THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID a? ,-7 THE POCKET ANATOMIST: BEING A SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF THE MUSCLES ; ARTERIES AND NERVES. CONCORDANT WITH "THE DUBLIN DISSECTOR," AND "HARRISON ON THE ARTERIES." Third ^jgffc! Edition. PHILADELPHtA: JAMES KAY, JUN. AND BROTHER, 122 Chestnut Street. 1837. Anatomy is the real ground-work of all surgical nee; and it has ever been found that half-anatomists bungling practitioners 5 ignorance here, as it always ;, gives confidence without power." Printed by James Kay, Jun. & Brother. 122 Chestnut Street. ADVERTISEMENT. AT the instance of several gentlemen, now studying Medicine in the Jefferson College and the University of Pennsylvania, the Publishers have been induced to issue the following little book. It was written in Great Britain as an accompaniment to two highly valuable and popular Medical works ; the former of which, "THE DUBLIN DISSECTOR," is well known here, and the latter, HAR- RISON ON THE ARTERIES," it is understood, is now in press in this country, with such additional matter as will make it still more acceptable to the profession. " THE POCKET ANATOMIST," it is hoped, will meet with patronage from those gentlemen for whose benefit, especially in their attendance in the Lecture Room of the Anatomical Professor, it is now reprinted. Philadelphia, January 1836. James Kay, Jun. fy Brother have $ti -press. I. THE PHILADELPHIA PRACTICE OF MIDWIFE- RY. By CHARES D. MEIGS, M.D., Lecturer on Mid- wifery and the Diseases of Women and Children, &c. In one handsome volume, post 8vo, with Engravings. II. THE ELEMENTS OF PHYSIOLOGY, PRECEDED BY OUTLINES OF GENERAL ANATOMY. By JOHN BELL, M.D., Lecturer on the Institutes of Medicine in the Philadelphia Medical Institute, &c. In one handsome volume, post 8vo, with Engravings. To match, in size and binding, " The Philadelphia Practice of Mid- wifery." THE POCKET ANATOMIST. MUSCLES. Occipito-frontalis. Origin, two external thirds of superior transverse ridge of occipital bone, external and posterior part of mastoid process. Insertion, integuments of eye-brows. Superior auris, or attollens aurem. O, cranial aponeurosis. I, upper and anterior part of cartilage of ear. Anterior auris, or attrahens aurem. O, poste- rior part of zygoma, and cranial aponeurosis. I, anterior part of helix. Posterior auris, or retrahens aurem. O, mas- toid process. I, back part of concha. Orbicularis palpebrarum. O, internal angular process of os frontis, and upper edge of tendo oculi. I, nasal process of superior maxilla, and inferior edge of tendo oculi. Tensor tarsi. 0, posterior edge of os unguis. I, lachrymal ducts. Corrugator supercilii. 0, internal angular pro- cess of os frontis. I, middle of eye-brow. 6 POCKET ANATOMIST. Pyramidalis nasi. 0, proceeds from occipito- frontalis. I, compressor nasi. Compressor nasi. 0, canine fossa, in superior maxilla. I, dorsum of nose. Levator labii superioris, alaeque nasi. 0, 1st, upper extremity of nasal process of superior maxilla ; 2d, edge of orbit. I, ala nasi, upper lip, and orbicularis oris. Zygomaticus minor. O, upper part of malar bone. I, upper lip, near commissure. Zygomaticus major. O, lower part of malar bone. I, angle of mouth. Levator anguli oris. O, canine fossa below infra orbital foramen. I, commissure of lips, and orbicularis oris. Depressor labii superioris alaBque nasi. O, al- veoli of canine and incisor teeth. I, integu- ments of upper lip, and fibrocartilage of sep- tum and ala nasi. Depressor anguli oris. O, external oblique line on outer side of lower jaw, from anterior edge of masseter to mental foramen. J, commis- sure of lips. Depressor labii inferioris. O, side and front of lower maxilla. I, half of lower lip, and orbi- cularis oris. Levator labii inferioris. O, alveoli of incisor teeth. I, integuments of chin. Orbicularis oris. Surrounds the opening of mouth. Buccinator. O, 1st, two last alveoli of superior maxilla; 2d, external surface of posterior al- veoli of lower maxilla; 3d, intermaxillary li- gament. 1, commissure of lips. MUSCLES Head. 1 Masse ter, anterior portion. O, superior maxilla where it joins the malar bone, and inferior edge of the latter. I, outer surface of angle of lower maxilla. Posterior portion ; O, edge of malar bone and zygoma. I, external side of angle and ramus of jaw. Temporalis. O, all beneath semicircular ridge on parietal bone, and temporal fossa and fascia. I, coronoid process of inferior maxilla to last malar teeth. Pterygoideus internus. O, inner side of exter- nal pterygoid plate and pterygoid process of palate bone. I, inner side of angle of jaw and rough surface above. Pterygoideus externus. O, outer side of exter- nal pterygoid plate, from crest on great wing of sphenoid, and back part of tuberosity of superior maxilla. I, anterior and internal part of neck of lower jaw and interarticular cartilage. Platysma-myoides. O, cellular membrane cov- ering upper part of deltoid and pectoral mus- cles, and also from clavicle. I, 1st, chin; 2d, fascia along the side of lower jaw; 3d, fascia covering parotid. Sterno-cleido mastoideus. O, upper and an- terior part of first bone of sternum, and sternal third (sometimes half) of clavicle. I, upper part of mastoid process, and external third of superior transverse ridge of occipital bone. 3terno-hyoideus. O, posterior surface of first 8 POCKET ANATOMIST. bone of sternum, cartilage of first rib, sternal end of clavicle, and sterno-clavicular capsule. I, lower border of body of os hyoides. Sterno-thyroideus. O, posterior surface of ster- num, and cartilage of second rib. I, oblique line on ala of thyroid cartilage. Omo-hyoideus. O, superior costa of scapula behind the semilunar notch, and from liga- ment covering the notch ; sometimes from the base of coracoid process, and occasionally from acromial end of clavicle. I, into lower border of os hyoides, at the junction of its body and cornu. Digastricus. O, groove in temporal bone in- ternal to mastoid process. I, rough depres- sion on inner side of base of jaw close to symphysis. Mylo-hyoideus. O, oblique line on inner sur- face of side of maxilla. I, base of os hyoides and middle tendinous line between that bone and chin. Genio-hyoideus. O, inner side of chin, above digastric. I, base of os hyoides. Hyo-glossus. O, cornu and body of oshycides. I, side of tongue. Gemo-hyo-glossus. O, eminence inside of chin, beneath fraenum linguae. I, mesial line of tongue from apex to base, and body and lesser cornu of os hyoides. Lingualis a fasciculus of fibres on the inferior surface of tongue, running from base to apex. Sty lo-hyoideus. O, outer side of styloid process, near its base. I, cornu and body of os hyoi MUSCLES Neck. 9 des, and fascia connecting digastric tendon to this bone. Stylo-glossus. O, styloid process, near its point, and stylo-maxillary ligament. I, side of tongue. Stylo-pharyngeus. O, back part of root of sty- loid process. I, side of pharynx, cornu of os hyoides, and thyroid cartilage. Constrictor pharyngis inferior. O, side of cri- coid cartilage, inferior cornu, and posterior part of ala of thyroid cartilage. I, mesial line on back of pharynx. Constrictor pharyngis medius. O, cornu and appendix of os hyoides, also from stylo-hyoid and thyrohyoid ligaments. I, mesial line and cuneiform process. Constrictor pharyngis superior. O, petrous bone, lower part of internal pterygoid plate and hamular process, also fron intermaxillary ligament, posterior third of mylohyoid ridge, and side of base of tongue. I, cuneiform process and middle line on back of pharynx. Levator palati. O, petrous bone in front of foramen caroticum, and behind eustachian tube. I, broad, into velum. Tensor palati vel circumflexus palati. O, de- pression at root of internal pterygoid plate, from spinous process of sphenoid, and fore- 10 POCKET ANATOMIST. part of eustachian tube : turns round hamular process, and expands on velum. Motor uvulae. O ; posterior extremity of spine of palate bones. I, cellular tissue of uvula. Palato glossus vel constrictor isthmi faucium. O, inferior surface of velum. I 7 side of tongue. Palato pharyngeus. O, inferior surface of pa- late. I, side and back of pharynx and into cornu of thyroid cartilage. Thyro-hyoideus. O, oblique ridge on ala of thyroid cartilage. I, edge of cornu of os hyoides. Crico-thyroideus. O, forepart of cricoid car- tilage. I, lower border of thyroid. Thyro-arytenoideus. O, posterior surface of thyroid cartilage. I, anterior edge of ary- tenoid cartilage. Crico-arytenoideus lateralis. O, upper edge of side of cricoid cartilage. I. base of arytenoid. Crico-arytenoideus posticus. O, depression on posterior surface of cricoid. I, outside of base of arytenoid cartilage. Arytenoideus fills the interval between ary- tenoid cartilages j oblique fibres run from apex of one cartilage to the base of opposite ; trans- verse fibres are attached to posterior surface of each cartilage. 11 DEEP MUSCLES OF NECK. Longus colli. O, bodies of three superior dor- sal, and four inferior cervical vertebrae, from the intevertebral ligaments, also from the head of the first rib and anterior tubercles of trans- verse processes of four last cervical vertebrae. I, forepart of 1st, 2d, and 3d cervical verte- brae. Rectus capitis anticus major. O, anterior tu- bercles of transverse processes of four last cervical vertebrae. I, cuneiform process. Rectus capitis anticus minor. O, transverse process of atlas. I, cuneiform process. Rectus capitis lateralis. O, transverse process of atlas. I, semilunar ridge or jugular process of occipital bone. Scalenus anticus. O, anterior tubercles of transverse processes of 3d, 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical vertebrae. I, upper surface of first rib, near cartilage. Scalenus medius. O, posterior tubercles of transverse processes of four or five inferior cervical vertebrae. I, upper surface of 2d rib. Scalenus posticus. 0, posterior tubercles of two or three lower cervical vertebrae. I, up- per edge of 2d rib between tubercle and angle . Pectoralis major. O, sternal half of clavicle, anterior surface of sternum, cartilages of 3d, 4th, 5th and 6th true ribs, and from aponeuro- 12 POCKET ANATOMIST. sis common to it, and external oblique. I, anterior edge of bicipital groove and fascia of arm. Pectoralis minor. O, external surface and up- per edge of 3d, 4th, and 5th ribs, sometimes from the 2d. I, inner and upper surface of coracoid process. Subclavius. O, cartilage of 1st rib. I, external half of inferior surface of clavicle. Serratus magnus. O, eight or nine superior ribs. I, base of scapula. 22 Intercostales 11 external. O, inferior edge of each rib commencing at transverse pro- cesses of vertebrae. I, external lip of superior edge of the rib beneath, going on to costal extremity of cartilages. 11 internal. O, at sternum from inner lip of lower edge of each cartilage and rib, on to angle. I, inner lip of superior edge of cartilage, and rib beneath. Levatores costarum. 0, extremity of each dor- sal transverse process. I, upper edge of rib beneath, between tubercle and angle. Triaiigularis sterni. O, posterior surface and edge of lower part of sternum and xiphoid cartilage. I, cartilages of 4th, 5th, and 6th ribs. Trapezius. O, internal third of superior trans- verse ridge of occipital bone, ligamentum nuchso, spinous processes of last cervical, and all the dorsal vertebrae. I, external third of MUSCLES Back. 13 clavicle and of acromion process, also upper edge of spine of scapula. Latissimus dorsi. O, six inferior dorsal spines, and by lumbar fascia from all the lumbar spines, from back of sacrum, posterior third of crest of ilium, and from three or four last ribs. I, inner or posterior edge of bicipital groove. Rhomboideus minor. O, lower part of liga- mentum nuchae, and last cervical spinous process. I, base of scapula, opposite to, and above the spine. Major. O, four or five su- perior dorsal spines. I, base of scapula, from spine to' inferior angle. Levator anguli scapulae. O, posterior tubercles of transverse processes of four or five superior cervical vertebrae. I, base of scapula, be- tween spine and superior angle. Serratus posticus superior. O, ligamentum nuchae, and from two or three dorsal spines. I, second, third, and fourth ribs external to their angles. Serratus posticus inferior. O, two last dorsal, and two upper lumbar spines. I, lower edge of four inferior ribs anterior to their angles. Splenius colli. O, spines of third, fourth, fifth, and sixth dorsal vertebrae. I, transverse processes of three or four superior cervical vertebrae. Splenius capitis. O, spinous pro- cesses of two superior dorsal and three inferior cervical vertebrae, and from ligamentum nuchee. I, back part of mastoid process, and into occipital bone, below superior transverse ridge. 14 POCKET ANATOMIST. Sacro-lumbalis. O, posterior third of crest of ilium, oblique and transverse processes of sa- crum, sacro iliac ligaments, and from trans- verse and oblique processes of lumbar vertebrae . I, all the ribs near their angles. Longissimus dor si. O, posterior surface of sa- crum, transverse and oblique processes of lumbar vertebrae. I, internally into all the dorsal vertebrae, externally into all the ribs between their tubercles and angles. Spinalis dorsi. O, two superior lumbar and three inferior dorsal spines. I, nine superior dorsal spines. Musculi accessorii. O, superior edge of each rib. 1, tendons of sacro lumbalis. Cervicalis descendens. O, by 4 or 5 tendons from as many superior ribs between their tu- bercles and angles. I, Transverse processes of 4th, 5th, and 6th cervical vertebrae. Transversalis colli. O, transverse processes of five or six superior dorsal vertebral. I, trans- verse processes of three or four inferior cer- vical vertebrae. Trachelo mastoideus. O, transverse processes of 3 or 4 superior dorsal vertebrae and as many inferior cervical. I, inner and back part of mastoid process. Complexus. O, transverse and oblique pro- cesses of 3 or 4 inferior cervical, and 5 or 6 superior dorsal vertebrae. I, occipital bone between the two transverse ridges close to its fellow. Spinalis colli. O, transverse processes of five or six superior dorsal vertebrae. I, by four MUSCLES Back. 15 heads into spinous processes of second, third, fourth, and fifth cervical vertebrae. Semispinalis dorsi. O, by five or six tendons from transverse processes of the dorsal verte- bra? from the fifth to the eleventh. I, by five or six tendons into the extremity of two in- ferior cervical and three or four superior dor- sal vertebrae . Multifidus spinae. The first arises from spine of dentatus, and is inserted into transverse process of third, and so on to the last, which arises from spine of last lumbar vertebra, and is inserted into the false transverse process of sacrum. Interspinales are described by name. They seem double in the neck. Inter-transversales are attached and situated as their name implies. Rectus capitis major. O, spinous process of second vertebra. I, inferior transverse occi- pital ridge. Rectus capitis posticus minor. O, posterior part of atlas . I , occipital bone behind foramen magnum. Obliquus capitis inferior. O, spinous process of second vertebra. I, extremity of transverse process of atlas. Obliquus capitis superior. O, upper part of transverse process of atlas. I, occipital bone, between its transverse ridges just behind the mastoid process. 16 POCKET ANATOMIST. UPPER EXTREMITY. Shoulder and Arm,. Deltoides. O, lower edge of spine of scapula, anterior edge of acromion and external third of clavicle. I, rough surface on outer side of humerus. Supraspinatus. O, all that portion of scapula above its spine, and from fascia covering this muscle. I, upper and forepart of great tube- rosity of humerus. Infraspinatus. O, inferior surface of the spine of scapula and dorsum of this bone below this process (as low as the posterior ridge, on the inferior costa), also from the aponeurosis of this muscle. I, middle of external tuberosity of humerus. Teres minor. O, depression between the two ridges on inferior costa of scapula, from the fascia covering it, and from ligamentous septa enclosing it. I, inferior depression in great tuberosity of humerus, Subscapularis. O, all the surface and circum- ference of subscapular fossa. I, small tuber- cle of humerus. Teres major. O, rough flat surface on inferior angle of scapula, below infra spinatus. I, in- ner or posterior edge of bicipital groove. Coraco-brachialis. O, point of coracoid process, and tendon of short head of biceps. I, inter- nal side of humerus about the middle, and ridge leading to internal condyle. MUSCLES Shoulder and Arm. , 17 Biceps short head. O,coracoid process. Long head, O, upper part of glenoid ligament of scapula. I, back part of tubercle of radius. Brachialis anticus, or externus. O, centre of humerus by two fleshy slips, one on either side insertion of deltoid, from forepart of bone down to condyles, and as far as intermuscular ligaments. I, coronoid process of ulna and rough surface beneath that process. Triceps extensor cubiti long, or middle head. O, lower part of neck of scapula and anterior portion of inferior costa; external, or 2d head. O, below insertion of teres minor from a ridge on the outer side of humerus, and from the bone behind this ridge, from mtermuscu- lar ligament, and from external condyle third, or short head. O, below insertion of teres major, ridge leading to internal condyle, and internal intermuscular ligament. I, ole- cranon process. Fore-Arm and Hand. Palmaris brevis. 0, annular ligament and pal- mar fascia. I, integuments on inner side of palm of hand. Pronator radii teres. O, anterior part of internal condyle, fascia of fore arm, and its intermus- cular septa and coronoid process of ulna. I, outer and back part of radius about its centre. Flexor carpi radialis. O, inner condyle and intermuscular septa. I, base of metacarpal bone of index finger. Palmaris longus. O, inner condyle, and fascia 18 POCKET ANATOMIST. of forearm. I, near root of thumb into an- nular ligament and palmar aponeurosis. Flexor carpi ulnaris. O, inner condyle, inner side of olecranon process, inner edge of near whole length of ulna, and fascia of forearm. I, pisiform bone and base of fifth metacarpal bone. Flexor digitorum sublimis perforatus. O, in- ternal condyle, internal lateral ligament, co ronoid process, and radius below its tubercle. I, anterior part of second phalanx. Flexor digitorum profuiidus perforans. O, three superior fourths of anterior surface of ulna, internal half of interosseous ligament, sometimes from radius below tubercle. I, last phalanx of each finger. Flexor pollicis longus. 0, forepart of radius below tubercle to within two inches of carpus, sometimes from coronoid process. I, last phalanx of thumb. Pronator quadratus. O, inferior fifth of anterior surface of ulna. I, anterior part of inferior fourth of radius. Supinator radii longus. O, external ridge of hurnerus from below deltoid to within two inches of outer condyle, also from intermus- cular ligament. I, rough surface on outside of radius near styloid process. Extensor carpi radialis longus. O, ridge of humerus between supinator longus and ex- ternal condyle. I, back part of carpal end of metacarpal bone of index finger. Extensor carpi radialis brevis. O, inferior and posterior part of external condyle and external MUSCLES Fore-Arm and Hand. 19 lateral ligament. I, carpal extremity of the third metacarpal bone. Extensor digitorum communis. O, external condyle, the fascia, and its intermuscular pro- cesses and from ulna. I, phalanges of four fingers. Extensor carpi ulnaris. O, external condyle fascia and intermuscular septa, also from ul- na. I, carpal end of fifth metacarpal bone. Anconceus. O, external condyle at posterior and inferior part. I, external surface of the olecranon and superior fifth of posterior sur- face of ulna. Extensor minimi digiti. O, in common with the last. I, posterior part of the phalanges of little finger. Supinator radii brevis. O, external condyle, external lateral and coronary ligaments, and ridge on outer side of ulna, which commences below its lesser sigmoid cavity. I, upper third of external and anterior surface of this bone from above its tubercle to insertion of pronator teres. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis, or abductor pollicis. O, middle of posterior part of ulna below anconaeus, interosseous ligament and posterior surface of radius, below supinator brevis. I, os trapezium, and upper and back part of metacarpal bone of thumb. Extensor primi internodii pollicis., or extensor minor. O, back part of ulna below its middle, and from interosseous ligament and radius. I, posterior part of first phalanx, and often into second. 20 POCKET ANATOMIST. Extensor secundi internodii pollicis, or extensor major. O, posterior surface of ulna above its centre and interosseous membrane. I, pos- terior part of last phalanx. Extensor indicis, or indicator. O, middle of posterior surface of ulna and interosseous membrane. I, 2d and 3d phalanges. Abductor pollicis. 0, anterior part of annular ligament, os naviculare and trapezium. I, outside of base of first phalanx, and by an ex- pansion into both phalanges. Opponens pollicis, or flexor ossis metacarpi. O, annular ligament and os naviculare. I, an- terior extremity of metacarpal bone of thumb. Flexor pollicis brevis. O, external or anterior head, from inside of annular ligament, and from trapeziufm and scaphoid bones. I, ex- ternal sesamoid bone and base of 1st phalanx of thumb ; 2d head, or internal or posterior, arises from os magnum and base of metacar- pal bone of middle finger. I, internal sesa- moid bone and base of first phalanx. Adductor pollicis. O, three-fourths of anterior surface of third metacarpal bone. I, inner side of the root of first phalanx of thumb. Abductor indicis. O, metacarpal bone of fore- finger, and one half of that of thumb. I, outer side of base of first phalanx. Lumbricales. O, outer side of the tendons of the flexor profundus near carpus, a little be- yond annular ligament. I, middle of first phalanx into tendinous expansion covering back of each finger. ger. digiti. O, Abductor minimi digiti. O, annular ligament MUSCLES Fore-Arm and Hand. 21 and pisiform bone. I, ulnar side of first pha- lanx. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. O, annular liga- ment and unciform bone. I, base of first pha- lanx of little finger. Adductor, or opponens minimi digiti. 0, in- ternal to last and overlapped by it. I, all the metacarpal bone of this finger. The four Interossei antici, or interni or pal- mares. O, sides of metacarpal bones. I, first phalanges and tendinous expansion covering dorsum of each finger, viz. first, or prior or externus indicis. O, radial side of second metacarpal bone. I, external side of first phalanx of forefinger Second, or posterior, or internus or adductor indicis. O, ulnar t of second metacarpal bone. I, inner side q?; first phalanx of forefinger Third, or prior or externus or adductor annularis. 0, radial side of fourth metacarpal bone. I, external side of first phalanx of ring finger Fourth, or abductor minimi digiti. O, radial side of fifth metacarpal bone. I, outside of first phalanx of little finger. Posterior interossei. 0, opposed sides of two metacarpal bones. I, base of first phalanx of each finger and posterior tendinous expansion First, prior or externus medii. 0, second and third metacarpal bones. I, outer side of the base of the first phalanx of middle finger Second, or externus medii, situated between metacarpal bones of middle and ring finger. I, innerside of first phalanx of middle finger Third, or externus annularis, is between fourth POCKET ANATOMIST. and fifth metacarpal bones. I, inner side of ring finger. Obliquus externus, or descendens. O ? eight or nine inferior ribs at a little distance from their cartilages. I, ensiform cartilage, linea alba, pubis, Poupart's ligament, and two anterior thirds of crest of ilium. Obliquus internus, or ascendens. O, facia lum- borum, all the crest of ilium, and external third or fourth of Poupart's ligament. I, car- tilages of seven inferior ribs, ensiform carti- lage and whole length of linea alba, and by conjoined tendons to symphysis and upper edge of pubis, and into linea innominata. Cremaster. O, internal surface of external third of Poupart's ligament, and from lower edge of obliquus internus, and sometimes from transversalis (frequently having a ten- dinous attachment to pubis). I, tunica vagi- nalis. A few fibres are lost in scrotum. Transversalis. O, fascia lumborum, crest of ilium, iliac third of Poupart's ligament, seven lower ribs. I, along with obliquus internus into whole length of linea alba, upper edge of pubis and linea innominata. Rectus. O, upper and anterior part of pubis. I, by internal fasciculus to ensiform cartilage, and costo xiphoid ligament, by the middle to cartilage of sixth rib, and by external to car- tilage of fifth rib. MUSCLES Abdomen. 23 Pyramidalis. O,pubis. I ,linea alba, half-way to umbilicus. Diaphragm first, superior or true diaphragm. O, posterior surface of xiphoid cartilage, in- ternal surface of cartilages of last true, and all the false ribs from external or false liga- mentum arcuatum, and from convex edge of true ligamentum arcuatum. I, cordiform or central tendon, which tendon is divided into anterior, right and left portions ; the first the largest, the last the smallest. Second, Infe- rior portion, or appendices or crura. 0, right crus, from forepart of bodies of four first lum- bar vertebrae; left crus, from sides of two or three first lumbar vertebrae. I, posterior bor- der of cordiform tendon. Quadratus lumborum. 0, posterior fourth of spine of ilium aud ilio-lumbar ligament. 1, extremity of transverse processes of four first lumbar vertebrae, and of last dorsal, also into internal surface of posterior half of last rib. Psoas parvus. O, side of last dorsal, and first lumbar vertebra. I , linea ileo-pectincea, fascia iliaca, and fascia lata, behind femoral vessels. Psoas magnus. 0, side of the body of two last dorsal, and bodies, and transverse processes of all the lumbar vertebrae, and from inter- vertebral ligaments. I, back part of lesser trochanter and ridge below that process. Iliacus internus. O, transverse process of last lumbar vertebra, inner margin of three ante- rior fourths of crest of ilium, two anterior spinous processes, and intervening notch, brim of acetabulum, capsular ligament, iliac 24 POCKET ANATOMIST. fossa and iliac fascia. I, along with psoas magnus, or rather into it; the inferior fibres are inserted into anterior and inner surface of femur below lesser trochanter. MALE FERIN^EUM. Sphincter ani. O, from aligamentous substance extending from os coccygis to rectum. I, in front of rectum into raphe and superficial fascia, and common central point of perinseum. Sphincter internus vel orbicularis encircles lower extremity of rectum close to mucous membrane. Erector or compressor penis. O, inner surface of tuber ischii, and from the insertion of great or inferior sacro-sciatic ligament. I, fibrous membrane of corpus cavernosum, or crus penis. Accelerator urinee, or ejaculator seminis. O, 1st, triangular or interosseous ligpjnent; 2d, by abroad tendon common to opposite muscle, and which lies above urethra, between it and pubis ; 3d, more anteriorly, by a tendinous expansion from the side of corpus cavernosum penis. I, middle tendinous line or raphe of perinseum. Transversalis perinaei. O, inside of tuberosity of ischium. I, central point of perinseum. Levator ani. O, posterior part of symphysis pubis, obturator fascia, ilium above thyroid hole, inner surface of ischium, and spinous process. I, the anterior or pubic fibres into central point of perinaeum, and forepart of MUSCLES Male Perinceum. 25 rectum; the middle'fibres into side of rectum, the posterior into back of rectum, and tendin- ous raphe extending from rectum to os coc- cygis and into the two last bones of coccyx. Compressor ure three. O, by a tendon from in- side of syrnphysis pubis, about one-eighth of an inch above lower edge of arch. I, below membranous portion of urethra, into a narrow tendinous line which becomes lost in central point of perineum. Coccygeus. O, inner surface of spine of ischi- um. I, extremity of sacrum and side of coc- cyx. INFERIOR EXTREMITY. Forepart and Sides of Thigh. Tensor vaginae femoris. O, anterior superior spinous process of ilium, I, duplicature of fascia lata on outer side of thigh, about three inches below the great trochanter. Sartorius. O, anterior superior spine of ilium and notch below that process. I, upper end of tibia, below tubercle. Rectus femoris. O, anterior inferior spinous process of ilium, superior and external border of acetabulum and capsular ligament. I, up- per edge of patella, and by a few fibres into ligamentum patellae. Vastus externus. O, root and anterior part of great trochanter, outer edge of linea aspera, oblique ridge leading to external condyle, all the external surface of the bone, and from 26 POCKET ANATOMIST. fascia lata. I, external surface of tendon of rectus, side of patella, and head of tibia. Vastus internus. O, anterior part of femur, from the intertrochanteric line, all the inner edge of linea aspera, and inner side of femur. I, inner edge of tendon of rectus, patella and head of tibia. Crurseus. O, anterior and external part of fe- mur, commencing at intertrochanteric line, and extending along three fourths of bone as far outwards as linea aspera. I, upper and outer edge of patella, and synovial membrane of knee. Gracilis. O, lower half of symphysis and in- ner edge of descending ramus of pubis. I, superior part of internal surface of tibia. Pectinseus. O, linea innominata on horizontal ramus of pubis. I, rough ridge leading from lesser trochanter to linea aspera. Triceps adductor femoris. 1. Adductor longus. O, anterior surface of pubis, between spine and symphysis. I, middle third of linea aspera. 2. Adductor bre vis. O, anterior inferior sur- face of pubis, between symphysis and thy- roid hole. I, superior third of internal root of linea aspera, extending three inches be- low lesser trochanter. 3. Adductor magnus. O, anterior surface of descending ramus of pubis,ramus of ischium , and external border of tuberosity of ischium. I, rough ridge leading from great trochanter to linea aspera, linea aspera and internal condyle of femur. GlutsBus maximus. O, posterior fifth of crest of ilium, rough rurface between the crest and superior semicircular ridge, posterior ilio sa- cral ligaments, and lumbar fascia, tubercles on posterior surface of sacrum, side of coccyx, and great sciatic ligament. I, rough edge leading from trochanter to linea aspera, upper third of that line, and fascia lata. Glutseus medius. O, deep surface of fascia, extending from its anterior edge to the crest of ilium, three anterior fourths of crest of ilium, superior semicircular ridge leading from an- terior spinous process of ilium to upper part of sciatic notch, and surface of ilium above and below that ridge. I, upper and outer part of great trochanter. Glutseus minimus. 0, inferior semicircular ridge on dorsum of ilium, rough surface be- tween it and edge of acetabulum. I, upper and anterior part of great trochanter. Pyriformis. O, anterior or concave surface of 2d, 3d, and 4th divisions of sacrum, and by a few fibres from the anterior surface of the great sciatic ligament, and from upper and back part of ilium. I, upper part of digital fossa, at the root of great trochanter. Gemellus superior. O, spine of ischium. I, upper part of digital fossa of great trochanter along with obturator internus. Gemellus inferior. O, upper part of tuber 28 POCKET ANATOMIST. ischii, and great sciatic ligament. I, digital fossa with the former. Obturator internus. O, superior or pelvic sur- face of obturator or thyroid ligament, all the circumference of obturator foramen (except where the nerve and vessels pass), and from ligamentous arch beneath these, pubes inter- nally, ischium inferiorly, and from a thin strong fascia of some name, covering and se- parating this muscle from levator ani. I, digital fossa of great trochanter. Quadratus femoris. 0, external surface of tuber ischii. I, inferior and posterior part of great trochanter, and posterior intertrochan- teric line. Obturator externus. 0, inferior surface of ob- turator ligament, surrounding surface of pubis and ischium. I, lower part of digital fossa. BACK PART OF THIGH. Biceps flexor cruris long head. O, outer and back part of tuber ischii; short head, 0, linea aspera from below insertion of glutasus maxi- mus to within two inches of external condyle. I, head of fibula. Semitendinosus. 0, great tuberosity of ischi- um, with long head of biceps, and from ten- don of biceps for three inches. I, anterior angle of tibia below tubercle. Semimembranosus. O, upper and outer part of tuber ischii. It divides into three processes, one passing outwards, another downwards, and a third forwards. First, is inserted into MUSCLES Back Part of Thigh. 29 external condyle of femur, and termed poste- rior ligament of knee, or ligament of Win- slow ; second, inserted into posterior part of heads of tibia and fibula; third, into head of tibia. Anterior and External part of Leg. Tibialis anticus. 0, outer part of two superior thirds of tibia, head of fibula, inner half of interosseous ligament, fascia of leg, and inter- muscular septa. I, inner side of great cunei- form bone, and base of first metatarsal bone. Extensor digitorum longus. 0, external part of head of tibia, head of fibula, and from about 3-4ths of this bone, part of interosseous liga- ment, fascia of leg and intermuscular septa. I, last phalanx of each of four external toes. Extensor pollicis proprius. 0, inner edge of middle third of fibula, interosseous ligament nearly as low as ankle, lower part of tibia. I, by two tendinous fasciculi, one into base of first, and the other into base of second pha- lanx of great toe. Peronseus tertius, or anticus. 0, anterior sur- face of lower half of fibula. I, base of fifth metatarsal bone, and frequently sends a band of fibres to join fourth tendon of extensor com- munis. Extensor digitorum brevis. 0, upper and an- terior part of os calcis, cuboid bone, astragalus and annular ligament. I, internal tendon 30 POCKET ANATOMIST. into base of first phalanx of great toe, the three others join outer edge of corresponding ten- dons of extensor digitorum longus, to assist in forming the aponeurosis which covers the dorsum of each toe. Outer part of Leg. Peronseus longus. 0, around head of fibula, adjacent surface of tibia, upper half of exter- nal angle of fibula, fascia and intermuscular septa. I, outer side of metatarsal bone of great toe, and adjacent sesamoid bone, also into internal cuneiform and base of 2d meta- tarsal bone. Peronaeus brevis. 0, outer and back part of lower half of fibula, and from intermuscular septa. I, base of metatarsal bone of little toe, and into os cuboides. Back of Leg. Gastrocnemius. 0, internal head irom upper and back part of internal condyle of femur, and oblique ridge above it, the external from above external condyle. I, lower and back part of os calcis. Plantaris. O, back part of femur above exter- nal cpndyle, and from posterior ligament of kne. I, posterior part of os calcis anterior to tendo-achillis. Salaeus. 0, external head, from back part of head, and superior third of fibula, internal head, from middle third of tibia, unites with MUSCLES Back of Leg. 31 gastroenemius to form tendo-achillis. I, lower and back part of os calcis. Poplitseus. 0, depression on outer condyle. I, flat triangular surface, occupying superior fifth of posterior surface of tibia. Flexor digitorum perforans. 0, posterior flat surface of tibia, from below poplitseus to within three inches of ankle, from fascia and intermuscular septa. I, last phalanx of each of four lesser toes. Tibialis posticus. 0, posterior and internal part of fibula, upper part of tibia and almost entire length of interosseous ligament. I, tuberosity on inferior and internal part of os naviculare, internal cuneiform bone, cuboid and second and third metatarsal bones. Flexor pollicis longus. 0, two inferior thirds of fibula. I, last phalanx of great toe. Abductor pollicis. 0, lower and inner part of os calcis, internal annular ligament, plantar aponeurosis, and internal intermuscular sep- tum. I, internal sesamoidbone, and internal side of base of first phalanx of great toe. Flexor digitorum brevis perforatus. 0, inferior and internal part of os calcis, internal annular ligament, plantar aponeurosis, and intermus- cular septa. I, second phalanx of four outer toes. Abductor minimi digiti. 0, outer side of os calcis, strong ligament extending from this to fifth metatarsal bone, base of the latter, 32 POCKET ANATOMIST. plantar fascia, and its external intermuscular septum. I, outer side of base of first phalanx of little toe, and adjoining surface of meta- tarsal bone. Musculus accessorius. O, inferior and internal part of os calcis. I, upper and outer part of tendon of flexor digitorum longus just before it divides. Four Lurubricales. O, tendons of flexor digi- torum longus. I, internal side of first phalanx of four lesser toes. Flexor pollicis brevis. O, lower and anterior fart of os calcis and external cuneiform bone. , sesamoid bones beneath first phalanx of great toe. Adductor pollicis. ? calcaneo cuboid ligament, base of second and third metatarsal bones. I, external sesamoid bone with the last. Transversalis pedis. O, anterior extremities of four external metatarsal bones. I, external sesamoid bone of great toe. Flexor brevis minimi digiti. O, Cuboid and fifth metatarsal bone, and from the sheath of perinseus longus tendon. I, inner side of base of first phalanx of little toe. Seven Interossei muscles. Three seen on sole, and four on dorsum of foot. Inferior are named interossei interni, or inferi- ores. 1st, or adductor medii digiti, situated between second and third metatarsal bones, O, chiefly from inner side of latter bone. I, inner side of first phalanx of third or middle toe. MUSCLES Foot. 33 2d, or adductor quart! digit! . O, inner side of fourth metatarsal bone. I, inner side of first phalanx of fourth toe. 3d, Adductor minimi digiti. O, fifth meta- tarsal bone. I, inner side of little toe. Superior, or interossei externi, are bicipital muscles. ] st, Adductor digiti secundi. O, internal side of second metatarsal bone, and from outer side of first. I, inner side of base of first phalanx of second toe. 2d, Abductor digiti secundi. O, opposite surfaces of second and third metatarsal bones. I, outer side of first phalanx of se- cond toe. 3d, Abductor medii digiti. O, opposite sur- faces of third and fourth metatarsal bones. I, outer side of first phalanx of third or middle toe. 4th, Abductor digiti quarti. O, opposite sur- faces of fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. I, outer side of first phalanx of fourth toe. INTERNAL EAR AND BALL OF EYE. Tympanum. Stapedius. O, within the pyramid. I, neck of the stapes. Tensor tympani. O, in the canal in the petrous bone above the Eustachian tube. I, into the short process below the neck of the malleus. Laxator tympani. O, spinous process of sphe- noid bone, and from Eustachian tube. I, into c 34 POCKET ANATOMIST. processus gracilis of malleus, or process of Raw. Orbit. Levator palpebras superioris. O, upper edge of foramen opticum . I , superior border of tarsal cartilage, and into superior palpebral sinus of conjunctiva behind the palpebral ligament. Obliquus superior. O, on the inner side of the preceding. I, sclerotic coat between the su- perior and external recti. Obliquus inferior. O, orbital edge of superior maxillary bone above infraorbital foramen. I, sclerotic coat behind the transverse axis of eye, and between sclerotic coat and external rectus. Rectus superior vel attol- lens oculi. Rectus inferior v. depres- sor oculi. Rectus internus v. adduc- tor oculi. Rectus externus v. abduc- tor oculi. 0, optic foramen, the external being also attached to foramen lacerum. 1, behind cornea about a quarter of an inch. ARTERIES Arch of Aorta. 35 ARTERIES.* Arch of Aorta. i. Arteria coronaria dextra vel anterior. 1. Superior branch. 2. Inferior branch. 3. Posterior branch. ii. Arteria coronaria sinistra v. posterior. 1. Superior branch. 2. Inferior branch. in. Arteria innominata. 1. Middle thyroid artery. 2. Right common carotid artery. A. External carotid artery. a. Superior thyroid. fit. Ramus hyoideus. y8. Ramus superficialis. y. Ramus laryngeus. S. Ramus thyroideus. b. Lingual artery. et. Ramus hyoideus. /8. Arteria dorsalis linguae. y. Arteria sublingualis. f . Arteria ranina. c. Labial, fascial, or external maxillary. A. Arteria palatina inferior. yg. Arteria tonsillaris. y. Arteriae glandulares. * As described by Harrison. POCKET ANATOMIST. cT. Arteria submentalis. . Arteria labialis inferior. g. Arteria coronaria inferior. tt. Arterise massetericae. 6. Arteria coronaria superior. /. Arteria iiasi lateralis. x. Arteria angularis. d. Sterno mastoid or muscular artery. e. Occipital artery. at. Posterior meningeal artery. f. Posterior auricular artery. A. Muscular branches. yS. Branch to stylo-mastoid foramen. y. Anterior branch to cartilage of ear. J\ Posterior branch to side of cranium. g. Ascending pharyngeal artery. A. 3 or 4 Internal branches. /3. External branches. y. Branches to dura mater. h. Transverse artery efface. a. Ascending branches. /3. Descending branches. i. Temporal artery. a. Arterise anteriores auris. /3. Arteriae capsulares. y. Arteria temporalis media. j. Arteria temporalis posterior. g. Arteria temporalis anterior. k. Internal maxillary artery. at. Arteria meningea media. /8. Arteria dentalis vel maxillaris infe- rior. y. ArteriaB pterygoide83. j. Arteries temporales profundse. . Arterioa massetericte. ARTERIES Arch of Aorta. 37 . Arterise buccales. . Arteria dentalis vel maxillaris su- perior. 0. Arteria infra orbitalis. /. Arteria palatina descendens. x.. Arteria nasalis. B. Internal carotid. a & b. Arterioe receptaculi. c. Arteria ophthalmica. A. Arteria lachrymalis. /3. Arteria centralis retinae. y. Arteria supra orbitalis. . Superior branch. y. Inferior branch. NERVES Spinal. 55 Eleven Inferior Dorsal Nerves. i. Posterior branches to muscles and integu- ments of back and loins. ii. Anterior or intercostal branches. The 2d and 3d are smaller than the first, and at angle of ribs pass between intercostal mus- cles, and running along the lower edge of each rib supply surrounding muscles ; op- posite the axilla they send off, 1. The nerves of Wrisberg, or cutaneous nerves of arm. 2. End in cutaneous and muspular branches to lateral and forepart of thorax. Last 9 are similar to the 2d and 3d in distri- bution, supplying intercostal and adjacent muscles ; the two last go chiefly to diaphragm, and the twelfth sends a branch to join the 1st lumbar ; they are all connected by one or two short branches to the ganglions of sympa- thetic. Five Pairs of Lumbar Nerves. i. Posterior branches. n. Anterior branches unite in the psoas to form the Lumbar plexus. 1. External inguino-cutaneous. A. Branches to abdominal muscles, B. Cutaneous branch to integuments on outer part of thigh. c. External spermatic nerve. 56 POCKET ANATOMIST. 2. Middle inguino-cutaneous to skin on outer part of thigh. 3. Internal inguino-cutaneous. A. Branch to cord accompanying spermatic vessels. B. Branch to integuments and glands of groin. 4. Anterior crural nerve, from four superior nerves. A. Superficial fasciculus, 4 or 5 long branch- es, and piercing fascia lata descend to knee. B. Deep fasciculus. a. External muscular branches to vastus externus, rectus, iliacus internus, and tensor vaginae femoris. b. Internal muscular branches to sarto- rius, vastus internus, and crurseus. c. Branches to femoral artery, 3 or 4 in number, going near to knee. d. Internal saphenus nerve, joins sa- phena vein at knee on coming out be tween gracilis and sartorius ; it goes on to inner side of foot, sending off nu- merous branches to integuments. 5. Obturator nerve from 3d lumbar. A. Twigs to obturator internus. B. Anterior branch to adductor brevis, pec- tinseus and vastus internus. c. Posterior branch to gracilis, adductor magnus and longus. 6. Lumbo-sacral nerve from 4th and 5th lumbar. NERVES Spinal. 57 A. Superior gluteal to glutseus medius and minimus. B. Communicating branch to join first sa- cral nerve or sciatic plexus. Five Pairs of Sacral Nerves. i. Posterior branches. n . Anterior branches, the 3 superior are very large, the two last much smaller, and the 5 with the branch of last lumbar, form the Sacral plexus. 1. Internal or pelvic branches. A. Hsemorrhoidal, vesical, uterine and va- ginal. 2. External branches. B. Lesser sciatic nerve. a. Superficial branches pass over ham- string -muscles with posterior cutane- ous nerve, and are lost in these mus- cles. b. Deep branches to quadratus femoris, upper part of adductor magnus, hip joint, &c. c. Inferior glutaeal nerve to glutaeus maxi- mus, perinaeum, and inner side of thigh. D. Posterior cutaneous nerve, to thigh and leg posteriorly. E. Pubic nerve. a. Inferior branch to muscles of peri- nseum and scrotum. b. Superior branch to glans penis. F. Great sciatic, or posterior crural nerve. a. Cutaneous and muscular branches, POCKET ANATOMIST. the latter to ham-strings, gracilis, and adductor magnus. b. External poplitaeal or peronaeal nerves. A. External cutaneous nerves of leg, they communicate with external sa- phenus. $. Musculo-cutaneous nerve. t Internal tarsal or dorsal nerves, to integuments of first and second toes, t External tarsal or dorsal nerves, to three outer toes. y. Anterior tibial nerve, t Branches to integuments, t Branch to extensor digitorum bre- vis, cutaneous, and communicat- ing filaments. t Terminating branches to first in- terosseal muscle, and communi- cates with plantar nerves. Internal poplitceal or posterior tibial. a. Posterior or external saphenus. /g. Muscular branches to gastrocne- mius,soleus,plantares and deep mus- cles. y. Filaments to posterior and anterior tibial arteries.