r -m >^^.v.:f).MM^.^ ^ 'tr/' ^-^r- 1 '^^: i } "^^^^mmA /* - / nOBERTSON's COMPENDIOUS HEBREW DIClDiOMARY: CORilECTED A.S'D IMPR6VED BY NAHUM JOSEPH, TEACHER OF HEBREW. I TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A V OCABULARY of HEBREW PRIMITIVES; IN ENGLISH AND HEBREW; AND Talles of Chronology and Hebrew ATUiquities, 'If . . To the whole is prefixed, an EASY METHOD of READING HEBREW^ WITHOUT POOIt^, ^^D WIIX^ .POINTS. BATH, PRINTED BY RICHARD CRUTTWELL; *" AND SOLD BY LONGMAX, HWRST, RES, AND ORME, PATERNOSTER-ROW. i8U. . / ^ " . nttre& at ^tationertf.^alL ] / o <. , ' * . * . f '.* * TO THE RIGHT REVERENTJ THOMAS, LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVId's. )4>ta MY LORD, X HE following sheets appearing to me to have a peculiar claim to the patronage of your Lordship, I presume to prefix your Lordship's name to the same : they are designed to facilitate the progress of stu- dents in the Hebrew Language, of which your Lordship is a zealous promoter, and to lead them from the trammels of trans- lations, too often erroneous, to the sac^'ed origin of the lively oracles of God, in ^%vhich every individual has a ileep and awful interest. By thus approaching your Lordship, I <1q not design to offer 251091 IV. DEDICATIOX^ a Gift, but to pay in part, a Debt; and to restore to your Lordship what was originally your own, as this work is the eiFectof an attempt to execute those wishes which 3^our Lordship had conceived, and suggested to me, respecting an expurga- tion of the numerous errors which had hitherto pervaded Robertson's Hebrew Dictionary. Be pleased, therefore, my Lord, to accept this humble offering, as a testimony not so much of my gratitude, as of your own merit; and allow me thus publicly to express my warmest thanks for the many favours, wherewith your Lordship has deigned to oblige Your Lordship's most devoted, and grateful servant, NAHUM JOSEPH. Bath, March 1814. PREFACE. npHE original of this comp^dious Hebrew Lexicon, of which this is a corrected and improved edition, was published by William Robertson, A* M. in the year 1654, and received by all, who knew how to appreciate justly its merits> with great avidity and deserved applause: our wonder would therefore be excited, why so many years should have been suffered to elapse, without a second edition of this very useful work having issued from the press, if it were not sufficiently obvious, that the study of the sublime language of our first parents was, for a series of years, con*- fined to the literary members alone of society; therefore such of them as were desirous of attaiii'. ing a knowledge of it, were supplied with elemen- tary instruction and assistance by the labours of the learned Buxtorf, Leusden, 8cc. : But as the Dictionaries of these Hebraists comprised Latin elucidations only of the language, none but classi- cal students could be benefited by the productions of these Lexicographers. About the year 1778^ the Rev. Mr. Parkhurst published an Hebrew and- English Lexicon in one volume, which has beea so well received by the public, as to have passed Yl PREFACE. through several editions within the space of a few years. Far be it from theEditor of this work to pre^ sume to depreciate the merits of Mr. Parkhurst's yery useful Dictionary; but as it may with propriety be asked, *' where was the necessity of re-publish- ing Robertson's Compendium, when the public are aheady in possession of Mr. Parkhurst^s valuable work upon the same subject r" the Editor feels himself called upon, in justification of his conduct herem, to reply, that he is persuaded that the pre- sent work possesses some advantages at least, which the Hebrew student cannot derive from the printed labours of Mr. Parkhurst: e, g. Mr. Parkhurst rejects tn toto the vowel points ; respecting the originality and utility of which^ to attain a perfect knowledge of the language, the most ancient learned Rabbins, as well as more modern Hebraists^ have been divided in their opinion. When we recollect, however, that such learned and renowned men, as Maimonides, Aben-Ezra, David Kimchi, Elias Levita, &c. unhesitatingly assert the anti- quity of the vowel points to be not only coeval with Ezra the scribe, but with Moses; nay, with the language itself; the modern Hebraist must be a hardy casuist indeed, who imagines that he can invalidate the cogent arguments adduced by such learned Jews in favour of the antiquity as well as the necessity of the points to the attainment of a thorough knowledge of the sacred language. But, T^REFACE, tJi supposing for a moment these points to be modern inventions, unnecessary adjuncts, or even " maso- letic trammels i" yet surely, the adoption and inser- tion of them cannot possibly deteriorate a work of this kind : indeed, the Editor humbly conceives that a Hebrew Lexicon cannot be perfect without them. One serious inconvenience, among many others, which learners must contend with, in turn- ing over the pages of Mr. Park hurst and other kxi- cographers who have rejected the points, is this viz. the seven conjugations generally adopted bjf grammarians being reduced by them to five, the conj. pihel and puhaly which are peculiarly ex- pressive of the idiomatical sublimity of the lan guage, are omitted: and th<^ learner,unacquainted' with the points, not being able to distinguisii^ between the co^ij. kal luu] pi/iel, must be at a loss- to ascertain the meaning: which the verb is desiofned to express ; c, g. the verb^/2^ in kal, signifies " he learned;" but pointed as in pi he I ^.07, it implies " he taught/' Mr. Parkhurst, in his Dictionary, makes no distinction between verbs quiescent in the second radical letter van, and those, whose second and third radicals are similar, e. g^, in the verb Dip Mr. Parkhurst omits the insertion of the quiescent^ vDwel, by which omission the learner is frequently* perplexed in discovering the real root, not having made sufficient progress in the language to ascer- tain whether such verbs be defective or quiescent VUl PREFACE. in the secoml radix ; but in this Dictionary, all the defective and quiescent verbs are duly arranged in * their alphabetical order. The portableness of this Lexicon, which contains every Hebrew root, with a full etymologictil analysis of the same, as well as various references to the Scriptures, illustrative of their different senses, will, it is presumed, give it a claim to an introduction to the pocket at leasts if not to the libraries, of Hebraical students. But the Editor forbears to enlarge on the comparative merits of this little volume with those of othei/ Dictionaries: for if his own private opinion of its utility should be sanctioned by the judgment of the public, all the merit which he can hereby pre- tend to lay any claim to, will be only that of having produced an accurately corrected and im- proved edition of Robertson's Hebrew Lexicon; . - Qua non fedmus ipsi, Vix ea nostra voco* The Editc>r cannot dismiss these sheets to the press, without making a tender of his unfeigned thanks to the Right Reverend Dr. B'urgess, the very learned Bishop of St. David's, and the Rev. Israel Lewis, the present Vicar of Long-Ashton, Somerset, for the pecuniary as well as literary aid, with which they very kindly furnished him, to enable him to proceed in and complete this re-publication. PREFACE. 1J N. B, The reader is requested to observe, that in consequence of the advice of some very judi- cious friendsy tlie Editor having deviated from his original design of annexing an Appendix of the Hebrew nouns, in conformity with Robertson's plan, has embodied the same in their alphabet- ical order in this work: but this improved arrangement having taken place after the first sheet was printed off, it occurred to the Editor, that that part of the Appendix which referred to the first sheet might be annexed to the letter aiepk, he therefore proceeded to embody in the second and following sheets, the remainder of Robertson's Appendix; but there appearing to him, subse- quently, a want of uniformity in this arrangement, lie destroyed the first sheet, (though printed off,) and'recommenced the same with the intersertion of the nouns, &c. This alteration, by an increase of matter, requiring some additional leaves, will ' explain the cause of the six pages immediately following page IQ being duplicated with au annexed asterisk. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Editor, N. Joseph, has for some time past been collecting and arranging materials for an improved and enlarged edition of Robertson's Hebrew Grammar; which, from an experience of many years as a Teacher of the Hebrew Lan- guage in England, he flatters himself he is fully qualified to olfer to the public ; but as theexpence of publishing this Grammar will necessarily ex- ceed his present pecuniary abilities, he must defer the publication of it, until he shall be enabled to judge whether the same will be favourably re- ceived by the public : any communications on this subject addressed to N.Joseph, at Mr. Crutt- weirs, printer, Bath, will be duly attended t. LIST of SUBSCRIBERS. 01 Reading Hebrew without Points. I. K> 1> *^>ir> are pronounced as vowels between confonants, a, u, /, o* a, T and ^ at the beginning of words, as con^ fonants v, y. 3. Where i^' 1 ^>V do not occur between cor* fonants, ufe the vowel ^% as *)^i? a/hen 4. If the prefixes 3> n> 1> 2> 7> ti/* precede >^ 1> *^> J/> fupply the found of e, as Ji^'^Kn Method of Reading Hebrew with PointK figures of Voiveh. Sounds* LONG VOWELS. * T - . . ^ - - J as in smalL ".---- J - - these* before the letter *i - /pronounced like ee^ ^ lee. over the letter t - o as in - - - honSi Y} lo*^ within the letter T - u pronounced like ooy \ loo>. SHORT VOWELS. ---..-- ^ as in - - - nia?u- V - ... ^ . - - ^ - - - - - men. without after it - ;----- ///;. * VERY SHORT VOWELS. :..---.. tf as in - - - hegltu. COMPOUND SHORT VOAVELS* "'--- - - - ^ as in - - - manners, **------- ^----- meik'tnks*- t;. ..-. (?-..... rack. T in a pure fyllable is a long, as *^ rai in a mixed fy liable is , as Sf^ /-tfl/. yfit;/ pronounced rapidly becomes o/. Other marks of difference between "^ foy a long, and "^ for o, maybe ft^en in Grammars. METHOD OF BEADING HEBREW. XIU a -4 ^-\ t5 -I q -I !3 If ff If -I u t> JJ v-# _# . ^ ^ :J~u ^ ti ^ ^ u_ ^ II J :i45-43 u =i J - -I a :J i:; ^ ::f ^ Oi k o ^ 3 cr o N (T) o ^. o N CI- 5' cr 3 ro ?r rt) 3 f-T' N ? -I r* O) D- n> tJ D t c rD cr pa o ^ rT n> rr :5 '^^ o ca O ? o O 5^ o n> r-r N IL o* =r r* v<4 ^ C f& P (T) ft- r* (T> cr rr* f= fD N rr O T> ? fts cr ^ g1 3 cr o (T> cr o 3 ? OQ iL f^ S- 3 < p cr -1 cr t 3^ 1 3 3' Xir METHOD OF READING HEBREW. .J ^^ :^. ..J -4^-^ H ^ 55 ,>c: . K en Co ^3 - > o^ ? jr s. ^. < U ^^ ^ J^ > 50 D ^ ?; 0^*^5^ w so o 5 2: V:i3Scr53 r ^. !i s- g: i r ^ ? 3 5^ I g- I- i. s N 5 O HETHOD OT READING HEBREW. XV o c G rr q o ^l::^ bertfon, in h tainty of its e reader fha D n ^ LI a: :=: OQ w U u: J -^ a Cf !3 w Pfalms, has mad( *nuine pronunciat judge mofl co 5C. J -:4 J ZJ Zl 3^ H g 5- -;, -:4 -4 hB^ g ^ 5: rJ ft 5. -. w ra - -- nJI -W CI ^ "^ \J -' .^ ^ ?r ? ON -n > ^ S- Ir^ 2. H OS o S ^ .rn ' - s S t V: Q- o J" 2 o O s. s 3 _ JO Hebrew d or not ft) < 3 CD cr o <: cr o ^ 3 1. CO O letter , acco O a- o o N -t o N 52: : 3' ' ST Q > H r-^ ; 5^ 5 ufe of t he real 3 3 3 o o A COMPENDIOUS HEBREW DICTIONARY. 3K 1. 33K* ababy to be green: 2*^^!$ abiby an car of corn, or a green ftalk of corn : alfo the month abiby or our month of March. '2)^ eb, K3NI ibba. Job viii. 12, and Ch. i^-15^ inbaj Dan. IV, It, green, greennefs, or green fruit ; but 3iSt aby is a father : [fee it in H^iJ ^?i^^^.] 2. *I5{$ ^i*^^, I he perifhed. 3 and 5 he deftroyed, he caufed to perifli. 6f he was deftroyed; T^'ii^ obedy perifhing; X^'^'^t^ abad^ dotty Job xxviii. 12. ^1'^3^? abaddohy Prov. xxvii- 20; and 1731$ abdariy Efther viii. 6, per- dition, deftru6lion ; the place of deftru6lion n75^ abedahy a thing loft, 3. T\Zl)^ahah. i he was v/illing, he defired : [hence 3i!jl aby a father who wills and defires all good to his children.] H^K ebehy Job ix. 26, as fome, the defire or will^ concupifcence, or appetite. HJI'^nyi abijonahy the fame, Eccles* * Obfolete roots kave no points. f Wherever 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, occur, after the running numeral, tiiey mean the conjagations in which the verb is ufed, or from which a noun is derived. B i * . xii, 5; and "^^^i^, ehjony a poor iiran, who is always defiring things needful. ^I2b^ ahoiy ah, alasj woe or forrovv, Pr(?i^. xxiii. 29. ^Ilb^ ahi^ the fame; or a particle of wifiiing, oh that, as fome s others^ my father, job xxxiv. i,(>. 4. nn^il^ ihchah^ the edge of a fword, Ezek. xxi. 20. For D^ntDDJ^ abaiiichim^ melons, Numb. xi. 5: fee in H^S batach. 5. "^5^? ^Z'^c/z, I he lifted up himfelf, 1/a. ix. 18. ' 6. /5i$ abaly i he mourned. 5 he made or caufed to mourn. 7 he gave himfelf to mourn- ing; or he mourned greatly : 735$ abel^ a mourner ; /3^^ i^/, but, yea, truly. 7. ]3t< ^^d';^, a ftone; any weight: du. maf. D^J5!$ abnajimy Exod, i. 16; Jer. xviii. 3, ftools for women's travail, and potter's wheels. 033^ abnety a girdle : pi. maC C'^PJJ^i? abnetimy gir- dles, JE;^^//. xxviii. 40. 8. U^'^abas^ i hefatt^d^ 0131^^'^^^, acrib, a ftorehoufe, a barn, a flail : pi. maf. D'^p^3^?D maabufimy ftore-houfes, Jer. 1. 27. 5. pH!^ ^^^^, a he wreftled : p3ijl ^^^/^, and fem. nj^D^ ahakahy Nah. i. j; C^/. iii. 6, dull. 10. n^3^ "^^'^K ^^/r, or <^^^/r, ftrong, robuft; pl^ maf. D^T^**3J$ abbirim, ftrong: alfo- 1 3 ftrong bulls, Ps. xxii. 13: hence ^3K e'bir^ and fern, n^?^ ebrahf Pf. Iv. 7, ^^^ xxxix. 13, a wing, or feather of a fowl, wherein confiftsthe llrength of birds :pl<. f. TSS'y^^ ebrot^mngs>\ Pj\ Ixviii. 14. Hence in 5 he did fly with wings, ' 11. ^^i5 ^^^ and HIJ^ll taavahy defire, concupifcence. luft: pL maf. D^^li:^/5 maavajiniy Ps, cxl. 8/ defires. 29. T\^^ oachy p], maf. D"^ni^* ^r////;^, terrible beads, as Ibme think; dragons, or Ibme other doleful creatures, Isa, xiii. 2 r, ^ 30. ^"i^^ ^f, woe, ah! alas! 31. ^"^l^ evil^ a fool : pi. m. C^Tl^ avilim^ fools: hence in 2 '7*^'^ J ;;(?^/, he did foolilhly : fee ^J^: >^/. ri^ ',^? ivvelet, foolilhnefs. ^'jlK and "^i'!;^ ulaiy perhaps^ perchance. D!?!!^ ^/^w, furely, truly; alfo a porch. ^15^ /^/, ftrength, Pj. Ixxiii. 4. See in D7S;5 ^/^;;;. 32. ]"^^6;^/,ftrength, power, fubftance, riches; hence ]^.^^ ave}2j iniquity, or perverfcnefs, which is often perpetrated by ftrength, and ftrong hand over the wcalcer: alfo vanity, labour, forrow, and travail; for the 2:reatelt flren2:th of wickednefs is no better, pi. vci.^^^^/\ teunim^ vanities, troubles, Ezek. xxiv. 12 : hence aifo an idol, which is nothing but mere vanity'^ for the idols fpeak nothing but vanity, Z^^^. X. 2. in 7 ]3l?;7. i. 16, light, pi. m. D^nli^P meorimy Ezek. xxxii. 8, lights, pi. fern. r\*11i^ oroty green herbs. ""iiK ur^ fire, IJa. xxxi. 9. pi, maf. UHS'^ urinty lights, urim and ihummim^ lights and perfeftions, or light and uprightnefs, or integrity, the tv/o excellent or- naments of all minifters in holy things : fee '^1^T\ tummimy in DQi^ tamam. iTIli^p meurahy a den, or a cave, 7/2?. xi. 8. 35. T\\^oty a fign : pi. fem.riinK otoly figns. ^6. TK azt then, Ti?^ ^i^^'^z, from thence. 37. ^^|!;?. aza, Ch. i he burned, he kindled, he was kindled. 38. y^^^.ezoby hyfop. 39. *Tt8 azady Ch. i he went away, Dan. ii. 5, 8. 40. nji? azahy Ch. i he was kindled, he burned, he kindled, he caufed to burn. For J^)^^ azay and HTi^ azahy fee Dan. lii. 19, 22. 41. 7j^ ^,2^/, I he departed, he went away. n 9 Deut. xxxii. ;^(>. n)^, ezoU i Sam. xx, 19, a departure, a going away, a journey, as fome; others, a way-mark. 42. l?.i< d?2;^?/, an ear 3 hence in 3 and 5 he heard, he perceived by his ears, he did attend, he obeyed, pi. maf. 0*^51^$ azenim^ arms, or weapons, Deut. xxiii. 13, from the Ch. XXzajsn^ to arm : alfo dual, m Ci^iT.XZp meozenajimi ba- lances, Prov. xi. I. 43. ^I^ ^2;^r, 1 he girded, he girt about, he was girt. 2 he was girded. 3 he girded, he girt about. 7 he girded himfelf. Hli^ ezory a girdle. 44. niJI <^^/;, a chimney, a hearth : ah ! alas ! alfo a brother : fee nHK achah. 45. T!}JJ achady i and 7 he united huTifelf, he did unite. IHti ^^-i?^^, *ini!?l ^^/W ; fem, Hn^ achate Ch. contraded ^^ ^//^^j/, one, the firft i and for i and 7, fee G(?w. xlix. 63 2:^^. xxi. 16, or 21. 46. nm^ achahj hence HK ^r//, a brother, a kinfmanj and riWifJI ^^i?^/, a fifter, a kins- woman: pi. maf WTS^ achiniy brothers; pi. fern. rii^n^^i ^^^i?^^^/, or ni^n^^ ^r>i?/(?/, fillers, niri.^ achavahy fraternity, or brottierhood. in^l achu, A meadow, flags, the grafs of marfliy ground. 10 nx 47. tni^ achaz. i he held, he did lay hold upon, he contained hinnfelf, he joined, he pof- feffed. 2 he was holden, he was made, or he made himfclf poffefibr; he was laid hold upon, lie was joined. 3 he contained, he laid hold upon. 6 he was laid hold upon, he was corn- prehended, or joined. njHi^t achuzzahy Ps. \u 8. apoffeffion, a laying hold upon, a reftraint. 48. ^20i^ achaky I wifh, I would, would to God. 49. nr.pn^ achmetah^ Ch. an arch, a coffer. 50 ^Ts'^achar^ and'^jDK achere^ after, after- wards : fern, r^^nS^ acheret^ another, finally, at length. Ch. ^n^s athareny the fame, "jin^^ achoTy and TOS'^inv:^ achorannity back,, backward, the laft, the latter, the after part ; the weft; the after part of the world. ri^")Di!? acharlty the end, the latter end; a reward, becaufe the end of a work; pofterity, or they who come after: hence in i and 3 he lingered, he ftaid behind. pHHi^ ^^i^r^/?;, the latter, the laft: in 5 he caufed to ftay, or he made to linger, or come after. 51. D'ipi'lllf^n.^^ acha'^darpanimy pi. maf. princes or fenators. D\5"Ji^c^'n^^ achajhteranim^ fwift runners, the king's runners, or Iwift footmen, as fome; others expound the word >S- 11 camels, mules, or fwifc horfes, EJih, viiu lo: thele two laft words are thought to be Perfian. ^2. tC^, tOi^'? at^ leat^ lenity, quietnefs, or quietly, ibftly, flowly : pi. maf. C^CSl^ ittim^ in- chanters, from their flow and quiet muttering of their fpells, Ifa. xix. 3. 53. T^"^ atad^ a thorn,, a thiftle, a fharp briar, Pj. Iviii. lo, 54. D!5i$ atam^ i and 5 he flopped, he fhut up andclofed, Pj. Iviii. 4. 55. ]TiDi^ ^///;/, a cord, a thread, or linen made of threads, Frov. vii. 16. 56. liiO^^ ^/^r, I he fliut up, he flopped, or clofed up, Pj. Ixix* 16: hence 1S3k^ itter^ Judges iii. 15, left-handed, or fhut up in the power of the hand, or impotent. 57. *^^ '/, an ifle or ifland : pi, maf. Q"^"]^ ij'im^. iflands : alfo birds in iflands, IJa. xiii. 2 2] Gen^ X. 5 : alfo "^i?^ where, for ^?^^ ajeh. , 58. 3^1|^ ajaby i he hated: hence H^.^^ ojeb^ and fern. -^J^.i^ ojehety an enemy, Hll'^i^ (?^^/?^ hatred, or enmity, G^;^. iii. 15, 59. TX ed^ 3, vapour, or a moift exhalation dravv'n up out of the earth : hence mifery, dcftrudron, calamity, which, like a mift, mounts up about men 12 ^K 60. H^t? ajahy a kite, or a crow, Lev. "n. 14: ^Ifo n^X ajehy where ? 61. T^^^^j and n^'^i^ 4?r/&^/&, how? >ere? whither? Gen, xxxix, 9; Cant.'w]. 62. T^ ^W, Pj. Ixxxviii. 5. fern. J^^^^t^ 13 ijhah^ or ^t^'ljj^ ejhet^ a woman, a wife, Fs. Iviii 9. 67. pti^^J^ ijhon^ black, blacknefs, Frov,v\\. 9 : alfothe apple of the eye, Ps. xvii. 8, in 7 he played the man, or he proved himfelf a man: fee a^t^^? ajJoat. 68. \^'^etan^ ftrong, rough, ftrength, Gen. xllx. 24; Exod. xiv, 27 ; Deut.xxu 4. 69. i^'^^iJ /V, Ch. he was, they were, both fing : and pi. for the Heb. ^^Jejh, he was. 7c. j^ achj only, yea, bur, truly. 71. ^^i^ acbalj I he hath eaten, he hath con- fumed. 2 he is confumed. 3 he hath con- fumed. 4 he is confumed. 3 he made to eat, or he caufed to eat: alfo he confumed. Ch. I to divulge, to proclaim abroad, Dan. iii. 8. 75^5 oche/y rDii ochily Hos. xi. 4; y^^D 7naachaly ^5^ ochely Gai. xli. 35 ; fem. HTIJX achilah^ i Kings xix. 8j r^^2^ maccolety i ^m^x V. II, meat, or provifion for meat, 1^75^9 maachelety Gen. xxii. 6, a fword, the edge of a fword, a knife, pi. fem. ^17^^^/^ maachalot^ knives. 72. ]5^ acheny furely, verily. 73. ^^^^ achaphy i he bowed himfelf down, Prov. xvi. 26. ^5^ echepby Job xxxiii. 6* 14 *?i^ See ^?3 caphaphy the hand, or the hollow of the hand. 74. *i$i? iccery a hijjl)andman : pi. maC t3'^'?2}^ iccarimy Ifa. Ixi, 5, plowmen, 75. /!i?^/, God: alfothefe. ^NJ ^/, no, not : ^^ij ^4 to. 76. L^^^3J?^ elgahejioy great bail-ftones, 2:^^. ;uii. 3. 7.7. 1I7S ^/<^,?7, I he fwore, he curfcd : alfo he lamented, "Joel i. 8 : he did forfwear him- felf, or he fwore not in truth, neither he did the thing he fwore to. 5 he made or caufed to fwear, he did bind by an oath : alfo n^$ dahy ^^^?^ taalahy an oath, a curfe, a fwearin^?; alfo a forfwearing: hence ^^i^eolahy^L frequent name of God, and pi. m. C^^^^?; elohtm^ God, the great Judge of the world: a judge, whofe ofFice is to take an oath^ an angel, n'?N allahy Tyy^ elahy and pvi? allony an oak; ftrcngth :: ;pl. maf. C^'^'^i? elimy I/a. Ivii. 5^ a grove of oaks, or idols. J^T?*!^ aljahy the tail or rump of a Iheep, or ram, Lev. vii. ?. Tv}\^ ellehy thofe. 78. ^^ illuy Ch. if, albeit. 17J^ aluy behold. 79. ^7^i alach. 2 ^I7^^3 nelachy he ftunk, he corrupted himfelf, Ps. xiv. 35 liii. 4, '^vK. i//(?^/??,Ch. they, thofe, Z)^;/.iii. 12. '? 15 80. T'?^ elily nothing; a thing of nought, or of no worth, from 7K ^/, not; an idol: pl.maf. D*^*? y^ eliiim^ idois. "^il^ alelai^ woe is mtr: fee iTjalaL /l^?^. the month ir.7<^/, or Augujiy NeL VI. 15. 81. D/K ^7^;;^. 2 07^3 neelam, he was dumb, or mute. 3 he gleaned, or he gathered, or he did bind fheaves, Gen. xxxs^ii. 7. Dv^? illem-y pi. maf. C^P/i^ illmimy dumb, mute^ \Ij1'^ almmiy a widower. ni5.^7i!^ almanahy a widow, who fitteth folitary and mute. n^JQ*?^ almenuty Gen xxxviii. 19, widowhood : hence ^31D?i$ abnoniy Ruth iv. i, ho you, whoever you be; one whofe name is kept clofe, or not known. D7>? eleniy Ps. Iviii, 2, a gathering together, an affembly, a congregation. '^^7^ alummahy a bundle of a flieaf, a fheaf, a bundle of corn,. Gen. xxxvii. 7. DvIK zir/^;;;, or Dy*!? ullaniy and uT'i^ elamy 2i porch, a door, a thrediold: alfo furely. 0^50/8 almuggim. almuggim trees, 82. tr^ iian, and ^iv^ ilana, or T\f)^^ ilanahy Ch. 3, trtQi fee in HviJ ^/^^. \^z^illen, Ch. thefe. 83. ^l^alaphj I he learned. 3 he teached. 5 he brought forth thoufands. ^T?i^ aluphy a teacher, Joi^^xxv. iij P^. Iv* 14; J^r. xi. 19: a captain, a leader, G^;/. xxxvi, 15: an ox> 16 J^i^ Ps. cxliv. 13. ^1'^ eleph, a thoufand. du. maf. C^'S^?^ alpajim^ two thoufand; and pi. m. D"^27t?. alaphim, thoufands ; for 5 fee Pf, cxliv. 12. 84. Y/^ iiletz. 3 he molefted, he urged, he afflifted, Judg. xvi. 16. 85. DJ< iniy if, whether? ors but CJl?^^?, is a mother : fee C?2i<. 86. ilD^ amabj a maid fervant; a cubit; a poft : fee DZiK. 87. 7Ci4 ^^;j^/. 4 /^P^ w/i^/, he languifh- ed, he was faint, he was weak and infirm, ntei^ amullahy EzeL xvi. 30, faint, weak, infirm: pi. m. Uh^U)^ amelalim^ feeble or weak. Neb. iv. 2, impotent men. 88. DCii amam: hence Di!^ a mother, D1i5 c/;;, and '^*^)sl kom^ a people, a nation, a family: pi. maf. ^^f$^^ leummimyGen.xwW. 29: pi. fem. T\M^^^ ku?nniotjGen.'Kxv. 16, people, or nations. nSi< mnmahy a poft, or cubit. 89. ]/3K nman^ i he nouriflied, ^D^i ome?ty Numb, xi. 1 2-, jEy?. ii. 7, nourifliing, a nurfe, ^1D^ ^;;?^;/, Pr^-u. viii. 30; Ifa. Ix. 4, he was nourifhed faithfully: hence \^'^^.neamany 2 Sam. vii. 16. Ch. l^^^H/^ meheman, Dan. ii. 45, he was faithful, he was true, he was eftablifhed or confirmed. 5 he believed, he trufted. I'l^l!^. emuHy Deut. xxxii. 20; ]^iiomeny and fem. f^^J^^-^^ emunahy I/a xxv. i; ^9^. emety Gen. xxiv. 49, truth, verity, faithfulnefs, ftedfaftnefs. D2J?^ amnaniy Job ix. 2, certainly, truly, faithfully, furely : hence l^i!j ameriy a particle expreflive of aflent to the truths trufting, hoping, or wi(h- ing the thing fpoken of to come to pafs. ]^ijl amaUy Cant, vii, 2, a faithful and fkilful work- manj a nourifher. i^^^^^ amnahy Neb. xi. 23, a fure decree, a certain portion. go. fOt$ amatZy i he was ftrong. 3 he ftrengthened. 5 he made ftrong. 7 he ftrength- ened himfelf, f'^/2^^ ammitZy ftrong. yZDii emetZy Job xvii. 9^ fem. Hi'^K imtzahy Zach. xii. 5, ftrength : pi. m. C^V^^ amutztzimy Zach^ vi. 3, ftrong horfes. D^V^^I^Q maamatzimy Job xxxvi. 8, ftrengths, fortifications. 91. *1Di;^ amaTy i* he faid. 1 to be faid. 5 he caufed to fay, or he made to promife. 7 he did boaft of himfelf by words; or he extolled, himfelf with lofty words, Ps. xciv. 4. 1Di< omevy IT^^O maamary EJiher \. 15 ^ fem. ri'ljpj? imrahy Ps. cv. 19, a word, a fpeech, an oration : alfo ^"^D^ amiry the higheft branch, J/a. xvii. 6. Ch. TSK /;;?;;^^r,andJ^"]^^^^^^^^> a lamb : pi. maf. Ylf^i^ immerin, Ezra vi. 9. 17, lambSi 18* J 92. li/^^ emejlo^ yefternight, Geju xix. 34, 93. ]^s an^ whither ? to what place ? but ^^5'!!? ana^ is a note of exhortation, I befeech you ) or I entreat you. 94. njl$ anally i he was fad, he grieved 5 alfo he approached^ he went in a fliip. 3 he did nieet with, or he made to meet with ; he offered, or he gave a caufe or an occafion of coming, or of meeting with; he did thruft or drive forward. 4 he was made -to meet with : he was thruft forward, or he was given up. 7 he thruft himfelf forward ; he did feek an occafion. T\'l)^ annah^ 2 Sam, vi. 6; Pj. xiii. 2, 3, whither? to what end ? *^3i^. aniy and n^3K anijahy a (hip ; a navy, driven forward by the wind : pi. fem. ^*^^7^, anijet^ fhlps, or navies, n^?^ anijahy and n^!]{^Jri taanijah^ fadnefs, grief. * riiJ^il toanahy and "^^^j^ taanahy an occafion, "Jer. ii. 4. ]12i? innuriy Ch. they, thofe men, Dan. ii. 44. 95. nj^J neenachy 1 he fighed. ^0^^ ^^^- ^/&^, a figh, a groan. 96. ^'^^^ /?^/, or ^'^jJJ anochiy I. Mi^i^ attahj maf. i^^^ ^/, fem. thou, pi. l^H^*? anachnu^ we : pi. maf. C'^^^ ^//d";;^ ; pi. fem. l-Jl^i^ ^//d*;/, or npjHi;? attenahy ye. 97. "^i^ anachy a line to meafure wlth> ^moi vii. 7, 98. ]5^ ^;/^;/, I he lamented. 7 he lamented greatly, p!^^ on. Gen. xxxv. 1 8, grief, 99. 03^4 ^;/j^^, I he compelled ; he forced, he urged, Eftheri. 8. 100. ^-_$ anapby i he was angry. 7 he made himfelf angry: hence ^i^ ^^^, anger: alfo the face, or nofe, where anger chiefly appears. nSSJ^ anaphahy Lev^x.u 19, the heron. 10 1. p3iJ> anaky i and 2 he groaned, he cried with a groan. i^j^^T^ anakahy a crying out, a figh, a groan. 102 ^Jt$ z^;/^, I he grieved, he was fick. fi he was defperately fick. ^^^^ annfljy mortal \ hence mortal man Is called ^''^i!^ enojh. 103. DDl;^ ^^, a barn, a ftorehoufe : pi. m. D^^Pp^ ajaminiy ftore-houfes, T^eut, xxviii. 8. 104. pDK ajon^ danger, lofs, death, de- ftraftion. 105. ^DiJ ajaphy i he gathered. 2 he was gathered, he was received. 3 he gathered carefully. 4 he was gathered. 5 he took away. 7 he gathered himfelf. ^D^ ojephy ^''pK afiph^ and H^pJ^: ajephahy a colledlion, or gathering (or a gleaning) together: alfo pi. m. *c 2 i 20* a 2*^5^5:^ afuppim^ Chron. xxvi. 15, and pi. fern. T\^^D)^^afuphot^ Eccles. xii. 11, things gathered together ; alfo aflemblics. '^DtJpJ^ afaphjuphy Numb. xi. 4, a mixed multitude. 106. *1Dts ajar J i he bound, or he did bind, 2 and 4 he was bound. "IBt;^ i^r, "HDi;^. g/^r, and HD^^ ^y^r. Numb, xxiii. 3, 4, 6, a bond, an obligation, a prohibition, by which men were bound from doing the thing forbidden. ^"'P^^ afir, and TDK ^j^r, bound: pi. maC D^^Tl^pi!? a/trim^ thofe who are bound, P^. Ixviii. 7. riTbO maforet^ Ezek. xx. 37, a bond. "IDS? ^r, and '^1^^. ejarahy Ch. a decree, D^. vi. 7, 8; alfo a prifon, a binding, or imprifonment. 107. V\^ ang. "^V^ agnay Ch. a tree; the fame as the Heb. ^V.gnetz: fee it. 108. ^)^ aphy alfo, then, neverthelefs; but ^i? aph'y anger, is from ^3*? nnaph : fee it. 109. ^^i$ aphad, i he girt about, he cloath- ed. Ti2^^ ephody fern. T]*li^\^,aphuddahy an ephod, a covering, or that part of the clothing which is girt about the ihoulders : alfo X^^'^ appad^ dariy a palace, Dan, xi. 45. : fee |*T2 padan, no. HD^ ^p;6^/&, I he parched, or baked. a he was parched or baked. HDi^ ophehy a cook, or a baker. n5^?P maapheb^ parching, orBaking, or a thing baked : pL maf. D^^^'^D^ tuphinimy baken pieces^ Lev. vi. 21. H^^ ephah^ an ephah, or a ineafure of dry things. 111. 72k opbely fern. I??)^ aphelahj and* /^^jO maapkel, Jq/h. xxiv. 7; 7DS$ apbek ylmos V. 20, darknels, or obicurity; dark, late: pK fern, fsl rDi? aphilot^ hidden, or dark, Exod. ix, 32; i, e. feed not grown up. 112. l^Ji ophauy awheel: alfo pi. m. D''>5^^ cphnimy Frov. xxv^ ii, manners or circum- ftances of a thing. 113. 0^^ aphasy i he failed, he ceafed, Ps. Ixxvii. 9; DSJ;^ ephes^ a failing; an end; nothing, none, except, only: alfo du.m.D^DSk;? apJifajim^ Ezek. xlvii. 3, the ankle bones of the feetV which are the terms of the thie^hs. 114. I?3^ ephangy Ija. xli. 24; lix. 5, nought^. of no value; alfo a viper, a ferpent. 115. ^%)^aphaphyPs.yi\. 13, i hecompaffed, 116. "pi^"^ aphak^ in 7 he ftrengthened, or he reftrained himfelf. - p?SJ aphiky 1 Sam^ xxii. 16*; 7^^xl. 13, ftrong : alfo a torrent, % ftrong running brook, or a torrent, a channel. 117. 'Hy^ epheVy allies : alfo a veil, i Kings XX. 38, 41. 1 1 8. Dr^5i? aphtom^ Ch* treafure, or tribute* 2r^ iv, ij. 119. ^ViJ atzaly I he referved, or laid afidc, to prcfervcj he feparated. 2 he was referved, or ieparated. 5 he did referve, or feparate. ^^^ etzely at, or befides : pL m. D'^TifJ;^ atzilim, Exoti. xxW, II, chief or great ones, nobles, becaufe they are feparated from the common multitude : alfo pi. maf. the arm-pits. TV^? atzily Ezek. xli. 8, a wing. 1 20. *1i!l!j alzar, i he treafured up. 2 he was treafured up. 5 he did appoint a trea- furer. HVIi^ otzary a treafure: pi. fem. nnV*K ^'/z^r^/, treafures^ things laid up. 121. Iplv? akko, a wild goat. 122. vS<*li^ erely a ftrong man, one valiant fis a lion; an ambafiador; the lion of God, Ifa. xxxiii. 7. 123. nnS? aral?^ i and 3 he lay in wait, or he laid' in ambufh. 5 the fame. 2'lii ereby '.'Or\)^ oreby and 2"J!i?0 mareby an ambufhment, or a laying in wait, a lurking place, a den, a hole, a cave. '^?1.*!?; arubbah^ Has. xiii, 3, a window : a chimney, 124. JT'^ ^r^^, I he wove a web: alfo A*l^ ^r^^, a weaver's -beam. J"!i^ ^r offering, 139. ^5^^ anafs. Ch. nililJ:?; attunahy a furnace, 154. ^^Ts)^ attar. Ch. a- place- i. HKji baar. 3 ^1^5 ^^^r, he explained, he declared, he expounded clearly; a well, a fountain of clear and pure water; ^ni:?3 or lin^3 beeroty wells, or pits : alfo a ditch : fee "lin bor^ for which it is put, '^ being changed into ^^. 2. 1^*4^3 ^^^y^. I he ftunk. .2 he was putri- fied, or he was made to ftink. 5 he ftunk, he made to ftink. 7 he made himfelf to ftink, or to become vile; ti^K3 beojh^ tTJ^S hoejhy ftink, rottennefs ; Tl^^3 bajhah, cockle,, a ftinking herb. Job xxxi. 40. pl-m. D*^t?^iJ3 i heufmm^ wild or (linking grapes, Ifa. v, 3. t^*i^5 /'f^:?, Ch. he was or did feem to be evil, he did difpleaie ; i or as fome, of a precious ftone. 10. p*72i hadak. i he fearched, he did fearcb out : alfo he did cleave afunder, or make a breacb: alfo he reftored and repaired: p75^ iedek^ a breach, or a rent. 1 1. "T^S bddder. Ch- he difperfed, or feat- tered abroad, D^;/, iv. 11. I2 irQ bohUy inanity, void, emptinefs, or empty. 13. 0n3 bahat^ porphyry^ a kind of marble. 14.. ^(13 bahaL 2 he was terrified, or trou- bled. 3 he did terrify; he did make turbulent hafte,^ or be troubled. 4 he was haftened. 5 he haftenedy he troubled, or he made to haften. 7 he was troubled, or he troubled himfelf; n/n3l hehalahy and per metath. Hilv^ hal-- lahahy trouble, or terror i Ch. ITH? hehiluy and n7n5?^n hithehalahy troublefome hafte, or precipitation. 1 5. npn3 behemahy a beaft, or cattle; illDri?^ behemoth^ pi, beafts 3 fing. the elephant* 1 6* ]^^ hoheuy the thumb. 17. 'Pk!^^ bohakj 3, white fpot, a kind of leprofy* 18. *^^^^ I?ahiry white, clear, (hining^ -nnilS LahereryV/hhcn^fs ofkpi'ofy. 19. K13 /^^. I he came, he did come, he went, he entered. 5 he caufed to come, he brought. 6 he was brought; HX**]!! biab, J^13D maboy ^^IDmohay an entrance, or accefs; the falling or going down of the fun: alfo HHI^r) tehuahj incrcafe, the coming in of gain, as it were. '20. 213 bub. 2 made void, empty, hollow. n33 babah, the apple of the eye. 31. T13 b/{z. I he loathed, he contemned^ and dcfpiftrd ; contempt, defpite, or loath- fomenefs. 22. ^*\2 buch. 2 he is perplexed, or entan- gled, or involved in perplexities 3 n^lIH/p mebachah^ perplexity, diitra6:ion. 2 J. r3. buly the month Buly or our OtlGber. 24, ]13 bun. I he underftood, 2 he was prudent. 3 he made prudent, 5 he made to iinderftand, or he caufed to underftand: alfo he did underftand, or he did confider, 7 he m.ade 24 t3 himfelf prudent ; Mi*^3 hinahy T]T\2T^ tehunah^ prudence, underftanding. 25. D'^'Z bus. I he trod underfoot. 3 the lame, he trod down under foot. 6 he was trod under foot. 7 he gave himfelf to be trod under foot^ T]U)2!0 mehujahy T\'D^2T\ tehufahy a treading underfoot. 26. yi3 but%y filk, or moft fine linen : alfo clay: kt "^^i^ bat^i^atz. 27. y^'^buk. I he emptied. 2 and 6 he was emptied : HpJlS bukahy Hj^HP mebukah^ empty, emptinefs. 28. 113 bory a ditch, a ciftern : pi. fern. ni^Il and rini^3 horoty citterns : alfo a prifon, or a grave. 29. i^13 ^^yZ;. I he was afhamed, he blufhed for fhame. 3 he was greatly afhamed. 5 he made afhamed. 7 he was albamed of himfelf, he was confounded with Ihame : nt^'lS bujhah, n2:^3 bojhnahy ri^^ bojhety fhame ; an idol, blufhing : t:>inQ rfiabujh pi. m. ^^^^'Q mbu/hiniy the privities. 30. it|3 ^^z^, I he fpoiled: fee in TI3 bazaz. 31. ntS ^/3Js^/&. I he defpifed. 2 he was defjpifed. 5 he contemned 3 ]*1\?3 bizamy con- iS3 25 tempt, defpite, or difdain ; i^J^SJU. nemibzahy contemptible, or bafcj f^^P^ nebibzahy aa honourable gift, Ban. \\. 6. See 3 nun^ No. ic* 32, 'sV^bazaz. i he fpoiled, he devoured. 2 he was fpoiled. 4 he was fpoiled j HtB bizahy a prey, or a fpoil, or fpoiling, 33. PI? bazaky lightning. 34. TI? bazar, i and 3 h^ difperfed, he fcattered abroad. 35, vH? bachaly he loathed, he abhorred. 26. ]n3 bachan, i he proved, he tried. 2 he \^as proved or tried; IHS bochaUy \T\^bachany a probation, proof, trials ^Mo'^TS'^ hachoHy a tower, a fortification, or defence. 37. ^nil bachar. i he chofe, he did choofe. 2 he was chofen. 4 the fame, l^nS hachuVy 1T13 hachiry chofen i Tin^O mibchory a choo- fing, or choice : alfo IH?^ mibchary the mod excellent, becaufe moil worthy to be chofen : hence a young man, a youth: pi. m. D'^")^n3 hechurimy young men ; and fern, r^nn^ be^ churoty the age of youth, EccL xii. i. 38. i^^3 ^i5/<3:. 1 and 3 he pronounced, he fpoke, KCpZJP mibtay a fpeech, a pronunciatioii, or a thing fpokcn. 26 ^3 39- nC33 batach. i he trufted, he hoped. 5 he made to hope, or he caufed to truft; HDS hetach, nni?3 bttchah, nnC33 battuchah, ]inCD3 littachon^ TSsJ^'Z^'Q mibtachy trnft, confidence, or hope, fecurity, or fecurely, fafety; D'^^I33^^ abattachimy melons. 40. 7^5 bataL I he ceafed, he left off, he was hindered. 3 he made to ceafe, he hindered. 41. ]CD3 beten^ the belly, the womb; and by a metaphor, any height, or eminent place: D^JtpS batnim^ pi. m. nuts. 42. ^^ biy ah, I befeech. 43. *p3 ben, between, betwixt, the middle, a mediety, or the middle fpace between any thing. 44. nV'^iS belzahy an egg : pi. m. ^^^^^ lelzimy eggs. 4^. T^'B bir^ or *)1'3 bajir a well ; the fame with "l''^ bor: fee it.: alfo n"l^3 /5/>^^, a palace, a caftle : pi. m. HI^JT^ biranijot, palaces, or caftles. 46. ri*^3 i^^/i?, or -Ti^S bajith, a houfe, a family, a feat, or any place to contain any thing: pi. m. D^'-H^ battimy houfes, ]n*^3 bithan, a palace. Ch. H^? Z'/Vi?, he lodged. ?3 2T 47, J^p3 ^^^i?^, a mulberry tree, or as fome, |th^ name of a little river, or valley, PJalnp Ixxxiv. 7 ; 2 6'<^w. V. 23. 48. HDS Bacah, i he mourned, he wept.. 3 he mourned exceedingly: "^55 I^echi^ ^rf^ bechehy miD3 bachut^ r\"^55 ^e devoured. 2 and 4 he was . Iwallowed up, or he was devoured, or deftroyed, 7 he deftroyed himfelf, or he was fwallowed up and deftroyed i Vl^ balang^ .deilruftion, or fwallowing up. 57. yT^ halak. I he emptied, or he made ;t^oid and wafte. 58. n^3 ^^;;;i3i?, an high place, or an altar. 59. ]5 beHy a fon: fee the following HiS ^ 60. T^yi.banah. i he builded. .2 he was builded. 7 Ch. he was builded; n^5? hinjah^ ']t'?5 hinjarty n^.3p mibnehy a building, a ftruc- ture : alfo ri'^J^i!} tahnity a copy, or an example, a pattern or form of ftrurture: hence ]5 heriy z, fon, and T\^ baty (contracted, as it were, for A55 benety 2 being caft away,) a daughter: pi. m. D*'23 hanimy fons, and pi. fern. -W33 . anoty daughters: alfo fometimes villages 3 the daughters of cities, as it were. 61. D33 benas. Ch. i he was angry, he was enraged J ''^P^S benaJah^.'dJ^^^Xy or indignation. hanah : ^0 3^3 62. *1D3 bofeVy a four or wild grape, cfr a bitter clufter of grapes, 62* '^^^ bngnah. i he boiled, or he fwelled up: alfo he fearched and enquired, he prayed* 2 he was fearched, or enquired after: alfo he was blown or fwelled up, as humours of moifture, or as a bubble of water when it raineth. 3 Ch. he fought after: hence T\^V^ hagnuty and U'5 i^^gnUy '^V^ begniy a petition : and nj^Oi nibgneh^ fwelling, or a fwelling of moift humours: pi. itm,T\y^llVf2'^ abangbugtiot^ bliilrers. 64. ^]y^ bagnaL i he >kk:ked, or fpurned with the heel. 65. TyS bagnaL i he ruled, he had domi- nion; he married. 2 fhe was married. Heacc ^ty/m bogndy a-nd *7i/3 hagnaly or as it is ufually read, laal^ a lord, a hufband: fem. n7j/5 bag^ nalaby a lady, a miftrefs. 66. *1J/3 bagnar. i and 2 he did burn, or fie burned: alfo he was burned, he kindled, he was kindled: alfo he was furious or mad ; he became a bead. 3 he kindled, he burned, he confumicd, or he deftroyed, 4 he was kin- dled, or burned. 5 he did kindle, or he caufed to burn; be made to eat up, or confume, be 1^3 51. did eat up, or he did feed upon : hence n"1^3 bagnerahy TQV^TS tabgnerahy a kindling, a connbuftion : "lJ/3 bagnar^ or T^J/3 begnir^ a brute, a bead, cattle: alfo a brutifh or foolifh man; a mad or furious man. 67. rij?3 ^^^/. 3 ril/3 bignety he terrified, 3 he was terrified; f^OJ/3 legnatah^ fern, terror: pi. m. D'^O^J^? bignutimy terrors. ^{2. botz^ mire, clay: fee in \)i2 batzatz. 68. /i^3 hatzaly an onion. 69. i!'^^ balzang, i he was covetous, he gained: alfo he divided and cut afunder: alfo he was cut and wounded. 3 he gained, he made gain; he cut and divided: alfo he perfefted; yV3 betzangy covetous, gain: alfd a piece or portion cut. 70. ^V3 batzatZy is not ufcd j but hence ^3 botZy and nVS bilzahy mire and clay, or a miry place. 71. pif^ batzak. I he fwelled, he hath fwollen ; pi?3 hatzeky a mafs of leaven or dough, fo called from its fwelling. 72. 1V3 batzar. i he cut off, or he gathered grapes. 2 he was cut off, he was reftrained, he was turned away. 3 he for- tified; TVS ^^/2/r, the vintage, a vintager; 32 p3 "l^^i^batzuryxn. X^^^^hitztzaroni 'y^^'Ofnibtzar^ m. any thing fortified, a fortification : hence gold IS called *")V5 betzar, or ^-^3 betzer^ becaufe it is the ftrength and fortification of man, as it were: hence alfo r\*!}if3 batzorel^ drynefs, fterility, or barrennefs, arifing fronn the reftraint or withholding: of rain. o pnj^S bakbuky a flagon, or ftone bottle: fee PP5 bahik, 73. VY^ bakang. 1 he cutafunder, or he divided into two; he broke, or he broke through. 2 and 4 he was broken, or he was cut afunder, or he was broken in pieces. 3 he cut afunder or in pi'eces. 5 he broke through. 6 he was broken through, and cut afunder. 7 he was cut afunder, or he did cut him- felf; a cutting afunder; i^p5 bekang^ a half, or a thing cut afunder: alfo nj/p3 bikgnahy a valley, becaufe cut off, as it were, by hills, from the refl of the plain ground: pi. maf. D'^J^'ip^ bekignimy ruptures, breaches, or cut- tings afunder. 74, 'pY^baknL I he emptied, he did draw out. 2 he was emptied. 3 he emptied quite * hence p3p5<&^/^^//^, a bottle, or any veflfel with ^narrow mouth. I ^3 S3 75. Ip^-hakar, he fearched. 3 *1j?3 bikkerj he fearched diligently, he enquired for. 7 he was fearched for: hence the morning is called *1i?3 ^^fer ; nnj^S iakkarahy an inquifuion, of a fearching out: '^\!!^ bokery a herdman, or a keeper of cattle: *1j^3 hakar^ an ex, or a herd of oxen : alfo ri^p3 hikkoret^ figiiifieth a beating, or whipping with the whip of an ox's flcin. 76, tt^pS hukajb. 3 ti^)?3 ^i.^%^, he fought, he erKjuired, he afked, he confultedi T\^^2. bakkafhah^ a petition, a queftion, 77 ^5 ^i?r, and i^^3 i^^r^, Ch. a fon: alfo H*1Il i-^r^. Ch. a field, or land, a plot of ground. 78. )^^bara. i he created. 2 he was created, he was renewed : alfo Jie was refrefhed. 3 he cut off, or cut down : alfo he cho fc, 5 he fatted, he fed, or he made fat: hence X*^*13 bariy fat, fatted, or made fat, and riK^^'l^ heriah^ a creation, or a new thing. D'^nS^l^ harburim: fee in T!!3 barar. 79. T!^3 bar ad. i he hailed, or he did rain down hail; THS barad^ hail: pi. m. t^***?'?^ berudim^ fpotted, as it were, and fpeckled, or marked with points like unto haiU 3* "n 80. JTIS l^arah. i he did eat, he dined, or he refrefhed himfelf with meat: alfo he chofe. 5 he made to eat, or he refrelhed with meat i !17)5 birjahy TW\2, harut^ meat, nourifhment, choice meat, or grain, as corn, or wheat, &:c. j purity, or cleannefs : fee in 'TIS bar an hence T^'y^ berity a covenant or mutual compaft, fo called from the eleftion and choice of the per- fons and conditions in a covenant. *^^3 beri^ iight, or brightnefs, Joh xxxvii. 1 1. 81. /.nS Z'^rz^/, iron. 82. n*13 barach. i he did fly, or he fled fpeedily away, he did run to and fro. 5 he caufed to fly ; he chafed away : alfo he did run hither and thither: hence Tyi2, boreachy [a fugitive, a runaway ; or one flying ftraight along C] hence long and ftraight, ftretched out, to which it is oppofed \ \^TvypJl, gnakallatonj crooked: alfo fT^5i'^ri^^^, fignifieth a bar, to fliut the door by : pi. m. D^^n^^P mibrachimy fugitives: alfo bars> and fortifications. ^2^ ^"^^ barach. i he bleflTed, he bowed the knee, to wit, to do homage in falutation chiefly, 2 he was bleflTed, or he bleflTed himfelf. 3 he bleflTed, he faluted : alfo fometimes he curfed, as when it is fpoken of the curfing of God, which the Hebrews do count fohorrid a thing. IS 55 as they will not exprefs it by a proper word of urftng^ but ytur 'v:p7jy.iuvy which they ftudy I' much, they ufe the word to l^/e/s for it : fo in the murder of Nabothy the falfe witneiTes, in their falfe teftimony do ufe this word, when they did falfely aver that he did curfe God and the king. 5 he bowrd the knee, or he caufed to bow the knee. 7 he blefied himfelf, or he was blefled ; '^?T*5 herachahy a blefling, a giving of thanks, *^'!}5 herech^ the knee, a falu- tation or a bowing of the knee : aifo '^^^S berechahy a fi(h-pond. 84. ^^^ her amy Ch. but, neverthelefs ; pi. h maf C^/P'^13 bercmimy precious clothes, or the l^wardrobes wherein they are kept. 85. yy^ barak. i he thundered, he lightened; p*^3 baraky lightning; alfo the glancing or gliftering of a fword: ripi^S bare- kety or rij^n;^ harkaty a carbuncle, {o called iv-s I its brightnefs; athiftle; a thorn: p. m. Q'^'^j^"'? barkanimy thiftles, thorns. 86. "Tl^ barar. i he purged, he purified, he declared : alfo he did choofe, or he made choice of, after the fignification of nn2 barah. 2 and 7 he v/^as purified, or he purified him- felf. 3 and 5 he purged, he purified, or made pure; ^3 bary or 12 bor, pure, clean, purity^ D 2 36 ii/2 cleannefs: alfo f^*^^^ i^crily foap, whereby clothes are made clean ; 13 iar, wheat, pure grain, viftual: alfo *13 i?ary a Ion, Prov. xxxi. 2. pi. m. D*'^^*)^ barburim. capons, or cleanly fowls, or choice fowls feeding upon pure and cleanly grain. 87. ti^1*13 bercih^ fir, or a fir-tree. 88. T\^^,'^ beroty the fame ^ fir, or cyprefs; pure forts of trees, 89. 7^3 ba[haL i he fod, he ripened, he was fod. 3 he fod well. 4 he was fod. 5 he fod, he ripened, he haltened : fodden, or any thing which is fod : pi. m. D^^^QJp mebajJo* jhelim-, pi. fem. T\T}^^'0 mebajhjheloty cooks, or kitchens, or kitchen fires. 50. I-t^3 befemy or Dt^^S bo/em , fpice, oint- ment, or any thing fpiced, or annointed, gi. Dti^3 bajhas. i he trod underfoot. 9a. *lt^3 hafar. 3 Iti^B hi[fery he declared, he preached, he did evangelize, or he preached glad tidings. 7 he was declared: hence IT^^icy^ hejorahy z, meifage, or a declaration, an evan- gelical or glad tidings ; as alfo fometimes the reward of glad tidings: alfo 12^^^ bajavy fieih. ^:^^ mm2, bajhajhy in 3 :^:??i bofoejhy he lin - gered, he delayed: ti^13 iojhy flownefs, or lazinefs. t^J 37 94, J15 ^^/^, a daughter: fee ^5? h^nah: alfo a meafure of liquid things called bath. QC. nHS batahy defolation, deftrudion. 96. n7lH3 betulah^ a virgin: pi. m. Dviri? beiulim^ virginity, D^^/. xxii. 14. 97. pnS^^/^/^. 3 P^3 te/^)^, he pierced, or he did ftrike through, he cut afunder. 98. nr?3 batar. i and 3 he divided, he cut afunder; Hi^^ bater^ a divifion, a part, or portion: Ch. 1^53 batar ^ or with i^ ^^^? batar. after, or afterwards. 1. 1. ^f? ^6', proud: fee Hl^J gaah. 2. ^^^J ^^2^i?. I he was high, he did lift up himielf, he did excel, he was proud, he gloried: hence 1^} ge^ excellent, high, proud, highly lifted up, and i"^.1K^ geiit^ i^V^^ gaavahy or ]1KJ gaouy pride, excellency : pi. maf. D'^-2l'^>?J. geejoniiny proud men, Pf. cxxiii. 4. 3. ^K^ gaaL I he redeemed, he did vin- dicate. 1 he was redeemed, or he redeemed himfelf : alfo he was defiled, or polluted, or he defiled himfelf. 3 and 5 he polluted or he 38 3i defiled. 4 he is defiled or polluted. 7 he was polluted, or he did pollute himfelf : n7li^J geullahj redemption j /^iJJ or 7^^1J goely a re- deemer, or an avenser: alfo a kinfman who had the right of redemption; and revenge of their kinsfolk i /i?J goely defilement or pollution. 4. KDJ gebcy a ditch : pi. maf. D'^HJ ^^/J/j%, ditches. 5. 33J gahaby a root not in ufe; but hence 35 ^^^, the back or any high fuperfice, a height, or any elevation, or altitude; emi- nence : pi. maf. 0*^5^3 gabbimy eminences, or any heights or elevations, as the back, or any high fuperfice of bodies : pi. fem. T\2^ gabbot, eyebrows ; and rings : Ch. 3J goby and i^33 gubbay a ditch. 6. rip2 gabah, 1 he was high, he was lifted up, he was proud, he did extol, or exalt himfelf: hence ?2J goboahy high, highly lifted up, and n^^ geboahy or H^J gob ah y highnefs, height, pride \ T^TVX^ gabhuty haughtinefs. 7. n3J gibbeachy bald, whofe forepart of the head is without hair; TT\^l gabbachaty baldnefs. 8. "1^ gaiaL 1 and 5 he limited, or he determined, and prefcribed bounds, and limits 5 2-i 3^ he determined: n2^ gehuly a term, limit, end, bound, or border. Gen. x. lo. ^^3J gabluty a limiting, or bordering: pl.fem.i^'vB-?/!? migbaloty chains; agreeable, or made equal, or equally ftretched out and terminated. Exod. xxviii. 13, and 22. 9. ISJ^/^^d";;, crooked-backed: hence ]135'3 gabminy high, eminent, very high, very crooked- backed : hence alfo Hril^ gebinahy cheefe, fo called from the eminency and height of its luperfice. 10. J^"^riJ gebiangy a cup : alfo ri}J^!l gibgnah, a hiil, a little hill, properly rifing in its fuper- fice like around cup: pi. fern. jn^p2^Dmig' bagnoty Exod. xxviii. 40. bonnets, or ornaments of the head ; /IJ/^J gibgnol^ a reed, a ftem, or ftalk of corn, from the root to the ear*. 11. ^nj gabar. i he prevailed, he was ftrong. 3 and 5 he ftrengthencd, he made ftrong. 7 he (Irengchened himfelf, or he car- ried himfelf like a man : hence 113J gtbboTy ftrong, powerful, and 13^. gelery a man, lb called from ftrength, as with the Latins, vir a viribus : hence alfo "l"^?^ gebiry 2l lord, and fem. HTD^ gebirahy or i^'^.^^ geberety a lady, or mif- trefs, a queen: T^!y'2.^gebiirahy and Ch.il^gedi/my fringes, or wreaths of chain-work, from the Ch. fignification of the word, (fee 'Targum on EccL iv. 12, and I/a. v. 15,) which is to wreath or throw about: hence Q^O migdaly a tower, a high fortification. 1 9. V*3^ gadang. i and 3 he cut off, or he cut down. 2 &4hewascutofi"', or hewas cut down. 20. ^IJ gadaph. 3 ^*^J giddephy he blaf- phemed, he reproached; n|)n^ geduphahy blafphemy or reproach : pi. m. D^^pl^HJ giddii^ phitn^ and fern. TS^^^ll gidduphot ^ reproaches, or blafphemies. 21. ^"l^gadar. i he hedged, he built a hedge or a wall : hence n*7^ goder^ a maker of a hedge, or he who builds a wall; and n7^ gedery or ^^^ gadery a hedge, or wall. 22. ^^"^^ gadifiy a heap, or fhock of corn.* 42 i:) 23. nj ^(?^, the fame with HJ 2;^>&^ this or that man, Ezek. xlvii. 13. 24. nnj gahah. i he healed, he cured,, or made whole : hence nri^ gehahy medicine, a cure or remedy. 25. nnj gahar. i he proftrated himfelf, or he did throw himfelf flat down, or caft him- felf all along. 26. 1J gevy or 1J ^^-z;, a body : fee in HJ-^ gavab. 27. 31 J ^ or great gladnefs. 33' i^l^ gavang. i he expired, or he gave up the ghoft. 34. ^15 guphy a root not ufed in kaly but in hiph. or the 5th conjugation, ^yr\ hegiph^ he fliut up, he clofed : hence ^^guphy a body, compadly clofed or fhut together, as it were. 35, "nJ gur. I he went into foreign coun- tries, he dwelt or (laid in a ftrange place for fome tinne : alfo to be afraid, to fear, or to be in fear : alfo to gather together, or to go together : alfo to be gathered together. 7 to dwell, to ftay^ or to fojourn in a ftrange place : alfo to gather thennfelves together : hence "1J ger^ a ftranger or fojourner: and *)1Jp magor^ or TIJ9 maguTy a dwelling, or ftaying in a ftrange place: alfo fear, or terror: pi. fern. UnU^ megoroty fears or terrors: alfo pi. fern, granaries or barns, where corn is gathered together : *nJ guvy or *11J govy a lioa's whelp : ^1*nJ geruiy a dwelling, or ftaying in a ftrange place 3 a lodging, properly a ftranger in an inn. '^(i. ^^^gujh^ filthinefsof duft. 44 W 37. *-?. gezy a cutting, a (hearing, or wool cut and fhorn off, fee in TW gazaz. 38. 13?J gizhar^ Ch, a treafurer, a queftor, or one who hath the charge of a treafure. 39. no gazahy he cur, he carved: hence i1\TJ ^^z/V, cut or carved ftone, 40. TfJ gazaz, i he cut, he fheared, he cut ofr. 2 he was cut, or he was fhorn : hence TJ geZy or n^J gizzahy a fleece of wool properly fhorn or cut off, a cutting or (hearing, or any thing cut, or (horn off, as mown grafs, or a Ihorn beard. 41. /]J gazaL I he fpoiled. 1 he was fpoiled^ Z;-?. ^6'2;^/, and 7iJ gazel^ H??^ gezelahy fpoil, rapine i pi. fern. Hl??^ gezeloty fpoils, Ezek, xviii. 12; 7t1J ^ or he provoked to ilrife and contention : alfo he chew^cd the cud the fame with *)t!4 garar. 7 he mixed, or he mingled himfelf, properly in ftrifc, war, or contention: hence H^^^H //^r^?i?, a con Rift, cr a ftroke, and n^J gerahy the cud, and P*j^ garc^i the threat: fee in "1^^ garar, E 50 11 80. nH garazk a he was cut off: hence ]nj garzefiy an axe, an inftrunaent of cutting off or cutting down. 8 1. Q^^ goral^ a lot, or portion. 82. D*!J gereniy a. bone : alfo the top of any thing : hence in i D*!^ garanzy he did break bones. 3 the fame, or he did break in pieces. 83. "Q^y goreuy a floor, a barn, or yard. 84. DHJ garas. i he was broken, or bruifed m pieces. 5 he did break, or bruife in pieces : hence ti^lJ ^^rs the chief and ordinary cure is with honey^ 14. yi dagy a fifh: fee in SIT dug. 1 5 nJT dagah. i to be multiplied, pro^ perly as fiflies, G^/;. xlviii. 16. 16. ^T) dagaly he lift up a ftandard, or he carried a banner ^ /J7 degely a ftandard, or ban- ner: pi. fem. rHvJ*!-? nidgaloty forces, or a^ army with banners. Can. vi. 3. I'r 55 17. 1^7 dagany corn ; wheat. 18. *1'37 dagar. i he gathered together, 19. *I7 '^^^j ^ t^^^> or pap. 20. HIT dadah. 7 H'l^nn hiddaddah^ he went or walked foftly ; fee i/"^. xxxviii. 15. 21. 3n7 ^^i?^^, Ch. gold: hence nnfll^ madhehah^ golden, or gold-thirfty. Ifa, xiv. 4. 22. 107 dahar. i he pranced, or he beat the ground with his {ztt^ as horfes do, for the ,word is proper to them : pi. fern. r^'i*ll77 daha-^ roty prancings, Jud. v. 22 ;, "^'77^*^ tidhary the laurel or pine tree, IJa. xli. ig, 2 J. nn J(?i^, a bear ; fee in 221 dal?aL 24. Jn /^//o-. I and 5 he fiflied, or he took fifli : hence J7 o** -^^7 ^^g*> ^ fil^ ^ '^t7 davvagy ^ fiilier : alfo a fifliing : pL nnaf. D'^^H dajagim^ or 0*^-35*! davvagimy fifners. 25, Ti*f /^i?i, beloved, a friend 5 or an iincle^ a father's brother ; and fern. T\ll dodahy an aunt, or father's filler : pi. maf. DHIT dodimy lovers, or loves: hence TI7 or 1^7 davidy one beloved; but *m difdy is a cauldron, or a great pot, or a great baftet : pi. m^ D'^Hin 56 n dudaimy mandrakes, G memorable t-hings. 50. ri5*'2n duchiphat^ a wood-cock; fte 51. n daly fmall, or poor: fee /vT ^^/^4 alfo a door: fee Twl deleL 5a. -3^7 (3^- nariie of God, H^ jah : fee it. 2iZ- ^^0 hala^n, i he beat, or he broke in pieces; tp^T] holenXy a beating, or breakings T\]72/^ hahnuty a mallet, or hamimer to beat with : pi. fern. ^^I^^lj/P mahalumoty beatings,. Frov.yJ\x, '29. Dl70 halora^ hiiheivnere; Dl/O'' iabalcm. an. adamant ilone.. 34. Cn /-j^/^^j. they,, rhefv, or thofc, &c; 35. TM^'n hamah. i he made a noife, or he- was cunuHtuous; J r.y<,J hemjatOy i^a,^\v. ii, n^On hamity Prov, xix. 18. mah pJ^H hamcn^ Jj.cc es. V. 9, a tumultuous noiie^ aiib a mul- titude : pL m. DV^n- i?,f;;?;i;;/., bo aikrs, tumult, tuous fellows, KzeL v\\, 11. 36. n:7^/wLj hamidlah, a noiie, or tumult. 37. CDH hamam. i he did lliake;, or hs Broke in pieces ; he tioubicd. 38. ]5'7 human. i iie multiplied; p^-H: bamaiy a iDultitude. jy. DDH hcmasy in pi. m. C^D^p hamajlfii^. meltings, ^''^'?. Ixiv. 2. 40. ri1"i;^g?^ ?naha?ncirot^ deep pits, aiv ditches, i^^. cxl. lo., 41. \Ti hen.y or nf^rt hinneh^ behold; bur Gh. ]n J?^^;?^, if^ or whether: nJH henah^ is hither, or thither, to this or that place, &Q.. alfo thefe womiCn \ fee ^^*? hu 42. nDil i?/i^^. 3 he was filent. 4 he macfc filent, NumL xiii, 31. 70 irr 43* "^^'^ hapkach. i he turned, he changed': alfo he was turned or changed. 2 he turned himfelf, or he was changed, or turned. 6 and 7 the fame ; '^Q'l hephech^ diverfe, or contrary j, ?^^?iD haphechah^ and HD^n^ mahphechahy a fubverfion, or overturning ; ^^^^TShaphach- Dhachy froward, or moft froward ; H-DSHn iahpiuhahy{ovwdiV(inQk: aifo i^^Si^P raahpechet^ a pair of flocks, Jer. xxix. a6- 44. I'lfn hotzeny a warlike eliariot, 2^/^.. xxiii. 24. 45. J^irj harag, 1 he killed. 2 he was killed*, 4 the fanne; J^-'T! herez : fern. HJ^^n harezab.. a killing, 46. TVy^harah, i he Gonceived. 4 he was. conceived; maf. rTIIH horehy a father, or one who begets, G^. xlix. 26. fern. H'lin horahy Hof. ii. 5, and n"jn bar ah y Jer. xx. 17, a mother, or fhe who begets, or conceives ; ]nn hiroHy GenAiu 16,, and ]'^'^*J7 herajony^Ruthxw, 13, conception, or a conceiving, a woman big with child. 47- '^Dl'l ^^^i^^r, Ch. he thought; niTirT hirbuTy a thought, or cogitation 1 pL maC |'^*^in*Ul harborwy thoughts^ 48. ^07*^ harmon^ a palace, a caftle. 49. DHiT y^^r^J. I and 3 he deftroyed, he haraffed. 2 he was deftroyed: maf. Dt)il hereSy Ifa. xix. 18. fern. HID'^nn harifuty IJa. xlix. 19, ruin, or deftrufliion. 50. *1!n'7 harar^ ^*}n i7d'rd'r, or contrafted, nn /:?^r, a mountain : ""^TID harariy a moun- taineer, or highlander. 51. 7iin /^^.v/. 2>^VS^ hittely he mocked. 4 he was mocked: pL maf. Q^^D hafullim, and fern. HI v^Ilp mahatalloty mockings. 52. 7l]in /?7^/z/, a root not ufed in kaly but \n piely T\T)^T\ hotety he lay in wait, he devifed mifchief, he plotted evil things, PJa. Ixii. 4. i. 11 'i/^i^, a hook: pi. maf. S^'IT: vavimy I, 14 'i/^i^, a nooK: pi. mai. uj'.n ^r^^ hooks, Exod. xxxviii. 28. l*?] valedy or w/^^, a child : fee in \T,j(iUd^ he begot. 1^1 72 ^^ 1. 2^] zeeby a wolf. flS^t zcty this or that, fern. 2. mDt z^/^'^i^, a fly. 3* ^3| zabad. i he gave a dowrv,. he endued with a dowry; ^liSr ^^^^^y a dowry,. a gift. 4. HDJ zahach, 1 and 3 he facrificed ^ HIIT zebachy or fern. nn^^T zihchahy a facrificc, or an offering of a facrifice; pL fern. r^'in3r2;/^^ ^a, xviii. S* 2T 77 34- ^^^^rV- r,algnaphahy a ftorm, or temped, or a ftormy tempefl. 35- -^'^^^ ztilat, bcfides, except, without, &c. 2& 2ZDt zanmm. i he thought, he devifed, for the mod pare mifchief; ^T^X ?dmmah, or n/*2TP mezimmah, a thought, a devife, properly full of mifchiefi viliany, fubtlety-. alfo pru- dence, Prov, i. 4. 37. 1^1 ::immen, Ch. 3 he prepared. 4 he was prepared, or appointed. 7 he prepared ^himfeif: \^\ '^emcn^ time, appointed time properly, 33. "^^1 xamar. \ he cut off. 2 he was cue oiF. 3 he did fing. he cut his voice by his -notes in finging; 1P| zomir ; n"1/p? ztmrah. Or *)1/-)(D zh'iior^ a fong; i^^DT zemorOf mufick I Ch. pi, m. t'^!)t>^T %ammarajay mufi- cians, a pfalm : alfo TVs'O] zemorah^ a branch, or fprig; m^JS^D mazmeroty pi. fern, pruning hooks, Ifa. xviii. 5. alfo *1Q| zemeTy a wild goat, jD^///. xiv. 5.. 39. ]f %(^;?, Ch. a kind or fort of any thing, Dan, iii. 5- alfo Pleb. FJa, cxliv. 13. 40. 3i| zanaby a tail : hence in 3 33T zinnah^ ije cut off the tail. 7s m 41. njT zanah. i he committed whoredom^ or he committed fornication. 4 whoredom was committed. 5 he made to commit whore- dom : hence HiiT zcnahy z whore^ and TOJ? zenuty or HUjn taznut^ whoredom, or fornica- tion: pi. m, '^T^^\zenunm^ whoredoms, or for- nications. 42. nil zanach. i he forfook, he caft away, 5 the fame ; he caft off, or rejeded. 43. P3I zinneL 3 he leaped, he did leap, he leaped over. 44. MJ/T zegnah^ fv/eat: fee in U^ jazang: ^)^X zagnavahy commotion, or vexation : fee in i^lT zung. 45. "^n zagnach. 2 he was extingiiifhed. 46. Ciyj zagnam. i he detefted, he dif- dained; he was enraged; "C^VX zagnam^ \ndi\g- Elation, rage, or difdain. 47. ^V.lzagnaph. i he was enraged, he was troubled; enraged, or angry; ^I^T zagnaph^ anger, or indignation. . 48. pl?| zagnaL \ he cried out. 2 he was called upon, or he was called together. 5 he caufed to cry, he called together ; ^^)l] zeg" makaby a cry, or exclamation. 49 ni?t zegnery ^^J^tP mizgnar^ and n^-J^? 21?^- nivy little, fmall. 50. f^pj zephety pitch. 51. IPX zaken. i and 5 he v/as old ; ]j?.1T zoke7iy i^ipT 'ztknaby pi. m. C^J^pt z^i//;7OT, old- age: alfo Ip^z^/^^;/, a beard, the fign of old age. 52. '^pf 2akaph. I he lifted up. Ch. 2 he was lift up. 53- PP| zakaL i he poured out, he purged,, he melred. 3 the fanme. 4 he was purged : pi. mal* D^P? zikkimy and D'^pl^^ azakkim, fetters, or chains, Jer. xl. i. 54 ^"^J zara^ difdain or contempt, loathing, or abonnination : fee in 11* zur. 55. m| zarab. i and 4 he was poured out, he flowed down: alfo he was burned up, as fome. 56. HIT zarah. i and 3 he winnowed, he fcattered abroad : alfo he compalfed about. 2 and 4 he was fcattered, he was winnowed. 5 he caufed to fcutter : IT zer^ a crown, a circle; a fcattering; a winnower, or one who winnows : alfo HltQ mitreahy a fan to winno\/ with, Jer. xv. 7. to IT 57. ^"^^yi zarziphy a watering, or a dropping, P/a. Ixxii. 6. THT %arziry Prov, xxx. 31: a word diverfely tranilated; feme, girt in the loins j others., a horfe i others, a greyhound,, jor a hunting dog. 58. nnt zarach. i he arofe ; an arifing; T\y\J2} mizrachy the eaft, where the fun rifeth: alfo nn]^ ezracby an arifing, or growing up in his own foil. 59. C*!!t zarmn. i and 3 he overflowed ^ CTiT izerim^ an inundation, or overflowing: fern. np*lT zirmahy a flux, or flowing, %^/^. xxiii. 20. 60. V^l zarang, i and 5 he fowed. 2 and -4 he was fown. 5 he produced feed; V^\ zerangy feed, or that which is fown : alfoJI/nt zeroangy and i?"!*^)!^ ezroangy 2Ln arm: pL maf. ^D'^i^'^'^I zerognimy and D^3I/7.T zergnoniky pulfe, Dan. I, 12' 16, 61. p"!^! %^r<^/^. I he fcattered, he fprinkled. j\. he was fprinkled : hence p"J)9 mizrack, a ibowl, or bafon. 62. 1"^^ zarar. ' 3 T!|}*iT%(5r^r, he fneezed. ^3- -^v] ^^r^^, a fpan, or an hand-breadth. DH 81 n \. i?3n chaha. i he hid, he lurked. 2, 4, 6, and 7* he was hid, he hid himfelf, or he lurked 5 i*5n^ mach^be^ a hiding, or a hiding place, a bofooi, or a place to hide in: pi. m. b^SZir]/P machahoini^ lurking places, or dens j 2^n or i^n cte/i, a bolbm : fee ^IIH chabab. d, 35n chabab. i he loved; a bofom, a place of love, r 3. niin chabah. I he lurked, or he hid hinnfelf; P'^-^H chebion^ a lurking, or a hiding place, Hab, iii. 4, 4, D5n chahat. i he did fliake off, or he did fhake out. 2 he was Hiaken out, or he was beaten our. \ 5. ^'2T\hnbal. t he pawned, or he received or took a pledge: alfo he corrupted, he de- ftroyed. Q. he was corrupted. 3 he corrupted, he loft, he deilroyed: alfo to bear, to bring forth. 4 he was deftroyed. 7 the fame, ht: corrupted himfelf, or he v/as deftroyeid : 73n doeb:!y /2r] 'ChabaJ, and Ch. H^'l^n chabidab, I G : I 82 an corruption, or deftruftion ; a cord: henc portion, or inheritance, which ufed to divided with cords ; Hvlliri chabolah^ a co pany ; a pledge; ^5^ ebibbely the maft of a fli fo called from the cords about it : alfo 7l chobely the mafter, or pilot of a fhip; pi. DvSn chabalimy moft extrenne pain, as woman in travail of birth : pi. fern. r\l7l2i tachbuloty wifeeounfelsj fubtilties,&c.Pr(?'y.i 6. r\7V3n chabatzeleti a rofe, or lily, "] . }!2Ty chabak. I he embraced. 3 he e braced often : pisn chibbuk, an embracing, folding in thearms^ . 8. l^n chabar. i he was joined, or he ^ aflbciatcd. 3 and 5 he joined, or did affocii 4 aad 7 he was affociated, he.did join, or ai elate himfelf: 13n chabbaVy or "i^n chaber companion ; "^^^chebery a confolation, focic or fellowfliip, a joining together : alfo an chanter, called *l3n chober^ either becaufc joina an eyil fpirit to himfelf,. or becaufe aflTocIates the ferpcnts to him. by his chan jy^.lviii. 6. pi. maf. 2-*inri chaiarimy encha ments: pi; fern. T\*\'^'2pxhabburot ysyso\m(\^^ fores bound up ; and frng, fern. H^^lSn ch burahy;^ ftripe, or a fore .bound, up, ,9, W:it\'chabajh, i; and '.j he ,did bin^ IKe ftrewed, or put upon, he girded about^ he "Obliged* 4 he was bound, or he was obliged. . 10. ^"^Tyyn chabiltim^ pi. maf. frying-pans t fing. (tm. T\2Vp machaiaty a frying-pan, 11. jn chagy a feaft: fee i^T] chagag. 12. ^yn gagabi a locuft. 13. JJn chag^gi I he kept a feaft ; alfo he danced, for fo they ufed in their feaft-days ac their plays: hence he ftaggered; a feaft, or a facrifice in the feaft : alio J^|n a dancing, or ftaggering, Ifa. xix, 17* : 14. njn chagahx pi. maf, 13^15^ chagavim^ rents, or clifts. 1 5. T^n 4:hngar. t he compaffed, or he girt about: alfo he was compafTcd, or girt about '5 i^^y^chagornhi a girdle, girt about: pL fern. rinuri ^A^o-^r^/^ breeches, aprons, or things to girt about. Gen. iii. 7. 16. *Tn r/^^, or T\y!^ chadahy the lame with *Tni;Jt achady one. [ 17* Tin chadad. i he was fharp, or fiaarp- [ ened. 6 he was made fharp ; fharp : pL maf. ICI^l^lJl c'kaddudimy fliarp things, or the fharp I points octops of any things, as of ftones, &c. Q 2 8i 1?^ 1 8. riin chadah, I he was glad, he rejoiced. 3 he made glad: ^nn chedvah,]oy or gladnci's: jallb Ch. nin chadehf the bread, Z)^;/. ii. 32. ^* 19. 77n chadaL i he ccafed, 6 he was made to ceafe, Judg, ix. 9. '^Tfn chadely Pfa. xxxix. 5, ceafing, or leaving off: aifo qT\ chedely IJa. xxxviii. 11, the world, or the age of the world, being but a time which fooa ceafeth. 20. P7n chedek^ a kind of thorn, 21. ^yyi^ chadar. i he entered, or he did penetrate; "1"|[0 o^ "^1^ cheder^ a chamber,] conclave, or clofe; Trf^T\ choderetj entering into the private chambers, Ezek. xxi. 14. 22. 01T] chada'"^'. 3 he renewed, 7 he renewed himfelf: li^'^T^ chadaf/iy new, or frefh: alfo Ji^^n chode/hy2L xnonthi becaufe it begins at xhe new moon in the Hebrew3* account. ^3- ^50 chava. Ch. i he declared : fee njn chavah. - 24. mn choh^ a debt, or debtor : hence in 3 yT\ chijeby he made a debtor, or he made guilty; but mn a bofom: fee Xnn cA^^^, and 33n chabab. 25. J^'H ^/^Af^, I he circulated, he encir- cled, or he did bind, or compafs about in 85 tvith a circle : -J^H chug^ or HJinp mechugah^ a circle, a furroiinding, a compals, or the inftru- ment to circle and compafs about. If. xliv. 13. 26. ^^^ chud, I he fpoke parabolically, or he propounded a riddle: Jll^T} chiJahy a riddle : Ch. pi. maf. HD^ achidatiy enigniatical fpecches, Dan. v. 12, 27 . nin chavah, 3 H^H chhvahy he fhewed, he declared. 5 the fame : H^HK achavah, a declaration. 28. f^n r^^2r, and TIPIp machoz^ a haven, or port for (hips, P/i?. cvii. 30 : alfo a term or bounds. 29. nin chcachy and VX] chdchy 2i thorn : alfo a fifhino;-hook : alfo a bracelet, or an ear-ring-. . 30. coin <://'//, a threat. 5 Ch. COHi^ achety he fewcd together, he joined. 31. ^^'H r/i^/. 1 to bring forth, or to be in travail of birth; hence he grieved, or he was pained, properly as a woman in travail : alfo he trembled, or was afraid: alfo he ftayed, or remained. 3. to beget or bring forth : -alfo he made, or he formed ; he caufcd to grieve, or he afFefted with grief; he waited. 4 he was formed, he was grieved; he was born and brought forth. 5 he feared, he trembled ; he caufed to bring forth; he caufcd to grieve, 86 VI he grieved, he waited. 6 he was madt, or he caufed to bring forth, J/k. Ixvi. 8. 7 he grieved himfelf, or he was grieved: alfo he ftayed,^ he remained, or waited : TH chili or fern, nvH/n chalchalah^ griefa grievoufly pained, as in birth ; 4 wopaan v\ travail ; moft crwj pain, or tornnentj Neh. ii, 10, alfo fand, ealleii 7^n chuly becaufe it is painfMl to the weary .traveller. , In this verb the diverfe fignifica-? tions of diverfe roots are confounded together^ ^to wit, of vin chuly ' il^'l^ chalah^ /iTS chalal^ m^^XP^ jachaL "^^T^ ^//2^;^, black ; fee 10 CZDH chamanu i 3a. Dlfl chm^ I he pitied, he fpaired. ^T\ ^A(?^/z, a haven: kc'^^T^chaphaph, ; ;. 3Z* V^ <^hutz, ^^T\ chitZQUiOX T\)i^T\chut%ahy without;^ or the qutfide, that which is without^ oroutwardj a ftreet; alfo J^H chutZy befides, Ecd. ii, 25. pU fcm. il12^n or rillf in chttzatp the ftreets. 34. *^1D charvary Ch, he was white, or he .^a made white,: "I'^n chury clear, or wbite^ w i. 6. pi. rn. D^^iin nobles: alfo'^tn o| cJicryZ. hole, a cave, or ditch. : . 35, t^in ch.:flu I he haftcAed, 5 the fame: alfo he caufed to haflen, or he ripened ; ^^W rn 87 fcvift, fpfeedy, rc2.dy, or light armed, Numh^ xxxii. 17, . 36. nt'n chozeh, a fcer, a prophet, who Ites things to coine ; ]'^*n chazGHy HTri/P machazeh^^ P**|n chizajcfiy and nitn chazut, z, fight, a. vifion, a forefeeing, provifion, or caution i and* pi. fern, niill'^jn cheajonoty vifions : alfo a vvia-:. dovv to look out at ; a looking, or an afpedt;'. a form, a vifage, likenefs, appearance, or countenance, Dan. ii. 19. ^T^X) che:^vay a- yifion* Ch. ntn chazUy and riTn chazahy he faw, he did fee, he looked,, or beheld, 2 he- was feen: alfo T\]T] ckazeky the breaft: pi. fern,. r^'iTn ^//^ze?/, bread s, 37. n^^ C'lazizy a lightning, a cloud. 38. ptn chazak. i he was llrong, he pre^. railed. 3 and 5 he confirmed, or he ftrength- ened : aUo he laid upon, he detained, 7 he ftrengthened himfclf, he encouraged himfelf,! or he was ftrengthened : ^^T\ ckaaaky fem "^^^JJ '7azakaky'^vox\gy powerful, or prevailing ; pJH eJwzek^ {^xn^ '"^R^O chazkahy ftrength or power; f 39.^*110 chazar yC\\^ he xeturned : hence TTO ehaziry a fow, or a fwine, fo called from qqo^ tinually ruirning to the puddle.' 88 ^sn 40. nn chacb, a needle, a chain, bracelet, or ear-ring. See Hin choach. 41. KISn chain, i he finnecl, properly he erred, or went aftray from, or miffed the mark, as "Judg. XX. 16. 3. he did expiate fin, or he purged, or changed from fin^ once he made to err, or ftray. 5 he caiifed to err or ftray, he caufed to fin, he induced, allured, or brought to fin i hence ^tpn chete^ and Hi^i^l^ chataab^ a fin, an erring or going aftray fronn the mark we fhould always aim at, to wit, the glory of God, and his law 5 alfo HKtSn chattati punifliment of fin, and the facrifice for fin : pi. m. DIKCOn chattaim^ finners, and Ch^ l^'J^^n chattainy fins. i^tSH chiUeay in 3 he purged, or cleanfed from fin. 42. neon chatak i he cut ofF, or he cut down. 4 he was cut ofi^, cut, or carved. pL fern. niHCflnQ mechuttahct. H^n chittab, wheat. See in 132n chanat. 43. D^n chatam. i he refrained, he con- tained himfelfj or he delayed. Ifa.x\y\\. 9. 44. ^^n chataph. i he fpoiled, he took by violence. 45. IDin choter, 3 branch, a rod* 46. "^yy c/iijeh See in 21T] ^hck in 89 " 47. !Tn cbajab. i he lived. 3 H^n fhijab, and 5 n^ni7 ^cchjahy he made to live, or he quickened, he preferved in litcs H^H cbajab, living, life, a living creature, a beaft, or a wild beaft; alfo a company or a troop, pi. fern. W'^n or ril'^n cbajoty lively, living creatures; alfo villages; H^HP micbjah^ life, or food, the fuftentation and quickening of life. "^D chai^ he lived; lively, or living: pi. m. D**^n chajimy living, life, or lives. CK.'^^^Ti chajajini or I'^^H cbajirii living, life, or lives. ^^VH chevcy and nvn cbevahy a bead. 48. TD ^//^yV/, andTH ri?^/, ftrength, virtue, wealth, riches ; alfo forces, or an army, a for- tification or bulwark, &c. pn chiriy grace or favour. See in p.H cbanan. 49. \^^.D chajtzy a wall of clay, or a flight wall, Ezek. xiii. 10. 50. ' pT? r^^ , a bofom, the bofom of the fareaft : ^V chljhy ibon. Sec in ^m chujh. .51. riDH cbachah. i and 3 nsn cbiccahy be waited. 52. *^5n chacbacb: hence ^H cbecby the roof of the mouth, and HSn chaccaby a hook* .. 53. VV5n cbachliliy red, or ruddy, or very red; m^''75n chacblilut^ rcdncfs* I 90' n^ ^. 54. UOT^ chacam. i he was wife. 3 .D2n chkam^ h^ made wife. 4 he was made wife. 5. he made wife, or he brought wifdom. 7- he made himfelf wife, he carried himfelf wifely,, he did arrogate to himfelf wifdom, or he was wife in his own conceit: hence DpH chacam^ wife, experienced; and ^^^^ cbachmah^ wif-^ dom, experience, or fkilL 55. T]K)T\ chelah^ froth, or fkum^ ^ 56,. Il7n chalab^ milk, 2^T] cbeleb, fatnefsv '. 57. *^7C^ an age, time> the earth, or the world; ivin r/W or ftricken through; riH ehalil^ a pipe, or whiftle ; Till/D mflehol^ a. dance, or a company dancing ; H^n challah^ a cake ; P^-^H .dhalhn^ a window j ^71111 techillah^ a beginning : pl^ fern, ril'v^n^ mechiHot, ditches, or caves; J/a. II. 19. c j^. 62. ^yT] ibalat t he dreamer!, he fleptj alfo he was reftored to health. 5 he caufed to dream,^ or he did refiore to heahh; Ci^H and Ch. C /H cholemj or N'P/O cbelmay b. dream, Ti^D/^n chalamutj the white of an egg, Job vi. 6; alfo M^-/*?^ achlamab^ an amcthylt, Exod. xxviii. 19, or a precious Hone fo called, be- caufe it induces dreams to thoie who have it, as the Rabbis write. ^^tlJT] cballamijhy flint ftcne, or a hard rock, P/". cxiv. 8. 63. *^:/n chalapb. i he changed, he wai changed, he cut off; alfo he pafTed by. 3 and 5 he changed; nD^/r] cbaliphab, a changt^f or changing: ^^T\ chalet by a pafiing by, or a cutting off, Prov. xxxi. 8 ; ^/D chelephj for, inftead of, &c. pi. m. D^D/HQ machaluDhmu knives, 2;. i. 9: pi. fem. TVi^^J^D' wacblephof^ the locks of the head, Judg, xvi. 13. 64. l^iH cbalatz. i and 3 he did draw ofF, he withdrew, or he delivered himfelf. 2 he was delivered. 5 he made {ixt and ready, he delivered; nyvD chalitzah, a drawing forth of raiment or armour, 2 Sam. ii. 10 ; D;^V^r3 cbalatzojim, the loins: pi. fem. i^ii^^nC machalatzGt^ change of raiments, or changeable fuits of iipparel; I/a. iii. 22. 65. p/H chalak. x and 3 he divided, alfo I he was fofc or fnnooth. 2 and 4 he was .ciivided. 5 he fofcened, or finoothed; hence he flattered, or made fmiOoth his words. 7 hft divided himfclf; p/H chekky njP^n chelkahy ,and T]\nlT] chalukahy a part, or portion, a divifionralfo p^H c-6^M, and p'^''''')T\ challuk, I Sam. Kvu. 40, fiTK)oth, foft, fair, or flatter- ins:, foftnefs, or fmoothnefsj pL fem. r.lp'/n C .fl 'T. chalacoty or TWl^^Vt ckalakla oty flipperinefs, or flippery places, or flatteries, PJ. xxxv. 6 ; ^j?,^7riD machakketi a divifion, or diflribution. 66. J^vn chalajh. 1 he weakened, he was weak and infirm; ti^vH challofhy Jcel iii. 10, weak and infirm ^ H^T/D chalujhab, wcaknefs, and infirmity. " 67. Cn f^^;;i, fee DCH chamam-y alfo, a .father-in-law. See H/pn chamah. 68. nijpn chemahy butter: pL fem. Mli^Cp^P machamoty things m.ade of butter^ alfo fmooth and flattering words, P/1 Iv. 22. (^<). ^^H' chamad. i he defired. 2 he was defired. 3 he defired eagerly ; l/^H chemedy fem. ni^n chemdahy defired Ti*.}n chamudy 94f HD *7Cnp machmad^ defirablc ; pL m. B'^Tt^r? machamuddimy Lam. i. 7: pi. fern. li'l^D or rilTCn chamudot^ Gen. xxvii. 15, Dan. ix. 23. things defirable. 70. '^Cn chamahy hence DTI cbam^ a father- in-law; T\M2T^ chamot^ a mother-in-law ; H^iH ihcmahy a wall, 71. IDDin chomety a lizard, or a houfe fnail. 72 /Z^n chamal. i he fpared, he ufed cle- mency; n7Cn chemlahy and /QHO machmal^ indulgence, or clemency. 7 J, DDn chamam. i he was hot, he waxed hot. 2 the fame. 3 he made hot. 7 he "was made hot: hence CH /??(?/, DIH ^i?^??;?, heat, or warmnefs ; alfo brown, or dufky colour, red by heat; HSn chammaby the fun: pi. m* fc'^ISin hammanmy idols, images of the fun, Jfa. xvii. 8. 74. DCn chumas. i he ufcd violencCj he cook away violently. 2 he was fpoiled; or he was taken away by violence; DCn chamas, injury, or violence, fpoil, or rapine : hence p^r\T) fachmaSy the night-crow, fwallow, or a ravenous bird. 75. ^'^n chamatz. i he was leavened, or he was four as leaven; hence 2 and 7 he was angry, or enraged; by a metaphor H^^P'!? n 95 chumtzahy leaven, Ho/eavVu^; yf^^ cbamefz^ leavened; ^^PH chometz^ four vinegar; Dl^^nQ machmstzet^ a leavening or fouring of dough j ^*pin chometZy a violent oppreffor ; pi^H cha- mitZy oppreflcd ; f ''pn chamitZj clean provenr der for beads, ^. xxx. 24; ^CH chamutZy wet, or fprinkled, 76. pI2n chamaL i he departed, or he withdrew himfelf; alfo he compaffed about. 7 the fame: p^QH chammuky a circle, or com- paffing about; pL m. D**j?1Sn cbammukimy the joints, G?;//. vii, a. . 77. *ipn chamar. i he was troubled, he was muddy; alfo he laid over with pitch, 4 he was greatly troubled, he was very muddy j '^12T\ chomeVy and "HOT chemaVy flime, or clay; alfo a heap, ^ kind of meafure, called "l^t^H chomer: alfo pitch, Jc^^ xxxviii. 14;. *ipn chamar y Pf. Ixxv. 9, and I^D chemeVy Deut. xxxii. 14, wine; iVjn chamovy anafs; H^Z^n^ jacbmory a doe, or a bugle, D^/. xiv. 5. 78. t^DO chamejhy and Ht^^'^r] camijhahy five; pi. m.' D^t:;^/PD chamtJJijJoemy fifty; t^Ch chomejhy the fifth part: hence in 3 he divided into five parts, or he took the fifth part: ^i^^Pp cham'ijhiy fem. H^'^^^'/PD chamijkiy the 96 TO fifth: pi. m. 'D^\i^flT] chawujhjbim, thofeofthc fifth order, or five in rank, Exoii. xiii. i8. 75. T\72r\ chemety a pitcher, or flagon. 80. jH chen^ grace, or favour: fee ]?n chanan. 81. njn cbatmh. i he encamped, or he pitched his camp; n'^JD c/??^;///, a fpear, or lance; f^^D-O machanehy zn army, or battel; nijnji tachamty a camp, or an encamping, 2 Kings vi ; dual. mafc. D;3D9 machanajimy two hofts, Gen. xxxii. 2 ; a place fo called, for the two hofts or camps were pitched there that night, to wit, that of the angels, and that of Jacob; m^n chanuty a lodging; pi. fem. ni^^n chanujoty cells or cabins, little cham- bers to lodge in, Jer, xxxvii. 14. 82. t3^n chanat. i he embalmed with fpiccs ; alfo he did bear or fhoot forth fruit or grain ; hence TV\^T\ chittahy wheat: pi. m. D'^iO'^fin chanuttmy thofc who are embalmed^ Gen. 1. iii. 83. l^n chanach. i he inftrufted, or he did begin with inftruftion, alfo he dedicated; n33n chanuccahy an initiation or dedication; pL m. DO^-jn chanichimy inftrudled, or trained up domcftics, Gen. xiv. 14^ 2n 97 B4. /Q30 chanamaly grcathail, PJ. Ixxviii. 47. 85. \\T^ chanan, i he fhewed favour, he was gracious and merciful. 2 the fame. 3 he favoured. 6 he was afFcfted with favour, or favour and mercy were fliev/ed unto him* 7 he (liewed hinnfelf favourable.; alfo he fup- plicated, or prayed to obtain favour. ]n chsn-y and ]n chiriy &c. grace, or favour; I^SH channuny gracious and mxrciful; ti^T] cbinnamy freely, in vain, or undefervedly; H^HJ^ //>/&/>/- nab, a prayer, pi. mafc. D^2130Jl tachanunim, and fern. ilirnJ^ techinoty prayers and fuppli- cations. 86. ^3n chanaph. i he profaned or defiled; he was profaned or defiled; hence he difiem- bled, or played the hypocrite, or he flattered hypocritically. 5 he defiled. ^^H chanephy profane, or impure; a hypocrite. ^Vs choneph^ or ^23!^ chanuphahy diffimulation or hypocrify. 87. p-H chinnek, 3 he ftrangled, or he hanged. 2 he ftrangled himfelf, or he was ftrangle'd. P^DO ma:harinky ftrangling, or hanging. T\1X\^ chanity a fpear: fee M^H chanak. 88. 'Ipn xhefedy bounty, beneficence, a -benefit, grace, fevour, or mercy; alfo reproach <;)rdifgrace, Lev. xx. 17^ hence in 3, he re-^ H 9S cn proached, he curfed. 7 he fliewed himfcif merciful and bountiful: hence Tpn chafid^ bountiful, merciful, holy. HTDH chafidah^ a ilork, Jc}\ viii. 7, a kind bird^ for the young ones v/ait on the old ones, and carry them upon their necks when they fly^ as natnralifts obferve. 89. T^'Vn chajah i he hoped, he trulled, he betook himfcif to a refuge: hence HDHP mafchjehy and fem. i^^Dn chafut^ a hope, a refuge, Ifa, xxx. 3. 90. v'DH chaJaL i he confumed or de- ftroyed the corn \ / PH chafil^ a caterpillar, or kind of locuft. 91. X3jT\- chajani, i he fhut up, or he clofed up, the mouth with bit or bridle; he did tie or bind up. DIDH/D machjom^ a bit, or bridle. 92. |pn chajan. i he was ftrong. a he was laid up, or put in a treafury. 5 he ap- prehended, he poffefled ; I'^PD chafin^ ftrong, powerful, TJ. Ixxxix. 9. jlCH cha^on^ Ifa. i. 31. ]Dn chofen^ Ifa. xxxiii. 6; and Ch. ^2pn chifna, ftrength, power, treafure, or riches, 93* ^'^O chajaph^ and KSpH chafpha^ Ch. the potter's clay.; alfo DDpHp mechufpas^ round, Exod. xvi. 14. ^n 99 94. Ipn chafer, 1 he was deficient, he wanted, he failed, he ftood in need of. 3 and 5 he caufed, or he made to v/ant, he did for- fake, he did deceive by fraud, or diminifiu *)pn chejer, nDH ch^for, ^.Cn cho/er, [npn che/rcHy and *)lDnO machjor^ &c. fcarcity, want, poverty ; alfo indigent, forfaken, and needy. Ch. TDH chaffir^ Daru w 27. 95. "^^"^ chapbah. i and 3 H^n cbippah^ 2 Chron. iii. 5, he covered. 2 he was covered i a covering, or defence: fee ^SH chapbapb. 96. ?Sn cbaphaz. i he haftened, he trembled for hafie. 2 he was troubled, he did withdraw himfelf in trouble ; ]i?3n cbippazon^ trembling hade. 97. 15^n chophen^ the fill, or the hand folded together, or the palm or hollow of the hand. 98. ^|50 cbaphaph. 1 he covered, he prote(fled; ^IH chopb^ a port, or harbour for fliips^ '^jn ^/&^/>'^, 7^^^^xiii.9, vvhite, pure. HSH chiippahy a covering or protedion a chamber. 99. I^Srj chaphalz^ or ^fSH chapbelz. i he willed, he pleafed, he defired, he loved dearly, he delighted; willing, or defiring; V.?n ibephelz^ the will, defire, or delight; H 2 Ecclef. Hi. 17; fern. ^^V^-H chaphetzah, pi. in. .^-D'^VSn chaphatzm^ Pi'ov. v\\u 11. 100. 1?^n chaphar. i he digged, he fcarched: alfo he blufhed, and was afliarqed. 5 the fame; alfo he made alhamed. PI. fem. n'nD^^n chaporperof, xnohsy Ifa, ii. 20; fo called, from digging in the earth. [It is but one word, though in the above place it is ^written as two.] 10 1. W^ chophe/h^ freedom or liberty ^ ^^^T\ chaphjhi^ fern, ri'^tj^^n chapjhilh, free, or fet at liberty ; hence in 4 Ji^^ chuppajh^ he was fet free, or fet at liberty : but ti^?n chapas^ withy?^/, is, I and 3, he fearched* 2 and 4 he was fearched, he was ciiquired for. 7 he changed, he diflembled himfelf^ he was changed. ti^^D chepbes^ a changing, or en- -quiring for^ a fearching, PJalm Ixiv. 7. yn chetZy an arrow. See in ]^^ chaizotz. 102. 3ifn cbatzaL i he cut down. 5 the fame. 2 and 4 he was cur down. ^VH^P machtzeby a cutting off, or a cutting down. 103, TX^'n chatzah. i he divided, pro- perly into two parts. 2 he was divided ; ^i'n chaiziy fem. il'^YHQ machatziiy Jli^n chatzot^ and nvriD mecbeizahy &Ce the half, the middle, or the half part. Pn . fi\!iiO^ 104. ]^)^ cbotzeriy the arm, the bofom; 105. ^Vn cbatzaph^ Ch. i he urged, or haftened. 5 the fame, Dan. iii. 22. 106. ^VO chatzaiz. i he cut down, he cut ofT. 3 he (hot arrows. 4 he was cut m the middle f he was cut oiF, or cut down, he was fhot, or pierced through with an arrow,^ '^X) chetz^ an arrow: pi. m. ^^^}yO ynechatz-^ tzetziniy archers, or bowmen, Ji:dg. v. 1 1 ; alfo ^yn chatzatZy a little ftone, properly cut, or cut ofFj a cutting,, or a particle cut off. 107. 1^0 chatzevy a court: pi. m. D*^*ilfrj chatzermy and fern. r\nvrj chatzeroty courts or villages. T^VH chatziry grafs or hay. HT/ifn chatzotzerahy a trumpet; hence in 3 "^0 chitzery he blew the trumpet: pi. m. D^^^^^ifnP mechatzrimy 1 Chrcn,.v, i^* trum- peters,, or thofe who blow the trumpet,. pn cheky. a bofom : fee in p^H cheiL pH i^koky a ftatue : fee in ppH ckakak. 108. npn chakah. i and 3 he cut, he carved, he imprinted, he pourtrayed, EzeK viii.. 10. 7 he was imprinted,; or he fet a print upon, "Job xiii.. 27.. ^^9* PRO ckakak. i he pourtrayed, he cut, or he carved, he wrote, or he did write; alfo he decreed, 3 the fame j he made or gave laws and ftatutes. 4 he was decreed, or appointed. pH choky a decree or ftatute, any thing meafured out or prefcribed, a parr, or any appointed portion. i^I^n chukkah^ a daily portion, a daily taflc pre- Jcribed: pl^ fem. riipn chukkot, pi. m. D'^jpn chukkmiy or 2'^i?)^D chakakiniy If a. x. i. pp.HP mechokek^ a lawgiver, D^///. xxxiii. 11. no. ^i^n chakar. i and 3 he fearched out. 2 he was fearched out, an inquifitioa or fearching: pL m, D'^nj^n/P mechkarim^ fearchers, PJ. xcv 4. or deep places. ^n chory a hole: fee in l^n charar. III. 3in charab. i he was dried up, he was wafted, or made defolate. 2 and 4 the fame, he was laid wafte, or he was m.ade defo- kte 'y alfo 2 he killed himfelf. 5 he wafted,, he dried up, or made dcfolate, 6 the fame with 2 and 4. ^^H chareby and Il*in choreby &c dry, wafte, defolate, drynefs, defolation ; heat, fo called, becaufe it is the fource of dry- nefs. '"^^TO (iharahahy or H^'lfl charebah^ a dry place, a laying defolate 3 hence H^jH chereby a fword, the inftrument of defolation: pi. m. D"^J13*in charbonim^ dryneffes^ Pf^ xxxii. 4,? pi. fern, r^in^n charahot^ dry places. If. xlviii\ 21 \ dry and vvafte places. 112. J^n charag. i he was greatly af- frighted or terrified. i^l^lH charga^ terror or horror, Targ. Jonat. on Lament, i, 20. /iJ'in chargol^ a, kind of locuil. 1 1 J. Tin charad. i he feared, he trem- bled, he was affrighted. 5 he terrified, or made affrighted, fearful. *T!in chared^ tern, ninri charadahy fear or trembling, folicitude, or carefulnefs. 114. nnn char ah. i and 2 he burned, he was enraged, or he burned for anger. 5 he kindled. 7 he kindled himfelf in wrath. ^^jH choriy and ]iin charouy burning heat, burn- ing wrath, or anger. 115. ^^y^} charaZy hence pi. m. D^TI^n charozimy chains or rows of bracelets, G^//. i. 10. 116. tOnri cherety a graving tool, alfo a writer's pen : pi. m. purfes, bags, or crifping pins, IJa. iii. 22. DltD'^n chartomy Ch. a magician: pi. m. ]Vi5^0*)n chiirtumminy or X\!2Lp*^in chartiimmajay Heb. D\^LD"^n char- turnminiy magicians, foothfayers. 117. *^'!in charach. 1 he burned, he roafted, Prov. xii. 27. 7 Ch. "^lininn hitcha- rachy he was burned, Dan. iii. 27: pi. m. 104 nn D'^S'irr characcimy grates, lattices,, or windows^ Cant, ii. 9. 118. /T^n charaly a nettle, thiftle, or thorn : pi. in. Dv^n cfjarullimy thiftles or thorns, Prov. xxiv, 31.. 119. Dnn charamm 5 C^^O? hecherimy he did anathennati-ze, or he vowed and devoted to defcrudion, he dfd-excomiTiunicate, he de- ftroyed ; alfo he confecrated, he vowed or devoted any thing to God. 6 he was ana- thematized, he was deftroyed, vowed, or de- voted to deftruftion, he was excommunicated. '^yO chereniy an anathema, a thing vowed or devoted to deftruftion, an excommunicated thing, any thing vowed; alfo deftruftion; alfo a net: pi. m. 0*^22^0 charamimy nets, or fnares, EccL vii. 26 : Mkah vii. 2. D^H charurriy one cut or mutilated of fome of his members, one that hath a flat nofc. Si^P^O cherme/Iiy 3, harveft hook, or a fliearer's fickle, Deut. xvi. 9. 120. D*!!n cheresy the fun. fl^P'^n charfity any thing towards the fun, eafterly, the eaft, or oriental, Jer. xx. 2. 1 2. 1. ^*in charaph. i and 3 ^"IH cherephy he reproached. Judges v. 18 ; alfo he v/intered. 2 he was reproached and upbraided. ^^.H nn 105 chorefhy the winter, fo called, becaufe it is the reproach of the earth; alfo youth, becaufe it does many things difgracefully and reproach- fully, '^^in cherphah^ reproach and difgrace. 122. ^"in charatz. i he nrioved, he was moved, or he moved himfelfs he cut down, or he cut ofFi he decreed, or he determined, a he was cut down, he was determined. ^^i^^H charutZy cut off; alfo careful, induftnous, ftrong, gold; alfo a ditch, a threfhing inftru- ment: pi. m. D'^V^^^n charizmy 2 Sam. xii. 31 : pi. fern. T\))i^T\ charutzooty Amos i. 7, cuttings, threlhing inftruments; alfo cheefes, i Sam. xvii. 18: alfo Ch. pi. m. V^^lO chartzin^ the loins, Dan. v. 6. Dif'pn chartzob^ pi. fern. ni3Vnn cbartzubboty bonds, Pf. Ixxiii. 4. \)ty] chartzan^ pi. m. D'^31^nn chartzannim^ kernels. Numb. vi. 4. 123. pin charak. \ he gnalhed in anger with his teeth, Job xvi. 9. 124. *l*!n charar. i he burned, he was burned. 2 the fame, or he was dried up. 3 he kindled. "^H'ln charchur^ a burning or inflammation, a burning fever, T)eut. xxviii. 22: pi. m. D'^7*-0 charerimy dryneffes, dry places, Jer. xvii. 6 ; parched things : alfo pi. m, nobles or famous men are called D'^'lin chorim, EccL x. 17. *in chcTy or *iin chur^ a hole, ditch, or cave; alfo the hinder parts: pi. m. the excrements, as Ifa, xxxvi. 12. CH'^K'^n choraham-y for Dr}*^"!n chorohem^ their dung, or cxcjements; and pi. fern. illK^HD mechoraot^ a place for excrements ; 2 Kings X. 27. C^3T*in chlrjonim^ the excrement of doves, 2 ffi^/^j vi. 25. 225. J^nn charajh. i he ploughed, he manured the ground; alfo he wrought any work, he carved or engraved; alfo he was deaf, he was filent, he did work, he was intent upon his work, and therefore held his peace. 7 he was filent. t^^nn charajh^ a workman, a crafts- man, a carpenter. W^^T\ charijhy a ploughing. n;;!/*}n charcjhety a work, or artifice, Exod. xxxi. 5. ^^"^n chorefiy a wood, or thicket of trees, Ijaiah xvii. 9: alfo ^*}n ^^ ^"^H cherejhy fem., 'H'^^^^'in chari/hity Jonah iv. 8, deaf, filent, filence. r!?^nr]Q macrej) ety the fhare and coulter of the plough, 1 Sam, xiii. 20: but t^nn cheresy with j^;^, is a potflierd, or an earthen velTel. 126. -Hnn charat. i he engraved, he carved, ^^fc*//. xxxii. 16. 127. 3iifn chap ah. I he thought, he im P ^T\ 107 puted, he reputed. 2 he was reputed and efteemed, or it was imputed. 3 he thought, he reckoned, or computed. 7 he reputed himfelf, or he was reckoned, or numbered. tl3::;^n chejlj/pon, and na^^.^H-^ machjhabab, a thought, a thinking, a reckoning, or a com- puting; alfo I12^*n chofneby a craftfman. y^T\ chejheby an artificial belt, Exod. xxviii. 8: pL m. ritol^*n chijhbonoty thoughts^ in- ventions, 2 Ckron, xxvi. 15. 128. niZ/n chajhah. i he vvas filent. 5 he made filent, or he commanded filence. 129. nt^p chafliachy Ch. he had need, or it was neceflary. Hinj^^n chajjjchuty neceffity,. or neceflary. 130. "^^n chaJliacK I he was dark, it was obfcure, he was darkened. 5. he dark- ened, or he miade darknefs: ^^H choflech^, and^^^n^ ;^t"AjA^^/2, darknefs: pi. m. D^^SL^'D' chashukkimy bafe men, dark men, Prov. xxii*. 29; but "^^0 chajachy withj^;/, is i he re- ftrained, he did withdraw. 2 he was with- drawn, or taken away. Job xxi. 30. 131. T\VT\ chashaL i he did debilitate, or he made weak, Dan. ii. 40. 2 he was made weak: pi. m. D^'^^^HJ necheshalhn^ weak men, Deut. XXV. 18. 108 ^^n 132, 7p^*n cashmaly an hot ember,, or a burning coal. ]OWV^ cnaj/man^ excellent: pi. m. t^^yi2sliT\ chashmaanimy great men, nobles^ PJ. Ixviii. 32. "^33' W^ cbo/heHi a breaft- plate, the ornaH nament of the bread. 134. ^i^n chafapi. 1 he made naked || hence he drew out. ^Ci^H^ machjaphi making naked : p). m. D'^S'^ti^)! chafi'phm^ little flecks, I Kings XX. 27. ^ZS* V"^"^ (^hciff.ak. I he loved, he de- fired. 3 he compaffed about. 4 he was compaffed. Y^!X\ cnejheky defire: pi. m. C'^f?^;'D chafnukmy^WnSyXmgs^yExcd.^^yW. ic: alfo pi. m, D'^j^ti^n chijhjloukimy the felloes, or utmoft clnfture of the wheels i Kinzs vii. '}^2* \i^G. nt:^n chaJUr: pi. m. D^'1!;^n (hifo. IJjurimy thefpokes of the wheels, i Kings vii. 33. .rTli^n chajJjarahy a binding together, or a gathering together, 2 Sam. xxii. 12; it hath affinity with I'i^j^ kajhar. 137.. t^t^P chajkajhy chaff, orftubble. 138. nrn ri?^/^//. i he took, he did take* nrinD machtahy a cenfer, a pair of tongs to take .fire with. D*^]?nr.n chatcbattim : pi. m. ter- rors. See in ^T^T) chalat. 139* "^^^ chatach. 1 he cut off, he cut down, he determined. 2 he was cut down, or it is determined, Z)^;/. ii. 24. 140. /i^n chataL i he fwaddled, or he folded up. 4 he was fwathed up. 6 he was i -made to be folded or fwaddled up, nT\T\ chtttuly and nvrill chatullahy Ezek. xxx. 21, a roll, or fwaddling band. 141. "Qtyn chatam. i and 3 hefigned, he j fealed. 5 the fame; alfo he hindered or ob- ftrufted, and flopped up. 2 he was fealed. 6 he was (lopped; DJnin chotamy &c. fern. riZ^nn chotemety Gen. xxx. 25. a feal, a fignet, 142. irin chatan-y hence in 7 ]J^nr^rT thitchatteriy he affianced, he contraded alliance, or joined in affinity, ^^n choteny a father-in- law: fern. ^5^n chotenety 2l mother-in-law: l^n chatany a fon-in-law, a hufband, or bride- groom. '""^I^n chatunnahy the efpoufals, or a contrafting of the efpoufals. Cant, iii. 11. 143. ^r?n chataph. i he fpoiled. ^JIH cheiephy rapine, or fpoiL 144. 1T)T\ chatar. i he digged through; alfo he rowed, Jonah i. 13. H'lJ^^nD machleret^ a digging through, Exod. xxii. 2. 145. riiin chat at. I he was broken, he -^vas terrified. 2 the fame, 3 and 5 he broke. no n:o he terrified; hence T^'H chat^ T^TSTVO mechittah^ and n]^n chilahy Gen, xxxv. 5 ; or ^T]T) chataty Jcb vl. 21, terror, confternarion, terrible fear, and breaking: pi. m. D^v^nipn cbatchattim^ terrible confternations. D 2^?P toaby Ch. he was good ; the fame with y\^tcb. 1. 5??u?Xtp tete. 3 he fwept, he did fwerp, cleanfed, or fwept clean; hence ^^D^^LpQ matatCy a befom, IJa, xiv. 23. 2. nn^ tabach. i he killed, he facrificed. nnO tebach, .and Hn^P /i^^i?^/^, or H^PD matbeachy a killing, a facrifice, a facrificing, or a beaft to be facrificed. HStO tabbachy a vbutcher, a cook: pi. nn. C^na^ tabbachmy courtiers, flaughter-men, or executioners, offi- cers in a court or kingdom, fo called from their punifhing delinquents. Gen. xxxvii. 2,^*. pL fem. riin^D iabbachoty women cooks^ 1t3 IJI . 3, ^DlD tahal. i he dipped. 2 he was dipped. Lev. iv. 6; Jo/li. iii. 15. 4. y3D tabang. J he funk, he was drowned 3 alfo he was fixed, or fettled. 4 and 6 the fame, Prov. viii. 25. r^j>*3^ tabagnat^ a ring, ;c^, Ban. ii. 4 s a palace, a caftlc. ^p /^/, dew : fee in ^^S /y.;/^/, 21. \^^h\^ taluy fpotted, or marked with fpots, Gd*;/. XXX, 32: pi. fern. m^y^P metullaoty clouted, Jojh. ix. 5. 22. Tn^ talehy a lamb: pL m. Q'^^^p ielaimy lambs, i/2?. xl. 11. 23. 7'7l0 /.^M 3 77lP ////^/,^ he covered, or '7p'?p ////?/, the fame. Ch. U^ telqU he overfliadowed. 7p /^/, the" dew. n^D7P taltelahy a covering; or /P?'^ tiltely he re- moved, he carried away; and nTdl}^ taiieiah^ captivity, Jfa. xxii. I7 24. ^^-^i'? /^;';^j?, I he was unclean, he was impure, he was polluted, or defiled. 2 7 he defiled himfelf, or he was defiled, T)eut\ xxiv. 41, u-nclean, or denied. HK^uD tumahy impurity, or uncleannefs. 25. ]wD ta?nan. \ and 5 he hid. 2 he was hidden, or he hid himfelf. ]^i.!2ip tamu7iy hidden, p-pQ matmon^ a treafure: pi. m. C^^DJOQ matmonimy things hidden, Jifr. xli. 8. 26. i^?.'^. tene^ a baflcet, D^/. xxvi. 4. ^30 iinneph. 3 he defiled, Cant. v. 3. ay. nj/D tagnah. i he erred, he went aftray. 5 he made to err, or he feduced into error, Eze^:. xiii. 10. 28. nyo tagnam. i and 3 he tafted; hence D^?P tagnaniy the tafte ; alfo reafon, counfel, judgment, the tafte of the mind, a fentence: pi. n).'S^7?ViP(2 matammimy dainties, or deHcacies, Gen. xxvii. 4. 29. ]l?Cp tagnan. i he loaded, or bur- thened; alfo he did ftrike through, 4 he was ftriken through, IJa. xiv. 19. ^tO /^jD/:?, a little one: fee ^D^ taphaph. 30. HSlD tephachy or HDiCO tophachy the palm of the hand, a fpan; hence in 3 he ftretched out, or he meafured by the palm, or a fpan ; alfo he carried upon his palms, or in his hands, he educated: pi. m. D'^niSP tippu- chimy Lam. ii. 20, (children) of a fpan long; or children educated and carried upon the palms. jinDt^P mitpachaty 3. Iheet, veil, 01 apron, Ruth iii. 15. 31. vDD tapaL I he fewed together, Jot XIV. 17. 32. *"ip5P tlphjary a prince, a captain^ jer. li. 27. ")a 115 ^2. ^Dtp taphaph'y hence ^i5 taph^ a little child, an infant; hence in i he went after the manner of little children, to walk mincingly, Ifa. iii. 1 6, or to trip nicely. 34, *1Dt9 tepar^ and i^'H?'^^ topherUy Ch. the nail of the finger, Dan. vii. 19. 35, ti^iCp taphajh, i he was made fat. , 36, TltD /<^r^^, 1 he was daily taken up with great bufinefs; alfo he did continue, or was continual, Prov. xxvii. 15; but Ch. T^P terad^ is he ^aft forth, or caft out. 37, n]!'1P terijahy humid, wet, corrupted, or putrified, Ifa. i. 6. 38, nnJD tarach. i and 5 he laboured greatly, he wearied himfclf with labour. TTSO torachj labour, or wearinefs. 39, DHtO tereniy before, before that, &c. 40, ^"Itp taraph. 1 he fpoiled. 2 and 4 he was fpoiied, or he was torn. 5 he fed, or he nouriflied. H^'lp tcrephahy any thing fpoiled or torn, ^"yi? tereph^ a fpoil, or prey; alfo meat. ^Q'O taraph^ G>;;. viii. 1 1, the leaf of a tree, torn and driven by the wind. I 2 [ H6 ] 3^ Tt, ^^^jaal?. I he dcfired, P/^. cxix. 131, 2. ^"^1 jaah. I he was fair; alio it was decent and convenient, Jer. x. 7 ^ or it belongs or appertains unto. 3. ^^''jaaL 5 b\\^in hotly he willed, he did acquiefce. 2 /t^li ncaly he was foolifli, or he did foolifhly. 4. li^^'yVcr, a river, a flood, 5. ^"^^ j^^Jh. 2 t^KiJ ;2^*^ji?, he defpaired, he was greatly dejedled in mind. 3 he made to defpair, or left hopelefs, he was without hope. 6. T\1^\jaat. i he willed, he acquiefced, he agreed, or confented. 7. IT jabab. 3. 22\jibbeby he cried, or made a noife. Judges v. 28. 8. ^2^^ jabaL 5 he brought, or he caufed to come, he carried, he led. 6 he was brought, he was led. ny^Jebul^ Judges vi. 4; or n3, bul^ Job xl. 20, increafe. I'Tljabal^ I/a. XXX. 25, and xliv. 4; v^^*^ jubal^ Jer. xvii. 8 ; Ch. 73^ ^^^/, Dan. viii. 3, 6, a river^ or watcr-courfe. v3P ^ij^^^/, a rams alfo th( J'^ 117 year of jubilee, fo called, becaufe ic was pro- claimed with a ram's horn. Tbl^^jabbelet^ a wart, or full of warts ; a flux, or one fick of the flux, Lev, xxii, 22, 9. DT jahciMy a brorher-in-lav/, or her hufband's brother j fern, n/pn*] jebamah^ or T\12ul^,jebemety Deut, xxv, 7, a Iifter-in-law, his brother*s wife, a kinfman, or a kinfwoman ,- hence in 3 'O'^^Jibbenii he did the ofEce of a kinfman; he married the wife of his brother dying without children,. Gd'/;. xxxviii. 8. 10. ^3^ jabash. I he withered, he was dried up. Gen. viii. 14. 3 and 5 he made dry. T\'Z^y^jeboj7iety Gen. viii.y, drynefs, or a drying up. ^y^^jabe^'hy Ezek, xvii* 017, or v>/ithered. T]\L^^^_jabbashay Gen* i. 9; aad T'^^^ y<^^/W, beloved, a friend. -n'iTT, jediduty love, or friendfhip, Jer. xii. 7. 16. TW jadahy Jer, 1. 14, 2^ndiTV jadad, Joel iii. 3. I he did cafb, or throw forth, he did flioot, or he did throw arrows. 3 the fame. 5 T]'T\T^ hodahy he confefled, he celebrated, he praifed, or he gave thanks ; he uttered praifes abundantly. 7 he confefled : hence H^in todahy confeffion, or pralfe: pi. fern. TTt^TS todoty praifes, or thankfgivings, Nth. xxii. 8. TYT\TX^Jehudahy Judah, thefon of Jacob; hence ^T^tl^jehudiy a Jew, and t^^y\TV^, jehudimy Jews; Ty^'y)TV^jehudity the Jewifli language : hence the verb formed in 7 he confefled. Lev. xvi. 2 1 : alfo 7 he feigned himfelf a Jew, EJlher viii. 17. ^)jady a hand> by which we throw any thing. 17. Vy^^jadang. i he knev/. 2 he was known. 3 and 5 he made known, or he ma- nifefted. 4 and 6 he was made known. 7 he made himfelf known; hence HI/l degnah^ T 119 T^Hl dagnati V"^^ maddang^ Ch. V^l^^O mandangy knowledge, or fcience^ IH^O modangy and y!n.lIP mejuddang^ a kinfman, or a fanniliar friend, one well known, Pf. Ixxxviii. 19. riJ/niD modagnaty kindred, or affinity, Ruth iii. 2. J/nJD maddiiangy wherefore, ^i^y*^^. jiddegnoniy a foothfayer> one profeffing to know much. Lev, xix. 31. i^ljahy one of the great names of God, P/, Ixviii. 5, importing felf-being, fclf-effence, or exiftencei from the root iTH kajaky he was, or he is. 18. ^^]jehab. Ch. i he gave. 2 and 4 Ch. he was given. 7 he was given, or deli- vered over. 3n^ ;'ehal?y a care, or burthen, P/l Iv. 23. Hn^M kabhab^ a gift: pi. m. D^rinijn habhoUm^ gifts, ffi/. viii. 13. ^'^^J^y^^^^* 7 '"'^ Judaized, and ^'^^^^\\jehudi, a Jew, &c. fee in Tl'lljada/u 19. ^^i^ljahir, proud, arrogant, rafh, or infolent, Hab. ii. 5. 20. XjV jom^ a day. ^72V jomdm^ daily, or by day, P/*. i. 2: pi. m* D^^^ Jamimy days; alfo a year, i Sam. i. 3: du. m. 'Q^OVjcmaJim, two days. 21. P^ mt^^;^, mire, or clay* 1^20 n^ 22. tilljazam. i he thought. 23. ]f^jazany hence: pi. m, of the parti- ciple in 4 O^'^l^P mejuzzanimy armed, Jer. v. 8: fee in ]1T zun. 24. V}ljzangy and T]i^\ zeguah^ fweat. 25. ^n^ jachad. i he united. 3 he did unite, or he made one, P/C Ixxxvi. 1 1. TH^J jachidy one, only one, only begotten, &c. pL m. Dn^n^ ^echidimy folitary, lonely ones, Pf. Ixviii. 7. ^^^ jachad^ and nH^ ^^^^^^^^^'^^ to- gether, or at once. 26. /H'' jVr/zi?/. 3 and 5 he hoped, he waited, he caufed to wait, or he made to hope. 2 he entertained himfelf in hope, he waited. f^^nifi tochelet, waiting, hope, or expectation, Prov. xiii. 12. 27. tiXVjacham. i and 3 he was hot, he waxed hot 5 hence he conceived. Niphal or 2 the fame 5 he was inflamed, or he inflamed himfelf, &c. Ifa. Ivii. 5 : hence Kbn chema:, and npn chemahy heat, anger, fury, or hot wrath ; alfo poifon. 28. ^"Ijuchephy barefooted, 2 ^J^;;/. xVr 30. 29. V^TiVjachashy a genealogy 3 hence in 7 he reckoned, or rehearfed and (hewed his b 121 genealogy, i Chron. v. 17; or he was reckoned by genealogy. 30. 3^^ jatab, i. he was good, or he did feem good. 5 he did good. 2^)\p melaby good, the beft, Exod, xxii. 5. 31. ]Trjajmy wine, P/. civ. 15. 32. rO"^ jachach. 5 nplH hochiach^ he difputed, he rcafoned or argued, he judged 5 alio he reproved. 2 and 6 he diJputed, he was reproved. nniDlil tochechaJi^ or riri5"li1 tocnachat^ a rebuke, or a reproof, Pro \ xli. i. 33. ^3^ jachcl. I he could, he was able, he prevailed. '^(P^, jechclely power. ^D^^p michaly a river, a brook, or a ford of a rivcr,^ 2 ^h, alas. 37. T\\y}^^ jcAlsphet ^ a rotten fcurf, or a pu- tritied fcab. 3^- Pllj^'^-'^} ^ caterpillar. 39. Q^y^^;;;, the iea: pi. 'D^T^] jammim; but pi. m. u'^'tyjemim, mules. Gen. xxxvi. 24. 40. X'tjljcminy the right hand, or the right i'ldt', alfo the fouth, Pj. Ixxxix. 13. ^2!2\ jefnaniy right handed, i Kings vii. 21 ; but ""Tu^^Jemini^ one of the tribe of Benjamin, i Kings ix. J, and FJih. ii. 5 ; hence in 5 ^Q^!! hemin^ he declined to t'ne right hand, IP"^-!! temany the fouth. 4T, "ID^jamar. 5 ^J^^'P^I hemir^ he changed himfelf : fee *n'^ ;;?^r. 7. HS^OH kitjammery Tfaiah Ixi. 6, he exalted himfelf, or he fpoke much of himfelf j from ^^^ amar, 42. T]Tjanah. i and 5 he opprefled, he afiliftedi hence "^f!^ jonah^ a dove: pi. m. lilS lL^T\^ joninii doves; fo called, becau fc fubjefb to the oppreffion and rapine of other birds, 43. V\T janach. 5. TV^IT] hinmach^ he placed; alfo he left, he fcnt away, he fuffercd, he dif- rr.ified, or permitted; alfo he laid or fct afide. 6 he was placed, he was left. n2;!2 muncach^ that which is left, any fpace left void. T^nj nachatf reft, or a thing laid afide, or laid up: fee in ni3 nuachy and riHS nachat. 44. '^T^janah i he fucked. 5 to give fuck, or to feed with nnilk. J*^1?.?^P mmeket^ a nurfe, or a wonnan giving fuck, p^')*' jcnek^ a fuckling, or a young fucking infant. -T'lpr:^"' jonekety a branch, or a tender plant: pL fern* T\Mp^y^ jonkoty and Tilp^^'l janikot^ tender twigs^ branches, or plants which fuck their fub- ftance from the root, or from the earth, 45. ^P^ j^J^d. T and 3 he founded^, grounded, or laid the foundation. 2, 4, and 63,. he was grounded, or founded; alio 2 he con- fulted, Pf. ii. 2. ^^\jij[ady a founder, or one who lays the foundation, IJaiah xxviii. 16^ ^^0] jefody and ^5P majfad^' \ Kings vii 9- or 1D1D mujady IJaiah xxviii. 16, a ground or foundation: pi. m. DHDIO mofdim-. fern. nnOID mojdoty foundations. 46. "^sUljafach. 1 he anointed, P/. ii. 6. 47. ^'P^Jqfaph. I and 5 he added, or he did add to j alfo he went forward, 2 and 6 Ch. ri^p'^ri Ban, iv. 33, he was added, or it was added. 48. ^'!0\ jajar^ i, 3, and 5 he chaftlfed> he corrcfted, he infiruftcd. 2 and 7 he wa.^ inftrufted and chaftifed, or he inftrufted him- fclf. ^DiD miifar^ chaRifement, or inftrudlion, "iDTO mcjavy or "Ipl^ ;(?/^r, a band : pi. m. t^^^\}'C\ jejurm, Jey. xvii. 30^ and C^^'DID mojarim^ PJ\ cxvi. 16: fern, illipiQ moferoty bands, the bands of difcipiine and corre6i:ion> Pj: ii. 3. 49. "It*^ jagfjad. I he appointed, he ap- pointed or decreed, he appointed a certain time and place to meet in; alfo he betrothed or efpoufcd. 2 to meet together by appoint- ment. 5 he appointed a timie, he called together. 6 he was appointed. ^"7^ griedahy an aflembly, or congregation, ^if'^ mognedy and nT|;1D jnugnahah, an appointed time, a folemn aflembly: pi. m, D^'^yTD yniigdnanm^ and fern. J^i*fj^*9 mugnadQi^ foleminities, or folemn meetings. r u5 ' 50. T]]rijagnah. i he cad our, or he caft forth, he fwepc, he removed. Dl!/^ jagyiim^ ! befoms or (hovels, inftruments to remove duft f or afhes, Exod, xxxviii. 3. 51. VJ^ jagnaz. 2 *]}^^ 7WgnaZy he was ' ftrong, or he was ftrengthened. 52. i^illjag^tal, I he clothed, he covered, Ch. ^V.^jegnat, 1 and 7 he counfelled, or he took counfcl : hence '^It. jcgnaty and i^i2^ gneta^ counfel. Y^^'lJagn^tWy counfellors. 53. iV^jagnaL 5 ^^V)"^ hognily he pro- fited, or he was profitable. T) /li^_ jagnalah, a roe or a hind, Prov, v. 19: pi, m. D*''?i^'l wild goats,, PJ, civ. 18. 54. 7i?^73 belijagyiaU belial, a man of belial, a man of no worth, a wretch who is an unpro- fitable burthen on the earth; for the word is compofed of the negative particle /3 bal^ or 7? beliy no, not, or without, &c. and this primitive word 71^^ jagnal^ profit: fee aifo ^iVgnalal.- 55. ly. jagnan, for, becaufe, a cauflitive particle. ^^^^^ jagnanah, an owl: fee in H^j^ gnanah* 56. ^"l janaph^ 1 he was weary, ^i^^ j^^nephy weary: Ch. ^V)jegnaphy Dan, ix. 21, 126 ^ wearinefs : pi, fcm. 2liDI/iin tognaphoty ftrength, or abundance, J^^ xxii. 25. SI- yUljagualz. I he confulted, he coun- felled^ or he took counfel. 2 and 7 he con- fulted with himfelf. Y^V jognetz^ a counfellor. "^XV. gnetzahy a counfel : pi. fern. r\li*^1/D piognatzoty counfels or confukations, Prov. xxii. 2C. 58. **ij'^ j^g^^^^y a wood; alfo a wild honey-comb. 59. HD^ japhah. I he was fair. 3 he made fair. 4 ^^^^^^jcpjaphahy he was made fair, 7 he m.ade himfelf fair, or he did fairly adorn himfelf. T]^ljaphahy fair, and n^^?i"nD'; jephephijahy moft fair, Jer. xlvi. co. "^r^^ JQphiy fairnds, or beauty, ]fa. iii. 24. "^^^^japhach. Pf. xlv. 3, he breathed, he did blow, he fighed, he drew his breath. 5 the fame. T^r>ljapeahy one who breathes or blows. 60. y-** j^-P^^'K^ 5 he fhined, he was bright, ny?)'; jiphgnehy light or brightnefsj and fplendcur, Ezek. xxviii, 7. 6 1 . TS"^^ japaiy hence. ri?i^ ;;;^/^/, a fign, a wonder. 62. ^%^^jatza, I he went out, 5 H^^V^H v^ 107 hoizia, he caufcd to go forth, he brought our. 6 he was brought out. i^VlD motza, a going out, any thing brought forth. i^V /2^, HJ^V tzeahy or i^i$)i tzoah, dung, the excrement : pi. m. D*^X'1V tzoimy filthy, Zech. iii. 3 ; alfo pi. ID. D*^{!^Vi^V tzeelzaim, I/a. xxii. 24, and D^'k^^^V'^P mitziim^ Chrcn. xxxii. 21, poiterity, children, or the offspring: pL fern. ill^^KiH ictzaoty and Hii^^iD motzaoty egrefTions, or goings out: alfo pi. m. branches growing out from trees. 61^. yi^jatzah. 5 he appointed, he placed, 2 and 6 he was appointed, he was fet or placed. 7 he fet, or he placed himfelf, Pf. ii. 2 ; he ftood. 21(5 nitztzabi a governor, or one fet and appointed over any charge. 11^12 mutzahi DK^ matztzaby and fern. HD^Q matztzahahy &c. a {landing, a ftation, a (landing camp. nn"^p fnatztzbahy 2l pillar, or a (landing (latue. Ch. 2^)il jalziby or ^^^^^iljalzziba, true, truth, or certainty. 64. J^*^ jatzag. 5 he appointed, or he placed. 6 he was placed. 6^. V^^ jat.:cjng. 5 he prepared abed, he did fpread, or cover over. 4 he was i'pread over. Vyi\jetzuangy andi^VP matzangy a bed. i^^^T jatziangy a covering, or a fpreading over. 128 p^ 66^ p^P^jafzak. i he poured our, he was poured out, or he flowed down; alfo he was made firm, folid, and hard; he was placed. 6 he was poured out. p^^^) jatzuk^ PV^S mutzak^ poured out; alfo firm and fohd, Job xi. 15, The word applies to metal made firm and folid by melting; alfo fern, a pouring out: pi. fem. Hip'^^Q mutzakoty and ^p^^Q mutzekety tunnels or pipes into which liquor is poured when vefiels are filling, 67. IVt jatzar. i he fafhioned, or formed; alfo he was ftraightened, he was vexed. 2, 4, and 6, he was fafhioned, or formed. "^^^ jotzer^ a potter, one who formeth or falTiioneth clay. "y^^jetzer^ any thing fafhioned or formicd, a fiftion ; hence a thought or imagination, the fidion of the mind, Gen. vi, 5: pi. m. Q'^'IV^ jetzurimy members, Job xvii. 8. H'lli* tzurah^ a form or fafliion : fee alfo in "lli* tzur^. 68. r^^ jatzat. i he burned, he was burned, or he was kindled, 2 the fame. 5 he did burn or kindle. 69. ^p^Jekeiy a wine-p^efs, 70. ^K j^'^^d. I he burned. 6 he was burned, or kindled. ^p*! jekody Tlp^ jakudy and ^p'^Q moked: fem. HlpVj mokduh^ a fire. 1^ 129 iKac, or burning; a chimney: Ch. '^1]?.^. jekedahy Dan. vii. 1 1 ; and i^HTp^. yVi'i^M, Dan. iii. 6, 26, burning, ardent, or burning hot. 7 1 '^Ol?^ jikkehaby obedience, a congrega- tion, or gathering together^ Gen. xlix. 10. 72. i^J^)jakang^ i he was loofed, he was pulled off; or it was put out of joint. Gen. xxxii. 25; he was disjointed, or feparated, Jer. vl. 8. 5 he did hang up. 6 he W3s hanged up. 73. ^Jll jaknph. 5 he compafied about. Job xix. 6. 74. ^^^^jakatz. I he awaked. IS* "^K j^kar, I he was precious, he did feem or was efteemed precious.. 5 he made precious, ^^^^jakavy ^p^jekar, and ^^^Ijakkiry Ch. ^'^^^jakkiray precious, dear, glorious, or honourable ; alio honour or glory. l, 76. '^p^ljaka?. I he laid fnares. 2 he ^ was entrapped in fnares, or he enfnared him- felf. ^'pVjoke//jy U/ipijakc/Jj, and '^'^p^ jakujb, a fowler. ll*p}D a fnare, or a {tumbling- block: pi. m. "O^'^^pV jakaskim, enfnared, or caught in a' fnare. 77. ^n"!^ J7re. I he feared. 2 he was terrible, or greatly ro be feared. 3 he terri-^ K 130 n^ fied, or made afraid. i^^)jare, fearing. ^1^1) Jirah, and i^*11J2 mcrai or rTIIQ raorahy PJ. ix. 2I3 fear or reverence. 78, ^!1!J jarad, i he defcended. 5 he made to defcend, he led down, he call, or did throw down. 6 he was led, carried, caft> or thrown down. *1^VJ morad, a defcent, or fteep place. 79, ^"^^jarah, i he did caft down, he did caft darts. 2 he was (liot through with darts, Exod. xix. 13. 5 rTIIH horabj he caft, or he caft forth; he ftiot^ alfo he taught, he inftrufted and admonifiied, he did caft do<5i:rIne and learning from his mouth; hence n^^^"^ torahy the law, or doftrine, chiefly the law of God. TVp!^ jorefh ^^fo n"11D morehy the former rain> or that which falls after the feed is fown; fo called, bccaufe it caiifes the earth to bring forth the feed fown; alio T]^^^ tnorehy a prieft, a teacher, 1 Kings xvii. a8. 80.' HT jareachy the moon. TVV^ jerachy . a month, meafured by the moon* 81, 12^) jar at, i he declined, or turned afide: alfo he inclined, or turned over, Jcb xvi. IT, and Nmnb, xxii. 32. 82, '^yijarechy the thigh, or afide: fem. T^^'yij arc ally Gen, xlix. 13, :2^ 131 83. V^r y^^^^^. I he was or Teemed to be evil; alfo he did evil. ^ll^l] jerignahy a curtain, Exod. xxvi. 2. 84- 'py^'jaraL i he did fpit. pTT jaroky green, greeniih. ^^^Jereky greennefs, or a green herb. X^'^^Jerakon^ mildew, or pale- mky a, difeafe of corn, i Kwgsv'm. 37; Deut, xxviii. 22. P^PP) jerakrak, greeniih, or very green, Lev. xiii. 49, pT n?;^, jpittle. 85, t^T^^ /^r^/>/, I and 3 he inherited, he poflefled by inheritance. 2 he was caft out of his inheritance, he was impoveriihed, Prov. XXX. 9 ; from ^*^1 ru//;. 5 he made to pofTefs, he appointed an heir; alfohe didcaftout of his pofltfTion, he impoveriflhed; ^2!}'y)DfncraJh^ and fem. r]tyjerej%ah..r^W^\jeruf%0^^^^^^^ nw^m moraJfMby a poffeffion, an inheritance, t^^ll^T^ tiroj/ij ViC)N wine, which affects the fenfes of thofc who drink it, N.mh. xviii. 12. 8.6. ^jefh: \^c\nT]^;\jaJ/lah. 87. '2''Z'\jashab, i he , dwelt, he remained, he did fit or abide, he Ctaid. 2 he vvas in- habited. 3 and 5 he made to fit, he caufe.d to inhabit, 6 he vvas made to dwell, or inhabit. 52^*lp m^habyfi^vi^.'^'^^ Jhibahy a habitation, dwelling, or refidcnce, 2 Sam. xix. 32. H'^'il^ tojhaby an inhabitant. K 2 132 ^ 88. "^"^^ japiah: hence '^^'}, jejhy he was, he is, they are or vv^re ; a word agreeing with all numbers and perfons, and the original of the Latin eji. Hence H^t^^lll tujhijah, effence, exiftence, fubilance, fubftantial, cxiftent, or exifting; a v;ord diverfly rendered, frequently by prudence, wifdom, virtue, law, reafon, &c. 89. T\"slJ\ jejfjachy deprefllon, humiliation, or calling down, Micah vi. 1 4. 90. \^'^^ jajkat. 5 he extended, or he ftretched forth, 91. D^*^ ja/ham. i he was defolate, or laid wafte. 5 he made defolate. llz-i^^^V; a wildernefs or defert, Pf. Ixviii. 8. 92. \^.ljafhan, i he flept. 2 he grev/, old, or he remained long, Beut. iv. 25, Lev. xxvi. 10. 3 he caufed to deep. \^^^jajheny fleeping. V^^ja/haUj old. TSW fhenah^ fleep. 93. V'^^ j a/hang. 5 V.^^'^^ hofliiang^ hC faved, he preferved. 2 he was faved;' hence V'^l jeJJiang^ T\^^^ii\ tejhugnah^ and T]]IW^ jejhugnahy &c. falvation, or fafety: pi. fern, riij/lu^^'! jejhugnoty Pf. xviii. 51 ; and Ty\V'^'M2 mo/fiagnoty ^.Ixviii 21, fafeties, all kind of falvation. J/^t^lC mojhiangy a faviour, one who brings falvation. iV 133 94. nS2^^ jajhpheh^ a jafper ftone, a pre- cious ftone 'io called, Exod. xxviii. 20. 95- "^^'t j^jii^^' I h^ ^vas right, or righteous, or he was upright. 3 and 5 he redified, or made right, he direfced; alfo he made ftrait or plain, 4 he was directed, or made right, he was fitted and made equal, I Kings vi. 35. ^'^\jashar^ ^^2)^ jojher^ and *IV^\P mijhor^ right, righteous, or upright, righteoufnefs, or equity, Pf. cxliii. lO; alfo ftraitnefs, or plain: pL, m. D^"1^'^C mejharmy uprightnefs or righteoufnefs, PJ, xvii. 2 ^ alia upright, or uprightly. Cant. i. 4, 96. ^^jajhejlo, or'^^'^ljajhifjj, very old and ancient, Job xv. 10 ; Or one (looping for old age, 2 Chron, xxxvi. 17. 97. ^^j^'ty Ch. an article of the accufative cafe. 98. "^Tyijutab. Ch. he did fit, he abode, or he dwelt. 5 he caufed to dwell, he placed, the fame with the Hebrew ^'^'^^jajlak. 99. TH^ joted^ a nail, or a pole. 100. thTS^ jatcm^ an orphan, fatherlefa, or without parents, E^ad. xxii. 21. 10 r. "^Ty^Jafar. 5 he left, or he made to jemain ^ he abounded, he made excellent, or he made to abound. 2 and 6 be was left, be 134 KD was made to abound, or he was made excellent. 'y\T\'ljattiry2inA'^T\]t2 motar: fern. ^'y^^Jitrnhy excellent^ excellency s alfo profit or gain $ or that which remains, a remnant, the refi", or that which is left over and above, &c. r\nr\l'^ joterety the caul of the liver, Exod\ xxix. 12, "^X^^jeteVy a cord, or firing, Pj, xi. 2: pL m. D"^*)r\*^.5 metarimy cords or (trings, Pf, xxi, 13. Ch. ^rP!\jatiry excellent, Dan, ii. 31, I. 3K2 caab, i he was grieved. 5 he made to grieve. 3^5 ceeby and Ii1K5?5 machchy forrow, or grief, Ps, Ixix. 27 : pi. m. D^31^PP machobimy fern. niDJ*{?P machobot^ forrows. 2 ni^3 ^^^^. 5 ni^^D hichahy he broke^ or he bruifed in pieces ; alfo he afflifted, he made poor. 2 he was broken, or he was made poor, nj^p5 necheahy afflifted, or broken> Prov. XV. 13: pi. m. D^'Jl^?? nechalmy ftricken, or broken, IJa. xvi. 7* HJ^B caehy and pi. 3D 135 D"^!?^! cahuy afflifted, poor, broken, or con^r trice: fee \}T^ chalach, 3. *i33 cahad. i he was heavy, either in weight, honour, or riches; hence he was ho- noured, he was glorified. 2 he was honour- able, or he glorified himfelf. 4 the fame. 3 and 5 he honoured, he glorified, or he magni- fied; he made heavy with honour. 7 he gio- rified, he honoured, or augmented himfelf. 133 cahedy heavy, numerous. *I?3 cebed^ and irjS r(?^^'/:/, weight, gravity. ^^^^2^ cabod : fern. &n*T13!p cehiidaby honour, or glory. I^r^ nickbady honoured, or honourable: pi. m. 0*^735 J nichbadimy JJa. xxiii. 8; glorious, or full of glory : alfo the liver Is called 133 cabed^ becaufe the heavleft of all the entrails. 4. 1*13^ cabah. i he was extinguifiied. 3 he did exting-uifh, 2 Sam. xiv, 7. 5. 753 celeli a pair of (locks, or fetters, PJ, cv. 18'. 6. D32 cabas. 3 D35 dbhs^^ be waflied. 4 and 6 he was waflied. Lev. xiii. 56. D313 ^^^Jt'j", a fuller, or ^A-alher of cloth, ^. vii, 3: p). m. D^'p^D/P mechabe] niy wiiihers, or fullers,' MaL iii. 2. 7. tQi3 cobangy a heloiet, *^ifr. xlvi. 4. 8. 133 cabar. 5 he multiplied. 'T'^S 156 "O eabiry or T^!Ili<2 cabir^ mighty, ftrong. ")*^55 (ebir^ a pillow, i Sam. xix. 13; alio *"i^39 mtchbary a fieve, or a grate, jEa:^?^. xxxv, 16. H'^-?? cibraky a mile, or a league; an acre, or a little piece of ground, Gen. xxxv. 15. *)3?0 machbery a covering, fpread over any thing, 2 Kings viii. 1 5 ; but l^? cahar^ a particle de- noting the time paft, Ecdes. u 10, now, already, &c. 9. ti/52 tabajh* \ and 3 he fubdued. Ji^53 r^iJ^7&, a little hill, or height. |^^?3 a furnace; but ^^55 cebesy ^\xk\fin^ is a lamb, or fheep. 10. 3*15 r^i^^ Ch. 1 he lied. nn*75 eidbah, 3, lie. 11. ^^T^ r/i^^^, a fparkle, or a fpark of fire. Job xli. 10. ^3 cad^ a pitcher, or veflelj I Kings xvn 14. 13"T2 cadcody an agate, or emerald, ^. liv. 12. 12. '^l^ cediy Ch. who? which? &c. the fame with ^1 di, 13. pT3 cidony a lance; fee in T3 nV, n3*J5 cidnahy he, or that man, Ihe, or that womaii; the fame with ]7 den. 14 ^^*^3 cadduvy or hits aVc?r, a battle^ or an army arrayed, Jfa, xxli, 18. ! 13 137 15. ^'^ ^ohy fo, yes, a particle of affir- mation and fimilitudes alio here, or thither. 16. ^^r^ cahah. i and 3 he was dark, dinn, or he failed, IJa. Ixii, 4; alfo he preffed, or he reftrained, he was rcftrained and ftrait- enedi he frowned, i 6'^/;^. iii. 13; T]T]'2^ cehah^ dark, darkncfs, or dimnefs, a contraclion, ftraicening, or drawing into wrinkles, Nah, ni, 19; Lev. xiii. 56, and pi. fern. rilHS cekoty i^i;. xiii. 39, fad, or fadnefs. 17. ^ni? f^/:?^/. Ch. 1 he could, or he ' was able. 7n2 cahel^ potent, able, or pow- 1 erful, Da7t. ii. '26, I 16. ]D^ cohen^ a priefl:, a prince ^ either I one who offers facrince, and hath the charge j of iioly things, or he who is a magiftrate in I civil things; hence in 3 ^ij^ ciheriy he mini- \ ftered in holy things, or he did the prieft's I office. *^^CJ5 chehiinnah^ priefthood, or the office of a prieft, Ezra ii. 62 : pi. fern, msns cehunnot^ priefthoods, i Sam, ii. 2fi. 19. i^^3 cavvay Ch. a window : pi. naafc. P?? cavviuy windows, Dan* vi. 11. 20. ni2 cavah. 2 he was burned, ^/i?. xliii, 2. ^'S t7, n^15 cevijah^ and H^pP michevaby a burning. 138 131 2 1. ni2 hoach^ ftrength,, virtue^ power, TTiight, &c, aifo the lizard. Lev, xi. 30. 22. f'^^ciil, I he contained, he embraced, he comprehended, he mealured. 3 he fiif- tained, he upheld, he nourifhed, he difpofed,^ and meadircd* 4 he was fuRained, or up holden. 5 he contained, oi-fuftcinedi he took, or he did take; hence fon^ie derive v*'2 dlai^ greedy, or avaricious: fee /''2 til, 23. p3 cun, 3, and 5 he prepared, fitredy difpofed, or direiled; he appointed or eltablilLed. 2, 4, and 6 he was fitted or pre- pared;, he was eftabliilied, or he was made rirm and liable; he wasdireclcd. 7 the fame, |3 cen^ right, fo, yes. ^5*^ cichen^ ExacL ii. 14^ trulv, &c. TVl,2 carjiahy a young; or tender branch or plant, P/I Ixxx. 15. *p'w ^Z^i^a^ the name of an idol, /imos v. 25: pi. m. C\jJ5 ' cavvamm^ cakes, . j^r. vii. 18. p^Q ?;2^ri?67?, and ni^^i^ iechimah^ and H^^wp mechunahy &c. a place, a feat, a bafis or foundation ; properly a prepared place^ or feat; alfo a preparation or difpofuion.. 24, D13 i-^j, a cup, Gen.y\. ii; alfo the name of an unclean bird, or an ovy], Lev, xi, 17. 25. 1^2 ciir^ a furnace., a vcffel to meJr metal in ; alio "^Z^' cor^ is the greateft meafure ^2 ISO of dry things j the fame with ^^H chomcry an homer. 24. 3j3 cazab, i Und 3 he lied., a he w^s made a liar, or he was convinced of lies. 5 he caufed to lie. n?3 cazab, a lie, and nOs^ achzaby falfe, deceitful, 27. "^|5^ achzavy cruel, fierce, favage^ aifo ilVHip'^ achz-erijuty fiercehefs, or cruelty, PrczK XXV ii. 4. 128. *Tn3 etched. 3 he hid. 2 he was hid, Ho/, V. 3 ; alfo he was cut off, and fo hid for ever. 5 h^ hid., he cue off. 29. vHS cachaL i he painted the face or cyes^ he counterfeited, Ezek. xxiii-. 48. 30. ti^nS cachajh. i, 2, 3, and 7 he lied,. he v/as made a liar; alfo -2 he was lean, or he- Was made lean; l^^HJ cachajh^ a lie: pl^ m^ C^Si^nj cechajhimy liars, ^^. xxx. g. 31. ^^ ciy becaufe, for, 6tc. a caufative particle. 32. T3 cidy deftruftion, Job xxi. 20. pT3 cidoHy a lance, fpear, or buckler, 33* "T? or 72 cilaiy greedy, or avaricious ^ a churlj one who holds fail what he hath: fee ^12 r///. .140 ^73 34 '^P'^3 cimab^ a conftellation of the ftars, called the Pleiades^ Job ix. 9. 35. D^5 nj, a bag or purfej Prcv. i. 14. 36. i^S'^3 r^/i6^. Ch. a rock: pi. m. D^S3 caphim^ rocks, J^r. iv. 29 ; hence the Apoftle Peter was called Cephas^ a rock. 37. nrS ^?^r, a cauldron, a veflfel to wafh in, a laver, Exod, xxx. 185 alfo a hearth, or a veiTel to keep fire, Zecb, xii. 6 ; alfo a pulpit, or fcaffbld, 2 Chrcn. vi. 33: pi. m. D*'*)l'^3 ajorim^ fern* rillTS cijorot^ lavers, or vefTcls to wafli in: du. m. D^T? cirajim. ranges for pots wherein cakes were baken, L^x^. xi. 35. 38. ^\^ cach^ fo, thus, &c. HDS cachah, the fame s a particle of likenefs or fimilitude, aW. xii, II; and Nufub. xi. 15. 39. I1D12 cochahy a Itar, Numb^ xxiv. 17; pk m. 2*^3312 chochabim^ ftars, G^?/. i i6 40. *1?2 ckcary a mafs, a piece of any thing; alfo a plain, when it is fpoken of the ground; and a talent, when fpoken of metal. 41. /3 coh or /3 cal^ all; a colleclive par- ticle : fee in 773 calcal. 42. ^^73 cala. I and 3 he fhut up, or he clofed, he contained, or he reft rained, 2 he ^3 141 Was reftralncd, &c. K?.?. cele^ 1 Kings xvii. 4, S^^^S r^//, or i. I he was finifhed, he was perfected; alfo he was confunned, he failed; alfo CO hope, to truft, to wait, from the Chaldec ufe of the word. 3 he perfedled, he finifhed, he confumed. 4 he was finifhed, orperfefted. ^^^ caky or Tty^ calay Ifa. x, 3, and i*y3 caky Dan. ix. 24, or X^^\^ cillajoHy 'Dent, xxviii. 65, Ija, X. 2-2^ a confunamation, or confumptioni alfo confumed, or deficient and failing. ^73^ tachlity the end, or perfcdlion of any thing: pi. fenn, rii /?P michloty perfeftions, 2 Chron. iv, 21. y5 celiy aveffel; alfo an ornament^ or any inftrnment: pi. m, D 7?. r^//w, veffels: pL fem. -f^^ V? celajoty the reins. 45. n?? chelach^ old age, Job xxx. 22. 46. 772 calal. I he perfected, he abfolved and finifhed. '?*^^3 r<^//7, perfed, whole, or abfolute; all, or the whole, a confummation. 1 42 j:2 or finiHiing. ^y^t^ michloU perfeflion, E:eh xxiii. 12: alfo ^^3P michlal, Pf. \. i -, fem. ^l"^ (^ celilahj La7nent, ii. 15, the fame, wholly or abfolutcly ; alfo a whole burnt-offering, a total burning. n?3 callah^ a bride, or fpoufe, alio a daughter-in-law: pi. fem. ili^1/3 xaluloty Jer. ii. 2, efpoufals. 47. D/2 calam. 2 and 6 he was afhanied, he was difgraced, or he was made to blufb for (hame. 5 he made afhamed, or he difgraced. nS-79 celimmahy and Ti^Sv? celimmut^ igno- miny, difgrace, or fliamx^ heace the word calumny. 48. nii:)75 celappot : pL fem. ham.mers^ or axes, iy. lx';civ. 6. 49. R/p3 camah. i he defired greatly, hj^ longed through defire, P/I Ixiii. i. T]lp^ xammah : fee in H/S mahy "^^5 cemo^ as, even as, ^c. 50. Tp^3 cunmz^ a woman's belt, or bracelet. 51. ]D2 caman^ a root not ufed; but Jience pi. m. C^SD^D machmanrdm^ things hid, .or treafures, Dan ^i. 43, from the Chaidee figni- fication of the w^ord. jP5 ceman^ to hide. ;]")^2 cmmnoriy cummin, Ifa. xxviii, 27* 52. DD3 camas i he hid, jD^/^/. xxxii. ^j. 2D 143 53. **')23 camar. 2 he was hot, or he burned: alfo he was black throuah heat and burning: pi. m. C'lfw? cema7''imy priefts of idols, or the idolatrous priefts of the gentiles, fo called from the blacknefs of their vifa.c^e, and the grirr^nefs of their countenance, when they went to facrifice, which nnade thern feern terribk:? to the idolaters, Ho/, x. 5: pi, m. 'C*^'1'*jp2 ctmririmj blackneffes, as thofe who mourn, or as bitternefTes, &c. making the root "^^i^ marar ^nd ^/ervil/y' Jo^ u\. ^. *11D5P michmory and ]n*^CpP michmorety a ntu Hah, i. 15. 54. |3 ceuy thus, or fo: fee ]'i3 cun. 55. T\^^ c'lnnah. 3 he furnamed, or he gave titles, Ch, '^^5? cenavahy a college, a fociety, or company, Er^ira iv. 9 : fee p3 cun. 56. ^p55 cenema. Ch, thus, in this man- ner, after this way, Ezra iv. 1 1, 51. "^^ canaUy a root not ufedj but hence !pl. m. u-*^5? chmmy lice, Excd, viii. 17; and Q33 cinnamy a quantity of lice, 38. D^3 canas, i and 3 he carried, or he athered together. 7 he gathered himfeif to- ether J hence ^^M? cene/ety a congregation, or gathering together, and PP^^Q michnefajim^ breeches, 'Exod. xxviii. 42. 59. 1/33 canang. 5 he humbled, or he laid low. 2 he was laid low and humbled, or he humbled himfeif; he was caft away; hence jy35 cenagnariy ]yp2 cingnan^ and ^?>pJ5 cenag* naniy a Canaanite, a merchant. <^i(33 cingyiahy merchandife, J^^^. x. 17. 60. ^5? canaph^ a wing, border, corner, or (kirt of a garment; hence in 2 he was removed into a corner, or he was caufcd to fly, he ufed wings, Ifa. xxx. ao. 61. 1133 cinmry a harp. 62. ^*33 r^;7^7//'. Ch. he gathered together. 7 he was gathered together. 63. D2 r^j", i^DS ^j//^, and HpS ^^^, a throne, Z)&. I and 3 he covered, he hid. 2 and 4 he was covered. 7 he covered himfeif. ^1D5 ce/uiy ^03 ^^^/, and np59 michfehy 2t covering. 65. nC3 cafach. i he cut off, or he cut down: fing. fern. nniD? cefuchahy cut down,! or torn, PJ. Ixxx. 17, and I/a. v. 25 : pi. m. D^niD5 cejachimy cut up, -5^. xxxili. 12. 02 1 45 66. /D3 cafaL i he was foolifh, he was made, or he became foolifh. v^P3 cefil, a fool, or fooliflij alfo a confteliation, called Orion, jimos V, 8. /P5 ^^/> and fern. ^753 cijiab, and ni^**P3 -cefiluty foolifhnefs, ftupidity; alfo hope, or expeftation, ^oh iv. 6, &:c. 2*^705 cefalim^ the flanks, or the bowels. Job xv. 27; i. he humbled, or lie laid low. D^^tn^ ceragnajim, the thighs or legs. Lev. xi. 21. 95. CST^S carpasy purple, green, or blue colour^ Ejlher i. & 96. *n3 carar-y hence in 3 15*13 circer, he leaped, or danced, 2 Sam. vi. 4 : pi. fern, nin5'7? drcaroty fvvifc beads. 13 r^r^ [a little word, fignifying divers things, as] a lamb: pi. m. D"^"!^? carim, lambs, I/a^ xxxiv. 6. 13 car, a pafture to feed lambs in, Jfa. xxx. 23; alfo ' furniture for beafts. Gen. xxxi. 34: alfo pi. m. 2^"?3 carimy PJ. Ixv. i :(., cedar beams, rams, or paftures; alfo captains of armics> Ezek^ iv. ly or battering-rams, made to batter down walls and fortifications* 97. iyi2 r^r^^, the belly> or the throat> Jer. li. 34. 98. T\1'2 carat, i and 5 he cut, he cut afunder, he cut off; and (being joined with the noun TV'l'^ berity a covenant) he made a co- venant, as Beut^ v. 5 ^ becaufe in making of covenants they ufed to flay beafts, &c. Gen^ V, 10, 17, &c. 2, 4^ and 6 he was cut ofF> or he was cut down. Ulil'^n? ceritat, divorce- ment, or the cutting afunder of marriage^ Ifa, 1. I, or nn''13 cerituty Deuf^ xxiv. i. ^3 151 I 21ir\'15 or ilh*)3 ceruroty i Kings vi. 2^^ and vii. 2, pieces of timber. 99. !lCi^5 r^^^, a lamb, a (beep of a year old. joo, ^'^'^^'2 cafdaij a Chaldean; alfo a di- viner, or a foothfayer, for fuch were many of the Chaldeans. 10 1. n^3 cafah. i he covered, or he was covered, Deut. xxxii. 15. 102. 7t^3 ^j/?^/. I and 2 he ftumbled, lie offended, he fell. 3 and 5 he made to ftumble, or he caufed to fall. 6 he was made to ftumble, he was overthrown, Jer. xviii. 23. ^la^pp micbol, U:. xix. 14, and 11^2^*3 djh-^ jhalon^ Pro \ xvi. 18 : fern. tllZ^^D machjhtllah^ a fall, a ruin, a ftumbling-block or offence, a fcandal, 7^r. vi. 21, 7/*^. iii.6: alfo pi. fern. Jli'7^?0 machjhelot, Zeph. \. 3, mafc. uh\i;y^2 michJJiclim^ ftumbling- blocks. rW^ cajhjhil, an axe or hatchet, PJ. Ixxiv. 6. 103. ^!i^3 cafliaph. 3. ^t?^? cifli/fiephy he xifed enchantments or witchcraft, 2 Chron. .xxxiii. 6, he juggled, or he ufed jugglings, deceivings, or delufions, whereby things are made to appear otherwife than thev are; hence ^ii^5P mecafnjheph^ and fem. nD:4*5P raechajhepbah^ an enchanter, a witch, a juggler. 152 J13 one who deceives by legerdemain, or by de- luding and deceiving the fight: pi. m. C)??v^5 ca fbaphimy enchanters or witches, jugglers or deceivers, who change and transform things to the fight of the eye, alfo D*^D2^5 chejha^biniy witchcrafts and enchantments, or thofe tricks, deceits, and delufions, which enchanters and jugglers ufe to deceive odiers, Mkahw 12. 104. ^^3 cajloar. i he was right. 5 lie made right, he direfted. ^^'3 cafher^ EJi/u viii. 5. ]in4* 3 ciJhrcMy righteoufnefs, or equity, Eccks. ii. 21 i alfo '^1^'^3 cijloTy Prcv. xxxi. 19, the fpindle direfting the thread: pi fern. nint^iS cojharoty fetters, bonds, or chains, Pf. Ixviii. 7. 105. Ili?3 catab. i and 3 he wrote. 2 it was written, 3^^ cetaby EJih, viii. 9; ^O-r^ michtaby Exod. xxxii. 16, and -f^^h!? cetobety Lev. xix. 28, a writing or infcription. 106. /T\D cctely a wall. Cant. ii. 9. 107. C113 cete?ny gold, properly moft fine and pure gold; hence in 2 he w^as gilded over with gold, and hence he was marked, Jer. ii. 22. Dilipp michtamy golden, PJ. xvi. 1, or moft excellent, as the firiefc gold. 108. -i^^^? cetonety2iV\di ^.^1^3 cuttonety &c. a coat, G^n. xxxvii. 31, and iii. 23: pi, fem. ilil*l3 cutanotj coats, Excd. xxviii. 40, j6 155 109. 'ir^S catephy and ^03 ceteph^ b, fhouldcr, a fide, a fhoi>lder-blade, or the back. no. ^T)2 calar. 3 he compafled about, as a crown doth the head; alfo he waited. 5 he compafled, he crowned, ^p? cefery a crown> or an ornament compaffing about the head, Efther i. 1 1. 111. ^f?3 catafh. i he bruifed, or he did bray. ti^-OpP mactefli^ a mortar, Prci;. xxviL 22; alfo any hollow thing, Judg, xv. 19. 112. TSVy^ chat at. 1, 3, and 5 he broke, or he bruifed into pieces. ^'^'^^ catitj beaten or broken, and Hri^? mechittahy a beating, or breaking in pieces, IJa. xxx. 14, h 1. is} loy not, a negative particle; alfo fometimes ^^ lo^ not, is put for 1 / /^, to him^. as Job xiii. 15, Ifa. Ixiii. 9, xlix, 5, PJ. c. 4. 2. nij'j^ laab. I and 2 he was grieved, he i took it grievoufiyi alio he was wearied. 5 he wearied, or he made weary. <^^?^ telaahy 154 '3^ grier. wearinefs, or trouble, Kxod. xviii. 8 ; alfo n^/J^O mattlahj over-wearying. 4. tDi?7 laat. I he hid, or he covered j alfo t3i<7 laty fecretly, or foftly and quiecly^ Judges iv. 21. 5. *^X^ laach ; hence '^^^ /Q malcich^ a mef- fcnoccr of God. mD>57^ malachut. an embaf- fage, or a meflage, Hcig. i. 13; alfo H^^^P melachahy a work, a piece of work, an art, GV, xxxiii. 14: pi. fern. ri>Di<7jp mechlaot^ works, P/; Ixxiii. .28. 6. 'O'^ leoMy a people, a nation: fee in "DDJJ cimanu . 7. 3/ /^^, the heart: fee in 211/ /^^^^, 8. i<*^?7 lahi^ a fierce old lion. 5. 3IlV /^Z^^, and contradled, '^.leby the heart, or the mind. HS'? libhahy fern, the fanies fee jEzi?^. xvi. 30: pi. fern. rilS? ///^/^^/, hearts, P/1 vii. lo; alfo pi. fern. ^133? lebiboty fweet and dainty cakes, hearty meat, 2 Sam. xiii. 6 ; hence in 1 33v5 nilbaby he was hearty, or he had a good hearty alfo he was wife. Job xi. 12. 3 33/ libbahy he did draw or ravilh the heart, Cant. iv. 9 j alfo he did bake cakes, or he prepared hearty meat, 2 Sam. xiii. 6. 10. ^?? kbad^ only: fee. in ^73 ^^^^^, "V 155 11. i227 laiat. 2 he was troiiblec], he was beaten, or he {cWyProv. x. IQ> and viii. 12, 12. ]D!7 laban. 5 he was white, or he bccanne white; alio he made white. 7 he was made white, Dan. xii. 10. ]27 laban^ white, vvhicenefs i alfo ^5?7 lebanah^ the moon, fo called from its palenefs, IJa^ xxiv. 23. '"^f!?/ lihnchy the white poplar tree, i^j-l? l^^onah^ frankincenfe, Gz;/^ iv. 14. pJ?^ Lebanotiy the mount Lebanon, from the abundance of its frankincenfc. "^J?/ l^hmahy a brick, or a floor, pavement made of brick, or a work paved with brick,. Exod. xxiv. 10: pi. mafc. D^'Jill? lehenim^ bricks, Geyi. xi. 32; hence l?*? Z^^^;/, in Jf^/,. or i, he made bricks, Gen^ xi. 3^ Exod.v.'j'y hence ]57Q malbetiy a brick-hill,, Nahum iii. 14, 2 perchance, and ^ /!\^ htle^ except, &c. 24. Ji / /tJ^, a certain meafure of liquids. lV 157 called a log, or a pint, containing fix eggs, ^Lev. xiv. lo. 25. ni7 lavuh. I he borrowed, or he [took upon loan ; alfo he did adhere, or cleave to; he joined. 2 he adjoined hinnrelf, or he was joined to. 5 he lent, or he did lend, 'Bent, xxviii, 12. 11. n^l'? //ly^^, an adding, or an ornament: pi. fern. T\V^ lo'ot^ addi- tions, I Kings vii. 29. IP^-^ liyjatharty Levia- than, or the great, whale. TSp^malveh^ one who lendeth. 26. Vv) liiz, I he departed. 2 he was perverfe, he departed from the right. 5 he caufed to depart, Prov, iv.^ 21. Vb\ jialoz^ ! perverfe, Prov. iii. 32.^ T\yt} lezut^ perverfc- inefs, Prov. iv. 24. tl7 the hazel tree. Gen. jxxx. ^"j. . j, 27. m? /^'^c/^, Pr(5^^ iii. 3 : pi. fern. T\T\t} \luchot^ and du. X^^J^^^T\(iucbotajim^ tables, or I boards, Eze . xxvii, c. 28. 017 //^/. 1 and 5 he covered, or he J^id. 0? /^/, a hiding ; hence 1^)^72 ballat^ in fecret, or fecretly : pi. mafc. enchantments, called D^iO? latimy becaufe they are done fe- cretly, Exod. vii. 22 J alfo ^t) lot^ myrjh, or a kind of gum. 158 rh 29. D vl/ lulimy pi, m. turning or winding flairs, I Kin^s vi. 8 -, alio pi. fcm. J^i^/ ( /^W, little nets, or loops, Exod^ xxvi. 4. Klw ////d-, except : fee in 1 / lu, 30. 1^^ 1, 5, and 7 he lodged, or ftaid all night i ,alfo a and 5 he miirmiirtd, ExoJ. .XV. C4, U lejiy Nb. xiii. 21 ^ one who (lays all night. ]uD malcUy a lodging, or an inn, n317,p mdunah^ d, cottage. njl/j*^ telunali^ a murmonng. 31. VT) luang. i and 5 he Twaliowed up, )rO loangy the throat, or the jaws. 32. p7 lut%, I and 5 he mocked, 7 he was mocked. \)., Utz^ ^^^7 lotxetz^ a mocker, or a fcorner, \^ v?? melitz^ the fame, J^^ xvi. iio^ alfo an interpreter, or an orator, Gen^ xlii. 23. nV vP melitzaky an interpretation, or an eloquent fpeech, Prov.. i. 6. ]Ti7 latzony a fcorning. 33," 5^17 //^y^, I to knead dough. 34. T^ levat^ Ch. to, unto, &c. 35. T7 lazy HT^ lazeh^ and 1f^. lezuy he or Ihe, ^^inlTv kzut, perverfenefs : fee in t1v> luz, 36. *^n7 lachnh. Hence "X^ leckiy a jaw- bone, Biut. xviii. 3 : du. m, the jaws, or vthe cheeks, Cant.v^ 13, ^^ 159 37. T\T\1 lachachy hence H*? lach^ and leach, Igreen, greennefs, or moiftiire. 38. ^T\l lachach. I and 3 he licked. 39. ^Ty} lacham. i he did eat, he fed; hence he fought; and 2 the fame, he waged war, for war doth eat men up. DHv lechem^ bread, bread, or meat j Ch. Criy kchem^ Dan. V. I, a feaft. ^^^Tv} kchiimy the fame, meat, or (lefh. Cn? lachem^ war, Judg. v. 8; alfo ri^n7D raiUhamaby a battle, which eateth up men. 39. I^JD? lechenahy Ch. a concubine. 40. ^n? lachatz. i he opprefled. 2 he prefTed, or opprefled himfelf, or he thruft him- felf, Numb. xxii. 25. \nl /^r//^/z, opprefiion. 41. ^'Tv) lichejh. 3 and 7 he muttered, jor he fpoke low, within fiimfelf; hence he [charmed or enchanted. ^^Ttj lachajhy a mut- jtering, or a low Ipeech; hence a charming: I pi. male. D'^t^n'? ear-rings, IJa. ili. 20 \ or i amulets ufed againft enchantments. 42. ril^tp/ letaahy a lizard. Lev. xi. 30^ an animal with fpots like ftars. 43. tt^^7 latajh. I he Iharpencd, he po- liihedi hence hs learned, he inltrufted. 4 160 V^ \l}s^^J^ melutajh^ he was poliflied, or fliarpencd, TJ. iii. 4. 44 rj. lajily 7v kly or H^^*? lailah^ the night, ri V.7 //7i/, an owl, a night-bird, J/^'^c xxxiv, 14. 45. ^'^7 laji/hj an old lion. . 46. ^37 Icxhad. I he took, he appre- hended, 1 he was taken. 7 he was taken, or he was frozen. Job xxxviii. 30. *15-v lachedi a taking, a fnare to catch, Job xviii, 10. T\1j712 malcodet. the fame. * 47. *7D7 lamad. i he learned. 3 he caufed to learn, he taught. 4 he was taught, or he was acctiftonied, I^S^ or *T^7 limuJj learned, taught, accuftomed, expert, or expe- rienced, IJaA. 4; I Chron. v. 18. Tpyil ialmid^ a fcholar, or adifciple, i Chrcn. xxv. 8; alfo "T^/i? malmody a goad, to teach oxen to plough, "judg. iii, 32. 48. 3>/7 lugnab. 5 he mocked, 2 Chron. xxxvi, 16. 49. J]^v lagnag. i and 5 he mocked, he fcofFed. 1 he was mocked j alfo he Ham- mered in his fpcech, or he was of a ftammering tongue, IJa. xxxiii. i^. J|/*7 Icgneg^ a mocker, p^ 161 mocking, ot defifion: pL m,^ C^J^v lagK'g:m, mockers, Pf. xxxx. i6. ^)t2 lagnag^ fcorn, derifion. 50, Wiv logner^ a barbarian, or one of a barbarous and ftrange language, Pf. cxiv. 1 . 51, t3i/7 lagnat. 5 he gave to taite, or he fed, Gtfft. XXV. 30. 152^ ^*^^y/ IcLgnanah^ wormwood, Jer. ix. 15. ' 53^ "^^^.lappid^ a lamp, a torch, or fire- brand, I 54. n^v Japhat. I he took hold, or he laid hold upon, Judges %yi. 29. 2 he bowed, or he inclined himfeif ; he turned afidc. Job iVi. 8; Ruth iii. 8. 55. nj!)*? lakach. I he took or he carried away. 2, 4, and 6 he was taken. 7 the fame, he was ifitercepted. HJ^i/ kkach^ a taking or i.perceiving; alfo learning, Proi;. iv. 2. nj^O mikkachy a taking or receiving: pi. m. J^inj^Q makkachoty Nefu x. 31, v/are, or merchandiie. i^'p/O malkvachi a taking, or that which is taken, a prey: du, m. D^HJ^^Q ?na.kajimy a pair of tongs, or fnufFers, Bi>iod. xxv. 38; alio the jaws, Pf. xxii. 16. 56. JDj?'? lakat. I and 3 he gathered to- gether. 4 and .7 be was gathered together. '^i?^ M^/, a gathering together, or the glean- M 162 n"? ingsof the harveft, Lev. xix. 9. ^'^pT-jalkiitj a fcrip, pocket, or bag, wherein neceflary things are gathered together, i Sam. xvii. 40. 57. P(^7 lakak. i and 3 he licked, or he lapped, Judg. vii, 6. YTJelek, a kind of lociift. 58. ti^p/ likke/Iiy 3 he gathered together late fruits. Job xxiv. 6. ^^j. kkeJJiy the latter growth, Anos vii, u ^^'pl^malkoJJiy the latter rain, viz. about the month of May, going before the harveft, and bringing it forward; called the rain of gathering, becaufe it nnakes the corn of the harveft to be gathered together, Deut. xi. 14, 59. *f^7 lashady moift, ornatural nnoifture, jy. xxxii, 4. 60. nstt^y lijhcahy a chamber, or cell: pi. fern, niit^/ lejhacot^ chambers, or cells, Ezeh xl. 17, 44. 61. Dtw^7 lejhemy one of the precious ftones in the high-prieft's breaft-plate, called a ligure. 62. ]it2/^ lajlon^ 2i tongue; hence in 3 ^5t^i^ lojheny he did calumniate, or backbite with his tongue. 5 the fame. S^. '^^^ latachy hence TfT^Tpp, meltachah^ a veftry, or the place where clothes are kept, a Kings x. 22. 64. "^pl! lelech, a half homer, Ho/, iii. 2. 65, VT)1 latang. 2 he was ground, or broken, Joi^ iv. 10: pi. fern. ril^/jpyP maltagnoty the grinders, or the great jaw-teeth, P/ Iviii. 7. 72 U *1K^. ;;/^^^, greatly, vehemently; alfo ftrength, Deut. vi. 5. 2. HKD ;;/^<:?^, an hundred, Gen. vi. 7^ mi;^i2/^, Ch. he came to, he tauchedj it came to pafs, Dan. vii. 22. 39. IDJC'Q mat at. 2 DiD3 namoiy he was movi'd, he flipped, /y. xvii. 5: fee t31^ ;;?/. 40. 7*^E?p ^;^//7, a bar, or an iron ftaff, Jch xl. 18. 41. "It^^ matarj rain; hence in 5 hecaufed to rain, or he let dov/n rain, 2 it was rained ijpuii^ ^iv-/^^ iv. 7. 42. '^^wi, who? which? what? &c. *70 169 ' 43. D^D majimi water, or waters ; the word is in the form of the dual number, pointing at the upper waters in the clouds, and the lower waters in the Teas. "^P mey or "^"^Q memCy the fame, in the contrafted pK m. form: waters. 44. r^ ^i^i a kind, or fort. Gen. i. 1 1. 45. pD ;//2;, a preffure, or a wringing or prefling out. ^0 ;;^^/2;, a wringer, or one who prefleth out ; hence an extortioner, Ifa^ xvi. 4* 46. p**^ mik-y fee plQ ?^/^ 47. TD ;;f^wr; fee TiD ;;2^r, 48. "^jp machash. 1, 2, and 6 he was made fmall, and impoverifhed. 45, 1DD machar. 1 he fold, 2 he was fold, 7 the fame. ^^^ mecheVy Neh. xiih 16, a fale, or a thing to be fold. 11*1^20 mechurahy commerce, negociation, birth, or nativity, 2^/^. xxix, 14; or habitation, a fo- journing, as from HIJ gur^ pi. fem. fillD^ mecheroty habitations, Gen^ xlix. 5. 50. K./P male, i he was full; alfb -he filled. 2 he was made full. 3 he filled fulL 7 he filled himfelf. J^/.!3 ;;m/^, and i^/^ ;i??^/(?; fem. ni^IpP mtlluahy and ^i^!?P ;;?///^/j fullnefs, pi. m. D*'^^^0 miluimy fulnelTeSj or confecra- tions, Exodus xxix. 22. 2, 4, and 6 he was faked; alfo 2 he Avas Corrupted, he vaniftied, or was conlumed. rn?^ maluachy mallows, or fome fait herb, faltnefs, "Job xxx. 4: pi. rn. ^TyyO melackim^ old and torn clothes, Jer. xxxviii. 1 1 : alfo pi. m. D'^n?^ malachim^ Jonah i. 5, mariners, fo called from the lalt lea. 5 a. ^7D malat. 2 and 7 he was deli- vered, or he delivered himfelf. 3 and 5 he made to efcape, he delivered; alfo he brought forth, or travailed in birth. ^7? I inelet^ clay. Jer. xliii. 9. 53, '^'jO ynalach. i he reigned, he was king. 2 he confulted, or he took counfel, from the Chaldee. 5 he caufed to reign. 6 he was appointed to be king. ^IJ^ melech^ a king. f^S?^ malcahy a queen. T^jTQ maU chuts niDI/p weluchahi il^vXJD mamlacha^ and m^/^D mamlechuty i aS'^;;^. xv. 28, &c. a kingdom. "^TP molech^ and 037^ milcom^ the idol of the Amorites, fo called from reigning amongft them. 54. /^J2 ;;i;^/^/. I and 3 he fpoke. 7 he cut in pieces, or he cut off, TJ. Iviii. 7, from 7^D ;;?;^/, Tv}12millaby 2l word, a fpeech. HW?) 2D 171 melilahf an ear of corn: pL fern. JHlv^*? meliloty iears of corn, Deut. xxiii. 25. 55. pD malatz. 2 he was fweet, jy. icxix. 3, V ? melitZj an interpreter, &c, [fee ; p^ lutzSj 56. "IV?9 mehzar, a fteward, D^. i. 11. 57. p/D malaL - 1 he cut with his nail, he twifted off, he divided. Lev. i. 15, &c, 58. IP miriy from; alfo a comparative par- i tide, rather. Ch. P man^ who? but ]9 ^^^^ manna; fee it in HjD manah. 59. n^rp manah. i he numbered, or counted. Ch. i^3^ ^z^^;;^, and HJ^ menahy Dan* , V. 25, 26, the fame. 2 he was numbered. 3 he prepared, he fet over in charge^ he ap- i pointed. 4 he was appointed. ^yO meniy a number of forces, Ifa. Ixv. 11. HiD manahy a i pound, Ezeh xlv. 12: pi. m. D^3/p manimy \ pounds, I Kings x. 17 ; aifo pi. m. D*^^^ monim^ \ D\3D manimy times, G^;/. xxxi. 7 . ]!^-5P minjany Ch. a number. ]P ;;2^;z, man, or manna^^ bread or meat, prepared or appointed, Exod. ) xvi. 3. 60. nnpZD minchahy a gift, an offering, or ' oblation. 172 VD 6 1. ^^3^ manacby hence Ch. T^^^-lf:^^} bam- nicha^ a chain, Dan, v. 7. 62. pD manartj hence pi. m. D''3^ minnim, ftringed inftrunnents, P/. cl. 4. 63. J/i9 ^^nang. i he reftrained, or he withheld, he did forbid. 2 he was reftrained, or withholden, y^?^/ i. 13. 64. 1130 manor ^ a weaver's beana, i Sanu xvii. 7. 65. T1D12 majah. 5 he melted, or diffolved. 66. "^DD mafach. i he mixed, or he mingled. ^pQ mefech^ a mixture, or mingling. ^D/pp mimjachy the fame ; alfo a drink-offer- ing, or mixed wine, Ifa. Ixv. 11. 67. DD^ mqfas. i and 5 he melted, or he diffolved. 2 he was melted, or he diffolved himfelf. DD mas^ diffolved, or melting; alfo DD masy tribute. DQJI temesy 2l melting, Pj. Iviii. 8. 68. 159 majar. i he gave, or he deli- livered up, 2 he was delivered. Numb. xxxi. ig, n^Dp majorety a delivering up, 2;^/^. XX. 37 j or a bond, as from IPJ^ ^^r. 69. *Typ magnad. i he flid, he declined, he fell. 5 he caufcd to Aide. 4 he was made VD 173 . to flide, or he was put out of joint, Prov. i 1 XXV. 1 9. 70. nX^D magnahy hence du. mafc. Dl'JE^D megnajim^ and contra6ted ^V.^. megncy the bowels: pi. f'enn. T\)V^ megnot^ the gravel of the fea, or J little ftones, IJa. xlviii. 19. . 71, tDi?D magnat. 1 he was little, or he was diminiflied. 3 and 5 he made little, or he diminilhed. tO'J/O megnaty little, fmall. O'^P megmty Lev. xxv. 16, Imailnefs. 72. *^ifJ2 magnach. i he bruifed, or preffed. 4 he was bruifed, Ezek. xxiii. 3, or prefled. 73. TjJl^ magnal. i he tranfgrefled. Tf/O nmgnaly Lev. v. 15, a tranfgrefllon. T^P megnily a robe ormande, ;c^^. xxviii. 31. 74. ]yZ2 magnan^ hence l^Q^ lemagnan^ for, becaufe, &c. 75. K^D matza. i he did find, he found out; alfo to be enough, or fufficient. Numb. xi. 22. 1 he was found out; alfo to fufEce, or be fufficient. 5 he caufcd to find, or he offered up. 76. ^2fO meizad, fTJlV^ metzudah, and *JlliD matzody Prov. xii. 12, a caftle, a forti- fication j alfo a net: lee in Tlf tzud. 174 V2 77.. T\)ifp matzah, i he preffed, or he did wring out. 2 he was wrung out, PJ. Ixxiii. lo, 78. nVO metzab. the front, or the fore- head. nnVP mitzchahj a frontlet; alfo boots, or leg harnefles, i Sam. xvii. 6. 79. I^VP matzatz,* i he prefTed, or he wrung and milked out, I/a. Ixvi. 11.. HVC matzahy Lev. vxxu 26: pi. fern, mVD matzot^ unleavened bread, Exod. xW. 18. 80. 1V^ ;;^^/2;^r, ftraitening: fee in'TI^: tzarar. 8 1* /J?^ makkaly or vJ^D makkel^ a rod, or a ftafF. 82. pp^ makak. 2 he pined away^ or he was diffolved. 5 he caufed to pine away, or he confumcd. p!2 mak^ a confumption, or rottennefs* 83. ^Z5 mar, a drop of any liquor, I/a. xl. 15. 84. iXlD mara, Joi^xxxix. 18^ 5 he lifted up, or he extolled himfelf. J^'^^X? meri, 2 Sam. vi. 13, a fatling, or a fatted beaft. Ch. i^.^P mare, a lord, Z)^. ii. 47. 85. i'110 morag, a threfliing inftrument, ^^. xli. 15, la 175 86. "T^P mar ad. i he rebelled- ^T^l^ \r^^, Jojh. xxiu 22 ; fem, fin^lD mardut^ I .S'^w. XX. 30, rebellion, or contumacy. Ch. i^3 metimy men. Dent, iii. 6, and Dinp metom^ man, ^W^. xx. 48, 101. T\T\'D mataik, i he ftrctched outj hence ^^)l/p^^ amt achat y a fack. Gen. xliv. 2j ib called, becaufc it is ftretched out when it is filled. 102. ^'Jnp ?;?^/<:?i, Avhen ? 103. \X^T2 matatty hence du. mafc. D'^iJ?^^ mcthnajimy the loins, D^^/. xxxiii. 11. 104* ^r^^f^ maiak. i he was fweet. 5 the famej alio he made fweet. piriD mat^iK fweet. prj^ 2^/(f;^, fwcetnefs4 pU m. D^'plip?? mamtakimy fweetnefles. Cant. v. 16. I.. i?3 nay H3!j ^;^^, or HSK annohy a par- ticle of exhortation ; I pray, or I befeech^ alfo now : and i^3 nUy in one inftance alone, \\z. xod. xii* 9, is ufed to fignify rawnefs. 2. *Ti^J ;/^4 a bottle, or a pitcher, i aJ^w* xvi, 20. 3. nSJ ^?^^, f1^^5 naavahy VJ. xciii. 5, he was fair, decent, and comely ; alfo it was 22 17 <) ^tonvenient and meet. JT\^ navehy fair, or pleafant: pL fern, rili^^ ;/ 3 hedefpifed, or ;bhorred. p. K33 nibba. 2 (or 3) and 7 heprophe- ied. 1S^33 7/^^/, a propliet.r ni^^"^?? nebiahy a jrophetefs,. and MKI^^ nebuahy a prophefy. B33 nabuby hollow: fee in mH hub^ 10. '^^p? 7iebizbahy Ch, D^;;. ii. 6, an onourable gift. Hi . n33 nabach. i he barked, ^. Ivi. 10. 12. tD33 fiibbat. 3 and 5 he looked, oi' 'pcbeld. 03f!D mabbaty looking, or expedlation. 1 3- 755 nahciL i he failed, or faded, lit fell; alfo he did fooliflily, Prov. xxx. 32. 3 he made or efteemed vile. 5 he did fade, or decay, Ifa. Ixiv. 6^ hence a fool is called 7D5 nabaly one whofe reafon hath failed him, nl'2.^ nebalah^ 'Siudi T\T)^^ nabluty villany, or fooliiTinefs. ^55 or /S^ ^^^^h a pitcher, or flagon, a pfaltery. ' v35 nehelah^ the dead carcafe of a man or beaft. Lev. xxii. 8. 7l3D a deluge, or a flood, falling or flowing down. 14. i?33 nabang. 1 and 5 he poured out, properly as fountains pour out water; hence he breathed out, or he flowed in fpeech. ]l^2!0 .mabbuangy Si iowutzmy or fpring of waters: pK m. 'D^U^2D mabbugnimy fprings, I/a. xlix. 10, ,^s .15. ^l^l':;i;,nebra/?i.aymdi^l:y(^i^:^.nebra^^^^ Ch. a candleftick> Z)^. V. 5. 1 6. n^3 mgeby the fouth, the fouthern parti of the world. 17. *1J3 ;/^^^^, before, over againft, flrak .before, &e. Ch. ^5} negad. i he flowed, or ifliied forth, D^. vii, 10 ; but in 5 ^'^^^ higgid^ ihe declared, - or . he fhewed. 6 it was told. TJ3 nagidy a prince, or captain. 18. i^2ynagah. i he (hined. 5 he cauftd to fhine. t^^y.nog^hy bright light, or fplendoun 19. r\ii.nagach, 1 and 3 he fmote with ^3 181 the horn, as beafts pufh and gore with rhei^ horns. 7 the fame; to pufh and gore with the horns ; and hence to fight together. Ban. xi. 40. nil naggachy 2l fmiter with the horn; or an ox accuftomed to pufh with the horni Exod, xxi. 29. ao. ]3? nagan. i and 3 he played upon an inftrument: pi. "ccx.. '^V^} nogniyn^ players upon mufical inftruments, P/i Ixviii. 26. nrJ^ neginahy ham, iii. 14, and H^'^JpD man-^ ginahy . Lam. iii. S^r a fong, or playing upon an inflrunnent, 21. 1/^33 nagang. i and 3 he touched, he fmote, he plagued. 2 and 4 he was touched, fmitten, or plagued, 5 he made to touch, or he caufed to come, he joined^ he did come, or he touched; he troubled, or he caft down, ii^}. negangy a ftroke, or plague. 22. ^Ji nagapb. i he fmote, ' he did ftrike with plagues; he offended. 2 he was fmitten and plagued. 7 the fame; he was oflfended. ^^?. negeph^ and HD^D maggephahy a ftroke or plague. 25. 1J3 niggar. 2 he flowed down, Pf. Ixxvii. 3, 5 he made to flow, or he poured out; he flowed, iVf/V^^ i. 6. 6 he was poured out, or poured down, Mkah i, 4. "1^ gar^ a 182 't:j flowing down) or an inhabitant, Job xxviii. 4^ as froai *11J gur^ . 24. ti^J3 nagash. i he canne nigh, he ap- proached, he departed, 1 he was brought pigh. 5 he caufed to approach, he brought nigh, he offered. 6 he was made to approach, pr he was offered. 7 he canne nigh, or he approached and fet himfelf nigh; but ti03 nagas^ with fm-i is i he did exa6l tribute or debt, he opprefled; and in a he was oppreffcd with exaftions, ti^JJ nogesy an exadtor, or an oppreffor, who exafteth. tribute, &c. ^5, *T5 ned-, aheap: fee in T)3 nud. 26r> 11*13 nadab, i he did freely and libe- rally give or offer; he was freely moved to give or offer; he moved or made himfelf free, ready, and willing, Exod. xxxv. 29. 7 he freely offered himfelf, or he was freely offered. 2*^75 nadiby {xti:^ liberal, a prince, or nobleman. n^?? nedabaky and Ch. Jl^D'^^r^H hitnaddakuty Ezra vii, 16, a voluntary oblation: pi. fcm inil"J^ nedaboty Amos iv. 5; free offerings, Ps. ex. 3, or free-will oblations. 27. ^13 nadad. i he moved himfelf, he wandered, or fled away, he departed. 3 the faine, < he did drive or chafe awav,. he caufed to By away. 2,, 4, and 6 he was made to j wander and fly away. 7 he fled away as a i vagabond : pi. m. D^'l'lJ nodedimy wanderers, ' o\ vagabonds, Ho/ea\x. 17: alfo pL m, 2^7-3 I nedttdim^ toflings to and fro,. Job vii. 4. 28. rnj nadah. ^ he removed far awav. j: he feparated, he cad out,. Ija, Ixvi. 5. TS^'l uiddahy a fepararion, or a thing to be fcparaced for its impurity j uncleannefs, or impurity ^ properly, a inenilruous or unclean woman, (by the ceremonial law,, to be feparated,) Ezeh xviii. 6. TTVl^nedehy a gift, or price and re- ward, properly of a whore: pi. va^'^^^noda- niniy gifts or rewards of whores, Ezek^y^vi, 33. 29. nii nadach. l and 5 he thrufl: of chafed away, he expelled. 2, 4, and 6 he was thruft away, or expelled: pK. m. D^nHD maduchim, banifliments, Lam.\\^ 14,. or ex* pulfions. 30. 173 nedeuy and HJ*!? mdnaky Ch. a iheath of a fword or knife; alfo the body of man, the (heath of his fpirit, as i Cbrcn.xx'u 27 y and Dan. vii. 15. 31. ^\nadaph. i he didVhruft or drive away. 2 he v/as driven av/ay, ^. xix. 7. 32* TI5 nadar. i he vowed, ^71 oi* "^^[5 nedery a vow,. '; J 84* 13 S3. Jni fjahag. I and 3 he led, he drove away ^^39 minghag^ a leading, or driving, a Kings ix. 20 ^ alfo a rite or cuftonrir 34, T^?l^ nahah. i, 2, 3 he lamented. "^i^p nehi, ^2 ni, i^'^nohay a lamentation, ^r^^ nihjahy lamentable or doleful, Micah ii. 4. 35, 7113 nahal. 3 he led foftly and gently. 7 the fame, fee /vH /?^/^/, and ^^^O ^^l^* 36, DTO naham. i, 3, and 5 he roared as lion ; hence he groaned, or fighed deeply.. D03 nahamy and fern. nDD3 nahamuh^ a roar- ing, P/l xxxviii. 9. ' 37* V^\ nahak. i he brayed. ' 38. *1D3 nahar. i to flow together, pro- perly as waters J but chiefly ufed to exprefs the affemblage of a multitude of people, Jer. I1. 44. '^^^'^^^nahary a river, continually flow- ing; but Ch. nn5;7d'/&^r, istofliine, and hence n'lll^ fieharahy light, or fplendour. Job iii. 4c ^Ifo "A^y^T]^ nehoray and ^^^^5 nehirUy Ch. the fame: pi. fern, imnpp minharoty dens, df caves. Judges vi. 2. ' 39. J*13 ;;^. 5 i^^Jfl te/, he broke, of hiade void, he difannulled. H^^'^JJ^ ienuahy a breach, Numb.'i^iy* 34 : pi; fem. rilSIJri tenttoty breaches, or occafions, Jcb xxxiii. 10, as from ry^ andh. W I8S 40. 313 nub. I he budded, or brought forth fruit abundantly ; hence he fpoke. 3 he made to fpeak, or he made eloquent, Zech. ix. 17. 3**5 nib, and HDI^J^ tenubah^ fruit, or increafe, D^/^/. xxxii- 13, Ifa. Ivii, 19. 41. 113 nud. I he wandered^ he was moved ^ alfo he gi*ieved, he caufed to wander, or he moved. 7 he did grieve, or he condoled with himfelf. 113 nody T3 wdy and 1137^ manod^ a wandering, a moving, a motion or commotion- '^\ncidy a vagabond, and 13 ;7^^, a heap. 42. nj3 ;/^^I;^^. I he dwelt^ 5 he made to dwell. T\y\ navehy a dwelling, or habita- tion. n'13 nevehy an inhabitant, or inmate, P/i Ixviii. 13; alfo a fheepfold,, a pafture, or a dwelling for fheep : pL fern. ilH^ ;7<^/, (T being changed into ^^) green paftures,. Pf. xxiii. 2. 43. ni3 nuach. i he refted, he was quiet. 5 he caufed to reft, he made quiet. 6 he was made to reft, or reft was given. Lam. ,v. 5. ni3 noach^ riHJ nachaty ni3D manoachy T^'Q'\^. hanachahy nrn3D menuchahy or '10'?9 reft, or quietnefs. nin'^3 nicoachy the fame; hence acceptable, or any acceptable thing, as Ezeh XX. 28, G^;?. viii. 21, &c. 44. LD13 nut, he moved, or ftaggered, Pf. xcix. I. 18(3 SI 45. V^ nevaly Ch. he defiled, ^/y^.nevaluy or *''7P. nevaliy a dunghill. . 46. D13 /^;;^. I he flept.. JlDlii^ tenumahy fleep, or a (lumbering, iy. cxxxii. 4. . Hpll numahy Pr^u. xxiii. 2 1, the fanac T? /X )1i and ]13D manon : fee in ^J ;i'i;/. 47. D13 ;/^j. I he fled away. 5 he caufed to fly, or he chafed away. 7 he lifted up a banner: fee in DD} nii/asy D^^D mams, a refuge, or an efcape, 48. y^i3 nuang. i he was moved> he wandered, he departed. 5 he moved, or he caufed to movev hence, he fifted, he fcattered, &c. 1 he was moved, &c. Amos ix. 9 : pi, m; D'^J/^i73^ menagnanimy cornets, 2 Smn, vi.. ^. 49. ^^3 ;^/i;^^. I and 5 he dropped, he difl:illed, alfo he perfumed. 3 and 5 he did fhake, or he moved hither and thither j hence he offered facrifice, he waved a facrifice* 6 to be moved, llxaken, or waved, Exod. xxix. 27. r^5J nophety a diftilling or dropping; hence a honey-comb. HDJ naphahy a moving, or fliaking, alfo a fieve, Ifa. xxx. 28. M^^ naphahy and ri^J nephety is a tra6t of ground, or a country, Jojh* xvii, 1 1. HSUJ^ tenuphahy a moving, or heaving up; or the oblation and offering heaved up^ a fhaking. n 187 50. p3 nutz, 5 he budded, he flourifhed^ ' n^l nitzahy 2l flower : pi. m. D*'^^^. nitzanim, [flowers, or things budding and flourifliing^ CanLiu 12. 51. -"l^^ nur, hence T5 niry and H^ ;/^r> I light, or a lantern, Ch. a fire, Dan. vii. 9, rrniiD menorahy a candleftick, 52* TW nazad. 5 TtH hizzidy he Ibd, he boiled. T'tJ ;zi?2;i^, pottage, or broth boiled, &c. Gen. XXV. 29, 53. nfJ nazah. i he fprinkled, or he I was fprinkled. 5 he fcattered, he fprinkled, I Lev. iv. 6. 54. 7j3 ;;^z^/. I he flowed down, he dropped. 5 he caufed to flow, he poured out: pi. m. DvpJ nozlimy flowing, J^r. xviii. 14; or [floods, .^ Ixxviii. 16: pi. fern. inllD maz-- 1 zaloty the twelve planets, or the heavenly j figns and confl:ellations, called influences or influxions. 55' ^ri.ne emy an ear-ring, an ornament I 0f the forehead or of the ear. 56. pJ^ nezaky Ch. i and 5 he did hurt^> : he wronged. pJ3 ne^ieky danaage, or wrong. 57. U^ nazar. i , 3, and. 5 he did feparate ! hinifelf, properly on account of a religious 188 m vow. TT3 nazir^ a Nazarite, or one feparatcd becaufe of avow; alio the hair which is not Ihaven becaufe of a vow, Numb. vi. 9; alfo "^J^. nezer^ a crown: pi. mafc. D'^'^j^P minza^ n^> cjovvned men, Nah. \\u 17: pi. fern. nntZp mazzaroty the fame with Hl/TD maz-- 2aloty the planets, or the twelve eeleftial figns. 58. nro nachah, I and 5 he led, or he did lead. HniQ minchahy a gift, an offering, or any oblation offered. Hin*'!! nickoachy reft : fee in nii nuach. i 59. /Hi nachaL \ he poffeffed. 3 and 5 he made to poffefs; alfo he divided, or de- livered up. 6 he was made poffeffor. 7 he appointed himfelf poffeffor, or he went to take poffeffion. i^^Di nachelah, a poffeflion or in- heritance; alfo /TO nachaly a valley, a river, orj torrent of waters. I 60. Cnj nacham. 3 and 7 he comforted himfelfi or he took confolation ; alfo 2 Dn3| nichaniy he repented. 3 he comforted another. 4 he was comforted. '"^90? nechamahy com- fort, or confolation. ^tli mcham, repentance: pl.m.C'*?in5 nichumimy andD^/P^iH^'f? tanchumimy confolations, TJ. xciv. 19, 3^^r, xvi. 7; alfo repentances* S2 189 % I . yn3 nachatz. i he urged, he haftencd s : Jience ^Tl^ nachitz^ urgent, or requiring hafte, \^\ Sam. xxi. 8. 62. *>ni nachar^ hence ^HJ nachar^ the noftril, 7^^ xxxix. 20, du. male. D^TH^ ' fiechirajm, the noftrils, Job xli. 20. 6^. '^'Tllnaehd/h. 3 he divined, hecon- jeftured, he found by experience, ^^XSXnacofb^ ' a conjefturing, or foothfaying, a charm, or enchantment, a divination; alfo '^'^\ nacajhy a ferpent. ri^H^ ;/' 77. 733 nachaly 3 Numhi xxv. j8. 7 Gd*;/, ixxxvii. 18, he devifed, or tho.ught, and dealt l^eceicfuUy, he beguiled. ^?U ^crM adc^ 192 ^ cciver. /D5 nechely a deceit, or a fubtle device^ pi. m. Cvp^ nechalmy wiles. Numb. xxv. i8. 78. D?2 nachasy hence pi. mafc. D^P53 mechafim^ riches, treafares, or treallired up goods, Jojh, xxii. ^8. 75. ")3J nikkar. 3 he knew, he acknow- ledged, alfo he did alienate, or he eftranged himfelf, he carried himfclf ftrangely. alfo he delivered, i Sam, xxiii. 7. 2 he was known, '^he was eftranged, Jov xxxiv. 19. 5 he knew, he acknowledged. 7 he gave himfelf to be -known ; alfo he feigned himfelf a ftranger. Gen. xlii. 7, 11^/5 nechaTy and ^1^\ nachri, ftrange, a ftranger, or one of a ftrange country. I^J nocher, eftrangement, or alienation ; kcObad. 12. 12.0 maccuTy known, or acquaintance. I^'^Sn haccarahy the knowledge, or the Ihew of the countenance, jyfe. iii. 9: fee /"ipH hachar^ 80. n23 nachaty hence n!?5 or riJ^ID5 ^^^^/^ fpices or treafurcs, fpicery, G^. xxxvii. 25, .2 Kings XK. 13. 8 1 . ^ /2 nalahy 5 17^'7 hinlahy he perfefted, or abfolved, ^i xxxiii. i. Tuip minlahy per- ifeftion, 7^^ xy. 29. '82. vZDl ;?i^;;M/. i-he 'Circumcifed; alfo lie was cut off. Job xviii. i6. 2 he was cir- u2 19:} cumclfcd, participle pi. m. DvQS nmmolhn, circumcifed, Gen. xxxiv. 22. ^/^^ nemalat^^ a pifmire, or ant, Prov. vi. 6, and xxx. 25. %2. 1^3 namer^ a leopard: pi. m. D^^p nemerimy leopards. Cant. iv. ?. 1 84, DJ w^, a banner: fee in DP3 /;^j. * 85. JP3 ;/^^^. I he apprehended, he took or laid hold upon, Micah ii, 6. 5 he removed, or moved away, Deut. xxvii. 17. 86. no; ^^/z. 1 he lifted up. 3 HB}. nijfaby he proved, tempted, or tried. H^D majfah^ a temptation. 87. np3 nqfacK i he pulled up by the roots, he rooted out, 1 he was removed, or pulled away. T\BD ranjfacby a pulling down, .or breaking up, 2 Kings xi. 6. 88. '^p3 nafach. i and 3 he poured forth |a drink offering, or he facrificed, he anointed, |or appointed ; alfo he covered over. 2 he was lanointed. 5 he facrificed. 6 he was covered. 1p3 ne/ech, "^D^^^ 7namjcch, TP? nasich, and ^JSDD majfechahy a pouring forth, a facrifice, or irink- offering, or any liquid thing poured brth; alfo a covering: pi. m. D^5'^P3 neftchm^ 3rinces, Pf. Ixxxiii. 12. ri5P5 majfechety a ^reaver's beam, or the web. Judges xvi. i j. o 89.- * jD''3 Ay^;;, the month Nifan, which anfwers to our March. 90^ DC2 no/as. i and 3 he lifted up ^ ffandard, he fet up a banner, ]/a. lix. 1 9. 7 he ufed the banner, or he difplayed a flandardj Pf. Ix. 4. DD13 ^^^^, a ilandard-bearer, J/^a, lix. 1 9^ DJ ms, a ilandard, or a banner. 91. yp3 ;fj?^^;;^. I he departed, he wenl away. 2 he was carried away. 5 he caufed or commanded to depart, he removed or car-* ried away. tllTW/cgnahy a departure, a going away^ or a ftorm, Pf. Iv. 9. i^DD majfangy a departure, or a journey, alib a dart '92* ppJ;/^y^. Ch. I he went up, heafcended, 5 he made to afcend, he caufed to go up, h^ led. 6 he was led out, or he was taken forthj Dan. vi. 23. 93. yV.\nagnah. i he Ihut, or bolted^ he locked, or ciofed with a lock or bar; 5 he Ihod, or he put on fhoes. /VA nagnal^ z fhoe: du. mafc. Dvj^*3 nagnelajim^ a pair oi fhoes, Amos' ii. 6, /^pQ mangnul^ a lock of i door: pi. m. DvlJ/^Q- manulim^ locks, Neh. iii. 3* /l^^^ mingnaly a.lhoe, i)^///. xxxiii. 25, 94* C;^^^ nagnam. i he was pleafant, D*iyj nUgnimy or Di'3 nognmn^ pleafant, pleafant/ nefs: pi. mafc. C^^/PJ^i nagnemanimi pleafanj ^i .195 plants, or flowers, I/a. xvii. lo;. alfo pi. mafc. D^'SjL^pD mangnamim^ dainties, or pleafant meats, Pf. cxli. 4. 95. ]VJ nagnatz^ Ch. he fixed, hence pifj/l nagnatzutZy a thorn r pi. m* D^^V^^^^p. iiagnetzutzim^ thorns, IJa. vii. 19. ^(i. ny^ nngnar. i and 3 he fhook, or he did fhake off; alfo he brayed, or he roared and made a noife, 2 he was fhaken off, or he did fliake himfelf. Judges xvi. 20. 7 he did fhake himfelf, Ifa. Hi. 2. ^1/3 nagnar^ a boy, a lad, or a young infant; alfo fern, n'1^2 naegnerah^ a girl, or a damfel: pi. fern. .r\l"^i^5 nagneroty maids, EJihe/'i^* 4. "'J^'^^ nognar^ youth, child- hood, that age which is prone to fliake off very yoke: pi. m. D^'^ll/f negnurm^ I/a. liv, 6 : pi. fern. rilV-? negnuroty the fame, Jer. xxxii. 30. ri^^*? negnorety tow fhaken off from the flax, IJa, i. 31. 97. n53 napach. i he did blow, he breathed. 5 he caufcd to blow, or he did blow away. H^Q mappachy an expiring or Wowing out the breath. Job xi, 20. HSD 49kippuachy a bellows, y m 201 Judges XX. 40; pU fem. r\i^/. xxiii. 19, CO. ^{^!\nesJechy ufury, or gain upon loan, Ezek. xviii. 8, 13^ Exodus xxli. 25 ; fo called, becaufe it bites the fub- ftanceofhim that takes it. HSC^J nifkcahy a chamber, Neh, iii. 30. 125, /dl\ naJliaL i and 3 he caft out, he caftofF, he did fhake, or drive away, be pulled ffi Exodus iii* 5. , 126. Dt2.''J naJJamy hence TSl^W'l^nejhamahy or T\ui0\ nipmaatj Gen. vii. !22, Deut, xx. 16, the foul or the fpirit of man; dfo Jeb xxxvii. 10, breathing, or the breath. TS't^^lT^tinJkemet, a kind of fowl, the fwan, the bat, &c. Lev.. xi. 18. 127. ^^^nafhaph. i he did blow. ^*W nejfoeph^ darknefs, obfcurity ; properly the jtwilight, or the dawn of the morning, Job jvii. 4: pi. m. D*^?^*^ aflj/hapkir/iy aftrologers, \I)an, ii. 2. ^^^-3- janfljopky the ovv!, .Levit. ixi. 17, ^^. xxxiv. 1 I. 128. p24^J najhak. i, 3, and 5 he kiiTed: pi. fern. r\lpt^5 nefbikot^ kiffes, ?rov. xxvii. 6* ;P?^A nefioek^ Ifa, xxii. 8, or pS^f?. ;/^y2?^/^, i\^^/&. jiii. 19, arnnour. pu^l3 nojhek: pi. m. D'^pb?/iD \nofhkim^ armed, P/. Ixxviii. 9 ; but pii^3 /;^^^, jwith t^7?Wy in 5 x^y^T) hiffiky he kindled, he {burned. 2 he was kindled, PJ. Ixxviii. 21. 129. '^'^!^,nejher^ an eagle: pi. m. D^^H^O. nejlarimy eagles, Exod, xix. 4; but "li^*^ iiafary with ^y/;?, in 5 TJ^'H i7i^?r, he did faw^ or he cut with a faw, i Chron. xx. 3 ; hence *lti^D m-affbry a faw, ^. x. 15. ^ 130. ^'^^napiat. i he periflied, he failed. !2 and 3 the fame, ^. xix. 5, ]W^i ;^//^* /^'lyi^;/, Ch. a writing, a decree, or an epiftle^ Ezra iv. 7. 131. 3TI5 ^//^: fern. HH^'Jl^ netibahy z, way or path: pi. fern. Tin*']!;? ;/^//^(?/,. paths: Prov. v'nu 20. 132. nfli niitach. 3 he cut in pieces. nri3 netacby a piece, member, or part of any thing, Ezek. xxiv. 4. 133* "^^5 natach. i, 2, and 6 he was poured out. 5 he did pour forth: ^T\T\ hitttuh^ a pouring forth. 1 34- Vy\ natan. i he gave, he put, or placed. 2 and 6 he was given, put, or placed. \!!)^ mattan^ TyJ^l^ mattaty Eccles. iii. 13, and >^i^Q mattanahy a gift. 135. Dl^inatas. 1 hcdeftroyed, y^^ xxx. 13, ^56. *fr^3 w^/rt/z. I and 3 the fame, he pulled down, or deftroyed. 2, 4, and 6 he was pulled down or deftroyed. '37 P^3 ^/^/t. I, 3, and 5 he pulled away, he brake afunder. 2 and 6 he was pulled afunder. pP?. netek, a dry fcurf, or fcald in the head. Lev. xiii. 30. p^?lJ^ aniky a chamber, or a gallery, 2;^;^. xlii. 3. 138. ")r?3 rt/^r. I and 3 he leaped. 5 Tl^n hit^ir, he loofed, or fet free, he caufed to leap, P/. cxlvi. 7. ^PJ ;7d'/^r, nitre, Jer. ii. 22; but Ch. "^T^^nelar, i he flowed down. 5 he caufed to flow, or to fall down, he did Ihake ofli^, Da/j. iv. 14. 1 39* J^^5 natajh. i he deftroyed, he rooted out. 2 and 6 he was rooted out, or pulled up by the roots j alfo he was forfaken, Jer. xviii. 14, a$ from tt'tps natajh. [ i>05 ] 3D I. nijp^^.7, a kind of meafure of dry things, containing the third part of the ephah meafure, 2 Kings vii. i: pi. m. ^"^i^D /aim, meafures, G^w. xviii. 6 ; hence the name of a nreafure in general. T^^'^^D fajfeah^ a meafure, Ifa xxvii. 8. i 2. W^ Jaan, i he did fight. W^ JoeHy a warrior. l^^P Jecn, a conflift, or a battle, Ifa. ix. 5. 3. ^'IDJaba. 1 he did drink exceffively, he befotted himfelf with wine. )X2bfobe^ a drunkard, Deut.y^xx, 20: alfo \X2p /obey wine, Hojea iv. 1 8 : pi. mafc. U^^^'2^ Jebmniy Nahum i. 10, drunkards, Ezek. xxiii. 42. I 4. "yiD Jabab. I he compaffed about, he icaufed, i i'^w. xxii. 22. 2 he was turned, or ihe turned himfelf about, he declined; alfo he encompafled round. 3 he went about, or he encompafled round. 5 he turned, led, or encompafled about; he declined, or he caufed I 206 JD ! to decline. 6 he was compafled, led, oi turned about. ^'^^D /el?il?, 2DD mejahy and Z1D1J3 mujab^ Ezek. xli. 7^ a circuit, orj compais. HSD fbbah^ i X/^j xii. 15,^ n3P5 nefihhahy 2 Chron. x. 15, a caufe, or an occafion. 5. 1^20 fabach. I and 4- he was folded together, he was wrapped about. "^^Df^bocby iy. Ixxiv. 5, znd^^l^ /obechy 2 Sam. xviii. 9, &c. intricacy, or a folding together. J^??^ Jebachaby i if/;;^j vii. 17, a net, or any intricate work. i^5?^ o^ i^23?^ Jabbecha^ Ch. an inftrument of mufick, Z)^;^. iii. 5. 6. ^2x0 Jabal. 1 he carried, he did bear. 4 he was made to bear or carry, or he was Ipaded with burthens. 7 he was a burthen to himfelf, or he loaded himfelfj Eccles\ xii. 5. /'ZD fahbal, a burthen, alfo a porter, or carrier -of burthens : pi. m. "C:^ /2D Jabbalim^ 2 Chron, xxxiv. 13^ bearers of burthens, Dv^C)^ mejub- halim^ able to bear burthens, 7y. cxliv. 13, T^pDjbbolet: feein-^^^y^M with^t^/;/. 7. ^2^ Jabar^ Ch. he thought, he was of opinion, IDan, vii. 25. 8. ^yOJagad. I he bowed down to diO homage, he reverenced, adored, or worfhipped, Ifa. xliv. 9. ^D 207 9 1}D Jcigali hence r\^?p/egullahy a fpecial or peculiar trcafure, Exod, xix. 5, P/. cxxxv, 4, AlaL nu 17. 10. PO fagan^ a prince or- great nobleman: ipl. m. X^^yp Jeganimy princes, or great noble- men, IJa. xli. 25, 1 1. '^^yDfagar. i he fliut, he clofcd up, he gave or he delivered up. 2 and 4 he v^a^ clofed, or (hut up, he gave or delivered over. P^^p JegoVy a clofing up, or any thing clofed up, Hojeay^m, 8; alfo gold. Job ' y.Y.yxxu 15, and ^^yO Jagur^ i /u/^jj vi. 20, the fame; the fined gold, fhut up in the bowels of the earth, or in the fecret treafures of thofe who have it. '^y\^Jugar^ "Ijpp mafgevy a prifon, clo.ifter, or ^ place where any thing- Js enclofcd.- ri*!5P/P mifgercty Exod. xxv. 2.5, a coverture, or a border'; pi. fern, WlJp^^^//^ fine linen, Pr^^7. xxxi. 24; pi. m. tj^Tip fedinimy (licets or fhirts, made of fine linen, Judges xiv. 12. 20 S D' 14. "^Ip/ediTy order: p\. in. t^'^'^'^P/eJanmi and pi. fern. T\Tn)f/ feckrot^ with 22^/w, orders. njTppp m'tjderonah^ a porch, or any outer place or room where fcrvants wait, Judges iii. aj. 15. ^^PjahaTj round, or roundnefs, Cant. vii, 2. nno Johar^ a tower, a turret, or a prilbn, Gen. xxxix. 2c : pi, m, D^?nniify^/;^. ronim^ round ornaments. Judges viii. 21, ^^. iii. 18. ^^y^P Jahardy Ch. the nnoon. 16. ^"^^/ug. I he went back, he departed. or he turned himfelf away. 2 and 6 he was turned away, or drawn and driven backward. 17. *lto Jbd, a fecret; alfo counfel, P/. XX V. 14, 1 8. TVfDjavak^ hence HipD majvehy a viel, or covering, ^a*^^. xxxiv. 33, &c. 19. "^ID Juch. 1 he anointed, he was anointed, or he anointed himfelf, 3 and 5 he mingled together, properly as ointments are mingled together ^ hence to fet together by the ears, and fight, IJa. xix. 2 : alfo he covered. "^^Jachy a mixed multitude, ?J. xlii. 5. ^H'^DS ajuchy a crufe or veflel to put oil in, 2 Kings iv. 2. HDIDp mejuchahy fee ^12^ /r^. 20. ]3P /'y^;/, the month Sivan, or our May, Ffiher viii. 9. no 209 21. W^Dfus^ a horfe. Gen. xlix, 17; alfo a crane, Ifa. xxxviii. 14 : pL mafc. iyD^D/uJim, I Kings xxii. 4, horfes. i^O^D fu/ahy a com- pany of horfes, ^T\UD Jujati^ ^ jod. paragogic, the fame, Cant. i. 9. 22. ^Dfuph. 1 he failed, he ceafed or ended, he was confumed. 5 he did confiime, he caufed to fiiil, or he brought to an end. '^?'^ fophy an end, or extremity of any thing; z\(o^^D fuphy a bull-rn!h. ^^^D /,:phab, a whirlwind, Ifa. xvii, ij, 7/^^. viii. 7. 23. l^Dfur. I he departed, he declined. 3 and 5 he lemovcd, he caufed to go away, or to depart; alfo he perverted, he led afide. 6 he was removed, or led away. ID far^ heavy, grieved and difpleafed, i Kings xx. 43, n"1Dy^r^/;, rebellion, or backfliding and apof- tacy. i^^^D furahi w^andering, or removing to and fro^ . Ifa. xlix. 21: pi. m, U^^^D furimy degenerate, or apoftates, Jer. ii. 21; xvii. 30, I revolting, and departing from God. I 24. rOD/ut. 5 he perfuaded, he enticed j or allured, he feduced away. f^'r\)D Julob, a ' covering; fee in !^D3 cafah. I 25. 2T\DJachab. i he did draw, he drew out, he dragged : pi. fern. T^^^TyC fechaboty old clouts, or old rotten rags, Jer. xxxviii. 11. 26. ^mDjichah. 3 he purged, he feraped or fhaved, he fweepcd, or he cleaned with a brulh. ^'n^/echiy ofF-fcouring, or the rtfufe I of any thing, or filth and dung, Lam. iii. 45,! ffa. V. 25, 27. ^T]D fac/ia^h. i he fwept, or took quite away, as by an i^iiindation, Prov, xxviii, 3. 2 he was violently taken, or fwept away, Jer. xlvi. 15. 28. "^Tyo Jachar. 1 he went about ufing merchandize, he nnade merchandize, he traf- ficked, bought, or fold, as a merchant. "^Hb JccheTy a merchant. "^TSQJachary *inpp mifchar^ and fern. T]^T\Q fcchcrahy Ezek, xxvii. 15, merchandize, or traffic. H'lnD Jocherah^ a Ihield, Pj. xci. 4 ; alfo r'Qnb Jccherety the name of a precious ftone of a blue colour, Efther i. 6. in'^npy^r/^^rr^^r, he went about, he went up and down; hence to pant, Pf. xxxviii. II. 29. ^^TSO JachiJJiy that which groweth ' of itfelf, or of its own accord, without fowing, 2 Kings xix. 29, IJa. xxxvii. 30. . 30. D^i3p or t^^^^Jetimy pi. m, apoftatcs; fee m Htptyy^/^^,??, 3D 2Tl 3r. ^V/igy'droh, Prov. xxv. 4, the refufe I of any thing. ^ 32. Tp y/r, a pot, or cauldron; alfo-'a ! thorn : pi. m. U^yO/irim^ and fern. m")*^p /;r^/, pots, or thorns ; alfo hooks, Jmos iv. 2. 33* "^i^/ochy a cottage: fee in *^^D facha/i^ i alfo "^D/^r/^j a mixed multitude.: fee in ^'ID/^c//. 34. "^^Dy^r/zi^/^. I, 3, and 5 he covered, he prote6led. 6 he was covered, Excd. xxt. 29; hence *^b or y^ Joch^ a cottage, or a tabernacle. ^^'Q fuccah^ and ril^py/rr///, A?nos V. 26, the fame. "^DQ mafach^ '^p^D mujacby ( and n^Drp mejucchahy a covering. 35. 73D y^^:^/. 3. he did infatuate, or he made foolifh. 2 and 5 he was foolifh, or . he did foolishly. /^D fac/ialy Eccles. ii. 17 i 7!^p ijechely Eccles. 'x.. Sy Tm^^ fichlut^ Eccles. i. 17, i foolilhnefs. 1^6. ]^D fachan, i he profitedj he was profitable. 2 he was in danger, Eccles, x. 9. 5 he did accuftom, or acquaint himfelf, he v/aS I accuftomed. \2D Jocheny a treafurer, Ifa. xxii. 155 alfo ^25P fochenety a helper, i /wV/^j i. 2, or a cheriilier. ]5P/? mifcen^ or l^pp rnefucany \ Ifa, xl. 20, poor, indigent; alfo T\y^i^^ rnifcenuty penury, or poverty, Dcut. viii, 9: ph kv:\\ p 2 212 ^ I^135PP mijcenoti treafuries, or places of trea- furc, Exod. i. ii. "^O^D Jec/ifacb, 3 he mingled together: fee in *^1D fucb^ 37. "^^0 facar. i and 3 he enclofed, be ihutj or he delivered up. 2 he was enclofed, or fhutup; the fame with H^D fagar. ^y^, Jechery a Huice, or a place to Iliuc up water, JJa, xix. 10. 33. ri^D jacat. 5 he hearkened, he did attend, or give heed, Deut. xxvii. 9. 39. ^D jaly^ bajQcet: fee in uQ falal. 40. ^/DJala. 3 he did cftimatc:, he com- pared, he taxed, &c. 4 he was compared, or accounted and valued^ Joi^ xxviii. 16: pi. m. 2*^X70.5 mefulaimy comparable. Lam. iv. 2, 41. "^^0 falad, 3 he burned, he hardened himfelf. Job vi, lo, or he prayed. 42. n*JD jalah. i and 3 he did throw dovm, he trod under foot. 4 he was valued \ fee in "^^V Jahy Job xxviii. 16, hence that word fo often ufed in the Pfalms. ^^Qfelahy noting either the deep cafting down of the mind, (from this root) or the elevation and lifting up (as from u^ falal, he lifted up) of the heart (together with the voice) in confideration of the great things fpoken of, where the word is ^fcd, as P/. ix. 16^ &c. Vd 213 43, VhD falach. i he did forgive, he par- doned. 2 he was pardoned. T\^D fallacby merciful, and ready to pardon and forgive, P/. Ixxxvi, 5. tir\^^l? felichahy forgivenefs, mercy, pardon, or remifTion, Pf. cxxx. 4. , 44. /^ JaiaL 1 he laid on heaps, or he heaped up together; he did caft up the earth, to make fortifications, Ifa. ivii. 14. 3 he exalted, extolled, or lifted up, Prov. iv. 8. 7 he extolled himfelf. /D faly a balket. Gen. xl. 17, 18. nljD fokhh, a bank or heap of earth, laid together for fortifi- cation, 2 Sam. XX, 15. TVTD'O meftllahy Ifa.xi. 16, and 7l7p5 maduly Ifa^ xxxv. 8, a prepared way, a high path-way : pi. fern, ill/Cp mesilot, highways^ Ija. xxxiii. 8-, and . xlix. 11, Pj. xxxiv. 5 ; alfo pi. fern. r\T?L))D/al/:l!cf, ballcets^ fer. vi. 9. . 45. uyOfiillamy a ladder, Gen. xxviii. i?. 46. \\^p fillony a thorn, Ezek. xxviii. 24! [)L m. 'd^y^^D J allommy E-z^k. ii. 6, thorns. ^ 47. V'lDJelnngy a rock, i^/: xl. 3. C^'^D klgnamy a kind of locuft, Z^^^ xi. 22. 48, ^/Dfalaph. 3 he did overthrow, he perverted. ^7^ felepby perverfcnefs, Prov^ I i ii 14 DD .49- P^P felak. Ch. i he afcended, he went up, Dan. vii. 8. 50. TuD Jolety flour, or fine meal. Gen. xviii. 6. ., 51. CD fdni^ fpice, p].. ni. X^'l^^, Jammim^ ipices, Exod. xxx. 7, 52. ^yy^Ofemadar, the tender grape, the firft which appears, when the flower falls. Cant. ii. 13; vii. 12. 53. ^,T^D famach. i he leaned, or relied upon ; alio he fuftained or upheld, he did approach or come near. 2 he was holden up, or he relied upon, P/I Ixxi. 6. 3 he upheld, or he fl:ayed. Cant. ii. 5. 54. ^l^D femeh an image, Exek. viii. 5'. 55. \'^0 jaman. 2 he was marked, affigned, or appointed, ^. xxviii. 25. 56. "^nDfamaphy hence Ch. fT5>I^/!plD///;;z- fncniay fymphony, or dulcimer, a muficai inftrument, D^;^. iii. 5. 57. ^\J2D famar. i he was horribly afraid, his hair did ttand upright like nails, and was ftifF through fear. 3 he made horribly afraid, JoJ? iv. 153 or his hair fl:ood up fl:rait through fear. D*^"ippp majmerimy pi. m. iron nails, Ifa. xli. 7, and pi. km. ilinPPP mafmerot^ Jer, VD 215 5t. 4, and Iinpt^XD mafmeroty with ^y?;^, Eccles. jXii. II, the fame. 58.. ^}]0 fenehy a bulh, Detit. xxxlii, 16, Exod, iii. 2. 59. n)5P/^;^Lvr, Ch. blindnefs: pi. m. D^T'fP fanverimy blindnefles, G^;/. xix. 1 1. 60. \DlDfanfeny a branch: pi. m, D'^^P?^ fanfmimy branches, Cant, vii, 8. 61. ^^^yp fanappivy the fins of a fifh, Z^x^. xi. 9, 10. 62. VD fas.y a' moth, or little worm, which eats cloth and books, Isa. li, 8. 62. "^VO fagnad. 1 and 3 he upheld, or he was upholden j Ch. he helped, Ezra v. 2, Tji^PP mtfgnady a prop, or pillar. j 64. ^V.Vfagniphy a branch, a thought, alfo. the cleft of a rock: pi. fern. r\)*2il!Q fcappot, Ibranches, 2i. S* i r^D- \ -219 84. ^D faraphy hence ^"Ip^P mefarephy a burner, one who burneth, or carries out dead (bodies to be buried ^ or a friend, or uncle, yimas vi. 10, 85. '^^^'Q firpady a thlftle, a nettle, or .a , kind of thorn, Jfa. Iv. 13. 86. TiC* Jarar. i he was rebellious or r^fraftory, HvJ/w. 16; or he did backflide. nnD/^rdT, 'Deut. xxi. 18: fem. Ty^iO Jorerahy hcfea iv^ 16, refraftory, fcubborn, rebelliotis, ibackfliding, or withdrawing, and T\yT\L)Jorerety Neh. ix, 29, the lame. 87, nno /^/^z&i hence l^p yj/^i;, the ^winter, CnnL ii. lU 88. '^T^D falam. i and 3 he flopped, or Jie fhut up. 2 he was flopped and Ihut up. 89. '^TSDJatar. i, 3, and 7 he lurked, he hid himfelf. 5 he did hide, or he hid. 2 and 4 he was hidden. "iriP/^/^r, ir^DP mi/lary a ihiding or lurking place: pi. m. C^'^i^p/P mif- tarim, lurking places: pi. fem. Ch. l^n^j^D.P mefatteratay hidden things, Dan. ii. 22; alfo Ch, "^T^^fetar^ he deflroyed, Ezra v. 12. 220 3 2V T. 2V.gnaify znd "O^^lfgnMim; fee in H'ljJ' ;gNU^y and nili^ gniihah. 2. T^y ^nabad, i he ferved: alfo Ch. to do, or to wofk, 2 and 4 he was ferved. 5 he caufed to ferve, or he opprefled with bond- age and fervice. 7 Ch. he was made, Dan. ii. 5. ^^}!, gnekdy a fervant. '^7-^^- gnabodahy and rrn^J/ gnaUbuty fervice, or wor/hipi bondage^ or flavifli fervice; Ch. HT^i^ ^/a^- bidahy Dan. iii. I2j and Xil^?^?: gnabidtUy ii. '29, a work: pi. m. C^ISi/Q inangbadimy deeds or works. Job xxxiv. 25. 3. T]'Z^ gnabah. i he was thick, fat, or heavy; he grew fat or thick, i Kings xii. 10 ; Deut, xxxii. 1 5 ; ^I^ gnaby ^^V^ gnabiy ^^l!JO fnagnabehy thicknefs, or fatnefs; alfo 2il gnaby a beam of a houfe : pL m. C'^5i:'* gnubbim, the bc-ams of a houfe, or thick plank-s^ Ezek. xli. 26. 4. lOD^ gnabat. i he pawned, or laid in pledge ; alfo he lent upon pledge. 3 021? ^;^/^- ^t"/, the fame with HIJ/ gnhvet^ he .perverted, 2V 221 or he brake through, JoerW. 7, or he lingered and ftayed, as the Chaldee. 5 he lent upon a pawn or pledge. 03^ gnabot^ a pawn or pledge. ly^^^yj, gnabtitj the drofs of the earth, i. e. filver and gold, called t2"^tO!?J/ gnahtity that is, thick cla/j for the word is compofcd of Iiy gnah^ thick, and tS^'D //V, mire or clay, Hab. ii. 6. 5. 13^ gnabar. i he pafTcd over, or he pafled by. 2 he was paffed over, Ezek. xlvii. 5. 3 he went into, or he engendered, Jcb xxi. 10 i alfo he made a partition, or he en- clofed, I Kings vi. 21, 5 he caufcd to go over, he carried over. 7 he was enraged v/ith fury, he pafied over himfelf, Pf. Ixxxix. 39. n^I/D magnabary a pafiage, or ford of a river. Gen. xxxii. 22 ^ TVXllljZ magnebarah^ IJa. x. ^9, the fames alfo ^^^ gneber^ a fide, the furtheft ifide of a river ^ beyond, over, on the other fide, over againft, &c. alfo nnil^* gnebarahy a Ibip, I or a ferry-boat, 2 Sam. xix. 18. "^^11 gfiabuTy vifcuals, or increafe of the former year; as that of the year to come is called f^HlD]^ tebuahy from K*13 ^^, to come. ^\X1V^_ bagnabar^ for, becaufe, that, &c. Exod. xx. 2c, Gen. iii. 17. TY)2)!i, gnebrahy fury, wrath, great anger. *^5^ gncbeTy the name of one of the pofterity of iShem, the father of the Hcbiews;G^;^. x. 24^ from whence is ^"^^i! piiiriy an Hebrew, GV;r, xiv. 13: pi. mafc. U^^^V. gnibri?n, Hebrews, Gen. xl. 15. 5. I20J/ gnahaj!:. i he rotted, he was rotten, Joel i. 17. - 6. r^ny gnabat. 3 he wrapped up, he did throw about, Micah vii. 3. Tlirj/ gnabot^ any thing wrapped up, or thrown about, a thick cord^ pi. inafc. '^'^^)l.gnebotmi^ cords, PJ, ii. 3, and fern. r>n3i^. gnebototy Exc(L xxvii. 24, T]r\'2}l,gnabutiahy thick, &^/^. vi, 13. 7. 2.yil gnagab. i he loved; properly he loved lafciviouily, or fooliilily, he doated in love, Ezek, xxlii. 5, 9, 12: pi. -m. ^^^^}^ gnogebimy .lovers, Jer. iv. 30; alfo D^HjJD' ^;/^- babimy loves, or jelts, Ezek. xxxiii. 31, 32. n^^if gnagbahy love, properly inordinate love, .: ^/(% xxiii. i i . 2^^^ gnugaby and 2^^' gnugo.by an organ, G^;;. iv. 21, fo called from its plea- fant found. 8. ny^^ gna^^ol^ round ^^V, gnagtl^ around ear-ring; '^^l-J^ gnagalah^ a cait, i vS'i^/T, vi. 7: pi. fern. r\''i7,p^'^;/^^^/{?/3 Gen. xlv. 19, carts, or waggons, ^yp.. gfiegel, a calf. Lev. ix. 2.^ n^^.y l^/^fg-M-?, a heifer, GV>/. xv. 9; pi. m. t^^'iy^^.^gnagahmy calves^ 2 X///^j >;Yii. 165 and fcm. Ty]7^jJ, gnegioty Hof. x. 5, the fame. ^^VJ^ magnanalj 3. trench, i Sam. xvii. 20 ; alfo /^i*.p magngal^ Ifa^ xxvi, 7, a path, or a way: p], m. DyJl/Q magnagalimy Pf. xxiii. 3, and fern. ni7ili^0 tnagngeloty Prov. v. :2i, pa*:hs. 5. DJJ/ gnagam. 1 he was very fad and grieved, y(?^ ^xx. 25. 10^ ]^V gnagan. 2 he tarried or ftayed, Rifth i. .13. 1 1. l^^ll gnagnry a fwallow, J/a, xxxviii, 14, and Jer, viii. 7. 12. n^i/ gnadad. 3 he propped, he did uphold^ or he lifted np. 7 he was propped, or he did ftand upright, Pf. xx. 9, 13. T^'V^ gnadah. i he adorned, or he decked himfelf; alfo he paffed over. 5 he made to pafs over, he removed, or he took away, ^"lU. gnadi, an ornament; alfo the mouth, P/. xxxii. 9 : D\'^7tf gnedijimy orna- ments, Ezek. xvi.75. alfo T\T\V..gneibtity 2 Kipgs xi. 12: fee *7^y gnud: pi. m. D*'TI3/ gniddm^ filthy rags, Ifa. Ixiv. 6. ^11 gnad, until, as yet,. la particle of the continuance of time; alfo jcternity, or evermore j but 1^ gr^ad, cl prey ; fee in Tiy niud. 14. ,X^V gnadan. .7 he delighted himfelf. XIV gneden^ delight, plcafure, or .a place of delight; hence the garden of Eden hath its name. Gat. ii. 8. "^^7^ gnednaby pieafure, Gen. xviii, 12: pi. m. C'plJ^D magnedannimy pleafurcs, or delights, Prov. xxix. 17. "^^T^V^, gnedaniniy 2 Sam. i. 24, the fame. '"^^^^Jf gnaditjahj given to pleafure, Ija. xlvii. 8 ; but Ch. \^l! griidda^y and i^^'^i^ gniddanay fignifieih time, Dan. ii. 8. 15. ^IJ/ gnadaph. i and 5 to abound, or to remain over, Exod. xvi. 18, andxxvi. 12. 16. inj/ gnadar. i he ordered, he fct In order, or he kept his rank and order, 1 Ckron. xii. 38; or he arranged and arrayed a battle. 2 he was deficient or wanting; he wanted, or faik^d, Ija. xxxiv. 16; alfo to be digged, IJa. V, 6, 3 he fuffered, or he caufed to want, he lacked, i Kings \v. 27. "^"^V.. gneder^ a flock, Gen. xxxii. 16. *i7^^ matigdar^ a mattock, an inftrument to dig with, IJa. vii. 25. 17. U/IV gnadaj.\: pL m. i^^l^!"!}^. gnadaj?iim^ lentils, Gen. xxv. 34. i8, 2W gnub. 5 he darkened with a cloud, he covered, Lam. W. u 211 gnab, ^ thick cloud, J/a. xliv. 22: pi. m. ^^2^ gnabimy and fern. Hilli/ gnabot^ Pj\ Ixxvii. 17, clouds. 19 W gnug. I he did prepare, or bake cakes, E.^ek. iv. 12, he baked. '^^^^ ^^/z/^^^^'^^^ U* 225 and i^Vi^ magnogy a cake, bread, or meat; a feaft, Pf. XXXV, i6. ' 20. *I"^J^ gnud. 3 he fpoiled, or robbed, Pf. cxix. 61 ; hence *11! gnady a fpoil, or prey> \GeN. xlix. 27 : but "^^V gnud in 5 is T^H hegnid^ he witncfled, or heteftined. 6 to be approved |or declared by witneffes, Exod. xxi. 29. Tt^ ;p7/^^ a witnefs; ri*TJ7 gnedahy a teftimony ; lni*TjI7 gneduty and HT^]^ tegmiduhy the fame ; jlii^ ^;/7, perverfenefs; Ch. ^'^J)ll gnavjahy the fame, Ian, iv. 27: pi, m. D*^^")!^' gnavonimy IJa. xiv. 6, and pi. fern, riili^. gnavcnoty Pj\ pXXviii. 5, iniquities, perverficiesi alfo pk m. rii^lJ/ gnivgmmy the fame. I 22. ^yj gnuz. 5 VV^^ hegnizy he gathered Dgether, he was gathered -together, Jer, vi. i. ^3* ''^^ ^^^A ^ flicking child, an infvnt: 1. fern. -Hi/J/ gnaioty Gen^ xxxiii, 13, cattle, r beafts with young; ^.'^V gnivvely 3 he jid wickedly, Pf, Ixxi. 4. ^^J/ gnavvaly Job viii. 21, and /''lli^ gnavii^ Jchxs'x. 11, wicked. 226 11/ ^)V^ gnavely and fern. n7li/ gnavlah^ and flJ!^7 1' gnolatah^ Jcb v. 1 6 ; HHy'iJ/ gnavlatah^ Hof. x, i.'^, wickednefs or iniquity, /^^ v. i6: pi. fern, ri/ll/ gnolot^ the fame, P/C Ixiv. 7^ .'11/ ^/z^.', a yoke: fee in nV gnalaU ^ 24. ("^i? ^/^i?;?, njij/ ^;/o;;^i?, tirne; properly a fet time, Exod. xxi. 10, the duty or fet time for marriage. j X^^ gmnen^ he obferycd times, and foretold future things; hence ].?U'P megnoneny a foothfayer, or a diviner: fem, nj^^ gnonenahy IJa. Ivii. 3, a. forcerefs ; pi. m* X^'^l^ gnonenimy foothfayers, .^. ii* 6:. fee in \V,gnmy l^yp magncuy a habitation or a dwel- ling: pi. fern. iHlJlJ/p megnomoty habitations, 'Jch xxxviii. 40. 25. ^V gnufJu I;; and 3 he flew,, he did fly with wings. 5. he caufed to fly. 6 he was made or commanded to fly,, jD^;/. ix. 21. 7 he did fly away, Hof. ix. 1.1. ^W gmphySi bird, or a fowl. mS^^J/ gnephahy darknefs, or obfcurity. D.*^2|/pi^ gnaphgnaphajimy the eye- lids, 7^ xi. 4. ^^J?'^, magnophy darkened, or darknefs and dimnefs, IJa. v\\u. 22. 26. f^i' gnutz. I he counfeljed, or he took advice, Judges xix. 30. r 27. piy^;^^/^. 5 he prefled, Amos\\..\y, nj^ gnakahy Hj^lD mugnakahy opprefTion or afBidion, -P/*. Iv. 4, and Ixvi. 1 1. 28. "^^J! gnur. I he awakened. 2 he was awakened, or railed up; 3 he raifed- up, or he caufed to awake. 5 the fame, alfo 3 ' "y^y. gnivvery he did make blind, Jer\Y\\, 11. 7 he awaked, or he raifed up himfelf. "^Vgnefy to watch, or to be awake. Cant, v. 2. 1J^ gnar^ I an enemy, i Sam. xxviii. 16. "^iJ gnur^ Ch. chaff, Dan, \\, 35. ^^V. gniry Ch. a watcher, ' D^;/. iv. 23. 'I.TJ/ ^;?fz;mT, blind. X^^^V. grtiv^ varony Deut, xxviii. 28, blindnefs. 29. tli^W gnujhy to aflTcmble or gather to- gether. C^iL* gnash, Job ix. 9, and ^^^^^ gnajifhy xxxviii. 32, the conftellation called Ardurusj Of Charles's -wain: fee alio ^^V gna ^ afh, j 30. my ^/f^//, 3 n'}jL/ gnivvety he per- verted. 4 he was perverted. 7 he perverted bimfelf. ^^J^/P megnuvvaty Ecdes. i. 15, per- verfe, or crooked. H^JJ/ gnavvatahy perverfe- nefsj alfo overturned, fub verted, or wrong, Lam, iii. 59; 31. HiJ/ gnnzab. i he left, or he did /orfake', 2 and 4 he was forlaken: pL m u^Jintl/ ^;/i Z'^?;^/;;^, fairs, E^r^/e. xxvii. 12, 27. 32. TTJ/ gnazaz, i and 5 he ftrengthened. ^V_ gnazy Judges Kiv, 14. Mfi? ^/^fz^s;, P/.xxiv, ;8, ftrong. tli! gnoZy i Sain. u. 10 ; ^^^K^] gnezu:^y T/a, xlii. 254 and WO magno-^y ftrength 5 alfo Q 2 Wf? magnozj Judges vi. 26, a rock, caftlc, or fortification : pi. mafc. D^^^tl^P magnuznimy for- tifications, or ftrong holds, Ifa. xxiii. 1 1 ; alfo D'^JI/p magnuzim^ Dan. ii. 39, the fame, t^/ gnezy 2l goat. ^:tk^jy gnazazely the fcape-goat let out into the wildernefs with the peoples' fins, Lev* xvi, 8 ; the word being compofed of oi^V. gnezy a goat, and /ji$ azaly he went away, or he departed. ^t'?*^ goznijaby 2l kind of fea- eagle, Lev. xi, 13. 33* P'''^' gnazak. 3 he compaffed about, he hedged, or fenced about, J/a. v, 2. ' nj^iV gnizkahy Ch. a fignet, IX7;/. vi. 17. 34- *^^ gnazar. 1 and 5 he helped. 2 he was helped, Pf. xxviii. 7. T[U/ gnezeVy help, ^. Ix. 13; xliv. 27. n^irj/. ^-^^/^z^/v//;?, a court, a C6r6?;^. iv. 9^ alfo a fettle, 2^/^. xliii. 14, or a ftrudurc. 35* '^^- Z^^^^* ^ writer's pen, P/I xlv. 2.. i^l^l! gnelay Ch. counfcl : fee in ^)l)jagnat. 2b. ^^)l gnatah. i and 5 he covered, he clothed ; alfo he was covered, or he clothed himfelf, Jer. xliii. 12. 4 HOJ^P jnegnutahy covered, or clothed, 2^;^, xxi. 15, wrapped up, or Iharpened like a writer's pen ; as fronn ^V, gnety n^JfD magnateh^ a clothing, or gar- ir.cnt, Ifa. Ixi. 3. 37. ^T^V. g7ia!allephy a bat, Ifa. ii. 20. 38. X^V. gnatin^ a milk-pail, or vt^tt\ to contain milk; hence alfo pi. mafc, D'^3*'?if gnatintm^ the breads, 'job xxi. 24. 39. ^^]l gnataph. i he covered, he was covered, he was overwhelmed, he fainted, or failed: pi. m, D'^Sp^ gnaluphim^ fainting, or thofc who fdxnly La7n, ii. 19; alio feeble fheep, or wcrak cattle, Gen. xxx. 42. 7 he was over- whelmed, or he overwhelmed himfelf^ he failed, Lam. ii. it, or he fwooned: pi. fern. niip^'^O magnataphoty IJa. iii. 22, women's mantles, 40. ^'^V^gnatar. i, 3, and 5 he compaflfed about, he crowned. Tr\\!y'^_,gnatarah^ oxTT\\!SJ, %na!aret^ a crown. 41. ^'W^gnataJJi. i hefneezed. TsW^m, gfiatifnahy fneezing: pi. fern, rij^^^pl/^//^//^^/'^ iheezings. Job xli. 18. 42. T]^V gnajahy \\ti\QQ^V,gniy a heap j pi, m. iS^y, gnijimy heaps, Jer. xxvi. 18. *1^P megniy the fame, I/a. xvii. 1. 43. kD^^J/ gniL 5 he flew upon, as a rave- nous bird; he did ruih in with violence, l^^}! gnajity a bird, a ravenous fowl,. Gen. xv". 1 1 ; Job xxviii. 7. 230 U^ 44. D^J7 gnajam^ ftrength, or fortitude, Ifa. xi. 15. 45- V^- gnajifiy the eye, alfo a fountain. Gen. xxiv. 42 : or a colour, Nurab. xi. 7j du. nn "O^TV, g7ienajim.^ both the eyes : pl.fenn.rii^.^;/^- janoty Deut.vViuj. T\TV.. gnenoty Exod. xv. 27; alfo mi^^Q niagnjanoty Prov, viii. 24, and pi. m. D'^3^5 magnjaninii PJ. c'xv. 10, fountains; hence in i X^ gnoveUy or PJ^ gnavWy eyeing, or obferving with the eyes, i Sam. xviii. 9. 3 ]^J? gnijen, he beheld, or con- fidered, Rab* and ]?jJ/ gnoneuy he obferved tinnes, or he deceived the eyes by jugglings, he divined; fee in TV gnutiy and in ]]l! gnanaju ]^0 magnjarii 2, fpring or fountain. Lev. xi. 36. 46. ^^ gnqjaph. 1 he waa weary. ^"^.J/ gnajephy w^t2iXjy or t-hir(ly, Pr^'y. xxv 25, and Gen. XXV. 29, 30. ^^^V gnephahy darknefs ; fee before in ^V gnuph. 47 ^'^^' S^^^y ^ ^^^y > V^' ^* 'O^^li gnariniy cities : alfo "^"^ gnajir, an afs's colt, or a foal, Zech. ix. 9, Gen. xlix. 11 : pi. m. D***^!]^ ^72^ was brought in j hence y^/'P megnale^ Ch. aa ^entrance, or coming in 5 alfo the weft, or place of the lun's going down. Ban. vi. 14. TiTJ gnillahy a caufe, or an occafion, Dan. vi. 4. 58. u]ll gnalam. 5 he hid, or he kept ifecret. 2 he lurked, or he was hidden. 7 he jhid himfelf, D^j^ gnelem^ a youth, a young boy, kept under his father's care, i Sam. xvii* 234 V 56, i^f^iV, g7talmahy a virgin, hidden at hornie with her parents, or hidden as yet from man : pi. fern. T^^T^^ll. gnelamofy virgins, CajiL'u^y pL" male. D\p^'7iv gnalumimy infancy or child- hood, /y. Ixxxix. 46 ', alfo hidden things, iy, xc. 8. npi4^]^ ta'inalumah. Job xxviii. 11 : ph. fern. TV\]lT}Vy!\tagnelumoty hidden things, PJ. xliv. 22, or fecrets. D^l^/ gnclamy eternity, everm.ori:^ Qh.'^'Q ^)l ^nalma. the fame: pi. m, X^uJV gnolamimy Eccles. i. 10, ages, eternity. DiT|/ gnekniy the fame, c Chron. xxxiii. 7, eter- nity, timie hidden from us. 59. D?I/ gnalas. 1 he rejoiced greatly. 2, 5, and 7 the fame; he exulted, or he fuiaced ^nd refrefned himfelf. 60. VTJ gnulaug. 3 he licked, or he fucked up: pi. m. r^7^ gnillegVitny ribs, teeth, or tongues, J)an vii. 5. 61. ^}^ gnalaph, 3 he covered. 4 and 7 he was covered and overwhelmed; he fainted, or was dejected in his miind, nS/J/ gnulpah^ jpanting, or fainting, Ezek. xxxi. 1 5. 62. ^/^ gnalatz. i he rejoiced greatly. rv\)^/V.gnalizuty a rejoicing, Hab. iii. 14. 63. p^y g72ala , hence Hi^^^l/. gnalukafh ^ horfe-leech, Prov. xxx. 15. j Sjy 235 , 64, ^V. gnam ^ people, tj/ g^iim^ with ; fee in 'ODV mam am. 65. IDP^ gnamad. I he ftoocl^ or he did iftand; he ftaid, or he abode and remained. i 5 he caufed to ftand, he made to remain, he 'placed or appointed, 6 he was caufed to I (lay or itand^ he made to remain, he was ap- j pointed and eftabllflied. T^ gnammudy a I pillar, or a ftatiie. T^'l'O^ giiemdahy .Micah \u II. "^tl^.p^ magnamad^ I Jv^/;^^ xxii, 35, a jftation or ftanding, an appointment, i Chron. jxxiii. a8. '^'"]^V gnimmadi, W\Ca rnt. I 66. ^"tt^ gnamal i he laboured, he tra- veiled. /(^Il gnamelj J^^xx. 22, weary. /^JJ ignamaly Numb, xxsii. 21, wearinefs, or ti avail, Eccles. vi. 7. 67. D/!5I/ gnamam, i he covered, he hid, he darkened. 6 he was darkened, or he be- came dim. Lam. iv. i. X^H gnam^ a peoples ! pi. m.C*^/2J^ ^;/r/;;2/;2/;;^, people, Ifa. x. 13. X^'^gnim^viiihy befides* ^^t^V. gnimmanUy W\i\\ us, which being compounded with vis ^4 the ftrong God, (fee T^. ejal) maketh up that glorious name wherein confifts man's ihappinels, viz. /i$13Si? gnimmcmuely Immanuel, God with us. 68, VDllgmmas. 1 and 5 he burthciied. use ^V he did lay on a burthen. HD^J/p magnamafah^ a burthen, Zech. xii. 3. 69. p*-?I^* gnamak. i he was deep. 5 he made deep. '\'^'^12}J gnamoky 2tn(\ ytZV^ gnameky deep. pC> ^7^(/;;?^.^, Prov, xxv. 3, depth j alfo p^y ^;A^;;;(fy^, a valley, Gen, xiv. 13: pi. rn C^'p^yO raagnaynakimy depths, P/! cxxx. i ;, IJa. li. 10: Ch. pL fem. ^5^1p^^if gnennkata^ deep, D<^;7. ii. 22. 70. ^I^-'I? gnamar, 3 he gleaned, he made and gadiered fiieaves, or he did bind flieaves, pf, cxxix. 7. 7 he made gain or merchandize, Deut. xxiv. 7) xxi. 14. *i^U'^;/^;;/^r,. a homer, a njcafure of dry things, the tenth part of an phah, Exod. xvi. yoy alfo a Iheaf. ")^PJ^ gnamiry the lame, alfo a lictle bundle, or hand- lull, Ar^'-os ii. 13. pi. m. C*^'?^!^ gnamarbny flieaves, Rth ii. 15. "I'"?^* gnamar, Ch. wool, 7)^;/. vii- 8. 7 1 . -H^i; gnummaty ^"i^Mp. kgnummaty Exod. XXV. 27. T^^Vy.J^ milgnmnmaty i /{/;^^jvii. ao, over againft, befides. TS^'QI^.gnamily a neigh- bour, a companion, or a familiar friend, Z^x^. vi. 2. ^72. I1J|/ gnenahy a grape, D^*///. xxxii. 14 : pi. m. ^^^V.. gnenabimy grapes. Gen, xl. 10. 73- -'^^ g^^^g* 4 he was dainty or dc- ! V: 237 j licate, Jer. vi. 2. 7 he delighted himfelf. 2211 S^^^'^^gy Beut. xxvii. 54, delicate. J^i^ ^;;^- ^^^fi"^, Ij"a. xiii. 22, delight, or pleafure. 2^2Vt^ Kt agnanugy i\\thmt: pi. m. C^rjy^*? tagnannpyn^ ; delights, Ccmi. vii. 6: pi. fern. riUIJ/ri tagna-^ mizot. the fame, Eccles. ii. 8. 74. T^J^ gnanad. I he tied, or he did bind, Pr(?i'. vi. 21. 7^. il2]! gnamih. i he anfwered, he heard, he teftified j alfohe afflicted, or he was afflidccd. 2 he was anfwercd, he was heard, or he an- fwercd much, EzeL xiv. 4, he was afflifted. 3 he did affiift, he humbled 3 alfo he did fing 4 he was afflifted. 5 he anfwered. 7 he af- Aided himfelf, or he was afflifted. "^^llgmnav, meek, humble. HIIJ/ gna}7avahj meeknefs, humility. ^^V^gnani^ pi. m. ^^^2V_, gnenijimy Job [xxxiv. 28, and Ch. \!2]l. gnanajiuy Dan. iv.,27, ipoor, or afflicted ; and ^2V. gnaniy Lam. iii. i ; 2Lr\d^y^V gnoni, Deut. xxv'u 14, afflidion, po- verty. ri^^J^ gnenuty the fame. ]^i.y. gninjan^ lan occupation] properly, tronblefome bufinefs; \Eccks. u 13, fore travail. T\'^2V}^- tagnanity forrow, heavinefs, or fading, Ezra ix. 5. HJi/^ ]agnanahi an owl. ^2yj2 magnaneh, an anfwer, or anfwering; HiyD jmignanah, i Sam. xiv* 23 S "VO 14, an' acre of land. ri^'iJ/.Q magnanily a fur- row, Pf, cxxix. 3 : pi. fern. T\^y\}3 gnonoly fur- rows, Hcjea X, 10. \Vdl. Icmagnariy for that, to the end that, &c. 76, ]3y gnanan^ a cloud; hence in 3 P>7 gninnen^ he overclouded, G^/^. ix. 14; alfo in 3 l*i^ gnonen^ he divined future things by the clouds. C\^i'^ gnonenim: pi. rn. ^. ii. 6, foothfiyers, diviners^ {fzz'm'^^V gnuny and Vi/ 77' 'l^'J^ gnanaphy a branch. HD^J/ ^;^^- nepJiahy full of branches, :2/ gnopely a high or fteep place, or a tower, 2 Chrcn. xxxiii. 14, 2 A7;^^j" v^ 24; hence in 4 he was Hfted up, Hah^ ii, 4. 5 he prefumed to go up, or he went up proudly, l^umh. xiv^ 44: pi. in. DV-I:^. gnapholim^ the emerods, a difeafe of the hinder parts, T)eut. xxviii. 27. 85. 'nSJ/ gnaphar^ duft; hence in 8 he I fprinkled or fcactered dull. 2 Sam. xvi. 13. T^I^ gnopher^ a young roe, Cant. ii. 9: pi. m. D'^'?^^. gnapharimy young roes. Cant. iv. 5. iinDi^ gnopherety lead, Z^^/^. v. 7, ;c^^. xv. 10. 86. ^V. gnetZy wood or timber, a tree, yy; i. 4. ; 1. ^ 87. *y^)l gnatzah, i and 3 he grieved. 2' was grieved. 5 he caufed to grieve, alfo ; worfhipped idolatroufly, Jer. xliv. 19. 7 : grieved himfelf. Gen, vi. 6. p^^J^ gnitz- zabony Gen.\\\.vi\ ^y^V^gnatztzebety Prov. *. 105 i^J^-^Q magnatzehahy Ifa. ]. 11 j 3^'i?- he he w he tzab x^. 240 vi; gnotzehy Pj.cxkx\x. 24; 2)iV. Z^etxeby Gen, iii. 16, grief, trouble, or forrow; alfo ^^V^gnetzeby Jer. xxii. 28, an idol. H'^Vi^ gnatziby Ch. grieving, or lamentable, D^;/. vi. 2C. 89. HKr gnatzah. i he Ihiit, or clofed the eyes, he winked, Prov. xvi. 13. nVI/ gnetzeh^ the back, bone, Z>i;, iii. 9, 90. /l^i^ gnatzely a fluggard, Pri^ g7telzery Judges xviii. 7, 'HVI^D magHtzaVy Fro'V, XXV. 28, rule or government 93. 2|?.JJ ^^V7<3g-^<^, the heel i hence the end^ or the utmoft part of any thing, finally, at length; alfo '^'pAgnekeby Pf. xix, 12, a reward, he end of the work: pi. fem. ^T^'^V, gnikkeboty footfleps, Pf, ixxvii. 20 ; he^ice in 1 2'p}J ynakaby Ha/ea xii. 3, he fupplanted or over^ :urned by laying hold of the heel, he deceived, 3 he delayed, or put off to ty, gnikjhuty perverfenefs or frowardncfs, Prov. iv. 24: pi. m. D'^^i^i?.^ magnakajhjlimy perverfities, or crooked things, Ija. xlii. 16, 100. ^JJ ^;^^r, Ch. an enemy, for the He* brew ^^ tzar. ny 243 lOi. y^l gnaraiy he mingled or mixed, he rwas bufied or employed, he pawned or laid in 'pledge, he became furety, he was pleafant and fweetj he was darkened, or it approached to- wards the night, it was dark j alfo he did weave; all which fignifications depend on the radical of mingling divers things, Ch, 4 he was mingled or mixed, Dan. ii. 43, 5 it was evening, 7 he mixed Jiimfelf, he was mingled, alfo he promifed, or he was furety; Ch. mixed rogether. II"li; gnareb^ fweet. 3"]^ gnereb^ a mixed multitude, or a mixing together, alfo :he evening: pi, {zvc\.Tvildernefs: pi. fern. T\^1^^V. gnaraboty deferts; ilfo the heaven, or the clouds, P/l Ixviii. 34, "^^nj^/ gnarrubbahy and \Or\V^gnarabony a furety, I pledge: pl.fem. Unn^f! tagnaraboty pledges, \x hoftages, 1 Kings xiv. 14: pi. m. X^Z^)},gna^ abimy willow-trees, Pf. cxxxvii. 2. 3*^17.0 nagnarah^ the weft, where the fun goes down n the evening; alfo commerce or merchan- lize: pi. m D^3nj;/D magnar abimy the fame, Izek. xxvii. 27, 33. 244; nr loi:. ^%l gnarag, i he made a'tiolfr, as diverfe beafts do, chiefly he panted as the hart, Pf. xlii. *!2, Joel i. 20. ^K')^.: gnariiggah^ any little floor, yard, or plat of ground, as a bed of fpices, Cant. v. 13, a furrow of land, Ezek. xvii, 10. 103. T^i^ gnurad\ hence *ImJ/ gnarod^ J^h xxxix. 5, a wild afs : pi. in. Ch. i^!^!'^!/ gnaratbaijay wild affes, D^;^. v. 2k X04. n^ij/ gnarah. i he was naked, or he was made naked and bare, alfo he poured out. 2 he was made naked and bare. 3 he poured our, he emptied, or he made bare and naked, ni*^>J| gnervahy nakednefs, alfo difgrace, or fliame, the part of the body \yhich ought not to be feen. J^rj^ gnerjah^ naked, or bare, Ezek, xvi. 7. "^IT^ll gnargnar, raoft naked or bare, deftitute of help, Pf. c'lu 1 8 ; alfo the heath, or a naked tree in the wil- dernefs, Jer. xvii. 6, xlviii. 6. It^/w magnar, 1 Kings vii. 2^^* ^"^W^- magnarehj nakednefs, or a making naked \ alfo HHI/p megnarahy a cave, a naked place, i Sam. xxiv. 4 : pi, m. U^'y^V^ megnorimy nakednefles, H;;. 'ii. 25, iii. 7. D^P*!IiP magnarayniniy 2 Chron. xxviii. 15, the fame; alfo DTy^;,^^;;^, naked- ncfs^ Bent, xxviii. 48. Hp jl^ ^^/^r^T^?;;////:?, fub- 246 ^I^ tilenefs or craftinefs ; alfo a heap. Cant. vii. i : pi. m. C^^PT'JE^ gnaremimy heaps. Jer. 1. a6j alfo the ehefnnt-tree is called X^f^^U gnarmon: pi. m. ^^yiy^H garmonimy chefnut- trees, Ezek. xxxi. 8. ic8. V^V gnaras^ hence pi. fern. rtD'^ntf gnarijoty dough, or a mafs of meal kneaded, Lev^ XV. 20. io8. ^^V gnorephy the neck; hence in i ^llgnaraphy he cut off the neck, he beheaded, alfo he dropped, Deut, xxxii. 2, xxxiii. 28: pi. m. D^D^ny. gnariphimy ruin or deftruftion, clouds, or the heavens, darknefs, droppings, Ifa. V. 30._ no. i^V_,gnaraphely darknefs, or thick darknefs, i Kings viii, i2. III. \'^!^^gnaratz. i he was violent, or he ufed violence, he broke violently and fiercely in pieces; alfo he was terrified. 2 he was terrible or formidable, greatly to be feared, PJ. Ixxxix. 5 he was afraid, IJa^ viii. 13, or he feared. Y^y^ gnarifZy terrible, violent, a tyrant or an opprefTor, Jol^ xv. 20. f^"^^. gnarutZy a breach, a hole, or cave. Job xxx. 6. ^V^Hp^ magnaritZy and nV^i^XS magnaratzahy violence, fear, or terror. If a. viii. 13, and x, 23- a^y 247 112. pTJ{ .gndfak. I he fled, or he did flee,. Joif XXX. 3 . pi, m. O'^f?*?^ gnorekim, finews, Jcl^ 5P 126. 'pi^j]^* g>uitak, I h^ waxed old, Pf vi. 8, yd^ xxi. 7; he was removed, Jol^ xviii. 4; he was hard and durable. 5 he rtnioved, he tranfcrlbed, or copied ouc, Prov. xxv. i, Gerj, >^V\, 8. 'pT^Vr gnataky hard, ftiff, or per- verfe, Pf. Ixxv, 5, i ^^;;^. ii. 3. p^TSSJ gnatiik^ Ch. old, ancient, X)^/;. vii. 9, 13; durable or liable. pT})} gnateky Prov. viii. 18 ^ p'^O^ gnatiky Ifa. xxiii. i8: pi. m. 'O^p^T^il gnatlikim, things of old, or ancient things, 1 Chron. iv. 22; alfo drawn or earned away and removed, Ifa. xxviii. 9. 127. ^T\V gnatar. 1 and 5 he prayed carneftly and humbly. 2 he was intreated, Ifa. xix. 22. nrj/ gnataVy E^ek. viii. 11. rr\Ty_, gnaterety J^r. xxxiii. 6, abundance: pi, m. D^^Tir^J^ gnatarimy fuppliants, Z^/:?. iii. 10. 128. TyTy^ gnatat. 1 he fpokc in feafon, or in time, Ifa. 1. 4. T^V..gnety time: p). fem. Jy)T\}} gnittoty times, ^. ix. lO; xxxi. 16: p). m. t!^T)V, gnittimy Job xxiv. i. "^^J/ ^;/////, fea-| fonable, fit, or opportune. Lev. xvi. 21. HJII/ gnattahy now, this time, iy. cxiii, 2. [ 251 ] k3^(?, here: fee in ^^ poh. 1. I^^Sl peahy a corner, Jer. ix. 26 ; alfo a quarter, or any plot of ground, Numb, xxxiv, 3: pi, fern, T\^'^^,peoty coiners, Exod. xxv. 26; hence in 5 he removed, fcattcred, or banilhed, Beut. xxxii. a6. 2. *)i^2^^ alio he inter* ceded, or prayed unto, Job xxi. 15. 5 he made to meet, Ifa. liii. 6; alfo he interceded, or intreated, Jer. xv. 11, I/>3 pgangy an accident, any thing fali;ng out, chance. Kecks. ix. 11,1 Kiim V. 4. I/^DQ mi^hgang^ a fcope or mark, "Job vii. ao. 6. "1-22 pagar. 3 he was weary or falnr, 1 &;;2. XXX. 10, 21. ^^ peger^ i Sam. xvii. 46, a carcafe, or a dead corple : pi. m. D*''?^^ fegarhn^ Numb. xxix. 32, 33. .7. ^^2 f^g<^fih 132,3 he met with, G^/; xxxiii. 85 PJ. ixxxv. 11, Job v* 14. 8. rrrS ^adah. I he redeemed. 2 he was redeemed, 5 he cauled to be redeemed. 6 as in 2, Lefv. xix. 20. ^T\^ pedui^ 0^*12 pdjom, y^^l^ pidjon^ T\T\^ pedut^ redemption, or the price of redemption,. Pj, cxi, 9. 9. p2 paddan-, hence "(T'S^I appaddaUy a palace, D^j?^/. ii. 45, 10. i^'12 pcdang, I he redeemed, J^^ xxxiii. 24. h^ 253 1 T. *1^5. peder, the fat, or the entrails, Lev. 12. np pehy and '^5 j^i, the mouth, P/l xxxvii. 30, aifo the edge of a fword : pi. in. C'^B pimy and fcm. rWt^ PV^^y nnouths -, alfo edges of fwords, ilTi^S piphijot^ the fame, a fword of edges, or a two-edged fword, HiS ^.^i?, here, hither, Gen. xxii. 5. *^D5 r^?/?/, according. 13. H^D^^if^, I he ceafed or failed, a he was weakened, PJ, xxxviii. 9, or he was feeble. T]y\^ pugah^ refl-, or intcrmifnon, Lam. ii. 1^6: pi. fern, riiJSrj haphugoty intcrmiflions, Z.^;;/. iii. 4.9. 14. roS p^^^i?. I and 5 he did breathe or blow J alfo the day did break, Cant. ii. 17. 5 the fame, alfo he fpoke, he did breathe cue words i alfo he enfnared. H'^S piachy afhes, Exod. ix. 8. T\^piachy a fnare: pi. m. D'^HD ' pachimy {hzrcsy Prov. xxii. 5^ alfo thin plates, Exod. xxxix. 3. 15. '^IS puchy paint, or colour, 2 Kin^;s ix. 30 ; alfo the name of a precious (lone, a carbuncle, or a ruby, Ifa. liv. 11. 16. . n^poly beansy 2 S^m. xvii. 28. 17. D1S or ti^pumy Ch. the mouth, 1 8, ]1S ^;/. I he was diftracled in his mind, or he did hefitate, Pf. Ixxxviii. 16. ]p peny left, perhaps. Gen, iii. 3. 19, pS putz. I, 2, 7, he wns difperfed or fcattered abroad, or he difperfed himfelf^ Gen. xi. 4. 3 and 5 he difperfed by breaking in pieces. Job xvi. 12, or he fcattered abroad. '^^Dp mephitZy a hammer, Prov^xxv. 18 : pi. fern. riliTlDiTl tephotzoty Jer, xxv, 34, fcatterings. 20. p^S^//^. I he daggered or ftumbled, he reeled, or he erred, Ifa^ xxviii, 7. 5 he caufed to ftumble, he made to fall, he obtained, he did bring forth, Pf. cxliv. 13; Ch. he moved, Jer. x. 4. P^'S piky and HpIS pukahy 2l reeling, ftaggering, or ftumbling; hence an offence, i Sam. xxv. 31, alfo the fhaking or fmiting of the knees together, Nah. ii. 10. 21, ^^^ pur. I he was broken in pieces. 3 he did break in pieces, ^ob xvi. 12. 5 he difanniilled, or made void by breaking, Gen. xvii. 14, Pf. xxxiii. 10. 6 and 7 he was broken, y^r. xxxiii. 21, IJa. xxiv. 19, iTniQ purahy a wine-prefs. 1^2 puYy a lot, EJiher iii. 7: pi. m. U'y^^ purimy EJih. ix. 26, lotSj it is a Perfian word. 22. i/*^S /^^(/%. I he abounded, he did na 255 grow up, or he multiplied, Hab. i. 8, MaL. iv, 2. 1 he was fcattered, Nah. iii. i8. ^'S pa/hy abundance, or multitude ; great extremity, y^^ XXXV. 5. 23. J112^(5/, the hinge of a door, i Kings vii. 50i alfo a wom.an's lecrec parts, Ifa, iii. 17, 24. ttS pazaz. I he was ftrengthened, G^;7. xlix. 24. 3 he leaped, 2 S'^;. vi. 16. 6 he was confirmed or made folid, i Kings X. 18; hence T2 paz, folid or pure gold, Pf. xxi. 3. 25. ITS pazar. i and 3 he fcattered abi-oad, 2 and 4 he was fcattered abroad. T\^ pach- 2L fnare; fee in TV\^puach. 26. ^^S^^r^^^, I and 3 he feared, or he was afraid. 5 he terrified, or he caufed to fear. ^T]^ pachady fear: pi. m. ^^1T]^ pecha- dim^ fears. Job xv. 21 ; alfo the tefticles, Job xl. 17. 27. nH5 ^^^/%^, a captain, a governor, or a prince, Af^/. i. 8 ^ f^ns ^^r/^<^/, /7^^, i. i^ the fame: pi. rilHS pachoty i X/;7^j xx. 24, cap- ! tains, and ]li1p5 pajhavot^ Ezra viii. 36 j KHina ^i^^i?^^;^/^, the fame, Dan. vi. 7. 28^ TnS pachaz. i he was unftable. S56 tiS light, or inconftant. n2 pachaZy unftable. Gen. xlix. 4 : pi. m. D\>n.2> pochaziniy the fame, light, or unftable, Zepb. iii. 4, Judges ix. 4, light perfons. r\1?r]S pachazuty lightncfs or inftability, 7^r. xxiii. 32. 29. Cng ^^i?^w, a coal, //^, liv. 16. 30. ^T\^ pechary Ch. a potter, i)^i ii.41. 31. ]^nB pachaty a ditch: pi. m. D'^JpH^ ditches, 2 ^^^/. xvii. 9, or pits, -^rins^if^to^?/, a plague, or a fretting fore, xiii. 55, 32. 1J2S patad'y hence H^tpS pitdahy a precious ftone, fo called, a topaz, Exod. xxviii. 17. 33. I^'^palar, i he difmifled, he dif- charged, he fet free, Pr^y'u, xvii. 14, or he opened, he let out; alfo he departed, i Sam. xix. 10, or flipped away, 5 he opened wide,, iy. xxii. 8. 1'^^^ perer, ah opening, chiefly that which openeth the womb, Exod. xiii. 2. ri'^ilDSi petaraby or pitraty Numb. viii. 1 6, the fame: pi. m. tli^'^V^^ peturhn^ free, or fet free, i Chrcn.}^. 33; alfo openings, i Kings vi. i8, 34. WiD^ patajhy hence ti^'^CSS pattiJJoy a hammer, y^r. xxiii, 29, Chald. ^^%% patjhiniy hofen, or breeches, Dan. iii, 21. ^Q 257 3j, TS pidy oppreffion, or deftrudlion, Prov. xxiv. 22, Job xxx. 24. H^S pach^ embersj fee in ^/^^^i^. 36. np^S fimah, the folding or doubling of the fkin through fatnefs, Job xv. 27, 37. njS pacbah. 3 he flowed or gu&ed out as water, Ezek. xlvii. 2; hence "^jS ^c?^/:?, a phial to hold oil, i Sam* x. i. 38. is?^ pala. 2 he was wonderful, P/* cxviii. 23, alfo he was hidden. 5 he did won- derfully ; alfo he feparatedj as from HIS palah. 7 he made himfelf wonderful, Job x. 16. 'isl^ peky Exod. XV. 11, Ifa. ix. 6. ^^*'^^ peli^ j y^/^j xix. 30^ 31. 45. '^7 pelechy a ftaff, alfo a diflaff, Prct'. xxxi. 19; alfoatraft or piece of ground, Neh. 46. n^ pilleL 3 he judged. 2 he was judged. 7 he appointed himfelf judge, i S(im> ii. 25; he prayed, or he fupplicated earneftly, 2 Kings xix, 20. 7 v5 pelili^ to be judged: pi. m. O'^T^^ pe/ilimy judges, DeuL xxxii. 31. Hjhp pelilahy judgment, Jfa. xvi. 3. Hj'? v.5 pelilijah, IJa. xxviii. 7, the fame. H^?^ tephillahi a prayer or fupplication, J/a. u 15. 47. Di^ pilles. 3 he pondered or weighed, hence he confidered. D7^ /^^/^^J", a balance, Prov.xw]. II, ^^. xl. 12 : pi. m. I3*'Ji^'?50 miphlafinii with tt^y?;/, balancings. Job xxxvii. 1 6, 48. y?^ palatz. 7 he trembled, or he did fhake for fear, yob ix. 6. m^vS pallalzuf, trembling, fear, or terror, 1/a, xxi. 4 ; alfo :r\1^75Q miphletzety an idol, i Kings xv. 13. 'Hl^/^fl tiphlezety Jer. xlix. 16, horror, or tcr- riblenefs. 49. Wl^ palaj/u 7 he wallowed or rolled himfelf, Jer. vi, 26, Micah i. 10. 15 Z?^;;, left: fee ]12 pun. 50. n3S panah. i he looked, he beheld, le declined, he turned, &c. 3 he removed mt of the way, he prepared, Mai. iii. i. 5 he made to look, he turned himfelf. 6 he was turned, or he turned himfelf away, Jer. xlix. 8, Ezek. ix. 2: pi. m. U^^^panimy the face, the countenance. D^i? pmrn, i Kings vi. 29. s 2 260 DD within, the inner part, '^^^i^ penimiy Ezek, xli. 15, the fame. D*^^?^*? kphanimy Jofi. xiv, 1 5, before, long ago, long fince. ^35? liphne^ before, over againft, in the fight of. HD^'J^ /?m^^>&, within, Lev.x. 18. TS^iy^'l^ penimit^ the inner or inmoft, i Kings vi. ;i6 : pi. fern. ri1^D^3?5 penimijoty the fame, 1 Chron* iv. 22. "^^5/. liphnaiy before, i Kings vi. 17. 51. ]3S panan, hence 1132 pinnahy a corner^ the extremity or utmoft end of any thing, Pf cxviii. 22, the utmoft corner : pi. fem. rilSQ pinnot^ Job i. 19, Zeph. i, 16: pi. m. D*^32 pinniniy Zech. xiv. 10, corners, towers 5 alfo princes, or the heads of the people, Judg. XX. 2; pi. m. 0*^5*^55 peninimy rubies, Prov. viii. II. 52. p33^^;^^;t. 3 he did educate, or bring up delicately, Prov. xxix. 2 1 . 53. JD2 ^^^. 3 he lifted up, P/1 xlviii. 14. fl^P^/'j^^^, a hill, Numb. xxi. 20. 54. npa pafach. I he paffed, or leaped over, Exod. xii. 27 ; alfo he halted, i Kings xviii. 21. 2 he was made lame, 2 aS^//^. iv. 4. 3 he leaped, i X^^'^/^j xviii. 26. HD^pe/achy a paflage, or a paffing over ; or the pafchal lamb, Exod. xii. 1 1 j alfo the feaft of the pafs- V^ 261 over, when thepafchal lamb was eaten, 2 Kings xxiii. 21,22, 23. HDQ pifeach, lame : pi. m. ff^npS pifchimy the fame, I/a. xxxiii. 23, 55. vD2 pafaL i he carved, or he did hew, Exod. xxxiv. i, he did engrave 3 hence 7p5 pefely Exod. xx. 4, a graven image : pi. m. D'^7'^P^ fefilimy graven images, yer. 1. 38, any thing graven ; alfo quarries, Judg. iii. 19, 26. 56. V*^^??? or PP^P5 pjanteririy Ch. p], m. pfalteries, muficalinftriiments^ JDi2;/.iii. 5, 7. 57. DP2 pafas. i he failed, he was di- miniflied, Pf. xii. 2; hence D^^pas^ "^^^pajfachy Dan. V. 24, and TV^^.piJffahy Pf. Ixxli. 17, a part, or a little piece of any thing, or a handful: fee ibid. pi. m. ^^^^ pq/Jiniy pieces, or divers colours, 2 Sam. xiii, 1 8, Gen. xxxvii. 2* 58. nj/S pagnah. 1 he cried out, I/a. ^liii. 14. 5 9. /I?S pagnaly to do, or to work. Numb. xxiii. 23. P/.xv. 2. ^M'^pgnaly npV,^'^ pegnullahy a work, alfo the reward of a work, Lev. xix. 13: pi. m, D7JJDP miphgnalimy Prov. viii. 22, works, deeds, or afts; pi. fern. TSv)])^^ tniph- gnaloty PJ. xlvi. 9, and ri7]L?5 pegnulloty Pf. xxviii. 5, the fame. 60. DyS pagnam. 3 he did, properly by 262 i*D turns, now and then; alfo he did beat or (hake, Judg, xiii. 25. 2 he was fhaken, or troubled, Pf. Ixxvii. 5. y the fame. Gen. xli. 8, D^;/. iii. I, 3, DJ/S pagnamy a ftroke, a beating or lliaking, alfo a fmith's anvil, 7/fe. xlvii. 7^ a turn, a time, a courfe, 2 6*^;;?. xxiii, 8 : pi. m. D'^PJ/5 pegnamim, Gen. xxxiii . 3, and du. D^^i^.S pagnamajimy Gen. xxvii. ^6y Numb. xx. ii^ turns or times, alfo fteps, footfteps, or goings, PJ. Ixxxv, 13 : pi. fern. Tr\t>V^pagnamoty cor- ners, I Kings vii. 30. p/^^^ pagnamony a bell: pi. m. "G^yOV.p, pagnamoniniy bells, Exod. xxviii. :i3y 34i x^xix. 25. 61. 'Oyil^_ pagnaneachy an Egyptian word, fignifying a revealer, G^;/. xli. 45, 62. *^J!^ pagnar. i he opened, chiefly the mouth, P/. cxix. 131. 63. n^S patzah. i he opened, he ftretched out, he delivered, PJ. cxliv. lO, 11. 64. nV^ patzach. i he made a noife, ^^* xiv. 7. 3 he did break in pieces, properly wuth a noife, Micah iii. 3. 65. vVS patzal. 3 he peeled, properly, the bark from wood : pi. fem. ril*?^^ petzaloty peeled ftreaks, Gen. xxx. 37. 66. DVS patzam i he cut in pieces, he broke to atoms, Pj. Ix. 2, 4. p2 263 67. yV^ patzang. i he wounded, I^V? petzangy a wounds i';^^<^. xxi, 25 : pi. m. D^J/if5 petzagnimy wounds, Prov, xxiii. 29. 68. ^S^S pitzpetz. 3 he broke in pieces: fee in \^12 ^///:^. 69. T^S patzar. i he urged, or he prefled fore upon, Gen. xix. 3, 9 5 to refift or rebel, hence *iV5L^ haptzuTy rebellion or ftubbornnefs, I Sam. XV. 23. HTV^^^/zir^A/a file, i Sam, xiii. 21. 70. *7p.2 pakad. i he vifited, he per- ceived, he confidered, he viewed, he rehearfed, he nunabered; alio he committed in truft and cuftody, he fetover in charge, he required; he wanted, lacked, or failed. 2 he was vifited, &c. he was wanting, or miffing, i Kings xx. 39, he was miffed, 3 he numbered, or muf- tered, J/^. xiii. 4. 4 he was numbered, or it was counted ; alfo he was made to want, or he was deprived, IJa. xxxviii. 10^ 5 he let over in a charge; alfo he committed in truft, Pf. xxxi. 6; it was delivered to be kept. Lev. vi. 4; he was vifited, "Jer. vi. 6; he was fet over, and made overfeer in a charge. 7 he was num- bered or counted, Judges xx. 15, Numb. i. 47, Judges xxi* 9. I^p,^ pakidy a captain or chiefi t264f ns fet over in office, 2 Kings xxv. 19 : pi. m. D'^^Tp^ or DH^S pekidim, Gen. xli. 34, Efth. ii. 3, chief officers or overfeers, T]'^^!^ pekud- \ dahy a charge^ PJ. cix. 8, or office; a vifitation, i/i?. X. 3; a counting or reckoning, i Chron. xxiii. 1 1. \^f^ pikkadon^ any thing delivered to keep, Lev. vi. 4. Ip^^D mipbkady a fum, 2 6"^/;;. xxiv. g ; alfo an appointed place, Ezek. xliii. 21: p], m. t^i^y^f^ pikkudifUy ftatiites. Commandments, or commiffions, Pf. xix. 9, cxii. 7. T\'l'p^^ pekiduty 3. ward, J^r. xxxvii. 13. 1 71. T]\i^ pakacb. 1 he opened^ properly, the eyes. 2 he was opened. Gen. iii. 5, I/a. XXXV. 5. T\f^ pikkeachy feeing, or having open eyes, Exod. iv. 11, xxiii. 8; hence nip^npS pekach koachy Ifa. Ixi. i, a large or full opening, which is noted bv the doubling of the two ra- dicals; yet fome trandate it the opening of a prifon, as if Hp koach were a word by itfelf, ^ fignifying a prifon, from Hp? I'acachy he took. 72. Vp^ pakang\ hence pl^ m. D'^J/pS)^^- kagnhn, knobs refembling gourds, i Kings vi. 18 : pi. fem. riypS pakkugnoty wild cucumbers or gourds, 2 Kings iv, 39. 73. ""iS pary a bullock, and n"lS ^^r/?//, a heifer, or a cow : pL m. D'^'IS pariniy bulls : pi. fem. r\ilS /^i^r^?/, kine^ Gen. xxxii. 15. "ID 265 74. i^l^ pere^ a wild afs, ^^^ ^i. 5 : pi. m. U^^^^ peraim^ wild affes, Job xxiv\ 5. 75. T^^ parad. i, 3, and 5, he divided, he feparated or fcattered. 2, 4, and 7, he was divided and feparated, or he divided and fepa- rated himfelf; alfo he disjointed, J^^ xli. 17. ^1^. peredy a nrjule: pi. m. DH'^^ peradimj mules: pi. fern. JnilH? perudot^ divided or ftretched, EzeL i. 115 alfo feed or grain, Joel i. 17. 76. D'nnS ^<^r^^j-, paradife, an orchard, or a garden planted for pleafure, Cant.'w. 13; alfo a foreft, Neh. ii. 8 : pi. na. L^P^l^.pardefim, gardens, or orchards of pleafure, Eccles, ii. 5. 77. n^S parah. i he was fruitful, or he brought forth abundance of fruit, Gen. xxvi. 22. 5 he made fruitful, Gen. xvn. 6, Hof. xiii. 15, (ii ^/^^y^ inftead of H he^ or he in-^ creafed, P/*. cv. 24. H^D porehy part, bear* ing, jD^/^/. xxix. 18, HpD porijahy fruitful, (the n /z(? radix changed into and pronounced ^ ^od) ^'Cxxviii. 3. ^^^ periy fruit. Gen. i. I T, iy. i. 3. nnj^S^/^r^/^, ^. X. ;^2^ ^ branch. |T*^5fc^ appirjony a marriage bed; alfo a chariot. Cant. iii. 9. 78. Ts^p_parvary a fuburb: pi. m. D*''lp^ parvariniy fuburbs, 2 if/;/^^ xxiii. 1 k Z66 "13 79- **1S paraz; hence pH? perazon, a vil- lage, or a town without walls; one who dwells in a village. Judges v. 7, 11. *^n5 perazi, Deut. iii. 5, the fame: pi. fern. illH^ ^^r^2;(?/, villages, or un walled towns, Ezek* xxxviii. 11. So* /.n^ parzel^ Ch. Z)^;/. ii. ^Z^ 34, and J^vpS parzehy iron. Si, nnS parach. i he fiourifhed, he budded. 5 the fame, alfo he caufed to flourifh or bud. nn?. peraciOy a flower, or a bud and bloflbm of flowers. nn"^S pirchach^ youth, the flower of age, Joh xxx. 12: pi. m. 0*^0*15^ ephrochimy young birds, Deut. xxii, 6, Pf, Ixxxiv. 3. 82. 0*1^ perety particular, or any particular thing, as Lev. xix. 10, every particular grape: pi. m.^^i^l'^ porelimy thofe who fmg or chaunt, ^mos vi. 5. 83. ^^P perech^ cruelty or rigour, Exod. i. 133 I4' ^^5^? parochety 3, vail, the vail of the .ark, a;^^. xxvi. 31, ;^j. 84. D"]2^^rj;;^. i he cut afunder: pi. m. O^XD'IS perumimy rent or torn afunder, Levit. xiii, 45. 85. D*1S and t^^lS paras, i and 5 he di- vided. Q\\Uy^ peresy the fame; hence the participle, pi. m, rPI'?^ upharfin^ and they di- la 267 viding, or and they divide; lb the participle, preter. fern. HD*^*!?) ferifaty it is divided, Dan. V. 25, 28. "^Uy^ par/ah, the hoof: pi. fem. T\MD^^ perajoty Lev. xi. 3, and pi. m. D*^P'^5 peraftniy Zech. yi\. 16. D'HQ ^^r^j, the offifrage, or fome other unclean bird, Lev. xi. 13. 86, I'lS pa7'ang. i he made naked, he difcovered, he rejefted, he revenged. 2 he was drav^n away, or he turned away hinafelf. 5 he did withdraw, or draw away, or made naked, he let or hindered, Excd. v. 4. 1/^5. perangj hair, or a lock of the head. Numb, vi, 5. ^^"^^ peragnahy revenge: pL feai. TW"^^ pe- rag72oty revenges, Deut. xxxii. 42, Judg. v. 2. 87, ^^V^^ pargnajhy a flea, i Sam. xxiv, 15. 1S"13 pirper. 3 he broke in pieces: fee in 'y\^ pur. 88, \'^^ paratz^ i he broke afunder, cl* he broke in upon, or he broke forth, and made a breach. Gen. xxxviii. 29; alfo he urged or compelled, 1 Sam. xxviii. 3, 2 he was broken, &c. hence broken forth, or made open, i Sam. iii. I. 4 he was broken down, Neh. i. 3. 7 he did break forth, or he did break away, i Sam. XXV. 10. ^^^ peretz^ a breach, a break- ing in, or breaking forth. ^")S parilz, a ^' 26S ^2 violent breaker, a robber: pi. mafc. ff'V'^Jli?^ miphratzimy breaches, ///^^^j v. 17. 89. 'p'^]^ parak. i he broke off, he did tear afunderi alfo he delivered, from the Chal- dee. 3 the fame, he broke off, or did break through. 7 he was broken, or he did break off. p";? fereky a breaking or tearing, any thing torn; a crofs way, Obad, 14; a piece of any thing broken off, or robbery, Nahum\\\. i, rifjnDD maphrekety the neck, i Sam. iv. 18. 90. *n")S paruTy a pot, cauldron, or pan. Numb, xi, 8. ^^y^^pariir^ blacknefs or pale- ncfs: fee*1k^S^^r. 91. \L*^^ parajljy \\\t\\^ JJjin. i he ex^ pounded, explained, or declared, 2 he was diffipated, fcatcered, or feparated, Ez(;k. xxxiv. 12. 4 it was declared. 5 he pricked, or he ftung, Prov. xxiii. 32, from the Chaldee, hence '^^% parajhy a horfeman: pi. m. D^^t^HD j)^r^- y2?/;;^, horfemen, Gd';/. 1. 9. nt^*'12 ^^sr^yZ^^s^, an expofition, an explication, or declaration; alfo the fum of any thing, Efther iv. 7. t^nbip mep'orajhy clearly or plainly, TSeh. viii. 8. W^perepiy dung, ^a-^?^. xxix. 14; but ''^'^% paras y Vvith ^y;;;, is he ftretched out, or he ftretched abroad. 3 the fame. 2 he was ftretched out, or fcattered abroad. '*^5/2 ^^ 269 miphraSy a fpreading abroad, E'yek. xxvii. 7 : pi. m. D'^C^'1?^ miphrafimy fpreadings, Job xxxvi. 29. 92. lA^*!^ parfhegen^ Ch. a copy, or an example, Ezraxv. 11. 93. nilt^ps parjhedonahi the dung, or dirt, yudg. iii. 22. 94. ^(^7^3 parjhezy he ftretched out, J(?^ xxvi. 9, or fpreadeth, 95. n*13 ^l'2 2)1 1 1 2. "ir^S patar. i he interpreted, Gett. xl. 21, xli. 8, xii. 15. r^-PS piiron^ an inter- pretation: p]. m, L^^y^J^^ plronimy interpreta- tions, Geri. xl. 8. 1 13. ]^.'^'^'^ praj/iegen, a copy, or example, EJiher ili. 14. 1 14. T\r\^patat. I and 5 he broke^ or he- did break in pieces. T\^ paty a fragment, or a piece broken off: pi. m. U^T\% pittimy Pf. cxivii. 17, and ti^tV\T\'^ petotim, Ezek. xiii. 19, pieces or morfels. / 1. /i^V ^-^^^4 hence pi. m. '3'^'?.^^ tzeelim, fhadowing trees, or trees giving a (hadowj fome refer it to the root 77^ tzalaU 2. ]'^^ tzoHy ^^: tzoncy Numb, xxxii. 24, and T^Ti tzcnehy Pf. viii, 8, a flock or flocks of fhcep* 3. nnV tzebahy or 1^2 V tzeba^ Ch. 1. he willed, he willied, he defiied, DfM> iv, 14, 32, Sa 273 vii. 19. ^1)^ tz^bUy the will, Dan.vx, 17, or the purpofe of the will; but in the Hebrew, KII!^ tzabay fignifies to war, to aflcmble to- gether by troopsi alfo to minifter or ferve. 5 he muttered or enlifted an arnny, 2 Kings xxv* ig. ^i3!^ tzabay and HDV t^alah^ Zeck. ix. 8, an army, a hoft ; alfp warfare, or the time appointed for war; and hence anytime ap- pointed, as Job xiv. 14: pi. m. D^lj^^V t^^hatm^ Pf. ciii. 21, and fem. m^^IlV tzebaot^ armies or hofts; and hence the great Governor of the world is Jehovah tzebaot^ the Lord of hofts, Ff. xxiv. 10. 4. T\yi^ tzabah. i he fwelled. 5 he caufed to fwell. Numb. v. 22, 27, 3^ tzab^ fwelling, or fwoUcn; alfo vaulted, arched, or covered like an arch, Lev. vii. 3; alfo the name of an unclean creeping animal, the fnaij, or the tortoife. Lev. xi. 29: pL. m. D"^?*^ tzabbiniy any thing covered like an arch, as coaches, ^. Ixvi. 20. ^^i tzebiy j/^. xxviii. .1, glory, honour, beauty, filling the mind with pride; a roebuck, Deut. xii. 22, a wild goat: pi. m. 0^9^ tzebajifHy rocs, or roebucks, 2 Sa?n. ii. 18; and D^'^^^V tzebaimy 1 Chron. xii. 8 : pi. fem. illKili^ tzebaoty Cant. ii. 7, the fame. T5if tzebijah^ the female goat;, Cant. iv. 5. T 274 nif 5. t05V tzahat. i he reached, or ftretched out, Ruth ii. 14. 6. J/3V tzabang. i and 3 he painted, he coloured, or fpeckled, Jer. xii. 9; alfo Chald. he dipped, died, or wetted, Dan. iv. 25. 7 he was wet, Dan. iv, 15, 23. 1^5^ tzebangy a colour, ortinfture; alfo coloured: pi. m. D'^J/^V izebagnimy party-coloured, Judg. v. 30. i^5V^ etzbang^ a finger or toe : pi. fenri. HiySV.^ etz^ hagnoty fingers or toes. 7. "13V tzabar. i he gathered, or heaped up together, Pf. xxxix. 7 : pi. m, D'^^S^ tzib- burtm^ heaps, 2 Kings x. 8. 8. T\yi tzabaty hence pi. m, D^'^T^^V izebatimy handfijlls, Ruth ii. 16. 9. TVi tzadady hence 1^ /zW, a fide: pi. m. D^^Tiy tziddiniy the fides, Ju?/?/. xxiii. 13. ^V7 ^letzady Ch. at the fide, againfl:, D^^;^. vii. 25. llf P mitzady for the fide, with, or concerning, D^;7. vi. 4. 10. TSyitzadah. i he hunted, he fought. 2 he was wafted, or laid defolatc, Ch. Zeph. iii. 6. n^7y tzedijahy a purpofe, or refolution. Numb* XXXV. 20, 22, or laying in wait, Ch. i*5^y tzedahy the r.me, D^;/, iii. 14, or it is true. 11. yyi tzadak. I he was juft or righteous, he was juftified. 2 the fame, or 15f 275 cleanfed, Dan* viii. 14. 3 he juftified, or made and declared juft. 5 the fame, he abfolved, Prov. xvii. 15. 7 he juftified himfelf. Gen. xliv. 16. p'^T'V tzaddik^ juft, or righteous. P7^. tzedeky or ^p.*lV tzedakah^ juftice, or righteoufnefs: pi. fern. ^Ilpiy tzedakoty Pf. ciii. 6, and in conftrudion lllplV tzidkoty right- coufnefles, Micab vi. 5. 12. 3in^ /Si^^c?/^, Ihining, bright, yellow. Lev. xiii, 30. ^0^^ mutzhaby the fame, :?rtf viii. 27, or precious. 13. vHV tzabal. i he neighed, J^r. v. 8; hence he rejoiced with a noife, Ifa. x. 30, 5 he caufed to fhine, Pf. civ. 15: pi. fern. ni/IlVQ mithaloty neighings, Jer. viii. 16, xiii. 27. 14. in5( /s;^^^;", hence ^Hlf /z^^y^^r, light, fplendour, or brightnefs ; alfo a window, G^;/. vi* 16: du. m. Q^.'^PV tzaharajimy mid-.day, or the noon-tide. Gen. xliii. 16, J^r. xx. 16. ^C^l jitzhary oil; hence in 5 hepreffed out, or he made oil. Job xxiv. 11. i^ilSf tzo, or T)\X))i tzoahy dung: fee in ^)S) jatza. I^^JV izavvaVi a neck: fee \n'y!)i tzur. 15. n^f /2:W. I and 3 he hunted. 7 he took provifion for a journey, J^. ix. 12. I^V T 2 276 lif tzajcidj a hunter. TV tzajid, ^7**^ tzedah. TVV!)i^ metzudahy a hunting, Ezek, xiii. 21 ^ alfo niiyp metzodah^ a fnare, or a net, Eccles. ix. 12: pL m. D^'^^^P metzodim^ fnaresor nets, Eccles. vli. 26 : fee alfo in ^^9 matzad. 16. mif tzivvah, 3 he conannanded, 7/2j. xlv. II. 4 he was commanded. T)))^^ mitz^ vah^ a commandment: pL fern. illVP mitzvot^ commandments, Tf. cxix. 6. 17. ny^ tzavach. i he made a noife, he cried aloud, I/a. xlii. 11. HHIl^ tzavach^ a cry or complaint, Jer. xlvi. 12. 18. ^Vi^ /:^///^ n'?^!? /2;//M, and Th^)i'0 met-^ zulahy deep, the deep, or bottom, Ps. Ixix. 3: pi, fem. ni/ifO metzoloty depths, Exod* XV. 15. 19. DIV /:2/^;;/. I he fafted, Zech. vii. 5. SV:i /2:^f;^, a fail: pi. fem. ]ll/01!Sf tzomot^ fafts, or falling days, ^^. ix. 31. 20. ^V:^ tzuph. I he flowed, or over- flowed, he fwam above. 5 he caufed to flo\\^, 2 Kings vi. 6, or to fwim. ^^^ tzwphy an honey- comb, Pr^Ji;. xvi. 24: pi. m. C'Sllif tzuphimy Pf. xix. 11, the fame. 21. plK ^2;^i:, to be ftraitened, alfo to cleave fall to, P/C xl. 9. 5 he ftraitened, he opprefled, he ve?5ed. 6 he was ftraitened, I/a. Ilf 277 ix. I. p^lD mutzakj y^^xxxvi. i6, xxxvii. lo. ftraitening^ or ftraitened, a ftraitening, or vex- ation: fee alfo in p^)jatzaky p*)i tzuk, Hj^llSf tzukab^ and np^lifP metzukahy plifp matzokj opprefiion, afflidlion, ftraitening. pIVp matzuk^ fituated, I Sam. xiv. 5 : pL m. Q^p'^*^ tnetzu^ kirn, pillarS;, or hinges, i Sam. W. 8, 22. 'y\^ tzur. I he befieged, he ftraitened, he opprefled as an eni^my, he did bind, or he tied together, he formed or fafhioned. 2 he was befieged. 5 as in i he ftraitened, vexed, or opprefled. *1i* or *l^ tzar^ ftraitened, or ftraight, ftraightening, afflidlion, or opprefiion; alfo an enemy. *1V:f izur^ a rock. "Hlf tzor^ the fharp edge of a knife, or a fword, a fharp knife, or a (harp ftone, Exod. iv. 25, Pf. Ixxxix. 44 : pi. m. D"^"ni^ or tTTJi^ tzurimy Jojh. v. 2, I Sam. xxiv. 2, rocks, or fharp edges: pi. m. D^'T^ tzirimy grievous pains, as of a woman in travail, IJa. xxi. 3 : fee in Tif /;;i/r ^ alfo images or idols-, \//^. xlv. 16. iTIT:* tzurah^ Ezek. xliii. II, a form, fafhion. I^^Jl^' tzavvar^ the neck: pi. mafc. D'^'liilif tzavverim^ and I pi. fern. nili^^lV tzavveroty necks, Gen^ Gen. xxxiii. 4, M/V^y& ii. 3. p*ll^ tzavveroriy a little neck, G7/7/. iv. 9. mVD matziir^ Ezek. iv. 8, and "lii^^ w/?/^^r, D^///. xx. 19, 20, a 278 "^^ befieging, alfo a fortification for befieging : pi. fern. ^^^P metzurot, forts for a fiege, Ifa. XXIX, 3, 23. nn^ tzachach. i he was white, he was clear or bright, Lam. iv. 7. H^f tzach^ nnV tzichehy white, bright, clear, or dry, Jer. iv. II, Ifa. V. 13: pi. fem. TST^ tzachot^ clear or plain words, Ifa. xxxii. 4. H'^ny tzechiah^ whitenefs, drynefs, a dry place, a high or enni* nent place, Ezek. xxiv. 7. nn^nV izechichah^ Pf. Ix viii. 7, the fanne : pi. m. D^'H^'ny tzechichirriy and pi. fem. Kini^nif tzachtzachot^ droughts, or dry places, Neh. iv. 13, Ifa. iviii. 11. 24. n^n^ izachanahy ftink, or evil favour, J(?^/ ii. 20. 25. pn^ tzachak. i he laughed. 3 the fame; alfo he mocked. pHV izechok^ laughter, Gen. xxi. 6. 26. inif tzachar, hence fTinV tzechorahy white. Judges V. lO; alfo IHlf /^^^/&^r, white- nefs, Ezek. xxvii. 18. 27. n^V tzijahy dry, drynefs: pi. fem. ilVV Z:^//^/, dry places, iy. cv. 41. "^V tzu a fhip, ^. xxiii. 21. pi. m. t!^)i tzim^ Numb. xxiy, 24j ;$;^;^. xxxix. 9, and D^'^V /^i/V;?;^, J3^/;. h)i 279 ii. 30, fliips i alfo dry and defert places, wild beafts, or inhabitants of wildernefles, J/a. xxxiv. 14, Pf. Ixxii. 9; alfo wild and barbarous people, P/. Ixxiv. 14. \V)i tzajoriy a dry place, Ifa. xxxii. 2 J hence ]T^V tzijony [the city of Zion] from the drynefs of the place. a8. Y^ tzin^ \itnctX\^)i tziuny a tonab, or nnonument, a fign, Ezeh xxxix. 15, 2 Kings xxiii. 17: pL mafc. 0*'?!'.)? tzijiinimy monuments, figns, or way-marks, Jer. xxxi. 1 1 . 29. ^^V /2://2;. I he flourifhed, EzeK vii 10. 5 the fame, alfo he fhined. Cant. ii. 9, or he fliewed himfelf. ^^^ tzitZy a flower, Ifa. xl. 7 ; a plate, Exod. xxviii. 36 ; a wing, y/7V tzelagnoty fides, j^i. xxxvii. 5; beams, or boards, i Kings vi. 15; alfo chambers, or ribs, Gen.\\. 21. Vj^i tzokang^ lame, or halting, G^;/. xxxii. 31. 38. ^^pV /2;i55w^. 1 he thirfted, TJ* xlii. 3, i^^V /z^;;^^, thirfty, IJa. xxi. 14; alio K/OV tzamuy I/a. v. 13. V^^^V tzimmacny DeuL viii. 15, and Mi^^V tzimahy Jer. ii. 25, thirft. 39. *TDlf tzamad. 2 he was joined, or coupled together. 4 the fame. 5 he joined, or coupled together, he yoked; hence he devifed, or framed, as P/A. 19. ^^P|^* fza- mid, joined, or bound together, Numb, xh, 15; aifo a chain or bracelet: pi. m. D^^^'^PV tzemidim, chains or bracelets. Gen. xxiv. 2a. *rD^ tzemedy a joining or coupling together, a pair or yoke of oxen : pL m, C^^'fV tzsmalmy ^v 282 ii' yokes, or pairs together, 2 Kings ix. 25, i Kings xix. 19 ; alfo acres, Ifa^ v. lo* 40. nr^^ tzarnach. i he budded, he flou- rifhed. 3 the fame, to bud or grow. 5 he caufed to bud and flourifh, he brought forth. Gen. iii. 18. T]12)i tzemach^ a bud or branch. 41. DX2if Izamami ^^^ tzammah^ the hair, cr locks of the head, ]fa. xlvii, 2; D^?3V tzammim^ a thief or a robber, J^^ v. 5. 42. pZ5^ tzamah i he was dry, //g/I ix. 14: pi. m. D^'j^lSV tzimmukimy raifins, \ Sam. XXV. 18. 43. *12DV tzemer^ wool, L^'u. xiii. 47, 7/^/'. ii. 9. -J^^iJ/^X tzammerety the higheft branch," 2^;^. xvii. 3, 44. T\Ui tzamat. i, 3, and 5, he cut off, or he cut down. 2 he was cut off, ^ob vi. 17* TllM^CV t%emituty a cutting off. Lev. xxv. 2>Zy h e. for ever. 45. H^^ tzanach. i he leaped down, Judges i. 14; alfo he faftened, /^/W. iv. 21. 46. Di!^ tzanamy hence HDl^V tzenumah: p\^ fern. illDlj^ tzenumot^ fmall, thin, or wi- thered, G^;?. xH. 23. 47. ]y^ txanany hence n|V tzinnah^ a.fhlcld or target j alio cold, Prov. xxv. 13: pi. fern. V): 285 Ty\Ti tzinnot^ fliields, o. Chron. xi. 12; alfo hooks and thorns, Amos iv. 2: pi. m. D"*?!? Prov. xxii. 5, and D'^yiV tzeninimy the fame. Numb, xxxiii. 55. 48. V^)i tzonang. 3 he walked humbly, Micah vi. 8 : pi. m. ff^J/I^V tzenugnimy humble or lowly, Prov. xi. 2. 49. ^5V tzanaph. i he rolled or tofled, and turned over, he covered, he was covered or attired. f^^^.V tzenephahy a rolling or tofs- ing, Ifa. xxii. 18. ^Ti tzanipk^ ^^P.V'^ milz- nephety Zech. iii. 5, a mitre, or garland for the head. Lev. xvi. 4, Exod. xxviii. 4. 50. A2^51? tzinzenety a pot or pitcher, Exod^ xvi. 33. 51. p3if tzanaky hence pi^^i^ tAnoky fetters, or (locks, Jer. xxix. 26. 52. T>3V tzmtory a gutter, or water-fpout: pi. m. C'^^SV tzinnorim^ water-fpouts or con- I duits, P/. xHi. 8 : pU fern, nriri^i" tzanteroty \ pipes, or conduits, Z y^^^' vii, 3. "I'l^V izippoVy a bird, a fowl, a fparrovv: pi. m.C^T^^V izipporimy birds, or fowls. "^^5^ tzaphir^ a he-goat, D/z;/. viii. 5 : pi. m. D'^n'^D^ tzephirimy he-goats, Ezra vi. 17. HTDV* tzephiray the morning, 2^/^. vii, 7, 10; alfo a crown or diadem, Ifa, xxviii. 5. ^jHSif tzipporcHy the nail of the finger or tot, alfo the point of any thing, Jer. xvii. i : pK m. D^J'ISV izipparnimy nails, Deut. xxi. 12. (>(> V!T)%^ tzephardeangy a frog, Exod. viii* 6 : pi. m. D^^'l'^DV tzephardegnimy frogr, i^/^. 2> 3> 4, 5- 67. I'^'^HV tzikhriy hulk, or a fcrip, or bag, 2 iST/w^J iv. 42. - 68. 3*1V tzar ah. 2 he was burned, z^/i^ "llf 287 XX. 47. ^2*)V tzaheret^ Prov. xvi, 27 s or a burning, Lev. xiii. 23. 69. m^ tzara^ hence *^^V /2'm, balm, G^. xxxvii. 25, and ^*1^. /2,m, 7^r, 1. 8, the fame. 70. Tyyi tzaracb. i and 5 he cried out, he made a noife. H^^V tzeriachy a caftle, or a tower, Judges ix. 46: pi. m. C'^D'^'IY tzerichim, towers, I Sam. xiii. 6, or high places. 71. lp!)i izarach^ htncQ^^i tzorechy need, necefllty, or want, 2 C6r^. ii. 16. ^^^iitza- rich J neceflary. Rabbi. 72. J!/nV tzarungy and I^^llVp metzorang^ Lev. xiii. 2, 3, leprous, or a leprous pcrfon : pi. m. D'^J/lifp metzoragnim^ leprous men, 2 JCr^j vii. 3. r\ynV tzaragnat^ leprofy. HJ/T^ izirgnahy a hornet, ;^c^. xxiii, 28. 73. ^^y izaraph. i he purged, or puri- fied, properly metal in the fire; he melted, or he refined, Jer. vi. 29, Ifa. i. 25; hence, he tried, Ps. xxvi. 2. ^"^ tzorephy ^^^ metza^ rephy a refiner, a melter of metal, a founder, or a goldfmith: pi. m. D^5"11if tzcrphiniy gold- ifmiths, A^^/\ iii. 8. ^^j^ matzrephy a refining pot or veflel, Vrov, xvii. 3. 74. TlV '^zarar. i and 3 he did bind to- igether, alfo heftraitened oropprefled, Ilof. iv. 288 3p 19, iy. cxxix. I. 4 he was bound up, yojh. ix. 4. TD^ tzorer^ an enenny. "Illlf Izeror, a bundle, or a bag; alfo a grain, or a little ftone. Gen, xlii, ;^^y Prov, V\u 20, yf;i^(?^ ix. 9. HVP 7nat%ari affliftion or diftrefs, FJ. cxviii. 5: p]. m. 2^*1 V/^ wei%army pains or torments, PyC cxvi. 3. .Hp^ ka, and H^^p ^^^^^ ; fee in Kip y^^, 1. 33i^ ^t?/'^^. I he cuifed, Numb. xxnl. 8. nSp kubbaby a brothel, a curled place, as fome expound the words others, a tent. HHIp ^^^i^^i?, the belly, Numb. xxv. 8. n!3p I^^^^i?, the maw, the belly, or throat, Dent, xviii. 3. 2)^ ^^/^, a little meafure of corn, containing the fixth part of a T^^^Ofeah. 2. /2p /cabal. 3 he took, he received^ 5 the fame, he took hold, Exod. xxvi. 5, EJlher iv. 4, vZlp kabcU - Rings yiv. 10, overagainft, b*3I^ kahang. i he fpoiled, Prov. xxii. 23, he robbed. VP^^ kcbangy a helmet, i Sant. xvii. 30* nif3(^ kubbagnaty lees, or dregs, ^. li. 17. 4. f^)^ kahatz. I and 3 he gathered to- gether, 2, 4, and 7 he was gathered together, Qr to gather themfelves together, IJa, xliv. 11. ny^i^ kebutzahy a gathering together, Ez^^. xxii. 29: pi. m. D^'V^SJ? kibbutzim^ gatherings together, or companies, IJa. Ivii. 13. 5. 13j^ ^^^r. I and 3 he buried. 2 and 4 he was buried, G^. xxv. 10. 15:|^. ^'^^^r, a fepulchre. n*113J^ keburahy the fame, a bury* ing place, D^^/. xxxiv. 6, or a grave. Gen. XXXV. 20 ; alfo a burial, i/*^. xiv. 20. 6. T7i^ kadad. i and 2 he bowed down his head for obeifance. Gen. xxiv. 26, 48. *Ip7j^ kadhdy the top, pate, or , crown of the head, Pf. vii, 17, Ixviii. 22, G^;/. xlix. 26. i^^^p. kiddahy cafiia, a fpicc, like cinnamon, Exod^ XXX. 24, 7.. nij^. kadach. i he kindled, he burned, >r he was kindled, i^D^^p kaddachaty a burn- ng fever or ague. Lev. xxvi, 16, n7j^Nl ekdachy I carbuncle, IJa. liv, i 2, u 290 V 8. tDip kadam. 3 and 5 he prevented, he went or canae before, he difappointed, Pf. xvii, 13. Dlj^. kedemy antiquity 5 eternity, when it is Ipoken of God ; ancient, old, of old, long fince, before; the eaft, the oriental part of the world. HD^i? kid^nahj Gen. ii. 14, Pf. cxxix. 6, the fanne. D^I^ kadinij Exod. xiv. 21, nD*"*!]^ kadimah^ Hab. i. 9, the eaft wind: pi. m. D^pijP kedaminiy the firft foundations, Prov. viii. 23; alfo D^'Dlli^ \edumimy ancient, Judges V. 21, or antiquities. '^ib'7|^ kadmoniy ancient, I 6'^;. xxiv. 14, alfo eaftern or oriental, Ezek. xlvii. 18: pi. IT). 'O^i'^lp^ kadmomm. Job xvVu. ao, fern. HVib^j^ kadmonijoty MaU iii. 4, an- cient, or former. 9. *11H kadar. i he was black, dark, or darkened ; he went forrowfully or blackly, Pf. xxxv. 14. 5 he made black or dark. 7 he was darkened, r.^^p, kadrut^ JJa. 1. 3, black- nefs, i^3*11p kedorannity darkly or mournfully,' MaL iii. 14. 10. t^lj^ kadajh. i he was prepared or appointed to any thing, he was confecrated, or fandlified and fet apart for holy things \ hi was holy, or he was made holy. 2 and 4 the fame, he was confecrated, fandified, or madl Iioly. 3 and 5 he confecrated or fandified 1p 291 alfo he prepared or appointed, Jer, xii, 3. 7 he confecrated, or made himfelf holy, he fct or he was fet apart for a holy ufe, IJa, xxx. 29. t^^np, /^^i^/Z', holy, Ch, ^^^p. kaddijh, the fame. VJ'lp kodefliy holiners, holy, or a holy thing. ii^lj^P mikdajhy afanftuary, a holy place to run to for refuge, Ifa. viii..i4. ti**Fp kadejlo^ a So- domite or a whore-mafter: fern. H^^p hdejhah^ a common proftitute, Z)d'/. xxiii. 17: pi. m. D^^i^^lp kedejijmy Sodomites, 2 S;;!"^ xxiii. 7: pU fern. rilti^'Tp kedejldoty publick whores, Ilof. iv. 14. 1 1. '^TX^^kahdhy i and 3 he was dull or ftupi- fied, or it was blunr, EccL x. lo^Jer. xxxi. 29. 12. t?np z^^/;^/. J and 5 he called, or he gathered together. 1 he was gathered togecher, or gathered rhemfclves together. ^HP kahaL ^^np kehilluby^n alTembly gathered together: pi. mafc. and fern. D'^?npQ makheiimy and ^**^"'^np/w;;;/?/:/^r. xvlii. 28. K'^p ytf, Hp /t^, a u o 292 Ip vomit, Prov. xxvl. ii, IJa. xxviii. 8. p^|^!? kikalon, a filthy vomit, fi^?^, ii. i6. H^j^ >^^^, or ^'^'p^ kaaty a pelican, P/I cii. 7, 1 4* '"^JH kavafu i and 3 he waited, Pf. xl. I, or he hoped. 2 to be gathered together. Gen. i. 9. 1p or 1}^ y^^zi;, a line, or a meafiiring thread; hence rule, or direAion, Pf. xix. 5. niJ^TI tikvahy and HIJ^P fnikvehy hope, or ex- peftation; a gathering together, G^;/. i. lO; a little cord, ^^y?/. ii* iS, or linen yarn, i Kings X- 28, 2 Chron. i. 16. 15. tiJlp ^/^/. I he loathed, or he was grieved. 2 the fame, he loathed or abhorred himfelf, Ezek. vi, 9, xx. 43. 7 he loathed, or he grieved himfelf, Pf. cxxxix. 21. LDj^ kat^ a loathing, as fome; or little: fee Ezek. xvi. 47. 16. ^y^^ koly and Ch/^p ^^/, D^;/. vii. it, a voice, a noife, or found ; alfo thunder, the voice of God: pi. fem. ni/p kolcty voices or founds; alfo thunders, a;^//. ix. 23. 17. Cip kum. I he arofe, he flood. 3 and 5 he ralfed up, he caufcd to ftand, he ap- pointed, he confirmed and eftablifhed. 6 he was made to ftand, or he was raifcd up. 7 hCj raifed up himfelf, or he rofe up againft another^ Pf. xvii. 7, cxxxix. 21. Chald Dp kmriy orj 2J?p kaem^ i, 3, 5, 6, the fame. C^p /^/>;/, fub-] ftance, or eftate, Jol^ xxii. 20: fern. Hp^P. kimah^ a rifing up, Lam. \\u 62* HDlp komahy height or attitude, i Kings vi, 20. H^j^ kamahy an ear or ftalk of corn, {landing as yet in the fields, ytide XV. 5. pi. maC D'^Q^p komimy adverfaries, or enemies rifing up one againft another, i^VCPip komemijuty (landing upright. Lev. xxvi. 13. ^^Y^ jekuniy living (or {landing) fubftance, Gen. vii. 4. alfo the fijbflancc of a man's eftate, 'Deut. XX. 6. 13'^p^^ malzomy a place, pi. fem niDIpP mekomoty places, Pj*. ciii. 22. Dlp7^ alkumy invincible, againft whom none is able to rife up, Prov. xxx. 31. npipl!^ tekumah^ 2l rifing or ftanding up. Lev. xxvi. 37. Ch. "^^^.kejanty a ftatutc, or a decree, D!Jp kajamy ftable, or firm. 18. PP^^;?, 3 he lamented, ^'^(f/^. xxvii. 32, "Jer. ix 17, he mourned; TS^^^kinah^ mourn- ing or lamentations; pi. maf D^^^^p kinimy lamentations, Ezek, ii. 10. and pi. fcm. rili'^p >^/j75/, the fame, 2 C^rc;/. xxv. 25. 19. Dip to, 3 DDip ^i?/jj:^ he cut off, iEz^/^. xvii. 9, , 20. ^1p i-zf^^, hence ^''p y('^//, an ape, pi. m. '^^*^^ kophimy apes, i Kings k. 22. HD^pil /^y^//^ //^^/&, a revolution, or a ctrcuir, or going about, Exod. xxxiv. 22. as from ^p^^jakapby pi. (tn\ Jni:)1pr\ /i3p /^f/(?r, fmoke, or vapour, Gd';/. xix. 28. Ch. I^p ^'^/^r, he did bind; pL miaf. Y^^V- kitrifiy bonds, or knots, ^"^P? ki, vomit : fee in ^^1p )^^. 29. ^^p ^^yV/, Ch. fummxr. 30. I'lp ;^^V>?, a lance, a fpear, or the iron of a fpear, 2 Sam. xxi. 16. flp ^^7/.^, the fummer : fee *pp kutz. 31. P^'B'^P kikajoH, a gourd, or a bufh, or a tree full of fliadowing leaves or branches, Jen. iv. 6. 32. ^^1? i^/r, a wall; pi. fern. -HITJ? y^/r^/, walls, 1 Kings vi. 5 : hence the entrails, the walls of the heart, Jer. iv. 19. 3^?^?.^ mekarkary he broke down or deftroyed the wall, Ifa. xxii. 5. 7JJ kaly^ Ch. a voice : fee in np koL 33i '^'?i^ ^^/^/z, I he roafted, or he dried, Jer. xxix. 22; i^'u. ii. 4, 2 he was vile, or contemptible; or he was efteemed vile, Deut. XXV. 3. 5 he fet lightly by, or he counted vile, Deut. xxvii, 1 6. vfj or ^^^p kaliy roafted or parched ; p/J^ kakn, ignominy or fname>. vilenefs. 34. r\T]Yp, kallachaty a cauldron, cr a great pot, Micah iii. 3. 35. 01*7)^ ^^//^/, mutilated, or lacking one of hi& members. Lev. xxii. 23. tSvp.Q miklaty refuge, or a place to fly unto for fafety. Numb. XXXV. 6, 25. 36. upkalaly I he was light or fwift: alfb he was vile, iVM. i. 14; 7^^ ^^^* ^* ^^^^ ^^ ^^ lelTened, or to be abated, Gen. viii. 8. 2 he counted himfelf light, bafe, or vile, 2 ^^^. vi. 22. he was light, or of no weight; or he was fvvift,^. XXX. i6* 3 he curfedor blafphemed; Jie counted, or called light and vile. Lev. xx. 9. P 297 alfo ^p.^j? kilkely he fmoothed or polifbed, EccL X. lo. 4 he was curfed, 5 he made light, or he made bafe and vile. 7 he moved himfelf lightly, Jer. iv. 24, vp. ^^/, H^p kallabj Jer. ii. 23, light or fwift; pi. m. C'^v'p kallimy the fame, Z^;;^. iv. 19. /p y^s^/, lightnefs, y^^ iii. 9. , /7p ^^/^/, poliflied or burniflied, E^^eh i. 7. f^"?

^mi}de.gnot^ the fame, i if/;/^i vi. 18, 29. V^p., kelarigy a fling; pi. maf. D'^-K^p kelagnimy flings, 2 Q?r<9;?. xxvi. 14: alfo pourtrayed hangings, Exod. xxvii. 19: alfo carved leaves of doors, i Kings vi. 34 : alfo pi. maf. D'^i^'^p kallagnim^ flingers, 2 Kings iii. 25. 39. K^^p /^^/^/, hence ]1t!^^p M^.^^^;/, a fork with three teeth, i Sam. xiii, 21. 40 n.Dp kemachy meal, G^;/. xviii, 6^ ^. xlvii. 2. 41. tO^p kamaty i he filled with wrinkles, (?^ xvi. 8. 4 he was made full of wrinkles. Jab xxii. 16, or he was cut down. il98 3p 42. /^fj kamaly i he was hewn down, or he was withered away, Ifa. xxxiii. 9; Joi xix. 6. 43. f/5)^ kamatZy i he gathered together, properly a handful, Lev. ii. 2. ^pp komelZy a handful; pi. fern. D^'VP)? kematzim^ handfulls. Gen. xli. 47. 44. J^'^^p kimmu/loy or ti^1?w^p kimcfi), a thiftle, pi. maf. D^'JI'li-^p kimjhonim^ thiftles, or thorns, or nettles, Pr^t;. xxiv. 31. "sp^ken^ a neft: fee In Pp kanan. i 4^. K2p yt//<;/^, 3 he was zealous, or jealons; he burned with zeal and jealoufy. Numb. xxv. 13; V. 14: alfo he envied, or he did emulate with envy: alfo in 5 he made zealous, or he provoked to zeal; he moved to jealoufy, IDetit. xxxii. 21. ^i^yp, kinahy ^. xxxvii. 32, zeal, or a burning affcftion with jealoufy; alfo envy, or emulation. i^|p kanna^ and i^'i^p kanno^ zealous, or jealous, i^A*^^. xx. 5; "Jofo. xxiv. 19. | 46. rj^p kanahy 1 he purchafed, he bought, he poflefied. 2 he v^as purchafed or bought. 5 he made to poffefs, as fome : or he made a | herdfman to keep cattle, as others, Zach. xiii. 5. njp kcnehy a pufieflbr, or a buyer, Ifa. xxiv.i 2. ^3p kanehy a cane or reed to mitafurej with, iE:^^i^. xlii, 16 ; calamus^ or a fweet reed,i i^/^. xxvii. 19: alfo the channel bone ofthcj arm, JoI^'xkx]. 22. pi. maf. D^^^j^ hanim^ and fern. ril3|^ ;^^;/(?/, ;c'cJ. xxv. 32, 36, reeds, or branches; X^p. kinjan^ a poffelTion, a buying, or a purchafing. H^j^D miknehy the fame ; a pof. feffion : alfo cattle ; pi. maf. D'^ij^/p miknim^ the fame. If. xxx. 23. 47. *pSD2j? kinnamon, cinnamon, a fpice, Cant. IV. 14. 48. ]3p kinnen^ 3 he built a neft. 4 he was caufed to build a neft, or he made a neft, y^r. xxii, 23. Ip. to, a neft j pi. maf. D'^Sp ktnnimj nefts, G^//. vi, 14, or rooms. 49. D*^V5P kintzimy pi. maf* ends : fee in 50. DDp kafamy i he divined, or he ufed divination, D^;^/. xviii. 10, Cpp ^/^;j^, J^r. xiv,i4; and ^D'l^f? mikfam^ divination, 2;d'/&. xxi. 2\.ibid, xii, 24. pi. maf. D'^PDp kejamimy divinations. Numb. xxli. 7. 51. ^^^ykejety a writer's ink-horn, z^i^. ix. 3* 52. 1/p.yp kangkangy a mark, Z^x?. xix. 2?. a word of four letters. 53. T7VP kegnerahy a charger; or a great difh or platter made like a fhield ; pi. fem, rilli/p. kegnarot, Num. iv. 7* dilhes, iE'Ar. xxv. 29. 300 srp 54, i^^]l kapha^ I he was congealed, or to grow together, Exod. xv. 8. Zeph. i. ici. 5 he caufed to congeal, he curdled. Job x. 10. ]1^Sp kippaoYiy a congealing, or growing toge- ther; thicknefs, or darknefs, Zach, xiv. 6. 55. 12p kippedy 3 he cutoff, properly as a weaver cutteth his threads, Ija. xxxviii. 12. DlDj^ kephadah^ a cutting off, or deflrudioo', Ezek, vii. 25. *r2p kippod^ a bittern, an owl, or fome other bird of the defert, Ifa. xiv. 23 ; ;^xxiv. II. ^6. TlSj? kippozy the great owl, Ifa. xxxiv. i^^ 57, |'*5|; kaphatZy I he (lopped, or he fliut up. '2 he was flhut or clofed up, Job xxiv. 24* 3 he leaped, G?;;/. ii. 8. 58, 3*^*]^ katzab^ i he cut off, or he cut down, 2 if///^j vi. 6 \ pi. fern. r\1Il'^^|^ ketzubot^ fhorn. Cant. iv. 2. 2^1^. ketzeby a cutting off, i A7;7^j vi. 25; or a fize ; pi. maf. C^^Ki^ ketzabimy cuttings off, or bottoms, Jonah ii. 6. ^^. n^j^ katzahy I and 3 he cut off, he cut lliort, he fcraped. H^J^ katzehy H^j^^ miktzaky an end, or the extremicy of any thing ; pi. m Q^^^^J^ ketzevlmy and fern. rni'jP ketzavoty ends or extrennitics 5 P^V- kitzoUy the uttermoft, jE^^i. xxvi. 4, Ch. Iiyj^ ketzaty and ^Vi?9 miktzat^ a part, or the end. ^P 301 60. HVj^ ketzachy fitches, I/a. xxviii. 25. 6i. VXR katziuy a captain, a prince, pi. maH Q'^rjfp ketzininiy princes, captains, IJa. xxii. 5. 62. V^^ katznangy 5 he planed, he fcraped off, or he caufed to fcrape. Lev. xiv. 44. l^ifpp miktzcangy '"^I^VR? mekutzagnah^ and nj/i^i^P ^;^^2:///^^t2i?, a corner or angle ; pi. m. D1]/1V)^D. miktzognimy corners, EzeL xlvi. 21, or planes: alfo pL fern. nii^i?i^D mahzugnotylja. xliv. 13. r^'^-I'VP^?? mehuktzagnoty Ezek. xlvi. 22. Hl^/Vp/t? 1^/^ utzgnoty Exod.xxvu 23, corners, or planes, or made with corners, Ezeh xlvi. 22 : alfo pi. fern. f^iy^Vp ketzignoty caffia, i^. xlv. 8. 63. ^Vj^ katzapby I he burned in anger, 5 he caufed to burn, or he provoked to wrath. 7 he fretted himfelf in wrath, ^^ ketzephy nSif p. ketzaphahy foam, Hcf. x. 7 : alfo the bark of a tree, Joelu 7 : alfo burning and fuming wrath, Pf. xxxviii. 2. Ch. ^^J^ ketzaphy Ezra yii. 23, the fame. 64. "fVR katzatZy I and 3 he cut off. ^*p. ^^/%, the end, or the extremity of any thing. Gen. vi. 13. i^^^!)p kevutzoty the locks of the hair : fee in ^^p kutz. 65. IVR katzary i he was fhort, or fhort- ened ; he was flraitencd, or leffiened : alfo he fcaped, or he mowed^ 3 and 5 he fliortcncd. 302 *lp or cut fhort. *1^'|^ katzer, fhort, *1^'p kotzer^ fhorcnefs, or ftraitnefs: hence anguifh. Excel. vi. 9. TVi^ katziry Deut. xxiv. 19, theharveft: alfo a branch, pi. maf. C^TVj? ketzirimy branches, Pf. IXXX. 12. 66. i^"^!^ kardy i he called, or cried, he in- voked^ or called upon, &c. alfo he read, or he did read in a book, or he preached, Jon, iii. 2: alfo it fell out, or it befel, as n^JJ^ kara. 2 and 4 he was called, invited, or called upon : alfo Ch. i^'^Jl karCy he cried, Dan. iii, 4. 1 it was read, or it fell out by chance. 5 he caufed to fall out, Jer. xxxii. 23: pi. maf. D^^?*^'1j^ keriimy called, or famous. Numb. xxvi. 9. HK^^'lp keriahy a proclamation, a preaching, or a read- ing, y^/^^^i? iii* 2. ^sypj2) mikray a convocation, Exod. xii. 16 : alfo the holy Scripture; a lec- ture, or reading, becaufe it is given to all to read, for the knowledge of their falvation, Neh. viii. 8. pi. maf. D^^5^|^^ mikraimy aflem- blies, or congregations, Jfa^ iv. 5. ^^^l< keraahy a meeting with: fee alfo Mn;^ karah.^ ^^yp korcy a partridge, Jer. xvii. 11 j i Sam, xxvi. 20. 67. nnj^ karah, i he approached, he cam( near. 2 the fame: alfo he placed, or he fe T 303 himfelf. 3 and 5 he caufcd to approach, or he brought near ; and fonnctinnes as in i he approached, or he came near: alfo he offered. yip^ kareby HlTj^ karoby near : alfo a neighbour; pi. maf. C'lini^ kerodmynci^bouvs^i and fern. r\1-inp kercboty thofe that be near at hand, r. xxii. 5. '"^^IR kerabahy an approaching or coming nigh, P/Uxiii. 28. ^^^kerab^ battle, or war: pi. fem. rilll'IR karaboty wars, or battles, Ps. ixviii. 31. ^^1?. kereb^ the midft, the middle: alfo the inmoft or innermoft : alfo the belly, or the entrails: alfo in, within, &c* pK maf. D^^r^^lP kerabhn, things within, PJ. ciii. 31. 1?*PB karbariy an offering, or an obla- ladon; pi. maf. 2*^^3*1^ karbenimy offerings^ or oblations, Lev. vii. 2"^. 68. 'Chllp, k^rJomy an ^xe, or a hatchet ; pi. mafc. DV^^Hj^ kardummim, and fem. fllSl'^jP kardummoty axes, or hatchets, i Sam. x. 20, 2 1 i yud. ix. 48. 69. ^^^'p^karay i it fell out accidentally, or it came to pafs, or it did befall, Dan* x. 14; alfo he met with, or he did meet with. 1 the fame, or he came to meet with, and fet him- ' felf in the way to meet with. Numb, xxiii. 3, 4. it often changes H into i^. 3 he laid the beams of a houfe^ Pf. civ. 3; or he made beams for a houfe. Neb. ii, 8, iii. 3, 5 he caufed to meet with, Gen. xxiv, 12: xxvii. 20, hence he ap-^ pointed^ Numb, xxxvi. 11. ^^^^kareh^ "^^J^, hriy rrnj^J? mikrehy an accident, or an acciden- tal event, or a falling out accidentally, or by accident. nJJ*1p. keraahy a meeting with, Exod. xix. 17; Numb, xxii. 36. H^p i^^rtr?r, Gen,v\\u 22-, and fTlp /^^r^^, cold, or |coldnefs, Pj.cxlvii, 17. TSy^lt^ mekerah^ cooX- " ing, or refreshing, Judges iii, 2C, 24. "^p^p \karkar^ he broke down a wall. See in *1^p j^ri^r. 79. v^'lp kerefhy a board, or table: alfo an 3ar, >;imy boards^ Exod^ xxvi. 17, 18. I JOS' e^p ti/p. kaJJiy ftubble. See ^'^p, kajhajh. 80.. i^^p kajha^, hence pi. man D^J^t^p H/X-^ Jliuimy cucumbers, I^Iumb, xi. 5. Hi^pP mikjiiah^, a garden of cucumbers, Jy^. i, 8. 81. Ilwt*p kajhahy i and 5 he hearkened, or gave heed, he was attentive and obedient. 3t^p ke/heby hearing, or attention. ^"^5^^ p kajh-- Jhebety attentive, Neh. i. 6. pi. fem. J112Wp kajhjhuboty the fame, Ps, cxxx. 2. 82. nti^p kajhahy i he was hard, or it was difRcult, I Sam, v. i; Deut. i. 17. 2 he was hardly beftead, or preflfed with difficulties, IJa. viii. 21. 3 and 5 he made hard and difficult, he hardened, or to have hard labour in any thing, Gen* xxxv. 16; Exod. xiii. 15. HC^p kateh^ hard or difficult, IJa. xix. 4. pi. maf*. U^ti/p^kajhim; pi. fem. ril^p :'^/7^/, hard things. Gen. xlii. 7. *^^p. ke//:iy ftubbornncfs, or hard- nefs, DeuL ix. 27. Hti^pO mikfliahy beaten, or folid work, Exod, xxv. 31 : alfo curled or well fet hair, Ifa. iii. 24 ; but with '^fmy Hii^p kajah^ is a kind of difh or platter, as fome; or a cover of diffies : pi. fem. T\Wp kejoty and ^"^l^P, kejavoty covers of diflies, Exod. xxv. 29^ xxxvii. 16. 83. TWp kafhachy 5 he hardened, or he dealt, hardly with, Job xxxix. 16 , Ifa. ixiii. 17*. ti^p 307 84. tD^p kojhet, or ^'^'^ kojht, truth, Vs. Ix. 6. Ch. tOJi^^ ^ Deut. xiv, 13. a. ^ii^ reem, and contraded D^'l or C*) rem^ the imicorn. Numb, xxiii, 22, 7^?^ xxxix. 9. pL maf. D'^Pi^'7 reemim^ IJa, xxxiv. 7, and D'^5'1 remimy unicorns, Ps. xxii. 22* JnOi<"J ramot^ fee in DIT rum. 3, tt^l^T r^y7/, a head, the head, or chief, the top of any thing: alfo poifony or a poifonous herb : alfo gall, Deut. xxix. 18 j ^. Ixix. 22. pi. maf. D^^S^Sl rajluriy heads. Gen. ii. lO; heads or chiefs. Numb, xxxvi. i: alfo the beginnings^ ibid. X. 10. pt:^X'? or p)'^ rijhony ^l^t^^ rijhonahy Jojh. xxi. 10, and r\*^5^i?'n riflionit^ yer. XXV. I, the firft, or the former. ^''Ji^iiT re/hity the beginning, Cen. \. i; Prov. i. 7 pi. fcm. ri*)tt^X"l rijhoty Ezek. xxxvi. 7, begin- nings: alfom<2^^^10 meraajhoty bolfters or pil- lows. Gen. xxviii. 1 1; i Sam. xxyi. 12: alfo TywV^'^'O marajhoty principalities, or headattireS;, Jer. xiii. 18. 4. 35^ rababy I he was much^. or he was multiplied, PJ. iv. 8 : alfo he fhot, or he did throw out, as HIIT rabah^ PJ. xviii. 15.. 4 he was multiplied by ten thoufands^ hence pi. fem. n^lDS'lp merubbabot^ ten thousands,. -^. cxli^v^ 310 21 13. yi rab^ much, great, more, or elder; a mafter; p!. maf. 0*^51 rahhinty many, great, chief, or rabbis, or mafters, 7Vr. xli. i : alfo archers, Johum, 13. Ch. n2*1 rabbah^ i^3*^ rabba^ Tv^ rabhat\ much, great, a great part, or a multitude ; pi. fern. Hi3*) rab- lot^ many, Pr^i;. xix. 2i, Ch. maf. I*^?"^!?*! rabrerin^ great, great ones, princes, &c. 'Dan. V. 2; vii, 3; viii. 11. ^TS rob^ a multitude, the greateftpart; pi. maf. contra6led^i3"n rubbcy great things, HoJ. viii. la. 13*1 or ^13*1 ribbo^ and '^?5'7 fsbabah^ a million, a multitude of ten thoufands ; du. maf. C^Tll^in ribbotajim^ twice ten thoufand, i. e. twenty thoufand, Pf, Ixviii. 17. pi. fem. nii^iT rilboot^T\^^^ ribboty and ]11Z13*I rebaboty many ten thoufands. Ch. ''S*} n5"? rii'i'^ 7'ibvan^ ten thoufand times ten thou- fand, Dan. vii, 10. pi. m.af. D''5*'57 ^^bibim^ Jhowers, or many drops of rain, Dan. xxxii. 2. 5. *75T rabady \ he adorned, or decked. T5'p r^^/W, a chain, G^/;, empty, void, 2 jf^/^j iv. 3; aKb vain men or worthlefs fellows, 1 Sa7n. vi. ao, 2 Chrcn. xiii. 7. p^^l W^^, emptinefs, vanity, a vain thing, Pf. ii. i, alfo in vain, Ifa. xlix. 4. Dp^T r(?^<2?, vainly, to no purpofe^undefervedly, without a caufci 3T 323 and fometimes ic fignifies empty. Gen. xxxi. 42, Exod. iii. 21, 54. TT rivy I he did fpit, alfo to flow or run down as an ifiue. Lev. xv. 3, ")*^*1 n>, fpittle, 1 Sam. xxi, 13, alfo the white of an egg, Job vi. 6, 55. nDT rachab. i he rode, he was car- ried, chiefly upon a chariot, or a horfe. 5 he caufed to ride, or to be carried, Pj. Ixvi. 12^ he laid, or put upon, 2 Kings xiii. 16. 33^ recheby a chariot, ;c(?^. xiv. 7, alfo the upper millfl:one, Deut. xxiv. 6. 3^1 raccaby a horfe- man, or a driver of a chariot. 313") rechuby Pf. civ, 3. 331^ mercaby and UnS'lJp /^r- cabahy a chariot; alfo a faddle, Ztf'y. xv. 9; alfo the covering of a chariot, Cant. iii. 10 : pK fern. 1^122*123 marcaboty chariots, Judg. \. 28. n33*)i$ arcubbahy Ch, the knee, D^//. V. 6. 56. "^5*1 rachach. i he was foft. 2 and 4 he was foftened. 5 he did make foft. "^T rachy nSI raccahy pi. m, 2^5"! raccimy pi. fem. i^12T raccoty foft or tender, "^"ib morechy foftnefs,.or tendernefs, L^. xxvi. 36. 57. /?'!? rachal. ^ i he trafficked in mer- i chandizej hence /5^ r(?r^^/, a merchant. Cant. y 2 32+ ^T iii. 6. TpT rachil, a tale-bearer, or flanderer, who makes fale of another's fame and honour, Lev. xix. i6; alfo calumny or .flander, Ezek. xxii. 9. '^\y^ rechuUahy and ri^3*lD marcoletj merchandize, ;2^/^. xxvii. 24, or a mart or fair. 58^ Vy^ rachasy i he did bind or faften, he lifted, or he was lifted up, Exod. xxvii i. 28 : p], m. D^^P^T rechafimy rough or high places, IJa. xliv. 4; alfo DP51. ruchftm^ pride, or high and proud thoughts, Pf. xxxi. 2. 59. ^51 rachajh. i he got, or he pur- chafed riches. XlJ^T) recufh^ fubftance, wealth, riches. Gen. xxxi. 18. C^3T| rechejli^ a fwifc mule, or any fvvift beaft, Micah i. 13, i Kings iv. 28. 60. npT ramahy 1 he did throw or caft forth, Exod. xv. i\^ Pf. Ixxviii. 9. 3 he de- ceived, Prov. xxvi. 19. 7 Ch. he was caft or thrown, Dan. iii. 6, 15. ^^9*^ remijah^ deceit- ful, PJ. cxx. 3, or falfe; alfo deceit or falfliood. n^'^P mirmahy T^ty^TS larmahy andl^'^Pp^D /^r- ^i?^//, the fame, deceit or guile, 61. n^T romachy a fpear, lance, or javelin. 62. "^Sn rammachy a mule or a mare: pi. m. D'^5^*1 ramynachimy mAilcs, mares, or dro- medariesj Efihcr viii. 10. ^ 01 325 6;^. DD*1 ramam. i he was exalted, or lifted up, Jol? xxiv. 24; alfo to breed or bring forth worms, Exod. xvi. 20. 2 the fame with I, he was lifted up, or he lifted up himfelf, he departed, Numb. xvi. 24. HSn rlmmab, a worm, Exoci xvi. 24, 64. pS)T rimmon, a pomegranate; pK m. 0*^33^ rimmonimy pomegranates. 65. Viy} rumas. i he trod under foot. 2 he was trodden under foot, J/a. xxviii. 3. DO*ip mirmasy a treading under foot. 66. K^O*J ramasy i he crept, or he did creep. '^^^ rentes y a creeping beafl:, or any creeping thing. Gen* i. 21, 24, 67. rii'l ranahy i he founded, or rattled, Job xxxix. 23. 68. \X\ ranan. i, 3, 7, he did fing aloud, or he cried out and fliouted for joy. 5 the fame; alfo he caufed to fing, or to rejoice. P rorty n3*1 rinnaby HJ^l renanahy a fong, a fhouting, or finging for joy : pi. fem, T\MT} renanot^ fongs, Pf, ixiii. 6 : pi. m. C^^^^'7 renaniniy peacocks, clamorous birds. Job xxxix. 16. 69. \D1 re/erty a bridle, Pf. xxxii. 9. 70. DDH rafas. i he fprinkled, or he tempered, jEz^.-^. xlvi. 14: pi, m. D^P^'P'l rcy?/?;^/. 526 I?T droppings, drops, or breaches, Jmos vi. ii, Canl. V. 2. 71. yT r^^, Ch. below, or beneath. y*!lS^ arangy the fame, below or inferior, D^;/. ii. 39. n'U/^IK argnity the bottom, or the lowed part, Dan. vi. 24. i?l r^^;^^, and i^T r^wg-; fee in 'ir*1 ragnahy and I^IT ruang. 72. nj/*^ ragnab. i he was hungry, ^. 1. 12. 5 he caufed to be hungry, or he fufFered to familh, HJ/'^ ragneby hungry, orfamifhing. 3^T ragnaby and P^J/1 regnabouy hunger or famine. 73. ly^ ragnad. i and 5 he trembled, *TI^T regnady fear, or trembling, P/I xlviii. 7. 74. riijn ragnah. i he fed, he did feed himfelf, he did eat up, Jer. vi. 3, EzeL xxxiv. 23 J he did aflbciate, or join himfelf as a friend ^ alfo he did break in pieces, as W^ ragnang. 3 he joined, or did aflbciate. 5 he did feed, or he caufed to feed. 7 he made, or he en- tertained friendfhip, Prov. xxii. 24. n^/T rogmhy a paftor, or Ihepherd. V^S reangy rij/*) regnehy a friend, a neighbour, a companion: pi. m. 0*^1/1 regrdmy friends. H^V"] rangjahy Cant. i. 9, a female friend, or a love. ri^I^"^ regnuty Exod. xi. 2, a female neighbour; alfo i^Un regnuty .afBifcion or vexation, as from i^^ 321 Vll^ ragnangy Kecks, i. 14 ; but JJl reangy and mj/T regnuty Ch. is a thought, the will, Ezra V. 17, Pf. cxxxix. 2. int^kMeneang^ a friend: pi. m. D^J/!?P meregnimy friends or companions. Judges xiv. 11. ^M^^ ^^g^h ^^^^ mirgneh, Qen. xlvii. 4, and H^^VT^D margnity pafture, feeding, Pf. xcv. 7. p^l^T rangiofty afflidion or vexation, Eccles. i. 17, alfo Ch. a thought: pi. m. D'^31^J/T rangtonimy thoughts, Dan. ii. 30. 75. *7I?T ragnaly 6 he was made to tremble, /I^l ragnaly Zech. xii. 2. nvjnil targnelahy Pj. Ix. 4, horror, trembling, or aftonifhment : pi. fem, ril7J/") regnaloty mufflers, fpangled or trembling ornaments, Ifa.. iii. 19. 76^ DJ/n ragnanty i and 5 he thundered, ^ ix. 23.; he roared, or made a great noife, P/.xcvu II. DJ/n ragnaniy Pj. Ixxxi. 8, and n^J^n ragnarnahy Job \xx\\. 19, thunder. 77. jyi ragnany 3 ]5i^*l r^^;;^;?^;;, he was green, or he flourifhed, 7^^ xv. 32. IJiJT ragnanany green or flourifliing,. Z)i?///. xii. 2, PJalm xxxvii. 35, 78. V]D ragnangy Ch. i and 3 he broke afunder, or in pieces, Pf. ii, 9, he crufhed, pr bruifedj Ch. the fame, Dan.u^ 40. 2 and, 7 he was broken. V^ or JflT roangy Prov. xi. ip and nj/h rognahy Prov., xxy. 1 9, broken. 328 an 79. ^I^-l ragnaph. i and 5 he dropped, or he diftillcd, Prov. iii. 20. 80. fi?"J ragnatz, i he broke, crulhed, or dafhed in pieces, Exod. xv. 6. 81. ^i^*5 ragnajTi. i and 2 he was moved or lliaken, he moved himfelf, or he trembled* 5 he caufed to tremble, he did fliake or move, iy. Ix, 4. Ji^i/1 ragnajh^ a (haking, moving, or rufliing; hence an earthquake, or the flia- king of the earth, Amos i. i. 82. ^^T rapha. i he healed or cured. 3 he did cure or make whole. 7 he cured himfclf, or he was cured. "^^T^ rephey a phy- fician, or one who healeth, Pf. ciii. 3, 7^^^^^^^ 4^ int^^'l riphuty ntJIS*) rephuahy healing, or curing, health, or medicine j fee alfo in HDl raphah. 83. n^*^ raphad. i and 3 he fpread, he overlaid and covered, he ftrewed. J^^^l t^^ phidahy 3. bottom, a pavement, Cant. iii. 10, a bed, or any thing that is covered over, 84. n^*1 raphah. i he abated, he was remifs and (low, he left off, he defifted. 2 he was flow or idle, Exod. v. S, 3 he weakened, he made weak and feeble, he let fall down. 5 he dtfifted, or left offj he permitted, he left SfT 329 alone. 7 he was (lothful, flow, or flack, Prov. xviii. 10. HD*! raphahy Numi. x\n. 18, and pi. fem. rilDT raphot^ IJa. xxxv. 3, rennifs, feeble, or weak. P^5"? riphicn^ feeblenefs, Jer. xlvii. 3, ^^^"J raphay and HDH raphahy a giant: pi. m. D^'i^p'?! rephainiy giants, D Jl oah, T\l^^; Jheijahy T\^P. Jhet, and Hi^lti^Q mejhoahy a tumultuous devaftation, Prov. iii, 25, or defolation: pU m. D^'Klti^ Jlcim^ defolations, Pf. xxxv. 17, deftru6tions^ rmm^majhjhuot, the fame, ^.Ixxiv. 3. ]iX^ B^ 335 Jhaon, ]i^^ Jhaanan, a tumult, or a tumultuous noife, (fee alfo \^^ Jhaan) or multitude, ]K?^Q majhfhaon^ 2l defert or wildernefs, as fome, or deceit, as others, from Kt^3 najloa: pi. fem. nii^lJi^i^ tejhuot^ tumultuous noifes or cryings. Job xxxix, 7, Zecb. iv. 7. 4. tDi^2^ yZ^z^/, I he defpifed or contemned, or he fpoiled, Ezek. xxviii. 24, and xvi. 57. I2^t^ Jheat, contempt or fpoiling; E.:ek. \xv, 6, 15. 5. 1^'^ JhaaL I and 3 he alked, he fought, or he requefted, alfo he begged. 2 he ob- tained by requeft, Neh. xiii. 6, or he requefted earneftly, i Sam. xx. 28. 5 the fame,, he obtained by petition, alfo he lent, Exod. xii. 36, I iS"^;;?. i. a8. Tn)!<^ f/,eelahy a petition or requeft : pi. fem. TCh^^D mijhJJoalot^ defires or requefts, PJ. xx. 6, t\)^V Jheol, the grave. Gen. xxxvii. 35 ; alfo hell, Pf. ix. 18. 6. \i^^ Jhaarj^ hence in 3 \Wi^ Jhaanan^ he lived quietly, he was at eafe, Prov. i. 33. IJHt^^ Jhaanan: pi. m. "O^^y^p} flManannim^ Amos vi. i, and fem. T\^^y^^ Jhaananotj quiet, or thofc who are at eafe, IJa. xxxii. 9. \^'^^^ Jhalanany moft quiet, or wholly at cafe; Job xxi. 23. ? ^^^ Jl:jaaphy 1 he did draw, properly the air or windj he drew his breath, he 335 2^ breathed j hence he longed after, alio he fwal-. lowed up. Pf. Ivi. 2. . 8. ^i^^ shaar. i, 2, he was left re- maining, he remained. 5 he left, or he caufed to remain. "'^J^* sheary TV'lifiilf/ sheerity and T\^y^, shertty i Chron. xii. 38, that which is left remaining, the refidue or remnant, ^i^t^ sheery H^li?^ shaarah^ flelh, meat, food, or entei tainmient ; alfo a kinfman or a kinfwoman. ^"^^^J^^P mishsharahy (lore, or dough, or a kneading-trough, Deut. xxviii. 5: pl, fcm. ninJ^L^^P misharoty kneading-troughs, Exod. \\\u 3, alfo "^^^ JeoTy with '^ fifiy is leaven^ Exod, xii. 15. 9. 2'2"\i} shalaby a fragment: pl. mafc. C'DDti^ shebahimy fragments, or broken pieces, ^ HgJ. viii. 6. 2^5^ shehiby a fpark^ or flame of fire, a little piece of fire, "Job xviii. 5, from the Ch. ^^J^^y^' shebibay a flame, D^;;. iii. 22. 10. n^u^* shabah. i he took or he led away captive, Pf. Ixviii. 19, Numb. xxi. i. 2 he was carried away captive. ^^^^ shebi^ and ^'2^ shebiy TS'^VJ \hibjaky r\yu}' shibah, rrpL^* shebijahy Ts'^i^ shebity and TvQXtJ shebut, captivity, captive, or the captive multitude, E'zek. xvi. ^"1^, iUti^ i//^^^3 an agate, or topaz, Excd. Nxviii. 19. nJi^ 337 11. T\2^' Jloahach^ 3 he praifed, he cele- brated, P/C cxvii. I ; alfo he quieted or ftilled, he made quiet or filent, he fupprefled, P/*. Ixxxix. 10. 7 he was praifed, or he praifed himfelf, FJ. cvi. 47 : he triumphed. HS*^' Jhahbeachy praiiing. T\2^ floebach^ praife. 12. \[^^}i},Jhehety a rod, a fceptre, a tribe, a writer's pen: pi. m. ^'^^^ Jfjebatim^ tribes^ alfo darts, 2 Sam. xviii. 14. ^^^"^ fhebaty the month Sebaty or our January, Zech. i. 7. 13. "^"^ Jab achy i he was wrapped or folded together 5 the fame with *^3P JabacJn ^2li//obechy a thicket of trees. 'D"'!D2il^ feba- chiniy thick boughs of trees, T]y2^ Jabachahy wreathed work, alfo a net. 14. r2!Q} Jhebily and l^p shobely a way or path. T^2,Vi: Jhibbolety and rt}3D fibbokty an car of corn, ^^dges xii. 6; alfo a water-flood, FJ. Ixix. 3, 16, a flux or flowing: pi. mafc, D^'/S?^^ Jhibbalimy ears of corn. Gen. xli. 7', nl^'^ Jhabluly a fnail, jP/". Iviii. 9; alfo pi. m. "CyllL^ Jhibaalimy branches, Zech. iv. 12. 15. V^mjhabasy hence pK m. U^D"^2^ Jhe^ hifimy cauls, or net works, ornaments for the heads of women, ^. iii. 18. ' 16. V:^^ Jhebangy nj/ia? Jhibnahy feven. ^'JL/'^DJ?' Jhebignty T^T2-p Jhebignity the feventh 5 z 338 y^*' du, D*;nJ^5t^ Piibnalajimy feven-fold, IJa. xxx. 26: pi. m. D^J/3?^ Jhibgnimy feventy. Gen. V. 12. J^'^Si^y??^^/^^^^, a week, either of days, feven days; or of years, feven years, Gen. xxix. 27 : pi. m. D'^J/HL^ Jliabugnimy weeks, Dan. ix. 24, 25: du, D;37I1!^^ Jl ebtignajimy two weeks, 'O'^V.^^ JJ^abiignimy and IV^Vrj;^ Jhabugnot^ weeks; 2 i!^^) ni/hbangy he fware, he did fwear^ Gen. xxiv.y, and xxii. 16. 5 he caufed to fwear, or he did bind by an oath, he charged, Cant.vm.^. Vy2,^ floabuangy ^V^^^ jhebugnahy an oath: pK m. "O^^^^^ fhebugnim, and fem. TWy^ fi.ebugnoty oaths, Ezek. xxi. 23 : but V^^/ Jabangy with '^ fmy is he was full, he was filled, fatisfied, or fatiated. 3 and 5 he filled, or fatisfied, PJ. ciii. 5. i^5^* Jabeangy and nj;?:^^ Jabegnahy full. ^nci^ >^^;/^, Hl/^ji^ ftbgnahy fulnefs, faticty. 17. ^*y^ fbabatz. 3 he made embroidered or chequer work, he embroidered. 4 he was embroidered, or fet in gold, .;^(?^.xxviii. 20, 39. |^3tJ^ fhabatZy a coat of m.ail, or an embroidered coat, 2 i?^;;?. i. 9, or anguifli. n^3^^P mijh^ hetzahy embroidery, or chequer-work, PJ. xlv. 13. 1^2,^}T\ taJhbetZy the fame, Exod. xxviii, 4; alfo the knob of a ring, or the ouch and circle Dtf 339 of gold wherein ftones are to be fet: pi. fem. riil^3!<^P mijhbetzoty ouches, Exod. xxviii. i i. 1 8. pnc^ jliahaky Ch. Ban. iv. 2?, he did leave or forfake, Matth. xxvii. 46; he per- mitted, fufFered, or let alone, Ezra vi, 7. 7 he vyas left, Dan. ii. 44. 19. 1I3t^ Jhahar. i he broke. 3 "i^'-r* Jl.ibber^ he broke in pieces; alfo he bought or purchafed, he fold, chiefly viftuals, from the noun ^'^^ Jhebery fignifying vidUials or corn, Gen, xlii. i, 19. 2 he was broken. 5 the fame with i and 3, alfo he broke the matrix, or he opened for the birth, I/a. Ixvi. 9. 6 he was broken afundcr, Jer. viii. 2 f . "^^^^ jUher^ Xn^sl} fhibbarony a breach, or breaking afunder, contrition; alfo the explication or interpretation of any difficulty, as Judges vii. 15; alfo vic- tuals; fee before pi mafc. "^^^^ jhehariniy breaches. ^3^^^ maJJibery the matrix, or the birth, 2 Kings xix. 3, a breaking forth: pi. m. D^nStf^P mifhbarimy the waves of the fea, break- ing upon the fands and rocks, Jonah ii. 4; but "13,^1/ ftbber with '^Jin^ is he hoped, he waited, P/lcxix. 166; alfo he confidered, or he did meditate and confider: hence 12b!/ebery hope or expedation, P/. cxlvi. 5. z 2 340 ^^ - 2o, ll}2t!:/ Jhel?q//j, Ch. 7 he was aftonlflied or greatly troubled, Dan. v. 9. 21. TQ:^ jhahat. I and 2 he rcfted, Gen. ii. 3, or he ceafed. 5 he caufed to ceafe, he abolifhed, he removed, or took away, Deut. xxxii. 26. TS^"^ Jhahbat^ a reft, or a ceafing and refting; hence the fabbath, or the feventh day of the week, appointed for a reft from work; alfo a week, Lev. xxv. 6: pK fern. MlTlBt^* Jhabbatoty fabbaths, or weeks, Lev. xxv. 8, TOi^Jhehet. \^T\^^. jhalbaton^ reft, or refting, Exod. XXXV, 2, Prci?. xx. 3: pi. m. D^T^B^D mijhbattimy fabbaths, or refts. Lam. i. 7. 22. ' )^^^fagay 2inf^T\^^ Jagahy i from the Ch. he grew, he increafed, or be was multiplied and augmented, Job viii. 7. 3 and 5 he caufed to grow, he augmented or increafed, Ifa. xvii. II, iy. jxxiii. 12, he made great, or he mag- nified. "^^^^^Ifaggiy great, much, greatly, or very much, large and ample. Job xxxvi. 24; Dan. ii. 6; v. o; vi. 15. 23. ^y^^fagab. I and 2 he was exalted' j and lifted up, he was ftrcngthened, or he was ftrong. 3 and 5 he exalted, or he ftrcngthened. 4 and 6 he was fet on high, or exalted. 3Jt^*P mi/gab^ a high place, or a ftrong refuge, Pf xlvi. 8^ a caftle. Jti^ 341 24. "^y^ ffoagag. I he erred, he went aftray or wandered, and HJ^D mijhgehy HJJl^* floegagah^ and n^ltt^^ mefhugah^ an error, a fin, or fault of ignorance, Gen. xlili. 12, Numb. xv. 28, J^?^ xix. 4. . 25. nJ*^' Jhagah. 1 he erred, or went aflray, ^(j^ xix 4^ he was deceived. 5 he caufed to err, or he deceived, Job xii. 16: pi. fenn. T\^)^^i^;JIleg^ot, errors, (^ ^/^/^/z for H ^^) ^. xix. 13. \Vy^ Jhiggaion, a wandering fong, /. e. a fong of divers notes; but H^t^ J^g^h^ with t^^;/, fee before in ^J^V^, in 3 IW fidded, is, he harrowed, or he broke the clods of the ground, IJa. xxviii. 24. 32. TTWfadeh^ a field : pi. nn. ^^^'^/adim, and fern. nnJi^y^^^/, fields, Exod, viii. 13, ^. xxxii. 12. 22. ^^1P Jhedemahy a field blafted and dried up, Ifa. xxxvii. 27 : pL fern. illDl:^ Jhedemoty fields, /i?^. iii. 17; alfo vines, or the fields where they grow, Deut. xxxii. 32, Ifa. xvi. 8. 34. ^^ Jbadaphy he was blafled or dried up: hence pi. fern. T\Mf}^ fhaduphot^ blafted and dried up, Gen. xli. 5. T\i^*^^ Jhedephahy and ^^^'^P Jhiddaphoriy blafting, or the burning and drying up of corn, i Kings viii. 37, 2 Kings xix. 26. 3S- ^"W Jhedary Ch. he fcnt. 7 he la- boured, or endeavoured earneftly about any thing, Dan. vi. 14: hence ^y^^TSl^^ e/Jjthaddur^ a rebellion or confpiracy, Ezra iv, 15. 36. "nii^ /^^^r, pi. fenri. T\Tn\i; federot, orders, i Kings vi. 9, 2 7, 38. I^ii^' fehad, he mtntffcd. "^kWi; fahed, a witnefs, Jci? xvu 19. ^T\T\T}^ Jahaduta, a teftimony, Gen. xxxi. 47. 35. DHii'* Jhohamy the onyx ftone, a;(5^'. xxv. 7. 'Ci^T^i}'^^ faharonim^ round ornaments: fee in nnpy2?y?7^r. 40. ^^^^Jbavy vanity, vain, fallhood, falfe, alicj alfo in vain, vainly, or fallely, J^-^ xv. 31, Deut. v, 20, Exod, xx. 7. 41. y\VJ Jhub. I he returned, alfo he caufed to return, or he brought back. Job xlii. lO; and as fome, he refted, or was quiet, he remained, Pf. xxiii. 6, Numb. x. 36. 3 he caufed to return, he brought back, he reftored, Pf. xxiii, 33 alfo he perverted and turned away, or he made perverfe, Ifa, xlvii.. ip.^ 4 he was brought back, E2ek. xxxviii, 8. 5 the fame with 3, he caufed to return, &c. alio he repaid, he anfwered. 6 he was reftored, Gen. xlii. 28 ; he was brought back again, Exod. x. 8. H^lt^* J] ubahy reft or returning, Ifa. xxx. 15. y^W jhcbab^ turning away, froward, rebellious, and backfliding, Jer. xxxi. 22: pl,_ m. D*^I131Ct* JJoobabiniy backfliding, apoftates, Jer. iii. 14. T^'l^'O mejhubahy backfliding, or turning away, Jer. iii. 12, perverfenefs, or backfliding, Prov,. Itt^' 345 i. 32: pi. fern. TyXl'^O mejhiibotj backnidings, Jer, V. 6. nDIti^]^^ tejhubah, a returning, 2 o^;?;;?. xi. I, an anfwer: pi. fern. Hlm^J^ tejhuboty anfwers, Job xxi. 34 ; butHIJ^/^^J, with ^y^i/, is he was white with old age, he was old or grey-headed, i Sam. xii. 23 hence *2^ Jab, old, pi. m. "^^^^/abaja^ elders, Ezra v. 9, i Kings xiv. 4, 2ll^/eb, old age, grey hairs. Hll^'Ji^ Jebahy the fame. Jlt^ ///^, he went back: fee 21D//^^. ^r^'Jhudy fee TW Jhadad. 42. *n^ y/^/^. I he befmeared over or he plaiftered, he daubed. TCi^yf^^ chalk, plaifter, or lime, Jjeiit. xxvii. 2, 4. 43. rilt^ Jliavah. I he was equalled, made equal, or compared, he was made likes alfo he was profitable, or it was convenient and meet. 3 and 5 he equalled, or made equal, he levelled with, or fct equally before, Pf. xvi. 8 j alfo he ordered, he reckoned, he compared, or likened, 2 and 7 he v/as compared or made alike, Prov. xxvii. 15, Dan. iii. 29. T^ys} Jhaveh^ a plain. Gen. xiv. 5, 17. 43. Ty\^' [Liiach. I he inclined, Pr^ ii. 18. TSn^Vfuchah, Jer. xviii. 20, Hn^tJ^ fichah^ PJ, Ivii. 7; T'\iW Jachaty a ditch or pit, Pf. xciv. 13; but T\Wfuachy with *^ fin^ is, he did meditate^ or he prayed, Gen. xxlv, 63. 3 346 1^ and 5 the fame ; alfo he fpoke, he declared, J/aA'nu 8. Ty^'^ fiachy T}\!^ feachy Amos iv, 13, and T\TVW ftchahy a meditation, a conference, a complaint, or a prayer, Pf. cii. i, cxix. 97. 44. 12W Jhut. I, 3, and 7, he went about, he did run up and down. Numb. xi. 8, Job u 7, Jer. xlix. 3 ; he fcourgcd, Job v. a i j alfo he did drive or pull with oars, EzeL xxvii. 6. I2')ll} Jhol; iOiD'ill/Jho/el, a whip, or fcourge, y^?/^. xxiii, 13. ^?^ /:^^/, a mariner, or a rower with oars: pi. m. t^'^^l^^J/ialimy rowers, EzeL xxvii. 8, 26. tO::^ /Lqjity i-31^?J ;;^^/;^/, an oar: pi. m. D^^pi^/? mipojhothn^ oars, Ezek. xxvii. 6; but ^^^^/uty with ti^y?;/, is he declined or turned afide: pi. m. 12^1011^ Jeiimy thofe who turn afidc, F/. xl S'y fee 2i\{o T]l^%^/atah. 45, ^VJJuch. I he hedged about, or he hedged in, liof. ii. 6. 3 he covered, as from ^"yDJacach. "W Juch, T\y\m and T\^'^m me/uchahy (with ^ JamecJi) a hedge. HSW Jochahy a branch: pi. m. ^^V ficciniy and fcm. T\)^\!^ ficcoty thorns, alfo hooks. 46. ^W JJmly the edge, hem, or fl^irt of a tgarment: pi. xn. DvT^ JJmlimy hems, ;r{:'ii. xxviii. 33, 34. 47, UWJum.. I he put, or he placed. 5 ;the fame, he fet, he appointed, or difpofcd. iy 6, 7, he was put, fet, or placed, Ezra v. 8, T\^WT^ tejtimety a difpofition, or a thing placed in truft, Lev. vi. 2 y but U\^Jhumy with ^ Jhin^ is garlick, Numb. xi. 5. 48. I?^t^ Jhuang. I and 3 he naade a noife. 5 he fhut up, as fome, as others, he befmeared over, Tfa. vi, 10. Vy^ Jhuay^g^ Vy^l Jhevangy T^Vy^^ JhavgnaliT, a cry, or a noife, P/". v. 3, i *S'^;;/. V. I 2. Vj^^ Jhoangj the fame, alfo riches. Job xxxvi. 19; or liberal^ noble, bountiful, Ifa. xxxi'. 5. 49. "^^^ Jhuph. 1 he did break in pieces, yob ix', 17, he bruifed, or he crulhed, Gen. iii. 153 alfo he hid, or covered, Pf. cxxxix. 1 1. 50. yy^ //juk. 3 he watered, he defired, or made to defire, Pf. Ixv. 10 ; fee alfo in p|?C^ Jhakaky 5 to run over or overflow, Joeliu. 13, ii. 24. pT^' ^^)(^, a ftreet, Prcv, vii. 8, or market-place: ^\,iri.'0^^^p, Jhevakim^ ftrcets,^ Cant. iii. 2, from men's running up and down in it. Y^^ jhoky the flioulder, alfo the leg or thigh ; du. m. ^^!pW ^fhokajimy legs, P/. cxlvii. 10, Cant, V. 15. '^^Y'i^Jhakoahy Ch. thcfame,^ Dan. ii. 33. TS^J^'^'iJ Jhokekahy defiring, or having appttite, 7A^. xxix. 8. TV^'^VJ'Ty te^fhukahy, defire, appetite, or obedience. Gen, iii. 16. 51. -^V^'fiur^ ^>Zy Si he did fing, alfo he; 348 p^ beheld, or looked, he obferved well. y^Pjhir^ a fong. ^y^'^^y/jorery an enemy, alfo Ch. a wall, Ezra v. 9: lee "li^J^ a/bar. ihli/ Jhor^ an ox. rril^i^fi tejljurahy a gifts but ^S^ fury with '^ fny is, he ruled, he was chief or prince. 5 he caufed to rule, or he made a prince, Hofea viii. 4. "^^Jar^ a prince, ri^B^ Jar ah y a lady, or princefs, Lam. u 1. iH'^lli/. Jorahy principal, IJa. xxviii. 25. Hn^t^^^ meju^ rahy a meafure, i Ctorcn. xxiii, 29. 52. Ci/^Ci^y^j. I and 5 he rejoiced, jD^///. xxviii. 63, ^. Ixi. 10. \\^\I/ Jajouy and Ct^iti^^P ;;^^6>i, joy or gladnefs. 53. TV\^ jLut. I and 5 he put, fet, or placed. Gen. iv. 25. 6 he was put or placed, or it was put upon, Exod. xxi. 30. T^^ JJjity an ornament, or a garment, Pf. Ixxiii. 6. riui^ ^^,f/, the buttock, Ifa. xx. 4: pi, fern, illfl^* Jhetoty the buttocks, 2 ^J^//^. x. 45 alfo the foundations, PJx\. 2> hence purpofes, Ifa. xix. 10. 34. Iir?i^#^2;/^. Ch. I and 3 he delivered, he fet free; Dan. iii. 28, vi. 16. 55. ^s^L^ fhazaph. 1 he looked upon, he beheld, Cani. i. 16, J^s^xxvi. 9. 56. "liJi^ f bazar y he did throw about, or he twined, hence the participle in 6 '^IW^ maj/jzar, twined, Exod. xxviv i, or made double. 57. 1T}^/achad. i he gave a reward or gift, EzeL xvi. 33 ^ he hired, or he bribed, "Vyi^ Jhochady a gift or a bribe, Exod. xxiii. 8. ' 58. 1^0^ Jhachah. 1 he declined, or he bowed down, Pr^i;, ii. 18, i/tf. li. 23. 5 he caft down, or he caufed to ftoop and bow dowm, Prij'i;. xii. 25. 7 he bowed down him- felf to do honour or honaage, he worlliippcd, P/. xcv. 6. T\^T\tjhechut, and T^j xix. 29, ^^?. xxxvii. 30, 64. ^^Ht^^ Jhachaphj an unclean fowl, a cuckoo, or fea-mew, L^i;. xi. 16. T\^X}^ Jac'ephet^ a confumption, Z^u. xxvi. 16; but ^Tytl:^ fechiph with ^ fm is a covering or ceiling, EzeL xli. 1 6. 65. ^Vi'^ JhachatZy a wild beaft, a lion, J^?^ xxviii. 8; alfo pride, yob^Xu 34. 66. ^T]^Jhachak, i he broke fmall, and into powder, Exod. xxx . 36. yr\^ Jachaky the fmallcfl duft, Ifa. xL 1 5 5 alfo the upper clouds, the heavens, Pj^ Ixxxix. 38 ; pi. m. tD*^j?n^ Jhechakim^ the fkies, ibid, xviii. 1 2 j but pH^V Jachak^ with ^ fWi i, 3, 5, is^ he laughed, he mocked. pHt^ Jechok^ and pnJ(/Q mtjchok^ laughter orderifion. Lam. iil. 14, Hab. i. lo* 67. yrw ffDachar. i he was made black, y^/^ XXX. 30. 3 he fought, or fearched early and diligently, IJa. xxvi. 9, from the noun nnt4* JJiachar^ the morning, G^^/b: tb^Jhiloh^ fee in tIw Jhalalu ' 4ti^ 353 '*ji. r^ '^/;/, hence pl^ maf. U'^?^^ J7jenm, iirinc, I/a, xxxvi, i2; 2 Kings xvnu 27. 79. ii^)i^tl} Jhelziy Ch. he was perfeded or finifhed, Ezra wi. 15. 80. TV:^ shir^ hence pi. fern. HITJi^ jte^/, little chains,, or bracelets, Ifa, iii. 19. 81.. t^,i: fljajijlt, and ^m. /fie/h, marble. Efther i. 6; i Chron. xxix. 2. T^P^ Jhajit^ a -thorn, a biafli of thorns, ^. x. 17. 82. *2y^ Jhachah. i he did lie down^ or he did lie with. 5 he made or he caufed to lie down; he placed: alfo he did caft or throv; down. 6 he was made to lie, he was placed 1 ' 2 Sw^jiv, 32, fe^y^. xxxii. 32, T\Z^y2^ jhecha" hahy T\^'2WJhechohety and .32^^D mijhcab^ a lying down, a lying with, alfo a bed: pi. m^. D'^22^*.p inijhcabmy and fern. 1111131^/2 mijhcaboty beds* 83, T\yil Jachah. i and 7 Ch. he looke^J, he beheld, he imagined, he thought. ^T^P fechijahy an image: pi. fern. T^T^ii^ /ahi/aty Ifa. ii* 16, images or .pidcures. *'!15^* fechviy the nnind, or the heart, J^Z* xxxviii. 36. T\^^tj^ ma/city an image, a pi6lure: alfo a thought or an imagination, Lev. xxvi. i; P^^i?. xviii. 11: |>1. fem. ]ni'^3Cf^J5 majcijoty images or p^iftures, Prov. XXV.. II ; alfo thoughts or imaginations, iy. Ixxiii. 7. . . 84. n^Li; Jl achacK i he did forger, T)eiit. 354 ^(il^ ' tviii. 14. 3 the fame, or as in 5 he caufed 10 be forgotten. Lam. ii. 6 5 or he made to forget, Jer. xxiii, 27. 2 and 7 he was forgotten, or 'given over to oblivion, Eccles. viii. lO; ix, 5. TO}i}jajcheach^ forgetting, or who forgets, Pj. ix. 1 8': alfo HDif^ Jhechachy Ch. 5 he did find. ^ he was found, Dan. V4. 5, ^r^ vi. 2, 85, ^^si} Jhachach. i he was quieted and fettled, he was affuaged; alfo he fet nets, EJih. vii, 10; Jer. v. 26^ 5 he caufed to reft, or he made to ceafe. Numb. xvii. 5; but 1^^^ fachach, with '^ Jifiy he covered, and "^Jt^ Jo-ch^ a co- Tering: fee ^^^facbach. 86., y2^ JJjachdl. i he was deprived or bereaved, G(?;/. xlili, 14. 3 and 5 he bereaved or deftroyed; he deprived, i Sam. xv. 23\ J^^* 1. 9, he made childlefsi alfo to caft the youngs or to bring forth before the time. Gen. xxxi. 38; Hof. ix. 14, to mifcarry in birth. ^^^W fiaccul^ Ty)^^ Jhaccullahy Cant. iv. 2; 2 Sam. xvii. 8, robbed, bereaved, barren, or bereaved of chil- dren, nyi} JJiecholy barrennefs, or lofs of chil- dren, Ifa. xlvii. 8, 9. t2^^ eJhcoU a clufter of grapes: pi. ferru T\r}^^)^ ajhcekty clufters, Gen. xl. 10: fee in H 5 but i^^Jachal^ with ^^fin^ I he profpered, i Sam. xviii. 30: alfo he was intelligent or prudent* 3 and 5 he underftood> he did any thing fldlfully and prudently, he Se^ 355' taufed to underftand; he inftru6ted, PJ, xxxii. 8; alio he profpered, or was profperous; Ch. 7 he confidered, Dan, vii. 8. ^^^,/echely /3t^ri hqfcely underftanding, or wifdom and prudence, Prov.'uSy alfo fuccefs and profperity, Prov. iii. 4, r^i^Q mafcil^ intelligent or prudent, giving inftruftion. tvh^'^ftchluty folly, Eccki. i.. I7j kt^^D fachalj Ch. ^^T\^^^ Jochletanu, underftanding, Dan. v. ii. 87. Hi:^^ JlachliU Ch. 3 he perfefted, he abfolved or finiflied. 7 he was finilhed, E^ra iv. 16. %%. DOty Pacam. 5 D^2t^n hifljciwy he rofe early in the morning, -P/1 cxxvii. 2 ; y^fr. XXV. 3. ti2i}VJhechemi the fhoulder, the back, G^;/. ix. 23: alfo a part or portion, G^/?. xlviii. 22 : a heap of ground, as fonne, PJ. xxi. 13. 89. \yJ!} Jhachany \ he dwelt, he remained or ftaid. 3 he caufcd to dwell; he placed, Pf. Jxxviii. 60. \y^ Jhacbeny a neighbour, an in- jdweller, Prov. xxvii. 10. l^w^P mijhchan^ a habitation, a dwelling-place, or a tabernacle, PJ. xlvi. 5 \ but fSii? Jaccin^ with t^*^?;?, is a nife, Pr^i;. xxiii. 2. 90. "15^:^ fhachar^ i he was drunk, or led with drink, Ifa. xxix, 9, 3 and 5 he did bake drunk, ^er. li. 57. 7 as in i, i San% A A 2 55 e ^^ i; 14; or he fained himfelf drunk, *)2ti^ Jfjechar^ ftrong drink; making drunk, i Sam. j. 15. ^ysl/JhiccOKy a great drinker, a drunkard: pi. maf. ^^^y^ /Iiiccorim, drunkards, Ifa. xxviii. I. y^'^y^^ Jhiccaroni drunkennefs, Ezek. xxxix. 1 9. *12t^i^ ejhchar^ a gift or prefent, Pf. Ixxii. 10 ; but "l^^fachaTy with ^ firty i he hired for wages, or he rewarded, Prov, xxvi. 10. 2 and 7 he was hired, or he hired himfelf; he earned wages. Hag, i. 6. hence "^^^yi^fachir^ hired; a jachavy ^ptJ^ Jecher^ H'lSt^P majcoret^ wages, hireling, or a mercenary, Exod. xxii. 1 5, "IJt^ a hire, or a reward. Gen. xxix. 15, ' \y^^! Jhalanan^ fee l^^^y^^^^;/, mod quiet^ Job xxi. 23. '91. :tli>J}jalah\ pi. maf. D^3^.^^ Jhelahhim, ladders, degrees, ledges, or heights afcending by degrees, i Kings vii. 28 : hence 4 'Ob^sl) Jhul- laby he was fet in order by fteps or degrees : pi. fern, r\1!3vt!;^ mejhullahoty fet in order, or equally diftant by degrees, Exod, xxvi. 17. 92. ^^.P.Jhelegy fnow, Ps. li. 8 : hence in 5 was white as fnow, Ps, Ixviii, 15. 93^ "^-M Jhalahy i he was quiet, he was fafe, he was in peace, happy, and ateafe; he pros'- b^ 357 percd, &c. Pj. c'xxii, 63 Job iii. 26, 2 he erred, or he went aftray, or he was deceived, 2 Chron. xxix. 1 1, or he was negligent, 5 he caufed to err, or he deceived, 1 Kings \v. 2^6. 1^ and Ch. l7i^ Jlaluy error or raihnefs, and imprudence, 2 /. iii. 2; vii. 27: pL. mat "^^W Jhelalimy Ihields, Canh iv. 4^ 97. Y}'2} Jhalachy 5 he did caft or throw, he Gad forth^.or he caft downs he caft aw^ay, 6 he was caft down or caft put, D^n. viii. 11. "^7^ Jhalachy the cormorant, as fome; the night- crow, as others; the name o fome unclean: bird^ L 1 9> fpoiled. or mad, Mk. i.. 8. ^^^^Jhalaly a-prey,,or fpoil, Cen. xlix. 27. 99. tn^ Jhalam^ i he was perfe^ed, or 366 h^ made perfed : alfo he had peace, or he was at peace, Job xxii. 21 : alfo he prayed for peace - he faluted, 1 Kings yi . i2* 3 he perfcded or accomplifhed : alfo he patd, repaid, or recom- penfed. 4 he was repaid, or recompcnfed. ^ the fame with 3: alfo he made peace, or entered into peace. Ch. i he w^as perfeded, or finiQied, Ezra v. 16. 6 he was at peace, or peace was made. Job v. 23. Ch. 5 he rendered or delivered, Ezra vii. 19. DIviZ'' or D7t^ Jhtllumy and TXuiy) Jhtllumahy a recom- penfe, a reward, Pj. xci. 8 \ Mica vii. 3. U^,^ Jhilkmy Beut. xxxii. 2Sy ^^e fame. 07^;* Jbalem, perfeft, whole, or complete, Deut. xxvii. 6; XXV, 15. pi. mzi. t2^01^ J^:>skmim;i peace- able, Gen, xxxiv. 2i ulll} J^ekmy a lacrifice of thankfgiving, or a peace offering, Jmos v. 22* pi. maf. U^bu7t(/ Jhalmoniniy recompenfe or rewards, ha. i. 23. ul^ JJjolemy he who is at peace, Ps. vii. 5. tn}'^ Jhalom^ peace, profperity, bappinefs. Gen. xliii. 23. pi. mafl U'lyhU^ JJjolo?niniy Ps. iv. 21, thofe who are at peace, or whole and all, jfer. x'm. 19: alfo X^^Dv}\l} JhiUtmimy Isa. xxxiv. 8, recompenfes. But TSul^Jalmahy with tJ^ firiy is a garment, or cloathing, Exod. xxii. 26 ^ the fame with T\^'ty^ftmlab fecit. ^^ 22^ 551 lod. ^'^ Jhdoph^ I he drew forth, or he drew out, chiefly the fword, Judg. viii. 20: alio he did grow up, as fome; or he plucked up, as others. Fs. cxxix. 6. loi. ^^%' floalojh, three: pi. maf. C^t^^^t:^ thirty, Gen. v. x6. ^IV^h^} J/jeli/hi, H^t^^'^^t^^ Jhelijhijahy TS^V^hV:; JJjeliJIjit^ the third, the third part : pi. maf. ^^^^l}^ jJoilieJImn^ thofe of the third, or the poflerity to the third generation^ Exod.^x. ^. 'CiS^iy} JJoilfkom^ the third day : alfo before, i Sam. iv. 7. ^^T^^ ffjalij/j^ a cap- tain, or a chief lord, 2 Kings vii. a : alfo three- fold, or a great meafure, Ps. Ixxx, 6. pi. nnaf. 'QV^hj2}j/jali/him^ captains, Exod. xv. 4, ' ^I^^^P milllojhy three, Gd-;/. xxxviii. 24; hence in 3 ^^^'0 fbilkjk^ he divided into three parts, D^/^^, xix 3. or he did the third time, i Kings xviii. 34. alfo he made threefold. ^'^'^'O me/hulla/h'^ and n!^*7L!/p meJkuUejhet^ three years old, G^;/ XV. 9. 102. L^^ijhemy a name, G^;/. ii. ii, pi. fern. T\M2V) Jhemoty names; but ^^^ /amy with '^fwy is a local particlej there, thither, to that place : hence fome derive the noun du. m. ^^J2^^Jha^ majimy the heavens. Gen. \. i. fee the word explained in the fecond commandment* 3G2 a? biit2W femol, the kfc hand. Sec in tect?^ Jamal. 103. "yC^t! Jhamady 2 he was deftroycd, G^;/.. xxxiv. 30. 5 he did dcftroy, Lev. xxvi. 30, 104. T\T2i*\l/ Jamachy i he rejoiced, he was gladi hence he Ihined, Prcf^. xiii. 9. 3 andi 5 he made glad, or he caufed to rejoice, Ps., Jxxxix, 42. n^iy Jameach^ rejoicing, or glad, Trov* xv. 13. pi. maf. ^^'^^ Jemechlmy the fame, P^. xxxv> 26. T\T\1^t! ftmchah^ joy or gladnefs, Pj". iv. 7. pi. fern. rUnDLJ^ y^;;^^- ri?^/, gladnefles, Pj. xvi. lu 105. H^u^ Jham^J ^ I and 5 he ceafed,, or reftedj he releafed, he intermitted, or remitted:, alfo he did throw or cad down, he .did lliake,. Q, he was caft down, or overthrown^ Ps. cxli., 6, T^'Ci^fjemittahy an intermiffion^ or releafe,, Deut. XV. 2; xxxi. 10, or a fetting free. 106. T^^'iyVjemichahy a mantle, or blanket,, 'Judges iv. 18. 107. b'Ci^/amaly hence I'^'H^ /emcl^tht left: hand, the left part or fide, w^^'^'^/emaliy left, or left ha-nd, i Kings vii. 21 : hence in 5 he declined, or went to the left hand, Cen. xiii. 9, ilTQU/ J: mlak J the fame mih r]Db^W/aImahy b. garment, Deut. xxii. 5. J 08, ^'^^^ Jhamamy i he deftroyed, or laid t2t:}' 363 dcfolate: alfo he was defolate, orvvafted^ Lam* V. 1 8 : alfo he was amazed, or aftoni(hed, J/a. ]ii. 14. 2 the fame : he was aftonifhed, and laid wafte. 3 and 5 he did lay defolace, or he made wafte,. 2 Chron. xxxvi. 21, he was afto- nifhcd, jD^. viii. 27, or he brought defQJation on himfelf, Eccles.yu, idy which fome refer to 2. tit2^ Jhcmemy defolate, laying defolate, or aftoni.fliing: pi. maf. ^^^^2^^'^ Jhomemim^ defo- late, Lam.x. 16. TMyt^*^^ Jhomemah^ 1^2/2^^ Jloemamahy , \^f2f^li} Jhimmamon^ defolation, de- ftruftion : alfo defolate. TSl^'QJJhammahy afto- nifliment, era wonderful thing: alfo defola- tion. pi. fern. r^1S^y{&^/;;;c/, defolations; but n^'CDij^ Jemamity with, t^ ftriy is a fpider, Pr^z^. XXX. 28. 109. \'O0Jhamany i he was fat^DeuL xxxii. 15. 5 he fatted, or made fat, Ifa. vi lo* \D^ JhameHy fat : hence rich or plenteous^ IJa. XXX. 23. \^W. fiemen^ V^W^ mijhmany fat- nefs : alfo oil, or ointment : pi. maf. D^iDS^*.^ majhmannim^ and DSDC^i^l ajhmannimy fatneffcs, or fat things, as fome, IJa. lix. 10. ^^tlW Jhe^ monahy eight: pi. m. "^^^^^^^Jhemontmy eighty. '^'^'QW Jhemini^ the eighth, 1 10. V^'^Jhamangy 1 he heard, hehearkened^ hence he obeyed. 2 be was heard, and obeyed^ Ps. xviii. 45. 3 and 5 he caufed to hear, he did promulgate, or divulge abroad, he proclaimed, or called together by proclamation, 7 Ch. he hearkened or obeyed, Dan. vii. aj. ^(i^. /he- mgy VnM Jloemang, TViXy^ ffoemugnah, VDILV miJJjmcmz^ Tv^^lZZ'T} haO.mazniit^ and l'^lli2ll}D mifmnagnaty 1 Sam, xxii. 14, a hearing, or hearkening^ a report, fame^ a fpeech, a found, or noife : alfo obedience : pi. fem. TS^i)T2'2^* Jlemugmt^ reports, or tidings, Z)^/7. xi. 44. 111, ^'Q^^ fiemetZy a little, or a little por- tion, J^^ iv. 12; xxvi. 14. TT^'O^If Jhimtzahy fhame or ignominy, Exod. xxxii. 25. 112. ^\0^ foo/uiar^ I he kept, he did keep or obferve; he refcrved-, or preferved, P/, Ixxxix. 29, 2 and 7 he was kept, or he kept himfclf, or he did take heed to himfelf,. Ps. xviii. 23., MaLxu 15. y^Ty^' Jljamh\ briers, or iliarp thorns, IJa, v. 6 : alio a moft hard ftone, as a diamond, or the adamant ftone, Jer. xvii. i. pL maC D'^"?/^!^ fimmurhn^ and fern. mi^:t^' Jhemurcty obfervations, or keepings : alfo watchingSj or v/atching, Pj. Ixxvii, 5: alfo pi. maC D^^'l^t^ Jhemariniy lees, or dregs. nCt^.p mifn^nar^ T\^/Qt^'Q mifljmeret^ a keep- ing, or obfervation : alfo a prifon, a cuftody: pi. fern. nnptf^'Q mijhmcTQt^ Numb. viii. 26, watches or charges. fTI^XD^i^ ajhrnuraby and ni ?{^'i^ ojhmcret^ a watch, PJ. xc. 4. 113. ^'12i'\l} /hamme^'hy Ch. 3 he miniftered^ or ferved, Dan. vii. 17. h^na^ '^^^^ Jhc?nejhy the fun, the public aiinifter and fervant of the whole world, Joelu. 10. \2} Jhen^ a tooth : fee \^j^ Poanan. 114. ^5^/^/^d?, I and 3 he hated, he did pro- fecute with hatred. 2 he was hated, Prov. xiv. 17. ^i^ty/?;7^ and i^.5u^^p meJannCy hating, or he who hateth. nif^52f'/;/;/^Z?, hatred, Ps. XXV. 19. n^^2^*y^A7;^r^//, hated, Z)^/(^/. xxi. 15. ' \^)t:j}mian, fee in nj::^/;^;^^. 1 15. 2l'C} Jhanaby hence 22^^^^^ ejhnahy a win- dow, a lattice or cafement, Prov. vii. 6. 116. T]a\1} Jbanaby i to do the fecond time, or to do again, or he repeated and doubled any acElion, 2 Sam. xx. 10: alfo he was changed, Mai. iii. 6, he was diverfe, or different from what he was, 1 it was done over again, or doubled, Cen. xli. 32. 3 and 5 he changed. 4 it was doubled, or he was changed. 7 he diflembled, or he changed himfelf, or he was changed. "S^^^ Jhenajinty du. maf. and pi. fern, X^TSQ; Jhettdjiniy two. ^^V Jloeniy t^V^^fljenity the fecond, fecond ly, or again. TS^^^ Jfoanahy a year: 36^ Dti? ' du. maf. ti)'r(l^' Jhenafajim^ two years : pi. ftm. T\^y^ Jhenoty and maf. ^^^ Jhanim^ years. ^^2^ . Jhaiii^ fcarlet : pi. maf. ^l^ jhanim^ clothes inade of fcarlet, \^}^ Jhinatty a reiteration, or repeating, or doing a thing a fecond time, as fome ; but the generality of lexicographers ar- range this amongft the roots of four letters, agreeing with the text of the Bible: fee Ps. Ixviii. 1 8. njS^^/P mijlinehy two-fold or double; the fecond, the fecond part: alfo a copy, or an example of any thing, 'Deut. xvii, i8 : pL maf. D^-JJf^P rnij'mm^ fecond, or of a fecond fort, I Chron. xv. i8; Ezra i, lo. 117. \y^/handn^ i and 3 he Iharpened, he whetted or made fliarp. 7 he ftiarpened him- felfi he was grieved; pricked, or {harpened within, Ps. Ixxiii. 2t. \^ jhen^ a tooth: alfo a fliarp rock : alfo ivory, or the elephant's tooth; 'du. maf. t^V^ Jhinnajim^xk\t teeth, or both the rows of the teeth. T]Ty^ Jheninah^ 2, proverb, bye-word, or a fharp and fatyrical fpeech, Beut. xxviii. 37. pi. maf. ^li^"^^}!^. Jhenhabbim^ ivory, or elephants' teeth, i Kings x. 22. iiS. ViU/Jhinnes, 3 he girded up, i Kings xviii. 46. ' 119.- npt^and TW'^ Jhajah^ i and 3 he fpoiled or robbed, ^ xliv. ii; IJa.y.. ij; Jer. XXX. 16. W 367 120. T)D^ Jhajas^ i he fpoiled or robbed^: 1 he was fpoiled, Ifa.mu i6. HBti^/p me/hi/-* Jahy a prey or ipoil : pi. fern. TUDt^^jp mftijfot, Hab. ii. 7, booties. 121. VQ'^ Jhafang^ i and 3 he cut afiin- der, he clave into two. V^^fiejang^ a cleft> or rent. 122. ^^ JhilJephi 3 he cut, or he hewed in 'pieces, i Sam, xv, 23- 123. fll?{i^ /hagnahy i he looked, he beheld, he looked upon, he looked fiom^ he turned away himfclf 5 he defifted, or left off from any thing : alfo he ddighted himfelf in any thing : and from the Ch. Vy^ -fhuang^ it is to be over- laid, daubed or befmeared, as a wall : hence to 'be covered, or darkened, or made dim, being fpoken of the eyes, IJa. xxxii. 3. 3 V'^X^ Jhignajhangy by doubling the two firft radicals, he delighted, P^.cxix. 70. 4 he was delighted, Ifa. Ixvi. 1 25 or dandled. 5 he left off, or he ceafed from any thing, he fpared, Pf. xxxix, 13. 7 he was aftonilhed and amazed, or greatly difmayed, Ifa. xli. ic, 23 : alfo he delighted himfelf, P^. cxix. 16. ^VJi^ Jhagnahy and t^TS^.}^ Jhagnata^ Ch. an hour, Dan. iv. 19^ iii. 15. n^/^P mijhgnehy an afpeft, or a look- iing upon, Ezek, xvi. 4. pi. maf, U'^ml^J.p. Jhag^ nap.ugmmy delights or plcafures, Prov. viii. 70j Ifa. V, 7. 124. \^V'^ JI.agnat, henct tllD^Jbagnalah, the ftamping, properly of horfes* ffct, Jer.xlviu ^{. X^Wi^ jhagnatnez^ (this is a word with five radix letters^) any thing made of divers forts and kinds of things, as a garment made of wool and linen, Lev. xix. 19; Deut. xxii, 11. 125. ^VJ^ Jhognaly the fift, or the hollow of the hand, Ifa. xL 12. pi. maf. "S^^VJV Jhegnalim^ handfulls, 1 Kings xx. 10. iVy^ Jhugnal^ a fox. Lam. V. 18. nW'O mijhgnol^ a path, properly walled upon both fides, Numb. xxii. 24, 126. \V^ JhagnaUy 2 he frayed himfelf, or leaned upon any thing, Prov. \\u 15. H?^0 nii/hgnariy Hi^tf^O mijlognenaby il5if^'*Q mijlogne^ nety a (lay, or any thing to lean upon, as a ftaff, or any prop or pillar to reft upon, E^od. xxi. 19; IJa. iii. i Jliy.ti^Q mijhgncmoiy pL fern, ftaves, Numb. xxi. 18. D'^SJ^^ Jegni^himy pi, maf. thoughts^ <3r branches : fee in ^.^fagtiaph. 127. "^VjL'Jhagnary i he thovrght, Pr(?z;. xxiii. 7 5 he efteemed. ^V]^ /loagnary a port, or gate: pi.. maf. D'^T'I^^^T^^^w^nV;/, gates, or ports, Ps. xxiv. 9: alfo meafures, G^;/. xxvi. 12. /^J^t!^ Jhcgnery a porter, or keeper of the gate^ 2 Kings vii. io>. ni/ty Jhognar^ horribk, or vile. ^^y^Vi^ Jhagnarurahy i^^^iy^Vj^ jhagnarurit^ *^t'^^*^^V^^^^r//ry^^, a horrible thing, or vile- nefs, or filthinefs, Jer.\.'^o\ xviii. 13.; Hof, vi. 10: as from the following root^ ^y^Jl^fagaary with ^\^ fm^ is he was horribly afraid, Ezek. xxvii. 35 ^Vj^l Jagnar^ horror, or great fear: alfothe hair, Judg. xx. 16. pi. fern. 'r\'^^)iM Jagneroty the Hime, PJ* xL 13: alfo a whirlwind, as ^1^9 Jagnar^ ^J^^ j/^^^^^j ^;/, judgments, righteous ftatutes, PJ. Ixxii. i. 131. ^1^^ Jhaphachj i he poured out, or he poured forth. 2 and 4 he was poured forth. 7 the fame j or he poured forth himfelf. Lam. ii. 12. ^^^ Jhephechi a pouring out, Lev. iv. 12, T]'2^^^ Jhaphchah^ privy member, Deut. xxiii. i. 132. 1%^ Jhaphaly i he was humble and lowly, he was humbled, or laid low, Ifa. ii. 1 1, or he humbled himfelf. 5 he humbled, he brought or laid low, he caft down, Ps. cxlvii. 6. vSJi? or ^^'^ Jhaphal^ humble, or lowly : alfo bafe, low. ^3J^ (hephel, H^^ti^ fliiphlahy and Tw}^^ Jhiphluty lowlinefs, or humility^ a low condition. Ps. cxxxvi. 23; a letting down, or laying low. *^7?5^^ JJoephelah^ a plain, or a low place. 133. DDti; Jloaphmuy the upper lip, Lev. xiii. 45. 134. \^'^ Jhaphan^ a hare or coney, Z(?z;. xi. 5 i Z)li/ Jhaked, an alnnond tree: pi. m.DnjP.^^ Jhekediniy almonds, Eccles.\\). 5; G^;?. xliii. 11: hence the part. 4 pi. maf. ^^^pjl^^mejhukkadimy made like unto almonds, Exod. xxv, 23y 34> derived from the former nounj but Ip'U^fakady with ^^ ftHy in 2, is, he was bound or tied. Lam. i. 14. 142. T^Y^ Jj.akahy 5 he caufed, or he gave to drink, he watered, or he made moift. a he was drowned in water, Amos viii. 8. fee V\^]^ Jhakang. 4 he was watered, or made moift, Job xxi. 24. "^^^^ Jhikkuty watering, or moiftening, Prov. iii. 3. pi. maf. ^^^^^^^ Jhik- kujim, or ^"^^^^^^^ Jhikkuvajimy drink, Ps. cii. lO; Hof. ii. 5, T\p.p Jbokety a watering trough : p), fem. nirVj^fi^ jhikataty watering troughs, Gm XXX. 38. ni>t^/2 majhkehy drink, I/a. xxxii. 6. alfo one giving drink, Hab. ii. 15. alfo a moift or fat pafture, Gen. xiii. 10. pi. maf. D^'Pt^D majhkimy butlers, or cup-bearers, i Kings 1^. 5. 1 4 J. l^Y^ fi^katj I he refted, or was quiet. 5 the fame : alfo he caufed to reft, or he made quiet, he appeafed, he gave reft, Pf. xliv. 13. ^WJheket, and ^O'p.^T] hqflikety Ifa. xxxii. 17, quietnefs, reft, or tranquillity. 372 ^\i/ 144. ^^Ji^Jhakal^ I he weighed, a Sa:n. xiv, i. 2 he was weighed, Jg^ vi. 2. /f^.t^ JJiekely a Iheke], or a piece of money which contains twenty geras, Exod. xxx. 13, and each gera weighed fixteen barley grains, after the Hebrews' account : pi. m. "^[^^i} Jloekalim^ ihekels, Exod. xxi, 32. vj^^^^ mijhkal^ and ^Ip^^O mijhkoly a weight. T\^}>pX^ miJJokelety a plunnmet, or a plumb line, 2 Kings xxu 13 5 Jyfe. xxviii. 17. 145. U'f^^lt; Jhikmimy ^nd TMt^'p^ J^ikmot, pi. maf. and fern, fycamore trees, Pj. Ixxviii. 47 ; /j^. ix. 10 : or their fruit, ylmos vii. 14. 146. V^^ Jloakangy i and 2 he was drowned, or he funk down. 5 he caufed to drown, or to fink: alfo he made deep, Ezek. xxxii. 14. yj^a/p mijhkangy the bottom, or the ground, or the depth, Ezek. xxxiv. 18 : pi. fern. nnnj7J5ti^ Jhekagnaruroty deep or hollow ftreaks. Lev. xiv. 37. 147. ^'1^ Jhakaphj 2 and 5 he looked, he beheld, Pj. Ixxxv. 12: he looked down, Pj. xiv. 2. '^p.t^ Jhekephy an afpeft, or a window: pi. maf. '^'^'i^^^'^ Jhekuphimy profpefts, or win- dows, I Kings vi. 4, ^1pt^/P majhkophy the upper door-poft, or threfhold, aW. xii. 7. 148. fp^^//^'^^/2:y 3 he abhorred, he loathed. 1^ 373 or dctefled, Bent. vii. 26. Y^}^ /J:eketz, \^^ Jbikkutzykxn abomination, oradet-etohle thing: pi. maf. C^VM^^ Jhikkutzimy abomination?, or abominable and detcftable things,, j^^r. iv^ i. 1 49. p(?^ J'- akaky I he did run up and down, he ranged, or run to and fro, I/a. xxxiii, 4, 7 to run, or joftle one againft another, Nah. \u 4, 'p^'OmeJheky and "p^^ majhak^ running to and fro, I/a. xxxiii. 4; Gen. xv. 2. 150 ^pj2} Jl.akury I and 8 he lied, or he dealt falfely and deceitfully, Ps. Ixxxix, 35. "ij^.^li^ //^^r, falfehoodj a lie: pi. maf. Dnp^:^^/^y^^- ;m, lies, Ps. ci. 7 ; but "^"PP. /ikker^ with '^ fin^ in 3 is to w/ink, or to twinkle and look wantonly, as feme: orhtTS to deceive, or look deceivingly with the eyes, as from the fonPier root, I/a. lii. 16'. 151, )^^/haray Ch. i and 3 he dwelt,, or heflrayedj alfo he diflblved, or loofed: alfo he did begin. 7 lie was loofed^. Han. iu 22 j V. 6, 16. 152*. ^^/ba^aby heat, or a hor dry place, Jfa. xxxv. 7; xlix. 10. 153, ^^^^'^.Jharbiti a feeptre, Efther v 2. 15-4. TW/aragy 4 and 7 to be wrapt or folded up together, Job xt. 17 : pi m. wl^'J'^'l^* 3*74 ^a^ Jariginiy branches, properly folded or wrapt together, G^;/. xl. lo, 12. ^55- ^^}^ Jarady i to remain, or to be left remaining, Jojh. x. ao. TyiJ Jarid^ left re- .mainingj or a remnant. "^"^j^Jeredy 3. meafuring line. "TW Jerady miniftry, or fervlce, a;^^. xxxi. 10. 156. Tn^ fliarahyi he loofed, he fent away, or he directed 3 he melted. Job xxxvii, 3: he diiTolved, from the Ch, above No. 151. H^'l^ Jhirjahy X^^^y^! Jhirjo7iy and ^'^fi Jhirjan^ a hel- met: pi. maf. C'JI'^l.t^ (liirjonimy habergeons, Neh. iv. 16. T\yL'12;imijhrahy moiftnefs, liquor^^ Numb* vi. 3; but TSy^^Jarah^ with ^ fin^ is- i he ruled, he had dominion^ or he prevailed; he was a prince, Hof, xii. 3. TTW'Q mijrahy government, domi- nion, or rule, IJa, ix, 6. See alfo in ^S"^ Jur. 157. sT\t^Jaraty i he did cut or carve, he cut in pieces, n he was cut in pieces, Zach. xii. 3, \yy/,Jerety and T\i2l\J^Jaretet, a cutting, Lev. xxi. 5. 158^ *^^^\i^^ /ercchy a ilioe latchet. Gen. xiv. 23 ; Ifa. V. 27 i hence in 3 to fold together, or wrap up, as the latchet of the fhoe is folded together when it ties the fhoe y hence to tra- '\?erfe,or run up and down, in and out, J/^r, he did hide. n 1 i^ri /^, a chamber, i Kings xw, 28. pK m D**J?]^ /^/V;, and fern. HlJ^il /^c/, chambers, Ezek. xl. 7, 10, 12. 2 nb^ll /^^^, I he defired, Ps. cxix, 40, or longed after. 3 the fame with ^V.T\ tagneb^ he abhorred, Amos vi. 8. nnS^jH /^/^^//, a longing defire, Pj. cxix. 20. 3. nsri /^(^^, I and 3 he appointed, or de- termined, he pointed or marked out. Numb. xxxiv. 7, 8, the fame with H^H ta'cah^ '^'^TS teo^ and )^T\ zto^ wild bull or ox, Dent, xivr 5 \ Ifa^ Trn 379 li. 20. rili^]? tavahy a bound, or border. Gen. xlix, 26. See alfo in TW^ avah. 4. CiiH /^(j;;^, hence pi, maC D^^/pKI^ teomimy twins, G^;/. xxxviii. 27. D*'P^?f) taamim^ the fame, C^;/^ vii, 3 ; and D'^p^^n tcamim^ con- trafted. D**^)!) tammim^ coupled, Exod. xxvi. 24 ; hence 5 r\lD*^SI1D matimot^ to bear or bring forth twins. Cant, wu 6, 5. 'n^'^TS teenahy a fig-tree. Gen. iii. 7^ or a fig: pi. maf. D'^Ji^iri /^ etnahy and p^J^^ etncMy the wages or hire of a pros- titute, Micah i. 7; //^. ii. 14. 41. I^^-H tinjaity Ch. and Hr^J^ ////^^//^//^ the fecond. mr^II iinjanuty again, or fecondly, D^;^. ii. 7. 42. ^IT^ tenuchy the tip, or the lowed part of t!ie ear, Eyod. xxix. co. ' 43. Y'^VS , jmiUy or with D raem, tj^lT\ tanniniy 'Ezk, xxix. 3^ a ferpenr, a dragon, a whale: C C 2 38(S ^T\ . pi. m. tD"^?*^?^ tanninimy and contrafted D^2i? iannimyjer. ix, lo, or fern, niii? lamwty whales, ferpcnts, dragons, MaL i. 3. 44. 11311 tamur, a furnace, or an oven. 45. DJ/i1 tagnahy 3 he loathed, he abhorred, he made abominable. 5 he did abominably, P/*. liii, 2. 2 he or it was abominable, 1 Cbron. xxi 6<, n3i/1]1 tognebaby an abomination. pL fem. ri1Ili(il /^g;/<2^(?/, abominations, or abo- minable things, 2 if/;?^j xvi. iii. 46. nj|/]l tagnahy i he erred, or went aftray, PJ. cxix. 110. 2 he was made to err, he was feduced, or deceived, 'Job. xv. 31 ; he (lag- gered, IJa, xix. 14. 3 and 5 he caufed to err, he feduced, or led into error, he deceived, Ilof. iv. 12. 7 he was deceived: alfo he mifufed, 1 C/Ton.xxxv\. 16. ni/lil tognahy an error, Jfa. xxxii. 6* pi. m. D^l/Jjli?]? tangtugyiim^ great errors, or flrong delufions, Jifr. x. I5, VTSVTl^ metangteangy a feducer, or deceiver, caufing toerr, G^;/. xxvii. 12. 47. "ly^n tagnavy a razor, or a pen-knife, ^, vii. 20 ; Jer. xxxvi. 23: alfo the fheath of a fword, i Sam. xvii* 51. 48. niBIl tappuachy an apple, an apple-tree. CW/i/. ii. 3. pi. m. D'^rnsi? tappuchimy apples, ib. 7. 8. prt 387 49. 75^ taphely imfavory, intemperate. Job vi. 6 : alio foolifh things, Lam. ii. 14: alfo iin- tempered mortar, Ezek.y.\\\, 10, 15. n*75^ tiphlahy folly, or foolifhnefs, Job i. 22. D''i\vii^ tuppinimy Lev. xi. 21. fee In HiJ^ aphah. 50. ^^il taphaphy he played upon an inftru- ment. ^{H /6|;^/{?, a timbrel, ^. l^xxi. 2. pi. maf U^^jTS tupp477$y timbrels, or tabrets. i^^A tophet^ a tabret, Jobxwu. 6: alfo the name of a place, 2 X/>/^j xxiii. 10^ and particularly the place of dcdruflion, 1/a. xxx. 23^ ^s fome illDD'^n tophephoty and niS^f^p metophephoty players upon timbrels, and tabering inftru-. ments of mufic, Ff. Ixviii, 26; Nah. ii. 7. 51. ^^^TStaphaVy 1 and 3 he fevvcd together. Gen, iii. 7; 2;^.'^. xiii 18. 52. ^^y^taphasy i and 3 he took, he appre- hended, or laid hold upon with bis hands, he bandied, Ge7i, iv. 21; Prov. xxx. 9, 28 j 7^^ ii. 8. 2 he was taken or laid hold upon> . nah tcfhet-y fee ^5^ taphaph. 53. i^^r\5^T^ tiphtajay Ch. fiieriffs, or officers of juftice, D^?;?, iik 2. 54. ^^T] tckeli Ch. he v;eighcd,i?^;7. v 25, 388 ^ri a or 3 the part, pret. KilT|?^*!1 tekUta^ thou art weighed, lb, 27. 55* ]i^^ takan^ i he was ordered, direfted, corredled, or made right or ftrait, Eccles. i. 15^ 3 he ordered, direfted, or fet in order, Eccles, xii. 9. 6 Ch. he was direded, or eftabHihed and confirmed, 'Dan. iv. 36. 56. yj^iT takangy i he fixed, faftened, or pitched. Gen. xxxi, 25: alfo he founded, or he did blow the trumpet, Judg. vii, 18 : alfo he did clap or ftrike^ properly the hands, Pf. xlvii. i\ Frov, vi. i ; hence he became furety. a the fame; he did ftrike the hands. Job xvii. 3. alfo the trum.pet was blown or founded, IJa. xxvii. 13. V^y^ tekangi the found of a trum- pet, Pj, cl. 3j and Vjy'T\ takoangy a cornet, or a trumpet, Ezek. vii. 14. 57. ^P^'^ takaphy I he was ftrong, or he pre- vailed, he was ftrengthened. ^^l?-? takkifhy llrong or powerful, Eccles. vi. \0\ mighty^ ^.p\ tokephy ftrength or power, Dan.^iu 17. 58. DJIjI tirgemy Ch. 3 he expounded or interpreted. 4 DJ^ilJlC meturgam^ to be inter- preted, Ezra iv* 7. CUT*^ targumy an inter- pretation 5 the Chaldee paraphrafe, or trans- lation. T)T\ 389 59. ^1^ tere^ and ^^^ tarten^ Ch, two, Dan. iv. 29; v. 31. 60. nnJI tirzah^ the cyprefs tree, ^. xJiv. 14. 61. l^jil toren^ the maft of a fhip, or a bea- con, ^^. XXX. 175 xxxiii. 23. 62. V^"^ tcrangy Ch. a port or a gate, Z)^;^. ii. 49. pi. maf. ^^t?^^ taragnaja^ porters, or keepers of the gate, Ezra vii, 24. (i2^. X^^TS teraphimy pi. m. images or idols, the houfehold gods of the heathen. Gen. xxxi. 19^ 34. ^ 64. t^'^t^'lll tar/hijhy a beryl, or fome pre- cious ftone fo called, Exod. xxviii. 20: alfo the name of fome country, Jonah u 3. 65. V^T) tejidangy nj^J^^-H HPignahymnQ^Numb. i. 23; G?. V. 5, pi. m. t!^)^\^*T\ ti/hgnimy ninety, T^^ tefl)igniy and T^'V.^T) tejingnity the ninth. 66. T\T\T\ totachy the lafl: word in the Hebrev/ lexicon is diverfely rendered by the Hebrews ; but moft interpret it a fling, or fling-ftones. Job xli. 20. TECHNICAL TABLES Of Times ^ Weights^ Measures^ STc. J?JT regang^ a moment, Exod, xxxiii. 5. TW^ Jhagnuh^ Ch. an hour, Dan.v^. 19. 'O^'^ joniy a day : dual D'^DI'* jomajim two days: pL miaf. '01^12'^ jamm, days. V^2U/ ///el^uang. Gen, xxix. 27, a week: dual m. ^V^^ Jbhugnaimy two weeks, *L^-i;,xii. 5: pi. m. ^^2,^ Jhabugnhn^ weeks, Z)^;/. ix. 25. ii^in chodejhy a month: pi. maf. D^^i^lTI chada- Jhifny months ; hence the name of the months 3*^3i? abibj Exod. xiii, 4. T^T zivy i Kings vi\ I. lyi buU ibid \u 38. ti^^iy^"^ eatha" nim, ibid v'm, 2; but the names of all the twelve months we meet with only in the books of Daniely Ezra, Zachariah, EJiher : and in the Jerufalem targum of Efther they all follow regularly, viz. \D^i ni/any ^^^i^ ejer, ITD fvany tl^n tamuz, 3K aby ^^i^ elul^ n:i^n ti/hre, W^ che/hvan, I^DD ciflevy ri3D iebety ^^^ Jhebaty *n^ adeVy and fometimes "^^l^^ veader. D D [ 392 ] tlT\l/J^a?2abj a year : dual fern. tS^i^l'^ /henaia- jirriy two years, Gen.iyi. lo: pi. maf. ^^^^ Jhanim and fern, T^^^ jhemt^ years* 1^^ JhekeU a fhekel. Gen. xxili. 15. J^p2 bekang^ half of a fhekel, /^i^. xxiv. :22. mj gerahy is twenty in a fliekel, jEa;^/^. xxx. 13^ n!2^ amahyZ. cubit, G^;/. vi. 15. nSD iephach^ a hand-breadth, ;^^i, Xxv. 25. mt zerethy a fpan, i^fi xxviii. 16. y^^ Jloagnaly the hollow of the hand, ^^, xL 12. VPWVWM** D/i) ^^/dii", a beann of weights, or a balance, Prov, xvi. II; ^. xl. 12 ; dual maf. D^i?i^/D meaznajiniy fcales. Lev. xix. 36. ]3X eberiy a weight, Z)^///. xxv. 13; 2 i'^^;;;. xiv. 26. *^p /^^T^, a line, ^. xxviii. 17. T\hf\i^D miji^ kelet^ a plummet, ibidi or a plumb-linc| 1-4^ anachy Amos vii. 7, the fame. [ 393 ] flZ!^^ ephah, a dry meafure, Lev. v. 1 1. T\3,bathy a liquid meafure, the fame as the ephah. *IDn chomer, an homer, which contained ten ephahs or baths, Ezeky xlv. 1 1 Pfl hiriy a liquid meafure, Exod, xxx. 24, ^13 ^^r, a meafure, which contained ten ephahs or baths, and thirty feahs, i Kings v 1 1. ^yrv) letechy a meafure which contained half an homer, Hos. iii. 2. TWDjeahy a meafure the third part of an ephah, 2 Kings vii. i. 3p /^^^, a meafure, the fixth part of a feah, 1 Kings vi. 25. *10J/ gnomevy a meafure which contained the tenth part of an ephah, Exod. xvi. 16. ^1 / logy a meafure which contained the twenty- fourth part of a feah. Lev. xiv. 10. T\'^ oregy a weaver, -^, xxxviii, 12. n^n ^(?;/. XXX, 25, 35, >iST rophey a phyfician, J(^^ xiii, 4. *1ti^i^ ^^;&, an aftrologer, Dan. 1. 20. MD^'^ cimahy Pleiades, or the icvtn flars. Job xxxviii. 31; ylmos v. 8. rD'2 cejf lyOvion, ibid. rm*rO ma%zarot^ or the twelve figns, Jobx^Kwm^i.^J^^Vgnajifliy zrcturu^ ibid. ^ J Vocahulartj English and HebretVy Alphabetically arranged. Abate - riDT anathematife - D-in abhor \y^ anoint - na*a cbide -y^^ anfwer - nz'iJ abolifli - ^:d3 appear - n.Hi abominate ivn appeafe - - IDS' abound - ' nm appoint - Dia' abfent nno approach m2 abfolve n^D approve - - ni'-i abftain - ^nn arife Dip abufe "hv arm 'pm accept 7np afcribe - an^ accompliili n^3 afcend - pbv aceufe - \uh aflc - li^'^ accuitom - pD afhamed -.<. ^^^ acquit npj afTault - ^'"n^ add rp^ afiemble - - ^p^ addia . H:n affifl -i?i; adjoin ' i2n aflonifli - - tnu; adjure - V2tl^ atone - -|D2 adorn my attain J^'J admoniih nni attend - 2tL'p afflia - n:v attire ^^2-^ alter ri2u; avail m-Z' amaze - n^sn avenge - Dpi amend tpn avoid - na amerce - Z^T^ awake J) D [ 400 ] Bake - n^a beac - ii^ beat - Dnn beautify - - mn befall - - mp beg'n - ^^n behold - - ^p'^ bend ' v^ befeech - mr] befiege - mif betray - nm betroth - - u/i^ bind - IDH bite "^u/: blafpheme ^"1} blefs - inn blind - mi; blow - :im boil - "7^2, bolt bv^ bore - V)i^ bow - ?^DD bray - s^nD break in?2^ brighten b^p bruife - r\m bud - niD build - n:a burn - ' ?]'-ia' bury -i3p- buy n:p Call . . i^ip carry - - Kti'j caft ii^ catch S]Dn caufe nnD change 'r\D chafe ?]-f-i chaften ID^ chatter flii^f cheer HDty choofe "in3 circumcife 723 clap piiD cleanfe ^nib clip DDD clofe clothe collea - S'' come S13 comfort - ona command ms commend rat:' commit - -IDD communicate - mti' compare T\V compafs np compel D3K complain D7a' complete compound np-i corkeal - ins [ 401 3 'condemn condole confefs confine confound congeal confider confpire confult contend copy corrupt couqh cover CQvet create creep crop crown crufh cure curfe cut Dance darken dafh decide declare - decree dedicate mi nan pnv yn no:: 13n defend - defile defraud - defy degenerate delay delight - deliver deny depofit - deprive - deride defcend - defire defolate - defpife deftroy - detain devife devour die diminifli - dip direct difallovv - difcern - difcomfit difcontinue difcover - difmay difrnifs - Tin [ 402 ] difperfe - - mr ereft - 3V'' difplay - - DD3 err - }^U difquiet - - ^?'^ efcape - td7D diftlll . - ? eftablifli - - \1D diftrefs - - ,P>^ eftimate - - TW divide - Hl2 eftrange - ' -13: dote xa exaft mz double - - '?^D exak DDT draw nxtt' examine - - \i;my> drink - nnti' excel - nn^ drive T ttn:i exped - hn^ drop - i7i expel - ^nn dwell ' -lu explain - - a'-iD extend - - n03 Eat bK extinguidi - lyn empty P?^ extol DtT encamp - n^n - * enchant - ti^m Fade - ^733 encourage pm faint ^m end DDn -fall ^33 endanger - 2in famidi - 3y-i enfeeble - JVU fan - mr engender - i'm i afliion - -nv engrave - nnD faft - mv enlarge - 3m faften - njif enlighten ''0^ fatten - \\i/'^ enquire - jy-ii fear -l'^3 enter ^ K13 feed - n^/T entice nr-n feel - jyti'^ er.vy H3P fence T^ equal nw fill - K7D [ 403 ] ilind finifh - n'73 go gore fix flatter flay . . grieve grind groan flee - m2 grope fleece m grow flourifti - ma guide flow flutter . Hallow fly fold force pan - 1^33 halt hang harden forewarn mi; harrow forget forgive - n'7D haften hate form ^ 7in heal forfake - 2T>' heap fortify -1^3 hear fret fruftrate - 112 hearken heat fumigate furniih heed help hew Gather - -)JK hide gird -|T hire give glean ]r\2 Dpi hifs hold glitter glorify p-in - -1^2 honour hope gnadi - pin howl nj3 pD pK3 nm ?m npD n7n ntfi'p ma' -inD DDn n^D p-|&* rnK '?n^ X 404 ] . humble - yjD Labour hut i))i lack hurt ' PM lament laugh Imagine - nan lead impoverifh - mn lean imprefs - - ppn leap impute - - nji^n learn incline - - nco3 leave increafe - - i^:ti; leaven , inform - nj3 lie inhabit - - nn lift inherit - ty^i light inflrudl - b:^ii; lighten intercede - WD liken interpret - nriD limit ' invent 2ti;n linger invefligate ipn live join 1D)S load judge - ' 02ti^ loathe jump ^ J^T lock juftify - pi): lodge long Keep - i)i: lop kick toyn lofe kill iin love kindle - ' phi lower kifs pm lurk knead mi kneel j;-.^ Make know y-\^ march "We' p3r 3D ma? rvn DW P? "T3kH [ 405 ] mark -iKn ordain - 7D' meafure - ma. overcome - r\)ii meddle - V^i overflow f|i^f meditate n}n overlay - - naif meet I? J 2 overtake - ^m melt HDD overthrow - fan mingle - IDD overwhelm - ^m minifter - mjy mifs ips Pacify - nif-i mix a-i.u paint - njy^ mock }vh pant J1I? moiften - "131 paraphrafe - Dj-in move pn pardon - - ifim mourn T2D part - ira multiply nm pawn - iD2J! murder - nv-i pay - di^ murmur - P*? peel b)!Q mufter - ipii perfedl - -IDJ muzzle - Don perforate - -ip3 perfume - n^p Name 2p: perplex - - 113 neft V? perfecute mo number - n^D perfuade pervert - " ^bo Obliterate nno pierce ap3 obferve - IDtt' pine - PID obferve times - , l^I' pipe - h^n obtain - - buti/ pitch - - T^^n -oiFer - - - 21p pity tm open nn^ plague - jrjj opprefs - pV plant. - - vm [ i06 1 |5lafter - mto pky i^3 plead T13^ pleafe 'r\)si pledge - 7an plow ^ti'-in pluck DID pollute - - bm .pofTefs - 7n3 pound - - ttTlD pour 7V^ pray b% prepare - - v^ prefs pV prefi|tne n? prevail - "QJ proclaim - K-ip produce - - VD profane - h^n prolong - itt'D promife - nton promote - "^iJ pronounce - i^SDn prophcfy - KIJ profpcr - - pb)i proteft - - iw protradl - ft^D prove - nv: provoke - - D^D prune - IDT punifh " - mp purge - nii* purify -na purfue p'jn pufli nj3 Quench - - n3D quiet -.Qpw Rage Ul rain n^D raife -Dip reach - '-^av read snp reap - li'p rear - U)p reafon - r\2'^ rebel n-iD rebuke - - nyj receive - - bip reckon - 2^n recolleft ")3T recrfncile - HifQ redeem - - ma reduce - - iDVT:i reel nn refine trnv refrain - pDbi refrelh - - a?23 refufe |i^ wrong . mj; C 410 ] ^ Thus at length, Chrifllan Reader, (with much pains^ and longer time than was expelled, fpent upon the work,) by affiflance from above, is finifhcd the fullefl (if not the lirft) Hebrew Dictionary that ever was pub- lifhed in the Englifh, or any other vulgar language. I have particularly and orderly numbered all the roots, under every letter; and the fum of all you may take as follows, Yiz.: under the firfl letter of the alphabet, or in Ji} alephf there are about 137 roots; in ^ beth, 94; in 2 gimel, 81 ; in T daleth, 73; in H he, 44 ; in T vau^ only one; in J zajtn, 58; in H ^^^^> 139; in ^ iethy 40; in ^jod^ 95; in ^ caph, 103; in 7 lamed, 59 y in 23 mem, 95; in 3 f^^f^t 136; in JJ samech, 85; ia )) gnajiriy 126; in \^ pe, 112; in ^f tzade, 74}; ia "P koph, 89; in ^ resh, 112| in ^ shin, 176,; in jy tau, 66. AU which do make up about the number of 1995 roots; but if the roots beginning Jy sin be reckoned divers from thofe beginning with ^ shin, as they may be counted; and if fome words of four, five, or jfix radical letters, which I have put under the fame number with their three firfl and chief radical letters, be numbered as divers roots from them ; the full number of all the roots and primitive words in the Bible will be above two thoufand ; and about ^o many are the original words in which it pleafed the firfl Author of all words and things to communicate the knowledge of Himfelf and of his will to man. . . WILLIAM ROBERTSON.'* A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, FROM THE Creation till the re-building of the Second Temple, T An, Mundi, ^HE Creation of the world, according to the Hebrews' month Eathanim, anfwers to our September or October. Adam and Eve created in the image of God ; their expulfion from paradife. Gen, iii. 24. Cain born after their expulfion, Ge?z, rv. I. Abel murdered by Cain, and died without iffue. Gen, iv. 8, The Lord having promifed Cain that he fhould not be avenged until he fliould have fecn his feventh generation, according to the inter- pretation of the learned Rabbi Sal. Jarchi,G^;;.iv. i$* The year and manner of Cain's death not known; but according to Abarbanel, Jarchi, and other learned commentators, he was flain inadvertently byLamech, who being at the time blind, and his hand guided by hisfon Tubal Cain (the lail of the feventh generation) in the direftion of his bow and arrow, killed Cain, having millaken him for a wild beaft, Gen, iv. 23, 24. 130. Seth, the third fon of Adam, born; from whom all the generations of mankind proceeded, Gen, v. 3. 622. Enoch, the feventh generation from Adam> born, Gen, V. 18. 987. Enoch tranflated to heaven, Gen* v. 24. 687. Methufalem, the eighth generation, born. 874. Laraech, the ninth generation, born. 1056. Noah, the tenth generation, born. 1556. Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the fons of Noah, born. 1656. The Deluge began on the 17th day of the fecond month, anfwerin^ to the Hebrews' month Buly and our month of October or November. 1757. The tower of Babel btgan to be built. Gen, 'id. 4. 1.948. Abram, the firft patriarch, born, Ge?2, xi. 26. The Lord entered into a covenant of circumcifion with Abram, promifing him the land of Canaan, changing his name at this time into Abraham, and his wife's F F 412 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, name, heretofore Sarai, into Sarah, Gen. xvll. 5, 8, 15. Three angels entertained by Abraham, who pro- mifed him a fon notwithftanding the great age of Sarah his wife, (lie being then in her 9cth year, Gefj, xviii. 10. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah de- ftroyed by fire and brimftone, Gen, xix. 5^4. 2107. Ifaac born. Gen. xxi. 5. 213 a. Ifaac offered on the altar, Gen. xxii. ai4a. Sarah died in her 127th year, and buried in a fepulchre called Machpelah, purchafed by Abraham of Ephron, thefonof Zohar,for4cofliekelsof fiIver,G^;^.xxiii. 3. 2147. Ifaac married Rebecca, dau. of Bathuel, Gen. xxv. 20. ai8o. Abraham died, aged 175 years, and buried in the fame fepulchre with Sarah, Gen. xxv. 9. 2167. Jacob and Efau, (twins) fens of Ifaac and Rebecca, born. Gen. xxv. 26. 2244. Jacob, by the advice of his mother, having perfonated his brother Efau, furreptitioufly receives the blefling from his aged father, G^^/. xxvii. 28, 29, Jacob immediately, to avoid his brother's anger, flies to Padanaram to his maternal uncle Laban. The Lord upon his departure promifed, in a dream, to give him and his pofberity the poffeflion of that very land where he was then fleeping ; from which circum- ftance he called that place Bethel, or the Houfe of God, Gen. xxviii. 13, 19. Jacob ferved Laban 14 years for his two daughters Leah and Rachael, whom he married : befides thefe two wives he had two concubines, Zilpah and Bilhah : from thefe four women ifTued the twelve tribes, viz. Leah was the . mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Iffachar, Zebulun, and Dinah. Of Rachael was born Jofeph ; of Zilpah were born Gad and Afher ; and Dan and Naphtali were born of Bilhah : all thefe were born during the fervitude of Jacob to Laban, within the fpace of 14 years, {Gen. xxx. 25, 26.) After the expiration of this time, being perfuaded by Laban to extend his fervitude, Jacob continued in his fervice fix years longer ; then leaving Laban, he returned, with his wives and concubines and eleven fons, to his native country, the land of Canaan : on his journey thither, having pafled all his family over the ford of the river Jobbok, and himfelf having been left alone, CHRONOLOGICAL TABLK. 413 an angel wreflled with him that night, and changed his name from Jacob to Ifrael, Geru xxxii. 23, 29. Taking Bethel again on his return homewards, the Lord renewed to him the promife of giving him and his pofterity the land of Canaan, which he had before promifed to his forefathers Abraham and Ifaac, Gen, XXXV. 1 2. After his departure from Bethel, Rachael was delivered of Benjamin, whofe birth was the caufe of her death, Ge/2. xxxv. 18. azyz. Ifaac died, aged 180 years, and was buried in the fepulchre of his father Abraham, by his two fons Jacob and Efau, who were at that time reconciled to each other, Gen, xxxv. 28 and 29. ^275. The jealoufy of Jofeph's bretJiren on account of his father's partial afFedion to him, and increafed by his two dreams. Sold to the Idimaeiites, and taken by them into Egypt, in the 17th year of his age, Gen xxxvii. Tamar bare twins, Phares and Zarah, by her father-in-law Judah, Gen, xxxviii. 29, 30. (From Phares to David is ten generations : fee Ruth iv.) Jofeph fold to Potiphar in Egpyt, where he con- tinued either in fervitude or in prifon till he had azSS. attained his 30th year. Recommended and intro- duced to Pharaoh on account of his ikilful interpre- tation of the dreams of Pharaoh's baker and butler, and was releafed from his imprifonment, Gen, xli. 14. Promoted to the higheil honours, and made lord A 295. of the land of Egypt, Gen, xli. 46. Married Afe- nath, daughter of Potiphar, by whom he had two fons, ManafTeh and Ephraim, Gen, xli. 50. The feven years of famine commenced. Jofeph's brethren went down to Egypt to buy corn. Jofeph difcovered himfelf to his brethren, and defired on their returning home, to bring his aged father Jacob and all his family into Egypt, where he aflured them that they fhould be maintained by him. Jofeph goes up to meet his father, and intro- duced him to Pharaoh in his 130th year, Gen, xlv. xlvi. xlvii. 14. Jacob having blefTed his fons, died in his 147th year, and was buried in the land of Canaan with his anceftors, according to his particular requeft, with great pomp, Gen* xlixi 4J4 CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 3769. Jofeph having feen three generations of his fon Ephraim, and the grand -children of his fon Ma- nalTeh, died in his iioth year, having previoufly requelled his brethren to take his bones, upon their departure from Egypt, to the land of Canaan ; they accordingly embalmed his body for the prefervation of his bones, Gen, 1. 23. 2431. The Hebrev/s perfecuted by the Egyptians, after the deceafe oi Jofeph, Exod. i. aa ; in confequence of which, according to the command of Pharaoh, every male child was cafl: into the river Nile, JSxod. ii. 3. The child Mofes difcovered by the daughter of Pha- raoh, and privately delivered by her to his own mother, according to a contrivance of his filler, who was watching the child, who had been placed in a little ark of bulrufhes on the dime of the river Nile, Exod. ii. : after the child had been weaned, his mother returned him to Pharaoh's daughter, who adopted him for her own fon, and called his name Mofes, implying that he was faved from the waters, a473. ExSi. 10. About the 40th year of his age he flew an Egyptian, and fled to Median, where he married Zipporah, the daughter of Jethro, and undertook to feed the flock of his father-in-law, Exod, ii. ^513. The Lord appeared to Mofes in a bufh, and com- manded him to go to Egypt to bring out from thence the children of Ifrael, who were mightily oppreffed there by Pharaoh, j^xc^^af'.iii. 10. Having taken the the rod of God in his hand, by means of which he vvas to work miracles, he fet out upon the important meflage. The Lord commanded Aaron to meet his brother Mofes by the mount Horeb, Exod, iv. 27. Mofes and Aaron appear before Pharaoh; the former in his 80th year, and the latter in his 83d year; and deliver to him the command of the Lord, viz. " to let his people go ; " which Pharaoh retufing to com- ply with, the Lord inflicted the ten plagues upon the Egyptians; upon the infli(5lion of thelaft, which was the loreic, viz. the deftrudion of all the firft-born in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh let the Ifraelites go Here begins the eccleliaflical year, Exod. xii. i, a. The pafchal lamb appointed, Exod. xii 3. The Ifiael.tes leave Egypt at midnight, and at their CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 415 departure Mofes took with him the bones of Jofeph, Exod, xiv. 28. The Ifraelites fed with manna after having paffed the Red Sea, Exod. xvi. 4. The ten commandments given to Mofes in the third month after their departure from Egypt, on mount Sinai, at the foot of which they encamped, Exod, xx. i. A voluntary contribution made to eredt a tabernacle, Exod. XXV. The Lord having communed with Mofes forty days on mount Sinai, the people in the mean time compelled Aaron to make a golden calf, which, when Mofes on his return from the mount perceived, he deftroyed, and ftamped the image to dufl-, Exod. xxxii. 25 1 a. The Levitical law prefcribed by Mofes, Leviticus.-^ The firft jubilee appointed. Lev. xxv. 2SSZ' Mofes died, aged 120 years, having only had a diftant view of the land of Canaan from mount Nebo, Deut, xxxiv. Jofhua appointed by Mofes to be his fuccef- for, according to the command of the Lord, condudled the Ifraelites into the holy land,'after having conquered thirty-one kings, Jojh. xii. ^ 2577. Jofhua died, in his i loth year; after whofe deceafe the Ifraelites were governed by judges 2^2,2 years. 3909. Saul anointed kmg by Samuel, the firft prophet after Mofes, I Sam. x. i. 2941. Sauldied,and fucceededbyDavid, who reigned 40 years. 2988. Solomon began to reign ; in the fourth year of which he laid the foundation of the temple, which was iinifhed in feven years, i Kings \i. 38. 3000. Solomon died, after having reigned 40 years, i Kings 42 ; at whofe death the kingdom was divided.- Rehoboam having commanded only two tribes, viz. Judah and Benjamin; the other ten tribes having revolted to Jeroboam after the death of thefe two kings, the divilion of the tribes continued till the. deftrudlion of Jerufalem by the Babylonians, under the command ot Nebuchadnezzar, 3094" The prophet Elijah fed by, the ravens, i Kings xvii. 3108. Taken up to heaven, and fucceeded by EJifha 3283. The captivity of the ten tribes by the king of AfTyria, 2 Kings xvii. 3295. The angel of the Lord fmote in the camp of the AiTy* rians 185,000 men. 416 CHLONOLOGICAL TABLE. 3416. Zedekiah, the laft king of Jerufalem, taken by Nebu- chadnezzar and his hofts, and the city and temple totally deftroyed, upon which commenced the 70 years captivity, 2 Kings xxv. 8. 3397* I^^^^^^> Shadrach, Mefhech, and Abednego appointed to wait upon Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. i. 6, 7. Daniel declares and interprets the king's dream, and is 3401. appointed in confequence governor of Babylon. 34*4. Nebuchadnezzar makes a golden image, and com- mands all people to worfhip the fame. Shadrach, Mefhech, and Abednego refuiing to fall down and worfhip the golden image, are call into the burning fiery furnace, and delivered by an angel from the power of the fire, Dan* iii. 3466, The king Belfhazzar made a great feaft, in the midft of which he faw the fingers of a man's hand writing on the wall, which terrified the king exceedingly : Daniel alone was able to decypher the writing, and interpreted its meaning. Belfhazzar was flain the fame night, Dan, v. Darius the Median took poflef- feflion of the kingdom. Daniel made pne of the J467. great princes by Darius, over whom were three pre- lidents, of which Darius was chief: his exalted llation having excited the envy of the other prefi- dents and princes, they exacted from Darius a pro- mife to enaft a royal ftatute, inhibiting any perfon to pray to G^a^ man for thirty days. Daniel, how- ever, as he^^ore having prayed to his God, was, in confequence of his infradion of the king's decree, cafl into a den of lions, from whofe power over him he was delivered by an angel, Dan. vi. 3469. Cyrus, king of Perfia, gave permifEon to the Jews to build the fecond temple, the foundation of which was immediately laid, and the building completed in 3474. 15 years, and which, according to tradition, conti- nued 4^0 years; at the expiration of which time it was totally demolifhed by Titus, under the Roman emperor Vefpafian. 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