PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS University of California Berkeley JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY SAN FRANCISCO PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT BY MR.ANDMRS.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIA AND ROSALYN RAY RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS AND THEIR PERSONAL VALUE AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS. JAPAN PAPER COMPANY York Boston Phi/ade/phia COPYRIGHT 1921 PRIVATELY PRINTED BOOKS AS GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS. A SUGGESTION. C>^ ffE appropriate and accept- able Christmas gift is always a problem there are so many men and women of so many minds to satisfy, and as a rule the question of ex- pense must be considered. Some years ago one man did solve this problem and in so satisfactory a way that many others have followed his example. After figuring carefully as to the amount IV of money he usually expended \ the rime, energy and worry necessary to make the necessary purchases, and then the general dissatisfaction he felt as he realized how inappropriate and inadequate were most of his gifts and how trivial each item seemed and how quickly they would be lost or destroyed and forgotten, he de- cided on a new move. This was to take the same sum of money or even less and print a book of his own in as fine a manner as it could be prepared. This, of course, was a per- sonal gift in every sense of the word as such it would be treasured. No one can V throw a book away as such it would be kept. By choosing as a subject some classic that has lived and will live, he had copy that would appeal to all minds. By obtaining a format beyond criti- cism he created a thing of beauty suitable for any library, and by making the edi- tion a limited one he created an article of value that would increase in worth as time passed. So much for the idea now for the practical application and the ease of ac- complishment. First select the subject mat- ter ; then a good printer ', one with taste VI and appreciation ; a hand-made paper se- curing instant recognition of quality and insuring at the same time lasting quality beyond question. Good paper, good printing, and good composition, with hundreds of examples from the old master-printers to guide one, make the manufacturing end a very sim- ple proposition. Such papers have been gathered from China, Japan, Korea, France, Italy, England, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium, and are to be found in stock in great variety in laid and wove, white and cream (and in colors VII for binding), in different sizes suitable for different formats. By writing to the Japan Paper Company, or by addressing them as to your interest, samples and sam- ple books will be sent on request, dummies will be prepared, and every assistance given to making your book possible, eco- nomical and a success. THIS IS PRINTED ON 'RIVES,* MADE IN FRANCE. THE SIZE OF THE SHEET IS 22K X 31M. IT BEARS FOUR DECKLE EDGES. THE BINDING PAPER IS IMPORTED AND HAND-PRINTED ON HAND' MADE STOCK. THESE PAPERS ARE CARRIED IN STOCK AND REPRESENT BUT ONE COMBINATION OF OUR MANY OFFERINGS. JAPAN PAPER COMPANY Importers of high-grade papers from China, Japan, Korea, France, Italy, England, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, Holland and Belgium NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA No. 7627 PRIVATELY PRINTED BY THE JAPAN PAPER COMPANY 5*73 m/