IAVIES OF THE WORLD; GIVING CONCISE DESCRIPTIONS OP THE PLANS, ARMAMENT AND ARMOR NAVAL VESSELS OP TWENTY OF THE PRINCIPAL NATIONS. TOGETHER WITH THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN ORDNANCE, TORPEDOES, AND NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, AND A CONCISE SUMMARY OF THE PRINCIPAL NAVAL BATTLES OF THE LAST TWENTY YEARS, I860 188O. LIEUT. EDWARD W. VERY, U.S.N. NEW YORK: JOHN WILEY & SONS, 15 ASTOR PLACE. 1880. \ COPYRIGHTED, 1880, BY JOHN WILEY & SON. PREFACE DURING the past twenty years the changes in the " materiel" of which fleets are composed have been so rapid and universal that it has been impossible at any time to form a true estimate of the strength of the navy of any maritime power that would be of any value beyond a very limited time. With displacements advancing from 5000 to 13,000 tons ; weight and power of ordnance developing beyond the most exaggerated conceptions of twenty years ago ; torpedo warfare springing into existence and developing as a new and special arm ; modifications in engines and boilers by which speed has been developed from 12 to 18 knots, and steaming capacity from 2500 to 6000 miles ; the revolution of naval tactics, and the entire change in the conditions of naval warfare brought about by the development of armor defence and the ram attack, it is only through paying the closest attention and under ex- ceptionally favorable circumstances that naval officers have been able to comprehend the magnitude of the general result. It is only within the past two years that the craze for naval development has subsided to a slow and steady advance, and the present time has been seized upon as one favorable for measuring the actual strength and resources of the navies of the world. In preparing this work the author has simply aimed ai representing in as detailed a manner as possible all the elements which go to make up the active naval strength, leaving to those who in their search for information may have recourse to the data herein presented to estimate the M29843 PREFACE. IV values of these elements as they are developed and combined in different navies, and to judge for themselves of the true value of the results obtained. In collecting this data the greatest care has been taken to only give such as is entirely authentic. For the most part it has come from official sources, and, wherever it has been neces- sary to make comparisons or to give opinions, the writer has in no case given his own independent ideas on the subject. The principal authorities, aside from official records, whose works have been consulted are : Reed, White, Dislere, Marchal, and De St. Bon, on Naval Architecture ; Owens, Mayevski, Sebert, Miiller, and Cooke, on Ordnance ; Schleeman and Stotherd, on Torpedoes ; and Yon Billerbeck, on the iron-clads of the first decade. EDWARD W. VERY, Lieutenant U. S. Navy. WASHINGTON, June, 1880. CONTENTS. PAGE PART I. FLEETS 1 Argentine Confederation, Austria, Brazil, Chili, China, Denmark, England (Armored Fleet, Unarmored Fast Cruisers), France (Armored Fleet, Unarmored Fast Cruisers), Germany, Greece, Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway and Sweden, Peru, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States. THE PRINCIPAL BATTLES OF TWENTY YEARS 1860-1880. Bombardments of Earthworks. Hatteras Inlet, Hilton Head, Fort Henry, Roanoke Island, Fort Donelson, Fort Darling, Fort Hind- man, Grand Gulf, Simonoseki, Kagosima, Fort Wagner, Fort Mc- Allister, Fort Fisher, Danube Forts, Callao. Bombardments of Masonry Forts. Fort Sumter, Forts Jackson and St. Philip. Passages of Forts. Forts Jackson and St. Philip, Vicksburg Earth- works, Port Hudson Earthworks, Fort Morgan, Vicksburg Earth- works (second time). Assaults. Fort Sumter, Fort Fisher, Korean Forts. Deliberate General Actions. Memphis, Helgoland, Lissa. Dfishes. Passages of the Mississippi, Vicksburg, Charleston. Iron-Glads against Wooden Vessels. Hampton Roads, Roanoke River, Albemarle Sound, Black Sea, Ylo Bay, Iquique Harbor. Duels. Monitor and Merrimac ; Alabama and Hatteras ; Wre- hawken and Atlanta ; Kearsarge and Alabama ; Meteor and Bou- vet ; Alrnirante Cochrane, Blanco Encalada, and Huascar. PART II. NAVAL ORDNANCE 175 Austria. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Uchatius Construc- tion. Argentine Confederation, Brazil, Chili, China, Denmark KnyluiKl. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Woolwich Guns, Armstrong Guns. Gun-Carriages. Gunpowder. Carl ridges. Pro- jectiles. Fuses. Primers. Sights. Palliser Construction, Whit- worth Construction, Vavasscur Construction. covrK.vrs. vi PAGE France. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Carriages. Gunpowder Cartridges. Projectiles. Fuses. Primers. Sights. Aceessories. (i< r many Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Carriages, Gunpowder Projectiles. Fuses. Italy Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Greece, Holland, Japan. Sweden and Norway. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Nordenfelt Machine- Gun, Palmcrantz Machine- Gun. Russia. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Peru, Portugal, Spain, Turkey. United States. Tables of Weight and Measurement. Guns. Carriages. Gunpowder. Projectiles. Fuses. Sights. Accessories. Hotchkiss Machine-Gun, Gatling Machine- Gun. Small-Arms. Snider, Tabatiere, Krnka, Springfield, Peabody-Mar- tini, Werndl, Mauser, Le Gras (Chassepot), Berdan, Remington, Hotchkiss Magazine. Recapitulatory Table of Naval Ordnance. Penetration Tables. PART III. TORPEDOES 323 Whitehead, Lay, Harvey, Menzing, French Towing, American Spar- Torpedo. Torpedo Vessels Pietro Micca, Ran, Ziethen, Vesuvius, Uzreef, Alarm, Intrepid, Destroyer, Uhlan. Torpedo fymin Thorneycroft, Yarrow, Herreshoff ; Ship's Boats ; Submarine Boats. Drifting Torpedoes. Defences against Torpedoes. Defen- */'/<>. ']'<> rpcd vex Frame Torpedo, Brooks' s Torpedo, Singer's Tor- pedo, Barrel Torpedo. Torpedo Fuses. Clearing Channels of Torpedoes. Actions with Torpedoes during twenty years. PART IV. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION 355 Architectural Development of the Unarmored Fleet; Chart of the Arcliiicciunil Development. Constructional Development of the rnaniiored Fleet Wooden ( 'onstruct ion, Diagonal Construction, Composite Construction, Iron Construction, Iron Sheathed with Wood. Architectural Development of Armored Vessels, Katiosof i lie Principal Elements of Iron-clad Vessels to their Displacement. PART V. PERSONNEL; BUDGETS 397 Argentine Republic, Austria, Bra/.il, Chili, England, France, Ger- many, Holland, Italy, Japan, Norway and Sweden, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States, Denmark, Greece, Peru, Portugal. Table of Budgets of Sixteen Navies, from 1875 to 1880. IP.ART I. FLEETS. FLEETS. AEGENTINE. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION IRON-CLADS. nil i 1 TYPE AND NAME. 5J NAME. Guns. TYPE AND NAME. Guns. 1 Paddle-wheel Screw Gun Pad. II.- Screw j Gun-boats. boats. Corvetio Corvettes. Fri^K.-. [Amazonas . . . 14 14 3 6 8 3 4 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 Paddle-wheel Paddl-ewheel Transports. Tenders. Gun-boats. Greenhalgh ... . . 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 Z 2: Taquary Trajano Vital de Oliveira Mn~o Henrique Martins L. Felippe CamarSo f Bonifacio Braconnot Paraense . . Apa Moema ' Araffuary Pedro AflTonso Forte de Coimbra Ypiranga MoHoirft 1 Henrique Diaz Vidal de Nepreiros Punes Fernandas Vieira , CHILI. 13 qomnrijo ama S S A -' -' 2 1- ^ I 88* co co I-H 03 ^3 2 5 13 fl b 6 14 CHILI. ALMIRANTE COCIIRANE. BLANCO ENCALADA. Armored belt and redoubt, ram bow, round stern, twm screws, three-quarter sail-power. The armored belt encloses the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams. The re- doubt is crenelated, the after-part having an overhang of about ALMIRANTE COCHRANE. five feet, thus giving clear forward fire to the first two pairs of guns. The ship s side forward and abaft the redoubt is given a rank tumble home to open the fire. Clear, flush upper deck. HUASCAR. Sea-going turret vessel. Swan-breasted ram bow, pointed >Tcni. > ingle screw, three-Quarter sail-power. Armored belt encircling the water-line to the height of the upper-deck beams. CHILI. 15 Tripod fore-mast with the single turret just abaft it. No direct bow-tire on account of a topgallant forecastle, and no direct stern-tire from the turret owing to a poop-cabin. Light, unpro- tected poop-guns secure tire in this direction. Drop-rail in wake of the turret. Armored pilot-house just abaft turret. (Captured in 1879 from the Peruvians.) 1C ~* \ * j | II 1 1 "c a TYPE AND NAKE. *! *o g I e S BATTERY. || 1 I II | r zL u gS, a M M a G H 2 Frigates. 13 Light River Gun- boats. Ft. Ft. Ft. Tons. Knots. 'Alpha i 118 27 9 325 300 9 I 11 -inch Armstrong. Beta 118 27 9 325 300 9 I 11-inch . Gamma 120 30 9 400 340 9 112^-inch * " ] Delta 120 30 9 400 340 9 1 12^-inch " |- Chin Pei . 125 29 10U 440 389 10 I 12-inch t Chin Shan 125 29 v /<& 440 389 10 I 12-inch Vavasseur. a Fu Shing 128 29 10^ 440 389 10 1 12-inch Lung Lang 125 23 JQ1/ 440 389 10 I 12-inch > Torpedo-boats. Transports. Junks. Hulks. Guard- and School- Ships. RIVER GUN-BOATS. Iron, twin-screw gun-boats, carrying one heavy 'gun firing through a musket-proof bow-port. Hydraulic loading appa- ratus underneath the covered forecastle. Magazine and shell- rooms under the gun, with side-hatches and railways for trans- porting the ammunition to the muzzle. Bridge across the after-part of the high musket-proof rail, with steering-wheel just abaft it and so low as only to permit the helmsman's head to come above the rail. After-rail low, with a musket-proof booby-hatch over the engine-room. DENMABK. 17 PH Igg 118 1 ilU BBBB B B B 1 "" 1 *XMB B B S B 3 qounisi jo ajta ! $ g QO oj oc oc oc w 5* so so eo co QopSj>SS3 X. O t- O CO I- (N I- fi - T-T ^- r-r r f I I MOUUV jo ssau flJOO-tiOOO&JOO H 5" ' " ^' * - in 05 o co g I -S.KXHUOK 's 18 DKXMAKK. DANISH UXARMORED FLEET, TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. ,. fNielsJuel 1-jSjalland c fe ^Jylland Tons. 2,350 2,350 2,420 1,175 1,176 1,546 350 350 240 26 26 2b 14 14 5 1 1 1 Storebelt Tons. 240 240 145 145 145 145 145 95 50 : 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Lillebelt Thure 1 fHeimdal 1 1 Dagmar 6 [st. Thomas jj fFalster J -1 Moen Schroedersee Willemoes Krieger Marstrand Hauch O |_ Oresund Drogden DANMARK. PEDER SKRAM. Broadside iron-clad frigates (See Ferdinand Max, Austrian), gtill capable of forming part of cruising fleet, but of little use beyond harbor defence. ROLF KRAKE. Monitor gun-boat, having a superstructure forming a cov- ered forecastle forward and officers' quarters aft, the upper line ROLF KRAKE. of the superstructure being cMi-rii-d along by a rail in wake of the turrets, which may be dropped in action. Her turrets are small, containing l>-<$T-iCO ! E 8 s 8 . 8 8 I ? S I S .1 si o* 10" 10" o of of ec eo" o' eo" co" eo" CD" -*" JOULIV 30 8S3" S im.ij M ; Q i of oT cT o" so w - w - - - *- 2~ o" o- t- S- do 1*0 I -- g fi o 55 43 ^ 'Sb B -z -> -z cc H be -a K <5 S ,-IMJ ENGLAND. G A rd A , A A = a 2 2 2 2 2 ct d o d 6 6 ,2 .2.2.2. o cicidsi >.So.t3y .S .a so N 1-1 o oq o co eo' -^ 10 ^t< eo' oj o CM w -* ~H O O 1-1 T-t T-l 1-1 00 * O Si 11111 T-T " T T os' of -* 10 10 10 10 05 10 00 00 J> t- i-l I od" o" cT oef QO" f of co" co" eo" co" *" oo" 05" os" oo" o" oo" SO 00 10 10 10 10 60 10 O 50 -O 50 00 O? S S o o I? S o rC rf 9J 9i 50 eo co ; t _ : : i c T p " li 1 1 i i i i 1 c7 1 1 i - 1 2 ft a 0) S H to c/ 1] g i 1 c iz ^ a 5 i _ I ! t-l > i i & I i fi 1.1 I 1 !^ t i 1 H i | M i 3 paiouuv 'aouajaa $sm>o JQj sclms ^aJJnx ENGLAND. 1 1 111 5 ^ S 3 2^-i rt ,S -2 .2 .2 i> ii. {> 6 6 o > > paadg umuuxwK ** oo so co * c* co t- i- o eo 03 ec si o oi i 01 cs ci cJ os cJ so ua.wod Pw>n>ai I s CO" 03" " 03- i-c i-H CO CO CO 05 05 JOOTJT JO jonuy jo ssau o co eo O O 03 03 SO 10 to ^* I in oiosicswooi-acoo : : 1 I 1 | , * a t 00" 2 i- '3 l 2~*5CSPO5^~t't 't Q I I i 1 1 i i t -t | f i ? i ^ 03" rc" ~" ^" a" rn" " T of so" so" -T ef ranrapcBK O O O3 C5 O -t nna jo qjpBaaa S S 8 S 33 : 111 III 1 ' tf k > H (2 ENGLAND. WARRIOR. BLACK PRINCE. DEFENCE. RESISTANCE. Armored broadside frigates. The armor of these ships con- sists of a long casemate covering the battery only, and extend- ing from about two feet below the water-line to the spar-deck beams. The bow and stern sections are left completely un- protected, the armor forward and aft ending in athwartship bulkheads. The hull is divided into a number of very large water-tight compartments. The extreme forward part of the upper-deck rail is recessed to permit straight-ahead fire from the fore-castle guns. The bows of these ships, although not built especially for ramming, are made very heavy to permit of this mode of attack with safety. Full sail-power. HECTOR. VALIANT. Armored broadside frigates with swan-breasted ram bows. The armor of these ships consists of a belt around the main- VALIANT. deck, whilst the boilers and engines are in a casemate. The water-line forward and abaft is unprotected. Full sail-power. ACHILLES. Armored broadside frigate with straight bow strengthened for ramming. The armor of this ship consists of a water-line ENGLAND. a ACHILLES. belt the height of the gun-deck beams and a casemate for the battery. Full sail-power. No bow-fire except from an unpro- tected forecastle gun, (See Warrior.) NORTHUMBERLAND. MINOTAUR. AGINCOURT. Armored broadside frigates, swan-breasted bow for ram- ming. The armor in these ships may be called complete, MINOTAUR. forming a belt rising to the height of the spar-deck beams fore and aft. Full sail-power (5 masts). BELLEROPHON. REPULSE. LORD WARDEN. Armored broadside frigates with ram bows. The armor in these ships is complete, rising to the height of the spar-deck beams, and in addition having a casemated forecastle. The Lord Warden and Repulse have wooden hulls, having been LORD WARDEN. originally laid down for wooden line-of -battle ships. The Bel- lerophon carries heavier armor and more effective backing at ENGLAND. the water-line than any of the foregoing ships. These ships have full sail-power. The Bellerophon is a good sailer. PALLAS. RESEARCH. Armored belt and redoubt, the side being cut back just for- ward and abaft the redoubt to permit the broadside guns to fire well forward and aft through adjacent ports. These ships have wooden hulls, having been originally laid down ,f or wood- en frigates. The Pallas is a remarkably fine sailing ship. HERCULES. SUPERB. PENELOPE. Armored belt and long armored redoubt, the sides being cut back for bow-fire. The Hercules has armored breastworks at the bow and stern on the battery-deck for heavy bow and stern guns. The Superb is the late Memdouhieh (Turkish). * The Pallas and Research were sold out of service in 1880. 26 ENGLAND. SULTAN. Armored belt and long armored redoubt. The side for- ward of the redoubt is cut back for forward lire, but instead of the forward and after breastworks of the Hercules, an upper redoubt is built at the after-end of the main one, projecting clear of the side, and from which clear bow and stern fire is available. 8WIFTSURE. TRIUMPH. AUDACIOUS. INVINCIBLE. IRON DUKE. Armored belt and short casemate, on which is mounted an upper-deck redoubt. The gun-deck casemate does not permit 01 bow-fire, as the lines of the ship are not broken forward or abaft it. The upper redoubt projects clear, of the side over the lower casemate, and has its corners cut oft' to permit of angular IRON DUKE. A Wound made in the Vanguard by the Iron Duke. ports being cut tlmt give fore-and-aft and beam fire. This re- doubt has no athwartship bulkhead. The magazines are direct- ly under the casemates. The boat-davits are near the amidship ENGLAND. line, eo that the boats are kept well inboard. (The Vanguard, sunk by collision with the Iron Duke, belonged to this type.) ALEXANDRA. Armored belt and double-decked casemate, ram bow, and overhanging stern. The forward part of the belt is carried down in a curve over the ram. The side forward from the gun-deck beams up is carried well back parallel to the keel to give fore- and-aft lire. There is no stern-fire from the main-deck case- mate. The after bulkhead rises straight from the belt to the top of the upper casemate. This casemate is, however, shorter than the lower one, and its forward bulkhead being carried down separates the main-deck casemate into two chambers, forming a double protection for the after-guns. The corners of both casemates are cut off for angular ports to give fore-and-aft and beam fire. The hull is divided longitudinally by an armored bulkhead rising to the height of the main-deck beams, one set of engines and boilers being in each compartment. Twin screws and full sail-power. TEMERAIRE Armored belt, redoubt, and two barbette turrets. Earn bow. The armored belt is carried down in a curve over the ram. No stern-fire from the casemate, the forward corners being cut for angular ports, and the side forward being carried back for bow-fire. The casemate is cut in two chambers simi- lar to the main-deck casemate of the Alexandra. The barbette turrets forward and abaft the casemate are oval in shape, and ENGLAND. the guns are mounted on Moncrieff carriages. The armor of the "body of the turrets does not come below the spar-deck beams, but an armored shaft is carried down to the level of the belt, through which ammunition is passed and cominu- TEMERAIRE. nication given. The hull is divided longitudinally by an ar- mored bulkhead similar to the Alexandra. Twin screws and auxiliary sail-power. (Brig rigged.) SHANNON. Partial armored belt and partial spar-deck breastwork. The belt is carried around the stern as a protection to the steering- gear, but ends just abaft the foremast in an armored bulkhead,, which rises sheer to the height of the spar-deck rail. From the foot of thi> bulkhead an iron deck is carried forward to the stem, ending as a support to the rain. A breastwork on the spar-deck forward forms a protection for the bow-guns, the ENGLAND. 29 topgallant forecastle being carried to its after-edge. The cor- ners of the breastwork are cut for angular ports, and the rail forward is carried back parallel to the keel. The rail aft is recessed and cut back for after angular ports, but the guns are not protected by armor. An armored conning tower is placed at the forward part of the breastwork. A single gun is used aft, working on a turn-table for shifting from one port to the other. NELSON. NOKTIIAMPTON. Partial armored belt and partial forward and after spar- deck breastworks. The armored belt extends for three fifths of the length of the ship amidships, ending in armored athwartship bulkheads, which rise to the height of the spar- deck beams. A heavy iron deck prolongs the lower edge of the belt to the bow and stern, protecting the steering-gear aft and forming a support for the ram forward. The guns are all carried on a covered deck, giving a flush spar-deck. The breastworks on the main-deck at the bulkheads form a side pro- tection for the forward and after guns, the corners being cut for angular ports and the side recessed for fore-and-aft tiiv. These ships have twin screws and an armored longitudinal bulkhead similar to the Alexandra. MONARCH. NEPTUNE. Armored belt and revolving Coles turrets on the spar-deck. The belt rises to the height of the main-deck beams, and amid- ships is carried up to the spar-deck beams to cover the lower part of the turrets and machinery. An armored bulkhead rises 30 ENGLAND. well forward, forming on the spar-deck a forecastle breastwork for the bow-guns. The spar-deck rail in wake of the turrets mav be dropped to open their lire. The Neptune has 110 pro- tected stern-lire. The belt of the Monarch is carried up aft to Sf the height of the spar-deck beams, forming a breastwork for the stern-guns. (See Hercules.) The Neptune is the late In- dependenzia. INFLEXIBLE. AJAX. AGAMEMNON. CONQUEROR. Casemated, double-turreted, mastless, sea-going iron-clads. Ram bows. The armored casemate is rectangular and encloses the middle third of the vessel. The lower edge of the case- mate is prolonged fore and aft in a heavy iron deck, which forward curves down below the point of the ram. Short un- armored forecastle and poop structures, carried along in line with the keel to the smoke-stacks. The turrets are placed di- agonally to open the full fore-and-aft fire. Forward and abaft the casemate is a cork belt of the thickness of the armor, to give ENGLAND. 31 the ship floating power in case the unprotected sections are pierced. The ship is divided in two by a longitudinal bulk- head. Twin screws. DREADNOUGHT. ORION. BELLEISLE. Armored belt and breastwork, sea-going monitors. The armor is complete fore and aft, and is carried down in a curve forward below the point of the ram. Throughout the middle third a casemate rises to protect the bottom of the turrets and give them a good elevation above the water-line. Forward and abaft this casemate, and in line with it, an unarmored super- structure is carried, stopping short of the bow and stern. This r^frrHFr--^ DREADNOUGHT. forms roomy quarters and gives the ship an increased free- board and stability. The turrets are amidships and in line with the keel. Between them is a musket-proof superstruc- ture, expanding into a flying deck having at its forward end an armored pilot-house. Longitudinal armored bulkhead, similar to the Alexandra. DEVASTATION. THUNDERER. DEVASTATION. Armored belt and breastwork, double-turreted, sea-going monitors. The armored belt from forward to the forward tur- 32 ENGLAND. ret comes only to the height of the water-line. The breast- work differs from that of the Dreadnought in not coming out to the side, but the freeboard necessary is obtained by carrying around it and well forward and aft a musket-proof super- structure. A musket-proof superstructure also rises between the turrets, expanding into a flying deck with an armored pilot- house at its forward end. GLATTON. Armored belt and breastwork, single-turreted, coast-defence monitor. The armored belt rises to the upper-deck level, and is of the same thickness from stem to counter. It has an over- H5 .ofl hang beyond the hull of 2 feet amidships. The breastwork surrounds the turret and smoke-stack and does not come out to the side. Forward and abaft a narrow superstructure car- ries along the line of the breastwork. Abaft the turret, which is situated well forward, a musket-proof superstructure rises, expanding into a flying deck, with an armored pilot-house at its forward extremity. CYCLOPS. GORGON. HECATE. HYDRA. ABYSSINIA. MAGDALA. CERBERUS. Armored belt and breastwork, double-turreted, coas-tdef ence monitors. The breastwork Occupying somewhat more than the ENGLAND. 33 middle third of these vessels surrounds the turrets and smoke- stack, but does not come out to the side. Musket-proof pas- sages or tubes and ventilators, together with an armored pilot- house, extend above a light flying deck. The Cerberus is sta- tioned permanently at Melbourne, having had a temporary rail and upper deck built on her for her passage out. The Abys- sinia and Magdala are permanently stationed at Bombay. HOTSPUR. RUPERT. Armored rams. The armor-belt completely encircles the hull and is carried down in a curve forward below the point of the ram. Each vessel is provided with a breastwork and single turret. That of the Hotspur is fixed and has four ports, the gim being worked on a turn-table. That of the Rupert is of the Coles type of revolving turret. The breastwork surrounds the foot of the turret and the smoke-stack. Both vessels have a high superstructure from abaft the turret to the stern, rising two thirds the height of the turret, and each carries a stern-gun, the side being recessed at each counter for stern-fire. The Hot- spur carries an armored pilot-house on top of her turret ; the Rupert has two, one on each side, abaft the turret in the dead- angle. At present the turret of the Hotspur is being changed to a revolving one like the Rupert's. PRINCE ALBERT. Four-turreted monitor. This ship has a wooden hull, hav- ing been cut down from a line-of-battle ship. Her armor-belt encircles her hull and she has no breastwork ; her Coles tur- rets being protected about their lower parts by the armored deck. This vessel is only fit for harbor defence. SCORPION. WYVERN. Armored belt, double-turret ed iron-clads with full sail- power. These vessels are high sided, the high rail between the 34 ENGLAND. fore and mizzen masts dropping to unmask the turrets. The armor-belt encircles them. They have strengthened ram bows, a long, high forecastle extending to the fore-mast and making a dead-angle for the forward turret, and a high poop to the miz- zen-mast, making a dead-angle for the after turret. The fore and main masts are tripod masts. These vessels are bark rigged, with full sail-power, and when their side rails are up they have the appearance of ordinary corvettes. They were built for the Confederates during the war of the American Rebellion. VIPER. VIXEN. WATERWITCH. Casemated gun-boats. These vessels have rectangular case- mates about the boilers and engines (see Inflexible), the for- ward bulkhead rising above the spar-deck level, and being pro- vided with two ports for bow-fire. They are only intended for bow-fire and end-on attack. The "Waterwitch is a double- ender, having steering-gear at each end, and at present, instead of steam boilers and engines, she has a hydraulic motor. POLYPHEMUS. Armored ram. .The transverse section of this ship is top- shaped, showing above water a convex upper deck surmount- ed by a light musket-proof superstructure. In addition to her heavy ram, she is provided with apparatus for firing the Whitehead torpedo, ahead and from each beam. EREBUS. Old-type casemated floating battery, completely armored. WTVERN. 36 ENGLAND. ^,Afi PA A A lllli. l X r fc- 00 TH Tj-^iirj J3M.Od S fc S 8 *" rjT of 5 co t- t- OJ 8 2 A til I I : :i|ai:::gSt i II liilflt! J3 rtocssooo^iojaS : : ^ : I g S ENGLAND. 37 g g 6 g g 3 6^! e-ge coeoeoeoeoeoeoeocoeoooooooodddddr-i^-irH 11 ef ef ~ Ss ef " of so co eo eo eo 53 53 53 = ; J 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 . i j ill ill ii ! ! l !l II O (2 A II ENGLAND. 00 00 00 00 00 ,-,83^ r-i rt 1-1 paadg umutpreK 8 -9&IOH p*nipui O-. 13 S^^SJ I 9 P S ~ * O g 1 1 1 8 H mm IsS i z fl os os o co eo eo OJ os oo u .. , A\ i >. ; qjauaq I o 3 s.l.i., is -saaoreajs -djq -UIBJ -opadaoi-opadaoi ENGLAND. 39 ENGLISH UNARMOKEI) FLEET - (CONTINUED.) (NEW CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. D Sr Const ructio Material. n Indicated Horse-power Maximun Speed. BATTERY. f Curlew.... Tons. Knots. * Lapwing ell 1 1 Maerpie 11 Philomel 857 Ss Plover Oc y Ringdove k 774 Composite 977 i- 10 | I 7-inch pivot II 40-pdrs 1 Seagull If Swallow I Vulture 5 LWoodlark... f Avon eofi Beacon Boxer 506 KQ7 i Cracker ROQ Dwarf Elk Flirt 472 coo Fly 4SQ i Growler . } 584 696 II 64-pdrs. i Hart 608 II 20-pdrs. gl OH Hornet 506 Ss Lynx K0 n j Midge 472 feet. At a speed of six knots they burn about three tons of coal per twenty-four hours. BRITOMART CLASS (sixteen in number). Second-class wooden gun-boats of the old-fashioned type, carrying two 64-pdr. pivot-guns. BLAZER CLASS (twenty-four in number). Second-class iron gun-boats, carrying one 10-inch rifle. Tl ie.se vessels are little more than large launches, having a bow decked over with light plates. The gun is mounted on a platform, which itself is supported on heavy screws ; these screws, being- revolved by steam-power, permit the gun to be lowered down D into the hold when going to sea, or raised for fighting. The in-;m mm mm ^ _ ^_ j _ TT o I o | 3 D>_ part of- this curve about two feet inside of the water-line, being waist high amidships and rising fore and aft into a curved forecastle and poop musket-proof tiring-cover for the guns. Amidships are a musket-proof pilot-house and engine-room. The battery consists of two 64-pdrs. at each end under cover, and firing from four ports each, two fore and aft and two abeam. VESUVIUS. Torpedo-boat. This craft, built for sudden attacks with torpedoes, is built very low in the w r ater. The smoke-stack i- bent horizontally, running along the deck. The furnace is intended to burn coke in order to suppress smoke. The steam- discharge pipes open under water. She is rigged for project- ing Whitehead torpedoes. (See Torpedoes, Part III.) LIGHTNING CLASS. Fast torpedo-launches, (See Torpedoes.) 48 ENGLAND. ENGLISH GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Construction Material. Indicated Horse-power. Maximum Speed. Guns. Victoria Tons. 6,959 Wood 4,191 Knots. 12.3 12 Howe 6,557 4,524 13.2 12 Duke of Wellington Duncan 6,071 5,734 ii 1,999 2,826 9.9 13.2 25 31 Roj'al Albert 5,637 M 1,805 8 Donegal 5,481 4C 3,103 11.2 1 Anson ' 5,260 u 3,583 11.8 11 5 Atlas 5,260 u 3,732 12 11 Defiance 5,260 l< 3,350 12 1 Revenge 5,260 44 2,896 11.7 Royal William 4,579 t , 1,763 9.8 St. George 4,579 M 1,730 10.6 Albion 4,382 n 1,835 10.5 . Rodney 4,375 (I 2,246 11 5 10 L Lion 3,842 1,732 9.3 12 Galatea Bristol 4.583 4,020 It 2,759 2088 13.2 11 8 26 28 Glasgow 4,020 2,020 12 4 28 Newcastle Undaunted 4,020 4,020 2,354 2,261 13.3 12.7 ^1 31 1 Immortalit6 3,984 u 2,391 11.8 28 r Topaze 3,915 Lively 985 1,757 2 Ii Salamis 985 1,440 14 2 ii Vigilant 965 M 1,815 2 * ' Osborne 1 800 3,363 2 i Victoria and Albert Alberta 2,470 370 8,980 1,208 .... 2 Elfin 93 t . 181 Enchantress Nassau 985 877 M 1,318 755 1 4 If Porcupine 556 II 285 1 PI Sylvia 877 M 689 4 Q. Hecla Iron 6 *l Paddle-wheel Frigate Valorous. Corvettes Argus, Barracouta, Basilisk, Buzzard, Salamander, Sphynx, Spiteful. 9 Paddle-steamers. 33 Harbor-tugs. 177 Hulks used as school, depot, guard, hos- pital, coal, and store ships. Iron-clad Hulks Caledonia, Enterprise, Favorite, Lord Clyde, Ocean, Prince Con- sort. Royal Alfred, Royal Oak, Royal Sovereign. The General Service fleet, with the exception of the Transports and Yachts, belong to the old-fashioned types of steam cruisers. They are, however, constantly in com- mission as cruising vessels on home and foreign stations. FKANCE. 51 paadg um o MOUIJY jo ssau 5^- ^-i s * -s s s .g ? I S fl * > 3 a a ? M M > > > M ! & & P in I a fa > M P* 1 " 1 M CO 00 00 CO CO CO 5 co- co- co- lo" a o- ^r w t- 00 CO CO CO CO CO v lOlOCOt-t-OOt-OT ^SSS* 00 ' * 00 ' 1 ^ 2" o- of o? 1-1 co ureag jo mproag iococococoi>t*t- Ot-l>l>.t-t-t-.I>. coloioiOibioioio S 2 S s I : j : 3 c8 i t^ 3 3 i i i ! I i I ti O .H S tf FRANCE. paodg ranmpcBK I -88JOH U9AWXI JOUUV JO S68TT S 2 3 2 2 cc eo ec ef w~ oo" eo" oo" so" eo" oe" co" eo" eo" l> J> -* -* -/BJH S8882222222 ** , l -, eo. eo_ eo. to IQ i0 10 to io a 10 10 10 id tireaa jo mpua.ig sa^inoipaadJ U98Aiqiaq q?J 3 2 2222222222 a oj so e is 3 d 2222222222 ti 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 BOjBaioj paaouuy FKAXOE. 53 II a a o oo TO TO 10 10 10 10 10 10 ooo TO TO " Of Of J> t> t> 10 10 10 QO 00 00 QO 00 OO 05 OS OS CO (O D CO -* ** Tf 00 OO 00 TO TO TO I = t, SS^SStO^TOTOTOTOTOTO^^^ 10 10 10" -*" *" -*" TO" TO" TO" TO" TO" TO" " TO" 10" 10' 10" OS OS 05 C5 5 55 55 w OSOCSCSOSCSTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOOS OS OS OS 54 FRANCE. paads umraprejt M8AVOd ' r rfl 1 i * I 3 2 I 1 I 1 I 1 10 10 W5 5 1-H i-H 1-* T-H O 7 41O1OO1O1O1OCO COeOCOCO(M -T-IT-IT-II-IT-IT-II-IT-I ssau^oiqi ^STO^ eo eo eo_ co d d O rP TjJ Tf "* ^ * * CO uoui.iv jo ssau QOOOQOOOO it ITS tf = S S s s s O O O O 00 00 FRANCE. 55 AMIRAL DUPERRE. DUGUESCLIN. Armored belt and four barbette turrets. Ram bow ana overhanging dome stern. The armor-belt covers the water- line to the height of the main-deck beams, coming below the point of the ram and covering the steering-gear. The bar- bette turrets are arranged one on each side, abreast the for- ward smoke-stack, having an overhang of nearly half its di- ameter, so as to give clear fore-and-aft tire. The other two AMIRAL DUPERR turrets are amidships, before and abaft the mizzen-mast. There are two armored pilot-houses on the Duperre, one abreast the forward turrets and one between the after ones ; the Duguesclin has but one, forward. The gun-deck battery is composed of light rifled guns, unprotected. The deck plating of these ships is three inches in thickness (one inch steel over two inches of iron). A bow-gun works in a single port under the topgallant forecastle. DEVASTATION. FOUDROYANT. REDOUBTABLE. Armored belt and redoubt. Ram bow and dome stern. The belt of the Redoubtable encircles the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams, curving down forward over the point of the ram ; that of the other two ships stops short of the curve of the counter in an armored bulkhead, the lower edge being carried on by an armored deck to protect the steer- ing-gear. The sides forward and abaft the redoubt are given a rank tumble home, the redoubt rising straight to the spar- deck, thus giving clear fore-and-aft and beam fire from the main-deck battery. A heavy gun is mounted in barbette on top of the redoubt, each side, having a clear firing angle of 180 ; the gun-slide alone is protected by armor, while a mus- FRANCE. DEVASTATION. ket-proof shield is mounted on the forward part of the slide, as protection to the crew. On the spar-deck is carried a bat- tery of light rifles in broadside. TRIDENT. FRIEDLAND. Armored belt and casemate. Ham bow and dome stern. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main- deck beams. The casemate rises to the height of the spar- deck beams. At the forward end of the casemate, on each side, a barbette unarmored half -turret is built, being simply a projecting shelf for mounting a heavy gun. The sides from the main-deck up forward are given a snarp tumble home to permit clear forward fire ; while aft the spar-deck rail is placed inboard about three feet, leaving a clear fire aft, giving the part of the spar-deck outside the rail the appearance of a FRANCE. continuous channel-piece. The turret guns are only protected by a light musket-proof shelter, rising above the slide. There is a light battery of broadside rifles on the spar-deck, a bow- gun working in one port under the forecastle, and a similar stern-gun. There is no forward or after fire from the main- deck battery. COLBERT. Of the same type as the Friedland, except that in place of the barbette half -turrets there are armored breastworks for the protection of a heavy bow and a heavy stern gun on the spar-deck. RICHELIEU. MARENGO. OCEAN. SUFFREN. Armored belt and casemate, with four armored barbette turrets. Ram bow, straight stern. The belt encircles the SUFFREN. water-line, coming to but not covering the ram, which is a solid bronze casting. The barbette turrets "are just over the corners of the casemate, projecting nearly half their diameter clear of the side for fore-and-aft fire, "f he side is not broken in or given a tumble home, as the muzzles of the turret guns are above the spar-deck rail. The Richelieu has twin screws, 58 FRANCE. the others single ones. There is no fore-and-aft fire from the casemate. Light spar-deck broadside battery. Armored com- mander's lookout. BAYARD. TURENNE. LA GALLISSONND3RE. TRIOMPHANTE. VICTOREEJUSE. VAUBAN. Second-rate sea-going iron-clads. Armored belt and case- mate and two barbette turrets. The belt encircles the water- line to the height of the main-deck beams, the casemate carry- VICTORIEUSE. ing the armor to the spar-deck. The barbette turrets are over the forward corners of the casemate. Ram bow and dome stern. Light spar-deck broadside battery. Bow-gun working in a single port under the forecastle. GLOIRE. HEROINE 8AVOIE. COURONNE. FLANDRE. PROVENCE. GAULOISE. GUYENNE. MAGNANIME. REVANCHE. 8URVEILLANTE. VALEUREUSE. Broadside iron-clad frigates, completely armored. These vessels belong to the earliest type, and, with the exception of^ LA GLOIRE. the Couronne and Heroine, they have wooden hulls. The armor extends from about three feet below the water-line to FIIAXCE. tlie spar-deck beams. Armored conning towers are placed abaft the main-mast. Originally built for a large battery of light smooth-bores, the height of the main-deck presents the full outlit of a heavy battery. BELLIQUEUSE. AllMIDE. ALMA. ATALANTE. JEANNE D'ARC. MONTCALM. THETIS. REINE BLANCHE. Second-class cruising iron-clads. Armor belt and casemate, and four barbette turrets. The belt comes to the main-deck beams all around, the casemate carrying it up to the spar-deck. JEANNE D'ARC. The turrets are at the corners of the casemates. In some of these vessels the after turrets were left off, it being found that the hull was overweighted when it was attempted to put heavier guns aboard than the ships were originally intended to carry. TONNERE. TEMPETE. FULMINANT. TONNANT. FURIEUX. VENGEUR. Single - turreted, casemated monitors for coast defence. These vessels are heavily armored at the water-line ; the single TONNERRE. turret is very large, in order to bring the two guns in it well 60 FRANCE. apart, to gain clear lire aft on each side of the superstructure. This turret is on the forward third of the hull, and it, as well as the superstructure aft, is surrounded by a breastwork that does not come out to the side. On top 01 the turret is a bar- bette commander's lookout. Forward the deck rises into a. short forecastle, just abaft of which is an armored casemate giving ingress into the crew's quarters. The superstructure abaft the turret is musket-proof, of a width just sufficient to permit the guns to get stern-fire. The upper part expands into a flying deck, with a low musket-proof shield, and corner stands for Hotchkiss machine-guns. s TIGRE. BELTER. CERBERB. BOTJLEDOGUE. Monitor rams. These vessels have a low freeboard, the single turret being on the forward third of the hull, surrounded by a casemate, which also covers the lower part of the smoke- stack. * A superstructure rises forward and aft of the turret and is semi-cylindrical, curving at the ends in such a manner as to give no foothold on any part. The turret is surmounted by a barbette lookout. The hulls are of wood and heavily strengthened at the ram. Double screws. TAUREAU. Similar to the above, with the exception that the turret is fixed and has four ports for bow and beam fire. ONONDAOA. Double-turreted American monitor; laminated plating, low freeboard, no casemate. ROCHAMBEAU. Casemated iron-clad (late Dunderberg). Earn bow, low FKANCE. 61 KOCHAMBEAU. freeboard, and rectangular casemate, with sloping sides giving fore-and-aft and beam lire. x EMBUSCADE. REFUGE. PROTECTRICE. IMPLACABLE. IMPRENABLE. OPINIATRE. Armored floating batteries. Low freeboard forward and EMBUSCADE. abaft, with rectangular casemates having perpendicular si and giving fore-and-aft and beam fire. Light draft. CAIMAN. INDOMPTABLE. TERRIBLE. Coast-defence vessels; type not known, but presumably citadel-ships of a displacement not less than 12,000 tons. The battery of this type is six loj-inch guns. They are evidently intended as more powerful vessels than either the Inflexible or Duilio. FRANCE. r u...) \\ ).'<( cj$5$^ ; t3 i3 m i3 i5 i3 o" T eo~ of of of of of of H 10" to o> of of of of of of ^s t- t- ^5^;^;^^ jjoo ooosccceotno : : a : : : ' : : 3 : : : | 1 i v^ ^ I..A ^ S I .3 Q W99IIUO -wasiruo roio FEANCE. g 1 -. 1 * Tf TP Tj t- t- >'' : ~ .... : x .5^ 3 . . . '- ' . '. : o 1 | i -| i : " * * * < = 4-> u : o ^ : - b I * 'E * , 1 2 . - 5 I f ! 2 .5 g i i l I f 1 153 S, os^tcceS^S Tjtp w^sS^oo w S S 3 W *2 o t> saosiiuo -siasseA qaj'Bdsia ss^lO P8 64 FRANCE. FRENCH TJNARMORED FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- Date of meiit. Launch. BATTERY. Transports. $d Class Gun-hoate. 1st Class Gun-boats. f Crocodile Tons. 452 393 295 Year. I 7^-inch, II 4-inch, n 5J^-inch. n 5^-inch. H 5^-inch. i I 9>4-inch, I 4%-inch. n 5^-inch, IV Scinch. Lionne Lutin Lynx Milan .Diligente fChacal Etendard ' Fanfare . . Gladiateur Hyene Jaguar Leopard Oriflamme ... ... 295 177 !77 1,475 1,770 2,868 Decidee Frelon Pique Surprise Tactique -. Epee 23 Gun -boats ' Bievre Oise Caravans 1875 Building 1876 Building n Ampere A n nn n i it c . . 5,340 5,340 5,340 5,340 1,655 1,655 1,655 1,655 Mytho Shamrock Tonquin . . ... Allier Nievre Saone FKANCE. 65 DUQUESNE. TOURVILLE. Iron frigates, sheathed with wood and coppered. Strength- ened bows for ramming, with heavy bronze rams. Three half- turrets or platforms on each side of the spar-deck, projecting clear of the side to give clear fore-and-aft fire. Bow-gun working in a single port under the forecastle. Pilot-house and chart-room on a bridge forward of the smoke-stacks. Boats carried on a gallows-frame between the smoke-stacks. Fine lines, heavy shoulder ; the bow-frames are given a flare out from the main-deck up, to give a full forecastle for working TOURVILLE. the bow-gun. Single screw, full sail-power. Gun-deck, broad- side battery, fourteen S^-inch rifles. Spar-deck battery, seven 7-1- inch rifles. Bow-fire, three T^-inch ; beam-fire, nine 5^-inch (two guns can be shifted on the gun-deck, so as to give nine for a broadside), three 7|-inch ; stern-fire, two 7-J-incli. Two sets of engines and boilers, placed one abaft the other for pro- tection. Between the forward turrets on the spar-deck are the wash-rooms and water-closets, giving the appearance of a fourth half -turret. Maximum speed at sea for 24 hours, knots. DUGUAY TROUm. Iron corvette, sheathed with wood and coppered. Strength- ened bow for ramming, with heavy bronze ram. Four half- turrets, similar to those of the Tourville. Bow-gun working under the forecastle in a single port. Single screw, full sail- 66 FKANCE. power. All the battery carried on tlie spar-deck, leaving a clear, roomy main-deck. Stern-gun mounted in barbette on a ii ii DUGUAY TROUIN. centre-pivot carriage. Bow-fire, two V^-inch, one 5-J-inch ; beam-fire, two TJ-incli, three 5J-inch ; stern fire, two TJ-inch, one 5^-inch. VILLARS CLASS (seventeen in number). Second - class wooden corvettes, with strengthened ram bow. Two light bow-guns firing through recessed ports, giving bow and beam fire. (In some cases the guns are on the fore- castle, in others underneath.) Stern-gun mounted on a centre- pivot carriage in barbette. Midship guns of heavy calibre, the deck being carried out slightly, to give them an extreme firing angle. ECLAIREUR CLASS (two in number). Third -class composite corvettes, with strengthened ram FRANCE. 67 ECLAIREUB. bow. Bow pivot-gun mounted on the forecastle : stern-pivot in barbette ; six guns in broadside. LANCIER CLASS (eight in number). Avisos, or fourth-class corvettes, composite, with strength- ened ram bows. Four rifled-guns mounted on centre-pivot O] o n n o carriages in the midship line of the vessel. Drop-rail abreast the main-deck guns. LYNX CLASS (seven in number). First -class composite gun-boats, with strengthened ram bows. Light, centre-pivoting rifled bow and stern guns, and one heavy rifled, centre-pivot gun amidships firing in barbette. 68 FRANCE. LYNX. FARCY CLASS (twenty-seven in number). Second-class iron gun-boats. These vessels are more nearly large launches, built with ram bows to give them good displace- ment. One heavy gun is mounted in the -bow, the slope of TROMBLON the bow from the ram up being carried up to form a musket- proof shield, permitting the gun to fire through an embrasure.* MYTHO CLASS (four in number). First-class iron troop-ships, similar in general to the Eng- MYTHO. lish troopers of the Serapis class. Capacity for berthing 1700 men with all the camp equipage. * By increasing the displacement of this type thirty tons, an increase of speed of two knots has been obtained, a 4-inch stern-gun mounted, and the boats made perfectly seaworthy. FRANCE. 69 DRAC CLASS (four in number). ^ Light cavalry transports. These vessels are composite built and may serve either as transports or gun-boats, as they DRAC. carry a battery of two light and two heavy centre-pivoting ri- fles. They are used for the transportation of cavalry horses, artillery, and stores. BIEVRE CLASS (four in number). Light, fast iron transports, similar in general to the Drac class. 70 FRANCE. FRENCH GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Indicated Horse-power. Guns. Construction Material. Date of Launch. f | Souverain Tons. 5,115 4,820 5,210 5,210 5,500 5,015 3,934 3,934 3,934 3,560 3,375 3,375 3,325 3,100 1,740 2,800 2,700 2,700 1,830 1,780 1,770 1,640 1,590 1,840 1,920 1,270 1,270 1,289 1,290 1,280 1,260 1,260 1,260 1,330 1,310 1,310 1,310 1,520 1,430 1,040 1,530 1,580 1,700 1,050 1,480 1,780 700 1,100 740 1,050 1,050 1,050 1.050 1,050 960 960 960 25 12 12 12 12 12 12 22 12 34 32 18 16 18 12 22 22 22 5 10 6 6 10 13 16 6 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 Wood M " II II II H (1 Year. 1856 1854 1860 1861 1857 1860 1858 1854 1860 1861 1862 1861 1867 1865 1862 1865 1864 1866 1861 1866 1866 1852 1861 1864 1872 1872 1872 1872 1872 1869 1869 1869 Louis XIV . . Ville de Bourdeaux Ville de Lyon Castiglione Mass6na . . . Jean Bart Saint Louis Pallas Magicienne Themis Victoire Flore Clorinde r Amorique Minerve Venus Chateau Renaud Dupleix Decres Desaix Laplace Cosmos .D'Assas Beautemps Beaupr6 Duchaffaut Hugon Kerguelen Bouray ne .... Dayot DucouSdic FRANCE. 71 FRENCH GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET (CONTINUED). (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Indicated Horse-power. Guns. Construction Material. Date of Launch. f Kersaint Tons. 1,270 960 6 Wood Year. 1869 Segond 1 260 960 6 1869 Vaudreuil 1 280 1 050 6 ii 1870 D'Estr6es . . . 1 280 1 000 6 1867 1 Volta 1,300 1 000 6 Adonis 730 490 4 it 1868 1 Guichen 700 460 2 44 1863 a Boursaint 750 610 3 1872 1 Corse 510 220 4 , 1842 r Algesiras 5600 2 100 4 1842 Charlemagne 5600 1,150 12 M 1851 Intr6pide Ville de Paris 5,600 5,600 2,960 1,350 4 .12 (( 1864 1850 Guerri^re ' 3200 1,350 4 M 1860 1 Entreprenante . . 3,200 780 4 > 1858 1 Dryade 3,200 540 4 M 1856 * Ceres 3200 410 4 M 1857 Dana8 3,250 540 4 n 1838 Renomm6e 3,200 540 4 1847 1 Euron6en . . . 2,350 1,200 2 Iron .... FKAT^CE. FRENCH GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET (CONTINUED.) (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- Indicated ment. ; Horse-power. Construction Material. Date of Launch. Tons. fJapon 2,300 960 Aveyron 3,500 1,520 Correze 3,500 1,520 Creuze 3,500 1,520 Sarthe 3,500 1,520 Tame | 3,500 1,520 Orrne ' 3,000 750 Var 3,000 750 Calvados 3,000 540 Finisterre 3,000 650 I Garonne 3,000 650 Jura ! 3,000 650 Dordogne 2,400 370 Maine 2,400. 370 Meuse 2,400 370 Rhin 2.400 560 Yonne 2,400 370 Seine 2,400 370 Charente 2,000 280 Adour | 1,800 250 Ariege j 1.800 450 Isere 1,800 450 Moselle 1,970 390 Vienne 1,800 370 Cher ! 1,400 610 Indre 1,400 610 Dives 1,682 j 670 Ranee 1,682 670 Sendre 1,682 670 Vire 1,682 (.Loiret 1,200 210 Wood Year. 1864 Iron Wood 1856 1859 1859 1855 1855 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1856 1865 1865 1853 1863 1864 1870 1870 1872 1868 1856 Paddle-wheel frigates Albatros. Magellan. " corvettes Catinat, Cohgny. Eumenide. Four paddle-wheel gun -boats, 1st class, 700 to 800 tons, two to four guns. Four " 3d " 700 tons, four guns. Thirty screw tenders. GEEMANY. II I lV XV 00 CO Tf O 3uppt?a d A ? ? S CO CO OS OS OS jora.iv jo ssau A I ? II? os os os H O 2 1 1 ~ " 00 00 00 00 00 OO OO 00 ureag; S S uaaAviaq q^uaq; | S eo ec eo 5t S 5* S 1 1 1 WUr Two II g | 74 GERMANY. paads umuipreK 1 1 8 5^ OJ I- i|.i..[ ti..i.\\ )< I q^auai 43 i2 l ~ C * ' g g5 C5 S 3 S TTPE AND NAME. : : : t : : 1 1 ill i 1 1 B <3 ^kcqgs) i{ S 1 arn3A.ioo -aojiaoK -UIWH sj'Boq-ano paaoiuay saajiuow tqnopan wnopan JA|a GERMANY. 75 KAISER. DEUTSCIILAND. Armored belt, redoubt, and stern casemate. Ram bow and straight stern. The belt encircles the water-line, coining up to the height of the main-deck beams abaft the redoubt, but forward of it reduced in height to not over three feet above the water-line, and having a heavy steel deck at the height of its Cupper edge. The belt does not cover the ram. The sides forward and abaft the redoubt are given a rank tumble home, while the redoubt is carried straight up to the spar-deck beams, opening fore-and-aft and beam tire from the angular ports, KAISER. (vide Devastation, French). The stern casemate prevents raking from aft, and also protects a stern-gun working in a single port. The engines and boilers form two distinct sets, one abaft the other, the magazines and shell-lockers coming between them. The redoubt has an overhang clear of the side of 3| feet forward and 1 feet aft. There is no bow-gun, the bow-tire coming from the redoubt. The after-redoubt guns only fire to within 15 of right astern, the stern-gun filling out the dead-angle. Single screw, full sail-power. FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE. PREUSSEN. Armored belt, breastwork, and two revolving turrets. These ships are built on the lines of the Monarch, although im- proved in detail. The belt encircles the water-line, but does not come as low down as the point of the ram. The breast- work surrounds the boilers and the bottoms of the turrets, but the engines are outside of and abaft it. The turrets are closer together than in the Monarch, and have no upper works to in- terfere with their fire. The dead-angles of the turret-guns 76 GERMANY. : ^r ~> are filled by a bow and stern gun working in single unprotect- ed ports. These ships have single screws and about three- quarter sail-power. KONIG TVILHELM. Armored belt and long, main-deck casemate, stern casemate^ and two spar-deck redoubts. Ram bow and straight stern. The belt encircles the water-line, coming to the height of the main-deck beams aft, but somewhat lower forward of the case- mate, that portion being covered by a steel deck. There is no forward or after fire from the casemate, the sides rising straight KONIG WILHELM. up fore and aft. The ends of the casemate are protected from raking by armored bulkheads, rising to the spar-deck beams forward and abaft. The stern casemate protects a single gun working in one port. At the forward end of the main case- mate, and rising clear of the upper deck, is a redoubt or rather traverse, for it is unprotected at the rear giving protection to two guns working each in two ports for fore-and-aft and beam. GERMANY. 77 iire. At the after-end of the main casemate is a similar tra- verse, which has an overhang of several feet, its two guns working also each in two ports for stern and beam fire (vide Sultan, English). These traverses encumber the spar-deck for working the gear of the sails. Single screw and full sail- power. FRIEDRICH KARL. KRON PRINZ. Armored belt and long casemate with bow redoubt. Ram bow and straight stern. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams, coming down in a curve forward well over the ram. There is no fore-and-aft fire from the casemate, the ship being wall-sided. The bow redoubt FRIEDRICH KARL. cuts off the point of the bow above the spar-deck beams and protects a bow-gun working in a single port. There is a high, oval, armored pilot-house just abaft the main-mast. ISTo stern- fire. Single screw and full sail-power. SACHSEN. BAIERN. WURTEMBERG. (Two others not yet named.) Partial armored belt and two barbette casemates. Earn bow, round stern. Half sail-power (brig rigged). Four smoke-stacks. The belt forms a casemate for the boilers and engines, covering the middle third of the ship, the lower edge being prolonged in a heavy steel deck, which, aft, protects the steering-gear. This casemate rises to the spar-deck beams. At its after-end a high, rectangular barbette casemate rises well up above the spar-deck rail, giving clear fore-and-aft and beam 78 GERM A X V fire to its four guns. At the forward end of the casemate is an oval barbette turret (vide Temeraire, English) amidships, giving clear bow and beam fire to its single gun. These ships. gain a nearly perfect all-around fire from the heaviest calibre guns, with a maximum thickness of armor. They combine great armor and battery strength with light draft and displace- ment. HANSA. Armored belt and double-decked redoubt. Swan-breasted bow strengthened for ramming, pointed stern, single screw, full sail-power. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main-deck. The main-deck redoubt is short and does not give fore-and-aft fire, the ship being wall-sided. The GERMANY. 79 upper-deck redoubt, rising a little above the spar-deck rail, is octagonal, to permit angular ports for fore-and-aft and beam tire. The spar-deck rail is carried inboard parallel to the keel to open the angular ports. ARMENIUS. Double-turreted monitor, with ram bow and no overhang. Light flying deck, single screw. (American type modified.) PRINZ ADALBERT. Armored belt, double redoubt. Long ram bow, round stern, single screw, half sail-power. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the upper deck. The curve of the ram bow is carried up, forming a spar-deck redoubt, giving protection to a single heavy bow-gun working in one port. A second redoubt, well aft, gives protection to two guns, each PRINZ ADALBERT. working in two ports for fore-and-aft and beam fire. A superstructure aft cuts off the stern-fire from these guns, and the forward redoubt cuts off the bow-fire. The shape of both of the redoubts is nearly circular. The Stonewall (Confede- rate) belonged to this type. (Sister ships.) so GERMANY. WESPE. SCORPION. VIPER. BASILISK. BIENE. RHEIN. (Four others not yet named.) MUCKE. MOSEL. Small, light-draft, armored gun-boats. All except the Rhein and Mosel have an armored belt and a horseshoe-shaped traverse, giving protection to the crew of a single barbette gun, which gives only bow-fire. They are provided with rams. The Ehein and Mosel are light-draft monitors, similar to the Austrian Danube gun-boats. (See Austrian Danube monitors.) The Wespe class belongs to the English Staunch -and the French Farcy type. GERMAN UNARMORED FLEET. (FAST CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Maximum Speed. BATTERY. 'Leipsic Tons. 3863 Knots. 16 3863 16 XII 6%-inches. I BHicher 2460 15 2 Stosch 2460 15 ? Moltke 2460 15 XVI 5%-inches. 5 Sedan 2,460 15 2 One other 2460 15 "7 ,; 1 954 14^ II J Louise 1 665 14 II 6%-inch VI 5%-inch 4* Ariadne 1 665 13 GERMANY. 81 GERMAN GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Maximum Speed. Guns. ( Elizabeth Tons. 2428 Knots. 12 18 fll Hertha 2227 19 Vineta 2227 11 19 f Augusta 1 760 133 10 Arcona 1 760 10 1 Gazelle 1 760 10 1 1 760 10 i Medusa 1 760 10 s Victoria 1 760 14 10 Ariadne 1 650 f Albatross 695 4 Nautilus Wolf Hyane 695 482 482 m 4 4 4 Cyclop 395 8U 4 Blitz . . . 3t)5 4 Two others . 395 4 Komet Meteor 340 340 gu 3 3 1 Delphin 340 3 5 Drache 340 3 o Otter 130 8^ 3 Fuchs 260 8 1 Habicht 260 8 Hai 260 1 Tiger 260 1 Natter 260 1 Salamander . ... 260 1 Scorpion 260 1 Sperb^r 260 1 82 GKEECE. GERMAN GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET (CONTINUED.) (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Maximum Speed. Guns. A Hohenzollern Tons. 1 690 Knots. 2 I Three others 1 690 2 a Pommerania 380 2 sports an Vessels Lorelei Grille 380 337 2 2 i Falke 1 004 2 Harbor-tugs. Torpedo-launches. Hulks. Guard-ships. GREECE. ARMORED VESSELS. TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Armor. Maximum Speed. BATTERY. Tons. Inches Knots. o> 1 r i-- i H 9-inch. - r Olga 2,060 4^(5 to 5 X 7-inch Armstrong. -j S -^ J. Georgius 1,800 7 13 II 9-inch. UNARMORED VESSELS. 1 Screw Corvette. Hellas. 1 Screw Gun-boat. 5 Yachts (old blockade runners). 7 Pinnaces and small Gun-boats. GREECE. OLGA. Completely armored broadside frigate or large corvette; ram bow, straight stern. Armor-belt enclosing water-line to the height of spar-deck beams. (See Maria Pia, Italian.) GEORGIUS. Armored belt and hexagonal casemate amidships. The rail forward of the casemate is carried inboard parallel to the keel to open the bow-tire from the casemate. Abaft, the rail is cut in for some distance from the casemate, and given a rank tumble home, to open the after -fire. No stern-fire Double screws, three-quarter sail-power. The armor has a backing of ten inches. The guns work on turn-tables, one on each side, arid have a firing-angle of about 110 from each port. HOLLAND. Hi S Hi O W '2s 2 > K-S i 2 >- c i-J oj oi oi oi oj MaAvod *" of of of of of 1 *- 00 00 00 00 00 00 3 * d ^ ^ oo UOOLIV jo ssatniotqj si?3T s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, o jotuav jo ssan 11 of of of .3 S : T c ill /.'/. sdiqs HOLLAND. 1 , s t , OOCSCSC5C5O5C5C5OSCSO5C5 C5 OOOOGOOOOO ODOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOQCCO3C SO i-Hr-THT-i 10 05 OS OS 05 OS OS 10 i 1 1 1 S. i i i i i I 881*1 05000000000COOOCOOGCOOOO <* ^ Tf * T* O500000COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O lOipiplpiO 1 1 1 i i i n 1 1 1 1 i i * 1 1 k saojraoK tu^H SffBlO ps 86 HOLLAND. KONIXG DER XEDERLAXDEX. PRIXZ HEXDRIK. Double-turreted, high-sided, sea-going monitors. Armored belt and casemate ; ram bow, straight stern. The belt encloses the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams. The casemate encloses the bottoms of the turrets, engines, and boilers, occupying the middle third of the vessel. The fore- and-aft fire of the turret guns is completely cut off by the super- structures forming forecastle and cabin, and which rise to the height of the top of the turrets. These superstructures are cut in at the ends nearest the PRINZ HENDRIK. turrets to open the fire as much as possible, increasing slightly the firing-angle and almost completely destroying the neces- sary freeboard. Between the turrets is a third superstructure, musket-proof, protecting the approaches to the boilers and engines. At the forward end of this superstructure is a musket-proof pilot-house. Double screws, full sail-power, with tripod fore and main masts. These ships are a medium between the Wyvern and the ill-fated Captain. Bow and stern fire are secured by light unprotected guns. STIER. DRAAK. PANTER. 8CHORPIOEX. MATADOR. HAAI. BUFFEL. LUIPARD. WESP. GUINEA. HYAEXA. ADDER. High-sided ram monitors. Armored belt, casemate, and single turret. Earn bow and round stern. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams. The casemate surrounds the foot of the turret only. The turret HOLLAND. 87 lias perfect all-around fire, being large enough to give stern- fire past the smoke-stack. A superstructure gives a full free- board all around as high as the top of the casemate, furnish- ing quarters. The upper deck carries a light barbette battery of bow, stern, and broadside guns. Twin screw and half sail- power. KROKODIL. HEILIGERLEE. BLOEDHOUND. CERBERUS. TIJGER. Single-turreted low monitors, with high superstructures BLOEDHOUND. forward and abaft the turret cutting off the fore-and-aft fire. Twin screws, half -sail power. VAHALIS. ISALA. RHENUS. MOSA. MERVA. Light-draft, single-turreted monitors. The turret is elevated and surrounded by a casemate having a tumble home of 35. 88 HOLLAND. DUTCH UNARMORED FLEET. (FAST CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Indicated Horse-power. Maximum Date of Speed. Launch. BATTERY. lst-cl;iss 3d-class Cruisers. Cruisers. r Atjeh Tons. - 3,108 3,108 3,108 836 836 836 836 836 836 836 2,900 2,900 2,900 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 Knots. 14 14 14 Year. 1876 1877 1878 1876 1876 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 j- VI 6.8 inch Krupp. ( I 5.8-inch Krupp. 1 in 4.7-inch j I 5.8-inch " 1 1ll 4.7-inch I 5.8-inch Krupp. Ill 4. 7-inch Tromp [. De Ruyter Suriname Bonaire St Eustatius Samarang Batavia Macassar Padang DUTCH GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Indicated Horse-power. Construction Material. Date of Launch. Guns. i*\ Evertsen Tons. 3300 1 000 Wood Year. 1857 51 *< Silverin Kruis 2 160 1 480 1869 12 Van Galen 2 160 700 1872 12 1 Leenwarden 2030 700 u 1861 14 r Curacao 2 030 700 1863 14 ^ Watergeus 1 490 M 1864 6 Marnix 1 490 770 M 1867 Q. Alkmaar 1 010 600 1874 3 ! Prinses Maria Cornelius Dirks 760 760 250 250 Wood 1662 1859 7 G Aruba 730 250 1873 3 fr fvalk 1 220 800 Wood 1864 Q 21 HOLLAND. 89 DUTCH EAST INDIA GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Indicated Horse-power. Construction Material. Date of Launch. Guns. Soeribaija Tons. 1,450 975 Wood Year. 1867 2 ^Vlerapi 1 150 975 Iron 1874 6 Bronio 1,150 975 sheathed 1874 6 : Sumatra Borneo Banka 950 950 950 550 550 550 Iron 1867 1867 1867 4 4 4 -( Timor 950 550 14 1867 Oenarang 650 360 44 1875 3 1 Soembing 650 360 M 1877 4 Sindoro 650 360 , t 1877 4 Onrust 190 290 II 1863 8 Salak 200 290 4, 1875 3 Admiral v Kinsbergen 180 200 1854 1 \art Van Ness . . 650 280 Wood 1863 2 Schouwen 650 280 1863 6 Bommelerward 650 280 ii 1862 r> Riouw 730 340 Composite 1872 8 E Banda 730 340 1872 3 1 Amboina 730 340 1873 3 h Deli 730 340 u 1873 3 I Sambas Pontianak 750 750 350 350 M 1874 1873 3 3 Band jermassing 750 350 , t 1874 3 [. Palembang 750 350 || 1874 3 9c F?2 1 * Hydrograaf 730 340 1873 3 H 1 90 ITALY. s' : fS C | 0> QC GO ' CO QO QC 00 ^ r-i T-I '2 ,_ r-i 1-1 1-1 s s s I i 4 s s: f ^ CO c* c? eoeocococococioc; o o^-^eocoeocoeoeoeococo eo UOHUV JO 8S8H 35 35 35 35 35 paadg lunuiixBK M OB it v *< * * it M -98JOH pajuotpui z>" i-- cT cT co- co" eo" T co" eo' eo" eo" i-T i-T r-T I I 1 1 I o- o" eo- eo- - *^' C5 Zt3!3!!'^'5<55S c^^tocictctooo rp" rf T}-- *" Tf" t' of Of of uia ranraixure g ureag jo mptjaig S S 'fe fe S S S S S S 1 I I 8 H 8 I S I 1 : : . : 5 1 c i i = = : 1 1 1 cj o 5 * 1 1 g ^ a MpMU jqnopaH Pw ;vuiaBvo Illill! s^tjau.! apisptioja aujjBot.1 ITALY. 91 DANDOLO. DUILIO. ITALIA. LEPANTO. Armored-casemate, double-turreted monitor ships. Ram bow, overhanging stern. The casemate surrounds the boilers, engines, and turrets, occupying about one third of the ship. The lower edge of the casemate is carried forward and aft in a steel deck three inches thick, the deck curving down for- ward below the point of the ram. The upper deck is also plated fore and aft with two-inch steel plates. The turrets are placed diagonally to open full fore-and-aft and beam fire. The two sets of boilers and engines are grouped one abaft the other, the boilers being arranged transversely between the sets of engines. Twin screws, no sail-^power, no superstructure. Designed by Admiral Brin. PALESTRO. PRINCIPE AMADEO. Armored belt and double casemate. Swan breast, ram bow, straight stern. The belt encloses the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams. Forward is a double case- mate or traverse (the rear being unprotected) rising to the top of the topgallant forecastle, and giving protection to two heavy guns on the main-deck, working each in two ports for bow and beam fire, and one heavy rifle on the upper deck working in two ports over the forward main-deck ones for bow-fire. The bow-frames are distorted to open the fire on the main-deck. Aft is a long main-deck traverse protecting ITALY. four heavy rifles, giving two guns for stern-fire and, if desired, three for beam-lire (one gun may be shifted from side to side). m The stern-frames, like those of the bow, are distorted to get stern-fire. Single screw, full sail-power. VENEZIA. ROMA. Armored belt, long main-deck casemate, and upper-deck bow and stern traverses. Straight bow, round stern. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams. The casemate is long and trapezoidal in shape, with the corners cut to allow angular ports for fore-and-aft fire. ITALY. 93 The side forward and abaft the casemate is given a rank tumble home to open the fore-and-aft tire. The casemate sur- rounds the boilers and engines. On the spar-deck are bow and stern traverses, each protecting a gun working in a single port. ^The bow and stern upper rail is cut off by the traverses sufficient to give them square fronts. Single screw, full sail-power. ANCONA. CASTELFIDARDO. MARIA PIA. SAN MARTINO. CONTE VERDE. MESSINA. MARIA PIA. Armored-belt and long-casemate, broadside frigates. Ram bows and round sterns. The armored belt encloses the water- line to the main-deck beams, and is carried up in the casemate to the spar-deck beams. No fore-and-aft fire except from light upper-deck guns. An armored pilot-house just forward of the mizzen-mast. Single screw, full sail-power. TERRIBILE. FORMIDABILE. VARESE. ' Old -type floating batteries. The Yarese has the corners of her casemate cut to give fore-and-aft and beam fire. Walls of casemate tumble home at a sharp angle. Ram bows, twin screws, no sail-power. AFFONDATORE. Double-turreted monitor ram. High-sided, with half sail- AFFONDATORE. power and superstructures forward and abaft the turrets. Armored belt enclosing the water-line to the upper-deck beams. 94 ITALY. Long rani bow, continued up and forming a topgallant fore- castle nearly as .high as the top of the turret. Musket-proof superstructure surrounding the engine-room. Stern-frames carried up to form a spar-deck cabin. No fore-and-aft fire. Single screw. This vessel was the Italian flag-ship at the Battle of Lissa. ITALIAN TJNARMORED FLEET. (RAPID CRUISERS.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Maximum Speed. BATTERY. oo fCristoforo Colombo Tons. 2500 Knots. 16 2 V 4%-inch 3 "8 -| Staff etta 1 485 12 5 "8 (.Rapido 1 426 11 8 V 3-inch. Agostin Barbarigo 650 650 17 17 y Marcantonio 650 17 114%-inch. O Colonna , ... ("Pietro Micca 1-1 -1 Seb Veraiero 650 512 512 17 14.5 H;> [And. Provano 512 ITALY. 95 ITALIAN GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. (OLD-TYPE STEAM CRUISERS.) TYFK AND NAMK. Displace- ment. Construction Material. Guns. g5 Vittorio Emanuele Tons. 3 420 Wood 22 4 Maria Adelaide 3 460 24 f Vettor Pisani . . ... 1 580 M 14 K |< Carracciolo Garibaldi 1,580 1 440 (4 6 8 ft Vedetta. .. . ... 790 4 P [ f Scilla 1 050 Wood 4 L Cariddi 1 050 4 P J ~ Guardiano 265 1 * Sentinella 265 1 fVeloce 274 Wood 4 n5 < Ardita 274 4 s| Conflenza 262 M 4 f Governolo 1 700 M g (D Ettore Fieramosca 1 400 M 6 11 Guiscardo . 1 400 < 6 |! Archimede 1 300 M 6 ll Esploratore 1 080 (t 4 Messaggiero 1 080 4 Citta di Geneva 3730 H 4 Citta di Napoii 3730 M 8 i Europa . . 2 300 2 t Conte Cavour . ... 1 870 2 i H "Washington 1 400 2 Doria 1 100 M 2 11 Vulcano 276 Wood i; Hulks. Guard-ships. School-ships. Harbor-tugs. 96 JAP AX. i ! 6 S uouuv jo ssaujpiqj ysuri a uouuv jo ssau paadg nmraryBK 05 tO tO v 00 O 00 s 1 s H eo- eo' eo" ureag jo tflpiraja JAPAN. 97 JAPANESE [JNARMORED FLEET. TYPE AND NAME. Length between Perpendiculars. Breadth of Beam. Draft. Guns. Trans- ports. Gun-boats. Corvettes. f Tsu-ku-ba-kan Ft. 197 203 342 150 150 131 131 Ft. 29^ 29 27 21 21 22 22 Ft. 15 14 10 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 2 4 4 2 4 3 Nishin-kan Kasuga-kan f Ho-shio-kan . . Moshium-kan Dai-itchi-Teibo-kan Dai-ni-Taibo-kan Un-yo-kan Tchiotagata-kan Osaka-maru Two others .... FOO-SOO. Armored belt and redoubt. Ram bow, round stern. Belt encircling the water-line to the height of the main-deck beams, and covering the ram. Square central redoubt, having an overhang of about three feet, the corners being cut off to per- mit angular ports for fore-and-aft and beam fire. The sides above the main-deck beams are given a rank tumble home to open the fore-and-aft fire of the redoubt. On top of the re- doubt a heavy rifle is mounted on each side in barbette, giving a firing-angle of 180. Designed by Reed. This ship resem- bles very closely in type the French Redoubtable. KONG-GO. HI-YEI. Armored-belt, broadside corvettes. The belt comes to the lieight of the upper-deck beams, but ends short of the bow and stern in an armored bulkhead. There is no fore-and-aft fire from the main battery. Two heavy bow-guns are carried under the forecastle in recessed ports, giving bow and beam fire. One stern-gun working in two recessed ports gives stern and beam fire. Single screw, full sail power. Long yacht bow and round stern. JAPAN. KO-TETS-EEN (LATE STONEWALL). Armored belt and redoubt, long ram bow, round stern, sin- gle screw, and half sail-power. This vessel is almost the exact counterpart of the Prinz Adalbert (German). Both ships were built at Bordeaux. HIO-JIO-KAN. Partial armored belt, from about three feet below the water- line to the height of the spar-deck beams, ending forward and abaft the battery in armored bulkheads. There is no fore- and-aft fire from the battery, and only bow-fire from a light rifle. The disposition of the armor is similar to that of the Warrior. The hull is divided into several large water-tight compartments, and the long yacht-bow is strengthened for ramming. Single screw, full sail-power. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 99 AY AND SWEDEN. AKMOKED FLEET. NORWAY. 1 I I 1 Turret. TYPE AND NAME, 1 SL S S si BATTERY. | 1 11 1 II 1 . Q 5 c * * i 1 Ft. in. Tons. Knots. In. In. In. f Scorpionen 11 6 1,423 380 7 5 11.8 26 Mjolner 11 6 1,490 460 7 5 11.8 26 Thrudvang 11 6 1,490 500 8 5 11.8 26 II 11-inch Armstrong. Thor 13 2 1,970 600 9 7 13.7 9 Odin 13 2 1,970 600 9 7 13.7 9 J SWEDEN. John Ericsson . . 11 6 1,475 380 7 5 10^ 31^ 11 15-inch Rodman smooth-bore. 1 Thordou Tyrflng 11 6 11 6 1,475 1,475 380 380 % 7^ 5 5 10^ 10^ 26 26 til 9}4-mch Finsporg Rifle. Loke ' Garmer 12 2 6 6 1,575 256 430 90 8 5ik 5 \\(. 17% 6 24^ 7$i } Fenris 8 3 256 43 6 \\^ 1^3 33i Skold 7 6 236 17 3% m 8^ 33% Gerda Hildur 8 9 8 9* 453 453 133 133 8 8 2^ 2J4 14 14 33% 33% g - r*i " Bjorn 8 9 453 155 8 2^ 14 33% }. I 9}4-inch Armstrong. Berserk Folke 8 9 8 9 453 453 155 155 8 8 2^ %y> 14 14 33% 33% Solwe Ulf 8 9 8 9 453 453 155 155 8 8 2^ 2}^ 14 14 33% 33% .One other 8 9 453 155 8 2^ 14 33% 100 NORWAY AND SWEDEN. SCORPIONEN. MJOLNER . THRUDVANG. THOR. JOHN ERICSSON. TIIORDON. TJIFING. LORE. Low freeboard, single-turreted monitors. American.) (See Passaic, ODIN. Armored belt and casemate. Ram bow, straight stern, low freeboard. The Odin belongs to the floating-battery type ; her casemate rising above the deck-level with tumble-home sides, and ports in all four faces for all-around flre. THE TWELVE SWEDISH MONITOR GUN- BOATS. Armored belt and fixed turret, twin screws, no sail-power. The turret is dome-shaped, with a small dome-shaped armored pilot-house on its after-end. The sides of the turret curve into a steep glacis, which is carried out nearly to the side of the ship, the deck in wake of the turret being merely a narrow platform for passing fore and aft without difficulty. The sin- gle heavy gun. is worked on a turn-table in five ports for all- around fire. The after-part of the turret is carried on in a superstructure covering the engines, boilers, and hatchways. A light flying deck or bridge is carried around the upper part of the turret. The armor of the side and turret is curved in every section, so as not to present a fair target for striking in any position. The ellipsoidal bow is very strong, and is heavi- ly strengthened for ramming. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 101 NORWEGIAN AND SWEDISH TJNARMORED FLEET. NORWAY. TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Tons. i ( Kong Sverre 3,472 Saint Olaf 2,182 rf j Nordsgernen 'f (Nornen 958 ( Steipner 580 Vale 233 Uller . Glommen. Lugen. 5 Sarpen Rjuken. , Two others Fourteen Galleys . . Speed, Knots. 11 10 9 9 8 8 XLIV 32-pdrs. XXXIV XVI XIV I 10^-inch, 1 5%-inch. I 104-inch. H 10J4-inch. I 5%-inch. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. NORWEGIAN AND SWEDISH IJNAKMORED FLEET (CONTINUED.) SWEDEN. TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Speed. BATTERY. 1 Torpedo Trans- Ships of Vessel. port. Gun-boats. Corvettes. the line. Stockholm Tons. 2,850 2,130 1,880 1,280 1,070 1,530 500 500 500 500 536 536 536 536 } 180 to 200 J Knots. 10 12 9 9 9 8 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.5' 13.5 13.5 13.5 8 13 LXVI 20-pdrs. XVI 32-pdrs. VI 514-inch Rrupp. vin V " VII " " I 10%-inch, I 4%-inch. I 4%-inch. I 5^-inch. I 6^-inch. Vanadis . Balder Gefle Thor Saga . . . Blenda Disa Urd Verdande Skaeul . . . Skuld Skoggald Rota Svensksund Hogland Motala Carlsund AllSg Astrid Inerejrud Sigrid Alfhild Gunhild - Valkyrian Run . 630 The Ndky is supplied with a number of Thorneycroft torpedo-launches using Whitehead torpedoes. PERU. 103 PERU. ARMORED FLEET. TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Maximum Speed. Date of Launch. BATTERY. ft] " ^ Independencia Tons 1 968 Knots. io:U Year. 1865 II 7-inch XII 5^ -inch RAJ ( Atahualpa 984 10V*> 1865 \ H"S ( Manco Capac 1 082 12 1865 [119-inch, II 40-pdrs. -i (Victoria o 3 ~\ S 5 | Loa PERUVIAN UNARMORED FLEET. TYPE AND NAME. Displace ineiit. Guns. TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. , . ) Tons. < fChalaco Tons. 4 S3 >Callao 30 fo i \ " -1 Tumbez 4 . " ( America . . 14 11 o [, Chanchamaya 2 c|-< 1 1 Union 14 Colon 2 INDEPENDENCE (wrecked in action with the Covadonga). Armored casemate, ram bow, straight stern, single screw, half sail-power. The armor covers the water-line and rises to the height of the spar-deck beams, ending forward and abaft the battery in armored bulkheads. There is no fore-and- aft fire from the casemate, this fire being secured by a single bow and a single stern gun mounted on the spar-deck, unpro- tected. 104 PORTUGAL. ATAHUALPA. MANCO CAPAC. VICTORIA. LOA. Low-freeboard, single-turreted monitors of the American type. The Atahualpa and Manco Capac are the late American monitors Chickasaw and Winnebago. POETUGAL. ARMORED CORVEITE. Ill 1 ? . I ^ FJ ' & f'" OQ NAME. *- J 1 BATTERY gi s S = 3 *; a 1 ^5 1 I ! I i 1 Ft. Ft. Ft. Tons. In. In. Knots. Vascode Gama... . 216 43 21 2,479 JJOJ !9i" 10 i H 10^-in., I 6-in. Krupp. "( U 40-pdr. Armstrong. Armored belt and casemate. (See Foo Soo, Japanese.) Ram bow, straight stern. The belt encircles the hull to the height of the upper deck, coming below the ram. The case- mate rises above the deck, the corners being cut to permit an- gular ports for fore-and-aft and beam fire. The rail is carried back slightly and the casemate has an overhang of three feet, giving the vessel, at a distance, the appearance of a paddle steamer. Single screw, full sail-power. POETUGAL. 105 PORTUGUESE GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Guns. Nominal Horse-power. Date of Launch. Estephania Bartholomeu Diaz Tons. 1,476 1 243 19 17 400 400 Year. 1859 1858 rf Rainha de Portugal Mindello 1,020 1 020 8 g 150 , 150 1876 1876 r Duque de Terceira. . . 848 5 220 1864 o Sagres 814 4 300 1858 Infante Don Henrique 848 10 200 1862 Sa de Bandeira 848 13 200 1862 i Rio Lima 539 5 80 1875 fets. oj Tamega 539 5 80 1875 Sado 539 5 80 1875 *l Tejo 369 2 100 1869 l" Douro . 369 2 100 1873 o Quanza 369 3 100 1877 . ' Quelimane 286 1 40 1868 ll Tete .- 111 1 35 1871 Sena 111 1 . 1871 i -/ ( India 1 201 2 160 1871 ii: Africa 1,400 2 1875 106 RUSSIA. <7} m i qountri jo o>T?a uouuv jo ssaujpiqj ijSBai 1 > > > paadg ranuipreu c* ~ o ec ec c* ^ ^ ^ ,- * _ OS 00 00 cf of o" co" . 1 rf S S uroag jo q:jpB8.ia .^ O O g Z5 25 s s s 2s 1 a Ih ^ ^ M sdrqs KUSSIA. 107 bo I l-.'-l B a a X db 3 > > a g g o oo ao oo oo o oo co i- o eo eo * TJI co oo eo S co o co o -t 00 00 CO O t- L- CO o d oo co 06 06 oo 05 C5 CJ O CO CO ! i 1 1 i 1 = o c ot S 1? 1 . ^T j J 1 I % fts "S o S 1 1 * S 08 'C -3 5 I 1 * J & 2 & 1 T ! 1 1 1 2 i 1 I ^ p ^ 1 ! c 5 .fl . : .2 s! 8 S a a "I 'i 5? "O "O "d 'b . o <2 }z; sdiqs ^a-unx S.IOJIUOK 108 RUSSIA. SEVASTOPOL. PETROPAULOWSKI. Armored belt and casemate, swan-breasted ram bow, round stern, single screw, full sail-power. The belt encircles the water- line to the height of the main-deck beams. The casemate rises to the spar-deck beams, with armored bulkheads forward and abaft. No fore-and-aft fire from the casemate, the ships being wall-sided. (See Achilles, English.) KNJAZ POZARSKI. Armored belt and casemate ; ram bow, round stern, single screw, full sail-power. Corners of casemate cut to permit angular fire. (See Hercules, English.) Double iron hull, very flat-bottomed, and having two bilge-keels in place of a main- keel. Bow and stern fire from Tight spar-deck guns, unpro- tected. PERWENEC. NETRONZ-MENYA. KREML. Completely armored broadside frigates, ram bow, overhang stern, single screw, full sail-power. (See Numancia, Spanish.) PERWKXEC. The Kreml has her bow and stern spar-deck rails recessed for fore-and-aft fire. (See Amethyst, English.) The sides of these ships tumble home from the water-line at an angle of 15. LAZAREFF. GREIGH. CICAGOFF. SPIRIDOFF. American type of low-freeboard, revolving-turreted moni- tors, with strengthened bows for ramming. The Lazareff and Greigh have three turrets, the others two. SISTOV. NIKOPOLIS. Floating batteries. Armored belt and casemate built on upper deck, with ports in all four faces for all-around fire. (See Embuscade, French.) RUSSIA. 109 GENERAL ADMIRAL. HERZOG TON EDINBURGH. Armored belt and armored barbette casemate. Straight bow, long, peculiarly-shaped dome stern, single screw, full sail-power. The belt encircles the water-line to the height of the main- deck beams, and the main-deck is protected by steel plates two inches in thickness. The barbette casemate is square, low- (1 \ / \ N. GENERAL ADMIRAL. browed, and has considerable overhang, rising clear of the spar- deck to a height of about four feet, and protecting the carriages of six heavy pivot-rifles giving clear fore-and-aft and beam fire. The symmetry of the hull is preserved throughout. These ships carry a very great coal supply, sufficient to carry them a distance of 6000 miles at a speed of ten knots. MININ. Originally laid down for a casemated monitor, but subse- n quently transformed into an armored-belt corvette. Straight bow and stern, the bow being heavily strengthened for ram- 110 RUSSIA. ming, single screw, full sail-power (double topsail-yards). The belt encloses the water-line to the height of the upper deck. The battery is all on the upper deck and entirely unprotected. The upper-deck rail is so fashioned as to give four guns for bow and four for stern fire. Forward it is recessed on elfch bow, and similarly astern for the forward and after guns to get bow and beam fire. (See Amethyst, English.) The platform for the next pair of guns (forward and aft) has an overhang of about three feet (see Tourville, French), in order to give them clear fore-and-aft and beam fire also. The remainder of the battery is broadside. Her spar-deck rail is very high (about eight feet) ; she has a topgallant forecastle and poop-cabin. Amid- ships there is a bridge for discharging "Whitehead torpedoes. PETER THE GREAT. Armored, belt, breastwork, and double-turreted sea-going monitor, straight bow strengthened for ramming, double screws, no sail-power. Musket-proof superstructure between the tur- PETER THE GREAT. rets expanding into a flying deck. The belt has an overhang similar to the American monitors. General type similar to the Dreadnaught. ADMIRAL POPOFP. NOVGOROD. Armored belt and barbette casemate, circular iron-clads. Six screws, no sail-power. The belt of these ships encloses the water-line to the height of the low freeboard. The deck RUSSIA. Ill lias more than the ordinary spring, forming a sort of light glacis. In the centre of the vessel rises a circular barbette casemate, covering the carriages of two heavy guns mounted on a turn-table within it. Forward and aft the top of the casemate is continued in a musket-proof superstructure, having aft a musket-proof pilot-house. The forward section of the vessel is heavily strengthened for ramming. The two smoke- stacks are placed one either side of the casemate. DOUBLE AND SINGLE TUKRETED MONITORS. These vessels are of the general type of the American monitors, with slight freeboard, great overhang, and double screws. The turret is raised somewhat higher than in the American monitors, and the foot is protected by a glacis. The turret is also somewhat larger, giving clear fire past the smoke- stacks. Pilot-house on top of the turret. 112 RUSSIA. RUSSIAN GENERAL-SERVICE FLEET. TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Date of Launch. Tons. Razbojnik 1,334 Nojeznik 1,334 Kreuzer 1,334 IDzigit 1,334 BALTIC FLEET. I JRetziwan 3,823 I 1 Svetlana 3,202 Askjold 2,402 Wityaz 2,248 Bogatyr 2,155 Wargat 2,144 Bayan 1,997 Voyevoda 903 Boyarin 903 Griden 903 Almaz 1,821 Zentchug 1,807 Jachout 1,725 - Hydamak 1,204 Izurmed 1,807 Vsadnik 1,069 Olaf 1,796 Smieliz 1,784 Rurik 1,507 Chrabry 1,450 Vladimir 859 Volga 500 (.Dnieper 500 Year. 1878 1878 1875 1876 1855 1858 1863 1862 1860 1862 1857 1856 1856 1856 1861 1861 1862 1860 1862 1860 1852 1858 1870 1858 1&45 1853 1853 11USSIA. 113 BALTIC FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAJ Displacement. Guns. Date of Launch. Tons. I Derzava 3,113 | Sztandard . Szareona 734 \ Alexandra 228 Stryelna 159 Slavanka 182 IGolubka 14 ( Kraary Gorka 1,1 '81 ! 5, ( Artlestchik 550 fBakan Kompas 284 Seistan '.. 284 Straz. . o Casovoy 234 [Zorkaya 80 ., j" Rossya 4,000 \ \ Moskva 3,500 '" ( Petersburg 3,500 BLACK SEA FLEET. fWojin 979 \ | Luica . 795 [PamiatMerk 795 fTurok . Taman 505 c -i Elborus 493 * Jeriklik 1,145 Livadia 1,984 Year. 1871 1858 1874 1851 1857 1874 1872 1861 1858 1857 1874 1874 1873 1879 1879 1879 1865 1865 1846 1849 18&4 1866 1871 114 KUSSIA. BLACK SEA FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Guns. Date of Launch. Tons. Bombory Kazbek 764 Gonek 745 Ingul 678 Redut Kale 468 Pseznape 445 Don 360 Salgir 360 Pitzunda 332 Kelasvy 326 Souksu . . Taubse 285 Nerpa.. Novorosyski 247 Vorobay 261 Utka 170 Lebed 170 Golubzik 465 Batzuska 220 Rodimy 216 Sestrica 215 Krikuny 215 Bothumy 215 Brater 212 Matuschka 212 Akerman 110 Opyt 230 Meteor IDocka . ... 212 Year. 1852 1854 1879 1872 1854 1857 1856 1857 1857 1858 1877 1856 1857 1857 1853 1858" 1858 1857 1857 1857 1857 1870 1868 1858 RUSSIA. 115 BLACK SEA FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAME. Displacement. Guns. Date of Launch. Tons, f Constantino 1,6 | I Vladimir 1,652 | I Argonaut 715 Vesta 1,800 SIBERIAN FLEET. fAbrek.. | iJermak 706 *\ S Tunguz 706 o I I Vostok 210 Japonec. | Mandzur 816 Amerika ... 554 Year. 1858 1859 1858 1860 1870 1870 1852 18581 185S 1856 CASPIAN FLEET 12 Gun-boats. ARAL FLEET 8 Gun-boats. 116 SPAIN. OQ. JOTO.IV JO UOUI.IV J S88U a - 1 s > a 1 1 , cs 6 | i i ^ 1-H T I Tf CO CO CO CO CO paadg ranuitxBK -OUCH p*n?oipui uinmncupj 01 00 eo" ef ei of r r o' OS ^ c8 iitliliii i g i SPAIN. 117 VITTORIA. NUMANCIA. ARAPILES. ZARAGOSA. MENDEZ NU&EZ. Fully armored broadside frigates, ram bow, round stern,- single screw, full sail-power. Two armored pilot-houses. The NUMANCIA. Zaragosawas laid down for a wooden frigate, her design being changed when she was nearly finished. SAGTJNTO. Armored belt and casemate. Ham bow, round stern, single screw, full sail-power. (See Maria Pia, Italian.) PUIGCERDA. Double-turreted, light-draft river monitor. American type. 118 SPAIN. SPANISH UNARMORED FLEET. (GENERAL SERVICE.) TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. TYPE AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. Villa de Madrid Tons. 48 1 Liniers Tons. 2 48 Vigilante 2 Navas de Tolosa 48 1 Alerta 2 1 48 6 Conte del Venadito . . 2 E Asturias 51 ! Don Juan de Austria . 1 1 Carmen 41 .* Guadalquiver 1 i Lealtad 33 1 2 32 Maria 1 Blanca 38 1 300 'Maria de Molina .... 18 3 San Francisco de Borja 1,300 Sanchez Barcaiztegui .... 3 [ Marquis de la Vitoria Patino 1,200 1,200 -- 1 H Ferrol 800 i-i San Antonio 600 I Narvaez . 3 f Telegrama 1 Santa Lucia 3 Criollo 1 Diana 5 Ardid 1 Africa 3 Indis 1 Ciudad de Cadiz 16 Caribe 1 Isabel la Catolica 16 .Marina 1 Colon 6 i 1 Blasco de Garay 6 1 1 1 Pizarro 6 j< Flecha 1 6 Hernan Cortez . . . 6 \ Pelicano 1 1< Churruca 2 i Cocodrillo . .. 1 B 4 Leon 2 1 Vulcano 6 1 Lepanto . . . 2 Martin Alvarez 1 Fernando el Catolico 3 Somorrostro 2 Marquis del Douro . . . 3 Ebro 2 SPAIN. 119 SPANISH UNARMORED FLEET (CONTINUED.) (GENERAL SERVICE.) TYPE AND NAME, Displace- ment. Guns. TYPK AND NAME. Displace- ment. Guns. f Bidassoa Tons. 2 f Espanola Tons. 1 Teruel 2 Argos 1 Nervion 2 Lince 1 Toledo .... 2 Centinela 1 Tajo 2 Guardian 1 Arlanza 2 Vieia 1 Turia 2 Astuto 1 Segura 2 1 Altrevido 2 Eco 1 Mindanao 2 Destello 1 Calamianes 1 Contramaestro 1 Paragua 1 Marinero 1 Mindoro 1 Ericsson . 1 Prueba 1 1 Cazador 1 5 Guadiana 3 3 ^ Canto 1 1 J Sirena 3 Gacela 1 V Lagera 3 1 Panay 1 02 Favorita 3 Samar 1 Santa Filomena 2 Filipino 1 Constancia 2 Bulusar 1 Valiente 2 Jolo 1 Animosa 2 Maribeles 1 Prosperidad 2 Arayak 1 j 1 Caridad 2 Bojeador 1 Concordia 2 Albay 1 Edetna 2 Manileno 1 Ceres 2 Caviteno 1 Active 1 1 Callao 1 Cuba 1 120 SPAIN. JORGE JUAN. Second-class corvette, single screw, full sail-power. Com- plete all-around fire obtained by means of overhang in lialf- J D JORGE JTAN. ports. Forecastle gun sunk in a well so as to cover the slide, carriage, and crew. TURKEY. 121 M g P aotujv jo SS8U I '. is umuipcBN pdr. XII 10-inch, III X 9-inch, II 7-in VI 9-inch, II 8-i IV 9-inch IV 9-inch, *4 10 OO 00 -^ ** ^ I i 1 is si OCOOJOOOOOO 10 i> o 10 ec co co so ec eo w > > a upumri jo ajBQ oo 06 2> 0800 abaoaoaooEaDaBaE auijpwa dj,3oo oo o^^ssSSS jouiay \s NO* \e \fl \e ^^.OTOT ?3- ^^^WWWWW jouuyjossau | ^^^5* ""S l N?"i*S?N? N 5 JS ? _QO X| Sj -^ > V M g^HT-,^, { Selimie 4,717 ^ Muhbiri Surur.'. '. 1,477 LX (not yet named)...: 1,621 fSinope 800 | Brussa 800 | Mensur6 800 I - Muzaf er 800 Libnan . 800 Edirn6 800 Ismid 800 Schaar i Nusret 3,029 Mevret i Nusreb 3,029 |- Sultanie Babel 1,733 Taif Year. 1855 1860 1865 1851 Building 1859 1859 1863 1863 1864 1859 1861 1868 1871 126 TURKEY. TURKISH UNARMORED FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAME. Tons, f Assyr 1,609 Mukademie Nusret 2,132 Mukademie Scheref 2,132 Peiki Mesret 2,132 -{ Rechbir i Zevfik 2,132 Feiz i Bahri 1,490 Essir i Djedid 1,108 ! Peiki Schf het 465 I Essei i Hair 313 flzzedin 1,075 Ismail 1,075 Zhalia 1,075 Fuad 1,075 Candia 955 '-i Chania 829 Pertefl Prale 909 Rethmo 777 Arkadi 767 Mudai i Zaflr 1,385 LEssir i Nazret 1,885 Iskenderje 609 Zohaf 609 1 Mehrih 609 g Uthraret 609 CG Beirut. Seddul Bahr 609 Si jar 220 Mossul '. 220 Istankieni 203 1 -j Jali Kioschk 195 Ninali Kavak | 195 Intibah j 258 ( Liver i Deyeh 258 Tonnage. Date of Launch. Year. 1875 1875 1875 1877 1878 1848 1841 1853 ia39 1865 1865 1865 1865 1868 1869 1869 1862 1862 1863 1863 1859 1S59 1865 1865 1874 TURKEY. 127 TURKISH UN ARMORED FLEET (CONTINUED.) TYPE AND NAME. Tonnage. Date of Launch. Guns. Tons. I Muschdi i Ressan 258 Schaheddin I Syrat 184 \ Suda v 184 Bojana 80 I Bai [ Eurgen Sultan's Yacht, Surreja 500 fSulhie Esser i Nezhet 193 Peik i Tjdscheret 193 Mermere 153 Eregli 137 Rustschuk 112 Jeni Kapu 112 J Dschebali 112 el Kabatsch 112 Tophan6 '. 112 Rassim Pasha 77 Dschitana 78 Funduklu 77 Oltenitscha 78 IRechber . DANUBE FLOTILLA. fSchefket Nuna 200 I 4 Varna ... 200 S I 5 tAkka 200 g f Chaireddin 474 | -i Rodos 203 I llsalahat... 120 Year. 1863 1864 1865 1868 1847 1845 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1873 1858 1873 1858 1864 1874 1873 128 UNITED STATES. I 2 s s ; oo GO -* -j< o o !3jani joui.iv aptS aouuy poad S um co o co" of of B"B 8-.-S ft |9- 9 9->.9 8 9 '9 9 9 1 ILL. \\ i-- i qiAraq 1 jj 0.5 1 a 1 . V 2 i = 6 j ( 1 j * 1 * * * | o S -fl < 5 UNITED STATES. 129 AMPHITRITE. MIANTONOMOH. PURITAN MONADNOCK. TERROR. Double-turreted, low-freeboard monitor vessels. No over- hang. Turrets suspended on a central spindle on the Ericsson system. Resting normally on their bases, but elevated for re- MIANTONOMOH. volving by means of hydraulic presses. Conning tower on top of each turret. Light flying deck between the turrets, witli a ventilating sliaft rising just abaft the smoke-stack. Twin screws. THE FIFTEEN SINGLE-TURRETED MONITORS. Old-type, single-turreted, low-freeboard monitors. All except the Dictator have an overhang. In some the turrets are raised by driving wedges under the spindle; in others by hydraulic presses. Conning tower on top of the turret. Laminated plating. INTREPID. Armored torpedo vessel. Ram bow, round stern, twin screws, partial sail-power. The armored belt, made up of five inches of laminated plating, encircles the water-line to the height of the upper-deck beams. The lower part of the smoke- stack is protected by a belt of nine inches of laminated plating. 130 UNITED STATES. The deck is made up of two f -inch thicknesses of plate covered by a wooden deck. The pilot-house forward is musket-proof. The hull is of iron, with a wood backing to the armor of eleven inches. Aft is a light wooden superstructure, forming quarters for officers. The vessel carries no guns and is provided with torpedo-spars (one forward and four broadside). ALARM. Partially armored torpedo gun-boat. Ram bow, pointed stern. Mallory steering-screw ; no sail-power. The bow of the vessel is provided with an armored traverse of four inches thick- ness, the remainder of the hull being unprotected. One 15- inch smooth-bore is carried forward, firing only straight ahead. It is the intention to replace this by a 10-inch rifle. The hull is of iron and double, with cellular compartments and water- tight compartments in addition. Three torpedo-spars are pro- jected. One from the snout of the ram a distance of 30 feet, and one from each beam 17 feet. Musket-proof pilot-house aft. Steel f-inch deck-plate under a wooden deck. UNITED STATES. 131 03 DO CO ? ? j * M r P HII I-* * S s 1 -s -^ paadg mnraprej\[ ef . ef eo" m of sf of ureas ,oirnnia 132 UNITED STATES. ~N ij J 5 ^ BATTKBT. [I 11-inch, VIII 9-inch, II 20-pdrs. [I " VIII " 1 60-pdr., II20-i>drs. tl " VIII " II 20-pdrs. tl " VIII " I 60-pdr. I " VIII " I " II 20-pdrs. t 11-inch, VI 9-inch, I 60-pdr. [ 8-;nch, I 60-pdr. (rifles), VI 9-inch. [ 11-inch, VI 9-inch, I 60-pdr. [ 11-inch, VI 9-inch, I 60-pdr. [I 11 -inch, IV 9-inch, III 20-pdrs. . ~~> ^ H ^ qounBi jo aja il 1 1 1 1 i 1 B i S r* ^ s ?S SS fe 2 fe i E| * S ^ J paadg uinuiixBK ISe.SSSooooSSS i I S S ^ H fl 4 C aa.od 23SS3l33?c3 4 fl s juau^idsKi ailSlliiSSl 1111 i i ^aaumu^K r? in f? E? o J? ^ no OD ^ i^ IV 00 00 S- H c I ^HlOTO^ 888888833 8 8 8 S 3 q -4 4 3 u. .. \\ '. u | q^uaT; *>3C26JS lf ? i ^iS in5S ' :sco SololllolclSSoloJoJ 1 1 1 : ::::: ; ; ; ; ; I : : : : \ 1 I |J|'| 2 J g 3Hultto y the troops. The fleet, having taken up an irregular position owing to the shallow water, opened fire at 11 a.m. At 3 p.m. the landing of troops was commenced and was completed be- fore dark, when the fleet ceased firing. At daylight on the 142 BOMBARDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. 8th firing was recommenced. At 1 p.m. a row of obstruc- tions across the channel was broken through and the Confed- erate gun-boats were driven up the river. By 3 p.m. the works w r ere all silenced and in the hands of the troops. Loss, 6 killed, 17 wounded, eight of the latter by the ex- plosion of a rifled 80-pdr. Earthworks on the Mississippi, February 14, 1862. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. St. Louis 13 Louisville 13 Carondelet 13 Pittsburg 13 WOODEN. Taylor 7 Conestoga 7 CONFEDERATE. Fort Donelson. A triple row of earthworks, one behind and above the other, mounting in all 20 guns. The gun-boats advanced in two divisions, line abreast, at 3 p.m., and opened fire at 600 yards, holding their position for an hour and a half, when they drifted out of action disabled, having only silenced the water-battery : 10 killed, 44 wounded. The steering-gear of the St. Louis and the Louisville was shot away, and the other vessels were forced out of action on ac- count of shots between wind and water. Earthworks on the James River, May 15, 1862. FEDERAL. IRON- CL A D S. Guns. Guns. Galena 6 Monitor .2 WOODEN. Aroostook 6 Naugatuck 6 Port Royal 6 CONFEDERATE. Fort Darling. A strong earthwork, built on a perpendicular bluff about 200 feet above the river, mounting 14 heavy guns. The iron-clads moved up to within 600 yards, which was MS close as they could come and reach the fort with their guns. 144 BOMBARDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. The wooden vessels came to within about 1400 yards and the squadron anchored, and, springing their broadsides on the fort, opened fire. The action continued four hours, when the am- munition of the Galena giving out and no impression having been made on the fort, the squadron drew out of action : 13 killed, 14 wounded. All the casualties except two wounded happened on board the Galena, an experimental iron-dad. She was so much cut up that her armor was removed and she was made a wooden gun-boat. The Monitor was uninjured. Earthworks at Fort Hindman, January 10 and 11, 1863. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Louisville 13 Lexington 7 Baron de Kalb 13 Black Hawk 6 Cincinnati. , 13 Rattler 6 CONFEDERATE. Fort Hindman, Arkansas River. A quadrangular earthwork, mount- ing 10 guns, two of the heaviest being in armored casemates. At 5 p.m. of the 10th, the Louisville, De Kalb, and Cincin- nati moved up in line abreast to within 400 yards and opened lire. As soon as the fire of the forts slackened the Lexington and Black Hawk moved up and opened with shrapnel, while the Rattler passed up the river and took the fort in enfilade. Ceased firing and drew out of action at dark. In the morning the attack was renewed in the same manner, and the fort sur- rendered in four hours. Casualties, 5 killed, 23 wounded. The two casemates were completely shattered and every gun dis- mounted. Earthworks at Grand Gulf, April 29, 1863. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD GUNBOATS. Guns. Guns Louisville 13 Tuscumbia 5 Carondelet 13 Bcnton 16 Mound City 13 Lafayette 6 Pittsburg 13 CONFEDERATE. Cmnd Gulf Batteries, Mississippi. Consisting of one fort 75 feet high, mounting four heavy rifles, and one fort farther down the river mounting four heavy rifles. BOMBARDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. 145 The Louisville, Carondelet, Mound City, and Pittsburg moved down in line ahead and attacked the lower battery, silencing it an hour, and then moved up to the support of other vessels against the upper one. The action continued five hours and a half, and the batteries being silenced the flotilla drew out of action, expecting the army to assault and take pos- session. This was not done, and the next day the flotilla was ordered to attack again. The batteries were both found de- serted and the guns spiked, except three which had been dis- mounted by the firing. Casualties : Lafayette, 1 wounded ; Benton, 7 killed, 12 wounded ; Louisville, none ; Tuscumbia, 5 killed, 24 wounded ; Mound City, none ; Carondelet, none ; Pittsburg, 6 killed, 12 wounded. The Benton was hit 47 times ; 12 shots pierced the f-inch armor, 4 shots pierced the 24- inch casemate armor, and 1 shot pierced the IJ-inch armor of the pilot-house. Louisville hit 7 times, Tuscumbia 81 times, Pittsburg 35 times. Earthworks at Simonoseki, July 11, 16, and 20, 1863, and Sep- tember 5, 1864. These attacks were made by vessels of different nationalities on a series of earthworks lining the narrow straits of Simonoseki, Japan. July 11, the Dutch corvette Medusa entered the straits, and being fired at opened fire on the batteries at a dis- tance of 1200 yards. The action continued one hour, w r hen the Medusa drew out without having silenced the batteries. Casualties, 4 killed, 5 wounded. On the 10th, the United States corvette Wyoming entered the straits, and on being fired at opened a return fire. Passing between two sailing gun-boats on one side and a steam gun-boat on the other at pistol-shot distance, she gave them both broad- sides, sinking the sailing vessels and blowing up the boiler of the steamer. Action continued an hour and a half, when the Wyoming drew out without silencing the batteries. Casual- ties, 4 killed, 7 wounded. On the 20th, the French frigate Semiramis and corvette Tancrede entered the strait, and on being fired at returned the fire. The first broadside blew one of the earthworks to pieces. In two hours the forts were silenced, and a landing party spiked the guns and blew up the magazine. On the 5th of September, 1864, an allied squadron of Eng- lish, French, Dutch, and American vessels, 16 in number, mounting 200 guns, and carrying 3500 men, anchored in the straits and opened fire on the batteries. The batteries were silenced and deserted in about two hours. The next day a force 146 BOMBARDMENTS OF EAKTHWOKKS. of 2600 men was landed, the guns were spiked and the forti- fications were dismantled. Casualties, 12 killed, 60 wounded. Earthworks at Kagosima, August 15, 1863. ENGLISH. Guns. Guns. Euryalus 35 Race-horse 4 Pearl 24 Havoc 2 Perseus 17 Coquette 2 Argus 6 JAPANESE. KAGOSIMA DEFENCE. One fort containing four guns. One fort containing twenty guns. The corvettes advanced in line ahead on the four-gun bat- tery, delivering their broadsides as they passed, silencing the fort and leaving it to the care of the gun-boats. Passing on to within 1200 yards of the twenty-gun battery they bombard- ed it for six hours, having to contend with a typhoon at the same time. During the action the city of Kagosima was accidentally set on fire and nearly half of it was burned. The fort was not silenced at dusk, when the squadron hauled out of action, but the next morning the Japanese came to terms before the attack was renewed. Earthworks off Charleston Harbor, July 18 and August 17, 1863. FEDERAL. INNER LINE IRON-CLADS. Guns. Guns. Montauk 2 Nantucket 2 New Ironsides 20 Weehawken 2 Catskill 2 Patapsco 2 OUTER LINE WOODEN GUN-BOATS. Paul Jones 9 Chippewa 6 Ottawa 5 Wissahicken 4 Seneca 4 CONFEDERATE. Fort Wagner. A strong earthwork, containing 10 heavy guns, and supported by three 4-gun water-batteries. On the 18th of July the iron-clads moved in in line, taking up a position abreast the fort and within 1200 yards, the gun- BOMBARDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. 147 boats firing at long range. At 4 p.m., the tide serving, the iron-clads moved in to 400 yards and completely silenced the fort. Drew out of action at dark, the object of silencing the battery being accomplished. On August 17th the iron-clads moved in abreast the fort to within 450 yards, and silenced the fort in two hours. Drew out of actio*n at noon, the object having been accomplished. Earthworks at Fort McAllister, March 3, 1863. FEDERAL. MONITORS. Guns. Guns. Passaic 2 Nuhaut 2 Patapsco 2 CONFEDERATE. Fort McAllister. A strong earthwork containing seven heavy guns and one 11 -inch mortar. This attack was intended as a test of the strength of moni- tors to resist a heavy fire. The monitors moved up in line ahead and opened fire, continuing the action for eight hours at a distance of 1200 yards. The torts were not silenced. The Passaic was hit 9 times on the side-armor, no damage; 13 hits on the deck-plating, the deck being crushed through in three places ; 5 hits on the turret, no damage ; 2 on the pilot-house, no damage ; 1 on the roof of the turret, breaking a beam ; 4 through smoke-stack 34 hits in all ; none killed or wounded. Patapsco one hit on deck ; no injury. Nahant no hits. Earthworks at Fort Fisher, December 24 and 25, 1864, and January 13 and 14, 1865. FEDERAL. FIRST LINE IRON-CLAD8. Guns. Guns. New Ironsides 20 Saugus 2 Canonicus 2 Mahopac 2 Monadnock.. 4 148 JJOMIJAKDMKNTS <>F KAKTIIWOKK>. WOODEN GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Nyack 8 Pontoosuc 6 Unadilla 6 Nereus 2 Huron 4 Kansas 8 Pequot 8 SECOND LINE FRIGATES. Guns. Guns. Wabash 45 Colorado 45 Powhatan 19 Minnesota 46 Susquehanna 18 CORVETTES. Guns. Guns. Juniata 11 Tuscarora 10 Shenandoah 10 Mohican 7 Brooklyn 26 Vanderbilt 15 Ticonderoga 10 GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Seneca 4 Maumee 4 Pawtuxet 4 Yantic 5 Mackinaw . . .12 ADVANCED SQUADRON OF SECOND LINE GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Monticello 7 Osceola 8 Rhode Island 11 Tacony 6 Sassacus 6 St. Jago de Cuba 10 Chippewa 6 Fort Jackson 6 RESERVE LINE GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Aries Keystone State 13 Howquah Banshee Wilderness Emma Cherokee Lilian Vance Nansemond Anemone Tristram Shandy Moccasin Britannia Eolus Bignonia Gettysburg Governor Buckingham CONFEDERATE. Fort Fisher and a range of isolated batteries containing 36 guns, about one half being rifles. BOMBAKDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. 149 At daylight the fleet steamed in in lines ahead, the 1ir>r line anchoring abreast the sea-face of the fort within 1300 yards, the second line abreast the salient of the works at 1700 yards, the advanced second line abreast the land-face at- tacking the outworks ; the reserve, out of fire, outside of the second line. The fort was completely silenced in an hour and a quarter. Fire was kept up all day, and 3000 troops were dis- embarked, but returned without attempting an assault. The enemy's fire was silenced so quickly that not a person was in- iured in the fleet. Six 100-pdr. rifles exploded in the fleet, tilling 16 and wounding 23. Three gun-boats were partially disabled by the fire from the fort, but went into action next day. On the 25th the same positions were taken by the lines and the fort was silenced in one hour. On January 13th the same positions were taken and the fort was silenced in three hours. Fire was kept up all day, and 8000 troops were landed in three hours. January 15th the same positions were taken, and the fort was silenced in one hour. (For remainder of action of 15th, see Assaults.) During these bombardments, every gun on the sea-face (19) was dismounted or disabled. Earthworks on the Danube, May 6, 1877. The Turkish double-turreted monitor Luft-i-Dyelil attacked a water-battery on the Danube at a distance of 1800 yards. The Russians replied with rifled field artillery. After an ac- tion of one hour the monitor received a shot through her boiler, which blew up and sank the ship. All but one man lost. Earthworks at Callao, May 2, 1866. SPANISH. ONE IRON-CLAD FRIGATE, FIVE WOODEN FRIGATES, ONE WOODEN GUN-BOAT. Guns. Guns. Numancia 33 Villa de Madrid 52 Blanca 25 Almansa 38 Resolucion 25 Vencedora 3 Berenguela 16 PERUVIAN. Defences of Callao. Range of earthworks containing XV 32-pdrs., VI 60-pdrs., IV 9-inch rifles, II iron revolving turrets, IV 9-inch, II light- draft monitors, II 6-inch rifles. 150 BOMBARDMENTS OF EARTHWORKS. The fleet divided into three divisions for the attack of dif- ferent parts of the line of fortifications, and went into action in line ahead at noon, taking positions at about 1600 yards' dis- tance and maintaining an action of four hours, when the squad- ron drew out of action, not having silenced the forts. One bat- tery only silenced through the bursting of a gun. Casualties in the fleet, 38 killed, 150 wounded. The Villa de Madrid was disabled early in the action by a shot through her boiler. The Resolucion was disabled by a shot through the water-line. Admiral Nunez wounded. RESUME. Total number of earthwork attacks noted, 21. COMPLETE SUCCESS 8. Hatteras Inlet, Hilton Head, Fort Henry, Roanoke Island, Fort Hindman, Grand Gulf, French at Simonoseki, Allies at Simonoseki. PARTIAL SUCCESS 6. Kagosima, Fort Wagner, three at- tacks on Fort Fisher, second attack on Fort Wagner. FAILURES 7. Fort Donelson, Fort Darling, Dutch at Simonoseki, Americans at Simonoseki, Fort McAllister, Danube forts, Callao. Of the partial successes, all six accomplished the objects of the bombardment. In that of Kagosima the Japanese were brought to terms, and the other five had for their object to silence the forts, which they accomplished. Of the failures, the two attacks on Simonoseki were re- taliatory measures, and would probably have succeeded had they been kept up longer. Fort Darling and Fort McAllister were experimental tests, although there are no grounds to be- lieve that the forts would have been silenced had the action been kept up longer. At Fort Donelson, the Danube forts, and Callao the ships were beaten. BOMBARDMENTS OF MASONKY FORTS. BOMBAEDMENTS OF MASOIsTEY FOETS. Attack on Fort Sumter, April Y, 1863. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD SQUADRON. Guns. Guns. Weehawken 2 Catskill 2 Passaic 2 Nantucket 2 Montauk 2 Naliant 2 Patapsco 2 Keokuk 2 !New Ironsides 16 CONFEDERATE. Fort Sumter, 10 guns, supported by Fort Moultrie, 16 guns, and earth- works adjacent mounting 43 guns. The squadron went into action at 2 p.m. in line ahead, ap- proaching Fort Sumter as close as the obstructions would permit (from 500 to 1000 yards), and opened fire. The action lasted two hours, when the fleet withdrew, not having silenced the fort. The Weehawken was hit 53 times, the side-armor being completely shattered in places, the deck broken through once, 36 turret-bolts broken, and at one time the turret was jammed. The Passaic was hit 35 times ; her turret was dis- abled for a time, and one turret-gun was completely disabled ; the pilot-house was knocked almost over. Montauk hit 14 times ; no injury. Patapsco hit 47 times ; gun disabled. New Ironsides hit about 50 times ; one port-shutter knocked off, otherwise uninjured. Catskill hit 20 times ; deck broken through. Nantucket hit 51 times; port-stopper jammed, disabling one gun. !Nahant hit 36 times ; turret jammed, side- armor badly shattered. Keokuk (casemated gun-boat) pierced at and below the water-line 19 times; turrets pierced and port-shutters knocked away ; vessel sank the next day. Casualties : Keokuk, 16 wounded ; Nahant, 1 killed, 6 wound- ed ; all by broken bolts flying in the turret or pilot-house. 152 BOMBARDMENTS OF MASONRY FORTS. Attack on Fort Sumter, August 22 and September 1, 1863. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD SQUADRON. Guns. Guns. Weehawken 2 Passaic 2 Montauk 2 Patapsco 2 Nahant 2 CONFEDERATE. Fort Sumter, supported by Fort Moultrie. Squadron went into action at 3 a.m. within 800 yards of Sumter, keeping up a steady lire for three hours. Only six shots fired from Sumter in return, but a heavy fire kept up from Moultrie. Fleet drew out, not having drawn the fire of Sumter. On the night of September 1st the squadron moved in again and bombarded Sumter for five hours. The fort was almost dismantled, but still kept its garrison. Fort Moultrie responded to the fire. The fleet withdrew, not having driven the garrison from the fort. Bombardment of Mississippi Forts, April 18 to April 28, 1862. FEDERAL. Twenty mortar - schooners, each armed with a single mortar. For about one hour and a half the forts were under the fire of Admiral Far- ragut's fleet of 17 vessels, mounting 188 guns. CONFEDERATE. Fort Jackwn. A masonry fort on the right bank of the Mississippi, mounting 75 guns. Fort St. Philip. A masonry fort on the left bank of the river, nearly opposite Fort Jackson, mounting 30 guns. On the morning of April 18th the mortar-schooners were towed into position in three divisions. The first and third (14 vessels) were moored near the right bank of the river at a bend below Fort Jackson, within 2800 yards of it, and protected by a thick wood, the mast-heads of the schooners being trimmed with branches to conceal their exact position. The second division was moored near the left bank of the river,more exposed and 3700 yards from Fort Jackson. About 1 p.m. fire was opened from all the mortars on Fort Jackson, and continued without inter- BOMBARDMENTS OF MASONRY FORTS. 153 rapt-ion until sunset. One mortar only was directed against Fort St. Philip. At the end of the iirst day's bombardment two guns had been dismounted and a third heavy rifle broken in two in Fort St. Philip. The citadel of Fort Jackson was set on fire. On the evening of the 18th the second division was. transferred to the right bank, the left one being too much ex- posed. On the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22d, and 23d the bombard- ment was continued each day, one mortar-vessel being sunk by a rifled shot from Fort Jackson on the 1 9th. On the night of the 23d and early morning of the 24th an incessant fire was kept up whilst Admiral Farragut's fleet was passing the forts. On the 25th, 26th, and part of the 27th the bombard- ment continued, and on the 28th both forts capitulated. Fort Jackson was reduced almost to a ruin, over 800 bombs having fallen in it. Several guns were dismounted and the casemates were cracked through in all directions. Fort St. Philip was not much injured, its fall being a necessary consequence of that of Fort Jackson. KESTJME. Total number of masonry attacks noted, 4. Successful, 1. Failures, 3. Fort Sumter was, by repeated bombardments for two years, reduced nearly to a total ruin, but was not abandoned until Charleston was captured by General Sherman. Fort Moultrie never was silenced until it was abandoned. Fort Jackson re- fused to surrender after six days' constant bombardment by a mortar fleet and an hour's bombardment from a passing fleet at from 60 to 300 yards, only capitulating at a second summons, when the capture of New Orleans destroyed the last chance of relief. 154 PASSAGES OF POETS. PASSAGES OF FOKTS. Passage of Fortifications Mow New Orleans, April 24, 1862. FEDERAL. WOODEN FLEETS. FIRST DIVISION. Guns. Guns. Hartford 28 Kennebec 4 Brooklyn 26 Pinola 4 Richmond 25 Itasca 4 Sciota 3 Winona 4 Iroquois 7 SECOND DIVISION. Pensacola 26 Varuna 6 Mississippi 19 Katabdin 6 Cayuga 6 Kineo 6 Oneida 10 Wissahickon 4 CONFEDERATE. Fort Jackson, 75 guns. Fort St. Philip, 30 guns. Above the forts, two iron-clad rams and eighteen gun-boats. Below the forts, a heavy boom of logs and chain Across the river. The river current to be stemmed runs at a speed of about six to seven knots. On the night of the 22d, two gun-boats were sent up to break the obstructions. The end of the chain was reached and successfully cut under a heavy fire, making an opening wide enough to allow vessels to pass. At 2 a.m. of the 24th the fleet got under way, forming two lines, the first division to take Fort Jackson, and the second Fort St. Philip. The chains were stopped up and down the sides in wake of the boilers ; decks were whitewashed and boarding-nettings triced up. Coming under the fire of the forts, the lines were broken owing to the strength of the current and the necessity for feeling the way up in the channel, there being no pilots. The Hartforii grounded abreast Fort St. Philip, and whilst in this position a fire-raft was pushed against her, setting her on fire aft. The raft was pushed clear, fire extinguished, and the ship was worked oft the shoal. She was hit 32 times ; 3 killed, 10 wounded. The Brooklyn fouled the obstructions, and was held for a short time under the fire of Fort St. Philip. Clear- ing these, she was rammed by the ram JVlanassas, but the blow PASSAGES OK FORTS. 155 was a glancing one. Immediately afterward a gun-boat was seen coining at her full speed. The Brooklyn gave her the port broadside, and disabled her : killed, 9 ; wounded, 26. Richmond, killed, 2 ; wounded, 4. Sciota, wounded, 2. Iro- quois, killed, 8; wounded, 24. Kennebec fouled the ob- structions, and did not get clear until the fleet had passed up ; returned to the low r er anchorage. Pinola, killed, 3 ; wounded, 8. Itasca received a shot through her boiler abreast the forts, and drifted down helpless out of action; wounded, 3. The Winona was fouled by the Itasca in getting under way, and did not make the attempt until the fleet had passed, w r hen she w T as obliged to turn back : killed, 6 ; wmmded, 4. Pensaco- la, killed, 4 ; w^ounded, 33. Mississippi, just after passing the forts, w r as rammed on the quarter by the Manassas, in- jured, but not cut through : killed, 2 ; w^ounded, 6. Cayuga the leading vessel in the fight after passing the forts was attacked by three gun-boats at once : one on the starboard beam she disabled by a 'broadside ; one on the port-bow was driven off by the bow-pivot ; one on the port-quarter was taken in hand by the Yaruna before she could do harm: w r ounded, 6. Oneida, just after passing the forts, discovered a gun-boat trying to cross her bow ; ran her down and sank her at once : wounded, 3. Varuna, after passing the forts, disabled two gun-boats ; was then rammed twice by one gun- boat, and once by another; finding her sinking, her com- mander ran her ashore, disabling completely both the gun- boats that had rammed him : killed, 3 ; wounded, 9. Katah- din, uninjured. Kineo, wounded, 8. Wissahickon, uninjured. Total : killed, 37 ; wounded, 147. The Mississippi, after clear- ing the fight, was ordered to ram the Manassas, which was seen coining up the river. Hunning down towards her, the Manassas sheered broad off and ran ashore, receiving two broadsides, which disabled her and set her on fire. She drift- ed down the river and blew up. Fourteen vessels out of seventeen passed the forts. Of those failing to pass, one was disabled. Of those that passed, one was sunk. Of the Con- federate flotilla eleven were captured, and eight including the ram Manassas were destroyed. The second ram (Louisiana) did not engage for some reason. Two days afterward, while the flag of truce was flying at the capitulation of the forts, she -was set on fire and turned adrift to explode amongst the mortar squadron. She blew up before reaching it. The fleet that passed the forts went into action on the next day (25th), silenced a line of earthworks, and passing up to " Orleans received its surrender. 156 PASSAGES OF FORTS. Passage of Forts, Mississippi River, June 28, 1862. FEDERAL. Guns. Guns. Richmond 25 Sciota 3 Hartford 28 Winorm 4 Brooklyn 26 Pinola 4 Iroquois 7 Katahdin 6 Oneida 10 Kennebec 4 Wissuhickon 4 CONFEDERATE. Triple line of earthworks at Vicksburg, mounting about 30 guns. At 4 a.m. the squadron, steaming up the river in double line ahead (large ships inside with the smaller ones abreast the in- tervals), came under the fire of the enemy at a distance of 600 yards. The rate of steaming was about three miles per hour. Three ships (Brooklyn, Kennebec, and Katahdin) failed to pass. The Brooklyn, getting fouled with the mortar flotilla, was de- tained, and under a misapprehension of orders stopped to silence the battery, and dropped down after daylight. The Kennebec held her position astern of the Brooklyn. The Katahdin, having no orders at all, followed the motions of the Brooklyn. Casualties in the- part of the squadron which passed : killed, 15 ; wounded, 30. Duration, two hours ; dis- tance gone while under fire, three miles. Passage of Forts, Mississippi River, March 14, 1863. FEDERAL. WOODEN SQUADRON. Guns. Guns. Hartford 28 Albatross 7 Richmond 25 Genesee 8 Monongahela 14 Kineo 6 .Mississippi 19 CONFEDERATE. Earthworks at Port Hudson. A line of earthworks extending at inter- vals a distance of about three miles, and mounting 70 guns, most all of heavy calibre. At 9 p.m. of the 24th, signal was made to weigh anchor and pass the forts up-stream. The vessels except the Missis- sippi were lashed in pairs (Hartford and Albatross, Kichmond PASSAGES OF FORTS. 157 and Genesee, Monongahela and Kineo). The mortar fleet be- low the forts opened a heavy tire on the works, and two light gun-boats took up an enfilading position and shelled the water- batteries. The Hartford passed np without trouble. The Richmond (slowest vessel in the squadron) reached a bend of the river where she was directly within the cross-fire of the batteries, but could not stem the current even with the help of her tow, so she was obliged to turn and go back. The Monon- gahela reached the bend and the current forced her ashore for about half an hour ; getting off finally she started ahead, but was obliged to stop her engine on account of the heating of the journals ; drifted down again out of range. The Missis- sippi ran aground at the bend, but could not be gotten off. After working for half an hour, her guns were spiked, the ship was fired and deserted, and she blew up. Casualties : killed, 12 ; wounded, 35 ; missing, 63. One steam frigate lost. Passage of Fort Morgan, August 5, 1864. FEDERAL. MONITORS. Guus. Guns. Tecumseh *. 2 Winnebago 4 Manhattan 2 Chickasaw 4 CORVETTES. Brooklyn 26 Monongahela 14 Hartford 28 Ossipee 12 Richmond 25 Oneida 10 Lackawanna 14 GUN-BOATS. Octarora 10 Kennebec 4 Metacomet 10 Itasca 4 Port Royal 6 Galena 6 Seminole . . 6 CONFEDERATE. Fort Morgan. A masonry fort containing 30 guns. Iron-clad rain Tennessee (six 7-inch rifles). Gun-boats Selma, Morgan, and Gaines. A line of torpedoes and pile obstructions across the channel. At 5.30 a.m. the fleet got under way and steamed in in two lines ahead, the four monitors in the starboard line slightly leading and nearest the fort. The port line of w r ooden ships showed the corvettes towards the fort, with each one having a gun-boat lashed along the port side. The fort opened fire at 7.30, the leading ship (Tecumseh) being within 1400 yards. 158 PASSAGES OF FORTS. Just abreast the fort the Tecumseh fouled a torpedo and was sunk. The Brooklyn (leading the second line) stopped her engines and threw the line into disorder, but the Hartford pushing on ahead restored the line and led the way in, all the ships passing the fort. On clearing the narrow channel, the gun-boats were cast oif and gave chase to the Confederate gun- boats, the Metacomet capturing the Selnia, the other two vessels escaping under the fort. At 8.45 the fleet was all in the bay beyond the fort. The Tennessee then made a rush at the Hartford, and Admiral Farragut made the signal to attack with Before the Action. x^/tryH" ^~ _JL^ After the Action. Section through Pilot-House. CONFEDERATE RAM TENNESSEE. guns and rams. The Monongahela struck the ram first, a square blow, making no impression, but breaking off its own ram. The Lackaw r anna then struck a fair blow with no im- pression, but staving its own bow. The Hartford then rammed, striking a glancing blow and swinging alongside, giving a full broadside without effect. The Lackawanna and Hartford then bore down together but collided, the Hartford's side being cut down almost to the water's edge by the Lackawanna. The Lackawanna, Monongahela, and Ossipee then bore down at full speed, but sheered off at seeing a white flag In listed. PASSAGES OF FORTS. 159 During the ramming, the monitors got under the stern of the ram and bombarded her casemate with effect. Casualties : killed, 52; wounded, 170. Monitor Tecumseh sunk with all 1 Kinds except 11. Corvette Oneida disabled abreast the fort by a shot through the boiler, but dragged through the action by her consort. The injuries to the bows of the ramming ships and to the Hartford's side were not so severe as to at all disable them. Captured, armored ram Tennessee, wooden gun-boat Selma, 280 prisoners. The steering-gear and smoke- stack of the ram were shot away, the port-shutters were jammed so as to disable the guns, and the ship's frame was racked so as to make her leak, but not badly. The ramming vessels left no marks. Passage of the Vicksburg Batteries, April 16, 1863. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Benton 16 Pittsburg 13 Lafayette 6 Carondelet 13 Louisville 13 Tuscumbia 5 Mound City 13 General Price 2 Three army transports. CONFEDERATE. Vicksburg Batteries. 47 heavy guns. The vessels started from up the river in line ahead, with the transports in rear, the Tuscumbia acting as rear-guard to prevent the transports turning back when once under lire. Leaving the anchorage at 10.30 p.m., they steamed slowly down until coming within sight of the batteries, when they stopped their engines and drifted. . The leading vessel was discovered abreast the first battery and fire was opened. The fleet then started ahead fast returning the fire. Two trans- ports turned and started back, but were driven down again by the Tuscumbia, the three vessels suffering severely in the manoeuvring, but passing down successfully. Casualties, 12 wounded. Each gun-boat carried a barge-loaded with coal, on the off side. Two barges were sunk, the remainder were carried through safely. One of the transports was disabled, but was taken in tow under fire and brought safely through. Time under fire, one hour. 160 ASSAULTS. RESUME. Total number of battles passing fortifications, 5. Success- ful, 3. Partially successful, 2. Of the latter, one failed on account of a misunderstanding of orders, and one on account of the strength of current rendering the ships unmanageable. In all cases the ships passed the main line of fortifications at a dis- tance of less than 600 yards, and all were subjected to a severe well-aimed fire. ASSAULTS. Assault on Fort Sumter, September 8, 1863. At 10 p.m., September 8th, a landing party of 300 sailors and 100 marines was put in boats, taken in tow by a tug-boat, and towed to within 1000 yards of the breach at Fort Sumter. One division of 20 men was sent to the north-east face to make a feint, while the main body landed at the breach. Through a general misunderstanding the boats went in irregu- larly, but a few boats' crews landed, and, no support being given, they were captured. The expedition was a total failure, no assault being made. Casualties : 3 killed, 27 wounded, 130 prisoners, 11 missing. Assault on Fort Fisher, January 15, 1865. The assaulting column, composed of 1600 sailors and 400 marines, formed about a mile from the face of the fort (the fire of the fort being kept under by a heavy bombardment from the fleet) in four lines. The, marines forming the first line, were deployed as skirmishers, and advanced along the beach to a line of rifle-pits and occupied them within 600 yards of the sea-face of the fort. The other three lines ad- vanced by the left flank (parallel to each other) along the beach, reaching the marines, and the column lay down while the fleet shelled the works, the marine line coming abreast the second line of sailors. At the word " Charge," the column rose and charged by the flank to the stockade, extending ASSAULTS. 161 from the salient of the fort to the water's edge. Instead of keeping on past the stockade and then charging by the right flank up to the ditch, which would have brought the lines in proper position, the heads of the column turned up at the stockade and became mixed together. The charge was con- tinued to the parapet, but the confusion of the wrong move- ment caused a break, ending in a panic, and the whole column retreated under a heavy fire from the fort, leaving about 60 men under the protection of the head of the stockade, who entrenched themselves there and stayed until the fort was taken by the troops entering at the other end of the fort. The assault was a failure in everything except as far as deceiving the besieged, who mistook it for the main assault, and thus permitted the 8000 troops at another point to gain a foothold. Casualties : killed, 80 ; wounded, 228 ; missing, 22. Assault on the Corean Forts, June 11, 1871. The Monocacy (10 guns) and Palos (4 guns) steamed up the Salee River and disembarked a landing party of 546 sailors and 105 marines, taking with them a battery of seven boat-guns. Five forts were to be captured, situated at distances of from half a mile to three miles. The Monocacy, taking position abreast the first fort, shelled it vigorously, protecting the landing party and driving the Coreans from the earthworks and stone fort in about one hour. The landing party entered without resist- ance, capturing and destroying two 32-pdrs., six 18-pdrs., and twenty smaller pieces, 2 and 4 pdrs. The advance stopped for the night, the landing party going into camp outside of the fort. At daylight of the llth the advance recommenced, the Monocacy keeping abreast and shelling the Coreans out of the second fort, which was occupied and dismantled. The citadel about three miles farther up the river was the next point to be captured, and had to be taken by assault. Marching to the crest of a hill within 150. yards of the citadel, the storming party were ordered to lie down for a rest, the skirmishing line of marines keeping up a fire 011 the parapet. A detachment of men and guns was sent to occupy a commanding position and hold a large body of Coreans in check that was forming in rear, while another detachment was sent to cut off the retreat from the citadel. A deep ravine lay between the storming line and the fort, and the walls of the citadel were twelve feet high, the only entrance beiiig through a small breach made by the fire of the Monocacy. The citadel was stormed, and a foot- hold gained without a halt, and after a hard ha'nd-to-hand fight, 162 DELIBERATE GENERAL ACTIONS. was captured. "With the fall of the citadel the other forts were abandoned, whilst the detachment commanding the road of re- treat of the Coreans put them under a severe fire. The as- sault was a complete success. Loss of the Coreans : killed, 243 ; wounded, unknown; prisoners, 22; five stone forts and 481 pieces of ordnance, comprising eleven 32-pdrs., fourteen 24- pdrs., two 20-pdrs., and the remainder 2 and 4 pdrs. ; fifty nags, including the standard of the Generalissimo. Loss of United States : killed, 3 ; wounded, 10. RESUME. Number of assaults noted, 3. Failures, 2. Success, 1. Of the failures, the first was too hastily planned to even make a commencement. Everything was confusion from the time that the boats were cast off from their tows. The second w^as primarily due to confusion of the assaulting columns at the most critical moment, followed by a panic. DELIBEKATE GENEBAL ACTIONS. Gunboat Flotillas in the Mississippi, June 5, 1862. FEDERAL. IRON-CLAD GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Benton ..................... 13 Cairo ...................... 13 Louisville .................. 13 St. Louis ................... 13 Carondelet .................. 13 RAMS. Queen of the West .......... 2 Monarch .................... 2 CONFEDERATE. IRON-CLAD GUN-BOATS. Guns. Guns. Lovell ...................... Little Rebel ................ Beauregard ................. Sumter ..................... Price ....................... B Thompson .................. Van Dorn ragg an Do DELIBERATE GENERAL ACTIONS. 1G3 On the morning of June 5th, the Federal flotilla descending the river discovered the Confederate flotilla moored at the city of Memphis. The latter formed in double line abreast below the city, and received the attack. The Queen of the West, dashing from the Federal line, rammed the Lovell and sank her at once. In getting clear she was rammed by the Beauregard and seriously injured, though not disabled. The Beauregard was rammed by the Monarch, and at the same time received a shot through her boilers which disabled her; she drifted near the bank of the river and sank. The Price was accidentally rammed and sunk by one of her own flotilla. The Little Rebel was disabled by shot, run ashore and abandoned. The Thompson was set on fire by shells and blown up. The Sumter was captured. The Bragg was rammed and sunk. The Van Dorn escaped down the river. Result : one Federal ram partially disabled ; no killed, no wounded. Four Confed- erate gun-boats sunk, one captured, one blown up, one desert- ed, and one escaped. Killed and wounded unknown, but many lost by drowning and scalding. Duration of action, twenty minutes. In this fight the Federal fleet had the advantage of fighting down stream, being the ones to make the onset, and having the heavier vessels and batteries. The Confederates took no ad- vantage of the weak steaming powers of the Federal gun-boats. Had they passed up stream, re-formed, and forced the Federals to act on the defensive and fight up stream, the result might have been different. Decisive action. Battle of Helgoland, May 9, 1864. DANISH SQUADRON. Guns. Guns. Niels Juel 42 Heimdal 16 Jylland 44 AUSTRIAN SQUADRON. Guns. Sclnvartzenburg 48 Three Prussian gun-boats. Radetzky 31 The two squadrons advanced in line ahead, the Danes com- ing up on the beam of the Austrians. The Niels Juel joined action with the Schwartzenburg, and the Jylland with the Ra- detzky, the Heimdal attempting to reach the gun-boats, which 164 DELIBERATE GENERAL ACTIONS. steamed up on the unengaged side of the frigates, causing the latter to steam in a circle. The action was fought in this man- ner, steaming in a circle of which the gun -boats were the cen- tre and the Danes 600 yards outside the Austrians, the Heimdal joining in the attack on the Radetzky. After three hours, the Schwartzenburg was set on fire and the Austrians ran for Hel- goland, the Danes hauling off at the neutral -ground limit. Indecisive action. Battle of Lissa, July 20, 1866. AUSTRIAN FLEET. IRON-CLAD FRIGATES. WOODEN SQUADRON. Ferdinand Max. Five frigates. Hapsburg. One corvette. Don Juan d' Austria. Fourteen gun-boats. Kaiser Max. Prinz Eugen. Salamander. Drache. ITALIAN IRON-CLAD FLEET Re d'ltalia. Maria Pia. Re di Portugalo. San Martino. Principe di Carignano. Affondatore. Ancona. Palestro. Castelfidardo. Varese, Terribile, and Fprmidabile not in action. Wooden fleet did not come up. The Austrians advanced in three echelonned lines ahead, the Ferdinand Max (flag-ship) leading the right and advanced iron-clad line. The wooden frigates formed the centre line, and the gun-boats the left and rear. All in close order. The Italians on sighting the Austrian fleet formed in single line ahead, open order, covering a distance of over five miles. The head of the Italian line opened fire on coming within gunshot. The Austrians, turning together eight points to port, sent a broadside into the head of the Italian line and, resuming the former course, immediately pierced the Italian line astern of the third ship (between the Ancona and the Re d'ltalia), half of his iron-clads passing through this interval and the other half be- tween the Re d'ltalia and the Palestro. The leading Italian division turned to starboard to attack the Austrian wooden fleet, and Tegethoff to foil this manoeuvre turned and passed back through the same intervals. The rest of the Italian fleet closing up on the broken Austrian line, and the smoke concealing DASHES. 105 signals, the action became a melee. The Ferdinand Max made two attempts to ram two different vessels, both being avoided by the helm. A third attempt on the Re d'ltalia was success- ful, striking her under the counter and sinking her. At the time, the Re was engaged with three Austrians on his bow and beam. The Italians state that his steering-gear was shot away ; the Austrians, that he was backing. Three Austrians (two iron-clads and one wooden frigate) con- centrated on the Palestro and set her on fire ; she drew out of action and blew up in about an hour. The San Martino, fight- ing in company with the Re d'ltalia, hauled out of action when the latter was sunk. The Affondatore (flag-ship) made two ineffectual attempts to ram, but her clumsy steering-gear and slow speed made the attempts abortive. The Re di Portu- galo made a fine attempt to ram the Kaiser Max, which the latter avoided by turning towards the Portugalo and going full speed, the ships rubbing sides, bringing down the Kaiser's foremast, which fell on the smoke-stack and caught fire but was extinguished. The Portugalo then ran the gauntlet of the two iron-clad divisions, reaching her own line, and the Italian fleet hauled out of action, the Austrians not chasing. The Italian loss was two iron-clads ; killed, 650 ; wounded, 40. Austrians, 136 killed and wounded, of whom three quarters belonged to the Kaiser Max. Partial success. DASHES. Passes of the Mississippi, October 12, 1861. At 4 a.m. the Confederate ram Manassas steamed suddenly into the Federal squadron at anchor in the Passes below New Orleans-- Guns. Guns. Richmond 25 Union ' 4 Water Witch 3 SAILING CORVETTES. Vincennes 10 Preble 11 striking the Richmond a glancing blow. Chains were slipped at once, and the Richmond avoided a second blow by sheering. The ram passed back up the river. On the Confederate side the dash was a failure. On the Federal side the Yincennes 16G DASHES. was run ashore, deserted, and accident only saved the vessel, a train having been laid to her magazine and fired by Com- mander Handy. The train is said to have been put out by one of the crew before leaving, and the ship was hauled oif after daylight. Mississippi River, above Vicksburg, July 15, 1862. At about 7 a.m. the Confederate ram Arkansas made a dash down the river through the Federal squadron lying at anchor. Guns Guns. Hartford 28 Wissahickon 4 Richmond 25 Winona 4 Oneida 10 Sciota 4 Iroquois 7 As she passed through without attempting to ram, broad- sides were exchanged. The Arkansas was olisabled, but not caught. Federal loss : killed, 5 ; wounded, 16. Charleston Blockading Fleet, February 2, 1863. At about 4 a.m. a Confederate iron-clad ram made a dash from the harbor into the blockading squadron. Guns. Guns. Keystone State 13 Augusta 10 Housatonic 13 Mercedita 9 Quaker City 9 Memphis 7 Running at the Mercedita, she rammed her on the star- board beam, and at the same time put a shot through her boiler, completely disabling her. The ram then passed under her stern, demanded and received her surrender, but did not take possession, the crew being paroled. The Keystone State was then attacked, but avoided being rammed, although she received a shot through her boilers, completely disabling her. The ram then retired. Attack successful. Federal loss : killed, 24; wounded, 23; one crew paroled, two vessels disabled. Duration of attack, one hour. IRON-CLADS AGAINST WOODEN VESSELS. 1(57 IKON-CLADS AGAIJSTST WOODEN VESSELS. Hampton Roads, March 8, 1862. On the morning of March 8th the Confederate ram Mer- rimac entered Hampton Roads, where were lying at anchor the STEAM FRIGATES. Guns. Guns. Minnesota 50 Roanoke 50 SAILING FRIGATES. Congress 50 St. Lawrence 12 Cumberland 24 Running directly at the Cumberland, the ram struck her under the counter, sinking her in fifteen minutes. Turning to the Congress, which had slipped her cable and run ashore, the ram took a position under her stern at 50 yards distance, and forced her to surrender after a fight of an hour. Posses- sion was not taken of her, and the ship was fired and deserted, blowing up in a few hours. The Minnesota having grounded where the Merrimac could not get at her, these two engaged at long range, the Roanoke and St. Lawrence taking part for about four hours, when the Merrimac drew out of action leak- ing badly from the effects of ramming the Cumberland. Fed- eral loss : 2 sailing frigates ; killed, 247 ; wounded, 90. Roanolte River, April 18, 1864. At 11 p.m. of the 18th the Confederate ram Albemarlc was discovered coming down the Roanoke River. In obedi- ence to previous instructions from the Admiral, the two gun- boats present (Miami, 12 guns, and Southfield, 4 guns) were lashed alongside each other to receive the attack, the intention being to put the ram between the two vessels, and while held by lashings fight her at point-blank on both sides. After lashing, the gun-boats were headed for the Albemarle, going full speed. The arrangement was perfect for a test ^01 the plan. The ram-scraping the port side of the Miami with her 168 IKON-CLADS AGAINST WOODEN VESSELS. prow, struck the starboard bow of the Southiield, staving her in forward ; the forward lashings were broken, and the gun-boats swung out of the angle of iire after giving but one broadside. The rani backed clear to get room for a blow at the Miami, but the latter, having swung head down stream, escaped. The Southiield sank in about fifteen minutes. Federal loss : killed, 1 ; wounded, 11 ; missing, 67 ; 1 gun-boat sunk. Albemarle /Sound, May 5, 1864. The squadron blockading Albemarle Sound had received orders that in case the ram Albemarle appeared, the vessels were to form in double line ahead. Guns. Guns. Miami 12 Mattabesset 6 Ceres 4 Sassacus 6 Commodore Hull 6 Wyalusing 4 Seymour 4 Whitehead 4 At 4.45 p.m. the Albemarle was sighted coming into the sound accompanied by two small gun-boats. The squadron formed and steamed to meet her, the Mattabesset and Sas- sacus delivering a broadside in passing at 100 yards. The ram attempted to run the Sassacus down, but the latter avoided her, being thrown out of the line in the manoeuvre. Being in the vicinity of one of the Confederate gun-boats, the Sassacus gave her a broadside, received her surrender, and sent her out of action to an anchorage. Turning to resume her place in line, the Sassacus found nerself in position to ram the Albe- marle, and went at her full speed, striking her fairly amidships, and heeling her over considerably. The two vessels were in close contact for about ten minutes, when the Sassacus swung alongside and received a shot through her boilers, partially dis- abling her. The ram getting clear drew out of action and steamed up the river, chased for some distance by the squadron. Casualties on the Federal side : killed, 4 ; wounded, 25 ; 1 gun-boat disabled. Confederates : 1 gun-boat captured ; 1 gun on the ram disabled. The bow of the Sassacus was somewhat broken and twisted, but not sufficient to leak. Black Sea, July 23, 1877. On the morning of the 23d the Kussian gun-boat Yesta (6 guns), cruising in the sea, made out black smolce on the horizon at early daylight, and steamed towards it. When within less IRON CLADS AGAINST WOODEN VESSELS. 169 than two miles she discovered it to be the Turkish iron-clad frigate Assav-i-Tefvik (14 guns), and turned to escape ; a run- ning fight ensued, lasting for two hours, the Turk slowly over- hauling the Vesta. When within about half a mile, a shell from the Yesta exploded in the barbette turret of the Turk, disabling its gun, killing and wounding most of the crew. The latter then hauled off and the Yesta escaped. Action in- decisive. Killed and wounded about equal on both sides. Off Ylo, Peru, May 29, 1877. The Peruvian iron-clad Huascar, having been taken posses- sion of by a party of insurgents, and having committed depre- dations against British commercial vessels, was attacked off Iquique by the British frigate Shah and the corvette Amethyst. The Huascar running into shoal water prevented the close ap- proach of the enemy, and the action was continued for about three hours, during which time neither of the British vessels was struck and no notable damage had been done to the Huascar. Just before dark the Huascar cleared the shoals and ran down the coast followed by the British until dark. One Whitehead torpedo was sent at her, but ineffectually. After dark a launch was sent into the bay of Ylo with "Whitehead torpedoes for the purpose of sinking the vessel, but she had escaped. Action indecisive. Casualties : Peruvian, killed, 1 ; wounded, 1. British, none. Neither vessel injured sufficiently to affect her fighting power. The Huascar was manned by a raw crew, causing her fire to be entirely ineffec- tive. Iquique Harbor, May 21, 1879. The Peruvian iron-clads Independencia and Huascar ap- peared off Iquique Harbor on the morning of May 21st, find- ing there the Chilian gun-boats Esmeralda and Covadonga. The latter on discovering the enemy ran into shoal water, the iron-clads taking a position about 2000 yards away. After a short action, the Covadonga (apparently with the intention of dividing the fire and possibly escaping) attempted to run down the coast, the Independencia giving chase. The Huascar continued to engage the Esmeralda, and notwithstanding the short range, failed to hit her. At length a shore battery drove the Esmeralda into deep water, and before she could commence to manoeuvre a shot from the Huascar disabled her engines. The Huascar then rammed her three times, the first two blows 170 DUELS. being total failures on account of stopping the ship too quick. The third was a success, sinking the Esmeralda with her colors flying. The Covadonga, keeping in shoal water as mucli as possible, ran for two hours, the Independencia making three attempts to ram her and failing. At the fourth attempt the ship was missed, and the Independencia struck a rock and hung fast. The Covadonga at once turned, and taking a position under the Peruvian's stern, opened fire on him and forced him to surrender. The Huascar appearing at this time, possession could not be taken, and the Covadonga escaped. Attempts to haul the Peruvian off the rocks proving unavailing, she was fired and burned. In this action the Chilians lost the greatest number of men owing to the sinking of the Esmeralda, but the loss of the Independencia more than counterbalanced it. DUELS. Monitor and Merrimac, March 9, 1862. On the morning of the 9th the Merrimac steamed into Hampton Roads to finish the destruction of the wooden squad- ron which she had attacked the day previous (see page 166). The Monitor having arrived during the night steamed out to meet her after she had approached within gunshot of the Minne- sota. After a short engagement at a distance of 200 yards, the Merrimac attempted to ram or force a surrender of the Minne- sota, in doing which she ran ashore, and was for a short time exposed to the full broadside fire of the frigate. Getting clear, she again turned to the Monitor, and attempted to ram her, striking a slight ineffectual blow. The Merrimac kept on down the channel, the Monitor chasing for some distance, but hauling out of action when she found her speed and artillery power not sufficient to bring the Merrimac to terms. Casual- ties on the Monitor, 1 wounded, 2 temporarily disabled by the shock of the projectiles striking the turret against which tliey happened to be leaning. Action indecisive. Alabama and Hatteras, January 11, 1863. The Hatteras (6 guns) proceeding to blockade duty off Gal- veston went in chase of a sail on the morning of the llth, and DUELS. 171 running close to her, stopped and hailed. The answer returned was "Her Majesty's Steamer "Vixen." The Hatteras then lowered a boat and sent it alongside. Before the boat was fairly started the hail came, " We are the Confederate steamer Ala- bama," accompanied by a broadside. The fire was returned at once, and the Hatteras attempted to close and board, but could not. In about five minutes she had been set on fire by one shell and her boiler was pierced by another. The Alabama then took a position under her stern, and in a few minutes forced her to surrender, the crew being transferred to the Alabama, and the Hatteras left to burn and blow up. Casual- ties : on the Hatteras, killed, 2 ; wounded, 5. Action de- cisive. (For fighting power of ships, see page 171.) Weehawken and Atlanta, June 17, 1863. At early daylight the Confederate ram Atlanta was seen coming down the Wilmington River, and the Federal monitors Weehawken and Nahant steamed in to meet her. The Atlanta opened fire at 1500 yards, and a few moments afterwards grounded. The Weehawken approaching within 300 yards opened fire, and forced the surrender of the ram in fifteen minutes. Five shots were fired by the Weehawken, all striking and three penetrating the ram, killing and wound- ing many people at the guns. The ram was taken possession of and sent in as a prize. Action decisive. Kearsarge and Alabama, June 19, 1864. The Alabama steamed out of Cherbourg Harbor on the morn- ing of the 19th to meet the Kearsarge in accordance with a challenge sent out two days before. The Kearsarge, steaming out clear of neutral water, turned when at a good distance and headed for the Alabama. The action commenced at 1200 yards, the Alabama sending the first broadside, which was im- mediately returned by the Kearsarge. The action continued for 65 minutes at a distance of 900 yards, the two ships steam- ing in a circle. At the end of this time the Alabama surren- dered, and in about twenty minutes after sunk. Action de- cisive. 172 DUELS. Fighting Powers of the Hatteras, Alabama, and Kearsarge, HATTERAS. ALABAMA. KEARSARGE. Battery. I 20-pdr. rifle. Battery. I 100-pdr. rifle. Battery. I 30-pdr. rifle. I 30-pdr. " I 68-pdr. " II 11-inch smooth-bores. IV 32-pdr. smooth-bores. IV 32-pdr. smooth-bores. IV 32-pdr. Battery Fought. II rifles, II 32-pdrs. Battery Fought. II rifles. Ill smooth-bores. Battery Fought. I rifle, II 11-inch, II 32-pdrs. Crew, 125 men. Crew, about 170 men. Crew, 163 men. Meteor and Bouvet , N Member 9, 1870. On the morning of November 8th the French gun-boat Bouvet (5 guns) steamed out of Havana and beyond the neutral limit to wait for the Prussian gun-boat Meteor (3 guns) to- come out in answer to a challenge. The Meteor, after waiting in port twenty-four hours as prescribed by law for the sailing of belligerent vessels, steamed out, and the action commenced about two miles outside of the neutral limit, the Bouvet firing the first gun. After a few manoeuvres the Bouvet closed with the intention of ramming, and was partially avoided, striking a glancing blow abeam and slipping along, carrying away the Prussian's main and mizzen masts, the rigging fouling the Meteor's screw. In return, the Meteor put a shot through the Bouvet's steam-chest, partially disabling her. The latter made sail at once and escaped into neutral water, the Meteor keeping up a fire but unable for a time to chase owing to the fouled screw. Action indecisive on account of the proximity of neu- tral water. Casualties : Bouvet, 3 wounded. Meteor, 3 killed ; 1 wounded. Duration of action, less than one hour. RESUME. Number of duels noted, 5. Decisive, 3. Indecisive, 2. Of the indecisive fights, one was due to lack of speed for over- hauling the opponent and continuing the action ; the other to the temporary disability of fouling the screw and the proximity of neutral water. In the decisive actions, two were decided by sinking, although in both cases the ship surrendered first. DUELS. 173 Action of Point Tetas, October 8, 1879. At daylight on the 8th the Chilian iron-clad corvette Blanco Encalada sighted the Peruvian iron-clad turret-ship Huascar, and gave chase. The Huascar, running to the northward, and slowly distancing the Blanco, was headed by the Chilian iron- clad corvette Almirante Cochrane. These two ships then en- gaged, and in about half an hour the Blanco closed and opened on the Huascar, placing her between two fires. After an ac- tion of one hour and a half the Huascar surrendered, having been much cut up, and having lost her three senior officers. Casualties: Blanco Encalada, none. Almirante Cochrane, 2 killed, 10 wounded. NOTE. After careful research it has been found that in every case cited in which boilers were penetrated by projec- tiles, the part of the boiler hit was above the water-line. II. NAVAL ORDNANCE NAVAL ORDNANCE. AUSTRIA. LENGTH. WEIGHT. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. i Over all. { Powder Chamber. Number of Grooves Twist of Rifling. Gun, including Breech-block. Breech-block. Preponderance. . In. In. In. In. Calib. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. f28cm 11 240 170 7 36 41 6-1 45 60500 2266 tf te o S 26 " 10 24 225 148 4 46 06 *K> 70 48,400 1 947 i]i 24 " 9 27 206 136 41 7 39 70 34,100 1 408 fi 9.27 185 115.3 41.7 32 64.7 32,450 1,419 .... 21 " 8.24 165 105 37 30 59 19,400 1,078 in 15 " 5.87 152 112.4 22.6 36 45 8,800 321 248 P iij 23 . " 9 156 104 20.9 6 45 27,900 .... 255 gals 18 " 7 130 85.5 18.7 3 35 14,500 394 V 1 -! 2*2 15 " 5.87 121 89.8 16.9 30 63 6,300 178 299 ill] 12 " 4.74 109 84.4 12.4 24 52 3,300 106 273 Hij 9 " 3.43 81 57.5 16.5 24 45 1,070 55 103 . < ^ 7 " 2.6 39 23.8 11 18 30 196 49 48.4 178 AUSTRIA. AUSTRIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. CARRIAGES. PROJECTILES. CHUU^ f 53 Height of Axis of Bore above Deck. Full Weight. Bursting Charge. For Steel and Chilled Slid. For Common Shell. ! Lbs. 574 308 196 249 114 | 1 I Common. f28cm I I ;' - Lbs. 29,260 6,140 4,900 5,814 6,194 1,878 4,188 2,956 1,047 715 $36 294 Lbs. 29,260 12,617 9,845^ 7,528 10,412 3,740 6,917 3,757 1,207 In. 53 46 46 45 39 44 45 39 38 21 Lbs. 559 395 292 292 206 84.7 Lbs. 473 354 263 263 69 257 118 61 Lbs. 14.3 8.8 6.6 6.6 4.4 2.1 Lbs. 7.7 3.7 3.7 3 1 5.9 1.1 Lbs. 25.3 20.2 14.9 14.9 14.9 5.1 18.5 7.9 1.9 Lbs. 121 70.4 52.8 52.8 37.4 17.6 50.6 28.6 Lbs. 121 59.4 44 44 30.8 14.3 30.8 13.2 4.7 2.4 .9 .35 24 " * *i - tL Hil 18 " lii'ju " L i 2 r 9 " 1 l 14 .4 SgJJ mi 7 6 4 .16 AUSTRIA. 179 AUSTRIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. POWDER CHARGE. INITIAL VELOCITY. WORKING EFFECT. Penetrating Power. j Saluting. l , j 1 OB 2 j Bronze Cast-iron 'Armstrong Wahrendorff Krupn Pattern Bivcch- Breech- Muzzle- Breech- Steel hinders. loader*. loaders. loader. Breech-loaders. f28cm Lbs. 59.4 44 44 30.8 14.3 30.8 13 2 Lbs. 19.8 15.4 15.4 8.8 4.7 15.4 8 8 Ft. 1,404 1,420 1,378 1,394 1,608 Ft. 1,542 1,345 1,253 1,411 1,493 Ft. 1,673 1,378 1,378 1,329 1,345 1,509 1,000 1,066 1,017 1,000 1,469 Foot Tons. 5,404 4,087 3,838 2,781 1,379 Foot Tons. 9,473 3,223 2,198 3,429 1,766 Foot Tons. 3,464 3,867 2,153 1,060 1,788 928 438 222 209 42 In. 14.8 11.6 10.6 10.25 9.3 7.8 9.9 8.1 26 " 24 ". 24 " 21 " ' 115 " . 18 " L ' 9 " 4.7 2.4 .9 4.7 2.4 .9 .... 7 .35 .35 977 I 180 AUSTRIA ARGENTINE BRAZIL. AUSTRIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) The first type of rifled ordnance regularly introduced into the Austrian naval service was the old-type Armstrong muzzle- loader. In addition there are still found a few guns of present obsolete types which never passed the experimental stage. Within the past live years (1876) the Krupp breech-loader has been adopted as the standard pattern, and all guns of a higher calibre than 15-cm. are now of this type, although many com- plete Armstrong batteries are now found on board ship in the wooden fleet. The boat-guns are of the Krupp type breech- loaders, but are all manufactured of bronze, or what is gener- ally known as Uchatius metal from its method of manufacture. The Uchatius Construction. The peculiarity of the Uchatius construction is the method of manipulating the bronze of which the gun is made, by which the metal is given all the advantageous qualities of steel. The body of the gun is cast in a chill mould, by w T hich the cooling is so rapid that the mechanical mixture of tin and copper has no opportunity of separating and forming tin spots as is the case with ordinary bronze castings. After boring the gun, a suc- cession of steel mandrels is driven through the bore, putting the whole casing in a condition of extreme tension on the ex- terior and compression on the interior, so that the different strata of metal are in proper condition for resisting tangential strains. ARGENTINE ORDNANCE. In the Argentine navy the heavy calibres (used on gun- boats of the Andes class) are Armstrong muzzle-loaders of the modified pattern (see page 195), the medium calibres are divided between old-type Armstrong muzzle-loaders and Krupp breech- loaders. The machine-guns used are G-atlings (see page 308). There is no regular gun factory in the country, the armament being entirely purchased abroad. BRAZILIAN ORDNANCE. The standard ordnance adopted in the Brazilian navy is the Whitworth (see page 218), both muzzle and breech loaders. Machine-guns are of the Gatling type (see page 308). CHILI CHINA DENMAKK. 181 CHILIAN ORDNANCE. There is no standard ordnance in the Chilian navy, although the iron-clads are provided with Krupp guns, whilst the wooden fleet is armed with Armstrong muzzle-loaders. It is probable that the Krupp breech-loader will gradually supersede other types. The machine-guns are of the Gatling type. CHINESE ORDNANCE. The greater part of the rifled ordnance used in China is of the Armstrong muzzle-loading pattern. Some of their wooden vessels carry batteries of Krupp guns, and others Yavasseurs (see page 219). The Gatling machine-gun has been introduced into this service. DANISH ORDNANCE. There are three separate patterns of rifled ordnance found in the Danish navy. The favorite appears to be the Krupp breech-loader, whilst there are many guns of the Finspong pat- tern (see page 276, "Swedish Ordnance"). The Armstrong muzzle-loader has apparently the numerical superiority. 182 ENGLAND. ENGLISH ORDNANCE. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. LENGTH. Number of Grooves. Twist of Rifling. Weight of Guns. | Over all. Rifled Bore. Powder Chamber. In. In. In. Calib. Lbs. Lbs. 17-inch 100-ton 392 308 55 27 s % 229,000 8,960 f f 16-innh. 80-t,nn 321 231.5 56.5 .. 179.200 12.5-in., 38-ton 230 170.5 27.5 9 85,120 1 12-inch, 35-ton 195 135 27.5, 9 & 78,400 120 1 1 12-inch, 25-ton 182.5 127 18 9 W 56,000 616 1 i 11-inch, 25-ton 180 119 26 9 A 56,000 168 o3 1 10-inch. 18-ton. 180 119 26.5 7 10 d 40,300 952 1 5 9-inch, 12-ton 156 104 21 6 A 26,900 560 a 5 8-inch, 9-ton 144 99.5 18.5 4 20,100 448 IB 1 7-inch 90-cwt 131 95.5 15.5 3 35 10,100 560 I 7-innh 6U-tnn 133 95.5 15.5 3 35 14,500 336 1 64-pdr., 64-cwt., shell 118 90 7.5 3 40 7,160 336 | f 9-pdr,, 8-cwt 72 59.8 3.7 3 30 896 7 . o -{ 9-pdr., 6-cwt 61 49.3 3.7 3 30 672 29.5 [ 7 pdr., 200-lb., steel. 41 34 2 3 20 200 5 64-pdr., 71 -cwt., con vert 'd 122.7 96.27 7 3 40 7,950 714 f ' 7-inch, 82 cwt 126 83.5 16 76 37 9 ? 184 776 I 40-pdr 32-cwt 126 92.87 13.5 56 36.5 3,584 607 1 = 40-pdr , 35-cwt . 127 92.87 13.5 56 36.5 3,920 532 ^e * 20-pdr., 15-cwt 72 43.12 11 44 38 1,680 168 ft 20-ndr. 13-cwt... 72 43.12 11 44 38 1,456 164 1 f 9-pdr., 6-cwt 68 46.5 7 38 38 672 82 I 1 6-pdr , 3-cwt 66 46 7 32 30 336 55 M [l2-pdr., 8-cwt 78 52.87 8.5 38 38 896 199 ENGLAND. 183 ENGLISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) CARRIAGES. PROJECTILES. Weight. o-S Entire Weight. Weight. NAME, NATURE, AND MX CLASSIFICATION. rf 31 a- Sd vjj d "S wt 532 336 9 9.75 .5 1 7-pdr., 200-lb., steel... 112 252 7 7.5 .4 64-pdr., 71-cwt., con- 1 verted f 1,600 2,700 H 66 Segment shell. [... 7.2 r 7-inch, 82-cwt 1,760 2,796 42.5 90 102 7.6 40-pdr 32-cwt 1,595 1,425 42 38 40 .25 1 9 1 " 40-pdr., 35-cwt 1,595 1,425 42 38 40 .25 J H 20-pdr., 15-cwt 616 977 29 20.5 20 1.2 it 20-pdr., 13-cwt 616 977 29 20.5 20 1.2 J> i f 9-pdr., 6-cwt 298 504 9.5 8.5 .4 i 1 -1 6-pdr 3-cwt 560 6 5.5 2. 12-odr.. 8-cwt... 364 336 11.25 11 .5 184 ENGLAND. ENGLISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. POWDER CHARGE. INITIAL VELOCITY. For Steel and Chilled Shot. For Common Shell. Ordinary Firing. jp I Chilled Shot. Common Shell. Breech-loaders. Armstrong pattern. Muzzle-loading, built-up Guns. Woolwich pattern. Boat. Shell. Boat. Armor-piercing. ^ inch, 100-ton Lbs. 440 370 130 110 85 85 70 50 35 30 30 Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Ft. 1,590 1 520 Ft. ri6-inch, 80-ton 1 2. 5-in., 83-ton 12-inch 35-ton 67 70 60 43 30 22 22 10 1.75 1.5 .75 8 11 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.1 .75 1.5 85 55 60 44 30 20 14 14 10 1.75 1.5 .75 8 11 5 5 2.5 2.5 1.1 .75 1.5 15 12 10 10 6 1.5 1 .25 6 7 3 3 1.5 1.5 1 .7 1 1,451 1,300 1,180 1,315 1,361 1,420 1,413 1,525 1,250 1,383 1,380 1,390 968 1,230 1,165 1,180 1,180 1,000 1,000 1,035 1,046 1,239 12-inch 25-ton .. . 11-inch, 25-ton 10-inch, 18-ton 9-inch, 12-ton 8-inch, 9-ton 7-inch, 90-cwt 7-inch, 6^-ton 64-pdr 64-cwt 9-pdr., 8-cwt 9-pdr 6-cwt 7-pdr., 200-lb., steel 64-pdr., 71-cwt., converted... r 7-inch 82cwt 40-pdr 32-cwt 40-pdr , 35-cwt 20-pdr., 15-cwt 20-pdr 13-cwt r 9-pdr 6-cwt 6-pdr 3-cwt 12-pdr., 8-cwt ENGLAND. 185 ENGLISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) MUZZLE PENETRATION. ENERGY. (IRON.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. 1 1 1 | REMARKS. j At 500 Y I Foot ! Foot In. In. Tons. Tons. 17-inch, 100-ton 37,700 .... f f 16-inch, 80-ton 27,213 .... 27.5 26.4 i!2.5-in., 38-ton 11,676 .... 18.7 17.7 12-inch 35-ton 8,200 15.4 14.6 j3 IB f 1 12-inch, 25-ton 7,030 13.9 13.1 I la- 11-inch, 25-ton 6,415 13.8 13.1 Woolwich groove. In- creasing twist. 1 10-inch, 18-ton 5,160 .... 12.7 12 O - 9-inch, 12-ton 3,496 .... 10.4 9.6 ft IP 8-inch, 9-ton 2,492 9.8 9.5 1 7-inch 90-cwt .. . 1,855 8.8 8.6 1 Woolwich groove. Uni- 7-inch, 6^-ton 1,246 7.7 7.1 T form twist. 64-pdr., 64-cwt.. shell.. 848 .... .... 1 Shunt groove. Uniform j twist. f 9-pdr., 8-cwt 528 ( Modern French groove. !-( 9-nHr fi-pwt 120 f Uniform twist. I 7-pdr.,200-lb., steel... 45.5 I French groove. Uniform f twist. 64-pdr. ,71-cwt. ,conv'rt'd 670 I Plain groove. Uniform f twist. 17-inch, 82-cwt 847 .... 40-pdr., 32-cwt 378 I J40-pdr 35-cwt 378 j 20-pdr 15-cwt . . . . 142 Armstrong multigroove. ft [20-pdr., 13-cwt 142 .... .... Uniform twist. J {9-pdr 6-cwt 64 1 6-pdr., 3-cwt .... 45.6 12-pdr., 8-cwt 117 .... .... 186 ENGLAND. ENGLISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) GUNS. The old cast and wrought iron smooth-bore guns are now ob- solete, and only found in service at dock-yards for saluting and experiment, and forming the broadside batteries of some of the training ships. The rifled ordnance consists of the Woolwich muzzle-loader, the Palliser converted muzzle-loader, the Armstrong breech- loader, and the Gatling machine-gun. The "Woolwich type is subdivided into marks or patterns of each calibre corresponding to the gradual improvements in 7-inch Mark III. manufacture. Mark I. is in most cases the original Armstrong- pattern, in which the jacket is composed of a large number of i L_J 10-inch Mark I. small coils or bands. In the other marks the number of the coils is decreased, whilst each one is increased in size. The Palliser converted type is confined to the 64-pdr. calibre. The Armstrong breech-loader is no longer manufactured, ENGLAND. 187 but there are many guns of this type in service. These breech- loaders were originally of two types, known as the screw and 64-pdr. the wedge gun. The latter was designed especially for naval use, but it has been entirely withdrawn from service, leaving only the screw type. It is not improbable that another type of breech-loaders will eventually find its way into service, hav- ing a breech-closing arrangement similar to the French type in principle. Various systems of grooves will be found in these guns, corresponding to different stages of development. In the SECTION OF GROOVE FULL SIZE French Groove. r French Modified Groove. 7-pdr. the French groove is used, having sharp angles, the loading side being at a sharper pitch than the driving. In the 9-pdrs. appears the modified French groove, in which the angles are rounded off and the loading side is at right angles to the driving side. In the 64-pdr. converted gun the plain groove is used. This groove is almost rectangular, the driving Woolwich Groove. Plain Groove. side being canted but little. In the 64-pdr. of 64 cwt. the shunt groove is used. This is a double groove, one half being deeper than the other, the rear end of the groove having a 183 ENGLAND. shunt by which the studs are turned into the shallow half. The 7-inch muzzle-loaders have the Woolwich groove with a uniform twist. This groove is the final modification of the original French groove. The higher calibres up to the 16-inch gun have the Woolwich groove with an increasing twist. The 16-inch calibre will have the plain multigroove, or the groove ordinarily used for expanding projectiles. The breech-loaders have the Armstrong multigroove, a groove which in section is not unlike a saw-tooth. 1-pdr. Steel E. M. L. 200 Ibs. Introduced into service in 1873. Made of a single block of steel, having 110 swell at the muzzle, but a small dispart patch into winch the fore sight screws. Copper vent bouch. The sight is a plain, centre hind sight set at a permanent angle of deflection of 3. It seats in a hole bored in the metal of the gun, having a simple clamp-screw to hold it in position. Two sight-bars are used with the gun, one graduated to 6 and the other to 12, the graduations on both being for intervals of 3'. This gun may be distinguished from the 9-pdr. by the slope at the junction of the reinforce and chase, which is gradual. 9-pdr. Wrought Iron R. M. L. 6 and 8 cwt. Introduced into service in 1871 and 1873. It consists of two parts a toughened steel tube, and a jacket composed of two single coils and a trunnion-ring welded together. The cascabel is cut out of the solid end of the steel tube, and is re- 9-pdr. cessed to receive the head of the elevating screw, which is fastened to it by a bolt and keep-pin. The 6 cwt. and 8 cwt. guns differ only in length and weight, the latter being 10 J inches longer. The 7-pdr. and the 9-pdr. are of the same calibre, but the same projectiles cannot be used in both, as the twist is different and the studs on the 7-pdr. projectile are much wider than those of the 9-pdr. The arrangement of the sights is the same for both guns. It is easily distinguished by the abrupt steu at the forward end of the jacket. ENGLAND. 189 . Wrought Iron R. M. L. 64 cwt. There are three marks or patterns of this gun. Mark I. was adopted in 1864 to replace the Armstrong wedge breech- loaders. It belongs to the Armstrong type of construction, and consists of a wrought-iron coiled A tube, a forged breech-piece, a trunnion-ring, several outer coiled tubes, and a muzzle-ring. The A tube being bored all the way through, the joints at the bottom of the bore were closed by means of a heavy copper fas-check. The calibre is 6.3 inches, in order to permit tiring 2-pdr. round shot from it. The greater part of these guns have been retubed with a steel A tube. In these, the plain groove is found, whilst the iron-tubed ones have the shunt groove. This gun is easily recognizable by its raised trun- nion-ring, and also by the combination of the stepped breech with the muzzle-ring. Mark II. was adopted in 1866. It is made up of a coiled wrought-iron A tube, double at the chase, a forged breech-piece, a breech-coil composed of a double coil and trunnion-hoop welded together, a coil in front of the trunnions, and a cascabel block. The end of the bore of the A tube is reduced and forms a gomer chamber. These guns may be recognized either by the shunt rifling combined with the Woolwich form of gun or by the letter B marked on the left trunnion. Mark III. is made up of a solid-ended steel A tube, a breech-coil made up of a triple coil, trunnion-ring and coil in front of the trunnions welded together, and a forged cas- cabel block. These guns are similar in appearance to the 7- inch, but the sea-service guns of this mark have iron A tubes, and may be recognized by the shunt rifling. . R. M. L. 71 cwt. (Converted.) Adopted in 1864. This gun is the old cast-iron 8-inch gun, which is bored out and tubed on the Palliser plan. The tube 64-pdr. Converted. is coiled and double at the rear, and, being through bored, the bottom joints are closed by a screw cup. After insertion the 192 ENGLAND. Armstrong Construction. The first type of rifled guns intro- duced into the English naval service was the Armstrong, for both breech and Armstrong Groove for Breech-Loader. muzzle loaders. Fabrication of original breech-loader ceased in 1864, but many of this type still remain in service. The original construction of the muzzle- loader was modified in 1864, but the general type and principles were pre- served and are still used. The present type of modified Armstrong construc- tion is used by many foreign services,, and the 100-ton gun has been intro- duced in the English service. The modified Armstrong breech-loading sys- tem for the 100-ton gun has been adopted in Italy. The grooves of the breech-loader (original) are saw-toothed in shape, van- Armstrong Shunt Groove for Muzzle-Loaders. ishing at the shot-chamber for use with a lead-coated projectile. The grooves of the muzzle-loader (original) are of the- shunt or double type, being cut to the full depth for the entire length and one half the width of the groove. The other half of the width is cut on an incline from the muzzle towards the chamber, this half being the driving side. The loading edge of the groove near the bottom is cut at a sharp angle so as to throw the studs of the projectile against the driving edges of the groove, and give it a close bearing. In coming out the studs ride up the incline of the Armstrong 100-ton Gun (Irn- jiroveu Construction). ENGLAND. driving side and are pinched, centring the projectile. This groove is now obsolete. The groove of the improved muzzle and breech loaders is the plain groove. BKEECH-LOAPING GUNS (ORIGINAL). 1-inch B. L. R. 82 cwt. This calibre has been totally withdrawn from service, and has been replaced by the muzzle-loader. The body of the gun consists of an A tube, a breech-piece and B tube, a trun nion-ring and six coils. A vertical slot pierces the gun at the base of the chamber, into which fits a block called the vent- piece. This block is quite light and is easily lifted out or re- placed by means of handles. The forward face of the block fits the rear of the chamber, and the escape of gas is prevented ' '* i 1 i CD Armstrong Breech-Loader. by means of a tin-cup gas-check. This vent-piece is held in position when in the gun by a block termed a breech-screw. This block is provided with a full screw-thread, and works lon- gitudinally, the forward end of the block seating against the back of the vent-piece. This breech-screw is provided with a handle for turning, the handle being weighted at the end, and having a lost-motion movement by which the block may Breech-Screw. be driven close home when screwed up. The vent is bored in the vent-piece, piercing it vertically to the centre, and then turning at right angles. The breech-screw is hollow, the hole being of slightly less diameter than the powder-chamber. A\ hen the vent-piece is out, the gun is cleaned and loaded through the breech-screw. 194 ENGLAND. 4:0-pdr. B. L. R. 32 and 35 cwt. The same general type as the larger calibre. In this and smaller calibres there is no separate gas-check, the joint consist- ing of two bevelled copper facings, one on the vent-piece and the other in the powder-chamber, which form a close contact and seal the joint by expansion. 2Q-pdr. B. L. R., 15 and 13 cwt. ; IZ-pdr. B. L. R., 8 cwt.; $-pdr. B. L. R., 6 cwt. ; G-pdr B L. R., 3 cwt. Same construction as the 40-pdr., except that the coils are fewer. Modified Breech-Loaders. Although these guns are not yet introduced into service, they probably will be. The construction is the same in prin- ciple for the body of the gun as in the old breech-loaders, with slight modifications. The breech mechanism is almost identi- cal with the French, the modifications being in the gas-check, which is of the general Broadwell type. MUZZLE-LOADERS (ORIGINAL). These guns consist of a steel solid-ended tube, reinforced by a number of coils connected by hook-joints. The coils are of wrought-iron bars, rolled into hollow cylinders and the turns Armstrong 10-inch Muzzle-Loader (Original Construction). welded in order to give a circumferential direction to the grain. Over the breech and powder-chamber a forged breech-piece fits, the grain of the iron running longitudinally. The base of the A tube is supported by a solid wrought-iron piece screwing into the forged breech-piece. A narrow spiral gutter is cut ENGLAND. 195 around the A tube throughout its length, and carried out at the cascabel screw-thread. By means of this, in case that the steel tube gets cracked through, the leakage of gas gives warn- ing by blowing out at the breech. Some of these guns (7-inch) have the shunt groove, and the later ones the Woolwich groove. Modified. The modified construction consists in abolishing the forged breech-piece, giving the steel tube a greater thickness over the powder-chamber, and decreasing the number of coils, whilst their thickness is increased individually. The guns are also given a greatly increased length of bore, and the powder-cham- ber is enlarged in diameter to permit the insertion of a heavier charge. Plain grooves. At present the Elswick Company is engaged in supplying the Italian Government with breech -loading 100-ton guns. The breech-block is of the French type, and arrangements are made for moving the block as well as loading by hydraulic or steam power. The 100-ton gun has no carriage proper, its trunnions resting in heavy blocks on the fixed slide, being con- nected in rear with hydraulic recoil pistons which are them- selves connected in such a manner as to equalize the strain of recoil. The movements of running out and in and loading are all performed by hydraulic power. The vent of the 100- ton gun is axial both in the breech and muzzle loader. Armstrong Projectiles (see page 209). Armstrong Fuze (see page 211). Armstrong Breech Mechanism and Rotating Belt. The points of peculiarity of the Armstrong breech, mechan- ism are : 1st. The face of the breech-block is made slightly mvex so that the gas-check springs back when the pressure >mes on it, throwing the edge outwards, and making a wedged 196 ENGLAND. joint. This comes free again the moment that the block is started. 2d. The rear of the shaft holding th'e gas-check in place is held bj a spiral spring, so that in turning the block to lock it the gas-check is not revolved in its seat. CARRIAGES. Naval gun carriages and slides, as a rule, are built of plate- iron, although many of the wooden ones are still retained in service for the lighter calibres. The lighter carriages are worked by tackles, and the heavy ones by gearing. Breech- ings are no longer used with slide carriages, the recoil being checked by friction compressors or hydraulic recoil cylinders and buffers. Wooden carriages are furnished for all smooth-bores and breech-loading rifles, and for 64-pdr. muzzle-loaders. Iron carriages may be furnished for these guns, but wooden ones are never furnished for others. The wooden standing carriage is the old-fashioned four- truck one. The wooden rear-chock carriage is similar to what is known elsewhere as the Marsilly. Breechings are rove through holes in these carriages, and are not attached to the guns. The wooden slide-carriages and their slides are of the ordinary old-fashioned type. The compressor for these car- riages consists on each bracket of the carriage of two iron plates with hinged pieces on their lower ends. They are sus- pended on iron bolts passing through the bracket so that their lower ends hang down and overlap the side of the slide. Through the upper ends of the plates and the bracket an iron screw and lever passes, whose motion separates or approaches the pieces, allowing them to release or grip the slide. Some slide- carriages are provided with hydraulic recoil cylinders. Iron Field-Carriage. This carriage consists of two ^-inch plate-iron brackets re- cessed to receive the axle-tree. These plates are strengthened by angle-irons riveted along the upper edge on the outer side from the trunnion-holes to the point. The brackets are light- ened as much as possible by having pieces cut out of them. A front transom of plate-iron, having angle-irons riveted to it each side to connect it with the brackets; a similar transom about half way down the brackets; an iron trail-plate and axle-tree, and wooden wheels. The carriage makes a load for a mule, and the wheels another load. The elevating-gear con- sists of an iron stool-bed formed in front to hook loosely over ENGLAND. 197 a cross-bar, while the rear end, provided with two small studs, rests in racks riveted to the brackets. This is for getting rapid elevations. For fine sighting a sliding quoin is fitted to the 7-pdr. Field-Car r. stool-bed by clips, and is worked by a hand-wheel. Check- ropes are applied to the trail-eye and lashed to the wheels in firing. The Gatling gim r is provided with a curved ratchet projecting down from the bottom of the gun-case, giving ele- vations by means of a hand-wheel and pinion. Iron Boat-Carriage. The boat-carriage is made up of two f-inch plate brackets, having narrow stiffening pieces along the front and upper edges. The brackets are riveted to a bottom plate by angle- irons on the outer sides, and are connected in front by a tran- som of plate riveted to angle-irons, and in rear by another tran- som. It has two outside holding-down clips on each side. 9-pdr. Boat-Carriage. The elevating-screw admits of 10 elevation and 2 depression. The slide consists of two sides of girder-iron, 6J inches deep, and are joined by a connecting plate, three bottom plates, and a rear transom. These bottom plates have metal friction- plates attached beneath them. The centre as well as the front is fitted with a pivot-bolt. The transporting axle bolts beneath 198 ENGLAND. the slide. The hydraulic buffer lies upon the centre and rear transoms, to each of which it is secured by a band. This buf- fer is nothing more than the ordinary type of long cylinder and piston.* . The cylinder is nearly tilled with oil through a hole in the upper rear part. In case it is desired to empty the cylinder, there is a hole for the purpose in the lower for- ward end. Holes of a certain diameter are bored through the piston, and the recoil is checked in proportion to the resistance of the oil in passing through these holes. The cylinder not being quite full leaves an air-cushion to ease the strain. The piston-rod is secured to the carriage, and a slight vertical play is allowed in its fastenings to prevent the jump of the gun from bending it. Carriage for Light Upper-Deck Guns. The carriage consists of two ^-iiich plate brackets connected by a bottom plate and transom. This carriage has no rollers. It is fitted with the elevating hand-wheel, pinion, and ratchet in use with the heavier calibre.f The toothed ratchet bolts to the side of the breech of the gun. The toothed edge of the ratchet gears to a pinion, wiiile the back is supported by a Slide for Light Upper-Deck Guns. friction-roller attached to the bracket. The pinion being in- side the bracket connects with a hand-wheel on the outside, which is held by a friction-brake. The peculiarity of the slide is that it slopes to the front at an angle of 10. It is provided with a hydraulic recoil buffer (see Boat-Carriage), and also with plate compressors. There are two rubber buffers at the front of the slide to catch the gun in running out, and an in-tackle is fitted underneath the slide. A pivot-flap projects from the front of the slide, the pivot-bolt being close to the gun-port. * See cut, page 203. f See cut, page 199. ENGLAND. 199 Carriage and Slide for 1-inch M. L. R. The carriage is a single-plate one, having two brackets, two transoms, aiicTa bottom plate assembled by angle-irons. The bottom plate is slotted for the Elswick compressor.* This com- 7-inch. Carriage. pressor is a modification of the American 15-inch one. It is made up of six bars of plate-iron, all of which are movable and which are placed lengthwise in the slide like the wooden balks in the American type. Seven plates hang through the slot in the bottom plate of the carriage, being loosely se- cured to it. The plates and bars are pressed together by rocking levers worked by screw - shafts, the shafts be- 7-inch Slide. ing worked by levers. The screws on the shafts are of dif- ferent pitch. That on the right is called the compressing, having a quick pitch ; when it is moved it presses the plates against the other lever, which, having a finer-pitched screw, is called the adjusting. The lower end of the adjusting lever is prolonged to form a trip-stop so that the recoil of the gun will throw the lever down automatically. The front rollers of the carriage are permanently in action, whilst the rear ones are on eccentrics. The elevating-gear is the wheel and ratchet. The slide has a slope to the front of 3. The slide-rollers are on eccentric axles. Attached to the rear of the slide is a simple system of winch-gear for running * See cut, page 201. 200 ENGLAND. in and training. This is nothing more than a spur-wheel and windlass revolved by a pinion and crank. In using it, the fall of the in-tackle or training-tackle is caught over the wind- lass which is turned by the crank. In revolving slides, or slides which shift from one port to another, there is a separate attachment under the forward end, which is nothing more than a centre roller which when thrown into action raises the forward rollers clear of the deck; the after-end of the slide being held by a pivot-bolt, the forward one is swung to a new pivot-centre. This centre roller is thrown into action by gearing. Two ordinary bollard-heads are attached to the rear of the slide, so that the carriage may be held back or veered out in a seaway by turns of the in-tackle falls about them. Carriage and Slide for 8-inch J^f. L. R. The carriage is similar to the 7-inch, except that instead of being fitted for tackles it is provide*! with Scott's nipping-gear and endless chain.* The chain is a slide attachment. The 8-inch Slide. nipping -gear consists of a heavy iron stirrup, movable in a vertical direction by means of an eccentric and lever. The chain passes freely through this stirrup when it is down, but on throwing it up the links of the chain are caught in the teeth of a sprocket-plate fas'tened to the bed-plate of the car- riage, so that the movement of the chain carries the carri.iiiv with it. The slide is similar to the 7-inch, except that the Scott chain and gearing is used, which also traverses the slide. There are two chains, one at each side of the slide, which ;nv revolved by pinions at either end. At the rear end the pin- ions are on a heavy axle, which is revolved by a crank and gearing. For training, this gearing is connected to a short shaft, naving a pinion at its forward end, which gears in a metal rack on the deck ; this shaft may be revolved or fixed at * See cut, page 202. ENGLAND. 201 will by means of a pawl-wheel and screw-break, so that in train- ing the slide can be traversed or fixed as desired. When the slide is a shifting one, the same gearing is used to swing the forward end of it around, by means of another pinion whicli Elswick Compressor. is shipped just in front of the forward end of the slide. compressor is the Elswick pattern. The Carriage and Slide for $-inch M. L. R. The broadside 9-inch carriage is the same as the 8-inch ; that for ships of the Sultan class differs in several particulars. The carriage is very low, its bottom plate coming well down inside of the slide. It is a double-plate carriage built on a 9-inch Elevating-Gear. cast-iron frame, the outer plate coming to the top of the slide, whilst the inner one is carried down inside. The rollers are completely hidden in their recesses, the forward ones being permanently in action, whilst the rear ones are on eccentrics. The rear axle between the rollers is bent down so as to give room for the breech of the gun in elevating. The compressor fitted to this carriage is called the bow- compressor. It consists, on each side, of a bow or cramp pivot- ed at the centre, so that one arm projects inside the carriage through the bracket. A hinged plate is secured to the inner end, while the outer one holds an adjusting-screw which is 202 ENGLAND. worked by a hand-wheel, the latter having a pawl to hold it in any desired position. A brass arc near the face of this wheel graduated up to 17 shows the amount of compression. Two Bow-Corn pressor. projecting pieces are attached to the side of the carriage to support the compressor-plates which hang upon them. These plates are three in number, the two inner ones being tapered, whilst the outer one is square-faced and much heavier. When the carriage is mounted on the slide, these tapering plates lie between the outer side of the slide (the T of which is filled out with wood) and two compressor-bars, which are tapered to correspond with the plates. The adjusting-screw takes against the outer plate, and by turning it the plates and bars are jammed together. The advantage of this compressor is that when once set it is self-acting, going out of action when the carriage is raised on its rear rollers, and coming into action by the weight of gun and carriage when the rollers are down. Scott Nipping-Gear. The Scott nipping-gear is used, but it is single, the chain traversing the middle of the slide. The slide has no peculiari- ties except its height, which is greater than that of the 8-inch. ENGLAND. 203 Carriage and Slide for 10-inch M. L. R. The carriages for ships of the Sultan class are the same as those for the 9-inch, except that the rear rollers are thrown in action by means of a hydraulic jack attached to the left bracket, there being a capstan-head arrangement at the other end of the ax for use in case the jack should break down. (For turret- Hydraulic Recoil Compressor. carriage, see turret-carriage of 11-inch.) The slide is similar to that of the 9-inch, except that instead of the bow-com- pressor two hydraulic recoil cylinders are used, one at each side of the slide. ( 't i mage and Slide for \\-inch M. L It. The carriages for ships of the Temeraire or Hotspur class are the same as the 9-inch ones. The turret-carriage is of the muzzle-pivoting type. This carriage presents the peculiarity 11-inch Small-Port Carriage. of having one bracket larger than the other, in order to allow for the circular shape of the turret. The general frame of the 204 ENGLAND. carriage is similar in shape to the ordinary type, being double plate on a cast-iron frame, with an interior wrought-iron frame which serves as a guide for the saddle. The gun is supported by the trunnions in a saddle which is nothing more than a mas- sive fork, the leg of which is a hydraulic piston-rod. The arms, containing the trunnion-holes, are supported in the framework of the brackets. The hydraulic cylinder projects- through and is secured to the bottom plate of the carriage, and the double-acting pump-brake is attached to a spindle passing through the bracket. The gun does not rest permanently on the hydraulic, but when at the middle or top of its elevation the saddle-arms are supported by iron blocks, which are put in place through slits in the brackets. When the gun is down the saddle rests on the bottom of its slots. At the low level the gun gets 13 elevation, and at the high level 6 depression. The rear rollers are thrown in action by means of a double-acting hydraulic. The elevating-gear for this gun is different from that of the smaller calibres. Instead of having a curved ratchet attached to the gun, the ratchet in this case is pivoted to the carriage, and a gearing and traveller being clamped to the cascabel of the gun, the breech elevates or depresses up and down the stationary ratchet. This carriage is provided with Scott's nipping-gear and the bow-compressor, the latter being heavier and double, working on both sides of the slide-plates. These carriages are provided with breechings which pass around a fitting bolted to the inside of the front transom. Additional hydraulic jacks are placed underneath the arms of the saddle for use in case the central one gives out. The slide is similar to the 10-inch, where traversing slides are used. In turrets the slide is a fixture. (See 12-inch slide.) Carriage and Slide for \^-inch and 1%%-mck M. L. R* The carriage for turrets of the Devastation class is similar in general to that of the 11-inch. The hydraulic lift for the saddle is not a part of the carriage, however, but a part of the ship, there being two rams, one for raising the gun when run out, and one for raising it when run in. The elevating-gear is also different, in having an arrangement for altering the height of the stationary ratchet to correspond with the differ- ent levels of the trunnions. The slide is provided with hv i 1 1 "o 1 n 3 spq 3 E O 5 (2 | to i r In. In. In. In. Calib. Lbs. Lbs. f 30J4 cm. , hooped 12 264 172 54.7 72 45 78,980 2,970 28 cm., hooped and ) Y 11.15 240 171 46.1 36 70 60,500 2,244 tubed ) 28 " hooped 10.34 240 171 46.1 36 70 60,500 2,244 26 " long hooped 10.24 225 138.5 55.3 36 50 48,400 1,980 26 " short " 10.24 205 128 42.1 36 50 39,600 1,980 24 " long " 9.27 206 136 38.4 32 70 34,100 1,375 | 24 short " 9.27 185 115.4 38.4 32 65 31,900 1,375 3 21 " long " 8.24 185 124.6 33.7 30 68 21,450 858 | 21 " short " 8.24 154 96.8 31.4 30 59 19,800 858 i 17 " long " 6.8 167 107.5 40.8 30 45 12,320 495 8" a 17 " short " 6.8 134 92.0 24.7 30 59 11,000 484 1 I 17 " short, light) 6.8 136 92.7 25.7 30 45 7,590 411 hooped ) , ! 15 " long hooped 5.87 152 105.8 27 24 45 8,800 319 M 15 " short " 5.87 129 86.8 23.5 24 68 7,700 319 15 " tubed 5.87 128 86.8 23.5 24 65 7,040 391 12 " hooped 4.74 115 85.7 14.7 18 60 3,014 178 8 " heavy 3.19 76 57.6 8.4 12 46 714 64 8 " light 3.19 76 57.6 8.4 12 46 650 64 8 " 2.20 62 45.9 7.7 12 46 500 55 , 4 " 1.54 69 54.7 9 12 70 156 9 242 GERMANY. GERMAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) PROJECTILES. AME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. ) I 55 Height of Axis of Bore above Deck. Full Weight. Bursting Charge. j Chilled. Common. f 30^ cm , hooped Lbs. Lbs. 51,040 24,200 24,200 16,500 8,349 8,349 5,082 4,290 4,114 2,772 2,321 2,156 2,057 1,947 1,903 1,595 1,100 880 246 Turn Lbs. 18,075 13,831 13,831 8,756 6,556 6,402 4,576 3,400 2,068 3,806 2,530 2,640 2,750 table. In. 102 102 102 67 48 48 39 40 42 41 33 34 38 34 35 47 33 35 35 Lbs. 715 561 561 411 411 308 308 216 216 123 121 117 78 78 78 38 Lbs. 609.5 477 477 367 367 261 261 175 175 112 99 112 73 61 61 33 9.5 9.5 6.7 125 Lbs. 8 7.7 7.7 5.28 5.28 3.19 3.19 2.75 2.75 1.21 1.21 1.32 7.7 7.7 7.7 Lbs. 22 25.3 25.3 17.27 17.27 15.4 15.4 10.45 10.45 9.24 6.6 5.94 6.5 4.4 4.4 2.48 .6 .6 .6 .28 28 cm. , hooped and tubed 28 " hooped 26 " long hooped 26 " short " 24 " long " . . 24 " short " 21 " long " 21 " short " .... 17 " long ll 17 " short " 17 " short, light hooped ... 15 " long hooped 15 " short " 15 " tubed 16.5 48.4 62.7 22.2 15.4 14.7 14 12 " hooped 8 " heavy 8 " light 8 " L 4 " GERMANY. 243 GERMAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND POWDER CHARGE. j VELOCITY. WORKING EFFECT. CLASSIFICATION. 11 | | | - g ? 1 1 I 1 | 1 | Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. In. Ft. Ft. Foot Tons. Foot Tons. f30^ cm., hooped 158.4 158.4 16.4 1,591 1,623 12,584 11,176 28 cm., hooped and tubed . . 132 132 14.4 1,515 1,640 8,960 8,931 28 " hooped 132 132 13.3 1,515 1,640 7,210 8,931 26 " long hooped 107.8 107.8 17.6 13 1,587 1,640 6,802 6,876 26 " short " 24 " long " 107.8 59.4 59.4 41.8 107.8 44 44 30.8 17.6 17.6 17.6 13.2 11.5 11.27 10.05 8.9 1,430 1,502 1,469 1,476 1,387 1,391 1,355 1,394 4,835 4,625 4,625 3,275 6,466 3,511 3,327 2,348 24 " short " 21 " long " 21 " short M 17 " long " 35.2 26.4 17.6 26.4 22 14.3 13.2 6.6 6.6 8.55 7.25 7.33 1,312 1,548 1,279 1,394 1,525 1,279 2,587 1,944 1,399 1,970 1,809 1,127 17 ' ' short ' 17 " short, light hooped. 16.5 16.5 6.G 7.88 1,825 1,341 1,437 1,411 15 " long hooped 18.7 15.4 4.4 6.7 1,623 1,615 1,431 1,172 15 " short " 132 12.1 4.4 6.58 1,477 1,591 1,030 l^* 15 " tubed 13.2 7.7 12.1 4.62 1.1 1.1 .98 4.4 2.31 11 1.1 1.1 5.6 5.6 1,358 1,476 1,446 1,230 1,118 1,118 1,135 1,837 1,001 584 888 345 84 84 66.5 12 " hooped 8 " heavy 8 " light 8 " 4 " 41 244 GERMANY. GERMAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) GUNS. Smooth-bore guns are now entirely obsolete. The rifled ordnance is constructed entirely on the Krupp system of steel breech-loaders. Although the Krupp system taken as a whole is represented by three distinct types of guns corresponding to different developments of the breech-closing mechanism, but one, the latest development, appears in the armament of war vessels. There are also two types corresponding to the build- ing of the body of the guns, but these are quite similar, the difference being simply in the use of a number of thin hoops in the later guns to replace a few thick hoops in the earlier construction. All guns except the 9-pdr. bronze breech-loader are built entirely of steel. The broadside-guns of medium cali- bre are divided into two classes, the long and the short gun, the latter being intended for vessels whose beam or displace- ment will not permit the use of the longer and heavier gun. The short gun of one calibre is, however, in all cases a more powerful gun than the long one of the next lower calibre. All naval guns except the converted 15-cm. calibre have a steel body strengthened by hoops. The converted gun has no hoops, it'having been strengthened by boring the body up to form a casing, which was shrank over a steel tube. This tube GERMANY. 245 extends from the breech-block to about one calibre beyond the muzzle. The 30-J-cm. gun has three tiers of hoops, the 26-cm. and 24-cm. guns have two tiers, and the remainder one tier. The trunnions in all cases are in one with one of the hoops. The hoops are prolonged forward of the trunnions, diminishing rap- idly in thickness. The bore is rifled on the multigroove plan, the rifling dif- fering slightly according to the projectile which the gun was intended to fire. Formerly all projectiles were provided with a zinc rifling-jacket, and for such, a smooth shot-chamber was necessary, the rifling stopping at its forward end. The French style of copper bands being now used, the rifling is continued through the shot-chamber to the opening of the powder- chamber. With the zinc jackets, the grooves decreased in width from the breech towards the muzzle in order to keep a firm grip on the easily yielding metal throughout the bore. With the copper rotating belt the grooves are of the same width throughout. 246 GERMANY. The powder-chamber is cylindrical, and about the depth of a groove wider than the diameter of the bore across the grooves. It is connected with the shot-chamber by a short cone which brings up the rear rifling-belt of the projectile in loading. In general the powder-chamber is concentric, but there are two calibres (26 cm. and 15 cm.) in which it is ec- centric, its axis being slightly above that of the bore. The powder-chamber ends in a gas-check seat, which is coned and slightly countersunk forward to receive the Broadwell gas-check. Just behind the gas-check seat is the transverse breech- block seat, three of its sides being flat, and the rear or bearing side being hollowed out to a semicircular wall. The bore of the gun is continued straight through the breech, forming a loading-hole in rear of the breech-block. The breech-blocks of all guns traverse the breech trans- versely, and they are all single blocks. There are two pat- terns, differing only in the shape of the rear portion, one being Broadwell Gas-Check, Seat, and Face-Plate. cylindrical and the other flat. The latter type is found only in guns where formerly a double wedge (the Kreiner system) was used, so that in changing to the single wedge there WMS not metal enough left in rear to permit hollowing out that face. The breech mechanism consists of the breech-block, the covering-plate, the transporting-screw, the locking-screw, the curb-chain, the gas-check, the face-plate, and the vent. The breech-block is a heavy solid steel block, generally cylindro-prismatic, sometimes square in section. The rear of this block is not parallel to the front, but inclined in wedge shape at an angle of 1 55'. The prismatic part of the block is slightly wider than the diameter of the cylindrical part, forming at the junction an edge at the top and bottom, winch serves as a guide for the block in sliding in and out. The block is much shorter than the width of its seat, so that it is not necessary to entirely withdraw it in order to unmask the GERMANY. 247 bore. Except for special guns, the breech-block always draws out to the left, and its left end has bolted to it a steel plate of the same size, called the covering-plate. This plate merely serves as a holder for the locking and moving mechanism. With light breech-blocks a shackle-han- dle bolts to the centre of this plate for withdrawing the block. With the heavier calibre, where the block cannot be moved by hand it is worked in and out by a screw. This transporting-screw lies along the top of the block from end to end, revolving in journals ; one half of the cir- cumference only lies in the block, the other half, projecting, takes in a half-female thread in the upper wall of the gun. The end of the screw projecting beyond the coveriiig-plate is squared so as to permit a crank to be shipped. In this manner, by revolving the screw, the block is worked out or in. Breech-Block (front). Breech-Block (rear). The locking-screw, as its name implies, serves to lock the block. It is on the rear part of the block, placed like the transporting-screw only half in the block, so that its thread will take in the gun-wall. Besides locking the breech, it forces the block close home and releases it, taking the strain from the transporting-screw, which might otherwise be bent by the shock of firing. The threads of the locking-screw, except the first or outer turn, are cut away for one third of the circum- ference, so that the action of locking and unlocking is similar to that of the French mechanism. The outer thread is left full to cover the joint when the breech is closed. A stop on this thread limits the revolution of this screw by catching on the covering-plate, so that when brought up at one point it shows the breech to be locked, and at the other that it is un- locked. The same crank is used to work the transporting- screw and the locking-screw. 248 GERMANY. The curb-chain is a short chain which limits the withdrawal of the block and prevents it from being pulled all the way out. One end is fast to the lower end of the covering-plate, and the other to the gun just underneath. The Broadwell gas-check is a steel ring, fixed in the gun semi -permanently ; that is, it does not move with the breech- block, although it may easily be knocked out. This ring is coned around its outer edge, which is turned up cup-shaped. The inner side of this cup-rim is shaped in gutter form, in order to make the best distribution of the gas pressure. The whole middle is cut away, of the same size as the powder- chamber, so that the charge can be passed through it. Three concentric scores are cut around the back of the check, the idea being to break the force of any gas that may escape by making it suddenly expand and contract as it forces its way by them. The rear of the gas-check projects slightly beyond the rear of its seat. The face-plate is a steel disc attached to the forward face of the block, and forming the bearing surface for the gas- check. This plate has a slightly greater diameter than the Vent-Piece, showing Hook Vent-Bush and Vent Gas-Check. for Head of Primer. height of the block. It fits into a seat cut for it, and is pre- vented from, turning or falling out by a little dowel and a spring-catch on the upper part of the block. As this plate wears, thin washers of brass or copper are fitted behind it. The rear face of this plate is fitted with grooves, which, from the shock of firing, attach and hold fast these washers. Each gun is provided with a spare face-plate and gas-check, and aboard ship a reserve gas-check is supplied in addition for each pair of guns. The vent is pierced in a steel vent-bush, which traverses the breech-block in the axis of the bore. The forward part of the vent is provided with a simple arrangement for preventing the escape of gas. A small vertical chamber contains a steel ball, which in its normal position covers the vent completely. When the primer is fired, the flame drives the hall up imd passes on to the cartridge, but the back-flame also striking the ball drives it down over the mouth of the vent again and seals it. The rear end of the vent-bush is provided with a hook for GERMANY. 249 holding the primer in place for firing. The hook itself com- pletely covers the mouth of the vent, having a slit for the friction-bar of the primer. It is so shaped on the rear side that the back-flame through the vent throws it back. A small knob is fixed to it for convenience in hooking and unhooking. This hook is so screwed on the end of the vent-bush that it may be easily removed, and after removing the vent-bush itself may be easily backed out of the block. Aboard ship each gun is provided with two reserve vent-bushes. The vent of the 8-cm boat-gun is a right-angled one, pierced from the face of the block to its centre, and then, turn- ing at right angles, passes up through the block and the wall of the gun. The joint at the top of the block is made tight by copper bearing surfaces. This vent has neither the ball for checking back-fire nor the primer-hook. All guns except boat-guns are provided with a loading- box. This is a hollow steel cylinder fitting in the loading-hole. When in place, its forward end rests against the back of the gas-check, while the rear end comes to the end of the cascabel, being provided with steadying hooks that hook into the casca- bel. The charge being entered in this loading-box is pushed directly home. The boat-guns have no loading-box, but in- stead the right end of the breech-block is prolonged and a loading--hole is cut through it. The transporting-screw removes the block by about one and three quarter turns, as it has a very sharp pitch. Below the calibre of seventeen centimetres there is no transporting-screw, the locking-screw serving both purposes. CARRIAGES. Broadside- Carriage for the Heavy and Light 8-cm. Guns. This carriage is of the simplest construction. It consists of two plate-iron brackets connected and braced by through- bolts. It is mounted on two trucks forward, and a single broad wooden rear chock. For the light gun, breeching-holes are made in the forward part of the carriage, the ends of the breeching shackling to bolts in the ship's side ; for the heavy grin, the ends of the breeching shackle to the brackets, the bight being shackled under the centre of the port. These carnages are provided with breast-pieces for training, a train- ing handspike, and tackles for running out and in. The light 250 GERMANY. gun is provided with the ordinary elevating-screw, but the heavy one has a rack, pinion, and hand-wheel for rapid and Broadside-Carriage for 8-cm. Boat-Gun. extreme elevating. The pinion is held by a compressing lever. The trucks are of cast-iron with brass journals. Broadside-Carriage for \%-cm. and 15-cm. Guns. This carriage consists of two plate-iron brackets, a forward transom, and two bottom plates. The trunnion-holes, as in all other carriages, are broadened by brass journal-plates. It rests on two cast-iron trucks forward, and in rear on a rear chock. A swivel roller is fixed in the middle of this chock with a forked attachment, by which a trail handspike may be shipped at an angle of about 45. Heaving down on this handspike lifts the rear of the carriage on the roller, and the lateral movement permitted to the handspike enables the carriage to be steered out. Bolted to the forward transom is a fork which, project- ing forwards, forms a pivoting point. In running out it is necessary to run the end of this fork (which has jaws for the purpose) against the bolt provided for it to pivot about. The rear chock is of plate-iron with a brass shoe. The recoil is governed by what is called the Brookwell apparatus. This consists of a drum with a friction-band con- trolled by a lever at the left side. Turns of a breeching are wrapped around the drum, the ends being fast to it, and the bight shackling to the pivot-bolt in the centre of the port. In running out, cranks ship on the ends of the axle, and the breeching is in this manner wound on the drum by heaving down the brake, the friction-band is tightened on the periphery of the drum, thus easing the recoil. The power of the cranks is not sufficient to enable the gun to be run out by this arrange- GERMANY. 251 merit, and side tackles have to be used. A reserve breeching is also kept rove, through breeching-holes in the forward part of the brackets. Brookwell Broadside-Carriage. The ordinary elevating-screw is used, working in a screw- box through the rear transom. Slide- Carriages. Slide-carriages are used with all guns of seventeen centi- metres and upwards. These carriages are classified as either carriages with fixed or with movable slides ; and each of these is subdivided into slides for firing from ports or over the rail. As the necessities have arisen for modifications, changes have been made in the details of these carriages and slides, although the general form has remained the same. As a rule, the pivot centre of the slides is either in the middle of the gun-port or close to the spirketing, always forward of the body of the slide. Slide and Carriage for Short 24-cm. and 21-cm. Guns, Pattern 1868. The carriage-brackets are of the double-plate pattern, hav- ing a wrought-iron frame, and, connected by a bottom plate, forward and rear transoms secured by angle-irons. The car- riage rests on rollers, both front and rear being on eccentric axles. The rear rollers are thrown into action by means of levers, and the act of lifting the rear of the carriage on the. 252 GERMANY. axle throws the front rollers into action. The bottoms of the brackets are shod with brass friction-plates for travelling on the slide. The elevating-gear consists of a metal rack and pinion. The front edge of the rack is kept against the pin- ion by a smooth roller against the rear edge. The pinion is worked by means of a lever aiid capstan-head outside of the Carriage and Slide for 21-cm. Gun. bracket. A screw-brake holds the gear fast, it being worked by a lever. When this lever is thrown up the brake is off, when down it is set fast. The carriage is run out and in by means of tackles, but one tackle being used on each side. The carriage- block for this tackle is a -double block working on a hinge midway on the forward end of the bracket. The compressing arrangement is the Elswick pattern (see English Ordnance) of iron bars and plates worked by rocking levers, and having a compressing lever outside of one bracket and a regulating lever outside of the other, the former being provided with a trip for automatic compression. The carriage has also front and rear holding-down clips bolted to the bottom plate. The slide consists of two heavy double T-iron rails bent in Slide Tackle-Block. Hinged Carriage Tackle-Block. Buffer. front. They are connected by three bottom plates, and an angle-iron joining the front ends. Seven compressor-bars are laid in the centre of the slide, and from the middle to the rear bottom plate a wooden platform is laid. Two railway buffers are provided at either end for taking up the shock in violent running in or out. The fighting pivot-flap is a stout bar hinged to the front end of the slide so as to have vertical motion ; a GERMANY. 253 single eye in the end enters the jaws of the pivot-shackle in the centre of the port. The slide rests on front and rear roll- ers, the front ones being permanently in action and the rear Centre Pivot-Bolt. Centre-port Pivot-Bolt. Eccentric Axle and Hand- spike Socket. ones, on eccentric axles, being thrown into action by levers. The 24-cm.-gun slide is provided with a windlass for running in and out and training. This consists on each side of the Windlass for Training and In Tackles. Front Housing-Bolt. slide of a pinion turned by crank and gearing in a spur-wheel which carries the bollard. The out and in tackles are carried directly to the windlass. For training, the fall of the tackle is rove through a leading-block hooked just forward of the windlass to give a fair lead. Housing pivot-flaps are hinged at each end of the slide, which drop and key over bolts project- ing from the deck. Bow and stern pivot-slides are provided with transporting rollers, which ship just inside the traversing rollers and work on eccentric axles. There are three travers- ing circles on the deck : the front and rear are for the front and rear rollers, the centre one holds the slide when it buckles from the position of the gun on it. 254 GERMANY. Carriage and Slide for the Long 21-cm. Gun, Pattern 1869. This pattern only differs from the former in being heavier braced. The lighting pivot-flap is not hinged, but is three- armed and secures to the slide by shackle-bolts. Shifting, slides are provided with a third pair of rollers just forward of the centre of the slide, which are thrown in action when piv- oting around the rear pivot-bolt ; from their position, they lift the forward rollers clear of the deck when in action. Cabin-Carriage for the Long 21-cm. Gun. Owing to the cramped space for training bow and stern guns, and the necessity for rapid training, geared train-wheels. Training-Gear for Cabin-Carriage. are used in this slide in place of the regular training-tackle. A sunken rack in the deck, midway of the slide, forms the track for a heave mitre-wheel, the axle of which cants up to the rear and is held by a journal in the rear transom. On its GERMANY. 255 outer end a large spur-wheel gears in an endless screw which is revolved by cranks. The axle of this endless screw also carries the windlass-drum for aiding the in and out tackle ; it is therefore necessary that the screw and spur-wheel can un- gear. For this purpose the main axle is in two parts, the rear one carrying a heavy sleeve which is free to revolve, and has a female screw-thread worked in it and handles outside for turning. A male screw-thread is worked on the forward axle, and the end is also slotted to allow a tenon on the after axle to fit it. By revolv- ing the sleeve, then, the rear axle is pushed to the rear through the rear journal, thus releasing the spur-wheel from the screw. In this carriage there is also a slight modification of the arrangement for jamming the ele- vating-gear. There is also but one compressor-lever working as a ratchet-lever in a ratchet-wheel on the compressor-axle. The slide-rollers of this type are on concentric axles in action permanently. Slide Rear Roller, showing Manner of Pinning the Roller in Action. Slide- Carriage for the Long %1-cm. Gun, Pattern 1873. This pattern differs from the 1868 one in having a higher slide and lower carriage, gearing for training the gun, and the Scott endless chain for running out and in. The forward (Plan.) (Section.) Stirrup on Carriage for Endless Chain. Rear of Slide, showing Training-Gear, Chain-Roller, Crank, and Recessed Rear Roller for taking Recoil. rollers work automatically as in the former pattern. The levers for the rear rollers ship inside the brackets, and heave down instead of up for putting in action. The chain-clamp consists of a stirrup moving vertically, which carries the chain freely when down, but when hove up by a lever jams the links in a toothed rack. A stop on the outside of the brackets holds the stirrup when lifted by the lever. An endless chain 256 GERMANY. travels on each side, but only one is used, the other one being kept as a reserve. The slide-rollers are constantly in action, and are arranged to divide with the pivot-bolt the strain of the recoil. To accomplish this the circle, or racer, is made quite nar- row, and the middle part of the roller is hollow r ed out so as to grip both sides of it. The training-gear is similar to the one Axle-Grip for Putting Training-Gear in and out of Action. the eeve for the cabin-carriage, except with regard to connecting screw and spur-wheel. The screw is worked on a loose sle which at its left end is toothed. A movable toothed gripe revolving with the axle, but free to move along it, is brought Training- Axle and Rear Chain- Axle with Gearing. to the sleeve or retracted from it, as desired, thus revolving the screw or leaving it free on the axle. The gripe is moved by a lever. The screw-shaft is revolved by means of pinions at each end, which gear in large spur-w T heels. The axle of these Front Chain-Roller. Recoil-Hook and Counter- sunk Traverse. spur-wheels carries, also, inside the slide, the rear rollers of the endless chain. Outside of the spur-wheels are the cranks. By this arrangement, the same gearing runs the carriage in or out and trains the slide. If the gripe be backed clear of the screw-sleeve, the training-gear is thrown out of action, and by GERMANY. 257 heaving up the stirrup the carriage is clamped to the chain and run in or out. Reversing these processes, the carriage is thrown out of action and the slide is trained to the right or left. Slide-Carriage for the Short %6-cm. Gun, Pattern 1875. This pattern is similar in general to the one just described. The forward carriage-rollers are automatic eccentric ones, the Gearing for Short 24-cm. Slide. rear work by levers, the Scott chain-gear is used for running in and out, and similar training-gear is used. The pivot-bolt does not bear any of the shock bi the recoil, it being taken up partially by the 'slide-rollers and partially by a cramp fixed to the forward end of the slide and travelling in an undercut cir- cle on the deck. The slide inclines to the rear to facilitate running out. The main difference between this carriage and the others is the use of a hydraulic recoil cylinder working in a manner Hydraulic Recoil Cylinder and Piston. quite different from the English style. The cylinder itself is of steel, and is hung on trunnions to the carriage. The piston- rod runs completely through it, and is secured at each end of the slide. Both ends of the cylinder are closed by cast-iron heads with stuffing-glands. The forward head, being the one which receives the violence of the recoil, is secured by a heavy iron brace which fastens to the cylinder trunnions. The cylin- der is filled with glycerine, the filling and drip holes being both at the rear end. It rests and slides on a bed fixed along 258 GERMANY. the middle of the slide. The arrangement for checking recoil, and also for governing violent movements of the carriage, is contained in the piston-head. This head is made up of two discs which are bolted together, the interior face of each being hollowed out so as to form a chamber in the piston-head. Four holes are bored through each disc into the chamber, but they are not in line, the hole in one disc coming opposite a blank in the other. Four small valves close the inner ends of the forward holes, and these valves are secured to a plate which is free to move back and forth in the little chamber, and thus open or close the holes. A rod from the back of this plate passes through the hollow rear end of the piston-rod, and seats against a carriage-spring on the rear transom of the slide. This spring holds the valves forward, closing the forward piston-holes. A small hand-lever on the valve-rod enables it to be drawn back, thus opening the valves at will. The action of the compressor is as f ollow r s : The recoil of the gun carries Piston-Head. Rear End of Piston-Rod and Connections. the cylinder to the rear and violently contracts the space for- ward of the piston-head ; the oil is forced with violence through the forward holes, pressing back the small valves and escaping by the other holes to the rear of the cylinder. As the recoil ceases, the force of the spring carries the valve-stem and its valves forward again, closing the holes. The gun is held thus in position, as it cannot run out unless the valves permit the oil to pass into the forward end of the cylinder again. The pressure, however, comes against the back of the valves and keeps them closed. A slight turn of the hand-lever opens the valves, and the oil gaining free passage permits the gun to run out. The moment that the gun starts, however, to run out violently, a single movement closes the valves and the gun is held fast. Slide-Carriage for the Short %4-cm. Gun, Pattern 187ft. This carriage differs in no important point from the last mentioned, except in the training-gear, which is more com- GERMANY. 259 pactly arranged. The training-shaft carries on its rear end, instead of a large spur-wheel, a small mitre-wheel. Instead of the endless screw on the shaft, there is a mitre-pinion worked on a loose sleeve and having the same locking apparatus as the one before mentioned. The outer^gearing for revolving the train- work is similar to what has been described ; the axle car- rying the endless-chain rollers, however, is not continued across the slide, but each wheel is independent, its axle seating in a journal inside the slide. Slide-Carriage for 17- cm., 15-cm., and 1%-cm. Guns. These carriages are of the ordinary pattern and simple in detail. The carriage-rollers are like the others, automatic for- ward and worked by levers in rear. The elevating-gear is rack and pinion style for the lYrcm., and simple screw for the others. In the carriages previous to 1875, breechings are used. Where the gun is not a shifting one, the bight is rove through holes in the forward ends of the brackets ; where it is shifting, the ends of the breeching shackle to the brackets. The forward slide-rollers are permanently in action, the rear ones are worked by levers. Where the slide is a shifting one, a third pair of eccentric rollers is midway of the slide and canted for rear-pivoting. The carriage is held on the slide by front and rear clips. Carriages later than 1875, unless they are of the newest type, have Elswick compressors ; the latest have the before-mentioned hydraulic recoil cylinder in some instances, and in others the English style. These slides all have rear housing-bolts as above described. Where the fight- ing pivot-arm is long, a front housing-bolt and lip are used ; if it is short, there is none. Tackles are used entirely for run- ning in and out. Half -Slide Carriage for the VI -cm. Gun, Pattern 1875. (Side View.) (End View.) Half-Slide Carriage for 17-cm. Gun. The general plan of slide and carriage is similar to the foregoing. The slide is, however, very low and short, its roll- 200 GERMANY. ers being permanently in action. The carriage lias two front rollers on eccentric axles worked by levers. The rear of the carriage is somewhat longer than ordinary, and under it is hung a single long roller, which, when the gun is run out, does not touch the deck. In recoiling it drops to the deck and sup- ports the rear of the carriage. The recoil is checked by the Elswick compressor, and in addition a breeching is provided, whose bight runs through holes in the front of the bracket. Hack and pinion elevating-gear is used. In slides intended for shifting ports, the rollers can be turned around a vertical axis and be locked so as to move the slide sideways. Slide-Carriages for Light Guns Firing over the Rail. The only difference between these and the others is that the slide is much higher and is centre-pivoting. In order to take off the shock of recoil from the pivot-bolt, the slide- rollers overlap the circles on both sides. Slide-Carriage for the 30$-c?n. Gun for Armored Gun-l<>ats. The general principle of the carriage is the same as the ordinary one. Its front and rear rollers are the same, and the elevating-gear is the rack and pinion type, the power being increased in accordance with the greater weight to be moved. The carriage is heavier braced, having three transoms in place of two. There are no out-tackles or chain-gearing, the slope of the slide (6) being sufficient to run the gnu out by its own weight. When it is necessary to run it in, in- tackles are used, the falls being taken over windlass-heads on the rear hurter of the slide. The slide is centre-pivoting, and traverses on four heavy rollers which overlap the edges of the circles to take the force of the recoil. A cramp under the forward end of the slide moving in an undercut circle on deck also takes the recoil shock. The gun is traversed by gearing. Just inside the roller-circles is a circular rack into which a pinion gears ; the inner end of the pinion-axle carries a mitre- wheel whose upper and lower cogs gear in mitre-pinions which are worked on loose sleeves on a vertical axle. Between tlioc pinions, revolving with the axle, but free to move vertically, is an iron grip which catches in the upper or lower pinion. according as it is desired to sweep the gun to the right or Ici'r. The vertical axle passes down to the lower deck, where is a train- work with crank-handles to be revolved by six men. \\\ means of the simple grip arrangement between the mitre-pin- ions, the gun may be traversed to the right or left or stopped GERMANY. 261 without reversing the motion of the crank-handles below. The hydraulic recoil cylinder above described is used to check the recoil and control the running out of the gun. A sheet- iron musket-proof shelter is raised on the slide for the protec- tion of the gun's crew. For lifting the projectile to the gun a derrick is fixed at the rear of the slide. The fall of the Front Half of Slide for Centre-Pivoting Gun-boat Carriage. Gear below Deck for Revolving Gun-boat Carriage. whip is taken around a windlass-head, and the davit is swung around by means of an endless screw and pinion. Turret- Carriage for the %1-cm. Gun (Arminius). The turret-slide is fixed, and forms a part of the turret. The rails incline forward at an angle of 6, so that out-tackles 262 GERMANY. are unnecessary. The carriage-rollers are of the ordinary type. But one lever is used in throwing the rear trucks in action, as there is not room to work on the inside of the carriage. For running in, two chains shackle to the turret in rear of the gun GERMANY. 263 and pass over a drum in the centre of the carriage. The drum is revolved by gearing. The recoil is controlled by the Els- wick compressor. The elevating-gear is the single-screw type. Turret- Carriage for the 24-ew. Gun, Pattern 1874. This carriage, intended for a small port, differs in height and shape from the previous ones in order to permit a vertical elevation and depression of the gun-trunnions. It is built on the double-plate plan, with heavy transoms and bottom plates. The four carriage-rollers are arranged in the usual manner, the levers for throwing the rear trucks in action being moved by a tackle. The elevating-gear is Hxed to the chase of the gun forward of the trunnions. It is of the ordinary rack and pinion type, but does not connect with the carriage, being hung in a frame which projects from the trunnions. The gun is run in and out by means of the endless-chain gear, the gearing being connected to a long shaft outside of the turret, to which three hand- wheels are attached. These hand- wheels are of course underneath the upper deck, coming out directly under the port. The recoil is governed by a hydraulic recoil piston, the arrangement in this case being identical with the English system. (See English Ordnance.) The trunnions have three positions, the lower, middle, and upper. They are supported in a saddle whose arms travel in a framework in the brackets, being supported by iron blocks inserted through holes in the sides of the brackets. The saddle is raised by a hydraulic press, which is so fixed in the turret that the piston takes against the bottom of the saddle when the gun is run out. The details of this arrangement are precisely similar to those of the corresponding English turret-carriage. The slide-rails are fixed in the turret with a slope to the front of 5. In addition to the chain nipping-gear and the hydraulic recoil piston, the gun-carriage is provided with bow-compressors on each side. (See English Ordnance.) Boat- Carriages. The boat-carriage complete consists of a wooden slide bound together in front and rear by iron plates, and a compo- site carriage made up of a wooden bed surmounted by an iron bed-plate and bracket-frames for the trunnions. Two buffers are put at the rear of the slide to take an over-recoil. The elevating-gear is the, simple screw and hand- wheel. The com- pressor is a brass-faced block whose upper side takes in under- cut spaces in the slide. The block is held up and tightened 264 GERMANY. by a screw and hand-clamp. For transporting the boat-car- riage and gun together a small block-cart is used, which is Boat-Carriage. nothing more than a heavy, flat, wooden body provided with, an axle and two gun-trucks. Field- Carriages. The field-carriage is of the ordinary type, consisting of two straight iron brackets, strengthened along the upper edge by angle-irons, and curved to form a sole at the bottom. To this a trunnion socket-frame is bolted. The brackets are braced by transoms and by two side rods. An iron axle bolts to the under side of the brackets just in rear of the trunnion-holes. Field-Carriage. The wheels are wooden with brass hub-boxes and iron tires. The elevating-gear is of the plain screw and hand-wheel pat- tern. A limber is provided with this carriage which carries two ammunition-boxes, each of which holds six rounds of shell and the corresponding cartridges (not fixed to the pro- jectile). The carriage itself also carries two ammunition- boxes of the same size. GERMANY. 265 GUNPOWDER. The gunpowder used for the majority of naval guns is of the kind known as prismatic powder. Of this there are two classes. The first, for use with the heaviest calibres, is solid ; that for medium calibres is pierced with holes longitudinally for the high calibres with one central hole, and for the medium with seven. Large-grained can- non-powder is used in shell-guns, whilst the usual classes of small-grained powder is used with small-arms and for shell-charges. Pris- matic powder is invariably used for battering- cliarges in all calibres, the gradation with re- gard to time of burning being obtained by the holes pierced through the grains : slow powder, solid ; medium, one hole ; quick, seven holes. PROJECTILES. The projectiles used in the German Navy are shot, shell, case-shot, and shrapnel. Shot are either solid or hollow for the lighter calibres, and hollow for the heavy ones. They are of ordinary cast-iron, chilled cast-iron, and steel, the solid shot being invariably made of ordinary cast-iron. They are of two Chilled Shot. Common Shell. 27-cm. Gun. 15-cm. Gun. 8-cm. different types, according to the style of rifling arrangement. In the earlier patterns, all projectiles were provided with a lead belt extending from the shoulder to within about two inches of the base. To receive and hold this jacket, broad shallow grooves were cut around the circumference of the projectile, the ridges left having slots cut through them at intervals to re- sist the tendency of the jacket to slew around. The jacket was 266 GERMANY. moulded around the projectile and zinc-soldered. Correspond- ing with the grooves in the projectile, there were grooves in the jacket to receive the overflow of metal forced back when the projectile took the rifling. In the late patterns, instead of a jacket, two rings are used ; the forward one being for centring or holding steady the head of the projectile, and the rear and larger one for rifling. This rear one is provided with grooves to receive the overflow of metal. Both rings are copper. The steel and chilled shot are very similar in appearance. Shell are similar in exterior shape and appointment to shot, and are all made of ordinary cast-iron. Double shell (see English Ordnance) are used with the 17-cm. and 15-cm. calibres. Case-shot are of the ordinary pattern. Shrapnel are only used with boat-guns, and are similar in construction to the English. (See English Ordnance.) Solid shot are used only with the 17-cm. and 15-cm. guns. Case-shot are not used with boat-guns. Hollow-shot, shell, and case-shot are used with all the liigher calibres. Fuses are not used with hollow-shot, the bases of which are closed by a gun-metal screw-plug. FUSES. Both percussion and time fuses are used in the shells of all calibres. The percussion-fuse consists of a plunger having a fire-hole through the centre and surmounted by a pointed an- vil. This is dropped into the fuse-hole of the shell, and hangs on a shoulder in the wall of the fuse-hole. Even with the point of the anvil a hole is bored through the wall of the shell German Percussion-Fuse. horizontally, into which a pin is inserted whose inner end covers the anvil and keeps it from going forward. A gun- metal case screws into the end of the fuze-hole, and into this screws a small cap carrying the fulminating composition. When the gun is fired the centrifugal force throws the pin out, and when the projectile strikes the plunger rides forward GERMANY. 267 against the fulminate and explodes it. The fulminate-cap and the pin are not inserted until the projectile is brought to the gun, the mouth of the fuse-hole being kept sealed by a wafer. The Krupp time-fuse consists of a gun-metal body which German Time-Fuse. screws into the fuse-hole and has two chambers. The lower one, containing the blowing-charge, opens into the shell. It is solid to the rear, except a diagonal channel on one side which is pierced up and opens on a small table which carries the fuse- composition disc. The latter is circular and on the principle of the Bormann fuse, its exterior wall being marked for sec- onds and fractions. The upper chamber of the fuse is open at its upper extremity and closed at the lower, except several side channels leading to the composition-disc. In the bottom of this chamber is a pointed anvil. The fuse-cap is ogival and screws over the upper chamber, fitting tightly down on the composition disc. In this cap is a plunger loaded with fulmi- nating composition at its lower end, and suspended by five small tenons. The composition is ignited by the percussion part of the fuse on firing. A safety-pin passes through the fuse-cap and plunger, and is withdrawn when the shell is brought to the gun. i PKIMERS. Friction primers are used altogether. These are of the same type as those used with English guns. (See English Ordnance.) SIGHTS. The sights used with naval guns are all of the tangent pattern, and all except the boat-guns are provided with sights on both sides. The socket for the tangent-sight is bored through the breech-piece, the upper part having steel or bronze bushing and a clamp-screw passing through at right angles. The sight is cylindrical, with a flat rear surface on which is marked elevations to sixteenths of degrees. On the left cylin- drical side, elevations for every 100 metres are marked for com- GERMANY. mon shell, and on the right for chilled or steel shot. The head' of the sight consists of a rectangular cross-head fastened to the A Sight-Bush and Clamp Rear-Sight. Front-Sight. top of the bar, in whose upper surface a swallow-tailed groove^ is cut in which travels the sight-notch. On the face of the cross-head, gradations of sixteenths of a degree corresponding to- elevations are marked, and the sight-notch carries a small pointer. The gradations are marked each way so as to account Rear-Sight for Light Guns. for drift and deviation to the right or left. The forward sight is cylindrical, with a conical point, and screws into the trunnion- hoop. Sights for boat-guns differ in having gradations only on the rear face, and the sliding leaf works by an endless screw. These sights are all vertical. With some boat-guns, however, the tangent-sight is placed at a permanent angle of deflection, in which case there is no sliding leaf. ITALY. 269 ITALIAN ORDNANCE. | LENGTH. WEIGHT. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. , Over all. Rifled Bore. Powder Chamber. Number of Grooves Twist of Rifling. Gun entire, includ- ing Breech-block. 1 Preponderance. In. In. In. In. Calib. Lbs. Lbs. f43 cm 17 392 311.3 52 27 A 222,300 9,980 | 28 " New Model.... 11 173 120.5 24.4 9 & 55,800 3 a 28 " Old " .... 11 173 119 26 8 Sff 55,800 .... || 25 " No. 1 Long.... 10.1 173.2 119.1 26 7 A 40,100 .... ~C3"3 J | 25 " " Short . . 10.1 167.6 113.9 26 7 ?5 40,400 .... 2 25 " No. 2 10.1 156.1 111.1 14 8 55 27,000 620 I 22 " 9 156.1 105.6 19.7 6 A 28,260 20 " 8 130 88.6 15.8 6 45 15,680 805 s , _. f!6 " Wrought-iron | -is ^ i 6.5 142.1 104 13.8 6 42.5 11,440 1,065 JTube ) 11 16 6.5 126.7 94.1 13,9 6 42.5 7,920 924 -7 ri -{ 12 " 4.7 70.4 19.7 27 2,640 59.4 2.95 70.1 52.4 10.2 12 48.6 596 79.2 IHj r s " . 3.4 45.3 9.8 6 25 726 S* |1|J *- j^ g K 3 4 31.9 3.5 6 25 240 fAJjf --S-=-jl2 " 4 77 73.3 6.3 6 27 2,948 270 ITALY. ITALIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) , . PROJECTILES. POWDER CHARGE. NAME, NATURE, AND 1 'c :- Weight Com- * plete. Bursting Charge. CLASSIFICATION. 6 <> Weight of sl II - S3 02 Chilled. j 1 2 1 i -! t Common. Ordinary. f I Lbs. In. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. r 43 era 2000 37 471 1 28 " New Model. ... 17,820 52 528 528 200 * 95 95 66 m 28 " Old " . . . . 17,820 52 528 530 200 5.726 95 95 66 It 25 " No. 1 Long... 15,750 44 294 300 188 5 M 77 77 53 f- 25 " " Short... 15,590 46 294 300 188 5 24 77 77 53 25 " No. 2... 12,620 42 288 284 135 3.3 18 64 64 42 22 " 12 620 42 248 252 99 9 9 19 60 60 37 * 20 ". . 7.480 34 156 150 79 1 3 9 7 44 44 24 a . f!6 " Wrought-iron ) liE \ I 4,540 46 65 33 2.3 20 20 7 8 ih' Tube ) ^s.2 16 " 1 287 66 q 7 7 g JS ^ [ 35 a 6 5 5 <> iffl-2 < [ 111 u.- 477 4 g 9 5 1 5 1 4 wa.2 Hj 587.4 .... 9 9.25 .7 1.2 1.2 Hi 176 9 4 \ 7 7 1 fir" f Pj 12 " 550 * * 26 22.6 3.1 .... 3.3 2.2 ITALY. 271 ITALIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED ) INITIAL VELOCITY. WORKING EFFECT. d 5 REMARKS. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. Chilled. Common. Chilled. j Cast-iron Bronze Bronze Armstrong Cast-iron Muzzle- Muzzle- Breech- Breech- Muzzle- Armstrong pattern Muzzle- loader, loaders. loader. loader. loaders. loaders. '43cm Ft. 1,584 1.312 1,312 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,476 1,476 Ft. 1,312 1,312 1,399 1,399 1,420. 1,476 1,509 1,525 1,026 1,368 1,312 1,040 764 1,095 Ft. Tons. 34,550 6,300 6,262 5,369 5,369 3,952 3,731 2,345 Ft. Tons. 6,300 6,330 5,390 5,390 3,970 3,790 2,345 1,066 483 457 97.5 63.4 33.8 12 In. 22.8 12.1 12.1 11.7 11.7 10 10.3 8.7 28 " New Model... 28 " Old 25 " No. 1 Long 25 " " Short.. 25 " No. 2 22 " 120 " 16 " Wrought-iron ) Tube f 16 " ' 12 " I L i (8 " 6- { 272 ITALY GREECE HOLLAXD JAPAN. ITALIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) The standard Italian naval ordnance is the Armstrong muzzle-loader. There are some batteries of breech-loaders of the French type, and now that the Armstrong 100-ton gun has become a part of the standard ordnance, the govern- ment have ordered them made breech-loading with the Arm- strong breech mechanism. The guns are to be provided with arrangements for both breech and muzzle loading. With the breech-loading, as the block is turned to unlock it, a grip on the end of a hydraulic piston in rear takes in a slot in the block, and when the latter is unlocked, a movement of the pis- ton to the rear withdraws it from the gun to a small car having a transverse motion by which the block is carried sideways so as to unmask the bore. An iron cylinder is then inserted and pushed up to the rear of the powder-chamber as a loading- plate, guarding the screw-threads from injury. The charge, being raised by a hydraulic press in the usual manner, is forced home by a hydraulic rammer, and the breech-block is closed by its car and piston. The Gatling gun is used, and there has been an attempt to introduce the Albertini machine-gun, which is used in the army. Although of native manufacture, it has not as yet been received with much favor, being still too complicated in its mechanism, although the instrument is not as yet perfected. GREEK ORDNANCE. The armament of the Greek Navy is exclusively of Arm- strong muzzle-loaders. DUTCH ORDNANCE. The standard naval ordnance of Holland is at present the Krupp type. Many of their vessels have batteries of Arm- strong muzzle-loaders, and there are a few Finspong guns. The Hotchkiss machine-gun has been adopted for torpedo defence. (See page 305.) JAPANESE ORDNANCE. The standard Japanese naval ordnance is the Krupp. There are a few batteries of Armstrong muzzle-loaders, but none are now purchased. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 273 SWEDISH ORDNANCE. LENGTH. \ WEIGHT. j ^ i S| NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. i 2 2 u I 1 | \ J i ! Kj III a 3 o R (2 i H PQ In. In. In. In. Cal. Lbs.- Lbs. .cj-i'aj f27 cm 10 8 210 1R9 30 3 ^ 29 2 52088 770 X w-d i - ' 5 .5 24 " 9 4 179 133 26 6 g 29 3 31 800 528 6 6 135 89 5 16.8 29 8 12,000 170 i,-.r T =. 12 4.6 102 97 13 6 4 40 4,200 III 2 [ a A f!5 in 15 146 .... 43,000 .... 1||J ll- 2 [ 9 " 9 158 38,000 .... NORWEGIAN ORDNANCE. i 27 cm 10 5 162 110.6 20.5 8 55 40,500 1,- 27 " 10.5 176 120 25 8 55 43,400 t _ 27 " 20 " 10.5 8 206 130 85.7 18.8 6 50 47,700 16,700 .... ^ *- aj fie " 6.6 139 85.7 18.5 3 34.1 11,000 II 1 111 u 6.1 123 93.2 10.8 3 34.1 7,700 !26 " 10.2 225 160 5 34 60 45 48,400 1,960 Ml- fl|| 15 " 5-9 152 112 22.6 36 45 8,800 304 274 NORWAY AND SWEDEN. SWEDISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. i CARRIAGE. PROJECTILES. j 53 |1 *p P Complete Weight. Bursting Chai-ge. Chilled. Common. 1 j xj-T f27 cm Lbs. 127 220 403 85 253 53 Lbs. 23,076 5,370 2,105 2,105 Lbs. 23,076 2,200 900 In. 49 45 40 41 31 31 Lbs. 475 317 107 430 150 Lbs. 396 220 76.5 34 340 112 Lbs. Lbs. 23.2 9.3 3.7 2.2 14 5.8 f|| *,J 24 .. lit 1 2||| [16 " Ilfl.u - .. irf* I SA . f!5 in... ill |P1 - NORWEGIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) one Mu/zle- )aders. 27 cm 27 " 27 " 1,340 440 403 6,720 7,600 8,000 28 38 385 385 308 308 6 6 21 21 | 20 " 761 7000 7000 39 149 149 1 76 10 1 246 1,880 2,150 43 82.5 3.3 hL 111 15 246 1 000 2300" 43 58 3 756 20,608 20,608 52 462 380 59.4 21 Si! .15 " 160 5,600 5,600 41 86 70 1.1 5 NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 275 SWEDISH ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. POWDEB CHARGE. INITIAL VELOCITY. WORKING EFFECT. a o REMARKS. a | I | i i I O 8 "3 1 'i I 1 ill r 27cm Lbs. 98 Lbs. 66 Feet. 1,364 Feet. F't Tons. 6,153 F't Tons. In. 12 1 Cast-iron Rifled Bl Cast-iron Muzzle- loaders, Smooth- louder, iron with bores. Riile. hoops. 24 " ,16 " 59.4 23.3 6.5 50.1 24.8 37.4 17.6 4.4 35 17 6 1,882 1,377 1,213 1,476 1,591 1,456 3,763 1,414 3,333 1,347 509 10 7.36 , Finspong ' Rifles. . [15 in NORWEGIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) 1 27 cm 66 38.5 1,302 1,148 4,541 3,156 10.5 Hg - PI 27 " 27 " 71.5 38.5 1,371 1,148 5,032 3,156 11 r 20 " 29.7 19.8 1,364 1,148 1,938 1,360 7.9 1 fa j [16 " .. 22 11 1,138 742 7.1 is S sB-S- 15" 7 1 1 115 404 "26 " 99 81.4 1,584 1,584 7,933 6,644 14 ti|< *l 18.7 18.7 1,590 1,640 1,528 8 276 NORWAY AND SWEDEN. NORWEGIAN AND SWEDISH ORDNANCE, The Norwegian ordnance is both smooth-bore and rifled, the smooth-bore guns being of the Rodman (see page 283) and the rifles of the Krupp style. The Swedes manufacture their own breech-loaders, having chosen for their standard the French type of cast-iron body reinforced by steel hoops. These guns, known as the Finspong breech-loaders, have proved very satisfactory, the Swedish cast-iron being second only to Amer- ican in excellence. The breech-blocks and steel hoops for these guns are all made in France. Two types of machine- guns, which have found general favor in Europe, are of Swedish invention. The Nordenfeldt Machine- Gun. This gun, which has been experimented with in the English Navy, is intended as a defence against torpedo-boats. It has four barrels placed in line, having a calibre of one inch, to fire a half- pound steel projectile. The projec- tiles are placed in guides behind the rear of the barrels, and by the move- ment of a lever are sent into the chamber, fired, and the empty shell extracted. Gearing worked by hand- wheels gives elevation and direction. The fire is rapid from this gun, and the results have been excellent for penetration. Weight of the gun complete, about 1000 pounds. The P aimer antz Machine- Gun. The Palmcrantz mitrailleuse is a machine-gun for firing small-arm ammunition. It has ten barrels placed side by side and secured in a frame, the rear ends of the barrels being screwed into a single bar-transom, behind which the lock me- chanism is placed in a flat rectangular box. The system is mounted on a swivel in such a manner as to give it free motion for elevating and depressing or sweeping. An eccentric cam attached to the crank-axle can be thrown into gear, by means of which the barrels are given an automatic sweep through a small arc. The whole gun is compact and light. Each barrel has a separate feeder, so that the velocity of discharge is very great, the barrels being fired in succession. EUSSIA. 277 EUSSIAN ORDNANCE. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. 1 Length over all. -5 2 30 36 32 32 30 24 30 24 10 12 "X H 70 00 00 00 45 00 45 40 Weight of Gun, includ- ing Breech-block. i Weight of Upper Car- riage. PROJECTILES. Complete Weight. s Chilled. j 1 Bronze Rifled Krupp Russian pattern steel Breech- American pattern cast-iron Smooth-bore Muzzle-loaders. Muzzle-loaders loaders. 8 4 4 f20 15 15 10^ 60 60 30 3G 36 30 30 30 30 .30 12 in.. 11 " In. 12 11 9 9 8 6 8 6 4.2 3.4 4 3 4 In. 240.8 219 180 156 175 140 175 146 70 Lbs. 89,173 57:280 33,150 29,920 19,820 9,370 17,570 10,090 1,738 792 1,650 809 865 96,360 72,160 43,340 26,180 10,780 7,040 7,040 5,610 4,590 4,240 6,864 Lbs. 1,958 440 748 440 352 792 1,078 88 1,078 1,333 792 Lbs. 10,604 4,686 3,508 4,868 3,S22 693 739 666 603 603 6,270 2,220 1,518 1,518 1,210 990 790 1,408 1,188 1,528 Lbs. 649 495 270 270 180 96 180 96 ( Cast- \ Round 1,000 440 440 160 57.7 57.7 40 40 40 40 32 32 32 32 Lbs. 462 264 264 191 85.4 191 85.4 iron ) Shot. ) 1,000 440 440 160 57.7 57.7 40 40 40 40 32 32 32 32 Lbs. 644 439 267 267 172 84 182 84 24 14 26 11.5 13.5 373 373 43 43 29 29 29 29 26 26 26 26 9 " 9 " 8 " 6 " 8 " 6 " 9 pdr . 4 " pdr 3 4 in 20 15 15 10.75 7.6 7.6 6.8 6 8 180 170 168 135 " new " old pdr. No. 1 " "2 " u 1 " "2 "3.... "4 " 1 6.8 6.8 6.4 "2 6 4 5,214 4,330 1,770 " " 3 6 4 " 4. ... 6.4 .... 278 RUSSIA. KUSSIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. PROJECTILKS. POWDER CHARGE. INITIAL VELOC'Y. Working Effect. 1 Bursting Charge. 1J I s Common Shells. o Saluting. j ! 3 ! j I- Bronze Rifled Krupp Russian pattern steel Breech- American pattern cast-iron Smooth-bore Muzzle-loaders. Muzzle-loaders. loaders. ' i - 8 4 4 20 15 15 109 oo (SO 36 3fi 30 36 30 30 30 .30 12 in 11 " 9" Lbs. 12 7 7 5 Lbs. 7 4.5 4.5 2 1.8 2 1.8 Lbs. 16 13.5 9.5 9.5 6.2 3 6 3 1 5 Lbs. 121 82.5 47 43 28.5 18 22.5 14.4 Lbs. 2.7 1.5 3.6 1.5 2 45 45 Lbs. 58.5 41.2 23.4 23.4 14.2 10.8 14.2 10.8 2.5 1.5 3.6 1.5 1.8 27 27 Lbs. 9 7.2 7.2 7.2 4.5 7.2 4.5 2.7 1.5 3.6 1.5 1.8 9 9 Feet. 1,446 1,205 1,341 1,276 1,404 1,335 1,246 1,207 Common 1,049 Common 1,003 Common 1,000 Ft. Tons. 9,408 5,844 3,365 3,043 2,463 1,188 1,938 972 181 96 77 In. 14.1 11.6 9.8 9.3 9.0 7.1 7.8 6.4 9 " 8 " 6 " 8 " .. 5 6 u . 9pdr. 4 " pdr 1 5 8 (t 1 ( Cast- ) J iron f 1 Round f ( Shot. ) 117 67.5 67.5 36 14.5 10.8 8 8 6.2 5.5 9 in 1,118 1,184 971 8,581 4,263 2,872 .... " new " old 4" 10.75 10.75 pdr. No. 1 1.8 1.8 1 1 1 1 8 10 2.6 2 2 1.6 1.4 2 3 4.5 4.5 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 9 7 .... "2 " 1 it " 2 . " 3.. .. " "4 " i "2 " 3 " 4 .8 .8 .8 6.7 5 3.5 1.7 1 2 2.7 9 7 .... .... .9 2.7 .... EUSSIA PERU PORTUGAL. 279 RUSSIAN ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) The standard type of Russian ordnance is the Krupp breech-loader, manufactured in their own workshops, and slightly modified in some few details of guns and carriages. Some of their monitors are armed with the Rodman type of 15-inch smooth-bore. During the first period of the develop- ment of rifled guns the Russians adopted the Armstrong muzzle-loader, and shortly afterward they passed to the French breech-loader, there being still several armaments of these types in the wooden fleet ; but all types have been superseded by the Krupp. The circular iron-clads having their guns firing en barbette, are worked on depressing carriages of Russian inven- tion. The Razkazoff Depression-Carnage. This carriage consists of a heavy bed-plate, at the forward end of which is a heavy solid axle forming a turning-point for two solid cast arms, the upper ends of which form seats for the trunnions. Connected to these arms are the piston-rods of hydraulic recoil cylinders. The breech of the gun is supported by auxiliary arms, the bot- tom rests of which are mounted on screws in such a manner that they may be traversed through short lengths, thus elevating or depressing the gun. When the gun is down in its loading position these arms may be freely traversed, and the desired elevation be thus attained before raising the gun for firing. Both the Palmcrantz and the Hotchkiss machine- guns are used. PERUVIAN ORDNANCE. The naval ordnance of Peru consists of a few smooth-bores of the Rodman type and some Armstrong muzzle-loaders of the original type. They also have two or three Whitworth muzzle-loaders. The machine-guns are Gatlings. PORTUGUESE ORDNANCE. The Portuguese Navy has a few Krupp breech-loaders, but the wooden fleet is for the greater part armed with Armstrong muzzle-loaders. 280 SPAIN TURKEY. SPANISH ORDNANCE. The greater part of the Spanish fleet is armed with Arm- strong muzzle-loaders, but medium-calibred steel guns of the French type are now manufactured in their own government workshops, some of which have been introduced into the navy, and it is supposed that at least for medium calibres this type will be the standard. There are some Krupp armaments, but these are exceptional. The Gatling machine-gun is used. TURKISH ORDNANCE. The greater part of the ordnance of the Turkish fleet is of the Armstrong muzzle-loading pattern, although there is a preference for Krupp armaments, which are used to replace the original type of Armstrong guns. The Gatling machine- gun is used. EUROPEAN SYSTEMS. Of the breech-loading systems of Europe there are at present but two distinct types in use the French and the Krupp the latter being the one at present most fully repre- sented, it being the standard ordnance of Germany, Russia, Austria, Denmark, and Holland. The French type is the standard of France, Spain, Sweden, and, as may now be claimed, Italy. Armstrong, whose artil- lery is almost as fully represented as Krupp's, has adopted the French type, and this will in all probability make this type the standard in those countries who purchase guns instead of manufacturing them. The muzzle-loading types were abolished by all the manu- facturing nations of Europe except England by 1864, although the prestige of Armstrong's ordnance has kept up the supply to the smaller nations to the present time. This ordnance has been steadily growing in disfavor, and the latest development in rifled ordnance (enlarging the powder-chamber) will proba- bly lead to its disuse. UNITED STATES. 281 UNITED STATES ORDNANCE. NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. GUN. Weight of Carriage. Weight of SUde. 1 *o Calibre. CM t. u *g 2 PCS M Twist of Rifling. Weight. i2 | | M l S. 1 X j a; 8-inch converted In. 136 130 105 65.6 55 In. 8 6.4 5.3 4.2 3.7 4 3.4 6.4 5.3 4.2 4 3.7 3 3 15 11 9 8 6.4 5.8 4.6 4.6 15 9 7 5 5 3 3 9 7 5 6 5 16 16 Weig Sh Lt 45( 16( 91 6, 3 (Sh Gu 1 Feet. 40 & A A T* 12fc 10 A TB T* 12fc A ?H 7^ htof ot. )S. ) 5 ) ) 2.5 ,,,( 08. \ Lbs. 17350 9,700 5,400 3,550 1,750 1,350 880 10,166 5,270 3,428 1,340 1,740 500 350 43,000 16,000 9,000 6,500 4,500 1,310 760 430 Lbs. 3,790 1,300 1,970 1,970 802 802 482 1,300 1,970 1,970 832 826 535 450 18,000 3,790 1,300 860 735 730 Boat 482 233 Lbs. 3,710 j Directing J 1 Bar f it j Boat I ( Carriage f j Directing |_ 1 Bar i j Boat J ( Carriage f M j Turret j 1 Carriage f 3,710 Marsilly Field 487 331 100-pdr Parrott . . . 60-pdr " 30-pdr. " 20-pdr. " 20-pdr Dahlgren 12-pdr. bronze 80-pdr converted 60-pdr " 30-pdr " 20-pdr bronze converted 20-pdr. converted 7-pdr. bronze, heavy 7-pdr. " light ' 15-inch 146 131 107 96 92 ' 58 55 50 11-inch 9-inch 8-inch 32-pdr 24-pdr bronze 12-pdr. " heavy 12-pdr. " light 282 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NAME, NATURE, AND CLASSIFICATION. Weight 'of Shell. Charge of Powder in Shell. Powder Charge. Initial Velocity. Muzzle Energy. f 8-inch converted Lbs. 180 Lbs. Ozs. 10 Lbs. 35 Feet. 1 450 Foot Tons. 2627 8 100-pdr Parrott 100 3 11 15 1 080 810 = a 60-pdr " 48 2 2 g 1 320 ii c - 30-pdr " 29 1 8 314 a *J 20-pdr " ... 18 13 2 1 a 20-pdr Dahlgren 18 1 2 * 12-pdr bronze 12 8 1 r 80-pdr converted 80 3 11 15 1,250 60-pdr. " 30-pdr " 50 30 6 3V I 18 8 2 20 2 1 070 K 7-pdr. bronze, heavy 7-pdr " light 7 7 1 5i 1,087 1,087 63 63 ' 15-inch 352 13 100 1,600 7,997 11-inch 136 6 30 1,062 1.300 9-inch 74 3 13 1,320 847 i 8-inch 53 1 11 7 z j 32-pdr. . 27 14 6 7. 24-pdr. bronze 23 1 2 12-pdr *' heavy 12 1 1 12-pdr " light 12 1 M UNITED STATES. 283 UNITED STATES ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) GUNS. In the United States Navy both smooth-bores and rifles are used, and of the latter both muzzle and breech loaders. Smooth-Sores. The smooth-bore guns used form a complete range of cali- bres from the 15-inch to the 6^-inch. The turret-guns, which are exclusively of the 15-inch pattern, are of the Rodman type of construction, of cast-iron, being cast on a core and 15-inch Rodman Gun (Smooth -Bore). cooled from the interior. The exterior surface shows no sharp angles and no muzzle-ring, the general shape being that of a bottle with a rounded base. The chamber of the gun is of two types, cylindrical and conical, in accordance with different 9-inch Dahlgren (Smooth-Bore). dates of fabrication. The 11-inch guns are used exclusively for pivot-guns of first and second class corvettes, and it is this calibre that is being converted into 8-inch rifles, the intention 284 UNITED STATES. being to so transform all of this type. These guns are of the Dahlgren type of construction, being similar in shape to the 12-pdr. Bronze (Smooth- Bore). 15-inch (with the exception of having a swell at the muzzle), but solid cast. These guns all have conical chambers. The 100-pdr. Parrott M. L. R. 9 and 8 inch and 32-pdr. are broadside -guns, and are similar in construction to the 11-inch. The 24-pdr. and two classes of 20-pdr. Bronze M. L. R. 12-pdr. Bronze M. L. R. 12-pdrs. are of bronze, having a conical exterior surface. These guns are used as light upper-deck guns and boat-guns. UNITED STATES. 285 Rifled Guns. The muzzle-loading rifled guns are of three patterns. 1st. The 8-inch converted. These guns are all converted from the 11-inch smooth-bore on the Palliser system (see page 217), the length of bore being slightly increased by cutting back at the breech. 2d. The Parrott type, a compound gun consisting of a cast-iron body with a coiled wrought-iron hoop over the powder-chamber. These guns were introduced into the ser- vice in 1860, contemporaneous- ly with the first development of rifled guns in Europe. As early as 1862, guns of this type with a calibre of eight inches were in active service, being at that time as powerful as any guns in the world. The 8-inch calibre has never been extensively used in the service, and is at present obsolete. 3d. The Dahlgren type of bronze muzzle-loaders. The 20-pdr. gun of this type is similar in shape to the gen- eral smooth-bore type, slightly modified. The light calibres are similar to their correspond- ing smooth-bores. Breech-Loaders. The breech-loaders with the exception of the bronze and steel boat-guns are as yet entirely converted from the muzzle-loaders of the Parrott type. In this conversion, the 286 UNITED STATES. coiled hoop is removed, the cascabel is cut off to the powder- chamber, and the rear end of the bore as far forward as the trunnion is reamed out for the insertion of a steel tube, having a heavy screw-thread at its rear end by which it is secured in the casing. The old rifling is then carried through this tube, leaving the calibre unchanged. The coiled hoop is replaced by another of similar type, but covering a longer space. The UNITED STATES. 287 breech mechanism is of the French type, with Broadwell steel gas-check fixed in its seat in the gun. The breech-block is provided with a steel nose-plate of the diameter of the face of the block, and having a copper ring countersunk in its forward face to form a bearing surface against the rear of the gas-check. The nose-plate is secured to the block by a long tenon which passes through the axis of the block and is secured by a nut at the rear. The vent is bored axially through this tenon. and is of two types, corresponding to date of fabrication, for preventing back-fire. In the first, a small steel plate covers the forward end of the vent, being loosely secured, so that on firing the flame escapes past the edges of the plate, but the back pressure holds the plate close over the vent ; the action being precisely similar to that of an ordinary valve. In the other type, the forward part of the vent is re- duced in size until just large enough to give free passage to 288 UNITED STATES. the flame, giving it a needle-point, which causes the flame to pierce well into the cartridge. The back pressure is neutral- ized in this manner, as it reacts before the forward flame pres- sure is relieved. It is intended to so modify the firing arrange- ment as to use percussion primers, the gun-lock forming the mask to the vent. The crank is double, there being a verti- cal arm having at its upper extremity a crank and a pinion working in a rack on the face of the breech. The swinging tray for the breech-block is hinged at the right side of the breech, while at the left side is hinged a loading-tray having a sliding guard on it. The projectile being placed on this guard and the tray swung around to face the bore, on pushing for- ward the projectile the guard also enters the breech-block seat, bringing up against the gas-check, and thus guarding both the check and the screw-threads. In the boat-guns there is no loading-tray, the remainder of the breech mechanism being of the same type. Boat-guns are both of steel and bronze, being in both cases made of a single block. Grooves. The grooves are of two types. Those for the Parrott and converted guns are of the plain rectangular type, the rule for their number and size being that they shall be uneven in number to bring a land opposite a groove ; lands and grooves Parrott Groove. Dahlgren Groove. shall be equal in width, and grooves for all calibres shall be the same depth j-J-^- of an inch. Increasing twist. The Dahlgren type of groove is similar to the modified French groove (see plate, page 187), there being three only of a regular twist. These grooves are found only in the Dahlgren muzzle-loading bronze boat-guns. UNITED STATES. 289 CARRIAGES. Naval gun-carriages are built of plate-iron, although there are still a few wooden carriages and slides for pivot-guns. Breechings are used with broadside-carriages, except in the directing-bar type. Boat- Carriages. As yet the designs for an iron boat-carriage for the breech- loading gun are not finished. The wooden carriage in use consists of a double wooden slide, the bed, or lower slide, having pivot-centres in front and rear and being slotted through the Wooden Boat-Carriage. centre for the compressor. The upper slide traverses freely on the lower one, having a piece projecting from its lower face into the slot in the lower slide to act as a guide. A sec- ond heavy piece, used as a compressor, travels along the lower face of the slot, and is held in position by screw-handles work- ing on threaded shafts which are tightened or loosened readily by hand. The upper slide holds the trunnion-rests, which are made in a single casting with a bottom plate to bolt on the slide. Field- Carriages. The field-carriages are of two types, both of iron. That for the muzzle-loader consists of a single bar to which the axle is bolted and stayed. To its lower end is bolted an iron box for a trail-wheel and a socket for a directing handspike. A small seat for the elevating-screw is bolted at its middle on top, and at the forward end is a light iron frame for holding two am- 292 UNITED STATES. munition-boxes. The field-carnage for the breech-loader con- sists of two plate-iron brackets connected by the axle and three transoms. The lower part expands into a box for the trail- wheel, and the end is finished in a loop for a drag-rope. At the forward end is a lug for attaching a caisson, and a frame Iron Field-Carriage for Muzzle-Loaders. on the axle outside of the brackets on each side for ammunition- boxes. The elevating-screw works in a pivoting screw-box. It will be noticed that the breech-loader has trunnions, while the muzzle-loader has only a lug, making the forward ends of the two carriages different in construction. Broadside Marsilly Carriage. The Marsilly or rear- chock carriage is the type used with the broadside smooth-bore guns. It consists of two plate-iron brackets with a transom across the front ends and a bed-plate in the rear, giving a support for the elevating-screw, and being provided with two brass friction-shoes resting directly on deck. Holes are cut in the brackets to lighten them. A wooden breast-sweep is bolted to the transom, and there are four bolts for hooking tackles, one at each end and one at the rear of each bracket. This carriage differs from European ones in the point of not having the breeching attached to it ; the latter is secured to the gun. UNITED STATES. Broadside Directing-Bar Carriage. 293 The directing-bar carriage is a broadside-carriage which combines the compactness of broadside types with the advan- tages of pivoting and checking recoil by friction instead of breechings. The top carriage is similar in type to the Marsilly, Broadside Marsilly Carriage. (Elevation.) differing only in its attachments. Instead of using an ele- vating-screw (which with breech-loaders of medium calibre is unsafe), elevation is secured by geared racks. A rack is se- cured to each side of the gun and travels in guides in a similar Broadside Marsilly Carriage. (Plan.) manner on both sides ; whilst, however, there is a clamp to each rack, there is but one hand-wheel for elevating, on tne right side of the carriage. Just in rear of the truck-axle, a heavy axle is secured in the brackets, carrying on its centre a large 294 UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES. 295 cogged wheel, and just inside the left bracket a friction-drum with a gun-metal friction-band worked by a lever outside the bracket. The lever is held in any desired position by a rack, thus regulating compression. A stationary double block is se- cured to the transom, and a single bolt to "the rear of the bed- plate, for convenience in hooking a tackle. The directing-bar consists of a long I iron having a pivot-centre near each ex- tremity and eye-bolts at each end for hooking training-tackles. A treble block fixed at its forward end serves with the double block on the carriage for reeving an out-tackle. Along the centre of the bar a metal rack is bolted, in which the cogged wheel of the carriage travels. About three quarters of the distance to the rear are secured two railroad buffers, which may be shifted or removed at will. The carriage rests with its trucks and chocks on deck ; when running in and out the chocks may be lifted from the deck on a roller handspike, and in shifting from one port or pivot to another the carriage may be run over one of the pivot-centres and then lifted with the bar entirely clear of the deck. Iron Pivot-Carriage and Slide for \\-inch Smooth-Bore. The carriage consists of two plate-iron brackets with one transom and two bottom plates connected by angle-irons to the brackets. The forward trucks are permanently in action, the rear ones being mounted on eccentric axles. At the rear of the brackets are loops for the in and out tackles, and secured to the rear bed-plate are loops for a preventer-breeching. Two projecting lips protude from the forward bed-plate beyond the brackets, forming seats for a screw-compressor. The slide is made up of two heavy double T bars connected by bottom plates and rods. It is mounted on eccentric rollers, and both the forward and rear pivot-centres are in the bed-plates. The compressors (one on each side) are of the ordinary screw-press form, composed of a wrought-iron frame having a lip on its inner lower side which takes under the slide-bars, whilst a screw in the top of the frame seats on the projections of the carriage. This type of slide and carriage is going out of use. Iron Pivot-Carriage with Central Recoil Check. This carriage is the same in general principle as the ordi- nary pivot-carriage, the main modification being in the arrange- ment for checking recoil. A worm-shaft, attached to the tran- som of the carriage and worked by a hand-wheel outside the left UNITED STATES. cogged wheel just outside the transom. lower end of its axle a screw-sleeve <5fop/r x; vJ IK -93 si :!- -bod Central Recoil-Check Carriage seats flre slide. 6t y tneslide. JlJO ;>i'Ifi fl ; against Railroad buffers are two heavy bars also fixed at each '$*wW SBfibtodsid-e- Carriage and Slide with Hydraulic Check. om il-iiv/ bsJiJ The carriage is very low, its bottom plates coming down inside the slide-rails, which are given a slope to the front. The^sMpJs, centre-port pivoting. The carriage is run out and in' either oy tackles or gearing. For the latter, long screw- /fi^ftj^are. fixed outside of the slide-rails on each side, geared matre-gearing to large cogged drivirtg- wheels on the rear of . A long lever is pivoted in wake of the trunnion- carrying at its lower end a half screw-sleeve. P>v out on the lever, the sleeve engages in the seiv\v- and the gun is drawn in or out. The recoil cylinder the ordinary type, but provided with a circulating pipe balanced valve by which the oil passes from one end to the other. The valve may be regulated for any desired amount of recoil. The training-gear is of the ordinary type, working a longitudinal shaft having on its outer end a cogged wheel to gear in a metal rack just inside of the rear slide-rollers. Ericsson? s Broadside-Carriage and Slide with Friction Re- coil.* The recoil arrangement of this carriage is made up of two plates operated by a lever, and jamming between them a fiat plate attached to the carriage. The carriage is run in and out by gearing, the driving-wheel engaging in racks inside the slide-rails. The training-gear is of the ordinary type, but gears directly into the slide-rollers, whose middle sections are cogged, the middle section of the circle or races being cut in a rack. * See page 299. ITNITED STATES. 297 298 UNITED STATES. Ericsson '$ Turret-Carriage. The slide of the turret-carriage consists of two bars built into the turret. The carriage is made of double plate-iron Ericsson's Turret-Carriage. (Top.) worked on a frame. The compressor is the original of the Elswick compressor (see page 201), working on the same prin- Ericsson's Turret-Carriage. (Bottom.) ciple. The gun is run in and out by means of a large cogged driving-wheel gearing in a rack underneath the slide. UNITED STATES. 299 Friction-Drum Recoil-Check Carriag The carriage and slide are similar to those of the 11-inch iron pivot-carriage, except with regard to the recoil check, Ericsson's Friction Recoil Carriage. which is exactly the same in principle as that of the directing- bar carriage. GUNPOWDER. Cubical Powder. Hexagonal Powder. Gunpowder is classed in accordance with its size of grain as follows : not less than 70 nor more than 75 rains to tlie pound. Mammoth 0.5 Rifle 03 Cannon 0.1 Torpedo Small-arm 0.1 0.05 Shell .02 1 inch measurement. 0.5 " 0.3 " .15 " .06 " .06 " PROJECTILES. The projectiles used with both smooth-bores and rifles are shot, shell, shrapnel, and case-shot. All smooth-bore projectiles are of cast-iron. 300 UNITED STATES. All rifle projectiles except the 8-inch shot are common cast-iron ; the shot are chilled-headed. Rifled projectiles for the boat-guns (B. L.) are provided 100-pdr. Parrot-Shell. 8 inch Shell. 8-inch Shot. with rotating grooved belts cast on them. They also have a rear centring ring. The rotating-rings for the larger calibres are brass rings screwing on the base of the projectile, and hav- ing an expansion groove or cup on the rear end. In the 3-inch B. L. Shell. Parrott projectiles the ring is cast on the base around a heavy dovetailed score, having jogs to prevent the ring turning on the base of the shell. UNITED STATES. 301 The shrapnel for the boat-guns is of the simplest descrip- tion, having a thin shell and a central powder-chamber 12-pdr. Smooth-Bore Shrapnel. 3-inch B. L. Shrapnel. Fixed Charge for Boat-Gun. (Shell and Cartridge.) throughout its length. Shrapnel for the heavy calibres is similar to the English type. Case-shot is of the ordinary construction. 302 UNITED STATES. FUSES. The fuses used in the navy are both time and percussion. There are three types of time fuses. The navy time-fuse, used in rifled and smooth-bore projectiles, consists of a brass fuse- case pierced by a centre hole, the bottom of which is closed by a small leaden plug simply jammed into place, called a safety- plug. On the top of this is the column of fuse composition Navy Time-Fuse. driven in a paper case. Over this screws a small metal plug r called a water-cap, having angular passages cut through it to pre- vent the passage of water to the name. These holes are filled with igniting composition. Over the water-cap is secured a leaden patch, sealing the fuse. This patch is torn off when the projectile is put in the gun ; the flame of discharge ignites the composition, and the projectile starting from its seat drives the UNITED STATES. 303 safety-plug out of its place into the shell, leaving the passage clear for the name. The Bormann fuse is used with the smooth-bore shrapnel. In this, the composition is driven in a horizontal cavity open- Bonnann Fuse. ing into a centre magazine. The top of the fuse is s,ealed, and its periphery markecT to fractions of seconds. When inserting the projectile this fuse is cut, laying the composition bare at the desired time. Boxer Time-Fuse. Schenkl Percussion-Fuse. The Boxer fuse is a wooden-cased fuse similar to its English original. There is but one type of percussion-fuse used in the service. 304 UNITED STATES. It consists of a brass case containing a small iron hollow cylin- der filled with composition, and having at its head a small anvil on which an ordinary percussion-cap is fitted. This cylinder is suspended midway of the case by a small brass screw through the wall of the case. The top of the fuse is closed by a small screw-cap, one side of which is hollowed in a small cavity. Ordinarily this cap is screwed in place with the cavity turned downward, so that in case the cylinder breaks from its fastening the cap cannot be struck as it enters the cavity, while the shoulders bring it up before striking. To prepare it for firing, the cap is unscrewed and reversed, put- ting its flat side down. When the time-fuse is used in rifled shells, the safety-plug is removed before inserting the fuse. PRIMERS. Both percussion and friction primers are used. The per- cussion primer consists of a quill tube, the upper end of which is split and spread out to form a wafer. The body is filled with fine powder, the lower end being sealed with shellac, and the wafer is filled with detonating composition, covered and sealed with shellac. Percussion Primer. Friction Primer. The friction primer is a quill tube filled with fine powder, and having in its head a wire igniter in contact with detonat- ing composition. The end of the wire is twisted into a loop for the purpose of hooking a firing laniard. A small pre- venter-loop is attached to the primer, hooking over a small pin just forward of the vent. UNITED STATKS. LOCKS. Percnssion-locks are used with all smooth-bores. They are of the ordinary type of heavy brass gun-locks, the pivot-hole being slotted so that in firing, after the lock strikes the primer it is drawn clear of the vent. SIGHTS. The smooth-bore broadside-guns are provided with centre- breech and reinforce sights, pivot-guns with centre and tan- gent sights, and the rifled guns with tangent - sights. The smooth-bore breech-sights are rectangular bars shipped with an angle to the rear so that two sides may be seen. These sights are marked on one side for ordinary and on the other for heavy charges, corresponding to shot and shell. The rein- force sights are of the ordinary pattern. The Parrott tangent- sight does not slide in a sight-box, but has a stem which seats in a casing. It is cylindrical, and the sight-notch, fixed to a ring, slides up and down the sight-bar, the sight-notch itself is a small capstan-head having four radial notches, and working on a screw perpendicularly to the sight-bar to allow for drift. The tangent-sight for the 8-inch M. L. R. is set at a permanent angle of deflection of 1 5(X, and is provided with a sliding leaf. The graduation on all sights except the Parrott rifles and the boat-guns is in hundreds of yards. In the remainder it is in fractions of degrees. MACHINE-GUNS. The Hotclikiss Revolving Cannon. This guji is introduced into naval services with the especial objects of, first, repelling torpedo and boarding attacks ; second, for use against light merchant vessels where a light, long-range artillery fire is most effective. The gun has five barrels, and can be fired at a rate of from 60 to 80 shots per minute without forcing. Its ammunition is shell arid case-shot, the weight of projectile ranging from one and a half pounds in the light cal- ibre to four pounds in the heavy one. The extreme range is about 4500 yards. The barrels are assembled about and re- volve around a central axis, the cartridges being fed through a chamber in the left upper side of the breech-casing. There is but one lock, and each barrel fires once during a revolution. 306 UNITED STATES. The cartridge on falling into the chamber is carried forward by a cam into its barrel, being pushed close home and receiving good support when passing in front of the firing-pin. The latter is retracted by a cam, plunging forward as the centre of UNITED STATES. 307 each cartridge comes in front of it. The rim of the cartridge- case is then seized by an independent extractor, withdrawn, and dropped to +he ground. Although the crank is turned steadily, there is a certain amount of lost motion in the revolu- tion of the barrels. This takes place as the cartridge reaches Chamber. (Longitudinal Section.) the firing-point, and during this short time of rest one car- tridge is fired and another empty case is ejected. ISTo ele- vating-screw is used with this gun. It is mounted on trun- nions in a saddle, and projecting from the rear of the breech- case is a wooden shoulder-piece, while underneath is a handle Chamber. (Vertical Section.) to allow a support with the left hand. The cartridges are per- manently attached to the rear of the projectiles. The shells are of steel with a percussion-fuse. The barrels of the gun are made of Whitworth compressed steel of the finest quality. This gun has up to the present time proved the most effective torpedo-gun in existence. Its only rival at present is the Nordenfeldt gun, which is not yet thoroughly developed. 308 UNITED STATES. The Gail ing G u n. This gun, which lias as yet been unequalled as a mitrailleuse, finds a place in the armament of nearly all the navies of the Long Pattern. world. Hitherto the object of the gun in naval use has been simply to aid the small-arm fire whenever the latter was made Short Pattern. necessary, but at present it is the design to increase the calibre of the gun so as to enable it to fire projectiles of two or more UNITED STATES. 309 pounds. What modifications will be required in the present type of gun are not as jet known ; but although the Gatling and Hotchkiss guns are both American inventions, they must not in their present stages of development be considered as rivals. The Gatling is as a rule confined to the use of small-arm am- Lock, Extractor, and Breech-Cover. munition ; on the other hand, the Hotchkiss is to be in reality classed with boat-guns. The Gatling has ten barrels grouped about a central axis. Each barrel is provided with its own separate lock and ex- tractor, retracted by a cam, the barrels being each tired as it comes to a certain point. The speed of firing can be carried Breech Mechanism. Chamber. as high as between 400 and 500 cartridges a minute without much forcing. There are two patterns of this gun, known re- spectively as the long and the short gun, the latter being de- signed especially for use in ships' tops, while the former is used in landing and long-range firing. The cartridges are fed to the gun in tin cases holding 40 each, and win el i are rapidly 310 UNITED STATES. Eut in position and changed so that there is no especial time >st in removing one case and shipping another. In case that one barrel should become fouled or a lock be broken, the lock can be extracted very quickly and so no hindrance is offered to the working of the mechanism, as cartridges dropping into the Barrels, Chamber, and Revolving-Gear. faulty chamber are carried around and dropped out without being fired. Notwithstanding the great rapidity of the fire there is no danger of the barrels becoming too much over- heated, and the great difficulty experienced in most guns of JL "IT" Frame and Covered Breech. the mitrailleuse pattern of sticking and refusing to work, through the expansion of the barrels and mechanism due to the heat of rapid firing, is either fully avoided or compensated in the Gatling. SMALL- ARMS. Breech-loading small-arms are used in all the navies of the world, and, as with great-guns and machine-guns, although the greater nations strive to develop patterns of their own, many use the same pattern ; small-arms of American manufacture being used by the majority. In many navies these arms are of two patterns, generally one of them being some system of conversion from old smooth-bores, whilst the other is a gun of a new pattern. SMALL-AKMS. 311 Types of Small-Arms in Use in the Different Navies. COUNTRY. TYPE. ARGENTINE Remington. AUSTRIA Werndl. BRAZIL Remington. CHILI Remington. CHINA Peabody-Martmi. DENMARK Remington. Fvrr A \ Snider (converted), ENGLAND -j Peabody . MartinL F j Tabatiere (converted) RANCE \ Chassepot GERMANY Mauser. HOLLAND Beaumont. GREECE Chassepot. ITALY Vetterlin. JAPAN Remington. NORWAY AND SWEDEN Remington. PERU Remington. PORTUGAL Peabody-Martini. RUSSIA SPAIN Remington. T j Snider (converted), UBKEY 1 Peabody-Martini. i Remington, UNITED STATES -j Hotchkiss (Magazine), ( Springfield (Marine Co rps). The United States Navy is the only one in which the magazine rifle has been introduced. The Springfield, used in this country by its Marine Corps, is a converted rifle. The Beaumont rifle, used in Holland, the Peabody-Martini and Snider, used in England, and the Berdan, used in Russia, are all modifications of original American types. CONVERTED BREECH-LOADERS. Snider. Tabatiere. These two systems of conversion are almost identical, drffer- Snider. Tabattere. ing only in one or two of the minor points. The breech-block is hinged to open transversely, the lug of the hinge being some- 312 SMALL-ARMS. what shorter than the axle, the intermediate space being filled by a spiral spring which holds the block forward. By drawing back the block against the spring after opening, the extractor which is attached to the forward part withdraws the empty cartridge-case. There is no lock on the block, the pressure of the hammer on the firing-pin holding it down. Krnka. This system is a Russian invention, and is exceedingly simple and compact. The breech-block revolves transversely,, and the movement of opening causes the extractor, which is a Krnka. Breech-Block. simple lever, to throw the cartridge-case out of the chamber. Two lugs rise in rear of the breech-block, leaving a cavity between them for the insertion and ejection of cartridges. The breech-block when closed is held down by the hammer on the firing-pin. Springfield. In the Springfield system the breech-block hinges at the upper forward end and is turned up. The extractor is operated by a small spring which ejects the cartridge-case forcibly on throwing open the breech-block. The firing-pin passes Springfield. diagonally through the breech-block to the axis of the bore. A catch holds the rear of the block down when closed, ami the bottom of the block is hollowed out to lighten it. SMALL-ARMS. 313 NEW SYSTEMS. Peabody-Martini. In this system the breech-block is hinged at its upper rear end and drops down in opening. It is opened and closed by a bent lever in rear of the trigger-guard. The extractor is" a bent lever, the lower front of the breech-block striking it in opening and causing it to violently eject the cartridge-case. Martini-Henry. The tiring-pin is in the axis of the breech-block, and is retracted and cocked by the motion of opening the breech. By means of a small slide just in front of the trigger the firing-pin can be secured at full cock. A small pointer on the left outer face of the receiver serves as a tell-tale to show when the piece is at full cock. Werndl. The breech-block of this piece revolves about an axis just below' the barrel, and by its revolution works the extractor and Werndl. throws the empty cartridge-case out. The firing-pin is of the ordinary type, held back by a spring and operated by the blow of a hammer. The head of the bolt in which the breech-block revolves has for its section a segmental shape, and a flat spring 314 SMALL-ARMS. presses upwards against it. One of its flat sides presses on the spring at each extreme position of the breech-block, and by this means the block is held secure when open or shut, whilst the movement of opening is made with a snap, assisting in the ejection of the empty case. Mauser. The breech-block of this piece is a cylindrical block trav- elling lengthwise, and turned and moved by a projecting thumb- piece. A part of the right side of the slot-way in which it travels is cut away, so that in pushing forward the block to close the breech it may be turned also ; projections on the thumb-piece cut with a slant, taking against the sides of the Mauser. cut so as to force the block, close up wedge-fashion and hold it secure. The extractor is secured to the nose-piece of the block. The firing-pin travels in the axis of the block and is retracted, or rather the spring is pressed forward, as the block is drawn back, being held cocked by the sear when the block is pushed forward again. This gun is a modification of the old Chassepot. Chassepot. Le Gras (modified Chasscpot). This gun is the same in principle as the one just described, it being in reality a system of conversion from the old needle- gun used in connection with a paper cartridge, to the new one SMALL- ARMS. 315 using brass cartridge-cases. The principal differences between the Mauser and the Le Gras are in the details of the trigger and in the use of a rubber gas-check. Berdan. The breech-block of this system is pivoted at the upper forward end, and is opened by drawing back the locking-bolt to its full extent and then throwing the breech-block up. In Berdan. drawing the bolt back the firing-pin is cocked, as in the Mauser pattern, and throwing the breech-block up operates the ex- tractor. Remington. The breech-block of this system is pivoted at its lower ex- tremity, and is held fast by a hammer-block. Cocking the Remington. latter, the breech-block may be thrown back, working the ex- tractor. Hotclikiss Magazine. The breech-block of this system is on the principle of the dhassepot, being turned by a thumb-piece to unlock it and then retracted, the operation of retracting, cocking the firing- 316 SMALL-ARMS. pin, withdrawing and ejecting the old cartridge-case, and open- ing the magazine, from whence a fresh cartridge is pushed in Hotchkiss Magazine. front of the block by a spiral spring. The magazine runs- along the axis of the butt-stock, and is provided with a feed- stop by which the supply may at any time be shut off. RECAPITULATION. 317 RECAPITULATION OF NAVAL ORDNANCE. NATION. TYPE OF ORDNANCE. CALIBRES. f Krupp steel breech-loaders 11, 10*4, Armstrong muzzle-loaders 9 7 Inches. 9&, 8J4, 5% AUSTRIA \ Austrian bronze breech-loaders . . . 3J^, 2}^ Werndl (small-arms). . . . . 0.42 Hotchkiss revolving cannon Gatling machine-guns BRAZIL. , CHILI CHINA. Whitworth muzzle-loaders 10J4, 9^3, 7, 6, 4^ Brazilian cast-iron smooth-bores 8, 6 Gatling machine-guns [^ I Remington (small-arms) 0.45 f Krupp breech-loaders 9J4, 8J4 I Armstrong muzzle-loaders 9, 4^ ] IGatling machine-guns % >..., ..0.50 10, 7 DENMARK ENGLAND ITALY. j Gatling machine-gi [ i Remington (small-arms). ! Armstrong muzzle-loaders jVavasseur muzzle-loaders 12 , Gatling machine-guns J4 [ Peabody -Martini (small-arms) 45 f j Krupp breech-loaders 12, 10J4, 6^ i Armstrong muzzle-loaders j 10J4, 9, 7% iNordenfeldt machine-guns '1% Palmcrantz machine-guns % ; Beaumont-Remington (small-arms). 0.45 f Woolwich muzzle-loaders 16, 12J4 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, I i Armstrong muzzle-loaders 17, 7 I Palisser converted muzzle-loaders. . !6}4 -I Armstrong breech-loaders j7, 4%, 3%, 3, 2^ Gatling machine-guns i l^o ) ,0.57 Snider converted (small-arms) Peabody-Martini (small-arms) ...... JO. 45 French breech-loaders .............. J FRANCE. 6^, French bronze muzzle-loaders 4M, 3^ H 10%, i %, 4% 7,4% 1 1 GERMANY -1 GREECE < Chassepot (small-arms) 0.42 Tabatiere (converted small-arms). . . 0.50 Krupp breech-loaders 12, 11, Palmcrantz machine-guns 0.50 Mauser (small -arms) 0.42 Armstrong muzzle-loaders 9, 7 Chassepot (small -anns) 0.42 HOLLAND -I Krupp breech-loaders 11, 6^, Armstrong muzzle-loaders 11, 9 | Hotchkiss machine-guns 1% Gatline' macbine-Eruns. . . ..0.50 10%, 9^, Remington -Beaumont (small-arms). 0.45 (Armstrong muzzle-loaders 17, 11. 10, 9, 8 Italian breech-loaders 4%, 3^, 3 j Hotchkiss machine-guns 1% iAlbertini machine-guns 0.50 Vetterlin (small-arms) 0.42 318 EECAPITULATION. EECAPITULATION OF NAVAL ORDNANCE (CONTINUED.) NATION. JAPAN PERU PORTUGAL . RUSSIA. . . SPAIN. TURKEY. UNITED STATES. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. . TYPE OF ORDNANCE. CALIBRES. Inches. Krupp breech-loaders Armstrong muzzle-loaders. . . Gatling machine-guns Remington (small-arms) 0.50 0.50 1( Krupp breech-loaders Finspong breech-loaders J10%; 9^, (% Cast-iron muzzle-loaders 6^, 4J4 Nordenfeldt machine-guns 1% Palmcrantz machine-guns 0.50 Remington (small-arms) 0.45 Whitworth muzzle-loaders 8, 7, Armstrong muzzle-loaders 9, 7 Gatling machine-guns 0.50 Remington (small-arms) 0.50 Krupp breech-loaders 1 Armstrong muzzle-loaders 6, Gatling machine-guns 0.; Peabody-Martini (small-arms) 0.45 Krupp breech-loaders j 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 4, 34 Russian bronze muzzle-loaders 4, 34 Rodman cast-iron smooth-bores ;20, 15, 10%, 74, 7, 64 Gatling machine-guns 0.50 Hotchkiss machine-guns 1% Krnka (converted small-arms) 0.50 Russian Berdan (small-arms) 0.40 Armstrong muzzle-loaders 9%. 9, 7% French breech-loaders 9, 7, 6^, 4% Gatling machine-guns 0.50 Remington (small-arms) 0.45 Armstrong muzzle-loaders 10, 9, 8, 7, 4% Krupp breech-loaders 10%, 9J4 6%, 5%, 314 Gatling machine-guns 0.50 Peabody-Martini (small-arms) 0.45 French breech-loaders Dahlgren smooth-bores Parrott muzzle-loaders Hotchkiss machine-guns 1% " Gatling machine-guns 0.50 Hotchkiss magazine (small-arms). . . 0.45 Remington (small-arms) 0.45 Springfield (converted small-arms) . 0.45 74, 5J4. 4M, 4, 34, 3 15, 11,97$ ' 1, 64, 3 4, 3 PEXETKATINCr POWER OF ENGLISH PROJECTILES. 319 SMOWmO THC PCNtTlltTMM POWt* AT PWJCCTILCa fl(B IMI tMUH Oil** (1HHT IMH-CLAD SHIM Of MM. CAW T*ecr tr^cttT ctTA ci cr VC-LI T A OISTCC or ? VAKOI txtcrr WHIHC tut mule AT WHICH Htojremcs wouio KNtTRtTt i S3=> <3D eQ^D Q3=3 *CArO**rr0 MT US flAMC OwCN (T tMCLUOCI i i i i i i i i i e i i i i I i i I I I I I I e i e e i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 E E 1 E I 1 i e } ISSl 320 " I PQ o ~> * g (5 322 PENETRATING ENERGY OF FOREIGN ORDNANCE. THE PCNCTRATHQ CNEPGY, TOOT^TONS PER WCH OT SHOTS;IRCUMF.ERi:NCE,.Or rORCISN X1RDNANCC, .AT" RANGES FROM 70 YARDS FROM THC MUZZLE OF THC GUN TQ 1000 YARDS.. III. TORPEDOES TORPEDOES. THE torpedoes used by and against the different navies of the world may be classed under two general heads, viz., offen- sive and defensive. Offensive torpedoes may be classified in accordance with the manner in which they are used, as Locomotive, Towing, Spar, and Drifting. LOCOMOTIVE TORPEDOES. The Whitehead Torpedo. The Whitehead torpedo consists of a projectile, or more properly speaking a boat, containing a heavy explosive charge, an engine driven by compressed air, screw propellers, and mechanism for regulating the speed, depth of notation, dis- tance of run, and security of firing arrangements. The general exterior appearance of the torpedo is that of a spindle of revolu- tion, its greatest diameter being in the middle and the lines being Whitehead Torpedo and Firing-Tube. so curved as to present a surface of minimum resistance to the water. The dimensions of the torpedo range from fourteen feet in length by sixteen inches in diameter to nineteen feet by seventeen inches. The speed ranges from seven knots for a distance of eight hundred yards up to twenty-five and a quarter knots for two hundred yards, the most powerful com- bination being fifteen and a half knots for one thousand yards. 326 TORPEDOES. This torpedo, if adjusted to run at any desired depth of water of from five to fifteen feet, and if it be projected from either above water, at the water-line, or below the surface, will rapidly attain the desired depth and maintain it throughout the run. If fired in still water, it will make a straight run in the line of projection, allowance being made for the sweep of currents. It can be adjusted to stop after having run any distance up to its extreme range, and after stopping, it will sink, float, or explode as desired. The gun-cotton charge is placed in what is termed a car- tridge-case, which is a wooden case similar in shape to the for- ward section of the torpedo, somewhat smaller, and held in place in its compartment by wooden wedges. This charge is ignited mechanically, the arrangement being as follows.: Ex- tending from the nose of the torpedo to the cartridge-case is a tube terminating in a copper case, in which is placed the prim- ing charge and the detonating composition ; within the tube is a steel rod, two feet long, fitted with a needle-point at its inner end and having its outer end screwed into a frame ; this frame is capable of moving in and out, and is connected with a spiral spring which tends to force it, and consequently the steel rod, inwards, the action being similar to that of the firing-pin of breech-loading small-arms. By compressing this spiral spring, the inner end of the frame is brought forward to a catch and held retracted. If now this catch is disengaged in any manner, the rod flies back, acting like an ordinary firing-pin on the de- tonating composition. The extreme forward point of the tor- pedo, called the nose-piece, is so fitted that it is capable of being forced inwards, but in a position of rest its inner edge is just clear of the catch. This nose-piece is provided with short horizontal and vertical arms, so as to insure good con- tact with the body struck. The collision of the nose-piece against any resisting body forces it back and releases the firing- pin. In order to secure against accident, the nose-piece is .provided with a safety-wedge and key. Before discharging the torpedo the key is removed, and after the discharge the wedge is withdrawn by the action of mechanism, and is so arranged that it may be replaced automatically and thus disarm the torpedo after its run, in case it is desired to recover it. The arrangement for adjusting the length of range and for drawing and replacing the wedge is as follows: Two cog- wheels, a large one and a small one, are fixed on the upper part of the after-end of the torpedo, just in front of the pro- pellers. The small wheel has thirty teeth, gearing in an end- less screw attached to the propeller-shaft, and of such a pitch that one revolution of the propeller moves the wheel one TORPEDOES. 327 tooth. The big cog-wheel is so arranged as to move one tooth for each revolution of the small wheel. In front of this gear- ing is a small stud that works fore and aft in a slot, being pro- vided with a spring which tends to force it towards the after- end of the slot. This stud is connected by a rod to the valve which admits the compressed air to the cylinders of the engine. When the stud is in the forward part of the slot the valve is open, in the after part it is closed. By means of a lever the spring of the stud is compressed, and the stud is moved to the fore part of its slot ; the big wheel is then moved around until a stud on its face is the desired number of teeth above the lever. Xow for every thirty revolutions of the propeller, or one tooth of the big w T heel, a certain known distance is travelled, varying according to the pattern of the torpedo, slip, etc. When the propeller has made the number of revolutions cor- responding to the desired length of range, the stud on the big wheel presses against the lever of the spring and releases the latter, forcing the valve-rod back and closing the valve. At- tached to the axle of the big wheel is a small brass arm which is connected by means of a brass rod to the safety-wedge, and is so arranged that after any required number of revolutions of the propeller the safety- wedge will be drawn out ; or it may be drawn out at the instant of discharge. By means of an additional lever at the fore port of the torpedo, which is connected by means of a rod to the valve of the engine, and by arranging the attachment of the safety-wedge to the brass rod from the big wheel so that on the wedge being withdrawn it is released from the brass rod, the action of the closing of the valve after the run of the torpedo is completed, forces the wedge into its securing position again. Naturally the torpedo would float at the end of its run from its difference of buoyancy, owing to the compressed air used in working the engines. To sink the torpedo at the end of its run, a spiral-spring valve is placed in the after wall of the adjustment chamber, which can be attached to the brass rod working the engine- valve in such a way that when the latter valve is closed the spring-valve is opened, admitting water to the chamber and thus sinking the torpedo. If it is desired to explode the tor- pedo at the end of the rim, the nose-piece is connected to the engine-valve, which, on closing, draws it violently back and releases the firing-pin. To adjust the depth of flotation, a small wheel, the face of which is marked in feet, is placed in the adjustment chamber, and is turned by means of a key until the number of feet desired comes under a pointer. The secret of the Whitehead is in the mechanism by which 328 TOEPEDOES. the torpedo maintains a desired depth. The adjustment cham- ber, which is next abaft the explosion chamber, is connected by screw to the forward and after chambers in such a manner that by means of a number of small holes bored around the cir- cumference the faces of the chamber are exposed to the pres- sure of the outside water, which varies with the depth to which the torpedo descends/ Within the adjustment chamber is an endless strong spiral spring, attached to the after face of the chamber, and so arranged that after being set to a certain ten- sion, capable of resisting an equivalent pressure on the outside of the face, any increase or decrease in this pressure will cause this spring to work a rod by which the horizontal rudders of the torpedo are regulated. Within this adjustment chamber is- also placed an automatic balance, which assists in maintaining the torpedo at the desired depth by swinging forward on the torpedo's descending or aft on ascending, and thus assisting the rudders. The Whitehead may be discharged through a submerged tube in the stern or in broadside, from a carriage above the water-line, or from the surface. For discharging under water a tube is fitted to an orifice in the stern or broadside, closed by a water-tight valve ; the inner end is closed by a water-tight door. The torpedo, being pre- pared, is placed in the tube, the door is shut, water is admitted to the interior, and the valve is opened. The torpedo is then shot out and started by means of a piston bearing against its rear end and worked by compressed air. To prevent it from slipping out before the time, a stop is provided at the forward end of the tube, which is removed automatically at the same time that the compressed air is admitted to the piston. In the case of broadside discharge, the tube works inside an iron cas- ing, through a stuffing-box at the inner end and in a shield at the outer end. The shield, placed on the forward side of the orifice, is of such a length as to protect the torpedo from the pressure of the water passing the vessel. In projecting from above water, an iron carriage is used, which is fitted with a frame in which the torpedo rests. The outer end of this frame is provided with a lip a few feet long, by means of which the rear end of the torpedo is slightly canted up on leaving the frame, preventing undue strain on the ex- treme end. The frame is mounted in the carriage in such a way that it can be elevated or depressed by means of a screw, like a gun. The torpedo is ejected by means of a piston as be- fore, the carriage being provided with a small reservoir of com- pressed air so that it may be moved to any point aboard ship. To project from the surface, no tube is necessary ; all that is - TOKPEDOES. 329 required is to set it for the depth, point it, and turn back the lever by hand, when it starts oft of its own accord. For discharging from boats, the torpedo is either mounted on its carriage forward or carried in iron slings suspended from davits. In the latter case the davits are pivoted, so that nor- mally the torpedo rests in a cradle on deck ; but the cradle be- ing removed, the davits are swung over, lowering it to about two feet below water, where it is held securely until discharged. The propeller is worked by means of a pair of Brotherhood engines, working to 60 indicated horse-power and giving 1000 revolutions a minute. Weight of charge, 33 Ibs. gun-cotton ; weight of torpedo, 500 Ibs. THE LAY TORPEDO. The shape of 4he Lay torpedo is quite similar to that of the Whitehead, although it is considerably larger. As in the Whitehead, the forward section forms the explosion chamber. Next abaft this is a chamber for holding the gas reservoirs, car- bonic-acid gas being the motive power. Next aft is the com- partment for holding an electrical cable, which forms a constant connection between the torpedo and the operator. In rear of this is the compartment for the engines and steering Lay Torpedo. apparatus. These sections are separated from each other by water-tight bulkheads. The torpedo is propelled by double screws, the propellers working in opposite directions and being placed one abaft the other, the shaft of the forward one being hollow and that of the after one passing through it. The torpedo has four .horizontal fins or wings, two forward and two aft ; these wings are mounted on shafts or spindles passing transversely through the boat. A guide-rod or short staff is provided at each end of the torpedo to enable the operator to regulate the course. At night lanterns are hung on these rods. The electrical cable, made up of two insulated wires, is wound on a reel, and pays out through a hole in the bottom of the compartment as the boat advances. By means of one of these wires the boat is started, stopped, and steered, and by the other it is fired. A double steering-rudder is used, one half being above and 330 TORPEDOES. * the other below the line of the propellers ; these rudders are worked by means of a small auxiliary > engine, which is started, stopped, and reversed by means of the electrical current. The current passing in one direction starts the engine ahead, putting the helm to starboard. If the current is broken, the engine stops and the rudder swings amidships. The current passing in the opposite direction reverses the engine and puts the helm to port. In the firing circuit there are two resistance-coils, one in the boat and one by the operator ; the charge may be fired through either one of the coils, but not through both. When the^ nose of the torpedo strikes a resisting object the coil in the boat is cut out of circuit and the charge is exploded. If the operator desires to fire before striking, he can at any moment cut the coil near him out of the circuit and thus fire. The propelling engines have a throttle^valve which con- trols the admission of gas from the reservoirs to the cylinders, the valve being in connection with a balanced lever. The current passing one way draws down one end of the lever, opening the valve, and passing the other draws the other end down, closing it. In one modification of this torpedo the forward compart- ment or magazine is made detachable, so that on striking an object it breaks adrift and sinks a short distance before-ex- ploding, thus gaining the best depth of water. In launching these torpedoes from a vessel, a tube is provided opening be- low the water-line and being provided with a forward water- gate and a rear loading-door. The torpedo being put in place, the rear door is closed, the gate raised, admitting the water, and the torpedo launches itseli after the engine is started. In or- der to sink or raise the boat, a water-chamber is supplied hav- ing a valve for admitting outside water and another for the admission of gas. By sending a current one way, the water- valve is opened and water is admitted until the torpedo is sunk to the required depth. By sending the current the other way, the gas- valve is opened and the pressure of the gas forces the water out and the torpedo rises. The Lay torpedo may be used for clearing river obstruc- tions, by laying out small charges in any position or by drag- ging a grapnel. In the latter case, an exploding charge is attached to the upper end of the grapnel-chain. When the grapnel holds fast to any obstruction the operator is notified, and by means of an electrical current he detaches the charge, which slides down the grapnel-chain and explodes at the ob- struction, blowing it away. TORPEDOES. 331 TOWING TORPEDOES. The Harvey Torpedo. The general form of the Harvey torpedo is that of a box of a rectangular vertical and trapezoidal horizontal section, in- tended to float on end and tow at an angle from the ship's keel. The case is generally made of copper or Muntz's metal sheathed with wood; the upper inner edges being provided with shackles for attaching a towing-s.pan. The body of the torpedo is also the magazine, large enough to hold from 33 to 58 Ibs. of gun-cotton. The tiring-bolt with its fuse attach- Harvey Torpedo. ment enters the magazine from the middle of the top or deck of the torpedo. This bolt is acted upon by a series of levers so arranged that if the torpedo strikes in any position, one of the levers will drive the bolt down and explode the fuse. In the later patterns of Harvey torpedoes there is also a small rudder attached, by which the course of the torpedo is regulated when the tow-rope is suddenly slacked. The sling is made with four legs going to the corners of the torpedo and of a length Towing-Reei. Levers. Firing-Bolt. to bring the centre of effort in the right position for towing the torpedo at a good angle of divergence. The firing-bolt is so arranged that the torpedo may be fired in three different ways : electrically on contact, mechanically on contact, or electrically at will. The mechanical arrangement is an ordinary chemical fuse placed in the firing-bolt in connection with a small vial of 332 TORPEDOES. sulphuric acid. When the firing-bolt is forced down by the contact of the levers with any resisting substance, the vial is broken by coming in contact with a stout needle and the acid ignites the fuse. For firing electrically at will, a platinum- wire fuse is used ; one terminal going to earth at the torpedo, and the other passing through the firing-bolt and attaching to the in- sulated wire core of the tow-rope leading aboard ship. To fire on contact electrically, a resistance-coil is introduced in the circuit at the fuse in such a manner that by forcing the firing-bolt down the resistance-coil is cut out of the circuit and the fuse is fired by the short circuit. The firing-bolt is fitted to act with a pressure of from 30 to 40 Ibs. on its head, and under ordinary circumstances i& secured by a key in the ordinary manner of keying bolts. If these torpedoes are left to sink of themselves, they will ex- plode at a depth of about 60 fathoms from the pressure of the water on the head of the bolt. In order to hold the torpedo steady when towing, it is provided with cork buoys which tow astern of it. The buoy- rope is rove through a ring at the after-end of the torpedo, and has an eye spliced in its end to which the tow-rope knots after reeving through the eye of the sling. The firing-bolt key has a small line attached to it by w T hich it is withdrawn whenever desired after the torpedo has been launched. The tow-rope coming from the torpedo reeves through a leading-block on a spar lashed about 25 feet above the deck, and, coming inboard through another leader, passes to a reel secured on deck and controlled by friction-brakes. To launch this torpedo, it is hoisted by its tow-rope clear of the side, and the rope then being rapidly veered until the torpedo strikes the water and then gradually checked, it diverges at once. Veering then slowly, the torpedo takes its position at an angle of about 45 from the ship's side. In at- tacking a vessel, when the torpedo has been towed to within a short distance of the desired point, the tow-rope is rapidly veered and the torpedo dives ; checking the rope, it rises almost immediately, and at a very sharp angle bringing up against the vessel's bilge. In case it becomes necessary to get rid of the torpedo, the tow-rope is cut at the reel and unreeves and the torpedo sinks. There are two rings for reeving the buoy-rope through, a large one and a small one. If the rope is rove through the large ring, the torpedo is lost when the tow-rope is cut ; if rove through the small ring, the knot connecting the buoy-rope and the tow-rope brings up against it, and the torpedo is held up and buoyed the length of the buoy-rope below water. In securing the torpedo after the key has been TORPEDOES. 333 withdrawn from the firing-bolt, a pair of tongs is used to grasp the bolt and keep it from being forced down. The Menzing Towing Torpedo, This is a modification of the Harvey, used in the German service, intended to overcome objections to the original in re- gard to facility of use. The general shape is slightly different, the forward end being wedge-shaped so that the torpedo may be towed on either side. This torpedo has two tow-ropes, each rove in a similar manner. The ends of the ropes are provided with two legs which are made fast to the after-end of the tor- pedo, w r here is a small rudder, the ropes coming to it and acting on it in such a manner that when a strain is brought on one it turns the rudder in the opposite direction. Secured to the bow of the torpedo is a crane, having at its end an eye through Menzing Torpedo. which the main part of both tow-ropes reeves. If it is de- sired to tow on the starboard side, the starboard tow-rope is slackened, bringing the entire strain on the port one ; the crane at the bow of the torpedo swings around by the strain until it brings up against a knot at the splice of the legs, thus forming with the legs a complete bridle ; the divergence of the torpedo is at the same time assisted by the action of the rudder. Levers for firing mechanically are applied in much the same manner as in the Harvey. A circuit-wire for electrical firing and buoys for steadying the torpedo are also used. By these arrangements the torpedo may be towed astern until required for use, and then by slacking the necessary tow-rope it may be swung out on either quarter desired. The French Towing Tvrpedo. This torpedo is in the shape of a long box tapered at the forward end. It is made of wood, with a cork bow, the powder- chamber being hung between the cork and the main body in such a manner that it may be detached automatically. This is secured by a bolt projecting from the top of the powder-case, whose head is held by a movable plate. The slot in the plate 334 TORPEDOES. through which the bolt-head passes is larger than the bolt-head, so that when the plate is knocked back the bolt slips through and the magazine is detached. Two curved whiskers project forward from the plate as contact-points. In order that the torpedo may be exploded at the proper depth, two shafts are pivoted to the bottom of the float and attached to the maga- zine. When the latter is detached it drops down the full French Torpedo. length of the shafts (9 feet below the surface), and on reach- ing that position the electrical circuit is closed and the charge is fired automatically. To fire the torpedo at will, a miniature gun is mounted on the after-part of the plate, which is fired by electricity ; the recoil draws the plate back and thus releases the chamber. The magazine of this torpedo holds 33 Ibs. of dynamite. SPAR-TORPEDOES. The American Torpedo. American spar-torpedoes are of two general forms. The first, for gunpowder charges, is in the shape of a long cylinder with hemispherical ends. The second, for dynamite charges, is in the shape of a large double convex lens. The powder American Spar Torpedo. torpedoes have a capacity for a charge of from 75 to 100 Ibs. of small-grain powder ; the dynamite ones have a capacity of from 15 to 30 Ibs. In the gunpowder torpedo a large hollow spindle passes through the axis, closed and secured at one end by a large nut. This spindle is pierced with flame-holes at TORPEDOES. 335 short distances, so as to permit the flame from the fuse to penetrate and ignite all parts of the powder-charge at once. Around this spindle is a guard of wire gauze to prevent the powder from the charge sifting into and choking the flame- passages. This spindle projects some little distance beyond Socket for American Spar-Torpedo. the inner end of the torpedo-case, forming a handle or support by which the case is attached to a spar. At the inner end on each side of the spindle is a loading-hole secured by nuts and washers. There are also four handles, two on each side of the case, for convenience in transporting. The 100-pdr. torpedo loaded and fused weighs about 360 Ibs. The torpedo-fuse, Wood and Lay's Spar-Torpedo. which is an electric one, finds a place by itself inside the spin- dle, the terminal wires passing through a simple water-tight gland. On the end of the torpedo-spar is lashed a cast-iron sleeve into which the end of the spindle is keyed. The torpedo- Boat-Fittings for American Spar-Torpedo. spar for use on the bows or broadsides of vessels varies in length from 20 to 50 feet, and is supported and pointedly guys and lifts in the same manner as is common with swinging spars generally. The wires from the fuse are brought in 336 TOEPEDOES. along the spar to the electrical machine and firing-keys ar- ranged in suitable positions. The spars used in boats are generally arranged on a differ- ent principle from those attached to the bows or beams of high-sided vessels. Arranged to work in a swivelled sleeve with a martingale at the rear end to regulate the depth to which they shall sink, the spar is either launched or dropped over and Fitting for Heel of Spar Ship-Torpedo. Chafing-Plate for Heel of Spar-Torpedo. is permitted to swing without guys, the operator watching and exploding it- as it is brought abeam and into the desired posi- tion by the driving ahead of the boat. The spar used with the dynamite torpedo is an iron or steel bar of diminished cross-section in order to offer a mini- mum resistance to the water, with a hinged piece at its rear end bolting to the keelson of the boat and acting as a martin- gale. TORPEDO VESSELS. In several of the navies of the world gun-boats have been designed for the purpose of using torpedoes, either locomotive or spar, to the total exclusion of battery or, in some cases, with a limited artillery fire. Pietro Micca (Italian). This vessel, having a displacement of about 530 tons, is built very low in the water, with a curved deck or cover, and is not armored except as regards a deck under the curved cover and over the engines, intended to resist the penetration of plunging projectiles, and which is of laminated steel 2J inches thick. Her estimated speed is 18 knots, and she is provided with tubes for dischaging Whitehead torpedoes ahead, abeam, and astern. TOBPEDOES. 337 Itau (Swedish). Ziethen (German). Vesuvius (English). Uzreef (Russian). Whitehead torpedo gun-boats of from 400 to TOO tons dis- placement and an estimated speed of from 13 to 16 knots. The peculiarity of the Vesuvius is in having an elbowed smoke-stack carried along the deck. The Rau carries a light rifled gun. All carry machine-guns. The Alarm (American). The Alarm is an iron ram gun-boat, built on the transverse bracket system, with a double bottom and water-tight bulk- heads every 25 feet. Her dimensions are : length, 173 feet ; beam, 28 feet ; draft, 11 feet which may be increased by sink- ing the vessel to the level of the upper-deck beams, arrange- ments having been made for the admission and ejection of water in the compartments formed by the double hull. The torpedo system of this vessel consists of three hollow steel tubes, one projected from the end of the ram a distance of 30 feet, and one from each broadside, 17 feet. These tubes slide in and out on frames, and are worked by small auxiliary engines and winches ; the torpedo is fitted to the end of the spar and is fired by electricity. The port from w r hich the spar is pro- jected, being below the water-line, is provided with a water- box and double doors aud heavy rubber washers, which grip the spar water-tight as it is run out. In addition to the torpedo system, this vessel is arranged to carry a 10-inch rifle forward. Her ram is strengthened, and her bow is protected for some distance by a plating of 4r| inches. On her rail she carries machine-guns to resist the at- tack of torpedo-boats. Her propeller is of a novel pattern, serving as steering-gear and propelling power. This vessel was originally fitted with a propelling apparatus known as the Fowler steering-wheel, a novel propeller which both gave the vessel headway and steered her. The blades of the propeller were worked by means of a simple steam-valve arrangement manipulated by the helmsman. The steering qualities with this apparatus were little short of marvellous, as she could be driven and steered with as great facility astern as ahead, and could even be worked sideways. Her speed, however, was de- ficient, never reaching ten knots. At present the vessel has been fitted with the Mallory steering propeller, a form of screw with a jointed shaft so that it may be revolved about a 338 TORPEDOES. vertical axis. This screw promises to give a speed more nearly warranted by the fine lines of the vessel. The Intrepid (American). This vessel is a gun-boat of about the dimensions of the Alarm, having a short, heavy ram bow and an armored belt at the water-line of five inches thickness all around. Her load draft brings her upper deck to within three feet of the water- line. This vessel carries no armament except a few Gatling guns on the rail, and her torpedo system consists of four ordi- nary swinging-spar torpedoes, two on each beam. Ordinarily these spars lie in crutches alongside, and they are manipulated by topping-lifts and guys in the ordinary way. The torpedoes are exploded by electricity. The Destroyer (American). This vessel is 130 feet long by 12 feet beam and 10 feet draft, built with a straight bow, bow and stern lines being the same and very sharp. She has no upper-deck rail, this deck being very low, with a long superstructure rising amidships. There are no openings in the sides of this superstructure, so Ericsson V Torpedo Vessel (Destroyer). that if desirable the vessel may be run with her upper deck completely under water. Thirty-two feet from the bow a heavy armored bulkhead crosses the vessel, inclined at a vertical angle of 45, and intended as a thorough protection to the engines and boilers, enabling the vessel to approach bows on with iniim- TOKPEDOES. 339 nity. Her armament consists of a bow-torpedo, which is pro- jected from a tube in a manner not unlike the firing of a projectile from a gun. This torpedo consists of a solid block of light wood having inserted in its forward end a heavy bursting-charge in a steel case. The transverse section of this torpedo is square ; longitudinally it is a rectangle with sharp- ened ends. Ignition of the charge is obtained by means of a percussion-fuse. To project this torpedo, it is inserted in a tube provided with water-gates, fixed in the bow of the boat just above the keel. A steam piston-rod fits against the after- end and pushes the torpedo out with a velocity sufficient to send it at least 100 feet. The weight of the torpedo is about 1-100 Ibs. This vessel has been tried, but the system is not yet perfected. The Uhlan (German). This vessel is of a novel type, consisting of two separate hulls, one within and abaft the other, the intervening space being filled with cork. She carries affixed to a ram which pro- jects ten feet forward from the stem a dynamite contact torpedo. Arranged to travel at a high speed, the idea is to carry her at full speed against the enemy, the crew finding refuge on a small raft which she carries and which is detached just before her striking. It is not expected that the main hull, in which are the engines and steering-gear, will be injured by the ex- plosion. The raft, it is understood, is not completely detached from the vessel, but a long tow-line is paid out rapidly, and after the explosion of the torpedo the crew haul alongside and take the boat clear ready for another attack. TOKPEDO-BOATS. The Thornycroft Torpedo-launch. This boat is built to combine great speed with a moderate seaworthiness and resisting power. The dimensions range as follows : length, 57 to 85 feet ; beam, 7-J- to 10 feet ; draft, 3 to 4 feet. They are built of steel of an average thickness of ^ of an inch, being completely decked over. Generally they are divided into six separate water-tight com- partments. The forward and after ones are store-rooms ; the second one is arranged for the accommodation of the crew ; the third is the pilot-house ; fourth, engine and fire room ; and fifth, for the accommodation of officers. The single-screw shaft projects some distance beyond the stern-post to allow the 340 TORPEDOES. double rudder to work forward of it. The screw itself is of a peculiar construction, so built as to project the water straight aft instead of radially. These launches are fitted for either spar or Whitehead torpedoes. In the former case the swivelled sleeve in which the spar works pivots abreast the pilot-house. In the latter case two methods are in use. By one, a White- head is carried on deck on each side mounted on a carriage running on rails, by which they may be run up to a firing-case M.M STEM TQRPECO LAUNCH 'uCi:TNiN<; _0 0_ Thornycrof t Torpedo-Launch. on the forward part of the deck. This firing-case is mounted on a pivot-carriage and has depressing-gear, so that the torpedo may be pointed in any desired direction. A pointing apparatus is provided in the pilot-house by means of which allowance of angle may be made for the movements of the boat or of the attacked vessel. The pivot-circle is graduated so that the torpedo may be correctly aimed with but little difficulty. By the other arrangement, a Whitehead is carried on each side on pivoted davits in a sling, so that it may be lowered into the water ; the machinery is then started by hand, and the torpedo moves off without being projected. In this case the torpedo can only be fired right ahead. The Yarrow Torpedo-Boat. This is a launch of the same general construction as the Thornycroft, although a higher rate of speed is attained by Yarrow Torpedo-Launch. this type, and there are several important modifications. The fire-room, or stoke-hole, is completely separated or bulkheaded off from the boiler, except the front part, so that in case the boiler collapses or is pierced by a shot there is no danger of TORPEDOES. 341 scalding the crew. The pilot-house is placed aft in the com- partment occupied by the officers. There is no visible smoke- stack. Two ports are cut in the sides of the launch, one on each side, and the products of combustion may be carried through either or both. The ports are provided with valves, which are held open by the force of the blast, but which close immediately if struck by a wave. The helmsman can direct the smoke through either port, so that in approaching a vessel the one on the side next to her is closed and the smoke through the other port is partially masked by the side of the boat. When running in a seaway both these ports may be closed, and a temporary smoke-pipe is shipped in the usual place. These boats are provided with a rudder at each end, both rudders being operated by the wheel at the same time. The forward rudder may be drawn up into a well, if desired, or in case that it gets fouled it can easily be dropped overboard. These boats have" attained in smooth water a speed of 22 knots an hour. The torpedo arrangements are similar to those of the Thorny croft. Above 18 knots there is no noticeable vibra- tion of the frame. The Herreshoff Torpedo-Boat. The general type of hull is the same as that of the Yarrow and Thornycroft, except that it is of composite construction, Herreshoff Torpedo-Launch. having a steel frame with wood planking below water and steel above. The propeller is a single two-bladed screw, placed under the keel just abaft the middle of the boat, the hollow steel screw-shaft being put in on a curve. The rudder is of the balanced type, and is suspended underneath the after-part of the keel. The pilot-house is abaft the smoke-pipe. The boiler of this boat is of a novel character. It consists of a cy- lindrical combustion chamber about 4 feet in diameter, within which is a spiral coil of about 300 feet of two-inch pipe. This 342 TOKPEDOES. coil is continued at the top so as to form a kind of dome under the cover of the combustion chamber. By the side of the boiler is a separator into which the steam passes before it goes to the engine. The water from the feed-pump is admitted at the top of the coil, and during its course to the bottom the greater part of it becomes converted into steam. Having passed through the entire length of the coil, the steam and water are discharged together into the separator, in such a mau- Herreshoff Boiler. ner that the water is entirely separated from the steam and can be blown off as required. The steam is taken from the top of the separator and returns through a short coil placed in- side the combustion chamber, where it becomes superheated and is led thence to the engines. By means of this boiler a good working pressure can be obtained in about five minutes from the time of lighting the fires. This boat may be rigged to carry either the Whitehead or the spar torpedoes. Its speed is about 18 knots, equal to that of the Thornycroft. SHIPS' BOATS. Steam-launches are at present, as a rule, fitted with spar or Whitehead torpedo-gear of a general and simple type. It is not intended that these boats should be classed as fighting torpedo-boats, as they lack the requisite speed and protection, and, as a rule, are too noisy to be of use except in a general or concentrated attack. Such boats find their greatest sphere of usefulness in clearing channels of obstructions and countermin- ing. For the former work many are now provided with elec- trical valve-gear and steering apparatus, by which they may be controlled from a boat towed some distance astern, as in the manipulation of the Lay torpedo. TORPEDOES. 343 SUBMARINE BOATS. At different times during the development of torpedo warfare there have been many attempts to construct and per- fect submarine boats of different types, but in no case has an attempt to use one been successful. The United States cor- vette Housatonic was sunk off Charleston Harbor in 1864 by a submarine torpedo-boat, but there are excellent reasons for be- lieving that she was at the time of the attack used as an ordi- nary surface-boat with a bow-torpedo on a spar. In most cases the boats used, or rather designed, have been propelled by hand-power, their rate of speed being very low. Attempts are being made in all countries to perfect some form of submarine boat, and, judging from the experimental success attained heretofore, it is fair to suppose that some type will finally prove successful, although in any case its use would be extremely limited. DRIFTING TORPEDOES. Torpedoes of this description have been used in great num- bers in time of war, but only with indifferent success. The especial function of the drifting torpedo is the destruction of vessels lying at anchor, the torpedo being sent adrift at a con- venient point and allowed to float either at the surface or by means of a buoy at some distance below, and by the action of the current to be carried into contact with the vessel, being exploded by a contact-fuse. There is no especial shape con- sidered superior for this type, and generally the torpedoes are extemporized from the most convenient materials at hand. Of the many types that have been tried there are two which may be considered especially dangerous. The first of these is a torpedo intended to be dropped by a vessel being chased, to be caught by the one in her wake. This type may be described in general as two torpedoes of a size sufficient to contain 20 or 30 Ibs. of dynamite, connected by a rope or light chain bridle, and floated by flat water-colored buoys. Dropped from the stern of a vessel, the bridle is caught by the bow of the chaser, and the torpedoes being swept alongside explode against the bilges. Lewies Drifting Torpedo. This torpedo, intended to reach a vessel at anchor and sur- rounded by a boom of logs, consists of a case of powder or 344 TORPEDOES. dynamite resting loosely on a small shelf attached to one ex- tremity of a heavy pine beam, ballasting it in such a manner mat it will float on end with the top just above water. The torpedo is attached to me Deam D J a lo se chain bridle, the ends of which are stapled respectively to the lower end and just above the centre of gravity of the beam. The shelf itself is hinged, and is held in position by a catch operated by a small bell-crank lever on top of the beam. This beam on coming in contact with a boom is canted slightly, and the lever being tripped the shelf drops from under the torpedo, which, hanging by its bridle, cants the beam almost horizontally, thus allowing it to slip under the boom and noat on against the ship's side, where the torpedo explodes on coming in contact. DEFENCES AGAINST OFFENSIVE TORPEDOES. Vessels at anchor in protecting themselves against torpedoes establish three separate lines of defence. The outer line consists of guard- boats ; the boats of the ship, either carrying machine and boat guns or having their crews armed with rifles, patrolling the approaches to the ship at such a radius as may be well guarded by the number of boats employed. The second line consists of a boom of logs or spars arranged around the ship at a distance of from twenty to fifty feet, having in addition, wherever practicable, heavy nets which hang down below the level of the keel. The third and inner line consists of -the machine-guns and small-arms of the crew, the double hull and compartment construction of the vessel itself, and powerful electric lights which at intervals sweep the water in the vicinity of the vessel, lighting up every approach- ing object. DEFENSIVE TORPEDOES. Torpedoes of this class may be described generally as being either heavy cases of explosive material resting on the bottom of shallow channels and fairways, and usually exploded at will by electrical fuses, or smaller torpedoes anchored and either buoyed or supported at from three to twelve feet below the surface. The first class of torpedoes is of crude and varied construction, Lewis's Beam Tor- pedo. TOKPEDOES. 345 being simply heavy cases of boiler-iron of a capacity for from 100 to 200 Ibs. of dynamite or 1000 to 2000 Ibs. of powder, caulked water-tight and sunk generally within easy range of a heavy battery, in a position where a vessel would proba- bly stop or anchor to open fire, or else in a shallow channel where a ship must pass directly over it. The buoyant torpedoes are of different form ; the most suc- cessful types being The Frame- Torpedo. This consists of a row of heavy beams planted across a channel similar to a " chevaux de frise.' 5 The inner ends of the beams are securely anchored to the bottom, the latter giving them a support when they are run into. The outer ends carry each a single torpedo shaped like a large rifled shell and holding from 60 to 100 Ibs. of powder ; bolted to it so that the tops of the torpedoes are about eight or ten feet below Frame-Torpedoes. water. These ends are moored so as not to swing about too much in the current. Just under the outer ends a frame is constructed to support the beams in case they get waterlogged. Contact-fuses are used with these torpedoes, and the whole arrangement serves the double purpose of acting as a torpedo and as a construction defence. These beams are also used singly in many cases. Brookes Torpedo. This form of torpedo is intended to baffle attempts at re- moval by sweeping with drags and grapnels. The beam used in this case is of a length sufficient to allow the top of the tor- pedo to be at the proper distance below water when it is verti- cal. -The heel of the spar is shod with a pointed iron casing having a ring in the end connected to an anchor-shackle, the anchor being completely buried. In this manner the beam is free to oscillate. The torpedo, which is. conical with a dome 346 TORPEDOES. cover, ships on the upper end of the beam, all sharp corners and edges where a rope or grapnel might catch being avoided. In the top of the torpedo are placed five contact-fuses. In or- der to make this torpedo still more difficult of removal, it is placed in connection with a heavy ground-torpedo called a turtle-back in such a manner that any attempt to remove it from its berth causes the explosion of the turtle-back. Singer's Torpedo. This torpedo contains an air-chamber in the upper part, whilst all the lower portion is devoted to the charge, varying in weight from 50 to 100 Ibs. of powder. On top of the case is a heavy conical iron cover loosely secured, so that if the tor- Brooks's Torpedo. Singer's Torpedo. Barrel Torpedo. pedo is struck a violent blow or is canted well over it will fall ofl. This cover is secured by a wire to a mechanical fuse (there are several different types) in such a way that the jerk given to the wire when the cover falls off will explode it. Barrel Torpedoes. Barrels are frequently used as torpedoes, being thoroughly caulked and pitched and strengthened as much as possible, They are slun^ with rope or chain slings, moored in position, and exploded either by contact or electrical fuses. In the ma- jority of cases with defensive torpedoes at present, they are so arranged as to be fired either by contact or at will. TOEPEDOES. 347 TORPEDO-FUSES. Torpedo-fuses may be classified under four different heads ; viz., Percussion, Friction, Chemical, and Electric. A percussion-fuse is one in which the flame is produced by a blow on some fulminating compound. Of such a type is the fuse of the Whitehead torpedo, which in principle is pre- cisely that of the firing arrangement of breech-loading small- arms. The shock on the nose of the torpedo starts it back, re- leasing the firing-pin spring, which driving against a cap or fuse of fulminate, explodes it. The fuse of Singer's torpedo cannot depend directly on the shock of collision to explode it, as the shock might be very light. As an intermediary, there- fore, the heavy cover of the torpedo is used, which falls off when the torpedo is tilted, and by its descending weight re- leases the lock mechanism. This consists of a firing-pin and spring secured vertically underneath the torpedo and held re- tracted by a small pin. This pin is withdrawn by the falling cover, permitting the firing-pin to drive forward against the bottom of the torpedo. Just over the spot where it strikes is a short rod travelling in guides, the upper end being in contact with a small capsule of fulminate, which is exploded by the shock of the outside pin. The Torpedo Time-Fuse is in principle a lock mechanism in which the firing-pin catch is in connection with a train of clockwork. This clockwork being set to run for a certain length of time, the torpedo is set adrift to float against the vessel or obstruction, and the torpedo explodes at the end of the time for which it is set. The original and most crude form of this type of fuse is a candle cut to a certain length, the bottom being connected to a quick-match. It is not in this case a percussion-fuse, as the quick-match communicates directly with the charge. Clockwork Fuse. McEvotfs Fuse consists of a percussion system in connection with a small pro- peller. As long as the torpedo drifts with the current the propeller does not revolve, but if it is brought up in any way the force of the current starts the propellers, which after a few turns release the firing-pin spring. The torpedo by means of which the Albemarle was sunk 348 TOKPEDOES. (see cut, page 335) was exploded by a percussion-fuse of still a different nature. The torpedo itself was attached to the end of a spar, but just before explosion it was intended to detach and capsize. A hollow tube passed through the axis of the torpedo, having at the nose-end an ordinary percussion-cap arrangement. The rear half of the torpedo formed an air- chamber, and at the rear end of the tube an iron ball, free to move along the tube, was held in place by a small pin to which English Dynaino- McEvoy's Propeller-Fuse. Electric Fuse. a laniard was attached to be pulled by hand. The torpedo being thrust by the spar under a vessel was detached, and the air-chamber caused it to tumble bottom up immediately. The pin then being withdrawn by the laniard, the ball dropped on the percussion-cap and fired it. HilTs Fuse consists of a brass body having a percussion anvil screwed into its lower end. A spiral spring surrounds this anvil, pro- jecting slightly above it and forming a seat for a light case holding the fulminate, which is of a very sensitive composition. Covering the top of the fuse-case, and just clear of the fulmi- nate-case, is a light copper dome. A slight blow on this dome presses it in and drives the fulminate down on the anvil. McEvoy's Improved Percussion-Fuse consists of a fuse-case containing an ordinary spring gun- lock, nipple, and percussion-cap. The hammer of the lock is held back by a vertical rod free to travel in a guide. On top of the rod is a ball held in place lightly by the upward pressure of a spring. In case that the torpedo is struck and tilted over the ball falls from its seat on the rod, the latter is forced up by the spring, releasing the hammer and exploding the percus- sion-cap. Friction-Fuses. Friction-fuses as a rule consist of some arrangement by which an ordinary friction cannon-primer is exploded. This is done TORPEDOES. 349 by attaching a firing laniard to the friction-bar of the primer and either leaving it free, so as to h' re at the will of the operator, or attaching it in such a way that the momentum of a vessel sEE^ng;, Barrel Torpedoes with Friction-Fuses. catching it will pull it. McEvoy's improvement on Singer's percussion-fuse consists in attaching the laniard of a friction primer to the heavy cover. Chemical Fuses are those in which substances separated until required for action are then brought into contact and unite chemically with an explosive effect. Sulphuric- Acid Fuse. This fuse consists of a brass fuse-case con- taining the magazine and crowned by a thin lead cylinder containing the chemicals, which- con- sist of a small closely sealed glass phial of sul- phuric acid placed in the tube and packed with a mixture of potassium chlorate and loaf-sugar. A slight blow on the lead cylinder breaks the bottle, thus permitting a contact between the explosive mix- tures. Harvey's Torpedo-Fuse. The principle of this fuse is precisely similar. The bottom of the firing-rod is in this case hollowed and partially packed with the potassic chlorate and loaf-sugar mixture. Over it a small bulb containing a few drops of sulphuric acid is placed and packed carefully with raw cotton. The mouth of the hole is then sealed with a lead capsule. The firing-rod is itself sus- pended over a firing-pin against which it is driven by the levers on the top of the torpedo. Electrical Fuses depend upon the heating powers of an electrical current to ignite certain explosive substances, preferably gun-cotton. Although there are many modifications of the electrical fuse, they almost without exception agree entirely in general make. 350 TORPEDOES. Two current wires are necessary, called terminals, and having their inner ends separated, in order that some substance offer- ing a high resistance to the passage of the current may be in- serted between them. The terminals are of copper wire ; the resistance material or bridge is generally of line platinum wire, although other substances are used in different types. The terminals are as a rule separated by a small block of hard wood which forms an insulator and a support. Around the bridge a wisp of gun-cotton is generally wrapped, although here again other explosives are used in modified forms. This combina- tion is called an exploder, and it is insert ed in a fuse-case or magazine containing powder or gun-cotton. The exploder and magazine together form the fuse. One of the terminals is generally attached to the exterior of the torpedo, which forms i e c- an earth ; the other one is connected with trie Fuse. an insulated wire or cable leading to the electrical battery. These fuses are made to explode either at will or on contact. If they are to explode at will, the firing circuit as a rule is not completed until the moment desired for explosion. If they are to explode by contact, the general manner of use is to insert in the circuit at some part a re- sistance-coil of sufficient force to weaken the current below the firing point. At the moment of contact, the resistance coil is automatically cut out and the torpedo is fired. Another way is to use what is called a circuit-closer, which normally leaves the circuit broken, but on being touched the circuit is closed and the torpedo is fired. One advantage of the electrical fuse is the facility with which the whole circuit may be examined at any time to test its condition. It is simply necessary to send a very weak cur- rent through the circuit, and, the resistance being known, the length of the circuit can be measured electrically and the posi- tion . of flaws may at any time be located. The modifications of the different fuses depend in a great manner upon the type of generator of the current, as voltaic batteries, dynamo-aiid magneto-electric machines are used according to the position of the torpedo. CLEARING CHANNELS OF TORPEDOES. The greatest skill and care is necessary in attempting to clear a channel of mines and torpedoes. Light-draught boats,. TORPEDOES. 351 launches, gun-boats, drag-nets, grapnels, and materials for handling torpedoes at a distance of thirty or forty feet are in- dispensable. Torpedoes of the Brooks class may be dragged over many times and escape notice. . The frame-torpedo re- quires the aid of counter-mines or large torpedoes extemporized and sunk on them to blow them to pieces. The shallow water both sides of the channel must be carefully and thoroughly dragged for leading wires. Boats on search must proceed with frames rigged from their bows to catch and explode torpedoes in advance. Deep-draught frames of timber must be dragged up or floated down a channel. Muddy bottoms must be thoroughly sounded, and after the search is complete deep-draught vessels cannot pass through suspected channels without torpedo-catch- ers rigged from their bows. Too close an examination of a torpedo after it is picked up must be avoided. It may almost invariably be easily and safely exploded, and no better disposi- tion can be made of it. EXAMPLES OF THE USE OF TORPEDOES DURING- THE PAST TWENTY YEARS. Whitehead. Sent from the British frigate Shah against the Peruvian iron-clad Huascar, May 29th, 1877. During the running fight between these vessels, the Shah discharged a Whitehead from a bow tube under water, which failed to reach the Huascar, the reason given being that at the moment of firing the latter changed her course. It is to be presumed that the torpedo in this case was carefully aimed, as there was no cause for great hurry. The Huascar could not be aware of the moment of firing, and the failure appears to demonstrate the great difficulty of using this type of torpedo between rapidly moving vessels at distances of eight hundred yards or over. Sent from Russian steam-launches against Turkish iron-clads off Batoum, December 28th, 1877. The Turkish vessels in this instance were lying at anchor, surrounded by booms of logs and vertical timbers, and having guard-boats out. The Russian launches succeeded in passing the guard-boats and approaching to within less than a hundred yards of the Turks before they were discovered. Two Whiteheads were then launched at one iron-clad, missing their mark completely, both being found on the beach, unexploded, next morning. The attributed causes of the failure were non-familiarity with the complications of the torpedo itself, darkness, and a slight swell. 352 TORPEDOES. Sent from Russian torpedo-launches against a Turkish reve- nue vessel, January 26th, 1878. In this instance the torpedo- launches were entering Batouni harbor with the intention of attacking the iron-clad fleet, when they were met by a revenue steamer coming out. Whiteheads were discharged at a dis- tance of less than one hundred yards, and the steamer was struck and sunk. The Lay torpedo has never been used in war. To wing-torpedoes were used on several occasions by the Russians against the Turks, but never successfully. Spar- Torpedoes. Attack by a steam-launch armed with a spar-torpedo on the Confederate iron-clad Albemarle, October 27th, 1864. The Albemarle in this instance was secured to a wharf and sur- rounded by a boom of logs at a distance of about thirty feet. The Federal steam-launch approached within one hundred yards of the boom without being discovered. Fire then being opened on her, she started ahead full speed, parsed the ram, and made a complete turn in order to get speed and direction for striking the boom a fair blow. Hitting the boom, the launch breasted it in several feet and mounted it, evidently coming to a stand-still. At this moment, and whilst under a close fire, the torpedo-spar was pushed under the ram and the torpedo was exploded fairly, thus sinking her. In this case success was due entirely to a cool and deliberate execution of a thoroughly developed plan. Attack by Russian launches armed with spar-torpedoes on the Turkish monitor Duba Saife, on the Danube, May 26th, 1877. In this attack the launches passed the guard-boats without being seen. The monitor was not protected by booms, and two launches, making a dash at her from opposite sides, planted their torpedoes fairly, exploded them, sank the monitor and escaped. Attack by Russian spar-torpedo boats on the Turkish fleet at Sulina, June 10th, 1877. There were six torpedo-boats ar- ranged in two divisions in this attack, the two fastest boats leading. These leaders reached to within thirty yards of the Turks before being discovered. Fire was then opened on them. The first boat, coming down on the bow of one of the monitors, fouled her cable and swung alongside ; her torpedo was exploded, but not being put in proper position no damage was done. The boat succeeded in getting clear, but was sunk by the Turks and the crew cap- tured. The other boat succeeded in exploding her torpedo, TORPEDOES. 353 but also failed to get it in position. The other division of boats did not follow up the attack. Attack on a Turkish monitor off Rustchuk by a Russian Thornycroft boat. In this attack the Russians approached very closely before being discovered. Fire was opened on the boat and the circuit-wires of the torpedo were cut, rendering it harmless ; the boat escaped. Attack on Turkish monitors at Soukum Kaleh, August 24th, 1877. Four torpedo-boats, taking advantage of an eclipse of the moon, dashed into the Turkish fleet. They were dis- covered at a distance and a heavy fire was opened on them, driving them off. One boat exploded her torpedo, but it was not properly placed and did no harm. Attack by a spar-torpedo boat on the United States frigate Minnesota, April 9th, 1864. In this attack the Minnesota was unprotected ; the torpedo-boat was discovered about fifty yards away and fire was opened on her. Her torpedo was properly planted and exploded, damaging the frigate considerably, but the charge was not heavy enough to sink her. Attack by a spar-torpedo boat on the United States corvette Housatonic, February 17th, 1864. The boat used in this at- tack was in reality a submarine boat, but there are good reasons for believing that on this occasion she was used as a spar-torpedo boat. She was discovered about fifty yards away, but there was no time to open fire on her. She planted her torpedo fairly and exploded it, sinking the vessel and herself at the same time. Besides these attacks there were several during the Ameri- can civil war, in which the boats were discovered at a distance and driven off. AKCH1TECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. UNARMORED FLEETS. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENTS. EVER since the introduction of steam propulsion in ships of war, England, France, and the United States have taken the lead in the development of types of naval vessels, and in ex- amining the various methods followed it is necessary to at first fully understand the conditions under which each nation acted and the obstacles against which each had to contend. In Great Britain the navy has always been considered the main defence. Its support and development have for over two- hundred years been considered of the first importance, and, in legislating for its maintenance, expense has seldom been spared. Since the Crimean war, no sudden strain has been imposed upon its administration tending to limit development to certain especial types. Experiments have been carried on with equal profusion in all types, from the line-of -battle ship to the gun-boat, and as each experiment resulted in the addition of a vessel to the fleet whose lifetime could be estimated safely at fifteen years, we find in this immense navy a most het- erogeneous collection of ships, which it would be impossible to classify distinctly. Although this heterogeneousness is a cer- tain sign of extravagance, it by no means follows that it is a sign of weakness in the fleet itself.. In all this range of liberal experiment there has been but one point where Great Britain has been really hampered, and the true advantage of a certain amount of restraint is well exemplified in the superiority of development brought about by it in this instance. In order to keep the fleet constantly up to the standard in number of ves- sels, a greater expenditure of timber was required than could be supplied by home production. It was easily foreseen that in case of a foreign war no dependence could be placed upon a constant supply from abroad, and to remedy this evil we find Great Britain 'the first to utilize iron in ship-construction, and 362 AECHITECTUEE AND CONSTRUCTION. battling against the first and apparently insurmountable obsta- cles to carry iron ship-building to perfection, making it im- measurably superior to wood, and through its use extending the range of architectural development far beyond the old limits. In France there has always been a generous system of legis- lation for the support of the marine, but in this country the navy has never been considered of the vital importance to the safety of the nation that it has in England ; consequently naval controllers have always been obliged to exercise a much greater economy in development, and the rigidly mathematical system of the French in the exercise of all "control is nowhere better exemplified than in the development of their fleet. The ships of the fleet will be found most rigidly classified, each type being clearly distinct. Reconstruction and development is carried on as it were en masse in accordance with the pre- scriptions of fleet programmes carefully studied out to meet the exigencies of the time, and once settled upon being rigidly followed to the end. It is on this account that the French are found as a rule backward in introducing radical changes of detail. Whilst keeping to their systems of classification, the French have kept close to the English in the matter of fleet strength. There has been one period in which France fell so far to the rear as almost to take third place in strength of fleet, whilst development ceased entirely. This was caused by the disastrous Franco-Prussian war, from whose effects the navy still suffers, although it has fully regained its former position close to that of Great Britain. In the United States, naval development has been constantly hampered not only by parsimonious legislation but by a con- stant legislative meddling, imposing a restraint far more in- jurious than lack of funds or the distractions of war itself. At no time has the strength of the fleet been sufficient to bear a comparison with that of either England or France, but in the matter of architectural development the United States has re- peatedly passed to the front at a single stride. In spite, how- ever, 01 the advantages gained, parsimoniousness and political meddling have invariably interfered to hold the navy fast at its single stage of advance until its first developments sank into insignificance beside the modifications and perfections ap- plied in Europe. During the Crimean war American archi- tects laid down a programme for an efficient steam fleet and led the world in the development of the steam frigate and corvette. Notwithstanding this start, the outbreak of the civil war in 1861 found the navy with but the nucleus of a steam fleet. Whilst sailing war-vessels had almost disappeared from ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 303 European navies, giving place to steam types founded mainly upon the principles which had given American architects the lead, the bulk of the United States Navy was still composed of the old sailing frigates and sloops. The turreted iron-clad, the river gun-boat, and the rapid cruiser again showed the way to the world ; but the close of the war brought demoralization to all systems of development. In 1865 the United States possessed a fleet fully able to protect the whole line of its immense sea-coast against foreign aggression ; in 1870 the fleet was reduced to a handful of vessels that, whilst showing heterogeneousness equal to the English fleet, did not possess a single element of strength. At the date of the outbreak of the Crimean war, the build- ing of sailing war-vessels may be said to have ceased throughout the world. Steam corvettes and frigates formed the bulk of the effective fighting fleets, whilst steam line-of-battle ships were being slowly introduced, as yet scarcely beyond the ex- perimental stage. The introduction of steam propulsion and the advancement in the science of naval architecture had given rise not only to improvements in design, strength, and seaworthi- ness of men-of-war, but also to a gradual increase in dimensions of the different classes. The extent of this advancement is well shown in comparing the English line-of-battle ship Victory, Nelson's flag-ship at Trafalgar, having a displacement of less than 2900 tons, with the average displacement of English first- class frigates in 1854, w T hich was not less than 2800 tons ; the battery power of the frigates being more than twice as effec- tive, steam-power being added, and nandiness and speed under sail alone being much superior. Progress in this direction had been made to the extent that in 1854 the French had laid the keel of the Imperatrice Eugenie, a frigate of 3600 tons dis- placement, designed for a speed of 12 knots and a battery of 56 guns (five and six inch smooth-bores). At the dec- laration of war with Russia neither the English nor the French navy was in a condition to meet the suddenly created exigen- cies ; both fleets w r ere in a transition state from sail to steam. The necessity for steam-power on all ships was suddenly made forcibly apparent, and architectural development ceased almost entirely in the work of converting all the available line-ships and frigates of the old sailing fleet into steamers. This total extinction of sailing vessels as fighting war-ships made its effects felt across the ocean, and an attempt was made in the United States to create an efficient steam navy. With but a limited supply of funds for its creation, American archi- tects were forced to study fully the necessities of the fleet be- fore embarking on the new work. Since the foundation of the 364 ARCHITECTUEE AND CONSTRUCTION. navy it had been always one of the principles of American construction to build ships whose measurement exceeded those of similar types in Europe. Carrying out this principle in the development .of the new fleet, there appeared in 1855 four steam frigates superior in every way to any European vessels- of their class that had yet appeared. The importance of these vessels did not lie simply in their excess of measurements over European frigates, but in the combination of all those parts which go to make up the efficient lighting vessel. The Im- peratrice Eugenie with her 3600 tons displacement had sur- passed previous frigate developments, but had made no- impression on other types of vessels. On the contrary, the appearance of the Minnesota, Wabash, Colorado, and Mer- rimac was the signal for the disappearance of the line-of- battle ship. The displacement of these ships was about 4700 tons, or 1100 tons in excess of the Eugenie. The battery was of the same number of guns as in, the French ship, but ex- ceeded by an inch in calibre that of any broadside afloat, the combination of numbers and weight giving these ships supe- riority even over three-deckers. Whilst the design of the Eugenie called for a speed of 12 knots, her coal siipply was sufhcient for but 1500 miles. The Americans, with a speed of 9-J knots, carried coal for 2500 miles. The sail-surface of these ships was enormous, ranging as high as thirty times the area of the immersed midship section. In 1858 a fifth vessel was added to this type (Niagara), the displacement in this instance being carried to 5500 tons, speed 12 knots, with a coal capacity for steaming 2500 miles, full sail-power, and a battery in which calibre had been carried to the extreme limit of broadside fire (11 inches). Whilst the French were engaged on their Eugenie type the English had laid down a type of 3000-ton frigates (Emerald class) which reached a speed of 13 knots. On the appear- ance of the Wabash in European waters, the English at once designed a type to surpass her, and completely overshot the mark in the Mersey and Orlando, in which displacement was carried to 5600 tons ; but in the attempt to realize a speed of 13 knots, they gave the vessels proportions that were unfit for wooden construction. With their profusion of experiments, however, we find between 185T and 1860 a succession of types ranging from 2500 to 4600 tons, the majority averaging about 3800 tons. In these ships may be seen the constant search to- find the one combination that shall possess all the excellences. All of these vessels were thorough cruisers, and in no case ex- cept in the Mersey type do we find the experiment result- ing in worthlessness ; still, an examination of the frigates will ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 36T) show the impossibility of giving a distinct classification to them. Beyond the Crimean war it has been already stated that the development of the line-of-battle ship had scarcely passed the experimental stage, and after 1857 the sudden increase in power of the frigate, combined with the introduction of the sea-going iron-clad, stopped almost entirely the development of this type, although their construction was carried on until 1860. In France a new fleet programme was laid down in 1857, in which the heavy American and English frigates were en- tirely ignored, and whilst new frigates of the Eugenie type were built almost without change, the increase in vessels of this class was confined almost exclusively to lengthening and converting the old frigates of 2500 tons into steamers of 3000. Development of wooden ships was found only in the corvette class. The reason for , this independent departure was, in all probability, due to the original start made by France in the development of the iron-clad frigate in this same year, com- bined with a dissatisfaction on the part of the French with the speed realized in the W abash and Orlando. In 1858 the United States Xavy put forth a type of vessel new in every particular, and one whose value, although not im- mediately recognized, has by its development become the true standard for effective medium unarmored cruisers. The Hart- ford, Brooklyn, Richmond, and Pensacola combined all the advantages of both the second-class frigate and the sloop-of- war. With a displacement of 3000 tons, which placed them in a line with light frigates, their steam-power was fully devel- oped, whilst steaming capacity and sail-power were kept at a maximum, and strength of battery combined, in the best man- ner, calibre and number of guns. In the civil war, which soon followed, no class of vessels proved itself of so much fighting value as this. These vessels formed a distinct class in the navy, and contemporaneously with them appeared a third and lighter class (Iroquois, Wyoming, Mohican, and Narragan- sett), with a displacement ranging from 1600 to 1900 tons. In France this latter type had appeared in the navy at the same time, the Cosmao and Dupleix, with a displacement of 1800 tons, realizing a speedjof nearly two knots greater (12 knots), whilst steaming capacity and sail-power were the same, and the battery was inferior in about the same propor- tion as the speed was superior. In England the development of this class was an extension of the old steam-sloop, realizing in the Challenger and Ba- rossa type a displacement of 2350 tons, with the disadvantages of excessive draught of water, lack of development of speed 366 ARCHITECTUEE AND CONSTRUCTION. and steaming capacity. No better evidence of the complete demoralization of architectural development in the United States can be found than in the movement made in 1872, in which the Hartford class, after having established thoroughly its great utility, was by the addition of a spar-deck reduced to the plane of the Challenger, with increased draught, reduced speed and steaming capacity, and in fact a reduction of all the qualities which had rendered it superior, notwithstanding the total disappearance of the type not only in the English but in all foreign navies. During the Crimean war a great number of gun-boats, rang- ing between 500 and 800 tons displacement, had been hastily but well constructed, and the type was continued after the war until 1860 almost without change. The same types with but slight modifications were contemporaneously introduced in France, those of the French Navy, as a rule, possessing a supe- riority in speed of about one knot. W ith the Immortalite frigate, the Challenger sloop, and the Britomart gun-boat, the development of wooden war- vessels ceased in England in 1859, giving place to composite and iron construction. In 1860 a new range of types appeared in the French Navy, the prominent feature throughout being the extreme develop- ment of speed and steaming capacity, combined with medium sail-power and a minimum battery-power, although here the French introduced the rifled gun as an offset to the heavier calibres of American smooth-bores, the primitive type of the rifle leaving it inferior to the latter in power. In the first rate appears a development of the English Challenger class. RATE. Name. Displacement. Speed. BATTERY. First ^ Venus Decr6s Tons. 2,700 1,770 Knots. 12.7 j XTV 6U-inch rifles, VIII 6-inch | smooth. II 6J^-inch rifles, IV 5%-inch rifles. Second Third Talisman . . . 1,300 12.4 II 6^-inch rifles, IV 4%-inch rifles. Gun-boat Adonis 730 9.3 IV 4%-inch rifles. The corresponding new types of the United States Navy as they appeared in 1862, excluding the frigates, although the Franklin appeared after this date as the last of this type, were: ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 367 RATE. Name. Displacement. Speed. BATTERY. Second Hartford. . . . Shenandoah. Tons. 2,900 2,100 Knots. 10.5 12 JH 11-inch, XVIII 9-inch smooth, { I 5J4-inch rifle. (II 11-inch, Vni 9-inch smooth, 1 I 5J4-inch rifle. Third Iroquois 1,575 10 JII 11-inch, IV 9-inch smooth, Gun-boat Saco 900 9.5 ( I 4J^-inch rifle. IV G^j-inch smooth. From these lists the aims of the constructors in France and the United States may be seen. In the former, displacement was kept at a medium whilst speed was developed to the extreme, the balance in battery-power being sought in the introduction of rifles. With the latter, displacement and battery-power were carried to the extreme, speed being sacrificed, although in this respect great attention was paid to retaining fine under- water lines and a maximum of sail-power. From 1860 to 1873 an interregnum in the development of French wooden types occurs corresponding to the length of time intervening between the fleet programmes. At the outbreak of the civil war, the Hartford, Shenandoah, and Iroquois types were being built upon slowly, with every prospect of completing a small but compact and efficient cruis- ing fleet. Whilst, however, this fleet had been designed es- pecially for ocean cruising, the unforeseen exigencies of this war demanded the immediate introduction of a type of light- draught gun-boats for river service, as well as an immediate in- crease in the numbers of vessels for blockade duty. During the first two years blockading and river vessels were extem- porized from whatever material could be found in the merchant service. It was this war, however, which gave birth to the Saco type of gun-boats, these vessels being of a greater tonnage and better fitted for blockade duty on the open coast than the gun-boats of foreign types. Although the vessels of this type, hastily constructed and of poor material, were com- pletely worn out in five or six years' service, the type was renewed and has remained in the service. Two types of river gun-boats, both of which passed out of existence with the war, demand attention from their great usefulness. The first of these was the ordinary river ferry-boat. These vessels, having a displacement of less than 300 tons and a draught of water of seven feet, possessed two valuable qualifications for river fighting. They were built to run either end foremost with equal facility, 368 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. their speed being moderate and manoeuvring qualities excellent. Their decks, intended to carry heavy moving weights, needed no especial bracing to prepare them for heavy batteries. These ferry-boats, without undergoing any transformations except those made necessary for the proper accommodation of the crew and the manoeuvring of the guns, carried successfully through- out the war heavier proportional batteries than any vessels afloat before or since. The type itself, enlarged and modified so as to permit the vessel to do cruising duty as well as river service, appeared in 1863 in what was known as the double- ender, a vessel standing between the gun-boat and the second rate, but not to be classed with the regular third-rate cruiser. The total ruin of American commerce, brought about by the depredations of half a dozen Confederate cruisers, led to the introduction of four new types of ships, and in these types American constructors sought in general to realize the maxi- mum of speed without reducing any of the other qualities. The first of these (in point of rate) was designed entirely with a view to securing the highest possible speed and steaming capacity, all other qualities being made subordinate. The dis- placement of this type was between 4800 and 5000 tons, rang- ing about 300 tons higher than the frigates of 1855, and they were designed for a speed of 17 knots, with a steaming capacity of 5600 miles at 10 knots. The speed alone was realized. The ships themselves being built of white oak rotted almost before they could be launched ; the frame was not of suf- ficient strength to resist the powerful working of the engines or the w r ear and tear of cruising, failing in this particular as the English frigates Mersey and Orlando had in 1858. The con- sumption of fuel was beyond the calculations, reducing the steaming power to less than 3500 miles. The second type was that of a fast frigate, or more properly first-rate (Piscataqua), in which strength of battery and sail- power were raised to their old proportions with regard to the displacement. The displacement of this type was 4000 tons, battery 25 nine-inch smooth-bores, and speed 12 knots, with a steaming capacity of 3000 miles at 10 knots. These ships were also built of white oak and soon rotted, and their general unhandiness combined, with the great expense of keeping them in commission, caused the type to da-op out of existence. The third type (Congress), having a displacement of 3000 tons, came nearer to the requirements of a large fast ocean cruiser than either of the others, proving fast under steam or sail, handy, and carrying a well-proportioned battery. This type died out with the others in the general demoralization following the reduction of the fleet after the war. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 369 The fourth type (Plymouth), having a displacement of 2400 tons, with a battery of 12 guns and a speed of 12 knots, was in reality a development of the Shenandoah class, having for an increase of 300 tons a gain in battery proportional, and a maxi- mum of speed both under steam and sail without any increase of draught. Of the four types, this one alone, which was a develop- ment of the Shenandoah class, the latter being modified from the Hartford, was the only real step in advance ; but even this type has passed from the active list at present. Between 1865 and 1873 England was the only country in which real development was carried on. The French, keeping closely within the limits of their programme, were engaged in developing speed and testing subordinate modifications in the lower rates of their vessels. By this is meant such modifica- tions as testing the value of the topgallant forecastle, leading to its adoption in all rates; the suppression of the poop-cabin, the test of the long ram bow for furnishing additional buoy- ancy forward, the merits of double and single screw propulsion, etc. particulars which were subordinate to the main architec- tural development. The United States Navy from 1865 to 1873 passed through a period of uninterrupted decadence. Millions were spent in the futile effort to patch up the fast- rotting fleet of white-oak ships that had been hastily con- structed during the war, while not a single attempt was made to benefit by the rapid development of the English. Between 1860 and 1866 English attention had been almost exclusively turned to the development of the iron-clad fleet ; that of the unarmored fleet consisted almost entirely of experi- ments in composite and iron construction, bringing out no new types, but perfecting constructional development. In the lat- ter year, however, directly following the appearance of the Wampanoag, the same course was followed as with the Wabash ten years before. Before the worjd had had time to form any judgment with regard to the real value of the type, the lines of the Inconstant were laid down and the ship was pushed rapidly to completion. In this case the development of iron construction saved England from the blunder committed in 1858 with the Orlando. It was the American vessel that had overshot the mark in measurements for wooden construction. The English turned out a seaworthy- ship, but her real utility is questionable owing to her unhandi- ness and the expense of keeping her in service. The displace- ment of the Inconstant is 5800 tons, battery ten 9-inch and six 7-inch rifles, speed 16 knots, and steaming capacity 2160 miles at 10 knots. The Americans attained superior speed and 370 AECHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. steaming capacity by a sacrifice of battery-power. The Eng- lish attempted to realize all the qualities. At the same time two other fast cruisers approaching the rate of the Congress were built (Yolage and Active). Be- tween 1870 and 1873 is seen the same search amongst dimensions to find the ones which will best satisfy the demands of speed, steaming capacity, and battery-power. The Shah, Raleigh, Boadicea, Bacchante, Euryalus, and Ro- ver, ranging in displacement from 3500 to 6000 tons, over- shooting the mark at first, and apparently best satisfied with dimensions falling between the Piscataqua and Congress types. All of these ships belong more properly to the Piscat- aqua than to the Wampanoag type ; the latter appearing fully developed in the Iris and Mercury, in which, as in the "Wampanoag, all is sacrificed to speed The modifications in this case consist, first, in the steel construction, giving a strength of frame sufficient to withstand the engine-power ; second, the reduction of dimensions, giving a displacement of 3700 tons ; third, the increase in speed to 18 knots. In France is found, on the programme of 1873, provision for first-rate fast cruisers ; accepting the necessity for this de- velopment of the general frigate type, this country deliberates and studies the birth of the type in 1865 in the United States, its development for six years in England, and finally crowns the English modifications with what to-day must be regarded as the most perfect development of the Piscataqua and Shah type. The Duquesne and Tourville have a displace- ment of 5400 tons, speed of 1 7 knots, and steaming capacity of 5000 miles at 10 knots. In these ships France borrows the English constructional development of iron sheathed with wood, while by an- excellent arrangement she secures a full battery-power with an almost perfect command. Next in order of rate in England, but last in development, is what is known as the C class of corvettes. . Built of steel, with a displacement of 2380 tons, they truly represent the last development of the type whose foundation was the Hart- ford, and this type is apparently as great a favorite in the English Navy as the Hartford in her day was in that of the United States. In France the second-rate of the programme of 1873 is a distinctly new type. The Duguay-Trouin in one respect is a departure from French custom, her dimensions be- ing carried to the maximum for this rate, giving her a displace- ment of 3200 tons, which is an increase over her own immediate predecessors of 1200 tons. Her battery-power is if anything lighter than the proportional French average and below that of the English and American vessels of lighter displacement. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 371 She is designed for a speed of 16 knots and a steaming capacity of 3500 miles at 10 knots. The main architectural peculiarity of this vessel is the arrangement for securing great command of fire. Her battery is all carried on the upper deck, whilst she has a clear flush main-deck ; the opening of fore-and-aft lire by carrying the gun-platforms beyond the upper-deck rail is also a modification. Contemporaneously with the Duguay- Trouin the Americans introduced a new type which comes nearer a modification of the Raleigh than any other class, although it springs directly from the attempted modification of the Hartford class referred to above by which spar-decks were added to them. The present Hartford, with her spar and main decks, and the development of the type in the Trenton show two ships wherein is well exemplified the absurdity of, as it were, putting new wine into old bottles. The Trenton has a displacement of 3900 tons, a battery of eleven 8-inch rifles, and a speed of 13 knots, with a steaming capacity of 3500 miles at 10 knots. In this ship, as in the Trouin, the dimen- sions of the second rate are carried to an extreme, although in this case the Americans hold fast to the idea of combining moderate speed with a maximum of battery-power and gen- eral cruising qualities. The Hartford, however, having proved herself possessed of all the excellences of her day, and these excellences having been secured by a wise distribution of architectural elements, was sacrificed to the crude development of a new type by the addition of a new deck. Although these two ships belong to the same type and rate, no comparison can be instituted between them, and at the very time that the English perfect the Hartford type in the C class of corvettes a blunder of the Americans disrates the original. Below the C class in England appeared the Opal class of 1900 tons, a modification of the earlier Blanche type corre- sponding and following close after the American Plymouth type. At the same time a corresponding type appeared in Erance and the United States. In the former the Rigault de Genouilly has a displacement of 1640 tons, an increase of 400 tons over her immediate predecessors, a battery of eight 5- inch guns, and a speed of 15 knots, with a steaming capacity of 4000 miles at 10 knots. In America the Marion has a dis- placement of 1900 tons, a battery of one 8-inch and seven 5-J- inch guns, and a speed of 12 knots, with a steaming capacity of 2500 miles at 10 knots. The French in this class show the same difference in qualities from the English and American types that appeared twenty years before. The English development closes with the gun-boats whose types come more directly from those commenced during the 372 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. Crimean war. The displacement of these vessels ranges from 400 to 900 tons, with a diversity that scarcely admits^of a dis- tinct classification. The American gun-boats are reductions of the Iroquois class of corvettes, exceeding the English in aver- age displacement, or rather showing no types below 500 tons. The French gun-boats are more closely allied to English than to American types, although there is but little difference be- tween the three, the English showing greater diversity, the Americans greater measurements, and the French greater pre- cision of rating. Chart of Architectural Development. Unarmored Vessels. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 373 CONSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Previous to 1857 wood construction was universal in the building of war-vessels. About this date England introduced iron frames in her first armored vessels, passing rapidly to the full development of iron construction in armored ships, com- posite construction in the medium and light classes of unar- mored vessels, and iron or steel sheathed with wood in the first and second unarmored rates. By 1867 the old wood construc- tion had been entirely discarded. French Corvette La Clocheterie (Wooden System.) United States Corvette Plymouth. (Wooden System.) In France the wooden construction was almost exclusively used until the development of the programme of 1873. Iron was then introduced in the armored hulls, iron sheathed with wood in the first and second rate unarmored ships, and com- posite construction in the gun-boats of less than 700 tons, leav- ing the light second-rates and the third-rates to the old wood construction. 374 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. In the United States the wood construction is still invaria- bly followed. There are no composite vessels in the navy, nor has any attempt been made to build one. There are two or three iron vessels of 1000 tons displacement, built during the period of greatest demoralization, and on account of political pressure brought to bear in the interest of iron merchant-ship building. These vessels can scarcely be pointed at with pride, since, throughout the naval world, pure iron construction is found only in transports and troop-ships. In England, where iron ship-building had its birth and development, constructors have never proposed this very excellent type of merchant-ship construction for war-vessels. Wooden Construction. The keel in the wooden construction is sided to a certain proportion to the beam of the vessel, the pieces composing it being generally connected by a plain scarf, the stem carrying the form up forward being hook-scarfed to the forward end of the keel and supported by the timbers of the deadwood and apron, forming a solid mass at the fore-foot. The stern boun- dary is carried up in the main stern-post, which seats with two tenons on the after-end of the keel, being supplemented in some vessels by a rudder-post, but generally in the larger classes of vessels the latter gives way to the equipoise rudder. The angle of the stern-post and keel is made up into a solid supporting mass by the after-deadwood. The junction of stern-post and keel is further strengthened by bronze castings bolted on each side. The keel is rabbeted each side to receive the garboard strake of pknking, and the stern-post and apron prolong the rabbet at either end for the hooding-ends of the outside planking. The floor-timbers cross the keel, giving an alternate long and short arm on either side, the frames being carried up by futtocks and top-timbers shifting butts. Over the floor-timbers in the plane of the keel a heavy keelson is laid with, generally, sister-keelsons on each side, the system of keel and keelson forming the rigid back-bone of the ship. The longitudinal supports of the ship are the boiler-keel- sons, parallel to the main-keelson and forming the supports to the boilers ; the diagonal bracing, composed of iron ribbons of about three fourths of an inch in thickness, crossing each other at an angle of 45, and forming a complete lattice- work for the ship extending from the spar-deck to the turn of the bilge. These braces are generally worked on the inner side of me frames, but in certain cases they have been worked on the out- side or on both sides. The inner planking, formed of the ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 375 Diagonal Braces. thick strakes, bilge-strakes, and ceiling ; the deck-clamps, ranges of heavy plank for the support of the ends of the beams ; water- ways, covering the beam-ends and corresponding to the deck- clamps underneath ; and the outside planking. The transverse supports are the beams with their connect- ing systems of knees and carlings, the breast-hooks and tran- soms, and finally the decks themselves, which furnish both longitudinal and transverse support. Of late years it has been the custom to make the beams, knees, breast-hooks, and transoms of iron, and it is a very general idea amongst those who have not paid especial attention to the subject that this modification, taken in conjunction with the introduction of diagonal braces, constitutes composite construc- tion, which is by no means the case. In the wooden construction the American and the English systems are very closely allied, whilst the French differs from both in many details. These differences are, however, in the detail work, a description of which would be scarcely war- ranted in the general summarizing of a system. The outside planking is made up of a series of strakes differing in thickness of plank in accordance with the points at which the greatest strains are brought by the motions of the vessel. Next the keel on each side, and tending to give it thorough support, are ranges of plank firmly secured in the rabbet of the keel and thicker than the planking in general, called the garboard strakes. Outside of the gun-deck beams is another range of heavy planking called the main wales, and in two and three decked vessels other strakes called middle wales are worked abreast the other beams. In the same way a freat longitudinal strengthening is gained in the deck-planking y the outer range of planks next to the water-ways, called the thick strakes. It is considered that all these points are generally under- stood, and they are simply referred to on account of the necessity of bearing them in mind in following the develop- ments. Diagonal Construction. This system of construction is found only in the English royal yachts and in their heavy wooden steam and sailing launches, but it is the opinion of an eminent English naval architect that had it not been for the very general introduction of iron in ship-building it would probably have taken precedence 376 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. over the ordinary wooden construction. Its only objectionable feature is its expensiveness, while it is much superior in point of lightness and structural strength. Whilst in the ordinary wooden construction the weight of hull ranges between 46 and 54 per cent of the displacement, it is reduced in the diagonal system to between 32 and 40 per cent. In this system the keel, keelsons, stem and stern posts, and floor-timbers are similar to the ordinary construction. The heavy frames, however, stop with the floor-timbers, and there is no diagonal iron framework. The outer and inner planking of the ship are the same as in the old construction except that the thick strakes of outer planking forming the wales are done away with, retaining only the heavy garboard- ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION". 377 strakes. In place of the futtocks and top-timbers of the old con- struction a double course of diagonal planking is introduced. That part of the inner planking which covers the floor-timbers is of the ordinary thickness, whilst beyond the timber-heads the planking is increased in thickness to give a smooth turn to the bilge ceiling. These four or live strakes are rabbeted into each other and into the timber-heads. The clamps and water-ways are as in the old type. In order to give transverse strength to this system, the knees are constructed in a peculiar manner. The low r er leg of the orlop-deck hanging knee is carried down beyond the head of the floor-timber. Every other knee is forked, giving a housing to the beam-end, the two legs follow- ing the curve of the clamps and water-ways and rising with a spread of half the height between decks and beyond the foot of the hanging knee over it. This system of construction has found great favor in Eng- land in the construction of yachts, and it has been very suc- cessfully applied to sailing merchant-ships and steamers. Composite Construction. The object of this construction is to combine, as far as pos- sible, all the advantages of the wooden and the iron ship. There are three main systems of English types ranging from a close approximation to the wooden construction to that of the iron sheathed with wood, which latter forms the connection between composite and iron construction. In McLain's sys- tem, which is the closest approximation to the wood construc- Jordan's Composite Construction. tion, the keel, stem and stern posts, frame, and outer planking are of wood. The ceiling or inner planking, however, is of iron, forming a complete iron inner skin ; the beams, knees, stringers, keelsons, transoms, and breast-hooks being also of iron. The wooden frames are of a smaller scantling than in the wooden system, being supplemented by angle-iron frames, by means of which the iron skin is secured to them. The 378 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. outer planking bolts directly to the wooden frames, being kept entirely clear of the iron inner hull. In Jordan's system the frames are entirely of iron, inner and outer skins being of wood, whilst the keelsons, stringers, and transverse supports are of iron. In Scott's system the frames are made of T-iron instead of angle-iron as in Jordan's system, and a modification is introduced by which the frames are spaced much farther apart. Between the frames oak or teak chocks are fitted, Scott's Composite Construction. McLain's Composite Construction. bolted to the frames and calked throughout, thus forming a complete water-tight course. These are the main types as rep- resented in England. In Russia is found another system which, doing away with diagonal braces, which it must be remembered are used with all the systems just described, makes use of the McLain system in connection with Mr. Scott Russell's method of longitudinal strengthening. In this, the keel, stem and stern posts, and outer planking are of wood, ^^^ whilst the frame is of iron with an iron skin oiit- IgJuU n| side of it, which in general terms would class the type with that of iron ships sheathed with wood. To the outside of this iron skin Z-iron stringers are bolted, the space between them being filled H up by chocks to form a complete wooden sheath- H ing. These chocks are made shorter than the ^ spaces, and are wedged in their seats. Outside 3m ' of this sheathing is run the wooden outer plank- ing in the ordinary way. It will be seen by the descriptions French Gun-boat Crocodile. (Composite.) French Transport Annamlte. (Composite.) following that this system can scarcely be classed as a true com- posite. ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 379 The French system as applied in their light gun-boats has the same wooden outer skin, with the ordinary iron frame. The outer planking is double, gaining great longitudinal strength by breaking seams. There is no diagonal bracing. This sys- tem of outer planking is the one used in the English Kavy. In the French transports of the Annamite class a system of alternate framing is followed, with wooden ceiling and double outside planking. In these vessels additional longitudinal strength is gained by the use of heavy iron box-stringers in place of the ordinary water-ways. Iron Construction. In tracing the development of iron construction it is neces- sary to pass from the consideration of unarmored vessels to the armored types, as the pure iron construction is limited almost exclusively to these vessels. The advantages of iron over wood may be summed up as being, 1st, lightness combined with strength ; 2d, durability when properly treated ; 3d, ease and cheapness of construction and repair ; 4th, safety when properly constructed and subdivided. Its disadvantages are : (1) easy penetration of the bottom by rocks or by other point- ed substances ; (2) fouling of the bottom and consequent loss of speed ; (3) the immense holes made, not only by taking out solid pieces, but, what is worse, the long rents or tears made by a penetrating shot through the thin side-plates and frames. Fast cruisers cannot be built of iron alone on account of the fouling, and the smaller the ship the greater the harm from this cause. War-vessels of any kind are excluded from this construction on account of the vulnerability of the sides, com- bined with the impossibility to stop a shot-hole which is starred with long rents. In the heavy iron-clad, however, the third disadvantage is done away with by the application of armor. The second is partially overcome by the surplus engine-power, and the first is neutralized by the double bottom, wing pas- sages and compartments which the large roomy hull allows to be introduced. The Brazilian iron-clad corvette Brazil, although built as late as 1866, is a good example of the primitive iron construc- tion as applied to vessels of war. The keel of this vessel is what is known as the solid-bar type, the plates forming the garboard-strakes turning down on each side of it. The frames, made of upper and lower angle-irons strengthened from the amidship line to the turn 01 the bilge by a deep web, abut against an interior keel formed of a single plate surmounted by a flat plate-keelson, the frames, keels, and keelson being 380 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. thoroughly bound together by angle-iron. The stem is scarfed into the keel, rising as a ^continuation of it and being rabbeted for the reception of the bow-plates. The main longitudinal strengthening consists in an iron bulkhead rising from the bilge to the under side of the main-deck and running fore and aft, forming water-tight wing passages. Just outside of the edges of tlie plate-keelson is what is called an intercostal longitudinal frame, consisting of short plates between the webs of the frames and secured to them by angle-irons ; these frames run fore and aft. In addition to these longitudinal supports, a Brazil. wide stringer- pi ate is carried along underneath the water-ways of both decks. In the formation of the armor-shelf, the exte- rior angle-irons of the frames, turned back along the edge of the web, form the shelf, while the interior angle-irons are car- ried up unbroken to the plank-sheer. The plating is the sys- tem generally applied of every other plate lapping on both edges. In the Warrior the solid-bar keel gives way to the plate- keel, which in this case is double, the garboard-strakes butting against the edges of the internal plate, while the external one laps well over the joint. The continuous internal keel is found in this ship similar to the Brazil, secured by angle-irons to the inner keel-plate and the broad plate-keelson. The lower angle-irons in this case are continuous, while the upper ones ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 381 are in short lengths, permitting the upper angle-irons of the frame to pass across and form a continuous length from plank- sheer to plank-sheer. The web of the frame is here shown in- creased in depth to a maximum, being lightened as far as pos- sible by circular sections cut out. The assemblage of a frame consists of the continuous inner angle-irons, one on each side of a narrow strip to which the deep web-pieces are bolted, and the lower angle-irons bounding the webs. In the Warrior will be noticed six longitudinal frames similar to the continuous Warrior. inner keel, and it will be noticed that the third of these frames, forming the seat of the wing-passage bulkhead, and the sixth, running along the outer edge of the floor-plates, project be- yond the angle-irons of the transverse frame, being slotted to permit these angle- irons to pass them. The wing-passage bulk- head forms another longitudinal support, extending fore and aft from the turn of the bilge to the lower side of the main- deck. The armor shelf -plate in this instance consists simply of a broad plate bent at right angles and secured by angle-irons 382 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. to the inner plating. This is a noticeable feature, as the ex- treme strain on the plate in the sharp bend is a plane of weak- ness. The Bellerophon shows the same arrangement of keel and keelson with the addition of wooden bilge-keels secured lightly to the bottom plates by angle-irons. The framing of this ship, however, is of the type known as the bracket-plate system. The features of this system are the adoption of a double bottom and of angle-irons connected by bracket-plates instead of by solid forged iron-work. The web of the frame in this instance is much deeper, giving a large space between the outer plating Detail of Bellerophon's Frame. Bellerophon. and the bottom formed by plating' the floor edge of the trans- verse frames. In the Warrior it will be noticed this plating only extended to the third longitudinal on each side, while in the Bellerophon it reaches to the wing-passage bulkhead. The transverse inner angle-iron is continuous from bulwark to bulwark, the outer one being in short lengths to allow continu- ous longitudinals. The upper angle-irons of the longitudinal frames notch down over the transverse frames, while the lower ones are continuous. The spaces between the bracket-frames lighten the assemblage a great deal, while the longitudinals, being of continuous plate like the inner keel, are lightened by ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 383 having holes cnt in them. In this manner large water-tight compartments are secured ; for the inner keel, the third longi- tudinal, and the wing-passage bulkhead longitudinal are solid. The web just underneath the armor-shelf is of the old-style solid plate, to give better support than would be gained by bracket-plates. The double- bottom arrangement continues throughout two thirds of the length of the ship, the frames outside of this being reduced in dimensions. The armor-shelf of the "Warrior proving a weak construction, that of the Bel- lerophon was better worked. The outer angle was formed by an angle-iron bolted to the vertical outside plating, and to a flat' plate forming the armor-seat, the iron being on the inside of each plate. This left an open joint between the lower edge of the plating and the upper edge of the side-plate, but the joint is one easily calked. In the Hercules the bracket-plate system is quite similar^ and additional stengthening w r as put in by partially filling the wing-spaces with a strake of heavy teak backing. Two box- ruled Wing-Passage of Hercules. Floor of Hercules. keelsons were also run on each side of the main keelson, and the main keelson itself was strengthened by being carried up above the floor and braced by brackets on each side. The armor- shelf in this instance was also slightly modified. In the Invincible the wing-passage and its bulkhead is done away with, and in place of it the web of the transverse frame is deepened considerably, carrying the double-bottom arrange- ment up to the arm or- shelf ; and whilst retaining a good depth as security against the outer skin being broken by ramming, much space is gained in the hold. These ships, being constructed for ramming, require a, firmly braced stem. The stem itself is a solid forging, and attaches to the flat keel by a plain scarf, the outer keel-plate being carried some distance farther along the turn of the fore- foot than the inner one. The whole length of the stem is deeply rabbeted to receive the forward ends of the side-plates and armor, which all house in it. For a distance of forty or forty-five feet from the bow the bottom plates are doubled to give additional stiffness, each plate housing in a separate 384 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. rabbet. The rear side of the stem is cut square, the breast- hooks seating fairly on it. Stern-posts are now invariably made in single solid f org- ings, and are plain scarfed to the keel as with the stem. Com- partment bulkheads form an element of great transverse strength. There is no fixed rule for their application in war- vessels, but the usual number is seven. Of these, one is placed well forward, called the collision bulkhead, another is far enough aft to just enclose the screw-shaft stuffing-box, two others are respectively forward of the boilers and abaft the engines, and the others divide the remaining space as is best suited. Above the water-line, doors of a sufficient size to render free passage are worked in the bulkheads and are on hinges having clamps by which they may be screwed up water-tight. Below the water-line the doors slide either horizontally or verti- cally, being worked by gearing on the main-deck. The wing- passages are provided with small sliding doors generally kept closed. The compartments of the double bottom are con- nected by sluice-valves worked from the main-deck. These points constitute the main peculiarities of iron ship- building as it is at present carried on. There are constant modifications made in details, many of which are of the great- est importance, but a description of them would be out of place except in a work on iron ship-construction. Iron Sheathed with Wood. It has been stated that in no navy (except that of the United States) are there to be found iron ships of the pure construction. When iron ship-building was first introduced in England, two iron sloops were laid down and experiments were carried on with targets representing their sides, to find out the effect of shot upon them. The frames of these vessels were spaced only one foot apart, and it was found that a very serious amount of splintering took place when a shot pene- trated. It was also found that for thicknesses beyond half an inch the projectile was broken to pieces on contact. This ad- vantage for iron was, however, soon counterbalanced by the rapid increase of calibre, change to rifled guns and high veloci- ties-, and the introduction of steel and chilled projectiles. The great advantages offered by iron construction, however, ren- dered its introduction an absolute necessity when it became a question of speed. The rapid fouling of bottoms, with its consequent loss of speed, could only be overcome by coppering, and this necessity introduced another and far more serious dif- ficulty, that of galvanic action. The introduction of the sys- ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 385 tern of sheathing iron with wood is due directly to Mr. Grantham, an English builder. The main principles laid down by him were to have widely spaced transverse frames, and on the exterior of the iron skin to work a system of angle- irons which should in themselves bring up the strength of the hull to the standard, making up for the loss by wide spacing. The iron skin having been covered with pitch, a wooden filling was introduced between the angle-irons, wedged solid so as to form a complete wooden casing. Over this was placed a layer of tarred paper, and then the sheathing proper of the ship was fastened by brass screw-bolts to the wooden filling, completely insulating the iron hull. This sheathing could then be cop- pered. These exterior angle-iron frames, being worked as a support to the inner ones, take, as a rule, an opposite direction. Thus if the main inner frames are transverse, the exterior ones are longitudinal, and vice versa. Grantham's method is in reality the one shown in the description of the Russian com- posite system. The English Admiralty method is somewhat different. Here the sheathing is in two thicknesses, the inner course being tap-bolted to the iron skin, the bolt-heads being sunk well into the planks and covered with pitch. The outer course shifts seams and butts with the inner one and is secured with brass screw-bolts. Over this course comes the copper. The Admi- ralty system is the one followed in France in the construction of the first and second rate fast cruisers. The difficulties of insulation are not yet solved by any means. Could the sheath- ing be absolutely excluded from moisture the system would be perfect, but as yet no means have been devised by which the wood can be prevented from becoming wet and thus serving the part of the porous jar in a voltaic cell. In examining and discussing different systems of construc- tion it is necessary to always keep in mind the great distinc- tions between composite, iron, and iron sheathed with wood. Those who cry down the wooden construction, in view of the rapid deterioration of the American unarmored fleet, must bear in mind that this fleet was constructed of the worst possi- ble material. In discussing the advantages of the composite system, those of the diagonal system must not be lost sight of. Above all, it must be remembered that the disadvantages of the pure iron construction, as evidenced by English and French target experiments, have never been overcome. The iron and steel sheathed with wood is an amelioration, but as yet it is by no means a satisfactory one. Although England has totally discarded the wood construction, it must be remembered that France holds her own with but a partial introduction of iron 386 AKCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. and composite in her highest and lowest rates. The subject of constructional development is still in its experimental stage, and to those nations who, unlike Great Britain, cannot depend upon legislative support and sympathy, nothing is more dan- gerous to the healthy development of an efficient unarmored fleet than a hasty adoption of a new constructional type. ARMORED VESSELS. ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT. It would be useless to attempt to assemble in chronological order the many propositions that have been submitted to or even entertained by different maritime governments looking towards the building of armored vessels. The first serious at- tempt made and effectually carried out was by France in 1855, when there were built five floating batteries carrying an armor of five inches, which, although almost totally unmanageable from their bad lines and realizing a speed of but four knots, w r ent into action on the 17th of October in that year and si- lenced the batteries of Kinburn. These vessels taught nothing with regard to architectural development, but at the instance of France the English Gov- ernment built nearly at the same time some vessels quite simi- lar, and the attention which this movement caused led to a consideration of the suggestions of Captain Coles, who, in the same year, sent into action the little cupola vessel Lady Nancy. Had it not been for the dire necessity for an armored ves- sel to hold the Merrimac in check, Ericsson would not have won for the United States the credit of introducing the moni- tor type of vessel. Whilst he was designing the lines and ar- rangements of the Monitor, Coles was engaged in almost pre- cisely the same work for the Danish Government, designing the Rolf Krake. . From the successful work of the French floating batteries that government passed at a stride to the Gloire, laid down in 1858. Scarcely was this vessel's frame up before the keel of the Warrior was laid in England. In designing these two ships the honors of development are divided between the countries. England introduced iron ship-construction, France combined thickness and disposition of armor as well as dimen- sions of vessels which required the least change as develop- ment progressed. Before the end of 1862 all Europe had been aroused to the new marine development. France and England already possessed iron-clad fleets, whilst Spain, Italy, Austria, Denmark, Kussia, Holland, and Sweden w r ere order- ing ships wherever they could be obtained. In the United ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 387 States a powerful fleet of monitors and armored river gun- boats was being rapidly formed, whilst to this country the eyes of the world were turned for the actual warfare tests of the new idea. In England the development of the broadside sea-going iron-clad extends from 1858 to 1867. Commencing with the Warrior, there is a gradual increase in dimensions until the maximum of unwieldiness is reached in the Minotaur, the false development ceasing at her and falling back in the Bellerophon and Lord Warden, the last of the pure broadside type, to nearly the dimensions laid down by the French at the commencement of their work. In disposition of armor the English departed in the same manner from true development. Commencing with simply an armored battery in the W arrior, altering to a fully armored main-deck in the Valiant, changing again in the Achilles to an armored water-line and battery, and ending with a full water-line and main-deck armor in the Minotaur arid Bellerophon the system adopted by France at the start. Dur- ing this period Coles's turret-ship development commenced with two different types of ships a harbor-defence type, rep- resented by the old line-of-battle ship Royal Sovereign, which was cut down, armored, and provided with revolving turrets mounted on a low flush deck, and the Rolf Krake, Scorpion, and Wyvern, constructed for foreign governments, and intended as low-freeboard sea-going vessels. In France the lifetime of the pure broadside type was about the same as in England. Commencing with the Gloire, a tentative development of iron construction was made in the Couronne, but was not followed up. Remaining satisfied with the Gloire type as it was perfected in the Flandre, the French built up a homogeneous and effective fleet, making but one false step in the development. This was in the attempt to carry height and weight of battery to a maximum by introduc- ing a two-decked frigate. In the Magenta and Solferino the armor of the upper gun-deck was confined to the battery, leaving the ends exposed as in the Warrior, but with far more injurious consequences ; for the upper works in these ships being of wood were open to the ravages of fire caused by shell and hot shot, which would have inevitably put these ships hors de combat. The turret-ship development was also commenced at this period with the ram Taureau, an amplifi- cation of Coles' Lady Nancy ; passing from thence to the Cerbere type, which was closely allied to the American moni- tors. In the private ship-yards of France, Germany had com- menced an independent type with the Prinz Adalbert, a false design which was repeated but once, in the Confederate ram 388 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. Stonewall. In comparing the developments of France and England, there is one novel feature worthy of remark. France, ignoring iron construction, made no attempt to convert her wooden line-of-battle ships into armored vessels. England, throwing wood construction out entirely as unfit for application, converted a number of her wooden vessels into armored ones. In the United States, attention was turned almost entirely to the development of the monitor type, passing from the single to the double turreted class, and overstepping the limit in the three-turreted converted ship Roanoke. The Confed- erates having designed an independent armored battery-ship (Merrimac type), the Federals developed it in the 'New Iron- sides, carrying it to the end in the Dunderberg. Spain, Austria, and Italy adopted the French develop- ment of the broadside ship, the latter country making a false step in the Affondatore, which belonged to the Rolf Krake type. The northern nations introduced the American devel- opment almost unchanged. In 1867 England struck the death-blow to the pure broad- side ship by the design of the belt and box ship Enterprise, passing rapidly and in a true line to the Pallas, Penelope, Hercules, Sultan, and ending with the Audacious. During this period the faulty development of Coles's low-freeboard sea-going turret system culminated in the Captain, with w r hose loss the inventor perished. His work was not lost, however, ' for in the Monarch appears the true development of his sys- tem. During this period also the English, taking the Ameri- can monitor type in connection with Coles's turret, advanced the combination in the Rupert, Cerberus, Glatton, and Fury (Devastation). In France the broadside type was modified by introducing the short main-deck battery, supplemented by the spar-deck barbette turrets in the Belliqueuse, carried forward in the Alma and culminating in the Ocean and Richelieu. In the United States, iron-clad development had entirely ceased. In Germany the Konig Wilhelm represented the full development of the English Enterprise, and the Friedrich Carl entered her fleet as the model 01 the second-rate armored cruiser belonging to the Alma type. Russia failed in an at- tempt to advance the New Ironsides type in the cruising iron- clad Perwenec. Holland, with the Buffel, introduced a new type of high-freeboard monitor, and Turkey appeared devel- oping a fleet of the Hercules type. Since 1871 the English have in their sea-going frigates mainly developed individual ships of different types the Alexandria, Temeraire, Nelson, and Shannon. Their turreted ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 389 ships have advanced from the Devastation to the Dreadnought and Inflexible, and with these ships the English have for a time rested. In France development was stopped for a time by the war, but recommenced in 1875, when the Alma type was perfected in the Yictorieuse, and the Redoubtable and Duperre com- menced a new departure. Their coast-defence vessels were also remodelled, following closely the ideas expressed in the Glatton, improving on her in the Tonnerre type. In Italy independent action appears in the new cruising types Venezia and Palestro, and her architects rightly claim half the honor of the last development of turreted vessels. Whether to Italy or to England belongs exclusively the Duilio and Inflexible type is a question that probably will never be satisfactorily answered. Austria develops independently the Custoza and the Teget- thoff. Russia makes a false development in the Popoffkas, and a true one in the Duke of Edinburgh. Germany carries the Monarch development to its highest point in the' Preussen, and the Redoubtable development in the Kaiser. Chili, with the help of England, produces a new and true type in the Almirante Cochrane, and Japan arid Portugal each appear with a well-designed reduction of the Redoubtable in the Foo Soo and the Yasco da Gama. In this rush of development of twenty years it is true that all fleets have been immeasurably strengthened, but it has been at a cost far beyond what the result would warrant. It is only within the past five years that the development of iron-clad architecture can be said to have taken any steady course. As yet the full eifects of this forced and feverish course can scarcely be realized ; but as fleets grow now slowly and steadily, those nations who have waited a little and profited by the true developments of the more hasty ones will be in a far better position to meet the sudden exigencies of war than those who have counted on numbers of vessels and gross tonnage dis- placement as a true criterion of naval strength. From the number of cautious nations the United States must be ex- cluded, since in this country the blow given to the develop- ment of private ship-building by the civil war and to the development of naval architecture by political intrigue and interference has resulted in the nearly complete destruction of the science itself. Nothing is more common amongst naval people than specu- lations and arguments with regard to the true methods of de- 390 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. veloping a fleet, and it is generally taken for granted amongst those who give the subject but a superficial study that, since the designs that have been created are almost countless in their variety, and that amongst those nations that have attempted an independent development there is not one that does not count as many failures as successes, the matter of design is one of pure guess-work, not stopping to think that, as a rule, the de- signers themselves are men of the highest abilities, and that witli a ship, as with everything else, there are certain limiting circumstances that the nature of the vessel itself forbids violating. In this respect a comparison of the proportions of the dif- ferent elements of vessels of varying types affords a useful lesson. RATIOS OF THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS OF IRON-CLAD VESSELS TO THEIR DISPLACEMENT. First-rate, Sea-going, Full-rigged Frigates. DISPLACEMENT RANGING FROM 10,500 TO 5400 TONS. NAMES. d P w ^ Hull and Ar- mor. Ordnance. M ^ \ . 3 i 1 d P A a- ill 1 1 Gloire .472 .474 441 .144 .161 .163 .180 .195 .294 .147 .289 .216 .149 .183 .194 .171 .209 .199 .221 .246 .616 .635 .604 .643 .671 .6&3 .628 .631 .617 .667 .687 .687 .654 .637 .630 .658 .651 .030 .066 .073 .065 .063 .067 .061 .055 .051 .066 .059 .048 .047 .054 .062 .065 .055 .072 .058 .114 .107 .134 .111 .095 .118 .113 .145 .121 .101 .107 .101 .118 .133 .138 .117 .141 .158 .116 .107 .107 .078 .085 .064 .083 .087 .111 .098 .072 .072 .085 .080 .090 .085 .053 .060 .088 .078 .090 .085 .082 .074 .121 .086 .085 .075 .086 .093 .089 .088 .077 .085 .083 .096 Magenta Provence Marengo .463 .476 .389 .481 .342 .401 .518 .504 .493 .483 .428 .431 .437 .405 .404 Richelieu Devastation Kaiser Tegetthoff . KonigWilhelm.... Warrior \chilles Minotaur Bellerophon . . . Sultan Hercules Audacious Temeraire ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. 391 Second-rate, Sea-going, Full-rigged Frigates. DISPLACEMENT RANGING BETWEEN 5150 AND 2950 TONS. NAMES. 1 Armor. 4 a I 1 i 6 || fi a l i! J H g ( Alma . 519 234 7KQ AJO *\ (Victorieuse 47K 172 .035 . . I Pallas . . 488 JCO AJ.1 .068 .114 &j = (Shannon 655 071 .074 .085 ki\ Hansa . . 416 104 (MA J -< Duke of Edinburgh 3 5 < Almirante Cochrane . . . .379 .112 .491 .033 073 .197 .215 073 .097 .064 0-2] **- feet, the broadside may be well covered for a length of from 15 to 18 feet, giving protection to double the number of guns. This advantage, however, is purchased at the expense of a more unfavorable disposition of weight and a complication of upper-work framing. These points bear directly upon the service for which the vessel is intended, and are so intimately connected with the whole general type of the vessel that it be- comes the most complete absurdity to assert that turrets alone 396 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION. or armored broadsides alone shall be used. As weight of armor increases, the extent of its protection becomes one of the most serious of questions. In ten years from the date of its introduction it became impossible to completely protect the hull of the frigate, and in lit' teen years we find it necessary to commence to strip the turreted vessel with her minimum of freeboard. If the greatest architects of the world find them- selves almost at a loss to retain the effectiveness of the armor carried whilst keeping within proper bounds in weight, it is certainly idle for those who barely appreciate the necessity for covering battery and steering-gear to assert that armor should be carried thus and so. The application of horizontal armor presents problems equally abstruse; more so in fact to the designer who does not fully appreciate all the obstacles to be surmounted and the real advantages which are to be obtained. A vessel having a heavy steel deck that shall fully protect her under-water sec- tions and yet permit of such a division of above-water spaces as to permit her to be pierced with impunity whilst that space is left available for the many necessities of circulation and storage, is a consummation of architectural skill the most diffi- cult of attainment. The matter of properly proportioning the vital factors of a man-of-war, be she iron-clad or unarmored, is one of the highest consideration. To speak of designing ships to carry 40-ton guns and have a speed of 16 knots, and at the same time not to consider what are the absolute limitations in their construc- tion, is as senseless as to attempt to rebuild a monitor without first finding out whether she will float or not after she is built. The Onondaga is an example of the first method of construc- tion, the Puritan of the second. These two vessels represent the condition of naval architecture and construction in the United States for a period of ten years during which the naval architects of all the rest of the world have been advancing at giant strides. Whilst then w r e may leave out of consideration those types of vessels which have clearly proved failures, there is not a single one that has been in any way successful that is not de- serving of the closest attention and study. Whilst amongst English types we find the greatest diversity of application combined with the very highest architectural skill and develop- ment, it must not be forgotten that France, Italy, and Austria have architects second to none in the w r orld, men whose national jealousies and ambitions lead them to totally independ- ent lines of thought and action and whose works are worthy of the highest praise. .A. R T V. PERSONNEL. ORGANIZATION-FLEET DIVISION-BUDGETS. PERSONNEL. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. THE navy of this country is as yet not fully or independ- ently developed, its administration and budget being incorpo- rated with that of the army. All vessels of a larger size than gun-boats have been purchased from foreign governments, and until lately there have been no facilities for the repair of ships ; at present, however, a dock-yard is in course of construction at Zarate, which when completed will furnish docking and re- pairing facilities for first-rate vessels. This yard is, however, hardly to be considered a building yard. Engines, boilers, and ordnance will be purchased from foreign markets for some time to come, as the mechanical industries are not yet sufficiently developed to permit the establishment in the country of the necessary machine-shops. A naval school has been established and measures have been taken to introduce apprentice instruc- tion. The personnel of the Argentine fleet is divided into three corps or divisions : NAVAL DIVISION. 2 Fleet Commandants. 22 Cadets. 5 Colonels. 43 Midshipmen. 8 Lieutenant-Colonels. 7 Paymasters. 6 Majors. 26 Machinists. 7 Captains. 748 Men. 26 Lieutenants. Apprentices. Total 900 MARINE INFANTRY AND ARTILLERY DIVISION. 2000 Men (National Guard). TORPEDO DIVISION. 3 Chiefs. 8 Officers. 80 Men. The yearly budget of the navy is about $700,000, or a little less than one twenty-fourth of the entire national expense. 400 AUSTRIA. There are no cruising squadrons as yet, although more than half of the fleet is kept constantly in commission, policing the coast of Patagonia and the home coast. AUSTEIA. The Imperial Council being composed of three Ministers only, holding respectively the portfolios of foreign affairs, war, and finance, the navy although a branch of imperial control (as distinguished from the separate cabinets of Austria and of Hungary) is not distinctively recognized in the Coun- cil. The head of the Marine Section of the Ministry of War is a Yice- Admiral, who is Commander-in-Chief of the fleet and under whose direct control is placed the superintendence of all the departments of the navy, the Admiralty of the war station of Pola, and the command of the maritime district of Trieste. The personnel of the navy has a double " cadre," one for war and another, somewhat reduced, for peace, there being during time of peace a reserve division of officers composed of those whose services can best be spared. The corps and grade divisions of the personnel correspond with those of other navies, the names and cadres being as follows : SEA OFFICEKS. WAR. PEACE. WAR. PEACE. 1 A A - i J Complimentary 146 100 Linienschiffs Lieutenant, 1 1 Admiral -j Q ^ 1 Klasse. 3 2 Vice- Admiral. 73 50 Linienschiffs Lieutenant, 7 6 Centre-Admiral. 2 Klasse. 22 16 Linienschiffs Capitan. 216 155 Linienschiffs Fahnrich. 21 19 Fregaten Capitan. 244 163 See Cadet and Aspirant. 25 22 Corvetten Capitan. MARINE INFANTRY. 1 1 Contre-Admiral. 19 19 Linienschiffs Lieutenant, 1 1 Linienschiffs Capitan. 1 Klasse. 4 4 Fregaten Capitan. 9 9 Linienschiffs Lieutenant, 3 3 Corvetten Capitan. 2 Klasse. 10 10 Linienschiffs Fahnrich. MARINE PRIESTHOOD. 1 Marine Pfarrer. 2 Marine Curat. 6 Marine Kaplan, (The Pastor and the Curates have permanent duty on shore.) MEDICAL CORPS. 1 1 Oberster Marine-Arzt. 23 18 Linienschiffs-Arzt. 2 2 Marine-Ober-Stabsarzt. 25 18 Fregatten-Arzt. 4 4 Mariue-Stabsarzt. 29 19 Corvetten-Arzt. AUSTRIA. 401 TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT. Ship Building. 1 Oberster Ingenieur. 8 Ingenieur, 1 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 1 Klasse. 8 lugenieur, 2 Klasse. 2 Oberingenieur, 2 Klasse. 8 lugenieur, 3 Klasse. 2 Oberingenieur, 3 Klasse. 4 leve. Engine Building. 1 Oberster Ingenieur. 3 Ingenieur, 1 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 1 Klasse. 3 Ingenieur, 2 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 2 Klasse. 4 Ingenieur, 3 Klasse. 2 Oberiugenieur, 3 Klasse. Marine Artillery. 1 Oberster Ingenieur. 3 Ingenieur, 1 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 1 Klasse. 6 Ingenieur, 2 Klasse. 2 Oberingenieur, 2 Klasse. 6 Ingenieur, 3 Klasse. 2 Oberingenieur, 3 Klasse. 6 Eleve. Building and Dock Construction. 1 Oberster Ingenieur. 1 Ingenieur, 1 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 1 Klasse. 1 Ingenieur, 2 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 2 Klasse. 2 Ingenieur, 3 Klasse. 1 Oberingenieur, 3 Klasse. Machinists. 2 Ober Maschinist. 35 Maschinist, 2 Klasse. 20 Maschinist, 1 Klasse. 55 Maschinist, 3 Klasse. COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. 1 Marine-Generaicommissar. 14 Marinecommissar-Adjunct, 1 Kl. 4 Marine-Obercommissa'r, 1 Klasse. 41 Marinecommissar-Adjunct, 2 Kl. 4 Marine-Obercommissar, 2 Klasse. 41 Marinecommissar-Adjunct, 3 Kl. 12 Marinecommissar. 14 Marinecommissar- Eleve. The number of enlisted men in time of peace is 5836, in- creased for a war footing to 11,532. These men are all drawn for service from the coast provinces, their length of service being three years in the fleet and seven in the reserve. From the time that men are drafted into the service until they pass into the reserve a thorough system of education is followed out. The depot for their reception is at Pola, where the re- cruits (received first in shore barracks) are divided into twelve companies, the arrangement being as nearly as possible in con- formity with the intelligence of the individual. Company No. 6 is made up entirely of firemen and coal-heavers ; Com- pany No. 12, workmen employed in the gun-foundries and 402 AUSTEIA. 'So - g - 5b * s o 1 1 1 "S s S o * 8 p 1 =3- ^ S I: S S - . w & i2 dock-yards. The remain- ing ten companies are the sailors of the fleet. AVhilst in the company, the re- cruit is taught the ele- ments of the drills and discipline, and a certain time is devoted each day to teaching reading, writ- ing, and more especially the German language, as a great number of the re- cruits are totally ignorant of any tongue except that of their native province. As the recruits advance in instruction, they are picked out for the forma- tion of classes for instruc- tion aboard ship, and at certain intervals a class is transferred to the guard- ship Bellona, where their instruction is extended somewhat, and during the course on this ship selec- tions are made of those who are best qualified to become helmsmen and gun- ners. The course of in- struction on this ship lasts for from six weeks to two months. From the Bel- lona the classes are trans- ferred to the different school-ships in accordance with the especial line of instruction that is to be followed. The seamen go to the corvette Minerva, to which vessel also re- cruits who are already sailors are sent direct from the depot without passing through the Bellona, and men who have passed either AUSTRIA. 408 the helmsman's or gunner's course come here for their final course of seamanship. The Minerva is kept cruising almost constantly for exercise in seamen's duties, and the course of a class is about six months. At the end of this course those who show sufficient aptitude are transferred to the other ships for the complete course ; the remainder, as well as all men who have passed the entire course, return to the depot, forming one or more of the twelve companies in readiness for transfer to any ship going into commission. Those who are found too stupid or vicious to learn within a reasonable time are transferred from the ships to the depot, where they do the police work and are drafted as landsmen into cruising ships. The sloop Saida is the instruction vessel for helmsmen and quartermasters, the course being about three months. Men passing from the Bellona to the Saida are transferred to the Minerva for the final seamanship course, whilst the best of those from the Minerva pass to the Saida and thence to the gunnery-ship for complete instruction. The Adria is the gunnery-ship, the term of service being of the same length as that of the Saida. On board of this ship thei;e is the ordinary gunner's course, a superior course for those seamen who are selected for non-commissioned officers of marine infantry, and an officer's course, the higher petty officers who are intended for instructors aboard ship being admitted to the latter. There is attached to the depot a school for machinist petty officers, having for its object the perfection of the theoretical and practical knowledge of the workmen chosen from amongst the most capable of the 12th company. The length of the course is fixed at one year, at the end of which time an ex- amination is held, and those who pass successfully are ap- pointed machinists and embarked in cruisers at once ; the remainder are returned to the depot for subordinate duties. For certain of those who in depot give promise of final success without having the knowledge requisite for an immediate entry into the machinist school, a preliminary six months' course is provided. This system is a temporary one to furnish machinists until the thorough establishment of a new machinists' apprentice school, the duration of instruction in the latter being three years. This school is intended exclusively for the children of persons who have served in the navy. The entrance age is between fourteen and seventeen, and the children must already have served a partial apprenticeship in a machine-shop. They are obliged to serve for ten years in the navy after completing the course, and in case of failure for any cause except incapacity 404 AUSTEIA. they are obliged to render one year of general service for each year or part of year passed at the school. The number of apprentices is limited to 50, and whilst at the school they receive in addition to their clothing and sustenance eight cents a day. There are in general about 2000 men in depot. The Bellona's complement is 300, the Minerva's 100, the Saida's 50, and the Adria's 500. The remainder of the cadre are em- barked or on duty at the dock-yards. In addition to these and not counted in the general draft are the seaman appren- tices, quartered on board the Schwartzenberg and numbering about 300. This school is open to all boys between the ages of fifteen and seventeen. The course is three years, with obligation to serve ten more after finally passing. On leaving the apprenticeship at the end of the three years, the boys pass to the Minerva, Saida, and Adria, receiving certificates and advancement in grade in proportion to their aptitude. In case of failure to pass through the apprentice course they are transferred to depot to go through the recruit's course and serve out their time. The Naval Academy is established at Fiume. The curric- ulum of the school is of the same grade as that of the munici- pal superior schools. Candidates are appointed by competi- tive examination, and must be between the ages of 13 and 15. The course is four years, at the expiration of which the student passes into service with the grade of cadet. Aspirants are students passing into the service without hav- ing gone through the academy course. They .must be between the ages of 15 and 17 and have successfully passed through the course of one of the municipal superior schools. Upon enter- ing they take the regular course on board the school-ships, taking the grade of cadet at the final successful examination. One -Year Volunteers. This institution is a favor accorded to young men who, having prepared themselves by a course of study for a certain profession, do not wish to serve full time under their draft. During one year they receive naval instruction sufficient to fit them as sailors or petty officers in time of war. Particular attention is paid to as far as possible follow a course in conso- nance with their previous studies. At the end of the course they pass into the reserve. Professional mariners may enjoy this privilege upon presenting certificates stating that they have successfully passed examinations before any native or foreign marine school. They must in addition thoroughly understand BRAZIL. 405 German and one other of the languages spoken generally throughout the empire. During their year of service they receive the pay of third-class seamen and their clothing. After passing the different school -ships they enter the reserve as officers if there are vacancies, otherwise as cadets. Students who are preparing themselves for engineers follow the courses of machinists or constructors in the same way. Students whose professions are in no way in accordance with that of the naval officer are sent to the Adria for a thorough course of gunnery. They enter the reserve at the end of a year as petty officers or seaman gunners, according to the rate of their exam- inations. Medical students have their year of service confined strictly to hospital duty, passing into the reserve as medical cadets, to serve as such in hospitals only, during war-time. Doctors having diplomas practise for a year in the hospitals and pass to the reserve with the grade of lieutentant. They are liable for sea service in time of war. The depot, school-ships, machinists' school and apprentice school are all at Pola, and at the same place there is a school for the children of both sexes of people in the naval service in indigent circumstances. In addition to these departments of the navy, there is a Hydrographic Department, charged with the care of the Obser- vatory, correction of charts, and preparation of almanacs ; the Permanent Artillery Commission, charged with all ordnance ex- periments ; the Permanent Commission of Naval Constructions, charged with the examination of all modifications and improve- ments in the construction and outfit of war-vessels ; the dock- yard at Trieste; and the arsenal at Pola. The iron-clads and large wooden vessels of the Austrian Navy are built in the private ship-yards of San Marco and San Rocco at Trieste, under the superintendence of constructing engineers. These yards are fully equal to building iron-clads of the largest type. Austria lias no foreign squadrons in time of peace. Her foreign cruisers are wooden corvettes which make cruises of from one to two years' duration. Her iron-clads are commis- sioned singly to cruise for short periods in the Adriatic. In time of war her whole iron-clad fleet is put in commission, the fleet being divided into squadrons of nine vessels each. BRAZIL. The Emperor of Brazil is Commander-in-Chief of the land and naval forces of the empire and President of the Supreme Council of War. The navy has a separate representative in the Cabinet, the Minister of Marine being always a civilian. In 406 BRAZIL. I i = 1 1 ! a s the Supreme Council of War the navy is represented by four members, naval officers of the highest grades. The organiza- tion of the naval ministry consists of a civil and a naval department. The head of both departments is the Minister, assisted in the civil one by a Director-General, four Direc- tors of sections and the under-officers of the sections. The naval department consists of a Naval Council having a vice- president, members, and a secretary. In addition to the Naval Council there is an Adjutant-General's Bureau with a vice- Admiral at the head who is , V _, ", the immediate executive, a Controller's Bureau and a Fi- nance Bureau, all within the limits of the Navy Department prop'er. There are five naval arsenals, situated at Rio Ja- neiro, Bahia, Pernambuco, Para, and Matto Grosso. At the ports of Rio Janeiro, Es- piritu Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Para- hyba, Ceara, Rio Grande do N o r t e , Pianhy, Maranhfio, Para, Matto Grosso, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Santa Catarina, Parana, and San Paulo are established offi- ces of naval control under the superintendence of a Captain of the Port, these places being recruiting depots. In addi- tion to these departments there is a Naval School, ' Observa- tory, and Library at Rio Ja- neiro. The naval personnel is di- vided into two main classes, the active and the reserve, the latter forming a .very small minority. The grade divisions of rank are as follows : There is a corps of pilots having no relative rank, and chaplains are assigned from the different sees without rank. Warrant officers have the 6 o .2 .2 CHILI. 407 grade of second lieutenant. Machinists are graded into first, second, and third class, the first class having the grade of sec- ond lieutenant and the others no official grade. Candidates for entrance into the Naval Academy are required to be between the ages of 14 and 17. The duration of the course is three years, during which time the exercises are pur- sued almost exclusively on shore. At the date of graduation the cadet takes rank at once as midshipman. The average complement at the Academy is 100. The cadre of the person- nel of the navy is 821 officers, 100 cadets, 2993 men, 842 men of the marine battalion, and 1528 apprentices ; total, 6184. The Brazilians have no foreign squadrons, their practice being to send occasional cruisers to different parts of the world. Their own waters are, however, divided into squadron cruising grounds as follows : Sea coast, three districts, each employ- ing a squadron of from three to seven vessels ; river stations, five, as follows : Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay, Amazon, Para- guay, Rio Plata, each one having a flotilla of from six to twelve gun-boats and iron-clads. CHILI. There is no distinct Navy Department in Chili, that admin, istration forming one of the sections of the War Department, having one- of the senior naval' officers at its head. The cen- tral administration is at Valparaiso, and is in reality controlled by the civil governor of that district, who has on his staff a naval officer with the title of Major-General, for the superintendence of maritime affairs. Attached to the naval section are a Hydro- graphic Office, Observatory, and Naval School, and an Appren- tice School. The navy is manned in time of peace entirely from voluntary enlistment. The war cadre is not known. That for peace is 148 officers and 5400 men, in addition to which there is a battalion of marine infantry and a battalion of marine artillery of the Civil Guard, amounting in all to 1200 men, making a grand total of 6800. The grades of Chilian naval officers correspond to those of other services, except that there is no grade of Admiral. The Chilians have neither foreign cruising squadrons nor single cruisers, except an occasional single ship visiting the northern Pacific ports and the Brazil coast. There is but one dock-yard for general repairs at Valparaiso. The vessels composing the fleet with the exception of small gun-boats are purchased in foreign markets. The navy, although small, is in excellent discipline, and is rapidly developing in strength and general efficiency. 408 CHINA ENGLAND. CHINA. The control of naval affairs forms one of the sections of the Ministry of War, the central administration being at Pekin, whilst the general administration is divided amongst three coast districts, at each of which is a dock-yard for construction and repair. To these districts correspond three distinct fleet di- visions ; 1st, Canton squadron ; 2d, Foo Chow squadron ; 3d, Shanghai squadron. At Foo Chow are the principal machine- shops and building-yard ; at Shanghai the powder factory and arsenal ; at Canton the naval school-ships. The fleet is manned by a coast conscription, the length of service being indefinite ; cadre unknown. ENGLAND. The government of the navy is vested in a board known as the Board of Admiralty. This board consists of five members, namely : the First Lord, who is always chosen from civil life and is a member of the Cabinet ; the Senior Naval Lord (naval offi- cer) ; the Third Lord (naval officer) ; the Junior Naval Lord (na- val officer), and the Civil Lord (civilian). Under the board is a Parliamentary Secretary, changing, like the five lords, with the government in power. The fixed administration, independent of political parties, consists of one permanent Secretary (naval), a Controller of the Navy (Yice-Admiral), Accountant General (naval), Director-General of the Medical Department (naval), Director of Engineering and Architectural Works (army), Director of Transports (naval), Director of Contracts (naval), Director of Naval Construction (naval), Director of Naval Ordnance (naval), and a Superintendent of Victualling and Stores. The First Lord has supreme authority and all questions are settled by his decision. The Senior Naval Lord directs the movements of the fleet and is responsible for its discipline. The Third Lord has the management of the dock-yards and superintendence of ship-building. The Junior Naval Lord deals with the victualling of the fleet and with the transport department. The Civil Lord has control of the accounts, and the Financial Secretary has charge of the purchase of all stores. The immediate chiefs under the board are the heads of bureaus or departments. In addition to those above named there are others not directly connected with the Admiralty Administration : the Chief of the Hydrographic Bureau, the Adjutant-General of Marines, the Astronomer Eoyal, and the President of the Naval College. In the central administration the financial secretary as- sisted by the Civil Lord exercises a rigorous control over all the ENGLAND. 409 expenses, guarding against extravagance by means of a system of inspection. For mis duty there are two bureaus, the agents of which carry on a rigorous and personal inspection of all coming within their provinces in the different dock-yards. The inspectors of the first bureau are : 1 inspector of machinery, 1 inspector of works in progress, 1 inspector of timber, 2 ex- aminers of completed works, 2 examiners of store accounts. In the second bureau are : 1 inspector of coal, 3 inspectors of dock-yard accounts, 1 examiner of shop accounts, and 1 in- spector of buildings and coast-guard posts. For the general administration there are four naval estab- lishments of the first class, Portsmouth, Devonport, Chatham, and Sheerness, and four of the second class, Deptford, Woolwich, Pembroke, and Haulbow T line. In addition to these there are 15 colonial depots : Gibraltar, Malta, Halifax, Bermuda, An- tigua, Jamaica, Ascension, Sierra Leone, Cape of Good Hope, Trincomalee, Singapore, Hong Kong, Esquimalt, Sydney, and Queenstown. The four first-class home stations are each under the im- mediate command of a commander-in-chief of the station. The Admiral exercises a military command over all the per- sonnel of the reserve, the depots, school-ships, and vessels in commission. The discipline, instruction, and inspection are under his immediate direction. He has charge also of the police of the coasts and harbors of his district in time of peace and their defence and protection in time of war. With regard to the administration of the dock-yard he is only charged with a general surveillance, and under ordinary circumstances he never interferes with its affairs. He has the pow r er to interfere in cases of necessity, but is obliged under such circumstances to render an immediate account of his actions to the Admiralty. The immediate command of the dock-yard is entrusted to a Rear Admiral superintendent, whose assistants are the heads of the different departments of works. The navy is manned entirely by voluntary enlistment. There are two main cadres of personnel, the active force and the reserve. The latter force is kept up by voluntary enlist- ment for periods of five years, with obligation to serve twenty- eight days in each year. This service carries with it certain marine privileges, pay, and after twenty years of service a life pension. Its advantages correspond quite closely to those of a life insurance. The apprentice system is also a permanent source of supply to the active personnel. The period of enlistment in the active service is for five years, with increase of pay and allowances for continuous service. 410 ENGLAND. tl I ft S 53 02 02 r* r^ O O II I& l^l | 3 5 .2 O l a ^ HI B A B Ml 6 56335 ^ .2 .2- o 3 o 5 "r S ENGLAND. 411 The coast-guard service, although not strictly naval, forms an auxiliary naval force, and is drawn entirely from the per- sonnel of the navy. No person is eligible for the coast-guard who has not served eight years in the Navy and who has not qualified as a trained man or a si-ninan gunner. The effective cadre of the British Navy is as follows : OFFICERS. MEN. Executive Corps 2,252 Petty Officers 16,500 Engineer Corps 870 Blue Jackets, Firemen, etc. . . 18,600 Pay Corps 526 Boys 6,300 Chaplains 164 Coast Guard 3,954 Medical ( 'orps 415 Naval Reserve 18,000 Coast Guard 346 Naval Reserve 405 Total 63 354 Officers 4^978 4,978 Grand total 68,332 In addition to this cadre there are two corps of marine troops. The marine infantry, intended exclusively for service aboard ship, consists of three divisions of sixteen companies each, comprising in all 300 officers and 11,092 non-commis- sioned officers and privates ; the marine artillery, intended for garrison duty and to a limited extent as gunnery servants on board ship (in the proportion of 32 to a first-rate), 16 com- panies, comprising a cadre of 100 officers and 2800 non-com- missioned officers and privates. The number of civil employes in the dock-yards amounts to about 20,HOO. Officers of the executive corps are drawn exclusively from the naval school established on board the school-ship Britannia. Those of the engineer corps are drawn from the engineer school-ship Marlborough. The other corps are drawn from civil life. The Royal Naval College at Greenwich is an institute at which officers of the executive, construction, and engineer corps take an advanced course of instruction, for the purpose of raising the standard of naval education and efficiency. All officers between the grades of captain and sub-lieutenant are eligible after passing a preliminary examination. This insti- tution, organized first in Great Britain, is rapidly being de- veloped in all the other European navies. At the Portsmouth dock-yard there is a special gunnery and torpedo school for the purpose of advanced instruction. The highest grade of officers in the naval reserve is that of lieutenant. This grade is opened to masters of the merchant service under 45 years of age. The grade of sub-lieutenant is 412 FRANCE. open to the chief mates of the merchant service. The grade of midshipman is open to young gentlemen who have served not less than two years in one of the mercantile training-ships, and who are not over 18 years of age. There is an honorary reserve corps in which the grade of commander is reached, offi- cers of this corps having served in the active reserve. The course of instruction at the naval school-ship (Bri- tannia) is two years, and the required entering age is between 12 and 13|. All cadets, midshipmen, and acting sub-lieutenants in active service are required to pass a written examination every year on board the ship where they may be serving. The results of these examinations are forwarded to the Admiralty, and it is by means of them that these officers take their rank in the grade of sub-lieutenant. Those officers who make a specialty of gunnery or navigation and pilotage receive extra pay while doing duties in these specialties. A premium of extra pay is also offered to those officers who acquire fluency in some one of the generally used modern foreign languages. The squadron divisions for foreign service exclusive of colonial-port stations are : Channel Squadron. East India Squadron. Mediterranean Squadron. Australian Squadron. North American Squadron. Cape of Good Hope Squadron. Pacific Squadron. East Coast of Africa Squadron. China Squadron. South American Squadron (Brazil). The average strength of a squadron during time of peace is eight vessels, the great majority being light corvettes and gun-boats. An independent naval establishment has been organized for the protection of the interests of the Indian Empire, called the Indian Navy. There are also independent Australian and Canadian services at the support of the colonies, and regarded as auxiliary forces for colonial coast-defence. FRANCE. The French Navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Min- ister of Marine, who 'is invariably chosen from the active list of Admirals. The Minister has as his immediate assistant and Chief of Staff a Vice or Eear Admiral. The central adminis- tration of naval affairs is the Naval Ministry at Paris, composed of a Ministers' Cabinet and five Sections or Directions, which are subdivided into Bureaus. PRANCE. 413 FIRST DIRECTION. Personnel. First Bureau : The Staff of the Fleet, con- trolling all affairs of the Admiralty Council, prefectures, officers, naval schools. Second Bureau : Technical Corps and General Agents, having charge of construction and engine corps, hy- drographic office, commissariat clerks, chaplains, hydraulic en- gineers, watchmen, etc. Third Bureau : Sailors of the Fleet and Maritime Justice. Fourth Bureau : Marine Infantry and Artillery. SECOND DIRECTION. Materiel. First Bureau : Naval construction and hy- draulic works. Second Bureau : Ordnance. Third Bureau : Equipment. THIRD DIRECTION. Administrative Service. First Bureau : Naval inscription and navigational police (control of merchant service). Second Bureau : Fisheries and maritime control. Third Bureau : Pay and clothing. Fourth Bureau : Subsistence and hospitals. FOURTH DIRECTION. Colonies. The administration of colonial affairs is entirely under the direction of the Minister of Marine. FIFTH DIRECTION. General Accounts. First Bureau : Funds and regulations for their expenditure. Second Bureau : Expenses abroad. Third Bureau : Examination of accounts. Fourth Bureau : Examination of receipts and expenditures. Fifth Bureau : In- terior service, archives, and libraries. These being the main divisions of control, there are certain commissions intimately connected with the regulation of af- fairs, most of the committees being permanent in character. The Council of Naval Works examines the technical points connected with the introduction or manufacture of naval ma- terial. The Superior Council of Health superintends sanitary matters. The Council of Captures and Losses regulates prizes and reimbursements. 414 FRANCE. The Lighthouse Committee controls all lighthouse affairs. The Forestry Committee has charge of all standing timber and timber lands. The Committee of Inspection of Fuel has charge of the purchase, storage, and issue of fuel. The Permanent Commission of Control and Revision of the Regulations, Armament, and Clothing attends to all matters of change of regulation. Tfhe Consulting Commission for the Arrangement of Dis- putes has general consultation superintendence. The Superior Commission of Submarine Defences has con- trol of torpedoes. The Central Commission for the Examination of Works of Officers is a committee through whose hands pass all the naval reports made by officers for the benefit of the service. The Permanent Commission of Libraries has charge of li- braries for naval stations, ships, and prisons. The Direction for the Regulation of the Affairs of Pensioners- and retired people of the service forms a separate department of the Ministry. The Hydrographic Office, Bureau of Longi- tudes, Museum, Naval and Apprentice Schools and the Artil- lery experimental firing-ground of Gavre form separate de- partments. The general administration of affairs is carried on at the naval ports. The maritime territory of France is divided into five grand districts, each under the control of a Prefet Mari- time, who is a Vice- Admiral, Commander-in-Chief of the sta- tion ; the districts are subdivided, each subdivision being under the control of a Chief and a Captain of the Port. The First District extends from the Belgian frontier to Cherbourg; headquarters, Cherbourg ; sub-districts, Dunquerque, Havre,, and Cherbourg. The Second District extends from Cher- bourg to Quimper, including adjacent islands ; headquarters, Brest ; sub-districts, Saint Servan and Brest. The Third Dis- trict extends from Quimper to the Loire, including adjacent islands ; headquarters, . L' Orient ; sub-districts, Nantes and L'Orient. The Fourth District extends from the Loire to the Spanish frontier ; headquarters, Rochefort ; sub-districts, Bor- deaux, Rochefort, and Bayonne. The Fifth District com- prises the whole Mediterranean coast and Corsica ; headquar- ters, Toulon ; sub-districts, Marseilles, Bastia, and Toulon. The Prefet Maritime, being at the head of maritime affairs in his district, is assisted by 1st. Major-General of Marine, who has immediate command of all the personnel in the district, the instruction of officers and men, details for dock-yard duty, library, observatory, hydrographic establishment, inspection FUANCE. 415 of vessels fitting out, and the receipt and transmission of reports. This office is as a rule filled by a Kear-Adniinil. 2d. A Commissary-General, who has control of the receipt and distribution of funds, enlistment of civil employes, the direction of the marine inscription, administration of police, detail of officers of the commissary department, and general charge of all accounts kept in the district, receiving, arranging, and forwarding them. 3d. A Director of Port Movements (Captain of the Port), who has charge of all vessels either in or out of commission, superintending their movement, anchorages, ballasting, careening, entrance into basins, etc., charge of fire apparatus, clearing of channels, placing of buoys, lights, and signals, -ith. A Director of Naval Constructions. 5th. A Director of Artillery. 6th. A Director of Hydraulic Works and Buildings. 7th. A Council of Health, composed of the surgeons stationed in the district. All of these officers are found at the headquarters port ; at the ports of the sub-districts there are always two naval representatives : 1st. The " Chef de Service," who is a Commissary-General and whose principal charge is in relation to the inscription. 2cl. The Captain of the Port, who in general is a Lieutenant. The French Navy is manned by voluntary enlistment and by inscription. Every seafaring person is placed upon the in- scription list upon reaching the age of eighteen, and between that and twenty he is bound to present himself at the headquarters of the district within which he lives. Here he passes through a preliminary course of instruction on board the school-ships last- ing for a few months, at the expiration of which time if his services are not required in the fleet he is granted a leave of absence, without pay, which may be extended from time to- time. During this period he may make foreign voyages, the only restriction being that he shall not change his calling. At the end of five years he passes into the first reserve, where for a period of two years he cannot leave the country. At the end of this time he passes into the second reserve and is prac- tically free, being only liable to service under especial circum- stances. Special inducements are held out for seafaring people. None but those who are or have been inscribed are allowed to fish in French waters or to be employed on French coasting vessels. While they are serving their time, troops canrtbt be billeted on them ; they travel at military rates, and have the benefits of naval hospitals and naval insurance. In drafting for active service great care is taken to only draft those who can be best spared from their homes, leaving the others at almost entire freedom. At Brest there is a special school of instruction for appren- 416 FRANCE. ticcs, wlio are re- ceived under ordin- ary restrictions with regard to age and character, and who are obliged to serve for ten years after fin- ishing their appren- ticeship. The appren- tice school and the schools of instruction for the " inscrits" are amongst the best of their kind in the world, complete rec- ords being kept of every man under in- struction and the system of rewards being such as to ren- der the inscription a benefit to the sea- faring population in- stead of being a draft on them. All officers, with- out distinction of corps, below the grade of Capitaine de Fregate, are obliged once in two years to submit to the Minis- ter of Marine an es- say on any subject that they may choose that is of interest to the profession. These essays are examined and reported upon by a special committee. Those that are unsat- isfactory are return- ed, and the writer is required to furnish a satisfactory one with- in three months. FKANCE. 417 Those that are satisfactory are recorded or disposed of by being published at government expense in the Itevue Maritime or Journal Officiel. Rewards for satisfactory essays range from an honorable mention to promotion and the gift of the " Legion d'Honneur." Officers showing an especial aptitude are placed on a list for special duty. In this way all depart- ments requiring specialists are filled by the best talent of the service. Promotions are by seniority except in the highest grades. Retirement takes place forcibly after 65 years of age or 45 years of active service. The officers of every corps are gradu- ates of separate naval schools, except in the medical corps, where the naval tutelage consists of a course of naval-hospital practice combined with an advanced course of medical lectures. In time of peace the grade of Admiral is honorary, bringing no especial command except that of appointment by chance to Minister. The marine artillery and infantry do no service in the fleet. The former have charge of the manufacture of ord- nance and the garrisoning of naval fortifications ; the latter do garrison duty at dock-yards, arsenals, and in the colonies. The Genie Maritime superintend the construction of ships and en- gines, hydraulic works, buildings, hydrographic work, and civil- engineering duty. They have no duty in the fleet. Machinists have duty almost exclusively in the fleet or in the schools of instruction of firemen. The effective force of the fleet is 1783 officers and 46,500 men ; in addition to this force there are 155 officers of Genie Maritime, 825 officers of commissariat, 557 medical officers, 61 chaplains, 63 machinists, 1769 persons connected with the administration ; four regiments of marine infantry, 16,000 men ; 4500 men of the marine artillery, and 5 companies of gendarmerie with a complement of 660, making a grand total of 71,104 exclusive of the civil employes of the administration. Properly the marine artillery and infantry should be excluded, as their service is principally colonial and carried on by the army in other nations. The French have six foreign-squadron cruising grounds, in which are included the colonial stations. The squadrons are divided as follows : MEDITERRANEAN. 1st. Squadron of evolutions ; consisting of from nine to twelve iron-clads and several despatch vessels, having head- quarters at Toulon and cruising throughout the sea. 2d. Station of Algiers. 3d. Levant division, consisting of one or two vessels stationed permanently on the Egyptian and Greek 418 GERMANY. coasts, and generally one cruising division of the squadron of evolutions. 4th. Constantinople station ; one or two vessels stationed permanently at Constantinople and the mouth of the Danube. NORTH ATLANTIC. 1st. Subdivision of Newfoundland and station of St. Pierre and Miquelon, a small squadron cruising on the fishing grounds. 2d. Division of the Antilles, a small squadron cruising on the United States, Mexican, and Central American coasts. 3d. Three stations of Martinique, Guadaloupe, and Guiana. SOUTH ATLANTIC. 1st. South Atlantic division, cruising on the Brazilian coast. 2d. Senegal station, on the west coast of Africa. CHINA SEAS. 1st. China seas division, cruising on the coast of China and Japan. 2d. Station of Cochin China, with cruisers on that coast, Siam, and the Dutch East Indies. INDIAN SEAS. Indian station, with cruisers at each of the French posses- sions. PACIFIC OCEAN. 1st. Pacific division, cruising on the west coast of South America. 2d. Tahiti station. 3d. New Caledonia station. These stations require during peace a total of about 75 vessels and 11,000 men. GERMANY. The navies of the different states of the empire are con- solidated into a single one under the chief command of Prussia, controlled by an Imperial Ministry. The cabinet representative of the navy is chosen from amongst the General officers of the army, bearing, whilst Minister of Marine, the honorary title of Admiral, and having naval officers for his immediate staff. The Imperial Admiralty is divided into three grand sections : 1st. The Military Section, composed of the Bureaus of Mobilization, Naval ancf Military Affairs, Gen- eral Military Affairs, Instruction, Exploration and Coast De- GERMANY. 419 fence, Justice, Sanitary and Medical Affairs. 2d. The Tech- nical Section, composed of the Bureaus of Equipment, Docks, Construction of Vessels, Construction of Engines, Construction of Ordnance, Construction of Torpedoes and Torpedo Defence. 3d. The General Section, composed of Bureaus of Construc- tional Affairs, Budget and Pay, Administration of Garrisons, Indemnities, Judiciary, Hydrography, and Observatory. In ad- dition to these sections there are connected with the Admiralty : 1st. A Commission for the Examination of Officers of Marine Superintendence. 2d. The Administration of the Naval Sta- tions of Kiel, Wilhelmshaven, Dantzic, and Friedrichsort, and the Naval Academy. The navy is manned by inscription from the maritime dis- tricts, the obligation of service commencing on the 1st of January of the year in which the age of 20 is reached. Active service continues for three years, at the end of which time men pass into the First Reserve for a further period of seven years, during which time they are called for exercise twice in four years in time of peace, and on the breaking out of war they are called into active service. At the end of the seventh year in the first reserve they pass into the second reserve for a further period of five years (seewehr). The Second Reserve also includes those who have been subject to service but who have not been called on : these latter are exercised twice in twelve years. Sailors of the merchant marine are authorized to present themselves between the ages of 20 and 24 years. Mariners who have followed the sea for five years have only to serve for one year ; those who have been to sea four years serve two years. For tradespeople and mechanics the term of active service may be reduced to one year. The maritime population of Germany is estimated at 45,000 men, of which number 12,000 may be called into service at any time, not counting sailors of the merchant service absent from home. The cadre of the executive corps of officers is as follows : 1 Admiral (Honorary). 75 Capitan-Lieutenant. 1 Vice- Admiral. 148 Lieutenant zur See. 4 Contre- Admiral. 128 Unter-Lieutenant zur See. 23 Capitan zur See. 100 See-Cadet. 45 Corvetten Capitan. The sailors of the fleet, divided into two divisions, one being stationed at Kiel and the other at Wilhelmshaven, num- ber 821 petty officers and 5621 men. There is also one di- vision of apprentices, numbering 12 petty officers and 400 boys. Apprentices are entered between the ages of 14 and 16, 420 GERMANY. and engage to serve for twelve years. The first two years they are placed aboard cruising school-ships, and for another year they are under general harbor instruction. At the end of the third year they pass into the fleet, and if successful in their examinations they are promoted at once to seamen. Officers of the Second Reserve are recruited from five differ- ent sources : 1st. From officers who have retired from active service and who are less than 31 years old. 2d. From masters of the merchant marine. 3d. From one-year volunteers who are seafaring people. 4th. From certain auxiliary officers. 5th. From young men who have successfully passed a master's ex- amination. Persons from the last three categories must serve for one year at least in the fleet, at the end of which time they receive the brevet of Sub-Lieutenant of Reserve. Officers of the Reserve may be promoted after a certain length of service to the grades of Lieutenant and Lieutenant-Captain, and if they are under 24 years of age they may pass into the active roster. Machinists are recruited from volunteers and also from tradespeople of the inscription, and before entering the fleet they pass through a course of dock-yard instruction. In the permanent fleet there are 24 Machinist-Engineers, divided into 3 Superior Engineer-Machinists, 9 Engineer-Machinists, and 12 Sub-Engineer-Machinists. The total cadre of the dock- yard division, which includes machinists, petty officers, me- chanics, firemen, and coal-heavers, numbers 1475 men. In the Pay Department there are 26 Commissaries and 29 Sub-Commissaries. The Medical Corps comprises 1 Surgeon-General, 5 Surgeon- Majors, 17 Surgeon-Majors (subs), and 22 Assistant Surgeons divided into three classes. The Marine Infantry consists of a single battalion of six companies, organized in a similar manner to the line of the army, and comprising in its cadre 47 officers and 984 men, there being a Colonel in command. The officers are all re- cruited from regiments of the line. The detachment of Marine Artillery is composed of three companies organized similarly to the Fortress Artillery of the army ; 112 officers and 346 men. This detachment mans the batteries and coast-works under the control of the navy. In time of peace it is employed principally in the fabrication of munitions. The officers are all recruited from army artillery regiments. " Attached to the infantry battalion is a small body called the staff-guard, consisting of 52 Sergeant-Majors and Sergeants, who have charge of the police duties aboard ship and at the dock-yards. HOLLAND. 421 The Technical Corps of Officers forms two divisions, one of Naval Constructions and the other of Engine Constructions, having grades not assimilated with those of officers of the fleet. There are 62 officers in the corps. CONSTRUCTION. ENGINES. Directors 3 3 Superior Engineers 4 3 Engineers 11 11 Sub-Engineers 13 9 At Kiel a Naval Institute has been established on the same principles as the Greenwich Koyal Naval College, for the benefit of officers of higher rank than cadet. Officers as high as the grade of Captain are admitted for a course of two years. By this means the standard of general efficiency is raised. Officers receive instruction in all branches of their profession. The men of the fleet are divided into two divisions, one being stationed at Kiel and the other at Wilhelmshaven. Each division is subdivided into two classes. To pass from the second to the first class, good conduct, a service at sea of 48 months, and a certificate of complete instruction is required. The men of the first class receive a higher pay and form the body of the petty officers of the fleet. Firemen and coal-heavers may, by proper application, pass through the grades of Machinist to the Corps of Engineer Ma- chinists. In general the Machinists are all drawn from ap- prentices of that class. The Germans are just commencing the introduction of permanent foreign squadrons. HOLLAND. The King of Holland is Commander-in-Chief of the Dutch Navy, the Crown Prince being Rear-Admiral and Chief of Staff. The navy is represented in the Cabinet by a civilian Minister of Marine, the central control being divided into sec- tions and bureaus in a similar manner to that of other European nations. The general administration is centralized at four dock-yard stations Amsterdam, Willemsoord, Hellevoetsluis, and Fijenoord Amsterdam being the principal building-yard, and Fijenoord being the boiler and engine factory. The grades of the Dutch Navy correspond with those of other services, the names of those of the executive corps being : Luitenant-Admiraal. Luitenant ter Zee l e klasse. Vice-Admiraal. Luitenant ter Zee 2 e klasse. Schout-bij-Nacht. ( l e klasse. Kapitein ter Zee. Adelborst -j 2 e klasse. Kapitein Luitenant ter Zee. ( 3 e klasse. 422 ITALY. In addition to the dock-yard at Amsterdam there is a Naval School and school-ships for the instruction of seamen and apprentices. At Hellevoetsluis there is a school for machinists. Great attention is paid in Holland to the development of torpedo instruction, a special corps of officers being drawn from the executive corps. The cadre of the navy is filled from both volunteer and inscription methods, the latter resembling the French. This cadre amounts to 788 officers and 6426 men, not including 1000 native sailors and 600 marines in the East Indian local service. In addition to this force there is a corps of Marine Infantry amounting to 52 officers and 2100 men. There are two main divisions of the Dutch fleet, the first for home service and the second for East India service. The foreign squadrons are : 1. The Curacoa station. 2d. The Surinam station. 3d. The East India fleet, which is divided into three main squadrons and four subordinate flotilla stations for the purpose of patrolling the coasts of Borneo, Sumatra, Java, and the Celebes Islands. Single cruisers are sent out at short periods to make cruises around the world, whilst a large division is kept ready for service in the shallow home waters. ITALY. The Italian Navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of Marine. The central administration is divided into four main departments : 1st. The Personnel, under the control of a Secretary-General. 2d. The Materiel. 3d. Artillery and Torpedoes. 4th. Merchant Marine. There is an Admiralty Council for the general consideration of naval affairs, and a Scientific Bureau for the regulation of hydrographic affairs. The general arrangement of bureaus and superintendencies is similar to that of France, the whole central department being classed under the head of the General Staff. For the general administration of affairs v there are two dock-yard stations, Spezzia and Venice, with a third in process of formation at Tarenta. The grades of the executive corps of the service are as follows : Contro-Ammiragle. Luogotenento di Vascello. Capitano di Vascello. Sottotenento di Vascello. Guardia Marina di l a classe. ITALY. 423 All of the officers of this corps are drawn from the cadets of the Naval School, the course being four years of instruction. At present the cadets pass two years at Naples and two at Genoa, but it is the intention to establish a single Academy at Spezzia. There are three divisions of this corps : the active, the reserve or retired, and the officers at stationary residence, the latter being those who have waived promotion in consid- eration of having fixed duties at a seaport. The Medical Corps is divided in the same manner as in other countries, the grades being : Medico Ispettore. Medico di Fregata, 2 a classe. Medico Direttore. MWH di Tnrvptta -S 1& classe - Medico di Vascello. -orvetta ^ 2& dasse Medico di Fregata, l a classe. The Technical Corps or Corps du Genie and the Commis- sary Corps are called the naval auxiliary corps. GENIE. Ispettore Generale. Sotto Ingegnere di l a classe. Direttore delle Costruzioni Navali. Sotto Ingegnere di 2 a classe. Ingegnere di l a classe. Allieve Ingegnere (Cadet). Ingegnere di 2 a classe. COMMISSARIAT. Commissario Generale di l a classe. Sotto Commissario di 3 a classe. Commissario Generale di 2 a classe. Sotto Commissario Aggiunto di l a Commissario di l a classe. classe. Commissario di 2 a classe. Sotto Commissario Aggiunto di 2 a Sotto Commissario di l a classe. classe. Sotto Commissario di 2 a classe. Scrivano (Clerk). These corps at present have relative military rank, bur measures have been taken to give both a strictly civil organiza- tion, as it is considered that their duties are not compatible -with military subordination. The Machinists' Corps comprises but three grades Machinists. First Chief Machinists. Second Chief Machinists. These grades are entirely recruited from the master-machinists or petty-officers grade of firemen. The grade of Chief Machinist, which was the highest until of late years, has been abolished, the duties being performed by officers of the Corps du Genie. For the purpose of naval inscription the coast of Italy is divided into three departments, Spezzia, Naples, and Venice, subdivided into 22 districts, under controls similar to those of 424 JAPAN. France. All persons interested in a trade bearing upon navi- gation are liable for service on reaching the age of 20. They are then drawn into one of two divisions according to lot. The first is under obligations to render service for four years either at sea or in the dock-yards, at the end of which time they are granted a leave for six years, which, though not con- fining them to the country, may be rescinded at any time. At the end of the tenth year they pass into the Second Reserve, and are not liable except for extraordinary service. The second division receive at once a leave for ten years, at the end of which time they pass to the Second Reserve. There is also a system of voluntary enlistment and apprenticeship. The Corps of Marine Infantry is recruited from the inscrip- tion in the same manner as the army. The headquarters are at Naples. This corps is made up of three battalions (one for each department), and the service is divided between the fleet and the dock-yards. There is no marine artillery in the Italian Navy. The effective cadre of the Italian Navy is 1084 officers and 14,200 men, 90 officers of Marine Infantry and 3000 men. In comparison with the number of petty officers and men, there are fewer officers in this navy than in any in the world. The Italians have no cruising squadrons; single vessels do the* foreign service, while the home service is confined to a single large squadron of evolutions. JAPAN. The navy is represented in the Council of State by a. Minister and two V ice-Ministers, the central administration being carried on by a department constructed much in the same manner as in most European countries. The general administration is at present also almost entirely directed by the Navy Department. There is but one dock-yard at present completed and in operation, that of Yokoska in the Bay of Yeddo, in connection with which there is quite an extensive foundry at Yokohama. At Nagasaki, although there is no especial dock-yard, there are repair-shops, a marine railway, and a partially completed dry-dock. At Kobi there are repair-shops, and an attempt has been made to establish a dock-yard at Tokio, but the shallow approaches render it of but little importance. Connected with the central administration there is a Hydrographic Office, Observatory, Naval School, and schools of instruction for Marine Infantry and Artillery. At present the navy is manned NORWAY AND SWEDEN. 425 entirely from volunteer enlistment, but a system of inscription is being perfected by which every person following a maritime trade will be liable for service between the ages of 18 and 45. The officers heretofore have for the greater part been educated in foreign naval schools, but at present the Naval Academy at Tokio is fully equal to the task of keeping the cadre full. This Naval School is modelled after the general European plan, the course being four years. Officers, as a rule, are ap- pointed from the Noble class. The cadre of the navy at pres- ent is 300 officers, 5138 men, and 113 cadets. The grades and corps correspond closely with those of foreign powers. But very few foreign officers are now employed in the naval ser- vice, none at all in the fleet, their duties being confined to in- structional and yard superintendence. As yet the Japanese have not instituted any squadron ser- vice whatever, keeping nearly every vessel of their fleet in constant commission for instructional service. It is the inten- tion, however, to establish both home and foreign squadron service as soon as the naval development will permit it to be done. The cadre of the Japanese Navy is 1180 officers and 4270 men. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. The navies of Norway and Sweden are distinct services, each having its own complete organization and administration. The Norwegian Navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Rear- Admiral, Chief of the Marine Department, who is assisted by a second Rear- Admiral, Chief of Staff. The central control at Stockholm is divided into three main sections, with Control- lers at their heads, and subdivided into bureaus. The general administration is divided in control between two dock-yards, Christiania and Stockholm. There is also a Naval Academy, Hydrographic Office, and Observatory. The Swedish Navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Min- ister of Marine, the central control having two main divisions, Chancellery and Command. There is in addition a Commander- in-Chief of Personnel, a Military Department, Construction, Department, Commissariat Department, Pilotage Department, Naval School, and Hydrographic Office. The general admin- istration is divided between the two naval stations of Carls- krona and Stockholm. The personnel of both navies is recruited by voluntary enlistment, there being a special arrangement for conscription, in case of war in the maritime districts, of all persons between the ages of 22 and 35 years. 426 RUSSIA. The grades of officers of the different corps are similar to those of other services, there being no grade of Admiral. The cadre of the two navies is : SWEDEN. NORWAY. Officers 518 Officers 104 Men 5,051 Men 5.10 Total 6,223 The Norwegian fleet is entirely confined to coast-defence vessels, no cruisers being now sent out. The Swedish fleet is well provided with cruisers, but there are no foreign squad- rons, the foreign cruising being confined to single ships. RUSSIA. The Russian Navy is represented in the Council of State by the Admiral-General, a prince of the blood, who is Com- mander-in-Chief of the naval force. The head of the central administration is a Minister chosen from the list of Vice- Ad- mirals. There are six sections or departments of control : 1st. The Chancellery, having charge of the expenditure of the Bud- get. 2d. The Department of the Personnel. 3d. The Hydro- graphic Department. 4th. The Technical Committee, divided into three sections Construction of Vessels, Construction of Machinery, and Construction of Ordnance. 5th. The Supreme Naval Tribunal. 6th. The Direction of the Health Service. The general administration is divided between the naval sta- tions of St. Petersburg, Sebastopol, Odessa, and the naval sta- tions of the Caspian and Aral seas and Petropaulovsk on the Amoor River. The personnel of the Russian Navy is recruited by inscrip- tion throughout the maritime districts, the inscription carry- ing with it certain benefits to the seafaring population, as in other countries. There are two divisions, active and reserve, the time of service being seven years in the active division and three in the reserve. The grades correspond with those of other navies. The effective strength is 4219 officers and 26,683 men. The fleet is divided into five divisions with so.uadron sub- divisions : 1st. The Baltic Fleet, divided into the Squadron of Evolutions, Division of School-ships, Lighthouse and Survey Squadrons, and Cruisers, the latter being engaged in long foreign cruises independently. 2d. Black Sea Fleet, Division of School-ships, Coast Guard-ships, Lighthouse Service, Hydro- graphic Service, Port Guard-ships, and Cruisers confined to the Black and Mediterranean seas. 3d. The Caspian Flotilla. SPAIN. 427 4th. The Siberian Flotilla. 5th. All vessels in course of con- struction at St. Petersburg or Odessa. SPAIN. The Minister of Marine is invariably chosen from the grades of Yice or Rear Admiral, having an officer of one of these grades as an Assistant Secretary and Chief of Staff. The affairs of the Ministry are controlled by bureaus and sections, with special committees for the regulation of certain special affairs. For the immediate superintendence of the naval ad- ministration the Spanish coast is divided into three depart- ments, each commanded by an officer of high rank. The headquarters of the Department of the East are at Cartagena, those of the South at Cadiz, and those of the North at Ferrol ; the Eastern Department including the Balearic Isles, and the Southern the Canaries. Cuba and Porto Eico form a fourth department, with headquarters at Havana ; and the Philippine Islands a fifth, with headquarters at Manila. The Com- mander-in-Chief of the department is also in command of the fleet at the station. For the purposes of naval inscription the departments are subdivided into provinces and districts, there being in all 110 districts, each of which is in charge of a naval officer so far as marine inscription is concerned. The corps and grade divi- sions of the active personnel correspond with those of other nations, the grades of the executive corps being as follows : Almirante. Tpnipnfp dp "NTavio J ** cl> Vice-Almirante. NaV1 ( 2* cL Gefe de Escuadra. Alfarece de Navio. Capitan de Navio. Guardia Marina. Capitan de Fregata. The grades of the Medical Corps are : Medical Inspector. First Surgeon. Medical Sub-Inspector. Second Surgeon. Surgeon-Major. The grades of the Commissary Corps are : Superintendent. First Asst. Commissary. \ (1st class). Second Asst. Commissary. Purveyor j (2d dags) Third Agst Commissary. Commissary j jjftfij* Supernumeraries. 428 SPAIN. Chaplains have their ecclesiastical rank, and also a naval grade : Sub Vicar-General. Second Chaplain. First Chaplain. Sacristan (lay official). Chorister (lay official). The Technical Corps embraces in one body the ship and engine constructors, called Engineers of the Fleet, and having the grades of General Officer. Frigate Captain. Brigadier. Lieutenant. Ship-of-the-Line Captain. Ensign. For service in working engines aboard ship there is a corps of machinists : -cv * HT i- . ( 1st class. Third Machinists. First Machinists j 2d dasg Fourth Machin i sts . Second Machinists. Assistant Machinists. The total active personnel of the fleet is 1792 officers (ex- clusive of Midshipmen, Chaplains, and the Technical Corps) and 14,000 men. In addition to this cadre, there is a corps of Marine Artil- lery (Technical). 1 General Officer. 16 Captains. 3 Colonels. 20 Lieutenants. 7 Lieutenant-Colonels. And a corps of Marine Infantry which is divided into two half brigades of two battalions each, besides two companies of native infantry at the Philippines. The strength of this corps is 170 officers and 6256 men, making a grand total of 1962 officers and 20,256 men. For the administration of justice each department has a district court, the maritime superior court being at Madrid. The Naval Academy, situated at Ferrol, furnishes all the officers of the executive corps of the service. The age of entrance to the Academy is between 12 and 14 years, the length of the course at the school being two years and a half. At the expiration of this time they pass to a school-ship as second-class midshipmen, where they remain one or two years according to the needs of the cadre, when they pass to active service as midshipmen of the first-class, and after one year are commissioned Ensigns ('Alfarece). There are special schools under naval control for the educa- tion of pilots of the merchant service, another school for ma- chinists, and an academy for the Artillery and Technical Corps. TURKEY. 429 At Madrid there is a Hydrographid Bureau and a Naval Museum, and at San Fernando a^ Naval Observatory. The Spanish have five squadron cruising-grounds : the Mediterranean, South American, West Indian, Asiatic, and Atlantic, and a small African station limited to the Spanish possessions in the Gulf of Guinea. At each of the prominent ports both of the home and colo- nial coasts there is a naval control under the superintendence of a Captain of the Port. Promotion in all grades of the service except to that of Rear-Admiral is by seniority. Rear-Admirals are appointed by choice from the list of Line-Ship Captains. All persons in the maritime districts who follow a calling connected in any way with the sea are subject to the inscription, and none but those who are inscribed can engage in fishery or work upon the wharves or piers. The term of service is four years in the active and four in the reserve division. Each department has a separate school-ship and divisional formation, so that those persons who are inscribed are seldom removed from their im- mediate homes except for short cruises. There is a system of voluntary enlistment by which the main part of the active cadre is kept constantly full. In Spain as in Italy the merchant service is entirely under the control of the navy. In the head- quarter ports of Spain, unlike those of other nations, the Com- mander-in-Chief has no flag-ship and does not display a broad pennant. Flag-ships represent strictly the commands afloat. This is a point of importance, as all ports visited by foreign men-of-war have a commanding naval authority of high rank, although there is no visible sign of such command. TURKEY. The navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of Marine and in the Divan or Chancellery by an Assistant Secre- tary. For the central administration there is an Admiralty Council composed of Admirals and General Officers. The service is divided -into four sections : 1st. Personnel. 2d. Materiel. 3d. Naval Constructions. 4th. Health. Each con- trol has an Admiral at its head with the title of Director. The Minister has the supreme control of all naval affairs. The fleet is recruited by inscription from the maritime dis- tricts, there being no reserve proper. The length of service is eight years. The personnel of the navy consists of 1868 officers and 30,000 men, in addition to which there is a corps of marine infantry numbering 91 officers and 4500 men. The grades 430 UNITED STATES. correspond with those of other countries except that there is- no grade of Admiral, and the grade of Ensign corresponds closely with that of Midshipman in other services, there being no Naval Academy and no grade of Cadet. UNITED STATES. The navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Secretary of the Navy, who is invariably a civilian ; the President of the United States being the Commander-in-Chief, but without any immediate naval executive. The central control is divided into eight bureaus under the superintendence of naval officers of the different corps having the grade of Commodore : 1st. Bureau of Navigation, subdivided into the Office of Detail, having charge of the personnel of the fleet ; Hydrographic Office, Naval Observatory, and Signal Office. 2d. Bureau of Ordnance, having charge of all artillery matters, including the torpedo station at Newport. 3d. Bureau of Equipment and Re- cruiting, having charge of outfits, recruiting, and the apprentice service. 4th. Bureau of Yards and Docks, having charge of all naval grounds and buildings. 5th. Bureau of Medicine and Sur- gery. 6th. Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, having charge of supplies and accounts. 7th. Bureau of Steam Engineering, having charge of the design and care of engines and boilers. 8th. Bureau of Construction and Repair. The Naval Acad- emy is under an independent control attached directly to the superintendence of the Secretary of the Navy. The 'general administration is divided into departments at the different dock-yards, each department corresponding with a bureau of the central control, and all under the superintend- ence of a commandant who is an officer of the executive corps having the grade of Commodore. There are no naval maritime districts in the United States, naval authority being limited strictly to the dock-yard government. There are seven dock- yards : Portsmouth (New Hampshire), Charlestown (Massachu- setts), Brooklyn (New York), League Island (Pennsylvania), Norfolk (Virginia), Pensacola (Florida), and Mare Island (Cali- fornia). In addition to these there are three subordinate stations for coaling, recruitiiig, and repairing: New London (Connecticut), Port Royal (South Carolina), and Key West (Florida). The Coast Survey and Lighthouse establishments, although not under the control of the Navy Department, employ naval officers almost exclusively. Officers of the Executive and Engineer Corps are drawn exclusively from graduates of the Naval Academy. The UNITED STATES. 431 e^Ls-fi- Owoi'-.wS'C. rfiaifi IlltfUh*] llsglalsa I ! W | | 8 A : 3 01 3 S s s S 1 1 p ago 111 1 1 33S I 9 432 UNITED STATES. other corps are drawn from civil life. Promotion is strictly by seniority in all grades. All officers except those in the Constructors' and Professors' Corps are obliged to pass a rigid examination in being promoted from one grade to another. The course of study at the Naval Academy is four years for both executive and engineer officers; the cadet then passes into the fleet for a period of two years for active service, at the end of which time he is eligible for promotion to the next grade. On reaching the age of 62 years or after 45 years of service, officers are retired from the active list. Officers fail- ing twice in examination for promotion may be retired as mentally unqualified for active service. In addition to these grades, in the regular line of promotion there are five subordinate ; grades of what are called Warrant Officers namely, Boatswain, Gunner, Carpenter, Sailmaker, and Mate. The cadre of the active list of the navy is 1678 officers, 7500 men, and 700 apprentices. There is also a corps of Marine Infantry numbering 75 offi- cers and 2500 men. The method of enlistment is entirely voluntary, for periods of three years, with special inducements for re-enlistment. There is no reserve division of the service, the active cadre representing the entire disposable force. Apprentices are en- listed between the ages of 14 and 18, with obligatory service until they reach the age of 21. They are first put in training- ships, where they remain between two and three years, enter- ing the fleet as soon as they are considered fully instructed. After entering the fleet they are eligible to advancement as seamen and petty officers. The cruising fleet is divided into five squadrons the North Atlantic, South Atlantic, European, Asiatic, and Pacific with one vessel in constant commission cruising in the chain of great lakes on the northern boundary, and one in the Rio Grande on the Mexican boundary. Four ships (one steam frigate and three sailing corvettes) are also kept constantly in commission as cruisers with apprentices for instruction. The iron-clad fleet is kept in partial commission ready for service, but in fresh water, in order to prevent the fouling and corrosion of the 'bottoms. INCOMPLETE INFORMATION. 433 DENMARK. The navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of Marine, the central administration having an "officer of high rank at its head, bearing the title of Director-General. The control is divided into three sections: 1st. The Admiralty. 2d. The Commissariat. 3d. The Judiciary. The Admiralty is subdivided into departments of Personnel, Materiel, and Health. Grades of personnel are similar to those of other navies. The cadre of the navy is 120 officers and 2761 men. There are no foreign cruisers. GREECE. The navy is represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of Marine, and the central control is superintended by an Admiral bearing the title of Inspector-General of the Fleet. The grades of officers correspond to those of other navies. The cadre of the personnel of the fleet is 71 officers and 581 men. PERU. The navy is not a separate organization, being represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of War, and having at its head an Admiral Commander-in-Chief. The control is confined to the port of Callao, where in time of peace the fleet is kept almost permanently at anchor. Administration and cadre un- known. PORTUGAL. The navy of Portugal is represented in the Cabinet by a Minister of Marine, who has also the Colonial Service under his jurisdiction, as with the French. The King of Portugal is Commander-in-Chief of the navy (taking the rank of Admiral amongst his titles), the immediate executive control of the naval personnel being superintended by a Vice-Admiral Commander-in-Chief, assisted by a Board of Admiralty. Both the central and general controls are at Lisbon, where is situated the only dock-yard. The grades of the personnel of the Portuguese Navy are similar to those of other nations. The cadre is 393 officers and 3200 men. The Portuguese fleet is distributed in squadrons at the different colonial stations, although they do but little cruising. A squadron is kept in commission at Lisbon, cruising to Madeira and the African coast in the fall of the year. In addition to the dock-yard there is a Naval School and Observa- tory, and a small repair-yard at Oporto. The navy is recruited by voluntary enlistment. 434 NAVAL BUDGETS. NAVAL BUDGETS. TOGETHER WITH THE PROPORTION WHICH THEY BEAR TO THE ENTIRE EXPENSES OF THE GOVERNMENT FOR THE CORRESPONDING YEAR. (IN DOLLARS OF AMERICAN COIN.) AUSTRIA. BRAZIL. DENMARK. ENGLAND. 1875. . . $5,038,980 A $10,737,267 | $1,258,180 TV . $53,447.020 i 1876. . . 4,705,090 A 11,992,977 1,193,700 TV 55,317,245 ) 1877. . . 4,705,090 TV 5,467,730 tV 1,193,700 TV 56,821,915 * 1878. . . 4,805,480 TV 5,467,730 TV 1,323.308 I 54,892,960 A 1879. . . 4,354,900 TV 6,138,301 * 1,589,418 9,811,580 TV FRANCE. GERMANY. GREECE. HOLLAND. 1875... $27,277,496 TV $4,511,955 A $360,070 A $2,617,994 i 1876. . . 27,277,496 TV 5,267,120 TV 391,978 *v 2,726,517 i 1877. . . 73,253,303 i 7,144,250 TV 422,941 A 2,781,076 i 1878. . . 32,592,387 TV 14,672,671 4 426,941 *v 2,753,677 i 1879... 32,183,416 TV 11,434,197 TV 749,731 TV 2,627,732 4 ITALY. JAPAN. NORWAY AND SWEDEN. PORTUGAL. *V 1875. . . $7,468,184 & $1,800,000 *v $1,526,275 TV $1,468,800 1876. . . 1877... 7,543,390 8,326,156 A A 2,700,000 3,549,700 A *V 1,725,350 2,204,040 tV TV 1,554,406 1,878,665 iV A 1878... 8,870,282 A 3,217,500 tV 1,944,875 ffe 1,876,264 TV 1879... 8,864,877 A 2,636,300 A 1,896,750 A 1,952,837 TV RUSSIA. SPAIN. TURKEY. UNITED STATES. TV 1875... $20,084,813 A $6,560,355 TV $2,600,000 A $23,000,000 1876... 20,030,705 A 0,586,235 TV 3,200,000 * 21,497,626 TV 1877... 19,895,028 A 5,739,806 aV 3,200,000 n 18,963,310 TV 1878... 18,839,706 *V 5,196,955 A 2,560,000 A 14,959,935 TV 1879... 20,956,465 *V 5,196,955 A 2,560,000 A 17,365,301 A KRUPP'S COAST AND NAVAL GUNS. 435 KRIJPP'S CAST-STEEL COAST AND NAVAL GUNS OF 30 AND 35 CALIBRES LENGTH. 12 cm. 15 cm. 17 cm. Of Of Of Of Of' Of 30 calibres 35 calibres 30 calibres 3T> calibres 30 calibres 35 calibres length. length. length. length. length. , length. -Calibre Totallength Length of bore Weight of gun Weight of steel shell Battering charge JHuzzle-velocity f total kg m mt ?rgy per cm. of circumference... per cm*, of cross section.... per 1000 kg of weight of gun. fof 500m .......... Hemaining velo- cityof steel shell Energy 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 500" 1000" 1500" 2500" 500" per cm* " 1000 " of cross -{ " 1500" total -| P ercm - f section 2000 2500 mt When striking fat the muzzle at a at right angles the steel shell penetrates a distance . cm of 500m " " wrought Iron-'i Plate of the fol- " I 500 " lowing thick- " 2000 " ness L " 2500 " fat the muzzle at a distance, cm Or two plates of | of 500 m the following -I "1000" " thickness 1500" 2000" 2500" 120 3GOO 3275 2015 20 9 575 &37.03 8.94 2.98 167.2 , 516.5 : 464.5 418.5 380 348.5 271.9 219.9 178.5 147.1 123.8 j 7.21! 5.83 4.74 *! j 3.28 I 2.40! ! 1.94 i 1.58 j 1.3o! | 1.09, 23.5 ' 20 17 15 18 11 10 -f 18 10 + 14 10 + 11 10+8 10+ 5 10+ 3 120 4200 3875 2260 20 9 605 373.12' 9.90 3.30 165 543 487.5 438.5 397 362 300.5 242.2 196 160.7 133.6 j 7.97 6.43 5.2o' <: 3.54 2.66 2.14 1.73 1.4-J 1.IH 25.5 22 18.5 16 14 12 10 + 20 W + 16 ,10 + 12.5 149.1 I 4470 4050 4200 38.5 17 575 649 13.85 3.71 155 526.7 482 442 406.7 375 544.4 455.9 383.4 324.59 276 11.62 9.73 8.18; J:3 3.12 ! 2.6l' 2.20 1.86 1.58' 29.5 26 22.5 20 17.5 15.5 15 + 20 15 + 16 15 + 12 15+8 149.1 5220 4800 4750 38.5 17 605 718 15.34 4.1 151 554 506.7 464 426.3 | 393 602.3 ! 503.8 422.5 356.6 303.1 12.86 10.75 9.02 7.61 6.47 3.45 2.89 2.42 2.04 1.74 31.5 28 24.5 21.5 18.5 16.5 172.6 5180 6700 575 1011.1 18.18 4.32 151 533.3 494.5 458.6 425.5 747.8 643.1 553.7 482 15.65 13.45 11.57 9.96 8.67 3.72 3.20 2.75 2.36 2.06 34 30.5 27 24 21.5 19.5 1?2.6 6040 5555 7500 60 26 605 1119.4 20.13 4.78 149 560.5 520 482 447 415.8 960.8 826.9 710.5 611.04 528.7 17.28 14.87 12.78 10.99 9.51 4.11 3.53 3.04 2.61 2.26 37 as 29.5 26 23.5 21 10+9 10+ 6.5 |15+ 5 10+ 4 J15+ 1 J15 + 22.51I J15 + 18 18+18 ^5 + 14 15 + 10 ,18 + 25.5 18 + 21 18 + 14.5 -18 + 17 I18 + 13 15+ 7 15+ 4 18 + 11 'l8+ 7 !l8+ 9.5 18+ 3.5 |18 + 6 436 KEUPP'S COAST AND NAVAL GUNS. KRUPP'S CAST-STEEL COAST AND NAVAL GUNS OF 30 AND 35 CALIBRES LENGTH (CONTINUED.) 20 cm. 21 cm. 24 cm. Of 30 calibres length. Of 35 calibres length. 30 calibres length. Of 35 calibres length. Of 30 calibres length. Of 35 calibre* length. Calibre . Total ler Length < Weight < Weight ( Batterin Muzzle-v Energy^ Remaini city o1 sh Energy- When at righ the st< penetr wrougl Plate o lowing ness Or two ] the f thickn< . . . mm 200 6000 5425 11000 95 40 575 1600 25.5 5.1 145.5 539.5 505 474.5 445.5 419 1409.4 1237.4 1090.3 961.1 850.1 22.43 19.69 17.35 15.30 13.53 4.49 3.94 3.47 3.06 2.71 40.5 36.5 33 30 27.5 25 25 + 23 25 + 18.5' 25+14 25+10 25+ 5.5 25+ 200 7000 6425 12500 95 40 605 1773 28.25 5.65 142 567.5 532 498.7 468 439.7 1559.5 1370.5 1204.3 1060.6 936.2 24.82 21.81 19.17 16.88 14.90 4.96 4.36 3.83 3.38 2.98 43.5 39.5 36 32.5 29.5 27 25 + 26.5 25 + 22 25 + 18 25 + 13 25+ 9 25+ 4.5 209.3 6280 5670 12500 108 45 575 1820 27.68 5.29 145.6 541 509 479 451.5 426.4 1611.1 1426.1 1263 1122.2 1000.8 24.50 21.69 19.21 17.07 15.22 4.68 <: 3.67 3.26 2.91 42 38 35 31.5 29 26.5 25 + 24.5 25 + 20 25 + 16 25 + 12 25+ 8 25+4 209.3 7330 6720 14000 108 45 605 2014.8 30.64 5.86 144 568.8 535.2 503.3 473.8 447 1780.9 1576.7 1394.4 1235.7 1099.8 27.09 23.98 21.26 18.79 16.73 5.18 4.58 4.05 3.59 3.20 45 41 37.5 x M 31 28.5 25 + 28.5 25 + 23.5 25+19.5 25+15 25 + 11 25+ 7 240 7200 6480 19000 160 65 575 2700 35.8 5.96 142 544 514.7 487 461 437.5 2415 2165 1934.2 1732 1561 32.01 28.65 25.65 22.99 20.71 5.34 4.78 4.28 3.83 3.45 47.5 43.5 40 37 34 31.5 30 + 26.5 30 + 21.5 30 + 17.5 30 + 13 30+ 8.5 30+ 3.5 240 8400 7680 21500 160- 65 605 2985 39.8 6.6 139 572.5 541.5 512.6 485 459.3 2673 2391.4 2143 1918.4 1720.5 35. fl 31.72 28. J 25. J 22.88 5. 5. 4. 4. 3. 51 47 43. 40 36. 34 30 + 31 30 + 26 30+21. 30+17 30 + 12. 30+ 8 gth i )f gun .. kg )f steel si ? charge elocity lell " m total.... per cm. c per cm 2 , per 10001 ng velo- steel - 1 total - per cm. of circum- ference per cm 2 of cross - section striking t angles jel shell ates a it Iron- ' fthefol- thick- alates of ollowing ;ss mt >f circumference ... " of cross section " eg of weight of gun . ' ' f ot 500m m " 1000 " u !" 1500" " "2000" " 11 2500 " ..." ' " 500 " mt "1000" " "1500" ..." " 2000 " " . "2500" " " 500 " " "1000" " "1500" " "2000" " "2500" " ' " 500 " " " 1000 " " "1500" " "2000" " 4 ( " 2500 " . ..." 'at the muzzle at a distance, cm of 500m " " 1000 " " 1500 " "2000" " " u 2500 u ., at the muzzle at a distance, cm of 500m " " " 1000 " " " "1500" "2000" " 2500 " KRUPP S COAST AND NAVAL GUNS. 437 IVKUPP'S CAST-STEEL COAST AND NAVAL GUNS OF 30 AND 35 CALIBRES LENGTH (CONTINUED.) 26 cm. 28 cm. ."<' cm. Of 30 calibres length Calibre Total length Length of bore Weight of gun Weight of steel shell Battering charge Muzzle-velocity f total ^ j per cm. of circumf ei-ence . . . 1 per cm 2 , of cross section [ per 1000 kg of weight of gun . fof 500m... kg Energy .Remaining velo- city of steel shell total -j Energy per cm. of circum- ference 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 500" 1000" 1500" 2000" 2500" 500" 1000" 1500 " 2000" 2500" mt per cm" of cross -J section I I t "When striking fat the muzzle at a at right angles distance, 'the steel shell ] of m m penetrates a wrought Iron- Plate of the fol- lowing thick- ness Or two plates of the following thickness 1000 1500 2000 2500 260 7800 7020 25000 205 83 575 3454.5 42.29 6.51 138 546.8 519.9 494.4 470.1 447 3123.5 2*24.1 2553.5 2308.7 2087.5 38.24 34.57, 81.26! 28.26 25.56 5.88 5.32 4.81 4.35 3.93 ! 51.5 48 44.5 41.5 38 35.5 Of Of Of Of Of 35 calibres 30 calibres 35 calibres 30 calibres 35 calibres length. length. length. length. length. 260 9100 8320 28100 205 83 605 3824.4 46.82 7.20 136 575.9 547 520.1 494.6 470.3 3458 3126.5 2826.8 2556 2311.3 42. ^3 38.28 34.61 31.29 28.29 6.51 5.89 5.32 4.81 4.35 56 51.5 48 44.5 41.5 280 8400 7560 &3200 255 m 575 4297 120.6 548.6 523.5 499.4 476.5 454.7 3912 3561.2 3242 2951.3 2686.7 44.47 40.48 36.85 33.55 30.62 6. .35 5.78 5.27 4.79 4.37 55.5 51.5 48 44.5 41.5 38.5 280 9800 8960 37300 255 103 605 4757.3 54.08 7.73 l->7.5 577.3 530.8 525.5 501.4 478.4 4330.8 3942.5 35S9.1 3267.3 2974.4 49.23 44.82 40.80 37.14 33.81 7.03 6.40 5.83 5.31 4.83 56 52 48.5 45 42 305 9150 8220 42900 329 575 5544.2 57.86 7.59 129 550. 7. i 527.4 505.1 ' 483.8 I 463.3 ! 5085.3 j 4664.5 j 4278.5 ' 3924.4 3509.6 53.70 48.68 44.65 40.96 1 37.57 6.96 6.38 5.86 5.37 4.82 1 60.5 i 56.5 ' 53 49.5 46.5 : 305 10700 9770 48400 329 132 605 6137.9 64.05 8.40 127 579.4 554.9 531.5 509 487.5 5629.9 5164 4736.7 4:334.7 "3985 58.75 53.89 49.43 45.34 41.59 7.71 7.07 6.48 5.95 5.45 61 56.5 53.5 50 47 at the muzzle at a distance. cm 135 + 26.5 35 + 31.5 38 + 26.5 38 + 32.5 40 + 34 40 + 37 of 500m 1000 1500 2000 2500 :r> 21.5 .35 + 26.5 38 + 23 35 + 17 35 + 21.5 38 + 18 35 + 12.5 35 + 17 38-fl3 35+ 7.5 35 + 12.5 38+ 8 354. 2 35+ 7.5 38+ 2.5 38 + 27 40+26.5 40 + 32.5 !38 + 23.5 40 + 21.5 40 + 27.5 138 + 18.5 40 + 17 40 + 23 ;38 + 13.5 40+13 40 + 18 38+ 8.5 40+ 7 40+13.5 438 KRUPP'S COAST AND NAVAL GUNS. KRUPP'S CAST-STEEL COAST AND NAVAL GUNS OF 30 AND 35 CALIBEES LENGTH (CONTINUED.) 35^ cm. 40 cm. Of 30 calibre* length. Of Of 35 calibres 30 calibres length. length. Of 35 calibre* length.. Calibre Total lei Length Weight Weight Batterin Muzzle-\ Remaini city o sh Energy When at righ the st< penetr wroug! Plate o lowing ness Or two ] the f thickn< . . mm 355 10650 9510 68000 525 210 575 8847 79. as. 8.94 129 .554.3 534.$ 515.1 496.6 478.7 8221.5 7640.2 7099.8 6598 6131.3 73.72 68.50 63.66 59.16 54.97 8.31 7.72 7.17 6.67 6.19 70.5 67 63.5 60 57 54 50 + 34 50 + 29 50 + 24 50 + 19 50+14.5 50+ 9 355 12400 11260 76500 525 210 605 9794.5 87.82 9. CO 127 583*. 2 562.2 542 522.5 503.6 9101.8 8458.2 7860.2 7304.3 6787.8 81.61 75.84 70.48 65.49 60.86 9.20 8.55 7.94 7.38 6.86 76.5 72.5 68.5 64.5 61 58 50 + 40.5 50 + 35.5 50 + 30.5 50 + 26 50 + 21 50 + 16 400 12000 10700 97200 740 295 575 12470 99.23 9.92 128.5 556.3 538.2 520.8 503.8 487.5 11673 10927 10228 9574.6 8962.6 92.89 86.95 81.40 76.19 71.32 9.29 8.70 8.14 7.62 7.13 79 75 71.5 68 65 62 60 + 32.5 60 + 27.5 60 + 22.5 60 + 17.5 60+12 60+ 5.5 400 14000 12700 109500 740 295 605. 13805 109.86? 10'. 991 126.5 585.4 1 566. a 547. 9 530.1 - 512.9 12923 12C97 11888 10599 9922.3 102.84 96. aj 90.11 84.35 78.96 10.2* 9.63. 9.01 8.44 7.90 85.5 81 77 73 70 66.5- 60 + 41 60 + 35.5 60 + 30.5 60 + 25.5 60 + 20 60 + 15. ' igth jf bore 44 3f gun .. kg 3f steel s g charge 'elocity hell 44 . . m " total . . per cm. per cm 2 per 1000 ng velo- r steel ell ' total - per cm. of circum- ference per cm 2 of cross section striking t angles *el shell ates a it Iron- * fthefol- thick- olates of ollowing ' ?ss . . mt of circumference m of cross section kg of weight of gun C of 500 m " 1000 " " 1500 " 44 "2000" mt i " 2500" f " 500 " " 1000 " " 1500 " "2000" " 2500 " r " 500 " 44 " 1000 " 44 " 1500 " 44 " 2000 " . " "2500" f " 500 " 44 " 1000 " . . . " " 1500 " " 2000 " 44 " 2500 " 4, at the muzzle at a distance, of 500m " 1000" "1500" "2000" "2500" at the muzzle at a distance, of 500m " 1000 " " 1500" "2000" " 2500 " ..cm . .cm INDEX. PAGE Alabama and Hatteras. duel 170 Kearsarge, " 171 Architectural Development Unarmored fleets 361 Conditions affecting English 361 French 362 United States 362 Chart of 372 Armored fleets 386 Argentine Confederation Fleets, Table of 3 Description of 4 Ordnance, Description of 180 Type of small-arms used 311 Personnel 399 Armor Table of penetration of English guns . . ... 319 French " 321 German " 320 Krupp's new long guns 435 Application of 395 Armstrong Breech-loaders, Table of measurements of 182 Description of 193, 194 Muzzle-loaders, Description of 192-194 Projectiles 209 Fuses ., 211 Grooves ! 192 Assaults Fort Sumter 160 Fisher 160 Corean Forts 161 Assimilated Rank Grades of Austrian officers 402 Brazilian officers 406 English officers 410 French officers 416 United States officers 431 Atlanta and Weehawken, duel 171 Austrian Fleets, Armored, Table of 5 General-service, Table of 9 Armored vessels. Ratios of elements 390 Ordnance, Table of 177 Description of , 180 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel, Departmental organization of 400 Names of grades 400 Inscription and instruction 401 Relative rank 402 Cadre .... 400 440 INDEX. PAGE Austrian cruising stations 405 Budgets 434 Bellerophon, Construction of iron hull of 382 Boat-carriagesEnglish 197 French 335 German 263 United States 289 Bombardments Callao 149 Danube Earthworks 149 Fort Darling 142 Donelson 142 Fisher 147 Henry 140 Hindman 144 Jackson and St. Philip 152 McAllister 147 Sumter 151 Wagner 146 Grand Gulf Earthworks 144 Hateras Inlet 139 Hilton Head 140 Kagosima 146 Roanoke Island 141 Simonoseki . . 145 Bouvet and Meteor, duel 172 Brazil, Construction of iron hull of 380 Brazilian Fleet, Armored, Table of 10 Description of 11 Unarmored, Table of 18 Ordnance, Description of 180 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel, Departmental organization of 405 Grades and relative rank 406 Cadre 407 Cruising stations 407 Budget 434 Breech-loaders Armstrong 193 French, model 1870 225 model 1864 228 Finspong 276 German 244 Krupp's new long guns, table of measurements 435 United States 285 Whitworth 218 Breech Mechanism Armstrong, original 193 improved 195 French, model 1870 226 model 1864 229 Hotchkiss revolving cannon 306 Gatling machine-gun 309 Krupp cylindro-prismatic 246 Small-arms 311 United States 287 Whitworth 218 Brooks's torpedo for harbor defence. 345 Brookwell broadside gun-carriage 250 Cadre Argentine Navy 399 Austrian " 400 Brazilian " . 407 INDEX. 441 PAGE Cadre Chilian Navy 407 Danish " 433 Dutch " 422 English " 411 French " 417 German " 419 Greek " 433 Italian " 424 Japanese " 425 Norwegian " . . 426 Portuguese Navy 433 Russian " 426 Spanish " 428 Swedish " 426 Turkish " 429 United States " 432 Cartridges English 207 French 236 Charleston blockaders, Dash at 166 Chart of architectural development 372 Chilian Fleet, Armored, Table of 13 Description of 13 General-service, Table of 13 Ordnance, Description of 181 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel, Departmental organization of 407 Cadre 407 Chinese Fleet, Table of 16 Description of 16 Ordnance, Description of 181 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel 408 Compressors Elswick 201 Bow 202 English hydraulic 203-206 French friction 231 Brookwell 250 Vavasseur 220 German hydraulic 257-263 United States boat-carriage 289 central recoil-check 295 hydraulic , 296 Ericsson's friction 296 turret-carriage ^ English wooden slide-carriage 196 German boat-carriage 264 Construction, Ship, Development of 3 * Wooden 3 ? 4 Diagonal ^ Composite 377 Iron 379 Iron sheathed with wood * Iron hull of Brazil Warrior 3 81 Bellerophon Hercules Invincible Gun Palliser Armstrong 442 INDEX. PAGE Construction, Gun Whitworth 218 Vavasseur 219 Woolwich 186- Krupp 244 Finspong 375 American smooth-bore 283 Uchatius 180 American converted 285 French 225 Cruising Stations, Squadron Argentine 400 Austrian 405 Brazilian 407 Dutch 422 English 412- French 417 Italian 424 Russian 426 Spanish 429 United States 432 Dashes Passes of the Mississippi 165 Vicksburg (Arkansas passing Farragut's fleet) 166 Charleston blockading fleet 166 Monitor and Merrimac 170 Alabama and Hatteras 170 Weehawken and Atlanta 171 Kearsarge and Alabama 171 Meteor and Bouvet 172: Denmark Fleet, Armored 17 General-service 18 Ordnance, Description of 181 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel, Departmental organization of 433 Budgets 434 Directing-bar Carriage French 234 United States 293 Distinguishing marks of English projectiles 216 Distribution of armor 395 Elevating-gearWoolwich rack and pinion 201 boat-gun 197 hydraulic 205 French 231, 233, 234 German rack and pinion 252 boat-gun 250 United States boat-gun 289 breech-loader 29& smooth-bore 293 Hotchhiss revolving cannon 306- Gatling machine-gun 308 English Fleet, Armored, Table of 20 Description of 23 Fast cruisers, Table of 36 Description of 42 General-service, Table of 48 Ordnance, Table of measurements of 182 Description of 186 Types and calibres of 317 Revolving turret 358 Conditions affecting architectural development 361 Ratios of elements of iron-clad vessels ... 390- INDEX. 443 PAGE. English Personnel Departmental organization 40g Dock-j-ards 409 Enlistment 409 Grades and relative rank 410 Coast-guard 411 Cadre 411 Royal Naval College 411 Gunnery and torpedo instruction 411 Naval reserve 411 Probationary course of young officers 412 Indian navy 412 Cruising stations 412 Budgets 434 Ericsson Torpedo vessel 33g Development of Monitor 386 Turret gun-carriage 298 Broadside slide-carriage 297 Revolving turret 357 Field-carriages United States 289 English 196 French 236 German 264 Finspong breech-loader 276 Fleets Architectural development of armored 389 unarmored * 361 Argentine 3 Austrian 5 Brazilian 10 Chilian 13 Chinese 16 Danish 17 Dutch 84 English : 20 French 51 German 73 Greek '. 82 Italian 90 Japanese 98 Norwegian 99 Peruvian 103 Portuguese 104 Russian 106 Spanish 116 Swedish 99 Turkish 121 United States 128 French Fleet, Armored, Table of 51 Description of 55 Rapid cruisers, Table of 62 Description of 65 General-service, Table of 70 Ordnance, Table of measurements of 221 Description of 225 Types and calibres of 317 Towing torpedo 333 Revolving turret 359 Barbette fixed turret 360 Conditions affecting architectural develr >pment 362 Ratio of elements of iron-clad vessels ... 390 444 INDEX. PAGE French Wooden hulls, superiority over English iron ones 392 Personnel Departmental organization 412 Maritime prefectures 414 Enlistment and inscription 415 Grades and assimilated rank 416 Official reports 416 Promotion 41? Cadre 417 Cruising stations 41? Budgets 434 Fuses Boxer time Armstrong time 211 Pettman percussion French percussion ? 238 German percussion 266 Krupp time 267 United States Navy time 302 Borrmann time 303 Boxer time 303 Schenkel percussion -V- 304 Torpedo time 347 McEvoy's time 347 percussion 348 Hill's chemical 348 friction 348 sulphuric-acid 349 Harvey's chemical 349 electric 349 Oas-checks Woolwich projectile 210 French 227-229 Armstrong, original 194 improved 195 Broadwell 246-248 Catling machine-gun 308 General Actions Memphis 163 Heligoland 163 Lissa 164 Point Tetas .173 Oerman Fleets, Armored, Table of 73 Description of 75 Fast cruisers, Table of 80 General-service, Table of 81 Ordnance, Table of measurements. 241 Description of 244 Types and calibres of 317 Ratios of elements of iron-clad vessels 390 Personnel Departmental organization 418 Inscription 419 Cadre 419 Grades 419 Fleet divisions 421 Budgets 434 Grades Officers of navy of Argentine Confederation 399 Austria 400 Brazil 406 England 410 France 416 Germany 419 INDEX. 445 Grades Officers of navy of Holland 431 Italy 42-j Spain 427 United States 431 Grand Gulf, Bombardment of earthworks of 144 Greek Fleet, Table of 83 Description of 83. Ordnance, Description of 278 Types and calibres of 317 Departmental organization 433 Budgets 434 Grooves French Ig7 French modified 187 Woolwich . . 187 English plain 187 Armstrong, for breech-loader 192 shunt 192 French, model 1870 228 Krupp v 245 Parrott 288 Dahlgren 288 Whitworth 219, Guns Muzzle-loaders: Woolwich 186 English converted 189 Armstrong 192-194 French 229 United States smooth-bore 283 converted 285 Parrott 285 Breech-loaders: Armstrong, original * 193 improved , 195 French, model 1870 225 model 186 228 Krupp, government pattern 244 new long 43S Finspong 276 United States 287 Penetration of English, in armor targets 319 German, " 320 French, " 321 Krupp's new long 435 Gun-carriages Field: English 196 French 236 German 264 United States 289 Boat: English 197 French 235 German 263 United States 289 Turret : English 203 French, 232 German 263 Razkazoff depression 279 Ericsson's 298 Broadside : French slide 230 directing-bar 234 Vavasseur 220 German Brookwell 219 slide 251 446 INDEX. PAGE Gun-carriages Broadside : German half -slide 259 United States Marsilly 292 directing-bar 293 slide 296 Ericsson's slide 296 United States friction-drum 299 Mitrailleuse: French 236 Hotchkiss 306 Gatling 308 French centre pivot 233 German " " 260 United States pivot 295 -Gun-locks United States cannon 305 Gatling 309 Gunpowder English 206 French 236 German 265 United States 299 Harvey towing torpedo 331 JHatteras Inlet, Bombardment of 139 Heligoland, Action off 163 Hercules. Construction of iron hull of 383 Herreshoff torpedo-boat 341 Hilton Head, Bombardment of 140 Holland Fleet, Armored, Table of 84 Description of 86 Unarmored, Table of 88 Ordnance, Description of 272 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel Departmental organization 421 Grades 421 Cadre 422 Cruising stations 422 Budgets 434 Hotchkiss machine-gun 305 projectiles 806 magazine rifle 315 Hydraulic Compressors English 203-206 German 257-263 United States 296 Loading apparatus, English 205 Gun-lift. English 205 Inscription, Maritime Austrian 401 French 415 German 419 Italian 423 Japanese 425 Spanish 429 Invincible, Construction of iron hull of 388 Iron-clads versus wooden vessels Hampton Roads 167 Roanoke River 167 Albemarle Sound 168 Black Sea 168 Ylo 169 Iquique Harbor 169 Italian Fleet, Armored, Table of 90 Description of v : 91 Fast cruisers, Table of 94 General-service, Table of 95 INDEX. 447 PAGE Italian Ordnance, Table of measurements of 269 Description of 272 Types and calibres of 317 Personnel Departmental organization 422 Grades 422 Inscription 423 Cadre 424 Budgets 434 -Japanese Fleets, Armored, Table of 96 Description of 97 Unarmored, Table of 97 Ordnance, Description of 272 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel Departmental organization 424 Dock-yards 424 Cadre 425 Inscription and enlistment 425 Budgets 434 Kagosima, Bombardment of 146 Kearsarge and Alabama, duel 171 Xrupp Guns Standard German, Measurements of 242 New long guns of 30 to 35 calibres 435 Description of standard German 244 Groove 245 Lay's torpedo .- 329 Lewis's torpedo 343 Lissa, Battle of 164 Loading-gear, English hydraulic 205 Loading-plateFrench 239 German 249 United States 287 Machine-guns Gatling 308 Hotchkiss 305 Nordenfeldt 276 Palmcrantz 276 Marine Infantry and Artillery Argentine 399 Brazilian 407 Chilian 407 Dutch 422 English 411 French 417 German 420 Italian 424 Spanish 428 Turkish 429 United States 432 Memphis, Action off 163 Menzing towing- torpedo 333 Meteor and Bouvet, duel 172 Mitrailleuse, French 230 Monitor and Merrimac, duel 170 Muzzle-loading Guns Woolwich 186 Armstrong 192 Whitworth 218 Vavasseur 219 French 229 United States smooth-bore 283 rifles 285 dipping-gear, Scott's 202 448 INDEX. PAGET Nipping-gearFrench 233 German 255 Vavasseur 220 Nordenf eldt machine-gun 276 Norwegian Fleet, Armored, Table of 99 Description of 100 Unarmored, Table of 101 Ordnance, Table of measurements of 273 Description of 276 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel Departmental organization 425 Enlistment 425 Cadre 426 Budgets 434 Ordnance Argentine 180 Austrian 177, 317 Brazilian 180, 317 Chilian .181, 317 Chinese 181, 317 Danish 181, 317 Dutch * 272,317 English 182, 317 French , * 221, 317 German 241, 317 Greek 272, 317 Italian 269, 317 Japanese 272, 318 Norwegian 273, 318 Peruvian 279, 318 Portuguese 279, 318 Russian ' . . -277, 318 Spanish 280, 318 Swedish 273,318 Turkish 280, 318 United States 281, 318 Palliser gun-construction 217" projectiles 208 Palmcranz machine-gun 276 Passage of Forts Jackson and St. Philip 154 Yicksburg (up stream) 156 (down stream) 159- Port Hudson Earthworks 156 Morgan 157' Passes of the Mississippi, dash 165 Penetration of Armor English guns 319 French " 321 German " 320- Krupp's new 30 and 35 calibre guns 435 Personnel Argentine Confederation 399 Austrian 400 Brazilian 405 Chilian 407 Chinese 408 Danish 433 Dutch 421 English 408 French 412 German 418 Greek... 43S INDEX. 449 PAGE Personnel Italian 422 Japanese. . 424 Norwegian 435 Peruvian 433 Portuguese 433 Russian 426 Spanish 427 Swedish 425 Turkish 429 United States , 430 Peruvian Fleet, Description of 103 Ordnance, Description of 279 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel, Departmental organization of 433 Point Tetas, Action off 173 Portuguese Fleet Armored corvette 104 Unarmored fleet, Table of , 105 Ordnance, Description of 279 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel Departmental organization 433 Cadre 433 Cruising stations 43% Budgets 434 Primers English friction 212 electric 213 French percussion 239 friction 239 German friction 267 United States percussion 304 friction 304 Projectiles Distinguishing marks of English 216 Woolwich 208 Palliser 209 Armstrong segment 209 German " 265 Whitworth 219 French 237 German 265 United States 299 Hotchkiss 306 Ratios of elements of iron-clad vessels, Table of 390 Razkazoff depression gun-carriage 279 Roanoke Island, Bombardment of 141 Russian Fleet, Armored, Table of 106 Description of 108 General-service, Table of 112 Ordnance, Table of measurements of 277 Description of 279 Types and calibres of '*> ' ; Personnel Departmental organization 42(5 Inscription 426 Fleet divisions 426 Budgets 434 Scott's gun-carriage 200 nipping-gear 202 Sights-English 213 French 239 German 267 United States. .. 305 450 INDEX. PACK Simonoseki, Bombardment of '. U"> Singer's torpedo for harbor defence 346 Slides English upper-deck gun 198 ordinary broadside 199 heavy broadside 200 turret .' 205 French ordinary broadside 232 heavy broadside 231 barbette turret 232, 360 centre pivot 234 German broadside 251 heavy pivot 257 half " 259 centre " 260 United States ordinary pivot 295 heavy broadside 296 turret 298 Slide-rollersFrench 232 German 255 Small-arms Snider 311 Tabatiere 311 Krnka ; 312 Springfield 312 Peabody-Martini 313 Werndl 313 Mauser 314 Le Gras 314 Berdan 315 Hotchkiss magazine 315 Remington *. 315 Spanish Fleet, Armored, Table of 116 Description of 117 Uuarmored, Table of 118 Description of 120 Ordnance, Description of... 280 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel Departmental organization 427 Grades 427 Cadre ..428 Inscription 429 Cruising stations 429 Budgets : 434 Sumter, Bombardment of. , 151 Assault of 160 Swedish Fleet, Armored, Table of 99 Description of * 100 Unarmored, Table of 101 Ordnance, Table of measurements of. ... 273 Description of 276 Types and calibres of 318 Personnel Departmental organization 425 Enlistment -125 Cadre I-- 1 ' 1 . Budgets 434 Thorneycroft torpedo-boat 339 Torpedoes- Whitehead !^> Lay 329 Harvey towing 331 Menzing " 333 INDKX. 451 PAGR Torpedoes French towing :? American spar 334 Wood .and Lay's spar :5.Ti Lewis's drifting. 348 Frame 345 Bn ><>ks's channel 845 Singer's " 346 Barrel " 346 ( 'learing channels of :dO Torpedo Boats Thorneycroft 339 Yarrow 340 1 Irrreshoff 341 Submarine 343 Launches 342 Vessels Pietro Micca 94, 336 Rau 102-a37 Vesuvius 47, 337 Ziethen 337 Uzreef 337 Alarm 130, 337 Intrepid 139, 388 Destroyer 38 Uhlan 339 Fuses Time 347 MeEvoy's time 347 Hill's 348 McEvoy's percussion 348 Friction 348 Sulphuric-acid % 349 Harvey's .' 349 Electric 349 Actions Shah and Huascar 351 Russian boats off Batoum 351 Constantine and Turkish vessel 352 Cushing's attack on Albemarle 352 Russian attack on Duba Saife 352 at Sulina 888 Rustschuk a r >3 Soukum Kaleh 353 Confederate attack on Minnesota 353 Housatonic 353 Training-gearGerman windlass -">'' for cabin carriage 254 heavy slides 25H English windlass 200 rack and pinion 200 French rack and pinion 231 barbette slide 232 centre pivot 234 United States rack and pinion 296 Turkish Fleet, Armored, Table of 121 Description of 123 Unarmored, Table of 125 Ordnance, Description of 280 Types and calibres of :51S Personnel -Departmental organization 429 Inscription 429 Cadre 429 Budget I- 1 452 INDEX. PAGE Turret United States monitor 357' English revolving 358 French " 35!) barbette 3GO Carriages: French 232 English 20:5 German 203 United States 2f8 Uchatius gun-construction 180 United States Fleet, Armored, Table of 128 Description of 129 Unarmored, Table of 131 Description of 134 Ordnance, Table of measurements of 281 Description of 283 Types and calibres of 318 Conditions affecting architectural development 362 Ratios of elements of monitor Onondaga 391 Monitor turret 357 Personnel Departmental organization 430 Dock-yards 430 Grades and assimilated rank 431 Cadre -I3S Enlistment 432 Cruising station 432 Budgets 434 Spar-torpedo 334 Vavasseur construction 219 compressor 220 nipping-gear 220 Vents-French 227 Armstrong B. L 193 German 248 United States 287 Vent-guards, French 240 Vicksburg, Dash of the Arkansas past Farragut's fleet 166 Wads English papier mach6 210 French sea-weed 238 Warrior, Construction of iron hull of 381 Weehawken and Atlanta, duel 171 Whitehead torpedo 325 Whitworth gun-construction 218 groove 219 projectiles 219 breech mechanism 218 Windlass for in and out gear English 200 German 253 Wood scale, English 213, 216 Woolwich Description of guns 186 Measurements of guns 182 Groove 187 Projectiles 208 Yarrow torpedo-boat 340 RETURN TO CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 2 RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library 642-3403 LOAN PERIOD 1 2 3 ^w - 4 5 6 i Desk ate *^ LIBRARY USE This book is due before closing time on the lost dote stamped below DUE AS STAMPED BELOW tJBRARV i|S tctt, 'EB 3 1979 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6A, 7m, 3/78 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ERKELEY '-" . * '