3>.UrfAU> fbRGE U3 LIBRARY OF THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. QIKT OK Received Accession No. / Y 6 6 ' 8 90..- TO CORRESPONDENTS: The book '.' American Schools of Mechanical Technology" is furnished free to buyers of such equip- ments as are described therein. Copies are obtainable by others at SOc. each, in paper cover; V 65c., cloth cover, including transportation. This figure scarcely covers the cost of publication. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY, BUFFALO. N. Y. Mechanical Technology "That training jff*fl\Qt$ffj^^tjs which prepares for manufacturing and engineering .p*W 't^t p-fc THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY AND TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT OF FORGES, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BLOWERS, EXHAUSTERS, FAN SYSTEM OF HEATING AND VENTILATING, MECHANICAL DRAFT FANS AND APPARATUS, AUTOMATIC HORIZONTAL AND UPRIGHT STEAM ENGINES. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY, * f REGISTERED CABLE ADDRESS, " FORGE." -^M^ BUFFALO, N. Y., U. S. A. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE. ( NEW YORK, PITTSBURG, LONDON, ST. PETERSBURG, BRANCH STORES AND Omens : j PH|LADELP ^ |A| CH ,CAGO, PARIS, COPENHAGEN. j 899 COPYRIGHTED BY BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY, BUFFALO, N. Y. U. S. A. ENGRAVED, POINTED AND BOUND AT THE ART-PRINTING WORKS OF THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. FOREWORD. THE high standard of American skilled labor in the mechanical world is universally conceded. Generally speaking, United States manufacturers class it as the most efficient. There can be no more forcible indica- tion of the opinion of Europeans than their present extensive and increasing purchases of American machinery. Our schools of Mechanical Technology constitute an important factor in maintaining this rank. While the growth in numbers is marked, their educational advancement is still more highly gratifying. Of the value of modern facilities in the manufactory, also for test and experiment no question can exist. The latest approved developments are represented in the 'smithy by down-draft forges, in the electrical department by the unit of generator and engine direct attached, in the boiler plant by mechanical draft, and in heating and ventilating of all campus and industrial buildings by the fan system. No apology is needed for the presentation herewith of some forms of equipment typical of earlier practice, for the expense of supplanting with improvements as brought out would be beyond reason. So this catalogue illustrates varied examples in schools, but only outfits of late design in its reference to mills and shops of prominence. The scheme of removing smoke and fumes from 'smith fires immediately as generated is one upon which considerable time and money had been expended by this Company in experimenting before the first Buffalo Forges of down-draft type were patented and placed upon sale. The perfected design of the down -draft hood has been readily adapted to all sizes and types of Buffalo Stationary Forges. While eminently suited to Manual Training School work and here widely employed manufacturing establishments, on account of their greater number, are naturally the larger users. A few illustrations only of the latter are here shown, owing to the difficulty of obtaining satisfactory photographs. This is due mainly to the relatively large area of blacksmith shops of the factory com- pared to those of the training school. Some manufacturers have unblushingly copied and catalogued the latest types of Buffalo Down-Draft Forges, sundry applications of the Buffalo Fan System of Heating, Ventilating and Drying, and Buffalo Mechanical Draft Apparatus. Included in these are many direct infringements upon patents issued to this house. Purchasers are requested to exercise due discretion in making selections, as our rights will be vigorously upheld. Buyers of Buffalo goods may rely, as heretofore, upon obtaining the most efficient machinery of the latest and most practical designs, built and furnished with that perfection of detail obtainable only from the resources of a plant unequaled by any similar one in the world in extent or completeness of its equipment. BUFFALO FORGE CO. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO [FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY'S WORKS, BUFFALO, N. Y., U. S. A. 6 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, DESCRIPTION OF BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY'S WORKS. k BOUT BUFFALO. No American city is to-day drawing an amount of new capital and industries equal to that of Buffalo. Its commercial facilities are unexcelled. Twenty-seven railroads enter the city, with nearly 700 miles of trackage within the limits, and 250 daily passenger trains. Essentially, Buffalo is the eastern terminus of all the great lake boat lines, therefore, it has unsurpassed facilities for transportation by water routes. Aside from natural advantages, and concerning the usual important features of a city, the comparative standing of Buffalo is very high, and in many cases leads all others. The Falls of Niagara stand perpetually alone in the world for vastness of water and fall, and the stupendous power consequent thereto. They are now harnessed, and electric power at low cost in unlimited amount is available along the entire course of the river. This, coupled also with cheap fuel, affords to Buffalo manufacturing advantages unattainable elsewhere. LOCATION OF PLANT. Less than one mile from the business center of the city, the works of the Buffalo Forge Company are situated. The space occupied constitutes the entire block bounded by Broadway, Mortimer, Tousey and Champlin Streets. The Broadway and Sycamore Electric Railway lines (the former being the more direct route) afford ready access to the plant from depots and hotels. THE BUILDINGS AND THEIR USES. In the five-story front, right-hand or southeast structure, Buffalo Forges, Hand Blowers, Punch, Shear and Bar Cutters, Blacksmith Drills, Tire Up-setters, Disc Wheels, Steel Pressure Blowers, and " B " Volume Blowers and " B " Exhaust Fans are built. The main steam plant is located on the ground floor. The center front building comprises a well-arranged and convenient stock room. The second floor constitutes the sheet and galvanized iron department. Herein the majority of blast wheels for the various types of blowers and exhausters are made. There is a large one and one-half story building, with gallery, on Spring Street, not illustrated in the accompanying engraving, used for warehouse purposes. The several one and one-half story structures directly back of the three front brick buildings, are used for the erection of heaters, steel plate fans and planing mill exhausters. The facilities of this department are such as to enable the testing of mammoth steel plate blowers, 30 feet in diameter, to their full capacity. In the section where hot blast heaters are built, many miles of pipe are consumed annually. Frequently, a single heater order requires from four to six miles of one-inch pipe, were it laid in single continuous lengths. The northeast gallery type structure was especially built, arranged and equipped for engine construction, with the most modern and expensive tools. All conveniences incident to a modern foundry are provided in the northwest corner building. Adjacent to the various main buildings are pattern vaults, blacksmith shops, etc. The humble original shop of this company is still preserved ; a glance at it and the spacious surrounding ones affords the most vivid picture of the progress of this industry that could be presented. 7 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CENTRAL MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY. TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL WORKS. BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THIS book is no exception to all others issued by manufacturers, and is primarily intended to serve in the capacity of extending the business of our Company. Let no't the reader infer, however, that in its prepar- ation the plan has been to include all of the foremost or latest improved outfits furnished. To "make the publication thus complete would require several times the number of pages included herein. The idea followed out, therefore, has been to select those views which would make the best illustrations. Many of our friends have kindly forwarded photographs of plants models in the way of arrangement and efficiency which, unfortunately, cannot be used on account of the inability to reproduce in presentable half-tones. Excellent interior views can only be obtained under favorable conditions. Too strong inflowing light from windows is disastrous to the securing of good results, while flash-light photographs are uncertain. These difficulties have compelled us to exclude many prominent installations we had hoped to embody. A number of the very earliest technical forge shops in America, whose equipments remain in the original forms, here appear. In these the greatest interest centers, for they have been the stepping stones to developments without precedent in the field of Mechanical Technology. Later and the present most approved and modern outfits are also illustrated. The latter embody forges of the down-draft type, and combined blowers and exhausters. The first cost of a down-draft forge system exceeds one of the previous type with overhead piping, but affords a plant almost indestructible. Purchasers of the other form must expect to replace the galvanized iron piping about as frequently as is necessary to renew an ordinary stove-pipe. In this connection the two interior views of the Stout Manual Training School will be of interest. The first building was destroyed by fire soon after its completion. These same forges were taken from the debris, and erected in the new building in position as shown by the engraving. The life and practical indestructibility of a down-draft equipment is thus clearly demonstrated. Individual description of the extent and arrangement of the various plants cannot herewith be presented, but interested parties will be cheerfully furnished with such data upon request, in the form of copies of the specifications and drawings. Those unacquainted with the extent of the work of this Company may have formed the impression that forge- shop equipment is the principal portion of our industry. Such is but natural by reason of the word "Buffalo" in itself being typical of the highest perfection in the line of forges, blacksmiths' tools, blowers and exhausters from their inception. But this idea is erroneous. The term is as closely associated with the Fan System of Heating, Ventilating and Drying, Electric Light Engines, Mechanical Draft Outfits, etc. These latter apparati enter as an indispensable factor into a multitude of industrial processes. The machinery is usually of generous size, and involves large tools for its construction, so by far the most extensive portion of the works is the department devoted to the building of Buffalo fans, engines and heaters. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CENTRAL MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. MAIN BUILDING. 10 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CENTRAL MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO.- FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 11 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. MAIN BUILDINGS. 12 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 13 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. MAIN BUILDING. 14 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CLEVELAND, OHIO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 15 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, LOUISVILLE, KY. MAIN BUILDING. 16 * AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, LOUISVILLE, KY. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 17 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, FORT COLLINS, COL. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING. 18 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, FORT COLLINS, COL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 19 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MASSACHUSETTS STATE REFORMATORY, CONCORD JUNCTION, MASS. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 20 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MASSACHUSETTS STATE REFORMATORY, CONCORD JUNCTION, MASS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 31 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BOARDMAN MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN. MAIN BUILDING. 22 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BOARDMAN MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 28 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WISCONSIN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, DELAVAN, WIS. MANUAL TRAINING BUILDING. 24 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WISCONSIN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF, DELAVAN, WIS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 25 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHAMPAIGN, ILL. MACHINERY BUILDING. 26 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, CHAMPAIGN, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 27 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. SIBLEY COLLEGE, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, ITHACA, N. Y. MECHANICAL BUILDINGS. 28 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. SIBLEY COLLEGE, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, ITHACA, N. Y. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. HAYES HALL. 30 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. HAYES HALL, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 31 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ARKANSAS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, FAYETTEVILLE, ARK. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 32 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ARKANSAS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, FAYETTEVILLE, ARK. -FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 33 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. n PENNSYLVANIA REFORM SCHOOL, MORGANZA, PA. MAIN BUILDING. 34 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. PENNSYLVANIA REFORM SCHOOL, MORGANZA, PA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 35 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THROOP POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, PASADENA, CAL. MECHANICAL BUILDING. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THROOP POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, PASADENA, CAL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 37 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. GIRARD COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 38 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. GIRARD COLLEGE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 39 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA, MO. ACADEMIC HALL. 40 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA, MO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 41 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS, NEW YORK CITY. TEACHERS' COLLEGE. 42 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY, TEACHERS' COLLEGE. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 43 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BRANCH NORMAL COLLEGE, PINE BLUFF, ARK. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 44 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BRANCH NORMAL COLLEGE, PINE BLUFF, ARK. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 45 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, MORGANTOWN, W. VA. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 46 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY, MORGANTOWN, W. VA.- FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 47 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ALLEN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, AUSTIN, TEX. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 48 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ALLEN MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, AUSTIN, TEX. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 49 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLEMSON COLLEGE, CLEMSON COLLEGE P. 0., S. C. MAIN BUILDING AND BARRACKS. 50 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLEMSON COLLEGE, CLEMSON COLLEGE P. 0., S. C. FOUNDRY INTERIOR. 51 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLEMSON COLLEGE, CLEMSON COLLEGE P. 0., S. C. ENGINEERING AND MECHANIC ARTS BUILDING. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLEMSON COLLEGE, CLEMSON COLLEGE P. 0., S. C.~ FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 53 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, DAYTON, OHIO. MAIN BUILDING. 54 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, DAYTON, OHIO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 55 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MILLER MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, CROZET, VA. ENGINEERING AND MAIN BUILDINGS. 56 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MILLER MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, CROZET, VA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. , r >7 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. MECHANICAL HALL. 58 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STATE COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY., SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 59 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, BLACKSBURG, VA. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 60 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, BLACKSBURG, VA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 61 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, DENVER, COL, MECHANICAL BUILDING. 63 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MANUAL TRAINING HIGH SCHOOL, DENVER, COL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 63 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA, N. Y. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 64 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA, N. Y. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 65 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TERRE HAUTE, IND. MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOPS. 66 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ROSE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, TERRE HAUTE, IND. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 67 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE COLORED, GREENSBORO, N. Cf. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 68 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE FOR THE COLORED, GREENSBORO, N. C. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 69 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEB. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 70 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEB. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 71 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS ORPHANS' HOME, NORMAL, ILL. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 72 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ILLINOIS SOLDIERS ORPHANS' HOME, NORMAL, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 73 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BARLOW INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. SMITH SHOP BUILDING. 74 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BARLOW INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 75 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THE MECHANIC ARTS HIGH SCHOOL, BOSTON, MASS. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 76 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THE MECHANIC ARTS HIGH SCHOOL, BOSTON, MASS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 77 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CHICAGO MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CHICAGO, ILL. MAIN BUILDING. 78 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CHICAGO MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, CHICAGO, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 79 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHICAGO, ILL. MISSION AT LEFT, MECHANICAL BUILDING AT RIGHT. 80 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHICAGO, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 81 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. INTERIOR OF A MODEL BLACKSMITH SHOP AT BUFFALO, N. Y. 82 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MISSISSIPPI AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, MISS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 83 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. IOWA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BUILDINGS. 84 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. IOWA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. BLACKSMITH SHOP AND FOUNDRY INTERIOR. 85 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. PRAIRIE VIEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PRAIRIE VIEW, TEXAS. BLACKSMITH SHOP AND MACHINERY BUILDINGS. 86 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. PRAIRIE VIEW STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, PRAIRIE VIEW, TEXAS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 87 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STOUT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, MENOMONIE, WIS. MAIN BUILDING. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STOUT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, MENOMONIE, WIS. MACHINE SHOP INTERIOR. 89 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STOUT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, MENOMONIE, WIS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR, PRESENT BUILDING. Furnished with same machines shown on following page after having passed through the fire, an illustrious example of their indestructibility. 90 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. STOUT MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, MENOMONIE, WIS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR OF ORIGINAL BUILDING Original building destroyed by fire. Equipment uninjured and re-erected. See previous page, 91 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL'S ISLAND, N. Y. MAIN BUILDING. 92 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL'S ISLAND, N. Y. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 93 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. LINCOLN INSTITUTE, JEFFERSON CITY, MO. MAIN AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. 94 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. ENGINEERING BUILDING, BUILT OF MEXICAN ADOBE. INTERIOR OF FORGE SHOP. NEW MEXICO COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS, MESILLA PARK, N. M. 95 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF MANUAL TRAINING, ST. LOUIS, MO., MAIN BUILDING. 96 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF MANUAL TRAINING, ST. LOUIS, MO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 97 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASHVILLE, TENN. MECHANICAL BUILDING. 98 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY, NASHVILLE, TENN. FORGE AND FOUNDRY INTERIOR. 99 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH, LOGAN, UTAH. MECHANIC ARTS BUILDING. 100 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH, LOGAN, UTAH. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 101 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL, MILWAUKEE, WIS. MAIN BUILDING. 102 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. WEST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL, MILWAUKEE, WIS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 103 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. HAMPTON NORMAL AND AGRICULTURAL INSTITUTE, HAMPTON, VA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 104 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL, MANUAL TRAINING DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, D. C. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 105 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, SCOTLAND, PA. MAIN BUILDING. 106 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. PENNSYLVANIA SOLDIERS' ORPHANS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, SCOTLAND, PA. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 107 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THE TOLEDO UNIVERSITY AND MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, TOLEDO, OHIO. MAIN BUILDING. 108 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THE TOLEDO UNIVERSITY AND MANUAL TRAINING SCHOOL, TOLEDO, OHIO. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 109 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. EAST SIDE HIGH SCHOOL, MILWAUKEE, WIS. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 110 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, BUFFALO BLACKSMITH SHOP EQUIPMENTS. SMITH-SHOP equipments in industrial plants and technical schools have been revolutionized within the past few years by the patented improvements introduced by this house. A cumbersome overhead piping system of smoke removing, obstructing the view, is no longer a feature of a modern outfit. Designed and constructed with the utmost care, such are at their best inefficient, as they afford too great opportunity for escape of fumes into the shop with- out being caught by the action of the fan. In the better plants of to-day forge smoke and gases are now removed immediately upon being generated at the fire, and are carried through underground pipes, leaving the view of the shop entirely unobstructed and the atmosphere perfectly free. This system is installed in two ways : first, with separate fans, i. e., a blower for furnishing the blast and an exhauster for removing the smoke ; second, with a Buffalo Combined Blower and Exhauster, which performs both duties. In the latter machine, a portion of the air is forced through the blast piping for supplying the blast to the fires, the balance being discharged into the smoke flue. Photographs or drawings of these special fans will be furnished on application. A feature of a down-draft forge outfit which commends itself to first consideration is its practical indestructibility. For the steel plate forges extra heavy stock is selected, substantially braced to withstand injury from the heaviest work. The same form of hoods are employed as on the cast iron forges, i. e., heavy grey iron castings. The smoke is carried through glazed tile underground to the exhauster. Contrast such an equipment with the overhead system of piping which must be replaced about as often as ordinary stove pipe by reason of the action of the fumes from the forge fires, and the difference in cost is at once justified. In a number of cases where industrial works have been destroyed by fire, the Buffalo Down-Draft Forges have been removed from the debris uninjured, and erected upon rebuilding the plant. The cast-iron adjustable hoods on the Buffalo Down-Draft Forges may be moved close to the fire or drawn back according to conditions and work being performed. They are adapted to all Buffalo Stationary Forges. Whether the application be in manufacturing establishments or railroad repair shops, with the largest fires and heaviest work, or in technical schools, the results are uniformly of the highest efficiency. In forge shops where it has previously been impos- sible to keep the rooms sufficiently clear for economical working conditions, this system has rendered the atmosphere as pure as that of the most modern machine shop. The Buffalo Patented Down-Draft Exhaust System is fully covered by Letters Patent No. 52,945. All infringing manufacturers or users are hereby cautioned against employing any form of down-draft, smoke-removing apparatus. This system is equally suited to hard coal, coke and all furnace fires. The same general plan of removing foul odors, vapors, chemical acid fumes, ventilating hotel kitchens, etc., is equally efficient and has been widely applied to these various situations. Ill AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, C., C., C. & ST. LOUIS (BIG FOUR) R. R., WABASH, IND. FORGE 112 INTERIOR. AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, C., C., C. & ST. LOUIS (BIG FOUR) R. R., WABASH, IND. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 113 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, THE TUDHOPE CARRIAGE COMPANY, ORILLIA, ONT. FORGE AND WHEEL SHOP. 114 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, THE TUDHOPE CARRIAGE COMPANY, ORILLIA, ONT. FORGE AND WHEEL SHOP. 115 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, JACKSON G. SMITH, BARNESVILLE, GA. FORGE AND WHEEL SHOP INTERIOR. 116 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, NEW CONKLIN WAGON WORKS, CLEAN, N. Y., FORGE AND WHEEL SHOP INTERIOR. 117 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, PEORIA & PEKIN UNION RAILWAY, PEORIA, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. VIEW SHOWING EXTRA HEAVY FORGE AND INCIDENTAL WORK. 118 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL INDUSTRIAL PLANT, PEORIA & PEKIN UNION RAILWAY, PEORIA, ILL. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. 119 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL PLANT, HOWALDTSWERKE, KIEL, GERMANY. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. Buffalo Down-Draft Forges Used. 120 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. A TYPICAL EUROPEAN INDUSTRIAL PLANT, HOWALDTSWERKE, KIEL, GERMANY. FORGE SHOP INTERIOR. Buffalo Down-Draft Forges Used. 121 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLASS "A" BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY ENGINE, CENTER CRANK, HORIZONTAL TYPE. FRONT SIDE VIEW SHOWING GOVERNOR PULLEY. 122 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLASS "A" BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY ENGINE, CENTER CRANK, HORIZONTAL TYPE GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERATOR. 123 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLASS "A" BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY ENGINES. UPRIGHT ENCLOSED TYPE, SELF-OILING FORM. 124 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. CLASS "A" BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY ENGINE. TRIUMPH ELECTRIC COMPANY GENERATOR. 125 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. MECHANICAL DRAFT APPARATUS A COMPLETE STEAM PLANT, WITH ECONOMIZERS, STOKERS AND BOILERS. INSTALLED BY MESSRS. WESTINGHOUSE, CHURCH, KERR & CO. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND UP-BLAST DISCHARGE FANS. DOUBLE UPRIGHT ENCLOSED ENGINES, WITH OVERHUNG WHEELS AND WATER-COOLING BEARINGS. 126 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. TYPICAL STEAM FAN, WITH SINGLE UPRIGHT SELF-CONTAINED ENGINE. RIGHT HAND BOTTOM HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE EXHAUSTER, FAN WHEEL OVERHUNG. 127 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO FAN SYSTEM OF HEATING AND VENTILATING APPARATUS FOR DOUBLE DUCT APPLICATION. FAN RIGHT HAND TOP HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE, BLOWING THROUGH HEATER, COLD AIR BY-PASS UNDERNEATH. 128 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STEEL PRESSURE BLOWER, ON ADJUSTABLE BED, WITH COUNTERSHAFT AND DOUBLE UPRIGHT ENGINE. ENCLOSED AUTOMATIC ENGINE RUNNING IN OIL, CYLINDERS ABOVE THE SHAFT, RIGHT HAND APPARATUS. 129 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO "B" VOLUME BLOWER, FOR BOILERS, HEATING FURNACES, FORGES, ETC. RIGHT HAND BOTTOM HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE. BUFFALO "B" VOLUME EXHAUSTER, WITH OVERHUNG WHEEL, RIGHT HAND BOTTOM HORIZONTAL DISCHARGE, FOR EMERY AND BUFFING WHEELS, GASES, ETC. 130 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 09D. (Patented Nov. 27, 1894.) WITH DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOOD, ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERE, BLAST GATE, COAL AND WATER BOXES. FOR MODERATE AND HEAVY WORK. 131 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 02D. ( Patented Nov. 27, 1894.) WITH DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOOD, ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERE, BLAST GATE, COAL AND WATER BOXES. FOR TECHNICAL SCHOOLS, CARRIAGE SHOPS, ETC. 132 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. THE eighteen pages of illustrations of machinery herewith have been selected from our complete General Catalogue merely to show the more familiar forms or standard types. It has not even been possible to represent the various lines of apparatus embraced in our output. Detailed descriptions and prices are also eliminated, and for which see our illustrated library bound catalogue, which will be furnished upon application. The Buffalo Stationary Forges on accompanying pages are widely used in the smith shops of schools of Mechanical Technology. A number were primarily designed for this service, while others are regularly used in industrial works. Many other styles than those here shown are built for manufacturing plants, and also for training schools. Catalogues illustrating the complete line will be cheerfully supplied. The term " Stationary Blast Forge" is not used because the forges are immovable like the old-fashioned brick type, for they are easily portable. It arises from the use of an inde- pendent blower fixed at a given point for supplying the blast. In fitting up a forge shop, either for a technical school or manufacturing establishment, the buyer who seeks a well arranged and efficient plant will include a variety of Buffalo Down-Draft Forges, locating those of largest capacity where the heaviest work is performed, likewise suitably placing those intended for light work. Buffalo Stationary Forges, though light in appearance, are very strong. The Buffalo Patented Down-Draft Smoke Exhaust Forges represent all that is best in to-day's advanced practice of forge shop equipment. Their use is invariably advised excepting where it is desired to slightly increase the capacity of an existing plant without remodeling it. The first cost of a Buffalo Down-Draft Forge Shop equipment is very moderate, and here the expense practically ends. Repairs are seldom, if ever, required, and in durability and efficiency there is no room for comparison. The indestructibility of this equipment is clearly set forth in the example of the Stout Manual Training School, Menominee, Wis. The first building was totally destroyed by fire, but the forges sustained no injury. They were removed from the debris and erected in the new fire-proof structure. The same results have occurred in industrial works. With this modern equipment the atmosphere of the smith shop is as pure and agreeable to work in as the best machine shop. The gases and smoke are removed at the fire at once upon being generated. It is thus impossible for them to escape into the room. The mere fact that the photographs from which many of the illustrations on preceding pages were made were taken with green fires running at full blast causing maximum amount of smoke, is sufficient comment upon the desirability and superiority of this system. All hoods are of heavy cast iron ; likewise the connection to the tile underground pipe. Enough cold air is incidentally drawn in and mixed by the action of the exhauster to avoid injury from heat. In summer this form of forge shop equipment also insures a minimum temperature. 133 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. OD. (Patented Nov. 27, 1894.) WITH DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOOD, ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERE AND BLAST GATE. FOR EXTRA HEAVY WORK IN RAILROAD REPAIR SHOPS, ETC. 134 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 07. ( Patented Nov. 27, 1894.) WITH DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOOD, ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERE AND BLAST GATE, STEEL PLATE CONSTRUCTION. FOR MODERATE AND HEAVY WORK. 185 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 07T. ( Patented Nov. 27, 1894.) WITH DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOOD, ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERE, BLAST GATE, COAL AND WATER BOXES, STEEL PLATE CONSTRUCTION. 136 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 04, TWO-FIRE TYPE FOR TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERES, BLAST GATES, COAL AND WATER BOXES, TOOL RESTS, ETC. MAY ALSO BE FURNISHED WITH BUFFALO DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOODS. (Patented Nov. 17, 1894.) 137 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 05. TWO-FIRE TYPE FOR TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERES, BLAST GATES, COAL AND WATER BOXES, HEAVY STEEL PLATE AND IRON CONSTRUCTION. MAY ALSO BE FURNISHED WITH BUFFALO DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOODS. (Patented Nov. 37, 1894.) 138 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. BUFFALO STATIONARY BLAST FORGE No. 06. FOUR-FIRE TYPE FOR TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. ANTI-CLINKER DUMPING TUYERES, BLAST GATES AND COAL BOX, HEAVY STEEL PLATE AND IRON CONSTRUCTION, DRAWINGS OF SPECIAL DESIGN, WITH BUFFALO DOWN-DRAFT SMOKE EXHAUST HOODS (Patented Nov. 37, 1894) FURNISHED ON REQUEST. 139 AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY EQUIPMENT. Buffalo Drills Embody More Desirable Points Than All Others. No. Buffalo Blacksmith's Forge with Tank. No. 6iB with Emery Wheel. No. 6iG with Cone Pulley and Countershaft. All Sizes and Styles Described in a Special Catalogue o Buffalo Blacksmith Tools Free upon Request. No. 3X Buffalo Iron Frame Buffalo Combined Punch, Shear, Hand Blower. and Bar Cutter. Buffalo Tire Bender. 'AMERICA'S BEST" "THE WORLD'S STANDARD" BLACKSMITH TOOLS, STANDARD TYPES. 140 INDEX. Page. Allen Manual Training School, Austin, Tex., exterior, .... 48 " " " " " " interior, .... 49 A Model Blacksmith Shop, 82 Arkansas Industrial School, Fayetteville, exterior, 32 " interior, Armour Institute of Technology, exterior, . " " " " interior, . .... 33 .... 80 .... 81 Barlow Industrial School, exterior, 74 " " ' interior, .75 Big Four Forge Shop, interior, 112 " " " interior . 113 Blower "B," Blower, Cupola or Steel Pressure on adjustable bed, Boardman Manual Training High School, exterior, " " '' " " interior, Boston, Mass., Mechanical Arts High School, exterior, " " " " " " interior, Branch Normal College, Pine Bluff, Ark., exterior, . " " " " " " interior, . Buffalo Blacksmith Tools, Group Buffalo Forge Company's Works, Illustration, . 130 . . .129 ... 22 . 23 . 76 . 77 . 44 . 45 . . .140 ... 6 " " " " Description, 7 Chicago Manual Training School, exterior, 78 " " " " interior, F"orge Shop, . 79 Clemsou College Main Buildings and Barracks, exterior, .... 50 " " Foundry, interior 51 " Engineering and Mechanic Arts Building, ... 52 ' " Forge Shop, interior, 53 Cleveland Central Manual Training School, exterior, 8 " " " " " exterior 10 ' " ' " " interior, 11 Cleveland University School, exterior, .12 " " " interior, 13 Cleveland West Manual Training School, exterior, ... .14 " " " " " interior, 15 Colorado State Agricultural College, Fort Collins, exterior, . Page. . 18 " " " " " " interior, ... 19 Columbia University, New York City, exterior, 42 " " " " " interior 43 Copyright, Dayton Y. M. C. A., exterior, " " interior, Denver, Colo., Manual Training High School, exterior, . . 4 . . 54 . . 55 . . 62 " " " " " " interior, .... 63 Engine, Center-Crank Class "A," 122 " " and General Electric Company Generator, . 123 Engines, Upright Type 124 " " and Triumph Electric Company Generator, . . 125 Exhauster "B," 130 Fan, Steel Plate Engine, 127 5 . 134 Foreword, Forge OD, Forge 02D, 132 Forge 09U . . 131 Forge 04, 137 Forge 05, 138 Forge 06, 139 Forge 07, Forge 07T Forges, Description of, Girard College, exterior, " " interior, Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, interior, Heater, Fan System, House of Refuge, Randall's Island, exterior, . " " " " interior, . Ilowaldtswerke, Kiel, Germany, interior, .... " " " interior, .... Illinois Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal, exterior, " " " " " interior, 135 136 133 38 39 104 128 92 93 120 121 72 73 141 Page. Iowa Agricultural College, exterior, 84 " " " interior, 85 Kentucky State College, Lexington, exterior 58 " " " " interior, . . .... 59 Lincoln Institute, Jefferson, Mo., exterior 94 Louisville, Ky., Manual Training School, exterior, 1G " " " interior blacksmith shop, 17 Massachusetts State Reformatory, exterior 20 " " " interior forge shop 21 Mechanical Draft Apparatus 126 Miller Manual Labor School, exterior, 50 " " " " interior, 57 Milwaukee East Side High School, interior, ... .... 110 Milwaukee West Side High School, exterior 102 " " " " " interior of Blacksmith Shop, . 103 Mississippi Agricultural College, interior, 83 New Conklin Wagon Works, interior, 117 New Mexico College of Agriculture, Mesilla 1'ark, two views, . . 95 New York State Reformatory, exterior, 64 " " " interior, .05 N. Carolina Agric'l and Mechanical College, Greensboro, exterior, 08 ' " " " " " interior, 09 Ohio State University, Hayes Hall 30 " ' " " " interior blacksmith shop, , . 31 Peoria & Eastern Railway Co., interior, 118 " ' ' " " interior, 119 Pennsylvania Reform School, exterior, 34 " " " interior 35 Pennsylvania Soldiers' Orphans' Industrial School, exterior, . . . 106 " " " " " interior, . . . 107 Prairie View State Normal School, exterior, 86 " " " " " interior, 87 Quotation 1 Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, exterior, 06 " " " " " interior, 07 Sibley College, Cornell University, exterior, 28 Page. Sibley College, Cornell University, interior blacksmith shop, . . 29 Smith, Jackson G. , interior, 116 State House of Refuge, Randall's Island, N. Y., 92-93 Stout Manual Training School, Main Building, 88 " " " " Machine Shop, interior, .... 89 " " present Forge Shop, " .... 90 " ' " previous " " " .... 91 Technical School Equipment, Description, 9 Technical School Equipment, Description, Ill "The Village Blacksmith," 2 Throop Polytechnic Institute, exterior, 36 " " " interior 37 Title, 3 Toledo University, exterior, ... 108 " " interior, 109 Tudhope Carriage Co., interior, 114 " " " interior, 115 University of Illinois Machinery Building, exterior, 26 " " " " interior 27 University of Missouri, exterior, 40 " " " interior, 41 University of Nebraska, exterior, 70 " " interior, 71 Utah Agricultural College, exterior, 100 " " " interior 101 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, exterior, 98 " " ' interior, .99 Virginia Polytechnic Institute, exterior, 60 " " " interior 61 Washington, D. C. , Central High School, interior, 105 Washington University, St. Louis, Main Building, 96 " " " interior 97 West Virginia University, exterior, 46 " " " interior, 47 Wisconsin School for the Deaf, exterior, 24 " " " ' interior, 25 142 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INI 1 !IAL FINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD 21-10m-5,'43 (6061s) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY