THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES PITMAN'S SHORTHAND LIBRARY, No. I. WARREN HASTINGS BY LORD MACAULAY, EDITED BY PROFESSOR HENRY MORLEY, IN PITMAN'S SHORTHAND. FACSIMILE EDITION. H'arren Hastings," (Cassell's National Library,} Price forms a Key to this edition. LONDON : SIR ISAAC PITMAN & SONS, Ltd., i Amen Corner, E.G. BATH : Phonetic Institute. NEW YORK : 33 Union Square. BOSTON : W. E. Hickox, Pierce Building. CANADA : The Copp, Clark Co., Ltd., Toronto, S* ^ . , -ft V -i'-r s r *7J- / A INTRODUCTION. HOMAS BABINGTON MACAULAY ^ , -- /^ , " 2ff < ^ " 448572 INTRODUCTION. ' n 1 ~s ' i / 1* V .v^ / .. U INTRODUCTION. / "^ \ -< - - -/V* 1 ^^ . J I ... A- / C- C. _c /rif , :..T^ .\. x^ , i ?.. :.: J^ ' *s f ^^* " i 1 # ' ; / IN 'I KOI>I ' il' >' 7 6" * \^ , ^ ^ ^- 1^ r , ' 6 ^.. < ) HASTINGS , ,/, V s u ) ' WARREN HASTINGS. - K * /I o , , X f.r. ^ ^ A.> , 7 .!_ o. i- ^ 07 \i .) . r IV . r j r ' , WARREN HASTINGS V- k * L > , -l - % , ) V. , i V) ' ) ""* * 4 ' A - ^ - f WARREN HASTINGS. ^ J.. A - , \c~* (- K r I v -x //,- WARREN HASTING?. n ) C NO. .:. 12 WARREN HASTINGS. . v- ^ . 3 ' 7 c ' WARREN HASTINGS. s "X v W vi -vt- Vo -^ I - \ / \VARRKN HASTINGS. _/) '\> . S. , t, x,. V, - f\ / J /_ , / U - --- - r v , ^_. l ^^ I ^\ * /~t < WARREN HASTINGS. ) \ , L^_ . M, : V V ^ - "1. ^*> ^J I v v ~/ / ^ i ^-T ** V>/s ^ ' u ' i ' X, ' ^' 1 C c * *L. V -.1 S " ' V i8 WARREN HASTINGS , - u r u- J. , -s j ) ^1- v WARREN HASTINGS V .....x , -rr, -. L V- 1 s v WAKKEN HASTINGS. J...^ ' l^> ^ VI , <> ' U V - X- N HASTINGS. \ la. U'AKKEN HASTINGS. -I W J v -i, i I e > C -* __'_ /T.-/V. T ^A WARREN HASTINGS. ^ " ) {, \ ,A> ? . Up 7 , !. w-, - v? > s* X /' / ^--^---\ ^ f v ^J- ,,!> 7- x n L. /, > i - / P .t; Jfir ^ c WARRKN HASTINGS ,- , c v ' t - ^ -t \ r U-a_L X* V ^ ^ r!. >* , v , / -2- \ \VAKKEX HASTINGS. -U v. /V 26 WARREN HASTINGS 7..N k r TI- t; . , -' ' ^ V -^ . W^ / -. - -v- - -V V.'ARREX HASTINGS 27 " V, > u . * c \ , ( . (/ ^^. / ^ 28 WARREN HASTINGS ^ > - ~-C N s " V, u ) x- i... v , . \ t . rr. v A v WARREN HASTINGS .< ^ ^ t-1 t; "..:. x\ 7 o, J 3 WARKKN HASTINGS ^ V l .-^ / 1-, j, ' WARREN HASTINGS. L -- U s C I ^ t-~- *,'>'*%,'* r h>- ; V- c - - -' -. -^ ">-^ >- /<~i^ - ... "^K^, C ^v^ c- ^ A. -, Vr L WARREN HASTINGS i- - s -- --r H -V ~ 2o A A.^ . . I--'-- 7 - -)* WARREN HASTINGS. 4' > ^ . . s - \ '- \ ^ .V ^ V ^ L, f -1 ,...V" -^ \_ ^ ^ s v. . 34 WARREN HASTINGS. <*.- r-*fc >- ol X* T -> / ' v . N - Sv t t Vr---- f \, V - "V .. r r / U n. , c, ' > WARRKN HASTINGS 35 ^ . I L--- -- * ** WARRKV HASTINGS. Jt. *. , y- _ '..-^V *** ~ ^ , VI ) a N ) V . .4 \, n - \ -"7 ^ ? S v s *,v. .}; WARREN HASTINGS. 37 \. ( xv * 448572 3-S WARREN HASTINGS - A .'.. !. Y , v-J ^- S x, * , - t f .. \/l *s - ^"~l- i ~~^* i. c-^ ** * ~I^~?. . . - 'rT. . stf / - . Vs. . - -f V v^ r < 7 ^ -- H fc 7 ' Vs, ^^ ; ^.- I , V . ' ' A 7 ' - -' -^ WAKREN HASTINGS. V 39 1 -, V ^_^'\_ n. , X 40 \V.\KKE\ HASTINGS. . C, ,- X H ' -H -' 'Vo- I / ^?-, , / . ^ .:. WARREN HASTINGS. -V 7 KV j *~p "*- . _' . _~~ i . ?r^/~ "- . ^~? n - ^ \f .-? .T. r.. u -v.. c* , WARREN HASTINGS. C~ L_ L V- - J~ ^ ) \ u v\ ^ . f- V- *-," -'- , >-- \ . Y- _-_ 4-4 -->) v_* ~^ _^ /ov **? * y- - ^ -- -u , I >* > V... V- , /7 7 " ^ ^ ^ ^- . * Nj. - L- .^. ' " T"^^^ * 7 5 ^ -* U f--- 1 -- ./ , r^ . /' \ v, <^ 1 \ - - A . IV- S, \V.\KkK\ HASTING*. /-/. /^ ,~^ , v, A..* k ^ V *x - > 2>^ 7- t WARREN HASTINGS. , " T\ A ' L - <- \...C J l> ' /> A- S ' ^ c , V o i WAKKF.N HASTINGS 1 . _ /A . ^ ^. -\ *= I I c /y ,,"... x . V- , WARREN HASTINGS / \- - -X i, , ' ^ v^ Zl -'U, WARREN HASTINGS. -i \ f --' "v ' X i< V V, --% . ' 7 ^VJ-' 7 ^ . ^^ _ t'CI-^ >.. ^ i.. ^ j WARREN HASTINGS. 53 U c-- *) f X. V- K x 54 Ir-J-. WARREN HASTINGS Lx CS^ > V. -< ^ - I- 1 " L "a_^ ^^ 3 . . - > o ^^~ > x- r f . i r WARREN HASTINGS. 55 y 1 o ^r^^ V w L \VARREN HASTINGS. L , , \ (u , v WARREN HASTINGS. 57 -- tf ' /o . r.. >. v .. NT WAKKKN HASTINGS. !..v X , X -V K yt / L~\ * - . u ,-- A- v , v^ V .. u \ WARREN HASTINGS. 59 J - -f -/ , ' V- L ^. . \ L, - u : s r. J > , . _ u. - S - : ^ .. I Jv r ' . . f . , u , S, 6o WARREN HASTINGS. ^ , r..-h -^ s, *, u > ^. .* WARREN HASTINGS. 61 -? v- -t- , N t U. u /=- . - ; -S. , .L.V k- ->- ir V 62 WARREN HASTINGS. J v . <-t^ ^ '..-- ^-^ \ 1 \ n. V * V 4,- I N WARREN HASTINGS. r 1 --- \ ^ 'V-D > 1 1 s ' .1 .' ^ 6 4 WARREN HASTINGS. *. ** ^ ^ X.' " * f .- . V V * . > V ' . I -> /** ' V 7 ^ ^ WARREN HASTINGS. s w ^^ ' ) V-S ^ ""- 7 \. * -"--X/1 r 66 WAKKEN 1IASTIM.S I - < > *. . y <^j> ' V > j _ . _. . - L * -J V. rr ' ^ i ' A ^3 t- L * , f.. s I X V. 'Xo I v WARREN HASTINGS. U . . 71 v. ^ v ._. ; , s \ 72 S WARREN HASTINGS. V \ , /v, !S V VI / J. --v V^. - 7 -'- V" X, > L rr... >b WARREN HASTINGS. 73 . 4 , ^ v u L - -> V7 . U - > * L 74 WARREN HASTINGS. 4, c. u ^ \ ~"1 I -> I, ~ J- f - \L v- ) WARREN HASTINGS. 75 J s/ V, V > -V/o V.I. :.. t ^-^ 3C l v * .P : t i-r* y, , 7 6 WARREN HASTINGS. v , ^ * L ^ 1 ^ ' ' -S \ c , .?- w U .^.. v- ). .\ -t .5. - 1 "X ^ ' s " - v - ""->. "^-l *>.** 7 "^ , t^ -^ *~e X - 1 > WARREN HASTINGS 77 / \ -X , fc L^ % ,.x ) _k ^i -^i V . - . t- "X -- ^ , -, v 3 ) -s. i >- i, r , -*Uf ^ n ' *o V^ (r --^ --- \3- WARREN HASTINGS. , . 8 1 82 . r \VAKUKN HASTINGS. T u \ * ^ ,A. , u TV , c -T. \ 7- i :,. /-*, \ ) -I ^ ** __ /^l . TN . WARREN HASTINGS. k. .' "^ ' \ i< ^ X , ^" > ^ ' - " ?,. J-. l-S ^-^ 1 " r ' V ^ <, o \, -^^ ^^ i \ Sj. ^ - ! - i .S [ \VAKKKN HASTINGS. -> ^ S, . *> , X. V ^ -./. > > :... _ ^- v. I V" r S -C , C. .7. . U , ^_ c - L ^ , V - -- v V-.... 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"J* v^ ^ ); .'. . Vt ? - * u -u > , :.. v ^ , I >L_._\ , \VAKKEX HASTINGS. ; Lv. f .'.. "X u i ^ / ^^^ 328 WARREN HASTINGS. ./ ^ N -- VI \ -u <= ^ J . ^ v , V... ^ *. S ^ , > -:. i . \ i. S { - * ^- ^x S; ^.-^ " <> ] ~ T" ^ .'- -I WARREX HASTINGS. I2 g ^ --- <> , h. ^t > ^T .'.. V,^ J " -^ ^ L \ -"- , u_ _ S -n. x_ r-> ^ I . ,/ A // -7 ' v /:/ A > > : _fc S / ^ X. \ s. >.. M, / WARREN HASTINGS. ^ M f. 1 * - r - ; <- -7 - ~ I i - /7^ St >. 1 I. T: >... -f- , ) - WARREN HASTINGS. I > p .-M ^""v c no X Vl "\ \r-\ . S X ' v ,T. si ~- "V 7 ^ 13 J tt'ARRKN HASTINGS . S r - U v. ' ' Vr K - X ' - ,, WAKKK.N HASTINGS. 133 f-J . > -t. \ - ff f. > 1 .'! WARREN HASTINGS. ..X T" -i- V v: , -"- -7 i :.. "X . -t> ) xr ( V, S ., --\. ... l ^ ~N a ^ V^ C ^-c-'l - ./ WARREN HASTINGS. -vi. T- , .".. , ' *!.! - V :.. f / X T V \VAKKEN HASTINGS XP V , V ' S, V ' * < v - \VAKKKX HASTINGS. 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No - s 152 \V.\KKK\ HASTINGS -.-I 1 I ' V" 1 * ^ .*. -LP ) v^ >.. ^ a -. $ , \^ ', ^ ' * 7 "= - - S * ' WARREN HASTISNG. 153 -u '54 WARREN HASTINGS. ST "S r A- > - * 4ji --V .f-- -b- * ( 7 S WARREN HASTINGS. - , ^ >---,! v s , -u , ) -P 3 r- V 156 \V.\KKK.\ HASTINGS. -1 1 li V- *r ) '.. v- e ..: /> V. ^ 158 \VARKKX HASTINGS. . 'X " P " 0. "^ -V v> WARREN HASTINGS. 159 t- I; ' c ^-' / Lo \ - ^ '- * L .1. "S. I6o WARREN HASTINGS. .*. J ' \ w WAKKKX HASTINGS. 161 V 4_, rx -- % vy \ , *v^ \> i t- - - ' t' ^ , r. ~z; X_c>i i A ^_ *.. i/*t -... -v. 1 r - 't A. / ^^ ^> , . I- A" --^ t, L^ . *- ; . V. V^ >T , - .:. -u , vn - ?- ^^ ^^ "^ _-N WARREN HASTINGS. f " ^ " V v, N >o - N, :.. 1 u c WARREN HASTINGS. :V ^f- - cloth, Is. 6d. Guide to English Composition. By the Rev. J. H. Bacon. Is. ; cloth, Is. 6d. Pitman's Pocket Dictionary of the English Language. Royal 32110. Roan, gilt edges, 2s. Pitman's Popular Guide to Journalism. By A. Kingston. Cloth, Is. 6d. Newspaper World. By A. 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Ail Nate-Books nd Reporters' Requisites bear our trade mark, " FONO," and the register number, which should always be mentioned in ordering. No. i. Id. Reporters' Note-Book, 80 pp., post-free lid. 6 copies, post-free 9d. ; 12 copies, post-free Is. 3d. No. 2. 2d. Reporters' Note-Book, 160 pp., post-free, 3d. ; six copies, post-free Is. 3d.; 12 copies, post-free 2s. 4d. No. 3. 3d. Reporters' Note-Book, 200 pp., post-free 4d. The following are elastic-bound : No. 4. 4d. Reporters' Note-Book, 160 pp., post-free 5d. Cloth cases for this and also No. 3 from 6d. to 3s. No. 5. Reporters' Note-Book, 200 pp., 6d., post-free 7d.. Single or Double Lines. Cloth Cases for holding this Note-Book can be had at Is. each. No. 6. Unruled Note-Book, 240 pp., to open at the side, 6d., post-free 7d. Elastic-bound Note-Books, made jf the very best paper, to open flat on the desk, strongly bound. No. 7. 150 pages 8 by 5 single lines, half cloth Is. Od. 8. 200 ., 8 5 (red) Is. 64. 9-180 ,. 9 Si ., ,, Js. 64- io. 250 9 si cloth 2s. Od. ii. 250 .. 9 si double lines 2s. Od. 12. 400 ,. 8 s single lines, stiff boards, Is. Od. ., IS- 250 S 5 ,,(stitched)ls. 6d. 20. 200 ,, 8j si single lines 8d. Pocket Note-Books, elastic bound, and made of the very best paper. No. 17. 120 pages yi by 4i single lines, half cloth, 9d., post-free 104. 18. 120 yi 4i double lines 94., lOd. Pitman's Note-Book Cover and Transcribing Slope, 9 by s in-, leather. Price, including note-book, 2s. 6d. No. 19. Re-fills for above, 140 pp., with marg. ruling, 6d., post-free 6|d. A liberal redaction is allowed on a quantity. Nttt-Boeks if any description made to order in quantities of 3 doztn and upwards. Sample leaves of Note-books on application. Phonographic Exercise Book; made of ruled paper, single or double lines. 3d. ; post-free 44. Reporting Paper, with single or double lines, packet of five quires, post-free Is. and Is. 64. The latter quality in blue faint or red lines. Reporting Covers, to hold Reporting Paper, cloth, 6d., post-free 74. ; leather, Is. ; ditto, with loop at side for pencil, Is. 3d. ; better quality Is. 64. ; ditto, with loop, Is. 9d. ; extra, in morocco, lined with leather, 3s. ; ditto with loop, 3s. 3d. ; cloth case to hold the 6d. Reporting Book, Is. A Silicate Slate has been added to the best quality, which forms an erasable tablet for memoranda. "Fono" Note Paper (Albert), pencil faint; 64. and Is. pkts.; post-free. " Fono " Writing Paper, blue faint ; 94. and Is, 6d. packets ; post-free. " Fono " Letter Paper, orn. border ; 9d. and Is. 6d. packets ; post-free. " Fono " Overland Note Paper, for foreign corr. ; Is. and 2s. pkts. ; post-free. "Fono" Postcards. No. i, packet of 25, 6d. post-free; packet of 50, 9d., post- free lid. Nos. 2 and 3, with address, etc., printed, packet of so, Is. 6d. post-free. Pitman's " Fono " Pencils, per dozen Is. ; ditto, superior lead, 2s., post-free. If less than i dozen is ordered, lid. must be added for postage. Koh-i-Noor Pencils. Extremely strong and durable. Price 4d. each, post- free 54. Reporters' Pencil Cases, with division for 4 or 6 pencils, flat for the pocket : four divisions. Is.; six divisions, Is. 3d. ; Pencils to fill these cases should be ordered at the same time to prevent the cases being damaged in the post. Fano Pencil Sharpener, It, 8 The " Fono " Pencil Case and Fountain Pen Holder. Made of the very best roan. leather lined, with six loops which firmly hold the contents. Price of ( 'a- Is. 6d., post-free. Price with six Reporting Pencils', 2s. Name and Address, printed in gold, Is. extra. India Rubber. 3d. per piece, post-free 41 Ditto (Typewriting). 4d. per piece, post-free 51 Shorthand Pens. The Shorthand Pen, box of i gross Is. post-free Is. 11 Reservoir Pens, three dozen, 10d., post-free lid. Phonographic Pens, box of two dozen 6d., post-free 71 Reporting Pens, box containing twelve, 61, post-free 71 : i-gross It. 61 Box of Assorted Shorthand Pens, 61, post- free, 71 Pen Holders, Id. each, Is. dozen post-free. If less than one dozen is ordered 11 must be added for postage. Gold Pens (Mabie Todd and Bard's). In three grades of points, Broad, Regular, and Extra Fine, 7s. 61 and 9s. 6d. ; or with holder and leather case, 10s. 6d. and 12s. 6d. " Swan " Fountain Pen. No. 1, complete, 10s. 6d., gold mounted, 12s. 6d. No. 3, medium size, 16s. 6d. No. 5, large size, 25s. Fine, medium, or broad points. " Waterman " Ideal Fountain Pen. Prices, 10s. 61, 15s., 17s. 6d., and 25s., according to style. The " Cygnet " Stylographic Pen. 3s. " Fono " Folding Inkstands for the pocket. Is. 6d. ; larger size, 2s. The "Fono" Safety Pocket. For securing fountain pens and pencils in the pocket. French morocco. 9d. ; post-free 101 " Fono " Ink, for fountain pens and shorthand writing, 6d. ; post-free 9d. Reporter's Rest, or Desk for the Knee. To fold up for the pocket, 2s. MANIFOLDING REQUISITES- No. 50. " Japanese " Manifold Book, large Hvo., 130 leaves, 8d. ; post-free 9d. No. 51. "Japanese" Manifold Paper, block of 300 410 Sheets (detachable), 2t. 6d. j. d. No. 53. Ordinary Manifold Books, large 8vo., JQJ leaves ... ... 8 No. S3- ii ii Paper, block of 320 4to sheets ... ... 2 " Copy " Paper, book of 120 leaves ... ... ... ... ... 6 Best Carbonic Paper, 410 (thin), 11 sheets (very superior) ... ... 6 Agate Styles ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Vulcanite plates, 8vo. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ., 4to 1 // ordered direct, postage must be remitted. EVERCIRCULATOR REQUISITES Evercircnlator Note Paper, of superior quality post 8vo., in three varieties, viz.: i, ruled faint blue, with Oxford border; 3, with ornamental border ; 3, with ornamental border, two columns to each page. Packet of five quires, Is. 61 Also headings, title pages, etc., 31 per dozen. Send Id. for samples. Evercirculator Covers to hold the above, cloth, gilt border, with strings, Is.; ditto, leather, Is. 61 PORTRAITS. Carte de Visile of Sir Isaac Pitman, 6d. ; Cabinet, Is. Permanent Woodburytype Photograph of Sir Isaac Pitman, Inventor of Pho- nography, loin, by 12 in., Is. 6d. Parian Porcelain Bust of Sir I. Pitman. Obtainable only from Mr R. S. Carey, IS Northgate street, Bath, for 9s. remitted direct. Cabinet Photograph of Mr T. A. Reed, Is. B i This book is DUE on the last *0o migard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which It was borrowed. Ai LOS ANGELES UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FAC LITY A 000 570 431 7 Z57 M12w