laws. Laws of 1903, page 261, providing that children under fourteen years of age shall not be "hired out," is intended to forbid their employment, as well as hiring out by parents, and the prohibition extends to all connected therewith, making the employment itself illegal: Kirkham v. Wheeler-Osgood Co., 39 Wash. 415. 539. Penalty Any employer, or any overseer, superintendent, or agent of such person, telegraph company, telephone company or messenger company who shall vio- late any of the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined for each offense not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not to exceed six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. (L. '07, p. 238, §2; Rem. & Bal., §6571.) EMINENT DOMAIN 540. Eminent domain extended to public lands All state, county and school districts, or other lands belonging to other public corporations, shall be subject to the provisions of this act and such corporations, by and through their proper authorities, shall be made parties in all proceedings therein affecting said lands, and shall have the same rights and liable to the same right of eminent domain as private persons and the lands shall be subject to the right of eminent domain the same as the land of private persons or corporations. (L. '09, Ex. Ses., p. 34, §43; Rem. & Bal., §8208.) "This act" refers to commercial waterways. 541. Assessment of benefits against state and niunioipalitios — Payment In case lands belonging to the state, county and school district, or other public corporations, are benefited by any improvement instituted under the provisions of this act, all benefits shall be assessed against said lands, and the same shall be paid by the proper authorities of such public corporations at the jryo CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION times and in the same manner as assessments are called and paid in case of private persons out of any general fund of such corporation. (L. '09, Ex. Ses., p. 34, § 44; Rem. & Bal., § 8209.) CARNEGIE FUND 542. Application for Carnegie fund authorized The board of regents of the University of Washington and the board of regents of the State College of Washington are authorized to apply for par- ticipation by the said University and State College of Washington in the fund of the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching, and from time to time to make application for allowances for such persons as may be eligible to receive the same under the rules laid down by the board of trustees of the Carnegie foundation for the advancement of teaching. (L. '09, p. 53, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4551.) See, supra, § 67 et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., regents of State College. See, supra, § 27 et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., University of Washington. VACANCIES IN STATE BOARD 543. Vacancies Whenever any vacancy in the board shall occur, whether by death, removal, resignation or otherwise, the Governor shall fill the vacancy by appointment. (L. '97, p. 367, §26; Rem. & Bal., §4304.) The force of this section, relating to the State Board of Education, is doubtful. See, siipra, § 11 et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., powers and duties of board. LEGAL RATE OP INTEREST ON SCHOOL WARRANTS 544. Interest on school warrants All county, city, town and school warrants, and all warrants or other evi- dences of indebtedness, drawn upon or payable from any public funds, shall bear interest at a rate not greater than eight per centum per annum, unless a less rate be specified therein. (L. '99, p. 129, §4; Rem. & Bal., §6253.) State warrants draw interest only from the date of their presentation to the treasurer and his endorsement thereon, "Not paid for want of funds." at the legal rate prevailing at the date of presentation and not that in force at tlie date of Issuance, under the statutes of this state : State ex rel. Capital Nat. Bank v. Young, 22 Wash. 547. 545. Issuing officer to regulate rate It shall be the duty of every public officer issuing public warrants to make monthly investigation to ascertain the market value of the current warrants issued by him, and he shall, so far as practicable, fix the rate of interest (not in any event, however, exceeding the maximum rate hereinbefore established therefor) on the warrants issued by him during the ensuing month, so that the par value shall be the market value thereof. (L. '99, p. 129, §5; Rem. & Bal., §6254.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 171 STATE TAX FOR INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION 546. Definition of terms The terms "State Institutions of Higher Education" as used in this act shall include the University of Washington, the Washington State College, the State Normal School at Cheney, the State Normal School at EUensburg, and the State Normal School at Bellingham. (L. '11, p. 340, §1.) 547. Funds created There is hereby created a fund to be known as the "University Fund;" a fund to be known as the "Washington State College Fund;" a fund to be known as the "Cheney Normal School Fund;" a fund to be known as the "EUensburg Normal School Fund;" and a fund to be known as the "Belling- ham Normal School Fund." (L. '11, p. 340, §2.) See, infra, §§ 633-643, Code Pub. Ins., other funds. 548. Where paid All moneys arising from the tax herein directed to be levied for the said several institutions of higher education shall be paid into the respective funds hereby created. (L. '11, p. 340, §3.) 549. Tax levy The State Board of Equalization shall, beginning the fiscal year 1917, and annually thereafter, at the time of levying taxes for state purposes, levy upon all property subject to taxation, a tax of seventy-four one hundredths (74/100) of one mill for the State University fund; fortj^-five one hundredths (45/100) of one mill for the State College fund; fifteen and one-fifth (ISVs/lOO) of one mill for the Bellingham Normal School fund; thirteen one hundredths (13/100) of one mill for the Cheney Normal School fund; and ten and four- fifths one hundredths (10%/100) of one mill for the EUensburg Normal School fund. It shall be the duty of the joint board of higher curricula in the report to be made next preceding the convening of the Legislature in 1921 to recom- mend any changes in levy herein provided for which the said board may deem necessary or proper, and to give their specific grounds and reasons therefor, for the purpose of having the levy herein provided for readjusted by the Legislature of 1921. (L. '17, p. 338, §1.) 550. Purpose All sums of money produced by said tax shall be placed in said several funds and hereby set apart for the use of the several institutions herein pro- vided for, for the purpose of maintenance, repairs and construction of build- ings, and equipment thereof. (L. '11, p. 341, §5.) DUTIES OF PROSECUTING ATTORNEY 551. Attorney for school districts, etc. The prosecuting attorney of each county shall have authority and it shall be his duty, subject to the supervisory control and direction of the Attorney General, to appear for and represent the state and the county and all school 172 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION districts in the county in which he is a prosecuting attorney, in all criminal and civil actions and proceedings in such county in which the state or such county or such school district is a party. (L. '11, p. 375, § 1.) See Bates v. School District No. 10, 45 Wash. 498. PER>rAXENT FIRE IXSURAXCE FUND IX DISTRICTS OF THE FIRST CLASS 552. Power to create That school districts of the first class shall, when in the judgment of the boards of directors it be deemed expedient, have power to create and maintain a permanent insurance fund for said districts, to be used to meet losses by fire, if any, of said school districts. (L. '11, p. 378, §1.) The trustees of a state normal school have the powei- to place Insurance on buildings. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 74.) 553. Power of directors The board of directors shall annually, at the same time and in the same manner as provided for reporting to the board of county commissioners an estimate of the amount of funds required for the support of the schools, report the additional amount of funds determined upon for creating or adding to the permanent insurance fund of the district, and the board of county com- missioners are hereby authorized and required to levy and collect such addi- tional amount of funds, the same as other school taxes. (L. '11, p. 378, § 2.) See, supra, § 254, Code Pub. Ins., powers of directors in districts of tlie first class. 554. Treasurer may invest funds The county treasurer, when authorized to do so by the board of directors of any school district, may invest any accumulated permanent insurance fund of said district in school, county, or state warrants of the State of Washington, and all profits accruing from such investment, and the funds so invested, shall revert to the permanent insurance fund of said district, and the county treas- urer shall be the custodian of all, warrants purchased by and with said per- manent insurance fund until the same are redeemed, and the county treasurer shall submit a statement of such fund and warrants as a part of his monthly report to each district. (L. '11, p. 378, § 3.) See, supra, § 304, Code Pub. Ins., duties of county treasurer. COMMUXITY PURPOSES — BUILDIXGS 555. Wider use of school buildings — Erection of teachers' cottages That school boards in each district of the second class and third class may provide for the free, comfortable and convenient use of the school prop- erty to promote and facilitate frequent meetings and association of the people in discussion, study, improvement, recreation and other community purposes, and may acquire, assemble and house material for the dissemination of in- formation of use and interest to the farm, the home and the community, and facilities for experiment and study, especially in matters pertaining to the growing of crops, the improvement and handling of live stock, the marketing of farm products, the planning and construction of farm buildings, the sub- jects of household economifs, home industries, good roads, and community vo- cations and industries; and may call meetings for the consideration and dis- STATE OF WASHINGTON 173 cussion of any such matters, employ a special supervisor or leader, if need be, and provide suitable dwellings and accommodations for teachers, supervisors and necessary assistants. (L. '13, p. 395, §1.) Dancing is a form of recreation ; and since the law does not limit the use of the school property to any particular kind of recreation, we conclude that the school property may be used for dancing. (Atty. Gen. Ops., 1913-14, p. 296.) The holding of the Attorney General's office that directors could permit dancing in school houses is not to be understood that directors are obliged to permit dancing, but they are authorized to exercise their own discretion in such matters. (Atty. Gen. Jan. 28, 1914.) The use of a school house for dancing purposes would not convert the school house into a dance house so as to bring it within the provisions of tlie criminal code. (Attj'. Gen., Jan. 28, 1914.) 556. Districts may erect communal assembly place That each school district of the second or third class, by itself or in com- bination with any other district or districts, shall have power, when in the judgment of the school board it shall be deemed expedient, to reconstruct, re- model, or build school houses, and to erect, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire other improvements and real and personal property, and establish a communal assembly place and appurtenances, and supply the same with suitable and con- venient furnishings and facilities for the uses mentioned in section 1 of this act. (L. '13, p. 396, §2.) 557. Commission to pass upon plan That plans of any district or combination of districts for the carrying out of the powers granted by this act shall be submitted to and approved by the board of supervisors composed of seven members, as follows: the State Super- intendent of Public Instruction; the head of the extension department of Wash- ington State College; the head of the extension department of the University of Washington; the county superintendent of schools of the county in which such facilities are proposed to be located; these four to choose a fifth member from such county, and a sixth and seventh member, one of whom shall be a woman, from the district or districts concerned. (L. '13, p. 396, § 3.) 558. Limitation of expenditures No real or personal property or improvements shall be purchased, leased, exchanged, acquired or sold, nor any school houses built, remodeled or re- moved, nor any indebtedness incurred or money expended for any of the pur- poses of this act except in the manner provided by law for the purchase, lease, exchange, acquisition and sale of school property, the building, remodeling and removing of school houses and the incurring of indebtedness and expenditure of money for school purposes. (L. '13, p. 396, §4.) A board inquires whether it will have power to erect an addition to house for manual training and domestic science, without the formality of an election. From § 4 of chapter 129, Laws of 1913, it will appear that the status of the board of directors Is the same witli respect to obtaining the consent of the electors as they were before the law was passed. (Atty. Gen., June 16, 1913.) DOORS OP PUBLIC BUILDINGS TO SWING OUTWAHD 559. Doors of school buildings The doors of all theatres, opera houses, school buildings, churches, public halls, or places used for public entertainments, exhibitions or meetings, which ;^'^4. CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION are used exclusively or in part for admission to or egress from the same, or any part thereof, shall be so hung and arranged as to open outwardly, and during any exhibition, entertainment or meeting, shall be kept unlocked and unfastened, and in such condition that in case of danger or necessity, imme- diate escape from such building shall not be prevented or delayed; and every agent or lessee of any such building who shall rent the same or allow it to be used for any of the aforesaid public purposes without having the doors thereof hung and arranged as hereinbefore provided, shall, for each violation of any provision of this section, be guilty of a misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 974, §273; Rem. & Bal., § 2525.) THE STATE MUSEU3I AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 560. Museum The museum of the University of Washington is hereby constituted the state museum as a depository for the preservation and exhibition of docu- ments and objects possessing an historical value, of materials illustrating the fauna, flora, anthropology, mineral wealth, and natural resources of the state, and for all documents and objects whose preservation will be of value to the student of history and the natural sciences. (L. '99, p. 40, §1; Rem. & Bal., §6992.) 561. Officials shall collect materials It shall be the duty of all boards, commissioners and officers acting under the authority of this state who, in the performance of their duties, may come into possession of any documents or material having an historical or scientific value to send for preservation and exhibition all such documents or material, unless otherwise by law provided for, to the state museum constituted by sec- tion 1 of this act. (L. '99, p. 40, § 2; Rem. & Bal., S 6993.) 562. Private persons may contribute This museum may receive all such above named documents or material for preservation and exhibition from any private person under such rules and regulations as the board of regents of the University of Washington may deem proper to make for the care of the aforesaid museum. (L. '99, p. 40, §3; Rem. & Bal., §6994.) 56.'{. Regents have charge The board of regents of the University of Washington ex-officio shall have full charge and management of the state museum hereby created. (L. '99, p. 41, §4; Rem. & Bal., § 6995.) NORMAL MODEIi SCHOOL 564. Trustees to estimate numher of pupils rcig (12) Who is incorrigible; that is, who is beyond the control and power of its parents, guardian, or custodian by reason of the vicious conduct or nature of said child; or (13) Whose father, mother, guardian or custodian is an habitual drunk- ard, or do not properly provide for such child, and it appears that such child is destitute of a suitable home or of adequate means of obtaining an honest living, or who is in danger of being brought up to lead an idle, dissolute or immoral life; or where such child is without proper means of support; or (14) Who is an habitual truant, as defined in the school laws of the State of Washington; or (15) Who uses intoxicating liquor as a beverage, or who uses tobacco in any form, or who uses opium, cocaine, morphine, or other similar drug, with- out the direction of a competent physician; or (16) Who from any cause is in danger of growing up to lead an idle, dis- solute or immoral life; or (17) Who wanders about in the night time without being on any lawful business or occupation; or (18) Any child under the age of twelve years found peddling or selling any article, or singing or playing on any musical instrument for gain upon the public street, or giving any public entertainment, or who accompanies, or is used in aid of, any person so doing: Provided, That this act shall not pro- hibit the giving of entertainments by regularly organized schools or societies where twelve or more musical instruments are used. The words "delinquent child" shall include any child under the age of eighteen years who violates any law of this state, or any ordinance of any town, city, county or city and county of this state defining crime; or who habitually uses vile, obscene, vulgar, profane or indecent language, or is guilty of immoral conduct; or who is found in or about railroad yards or tracks; or who jumps on or off trains or cars; or who enters a car or engine, without lawful authority. For the purpose of this act only, all delinquent and dependent children within the state shall be considered wards of this state and their persons shall be subject to the custody, care, guardianship and control of the court as here- inafter provided. (L. '13, p. 520, § 1.) See State v. Rasch, 24 Wash. 332. 580. Superior courts to be juvenile courts The superior courts in the several counties of this state shall have original jurisdiction in all cases coming within the terms of this act. In all trials under this act, any person interested therein may demand a jury trial, or the judge of his own motion, may order a jury to try the case. In counties con- taining thirty thousand or more inhabitants, the judges of the superior court shall, at such times as they may determine, designate one or more of their number whose duty it shall be to hear all cases arising under this act. A special session to be designated as the "Juvenile Court Session" shall be pro- vided for the hearing of such cases and the findings of the court shall be en- tered in a book or books kept for the purpose, and known as the "Juvenile Record," and the court may, for convenience, be called the "Juvenile Court." {L. '13, p. 522, §2.) See In re Barhee, 19 Wash. 306. 180 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 581. Probation officers The court or judge designated as provided in section 2 of this act, shall appoint or designate one or more discreet persons of good character to serve as probation officers during the pleasure of the court, said probation officers to receive no compensation from the public treasury. In case a probation officer shall be appointed by any court, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the court, if practicable, to notify the said probation officer in advance when the child is to be brought before said court; it shall be the duty of said probation officers to make such investigation as may be required by the court. The pro- bation officer or officers shall inquire into the antecedents, character, family history, environments and cause of dependency or delinquency of every al- leged dependent or delinquent child brought before the juvenile court and shall make his report in writing to the judge thereof, shall be present in order to represent the interests of the child when the case is heard, shall furnish the court such information and assistance as the judge may require, and shall take such charge of the child before and after the trial as may be directed by the court. In counties containing thirty thousand or more inhabitants when it shall appear that there is a necessity for such county officer, the court may appoint one or more persons to act as probation officers, and one or more persons who shall have charge of detention rooms or house of deten- tion, all of whom shall be paid as compensation for their services, such sums as may be fixed by the board of county commissioners, and who shall be paid as other county officers are paid; all probation officers shall possess all the powers conferred upon sheriffs and police officers to serve process and make arrests for the violation of any state law or city ordinances, relative to the care, custody, and control of delinquent and dependent children. (L. '13, p. 522, §3.) 582. Expenses of probation officers The probation officers, and assistant probation officers, and deputy proba- tion officers in all counties of the state shall be allowed such necessary inci- dental expenses as may be authorized by the judge of the juvenile court, and the same shall be a charge upon the county in which the court appointing them has jurisdiction, and the expenses shall be paid out of the county treasury upon a written order of the judge of the juvenile court of said county di- recting the county auditor to draw his warrant upon the county treasurer for the specified amount of such expenses. (L. '13, p. 523, §4. 58.3. Petition to court to take charge of child Any person may file with the clerk of the sujjerior court a petition showing that there is within the county, or residing within the county, a dependent or delinquent child and praying that the superior court deal with such child as provided in this act: Provided, That in counties having paid probation officers, such officers shall, as far as possible, first determine if such petition is reason- ably justifiable. Such petition shall be verified and shall contain a statement of facts constituting such dependency or delinquency, as defined in section 1 of this act, and the names and residence, if known to the petitioner, of the parents, guardian, or custodian of such dependent or delinquent child. There shall be no fee for filing such petitions. (L. '13, p. 524, §5.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 181 584. Summons and notice of hearing Upon the filing of an information, or the petition, the clerk of the court shall issue a summons requiring the person having custody or control of the child, or with whom the child may be, to appear with the child at a place and time stated in the summons, which time shall not be less than twenty-four hours after service. The parents of the child, if living, and their residence if known, or its legal guardian, if there be one or if there is neither parent nor guardian, or if his or her residence is not known, then some relative, if there be one, and his residence is known, shall be notified of the proceedings; and in any case the judge shall appoint some suitable person or association to act in behalf of the child. If the person summoned as herein provided shall fail without reasonable cause to appear and abide the order of the court, or bring the child, he shall be proceeded against as for contempt of court. In case the summons cannot be served or the parties served fail to obey same, and in any case when it shall be made to appear to the court that said summons will be ineffectual, a warrant may issue on the order of the court, either against the parent or guardian or the person having custody of the child, or with whom the child may be, or against the child itself. On return of the summons or other process, or as soon thereafter as may be, the court shall proceed to hear and dispose of the case in a summary manner. Pending the final dispo- sition of the case, the child may be retained in the possession of the person having charge of same, or may be kept in some suitable place provided by the city or county authorities, or by any association having for one of its objects the care of delinquent arid dependent children. (L. '13, p. 524, § 6.) 585. Publication of summons In any case where it shall appear by the petition or verified statement, that the person standing in the position of natural or legal guardian of the person of any child, is a non-resident of this state, or that the name or place of residence or whereabouts of such person is unknown, as well as in all cases where, after due diligence, the officer has been unable to make service of the summons or notice provided for in section 6 of this act, the court may, by order, direct the clerk of the court to publish a notice four consecutive weeks in some newspaper printed in the county and having a general circulation therein. Such notice shall be directed to the parent, parents, or other person claiming the right to the custody of the child, if their names are known, and if un- known, the phrase "To Whom It May Concern" shall be used and apply to, and be binding upon, any such persons whose names are unknown. The name of the court, the name of the child (or children if of one family), the date of the filing of the petition and the date of hearing, which shall not be less than twenty days from the date of the last publication, and the object of the pro- ceeding in general terms, shall be set forth and the whole shall be subscribed by the clerk. There shall be filed with the clerk an affidavit showing due publication of the notice and the cost of publication shall be paid by the county at not to exceed the rate paid by the county for other legal notices. The pub- lication of notice shall be deemed equivalent to personal service upon all persons, known or unknown, who have been designated as provided in this section. (L. "13, p. 525, § 7.) -^g2 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 086. Commitment — Parent to sujiport child When any child under the age of eighteen years shall be found to be de- linquent or dependent, within the meaning of this act, the court may, at any time, make an order committing the child to some suitable institution, or to the care of some reputable citizen of good moral character, or to the care of some training school or industrial school as provided by law, or to the care of some association willing to receive it, embracing in its objects the purpose of caring for or obtaining homes for dependent, neglected, or delinquent chil- dren: Provided, Such order may be temporary or permanent in the discretion of the court and may be revoked or modified as the circumstances of the case may thereafter require. In any case in which the court shall find the child dependent or delinquent, it may in the same or subsequent proceeding upon the parent or parents, guardian, or other person having custody of said child, being duly summoned or voluntarily appearing, proceed to inquire into the ability of such persons or person to support the child or contribute to its support, and if the court shall find such person or persons able to support the child or contribute thereto, the court may enter such order or decree as shall be according to equity in the premises, and may enforce the same by execution, or in any way in which a court of equity may enforce its decrees. If it be found, however, that the parent or parents or guardian of a dependent or de- linquent child is unable to pay the whole expense of maintaining such child, and in cases where the child is committed to one of the institutions or asso- ciations above mentioned, the court may, in the order providing for the custody of such child, direct such additional amount as may be necessary to support such child to be paid from the county treasury of the county for the support of such person. The amount so ordered to be paid from the treasury of said county shall not exceed in the case of any one person, the sum of twelve dollars per month': Provided, further. That no order for the payment of all or part of the expense of support and maintenance of a dependent or delinquent child from the county treasury shall be effective for more than six months, unless a new order is secured at the expiration of that period. (L. '13, p. 525, §8.) 587. Award and adopiion of children In any case where the court shall award a child to the care of any asso- ciation or individual, the child shall, unless otherwise ordered, become a ward and be subject to the guardianship of the association or individual to whose care it is committed; such association shall have authority, with the assent of the court, to place such child in a family home, either temporarily or for adoption. With the written consent of the parents, or other person having the right, under the laws of this state, to dispose of a dependent or delinquent child, the court may make an order or decree of adoption transftrriuS to uuj suitable person or persons, willing to receive such child, all the rights of the parent or other guardian. The order of the court made upon such consent will be binding upon the child and its parents or guardian, or other person, the same as if such person were in court and consented thereto, whether made a party to the proceedings or not. The estate or property rights of any child shall not be affected nor subject to guardianship by the provisions of this act. The jurisdiction of the court shall continue over every child brought before the court, or committed pursuant to this act, and the court shall have power STATE OP WASHINGTON ^^c^ to order a change in the care or custody of such child, if at any time it is made to appear to the court that it would be for the best interests of the child to make such chnge. (L. '13, p. 527, §9.) 588. Court proceedings may be private The hearings may be conducted in any room provided for the purpose in the court house, or building where sessions of the court are held and, as far as practicable, such cases shall not be heard in conjunction with other business of the court. At the hearing of any case involving a child, the court shall have power to exclude the general public from the room where the hearing is had, admitting thereto only such persons as may have a direct in- terest in the case. Any child may have a private hearing upon the question of its dependency or delinquency, and upon the request of said child, or either of its parents, or guardian, or custodian, such hearing may be had privately. An order of court adjudging a child dependent or delinquent under the pro- visions of this act shall in no case be deemed a conviction of crime. The pro- bation officer's investigation record and report in each case, shall be withheld from public inspection, but such records shall be kept open to the inspection of such child, its parents, or guardian, or its attorney, and to such other per- sons as may secure a special order of the court therefor. Such records shall be kept as unofficial records of the court and shall be destroyed at any time in the discretion of any judge presiding in said court on or before the child shall arrive at the age of twenty-one years. After acquiring jurisdiction over any child, the court shall have power to' make an order with respect to the custody, care or control of such child, or any order, which in the judgment of the court, would promote the child's health and welfare. In any case of a de- linquent or dependent child, the court may continue the hearing from time to time, and may commit the child to the care or guardianship of a probation officer, duly appointed by the court, and may allow such child to remain at its own home subject to the visitation of the probation officer, such child to report to the probation officer as often as may be required and subject to being re- turned to the -court for further proceedings whenever such action may appear to be necessary, or the court may commit the child to the care and guardian- ship of the probation officer, to be placed in a suitable family home, in case provision is made by voluntary contribution or otherwise for the payment of the board of the child until a suitable provision may be made for the child in a home without such payment, or the court may commit the child to a suitable institution for the care of delinquent or dependent children. In no case shall a child be committed beyond the age of twenty-one years. A child committed to such institution shall be subject to the control thereof and the said institution shall have the power to parole such child, on such conditions as may be prescribed, and the court shall have power to discharge such child from custody, whenever, in the judgment of the court, his or her reformation shall be complete; or the court may commit the child to the care and custody of some association that will receive such child, embracing in its objects the care of neglected, delinquent, and dependent children. (L. '13, p. 527, § 10.) 589. Child not to be detained in jail No court or magistrate shall commit a child under sixteen years of age to a jail, common lock-up, or police station; but if such child is unable to give bail, it may be committed to the care of the sheriff, police officer, or probation -^g^ CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION oflQcer, who shall keep such child in some suitable place or house or school of detention provided by the city or county, outside the enclosure of any jail or police station, or in the care of any association willing to receive it and hav- ing as one of its objects the care of delinquent, dependent or neglected chil- dren. When any child shall be sentenced to confinement in any institution to which adult convicts are sentenced, it shall be unlawful to confine such child in the same building with such adult convicts, or to bring such child into any yard or building in which such adult convicts may be present. (L. '13, p. 529, §11.) 590. Justice court cases transferred to juvenile court When, in any county where a court is held as provided in section 2 of this act, a child under the age of eighteen years is arrested with or without warrant, such child may, instead of being taken before a justice of the peace or police magistrate, be taken directly before such court; or if the child is taken before a justice of the peace or police magistrate, it shall be the duty of such justice of the peace or police magistrate to transfer the case to such court, and the officer having the child in charge shall take the child before that court, and in any such case, the court may proceed to hear and dispose of the case in the same manner as if the child had been brought before the court upon petition as hereinbefore provided. In any such case, the court shall require notice to be given and investigation to be made as in other cases under this act, and may adjourn the hearing from time to time for such purpose. If, upon investigation, it shall appear that a child has been arrested upon the charge of having committed a crime, the court, in its discretion, may order such child to be turned over to the proper officers for trial under the provisions of the criminal code. (L. '13, p. 529, §12.) 591. Detention rooms required Counties containing more than fifty thousand inhabitants shall, and counties containing a lesser number of inhabitants may, provide and maintain at public expense, a detention room or house of detention, separated or removed from any jail, or police station, to be in charge of a matron, or other person of good character, wherein all children within the provisions of this act shall, when necessary, be sheltered. (L. '13, p. 530, §13.) 592. Liberal construction of act This act shall be liberally construed to the end that its purpose may be carried out, to-wit: that the care, custody and discipline of a dependent or delinquent child as defined in this act shall approximate as nearly as may be that which should be given by its parents, and in all cases where it can be properly done, the dependent or delinquent child as defined in this act shall be placed in an approved family and may become a member of the family, by adoption or otherwise. No dependent or delinquent child as defined in this act shall be taken from the custody of its parent, parents or legal guardian, without the consent of such parent, parents or guardian, unless the court shall find such parent, parents or guardian is incapable or has failed or neglected to provide proper maintenance, training and education for said child; or un- less said child has been tried on probation in said custody, and has failed to reform, or unless the court shall find that the welfare of said child requires that his custody shall be taken from said parent or guardian. In this act, the STATE OF WASHINGTON 185 words used in any gender shall include all other genders, and the word "county" shall include "city and county," the plural shall include the singular and the singular shall include the plural. (L. '13, p. 530, §14.) 593. Court may change order Any order made by the court in the case of a dependent or delinquent child may at any time be changed, modified or set aside, as to the judge may seem meet and proper. (L. '13, p. 530, § 15.) 594. Fees not allowable No fees shall be charged or collected by any officer or other person for filing petition, serving summons, or other process under this act. (L. '13, p. 531, §16.) 595. Penalty for delinquency of child In all cases where any child shall be dependent or delinquent under the terms of this act, the parent or parents, legal guardian or person having custody of such child, or any other person who shall by any act or omission, encourage, cause or contribute to the dependency or delinquency of such child shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by fine hot exceeding one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and the juvenile court shall have jurisdiction of all such misdemeanors: Pro- vided, however. That the court may suspend sentence for a violation of the provisions of this section and impose conditions as to conduct in the premises of any person so convicted, and make such suspension to depend upon the fulfillment by such person of such conditions, and, in case of the breach of such conditions, or any thereof, the court may impose sentence as though there had been no such suspension. The court may also, as a condition of such suspension, require a bond in such sum as the court may designate, to be approved by the judge requiring same, to secure the performance by such per- sons on the conditions imposed by the court on such suspension. Such bond shall, by its terms, be made payable to the State of Washington, and any moneys received for a breach thereof shall be paid into the county treasury. (L. '13, p. 531, §17.) 596. Board of visitation In each county, the judge presiding over the juvenile court sessions, as defined in this act, may appoint a board of four reputable citizens, who shall serve without compensation, to constitute a board of visitation, whose duty it shall be to visit as often as twice a year all institutions, societies and asso- ciations within the county receiving children under this act, as well as all homes for children or other places where individuals are holding themselves out as caretakers of children, also to visit other institutions, societies and asso- ciations within the state receiving and caring for children, whenever requested to do so by the judge of the juvenile court: Provided, The actual expenses of such board may be paid by the county commissioners when members thereof are requested to visit institutions outside of the county seat, and no member of the board shall be required to visit any institution outside the county unless his actual traveling expenses shall be paid as aforesaid. Such visits shall be made by not less than two members of the board, who shall go together l^Q CODE OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION or make a joint report. The board of visitors shall report to the court from time to time the condition of children received by or in charge of such insti- tutions, societies, associations, or individuals. It shall be the duty of every institution, society, or association, or individual receiving and caring for chil- dren to permit any member or members of the board of visitation to visit and inspect such institution, society, association or home where such child is kept, in all its departments, so that a full report may be made to the court. (L. '13, p. 531, §18.) 597. Repealing clause Sections 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 of Remington & Ballinger's Anno- tated Codes and Statutes of Washington and chapter 56 of the Laws of 1911 are hereby repealed. (L. '13, p. 532, §19.) STATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 598. Name of school That there be established an institution which shall be known as the State School for Girls. (L. '13, p. 513, §1.) 599. Site The Governor shall appoint four electors of the State of Washington, two of whom shall be women, who, together with the members of the State Board of Control, shall select a site for such school, to consist of not more than one hundred sixty acres of fertile land, and at a cost not to exceed the sum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per acre, said site to be within a radius of not less than one mile and not more than ten miles of the State Training School at Chehalis. As soon as the site has been selected, the State Board of Control shall at once proceed to the erection and equipment of such buildings as may be necessary, the number, kind and character of which shall be determined by the State Board of Control acting as a joint commission with the four electors above mentioned. In the construction and arrangement of buildings, the cottage plan shall be followed as far as practicable, each cottage to provide for a group of not to exceed thirty girls: Provided, That the above named electors shall serve without compensation other than necessary expenses. (L. '13, p. 513, §2.) COO. Onicers The government, control and business management of such school shall be vested in the State Board of Control. The board shall, with the approval of the Governor, appoint a suitable superintendent of such school and shall desig- nate the number of subordinate officers and employees to be employed, and fix their respective salaries, and have power, with the like approval, to make and enforce all such rules and regulations for the administration, government and discipline of the school as they may deem just and proper, not inconsistent with this act. The superintendent and all sul)ordinate officers of the school shall be women: Provided, hoivevcr. If a married woman be appointed super- intendent or to any subordinate position, the husband of such appointee may, with the consent of the board, reside at the institution, and may be assigned such duties or employment as the board may prescribe. (L. '13, p. 514, §3.) STATE OP WASHINGTON jg^ 601. Superintendent to give bond Before entering upon the discharge of her duties, the superintendent shall give a surety bond payable to the State of Washington in such sum as the Board of Control shall prescribe, to be approved by the said board, conditioned for the faithful performance of her duties, and that she will faithfully account for all monej's, property and effects of the institution or the inmates intrusted to her care. (L. '13, p. 514, § 4.) 602. Duties of superintendent The superintendent, subject to the direction and approval of the Board of Control, shall: (1) Have general supervision and control of the grounds and buildings of the institution, the subordinate oflBcers and employees, and the inmates thereof, and all matters relating to their government and discipline; (2) make such rules, regulations and orders, not inconsistent with law or with the rules, regulations or directions of the Board of Control, as may seem to her proper or necessary for the government of such institution and for the employment, discipline and education of the inmates; (3) exercise such other powers, and perform such other duties as the Board of Control may prescribe; and (4) have power to engage and remove all employees, subject to the ap- proval of the Board of Control. (L. '13, p. 515, §5.) 603. Age of Commitment Any girl more than ten and under eighteen years of age, who has been found delinquent under the juvenile delinquency law of this state, may be committed by the court to the State School for Girls, there to remain until twenty-one years of age, unless sooner paroled or discharged as provided in sections 8 and 9 of this act, and such commitment shall not be subject to modification or revocation. (L. '13, p. 515, § 6.) 604. Court record of girl The superior court shall cause a memorandum to be made and kept of the name, age, birthplace, occupation, last place of residence, and previous record of such girl, and the names and places of residence of the parents, next of kin or guardian of such girl, a copy of which shall be furnished to the superintendent at the time of the commitment to the school. The court shall find and determine the age of the girl, which shall be stated in the order for commitment. Such finding shall be conclusive evidence as to such age in any action to recover damages for detention and shall be presumptive evidence in any other inquiry, action or proceeding. (L. '13, p. 515, § 7,.) 605. Plan of parole The Board of Control, acting with the superintendent, shall, under a sys- tem of marks, or otherwise, fix upon a uniform plan by which girls may be paroled or discharged from the school, which system shall be subject to re- vision from time to time. Each girl shall be credited for personal demeanor, diligence in labor or study and for the results accomplished, and charged for derelictions, negligence or offense. The standing of each girl shall be made known to her as often as once a month. (L. '13, p. 516, § 8.) 606. Conditional parole Every girl shall be entitled to a trial on parole before reaching the age of twenty years, such parole to continue for at least one year unless violated. 188 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION The superintendent and resident physician, with the approval of the Board of Control, shall determine whether such parole has been violated. Any girl committed to the school who shall escape therefrom or who shall violate a parole, may be apprehended and returned to the school by any officer or citizen on written order or request of the superintendent. Any person who shall go upon the school grounds except on lawful business, or by consent of the super- intendent, or who shall entice any girl away from the school, or who shall in any way interfere with its management or discipline, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (L. '13, p. 516, §9.) 607. Girls must be of soiuid mind No girl shall be received in the State School for Girls who is not of sound mind, or who is subject to epileptic or other fits, or is not possessed of that degree of bodily health which should render her a fit subject for the discipline of the school. It shall be the duty of the court committing her to cause such girl to be examined by a reputable physician to be appointed by the court, who will certify to the above facts, which certificate shall be for- warded to the school with the commitment. Any girl who may have been committed to the school, not complying with the above requirements, may be returned by the superintendent to the court making the commitment, or to the officer or institution last having her in charge. The Board of Control shall arrange for the transportation of all girls to and from the school. (L. '13, p. 516, § 10.) 608. Teacliers — Part of school system It shall be the duty of the superintendent, subject to the approval of the Board of Control, to employ teachers, and as far as practicable, to instruct the girls in all of the branches usually taught in the grades of the common schools of the state, also in such trades and vocational occupations as may be found desirable. The educational work of the school shall be a part of the educational system of the state, and as such shall be under the supervision of the State Board of Education. Only those certified by the State Superin- tendent of Public Instruction shall be employed as teachers. (L. '13, p. 517, § 11.) 609. Girls may receive wages or be apprenticed The superintendent shall have power to place any girl under the age of eighteen years at any employment for account of the institution or the girl employed, and receive and hold the whole or any part of her wages for the benefit of the girl less the amount necessary for her board and keep, and may also, with the consent of any girl over fourteen years of age, and the approval of the State Board of Control endorsed thereon, execute indentures of apprenticeship, which shall be binding on all parties thereto. In case any girl so apprenticed shall prove untrustworthy or unsatisfactory, the superin- tendent may permit her to be returned to the school, and the indenture may thereupon be cancelled. If such girl shall have an unsuitable employer, the superintendent may, with the approval of the Board of Control, take her back to the school, and cancel the indenture of apprenticeship. All indentures so made shall be filed and kept in the school. A system may also be established, providing for compensation to girls for services rendered, and payments may be made from time to time, not to exceed in the aggregate to any one girl the sum of twenty-five dollars for each year of service. (L. '13, p. 517, § 12.) STATE OF WASHINGTON igQ 610. Transfer of girls from the State Training School at Chelialis As soon as the school buildings have been erected and equipped all girls then in the Washington State Training School at Chehalis, shall be trans- ferred to the State School for Girls, all who may then be on parole shall be transferred to the supervision of said school. Both shall thereafter be subject to all the laws, rules, and regulations governing the school last mentioned. (L. '13, p. 517, §13.) 611. Approriation There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the state treasury, not otherwise approi)riated, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this act. (L. '13, p. 518, §14.) THE STATE TRAINING SCHOOL 612. Establishment of A reform school shall be and is hereby established to be known as the Washington State Training School. (L. '07, p. 171, §1; Rem. & Bal., §8596.) See, supra, § 59 8, et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., Girls' State Training School. For attempted legislation on this subject see, supra, § 102, Code Pub. Ins., and note. 613. Aim and purpose of Said school to be for the keeping and reformatory training of all youths between the ages of eight and eighteen who are residents of the State of Washington, and who, on presentation to the presiding officer of said school by an accompanying oflBcer, parent, or guardian, shall be accompanied by a certificate of commitment from a court legally authorized to make such com- mitment. (L. '90, p. 272, §2; Rem. & Bal., §8597.) This section harmonizes with § 103, supra. Code Pub. Ins. See note, supra, § 102, Code Pub. Ins. 614. Bills to be certified, audited, etc. — Payment of All bills against the state for supplies or materials furnished or labor performed in connection with said school shall be certified to by the president and secretary of the Board of Control, and such board shall not certify to any bill or sanction the payment of any account for labor performed, or material or supplies furnished, except the same shall have been duly contracted for and the provisions of the contract fully complied with. All bills and accounts of said school shall be audited by the State Auditor, who shall draw a warrant on the State Treasurer for the amount so certified to by the president and secretary of the board, which warrant shall state on its face the person in whose favor it is drawn, and for what particular purpose it was drawn; but the Auditor shall draw no warrant for any bill or account connected with said school, except said bill or account be certified to according to the pro- visions of this act. (L. '90, p. 274, §10; Rem. & Bal., §8598.) The present force of tliis section Is doubtful. See §§ 8931 and 8953, Rem. & Bal. 615. Employment of director and matron — Appointments The superintendent shall have immediate control of the male department of said school, and shall, by and with the consent of the board, employ a J90 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION matron who shall have immediate control of the female department of the school, and the superintendent shall also appoint such other officers and teach- ers as may be necessary for the management of the school. (L. '90, p. 275, §13; Rem. & Bal., §8599.) 616. Superintendent to give bond The superintendent, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall execute and file with the board a bond, with good and approved securities, in the sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as superintendent of said training school. (L. '90, p. 275, §15; Rem. & Bal., §8600.) 617. Powers and duties of superintendent The superintendent shall be present at all meetings of the board after his appointment and qualification, and shall there confer with the board regarding the management and interests of the school. He shall have entire supervision of the school, subject, however, to the control of the board, and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the same. (L. '90, p. 276, §16; Rem. & Bal., §8600y2.) See, § 8936, Rem. & Bal., term of office four years. 618. Investigation by board — Inmate to be returned, when It shall be the duty of the board to investigate any and all complaints made against the superintendent, matron, or any employee of said training school, and for good and sufficient reason remove the person against whom such complaints have been made. The board shall further investigate any and all charges made by the superintendent against any inmate or inmates of the school, and if, after the investigation of such charges, any inmate or inmates of said school shall be found incorrigible, unmanageable, or detrimental to the best interests of the school, such inmate or inmates, as the case may be, shall be returned to the court which made the commitment. (L. '90, p. 276, §17; Rem. & Bal., §8601.) 619. Separation of se.\es Said State Training School shall consist of two departments, one for the male and one for the female inmates, and the two departments shall be entirely separate. The matron shall be directly accountable to the superintendent for the management of the female department of the school. (L. '90, p. 276, §18; Rem. & Bal., §8602.) See, supra, S 598, Code Pub. Ins., establishment of State Training School for Girls. 620. Branches to be tauglit and instruction given — Nature of All the branches taught in the public schools of the state shall be taught in the State Training School, and the inmates shall be taught and trained In morality, temperance, and frugality, and they shall also be instructed in the different trades and callings of the two sexes, as far as possible in the scope of the institution. (L. '90, p. 276, §19; Rem. & Bal., §8603.) See, aupra, % 108, Code Pub. Ins., this section duplicated. See note, aupra, § 102, Code Pub. Ins. STATE OF WASHINGTON 191 621. Superintendent to make report, when The superintendent shall, at the close of each year, make a full and com- plete report to the board of the condition, number, and standing of the inmates of the school, as well as the number received and the number dismissed during the year, and he shall give such further information as the board may require. (L. '90, p. 276, §21; Rem. & Bal., §8604.) PARENTAL SCHOOLS 622. Establishment in cities of 50,000 In cities having a population of fifty thousand inhabitants or more, there may be established, maintained and conducted, one or more parental or truant schools, for the purpose of affording a place of confinement, discipline, instruc- tion, and maintenance of children of compulsory school age who may be com- mitted thereto in the manner hereinafter provided. (L. '03, p. 109, §1; Rem. & Bal., §860.5.) See, supra, § 315, Code Pub. Ins., apportionment of funds. See, supra, § 579, et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., Juvenile Court Law. 623. Sites purchased or leased — Location — Furnishing , For the purpose of establishing such school or schools, sites may be pur- chased and buildings constructed or premises rented in the same manner as in the case of public schools in such cities. And in addition school or schools may be established and site or sites be purchased and buildings constructed or premises rented outside of said cities: Provided, No school or schools shall be established, or sites be purchased, any buildings constructed or premises rented which shalf be distant more than ten miles from the city so estab- lishing or erecting said schools or purchasing said site or sites: And, pro- vided further. That no school shall be erected at or near any penal institution. And it shall be the duty of the board of directors to furnish all such schools which are by them at any place established, with such furniture, fixtures, ap- paratus and provisions as may be necessary for the maintenance and operation thereof. (L. '03, p. 109, §2; Rem. & Bal., §8606.) 624. Superintendent, officers, teachers, etc. The board of directors may also employ a superintendent and all other necessary officers, agents and teachers, and shall prescribe the methods of discipline and the course of instruction, and shall exercise the same powers and perform the same duties as is prescribed by law for the management of other schools. (L. '03, p. 110, §3; Rem. & Bal., §8607.) 625. Religious services No religious instruction shall be given in such school, but the board of directors may make suitable regulations so that the inmates may receive religious training, either by allowing religious services to be established in the institution, or by arranging for attendance elsewhere. (L. '03, p. 110, §4; Rem. & Bal., §8608.) 626. Petition to superior court for commitment It shall be the duty of any truant officer or agent of such board of direc- tors to petition, and any reputable citizen of the city may petition the superior court, to inquire into the case of any child of compulsory school age, who is 192 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION not attending school, or who has been guilty of habitual truancy, or of per- sistent violation of the rules of the public school, and the petition shall also state the name, if known, of the father and mother of said child, or the sur- vivor of them; and if neither father or mother of said child is living or can- not be found in the county or if their names cannot be ascertained, then the name of the guardian if there be one known, and if there be a parent living whose name can be ascertained, or guardian, the petition shall show whether or not the father or mother or guardian consents to the commitment of child to such parental or truant school. Such petition shall be verified by oath upon the belief of the petitioner and upon being filed the judge of the superior court for such child named in the petition brought before him for the purpose of determining the application in said petition contained. But no child shall be committed to such school who has ever been convicted of any offense pun- ishable by confinement in any penal institution. (L. '03, p. 110, §5; Rem. & Bal., § 8609.) C27. Precedure — Xotice of hearing Upon the filing of such petition the clerk of the court shall issue a writ to the sheriff of the county, directing him to bring such child before the court; and if the court shall find that the material facts set forth in the petition are true, and in the opinion of the court such child is a fit person to be committed to such parental or truant school, an order shall be entered that such child be committed to such parental or truant school, to be kept there until he or she arrives at the age of fourteen years, unless sooner dis- charged in the manner hereinafter set forth. Before the hearing aforesaid, notice in writing shall be given to the parent or guardian of such child if known, of the proceedings about to be instituted, that he or she may appear and resist the same if they so desire. (L. '03, p. 110, § 6; Rem. & Bal., § 8610.) 628. Parents to provide clothing It shall be the duty of the parent or guardian of any child committed to this school to provide suitable clothing upon his or her entry into such school and from time to time thereafter as it may be needed, upon notice in writing from the superintendent or other proper officer of the school. In case any parent or guardian shall refuse or neglect to furnish such clothing the same may be provided by the board of school directors, and such board may have an action, in the name of said directors, against such parent or guardian of said child to recover the cost of such clothing with ten (10) per cent, addition thereto. (L. '03, p. Ill, §7; Rem. & Bal., §8611.) 620. Rules and regulations by Board of Education — Parole The board of education of such city shall have power to establish rules and regulations under which children committed to such parental or truant schools may be allowed to return home upon parole, but to remain while upon parole in the legal custody and under control of the officers and agents of such school, and subject at any time to be taken back within the Inclosure of such school by the superintendent or any authorized officer of such school except as hereinafter provided; and full power to enforce such rules and regulations to take any such child ui)on parole is hereby conferred upon the board of school directors. No child shall be released upon parole in less than four weeks from the time of his or 'her commitment nor thereafter until the superintendent of STATE OF WASHINGTON 193 such parental or truant school shall have become satisfied from the conduct of such child that if paroled, he or she will attend regularly the public or private school to which he or she may be sent by his or her parents or guardian, and shall so certify to said board of school directors. (L. '03, p. Ill, §8; Rem. & Bal., §8612.) 630. Monthly reports — ^Final discharge It shall be the duty of the principal or other person having charge of the school to which such child so released on parole may be sent to report at least once each month to the superintendent of the parental or truant school stating whether or not such child attends school regularly, and obeys the rules and requirements of said school, and if such child so released upon parole shall be regular in his or her attendance at school and his or her conduct shall be satisfactory for a period of one year from date on which he or she was released upon parole, he or she shall then be finally discharged from the parental or truant school and shall not be committed thereto except upon petition as hereinbefore provided. (L. '03, p. Ill, §9; Rem. & Bal., §8613.) 631. Violation of parole In case any child released from said school upon parole as hereinbefore provided shall violate the conditions of his or her parole at any time within one year thereafter, he or she shall upon the order of the board of school directors as hereinbefore provided, be taken back to such parental or truant school and shall not be again released upon parole within the period of three months from the date of such entry; and if he or she shall violate the con- ditions of a second parole or she shall be recommitted to such parental or truant school, and shall not be released therefrom on parole until he or she shall remain in such school at least one year. (L. '03, p. 112, § 10; Rem. & Bal., §8614.) 632. Incorrigibles sent to reformatory In any case where a child is found to be incorrigible and his or her in- fluence in such school to be detrimental to the interests of the other pupils, the board of directors may authorize the superintendent or any officer of the school to represent these facts to the superior court by petition, and the court shall have the power to commit such child to some reformatory institution. (L. '03, p. 112, §11; Rem. & Bal., §8615.) STATE EDUCATIONAL FUNDS 633. State University permanent fund There is here created in the state treasury a permanent and irreducible fund to be known as the "State University Permanent Fund." into which fund shall be paid all moneys now in the state treasury in either the "University of Washington Fund," the "University Fund," or the "State University Fund," and into which shall also be paid all moneys derived from the sales of lands granted, held or devoted to the State University purposes. (L. '07, p. 394, §1; Rem. & Bal., § 5041.) See, supra, § 346, ct seq., Code Pub. Ins., general and curiom .stale funds. See, supra, % 308, ct sccj.. Code Puh. Ins., apportionment of school funds. See State ex rel. Publishing Co. v. Lindslcy, 3 Wash. 12r^. 194 CODE OP PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 634. State University current fund There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as the "State University Current Fund," into which shall be paid all the interest and earnings of the State University permanent fund, and the rentals of all lands granted held or devoted to State University purposes, and which shall be sub- jected to appropriation for State University purposes. (L. '07, p. 394, §2; Rem. & Bal., § 5042.) 635. Agricultural College current fund There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as ■ "The Current Fund of the Agricultural College and School of Science." (L. '05, p. 73, §1; Rem. & Bal., §5043.) 636. Same, payment of money into There shall be paid into said fund for the use and support of the Agri- cultui-al College and School of Science: First — All money heretofore collected or hereafter to be collected from the lease or rental of lands set apart by the enabling act or otherwise for the Agricultural College and School of Science; Second — All interest or income arising from the proceeds of the sale of any of said lands; Third — All moneys received or collected as interest on deferred payments on contracts for the sale of such lands. (L. '05, p. 73, §2; Rem. & Bal., §5044.) 637. Normal school There is hereby created in the state treasury a fund to be known as "The Normal School Current Fund." (L. '05, p. 73, §3; Rem. & Bal., §5045.) 638. AVhat moneys payable into fund There shall be paid into said "The Normal School Current Fund" for the use and support of the normal schools of the state: First — All moneys here- tofore collected or hereafter to be collected from the lease or rental of lands set apart by the enabling act or otherwise for the state normal schools; Second — All interest or income arising from the proceeds of the sale of said lands; Third — All moneys received or collected as interest on deferred pay- ments on contracts for the sale of such lands. (L. '05, p. 73, §4; Rem. & Bal., §5046.) 639. Disposition of lands for scientific school — Vested in regents The board of regents of the Agricultural College, Experiment Station and School of Science of the State of Washington is hereby authorized and directed to select and set aside for the purposes hereinafter described four full sections of land in lots of not less than forty acres each from the lands granted to the State of Washington for the establishment and maintenance of a scientific school and belonging to the Agricultural College and School of Science. The entire management, control and power of disposition of said four sections of land be and hereby are vested in the board of regents of the Agricultural College, Experiment Station and School of Science and subject to the pro- visions of this act. (L. '01, p. 170, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 5047.) "ThLs act" refers to this and the next secfion. 640. Scientiflc .school fund There shall be kept by the State Treasurer a separate fund to be known as the Scientific School Fund, into which shall be paid all moneys received STATE OF WASHINGTON 195 from the sale of the lands, or valuable material thereon, belonging to the Agricultural College and School of Science, which fund shall be paid out by the State Treasurer only upon warrants drawn by the State Auditor, which warrants shall be based upon proper vouchers of the board of regents of the Agricultural College and School of Science. (L. '01, p. 172, §4; Rem. & Bal., §5048.) 641. Funds of State College — Duties of State Treasurer and State Auditor The State Treasurer shall hereafter constitute and be the treasurer of all funds belonging to the State College, Experiment Station and School of Science of the State of Washington, known as the State College of Washington. All moneys or funds received from the United States or from any other source whatsoever for the benefit of said State College or from the products or prop- erty of said college, or for the use of or belonging to said college shall be paid to and deposited with the State Treasurer; when so deposited the same shall be held as special funds for said college, and are hereby appropriated to the uses and purposes for which the same are received. Upon receipt of any funds belonging to said college by the State Treasurer, he shall issue duplicate receipts therefor and deposit one of such receipts with the State Auditor, who shall keep the accounts of said college as other accounts are kept, and shall draw warrants against said accounts upon the presentation of properly executed vouchers therefor, but no warrant shall be drawn on any such fund for an amount in excess of the amount remaining in such fund. (L. '09, Ex. Ses., p. 36, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 5049.) 642. Investment of state educational funds — Board of Finance There is hereby created a board which shall be known and designated as the "State Board of Finance." Said board shall be composed of the Governor, State Treasurer and State Auditor: Provided, however, That the Governor may designate and appoint some state officer as his representative. (L. '07, p. 16, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 5053.) See, supra, § 34 4, Code Pub. Ins., sources of school revenues. 643. Records — Office Said board shall keep a full and complete record of all their proceedings in appropriate books of record, and a clerk in the office of the State Auditor shall act as the secretary of the said board. Their office shall be in the office of the State Auditor, and all records and correspondence relating to the said board shall be kept in the office of the State Auditor, and shall be subject to public inspection. (L. '07, p. 17, §2; Rem. & Bal., §5054.) 644. Rules — Treasurer chairman of board Said State Board of Finance shall make appropriate rules and regulations for the carrying out the provisions of this act, not inconsistent with law, and the State Treasurer shall act as chairman of said State Board of Finance. (L. '07, p. 17, §3; Rem. & Bal., §5055.) 645. Investment, in what bonds lawful — School district bonds preferred Whenever there shall be in the permanent school funds of the state, or in the permanent funds of the normal school, State University. Scientific School, Agricultural College, or the charitable, educational, penal and reformatory 196 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION institutions, one thousand dollars or more available for investment, said State Board of Finance shall invest the same in national, state, county, municipal or school district bonds, bearing not less than three and three-fourths per cent, interest per annum, paying therefor not more than the par value thereof: Provided, The word bonds in this section shall not be interpreted to mean or include any special, or assessment district bonds or bonds other than those to be found within the limit of indebtedness prescribed by law, or regularly created and issued as general indebtedness bonds: Provided, further, That school district bonds, regularly created and issued, shall be given preference in said investments. Upon such investment being made, the State Auditor shall draw his warrant on said fund for the amount so invested, and the bonds so purchased shall be deposited with the State Treasurer, whose duty it shall be to collect all interest payments falling due thereon, and the principal at ma- turity. (L. '07, p. 17, §4; Rem. & Bal., §5056.) This section seems to supersede Laws '03, chapter 95, page 14 3, authorizing the State Board of Land Commissioners to invest the school funds. Under the provisions of article XVI, § 5, of the Constitution, authorizing the in- vestment of the permanent school fund, "in national, state, county or municipal bonds," the moneys in such fund may be invested in school district bonds, as school districts are municipal corporations within the purview of our State Constitution : State v. Grimes, 7 Wash. 270. Warrants are not bonds within the meaning of Constitution, article XVI, § 5, pro- viding, that the permanent school fund may be invested in national, state, county or municipal bonds, but that none of it shall ever be loaned ; and lience Laws of 1899, page 53, authorizing the investment thereof in state warrants is unconstitutional as a loaning of the permanent school fund: State ex rel. Hellar v. Young, 21 Wash. 391. The determination of the Board of State Land Commissioners as to the propriety and safety in investing the permanent school fund is conclusive on the State Auditor and on the courts, when not impeached for bad faith or fraud : State ex rel. Port Townsend v. Clausen, 40 Wash. 95. Bonds issued by a city under Laws 1901, p. 177, to defray the cost of the don- struction of waterworks, which are payable only out of a special fund derived from the revenues of the waterworks system, and for which the city is not in any way liable, are not municipal bonds within the meaning of Const., art. 16, § 5, authorizing the investment of the permanent school fund in municipal bonds, as such provision contemplates the protection of the permanent school fund by investment in bonds secured by a pledge of the credit of the municipality : State ex rel. Port Townsend V. Clausen, 40 Wash. 95. C46. Investment of the permanent school fund in state bonds Whenever there shall be in the hands of the State Treasurer, belonging to the state permanent school fund, money to the amount of five thousand dollars or more, of which no investment can be made in the securities now or here- after authorized by law, and the state shall have an outstanding general fund warrant indebtedness in amount equal to or greater than the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000), the Governor of the state and the State Auditor are hereby authorized, and it shall be their duty, to issue the bonds of the State of Washington in amount equal to that amount, and sell and deliver such bonds to the State Treasurer for the account of the state permanent school fund at the face or par value thereof. (L. '99, p. 67, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 5057.) It Is expressly provided that this section is not affected by the act of 1903, super- seded by the preceding section. See Laws '03, page 144, § 2. Bonds issued by the state for sale to the permanent school fund under this section do not Increase the debt of the state, but simply transfer cash In one fund to another fund which Is used at once In the redemption of general fund warrants : State ex rel. Winston v. Rogers, 21 Wash. 206. Under Const., art. 16, § 5. and Rem. & Bal. Code, § 5056, authorizing the Invest- ment of the permanent school fund In state bonds, the Investment cannot be made in STATE OF WASHINGTON jg-^ state capitol building bonds issued against the capitol building fund to be derived from the sale of the capitol lands, unless the general credit of the state is lawfully pledged to the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds : State Capitol Com. v. State Board of Finance et al., 74 Wash. 15. 647. Bonds — Description of, interest, maturity, etc. Such bonds shall bear date of issue and be issued in denominations of five thousand dollars ($5,000), and shall bear interest at the rate of three and one-half per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of May and November of each year until paid, payable out of the state general fund, and the State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to transfer from the said state general fund to the said current school fund sufficient money to pay said interest as the same falls due, and certify the same to the State Auditor, which certificate shall be authority to said auditor to make the nec- essary and proper entries in the books and records of his office to show such transfer. The principal of said bonds shall be payable, any or all of them, on or before twenty years from the date of issue, to the State Treasurer for the account of the state permanent school fund, out of the state general fund, to which the proceeds thereof shall have been credited, and when paid the prin- cipal thereof shall be credited to the state permanent school fund. (L. '01, p. 388, §1; Rem. & Bal., §5058.) 648. Bonds — Printing, signing, etc. Said bonds shall be printed on good bond paper and shall each be signed by the Governor and personally attested by the State Auditor, and sealed with the seal of the State Auditor, but no coupon need be attached thereto. (L. '99, p. 68, §3; Rem. & Bal., §5059.) 649. Proceeds of bonds used to call general fund warrants It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer, whenever any such bonds are executed and presented to him to invest the state permanent school fund in such bonds to the amount of the face or par value thereof at par, and receipt to the State Auditor therefor, and at once transfer from the state permanent school fund to the state general fund money to the amount of the face or par value of such bonds so delivered to him, and the money so transferred to the general fund shall be at once used in the redemption of outstanding general fund warrants. (L. '99, p. 68, §4; Rem. & Bal., §5060.) 650. Interest, to current school fund All interest paid on such bonds shall be credited to the current common school fund of the state on the day it falls due. (L. '99, p. 69, §5; Rem. & Bal., §5061.) 651. Redemption It shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to redeem any of said bonds on any interest pay day whenever, and to the extent that he shall have in his hands money belonging to the state general fund equal to one or more of such bonds in excess of all outstanding general fund warrants. (L. '99, p. 69, § 6; Rem. & Bal., § 5062.) ^QQ CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BONDING UNIVERSITY LANDS 652. Appropriation from University fund For the purpose of refunding to the State of Washington the moneys ap- propriated for the erection and support of the said university there is hereby appropriated from the said "University of Washington Fund," to be paid into the general fund of the state, the following sums, to-wit: One hundred and fifty thousand dollars, appropriated by the legislative session of eighteen hun- dred and ninety-three for the erection of buildings and the preparation of the new grounds; fifty thousand dollars, appropriated by the legislative session of eighteen hundred and ninety-five for the same or similar purposes; twenty-five thousand dollars, being a portion of the sum appropriated by the legislative session of eighteen hundred and ninety-five for the support or maintenance of the said university; making a total appropriation herein of two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. (L. '95, p. 108, §2; Rem. & Bal., § 5063.) The "University of Washington fund" was transferred to the "State University permanent fund," by supra, § 633, Code Pub. Ins. 653. Bonds authorized For the purpose of anticipating the fund out of which the foregoing ap- propriation is provided to be paid, the Governor, State Auditor and State Treasurer are hereby authorized to make a loan of two hundred and twenty- five thousand dollars upon the bonds of the state, to be signed by the Governor and attested by the Secretary of State, under the seal of the state, and coun- tersigned and registered by the State Auditor. Said bonds shall be of de- nomination of not less than one thousand dollars each, and shall, on their face, be made payable at any time after five years and within fifteen years from their date, at the option of the state, at the office of the State Treasurer; shall bear interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum, which interest shall be payable semi-annually out of the fund provided for in section 5041, and no primary or secondary application for the payment of said bonds, except out of the aforesaid fund, is intended to be created by this chapter. Said bonds shall not be sold for less than par. If at any time there is not sufficient money in the aforesaid fund to defray the interest charges when due, the state shall pay said interest out of the general fund, which general fund shall be repaid such interest payments out of the first moneys paid into the said "University of Washington fund." (L. '95. p. 108, §3; Rem. & Bal., §5064.) CRIMES BY OR AGAINST PUBLIC OFFICERS 654. Bribery of public officer Every person who shall give, offer or promise, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward to any executive or administrative officer of the state, with intent to influence him with respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding, as such officer; or who shall give, offer or promise, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward to a member of the legislature, or attempt, directly or indirectly, by menace, deceit, suppression of truth or other corrupt means, to influence such member to give or withhold his vote or to absent himself from the house of which he is a member or from any committee thereof; or who shall give, offer or promise, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward to a judicial of- STATE OF WASHINGTON 199 ficer, juror, referee, arbitrator, appraiser, assessor or other person authorized by law to hear or determine any question, matter, cause, proceeding or con- troversy, with intent to influence his action, vote, opinion or decision there- upon; or shall give, offer or promise, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward to a person executing any of the functions of a public officer other than as hereinbefore specified, with Intent to influence him with respect to any act, decision, vote or other proceeding in the exercise of his powers or functions, shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Peniten- tiary for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. (L. '09, p. 910, § 68; Rem. & Bal., § 2320.) See State v. Womack, 4 Wash. 19. 655. Asking or receiving bribe Every executive or administrative officer or person elected or appointed to an executive or administrative office who shall ask or receive, directly or indi- rectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof, upon an agreement or understanding that his vote, opinion, or action upon any matter then pending, or which may by law be brought before him in his official capacity, shall be influenced thereby; and every member of either house of the legislature of the state who shall ask or receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof, upon an agreement or understanding that his official vote, opinion, judgment or action shall be influenced thereby, or shall be given in any particular manner, or upon any particular side of any question or matter upon which he may be required to act in his official capacity; and every judicial officer, and every person who executes any of the functions of a public office not hereinbefore specified, and every person employed by or acting for the state or for any public officer in the business of the state, who shall ask or receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof, upon an agreement or understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment, action, decision or other official proceeding shall be influenced thereby, or that he will do or omit any act or proceeding or in any way neglect or violate any official auiy, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state penitentiary for not more than ten years, or by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. (L. '09, p. 911, §69; Rem. & Bal., §2321.) 656. Interfering with public officer Every person who, by means of any threat, force or violence, shall at- tempt to deter or prevent any executive or administrative officer from per- forming any duty imposed upon him by law, or who shall knowingly resist by force or violence any executive or administrative officer in the performance of his duty, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 914, §79; Rem. & Bal., §2331.) 658. Offering reward for appointment Every person who shall give, offer or promise, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, in consideration that he or another person shall be appointed to a public office or to a clerkship, deputation or other sub- ordinate position in such office, or that he or any other person shall be per- mitted to exercise, perform or discharge any prerogative or duty or receive 200 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION any emolument of such oflBce, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 914, §80; Rem. & Bal., §2332.) 659. Grafting Every person who shall ask or receive any compensation, gratuity or re- ward, or any promise thereof, upon the representation that he can, directly or indirectly, or in consideration that he shall, or shall attempt to, directly or indirectly, influence any public officer, whether executive, administrative, judicial or legislative, to refuse, neglect, or defer the performance of any official duty; or who shall ask or receive any compensation, gratuity or re- ward, or any promise thereof, the right to retain or receive which shall be conditioned that such person shall, directly or indirectly, successfully influ- ence by any means whatever any executive, administrative or legislative of- ficer, in respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding, as such officer, or who shall ask or receive any compensation, gratuity or reward, or any promise thereof, upon the representation that he can, directly or indi- rectly, or in consideration that he shall, or shall attempt to, directly or indi- rectly, influence any public officer, whether executive, administrative, judicial or legislative, in respect to any act, decision, vote, opinion or other proceeding, as such officer, unless it be clearly understood and agreed in good faith be- tween the parties thereto, on both sides, that no means or influence shall be employed except explanation and argument upon the merits, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and, in any prosecution, under the third clause of this section, evidence of the means actually employed to influence such officer shall be admitted as proof of the means originally contemplated by the de- fendant. (L. '09, p. 915, §81; Rem. & Bal., §2333.) 660. Miscontluct of public officer Every public officer who shall — 1. Ask or receive, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward, or promise thereof, for omitting or deferring the performance of any official duty; or for any official service which has not been actually rendered, except in case of charges for prospective costs or fees demandable in advance in a case allowed by law; or 2. Be beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract, sale, lease or purchase which may be made by, through or under the supervision of such officer, in whole or in part, or which may be made for the benefit of his office, or accept, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward from anj' other person beneficially interested therein; or 3. Employ or use any person, money or property under his official con- trol or direction, or in his official custody, for the private benefit or gain of himself or another; Shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and any contract, sale, lease or purchase mentioned in subdivision 2 hereof shall be void. (L. '09, p. 915, §82; Rem. & Bal., §2334.) A school board cannot hire the minor son of a member of tlie board to do work for such board. (Ally. Gen., Nov. 9, 1915.) 661. Misconduct of school officers It shall be unlawful for any county superintendent of schools, superin- tendent or principal of public schools, directors of any school district, or other STATE OF WASHINGTON 201 public school officer in the State of Washington, to accept, demand, or receive, either directly or indirectly, any commission, remuneration, or thing of value from any teacher's agency, employment bureau, teacher or other employe of any school under his or her jurisdiction or charge, as compensation for or on account of the appointment or recommendation of any teacher or other employe to any position in such school, or for furnishing information of a vacancy existing or to exist in any such position, or to accept, demand or re- ceive, either directly or indirectly, any commission, remuneration or thing of value from any publisher, manufacturer, salesman, agent, or any other person, as compensation for or on account of the recommendation of any books, maps, school furniture or school supplies for use in such school, or for any services rendered in inducing the directors of any such school district to adopt, purchase, install, or use the same in any such school. Any wilful violation of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a misdemeanor and punished as such. (L. '17, p. 505, § 1.) 662. Grant of official powers Every public officer who, for any reward, consideration or gratuity paid or agreed to be paid, shall, directly or indirectly, grant to another the right or authority to discharge any function of his office, or permit another to per- form any of his duties, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 916, §83; Rem. & Bal., §2335.) 663. Intrusion into and refusal to surrender public office Every person who shall falsely personate or represent any public officer, or who shall wilfully intrude himself into a public office to which he has not been duly elected or appointed, or who shall wilfully exercise any of the functions or perform any of the duties of such officer, without having duly qualified therefor, as required by law, or who, having been an executive or ad- ministrative officer, shall wilfully exercise any of the functions of his office after his right to do so has ceased, or wrongfully refuse to surrender the official seal or any books or papers appertaining to such office, upon the de- mand of his lawful successor, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 916, §84; Rem. & Bal., §2336.) 664. Injury to public record Every person who shall wilfully and unlawfully remove, alter, mutilate, destroy, conceal or obliterate a record, map, book, paper, document or other thing filed or deposited in a public office, or with any public officer, by authority of law, shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for not more than five years, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars, or by both. (L. '09, p. 919, §95; Rem. & Bal., §2347.) 665. Injuiy to and misappropriation of record Every officer who shall mutilate, destroy, conceal, erase, obliterate or falsify any record or paper appertaining to his office, or who shall fraudulently appropriate to his own use or to the use of another person, or secrete with intent to appropriate to such use, any money, evidence of debt or other property intrusted to him by virtue of his office, shall be punished by im- prisonment in the State Penitentiary for not more than ten years, or by a 202 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION fine of not more than five thousand dollars, or by both. (L. '09, p. 919, §96; Rem. & Bal., § 2348.) 666. False report Every public officer who shall knowingly make any false or misleading statement in any official report or statement, under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 920, §98; Rem. & Bal., §2350.) 667. Perjury — Second degi-ee Every person who, whether orally or in writing, and whether as a volun- teer, or in a proceeding or investigation authorized by law, shall knowingly swear falsely concerning any matter whatsoever, shall be guilty of perjury in the second degree and shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Peni- tentiary for not more than five years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year. (L. '09, p. 920, § 101; Rem. & Bal., § 2353.) 668. "Oath" and "swear" defined The term "oath" shall include an affirmation and every other mode author- ized by law of attesting the truth of that which is stated. A person who shall state any matter under oath shall be deemed to "swear" thereto. (L. '09, p. 920, §102; Rem. & Bal., §2354.) See, supra, § 478, Code Pub. Ins., false oath. 669. Irregularity in administering oath or incompetency of witness no defense It shall be no defense to a prosecution for perjury that an oath was ad- ministered or taken in an irregular manner, or that the defendant was not competent to give the testimony, deposition, certificate or affidavit of which falsehood is alleged. It shall be sufficient that he actually gave such testimony or made such deposition, certificate or affidavit. (L. '09, p. 921, §103; Rem. & Bal., §2355.) 670. Deposition — When complete The making of a deposition, certificate or affidavit shall be deemed to be complete when it is subscribed and sworn to or affirmed by the defendant with intent that it be uttered or published as true. (L. '09, p. 921, §104; Rem. & Bal., § 2356.) 671. Statement of what one does not know to be true Every unqualified statement of that which one does not know to be true is equivalent to a statement of that which he knows to be false. (L. '09, p. 921, §105; Rem. & Bal., §2357.) 672. Public officer making false certificate Every public officer who, being authorized by law to make or give a cer- tificate or other writing, shall knowingly make and deliver as true such a certificate or writing containing any statement which he knows to be false. In a case where the punishment thereof is not expressly prescribed by law, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 927, §128; Rem. & Bal., §2380.) See, aupra, % 665, Code Pub. Ins., false reports by officers. STATE OF WASHINGTON gQg 673. False auditing and paying claims Every public officer, or person holding or discharging the duties of any public office or place of trust under the state or in any county, town or city, a part of whose duty it is to audit, allow or pay, or take part in auditing, allow- ing or paying, claims or demands upon the state or such county, town, or city, who shall knowingly audit, allow or pay, or, directly or indirectly, consent to or in any way connive at the auditing, allowance or payment of any claim or demand against the state or such county, town or city, which is false or fraudulent or contains any charge, item or claim which is false or fraudulent, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor. (L. '09, p. 927, §129; Rem. & Bal., §2381.) SECURITY FOR LABOR ON PUBLIC WORKS, ETC. 674. Contractor's bond — Filing Whenever any board, council, commission, trustees or body acting for the state or any county or municipality or any public body shall contract with any person or corporation to do any work for the state, county or municipality, or other public body, city, town or district, such board, council, commission, trustees or body shall require the person or persons with whom such contract is made to make, execute and deliver to such board, council, commission, trus- tees or body a good and sufficient bond, with two or more sureties, or with a surety company as surety, conditioned that such person or persons shall faith- fully perform all the provisions of such contract and pay all laborers, me- chanics and subcontractors and materialmen, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons, or subcontractors, with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of such work, which bond shall be filed with the county auditor of the county where such work is performed or improvement made, except in cases of cities and towns, in which cases such bonds shall be filed with the clerk or the comptroller thereof, and any person or persons performing such services or furnishing material to any subcontractor shall have the same right under the provision of such bond as if such work, services or material was furnished to the original contractor. (L. '09, p. 716, §1; Rem. & Bal., §1159.) See, supra, § 223, Code Pub. Ins., powers and duties of board. School districts are, within the contemplation of the legislative and constitutional enactments of the state, municipal corporations providing for liens for work done or improvements made for any "county, incorporated town or city, or other municipal corporation:" Maxon v. School District, 5 Wash. 142. It is not necessary that a school district should be made a party to a suit against a contractor for materials furnished in the construction of a school house in order to subject the district to liability for failure to take bond from contractor: Pacific Mfg. Co. V. School District, 6 Wash. 121. Where a contractor's bond by mistake names the board of school directors instead of the State of Washington as obligee, such defect is not fatal, if from the terms of the bond it appears that its object was to secure laborers and materialmen as pro- vided for by tliis section : Ihrig v. Scott, 5 Wash. 584 ; and such a bond is not in- operative by reason of its being made payable to the school district instead of the state: M'adsioorth v. School District, 7 Wasli. 485. In an action against a school district for failure to take a sufficient bond from a contractor for the protection of materialmen, the fact that the sureties thereon did not justify is a mere irregularity and presumed not injurious in the absence of allega- tions and proof that they could not justify as required by law: Wadsworth v. School District, supra. 204 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION It is not necessary to file such bond with the auditor prior to furnishing material to the contractor in order to relieve the district from liability : Wadsworth v. School District, supra. An action on a contractor's bond given under this section is not barred by the procuring of a judgment against the contractor personally prior to suit against his bond: Fisher v. Quigley, 8 Wash. 322. A bond taken by a school district under this section, conditioned that the surety shall be liable only in case the contractor fails to "perform said work and comply with said contract, plans and specifications to which reference is hereby made and same made a part of the bond," is insufficient :Puget Sound Brick etc. Co. v. School District, 12 Wash. 118. See Sexton v. School District, 9 Wash. 5 ; Price v. Scott. 13 Wash. 574 ; State ex rel. Fairhaven Land Co. v. Cheetam, 17 Wash. 131 ; School District No. 75 v. Quails, 53 Wash. Dec. 226. 675. Liability for failure to take bond If any board of county commissioners of any county, or mayor and com- mon council of any incorporated city or town, or tribunal transacting the business of any municipal corporation shall fail to take such bond as herein required, such county, incorporated city or town, or other municipal corpora- tion, shall be liable to the persons mentioned in section 1159, to the full ex- tent and for the full amount of all such debts so contracted by such contractor. (L. '09, p. 717, §2; Rem. & Bal., §1160.) See notes to above section. 676. Conditions of bond — Action on The bond mentioned in section 1159 shall be in an amount equal to the full contract price agreed to be paid for such work or improvement, and shall be to the State of Washington, except in cases of cities and towns, in which cases such municipalities may by general ordinance fix and determine the amount of such bond dnd to whom such bond shall run: Provided, The same shall not be for a less amount than twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the con- tract price of any such improvement, and may designate that the same shall be payable to such city, and not to the State of Washington, and all such persons mentioned in said section 1159 shall have a right of action in his, her, or their own name or names on such bond for the full amount of all debts against such contractor, or for work done by such laborers or mechanics, and for materials furnished or provisions and goods supplied and furnished in the prosecution of such work, or the making of such improvements: Provided, That such persons shall not have any right of action on such bond for any sum whatever, unless within thirty (30) days from and after the completion of the contract with and acceptance of the work by the board, council, commis- sion, trustees, or body acting for the state, county or municipality, or other public body, city, town or district, the laborer, mechanic or subcontractor, or materialman, or person claiming to have supplied materials, provisions or goods for the prosecution of such work, or the making of such improvement, shall present to and file with such board, council, commission, trustees or body acting for the state, county or municipality, or other public body, city, town or district, a notice in writing in substance as follows: To (here insert the name of the state, county or municipality or other public body, city, town or district): Notice is hereby given that the undersigned (here insert the name of the laborer, mechanic or subcontractor, or materialman, or person claiming to STATE OF WASHINGTON 205 have furnished labor, material or provisions for or upon such contract or work) has a claim in the sum of dollars (here insert the amount against the bond taken from (here insert the name of the principal and surety or sureties upon such bond) for the work of (here insert a brief mention or description of the work concerning which said bond was taken). (Here to be signed) Such notice shall be signed by the person or corporation making the claim or giving the notice; and said notice, after being presented and filed, shall be a public record open to inspection by any person: Provided further, That any city may avail itself of the provisions of this act, notwithstanding any charter provisions in conflict herewith: And provided further, That any city or town may impose any other or further conditions and obligations in such bond as may be deemed necessary for its proper protection in the ful- fillment of the terms of the contract secured thereby. (L. '09, p. 717, §3; Rem. & Bal., §1161.) Failure to file bond does not relieve the contractor from failure to file claim : Crane Company v. Aetna Indemnity Co., 43 Wash. 516. The overstatement of the amount due, in a notice to a city of a claim for material furnished to a contractor upon public work, is not fatal to recovery on the contractor's statutory bond to secure laborers and materialmen, where actual fraud is not shown : Strandell v. Moran, 49 Wash. 533. Such a notice, required bj' the statute to be signed by the claimant, is sufficient when signed by one "A. S. agent," through whom the claimant did business without disclosing the principals when no one was misled thereby ; since the same fulfills the purpose of the statute to give notice of claims : Id. STATE COLIiEGE OP WASHINGTON EXPERIMENT STATION 677. Acceptance of federal aid The State of Washington hereby assents to the purposes, te^ms, provisions and conditions of the grant of money provided in an act of Congress approved March 16, 1906, said act being entitled "An act to provide for an increased annual appropriation for agricultural experiment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof," and having for its purpose the more complete endow- ment and maintenance of agricultural experiment stations theretofore or there- after established under an act of Congress approved March 2, 1887. (L. '07, p. 423, § 1; Rem. & Bal., § 4344.) See, supra, § 49, et seq.. Code Pub. Ins., State College of Washington. Evidently by oversight, this and the next section were omitted from the "School Code" of 1909. 678. Disposition of appropriation Said annual sum appropriated and granted to the State of Washington In pursuance of said act of Congress approved March 16, 1906, shall be paid as therein provided to the treasurer or other oflBcer duly appointed by the board of regents of the State Agricultural Experiment Station at Pullman, Wash- ington; and the board of regents of such experiment station are hereby re- quired to report to the Secretary of Agriculture on or before the first day of September of each year a detailed statement of the amount so received and Its disbursements on schedules prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. (L. '07, p. 424, §2; Rem. & Bal., §4345.) Superseded, in part, by supra, § 641, Code Pub. Ins., requiring payment to State Treasurer. 206 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 679. Experiment station at Puyallup The operation and conduct of the agricultural experiment station hereto- fore established at Puyallup, Washington, shall be under the supervision and control of the board of regents of the Agricultural College and School of Science, and the State Auditor is hereby authorized to audit all claims and, if found correct, to issue warrants upon the State Treasurer in payment of bills duly authorized by said board as provided by law, and the State Treasurer is hereby directed to pay the same. (L. '99, p. 132, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4346.) 680. Acquisition of lands for experimental purposes The board of regents of the State College of Washington is hereby author- ized and empowered to acquire by lease or gift, any tract or tracts of land, which, in its judgment, are necessary for experimental or demonstrational pur- poses, or for otherwise carrying out the purposes or work of the college as defined by law, and to pay for the same out of the maintenance fund of the college: Provided, That not more than twelve hundred dollars a year shall be paid from said fund for said purposes: Provided further, That when said land is leased by the state for purposes of this act, such land shall be exempt from taxation. (L. '09, p. 815, §1; Rem. & Bal., §4347.) See, supra, § 639, Code Pub. Ins., disposition of lands. STATE OF WASHINGTON 207 RULES AND REGULATIONS, BY STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION TEACHERS 1. The teachers in the public schools of this state shall follow the pre- scribed course of study and enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board of Education; shall keep records, use blanks and render reports accord- ing to instructions. 2. Teachers shall be held responsible for the care of all school property- entrusted to them; shall frequently inspect the same and promptly report to the district clerk any damage it may have received. 3. Each teacher shall prepare a program of daily exercises, a copy of which shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the school room. 4. Teachers shall exercise watchful care over the conduct and habits of the pupils while under their jurisdiction. 5. Teachers shall maintain strict order and discipline in their schools at all times. Any neglect of this requirement shall be considered good cause for dismissal. Corporal punishment may be resorted to when it becomes necessary to the preservation of proper discipline. No cruel or unusual punishment shall be inflicted; and no teacher shall administer punishment on or about the head of any pupil. 6. In any case of misconduct or insubordination, when the teacher deems it necessary for the good of the school, he may suspend a pupil, and shall imme- diately notify the directors of the district thereof for further action, and shall send a copy of said notice to the parents or guardians of the child. 7. Every public school teacher shall give vigilant attention to the temper- ature and ventilation of the school room and shall see that the atmosphere of the room is frequently changed. 8. Teachers shall have the right, and it shall be their duty to direct and control within reasonable limits the studies of their pupils: Provided, That all pupils shall receive instruction in the branches included in the prescribed course of study. 9. The use of tobacco in any form or place by a teacher is discountenanced, and the use of alcoholic stimulants in any form or place as a beverage is prohibited. The use of tobacco or any other narcotic on the school premises by a teacher shall work a forfeiture of his certificate. 10. The teacher shall make an estimate of the worth of each pupil's work in the several subjects as often as once every two months. This estimate should be based upon the pupil's daily work, together with such tests as the teacher may deem it advisable to give during the period. At the close of every term of school the teacher shall thoroughly examine, in all necessary branches, all pupils whose work has not been satisfactory, and shall leave in the register a statement of the work completed by each pupil in each subject. He shall also leave a record of the deportment of each pupil. 11. Teachers shall require excuses from the parents or guardians of pupils, either in person or by written note, in all cases of absence, tardiness or dis- missal before the close of school, and no excuse shall be deemed valid except OQ8 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION that of sickness. Excuses for absence shall be placed in the hands of the attendance officer, and it shall be the duty of said attendance officer to investi- gate thoroughly each case and enforce the provisions of the law relating thereto. 12. An attendance of less than one hour at any half-day's session shall not be counted by the teacher in making his or her annual report. 13. Teachers are enjoined to encourage exercises in composition and dec- lamation, including memorization of choice selections and quotations. In the preparation of programs for rhetoricals, teachers shall use every effort to secure selections of a high literary character. 14. Teachers are required to be at their respective schoolrooms at least thirty minutes before the time of opening of school in the morning and fifteen minutes before the opening of school in the afternoon. 15. Teachers are required to make due preparation daily for their duties, such preparation to include attendance upon teachers' meetings and other pro- fessional work contributing to efficient school service, which may be required by the superintendent, principal, or board of directors. PUPILS 1. Every pupil shall be punctual and regular in attendance, obedient to all rules of the school, diligent in study, respectful and obedient to teachers and kind and obliging to schoolmates. 2. Wilful disobedience, habitual truancy, vulgarity or profanity, the use of tobacco on or about the school premises, stealing, the carrying of deadly weapons, the carrying or using of dangerous playthings, shall constitute good cause for suspension or expulsion from school. 3. As soon as dismissed, pupils shall leave the school premises and go directly to their homes. Loitering on the way to and from school is positively forbidden. 4. Pupils shall give attention to personal neatness and cleanliness, and any who repeatedly fail in this respect may be sent home to be prepared prop- erly for school. 5. Pupils shall not be detained more than forty minutes after the regular hour for dismissal. STATE OF WASHINGTON ^09 INSTRUCTIONS RELATIVE TO ISSUANCE OF BONDS AND PREPARATION OF TRANSCRIPT In the course of the past few years the Attorney General and his assistants have had occasion to examine and pass upon a large number of bond issues of school districts throughout the state. From such examination the Attorney General has been impressed with the fact that the procedure leading up to the issuance of such bonds and the manner of preparing the transcript are not fully understood by the different school officers. For the assistance of those in charge of the affairs of the various school districts these instructions are printed, in which a number of the more common defects in procedure are pointed out and explanation of the transcript required by the State Board of Finance is given. The procedure in the issuance of bonds by school districts is prescribed in sections 353 to 367, inclusive, Code of Public Instruction. (Remington and Ballinger's Code, section 4607 to 4621, inclusive, as amended by chapter 88, Laws of 1911.) The conduct of elections in districts of the first class is governed by sec- tions 443 to 461, inclusive. Code of Public Instruction. (Remington and Bal- linger's Code, sections 4667 to 4685, inclusive, as amended by chapters 106 and 107 of the Laws of 1911.) In school districts of the second and third classes elections are held under sections 433 to 439, inclusive. Code of Public Instruction. (Remington and Ballinger's Code, sections 4657 to 4663, inclusive, as amended by chapter 115, Laws of 1913.) The suggestions here made do not refer to the procedure in validating in- debtedness of school districts, which is covered by other provisions of the Code of Public Instruction, section 368 to 379, inclusive. (Remington and Ballinger's Code, sections 4622 to 4629, inclusive, and chapter 136, Laws of 1913.) Directors intending to submit the question of the validation of indebt- edness to the electors of their districts are advised to consult the prosecuting attorney of their county respecting the forms of resolutions to be adopted, and all other matters of procedure. In order that there may be no question of the validity of the proposed bond issue, there should be a strict compliance with the provisions of the statutes referred to. The suggestions here made do not cover all of the pro- visions of the law, but are intended to be supplementary thereto and in ex- planation thereof. A transcript is required by all bond buyers in order that the purchaser may be informed of the nature and character of the investment, and of the validity of the bonds offered for sale. The purchaser of bonds depends almost entirely upon the transcript for this information, and it is necessary therefore to have all the proceedings set forth very fully and in as legible a manner as possible. In preparing the transcript it should be borne in mind that those who are called upon to examine the proceedings are not familiar with local conditions in the different school districts, and for that reason every step should be carefully explained. All action by the directors of a district should bo taken by resolution, as motions are too indefinite. 210 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION PURPOSES FOR WHICH BONDS MAY BE ISSUED Bonds may be issued only for the purposes enumerated in the statute, which are as follows: 1. For the funding of outstanding indebtedness. 2. For the purchase of school house site or sites. 3. For the building of one or more school houses, and providing the same with all necessary furniture, apparatus or equipment (section 353, Code of Public Instruction). If the purposes for which the bonds are being issued are not naturally related or connected they must be considered as separate propositions. Each proposition must be separately submitted to the voters at the election and voted upon separately. For instance, the issuance of refunding bonds, and bonds to secure money to purchase a site and build a school house are two separate and distinct propositions. An indebtedness in order to be refunded under this chapter (ten) must be valid, and proof of the validity is required before refunding bonds will be ac- cepted. The purposes for which money may be borro"wed and bonds issued, it will be noted, are those which require an unusual and extraordinary expenditure of money. Bonds cannot be issued for continuing regular expenditures for the maintenance of the schools. This class of expenditures must be taken care of from the current revenues of the district. Before any steps looking to the issuance of bonds are taken, the object and purpose of the issue should be fully and carefully considered by the officers of the district, and a complete investigation of the financial condition of the dis- trict made. LIMIT OF INDEBTEDNESS The constitution limits the amount of indebtedness any school district may incur to five per centum of the assessed valuation of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained from the last assessment for state and county pur- poses previous to the incurring of the indebtedness (Const, art. 8, sec. 6). In other words, no territory can be made liable for a debt for school purposes in excess of five per cent, of the assessed valuation of the property in that par- ticular territory. It makes no difference by what district the indebtedness is to be or was incurred. It should be remembered in this connection that dis- tricts forming a consolidated district retain their corporate existence for the purpose of paying off their indebtedness existing at the time of their consoli- dation. Such indebtedness is not absorbed by the consolidated district. For instance, if a school district prior to its consolidation with other districts to form a consolidated district, had an outstanding indebedness, then the consoli- dated district cannot incur an indebtedness the result of which will be to charge the territory within such school district with an indebtedness, which when added to its existing indebtedness will exceed the five per cent, limit. The same principles apply in the case of a union high school district. A union high school district cannot incur an Indebtedness which when distrib- uted among the districts forming it will result in charging the territory within any school district with an indebtedness in excess of five per cent, of the as- sessed valuation of the property therein. Conversely, a school district which Is a part of a union high school district cannot incur an indebtedness which STATE OF WASHINGTON 211 when added to its proper proportion of the indebtedness of the union high school district will exceed the five per cent, limit. Cash on hand and uncollected taxes due may be considered as an asset for the purpose of computing the indebtedness of a school district. This rule, however, is subject to the following exceptions: 1. If the district seeks to include cash on hand or uncollected taxes as an asset, it must deduct therefrom any indebtedness contracted or liability in- curred which is payable from such cash or the proceeds of such taxes. 2. Cash in the general fund and uncollected taxes due to the general fund can only be considered as an offset to indebtedness payable from the general fund. ELECTIONS The suggestions made under this heading apply only to school districts of the second and third classes. Elections in districts of the first class must be conducted under sections 443 to 461, inclusive. Code of Public Instruction, to which reference must be had by the officers of such districts. All school elections in districts of the second and third classes must be held at the school house if there be one in the district; or if there is no school house in the district, or if there are more than one, then at one or more places designated by the directors. The judges and clerk must be selected by the electors present at the polling place at the hour named for the opening of the polls, or as soon thereafter as there are a sufficient number of electors present to constitute an election board. The polls must be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. and closed at the hour named in the notice of election, which must not be earlier than 4 o'clock p. ra. or later than 8 o'clock p. m. Each proposition to be voted upon must be submitted separately and voted upon separately. The ballots must contain a statement of each proposition and following each propostion the words, "Bonds, Yes," and "Bonds, No." SALE OP BOXDS The board of directors should within thirty days after the date of election certify the result of the election to the county treasurer. The notice of sale of bonds must be advertised for four consecutive issues, in at least a weekly newspaper published at the county seat, if there be one. The notice of sale of bonds must state: (1) The amount of bonds to be sold; (2) The time they are to run; (3) "Where payable; (4) The option, if any, of the district to redeem; (5) The hour and day for considering bids; (6) The manner in which bids are to be submitted, with a request that the bidders name the price and rates of interest at which they will purchase such bonds. Bonds cannot bear a greater rate of interest than six per centum. The bonds as advertised for sale should correspond in every respect with those which the voters have authorized the directors to issue. TRANSCRIPT The State Board of Finance furnishes a blank certificate to be signed and an affidavit to be subscribed and sworn to by the directors of a district selling bonds to the state. This certificate requires twelve exhibits, which should 212 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION be attached to the general certificate and affidavit, which constitute the tran- script. This general certificate and affidavit should be made out and subscribed and sworn to subsequent to the date or dates upon which all the exhibits re- quired are made and subscribed and sworn to. The exhibits of resolutions called for are to be exact copies of the actual entries that have been made in the records of the board of directors. If they are not of record the record should be perfected before the transcript is completed or certified to. No forms or blanks for preparing exhibits or resolutions are supplied by the state. The exhibits should be on good quality of paper, the same width and length as the general certificate and affidavit of the board of directors furnished by the State Board of Finance, unless printed forms are used. The exhibits must be properly lettered and identified by the letters as set forth in the general certificate furnished by the State Board of Finance. EXHIBITS "Exhibit A" must be a copy of the resolution adopted by the board of di- rectors authorizing the issuance of the bonds. The resolution to be in proper form should set forth in detail the amount and duration of the bonds, the option, if any, to redeem, and the purpose for which the bonds are issued. To this resolution should be attached a cei'tificate signed by the board of directors, to the effect that such resolution was duly passed and adopted by the board of directors at a regular or special meeting of the board, setting forth the date of the meeting, the names of the directors present, and that the same ap- pears of record upon the book of proceedings of the district. "Exhibit B" must be a copy of the resolution adopted by the board of di- rectors providing for the calling of the election at which the question of whether or not bonds shall be issued is to be submitted to the voters. This res- olution to be in proper form should set forth the purpose for which the bonds are to be issued, the amount and duration of the bonds, together with the option, if any, to redeem; and should provide for the holding of the election at the school house of the district, and for the posting of the notices of election at least ten days prior to the date of the election in three conspicuous public places in the district. This resolution should have attached to it a certificate showing that such resolution was duly passed and adopted by the board of di- rectors at a regular meeting of the board, setting forth the date of the meeting, the names of the directors present, and a statement that the same appears of record upon the book of proceedings of the district. "Exhibit C" must be a .true and correct copy of the notice of election as posted. "Exhibit D" must be an affidavit by the person posting the notices of elec- tion, setting forth that the notices were posted in at least three conspicuous public places in the district, one of which was the place at which the election was held, the places at which the notices were posted, the date of the posting of the notices, the length of time prior to the date of election that they were posted, that they remained posted until after the date of the election, and that "Exhibit C" of the transcript is a true and correct copy of the notices so posted. This exhibit is an affidavit and must be subscribed and sworn to be- fore some officer, such as a notary public, duly authorized to administer such an oath. The director of a school district has no such authority. STATE OF WASHINGTON 213 "Exhibit E" must be a copy of the report of the judges and clerk of election as submitted to the board of directors of the district, and as entered on the records of said board. This report consists of a copy of the poll sheet, together with the oaths of the judges and clerk of election, and should be accompanied by an affidavit of the judges and clerk of election to the effect that they were duly selected to act as such judges and clerk of election by the voters present, at the polling place at the hour named for the opening of the polls; that they took and subscribed to the oaths as such judges and clerk of election, as set forth on the copy of the poll sheet thereto attached; that they opened the polls at the hour named in the notice of election (1 o'clock p. m.) and closed them at the hour named in the notice of election (not earlier than 4 o'clock p. m. nor later than 8 o'clock p. m.); that to the best of their knowledge and belief they permitted none but the duly qualified electors of the district to vote, and re- fused no duly qualified elector the right to vote; that the election was duly conducted in all respects as required by law; the number of ballots and the number of votes cast, the number of votes for and the number of votes against bonds. This affidavit should be subscribed and sworn to before some officer authorized to take such an oath. The director of a district has no such authority. "Exhibit P" must be a copy of the certificate of election submitted to the county treasurer by the directors. The facts set forth in this certificate should correspond with those as shown in the resolutions marked "Exhibits A" and "B," and the notice of election marked "Exhibit C." The directors have no authority to certify that bonds in an amount different from that voted upon or of a different character, are to be issued. "Exhibit G" must be an affidavit of the county treasurer, showing how and in what manner the sale of bonds was advertised, and should refer to "Exhibit H." The treasurer should be careful in preparing his notice of sale for pub- lication to call for bonds of the same character as those which the certificate of the directors shows were authorized by the voters. "Exhibit H" must be an affidavit by the publisher giving the time of pub- lishing the notice of the sale of bonds, and must set forth a copy of the pub- lished notice. "Exhibit I" must be a copy of the resolution awarding the bonds to the state, as adopted by the board of directors at their meeting with the county treasurer. This resolution to be in proper form should set forth a statement of each bid received; that it is determined that the bid of the state is th(e best bid, and should provide for the sale of the bonds to the state in accord- ance with the bid of the State Board of Finance. To this exhibit should be at- tached a certificate signed by the board of directors, to the effect that such resolution was duly passed and adopted by the board of directors at a regular meeting of the board, setting forth the date of the meeting, the names of the directors present, and a statement that the same appears of record upon the book of proceedings of the district. "Exhibit J" must be a certificate by the county treasurer, showing the equalized assessed valuation of the district last preceding the day of the bond election, as shown by the records of his office. The county treasurer should be sure to attach his seal to his certificate. If the district issuing the bonds is a consolidated district the county treasurer should set forth the assessed valua- tion of each district forming the consolidated district as well as the assessed 214 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION valuation of the consolidated district. If the district is included within a union high school district, the county treasurer should set forth the assessed valuation of the union high school district. If the district is a union high school district the county treasurer should set forth the assessed valuation of each district forming the union high school district. "Exhibit K" must be a certificate of the county superintendent of schools, giving in detail the time and manner of the organization of the district, setting forth a copy of the order of they superintendent forming the district, together with such other information as the records of the county superintendent show relative to the organization of the district. The boundaries of the district should be set forth, together with a plat showing the location of such bounda- ries. The names of the officers of the district and their terms of office from the date of the passage of the resolution marked "Exhibit A" up to the date of the making of the general certificate should be certified to. The county superintendent in certifying as to the organization of the district should state whether or not the same is a consolidated district, and if so the districts from which it was formed. He should also state whether the district is included within or a part of a union high school district, and if so, the name and number of the union high school district and the districts forming the same. If the district is a consolidated district the county superintendent of schools should certify that none of the districts forming such consolidated district were at the time of their consolidation included within any union high school district. "Exhibit L" must be a certificate by the county treasurer showing the indebtedness of the district by items and must give every class of indebtedness against such district, whether special or general. If the district is a consoli- dated district he should set forth the indebtedness of each district forming the consolidated district in addition to the indebtedness of the consolidated district. The indebtedness of each district should be set forth separately. If the district is a part of or included within a union high school district, the county treasurer must furnish a certificate as to the indebtedness of each dis- trict forming the union high school district. In this connection your attention is called to the fact that where districts are consolidated they retain their cor- porate existence for the purpose of paying off their indebtedness until the same has been fully paid. The indebtedness is not charged as an item of in- debtedness of the consolidated district. If the district is attempting to include taxes for the current year as an asset, all indebtedness which has been con- tracted, and all liability incurred, such as salaries of teachers, janitors, etc., but is unearned and is payable from the money derived from current taxes, should be included as an indebtedness. The directors should Certify as to all indebtedness contracted against the district in such a case. STATE OF WASHINGTON 215 FORMS FOR USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS AND TEACHERS No. DESCRIPTION OF BLANK 2. Petition to County Superintendent for Formation of School District. 3. Petition to County Superintendent for Alteration of School District. 4. Notice of Meeting to Investigate Petition for Formation of New School Dis- trict. 5. Notice of Meeting to Investigate Petition for Alteration of School District. 6. Certificate of Formation of School District (to County Commissioners). 7. Certificate of Alteration of School District (to County Commissioners). 11. County Treasurer's Certificate to County Superintendent of Funds to be Apportioned. 12. County Superintendent's Certificate to County Treasurer of Funds Appor- tioned. 13. County Superintendent's Notice to School District Clerk of Funds Appor- tioned. 15. County Superintendent's Appointment of Director to Fill Vacancy. 16. County Superintendent's Report of Defective Youth (each blank holds 16 names). 17. Graded School Report (2 copies for each district maintaining graded schools). 18. High School Report (2 copies to each high school). 19. Annual Report of School District Clerk to County Superintendent (2 copies to each district). 19s. Supplement (Census of Children of School Age — Each blank holds 50 names). 20. Petition to Form Consolidated District. 21. Estimate of Expenses (1 copy to each district). 2 IB. Form for Advertisement of Estimate of Expenses in Districts of First Class. 23. Notice of Annual School Election (3 copies for each district). 25. Notice of Election to Vote Bonds (3 copies for each election held to vote bonds). 26. Notice of Special School District Meeting (3 copies for each meeting held). 26A. Notice of Special School District Election for Consolidating Districts. 27. Notice of Meeting to Form Consolidated District (3 Notices to each). 28. Certificate of Election and oath of Office (1 copy for each oflScer elected). 29. School District Election Poll Book (1 copy for each district). 30. Certificate of Directors to County Treasurer that Bonds have been voted. 31. Report to County Auditor of School District Officers Elected and Qualified (each blank will contain 15 names). 32. Report to County Auditor of School District Director Appointed (report re- quired for each officer appointed). 33. Teacher's Register (book). 34. Teacher's Contract with Directors (2 copies for each contract made). 35. Teacher's Annual or Term Report to County Superintendent (duplicate to clerk in register). 36. Report of Evening School. 38. Teacher's Special Certificates (book). 37. Temporary Certificates (book). 38. Teacher's Special Certificates. 39. County Superintendent's Certificate that District Clerk's Reports Have Been Made (quarterly). 40. Form of Contractor's Bond. 45. Appointment of Member of County Board of Education. 48. School District Map. 49. Report of Teacher's Examination (each blank holds 25 names). 52. Requisition Blanks — A, long; B, short. 53. Certificate of Formation of Consolidated District. 54. Notice of Clerk Claiming Attendance. 55A. Certificate to Clerk Claiming Attendance in Public School. 216 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 55B. Certificate of Attendance in Private School. 56. Report of Registers and Record Books Sold. 57. Certificate of Organization of School Board. 58. Excuse by Superintendent from Attendance of Pupil at School. 59. Term Record of Grades and Examination. 60. Report of Eighth Grade Graduates. 69. Application for Temporary Certificate Based on Non-Accredited Paper. 70. Application for Temporary Certificate Based on Accredited Paper. 71. Application for Teacher's Certificate upon Examination. 72 Application for Grades of 90 per cent, or above. 73. Application for Teacher's Certificate Based on Examination and Grades of 90 per cent. Obtained in Other States. 74. Application for Renewal of Certificate. 75. Application for Certificate upon Papers. 76. Application for a Permanent Certificate. 77. Application for a Second Grade Certificate. 77(a). Certificate of Attendance at an Accredited Institution. 78. Certificate of Attendance at Summer School (for use of principals of ac- credited summer schools). 79. Application for Registration of Certificate. 80. Clerk's Record Book. 82. Attendance Record Non-Resident High School Pupils. Note. — Blank forms may be secured from the county superintendent. SPECIMEN COPIES OF FORMS MOST USED Form No. 2 Petition for Formation of a Scliool District To the Superintendent of Common Schools of _ County, Washington: "We, the undersigned, being heads of families and lawful petitioners for the purpose herein set forth, do hereby petition you to form a school district in the county of _ -.. — , State of "Washington, with the following boundaries, viz.: [Here describe boundaries.] Our reasons for asking for the above de- scribed district are as follows, viz.: [Here give reasons.] Following is a correct list of the names of children of school age residing within the limits of the proposed district, viz.: Names of Children Names of Children Names of Children __ .-.r.T........ .■..■....,.■■■...... „„ Names of Petitioners Names of Petitioners Names of Petitioners Dated this day of... - 191 Note. — This petition must be signed by at least five heads of families residing In the proposed district. STATE OF WASHINGTON 217 Form Xo. 3 Petition for Alteration of a Scliool District To the Superintendent of Common Schools of _ County, Washington: We, the undersigned, being heads of families and lawful petitioners for the purpose herein set forth, do hereby petition you to change the boundaries of School Districts Nos and , of -.... county, State of Wash- ington, as follows, viz.: [Here describe change desired.] Our reasons for desir- ing said change of boundaries are as follows, viz.: [Here give reasons.] Fol- lowing is a correct list of the names of children of school age residing within the territory which it is desired to have transferred: Names of Children Names of Children Names of Children Names of Petitioners Names of Petitioners Names of Petitioners - - - - - Dated this _ - -day of _ , 191 Note. — This petition must be signed by a majority of the heads of families residing in the territory which it is desired to have transferred. Form \o. 4 Notice of Meeting to Investigate a Petition for the Formation of a School District Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held at , on the day of , 191 , at the hour of o'clock M., for the purpose of investigating a petition which was filed in my office on the day of , 191 , praying for the formation of a School District, with the following boundaries, viz.: And all parties are hereby notified that a full and fair investigation will be made at the time and place above stated, of all matters pertaining to the forma- tion of the above described School District, and if it shall be deemed advisable, the petition will be granted and the School District formed as prayed for. Dated this..- day of....- , 191 (Signed)-..- - -.- - Supt. Common Schools - County, Washington. The above notice is posted by - - , this....- day of , 191- Remarks. — Twenty days' notice must be given. 218 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Form No. 5 Notice of Meeting to Investigate a Petition for Alteration of Scliool District Boundaries Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held at _ on the day of - _ 191 , at the hour of. _ o'clock M., for the purpose of investigating a petition which was filed in my ofRce on the _ .....day of- - 191 , praying for changes in the boundaries of School Districts Nos and , in the county of..._ , State of Washington, viz.: And all parties are hereby notified that a full and fair investigation will be made at the time and place above stated, of all matters pertaining to said change of boundaries, and that if it shall be deemed advisable the petition will be granted and the changes made as above described. Dated this day of , 191 Supt. Common Schools _ - , County, Washington. At least one notice must be posted in each district affected by the proposed change, and at least one notice must be posted in the territory which it is pro- posed to have transferred. Notices must be posted at least twenty days. The county superintendent should retain a verbatim copy of the foregoing notice in his office. Form No. 15 Appointment of School District Officer By virtue of authority in me vested by law, I hereby appoint _ to the office of director of School District No - -.._ of _ county. State of Washington, to fill a vacancy caused by _ „ _ ._; said to continue in office until the fourth Monday following the next annual school election, and until his successor has qualified according to law. Done, this day of. _ , 191..ji..... County Supt. of Schools —...County, Washington. OATH OF OFFICE State of Washington, County of , ss. I, , do hereby solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Wash- ington; that I will endeavor to promote the interests of education, and faithfully discharge the duties of director of School District No _ — , in the county of..- - -..., in said state. So help me God. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this — day of , 191 — • Here state character of officer administering oath. Any school district officer may administer it. Remark. — The oath should be subscribed before some officer authorized to ad- minister oaths within ten days after the appointment, and should be sent to the county superintendent at once. The county superintendent cannot recognize an officer as such until his oath is on file. STATE OF WASHINGTON 219 Form No. 16 Report of Defective Youth To the Board of Commissioners County, Washington: I herewith transmit to you a report of all defective youth residing in your county, as reported to me by the clerks of the several school districts of the county: Dated this day of _ , 191 Supt. of Common Schools, — ...County, Washington. Name of Youth Character of Ailment Name of Parent or Guardian P. O. Address of Parent or Guardian Remarks. — This report should be made to the county commissioners, at their August meeting, and a copy of it should be sent by the county superintendent to the State Board of Control at Olympia, Washington. Form No. 20 Petition for Formation of a Con.solidated Scliool District To the Superintendent of Common Schools of _„ County, Washington: We, the undersigned, being heads of families and lawful petitioners for the purpose herein set forth, do hereby petition you to form a consolidated school district in the county of _._ , State of Washington, consisting of school districts Nos and of said county. Our reasons for asking for the above described district are as follows, viz.: Following is a correct list of the names of children of school age residing within the limits of the proposed district, viz.: Names of Children Miles from School Names of Children Miles from School Names of Petitioners No. of District Names of Petitioners No. of District Dated this _._ day of _ _ , 191 _ Note. — This petition must be signed by at least five heads of families re- siding in the proposed district. 220 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Form No. 21 (For Second and Third Classes.) Estimate of School District Tax Levy To the Board of Commissioners, County, Washington: I, , clerk of school district No , of said county, do hereby certify that at a meeting of the board of directors, duly held in said school district, pursuant to sec. 219, Code of 1909, on the day of , 191 , it was estimated that the following amount of money will be required for school purposes in said district during the present school year: General School Fund Building Fund Repairs $ _ ' Sites Salaries of teachers _ [ Buildings .. Salaries of janitors Furnishings Salary of clerk ; Apparatus . School maintenance and sup- plies - Fuel Warrant indebtedness Incidental expenses Total $ Total $ Note. — General school fund cannot be used for sites, buildings, furnishings or apparatus. You are hereby authorized to lev^ a sufficient tax on the property of school district No to produce this amount after deducting the amount to be received by the- said school district from state and county funds. Dated this _ day of , 191 „ _ , Clerk School District No , County, Washington. Note. — This notice must be filed with the clerk of the board of county com- missioners on or before the first day of September. It is the duty of the county commissioners to make sufficient levies for bond interest and redemption of bonds, in addition to the above estimates. The county superintendent will file with the county commissioners an esti- mate of the amount to be received by each school district from state and county funds. Amount to be raised for redemption of bonds, $ ; Bond interest, $ Form No. 21-B DiNtrictN of the FIrHt ClnMs [Form of Advertisement] ESTIMATE OF SCHOOL EXPENSES AND RECEIPTS (Required by Chapter 138, Session Laws of 1909) School District No County. Notice Is hereby given that the board of directors of school district No , _ county. State of Washington, estimate that the said school dis- trict will need during the school year beginning July 1st, - ....~ the amount shown by the itemized statement printed below. This estimate Is subject to revision and the board of school directors of the above named district will meet at _ o'clock M., Monday, October , at ~ , for the purpose of giving any taxpayer an opportunity of being "heard in favor or against any proposed tax levies." A more detailed statement of the purposes STATE OF WASHINGTON 221 for which the proposed tax levy is to be expended is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district and is open to inspection: ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES General School Fund Salary of superintendent $.. Salary of attendance officer.. .. Salary of clerk or secretary of school district Salaries of principals Salaries of supervisors Salaries of teachers Salaries of janitors Interest on warrant indebt- edness Payment of warrant indebt- edness Supplies for teachers and pupils Advertising Operating- expenses Incidentals Repairs Total. . Building Fund Sites Buildings . . Furnishings Apparatus . Total. . ESTIMATE OF RECEIPTS State current school fund....$- County school fund Miscellaneous Sale of bonds. Total Total. Amount to be raised by district tax Dated: 191.... $. Clerk of School District No , County. General school fund cannot be used for sites, buildings, furnishings or ap- paratus. It is the duty of the county commissioners to make sufficient levies for bond interest and bond redemption fund, in addition to the above estimates. Amount to be raised for, Redemption of Bonds, $ ; Bond Interest, $ -.. Form No. 23 Xotice of Annual School Election Notice is hereby given that the annual election of School District No _.., of county, State of Washington, will be held at - _... in said School District, on Saturday, the day of March. 191 . for the purpose of electing one school district director for a term of three years and for the transaction of such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting. The polls will be open from o'clock M. to o'clock M. By order of the board of directors. Dated this day of 191...._... , School District Clerk. Remarks. — Three of these notices must be posted at least ten days prior to the day of election, one of which must be at the place of holding the election. All elections should be held at the school house, if there be one, on the first Saturday in March. 222 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION If vacancies are to be filled in the office of director, the clerk will state the facts in the blank space left for that purpose. No school district clerk will be elected by the people, the directors being required to elect one. Directors elected will take office the fourth Monday after their election, and clerks will take office as soon as they are elected by the school board. The board should be organized, and the clerk elected on the fourth Monday after the school elec- tion, at two o'clock p. m. In districts of the third class the clerk must be a member of the board. In districts of the second class he may or may not be a member of the board. Form No. 25 Notice of School District Bond E^lection Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held at in School District No of county. State of Washington, on the — -...day of. — , 191 , for the purpose of determining whether or not the directors of said school district shall borrow money and issue bonds for the district in the sum of dollars, for the purpose of Said bonds, if issued, shall bear a rate of interest not to exceed 6 per centum per annum, pay- able - annually; the bonds to be payable and redeemable in years after date: *Provided, That said school district reserves the right to pay or redeem said bonds, or any of them, at any time after years from the date thereof. The election will be by ballot. Those in favor of the issuing of bonds, as above specified, will vote "Bonds, yes;" those opposed, "Bonds, no." The polls will be open from o'clock M. to o'clock M. By order of the board of directors. Dated this.". day of , 191 (Signed) , School District Clerk. Remarks. — All elections must be held at the school house, if tliere be one. At least three notices must be posted at least ten days, one of which must be at the place of holding election. • If the directors do not desire the option of paying the bonds, or any part of them, before the maximum limit stated in tlie notices, this clause should be erased. Form No. 26 Xotice of Special School District Meeting: Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the legal school electors of School District No , of county. State of Washington, will be held at...._ in said district on the — -...day of , 191 , beginning at the hour of o'clock M. of said day, for the purpose ot determining* _ - - By order of the board of directors. Dated this day of , 191 (Signed) , School District Clerk. Remarks. — At least three notices should be posted at least ten days. •See Sec. 440-1-2, School Code. STATE OF WASHINGTON ^^3 Form No. 26 A Notice of Special School District Election for CouxoliilatiuK: Dlntrlcts Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the legal school electors of School District No , of County, Washington, will be held at in said district on the day of 191 , beginning at the hour of o'clock M. of said day, for the purpose of determining whether or not districts numbered _ shall be consolidated ~ — Dated this day of , 191 (Signed) - County Superintendent of Common Schools. Remarks. — At least three notices must be posted at least ten days. Form No. 27 Notice of Meeting to Form Consolidated School District Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held at _ on the day of , 191 , at the hour of o'clock M., for the purpose of investigating a petition which was filed in my office on the day of , 191 , praying for the consolidation of School Districts Nos and , thus forming a consolidated school district. And all parties are hereby notified that a full and fair investigation will be made at the time and place above stated of all matters pertaining to the forma- tion of the above described school district, and, if it shall be deemed advisable, the petition will be granted and the school district formed as prayed for. Dated this day of , 191 (Signed) Supt. of Common Schools of County, Washington. Remarks. — Twenty days' notice must be given and three notices should be posted in each district. Form No. 28 Certificate of Election and Oath of Office To the Superintendent of Schools, County, Washington: I hereby certify that at the annual election of School District No - -., _ county. State of Washington, held on the - ...day of , 191 , M was duly elected to the office of director of said district for a term of __ years, beginning on the fourth Monday next succeeding said election. I further certify that h postofllce address is - , State of Washington. (Signed) — Clerk of Annual School Election. OATH OF OFFICE State of Washington, County of _ ~ , ss. I „ _ , do hereby solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Washington; that I will endeavor to promote the interests of educa- tion, and will faithfully discharge the duties of director of School District No. in the county of in said state. So help me God. (Signed)..... — - - - — Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of — . 191 — (Here state official character of officer who administers oath.) Remarks. — This notice should be given to the person elected, who must qualify within ten days, and send the oath and certificate above to the county superintendent. He must also file with the county auditor his signature, certified 224 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION to by some school officer. The auditor cannot register any warrants signed by any school officers whose signatures so certified, are not filed in his office. The county superintendent should not recognize any one as director or clerk whose oath is not on file in his office. Form No. 29 School District E^lection Poll Book Poll book of an election held in School District No , of _ county, State of Washington, on the day of _ 191 _ and being chosen judges of said election, and clerk, all being duly sworn, as required by law, before entering upon the duties of their respective offices. NUMBER AND NAMES OF ELECTORS VOTING No. Name of Voter No. Name of Voter Tally List Tally List We hereby certify that the whole number of electors voting at this election amounts to ; that the whole number of ballots cast at this election amounts to ; that received votes; that received votes. Attest: Clerk of Election. Judges. OATH OF JUDGES OF ELECTION State of Washington, County of , ss. We and , do solemnly swear that we will, as judges of an election to be held in and for School District No. of county. State of Washington, on this day of _ , 191 , duly attend said election during its con- tinuance; that we will not receive any vote or ballot from any person other than such as we firmly believe to be duly qualified voters at said election, according to law; that we will make a true and perfect leturn of said election, and will, in all things, faithfully and impartially discharge our duties as judges of said elec- tion to the best of our judgment and ability: and that we are not directly or indirectly Interested in any bet or wager on the result of said election. So help us God. Judges. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 191 (Here state official character of officer who administers oath.) STATE OF WASHINGTON 225 OATH OP CLERK OF ELECTION State of Washington, County of „ _ _ ss. I, .., do solemnly swear that I will, as clerk of an election to be held in and for School District No county of _ _ , State of Washington, on this.. _ day of , 191 ., duly at- tend said election during its continuance; that I will record on the poll book of said election the name of each person voting thereat, and faithfully and im- partially discharge the duties of clerk of said election; and that I am not directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager on the result of said election. So help me God. Clerk of Election. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ; day of . 191...._ (Here state official character of officer administering the oath. A director may administer it.) Remarks. — Election boards may vary the tally lists and certificate to suit the nature of the election. If held for the election of officers at an annual elec- tion, the name of each person voted for must be entered on the tally list, and a tally of the votes cast for him must be placed opposite his name. If the elec- tion be for approving estimate of expenditures for current year, or for selecting school house site, etc., or for voting bonds, the number of votes for and against the proposition must be entered on the tally list. The certificate must simply contain a summary of the vote as shown by the tally list. Election boards are chosen by the voters. The school district officers, or any part of them, may be chosen as an election board. The poll book and all other papers should be for- warded by the clerk of election to the county superintendent. Attached to the poll book should be the oaths of the judges and clerk of election. Form No. 30 Certificate of Bond Election To the Treasurer of _ County, Washington: State of Washington, County of- , ss. We, the undersigned directors of School District No , of.._ county, Washington, do hereby certify that at an election held in said School District on the _ day of _ , 191 , it was voted that the bonds of said school district shall be issued by the directors thereof in the sum of. - - dollars, (? ), payable _ years after date, with interest not to exceed six per cent, per annum, payable annually; and we further certify that the board of directors of said school dis- trict reserves the right to redeem said bonds as follows: Witness our hands this day of. _ , 191.. Directors. Attest: Director and Clerk. -8 226 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Certificate of Bond Ellection Officers We, . — - , , and- , as judges and clerk respectively of the bond election held in School District No. „ , -county, State of Washington, on the day of - _., 191 , do hereby certify, that we were duly selected by the voters present at the polling place of said election at the hour of the opening of the polls; that we took and subscribed to the oath as such judges and clerk of said election, as provided by law; that the polls of said election were opened at 1 o'clock p. m., and closed at — -o'clock p. m. (The hour named in the notices of election, for the closing of the polls should be inserted here. This should not be earlier than 4 o'clock p. m., nor later than 8 o'clock p. m.) ; that to the best of our knowledge we permitted none but the duly quali- fied electors of said district to vote at said election, and refused none of the duly qualified electors the right to vote; and that the election was conducted in all respects as required by law. Judges. Clerk. Dated th is— day of , 191.. Form Xo. 34 Notice of Teacher's Contract To - - -., County Superintendent of Schools : The following contract has been made in accordance with the action of the board of directors, as found in the minutes of the meeting of the day of Clerk District No TEACHER'S CONTRACT It is hereby agreed, by and between the directors of School District No , county of , State of Washington, and , the holder of a teacher's certificate now in force in said county, that said teacher is to teach, govern and conduct the public school of said district to the best of h ability, follow the course of study lawfully adopted, keep a register of the daily attendance of each pupil attending said school, make all reports required by law or by lawful authority, and endeavor to preserve in good condition the school house, grounds, furniture, apparatus, and such other property of the district as may come under the immediate supervision of said teacher, for a term of school months, commencing on the —day of. — _ , 191 , for the sum of _ dollars per month, to be paid at the end of each school month, out of the funds of said school district, upon a war- rant drawn by the directors of said school district and payable by the county treasurer: Provided, That if said teacher shall be legally dismissed from school, or shall have _ - certificate lawfully annulled, by expiration or otherwise, then said teacher shall not be entitled to compensation from and after such dis- missal and annullment: Provided further. That the wages of said teacher for the last month of the school term shall not be paid unless said teacher shall have made all reports hereinbefore mentioned, and shall have kept the register in a proper manner as directed therin. STATE OF WASHINGTON 227 And the directors of said school district hereby agree to keep the school house in good repair, to provide a school register, fuel and other necessary sup- plies for the comfort of the school. In witness whereof, we have hereunto subscribed our names this day of , 191 Directors of School District No — , Teacher. Attest: - - _ — - , Clerk. Approved and registered...- - , 191 _ „ _ , County Superintendent. Note. — The law positively requires the making of these contracts. The con- tract should be made in duplicate and mailed by the clerk to the county superin- tendent of common schools, who will register it and return one copy to the clerk and the other to the teacher. Directors can make no contract, lawfully, w^hich extends beyond the time when the teacher's certificate expires; and the law requires that all teachers shall be employed at school board meetings. Form No. 39 Connty Superintendent's Certificate That All Reports Have Been 3Iade Office of Superintendent of Schools, County, Washington. To the Board of Directors of School District No „ , - _ _ -County, "Washington: I hereby certify that _ _ , clerk of School District No , has made all reports due from said district, to the county superintendent, for the quarter last past, including the following: _ - _ — , County Superintendent. Remarks. — This certificate is required to be made out and forwarded, on or before the last Saturday of January, April, July and October of each year, to all clerks who have made all reports required by law, and the board of directors is forbidden to audit any account or issue any warrant for services performed by any clerk until this certificate is filed with them. Form No. 40 Form of Contractor's Bond BOND Know All Men by These Presents: That _ — - „ (hereinafter called the principal), and - (hereinafter called the Surety), are held and firmly bound unto the State of Washington in the penal sum of.... dollars ($ _ ) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made the said Principal and the said Surety bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Signed and dated this _ _ day of A. D. 191 The condition of the obligation is such that. Whereas, Said Principal has entered into a written contract with School Dis- trict No , county, State of Washington, dated the day of _ A. D. 191 , for — 228 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION according to the terms and conditions of said contract, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof, Now Therefore, If the said Principal shall faithfully perform all of the pro- visions of said contract in the manner and within the time therein set forth, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, sub-contractors and material men, and all persons who shall supply said principal or sub-contractors with provision" and supplies for carrying on of said work, all just debts, dues and demands incurred in the performance of said work; and shall hold said School District No , county. State of Washington, harmless from any loss or damage occasioned to any person or property by reason of any carelessness or negligence on the part of said principal, or of any sub-contractor, in the performance of said work, then and in that event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, the said Principal and the said Surety have hereunto caused this instrument of writing to be signed and sealed by their duly authorized officers. Principal. Surety. Witnesses: Form No. 54 Notice of Di-strlct Clerk Clnlming Attendance To the Clerk of School District No.._.. , — _ County: You are hereby notified that the public school of this district opened on the ...._ day of , 191 , that it will close on the... day of _ , 191 , and that all branches will be taught up to and including those of the _ grade; that this district claims the attend- ance of its resident pupils who attend your school during the time this school is in session. On or before June 30th, 19 , you will please certify to the clerk of this district the number of days' attendance of the following named pupils who have attended your school during the time this school has been in session: (Signed) Clerk of School District No. Dated this day of - , 191.. Note. — A copy of this notice must be sent to the county superintendent at the time it Is served on the school clerk. STATE OF WASHINGTON 229 Form No. 55-A Certificate of Attendance To the Clerk of School District No ...„ -....County, Washington: You are hereby notified that the following named students have attended school in District No , between the...- „ day of , 191 and the day of - „ , 191 ; that they are entitled to attendance in your school during such time, and that the attendance of each pupil during such time was as follows: Name of Pupil Number of Days Name of Pupil Number of Days (Signed) Cleric School District No._ .', County. Form Xo. 55-B Certificate of Attendance To the Clerk of School District No , County, "Washington: You are hereby notified that the following named students have attended * — - between the day of..._ 191 , and the day of , 191 , and that the attendance of each pupil during such time was as follows: Name of Pupil Days Name of Pupil Days (Signed) , _ Title - Note. — Accredited attendance cannot be allowed from a business college, art school, or any other school whose course of study does not parallel the course of study in the common school up to and including the eighth grade. * Here insert name of school. 230 CODE OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Form No. 57 Certificate of Glectlon of Clerk and Chairman To the Superintendent of Schools...- - __ County, Washington: You are hereby notified that at a meeting of the board of directors of School District No _., of said county, held on the day of , 191 , M whose P. O. address is _. , was duly elected chairman of the board, for a period of one year, and that M , whose P. O. address is _, was duly elected clerk of the board for a period of one year from and after March _ , 1 9 1 (Signed) __ Clerk School District No._ Note. — The new board must meet and organize by the election of a chairman and clerk, on the fourth Monday next succeeding the annual school election. Forward this report to county superintendent immediately. Form No. 58 Excuse of Child from Attendance at School To Whom It May Concern: All parties are hereby notified that , whose age is ...- —years, and whose residence is , of - county. State of Washington, is hereby excused from at- tendance at school for a period of months from and after this date, for the following reason, viz.: and that any person or corporation is at liberty to employ the above named child during the period for which he is excused from attendance at school, as above indicated. Dated at....- .- - _ , Washington, this day of , 191 — (Signed) _ Superintendent of INDEX ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS: Sec. Page. Higher institutions accredited by state board 11(3) 13 Normal training departments, how accredited 11(6) 13 Requirements, must equal those of university or normal schools.... 11(3) 13 Secondary schools, accredited by state board 11(5) 13 ADULTS : Admitted to state institution for feeble-minded 130 42 May attend school, when 229 75 AGRICULTURE — (see STATE COLLEGE, Experiment Station) : Taught in state institution for feeble-minded 135 43 Use of school property for 555 172 ALCOHOL: Failure to provide for teaching effects of, penalty 465-6 150 Intoxicating liquors, sale prohibited near educational institutions... 525 165 penalty for violation 526 165 prohibited on or near university grounds 570 176 penalty for violation 571 176 Teaching effects of, required 138 44 Use by teacher, prohibited par. 9 207 ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES — (see DISTRICTS). ANIMALS, teaching kindness to, required 138 44 APPARATUS— (see SUPPLIES). APPEALS : Basis of 481 154 Contracts, when taken to courts 480 154 Decision, to be final, except 484 155 copies of, record of 485 155 court may review 484 155 reported to county assessor, when 4 86 155 Heard and decided by state board, when 11(11) 14 Hearing, procedure 483 155 From decisions or orders 479 153 From verdict in condemnation proceedings 522 164 New districts, adjustments in 172 52 Notice of appeal 482 154 of decision 485 155 of hearing 482 154 Refusal to register certificate, appeal from 384 124 Revocation of certificate, appeal from 407 131 Time limit 479 153 Transcript 482 154 To state superintendent on points of law 5(14) 11 To whom taken 480 154 Union high school districts, concerning formation 209 64 APPORTIONMENT : Attendance outside of district, created how 311 101 Basis of, county superintendents' annual reports 309 100 total days' attendance, minimum 310 101 Consolidated districts, attendance accredited 186 58 when not entitled to 1 83 57 County funds, manner of 350 111 County superintendent to make to districts "IS 102 duty regarding 217(14) 67 County treasurer to report amounts 304(2) 98 Credit where school is closed for contagious disease 319 103 232 INDEX APPORTIONMENT — Continued : Hp.c. Page. Dates of 308 100 Defectives, school for, attendance accredited 315 102 High school, attendance counted, how 314 102 bonus to, conditions 317 102 Institute attendance, credit for 326 104 Joint districts, how made to 197 60 Kindergartens not included 507 161 Kindergartens included 508 161 Loss of, liability for 467 151 ibid 468 151 Minimum credit allowed 310 101 New district entitled to, when 477 153 Night school, attendance credited, how 316 102 Number 308 100 Parental schools 315 102 Private schools, attendance accredited 313 101 Union high school districts, how made to 208 63 Withheld by county superintendent, when 320 103 when teacher is not legally qualified 476 152 ARCHITECT, first class districts may employ 254(6) 82 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : Appointed by state superintendent 6 12 Certificate to be held by 6 12 ATTENDANCE : Compulsory — (see COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE). Credit for time lost by quarantine 319 103 Days of, basis of apportionment 310 101 High school, how counted 314 102 In private schools, credited 313 101 Night school, credited how 316 102 Officer, appointment and duties 490 157 failure to perform duty, penalty 496 159 may arrest without warrant 491 157 One hour required par. 12 208 Outside of district, credited how 311 101 Parental school, credited how 315 102 Schools for defectives, credited how 315 102 ATTORNEYS : First class districts may employ 254(6) 82 Prosecuting attorney, to serve for school districts 551 171 duty to enforce certain section 4 66 150 in proceedings relating to compulsory attendance 494 158 notice signed by, when 512 162 ATTORNEY GENERAL, legal advisor for university 34 20 BALLOTS : Form of, In bond elections 354 112 in elections to validate indebtedness 375 121 In general elections 436 141 in special meetings 441 144 Required in first class districts 444 145 BIBLE— (see RELIGION). BIDS: Adverti-sed for in first cla.ss districts, when 253 81 For text books, advertised 332,334 106-7 On bonds, advertisement for 355 113 for validation of Indebtedness 377 121 restrictions regarding 356 114 BLIND— (see STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND). BOARD OF CONTROL — (see STATE BOARD OF CONTROL). INDEX 233 BOARD OF EDUCATION, COUNTY— (see COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION). BOARD OF EDUCATION, STATE — (see STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION). BOND, CONTRACTOR'S: Sec. Page. Copy of form of 227 Required on university buildings 45 22 Required on state college buildings 75 29 Security for labor on public works 674 203 liability for loss 675 204 action on bonds 676 204 BONDS, OFFICIAL: County superintendent to give 214 65 First class district, may be required of employes 254(12) 82 secretary to give 246 79 State college regents to give 53 25 secretary to give 54 25 treasurer to give 54 25 Superintendent of state scliool for girls to give 601 187 Superintendent of state training school to give 616 190 BONDS, SCHOOL DISTRICT: Advertisement for bids on 355 113 Authority to issue 353 112 Bids, opening and accepting 356 114 Delivery of bonds, when and how 356 114 Disorganization of district not to affect validity 211 64 Election to authorize, how held 354 112 ballots, form of 354 112 notice of 354 112 vote required 354 112 Exchange of warrants for 357 115 Fees for advertising, how paid 356 114 Form and execution 354-355 112 in districts of first class 354 112 Holders to notify county treasurer 365 117 Incidental cost, how paid 366 118 Instruction relative to insurance, transcript 209-214 Interest on, levy for 359 115 must be paid 361 116 not to exceed what limit 353 112 to cease, when 367 118 Issuance of, not to prevent formation or alteration of districts 166 50 Joint districts, to what county deemed belonging 358 115 tax levy, duties of county treasurers 360 116 Limits of indebtedness 353 112 IMatured, may be exchanged for 364 117 Notice to bond holders of redemption 365, 367 117-8 Preference in investments of state board of finance, given to 645 195 Printing or lithographing, payment for 362 117 Purposes of issue 353 112 Redemption, date of 353 112 how made 367 118 Redemption fund, created o5',i 115 Refunding, issuance, when 363 117 Registered with county treasurer 355 113 Sale of, to be advertised 355 113 restrictions on 356 114 Sinking fund, levy for 359 115 Investment of 359 115 234 INDEX BONDS, SCHOOL DISTRICT — Continued: Sec. Page. Validation of indebtedness, Issuance for 376 121 exchange of warrants for bonds 378 122 form and execution 376 121 interest rate 376 121 moneys arising from, how deposited 376 121 of district merged with first class district 379% 123 sale of, how regulated 377 121 BOND REDEMPTION FUND — (see BONDS; REVENUES, SCHOOL). BOOKS— (see LIBRARIES; TEXT BOOKS). BOUNDARIES, appeals regarding, taken to county commissioners.... 480 154 BUILDINGS : County superintendent, to approve plans for, when 238 77 power to enforce provision 217(20) 68 Directors' powers over 165 50 ibid 223(3) 70 Doors to swing outward, penalty for violation 559 173 Erection and sale of, authorized by special meeting 440 143 First class districts, directors may erect, limitation 257 83 bids advertised for 253 81 secretary superintendent of 245 79 Second class districts, erection or removal, vote necessary 267 87 Third class districts, vote required 283 91 approval of plans 284 91 Uses of, authorized 223(10) 70 Wider use of, for community purposes 555 172 BUILDING FUND— (see REVENUES, SCHOOL). BUREAU OF INSPECTION: May make special investigation 303n 97 May install uniform system of accounting 29 8n 96 CENSUS, SCHOOL— (see SCHOOL CENSUS). CERTIFICATION : Certificates and diplomas — city 393(2) 126 board of examiners, how constituted 396 128 powers 396 128 exemptions from examinations 400 129 grammar school 396(2) 129 renewal 396(2) 129 subjects required 398 129 validity 396(2) 128 high school 396(2) 128 renewal 396(2) 128 subjects required 399 129 validity 396(2) 128 primary 396(2) 129 renewal 396(2) 129 subjects required 398 129 validity 396(2) 129 qualifications of applicants 397 129 special, requirements 401 130 common school 393 ( 1 ) 126-8 age of applicant 383 124 classification 393 126 eligibility for 394 126 first grade elementary 395 ( 2 ) 127 renewal of 395(2) 127 subjects required 395(2) 127 validity 395(2) 127 INDEX 235 CERTIFICATION — Continued : Certificates and diplomas — common school — See. Page. life certificates 395(3) 128 subjects required 395(3) 128 validity 395(3) 128 requirements 395 127 second grade elementary 395(1) 127 renewal of 395(1) 127 subjects required 395(1) 127 validity 395(1) 127 valid in lieu of city certificates 400 129 credits of 90 per cent., effect 385 125 obtained in other states, conditions 388 125 examinations, where and when held 391 126 existing rights preserved 394 126 experience, evidence required 386 125 fees for issuance or renewal, disposition 382 124 paid into institute fund 327 ' 105 forfeiture of 474 152 for use of tobacco or narcotics on school premises par. 9 207 higher institutions 393(3) 126 issued by state superintendent 5(12) 11 ibid 381 125 kindergarten teachers, to hold 509 162 life diplomas granted graduates of accredited normal training departments 11(6) IS moral character, evidence required 384 124 normal school 393(3) 126 advanced special normal school diploma 90 34 contents and signatures 87 33 elementary certificate 90 34 elementary diploma 90 34 graduate normal school diploma 90 34 granting of 402 130 normal school life diploma 90 34 special normal school diploma 90 34 optional subjects for examination 387 125 registration 390 125 requirement, refusal 384 124 revocation of certificates 405-7, 474 130-1, 152 appeal, procedure, effect 407 131 by whom 405 130 causes for 405 130 failure to attend institute, effect 471 151 hearing for 405 130 penalty for 406 131 special 393(5) 126 by whom issued 404 130 to whom issued 401 130 validity 404 130 state college 393(3) 126 normal diploma 74 29 life diploma 74 29 state life certificates and life diplomas, accredited how 11(4) 13 subjects and markings of examinations written on face of 389 125 temporary 393(4) 126 granted by county superintendent 217(15) 67 Issuance of 403 130 university of Washington 393(3) 126 normal diploma 31(3) 19 life diploma 31(3) 19 Examinations may be taken piece-meal 385 125 236 INDEX CERTIFICATION — Continued : Sec. Page.. Institutions accredited for, by state board 11(3) 13 List of certified teachers kept by state superintendent 5(11) 11 Renewal, state and territorial, valid for 380 123 School year, definition for 139 44 Teachers must hold valid certificates 289 93 ibid 293 95 Territorial life diplomas not invalidated 380 123 Validation of certificates and diplomas issued prior to act 380 123 ibid 394 126 CHARTS— (see SUPPLIES). CHILDREN — (see JUVENILE COURT LAW; JUVENILES; PARENTAL OR TRUANT SCHOOLS ; PUPILS) : Compulsory attendance at schools 487 155 Dependent and delinquent, who are 579 178 wards of the state 579 178 Employment of, forbidden when 488 156 Shall not be detained in jail 589 183 C:;HILD labor, forbidden, when 4 88 156 Attendance officers, duties 490 157 Forbidden except 538 169 Penalty for violation 489 157 ibid 539 169 CIRCULATING LIBRARY, COUNTY — (see LIBRARIES). (PITIES : Each to constitute one school district 166 50 Employing more than 100 teachers — (see DISTRICTS). Extension of limits, annexation of territorj' — (see also DISTRICTS) 177 55 Clerk of, to furnish registration books, when 447 146 CITY SUPERINTENDENT: Authority over teachers par. 15 208 fees for, credited to institute fund 327, 382 105, 124 member of board of examiners 396 128 City institute, may hold when 324 104 Compulsory attendance, may excuse from 487 155 failure to enforce, penalty 496 159 truancy or incorrigibility, to report 492 158 Course of study, to prepare, approval of 333 107 False report of presence of pupils, penalty 474 152 First class districts, election, term, salary of 254(1) 81 elected by roll call 242 79 assistant city superintendents may be employed 254(7) 82 Report of 290 94 Second class districts, election of, powers of 269 88 Teachers report to 290 94 Text book commission, chairman of 331 106 Third class districts, elected when, power of 279 89 report required from 280 90 Women may serve as 144 45 CLASSES OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS). CLERKS, DISTRICT— (see also SECRETARY) : Administrative officer 2 9 Boundaries of district, descriptions, how secured 217(12) 67 Claim for attendance In other districts 312 101 Compensation, conditions of 288 93 Consolidated dl.strict, organization of board in to be reported 188 59 Contract, teacher's duplicate of, to retain 223(1) 70 County treasurer to make monthly statement 304(5) 98 Deaf or blind youth, report 114 40 Defective youth, report 126 42 INDEX 237 CLERKS, DISTRICT — Continued: Sec. Page. Duties of, enumerated 286(1) 91 accounts, to keep 286(2) 92 annual report to county superintendent 286(4) 92 meetings of board, to attend 286(1) 91 notices of elections and board meetings, to give 286(6) 92 record of proceedings, to keep 286(1) 91 school census, manner of taking 286(3) 92 supplies purcliased, to keep account of 286(5) 92 teaciiers employed, to report, etc 286(7) 92 warrants, to sign and report 286(8) 92 Elections, notice of 434 140 Indebtedness, report payment of 180 55 of consolidated districts, report 187 58 Joint district, report of, how made 200 61 shall file certificate 193 60 Oath of office, filing of 235 77 may administer, when 235 77 Organization of board, notice of change in 285 91 Purchasing agent, director may act as, if clerk 232 75 Records, etc., must be delivered to successor 234 77 failure, penalty 468 151 Reports required by county superintendent 218 69 failure to make, penalty 467 151 to county superintendent 157 47 contents of 157 47 observance of compulsory attendance law 495 158 penalty for failure or false report 495 158 School census, shall take 286(3) 92 copy furnished teacher 492 158 School law, shall receive copy of 5(6) 10 Second class district, election and removal 263 86 Signature must be filed with county auditor 236 77 Special meetings, clerk of, duties 441 144 Supplies, purchase of, etc 286(5) 92 Teachers' registers, to examine 291 94 Teacliers' reports, copies of, to receive 290 94 Tliird class districts, election and removal 275 89 Tuition, transfer of money for 229 75 Union high school district, notice of election for forming 202 62 election for 203 62 powers in 207 63 notice of organization 204 63 Women may serve as 144 45 COEDUCATION : State institution for feeble-minded 134 4 3 State normal scliool 92 35 State training school 108 39 University of Washington 28 17 COMMON SCHOOLS: Adults may attend, when 229 75 Ages of pupils admitted to 137 44 pupils under six barred 223(6) 70 Course of study prepared by school board 11(7) 14 Defined 137 44 Directors may make by-laws for government of 230 75 Disturbing school, penalty 473 152 Free from sectarian influence 145 46 Kindergarten, free, in connection with 506 161 Rules for, prescribed by state board 11(7) 14 contained in school manual 5(17) 11 School day and school month 139 44 238 INDEX COMMON SCHOOLS — Continued: See. Page. Schools included in 1 9 School year 140 45 Subjects to be taught 138 44 Taught in English language 138 44 COMMUNAL ASSEMBLY PLACE, erection of 556 173 Board of supervisors to approve 557 173 COMMUNITY PURPOSES, use of school property for 555 172 Assembly place may be erected 556 173 Board of supervisors 557 173 Limitation of expenditures 558 173 COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE : Ages, limit of 487 155 At free government schools 574 177 demand for 575 177 enforcement 576 177 excuse from 574 177 fines, disposition of 578 178 penalty for violation of 577 178 Attendance at school required 487 155 Attendance officers, appointment, duties 490 157 may arrest without warrant 491 157 Clerk shall report 495 158 penalty for neglect, etc 495 158 Concurrent jurisdiction 493 158 County attorney to prosecute 494 158 County superintendent to issue notice 495 158 Employment of children forbidden, when 488 156 certificate required 488 156 Excuse, when 487 155 Failure of officers to perform duties, penalty 496 159 Fines, disposition of 497 159 Justice of the peace shall bind over 491 157 Officers not liable to costs 498 159 Truancy to be reported 492 158 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS — (see SITES). CONSOLIDATED DISTRICTS — (see DISTRICTS). CONSTITUTION, STATE, state manual to contain outline of 5(17) 11 CONTAGIOUS DISEASES: Infectious, bar to obtaining city certificate 397 129 Regulations 141 45 CONTRACTS : Construction of, appeals taken to courts 480 154 Directors may not have pecuniary interest in 232 75 Payment on, may be stopped, when 232 75 Required in first class districts for expenditures over $300 252 80 COUNTY: County school district defined 146 46 Tax must be levied, limit 348 110 school census to be basis of 349 110 COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: Appointment, members 305 99 Compensation and expenses 306 99 Grading of manuscripts 501 160 Powers — course of study, to assist In preparation of 307(3) 100 ellfilblUty 306 99 grading manuscripts In grammar school examinations 307(1) 100 may adopt rules and rogulatlons consistent with 307(4) 100 text books for districts of second division, adoption of 307(2) 100 Term of office 305 99 Vacancies, how filled 305 99 INDEX 239 COUNTY ASSESSOR, alteration of boundaries, county auditor to Sec. Page. certify to 212 64 COUNTY AUDITOR: Alteration of boundaries, shall certify to 212 64 Annual report to county superintendent 303 97 Audit accounts of scliool districts 298 96 County superintendent to file evidence of eligibility 216 66 salary witliheld, when 217(11) 67 County treasurer to report amount for apportionment 304(2) 98 Joint district, transcript of boundaries 196 60 Signature of directors and clerks, filed with 236 77 Tax levy for current state school fund 347 110 Teachers, list of to be reported by county superintendent 217(10) 66 Union high school district, notice of 204 63 Warrants, shall countersign and register 299 96 registration of 303 97 shall not register in, when 300, 302 96, 97 COUNTY CIRCULATING LIBRARY — (see LIBRARIES). COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: Alteration of district boundaries, adjustment of property, etc 175 54 levies to be made 176 54 Appeals taken to 480 154 heard de novo 483 155 Bonds, tax levy for interest and sinking fund 359 115 joint district, levy for bonds on 360 116 Circulating library, bills of 340 108 tax levy for 339 108 County school tax levy, made by 348 110 County superintendent, bond of 214 65 clerical assistance of 214 65 forfeiture from salary, when 463 149 report of fines collected 464 150 salary withheld, when 217(11) 67 shall provide office and supplies for 220 69 shall report state of accounts of first class districts 252 80 vacancies, how filled 214 65 Deaf and blind youth, report of 115 40 expenses, when borne by county 117 40 Directors' meetings, expenses of 217(17) 67 Districts — consolidated, tax levy to pay indebtedness 187 58 correction of boundaries 217(12) 67 extension of city limits, adjustment of property etc 179 55 first class, levy for fire insurance fund 553 172 joint districts, tax levy to pay indebtedness 199 61 new, apportionment of funds, to 171 52 adjustment of properties, etc 172 52 levies to be made for 173 53 Estimate of expenditures, first class districts 257 83 second class districts 266 86 third class districts 282 90 Feeble minded, applicants to admit 122(5) 41 expenses, when borne by county 128 42 report of 126 42 Special tax levy in certain case 477 153 for county circulating library, limit 339 108 In first class districts 257 83 in second class districts 266 86 In third class districts 282 90 Validation of unextinguished Indebtedness, levy for 379 122 Visitors, ex-officio, of state college 50 24 &m INDEX COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT: Sec. Page. ! Administrative officer 2 9 Annual convention of 5(8) 10 expenses of, to receive 5(8) 10 Annual report to state superintendent 217(11) 67 penalty for failure 463 149 required before salary can be paid, when 217(11) 67 Appeals taken to 480 154 Appointment of directors to fill vacancies, second class districts. .. . 261 85 third class districts 273 88 Apportionment, power and duty concerning 217(14) 67 county funds, manner of 350 111 county treasurer to report amount for 304(2) 98 shall make to districts, when 318 102 when teacher is not legally qualified 476 152 withheld from district, when 320 103 Bond required of 214 65 Boundaries, modified and corrected, how 217(12) 67 Certificates, fees for, credited to institute fund 382 124 ibid 327 105 certifies amounts due high school districts 159 48 certifies cost of educating non-resident pupils 158 48 clerk's report to county superintendent 157 47 registration of 390 125 county superintendent may refuse to register 384 124 special, granting of 404 130 temporary, granting of 403 130 Circulating library, may establish 338 108 bills of, may certify 340 108 books purchased by 343 109 indebtedness, may not contract 341 108 Clerical assistance, allowed when 214 65 Clerks furnished with certificates 288 93 Compulsory attendance, may excuse from 487 155 failure to enforce, penalty 496 159 notice concerning 495 158 report from clerk 495 158 Contracts, to register 390 125 restrictions 384 124 County board of education 305 99 appointment of 305 99 ex-officio chairman 305 99 Deaf and blind youth, report of 115 40 attendance at state school 116 40 Deputy, appointment, qualifications, duties 214 65 Directory of ofllcers furnished to county treeasurer 218 69 Districts — alterations of boundaries, petition, notices, hearing 174 53 adju.stment of property, etc 175 54 boundaries may be corrected, how 217(12) 67 consolidated districts, establishment of 181 56 designation of 185 57 report when not entitled to bonus 183 57 disorganization of, causes for, procedure 211 64 extension of city limits 177 55 adjustment of property, etc 178 55 hearing for adjustment of property, etc 179 55 first class, shall exnmlne records and accounts in 252 80 joint, establishment of 181 56 adjustment of property, etc 198 61 boundaries, transfers, maps certified and filed 196 60 certificate and oath, filing of 193 60 vacancies, how filpd 194 60 INDEX 2^;^ COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT — Continued : Districts — joint — Sec. Page. directors, appointment of 192 60 notices and hearing 191 59 petition for 190 59 reports, to whom made 200 61 transfers of territory, how made 195 60 new, petition for 168 51 adjustment of property, etc 172 52 apportionment of funds between districts 171 52 directors, appointment of 217(13) 67 old officers serve, when 217(13) 67 notices, hearing, establishment 169 51 second class districts, oath of directors filed with 262 86 vacancies in board, when declared, how filled 261 85 size, requirements as to 214 65 third class, apparatus and supplies, purchase approved by 277 89 directors, oath of office filed with 274 88 vacancies, when declared, how filled 273 88 plans for building, county superintendent to approve 238 77 union high school, formation of, initial procedure 201 61 appeals from action of county superintendent 209 64 designation and notice of 202 62 in case of withdrawal from district 210 64 organization of, notice to county superintendent 204 63 Election of 214 65 Elections, school districts, poll sheets filed 438 142 certificate of, from first class districts 448 146 Eligibility to hold office 215 65 shall file evidence 216 66 Estimate of expenditure in second class districts, when to make... 266 86 in third class districts, when to make 282 90 Expenses, traveling, to be paid 221 69 Failure to deliver books to successor, penalty 468 151 to report to state superintendent, penalty 463 149 Feeble minded, application to enter state institution 122(5) 41 county superintendent to approve 125,133 42, 4 3 to enforce attendance 127 42 to make anuual report of 126 42 Fines, supervise payment of a special duty 464 150 Grammar school examinations, appointment of assistant examiners. 500 159 report results to state superintendent 502 160 Institutes, teachers', arranged when and how 321 104 estimate of expenses, to make 328 105 report of 329 1 05 fund, fees paid into 327, 382 105, 124 joint arrangement for 322 104 power to hold 217(16) 67 time of fixed by county superintendent 325 104 Judge of printing and circulars required 220 69 Money for sale of certain books, disposition of 217(19) 68 Oath of office 214 65 Office, when opened 219 69 notice on door of 219 69 where kept 220 69 Plans of building, to approve when 238 77 Powers and duties enumerated 217 66 administer oaths, when 217(9) 66 annual report to state superintendent 217(11) 67 appoint officers, when 217(13) 67 apportion school funds 217(14) 67 books, documents, records to turn over to successor 217(8) 66 242 INDEX COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT — CONTiNUEa> : Powers and duties — Sec. Page. directors' meetings, to hold 217(17) 67 distribute reports, laws, etc 217(3) 66 enforce course of study 217(4) 66 enforce laws governing erection of buildings when 217(20) 68 enforce rules in examinations 217(4) 66 examination of teachers, to conduct 217(15) 67 execute instructions of state superintendent 217(3) 66 furnish registers and clerks' record books 217(19) 68 institutes or meetings, to hold teachers' 217(16) 67 prepare course of study for third class districts, when 217(5) 66 record of official acts, how to keep 217(7) 66 of district boundaries 217(12) 67 to be turned over to successor 217(8) 66 report blind or deaf youth 115 • 40 defective youth 126 42 shall require 218 69 reports of state and county superintendent, to keep 217(6) 66 of school officers and teachers, to preserve 217(8) 66 supervise schools and enforce laws 217 (1) 66 suspend teachers, when 217(18) 67 teachers' contracts, to record 217(10) 66 temporary certificates, to grant 217(15) 67 visit schools, etc 217(2) 66 Salary withheld, when 217(11) 67 School census, shall certify to county auditor 349 110 State superintendent to decide points of law for 5(14) 11 Supplies, how paid 220 69 Teaching of hygiene and effects of alcohol 465 150 failure to- enforce, penalty 466 .150 Teachers' examinations, when and how held 391 126 notice of 217(5) 67 papers and reports of, to transmit 392 126 Teachers must report to, except 290 94 registers to supervise 218 69 Term of office 214 65 Text books, may handle, when 335 107 Vacancies, how filled 214 65 Women may serve as 144 45 COUNTY TREASURER: Annual report 304(3) 98 Apportionment and transfer of funds 160 49 Bonds, school districts, advertisement for bids on 355 113 delivery of 356 114 incidental expenses, how paid 366 118 Interest must be paid 361 116 Issued for validation of indebtedness 376 121 joint districts, receipts credited to 360 116 notice to holders of bonds 365, 367 117, 118 purchase of 359 115 redemption of 367 118 registration of 355 113 sinking fund, custodian of 359 116 Clerk to report warrants drawn 286(8) 92 Current state school funds, receipt for, to report 347 110 fines, etc., transferred to credit of 352 111 Directory of school district offices, furnished with 218 69 Districts, joint, officers of, to file signature 193 60 funds to be transferred quarterly 197 60 transcript of boundaries of 196 60 new, transfer of funds to 171 62 union high school district, notice of 204 63 INDEX 243 COUNTY TREASURER — Continued: Sec. Page. Duties of, enumerated 304 98 annual report 304(3) 98 apportionment, to certify amount for 304(2) 98 cancelled warrants, report of 304(6) 98 ex-officio treasurer of school districts 304 98 moneys, receive, hold and pay out 304(1) 98 monthly reports to school districts 304(5) 98 register warrants 304(4) 98 remit moneys 304(7) 99 Examination fees, how credited 327 105 Moneys received from county superintendent, remitted 217(19) 68 Monthly statement to each district 304(5-6) 98 Permanent insurance fund, may invest 554 172 Shall pay office expenses of county superintendent 220 69 Tuition, transfer of by district ofBcers 229 75 Warrants, cancelled, statement of 304(6) 98 Interest on, etc 304(4) 98 registration of 303 97 book for 304(4) 98 shall refuse to pay on notice, when 465 150 to fix rate of interest on 545 170 COURSES OP STUDY: County board of education, preparation by 307(3) 100 County superintendent to enforce 217(4) 66 shall prepare course for third class districts 217(5) 66 Directors to enforce 223(2) 70 Failure to enforce, penalty 469 151 For primary, grammar and high schools, state board to prepare. . . . 11(7) 14 In districts of first division 333 107 of second division 334 107 In first class districts, board may prescribe, consistent with 254(2) 81 In state training school 108 39 In union high schools 206 63 Pupils in common schools shall pursue 142 45 State manual to contain 5(17) 11 State superintendent shall print and distribute 5(3) 10 Subjects taught in common schools enumerated 138 44 Teacher to enforce 292 94 CURRENT STATE SCHOOL FUND— (see REVENUES, Schools). DEAF — (see STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND and STATE SCHOOL FOR DEAF). DEBTS — (see INDEBTEDNESS). DEFECTIVE YOUTH— (see SCHOOLS FOR DEFECTIVE YOUTH), clerk to list separately 286(3) 92 DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION : Appointed by state superintendent 6 12 Certificate to be held by 6 12 Inspector of schools 6 12 Secretary of state board of education 9 12 DIRECTORS, BOARD OF: Administrative officers 2 9 Adults, attendance of, when 229 75 Annual Income, Indebtedness in excess of, forbidden 233 76 Bonds, may Issue, when 353 112 sale of 356 114 By-laws, may make 230 75 Clerk's compensation, to fix, conditions 288 93 Compensation forbidden, except 232 75 244 INDEX DIRECTORS, BOARD OF — Continued: Sec. Page. Consolidated districts, board in 1S2, 184 57 County superintendent to hold meeting of 217(17) 67 Election of, at annual elections 222 70 ibid 433 140 Eligibility to hold office of 222 70 Fire drills, publication of laws regarding 536 168 Flag, United States, shall procure and display 224 74 Indebtedness contracted may not exceed annual income 233 76 Joint districts, report, to whom made 200 61 appointment of board in 192 60 vacancies, how filled 194 60 Land, may condemn for site 237 77 Levies for indebtedness in districts 180 55 Liability for failure to take contractor's bond 674 203 for loss to district, when 468 151 Night schools, may establish 223(12) 71 Oath of office, filing of 235 77 Oaths, may administer, when 235 77 Officers, failure to deliver books to, penalty 468 151 Pecuniary interests forbidden 232 75 Plans for building, approved by county superintendent, when 238 77 Powers and duties of, enumerated 223 70 contracts with teachers must be made, how 223(1) 70 employ janitors, laborers, machinists 223(3) 70 enforce rules and course of study prescribed 223(2) 70 exclude Immoral and pernicious literature 223(9) 70 exclude pupils under six years of age 223 (6) 70 pupils, may suspend or expel, when 223(6) 70 purchase personal property and receive real property 223(5) 70 require pupils to be furnished with books 223(8) 70 school houses, may rent, repair and insure 223(3) 70 to be heated, etc., and premises kept sanitary 223(4) 70 school rooms, use of 223 70 teachers, may employ or discharge, etc 223(1) 70 contracts made with 223(1) 70 elect at regular or special meeting 293 95 salaries, may fix 223(1) 70 textbooks and supplies, when provided 223(7) 70 transportation of children, may provide 223(11) 71 Property, powers over 165 50 conveyances of property, how made 231 75 shall have custody of 231 75 Records, etc., may be delivered to successors 234 77 Reports required by county superintendent 218 69 School day, length of, may be fixed 139 44 School law, shall receive copy of 5(6) 10 Signatures may be filed with county auditor 236 77 Sites — (see SITES). Special meeting, called when 440 143 must carry out instructions of 442 144 Teachers, contracts must be drawn with 293 95 salary withheld, when 469 151 warrants, not paid, when 290 ( 1 ) 94 Tuition, may charge, when 229 75 transfer of money for 229 75 Union high school district, petition to form 201 61 board constituted how 203 62 grades taught and course of study 206 63 powers 207 63 Vacancies to be declared, when 430 143 Validation of indebtedness, procedure 373 120 Women may serve, when 144 45 INDEX 245 DIRECTORS, BOARD OF — Continued: First Class — Sec. Page. Absent from meetings, to vacate office 251 80 Auditing committee 252 80 Bids, shall advertise for, when 253 81 Buildings, erection of, limitations 257 83 County superintendent to examine records and accounts 252 80 Defective youth, schools for, may establish 254 (4) 81 Election of 239 78 Elections 443 145 registration for 449 146 regular, when held 240 78 duties concerning ^ 443, 448 145, 146 voting precincts, to provide 455 147 Election of officers, etc., to be by roll call 242 79 Estimate of expenditures, shall make 257 83 contents of statement 530 167 penalty for violation 533 168 Public hearing 532 167 publication of 531 167 time of 530 167 Industrial schools, may establish 254(4) 81 Insurance fund, may create 552-3 172 Kindergartens, may establish 254(4) 81 free, power to establish 506 161 Meetings, regular and special 247 79 may compel attendance of members 251 80 shall be public, except 247 79 Moneys paid out, how 249 80 Night schools, may establish 254(4) 81 Number of members 239 78 Oath of office, filing of 241 78 Office of 248 80 Organization 241 78 Parental schools, establishment 622 191 superintendent employed 624 191 rules for 629 192 President, election of 241 78 duties of 243 79 signing of bonds 354, 376 112, 121 signing of warrants 249 80 Powers, adopt and enforce rules and regulations 254(4) 81 architects, attorneys, etc., may employ 254(6) 82 bond of employes, may require 254 (12) 82 by-laws, may make 254(3) 81 city superintendent, may employ 254(1) 81 employ assistant city superintendents 254(7) 82 course of study, may prescribe 254(2) 81 establish night, high, kindergarten, industrial schools, etc 254(4) 81 fix length of term and time for dismissal 254(5) 81 maintain shop and repair department 254(9) 82 medical inspector, appoint 254 ( 14 ) 82 prohibit secret fraternities 254(13) 82 supervisors, may employ 254(8) 82 teachers and janitors, may employ 254(5) 81 textbooks, free, and supplies, may provide, when 254 (10) 82 vaccination, may require or provide for 254(11) 82 Property, may sell, when 256 83 Quorum 251 80 Records open to inspection 24 8 80 Registration of voters 451 146 Repair department 252 80 School census, shall cause to be taken 255 83 246 INDEX DIRECTORS, BOARD OF — Continued: First Class — Sec. Page. Secretary, election of 241 78 Sites, purchase of, limitation 257 83 Tax levy, how made 257 83 Term of office 241 78 Vacancies, how filled 250 80 Validation of and payment of indebtedness of district merged with first class district 379 122 Vice-president, duties of 244 79 Voting precincts provided 455 145 Warrants, issuance of 249 80 When second. or third class district becomes first class district 239 78 validation of outstanding indebtedness 379 122 Second Class — Clerk, election and removal 263 86 Communal assembly place, may rent 556 173 Election 259, 260 85 Estimate of expenditures, shall make 266 86 contents of statement 530 167 failure to make 266 86 penalty for violation 533 168 public hearing 532 167 publication of 531 167 time of 530 167 Kindergarten, power to establish 506 161 Meetings, regular and special 264 86 Minimum term six months 270 88 Number 259 85 Oath of office 262 86 Organization 263 86 change in, clerk to notify 285 91 School houses, construction or removal, vote necessary 267 87 Sites, purchase or change of, vote necessary 267 87 Superintendent or principal, election of 269 88 Supplies and apparatus, to provide 265 86 Tax levy, how made 266 86 Teachers' cottages, may erect 555 172 Teachers, when to be employed 268 88 Term of office 259 85 Vacancies, when declared, how filled 261 85 county superintendent to fill 217(13) 67 how caused 217(13) 67 Wider use of school property for community purposes 555 172 Third Class — Clerk, election and removal 275 89 Communal assembly place, may erect 556 173 Election of 271 81 Elections, regular, when held 272 88 Estimate of expenditure, shall make 282 90 failure to make 282 90 Grades established, how 278 89 Meetings, regular and special 276 89 Number 271 88 Oath of office, etc 274 88 Organization of board 275 89 change In, clerk to notify 285 91 Plans for building, approval required 284 91 Apportionment withheld, when 320 103 Principal, chosen when, power 278 89 School houses and site, vote on required 283 91 INDEX 2V{ DIRECTORS, BOARD OF — Continued: Third Class — Sec. Page. Superintendent, elected when, power 279 89 Supplies and apparatus, etc., to furnlsli 277 89 Tax levy, how made 282 90 Teachers' cottages, may erect 555 172 Teachers, elected when 281 90 Terms of office 271 88 Vacancies, how filled 217(13) 67 when declared, how filled 273 88 Wider use of school property for community purposes 555 172 DISTRICT OFFICERS — (see DIRECTORS, BOARD OF; also CLERKS, SCHOOL DISTRICT). DISTRICTS : Alteration of school districts 174 53 adjustment of assets and liabilities 174 53 adjustment of property 175 54 county auditor to certify action involving 212 64 hearings to be held 174 53 notice of 174 53 petition for 174 53 tax levies to pay Indebtedness 176 54 transfers without petition 174 53 Annexation to city district by extension of limits 177 55 Attendance of children in other 229 75 Attorney for 551 171 Bonds issued, not to affect 166 50 Boundaries may be corrected, how 217(12) 67 Cities, incorporated, each to constitute one 166 50 boundaries, extension or change, effect 166 50 employing more than 100 teachers, may hold teachers' institute 324 104 certification, powers of 396 128 extension of limits of 177 55 Classification 147, 148, 149 46 Consolidated districts, defined 150 46 apportionment, to what entitled 186 58 bonus, when not entitled to 183 57 city districts, when consolidated 184 57 clerk, election of 188 58 corporate existence of component districts, retained when 187 58 designation of, number and boundaries of 185 57 directors, board consituted, how 182, 184 57 divided into directors' districts 185 57 establishment 181 66 notice of special election 181 66 organization of board 188 69 petition, requisites for 181 56 property of former district belongs to 186 68 receives new number 185 57 special election necessary 181 66 Corporate powers 165 60 County auditor to audit accounts 298 96 County district defined 146 46 Debts, liability for 225 74 Designation 164 49 Disorganization, causes for 211 64 how effected 211 64 Divisions, classification by 330 105 Eminent domain, applies to land of 540 169 assessment of benefits and payment 541 169 Exempted from certain liabilities 228 74 248 INDEX DISTRICTS — Continued : Sec. Page. Extension of city limits 177 55 adjustment of property, etc 178 55 hearing, procedure ; 179 55 corporate existence of old district continued, when ISO 55 First class — county treasurer may invest funds 554 172 definition of 147 46 minimum f^rm to be eight months 254(5) 81 permanent fire insurance fund 552 172 power to create 552 172 tax levied for 553 172 registration of voters living outside city limits 449, 461 146, 149 tax levy, minimum in one year 258 84 Four sections minimum size, except 213 64 Garnishment, subject to 226 74 exemption of wages not impaired by 227 74 how adjudged 227 74 loint districts — adjustment of property, etc 198 61 apportionment, how made 197 60 bonds, issuance by 358 115 registration of 255 113 boundaries, transcript kept and certified 196 60 defined 151 46 directors, appointment till election 192 60 certificate of election and oath, filing of 193 60 vacancies, how filled 194 60 formation and designation 189 59 funds, transfer of 197 60 map, contents and filing 196 60 notices and hearing 191 59 petition for 190 59 reports, to whom made 200 61 tax levy to pay indebtedness 199 61 transfers of territory, effected how 195 60 certified how 196 60 Judgments for debts, liability for 225 74 New districts — adjustment of property, etc 172 52 appeal to county commissioners 172 52 apportionment of funds between old district and new 171 52 conditions to be performed by 170 52 directors, election of, at first annual election 271 88 hold oflSces, serve, when 217(13) 67 entitled to apportionment, when 477 153 minimum size of 213 64 notices, hearing, establishment 169 51 one month of school required for share in funds 170 52 petition for, requisites 168 51 tax levies, to be made by 173 53 Ofl!lcers, penalty for failure to perform, when 496 159 Property, power of board over len 50 conveyances and custody of, title to. . i n 231 75 held under contract, taxation of 57 2 176 Powers of 165 50 "School districts" defined 164 49 School lands, purchased for site 167 50 School term, minimum length of 143 45 ' Second class — ' definition of 148 46 * directors, vacancies, how filled 217(13) 67 INDEX 249 DISTRICTS — Continued: Sec. Page. Sites purchased for school lands 167 50 taking private property for, authorized for 510 162 petition to court 511 162 proceedings 512 162 Size, minimum, what is 213 64 Text books, failures to use adopted 476 152 Warrants, how issued 287 93 Third class — county auditor, powers of 297-303 96, 97 warrants issued by 287 93 county superintendent to approve plans, how 217(20) 68 to outline course for 217(5) 66 definition of 149 46 directors, vacancies, how filled 217(13) 67 Union high school — appeals for action of county superintendent 209 64 apportionment, how made 208 63 clerk, election of 203 62 course of study 206 63 defined 152 47 directors, board constituted how 203 62 not reorganized by enlargement of district 205 63 districts must be contiguous 152 47 enlargement, how made 205 63 formation of, initial procedure 201 61 elections to determine 202 62 grades, taught, not below seventh 206 63 organization of district 204 63 withdrawals from, how 210 64 adjustment of liabilities and assets 210 64 Warrants, issuance to teachers not legally qualified, penalty 476 152 DISTURBING SCHOOL MEETINGS, penalty 473 152 ELIGIBILITY : Of assistant superintendent of public instruction 6 12 Of county superintendent 215 65 evidence of, to be filed 216 66 Of deputy superintendent of public instruction 6 12 Of members of county board of education 306 99 Of members of state board of education 7 12 Of officers of elections in first class districts 445 145 Of school district directors 222 70 Of superintendent of state school for blind and state school for deaf 113 39 Of teachers 394 126 Of voters at election 437 142 in first class districts 446 145 Women eligible to hold offices 144 45 ELECTIONS : Annual, in first class districts 240 78 jn new districts 271 88 in second class districts 260 85 in third class districts 272 88 Bond elections, how held, etc 354 112 Clerk to give notice of 286(6) 92 to present record book for Inspection at 286(2) 92 when and where held 286(6) 92 ibid 434 140 change of date on petition of voters 433 140 Directors, except as otherwise provided : 433 140 Special elections, how called and conducted 433 140 ibid 286(6) 92 250 INDEX ELECTIONS — Continued : First Class Districts — Sec. Page. ballots, form 444 145 candidates file petitions 444 145 canvass of returns 448 146 certificate of election 448 146 challenges, how taken 460 149 for erection of buildings and purchase of sites, when 257 83 notices of, contents 443 145 publication and posting 443 145 of directors 239 78 to fill vacancies, ballot of 239 78 ibid 250 80 officers of, qualifications 445 145 polls, opening and closing 444 145 qualifications of voters 446 145 those living outside city limits 449 146 registration, books furnished by city clerk 447 146 books delivered to clerks 461 149 law applies to 446 145 of voters living outside city limits 449, 461 146, 149 regular 240 78 required for free text books in 254(10) 82 sale of property, when submitted 256 83 tax levy in excess of one per cent., authorization of 258 84 voting places 445 145 voting precincts provided 455 147 when held 443 145 Oeneral — ballot, form and reception of 436 141 counting of 438 142 board, organization of 435 141 certificate of election, issuance and filing 439 143 challenges, how taken 437 142 clerk of 435 141 illegal voting, how punished 4 37 142 judges of 435 141 oaths, duties 435 141 notices of, posting 434 140 poll sheets, sent to county superintendent 438 142 polls, opened when 434 140 closing, proclamation of 438 142 opening, proclamation of 435 141 qualification of voters 437 142 registration not required, except 4 37 142 tie, how decided 439 143 failure to decide 439 143 Indebtedness in excess of Income must be authorized by 233 76 Second Class — regular •. . . 260 85 tax levy In excess of one per cent., authorization of 266 86 Special — called and conducted, how 433 140 clerk to give notice of 286(6) 92 tax levy over one per cent. In second class districts, vote 266 86 in third cla.ss districts 282 90 union high school district, withdrawal from 210 64 Third Class Districts — regular 272 88 school houses and sites, questions of, vote 283 91 tax levy In excess of one per cent., authorization of 282 90 INDEX 251 ELECTIONS — Continued : Union high school districts — See. Paoe. formation of 202 62 withdrawal from 210 64 Validation of indebtedness 375 121 EMINENT DOMAIN: Applies to school district lands 540 169 Assessment and payment of benefits 541 169 Condemnation proceedings — (see SITES). ESTIMATE OP EXPENSES: Hearing 532 167 Penalty for violation 533 168 Publication 531 167 Required 530 167 ENGLISH LANGUAGE: Common schools, must be taught in 138 44 Directors must be able to read and write 222 70 EXAMINATIONS, GRAMMAR SCHOOLS: Assistant examiners, appointment 500 159 Certificate to admit holder to high school 499 159 Disclosing questions, penalty 462 149 Manuscripts, graded, how 500 159 transmitted to county superintendent 500 159 Questions and rules for, determined by state board 11(10) 14 prepared and forwarded, how 499, 501 159 When held 499 159 EXAMINATIONS, HIGH SCHOOL EXTENSION: Certificate to entitle holder to enter university 505 161 Questions prepared and distributed 504 160 State board to outline course 503 160 When held, conditions 503 160 EXAMINATIONS, attendance of pupils, excused from, counted 474 152 EXAMINATIONS, TEACHERS' : Cities employing 100 teachers 396 128 County superintendent to conduct 217 ( 15 ) 67 Credits of 907c, value of 385 125 obtained in other states 388 125 Disclosing questions, penalty 462 149 Fees, credited to Institute fund 327 105 Manuscripts filed with state superintendent 392 126 May be taken piece-meal 385 125 Notice of 217(15) 67 Optional subjects 387 1 25 Questions, uniform, prepared by state board 11(8) 14 printed and distributed by state superintendent 5(3) 10 Rules for, determined by state board 11(8) 14 county superintendent to enforce 217(4) 66 Standings in, to appear on certificate 3 89 125 State manual, examination, required 11(4) 13 Where and when held 391 126 EXPERIMENTAL STATION — (see STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON). EXPULSION : From common school, for disobedience 142 45 Public school pupils, liable to commitment for 104 37 FINES : Accrued to current state school funds 352 111 Failure to pay over, penalty 464 150 For violation of compulsory school law. disposition 497 159 Of^o INDEX FIRE DRILLS: Sec. Page. Colleges and universities excepted 537 168 Held, how often 534 168 Penalty for neglect 535 168 Publications of law regarding 536 168 FIRE, PROTECTION FROM — (see FIRE DRILLS) : County superintendent to judge specifications of buildings in third class districts 284 91 Doors of school buildings to swing outward 559 173 FIRST CLASS DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS, First Class). FLAG: Directors shall procure 224 74 Every school shall display 224 74 Exercise 224 74 Salute 224 74 FORMATION OF NEW DISTRICT— (see DISTRICTS, New Districts). FORMS FOR USE OF SCHOOL OFFICERS AND TEACHERS 215fC FRATERNITIES — (see SECRET SOCIETIES). FUNDS— (see REVENUES AND SCHOOL). FURNITURE, funds for 356 114 GENERAL SCHOOL FUND — (see REVENUES, SCHOOL), how con- stituted 351 111 GLOBES— (see SUPPLIES). GOVERNOR : Member of state board of finance 642 195 investment of permanent school fund and state bonds 64 6 196 State board of education, appointment of members 7 12 vacancies, to fill 543 170 State college, regents, appointment of 53 25 advisory member of 73 29 report of 70 29 treasurer's bond to be approved 54 25 visitor of, ex-officio 50 24 Slate normal schools, trustees, appointment of ... report of 78 30 State school for girls, appointment of commission 509 186 approval of appointments 600 186 University of Washington, regents, appointed by 29 18 report of 31(6) 19 GRADES— (see EXAMINATIONS, TEACHERS). GRAMMAR SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS— (see EXAMINATIONS, GRAMMAR SCHOOL). GRAMMAR SCHOOLS: Course of study for, prepared by state board 11(7) 14 Included in common schools-. 1 9 GUARDIANS— (see PARENTS OR GUARDIANS). HEALTH — (see HYGIENE; MEDICAL INSPECTION; SANITA- TION; and VACCINATION). HEATING — (see VENTILATION). HIGH SCHOOLS : Accredited by state board 11(5) 13 ' Attendance, how counted for apportionment 314 102 Bonus to. conditions 317 102 Certificate from grammar school examinations to admit to 409 159 Course of study prepared by state board 11(7) 14 District with four-year accredited high school In first division.... 330 105 Extension examinations 503, 505 160 Included In common school system 1 9 INDEX 253 HIGH SCHOOLS — Continued: Sec. Page. Inspection of 8 12 Students of, admitted to state college 49 23 admitted to university 28 17 Tuition to be free, when 314 102 Union high school — (see DISTRICTS, Union High School). High school and non-high school districts defined 153 47 admission of non-resident pupils 161 49 apportionment and transfer of funds 160 49 clerk's report to county superintendent 157 47 contents of 157 47 cost per pupil, how determined 157 47 county superintendent to certify amounts due districts 159 48 cost of educating, superintendent to certify 158 48 lists, county superintendent certifies to county officers 156 47 high school district fund 158 48 reimbursement not a tuition charge 163 49 state board to classify districts 154 47 certify list to county superintendents 155 47 may remove district from classification 154 47 tax levy against non-high school districts 158 48 transportation of pupils, payment of 162 49 joint agreements for 162 49 HOLIDAYS : Registration books closed on 452 146 Teachers not required to teach on certain 294 95 HYGIENE : Required to be taught 138 44 Failure to provide for teaching of, penalty 465 150 IMMORAL BOOKS, etc., excluded from school 223(9) 70 INCORRIGIBLES, commitment to state training school 104 37 INDEBTEDNESS— (see TAXING DISTRICTS) : Adjustment of, in formation of new districts 172 52 in alteration of boundaries 175 54 in extension of city limits 179 55 in formation of joint district 198 61 Consolidated districts, payment of 187 58 Directors may not exceed annual income, except 233 76 Disorganization of district, not to affect 211 64 Exchange of warrants for bond 357 115 Extension of city limits, payment of 180 55 Funding, outstanding, by bonds 353 112 Joint districts, levies for 199 61 Limitation of 353 112 New district, tax levy to pay indebtedness 173 53 School district liable for 225 74 Special tax when district has not shared apportionment 477 153 Validation of outstanding, authorized 368 118 bond issue for 376 121 election for, resolution of directors calling 373 120 ballots, form of 375 121 conducted, how 375 121 exchange bonds for warrants, when 378 122 notice of 374 120 returns, canvass of 375 121 voters, qualifications of 375 121 of district that is merged with first class district 379 122 unextinguished, certified to county commissioners 379 122 levy to liquidate 379 122 moneys collected, how applied 379 122 vote required 373 120 254 INDEX Sec. Page. INDUSTRIAL. SCHOOLS, establishment in districts of first class 254(4) 81 INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER LEARNING: Agriculture to be taught at state college 20 15 Advanced special normal school diploma 25,90 16, 34 renewal of 25, 90 16, 34 Elementary science continued at state college 22 16 Entrance requirements 23 16 Exclusive major lines in state university 16 15 Exclusive major lines in Washington state college 17 15 Graduate work, when authorized 21 15 Joint board of higher curricula 26 17 duties of 26 17 meetings of 26 17 Major line defined 15 15 common to both university and state college 18 15 Normal schools to train elementary teachers 24 16 courses, state board to prescribe 25, 90 16, 34 diplomas, valid where 25, 90 16, 34 Normal elementary certificate 25,90 16,34 Normal elementary diploma 25, 90 16, 34 renewal of 25,90 16,34 Normal school life diploma 25, 90 16, 34 Special normal school diploma 25, 90 16, 34 renewal of 25,90 16,34 INSTITUTES, TEACHERS' : Attendance accredited for, apportionment 326 104 City, when held 324 104 County superintendent to hold 217(16) 67 to arrange for 321 104 Expenses for 328 105 report of 329 105 Fund created 327 105 fees paid into 382 124 Joint, how arranged 322 104 Principals of normal schools, may attend 84 32 Teachers required to attend 323 104 failure to attend, penalty 471 151 pay not diminished 326 104 Time fixed by county superintendent 325 104 Visiting days 32; 104 INSURANCE, permanent fund for 552 172 INTEREST— (see BONDS, WARRANTS) : Legal rate on school warrants, how regulated 544, 545 170 On bonds, levy for 359 115 must be paid 361 116 validation of indebtedness 376 121 INTOXICATING LIQUORS— (see ALCOHOL). INSPECTION, SCHOOL: Deputy state superintendent an inspector of schools 6 12 High school Inspection by state superintendent 8 12 Normal training department Inspected by state board 11(6) 13 JANITOR: Contagious diseases barred from school , 141 45 In first class districts, election of 254(5) 81 by roll call 24 2 79 JOINT DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS). JUDGMENT AGAINfiT SCHOOL DISTRICT 225 74 INDEX 255 JUVENILE COURT LAW: Sec. Page. Award and adoption of children 587 182 Board of visitation 596 185 Child shall not be detained In jail 589 183 Commitment, support of child 586 182 Court may change order 593 185 Court proceedings may be private 588 183 Dependent and delinquent children, who included 579 178 Detention rooms provided 591 184 Fees not allowable 594 185 Judge of, may issue permits for children to labor 538 169 Justice court cases transferred 590 184 Liberal construction of act 592 184 Penalty for delinquency of child 595 185 Petition to take charge of living child 583 180 Probation officers, duties 581 180 expenses 582 180 Records not published, destroyed when 588 183 Repealing clause 597 186 Superior courts to be juvenile courts 580 179 Summons and notice of hearing 584 181 publication of 585 181 Terms to be used 580 179 JUVENILES : Commitment to state training school 104 37 to parental school 626 191 to state school for girls 603 187 Feeble minded, commitment of 122 41 KINDERGARTENS : Apportionment of state funds for 508 161 Attendance, how counted 508 161 Establishment in first class districts 254(4) 81 Free, in districts of first and second class 506 161 ages of children 506 161 cost paid from general fund 508 161 courses and rules 506 161 power to establish 506 161 public school system, part of 507 161 teachers to hold what certificates 509 162 LAND, directors may condemn for site 237 77 LIBRARIES : County circulating, establishment 338 108 bills certified 340 108 books must be recommended 342 108 purchased by county superintendent 343 109 indebtedness may not be contracted 341 108 tax levy for 339 108 Immoral and pernicious books to be excluded 223(9) 70 Injury to, penalty 475 152 Second class districts, directors to provide 265 86 State normal school, to provide 81 31 Third class districts, directors to provide, approval 277 89 Union high school, allowed in 207 63 University, authorized in 573 176 LIFE DIPLOMAS: Granted to graduates of accredited normal training departments. . . 11(6) 13 State college life diploma 74 29 State normal school life diploma 25, 90 16, 34 Territorial and state not invalidated 380 123 University life diploma 31 19 256 INDEX LIGHTING— (see VENTILATION). MANUAL TRAINING: Sec. Page. Schools may be established in first class districts. 254 (4) 81 State institution for feeble-minded to carry on 135 43 MAPS— (see SUPPLIES). MEDICAL INSPECTION, directors to provide for, in first class districts 254(14) 82 MILITARY SCIENCE: In state college 52 24 In university 28 17 MINIMUM LENGTH OF SCHOOL TERM 143 45 Eight months in first class district 254(5) 81 Failure to have, cause for disorganization 211 64 Required for apportionment for new districts 477 153 Six months in second class districts 270 88 Vote required to lengthen 440 143 MODEL SCHOOL — (see STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS). MONEYS : Arising from tax for higher institutions 548 171 uses of 550 171 County superintendent to turn over certain 217(19) 68 County treasurer to submit to state treasurer 304(7) 99 Fees for teachers' certificates credited to institute fund 327, 382 105-124 Fines, etc., credited to current state school fund 352 111 failure to pay over, penalty 464 150 First class districts shall pay out, how 249 80 For certified copies of papers 5(18) 11 Joint district^ transfer of funds in 197 60 New districts, entitled to 171 52 Tuition, transfer of, to county treasurer 227 75 MORALITY : Evidence required for registering of certificate 384 124 Immorality, cause for revoking certificate 405 130 Lack of, bar to obtaining city certificate 397 129 Must be taught 296 96 MUSEUM, at university, authorized 560 174 NAUTICAL SCHOOL: Establishment of 96 35 Nautical school board, appointment of 97 36 control of students 98 36 cruise, shall provide for 98 36 expenditures by 100 36 instructors shall employ 98 36 reimbursed for expenses 97 36 report biennially to legislature 101 37 supplies, shall furnish 98 36 vessels and instructors, shall apply to federal government for. . 99 36 NEW DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS). NIGHT SCHOOLS: Attendance, how credited 316 102 Directors in first class districts may establish 254(4) 81 Directors may establish 223(12) 71 School room may be used for 223(10) 70 NORMAL DIPLOMA: From state college 74 29 From state normal schools 90 34 From university 31(3) 19 Valid in cities employing one hundred teachers 400 129 INDEX 257 NORMAL TRAINING DEPARTMENTS: Sec. Page. Accrediting of 11(6) 13 In private schools 11(2) 13 Inspected by state board 11(6) 13 OATHS : Administered in appeal cases 4 83 155 County superintendent may administer, when 124 41 Defined 668 202 Definition of "false" 666 202 Deposition, when complete 669 202 District officers may administer, when 235 77 Irregularity in administering, no defense 668 202 Of board of regents of state college 68 28 Of board of regents of university 29 18 Of challenged voters 437 142 Of county superintendent . 214 65 Of district officers 235 77 filed in office of county superintendent 218 69 in second class districts 262 86 Of election board 435 141 Of members of text book commission 331 106 Of persons registering to vote 457 148 secretary to administer 458 148 State superintendent may administer 5(15) 11 OFFICERS, PUBLIC: Asking or receiving a bribe, penalty 655 199 False auditing and paying of claims, penalty 672 202 False report, penalty 665 201 Grafting, penalty 659 200 Grant of official powers, penalty 662 201 Injury to and misappropriation of record 664 201 Injury to public record, penalty 664 201 Intrusion into or refusal to surrender public office 663 201 Ihterferring with, penalty 656 199 Making false certificate, penalty 671 202 Misconduct of, penalty 660 200 Offering reward for appointment, penalty 658 199 Penalty for bribery of 654 198 Perjury, second degree, penalty 667 202 PARENTS OR GUARDIANS — (see JUVENILE COURT LAW; PARENTAL SCHOOL) : Abusing a teacher, penalty 472 152 Compulsory attendance of children 487 155 Deaf or blind children to attend state schools 119 40 cost of support to be paid when 112 39 penalty for neglect 118 40 Feeble-minded, admission to state institution 122 41 allowed to visit homes, when 131 43 cost of, borne by parents 133 43 cost of support to be paid, when 123 41 entrance under tuition fee 132 43 penalty for violation of law governing 136 44 shall be sent to state institution 127 42 Home not a private school 487 155 Penalty for child delinquency 595 185 School census, must report for 286(3) 92 PARENTAL OR TRUANT SCHOOLS: Attendance, credited for apportionment 315 102 Buildings, erection of 623 191 Commitment, petition for 626 191 notice and hearing 627 192 —9 258 INDEX PARENTAL OR TRUANT SCHOOLS — Continued : Sec. Page. Discharge 630 193 Establishment of 622 190 Incorrigibles sent to reformatory 632 193 Parents to provide clothing 628 192 Parole 629 192 violation of 631 193 Religious services ' 625 191 Rules and regulations 629 192 Sites, purchase and location 623 191 Superintendent, etc., employment of 624 191 report of 630 193 PATRIOTISM, must be taught 296 96 PECUNIARY INTEREST of directors in contract, forbidden 232 75 PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND — (see REVENUES, SCHOOL). PENALTIES : Deaf or blind youth, failure to obey law concerning 118 40 Failure to attend board meetings in first class districts 251 80 Feeble-minded, violation of law regarding 136 44 For abusing teacher 472 152 For clerk's failure to make report 467 151 For clerk's failure to report concerning compulsory attendance... 495 158 For crimes by and against public oflScers — (see OFFICERS, PUBLIC). For delinquency of child 595 183 For disclosing questions 462 149 For disturbing school meeting 473 152 For employing children, when 489 157 For employing disqualified teacher 468 151 For enticing" girl away from state school, etc 606 187 For failure of county superintendent to enforce teaching of hygiene 466 150 For failure of county superintendent to report 463 149 For failure of new district to have one month's school 477 153 For failure to attend an institute 471 151 For failure to deliver books to successor 468 151 For failure to enforce course of study and rules 469 151 For failure to have doors of school buildings swing outward 559 173 For failure to hold fire drill 535 168 For failure to pay over fines 464 150 For failure to provide for teaching of hygiene 465 150 For failure to use adopted textbooks 476 152 For false report of presence of pupils 474 152 For false swearing in registration 478 153 For false swearing regarding challenge of voters 460 149 For injury, etc., to public record 664 201 For Injuring school propert.v 475 152 For issuing warrants to teacher not legally qualified 476 152 For maltreatment of pupil 470 151 For revocation of certificate 4 06 131 For sale of intoxicating liquors on or near university 571 176 For sale of lifiuors near educational institutions 526 165 For violation of act relating to publication of estimates 533 168 For violation of child labor law 539 169 For violation of compulsory attendance law 489 157 failure of school officers to enforce 4 96 159 For violating vivisection law 569 176 Teacher's failure to keep register 291 94 failure to make reports 290 94 Truatee.s, state normal schools, pecuniary Interest 95 35 PRIMARY GRADES: I^ength of school day, In 139 4 4 In first cla.s.s districts 254(5) 81 INDEX 259 Sec. Page. PRIMARY SCHOOLS, course of study prepared by state board 11(7) 14 PRINCIPAL, : Authority over teachers 28 17 Compulsory attendance, report of truancy 492 158 Course of study, to prepare, approval of 333 107 False report of presence of pupils, penalty 474 152 Fire drills required 534 168 penalty for failure 535 168 Report of 290 94 Second class districts, election and power of 269 88 Teachers report to 290 94 Third class districts, election and power of 278 89 report required from 280 90 PRIVATE SCHOOLS: Annual report to state superintendent 5(10) 11 Attendance, must report 313 101 Children may attend 487 155 Fire drills required in 534 168 penalty for failure 535 168 Normal training departments accredited by state board 11(6) 13 courses approved by state board 11(2) 13 Secondary schools accredited by state board 11(5) 13 Secret societies bar to accrediting 11(5) 13 PROBATION OFFICER— (see JUVENILE COURT LAW). PROMOTIONS 333 107 PROPERTY, SCHOOL DISTRICT — (see DISTRICTS). PROSECUTING ATTORNEY — (see ATTORNEYS). PUBLIC SCHOOLS: Administrative oflicers of 2 9 Embraces what classes of schools 1 9 Fire drills required in 534 168 Free from sectarian influence 145 46 Kindergarten, free, to be part of 507 161 Law of 1909 a recodification 528 166 repeal of conflicting laws 529 166 State board of education shall unify 12 14 State superintendent to have supervision over 5(1) 10 PUBLISHERS : Shall deposit copies of books with state superintendent 334 107 Shall furnish to countj' superintendent, when 335 107 PUNISHMENT : Corporal, allowed 470 150 Unjust, defined, penalty 470 150 PUPILS : Absence and tardiness, excuses required 4 87 155 Ages of, for admission to common schools 137 44 Contagious diseases bar from school 141 45 Directors to enforce rules governing 223 70 Expulsion for disobedience 142 45 Injuring school property, penalty 475 152 Maltreatment of pupil, penalty 470 151 Rules of state board governing 208 Secret societies, may be prohibited 254(13) 82 Shall pursue required course of study 142 45 Submission to authority of teacher 142 45 Suspension of, by teacher 295 96 Textbooks, free, rules concerning 223(7) 70 260 INDEX PUPILS — Continued : Sec. Page. Textbooks, must provide 223(8) 70 Transportation of 223(11) 71 ibid 162 49 Vaccination of, in first class districts 254(11) 82 QUALIFICATIONS— ( see ELIGIBILITY ) . RECORDS : County superintendent to preserve 217 66 Penalty for failure to deliver to successor 468 151 State superintendent to preserve 5 10 REFORM SCHOOLS — (see STATE TRAINING SCHOOLS). REGENTS, BOARD OF — (see STATE COLLEGE; UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON). REGISTER, TEACHER'S: Clerks to furnish teachers with 286(7) 92 County superintendent shall inspect 218 69 Teachers must keep 291 94 REGISTRATION: In first class districts, required in 446 145 Of voters living outside city in first class district 449 146 books for 451 146 books opened, when and where 452 146 at convenient places, when 453 147 contents of 456 147 delivered to election clerks 461 149 by voting precinct 455 147 challenges, how taken 4 60 149 expenses for 451 146 false swearing, penalty 478 153 manner of 456 147 mu.st appear in person 457 148 oath 457 148 secretary to administer 458 148 qualficatons required 454 147 required only once in year 454 147 secretary must register 450 146 transfer of 459 148 RELIGION : School room may be used for 223(10) 70 Schools free from sectarian influence 145 46 Services in parental schools 625 191 State college, non-sectarian 49 23 University to be free from religious control 33 20 REPAIRS, authorized 223(3) 70 department in first class districts 254(9) 82 REPEAL OF LAWS CONFLICTING WITH RECODIFICATION OF 1909 529 166 REPORTS : Clerk's annual report to county superintendent 286(4) 92 failure to make, penalty 4 67 151 County superintendent, annual report of 217(11) 67 penalty for failure 463 149 shall require reports of all officers and teachers 218 69 County treasurer 304(3) 98 State superintendent, biennial report 5(2) 10 RETIREMENT FUND— (see TEACHERS'). REVENUES, SCHOOL: Bond redemption fund 359 115 sinking fund 359 115 Bonds, sale of, proceeds 356 114 Building fund, created 356 114 INDEX 261 REVENUES, SCHOOL — Continued: Sec. Page. Common school fund, permanent and irreducible 344 109 how invested 645 195 Interest applied to current state school fund 346 109 loss to, a permanent debt to state 345 109 sources of 344 109 County school tax, levy and limit 348 110 based on school census 349 110 how apportioned 350 111 Current state school fund, constituted how 346 109 apportionment of — (see APPORTIONMENTS). fines, forfeitures, etc., accrue to 352 111 must be applied to current use of schools 346 109 state auditor to certify amount of 347 110 state tax levy, limit 346 109 certified and collections reported 347 110 Failure to pay over moneys, penalty 464 150 Fines for violation of compulsory school law, disposition 407 159 General school fund of school districts, how constituted 351 111 moneys for sale of bonds credited to 356 114 New district, when entitled to funds 170 52 School district funds, created 351 111 School district tax, authorized 351 111 State tax levy, limit 346 109 REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATES— (see CERTIFICATION) : Suspension of teacher, when 217(18) 67 RULES : County board may adopt, consistent with 307(4) Directors to en force 223(2) Failure to enforce, penalty 469 Failure to obey, consequence 223(6) For grammar school examinations 11(10) For teachers' examinations 11(8) Prescribed by state board for teachers and pupils State superintendent to print and distribute 5(3) Teacher to enforce 292 Textbooks, free, rules concerning 223(7) SANITATION : Directors, duty regarding 223(4) Medical inspector to report on 254(14) SEAL: On bonds, when 376 State board of education 14 State superintendent of public instruction 5(18) SECOND CLASS DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS, Second Class). SECRETARY— (see also CLERKS, SCHOOL DISTRICT) : Bond of 246 County treasurer to make monthly statement to 304 ( 5) Duties of 245 Election and salary 241 petition of candidates filed with 444 registration books, how secured 447 registration of voters outside city limits 450 allowed in special cases 4 54 books for, provided 451 deliver to election clerks 461 kept by voting precincts 455 registration of voters in first class districts — notice of closing books 452 oath administered by 458 to keep on file 457 transfer of, how 459 100 70 151 70 14 14 207-8 10 94 70 70 82 121 15 11 79 98 79 78 145 14S 14S 147 146 149 147 146 148 148 148 262 INDEX SECRETARY — Continued : Sec. Page. Removal of 241 78 Report of, annual 246 79 Shall take school census 255 83 "Warrants drawn and signed by 249 80 SCHOOL CALENDAR. OFFICIAL. SCHOOL CENSUS: Children four years of age included 508 161 Clerk shall take 286(3) 92 County superintendent to certify 349 110 Defective youth, separate list of 286(3) 92 Indian children not included, when 286(3) 92 In first class districts, how taken 255 83 Teacher to be furnished copy of 492 158 SCHOOL DAY, LENGTH OF 139 44 In first class districts 254(5) 81 SCHOOL FOR DEFECTIVE YOUTH — (see STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE-MINDED ; STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND AND STATE SCHOOL FOR DEAF) : Establishment in first class district 254(4) 81 SCHOOL HOUSES— (see BUILDINGS). SCHOOL LANDS : Held under contract, taxation of 541 169 Proceeds from, go to common school fund 344 109 Sites, purchased from 167 50 SCHOOL LAW: Printed and distributed by state superintendent 5(6) 10 Questions on, decided by state superintendent 5(14) 11 State manual to include excerpts from 5(17) 11 SCHOOL MONTH, LENGTH OF 139 44 SCHOOL OFFICERS, misconduct of 660 200 SCHOOL REVENUES— (see REVENUES, SCHOOL). SCHOOL TERM: Minimum length of term 143 45 excess of, special meeting to authorize 440 143 in first class districts 254(5) 81 in second class districts 270 88 SCHOOL YEAR: Begins and ends, when 140 45 Defined as nine months for certification 139 44 Length of 140 45 SECONDARY SCHOOLS— (see HIGH SCHOOLS). SECRET SOCIETIES: Bar to accrediting of private academies 11(5) 13 Directors may prohibit in first class districts 254 (13) 82 SINKING FUND— (see REVENUES. SCHOOL). SITES : Bonds may be issued to purchase 353 112 Building fund used for 356 114 Directors may condemn land for 237 77 First class districts, directors may purchase 257 83 Fund for 356 114 Purchase or sale of, special meeting to authorize 440 143 School land.s purchased for 167 50 Second cla.ss districts, vote necessary 267 87 directors build houses, when 267 87 change of site, two-thirds vote required 267 87 removal of buildings, two-thirds vote required 267 87 INDEX 263 SITES — Continued : Sec. Page. Taking private property for, authority 510 162 adjournment of proceedings 513 163 appeal to supreme court, limitation 522 164 not to stop taking possession 523 165 clerk of court not to charge fees 524 165 compensation when jury is waived 519 164 costs paid by district 521 164 entry of judgment and decree of appropriation 520 164 findings of court 514 163 jury, selection of 515 163 instructions to 517 163 shall fix compensation 517 163 verdict of 518 164 notice of petition 512 162 petition to court 511 162 plaintiff and defendants 524 165 superior court to preside 516 163 Third class districts, vote required 283 91 SPECIAL MEETINGS— (see also ELECTIONS) : Called when 440 143 Conducted how 441 144 Directors must carry out instructions of 442 144 How, when and wliere held 441 144 Notice of contents 441 144 OfHcers of 441 144 Purposes of holding 440 143 Record of proceedings, filing 441 144 STATE AUDITOR: Member of state board of finance 642 195 investment of permanent school funds in state bonds 646 196 Shall certify amount in current state school fund 347 110 State college funds, duties regarding 641 195 Warrants for state training school issued by 614 189 for claims against state college 7 7 30 STATE BOARD OF CONTROL: State school for blind and state school for deaf — admission of pupils 112 39 appointment of superintendent 113 39 one for each school 119 40 direction of 109 39 number of employes in 113 39 report from county superintendents 115 40 State institution for feeble-minded — admission of non-residents 123 41 under tuition fee, when 132 43 direction of 120 41 form of application for admission 124 41 report of feeble-minded 126 42 State school for girls, management, etc 600 186 State training school — appointment of superintendent 106 38 ibid 615 189 investigations 618 190 management 105 38 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Accrediting of higher institutions 11(3) 13 graduation requirements of accredited schools 11(3) 13 professional study required 11(3) 13 of state life certificates and life diplomas 11(4) 13 264 INDEX STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION — Continued : Sec. Page. Administration of public school system intrusted to 2 9 administers vocational education 13 14 Appeals, heard and decided 11(11) 14 in cases of revocation of certificates 407 131 Books for, furnished by state superintendent 8 12 Certified copies of proceedings 9 12 Certify list of high school districts to county superintendents 155 47 Classify high school districts 154 47 Compensation, when 10 12 Courses of study for common schools, to prepare 11(7) 14 for state normal schools 90 16, 34 Expenses to be paid 10 12 Grammar school examinations, questions 11(10) 14 High school extension, to outline course for 503 160 to furnish questions for 504 160 High school inspection directed by state superintendent 8 12 High school districts, may remove from classification 154 47 Inspection of normal training departments 11(6) 13 Meetings, annual and special 10 12 Members of, appointment 7 12 Optional subjects for examinations 387 125 Powers and duties, enumerated 11 13 accredit secondary schools 11(5) 13 accredited list of higher institutions 11(3) 13 accrediting of state life certificates 11(4) 13 appeals, hear and decide 11(11) 14 courses in normal schools and departments of education 11(2) 13 courses of study for common schools, to prepare 11(7) 14 entrance requirements for higher institutions, approval 11(1) 13 inspect and accredit normal training departments 11(6) 13 questions and rules for grammar scliool examinations 11(10) 14 questions and rules for teachers' examinations 11(8) 14 prepare answers 11(9) 14 rules for common schools, prescribe 11(7) 14 President of 8 12 Proceedings of, how and where kept 9 12 Public school system unified 12 14 Records kept in state superintendent's office 5(13) 11 Rules and regulations for government of pupils, listed 207 for government of teachers, listed 208 Rules for accepting credits from other states 388 125 Seal 14 15 Secretary of, deputy state superintendent 9 12 State manual, contents determined by 5(17) 11 State superintendent ex-officio president 5(7) 10 Supervise education in state school for girls 608 188 Teachers' examination, questions and answers 11(8-9) 14 Term of office 7 12 Vacancies, how filled 543 170 Woman may serve as member of 144 45 STATE BOARD OF FINANCE: Chairman, rules 644 195 Constituted, how 642 195 Investment of educational funds In bonds 645 195 of permanent school fund In state bonds 646 195 bonds, description of 647 195 Interest credited to current school fund 650 197 printing, signing 64 8 197 proceeds 649 197 redemption 651 197 Records, office 64 3 195 INDEX 265 STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON: Sec. Page. Agricultural experiment station, regents to establish 60 27 established, when 62 27 located in irrigated district 60, 61 27 Agricultural college current fund 635 194 payments into 636 194 Appropriation for 64 28 Aim and purpose of 49 23 Carnegie fund, application for authorized 542 170 Courses of instruction 51 24 Degrees and diplomas granted 74 29 Department of education, work required for diplomas 74 29 courses approved by state board 11(2) 13 Designation 49 23 Diplomas issued, granting of 402 130 revocation of 405 130 appeals 407(3) 131 Elementary science, department of 52 24 Entrance, age limitation 51 24 requirements, approvad by state board 11(1) 13 scholastic requirements 49 23 who are entitled to 49 23 Establishment 49 23 Expenses to be paid by warrants 77 30 Experimental station — benefits and donations to 58 26 disposition of appropriation 678 205 establishment of 52 24 federal aid for, acceptance of 59 27 acceptance of 677 205 authority for 58 26 land grant for 58 26 regents may acquire land for 679 206 western Washington, maintenance in 56 26 located at Puyallup 679 206 Farmers' institutes 51 24 Faculty, entrance requirements specified by 49 23 recommendations for diplomas and degrees 74 29 regents to fix salaries 57 26 Funds under Morrill act assigned to 66 28 Funds, disbursement of 71 29 state treasurer to handle 641 195 _ Government of 56 26 Intoxicating liquor, sale prohibited near 525 165 penalty for violation 526 165 Lands assigned to 65 28 Lands of, proceeds go where 636 194 disposition vested in regents 639 194 Location of 49 23 Military tactics, training in 53 25 Permanent funds", how invested 645 195 President, ex-officio secretary of board of regents 54 25 member of state board of education 7 12 Public school system, part of 1 9 Regents, board of — administrative officers 2 9 appointment and term of office 53 25 architects and superintendents, may employ 76 30 bond of 53 25 buildings, erection of, authorized 75 29 by-laws, enactment of 56 26 contractor's bond for 75 29 contracts for construction, not to be interested in 72 29 266 INDEX STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON— Continued : Regents, board of — Sec. Page. departments of instruction provided by 52 24 diplomas and degrees granted by 74 29 employes of, to have no pecuniary interest 72 29 expenses, allowance, board of regents 69 28 governor, ex-officio advisory member 73 29 meetings, board of regents 67 28 oath, board of regents 68 28 organization of board 54 25 powers and duties, enumerated 57 26 president, election of 55 26 duties of 55 26 proceedings, record of 55 26 quorum, majority of the board 67 28 report to governor annually 70 29 copy furnished state superintendent 70 29 secretary, president of college is, ex-officio 54 25 bond of 54 25 duties of 55 26 treasurer, election of 54 25 Receive and expend granted moneys 63 28 Religion, non-sectarian 49 23 Scientific school fund 640 194 Subjects of instruction, enumerated 52 24 Treasurer, election and bond 54 25 disbursement of funds made by 71 29 duties of 55 26 Tuition fees fixed by regents 57 26 Visitors, ex-offwio, designated 50 26 STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE-MINDED: Name changed 121 41 Admission, children entitled to 122 41 application for 122 41 approval of 125 42 form of 124 41 Admission — of adults 130 42 of non-residents 123 41 under tuition fee 132 43 Adults, feeble-minded, when and how admitted 130 42 Agricultural training to be given 135 42 Application for admission — approved by county superintendent 125 42 form of 124 41 made by whom 122 41 Attendance required, when 127 42 Buildings, to be fireproof 134 43 separated for sex and departments 134 43 Clothing, parent to provide, or state 133 43 County superintendent, shall approve application 1 25 42 may make out applications 122(5) 41 shall enforce attendance 125 42 shall report applications 125 42 shall report defectives 126 4 2 County to bear expense, when 128 42 Course of study 1 35 43 Detention of inmates 131 43 Discharge of Inmates 131 43 Establishment 120 41 Expenses of youth, when borne by county 128 4 2 Intoxicating liquors, sale prohibited near 525 165 penalty for violation 533 168 INDEX 267 STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE-MINDED — Continued: Sec. Location 120 Manual training provided 135 Patients may be held after majority 129 Penalty for violation of law 136 Report of feeble-minded 126 School department of 135 State board of control to direct 120 admission of children 123 admission under tuition fee 132 form of application prescribed by 124 State to provide clothing, when 133 Superintendent, power over inmates 131 Tuition fee, admission under 132 STATE MANUAL: Act regarding fire drills, to be included 534 Contents of 5(17) Examination in, required of graduates of accredited institutions... 11(3) required of holders of accredited certificates 11(4) required for holders of common school certificates 395(1) Prepared by state superintendent 5(17) STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS: Bellingham normal school fund, created 547 state tax levy for 549 uses of 550 Certificates and diplomas, contents and signatures 87 advanced special normal school diploma 25, 90 renewal of 25,90 elementary normal school certificate 25, 90 normal elementary diploma 25, 90 renewal of 25, 90 normal school life diploma 25,90 normal school diplomas, valid where ^ 25, 90 special normal school diploma 25,90 renewal of 25,90 Cheney normal school fund, created 547 tax levy 549 uses of 550 Corporate title 78 Courses of study, approved by state board 11(2) Ellensburg normal school fund, created 547 tax levy 549 uses of 550 Entrance, age limitation 92 requirements for 92 state board to approve 11(1) Establishment 7 8 Expenses, warrants for 81 Extension department for teachers 88 Extension work substituted for institute 88 Institute funds appropriated to extension work 88 Reports of extension work 88 State board to district state for extension work 88 Faculty, selection and removal 81 Intoxicating liquors, sale prohibited near 525 penalty for violation 526 Kindergarten department, certificates from 509 Libraries to be provided 81 Library deposit 91 Locations 78 Page. 41 43 42 44 42 43 41 41 43 41 43 43 43 168 11 13 13 127 11 171 171 171 33 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 16, 34 171 171 171 30 13 171 171 171 35 35 13 30 31 33 33 33 33 33 31 165 165 162 31 34 30 268 INDEX STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS — Continued : Sec. Page. Model school 85 32 attendance credited to district 86 32 estimate of pupils required for 564 174 pupils to be apportioned to 565 175 report of attendance 86, 566 32, 175 teaching, practice in 85 32 required for certificate 85 32 Normal school current fund 637 194 payments into 638 194 Permanent funds, how invested 645 195 Principal, elected by trustees 81 31 duties of 84 32 annual report of 84 32 attend county institutes, etc 84 32 expenses of travel 84 32 sign diplomas and certificates 87 33 Principals, annual meeting of 93 35 shall elect a member of state board 7 12 Public school system, part of 1 9 Students must furnish evidence of good moral character 89 34 suspension of 89 34 Textbooks, adoption of 81 31 free, deposit for 91 34 Trustees, board of — administrative officers 2 9 appointment of 78 30 boarding houses, may maintain 82 31 by-laws, authority to adopt 80 31 meetings, special and regular 83 31 organization, election of officers 80 31 pecuniary interest in contracts forbidden 95 35 penalty for violation 95 35 powers and duties, enumerated 81 31 adopt textbooks 81 31 audit accounts 81 31 discharge teachers and employes 81 31 elect principal, teachers and employes 81 31 manage property 81 31 purchase supplies 81 31 quorum 80 31 report to governor^ biennially 94 35 term of office 79 30 textbooks and supplies, to provide 91 34 Tuition to be free 89 34 STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND AND STATE SCHOOL FOR DEAF: Admission, who are eligible to Ill 39 age limitation Ill 39 pupils from other states 112 39 Attendance at, requirement and exemption 116 40 County to bear expense, when 117 40 Division of 119 40 Establishment 109 39 of separate schools 119 40 Expenses of youth, when borne by county 117 40 Location 109 39 Parents, duty of 116 40 penalty for neglect of 118 40 Penalty for failure to obey law 118 40 Report of county superintendents 115 40 of school district clerks 114 40 State board of control to direct 109 39 INDEX 269 STATE SCHOOL FOR BLIND AND STATE SCHOOL FOR DEAF— Continued : Sec. Superintendent, appointment of, tenure 113 for each school 119 qualifications 113 report of county superintendents 115 subordinates, appointment of 113 Term of 110 Transportation of deaf or blind 117 Tuition to be free Ill STATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS: Age to be stated in commitment 604 Appropriation 611 Buildings, erection of 599 Commission, membership, duties 599 Commitment, age limit 603 cause for 603 Court record of girl 604 Discharge 603 Educational work, supervised by state board of education 608 Establishment 598 Girls, mental and physical condition must be good 607 may be apprenticed or receive wages 609 transportation of 607 Location 599 Management vested in state board of control 600 Parole, plan of 605 conditional parole 606 Penalties, enticing girls away 606 entrance upon grounds without permission 606 Site, selection of 599 State training school girls transferred from 610 Superintendent, appointment 600 duties, enumerated 602 husband may be appointee 600 must be woman 600 powers and duties 617 to give bond 601 Teachers must hold certificates 608 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL — (see STATE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS) : Accounts, audit and payment 614 Aims and purpose of 613 Branches to be taught 108 ibid 620 Commitment, age of 104 causes for 104 court to make order for 104 Complaints against 618 Course of study 108 Designation 102 Discharge age of 104 Establishment and title 612 Girls transferred to state school for girls 610 Intoxicating liquors, sale near, prohibited 525 penalty for violation 526 Location 102 Management of, under state board of control 612 Public school system, part of 1 Purpose of 104 Separation of sexes ; 619 State board of control to manage 105 Page. 39 40 39 40 39 39 40 39 187 189 186 186 187 187 187 187 188 186 188 188 188 186 186 187 187 187 187 186 189 186 187 186 186 190 187 188 189 189 39 190 37 37 37 190 39 37 37 189 189 165 165 37 189 9 37 190 38 270 INDEX STATE TRAINING SCHOOL — Coxtinued : Sec. Page. Superintendent, appointment and tenure 106 38 appoints assistants and employes 107 38 matron 615 189 to give bond 616 190 report of 621 191 STATE TREASURER: Current state school fund, tax receipts for, disposition 347 110 fines, etc., credited to 352 111 Investment of educational funds in bonds 645 195 Member of state board of finance 642 195 chairman of 644 195 Moneys received from sale of registers, etc 304 (7) 99 Scientific school fund 640 194 Shall pay warrants for expenses of state board 10 12 Shall receive money for copies of credited papers 5(18) 11 State college funds, treasurer of 641 195 Vocational education, custodian of funds for 13 14 STATISTICS, educational, kept by state superintendent 5(13) 11 SUBJECTS, to be taught in common schools 138 44 SUMMER SCHOOL, basis for renewal 395(1) (2) (3) 127-8 SUPERIOR COURT: Commitment to parental school 626 191 to state institution for feeble-minded 129 42 Judge to issue permits for children to labor 538 169 Shall be juvenile court 580 179 Taking private property for school house sites 511 162 clerk of, not to charge fees 524 165 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: Administrative officer 2 9 Appeals on points of law decided by 5(14) 11 Appeals taken to 4 80 154 in revocation cases 407 131 Apportionment, number and dates of 308 100 basis of 310 101 Assistant and deputy, appointees 6 12 Approval of courses of study 333 107 Biennial report to the governor 5(2) 10 county superintendents to preserve 217(6) 66 report from state normal schools included 94 35 Certificates and diplomas, shall issue or countersign 381 124 sliall sign those from state normal school 87 33 Compulsory attendance, blanks for 495 158 certificate of excuse, to approve form 4 88 156 County superintendent to execute instructions of 217(3) 66 annual report from 217(11) 66 certificate of receipt 217(11) 66 failure to report, penalty 463 149 report of sale of registers and clerks' record books 217(19) 68 Credit when schools are closed 319 103 Directory of schools, ofllcers and teachers 5(11) 11 Districts, less than four sections, approve formation 213 64 Election of 3 9 Examinations, grammar school, reports of 502 100 high school extension, questions and manuscripts 504 160 questions 5(3) 10 teachers' papers and reports of 392 126 Failure to deliver books to successor, penalty 468 151 Forfeiture of certificate, when 471 151 Joint districts, maps of, filed with 196 60 INDEX 271 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION — Continued: Sec. Page. Law, school, points of, decided by 5(14) 11 printing of 5(6) 10 Officers employed by 6 12 Powers and duties, enumerated 5 10 administer oaths 5(15) 11 annual convention of county superintendents, to hold 5(8) 10 biennial report, to make and distribute 5(2) 10 decide points of law 5(14) 11 distribute blanks, forms, etc " 5(3) 10 file papers, records, etc 5(9) 11 issue certificates 5(12) 11 keep directory of regents, trustees and faculties 5(11) 11 make certified copies of papers, charge 5(18) 11 perform other lawful duties 5(19) 11 prepare state manual 5(17) 11 president of state board 5(7) 10 print laws relating to schools 5(6) 10 publish official decisions 5(14) 11 records in oflfice, to keep 5(13) 11 records, to be delivered to successor 6(16) 11 require reports from educational institutions 5(10) 11 shall travel 5(4) 10 submit statement of expenses 5(5) 10 supervise public schools 5(1) 10 Publishers to deposit books with 334 107 Salary 4 9 Shall prepare course of study for schools of second division 334 107 State board of education, president, ex-officio 5(7) 10 books furnished for 8 12 records of proceedings kept in office 9 12 seal, kept in ofl^ce 14 15 special meetings called 10 12 State college, annual report of 70 29 State manual prepared by 5(17) 11 Suspension of teachers, to be notified 217(18) 67 Term of office 3 9 "Visiting of schools 5(4) 10 Visitor ex-offlcio, of state college 50 24 SUPERVISORS : Employed in districts of first class 254(8) 82 In districts of second and third class 555 172 SUPPLIES : Bids advertised for, in first class districts 253 81 Directors to loan to pupils, when 223 (7 ) 70 may not have pecuniary interest in purchase 232 75 In second class districts, directors shall provide 265 86 In third class districts, directors to provide, approval required 277 89 Secretary may be authorized to purchase 245 79 Union high school districts may purchase 207 63 TAXING DISTRICTS defined 372 120 Additional indebtedness for public utilities 369 119 Assessed valuation of property defined 372 120 Indebtedness, how computed 370 119 Levies for bonds and public debts considered assets 370 119 Ijimitation of indel)tedness 369 119 Liabilities in excess of limitations void. 371 119 Taxes for current business not an asset 370 119 TAX LEVIES: Alteration of boundaries, levies 176 54 Bonds, for interest and sinking fimd on 3.">9 115 Circulating library, limit 339 108 272 INDEX TAX LEVIES — Continued : Sec. Consolidated district, indebtedness, how paid 187 County school tax, limit 348 Current state school fund, state tax 346 certified to county auditors 347 Extension of city limits, old district to pay indebtedness 180 For permanent fire insurance fund, first class districts 553 In first class districts, regular levy 257 maximum 258 In second class districts, limit 266 In third class districts, limit 282 Joint districts to pay indebtedness in 199 New districts, levies in 173 Non-high school districts, levies against 158 Special, when district has not shared apportionment 477 State tax for higher institutions 546 amount and proportion of levy 549 re-adjusted in 1921 549 definition of terms 546 funds created 547 To pay unextinguished validated indebtedness 379 Union high school districts 207 TAXPAYER : May be challenged for cause in jury service, when 515 May inspect records of first class districts 248 Union high school districts, resident of, may appeal 209 TEACHERS : Abusing, penalty for 472 Appeals regarding, to whom taken . . . 480 Authority over pupils 142 Certificates, shall hold valid 289 ibid 293 moral character and personal fitness, evidence 384 must be valid for full period 293 registration of 384, 390 revocation of 405(7) Contagious disease, bar from school 141 Contracts must be made, how 223(1) employment by, written order of board necessary 293 warrants not registered, when 300 Cottages for, may be erected 555 Course of study and rules, to enforce 292 Directors to enforce rules governing 223(2) Discharge for cause 223(1) Duties listed by state board Employed by directors 223 ( 1 ) Evidence of successful experience 386 Examination of— (see EXAMINATIONS). Failure to enforce compulsory attendance law, penalty 496 Failure to enforce course of study and rules, penalty 4 69 False report of presence of pupils, penalty 474 First class districts, elected by board 254(5) First class districts, elected by roll call 24 2 Furnished copy of school census 492 Holidays, not refjulrcd to teach, specified 294 Institute, attendance required 323 failure to attend, penalty 471 pay not diminished for 326 Morality and patriotism, must teach 296 Punishment of pupils, maltreatment, penalty 470 Pupils, may suspend, when 295 Page. 58 110 109 110 55 172 83 84 86 90 61 53 48 153 171 171 171 171 171 122 63 163 80 64 152 154 45 93 95 124 95 124 130 45 70 95 96 172 95 70 70 207-8 70 125 159 151 152 81 79 158 95 104 151 104 96 151 96 INDEX 27J3 TEACHERS — Continued : Sec. Page. Register for, clerk to supply 286(7) 92 shall keep, penalty for failure 290 94 Reports, county superintendent to require 218 69 required, penalty for failure 290 94 Retirement fund, establishment of 409 132 administration of 410 132 annual estimates of receipts and disbursements 420 136 annuitant defined 408 131 appeals to superior court 431 139 applications for membership 414 133 attorneys, may employ, when 411 133 certificates of membership 415 134 claims, allowance or rejection 430 139 claims, payment of, resolution of board required 430 139 credits for re-entries and transfers 422 136 credits for services and contributions 418 135 county auditor ex-officio auditor of fund •. . . . 411 133 county treasurer to certify balance at end of year 419 135 county treasurer ex-officio treasurer of fund 411 133 deduction from salaries 417 134 director defined 408 131 director trustees 410 132 disability annuities 424 137 discharged member re-paid dues 427 138 excess moneys, investment of 421 136 exemptions 426 138 fiscal year 419 135 length of service required 423 137 member defined 408 131 member trustees 410 132 membership dues 417 134 membership of new teachers 416 134 necessary expense, sale of securities to meet 421 136 office expense, payment of 413 133 organization of board of officers 411 133 partial invalidity, not to affect act as a whole 432 140 payments in case of death of member 428 138 payment of annuities 425 138 pro rata payments 426 138 prosecuting attorney ex-officio attorney for 411 133 retirement annuities 423 137 secretary not required to be member of board 411 133 secretary's salary, payment of 413 133 transfer from general to retirement fund 417 134 teacher defined 408 131 trustees defined 408 131 trustees, how chosen 410 132 trustees' meetings 412 133 trustees to serve without pay 411 133 vacancies, how filled 410 132 verified claims against fund 429 139 warrants to be registered 430 139 Rules for government of, prescribed by state board 207-8 Salary, withheld, when 469 151 Saturdays, not required to teach on 294 95 School day and school month 139 44 Second class districts, when employed 268 88 Subjects to be taught 138 44 Suspension of, when 217(18) 67 Third class districts, elected, when 281 90 Truancy or incorrigibility, to report 492 158 —10 274 INDEX TEACHERS — Continued : Sec. Page. Union high schools, reports from 206 63 Ventilation and temperature of school room 138 44 Warrants issued to disqualified teacher 476 152 Warrants not registered, when 300 96 TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, included in public school system 1 9 TERM— (see SCHOOL TERM). TERRITORY, SCHOOL DISTRICT— (see DISTRICTS) : Appeals concerning, taken to county commissioners 480 154 TEXTBOOKS : Classification of districts for purposes of 330 105 County superintendent can handle, when 335 107 Failure to use adopted, penalty 476 152 First division, adoption of, in 332 106 commission for selecting 331 106 advertising for bids • 332 106 compensation 336 108 oath, term of office 331 106 organization of 331 106 length of adoption 331 106 supplementary, adoption, when 331 106 Free, directors to provide, when 223(7) 70 rules concerning 223(7) 70 vote required in first class districts 254(10) 82 Injury to, penalty ' 475 152 Publishers to deposit copies with state superintendent 334 107 Pupils must be furnished with 223(8) 70 Second division, county board to select 334 107 advertisement for bids 334 107 joint districts, which county board controls 337 108 length of adoption 334 107 supplementary, power to adopt 334 107 State normal schools, adoption of 81 31 free in 91 34 pecuniary interest in contract forbidden 95 35 THIRD CLASS DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS). TITLE OF CODE OF 1909 527 166 TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS 223(11 ) 71 Transportation of high school pupils, payment of 162 49 joint agreements for 162 49 TRUANCY : Report of 492 158 Rules to prevent 11(7) 13 TRUANT SCHOOLS— (see PARENTAL OR TRUANT SCHOOLS). TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY, per.sons afflicted with 141 45 TUITION : In high school.s, must be free when 314 i02 May be charged when 229 75 UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTS— (see DISTRICTS). UNIVIOUSITY OF WASHINGTON: Aim ;ind purpose 28 17 Appropriation from general fund for class "A" building 43 22 Appropriation from building fund for class "A" building 44 22 Attorney general, legal advi.sor for 34 20 r!f(|iicsts to university 31(4) 19 Hnildlngs, erection of 45 22 funds for, how drawn and disbursed 47 22 Building fund created 35 20 Carnogle fund, application for, .Tiithorlzed 542 170 Catalog, annual 31(2) 19 INDEX 275 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — Continued : Sec. Page. Co-educational 28 17 Degrees and diplomas granted by regents 31(3) 19 Department of education, courses approved by state board 11(2) 13 work required for normal and life diplomas 31(3) 19 Designation 27 17 Diplomas, granting of 402 130 normal diplomas, requirements for 31(3) 19 life diplomas, requirements for 31(3) 19 Entrance, age limitation 28 17 certificate from high school extension examinations 505 161 scholastic requirements for 28 17 approved by state board 11(1) 13 Faculty, employed by regents 31(1) 19 authority of 32 20 constituted how 32 20 course of study 31(2) 19 entrance requirements specified by 28 17 recommendations for diplomas and degrees 31(3) 19 Fees credited to building fund 37 21 Fees refunded ' 39 21 Forest experiment station established 48 23 Intoxicating liquors, sale of, prohibited 570 176 not affected by other law 525 165 penalty for violation 571 176 Lands of, proceeds go where. . .' 633 193 bonding of, authorized 653 198 Location of 27 17 Museum, created 560 174 materials collected for 561 174 private person may contribute 562 174 regents to have charge 563 174 Part of public school system 1 9 Permanent funds, how invested 645 195 President of university, appointment and term of office 31(1) 19 annual report of state superintendent 5(10) 11 member of state board of education 7 12 Purpose of 28 17 Regents, board of — administrative officers 2 appointment and term of office 29 IS architects, etc., may be employed 46 22 buildings, erection of, authorized 45 22 catalog, annual 31(2) 19 compensation and expenses 31(7) 19 course of study prescribed by 31(2) 19 diplomas and degrees granted by 31(3) 19 executive committee, election and power of 30 18 facilities for instruction, to provide 573 176 meetings 30 1 ^ oath of office 29 IS organization of 30 18 powers and duties of. enumerated 31 19 biennial report to governor 31(6) 19 control university 31(1) 19 course of study, to prescribe 31(2) 19 degrees and diplomas, to grant 31(3) 19 employ president, faculty, etc 31(1) 19 execute bonds to war department 31 (5> 19 publish annual catalog 31(2) 19 receive bequests, report 31(4) 19 receive expenses 31(7) 19 276 INDEX UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON — Continued : Regents, board of — Sec. Page. report to governor biennially 31(6) 19 vacancy, how filled 29 18 Religious or sectarian control prohibited 33 20 Rentals credited to building fund 41 21 Revolving fund 38 21 Scholarships, free 40 21 State tax for higher institutions, to share in 546 171 State university current fund 634 194 State university permanent fund 633 193 Student activities not affected by building fund fees 42 22 Student fees 36 20 Tuition, residents and non-residents 28 17 Unearned fees returned 36 20 University fund, created 547 171 use of 550 171 University of Washington fund, appropriation from 652 198 USE OF SCHOOL BUILDINGS — (see BUILDINGS). VACCINATION, required in first class districts, when 254(11) 82 VENTILATION : Directors, duty of, regarding 223(4) 70 Plans for, county superintendent to approve when 284 91 Teacher to regulate 138 44 ibid par. 7 207 VIVISECTION : Restriction of 567 175 Dissection permitted, when 568 175 Penalty for violation 569 176 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: Co-operation with federal government 13 14 Provision for 13 14 State board of education to administer 13 14 State treasurer custodian of funds 13 14 WARRANTS : Cancelled, statement of 304(6) 98 Clerk to sign, etc 286(8) 91 County auditor to countersign and register 299 96 not to register, when 300 96 County treasurer to register 304(4) 98 Exchanged for bonds, when 357 115 ibid 378 122 Interest on 304(4) 98 I.ssued by county auditor in second and third class districts 287 93 Legal rate of Interest on 544 170 how regulated 545 170 Registration of 303 97 Signing of, in first cla.ss districts 249 80 WASHINGTON. STATE OF: Hl.qtory and map contained In state manual 5(17) 11 Museum at university a depository for 560 174 materials to be deposited 561 174 WASHINGTON STATE TRAINING SCHOOL— (see STATE TRAIN- ING SCHOOL). WOMEN : May hold offlces I44 45 Qualified to vote at school elections 437 142 Superintendent and offlcers of state school for girls to be 600 186 "^wpmro o V3i IrV :(014i^: jWlii^l mm UC SOUTHERN RFGIOf^A L I i [;.-„.„ A A 000 223 569 '0=' ^^ Hy ^v ^^c #^ •o'o^ o>^ M ^^foY^T^^^^ssss^w^foyo u %rnyo I ^ ■^^ o^\ \o^. ;V^v A^V ,^®1^_ 0"^^ \o