LIBRARY UNlViftSrt^Of SAN DIEGO 9 >* MAJRTIH ''ilere I stand, 1 Cannot do otherwise. Goflttip me! Ame.r 1 THE LIFE OF LUTHER; Iptwl ftifmnr* in its (felhr OPENING SCENES THE REFORMATION. BY BARNAS SEARS, D.D. PHILADELPHIA : AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, Ho. 146 CHESTNUT STREET. NSW roSJC: No. 147 NASSAU STREET BOSTON: No. CORMUILL. LOVISriLLK: No. 108 FOC&TH VIKEZT. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1849, by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION, hi the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 49" No books are published by the AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION without the sanction of the Committee of Publication, consisting of fourteen members, from the following denominations of Christians, yiz. Baptist, Methodist, Congregationalist, Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Re- formed Dutch. Not more than three of the members can be of the same denomination, and no book can be published to which any mem- ber of the Committee shall object PREFACE. IN an age so distinguished for historical research as the present, it would be remarkable if there were no demand for a Life of LUTHEK, founded upon new investigations. In the English language the want of such a work is much greater than in the German. In the latter, the facts newly discovered, though they lie scattered in many dif- ferent publications, are recorded ; while, in the former, they are nearly or quite unknown. To say nothing of Luther's letters, edited by De Wette, and of Melancthon's, by Bretschneider, without which no good biography of Luther can be written, elaborate historical essays, almost without number, on points connected with the life of the Reformer have been published within a few years in Ger- many, of which hardly a trace can be found in English or American books. The year 1846, the third centennial of Luther's death, was, in this respect, unusually prolific. In the recent histories, too, of old towns and cities, in the publications of learned societies, in the later critical bio- graphies of many of the associates and contemporaries of the Reformer, and in several special and general histories 4 PREFACE. relating to the affairs of Germany in that period, import- ant additions have been made to our knowledge of the life and times of Luther. About three years ago, the Committee of Publication of the American Sunday-School Union applied to the writer, to prepare a life of Luther, to be published under the auspices of that society. Having, from the time of my temporary residence in Germany, in the years 1834-6, when my historical studies, under the guidance of Neander, commenced, contracted some familiarity with the writings of Luther, and with the history of his age, I was induced by my historical tastes, and my interest in the Reformer, some of whose minor works I had edited, no less than by the hope of doing a service to the young, to engage in the undertaking. During this interval of three years, nearly all the works, amounting to some hundreds of volumes, which cast new light on the subject in hand, have been carefully examined. Many new facts have been brought together, and many obscurities re- moved, while not a few apocryphal accounts have been discarded. Persons who are conversant with the sources of infor- mation, will not complain that the admirable work of Jurgens on the youth of Luther should be followed, so far as it extends. No other single work, except Luther's letters, has been used so much as this. But from the year 1517, to Luther's death in 1546, no such explorer and guide could be found. Fortunately, from that date, PREFACE. 5 Luther is his own best biographer. The five large volumes of his published letters, with the supplementary collec- tions, embrace the history of this period of his life with remarkable fulness of detail. The fact that no life of the Reformer had been written, in which was incorporated the body of materials contained in his correspondence, determined the mind of the writer to make that corres- pondence a subject of particular study with reference to his object. The new colouring which would hereby be given to the narrative would, it was believed, render it both more truthful and more interesting. Luther would appear in his own dress. His thoughts, expressed in his own words, would reveal his true character as nothing else would. Never could such a plan be more justifiable than in the case of one so accustomed as he was, to give unreserved freedom to his tongue and pen, and to speak out all that was in his heart. Indeed, so perfectly does the character of the individual shine forth in his own utterances and actions that a separate portraiture of it has been omitted as superfluous. It will, I trust, appear that the author has had no theory to establish, no secret purpose to answer, but has studiously laboured to set forth Luther in his real cha- racter. His faults have not been concealed, nor his virtues wittingly overdrawn. It seemed irreverent to interrupt the solemn voice of history, and ill-advised to imitate the example of those who transfigure imperfect 1* 6 PREFACE. and erring men into pure saints, for the blind homage of the ignorant and credulous. In order to give full relief to the picture of Luther's youth and early manhood, for the benefit of the young reader, it was necessary to abridge the latter "part of his life. This design was favoured by the consideration that Luther's later years were involved in controversies, which it would be improper to perpetuate in the publications of the Union. Indeed, the biographical _ interest sensibly abates at the point where it begins to expand into general history, a circumstance which would of itself justify the limited plan of the present work. B. SEARS. Newton Centre, Jan. 21, 1850. DESCRIPTION OF ENGRAVINGS. Page 6. Entrance to Luther's House in Wittenberg, with "1540" inscribed at the top. Page 9. The Electoral or All-saints' Church at Wit- tenberg, described on page 122. Page 11. Taken from a medal struck in Saxony, in the year 1617, the first Jubilee of the Reformation. It re- presents Luther taking a bushel from a lamp or candle a symbol of the gospel, as is intimated by the open Bible at the side, and the name of Jehovah above, in Hebrew letters. Page 43. Luther's House, or the Old Augustinian Cloister. His apartment was in the second story, con- nected with the second and third windows from the right. The entrance was at the door on the right of the tower and near by it. Page 44. Taken from a medal struck by the city of Worms in 1617. It represents a burning candle standing upon an open Bible, with a serpent endeavour- ing to extinguish it, and a hand from the clouds point- ing to it, and intimating that divine strength feeds the flame. The medal itself has a Latin inscription sig- nifying, "0 Lord! let it shine on for ever." Page 56. The Ninety-five Theses of Luther on Indul- gences, posted up on the door of the Electoral Church at Wittenberg. The hammer is lying at his feet. DESCRIPTION OF ENGRAVINGS. Page 64. The Augusteum, or University, on the left, and Melancthon's house towering high on the right. Page 114. Luther's Monument, erected in 1817 1821, in the Market-place at Wittenberg. Page 115. Jubilee-medal struck in Saxony, in 1617, representing the Elector, Frederick the Wise, 'In his robes of office, holding a sword in his right hand, and pointing with his left to the name of Jehovah. By his side stands Luther, holding a burning light in his right hand, and with the left pointing to the Bible. On the table-cloth is seen the Elector's coat of arms. Page 262. Luther's seal, described by himself, p. 449. Page 131. A rear- view of the Parochial or City Church in Wittenberg, where Luther commonly preached. Page 176. From a medal of the second Jubilee of the Reformation, in 1717, in Saxe-Weisenfels. It represents the Church founded upon a rock the waves of the ocean dashing wildly around it. Page 287. Taken from a medal struck by the City of Nuremberg, in 1717, representing a Bible open to the passage "The word of the Lord endureth for ever." V. D. M. I. M. are the initials of the same words in Latin "Verbum Dei Manet In Sternum." On the left of the Bible is a mason's plummet-rule or level, with reference to the passage (Gal. vi. 16): "As many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them and mercy," &c. Page 294. The Double-headed Eagle and Crown repre- sent the German Empire. Page 318. Taken from a medal struck in Saxony, in 1617, representing a brick-kiln on the left ; on the right, DESCRIPTION OF ENGRAVINGS. 9 the brazen serpent, or serpent on the cross, and the name of Jehovah with a pillar of cloud between. The meaning is, that as Moses conducted the children of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, so did Luther conduct the people of God from papal captivity. Page 365. The Castle of the Elector at Wittenberg. Page 366. Taken from a medal struck at Halle, in Suabia, in 1617, resembling that on page 294 ; except that it has the city arms or seal. Page 403. Chapel Corpus Christ! (Body of Christ), one of the oldest public buildings in Wittenberg. Page 404. From a medal of Saxe-Gotha, struck in 1717, representing a palm-tree among thorns, and yet flourishing. Its emblematical import, as applied to the church, is obvious. Upon the medal itself is inscribed a verse from Ovid "Vixi annos bis centum, nunc tertia vivitur setas" " I have lived two centuries, and am now living in the third." Page 486. The Yard or Court of the Elector's Castle at Wittenberg. PART I. FROM LUTHER'S BIRTH TILL THE BEGINNING OF THE REFORMATION IN 1517. CHAPTER I. LUTHER'S BOYHOOD TO THE FOURTEENTH YEAR OF HIS AGE, WHEN HE LEFT HIS FATHER'S HOUSE. SECTION I. Luther's Birth-place and Parentage. OME twenty- five miles north-west of Leipsic is situ- ated the old town of Halle, on the Saale. From this town, the road running to the west, after crossing a fer- tile plain,leads to a romantic spot, at a dis tance of ten miles, where the hills of south-western Saxony be- gin to rise, and the flat lands, extending all the way from the Baltic Sea, reach their termination. Here the road, passing between two beautiful sheets of water, the one fresh and the other salt, enters a vale, with ranges of vine-clad hills on eithei side, which becomes wider and wider, till at the dis tance of nearly ten miles, it contracts again, and the heights that bounded it converge and form the varied 11 12 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. and pleasant scenery of Eisleben, once the capital of the county of Mansfeld. As the traveller enters this town, he leaves, on the left, before proceeding very far, the house where Luther was born, now converted into an edifice for the accommodation of an orphan school. In the same quarter of the city, a few rods to the east, is St. Peter's Church, where, according to the custom of the times, the boy was, on the very next day after his birth, baptized, and christened Martin, as that happened to be St. Martin's day. This circumstance is highly characteristic of the religious sentiments of that age. The senses and the imagination were employed, more perhaps than the heart, in the service of religion. The infant child was to be brought at once, in imagination at least, into connection with a saint; and it was be- lieved that an association of the name would be adapted to awaken in him a corresponding assoqa- tion of ideas. The font which was used on that occa- sion is still shown to the curious traveller. Leaving these places and passing directly on, about half-way through the town, the visiter will reach the point where a broad street, coming from the left, meets at right-angles with the one he is in. Turning in that direction he will see most of the city lying before him, on a rising eminence. At a little distance stands, on the left, the old and some- what stately house in which Luther died. On the other side of the street, a few rods above, is to be seen the church in which he preached his last ser- mon, the very pulpit in which he stood being still preserved. Let us now look for that district in Thuringia, or Western Saxony, where the ancestors of Luther re- 2E. 1-13.] BIRTH-PLACE. 13 sided. We will imagine ourselves at the castle of Wartburg, about seventy-five miles south-west of Eisleben, and about twenty-five west of Erfurt. Before us, as we face the east, we shall have Eise- nach, in a valley, almost at our feet, and along the hills and dales beyond, Gotha, Erfurt, Weimar and Jena, lying respectively at distances of about twelve or fourteen miles from each other. To the left, towards Eisleben, we look directly across four or five ranges of hills, which run parallel with the Thuringian Forest, with long narrow vales between them. To the right, or in a south-easterly direction, lies the Thuringian Forest itself a roman- tic range of hills or mountains, extending about forty miles. Through all this tract of country were scat- tered different branches of the family which bore the name of Luther. Directly south from Wartburg, on the south- western declivity of the forest, on the way to Salzungen, lies the hamlet of Mora, where was the homestead of that branch of the family from which Martin Luther sprung. Here the grandfather, Heine Luther, had a small farm, which he seems to have left to his eldest son Heinz or Henry Luther, the uncle of Martin. While Heinz received the small estate and assumed the maintenance of his parents, Hans or John, Martin Luther's father, appears to have been dependent upon his own industry for his livelihood. The most probable opinion is, that not long after his marriage he removed to Eisleben, in order to engage in the business of mining. From the Hartz Mountains, lying to the north-west, between Eisleben and Hanover, there runs a vein of copper with a small 14 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. ingredient of silver, passing through Mansfeld and extending to Eisleben. At this last place, Hans Luther, Martin's father, took up his first residence after leaving Mora ; and during this residence Martin Luther was born, November 10, 1483. The story to which Seckendorf gave currency, on the authority of a writer too late by a century to be a witness, namely, that Luther was born while his parents, yet residents of Mora, were attending a fair at Eisleben, is not only improbable in itself, as D'Aubigne" well remarks, but has been proved to be untrue from the fact, that fairs were never held at Eisleben in the month of November. Melancthon, the best authority on this subject, says : " The pa- rents of Luther first dwelt in the town of Eisleben, where Luther was born, and afterwards they went to Mansfeld." This view is confirmed by Ratze- berger's Manuscript, which says : " Forasmuch as the mining business had for many years been in a prosperous state in the county of Mansfeld, Hans Luther, with his wife Margaret, betook himself to that place, and gave himself, according to his best ability, to mining, till he became owner of a share in the mines and of a foundry. There, in the town of Eisleben, in the year 1483, was his son Martin Luther born, .... but the elder Luther, Hans, re- moved with his household to Mansfeld and was, on account of his knowledge and industry in mining, much beloved of the old Count Gunther." The report that Luther's father fled to Eisleben in consequence of having killed a person at Mora, was undoubtedly got up at a later period by the Papists, in order to throw discredit upon the Reformation. Eisleben, which has now a population of about seven M. 1-13.] BIRTH-PLACE. 15 thousand, was, at that time, the largest town of the territory of the Counts of Mansfeld.* As Luther passed only about half a year of his earliest infancy in Eisleben, it was only the associa- tions of his mind and subsequent connections with this place that could have any influence upon him. Indeed, it may be said that Eisleben owes more to Luther, than Luther to Eisleben. He always che- rished an affection for the place, and had warm and intimate friends there ; and the very last act of his life was, to make arrangements for establishing a Latin high-school in Eisleben, which soon numbered seven hundred pupils, and has not only existed, but flourished from that time to the present. After about six months' residence at Eisleben from the time of Luther's birth, his parents removed to Mansfeld, six miles to the north-west, of which the present population is about twelve hundred and fifty. Though this was a much smaller place than the for- mer, it was the residence of the various branches of the family of the Counts of Mansfeld. The castle, now in ruins, stood upon a rocky eminence on the south, and overlooked the vale in which the town was situ- ated. The scenery, in and around the place where Luther spent the first thirteen years of his life, was rather wild and romantic. The country, though not mountainous, is elevated and hilly; partly cultivated, partly covered with pine forests, and partly a bald and sterile rock. The pits and slag lying on the * The independent county of Mansfeld was a small ir- regular tract, lying between Halle and Nordhausen, not extending forty miles in any direction ; and yet D'Au- bigne" says Mora was in it, whereas it was more than sixty miles from its nearest boundary. 16 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. surface indicate at once that it is a mining dis- trict. To the south-east, towards Eisleben, an ex- tensive, varied and smiling landscape meets the eye. In the time of Luther's childhood, Mansfeld was a place of active business. Money, in considerable quantities, was coined from the silver ore ; and the copper worked in those mines led to commercial in- tercourse with the larger places of trade in the south of Germany, and with Venice. It was undoubtedly the prospect of doing better in his business that in- duced the miner, Hans Luther, to leave Eisleben, and settle at Mansfeld ; and the result justified his expectation. For we find him at a later period ris- ing, if not to affluence, to a state of comfort and respectability. He became the owner of a house and two furnaces, and left, at his death, besides these, about one thousand dollars in money. He was so much esteemed, that he was made a member of the town council. SECTION II. Character of Luther's Parents, and their Con- dition during his Boyhood. LUTHER always spoke of himself and of his an- cestors as belonging to the peasantry. " I am a peasant's son. My father, my grandfather, and my forefathers were all true peasants. Afterwards my father went to Mansfeld, and became an ore-digger." As it has been already intimated, Luther's father, after he became a miner, rose by industry and effort from the condition of a peasant to that of a burgher or free citizen. He commenced his career at Mansfeld in penury, but with a force of character that could not leave him in that state. " My parents," says JE. 1-13.] PARENTAGE. 17 Luther, " were, in the beginning, right poor. My father was a poor mine-digger,* and my mother did carry her wood on her shoulders ; and after this sort did they support us, their children. They had a sharp, bitter experience of it; no one would do like- wise now." It was not till about seventeen years afterwards, when Luther was a member of the university, that his father had the means of paying the expenses of his education.^ His honesty, good sense, energy and decision of character won for him the respect of his fellow-citizens. He was open-hearted and frank, and was wont to follow the convictions of his under- standing, fearless of consequences. His firmness was characterized by severity, sometimes approach- ing to obstinacy. In his actions which are known to us, he appears clear-headed and decided, going right forward to his object. His son's bold and un- wavering course after committing himself to the work of reform, was just to his mind. In the very * ffauer, a word which has often been misunderstood as meaning a wood-cutter. It is time this mistake was corrected in the English and American writers on Luther. f Michelet is evidently in an error when he speaks of the parents being " in the enjoyment of a small property, for which they were no doubt indebted to their ton." The position of the father in society at Mansfeld, long before Luther's celebrity, the liberal support which he is known to have given his son while at the university, his appear- ance with an attendance of twenty horsemen at the time of Martin's consecration as priest, the present of thirty guldens then made, and Luther's own poverty up to the time of the father's death, all forbid such a conjecture. Besides, the early biographers of Luther, who were his intimate friends, testify directly to the contrary. 2* 18 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. midst of the Peasants' War, which the enemies of Luther said was caused by him, his father advised him to take the bold, and, at that time, even hazard- ous step of trampling on the vow of celibacy, and, in that way, bearing his most decided testimony against the pretended sanctity of a monastic life. Hans Luther was strictly religious in his charac- ter, but, at the same time, had the good sense, (so rare in that age,) to distinguish religion from monas- ticism, upon which he looked with suspicion and aversion. Hence he was highly displeased when his son became a monk, and it was two years before a reconciliation was effected, and even then his opinion remained unchanged. When Martin left the mo- nastic life, as he afterward says, "My father was heartily glad, for that he well knew the wicked cun- ning of the monks." Melancthon describes him as being " a magistrate at Mansfeld, beloved of all for the honesty of his character." Mathesius, who had lived in the family of Luther, represents the father as "patterning the widow of Sarepta, and training up his son in the fear of the Lord." Of the history of Luther's mother less is known. Her maiden name was Margaret Lindemann. She was born at Neustadt, a small town directly south of Eisenach, and west of Grotha. Her father, who had been a burgher there, had removed from that place to Eisenach. It was, no doubt, here that Luther's father formed an acquaintance with her. The circumstance that three of her brothers were liberally educated would seem to indicate that she belonged to an in- telligent family. Melancthon says, " She had many virtues agreeing to her sex ; and was especially not- able for her chaste conversation, godly fear, and M. 1-13.] DOMESTIC EDUCATION. 19 diligent prayer, insomuch that other honourable women looked upon her as a model of virtue and honesty." That her piety was strongly tinged with the superstitions of the times and had a monastic severity, is proved by a variety of incidental re- marks found in the writings of Luther. On one occasion he says, " My mother's strait and rigorous carriage toward me served afterward to make me fly to a cloister and become a monk." As one of the most important objects aimed at in this biography is to trace out the causes that ope- rated in the formation of Luther's character; and as the incidents of his early life have been very sparingly handed down to us, it will be requisite to direct attention successively to the character of the various influences that acted upon him ; and then to collect from the scenes of common life, in the time and places of his education, and from his own frequent allusion to them in his later writings, as many collateral rays of light as possible, and concentrate them on the points in question. In this way, we can, in no small degree, fill up the chasm which has so long existed in respect to his early history. SECTION III. Luther ' Domestic Education. LUTHER'S parents bestowed great care upon his early training. In the strictest sense, he was brought up in the fear of God, and with reverence for the then existing institutions of religion. The inten- tions of his parents were of the most laudable cha- racter ; the faults of their discipline were those of the age in which they lived. They were highly con- scientious, earnest and zealous in the discharge of 20 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. their parental duties. But the age was one of rude- ness and severity, and they themselves had more talent than culture, more force and sternness of cha- racter than skill in awakening and fostering the generous impulses of childhood. Their discipline was, almost exclusively, one of law and authority. The consequence was, that Martin, instead of feeling at ease and gamboling joyfully in their presence, became timid and shy, and was kept in a state of alarm, which closed up the avenues of his warm and naturally confiding heart. "Once," says he, "did my father beat me so sharply, that I fled away from him, and was angry against him, till, by diligent en- deavour, he gained me back." " Once did my mo- ther, for a small nut, beat me till the blood came forth." " Their intent and purpose were of the best sort ; but they knew not how to put a difference be- tween dispositions, and to order their discipline ac- cordingly; for that it should be exercised in a way that the apple might be put with the rod." To this rigid domestic discipline is to be traced, in a measure, his being long subject to sudden alarms, or being harsh and violent when he rose above them. Though in later life he was fully aware that many errors had been committed in his domestic training; and though, as he himself says, he tried in vain to remove all the effects of it upon his feelings and habits, still he found in it much more to approve than to condemn. Alluding to his own case, and that of others of his age, he says : " Children should not be entreated too tenderly of their parents, but should be forced to order and to submission, as were their parents before them." The fact that, from three or four brothers, Martin alone was designated for a liberal education, is suffi- JE. 1-13.] AT SCHOOL. 21 cient proof that he gave some early indications of talent. It is also evident that the father took a re- ligious view of this subject and desired for his son something higher and better than mere worldly dis- tinction. An early writer states, that he had heard from the relations of. Luther at Mansfeld, that the father was often known to pray earnestly at the bed- side of his son, that God would bless him and make him useful. Mathesius says, that Luther's father, not only for his own gratification, but especially for the benefit of his son, frequently invited the clergy- men and school-teachers of the place to his house. Thus were domestic influences brought in aid, in every suitable way, to form a taste for moral and in- tellectual culture. "Well would it be for the world, if others, in more eligible circumstances, and in more enlightened times, would bestow similar care and attention upon training up a son of special promise in such a way that he may become a public bene- factor. This is what Monica did for Augustine; Arethusa for Chrysostom, and Basil's and Gregory Nazianzen's parents for them, and, through them, for the world. SECTION IV. Luther in the School at Mansfeld. MANSFELD was situated in a narrow valley along the brook Thalbach, skirted by hills on both sides. From that part of the town where Luther's father resided, it was some distance to the school-house, which was situated on a hill. The house is still standing, and the first story of it remains unaltered. One writer says, (on what authority we do not know,) that Luther commenced going to school at the age of seven. Certainly he was so young that 22 LIFE OF LUTHEE. [1483-97. he was carried thither by older persons. When forty-four years old, two years before his death, he wrote on the blank leaf in the Bible of Nicholas Oemler, who had married one of his sisters, the twenty-fourth verse of the fourteenth chapter of John, and under it : " To my good old friend, Nicho- las Oemler, who more than once did carry me in his arms to school and back again, when I was a small lad, neither of us then knowing that one brother-in- law was carrying another in his arms." In this school, though its teachers were frequently guests at his father's house, he was brought under a much harsher discipline than he had been subject to at home. It was not without allusion to his own ex- perience, that he afterwards speaks of a class of teachers, " who hurt noble minds by their vehement storming, beating and pounding, wherein they treat children as a jailer doth convicts." He somewhere says, that he was once flogged fifteen times in a single forenoon at school. Again, he says, " I have seen, when I was a boy, divers teachers who found their pleasure in beating their pupils." "The schools were purgatories, and the teachers were tyrants and task-masters." The injurious manner in which such treatment acted upon his fears is illustrated by an anecdote related by Luther in his Commentary on Genesis. " When I was a lad, I was wont to go out with my companions begging food for our sustentation while we were at the school. At Christmas, dur- ing divine service, we went around among the small villages, singing from house to house, in four parts as we were wont, the hymn on the child Jesus born at Bethlehem. We came by chance before the hut of a peasant who lived apart at the end of the 2E. 1-13.] AT SCHOOL. 23 village ; and when he heard us singing, he came out and, after the coarse and harsh manner of the pea- sants, said, ' Where are you, boys ?' at the same time bringing us a few sausages in his hand. But we were so terrified at these words, that we all scampered off, though we knew no good reason why, save that from the daily threats and tyranny practised by the teachers toward their pupils at that time, we had learned to be timid." This incident, which has com- monly been referred to the time when Luther was at Magdeburg, probably belongs to the period of his earlier childhood at Mansfeld. For it was when he was " a small boy," and was under severe teachers, which seems not to have been the case except at Mansfeld. The circumstance that Luther was then living at his father's house will be no objection, if we consider the customs of the times and the poverty of the family at that early period. We are else- where informed that Luther was then accustomed to attend funeral processions as a singer, for which he received a groschen, (about three cents,) each time. The school at Mansfeld, at that time, was taught by one master, assisted by two members of the church choir, that is, two theological students, who, for a small stipend, attended on the daily services of the church. Here it becomes necessary to describe the character of the lower schools of Germany at the close of the fifteenth century. They were called '' trivial schools," because originally the first three of the seven liberal arts, namely, grammar, rhetoric, and logic, were taught in them. At this time, however, and particularly at Mansfeld, a little monkish Latin, the pieces of music commonly sung at church and the elements of arithmetic, con- stituted the studies of the lower schools. These schools 24 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. were all taught by a master, assisted by theological stu- dents and candidates for some of the lower clerical offices. But as nearly all the offices of state at that time were in the hands of the clergy, there was a gene- ral rush to the schools on the part of all who were seek- ing to rise above the common walks of life. The great mass of the youth were wholly destitute of education. All the others, except a few from the sons of the rich, went through a clerical or ecclesias- tical course of instruction. No matter to what offices they were aspiring, they must study under the direc- tion of the church and under the tuition of monks and priests, or candidates for the priestly office. The character, however, both of pupils and of teachers in these schools, was as unclerical as could well be con- ceived. The schools were properly in the charge either of the bishop and the canons of his chapter, or of the monks; and hence they formed two classes, and were called cathedral and monastic schools. But these ecclesiastics and friars became indolent, and employed cheap substitutes as teachers, and lived in ease and in plenty. "The drones," says Luther, when speaking on this point, " drove the honey-bees out of the hive; and monk and canon divided the pay with the poor schoolmaster, as the beggar did, who promised to share equally with the church the half of what he received, and gave the outward half of nuts and the inner half of dates for pious uses, and consumed the residue himself." The arrangements of the schools were these : The teachers, and the pupils who were from abroad, occupied large buildings with gloomy cells. A sombre monastic dress distinguished them both from other persons. A large portion of the forenoon of each day was devoted to the church. At high mass JE. 1-13.] AT SCHOOL. 25 all must be present. The boys were educated to perform church ceremonies, while but little attention was given to what is now commonly taught in schools. The assistant teachers, candidates for the clerical office, generally taught a few hours in the day, and performed, at the same time, some daily inferior church service, for both of which they received but a trifling reward. Thus the schools were but a part and parcel of the church. The assistants were commonly taken from those strolling young men who infested the country, going from place to place either as advanced stu- dents, and changing their place at pleasure, or seek- ing some subordinate employment in the schools or in the church. When they failed to find employ, they resorted to begging and even to theft to pro- vide for their subsistence. The older students would generally seek out each a young boy as his ward, and initiate him into the mysteries of this vagrant mode of life, receiving in turn his services in begging articles of food, and in performing other menial offices. We have a living picture of the manners and habits which prevailed in these schools, in the auto- biography of Thomas Platter, a contemporary of Luther and a native of Switzerland. "At that time," that is, in his tenth year, he says in his bio- graphy, " came a cousin of mine, who had been at the schools [to become a priest] in Ulm and Munich in Bavaria. My friends spake to him of me, and he promised to take me with him to the schools in Ger- many ; for I had learned of the village priest to sing a few of the church hymns. When Paul (Tor that was my cousin's name) was ready to go on Iris way, my uncle gave me a gulden, [sixty-three cents,] which 3 26 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. I put into the hands of Paul. I must promise that I would do the begging, and give what I got to him, my bacchant, (protector,) for his disposal. We journeyed to Zurich, where Paul would wait till he should be joined by some companions. Then we determined to set out for Misnia, [in the present king- dom of Saxony.] Meanwhile I went a-begging, and thus furnished the sustentation of Paul. After tarry- ing eight or nine weeks, we left Zurich and went on our way to Misnia, in a company of eight, whereof three of us were young schiitze, [wards ;] the rest were large bacchantes, as they are called. Of all the wards I was the youngest. When I was so weary that I could hardly go, my cousin Paul would go behind me and scourge me on my bare legs, for I had no hose and only poor shoes. While on the way, I heard the bacchantes tell how that in Misnia and Silesia the scholars were wont to steal geese and ducks and other things for food, and that no other notice was taken thereof, if one could but only escape from the owners. Then said I to my companions, t When shall we come to Misnia, where I may go out stealing geese ?' They replied, ( We are already there.' We went to Halle in Saxony, and there we joined ourselves to the school of St. Ulrich. But as our bacchantes entreated us roughly, some of us communed on the matter with my cousin Paul, and we agreed together that we would run away from them, and depart to Dresden. Here we found no good school, and the houses, moreover, were infested with vermin. Wherefore we went from that place to Breslau. We suffered much in the way from hunger, having on certain days nothing to eat but raw onions with salt. We slept oftentimes in the open air ; be- cause we could not get an entrance into the houses, 2E. 1-13.] AT SCHOOL. 27 but were driven off, and sometimes the dogs were set upon us. When we came to Breslau we found abundant stores, and food was so cheap that some of our company surfeited themselves and fell sick. We went at the first into the school at the dome [cathe- dral] of the Holy Cross; but learning that there were some Switzer youth in the parish of St. Eliza- beth, we removed thither. The city of Breslau hath seven parishes, with a school in each. No scholar is suffered to go around singing in another parish ; and if any one taketh upon him to do so, he getteth a round beating. Sometimes, it is said, sundry thou- sands of scholars are found in Breslau, who get their living by begging. Some bacchantes abide in the schools twenty and even thirty years, having their sustentation from what their wards beg. I have oftentimes borne five or six loads home to the school the selfsame evening for my bacchantes ; for being small, and a Switzer besides, I was kindly received by the people. ... In the winter, the small boys were wont to sleep on the floor of the school-house, the bacchantes in the mean season sleeping in the cells, whereof there are not a few hundreds at the school of St. Elizabeth. In the warm parts of the year, we were wont to lie on the ground in the churchyard; and when it rained, to run into the school-house, and if it stormed vehemently to sing responses and other pieces the whole night long with the sub-chanter. Ofttimes after supper, in the summer evenings, did we go into the beer-houses to buy beer, and sometimes would drink so much that we could not find our way back. To be short, there was plenty of food, but not much studying here. At St. Eliza- beth's, nine bachelors did teach every day, one hour each in the selfsame room. The Greek tongue was 28 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. not studied at all. No printed books did the students have of their own. The preceptor alone had an im- printed Terence. What should be read was at the first dictated and copied, and then construed and ex- plicated, so that the bacchantes bore away great heaps of manuscripts." It was from such strolling bacchantes as are here portrayed to the life, by Platter, that the assistant teachers were taken, who assumed the name of lo- cati (located or settled) when they obtained a place. Their education consisted of a knowledge of the church service, of church music, of a little Latin, and of writing and arithmetic. Their character corre- sponded to that of the church at large in that rude and licentious age. They were, for the most part, mere adventurers and vagabonds, neither loving nor understanding the art of teaching any better than they did the nature of true religion, whose servants they professed to be. They remained but a short time in a place, never pretended to study the cha- racter and disposition of their pupils, taught me- chanically, and ruled not by affection but by brute and brutal force. The greater part of what they taught was nearly useless. Study was a mere exer- cise of the memory. The school at Mansfeld was no exception to the general character of the schools in the smaller towns at that time. We are not left to conjecture whether Luther was familiar with such scenes as have been alluded to. Speaking, at a later period of life, on the duty of maintaining good public schools, he says, somewhat indignantly : " Such towns as will not have good teachers, now that they can be gotten, ought, as formerly, to have locati and bac- chantes, stupid asses, who cost money enough and JE. 1-13.] AT SCHOOL. 29 yet teach their pupils nothing save to become asses like themselves." " Not a single branch of study," Bays he, in another place, " was at that time taught as it should be." Referring to their brutality, he says, " When they could not vent their spleen against the higher teachers, they would pour it out upon the poor boys." In respect to the studies of Luther at Mansfeld, which continued up to his fourteenth year, Mathe- sius, his intimate friend, says he learned there " his Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Donatus, the Child's Grammar, Cisio Janus, and church music." Donatus was to the Latin grammar of the middle ages what Murray has been to English grammar. Cisio Janus are the first words of a church calendar in monkish Latin verse, made up of mutilated words, risio standing for circumcisio, (circumcision.) Next to monastic works, Terence and Plautus, the two Roman comedians, were most studied, as they furnished the readiest means of learning the colloquial Latin, so important to the clergy at that time. Luther laments that he had not, in those schools which he attended in his boyhood, " read the poets and historians, which no one tawjlit Mm,'' instead of which he " learned with great labour what with equal labour he now had to unlearn." " Is it not plain," he somewhere says, " that one can now teach a boy in three years, by the time he is fifteen or eighteen years old, more than was aforetime learned in all the universities and cloisters ? Twenty, yea forty years have men studied, and yet known neither Latin nor German, not to mention the scandalous lives which the youth there learned to lead." "It was pitiful enough for a boy to spend/many years 3* 30 > LITE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. only to learn bad Latin sufficient for becoming a priest and for saying mass, and then be pronounced happy, and happy, too, the mother who bore him." " And he is still a poor ignorant creature can nei- ther cluck nor lay eggs ; and yet such are the teachers which we have everywhere had." It is impossible to read these and other similar pas- sages of Luther, so full of reminiscences of his boy- hood, and compare them with the account of Platter's boyhood about the same time, without a strong con- viction that they both describe very similar scenes, and that the one writer serves but to illustrate the other. What effort must it have cost Luther, under so great disadvantages, to learn what he did ! With- out uncommon abilities and perseverance, it would have been impossible. SECTION V. Luther's Religious Education. THIS is one of the most important and yet most difficult of all the inquiries to be instituted respecting the history of the great Reformer. His character was formed under a variety of influences, each of which deserves particular notice. He was educated in the bosom of the Catholic church the church as it was in Germany the church as it was in Thu- ringia. He was furthermore influenced by the per- sonal character of his parents, their social relations in Mansfeld, and the character of his teachers and associates at Mansfeld, Magdeburg, Eisenach, and Erfurt. On most of these points some valuable in- formation has, by the researches of Jiirgens, been placed within our reach. He was educated in the Papal church as it was about the close of the fifteenth century. And what M. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 31 were its characteristic features at that time? The writings of Luther contain the answer. This is not the place to enter at large upon a description of the Papal church, partly because the subject is not novel, or unknown to the reader, and partly because it must necessarily be interwoven with all the narra- tion of Luther's life. If, instead of bringing to- gether what Luther and other writers of that age have left recorded on this point, we were to present an analysis of their testimony, we should find that nearly all their statements could be reduced to the following summary : The Papal religion is a reli- gion of law rather than of gospel; a Pelagian system of works rather than of divine grace ; a religion of forms more than of spiritual life ; a religion of human rather than of divine mediation, priests and saints occupying the place belonging to our great High-priest and Saviour; a religion prescribed by the Papal hierarchy rather than by the Bible; a religion in which the sanctity of ceremonies and of the sacred orders prevailed over the sanctity of the heart and life; a religion of the senses and of a poetical imagination rather than of saving faith ; and, in fine, a religion founded more on the ignorance and superstition of the middle ages than on the revela- tion of the truth by Jesus Christ and his apostles. Luther was educated in the Papal church as it was in Germany. But what distinguished the church in Germany from that of the other nations of Europe, and particularly from that of Italy? With the lower and middling classes in Gennany, religion was, comparatively, though less than it should be, a matter of deep and sincere interest. With the Italian, it was a holiday amusement, merely sanctifying, by solemn ceremonies, a worldly and not 32 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. unfrequently an unbelieving spirit. The German was superstitious, but was at the same time sincere and earnest. The piety of the Italian was frivolous and superficial; that of the German was serious and went to the heart. In the soul of the latter were deep fountains, but superstition and ignorance ren- dered their waters dark and turbid. That so many were found in Germany to embrace cordially the evangelical views of religion as soon as they were presented by Luther and his associates, proves that there was already, though smothered by the weight of rubbish that lay upon it, much of sincere devo- tional sentiment. We cannot reasonably suppose that all, or even the majority, of the early followers of Luther were converted to Christ by his preaching and writings. That which distinguished Germany from the rest of Christendom, therefore, was the amount of spiritual nourishment drawn from the teachings of the church, defective as they were. The flowers were no more plentiful here than in other countries, but the bees nevertheless gathered more honey. Of this we have an example in the mother of Luther; and she was but one of many. Luther was educated under that peculiar type of religion which prevailed in Thuringia. Here it was that Boniface, the Apostle of Germany, in the eighth century, with other missionaries from the British islands, carried on their most important operations for evangelizing Germany, founding there the Pa- pal church, and thus corrupting Christianity at its very introduction. Here was the great cloister of Fulda, the chief seminary of sacred learning, and the centre of religious influence for the surrounding country. It was in Thuringia that St. Elizabeth, the Thuringian landgravine, whose memory lived in IE. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 33 popular legends till Luther's times, and who was a favourite saint with him, was the embodiment of the religious spirit of the people, a spirit of deep sincerity united with childish simplicity and super- stition. The Thuringians are proverbially an honest and simple-hearted people. Luther's mother appears to have been of this character; possessing, perhaps, more earnestness in matters of religion, but not less superstition, than others. His father was also a genuine Thuringian of the better sort. Either because Luther sympathized more readily with the warm and credulous piety of the mother than with the more sober and discriminating piety of the father, or because he was, in early life, more under the influence of the former and of priests and monks who strengthened her influence, he eagerly imbibed the popular religious sentiments of his neighbourhood. At Mansfeld, in particular, the religious views here described prevailed. As late as 1507, one of the Counts of Mansfeld made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Two countesses of the same family were in the nun- nery at Eisleben during nearly all the period that Luther remained at home with his parents. The cloister of Mansfeld, about two miles east of the town, was supposed to be the scene of several mira- cles wrought by St. Elizabeth, with all of which Luther was necessarily very familiar in his boyhood. The account of the Papal church in Thuringia, given by Myconius, who was preacher at Gotha, perfectly agrees with what has here been said on other authorities, as do also the many incidental notices of it by Luther in his writings. There can be no doubt, therefore, that we have before us a true description of the religious influence under which Luther spent his childhood. We also know that his 34 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. susceptible mind yielded itself like wax to receive the impressions which his mother and his religious teachers attempted to make. The unsuspecting and confiding simplicity of his character must be con- stantly borne in mind, if we would rightly interpret his actions and understand his history. He himself was fully aware of it, and said it was the cause of many blunders. He was, even in 1517, simple- hearted enough to believe that the church, and the pope himself, would consent to reform. To Albert of Mainz and other bishops he wrote with confidence, not doubting that they would readily correct the abuses of which he complained. How long did he deceive himself with the vain hope that a union with the Papal church might still be effected? Those who regard Luther as a sort of Gregory VII., bringing about the greatest results by a well-planned scheme, utterly mistake his character. He was not a man of policy or calculation, but a true-hearted, conscientious man, a man of principle, whose great power consisted in doing right without regard to consequences. He himself says, " I once thought all that came unto me, professing to have a regard for the gospel, were godly men ; but the knaves have taught me to be wise. A fish is never more in his place than when in the water, nor a knave than when on the gallows." " I have become a wise Rupert, as the proverb is." Of a part of his religious education, he after- wards speaks with approbation ; but of the rest, far otherwise. These are his words : " In the house or church of the pope was I baptized ; and there did I learn the catechism and the Bible. ... I will hold my father's house in great honour, and fall prostrate before it, if it will but leave me my Christ and my JE. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 35 conscience without a burden." " I cannot set forth in a better or simpler way what one should believe, do, leave undone, or know in religion, than hath been done from the beginning in these three pieces, to wit, the ten commandments, the creed, and the Lord's prayer. . . . But these ought not to be taught as they were in time past, by making them stick only in the memory." "This only was taught and practised, to wit, the invoking of the Virgin Mary and other saints, as mediators and intercessors ; much fasting and pray- ing ; making pilgrimages, or running into monaste- ries ; the becoming a monk, or the establishing of mass to be held at certain times. And while we were doing such-like things, we dreamed we were meriting heaven. Those were the times of dark- ness, when we knew nothing at all of God's word, but, with our own mummery and dreamy cogita- tions, plunged ourselves and others into misery. Whereof I was one, and was myself bathed in this hot-bath of sweat and agony." These expressions, referring to his own experience, though they apply with chief force to his monastic life, run back also to those earlier teachings and impres- sions which conducted him to the monastery. " From my childhood up," he says still more explicitly, " I was trained after such a sort as to turn pale with terror when I heard so 'much as the name of Christ, for I was not otherwise taught than to think of him as a severe and angry judge, who would deal with me according to my merits and works. Wherefore, I was wont all the time to think how I might set forth many good works, with which to pacify Christ, my judge." In his commentary on the words ''Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling," in the second Psalm, he remarks, " When I was a child 36 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. I was angry at these words, in that I did not then know that joy and hope should be coupled with fear." " We were scandalously led astray in the papacy; for Christ was not painted out in so mild a character as he is by the prophets and apostles." "We were all taught that we must ourselves make satisfaction for our sins, and that, at the judgment, Christ would call us to an account in respect of our penances, and the amount of our good works. . . . And because we could never do penances and works enough, and felt nothing else but terrors and fears before his wrath, we were directed to the saints in heaven, as them that should be mediators between us and Christ. We were taught to call upon the mother of Christ, that she would beseech him, by the breasts wherewith she nursed him, to put away his anger, and show mercy. If she were not suf- ficient, then the apostles and other saints were to be invoked, till at last we came to saints whose sanctity was unknown, nay, who for the greater part never existed, as St. Anne, St. Barbara, St. Christo- pher, St. George, and such like." " I had none other knowledge of Christ, than to form him in my mind, as sitting on a rainbow, and to account him as a rigorous judge. For that we had no true know- ledge of Christ, we fell away from him, and cleaved to the saints, and called on them to be our patrons and mediators." "Especially had we recourse to Mary, and prayed, saying, ' 0, thou holy Virgin Mary, show thy breasts to Jesus Christ, thy son, and procure for me favour in his sight." Luther speaks of himself as having a predisposition to an ascetic, religious life. " I was so framed by nature, and so trained up in the Papal church, that I loved to fast, watch, pray, and accomplish pilgrimages and other M. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 37 good works, to the end that I might make recom- pense for my sins." He says, that these ideas clung to him long after he had renounced the doctrine, for " this is an inbred corruption, whereunto is super- added education and custom, insomuch that we are not only born into superstition, but, in the papacy, are instructed and exercised in it." Of the character of the 'preaching he heard he speaks thus : " The monks preached daily their new visions, dreams and fantasies, new wonders and tales, and that without measure. Not a monk, if he had preached two or three years, but he must needs make a new sermon book, which for a season would reign in the pulpit. Of such books the world was full, and yet was therein nothing of Christ and of faith, nothing else but our works, merits and worshippings, with abundance of false and scandalous tales. When therein they did their very best, it pertained to supplicating saints, those of their own Order not being forgotten, till they went so far as to portray before all the world the holy and excellent person, the Virgin Mary, as an intercessor for poor sinners even against her son, Christ. For we all know,, and I as well as the rest, that we were taught to put Mary in the stead and in the office of Christ. . . No- monk dreamed any thing, but it must needs come- into the pulpit, and be. made a matter of divine ser- vice. No falsehood so shameful which would not be received, if it was but brought into the pulpit. ... Is it not true ? Save we not, alas ! all had trial and experience thereof?" As children were ordinarily confirmed at the age of twelve, and brought at once to the confessional as preparatory to the supper, Luther's last two years at Mansfeld were undoubtedly im-bittered 4 38 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1483-97. with those superstitious fears and penances of which he afterward complained. While he was taught that baptism took away original sin, he was told that subsequent transgressions extinguished that grace, and that he must regain his former state by penances and satisfactions. He says, on this point, "As soon as we had laid aside our infantile socks, and were scarcely out of -the laver of regeneration, they took it all away again by such teaching as this, to wit, ' Oh thou hast long since lost thy baptism, and polluted thy baptismal robe with sin. Now thou must consider how thou canst do penance and make satisfaction . . . till thou dost pacify God and come again to a state of grace.' " He adds that he had such experience before he was a monk, and that " by such thoughts he was driven to monasticism." From these and many other expressions of his, it appears that he was a faithful and submissive dis- ciple in the school of superstition in which he was so diligently trained. When Luther was a boy, the common belief in witches was at its height. Of the very celebrated work entitled "The Maul for Witches," (Malleus Maleficarum,) teaching priests and magistrates what rules to observe in their proceedings against witches, and circulated with both the papal and imperial sanction, three editions were printed while Luther was a boy, and was in his father's house at Mans- feld. He tells a story of a witch that lived near by, and used to trouble his mother very much ; an- other, of an attempt of the devil, in human form, to separate husband and wife ; and another still, of an instance where the devil actually entered the pulpit and preached for a minister. Some of these stories he .-seems to believe, others he ridicules. " I my- JE. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 39 self," he observes, "have seen monks, shameless and wicked fellows, who feigned to cast out the devil, and then to sport with him as with a child. Who can recount all their crafty tricks done in the name of Christ, of the Virgin Mary, of the holy cross, of St. Cyriac ?" Though Luther afterwards became much more enlightened on these subjects, still the supersti- tions in which he was educated in his childhood clung to him to the last. No one is ignorant of the story of his inkstand thrown at the devil in his cell in Erfurt. Though it may be an apocryphal story, it still is a true illustration of the character of Luther. We find him afterward holding such language as the following : " The devil is all about us, though he often putteth on a mask. I myself haye seen that he sometimes appeareth as if he were a swine, and sometimes as a burning wisp of straw." "The devil often beguileth the outward senses, so that men think something taketh place before them which doth not, ... as was the case in Hesse with the child that, when it was not dead, the devil so blinded the eyes of the people that they thought it to be dead. The devil held the child's breath, as he hath power to do." This is only some of the smut which adhered to Luther from the foul and smoky age in which he received his birth and educa- tion. If we are free from it, it is not owing to any individual superiority of our own, but to the noon- day light, which never could have existed but for the dawn which preceded it. Luther and Bacon were among those from whom proceeded the rays of light which streaked the east, and ushered in the day, before which, the hobgoblins of false religion and false science have fled away. 40 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. That Luther, in his boyhood, was thoroughly initiated into the tastes, manners and habits of the miners, is certain. This might be inferred from the fact of his being a miner's son and living at Mans- feld ; but we have statements in respect to his maturer life which can be explained on no other supposition. He always treated miners with parti- cular attention. He was familiar with all their habits and even their amusements ; he knew their songs and their plays, and could, through life, en- tertain them as few others could. Mathesius, in one of his discourses on Luther's life, says, " To-day let us hear about Luther's love and affection for mining and to miners." The council of Wittenberg had a festival which lasted several days. Luther was invited to attend. But as he had been the means of doing away several Catholic festivals on account of the excesses committed at them, he thought it imprudent to attend, and therefore de- clined the invitation. The young people, according to ancient custom, went about the streets in masks, and sought admittance to the houses of the citizens. "At one time," continues Mathesius, "some of them came to Luther's house or cloister. But, to avoid offence and scandal, he did not admit them into his house. Albeit, at length, a company, dis- guised as miners, came along, with their mining hammers, and a chess-board for their amusement. 'Let them come in,' said Luther, 'they are my countrymen, and the fellow-workmen of my father. Since they pass whole weeks under ground in a damp atmosphere and amid impure exhalations, we must allow them proper recreation.' They came, placed their chess-board upon his table, and he M. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 41 joined them. ' Now, miners/ said he, 'whosoever will go into this or other deep shafts and come out unharmed, or not close up the passage with refuse, must, as the saying is, not have his eyes in his pocket.' Luther easily won the game ; and they all remained, and, under due restraint, indulged in merriment, singing and frolicking, as our doctor was inclined to be sportive at proper times, and was not displeased when he saw the young playful and merry, if it was but with propriety and moderation." This discourse of Mathesius is full of anecdotes about Luther's allusions to his father's employment, and his borrowing illustrations from it in his writings and conversations. Luther was the son of a peasant, that is, of a poor miner who sprung from the peasantry. How did this circumstance affect his character ? It had more effect upon his language, habits and associations than upon his sentiments and subsequent standing in society. For as his father became a burgher and magistrate, and as he himself was a man of educa- tion, he came to regard society from a higher point of view. But born and bred as he was, he was never adapted to court-life. He always appeared uneasy when speaking or writing to princes or nobles, not out of fear, but from a consciousness that he was not familiar with the modes of intercourse and of address customary among them. His language, though uncommonly rich and varied, and sparkling with sense and wit, was often homely. His illustra- tions were often drawn from common and low life. A vein of slight vulgarity, as well as drollery, pervades all his writings. His pungent wit, his creative genius, and his sterling sense follow him everywhere. He 4* 42 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1483-97. was the man of the people, knowing all their thoughts and feelings, and employing all their words and ex- pressions in his magnificent, but still rude eloquence. But from the flower of his youth, through life, Lu- ther was associated with burghers and attached to them, the middling class between the nobles and the pea- sants, the mercantile, enterprising, patriotic inhabitants of the larger towns and cities. To this class he was introduced, partly by his father's later connections and partly by his own cultivated practical sense and his hearty devotedness to the good of all the people. He was never fond of princes and nobles; nor, on the other hand, of the sottish, blind and disorderly peasantry. In all his writings, he treats both classes, a few individuals excepted, somewhat roughly. He did not depend on either for carrying forward the Re- formation, but addressed himself more immediately to the magistrates and free denizens. He wished neither the authority of kings nor the violence of peasants to be brought to his aid, but preferred that these, no less than the middling classes, should be controlled by intelligence and virtue. He uniformly checked the two former, while he directed, stimu- lated and supported the latter. His position as a man of education, always practi- cal, led to the same results. Learning with him was not, as with so many others, a matter of profession, but a source of practical wisdom. He encouraged and sympathized with men of classical learning only so far as they aided in explaining the Scriptures and in enlightening the people. He wrote more and better in the language of the people than in the . language of the learned. This circumstance strengthened his alliance with intelligent, active and patriotic men. JE. 1-13.] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION. 43 Thus, when he came to act the part of a reformer, he occupied the central ground of society, the point where extremes meet and opposite influences neutral- ize each other. With this agreed his geographical position. Thu- ringia is the most German of all the German dis- tricts. The Saxon electorate was locally and politically what Virginia is in the United States, situated midway between the north and the south, having the advantage of position over either extreme. All Germany called Thuringia its own. It belonged to no section, but was the middle portion, often hold- ing the balance of power. In the Middle Ages, it was neither the scholastic south, nor the barbarous north, but the enlightened, sober, practical district of Erfurt, and yet the chivalrous vicinity of the Wartburg, renowned in arms and in song. In language, too, it was near the northern verge of the high German, and consequently not far south of the line beyond which the low German was spoken. Had Luther lived either north or south of Thuringia and Saxony, he could not have moulded the national language as he has done ; nor have found the wide- spread sympathy which he did find ; nor have acted from the heart of the nation out to all its extremi- ties. 44 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1497-1505. CHAPTER II. LUTHER AT THE SCHOOLS OF MAGDEBURG AND EISENACH AND AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ERFURT, FROM 1497 TO 1505. SECTION I. Luther's Journey from Mansfeld to Magdeburg. UTHER had now reach- ed his four- teenth year, when the or- dinary or tri- vial school of Mansfeld no longer met his wants. Hard as his life had thus far been, a harder lot awaited him. He was to leave the pa- ternal roof, and go forth, young and inexperienced, to try his fortune among strangers. Without money and without friends, he was to commit himself to the charities of mendicant monks and of the people of a great ecclesiastical metropolis. He did not, however, take his departure entirely alone. He was sent in company, or, as Mathesius intimates, under the care of John Reineck, a fellow-student of more experi- ence, the son of a respectable citizen of Mansfeld. This friendship, formed at the school, lasted through JOURNEYroMAGDEBURG /MAGDEBURG t \Matitfeld \ o, . \ f- 1. -Id 1 en . -Alstedt S '' p. 45. M. 13-21.] JOURNEY TO MAGDEBURG. 45 life ; and it was this same person who accompanied Luther in his journey to the diet of Worms. Luther in his correspondence calls him "one of his best friends," and the letters of Melancthon to him and tp his distinguished son, educated at Wittenberg, breathe the warmest friendship. Virtuous and choice friendships formed in early life are often of far greater importance than the young are apt to suppose. Melancthon says, the " Latin schools of Saxony were then in good repute," and Mathesius says, "the school at Magdeburg was more celebrated than many others." Not far from the south gate of the city was the school of the Brethren of the Life in Com- mon. Near this was the celebrated cathedral school, and in the north-west part of the town, the school of the Franciscan monks. It was to the Franciscan school that Luther and his friend are said to have resorted. As this is the only monastic school which he attended in his boyhood, we must suppose that he had this particularly in mind when he afterward wrote on the subject. In 1497, then, two boys, the one quite young and indigent, the other older and in better circumstances, left their home in a romantic town on the border of the Hartz Mountains, and journeyed on foot, north, about fifty miles, through a rich and level country to the large and fortified city of Magdeburg, then under the civil rule of the arch- bishop and the place of his residence. The direct road would lead them to the west of Hettstedt, (the last considerable town in the county of Mansfeld,) to Aschersleben, at which point the mountains and forests begin to disappear, to Egeln, beyond the ter- ritory of Halberstadt, and within that of Magde- burg, and thence to the place of their destination. The mode of travel was probably not very different from that described by Platter above. 46 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. What an impression must the scene now spread before our young traveller's eye have made upon him ! For the first time in his life, he finds himself in a large and splendid capital, with a population of thirty or forty thousand. Eisleben was the largest town he had ever before seen. Magdeburg was the seat of the archbishop, at that time the sovereign of a large territory on both sides of the Elbe. Ernest, then archbishop, brother of Frederic the Wise, Elec- tor of Saxony, was an excellent man, celebrated for the simplicity of his character, and yet no less than twelve trumpeters must entertain him with their music when he dined.* And yet of all the splen- dour of this city, Luther could enjoy little. He was to be shut up in the school-room of the gloomy Franciscan cloister. The spirit of the mendicant friars was to rule over him. In a city of great in- telligence and high culture, he was to be under the guidance of ignorance and superstition, procuring his bread by choral and other services in the church, and by singing with his companions, in their dark clerical robes, in the streets, from door to door. This is the way in which boys were then accustomed to main- tain themselves in the schools. * The cathedral, the first finished specimen of Gothic architecture in the north of Germany, and the Closter Berg, had adorned the city for more than a century. When it was dedicated, there were present a papal legate, Beven archbishops, six bishops, six abbots, three dukes of Saxony, two margraves of Misnia, three dukes of Brunswick, four princes of Anhalt, and many counts, lords, knights, nobles, deputies from the towns belonging to the see, ladies of rank, besides the people of the city and its suburbs. These and all the clergy were treated to a splendid repast, and then four days were spent in tournaments and other chivalrous entertainments ! M. 13-21.] JOURNEY TO MAGDEBURG. 47 The Franciscans wore a gray robe with black scap- ularies, and were especially employed in attending on the sick, and in the burial of the dead. The boy, in whose heart was a sealed fountain of fervent and joyous passion, found nothing under his new masters and in his new mode of life to satisfy his internal wants. The few incidents which he records, from his recollections of this period, are strikingly character- istic of the order, and indeed of the church at large. " I have seen," says he, " with these eyes, in my fourteenth year, when I was at school in Magdeburg, a Prince of Anhalt, brother of Adolphus, Bishop of Merseburg, going about the streets in a cowl, begging bread with a sack upon his shoulders, like a beast of burden, insomuch that he stooped to the ground. . . . He had fasted and watched and mortified his flesh till he appeared like to an image of death, with only skin and bones, and died soon after." He speaks of a painting, symbolical of the senti- ments entertained by the church, seen by him about this time, and leaving a deep impression upon his mind. "A great ship was painted, likening the church, wherein there was no layman, not even a king or prince. There were none but the pope with his cardinals and bishops in the prow, with the Holy Ghost hovering over them ; the priests and monks with their oars at the side ; and thus they were sail- ing on heavenward. The laymen were swimming along in the water around the ship. Some of them were drowning ; some were drawing themselves up to the ship by means of ropes, which the monks, moved by pity, and making over their own good works, did cast out to them, to keep them from drowning, and to enable them to cleave to the vessel, and go with the others to heaven. There was no 48 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. pope, nor cardinal, nor bishop, nor priest, nor monk in the water, but laymen only. This painting was an index and summary of their doctrine. ... I was once one of them, and helped teach such things, believing them and knowing no better." We know but little of this Franciscan school, and of Luther's residence there, except that in the mode of instruction there was no material improvement upon that which he had received at Mansfeld ; that the religious influence exerted upon him was of the same gloomy and superstitious character as before; and that his suffering from want became so extreme that it was no longer tolerable, and hence he left the school after one year's bitter trial, never to see the place again, till he should visit it in a very different capacity. SECTION II. Luther's Removal from Magdeburg to Eisenach. So great were the privations and sufferings of young Luther at Magdeburg, that it was decided by his father that he should remove to Eisenach, where his maternal grandparents and other relatives resided, and where also there was a good Latin school. It was hoped that he would here be so far provided for as to be relieved from pressing want. But parents, who themselves were familiar with hardships, would expect that their son should be exposed to them also. We can easily imagine with what different feelings the boy performed the journey home, from those with which he passed over the same ground when he first went abroad into the wide world. After indulg- ing in the exquisite pleasures of home as they are felt by a boy on returning from his first absence for Mansfeld was directly on the way to Eisenach M. 13-21.] REMOVAL TO EISENACH. 49 he must have gone forth with moderated and yet pleasing expectations. Moderated, because he had taken one sad lesson in the knowledge of the world; and pleasing, because he was about to go, not among utter strangers, but among the kindred of his mother. What strange emotions would have filled the breast of the boy, had he then had a prophetic vision of the tragic events that should take place a quarter of a century after, in the places through which he was now to pass ! About twenty miles on his way from Mansfeld, he might see Allstedt, where Muncer was to become the leader in the bloody Peasants' War. To the west is seen the river Helme, on whose beauti- ful banks is situated the Golden Meadow, (Goldene Aue,) extending more than thirty miles to tne neigh- bourhood of Nordhausen.* * This tract of enchanted land extends nearly the whole distance from Naumburg to Nordhausen. Memleben on the Unstrut, about ten miles south of Allstedt, was the favourite residence of the German emperors of the Saxon line. Here Matilda, royal consort of Henry the First, founded a nun- nery. Here, probably, Henry the Fowler was busying him- self with his falcons when it was announced to him that he was chosen emperor; and here, too, he breathed his last. Here his son, Otto the First, on his way to the diet of Merseburg, passed the season of Lent, and died immedi- ately after the services. A little farther up the river, and on the opposite side, is Rossleben. Here was an ancient nunnery, afterward converted into an excellent cloister- school or gymnasium, in which Ernesti, Von Thiimmel and other eminent men received their elementary educa- tion. Passing another cloister-school, we come to the junction of the Helme and Unstrut. South is to be seen the Palace of Heldrungen, and on the summit the ruins of Sachsenburg. Ascending the Helme, west of Alstedt, we come to Wallhausen, where Otto the Great built a palace and often resided, as did his son after him. In this vici- nity the German emperors loved to pass their time. A 5 50 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. At a distance of about sixteen miles from Allstedt is Frankenhausen, where the decisive battle was fought, May 5, 1525, and Muncer and his party com- pletely routed. Still farther on, toward Eisenach, lies Muhlhausen, which was the head-quarters of Mun- cer's army. Eisenach lies about twenty miles south of Miihlhausen. Between these two places is one of the largest of the five ranges of hills, which it is neces- sary to cross in taking this route. Just before reach- ing Eisenach we cross the most southerly range. As one enters the town from the north, he looks down upon it, and sees it lying before him in a valley, under the castle of Wartburg towering on the right. Next to Wittenberg and Erfurt, this is the place richest in historical recollections in respect to Luther. Here he found the end of his sorrows arising .from poverty. Here he first found sympathizing and skilful teachers, under whose influence he acquired a love of learning. Here his musical talent, his taste and imagination were first developed, throwing their cheerful serenity over his sorrowful and beclouded mind. Here, too, he subsequently lived in his Pat- mos, or desert, as he playfully termed the Castle of Wartburg, in the character of Squire George, and passed his time sometimes in the chase on the moun- tains, but mostly in translating the New Testament. There were in Eisenach at this time three churches, little farther on, beyond Tilleda, another royal residence, to the left of the Golden Meadow, rises Kyffhausen with Frederic's tower. There are many legends respecting Frederic Barbarossa and this castle. It was here that Henry the Sixth and Henry the Lion became reconciled to each other, and checked for a time the feuds between Guelf and Ghibiline. West of this is the peak of Rothen- berg, with another tower, whose history runs back to pagan times. 2E. 13-21.] REMOVAL TO EISENACH. 51 to which were attached as many parochial schools. Only one of these, however, was a Latin school; and that was at the church of St. George, a little east of the centre of the town. The name of the head master was Trebonius, the first skilful teacher under whose care Luther came, and to whom he felt a per- sonal attachment. Though he did not belong to the new school of classical scholars trained in Italy, his Latin was much purer than that of the monks and priests generally. His personal character, too, though perhaps a little eccentric, was such as to win the love of his pupils. In coming before them, he used to take off his hat and bow to them, and complained that his assistants were disinclined to do likewise. He said, with truth, and with a sense of responsi- bility which showed that he understood the true dignity of his office, " among these boys are burgo- masters, chancellors, doctors and magistrates." Though he is called a poet, that is, a writer of Latin verses, we must remember that this was a trivial school, and that but little more than Latin hymns and prayers were read ; and that it excelled other schools only by having a better method, by employing in con- versation a purer Latin, and by having exercises in Latin verse. It is a mistake to suppose that Luther studied Greek here, or even such Latin authors as Cicero, Virgil and Livy. He commenced the study of the latter in Erfurt, and the former at a much later period in Wittenberg as professor. The following is Melaricthon's account of Luther's studies at Eise- nach : " After leaving Magdeburg, he attended in the school at Eisenach four years on the instructions of a teacher who taught him grammar (Latin) better than it was elsewhere taught. For I remember how Luther commended his talents. He was sent thither 52 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1497-1505. because his mother was descended from an honour- able and ancient family of that town. Here he became master of grammar; and, because of his superior understanding and natural aptitude for eloquence, he made more proficiency, and easily ex- celled his fellow-pupils, both in his powers of speech and in writing prose and verse." Here is the first intimation we have of the manifestation of those remarkable powers which distinguished him in after-life. His teacher undoubtedly knew how to draw out of him what had hitherto been suffered to lie dormant. Perhaps, too, this was the time in life when his mind came, by the course of nature, to develope itself. At such a crisis, the value of a wise and genial instructor is inestimable. It is precisely when the corn is shooting most rapidly from the earth that the weeds should be subdued, so that all the strength of the soil may be given to the growth of the future harvest. Luther, who had been driven from Magdeburg by poverty, removed to Eisenach in hopes of sympathy and support from his relatives in that place. In this his hopes were disappointed. He was still compelled to beg his bread, singing in a choir from door to door. His sufferings appear to have been even greater here than in Magdeburg. No doubt, the early indigence of Luther, and the fact of his feeling that he was thrown back upon his own resources, contributed to the strength of his character. He probably had his own case in view when he said, " The young should learn especially to endure suffering and want; for such suffering doth them no harm. It doth more harm for one to prosper without toil than it doth to endure suffer- ing." " It is God's way, of beggars to make men JE. 13-21.] REMOVAL TO EISENACH. 53 of power, just as he made the world out of nothing. Look upon the courts of kings and princes, upon cities and parishes. You will there find jurists, doctors, counsellors, secretaries and preachers, who were commonly poor, and alway such as have been students, and have risen and flown so high through the quill, that they are become lords." " I have been a beggar of crumbs, and have taken my bread at the door, especially in Eisenach, my favourite town, although afterwards my dear father with all love and fidelity sustained me at school in Erfurt, and by his sweat and hard labour helped me to that whereunto I have attained. Never- theless I have been a beggar of bread, and have pros- pered so far forth with the pen, that I would not ex- change my art for all the wealth of the Turkish em- pire. Nay, I would not exchange it for all the wealth of the world many times over. And yet I should not have attained thereunto, had I not gone to school, and given myself to the business of writing. There- fore doubt not to put your boy to study ; and if he must needs beg his bread, you nevertheless give unto God a noble piece of timber whereof he will carve a great man. So it must always be; your son and mine, that is, the children of the common people, must govern the world both in the church and in the commonwealth." The pressure of poverty, on the other hand, may be too great, so as to depress the spirit instead of invigorating it. Luther is represented as having verged, while at Eisenach, to the very brink of de- spondency, and to have contemplated relinquishing study altogether, and returning to the occupation of his father. It is difficult for us to suppress speculation as to 5* 54 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. what would have been the probable results of such a determination, what his influence upon the desti- nies of mankind, and his place in the records of his- tory. But Providence had other counsels than those the disheartened youth was almost ready to adopt, and an event, in itself trifling, decided a point on which were suspended interests of inconceivable mag- nitude. One day, as he and his companions were pass- ing through St. George street, not far from the school, their carols were unheeded, and, at three successive houses, the customary charity was with- held. With heavy hearts they passed on to Con- rad Cotta's house, where they often received tokens of friendly regard. Madam Cotta had conceived an affection for young Luther, from the musical talents which he had displayed, and from the earn- estness of his devotions at church. She invited him in, gave to him liberally, and afterwards re- ceived him into her house. Though probably not a relative of his, as some writers would have us believe, he constantly called her his hostess, she treated him as a son, and gave him support till he went to the university. It is pleasant to know that, though Madam Ursula Cotta herself died in 1511, Luther, after arriving at an eminence hardly second to that of any man of the age, remembered the debt of gratitude, and in the years 1541 and 1542, only a few years before his death, received Henry Cotta, Ursula's son, into his house in turn, and this act of kindness towards him as a student at Wittenberg is mentioned in Cotta's epitaph at Eisenach, where he died as burgomaster. The influence of this connection upon Luther's mind could hardly be otherwise than favourable. M. 13-21.] REMOVAL TO EISENACH. 5& Both his heart and his intellect were rendered dark and gloomy by the exclusively monastic character of his training. The path of his life thus far had been cheerless. Even the music which he loved, and in which he indulged, was mostly pensive. Do- mestic life he had been taught to regard as impure and sinful ; and to the pleasures of a cheerful home of his own he was forbidden, by his monastic super- stition, to look. "When I was a boy," he after- wards said, " I imagined I could not think of the married state without sin." In the family of Cotta, he acquired other and more correct views of life. Here he became sensible to the charms of re- fined society. Not only were the generous affections strengthened by exercise, but the taste was cultivated in that family circle. The perversions of the mo- nastic morality were somewhat checked, though not fully exposed and corrected. Madam Cotta vindi- cated the dignity and sanctity of married life, and taught Luther that his preconceived notions on this subject were false. "My hostess at Eisenach," he remarked, "said truly, when I was there at school, ' There is not on earth any thing more lovely than an affection for females (conjugal affection) when it is in the fear of God.' " It was here that Luther learned to play on the flute. Some affirm that he at this time also learned to compose music and to touch the lute. Though he speaks of his voice as " slender and indistinct," he had in reality a fine alto voice, and Melancthon says '' it could be heard at a great distance." Beneficial as were these gentle and bland in- fluences, and winning and inspiring as were the in- structions of the head-master of the school, Eisenach itself was a priestly town, or, as the writers of that 56 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. age call it, " a nest of priests," and all the religious associations of the place were adapted to nourish and strengthen the convictions with which Luther had grown up. There were nine monasteries and nun- neries in and about the town, and an abundance of churches, priests and chaplains. There, too, lay the remains of the landgrave, Henry Raspe, at whose tomb the visiters on St. Julian's day could obtain two years' indulgence. Here St. Elizabeth, that most benevolent and religious of the Thuringian landgravines, had lived and laboured for the good of the poor, and monuments of her zealous but super- stitious piety were everywhere to be seen. SECTION III. Luther in the University of Erfurt. ARLY on the 17th of July, in 1501, at the opening of a new and great century, our student left the place " where," in his own lan- guage, he had learned and enjoyed so much/' and directed his steps toward the celebrated city and university which towered high above all the rest in influence in that part of Germany. Fifteen miles distant was Gotha, then, as it is now, the beautiful capital of the duchy of the JE. 13-21.] IN THE UNIVERSITY. 57 same name. Here lived Mutianus, the centre of the poetical club to which many of Luther's subsequent Erfurt friends (as Lange, Spalatin, Crotus and others) belonged. Here Luther preached in 1521^ on his way to the diet of Worms, and his doctrines were received; and here Myconius, the historian of the Lutheran Reformation, was afterward the principal Lutheran ecclesiastic. Proceeding as much farther, through a country appearing, as one advances, more and more like the Saxon plains, he came to Erfurt, formerly the great mart of interior Germany. This city, though in the very heart of Thuringia, was never subject to the landgrave. It was once the place of an episcopal see, and when this was trans- ferred to Mainz, the archbishop of which was made primate of Germany, Erfurt was retained under his jurisdiction, and regarded as the second capital of his electoral territory. Meanwhile the citizens of Erfurt were aiming to make it a free imperial city, and the emperor favoured the project. The result was, that in the disorders of that feudal age, when rights were settled less by law than by physical power, the three contending parties, the Archbishop of Mainz, the citizens of Erfurt, and the emperor, each had a share in the government of the city. In general, however, in the course of the struggle, the citizens acquired more and more power, and the city became more and more free. It was the citizens, and not the archbishop nor emperor, who founded the university, and consequently it had a practical and liberal character which distinguished it very widely from that of Cologne. The university of Er- furt had more than a thousand students, and Luther said that " it was so celebrated a seat of learning that others were but as grammar-schools compared 58 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1497-1505. with it." At the time Luther entered there, it had thirteen regular professors, besides the younger li- centiates, or tutors, and there were several richly endowed colleges, or religious foundations, where the professors and students lived together as distinct cor- porations. Theology and the canonical or ecclesias- tical law took the highest rank among the studies pursued there. In the two other learned professions, law and medicine, the old Roman civilians and the Greek medical writers were chiefly studied. In the wide department of philosophy, a sort of encyclo- paedia of the sciences, as contained in the writings of Aristotle, constituted the course of instruction. The Bible was not studied, and none of the Greek authors above named were read in the original. Neither languages, except the Latin, nor history were taught after the manner which afterward prevailed in the universities. Every thing still wore the garb of the Middle Ages. There were no experiments or observations in natural philosophy, no accurate cri- ticism in language or history. Learning was either a matter of memory, or it was a sort of gladiatorial exercise in the art of disputation. In one of the foundations at Erfurt, the beneficiaries were obligated to observe daily the seven canonical hours, as they are termed, or appointed seasons of saying prayers, to read the miserere, or supplication for the dead, and to hear a eulogy on the character of the Virgin Mary. The laws were very oppressive, from the minuteness of their details and the solemn oaths by which men bound themselves to obey them. This is what Lu- ther called "an accursed method." "Every thing," said he, "is secured by oaths and vows, and the wretched youth are cruelly and without necessity en- tangled as in a net." M. 13-21.] IN THE UNIVERSITY. 59 The university life of Luther at Erfurt forms a striking contrast with his abject and suffering con- dition while begging his bread at the doors of the charitable, and also with his monastic life imme- diately after leaving the university. He now che- rished, though with great moderation, that more cheering view of human life with which he had been made familiar in the house of Madam Cotta. He was furthermore stimulated by a natural love of ac- quisition in useful knowledge, now for the first time awakened into full activity. The study of classical literature, which had been revived in Italy and France, was beginning to be cultivated with enthu- siasm in Germany. Of the young men who prose- cuted these studies with zeal, there was a brilliant circle then at Erfurt. Without formally uniting himself with this classical and poetical club, he took up the study of the best Latin writers in prose and verse, with an earnestness that fully equalled theirs, and imprinted indelibly upon his memory those pas- sages which were most striking whether for the sen- timent or the expression. Thus he was the friend, and in many respects the rival, of the poetical ge- niuses who sparkled at Erfurt, though the more earnest and practical character of his mind gave him a decided preference for solid and practical learning. Besides the Roman classics, the scholastic philosophy engaged much of his attention. This must not, as has often been the case with the biographers of Lu- ther, be confounded with the scholastic theology. It embraced logic, intellectual philosophy, and such a course of physical science as is found in the writings of Aristotle. Indeed, compeuds from Aristotle and comments upon his writings constituted the sum and 60 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. substance of the philosophy taught in the universities at this time. Luther was now in comparatively independent circumstances. His father had been so far prosper- ous in his business as to be able to support him. at Erfurt. Could we have seen Luther at this time, from the age of eighteen to that of twenty-two, full of vigour and activity, exulting in the consciousness of superior intellectual power, winning golden opi- nions by the rapid progress made in his studies, ap- .pearing, according to the usages of the age, with a sword at his side, now eagerly devouring the contents of Virgil and Cicero, now poring over the subtle- ties of the Aristotelian logic, at one time overcoming his opponents with surpassing power in debate ; at another, teaching the Aristotelian philosophy, while preparing for the legal profession, we can easily imagine the sensation it created in Erfurt, and the chagrin it gave his father, when it was announced that Luther had entered the Augustinian convent ! During the first two years which he spent at Er- furt, (from 1501 to 1503,) he was chiefly engaged in the study of Roman literature and of philosophy, at the end of which period he took his first degree. The year in which he received this honour is sup- posed also to be the one in which the following oc- currence took place. Early in the spring, he set out in company with a friend, equipped as usual with a sword, to visit his parents. Within an hour after leaving Erfurt, he, by some accident, ran his sword into his foot and opened a main artery. A physician was called from the city, who succeeded, not without difficulty, in closing up the wound. An unusual swelling arising from the forced stoppage of the blood, and a rupture taking place during the following night, M. 13-21.] IN THE UNIVERSITY. 61 Luther feared the accident would prove fatal, and, in immediate prospect of death, commended himself to the Virgin Mary. " Had I then died," he afterward said, " I should have died in the faith of the Virgin." It was during the same year that Luther had his second severe illness. His first was while he was at Magdeburg. In his extremity, and while despairing of life, he was visited by an aged priest, who spoke those memorable words which were afterward regarded by some as prophetic : " Be of good comfort, my bro- ther ; you will not die at this time. God will yet make a great man of you, who shall comfort many others. Whom God loveth and purposeth to make a blessing, upon him he early layeth the cross, and in that school those who patiently endure, learn much." Of two of Luther's principal teachers, Usingen and Jodocus of Eisenach, and of the subject-matter and manner of their teaching, we have the means of knowing more than is common in such cases. The works which they published between 1501 and 1514, containing undoubtedly the substance of the very lectures which Luther heard, suggest to the cu- rious reader interesting trains of thought. A com- parison of their teachings in the physical sciences with what Luther, long after, interwove in his com- mentary on the beginning of Genesis, proves not only that these books are but little more than the printed lectures of their authors, but also that Lu- ther faithfully stored those instructions away in his capacious and retentive memory for future use. Here we cannot suppress the general remark, that the mass of the opinions which Luther afterward expresses, on these and other kindred subjects, are to be regarded, not as originating with himself, but as 62 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. coming to him through the lectures which he heard and the books which he read. Though the two teachers just named were more simple in their me- thod and more just in their thoughts than most of their contemporaries, they are sufficiently prolix and dry to satisfy even a scholastic taste. Usingen be- longed to the Augustinian monastery in Erfurt, and was, no doubt, Luther's teacher there in the scholas- tic theology, as he had been before in philosophy or dialectics. Jodocus of Eisenach, often called Trut- vetter, was more eminent than Usingen. He was afterward associated with Luther at Wittenberg as professor of theology, and was one of those early friends of Luther who were grieved at his bold and decided measures as a Reformer. Siisse, a very pious young man, who, later in life, openly espoused the evangelical cause, is by some represented as Luther's room-mate at the university. Others suppose he only occupied the same cell with him in the convent. The intimate friendship which subsisted through life between Luther and Spalatin and Lange, was com- menced when they were all students in Erfurt. It was in 1505, two years after taking his first degree, that he was made master of arts, which en- titled him to teach in the university. He actually entered upon the duties of this office, and taught the physics and logic of Aristotle. It was the wish of his father that he should qualify himself for some civil office by studying law ; and, at the same time that he was teacher, he actually commenced the study, which, though soon broken off by the events which led him to the cloister, was important to him, as enabling him to discuss those points in the canon law which were urged against the Reformation by his opponents. JE. 13-21 J DISCOVERS THE BIBLE. 63 SECTION IV. The Bible first seen by Luther in the Library of the University. WE learn from Mathesius, what we might, indeed, infer from Luther's subsequent character, that he was a young man of buoyant and cheerful feelings ; and, at the same time, that he began every day with prayer, and went daily to church service. Further- more, " he neglected no university exercise, was wont to propound questions to his teachers, did often review his studies with his fellow students, and whenever there were no appointed exercises, he was in the library." " Upon a time," continues the same writer, " when he was carefully viewing the books one after another, to the end that he might know them that were good, he fell upon a Latin Bible, which he had never be- fore seen in all his life. He marvelled greatly as he noted that more text, or more epistles and gospels, were therein contained than were set forth and ex- plained in the common postils* and sermons preached in the churches. In turning over the leaves of the Old Testament, he fell upon the history of Samuel and of his mother Hannah. This did he quickly read through with hearty delight and joy ; and be- cause this was all new to him, he began to wish from the bottom of his heart that our faithful God would one day bestow upon him such a book for his own." Luther, who often alludes to this incident, once says that it occurred " when he was a young man and a bachelor of arts." At another time he says, " when I was twenty years old, I had never seen a Bible." * Collections of Homilies. 64 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1497-1505. In another place, he intimates that he saw the Bible only once while he was in the university, and that an interval of about two years intervened before he saw another copy in the cloister. " I was read- ing," he says, " a place in Samuel ; but it was time to go to lecture. I would fain have read the whole book through, but there was not opportunity then. I asked for a Bible as soon as I had entered the cloister." He became owner of a postil, which pleased him much, because it contained more of the Gospels than were commonly read during the year. The study of the Scriptures, therefore, seems, in the case of Luther, to have commenced rather in the cloister than in the university. It is natural, how- ever, and almost necessary to suppose that the his- tory of Samuel, who led a consecrated life in the temple, and in whom Luther became providentially so deeply interested, was not without its influence in leading the mind of the latter to contemplate a mo- nastic life. M. 21-25.] IN THE CLOISTER. 65 CHAPTER III. LUTHER IN THE CLOISTER AT ERFURT, FROM 1505 TO 1508. THE origin of the Reformation, as a religious movement and as connected with the efforts of Lu- ther, is to be traced chiefly to what he himself experienced in the convent at Erfurt. There he first made thorough trial of that outward and legal system of religion which had nearly banished the gospel of Christ from the church. There he groped his way through the mazes of papal error, and found the path that led to Christ as the simple object of his faith and love. He went through all the pro- cess of overcoming the elements of a ceremonial, and of appropriating those of an evangelical religion, by the force of his individual character, and by the power of the word and the Spirit of God. He found himself standing almost solitary on the ground of justification by faith alone, and private judgment in interpreting the Scriptures. From the time of his going to Wittenberg to the year 1517, he was chiefly employed in working out these two ideas, reconciling his experience with well-established truths, and trying upon the minds of others, namely, of his pupils and some of the younger professors, the same experiment which he had unconsciously made upon himself. When he came to feel the full strength of his foundation, and, with the Bible and the sober use of reason as his weapons, prostrated the scholastic theology, and professor and student 66 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. confessed their power, his conscience impelled him to seize upon the first and upon every public oppor- tunity to propagate these principles, that others might share with him so unspeakable a blessing. The study of Luther's religious experience has a two-fold interest, first, in itself as one of the most striking on record, and then as a key to the reli- gious character of the Reformation. Until recently, the subject has been wrapt in such obscurity and confusion that it has appeared moye as a romance than as a reality. To Jiirgens belongs the honour of having first collected and arranged all the known facts of the case in such a way as to furnish a pretty clear history of what was before both imperfect and chaotic. SECTION I. Luther becomes a Monk. THE whole course of Luther's training tended to impress upon his mind the sanctity of the monastic life. This, in his view, was the surest way of pleasing God, and of escaping the terrors of the world to come. Educated as he was to a legal view of religion, and conscious, at the same time, that he had not fulfilled the law, nothing remained to him but to continue as he was, at the risk of his salva- tion, or to seek for a higher kind of piety by which the law of God might be satisfied. His prevailing feeling was to continue in his former course of life, but any sudden terror would revive the alarms of his conscience, and suggest the thought of putting his anxious mind for ever at rest by fleeing to a cloister as a refuge for his soul. In this way was his mind finally determined. In 1505, Alexius, a friend of Luther in the university, was assassinated. M. 21-25.] BECOMES A MONK. 67 Soon after, about the first of July, as Luther was walking in a retired road between Erfurt and Stotterheim, probably on his way home to escape the epidemic then prevailing at Erfurt, he was overtaken by a violent thunder storm, and the lightning struck with terrific force near his feet. He was stunned, and exclaimed in his terror, " Help, beloved St. Anne, and I will straightway become a monk."* Besides the above-mentioned occurrences, there was an epidemic raging in the university, many of the teachers and pupils had fled, and it was very natural that Luther's mind should be in a very gloomy state. St. Anne was the reigning saint in Saxony at this time, having recently become an object of religious regard, to whose honour the Saxon town Annaberg was built, and who, for a time, was the successful rival even of the Virgin Mary. Hence, the invocation of this saint by Luther. Referring to this event, in a dedication of a work on Monastic Vows to his father, Luther says : " I did not become a monk joyfully and willingly, much less for the sake of obtaining a livelihood, but being miserable and encompassed with the ter- rors and anguish of death, I made a constrained and forced vow." He again says, " It was not done from the heart, nor willingly." These statements, taken in connection with several others where it is * Such is the view in which the testimony of Luther, Melancthon, Mathesius and other early witnesses is best united. The representation of later writers that Alexius was killed by lightning is now abandoned by most histo- rians. 68 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. said that certain views of religion drove him to the monastery, make it plain that it required the force of excited fears to induce him to enter upon a life which he had always regarded as the most sacred, and as most surely leading to heaven. How much he then needed the instruction which* Staupitz at a later period gave, him! Before executing his purpose, he took two weeks for reflection. It has been said, that during this interval he regretted his rash vow. No doubt he had to pass through severe mental struggles, that in his calmer moments opposite considerations would present themselves to his mind, and none with more power than that of having gone counter to the known wishes of his father, by whose toils he had been sustained at the university. In his Com- mentary on Genesis xlix. 13, he says, " When I had made a beginning in the study of the liberal arts and in philosophy, and comprehended and learned so much therein that I was made master, I might, after the example of others, have become teacher and instructor in turn, or have prosecuted my studies and made greater advancement therein. But I forsook my parents and kindred, and betook myself, contrary to their will, to the cloister, and put on the cowl. For I had suffered myself to be persuaded that by entering into a religious order, and taking upon me such hard and rigorous labour, I should do God great service." Here may properly be introduced a few other sayings of Luther in respect to the motives which led him to take this step. In a manuscript pre- served at Gotha, he is represented as saying, "I went into the cloister and forsook the world because I despaired of myself." "I made a vow for the &. 21-25.] BECOMES A MONK. 69 salvation of iny soul. For no other cause did I betake myself to a life in the cloister than that I might serve God and please him forevermore." "I thought God did not concern himself about me/' he says in one 1 of his sermons ; " if I get to heaven and be happy, it will depend mostly on myself. I knew no better than to think that by my own works I must rid myself of sin and death. For this cause I became a monk, and had a most bitter experience withal. Oh ! thought I, if I only go into a cloister and serve God in a cowl and with a shorn crown, he will reward me and bid me welcome." During the interval of two weeks, while he kept his design from his parents and from his fellow-stu- dents, the Gotha manuscript says that he communi- cated it to Andrew Staffelstein, as the head of the university, and to a few pious females. Staffelstein advised him to join the Franciscan order, whose mo- nastery had just been rebuilt in Erfurt, and went im- mediately with him to the cloister, lest a change should take place in Luther's mind. The teacher resorted also to flattery, no doubt with a good con- science, saying that of none of his pupils did he en- tertain higher hopes in respect to piety and good- ness. When they arrived at the cloister, the monks urged his connecting himself immediately with the order. Luther replied that he must first make known his intention to his parents. But Staffelstein and the friars rejoined that he must forsake father and mother, and steal away to the cross of Christ. Who- soever putteth his hand to the plough and looketh back is not worthy of the kingdom of God. In this "monstrous inhumanity," as Luther calls it, " savour- ing more of the wolf and the tyrant than of the Christian and the man/' the monks were only carry- 70 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. ing out the principle which Jerome had taught them, and which was the more weighty, being sanctioned by his great name. As quoted by Luther, in his Commentary on Gen. xliii. 30, the words of that ancient Father run thus : " Though thy father should lie before thy door weeping and lamenting, and thy mother should show the body that bore thee and the breasts that nursed thee, see that thou trample them under foot, and go onward straightway to Christ." By such perversion of Scripture and reason did the monks deprive many a parent of the society of his children. " That," says Luther again, "is the teach- ing of antichrist, and you may boldly tell him, he lieth. Next to obedience to himself, before all things and above all things, God requireth obedience to parents. ... A son or a daughter runneth away from his father, and goeth into a cloister against his will. The pope with his party of Herodians approveth the act, and thus compelleth the people to tear in pieces a command of God in order to worship God." " Hadst thou known," it is said in the above-mentioned de- dicatory epistle of Luther to his father, " that I was then in thy power, wouldst thou not, from thine authority as a father, have plucked me out of my cowl ? Had I known it, I would not have essayed such a thing against thy will and knowledge, though I must suffer a thousand deaths." It seems, there- fore, that Luther's mind was in a conflict between a sense of duty to his parents and a false persuasion of duty to his own soul and to God. Even the father was somewhat puzzled by the speciousness of the monastic logic. But the son made the former consideration yield to the latter, which the father always maintained was an error. We must not be surprised that such scruples were entertained in re- JE. 21-25.] BECOMES A MONK. 71 spect to the filial obligation of one who was about twenty-two years of age ; for, not to mention that by law a son did not reach the age of majority till he was twenty-five years of age, filial obedience was, as in the patriarchal age, considered as due to an inde- finite period of life. Luther, however, did not enter into the cloister of the Franciscans, but preferred that of the Augustin- ian eremites. Undoubtedly a regard for the literary and more elevated character of that order decided his choice. This took place, as Luther himself once eaid, on the 17th of July, 1505. On the evening preceding, he invited his university friends to a so- cial party. The hours passed away in lively conver- sation and song. Until near the close of that even- ing, according to Melancthon, the guests had no intimation of what was to follow. When Luther announced his purpose to them, they endeavoured to dissuade him from it. But it was all in vain. "To- day," said he, " you see me ; after this, you will see me no more." The very same night, or early the following morn- ing, he presented himself at the door of the con- vent, according to previous arrangement, and was admitted. His scholastic, classical and law books he gave to the booksellers; his master's ring, given when he took that degree, and his secular attire, he sent to his parents. The only books which he retained were the two Roman poets, Virgil and Plautus, a circumstance that throws light upon the peculiarly susceptible and almost romantic character of his mind, no less than does the festive hour with which he had the resolution to close his secular career. He informed his other friends and his pa- rents, by letter, of the important step he had taken. 72 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. The former, lamenting that such a man should be buried alive, as it were, almost besieged the cloister, seeking for two successive days an interview with their friend. But the cloister door was bolted against them, and he was not to be seen by them for a month. Luther's father probably did not come immediately to the cloister, (as some writers have asserted, con- founding this occasion with that of his ordination as priest,) but replied to his son's letter in a manner which showed the highest displeasure, and withheld the respectful form of address (Ihr) which, from the time the degree of master of arts was conferred, he had ever given him, and employed one (du) which was ordinarily given to children and servants. To human view, the course of Luther, in leaving the university and the study of the law and in entering a cloister, seems a most unfortunate one. The best years of his life, one would think, were thrown away upon solemn trifles. But, if we consider that, after a public education, a secluded life often contributes most to true greatness, by holding a man long at the very fountain-head of thought and reflection, (as was the case with Chrysostom, Augustine and many others,) and if, moreover, we consider that the false foundations of a system of error are often best under- stood by him who has made the most perfect trial of them, we shall conclude with Luther, " God ordered that I should become monk not without good reason, that, being taught by experience, I might take up my pen against the pope." M. 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 73 SECTION II. The Novitiate 1505. THE first act was that of assuming the vestments of the novitiate. The solemn ceremonies of that occasion were settled by the rules of the order. The transaction was to take place in the presence of the , whole assembly. The prior proposed to the candidate the question,whether he thought his strength was suf- ficient to bear the burdens about to be imposed upon him; at the same time reminding him of the strict- ness of their discipline, and the renunciation which one must make of his own will, subjecting it to that of the order. He referred to the plain living and cloth- ing, the nightly vigils and daily toils, the mortifica- tions of the flesh, the reproach attached to a state of poverty and mendicancy, the languor produced by fasting, and the tedium of solitude, and other similar things which awaited him. The candidate replied, that with the help of God he would make trial there- of. The prior said, " We receive you then on proba- tion for one year; and may God, who hath begun a good work in you, carry it on unto perfection." The whole assembly then cried "Amen," and struck up the Magne pater Augustine, (Great Father Augus- tine.) Meanwhile the head was shorn, the secular robes laid aside, and the spiritual robes put on. The prior intimated to the individual that with these last he was also to put on the new man. He now kneeled down before the prior, antiphonies were sung, and the divine blessing invoked, thus : " May God, who hath converted this young man from the world and prepared for him a mansion in heaven, grant that his daily walk may be as becometh his calling, and that he may have cause to be thankful for this day's do- ings," &c. Then the procession moved on, singing 74 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. responses again, till they reached the choir, where they all prostrated themselves in prayer. The can- didate was next conducted to the common hall of the cloister, where he received from the prior and all the brethren the fraternal kiss. He then bowed the knee again before the prior, who, after reminding him that he who persevereth to the end shall be* saved, gave him over to the preceptor, whose duty it was to instruct him during his novitiate. The order of Augustinian eremites, which origin- ated about the middle of the thirteenth century, was said to have nearly two thousand cloisters, besides three hundred nunneries, and more than thirty thou- sand monks. It was reformed and organized anew at the Council of Basle, in the fifteenth century. The celebrated Proles, who was at Magdeburg when Lu- ther was there at school, was the second vicar after the re-organization, and in 1503 Staupitz was the fourth, who, in the following year, that is, the year before Luther entered the cloister at Erfurt, gave to the order a new constitution. The abler and better men of this order, such as Proles and Staupitz, were led, by the study of the writings of Augustine, to entertain his views of the doctrine of divine grace and of justification by faith. The Augustinian friars were generally more retiring, studious and contemplative than the ambitious, gross and bigoted Dominicans and Franciscans. Hence Luther's preference of the order. According to the new rules laid down by Staupitz, the prior was to give to each novice a preceptor and guide, who should be learned, experienced and zeal- ous for the interests of the order. It was the duty of this preceptor to initiate the novice into a know- ledge of all the rules and regulations that had been established} to explain to him the system of worship M. 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 75 to be observed, and the signs by which directions were silently given ; to see that he was awakened by night to attend to all the vigils ; that he observed, at their proper times and places, the prescribed in- clinations, genuflections and prostrations; that he did not neglect the silent prayers and private con- fessions; and that he made a proper use of the books, sacred utensils and garments. The novice was to converse with no one except in the presence of the preceptor or prior ; never to dispute respecting the regulations; to take no notice of visiters; to drink only in a sitting posture and holding the cup with both hands ; to walk with downcast eye ; to bow low in receiving every gift, and to say, "The Lord be praised in his gifts;" to love poverty, avoid pleasure and subdue his own will; to read the Scriptures diligently, and to listen to others eagerly and learn with avidity. Luther was so thoroughly drilled in all these practices that he retained some of them, as a matter of habit, through life. " The young monks," says he, in referring to one of these practices, "were taught, when they received any gift, if it were but a feather, to bow low and say, 'God be praised for every gift he bestoweth.' " Trespasses were classified under the heads of small, great, greater, greatest. To the smaller belong the failing to go to church as soon as the sign is given, or forgetting to touch the ground instantly with the hand and to smite the breast, if in reading in the choir or in singing the least error is committed ; looking about the house in time of service ; making any disturbance in the dormitory or in the cell; desiring to sing or read otherwise than in the prescribed order; omitting prostration when giving thanks at the Annunciation or Christmas; forgetting the bene- 76 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. diction in going out or coming in; neglecting to return books or garments to their proper places; dropping one's food, or spilling one's drink, or eating without saying grace, &c. &c. To great trespasses were reckoned contending with any one, reminding one of a former fault, breaking the prescribed silence or fasts, looking at women, or talking with them, except at the confessional or in brief replies, &c. Luther was at once put into subjection to all these trivial and often senseless laws. The good monks seemed to delight in teaching lessons of humility. With his studies, in which he was already too much distinguished for them, they were not at all pleased. He himself says, "As I came into the cloister, they said to me, ' It shall be with you as it was with us sack on the neck/ " Again he says, " In Italy there is an order of Ignorants, who vow sacred ignorance. All orders might lay claim to that title, for that they give heed only to the words, but not to the sense, of what they read or repeat. They say, if thou under- standest not the meaning of the Scriptures and the prayers, Satan doeth and fleeth. The alpha and omega of the monks is to hate knowledge and study. If a brother is given to study, they straightway sur- mise that he wishes to bear rule over them." The Erfurt monks were not all of the most spi- ritual character. Luther says of the monks in gene- ral, that " For one fast they had three feasts. At the evening collation two cans of good beer and a . little can of wine were given to each monk, besides spiced cakes and salted bread to quicken their thirst. The poor brethren appeared like fiery angels." That Luther had in mind the monks at Erfurt is pretty evident, from his saying that he had, in the papacy, never seen a proper fast; that "abstinence from M. 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 77 meat" signified only to have the best of fish, with the nicest seasoning and good wine ; besides, " They taught," says he, " that we should despise riches, vineyards and fields ; and yet they seek after them, most of all, and eat and drink the very best. One brother in the cloister could consume five biscuits, when one was enough for me." One doctor, in the cloister, had omitted the canonical hours for three months, so that he could not now make them all up. He therefore gave a few guldens to two brethren to help him pray, that he might get through the sooner. Of the treatment which Luther received after en- tering upon his novitiate, it is not easy to judge. Was it according to the spirit of the order, and con- sequently a mode of treatment to which all without distinction were at first subject ? or was the deport- ment of the monks toward Luther particularly harsh and severe ? Some considerations may be urged in favour of the former view. Luther himself repre- sents it as the vice of the system. " True obedience, that alone of which they boast, the monks seek to prove by requiring unreasonable, childish and foolish things, all which were to be cheerfully submitted to." He never complains of faring worse than others : but he does complain that no distinctions were made ac- cording to the physical constitution and mental state of individuals; that "every man's shoes were made on one and the same last, and that all were governed by one inflexible rule." " Augustine," he says, " acted more wisely, teaching that all men were not to be measured by the same rule." So much, how- ever, seems to be true in regard to the members of the cloister of Erfurt, that they looked with jea- lousy upon the distinguished and learned novitiate, and felt a satisfaction in seeing him performing the 78 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. menial offices of doorkeeper, sweep, and street-beg- gar in the very city where he had so many literary acquaintances to witness his humiliation. With what patience and acquiescence he submitted to all the duties and tasks imposed upon him by his order, we learn from his own declarations. These are his words : " I was a monk without ever com- plaining; of that I can justly boast." " When I first became a monk, I stormed the very heavens." He speaks of having exposed himself in watchings, " till he nearly perished in the cold ;" of having afflicted and tortured his body, " so that he could not have endured it long;" and of having prayed, fasted, watched, and inflicted bodily pains, and so seriously " injured his head, that he had not reco- vered, and never should so long as he lived." For the sake of the connection, we will introduce here a passage that probably relates, in part at least, to a somewhat later period : " I verily kept the rules of my order with great diligence and zeal. I often fasted till I was sick and well-nigh dead. Not only did I observe the rules straitly, but I took upon my- self other tasks, and had a peculiar way by myself. My seniors strove against this my singularity, and with good reason. I was a shameful persecutor and destroyer of my own body ; for I fasted, prayed, watched, and made myself weary and languid beyond what I could endure." Connected with such a state of mind and such religious severities, we should naturally expect to see the greatest reverence for the papal hierarchy. It cannot be surprising, therefore, to hear him say, " I can with truth affirm, if there ever was one who held the papal laws and the traditions of the fathers in reverence, I was such." " I had an unfeigned JE. 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 79 veneration for the pope, not seeking after livings, or places, and such like, but whatsoever I did, I did with singleness of heart, with upright zeal and for the glory of God." "So great was the pope in my esteem that I accounted the least deviation from him a sin, deserving damnation ; and this ungodly opi- nion made me to hold Huss as an accursed heretic, BO much so that I esteemed it a sin only to think of him ; and, to defend the pope's authority, I would have kindled the flames to burn the heretic, and should have believed that I was thereby showing the truest obedience to God." We have learned that Luther was driven to the cloister by a disquieted conscience and superstitious fears and hopes. It is natural to inquire how far his conscience was quieted, his fears allayed, and his hopes realized. Let him answer for himself: " When I was a monk, I was outwardly much holier than now. I kept the vow I had taken with the greatest zeal and diligence by day and by night, and yet I found no rest, for all the consolations which I drew from my own righteousness and works were ineffectual." " Doubts all the while cleaved to my conscience, and I thought within myself, Who knoweth whether this is pleasing and acceptable to God, or not." " Even when I was the most devout, I went as a doubter to the altar, and as a doubter I came away again. If I had made my confession, I was still in doubt ; if, upon that, I left off prayer, I was again in doubt j for we were wrapt in the conceit that we could not pray and should not be heard, unless we were wholly pure and without sin, like the saints in heaven." It is difficult for us to conceive of the anguish which a tender^and delicate conscience would feel under the influence of the doctrines which were then taught in 80 LIFE OF LTJTHER. [1505-1508. respect to confession. Who could be certain that he knew the nature and extent of all the sins he had committed ? What infallible rule had he by which he could judge rightly of all the acts and circum- stances connected with sin ? Of his motives and in- tentions he might have a tolerably accurate know- ledge, but how was it with acts in themselves con- sidered, which were the main thing in the ethics of the confessional? Even of those sins which were defined and measured by the rules of the order, since they related to a thousand trifling acts recurring al- most every moment, few persons could retain a dis- tinct consciousness or recollection so as to be per- fectly sure at each confession that nothing was omitted or forgotten ; and yet one such omission vitiated the whole confession and rendered prayer useless. This was the scorpion-sting which Luther so keenly felt. He always doubted the completeness of his confession. If he prayed, it might be of no use; if he neglected prayer, his doubts -were increased. " The confession was an intolerable burden laid upon the church. For there was no sorer trouble, as we all know by experience, than that every one should be compelled to make confession, or be guilty of a mortal sin. Moreover, confession was beset with so many difficulties, and the conscience distressed with the reckoning up of so many different classes of sins, that no one could make his confession complete enough." " If the confession was not perfect, and done with exceeding particularity, the absolution was of none effect, nor were the sins forgiven. There- with were the people so hard pressed, that there was no one but must despair of confessing so perfectly, (it was in very deed impossible ;) and no conscience JB. 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 81 could abide the trial, nor have confidence in the ab- solution." " When I was a monk, I used oft-times to be very contrite for my sins, and to confess them all as much as was possible ; and I performed the penance that was enjoined unto me as straitly and as rigorously as I could. Yet for all this, my conscience could never be tranquil and assured, but I was always in doubt, and said to myself, This or that hast thou not done rightly; thou wast not sorrowful enough for thy sins; this and that sin thou didst forget in thy confession." Though he "confessed every day, it was all in vain." "The smart and anguish of conscience," he else- where says, "were as great in the cowl as they were before out of it." These declarations may easily be reconciled with others which represent him as feel- ing happy when he could say, " To-day I have done no wrong ; I have been obedient to my prior, have fasted and prayed, and God is gracious toward me." These occasions were of rare occurrence, and were the results of that superficial feeling which the strongest and profoundest minds are liable -to have in those passive moments when they surrender them- selves to the influence of popular belief. But the chief current of Luther's feelings, in spite of all the violence he did to himself to prevent it, ran counter to that belief, so that in after-life, when reverting to these scenes, he could speak of the predominant state of his mind as though there had been no other. The effect of such a view of religion as he then enter- tained, and of such an experience as he had of a daily deviation from its precepts, is truthfully de- scribed in the following words, undoubtedly the ut- terance of his own heart : " He who thinketh that a Christian ought to be without any fault, and yet 82 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. seeth many faults in himself, must needs be con- sumed at length with melancholy and despair." Not only did Luther suffer from the unexpected discovery of the real sinfulness of his heart, but he was scarcely less tormented with imaginary sins and false scruples of conscience. " The devil," says he, " seizeth upon some trifling sin, and by that casteth into the shade all the good works which thou hast thy life long done, so that thou dost see nothing but this one sin." "I speak from experience; I know his wiles and subtleties, how of one little mote he maketh many great beams, that is to say, of that which is the least sin, or no sin at all, he maketh a very hell, so that the wide world is too strait for one." The fiery imagination of Luther, which solitude served but to kindle into an intenser flame, the strength and depth of his religious passions, which found no such vent as they needed, and the bewil- dered state of his mind in respect to the elementary principles of Christianity, all conspired to give him an air of peculiarity which the monks could not com- prehend. Too much of original character lay con- cealed beneath that demure yet singular deportment to be controlled even by the iron forms which the order laid upon all alike. Luther's mind had an in- dividuality which separated him from the mass and heightened his solitude. In the mental processes through which he passed, he was alone and without sympathy. He was driven, at last, almost to phrensy. Often was his bodily frame overpowered by the intensity of his excited feelings, and there was no skilful physician of the soul at hand to prescribe for his case. Speaking on this point, he observes, " In my huge temptations, which consumed my body 3.21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 83 so that I well-nigh lost my breath, and hardly knew whether I had still any brain left or not, there was no one to comfort me." If he opened his heart to any one, the only reply he received was, " I know nothing about such temptations," and he was left to the gloomy conclusion, that he " was to be alone in this disconsolate state." But as the melancholy mood here described only commenced during his no- vitiate and extended through the second year of his life in the cloister, we must break off the narration for the present, and direct our attention to his other em- ployments during the first year. " When I was received into the cloister," he said once to his friends, according to the Grotha manu- script, " I called for a Bible, and the brethren gave me one. It was bound in red morocco. I made my- self so familiar with it that I knew on what page and in what place every passage stood. Had I kept it, I should have been an excellent textual theologian. No other study than that of the Holy Scriptures pleased me. I read therein zealously, and imprinted them on my memory. Many a time a single preg- nant passage would abide the whole day long in my mind. On weighty words of the prophets, which even now I remember well, I cogitated again and again, although I could not apprehend the meaning thereof; as, for example, we read in Ezekiel, 'I desire not the death of the sinner.' " Again he says, " Not till after I had made myself acquaint- ed with the Bible, did I study the writers/' By " the writers," he must mean the scholastic theolo- gians. For he himself says, in a preface to Bugen- hageu's edition of Athanasius, that he " read the colloquy between Athanasius and Arius with great interest, in the first year of his monastic life, at Er- 84 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. furt." No doubt he also read at that time the legends of the saints, the Lives of the Fathers, (a favourite book with him,) and other works of a simi- lar tendency. The new rules of the order prescribed, however, the diligent study of the Scriptures, and the probationary year appears to have been designated for biblical study. But we must guard against being misled by the fact that there was such a rule, and by the name that was given to the study. Neither the sentiments nor the practice of the Erfurt monks coincided with the rule. Though they could not refuse to give a Bible to the novice who requested it, they discouraged the study of it. Besides, Luther's time was so much occupied with other useless and menial services that his progress in the study of the Scriptures must have been much impeded. He was, furthermore, destitute of suitable helps for studying them critically. He did not see the Bible in the original, nor had he then any knowledge of the Greek or Hebrew. He had only the Latin Vulgate, with a most miserable commentary, called the Glossa Ordinaria, or Common Gloss. And, what is more than all, he brought to the study of the Bible a mind overborne with monastic and papal prejudices. The method of what was called biblical studies, as then pursued in the monasteries and universities, was en- tirely different from that to which we, in the present age, are accustomed. The Bible was not studied as a whole, nor any of the sacred writers in a connected manner, so as to learn the scope and general design of the book. Of course, the author was not made his own interpreter, nor were any sound rules of in- terpretation observed. A text was, in the first place, taken out of its connection, and interpreted meta- physically, as if it were a scholastic maxim, and ^E- 21-25.] THE NOVITIATE. 85 forced at once into an unnatural connection with dia- lectics, or used as a secondary and subsidiary sup- port of a doctrine which rested mainly on a meta- physical basis. In the next place, the literal sense was deserted at pleasure, and an allegorical one in- troduced to suit the object of the interpreter. The absurd conceits of Origen, Jerome, and other early fathers of the church, were handed down by tradition, and the study of such traditionary interpretation, collected in compends, was called biblical study. The false interpretations to be found in the papal bulls and decretals, and in the approved works of the scholastic writers, would furnish a large chapter in the book of human follies. Luther was not only under these influences, but yielded to them. In a letter to Spalatin, June 29, 1518, he says, " I my- self followed the doctrines and rules of the scholastic theology, and according to them did I desire to handle the Scriptures." In his Commentary on Genesis ix. he says, " I have often told you of what sort theo- logy was when I first began the study thereof. The letter, said they, killeth. For this cause I was especially opposed to Lyra more than to all other teachers, because he cleaved so diligently to the text and abode by it. But now, for this selfsame reason, I prefer him before all other interpreters of Scrip- ture." Again, he says, "When I was young, I loved allegories to such a degree that I thought every thing must be turned into allegories. To this Origen and Jerome gave occasion, whom I esteemed as being the greatest theologians." Well, indeed, might he afterwards say, " I did not learn all my theology at once." The beginning with him was feeble, and, the sincerity of his heart excepted, was of a very unpromising character. 8 86 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1506-1508. SECTION III. Taking the Vow Second year in the Cloister, 1506. SUCH was Luther's year of probation, a year in which he experienced some gratification in the study, however defective, of the Scriptures which he loved ; but, on the other hand, was disappointed in respect to what was of the highest- concern to him, namely, obtaining peace within himself. If it excite our wonder that he did not, at this time, while it was in his power, and before taking the irrevocable vow, determine to abandon the monastic life, and return to the university or seek some other occupation, there are other considerations which may remove our surprise. Luther's mind was of too determined a character to be turned from its course by any slight considerations. He had been trained in the school of adversity, and could courageously bear the priva- tions and sufferings attendant on his present mode of life. The subject of religion interested him more than all others, and to this he could give his undi- vided attention here more easily than elsewhere. Here, too, he found a few friends, such as Usingen, his former teacher, Lange, whom he assisted in study, and the excellent Susse, who is said to have been his room-mate. If his mind had as yet found no rest, possibly a longer trial, after actually taking the vow, might prove more effectual. Certainly a return to the world would imply a want of firmness, and would, besides, promise no better results. Even if there had been no disgrace attached to leaving the cloister at the close of the novitiate, this would pro- bably have made no difference with Luther, who seems to have made up his mind from the beginning. JE. 21-25.] TAKING THE VOW. 87 Speaking of the unsuccessful attempt of the friends who endeavoured to keep him from entering the monastery, he says, " Thus did I abide by my pur- pose, thinking never again to come out of the clois- ter." The rules of the order prescribed that the prior should, at the close of the year of probation, exa- mine the novice as to his being worthy of admission. If the result was favourable, the bell was to be rung and the monks to assemble, and the prior to take his place before the steps at the altar and to address the kneeling novice in the following words : " You have become acquainted with the severe life of our order, and must now decide whether you will return to the world, or be consecrated to the order." If the answer was in favour of the latter, the individual was directed to put off the garb of the novice, and the part of the service beginning with the words, "Our help is in the name of the Lord," was re- peated, whereupon the prior laid the monk's apparel upon him, and then the ceremonies were very simi- lar to those of entering the novitiate, described above. The vow was taken, in connection with the imposition of the hands of the prior, in these words, as reported by Cochlaeus : " I, brother Martin, do make profession and promise obedience unto Al- mighty God, unto Mary always a virgin, and unto thee, my brother, the prior of this cloister in the name and in the stead of the general prior of the order of the Eremites of St. Augustine, the bishop and of his regular successors, to live in poverty and chastity, after the rule of the said St. Augustine, until death." Then a burning taper was put into his hand, prayer was offered for him by the prior, and the brethren sung the hymn, Veni Sancte Spi- 88 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. ritus, " Come, Holy Spirit," after which the new brother was conducted by them to the choir of the church, and received of them the fraternal kiss. The most extravagant ideas were entertained of the effect of such a formal consecration to a monastic life. As baptism was supposed to take away all sin, so this monastic baptism, (as the initiation was called,) was said to be equally efficacious, and to have even a greater sanctity. Hence Luther was congratulated on the present occasion as being, by his own act, freed from sin and introduced into a state of prim- eval innocence. With this he felt nattered and pleased for the moment, but upon experiencing its utter futility, he came at length to regard it as " a pill of infernal poison, sugared over on the out- side." In his brief reply to George, Duke of Sax- ony, he said : " That the monks likened their mo- nastic life to Christian baptism, they cannot deny; for thus have they taught and practised, throughout, in all the world. When I made my profession, I was congratulated by the prior, the convent and the confessor,- that I was now innocent as a child which had just come forth pure from its baptism. And verily I could heartily rejoice over such a glorious deed, that I was such an excellent one, who could, by his own works, without the blood of Christ, make himself so good and holy, and that too so easily and so quickly. But though I could hear with satisfac- tion such sweet praise and shining words concerning my own doings, and let myself pass for a wonder- worker, who could, in such a wanton manner, make himself holy and devour both death and the devil, yet would it fail when it came to the trial. For when only a small temptation of death or of sin came upon me, I fell away, and found no succour ^E. 21-25.] IN THE CLOISTER. 89 either in baptism or in the monastic state. Then was I the most miserable man on earth ; day and night there was nothing but lamentation and de- spair, from which no one could deliver me. So I was bathed and baptized in my monasticism, and verily had the sweating sickness." Luther was three years in the cloister at Erfurt. Of his employments and of his state of mind during the first year, or the year of his novitiate, we have already had an account. During the second year, with which we are now concerned, he was devoted to the study of the scholastic theology and to his preparation for the priesthood. His religious feel- ings continued of the same character substantially as in the first year, except that his anxieties and his sorrows increased. It was not till the third year, the year of his priesthood, that new views on the subject of works and of justification shed light upon his mind and joy upon his path, and not till after that change did he take up the study of the early Christian fathers. Here then we have the means of deciding, in most cases, to which of these three periods his numerous allusions to his monastic life in Erfurt refer. If, in any passage, there be a re- ference to the duties of the priestly office, saying mass, for example, or to the study of Augustine and other church fathers, or to more cheerful and con- fiding feelings in respect to God, as a loving father rather than as a stern revenger, and to Christ, as a compassionate Saviour rather than as a dreaded judge, we may safely apply the passage to the last year of Luther's residence in Erfurt. If a state of bodily and mental suffering be alone referred to, it is doubtful whether Luther had the first or second year in mind. But if harsh treatment or the regu- 8 90 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. lar study of the Scriptures be mentioned in the same connection, the first year is thereby indicated; whereas if occupation with the scholastic theolo- gians and with works which treat of the duties of the priesthood be alluded to, the second year only can be meant. Of the personal appearance of Luther about the time of this second year, probably near its close, (this being the time of his most intense mental an- guish,) we have a representation in a portrait taken in 1572, preserved in a church at Weimar, when the artist had the means of ascertaining how Luther ap- peared at the time referred. to. This is furthermore supported by a letter of Luther's, in which he de- scribes his features as they then were. The youth- ful flush had disappeared from his countenance. His black, piercing and fiery eye was now sunken. His small and plump face had become thin and spare. With all his sadness and dejection there was a solemn earnestness in his mien, and his look bespoke a mind in conflict and yet determined. It was, no doubt, either during the latter part of the preceding year, or near the beginning of this, that Staupitz, general vicar or provincial of the order in Germany, on one of his visitations to examine into the state of the several cloisters under his care, first had his attention attracted to Luther. By the rules of the order, drawn up by himself, it was made his duty, as general vicar, to visit the convents for the purpose of seeing that a paternal discipline was maintained, and particularly to inquire in respect to the care taken of the sick, the instruction given to novices, and the observance of the fasts and other prescribed duties. Staupitz was a model which all provincials might well imitate. He made it his con- JE. 21-25.] IN THE CLOISTER. 91 cern to promote the study of the Bible, though hia efforts were not always seconded by others, and to seek out and encourage young men of talent and of elevated religious character, and to inspire them, as far as possible, with a sincere love of God and of man. Such a person as Luther, learned, able, ardent, perplexed, abused, and sinking both in health and in spirits, could not escape his notice. His singular attachment to the Bible was no less gratify- ing than it was surprising to Staupitz. " The monks," says Luther, " did not study the Scriptures, save here and there one, who like myself took singular delight therein. Often did I read them in the cloister, to the great astonishment of Doctor Staupitz." Here commenced the most important acquaintance which Luther ever formed. Staupitz, at once, after knowing the character of the young monk, directed the prior to have more regard to his standing and previous habits, and to release him from those humi- liating and onerous tasks which had been imposed upon him. He, at the same time, encouraged Luther to prosecute the study of the Scriptures with unabated zeal, till he should be able to turn readily to any passage that should be named. Luther now, for the first time, found a spiritual guide who was, in every essential respect, qualified to treat such critical cases as his, one who, in his comprehensive view, re- cognised as well the laws of the physical and the mental constitution as the fundamental principles of the gospel. A varied order of living and new trains of thought, originating in suggestions respect- ing the true nature of Christianity, which were then as strange as those which were once made to the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, were the beginnings of a healthful process, which ultimately 92 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. wrought a complete religious revolution in Luther's mind, and laid, in his personal experience, the foun- dation for the Reformation. In a letter to Staupitz in 1523, he says, "I ought not to be unmindful or forgetful of you, through whom the light of the gospel first began to shine out of darkness into our hearts." John von Staupitz was descended from an ancient noble family of Meissen or Misnia in the kingdom of Saxony. In order to gratify his love of study and pious meditation, he became an Augustinian monk, and in various universities went through an extended course of scholastic philosophy and theology. In 1497, he was made master of arts, lector or pub- lic reader of his order, and connected himself with the university of Tubingen, in the south of Germany. He rose rapidly to distinction ; for in the following year he was appointed prior of the convent of Tu- bingen ; in the next, he took the degree of biblical bachelor, or the first degree in theology, that of sen- tentiary, or the second degree, and in 1500, that of doctor of divinity Early disgusted with the dry and unprofitable specu- lations of the scholastic theologians, he turned his attention to what are called the mystical theologians, or the spiritual and experimental Christians of that age. Bernard and Gerson were his favourite authors, men in whom a spirit not unlike that of the pious Thomas a, Kempis prevailed. The influence of some of the professors at Tubingen, especially of Sommer- hard, united to that of the writers above named, led him to appreciate the Bible more highly than any other book, and to look to that as his only safe guide in religion and the only sure foundation of Christian theology. " It is needful for us," says Staupitz, "to study the Holy Scriptures with the JE. 21-25.] IN THE CLOISTER. 93 greatest diligence and with all humility, and earnest- ly to pray that we fail not of the truth of the gos- pel." He regarded that principle of love which the Holy Spirit originates in us, and which produces a union with Christ by faith, as constituting the es- sence of religion. This is not produced by any good works of ours, but is itself the producer of all good works. Our piety, therefore, does not depend on the performance of rites and ceremonies prescribed by the church, nor can it be estimated by such a standard ; but it depends on the state of the heart and on the exercise of the spiritual affections. Our union with the church is not the cause of our union with Christ, but vice versa. "First, God giveth unto all the faithful one heart and one soul in him, and on this wise uniteth them together, and of this cometh the unity of the church." These are some of the characteristic features of the piety and faith of Staupitz ; and in them we cannot fail to recognise the undeveloped germs of salvation by grace and justification by faith in Christ, as afterward maintained by his greater disciple. Such a spirit was the very opposite of that which animated Tetzel in the sale of indulgences. When, in 1502, the Elector Frederic of Saxony founded the university of Wittenberg, he employed Staupitz first as a counsellor and negotiator, and then as a dean or superintendent of the theological faculty. In the next year, the chapter of the order chose him general vicar ; and it was in this capacity that he was brought into connection with Luther. His influence upon the cloisters under his charge was of the happiest kind ; and his efforts to promote biblical studies, and to revive the spirituality of his brethren, no doubt prepared, in part, the way for multitudes 94 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. of them to embrace the doctrines of Luther. The testimony of the latter to his worth may properly have place here : " He was an estimable man ; not only worthy to be listened to with reverence, as a scholar, in seats of learning and in the church, but also at the court of princes and in the society of the great, he was held in much estimation for his knowledge of the world/' From the nature of the case, we could not suppose that the first interview of Staupitz with Luther could produce any great and sudden change in the latter. At that time, they were attached to opposite systems of theology, the mystic and the scholastic; and Luther's views were so interwoven with his entire character and previous training, that they could not be surrendered without many an inward struggle Now we are expressly informed by Melancthon that Luther's mind did not find relief till after he com- menced the study of the Christian fathers; -and we learn elsewhere that this did not take place till the third year of his residence in the cloister of Erfurt. Consequently, there was an interval of nearly a year at least, and, according to the common view, (namely, that Staupitz saw Luther during his novitiate,) an interval of nearly two years between their first ac- quaintance and the conversion of Luther to the evangelical faith. From all the circumstances of the case, we are not allowed to suppose that Staupitz, at the first inter- view, did more than to gain some general information in respect to Luther's character and condition, and to make a few suggestions and leave them to their effect. But though the general vicar was well grounded in the truth, and the young monk almost equally fortified in error, there was one point of M. 21-25.] IN THE CLOISTER. 95 strong sympathy between them, and that was, the love of the Bible. But at this time, the Bible was to Luther a very dark book. It came to him in his spiritual ignorance, almost buried under the rubbish of the papal glosses. The gospel itself was turned into law ; Christ was but a second Moses, a stern legislator and judge, from whom the oppressed sinner fled in terror, because he had not a sufficient righteous- ness of his own, and knew nothing of the justifying righteousness of Christ. Such was the state in which Staupitz found Luther. Instead of proceeding from a consciousness of the necessity of redemption and gratuitous justification to the ascertainment of its reality and available- ness, the benighted though learned young monk went back, in a contrary direction, to speculate upon the origin and nature of evil, and upon the myste- ries of Providence, over which lay a pall of still denser darkness. Thus he was sometimes subject to the keenest despair, and sometimes to the most distressing thoughts. "Why," said Staupitz to him, " do you vex yourself with these speculations and high thoughts ? Look upon the wounds of Christ and upon the blood which he shed for you. From these will the counsels of God shine forth." That is, in the cross of Christ is the best solution of the mysteries of Providence in respect to the eternal destinies of men. This undoubtedly took place at the first confession which Luther made to Staupitz as the general vicar. The scene, according to Luther, was equally surprising to both parties. Such a con- fession, going so deeply into the nature of sin as consisting not so much in single acts as in a moral state, a confession of the doubts and daring specula- tions of a great mind abused in its religious training, 96 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. and consequently in a perfectly chaotic state, Staupitz had never before heard. Luther knew no better what to make of the unexpected and strange direc- tions given him by Staupitz. No name was more terrific to him than that of Christ, an avenger and a judge, to whom he did not dare to approach without first preparing the way by engaging in his behalf the more tender sympathies of the virgin mother, to soften the severities of her Divine Son. In a sermon of his, first published in 1847, Luther says, " Under the papacy I fled from Christ, and trembled at his name ; ... for I looked upon him as a judge only ; and in this grievously erred. St. Bernard, otherwise a godly man, said : ' Behold, in all the gospel, how sharply Christ often rebuketh, upbraideth and con- demneth the Pharisees, and flieth at them, while the virgin Mary is ever gentle and kind, and never spoke or uttered one hard word.' From hence arose the opinion that Christ reproacheth and rebuketh, while Mary is all sweetness and love." The first confession only created mutual surprise, and Luther was still left in his sadness. This we learn from an occurrence that seems to have taken place soon after. At table, Staupitz, seeing Luther still downcast and clouded with gloom, said to him, "Why are you in such heaviness, brother Martin?" "Alas!" replied Luther, "what then am I to do ?" Staupitz rejoined, " I have never had knowledge nor experience of such temptations ; but so far forth as I can perceive, they are more needful for you than your food and drink. You know not how salutary and necessary they are for you. God bringeth them not upon you without a purpose. Without them, nothing good would come of you. You will yet see that God hath great things JE. 21-25.] STUDIES THEOLOGY. 97 to accomplish through you." Numerous passages in Luther's later writings were evidently suggested by his own experience as here described. One will here suffice as a specimen. " When the heart of man is in great anguish, either the Spirit of God must needs give him gracious assurance, or there must be a godly friend to comfort him and take froiy. him his doubts by the word of God." But as we afterward find Luther in his former state of mind, and devoting himself with more zeal than ever to the study of the scholastic writers, we must conclude that no great and permanent change was effected in his religious views during Staupitz's first visit. SECTION IV. Luther studies the Scholastic Theology. THE effect of Staupitz's influence was delayed by the fact that, according to the usages of the order, which he could not think of setting aside, the monk who had finished his biblical studies, as they were improperly called, was to direct his chief attention next to the scholastic theology. Staupitz was not the man for energetic or violent reform ; and Usin- gen, whose influence in the Erfurt convent was now great and who was probably Luther's preceptor at this time, was a zealous scholastic. Luther himself says, "When I had taken the vow, they took the Bible from me again and gave me the sophistical books. But as often as I could, I would hide my- self in the library, and give my mind to the Bible." Luther, who never shrank from a task because it was hard or disagreeable, but, on the contrary, with a consciousness of his power, took pleasure in its full exercise, now studied with iron diligence the sentences of the Fathers, as collected into digests by 98 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. the schoolmen. Biel and D'Ailly he is said to have learned by heart. With the writings of Occam, Aquinas and Scotus, he made himself very familiar. Here we find Luther in a new conflict his own inclination and religious wants, together with the influence of Staupitz, leading him to the Bible ; the influence of the convent and his occupation with the scholastic writers, on the other hand, strengthening the false impressions under which he had grown up. Both of these contending elements were having their effect upon Luther, and he was to be prepared for his great work by feeling the full power and coming to a complete knowledge of each. SECTION V. Luther's Preparation for the Priesthood. THIS also constituted a part of Luther's occupa- tion during his second year in the monastery. Biel, the last of the scholastics, his favourite author, was the writer most studied on this subject. In what follows, it will be made to appear that such employT ment, no less than the study of the scholastic writers in general, was adapted to carry him further and further from the Bible and the spiritualism of Stau- pitz, and to involve him more deeply than ever in the labyrinth of papal error. We find here a strik- ing analogy to the mazes of error through which the great Augustine passed, when, half in despair and half in docile submission, he was conducted step by step through the hollow and deceitful system of the Manicheans. The church service with which the priest was concerned, was a complicated system of symbolical acts, at the same time exercising the in- genuity and furnishing ample materials for exciting JE. 21-25.] THE PRIESTHOOD. the imagination of the students. The central point in the system was the service of mass. To this the selected passages of Scripture, their arrangement, the prayers and the hymns all referred. The anti- phonies and the priestly ornaments both relate to the sacrificial offering in the mass. The rites them- selves were sacred mysteries, and the officiating priest a sacred person. Luther never lost the im- pression which these imposing and solemn, though false, forms of worship made upon him. Christ was considered as daily repeating the offering up of him- self. Biel had written an extended work on the mass- service, which was adopted as a text-book in the monasteries. He there teaches, that men must repair to the saints, through whose intercessions we are to be saved; that the Father has given over pne-half of his kingdom to the Virgin, the queen of heaven; that of the two attributes of justice and mercy, he has surrendered the latter to her, while he retains the former. The priest is intercessor be- tween God and man. He offers the sacrifice of Christ in the supper, and can extend its efficacy to others. This neither the Virgin Mary nor the angels can do. In another part of the work, Biel has several nice disquisitions on such questions as, whether the bread must always be made of wheat; how much ought to be consecrated at a time; what would be the effect of a grammatical blunder on the part of the priest in repeating the words. Thus Luther was trained by daily study to a system of practical reli- gion which subsequently, when he was more enlight- ened, became abhorrent to all the feelings of his heart. " Let any one," he says, " read Biel on the 100 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. Canonical Constitutions concerning the mass, which is nevertheless the best book of the Papists on that matter, and see what execrable things are therein contained. That was once my book." Again; " Gabriel Biel wrote a book on the Canonical Con- stitutions which was looked upon as the best in these times; . . . when I read it, my heart did bleed," that is, was in anguish from the scruples which it caused in respect to the duties of the priest- hood. The rules laid down were carried to an aston- ishing minuteness of detail, and the least deviation from them was represented as highly sinful. Lu- ther was so conscious of his sinfulness that he often despaired of ever being able to officiate worthily as a priest. We, in this age, cannot appreciate his feelings in this respect, unless we place ourselves, in imagination, precisely in his circumstances, and learn with him to feel a creeping horror at the ghostly superstitions of the times. His own language will best transport us to the gloomy cell and its spiritual terrors, and to the chapel with its over-awing mys- teries. "Those priests," he remarks, "who were right earnest in religion, were so terrified in pro- nouncing the words of Christ, delivered at the insti- tution of the supper, that they trembled and quaked when they came to the clause, l This is my body ;' for they must repeat every word without the least error. He who stammered, or omitted a word, was guilty of a great sin. He was, moreover, to pro- nounce the words without any wandering thoughts." Again he says, " It was declared a mortal sin to leave out the word enim, (for,) or aeterni, (eternal.) If one had forgotten whether he had pronounced a certain word or not, he could not make the matter JE. 21-25.] THE PRIESTHOOD. 101 sure by repetition. . . . Here was distress and an- guish. . . . How sorely were we vexed with the mass, especially with the signs of the cross I" About fifty of these and some hundreds of other prescribed motions of the body were to be punctiliously ob- served in the mass-service. Special rules were given as to what was to be done if a little of the wine were spilled. Nothing can give us a better impression of the awe which the idea of Christ's real presence in- spired than an incident which occurred but four years before Luther's death. In the year 1542, during the celebration of the Eucharist, some drops of the wine were accidentally spilled. Luther, Bu- genhagen and the officiating minister sprang in- stantly and licked it up with their tongues ! If such were the feelings with which the reformer noticed any little irregularity in this service in his old age, what must they have been when he was timidly preparing himself to become a Catholic priest ? In the mass itself, every thing is Jewish and legal. Christ's original sacrifice is regarded as atoning only for' original sin ; all other sins were to be atoned for in the mass. Through the intercession of the saints, the sacrament effects an ablution from all actuaLsin, a defence against all dangers, against all the evils incident to the body or the mind, against the assaults of Satan, and a remission of the sins of the dead as well as of the living. How strangely is Christ here thrown into the back-ground, and saints and priests raised to an impious eminence ! How is the cross of Christ obscured, and an empty rite, a human in- vention, covered with the halo of a divine glory ! 102 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. SECTION VI. Luther's Consecration as Priest in 1507. THE day appointed for his ordination as priest, the 2d of May, 1507, at length arrived. Such a day was of too solemn interest, as it was observed at that time, to be allowed to pass without the presence of Luther's father, who had continued during nearly the whole period of two years to be alienated from the son in consequence of his entering the monastery. It is a mistake committed by several biographers of Luther, to represent the reconciliation, and even the visit of John Luther at the convent, as having taken place in 1505, a short time after Luther entered his novitiate. Martin was his father's favourite son. He had been sent to the university and supported there by the father's hard earnings, in order that he might become a learned jurist and rise to distinction. His brilliant career as a student, and then as a teacher, and his entrance, under favourable circum- stances, upon the study of the law, served only to give poignancy to a father's grief, when he saw that all his high hopes were to be disappointed. He was so chagrined that he refused to see his son. On the death of two other sons, who were carried off by the plague, and on the intelligence that Martin had also died of the same, his heart began to relent. His friends took that opportunity to reason with him, and to convince him that he ought to be willing to make an offering to the Lord of whatever was dearest to him, even though it were his favourite child. To this reasoning he never assented, entertaining, as he always did, unfavourable views of monastic life ; but he became so far reconciled as to accept the invita- tion to be present at the ordination. He came in M. 21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. 103 the pomp required by the occasion, mounted on horseback with attendants, twenty in all, and ho- noured his son with a present of twenty guldens. It was " with a sad, reluctant will," as Luther says, that his father finally consented to his permanent connection with a religious order. " Well, be it so," 1 was his language, " God grant that it may turn out for good." When they were all seated at table, at the time of the ordination, Luther, trusting to the favourable impressions produced by the occasion, and to the influence of the company around him, ven- tured to touch upon the delicate subject with his father, in the following language : " Dear father, what was the reason of thy objecting to my desire to become a monk? Why wast thou then so displeased; and perhaps not reconciled yet ? It is such a peace- ful and godly life to live." He went on to recount the alarming events which he construed as indica- tions of the divine will, and was warmly supported in all he said by the monks at his side. The plain- spoken and honest miner, notwithstanding the place and the occasion, boldly and tersely replied, "Didst thou never hear that a son must be obedient to his parents ? And you learned men, Did you never read in the Scriptures, ' Thou shalt honour thy father and thy mother ?' . . . God grant that those signs may not prove to be lying wonders of Satan." " Never," said Luther afterward, " did words sink deeper into a man's heart than did these of my father into mine." The sentiments of the age, in respect to the ordi- nation of a priest, must be kept in view, if we would understand Luther's history at this period. He him- self informs us that "a consecrated priest was as much above an ordinary Christian as the morning 104 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. star was above a smoking taper." " It was a glo- rious thing to be a new priest, and to hold the first mass. Blessed the mother who had borne a priest. Father and mother and friends were filled with joy." " The first mass was thought much of, and brought no little money, for the gifts and offerings came like drops of rain. The canonical hours were then ob- served with torch-lights. The young priest danced with his mother, if she was still living, and the by- standers, who looked on, wept for joy. If she was dead, he delivered her from purgatory." We learn from Luther, that the bishop at his or- dination gave him the cup, and said to him, " Re- ceive power to offer sacrifice for the living and the dead," and Luther adds, " it is a wonder that the ground did not open and swallow us both up." The words which Luther was then to employ in the mass service, which immediately followed, were, "Accept, holy Father, this unblemished sacrifice, which I, thine unworthy servant, offer unto thee, the true and living God, for my innumerable sins, offences and omissions, and for all who are here present, and for all believers living, and also for the dead, that it may be for our salvation." Luther was filled with trepi- dation and fear, and faltered in the service, and would have left the altar, which would have occa- sioned his excommunication, if his preceptor, who was standing by, had not stopped him. It was the idea of " standing before God without a mediator," as he had been taught to interpret the act, and other superstitious fears with which Biel's book had filled his head, it was this that made him pause in terror when he came to the words, " the sacrifice which I offer unto thee." "From that time forth," says Luther, "I read mass with great fear." ,33.21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. 105 Still he became a very zealous and fanatical priest, as the following passages from his writings clearly show. We now find him going from village to vil- lage " begging cheese," and " saying mass" for the peasants, and sometimes " with difficulty refraining from laughter" at the blunders of the awkward country organists, who, as he says, would introduce the wrong piece in the midst of the service. How false the principles were upon which he then acted he himself afterward strongly testifies. "I was an unblushing Pharisee. When I had read mass and said my prayers, I put my trust and rested therein. I did not behold the sinner that lay hidden under that cloak, in my not trusting in the righteousness of God, but in my own; in not giving God thanks for the sacrament, but in thinking he must be thank- ful and well pleased that I offered up his Son to him, that is, reproached and blasphemed him. When we were about to hold mass, we were wont to say, ' Now I will go and be midwife to the Virgin.' Did we not know that the worst of abuses can be practised without remorse when false principles in religion are adopted, we could scarcely believe that such re- presentations as the following could be made in sober earnest by Luther. " Some had mass in order to become rich, and to be prosperous in their worldly business. Some, because they thought if they heard mass in the morning, then would they be secure through all the day against every suffering and peril. Some, by reason of sickness, and some for yet more foolish and sinful causes ; and they could find abject priests, who, for money, would let them have their way. Furthermore, they have put a difference in the mass, making one better for this, another better for that occasion, by inventing the seven-gulden 106 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. mass.* The mass of the holy cross has a different virtue from the mass of the virgin. And everybody keeps still and lets the people go on, for the sake of the accursed lucre, flowing abundantly through the mass which has so many names and virtues." " Here, you yourselves know, my dear sirs," says Luther to his opponents in 1520, u what a scandalous traffick- ing and marketing you have made with your sacra- ment. This hath been the regular and every-day business of you all, buving and selling throughout all the world so many thousands of masses for mo- ney, some for a groschen, (three cents,) some for eight pfennigs, (two cents,) and some for six. There is no excusing nor denying it." " I also, when I was a monk, was wont daily to confess, to fast, to read, to pray, and to offer sacrifice, to the end that, from the vigils, mass and other works, I could im- part and sell something (merit) to the laity. The monks bartered their merits away for corn and wine, as well as for money, and gave formal receipts, as is shown by many copies still extant, which ran thus : ' In consideration of one bushel of wheat, we by this writing and contract make over to you the benefit of our fastings, watchings, mortifications, mass-services and such like.' I, an arrant Papist, and much fiercer mass-monger than all the rest, could not distinguish between the mass and the sacrament any more than the common people. To me the mass and the sacra- ment upon the altar were one and the same thing, as they were to all of us at that time. ... I have lain sick in the infirmary, and viewed Christ in no other light than that of a severe judge, whom I must appease with my monastic works. . . . Therefore, * A Saxon gulden, in the 16th century, was about sixty- two and a half cents. JE. 21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. 107 my way and custom was, when I had finished my prayers or mass, always to conclude with such words as these : ' My dear Jesus, I come unto thee and entreat thee to be pleased with whatsoever I do and suffer in my order, and to accept it as a composition for my sins ? Twenty years ago, if any one desired mass, he should have come and purchased it of me ; I cleaved to it with all my heart and worshipped it. ... I held mass every day, and knew not but that I was going straight to heaven. ... I chose for my- self twenty-one saints, read mass every day, calling on three of them each day, so as to complete the circuit every week. Especially did I invoke the holy Virgin, as her womanly heart was more easily touched, that she might appease her Son." Again, he says, " I verily thought that by invoking three saints daily, and by letting my body waste away with fasting and watchings, I should satisfy the law, and shield my conscience against the goad of the driver. But it all availed me nothing. The further I went on in this way, the more was I terrified, so that I should have given over in despair, had not Christ graciously regarded me, and enlightened me with the light of his gospel." Need we any further proof that a long period in- tervened between his first conversations with Staupitz and the time that the true light of the gospel broke in upon his soul ? Here he represent* himself as in the grossest darkness and in the most wretched con- dition, long after he had entered upon the duties of the priesthood ; and yet he was not ordained till May 2, 1507. So much is certain ; Staupitz was only occasionally at Erfurt, probably not more than twice or three times during Luther's residence in the clois- ter there. His first visit brought him in contact with 108 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. Luther, but had not the effect to extricate the latter from the scholastic errors in which he was completely entangled. It was at a later period, and probably after the second visit of Staupitz at Erfurt, that Luther wrote to him frequently on the subject of his wretchedness. "When I was a monk," said Luther once to his friends, " I wrote oft-times to Dr. Staupitz ; and once I wrote to him, exclaiming, 'Oh, my sins, my sins !' Then Staupitz gave me this reply : ' You would be without sin, and yet you have no proper sins. Christ forgives true sins, such as parricide, blas- phemy, contempt of God, adultery, and such like. These are sins indeed. You must have a register, in which stand veritable sins, if Christ is to help you.' " This paradoxical language is explained in a letter of Luther to Spalatin, written in 1544. "Staupitz once comforted me in my sorrow, on this wise : You would be a painted sinner and have a painted Christ as a Saviour. You must make up your mind that Christ is a very Saviour, and you a very sinner." The importance of these words to Luther, and their influence upon the character of Luther's subsequent religious views, as seen in all his writings, it will not be easy for the casual reader to apprehend. Luther was in serious error, and had great and incessant anguish on two points. He looked upon unintentional negligence or forgetful- ness of the arbitrary rules of his order, which were as countless as they were foolish, as being a heinous sin against God ; and then he supposed great sin- fulness was a bar to forgiveness. On the former point, Staupitz used a little raillery; and on the latter, he furnished Luther the cardinal doctrine of the Re- formation, that forgiveness did not depend at all upon the number -or magnitude of one's sins, but JE. 21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. 109 simply and solely on penitence for them. This is what Luther means, where, hundreds of times in his sermons and other writings, he says that the Papists did not preach the gospel, which is the for- giveness of sins; but the law, which is only the knowledge of sin, without a Saviour. We might fill the remainder of this chapter with passages from his works, which do nothing but re-echo the senti- ment which he learned first from the lips of his spiritual counsellor, and then by an uncommonly deep and protracted experience. We must, there- fore, not fail to notice, that in these very suggestions of Staupitz lie the true seeds of the Reformation. In proof of the above assertion, we will adduce but one passage. We will take it from the same letter to Spalatin just mentioned. "You have thus far been but a slender sinner ; you reproach yourself with very trifling sins. Come and join yourself to us, real, great and daring sinners, that you may not make Christ of no account to us, who is a deliverer not from pretending and trifling sins, but from true r great, nay the greatest of sins. Let me put you in mind of my own case, when I was tempted and tried like as you now are, albeit I am now strong in Christ. Believe the Scripture, that Christ is come to destroy the works of the devil, of which this despondency is one." This joyful and confident view of the infinite fulness of a Saviour's love, instead of that terrifying conception of him as a merciless judge and execu- tioner, which he had hitherto entertained, constitutes the radical difference between the Catholic and the Protestant religion as a matter of experience. In the one, good works are sought as a recommendation to Christ, and these, though imperfect, are graciously accepted and rewarded, so that faith itself is nothing 10 110 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. but a work of righteousness, beginning in the intel- lect and the outward act, and gradually becoming spiritual ; in the other, Christ meets the sinner as a sinner, and takes the load himself, shows his adap- tedness to just such cases ; gives, of his own accord, a penitent and believing heart, and forgives gratu- itously, and unites the soul to himself by faith, which is justifying only by virtue of this union. It was a long time before Luther's mind was clear on this subject. The theory of the scholastic divines and the practice of the church had grown up with him. The new tendency, which began to make its appearance, was suppressed and hemmed in on every side. No expression in the Bible was more terrific to him than that of " the righteousness of God." The Fathers had explained it as that attribute of jus- tice by which God executes judgment. " This in- terpretation," says Luther, " caused me distress and terror when I was a young theologian. For when I heard God called righteous, I ran back in my thoughts to that interpretation which had become fixed and rooted in me by long habit. ... So pow- erful and pestilent a thing is false and corrupt doc- trine, when the heart has been polluted with it from youth up." Staupitz and an aged confessor, whose name is not given, taught him that " the righteous- ness of God," in Paul's epistles, had a very differ- ent meaning, namely, that righteousness which be- comes the sinner's the moment he believes in Christ. Referring to this new explanation, he said : " Then I came to understand the matter, and learned to dis- tinguish between the righteousness of the law and the righteousness of the gospel." "When I began," says he again, " to meditate more diligently upon the words ' righteous,' and ' righteousness of God,' JE. 21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. Ill which once made me fear when I heard them : and when I considered the passage in the second chapter of Habakkuk, ( The just shall live by faith/ and began to learn that the righteousness which is ac- ceptable to God is revealed without the deeds of the law, from that very time how my feelings were changed ! and I said to myself, If we are made righteous by faith ; if the righteousness which availv eth before God is saving to all who believe therein, then such declarations ought not to alarm the poor sinner and his timid conscience, but rather be to them a consolation." In another place he says, " I had the greatest longing to understand rightly the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, but was always stopped by the word 'righteousness/ in the 1st chapter and 19th verse, where Paul says, ' the right- eousness of God is revealed in the gospel.' I felt very angry at the term, ' the righteousness of God ; ' for, after the manner of all the teachers, I was taught to understand it, in a philosophic sense, of that right- eousness by which God is just and punisheth the guilty. Though I had lived without reproach, I felt myself a great sinner before God, and was of a very quick conscience, and had not confidence in a reconciliation with God, to be produced by any work of satisfaction or merit of my own. For this cause I had in me no love of a righteous and angry God, but secretly hated him, and thought within myself, Is it not enough that God hath condemned us to everlasting death by Adam's sin, and that we must suffer so much trouble and misery in this life ? Over and above the terror and threatening of the law, must he needs increase, by the gospel, our misery and anguish j and, by the preachirig of the same, thunder against us his justice and fierce wrath ? My con- 112 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1505-1508. fused conscience oft-times did cast me into fits of anger, and I sought, day and night, to make out the meaning of Paul ; and, at last, I came to apprehend it thus : Through the gospel is revealed the righteous- ness which availeth with God, a righteousness by which God, in his mercy and compassion, justifieth us, as it is written, 'The just shall live by faith.' Straightway I felt as if I were born anew ; it was as if I had found the door of Paradise thrown wide open. Now I saw the Scriptures in altogether a new light, ran through their whole contents, as far as my memory would serve, and compared them, and found that the righteousness was the more surely that by which he makes us righteous, because every- thing agreed thereunto so well. . . . The expression, ' the righteousness of God," which I so much hated before, became now dear and precious, my darling and most comforting word ; and that passage of Paul was, to me, the true door of Paradise." This long passage is one of the most interesting to be found in all Luther's writings. Though we are rarely able to state positively the moment of one's conversion, we may confidently affirm that this paragraph refers us distinctly to the time when the scales fell from Luther's eyes, and when he broke through that complicated and strong net-work of papal error which had hitherto held him captive. From this time Luther is a new man. He had a footing of his own, and felt the strength of his foun- dation. Although he had almost every thing to learn in respect to this new land of promise, he knew that he was in it. Again, we learn to a certainty here, that Luther's own mind laboured long and hard upon this point. Nothing can be more erroneous than the impression j. 21-25.] CONSECRATION AS PRIEST. 113 received by many from the meagre accounts com- monly given of this struggle, that a few short and simple words of Staupitz speedily set him right. The process was very protracted and complicated, and the fierce contention between two opposite elements was carried on long and extended through a\\ the domain of monasticism, its habits and usages, its Scripture interpretations, its dialectics, and the whole mass of its cumbrous theology. A gigantic effort of intellect was requisite in order that Luther should feel his way out, in opposition to all the scholastic and monastic influences, not only without the aid of the original Scriptures, but with a version (the Vulgate) in which the key word to this doctrine of justification was rendered ojjuatitia, justice, which, with its false glosses, greatly increased the difficulty. But we should err, if we were to dilute this great change down to a mere intellectual process. Luther himself viewed it very differently, and always repre- sented it as a spiritual transformation, effected by the grace of God. He remarks on this subject, "Stau- pitz assisted me, or rather God through him. ... I lay wretchedly entangled in the papal net. . . I must have perished in the den of murderers, if God had not delivered me. . . . His grace transformed me, and kept me from going with the enemies of the gospel, and from joining them now in shedding in- nocent blood." Who can doubt that he spoke from his own experience, when he said, "As soon as you receive the knowledge of Christ with sure faith, all anger, fear and trembling vanish in the twinkling of an eye, and nothing but pure compassion is seen in God! Such knowledge quickeneth the heart and maketh it joyful, and assured that God is not angry with us, but tenderly loveth us." 10* 114 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1505-1508. The remainder of the time that Luther spent in Erfurt, was employed in the study of the Christian Fathers, and especially the writings of Augustine, in connection with the Scriptures and the doctrine of justification. That it is a mistake to place the study of Augustine and others of the church Fathers, except the casual reading of them, at an earlier period, is evident from the account given by Melancthon, who says it took place after he had ascertained the doctrine of justification by faith. With the works of Augustine he became very familiar, and after- ward he edited one of his treatises. In the preface, he remarks, " I can safely affirm, from my own ex- perience, that next to the Holy Scriptures there is no writer of the church who can be compared with Augustine in Christian learning." Another favour- ite author with Luther at this time was Gerson, with whose moral writings he was particularly pleased, " because he alone, of all the writers of the church, treated of spiritual trials and temptations." . 25.] REMOVAL TO WITTENBERG. 115 CHAPTER IV. LUTHER AS PROFESSOR IN WITTENBERG, TILL THE BEGIN- NING OF THE REFORMATION IN 1517. SECTION I. Luther's Removal to Wittenberg. E now come to the close of an important period of Lu- ther's life. During a resi- dence of a lit- tle more than seven years in Erfurt, from July 17, 1501, to the autumn of 1508, in which he had passed from youth to the state of manhood, both his intellec- tual and religious character underwent a great transformation. Four years of time, devoted with signal success to secular learning in the university; and nearly three and a half to experimental religion and to theology in the monastery, changed the boy, who knew nothing of learning beyond the catechism and Latin grammar, and nothing of religion beyond a gloomy apprehension of it, and a crude mass of superstitions, into a mature scholar and theologian, to whom the young university of Wittenberg looked 116 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1508. as to one likely to increase its usefulness and its fame. The appointment was very peculiar. Such was his modesty and his reluctance to appearing abroad in any public capacity, that Staupitz, as provincial of the order, peremptorily required him to repair to the monastery at Wittenberg, and to lecture there on philosophy. The conscientious monk, who had learned nothing more perfectly than he had the duty of obedience, and who, no doubt, would have resisted any entreaty and declined any appointment, hastened to comply with the order, not waiting even to take leave of his friends, and hardly providing hiiuself with a change of apparel. Inas- much as this event opens a new period in his life, in which an extraordinary development of character was wrought, and a transition made from the passive submission of the monk to the activity and control of one born to rule, it becomes necessary, at this point, to pause and take a survey of the new thea- tre of action upon which he was now entering, and of the widely different relations which he was hence- forth to sustain. WITTENBERG. Probably Luther never saw this place till he went to take his station there for life. And what a station was that ! and how did he fill it ! Passing beyond Wei- mar, Naumburg and Leipsic, and directing his course toward Diiben, which is about midway between Leip- sic and Wittenberg, he would see spread out before him a rich arable tract of country, dotted with count- less small villages. Only Eilenburg on the right, and Delitsch on the left, several miles distant, rise to the dignity of towns. Near Diiben, pleasant wood- lands and fine meadows begin to appear, and extend JE. 25.] WITTENBERG. 117 far in both directions along the banks of the Mulde. A mile beyond that town, Luther, of course, entered the Diiben Heath, a desolate, sandy region, seven or eight miles in extent, covered with stunted trees, where an equally stunted race of wood-cutters, col- liers and manufacturers of wooden-ware, led a boor- ish life. Near the entrance of the heath is a rock, called Dr. Luther's Rock, with the letters D. M. L. inscribed upon it, because he is said to have made a pause here once when on a journey, and to have taken a repast upon it. To the right of the heath, near the Elbe, is Schmiedeberg, whither the university was sometimes temporarily removed in seasons of peril. Beyond the river is the castle of Lichtenburg, where Luther held an anxious interview with Spalatin, in 1518, to determine whether he should retire from Wittenberg or not. North of this are Annaburg, the occasional residence of the electors, and the Clois- ter Lochau, so often mentioned by Luther. Directly on his route, lay Kemberg, which was also connected variously with the university. The last place he passed through was Prata, whose distance from Wit- tenberg, he once said, would give an idea of the width of the Po. To the left lay Sagrena, Carlstadt's resort, when he retired from the university, and lived as a peasant. Beyond this were seen the Elbe and the white sand hills, which gave to Wit- tenberg its name. The town itself, containing then three hundred and fifty-six houses, and about two thousand inhabitants, lay before him on the north side of the Elbe, and two hundred rods distant from it, in a long oval form, with the electoral church and palace at the western extremity, the city church in the centre, and the Augusteum or university to- ward the Elster gate, at the eastern extremity. 118 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1508. Though Wittenberg was the capital of the old elec- torate, its appearance was far from being splendid. On the north side are seen plains broken by sand- hills and copses of wood ; on the south, a low flat heath, behind which flowed the broad Elbe, fringed here and there with willow and oak shrubs. Many wretched hamlets were seen in the distance, and the city itself, if we except the public buildings, was but little more than a cluster of mean dwellings. The people were warlike, but so sensual that it was thought necessary to limit their convivialities by law. At betrothals, for example, nothing was al- lowed to be given to the guests, except cakes, bread, cheese, fruit and beer. The last article so abounded at Wittenberg, that it was said, " The cuckoo could be heard there in winter evenings;" speaking, of course, through the throats of the bottles. There were one hundred and seventy-two breweries in the city in 1513. Among the expenditures of the city, recorded in the treasurer's books, for the ten years preceding Luther's arrival, are moneys paid for fire- arms ; for race-grounds, where oxen were the prize won in the race ; for paintings and masks used in plays ; for garments, masks, rings, scaffolding, linen, dresses for Satan and his companions ; for Judas and the two thieves, all to be used in the amusements of Passion-week. Luther rarely speaks in praise of the inhabitants in and about Wittenberg. At one time, he says, "The Saxons are neither agreeable nor civil;" at another time, " The Wittenbergers trouble themselves neither about honour, courtesy, nor reli- gion ; they do not send their sons to school, though so many come here from abroad." There seems to have been an almost entire destitution of lower schools here, at that time, and there was no Latin JE. 25.] WITTENBERG. 119 school till 1519. The first press at Wittenberg, for printing learned works, that is, in the Latin lan- guage with the Roman type, was established in the Augustinian cloister, the year after Luther became an inmate there; and a German press had existed there only five years before his arrival. What has just been said will find a sufficient ex- planation in the fact that Wittenberg was situated on the north-eastern verge of German civilization, being a border-town, between the Wends on the east and the Saxons on the west, and being as yet but feebly influenced by the refinements of learning, which came from the south and the west, from Italy and France. Cologne, Heidelberg and Erfurt were the principal seats of learning, until Wittenberg, ten years from this time, came to eclipse them all, and to fix the source and centre of illumination far to the north. THE UNIVERSITY. WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY had been in existence six years when Luther was appointed professor. Until 1507, it was supported chiefly from the funds of the Elector Frederic, who now incorporated with it the collegiate church, with all its sources of in- come, and the provostships of Kemberg and Clbden, the parish of Orlamiinde, &c., the canons of the for- mer becoming lecturers without cost or trouble, and the incumbents of the latter providing vicars in their churches, and removing to the university, where they lived upon their incomes. The university was or- ganized after the model of Tubingen, and bore re- semblance to the university of Erfurt. All these were less under ecclesiastical control than the univer- sities of Louvain, Cologne, Ingoldstadt and Leipsic. 120 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1508. The rector, who must be unmarried, and maintain his dignity by studied seclusion, and appear in pub- lic only in great pomp, assisted by three reformers, whose duty it was to superintend the instruction, and the deans of the four faculties, constituted the Academic Senate. The university, contrary to the usual custom, was under the protection of the elector, and not of the pope, or a cardinal, or an archbishop, a circumstance which greatly favoured the Reforma- tion. None, therefore, but the elector could control the university from without, and none but the rector and his assistants, the reformers, could do it from within. These, however, had enough to do. In the very year that Luther came there, the students had so insulted some of the court of the Bishop of Bran- denburg, that he put the whole city under the inter- dict, which was removed only on the payment of two thousand gulden. The year before, when Scheurl, a very energetic man, was rector, he checked the pre- vailing vice of intoxication among the students, and prohibited the practice of going armed with gun, sword and knife. Still, in 1512, another rector was assassinated by an expelled student; and Melanc- thon once barely escaped with his life. Paul and Augustine were the patron saints of the theological faculty, a clear intimation on the part of Staupitz, the organizer and first dean of this faculty, that the theological system which he had always taught was to be favoured here. Thus a place was from the beginning prepared for Luther, who had studied Paul most of all the sacred writers, and Augustine most of all the ecclesiastical. The whole university was to observe the festivals of the saints of each faculty. The faculties were the theological, in which there were four professors : the law, in JE. 25.] WITTENBERG. 121 which there were five : the medical, in which there were three : and the philosophical, including science and literature, in which there were ten. In the the- ological faculty were Staupitz, Pollich, (one of the founders of the university,) Truttvetter, Luther's teacher in Erfurt, and Henning. Amsdorf and Carl- stadt were teachers of the scholastic philosophy. There was as yet no teacher in Greek, Hebrew, or mathematics. The number of students who entered that year (1508) was one hundred and seventy-nine, and the whole number in the university could not have been more than four or five hundred, though it amounted in a few years to two thousand. As Lu- ther passed rapidly through all the degrees conferred in tneology, it becomes necessary to explain their nature. The first was that of biblicw, though the candidate ordinarily knew little of the Bible beyond a few papal glosses on favourite proof-texts : the second was that of sententiarius, who could lecture on the first two books of the Sentences of Peter Lombardus : the third was that of formatus, who could lecture on the last two books of the same author : the fourth was that of licentiatus, one licensed to teach theology in general : the fifth was that of doctor of divinity. THE CHUECHES AND ECCLESIASTICAL EELATIONS OF WIT- TENBERG. WITTENBERG belonged to the diocese of Branden- burg, of which Scultet was bishop, subject to the Archbishop of Magdeburg, who at that time and till 1513 was Ernest, brother of the Elector Frederic. He was succeeded by Albert, of the Brandenburg family, who retained the see of Magdeburg after he became Archbishop of Mainz, and, of course, primate 11 122 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1508. of Germany. These, next after Staupitz, were Lu- ther's ecclesiastical superiors. The Electoral Church (called also the Church of Ursula and her eleven thousand virgins, or All Saints') gave, on account of its innumerable relics and unprecedented indulgences, a very superstitious air to the religious character of Wittenberg. In 1353, the elector, who had been rewarded for his faithful services to the King of France by a thorn from the crown worn by Christ, erected a chapel for the relic, and appointed seven chaplains. This grew by degrees into an important collegiate church, being exempted from the bishop's jurisdiction, and exer- cising the right of patronage over the other churches of the city. When vacancies occurred in the chap^ ter, the canons, the number of whom were increased to eighty, were presented by the elector. All who worshipped here had forty days' indulgence. Every week occurred the anniversary of some saint, which was announced every Sunday, together with the relics to be shown. The electoral church, which occupied the place of that old chapel, was erected by the Elector Frederic, and finished nine years previous to Luther's removal to this place. Relics were now, at great expense, collected from every quarter, the pope and foreign ecclesiastics aid- ing those who were engaged in the work. They were divided into eight classes, and shown in as many courses to superstitious worshippers. The number of the relics amounted to five thousand and five, which were enclosed in cases of wood, stone, glass, silver and gold, embossed with pearls. Most of them belonged to holy virgins, widows, confessors, martyrs, apostles and prophets ; but the eighth class, containing three hundred and thirty-one, re- 2E. 25.] FREDERIC THE WISE. latcd to Christ, such as garments, teeth, hair in abundance, relics of the children slain by Herod, milk from the holy Virgin, thread spun by her, straw from the manger in Bethlehem, and fragments from the cross, and from Mount Sinai. Every per- son, to whom all these, and another collection of seventeen hundred relics should be shown, was en- titled to fourteen hundred and forty-three years of indulgence ! equalled by no other place in Christen- dom except Assisi, the native place of St. Franciscus. In this single church, 9901 masses were said, and 85,570 pounds of wax consumed every year ! One of the first books printed at Wittenburg after Luther arrived there, was a " Description of the Venerable Relics," with one hundred and nineteen wood-cuts. This was the church where Luther sometimes preached, where the higher degrees were conferred, and on whose doors the ninety-five theses were posted up. The city or parish church where most of Luther's sermons were delivered, and of which Pontanus and Bugenhagen were successive pastors, was in another part of the town. FREDERIC THE WISE BORN 1463 DIED 1525. THE reigning Saxon family was divided into two branches, the Albertine and the Ernestine. From Albert, (whose ordinary residence was Dresden,) de- scended Duke George, Luther's bitter enemy, and to him succeeded first Henry and then Maurice. To Ernest, who resided sometimes at Torgau and some- times at Wittenberg, were born four distinguished sons, the Elector Frederic the Wise, who in his birth preceded Luther twenty years, and in his death twenty-one ; Albert, who at the age of eighteen was Archbishop of Mainz, in 1482, but died in the same 124 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1508. year ; Ernest, who, after being Administrator of Magdeburg for several years, was archbishop from 1489 to 1513 ; and John the Constant, now asso- ciated with Frederic in the government, and in 1525 his successor. If we bear in mind that the Archbishops of Magdeburg and Mainz had large territories under their civil government, and actually had more of the character of princes than of ecclesiastics, we shall not fail to perceive the great extent of the Saxon dominion at the time that the family occupied all the places above-named. Hence the jealousy be- tween that house and the house of Brandenburg, when Albert, belonging to the latter, was at the same time Archbishop both in Magdeburg and in Mainz. This explains the circumstance that Tetzel, Albert's agent in selling indulgences, was coolly received in Saxony, but was favourably received in all the ter- ritories of the Brandenburg family. Frederic, like all his brothers, was well educated, and could write and speak the Latin and French, be- sides the German. In the absence of the Emperor Maximilian, in 1507, he administered the affairs of the empire in the character of vicar. He had done the same before, and was called to do it once again at the important crisis in respect to the Reformation, during the interval between the death of Maximilian and the election of Charles V., in 1519. He at- tended thirty diets in all, in which he took frequently the most important, and never a subordinate part. He was, for those times, an admirable ruler in his own territories; increasing steadily the power of the elec- torate, and commanding universal respect at home and abroad. Though surnamed the Wise, he was rather virtuous 2E. 25.] FREDERIC THE WISE. 125 and prudent than great. If he did not regard the interests of Saxony too much, he regarded those of Germany too little. He undoubtedly contributed his share towards weakening and dividing the empire, by uniting with other electors and princes in raising the states to sovereignty and independence. His patriot- ism was narrower than that of Ulrich von Hutten, Francis von Sickingen, or even Philip of Hesse. As he was a liberal patron of letters, those who have written his history were so much indebted to him that their praises are to be received with some little caution. He was a great lover of peace ; and it is said, that during his reign blood never flowed in his dominions. His private virtue was not quite spot- less. Luther complains that intoxication was too much indulged in at his court; that taxes were some- times oppressive; and that the administration of justice and of other public affairs was often too long delayed. But he was remarkably upright and firm. When the imperial throne became vacant, he refused all presents offered him as elector by the competitors; declined the imperial crown when offered to him; and though he favoured the election of Charles, he was active in limiting his authority by a capitulation to be previously signed. His cautious and hesitating course towards Luther and the Reformation was undoubtedly favourable; inasmuch as it left the work to depend on spiritual resources, and thereby kept it from assuming the character of a political revolution. He was origi- nally a superstitious but not bigoted papist. He expended no less than two hundred thousand gulden on his favourite collegiate church and its relics. He made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, accompanied by the painter Cranach and others. Of course there could. 11* LIFE OP LUTHER. [1508. at first, be but little sympathy between him and Luther. SECTION II. Luther's early Labours in Wittenberg. WE are now prepared to follow Luther in the new scene of his labours. The precise time of his jour- ney thither is not known, but as we find his name entered as teacher in the winter semester, or half- year term, of 1508-1509, we may infer that he was probably on the ground by November, to commence the term. Luther, who had so long resided in the large and beautiful city of Erfurt, and, before that, in Eisenach and Magdeburg, sensibly felt the change when he came to a little, unattractive town, consist- ing mostly of a cluster of low houses, with mud walls and thatched roofs. " I wondered," said he, " that a university should be placed here." As monk, he found his new home in the Augustinian cloister, which the elector was then rebuilding. How little did Frederic, while preparing that apartment, which is still preserved, or brother Martin, when taking up his residence there, which he never afterwards changed, think that in this obscure place should be forged the weapons, and from it -the missiles be showered forth which, in connection with other agencies, should put to flight the ranks of the enemy, and change the destinies of nearly all the north of Europe ! Parts of the building it was necessary to take down during Luther's lifetime, at which it was natural that he should feel sad. " If I should live another year," he remarked with emotion, " I must behold the re- moval of my poor little room, from whence I have stormed the pope, for which cause it deserves to stand for ever." M. 25.] IN WITTENBERG. 127 He commenced his labours by lecturing on the dialectics and physics of Aristotle, without salary or tuition fees. It is remarkable that he never received any thing from students for his labours, nor from booksellers for his writings.* After he laid aside the cowl, the elector gave him an allowance of two hundred gulden a year. From the change through which Luther's mind had recently passed, and from the fresh interest he now took in the study of the Bible and of theology, we might infer that the Aristotelian philosophy would have few attractions for him. It was indeed with reluctance that he turned away from his favour- ite studies, and laid out all his strength in preparing for his philosophical lectures. So entirely was he obliged to surrender himself to his new occupation that he could not find time to write to his most inti- mate friends. A letter which he wrote to his old acquaintance, Braun, in Eisenach, a week after he was transferred to the department of theology, un- bossoms to us his feelings during the first few months of his residence at Wittenberg. " That I came off," he writes, March 17, 1509, "without saying a word unto you, you must not marvel. For so sudden was my departure that my closest friends there hardly knew it. I would fain have written unto you, but could not then for lack of time, and could only but grieve that I was constrained to fly away in such haste, without bidding you farewell. But now, at God's command, or by his permission, I am here in * The publishers of his works offered him four hundred florins a year, if he would give them his manuscripts ; but he refused " to make merchandise of the gifts with which God had endowed him." 128 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1509. Wittenberg. Would you know my state and con- dition, I would say it is, by God's favour, very good, saving that I must force myself unto my studies, espe- cially philosophy, before which I preferred theology from the beginning. I mean that theology which Beeketh for the inside of the nut, for the kernel of the wheat beneath the husk, for the marrow within the bone. But G-od is God, and man often, nay, always, erreth in his judgment. This is our God, and he shall guide us in his loving-kindness for ever." The circumstance that within about four months he became lecturer, or elementary teacher, in theo- logy, renders it highly probable that Staupitz, and perhaps himself, considered his first appointment as merely preparatory to the second. At any rate, the ninth of March was a joyful day to him. In the university book, where his name is registered, we find the amusing remark : " On the ninth of March, mas- ter (i. e., A. M.) Martin was admitted to the Bible, (i. e., made biblicus,} but being called away to Er- furt hath not unto this time paid his fee." In the margin is added, in Luther's own hand, " And neveij will. I was then poor, and under the rule of monas- tic obedience, and had nothing to give. Let Erfurt pay." The biblical bachelors knew nothing of the original languages of the Bible, nor did they in any respect resemble the modern professors of biblical literature. They merely studied the interpretations, or select passages of Scripture, given by the fathers, the popes and the councils. The study was but a superficial and hasty preparation for reading the books of sen- tences. According to the laws of the Wittenberg university, the biblical teacher must promise to teach the Scriptures one year, or, if he was a monk ; half JE. 25.] IN WITTENBERG. 129 a-year. In the programme of lectures for the year 1507, the only one extant of that period, no lecturer of this kind is mentioned, and but little account was generally made of that office. Though Luther could not now read the Scriptures in the original languages, nor the Greek fathers except through Latin transla- tions, his present views of theology, and his love of the Bible led him to enter upon his official duties with an unprecedented earnestness and zeal. To this and the following period he refers in a work pub- lished in 1539, in which, speaking of the assurance and yet the ignorance of his opponents, he says, " I have also read the Fathers, and that, too, before I set myself in such stiff opposition to the pope. I read them, too, with much more diligence than they have done who now bring them arrogantly and vaunt- ingly against me. For I know that not one of them hath ever undertaken to lecture in the schools on a single book of the Bible, and make use of the writ- ings of the Fathers as helps, as I have done. Let them take up a book of the Bible, and look for the glosses to be found in the Fathers, and it then will be with them as it was with me when I took up the epistle to the Hebrews, with the aid of Chrysostom's commentary ; Titus and Galatians, with the aid of Jerome; Genesis, with the help of Ambrose and Augustine; and the Psalms with all the helps that could be found, and so of other books." The impression, therefore, which his biblical lec- tures at first made, must have depended more on his having thrown his heart into it, and exhibited boldly and clearly some long forgotten doctrinal truths than upon his mastery of biblical studies. 130 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1500. HIS RELUCTANCE TO PKEACH. THE monastic shyness and timidity which he had before manifested adhered to him still. Being called upon about this time, probably in the sum- mer of 1509, by Staupitz to preach, he manifested extreme reluctance. " It is no little matter," said he, " to appear in place of God before the people, and to preach to them." As they were one day sit- ting in the cloister-garden, refreshing themselves in the shade of a certain pear-tree, which was a place of frequent resort, the case was long argued between them, and Luther at length yielded. His own ac- count of the interview is thus given in the Table- Talk. " I had fifteen arguments with which I pur- posed, under this pear-tree, to refuse my vocation ; but they could nothing avail. At the last I said, Dr. Staupitz, you will be the death of me, for I can- not live under it three months. Very well, in God's name, go on ! Our Lord God hath many great things to do : he hath need of wise folks in heaven, too." He was, at the time he made this remark, sitting in the same place with his friend Antony Lauterbach, who was telling how much difficulty, trial and weak- ness, he experienced in preaching. " My dear sir," said Luther, " it hath gone even so with me. I had as great a dread and terror of the pulpit as you have ; yet was I compelled to go right onward. I was constrained to preach, and to make a beginning in the refectory with the brethren. Oh, what a horror I had of the pulpit !" The spot where Lu- ther first preached, is thus described by Myconius. " In the new Augustinian cloister at Wittenberg, the foundations of a chapel had indeed been laid, but the walls were raised no higher than to a level with M. 26.] RELUCTANCE TO PREACH. 131 the ground. Within them was yet standing a little old wooden chapel, about thirty feet long and twenty wide, the timbers thereof being laid in mortar, very much leaning, and propped up on all sides. By the wall on the south side was to be seen a pulpit of old rough-hewn planks, raised about an ell and a half from the floor. ... In this poor little chapel did God cause his holy gospel, and his dear child Jesus to be born anew. It was no minster or great cathe- dral, though there were many thousands of them, that God chose for this purpose. But soon this chapel was too strait, and Luther was called to preach in the parish church." How Luther overcame his timidity in preaching, he himself informs us. " When a preacher for the first time goeth into the pulpit, no one would believe how fearful he is, he seeth so many heads before him. When I go up into the pulpit, I do not look upon any one. I think them to be only so many blocks before me, and I speak out the words of my God." Creuziger once said to Melancthon, "I do not like to see you at my lectures." " Nor do I," said Luther, " at mine, or at my pulpit discourses ; but I bring the cross right before me, think Melancthon, Jonas, Pomeranus, &c., are not present, and count no one to be wiser in the pulpit than myself." 132 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1510. SECTION III. Journey to Rome. LUTHER'S visit to Home was of such consequence to him, that it demands our special attention. He travelled on foot with a brother, whose name is not mentioned, and, according to general usage, passed the nights in the various convents of his order that lay in his route. Travelling as a pilgrim to the holy apostolical see, with little intercourse, except with sequestered monks, he would not be likely to make all the observations upon the countries through which he passed, and their inhabitants, which would be expected of the curious traveller. The first resting-place, of which any account is pre- served on this journey, was at Heidelberg, whither he was accompanied by Staupitz. The chronicle of that city speaks of his visiting it "in 1510, when he was sent by the convent of the Augustinians to Rome." While there, he preached and engaged, as was usual, with the learned monks, in public disputations. His journey now took a south-easterly direction through Suabia into Bavaria. Tradition mentions Munich as one of the places at which he called as he pro- ceeded on his way. The last point mentioned in Germany is Ftissen, at the Tyrol pass, and the first in Italy is Milan. He consequently took a south- westerly direction in crossing the Alps, and passed near to Lake Como. Some of his remarks on the character of the people, and of the countries, which fell under his observation, are not a little amusing. We will quote his own words. " Were I to travel much, I would go nowhere of a readier will than into Suabia and Bavaria ; for there the people are kind JE. 26.] IN ROME. 133 hearted and hospitable, and are forward to treat strangers and pilgrims charitably, and give them full their money's worth." "When, in 1510, I was journeying to Rome through Milan, I perceived that a different mass-service was used there, and was told I conld not join in the celebration, because they were Ambrosians." He speaks of Lombardy, as " a goodly and pleasant country," as "a valley a hun- dred miles wide, on both sides of the Po, (which is as wide as from Wittenberg to Prata,) extending from the Alps to the Apennines." He adds, " In Lombardy, on the Po, is a very rich Benedictine cloister, with a yearly income of thirty-six thousand florins. Of eating and feasting, there is no lack, for that twelve thousand florins are consumed upon guests, and as large a sum upon building. The re- sidue goeth to the convent and the brethren. I was in that cloister, and was received and treated with honour." The air of Italy was so pestilential that it was necessary to exclude it entirely during the night by closing the windows. " That," said he, " did I and my brother experience. When we were in Italy, (near Padua,) on our way to Rome, we slept at one time till six in the morning, with our windows open, and when we rfwoke, we found our heads so stopped with catarrh, and so heavy and void of sense, that we could travel that day but only five miles." At Bologna, he was taken so ill that he despaired of recovery. His mind reverted in its anxiety to the cardinal doctrine of his newly adopted creed, the only point on which a clear light had begun to shine, and he drew consolation from those words, which three years before gave new life to his soul, " The just shall live by faith." During all his journey, this memorable passage would ever 12 134 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1510. and anon occur to his memory. He speaks with admiration of the foundling and other excellent hos- pitals which he saw at Florence, and gives evident signs of satisfaction at the honourable mention of the name of the Emperor Frederic, of Germany, whose sayings were still preserved among the people. At length he came in sight of Rome, whereupon, with the feelings of a pilgrim who has reached the hallowed spot of his most earnest longings, he fell prostrate to the ground, and raised his hands, and said, "Hail, sacred Rome, thrice sacred for the blood of the martyrs here shed I" LUTHER IN ROME. CICERO and Julius Caesar would hardly have recognised the ecclesiastical city which Luther has just greeted, and with scarcely less difficulty would he recognise the Rome of the present day. Its hills, indeed, are the same, and the same Tiber flows there still. But Alaric, Genseric, Ricimer, and Totila had been there, and desolation reigned on many of the seven hills. Another priesthood, and a people of another faith were there ; and instead of the temples of Jupiter Capitolinus, of Esculapius and of Apollo, were to be seen St. Peter's, the Lateran and Santa Maria Maggiore. Modern Rome was not yet in full existence. The residences of the great were still chiefly within the angle made by the curve of the Tiber, in the vicinity of the Campus Martius and the Circus. Luther entered the Porta del Popolo, its north- ern gate. Near it was the Augustinian monas- tery, where he is said to have taken his lodg- ings and to have held mass as soon as he entered the city. On his right, across the river, and be- JE 26.] IN ROME. 135 yond the castle of St. Angelo, was seen the half- finished St. Peter's, which had been begun and was now carried on by Pope Julius, that lover of war and of architecture. It was finished at a later period by Leo, who was equally fond of splendour, and who in the arts of peace was as heathenish as his predecessor was in the arts of war. As one enters the gate above mentioned, he finds himself in a square, from which diverge three long streets, in nearly direct* lines, the one on the right running to the Campus Martius and near to the Pantheon ; the one in front passing directly to the old Capitol and Forum ; the one on the left passing in a south-east- erly direction across the Quirinal and Viminal hills, leaving the Diocletian Baths to the left, and extend- ing to the Santa Maria Maggiore, which, with the Lateran, are next in splendour to St. Peter's. The Lateran, the proper parish church of the pope, and " the mother and head of all the churches of the world," is about half as much farther, and near the walls of the city. Directly south of this, and two miles beyond the walls is St. Sebastian's church, built directly over the catacombs. West from the latter, near the bank of the Tiber and a mile below the city, is St. Paul's, next in magnitude to St. Peters. This introductory view Will enable us to follow Luther in his frequent visits to the sacred places in Home, and to perceive the full import of his casual observations. Fortunately, a guide-book for pilgrims, Mirabilia Romve, the Wonders of Rome had been prepared and was reprinted the very year of Luther's pilgrimage. Of the general appearance of the city, he remarks, " Rome, as it now appeareth, is but a dead carcase compared with its ancient splendour. 136 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1510. The houses now rest on ground as high as the roofs once stood, so deep are the ruins. This do we per- ceive at the banks of the Tiber, where the ruins reacli perpendicularly to the length of two spears, such as are used by our troops." " Rome, where the most magnificent buildings once stood was razed to the ground by the Goths. On the hill, and the Capitol, stands a Franciscan convent." " Rome, as I saw it, is full five miles in circumference. The vestiges where ancient Rome stood can scarcely be traced. The theatre and the Baths of Diocletian are still to be seen. . . . The erection of St. Peter's has lasted more than thirteen hundred years, (including the old building,) and upon it a huge sum of money has been expended." " In the Pantheon at Rome, now converted into a church, are representations in paint- ings of all the gods. . . . When I was there, I saw this church. It had no windows, but was one high vault, with an opening above to admit the light. It had large marble pillars, which could hardly be com- passed by two men with their arms extended." Luther visited Rome as a pilgrim. Twice while in Erfurt had he vowed to make a pilgrimage to Rome; and he himself affirms that he made the journey in consequence of his vows. This state- ment does not, however, stand in the way of his having other objects to accomplish at the same time. Rome was then regarded as second only to Jerusalem in sacredness. The soil was supposed to be hal- lowed, not only by the graves of thousands of martyrs, and many Roman bishops, but of the apostles Peter and Paul. Pilgrims came in multitudes, sometimes two hundred thousand at a time, to visit this sacred city. "The "Wonders of Rome," the guide-book al- 2E. 26.] IN ROME. 137 ready mentioned, describes the stations, tke relics, and the indulgences, especially those connected with the seven principal churches. The Lateran church had power to give as many days of indulgence as the drops of rain which would fall in three days and nights. Each chapel belonging to the group of the Lateran buildings, each altar and relic, had, more- over, its particular number of indulgences. Instruc- tions are given how to deliver souls from purgatory by means of Pater nosters and Ave Marias. When Luther was there paying his devotions, with fran- tic zeal like the rest of the infatuated multitude, he regretted, as he says, that his father and mother were both living, so desirous was he to release their souls from purgatory. He afterwards alludes to this insane passion with bitter scorn and contempt, say- ing, " How gladly would I then have made my mother happy, but was denied the opportunity, and must content myself with a good dried herring !" " Such a foolish saint was I, running to all the churches and sepulchres, and believing all the piti- able stories that were told me." According to the same book, one may obtain every day at the high altar of St. Peter's eighteen years indulgence and eighteen carenas, each carena being equal to seven years and forty days' fasting. All the past sins of every visitor who comes with good intention can be forgiven. He who devoutly goes up and down the stair-way to St. Peter's, has a thousand years' indulgence in respect to penance im- posed; and seven times as much if he look at the handkerchief of St. Veronica containing the like- ness of the Saviour. Luther went up those stairs on his knees to obtain the large indulgence pro- mised ; but while he was so doing a voice like thun- 12* 138 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1610. der seemed to say to him, "The just shall live by faith." No wonder that his former experience should come up like a spectre before him, and rebuke his idolatrous worship. His mind was then like a field overgrown with briars and thorns, in which, how- ever, one good germ had taken root, that was soon to produce a great fruit-bearing tree one which should overshadow all the rest and take up the strength of the soil. In regard to the pretended handkerchief which St. Veronica is said to have given to Christ in his agony to wipe off his sweat, and upon which, when applied to his face, his likeness was miraculously impressed, Luther remarks, evidently from personal observation : " It is nothing but a black square board, with a cloth hung before it, and before that another which is raised when the Veronica is shown. The poor besotted pilgrim can see nothing but a cloth before a black tablet. That is what they call seeing the Veronica ; and with such low falsehoods are connected great devotion and large indulgences." There was never such a person as Veronica; and the name was unknown till the Middle Ages. It is the corruption, as Mabillon and others have shown, of the two words vcra and icon, a true image, which were inscribed beneath paintings of Christ's counte- nance upon cloth. Luther, while credulously gazing at such sacred relics in St. Peter's church, saw also the heads of the apostles Peter and Paul in the court before the church. " They boast at Rome of having the heads of Peter and Paul, and show them as sacred relics, though they are nothing but wooden heads, made by a bungling artist. I can boldly affirm, according to what I myself have seen and heard at Rome, that JE. 26.] IN ROME. 139 no one there knows where the bodies of St. Paul and Peter lie. . . The popes show every year (on St. Peter and Paul's day) to the blind and silly populace two heads of Peter and Paul, carved in wood, and would fain make them believe that these are the veritable skulls of Peter and Paul ; and on the altar where these heads are preserved, the pal- liums of the bishops are consecrated." Of the catacombs of Rome, which extended all along the eastern part of the city and the adjacent country, from the church of St. Sebastian or St. Ca- lixtus to that of St. Agnes without the walls, Lu- ther speaks more than once. They evidently filled his imagination, as well they might, more completely than any thing else he saw at Rome. In early times, great excavations were made under the city to furnish stone and sand for building. In this complete net-work of subterranean passages, the Christians secreted themselves during the persecu- tions, buried all their dead there for two or three centuries, placing them in niches at the sides of the passages; and built small chapels near the bodies of the martyrs, where they resorted for prayer and the communion service. Thus, while pagan Rome was in the light of day above, living in splendour and luxury, and putting the Christians to death, or driving them from the abodes of men, Christian Rome, beneath the surface of the earth, "the church in the ca- tacombs" as Maitland calls it, was preparing to come forth from her caverns and take possession of the city above. "At Rome," says Luther, "by the church of St. Calixtua (or St. Sebastian) lie in one vault, as is said, more than eight thousand martyrs, and that is a most sacred spot. Under the 140 LIFE OP LUTHER. ['lolO. church, enclosed in sarcophagi, lie one hundred and seventy-six thousand holy bodies, and forty -five popes who were martyrs. The place is called the Crypt. For full three hundred years did the persecutions rage ; and they rose to such a pitch of fury that, as we learn from history, seventy thousand martyrs were slain in the empire in one day. There is still to he seen at Rome a burial-place, where, as it is said, eighty thousand martyrs and forty-six hishops lie." The exaggeration in these accounts which were given to Luther ? consists not so much in the numbers of the dead, as in pronouncing them, on fallacious grounds, martyrs. These catacombs, which were closed in Luther's time, as they had been during all the Middle Ages, have since been opened, and their contents, containing a wonderful history in the inscriptions, placed in the Vatican. But Luther saw other things which shocked his feelings, though they did not then shake his faith. Afterwards, when he came to understand the true character of the papacy, the recollections of what he had seen at Rome were constantly springing up in his mind as illustrations of the most shocking cor- ruption of the church. " The pope," he observes, " moves as if making a triumphal entry, with beau- tiful and richly caparisoned horses before him, and he himself bears the sacrament upon a splendid white palfrey." "At Rome, when they pronounce the ban of excommunication, about twenty cardinals sit and throw from them burning torches, extinguish- ing them by the cast, thereby showing that the well- being and salvation of the persons so excommunicated will be extinguished in like manner. And (as a little bell was rung at the same time) this ceremony was called lighting and tinkling a man." Little did M. 26.] IN ROME. 141 Luther think while learning such things at Rome that he was one day to be thus "lighted and tinkled." In another place he says, "I have been in Rome, have held many mass-services there, and- have seen others hold many in a way that filleth me with horror when I think thereupon." In the following, he seems to speak as one who had been an eye-wit- ness. "What Christian can, without pain, observe that the pope, when he is to partake of the com- munion, sitteth still like a gracious lord, and niaketh a cardinal, with bended knee, reach to him the sacra- ment in a golden tube !" He speaks of the revolt- ing licentiousness which, prevailed even among the cardinals whom he saw, and pronounces the Roman court a brothel. He adds, " I myself have heard people say openly, in the streets of Roine, if there be a hell, Rome is built upon it." He once said he would not take one hundred thousand florins for what he had seen at Rome ; " we speak of what we have seen." Still all these abominations did not alienate Luther from the Roman church. He revered her, in spite of the sins of pope and cardinal, monk and priest. As late as 1519, he could say, " The Roman church is honoured of God above all others. . . There St. Peter and St. Paul, and forty- six popes and many thousand martyrs did shed their blood. . . Though, alas ! it is not as it should be at Rome, notwithstanding there is, and can be, no reason for separating from it." 142 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1512. SECTION IV. Luther at Wittenberg again. OF his return from Rome, and of his studies and occupations for the next succeeding year or two but little is known. The first important event after that period is his promotion in theology, in 1512. He had taken the second degree, or that of sententiarius, during the interval, probably in 1511, both at Wit- tenberg and at Erfurt. Of the singular dispute which afterwards arose between him and the monks of Erfurt on this subject, mention will be made elsewhere. Staupitz, who had interested himself so deeply in Luther's welfare ever since his first acquaintance with him, and who, for the benefit of the church, had undertaken to guide his steps, was not disap- pointed in the hopes he had entertained of his young friend. He had already made him reader at table in the monastery, substituting the Scriptures in the place of Augustine's writings, which had hitherto been read to the monks during meal times. He was raised to the rank of licentiate in theology, (the next degree above sententiarius,) the 4th of October, 1512, and finally to the degree of doctor of divinity, on the 19th of the same month. His reluctance to receive this honour, (or rather office as it then was,) appears to have been not less than that which he felt when it was proposed to make him preacher. It was manifested in a similar way, and overcome by similar arguments. In his letter of invitation to the Erfurt convent to attend the ceremony, he says, he is to receive the degree "out of obedience to the fathers and the vicar." In a dedicatory epistle to the Elector Frederic, written several years after he M. 28.] IN WITTENBERG. 143 says, "At your expense was the doctor's hat placed upon my witless head, an honour at which I blush, but which I am constrained to bear, because those whom it is my duty to obey would have it so." Among the letters of Luther is found the receipt which he signed for the fifty florins furnished him by the elector for paying the costs of the degree. A doctor's ring of massive gold was presented to him by the elector at the same time, which is still to be seen in the library of \Volfenbtittel. On the 19th of October the ceremony was performed with great pomp, with solemn procession and the ringing of the great bell. This appointment for it was not a mere honour given him by the united voice of his religious superiors, his sovereign, and the uni- versity, he construed, and ever after regarded, as a Divine call to teach religion in the most public man- ner. " I was called," says he, " and forced to the office, and was obliged, from the duty of obedience, to be doctor contrary to my will, . . . and to pro- mise with an oath to teach purely and sincerely according to the Scriptures." Tubingen and Wit- tenberg were the only universities where such an oath was required. Under this oath, administered to him by Carlstadt, Luther claimed the right to appeal to the Bible as the only ultimate authority, and thus formally did he plant himself upon the fundamental principle of Protestantism. At the time, both he and the highest authorities, secular and ecclesiastical, supposed there was a sub- stantial agreement between the teachings of the church and those of the Bible. When he became thoroughly convinced of the contrary, he adhered to the letter of the oath, and turned it against the very power that had exacted it. He even burnt the papal 144 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1512. bull, as he says, "because his title, office, station and oath required him to overthrow or ward off false, dangerous, and unchristian doctrines !" Thus when his enemies assailed him as a disobedient son of the church, he availed himself of this defence. When Satan sorely pressed him with doubts and tempta- tions in respect to the great commotion which he was the means of exciting in the Christian world, his heart found assurance and his conscience relief, in recurring to his public and formal call. In reference to this matter he remarks : " At the command of the pope and of the emperor, (both of whom had given to the university authority to confer degrees,) and in a regular and free university, (its freedom, too, had been conceded to the elector,) I began, as became a doctor who had taken an oath to that effect, to ex- plain the Scriptures before all the world, . . and having begun thus to do, I had cause to continue, and cannot now with a good conscience go back or break off, even though pope and emperor should put me under the ban." Whether all his reasoning on the subject was strictly correct or not, he was evi- dently very conscientious about it. He affirms that he had times of distress in relation to this point, when he felt the perspiration start all over him. The period of about two years immediately follow- ing the date above-mentioned, appears to have been chiefly taken up in preparing for his lectures, and in acquiring the original languages of the Bible. The only events mentioned in connection with him during that time, are a disputation, in 1512, by a candidate for the first degree in theology, and another in 1513, for the second degree, at both of which he was the presiding officer. Such things were of frequent oc- currence with him at a later period. Inasmuch as IE. 30.] IN WITTENBERG. 145 it is evident that Luther knew little of Greek or He- brew before the year 1513, whereas we find him making use of both with some facility the next year, the inference is plain, that he must have studied them zealously about this time. Mathesius repre- sents Luther as " spelling out the words of the Bible" after he commenced lecturing upon it. The first books on which he lectured were the Epistle to the Romans and the Psalms, which the same biographer informs us, took place immediately after he was made doctor. How admirably wouJ 1 lecturing on that epistle agree with the long and hard struggle through which his mind had passed on the subject of justifi- cation; and how well was such an exercise adapted to prepare him for his great work as Reformer ! In the Psalms, too, so peculiarly a book of the heart, how much would a man of Luther's ardent, devout, and poetical mind, discover to be just what his re- ligious necessities called for ! Here we find in part the secret of his great success as a university lecturer. He not only brought to light treasures of spiritual knowledge from an almost forgotten book, but treated of those subjects in which his whole soul felt a vital interest, and that, too, in the ardour of acquisition both as a scholar and as a Christian. " These writings," (the Epistle to the Romans and the Psalms,) says Melancthon, "he explained after such a sort that, in the estimation of all pious and intelligent persons, a new day, succeeding a long night of darkness, was dawning upon the Christian doctrines." His earnest discussions, in which he clearly distinguished between law and gospel, justi- fication by works and justification by faith, opened a new world of ideas to the student. Still his inter- is 146 LIFE OP LUTHEE. [1513-14. pretations, judged by a modern standard, must often appear imperfect. Let us here pause a moment and contemplate the position he now held. He had fully adopted the two great Protestant principles of justification by faith in Christ, and the right of private judgment in interpreting the Scriptures ; but he was by no means aware that these were the germs of a new order of things which could not be developed without sepa- rating him from the church. Meantime he was be- coming a bold, strong, and independent thinker, and beginning already, without directly intending it, to wield a commanding and renovating influence over his pupils and friends. Others, who had opposed the church, had fixed their eye primarily on certain evils, and begun, of set purpose, to operate against them, using religion as a means only to that end, and thereby became but negative reformers. Such were the promoters of classical learning, who were offended at the ignorance and stupidity of the clergy, and many of the actors at the councils of Constance and Basle, who were more anxious to crush the power of the pope and correct public abuses than to revive a spirit of primitive piety. But Luther first fed, for a long time, the flame of experimental religion in his own heart, and then spread the fire by his conversations and lectures, and thus became the instrument of a regenerating movement by merely unfolding and expounding the religious elements which he brought with him from the convent of Er- furt. In the Wolfenbuttel library is preserved Luther's copy of the Psalms in Hebrew, printed on a quarto page, in the centre of which stands the Hebrew text, JE. 30.] IN WITTENBERG. with wide spaces between the lines. On the broad margin and between the lines are to be seen the notes, in Latin, of his first lectures on this book, de- livered probably in 1513. It is believed that he caused copies to be printed in this form for the greater convenience of the students in taking notes and connecting them with the words of the text. The great value of this singular book consists in the record it contains of Luther's religious and theolo- gical views at that period. Jiirgens, who has care- fully examined this earliest of Luther's Scripture ex- positions which have been preserved it exists only in manuscript, and in Luther's hand-writing re- marks : " It contains the clearest indications how little Luther had advanced in biblical interpretation ; and yet it occasionally points to the way in which he afterwards became so eminent as an expositor of Scripture. We refer particularly to his disposition to go back to the original sources. But he appears still to be without a competent knowledge of the Hebrew. He makes use of a defective Latin trans- lation, agreeing with the Vulgate, and adheres closely to it, though he knows the Hebrew text, and con- stantly refers to it as well as to the Greek version." We find him, as he is represented by these notes, still a perfect monk, filled with all the monastic notions and superstitions ; in his interpretation, given to allegory and conceits, except on two or three points where he becomes luminous, which circum- stance gives to the whole the appearance of a morning twilight with its attendant indications of approaching day. We must constantly keep this in mind j for with him, the dawning light approached slowly, and for ten years it was dark in the west after the east was streaked with red. 148 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1514. It is now time to notice more particularly his misunderstanding with the university at Erfurt. It seems that after he had taken his second degree in theology in Wittenberg, complaints were made from Erfurt, where he had received his education, and that he consequently postponed lecturing on those subjects for which that degree was regarded as a license, and went to Erfurt, and with some difficulty obtained the degree there. Three or four years afterwards, some monks of that city, who envied his growing reputation, attempted to humble him by circulating reports unfavourable to his integrity, and by going back to that old difficulty to rake up evi- dence against him. As the correspondence contains some of the ear- liest indications of the slumbering lion that was in him, it will be a matter of interest to glance at its character. The affair itself remains in great obscurity. Only two letters of Luther's are ex- tant to give us any light on the subject; and of these but one is published. The new complaint was, that Luther, in taking the degree of doctor in divi- nity at Wittenberg instead of Erfurt, had violated an oath he had taken when he received the degree of master in theology, or sententiarius at the latter place. The accusation was made by a certain master Nathin, who was both inmate of the convent and teacher in the university. Luther's first letter on the subject is dated June 16, 1514, and is directed to the prior and se- 'niors of the Erfurt convent. In this he refers to two preceding letters, now lost, in which he had refuted the charges falsely brought against him. There was, indeed, a law in the Erfurt university requiring that he who should receive the first degree JE. 30.] IN WITTENBERG. 149 in theology there, should take an oath to receive the second there also; and he who received the second was to do the same in regard to the degree of doctor of divinity. He exculpated himself by saying that he never took the first degree at Erfurt, but at Witten- berg; and that, in taking the -second, nothing was said or done about the oath. The irregularity, there- fore, was on the part of his accusers, and not on his. But let us hear his own words : "Although I have heard and read sundry evil reports spread by some of your convent which make against you, and more particularly against myself; yet, by the late letters of master John Nathin, written in the name of you all, by his falsehoods, his biting words, his bitter provocations and reproaches, I was so disturbed that I came near pouring out, after the example of mas- ter Paltz, both upon him and upon the whole convent, the full vials of my wrath and indignation. For this cause I wrote unto you two foolish letters. I know not whether they came into your hands, and should soon have sent you the hidden mystery thereof, had not that slanderous tongue been silenced by your convocation. I am, therefore, constrained to excuse many of you, nay, most of you. If, then, you were in any degree offended, or if some of you find your- selves mentioned by name in those letters, take in good part what I have done, and reckon it all to the account of the bitter things which master Nathin did write. For my vehement indignation was just. But now do I hear what is yet worse, that this same man everywhere proclaimeth, I know not on what grounds, that I am a perjured and infamous person. 1 request you, since I fear you cannot stop his mouth, to avoid him, and warn others not to regard his speeches. I have violated no oath, for I was promoted in another 13* 150 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1515. place. Both the universities and you all know that I did not receive my biblical degree, wherein the oath is taken, at Erfurt. Nor am I conscious of ever having taken any oath in my whole course. My degree of sententiarius I did, in truth, take at Erfurt; but no one, I trow, will affirm that I took any oath. But what master Nathin hath yet to hear from me, concerning the authority given unto me to teach and to govern, (when the degree was conferred,) will per- haps be seen at the proper time. I write these things, most excellent fathers, to the end that the Erfurt theologians may not look upon me as a despiser of their university; to which, as to a mother, I attri- bute all that I have. I have not contemned them, nor will I ever, although my abode and promotion elsewhere have separated me from them. The con- vent could then, with a word, have prevented both of these events, if it had desired. But what it could then do, but would not. it cannot now do, if it would. Thus, it hath pleased God to bring to nought the dissensions and threatenings of them that were ask- ing for vengeance. But let them go on. I am at peace and reconciled unto you all, though I was of- fended. God hath singularly blessed me, unworthy as I am, so that I have cause only to rejoice, to love, and to do good to them that deserve the contrary of me, just as I receive of the Lord the contrary of what I deserve. I therefore pray you to be resigned, and lay aside bitterness, if any remains, and not to be disturbed by my connection with another university, for so God would have it, and we cannot resist him." The other letter was written in January of 1515, and directed to the theological faculty of the univer- sity. It enters more into particulars, which we must pass over with the single remark that it states the M. 31.] IN WITTENBERG. 151 fact of his having been called to Erfurt to be exa- mined in respect to the degree of sententiarius, which he had received at Wittenberg, and which, after much difficulty, was confirmed at Erfurt. Nathin, of course, had continued his opposition, till the uni- versity was so far affected by his representations that it was necessary for Luther to exculpate himself be- fore them. In the tone of these letters, we look in vain for the spirit of the once timid and submissive monk. He conies forward, single-handed, against a host, with a sense of his rights ; and a consciousness not only of his innocence, but of his power. With a desire for peace, and the olive leaf in his hand, he, at the same time, gives no doubtful indications that he is prepared for war. Here we see the same Luther that could stand up alone at the diet of Worms, and speak with- out fear, before emperor and princes and cardinals! Something more than the mere habit of lecturing had contributed to this result, in respect to his pre- sent boldness of character. His biographers state that he had held frequent public disputations with his colleagues, and that in these he always came off tri- umphant. The reason of his meeting so much oppo- sition was, that he advocated new and strange views; and the reason of his being victorious was, as well that he was in the right, as that he knew how to main- tain his ground. He openly assailed the authority of Aristotle in theology, on whom the sententiarists mainly relied. Carlstadt and Truttvetter, in parti- cular, disputed him. The point in debate was fundamental. It re- lated, as Luther says, to first principles, namely, whether the doctrines of the schoolmen, who fol- lowed Aristotle, were to be received on the assump- 152 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1515. tion that they were true, and argument to proceed from them as from well-settled principles; or, whe- ther these doctrines were themselves to be called in question, and examined anew in the light of Scripture and of reason. Both parties were well aware that on this hinge turned all the questions between the old and the new, the scholastic and the biblical views of theology. Luther fought out the battle with gigantic strength. He completely con- verted Carlstadt and the other young theologians to his biblical doctrines. Truttvetter, his old teacher, not being able to maintain his position, and not being willing to succumb to his own pupil, retired from the conflict, and went back to Erfurt in 1513. Luther af- terwards supposed he was the innocent cause of hasten- ing the death of that sturdy old scholastic divine. In all this, it is easy to find an explanation of the perfectly independent and decided tone with which Luther stood up and declared that he could but just refrain from "pouring out the full vials of his wrath against the whole convent;" and, perhaps, the return of Truttvetter, under such circumstances, to the university of Erfurt, will suggest at least one reason why the calumny of Nathin should be listened to there, after it had been put down at the convent. The little information we have respecting Luther from the beginning of 1515, to the beginning of 1516, may be regarded as indirect evidence that he was going steadily and prosperously on in the course he had begun, constantly accumulating that power and influence which was so soon to be put in requi- sition. The interest he felt in the controversy which was then raging between Reuchlin and the stupid Dominicans at Cologne, in respect to the utility of the study of the Hebrew and Greek languages, and JE. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 153 the advancement which he himself made in the knowledge of these languages about this time, put it beyond doubt that the lectures which he delivered on the various books of the Bible were founded, more and more, on the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. He also continued earnestly engaged in academic disputations, for, from some of the older professors, he still met with opposition. During this year, he was made dean of the theological faculty, and under him, according to the university records, a large number of Augustinian eremites received their degrees in theology. Odelkop, who heard his lectures, particularly those on the Epistle to the Romans, at this time, says Luther diligently prose- cuted his studies and preached, and delivered lec- tures and held debates. In this year were preached the first three discourses of his which have been pre- served. In these he manifests decided progress in the clearness and solidity of his religious views. In the first of those discourses, he strongly urges the doctrine, that piety consists not in outward works, but in an inward principle ; that an act, in itself good, becomes even sinful if the motive be sinful. No- thing could more clearly indicate that Luther was outgrowing the discipline and tuition of that church, whose religion consisted chiefly in outward forms and ceremonies, and whose theology was as void of vitality as was its piety. 1516. Not only is this an important year in the life of Luther, as a period of transition from a condition of comparative retirement to one of great publicity, as forming the boundary line between Luther the learned and somewhat disputatious monk, and Lu- 154 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1516. ther the Reformer; but here, for the first time, the mist of obscurity which has hitherto mantled his personal history is cleared away, and, from this period on, all the principal events of his life are so fully chronicled that we can follow his course with com- parative ease. Of his published letters, only seven precede this date : one in 1507, inviting his friend Brown to his ordination as priest ; one in 1509, to the same, excusing himself for having come away from Erfurt without taking leave of him ; one in 1510, to Spalatin, expressing a favourable opinion of Reuchlin, and censuring his opponents; two in 1512, the former being an invitation to the convent at Erfurt to be present at his promotion to the rank of doctor of divinity, the latter being his receipt for fifty florins to defray the expenses of the ceremony ; and two in 1514, the one, the bold letter already mentioned, relating to his difficulties with Erfurt ; the other a second letter to Spalatin, condemning the course of Ortuin, one of Reuchlin's opponents at Cologne. In this last, we perceive that vein of drollery and sarcasm with which his subsequent writings abound. He speaks of that "poetaster/' as he calls him, in terms of derision and scorn, and allows himself to use language always objectionable, but less noticed then than at the present day. After applying to him several opprobrious epithets, he adds : " I think that he himself, instructed by our Reuchlin, did feel his asinity, so to express my- self, to such a degree that he meditated laying aside the ass and putting on the majesty of the lion, but unluckily, undertaking a metamorphosis beyond his strength, he took too short a leap, and fell into a wolf or crocodile." Though up to this period we have in all only M 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 155 seven or eight of his letters preserved, in the single year 1516 we have twenty, in the following year twenty -three, in 1518, fifty -six, and so on, to the amount of five large octavo volumes. From these letters alone a tolerably full biography of Luther might be written. February 2, 1516, he writes to his intimate friend, John Lange, prior of the cloister at Erfurt, a letter which strikingly illustrates the state of his mind in respect to the Aristotelian philosophy, and the scho- lastic theology founded upon it; and also the rela- tions of his old teachers, Truttvetter, or Jodocus of Eisenach, as he generally calls him, and Usingen, both to scholasticism and to himself. He writes : " I send the accompanying letter, reverend father, to the excellent Jodocus of Eisenach, full of posi- tions against [the Aristotelian] logic, philosophy and theology, that is, full of blasphemies and male- dictions against Aristotle, Porphyry, and the sen- tentiarists, the pernicious study of this our age. . . . See that these be put into his hands, and take pains to find out what he and all the rest think of me in this matter, and let me know. I have no other more eager desire than to make known to many, and, if I have time, to show to all, how ignomini- ously that old actor, under his Greek mask, playeth and maketh pastime with the church. . . . My greatest sorrow is, that I am constrained to see brethren of good parts and of gifts qualifying them for study, spend their time and waste their lives in such vain pursuits, while the universities cease not to burn and to condemn good books, and then make, or rather dream out new ones in their room. I wish Usingen as well as Truttvetter would leave off these studies, or at least be more moderate therein. My 156 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1516. shelves are stored with weapons against their writ- ings, which I perceive to be utterly useless ; and all others would see the same, were they not bound to a more than Pythagorean silence." Thus we see Luther hating Aristotle, because the scholastic theologians perversely put him in the place of the prophets and apostles; entertaining a feeling of respect for his two principal university teachers, and yet doubtful whether what he wrote to them would not rather offend than enlighten them ; impatient to expose the monstrous abuse, pitying the hapless youth who must be perplexed with these tedious stu- dies only to be misled ; indignant at those birds of night at Cologne, who scream out, "Heresy!" at what they have not sense enough to comprehend; confident that he possesses the means of exploding the whole system ; but sighing over the timidity of those who would easily be convinced but for their fear of giving offence. Nothing but time and cir- cumstances were wanting to call him out, even at this early period. But there was another element of character com- bined with this, that gave depth and a regenerating power to Luther's influence. In a letter dated April, 1516, we learn that his mind was, in refer- ence to that particular feature, undergoing a most favourable development. Our meaning will be apparent by the language of the letter itself. After a few words relating to a cer- tain economical transaction, he writes to Spenlein, a monk of Memmingen, a little south of Ulm : " But I desire to know how it is with your soul ; whether, weary of your own righteousness, you have learned to refresh yourself with, and put your trust in, the right- eousness of Christ. For in our times presuming of JE. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 157 ourselves is the chief temptation, especially in them that are striving with all their might to be righteous and good. Being ignorant of the righteousness of God, which is abundantly and freely given to us in Christ, they seek continually to perform good works of themselves until they can have confidence to stand before God, adorned in their own good works and merits, which is impossible. When you were with us [in the cloister at Erfurt ?] you were of this opinion, or rather in this error, and so was I. I still have to fight against this error in myself, and have not yet altogether overcome it. Therefore, my dear brother, acquaint yourself with Christ and him crucified ; learn to praise him ; despairing of your- self, say to him, ' Lord Jesus, thou art my right- eousness, and I am thy sin : thou hast taken to thy- self what is mine, and given me what is thine : thou hast assumed what thou wast not, and given to me what I was not.' Beware of aspiring to such purity as to be unwilling to appear, and also to be in very deed, a sinner. For Christ dwelleth only in sinners. For this cause Christ descended from heaven, where he dwelleth in the righteous, to the end that he might dwell also in sinners. Meditate upon this love of his, and you will find therein his most sweet consolations. For if by our toils and conflicts we could obtain peace of conscience, why should he die? Therefore you will not find peace save in him, by utterly despairing of yourself and of your own works. Learn then of him, as he received you and made your sins his own, so to make his righteousness yours. "If you steadfastly believe this as you ought, (and cursed is he who believeth it not,) then re- ceive your brethren, who have been refractory and 14 158 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1516. gone astray, and patiently carry them along and make their sins yours; and if you have any thing good, let it be theirs, as the apostle saith, 'Receive one another even as Christ hath received you to the glory of God/ and again, 'Let the same mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus, who when he was in the form of God, emptied himself/ &c. So you, if you seem to yourself to be better, do not look upon it as a plunder, as if it were yours alone ; but empty yourself, and forget what you are, and be as one of them, and bear them in your arms. His is an unhappy righteousness which maketh him unwilling to support others who appear worse in comparison, and maketh him flee and retreat when he ought to be present and succour them by his patience and prayers and example. This is burying the Lord's talent, and not giving to his fellow-servants what is their due. If then you will be a lily and a rose of Christ, know that you must be among thorns. Only be careful that by impa- tience, hasty judgment, or secret pride, you do not yourself become a thorn. The kingdom of Christ is in the midst of his enemies, as the Psalm saith. Why then do you think of it as in the midst of his friends ? In whatsoever therefore you are deficient, seek the supply, prostrate before the Lord Jesus. He will teach you all things. Only consider what he hath done for you and for all, that you may learn what you ought to do for others. If he had wished to live only among the good and to die for his friends alone, for whom, I ask, would he have died, or with whom would he ever have lived ? Thus do, my brother, and pray for me, and the Lord be with you." We have presented the whole of this letter, ex- M. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 159 cept the introductory paragraph, in order that the reader may see into the heart of Luther as he was at this period, and form some conception of the power of his religious influence, as exerted upon numerous brethren by a mass of letters of similar import, which have not been preserved. Mathesius informs us that he wrote many such during the first four years of his doctorate. One other letter of similar tendency, and written in the same month, is still extant. A brother Leiffer in Erfurt "was agitated by the tempests and bil- lows of temptation." After affirming, "from his own experience as well as that of his brother, nay, from the experience of all, that our worldly wisdom is the cause of all our disquiet," and that his own exceedingly depraved reason, or "vicious eye," as he terms it, had vexed him with extreme wretched- ness, and continued to do so still, he proceeds : "The cross of Christ is distributed throughout all the world, and to each one is always given his portion. Do not you, therefore, cast it away, but rather re- ceive it as a most sacred relic, and place it away, not in a gold or silver casket, but in a golden heart, that is, a heart imbued with gentle charity. For if the wood of the cross was consecrated by contact with the flesh and blood of Christ, so that fragments of it should be treasured up as the choicest relics, how much more should the injuries, persecutions, passions and hatred of men, whether of the right- eous or of the wicked, be regarded as most sacred relics, which, not indeed by contact with Christ's flesh, but by the love of his most anguished heart and of his Divine will, have been embraced, kissed and blessed, and more than consecrated, inasmuch as cursing is turned into blessing, injury into equity, 160 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1516. suffering into glory, and the cross into rejoicing. Farewell, dear father and brother, and pray for me." How characteristic ! Written in the very midst of the sumptuous collection of sacred relics in the Electoral church, which to his spiritual mind served no other purpose than to furnish imagery for deeper truths, this letter leads us back to Erfurt, to those scenes where Luther first found the true cross of Christ, and then along the path of his subsequent experience, where, like Bunyan's pilgrim, he is seen as a sort of religious mirror reflecting the whole in- terior of the Christian life. In both these letters we see the intensity and fervour of his religious feeling, showing a depth and maturity of character as great as in those vigorous assaults made by him upon the scholastic theology spiritual health within, and a bold ac- tivity without. Not far from the date of the foregoing letters, Staupitz was sent into the Netherlands to collect relics for the Elector Frederic. What strange in- congruities meet us just at the moment that the night of superstition is passing away ! In conse- quence of this singular embassy, Luther was made vicar of the order in Saxony and Thuringia, in place of Staupitz, for about a year and a half, or from April, 1516, to about November of 1517. "This," as Jiirgens well remarks, "was a sign of great confidence on the part of Staupitz, a sign of Luther's high standing already in the order. Stau- pitz could not have committed his own office to so young a man, unless the intellectual superiority of the latter was universally acknowledged, or at least felt. Otherwise, how could Luther venture to ap- pear as overseer of the very cloister where not many M. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 161 years before he had been misused in his novitiate, where his singularities had been witnessed, but hardly approved, and where until very recently an unfriendly feeling had been cherished against him in respect to his degree, or whatever else was the cause of the misunderstanding? There were distin- guished and celebrated men there, such as Lange, Link and Usingen." It is remarkable that, in his accepting this office, we find no traces of that shrinking timidity which he manifested in 1509, when he was appointed preacher, and in 1512, when he was made doctor of divinity. In a religious point of view, he had passed to a joyful and confident state of mind. In his theology, he had come to feel strong in the Bible, and anxious to open to others, as widely as possible, those living fountains of truth by which he himself had been so refreshed. In practical life, he had, as lecturer and debater and principal pro- fessor, acquired great skill and power, and seemed to feel like a young hero panting to engage in some worthy enterprise. He entered upon his duties with eagerness, and with a firm hand. To the decorous but unhesitating tone of authority which he as- sumed, the cloister of Erfurt never uttered a mur- mur. On the contrary, his correspondence with Lange, the prior, implies the highest degree of con- fidence and cordiality. Luther, immediately after his appointment, set out upon a journey of visitation, and passed the las,t of April, all of May and the beginning of June in going from cloister to cloister in his province, regulating discipline, encouraging education and the study of the Bible in particular, dismissing un- ekilful priors and appointing others in their place. 14* 162 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1516. The faithful discharge of the duties of this office made him intimately acquainted with the moral condition of the monks of his order, and the know- ledge thus acquired was invaluable to him at a future period. The first monastery he visited was that of Grim- ma, near Leipsic, and still nearer the nunnery of Nimptschen, where Catharine von Bora, Luther's future wife, then a girl of sixteen, was nun. As Staupitz and Link accompanied Luther to this place, and as the former performed in this instance the duties of visitation, it would seem that Luther was here practically initiated into his new calling. While they were thus engaged at Grimma, Tetzel made his appearance in the adjacent town of Wurt- zen, and practised his arts in selling indulgences so shamelessly as to arouse the indignation of both Luther and Staupitz. This is the time when the former resolved to expose the traffic, and threatened "to make a hole in Tetzel's drum." We next find him in Dresden, examining the state of the monastery of the Augustinians in that place. Here he writes a letter, May 1, to the prior in Mainz, requesting him to send back to Dresden a runaway monk, "For," says he, "that lost sheep belongeth to me. It is my duty to find him and bring him back from his wanderings, if so it please the Lord Jesus. I entreat you therefore, reverend father, by our common faith in Christ, and by our profession, to send him unto me, if in your kindness you can, either at Dresden or Wittenberg, or rather persuade him, and affectionately and kindly move him to come of his own accord. I will meet him with open arms, if he will but return. He need not fear that he has offended me. I know full well M. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 163 that offences must come ; nor is it strange that a man should fall. It is rather strange that he should rise again and stand. Peter fell, that he might know he was but a man. At the present day also, the cedars of Lebanon, whose summits reach the skies, fall. The angels fell in heaven, and Adam in paradise. Is it then strange that a reed should quiver in the breeze, and the smoking lamp be put out ?" This is the first letter in which he signs his name as " Vicar of the Augustinian Eremites in Misnia and Thuringia." His next letter, (and we give all in their order which are written in 1516,) is dated May 29, after he had nearly finished his tour. He had been in Erfurt and was then in Gotha, which he was un- willing to leave without paying his respects in some way to Mutianus, a great classical and belles-lettres scholar, who, as long ago as when Luther was a student at Erfurt, was at the head of a literary club, to which many of the university friends of Luther belonged. Luther addresses him thus : " That I have not visited you, most learned and accomplished Mutianus, nor invited you to visit me, is owing first to my haste and the stress of my business, and secondly, to my high opinion and true venera- tion of you. Our friendship is of too short a stand- ing to justify me in humbling your excellence so far as to request you to visit me. I must now go where my duty calleth me, but not without first saluting you, though, from a sense of my ignorance and uncouth style, I shrink from it. But my affec- tion for you overcometh my modesty; and that rustic Corydon, Martin, barbarous and accustomed only to cackle among the geese, saluteth you, the scholar, the man of the most polished erudition. 164 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1516. Yet I am sure, or certainly presume that Mutianus valueth the heart above tongue or pen; and my heart is sufficiently erudite, for it is sufficiently de- voted to you. Farewell, most excellent father in the Lord Jesus, and be not forgetful of me." Post- script. " One thing I wish you to know : father John Lange, whom you have known as a Greek and Latin scholar, and what is more, as a man of a pure heart, hath now lately been made prior of the Erfurt convent by me. Unto man commend him by a friendly word, and unto God by your pray- ers." The same day he wrote another letter from Lan- gensalza, a little north of Gotha, to Lange him- self, instructing him how to proceed in his official station. He says at the close : " I have not found in this district any convents in so good a state as here and in Gottern," [between Langensalza and Miihl- hausen.] " I have despatched my business here in one hour, and think I shall do the same there in two. By the blessing of God, I hope to proceed toward Nordhausen to-morrow, trusting that in these two places God will work without me both in spiritual and temporal things, though the devil is unwill- ing." On the 8th of June, he is again in "Wittenberg, and writes to Spalatin, Frederic's secretary, dissuad- ing the elector from his purpose of making Stau- pitz bishop. " These are not times to be happy, or even comfortable in ruling as bishop, i. e. in being given up to carousals, sodomy and Roman corrup- tion." Though he is "free from such vices," he ought not to be involved " in the whirlpools and violent tempests of the bishops' courts." On the 22d ; he writes to Dressel, prior of the ^3. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 165 monastery at Neustadt, a little south of Jena, who had some difficulty with the monks, endeavouring to comfort him in his afflictions. He was obliged afterward to depose him, for want of skill rather than of good intention, and to permit the convent to choose another. In the former letter, he says : " You seek and strive for peace, but in a wrong way. You seek it as the world giveth it, not as Christ giveth. . . . You cry with Israel, ' Peace, peace,' and yet there is no peace. Cry rather with Christ, l The cross, the cross/ and yet there is no cross. The cross ceaseth to be such as soon as you can say, ' Blessed cross ; among all the kinds of wood, there is nothing like unto it.' Behold, then, how kindly the Lord inviteth you unto true peace, when he besetteth you all around with such crosses." In the latter, he addresses Dressel and the chapter thus : "I hear with grief, as I well deserve, excel- lent fathers and brethren, that you are living void of peace and unity, and though you are in one house, you are not of one way ; neither are you, according to the rule, of one heart and one mind. This misera- ble and unprofitable kind of life cometh either from your lack of humility for where humility is there is peace or from my negligence, or at least from your fault and mine, in not beseeching the Lord that made us, and praying that he would direct our way in his sight, and lead us in his righteousness. He erreth, he erreth, he erreth, who presumeth to direct himself, not to say others, by his own coun- sel." He then lays the blame chiefly on the brethren for not submitting to the prior, but, with kind words, requires the prior to resign, at the same time pronouncing him a well-meaning, upright man. But there must be peace and concord. The brethren 166 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1516 are to choose their own prior, and then pray and strive for union. The remaining letters of this year are those written to his particular friends Lange and Spalatin. They give an interesting view of his occupations and cares. To the former, under date of June 30, he says : " I wrote to you from Sangerhausen, [north of Erfurt and near Eisleben,] most excellent father, that if you had any insubordinate brother, you might send him thither by way of correction. I now write unto you again from Wittenberg, not only desiring, but beseeching you, to send George of Schleusingen or William Fischer to the brethren at Eisleben, or at least allow them to go, till the reverend father [Staupitz] shall return. Rigorous necessity requir- eth it. Say to that brother, and to all, that this is done by me not from violence, but because we are all bound, and I especially, to maintain the honour of the vicariate everywhere and particularly that of our reverend vicar. These same fathers [at Eisleben] sent me a brother who came near introducing the plague into that young conventual house. Brother Caspar, a senior there, lieth dead. Reader Antony is dead. Father Bacalaureus is in Leipsic. Two others are abroad, as you know, begging money for the building. The brother before-mentioned is now here with me. You yourself see how we need succour. Neither you nor others need be afraid, the plague doth not prevail there. Farewell, and say farewell to the fathers, masters, the reader and others, not in my name, but the Lord's." The reader here mentioned is his friend George Leiffer, to whom the letter of April 15th was addressed. The next letter, written August 30th, to Lange, is accompanied with Luther's oration delivered to the JE. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 167 convent at Gottern wishing him to show it or send it to Braun of Eisenach, Wigand of Walthershausen, and reader George Leiffer, or any who should wish to see it. The remainder of the letter relates to difficulties experienced in maintaining study in the cloisters. " You need not send brethren who are students to me, first for that we have too many [in the cloister] already; and secondly because the plague hath broken out vehemently here." October 5th, he writes again to the same ; " Just as if we [at Wittenberg] were in such abundance here, that those which you [at Erfurt,] who are rich, cannot maintain, we in our poverty could. We shall have a the cloister] thirty-six here this winter, unless e plague prevent, and forty, if all whose names are entered should come. You seem to have drunken in the Erfurt spirit of distrust, as though God could not feed even the ungrateful, and pre- serve even those that do not desire it. Then you make this monastery so much your own, that you call other monks strangers, and ask me to come to the aid of my mother [the Erfurt monastery.] Take care that you continue to walk according to your Tauler, and remain free [from all particular inte- rests,] and common for all things, as becometh the son of a common God and of a common church. Brother John Metzel I will send you as soon as I learn that he can be spared from Eisleben. "Touching my theses, or rather Bartholomew Feldkirk's, there is no cause why your Gabrielists [followers of Gabriel Biel] should marvel, albeit ours here continually do the same. The theses were not written by me, but were gotten up by Feldkirk, because of the cackling of my enemies against my lectures. This he did, to the end that these things 168 LIFE OP WTHER. [1516. might be publicly debated, under my presiding, in order to stop the mouths of the garrulous, or to learn the opinions of others.* .... I will keep a few days the brethren which you sent unto me, and see what I can do, or how it shall turn out with the plague, which has begun. I should be sorry to send them back again, for they are apt for study. And yet I am urged by want; but the Lord liveth and reigneth." The large number of these inmates of the Augustinian cloisters who were sent to Wittenberg to study in the university and live in the monastery, without expense, will account for the fact that so many of the students who took their degrees in theology at Wittenberg about this time, and of those monks who first embraced the doctrines of the Reformation, were Augustinians. How admirably was Luther, all this time, sowing the seed for a future harvest; as well by directing the studies of nearly all the promising young men of his order, as by securing, through his diligence and energy an entire ascendency in the monasteries of his province ! During the month of August he made several journeys on business connected with the duties of his office. After a letter on matters of local interest, written from Kemberg, whither the pro- fessors and students often fled in the time of the plague, we find another, in which there is an amus- ing account of Luther's accumulated labours. " I have need, almost," he writes again to Lange, "of * It is these theses on the freedom of the will, written and defended by Feldkirk, but in reality emanating from Luther, that were the occasion of the sparring between Carlstadt and Eck, which terminated in the Leipsic dis- putation. JE. 32.] IN WITTENBERG. 169 two scribes or secretaries. I do hardly any thing through the whole day, but write letters. I there- fore cannot tell whether I do always write the same things or no. See for yourself. I am the preacher of the cloister ; I am reader at the table ; I am re- quired every day to be parish-preacher ; I am direc- tor of the studies of the brethren ; I am vicar, that is, eleven times prior; I am inspector of the fish- ponds in Litzkau; I am advocate for the Hertze- bergers in Torgau; I am lecturer on Paul; I am commentator on the Psalms; and, as I have said, the greater part of my time is occupied in writing letters. I seldom have time for the canonical hours and for the mass, to say nothing of the temptations of the flesh, the world and the devil. You see what a man of leisure I am. Concerning brother John Metzel, I think my opinion and reply have already reached you. Nevertheless, I will see what I can do. How do you suppose I can find a place for all your Sardanapaluses and sybarites [easy monks]? If you have trained them up wrong, you must sup- port them after thus training them. I have useless brethren enough everywhere, if any can be useless to a patient mind. I am satisfied that the useless can be made of more use than the most useful. Sup- port them, therefore, for the present. In respect of the brethren you sent to me, I think, (but I am not sure,) I lately wrote unto you. The convert,* with the young men, I sent to master Spangenberg, as they desired, to the end that they might escape from breathing this pestilential air. Two I have kept here, with two others from Cologne, in whose good parts I felt so deep a concern that I chose * One who becomes monk late in life. 15 170 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1516. rather to keep them, at no little cost, than send them away. There are now twenty-two priests and twelve youths, forty-one persons in all, who live upon our more than most scanty stores. But the Lord will provide. You say you began yesterday [to lecture] upon the second part of Lombard's Sentences. To- morrow, I shall begin on the Epistle to the Galatians. Albeit, I fear the plague will not suffer me to go on. It taketh away two or three each several day. A son of our neighbour, Faber, opposite, who was well yesterday, is carried to his burial to-day. An- other son lieth infected. What shall I say? It is already here, and hath begun to rage suddenly and vehemently especially with the young. You ask me and Bartholomew [Feldkirk] to flee with you. Whither shall I flee ? I hope the world will not fall to pieces, if brother Martin do fall. The brethren I shall disperse throughout all the country, if the pesti- lence should prevail. But I am placed here, and my duty of obedience will not allow me to flee, until the authority which commanded me hither shall command me away." Who can fail in this letter, to see Luther with almost every trait of his character? How frank and agreeable his manner with Lange, and how sportive his rebukes ! Yet how sensible and earnest in respect to useless monks; and how ready to turn the evil to a spiritual account ! How strong his sympathy with young students of enter- prise, and how prompt to aid them! What fidelity in maintaining his post in time of danger, and in securing all but himself! Death was a trifle to him, compared with unfaithfulness. So we see him here, just one year and five days before the ninety-five theses or indulgences were published, like JE. 33.] IN WITTENBERG. 171 a stream, broad and deep, and ever growing broader and deeper as it advances. No character was ever more steadily progressive than his, from 1507 to 1517. The only remaining letter to Lange, during the year 1516, is but a note, in which he commands that the three obstreperous monks, of whom repeated complaints had been made, should be sent to San- gerhausen; which seems to have been frequently honoured in this way. The letters to Spalatin speak with disapprobation of the way in which Erasmus explains "the righteousness of the lawj" returns thanks to the Elector Frederic, "for the present of a garment of too fine cloth for a monk's habit, did it not come from a prince ;" gives an ac- count of the success of Staupitz in collecting relics along the cities of the Rhine; and explains why Luther is not yet prepared to publish his notes on the Psalms. We have now reached the year 1517, so celebrated as the one from which the great Reformation of the sixteenth century takes its date. But there are yet ten months to the 31st of October, the day on which Luther posted up his theses against Tetzel. We cannot do better than follow him through this brief period in his correspondence. January 27th, he writes to his old acquaintance and colleague Scheurl, a jurist, then at Nuremberg, acknowledging the receipt of his let- ter, which is "to me," he says, "most pleasant and yet most sad. But why do you wrinkle your brow ? For what could you write more pleasant than the merited eulogy of our reverend father, the vicar, or, rather, Christ in him? Nothing more grateful to me could be said than that the word of Christ [through Staupitz] is preached, heard, received ; nay, LIFE OP LUTHER. [1617. rather lived and felt and understood. On the other side, you could write nothing more bitter than the courting of my friendship and the honouring me with so many vain titles." And in this strain of unaf- fected modesty the whole letter is written. In a letter to Lange, dated March 1, after men- tioning that he sends Didymus, "who is still ignor- ant of the usages of the order/' to Erfurt, and that he is about to publish his translation and exposition of the Penitential Psalms, he proceeds to say: "I am reading our Erasmus, and my esteem for him groweth less every day With him, what is of man prevaileth over what is of God. Though I am loth to judge him, I must admonish you not to read his works; or rather, not to receive all he saith without examination. These are dangerous times, and I perceive that a man is not to be esteemed truly wise because he understandeth Greek and Hebrew; seeing that St. Jerome, with his five lan- guages, did not match Augustine with one though to Erasmus it may seem otherwise This opinion of him I keep hid, lest I should strengthen the opposition of his enemies [the monks and priests]. Perhaps the Lord, in due time, will give him under- standing. Farewell. Salute the fathers, the mas- ters and the reader; and inquire whether Dr. Jodo- cus [Truttvetter] will reply to me." In two notes to Spalatin, (April 3d and 9th,) Lu- ther begs a stipend for a poor student; and, in reply to a previous request, recommends the reading of certain works of Augustine, Ambrose and Cyprian. On the 6th of May, he writes again to Scheurl, as follows: "First, I thank you, most excellent man, for the present of the treatises of Staupitz, but lament that my trifles should be spread among you by the M 38.] IN WITTENBERG. 173 reverend father. They were not written for your delicate and polite Nurembergers, but for the rude Saxons Upon your requesting me to write familiarly to Eck, I wrote as carefully as I could. .... The propositions hereunto joined, I send to you, and through you to master Wenceslaus [Link], and to any others who are entertained with such things. They are not the paradoxes of Cicero, [who wrote a book under this title,] but of our Carlstadt, or rather of St. Augustine. These paradoxes will expose the carelessness or ignorance of all those that looked upon them as more paradox than orthodox."* The next succeeding letter, giving a provost in- structions how to treat a fallen monk, may be passed over. May 15, Luther sends a few lines to Lange, in which he says, "The reverend vicar writeth that he shall soon return to us. Our theology and St. Augustine go on prosperously by Grod's help, and reign in our university. Aristotle is sinking by little and little, and verging towards a fall from which he will never more rise. The scholastic lec- tures have wonderfully lost their savour; and no one can expect to have hearers, unless he consent to lecture on the Bible, or on St. Augustine, or some writer which has church authority." Thus com- pletely had Luther revolutionized the university, and given a new direction to its studies. Omitting two unimportant letters to Lange, we come to the one bearing date September 4, in which he says, "I send you, by master Otto, my propositions, [against the scholastic theology,] and * These propositions, in connection with those of Feld- kirk, mentioned above, led to the disputation which, in the following year, ensued at Leipsic between Eck and the Wittenberg theologians. 15* 174 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. my exposition of the ten commandments I wait with much, with very great, with stupendous anxiety, to learn what you think of these paradoxes of mine. I suppose that to your theologians these paradoxes will appear heterodox ; though to us they cannot be otherwise than orthodox. Let me know as quick as you can; and say, in my name, to my masters and reverend fathers of the theological faculty and others, that I am fully prepared to come and discuss these subjects with them; either in the university or in the monastery. Let them not suppose that I wish to whisper these things in a corner; if our university is still so insignificant as to seem to be a corner." How evidently are things tending to a crisis ! On the llth of the same month, he wrote a letter to Scheurl, the last from which we shall quote, the three which remain being but casual notes. It well illus- trates, what is indeed everywhere obvious, how per- fectly Luther adapted himself in tone and manner to the various characters of his correspondents. He writes thus : " Although, my dearest Christopher, I have no occasion to write to you sufficient to justify me in writing to such a man, yet this is a sufficient one for me, namely, the desire to write to a friend, (setting aside all the titles and dignities with which you are adorned,) to a friend who is pure and most upright and urbane, and what is most to the point lately known and acquired. If silence is ever to be esteemed a fault, the silence of friend toward friend is particularly so, since playfulness and trifles, not less than weighty matters, strengthen, not to say perfect friendship. St. Jerome exacted this of his friend, that he should write and inform him that he had nothing to write. Thus, I determined JE. 83.] IN WITTENBERG. 175 to write trifles rather than to be silent toward a friend. But what will that brother Martin, falsely called the theologian, ever write besides trifles ? who, amid the creaking and pell-mell of syllogisms, hath made no proficiency in polite literature ; or, if he ever had any taste of learning and eloquence, it hath been kept back in a state of stammering infancy by long practice and use in that other style of writing. But my preface is long enough, and too long, if I am not to write a volume, instead of a letter, that is, doubly to unbend in trifles and foolishness, when to do it once, is more than enough for a theologian. The aim of my letter is to let you know how high an opinion I have formed of you, and of your fidelity. . . . But it cometh to mind, that you sent by Ulrich Pindar, the small treatises of our reverend father, the vicar, about two florins' worth, a part whereof I have sold, and a part given away to good friends of the reverend father. The money received, I have given to the poor, as you required, that is, to myself and the brethren, for I could find no one poorer than myself. ... I send you my proposi- tions, or paradoxes, or heterodoxies, as many regard them. You can show them to our learned and in- genious Eck, that I may know what he thinketh of them." We have now concluded what has generally been treated as an almost unknown period of Luther's life, and what most biographers have despatched in a few pages. Henceforth, the career of the great Reformer is of the most public character, attracting the attention of the religious world more than that of any other individual in Christendom. 176 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. PART II. FROM THE PUBLISHING OF THE THESES IN 1517, TO THE PRE- SENTATION OF THE AUGSBUKG CONFESSION IN 1530. CHAPTER I. THE OPENING OF THE REFORMATION IN 1517, TILL THE TIME OF THE LEIPSIO DISPUTATION IN 1518. SECTION I. Indulgences. HOUGH much & yet remained for Luther to learn, and many and great changes in his U opinions were yet to take place, we may consider the ground-work of his character as having been al- ready firmly laid. In trac- ing his internal history, and searching out all the influences which the social and religious in- stitutions of his times exerted upon him in the for- mation of his character, we have incidentally brought before us many scenes which strikingly illustrate the fallen and corrupt state of the church. To this, JE. 33.] INDULGENCES. 177 in its contrariety to the religious character and as- pirations of Luther, as represented in the foregoing statements, it is now necessary to direct particular attention. The Reformer stands before us in all his leading peculiarities. It would be well as dis- tinctly to see the church in all those deformities, which called so loudly for a reformation. The limits of this work, however, make it necessary to confine our attention to that class of abuses which the preceding account has not exhibited, the abuses practised under the name of INDULGENCES. The tendency of the Catholic church to degrade religion from its high spiritual character to a mere round of outward forms and ceremonies, reached its height in the practical workings of the system of confessions, penances and indulgences. As the most marked peculiarities of Luther's reform con- sisted in making every thing in religion depend on Christ, rather than on human mediators, whether on earth or in heaven, and our connection with Christ to depend on the spiritual affections of each individual's heart, rather than on outward rites and ecclesiastical relations, it was perfectly natural that a collision should take place just where it did, namely, at those points of the two opposite systems which related to the removal of sin. In the one system, the agent was the church : in the other it was Christ. In the one, the sinner was to be reformed by penances, from which he might purchase release ; in the other, he was to exercise godly sorrow for sin and faith in Christ. The one was external and sa- cramental ; the other was internal and spiritual. How could such a perversion of the New Testa- ment doctrine of repentance and remission of sin ever make its way into a nominally Christian com- 178 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. munity? To this inquiry there is a decisive histo- rical reply; but the process is long and the answer complicated. Like the formation of a coral island, the perversion was one of gradual accumulation. It had small beginnings, and went on for fifteen cen- turies, keeping even pace with the intellectual and moral character of the age. First, outward mortifications were injudiciously, but with good intentions, imposed by the church upon members under ecclesiastical censure, as signs of re- pentance. Next, the priest enjoined similar things privately, upon those members who, in consequence of certain sins, were supposed to be unprepared for the communion. Then the priest, who had already as- sumed a false position in the church, as mediator be- tween God and his people, became lord of the indi- vidual conscience, examined every one before the com- munion, decided, as an infallible judge, upon the exact amount of each one's sin, and affixed a corresponding penance. Repentance itself, instead of being regarded as a duty always to be performed, was made a part of an ordinance of only periodical recurrence. At those stated times, the individual was to feel con- trition, to confess to the priest, and to make satis- faction by submitting to the penances imposed. The first of these three parts of the ordinance, namely, contrition, was lightly passed over. The second, the confession, was accepted on condition of its being full and complete. The third, satis- faction, was to be attended to afterward; and with reference to this, too, absolution was conditionally pronounced by the priest, and the penitent was then admitted to the communion. In theory, those three successive acts must be faithfully performed by the penitent, or the absolution was of no efficacy. M. 33.] INDULGENCES. 179 But how was one to know that his penitence was sufficient? How would he be sure that no individual sin was omitted in the confession ? Why should ab- solution be pronounced before the conditions were all fulfilled, before satisfaction was known to be made? These were the questions which tortured the mind of Luther, when he was a conscientious monk. The theological objections to the whole system are, that the third part is without foundation, a mere human invention ; that the second is in no sense necessary, and arose from a false interpretation of two or three passages of Scripture ; is founded on an absurd view of the nature of sin, as a measurable quantity, and is, moreover, utterly impracticable, as no mortal has the means of searching the heart and ascertaining the precise amount of a man's sins. The first part is the only one which has any value or authority, and this is perverted by being so far limited to a parti- cular time and place. But the worst of all is, that the practice fell far short of the theory, miserable as that was : and contrition, the only shadow of a virtue that remained, was just the part which the poor ignorant people least regarded. Luther at- tacked the practice; his opponents defended the theory, and there the matter stands to this day. The theory of the treasure of the church, con- sisting of the superabundant merits of Christ and of his followers, especially the martyrs, on which the Bishop of Rome could make drafts at plea- sure, was a mere scholastic invention, made at a late period, for the purpose of propping up a system which had long existed in practice. On this there was no agreement among the scholastic theologians ; Alexander of Hales maintaining one view, Albert the Great another, and Thomas Aquinas a third. 180 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. Luther did not fail to take advantage of this cir- cumstance, and triumphantly maintained, that in attacking these modern individual opinions, he by no means attacked the doctrines of the ancient uni- versal church. Indulgences relate only to the third part of the sacrament of penitence, and consist in substituting, in the place of satisfaction, or the endurance of the penance imposed by the priest, pilgrimages to sa- cred places, crusades against the infidels, or pecu- niary contributions for certain religious purposes. The last were, in theory, a substitute for the others, or for ecclesiastical penalties : but in practice, a tax for sins. Indeed, it is said, that the modern system of taxation is borrowed from the church practice. Plenary indulgence could proceed only from the pope, and was granted to those who went on a pil- grimage to the holy sepulchre at Jerusalem. The indulgences given by archbishops and bishops were restricted to their own dioceses, and could not ex- tend beyond forty days. When the crusades had lost their novelty, pilgrimages to Rome were ac- cepted as a substitute. There, at certain sacred places, were stations for prayer, which were resorted to by pilgrims. Most of all were indulgences given at St. Peter's, on Christmas eve. As Boniface VIII. happened to be elected on such an occasion, he ap- pointed a jubilee in 1300, after the manner of the old Roman secular games, and promised plenary in- dulgence to all who should daily visit St. Peter's and St. Paul's for thirty successive days. Strangers who came to Rome as pilgrims were required to spend but half that length of time in visiting those places. The income of that single jubilee has been esti- mated at fifteen millions of florins. Hence, Luther M. 33.] INDULGENCES. 181 said, it was " truly a golden year." Because men could not live long enough to see the close of another century, Clement VI. appointed another jubilee, to take place at the end of fifty years, and added the Lateran church, as a third station or place of sacred resort. Even this period, one has observed, seemed an eternity to Urban VI. He, therefore, caused the next to be held after thirty-three years, the period of the Saviour's life, and appointed St. Mary Mag- giore as a fourth place of pilgrimage. These four churches had each a golden door, opened only on the year of jubilee. The money, which the pil- grims must not forget, was received by priests at these four churches, and afterward at three others also. Just before the year of jubilee, preachers of jubilee and of indulgence were sent into various countries, calling the attention of the people to the approaching year of grace. In 1400, the King of France prohibited his subjects from visiting Rome at the jubilee. In 1450, the Duke of Bavaria did the same, the council of Basle having passed a decree against the practice. This last year of ju- bilee seems not to have been so profitable to the successor of St. Peter as the preceding had been, for after it had passed, he sent a legate, Nicholas of Cusa, into all the dioceses of Germany, to receive the change from those who had not found it conve- nient to visit Rome ! But it was found that money for building and repairing churches and bridges could be most con- veniently raised by selling indulgences. Thomas Aquinas had taught that indulgences could be given in consideration of any act performed for the glory of God and the good of the church, "such as building of churches and bridges, performing pil- 16 182 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. grimages and giving alms." In 1319, John XXII. granted forty days' indulgence to those who should aid in building a bridge across the Elbe at Dresden. In 1484, the papal legate promised the same to all who should contribute towards rebuilding a church destroyed by fire at Freiberg, in Saxony, and a hun- dred days to those who should do so for another church in the same city. In 1491, Innocent VIII. granted to the inhabitants of Saxony, a dispensation from the quarterly fasts for a period of twenty years, on condition that each person would pay the twen- tieth part of a Romish florin annually toward build- ing a bridge and chapel at Torgau, and the colle- giate church at Freiberg. One-fourth, however, of the whole sum was to go to Rome, for building St. Peter's. This ordinance was resisted by the faculty of law in Leipsic, and the Bishop of Meissen re- fused to publish the bull in his see. In 1496, Alexander VI. endeavoured to allay the opposition, by promising that when the twenty years were expired, this kind of indulgences should not be repeated in Saxony. But his successor, Julius II. , paid no regard to that promise, for in 1509, the year before Luther went to Rome, he revived the indulgences for twenty years thereafter. In 1512, the year of Luther's doctorate, when he took the oath by which he felt himself authorized to oppose Tetzel's doctrines, Julius enlarged and extended the system of indulgences in an unheard-of manner, in order to prosecute the enterprise in which he had been engaged six years, of erecting the magnificent structure of St. Peter's. Leo X. followed in his steps, and in 1514, 1515, and, most of all, in 1516, sent his agents into Germany, to sell indulgences for this purpose. JE. 33.] INDULGENCES. 183 At this point, an extraordinary character presents himself, to whom we have before alluded and whose name is, for all time, so fatally connected with Luther's that it cannot be passed over in silence. It is Tetzel, the notorious preacher and vender of indulgences. Born in Leipsic, not far from 1460, he studied in the gymnasium of his native city, and then entered the university in 1482, one year before Luther was born. After a protracted course of study, particularly under the celebrated Professor Wimpina, he took his degree in 1487, and ranked as the sixth student in a class of fifty -five. As he excelled in oratory, his friends were surprised at his entering, two years afterward, the Dominican monastery, then called the Paulinum, and now known as a university building under that name. He was soon made priest, and was sent to Zwickau, where, by his ready and showy eloquence, he ac- quired considerable popularity as a preacher. But here, also, he furnished the first proof of his worth- less character. On a certain day, he proposed to be the sexton's guest, who excused himself, saying, he was too poor to furnish suitable entertainment for so distinguished a man. " No matter," was the ready reply, " we will easily provide ourselves with the money. Look at the calendar, and see what saint' s-day it is to-morrow." It happened to be the day of Juvenal, and the sexton regretted that the saint was so little known. "We will make him known," said Tetzel. "To- morrow, ring the church-bell as at all high festi- vals, and we will hold high mass." His orders were obeyed, and the mass was accordingly held. When the ceremony was ended, Tetzel ascended the pulpit, and said, "Dear people, I have some- 184 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. thing to say unto you. If I should withhold it, your salvation would be in peril. You know, we have long prayed to one saint and another, but they have become old, and are tired of attending to us and aiding us. To-day is the festival of Juvenal, and though he hath not yet been known to you, it is all the better. He is a new saint, and will hear us the more patiently. Juvenal was a holy martyr, who shed his innocent blood for the truth. If you would enjoy the benefit of his innocence, lay some- thing, each one of you, upon the altar, on this day of high mass. You, that are noble and rich, go forward and give to the rest a good example." He received the collection, placed a part of it upon the altar, and took the remainder himself, and said, with a smile to the sexton, "Now, we have enough for our evening cups." Such is the account of the old Zwickau Chronicle, and it can hardly be supposed to be a pure fiction. In 1502, he was selected as papal agent and preacher, offering indulgences for the jubilee that had just passed, to the multitudes in Nurenberg, Leipsic, Magdeburg, and other German cities who did not visit Rome. Next, we find him on the Vis- tula, similarly employed, and raising money for a crusade by the Teutonic Knights, against the Rus- sians and Tartars. From 1507 to 1513, he was itinerating again in the cities and towns of Saxony. For two years he made Annaberg, a new mining town considerably to the south of Leipsic, his head- . quarters. " The surrounding mountains," said he, " would be turned into silver, if the people would only purchase indulgences." In the summer of 1510, while in Annaberg, at St. Anne's, with the red-cross raised, as usual, be- M. 33.] INDULGENCES. 185 fore the altar, he said : " Three days more, and the cross will be taken down and the door of heaven closed." Never again would the time return when eternal life and forgiveness of sins would be had so cheap, nor would the liberality of the pope to Ger- many ever be so great again! "Now," said he, "is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." At Gorlitz, where the city council wished to raise money for indulgences to put a copper-roof upon the principal church, Tetzel was employed, and was aided by the parish preacher, the penitentiary priests, the confessors, the rector of the school and his as- sistants, and the Franciscan monks, and they suc- ceeded in collecting forty-five thousand rix dollars ! Of the many anecdotes recorded of him, only one more can find a place here. Whether true or not, it is perfectly characteristic. Wishing, on a certain occasion, to quicken the devotions of the people, he promised to show them, the next day, a feather which the devil plucked from the wing of the archangel Michael. But, during the night, some rogues made their way into his room, found the box of relics, took out the feather and put some coals in its place. Next morning he proceeded to the church with his box, without having opened it, and spoke at large of the virtues of this celestial feather, and opening the box, behold, there was nothing but some black coals ! Not at all disconcerted, he exclaimed, " No marvel that with such a treasure of relics, I have chanced to take the wrong box," and went right on to explain the value of these coals, which were the remains of the burnt body of St. Laurentius ! No- thing better illustrates the childish character and spirit of those times than such original anecdotes, whether true or false. 186 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. Tetzel afterward went to Innspruck, where he was detected in the grossest immorality and lewdness, and at the intercession of powerful friends, instead of being enclosed in a sack, and cast into the rivfcr, according to the sentence passed against him, was only imprisoned. Before we proceed farther with our narrative, we must introduce another new personage, though of a very different order, Albert, the accomplished, but worldly and ambitious Archbishop of Mainz, a young prince now twenty-eight years old. He was the youngest brother of Joachim I., Elector of Bran- denburg, (Prussia.) He had been carefully edu- cated under Eitelwolf von Stein, an ardent lover of classical literature, and one of the founders of the Frankfurt University on the Oder. The young prince attached himself to the liberal party, and favoured the cause of Reuchlin, Erasmus and Von Hutten. Being destined for the church, he was, while a boy, made canon at Magdeburg, Mainz and Treves. At the age of twenty-four, he was made Archbishop of Magdeburg, and, ten days later, Ad- ministrator of Halberstadt, and in five months from that time, Archbishop and Elector of Mainz, thus holding, at the same time, three of the large and wealthy sees of Germany. For the see of Magde- burg, he had obtained from Rome the pallium, (the archbishop's badge of office,) at great expense. He was not sufficiently in funds to procure at his own expense another for the see of Mainz, and yet, at his election, it was expressly stipulated that he, and not the people, should be at that expense. Albert being the third archbishop elected at Mainz, within a period of eight years, the see, if it paid for his pallium thirty thousand florins, the usual JE. 33.] INDULGENCES. 187 sum given, would, during that short period, be at the enormous expense of ninety thousand florins for that white strip of cloth.* Albert was obliged to borrow the money of Jacob Fugger, the rich broker, the Rothschild of Augsburg. To get out of his pecuniary embarrassments, he applied to the pope for the appointment of commissary for indul- gences in his own three dioceses and in the Mark of Brandenburg, for a period of three years. The ap- pointment was given him, on the condition that he was to retain half of all the money that should be collected, and pay the remainder to the pope, as usual, for building St. Peter's. The appointment was afterward confirmed and extended. Meanwhile Tetzel had got released from prison, with the understanding that he should proceed to Rome and obtain absolution from the pope. He went by way of Mainz, and desired Albert to use his good offices in recommending him to the papal favour, promising his services in turn, if suc- cessful, in raising the thirty thousand florins. With a letter of recommendation from the arch- bishop he went to Rome and applied to Leo, who was not very nice in matters of morality, and not only obtained absolution, but was made sub-commissary for disposing of indulgences under Arcimboldi, ge- neral commissary for Germany. In April, 1516, Tetzel was in Wurzen practising his old art, to which most of his public life was devoted, and this was the time that Luther and Staupitz came in near contact with him, when they were at Grimma. Ar- * It was made of lamb's wool, spun and woven by nuns, and consecrated at the graves of the apostles Peter and Paul. 188 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. cimboldi resigning his office near the end of the same year, Albert was raised to the post of nuncio and general commissary; and Tetzel went immediately to Halle, the favourite residence of Albert, and en- tered into his service. Of this last connection, Luther was ignorant; and very innocently wrote to Albert, as his ecclesiastical superior, requesting him to put a stop to the shameful traffic ! In the Archbishop Albert, and in Pope Leo, Luther found himself disappointed even more than in Eras- mus. They were all enlightened and liberal men, but their interest overruled their better judgment, and they all became the personal enemies of the reformer, whom they respected and feared; and whom, in the main points in question, they knew to be in the right. It was about the beginning of the year 1517 that Tetzel entered the service of Albert, and well did he redeem the pledge given when on his way to Rome ; for, during the year, he succeeded in collecting one hundred thousand florins, in nominal value sixty -two thousand five hundred dollars, but in real value vastly more. In the Saxon territories, Tetzel was not very popular. The Saxon house was, moreover, jealous of the house of Brandenburg and did not care to have their lands drained to fill Albert's cofiers. Tetzel, therefore, found the best reception either in Albert's territories, the sees of Magdeburg and Hal- berstadt, or in those of his brother, Joachim of Brandenburg. From February to June, we find him at Halle, which belonged to the diocese of Magde- burg, at Annaberg, and once at Leipsic. In Sep- tember, he went north to Berlin, was a short time at Zerbst, and finally came to Jiiterboch, in a detached district of Magdeburg, about eighteen miles to the JE. 33.] INDULGENCES. 189 north-east of Wittenberg, and there he was the means of calling out Luther. The house of a certain Teupitz, in which Tetzel then lodged, is still shown to visitors. It was reported to Luther that Tetzel made the following declarations in his sermons, viz.: That he had such grace and power from the pope, that though one had corrupted the Holy Virgin Mary, the mother of God, he could grant forgiveness provided the individual should put into the box the proper amount of money; that the red cross of indulgence, with the papal coat of arms, when erected in the church, had as much efficacy as the cross of Christ; that, if St. Peter were present, he could not have greater grace and power than he himself had ; that he would not divide with St. Peter in heaven, for he had redeemed more souls with his indulgences than Peter had with his preaching ; that when one puts money into the box for a soul in purgatory, such soul escaped to heaven as soon as the money tinkled in the box; that the grace of indulgences was the very grace by which a man was reconciled to God ; and that if one obtained indulgences, or a certificate of indulgence, there was no need of contrition, nor sorrow, nor repentance. Some of these statements, particularly those more offensive to Papal than to Protestant ears, may be exaggerated. At any rate, Tetzel procured two certificates from the clergy and authorities in Halle, where the first statement was said to have been made, testifying to the contrary. Those certificates were first discovered and published in 1844. But that the reports were for the most part true, is evident, not only from what Luther says, but from Tetzel's own words. In his published instructions to the 190 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. priests, he said, " Let the people consider that Rome is here. God and St. Peter call you. Give your mind, then, to the obtaining of such great grace, both for the salvation of your own souls and those of your deceased friends. They that impede this work are thereby excommunicated by the pope, and are under the indignation of Almighty God, and of St. Peter and Paul/' In his printed sermons he said, " Let your sheep [an ominous word] know that on these letters are imprinted and inscribed all the ministries of the suffering of Christ. For every mortal sin a man must needs endure seven years penance, either in this life or in purgatory. But with these letters of pardon, you can at one time, and for all cases, have plenary indulgence from all penalties due unto that time; and, afterwards, throughout all your lives, whensoever you shall wish to confess, you can have a like remission ; and, last of all, in the article of death, plenary indulgence from all penalties and sins." In order to be prepared to estimate rightly the work of Luther, one must understand not only what his character and views were and what the corrup- tions and abuses of the church were, but also what others before his time had thought and said on the same subject. But not every kind of opposition which was made to the papal hierarchy can claim to be a reformation. A reformation, in the proper sense of the term, is not merely the reaction of reason and philosophy against stupidity and folly, as some modern rationalists would have it ; nor of classical education and refinement against ignorance and bar- barism, such as was manifested by many in Italy, France and Germany at the revival of learning; nor of civil liberty and national independence against M. 33.] INDULGENCES. 191 the tyranny of a foreign ecclesiastic, for in this many German emperors, princes and statesmen were far from being deficient ; but it is the reaction of a pure and spiritual Christianity, resting solely on the Bible, against the degeneracy, corruption, false authority and traditions of the Church of Rome ; a sort of Christianized Boodism, which had subjugated the masses of the people to an almost unheard-of super- stition and spiritual despotism. To this monstrous system of abuses, men of pro- found piety and of great hearts had offered resistance in the form of religious and theological objections, long before the time of Luther. To say nothing of such men as Wicklif and Huss, out of Germany, or of the many in Germany who had uttered their unavailing lamentations and transient murmurs, we may mention three men, whose theatre of action was along the middle and lower Rhine, who were, theoretically, far in advance of Luther at the time of publishing his well-known theses, namely, John of Goch, whose pub- lic life covered the interval from 1450 to 1475 ; John of Wesel, professor of theology at Erfurt from the year 1440 to 1460, and then for about twenty years preacher at Mainz and Worms ; and John Wessel, a disciple of Thomas & Kempis, and, from 1452 to 1479, professor in Cologne, Paris and Heidelberg. What these men did, for about the last quarter of a century before Luther's birth, in undermining the foundations of the papal hierarchy, was certainly not without its effect upon the community ; preparing it for Luther's influence, though he himself was formed for his great enterprise independently of them. The first of the three theologians here named, who regarded the Bible as the only authority in matters 192 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. of religion, and Christ as the only mediator and helper, treated, in his writings, largely of grace and works, and is even an abler and clearer writer on this subject than Luther. Of the last of the three, Luther himself says, "If I had formerly read his works, Luther might have appeared to his enemies as having derived every thing from Wessel, so per- fectly is the spirit of both the same. This coinci- dence giveth me new joy and strength." The second, John of Wesel, took up the subject of indulgences in particular, and was more mature and more decided than Luther was at the commence- ment. The very title of his book, which was not "On Indulgences," but "Aga inst Indulgences," is indicative of his position. Among other things, he says : " We read the discourses of Christ, containing, perhaps, all that is necessary to salvation, but we find in them nothing touching indulgences. Afterwards the Apostles wrote epistles and preached, but in them there is no mention made of indulgences. Finally, the distinguished teachers Gregory of Nazi- anzum, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine wrote many works, approved by the church, and yet they contain nothing about indulgences." " That any priest, or even the pope, can give indulgences by which a man may be re- leased from all the punishments imposed by God, is not taught in the Scriptures." "Some say, and this is the common opinion, that Christ gave to the church the keys of jurisdiction, and that indulgences rest on this power. They say so, but do not prove it. Neither the Old Testament nor the New saith any thing about the keys of jurisdiction. Jurisdiction, as it now is in the church, was brought in by men." M. 83.] INDULGENCES. 193 " One may affirm that indulgences are a pious decep- tion of believers, and so many priests have said. They are a pious deception, because believers are thereby moved to make pilgrimages to holy places ; to give alms for pious uses j to build churches ; and to raise armies against the infidels. They be- lieve they shall thereby be delivered from the pun- ishment due to their sins, and from suffering in pur- gatory. In this they are deceived." Enough, perhaps, has been said to indicate what is important in the circumstances under which Lu- ther entered publicly upon what may, without af- fectation, be called his "mission." SECTION II. Luther's Collision with Tetzel, and the Publica- tion of the Ninety-five Theses. FOR a year and a half before the controversy broke out between Luther and Tetzel, the former had directed his attention to the abuses practised in the sale of indulgences. His exposition of the decalogue, delivered as lectures, as early as 1516, and afterwards published, may be referred to as evidence. A sermon against indulgences, as then dispensed, delivered July 17, 1517, in the presence of the elector, who had, but little more than a year before, procured the right of granting indulgences in the very same church where the preacher now stood, was not much relished by the prince. When Luther perceived that half of the population of Wittenberg were resorting to Jiiterbock and Zerbst, where Tetzel and his colleague, Rauch, were practising their arts upon the ignorant populace, he warned his hearers, in a discourse held in the little old cloister-chapel, against the deception. " It would be better," said he, " to yive alms to the poor according to the command of Christ, than to 17 194 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1517. buy with money such uncertain grace. He that re- penteth during all his life, and turneth to God with all his heart, receiveth heavenly grace, and the for- giveness of all his sins; which Christ, by his sacrifice and blood hath obtained for us, and offereth us without money, from pure grace." Meanwhile, Luther per- ceived that some of his congregation, who had pur- chased indulgences, relied upon their certificates, and consequently did not come to the confessional, nor seek absolution before the communion. He, therefore, re- fused to administer to them the supper, unless they would first make to him confession of their sins, and submit to the penances he should impose. This they refused to do, and referred to their certificates of indul- gence, in which they were pronounced absolved from the grossest crimes not only past, but those yet to be committed ; and that without penitence or satisfaction. Luther adhered to his resolution ; and said, to the great surprise and consternation of the individuals concern- ed, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Some of them went back to Tetzel, complained that Luther would not receive the certificates, and demand- ed their money again, but to no purpose. Tetzel, who was also inquisitor, was thrown into a rage of pas- sion ; and, in his sermons, poured out curses upon the heretics; and, to give emphasis to his denuncia- tions, he caused, at different times, piles of fagots to be kindled in the public square, as signals of what awaited the heretic who should dare utter a word against the papal indulgences. There are three stages of the doctrine of indul- gences which, in the case of Luther, must be distin- guished from each other. The first is that of the ancient church, in which indulgence is the mere re- laxation or removal of ecclesiastical, that is, human M. 33.] INDULGENCES. d5 penalties, in respect to penitents who confess their faults and feel contrition. The second is that which prevailed in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, when penance had become a sacrament; and the indulgence was a spiritual grace, securing the for- giveness of sin ; but true repentance was a condition of pardon. The third was the same system, except that the condition of repentance was but little re- garded; and in some cases declared not to be neces- sary; as 1 in some of the later papal bulls, and in the instructions and public declarations of Tetzel. In the first of these, Luther was still a sincere believer. The third he openly assailed, without knowing that either Leo or Albert were implicated. In respect to the second, he spoke doubtfully, and, by way of discussion, ready to adopt whatever should be proved. Luther, in these circumstances, felt it his duty to write to Albert, his metropolitan, as Archbishop of Magdeburg, and Jerome Scultet, Bishop of Branden- burg, to whose see Wittenberg belonged, informing them of the disorders and abuses against which he had already preached; and calling upon them to interpose their episcopal and metropolitan authority, and put a stop to the evil. But Albert had good reasons for pay*J t^> i^sard to the request. Scul- tet replied, inbfifrl 'wu^ t-tlidly and unsatisfactorily. Luther then wrote to t^c Bishops of Meissen and of Merseburg and of Naumburg, but with what effect is not known. None of the above-mentioned letters have been preserved. Perceiving that nothing was to result from the application he had made to his ecclesiastical superiors, he felt bound in conscience to perform his duty as preacher in the city parish, where he was assistant of Pontanus, and accordingly preached anew on the 196 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. subject there. Nor was he content with his efforts to check the evil in a practical way before the com- mon people, where it began, but he resolved to bring forward the subject of indulgences as a matter of public debate before the learned, and before the theologians as such. The Electoral Church, on ac- count of its many sacred relics, and the indulgences which could be procured there on certain days, at- tracted many pilgrims there; particularly on the first of November, the anniversary of the dedication, and All Saints' day. Luther took the occasion of that solemn celebration for a disputation ; and, on the day before, viz. Saturday, October 31, at twelve o'clock, posted up on the doors of that church his ninety-five propositions respecting the power of papal indulgences, inviting any and all persons to discuss the subject with him. These theses have a very remarkable character and history. They show that the mind of their author was drifting on a current in a direction of which he himself was hardly aware. An expres- sion of abject submission to the authority of the church and of the pope, still a part of his reli- gion, and then a startling declaration, or a sarcasm that shocked the servile sons of the church and servants of the pope; and to finish the medley, some doubts, thrown out to elicit discussion these are the three ingredients of propositions, which acted with the velocity of lightning, and threw all the centre of Europe into a ferment. Though designed only for the learned, and proposed only as a sketch of the topics for debate, they were translated and circulated by thousands among all classes. Luther, perceiving that an unexpected and unextinguishable fire was kindled in the popular m. 33.] INDULGENCES. 197 mind, and that the propositions, by their abstruse, scholastic and querying rather than affirmatory cha- racter, were ill adapted for the common people, pub- lished a sermon in the vernacular tongue, the sub- stance of discourses previously delivered to the people, in which he firsfrstruck upon that popular tone of plain and energetic eloquence for which he was ever after- wards distinguished. From the latter part of this sermon, as better adapted than the theses to give a plain and simple view of Luther's opinions at that time, we shall here make a few extracts. After laying down eleven propositions, he proceeds to say : " 12. We are told, indeed, that for the residue of the punishment, the sinner should be referred to pur- gatory, or to indulgences. But many other things are also said without reason or evidence. "13. It is a great error for one to think to make satisfaction for his sins, in that God always for- giveth gratuitously and from his boundless grace, requiring therefor nothing but honest living. The church doth indeed require somewhat, [penance, as a sign of sorrow,] but it may and should mitigate its demands, and ought, moreover, never to lay upon men any thing too grievous or intolerable. " 14. Indulgence is granted unto weak and sloth- ful Christians, that will not manfully exercise them- selves in good works, or endure mortifications. For indulgences carry no one forward in godliness, but rather bear with and wink at his backwardness. For this cause no one ought to speak against in- dulgences, nor ought any one to be persuaded to them. "15. One would act mych more safely, and do far better, to give purely for tSod's sake unto the build- 198 LITE OP LUTHER. [1617. ing of St. Peter, or unto any other object, than to take indulgences for it. For it is not safe to give, in such matters, moved by indulgences rather than by the love of God. " 16. Far better is a deed of charity done to the poor than a tribute for building churches, or than indulgences granted for the same. For, as before said, one good deed performed is better than many omitted. Indulgence is a relaxing of the require- ment of many good works ; otherwise no indulgence would be given. . . . My will, desire, entreaty and counsel are, that no one obtain indulgences. Let loitering and drowsy Christians do after this manner; but do thou go thine own way. " 17. Indulgences are not things required, or even recommended; but pertain to those things which are only permitted, or allowed. Therefore it is not a work of obedience, nor meritorious, but a drawing away from obedience. Therefore, though we may not forbid men to obtain indulgence, we ought to dissuade all Christians therefrom, and exhort and move them to do those works and suffer those pains which are remitted in indulgence. "18. Whether souls be delivered from purgatory by indulgency or no, is more than I can tell ; but I do not hold to that opinion yet. Certain modern teachers hold and maintain it, but they cannot prove it ; nei- ther hath the church established it as true. It is therefore much safer that thou thyself shouldst pray and act for them. For this is more sure and certain. "19. On these questions I make no doubt. They are sufficiently settled in the Scriptures. You, there- fore, should not doubt, but let the scholastic teachers be scholastic teachers. All of them together cannot give authority to a doctrine with their opinions. JE. 88.] INDULGENCES. 199 " 20. If some, to whose coffers such truth is not of advantage, shall cry out and call me a heretic, I shall little heed their clamour, inasmuch as * it will be made only by those cloudy heads that have had no taste of the Bible, that have never studied the Chris- tian doctrines, that have never understood their own teachers, but in their ragged and tattered opinions have gone well-nigh to decay. For had they understood them, they had known that no man is to be condemned until he has been heard and con- futed." At a later period, Luther, looking back upon his first efforts at reform, speaks thus: "By these theses [then published anew] will be publicly set forth my shame, that is, my great weakness and ignorance, which, at first, made me begin the work with great fear and trembling. I was alone ; and plunged myself into the business without fore- sight ; and now that I could not go back, I not only gave place to many weighty articles of the pope, but sincerely and earnestly reverenced him. . . . What and how my heart endured and suffered the first and second year; into what humility, not false and feigned, but real, nay into what despondency I sunk, the unmolested actors of these peaceful times know little. ... I, who braved the danger alone, was not so easy, confident and sure of my cause. I was then ignorant of much that I now, thank God, know. I only debated the matter, and was ready to be instructed. . . . With great earnestness and veneration I held the church of the pope to be the true church." No one had appeared at the time appointed to debate with Luther on the subjects embraced in his theses. On the festival day, he had preached be- 200 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. fore the multitude, though with great moderation, on the subject of indulgences. A few days after, probably within a week, he published the sermon above mentioned. As there had been no free and ex- tended discussion of these topics, and as his brief in- timations in the theses were liable to be misunder- stood, especially by the common people, for whom they were not designed, he wished to publish an extended explanation of his views, and for this purpose wrote his work entitled " Proofs or Solutions of the Theses." But his bishop objected to their publication, as we learn from the following letter to Spalatin, dated Nov. 1517: "Yesterday the Abbot of Lenin [a rich abbey situated nearly mid- way between Wittenberg and Brandenburg] was here. In the name and in behalf of the Bishop of Brandenburg did he come, bringing a letter from him, and likewise saying to me, by our bishop's order, that he, the bishop, desired and entreated me to put off the publishing of my Proofs and other similar writings. He was sorely grieved that I had put forth the sermon on Indulgences, and desired that it should not be published again or sold any further. Overcome with modesty that so high a prelate should humble himself to send unto me such an abbot, I said on this behalf alone, ' Very well, I would rather obey than do miracles.' . . . Although, in his esteem, nothing heretical was to be found in those writings, but every thing was orthodox, and though he himself did condemn those indiscreet declarations (as they are called) on the power of in- dulgences, yet, to avoid offence, he thought it best to remain silent for a season and delay publishing." To J. Lange of Erfurt, he wrote under date of Nov. 11, 1517, sending at the same time a copy of his JE. 33.] INDULGENCES. 201 theses : " If your theologians should be offended at these, and say (as all the world doth of me) that I declare my opinions and impugn other men's rashly and arrogantly, . . . say to them in my name, that I commend their ripe modesty and grave inodera* tion, so that they reduce their principles to prac- tice. . . . But why do they not use moderation in their judgment of me? Why do they not mo- destly wait for the issue of the controversy ?" He signs himself, " Martinus Eleutherias, (freeman,) or rather servant and captive at Wittenberg." In a letter of the same date to Spalatin, he ac- knowledges the receipt of a piece of cloth, and thanks the prince for the present. In another letter of but five lines, written in No- vember, to the same, he says, "To be short, I will do all that you ask in your letter. The bishop has made answer and released me from my promise. Only I do not know whether I can preach these three following days. Nevertheless I will see; if not, Amsdorf can come to my aid." In these few words we see the busy and business- like man, who was beginning to attract that universal attention which was never afterward withdrawn from him. His relations to the elector at this period are also apparent from his familiar letters. "My theses," he writes in the same month again to Spalatin, "I did not wish to have fallen into the hands of our illus- trious prince or any of his court, till after they had seen them that may find themselves touched there- in, lest these persons should think that I, by the command or will of the elector, had sent them forth against the Bishop of Magdeburg, (Albert,) as I hear say many already imagine. But we can now i swear that they were brought to the light without 202 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1517. the knowledge of the Elector Frederic. More at another time, for I am now very busy." In a post- script he says: "You said in your letter that the prince had promised me a garment. I would fain know to whose charge he has committed the busi- ness." This is not the same present mentioned in a previous letter. Luther recurs to the subject in another letter, addressed a few days after to the elector himself, in such a manner as to give us a peep into court life, as well as a view of the character of both the elector and of the Reformer. " Most gracious lord and prince," he writes, " inas- much as your grace formerly promised through Hirsfeld to give me a new garment, I now beg leave to put you in mind of the same. But I must ask, as I did before, that if Pfeffinger is to fulfil the promise, he do it by deed, and not by soft words. He knoweth how to spice up fine di.** ~ivse, but that never maketh good cloth." After endeavouring to reconcile him vu Staupitz, who had been misrepresented and maligned, Lu- ther proceeds to say, "To give proof of my fidelity, and to render myself worthy of my court garment, I will say, that I have heard your grace intendeth after the present taxing to lay another and perhaps heavier one upon his subjects. If your grace will not despise a poor beggar's petition, 'I entreat you in God's name not to let that be done, for it grieveth me, as it doth many of your grace's friends, to learn that this last taxation hath dero- gated much from your good name." It is time to notice the various annoyances which Luther experienced in consequence of the publica- tion of his theses, and the many petty strifes in which his enemies engaged with him. Here we M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 203 shall see the Reformer appearing in all the quali- ties of his mind and heart, profoundly sincere and honest, entirely religious and conscientious, though still held in bondage to many errors and supersti- tions; more and more deeply convinced of the just- ness and importance of his biblical views of theo- logy and religion, and of the corruption of the church, of the ignorance and stupidity that reigned in the monasteries and the schools, and finally un- deceived in respect to the character of Pope Leo, the Archbishop Albert, and other high dignitaries of the church. Sometimes we shall see him sighing over these evils; sometimes reasoning with Her- culean strength in order to convince the wise and the good; sometimes, when assailed by malignant foes with the vilest arts, either indignant and blast- ing them as by a thunderbolt, or comical, and mak- ing them appear superlatively ridiculous. Before the close of the' year 1517, Tetzel sought to elevate himself to an equality with Luther by taking, at the University of Frankfort on the Oder, the degree of doctor of divinity, and, on that occa- sion, he brought forward and defended a set of theses directed against those of Luther. Not only was he obliged to resort to Professor Wimpina, a distinguished man, formerly of Leipsic, but now of Frankfort, who was jealous of the fame of the Wit- tenberg theologians, to draw up those theses in tolerable Latin, but he had the mortification to be beaten in the argument by a young student, by the name of Knipstrov. Though the latter, for so daring a crime, was confined in a monastic prison, he was afterward professor of theology and vice- chancellor of the University of Greifswald. At the close of the following spring, Tetzel pub- 204 LIFE Or LUTHER. [1518. lished a reply to Luther's sermon on Indulgences, pointing out in it twenty alleged heretical doc- trines. Luther did not let this ridiculous cry of heresy and menace of the flames pass unanswered. He said it would be more in keeping with the cha- racter and habits of Tetzel, if, instead of appealing to "water and fire/' he had appealed to "the juice of the grape and the flames over which fowls were roasted." After rebuking the levity with which a man, guilty of almost every crime named in the Decalogue, himself not fearing the fires of hell and eternal death, attempted to frighten Christian teachers, as though they were children, by means of fire and sword, he goes on to say, comically enough: "Inasmuch as this matter doth not pertain to faith and to salvation, nor is one of necessity or of command, and since these persons are so very godly and abundant in charity that they are eager to burn Christians for things indifferent and devoid of heresy, may my gracious God and Father forgive me, that, setting aside all honour, as a thing alien from you, I should bid defiance to my Baalites. Here am I at Wittenberg, Dr. Martin Luther, and if there be any inquisitor who thinketh he can eat iron and rend rocks, I hereby give him to under- stand that he shall have safe conduct, open doors, free lodgings and living to boot, at the expense of our excellent prince, Duke Frederic, the Elector of Saxony." Silvester Prierias, a monk of the same order with Tetzel, and master of the sacred palace or chief censor of books at Rome, replied to Luther's theses as early as January, 1518, and consequently was the first writer who published a work against the doctrines of Luther. It was a dialogue, in which the JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 205 positions of Luther constituted one part, and the replies of Prierias the other. The sole aim of this weak and supercilious production was to exalt the church of Rome, and to maintain the supremacy of the pope. The discussion which Luther had with the theo- logians, at the general meeting of his order at Hei- delberg, in which he developed his views on the great questions of the day, was attended with the happiest consequences. While his arguments were such that the aged men, who disliked them, could not answer them, he made converts to his doctrine among young men of the highest promise. To these belonged Bucer, afterward the Reformer in Strassburg and in England, Brentz and Schnepf, the reformers of Suabia. With Eck also, with whom he had lived on terms of friendship, he was led into a controversy which ended in the Leipsic disputation. And, finally, he was obliged to defend himself against the Bishop of Rome. These remarks will enable the reader to un- derstand without difficulty most of the letters of Luther, written during the period immediately fol- lowing the publication of the theses. To Spalatin he writes this hasty note, under date of January 7, 1518 : " The schedule, which you demand, my dear Spalatin, is not with me. I will see whether it be in Wittenberg or no, and, if it be, will send it unto you. But I send you the late phantoms of Silvester [Prierias] from the city [of Rome,] which have just come to hand through Nuremberg. When you shall have read them, do your diligence to send them back to Wittenberg, that I may commune with my friends whether to 18 206 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. answer them, or let them go unanswered. I have no other but this one copy." On the 14th of the same month, he wrote to him another long letter, from which we take the following : " Do not think it strange, my dear Spalatin, that certain persons should declare that I was overcome while at a sup- per in Dresden. They say, and have long been used to say, whatsoever they please. I was verily at the house of Jerome Emser with Lange and the Dres- den prior, having been not so much invited as forced to a supper. Though I thought myself among friends, speedily I found a snare was laid for me. There was a paltry master there, who had dipped a little into Aquinas, and thought himself wondrous wise. He, burning with anger at me, first entreated me kindly, but when a discussion arose, he inveighed against me bitterly and clamorously. In the mean season there was standing without the door a cer- tain mendicant friar, who listened unto all I said, (as I afterward learned,) and who declared he was in anguish of spirit, and could hardly keep from coming forth and spitting in my face, and calling me by every evil name ; so vexing was it to the poor man that I should confute that little master, the Thomist. This is the man that everywhere boasteth, even until now, that I was so beaten that I could not say a word either in Latin or in German. Because we spoke in Latin and German commingled, he gave out that I did not know a word of Latin." In another letter to the same, he gives his friend advice and instruction, as to the best way of prose- cuting the study of the Bible ; and in a third, dated February 15, 1518, he replies to inquiries in respect to good works and indulgences. "As touching in- dulgences," he remarks, " the matter is still in dis- IE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 207 pute, and my propositions are drifting along in the waves of calumny. Two things, however, I dare say ; the first unto you alone and my other friends, until the matter shall be known and come to the light, namely, that indulgences look to me to be no- thing but a delusion, and of no profit, save to such as are drowsy and sluggish in the way of Christ. Albeit Carlstadt doth not hold the same opinion, I make no doubt he esteemeth them lightly. To pluck away this delusion, I, for the love of the truth, have cast myself into a dangerous labyrinth of disputa- tion, and have stirred up against me a thousand centaurs. Secondly, .... I counsel you to buy no indulgences, till you can no longer find a poor neighbour to give the money to. I doubt he will bring upon himself wrath, who neglecteth the poor and buyeth indulgences. But, God willing, you shall see more on this matter when the Proofs of my Propositions come out. To this measure am I forced by men more ferocious than ferocity itself, who, in all their discourses, pronounce me a heretic; and their wrath goeth to such a length that, for my sake, they arraign the University of Wittenberg, and stig- matize it as heretical. They are so ignorant of things, both divine and human, that it is a reproach to have a controversy with them ; and yet their ig- norance giveth them incredible audacity, and a front of more than brass. . . . They clamorously give out that what I have in hand took its rise with our illustrious prince, out of enmity to the Archbishop of Magdeburg (and Mainz.) I pray you, therefore, to consider what must be done, whether the matter should be laid before the prince or no, I cannot abide that he should be brought under suspicion for my sake ; and I shudder with fear and horror at the 208 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. thought of being the cause of dissension between such princes." To Dr. Scheurl, advocate in Nuremberg, he writes, March 5 : " I have received from you, most excel- lent and learned Christopher, two letters at the same time, one in Latin, the other in German, together with a gift from the famous Albert Diirer, (the painter,) and also my theses in Latin and in Ger- man. You marvel that I did not send you a copy. I make answer, that it was not my purpose nor will that they should be published, but that they should be examined by some persons in our own neighbourhood, and afterward, according to their opinion, be condemned and abolished, or be approved and published. But they have been printed and spread abroad beyond all expectation, so that I re- pent of having sent forth this foetus, not because I am unwilling the common people should know the truth, for that is what I most desire, but the manner and form of it is ill adapted for the instruction of the people. Some things therein contained are to myself doubtful ; others I would have declared after a different and more positive sort, or left out, had I seen the end from the beginning. Though, from this manner and degree of their dispersion, I know what men think in respect of indulgences, neverthe- less they do it secretly, for ' fear of the Jews.' I am, therefore, constrained to prepare proofs and ex- planations of the theses, though the Bishop of Bran- denburg, with whom I have taken counsel, being much troubled in this matter, hath caused me so long to delay the publishing of them. Nay, if the Lord give me opportunity, I desire to bring out in German, a treatise on the power of indulgences, and thus to suppress those theses which are so dispersed." JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 209 March 21, 1518, he writes to Lange, in Erfurt: "Wonderfully do the indulgence-mongers fulminate against me from the pulpit. Not content with the portentous names they have given unto me, they add threats, some prophesying that within two weeks, others that within one month, I shall as- suredly be burned by the people: Against my theses they now set forth others, so that I fear they may burst for the greatness and vehemence of their anger. Finally, I am besought by everybody not to go to Heidelberg, lest I be despatched by fraud, if I cannot be by violence. But I shall fulfil my duty of obedience, [as a monk to attend the general meeting,] and shall journey on foot, and pass through Erfurt, if Grod permit. Albeit do not tarry for me, for I shall not set out till the 13th of April. Our prince, moved by great zeal for solid learning, hath, without our asking, undertaken earn- estly to defend me and Carlstadt, and will not suffer me to be dragged to Rome, which torments my enemies here, who are not ignorant of his will toward me. "To the end that you may know the truth, if the report of the burning of Tetzel's theses should come to your ears, and that nothing, as is wont to be the case, may be added to the tale, I will cer- tify you of the matter. The students, holding in odium the old sophistical studies, and being inclined to the Scriptures, and perhaps to me, when they had learned that a man, sent by Tetzel the author, had come hither, went forthwith to him to terrify him for having the audacity to bring such things hither. Some of them did buy a few copies, but others plucked away the eight hundred which remained 18* 210 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. and burnt them, having already given notice that, if any desired to see the funeral pile of Tetzel's theses burned, to be at the place at two o'clock. This was done without the knowledge of the elector, of the academical senate, of the rector, or of any of us." In a letter to Egran, preacher at Zwickau, writ- ten March 24th, he says, "Some obelisks have of late been written against my theses by a man of true learning and of excellent parts, and what grieveth me more, by one for whom I had' not long ago conceived a warm friendship, Dr. John Eck, vice-chancellor of the University of Ingolstadt, al- ready a noted man and well known by his published works. Did I not know the devices of Satan, I should wonder what fury influenced him to break those new and pleasant bonds of friendship, without giving me any warning, or taking leave of me. . . . As for myself, I desired to swallow patiently this cake, worthy of Cerberus. But my friends compel me to reply, though I shall do it privately. Blessed be the Lord Jesus! to him alone be glory. Confu- sion may deservedly cover us. Rejoice, my brother, rejoice, and be not terrified by those flying sheets, nor cease to teach as you have begun, but, like the palm in Cadiz, rise under the weight that is laid upon you. The more they rage, the more I go on. I leave former things behind for them to bark at, and go on to those that are before, that they may have more to bark at." On the 31st of March, he writes to Staupitz : "Being very busy, my father in the Lord, I can write unto you but little. First, I firmly believe that with many my name is in ill odour. So much do the good men lay to my charge because I have JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 211 condemned rosaries, crowns, psalteries, and other prayers, and indeed all good works. So St. Paul was accused of saying 'Let us do evil that good may come.' But I have followed the theology of Tauler and of that work [the German Theology] which you have lately caused to be printed by Aurifaber, and teach that men must put their trust in nothing else but Jesus Christ alone, neither in their prayers and merits, nor in their good works. For, not by our running, but by God showing mercy, are we saved. From such teachings do those men draw forth the poison which you see them scatter abroad. But as I did not begin, so neither will I give over either for glory or for in- famy." Several of the letters next succeeding relate to his journey to Heidelberg, where the monks of his order were to meet in convention. The story of the incidents connected with that occasion is best told by himself. From Coburg, nearly two-thirds of the distance, he wrote to Spalatin, April 15th: "From Pfeffinger I suppose you have learned all that we talked about, when I met him at the village of Ju- denbach, [a few miles before reaching Coburg.] Among other things, I rejoiced at this, that an op- portunity was given unto me to make that rich roan poorer by some shillings. For he paid not only for my dinner, but for that of two other companions. And now, if I could, I would make our prince's officer here at Coburg pay for us. But if he is not willing, still we shall live at the elector's cost. . . All things go well with us, except that I sinned, I confess, in setting out on my journey on foot. But for this sin, as the contrition is perfect, and a full penance hath been imposed and borne, there is no 212 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. need of indulgence. I was very much wearied, [the distance was more than one hundred and forty miles,] and could not get conveyed, and so there was abun- dance, enough and more than enough of contrition, penance and satisfaction. I was unknown to all, except as the presence of Pfeffinger made me known. But at Weissenfels, the parish priest, though a stranger to me, knew me and treated me with great kindness. He was a Wittenberg master." His next letter to the same is dated "Wurzburg, April 19. "We at length arrived at Wurzburg on the 17th, and, on the evening of the same day, presented our letters to the illustrious prince [Bibra, the excellent Bishop of Wurzburg.] . . . The reverend bishop, on receiving them, called for me, communed with me, and desired to give me at his own charges another messenger to accompany me all the way to Heidelberg. But as I found here many of my order, and especially Lange, the Erfurt prior, I thanked the kind-hearted prince, saying it was not necessary to provide me with a messenger. I wished, moreover, to ride with them, being ex- hausted with fatigue. Only one thing did I ask of him, and that was a safe-conduct, which I have just received. ... If something more can be paid to my messenger Urban, I think he deserveth it; for he was delayed in the journey on my account. I would bring this to pass if I could see our Hirsfeld. The man is worthy of it for his fidelity and honesty. Do you also plead his cause. I am poor, as I am bound to be, and therefore could give him but little." On his return to Wittenberg he gave an account of the remainder of his journey to Spalatin, May 18th : " At length, by the favour of Christ, I have M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 213 returned to my home, dear Spalatin, and arrived at Wittenberg the Sabbath after Ascension-day. Though I went on foot, I returned in a carriage. For I was compelled by my superiors to ride with the Niirembergers to Wurzburg; thence with the Erfurt brethren .to that place ; and from Erfurt with the brethren from Eisleben, who, at their own charges, and with their own horses, conveyed me to Wittenberg. I was quite well all the way, my food agreeing with me marvellously, so that some think I have grown more fat and corpulent. "The Count Palatine (at Heidelberg) and Simler, and Hase, masters of the palace, received me with great honour. The count invited us, that is, Stau- pitz, Lange, now provincial vicar, and myself, to his palace, where we rejoiced and were made merry in each other's company, eating and drinking and see- ing all the adornments and weapons of war which beautify that regal and truly noble castle. Simler could not enough extol the letter of our prince given for me, saying, ' Those are most precious credentials which you have.' Indeed, nothing of humanity was wanting. "The learned doctors willingly suffered my dis- putation, and disputed with me so courteously as to make themselves very dear to me. Although my theo- logy seemed strange to them, they argued against it honourably and acutely ; save one young doctor, who made the whole audience shout with laughter when he said, 'If the peasantry should hear that, they would stone thee to death.' "To the Erfurt doctors my theology was a bitter pill, especially to Jodocus of Eisenach. ... I had a conference with him, and made him to understand at least as much as this, that he could never esta- 214 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. Wish his own positions, nor confute mine. . . With doctor Usingen, as I rode with him, I laboured more than with all the rest, in order to convince him, but know not whether it had any effect. I left him cogitating and wondering." These two men, it will be recollected, were Lu- ther's principal teachers at the university. In a pre- vious letter to Lange, he sent a friendly salutation not only to father Usingen, but to father Nathin, his former enemy, and the chief agent in producing the misunderstanding between Luther and the Univer- sity of Erfurt. This magnanimity and love of bro- therly concord are noble traits in the character of the bold and stern reformer. In the midst of all these cares and tumults, Lu- ther was active in raising the literary character of the university. He at first introduced the study of the Bible; next he endeavoured to banish the scho- lastic philosophy. Now he was active in introducing the study of Hebrew and Greek, and promoting the Latin. He looked out new professors, laid new plans of study before the elector through Spalatin, and counteracted the parsimonious views of Pfeffin- ger, the financial minister of state. Leipsic, espous- ing warmly the cause of Tetzel and of the pope, was more than ever the jealous rival of Wittenberg. "Our studies," says Luther, March 21, "are ad- vanced so much that we expect soon to have lectures in both languages, [Latin and Greek,] or rather in three, [by adding the Hebrew,] in Pliny, in mathe- matics, in Quintilian and some others of the best sort, giving up the puerile lectures on Peter of Spain, Tartaretus [of France] and Aristotle. The elector hath already signified his approval, and the council have the subject under consideration." JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 215 On the 18th of May, he writes to Spalatin, "I hope and pray you will not be unmindful of our university, that is, that you will be zealous in esta- blishing a Greek and a Hebrew professorship. I suppose you have seen the programme of lectures at Leipsic, our rival as ever. Many are there pomp- ously announced which I do not believe will ever be delivered." The measures here referred to led first to a negotiation with Mosellanus, and then, that failing, to the appointment of young Melanc- thon, as professor of Greek. On the 30th of May, 1518, Luther wrote two letters of great historical value, the one to Staupitz, the other to Leo X. ; the former giving an account of the gradual change his mind underwent on the subject of indulgences; the other stating the rise, character and progress of the outward controversy. In the letter to Staupitz, he says : "I remember, reverend father, that among those most delightful and profitable conversations of yours wherewith the Lord Jesus used wonderfully to comfort me, men- tion once happened to be made of the word repent- ance. Being distressed for the consciences of many, by reason of the manner wherein those murderers of the conscience taught the duty of confession, by countless and intolerable precepts, I heard from you, as if by a voice from heaven, the declaration that ' there is no true repentance, save that which beginneth with the love of righteousness and of Godj that what these men make the end and completion of repentance is rather the beginning thereof.' Those words of yours stuck to me like a sharp arrow of a strong archer. I afterward compared them with those passages of Scripture which teach repent- ance, and how sweetly did they all play in and 216 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. agree with this opinion. Formerly there was in all the Bible scarcely a word more bitter to me ; now none sounds more sweetly or agreeably to my ears than the word repentance. At a later time, I learned, by the help of those scholars who made us acquainted with G-reek and Hebrew, that the Greek word for repentance, signified ' thinking of a fault after it was done,' . . . and, as I proceeded farther in the knowledge of the Greek tongue, I perceived that it also signified ' a change of mind.' . . . Being con- firmed in these opinions, I made bold to consider those as false teachers who imputed so much of repentance to [outward] works, making it of little account be- yond certain satisfactions and scrupulous confes- sions. . . . When my mind was kindling into a blaze with these meditations, behold, all of a sudden, a new trumpet of indulgences and of pardons was sounded, or rather rung with a loud clangour in our ears, whereby we were not summoned to war, but .... these heralds proclaimed, with great pomp and in a manner unheard of before, not repentance, nor even the weakest part thereof, satisfactions, but the remission of this weakest part. Moreover did they teach ungodly, false and heretical doctrines with such authority, (I should say, audacity,) that if any one muttered a word against it, he was straightway a heretic, devoted to the flames, and worthy of eternal malediction. Not able to sus- tain their fury, I determined to dissent from them modestly, and to call into doubt their opinions, standing upon the doctrine of all the teachers of the whole church, viz. that it is better that the satisfactions be performed than that they be remitted, that is, released by indulgence. Nor did any one ever teach otherwise. Thus I took up M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 217 the disputation, that is, stirred up against my un- lucky head every thing, top, bottom and midst, so far as it was in the power of these persons, who are so zealous for money, or as they will have it, for souls. These gentle creatures, resorting to base sleights, inasmuch as they could not dispute what I had said, set up the pretence that the power of the pope was impugned in my disputations. This, re- verend father, is the cause of my now coming un- happily before the people. I always wished rather to be in a corner, and would now much sooner look at the august spectacle of the great men of our age than become myself an object of the public gaze. But I see it is needful for the chick-weed to be with the pot-herbs, and the dark colour with the light, to set off the charm by contraries. I pray you, therefore, receive these trifles of mine, and send them forward as speedily as may be to Leo X., that they may appear there as my defence against my ma- lignant foes. Not that I wish to draw you into my perils. I desire that the perils be mine alone. Christ will know whether these things which I have said are his or mine. ... As to those threats, I have no- thing to reply to my friends but the words of Reuch- lin, ' He that is poor hath nothing to fear, for he hatb nothing to lose.' I have nothing, and I desire nothing. If I enjoyed any good name or honour, this they are now fast destroying. But one thing remains, that is, my frail body, already weak and decayed by constant sufferings. If, by the will of God, they should destroy this by violence or fraud, why, they will only make me poorer by a few hours of my life. Enough for me is my sweet Redeemer and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, and his praises will I sing as long as I live. If any one will not sing with me, what is that to 19 218 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. me ? Let him bark, if he please, by himself. The Lord Jesus Christ preserve you evermore, my dear- est father." The letter addressed to Leo, at the same time with the above, accompanying the Proofs and Expla- nations of the Theses, is important as determining Luther's views of the papacy and of Leo at this period, views which he soon had occasion to change. "I have heard," says he, "the worst account, most blessed father, touching myself, namely, that cer- tain friends have made my name most odious to you and yours, as of one who was labouring to diminish the authority and power of the keys and of the supreme pontiff; and that I am called a heretic, an apostate, a traitor, and a thousand other ignominious names. These things shock and amaze me; one thing only sustains me, a sense of innocence. But this is nothing new. Even here in my own coun- try I am honoured with such tokens by these men of honour and truth, I mean these conscience-smitten men, who strive to heap their monstrous crimes upon me, and, by my ignominy, to cover their own. But, most blessed father, condescend to hear the whole matter from me, a child and rude though I be. The jubilee of apostolic indulgences began to be proclaimed here not long ago, and was carried on in such a sort, that the preachers thereof, employing the terror of your name, thought there were no bounds to their license, and presumed to teach openly things the most blasphemous and heretical, to the great scandal and contempt of ecclesiastical authority, as if the decretals touching the abuses practised by preachers of indulgences had nothing to do with them. Not satisfied with scattering their joison by their licentious tongues, they published JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 219 tracts and dispersed them among the . people, in which, to say nothing of the insatiable and unex- ampled avarice flowing forth at every letter and point, they repeated those blasphemous and here- tical declarations, and bound the confessors with an oath to enjoin the same most faithfully and earnestly upon the people. I speak nothing but the pure truth, which cannot be concealed from the light. The books themselves are extant, and they cannot deny these things. They have carried on their business with great effect, and with their false promises they have drained the purses of the people, and, as the prophet saith, ' plucked the flesh from their bones/ themselves the meanwhile faring most sumptuously. " To stay the public scandal, they have resorted to the terror of your name, to the menace of the flames, and to the ignominy of heresy. It is incredible how bent they are on using these weapons, where- soever their opinions, even in the very least mat- ters, are called in question. This, however, is not so much quenching public scandal as it is stirring up schisms and seditions by deeds of tyranny. At the same time, tales concerning the avarice of the priests, and detraction in respect of the power of the keys and of the supreme pontiff", were going from mouth to mouth in the taverns, as the voice of the whole land giveth witness. I burned, I con- fess, with zeal for Christ, as it seemed to me, or with youthful heat, if any one please j but perceived that it did not belong to me to do or decide any thing in this matter. Accordingly, I admonished pri- vately a few of the dignitaries of our church. Some received what I said, some did ridicule ; some one thing, and some another ; for they were terrified by 220 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. the use made of your name, and by the threat of the inquisition. At length, when I saw I could do nothing else, I thought it best to arraign them gently, that is, to make their dogmas a matter of doubt and of debate. Therefore, did I publish a disputation, inviting only the learned to discuss the subject with me, if they chose. This my enemies may know, as it standeth in the prefatory words at the head of the propositions. "Behold, this is the conflagration whereof the whole world complain, indignant, perhaps, that I, a master of theology by your authority, should, after the custom of all the universities and of the whole church, have the right to dispute in a public school, not only on indulgences, but .... on incompara- bly greater things By what unlucky chance it is, that these particular propositions of mine, more than all others, either of my own or of any teacher, should go forth into nearly all the earth, I am at a loss to know. They were set forth here for our use alone, and how they should come to everybody's knowledge is incredible to me. They are not doc- trines or dogmas, but matters of debate, stated, according to custom, obscurely and enigmatically. Could I have foreseen the result, I would assuredly have taken care to make them more plain and clear. But what shall I do ? Recall them I cannot ; and yet I see that their notoriety bringeth upon me great odium. ... In order, then, to soften my ad- versaries, and to gratify many friends, I send forth 'these trifles, [Proofs, &c.] to explain my theses. For the greater safety, I let them go forth, most blessed father, under your name, and under the shadow of your protection. Here, all who will may see how sincerely I honour the ecclesiastical JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 221 power and reverence the keys ; and also how basely I am reproached and belied by my enemies. If I were such as they would make me to be, if those things were not all proposed for the sake of debate, it would be impossible that the illustrious elector should allow such a pestilent thing in his univer- sity, being, as he is, a vehement lover of the catho- lic and apostolical doctrine, or that I should be borne with, by the acute and zealous teachers in our university. But I speak to no purpose ; for these gentle spirits do not stick at covering with the like infamy the elector and the university. Wherefore, most blessed father, I cast myself, with all I am and have, prostrate at your feet. Save or slay, call or recall, approve or disapprove, as it shall best please you; I will acknowledge your voice as the voice of Christ presiding and speaking in you. If I am worthy of death, I refuse not to die ; for the earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; blessed be his name, and may he keep you evermore. Amen." A course of events was rapidly hastening on which was destined to shake Luther's confidence, both in the bishop and in the church of Rome. Eck had circulated extensively, though privately, his manu- script comments, or "Obelisks," on Luther's theses. The latter sent his "Asterisks," also privately, as a reply. Carlstadt, in the mean time, made a public answer. Eck professed to regret the course things were taking, and Scheurl, a friend of both, undertook to mediate between him and Luther. The following is Luther's reply : " What you desire in behalf of our Eck, my dearest Christopher, would not have needed the mediation of such a friend, if the matter were still open, and he had been before- hand with you in writing of his letters. My suspicion 19* 222 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. that Eck's heart was turned away from me, is much increased for the reason, that, after all the opprobrious words heaped upon me by him, though privately, he never communicated with me on the subject, either in writing or by word of mouth. Now, as Carl- stadt's Positions are already published, though with- out my consent or knowledge, I know not what can be done by either of them. Sure I am, that I hold the man's good parts in great esteem, and his learn- ing in admiration ; and what has taken place, I tes- tify to you, moves me to grief, rather than to anger. On my part, I have written him the kind and friendly letter which you will herewith receive and can read. Not only for your sake am I reconciled, but on account of the confession made by him, though not to me, that his notes have been sent forth by the fraud or malice of others. Therefore, both you and he have me in your power in this matter. Only see that he do not answer our Carl- stadt too sharply. Let him remember that it was his fault that these evils should spring up among friends. As my Asterisks were given out only pri- vately, there is no need of his answering them if he do not choose. But if he desires to rejoin, I stand ready for either event, though I should choose peace." Before advancing to the correspondence relating to Luther's citation to appear for trial at Rome, and his actual appearance at Augsburg for that purpose, it will be convenient to advert to some other parti- culars connected with his present situation and oc- cupations, equally illustrative of his character and of his feelings at the present juncture. June 4, he wrote to Spalatin : " I pray you, my dear Spalatin, to take it patiently, that I am so M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 223 slack and negligent in writing to you. I am not able to perform half the business which is unex- pectedly and fast increasing upon my hands. Peter Mosellanus was here not long ago, and is content to accept the conditions and begin his duties [at Wit- tenberg] as professor of Greek ; and he desired me to write unto you to that effect. I promised to write, which I now do, not knowing whether there had been any negotiating between you. It will re- main for you to do in this matter as God shall give you knowledge and ability. . . . John Tetzel hath written against my German discourse a treatise in German, a singular witness and herald of his igno- rance. I will hold the light to it, so that all may see what it is." For reasons not known, the negotiations with Mo- sellanus were broken off, and Reuchlin was consulted, who recommended Melancthon as professor of Greek ; and in August he was on the ground, thencefor- ward the second great pillar of the Reformation. June 29, he writes again to the same : " I am not angry, most excellent Spalatin, that those men say the worst things of me, or that they give out that the Proofs and Conclusions owe their origin to the elector. I only fear that this will be the occasion of stirring up enmity between such princes, espe- cially, if the Elector of Brandenburg should allow, by way of requital, any thing to take place like unto what we lately heard of him. " You ask me, how far I think dialectics useful to a theologian. I see not how they can be other- wise but hurtful. In the training and exercising the minds of the young, they may have their use ; but in sacred learning, where faith and heavenly illumi- nation alone are sought after, they ought to be left 224 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. behind, as Abraham, about to offer sacrifice, left the servants and asses behind." To his most intimate friend, Link, now in Nurem- berg, who, together with Scheurl, kept Luther in- formed of all that was going on in the south of Germany for or against the Reformation, Luther writes, July 10 : "I should have sent you, reverend father,* the Proofs of my Theses, but for the slack- ness of our printer, who himself feels ashamed of it. Eighteen of the conclusions [about one third of the book] were already printed, which I have endea- voured to have sent to you immediately. . . . Our vicar, John Lange, [chosen at the late meeting at Heidelberg,] who is here to-day, saith, he hath been warned by a letter from Count Albert of Mansfeld, to suffer me by no means to go from Wittenberg, [to Augsburg,] because some nameless persons of power are lying in wait to hang me or drown me. I am plainly that man of contention and discord men- tioned in Jeremiah, and do daily vex the Pharisees with new doctrines, as they are called, though I am conscious of teaching nothing but the purest theology. I have all along known that I should present an offence to the sanctimonious Jews, and folly to the most wise Greeks. But I hope that I am a debtor to Jesus Christ, who saith to me also, I will show him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake. For, if he doth not say this,- why hath he made me invincible in the ministry of this word ? Why hath he not taught otherwise than I preach ? Such was his holy will. The more men are enraged, the more confidence will I have. My wife and children are provided for, [he was then un- * Title as monk and theologian. JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 225 married.] My lands, houses, and goods are all set in order, [he was still a monk, and owned nothing.] My reputation and name are already torn and man- gled, and only a frail body remaineth. ... I know that the word of Christ from the beginning of the world hath been of such a sort, that he who would maintain it must, with the apostles, forsake and re- nounce all things, and stand in- waiting for death every hour. If it were not so, it would not be the word of Christ. It was purchased with death ; it was promulgated with death; it hath been maintained with death, and must be hereafter. Thus, our en- listing was to us an enlisting to blood. Pray that the Lord Jesus may increase and preserve this spirit in his faithful poor sinner." "I have lately preached before the people on the power of excommunication, wherein I have taken occasion to chastise the tyranny and ignorance of that most sordid horde of officials, commissaries and vicars. All cry out with wonder that they never heard such-like things. We are all aware what ills this will bring upon me; a new fire will be kindled. But so the word of truth is made a sign everywhere spoken against. I had desired to debate these mat- ters in a public disputation, but behold public rumour prevented, and stirred up so many of the great, that my Brandenburg bishop desired, through a noted messenger, that I would put off the disputation, which 1 have done, especially as my friends also ad- vised it. Behold, what a monster I am, whose every endeavour is intolerable ! Doctor Jodocus of Eise- nach hath sent me a letter, running over with the greatest ^cal, (for so must I mention with honour the most impassioned passion of this man,) far more bitter than that which you heard read before the chapter. 226 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. He said the same things openly to me in Erfurt. It excruciates even to madness these men that they must become fools in Christ; that our most eminent masters in all the world must be considered as hav- ing erred for so long a time." On the 7th of August, 1518, Luther received a formal citation to appear within sixty days at Rome for trial. Prierias, his opponent and bitter enemy, was appointed one of the judges by whom he was to be tried. All Luther's friends readily perceived that this was but a Romish trick to secure his destruc- tion. At that time the German diet was in session at Augsburg; the one at which Ulrich von Hutten published his attack upon Rome ; the last which the Emperor Maximilian ever attended. The Elector Frederic, with his secretary and counsellors, was there. On the following day, August 8th, Luther wrote thus, to Spalatin: "Now, my dear Spalatin, I greatly need your succour; or, rather, the honour of almost the entire university requireth it with me. What is wanted is, that you should use your power with the illustrious prince (the elector) and Pfeffin- ger, that he, the prince, and his majesty the emperor, procure a release for me, or permission to have my cause tried in Germany, as I have written to the elector. For I see how craftily and maliciously those murderous preachers are plotting my destruction. I would fain have written to Pfeffinger that he might, by his good offices and those of his friends, seek the same favour for me from the emperor and the elector. But this must be done without delay, for only a short time is allowed me, as you will see in this monster of a summons. Read it, with its hydra heads and portents. If you love me and hate iniquity, obtain the counsel and succour of the elec- JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 227 tor as speedily as possible ; and when you have done so, signify it to me, or rather to our reverend father Staupitz, who is either already with you at Augs- burg, or will be there soon. ... I beg you not to be anxious or cast down on my account. The Lord will, with the temptation, make a way of escape. To the dialogue of Silvester [Prierias,] which is indeed silvan and rustic, I am now making a reply. You shall have it entire, as soon as it is ready. This same sweet creature, my adversary, is also to be my judge; as you will see in the summons." On the 20th, he writes again: "The messenger whom I sent to our illustrious Prince Frederic hath not yet returned. I am, therefore, still waiting to learn what the Lord intendeth through you to do in my case. I have heard that the reverend Cardinal Cajetan is specially charged by the pope to use his endeavours to imbitter the emperor and the elector against me. [Happily the effort did not succeed.] So timid is the conscience of great pontiffs ; or rather such is the insufferable power of truth over deeds done in darkness. And yet I, as you know, my dear Spalatin, have no fear in all these things. Even if their flatte- ries or their authority should have the effect to ren- der me odious unto all, I have this left in my heart and conscience, that I know and confess that whatsoever I hold and they impugn, I have from Grod, to whom I cheerfully refer all and offer all. If he take them away, let them be taken away ; if he preserve them, let them be preserved; and let his name be hallowed and blessed for ever, Amen. I do not yet well see how lean escape that ecclesiastical censure which is pur- posed, unless the prince shall come to my aid. And, on the other hand, I would much rather be under perpetual censure, than have the prince suffer in his 228 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. good name on my account. As I have before offered myself, so believe and be assured I still hold myself ready for any thing you should wish, 01 think best. A heretic I will never be ; err I may in disputation. But I wish to decide no doctrine ; only, I am not willing to be the slave of the opinions of men. It seemeth best to our learned and prudent friends here that I should ask our prince, Frederic, for a safe-conduct through his dominions, and that he should refuse it, as I know he would, and that this should be urged as my reason and excuse for my not appearing in Home." It was in the very midst of these transactions, and before any thing was agreed upon between the elec- tor, the emperor, the cardinal and the pope, in respect to Luther's trial, that the latter was cheered by the accession of a brilliant young man to the university and to the circle of his particular friends; who, from that time, enjoyed his confidence and supported him in his great work more than any other individual. Nothing could have been more advantageous or more opportune than this event. At the time when the timidity of Staupitz was beginning to cause him to withdraw from Luther, and when the mature and learned Carlstadt began to betray a want of tact in the management of affairs, Melancthon was sent by Providence, with his winning and amiable character; with his varied, elegant and profound learning; with his clear, philosophic views, his sincere piety and warm friendship, to take his stand by the side of Luther, and join him as his truest and ablest associate in fighting out the battle of truth. When the negotiations with Mosellanus, in respect to the Greek professorship, were broken off, in July, 1518, the elector applied to Reuchlin, then residing JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 229 at Stuttgard, to recommend two professors, one for the Greek and one for the Hebrew language. Reuchlin re- commended Melancthon for the former, and CEcolam- padius for the latter. Melancthon was at that time twenty-one years of age, and was temporarily occu- pying the chair of rhetoric at the University of Tubingen, but a few miles from Reuchlin's house. Being the grandson of Reuchlin's sister, the young Melancthon had been carefully educated under his direction. He distinguished himself by his rapid acquisitions in the Latin school of Simler at Pforz- heim. At Heidelberg, where he entered the univer- sity at the age of twelve, he acquired the reputation of being the best Greek scholar. At Tubingen, to which, at the end of two years after having taken his first degree, he resorted, and where he spent six years in laborious study, he made such extensive and various acquisitions in learning as to stand prominent above all the youths of the university. Destined, as he was, to be the " preceptor of Germany," it was well that his range of study at Tubingen was very wide. Proceeding from the Latin and Greek, as from a common centre, he extended his studies to history, rhetoric, logic, mathematics, philosophy, theology, law, and even to the leading medical writers, and attended lectures on all these subjects. He not only warmly espoused the cause of Reuchlin, as the representative of Greek and Hebrew literature, and its persecuted but victorious defender against the ignorant Dominican monks of Cologne, but he made himself familiar, even from boyhood, with the New Testament, in the original a copy of which, received as a present from Reuchlin, he always carried about his person. Reuchlin, in his reply to the elector, said he knew of no German who was Melancthon' a 20 230 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. superior, except it be Erasmus of Rotterdam. July 24, 1518, Reuchlin wrote to his young kinsman : "I have received a letter from the elector, offering you a place and a salary; and I will apply to you the promise of God made to Abraham : ' Get thee out of thy country, &c.; and I will make thee a great na- tion ; and I will bless thee, and make thee a great name, and thou shalt be blessed.' So I prophesy of thee, my dear Philip, who art my care and my comfort." He went by way of Augsburg, in order to see the elector there before he should leave the diet, then in session. On leaving Augsburg, Melancthon pro- ceeded to Nuremberg, where he made the acquaint- ance of Pirkheimer and Scheurl, and then pursued his way to Leipsic, where he saw the young Greek pro- fessor Mosellanus, and on the 25th of August, 1518, reached Wittenberg. Luther's joy, on learning what an acquisition was made to Wittenberg in this re- markable young man, was great; and never had he occasion to abate his admiration. In the very next letter after the one last quoted from him, under date of August 31, he writes to Spalatin, still in Augs- burg with the elector: "As touching our Philip Melancthon, be assured all is done, or shall be, which you desire in your letter. He pronounced an [in- augural] oration on the fourth day after his arrival here, [in which he set forth the new method of study in contrast with the old scholastic method,] full of learning and force, meeting with such favour and admiration in all, that you may now leave off all anxiety in commending him unto us. We soon lost the feeling produced by his [small] stature and [his weak bodily] frame; and now we do wonder and re- joice at that which we find in him, and thank the JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. illustrious prince and yourself for what you have done. You have need, rather, to inquire in what study he may render himself most acceptable to our prince. With his consent and approval, I would choose that Philip be made Greek professor. I only have fears that his feeble health will not abide the severity of our climate. I hear, furthermore, that he receiveth. too small a stipend, so that the men at Leipsic are hoping to get him away from us. He was beset by them on his way to this place." September 2, he writes to the same, informing him that the students, now eagerly pursuing the new studies and hearing, by way of preference, lectures on the Bible and the ancient languages, complain that, before receiving their degrees, they are required to attend useless courses of lectures on scholastic theology. Luther and his friends desired that those studies be made optional, and that persons be admitted to the degrees in theology on passing a regular examination on the new branches of study introduced by him, Melancthon and others. He closes by saying, " I commend unto you heartily the most Attic, the most erudite, the most elegant Me- lancthon. His lecture-room is full, and more than full. He inflameth all our theologians, highest, lowest and midst, with a love of Greek." On the 9th of the same month, he writes to Lange : "The very learned and most Grecian Philip Melanc- thon is professor of Greek here, a mere boy or strip- ling, if you regard his age, but one of us if you con- sider the abundance of his learning and his know- ledge of almost all books. He is not only skilled in both languages, [Latin and Greek, then a rare thing,] but is learned in each. Nor is he wholly ignorant of Hebrew." After going to Augsburg, whither he 232 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. resorted for reasons soon to be given, he wrote to Melancthon himself, under date of Oct. 11 : "There is nothing new or strange here, saving that the whole city is filled with the rumour of my name, and everybody is eager to see the new Herostratus that has kindled such a conflagration. Concerning yourself, go on in your manly course, as you have begun. Teach the youth right things. I give my- self up to be sacrificed for them and for you, if it be the will of God. I will sooner perish, and, what is most grievous, for ever lose your delightful converse, than recall what hath been rightly said, and become the occasion of extinguishing good learning. Italy is covered with Egyptian darkness, together with those sottish and yet savage enemies of letters and of study. They neither know Christ nor the things of Christ; and yet they are our lords and masters both in matters of faith and of morals." WE must now resume our narrative in respect to Luther's summons and trial. So far was Luther from being terrified at the threatening aspect things were beginning to wear at Rome, that he published a bold reply to Prierias. At the close, he says, " Behold the answer I make you, hastily and within the space of two days, because what you have brought forward against me appeared so trifling. ... If you wish to rejoin, see that you bring your Thomas upon the arena a little better equipped; otherwise you will not get off so easy as you have this time. I have put myself in check, lest I should render evil for evil." Such language did he venture to hold to an adversary now his judge ! The nature and ex- tent of his Christian courage are well portrayed in a letter to Staupitz, Sept. 1. "Do not doubt," he writes, " my reverend father, that I shall maintain JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. my freedom in examining and expounding the Scriptures. Neither the summons nor the threats given out shall move me. I suffer, as you know, incomparably worse things, [spiritual conflicts,] which make me regard those temporal and momentary thunderings as trifles. Still, I sincerely regard ec- clesiastical authority. . . . If Silvester [Prierias,] that silvan sophist, shall go on, and provoke me fur- ther with his scribblings, I shall not play with him again, but giving loose reins to my mind and pen, will show him that there are in Germany men who understand his Koman arts. ... I see that attempts are made at Rome that the kingdom of truth, i. e. of Christ, be no longer the kingdom of truth. They continually ply their rage to hinder truth from being heard and entertained in its own proper kingdom. But I desire to belong to this kingdom, if not truly, as I should, in life, truly at least with my tongue and heart, renewed, albeit, and making true con- fession. I learn from experience that the people are sighing for the voice of their Shepherd, Christ, and the youth are burning with wonderful zeal for the sacred oracles. A beginning is made with us in reading of Greek. We are all giving ourselves to the Greek for the better understanding of the Bible. We are expecting a Hebrew teacher, aud the elector hath the business in hand." Meanwhile the elector, still at Augsburg, was using his influence with the emperor and with the papal legate, that Luther might receive his trial iu Germany. Sept. 9, Luther writes to Lange : " The illustrious prince hath written unto me, that he hath persuaded the legate, Cajetan, to write to Rome, ask- ing that my cause may be tried within the country; and that I must wait for the answer. I have hopes. 20 234 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. therefore, that the ecclesiastical censure will be with- holden. But I am offensive to many, more, most." Nevertheless the cardinal, without waiting for any new instructions from Rome, agreed that Luther should appear before him at Augsburg, at the close of the diet. Of the character and conditions of that trial, however, nothing was decided. The elector and many other members of the diet had left the place before Luther's arrival. The latter, happy to learn that he was released from the obligation to appear at Rome, readily complied with the request to present himself before the papal legate at Augs- burg. He set out on foot, availing himself of the hospitality of the cloisters that lay in his route. He reached Weimar, Sept. 28, and on the following day, which was a great festival, he preached in the chapel attached to the palace, and touched upon the character of the bishops, who, instead of appearing in the form of servants of the church, acted the part of lords and tyrants. The treasurer of the monks at Weimar, by the name of John Kestner, ap- proached Luther, and expressed great solicitude in respect to the result of the step he was about to take. " Oh, my dear doctor," said he, " the Italians are very learned people. I fear you will not be able to gain your cause with them, and they will put you to the flames." Luther replied, " With nettles I could bear ; but with fire it would be rather too hot. Dear friend, pray to our Lord God in heaven with a paternoster for me and for his dear Son, whose is my cause, that he would show mercy. If he will maintain my cause, let it be maintained ; if he has not a mind to maintain it, then I will not maintain it ; I will let him see to that." From this place he was sent forward by the elector, who furnished him SL. 34.] INDULGENCES. 235 with many important letters to those who were to be his counsellors and protectors at Augsburg. A few miles before reaching the place, he was so ex- hausted that he was obliged to take a carriage. He had also borrowed a robe of his Nuremberg friend Link, that he might appear the more respectably before the great men at Augsburg. Three days after his arrival, he wrote to Spalatin : "I arrived, my dear Spalatin, at Augsburg on St. Mark's day, Oct. 7. We were very much wearied ; I especially was almost consumed by the journey, being exhausted from a disordered stomach. But I have re- covered. This is the third day since my arrival, and I have not yet seen the most reverend legate. I sent to him, on the first day, Doctor Link and another to announce my arrival. In the mean while, my good friends here have been diligent in procuring for me a safe-conduct from the emperor and the senate [of Augsburg.] By the authority of our illustrious prince, they are all very kind unto me and careful of my wants. Although the reverend cardinal legate promiseth to use all lenity, [he had made such a promise to the elector,] yet my friends are not willing that I should put any trust in him. They take upon themselves to exercise their own prudence and diligence in this matter. For they know that, whatsoever he pretendeth outwardly, he is inwardly very bitter against me. I have had the same thing hinted, in no obscure manner, from other quarters. To-day I shall go unto him, and seek my first audience, and see him face to face. What will be the issue, I know not. Some think it a good omen for my cause that the Cardinal Gurk is absent ; others, that the emperor himself is absent, though the latter is not far away, [engaged in the chase,] 236 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. and his return is daily expected. The Bishop of Augsburg is also absent from the city. Yesterday I dined with Dr. Conrad Peutinger, and a better citizen and man I have never seen. He is most of all engaged in my interest, and other senators are scarcely less so. Whether the reverend legate is afraid of me, or is cherishing a monster,* I do not know. Yesterday he sent unto me the orator of Montferrat, who told me not to visit the legate with- out first having a conference with himself. It is thought by all, that he came by the legate's order. With many words, and, as he saith, 'judicious coun- sels/ he endeavoured to persuade me to submit forth- with to the legate, and to return to the church by recanting my hard speeches, at the same time pro- posing to me the example of Joachim, Abbot of Florence, who, by such means, though he had said heretical things, escaped from being a heretic. Then the sweet creature wished me to abstain from giving the reasons for what I had said. ' Dost thou wish to break a lance ?' said he. To be short, he is an Italian, and will always be an Italian. . . . He went on to make the most absurd declarations, and ac- knowledged openly that it was right to preach what was false for the sake of a good profit, as he called it, and filling the purse. . . . But I dismissed this Sinon, [who deceived the Trojans in regard to the wooden horse,] who had so little of the Grecian cunning, and he went his ways. Thus I am in sus- pense between hope and fear; for this unapt medi- ator hath inspired me with no little confidence." Luther goes on to mention that he had engaged Rossenstein, of Ingolstadt, as professor of Hebrew, * Secretly favouring a bad cause. M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 237 and provided for his travelling expenses to Witten- berg ; that Staupitz had written that he would be at Augsburg as soon as he should know that Luther was there ; that the orator of France had left Augs- burg, but not without leaving a signal proof of his regard for him ; that the golden rose was sent to the elector by the pope, and " salutes all his Wit- tenberg friends, and wishes them prosperity, whether he returns to them or not." The letter to Melanc- thon, written about the same time, has been already given above. October 15, he wrote again to Spalatin: "I am not minded, my dear Spalatin, to write to our illus- trious prince. You, therefore, who are familiar with him, receive my communication, and signify it to him. The legate hath treated with me, or rather against me, now for the space of four days ; having before promised our illustrious prince that he would act a kind and fatherly part, but, in truth, doing every thing by inflexible power alone. He was loth to have me debate the matters in dispute with him publicly; nor was he willing to discuss them with me privately. His replies were all of this one tenor: 'Recant; acknowledge your error ; the pope will have it so, and not otherwise, whether you will or not,' and such like. ... At length, overcome by the entreaties of many, he consented that I should give my reasons in writing ; which I have done this day, in the presence of the elector's minister, Fe- litzsch, who brought to mind the- prince's request. At length the paper was rejected with disdain, and my revocation loudly demanded ; and with a long rehearsal from the fables of Aquinas, he seemed to conquer and silence me. I essayed a dozen times to say a word, and he chopped in upon me as many LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. times with thundering tones, and reigned alone." Luther finally said to him, " If you will prove your point even from those papal decrees you have been reading, I will revoke as you desire." "And now such airs and such laughter ! He suddenly seized the book, read eagerly and out of breath/' till he came to a certain passage, when Luther stopped him, and said, "This expression teacheth just the contrary of what you assert. My conclusion is, therefore, right." " He being confused, and yet not wishing to appear so, prudently dashed off upon another matter. But I eagerly and not very reverently interrupted him, and said : ' Let not your reverence suppose that the Germans are ignorant of grammar, too.' . . . His confidence deserted him ; and as he cried out, ' Recant/ I left him, he meanwhile saying / Go, and return not to me, till thou art willing to recant.' " What is here thrown together took place at differ- ent times, as will appear from the following. Luther had received the imperial safe-conduct on Monday, the llth of October. On Tuesday, in com- pany with Frosch, prior of the Carmelite convent, with whom he lodged, two other brethren of the same order, and Link, and another Augustinian monk, he had proceeded to the legate, with whom he found the apostolical nuncio and the orator Urban, above mentioned. According to instructions previously received, Luther prostrated himself upon his face before the legate. When the latter bade him rise, he rose first upon his knees, and afterward upon his feet. Meanwhile, a throng of curious Italians had crowded into the room, in order to see the fearless monk. After acknowledging that he was the author of the theses, and saying, that he was willing to be instructed if he had erred, the legate required him &. 34.] INDULGENCES. to confess his errors, and promise to drop them, and no more trouble the church. The errors were chiefly two, the denial that the merits and sufferings of Christ are the treasure of the church, and the asser- tion that faith was necessary in order to partake of the holy communion. Here ensued the discussion mentioned in the foregoing letter. On returning to his lodgings at night, he found Staupitz there, hav- ing just arrived from Salzburg, his present residence. On Wednesday, Luther proceeded again to the car- dinal's house, accompanied by Staupitz, the three imperial counsellors, Auerbach, Peutinger and Lan- genmantel, and by Felitzsch, and desired permis- sion to reply, in writing, to any errors which might be imputed to him ; and this, after a long discus- sion, in which Staupitz took part, was granted. On Thursday, he came again with Felitzsch, the elec- tor's minister, and Dr. Riihel, and presented a full reply in writing, in which he resolutely maintained the two positions complained of, and showed the heresy of the contrary view. This was the paper which the legate threw aside in contempt ; and then it was that he was reduced to silence by Luther, who turned against him the very passage the legate was reading to prove his point. In the afternoon, the legate sent for Staupitz, and requested him to under- take the work of persuading Luther to renounce his heresy. But Staupitz replied, that he could not do it, as Luther was too strong for him in the Scrip- tures. He finally made the attempt, but when Lu- ther brought forward his passages of Scripture, and asked Staupitz to give any other interpretation of them, he confessed he could not, and concluded by saying to Luther : " Remember, dear brother, that thou hast taken this matter up in the name of 240 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. Jesus." The cardinal then agreed with Staupitz that he would point out the particular articles which Luther should retract. But the articles did not come, and Luther sent his friend Link to request that the points in dispute might be adjusted. The legate appeared friendly, said he did not regard Lu- ther as a heretic, and that he would not excommu- nicate him, unless he should receive further com- mand so to do from Rome, whither he had just sent a special messenger with Luther's reply. If Luther would but admit the single article on indulgences, he continued, the case might easily be disposed of, for the article on faith might admit of some expla- nation. "A. clear proof this," said Staupitz, on hearing it, " that Rome hath more care for money than for faith and salvation." It was the opinion of the various friends of Lu- ther, that Staupitz and Link should leave Augs- burg, and put no further confidence in these wily Italians ; and consequently they both went, though by different routes, to Nuremberg the same day. Luther remained all day, Saturday, without hearing from the legate; also the following Sunday, when he sent a very humble communication to Cajetan, saying, he had, in his excitement, been too violent and disrespectful toward the pope ; that it would have been better to have been more temperate, and not to have answered a fool according to his folly; that he would be silent in respect to indulgences, if the other party should be made to do the same. He would furthermore gladly renounce whatever his conscience would allow; but at no one's command, nor to please any one, could he violate his conscience. Having received no word in reply, he wrote again on Monday, saying, he was not conscious of neglect- JE. 34.] INDULGENCES. 241 ing any thing which belonged to him as a faithful son of the church ; he could not waste his time, nor be longer burdensome to the Carmelite monastery. Besides, the legate had forbidden him to appear again without a revocation. His friends had advised him to appeal from the pope misinformed to the pope better to be informed. Ecclesiastical censure he had not deserved ; neither did he stand in fear of it. By the grace of God he had reached to that point, that he feared excommunication less than he feared error. The legate, he hoped, would, before the pope, put a kind construction upon his depart- ure and upon his appeal. Luther remained Mon- day and Tuesday, and, as he heard nothing from the cardinal, his friends thought such silence no good omen, and, according to their advice, Luther left Augsburg, Wednesday, the 20th, on a horse which Staupitz had provided for him, and with a guide furnished him by the council. Langenmantel let him out of the city by a small gate by night. Luther, without suitable garments, that is, in a monk's robe, without boots, rode about forty miles the first day, and when he alighted from his horse at the stable at night, he was unable to stand, and fell down on the straw. In Grafenthal, half-way between Coburg and Jena, Count Albert of Mans- feld found him, and laughed heartily at the bare- footed and bare-legged rider, and made him his guest. Luther felt thankful for his safe return, respecting which he had been apprehensive. To Carlstadt he had written : " But whether I come back to you without injury or separation, or be banished to some other place, may you prosper and adhere to Christ, and exalt him without dismay or discouragement." 242 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. Still, with a single word, (revoco, I revoke,) he might, he assures us, have rendered himself most acceptable and beloved. "But," says he, "sooner than renounce that doctrine which has made me a Christian, will I die, be burned, banished and cursed." The very day he reached Wittenberg, Oct. 31, pre- cisely twelve months from the time he came out with his theses, he wrote to Spalatin : " To-day, my dear Spalatin, have I come, by the grace of God, safely to Wittenberg, not knowing, however, how long I shall abide here, for I am in a state of uncertainty between hope and fear." After saying that if his first appeal is without effect, he will make another to a general council, he adds, " I am full of joy and peace, so much so as to marvel that this my trial should appear a great matter to many notable men." At Nuremberg, on his way home, he saw, for the first time, the papal brief and other instructions given to Cajetan, by which it appeared he was already con- demned, unless he renounced his errors. He was greatly incensed at this "apostolical, or rather dia- bolical brief." "It is incredible that a thing so monstrous should come from the chief pontiff, espe- cially from Leo X. ... If, in truth, it did come forth from the Roman court," he continues, "then I will show them their most licentious temerity and their most ungodly ignorance." He did, indeed, afterward publish that brief, with a cutting running commentary, in which, among other things, he says, " The best of all is, that the brief is dated August 23, and my citation was given August 7, leaving a space of but sixteen days What, then, becometh of the sixty days spoken of in my sum- mons ? [within which he was to appear for trial.] M. 34.] INDULGENCES. 243 Is this the fashion and custom of the Roman court, to cite, warn, accuse, judge, condemn and give sen- tence all on one and the same day; and that, too, when the person indicted is so far from Rome as to know nothing thereof? What answer will they make to this? Peradventure they forgot to clear their brain with hellebore before entering upon these acts of deception and fraud." In the same letter, quoted from above, Luther mentions that Frosch, prior of the Carmelite monas- tery at Augsburg, who had treated him "with in- credible liberality and kindness" during his stay there, was about to apply for the degree of doctor of divinity at Wittenberg. " He is worthy on sun- dry accounts," says Luther, "to be requited with a favour from us. By promise of the elector, as he saith, he expecteth a public dinner to be given unto him on occasion of that solemnity. I may rest well assured it will be so, if the elector hath promised it. All needful preparations will, without doubt, be made. See to it, then, that his expectation be ful- filled on our part with due honour." The elector seems either not to have had a distinct recollection of the promise, or to have found some difficulty in fulfilling it. Luther observes, not without chagrin, in a subsequent letter : " Lest a man so worthy of being honoured be dismissed without honour, we have had recourse to our own monastery, and shall provide the dinner at our own trouble. . . . But we are very poor, and there is already a multitude of us, so that we cannot, without difficulty, be at that expense. I pray you, therefore, to see that the prince furnish us with the wild fowl and venison." On the 18th of November, Luther, as dean of the theological faculty, conferred the degree. But Me- 244 LIFE OP LUTHER. ' [1518. lancthon, the young Greek professor, whom the heroic reformer had as yet seen but a few times, did not come to the dinner. Luther wrote him the same day the following facetious note, inviting him to sup- per: " To-day, you have despised me and the new doctor, which may the muses and Apollo forgive you. And I, though the affair was not altogether mine, myself forgive you. But unless you appear this time to meet Dr. Carlstadt, licentiate Amsdorf, and especially the rector, neither your Greek learn- ing, nor little brother Martin, as Cajetan calleth me, will excuse you. The new doctor jocoselysaithhe supposeth he, as a barbarian, is lightly esteemed by the Greek. Be careful what you do, for I have pro- mised that you will assuredly be present this time." As early as the 25th of October, Cajetan wrote to the Elector Frederic, complaining of Luther, and affirming that his teachings were contrary to those of the Roman see, and deserving to be condemned. 11 Your grace," he continues, " may believe me, for I speak the truth, from what I certainly know, and not from mere opinion." He then begs and exhorts the elector either to send Luther to Rome, or to banish him from the country. This letter was put into the hands of Luther, with the request that he would indicate what reply ought to be given. Luther took this opportunity to rehearse the whole course of the transactions with Cajetan ; to expose the unfair- ness of them, and to open the eyes of the prince more fully in respect to the chicanery practised by the Roman court. In this letter he says to the elec- tor : " In order that no evil may accrue to your grace on my account, a thing which .1 least of all desire, I purpose to forsake your dominions, and go wheresoever my gracious God will have me, and sub- M. 86.] INDULGENCES. 245 mit myself to his divine will, whatsoever may come." He wrote to Spalatin that he should regret to be ar- rested in his course at Wittenberg, not so much on his own account as on that of the university and the many excellent young men who were there, burning with zeal for a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. If he should be silenced, the turn would next come to Carlstadt and to the whole theological faculty. The university wrote to the elector, entreating him to interest himself especially in the cause of Luther. To his congregation Luther said, " I am, in these times, as you well know, an irregular preacher, hav- ing often gone away without taking leave of you. Should that ever take place again, I will now say farewell, in case I should not return." As Frederic was very reserved in regard to his opinion of Luther's course, and as the latter was desirous not only not to involve his prince in the controversy, but to enjoy more freedom for discussion than he supposed could be allowed him in Saxony, he seriously purposed retiring from his post, and seeking some other place of abode. Paris seemed to be the place of his choice, as he vainly imagined the defenders of the liberties of the Gallican church would sympathize with him. There was much con- sultation with Spalatin and other friends about the place and manner of retirement, and all things were arranged by Luther for a speedy departure, when suddenly, on the 1st of December, a letter came to him from the secretary Spalatin, which prevented the execution of the plan. December 2, he writes : " Had your letter not been received yesterday, my dear Spalatin, I had taken measures for my departure, and I still hold myself ready either to go or to remain. The con- 21* 246 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. cern my friends feel for me maketh me marvel, and is more than I can endure. Some have urged with great earnestness that I should give myself up as a captive to the elector, in order that he might take possession of me and keep me in custody, and then write to the legate that I was detained in safe keep- ing until I should render an account of my doings. What opinion ought to be entertained of this ad- vice, I leave to be decided by your wisdom. I am in the hands of God and of my friends. "It is certain that the elector is believed to be on my side. This I learn from a man who would as- suredly not deceive me. At the court of the Bishop of Brandenburg, the question was lately moved what my confidence was, in whose support I trusted. One replied, 'In Erasmus, Capito, and other learned men.' 'No/ said the bishop, 'these would have no weight with the pope. It is the University of Wittenberg and the Duke of Saxony that uphold him.' Thus I clearly see that the elector is thought to be with me, and this displeaseth me. The sus- picion he stands in as being joined with me will constrain me to withdraw, if any thing can have that effect, although the elector might say in his reply, that he is a layman, and doth not take upon him to judge in such matters ; and the more so, because he seeth that the university, which hath the approval of the church, is not against me. But you have no need of these my cogitations. If I remain here, I shall be hindered from saying and writing many things; if I go away, I shall open my whole mind, and offer up my life unto Christ." The pope resorted to another expedient in order to accomplish his purpose in respect to Luther. He appointed Miltitz, a Saxon by birth, now agent M. 35.] INDULGENCES. 247 of the elector at Home, as a nuncio to Germany, and fitted him out with a golden rose, a token of friendship given only to princes who were the pope's favourites. Miltitz was to unite with this flattering office that of making good what had been lost by Cajetan toward effecting a reconciliation. This undertaking of Miltitz, which from various causes was an entire failure, was a sort of interlude. The nuncio acted a shrewd part, and, but for Eck and other zealots, would probably have been successful. He avoided connection with Cajetan, who had be- come generally odious by his arrogance, and asso- ciated himself closely with Pfeffinger, the elector's minister. He demeaned himself as a subject of Frederic, admitted the justness of Luther's com- plaints against indulgences, and treated Luther with great consideration and tenderness. For a long time, he was received and treated with suspicion. Luther did not trust him. Still he induced Luther to make many important concessions, all that could possibly be made by him with a good conscience. When, in the beginning of the year 1519, the imperial throne became vacant, the pontiff was interested to exclude the house of Austria, already too powerful, from the succession, and secure the election of the King of France. Frederic's position, as one of the most in- fluential of the electors and as vicar of the empire, now rendered it necessary for the Roman see to change its haughty tone toward him, and conse-* quently Luther was left for several months com- paratively free. On the 9th of December, 1518, Luther wrote two letters to Spalatin, one in which he proposes a mode- rate reform in the university, by dropping one or two courses of lectures in the scholastic philosophy; the 248 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. other in which he speaks thus : " That which you, my dear Spalatin, direct me not to do [the publish- ing of his account of the interview with Cajetan at Augsburg] hath been already done. My rehearsal of those doings have been published, and I have used great liberty therein, and yet have come short of the whole truth. Herein, as well as in all other matters, I perceive that I must act without any delay. Yesterday I was given to understand from Nuremberg that Charles von Miltitz was on his way hither with three papal briefs, as it is on good au- thority said, for apprehending me and delivering me up to the pope. The Eisleben doctor, who, with Felitzsch, was present when I stood before the legate, hath given me warning through our prior to be on my guard. ... I have heard many such-like things which, whether they be true, or only given out in order to terrify me, must not, I think, go unheeded. Therefore, to the end they may not come upon me unawares and despatch me, nor, on the other hand, cast me down and overcome me by means of judg- ments passed against me, I hold myself in readiness for any event, and so await the will of God. I have made my appeal to a future council. The more they rage and have recourse to violence, so much the less am I terrified. I will one day be yet more bold against those Roman hydras. That which you have heard, namely, that I have taken leave of the people of Wittenberg, is not so. I only said, . . . ' If I should ever again suddenly leave you, I wish now to say farewell, in case I should not return/ " On the llth of the same month, he wrote to his friend Link in Nuremberg: "The report touching the three apostolical briefs, given unto Miltitz against me, hath come to my ears. Casper, [Aquila,] who M. 35.] INDULGENCES. had learned this from your letter, informed me of the same by a special messenger, in his over-anxiety for me. I send you my Transactions, written with more sharpness than the legate would like to see published. But my pen is already producing still weightier things. I know not whence these cogita- tions arise. This matter hath in my esteem hardly a beginning yet, so far is it from the end, which the great ones of Rome are looking for. I will send unto you my trifles, that you may see whether I rightly interpret the words of Paul in respect of antichrist, as referring to the court of Rome. I think I can plainly show that the Romans are even now worse than the Turks. ... I live in expecta- tion of the attempts of my murderers, whether from Rome or from any other quarter. I marvel that the excommunication tarries so long. . . . Our stu- dies are going actively on, and we are as busy as bees. Farewell. Greet all my friends, especially the preacher Sebaldinus, and the other master, but most of all Pirkheimer, Albert Diirer, and Christo- pher Scheurl, [the most influential men in Nurem- berg.] Eck wnteth that he is not altogether pleased nor altogether displeased with my reply to Prierias ; but he addeth a very sagacious and true clause, namely, that he well knoweth his opinion will not weigh much with me." Two days later, he wrote to Staupitz then in Salzburg, mentioning his safe return from Augsburg, and then proceeding to say : "The elector dissuaded me altogether from bringing out my account of the Augsburg Transactions; but at length he hath given his consent, and they are now in course of printing. In the mean season, the legate wrote [to him,] bit- terly accusing me and you and my associates, as ho 250 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1518. calleth them, complaining that I departed secretly from Augsburg, and that it was done in guile. He then counselleth the elector to send me bound to Rome, or to banish me from his dominions, in order that he bring not a foul spot upon his name for the sake of one little monk. He saith the cause will be sustained and prosecuted at Rome; that he himself hath written to the city, giving an account of my fraud, and that he hath washed his hands of the fault. The elector desired me to reply to that letter, in order that he might put my answer with his own, and send both to the legate. This have I done, and, as I think, in a satisfactory manner. The elector manifests much concern for me, but would choose I were somewhere else. He ordered Spalatin to call me to Lichtenburg, and to confer fully with me on the matter there. 1 told him, that if the ex- communication should come I would not continue here. He entreated me not to think of going to France. I am still waiting to learn his final deci- sion. As for you, my beloved father, farewell. Com- mend to Christ my soul alone. I see that these men have determined on my death; but Christ deter- mineth not to yield in me. Let, yea, let his holy and blessed will be done. Pray for me. . . . Our studies prosper well, save that there is a lack of time for our best lectures." To Reuchlin, the very next day, December 14th, Luther wrote the following spirited and magnificent letter. " The Lord be with you, most courageous man : I rejoice in the goodness of God which is manifested in yoXi, most erudite and most excellent sir, in that you have been able to stop the mouths of evil-speakers. Surely you were an instrument of the Divine will, though not knowing it yourself, yet JE. 35.] INDULGENCES. 251 longed for by all the lovers of a pure theology. Quite other things are accomplished by God than that which seemeth outwardly to be done through you. Of those who desired to be joined with you I was one; but I had no opportunity. Yet was I always most present with you in my prayers and wishes.. But now, that which was denied me when I would fain have been your fellow-labourer, is abundantly granted me as your successor. The teeth of that behemoth are now gnashing upon me, to repair, if possible, the dishonour received through you. I meet these men with much less of ability and learning, but not with less confidence than that wherewith you met and overcame them. They ab- stain from contending with me. They refuse to reply unto me, and have recourse to nothing else but force and violence. But Christ liveth, and I can lose nothing, because I possess nothing. By your firmness the horns of those bulls are not a little broken. This doth the Lord accomplish through you to the end that the sophistical tyrants may learn to be a little more tardy and moderate in resisting the truth; that Germany may draw breath again, and the teaching of the Scriptures be revived, which, alas ! have for so many centuries been not only kept down, but extinguished." He excused himself for writing so familiarly, by saying that his affection for him, and his knowledge of him both through com- mon fame and through his books, together with Melancthon's assurance that it would be kindly re- ceived, emboldened him thus to write. Reuchlin's dispute with the Dominican monks of Cologne was at first personal, and related to the value of Hebrew and Greek literature ; but it ended in dividing Ger- 252 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1518. many into two great parties, henceforth to be repre- sented by Luther and his opponents. In a letter to Spalatin, December 20, on the sub- ject of the elector's letter to Cajetan, Luther, among other things, says : " I have seen the excellent letter of our illustrious prince to the reverend legate. With what joy did I read that letter over and over again, which so aboundeth in Christian confidence, and is yet so wonderfully meek. I do only but fear that the Italians will not understand how much is meant under that humble attitude and form. They are a people, whose custom and use it is, both in their doings and in their writings, to set every thing forth with great ostentation and show. But they will, at least, see so much as this, that nothing which they have put their hands to seemeth to prosper. It cannot be otherwise but that they will be greatly displeased. Wherefore, I entreat you in the Lord, to thank the prince on my behalf, and show unto him how joyful and grateful I am. It hath all turned out well that he, [Cajetan,] who, a little while before, was but a poor monk like myself, did not fear to draw near to great potentates, [such as Frederic,] without showing them any honour or re- verence, and to threaten them, to command them, and to treat them as haughtily as he pleased. He may now know, though late, that the civil power is of Grod, and that the honours thereof may not be trodden in the dust, especially by one who hath re- ceived his own authority from only a man, [the pope.] It pleaseth me much, that in this matter the prince hath shown an impatience sopatient and prudent. The Lord own and acknowledge all this, whatsoever it be, as his." On the 27th of December, Miltitz reached Alten- JE. 35.] INDULGENCES. 253 burg, his head-quarters while in Saxony. Having learned the vile practices of Tetzel, and especially his squandering habits, he wrote to Leipsic, only twenty-seven miles distant, where that monk passed the remaining few months of his life, ordering him to appear at Altenburg, to give an account of his do- ings. We have the reply of Tetzel, preserved in full. Under date of December 81, 1518, he begins his letter thus : " Your excellency hath given me notice, that I am required to come to Altenburg, to hear somewhat in particular from you. Now, I would willingly undertake the labour of such jour- ney, if I could, without peril of life, go out of Leip- sic. For the Augustinian monk, Martin Luther, hath stirred up not only all the German estates, but even the kingdoms of Bohemia, Hungary, and Po- land against me, so that I am nowhere in safety." He complains of Luther's hostility and false accu- sations, particularly as made in the account which the latter had recently given of the transactions at Augsburg, "in which all the blame was cast upon Tetzel and his abettors ; and closes by saying, that he has already suffered very much for his fidelity to the pope, but will nevertheless continue to be faith- ful until death. He died not long after, in such wretchedness as to excite Luther's compassion, and draw forth from him a letter of Christian consola- tion. His death occurred during the Leipsic dispu- tation, on the 4th of July, the very day that Luther, but a few rods distant from Tetzel' s retreat, began his debate with Eck. Meanwhile, Luther had an interview with Miltitz,. at Altenburg, the first week in January, 1519. On the second day, he writes without date to the elector : "It is quite too much that your electoral and princely 22 254 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. grace should be so entangled in my affairs and trou- bles ; but as it is a thing of necessity, which Grod hath so ordered, I pray you accept it graciously. Yesterday, Charles von Miltitz set forth very earn- estly the discredit and dishonour done through me to the Roman see, and I promised to do, with all humility, what I could to make reparation. . . . First, I agreed to drop the matter, and let it die of itself, on condition that my adversaries do the same. For I think if they had let my writings pass, all should have been still, and the song ended, and the people weary of it long ago. Furthermore, I fear, if this course be not taken, but the strife go on either by violence or by disputation, something ill will come of it, and the play will turn out to be too much in earnest. Therefore, I think it best to let the matter end where it is. Secondly, I have pro- mised to write to his holiness the pope, submitting myself humbly to him, and acknowledging that I have been too heated and violent, though I did not intend thereby to harm the holy Roman church, but rather, as a true son of the church, to set myself .against blasphemous preaching, which brought the Roman church into contempt and reproach among the people. Thirdly, I consented to put forth an address, exhorting all to follow, obey and honour the Roman church, and to interpret my writings, not to the discredit, but to the honour of that church ; and I promised to confess in the same, that I have been too warm, and, perchance, out of season, in what I have said. . . . Fourthly, Master Spalatin, at the instance of Fabian, proposed to lay the matter in dispute before the most reverend Archbishop of Salzburg, by whose decision, to be made after con- sultation with learned men, I must abide, unless I &. 35.] INDULGENCES. 255 may choose to appeal from it to a future council. Perhaps, the jar may thus be stayed, and made quietly to pass away. But I fear the pope will not allow a judge, [to decide between him and me,] and I certainly will not allow the pope's authority. If, therefore, the first plan doth not work well, the play will be, that the pope will give the text, and I make the commentary. But that is not a thing to be wished. I have conferred with Miltitz thereon, who doubteth this will not be enough ; and yet did he not demand a recantation from me, but will take the proposal into consideration. If your grace thinketh I can do more, condescend, for the Lord's sake, graciously to show it unto me; for all pains taken to draw from me a retractation will nothing avail." To many it seems difficult to interpret these con- cessions in a manner that shall be honourable to Luther. His firmness seems almost to have de- serted him. But we must remember that his case, at that time, appeared almost desperate. He was unwilling to stand in such relations of dependence to the elector, or to involve him in the controversy. The result was very uncertain. The papal nuncio treated him with great kindness, and conceded nearly all that he had asserted, so that Luther would come off quite as well as the pope would. Besides, the concessions of Luther related to the Roman church, in the abstract, apart from the abuses of unworthy functionaries ; and for this church, so viewed, he never lost his reverence, nor did he ever adopt the theory of separation. Luther was always, and more particularly in the earlier and later parts of his life, a churchman, and therefore he could take the ground he did in this letter. Finally, 256 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. he refused to retract, and would confess little, except indiscretion in the manner he had written. And, after all, what if Luther was human, and was not always equally the saint or the hero ? What if the. transactions with the nuncio betrayed a weak point in the reformer in an hour of despondency and gloom ? Luther was not perfect, was not always consistent, nor always right either in his opinions or in his feel- ings. Far from it. The interview on Luther's part was somewhat of a diplomatic character. He distrusted the Roman courtier, though a Saxon by birth. He doubted whether the court of Rome would go so far as the nuncio believed. He wished to have it appear, in case of failure, that the fault was not his. And, moreover, he all the while entertained views and feelings which he thought it not best to betray either to the nuncio or to the elector. He was dealing with men of the court. In the freedom of confidential correspondence, Luther, in letters to various friends, unbosoms all his feelings and transient impressions. But with wonderful variety and adaptation to character, he imparts to his several correspondents only what their peculiarities would enable them to appreciate, and what would meet with their sympathy. To the elector he writes with reserve, but in a way adapted to win his confidence and affection, and speaks of transactions as they would be likely to affect his policy. To Spalatin, he writes as to a friend and a "theologian more fully and freely, but with the evi- dent expectation that it will, indirectly and on the most fitting occasions, and with suitable accompani- ments, reach the elector's ear. To Scheurl, he writes as to an intelligent statesman and warm friend, &. 35.] INDULGENCES. whom he highly respects, and whose influence in Nuremberg is of great importance to him. Through him, he is virtually addressing the south of Ger- many, and he does not forget that in the tone of his letters. To Egran, an independent and bold inno- vator or reformer in Zwickau, he writes as to a kin- dred spirit, and speaks right out without reserve. To Staupitz, he writes with affection and a delicate regard to his character and position, as a timid friend, whom he wishes to draw forth from his pa- pal connections and sympathies. All these things must be taken into the account, if we would rightly understand his letters. To Scheurl he writes, January 13, 1519 : " I have stolen from myself and from my labours this hour, and write, at last, to the intent that I may not seem unthankful for so many letters from you, or unwilling to reply. I, in all sincerity, thank you for the pure and true friendship whereby you lend me your counsels and show your solicitude for me. Gladly would I see the end of this turbulence, if my enemies were of the same mind. But they purpose, as I see, to compass their work, not by gentleness, but by power and violence. Hence, they daily stir up against themselves the more oppositions, and bring nothing to pass. That the upstir can never be put down by naked force, I well know. The trifles of Silvester [Prierias,] if they are indeed his, seem not to deserve a reply from me : they are pue- rile and womanly, nothing but the meanings of his grief. With Charles [Miltitz,] I have had a very friendly meeting, and it has been agreed, first, that utter silence on this subject shall be observed on both parts ; and, secondly, that by order of the su- preme pontiff, some German bishop shall point out 22* 258 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. the errors which I shall retract. But, except God interpose, nothing will be brought to pass, especially if they shall take in hand to force me with that new decretal, the which I have not yet seen. I have heard that it asserts the plenitude of [the papal] power, without bringing forward any 'support either from the Scriptures or from the canons. But this I would never grant to any decretal, even the most ancient. Who can tell what God intends to raise up through these monsters ! As touching myself, I am neither terrified nor desirous to hush the matter. I have in store many things, which could touch the Roman hydra, and which I would fain bring forth, if suffered to do so. But if God will not that I should have the liberty, the will of the Lord be done." What, in the dubious state of things then existing, could be said more adapted in any event to secure the confidence and continued respect of the friend who had evidently been advising him to a peaceful course ? How different the tone of his letter to Egran, who had already broken, on his own ac- count, with the Papists, or rather with the monks who had assailed Luther. It was written February 2, and begins thus: " Accept a brief notice, my dear Egran, of the present state of my affairs. Charles von Miltitz was sent unto our prince, armed with more than seventy apostolical briefs, given to this end, that he should bring me alive and bound to Rome, that murderous Jerusalem. But being laid prostrate by the Lord on the way, that is, being ter- rified by the multitude of those who favour me, after he had most carefully noted the estimation in which the people held me, he turned his violence into friend- ship, which was nothing but a pretence, and treated with me a long while to persuade me, for the honour JE. 85.] INDULGENCES. 259 of the church, to retract what I had said. To which I replied after this sort : ' Let the manner of retracting be determined, and the grounds of the error pointed out in such a manner that they would appear plain both to the common people and to the learned, lest a wrong retractation should stir up still greater hatred against Rome.' It was at length agreed by us, that the Bishops of Salzburg and Treves should be chosen, and that unto one of them the case should be re- ferred for decision ; and thus we parted as friends with a [Judas] kiss. For in his entreaties he shed tears. I, for my part, feigned not to understand those crocodile tears. Thus far hath the matter proceeded. What is now doing at Rome, I know not. Charles [Miltitz] said, there had not for a century been a cause which had given more trou- ble to that most odious herd of cardinals, and of Romanizing Romanists; that they would sooner give ten thousand ducats, than allow this matter to go on as it had begun." Here we perceive clearly, that Luther had no confidence in the nuncio's sin- cerity, but still thought it best to treat with him without appearing to comprehend his policy. In this way, Luther would either induce him to effect a relaxation of the severity of the pope, or make it appear to all the world that he himself was not in fault if the reconciliation was not effected. The following letter to Staupitz, written February 20th, will serve not only to illustrate the foregoing, but to throw light upon Luther's present relations to Staupitz, and upon the view they took of the course of events. "Though you are far from me, [at Salzburg, near the western boundary of Aus- tria,] reverend father, and keep silence, not writing to me as I had expected and desired, I nevertheless 260 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. will break the silence. I and all others are desirous to see you here in these regions. I suppose you have received my Transactions, that is, the ire and indignation of Rome. God hurries and forces me on instead of leading me. I am not master of my- self. While I desire to be quiet, I am driven into the midst of tumults. Charles Miltitz has seen me at Altenburg, and complained that I had drawn all the world away from the pope unto myself; that he had, on his journey, made observation and found that scarcely two or three out of five held with the Ro- man party. He was armed with seventy apostolical briefs for the purpose of carrying me captive to that murderous Jerusalem, that Babylon in purple, as I afterward learned from the court of the elector. When that device was given up in despair, he un- dertook to persuade me to retract, and thus to restore what I had taken away. On my asking to be in- structed as to what I should retract, it was agreed that the cause should be carried before certain bishops. I made mention of the Archbishop of Salzburg, Treves, and Freisingen. At evening I complied with an invitation to sup with him, and we had a pleasant season together, and when we parted, he kissed me. I made as though I did not understand this Italian dissimulation. He also summoned and censured Tetzel. Afterward, at Leipsic, he convicted him of receiving as wages ninety florins a month, besides three horsemen and a carriage, and all his charges to boot. Tetzel him- self hath now disappeared, no one, save perhaps the fathers of his order, knowing whither he hath gone. Eck, a man of guile, draweth me, as you here see [from his theses,] into new disputes. Thus the Lord taketh care that I be not idle. But, by the will of INDULGENCES. 261 Christ, this [Leipsic] disputation shall turn out ill for those Roman laws and customs on which Eck leaneth for support. . . . The Leipsic professors have given their consent to have the disputation with Eck held in their university, and accuse me of rash- ness in saying that they refused, and ask me to take back what I said. But I learned with certainty from Duke George that they had refused him ; and I have twice replied that their dean had refused me, as in truth he did, when I requested permission. Thus craftily do these men strive to stifle this dis- putation, but Duke George urgeth it forward." By being " driven on and kept from idleness," Lu- ther means that Eck's propositions and challenges frustrated the plans of Miltitz for effecting a recon- ciliation. For if the papal party should renew the discussion, Luther was, by the terms of the agree- ment, left free to reply. Tetzel did not leave Leipsic, as was supposed, but secluded himself there after his disgrace, and remained in the cloister, called the Paulinum, till his death, a few months after. Luther expresses his feelings, in respect to that humiliation and disgrace, in another letter thus : " I am sorry that Tetzel is reduced to such necessity in respect to his safety, and that his doings have been exposed to the light. I would much rather, if it were pos- sible, that, by a reformation on his part, he should escape with honour. As I lost nothing by his glory, so I should gain nothing by his ignominy. I cannot sufficiently marvel that he should dare to take such a large amount of money from poor people for his own use, enough to support a bishop, nay, an apostle." 262 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. CHAPTER II. THE LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. SECTION I. Preliminary Correspondence. PUBLIC debate, held from June 27 to July 8, 1519, at Leipsic, be- tween Eck on the one hand, and Carlstadt on the other, to which Lu- ther was, with some diffi- culty, finally admitted, de- rives its interest partly from the topics discussed chiefly the liberty of the will, the power of the pope and indulgences, and partly from the scene of the transactions, and the peculiar relations of Leipsic to Wittenberg. The Duchy of Saxony, with Duke George at its head, Dresden for its capital and Leipsic as its chief seat of theological learning, was strongly Papal, and continued to be so for twenty years from this time, or till 1539. The Electorate of Saxony, belonging to the other line of Saxon JE. 35.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. 263 princes, with Frederic, cousin of George, for ita reigning sovereign, and Wittenberg for its capital, and its centre of theological influence, was the head- quarters of the Reformation. Eck chose Leipsic as the place for holding the disputation, both for the favour which he expected there from the sympathies of the people and of the judges, and for the glory he hoped to acquire from the university and the court of George, by .a victory over the two champions of reform. Eck was perhaps the most learned, certainly the most celebrated Catho- lic theologian of Germany. He was then Vice-chan- cellor of the University of Ingolstadt. He owed his great reputation principally to his shrewdness and practised art as a debater. It was neither greatness of mind, nor depth and solidity of learning, but varied knowledge, self-possession, and skill in studying the passions and prejudices of men and turning them ef- fectively to his account, it was this that made him a formidable antagonist. And in this he succeeded at Leipsic, though those who could estimate arguments by their intrinsic worth gave the victory to the other party. Eck, as it appears in the accounts already given of him, had been, for some little time, an acquaintance and personal friend of Luther, having been intro- duced to him by Scheurl of Augsburg. A little sparring between them had occurred in the Obelisks, or notes of the former, on the ninety-five Theses, and in the Asterisks, or reply of the latter. But at Augs- burg, in 1518, they had met on friendly terms; and the proposal of Luther that a disputation should be held between Eck and Carlstadt on the subjects embraced in certain propositions which the latter had recently published, was agreed to, and Eck was 264 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. allowed to choose between Leipsic and Erfurt as the place for the discussion. But when Eck came to publish his counter-propositions, setting forth the points which he was to maintain, he not only put himself in opposition to Carlstadt's propositions, but also to Luther's theses and other writings, thereby covejtly drawing Luther also into the debate. It was this disingenuous act which discharged Luther from the obligations he had entered into with Miltitz, according to which he was to remain silent, provided his opponents should do the same. The breach of the truce came, therefore, from the papal side ; and Eck's intemperate zeal was far more wounding to the feelings of Miltitz than to those of Luther. In the letter of Feb. 2, to Egran, quoted above in part, is the following paragraph : " Our Eck, who was besought by me, when at Augsburg, to meet Carlstaldt in debate at Leipsic, in order to bring the controversy to an end, hath at last accepted the ad- vice. But behold the character of the man, of what sort it is. He hath [in his Propositions] fallen upon my theses, and vehemently assailed them, and hath passed by him [Carlstadt] with whom he is in con- troversy. You would think he was playing pranks at carnival. Therefore, in order to defend what I have said on indulgences, I am forced to enter the lists with him. He is a pitiable animalcula of fame." In a letter of congratulation to Lange, on the occa- sion of his receiving the degree of doctor of divinity, written Feb. 3, Luther observes : " Our Eck goeth about to stir up a new war against me; and the thing which I have long meditated will now, with the favour of Christ, be put in execution ; that is, the bringing out before the public some work di- rected in good earnest against the hydras of Home, M. 35.] LEIPSIO DISPUTATION. 265 Hitherto I have but sported and played in the case, though my adversaries grieve dolefully as over a serious and insufferable matter." To Spalatin he writes, under date of Feb. 7th, "Our Eck, an in- sect of fame, hath published his propositions against Carlstadt, to be debated at Leipsic, after Easter. This perverse man, after long making me the object of his hate, hath made an assault both upon me and my writings. While he nameth one antagonist, he aimeth his arrows at another. This stupid syco- phancy of his doth ill please me, and therefore have I published counter-propositions, as you will see in the accompanying papers. Eck will, peradventure, be the mean of turning what hath been but play into serious work, which will do poor service to the Rpman tyranny." That the reader may understand what other subjects were, at this period, occupying Luther's thoughts, it may here be stated, by the way, that he wrote, ac- cording to promise, a very submissive letter, under date of March 3d, to Pope Leo X., in which he made great concessions, greater than one would suppose possible under such circumstances. A few days pre- viously, he had published an address to the common people, designed to conciliate them with the church of Rome. Referring to this address, in a letter to Spalatin, written March 5th, he says : " Twice, my dear Spalatin, have you requested me to speak of faith, of good works, and of obedience to the Roman church, in my Defence which was to appear in Ger- man. This I think I have already done; but it was published before your letter was written. Never was it my purpose to separate from the apostolical see of Rome. I am content that the Roman bishop should bear any title, even that of lord, if he please. 23 266 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. What doth that concern me, who know that the rule of the very Turks is to be honoured, and sub- mitted to, because it is an existing and an estab- lished power ? For sure I am that, as Peter saith, there is no power but by the will of God. But thus much do I at all times require, on the ground of my faith in Christ, namely, that they wrest not at their pleasure and corrupt the word of God. Let the Roman decretals but leave me the gospel pure and uncorrupt, and they may take away all else ; I will not move a hair. What more than this should I, or can I do? I, then, will, on my part, strive for peace, as we have covenanted ; and will go about no new thing. The disputation will, I hope, be nothing else but a disputation, and be listened to by the learned only [being held in Latin] ; the common people may employ their own language." These statements serve to explain why Luther went so far undoubtedly too far in his concessions, and to confirm what is otherwise abundantly proved, namely, that he desired a reformation which should consist in spirit rather than in forms, in pious feeling rather than in social privileges and immunities. In respect to a rupture with Rome, there is an apparent inconsistency in Luther at this time, which finds its explanation in the fact, that he was in reality the subject of an inward struggle between two contending forces, drawing him alternately in opposite directions. The preliminaries to the disputation were exceed- ingly complicated, consisting not only of the printed propositions and counter-propositions already men- tioned, but of Eck's correspondence with Duke George and with the Leipsic professors; of that be- tween these professors and Bishop Adolphus of Merseburg; between the bishop and Duke George j JE. 35.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. 267 between the latter and the Elector Frederic ; between Frederic and Luther, and between Luther and the Leipsic professors. In reply to a letter of Frederic's secretary, in which the terms of reconciliation, as proposed by Miltitz, were alluded to, Luther wrote to the elector himself, on the 13th of March, the following, among other things : " God knoweth that it was my solemn purpose, as it was also my hope and joy, that this game, so far as in me lay, should be played no far- ther ; and so strict was I in keeping the agreement [made with Miltitz] that I gave no heed to the answer of Prierias, though I had good cause to reply. I let the contempt and contumely of my adversaries pass, and, contrary to the advice of my friends, kept silence. The agreement was, as Charles [Miltitz] well knoweth, that I was to hold my peace, if my adversaries should do the same. But now Dr. Eck, without giving me any warning, hath made such an assault upon me, that it is plain he seeketh to bring both me and the whole university into discredit and disrepute ; and many honest-minded men think he hath been suborned to do the same. I looked upon it as wrong to give no heed to an assault so perfidious, and to allow the truth to be forsaken in such dis- honour." The elector consented that Luther should take part in the disputation, if Eck would really debate with him, and not with Carlstadt alone. The Leip- eic professors and the Bishop of Merseburg made very extraordinary efforts to prevent the discussion. The letter of the former to Luther on the subject is still extant, and serves to throw a clear light upon their relation to the parties. It is dated Leipsic, February 19, 1519, and runs thus : " Not many days 268 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. ago, dear doctor, while we were celebrating Christ- inas, the excellent John Eck, doctor of the Holy Scriptures, wrote to his illustrious highness Prince George, to this university and to the doctors of divi- nity, appointing the theological faculty to sit in judg- ment, and to decide on the dispute and controversy which is to ensue, and earnestly requesting that we would permit him to debate with Carlstadt in our celebrated university. . . . Because it seemeth to you that he hath [in his Propositions] made an as- sault upon you, and you are not minded to yield unto him, you have, in a printed document, challenged him in turn to a disputation. We greatly marvel that, contrary to our veritable decision, you have publicly said, that we refused his request in respect to the disputation, [they having granted it as a de- bate between Eck and Carlstadt, but refused it if Luther was to be a party.] Contrariwise, we marvel that you have given out that such a disputation, [in which Luther was to take part,] whereof we know nothing, would be held in our university, you hav- ing received no permission [to participate in the de- bate] either from us, or from our illustrious prince and gracious sovereign. Therefore, seeing this act of yours hath the appearance of lightness, upon which you are bound to look with abhorrence, we earnestly entreat you not to bring us, contrary to our will, into trouble, [i. e. to render them odious to the pope, by allowing his supremacy to be made a subject bf debate in the university;] but, if it be agreeable to you, either to renounce your doctrines, or in a reply to us, which we earnestly desire, to sound a retreat, until you shall obtain leave from us." Duke George was indignant at this opposition to a disputation to which he had given his consent. M. 35.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. The professors said they were bound to the pope, and were moreover prohibited by their superior, the Bishop of Merseburg. The duke, therefore, ad- dressed a letter of withering reproach to the bishop, which has been preserved. After expressing his " surprise that the bishop should set up an opposi- tion to the custom handed down from the Fathers, of making free inquiry after the truth in matters of religion/' and saying, that "the question newly started deserved to be earnestly considered, and the arguments on either side carefully weighed j whether, for example, as soon as the price dropped into the box, the souls of the dead were released from purga- tory and ascended to heaven, by which imposition the silly people were robbed of their money," he adds, " it appears as though the bishop wished to show fa- vour to useless, bladder-puffed persons, who, like cow- ardly soldiers, boast of their courage when out of the conflict, but flee as soon as the trumpet is blown." If those men, who glory in their titles, and claim the first place in assemblies and feasts, shall show them- selves unwilling to earn their titles by defending and maintaining the truth, as their office requireth, " it would be cheaper and more useful to maintain old women and young children, who would do more good, and be more obedient than such theologians. Nay, the old women would be of some service by their spinning and sewing, or at least they could give pleasant pastime to the people by their voices." He closes by saying, that if the professors still per- sist in their refusal, he will issue a proclamation, from which it shall be known before God and all the world, that he desired the truth to be brought to light, but that the clergy, in their lack of knowledge and skill, could not abide a discussion, and therefore 23* 270 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. opposed it. The Leipsic professors wrote also to the bishop, saying, that the duke commanded them to permit the disputation to be held, and that the bishop's opposition would be of no avail. The bishop replied to them, that he had not without, good reason prohibited them from allowing the de- bate ; but that he would, nevertheless, submit to the will of the duke. Eck was immediately informed both by the, duke and by the university of the result, and hastened to write to Luther the following, dated Ingolstadt, Feb- ruary 19 : " That the learned men of the community should refuse the burden of hearing our debate, was very grievous to me, and I hardly knew what to do. But at length, the most gracious prince, Duke George, at my instance, hath prevailed on the university to yield their assent, as I this day learn by letters from him, from the university and the [theological] fa- culty. I have, therefore, appointed the 27th day of June for the beginning of the disputation. We shall, howbeit, meet the theological faculty on the 26th, to determine who shall speak first in the discussion. Since that Carlstadt is only an accessary of yours, and you the principal, through whom those dogmas, which, to my small and slender judgment, appear he- retical and false, have been spread through Germany, it is meet that you should be present, and stand by your positions and impugn mine. But how earnestly do I desire you to change your mind, and show yourself obedient in all things to the apostolical see, and listen to Leo X., vicar of Christ, not seeking for singularity, but descending to the common opinions of the doctors of the church, being well assured that Christ hath not as you vainly imagine, left his church to their errors for four centuries. You will see from my schedule of M.S5.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. 271 articles for debate, that I have laid down proposi- tions, not so much against Carlstadt as against your doctrines. Farewell, then, my Martin, and let us pray for each other that we may be enlightened." Meanwhile, Luther was active as a negotiator, professor, commentator, student of Hebrew, and pop- ular' and controversial writer. A single letter of his, addressed to Lange, April 13, is all that can be presented on these various topics in this connection. In this we see the living, energetic and cheerful man, whose spirit was electrifying the whole conti- nent of Europe. " I rejoice and congratulate you, reverend father, that you also are one of those in whom the cross of Christ worketh. Be of good courage ; this is the way in which one goeth, or rather is carried to hea- ven. For your presents I give you my thanks. But the reason of my not coming to your public celebration, [when Lange was made doctor of divi- nity,] you already know ; my silence in respect to it is not a fault of mine so much as it is of the bad state of the roads, which hindereth persons from going, except now and then, to your place. That Hebrew teacher whom you recommend, I pray you send hither with all possible haste ; the more so, since that Bossenstein of ours, professedly a Chris- tian, but in effect nothing else but a Jew, hath, to the reproach of our university, withdrawn himself. I add, as another reason, that you yourself are some- what indebted to our studies. We will see that he be honourably supported in Christ, and received on proper terms, both because we all ought to encourage zealously a new convert, and because it is our duty to provide a suitable support for each. Eck hath determined upon the 27th of June for our future 272 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. disputation. It will be between him and me, as you will see from this document. For Carlstadt will not debate those matters with him, partly because they were asserted by me, and not by him, and partly be- cause that wily sophist [Eck] hath, with the design of entrapping him, started the question concerning the power of the pope, which a prebendary* cannot safely debate ; and thus would, without combat or victory, terrify the latter into silence. . . . All are alarmed for me that I shall not come off well with my twelfth proposition, [in which the supremacy of the pope is declared to be a modern doctrine, founded on the miserable decretals of the popes themselves.] But though I do not expect to catch that slippery, clamorous and haughty sophist, I will, with the help of Christ, make good my own declarations. They were made in their present form, in order to give me occasion to bring out before the public the trivial- ness of those most senseless and ungodly decretals by which Christians are needlessly terrified ; for they are full of falsehoods, supported only by the autho- rity of the church of Rome. Christ will strip off the mask. . . . Meanwhile, the theologians lacerate me, especially that bull, ox [Professor Oxenfurth, of Leipsic] and ass, who knoweth not his owner, but eateth the straw. They cry out unto the people of Leipsic, not to join the new heretics, hoping that we may be avoided on account of the hatred of the peo- ple, and from fear of the pope. It is reported that Tetzel said, when he learned that the debate was to be held, 'The devil is in it.' . . . Cardinal Cajetan, who formerly wrote silly things about me to our * Carlstadt was a canon, supported by the funds of the collegiate church at Wittenberg. JE. 35.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. 273 illustrious prince, hath now written like a madman. I rejoice to see this Italian stolidity made known to our laymen." "Frobenius, [the celebrated printer and book- seller,] of Bale, hath written me, highly extolling my freedom of speech, and saying, his Paris friends have written to him, that my works are acceptable to many persons there, and that they are read by the doctors of the Sorbonne. Furthermore, he informeth me that the copies [printed by him] are all distri- buted and spread throughout Italy, Spain, England, France and the Netherlands. I rejoice that the truth, though spoken in a barbarous and unlearned manner, findeth such favour. I send you 'The Wagon' by Carlstadt,* which showeth forth the folly of the theologians. There is a tumultuous opposi- tion to it in Leipsic. One preacher tore it in pieces with his hands in the pulpit. Another examined the young people when they came to the confessional whether they indulged in laughter at the 'Wagon/ or kept about them any of Martin's tracts. If they pleaded guilty, they were punished with severe penal- ties. So Andrew Camitian writeth to me. Behold what darkness, what madness ! These are theolo- gians ! I think you have already received the be- ginning of my Commentary on the Psalms. I send you another copy, whereby you can correct yours. You see that our Emser [Luther's opponent at Leipsic, but in this case printer or proof-reader] errs even when printing the truth. I send you the [He- brew] Grammar of Kimchi, until you can obtain * A print of two vehicles, the one going the true and straight way to heaven, the other, the false and tortuous way of the scholastic theologians. 274 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. another. I am also publishing a Commentary on the Galatians at Leipsic. If two sermons of mine have come into your hands, the one in Latin, on a Two-fold Kighteousness ; the other in German, on Matrimony, let justice be done me. They were taken surreptitiously and published without my knowledge. ... I also send you the Lord's Prayer revised. . . . Have you seen my little works against Silvester [Prierias,] published at Bale ? that in the title-page they have, rather by design than mis- take, called him magirum Palatii [cook of the Palace] instead of magistrum Palatii [master of the Palace ;] and that many other ludicrous typographi- cal errors are made in the margin ? It is reported that Cardinal Cajetan is put in prison at Mainz by the ministers of Charles [V.] of Spain, for using all his authority in favour of the faction of the French king. Philip [Melancthon] and I have written to Erasmus. Here you have every thing you asked for. The reverend vicar [Staupitz] hath quite forgotten me, so that he doth not write at all. Kindly salute Father Usingen, and also John Nathin, [formerly Luther's bitter enemy.] Finally, I put you in mind of that Hebrew teacher, that we may help those ex- cellent young men who are prosperously studying theology, and burning with a love of good learning. Farewell, you and your cross, [some trouble of which Lange had complained,] if it be the will of Christ." As, on the one hand, we must keep in mind the buoyancy of Luther's spirit, which gave a certain easy play to his great and varied activity, so, on the other hand, we must never forget the gravity and religious earnestness which lay beneath all this, as the deep ocean lies beneath the play of its waves; and the great fears and anxieties which never ceased JE. 35.] LEIPSIC DISPUTATION. 275 to agitate the minds of his truest and firmest friends. Like every heroic man in the crisis of his affairs, he was left alone, to sustain his courage from his con- fidence in God, in truth and the right, and from his willingness to perish, if need be, and leave be- hind him a martyr's testimony for the benefit and instruction of coming generations. Nor this alone ; he was obliged to sustain his friends and supporters by infusing into them his own spirit. A letter of his, written some time in May to Spal- atin, will illustrate these remarks. He writes thus : " I beseech you, my dear Spalatin, yield not unduly to fear, nor utterly slay your heart with human cogita- tions. Know that unless Christ moved me on and my affairs, I should have destroyed myself even in my first Disputation on Indulgences: then in my ser- mon on the subject in the vernacular tongue; later in my Proofs and Illustrations and in my Reply to Silvester; and last of all, in my Account of the Transactions at Augsburg, and especially in my journey thither. For what mortal did not either fear or hope that any one of these perils alone would prove my ruin ? Finally, Olsnitzer hath lately writ- ten from the city to the chancellor of our Duke of Pomerania that I have so stirred up all Rome by my Proofs and my Dialogue [Reply to Prierias] that they know not how to restore quiet. Yet they have determined to assail me not by the way of the law, but by Italian practices, (these are his words.) By that I understand poisoning or assassinating. " Many things which, if I were elsewhere, I should pour forth against Rome, or rather Babylon, that devastator of the Scriptures and of the church, I repress and restrain, for the sake of the elector and of the university. The truth of Holy Writ and of 276 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. the church cannot, my dear Spalatin, he discussed without offending this wild beast. You must not, therefore, expect me to be unmolested or secure un- less I renounce theology altogether. Let my friends then think I am beside myself. This matter, if it be of God, shall not have an end, except that, as the disciples and friends of Christ forsook him, so all my friends forsake me ; and the truth too, which saves with its own right hand, not mine, nor yours, nor that of any other man, shall be left to itself alone ; and that time I have been expecting from the begin- ning. That this twelfth proposition was extorted from me by Eck, and that the pope will have plenty of patrons in the approaching disputation, ought not, I think, to appear so evil, especially if we remember the license given to such disputations. In fine, if 1 perish, nothing will perish with me. By the grace of Grod, the Wittenbergers have made such proficiency that they do not need me any longer. But what shall I say ? I am unhappy, because I fear I am not worthy to suffer and be put to death for such a cause. That felicity will be reserved for better men, not for such a vile sinner as I am. I have told you that I am at all times ready to withdraw, if my tarrying here seem to draw the illustrious prince into any danger. Death will certainly come at some time. Still, in the Apology already published in Germany, I have sufficiently flattered the Roman church and pontiff, if that can any thing avail." To quiet Spalatin, he was obliged to lay before him the plan of his part of the discussion, and specify the particular arguments by which he should fortify him- self in respect to the twelfth proposition on the s\i- premacy of the pope. "I pray you," he says some- what impatiently, "permit us to debate the matter, IE. 35.] LEIPSIO DISPUTATION. 277 and be not of that class of men who, not understand- ing the counsels of God, immediately despair for that they do not see by their own counsels how a thing can be accomplished. . . . Do not ask that I reveal my whole plan, which would be but destroying it, but rather pray that Christ may make us seek his glory." Before this disputation came on, Luther received, through the Bishop of Brandenburg, a condemnatory document, drawn up by the Franciscan monks of Saxony, at their late meeting in Jiiterbok, in which they pointed out fifteen alleged errors of Luther. These Minorite brethren of the " stricter observance," as they were called, and who vowed ignorance as one of their virtues, Luther exposed in his brief but ter- rible reply, as having poorly observed the rules of Christ in not admonishing a brother privately before publicly condemning him, but as having given good proof that they had sacredly kept the vow of igno- rance. "But not to return evil for evil," he adds, " I will give you your choice, either to retract your rash declarations and restore to me my good name, or let me go forward and publish your document with notes, setting forth your ignorance, which will not turn out for the honour of your order." After re- futing their slanderous declarations, he closes by saying, "I await your speedy answer, that I may know whether you choose to incline your necks, or to hold them aloft and set yourselves against the truth. Be assured I will treat you nobly and show unto all men your wonderful ignorance. Fare yo well, and the Lord give you to be wise and to will what is right. If you wish to be friends, I will be friendly; but if not, do what you have to do, and, believe me, I will not be lacking to my name and to 34 278 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. the word of Christ." The Franciscans wisely pre- ferred peace, and kept silence. On the 16th of May, Luther writes both to Spala- tin and to Lange respecting Miltitz. In the letter to the latter he says : " Charles Miltitz hath cited me to Coblentz to appear before the Archbishop of Treves, in the presence of the legate Cajetan. Sweet creature ! He confesseth that he hath not yet received any authority from Rome, and thinketh me stupid enough to come, though cited only by his rashness. You see that everywhere, and from every quarter, and in every manner, they seek my life." To the former he says : " That ridiculous block of a Miltitz [notice the prudence with which he always speaks to Spalatin] confesseth that he hath not yet received any command from Rome, and yet he citeth me. He citeth me, not the archbishop; and then I must appear before the cardinal! Are not the men in- sane?" In this last letter he complains of the in- justice and duplicity of the Duke of Saxony, saying : " Duke George hath twice replied to me, and will not admit me to the disputation, though I have given him assurance that Eck compelleth me, both in his private letters and in his published propositions, to reply to him. Why should he exact so much of me as to require that Eck should write in my behalf, when he did not refuse to yield to Eck, nor require any thing of Carlstadt ? How monstrous ! I send you both of his letters. I am now writing to him a third time. Tell me, I pray you, what you think it best to do." In the midst of all this turmoil, the studies of the University of Wittenberg were moving briskly on, and the number of students rapidly increasing. Lu- ther requests Spalatin, May 22d, before taking his IE. 35.] COURSE OF THE DEBATE. 279 journey with the elector, to ascertain the views of the latter in respect to the Hebrew professorship. Cellarius, professor of Hebrew at Heidelberg, was at Leipsic, waiting for an answer from Luther, ready to accept the place, if the elector would give him a suitable salary. "A great number of students," he continues, " and notable ones, too, are flowing together here. . . . Our town will scarcely hold them, for lack of houses to serve them." SECTION II. Course of the Debate. AT length the time for the debate drew near. The duke ordered his palace, called the Pleissenburg, to be prepared for the accommodation of the assembly. In the great hall he caused two desks, facing each other, to be erected for the disputants, the one adorned with a picture of St. Martin, the other with a picture of St. George. Seats for the audience and tables for the clerks were also prepared and embel- lished with tapestry. Eck arrived on the 22d of June, the day before the festival of Corpus Christi, and took part in the celebration, joining the proces- sion, pompously arrayed in a mass vestment and chasuble. Several monks and theologians from In- golstadt and Erfurt accompanied him to Leipsic. He was treated with great distinction by the theological faculty and the city council, with whom he feasted lustily. In a letter, he highly commended their hospitality, as well as the beauty of the Leipsic ladies, for whom Charles V. said he had too great a fond- ness. On Friday, the 24th, the day after the festival, the Wittenbergers arrived, a numerous company. In the first carriage sat Carlstadt, as the chief disputant; in the second, Prince Barnim of Pomerania, then a 280 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. student, and also, according to ancient usage, rector of the university; in the third, Luther and Melanc- thon. About two hundred students on foot, with spears and halberds, according to Eck's statement, accompanied their professors. Lange, Amsdorf, and several doctors of laws and masters, were in the com- pany. As they were near the Grimma gate of the city of Leipsic, and opposite the Paulinum, where Tetzel then was, Carlstadt had the misfortune to have one of the wheels of his carriage break, and to be thrown out, which some interpreted as an ill omen. The duke from Dresden, and Emser, and the three commissaries of the duke, Pflug, Riihel, and Wiede- bach, were present as early as Saturday. Emser called on the masters in the university and urged them to stand by Eck, and escort him to the palace on Sunday, that a favourable impression might be made upon the duke. Here the commissaries and the parties, after much discussion, came to an under- standing in respect to the manner of procedure in the debate. Each of the parties was to choose a secre- tary. Luther chose J. Agricola of Eisleben; Eck cho*se J. Poliander, who, by the way, was converted to Luther's views by the debate, and went directly to Wittenberg. More than thirty others also took notes of the discussion. From the decision, to be made by certain universities, either party might ap- peal to a general council. On Monday morning, (June 27th,) the time set for the commencement of the disputation, a civic guard was sent, with music and flags, to the palace Pleissenburg to preserve order. At seven o'clock in the morning, the disputants met in the Princes' college, where an address was made by Pistoris, of the law faculty. Thence the assembly moved in M. 35.] COURSE OP THE DEBATE. 281 procession, two by two, a Wittenberg and a Leipsic master together, quite across the city from north to south to St. Thomas's church, where the duke and two princes were awaiting them. Here mass was held, and the assembly proceeded to the palace, (a few rods to the east,) where Mosellanus, the pro- fessor of Greek, and the friend of Melancthon and Luther, delivered an oration in the name of the duke, admonishing the disputants to be gentle and courte- ous, and to seek for truth rather than victory. After singing the Veni Sancte Spiritus, (Come, Holy Spirit,) the meeting was adjourned for dinner. In the afternoon, after both parties had promised to debate with sincerity and love, Luther meanwhile expressing his astonishment that of the Dominicans, with whom the whole affair of indulgences arose, none were present to take part, Eck and Carlstadt commenced the debate on free-will, which lasted a week, or till July 4. Never was there a more un- equal match ; Carlstadt, learned, modest, slow, con- fined to notes, and opening books and giving hia authorities with exactness ; Eck, self-possessed, quick of memory, imposing, but loose, boisterous, and os- % tentatious. The former accused the latter of quoting 'falsely, the latter laughed at the poor memory and tediousness of the former. From the 4th of July, the day of Tetzel's death, to the 8th, Luther debated with Eck on the supremacy of the pope, and now the discussion grew animated, two practised debaters having come together, each of whom was accus- tomed always to bear off the palm. Luther pro- posed to close the discussion there, but the duke urged him to go on and debate on the subjects of in- dulgences, purgatory and the power of the keys, in which Eck hardly made a show of resistance. He 24* 282 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. wished to return to his first antagonist, and conse- quently resumed the discussion with Carlstadt on the 15th. But as the duke needed his palace, the disputation was closed, on the 16th, by an oration from a Dr. Lange, of Leipsic, in which he meted out to each disputant his share of praise, the most to Luther, not a little to Eck, and to Carlstadt what was his due. Eck and his Leipsic friends claimed the victory; and if popular favour is to be the standard of judgment, the claim must be admitted. But learned men decided otherwise. Let us now hear Luther's account of the matter, as related by him in a letter to Spalatin, dated July 20, 1519. " Concerning that famous debate, I would have written you a long time ago, had I been able. The matter is thus: There are certain men at Leipsic, not over candid and upright, who triumph with Eck ; and have, by their garrulity and vaunting, got a cer- tain kind of glory. But the facts themselves will, in due time, speak and bring all things to light. The selfsame hour that we arrived in Leipsic, before we had alighted from our carriages, a prohibition of the proceedings by the Bishop of Merseburg was posted up, on the doors of the churches. But, by order of the senate, the individual who posted it up was sent to the dungeon, for doing it without their knowledge. Accomplishing nothing in this way, these men next resorted to another sleight, and, at Eck's request, laboured hard with Carlstadt privately to induce him to consent that the discussion proceed without any secretaries to record the arguments. For he hoped to succeed, as he had long been accustomed to do, by dint of voice and gesticulation. But Carlstadt would not consent. As that condition had been agreed upon, he said he should hold them to their 2E. 35.] COURSE OF THE DEBATE. 283 stipulation. ... At length, to make the matter sure, he was under the necessity of consenting that the records be not published until the judges shall have given in their decision. A new dispute arose concern- ing the selection of the judges ; and Carlstadt found it necessary to yield so far as to allow the judges to be appointed after the debate should be ended. Otherwise the opposite party said they should not proceed. Thus were we brought into a dilemma, and must either stop the proceedings or submit to partial judges. So you see the paltry practices whereby they wrested from us the promised free- dom of discussion. For we know full well that the universities and the Roman pontiff will either not determine the question at all, or else they will de- cide it against us; and that is what our opponents desired. " The next day I was called aside, and the same thing was propounded unto me. But not trusting the pope, and being, moreover, dissuaded by my friends, I refused all these conditions. Then they proposed to leave out the pope, and named other universities. I still demanded the promised freedom, [in respect to the disputation,] and since they would not allow it, I refused to take part in the discussion. Now it was rumoured abroad that I was afraid to debate, and, what was yet more untrue, that I would not consent to have any judges. These things were odiously and maliciously repeated, till all our friends were carried away with the rest, and our university was in danger of being brought into reproach. I finally yielded to the advice of friends, and accepted, though not without indignation, the proposals; with this condition, however, that I might appeal from the de- cision; that my cause should not be prejudged, and 284 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1519. that the court of Rome should not be included among the judges. " At first the disputation was begun with Carlstadt, and continued for a week, on the subject of the freedom of the will. He brought forward his au- thorities, and, with God's help, he stated and main- tained his arguments exceedingly well and abun- dantly. When it came his turn to be assailant, Eck refused [to be respondent,] unless Carlstadt would promise to leave his books at home. He had pro- duced them in order to prove that his quotations from the Scriptures and from the Fathers were cor- rect, and that he did not wrest them, as Eck was found to do. Here a dispute arose, and it was finally determined that the books should be left at home. But who doth not perceive, that, if they were in quest of truth, they would desire rather to have all the books at hand ? Never-did envy and ambition show themselves more openly. At the close, the double-faced man conceded every thing, though at first he had contended earnestly to the contrary. He feigned that he agreed in every thing perfectly, glorying that he had brought Carlstadt over to his side ! "The second week he disputed with me. First we closed with each other right earnestly concerning the primacy of the Roman pontiff. . . . Then, toward the end, great stress was laid by Eck upon the Council of Constance, which condemned the opi- nion of Huss, namely, that the papacy was the creature of the emperor. .. . . He also alleged that I was a heretic, and an abettor of the Bohemian doctrines. This sophist is as impudent as he is bold. With that accusation, the people of Leipsic were marvellously pleased, more than with the disputa- JE. 35.] COURSE OF THE DEBATE. 285 tion itself. On my part, I brought forward the case of the Greek church for a period of a thousand years, and of the early Fathers, none of whom were ever subject to the Roman pontiff. I did not deny, however, that he was first in honour. I declared openly, and proved by direct and clear passages, that several articles, taught by Augustine, Paul, and by Christ himself, had been condemned. . . . "The third week we disputed touching repentance, purgatory, indulgences, and the power of absolution by the priest. For he was not minded to debate with Carlstadt, but directed his aim only at me. Indulgences fell to the ground at once, as Eck gave up almost every thing. Though they were to have been the principal subject of debate, he attempted to maintain them only by way of sport and of jest. It is reported that he said, if I had not denied the power of the pope, he could easily have agreed with me in every thing. . . . He maintained one opinion in the hall and gave out another in the church; and, when he was questioned by Carlstadt, why he was so changeable in his teachings, he replied with- out shame, that what is here discussed ought not to be taught unto the people. " When I was through with him, he took up the debate anew with Carlstadt for the last three days, in which he again yielded up and consented to every thing. Thus, in the whole disputation, nothing hath been worthily discussed, save my twelfth proposi- tion. The people of Leipsic neither saluted us, nor visited us; but treated us as enemies; while they thronged about Eck, clung fast to him, feasted with him, invited him to their houses, made him presents of a tunic and a camlet robe, and rode out with him. To be short, they did whatsoever they could 286 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. to injure us. ... Those who were friendly to us came to us privately. But Auerbach, a man of ex- cellent genius, and the younger Pistoris, invited me to their houses. Duke George himself invited all three of us to his residence together." It is here interesting to perceive that Luther was a guest with that very Auerbach whose cellar has become so celebrated in connection with the name of Faust. The Leipsic disputation was chiefly useful to the cause of the Reformation, in opening the eyes of Luther himself on the whole subject of the autho- rity of the Roman pontiff, and in drawing public attention to this point. It led to the overthrow of another pillar of the papacy. A few individuals of the papal party were won to the side of Luther ; but most of the people of Leipsic, and of the duke's dominions, manifested, from this time, a deadlier hatred than ever to Luther's doctrines. Many of the vexations which Luther experienced for a year or two to come, were caused by men who were under the Leipsic influence. Of the many broils and disputes which grew out of this debate, as they were mostly of a personal character, no particular account can be given in a brief biography. They are described in most of the histories of the Reformation, and to them the reader is referred. These disputes were with Emser, of the court of Dresden, with Duke George, with the Bishop of Meissen, with the Franciscan monk Alveld, and with men at Cologne and at Rome. Lu- ther was almost everywhere denounced as a heretic. Even at the court of the elector, there was much displeasure with him. In these circumstances, the Prince of Dessau, and afterward the Franconian JE. 35.] WORKS ON PRACTICAL RELIGION. 287 knight Schaumburg, and Francis von Sickingen, through Von Hutten, offered him protection, and invited him to their courts or castles. Luther wrote conciliatory letters to the new emperor, Charles V., to the Archbishop of Mainz, and to the Bishop of Merseburg. In Nuremberg, Spengler, a member of the city council, took up the defence of Luther. (Eco- lampadius wrote an anonymous work directed against Eck and Emser, which did admirable execution. Feldkirch and Melancthon joined in the defence, and all together prepared the way for Luther's address to the German nobility, which he wrote about this time, and which was the most magnificent and effective appeal which he ever made to the German nation. It united to his own religious spirit the glowing pa- triotism of a Hutten. A finer specimen of popular eloquence is scarcely to be found in the language. SECTION III. Various Works of Luther on Practical Reli- gion ; and his Perilous Situation after the Disputation. IDST storms of controversy, where the pole- mic writer, si- tuated as Lu- ther was, must use that adroit- ness, point and wit which are likely to affect the popular mind, there is danger of losing the spirit of hu- Luther was not always supe- But as his polemical writ- mility and charity, rior to such temptations. 288 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1519. ings were but occasional productions, and his works on practical religion, commentaries, sermons, and catechetical writings were very numerous, we should be liable to do injustice to his piety, were we to over- look the latter class of his works, and judge of him exclusively from the former class. Although in re- spect to the great controversy, his heart, as he often says, was full of the matter, and he was only to open his mouth, and it would stream forth spontaneous- ly; still he took greater satisfaction in writing works purely religious for the spiritual improvement of the people. At that period of his life of which we are now treating, he was very active in this kind of labour. The study of the Psalms afforded him very great de- light. He had twice delivered a course of lectures on them in the university, and had now recently publish- ed, on the first twenty-two Psalms, what he modestly called Labours on the Psalms, not presuming to pro- nounce it a commentary. Labours indeed they were. " You would not believe," he writes to Spalatin, " how much labour a single verse often makes me." It had been reported to him by Spalatin that the elector once said that sermons full of subtilty and human opi- nions were very cold and weak, but that the Scrip- tures had such a majesty and power as to overcome all the arts of disputation. In the dedication to Frederic, he refers to this incident, and says that the elector had thereby entirely won his heart, that he could not help loving the lovers of the Bible, and hating its enemies. He could not presume to understand and explain all the Psalms. It was much to understand a few, and these only in part. The Holy Spirit reserves much to itself, wishing to retain us in the character of pupils. In the same year (1519) in September, appeared his great work, the Commentary on the Epistle to M. 3G.] WORKS ON PRACTICAL RELIGION. 289 the Galatians, in which he laid himself out to show, under every possible variety of form, the difference between the righteousness of the law and that of faith by which we are justified. This is the chief work in which the fundamental principles of the Reformation are carefully laid down, a work fully proving that his views were infinitely more scriptural than those of his opponents, but also showing that his own system was disfigured with some excres- cences. He next wrote a deeply religious work for the consolation of the elector in his sickness, entitled Tesseradfcas, because it consisted of fourteen chap- ters, seven images or views of affliction, and seven of blessings. Erasmus said this production was highly approved even by those who were violently opposed to the doctrines of the Reformation. He also wrote, in the early part of 1520, a ser- mon or popular treatise on Good Works, showing that outward acts of devotion, as prayers, fastings, almsgivings and mortifications, were of no avail, if they were performed without a living faith in Christ. "The Christian's faith and assurance makes every thing precious in the sight of God, which, in others, would be the most hurtful." He wrote another work in October of the same year, dedicated to Leo X., on Christian Liberty, in which he maintains and illustrates the statement that "a Christian is a free man, lord over all and subject to no one ; and yet is servant of all and sub- ject to every one ;" containing, (paradoxical as it may sound,) the great truth that Christ has set us free, allowing no man to be lord any longer over our con- science ; and yet that the love of God leads us spon- taneously to do good to all, and to be the servants 25 290 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1520. of all. In the dedicatory epistle, Luther fulfilled, in his peculiar way, the promise made September 12th to Miltitz and others, that he would write once more to the pope, assuring him that the assaults he had made upon the papacy were not directed against his person. " Though I have been forced," he says, " by some of thy unchristian flatterers, to appeal in my affairs from thy seat and tribunal to a Christian and free council, yet has my mind never been so alienated from thee that I have not wished well to thee and to thy Roman see. ... I have indeed fallen severely upon certain unchristian teachings, and been pretty nipping against my adversaries, not because of their evil lives, but because of their un- christian doctrines. Of this I do not repent, nor shall I leave off. . . . True it is, I have boldly im- pugned the Roman see, called the Roman court, which neither thou nor any other one can deny, to be worse and more scandalous than Sodom, Gomor- rah, or Babylon ever was ; and, so far as I see, there is no help nor remedy for it. ... For it cannot be concealed from thee that, for many years gone by, from Rome nothing hath gone forth but perdition of soul and body and goods. . . . Thou sittest, holy Father Leo, like a sheep among wolves, like Daniel among the lions, like Ezekiel among the scorpions. ... It were indeed thy proper business and that of the cardinals to stay this evil, but the disease niock- eth at the remedy; the steed and the chariot give no heed to the driver. . . . Behold, the reason and .ground of my setting myself so stiffly against this pestilential see. . . . Were I to retract, it would do no good. He who shall attempt to constrain me to do it, will only make bad worse. Besides, I must iiave no rule and measure laid upon me for inter- JE. 36.] WORKS ON PRACTICAL RELIGION. 291 preting the Scriptures : for the word of God, that teacheth freedom, must not be bound." The tone of this epistle finds its explanation in the fact, that Luther had already gone so far in con- demning the court of Rome, that he could not now either consistently or conscientiously speak of it in gentle terms. He had, about a week before, pub- lished his work entitled the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, in which he retracted the concessions he had formerly made in respect to the papacy, and declared it to be " the kingdom of Babylon, and the power of Nimrod, the mighty hunter," alluding to the booty or prey taken by Tetzel and other "mighty hunters." If any thing more were wanting to com- plete the rupture, it was supplied by the publica- tion of the bull which Eck had procured at Rome against Luther. October 11, Luther wrote to Spalatin : "The Roman bull, brought by Eck hath at length come to hand. ... I hold it in contempt. . . . Not only at Leipsic but everywhere, both the bull and Eck are despised. ... I rejoice with my whole heart that I am made a sufferer for the best of causes, though I am not worthy of a suffering so sacred. I am now more free than before, and I now feel as- sured that the pope is antichrist." Although he regarded the bull as genuine, he treated it as if it were spurious, and wrote a work " On the new Bulls and Lies of Eck," and another " Against the Execrable Bull of Antichrist," and a third, called " Defence of all the Articles condemned in the recent Bull of Leo X." A still bolder step was that of burning the bull, decretals and other books in the presence of the students before the Elstcr or eastern "ate of the town. Luther announced the occurrence 292 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1520. to Spalatin in the following manner, as though he were a newspaper chronicler of the events of the week. " In the year 1520, the 10th day of Decem- ber, at nine o'clock A. M., were burnt at Wittenberg without the eastern gate, near the Holy Cross, all the books of the pope, the decree, the decretals, the recent bull of Leo X.," and several other works, as Eck's, and Emser's, " in order that the incendiary papists may see that it requireth no great power to burn books, which they cannot refute." Notwithstanding Luther's progress and increasing confidence in the truth, and the diffusion of his sen- timents among the educated and intelligent classes, storms f still greater violence from without seemed to be fast gathering against him. The mild and candid Emperor Maximilian had died; the interreg- num during which Frederic was vicar of the empire had also passed away, and the new emperor, Charles V., who was elected the second day of the Leipsic disputation, and whose protection Luther sought in a patriotic but humble letter, showed signs of dis- pleasure and hostility. Duke George of Saxony, the Bishops of Brandenburg, Meissen, Merseburg, and the Universities of Leipsic, Cologne, Louvain and even Paris, became Luther's bitter enemies; and now the pope had excommunicated him, and called on kings and princes to treat him as a heretic, and deliver him up to the papal emissaries. While these perils were coming on, Luther found new and unexpected support in the old chivalric spirit of cer- tain Franconian knights. As early as May 13, 1520, he wrote to Spalatin : " Day before yesterday, I re- ceived a message from Silvester von Schaumburg, a Franconian nobleman, . . . offering me protection, if in any way the elector is endangered on niy ao M. 36.] WORKS ON PRACTICAL RELIGION. 293 count. Though I do not despise this, yet will I rely on no protector but Christ, who hath, perhaps, put this into his mind." The knight hoped he would not think of going to Bohemia for safety, " For," he adds, "I, myself, and about a hundred other nobles, whom, with God's permission, I will gather around me, will honourably maintain you and defend you against all danger." Francis von Sickingen, the magnanimous and powerful leader of the Franconian knights, repeat- edly sent similar messages to Luther, inviting him to one of his castles a little south of Mainz. Ul- rich von Hutten also, that fiery spirit, who kindled such a popular hatred against the Roman court and Roman tyranny, openly espoused Luther's cause. Luther wished the elector to let the cardinal, who had written to him, know, " that even should they succeed in their abominable measures to drive him from Wittenberg, they would accomplish nothing, save to make bad worse ; for not only in Bohemia, but in the very heart of Germany, are to be found those who can and will, despite their malice, pro- tect me against all their fulminations. . . . With me the die is cast ; I despise alike the frownings and fawnings of Rome. I will never be reconciled with them, nor have part with them, let them condemn and burn my writings as they will." But Luther did not approve of appealing to the sword. He wrote in 1521 to Spalatin : " What Hutten hath in mind you see. I desire not that the gospel be made to prevail by violence and bloodshed, and so I have replied to him. The world hath been overcome by the word; by the word the church hath been sus- tained." 25* 294 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1520. CHAPTER III. LUTHER AND THE DIET OF WORMS. SECTION I. Luther summoned to appear at Worms: and his Journey thither. HE new em- peror, Charles V., who was in Spain at the time, of his election, did not reach Germany till toward the close of 1520. Early in 1521 he held his first diet at Worms. No business that was to occupy the attention of the diet was beset with so many difficulties as that which related to the claims of the church of Rome. Not only were the religious sentiments of many changed by the writings of Luther, but the German princes and statesmen had long felt the galling yoke of Roman tyranny, and were desirous of freeing themselves both from ecclesiastical rule, and from the enormous JE. 37.] SUMMONED TO WORMS. 295 tribute paid under various forms to the church of Rome. The papal legate Aleander, and others in the in- terests of the pope, used their utmost influence to have the books of Luther burned by authority of the emperor. The latter had learned that the Elec- tor of Saxony was not pleased with this procedure, that he pronounced it unjust to condemn books to the flames which had not yet been proved to be false or heretical. On the 28th of November, 1520, therefore, Charles wrote to the elector, requesting him to bring Luther with him to the diet of Worms, that he might cause him to be examined before learned and able judges. At the same time, the elector was requested to see that Luther should write nothing against his holiness the pope, or the church of Rome. Frederic replied, December 20, that while Luther's books, without being first refuted, had been burnt at Cologne and Mainz, Luther himself might have done something, [burnt the pope's bull and the de- cretals,] so that it would be difficult for him to ap- pear at Worms. At the same time, however, the elector directed his secretary, Spalatin, to write to Luther, inquiring whether he would be willing to go, in case the emperor should insist on it. Luther replied, December 21 : " If I shall be summoned, I will, so far as it dependeth on me, be carried there sick, in case I be not well, sooner than refuse ; for, without doubt, I am called of God, if called by the emperor. If they intend to settle these matters by bare authority alone, as it seemeth, (for they have not probably produced this summons with a view to convince me,) then must the case be commended unto God. He still liveth and ruleth who preserved 296 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1520, the three men in the fiery furnace. If he will not keep me, then my head is of little account, com- pared with the ignominious death of Christ, which was an offence to all, and the falling of many. For here we must have no regard to danger or safety, but rather see that we do not betray the gospel, which we have once received, and give it over to the contempt of the wicked, and our enemies have oc- casion to say, that we are afraid to acknowledge what we teach, and to shed our blood therefor, which dis- grace on our part, and proud boasting on theirs, may &od avert. . . . We cannot tell whether by our life, or by our death, more or less danger may accrue to the gospel. You know that divine truth is a rock of offence, set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel. Let it be our only care to pray unto God that the commencement of our emperor's reign be not stained with my blood, or that of any other man, in order to defend wickedness. As I have often said, I would rather perish by the hands of the Ro- manists, than that the emperor and his court should be involved in such an act." The Roman party were strongly opposed to Lu- ther's examination before the diet, as it would imply that one already condemned by the pope might still have a trial before a secular tribunal. They had procured a second bull from Rome, in which Luther was unconditionally excommunicated, and they made use of this as an argument to divert the emperor from his purpose, and succeeded so far as to induce him to write again to the Elector Frederic, and say to him, that, unless Luther was prepared to retract, he need not come, and at any rate, that he might come no farther than to Frankfurt, and there await fur- ther orders. But the elector prudently replied, that JE. 37.] SUMMONED TO WORMS. 297 he himself was already on his way to "Worms, and that he would there confer with the emperor on the whole matter. Meanwhile, he wrote to Luther, di- recting him to say how far he could comply with the emperor's orders. The emperor viewed every thing through a poli- tical medium ; truth and justice yielded to conside- rations of advantage. His advisers wished to mo- derate Luther, in order to make use of him in their negotiations with Rome. The two Roman nuncios, particularly Aleander, an intriguing man, resorted to bribery and every low art, in order to engage the emperor in their interest and secure his power against Luther. The emperor saw here the means of forc- ing the pope to support his policy against France, and determined to sacrifice Luther, but not without first securing every possible advantage. The princes did not enter into these views of Charles, but added their complaints to Luther's in respect to Roman tyranny, and therefore checked the emperor, though they were altogether disinclined to favour Luther's religious doctrines. The transactions at Worms all grew out of these conflicting interests, and form a singular series of intrigues and manoeuvres, in order to reconcile and adjust them so as to secure the ends contemplated in the emperor's policy. Hence, the movements, counter-movements and suspensions which checker and confuse the proceedings of the diet. During all these negotiations, in which Luther's safety was involved, he was labouring on at Witten- berg, as zealously and as laboriously as if there were nothing to disturb his mind. He said in a letter to his friend Pellican, at Basle, who was superintending the printing of some of his books published there, "I LIFE OP LUTHER. [1621. am exceedingly occupied with business. I preach twice every day ; I am engaged in writing my Com- mentary on the Psalms; I am working on the pos- tils; I am fighting against the papal bull both in German and Latin, and defending myself against attacks ; not to mention the letters I must write to my friends, and the conferences which I hold at home and elsewhere." When the citation and the safe- conduct from the emperor were brought to Luther by a herald sent to accompany him, Luther was in the very midst of those labours. Hence he apolo- gized to Prince John Frederic, to whom he dedicated his commentary on the song of Mary at the annun- ciation, for sending him only a part of it, saying, " The remainder must be put off till my return ; for you see that, being summoned to the imperial diet, I must drop every thing." Various expressions of his, both at this time and afterward, show that he expected his fate would, in all probability, be like that of Huss, and that he should never return alive to Wittenberg. Still he was not without hope. The straight-forward and honest, the bold and yet skilful movements of Luther, the prudence and increasing solicitude of the elector, the jealousy of the diet against the Roman nuncios and Italian intrigue, and the hesitancy of the emperor, a mere political calcula- tor, to commit himself openly to the pope at the risk of offending the Elector of Saxony and his friends, these were the chief means employed by Providence for the preservation of Luther at this critical junc- ture. The imperial herald, Caspar Sturm of Oppen- heim, reached Wittenberg, March 26th, and Luther commenced his journey about the 2d of April, the council of Wittenberg providing a conveyance for him. Amsdorf, Scheurl, and two or three other M. 37.] SUMMONED TO WORMS. 299 friends accompanied him. At Leipsic, he was merely treated to wine by the authorities, which was regarded as a cold reception, the same which he received at the Leipsic disputation. At Naumburg, the burgo- master entertained him and the herald; and a priest sent him a likeness of Savonarola, an Italian reformer and martyr, and exhorted him to stand firmly by the truth, for God would be with him and uphold him. At Weimar, he was hospitably received by Duke John Frederic, brother and afterward succes- sor of the elector. Here he received intelligence that his books had been already condemned at Worms, and saw the messengers who were to publish the im- perial mandate in the cities. The condemnation of Luther, to which the emperor had once assented, was, at the remonstrance of the German princes, put off, and only the seizure of his books was insisted on then. The herald asked him if he wished still to proceed, to which Luther replied in the affirmative. Prince John furnished him with money to defray the expenses of his journey. At Erfurt, Luther was welcomed with great pomp and ceremony. Crotus, then rector of the university, and the poet Eoban Hess, and others, to the number of forty, on horse- back, and a great multitude on foot, came out eight miles from the city to escort him in. The streets of the city were thronged when he entered ; and, at the request of many, he consented to preach in the Au- gustinian cloister, where he had once suffered so much. Here Justus Jonas, formerly a student at Wittenberg, but now professor at Erfurt, joined Luther and his party. At Gotha, also, he yielded to the urgency of the people and preached. At Eisenach he was taken very ill, and did not entirely recover till after he reached Frankfurt, from which place he wrote to 300 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1521. Spalatm, April 14th: "We have arrived here, my dear Spalatin, although Satan hath endeavoured to hinder me by more diseases than one. For all the way from Eisenach I was sick, and am still so more than I ever was before. I hear the mandate of Charles is published for the purpose of terrifying me. But Christ liveth, and I will enter Worms in spite of all the gates of hell and the powers of the air." Many undertook to dissuade him from his purpose; his friends did it out of regard to his safety; his ene- mies to avoid discussion before the diet. It was said to him at one time that he would be burned to powder, as Huss was at Constance, to which he answered : " Though they kindle a fire all the way between Wit- tenberg and Worms that shall reach unto the heavens, I will, in the name of the Lord, appear, inasmuch as I am summoned, and come between the great teeth of the behemoth and confess Christ, and let him rule." At the special instance of the emperor's con- fessor, who still, perhaps for good political reasons, hoped to effect a reconciliation, Bucer was sent by Francis von Sickingen from his castle at Ebern- burg, inviting him to meet at that retired place such men as Charles should send to confer with him. But Luther, determined not to be turned aside by frowns or flatteries, and knowing that the time of his safe-conduct would soon expire, replied coolly, " If the emperor's confessor hath any thing to say unto me, he can say it at Worms," and proceeded on his way. At Oppenheim, toward Worms, he received a warning from Spalatin, who was with the elector at Worms, not to venture into the city; to which he made the well-known reply : " If there were as many devils in Worms as there are tiles on the roofs of the houses, I would still go thither." Just before JE. 37.] BEFORE THE DIET. 301 the close of his life, referring to this courageous state of feeling, he said : " I was then intrepid, and feared nothing. Grod can make one as it were beside himself. I do not know that I should be so confident now." "To-day," [i. e. April 16,] says an eye-witness, "came Doctor Martin hither, in an open Saxon vehicle, in company with three other persons, namely, a brother* of his, Nicholas Amsdorf, and a Pome- ranian nobleman by the name of Von Suaven. Before the carriage rode the imperial herald on horseback, and in livery with the imperial escutcheon, attended by his servant. Justus Jonas and his servant fol- lowed next to Luther. Many nobles and courtiers went out to meet him. At ten o'clock he entered the city, and more than two thousand persons escorted him to his quarters." He stopped at a hotel called "The German Court," where the elector had pro- vided lodgings for him. Two Saxon nobles of Fre- deric's court, and Pappenheim, the imperial marshal, lodged at the same place with Luther. SECTION II. Luther before the Diet; his Return and Capture. EARLY the next morning, the marshal Pappen- heim and the herald were sent with an order from the emperor, requiring Luther to appear before him and the diet at four o'clock in the afternoon, to answer to the matters that should then be presented. The interval of several hours was one of intense anxiety; * This was his brother Jacob Luther, who was with him also when he was seized and carried to Wartburg. Seckendorf, by an unhappy conjecture, explained the word brother as meaning a monk, and other writers have blindly followed him. So, too, have these writers made Von Suaveii (Latinized, Suabenius,) a Danish, instead of a Pomeranian nobleman. 26 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1521. and it was on that occasion that he made the memo- rable prayer which has been recorded, and is to be found in the histories of the Reformation. In order to understand Luther's position before the diet at Worms, we must glance at what had been done there previous to his arrival. January 16, just three months before Luther's entrance into the city, the elector wrote from Worms to his brother John, thus : " Every day, as I am informed, consultations are held against Doctor Martin, to put him under the ban of excommunication and outlawry, and to perse- cute him to the utmost. This, they of the red hat and the Romans with their party, do labour at. But there are many who regard him with favour." Leo X. wrote to Charles V. a letter dated Rome, January 18, but which did not come before the diet till February 13, in which he says, that as Luther had failed to appear at Rome to answer to his summons, he, the pope, had declared him a notorious heretic. Having learned through his nuncio that his imperial majesty was inclined to maintain the Catholic faith, he now implored him to issue a general edict that Luther, unless he retract his errors, suffer the penalties due to a heretic. February 13, the nuncio Aleander pre- sented the apostolical brief above mentioned, and seconded its suggestions by an elaborate but haughty speech against Luther, beseeching the diet not to bear with the man, who was calling back from hell Huss and Jerome of Prague, who had been con- demned and burnt. Glapio, confessor of the em- peror, had several interviews with Pontanus, the elector's chancellor, during the month of February, seeking to effect a reconciliation, by inducing Luther to renounce the errors and hard sayings contained in his work on the Babylonian captivity. These errors JE. 37.] BEFORE THE DIET. 303 he pointed out, to the number of thirty-two. Grlapio admitted that the Roman party daily belaboured the emperor to carry into effect the suggestions of the papal brief, but that he had thus far manifested an un- willingness to do so. Still we find a draught of an imperial edict against Luther's writings, and against his person, unless he should retract, as early as the 10th of February. This draught was laid before the diet, together with the three following questions : 1. Whether Luther should be called to have a hear- ing to Worms, or to some other place in the vici- nity. 2. Whether his books, being full of heresy, ought not forthwith to be burned and destroyed. 3. Whether, in case he should choose not to appear, or, appearing, would not renounce his errors, he should then be punished as a heretic. The diet, near the beginning of March, replied that, having taken the edict and questions laid before them into consideration, 1. They must warn the em- peror of the dangers of attempting by a new edict to quell the excitement produced by Luther's preach- ing and writings; and, 2. They approve of citing Luther to appear at Worms under a safe-conduct, not however to discuss the points at issue, but simply to reply to the questions whether he would retract or not. When Luther was informed by Spalatin of these counsels, he replied that he would not go to Worms for such a purpose as that; he could as well answer the question in Wittenberg as in Worms; that he would never retract. The emperor informed the diet that he should proceed according to their advice. After all this, and after Luth'er had (March 26) received his citation and safe-conduct, dated March 6, the emperor, nevertheless, issued his edict against 304 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1521. Luther's books, omitting that part which related to his person. This unjust and violent proce- dure, designed to prejudice the popular mind and to terrify the friends of Luther, induced the latter, and particularly Spalatin and the elector, to dissuade Luther from presenting himself for trial after his books were already condemned by the emperor. We learn the state of feeling among Luther's friends, from a document of Pontanus, in which he recounts the considerations on both sides in respect to the safety of Luther's presenting himself under these circumstances. The chief objections were, that the cause was virtually prejudged, and that his safe-conduct would be no security, if he should re- fuse to retract, and should therefore be declared a heretic. There were in fact princes who were not ashamed to say that the emperor was not bound to keep his word with a heretic. But the house of Saxony and others rejected such a suggestion with scorn and with threats. The reasons urged by Pon- tanus in favour of Luther's coming were, that the edict itself, though it stated that Luther was cited to answer to the question whether he would retract what he had written or not, still expressly speaks of the safe-conduct to Worms and back again, without conditions or any reference to the kind of answer that should be given; and that Luther's enemies would desire nothing better than to be able to say that he had not confidence to appear for trial. Luther knew the whole case perfectly, and decided with wisdom as consummate as his courage. It was here at Worms that he opened the eyes of many of the rulers of Germany, and actually drove a wedge which split the diet into two religious parties, not JE. 37.] BEFORE THE DIET. 305 again for many centuries to be united. The scene which was opened at Worms did not close till the end of the Thirty Years' War, when the Protestants wrung from the Catholics a political equality. When the hour arrived, Ulrich von Pappenheim and Caspar Sturm came and conducted him first to the Swan, the quarters of the Elector of the Palati- nate, whence he was conveyed through secret pas- sages to the Guild-hall, to avoid the concourse which had thronged the way from Luther's lodgings t his words, who will exercise themselves in faith, which worketh by love. For faith without love is nothing worth ; nay, it is not faith, but its semblance only, just as one's face seen in a glass is not the face itself, but its image. Fourthly, we must also exercise patience. For whosoever hath faith, and trusteth in God, and hath love to his neigh- bour, and exerciseth himself therein, he shall not be without persecution. For Satan neither sleepeth nor is at rest, but maketh trouble enough for men. But persecution worketh patience; for if I am neither persecuted nor tempted, I can have little to 340 LIFE OP LUTHER. .[1522. say of patience. And patience worketh hope, which springeth up and flourisheth in God, and putteth one not te shame. Thus, by many temptations and per- secutions, faith increaseth and is strengthened from day to day. " Such a heart, wherein faith so increaseth, and so many virtues dwell, cannot rest, nor contain itself, but must pour itself out again, and do good to its neighbour as it hath received good of the Lord. Here, my dear friends, each one is . not to do as he hath a right to do, but must relax from his right, and consider what is useful and profitable to his brother, as Paul did, who said to the Corinthians, 'I have all power; but all is not expedient;' and, again, 'Though I am free from all men, yet have I made myself the servant of all, that I might win many.' In these words of Paul, we are instructed how we, who have received faith from God, should conduct ourselves toward all, namely, accommodate ourselves to the weakness of our neighbour. For we are not all equally strong in the faith. He who is strong to-day, may be weak to-morrow ; and he who is weak to-day, may be strong to-morrow. Therefore we must not consider our own faith or strength alone, but that of our neighbour, that we may con- descend to him, and not offend him by our liberty. We must not forget how he hath borne with us, and had patience a long time with our weakness. We ought to do likewise unto our brethren, till they also shall become strong; not to storm at them, but treat them kindly, and with all meekness teach them, and not go to heaven alone, but endeavour to bring our brother with us. In this respect, I perceive you have erred, and some of you gone very far. I should not have gone so far, had I been here. The thing M. 38.] AT WITTENBERG AGAIN. 341 is right enough in itself, but there hath been too great haste. There are on the other side brethren and sisters who must be brought along with us. All those, therefore, have erred, who have given their consent and aid to doing away with mass ; not but that the act itself was well enough, but that it was done violently, in disorder, and to the offence of others. They did not have recourse to the magis- trates, nor make any inquiries of them beforehand. They had a good knowledge of the Scriptures, but had not the Spirit, else they would not have made a law out of that which is free. Therefore I say, and faithfully warn you, if we pray not earnestly to God and return to our duty, all the wretchedness which the Papists have suffered from us will be returned upon our own heads. For this cause, I could not remain away longer, but felt constrained to come and say this to you." This outline of his first discourse may suffice for a specimen of his manner. In his second, he carried out and illustrated the ideas with which he closed the first. In the six remaining discourses, he rea- soned out, one by one, the various points on which he wished to correct the prevailing popular senti- ment. Rarely has it happened that one man, un- aided by power, rather cramped by it, by the mere force of his individual character and personal influ- ence, should be able to stay such a popular excite- ment, which had already carried away all barriers, and shown itself superior to the control of the court and the university combined. It is important that, at this critical juncture, when Luther's character was put to so severe a test, the turning point, as it were, of the whole work of the Reformation, we ascertain as accu- 29* 342 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1522. rately as possible the position from which he con- templated the extraordinary scene. Happily we have ample means for such an inves- tigation in the various letters written to his friends at the very time of these occurrences. On the day of his arrival, Friday, the 7th of March, he gave the elector, according to request made to him through Schurf, a statement of the reasons which induced him, contrary to his instructions, to leave Wartburg, and appear at Wittenberg. In this letter he says : " I may well suppose it will appear objectionable to you that, without your grace's consent or permission, I should return to Wittenberg again ; for the appear- ance is, that out of it great danger will arise both to your grace, and to the whole country and people, and most of all to me, who, as one that is pro- scribed and condemned both by the pope and the emperor, am every hour exposed to death. But what shall I do? Necessity presseth, and God urgeth and calleth ; it must and will be so ; and so be it in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Lord over life and death. . . . The first reason is, that I re- ceived from the church at Wittenberg a written request, beseeching and begging me to come. Now, as no one can deny that the work was begun by me, and as I am bound to hold myself as the obedient servant of that church to which God hath called me, I could in no way refuse, without renouncing Christian love, fidelity and service. . . . " The second reason is, that during my absence from Wittenberg, Satan hath broken in upon my flock, and hath, as all the world exclaimeth and with truth done mischief which I cannot by writ- ing arrest, but must manage by personal presence, with living voice and ear. My conscience would JE. 38.] AT WITTENBERG AGAIN. 343 allow no longer hesitation or delay. On this ac- count, I was obliged to disregard your grace's plea- sure or displeasure, and all the world's wrath or favour. For they are my flock, committed to me of God; they are my children in Christ; and there was no longer doubt whether I should come or not. I am bound to suffer death for them, which, with God's grace, I will cheerfully and joyfully do, as Christ requireth in the tenth chapter of John. . . . "The third reason is, that I greatly fear, and alas ! am but too certain, that a wide-spread insur- rection will break out in Germany, wherewith God will punish this nation. For we see that the gospel pleaseth the people much, and they turn it to a carnal account ; they see that it is true, and yet will not make a right use of it. To this end do those contribute who ought to quell such insurrec- tion. They seek to quench the light, but do not consider that they thereby imbitter men's hearts, and drive them to rebellion, so that they act as if they would destroy themselves, or, at least, their children, [the next generation, by civil war,] which God no doubt sendeth as a judgment upon us. For the spiritual tyranny is weakened, for whose down- fall alone I laboured, but now I perceive God will go further with it, and overthrow both the spiritual and the civil rule, as in Jerusalem. I have lately seen that not only the spiritual, but the temporal power must give way before the gospel, whether it be by consent or by constraint, as is clearly taught in all Bible history. Now, God requireth in Eze- kiel, that we should set up ourselves in defence as a wall for the people. Therefore, I have thought it necessary to consult with my friends, to see if we could not ward off, or delay God's judgment." 344 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1522. To Spalatin lie wrote the same day: "Satan hath attempted to do much mischief here in my fold, in such a way that it will be difficult to meet the case without offence to both parties. See to it, that no innovation be allowed to be made either by common consent or by violence. By the word alone must error be assaulted, dislodged, overthrown and done away, which our friends here, impelled by Satan, have, in their first zeal, attempted to carry by storm. I condemn as an abomination the papal mass, which is made a sacrifice and a good work, whereby a man is restored to favour with God. But I will not, therefore, resort to force, or persuade one who is without faith, much less compel him to do it away with violence. Only through the word will I con- demn the abuse of the mass. Whosoever will be- lieve, let him believe, and follow unconstrained; and whosoever will not believe, let him disbelieve and go his way ; for no one should be forced to faith, or to any thing pertaining to the faith, but should be drawn to it and won by the word. Then, who- soever believeth without constraint will freely follow. I also reject the images which men worship ; but I do it through the word, not urging men to burn them up, but rather not to put their trust in them, as others have done, and still do. The images will fall of themselves, if the people are instructed through the word, and learn that they are nothing before God. So likewise do I condemn the papal laws about auricular confession, going at stated times to the holy sacrament, praying to saints and fast- ing ; but I do it through the word to free the con- science from these shackles. When that is done, then they can either continue to use them on ac- count of the weak who are still entangled with JE. 38.] NARRATIVE OF EVENTS. 345 them, or they can do those observances away, if others are already strong. Thus, charity may pre- vail in these outward works and laws. Now, I am most displeased with our people, (and the populace who are drawn with them,) that they let the word and faith and charity go, and glory that they are Christians, simply because they (not without offence to the weak) can eat meat, eggs, milk, &c., lay hold of the eucharist with their own hands, and omit the fastings and prayers." Luther went further, however, than to censure violence instead of persuasion in matters of religion. He condemned the removal of images from the churches, the omission of the mass ceremonies, of the prescribed fastings and prayers, and the touch- ing of the bread and wine, on the part of the laity, with their own hands, because such things, though innocent in themselves, shocked the feelings of many pious persons. If, in these respects, we grant that Luther acted, as he did, not wholly with- out reason, we must also concede that the new prac- tice which he censured in the other party, was nei- ther unnatural, nor altogether unreasonable. High authority could have been pleaded on the other side, as in fact it was pleaded. SECTION IV. General Narrative of Events from 1522 to 1525. HE who is accustomed to recognise the presence of a superintending Providence in human affairs, will not fail to perceive the hand of God in the pe- culiar direction given to public affairs in Germany about the time of Luther's return to Wittenberg. Luther himself was defenceless, and both the papal and imperial authority was arrayed against him and 346 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1522. employed to put in execution the severe edict of Worms. The cause of the Reformation seemed, moreover, to be weakened by the disorders prevail- ing at Wittenberg and in several other towns, and destroying the confidence of men in respect to the tendencies of Luther's great enterprise. George, Duke of Saxony, and the Elector of Bran- denburg, were ready to execute that bloody edict, and seize Luther and his associates ; but the great influence of the Elector Frederic, his caution and wisdom had hitherto preserved Luther from a violent death. And now, when the elector's plans were all baffled by what seemed to him the imprudence and rashness of the reformer, and when he could find no plausible ground for refusing, if the pope and the emperor should demand that Luther be delivered into their hands, behold Leo X. was removed by death in December of 1521, and was succeeded by Ha- drian VI., who for nearly two years continued to maintain a new policy entirely against the views of his court; and Charles V. was, meanwhile, so occu- pied in his war with France as not to be able to visit Germany, but was obliged to intrust its go- vernment to his brother Ferdinand. Under these remarkable circumstances, Frederic was relieved from his embarrassment, and Luther could go on undisturbed in his work. Though the edict was still nominally in force, yet in most of the middle of Germany the sentiments of the intelligent and virtuous were so on the side of truth and justice that the edict was disregarded. This period, therefore, was the very one in which the public mind was enlisted in the cause of the Refor- mation. The unjust and cruel, but unsuccessful at- tempts of the Catholic princes, instead of terrifying &. 38.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 347 men into submission to their authority, had the con- trary effect, and aroused the indignation which al- ways follows an attempt to do violence to the moral sense of the people. From this time onward, Luther's labours, at home and abroad, were greater than ever. Wherever a town or even an individual manifested a love for the evangelical doctrines, there Luther was either personally present to aid by public preaching and private conversation, or sent letters of encourage- ment, consolation and counsel. Wherever the radi- cal party spread their doctrines and made disturb- ance, there none but Luther could appear either with safety, or with any hope of success, to quell the difficulty. Wherever the Catholics made an at- tack or exercised cruelty against the converts to the doctrines of the Reformation, there Luther, as the bishop of all such flocks and individuals, was quick to show his sympathy and extend his powerful aid. In April, 1522, he went to Zwickau, and was obliged to pass through the dominions of Duke George, at no small hazard, to reduce to order the excited population of that town, where Muncer and his colleagues made their first attempts to revolu- tionize the church and the state. On the way thi- ther, he preached at Borna, and at Al ten burg.* He lodged in Zwickau with the burgomaster, and preached in the town-hall, in the castle, and in one of the churches. It was said that twenty-five thou- sand people from the adjoining towns came to see * Borna is fifteen miles, Altenburg twenty-five, and Zwickau forty-five south of Leipsic. Eilenburg is fifteen miles north-east of Leipsic. ,848 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1522. and hear him. On his return, he preached twice at Borna, and then proceeded to Eilenburg, and thence to Wittenberg. For similar reasons, he made a journey to Erfurt in October of the same year. The same spirit of speedy, if not violent reform, in respect to doing away with images, mass and the invocation of saints, which had manifested itself at Wittenberg, was early active in Erfurt. After several letters on the subject, Luther, in company with Melancthon, Agricola and two others, visited the place in per- son. The day before reaching it, he preached at Weimar. On approaching Erfurt, Luther de- scended from the carriage, and passed through the gate privately, in order to avoid the crowd which came out to welcome him or to see him. In the evening, which was passed at the parsonage of one of the churches, he was visited by multitudes of persons. He preached there three times the two following days, and then returned to Weimar, where he remained some time, preaching every day. Of his numerous writings published in 1522, no particular account can be expected here. Besides writing the interesting letter to the knight, Von Kronberg, son-in-law of Von Sickingen, he had a very violent controversy with Duke George and Henry VIII., of England, or rather with Sir Thomas More. Though these potentates, who un- dertook to dabble in theology and to instruct Lu- ther therein, deserved no better treatment than they received from his hands, Luther himself suf- fered in the estimation of many wise and good men from the intemperate violence, and even ribaldry, in which he freely indulged. The history of the diet of Niiremburg, which was M. 39.] NARRATIVE OF EVENTS. 349 in session during the whole winter of 1523, while it is too complicated to find a place in a brief biogra- phy, is too important and too closely connected with Luther's fortunes to be omitted altogether. The Turks had broken in upon Hungary, and were approaching the frontiers of the German empire. Charles V., who had undertaken to check them, was obliged to hasten to Spain to put down the insur- rections which had sprung up there during his resi- dence in Germany. His brother, Ferdinand, whom he had appointed vicar of the empire, called the diet above mentioned, in the emperor's name, to engage the estates in a war of defence and reprisal. The emperor, in a letter from Valladolid, endea- voured to persuade the pope to contribute from the ecclesiastical funds to support the war, adding as a special inducement, that the same military power might, before being disbanded, be employed to de- stroy the Lutheran sect by the sword. Hadrian paid little regard to the emperor's chief object; but resolved to make use of the diet to fur- ther his own ends in eradicating the Lutheran heresy. After taking the preliminary measures, and inviting the co-operation of the princes and even threaten- ing the Elector Frederic, if he should refuse to unite the pope, through his legate, urged the diet no longer to suffer the edict of Worms to remain without effect, but to crush the heresy of Luther by the arm of the civil power, if milder measures did not succeed. To give new weight to his argu- ments, which met with opposition, he confessed the corruption not only of the priests and prelates, but of the cardinals and popes themselves; and pro- mised (with all sincerity) to institute a reformation which should, in a proper manner, accomplish all 350 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1523. that Luther undertook to effect in an improper man- ner. This concession and promise, so far from promoting his object, served only to defeat it. The Roman courtiers and prelates desired no such reform. The party which sympathized with Luther turned the confessions to a good account. A committee was appointed to draft a statement, in reply to a communication of the legate, and John of Schwartzenburg, a man of learning and talent, and warmly in the interest of the evangelical party, was chairman of the committee. With great mode- ration and judgment was that document prepared, which stated, that it was impossible to put in execution the edict of Worms, in respect to Luther, so long as the court of Rome, which Luther had justly exposed to contempt, remained in its corrup- tion, and unreformed. It recommended referring the whole matter to a general council, the preachers meanwhile adhering to the doctrines of the ancient church, and Luther and his friends refraining from writing and publishing. With slight modifications, advocated by the Archbishop of Mainz and others, the draft prepared was adopted by the diet, to the great mortification and indignation of the legate. Plaunitz, the deputy of the Elector of Saxony, who was not present, was the chief diplomatist in the interest of Luther, and well did he and Schwartzen- burg concert their measures for baffling the papal counsels. Felitzsch, the ambassador of Frederic, would not yield so much as his associates did, and protested, in the name of his prince, against the prohibition laid upon Luther in respect to publishing his opinions. Luther himself, however, was very well satisfied with the main features of the order passed by the diet, pronouncing it "remarkably JE. 39.] NARRATIVE OF EVENTS. 351 liberal and acceptable." Inasmuch as the enemies of Luther interpreted this recess, as it is called, so as to make it appear condemnatory of the cause of the Reformation, and confirmatory of the decision passed at the diet of Worms, Luther addressed a public letter to the vicar and government of the empire, in which he gave a different interpretation. Thus the plans and schemes of the pope and his ministers, to engage the German diet in a crusade against the new heresy, failed utterly of their object. The Protestant writers, who complain of the doings of the diet, do not, perhaps, sufficiently consider how many chances there were of coming to a result incomparably worse, and how much skill and effort it required, in a few, to take such advantage of the circumstances to ward off the evil. The result above mentioned was merely negative. Luther and his friends were in the same state of insecurity as before. The elector was often alarmed, and it required all the ability and boldness of Luther to inspire him with confidence. In such a state of things, it was to be expected that the followers of Luther, in Catholic territories, should be bitterly and cruelly persecuted. To this class of sufferers, Luther directed his particular attention. Three ladies had been dismissed from the court of Henry, Duke of Saxony, for having read the writings of Luther. Henry himself, who then resided at Freiberg, was favourably disposed toward Luther; but he was forced to this measure by his brother George, the reigning duke. Luther, though a stranger to these ladies, addressed to them [June 18, 1523] a consolatory letter, urging them to Christian fortitude and patience. " Submit patiently," he says, " and let Christ work. He will abundantly 352 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1523. avenge you of your wrong, and raise you higher than you could wish, if you will only leave the matter, and commit it all to him." In July of the same year, he writes to his friend Crotus : " Two brethren have already been burnt at Brussels, and a third has been degraded (as they call it) and sent into some unknown Assyria or Babylon. The papal priests rage with incredible madness against Christ. Some of them write ac- cursed and blasphemous things. This is their obe- dience to the imperial [Nuremberg] edict, referring our dispute to a future council. Thus far, I have kept quiet, [as the edict required ;] but, if they go on thus, I too shall bid adieu to the edict not to burn, imprison, or do any violence for this is not the part of Christians but to defend, by word of mouth and by writing, the glory of the Scriptures, and to expose still further the abominations of the papacy." He addressed a letter, worthy of Tertullian or of Cyprian, to the Christians in Holland, Brabant and Flanders, congratulating them " that God is causing his marvellous light to shine again, and that the voice of the turtle-dove is heard, and the flowers appear on the earth." The correspondence of Luther, in the years 1522 and 1523, is very rich in such specimens of Christian sympathy ; the in- stances in which he intercedes for the poor, the afflicted and the outcast, being almost innumerable. At one time, he asks of the elector charity for an aged and feeble monk, who, from conscientious scruples, has abandoned his cell; at another, for nine nuns, who were abandoned by their relations for having laid aside the veil. Now, he takes the part of a pious preacher, who has been driven from ,. 39.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 353 his post for having preached evangelical doctrines, or having taken a wife ; and now, he writes letters of encouragement to the handful of believers who venture to confess Christ, in various towns and cities. Besides, his opinions were asked on so many questions, laid before him by princes and nobles, by magistrates and town-councils, by scholars and theo- logians, by ecclesiastics, monks and nuns, on all points connected with the change he introduced in respect to man's ecclesiastical and social relations, that he was often obliged to excuse himself for want of time, and refer them to his writings, to other religious teachers, and to the Bible. Hadrian VI., the reforming but narrow-minded pope, lived less than two years after his accession to the apostolical chair. He was succeeded (Nov. 19, 1523) by Clement VII., a wily politician of the family of the Medici, whose intriguing policy better pleased the corrupt Roman court. At the next German diet, held in the beginning of 1524, Cam- pegius, the papal legate, and Haunart, the orator sent from Spain by the emperor to represent his views, acted in concert against Luther, as Charles at that time felt the need of the pope's assistance in his war with France. Though their councils pre- vailed in part in the diet, the resistance of the Elector Frederic and some others was so decided, that the danger of Luther was but slightly increased. So far was he from being terrified by the newNu'rem- burg edict, which enforced the edict of Worms, while it provided for the settlement of the religious differences at the next diet to be held at Spire, that he published the two edicts together, with satirical comments, under the title of "Two Irreconcilable and Contradictory Imperial Orders respecting Lu- 30 354 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1523. ther." In the preface, he says, " It is scandalous that the emperor and the princes deal openly in false- hood, and, what is more scandalous still, issue con- tradictory commands, as you here see. I am to be seized and punished according to the decision made at the diet of Worms ; and yet, at a future diet, to be held at Spire, my teachings are to be examined. So I am at one and the same time condemned and referred to a future trial ; and my countrymen are to treat me as an outlaw, and then wait to see me condemned." Of the controversies in which Luther was en- gaged at the close of this period, or from 1523 to 1525, we will mention only those which tended to check the progress of the Reformation, namely, his controversies with Erasmus on the freedom of the will; with Carlstadt on the real presence in the eucharist; and with Muncer and the peasants on civil government. The controversy with Erasmus derived its imme- diate importance from his great personal influence, and from the support he had indirectly given to the cause of the Reformation. Both parties had been eager to claim him, and it was long doubtful which side he would espouse. But, from our point of view, we are led to attach still greater importance to the remoter consequences, those which are con- nected with the subject of the controversy j for, at a subsequent period, both Melancthon and the Lu- theran church abandoned the predestinarian view maintained by Luther, and became converts, in part, to the doctrine advocated by Erasmus. Luther had long been suspicious of Erasmus, and, in a letter to (Ecolampadius, (June 20, 1523,) he gave utterance to his impressions of him in these JE. 39.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 355 words: "Although I here and there feel his sharp arrows, yet, as he pretendeth not to be my enemy, BO I pretend not to understand his manoeuvres, though I see through him better than he supposeth. He hath accomplished that to which he was called. He hath introduced the languages, and recalled men from their impious studies. Perhaps, with Moses, he is to die in the land of Moab, for, to better stu- dies, which pertain to piety, he doth not advance. I could most earnestly desire that he would abstain from treating of the Scriptures and from his para- phrases; for he is not equal to this task, and only inipedeth his readers in a knowledge of the Scrip- tures. It is enough for him to have pointed out what is evil ; to reveal what is good, and to lead to the land of promise, is, as I now see, more than he can do." A letter of his, written in May, 1522, had been injudiciously published, in which he had said: "I knew before that Mosellanus agreed with Erasmus on predestination. But I think Erasmus knoweth less of predestination than the sophistical scholastics knew. Nor do I fear that I shall fall, if I do not change my sentiments. Erasmus is not formidable in this matter, nor is he generally in what pertaineth to Christianity. ... I will not provoke him to combat, nor, if he provoke me once and again, will I immediately resent. Nevertheless it seemeth to me not good for him to try the powers of his elo- quence on me. ... If, however, he will have a hand in the game, he shall see that Christ is afraid neither of the gates of hell, nor of the powers of the air; and I, though a stammerer, will boldly meet the eloquent Erasmus without regard to his authority, name, or favour. . . . Sulute Mosellanus in my name. 356 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1523. I am not estranged from him because he followeth Erasmus rather than me. Tell him to be a lusty Erasmian. The time will come when he will think otherwise." Keferring to these two letters, he says, (Oct. 1, 1523:) "My private letter concerning Erasmus, and another written to (Ecolampadius, have been published, which he taketh very ill. Although I have not a single word to take back, if called to de- fend myself, I am nevertheless not well pleased that letters, written in confidence to intimate friends, should be made public by informers. But the writings of Erasmus will not harm me, if directed against me ; neither will they give me confidence, if they support me. I have one who will defend my cause, though all the world rage against what Erasmus calleth my pertinacity. ... I am resolved not to defend my manner of life and character, but the cause only. Let whosoever will mangle my character as heretofore. ... I am sorrowful and afraid when I am praised, and joyful when re- proached and maligned. If this seemeth strange to Erasmus, I do not wonder. Let him learn Christ, and bid adieu to human wisdom. The Lord en- lighten him and make another man of him." Luther knew that the Papists, and particularly the pope himself, had urged Erasmus to come out against him. He was long kept in painful sus- pense, expecting either an open attack or a private expostulation, and yet receiving neither. He finally broke the silence in a letter to Erasmus, holding out the olive of peace, but in a way that did not flatter the vanity of the man who had long been re- garded as an oracle. "I have long kept silence," he writes, (April &. 40.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 357 1524,) "that you, as the greater and older, might break it. But, having waited so long in vain, Christian charity, I think, compelleth me to make the beginning. First, I will not complain that you have stood aloof from me, in order to be on better and safer terms with the Papists, my enemies. Nor do I take it ill that you have, in some passages in your published works, for the sake of securing their favour or mitigating their wrath, used some bitter and biting expressions relating to me; for I per- ceive that the Lord hath not yet given you the for- titude and courage to join me in cheerfully and boldly meeting those monsters with which I have to contend. I am not one to exact of you what is above your powers and your measure. But I tolerate your weakness, and honour the measure of the gifts be- stowed on you of G-od. The whole world must own that it is a great gift of God in you, and one for which we ought to be thankful, that through you letters have been made to flourish and prevail, to the manifest aid of the study of the Bible. It was never my desire that you should desert or neglect your gift, and mingle in my combats, wherein your genius and eloquence would, indeed, avail much. But, as you lack the courage, it is safer for you to cultivate your own gift. I have only feared this, that my adversaries would persuade you to assail my doctrines, which would compel me to resist you to the face. ... So much did I wish to say, as evi- dence of my candid feelings toward you ; and I desire that a spirit may be given you of the Lord, worthy of your name. But if it should not yet be given you, I beg you, if you can no nothing more, to be a mere spectator of my tragedy, and not join my ad- versaries with your troops, and especially to publish 358 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1524. no books against me, as I will publish none against you." That so sensitive a man as Erasmus should feel keenly on the reception of this letter is what might be anticipated. He replied with evident emotion, repelling the charge of timidity and dissimulation, and claiming to have served the gospel far better than many infatuated writers who make themselves important under its abused name. The influence of Henry VIII., his patron, being added to that of the papal court, prevailed; and in September, 1524, Erasmus opened his batteries upon Luther, who replied with unsparing severity. Whatever be the merits of this controversy and it was conducted with distinguished learning on the one side, and distinguished ability on the other Erasmus con- fesses that he was influenced not wholly by a love of truth, but also by the fear of his enemies, the monks ; who were exciting against him, as a secret favourer of Luther's doctrines, the ill-will of the court of Rome and of several potentates, whose protection and patronage he could not consent to lose. Here, as everywhere, the otherwise virtuous and well-disposed Erasmus calculated nicely his own personal interest. Thus these two great and, for the most part, good men, became inveterate enemies of each other. Luther never loved those who taught differently from himself. Carlstadt, Erasmus and Zwingle, when they opposed any of his views, were no less heretical than Muncer. This was a fault in Luther's character. A few words from Luther's letter to a friend (March 30, 1522) will be sufficient to remind us of his relations to Carlstadt at that time. He there remarks : " I have offended Carlstadt, because I have JE. 40.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 359 put a stop to his measures, though I did not con- demn his doctrines, except that I did not approve of his labouring so for mere ceremonies and external forms, while the true Christian teaching, that of faith and charity, is neglected. For, by his foolish manner of preaching, the people were led to think they were Christians from the sole consideration (which is nothing at all) that, in the communion, they partook both of the bread and the wine ; that they handled them; that they did not go to confes- sion ; and that they broke down the images. Behold Satan's malice, in resorting to this new expedient to destroy the gospel I" Carlstadt had explained his position thus : " That we are sometimes at variance, is because we do not Btand by the word of God, and think we may, by our reason, devise something that will please him. On this wise are we disagreed on the article of confession. For my part, I have followed the Scriptures, and appeal to my candid hearers. I have also requested the magistrates to forbid, under a severe penalty, preaching any thing which the Scriptures do not con- tain and teach. Death itself shall 'not drive me away from the Scriptures. For I know that nothing pleaseth God but what doth conform to his holy word. . . . Therefore I shall build exclusively on the word of God, not regarding what others teach. I know that I shall offend only those who are not Christians." These words have been pronounced, by historians, haughty and insolent. Had Luther ut- tered them, they would have been pronounced heroic. If Carlstadt did not act according to this standard if he was fanatical, envious, or unkind in his op- position to Luther that is quite another matter. Carlstadt was at first compelled by the elector to 360 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1524. promise not to preach to the people in the way he had done. After restraining himself about three months, till April, 1522, he resolved to publish his views in opposition to Luther. The latter writes, (April 21,) " I have this day suppliantly entreated Carlstadt in private not to publish any thing against me, for, in that case, I should be obliged to contend with him earnestly. He solemnly affirmed that he would write nothing against me, though the six sheets now in the hands of the rector and judges for exa- mination speak otherwise. Certainly I will not so disregard public scandal as to pass over what he hath written. They are endeavouring to persuade him to retract or to suppress what he hath written ; I shall not urge it." Melancthon writes to Spalatin a few days afterward, "It hath been decided that Carl- stadt's book shall be suppressed." It would appear that the intimation made by Lu- ther against Carlstadt's good faith was not at this time justified by the result, for the latter returned to the ordinary discharge of his duties, much to the satisfaction of the former. In January, 1523, Lu- ther speaks of Carlstadt's lectures in most flattering terms. For three centuries, Carlstadt's moral character has been treated somewhat as Luther's would have been, if only Catholic testimony had been heard. The party interested has been both witness and judge. What if we were to judge of Zwingle's Christian character by Luther's representations ? The truth is, Carlstadt hardly showed a worse spirit, or employed more abusive terms toward Luther, than Luther did toward him. Carlstadt knew that in many things the truth was on his side; and yet, in these, no less than in others, he was crushed by the civil power, JE- 40.] NARRATIVE OP EVENTS. 361 which was on the side of Luther. Luther was so zealous to maintain the doctrine of justification by faith, that he was prepared even to call in question the authority of some portions of Scripture, which seemed to him not to be reconcileable with it. To the Epistle of James, especially, his expressions in- dicate the strongest repugnance. Indeed, so intem- perate was his language in reference to this subject, that we cease to wonder why Carlstadt should com- plain of "the audacity, the unreasonable severity, the violence, the false reasoning, the immodesty and shameless decisions of his friends." " Still," says he, " I will challenge no one, but if I am challenged for the defence of the canon of the Scriptures, though I cannot do it as it should be done, I will contend with all my might." He had so far restored the sacrament of the Lord's supper as to distribute the wine as well as the bread to the laity. Luther, " in order not to offend weak consciences," insisted on distributing the bread only, and prevailed. He rejected the practice of elevating and adoring the host. Luther allowed it, and introduced it again. Carlstadt maintained, that "we should not, in things pertain- ing to God, regard what the multitude say or think, but look simply to the word of God. Others," he adds, " say that, on account of the weak, we should not hasten to keep the commands of God; but wait till they become wise and strong." In regard to the ceremonies introduced into the church, he judged as the Swiss reformers did, that all were to be rejected which had not a warrant in the Bible. " It is sufficiently against the Scriptures, if you can find no ground for it in them." Luther asserted, on the contrary, " Whatever is not against the 81 362 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1524. Scriptures is for the Scriptures, and the Scriptures for it. Though Christ hath not commanded ador- ing of the host, so neither hath he forbidden it." "Not so," said Carlstadt, "we are bound to the Bible, and no one may decide after the thoughts of his own heart." Carlstadt differed essentially from Luther in regard to the use to be made of the Old Testament. With him, the law of Moses was still binding. Luther, on the contrary, had a strong aversion to what he calls a legal and Judaizing religion. Carlstadt held to the divine authority of the Sabbath from the Old Testa- ment; Luther believed Christians were free to observe any day as a Sabbath, provided they be uniform in observing it. But Carlstadt was also a mystic, fol- lowing an inward light. Hence his sympathy with the Zwickau Prophets. He was a singular com- pound of Zwinglian, Lutheran and Anabaptist in- gredients. The most important difference between him and Luther, and that which most imbittered the latter against him, related to the Lord's supper. He opposed not only transubstantiation, but consub- stantiation, the real presence, and the elevation and adoration of the host. Luther rejected the first, asserted the second and third, and allowed the other two. In regard to the real presence, he says : " In the sacrament is the real body of Christ and the real blood of Christ, so that even the unworthy and ungodly partake of it ; and ' partake of it corpo- rally/ too, and not spiritually as Carlstadt will have it." After Carlstadt had been compelled to keep silence, from 1522 to 1524, and to submit to the superior power and authority of Luther, he could contain himself no longer. He, therefore, left Wit- M. 40.] NARRATIVE OF EVENTS. 363 tenberg, and established a press at Jena, through which he could, in a series of publications, give vent to his convictions, so long pent up. He also preached in several places in that neighbourhood, but chiefly at Orlamunde, a little above Jena, on the Saale. A furious controversy ensued. Both parties exceeded the bounds of Christian propriety and moderation. Carlstadt was now in the vicinity of the Anabap- tist tumults, excited by Muncer. He sympathized with them in some things, but disapproved of their disorders. Luther made the most of this. The work which he wrote against him, he entitled " The Book against the Celestial Prophets." This was uncan- did ; for the controversy related chiefly to the sacra- ment of the supper. In the south of Germany, and in Switzerland, Carlstadt found more adherents than Luther. Banished as an Anabaptist, he was received as a Zwinglian. No doubt this circumstance did much toward pro- ducing that intolerant spirit which Luther ever after- ward manifested toward Zwingle and his associates. It is not for us to decide the doctrinal question. It is enough to say that those men were as much entitled to the respect and charity of Luther, as he was to ^their's. We pass over this whole contro- versy, and the numerous colloquies and debates growing out of it, as inappropriate to the character of this work. Against the peasants, who, on the one hand, were driven to desperation by the oppression of their rulers, and, on the other, were intoxicated with the new ideas of liberty that had just begun to be pro- claimed, Luther wrote and spoke in terms of unmi- tigated severity. He was a better theologian than 364 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1524. politician. He held to the divine right of kings, and, consequently, to the doctrine of passive obe- dience on the part of their subjects. He was justly alarmed lest the fair name of the Reformation should be stained by deeds of violence and blood. In Thuringia, particularly, and under Muncer's in- fluence, the political movements were linked in with fanaticism which led to the wildest disorders; though, in the south-west of Germany, the insurgents acted more wisely and intelligently. That Luther should, in these circumstances, employ his pen, and even travel from city to city, to allay the excitement and put down the peasants, is not strange. But that he should proclaim doctrines subversive of all prin- ciples of freedom, and be the means of riveting more firmly the already galling chains of despotism, and of exciting the despots to a bloody revenge, is a matter of regret, if not of wonder. The recent revolutions of Germany are very simi- lar to those attempted in the sixteenth century. The cause was as sacred then as it is now : we do not say that the means were justifiable. Certainly the theories of government were extravagant and grotesque. The failure of the undertaking of Von Sickingen and Von Hutten, the tragic scenes of Alstedt, Frankenhausen and Miihlhausen, a^nd the counter-revolution in Suabia, and the character given to the Reformation as hostile to all political revo- lutions, retarded the cause of liberty for three cen- turies. Perhaps it is well that it was so. Perhaps there was not, in that age, a sufficient preparation for the enjoyment and preservation of freedom ; and so the want of enlarged, rational and philosophic views of the nature and functions of civil govern- JE. 38-42.] NARRATIVE OF EVENTS. 365 ment, which we observe in Luther, is the less to be regretted. To be, at the same time, a religious and a political reformer is more than can reasonably be demanded of one individual. Of the strict inte- grity and high moral principles of Luther, in all his transactions, both with princes and with pea- sants, during these unhappy times, there can be no question. 81 366 LIFE OP LUTHER. CHAPTER V. LUTHER'S CHARACTER AS IT APPEARS IN SOME PARTICU- LAR SPHERES OF ACTION NOT INCLUDED IN THE GENERAL NARRATIVE. SECTION I. Luther's Marriage and Domestic Life. fully con- vinced had Lu- ther been for a long time that a monastic life was an evil, that he published a tract, showing that nuns, who had taken the veil, could with a good con- science before God lay it aside again. The monks were beginning to disband, and it was to be expected that many nuns, who had, by parental in- fluence or authority, taken the rash vow in their early youth, would feel the tedium of their monotonous life and the fetters which robbed them of their liberty, and, consequently, eagerly read those writings which aimed at restoring them to their natural rights, and introducing them unto those 366 W F H [F ill IT M E Dfi. Amencan Sunday School Umon MARRIAGE. 367 social and domestic relations for which nature de- signed them. A little to the south of Grimma and not very far from Leipsic was the Cistercian nun- nery of Nimptschen, whose inmates were of noble birth. Luther was at Grimma, with Staupitz and Link, in 1516 ; and again he spent some time there in 1519. The next year the Reformation was introduced into Grimma. Thus the light that was beginning to shine must have cast some of its rays upon this convent, and Luther's name was well known to the nuns who were there pining away in their solitude. They, at length, entreated their parents and friends to take them from the cloister, and restore them to their homes. But such were their ideas of the sanctity of the monastic life, and of the inviolability of the vow, when once taken, that these entreaties of their children were of no avail. Nothing re- mained but to appeal to the sympathy and humanity of the liberator of the oppressed, to the straight- forward, honest-hearted reformer. He listened to their petition, and formed the plan of sending Koppe, a distinguished and prudent citizen of Tor- gau, to deliver them from their captivity. The project was one of great difficulty. It would shock the superstitious multitude, and arouse the wrath of monk and priest. Besides, the journey from Torgau to Nimptschen about sixty miles in a southern direction led through the territory of Duke George, the bitter enemy of Luther, though both these towns belonged to the elector. Koppe was assisted by his nephew and a man by the name of Tommitsch. The plan was put in execution on the evening of April 4, 1523. Tradition says, that, at the time agreed upon, the nine virgins descended 368 LIFE OP LUTHER. from the window of Catharine von Bora's cell, which was on the south side of the nunnery, into the court, where Catharine herself left one of her slippers, and were lifted over the wall and put into standing barrels in a wagon, and thus escaped detection. It is said in the Chronicle of Torgau that when an in- dividual, meeting Koppe, asked him what he had there, he replied, " Barrels of herring." April 8, Lu- ther writes to his friend Link, " Yesterday I received from their state of captivity, nine nuns belonging to the Nimptschen convent, among whom were the two Zeschaus and [Magdalene] Staupitz." This last was a niece of Luther's spiritual father, and the two Zeschaus were near relations of Luther's friend of the same name, prior, and afterward also reformer, at Grimma. After announcing the same fact in a letter to Spalatin, he says, " But you will ask what I am intending to do with them. First, I will inform their parents, and request them to take them home. If they will not do so, then I will see that they be otherwise provided for. I have already received promises in respect to part, and I will get the rest married, if I can." After mentioning their names, he adds, " These need our compassion, in showing which, we do service to Christ. Their escape is quite wonderful. I beg you to exercise your charity, and, in my name, beg some money of your rich courtiers to sustain them one or two weeks, until I can either deliver them to their parents, or to others, who have given me promises." Luther urged Spa- latin to persuade the elector to contribute some- thing for this object, and promised to keep it secret, that it might not give offence to George and to the Catholic clergy. MARRIAGE. 369 This unheard-of adventure, this breaking up of conventual life, and the temporary settlement of the fugitive nuns in Wittenberg, produced an extra- ordinary excitement. No attempt of the priesthood could succeed in concealing it. The example was the more dangerous, as the same discontent pre- vailed in other convents. Soon the abbess of Zeitz and four nuns followed the example ; and six from another, and eight from a third, and sixteen from a fourth, many of whom belonged to the Duchy of Saxony, or the territory of Duke George. The con- sequence was, that Luther was bitterly assailed as being the author of all the mischief. He was spoken against and written against, till he found it neces- sary to reply, which he did to the cost of the op- posing party. He portrayed the darker side of life in the nunnery, spicing his productions with striking narratives of inhumanity and cruelty. He published an account of Florentina of Upper Weimar, who passed through many sufferings before she succeeded in making her escape from a monastery in Eisleben. She had been sent there by her parents at the age of six ; was, without her consent, consecrated, or made to take the veil, at the age of eleven. Feeling discontented, she made her complaints to the abbess, who replied that she must remain a nun for better or for worse. She wrote to Luther ; but the letter was intercepted, and she was kept in a cold prison, in an inclement season, for four weeks. She next wrote to a relative ; this letter, too, was seized, and she was beaten by the abbess and four others till they gave over from fatigue. Luther made an ap- peal to the Counts of Mansfeld, in whose dominions these cruelties were practised, to put a stop to such flagrant abuses. 370 LIFE OP LUTHER. Koppe was exposed to popular indignation still more than Luther, for he had performed the daring act of rescue, and was very anxious that his agency in the matter should be kept as secret as possible. Luther thought and felt otherwise, and made the whole transaction known ; and then wrote to Koppe, bidding him lift up his head and not shrink from the honour of so noble a deed. "They, indeed, will say, that the fool Leonard Koppe hath suffered himself to be caught by a condemned heretical monk, and then drove to the place and carried off the nuns and aided them in breaking their vows. . . . But I have made all this known for the following rea- sons;" and then he goes on to justify the transac- tion. Luther was not at that time, nor in the following year, (1524,) when he abandoned the cloister him- self, inclined to marry. In a letter to Spalatin, dated November 30, he says : "For what Argula writes respecting my getting married, I give her my thanks. No wonder such things are tattled about me, as many others are in like manner. Thank her in my name, and tell her I am in the Lord's hands as his creature, whose heart he can change, and whose life he can save or destroy at any hour or moment. But with such a mind as I have hi- therto had, and still continue to have, I shall not take a wife ; not because I am by nature averse to matri- mony for I am neither wood nor stone, but I am disinclined to it, because I am every day expecting death as inflicted upon a heretic. I do not wish to obstruct God's work in me, nor rely upon my own heart for comfort. It is my hope that I shall not be permitted to live long." But within five months, we find him writing the MARRIAGE. 371 following playful letter to Spalatin : "As to what you write me touching my marriage, I would not have you wonder that I, who am so famous a lover, do not marry. Be surprised rather that, since I write so much about marriage, and mingle so much in female society, I am not turned into a woman, not to say married. For I have had three wives at once, whom I loved so desperately that I have lost two of them, who are already engaged to others. The third I just hold by the left arm, and she, too, will be snatched away from me soon. But you, a cold lover, dare not be the husband even of one. Look out that I, with all my reluctance to marry, do not get the start of you, who are already affi- anced, as God is wont to do what you least expect. Without joking, I say this to urge you on in the way you have taken." In another place he says : " Had I become a lover before, I should have chosen Eve von Schonfeld," who was one of the nine nuns above mentioned, and who, at his own suggestion, was married to a medical student, afterward royal physician. What he said jestingly to Spalatin turned out to be true, for Luther was actually mar- ried first. Catharine von Bora, having no home to which she could go, was, on her arrival at Wittenberg, re- ceived into the family of a distinguished citizen by the name of Reichenbach, where she showed herself worthy of the paternal interest that had been taken in her, both by him and by Luther. Luther used his influence to form a matrimonial connection be- tween her and Baumgartner, a theological student from Nuremberg, who became a distinguished man, and enjoyed, in a high degree, the confidence of Luther and Melancthon. A mutual attachment 372 LIFE OF LUTHER. seems to have existed between the two parties ; but when the young Xiiremberger returned to his native city, the attachment appears to have faded from his memory. Luther, therefore, wrote to him, October 12, 1524 : "If you intend to have your Katy von Bora, you must be quick about it, or she will be another's, who is already at hand. Her love to you remaineth unaltered. I should certainly rejoice to see you united to her in wedlock." The acquaint- ance, however, was not renewed. The other indi- vidual referred to was Glatz, pastor at Orlamiinde. For Luther, who had never lost sight of providing for the settlement in life of the nine nuns, had se- lected this individual for Catharine, in case he did not succeed with Baumgartner. But she had a mind of her own, and would listen to no such pro- posal, and, in respect to Glatz, her judgment proved to be correct. She entreated Amsdorf to divert Luther's mind from his purpose, adding, however, by way of conciliation, that if Luther himself, or Amsdorf, were to become suitor, she would make no objection ! At first, Luther was not particularly pleased with Catharine, because he " supposed she was proud and haughty." Learning upon a more perfect acquaint- ance, that what had so appeared was in reality a certain womanly dignity and independence, he came to entertain other feelings toward her. " And, thank God," he says, " it hath turned out well : for I have a pious and faithful wife, to whom one may safely commit his heart." He was married to her without much publicity, June 13, 1525, when he was at the age of forty-two, and she at the age of twenty-six. The ceremony was performed by Bugenhagen, in the house of Reichenbach, in the MARRIAGE. 373 presence of Professor Apel, Justus Jonas, Cranach and his wife, without the knowledge of his other friends. The cause of concealing his marriage from the elector, Melancthon and others, till it was ac- tually performed, was the alarm it would give them. At a time when the public mind was agitated by the Peasants' War, and when the Catholic princes were greatly imbittered against Luther and even the elector, the marriage of a monk to a nun would, on account of the two-fold violation of the monastic vow, do utter violence to the feelings of the com- munity, and Luther supposed they would endeavour to prevent so daring a step. How offensive such a marriage was to the superstitious sentiments of even good men at that age, may be seen from the remark of Erasmus, who, when he heard of the occurrence, said : "When a monk marrieth a nun, we may ex- pect antichrist will be born." The next day, when it became generally known that the marriage union had been formed, the city government, according to the usage of that age, honoured Luther with a pre- sent of fourteen cans of wine, of different sorts ; and the newly-married pair had the right of free access, for the space of one year, to the wine cellar of the city. A principal ceremony, at that time, was the festival following the wedding, on the occa- sion of conducting the bride to her new home, where a large company were treated to a dinner. The apartment, known as Luther's dwelling, in the Au- gustinian cloister, was undoubtedly the scene of this solemnity. Seven of the invitations sent to differ- ent individuals have been preserved, and give us a view of the peculiar and somewhat awkward posi- tion of Luther, as well as a picture of the times. The first is that written to Chancellor Riihel, Lu- 32 374 LIFE OF LUTHER. ther's brother-in-law, and two other Mansfeld court- officers, and reads as follows: "According to the wish of my dear father, I have taken me a wife j and on account of evil-speakers, and that no hin- drance might be placed in the way, I have hastened the act. It is my wish that the festive occasion of bringing my bride home take place a week from next Tuesday, and that I may enjoy your presence and receive your blessing. Since these are times of commotion [the insurrection of the peasants] and danger, I cannot urge your attendance ; but if you have a desire to come and can do so, and bring with you my dear father and mother, you can easily un- derstand that it would give me great joy, and what- soever [presents] you may receive from good friends for my poverty, will be very welcome." Another invitation, sent to Dolzig, the elector's marshal, is written with characteristic humour. "No doubt," he says, "the strange rumour hath reached you, that I have become a husband. Though this is a very singular affair, which I myself can scarcely believe, nevertheless, the witnesses are so numerous that I am bound in honour to believe it; and I have concluded to have a collation next Tuesday for my father and mother and other good friends, to seal the same and make it sure. I therefore beg you, if it is not too much trouble, to provide venison for me, and be present yourself to help affix the seal with becoming joy." At this time the city pre- sented to Luther several casks of beer; and the university gave a large silver tankard, plated with gold on the outside and inside, weighing five pounds and a quarter. It was purchased in the year 1800, from the heirs, by the University of Greifswald, for one hundred rix dollars. DOMESTIC LIFE. 375 Catharine von Bora was born, January 29, 1499, probably at her father's estate, now called Milden- stein, not far from Bitterfeld, between Wittenberg and Halle. We know nothing of her parents ; but Luther often speaks of John von Bora, her bro- ther, who was in the service of Albert of Prus- sia, and afterward in that of Henry, Duke of Saxony. There was once a nunnery in Catha- rine's native place, and she is said to have entered that at first. Her monastic life was probably with- out incident. She appears to have been prominent among the nine fugitive nuns; and Luther's early treatment of her, even before he was pleased with her manners, shows the consideration in which she was held. Luther himself often speaks of his marriage as a happy one. True, the sex did not then receive the same delicate regard which is shown it among us at the present time. Luther, too, was a man who told all his private thoughts and feelings ; and it would be strange indeed, if a man of such a temperament should never see nor mention a wife's little imper- fections. He at one time remarks, "Katy is kind, submissive in all things, and pleasing, more so, (thank God,) than I could hope, so that I would not exchange my poverty for the riches of Croesus." The epistle of Galatians was a favourite epistle with him. "It is my epistle/' he says, "to which I am betrothed ; it is my Catharine von Bora." Again, he says, in 1538, thirteen yeys after his marriage, " Even if I were a young man, I would sooner die than marry a second time, knowing what I do of the world, though a queen should be offered me after my Katy." "A more obedient wife," he observes again, "I could not find, unless I were to chisel one 376 LIFE OP LUTHER. ' out of marble." And again, "I prize her above the kingdom of France, or the state of Venice ; she is a pious, good wife, given me of God." Hers, too, was a happy life. Not only was she the wife of the great man of the age, but of one whose domestic feelings were as tender as his pub- lic character was masculine and strong. From the personal dangers of Luther, and from his frequent illness she had much to suffer. To Spalatin, who had invited him to his wedding, he said, "The tears of my Katy prevent me from coming; she thinks it would be very perilous." He had just excited the fury of some nobles by delivering several nuns from their prison houses. In February, 1526, she went with Luther to visit Carlstadt at Segrena, a little west of Kemberg, where he was then living as a shop-keeper and farmer. Here Carlstadt's wife was born. Luther, who never recovered entirely from the effects of his early austerities, and who was worn down with excessive labours, saw so much trouble spring out of his perpetual controversy on the real presence of Christ in the supper, that his cheerfulness was much abated and his temper some- what soured. It was then that Catharine proved of inestimable value to him. In his temporary illness of 1526, and especially in 1527, when it was expected he would leave her a widow with her infant child, she showed remarkable fortitude as well as faith and patience. " You know," he said to her, "that I have nothing to leave you but the silver cups." "My dear doctor," she re- plied, "if it is God's will, then I choose that you be with him rather than with me. It is not so much I and my child that need you, but many pious Chris- tians. Trouble not yourself about me." DOMESTIC LIFE. 377 When Luther was depressed, his considerate wife often sent privately for Justus Jonas, whose cheer- ful conversation was known to be a good remedy in such cases. Luther somewhere says, "I expect more from my Katy and from Melancthon than I do from Christ my Lord, and yet I well know that neither they nor any one on earth hath suffered, or can suffer, what he hath suffered for me." Molsdorf, a former member of Luther's household, says, "I remember that Dr. Luther used to say, that he congratulated himself with all his soul, that God had given him a modest and prudent wife, who took such excellent care of his health." "How I longed after my family," says Luther, "when I lay at the point of death in Smalcald ! I thought I should never again see my wife and child. How painful would such a separation have been !" When Luther was at Coburg, in 1530, he heard of the illness of his father, and yet his own life was in such peril that he could not safely make the journey to see him. At this, both he and Catharine were much distressed. Soon afterwards, the news of his father's death reached him. "I have heard," he says to Link, "of the death of my father, who was so dear and precious to me." Catharine, to comfort him, sent him a likeness of his favourite daughter Magdalene, then one year old. "You have done a good deed," says Veit Dietrich, Luther's amanuensis, "in sending the likeness to the doctor; for by it many of his gloomy thoughts are dissi- pated. He hath placed it on the wall over against the dining-table in the prince's hall." The foregoing are only a few of the evidences of conjugal affection and domestic happiness in the family of Luther, which are to be found in his 378 LIFE OP LUTHER. writings and in those of his contemporaries. They have been thought necessary in this connection, on account of the contrary representations which were made hy his enemies, and which have been so often repeated by Protestant writers. That no differences of opinion or of feeling between Luther and his wife ever manifested themselves in an unhappy manner, is more than need be said. This is rarely the lot of humanity, especially where there are those mental qualities which give force and energy to charac- ter, as was the case with them. But aside from these common frailties, found in the great and the good no less than in others, there appears to have been nothing to interrupt the personal happiness of these individuals in each other. There are two facts, often overlooked, which lead superficial observers to a false conclusion. The one is the plain and simple honesty which, in striking contrast with modern French manners, characterized the age of the Reformation; and, connected with this, the decided tone in which the husband was then accustomed to speak as the master of the household. The obedience of the wife was a matter of direct and simple reality, and was spoken of as such without circumlocution or ambiguity. In this, Luther should be judged, not by a modern standard, but by that of his age. On any other principle, neither Paul nor Moses would be able to pass the ordeal of modern criticism. The other particular alluded to, is the playfulness and vein of drollery that run through nearly all Luther's correspondence with his intimate friends. Many of his pleasant sallies have been taken in earnest, and thus made to signify what was never intended. It may well be conceded that many of those expressions were half DOMESTIC LIFE. 379 in joke and half in earnest. But the man who sets them all down as the serious statements of a formal witness, betrays an utter ignorance of the character of Luther. Thus, when, in his humorous letters, he addresses her as, "my Lord Katy" (meus Dominus Ketha, mea Dominus Ketha, meus Domina Ketha, &c.) he furnished pleasant amusement to his univer- sity friends and the students, some of whom were generally members of his family. He once gave out a similar phrase in German to a student in his ex- amination to translate into Latin, and the answer contained such a ridiculous blunder that it long con- tinued a by-word. Luther closes one of his letters to an old friend by saying, "My lord and Moses [the lawgiver] Katy most humbly greeteth you." He also, in *a letter to his wife, addressed her as "My kind and dear lord and master Katy Lutheress, [Lutherinn,] doctress and priestess at Wittenberg." Stupid, indeed, must he be who construes all these freaks of the reformer's pen into so many serious charges against his wife ! If we wish to see his creed in respect to a wife's place in a household, we have it undoubtedly in these words, addressed once to his Katy, as he was fond of calling her : " You may persuade me to any thing you wish; you have perfect control;" to which was added, by way of explanation, " in household affairs I give you the entire control, my authority being unabated." Luther was charitable and benevolent, perhaps to a fault, and would have been reduced to absolute suffering but for the frugality and economy of his wife. Some have turned this to her reproach. But what would have been the condition of the family if she too had been above considerations of economy ? 380 LIFE OP LUTHER. Luther had reasons for being as far removed as pos- sible from suspicions of selfishness, for the honour of the Reformation, which, in the private life of his companion, had not the same significance and public importance. Of his pecuniary affairs, Luther speaks thus, on different occasions : " I manage my house- hold affairs strangely, and consume more than I receive. I expend five hundred gulden* in the kitchen, to say nothing of clothing, ornaments and alms-giving; while my annual income is but two hundred gulden." "I am a very poor manager of pecuniary matters. By giving to my poor relations and to other persons who make daily application for aid, I am myself made very poor." " As you know, I am oppressed by being obliged to entertain so much company. I have run into debt by my im- providence more than a hundred gulden this year. I have pawned three goblets in one place for fifty gulden. But the Lord, who thus punisheth my imprudence, will deliver me. Besides, Lucas [Cra- nach] and Christian [Aurifaber] will no longer take my name for security, either because they see it is of no use, or think it will all be sponged away from me. So I have given to the former a fourth goblet for twelve gulden, which have gone to that fat Herman. . . . But why is it that I alone am so drained of my money, or rather involved in debt? I think no one can accuse me of penuriousness or avarice, who am so free with what is not properly my own." "I have with my income and presents built and purchased so much, and entertained so many in my house, that I must account it as a won- * See page 106. DOMESTIC LIFE. 381 derful and singular blessing that I have been able to meet it all." Many individuals often remained for several weeks, and even months, in his family. Had it not been for the many presents which he received, especially from the Elector John of Saxony, he could never have become the owner of so many little patches of land. His property, at the time of his death, amounted to about nine thousand gulden. His father left him about two hundred and fifty gulden. In 1526, the elector gave him the cloister building, in which he lived, with the adjoining garden, free of taxes, together with twelve brewings of beer annually. This place was sold to the uni- versity by his children, in 1564, for three thousand seven hundred gulden, and made into a college build- ing, to which a new one was added. It was here that those students resided who received the stipends, one hundred and fifty in number. Since 1817, it has been occupied by the Theological Seminary. Luther's garden was made a botanical garden. In 1541, he purchased, for four hundred and thirty gulden, the small Bruno House and lot, adjoining the former place. In his will he gave this to his widow for her place of residence. On this spot the new university building above mentioned was erect- ed. He had before purchased a nursery near the swine market, and also a small estate called Wachs- dorf, near the village of Pratau, which last was estimated at one thousand five hundred gulden, and sold to the younger Cranach, the painter, to whose family it continued to belong for about a century. Two years before his death, Luther purchased a garden adjoining the Speck, or celebrated grove of oaks, nearly a mile to the east of Wittenberg, and 382 LIFE OP LUTHER. one of the most common places of resort for the students and others. But the most interesting pur- chase was that of the estate of Zollsdorf, two miles from Borna, made in 1540 by Luther for his wife, at the cost of six hundred and ten gulden. The elector agreed to furnish gratuitously any timber she should need for building. To Spalatin Luther writes, November 10, 1540: "Katy now asks for that, of which she spoke with you when you were lately here. She wishes, that when you give the letter to the elec- tor's questor, you will join her in requesting him to give her the oak timbers which she needs." To another person he writes : " Katy has just been in her new kingdom." Two years later, he wrote to Spalatin : " To-morrow, my Katy purposeth to go to Zollsdorf, and will take with her a load of timber, and attend to some other matters." She frequently repaired to this place, and generally passed her time there when Luther was from home. Luther jocosely called her, at times, Catharine Luther von [of] Bora and Zolls- dorf. In the last year of his life, he addressed a letter, when away from home, " To Catharine Luther, the Zollsdorf doctor," (alluding to his own title as Dr. Luther.) It is to be hoped that no one will attempt to make out that Luther reproached his wife for leaving his house and being a quack doctor in a retired village by herself. Some persons have represented Catharine as ex- travagant, in expending so much on buildings at Zollsdorf. May it not, with more propriety, be regarded as a proof of laudable enterprise to help support the family, inasmuch as the timber was given her, and her rents were of course increased ? How different from this thrifty, calculating woman does Luther himself appear in the following inci- DOMESTIC LIFE. 383 dent ! A student, who had finished his course of study, and was about to leave Wittenberg penniless, came to Luther for a little aid. But Luther's pocket was empty, and his wife, who was present, was as destitute of money. Luther expressed his regret that he was unable to render him any assistance. But as he observed the sadness of the young man, his eye fell on a silver goblet, which he had re- ceived as a present from the elector. He looked at his wife inquiringly, and she returned a look which meant, " No." He, however, took the costly gift, and gave it to the student. The latter refused it, and Katy seized the opportunity of interposing an- other significant look. Luther said, " I have no need of silver cups; take it to the goldsmith, and get what you can for it, and retain the money." Their ordinary style of living, when without com- pany, was simple. The wife was economical, and the husband, who had been trained a monk, could almost dispense with food, and frequently ate nothing during the day but bread and salt, and was always content with his favourite dish of pea-soup and her- ring. Luther complained of being invited so often from home. He preferred to be more in his own family circle. He loved to sit in his own garden, his wife with her work at his side, and his children enjoying their sports. When he journeyed, his wife accom- panied him, if she could. She was often his com- panion in his study, taking an interest in his writ- ings, and reminding him if he forgot to reply to the letters he received. When he had important works in hand, he chose to seclude himself. On one occasion, when writing his commentary on the twenty-second Psalm, he shut himself up, with nothing but bread 384 LIFE OF LUTHER. and salt, for three days and nights, till Catharine was alarmed for him, and caused a locksmith to open the door, and there they found Luther lost in deep meditation. He had a weekly family enter- tainment in singing and playing on instruments, to which other practised singers were invited. Christmas was always a joyful evening in Luther's house. And rarely did a fair go by without fur- nishing something for the gratification of his chil- dren. Luther was delighted with his first-born, John or Jonny (Hanschen) as he loved to call him. It was to this darling boy, when he was but four years old, that he addressed, from Coburg, in 1530, the letter which has so often been referred to as illustrating his extraordinary power to adapt himself to persons of every variety of capacity and condition. It is as follows : " Grace and peace in Christ, my darling little son. I am glad to see that you study and pray diligently. Gro on doing so, my Jonny, and when I come home I will bring with me some fine things for you. I know of a beautiful, pleasant garden, where many children go, and have little golden coats, and gather from the trees fine apples and pears, and cherries and plums; they sing and play, and are happy ; they have beautiful little horses with golden bits and silver saddles. I asked the owner of the garden, whose children these were. He replied, 'They are children which love to pray and learn, and are good.' I then said, 'Dear sir, I, too, have a son, whose name is Jonny Luther. May he not also come into the garden, that he too may eat these beautiful apples and pears, and ride ou these fine horses, and play with the boys ?' The man said, ' If he loves to pray and learn, and is good, he shall DOMESTIC LIFE. 385 come into the garden, and Philly and Jussy [Philip and Justus] too ; and when they are all together, they shall have fifes and drums and lutes, and all kinds of music, and dance and shoot with their cross- bows.' And he showed me a fine grass plat in the garden for dancing, and there were hanging nothing but golden fifes and drums and fine silver crossbows. But it was early, and the children had not yet dined; and as I could not wait for their dancing, I said to the man, 1 0, my dear sir, I will hasten away, and write all about this to my dear little Jonny, that he may pray and learn diligently, and be good, and then come into this garden. He has an aunt Lene, [Magdalene,] and she must come too.' The man said, ' That is right, go and write to him so.' Therefore, my dear little Jonny, learn and pray well, and tell Philip, [Melancthon's son,] and Jussy, [Justus Jonas's son,] to learn and pray too, and then you may all come together into the garden. And now I commend you to God. Greet aunt Lene and give her a kiss for me. Your dear father, Martin Luther." This John Luther was first instructed by his fa- ther and by private tutors, and was then sent to the Latin school at Torgau, and afterward studied law at Wittenberg and Konigsberg, married the daughter of Professor Cruciger, and entered the Prussian ser- vice, and died at Konigsberg at the age of fifty. Luther's second child, a daughter, lived less than a year. Upon her death, he wrote to a friend : " My little daughter Elizabeth is taken from me, and hath left me with a bleeding and almost womanly heart, so sad am I on her account. I never thought the heart of a father was so tender toward his children. Pray the Lord for me." 83 386 LIFE OF LUTHER. His favourite child was Magdalene. She was born in 1529, and died, very pious, at the age of thirteen. The parting scene was very touching. Luther, full of agony, fell on his knees at her bed- side, and prayed earnestly for her. "I love her dearly," he exclaimed, "but as it is thy will, gracious God, to take her hence, I will gladly give her up to be with thee." He then rose and bent over her, and said, " Magdalene, my dear daughter, you would be glad to remain here with your father ; are you willing to depart and go to that other Father?" "Yes, dear father," she replied, "just as God will." He turned away to conceal his tears, and, looking upward, said, " If the flesh is so strong, how will it be with the spirit ! Well, whether we live, or die, we are the Lord's." She fell asleep in his arms. As she was placed in her coffin, he said, "You, dear Lene, how well is it with you!" and again, "Ah, dear Lene, you will rise again, and shine like a star, yea, as the sun." To his sym- pathizing friends, he said: "You should not lament; I have dismissed a saint, yea, a living saint for hea- ven. 0, that we could so die ! Such a death I would willingly accept this very hour." His fourth child was Martin. Luther was accus- tomed to moralize over the sports of his children. One day, as Martin was playing with the dog, the father exclaimed, "This boy preacheth God's word by his deeds and acts; for God saith, have dominion over the fishes of the sea, and over the beasts of the field. See how the dog putteth up with every thing from him." At another time, joining his amusements, he said : " Such was our state in Paradise, simple and upright, without guile or 1 hypocrisy Therefore, such natural sports and jests are the best AS A PREACHER. 387 for children." "How must Abraham's heart have beaten when he was about to offer up his son ! He would not mention it to Sarah. .1 might contend against God, if he should make a similar demand upon me." Catharine, with a mother's feelings, said, " I cannot believe that God can desire parents to destroy their children." "And yet," replied Luther, " he could give up his own Son to die on the cross." Martin studied theology, and was mar- ried, but led a private life in Wittenberg in conse- quence of continued ill health, and died childless at the age of thirty-three. Paul Luther, the fifth child, studied medicine, and after being a short time professor in Jena, was court-physician. He married a lady of rank, and left four children. He was the ablest and most distinguished of Luther's sons. So robust was he as a boy, that Luther said of him, " He must fight against the Turks." Through him most of the branches of the family now living have descended. Margaret, the youngest of the family, was married to George von Kunheim, and became the mother of nine children. SECTION II. Luther ca a Preacher. WE should overlook one of the most essential traits in the character of Luther as a reformer, if we were to omit the consideration of his pulpit oratory. In his university lectures, which contain the earliest germ of his reformatory measures, he laid the foundation of his work, by leaving upon a small but influential circle of young men the im- press of his own mind. By his university disputa- tions, and by frequent conversations, he won over his opponents with a few exceptions, in the theolo- 388 LIFE OF LUTHER. gical faculty. By the numerous learned treatises which he had occasion to publish in defence of his Ninety-five Theses, he made known the doctrines of the Reformation to the literary world, both at home and abroad. But his pulpit eloquence was a power- ful auxiliary to all his other efforts in this cause; and, moreover, it carried the Reformation beyond the walls of the university and the barriers of the Latin tongue, (of which the people knew nothing,) to the popular assembly, to the men of all trades and professions. When we consider that he preached almost every day, and several times in a day in the towns and cities through which he passed in his journeys, and that his unsurpassed eloquence always called out throngs to hear him, we shall not be sur- prised that, in his own times, so much public im- portance was attached to his preaching. To most men it was a novel spectacle to behold the crowded assembly, eagerly listening to warm and earnest preaching in the native language. Not that the church had been wholly destitute of able evan- gslical preachers; for though there was then no hrysostom to charm and enlighten metropolitan audiences; no Basil or Gregory eloquently to main- tain the faith ; no Augustine to be the Edwards of his age; no Bernard to sway the popular masses, and to castigate and subdue princes and even popes; there had been such men as Tauler and Suso among the Mystics, and a few of similar character among the Brethren of the Life in Common, who were truly spiritual preachers, and who discoursed to the people in the native dialect. But these were rare instances of popular and evangelical preaching, and the influ- ence thus exerted was mostly of a local character. The greatest preacher at the close of the fifteenth AS A PREACHER. 389 century was, undoubtedly, Geiler of Kaisersberg, who produced extraordinary effects at Strassburg and along the Rhine, by the earnest and captivating, though rude eloquence of his sermons, delivered to great concourses of the people. After his death, in 1510, Luther was for a period of about thirty years, not only the most celebrated, but actually the greatest pulpit orator then living. The Catholic religion is a religion of show and ceremonies. It aims not so much to unfold the intellectual and rational part of our nature, by means of doctrinal truth, as to excite our wonder at its mysteries; our veneration for the church, the priest- hood and the sacraments; our imagination by its legends of a saintly mythology, and our sensibilities by its gorgeous ritual. Preaching is but an inci- dental appendage to that system; the mass and its attendant ceremonies are the central point of attrac- tion. Luther revived the primitive spirit of Chris- tianity, which demanded that all ceremonies should be subordinated to "the preaching of the word." This was the watch-word of the Protestants the preaching of the pure word of G-od to the people. The altar of the priest gave way to the pulpit of the preacher. Every thing conspired to make Luther an illustrious example of what he taught on this subject. He was of that physical organization which fitted him to command attention. His manly form, his piercing, fiery eye, his penetrating voice, and natural manner and action, were all favourable to eloquence. Still deeper were the foundations for distinguished pulpit oratory laid in his mental constitution. His intellect was powerful and acute, sometimes pouring a flood of light around a subject, and sometimes 33 390 LIFE OP LUTHER. astonishing and delighting his audience by the ease and celerity with which he would penetrate through the crust of scholastic learning to the very core of a disputed doctrine, and expose it from an interior point of view. His logical talents, which were of a high order, and which were admirably cultivated by study and discipline, were wonderfully aided by his strong vein of plain and practical sense, bringing him into immediate sympathy with every sound mind, whether cultivated or not. There was also a large poetical ingredient in his composition. He had an eye for every thing that was beautiful and attractive in nature. There was not a tone in all nature's harmony which did not find an echo in his heart. Though his poetical compositions are not of the first order, his sermons and other prose writings glow and sparkle with poetic fire. To speak more truly, it is genius, with its nameless attributes, that distinguishes Luther from so many other good preachers. Besides, he was deeply sincere and truly in earnest in all his preaching. He was not a mere professional man, aiming to elevate and adorn his profession. Preach- ing was with him what the military art was with Napoleon, not an end, but a means, valued only by the effect produced. Luther had also experienced the power of the truth which he preached, and had, in early life, suffered immeasurably for want of it. Saved, as he was, by its efficacy, he proclaimed it as the only means of salvation to others. The genuine warmth of his own feelings, and the singular capaciousness of his soul for every natural and every pious emo- tion, gave him almost absolute dominion over the emotions of others. The feelings of his heart, and O > _ C'-S o = a " I ^" "13 I | b "" 2 AS A PREACHER. 391 the fact that he always spoke from it, and stopped when his discourse had reached the height of its interest, must he considered as one of the causes of his uniform success. But, more than all, it was the gospel, of which his sermons were so full, that gave a divine power to his preaching. He had studied the Bible, and digested its varied truths, as no other man of that age had done. He had translated the whole Bible, and revised the translation frequently ; he had de- livered exegetical or expository lectures in the uni- versity} he had written commentaries; and when he came to preach, he opened a Bible, every verse of which he had carefully studied. In his own peculiar language, "he had shaken every tree in this forest, and never without gathering some fruit." If we add to all this, quickness of memory, self- possession, vivacity, wit, a rare knowledge of human nature, and an unequalled power over the language of the people, charming alike to the ruler, the scholar and the peasant, we can account for it that all the men of the age, friends and foes, pronounced him the prince of pulpit orators. It was the preaching of Luther that endeared him to Frederic the Wise, even when he saw his own superstitions unsparingly exposed. It was his preaching that made him as absolute ruler over the people at Wittenberg, as Chrysostom was at Antioch and Constantinople, or Calvin at Geneva. It was his preaching that so often stilled the tumult in the many towns and cities he visited during the first five years after his return from Wartburg. Luther was not, properly speaking, a pastor. He preached statedly for Bugenhagen, the pastor of the city parish in Wittenberg, in 1528 and 1529, while the 392 LIFE OP LUTHER. latter was acting as a sort of missionary in Bruns- wick and Hamburg; also from 1530 to 1532, three times a week, (Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays,) while Bugenhagen was acting the part of reformer in Lubeck; and again from 1537 to 1540, while the same pastor was employed in organizing the church in Denmark. The sermons preached at this time were not committed to paper by himself, but were written down by note-takers, after the manner of reporters of the present day. A part of them are now, for the first time, after a period of three centuries, in a course of publication. What are called his Domestic Postils were preached at home to his own household, when he was so ill as to be unable to go to church. His Church Postils were written for the benefit of the churches and of the clergy while he was confined at Wartburg, and when there were few evangelical preachers to be found, and those few were so ignorant of the Bible as to be unqualified for their work. All the rest of Luther's preaching (and the amount was very great) was either occasional, or was limited to the cloister. SECTION III. Luther as a Promoter of Education. IN Germany the church and the schools have al- ways been connected, and the idea of their separa- tion was not even conceived of till the late revolu- tion. But schools are an essential part of Protest- antism. It admits of no church to think and decide on all matters of religion for its members, no priest- hood to interpose as interpreter of the divine will for the laity, no pope nor council to settle the con- troversy. The reformers, in giving the Bible to the people, and in relying on its grammatical and PROMOTER OF EDUCATION. 393 true explanation as the only authority in religion, made the study of the Bible, and whatever other studies are preparatory to it, indispensable. Not only the education of the clergy, but a high degree of intelligence among the people, is involved in the very theory of Protestantism. No man ever felt this more deeply than Luther. The education of the young, next to the preaching of the gospel, lay nearest to his heart. In a letter to the elector in the year 1526, he says : " Since we are / / / all required, and especially the magistrates, above all other things, to educate the youth who are born and are growing up among us, and to train them up in the fear of God and in the ways of virtue, it is need- ful that we have schools and preachers and pastors. If the parents will not reform, they must go their way to ruin ; but if the young are neglected and left without education, it is the fault of the state, and the effect will be that the country will swarm with vile and lawless people, so that our safety, no less than the command of God, requireth us to foresee and ward off the evil." He maintains in that letter, that the government, "as the natural guardian of all the young," has the right to compel the people to support schools. " What is necessary to the well-being of a state, that should be supplied by those who enjoy the privileges of such state. Now nothing is more necessary than the training of those who are to come after us and bear rule. If the people are unable to pay the expense, and are already burdened with taxes, then the monastic funds, which were originally given for such pur- poses, are to be employed in that way to relieve the people." The cloisters were abandoned in many cases, and the difficult question, What was to be 394 LIFE OF LUTHER. done with their funds, Luther settled in this ju- dicious manner. How nearly did he approach to the policy now so extensively adopted in this coun- try, of supporting schools partly by taxation and partly by funds appropriated for that purpose ! As early as 1520, three years after the beginning of the Reformation, he laid special stress on the ne- cessity of reforming and improving the schools, in his eloquent address to the Christian nobility of the German nation. In 1524, he wrote a remarkable pro- duction entitled " An Address to the Common Coun- cils of all the Cities of Germany in behalf of Chris- tian Schools," from which a few passages may here be extracted. After some introductory remarks, he comes directly to his point, and says to his country- men collectively : " I entreat you, in God's behalf and that of the poor youth, not to think so lightly of this matter as many do. It is a grave and serious thing, affecting the interest of the kingdom of Christ and of all the world, that we apply ourselves to the work of aiding and instructing the young. ... If so much be ex- pended every year in weapons of war, roads, dams, and countless other things of the sort for the safety and prosperity of a city, why should we not expend as much for the benefit of the {>oor, ignorant youth, to provide them with skilful teachers ? God hath verily visited us Germans in mercy and given us a truly golden year. For we now have accomplished and learned young men, adorned with a knowledge of literature and art, who could be of great service, if employed to teach the young. . . . Surely it is not meet to neglect this divine favour, and let God knock in vain at our door. He now standeth at the door, and happy shall we be if we open unto PROMOTER OP EDUCATION. 395 him. He now greeteth us, and happy is he who returneth the salutation. Let us recall to mind our former wretchedness and the darkness in which we were enveloped. ... If we let this season pass, mani- festing neither gratitude nor interest, there is reason to fear that still greater darkness and misery will come upon us. Beloved countrymen, buy while the fair is held at your door ; gather the harvest while the sun shineth, and the weather is fair. Avail yourselves of the grace and word of God while they are at hand. Know that they are a passing shower, which doth not return where it hath once been. . . . Therefore seize at it, and lay hold of it whosoever can. Idle hands will reap a slender harvest. . . . "Why else do we older persons live, but to take care of the young, to teach and train them ? It is not possible that giddy childhood shall provide for its own instruction. Therefore God hath committed them to us who are old and have experience, and he will call us to a strict account. " It is, however, a sin and shame that it has come to this, that we must stir up one another to educate our children and the young. Nature impelleth us to do it, as the example of the heathen abundantly showeth. Even the irrational brute traineth its young to what is needful. . . . " What though we had and did all else, and were ourselves saints, if, in the mean time, we should neg- lect that for which we chiefly live, the care of the young ? Of all outward sins, I think none greater before God, or more punishable than even this which we commit in respect to children, in that we neglect their education. Alas ! that children are born and left to grow up as they will, with no one to feel anxiety for them, or train them up ! But, you say, 396 LIFE OP LUTHER. all this concerneth parents. What have magis- trates and rulers to do about it ? True, but what if parents neglect it ? Who shall attend to it then ? Must they go uncared for, and untaught ? . . . The causes for the neglect of children by their parents are numerous. "1. There are those who are so wicked and brutish that they would not educate their children if they could. They leave them as the ostrich doth her young. And yet they grow up among us and live in the same place with us. How can reason and Christian charity allow them to grow up uneducated, to become a poison and pestilence, corrupting a whole town ? . . . "2. The greater part of parents are, alas ! unquali- fied, and know not how their children ought to be educated. They themselves have learned nothing but how to gratify their appetites. Therefore there must be those who make it a business to instruct and train children well. "3. Even if the parents were qualified, and were also inclined to teach, they have so much else to do in their business and household affairs that they cannot find the time to educate their children. Thus there is a necessity that public teachers 'be provided. Otherwise each one would have to teach his own children, which would be for the common people too great a burden. Many a fine boy would be neglected on account of poverty ; and many an orphan would suffer from the negligence of guardians. And those who have no children would not trouble themselves at all about the whole matter. Therefore it be- cometh rulers and magistrates to use the greatest care and diligence in respect to the education of the young." PROMOTER OP EDUCATION. 397 In what estimation he held the teacher's office we learn from his own lips. "The diligent and pious teacher," he observes, "who properly instructeth and train eth the young, can never be fully rewarded with money. If I were to leave my office as preacher, I would next choose that of school-master, or teacher of boys ; for I know that, next to preaching, this is the greatest, best and most useful vocation ; and I am not quite sure which of the two is the better j for it is hard to reform old sinners, with whom the preacher has to do, while the young tree can be made to bend without breaking." In pleading so earnestly for public ''Christian schools," Luther by no means overlooked the im- portance of domestic education, but rather insisted on it no less strenuously. He taught that the be- ginning in education must be made at home, and that domestic influences must constantly be em- ployed in support of the discipline of the schools. Indeed, with Luther education consisted not merely in the acquisition of knowledge, but in the formation of character. The former stood in the relation of means to the latter. His views of some of these points mayj^tsily be gathered from the following truthful observations. "Where filial obedience is wanting," he somewhere remarks, "there no good morals, no good government can be found; for, if in families obedience be not maintained, it is in vain to look for good government in a city, or pro- vince, or kingdom, or empire. For the family is- the primary government, whence all other govern- ment and dominion on earth take their origin. If the root be not sound, then neither the tree nor the fruit will be good." " See to it," he says in another place, "that your children are instructed in spiritual 398 LIFE OF LUTHER. things, that you surrender them first to God, and then to worldly occupations. But, alas ! this order is commonly reversed. . . . The whole power of the Christian church lieth in the young, and if they are neglected, it will become like a garden that is neg- lected in the spring season." Again, he says, "Are we not unwise ? We can merit heaven or hell in our children, and yet we regard it not. Of what use will your acts of piety be to you, if you neglect the training of your children ? . . . Believe me, it is much more important that you bestow care and attention upon the education of your children, than that you buy indulgences, repeat prayers, perform pilgrimages, or make many vows. . . . Those who knowingly neglect their children, and let them grow up without the nurture and fear of the Lord, are the destroyers of their children." In 1530, Luther published a discourse, the ob- ject of which was to enforce the obligation of parents to send their children to school. In this, he says, "God hath given you children and the means of their support, not merely that you may find your pleasure in them, or bring them up for worldly splendour, but he hath strictly commanded you to train them up for his service." In 1527, a visitation was made of the churches and schools of the electorate of Saxony, in which more than thirty men were employed a whole year. The result in respect to education was, that "the Saxon school system," as it was called, was drawn up by the joint labours of Luther and Melancthon; and thus the foundation was laid for the magnificent organization of schools to which Germany owes so much of her present fame. The reformers were the fathers of the German system of education, im- PROMOTER OF EDUCATION. 399 proved indeed, but never radically changed by their successors for a period of three centuries. The traveller, that visits Eisleben, sees in a flourishing condition the very gymnasium which was esta- blished by Luther as the last act of his life. The school of Pforta, near Naumburg, where a greater number of accomplished classical scholars have been educated than in any other gymnasium or grammar school in the world, had a similar origin. It was in consequence of Luther's counsels that the old mo- nastery of that name, was, with all its funds, con- verted into a learned school. In the Saxon schools, founded upon the plan of Luther and Melancthon, the languages took the pre- cedence of all other studies. The forenoon session was two hours every day; the afternoon three, except Wednesdays and Saturdays, when only the musical exercise of one hour was held, as it was every other afternoon. The catechism was taught every Saturday forenoon. Thus, of the twenty-six school hours in the week, eighteen were devoted to the languages, six to music, and two to the subject of religion. There was, however, further provision made for the religious education of the pupils. They went to the village church or to the public chapel every morning, at about five or six o'clock, sung hymns in Latin and German, and read the Scriptures and the catechism aloud, in Latin and then in Ger- man, and repeated prayers. They had a similar even- ing service. Besides, the schools were kept seven days in the week ; or, in other words, there were regular Sunday-schools then, as now, only the teachers were the same as on other days of the week. The pupils were, early on Lord's day mornings, conducted to the church for the matins, as all such morning services 400 LIFE OF LUTHER. were called. Next, they had a lesson from the Bible, or the catechism, in the school-room. At eleven or twelve o'clock, they attended on the prin- cipal public service of the day. Sometimes, the younger classes remained at the school-room, where they received religious instruction better adapted to their capacities than that given in the pulpit. The older pupils were carefully examined upon the sermons which they had heard. The order was varied in different schools, as well as the exercises themselves; but the above general statement ia sufficiently accurate to illustrate the way in which the day was passed in the schools. From all this, it will appear that the nineteenth century has made less advance than is commonly supposed upon the sixteenth, in respect to the religious education of the young. In respect to books and organizations, there is a great difference ; in respect to the thing itself, the object sought, the comparison would not be discreditable to the reformer. A volume might be made up of Luther's views of education, begin- ning with domestic training, and ascending through the lower schools to the university; but enough has been said to indicate his comprehensive views in respect to schools. SECTION IV. Luther as a Lover of Music. ALLUSION has frequently been made in the fore- going account to Luther's musical tastes and talents. He was early known as a melodious singer ; and it was in this capacity that he had won the kind re- gards of Madam Cotta, his first patroness. His last evening before entering the cloister was devoted to musical and social pleasures. It was to be ex- LOVER OP MUSIC. 401 pected, therefore, that, when the work of the Re- formation was moving successfully on, sacred music should be called in to its aid : so it was in point of fact. Luther early employed his poetical talents in composing original hymns, and in translating and adapting to his use the better Latin hymns. A version of the Psalms, generally, was never made for public worship in Germany. Of hymn-books the Lutheran church has a plentiful supply; of psalm-books none, though a few psalms were ver- sified by Luther and appended to his collection of hymns. In 1524, the first hymn-book of Luther, accompanied by the music set to the words, in which Walther lent his assistance, was published. Within twenty years from that time, one hundred and seventeen collections of hymns, by Luther and his friends, were printed. "These hymns," he says, in the preface, " are set to music in four parts, for no other reason than because of my desire that the young, who ought to be educated in music as well as in other good arts, might have something to take the place of worldly and amorous songs, and so learn something useful, and practise some- thing virtuous, as becometh the young. ... I would be glad to see all arts, and especially music, employed in the service of Him who created and made them." This book, which is so great a curiosity that it was reprinted in 1840, was used in families and social circles and schools, as well as in churches. In the history of the city of Hanover, we read that the Reformation was first introduced there, not by preachers, nor by religious tracts, but by the hymns of Luther, which the people sung with delight. In his second edition, in 1533, he complains that his 34* 402 LIFE OF LUTHER. hymns had been altered, and others published under his name. In this new collection, therefore, he added two to his own hymns (which, at first, were twenty-nine in number) and several old hymns from the Middle Ages, and, finally, fifteen new ones by his friends and contemporaries, remarking, at the same time, in respect to the last, that, of the many which were in circulation, only a few deserved a place in the collection. Luther himself composed music for several of his hymns, which was not only good in itself, but agreed beautifully with the sentiment expressed by the words.* The same Walther, mentioned above, says : " I have spent many a happy hour in singing with him, and have often seen the dear man so happy and joyful in spirit, while singing, that he could neither tire, nor be satisfied. He conversed splendidly upon music. Forty years ago, when he was arranging the mass [communion] service in German at Wittenberg, he sent for the elector's old chorister, Rupf, and myself, to confer with us about the music for the Epistles and Gospels. . . . He himself composed tunes for the epistles and gospels, and the words of Christ at the institu- tion of the supper, and sung them to me, and asked my opinion of them. He kept me three weeks at Wittenberg, writing the notes for a few gospels and epistles, till the first German mass was sung in the parish church. I was obliged to stay and hear it, and to take a copy of it with me to Torgau, for the elector, at the doctor's command." We select the following from a large mass of Lu- * There appears to be no evidence that " Old Hundred" was composed by Luther. LOVER OP MUSIC. 403 ther's sayings in regard to music : " It is a beautiful and lovely gift of God; it hath often so excited and moved me, as to give me a desire to preach. I have always been fond of music. He who under- etandeth this art is the right sort of man, and is fit for any thing else. It is needful that music be taught in schools. A schoolmaster must be able to sing, or I do not think much of him. Music cometh near to theology ; I would not exchange my little knowledge of it for much money. The young should be constantly exercised in this art, for it refines and improves men. Singing is the best of arts and exercises ; it is not of a worldly character, and is an antidote for all contentions and quarrels. Singers are not gloomy, but joyful, and sing their cares away. There can be no doubt that, in minds which are affected by music, are the seeds of much that is good ; and those who are not affected by it, I regard as stocks and stones. . . . Music effecteth what theology alone can effect besides it giveth peace and a joyful mind. . . . Therefore the pro- phets have employed no art as they have music; inasmuch as they have put their theology, not into geometry, or arithmetic, or astronomy, but into music. Hence it cometh, that, by teaching the truth in psalms and hymns, they have joined theo- logy and music in close union." 404 LIFE OF LUTHER. [1525. CHAPTER VI. THE PRINCIPAL EVENTS OF LUTHER'S LIFE, FROM HIS MARRIAGE IN 1525 TO HIS DEATH IN 1546. SECTION I. From Luther's Marriage to the Completion q. 'he Augsburg Confession in 1530. OTH the ene- mies and the friends of Lu- ther had been much aston- ished by his selecting such a time as the very midst of the turmoil of the Peasants' War to cele- brate his mar- riage with a fair nun. His friends censured his imprudence, his foes inter- preted the act to his ignominy. The papal writers represented the great beauty of Catharine von Bora as proving a snare to Luther, while the Protestant writers, in defence of the reformer, detracted quite as much from her beauty as is consistent with the likenesses taken of her by Cranach. The death of Frederic, Elector of Saxony, had M. 41.] DEATH OP FREDERIC. 405 emboldened the Catholic princes r who hoped that the fall of this pillar of Protestantism would greatly weaken the cause of Luther. The latter, not yet knowing the firmness of the new elector, who proved himself so heroic at the presentation of the Augs- burg Confession to the diet in 1530, thought it pru- dent to attempt a reconciliation with Henry, King of England, and George, Duke of Saxony, the bit- terest of his enemies on the throne, and therefore wrote them respectively very humble letters, which, however, instead of answering their purpose, were received with scorn. The year 1527 was one of sadness to Luther. His friends were persecuted, and some of them put to death, and he himself fell into a state of melan- choly and despondency, of which Bugenhagen and Justus Jonas have left us a memorable detailed ac- count. How far all this was the effect of bodily disease and other natural causes, or how far it was a visitation from the evil spirit, as Luther himself believed, it is not our province to determine. About the same time an epidemic, or the plague, as it was termed, raged so at Wittenberg that the university was temporarily removed to Jena. Near the mid- dle of the year 1527, the great work of visitation was begun by Melancthon and others, and ended in 1529. The surprising ignorance which Luther found as well among the priests as the people, in- duced him in the following year to write those mo- numents of his genius as a popular and catechetical writer, the Larger and the Smaller Catechism. What he did for schools need not here be repeated. Mean- while, the controversy on the real presence of Christ in the eucharist, between Luther and Zwingle and their respective adherents, had grown so warm and 406 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1525. threatened such serious consequences, that Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, a man of enlarged views and enlightened policy, more so perhaps than any other of the Protestant rulers, proposed to have both par- ties meet for friendly conference, and such a meeting finally took place in the Marburg Colloquy, October 1, 1529, but to no very good purpose. The diet of Spire, which was held in the same year, had come to a decision unfavourable to the interests of the evangelical party, which called forth the Protest that has since given name to the oppo- sers of papal error and corruption. As there were now ominous indications of a combined hostility of the Papal rulers against the Protestants, it was proposed by the latter to enter into a league for mutual defence. Luther opposed the measure, say- ing, "He would rather die ten times than have the consciousness that the gospel preached by him was the occasion of bloodshed ; " a fresh proof that Luther trusted not in the power of the sword, but in the power of truth ; yet what (to human view) would have become of the Protestant states of Germany, if they had followed his views in respect to defensive war? Early in the spring of 1530, the elector wrote to Luther and other Wittenberg theologians, inform- ing them that the emperor had called a diet to be held at Augsburg, April 8, at which his majesty was to be present in person. Inasmuch as it was intended to make this diet answer the purpose of a council in settling the difficulties between the reli- gious parties, the elector said : "It is necessary that we have a clear understanding among ourselves, touching the articles to be maintained as well of rites and ceremonies as of faith, so that both we and other members of the diet who have embraced the JE. 41.] DIET OP AUGSBURG. 407 pure evangelical doctrines, may know how far we can, with propriety and a good conscience, be a party in the transactions." He directed, therefore, that they draw up such articles as should seem to them best, and appear with them before him at Torgau, on the 20th of March. He also instructed Luther, Jonas and Melancthon to make arrangements to be absent from the university, and to accompany him, together with Spalatin and Agricola, as far as Co- burg, on the way to Augsburg. They entered upon this journey, April 3, and Luther preached on the way at Weimar, Saalfeld, Grrafenthal, Neustadt, and frequently at Coburg. On the 21st, the elector and the rest of the company proceeded to Augsburg, while Luther, for reasons unknown to him, was left behind to remain at Coburg. The elector thought it more prudent to employ the mild and peaceful Melancthon in negotiating with the Papists, having Luther, at the same time, within reach, to be con- sulted whenever it should appear necessary. Luther was accordingly conducted to the electoral palace, situated on a bold eminence, for a residence of nearly six months. He, his companion Dieterich, and his servant Cyriac, resided here alone with no company but the keepers and attendants and occasional visit- ers, and had the whole of the great building which crowns the hill and the fortress to themselves. Be- ing here without books for several weeks, he amused himself in a playful description of a diet held by the birds which congregated about his lofty abode. Here the old complaint from which he had suffered so much, that of a roaring noise in his head, especially in his left ear, returned upon him; and, as usual, Satan came with it, armed with the fiery darts of temptation. Notwithstanding Luther's ill health 408 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1525. and dejection, he translated the prophetical writings, wrote the well-known sermon enforcing upon parents the duty of sending their children to school, and other treatises, besides a great amount of letters to the elector and to his friends concerning the pro- ceedings of this diet. Though Melancthon was the chief agent in drawing up the Augsburg Confession, and the Apology or defence of it, it was Luther, standing behind the curtain, that exercised control over the minds of the evangelical princes and theolo- gians. As formerly in his Patmos, so here in his Sinai, as he called it, his was the ruling spirit. The letters of Luther, from the time of his mar- riage to that of his death, are so numerous and so abound in incident that they serve well as a sub- stitute for a minute journal. It will be proper, therefore, to take advantage of this circumstance, and follow him through some of the scenes already alluded to. In a letter to Amsdorf, now pastor at Magdeburg, written June 21, 1525, after saying that the report of his sudden marriage with Catharine von Bora is true, and that he took this step partly in compliance with the wish of his father, partly to confirm his own teaching by example, and partly to show some degree of boldness at a time when everybody is ter- ror-struck, adding, incidentally, that he loves his wife, though he is not enamoured or fired with pas- sion, he thus speaks of the Peasants' War, which was then raging: "Meiningen, Mellerstadt, Neustadt, and Marstadt, with ten other towns, [in the south- west of Saxony,] have surrendered to the elector, and he is restoring peace and order there. It is as- certained that in Franconia, about eleven thousand peasants are slain in three different places, sixty-one M. 41.] PEASANTS' WAR. 409 bombs taken, and the citadel of Wirtemberg liberated. The Margrave Casimir [of the house of Branden- burg, which possessed one or two principalities in the vicinity of Bayreuth] is proceeding furiously against his subjects, for having violated their faith. In the duchy of Wirtemberg six thousand have been slain ; in other parts of Suabia ten thousand. The Duke of Lorraine, it is said, hath put to the sword twenty thousand in Alsace. Thus the mise- rable peasants are everywhere cut down. How it is in Bamberg, we shall soon hear. But in Breisgau [Baden] the insurrection is still in progress, and also in the Tyrol, so much so that from Inspruck to Trent all is in a state of commotion, and the Bishops of Brixen and of Trent are put to flight. Duke George is about to hold a conference at Dessau with the Margrave and the Archbishop of Mainz. The report is, that, inflated with his success, he will pursue me. He thinketh me to be like unto Muncer in doctrine. But Christ will bestow his grace. See that he do not make an attack upon Magdeburg." In the following letter to the elector (July 20) are some interesting facts relating to Spalatin: "George Spalatin hath informed me that he is called on by your grace to take into farther consi- deration the proposal to make him preacher at Altenburg, and desireth me to write your grace on this behalf. I therefore humbly submit unto you, that I remain of the same opinion as before. For he is a man of learning, a comely speaker, of good manners and morals, and, what affecteth me most, is of a pure and upright heart, and will deal faith- fully with the word of God and with souls. Whether his health is too feeble, the experiment must show." To Brismann, of Konigsberg, he writes, Aug. 16 : 35 410 LIFE OP LUTHER. [1525. "If the poison of Carlstadt or Zwingle concern- ing the sacrament reacheth unto you, be on your guard against it. ... Muncer and the peasants have so prostrated the gospel with us, and so aroused the Papists, that it seemeth as if it must all be built up again. For which reason I have testified to the gospel not only by word but by deed, in marrying a nun in the face of my enemies, who are triumph- ing and crying ' lo !'