OF THE UNIVERSITY OF t" CALIFORNIA STATE SERIES A PRIMER BY BRYCE AND SPAULDING REVISED BY THE STATE TEXT-BOOK COMMITTEE AND APPROVED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SACRAMENTO W. W. SHANNON, SUPERINTENDENT STATE PRINTING EDUCATION IIBH7 COPYRIGHT, 1910, BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY NEWSON & COMPANY. All rights reserved. In the compilation of this book, certain matter from the Aldine Readers, a Primer by Catherine T. Bryce and Frank E. Spaulding has been used. All such matter is pro- tected by the copyright entries noted above. IB 50M 6. '10 INTRODUCTION THE more or less obvious characteristics of this Primer are these : The Subject-matter. This is within the range of the expe- rience and the imagination of most children of five or six years of age. It enlists at once their liveliest interests. It is full of action. It furnishes constant occasion for dramatization and encourages varied and natural expression. The Vocabulary. The number of different words used less than one hundred entirely different ones is intentionally small. But every one of these words is used over and over again, used naturally in the expression of new thoughts, not repeated mechanically just for the sake of repetition. The pupil thus gains complete mastery of this limited vocabulary, a mastery which not only enables him to read fluently and expressively thoughts clothed in the words of this vocabulary, but which prepares him readily and rapidly to increase his vocabulary as soon as he begins to observe the facts and prin- ciples of phonics. The Use of Rhymes. The rhymes on pages 3, 5, 10, 15, 18, 24, 33, 40, 47, 56, 67, 73, 78, 91, 104, 111, 124, are designed to be thoroughly memorized by the pupil. These rhymes furnish nearly all the words used in the book. Experience proves that pupils acquire an initial stock of sight words much more quickly and easily through the memorizing of rhymes than through the more usual object, word, or sentence methods. But the chief value of the rhyme consists in the opportunity which it gives the child to help himself from the very first, to form the habit of independence. (See the Teacher s Manual, " Learn- ing to Read," page 4.) The Illustrations. The pictures are not merely artistic and harmonious, they are an integral part of the book ; they express thought, and are to be read no less than the words. This book may be used successfully with any method of teaching reading. But the best results will be secured if it is used in accordance with the principles and suggestions given and fully explained in the Teacher s Manual which accompanies the Aldine Series of Readers. vi CONTENTS PAGE GIRLS AND BOYS AT PLAY ..... 1 Rhyme I Come Away 3 Khyme II Run with Me 5 Something to Do 9 Rhyme III Boys and Girls, Come and Play ... 10 Something to Do 14 Rhyme IV Rain, Rain, go Away, Part I ... 15 Rhyme V Rain, Rain, go Away, Part II . . .18 Something to Do 23 Rhyme VI Sing, Little Girl; Sing, Little Boy . . 24 BIRDS AND SQUIRRELS 31 Rhyme VII Little Bluebird in the Tree ... 33 Dialogue 37 Silent Reading 39 Rhyme VIII Sing, Little Bluebird , . 40 Dialogue .......... 44 Rhyme IX Little Squirrel, run Around .... 47 Silent Reading . 55 Rhyme X Little Bird, fly to the Tree .... 56 vii PAGE LITTLE BOY: BLUE ......... 65 Rhyme XI Little Boy Blue ...... 67 Rhyme XII The Sheep are in the Meadow ... 73 Rhyme XIII Where is the Little Boy ? . . , .78 Dialogue 86 THE SXOWFLAKES .89 Rhyme XIV Come, Little Snowflakes . , .91 Review 98 Review 102 Rhyme XV Now the Wind begins to Blow . . . 104 THE BLUEBIRD'S SONG . 10'J Rhyme XVI Tell me, What does Bluebird Say ? . .111 Rhyme XVII Bluebird sings, " Wake up, my Boy" . 124 Dialogue . . . 132 VOCABULARY . . 139 viii Come away, Come and play. Come away and play 3 Come. Come away. Come, come away. Come and play. Come away and play. Away, away, come away. Run with me To the tree. with tree me run 5 the to away. Come with me. Come, away with me. Come to the tree. Come' with me to the tree. Come and play. Come and play with me. Play with me. Rnn and play with me. Run with me. Run away with me. 6 "Run. Run to me. Run to the tree. Bun with me. Run with- me to the tree. Run away. Run away with me. Run and play. Run away and play. Run away and play with me. Run to the tree with me. Come. Come to me. Come to the tree. Come to the tree with. me. Come and run with me. Come, run away with me. Come and play with me. Come away, Come and play. Run with me, To the tree. s {Something to Do.) Kim. Run to me. Run away. Run to the tree. Run with me. Play with me. Run and play with me. Come to me. Come to the tree. Run away and play Boys and girls, come and play, Jump and run --away, away. boys girls jump 10 Come, boys. Come and play, boys. Come, girls. Play with me, girls. Come and play. Come and play with me. Come and play "with me, boys. Come and play with me, girls. Jump, boys, jump. Jump, girls, jump. Run, girls, run. Run, boys, run. Run, boys and girls. Run, girls and boys. Run with me. Run to tlie tree, boys. Run to the tree, girls. Run to me, girls. Run to me, boys. Play with me, girls. Play with me, boys. Girls, play with the boys. Boys, play with the girls. Run away, boys. Run away, girls. 12 Girls, run to me. Boys, run to the girls. Girls and boys, jump with me. Boys and girls, run to the tree. Run and jump, girls and boys. The boys jump. The girls jump. The girls run to me. The boys run to the tree. The boys and girls run and jump. The girls and boys jump and play. 13 {Something to Do.) Run, jump, run. Boys, jump. Jump, girls. Boys, run. Run, girls. Run to the tree, girls. Boys, run to the tree. Girls, run to me. Run to me, boys. Come to me, girls. Boys, come to me. w .Rain, rain, go away, Boys and girls want to play Rain go want 15 Rain, go away. Boys and girls want to play. Boys want to jump. Girls want to run. Boys and girls want to run and jump. The girls want to come with me. The boys want to go away. The girls want to piny with me. The boys want to run to the tree. Go away, bo}^s. Run away to the tree. Come with me, girls. Come and play with me. 16 Run in the rain, boys. Run away in the rain. Run and jump in the rain. Play with me, boys. Run and play with me in the rain. The girls Avant the rain to go away. Rain, rain, go away. The girls want to run away to play. 17 Rain, rain, go away, Come again some other day. day again other some 18 Rain, go away. Go away to-day. Some girls want to play. Some girls want to play to-day. Other girls want to run. Rain, go away. Come again, rain. Come some other day. Some boys want to jump. Some boys want to play. Some boys want to play to-day. Come some other 'day, rain. Some boys want the rain. Some boys play in the rain. 19 Some boys jump. Other boys run. Some boys jump again and again. Some boys run to me. Some bo}^s run to the tree. Other boys run away. Run to me again, boys, Run again to the tree. Run to some other tree. Some girls want the rain. Other girls want the rain to go away. Some girls want to jump. Other girls want to run and play. 20 Some girls want to play with the boys. Other girls want the boys to run away. Some boys want to play with the girls. Other boys want to run away. 21 Some girls want to play in the rain. Other girls want the boys to play. Run and play, girls and boys. Jnmp and run to-day. Run away and play in the rain. Come, come with me. Come and play in the rain. Run with me in the rain. Go away, rain. Go away to-day. Come again, rain. Come again some other day. 22 {Something to Do.) Come to me, boys. Run away. Come again, boys. linn away again. Some other boys, come. Go away again. Boys and girls, come to me. Girls, run away. Run away, boys. Come to me, girls. Go away, girls. 23 Sing, little girl, Sing, little boy, The rain is over, Sing for joy. sing is over little joy for 24 Sing, little girls. Sing, little boys. The little girls sing, 'Rain, rain, go away, Come again some other day." The little boys sing, 'The rain is over, Sing for joy." . 25 Sing again, little girls. Sing again, little boys. Sing, for the rain is over. Sing to-day for joy. Come, sing with me. Sing with me, boys and girls. Sing with me for joy. The rain is over,, girls and boys. 26 The rain is over for to-day. Sing, little girl. Little boy, sing. Sing again and again. Sing, boys and girls, sing for joy Run, little boys, run and jump. Jump and run with the girls. Sing, little girls, sing and play. Play and sing with the boys. The rain is over. Boys and girls, play to-day. 27 Sing and play, little girls. Play and sing, little boys. Sing again for joy, little girls. Run and jump again for joy, lit- tle boys. Come again, rain. Come some other day. To-day is for play. To-day is for joy. Sing, girls, sing for joy. Sing, boys, sing with the girls. Sing, for the rain is over. Sing, boys and girls, sing again and again. 28 girl girls jump jumps boy boys rain rains tree trees want wants play plays come comes run runs sing sings 29 The little girl sings and plays. The little boy jumps and runs. The rain comes. The girl runs over to the trees. The boy plays in the rain. The girl wants the rain to go away. The boy wants the rain to-day. Come, boys and girls. The rain is over. Jump and play to-day. 30 31 Little bluebird in the tree, Sing a song to me. blue bird a song 33 Sing, little bluebird. Sing a song to me. Sing a song to the boys. Sing a song to the girls. A little bird is in the tree. The bird is a bluebird. The bluebird sings a song. 34 Little girl, sing a song. Sing, The rain is over/' Sing to the little bird. Sing the song over and over. Sing the song again and again. Sing with the little boy. Sing some other song. Sing to the bluebird. Sing songs for joy. 35 Bluebird sings to a little girl. Bluebird sings to a little boy, The rain is over. Bluebird sings for joy. Sing to me, little bluebird. Sing a song to me. Sing some other song. Sing again, little bluebird. Sing other songs to me. Sing in the tree. Sing for joy. Sing to the little girl. Sing to the little boy. Sing, little bird, sing for joy. 36 Boy: "Who wants to jump? Girl: I want to jump. Girl : WllO Wants to mil ? Boy: I want to run. Boy : Who wants to play ? Girl: I want to play. Girl : Who wants the rain ? Boy : The boys want the rain, 37 Boy: Who want the rain to go away? Girl: Little girls want the rain to go away. Girl: Who sings for joy? Boy : I sing for joy, little girl. 38 {Silent Reading.^ Who wants to run with, me? Who wants to play with me? Who wants the rain to come? Who wants to play in the rain ? Who wants to sing? Who wants to sing a song to me ? Who sings in the tree? Who sings a song to me? Who sings, 'The rain is over"? Who wants to run away with me? Who wants to run to the tree? Who wants to run again? Who jumps and runs away? 39 Sing, little Bluebird, Tell of the spring; Sing, little Bluebird, The glad news bring. tell of spring glad news bring 40 Tell me glad news. Tell me of the spring. Tell the rain to go away. Tell Bluebird to come again. I want glad news. Bring news of the spring. Tell me again, '" Spring is come/ 9 Tell me Bluebird is come again. 41 Spring brings the bluebirds. Bluebirds want spring to come. Go away, rain. Come, glad spring. Sing, Bluebird, sing the glad news. Spring is come, sing for joy. Sing glad songs of joy. Sing the songs over and over. 42 Little Bluebird is glad. Bluebird brings glad news. Little Bluebird sings. Bluebird sings a song of joy. The song tells spring is come. A song of spring is glad news. A song of spring is a song of joy. Sing, little Bluebird, sing to me. Sing me glad songs of joy. Tell me of the spring. Bring me glad news of the spring. Tell me, "Spring is come." Tell other birds to sing. Tell birds to sing of the spring. 43 The little girl is glad. The rain is over. The little girls sing, "Spring is come." What? Who sings in the tree? Little Bluebird sings in the tree. 44 What is the song Bluebird sings ? Bluebird sings, '" Spring is come." Who is glad? Bluebird is glad. Who brings glad news? Bluebird brings glad news. What is the glad news Bluebird brings ? Bluebird tells me, "Spring is come.' : What is the song the little girl sings ? The little girl sings, " Rain, rain, go away." 45 What is the song the little boy sings ? The little boy sings, "Jump and run away, away " Little squirrel, run around, Look for acorns on the ground, look on squirrel acorns around ground 47 Little squirrel, run. Run around, little squirrel. Run on the ground. Run around on the ground. Run for acorns, little squirrel. Little squirrel, run around. Look for acorns. 48 Look in the tree. Look on the ground. Look around, little squirrel. Look for some acorns on the ground. Look for other acorns on the tree. Look the ground over and over. Look in the tree again and again. 49 The little squirrel is on the ground. The little squirrel runs around and around. The squirrel looks for acorns. Bring some acorns to the little squirrel. Run to the tree, little squirrel. Run and jump over the ground. 50 Run around the tree, little squirrel. Run and jump around and around. Spring, little squirrel, spring into the tree. I want some acorns, little squirrel. Jump to the ground. Bring the acorns to me. Run away, little squirrel. Run to the other tree. Come again, little squirrel. Come again. to me. 51 The little squirrel is in the tree. The little squirrel wants acorns. The squirrel is glad. The squirrel jumps for joy. Jump, little squirrel, jump again. The squirrel wants some acorns. Squirrel wants acorns for the little squirrels. Look around, little squirrel. Look again. 52 Look for acorns for the little squirrels. Bring acorns to the little squir- rels. Tell the little squirrels to look for acorns. Tell the squirrels to look on the ground. Tell the squirrels to look in the tree. 53 Bluebird is in the tree with the squirrel. Bluebird sings to the squirrel. Bluebird sings a glad song. Bluebird sings of the spring. ' Spring is come," sings Bluebird. Sing, sing for joy. Bluebird brings news of the glad spring. 54 run running play playing look looking tell telling sing singing bring bringing go going jump .jumping come coming spring springing (Silent Reading.) Who is playing in the tree? Who is singing in the tree? Who is running over the ground ? Who is telling spring is come ? Who is bringing glad news? Who is looking for acorns? Who is jumping into the tree? Who is springing to the ground ? 55 Little bird, fly to the tree, There a little nest I see. There nest see 56 Look, there is a nest ! The nest is in the tree. Who is in the nest? I see a little bird in the nest. See the bird fly over the tree I Fly to the ground, little bird. Fly again to the tree. Sing a song to me. Sing a song of joy. Sing to the little bird in the nest. Tell the little bird to fly away. 57 The little bird sings a song. " See the little nest. See the little birds. I sing to the little birds. I tell the little birds to fly. I sing, 'Spring is come.' See the tree." 58 Fly to the tree, little birds. Fly with me to the ground. See me fly. Come, fly with me. Sing, little birds. Sing a glad song. Sing, sing for joy. 59 are lie Little bird, fly to the tree. In the tree is a little nest. Fly to the nest. Some little birds are there. Fly to the little birds. The bird is glad. He is glad the nest is in the tree. He is glad the little birds are in the nest. He is singing a song. He is singing to the little birds in the nest. He sings, 'The rain is over. 60 The spring is come. There is glad news. I sing the glad news. Some little birds are in the nest. See the little birds ! See! See! See!" What glad news! "What a song of joy! What joy in the tree! 61 A little squirrel runs over the ground. He runs to the tree. In the tree is squirrel's nest. Little squirrels are in the nest. The squirrel is glad. He is glad the little squirrels are there. He looks into the nest. 62 He sees the little squirrels. The little squirrels want acorns. He brings acorns to the nest. The acorns are for the little squirrels. The little squirrels look around. Some see the acorns. "What are the acorns for? Who wants acorns ? 63 The little squirrels are glad to see the acorns. There is joy in the squirrel's nest. There is joy in the bird's nest. There is joy in the tree. Sing glad songs, little bird. Run and jump, little squirrel, jump and run for joy. What glad squirrels and birds ! 64 66 Little Boy Blue, Come blow your liorn, blow your 67 horn Come, little Boy Blue. Come to me. Bring your horn to me. Blow your horn. Blow your horn again. Your horn is new. Your horn is blue. The horn is your horn, Boy Blue. Blow your new horn. Blow for joy. Blow again and again. Little Boy Blue is glad. He blows the horn. He blows the horn for joy. 68 Little Boy Blue sees a squirrel. He blows the liorn. See the squirrel jump ! He jumps to the ground. He runs around and around. He springs over the ground. He runs to the tree. Into the little nest he jumps. He is glad in the nest. 69 A little bird sees Boy Blue. He sings, "See! see! see! See a little nest." Boy Blue looks for the nest. He looks on the ground. He looks into the tree. He sees the little nest. 'I see your nest, little bird," he sings. 70 Your nest is in the tree. Are there some little birds in the nest? See the blue horn. The horn is new." Boy Blue blows the horn. See the bird fly away. "Fly, little bird," sings Boy Blue. 'Fly to your little birds. Your little birds are in your nest." 71 The boys are playing Avith Boy Blue. The boys tell Boy Blue to bring the horn. \ Boy Blue runs for the horn. He conies running to the boys. A little boy sings. He sings, 'Who wants to run with me? ?: The boys want to run to the tree. The little boy sings again, "Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn." Boy Blue blows the horn. Away run the boys to the tree. 72' Little B',y Blue, Come blow your horn; The sheep are in the meadow, The cows are in the corn. sheep meadow cows corn 73 Little Boy Blue little Boy Blue ! Come to me. Bring your horn. See, the sheep are in the meadow. The cows are in the corn. Blow your horn, Boy Blue. Run into the meadow. Run for the sheep. Bring the sheep away. Run into the corn. Blow your horn again. Go, bring the cows. 74 Boy Blue looks for the sheep. There are the sheep, Boy Blue. Look over there in the meadow. Boy Blue sees the sheep in the meadow. Away into the meadow he runs. Around the meadow run the sheep. Around the meadow runs Boy Blue. Boy Blue blows the horn. Some sheep run away. He blows the horn again. The other sheep run away. Boy Blue is glad. 6 75. Look, boys, look! Look over there, boys. See the cows. The cows are in the corn. Tell the cows to go away. Go away, cows. The corn is for boys and girls. Run, boys. Look for little Boy Blue. Tell Boy Blue to come to me. Tell Boy Blue to run. Bring your horn, Boy Blue. See, your cows are in the corn. Blow your horn, Boy Blue. Blow your horn again. 76 Boy Blue blows the liorn. He blows again and again. The cows see Boy Blue and the horn. Away run the cows. 77 Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep? He is under the haycock, fast asleep. where after under haycock fast asleep 78 "Where are the cows? The cows are in the corn. "Where are the sheep? The sheep are in the meadow. Who looks after the sheep? Boy Bine looks after the sheep. Where is Boy Bine? Boy Blue is nnder the haycock. Is he asleep? He is fast asleep. 79 The sheep are under the trees. Some of the cows are asleep on the ground. Others are looking around. Boy Blue comes into the meadow. He brings a horn. He is come to look after the sheep and the cows. He sees some cows asleep. He sees the sheep under the trees. Boy Blue sees the haycock. It is over in the meadow. Boy Blue runs to it. 80 A little sheep looks around. He sees tlie haycock. He sees Boy Blue. Boy Blue is under the haycock. He is fast asleep. The little sheep is glad. He runs and jumps for joy. He runs around and around. 81 "Come, little sheep, come away. Come after me. Boy Blue is asleep. Run with me into the meadow." Away into the meadow go the sheep. Boy Blue is under the haycock fast asleep. 82 The cows see the sheep go into the meadow. The cows want some corn. 'Run, cows. Run after the sheep. Run into the corn." Away run the cows after the sheep. Away run the cows into the corn. A little girl sees the cows and sheep. The sheep are in the meadow, The cows are in the corn. 83 "Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep? The little girl looks around for Boy Blue. There he is under the haycock. Is he asleep? Away runs the little girl to the haycock. Boy Blue is fast asleep. 'Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn," sings the little girl. 'The sheep are in the meadow, The cows are in the corn. Come, Boy Blue, blow your horn ! " 84 See Boy Blue jump! He springs to the ground. He blows the horn. The sheep run away. He blows the horn again. The cows run away. Boy Blue and the little girl go away. 85 (Dialogue.) Boy: See the sheep. Girl: "Where are the sheep? Boy: See, there in the meadow. Girl: And see the cows! Boy: Are the cows in the corn? Girl: Some cows. are in the corn. Boy: "Who looks after the cows? GM: Little Boy Blue. Boy: And Boy Blue looks after the sheep. Girl : Where is Boy Blue ? Boy : Boy Blue, Boy Blue, come ! Girl: I see Boy Blue! Boy: Where is he? GM: There he is under the haycock. Boy: I see him. Is he asleep? Girl: Siug to him. 87 Boy : Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. Girl: There, he looks around. Boy : He is looking for the horn. Girl: Tell him the sheep are in the meadow. Boy. Boy Blue, your sheep are in the meadow. Girl: And your cows are in the corn. Boy: Blow your horn, Boy Blue. Girl: He blows the horn again and again. Boy: The sheep and the cows run away. 88 ThTGr 89 90 Come, little snowflakes, Fly round and round, Cover with snow The cold, bare ground. snowflakes snow cover bare cold 91 they It is cold. The trees are bare. The little birds fly away. The squirrel is asleep in his nest The cold, cold days are come. The ground looks cold and bare See the snowflakes ! They fly round and round. They cover the bare trees. They cover the meadow. The haycock is covered with snow. The cold bare ground is covered with snow. 92 There is a nest in the tree. Is it a squirrel's nest? It is a bird's nest. Are the little birds in the nest? The little birds are away. The snowflakes fly to the nest. Round and round they fly. . The nest looks cold. The nest looks bare. 93 Into the nest fly the snowflakes. The nest is covered with snow. The boys and girls see the snow. They are glad. They jump for joy. They sing, " Look at the snow ! See the snowflakes fly round and round!' 1 The ground is covered with snow. Come, boys and girls. Come and play in the snow. Run in the snow. i Can you play in the snow, Boy Blue ? 94 Come with me. Bring your horn. Come to the meadow. Look over there. See j our haycock. It is covered with snow. Are you glad, Boy Blue? Blow your horn. Blow it for joy. The snow is come. The cold, bare ground is covered with snow. 95 It is a cold day. The snow is on the ground. It covers the bare trees. It covers the birds 5 nest. Are the birds glad? Are they singing for joy? The birds are away. 96 Where is the little squirrel? Where can little squirrel go? Squirrel's nest is in the tree. Little squirrel is in the nest. He looks for acorns. The acorns are in the nest. Little squirrel can sleep in the nest. He can sleep on the cold days. In the spring he can play again. He can jump and run for joy. 97 {Review.) Boy: "What is the boy singing? Girl: The boy sings, 'Run with me to the tree." Boy: What is the girl singing? Girl: The girl is singing, 'Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day." Boy : What is Bluebird singing? Girl: Bluebird sings, " Spring is come.' : Boy : Who are in the corn ? Girl: The cows are in the corn. Boy: Where are the sheep? Girl: They are in the meadow. 98 Boy: "Who is asleep under the haycock ? Girl: Little Boy Blue is fast asleep under the haycock. Boy : Who is looking for acorns ? Girl: Little squirrel looks for acorns. Boy : Where is the squirrel look- ing for acorns? Girl : He is looking for acorns on the ground. Boy : Where is the squirrel bring- ing the acorns ? Girl: He is bringing the acorns to the little nest. 99 spring cov er spring s cov er s spring ing cov er ed fly cov er ing flying blow blow s blow ing fast fast er Spring into the tree, squirrel. The squirrel springs into the tree. He is springing to the little nest. The squirrel sees the birds flying over the trees. Fly, little birds, fly fast. 100 Blow, Boy, Blue, blow your horn. Blow to the cows and the sheep. Boy Blue blows the horn. He is blowing to the cows in the corn. The boy runs fast. The girl runs faster. See the snow cover the haycock. The snow covers the bare trees. The ground is covered with snow. \ The snow Hakes are covering the bird's nest. 101 Come away. Run with me to the tree. There a little nest I see. Boys and girls come and play, Rain, rain, go away. Come and play. The sheep are in the meadow. Sing, little girl. Come again some other day. Sing, little boy. The cows are in the corn. Sing for joy. Sing a song to me, little blue- bird, in the tree. 102 Sing, little bluebird. Fly round and round. Tell of the spring. The glad news bring. Come blow your horn. The rain is over. Boys and girls want to play Jump and run. Run with me. Little bird, fly to the tree. Look for acorns on the ground. He is under the haycock fast asleep. Little squirrel, run around. 103 Now the wind begins to blow, Faster, faster conies the snow. now wind begins 104 from you It is a cold day. A little boy is playing in the snow. He looks into the tree He sees a bird's nest. The nest and the tree are covered with snow. The boy plays in the snow under the tree. 105 Now he runs into the meadow. He sees the haycock. It is covered with snow. He runs* around the haycock. The snow conies faster and faster. The wind begins to blow. It blows the nest from the tree. It blows the snowflakes over the haycock. N~ow, where is the little boy? Can you see the little boy? He is under the haycock, He is fast asleep on the ground. He is covered with snow. Boy Blue runs into the meadow 106 He is looking for the little boy. " Little boy, little boy, where are you?" Boy Blue blows the horn. He blows it again and again. The little boy jumps from the ground. "Come, little boy, it is cold. You are covered with snow. Come with me," 107 The little boy runs to Boy Blue. Boy Blue begins to sing. "Come away from the cold. Come away from the snow. The cold winds blow. Run with me. Run fast. Run faster. Now are you cold, little boy? Are you glad I looked for you, little boy ? Are you glad to come away from the cold?" around asleep round sleep 108 109 110 Tell me, what does Bluebird say, When he sings at peep of day? does say when at peep in Bluebird is singing. He is singing in the tree. He is singing to the little birds. He is singing a song of joy. What is he singing ? What does Bluebird say? Spring is come ! Spring is come When does Bluebird sing? He sings at peep of day. 112 The little birds are in the tree ! They are in the nest. Tell the little birds to sing a glad song. The little birds say, "Peep, peep." The cold days are over. Spring is come again. What glad news! The birds fly again to the trees. They sing for joy. They are glad the cold days are over. 113 A bluebird's nest is in a tree. A squirrel's nest is in the other tree. Can you see the nests? Some little birds are in Blue- bird's nest. They say, 'Peep ! peep ! * They want to fly aAvay. They want to fly from the nest. 114 Some little squirrels are in the squirrel's nest. They want to run to the ground. They want to look for acorns. Go to sleep, little birds. Go to sleep, little squirrels. Now birds and squirrels are fast asleep. Little Squirrel is in the tree. He runs to Bluebird's nest. He peeps into the nest. What does he see ? 115 He sees the little birds. Some of the birds are fast asleep. A little, little, little bird looks at Squirrel. He says, ' Peep ! peep ! " "What does little bird want?" says Squirrel. 'I want to fry away," says the little bird. 'Where does little bird want to go ? ' says Squirrel 116 I want to fly to the ground." Squirrel says, 'Fly to the ground some other day." ''I want to fly to-day. I want to fly from the nest now." 'What does little bird want to see?" says Squirrel. 'I want to see your nest, Squir- rel. Are the little squirrels in the nest ? " 117 "Fly after me," says Squirrel. :< Come peep into the nest." : 'See the little squirrels!' 1 says the little bird. 'I see your little squirrels. They are fast asleep. I want to play with the little squirrels." : 'Oome away," says Squirrel. "Fly again to your nest. 118 The other birds are fast asleep. They are asleep in the nest. I want to go to the ground. I want to run around under the trees. Fly to your nest now, little bird. Some other day fly to the ground." 119 I see a haycock in the meadow. A little boy is asleep under it. Who is the little boy ? He "is the little boy who looks after the sheep. He is little Boy Blue. A little sheep runs into the meadow. He looks around. He sees the haycock. He runs to the haycock. 120 He runs around it. He comes to little Boy Blue Boy Blue is fast asleep. See the sheep peep at Boy Blue. What does he want? Does he want to see Boy Blue asleep? He sees Boy Blue's horn. Now he runs away. 121 A little bird is flying over the meadow. He looks at the haycock. Does he see Boy Blue? Now he is flying to the hay- cock. He peeps at Boy Blue. He begins to sing. "What a glad song he sings ! Does he sing to Boy Blue ? 122 He sings of the spring. He sings of a nest in the tree. He sings of some little birds. Now see Boy Blue jump ! He runs after the sheep. He runs fast. He blows the horn. He springs over the ground. JSTow he runs from the meadow 123 Tell me, what does Bluebird say When he sings at peep of day? Bluebird sings, '"Wake up, my boy ; Morning is come, sing, sing for joy!" wake morning up my 124 Morning is come. Wake up. Wake up, Bluebird. Wake up, my little birds. Wake up, my little squirrels. Wake up, my boy. Wake up, Boy Blue. 125 The little birds are fast asleep. Some are sleeping in the trees. Others are sleeping in the nests. The squirrels are asleep in the tree. The sheep are asleep in the meadow. The cows are asleep. Some are sleeping under the trees. Others are sleeping in the corn. Boy Blue is asleep under the haycock. The boys and girls are fast asleep. Now morning comes ! 126 "What a glad morning! "Wake up, Bluebird. Sing your morning song. Tell the glad news. Morning is come. Wake ! wake ! wake ! 127 Bluebird sings at peep of day. The little birds wake up. They say, 'Peep! peep! What a glad morning! Sing, sing for joy!'' The little squirrels wake up. They say, "See the glad morn- ing. Jump and spring for joy! Bring some acorns'! Bring some acorns ! r The squirrel brings acorns to the little squirrels. They are glad morning is come. They run and play with joy. 128 The little sheep wake up. They say, 'Where is the little boy who looks after the sheep ? Is he coming into the meadow ? Is he coming after the sheep ? ' Him, little sheep. Morning is come. Boy Blue is 'blowing the horn. 129 The cows wake up. They say, 'Where is Boy Blue? Is he under the haycock ? Is he fast asleep? It is morning. Look for some corn." Boy Blue wakes up. He looks around. He says, 'Where are my sheep? Where are my cows? There are the sheep in the meadoAv ! There are the cows in the corn ! See me blow my horn. Now they run away." 130 The boys and girls wake up. The boys say, 'Morn- ing is come. What a glad day! The rain is over. Come, jump and play." The girls say, "Sing a glad song. Sing a song of joy. Morning is come. Sing, girls, sing for joy." play play ed look look ed jump jump ed peep peep ed 131 rain rain ed wake waked am good Frisk: Good morning, Bluebird. Bh-d: Good morning, Squirrel. F. Where are you going? B. I am going to my nest. My little birds want me. F. Is your nest in my tree ? B. It is in the other tree. Where are your little squir- rels? 132 F. They are in my nest. They are fast asleep. B. My little birds wake at peep of day. F. I am glad my squirrels sleep in the morning. B. Are you going away now, Squirrel ? F. I am running away to the ground. B. What are you looking for? F. I am looking for acorns for my little squirrels. B. Can your little squirrels run ? 133 F. Some can run. Others play in the nest. B. What can your little squir- rels say? F. They say, 'Bring acorns. I want to jump from the nest. I want to run on the ground. I want to play in the meadow." B. My little birds play in the nest! F. Can they fly? 134 B. Some can fly. They want to fly to your nest. F. Fly to my nest ! What can they want in my nest? B. They want to see your little squirrels. F. See my little squirrels ! B. They want to play with your little squirrels. F. Come and see me. Bring your little birds with you. When can you come ? B. When my little birds can fly- F. Can your little birds sing? 135 B. They can sing a little song. F. What can they sing? B. They can sing, " Peep ! peep ! " F. I am glad they can sing. Some day they can sing to me. B. Can you come and see me to-day ? I want yon to see my little birds. 136 v. To-day I am looking for acorns. I can come some other day. B. Good morning, Squirrel. F. Good morning, Bluebird. 137 \ VOCABULARY The number at the right of a word refers to the page on which the story begins in which that word is first used. New words are listed in the text immediately before or after the lesson in which they are used ; they are listed after the lesson when they occur in rhymes to be memorized (see Teacher's Manual), before the lesson in all other cases. a (33) acorns c-t?) after as) again (is) am (132) and (3) are (72) asleep at on) away (3) B bare (9i) begins (104) blue (33) bird (33) blow (67) boys (io) bring c can (94) cold (9i) come (3) corn (73) around (47) bluebird (33) cover (9i) 10 P 139 COWS (73) D day (is) does (in) F fast (78) fly (56) for (24) from (io5) G girls (io) glad (40) gO (15) gOOd (132) ground (47) H haycock (78) he (68) horn (67) i 1(37) in (24) it (80) J joy (24) jump L little (24) lOOk (47) M me (5) meadow (73) morning (124) 140 my (124) N nest (56) news (40) t now (104) Of (40) on (47) other (is) over (24) p peep (in) play (3) R rain (is) round c2) run (5) say cm) see (56) sheep (73) sleep (97) sing (24) snow (9i) snownakes (9i) some (is) SOng (33) spring (40) squirrel (47) tell (40) the & there (56) they (92) to (5) tree (5) under as) (124) w wake (124) want (i5) what (44) wnen wilo (87) wind (104) (5) y OU your (67) 141 4. 5 * v 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This bdok is aue on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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