MEMOIRS OF ALPHONSE DAUDET z ALPHONSE DAUDET BY LEON DAUDET TO WHICH IS ADDED THE DAUDET FAMILY (" Mon Frfoe et Moi") BY ERNEST DAUDET TRANSLATED BY CHARLES DE KAY BOSTON LITTLE, BROWN, AND COMPANY 1898 Copyright, 1898, By Little, Brown, and Company. All rights reserved. SSntbersttg ^iress: John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A. DEDICATION I dedicate this book, in all piety, to Madame Alphonse Daudet, my dearly beloved mother my mother who discreetly aided and encouraged her husband in all his good as well as wretched hours and created about him that atmosphere of tender reflection in which he was able to live, work and die under the protection of a pure, pensive and restful soul. LEON DAUDET. Paris, January, 1898. PREFACE. His tomb is hardly closed and I set myself to write these words. I do it with a brave heart, but broken by a frightful sorrow, for the one of whom I shall speak was not only a father and husband of the most exemplary sort, he was also my teacher, my counsellor and my great friend. There was not a line written by me which I did not read to him while the ink was wet ; there was not a thought of mine, the true value of which I did not beg him to state : there was not one of my feelings, the power or the origin of which I concealed from him. This life which I owe to him, the beauty, dignity and importance of which he caused me every day to perceive ; this life, burning with admiration for his intellectual and moral beauty; this life which he scrupulously and jealously guided and which he filled with pride at the example offered by his own I presented this life to him as it proceeded in order that he might judge and strengthen it. And now, although he, my darling one ! exists no longer, as I march onward through this sor- viii Preface. rowfully dark night toward him, the beacon, yet do I persevere in my endeavor, guided by the sound of his voice and the tender fire of his look. My heart overflows ; I shall open it wide. So many noble and grand things which he has said to me tremble within me and seek an exit ! I shall permit them to be scattered before the feet of his numberless admirers. The latter have nothing to fear ; their gentle consoler was without a blot. If I turn my eyes backward over the path of my exist- ence, already harsh, though brief, I see him stand- ing calm and smiling despite his torments, showing an indulgence which at certain critical hours has thrown me trembling with admiration at his feet. But it is not only for what he was in regard to myself, or to my brother, my sister or my mother that I love him; it is also, and beyond everything else, for his humanity which shone within him with so profound and serene a splendor ; for his vast and sympathetic comprehension of all kinds of things and all sorts of people ! Surely seldom has such a character been known here below and never in a more splendid form. I write for you, young people, and for you also, old men, adults male or female, and for you by preference, ye disinherited ones whom the world repulses vagabonds, luckless ones and the mis- understood ! The extraordinary thing about this writer was that he preferred the humble and the disinherited of fortune to all others. It is with the pale flowers of their lives that he wove his great Preface. ix crown ; it was by relieving their distress with words or with a discreet action that he closed the circuit of hearts, and, as it were, created a new kind of comprehension in his harsh day and generation. Oh, most generous circulation of blood ! I have never seen my father angry except when justice was defrauded. He never swerved from justice save when carried away by pity. And, to make an end, his schooling was obtained through the pain which he heroically supported for the love of his family and the honor of human life. Muddle nothing, ruin nothing, was his usual motto. I draw inspiration from his tomb, but I should not be the only one to benefit by his expe- rience, I should not be the only one to direct his life according to his example. I believe that I am imitating him to-day when I draw aside the dark veil which falls about a deathbed, permitting that life-work only to shine with brilliancy. More- over, that work emanated from him like his breath and gesture. So, in order that you may know him better, in order that you may love him more I mean all of you, big and little, whose unhappiness he alleviated as by enchantment I abandon to you in part my filial privilege and am about to allow those voices to be heard through which the heredity and the paternal affection have spoken that are the occupants of my respectful soul. CONTENTS. Chaptbr Paoe I. Last Moments i II. Life and Literature 16 III. As Father and as Husband The Ven- dor of Happiness 89 IV. North and South 150 V. As a Man of Family 185 APPENDIX. Concerning the Imagination. A Dialogue BETWEEN MY FATHER AND Me . . . . 201 THE DAUDET FAMILY. My Brother and I 289 ALPHONSE DAUDET. i. LAST MOMENTS. It is a fact that my father was ill for many long years, but he supported his sufferings so bravely, he accepted his restricted life with such a smiling resignation, that we had come to the point we, meaning my mother, my brother and myself of divesting ourselves a little of the anxiety we all felt at the time his sufferings began. All the same, walking supported by one of us and resting his weight on his silver-headed cane in regard to which he told our little sister and his grandson so many marvellous legends all the same, with head erect and eyes bright and hand held out toward the friend who visited him, he was the joy and life of the house. This family which he cher- ished and brightened with his most tender looks was kept close about him ; he guarded it by that moral force of his immense, always in full power and ever increasing as he lived. On all about him he breathed an atmosphere of kindness and of con- fidence which the coldest and most reserved could not evade. i 2 Alp house Daudet. For the truth of this I call to witness the innu- merable friends and literary comrades and strang- ers who came to make the author a visit ; without exception they found him ready with counsel and help, ready with those precious words which elicit confidences and calm and heal the soul. No one understood as he did the path to hearts. He himself had had hardships in the beginning and his extraordinary sensitiveness, which I shall presently attempt to analyze, caused him to place vividly before his own mind all the difficulties and rebuffs and shames others might have met, and with unexampled sharpness and vigor in particulars. When a man stood before him with his face in a strong light he divined him and summed him up with a precision which was like magic ; but he was chary of words and only used his eyes, so soft, veiled and yet so penetrating ! " The look out of his eyes warmed one " that was the phrase which I caught from so many lips during those days of mourning; and I admired the justice of the expression. Moreover, confession that balm for souls which indignation or disdain has closely imprisoned, that consolation of the afflicted, of the abandoned and those in revolt confession came true and sincere from the hearts of the rudest people ; yes, the ears of my beloved father have had to hear strange avowals ! I believe also that in him people divined a veri- table ferment of indulgence ; his love of pardon and of sacrifice belonged to his Catholic blood. He believed that every crime could be forgiven Last Moments. 3 and that nothing was absolutely irreparable when confronted by a sincere repentance. So many luckless ones are captives of the evil which they themselves have caused and only begin their crimes over again through distress ! My father had a final argument ; he pointed out to them how he himself had been struck by illness in his mid career, and how, by the force of his will, he could offer himself now as an example. His strength of argument was such that very few re- sisted him. And then, what an intimate eloquence was his ! His words and his very intonations remain in my memory quite intact. The tone was not the same when he was telling some story in lively, splendid and precise words, as when he took my sufferings in hand. In the latter case he employed words which were vague enough at first and rather mur- mured than spoken, accompanied by gestures gently persuasive. By little and little, and with infinite precaution and delicacy, this speech be- came more definite and connected ; it wove about one's being a thousand little tangible and intangi- ble bonds, a fine and delicate cobweb for the heart, in which the heart very soon was beating warm. That is the way he employed strategy ; but what I cannot express in words was the spontaneity and irresistible grace of his manoeuvres, half methodi- cal, half inexplicable, the net result of which was the solace of unhappiness. He expected silence to do a great deal ; in this silence the last words he had uttered vibrated and 4 Alphonse Daudet. thus grew in grandeur. I can still see certain people standing erect before his table with moist eyes and trembling hands. I can see others seated, turning toward him with a movement of thanks, astonished by so much wisdom as his. I can see the frightened ones and the stutterers, to whom he knew how to give confidence by means of a smile. Or else, while waiting for the result of his counsel, he would pretend to look up a piece of paper or his pen, his pipe or his eye-glass, somewhere about his always cluttered table. A depositary of so many confidences and se- crets, my father kept them to himself; he has carried them with him into his tomb ; very often I guessed at certain things, but when I put him questions, he gently evaded me and teased me for my curiosity. Far, far back, at the very beginning of my youngest childhood, I can perceive the kindness of my father. That kindness shows itself in caresses, he draws me close to him, he tells me wonderful stories, we walk together through the streets of Paris and everything seems to have the appearance of a festival. I perceive the warmth of the sun and then another warmth, softer and nearer to me, which is transmitted by the dear, strong hand. In my narrow little breast I feel something tangible and exquisite, for the sake of which my breathing is quicker, something which I have already learned to call happiness, and as I walk along I repeat to myself / am very happy to-day. My father talks to me ; for me he Last Moments. 5 has neither features nor face; he is not a mar- vellous man, but just simply my father. I often call him Papa, Papa, just for the simple pleasure which that word gives me, because attached to it seem all the germs of brilliant and noteworthy ideas. I ask him questions about everything around us, in order to hear the sound of his voice, which appears to me like the most beautiful music and seems to sound in exact accord with the happiness and brilliancy of all my hopes. We pass through squares full of people and enter grand mansions; those who greet us are jovial and Papa always makes them laugh. I am wonderfully quick to perceive that there is some- thing in him which is greater than that which exists in others. They turn toward him, they address themselves to him. We are in the working-room, he, my mother, and I ; at that time we inhabited the old Hotel Lamoignon, 24 Pavee Street in the Marais ; this time there is sunshine, too, in the shape of a big yellow streak which lengthens the designs of the carpet, a streak which I insist upon trying to polish by rubbing it with my hand. My mother is seated and writes; my father also writes, but standing up, using a little plank screwed to the wall. Now and then he stops, turns about and puts a question to my mother. From the way in which they look at each other I divine that they are very happy. Now and then he quits his place, strolls up and down with long steps, repeating in a low tone phrases which I know are his " work." 6 Alphonse Daudet. These conversations of my father with himself when he " plunges into work," form part of my childhood's atmosphere. This expression of plung- ing into work often makes me pensive, but the most violent labor does not prevent him from rais- ing me in his arms when he passes near me, or of kissing me, or of standing me upright on an arm- chair or on a table, a dangerous but delightful exercise, during which I feel perfect confidence as to his strength. Of all my comrades he it is who knows how to play the best. In a corner we have a great mass of paper balls, in order to have a snowball fight; we have a corner of the drawing-room where two armchairs placed together form an actual cabin, in which we do not fear the attacks of savages and where all the fruits of the Fortunate Isles grow in abundance. When winter's cold groups us about the fire, Robinson Crusoe's shelter is between the thin knees of my father; as to the roof of the cabin, that is his inevitable laprug which has been known to take on the strangest forms and reach the most unexpected destinations. The situation in my mind is twofold ; I know perfectly well that my father draws on his fancy and holds the thread of the plot; nevertheless I believe in my own role and I inhabit with him a lonely country which a very terrifying conflagration ever lights up. Here is a painful matter : later, very much later, it must be a year and a half ago, when I had that typhoid fever and my lather watched me every night; my vague and floating brain revived Last Moments. 7 those distant remembrances. As in the case of a weakened convalescent, my memory went back to pluck these flowers of my extreme youth. I trod again the pathway of the heaped-up years and with an inexpressible tenderness looked upon the handsome face of my beloved, turned toward me under the rays of the lamp ; he did not seem to be changed at all. Often, as he recalled it to me later, were our walks in the fields of Champrosay, roads given over to filial love, roads of my heart ! At that time I was hardly four years old and my father held me by the hand. I had an idea that I was leading him and constantly called out " Look out, Papa, beware of the little stones ! " Since that time, O Destiny, he has had need of my grown man's arm ! We passed again over the same paths, becoming gently melancholy the while. We called back again those fragile hours in the meadows and autumnal plains, the splendor of which he would celebrate in familiar brief phrases, and once more in the footpaths among the broom and common herbs the past touched the present. Our silence was filled with regret, for we had formed the most beautiful dreams of trips together, travels on foot yielding all the emotions and all the surprises which my friend knew how to ex- tract from the slightest episodes ; but his malady made all these things impossible ! " Do you know, Leon, under what guise the roads appear to me? As escapes from my pain! O, to flee away and disappear behind a bend of the 8 Alphonse Daudet. road ! How beautiful they are, those long pink turnpikes of France which I would have so liked to tread with you and your brother ! " He raised his black eyes with a great sigh, and I felt my love for him augmented by an immense pity. At the end of my childhood my father stands before me proud and valiant and ready for his growing fame. I know that he writes fine books, for his friends compliment him about them, his big friends whom I call the giants, who come to dine in the house M. Flaubert, M. de Goncourt ! I am very fond of M. Flaubert; he kisses me with a loud laugh. He speaks in a very high voice and a very strong one, while he beats with his fists upon the table. When they are gone we talk about them with admiration. Then my education begins ; my father and mother undertake it all ; I shall talk about this later. At present simply a few recollections : We are in the country in Provence at the house of a friend. On a delightful morning filled with fragrances and the hum of bees my companion takes his copy of Virgil, his lap-rug and his short pipe. We settle down on the brink of a river ; the horizon, where lines of gold and rose are trem- bling, is of a divine purity and is heightened by the slender dark cypresses. My father explains the Georgics to me. Thus does poetry show itself to me ! All of a sudden, at a single stroke, the beauty of the verses and the rhythm of the singing voice and the harmony of the landscape pene- Last Moments. 9 trate my heart. An immense beatitude invades me, I feel myself ready to weep, and as he knows what is passing within me, he draws me to his breast, increases the charm and shares in my enthusiasm ; I am fairly drunk with beauty. This time it is the evening. I come back from college after several courses in philosophy: with incomparable power Burdeau, our master, has just been analyzing Schopenhauer for us. Gloomy images have torn my soul; positively, in that lecture I have eaten of the fruit of death and pain. Through what disproportion of things have the words of that sombre thinker completely con- quered me and won such an actual power in my impressionable brain? My father understands my terror ; I hardly say a word to him, but he sees something has been born within my look which is too hard for a growing boy. Then he goes about it as before. He approaches me tenderly and he who is already filled with sombre presages about himself celebrates for my sake the glory of life in unforgettable terms. He talks of labor that ennobles everything ; of goodness radiating happiness ; of the sense of pity which provides an asylum for the sad ; finally of love, the only consoler for death, love, which I only knew by name, but which was soon to be revealed to me and was to overwhelm me with happiness. How strong and pressing are his words ! He makes a radiant picture of that life on which I am embarking. Before his eloquence the arguments of the philosopher fall one by one ; he io Alphonse Daudet. repulses triumphantly this first and decided attack of metaphysics. Do not smile, ye who read me ; to-day I under- stand the importance of that little family drama. Since that unforgettable evening I have gorged myself with metaphysics and I know that in that way a subtle poison has slipped into my brain as into those of my contemporaries. It is not through its pessimism that this philosophy is perilous, but because it carries people aside from life and overwhelms humanity in us. Bitterly do I regret that I did not jot down the lecture my father gave ; it would have been in many ways a great comfort. Thus I reach the final years, only stopping at the brighter points of that life of filial piety on which my whole being depends. If I speak of myself, still it is always he round whom the matter runs, because I was his field of trial a field, alas, very often ungrateful and without a harvest. My father would have liked me to have entered the literary career in the line of instruction. It seemed to him that the finest of all duties was the education of young minds to the point of under- standing ideas, following them step by step, form- ing in them a character and developing in them the power of feeling. He admired all those in our epoch who have, as he was wont to say " taken charge of souls," and he showed a sympathy and respect to my masters at Louis le Grand College which most of them unquestionably will recall. By what way and wherefore did destiny at first Last Moments. n drag me toward medicine? That is something of which I shall speak in another place. His own maladies and the visits of celebrated doctors unquestionably had a good deal to do with it, so impressionable is youth ! But the very day on which that career repulsed me, the day I grew disgusted with the charnel house, its examinations and its competitions, he respected my evolution. My first literary essays, which I read to him at the Baths of Lamalou, were resolutely encouraged by him ; and from that very moment, entering into the estate on which he planted and caused to grow such magnificent trees, I profited every day by his counsel and experience. In the rare old copy of Montaigne that never left him, which carries on its yellow and green pages the traces of visits to many a noted thermal bath in this book wherein he found every kind of instruction and every sort of comfort, I find that famous chapter on The Resemblance of Chil- dren to Their Fathers marked and annotated with special care. Unquestionably, he had realized for several years past that there had been roused in me, and almost without my knowledge, that strange literary demon from whom it is not possible to escape. When I confessed to him this new zeal which had filled me, he gave me a fine lecture which I remember perfectly. It took place in a vulgar and bare hotel room ; by some unusual chance my mother had been forced to stay in Paris with my brother Lucien and my sister Edmee who was 12 Alphonse Daudet. then very young. He spoke to me with a gravity full of emotion, coming after his usual manner very near to my heart and my intelligence. He repre- sented to me the troubles of the profession of a man-of-letters, in which no one has a right to be an artist in the highest sense, because one remains always responsible for those who, reading one's books, might be troubled in mind thereby. He did not conceal from me the many and varied dif- ficulties which I would meet upon my way even admitting that success would favor me, " which is very rare ! " To this he added some very simple rules, but so true ! rules for sincerity and effect in style, the part played by observation and imagina- tion, the building up of a work, its method, and the relief to be given therein to the actors and their temperaments. I listened in a religious spirit. Well I under- stood that he was pouring forth to me, there, the accumulated result of his hard work and the finest crystallization of his mind. At about that time we were in the habit of reading Pascal of an even- ing in a loud voice from chamber to chamber and from bed to bed. He presented this sublime mas- ter of style to me along with his beloved Mon- taigne, not as if he were too lofty an example, but like a constant stimulus. He also spoke to me of his own sufferings, but in a manner almost like that of a philosopher in order not to make me sad ; and he insinuated that, for a number of souls who have not expressed themselves, literature was a solace and relief, such persons finding in it a Last Moments. 13 mirror and a guide. He showed me the near- est examples in Flaubert and the de Goncourt brothers. He closed with a eulogy upon life in all its forms, even the most painful. The light was failing, but still lit up his proud and delicate face. Filled with a sort of holy con- fidence, I traced his words back to their original meaning, back to those deep motives concerning which he was silent. Between us two there was some happiness but a great deal of anxiety. As I evoke them, I make them live again, decisive hours that they were ! From that day onward till his last hour he never ceased to counsel and instruct and guide me ; we got in the habit of such a way of talk that I was able to translate his silences, so that a single word from him was equivalent to long phrases. From that time forth, without a variation or truce, he was my impartial and tender critic. During his last years the fear of losing him grew upon me, but owing to that sorrowful privilege of mine it made me attentive to his slightest word. That has made it possible for me to write this book. I lived as it were in a cave where shone a perpetual flame ; our garden at Champrosay and his working room are crammed with the memories of conversations in which I limited myself to ques- tions concerning all the great problems of human- ity. I shall try to give some idea of his curt, elliptical and picturesque language, which really approached a human look, owing to its intensity, rapidity and the crowding of images. Of a surety 14 Alphonse Daudet. the novelist was a power and the future will show him to have been one still more ; but the man behind the novelist had not his equal for the treas- ures of experience and truth, which, like minted money, he poured forth from dawn to night. His friends knew his power of divination well ; he analyzed the most distant and varied events with an almost infallible acuteness. His rare mis- takes became for him so many causes for new observations of himself. His pitying, charitable nature was lightened by playful and ironical phrases in which tears seemed to mix with smiles. At our family table in the presence of my grandmother, whom he adored, his wife, whom he loved more than anything else, his baby daughter and two sons at our delightful table which his departure has left so empty and silent, he took as much trouble in conversation as he would at a reunion of his friends. There indeed it was that death came to seize him on the 16th of December, 1 897. It was during din- ner. I had come in somewhat late and found our little family met together as was usual in his work- ing-room. I gave him my arm into the dining- room and seated him in his big armchair. Whilst taking his soup, he began to converse ; neither in his movements nor his way of acting was there any- thing to announce such a disaster; when, all of a sudden, during a short and terrible silence, I heard that frightful noise which one never forgets a veiled rattle in the throat followed by another rattle. As my mother cried out we rushed toward him. Last Moments. 15 He had thrown his head backward ; that beautiful head of his was already covered with an icy sweat and his arms were hanging inert along his body. With infinite precautions my brother and I lifted him up and laid him on the carpet; in one second, behold the horror of death fallen upon our un- happy house ! Ah, the groans and lamentations and all the useless prayers addressed to one who had known how to give us everything, except just one little bit more of himself! The doctors came quickly. Dr. Potain, who loved him, tried every- thing possible and impossible. O frightful and heart-rending spectacle of the body which had given life to us and from which life had fled in a lightning flash ! So much kindness, gentleness and beauty, so much sympathy, so many generous enthusiasms, all are nothing more than a remem- brance for us ! An hour later, amid repressed sobs, he lies upon his bed as beautiful in the motionless gleam of the candles as his image in my heart. The bonds which attach us to him shall be broken only by our death, but now they are being lost in the darkness. Our memories have become the tombs where lie his motions and his words, his looks and his tender deeds. Here below love will keep no one from that path. Virtue keeps no one, genius keeps no one back. But as, broken and despair- ing, I bent over his most pure and lovely brow, it seemed to me that I heard these words: "Be of good cheer, the example remains ! " II. LIFE AND LITERATURE. My father never separated life from literature ; that was the secret of his influence. In his view art was accomplishment. To create types of hu- manity and free the souls of men, that before all else is what he longed to do. Many a time has he told me how his youth was devoured by that same love of life and how it was due to my mother, " his devoted, his sweet and tireless comrade in work," that he did not fool- ishly dissipate those gifts received from nature which at a later moment he employed in such a splendid way. He hardly thought of fame for a moment and let the important question of the future which awaits the works of dead men stand aside unquestioned. One day I read him a sentence by Lamartine from the Cours de Litttrature which struck him ; he asked me to repeat it, as he usually did when sowing new seeds in his memory. The poet speaks of " that marvellous shiver of sensibility, a forecast of genius, if the genius do not come to shipwreck from the passions/' That shiver of sen- sibility was considered by my father the source of every work which was to last. Life and Literature. 17 In certain obituary articles, otherwise very well meant, I have read this sentence, which has caused me to smile : " Alphonse Daudet was not a thinker." No, certainly he was not and never was a thinker in pedantic fashion, a maker of abstractions and a juggler with obscure phrases ; that he was not ! But here on my table I have his books of notes where, every day, without wearying and with an incredible scrupulousness and patience, he wrote down the incessant workings of his brain. Every sort of thing is found here in these little books bound in black moleskin, all their pages rumpled, scratched and scribbled up and down and from side to side. At first one gets the impression of a tumult and a buzzing, a kind of regular trembling. That fine mind, I fancy, is completely awake in those notes, awake with all its revulsions and whirlwind changes, its comings and goings, its quick-dying flames and its fiery spaces. Then, after a great deal of attention, I pick out a kind of rhythm, the harmonious movement of his mind which had its origin in feeling ; it multiplies itself, inspires itself with picturesque views, visions of travel, dreams and reminiscences, and traverses those colored and rosy regions where the miracle of art takes place ; where through the mystery of birth a vivid impression becomes the starting-point for a book or an essay. Then the tone rises; it remains living and clear, but becomes more precise and closely set; phrases crammed with experience of the world 1 8 Alphonse Daudet. appear placed side by side, without apparent bonds. Nevertheless they appear to belong to- gether like colors and brush strokes in some sketch by Velasquez or Rembrandt, phrases which contain a realism that is sometimes cruel and as if shudder- ing with anguish and sincerity, phrases which, like countenances modelled by the heart and the senses of man, arouse innumerable reflections. And in this abridged way and from this vibrat- ing cohesion and out of this tissue of flesh and nerves spring astonishing formulas, brilliant wit- nesses to his own soul, in generalizations far grander than those detached ideas of the human mind in which metaphysics lose themselves. To sum up in a word, this perpetual work of analysis, done with a sincerity which reaches the verge of crying aloud, reveals in the author's thought a constant ascension and purification ; it shows a zeal to carry the torch into the fogs and cobwebby corners of the human spirit and it ex- hibits, as it were, a patience pushed to the ideal point. There is more than passion alone, there is also the spirit of sacrifice. Sometimes I used to say laughingly to my father : " How you do derive from the Catholic blood ! " At the last analysis these notebooks reveal to us a soul in a complete state of sensitiveness where without doubt dogma has been obscured, but where religion has left its imprint on whatsoever religion offers that is at once touching and implacable. He is certain to examine himself without cessation. He is sure to Life and Literature. 19 write down without delay whatsoever people have felt, whatsoever people have suffered. The joys of life and of death, the slow crumbling of our tissues, the unfolding of our hopes and disillusions are a terror for the greater part of mankind ; but the last and greatest terror is ourselves. This terror it is, this secret need of paltering with our con- science which makes somnambulists of us and causes us to hesitate before the confession which our heart makes to our heart through the long silence of the nights and days, even as- we carry on our unseen and obscure existence ! The most powerful souls remain children rocked in the cradle of an ignorance which they voluntarily render denser and deeper, an ignorance which they keep tongueless and dark with shadows. Montaigne, Pascal and Rousseau were the three chief and violent admirations of my father. He himself was a member of that mighty family. He was never without his Montaigne. He annotated Pascal and defended Rousseau against the honor- able reproaches of those who are ashamed of shameful deeds and turn aside in disgust from things of the flesh. Without a moment's rest he entered into the abodes of these powerful mod- els, wandered through their crypts and pondered over those redoubtable silences which lie between their confessions. He took to himself one of their thoughts and lived with it as with a lady-love, or some forgotten sister whose resemblances and dis- similar traits he was examining all with that scrupulous earnestness which he brought to bear 20 Alphonse Daudet. upon matters of feeling. He put questions to the people about him, or to those who are on the wing, and even to the facts which happen every day. He loved the sincerity of those three geniuses, so ripe and so vast and so big. He proposed them as examples for himself. He was thoroughly satu- rated with their substance through having con- versed with them so long. Was not that the work of a thinker? Well, of all the great books that lie open, that one which he studied more than any other was the book of life. Impressionable as we know him to be, his youthful days must have been extraordina- rily crowded with sensations and things of all kinds that attack the nerves, things which he was able to classify in his old age. Eut here is one of his most surprising characteristics : maturity did not show itself in his case either as a drying-up or a stoppage of development ; to the very end of his life, and only through suffering, he preserved intact the faculty of being moved. In our talks we used to compare that precious and most rare faculty to a constant sore on the spot through which force circulates, flooding over from the human being to nature and rising from nature to the human being. I remember that he likened it to the wound given by the Holy Spear that pierced the side of Christ. " Listen," said he to me one day, " listen to one of my visions ! Our Lord hangs on the cross ; it is dawn, a cold and biting dawn. There is the martyr so in love with life that he is willing to lose it after Life and Literature. 21 it has poured forth upon every one its charity and redemption, and toward the Master are rising the sounds of the city which is awaking to a new day sounds and odors from perfumes and from kitchen hearths, noises of mighty crowds ; and then, much nearer, the groans and long lamentations at the foot of the cross. He drinks this all in through every pore and the taste of the vinegar becomes less bitter whilst the torture of the nails, of the cruci- fixion and of the lance wound becomes less keen. . . ." He went no farther, but he laid a certain weight upon the last words, so that I might follow him on to the sequel. He did not insist upon particulars in these beautiful dreams, but left the care of com- pleting them to his listener, knowing that he who adds a little of himself understands better than if he be told all. This delicacy of feeling, often so acute that it reached the point of the inexpressible, remained perfectly straightforward notwithstanding, and never attacked the right and proper rule. That rule, which was perfectly simple and lucid, remained in him as a boundary not to be transcended. My father detested the " perversity " of certain minds, those unwholesome games played with the con- science in which it has pleased certain remarkable men to indulge. This delicacy of feeling was alway on the alert. In his little note-books he talks of the hours with- out grace, in which the priest finds that his faith has left him, or in which the lover, horrified by the 22 Alphonse Daudet. discovery, questions himself concerning the depth of his love. One of his preoccupations was never to harden himself in pain, but to remain accessible to all the emotions. For my part I have never known him to have any hours " without grace." In telling a story he had a way which belonged to him alone, one his friends will never forget, nor indeed others who merely heard him once. The description followed close upon his memory of the affair and adapted itself to it like a wet garment. In their proper order he reproduced the facts and sensations necessary to the story, suppressing the intermediate ones and leaving, as he was wont to say, only " the dominant ones." " The dominant ones " that word was always on his lips. By that he understood the essential and indispensable parts, the pinnacles of the book or the novel. " It is on these points," he used to add, " that it is necessary to let the light play." He used also to repeat : " Things have a sense and a side by which they can be grasped," and in that vague term "things" he understood what is animate as well as what is inanimate, whatever moves and expresses itself, as well as whatever agitates or weighs itself. In that way we penetrate the secret of his simple method which at first blush seems by no means simple and indeed is one which demands in a writer those natural gifts that were his. A lover of real things and of truth, he never ceased that search of his. As long as he was able Life and Literature. 23 to leave the house he went about in the greatest variety of places, never neglecting a chance and particularly never despising any human being. Most remarkable was it how he detested disdain as one of the forms of ignorance. Whether the person in question was a clubman in the drawing- room, or an artist, or a sick man, whether it was a pauper on the turnpike, or a forester, or a passer- by, or some workman met by chance, my father took advantage of his own prodigious turn for sociability or of his charmingly delicate kindness in order to break through that vulgar region where only hypocrisies are exchanged, thus penetrating to the soul of the person. He inspired in people that extraordinary con- fidence which springs from the delight of being understood and is doubled in pleasure by compas- sion ; and that compassion was not a role assumed for effect. I have seen very different kinds of people surrender their confidence to him with rapture. How many people suffer from recoil ! How many people feel themselves quite alone upon the earth, finding everywhere nothing but misfortune ! I have used the word method ; it has a false sound when applied to activity like his which is so human. Before everything else my father followed his own inclination, which was that of loving his neighbor and sorrowing and rejoicing with him. My mother, my brother and myself indulged in tender pleasantries over the wrath which boiled up in him on hearing of some act of injustice, or 24 Alphonse Daudet. over the personal interest which he took in affairs as far as possible separated from him. When a cruel malady drew limits to his earlier modes of life limits in a certain way less griev- ous, it is true, than people have stated he opened his portals wide. He welcomed all misfortunes and listened patiently to the recital of every kind of distress. Never did one hear him complain of having his work interrupted in order to soothe an actual pain. Very few people duped or abused his confidence, for he knew how to uncover lies with extraordinary sagacity; but even that did not irritate him : " The poor wretch," he often said to us with his delightful smile, " the poor wretch thought that he was deceiving me; but I read falsehood on his face and divined it from the trem- bling of a little muscle down there in the corner of the mouth which I know very well ; it was made known to me also by the ' winkiness ' of his eyes ; there was a moment when I was on the point of betraying myself. Pshaw ! he 's an unhappy crea- ture all the same." When the man was gone he would note down whatever in the conversation seemed to him pecu- liar and worthy of memory. And his memory, besides, was infinite, for, notwithstanding his bad sight, he could recall a name, a figure, a gesture, an odd habitual motion or a form of speech after several years had gone by. He suddenly asked one of his old fellow pupils of Lyons College, whom he had not seen for thirty years: " Why, you still have it there on the nail of your Life and Literature. 25 thumb, I do believe ! That little blood-red mark that used to astonish me when you wrote ! " His most vivid recollections comprised one of the emotions of the past which he reconstructed for us with complete fidelity to fact. I still have ringing in my ears an account of a conflagration in which the flames were still crackling, and through which the outlines of firemen and half-nude women ran helter-skelter. He appeared on the scene of the combat pouring water himself and having water poured on him, holding a lance in his hand. He had attained the age of ten years ! " Stay there, boy ! " one of the life-savers said to him. He did stay there until the flames came and burned off his eyelashes and licked at his hands. And he had never forgotten the cries, or the cracking of beams, or the flares of light, or the terror on the counten- ances, or his own particular emotion mixed with joy. And how he did tell us all that ! With what exact and striking strokes of the brush ! Another time it was an inundation from a sudden freshet in the Rhone, with the strokes like a batter- ing ram in the cellars delivered by the running water; this he recalled, adding detail to detail, while his thought turned back to the past. Then the crashing boats and that very boat on which he stood, and the drunken feeling of danger he had ; then the people invaded by the flood, perched in clusters on the roofs of houses, and again, the moaning gulfs and whirlpools, the irresistible qual- ity of the waters. The peculiarity of a mind like his is this : it 26 Alphonse Daudet. makes a sort of tapestry out of so many different kinds of images, groups everything and classifies everything unconsciously through the slow labor of perfection. From the natural tendency of images to come together, through that movement of im- pressions which have been received, which brings them into contact the one with the other, it thus forms the complete bundle of impressions. The peculiarity of a mind of that kind is that it makes use of the slightest touches in its incessant labor in order to compare things, deduce and amplify them without deforming them, just as naturally as the heart beats and the lungs inhale. Take the works of the great writers. Note with care the dominant points ; it will be very surprising if you do not notice two or three fixed and well defined pictures among the most varied and rich descriptions ; they return periodically but they are painted in new colors. Among the wealth of char- acters created by Balzac, Goethe or Dickens or Tolstoy, there are certain primordial turns of char- acter, certain basic elements in nature which are central and marking points. Life has given them into the hand of genius. Genius has returned them to life while decking them with all its own prestige. Thus it was with my father. I can well remem- ber his astonishment when, having begged his friend Gustave Toudouze to make a selection from his works in which only examples of materialistic love should be found, the latter pointed out in the long line of his novels and dramas a constant return to the motive of " the mother," who is herself the Life and Literature. 27 sum and entirety of human tenderness. Without his knowing it, the figure of her who conceives us, bears, nourishes and educates us, suffers with our sufferings and becomes radiant with our own hap- piness, and ceaselessly sacrifices herself for us, that admirable and spotless figure had taken pos- session of him. In his eyes she was the grandest and deepest problem of the heart, and, without his having noticed it, this problem had ever harassed him under all its forms. He attached an enormous value to the emotions which open up our lives. " There is a period," he cried, "when one has finished printing. After that come the second editions." And often I have found him occupied by this other thought, subsid- iary to the last : " In the human being there is a centre, a nucleus which never changes and never takes on wrinkles ; whence our astonishment at the swift flight of the years and the functional and physical modifications that befall us." When one of these statements caught hold of him he was not satisfied with a formula, however clear-cut and well-defined. In the first place a formula scared him. He saw in a formula the image of death, he wished to nourish it with exam- ples. He believed that on the day when the for- mula would no longer apply directly to life it would lose its sincerity and become a dead leaf. " Humanity," that is the grand word which includes all those tendencies which I am now piously un- ravelling here, a word full of blood and nerves, which was the motto of my tender friend. 28 Alphonse Daudet. During those last years we often went out to- gether. As long as he was able to choose his carriage at the station, it was always the most for- bidding and dilapidated he took, a carriage which he thought nobody else would accept. I remem- ber a very old coachman, driving with great diffi- culty a very old horse and seated on the tottering box of one of those fantastic cabs such as one may find waiting for the night trains. My father had adopted this wretched team as his own and as soon as we turned the corner of Bellechasse Street we were sure to see it jogging toward us. On his part the old fellow had fallen in love with this easy- going customer, who never found fault with his slowness and his lack of cleanliness. One of the last times that we took him, before he went to complete wreck among the shadows of Paris, what did he think of but a plan of writing large, in big red letters, on the panels and on the glasses of the cab, the initials A. D., thus calling attention and announcing himself as the property of the person who had taken compassion upon him ! A crowd of little reminiscences of this sort fly about my heart. I do not hesitate to jot some of them down, so that when you read his great books, dripping with emotion and sweetness, you may know that they were the fruit of a sincere soul, as splendid in his slighter movements as in his long and patient efforts. Naturally our outings were but little varied. We caused ourselves to be driven along the Champs- Elyses as far as the Arc de Triomphe. My father Life and Literature. 29 loved that splendid sloping way, which recalled to him so many memories, recollections that I fol- lowed in his expressive eyes, eyes always turned toward the picturesque, seizing upon and defining humanity with a fabulous quickness. If he felt himself more than usually melancholy, we went to Bethune Quay, where the history of Paris vibrates from the ancient stones as they warm beneath a pale autumnal sun. Beloved sun, how my father did adore you ! Though meagre and pale, that sun recalled to him his balmy Provence, the very name of which would cause his face to change and would bring back color to his pallid cheek. " Primeval joy : to cook one's back in the sun ! " ' Oh, for a good cagnard 1 down there toward the Durance ! " he would say, resting gently on my arm and looking into the whirling water of the Seine. Whereupon, as if given wings by his dream, he would start off on his voyage toward one of those mirages which made a perpetual enchantment of his slightest conversation. It might start with some trivial remark : a ray of light on the forged iron of a balcony, a pane of glass lit with the sun, a reflection flung up from the river. Stimulated by some nice parallel and no one loved exact nicety so much he would squeeze my arm a little and his imagination would rouse itself. The merely picturesque tired him quickly. It was necessary that something 1 A little shelter from the wind made of reeds in which to lie and sun oneself. 30 Alphonse Daudet. human should intervene. All he needed was a half-opened shutter to cause him to picture the entire interior with the poetical decision of the old masters of Holland. It might be an anxious old woman's outline, an old man drinking in his last sip of sunlight, or some mark of tenderness in the people childhood or decrepitude; he divined their meaning, combined and evoked their story, glad at his own discoveries ; and so ever with a gay and easy air he scattered abroad his energy and verbal treasures: "We are still playing Robinson Crusoe, my boy," said he, "just as we did in the old times under the lap-rug. Every one of these good people is living on his own narrow island, very zealous indeed on the subject of his nourishment and the satisfaction of his interests ! " During a terrible summer's heat on that very Bdthune Quay we saw a workman stripped to the waist who was laughing under the spout of a watering-cart which was being vigorously played upon him. That powerful torso, that masculine attitude, those swollen muscles, his powerful short neck and erect head, these formed a departing point for a magical improvisation. How he gloried in the robustness and simplicity of the man ! What splendid things he said concerning sculpture and muscles played upon by the sun, concerning sweat and water, the caryatids carved by Puget, and that antique vision which appeared round the corner of a Parisian street ! There ! I can see his quick and generous smile, I can hear his laugh. For, notwithstanding his Life and Literature. 31 sufferings, he preserved his gayety and took advantage of the slightest respite ; fun sprang spontaneously and irresistibly from a character so in love with nature, so ready to seize upon amus- ing thoughts at the very moment that they were making him sad. We never knew one of his rare fits of wrath which could not be disarmed by a droll turn of words. Then it was delightful to see how his severe face changed, how he yielded with delight, only too glad to return to the usual sweetness of his nature. It was when he happened to be with his old friend Frederic Mistral, whom he loved and cherished, it was at that charming table of his where genius sat enthroned, or else it was at the house of the Parrocels, likewise in Provence, that I have seen him oftenest the cause and starting- point of tumultuous fun. His inherited race char- acteristics, his surroundings and contact with his compatriots roused in him vivid, unexpected, im- promptu dramatic power. He imitated the differ- ent accents in the dialects between Valence and Marseilles, the very attitudes and gestures of the people. He gave us the benefit of the two voices in the same narrator that voice which claims all the advantages, counsels, lays down the law and defines things, as well as that voice which starts contradictions, stutters and goes all to pieces. He gave us the worthy citizen, the " Cato in very low relief," the sententious man, libidinous and longfaced, whom the boarding-school teachers fear. He played the politician with dishevelled 32 Alphonse Daudet. hair, slipping in the vehemence of his speech into the most dangerous metaphors. Then we would get " dear old Father Oily," or the godly woman confessing herself in the confessional box and the same woman cursing a station master : or, again, a customs officer, a servant, a child who clamors for his orange, the crowd collected at a bull- fight. In one of our first trips down South we were in a waiting room of the tavern while the rain fell without; the presence of his dear friends Aubanel, Mistral and Felix Gras who were drinking with us and the giddy joy of "showing them off" to his wife, his Parisian girl, roused in him memories of his most turbulent youth. The round table of poets grew wildly excited. There were songs from the countryside, old Christmas waits in which tears were mixed with smiles, rich ballads from lies d'Or and passionate cries from the Grenade Entr'onverte. The correct and warm voice of my father dominated the noise and showed me its beauty by its rhythm. Enthusiasm was seen on every face ; the real sun of Provence was shining there in that tavern ! It is that frantic fun, it is that flashing of gayety which make Tartarin and Roumestan such rare and charming books, true products of the soil, warm and savory, juicy and brilliant. But the fine characteristics in my father's nature sparkled all through his life before they came to ornament his books. When I open one of them I hear his sweet and quiet accent ; how is it possible to separate Life and Literature. 33 that memory from the part which the future will find to admire in him? As a matter of fact his celebrated irony was really the fine flower of his tenderness. By means of that irony he escaped from the commonplace and avoided the bitterness of comparisons. By means of it he brushed artifice aside. Gifted with so spontaneous a talent, he escaped vulgar comedy ; endowed with a sensitiveness which was sharp and even cruel, he softened its effect with smiles and appeased its acridity with those twists and turns which leave the soul of the reader trem- bling and impressed, instead of overwhelmed with gall. This irony, purely Latin in its genius, has been compared to the sarcasm of Henri Heine. Such parallels are almost always false. Heine was an exquisite poet but an exile and a nomad, having no connection with his own soil and suffering from the fact that he could not find a surrounding nature. He makes the whole world responsible for his disquiet. Hardly has he excited emotion, when he puts us to the rout with a bitter grin. He sneers at our hearts and at his own heart. Gifted with a nature of marvellous harmony, he throws all his sensations into disorder, and when one ap- proaches him to sympathize, he escapes from us with a grimace. My father knew well the beaten footpaths of his own friendships. He used to speak of a ballad from the north of France in which a woman who sees her husband again after a long absence begins to weep. This 3 34 Alphonse Daudet. same ballad in its Southern version makes her keep herself from smiling. In that little allegory he was denning his own character. In his little note-books I read a reproach ad- dressed to the husband who relates to his young wife all the love adventures of his past : " Idiot, you '11 find out later " is the end of the note. Under that simple form, behold the irony. It is a mask for pity. The picture in Jack of the men have " missed fire," the supper of the Old Guard in Sappho and one page or other of LImmortel, are further examples of that tendency he had to move his readers by taking the slant road, if the direct path seemed too much trodden. That is the resource for a warm heart which has a cer- tain bashfulness with regard to over-vivid and too- apparent sensations. In this manner the author of Femmes d' Artistes and of Tartarin, of Le Nabab and of U Immortel rose to the height of lofty satire, which is nothing else but an inverted lyricism and constitutes the revenge of generous souls. Irritated and wounded, the poet causes the brazen string to vibrate; but there is never anything too harsh, even amid the most bitter assaults ! " Implacability," that word made him ponder. Every fault seemed to him capable of correction and every vice capable of remedy; he sought for some excuse for every crime. I have found the finest arguments in favor of human liberty and of the resources offered by the moral world in that same life of his, so simple and open to the day. Life and Literature. 35 The man who has been reproached in so silly a way for never having given forth metaphysical ideas seemed to me on the contrary ever troubled with those great problems of the world within us, which are now the mirage of inspiration and now the mainspring of our actions. Among philosophers he admired Descartes and Spinoza, as much for their lucidity of mind as for their minute and anxious researches into the play of human passions. If his love of life drew back before the extra-terrestrial form of those mathe- matical formulas applied to flesh and spirit ; if he preferred Montaigne's method, he also loved, as he said, to " inhale a breath upon the lofty heights " of Spinoza's Ethics. He often said that it would have been singularly interesting if some Claude Bernard should annotate these commentaries on the movements of the soul. For Schopenhauer he had a very pronounced taste. That combination of incisive humor and power of dialectics, that tissue woven of the black- est arguments and picturesque aphorisms delighted him. I read aloud long extracts from Schopen- hauer; having taken them thoroughly in, he pon- dered over these readings, and took them up again on the morrow, enriching them with subtle remarks. We used to talk everywhere and at all times. He delighted in shutting himself up with me in his dressing room ; I can see him now interrupting himself to discuss a point, a comb or a brush in his hand, and then, when our ideas began to get into 36 Alphonse Daudet. a fog, thrusting his head down into the basin " in order to clear up our ideas." " My boy, the action of fresh water on the brain in the morning is a grand problem all of itself! The man who, having made a night of it, has not washed himself or made his toilet, is capable of performing the most frightful follies, and is incapable of the mean- est train of argument." Incidentally I have spoken of his conscientious- ness. He returned always to the same subject without ostentation and without dulness, as long as anything which was obscure remained. He would not take words for coin. " Sellers of phrases " that is what he called those hard- skulled reasoners who would like to run the moral world by mathematics and in accordance with fixed laws. " I do detest the automatic point of view ! " he would also cry, when considering some icy and involved analysis ; and as to this " automatic point of view " he showed how it killed off every kind of frankness and all original impulse, down to the simple happiness that comes from creation. Suffering, which is so relaxing and persuasive, has periodical phases. The song of the nightingale is capable of inspiring in us disgust for a delicate machine. What poetry there is in the fall of the leaves, the retardation of waters as they turn to ice, if at the same time one thinks of the alterna- tion of the seasons ! Unless I am mistaken, metaphysics themselves, having finally taken up the consideration of the Life and Literature. 37 feelings, will take account in the near future of those very arguments which are called reasoning from feeling, which so profoundly correspond with our need of liberty for the mind. Unless I am mistaken, the grand philosophical system that we shall have to-morrow will put emotion in the first rank and will subordinate all else to it. Possessed of an absolutely honest intellectual process and ever a prey to constant scruples, my father never hesitated to acknowledge himself igno- rant of anything: "I do not know Why, I did not know that ! " His eye would brighten at once. Filled with the delight of learning, he would forget other people and busy himself only with that per- son who could bring to him a novel point of view or a story full of useful results. His knowledge was vast and accurate. More- over he surprised me sometimes, when our talk fell upon some scientific or social subject, by the truth of his information and the largeness of his views. He read enormously and with method, and assimilated difficult questions to his mind with marvellous quickness. He demonstrated the strength and the weakness of an argument and called attention to the paradox. His love of truth was of use to him there as always, since it freed him from prejudice and refreshed his logical strength. Long-winded theories bothered him : " Let us get forward to the picture." I can see the movement of his hand sweeping aside mere words. He had a real and abiding love for Latin and Greek. Because he admired education, he made 38 Alp house Daudet. of education one of the grand mainsprings of humanity and was up in arms against the new pedagogues who try to restrict the study of dead languages : " Certain men and women," cried he, " who pos- sess the innate gift of style, have instinctively the taste and the tact to choose the words which they employ. A woman of that kind was the much-to-be-admired Sevigne. But that sort of mind is a great exception. Most people get from classical study a benefit which nothing else can replace. The mind which feels the beauty of Tacitus, Lucretius or Virgil is very near being that of a writer." Tacitus was always to be found upon his table by the side of Montaigne. He read from him a little at a time, only a page or two, and then trans- lated him after a style which I have found in very few masters. Besides, he had already shown a proof of his cleverness in that line by his transla- tion into French of the admirable Provencal prose of Baptiste Bonnet. And as far as the Annals are concerned, I have seen him for hours at a time feverishly hunting for a faithful and correct expres- sion, as anxious to fulfil the poetic rights of the ear as those of the mind. Difficulties delighted him. How often, whilst I was making my studies, when too arid and close a text had brought me to a stop, did I leave the book on his table of an evening ; the next morn- ing early I would find it there with the French translation opposite. My professors complimented Life and Literature. 39 me and gave out my work as examples to the class. At the general competitions for rhetoric I remem- ber a sentence which had shipwrecked the strong- est of us. The line has remained in my memory, it is such a model of a Chinese puzzle. " Ut cortina sonet celeri distincta meatu." My father took the accursed page, and, whilst he walked once round the garden, translated it for me without hesitating into words quite as strong, robust and brilliant as those of the author; and he added, in order to console me : " Certain pages, and those by no means the least beautiful, of my dear de Goncourt will cer- tainly prove as difficult for the college boys to come as that line is." He broke me into my Latin by reading the verses or fragments of examples in prose with which Montaigne interlarded his Essays: "As for us people of the South, the classic phrase has never died out amongst us. Just look at this Gascon of the sixteenth century ! He de- lights in manuscripts ever opened and reopened. Parchments preserved in monasteries and libraries have the authority of oracles to him, of messages from the past. He clothes his modern arguments in toga and buskins. He grafts the sibylline leaves upon his thick-leaved tree. The ' Renaissance,' my dear boy have you ever comprehended the entire meaning of that splendid word? It is Pan the Great restored to life. Rising from out old dusty scrolls, a tremendous shudder ran through 40 Alp house Daudet. souls alive with beauty. ' Why, then, let Gascon words fill the gap,' said Montaigne, ' if French will not do ! ' But there was Latin also and Greek besides. ' Let beauty show, let plainness hide its head,' as our own Mistral sings. " Don't you see him, that happy Michel who shows us Michel himself and recognizes in him the nature of all men, don't you see him in his library, trembling with enthusiasm before the grandeur of nature, gesticulating, like the regular Southerner he is, at the memory of some line from Lucretius which delights him and corroborates his thought? Antiquity pulses through his heart. Thirst for learning consumes him. And over everything else stands the necessity of expansiveness, of telling all about himself, which is so active in modern char- acters as they are still found among us." Such bits of talk as this have remained in my intellectual treasury. Alas, I have just perceived that there is lacking to it the warm Southern accent, the " monster " itself. And, as happens in meetings constantly renewed, we were apt to return to the same subjects ; but each time my father added something. Until the day of his death his life was a perpetual seeking. Some few friends are able to recall the memory of a page from Rabelais read aloud by him. He had found a good many bushes and fronds and flowers from the South in that forest of Gargantua and of Pantagruel. The author's long stay at Montpellier explains these reminiscences in Rabe- lais. At the end of his own copy my father has Life and Literature. 41 noted down the chief localisms ; naturally they greatly stirred his lively soul. He mimicked for us the entire tempest scene or else the adventures of Gargantua, booming up his voice to the diapa- son of frenzy, laughing at himself at the same time, throwing back his hair, sticking his eyeglass into his eye, fairly drunk with the power of words the while. Another day it would be Diderot whom he would take up and celebrate by declaiming his most brilliant pages, the most vibrating of those in Ceci n'est pas un conte, Maintes lettres a Made- moiselle Vol land, or else Le Neveu de Rameau. At another time it would be Chateaubriand, in whom he admired his long deep breath and his rhythm like the tremendous swing of billows. In his verses he pointed out that epic tone which is applied to familiar reminiscences, that splendor of a soul which never weakens, though always melancholy and as it were draped in the classic folds of mourn- ing for its lost illusions. I would have to pass the entire French literature in review in order to cite the literary gods my father adored and invoked, from whom in his sorrowful hours he demanded comfort. O the miracles wrought by poetry ! Our friend and parent is wrapped in gloom ; he is suffering. We hesitate to speak to him, knowing too well what his answer will be. All of a sudden a name or a quotation uttered by one of us brings life back to his look, as if it were the coming of a friend or a well-known air of music. In a moment he asks 42 Alphonse Daudet. what is going on and is all excitement. He must have the book and the page ! Lucien or I run to the library. Oftener it is my mother who takes the trouble, because she has a clear and soft voice and never hurries. Here are the Confessions or the Mhnoires d* ' Outre-Tombe. At the first words uttered my father is no longer the same man. He approves and degustates, his head inclined forward in the attitude of meditation as he stuffs his little English pipe. He interrupts. He asks us to go on again. He questions the author and discusses a matter with him. Enthusiasm has driven out suffering and moroseness and started up again the fires of youth. Now it is our turn to listen, and the hours pass as in a dream, and those magnificent phrases of a past generation live once more a pallid life at the touch of a wand from a magician such as he was. So, across the ages, do those who love and seek out beauty begin their lives anew. Since the love of research is universal in a mind of that kind, I would hardly know how to tell its depth and width. The misfortune of a study of this sort is that of necessity one is limited. One of the virtues in the model I have before me was exactly that continuity of his, his harmoniousness, or, if one may so express it, the architecture of his joys and sorrows. So it was that, being a connois- seur of words and always surrounded by dictiona- ries of the first class, such as that compiled by Mistral, he loved to examine the debris and metamorphoses of a word. Thence derive his Life and Literature. 43 exactness and the beautiful clearness of his style. Every one of those noble feelings was a guide and torch to his feet. He judged of a word by his ear which in him possessed delicacy and a supreme wisdom ; and by his eye, because in spite of his short sight, he was a seer. He weighed the word and rolled it on his tongue like a connoisseur; for there is more than one noun which will evoke an entire period for us, more than one adjective whose historical importance is greater than that of a manuscript or a suit of armor. He avoided the exceptional and precious, know- ing well that there is often a rare quality in some word of seemingly common appearance ; he left its true meaning to every term, being an enemy of the torturing of language, because he understood its structure so well. It is one of the follies of our time to believe that limpid transparency cannot exist along with depth. There are rivers whose pebbly bottoms gleam as if they lay just beneath the surface but a giant may drown himself therein ! He reiterated : " I hate monsters ! " The con- versations of Eckermann and Goethe which for a long time were his breviary (for he changed his intellectual loves and only showed a continuous fidelity to Montaigne) are confirmation of several stages in that thought. My father sided with Goethe, whose motto " Reality and Poetry" seemed to him to sum up the wisdom of mankind. He was also wont to say : " Nothing in excess ! " and 44 Alphonse Daudet. in truth sanity of mind and a hatred of that too- much, which one finds unfortunately among most Southerners, were brought to their highest expres- sion in him. " On Goethe's side against Jean-Paul " how often have we not held discussions concerning tendencies. " Art " was one objection he made " is not merely the expression of one's own char- acter ; the man who does not drive the monsters out of his own soul is very soon devoured by them." When we were discussing this question we would often glide quickly to composition and the architec- ture of a work, to which he accorded capital impor- tance ; according to him it was the condition of its durability : " Every book is an organism. If its organs are not in place, it must die and its corpse become a nuisance." And since he had given great thought to the putting of order and rule into his novels and dramas, he also wished to make his interior and outward life harmonious. For this work a great mass of knowledge and of studies seemed to him necessary. In his library, beside all the great masters, the stories of life and adventure were found on the main shelves. He stated that the love he bore for men of action had been developed in his case by the necessity of a sedentary life : " I accomplish through imagination whatever my body does not allow me to do." He knew in detail all the campaigns of his hero Life and Literature 45 Napoleon and the journeys of his other hero Stan- ley, as well as expeditions to the North Pole. When people talked to him of the nineteenth century, so restless and full of tumult and perhaps more covered with incomplete monuments than any other, he defined it with two names : " Hamlet and Bona- parte ; one the prince, not only of Denmark, but of the life of man within ; the other, a source of the grandest deeds and of the entire gamut of gesticu- lation." As for Stanley, he did not boggle at comparing him to the victor of Austerlitz. The works of this distinguished man never left him. He read them on, without wearying. During a recent touch of typhoid fever which befell me and which I shall have reason to mention often as one of the lumin- ous summits of paternal tenderness, when I was lying inert for hours with scarcely a bit of memory or intelligence remaining, he tried to bring my wandering faculties back by reading to me some pages from Through Darkest Africa, or from Five Years on the Congo. He sat close to my bed toward the end of day on one of those sultry days near the close of May which are so trouble- some to a convalescent. He held the big book in his weak hands ; he wanted to carry me far, far away (using the remedy which was a solace to his own sufferings) in the wake of the intrepid trav- eller, overwhelmed by a much heavier fever than mine, through that land of dangerous plants, and beneath the shadowy dome of leaves. " His only hope was in his companions, Jephson, 46 Alphonse Daudet whom you saw at our house, a brave boy with ruddy cheeks, and that delightful Dr. Clark. And notwithstanding his delirium he retained his feeling of responsibility. He remained the chief in the midst of all his sufferings. What an extraordinary reservoir of energy ! " Every Thursday he explained to our guests that Stanley was not a cruel man, as envious people have insinuated, but that on the contrary he was the most humane and least ferocious of conquerors ; that he was as just as he was firm. In London, during a journey which to-day is precious for its slightest episode, where we met the man whom he so much venerated, when he had him beside him on a little low sofa it was one of the most touching spectacles in the world to see the affectionate relationship of two souls which understood one another so well. I state again : the man for whom my father had such a real and tangible friendship is not a bad man ; in him one may admire one of the finest types of the Anglo- Saxon race, but one who belongs to all the races through the discovery of a continent, through a lucidity of mind equal to his courage and a clear and unhypocritical judgment. At the time of that very jaunt abroad which made it possible for my father to understand England, he also had the delight of visiting " Hamlet " at the same time that he met " Napoleon." I allude to George Meredith, that extraordinary novelist whose fame is brilliant on the heights, on the very noblest summits of the mind, and will come down some Life and Literature 47 day to delight the crowd whenever the torches take up the march. What a delightful visit to that green country about Box-Hill all decked with trees and waters, where the author of The Egoist and Modem Love and of twenty masterpieces wel- comed at one and the same time his comrade in letters and the family of that comrade with a tender and spontaneous charm ! How I cherished you that day, O master of the bitterest thought, of the most robust and liberal thought ! I understood you to the verge of tears ! What things passed that day between the looks you gave forth and those that emanated from your brother in intellect ! What hours worthy of you and of your power of analysis were passed in that cottage where lights and shades played about your aureole. O, vast and subtle heart, and friend of the French to the point of having defended them in 1 870 with a piece of verse unique in its generosity! You are the genius whose brain devours him and who with a subtle smile rails upon evil ! Hamlet? yes, you were Hamlet for Alphonse Daudet and his following, a mirror as it were of Shakespeare on that spring afternoon when nature herself became mor- al, when the black pine-trees were trembling like so many human bodies, when the lawns themselves seemed to have the softness of human flesh ! Above and beyond love there is another love and it was that you gave as a gift to your comrade, a man as ardent as you are for life and just as yearning for beauty. I ponder over you in these sombre hours as a holder of those secrets which 48 Alphonse Daudet people who are detached from this world hug to their breasts, or as those raisers of ghosts who pursue phantom shades. The image of your mag- nificent and pure features shall never be separated from the one for whom I weep because they have lost their perishable shape. As far as Napoleon Bonaparte is concerned, one man satisfied the passion that my father felt for him, namely, our friend Frederic Masson. For many years he clamored for those books in which the life of his military god was followed day by day, in which the author unravelled the motives, the character and the adventures of Napoleon. When Masson's books appeared he could not leave them; he boasted of their worth to every person who came in ; he declared that the task which he himself had so often dreamed was now accomplished, namely, to reconstitute the man in his completeness, further the love of him and rouse the whole race. The author of that final and definitive work will hardly deny the statement if I affirm that he met with the greatest encourage- ments in his " dear Daudet." He was not only in love with the heroes of action, my father also celebrated the lives of the obscure and devoted ones, those who were sacri- ficed to glory; from Rossel "a reversed Bona- parte," "a starless one" whose name returns more than fifty times in the little note-books, down to the bold hero of Port-Breton, down to Blanqui whom Gustave Geffroy has made famous, down to Rimbaud the prodigious and the Marquis de Life and Literature. 49 Mores in fact all those who nourished tremen- dous plans, men, as he often repeated, following the striking formula of Baudelaire, for whom action " has never been the sister of their imagination." His shelves were filled with a multitude of pam- phlets referring to the works and deeds of these knights-errant, these men of imagination, these deserters from an existence according to the code, who risked their lives without hope of return, railed at and tempted destiny, throwing their bodies as food to the ravens and the future, men who opened up new paths and disdained death. "That scorn of death which makes man invin- cible " he placed that above everything. He was tremendously interested in the Trappists, whom he had visited in Algiers, and in the Foreign Le- gion and in the fits of desire for revolution and in outbursts of unemployed energy seen among those boiling courages which are confined with- out enough breathable air by our false-faced soci- ety, courages which are lamed by the tight boots of the law. Enthusiasm of this sort brought in play two sides of his nature, his taste for risks and his love for humble folk. For weeks at a time he was haunted by the defence of Tuyen-Quan by Domine and Bobillot. His fantastic faculty of turning him- self into others, which I shall examine in detail, permitted him to take on himself the role of every one and follow his blunders and weaknesses and recoveries. " You who love philosophy so, why don't you make two monographs, one on Scruple 4 50 Alphonse Daudet. and the other on Risk, and show the points where they meet? Give powerful examples, don't fear to lay it on thick ! Your old father will supply you with the images." On my return from a trip to the Alpine Club a month before his death I told him that I had made the acquaintance of Capt. Camps, one of the defen- ders of Tuyen-Quan ; his delight was endless : " I am sure you did not know how to make him talk ! What did they eat? When did they sleep? The cries of the Chinese during the night ! And the battles following one another ! Tell me, tell me ! " Alas, I have not his power of glancing through a man as through a book. That last expression always delighted him, for it justified his method ; one of his last happinesses was the dedication to Grosclaude at the beginning of the book on Madagascar. " Grosclaude, a Parisian, a witty talker, and a subtle artist. He is all energy and does not know his own powers. O the admirable French race ! " The war of 1870 was a revelation to him; it made a man of him. He realized this one evening when on guard in the snow; at the same time he had his first attack of pain and of remorse for the indolence which permitted him to sing and write light verses and current prose without a serious or durable life-work. He adored all military trap- pings; the music of regimental bands set him aglow " like a colonel's horse ; " an officer's title opened wide his door and his heart: "Those who have formally made a sacrifice of their life Life and Literature. 51 stand on a higher plane than all other people." One of the few questions in which he would admit of no alternative view was the question of patriot- ism. I intend some day to tell in a pamphlet, a special pamphlet furnished with documents, what his conduct was during the Terrible Year; accord- ing to him that year was marked by not only a change in himself, but a complete metamorphosis of the nation customs, prejudices and culture. If I spoke well of a German, he lauded the liter- ature of Germany and murmured in a melancholy way " Oh, our little fellows in their defeat ! " He felt more keenly than anybody the disorder shown in everything during that tragic epoch. Owing to our lack of reminiscences he desired that my brother and I should be exactly informed, so he surrounded himself with all the French and foreign works which speak of the Franco-German war. During our sojourn at Champrosay this very sum- mer he related to us in detail his impressions and his anguish ; in a way it was his patriotic last will ; he desired that the account of the defence at Chateaudun should be read and re-read in the com- mon schools. His powers of persuasion were such that he fashioned me after his own mind, and I saw that he was happy therein. I believe that he loved his sons as much as anybody, but without a shadow of hesitation he would have devoted us to the flag. I made it a reproach to him to have never put in black and white that analysis of our disasters which he alone was capable of writing; but he 52 Alphonse Daudet. shook his head : " One cannot elevate souls by such a story ; for a warlike country like our own it is necessary to sound the clarions of victory." One admirable thing about him this man who had done his entire duty always modestly held his tongue about it; but the wound never healed. When Madame Adam came to see him the talk fell naturally enough upon revenge ; my dear patroness and he were not afraid of anything. He was proud to learn that our army on the first line seemed absolutely ready : " I have never doubted the right intentions of any one. Our governors are in error when they accept humiliations. And yet, after all is said . . . who knows? . . . There 's the grand mystery. . . . Where is the leader? ..." I can say that his last days were darkened by the Dreyfus affair. " I saw Bazaine," he repeated, anguish in his face, " I saw Fort Montrouge after the treason, the distress and sad horror of the brave men who caused themselves to be killed next day." Eager as he was in favor of justice, anxious as he was that every creature should have his rights and clever as he was to unravel the threads of intrigue, he could never reconcile himself to the idea that a nation might be disorganized intention- ally, certainly not without immediate and striking proofs. The man who sells his own country seemed to him unworthy of any pity whatever. On the morning of the catastrophe I promised him that Rochefort would come in person to confirm him in his certainty. The idea of the visit de- lighted him, because he much admired the great Life and Literature. 53 pamphleteer and recognized in him a unique gift of observation analogous to the divining power of Drumont. " Unquestionably that comes from his long exile. He looks at and judges things from afar, but he has scented the needs of our interests." He had that power of scenting things out, him- self, although he disdained the actual politics of social clowns and phrasemongers. His opinion on this question is expressed in a chapter of his last novel Sontien de Famille : "It is through the lobbies of the Chamber of Deputies that the blood of France is being lost." But what irritated him more than anything else was the bad faith shown by parties and their universal hypocrisy. No one better than he has described "the plat- form effects and gestures and rhetoric of second- class actors," all that macaronic verbiage which makes up the conjugation of the word " to govern." If there ever was a man in the world who loved the populace with a real and unaffected love, it was he. I recall our walks in Paris on the first national fes- tivals of the 14th of July (we were then living in the Marais), his happiness at the sight of the ban- ners and women in their Sunday clothes and radiant men carrying their boys on their shoulders. He fraternized with everybody, offered people drinks, extolled the good looks of the children " whom his long hair caused to laugh." " Do you see that gown?" said one of them, "for a month now father has been talking about it with mother ; they have cut into the money for the household 54 Alp house Daudet. and quarrelled with the old parents ; you may just believe it is a big thing ! " He was touched by their round-eyed looks of greed before the shop fronts. He emptied his purse in buying toys ; the value of the gift was increased a hundredfold by the adroitness of its presentation and by his charm. One of his dreams was to write an anecdotal history of the Commune, all the more impartial because he made excuses for the madness of that day : " I partook of that madness " said he ; "I left Paris when they wanted to put me in the ranks and when the crazy leaders exasperated me. I reached Versailles ; but there again I found, in an inverted way, once more the same cruel delirium, the same injustice, the same eyes of hate but without the excuse of misery and hunger. I under- stood then that, at the risk of death, it would be necessary to hold oneself apart from each one of those camps." During those terrible years how often did we have ourselves taken to the outskirts of the city ! He was excited by the movement of the crowd of an evening toward Belleville, by the sparkling eat- ing houses, the push-carts, the quick succession of faces and of attitudes of people at work. One of his most perfect satisfactions consisted in that popular edition of his works which his friend and former school comrade Fayard made an actuality. He trembled with delight while turning over the leaves of the little pamphlets for two sous apiece, which placed his works within reach of those com- Life and Literature. 55 mon folk whose wretchedness he understood so well. Just here I wish to insist upon one of the finest qualities in my father. Though favored by suc- cess he never sought it in a vulgar fashion ; " big editions " surprised him, but did not turn his head. I have never known any one who disdained money as much as he. Extremely and uncommonly plain in his daily life, an enemy of luxury and show, touchingly simple in his dress, his household and his manners, he considered wealth the most dan- gerous trap so far as morals are concerned, a well of corruption at which he who drinks poisons him- self, and the usual cause for the breaking up of families and for hatreds among relations and in society. "The infamy of gold;" it was described and foretold by Balzac the sublime, whose literary work, constantly overheated and overstrained, ap- pears to me as the poem of Covetousness. It is true that he has not made use of either gnomes or giants as Wagner has in order to express the power of the precious metal ; but he shows none the less its legendary force when he generalizes the tortures and shames and infamies that spring from it, when he makes special mention of the faces and grimaces, noting those words which are sharply denned and carved upon the live flesh. " Gold cannot give any of the radical happinesses, those which are primordial and true ; no, not one ! On the contrary it controverts nature, carves wrin- kles and digs bogs ; it tears to pieces and corrupts. 56 Alphonse Daudet. Economists state that gold circulates yes, like alcohol and opium, making the one it may inspire cowardly or crazy, bringing him whom it raises up low in the mire, heaping itself up only in order to bring ruin, and accumulating itself only in the interest of vice. " Power and interest, and how they trouble human passions that is the Hell of the Magician to whom we owe so many masterpieces. As if it were an alcohol distilled from gold, it makes us drunk, drowning out heart and brain. " Whenever I pass by some magnificent mansion, a residence or castle, a park with gleaming waters, I ask myself what sorrow and what unhappiness all that may conceal." He believed that in literature a quick success and money are bad things, leading the artist aside from his true path, which is to per- fect himself according to his individual nature in response to his own conscience, without any pros- pect of pecuniary gain. But this is what preoccupied him before every- thing else : the author's responsibility. " Our period is playing in a terrible manner with the forces of print, which are worse than explosives." One day I discovered in one of his little note- books a list of the social injustices, the principal wrongs which should be fought against. " I drew it up," he confessed to me, " with an idea to supply subjects for books. Now if there is one thing which is consoling, it is that over against every wrong there rises up a feeble true, a very feeble, attempt at reparation. Now it is a threat, now a Life and Literature. 57 simple outcry. Notwithstanding the universality of egotism, there are ears for the greater part of scandals which grow too great. Unfortunately pitying humanity is possessed of narrow resources and cannot be present everywhere at the same time." Then he came back to the policy of " phrase- mongers," who, instead of taking up their time solely in making social wrongs less severe, interest themselves in nothing except the ballot-box. " Some one little improvement every day " that ought to be their motto ! But little do they occupy themselves with such works ! So you may easily guess that he was a liberal and indeed the most liberal of minds, although still ever attached to tradition. But a parliament- ary label would have been just as insupportable to him as a literary label. Only he did show indigna- tion when people accused him of having smutched the memory of his former patron, the Due de Morny : " I had no connection at all with public affairs, I simply occupied a sinecure as a man of letters. I am certain that I never wrote one line in Le Nabab which could have been disliked by the duke during his lifetime." As a matter of fact Le Nabab is a historical novel without coarse colors and without invective. The outline of Mora is drawn with discretion and no little grandeur. When he dealt with him, my father always represented that statesman with all his elegant and sinuous grace, respecting in him the " connoisseur of men." " At that Deriod I was 58 Alphonse Daudet. quite as careless and fantastic of brain as the greater part of my contemporaries. Though it was merely a suspicion of the terrible and grim things which were preparing, I had nothing more than a poet's shudder when listening to La Belle HHene in which the insulted gods of Olympus and the shrill sound of Offenbach's violin bow seemed to me a forecast of the catastrophe. " But what catastrophe? I did not know. Yet I went back to my room troubled and anxious, as one feels when leaving some unwholesome atmos- phere. A few months later I understood." I have heard many conversations concerning those most significant times. The most striking were talks with Auguste Brachet, author of L 'Italie qu'on voit etl y Italie git on ne voit pas, one of those men for whom my father felt the very liveliest esteem. " I may be able to see individ- uals and discern the motives for their action, but Brachet judges the masses, nations and national events with an unrivalled sagacity. Listen atten- tively to him and profit by him ! You have before you one of the finest brains of modern times ! " I did listen, and profited. This took place at the Lamalou Baths where Brachet was taking the waters for neuralgic pains. The two friends were never apart. The links in the chain of memories were evoked one after the other. Those were wonderful hours ! The author of L Italie, which was a prophetic work in its way and roused so many hatreds, had in preparation a great work, which ought to be near publication, on the Com- Life and Literature. 59 parative Psychology of the Europeans. He " talked" the main chapters in our presence with a glow like that of Diderot, with a lucidity, power and erudition that dazzled us. He was a teacher of the Empress Eugenie and " showed up " the Tuileries and society, the actors and their surround- ings in sharpest relief after the manner of Hogarth. I hope that from all these details, which are often difficult to classify, the reader extracts this clear idea that Alphonse Daudet wrote his books with the very sap of the human tree. A form of foolishness one constantly meets is to compare realism to photography. Every organism has its own angle of refraction which is much more complicated than that of an objective glass ; my father's organism was one of the most delicate and most impressionable materials in which the outer world could possibly refract itself. His ear had a delicacy and correctness most exquisite. At a dinner-table with twenty present he could make out conversations though they were held in a low voice. He caught even the silly talk of children. The slightest noises in nature im- pressed themselves upon him and delighted him. Thence came his passion for music which was made an aid and assistance to his labors. He sits at his table in his working room. My mother is at the piano in the next room and the music of Mozart, Beethoven, Schumann or Schu- bert follows, one after the other, and excites or calms the imagination of the writer. " Music is another planet." " I adore all music, the com- 60 Alphonse Datidet. monest as well as the loftiest." But no man could analyze and understand better the masters of harmony, no man lauded the genius of Wagner in more splendid terms or more brilliant images : "The conquest by Wagner and the philosophers." When he went to a concert his eyes were wet with tears, so lively was his emotion. I could feel him trembling from head to foot. His auditory memory had no limits. With what a delicate and penetrating voice did he not hum the airs of his own country and of all countries ! Beautiful lines made more beautiful by sounds induced in him a gentle melancholy. In former years Raoul Pugno, Bizet, Massenet, men whom he admired and cherished, and during the later years Hahn, were real enchanters for him. The melodies by his " little Hahn " which he caused to be played three times in succession Hahn, so precocious in genius, so learned and so free from pettiness, so lucid and gently sensual positively put him in an ecstasy. Seated in his big arm- chair he half closed his eyes while his nervous hand clasped the knob of his cane ; his half- opened lips seemed to drink in the sound. I perceive him farther back in my memory at the Exposition of 1878, listening to the gypsies, a glass of Tokay before him, encouraging the cries of "bravo" that resounded in their honor and quite carried away by the music ! Then it is Venice. The lapping of the water, the sound of violins and human voices rise from the dusky canal. He himself is no longer with us ; he is off Life and Literature. 61 travelling through the land of imagination in com- pany with his youth and manly vigor and hopes. When that music ceases, another begins music which proceeds from him and celebrates the games of the wave and of the night, and those polished marbles which live again in memory. And so always in the hours of intimate inter- course he seems to me the same person, whether he may be asking questions of his learned friend Leon Pillaut on violins and old refrains, on the guimbarde, the alto and the hautbois, or listen- ing in a grassy plain of Provence to the mystery of the pastoral pipe, making the passers-by stop iheir carts, or else enjoying in the garden at Champrosay the endless gamut of bird-notes, which regulated for him the hours of spring. His eyes, which short-sightedness really sharp- ened, though he pretended that they were no good for painting or the plastic arts, perceived color and form with the greatest liveliness notwithstanding. He was one of the very first to appreciate the Impressionists. As to masters of painting, naturally his prefer- ences went out to the realists, to the Hollanders and notably to Rembrandt, and to the French school made famous by Troyon, Rousseau, Millet and a score of others. He liked to recall delight- ful hours passed with his friends Bague and Gouvet. The picture-seller Bague delighted him with his robust merry-making eloquence, in which true touches of artistic fervor played hither and thither, all warmed up with slang. I remember 62 Alphonse Daudet. one entire day passed in turning over Goya's etch- ings; he uttered at the time many radical truths concerning sincerity, the excess and paroxysm of which become cruelty; on the combination of grandeur and minuteness which is a distinctive feature in the bull-fight series ; on the crude power of shadow and of light; on the particular disorder in military and artistic matters during that epoch; on the morbid drying-up, the Etruscan angles and the " voluptuous twist " found in Spain. As it was a matter of the South, it was easy for him to read these Spanish riddles ; at first sight he deciphered for us the fantastic " Proverbs" and " Dreams." The conversation ended with a picture of that frenzy which is particular to the peoples of the lands of the sun the sun, "that alcohol of the South ! " During our stay in London he remained for many hours seated in the British Museum before the Furies and the Friezes of the Parthenon : "Don't you find that a magnificent music dis- engages itself from these groups? 'Reality and poetry ' of a truth there is nothing else beside. Those old peoples copied nature. Nature was dancing in that blue air. No separation between the exterior world and the world within ; no one shaken by desire; never a lack of harmony! Whenever there is a rhythm anywhere it seems there must have also been some happy inspira- tion." " And how as to sorrow, father? " " Sorrow did not put discord into the human Life and Literature. 63 being. The latter did not raise a revolution against it. It did not foment disorder." The idea that the figures on these friezes might become violent like true daughters of the North, might become Valkyrs, brought him to talk of Wagner's brain, in which two forms of beauty fought for empire. One, to a certain degree im- movable and in equilibrium, having very gentle waves, being near of kin to the ideal of the Greeks ; the other having a furious form, the boiling well- spring of the Saxon race. It is mere laziness of the imagination to divide intellectual men into classes of analysts and syn- theticists according to their works or their speech. Alphonse Daudet was in search of original causes and he triumphed in giving details, but instinct warned him of the exact place where too great division would have dissolved and ruined every- thing. Work offered itself to him as a whole ; he admired it in the mass. A lover of right propor- tions and of exact measure (he himself used as a motto for himself: Ne quid nimis) there was nothing of the miniaturist about him. He saw things in a big way, nor did he reason or discuss matters for the mere pleasure of so doing. He respected deeply every kind of emotion. Quar- rels over words wearied him, just as those ora- torical games in which each participant decides a matter according to his particular temperament without the slightest regard to the opinions of others. Whatever superficial critics, led astray by his monocle and his conscientiousness, may say in 64 Alphonse Daudet. this regard, he had no use for the microscope in his work. The best proof of this is a hatred of what people have agreed to call " art for art's sake." He re- peated this formula with a look of astonishment on his face, for there was no one who was less ready to admit catch-words in conversation Insincerity made him yawn ; " whatever has not roots in actu- ality is dead. Heavens, I know well enough the apology they make for artifice ! Baudelaire in- vented that to use as a weapon, out of pure hatred for fools and fat citizens. Nothing ages so, nothing loses its grip so quickly as what is unusual. ' Les fleurs dn ma/,' ' Les petit poemes en prose ' are marvels and the quintessence of truth ; they are precious poems plucked from the very depths of the moral soil. But the imitators of a fad were foolish enough to imagine that they also could build and inhabit the ' kiosqne en marqueterie ' of which Sainte-Beuve speaks. What an error ! " If he loved to put himself in contact with poems, if he excelled in the faculty of reading the most lowly characters and classifying all the movements of the mind, all habits and functional " creases," yet did he also delight in solitude: "Where the form of observation, the vision of the poet and the nicety of mind in the author concentrate and pu- rify themselves." In his agitated youth when he began to be anxious concerning his spiritual and physical health he made some veritable " retreats." He went and shut himself up in a mas of the Camargue, a big farm, and even went to stay in Life and Literature. 65 the lighthouse on the Sanguinaires : " The two lighthouse men, forced to live side by side, loathed each other; one copy of Plutarch all marked up by their great clumsy fingers constituted the li- brary, O Shakespeare ! and filled these simple imaginations with the murmur of battles and of heroism similar to that of the moaning sea. The useful shine of the revolving lantern in the tower lured thither reckless birds which dashed their brains out against the enormous glass lens. The keepers made soup of their bodies. If a storm did not 'bellow,' the revictualling boat would bring us once a week ancient news and fresh preserves. Fine hours have I passed there sometimes, 'tis true, slow, sorrowful and anguished; but they were hours in which I took stock of myself and judged myself, and listened there to other storms beside those of the ocean. Lucky are they whom necessity suddenly separates from the social gulf and who find themselves in the presence of their own self! People will never know how much exile added to the greatness of Hugo and Voltaire, how the prison of Blanqui increased and enlarged his dream ! " After a silence he added : " And, going into that solitude, which one of the men of a single book, unins libri, which would I carry with me? Montaigne or Pascal? Or would I cheat and take an anthology of the masters of prose, or the sub- lime literature of Taine, or the Plutarch of my lighthouse men? A constant interchange of thought goes on between that one book of his 5 66 Alphonse Daudel. and the isolated man who is a thinker. It forms a library, an encyclopedia, which the movements of the solitary one's soul engraft upon what is printed ; and the soul boils up again because of that which is printed. Double offspring, starting from the germ of the story of Hamlet! slender pamphlet for a bookseller and for Hamlet's author ! When I was living with the Essays as my Bible there was not one of my dreams for which I did not get from them an answer and comfort." As head of the family he was forced to renounce his love of solitude, for we never parted from each other; but my mother always did something to satisfy that love of the country which he kept so vividly alive down to his last moments. That delightful valley of Champrosay which played such a great role in our life stretches in reality from Juvisy to Corbeil along the curvings of the Seine and the corresponding caprice of the woods of Senart. We inhabited successively three houses on the right bank, one of which had be- longed to Eugene Delacroix. It is the village and forest bank open like a cornice to the sun, warm and healthful, and moreover sown with historical castles, Soisy-sous-Etiolles, Lagrange, Grosbois, which recall the 17th century, the Revo- lution and the Empire. The left bank, toward Montlhery and Etampes, traversed by the acque- duct of the Vanne, brings back memories partly similar, partly much older. Some villages belong to the 1 2th century. Life and Literature. 67* Formerly my father loved to boat with his neighbors, Gustave Droz and Leon Pillaut, with his friends Gonzague Privot and Arrnand Syl- vestre, particularly with his brother-in-law Allard ; he passed his life on the Seine and frequented the taverns of coachmen and carters, rowing up those pretty by-streams which lose themselves in private properties, shady parks, or factories : " Once we came to so narrow a little branch and so shallow that we had to disembark and carry the ' Arl6- sienne ' on my shoulders ; lo and behold, we are in a garden ; a young girl, very much surprised, raises her head from her book and sees us both before her, your uncle and me, very much like the red Indians of Fenimore Cooper, loaded down with the boat and rudder, the oars and the boat- hook." At that time, too, he was wont to scour the woods for mushrooms and chestnuts. He was proud of knowing the proper sort and distinguish- ing the good mushrooms with ends like tulle. He pranced about through the bushes with me on his shoulders, dragging my mother after him. In the evening we devoured the gleanings of our harvest. He told us how during a wrestling match with the sculptor Zachary Astruc, whose independence and robust talent he admired, he had broken his leg. He was carried home groaning and feverish and particularly preoccupied with a fear that his comrade would be blamed. That very summer's night, which was heavy and stormy, the news- papers brought a terrible piece of news: declara- 68 Alphonse Daudet. tion of the Franco-German war. He had but one idea after that : get himself healed as soon as pos- sible and be in shape to help his country. " Hor- rible and stupefying period, during which every courier announced a defeat and the countenances of the peasants reflected fear and meanness." Finally he was on his feet again, capable of hold- ing a gun ! Later on the state of his health no longer per- mitted him anything more than walks down the alleys of that great park which all our friends know. There is not a bench, there is not a slope which lacks a memory of my beloved. On my arm or on that of my brother his gait was alert and rapid. He would not stop except to light his little pipe, as clever as a herdsman of the Camargue plains to get the better of wind and dust, delighting in " nice little warm shelters," interesting himself in flowers, in garden plots, in vegetables, happy of the slightest embellishment and delighted to show off " his domain." It was there one should have seen and heard him, excited by the great " out-of-doors," watch- ing the play of light, listening to the songs of birds, the singing of the cricket and the rustling of the leaves. He improvised extraordinary stories for my very young son, his little Charles, and for my sister Edmee, stories in which every- thing about us played its part magical, delight- ful tales which placed the beauty of things in nature on a level with those budding intellects, moved them and held them attentive to the point Life and Literature. 69 of closing their eyes in order to enjoy the feast all the more. There is the secret pulsation of his genius : In a few exact and a few simple images, the objects corresponding to which are near to us, he touches our soul. There is the word and there lies the object. Even grains of sand and sticks of wood and bark he rendered animate. He would say that that insect had carried off the end of his story and in order to pursue the robber he would stick his glass in his eye. In these little games thus organized, while little hands pressed his hands and the " Thank you, Papa," " Thank you, Grandpapa," resounded in these homelike and fairylike pictures one finds again his subtle and simple art with its thousand delicate shades, like to one of those flowers whose fragrance lends balmi- ness to the air. When the heat of the day lessened we would take a drive in the family landau. My mother has a pronounced taste for things of the past. She points out many an ancient residence such as that home of Mme. de Beaumont at Savigny which the grass and mosses are slowly invading. Autumn is the finest season here; across the broad plain one sees the fires of the rubbish heaps. My father expresses his longing for hap- piness : "An old mansion broad and somewhat low, with an extension consisting of farmhouse and poultry yard. In the hearths the crackling wood of the pruned vines. A few selected friends and the snow outside. Absolute and tender con- 70 Alphonse Daudet. fidence among all present. Chats and delightful readings aloud. The old people are not morose, the young are neither pedantic nor bitter. Life is one delight." In one of his last letters received at Grenoble whilst I was serving with the Alpine regiment he wrote to me : " Fancy to yourself one of those delightful ' artist consolers/ such as I have dreamed of being myself, dwelling in some old property near the gates of a little town with ram- parts and mall, passing two months in Paris, a few weeks on the Nile or in Spitzbergen, but at last getting tired of running about and then find- ing his completest pleasure in a few roomfuls of friends, crowded on the traditional days of the calendar year Christmas, New Year's, St. John's Day, Thanksgiving Day. Such a man as that might print a book consisting of numberless volumes embodying our very best society. He could put at the close of the last volume pub- lished ' to continue ' and then the ' Book of Life,' or the 'Science of Life ' would be under way." In the chapter entitled " The Vendor of Hap- piness," I shall show what it was he meant by those words "The Science of Life." The intervals in the little note-books are de- lightful and stunning landscape pieces. In such cases, as in others, he only noted the domi- nant points ; things that strike and trouble us in some spectacle of nature are hit off in a few precise, clear and vibrating words, as quick and sharp as the impression of the spectacle itself. Life and Literature. 71 One day I was turning over the leaves of these masterpieces and said to him : " You recall old Hokusa'f to me old ' Crazy-for-drawing,' who at the end of his life stated that he almost under- stood the form of living creatures and could al- most fix line and point as they should be." He answered : " I have not reached that point. How bitter it is to me, this gap between that which my pen sets down and that which my soul has perceived ! I suffer from the torture of not expressing myself. How can one render and ex- press that swifter pulsation in our veins which comes when one looks upon the evening star rendered golden by the autumn, or a little lake upon which the sunlight separates itself into its component parts, or an horizon with beautifully pure lines, or a stormy sky, copper-colored and black, a dusky abyss in the midst of the blue heavens? How express the way in which a mem- ory palpitates at a given hour, or tell what part of us it is that lingers in things, what it is in us which weeps and smiles in accord with them? Through my lips how many impressions have escaped which are rebellious to verbal forms ! " Still, if ever methods of work were submitted to the rules of natural law they were his. In his turbulent youth he never seated himself at his writing-table except when fired by his subject. He stated that a talent was an " intensity " of life ; and his stories are a proof of that formula. Later on, through the happy influence of his " direct collaboration " he made channels for and 72 Alphonse Daudet. regulated his wonderful faculty as an improvisor. He got the habit of daily work and, as usually happens, his brain became more supple in re- sponse to the appeal and submitted to the dis- cipline. Fromont Jeune et Risler AinJ, y