It/ CLAVIS SYRIACA ("Tambrttge: PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. & BON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. CLAVIS SYRIACA: A KEY TO THE ANCIENT SYRIAC VERSION, CALLED "PESHITO," OF THE FOUR HOLY GOSPELS. BY THE REV. HENRY F. WHISH, M.A., CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. LONDON: GEORGE BELL AND SONS. CAMBEIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL AND CO. 1883 PREFACE. LITTLE need be said in the way of introduction to the following Work, which in answering to its title sufficiently explains its own object: viz. to furnish a complete analysis of the text of the Four Gospels, as it exists in that ancient and venerable Syriac Version of the New Testament, commonly called Peshito i.e. the simple, or literal: a Version which loses nothing of its value from the fact, that whereas for a long time it was regarded as the most ancient, the researches of later years have brought to light a MS. of the Gospels in Syriac, supposed to be at least as ancient as the Old Latin, and which is now in the British Museum. The plan which I have endeavoured to carry out in the following pages is this : To give 1 . The Syriac word, as it stands in the text. 2. The English rendering, according to the Authorized Version, with a more literal translation where it seems necessary. 3. The corresponding Greek word, or words, preceded, where not strictly literal, by the abbreviation Gr. 4. The parsing of the word, with all its various forms, as occurring in the Gospels, or in other parts of the New Testament, with references. As a rule, I have not thought it necessary to give the affixed forms, except where the simple form does not otherwise occur, or where the affix seems to present any peculiarity. 5. The derived forms traced to their respective Roots. Under this head are in some cases added derivatives from verbs and nouns, which, although not occurring in the Gospels, often serve to illustrate the meaning of the original Root. 2092385 H PREFACE. 6. The analogous, or cognate, form, where such exists, (a) In Hebrew, with reference (except in a few very common words) to one or more familiar passages in the Old Testament. (b) In Chaldee, with similar, but fuller, references to the Books of Daniel and Ezra. 7. A literal translation of such passages as deviate in any remarkable degree from the Original, whether in grammatical construction, or in the actual reading of the text. Where the Syriac Version, thus deviating from the Received Text, agrees with one or more of the most ancient Greek MSS., such agree- ment is noted: the MSS. referred to being principally the Sinaitic, the Vatican, and the Alexandrine. I have appended a complete Index to the whole Work, by reference to which the Student will readily find every word including every conjugation of the Verb where it first occurs, and where it is fully explained. In the arrangement of this Clavis, the Gospel of S. John is placed first in order; since, as in Greek, so in Syriac, its language and construction is the simplest, and presents fewer difficulties to the beginner : and by this plan, the Gospel of S. Luke, which is the most difficult, stands last. The Text which I have followed is that published by Mr Bagster, and bound up with Gutbir's Lexicon. Although designed, in the first instance, for the use of beginners, this Work does not profess to be, in the strictest sense, elementary ; it being taken for granted that the student has mastered at least the Elements of Syriac Grammar, and is acquainted with the forms of Nouns and Adjectives, Paradigms of Verbs, &c. The Grammars to which I have occasionally referred are those of Dr Phillips, President of Queens' College, Cambridge (Deighton, Bell and Co.), and B. Harris Cowper, Esq. (Williams and Norgate). There is also a very useful little Grammar pre- fixed to the " Syriac Reading Lessons," published by Mr Bagster, PREFACE. iii I take this opportunity of expressing my great obligation to the Rev. J. Sandford Bailey, for his kind counsel and invaluable assistance while this work was preparing for the press : to the Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury, for his great kindness in allowing me to submit the MS. to his inspection; and to my revered Diocesan, the Lord Bishop of Chichester, for the high honour he has done me in permitting me to dedicate these pages to him. It is my earnest hope that my work may prove not altogether unworthy of such patronage. I shall feel that my object has been fully attained, and the labour of many years well spent, if it should be the means of affording some assistance to those who have begun, and perhaps of encouraging many to begin, the study of the Syriac Language : a Language which must commend itself to all, not only for its own intrinsic beauty and sweetness (the very Italian of the Semitic family), and the ease with which, especially with a previous acquaintance with Hebrew, it may be acquired ; but chiefly as being, in all pro- bability, the native Tongue of the Son of God Manifest in the Flesh, the Language in which His "Gracious Words" were uttered, His Sermon on the Mount, His Parables, His Words of love, reproof, and warning ; the Language which gave expression to His last Cry on the Cross, X "> . -s ..* X 05 Pf isOflC tMj-tifi UlJDj ~ 71 HENRY F. WHISH. BRIGHTON, June 22, 1883. ERRATA. y Page 3, line 14, for ^ read ,_. 21, 16, for ^OoAk) ,-lD read 88, 4 from the bottom, for "quadrilateral," read "quadri- literal." 90, 4, for ]Jo read f^. 101 (Chap. v. 2), for fZooj read fAoO). 103, lines 21, 22, for fkoiX Jio], read ]loiX ]o{. 134, line 13, for ^oAj] read ^oAj}. 145, 13, for o5^!,AkA read 149, 5, for ^O]^aAj5 read 163, 4 from the bottom, for A .]". m^ rea d A.]", m^ 175, 12, for OLL53 read 183, 5, for oil read O 199, 1, for tt^4^ 240, 14, for "Editors" read "Editions". 262, 23, for ^JQjo read *D3Oj. 7 ^ 7 >. ,, 310, 3 from the bottom, for wjOIQ^Oj^i read _*CTK1D)'CLO. 322, 6, for Iv^r^ read ]-;mC\> 386, 387, top of page, for "Matthew" read "Mark". 1 ^ ^ " v 1 391, line 15, for ^Q_i_A. read fO._.^>t 480, 4, for Ijlom read CLAVIS. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S. JOHN. \^ ' ^ 1n l The Holy Gospel, the Preaching of John the Preacher, which he spoke and preached in Greek at Ephesus. CHAPTER I (0 * 7 ft \ ^p|I-2LQ, a chapter from the Gr. Kfd\aiov. J Ver. 1. A > m ..-> { n t/i e beginning ei/ apxi). wO inseparable preposition. . A i >3 noun fern, denom. from _*_>), head, A beginning. _!o I X A . ; ^ f>' nn i the beginning, CITT" apx'fo c ^' y iii- ^4 : S. Matt. xix. 4, 8; S. Mark x. 6 Def. (A . >> ; the beginning, Hebr. iii. 14 ; vii. 3. The first, Acts xxvi. 23. First-fruits, S. James . I i. 18. PL def. )A___j5, Hebr. vii. 4 (Gr. IK r V A_], / have, Lat. Est mihi; ^l A^|, thou hast, ch. iv. 11. Similarly is used A__^ = A_ | (J , is not. 7 * the Word 6 Ao'yos Def. of Jllo (S. Matt. iv. 4, &c.) noun fern, (here masc. in sense, and therefore joined with a masc. verb), A word, speech, or thing, cause, reason (as Heb. *"fl1). PI. i \Vn ; def. |1^D, ch. iii. 34. Constr. ]5;_ _J^lo, the words ^ T > D 7 of truth, Acts xxvi. 25. Root ^LD Pa. ^Lio, spoke. Heb. n?ft, Ps. xix. 5. Thing (as iii), Job xxxii. 11. Chald. rhft (for X^ft) word, Dan. ii. 9^ T Def. HTTpD, and 1 ^, ver. 5, 15. J%n#, ii. 5, 8, ifec. OOTO pers. pron. 3. sing. masc. prefixed with the copulative conj. O, and. It expresses here the force of the Gr. art. o. PI. masc. 7r>\ wi^A Trio's Preposition. With affixes, -tZQ,\, tt'ii/i me, J.n\ } with us, &c. Also signifying to, towards, at the hands of (S. Matt, vi, 1). Zo\ ^..LD, from; (JlZo^ ^Jk?, /rom //im, ch. vii. 29, below. GOD Tov eov Def. of C7l^, Rev. viii. 2; xxii. 9, according to De Dieu ; Others read the def. form, as here and elsewhere in the N.T __ Fern. def. |2.O"L_S\, the Goddess, Acts xix. 27 : with aff. ver. 37. PI. masc. def. jatl^, ch. x. 34, 35, below. Heb. jrriSx, Ps- 1- 22. Chald. fiStf, Dan. ii. 18. Def. ver. 20. PI. ?lS ver. 11. T t> p 2. pen this, the same ouros Demonstr. pron. masc. sing. PI. masc. i-Arn ; these, those. S. JOHN I. 3. Ver. 3. XkD all, all things Travra Properly a noun masc. denoting entirety, . , universality, but used adjectively. With affixes, . \ n , we all, . all of us; ^n^y-v all of you, &c. When referring to a following noun, the affix agrees with that noun, and is pleonastic ; as P 7 . , j^nv (JLAD , all (of if) the people. Heb. and Chald. 7^3 > " /3> f frequent use. T 1 pD 6y .fl^'s hand, i.e. &?/ .ZTwn. Gr. Si' avrou Def. (with prefixed preposition, to which the first vowel is remitted, and affixed 7 pron. 3. sing, masc.) of ,_, noun fern. The hand, seldom occur- ring as a noun. Def. "),_] (S. Mar. vii. 32) the hand, also power, I dominion. PI. (of masc. form) _ tr _], S. Mar. ix. 43; Col. ii. 11. Def. t], S. John vii. 30, 44. ,j with pref. *O, ^L is used as a preposition. means of. ,_ ^L, at, near, by the side, shore, of. Heb. Y- Chald. T def. XT', Dan. v. 5, 24. T - T ; |OO1 toa.9, was made, came into existence eyei/cro The Substantive . ->\ * verb, pret. 3. sing. Fut. JOTLJ, S. Matt. xxvi. 35 -- Imperat. ^001, S. Matt. ii. 13; pi. OOO1, v. 48: S. Luke xii. 36, 40 __ x Inf. with pref. X, ]nmVr.\ S. John iii. 9 ; ix. 27 ; S. Matt. xix. 21 __ Part. ICKJI, S. Mark iv. 28. Fern. ]Iooi, S. Matt. xii. 45; xiii. 22; S. Mark iv. 19, 32. PL masc. <_*odi, S. Matt. xiv. 21 ; xv. 38 ; S. Luke ix. 14. Fern. -OO1, S. Mar. xii. 25 ; S. Luke xx. 34, 35. For the complete paradigm of this verb, see Phillips's Gram. 33. Added to the participle or preterite of verbs, it forms their imperfect and pluperfect tense respectively, and the two words coalesce, Ol taking the linea occultans. Thus : Imperf. |O(TI \s 5 (Kotelvo) lie was killing. Pluperf. "jocn ^^0 (K'talvo) he had killed. Similarly, it forms its own tenses ; as, IP 1* P OCTI |O (Rom. vii. 8 ; Philem. ver. 14) prep. Without, besides. Followed by ^JiO, S. Matt. x. 29 ; S. Luke xxii. 6. Takes affixes as a pi. noun, as here 3. masc. So OT_,-li_^O, without it (sc. j/n t o ^ fern, holiness), Hebr. xii. 7o. 14; ', v \*'\ without us, Hebr. xi. 40. Heb. HjSa, with aff. H^S, T^P??, Gen> xlL 16 ' 44 ' Comp. of 7*3 wo, and *W >*7y ww^. Compare ^1V7*3 C: 9 ..*?:.? -. J-. . ) always with pref. [J^ Hg^D, Ps.' xviii. 32. ^, Tzoi eve/I ovoi Comp. of ^)V> a ^> anc ^ JJ ^o. 1!> 7 ,_KJ owe 2f Fern, of r *a (ver. 40) where see note. One, a certain one (TIS). Zooi luas cyei^ro Pret. 3. sing. fern, of |om. See note above. The point over Z marks the feminine gender. something, anything Indeclinable. Followed, as here, by 5 that which, whatsoever. It forms phrases : as ^O,lD i>O,lO various, Acts xxi. 34; io^ib ]J and ]] X\iD, nothing, S. John xvi. 23; S. Matt. v. 13 : iO,l D, all, whatsoever, S. John xvi. 23: iO,iD ^^O; in every way, Gr. Kara Travra rpo-rrov, Rom. iii. 2. V 7 |OO"I5 iAai which was, existed o ye'yovev 5, relative pronoun, with T before a vowelless consonant. ^ 4. OTO MI ZTim ev avr<3 Preposition with affix 3. sing. masc. 1 - 7 7 P_K Zt/e 0)17 Def. of _A__KJ, pi. noun masc. life, health. The two X dots (Ribui) mark the plural. Agrees, as an abstract noun, with the verb "JOO1 in the singular. But in the next clause it is joined with the pi. form ^OCTLiA-il. 7 I Heb. D v ; * 7 |3O1QJ the light TO ^ *"!* of men lit. of the sons of men TWV dvOpwirwv Plur. of r . p p 7 - ^*"> (ch. ii. 25) def. | \- "\ ver. 6, below. Noun masc. com- 7 P. p p. pounded of ;_O, sow, and -*-JJ, def. H&-3J, man, by aphseresis of 1 p p* 7 . The sing. def. in a separate form, f-*-JJ }^D, occurs, S. Matt. .PP. ..7 xii. 12 : also the pi. (jijf - T"\ S. Matt. vi. 5, &c. p *. 5. (no .... o ill the darkness Iv rrj O-KOTIO. Def. (with pref. prep. }) of X > 11 (ch. xx. 1) noun masc. Dark, darkness R. Heb. 'n Gen. i. 2. Chald. *:i^n Dan. ii. 22. r 7 7 5o"Ll!o shining, shineth <^>aiVci. Aphel part, of 3CTJ, shone. Aph. 7 i 7 3OUJ (Acts xvi. 29), lightened, illuminated; Pret. 3. fern. , S. Luke ii. 9 __ Fut. 5 7 *.V ^5,J, 1 Thess. iv. 15 __ Imperat. ^5j|, 1 Tim. vi. 12 __ Inf. O!ji r V>V, Eph. iii. 18 __ Part. ^.3,lD, 1 Cor. ix. 9 ; Fern. p5,iO, S. Mark ix. 18. Heb. Hiph. *:p"VTn caused to walk, Ps. xxv. 5, 9 ; cvii. 7 ; cxix. 35 ; overtook, with ace. Judg. xx. 43. Derivatives, |Au55, noun fern. def. a treading out corn, 1 Tim. v. 18. 1A25O), noun fern. def. a footstep, Acts vii. 5. 7 7 - 6. JjA^lJ who was sent Gr. aTreoraX/AeVos Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, (with 6 S. JOHN I. 6, 7. e 7 Yer. G. pref. relat. >, to which the first vowel is remitted) of ifj* (not used in Peal); Pael 5,_, sent Ethpa. 5j/L"), S. Luke iv. 26 ^ A V* (where however the Vienna and some other Edits, read }JLL|, Z* 7 * .7 ^ 5jAj|, Acts xiii. 26: 2. sing. Z)jZL], S. John iii. 2 : 1. sing. Zjj/La"), S. Matt. xv. 24; S. Luke iv. 43 : 3. pi. O5ji ver. 24, below; S. Luke 7 A 1* vii. 10; xix. 32; Acts v. 22 (Vienna and some others O3jA-|) ; x. 17; xi. 11. 3. pi. fern. ^j^Vf, Rev. v. 6 __ Part. 5;/V), pi. masc. ,__5jA^lo, 1 S. Pet. ii. 14. Chald. Ithpa. part. ^l^Tft^'D exerted himself, endeavoured, followed by 7 Dan. vi. 15. H //om irapa. Preposition. his name ovo/xa aurw ^Q_ (Eph. i. 21) noun masc. A name. Wit haff. pron. of the 3rd pers. Def. kL, S. Mark iii. 16, 17. Constr. ^O*, S. John v. 43; S. Matt, xxviii. 19. With *, affixes, ~.Vv , Thy name, S. Matt. vi. 9, &c. . V) , My name, S. John xiv. 13, 26, &c. For an explanation of this latter form, see Phillips's Gr. 29 (4); Cowper's Gr. 154 (3). PI. _iorlCL ^ i (irreg.) Phil. ii. 9. Def. IcflSa*, S. Matt. x. 2. With aff. yOtTUCTlV?*, S. John x. 3 ; ^onjOTla*, S. Luke x. 20. Heb. Qfc^ (of very frequent occurrence) Chald. Q^ Dan. . \ ' iv. 5 ; Ezr. v. 1. Takes affixes as from EJJ see Dan. ii. 20 ; iv. 5,, Ezr. v. 4, 10. 7. (2.") came rj\6ev Yerb pret. 3. sing. Came, arrived. Joined with * * ^T ^O, ClN, it signifies made froyress, as in 1 Cor. xi. 17 : with 5Ao, followed, as in ver. 27, 38, below. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 'ZZ], 7 t ch. ii. 4. 2. sing. A-.Z'f, ch. vi. 25, &c. 1. sing. AJLf, ver. 31, 7 x below. 3. pi. oZf, ver. 39, below. 2. pi. .oA_.Zf, S. Matt. xxv. 7 ^7 36. 1. pi. Zf, S. Matt. ii. 2 __ Fut. ]Z]j, ch. iv. 4, &c. Fern. S. JOHN I. 7. 7 Ver. 7. ]L]L, S. Luke i. 43. 2. sing. ]L]L, 2 Tim. iv. 21. 1. sing. ]L], S. John xiv. 3. 3. pi. > i ]Zp, Hebr. vi. 1. Imperat. ]L, ver. 43, 46, below. Fern. *Z, S. John iv. 16. PI. ol, ver. 39, below ; Fern. " .]? , S. Matt, xxviii. 6 __ Inf. (with ^) ll^X S. John vii. 34, 36 __ Part. ]Z], ver. 9, below; Fern. 1_Z], ch. iv. 15. PI. masc. iZ"), ver. 7 7 TIL" 38, below: combined with ^-J->>, 1 "' |, ch. xiv. 23; xxi. 3: Fern. ,J;ZT, 1 S. Pet. ii. 19. Part. Peil _Zf, S. John vi. 17; pi. <--.UZf, ch. xi. 19. Heb. nntf (used in poetry only) Deut. xxxiii. 2. Chald. , Danvii. 22. Inf. KHft ch. iii. 2. ]Zo?\ for a witness eis fj-aprvpiav A, to, for Inseparable pre- position used also to mark the accusative case. ^ *x o *x t> |Z.O>OTTO, def. of O301.CO (Acts xiv. 16) noun fern. Testimony, witness. Constr. form. |;_QQ_ ZojCTLCD, witness of untruth, i.e. false witness, S. Matt. xv. 19. PI. ^OjOlCD, def. "fZoijcjLCD, with aff. ^paiZojCTLCD, S. Mark xiv. 56. Compare Gen. xxxi. 47, where this word is used by Laban the Syrian. Root 5C7LCD, ivit- nessed. The Heb. word "If"!^ with aff. ^"I""l2^ my ivitness, record, is .. - j . T . _ j found once, Job xvi. 19. f 7 5OTCQJJ to bear witness, that he might bear witness Iva. papTvpyo-r; Aphel fut. 3. sing. (pref. > here a causal conjunction) of JOT-CD, * v' witnessed. A ph. )CTLCD| (ver. 32, below), bore witness: Pret. 2. sing. ZjCTLCol, Acts xxiii. 11: 1. sing. Z^OUCD") , ver. 34, below: 3. pi. OjtTLCol, Acts x. 43 : 1. pi. v )dlD'), 1 Cor. xv. 15 __ 7i 7 -7* V Fut. 1. sing. 5O1TDJ, S. John xviii. 37 -- Imperat. 5Vn ) S. Matt, xxiii. 31, &c. Combined with ^ i .ynrnVOj S. John iii. 11. concerning rrepi' Preposition. p *. - i \*"^ ^w& every man, all men Gr. Iva. TTCIVTCS Compounded of ^\D + -*J I , by aphseresis of ] , but often used as separate words. Pref. 5, causal conjunction. 7 Vn .rn 1 might believe Gr. Trterrevcrwcrt Aphel fut. 3. sing, (with 3 , prefixed to the foregoing word, having the force of the subjunc- 7 V tive) of . ^l; persevered, was constant, faithful ; used only in part. Peil _*_lO | , def. ( 1 ..Vnj } faithful, constant, Phil. i. 3 : Fern, (same form) 1 Tim. v. 5: def. | A i > Vn] Acts xii. 5. X PL iJUlof, Acts i. 14, &c. : def. "iij^] 7 , 1 Tim. v. 23. ^ I 7> I Ethpeel _lD|_j, remained firm, constant, once in Imperat. pi. l* Col. iv. 2. 1> Aph. V) >rn (S. John iii. 18) believed. In this form the characteristic H of the Heb. Hiph. P/b^H is retained, and the 1st radical changed to Yud. Usually followed by _1 or *Z2 ; but sometimes immediately by the noun, as in S. Mark xvi. 1 1 : 7 y S. Luke xxiv. 11. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 'Ai V> .rn S. Luke i. 45 2. sing. Ai V> .rn g. John xx. 29, &c. 1. sing. AlLCuOl, Acts xvi. 15. 3. pi, S. John ii. 11, &c. 2. pi. >rn S. Mark v. 36 : Fern. - . 1 V> .rn with afF. ^7 i, 7 . . i . 1^0 .m g. John iv. 21: PI. QJlQ_Ol, ch. x. 38, &c -- Inf. niVn.rn^n c h. v. 44 __ Part. V> iCTlk?, ver. 50, below, 7 and frequently. Def. (-i^f>_. t rnVr> ; ch. xx. 27 : Fern, (same form) ch. xi. 26, 27: Def. ] A i V .rnko , Acts xvi. -1. PI. S. JOHN I. 79, 9 7 1 Ver. 7. masc. i V> .rnVn ver. 12, below; combined with i *, 7 7 - .. 7 _ 1 i TVl-tOllO, ch. iv. 42 : Def. p-LCLiOliD, Acts viii. 2, &c. Part. pass. ^V} >OlLo, .n-i V> Acts xiii. 34. PI. * T> 7 masc. def. [iLOjOllO, S. Luke xvi. ,11, 12. As a substantive, S. Matt. xix. 12. PI. fern. % iVn.rriV/v 1 Tim. iii. 11; Def. ]A^Vr> .rn^n Rev. xxi. 5. Heb. Hiph. (as above) Gen. xv. 6. Chald. Aph. |Jb\1 Dan. vi. 24. Part. pass. ch. ii. 45 ; vi. 5. 8. ]j], but aXXa Conjunction, commonly regarded as identical with the Gr. word which it here represents. But its etymology as com- pounded of J + JJ is evident from its meaning in ch. x. 10, except, ^ unless Gr. ct /JLTJ. ^j fj | , lav pfj, ch. iii. 27. ? 9. r-"-it > for, is the Gr. yap ; and, like it, never begins a sentence. i-" 7 |5;_), of the truth, i.e. the true Light Gr. (TO <<3s) TO aX-qOtvov Noun masc. def. firmness, sincerity, integrity, verity. With pref. 5 of the genitive, which takes v before a vowelless consonant. Pref. *O, ")\- *">, in truth, of a truth, verily, Acts x. 34. Root 7 5f_ ;_, was firm. t> , o, . y 7 T \^\ 30TJLSD5 , which lighteth every man o \N (ch. iii. 15), noun masc. primarily signifying a long or 7_ indefinite space of time eternity (alow, Lat. cevum) ; then the world, Lat. mundus. PI. .^n\C S. Matt. vi. 13. Def. , Rom. xvi. 25. JLoxLj iLD, Gr. o /SacrtXeus TWV aytW (al. lOv&v}, Rev. xv. 3. AY. C. 2 10 S. JOHN I. 911. Ver. 9. Heb. dSty, Ps. xxv. 6. Chald. tity, perpetuity, Dan. iii. 33. 1> 7 10. , S. John iv. 42, &c __ Fut. V?, S. John vii. 51, &c. : Fern. --i>?2., S. Matt. vi. 3. 2. sing. VijZ, 71 1> S. John xiii. 7; S. Luke i. 4. I. sing. VXj], S. Luke i. 18. 3. pi. , Hebr. viii. 11: PL QAj, S. Matt. xxiv. 33, 43 __ Inf. with X, *\&\ S. John xiv. 5 __ Part. V^, ch. i. 31: Fern. 11,1, . .7 * . 7 o ch. iv. 10; coalescing with _Aj|, ujAii^, S. Liike xix. 42. 77" PI. masc. \ , ver. 26, below: coalescing with ,_l_*j, ^ v t -. v x \ x x ch. iii. 2; with v oAj], vpA-i-Lj-i, 2 Cor. iii. 3. Constr. . i Sy-i , Rom. vii. 1 __ For the part. Peil, see note, S. Matt, xxvii. 16. Heb. yT (very frequent) Chald. yT, Dan. ii. 8, &c. 11. T 1 -^ >,--^, to his own cis ra iSta Prep. _^, prefixed to^\_5, a particle compounded of 5 (or i), Chald. ^) and _1 of the dative. With affixes (here 3. masc. sing.) it serves for personal pronouns of all persons and genders. See Phillips, Gr. 28 : Cowper 67, 68. Compare Heb. 'S'^'K, *W. , received Him avrov . . .irapiXafiov Pael pret. 3. pi. (with aff. 3. sing, masc.) of v^rio, demanded of a person, with aff. > > .1 \D.O, Acts xxv. 24. Exclaimed, part. ^LQ, Rom. xi. 2. S. JOHN I. 11, 12. 11 Ver. 11. Opposed himself, fut. ^O^lQJ, Rom. viii. 33. Pa. \\no (ch. iii. 33; S. Laike ix. 11), took, received, accepted. Pret. 3. fern. 4uLo^, 1 Tim. v. 10. 2. sing. A\AA S. Luke xvi. 25. 1. sing. AVon g. John x. 18. 3. pi. O\LD, ch. xvii. 8. 2. pi. Ao S. Luke vi. 24. 1. pi. . no, Acts xxviii. 21. .. 7 _ Fut. \\^r) i S. Matt, xviii. 5; xix. 29, &c. Fern. Hebr. xi. 11. 2. sing. ro, 1 Tim. v. 19; Fern. S. Luke i. 31. 1. sing. ^Lof with aff. 2 Cor. vi. 17. 3. pi. ^oJlnQJ, S. Mark xii. 40; S. Luke xx. 47; with aff. S. John vi. 21. 2. pi. ^oX^LoZ, ch. v. 43. 1. pi. WAr>i Gal. iv. 5 __ Imperat. V\Ao g. Luke xvi. 7. PI. dX^O, S. John xx. 22; S: Matt. xi. 14 __ Inf. A\AAv->\ g. John vii. 39; with aff. (pleonastic) ch. xiv. 17 __ Part. r>^r> c h. iii. 32, &c. Fem. , Hebr. vi. 7. PI. masc. . VooVn S. John iii. 11, &c. Coalescing with * -, ^ Xoo^n Acts xxiv. 3: with ^oAj"), ^A . Voo^n Col. iii. 24 __ Part. pass. W^^Vn use d as a noun; see note, S. Luke iv. 19. Heb. Piel htt, Prov. xix. 20. Chald. Pa. h$p, Van. ii. 6 ; vi. 1; vii. 18. 12. > V >] j they, as many (as) oo-ot Demonstr. pron. pi., usually followed (as here) by 5. i>, the same as the Gr. Se, used in the same way and signification. , He gave eScuxev For the peculiarities of this verb, see Phillips's Gr. 40 (9); Cowper's Gr. 113 (6). A verb de- fective in the Fut. tense and Inf. Mood, which are supplied by the verb \>Aj, found in these two forms only. See note, ver. 22, below. Pret. 3. fern. 'Aixru, S. Mark vi. 28. 2. sing. S. John xvii. 2, &c. 1. sing. A^XTLj, ch. xiii. 15; xvii. 8, 14, 22. 3. pi. cn, ch. iv. 7, 10. PI. CLD.O1, S. Matt. x. 8: Fern. v > O.O1, S. Matt. xxv. 8 -- Part. S. Johniv. 10, &c. Fern. ^DOt*, ch. xv. 2. PI. masc. 7 V S. Matt. xxi. 41, &c. Coalescing with <~l--, t . orn > 2 Cor. i. 20, &c. PI. fern. ^CTLi, 1 Cor. xiv. 7 -- Part. Peil, kHjOlj, * . c * S. John vi. 65: Fern. (njOl_, Acts xix. 39. PI. masc. x ^, i n iCTL*, Acts ii. 47. Heb. 2iT> on ly i n imperat. Prov. xxx. 15 ; Gen. xxix. 21, T and a few other places only. Chald. ^"p , Dan. ii. 37, &c. , to them ai/rois of the dative with affixed pronoun 3. masc. pi. 1 1 !5 m / the power e^ovcrtav Def. of j^^ n * (S. Matt, xxviii. 18) noun masc. rule, dominion, one who has poiver (Arab. Sultan). PI. def. ]JL4\Q_, Rom. viii. 38. Gr. dpxat. R. ^X, had power. . , Chald. rtD7^, Dan. iii. 33, &c. PJ. def. ^D7^, ch. vii. 27. , ch. iii. 2. .... 5, that they might become to become Gr. yei'eV&xt -Fut. 3. pi. of ]oO"I, was, became. The 5, with 7 before a vowelless , t> 7 consonant, prefixed to (JLUD. . p 7 7 ('.' 10 the sons re/cva PI. def. of ^ (ver. 45, below), noun masc. a son. Def. ]j^>, ch. iii. 35. PI. (irreg.) ^ ^ t Acts vii. 29 ; Gal. iv. 22. Constr. . V 1 n, S. Matt. xx. 20; S. Mark iii. 17; 7 S. Luke i. 16 __ ;_O with aff. 1. sing, and 2, 3 pi. takes the n vowel * ; as _>;J2, my sore, S. Matt. ii. 15; iii 17, &c. \ 7/ozw sore, S. John ix. 19. 7 , '' i *"\ enter into certain idiomatic expressions; as }"" .PP. "7 or ( ,1;*7), so q/" wi, i. e. ?Hrt, pi. H*-J| ..a,.!^ or 7 10 gee ver. 4, above. S. JOHN I. 12. 13 Ver. 12. JsoXjJo] - i *">, people of Jerusalem, S. Mark i. 5. years oW, S. John viii. 57. >, twelve years old, S. Luke ii. 42. , 6&OM o/ the household, viz, all but the heads of the family, father and mother, S. Matt. x. 25, 36; xxiv. 45; S. Luke ix. 61. sons of t/ie free, i.e. the free, S. John viii. 33, 36; S. Matt. xvii. 26. , sons of relationship, i.e. kindred, S. Luke i. 58. > ; acquaintance, S. Luke ii. 44. V/i z "* 7 (^T i,V> ^ i ^^ so)is of tlte city, citizens, S. Luke vii. 12; xv. 15; xix. 14. . P 7 7 (^f>v ^^ T^ ; sons of the people nation, S. John xviii. 35. i " v" 7 (V)\ ^O, the son of peace, i. e. one worthy of your favour or regard, S. Luke x. 6. 7 (71 Ai^ ^O, i/te son of his time, i.e. t'w that very hour, immediately, *S. John v. t); xiii. 30; S. Matt. xiiL 5, 20; xxi. 20. Similar phrases occur in other parts of the N. T.; as, * -X " -X 7 * P *> 7 ^OOllQJ-lsDO I r^ 1 ) an( l cnZ.O \ V>0 1 . i 1 *^, a son of their croft, or occupation, fellow-craftsman ; fellow-craftsmen, Gr. O/XOTCX^OS, ofj.6- Tfxyoi. Acts xviii. 3, and xix. 24, 25, 38. . J ..7 ..7 |5Z.| . . < **\ sos q/" the place, i.e. /iey of tliat place, Gr. ol cvroiriot, Acts xxi. 12. o 7 7 (i .V^i . . i -^ 7 grandchildren, Gr. eyora, 1 Tim. v. 4. *" * ^ ^ .. m "i . -^ *^> x sons of my Jlesh, i.e. my own people, Rom. xi. 14. 77 . o 7 .. 7 "^niOl t^i so?i of my yoke, yokefellow, Phil. iv. 3 ; and L.O1 - > ^ ^ , 2 Cor. vi. 14. - ^ - - f> 7 JZ.OZ.J.J - ^ < ^ / joint-heirs, Eom. viii. 17 ; Eph. iii. 6. ^ /as councillors. Acts xxv. 12. D, so?* o/^/ie educators (of Herod), i.e. one who was brought up with him (aff. pleon.), Acts xiii. 1. , sons of idols, idolaters, Rev. ii 14, 20. 14 S. JOHN I. 12, 13. 7 ..7 Ver. 12. - < . * i o ; sons of my years, my equals in aye, Gr. tr s, Gal. i. 14. . 7 . i o ; children of your own tribe, your own countrymen, 1 Thess. ii. 14. Heb. |3, very frequently; *}%, P S - ii- 12; Prov. xxxi. 2. Chald. *O, Dan. iii. 25; Ezr. v. 1. PI. p^Jj, constr. J3, Dan. ii. 25; Ezr. vi. 9. 1 3. O. \, not compounded of O01 (J , is not Interrogatively, ch. vii. 25, 7 below. . P * ? pD5 r-^> y^ owi th e blood, of blood Gr. e ai/Aarwv Def. of iOj (Acts xvii. 26.) noun masc. Blood Takes with aff. 1. sing, and 2, 3. pi. ^ * the vowel of its abs. state, as _*ioj, ch. vi. 54, seqq. ; S. Matt. *. xxvi. 28, &c. ; ^OtniDj, S. Luke xiii. 1. Heb. Qtf, Ps. xciv. 21. > of the will IK ^eX^aros Def. of _*_O , noun masc. Will, good pleasure. With pref. %Z3, adv. willingly, sud sponte, * 7 c Gr. Koi5o-a, Rom. viii. 20. Constr. ^pO"l__aj _*_Ci^O, by the "^ .. 7 P will of their soul, willingly, 2 Cor. viii. 3. PI. with aff. _*_JL_i_C) , my desires, will, Acts xiii. 22. R. is., willed. -* 7 J, q/* the flesh o-apKos Def. (with ) of the gen.) of ;rn-> (ch. xvii. 2) noun masc. Flesh. PI. def. *)-,-m'"\ S. Jude ver. 7. Heb. ^2, Gen. vi. 13; Ps. Ixv. 3. Chald. ^3, Dan. vii. 5. Def. fcTta, ch. ii. 11; iv. 9. , . 7 t ' / 7 (;*"i ,.^j of man avSpos Def. (with 5 of the gen,) of ; ^ ... / noun masc. A man, and man, i.e. the male sex in general. PI. 17 ii 7 ;"> .t ; def. j,^ .I, Acts i. 16, &c. Heb. *^;J (chiefly in poetry) Ps. xxxiv. 9. Chald. "0;!, Dan. ii. 25;' v. 11. PI. p^nil, def. X*^, ch. iii. 8, 12. Root 7 i* Heb. *l^il, was strong, prevailed Syr. Ethpe. or (Ethpa.) ; *^ ../ ( / 7 7i showed himself strong, Imperat. pi. C;-d.< _ | , quit you like men, 1 Cor. xvi. 13. , were born lyewijOrjaav Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. of r S. JOHN I. 13, 14. 15 Ver. 13. birth to. Ethpe. ,j (ix. 19), was born. Followed by _au_i5) was born again, see ch. iii. 3, 7 __ Pret. 2. sing. I* ch. ix. 34: 1. sing. 2j!il2f, Acts xxii. 8 : 2. pi. - 1 S. Pet. i. 23 __ Put. jJLiAj, S. John iii. 4 __ Part. , ver. 3, 5. Inf. n,^ .A\ V er. 7. 14. ^\t|O> awc ? dwelt, tabernacled KCH eo-K^Vwcrev Aph. pret. 3. sing. (pref. O, to which the vowel is remitted) of ^ .., used only in * 7 ^-^i Aph. _,. | , overshadowed, protected, fell or rested upon. Followed ..7 . 7 .7 by *}, as here ; or, as elsewhere, by ^L. Pret. 3. fern. 'AJL.t f, Acts x. 44: xi. 15. Fut. ^.^.J (or r -^) S. Luke i. 35. Gr. cTrtovciao-ei Acts ii. 26; 2 Cor. xii. 9. 3. fern. ,iiZ, Acts v. 15. Heb. |JJ|, with ^y_, 2 Kings xx. 6. Hiph. fj, with ^, Isa. xxxi. 5. 7 *"\ iw. ws ev y/jiiv Prepos. *Z2 with aff. 1. pi. 77 ,__1_KO, and we beheld xat lOeaadfjieOa Pret. 1. pi. (pref. O with 7 before a vowelless consonant) of |]_K (ver. 18) saw, beheld. Pret. 1 3. fern. '2.]_K, ch. xx. 1,12, 14, 18, &c. 2. sing. A_4>j, Acts xxii. 15: with aff. S. John ix. 37; xx. 29. 1. sing. A^p^, c h. viii. 38. 7 -.7 3. pi. G|>J, ver. 39, below, &c. ; Fern. _*)-"> S. Mark xv. 47, &c. 2. pi. ^oA-.^K,, S. John v. 37, &c -- Fut. li>^J, ch. iii. 3. 2. sing. ll-KZ., ver. 46, 50, below. 1. sing. ]p-l> S. Mark x. 51 : 3. pi. vOp-, S. John vii. 3: 2. pi. vpV^, ver. 39, 51, below; 1. pi. |]_KJ, ch. vi. 30 __ Imperat. _ !_*-; ch. vii. 52, &c.; pi. 0\**, ch. iv. 29: Fern. V .jj^, S. Matt, xxviii. 6 -- Inf. lij^LD, S. Matt. xiii. 14; pref. \ S. Matt. xi. 7, 8, 9, &c. fc'T* P O Part. jl-KJ, ver. 33, below; fern. f-tV-^j ch. iv. 19. PI. masc. * n 770 , ch. vi. 2, &c. : coalescing with ^ T K>, _J_iV^> ch. ix. 41 -_with ^0^, ^oA^j, Phil. iii. 17. PI. fern. <\, S. Matt. xiii. 16. 16 S. JOHN I. 14. Ver. 14. Heb. HTH, chiefly in poetry, Ps. xlvi. 9, &c. Cliald. Dan. ii. 31, 34, &c. CTL ^O- , his glory rrjv Soai/ O.VTOV Def. (with aff. 3. sing, muse.) X % e * of wKK-OQ_, def. ( K v on (in the next clause) noun masc. 7 7 V Praise, glory, Majesty. R. o^>-d-, Pa. >^X, glorified. M-l, as ^5 Conjunction answering to the Heb. 3. ), of the Only-begotten ynovoycvovs Def. (pref. 5 of the gen., to which the first vowel is remitted) of - ^ > -- ; noun masc., em owfr/ owe > onZy child. Fern. def. jA_,_i_KKj, S. Luke viii. 42. Heb. TIT* Gen. xxii. 2. R. *HT, was united. * ^o> ; which (is) from the Father Gr. Trapa Tlarpo? Def. of *ZZ I , noun masc. This noun (like \^ J , brother, and [LcUa , father- in-law) takes in the sing. O before all affixes, excepting that of 1. sing, in which y is changed to ", thus: - * *^"), my father, ch. ii. > 7 *. .7 16; fO^\, thy father, ch. viii, 19; v_CTlQJ2i|, his father, ver. 18, <>>? 9v .7 below; O1QJDJ, her father, ch. viii. 44; ^*">j, our father, ch. ** ^ ^7 *X ^ iv. 12; ^CUDQLJOJ, your father, ch. viii. 38; .OCT1CLO|, their father, S. Matt. iv. 21. The pi. has two forms; masc. ^OTd], \ " " "? ^ x Hebr. xii. 9. def. jCTLdf, S. Luke i. 17, patres naturales; and f. f " .7 fern. def. JZ.CTLOJ, S. John vii. 22, patres spirituales. According to Amira, this distinction extends to the singular, the first being distinguished by Ruchoch (|^)]), and the second by Kuschoi (161). Heb. 3tf Ps. ciii. 13; Constr. Ixviii. 6. Chald. }K, with aff. \*t)iK, Dan. v. 2. PI. tn^Ni with aff. Dan. ii. 23; Ezr. iv. -. I T T _. 15; v. 12. ?> which (is) full (sc. ")A_^D, but masc. see note above, ver. 1) jr\i]pr]s Part. Peil (pref. rel. 5 with 7 before a vowelless conso- nant) of ]IlD, filled. Here, as throughout the N. T., in immediate construction with the following word. Fern. ( \^"> / ch. xxi. 11; Acts xvii. 16; S. James iii. 17. Constr. A \ V-n S. Luke i. 28; S. JOHN I. 14, .15. 17 Ver. 14. Eph. iii. 10. PI. masc. - V^>, S. Matt. xiv. 20, &c. Constr. - V - Vn, 2 S. Pet. ii. 13. PI. fern. v vVJ>, 1 S. Pet. i. 22. For the verb itself, see note, S. John ii. 7. f *> 7 * 7 (Z.O*~i > , grace Gr. ^apiros Def. of "*^> (Rom. iv. 4) noun fern. Favour, beneficence. R. } j-^ , Pa. **^ > ^ , did good. p * ? * |ZLQ_QO, ow tfrwi!/*. Gr. KOI aXrjfleias Def. (pref. O) of Z.O m,O, noun masc. Truth. PL ,A ^n n , not occurring in the N. T. Heb. fcfcJJn, pgfp, Ps. Ix. 6; Prov. xxii. 21. Chald. &ft?p, Dan. iv. 34, tDi^'p'tttj 01CO, 1 S. John i. 2. PL def. IjOLQD, S. Matt. xxvi. 59, &c. . .rnn\v j of (concerning] Him Trepl CLVTOV ^JL, prepos. with aff. 3. ~ siug. masc. t> V P-QO, and cried /cat Ke'/cpayc Verb Peal pret. (pref. O with 7 before a vowelless consonant) cried out, exclaimed, proclaimed. Pret. 3. fera. 'ALo, S. Luke i. 42. 1. sing. A i SO, Acts xxiv. 21. 3. pi. OAT), S. John xviii. 40. &c __ Fut. ^n, S. Matt. xiL 19; T 3. pi. fern. v i sni, S. Luke xix. 40 -- Inf. ]snV)\, S. Mark x. 47 __ Part. ]ljD, S. John vii. 37, &c. Fern. U-^> s - Matt. xv. 22, 23. PL masc. ^- ^^, S. John xii. 13, &c. Compare Heb. n^iU cried, lowed (of cows), 1 Sam. vi. 12. *TT * , and said Gr. Xe'ycov Verb Peal pret. (the first vowel remitted " ?> to O prefixed). Said, spoke. Pret. 3. fern. 'Z,^LD^, S. Mark v. 33; . 7 S. Luke ii. 48. 2. sing. masc.|, S. John xviii. 34, fec. w. c. 3 18 S. JOHN I. 15. . 7 . 1< .- Ver. 15. Fern. _.Z.;iDJ, ch. iv. 18. 1. sing. Z.;ioj, in this ver. and ver. 30, 50. 3. pi. masc. Ojioj , ver. 22, below, &c. ; Fern, wiio] , S. Luke xxiv. 10, 24; and _*t&fi S. Matt. xxv. 8; S. Mark xvi. 8; S. Luke xxiv. 9. 2. pi. 7 >* y fern. __',> |, ch. xxviii 7; S. Mark xvi. 7 Inf. V)(^nX J i S. John viii. 26 Part. {icf, ver. 23, below. Fern, "j^o) , ch. ii. i. -o 7 3. PL masc. __>^OJ, ver. 38, below; coalescing with ^ , ^-LIlDf, ch. viii. 48. PI. fem. V V^ < |, S. Matt. xxv. 9, 11 Part. Peil : > ^f, S. Matt. iii. 3: fem. ] > Vnf Acts ii. 16. X X Heb. *)^t^, of very frequent occurrence Chald. ^Jj^, Dan. - T ~ ~; ii. 25, &c. ft *. 1 QJO1 , this is Gr. OVTOS yv For OO1 pen , the latter word represent- ing the Copula. 7 *> o .. OO1, .Se, Demonstr. pronoun. PL .QJO1. Fem. c_Ol, pi. _kJOl. Jj, that I said of whom I spake 6V elirov Pret. 1. sing, of (see above), with pref. ) to which the vowel is remitted. 9, after me OTTIO-O) ftov 5A), prep. (ch. ii. 12) after; with y 7 aff. 1. sing. The particle 5 is employed to introduce a speech or quotation. This word, besides its simple and affixed forms, occurs in the following compound forms : A 7 " 7 * 1. ?Ao ?Ao, one thing after anot/ier, in order, Acts xi. 4. 2. ^JAp, S. John xi. 7, 11. ^JDjAo ^k>, S. Luke xii 4. ^- jL^SAa ^D, Hebr. iv. 8. Afterwards. 3. 5AO i, o/i!er, followed by a noun, ch. v. 4; S. Matt. i. 12. S. JOHN I. 15, 16. 19 Ver. 15. 5 5Ai3 ^\ after that, postquam, followed by a verb, S. Matt. xxvi. 32; S. Luke xxii. 20; Acts i. 3, 13. 4. As a noun in the def. state, with pref. , 5An, to the back, back again, 2 S. Pet. ii. 21. O Transl. That after me He cometh, and was before me. O"L^, to Him is here pleonastic. See Cowper's Gr. 198. 7 p p before me e^Trpoardcv /AOU J>O,>Q (S. Matt. v. 16), prep. Before; taking pi. affixes; here with aff. 1. pi. ^O,_Q ^.Lo, before, 7 * S. John xvii. 24. - . Vn^ r> _io, before me, ch. v. 7. 5 iOpO, e t\ before that, priusquam, S. Mark xiv. 30. 5 iO,_Q V> ; the same, S. John xiii. 19; xvii. 5. Chald. Q*lp, D"7p> Dan. ii. 9, and very frequently. because on u^D, prep. On account of, Gr. Sia, ch. iii. 29; S. Mark iv. 7; Rom. iv. 25. For the sake of, Gr. eve/cci/, S. Matt. v. 10. Followed, as here, by 5, Because, since; in order that, G*r. Iva, S. John vii. 23; S. Mark iii. 10. Followed by ]joi, or J5O1, to which it is sometimes joined as one word, it means Because of this, therefore, ver. 31, below; S. Matt. xii. 27, 31; . xxiii. 34. Followed by, or joined with, |l.Vf), Wherefore, why? With pron. affixes it takes the form A\ R^n ; as, ^jAX^D, for my sake, S. Matt. v. 11; OlA^S (she heard) of Him, S. Mark vii. 25. * * 07 i Vf> ocn - ^ n . <"\ He is before, anterior to, me Gr. Trpwros p-ov rjv OO1 here represents the logical copula, and the two words are ~ l> 7 pronounced as one, Kadmoyu - Vyo } noun masc. The first, . (> 7 preceding, ancient, elder. Def. (^LD^D, ch. v. 4. Fern. def. V " 7 A 7 " 7 " ] A > V>, o t ch. ii. 11. Constr. L i V), O, used as an adverb, first, .. 7 for the first time, Acts xi. 26; xiii. 46. PI. masc. def. ^i_k5,_D , those of old time, the ancients, S. Matt. v. 21, &c. PI. fern. def. 1'AiibpD, Hebr. v. 12. Chald. Wp, pi. def. {Wjp, Dan. vii. 24. Fern. def. NmrTp, ver. 4 ; PI. def. mrrj5, ver. 8. T ;T ;|- TTT ;|- * k y * 5 >7 16. . \Vn _^D, of His fulness ex TOV irX^pw/xaros avroi; Q__^lD , e. . , y noun fern. Fulness Def. (/o . \V> Occurs in the N. T. only 20 S. JOHN I. 16, 17. . ? . -X . 7 Ver. 16. once elsewhere, with aff. fern. aiZa_i__^O, its filling up, i.e. that which is put in to Jill it up, S. Matt. ix. 16. R. ]lLo, Pa. t_x^LD, filled. 7 7 1_K, we, all of us; all we i^/xets Wi/res ^ ; pron. 1. pi. 7 *. For \"\ see note, ver. 3. *^rn ^ we have received e\a/3o/x,i/ Pret. 1. pi. of .^rn ^ (ch. xiii. 30), took, obtained, bore away; cut off, S. Luke xxii. 50. 1CQJ, c&ei uxorem, married, S. Matt. xxii. 25. With _ .... 7 7 (pref. *Z2 pleonastic) |^^O *}QJ, assumed an appearance, * * i .t i " " " played the hypocrite; whence part. pi. \2)\^ > ^ rn i hypocrites, S. Matt. vi. 2, &c __ Pret. 3. fern. 'A^cni g. Luke viL 37; xiii. 21. 2. sing. AnCQJ, 1 Cor. iv. 7. 1. sing. ArLcQJ, S. Matt. xxvii. 9; S. Luke xiv. 20. 3. pi. masc. a^au, S. Matt. xvi. 7, &c. Pern. - V^fYM, ch. xxv. 1, 3. 2. pi. *^m i ; in the above-mentioned phrase. , for, answerable to avri Preposition, in the room of, S. Matt. 7.0 7 .5 ii. 22. Takes affixes of nouns masc. pi. as - > c^\ ^> . . \ 7 > /or Me... for thee, S. Matt. xvii. 27. ->O1O ^N^j, /or Aim, > 7 . [> .0 S. Luke ii. 27. ^nn . g^\K tj for you, S. Mark ix. 40 -- 5 ^ELA^ , because, S. Luke xix. 44 __ R. .<^V>^ Pa. t^N^, changed, exchanged. Heb. ft7n> noun, used as a prep. Numb, xviii. 21, 31. 17. ImoiOJ, the Lawo vo>os Def. of ^CDQlDJ (1 Cor. ix. 21) noun . *. masc. Law. PI. def. (pftnVni Acts xxxi. 3. S. JOHN 1. 17, 18. 21 Ver. 17. , > *"), by, through, lit. at the hand of- Sta See note, ver. 3. *** ^ |, was given eSofl?? Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of *OO"L*, gave. i Pret. 3. fern. 'A^ailZl" ch. vii. 39 ; S. Mark vi. 2. In Hebr. . 7 1> . .1> viu. 6 the Vien. and some other Editions read A^XJLZ.|. 3. pi. masc. QJOCJL.Z'), Hebr. ii. 4: Fern. . . orn .7^ I Cor. ii. 12 __ Fut. ^OT_Aj, S. Matt. vii. 7, &c. Fern. - . *^rr\ .11 _ g. Matt. * * xii. 39; without final ^, S. Matt. xxi. 43; S. Mark viii. 12; S. Luke xi. 29; Eph. iv. 19 __ Inf. n^rn .AVoV g. Mark xiv. 5. x Part. ^cfuAlD, S. Matt. x. 19. Fern. ]^OTjAk>, ch. xvi. 4. 7 A * PL masc. . orn .A^n 1 S. John v. 16. Ae Anointed, Christ Xpto-rds noun masc. def. The Mes- 7 \\ ' 7 1 siah. Of form part. Peil r>f .... m ^n i anointed. (l-tj |o^j__lD, . 11 .. a false Christ, Antichrist, 1 S. John ii. 18, &c. PI. def. |^v . V> ]I/o, S. Matt. xxiv. 24. Heb. ITBtoi Dan. ix.: with aff. Ps. ii. 2, &c. 18. JsOoAlO . ^> - i\ ]^ wo man ever, at any time ovSets ** * A *" ** A * JsOoALD, IsOoASD ^O, !>OO^V}V>, ever, sometimes. Preceded or followed by |J , never, in various forms ; as : 1. ^OoALo ]]', S. Luke xv. 29; 2 S. Pet. i. 10. 2. ^OoALo ,_& P", S. Matt. xxi. 42; S. John v. 37; Gal. v. 16. 3. IT^OOASO ,-LD, S. Luke xv. 29; xix. 30; S. John viii. 33. 4. ^OoASalD ]]", S. Matt. xxi. 16; S. Mark ii. 12, 25; S. Luke xxi. 34; S. John vii. 46; Eph. v. 29; 2 S. Pet. i. 21. 5. ]]"^OoAV>V), S. Matt. vii. 23; ix. 33; xxvi. 33; Acts x. 14; xiv. 7. iMKtaA, the Only-begotten God Gr. o fiovoyev^s vios. * in the bosom ets rov KO\TTOV Def. (with pref. prep. o) of , noun masc. Bosom. PI. def. ISCLl, with aff. S. Luke vi. 38. 22 S. JOHN I. 18, 19. Yer. 18. J:A-], He hath declared e^yr/o-aro Ethpael pret. 3. sing, of p.., smeared over, smoothed Etlipe. - vA | delighted him- Q\ P . f> self, was delighted. Inf. o . vA ^o \ to play, Gr. 7rateiv, 1 Cor. x. 7. Ethpa. delighted (others) by discourse, narrated, brought back news. Pret. 3. pi. Ou.lAji'f, S. Mark v. 16, &c __ Fut. ]^A -, i Acts viii. 33. 1. sing. }i>AV), ch. xxviii. 20 __ Tmperat. ]LLf, S. Mark v. 19. PL dlA^f, S. Matt. xi. 4. _ Part. ]vA 7 .^ Acts xiii. 41. PI. ^. vA'-O^ c h. xv. 3, 12. Heb. nV&^ was smeared over; of the eyes, was closed, dim, *TT Isai. xxxiL 3. P P T p 19. vj, ch. xiii. 20, . _ below. PI. .jpjaio, coalescing with _J_K, _JLji5.jB.MD, Acts OT * xxv. 27. , priests tcpets PL def. of ^OID, def. ]jTlD (S. Luke i. 5) noun masc. A priest. Heb. j|"i3> Ps. ex. 4, and very frequently. Chald. fHSj def. , Ezr. vii. 12, 21. PL def. tfOHS, ch. vi. 18, &c. '. -LjT 1 * 10 \( i> ) of^V}_, asked, sought for, intransitive. Pa. v>|- . 1> 7 (ch. iv. 52) questioned, demanded. Pret. 3. pi. oA^, ch. ix. 19. S. JOHN I. 19, 20. 23 Ver. 19. _ Fut. *J, with aff. ch. xiii. 24; xvi. 30. 1. sing, with aff. S. Matt. xxi. 24, &c __ Imperat. ^|C, S. John xviii. 21. PI. V>\ Eph. i. 16 __ Part. IjOiD, S. John xi. 41; S. Matt. xi. 25, &c. PI. masc. ^jolo, S. John xii. 42, . j-'CKt n t refusers of (thanks), unthankful, Gr. a-xapurroi, 2 Tim. iii. 2. 24 S. JOHN I. 20, 21. Ver. 20. p] JJ^ oXj , that I am not art OVK ei/n! eyw ]j] , personal pron. ; 7 in the second instance supplying the place of the subst. verb, and forming the pres. tense of ]o1^J, S. James i. 6: fern. _A)jZ" S. Matt. xiv. 7. 2. sing. ^li S. John xL 22. 3. pi. ^oX^J, S. Matt, xviii. 19. 2. pi. ,o\lir, S. John xiv. 13, &c. 1. pi. ^U-3, S. Mark x. 35 Imperat. ^}- (in phrase) Tit. iii. 15; 3 S. John ver. 15. Fern. - > V] - . S. Mark vi. 22. PI. oX]_, S. John ix. . .17 21, 23 (Vienna, others read oA|^, Pa.) xvi. 24; S. Matt. vii. 7, &c Inf. ^(1&\ S. John xv. 7 Part. ^^, ch. iv. 9, &c. Coalescing with JJ|, ] i \| ; I ask, desire, Eph. iii. 13. Fern. ]]V, S. Matt. xx. 20. PI. masc. V *M*, s - Matt - vii - H, 7 , t *. . &c. Coalescing with _L>j, ^ \( f Eph. iii. 20: with ^cAj| ^oA-iA]-*, S. Matt. v. 47. PI. fern. ^S]^, Rom. xvi. 16; 1 Cor. xvi. 19. The phrase frequently occurs (V> \ v>^ (or (Vn \ *^) enquired after the peace o/*, i. e. saluted, in various forms and persons ; see S. Matt. v. 47; x. 12; S. Luke i. 40. N.B. The affixed pret. forms OlX|_ (ch. xviii. 19), ^jOia^^* (as vt 9 above), . . in\( (Acts xxviii. 18) are commonly regarded as Peal. But x>^ is intransitive, or transitive only as regards the ^ ft 1* V mm m. ti thing asked, e.g. ViQ_a_j> ni^ .. \>^, he asked i.e. asked for the body of Jesus. So in the Future forms with affixes, the meaning is, asked a person for a thing, i. e. asked a thing of a * it person, the object being the thing asked for: e.g. - -<""""> - \( y ~ x petet ab eo, S. Matt. vii. 9, 10; S. Luke xi, 11, 12: so also S. JOHN I. 21, 22. 25 Ver. 21. _. 1 i\UZ, S. Mark vi. 23 : ^OlD . \\*f, ver. 24; ^(71 i 10, S. Matt. vi. ; . i in S. John xiv. 4. Such pret. forms therefore, as, with affixes, have the same vowels in Pael as in Peal, and signify questioned, or demanded of- the direct object being the person asked or questioned, should be re- garded as Pael. Compare S. John iv. 52; ix. 19, where this is the meaning, and the verb clearly Pael. Heb. ^>X&, Ps. ii. 8. Chald. Stf2?> Dan. ii. 10, 11, &c. , again (this is not in the Gr.) Adverb: again, besides; yet, ch. xvi. 12. (3 V>, what? rt; Interrog. pron. usually of things. Its simplest form is <~O, which occurs once, S. Luke i. 29, in the form of * > i> n 1 V> = 001 _Lo. Such is the reading of the Vienna and many 7 t> *, * c e Editions: others read n i V> = nrn ( i V) It is joined both with masculines and feminines, as may be seen, S. Mark i. 27. When joined with prepositions it becomes an adverb; as, ( i V>^ with what, how? S. Matt. v. 13. .lSf, for what, why? S. John xii. 5. Vi . nrn therefore, then ovv Conjunction. ] > *"i 1, tlie Propliet, that Prophet o Trpo^Ttj^ For jju^U, def. of I o * ( i *")1 or - > *^ i, noun masc. A prophet. PI. def. ( t m, ch. viii. XX X 52, 53. Heb. ^J, Deut. xiii. 2. Chald. tf^, def. HN*^, pi. def. K*N*3Ji Ezr. v. 1; vi. 14. T ; .7 K 7 7 22. Ajj CLliDO, and ivho art thou? Gr. TI'S et; ^lO, interrog. pron. of * the person, coalescing with OO"I, which represents the subst. verb, in pres. 3. sing. Lit. Who is it (that) thou (art) ? ^Aj>, that we may give Iva owpev Fut. 1. pi. (as subjunct. with 5) of \!>Aj, gave. A verb used only in the Future and Infinitive, the rest being supplied by *OC7L*, see note, ver. 12. Fut. ^Aj, ch. iii. 16, &c. Fern. . > \LL, Eph. iv. 29; and without final ^j, ft T> S. John xv. 4. 2. sing. ^LL, S. Matt. v. 26, &c. 1. sing. ^Zf, ft * * w. c. 4 26 S. JOHN I. 22, 23. Ver. 22. S. John iv. 14, &c. 3. pi. ^O^Aj, S. Matt. xii. 36, &c. Fern. ^AJ, S. Luke i. 48; 1 Tim. v. 14. 2. pi. ^LL] S. Matt. vii. 6 __ Inf. ^&oX S. Matt. vii. 11, &c. Heb. jr\3> Ps. i. 3; and very frequently. Chald. fj"0> like the Syr. only in fut. |H^, Dan. ii. 16; iv. 14; Ezr. iv. 13; vii. 20: and inf. 0!bS Ezr - vii - 20 - .Ae^ ; an answer OTTOX/HO-IV Def. of J>CL.iA2), noun masc. A word, matter, cause, reply. Constr. |Ol_^s5 !>Q-tA>, S. Luke iv. 4. PL def. k.A>, with aff. . .rnn^ A S. Luke ii. 47. In later Heb. D3H3, Esth. i. 20. Chald. the same, def. , Dan. iii. 16. 'Edict, ch. iv. 14. Letter, Ezr. v. 7. wi, \ 1 ^JL, o/J concerning, thyself, lit. iAy SOM vrept o-eavrou * i <^J (Acts i. 14) noun fern. The soul, life. Def. S. Matt. vi. 25, &c. PL ^1 ^y Acts ii. 41. Def. ] S. Luke ix. 56; xxi. 26. ^With affixes, as above, often used as a reflexive pronoun, ipse, ipsa. Heb. fc^53> Gen. i. 20, 30; and very frequently. 23. U-Q, the voice ^woviy Def . of ^D , noun masc. Voice, sound. Constr. ]AO^ ^D, the voice of music, S. Luke xv. 25. PL def. (La, in phrase J1.Q AJL3, lit. daughters of voices, Acts xii. 22; 1 Tim. vi. 20. Heb. yip, Ps. xxix. 3. Chald. 7p, Dan. iii. 5. Root Arab. , of one crying ySowvros Part, (with aff. 5 of the genitive) of ];_Q (ch. ii. 9) called, exclaimed; read (ch. xix. 20). Pret. 3. fern. 'L-^O, S. Matt. i. 25; S. John xi. 28. 1. sing. A->^, S. Matt. ii. 15; with aff. S. John xv. 15. 3. pi. O^D, S. John ix. 18, &c. 2. pi. ,oAu|JD, S. Matt. xii. 3, 5 __ Fut "j^QJ, S. John xiii. 38; with aff. ver. 48, below: fern. "jj-oZ., 1 Cor. xiv. 8; xv. 52. 2. sing. 1io2T, S. Matt. i. 21; S. Luke i. 13; S. Matt. vi. 2 (Gr. o-oXTricrgs) : fern. ^^Z", S. Luke i. 31. 1. sing, l^of, S. Matt. ix. 13, &c. 3. pi. ^Oj-OJ, S. Matt. i. 23, &c. 2. pi. i-O^, S. Matt, xxiii. S. JOHN I. 23. 27 Ver. 23. 9 __ Imperat. ^Q, S. Matt. xx. 8; S. Luke xiv. 13. PI. S. Matt. xxii. 9 __ Inf. ];oVr>\ S. Luke iv. 16 __ Part. fern. j-ij-Q, S. Luke xv. 9. PI. masc. _ij^, S. John xiii. 13, &c. 77*0 -T> coalescing with ^.J-KJ, _1_;_O, Rom. viii. 15 __ Part. Peil |f-Q, .0 7 Rev. xix. 13. Def. (_if_Q, Rom. i. 1; 1 Cor. i. 1. PI. masc. ^-lo, S. Luke xiv. 17, 24. Def. ll~o, S. Matt. xx. 16; xxii. 14. Heb. fcOp, P S - xiv. 4; and very frequently. Chald. T|T proclaimed, Dan. iii. 4, &c. Head, ch. v. 8, &c. Part. Peil Ezr. iv. 18. th e wilderness Ivrrj epi^iw Noun masc. def. (pref. prep. a desert place, i. e. uninhabited, but adapted for pasturing 7 flocks, driven thither for that purpose. R. ;^25, drove; the noun 7 .7 77 . being formed from Aph. ^5 1 , part. ;*^ 1 < ^> 7.7 OQ_|5, make straight tvOvvare Quotation introduced by pref. ), to which the first vowel is remitted. i " V Aphel imperat. pi. of |Q-, was equal to, worthy of.' Aph. _Q_|, X made equal or straight, agreed together, judged rightly. With aff. 7 7 _tQ_ I , hath made us able, Gr. IKO-VWO-CV ^/Aas, 2 Cor. iii. 6. Pret. 2. sing. A-icL*], S. Matt. xx. 12. 2. pi. ^pAjOj], Acts v. 1i> 7 I .7 7 .7 Q_*-J, 1 Cor. vi. 5 __ Imperat. ^jO^I, pi. OQ_|, as above __ Part. ]o V> x S. John v. 18. Heb. Hiph. niVT> likened, compared, Isa. xlvi. 5; Lam. ii. 13. T ; * . *1 (7LK5o|, the way lit. His way, affix pleonastic, referring to the fol- 7 -Xk lowing word Gr. rrjv ooov. *M)Of, noun fern, a way, path, journey. Def. ]JL5oj, ch. iv. 6, &c. PI. def. )2Ja$o], S. Matt. xxii. 9, &c. Heb. pnfc, p s. xix. 6. Chald. jnfc, pi. YrHR, with aff. Dan. iv. 34; v. 23. ^"^ 9 5, of the Lord Kvpfov Def. (pref. 5 of the gen.) of |jio (S. Matt. ix. 38). The def. form sing, is used exclusively for The LORD, an d ^ by the Syrians styled the Tetragrammaton; in T ; which (they say) the Lo represents ]ZoD, Dominion; the 5, 5, Majesty; and the ._, ], ]2.oA_il, Essence or Substance. 28 S. JOHN I. 2326. Ver. 23. PI. def. >, Eph. vi. 9. There is also a pi. of fern, form, ijg&t S. Matt. vi. 24; S. Luke xvi. 13. Def. ]LoD, 1 Cor. viii. 5 (with adject, masc.); 1 Tim. vi. 15. Chald. NTD, lord, Dan. ii. 47; iv. 16, 21; v. 23. " T 1 ' 7 V ' 7 ^ 5 (jLUjf, as /caucus Adverb, in its simplest form . n _t | (S. Matt. .07 .7 xvi. 11). How? Gr. 7TW5. p "> -\ / either interrogative, How? TTUJS; S. John iii. 9; Acts ii. 8; Rom. vi. 2; 1 S. John iii. 17; or, As, Gr. / P^LJ|, as, /caucus, S. John xx. 21; ok, S. Matt. i. 24; vi. 12; (oo-TTcp, S. Matt. xiii. 40; That, ware, S. John iii. 16; That, how, OTTUS, S. Mark iii. 6. * o 7 24. ^QJOl, they, these. PI. of OO1, demonstr. pron. masc. . X 1 j_0_,'^2) _LD, o/j from among, the Pharisees IK TCUI/ c&apio-cuW PI. def. of ] -;^ (Acts xxiii. 6) ; noun masc. def. a Pharisee; of 7 . t> X form Part. Peil of _j^, separated. Another form is ( -r^, Phil. iii. 15. 7 i " OOO1, toere rja-av Pret. 3. pi. of JOO"I, with the linea occultans, as representing the logical copula. V * 7 25. AJ^ rkllLD, baptizest thou /?a7irieis Aphel part, (representing, with Ajj, the present tense 2. sing.) of t ^>\ washed himself; * i 7 wjos immersed, baptized. Aph. , < ^">^( (Acts i. 5), immersed, bap- tized. Pret. 1. sing. Z^a^f, 1 Cor. i. 14, 15, 16 __ Fut. |&1J, with aflf., S. Mark i. 8 ; S. Luke iii. 16; 1. sing, ^^f, ver. 31, 33, below __ Imperat. rio^], pi. OrklL], S. Matt, xxviii. 19 __ Inf. A^vQA 1 Cor. i. 17. 1* , if- et Conjunction. ^ijAj I (J , thou be not en) OVK * AJ] with affix, for verb subst. pres. 2. sing. See note, ver. 1. 26. p \ answered airtKpiQr] Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Replied, began to speak. Followed by D, was anxious, careful about, S. Luke x. 40 __ Pret. 1. sing. A . i v. Acts xxii. 8. 3. pi. oJX S. Matt. xxi. 27 __ Fut. VLlJ, S. Matt. xxv. 45, &c. 3. pi. ^p i Si, S. JOHN I. 26. 29 Ver. 26. S. Matt. xxv. 44 __ Part. ]ii, fern. ] ' i \ S. Luke x. 40. Part. Peil ]ii,, pi. v - iv , 1 Thess. iv. 11; 2 Tim. ii. 16. Heb. j-|W, Gen. xxiii. 14; Ps. iii. 5. Chald. fiW or tfW, T T T^C T^~: Dan. ii. 7, &c. &c. ^OOlA, to them avrots Prepos. with aff. 3. pi. masc. t> 7 ( i V)*"), with water Iv vSari Noun masc. used in the pi. only. So also Heb. CMb> P S - xviii. 17; and frequently. , among you Gr. /xros vp&v Preposition - i *^> (S. Matt. xix. 10) and A i . *> (S. John iv. 31) Between. Both take X . 7 77 plural affixes; as ,OC7L_1O - mn i . *-^ between Him and them, 7 7 i.e. w secret, S. Matt. xx. 17. * *^>, between thee, ch. xviii. K o 7 15. ^QrnAi . o ; among them, ver. 2, 20. , standing i.e. xvii. 7 __ Inf. ^no<^>\ S. Matt. vi. 5, &c __ Part. ^OJID (pron. Kho-yem) as above; Fern. jlo__jO, S. Matt. xxiv. 15. PI. masc. p 7 7 P . Vn . o g. Matt. xi. 5; coalescing with J-^j i Acts xix. 40. PI. fern. CuLo, S. Luke v. 2. Heb. ffipj P S - iii- 8; and very frequently. Chald. Dan. ii. 39, &c. &c. ...... J, t^Aom Comp. Heb. ye ^TIOIO otSare Part. pi. of Vi,_, , forming with ^pAj the present tense, 2. pi., and pronounced with it as one word, 30 S. JOHN I. 26, 27. Ver. 26. yoditun. The words are often joined, as ^pAj_L,_i . See Phillips' Gr. 38: Cowper 91. 27. jj] "jdj* (pron. Shoveno), I am worthy ei'/u aftos Part, (with pron. expressing the Pres. 1. sing.) of JQ-, was equal to, worthy, fitted for, sufficient for. Pret. 1. sing. AjQ_, S. Luke vii. 7. 3. pi. 7 OQ_, ch. xx. 35. The object (if any) when a noun, is preceded by X (except, in the Gospels, S. Matt. x. 10; S. Luke x. 7); when a verb, by j, as in this place Fut. *jn i 2 Cor. ii. 16. 3. pi. vpOjuJ, 1 Tim. v. 17. 2. pi. iOQ-, S. Luke xxi. 36 U& i\ o Q_, S. Luke xxiii. 22. PI. masc. _Q_, S. Matt. iii. 8, &c Part. Peil ]CL, 1 Cor. xv. 39: Fern. ]^Q-, s - Mark xiv. 59. Constr. 1;" -]*"> A_Q_, equal in honour, 2 S. Pet. i. 1. .. . 7 > .. 7 PI. masc. ^tQ^, def. {-*Q-, Rev. xxi. 16. PI. fern. _jQ_, S. Mark xiv. 56. From this verb are derived : ]2.Q_Q_ , noun fern. def. Parity, equality, justice, Rom. xv. 5 ; 2 Cor. viii. 13, 14; Col. iv. 1. i * y /_,(_ Q_, adv. Equally, Acts xi. 17; 1 Cor. xii. 25. Heb. JTfeJf, followed by %, Prov. iii. 15; viii. 11. Also Esth. TT v. 13; vii. 4. By, 7, Esth. iii. 8. Chald. see note, S. John xi. 2. V i* |;_J5, that I should unloose, to unloose Iva Xv _>;_, we abode, Acts xxi. 7 Fut. (; \ S. Matt. v. 19; with aff., S. Johnxix. 12; Fern. 1;_Z (without final _*), S. Mark x. 12. 2. sing. li*2T, S. Matt. xvi. 19. 3. pi. ^pt-^J, (that) they , - may lodge, S. Luke ix. 12. 2. pi. ^O^aZ., S. Matt, xviii. 18; xix. . * i 8. 1. pi. If-mJ, S. Mark x. 4 Imperat. w^, S. Matt xiv. 15, S. JOHN I. 27, 28. 31 Ver. 27. &c. PL O;-, ch. xxi. 2, &c Infin. li-*lnA, S. Mark xv. 6 Part. 1^_, S. John v. 18; xix. 12, &c. PL masc. ^l*, S. Mark xi. 4, 5, &c Part. Peil , B. Matt. xvi. 19; xviii. 18: Fern. . p 7 [-;.-, remaining, abiding, 1 S. John ii. 14: coalescing with ..7.77 41 -Aj|, -iA_j_, S. Luke xiii. 12. PI. masc. _{-, S. Matt. ix. 36; lodging, S. Luke ii. 1 ; abiding, ver. 8: coalescing with 7 7 i> _J_KJ, _.!_;_, we abide, are at home, 2 Cor. v. 6. From this verb are derived : o o o >;_, noun masc. -4 loosening. Def. (-;_, Divorce, 1 Cor. vii. 27. Interpretation, 2 S. Pet. i. 20. ]Ajf, noun fern. def. A joint. PL ^--n'^) Eph. iv. 16. Def. ]AjV-> Heb. iv. 12. Form of Peal part. act. Heb. |*"n^> let loose, set at liberty, once, Job xxxvii. 3. T T Chald. JO}f o r {OfcJ> (Dan. ii. 22) loosed knots, hard questions; set free; remained, dwelt, Dan. iii. 25; v. 16. . 4 7 .KT ^Q'^, the latchets Gr. TOV tyu.avra PL def. (of masc. form) of |'">:\ noun fem. A cincture, girdle, fastening. Def. |A^5^L, S. Mark i. 6; Acts xxi. 11. Also, in pi. Thongs, Acts xxii. 25. 7 P 7 vCno i rr>Vn> of His shoes O.VTOV...TOV VTroS^/Aaros PL (with aff. pron. and pref. j of the gen. with 7 before a vowelless letter) of fr>Vn or . JQiO, noun masc. A sandal. Def. ( i fr> V> or [ ijcnVn PL def. |i rr>V> (or ]j|mlo), S. Matt. x. 10, &c. R. v |m, jowf on shoes. 7 . P 28. ._>OO"I, were c?owe, took place Gr. iytvero Pret. 3. pi. fem. of |O(JI, > t> agreeing with _i__icn, demonstr. pron. pi. com. gender. See Cowper's Gr. 179 (4). 5 ];.n\*^, on the other side of, beyond irepav ;^\ def. 1;*^^, noun .0 1> masc. The act of passing over; the region beyond. jj JLI2, on the other side, S. Luke viii. 26. (j^iLX, to the other side, .> * S. Matt. xiv. 22; xvi. 5, &c. Also, as a preposition, |^-1, over, S. Mark vi. 53. 5 ]^H.Lo, beyond, as in this place; 5 ^nS ^_SD, 9 * from beyond, S. Matt. iv. 25, &c. j (;nS\, to the other side of, 32 S. JOHN I. 28, 29. Ver. 28. S. John vi. 1; x. 40; xviii. 1, &c __ PI. def. ]yov. with aff. ..-.(Jioyjul, (JLj^m, both pleonastic, S. Matt. iv. 15; xii. 42. Heb. "W, Gen. 1. 10. Chald. ^M , Ezr. iv. 10, &c. * where OTTOU Adverb of place, compounded of p + .^|. f ' The particle of interrogation j /= Heb. *{$ , ^{\ enters into the composition of several words; as s-l, piSCL], P n '"j, &c. So . D . also p (Heb. f|2, /iws, also 7tere, Gen. xxxi. 37) with preposi- tions becomes pA, hither, S. Matt. viii. 29;- plo, Aence, S. John ii. 16; xviii. 36. (without j) where, S. John xx. 2. Interrogatively, wJiere? ch. xi. 34. With pref. X, P-(J, whither, ch. iii. 8. X 7 -7 Followed by OO1, it becomes diu|, where is? ch. vii. 11. (L{ ^O, where, from whence, S. Matt. xxv. 26. Heb. ( tD*tf, Song of Sol. i. 7. Jlb'N, 2 Kings vi. 13. T " JOCT1 fLoiiLD, was baptizing ^i/.../8a7TTt{a)v See note, ver. 25, above. Part, and subst. verb, forming the imperf. tense. See Phillips's Gr. 38; Cowper 82. *?0 ^ P ^\ 7 29. Ol5A^5 (iDQ-u_lO, and on the day which (was) after it, i.e. the next day Gr. rfj fTravpiov Pref. O with 7 before a vowelless con- sonant; and prep. X, marking the time at which an action is performed; as Lat. ad diem insequentem. s P 7 *. |lOQ_, def. of i>OGLi, noun masc. A day, occurring in the , *, expressions iOQ_ ^ iOOj> , day by day, 2 Cor. iv. 1 6 ; 2 S. Pet. X * *X *X -X ii. 8. iOQ-i ^D or Son *-\"\ every day, daily, S. Matt. xxvi. 7 55, &c. The pi. has a masc. form . V7 ^ t S. John ii. 19, 20, &c. Def. ]LDQ_i, Gal. iv. 10. Constr. . Vvn ^ S. Matt. ii. 1, 1 'A " " 7 &c. ; and a fern. def. |AkXl_ (S. John ii. 12), which is joined with masc. verbs, &c. see S. John vii. 14; S. Matt. iii. 1. Heb. and Chald. Q^, frequently. v ^ |O1, behold! iSe Interjection. , the Lamb (affix pleon.) o 'Aftvo's t^b] (Rev. xvii. 14) noun masc. A lamb, sheep. Def. ]r^], Acts viii. 32. PI. def. S. Matt. vii. 15, &c. S. JOHN I. 2931. 33 Ver. 29. Chald. "){*, pi. ptf, Ezr. vi. 9, 17; vii. 17. ViO 9) OCTI, who, which (lit. He who) taketh away o aipwv Part, of ^Q_ (ch. v. 9). Carried, bore up, took, removed; took to wife, married (S. Matt. v. 32), corresponding with the Heb. #&}; also T T departed, S. Matt. xix. 1. Pret. 3. fern. 'A\n ; S. Matt. xiii. 7 33. 3. pi. r>Vo - ch. xiv. 12, &c. 2. pi. ^AVn c h. xvi. 8 __ Fut. ^CLQjtJ, S. Matt. v. 40. 1. sing. ^dcL*"]" with aff. S. John xx. 15. 3. pi. ^nXn ^ i S. Mark vi. 8 __ Imperat. ^OQ_, S. Matt. ix. 6; with aff. S. John xix. 15. PL a.\da^, S. Matt. xi. 29 -- Part. pi. masc. \f> ; Constr. ( ^ /^_t> - \o x . 7 those bearing the fasces, i.e. the lictors Gr. TOVS pa/3Sor'xous, Acts xvi. 35, 38. Part. Peil VV - o - , S. Mark ii. 3, and actively, S. John xix. 17, &c. Fern, constr. A \ . n ; Rev. xii. 15. . 7 x PI. masc. ^ . \ . o ; S. Mark vi. 55, &c. : coalescing with i I ^JLJJ, > \ . o 2 Cor. iv. 10. Constr. |looiD . . \ . r bearing burdens, i.e. heavy laden, S. Matt. xi. 28. Heb. /pfcJ^, suspended, weighed out money, Gen. xxiii. 16. CTlAj_^K, the sin (affix pleonastic) rrjv a/Aaprt'av . i ^-K>, def. j A \_fe > (ch. viii. 34, 46), noun fern. A sin, crime. R. l-^-w, sinned. Chald. f1, wi ^ aff - Dan - iv - 24- 31. OT-^ A_O(JI ^i,_ |J, / knew him not OVK y&civ avrov Part, and subst. verb forming the imperf. tense, 1. sing. V&j_>Aj), that He should be known, made manifest Iva (fravfpoiOfi * . 7 Ethpeel fut. 3. sing. (pref. 5, giving force of subj. mood) of VJ,_. 7 J "f Knew. Ethpe. Vi,_Z.| (S. Mark vi. 14) Was known, made known. Pret. 3. fern. 'AljIZf, Acts i. 19, &c. 1. sing. AljIZI* 1 Cor. xiii. 12. 2. pi. ^Aij-iZ)* Gal. iv. 9 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern, (without final v_i) ***., Acts ii. 14, &c. 3. pi. ^avlAj, S. John iii. 21 : i W. C. 5 34 S. JOHN I. 31, 32. Ver. 31. Fern. ^lAj, Phil. iv. 6 __ Part. V.ALO, S. Matt. xii. 33; S. Luke vi. 44: forming pres. tense, S. John x. 14. Fern. llplAk), 2 Tim. iii. 9; 1 S. John iv. 2. ]jC7l "&V*, because of this, therefore Sia TOVTO See note, ver.' 15, above. v that I might baptize with water Gr. iv r<3 vSan See note, ver. 25, above. 32. }lO|O XJLCD I , bare record and said Gr. l/xaprvp^crev, Xeywv A past tense followed by a part, in Gr. is usually rendered in Syr. by two preterites connected by O. ]_KO^X, tJie Spirit TO Ilvcu/xa Pref. _^ marking the object or ac- cusative. j, (S. Matt. v. 3) noun com. but generally used as a feminine, Spirit, wind, breath. Def. jjLo5. PI. (masc. form) _I_KJOJ', S. Luke xi. 26; 1 S. John iv. 1. Def. ]Lo$, S. Matt. vii. 25, &c. PI. fern. def. (L^oS, Hebr. xii. 9, 23. Heb. Fl!)*), Gen. i. 2. Chald. T^T\, spirit, wind, Divine Spirit, Dan. ii. 35; v. 12, 20, &c. PI. constr. Wl, ch. vii. 2. 35, descending Karapcuvov Pref. 5 marking the participle used as such; see Cowper's Gram. 211. (5). Part. fern, of Al>J (ch. ii. 12) Went down. Pret. 3. fern. *ZA>^J, S. Mark i. 10; S. Luke iii 22. 1. sing. 22UJ, S. John vi. 38, &c. 3. pi. oAjlj, ver. 16; S. Mark iii. 22. 2. pi. ^pZAjlj, 1 Cor. xi. 17. 1. pi. ^A>lj, Acts xx. 13; xxvii. 2 __ Fut. ZQ_KKJ, S. Matt. xxiv. 17, &c __ Imperat. ZQ-K, S. John iv. 49, &c __ Inf. Rev. xiii. 13. . nm, PS. xxxviii 3. chaid. nrg, part, rinj (=nnj) Dan. iv. 10, 20. . D y T> ( . V>. ,-^5, from Heaven e| ovpavov A pi. noun def. with or with- out Piibui : in the former case always constructed as a plural : in the latter sometimes with a pi. (as ver. 51, below), sometimes with a sing, verb, as in S. Matt. iii. 16. Heb. DJbB% Gen. i. 1. Chald. PL def. Nfc>, Dan. ii. 18, &c.- S. JOHN I. 3235. 35 V 7 Ver. 32. pO_i, a dove TrepunrepaV Noun fern. PI. def. (of masc. form) Ji'oJ, ch. ii. 14, 16, 7 77*7 masc. .n nVn ; Acts xxiii. 21; coalescing with J-KJ, _J_Q-QSD, Rom. viii. 25; Gal. v. 5. Heb. /""pp> waited J 'or, lioped in, only in part. Hip? I* 8 - xxv. 3; T|T v| xxxvii. 9; Ixix. 7. Piel H-lp* trusted in, Ps. xxv. 5, &c. 777 T l' c 33. _a_]5,_) r-^> -^ e ^ ia ^ sew ^ Wie Treyai/ras ju,e Interrog. pron. with 5, used as a relative; see Phillips's Gr. 26, Cowper 74. Verb Pael pret. with aff. 1. sing. See note, ver. 19, above. - >mn\v ... J p_(j, tliat Tie, on whom Gr. e<' ov P >] , fem. ~ 7 1 *? fpij, interrog. pronoun, used like the preceding, with 5 as a relative. Pref. >, introducing the speech, and taking the first vowel. U4k . )Q_DJ t>^O^, with tlie Spirit of holiness i.e. with the Holy Ghost i " *" lv IIvev/xaTt ayt'a> ^o5 with pref. prep. see last verse. > of the U, -X JCLD, def. of _O,-O (Rom. i. 4) noun fem. U'X 5Q_D, the Holy of Holies, Hebr. ix. 3. t\ 7 R. wj^rO, Pa. ^f), sanctified. Heb. ^*1p> Ps. ii. 6 and frequently. 35. PP-K| (iDQj^k, the next day rfj eiravptov Equivalent to f^no \ ver. 29. 36 S. JOHN I. 35, 36. Ver. 35. Def. of <_>W| (ch. v. 7, 42, 43, &c.). Another.. I . 7 ... 7 ti_K(o, one... and another, ch. iv. 37. Also yet; as \\ Xn i . __;_KJ|, yet a little while, ch. xii. 35; xiii. 33; xiv. 18. Fern. def. I2.j-Kl, ch. vi. 22, &c. PI. masc. ,_i_JV^], ch. xix. 18, &c. Def. IJ^M), ch. iv. 38, &c. PL fern. T r;...') S. Matt. xii. 45, &c. Def. ^AJj^Kt], S. John vi. 23, &c. Heb. TIN, Gen. iv. 25. Chald. pfltf, Dan. ii. 11, &c.; and - I TT; T the fern, form pp|K /for n*1HK\, ver. 39, &c. *.>' ; T: , T ^ -;-/ _5Z.O, cme? w?o /ecu 8vo Cardinal numb. masc. Pref. O with 7 before a vowelless consonant. See note, ch. vi. 7. 7 . . ^rnn, . VnXZ _SD, of his disciples e/c TWI/ {^aOrjTwv O.VTOV PI. (with - * * i y affixed pron.) of , V> \/ / noun masc. A disciple, one who learns 1 7 from another. Def. "), > V)\Z, ch. xviii. 15. PI. >, >Vn\7 i 7 17 def. "), . Vr>\7 ) in the same verse. Root ,^">V Heb. " Heb. T/ptt, 1 Chron. xxv. 8. 36. f-wO, a/i^ Ae looked Gr. Kat e/x/3Xe^as Verb pret. 3. sing. (pref. o) o 5CLo ^j. Gazed earnestly upon, expected, waited for, with } of Z7 ff ^>j, S. Mark xiv. 67; S. Luke xxii. 56. 1. sing. Z;_KJ, Acts xi. 6; xxii. 13. 3. pi. Of_^, S. John xiii. 22; S. Mark ix. 8: Fern. .~V-K*> S. Mark xvi. 4 __ Fut. 5o_^J, Acts vii. 32. 3. pi. ^OJQ-KKJ, S. John xix. 37. 2. pi. X *X ^ 'X ^pSdjoZ., S. James ii. 3. 1. pi. 3Q_^J, Hebr. x. 24; xii. 2 __ Imperat. JOjo, Acts iii. 4; iv. 29. PI. o5a.K>, S. Matt. vi. 1, i 7 " 26 __ Part. 5{,.K (pron. Khoyar), S. Mark v. 32, &c. PI. masc. X P . *; > ^^ with ^ of the object, Gr. Trpoo-SoKwi'Te?, S. Luke viii. 40: 771' Of coalescing with ,-J~K, . 1 ; > K, 2 Cor. iv. 18. Fern. ^yj--, S. Luke iv. 20. 7 >, walking y as He walked Gr. TrepnraTovvTi Participles, S. JOHN I. 36, 37. 37 Ver. 36. used as such (i.e. not forming a tense) have commonly before 7 them f2 or 5. See above, ver. 32, note. Pael Part, of ^_^O1 (not used in Peal). Pa. ^iXoi (ch. v. 9). Walked, journeyed. Pret. 3. pi. on\rn ; Acts xvi. 6; Hebr. xiii. 9. 2. pi. ^oAaSsi, Col. iii 7; ^O/UOCri ^nAnVn (pluperf.), Eph. ii. 2. 1. pi. ^-nScTl, 2 Cor. xii. 18; 2 Thess. iii. 7 Fut. S. John xi. 10. 1. sing. ^.SoTJ, 2 Cor. vi. 16. 3. pi. S. Mark xii. 38. 2. pi. ^onNoiZ, Eph. iv. 1, &c. 1. pi. Rom. vi. 4, &c Imperat. j^OI, S. John v. 8, 11, 12, &c. PI. aaSai, ch. xi. 15, &c Inf. OlA(nV>\, ch. vii. 1; S. Luke v 7 xx. 46 Part. fern. ]liXc7lSo, S. Mark v. 42. PI. .7 7 . nxrnVn g. John vi. 66, &c. ; with J_K>, Rom. viii. 4, &c. Heb. *-T7/1) P S - i- 1> an ^ very frequently. Pi. *H?n> 1 Kings I - T I xxi. 27 ; elsewhere always in poetry, as Ps. xxxviii. 7, &c Chald. , Dan. iv. 26. Aph. Tt^HX, part. ch. iii. 25; iv. 34. masc. 37. QAkl*O, and they Jieard KO! yKovaav Pret. 3. pi. (pref. O with 7 7 before a vowelless consonant) of v^^i (ch. iii. 32). Heard. Pret. 2. sing. A ^-f r Acts iii, 23. 1. sing. ttV> -]* 3 S. John ver. 4. 3. pi. ^ vVr> i g. John v. 25, 28 Imperat. MkL, pi. n\^n- S. Matt. xiii. 18: with aff. __JQ_lkXl_ , S. Mark vii. 14 Inf. *& ^V , S. Matt. xiii. 17, &c. : with aff. S. John vi. 60 Part. ^LQ^ , S. John iii. 8, &c. p e IP Fern. p^kL*, ch. x. 3. PL masc. . vVn ch. v. 25, &c. : coalescing with l|O, and they went, (with 5Ao) followed Kai -rjKo\ov6rjcrav Pret. 3. pi. (with pref. O, to which the first vowel is remitted) of v>l] (ch. iv. 47). Went, went away. For the peculiarity of this verb, see Phillips' Gr. 40 (9); Cowper's Gr. 108 (6); 111 (1). Pret. 3. sing. fern. A\lf, ch. iv. 28, &c. 1. sing. A\lf, ch. ix. 11. 3. pi. fern. .-ILXl] , S. Matt. xxv. 10; ^ \ '\]\, ch. xxviii. 8, 11. 1. pi. ,Afn Acts xxviii. 14; ^-iXfC S- Luke ix. 13 Fut. ^i]J, S. John vii. 35, &c. 2. sing. ^i")Z" S. Mark ix. 43, &c. 1. sing, ^ll, S. John xvi. 7, &c. 3. pi. ,0^1 JJ, S. Matt. I ^ - X viii. 18, J, S. John iv. 50, &c. Fern. - .A], ver. 16,&c. PI. masc. O^l , S. Matt. ii. 8,&c. Fern. " ^{, ch. xxv. 9, &c Inf. v>](^r>\ < S. John vi. 67, &c. Most of these forms are of very frequent occurrence. Heb. ^JN, Prov. xx. 14. Chald. ^, Dan. vi. 19; Ezr. iv. 23; v. 8, 15. , pers. pron. dat. pleonastic, after verb of motion. See Cowper's Gr. 198 (6). > Ol5Ao, after Him that (is) Jesus, i.e. after Jesus. For the pleonastic use of pronouns, see Phillips, Gr. 55: Cowper, 198. 38. . . i e^/ jn and He turned Himself- Gr. o-rpa^eis 8e Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. (pref. O, to which the first vowel is remitted) of pJ2. Turned, returned. Ethpe. Was turned, turned himself. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A ! i ^7f ch. xx. 14, 16. 1. sing. A . i *)L"f, Rev. i. 12. 3. pi. QjJ^2.t, Acts ix. 35; xi. 21. 2. pi. oAj_LaZT, 1 Thess. i. 9; 1 S. Pet. ii. 25 Fut. jlaAj, S. Luke xvii. 4. 3. pi. ^Ol^)Aj, S. John xii. 40, &c. 2. pi. ^1*^7* Acts iii. 26; xiv. 14; . 1> 7 1 pi. (i-g^A-i, ch. xv. 36 Imperat. - ^ ^/ | (the vowel of the second rad. thrown back on the first), S. Luke ix. 38 ; xxii. 32. S. JOHN I. 38. 39 Ver. 38. PI. niW'f, Gr. eVtorpetyaTc, Acts iii. 19 Part. ^I^ALo, pi. 71* F . T . masc. . ^ AVn Acts xv. 19; combined with J-K, ^_L-i-J-23AlO eh. xiii. 46. vQJ*), i/iem aurovs Pers. pron. 3. pi. masc. This pronoun, with its fern. * ^( 7 is used as an accusative after a transitive verb. The other pers. pronouns are nominatives. O15A.O __>Z|5, following Him Gr. dKo\ov6ovvra2T, S. Luke xi. 24. 2. sing. tl^Z", 1 Cor. vii. 27. 1. sing. l^af, S. John xiv. 16 ; xvi. 26. 3. pi. S*~), S. John xx. 15 PL masc. coalescing with 1 *, ^ - ^^, 1 Cor. iv. 13; with ^pAj], ^pAjJL^i, 2 Cor. xiii. 3. PL fern. v "- ^<^, S. Matt, xxviii. 5. Heb. nV3> I ga - xx i- 12. Chald. XV3j sought, with ace. *r T *; Dan. ii. 13 ; vi. 5, requested of a person, |J^, ch. ii. 16; D"Tp, ch. vi. 12 ; Dip ?& ch - {[ - 18 - Whence J|M3 n. f. Petition, ch. T|T: 1 ' T V? ' x vi. 8, 14. Syr. j/n vo t noun fern. def. a prayer, petition, 2 Cor. viii. 4. PL lOla, Eph. vi. 18; Def. |Zolo, 1 Tim. v. 5. |, they say or sowW Gr. C?TTOV Part, for present tense or pre- terite. See Cowper's Gr. 211 (3). 40 S. JOHN I. 3840. Ver. 38. ,-^5, Master, lit. our Master Gr. c Pa/3/3i'...8iSaV/caXe _ )5 (S. Matt. xi. 11) adj. Much, great, principal; often as a subst. a great 1 * one; lord, prince, Master. Here with affixed pronoun. Def. (i5, S. Matt. xx. 26, &c. Fern. ]s,l , 1 S. John v. 9 ; 3 S. John ver. 4. Def. JipJ, ch. iii. 29, below. Constr. I'loA-i-i AaJ, S. Luke xvi. 2, 3, 4; 1 Cor. ix. 17 -- PI. ^-*-^>, def. ]>*. Constr. M^D, ch. vii. 32, below. Heb. ^*\ , Ps. xviii. 15; and frequently. Chald. 3*\, Dan. ii. 10, &c. . 7 T P Aj| |O ^ t> ; v ( vji , i/ie tenth hour, lit. era hours wpa SCKCITT; ( v , pi. def. of ]^ (S. Matt. xx. 12) noun fern. An hour; also a moment of time. Def. |Ai-, S. Johniv. 21, &c. (A v o OUD, in the self- ^A ' 7 same Aom-, immediately, S. Matt. viii. 3, 13, &c. rnAv_y j^ } the same, S. John v. 9, &c. See note, ver. 12, above. PI. (of masc. form) v m, } ch. iv. 6, 52, &c. Chald. r\W, Dan. iv. 16. Def. NnVfc/% in the phrase *T T T '. T 3j immediately, ch. iii. 6, 15, &c. 40. pK, owe cts Numeral masc. One, one only, a certain one. Fern. "),*, ver. 3, above. Used in a variety of phrases; as, 77 !> .P ,_K ,_K, every one, ch. vi. 7, js*J^D| every man, S. John vii. 53. o, owe ow another, Gr. ets aXXr/Xoi)9, S. John xiii. 22. , o>ie of another, one, another's, ver. 14. S. JOHN I. 40, 41. 41 7 7 Ver. 40. ,_>oO. . . ,_K, the one... and tlie other, S. Matt. xx. 21 ; xxiv. 40. Fern. ver. 41. 7 J..K*, the one to the other, S. John xi. 56 ; xii. 19 ; or the one the other, one another, S. Matt. xxiv. 10, &c. o?ze o, towards, another, S. John xiii. 35. , owe o/^ or from, another, S. John v. 44, &c. ,.* fte toward another, Rom. i. 27. 77 J>QJL ,_K, owe wi/i <7ie other, among yourselves, themselves, S. John vi. 43 ; S. Mark i. 27, Ac. m a?* hundred, an hundredfold, S. Matt. xix. 29; S. Mark x. 30 ; S. Luke viii. 8. 7 ,_K, Aow much more, S. Matt. x. 25. 7 rja ^-^D, ivith one consent, Gr. aTro /xias, S. Luke xiv. 18. 7 . _^1 |r-j, ai one time, once, S. Jude ver. 3, 5. *,o *" o ^ | r >j ^-^0) Ir**-^) immediately, S. John xiii. 32. Heb. *in^> Gen. i. 5. Chald. *|n, Dan. ii. 31, J{, thy brot/ter, S. Matt. v. 23, 24; - ^n ^>] * >>> 7 (fern.) S. John xi. 23 ; _jO1d>j|, their (fern.) brother, ver. 19. PL ,-LLf, def. jl,] 7 , ch. xxi. 23. Heb. F|tf> Gen. iv. 2 (very frequent). Chald. j"|tf, w ith aff. T ~ Ezr. vii. 18. 41. V> -nn\ ) first Gr. Trpwros Adverb, formed by prefixing X to the "j " ' x i / * constr. state of [SDjQ_D, the front part (opp. to pAm-v ^e JacA; part) and transposing O. JsO^Q..! ^sP, formerly, sometime, Eph. v. 8. Vi,J ^O f JDoX ,_k3, He foreknew, Rom. viii. 29. i *, f -^Vr>^nn\ VD, ^?-si, Gr. Trpwrov, Acts xxvi. 20. W. C. 6 42 S. JOHN I. 41, 42. Ver. 41. ^i(7l_i-J_KKll-], we have found (aff. pleon. and followed by _1 of 7 I 1 * the object) tvp-^Ka^v Pret. 1. pi. of O^IJB | (ver. 43, 45) equi- 7 i valent to ,-*- *~> with | prosthetic, Found. Pret. 2. sing. Rev. ii. 2 : Fern. fc jA**A*'|* S. Luke i. 30. 1. sing. S. Matt. viii. 10. 3. pi. CU^L.]" S. Matt. xvii. 16; xxvi. 60, &c. 2. pi. ^pAj^JS.*!, ch. xxvi. 40 with aff. ch. ii. 8. 1. pi. rr *>A'f, ch. xvii. 19 __ Fut. o^LJ, S. Matt. viii. 28; S. Mark xi. 13: Fern, (without final ^) o^AZ, S. Mark iv. 32. 3. pi. ^n KV-) i S. Luke ix. 12.__Part. O^KL^D X ver. 46, below: Fern. )JlliAlD, S. Matt. xii. 43, 44; xix. 26. PI. masc. ^ . . x ^ - & S. Matt. ix. 15; xi. 29; S. John viii. 22; coalescing with r J--, ^ ^^"^ ^> / S. John xiv. 5; with ,oAjl, sOA-i-Kt^aV), Eph. iii. 4. PI. fern. ^L'^m^n, S. John iii. 9. N.B. These forms are by some regarded as an irregular Aphel conjugation. I .. I The part. Peil is regularly ov.^.H^, pi. fern. _^_ul^, are found, present, 2 S. Pet. i. 8. o^n*] , in the above tenses, with 7 "* its part. oa^jilD, also signifies could, was able; and is then followed, either 1. By the Inf. with pref. X (S. John iii. 2); or 2. By the Fut. with pref. ) (S. John iii. 3) ; or 3. By the Fut. alone (S. John i. 46) ; or 4. By the Participle (S. John v. 19). The first two constructions are by far the most common. The part. fern. ] ^^^ V> is sometimes used as an adjective, Possible, and with (J, impossible, S. Matt. xix. 26 ; xxiv. 24, &c. > Chald. Aph. H3^n, found, Dan. ii. 25; vi. 6, 12; Ezr. vii. 16. . 7 42. (7l_A_|O, and he brought him KO.I ^yayev O.VTOV Aphel pret. 3. sing. (with affixed pronoun, and pref. O, to which the first vowel is remitted) of }L], Came. Aph. *_*A_] (ch. xix. 39), Caused to * come, led, brought. Pret. 3. fern. 'AjAj], with aff. OlA_A_1 , S. JOHN I. 42, 43. 43 Ver. 42. S. Matt. xiv. 11. 1. sing. AuA^ S. Mark ix. 17. 3. pi. O-,A-,, I I S. John ii. 8. Fern. Ji/uf, S. Luke xxiv. 1. 2. pi. } 7 , 1 * * .* Acts xix. 37; with aff. S. John vii. 45 __ Fut. |A^J, Acts ix. 2, &c. 3. pi. vpA^J, ch. v. 21, &c. 2. pi. ^oAjZ, ver. 28 ^ 7 Imperat. ]2uf, S. John xx. 27. PI. oAjf, ch. ii. 8 __ Inf. .A^n\ S. John x. 16; S. Mark vi.' 55 __ Part. }L^D, S. John xv. 5. Fern. |lA^k?, ch. xii. 24 ; S. Mark iv. "28. 7 PI. masc. __A..lO, Acts iii. 2. Chald. Aph. 7VH, Dan. v. 3, 23; vi. 17, 25. 1;-QZZ AJ"), thou skalt be called en) KXrjOrja-r) Ethpeel fut. 2. sing, of ~" Ethpe. -jjJD (ch. ii. 2), Was called, read. Pret. 3. fern. , Acts i. 19; Col. iv. 16. 2. sing. A_,^oZ^ 1 Cor. vii. 21. 3. pi. 0-,^oZ^ Acts xi. 26. 2. pi. ^oA-.^aZf, 1 Cor. i. 9 __ Fut. liloAj, S. Matt. ii. 23, &c. Fein. l^oZZ, Col. iv. 16. 1. sing. jo 1 Cor. xv. 9. 3. pi. vp^Aj, S. Matt. v. 9. 2. pi. vOi-oZZ, S. Matt, xxiii. 8, 10 __ Part. I^Ak), S. John xi. 54, &c. Fern. I^^ALo, ch. v. 2, &c. PI. masc. ^ij-OAk>, S. Matt, xxiii. 7, &c. , Cephas a stone K^as Noun, here used as a proper name. See note, ch. ii. 6, below. i " 43. |Of , willed, would rjOtXycrev Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Willed, de- sired, was ivell pleased. Pret. 2. sing. A_..O , Hebr. x. 5, 8. I ^7 I. sing. A , -i. t S. Matt, xxiii. 37, &c. 3. pi. Ol^t , S. John vi. II, 21, &c. 2. pi. vOA__^>, , ch. v. 35, &c. 1. pi. v > ^r, Acts xvi. 10 ; ^.^JL^,, 1 Thess. ii. 18 __ Fut, ]^ J, S. Luke x. 22. 1. sing. fcOtl, Eom. vii. 18. 3. pi. Q^^, Rev. xi. 6. 2. pi. x . ^ V O ,012 Z., S. John xv. 7; Acts xxiii. 15, Gr. SiaytvcocrKetv, such is the reading of the Vienna and some other editions ; while others read ^O^I^Z, from |^D, enquired, investigated Inf. J 44 S. JOHN I. 43, 44. Ver. 43. 2 Cor. viii. 10, 11 ; Phil. ii. 13 Part. ]^>( , S. John v. 6, 21, .PC "-* V &c. Fern. ( > *"v ch. iii. 8, &c. PI. masc. ' ^t> ch. v. 40, -j ^1 > *"> , ch. xii. 21, &c. with ^oAjj, <") <=*> 1 (ch. iv. \ P 'X 43), TFew owf, proceeded forth. With |-Ko5, defended himself, pleaded his cause, Acts xix. 33 ; S. Luke xii. 1 1 (where some editions, including the Vienna, read .dQ)Z, others Aph. |OO)2..) Pret. 3. fern. 'ACLSIJ, S. John xxi.*23, &c. 2. sing. AL2LJ, ch. xvi. 30. 1. sing. AAaJ, ch. viii. 42, &c. 3. pi. OQ^U, ch. iv. 30, &c.; Fern. -" rx^i^ S. Matt. xxv. 1; S. Mark xvl 8. 2. pi. ^oAn^U, S. Matt. xi. 7, &c. 1. pi. v og ", Acts xvi. 13, &c Fut. *DOaJ, S. John x. 9 ; S. Matt. ii. 6 : Fern. . i noaZ, S. Matt. xii. 43. 2. sing. *OO2jZ, ch. v. 26; S. Luke K I . 1\ *. .1> xii. 59; Fern. . r><^/^ Acts xvi. 18. 1. sing. *DO2)|, S. Luke xiv. 18. 3. pi. ^aa^LJ, S. Matt. viii. 12 (Gr. eK/SA^Wrai) ; xiii. 49; S. John v. 29. 2. pi. ^aa^Z, S. Matt. xxiv. 26. 1. pi. *OQ_2U, Heb. xiii. 13 Imperat. %DQj2, S. Mark i. 25, &c. Fern. - ^ogy ch. ix. 25. PI. Q_OO2), S. Matt. xxv. 6, &c 1\ f> P *X Part. *Q_aJ, S. John xv. 26, &c. with J>oO5, Acts xxiv. 10 (here U-O>); xxv. 8 ; xxvi. 1, 2, 24 : Fern. |cL21J, S. Matt. iii. 5, &c. PI. masc. ^ > r*-<* i, ^o;ie ow<, S. Mark vii. 30. Chald. pJjJ, Dan. ii. 14, &c. 44. OlAj-,So V^, yro??i (q/) ^ (S. Matt. xii. 25), noun fern. A city, state. Def. 1'Ai ^Vn S. John ii. 1. Constr. Aij^k), S. Matt. iv. 5. PL S. Luke viii. 4. Def. 1/^Lib, S. Matt. iv. 25, &c. S. JOHN I. 4446. 45 . > x . x 7 Ver. 44. In phrase, p >,V> p >,V> < ^>, i?i every city, Tit. i. 5. Root ^pj v j, judged. Heb. nytb a province, Esth. i. 1. Chald. n^Hp) *te same, Dan. ii. 48, 49,' &c. 45. - .rnnVv coA^j OO1, #e of whom... did write Gr. ov eypa^e Verb ~ 7 7 Peal pret. (the pref. 5 taking r before a vowelless consonant), Wrote. Pret. 1. sing. A^iAs, ch. xix. 22. 3. pi. Q^)AD, Acts xv. 23. 2. pi. ^oA^Aa, 1 Cor. vii. 1. 1. pi. ^.sAD, Acts xxi. 25 __ Fut. OoAlU, 2. sing. J2oAsZ, S. John xix. 21. 1. sing. S. Luke i. 3. 2. pi. ^O^As, 2 Cor. iii. 1. 1. pi. S. Mark x. 4 __ Imperat. !JoAo, S. *Loke xvi. 6, 7 __ Inf. *sA2&X 1 Thess. iv. 9, &c __ Part. oAa, S. John viii. 8. 7 * " " PI. masc. _jb>oAD, coalescing with -!>-, 1__C)AD, 2 Cor. i. 13; 1 S. John i. 4 __ Parb. Peil ^H^As, S. John ii. 17, &c. Fern. l^uAl), S. John xv. 25, c. PL masc. ^ i n lAa, Phil. iv. 3. PI. fern. ^A"An S. John xii. 16; xx. 30; S. Luke xviii. 31. Heb. SJ-G, Exod. xxiv. 4. Chald. 3H3, Dan. v. 5; vi. 26; T ~ : vii. 1. Transl. He of whom Moses did write in the Law, and in the Prophets, X we have found Him that He is (OOI, used for the Copula) Jesus, the son of Joseph, who is from Nazareth. - T 71 7 ** 46. JOOTJ .... -''^ *^, can there . ... be ? Gr. Swarai .... etvat ; See note, ver. 41, above. j, of good, that (is) good ayaOov -^ ^, adj. Good. Used ad- verbially, very, exceedingly, often with pref. j, as S. Matt. ii. 10, 16, &c. As a comparative, with Sp > V> }_, more than, Rom. i. 25 __ Def. ]^i, S. John ii 10. Fern. def. ]2m^, S. Matt. xiii. 8, 23, &c. PI. masc. "*^'t. Col. i. 10 : Def. S. Matt. iii. 10, &c.~ PI. fern. ^n, Tit. iii. 8; Philem. ver. 6. Def. ]Ai4, S. John v. 29, &c. R. oa^ Heb. iitO) Gen. ii. 12, and frequently. 46 S. JOHN I. 47, 48. Yer. 47. A_]f.jf_, truly, indeed aX^^ws Adverb, Rightly, steadfastly, * 17 S. Matt. xiv. 33; 1 Coi\ vii. 37. Formed from ;-;_, true, firm. R. 5 ;..}_, was firm. fl^U, guile SoXos Def. of ^2J , noun masc. Deceit, fraud, subtilty. p ... 7. .. 7 PI. _j-AU, Acts xiii. 10. R. \i2J, ivas perfidious. Heb. 7.3X only in pi. with aff. Numb. xxv. 18. A_._i, there is not OVK tort Compounded of AJ| + ]J ; see note, 7 Ip ch. i. 1. P * ? * 7 * * 48. flilQ_| ^O, whence 1 } iroOtv Adverb, compounded of _| and l^lo, hence. Interrogative or othei'wise, and with or without Vt"> See S. Matt. xiii. 54 ; xxi. 25 S. Luke xi. 24. |J A, before that Trpo Conjunction compounded of |J + A. The words are sometimes written separately. j^j^QJ, called thee Gr. TOV cr...<^a)v^o-at Fut. 3. sing, (with aff. 2. sing.) of j;_Q, Called, (see note, ver. 23). The Future used as a subjunctive with the preceding conjunction. A__K>2., under VTTO Preposition This word takes three forms, viz. Aj-KZ., 'A>jZ, and ZcijvjZ, of which the first two only occur in theKT. is a preposition, followed by nouns, and taking no affixes, is used with pref. 1^, and has then the force of an adverb, 7 Down, S. John viii. 6; S. Matt. iv. 6, Under, Gr. KaTwrepw, S. Matt. ii. 16. So also when preceded by ^-^5, 'A.KA\ S-O, infra, Exod. . 7 1> 7 xx. 4. 'A.KA^5 ^D, from those who are beneath, IK TUV Ka'rw T> 7 * answering to ^olAj r-^> from those who are above, IK TWI/ avw, S. John viii. 23. But when followed by . Sp it becomes a pre- position, Under, as p5] Vo A>>A^, iinder the earth, Phil. ii. 10. 7 is a preposition, Under, and takes affixes of the plural ; as, _iZd>j2., under me. 7 Heb. nnri, under, Ps. x. 7, &c. Chald. Dan. iv. 9, 11. S. JOHN I. 4851. 47 Ver. 48. "\LL, the Jig-tree rrjv o-vxfjv Noun fern, the fuller form of which x is ItaU, A fig-tree. PI. def. (rnasc. form) Jj|2., S. Mark xi. 13; ~ X V- T "" X S. Luke vi. 44; or JJJZ, S. Matt. vii. 16. Fijs, i.e. the fruit. Heb. rtftffl Gen - iii. 7. 49. OlliXiO, the King (afF. pleon.) o /WiAeus ^.^D (Hebr. vii. 1, 2) noun masc. A King. Pef. ]r>^Af> (S. Johniv. 46). PL . > ^NV), def. piXSo, S. Matt. ii. 6, &c. R. ^AlD, counselled. Heb. ^7^, Ps. x. 16, and very frequently. Chald. def. i. ii. 4, &c. 50. 5 ^, because on. ^j] iDjCnlD, believest thou? Trtorewcts ; Part, with pronoun, form- ing present tense 2. sing. See note, ver. 7, above. _^3O55, greater things ^f.i.t,w Adj. pi. fern. (pref. 5, introducing an assertion). The comparative degree expressed by the following _SD. See Phillips, Gr. 22; Cowper 188. 5 i " . I 7 5, Great, def. (j2)5o5, 1 Cor. i. 1. Chiefly used in the pi. _.D)05, 2 S. Pet. ii. 11. Def. )>o{, S. John xxi. 11, &c. PI. fern. def. 5, S. Matt. xxiv. 24, &c. i " Hence the adv. Aj^DJOJ, greatly, Acts viii. 2, &c. The root 5 (Heb. H^^j became great or many, increased) occurs only J 7 in the reduplicated Pael (Palpel) form ^>o5, in which the first r ?v JD is changed into O; and its pass. Ethpalpal ^}>o3Z.j, was mag- nified.'Fut. 3. sing, and 1. pi. ^50>Aj, Phil. i. 20; 2 Cor. x. 15. 51. _iio], ver Hi/ d.^v A particle of asseveration ; properly part. Peil 7 i" of _LD(, ivas constant. See note, ver. 7, above. |JC7I ^-^D?> from henceforth, hereafter O.TT aprt Pref. 5 introducing UP CTI (ch. xi. 8) adv. of time, Now. Compounded of ].Lj + ]cjl ("JC7I, Chald. fc$j"| is a demonstr. particle, entering into the composition of the pronouns OO1, -O1, and ^ij-jOl, ZdDCTl, etc. |jOl_^ pb r ii, until now, S. John ii. 10, &c. 48 S. JOHN I. 51. Ver. 51. _ft_*K-iA^), opened, sc. ( > ^ m Gr. (TOV ovpavcv) dvewyoVa Pref. 3 (which -takes y before a vowelless consonant) marking a participle used as such. Part. Peil pi. masc. of oo^2> (S. Matt. v. 2), Opened. Pret. 3. fern. -AJLAa, Acts xii. 14. 3. pi. Q-KJ^), S. Matt. ii. 11. 1. pi. ,.-K^2>, Acts v. 23 Fut. ooA^LJ, Acts xviii. 14. 1. sing. oJCuaf, S. Matt. xiii. 35. 3. pi. ^cLuA^lJ, S. Luke xii. 36 Imperat. oJ\>, S. Matt. xvii. 27, &c Inf. o^A^l&X Rev. v. 2, &c Part. ^tL2>, S. John x. 3; S. Luke ii. 23 Part. Peil ), 2 Cor. vi. 11. Def. )jl_,A), Pvev. iii. 8. PI. masc. def. z , Rom. iii. 13. PI. fern. ^LIlAsj, Acts ix. 8. Heb. nnS, Ps. xxxix. 10. Chald. flJlS, part. Peil HTlS, Dan. vi. 11; vii. 10. 7 7 ..V , and the angels (affix pleon.) KOL TOTJS ayye'Xous ^|.iSf?, 7 7 def. {njlVn (ch. v. 4) noun masc. An Angel. PI. def. (n(1^n ch. 7 . -r\ 7 xx. 12, &c. The root (sU) exists only in Ethiopic. Heb. Wpfc, Ps. xxxiv. 8, &c. Chald. ^^S-tD, with aff. Dan. iii. 28; vi. 23. . K y v , n\ro f2, ascending avu/Sai'vovras Part, (marked as such by fS) pi. masc. of .n\m ( c h. ii. 13), Went up. This verb in all its forms, except Peal pret. and part, active, and Ethpaal, drops ^, as fut. 7 * 7 QQJ, as if from the verb .r> nn i Or, as some Grammarians regard it, a verb defective of all forms but the above mentioned, and borrowing the rest (including Aph. conj.) from -^ 1. Pret. 3. fern. -Ao\rn Acts i. 26. 1. sing. ArArn S. John xx. 17. 3. pi. CLoSro, ch. vi. 22, &c. Fern. . " o^vm S. Mark xv. 41. 1. pi. ^n^vrtv Acts xxi. 2,6,15 Part. *oJla5, S. John vi. 62, &c. Fern. ]n\rr> S. Mark iv. 32. PI. fern, ^r^^rn, S. Luke xxiv. 38 Ethpaal n_lArDf, lie was raised, taken up, 7 7 Acts i. 2, &c. Chald. S, Ban. ii. 29; vii. 3, 8, 0; Ezr. iv. 12. S. JOHN II. 13. 49 CHAPTER II. Ver. 1. |A_l2.5, the third, lit. which (is) three -rfj TPLTYJ Cardinal number masc. (see ver. 6, below) used for the ordinal. Fern. A_L1, ch. xiii. 38, &c. Heb. flZhW, fern, wfatf, tih. Chald. T ; T T Ezr. vi. 15. , a banquet lit. a drinking ; specially, A wedding-feast s Noun. fern. def. R. )/.-, drank. Compare JlWfi, Esth. i. 3, &c. OtLo]o, and the mother (affix pleon.) /cat 17 (jojnrjp ]^D\ (S. Matt. x. 37) noun fern. def. A mother. PI. (irreg.) ]2.Ollo'j, S. Mark x. 30. Heb. ON, Ps. xxvii. 10. there e/cet Adverb. In composition, _LoA_^, thither, ch. xi. 15; S. Matt. ii. 22. ^2. ^D,froni thence, ch. iv. 21; v. 26. i, lo, there! S. Mark xiii. 21; S. Luke xvii. 21, 23. Heb. W. Chald. HISH, Ezr. v. 17; vi. 1, 6, 12. 2. fc3]o, anc? aZso 8e KOI kS], conj. Also The vowel remitted to the prefixed O. It forms compounds; as ,J *2)\ (or ^.^l), although, ch. viii. 14, &c. but, even, at least, ch. xiv. 11; S. Mark vi. 56; S. Luke xix. 42. At least, yet, 2 Cor. xi. 16. (1^1, not even, ch. 7 i" ^T V i. 3, above. .L.KK)(, w?e also, 2 S. Pet. i. 18. ^,-^(, to us also; us also, Rom. iv. 24; 2 Cor. iv. 14. , N.B. The next word, OCJI, may be regarded either as pleonastic, or reciprocal ( = ipse), or as representing the Gr. art. d. Ver. 3. (witli JOO1 forming the imperf. or pluperf. tense), Was deficient, . 7 -x lost, suffered loss. Pret. 1. sing. Z.^CLKJ, Phil. iii. 8 -- Fut. ;CL>wJ, S. Matt. xvi. 26, &c. Fern, (without final ^) j^n_oZ, S. Luke xxii. 32. 2. pi. ^O^m^Z", 2 Cor. vii. 9 -- Part. : '*, S. Luke xv. 14. 77 Pael ;ft"> >; wronged, occasioned loss, with aff. Phil em. ver. 18. Heb. *lDn> was lacking, suffered want, Ps. xxiii. 1; xxxiv. 11. Pi. IDH, Ps. viii. 6. >, wine Gr. oivov Noun masc. def. Heb. ^l^Hj Deut. xxxii 14; Isa. xxvii. 2. R. ^IJ^Plj fo- mented. Chald. *lftn, def. {O/bflj Ezr. vi. 9; vii. 22; Dan. v. 1,2,4,23. .... Ifiolo, Transl. and His mother saith to Jesus, lit. to Him, to Jesus. |r^o|, part. fern, for present tense; see note, ch. i 38. C7LA, pleonastic. T 4. . . n\n . . \ [VD, what have T to do with thee? lit. what to Me and to thee? TI C/J.OL Kol trot; jib, interrog. pronoun, used of the thing. "jZAjf, woman ywcu Noun fern. def. A woman, wife. Coiistr. ZAj}, S. Matt. xiv. 3; S. Mark vi. 17, 18. PI. (anomalous) ]-ii_3, S/Matt. xi. 11, 'tf for H^3N, Gen. ii. 22, 23. (N.B. In Syr. Z takes T T : the place of ^ ; and Nun, which in Heb. is compensated for by Dagesh, is retained with the linea occultans.) PI. Q^J. Chald. T (not occurring in the Bible) fcifW, def. J^nH^ 1 ' J^nrO^- PI- \ <-" / / vv . n, v p, not yet OVTTCO v^ *"\ ^ } yet, ert, Acts ix. 1. Compound of y, until, and vj^.'? 7 inseparable particle. A 7 "' I * .jA^, ??i?/ Aowr 77 wpa /xov p>J, see note, ch. i. 39: with aff. 1. sing. * t> .. 7 . 5. ( i V> ^"> \ i Vn V\ S. JOHN II. 5, 6. 51 r Ver. 5. deaconess, Rom. xvi. 1. Root Pa. ,m V>, ministered, from the 7 "ft part, of which (. Vn Vr) it is formed. 1> t 7 O,1L, w, performed, worked, committed, made war, brought forth fruit, cefe- brated a feast : a word of very frequent occurrence in these and .. 7 f< kiadred meanings. Pret. 3. fern. Z.,-CLL, S. Matt. xxvi. 10, &c. 2. sing. ZfAl, S. Luke ii. 48; iv. 23. 1. sing. Zjjol, S. John iv. 29, 39, &c. 3. pi. O,^, ch. v. 29, &c. 2. pi. ^pZ.nS, S. Matt. xxv. 40, 45, &c. 1. pi. ^."HS, S. Matt. vii. 22, &c Fut. ^2LLJ, S. John vii. 17, &c. Fern. _,,LLZ, S. James iii. 12. 2. sing. ,AlZ, S. Mark x. 35, &c. 1. sing, .'^'f, S. John iv. 34, \ ; S. John iii. 2, &c Part. y^iL, ver. 18, below. Fern. I^Qi, S. Matt. vi. 3, &c. PI. I O masc. __> r .dJL, S. John viii. 38, 39, 41, &c. Coalescing with ,J_K, ^Juipo^; ch. xiv. 23; with ^, made, S. Mark xiv. 58; Afflicted with disease, S. Matt. xvii. 15. Fern. ], > PS, S. Mark x x v. 23. PL masc. _,_i_lL, S. John iii. 21; afflicted, S. Matt. iv. 24, &c. Used actively, Acts xv. 36. N.B. This verb, with a few others, follows the rule of intransitives, which take * or 7 in the fut. and imperat. instead of the regular vowel *. Heb. *7UV, laboured, served, Gen. xiv. 4; tilled the ground, -*T Gen. ii. 5. Chald. *QV, made, Dan. iii. 1, 15: did, ch. iv. 32; Ezr. vi. 8: waged war, Dan. vii. 21. 6. wuOOl AJ|, there ivere rjo-av Imperf. 3. pi. fern, of |OO"I. See note, ch. i. X l. 52 S. JOHN II. 6. * .. 0*7 1 " " I 7 Ver. 6. P-tt() waterpots vSpiat PI. def. (of masc. form) of P-iil, noun fern. A bowl, basin, pot. Occurs in the N. T. here and in the next verse, only. Heb. |;lKj pl- niJil^} I g a. xxii. 24. ]^)]55, of stone Gr. XCOivai Def. of *^)JD (S. Matt. xxiv. 2), noun fern. A stone, rock. PI. (of masc. form) " j < "v def. |^H), S. John viii. 59, &c. Heb. tp, used only in pl. Jer. iv. 29; Job xxx. 6. Ai, six e Card. numb. fern. Masc. "JA^, S. Matt. xvii. 1. I Vn . m^ which (were) set, placed Gr. Kei/Aevcu Part. Peil pl. fern, of JsOCLCD Snm (ch. xix. 19), Put, placed, imposed; ordained, con- stituted; destined; gave a name; laid a foundation. Pret. 2. sing. A Vim, S. Luke xix. 21 ; with aff. S. John xx. 15. 1. sing. A Vim, S. Luke xix. 22; with aff. S. John xv. 16. 3. pl. nVnnr^ S. John xix. 2, 29, &c Fut. V" m i (as from a verb - ^), S. John xv. 13, O__mZ, Rom. xiv. 13. 1. sing. i*Qj.o], S. Matt. xii. 18, &c. 3? pl. ^Vn . mi S. Mark xvi. 18, &c. 2. pl. .nVn . m7 S. Matt. vi. 19 Imperat. ^ m ; S. John X In xviii. 11, &c. PL nVi. m S. Matt. vi. 20, &c Inf. V>mV)\ 1 Cor r iii. 11; 2 Cor. xii 14 Part. ^o|flD, S. Luke iv. 40, &c. PL >Vn. rr> S. John xviii. 18, &c Part. Peil ^O . m, S. John xix. 29, &c. Fern. ]^> > m S. Luke vi. 48; xvi. 26. Pl. masc. ^ Vn . m ? S. John xx. 5 ; S. Luke xxiv. 1 2 : Coalescing with ^ x x ^_1_K, ^i .Vn. m 1 Thess. iil 3. Heb. Q!|j and Q^jjf, Gen. ii. 8. Chald. Q!)^, Dan. iii. 10, 29; vi. 15, &c. , for (according to, after the manner of) the purification 1 7 TOV Ka6apur[j.6v Noun fern. def. (with pref. prepos.) A cleans- ing, purification. R. |DJ or _i_29, was pure. Whence also 5, noun fern. def. Purity, sincerity, 1 Cor. v. 8; vii. 7, &c. ], filthiness, Rev. xvii. 4. fJLooj, noun masc. def. S. JOHN II. 6. 53 Ver. 6. Purgation, purification, Hebr. i. 3, &c. A_j.x^j, adv. Purely, sincerely, Phil. i. 17 ; 2 Tliess. ii. 10. . r-KJ|?, containing ^eopoucrat Part. pi. fern. (pref. J, which marks 7 V the participle as such, and takes the first vowel) of ^ \ (S. Matt. xiv. 3), Laid hold of, seized, caught, possessed, Jield, comprehended; shut, S. Matt. vi. 6; with aff. S. John viii. 20. Pret. 3. fern. 7 "** j* V* A_KJ|, ch. xxi. 6; S. Luke vii. 16; viii. 37. 1. sing. Lr^t\, Hebr. 7 .T, viii. 9. 3. pi. Ofja], S. Matt. xxi. 35, 39, &c. ; with aff. pleon. .. 7 .T. -X 7 S. John xviii. 12: Fern. -,-K|, S. Matt. xxviiL 9. 2. pi. ^oZ.pKjJ, with aff. S. Matt. xxvi. 55. 1. pi. . ,_Lf, S. Luke v. 5 __ Fut. ?a..K1j, S. Luke xiii. 25: Fern. ^5Q_K]Z, 1 Cor. vii. 2; 2 Tim. X T * ^ 1* ii. 17. 1. sing. >Qua(] with aff. Philem. ver. 13. 3. pi. ^O^Ktp, 1 Tim. iii. 9; with aff. S. John vii. 32, &c. 2. pi. ^0,-^U, o , . "\ S. John xx. 23; with aff. . . i in t v./ ^ dropping the first rad. (, S. Luke xxii. 52 __ Imperat. )Q-^], S. Matt. vi. 6. PI. Oja^j], ch. xxvi. 48 __ Inf. , K.]VT>\ Gr. ySaora^etv, S. John xvi. 12; with aff. ch. vii. 30 __ Part, ^f, S. Matt. xii. 11, &c __ Part. Peil , > *->}, S. Luke xi. 7; often used actively, S. Mark xvi. 8, &c. /), Gr. ^e'pwi/ TrdvTa, Hebr. i. 3; P--K| ^2, Almighty, "i" i 7 " x , 2 Cor. vi. 18: Fern. ( t **], (act.) S. Matt. viii. 14. PI. masc. ^j-K.] 7 , S. John xx. 19, 23, 26 : actively, S. Matt. 1 7 7 i .7 xiv. 5, t ^>( y Rom. iii. 9, &c. -\P z PI. fern. . , > ^>(j S. Luke xxiv. 16. Heb. THK, Ps. xlviii. 7. r'^ r- 1 '^-? ^ which is usually reckoned ^ about 7 J gallons. See 2 Chron. iv. 5 and LXX. there. 7. 0^0, fill ye/xio-are Imperat. pi. of ]&D (S. Mark xv. 36), Filled, 7 t was full; was completed, of time, S. Luke ii. 21. Pret. 3. fern. A^Sf>, S. Matt. xiii. 48. 3. pi. d\LD, in this verse, next clause: Fern. . Wr, Acts vii. 30 F ? ut. U^J, S. Luke xvi. 21: Fern, (without final _*) jlloZ. (to) draw i.e. to fill her vessel with, water, S. John iv. 7. 2."sing. f^oL, with aff. Acts ii. 28. 3. pi. ^Q_iLQJ, S. John xi. 19 (where see note) Infin. (i^n^n\ ; S. Luke xv. 16 Part. Jhb, Acts xiv. 16. PI. masc. ^ - VQ->, 1 Thess. ii. 11 (but probably to be referred to \&Lo, or the reading is faulty Part. Peil (JlD, see note, ch. i. 14, above. Heb. nS/5 or tfbfc, Gen. i.*22. Chald. K^D, Dan. ii. 35. 1* T T " T T ; j-JJ, accusat. pleonastic. Transl. lit. Fill them, the waterpots (with) water. %>y s ? ^07 ^ ^Df^., up to ecus p^pL compounded of [ID + .A ; followed by j, until, S. Matt. i. 25. \\S\, to the top, to the brim ews av; \ to the liead, governor, of the feast T<3 apx"7>tKXi'vo> __*> (pref. prepos.) noun masc. Head, beginning, chief; highest point, extremity (S. Matt. xxiv. 31). <_*_5) ^, From the be- 1 t\ * P ginning, first, again, or newly, S. John iii. 3, 7. Def. f--*?, S. Matt. ix. 34, &c. Constr. >\ as here, used in a variety of 3. expressions: as, S. JOHN II. 8. 55 ., head of the fathers, Patriarch, Acts ii. 29; Hebr. * vii. 4. -\ 7ie beginning of the creation, S. Mark xiii. 19. corner, 1 S. Pet. ii. 6. s^o^", Hebr. xi. 21. X - P -X |A o 1 n . .y rzt^er o/^7ie synagogue, S. Luke viii. 41. >y tJie chief seats, S. Matt, xxiii. 6; S. Mark xii. 39; S. Luke xi. 43; xx. 46. ?, tlw Archangel, 1 Thess. iv. 6; S. Jude ver. 9. x 5 ^ .rnn \Vi ^.^.jj , the beginning -first principles of the words 7 x (oracles) of God, Hebr. v. 12. *_ja_5, i7ie fip of the finger, S. Luke xvi. 24. O 1 7teac/ of the corner, Acts iv. 11 ; Epli. iL 20. - P i> . P 7 |A_Ol5 P}_O - -y (the same), S. Luke xx. 17. the Prince of the power of the air, Eph. ii. 2. PI. .i.5. Del ViL.5, S. John vii. 48, &c. Constr. ^ X X X 1 * V "7 (-KJ',I_ 'V <7ie beginnings of the months, i.e. 7*e new moons, Col. ii. 16. Heb. Wtfft, Gen. iii. 15, and very frequently. Chald. Z7ie 7ieat/, Dan. iL 38. The sum, amount, ch. vii. 1. PI. ver. 6; Ezr. v. 10. , the feast. Noun masc. def. A reclining; company ofrecliners, Gr. K\KTLO., S. Luke ix. 14: Room or place for reclining, ch. xiv. 8. Stability, stedfastness, Gr. crrT/pty/xos, 2 S. Pet. iii. 17. PI. . nVnm repeated with a distributive force, by companies, in ranks, S. Mark vi. 39, 40. Def. ]ndLZ, lie tasted Gr. eyeuoraro Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Tasted. Pret. 3. pi. 0^ns, Hebr. vi. 4, 5. 2. pi. ^oAkll^, 1 S. Pet. ii. 3 __ Fut. i-oLgj, S. John viii. 52. 2. sing. ^CiL^L, Col. ii. 21. 3. pi. s - Matt - xvi - 28 > &c. 1. pi. ^al4j, Acts Ethpeel J>CLL-2.| , was grafted q. d. was made to taste the sap of the stock. Pret. 2. sing. Akll^Zf, Rom. xi. 17, 24 __ Fut. ^OL^AJ, 1. sing. ^O S 2.f, ver. 19. 3. pi. ^alOL^Aj, ver. 23, 24.1_Aphel !>O^T, grafted. Fut. !>CLL4J, ver. 23. Heb. D^^Ps. xxxiv. 9. Chahl &y_fc, Pa. Dan. iv. 22; v. 21. 7 OO1, Demonstrative here representing the Gr. article. X *, I), who themselves PI. (pref. relat. 5) of OC7I, he, himself. , Pronoun accus. pi. masc. Pleonastic, referring to the following , to the bridegroom Gr. rov w^iov ]JA.Kj, noun masc. def. (pref. prepos.) A bridegroom. Heb. fjl!"l, one who takes any one's daughter in marriage, ' T T Ps. xix. 6. R. |nn> gave a daughter in marriage Part. jj~in> father-in-law, Exod. xviii. 1. *i ^ 10. 5 pD, when, after that orav 5 taking the vowel of the following word, to which it is prefixed. 7 Q_o5]j, they have well, sufficiently, drunk /z0w0wo-i Aphel pret. 3. x ^ " V pi. of jo5, Drank his Jill, was intoxicated Aph. _jO5(, with the . 7 x same signification. A MS. reads Q_i055, Peal pret. 3. pi. x Heb. Hiph. HIIH) watered copiously, Isa. Iv. 10. __ P jO~l, then TOT Adverb of time. See note, ch. i. 51. I 7 x 7 j_^_O}, which is worse TOV eXacro-w r-t> (pref. ?) adj. Small; less ... 7 i in size or value. \\ i \O ^^O, Gr. diro /xepovs, (he hath grieved) 1 ^J -o i in part (all of you), 2 Cor. ii. 5. Def. |;_^C, the least, S. Matt. -PI ~-> ^ 7 v. 19; Fern. |^^JD, ch. ii. 6. Form of part. Peil from '^O, S. JOHN II. 10, 11. 57 . Ver. 10. Decreased. Whence also |Z.O;_i^, noun fern. def. A smcdl thing, 1 Cor. iv. 3; xi. 17. , thou hast kept (pron. pleon.) ren/p^/cas Pret. 2. sing, of (2 S. Pet. ii. 5), Kept, guarded, watched, reserved. Pret. 3. ..7 * .7 sing. fern. Z}_^J, with aff. S. John xii. 7. 2. sing. Z;_j, Rev. iii. 8, 10. I. sing. Z^J, S. John xv. 10; xvii. 12, S. Matt, xxvii. 36, 7 7 I P 54, &c. Coalescing with I-KJ, _J_i^J, 1 S. John ii. 3; iii. 22; with ^oAj], ^oAj^J, Gal. iv. 10 __ Part. Peil ; fti ; Rom. iii. 8. PL masc. ,_.l_4j, 1 S. Pet. i. 5; S. Jude ver. 1. Heb. ^J, Ps. ciii. 9. Chald. *)DJ kept in the heart, Dan. - T ; vii. 28. Compare S. Luke ii. 19. pDA> until now ?o>s ap-n Compound adverb. See notes, ch. i. 51; ii. 7. 11. |Z|, sign, miracle Gr. T7ju,ctW Noun fern. def. A sign, portent. ' PL def. ]ZoZf, ver. 23, below. Heb. fiiK, Gen. i. 14. Chald. fiN, pi. jTltf, def. Jl, Dan. iii. 32, 33; vi. 28. . c 7 JA . Vn | o ) the first Gr. rrjv a-pxyv Ordinal fern. def. See note, ch. L 15. t> t> Trans. This is (_O1 JJC71) the first miracle that Jesus did in Cana of Galilee. 7 - 7 VijO|O, and made known, manifested forth KOL , S. John xvii. 26; xviii. 32, ifcc. Heb. Hiph. JJHVT, Ps. cxlv. 12. Chald. Aph. ^TH, Dan - ii. 15, &c. 12. )'CJI, ?/m TOVTO Demonstr. pron. fern. sing. Followed by _iO1 it assumes the form _cn |JO"I, as in the preceding verse, and ch. i. 19. " \ n , a few, not many Gr. ov TroXXas Adj. used adverbially, as i Lat. paulurtt. Lit. light, little. See note, ch. vii. 33, below. -<> 17 xx * v t 13. |OO1 fcUjj^O, and,.. was at hand KCU eyyus rjv -*^> ; f\ adj. Near, Tt wt<7/t o hand, nearest. Of form part. Peil of *O;_Q, was wear. e x 7 Def. lXf-O, used as a substantive, One who is near, a neighbour, S. Luke x. 36; and with affixes, as ver. 27, 29, &c. Fern. .017' 17 (*"i >; O, S. John xix. 20, fec. PI. masc. *^> >; <^ , Acts ii. 7 7 17 x 10, &c. : coalescing with ^ ., _LJ.J^U^, Gr. TrapoVrcs, 2 Cor. x. 11. Def. lu^D, Eph. ii. 13, 17. PI. fern. ^A .-;A S. Mark i 38, &c. Heb. ii*lp, Ps. xxxiv. 19; xxxviii. 12. 1 r * " \* ^2, the Passover TO iraa^a. Noun masc. def. Heb. riD)> Exod. xii. 11. R. nD3> passed over, ver. 13, &c. 14. 1 r^l?, those that bought Gr. TOVS TrwXowi/ras Part. pi. masc. (pref. * 7 7 rel. j) of <_O1 (S. Mark xv. 46), Bought. Pret. 2. sing. Rev. v. 9. 1. sing. ALoi, S. Luke xiv. 18, 19. 3. pi. ..7 S. Matt, xxvii. 7: Fern. u^JL^I, S. Mark xvi. 1. 1. pi. S. Luke ix. 13 Fut. ^p, S. John xiii. 29; S. Luke xxii. 36. 3. pi. ^Q_Ldp, S. John iv. 8, &c. 1. pi. ^JJ, ch. vi. 5 1 7 1* . Imperat. pi. fern. **">], S. Matt. xxv. 9 Inf. _ ^V> \ 7 ver. 10 Part. ^- 1 . Rev. xviii. 11 Part. Peil pi. constr. redeemed from the earth, Rev. xiv. 3. S. JOHN II. 14. 59 Yer. 14. Chald. Hf, bought, gained for oneself . Part. pi. masc. j\D!3T) Dan. ii. 8. N.B. The Editions vary in their reading of this passage; thus, 1. ^-jJLOJj ^QJCTU^ oo^^lo, and found those that bought, is the reading of the Vienna Edition, Tremellius, and Hutter: f * XP \11 ^ 7** 2. ^ i. 1 n^ > V QJTLA p^jiTiQ o^^U|0, and found in the temple those that bought, De la Boderie, Paris 4to: 7 y v. " v 11 7 7 i" 3. ^- 1 O]lO; -- \C" \ flsijOTJD o^KHjijO, and found in the temple those that sold, Ed. Regia, Plantin, Trostius, and Gutbir. This latter reading is adopted by Schaaf and Leusden. p'oZ, oxen /?oas PI. def. of "J5oZ (S. Luke xv. 23. Gr. TOV (JLOO-^OV), noun masc. def. A bull, ox. Heb. 'flEJJ, Exod. xxi. 28; collectively, Gen. xxxii. 6. Chald. lift, pi- |Hin, Dan. iv. 22, 29, 30; v. 21; Ezr. vi. 9, 17; vii. 17. So in other langxiages, as Gr. ravpos: Lat. taurus: Germ. %ij\n: Welsh tarw. , and sheep /cat 7rpo/3ara ^Pl. def. of ]l2^L (S. Matt. xii. 11, 12), noun masc. def. A sheep. PI. -^^>yV, S. Matt, xviii. 12; S. Luke xv. 4. , and the changers of money nal TOVS Kep/AaTiaras PI. def. of p_);^lQ, noun masc. def. A money-changer. With pref. O, and _1 of the accusative, which takes 7 before the vowelless con- sonant. R. ^)j>L, in Arab, turned, changed money. V p, sitting (Part, as such, marked by pref. j) Ka^/x.eVovs Part. pi. masc. of oA_ (ch. iv. 6), Sat, inhabited, dwelt. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A>A_i, S. Luke x. 39. 1. sing. AibAj, Acts xxv. 17. 3. pi. O^iAj, S. John vi. 17, &c. 2. pi. ^oA^A^, Sat in mourning Gr. tTrev^^'o-are, 1 Cor. v. 2. 1. pi. _oA_, Acts xvi. 13 __ Fut. oAj, S. Matt. xiii. 2, &c. 3. pi. ^ ^ of cord, of small cords Gr. IK. cr^otvtwv Noun masc. def. A rope, cord. The singular used collectively. PI. - V*^ -, with aff. pleon. Acts xxvii. 32. Heb. 7^H> Ps. xvL 6; xviii. 5. R. 7^pfj bound, twisted. .7 " " ~ T 7 j, He drove out c/?o&cy Aphel pret. 3. sing, of *CL2U, tt?era ow. Aph. Caused to go out, led out, drove forth: spent. Pret. 3. sing. fern. &*&]* S. Mark v. 26; S. Luke viii. 43: with aff. S. Mark i. 12. 2. sing. Ana], Acts xxi. 38. 1. sing. An^] Hebr. viii. 9. 3. pi. CLOa] , Acts xiii. 50 : with aff. S. John ix. 34, 35, |i s - Matt - vii - 22 __ Fut - oAJ, S. Matt. ix. 38, &c. : Fern. i O^Z, Hebr. vi. 8. 2. sing. ,n>Z, S. Luke x. 35. 1. sing. lOJati S. Matt. vii. 4; S. Luke vi. 42: with aff. S. John vi. 47. 3. pi. AcLSU, S. Matt. x. 1, &c. with aff. S. John ix. 22; xvi. 2. 2. pi. ^nn^Z with lLo5, ye shall ^ 7 answer, defend yourselves, S. Luke xii. 11, see note, ch. i. 43, above. 1. pi. *Q_2U, 1 Tim. vi. 7 __ Imperat. *L2>1, S. Matt. vii. 5; S. Luke vi. 42. PI. OD^f, S. Matt. x. 8*S. Luke xv. 22; with aff. S. Matt. xxii. 13._Llnf. no^V>\ S. Matt. vii. 5, &c __ Part. kCLalD, S. John x. 3, &c. PL masc. 77 S. Matt. xii. 27. .Part. pass. Q_lSo, plur. masc. S. Luke xiii. 28. Chald. Aph. pSJilj pGi"!j brought out, Dan. v. 2, 3; Ezr. v. 14; vi. 5. ]lCLG"l ^~O, from, out of, the temple ex TOT) iepov Def. of noun masc. A temple, king's palace. Heb. ^n Ps- v. 8. Chald. def. S. JOHN II. 15. 61 Ver. 15. palace, Dan. iv. 1, 26: the temple of Jerusalem, or at Babylon, Dan. v. 2, 3, 5; Ezr. iv. 14. 7 TV r-jo, and poured out KCU cfc^cc Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Shed, 7 '* -x ** poured forth. Pret. 3. pi. Oyjij, Rev. xvi. 6 Fut. ?a.p, * V .. * * i 7 1. sing. Jdj|, Acts ii. 17, 18 Imperat. pi. OjQ..|, Rev. xvi. 1 Inf. rij&X Rom. iii. 15. The verb does not occur in Heb., but its deriv. *j^fc$, the stream, f v outpouring of the brooks, Numb. xxi. 15: and the fern, form mS?K pi. nn&?K, Josh. x. 40 ; xii. 8. Constr. JTH^tf, the springs, or ravines of Pisgah, Deut. iii. 17; iv. 49; Josh. xii. 3. ^ t> ^ P 4K ,OCJUL2}5Q_L, their money Gr. TO /cepjua _iJQ_L, noun masc. (here p p ^ with aff. 3. pi.), Money, a piece of money. Def. p_)JQ_L, Gr. XO.XKOV, S. Mark xii. 41. R. ^2;-L, see note, preceding verse. * f. X A " ^OT-iiioA^O, and their tables Gr. KCU rets rpaTre'^as Plur. (pref. O) -P 0> P with affix, of |5oA2> (S. Matt. xxv. 27), noun masc. def. A table, table of skew-bread (S. Matt. xii. 4, &c.); money-changers' table. PI. def. ]joAa, S. Matt. xv. 27, &c. , He overthrew dvea-rpeif/t Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Turned, converted, changed, subverted, returned. Pret. 3. sing. fern. . 7 T ... ^ * * AnXJl, S. Luke i. 56; viii. 55. 1. sing. Ansoi, Acts xxii. 17; Gal. i. 17. 3. pi. 00^01, S. Luke ii. 20, &c. : Fern. . i O^OI, ch. xxiii. 56; xxiv. 9. 2. pi. ^oAo)Ol, Gal. iv. 9 Fut. ^.aaou, S. Luke x. 6; xix. 12. 1. sing. ^a5Ol], S. Matt. xii. 44; S. Luke xi. 24. 3. pi. ^onevn^ S. Matt. ii. 12, &c * Imperat. ^O)ai, S. Luke viii. 39 Part. ^i25O1, S. Luke x. 35: Fern. jflSCT, 2 Cor. vii. 10. From this verb are derived ij noun fern. An overthrow, 2 S. Pet. ii. 6. ; noun masc. def. Conversation, inanners, 2 S. Pet. ii. 7. PI. def. |iii^OOl, S. James iii. 13. Constr. wiLciSoai, Rom. viii. 13. n oun fern. def. Opposition. PI. def. ]A^l>cn, 1 Tim. vi. 20. Heb. Ttfirj, Gen. xix. 21, 25; Ps. Ixxviii. 9. Deriv. I- T overthrow, Gen. xix. 29. 62 S. JOHN II. 16. ? 7 Ver. 16. _.j.JLdllO), that sold Gr. rots TrwXovo-iv Pael part. pi. masc. 1 * 7 7 (pref. relat. 5 before vowelless consonant) of _>! , Bought. Pa. (S. Matt. xiii. 44, 46), Sold. Pret. 2. pi. o (ch. viii. 35), noun masc. def. A house, habita- tion. By apocope, --S, S. Matt. xii. 25. Constr. A_i_3, which . t> 7 occurs in this verse, and in the proper name | --i ^ L\^.Z2, Betliany, ch. i. 28. Also in the following expressions, {',' ff> | Aj^O, Jiouse of the bound, prison, ch. iii. 24; S. Matt. v. 25, &c. (Vnmo A ^ o the place of spices, censer tfv/ucrnfpiov Hebr. ix. 4. "jAib A.i. o^ from house to house, 1 Tim. v. 13; 2 Tim. iii. 6. T* P 1 I ]_./__}, house of the treasure, treasury, S. John viii. 20, &c. . n i P-.5 A^12, place of judgment, Acts xvii. 19, &c. of the judges, council, S. Matt. x. 17. , place of olives, S. Luke xix. 29, 37; xxi. 37. I 0^X ]l ' f> IjOOT-i A_JD5, at\oVr;v or 2 Tim. iv. 13. , sepulchre, S. Matt. xiv. 2. S. JOHN II. 16, 17. 63 Ver. 1 6. ]rr>n^r> A * ->> } house of publicans, receipt of custom, S. Matt. ix. 9, &c. * 7 ] .. m V> A_i_O, place of entertainment, guest-chamber, S. Mark xiv. 14; S. Luke xxii. 11. "JZJO^J A..rD, place of custody, prison, Rev. ii. 10; xx. 7. ] i " *- AJ_O, place of the eyes, forehead, Rev. vii. 3, &c. IP ^ jdi^jD A_^, place of burial, grave, S. John xi. 17, 38, &c. and pi. form, "JJ'OCLD AjuO, the same, S. Matt. viii. 28, &c. (m \ O A-V..S, house of stores, barn, S. Luke xii. 24; and with aff. ver. 18. . t> o t ft, 1 1 "-^n..n CL*JO,J?faofl of oblation, treasury, S. Matt, xxvii. 6; S. Luke xxi. 4. PL def. lArb, S. Matt. xix. 29, &c. R. 2.013 As, jMWe<2 the i> wignt. Heb. JV5> constr. H*3> pL D^S, Ps. v. 8; xxiii. 6, and of " T frequent occurrence. Chald. JT3> constr. JV3, def. Xn 11 ]!!} Dan. ii. 5; iv. 27; Ezr. v. 2, 3, 9, 11. |Z5o_ii 1 2., mercJiandize Gr. e/j,Tropiov Noun fern. def. Business, traffic; Gain, profit, Acts xvi. 16; Diligence, S. Luke xii. 58; Wages, Rom. vi. 23. ? . R. ;_ I , conducted business. V .. -K ^ > 17. O^2jZ.jO, a(Z ^/iey remembered ffivrjcrOrjcrav 8e Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. 7 (pref. O, taking the first vowel) of ^25 (Peal not found in N". T.), 7 ..* Remembered. Ethpe. ^DjZ.] (S. Matt. xxvi. 75, &c.) the same. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z^jZ], Rev^xvi. 19. 1. sing. Z^OjZ"), Acts xi. 16. 3. pi. fern. ^.JDjZl* S. Luke xxiv. 8. 1. pi. ^DjZf, S. Matt, xxvii. 63 Fut. p?Aj, 2. sing. ^))ZZ, S. Matt. v. 23. 1. sing. frDjZI, Hebr. viii. 12; x. 17 Tmperat. ^OjZ"), S. Luke 7 'n xvi. 25; with aff. xxiii. 42. Plur. O^DjZ.j, S. Luke xvii. 32 7 . T I 7 T\ Part. j^DjASD, Rom. i. 9, &c. PL masc. jj^DjASo, coalescing with ^-Ljo, J-ipjAk), 1 Thess. i. 2. 64 S. JOHN II. 17. Ver. 17. Heb. "Of, Gen. viii. 1; Ps. xxv. 7, &c. &c. 7 >, that it was written ort yeypafjL/j.evov ecm'v Part. Peil of '* 3, Wrote see note, ch. i. 45. Pref. 5 before vowelless letter. I j, , pi. i fcO\ 77 7 1> ^ I coalescing with _ J_K, 1.1 5^. ^ ^ or - x - ^2. . . i \n] ? hath eaten Me up Kare'^aye /AC Peal pret. 3. sing, (with aff. 7 .. 7 .* pron. 1. sing.) of ^DJ (S. Matt. xii. 4), Ate, devoured, consumed; i 7 and followed by |;-Q, accused, calumniated, see note, ch. viii. 44, below. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AXs'f, Rev. xx. 9 : with aff. S. Matt. xiii. 4; S. Mark iv. 4; S. Luke viii. 5. 1. sing. A\n| Acts x. 14. 3. pi. olif, S. John vi. 13, 23, 31, 49, &c. 2? pi. voAl^jf, ver. 26. 1. pi. ^.^f, S. Luke xiii. 26 __ Fut. ^os]j, S. John vi 50, 51, &c. 2. sing. ^Ol)1Z, S. Mark xiv. 12. 1. sing. ^03]", ver. 14; S. John iv. 32, &c. 3. pi. ^r>W|i, S. John vi. ..7 7 5, &c. : with _O1Oj_D, that they might accuse Him, S. Matt. xii. 10; S. Luke vi. 7; xii. 54. 2. pi. v o\n')7 > S. John vi. 53, &c. 1. pi. ^O^ij, S. Matt. vi. 31, &c __ Imperat. ^CLs(, Acts x. 13; xi. 7: Fern. ^Aa2| 7 , S. Luke xii. 19. PI. aXaDf, S. Matt. xxvL 26, &c __ Inf. ^|kiX, S. John iv. 33, &c __ Part. ^]", S. John vi. 58, &c __ Fern. Usf, Rev. xi. 5 : Def. 1A\]', Hebr. xii. 29. PI. masc. ^ ^^][ S. John xii. 28, &c. : with wjCJIOf -^O, S. Matt, xxvii. 12; S. Mark xv. 3; S. Luke xxiii. 2, 10: 7 . .0 fff . . coalescing with ^l--, N^j, 1 Cor. viii. 8; with i i 7 . . o Gal. v. 15. Constr. masc. j'^D .,,-. >>d|, accusers, S. JOHN II. 1719. 65 Ver. 17. 2 Tim. iii. 3. PI. fern. Q ^5, slanderers, 1 Tim. iii. Heb. 7^fc$, Ps. xxvii. 2. &c. &c. Chald. 73&S in phrase, like the Syr. as above, Dan. iii. 8 ; vi. 25. .7 . 71 7 18. Aj | |Q_KKLD, shewest Thou Sec/cruets Paelpart. (with pronoun forming i " 7 the pres. 2. sing.) of |Q~K, not used in Peal. Pa. _Q_^ (ch. xx. 17 20; xxi. 1.) Shewed, manifested, proved. Pret. 1. sing. A_OJ>J, Gal. ii. 18; with aff. S. John x. 32. 3. pi. Q^oL, S. Matt. viii. 33; xiv. 12. 2. pi. ,oA_,aL, 2 Cor. vii. if; Hebr. vi. 10 -- Fut. ]ajlj, S. John xii. 33; xxi. 19; with aff. ch. xvi. 15. 1* y *** d.Kjf, Rom. ix. 17; with aff. S. Luke vi. 47; xii. 5. 3. pi. ^OQj^J, Acts xxiv. 13. 1. pi. IQ-!J, 2 Cor. vi. 4 __ Im- ^P 7 77 perat. |Q-j, S. John vii. 4, &c. : with aff. ch. xiv. 8, 9. PI. OQ_j, S. Luke xvii. 14; with aff. S. Matt, ii 8, &c __ Inf. S. John xiv. 22 ; S. Matt. xvi. 21 __ Part. fern. Ojk), Hebr. ix. 16, &c. PI. masc. _QLK>iO, S. Matt. xxiv. 1; coalescing with ^J-KJ, ^JLjdj^D, 2 Cor. iv. 2. PI. fern. ^cL^lc, Acts ix. 39. Heb. Pi. niH, Ps. xix. 3. Chald. Pa. frOn, Dan. ii. 11, 24; v. 7. Aph. Kirn, ch. ii. 6, 9, 10, 16, 27. , -X .7 19. OJOACD, destroy Xixrare Imperat. pi. of sATD, Destroyed. Pret. 1. sing. Z3Am, Gal. ii. 18 __ JFut. 3oAOJ, 1 sing. 5oAof, S. Luke 7 o xii. 18 __ Part. 5AD, S. Matt, xxvii. 40. PI. _i5AlD, coalescing with ^JLw, ,_I_5An>, 2 Cor. x. 5. Heb. "IHD) hid, concealed, once in Kal, Prov. xxii. 3 (^h - T | Niph). Chald. Pa. ^HD? covered, concealed. Part. pass. pi. fern. def. Dan. ii. 22. Destroyed, i. e. removed out of sight, Ezr. v. 12. _iSDO_i ]A\A_i, in three days Iv rpia-lv y/j-epcus The prep. X re- ^ I "7 ferring to point or measure of time : Sta rpiwv Ty/xepwv, S. Matt. . .. 7 . xxvi. 61. Compare (A^no _X } after (some) days Gr. S. Mark ii. 1. w. c. 9 66 S. JOHN II. 1921. Ver. 19. ]j] Jxl^nlD pi, / will raise up eyepw Aphel part, (forming X p pres. tense, but pointing to future time) of ^OQ-Q J>dD, arose. Aph. J>Q__Ql (ch. xii. 1, 9), Erected, confirmed, established, sustained. Pret. 1. sing. AVn . n j with afF. Rom. ix. 17. 3. pi. nVn . n]" S. Matt. xxvi. 15; S. Luke xxii. 5 __ Fut. ^)i ni, S. Matt. xxii. 24; xxv. 33. 2. sing. i-Qj-oZ, Acts vii. 60. 1. sing. Sn r^ c h. xv. 16: with aff. S. John vi. 39, 40, 44, 54. 3. pi. ^QlQjjDJ, Rom. x. 3. 2. pi. ^Vn o7 g. Mark vii. 9. 1. pi. **>. 01 Acts vi. 3 __ Inf. n<^vn S. Matt. iii. 9; 1 7 S. Luke iii. 8 __ Part. pi. masc. > ^n oV>^ coalescing with ^ _1_K>, i . Vr> . n^n, Rom. iii. 31. PI. fern. -VoVn t 2 S. Pet. ^^ii i i. 8. Heb. Hiph. D^pH, Ps. xli. 11. Chald. Aph. D % j5t< and DW, Dan. ii. 21; iii. 1, &c. : Ezr. vi. 18. 35 P, In or during forty Gr. reo-o-apaKovra _i_L^5|, numeral: remitting its first vowel to _\ which marks duration of time. L, years Gr. Zrea-iv PI. of p (S. Luke ii. 41), noun fern. A year.Def. l'AjJ, S. John xi. 49, 51, &c. Constr. A_, S. Luke * t> 7 .. o iii. 1. PI. def. (masc. form) |-x-l_, S. Luke xii. 19. R. P-, moved, cJtanged. Heb. nJfcS% pl- DO^*, Gen. i. 14; xvii. 21, &c. &c. Chald. H^, pl. W, Dan. vi. 1. T : I ; ..* iZ.j, wets built, was in building w/coSo/x^iy Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of llO, Built. Ethpe. Was built. Pret. 2. pl. ^nA . i ^7^ Eph. ii. 20 -- Part. ]iriAk5, Hebr. iii. 4. Pl. masc. ^ . i *~AO~> Eph. ii. 22; Col. ii. 7. Chald. Ithpeel ^H^, Ezr. iv. 13, 21 ; v. 8, 16; vi. 3. It 7.0 OOT ylol, He spake was speaking eAeye Part, forming imperf. tense. y , of His Body TOT) o-w/xaros avroij Koun with pron. aff. and . S. JOHN II. 2123. 67 Ver. 21. pref. > of the genitive. ^ 11 .<*> (S. Matt. xix. 6), noun masc. A -p 7 body, not necessarily a dead body, as in Hebrew Def. |i_,t-3, S. John vi. 63. PL def. Iv-it^, S. John xix. 31. Heb. 1Jj)> a carcase, Gen. xv. 11. 22. ]A^iO A . *~> ^Vr> ; from tfte dead IK veKpwv (See note, ver. 16, above). PI. def. of A . Vn (Acts xx. 9), Dead; a participial adj. of form part. Peil of A i V>, died. Def. l^L^O, S. John xi. 39. Fern. 1'A^iD, Acts v. 10 ; Def. l2.A_i_k>, 1 Tim. v. 6. PL ^->L*D, Eph. ii. 1, 5; coalescing with ^-Lw, ^J-.Ao^>, 2 Cor. vi. 9: 1 S. Pet. ii. 24. Compare Heb. J"|, dead, the dead, Gen. xx. 3; xxiii. 4; Ps. Ixxxviii. 11; cvi. 28. - 7 .T> . ff jocn pSo|, #e Aoc? said Gr. IXcyev Pret. followed by JOCT1, forming the pluperf. tense. |oA,f:)\ > the Scriptures Gr. rfj ypa.^ PL def. (pref, 1^ of the object) of }Ao (2 Tim. iii. 16), noun masc. A book, writing. Def. ]^2>AD, S. John vii. 42, &c. PL ^Zs'LzT. There is also a fern. form, ]AD, 2 S. Pet. i. 20. Constr. A^ta, 1 Cor. xvi. 21; 2 Thess. iii 18. R *O^D, wrote. Heb. 3J"V!D> -D an - x> 21- Chald. ^f]2, A writing, Dan. v. 8, T : T ; &c. A mandate, Ezr. vi. 18; prescribing how much, ch. vii. 22. .> T 7 23. ^\^ < " > >j in tJie feast lv -rfi loprfj Noun masc. def. with prefixed pre- .0. i y position. The form |jp>A occurs, S. Matt. xxvi. 5; 1 Cor. v. 8. ii" I 7 i x 7 It ' u rp> > many TroXXot PL masc. def. of ( \ , .1 .CD , adj. Much, great, abundant. Def. IJj-^j-TO, S. Matt. vi. 7, &c. Fern. ]] . ^. rr> Hebr. iii. 3; v. 11. Def. ]!] i ^m, S. Luke x. 40: Constr. , S. Luke i. 18. PL masc. ] i m, S. Matt. xx. 16; ,.*7 X 7 ..'.X7 xxii. 14. Constr. j ( 11" PL fern, u u pn / Acts xxiv. 17. 68 S. JOHN II. 2325. III. 1, 2. Ver. 23. _ Def. T^U U ""*' IA" .. ctv R. ] ,. en, . . .. en, increased, was great. Heb. Kafe>, srort, Job xxxvi. 26; xxxvii. 23. Chald. N, , Dan. ii. 31; Many, much, ii. 48; iv. 9.. As an adv. Very, greatly, ch. ii. 12; v. 9. O!-K>, who saw, when they saw Gr. flewpowrcs Pret. 3. pi. with 7 pref. 3, relative. 25. "JOC7I -r^ . i rrij 2/e needed xP e ^ av *X V P ar t- P e il (forming iinpevf. tense) of *Q_LTD, Was in need. Occurs in Peal only in this par- ticiple, which though of pass, form has an active signification, Wanting, having need of. PI. masc. . o . 1 - pr> , S. Matt. ix. 12, ^11 7 7 &c. : coalescing with JLK, i .0.1 m 2 Cor. iii. 1; with ^oAj], ^nA . o . i m 1 Thess. iv. 9; v. 1. Deriv. ]7or> . i m noun fem. def. Poverty, necessity, Rom. xii. 13. . 7 r, o. OT_\ jcnrDJ __](), that any (lit. maw) should testify to Him Gr. Iva TIS paprupija-r) Fut. 3. sing, preceded by j and having the force of a subjunctive. See note, ch. i. 15. * 7 .. fc .. 7 3 ^ol, of man lit. concerning all (any] man. Gr. Trcpi TOI; dvOputirov, CHAPTER III. ^ P -X 7 1. pOD?|, a ruler ap-^v Noun masc. def. derived from the Gr. word. PI. ]jo55f, S. Luke xxiii. 13, 35: Officers of the Temple, Gr. o crTpo/npyos TOU tepov, Acts iv. 1. 2. ] t \\n, by night Gr. WKTO'S Def. of . i \\, noun masc. Night. PI. (fem. form) ^aVi'N, S. Matt. iv. 2; xii. 40. Heb. S)7, Isa. xvi. 3; nS*S, Gen. i. 5. Chald. Dan. ii. 19, &c. S. JOHN III. 24. 69 Ver. 2. i '^ r ; we know otSa/tev Part. pi. v { ., coalescing with 7 i y> ; and forming the present tense. See Cowper'a Gr. 91. .00 ^ y o . 7 p e?\\ ) a teacher SiSacrKaXos Def. of g^ V-n (1 Tim. iii. 2), noun masc. A doctor, teacher, one apt to teach. PL def. S. Luke iL 46. R. ^^ taught Pa. part. .g^Vvn Transl. We know that from God Thou wert sent (Gr. e teacher. 7 * . 7 > t *-^v^n\ ou.n V) tl , see note, ch. i. 41. 7 5 *, he who. Interrog. pronoun forming with 5 a relative. Transl. Unless (or, except] he with whom God is. OTlQL, with him per' avrov Preposition with affixed pronoun. 3. _L_5j r-^> a ff a ^ n lit- from that which (is) the head, or beginning i ^ See note, ch. ii. 8, above. 7 it -. 3 - . V*"! Vr> jjj he cannot ov Sui/arai See note, ch. i. 41, above. OlZoO\V>, the kingdom (aff. pleon.) ryv ^SacriXetav nn\V> (g. Matt. xii. 25, &c.) noun fern. A kingdom. Def. ]7nn\Vn^ V er. 5, below. Constr. 7on\V) S. Matt xi. 11, &c. PI. def. S. Matt. iv. 8; S. Luke iv. 5. R. ^il^Q, counselled. Heb. rVD^lb ( in later Heb - for " th e earlier form : ~ JT T ; - Kingdom, reign, Dan. i. 1: Ps. cxlv. 11, 13. Chald. !)j?, def. Nnirbfc, Dan. ii. 37, 39, &c. T ; P (* 4. |*^ >pc> j oM yepwv Def. of *OTO, adj. Old, aged. Fern. def. (AilCO, pL def. fA^rn 1 Tim. iv. 7. R. *^]il>, grew old. Heb. nb> (part, of ^fcJ>), Job xv. 10. Chald. ^&, Ezr. v. 5 (pi. constr.) PI. def. W5&, ver. 9. T T .0.7 (V)\?, Gr. p.ri; A particle which varies in its meaning according to the context. Here it is equivalent to fieri potest ut? num? In ch. v. 14. lest Gr. ii/a yu.??. , into the womb ets rrjv KoiXtav Def. (with pref. prep.) of (ch. ix. 1), noun fern. The womb, belly. PI. CD'^2, def. , S. Luke xxiii. 29. Heb. |JH3 > once, Jer. Ii. 34. 70 S. JOHN III. 4. Ver. 4. " 1 of __ZjiZj, the second time ofvrepov ^__Zj'Z, fern, of r 5Z, I " -n 7 1* 7 * too. See note, ch. vi. 7, below. _*_LO1, pi. of Si (ch. v. 14), noun masc. when it signifies Time (sc. tempus); but fern, when it is equivalent to Lat. vice, as oi "jrjj, und vice, once, Rom. vi. 10, &c. The same applies to the plural. Def. p HL S. John v. 6, &c. PI. as a fern, vices, .. x 7 .. 7 . ( . .. m . i of t vicious multis, oft-times, S. Mark ix. 22. .. 1^7 X .10] when joined to a cardinal, forms a numeral adverb; as " i QJ .-.Zj'Z, farcce, Gr. 8iV S. Mark xiv. 30. " 1 oj A\Z, ^I V *7 V l,, .. x 7 -R 7 thrice, Gr. r/sts, S. John xiii. 38, &c. > ^ Ql - V>>. f fiv>. times, .. * 7 7 Gr. TTCVTOKIS 2 Cor. xi. 24. * ^] ^1O_, seven times, Gr. ..7 7 rra/as S. Matt xviii. 21; S. Luke xviii. 4. > ^ ^1 - ^o , ^ I i seventy times, Gr. l/SSoyu^KovTcuas, S. Matt, xviii. 22. But when 5 is prefixed to these cardinals, it expresses secundd, tertid vice, &c., m x7..7 as in the text: see also ch. ix. 24; xxi. 16. 1 1 AAZ.5, the third time, Gr. IK rpfrov, S. Matt. xxvi. 44: TO rptrov, S. John xxi. 17: S. Mark xiv. 41; rpLrov, S. Luke xxiii. 22. PI. def. pLol (according to some editions the Vienna reads 11^1), S. Luke xxi. 24. PI. fern, ^iol, def. lAiil, Hebr. ix. 25, 26. " 77 ^.Sl is also used in adverbial expressions; as ^-Olo, formerly, in time past, Philem. ver. 11. ,_Ol ^-dlTD, from time to time, at a certain season, S. John v. 4. 7 . -x ^OlN^o, evermore, at all times, always, S. John vi. 34, &c. P-01 |J)o p_o^) > Ht. in time and of no time, i.e. in season and out of season, 2 Tim. iv. 2. 7 . ^ 1 *~1 PiQ^, oft-times, Gr. TroXAetKt?, S. Matt. xvii. 15. In- terrog. How often? Gr. TTOO-CUCK;; ch. xviii. 21 . xxiii. 37 ; S. Luke xiii. 34. As often as (j), Gr. oW*is, Rev. xi. 6. Heb. |T, Eccles. iii. 1. Chald. |f or JftT, def. XJ^T, pi. pftT, Dan. ii. 16; iii. 7, 8; vii. 25. nnStt M&T, three times, T T ; I ; ch. vi. 11. S. JOHN III. 47. 71 Ver. 4. vVn to enter eio-eX0av Infin. (with pref. ) of (cli. xviii. 1.) Entered, Pref 3. sing. fern. 'A\L, S. Mark vi. 22, 7 25, &c. 2. sing. AXL, S. Matt. xxii. 12. 1. sing. f&L, S. Luke vii. 44. 3. pi. Qu^L, S. John iv. 8, &c. : Fern. -"^\ S. Matt. xxv. 10: V '-'^V S. Mark xvi. 5. 2. pi. \sZ, Vienna edition others read > \v/ S. Mark ix. 25. 1. sing. ^> \^ 7 in act. sense, S. Luke viii. 30. Chald. y?y, ^y Dan. ii. 16, 24, &c. 17 Ti ^TdO, is flesh (rdp eori OO1 represents the subst. verb, and the two words are pronounced as one; in which case the last vowel of e TI 7 -X the noun ({mo) becomes 7 . So also OO1 ^K0>, immediately fol- lowing. Pron. besrau, ruchau. 7. }i>>2.2. |J , marvel iwt p) ^av/xacr^s Ethpaal fut. 2. sing, (with ]] , for 7 7 7 .- imperat.) of ;Jk)5, used only in Ethpa. {iOjAj (S. Matt. viii. 10, 7 t> JJ.2O1, so OVTCOS, Adverb, So, thus, likewise. Its simpler form is ^SOl, 1 Thess. ii. 14: 1 S. John iv. 11. 9. ] i n >") ; how? TTWS; Adverb of interrogation. See note, ch. i. 23, above. y V T \ 7 11. i . \\V)Vr> we speak XaXoujaev Pael part. plur. (coalescing with _l_o, and forming the pres. tense) of \LSD, not used in Peal, unless ^a^SQJ, ch. ix. 19, be the only instance. (See note, ii. 7, above). Pa, ^&k> (ch. xii 29), Spoke. Pret. 3. sing. fern. * 2 S. Pet. ii. 16. 2. sing. A^&0, Acts iv. 25. 1. sing. S. John xii. 48, 49, &c. 3. pi. o\S&, S. Luke ii. 15;xxiv. 25. 1. pi. V \SV), 2 Cor. vii. 14; 1 Thess. ii. 2 __ Fut. ^WA^ S. Matt. xii. 22, Vr>Vn i S. John iv. 26, &c. Fern. flVnV), S. Matt. x. 20, &c. PI. masc. x . *\V^V S. Matt. x. 20, &c. Constr. . " ^VO^Vn Acts xx. 30. PI. fern. ^\v>Vr\ S. Luke vi. 45. Derived from this verb is the adj. of form part. Peil masc. def. |1 > \V>, rational, reasonable. Fem. def. ]A\ * \V), Gr. Xoyi/o/v, t> i x Rom. xii. 1. Heb. SSfc, Prov. vi. 13; Pi. Ps. cvi. 2. Chald. Pa. ^fc, T ~ Dan. vi. 22; vii. 8, 11, 20, 25. ye receive Xappdverf Pael part. pi. masc. form- ing, with the pronoun, the present tense. The pronoun though written separately, coalesces with the participle in pronunciation, forming one word, m'kablitun. i * o 7 12. p5|^j, that which (is) on the earth, earthly things Gr. TO. liriyua Def. (with pref. prep, which takes the first vowel, and rel. pron.) 7 .7 .0 a J of VJjj. Noun fern. Land, earth, region. PI. def. |Aii'|, ch. iv. 35. Heb. pij, Gen. i. 1. Chald. y]tf, def. NJpfc$ (the X in Aramaic softened into y, ^,) Dan. ii. 35, &c. The same form is traceable in the Germ. (rbe, and the Eng. Earth. 14. i>Qj5], lifted up vi//uo-e Aphel pret. 3. sing, of ^O05 io5 (not used in Peal). Ethpeel J>O_5ZZ], Exalted himself, boasted himself. Fut. i>a-J2.Aj, 1 Tim. iii. 6. 2. sing. taJZT, Rom. xi. 20. 3. pi. ^okLifZAj, 1 Tim. vi. 17 __ Part. J>O_,5ZAlD, 2 Cor. x. 5, fcc. PI. masc. -.VioZALb, 1 S. Pet. v. 5. ^- i x Aph. Lifted up, raised up, exalted ; took off a roof (S. Mark ii. 4). Pret. 3. sing. fern. ALaJf, S. Luke xi. 27. 3. pi. oV) .If, S. Matt. xx. 31; S. Mark ii. 4'. _ Fut. ^O*jJ, S. Matt, xxiii. 12, &c. : Fem. . . V^ >i7 with aff. ^ODLCLajZ., (that] it, i. e. the hand w. c. 10 74 S. JOHN III. 14. ^ T 1 Ver. 14. of God, may exalt you, 1 S. Pet. v. 6. 2. pi. ^oklaJZ., with aff. S. John viii. 28 Imperat. J>O-Jl, pi. OlQjjl, S. John iv. 35 Part. ^>Q-?D, pi. masc. ^ > V) t ;V), 1 Cor. iv. 19; 1 Tim. ii. 8. Heb. D^n> rose u Pt was exalted, triumphed, Ps. xiii. 3. Hi ph. DHH> lifad up, exalted, Ps. iii. 4, &c. &c. Chald. Q^n, only in part. Peil Q1, Dan. v. 20. Aph. &*]$, part. DH, Dan. v. 19. -; T , the serpent TOV oAi>SD, 2 Cor. v. 5. Part. pass. ? pi. masc. ^.jAllD, Eph. vi. 13. Heb. Pi. "TPl^, macfe ready, Prov. xxiv. 27. and Hithpa. reacfy, destined, to be, followed by 7, Job xv. 28. , to be lifted up wjnt&ljwu Ethtaphal inf. (with pref. X) of i>Oo5 J>OJ (see note above, in this verse). Ethtaph. 1>CL5Z2.]* Was exalted, pass, of Aphel, Acts ii. 33. Pret. 3. sing. fern. ^AkL^ZZf, S. Matt. xi. 23; S. Luke x. 15. 1. sing. AkL*5Z2.f, I ^ ^ S. John xii. 32 Fut. isQ^jZAj, S. John xii. 34, should perish a.Tr6\r)Tai Fut. 3. sing, (for subjunctive, pre- I 7.1> ceded by >) of f^\ (ch. xviL 12), Perished, was lost. Fret. 3. sing. fern. "Zjaf, Hebr. xi. 31. 3. pi. OriT, S. Matt. x. 6: Fern. t\ 7 ^ 7 * ^-j^l) R GV - xviii. 14 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. .-ij^DJZ., S. Luke xxi. 18. 3. pi. vpr^lj, S. John x. 28. 2. pi. O r o]Z, S. Luke xiii. 3, 5 __ Part. f ^\' t S. Luke xv. 17: Fern. ]^]', S. John vi. 27. I .0 7 7 X PI. masc. ^r^b 2 Cor. ii. 15: coalescing with ,-J_K, ^JLj^l, S. Matt. viii. 25, &c. PL fern. V ^?T, S. Matt. ix. 17, &c Part. Peil, phAf, S. Matt, xviii. 11, &c. Def. ]' t - ^f. S. Luke xv. 24, 32. PI. masc. def. (Loif, 2 Thess. ii. 10. Heb. *OK, Ps. xxxvii. 20. Cbald. ^Itf, fut. *nK, Jerem. x. 11. *. * OT.^ ^OOOTJ , (iAai) f^ere should be to him, i. e. (that) he should have ft Gr. l^g Supply > from the preceding clause. The verb in the M F plural, agreeing with LA_K. 1 .7 - 7 1G. !XK|, ^ovec? T7ya7n;crev Aphel pret. 3. sing, of >.>, Loved, cherished. Part. .*^"^> ^.V> fern. (n*~i KKlO, 1 Thess. ii. 7. PL masc. . ^^^K^n^ coalescing with . T , 7 7 ^ * y. ver. 8. Aph. Loved Pret. 3. sing. fern. Ao. S. Luke vii. 47. 2. sing. ZuoLf, S. John xvii. 23; with aff. ver. 24, 26. 1. sing. A^/T, with aff. ch. xiii. 34; xv. 9, 12. 3, pi. O&I], ver. 19, below. 1. pi. ^^Lw} 7 , 1 S. John iv. 10 __ Fut. }JLj, 1 S. John iv. 20, 21. 2. sing. *oliZ 7 , S. Matt. xix. 19. 3. pi. V O1^J, Eph. v. 28. 2. pi. vOO^Z 7 S. John xiiL 34; xv. 12, 17. 1. pi. *O_KJ, 1 S. John iii. 18, 23, &c. In 2 S. John ver. 5, the . 7 * 7 characteristic Olaph is retained, as l>j (J -- Imperat. *O>j | , pi. S. Matt. v. 44. Inf. o^ A0>\ 1 S. John iv. 11: and Rom. xiii. 8 __ Part. .*^^^n j V er. 35, below, &c. 76 S. JOHN III. 16, 17. Ver. 16. ^r.]&, 2 S. John ver. 1 : 3 S. John ver. 1. PI. masc. . A^kn, S. John viii. 42, &c. Coalescing with ^7 X 7 __L__}_KiO, 1 S. John iii. 14. _ 5 CLL). Pret. 2. sing. Aj), S. Luke vii. 43. 1. sing. AJ>, 1 Cor. ii. 2, &c. 3. pi. QJ>, S. Mark xiv. 64 __ Fut. ^.J, S. Matt. v. 40: Fern. ^jZ, for jZ, Rom. ii. 27. 1. sing. ^Oj], S. John xii. 47. 3. pi. , Acts xix. 38. 2. pi. ,QJOjZ, S. Matt, vil 1, &c -- Imperat. ^Oj, pi. QJOJ, S. John vii. 24 Inf. . t V>\, S. John ^ ? viii. 26 __ Part. ^J?, S. John v. 22, &c. Fern. ]JL>, ch. xii. 48. i PI. masc. _i_L-t), ch. vii. 24; viii. 15, &c. : coalescing with 7 7 o I _L>j, . 1 ^ ?, 1 Cor. vi. 3. Part. Peil ^-i?, ver. 18, below; N. x X xvi. 11. Heb. |n or p^, Gen. vi. 3. Chald. J^, |H, part. pi. Ezr. vii. 25. , might live, have life, be saved o- > ., Rom. vi. 13. 1. pi. ^ > i >o, Rom. viii. 24 Fut. 3. sing. fern. ]J1Z, S. Matt. ix. ]8. 2. sing. |LZ, S. Lukex. 28; |l1-> Rom. x. 9. 1. sing. )J^|, Acts xvi. 30; Gal. ii. 19. 3. pi. ,OJ, S. John v. 25; S. Luke viii. 12, &c. .Q_4j, 1 Thess. ii. 16: .ZASo, condemned, is condemned icptWai Ethpeel part, (for pres. tense) of ^pj <>, Judged Ethpe. ^.ajZZ.], pret. 3. pi. QJ_.5Z2.], Rev. xx. 12, 13 Fut. ^ZAj, 2. sing. ^*j22T, Acts xxv. 20. 1. sing. ^_.?Z21" 1 Cor. iv. 3. 3. pi. ^QJ_.jZAj, Rom. ii. 12, &c. 2. pi. v aL J jir, S. Matt. vii. 2 Inf. QJjZAklX, Acts xxv. 10 Part. fern. IjLfZ&e, 1 Cor. x. 29. PL masc. ^ * i .^ACi^ 7 7 x I . 1 S. Luke vi. 37: coalescing with ^.L-K*, ^1.1 r wAVo^ l Cor. xi. 32. * 7 1 OjU V>, already ^877 Adverb, sometimes written as one word , 7 * 7 O r HLk5, already, now. Q^) occurs without ^O, in the sense of now, 2 S. Pet. iii. I. . p x ( x 19. P ?, the judgment, condemnation i/ KptVis Def. of _jj, noun masc. X .. 1> Judgment, cause, contention, dispute. ^*J ? \\ v< ^, fore? o/* f/ty cause, i.e. ^Airee adversary, S. Matt. v. 25: <_x_l_i? ^Lo, my adversary, S. Luke xviii. 3. PL def. ]i_i>, S. Mark xiii. 9. H fl R. ^0) .5, judged. Heb. pj, Ps. Ixxvi. 9. Chald. [H, Jws^'ce, Dan. iv. 34; vii. 22. Judgment, tribunal, ch. vii. 10. 7 , 7 ;_iA_, rather than /xaXXov 17 ^*Aj, adj. Abounding, excellent X 0. see note, ch. v. 20 : here used adverbially. 7 * x ' " , their deeds ra epya avrwv PL with aff. of ,nS (2 Cor. ix. 8), noun masc. A work, act, deed. Def. ] t *^\ S. John vi. 29. 78 S. JOHN III. 19, 20. Ver. 19. Constr. ^y Acts vii. 41; xvii. 24. PI. ^I^, Col. i. 10. v .. 7 Def. | t *^y S. John v. 20, &c. R j^l^, performed. Heb. 13$, work, deed, once, Eccles. ix. 1. T "I ] - " "\ evil Trovrjpd PI. def. of . i n (ch. v. 14), adj. often used as a subst. Evil, an evil, harm. Def. | ***"*, ch. xvii. 15, &c. Fern. ]- > n. S. Matt. v. 11, &c. Def. ]'*- - ^\ S. John xviii. 23; with aff. S. Matt. vi. 34. PL masc. ^'i i n, S. John vii. 7. PL fern. x 1 V -\ S. Matt. xii. 45; S. "Luke xi. 26. Def. fol VA g. John v. 29, &c. : with aff. S. Luke xvi. 25. R _^O, was evil. Comp. Heb. C^fc$2l bad g 1 "^ 68 * I sa - v - 2, 4: and nJ^3> a ': '. T T poisonous weed, Job xxxi. 40. Chald. K^fc$2, bad, wicked; fern, def. KW'!)iO, Ezr. iv. 12. T ; P 7 ** 20. ]AV icn hateful things, evil tj>av\a PL fern. def. of (i0, part. Peil \ of (AID, Jutted, for which see the note following. >, hating, Itateth fiuret Part. act. of ] VfQ (ch. xv. 18; xvii. 14), Hated. Pret. 2. sing. A . yoQ Hebr. i. 9. 1. sing. A > i m R O m. ix. 13. 3. pi. nim g. John xv. 24; with aff. ver. 25 Fut. ]imj, S. Matt. vi. 24: S. Luke xvi. 13. 3. pi. v OiCQJ, S. Matt. xxiv. 10 Imperat. . . i fv\ g. Matt. v. 43. Inf. }i onVn with pron. aff. and pref. X, v o^u_imin\, S. John vii. 7. (See Cowper's Gr. 127 (1, 2), and Paradigm.) Part. pi. ^-JLm, S. Luke vi. 22, 27; with affix, v "-|v\ S. Luke i. 71. Constr. D, .. t> 7 .. |A^^L . i i 1 m, haters of good things, 2 Tim. iii. 3 The part. Peil has two forms; one of the form of verbs jj, PJ2D, odious, 7 fateful, used of things, S. Luke xxiii. 41. Fern. jj-UCD, Eph. iv. 29. PI. def. ]A . Vm as above. The other follows the form of the regular verb, VJLCD, fern. ]^JLCD, def. ")/] . i m hateful, XX ^ used of persons, or that which represents persons, Rev. xviii. 2. PL masc. _,}_i_iD, S. Matt. x. 22, &c. Def. }}\ Iff), Tit. i. 16. S. JOHN III. 2024. 79 Ver. 20. Heb. $&, Ps. v. 6, &c. Chald. $, part. JOK> an enemy, T : T with aff. Dan. iv. 16. ^ommnAi ; they should be reproved Gr. eXeyx^f} Ethpeel f ut. 3. pi. y (with 5 for subjunctive) of - mmn . m.n (not used in Peal). Ethpe. -mrr>^7] ; fJTos accused, reproved. Part. . mffl^ALo, S. Luke iii. 19. x x 21. ^ i, i nS, are wrought CCTTIV elpyaa-fieva Part. Peil pi. (for pres. tense). See note ch. ii. 5. -, -*"> ^ - - *"\ badly afflicted, S. Matt. iv. 24. IP 7 7 ?> OO1 j^aoiASo, He tarried Sierpi^c Ethpaal part, (forming imperf. 7 77..* tense) of ^S0"l, Turned. Ethpa. ^2OlZ.| , Abode, continued, had his conversation; followed by ^">, was removed from. Pret. 1. pL _H2XTlAsb, 2 Cor. i. 12; Eph. ii. 3 __ Inf. nngTriA\ 1 Tim. I 7 * iii. 15 __ Part. pi. masc. juOSXJlASo, S. Matt. xvii. 22. K .. V 1> 23. -*^^ .1 ^^i., near e'yyus Compound preposition. >n) .y is properly "Xi .07 .P7~ys the constr. state of (^ 1 .., by contraction (^ ,., ^1 side: see note, X^ 1> 7 . . 7 f Xi, ch. xx. 27. With aff. m*^i i .. ^ii, by him, near him, Acts xxiii. 2. T D ..Vnvi, and were baptized Kai e(3a.7rTiovTo Part. pi. masc. (for 7 7 imperf. ; supply OOOT from the preceding verb) of ,^"> v - (S. Matt. iii. 16) WasJied, immersed himself, was baptized. Pret. 3. sing. fern. ZinL, Acts xvi. 15. 3. ph Ojlni, S. Luke vii. 29. 2. pi. , Gr. pX-jOrjTi, S. Matt. xxi. 21 : S. Mark xi. 23 __ PI. oUs, S. Luke xxiii. 30 __ Inf. V\^0\ Rom. ix. 6; ^AloX Hebr. x. 31 __ Part. ^AJ, S. Matt. xii. 11, &c. : and often in a passive sense, as S. John xii. 6, Gr. ra j3aXX6- /Ava, S. Matt. iiL 10, Gr. ySaXXerat. Fern. ]lU, S. John xii. 24; S. Matt. x. 29. PI. masc. ^ ^\y.i S. Matt. xv. 14, &c. Heb. SfiX Ps. v. 11, &c. Chald. ^fij, Dan. ii. 46, &c. T : .1>I71> {; ^CP( A^-C3, into prison; lit. house of the bound Gr. ets rrjv (frvXaiajv The prep. ) is understood, or coalesces with Aa_O. See note, ch. ii. 16. For jy ufD (, see note, ch. xi. 44, below. 25. ZoCTl ZoOl, tJiere had been Gr. eyevero, E.V. there arose Pluperf. of ]oOl, formed by the pret. added to its own pret. Fern, gender, agreeing with the following noun. "jAi^, a question ^'n/cns Def. of Ali, noun fern. Debate, dispute. See Phillips, Gr. 20. Ex. 9: Cowper, 162, 163 (8). R. ]L^, sought, asked. Other nouns of this form, derived from verbs j] , and occurring in the Gospels, are ]L\^, "jAio, I^JLiD, ]LLo ; and are occa- sionally found pointed \LLZZ, ]L\^, &c. The pointing in the text is however to be preferred. .. 1> x 7 26. m_ Ver. 27. OT__25J /n">. So, o/" himself (not expressed in the Gr.) * -X ^ Z&St , constr. of d^ , Gr. -Trpay/xa, see note, S. Matt, xviii. 19. vj O The same phrase occurs, S. John v. 19; vii. 17; xi. 51: Gr. d eaurou, O.TT e/xavroi;. . ) PI, except, lit. but if- lav prf. 28. pj { .. *-X_a ; /am sew a7TcrTaXju.vos efyu Part. Peil def. of .^w^X^, * 7 Sent; forming with the pronoun, passive pres. 1. sing. For the verb, see note, ch. v. 36, below. 7 P 7 . >(nnVr) r -nv before Him e/xTrpocr^ev e/ is pleonastic lit. One that is before Him,. 29. ]A\n 3 the bride rrjv vv^fjv Noun fern. A bride, also a daughter- in-law, S. Matt. x. 35; S. Luke xii. 53. Heb. ("1x3 bride, Song of Sol. iv. 8, &c. Daughter-in-law, Ruth i. 6. R. 773 , completed, crowned with a cliaplet. T CTLlQ-K5, the friend (aff. pleon.) d Q_K5, Loved dearly (see note, ch. v. 20, below). Def. |Sn>j3 (S. Matt. xi. 19, &c.), used in this form as a noun, A friend. PI. def. ]lCLK5, S. Luke xvi. 9; xxiii. 12. PI. fern. def. "jAkLK, with aff. S. Luke xv. 9. - _T\ P Z|O, and hearing and heareth Kal OLKOVUV Part, of Z.Ot /., ?* Listened, attended to. Imperat. pi. oZ.O , Acts ii. 14 Part. pi. p --* ^-.A..* , Acts viii. 6. llOfL, joyGr. xp Def. of lo r L (Phil. ii. 29; S. James i 2), .77 noun fem. Gladness, delight. With aff. _jZ.O,_K, S. John xv. 11; X . 7 7 -X . 7 7 ^OOlZ.O.-Kj, S. Luke xxiv. 41 : ^aDZ.O,_K, S. John xv. 11; xvi. 22, 24. OlZOrJo, S. Matt. xiii. 44. R. ],-*j, rejoiced. 1t> P m P I r*j, rejoicing, rejoiceth Gr. ^ at 'p et Part, of |,_K or _>,_KJ (ch. viii. 56), Was joyful, glad. Pret. 3. sing. fem. U_K, S. Luke i. 47. 1. sing. ZL.^K, Phil. i. IS, &c. 3. pi. Oj^, S. John xx. 20, &c. 1. pi. ^-.^ 2 Cor. vii. 13 Fut. l^J, S. John xvi. 20. 3. pi. ^OpKKJ, ch. iv. 36. 2. pi. ^O ^A ^- ,->-., a form w. c. 11 82 S. JOHN III. 29, 30. x Ver. 29. of salutation, 2 S. John ver. 10, and U-IJ-K. alone, ver. 11. Gr. y ft o Xai/mv, God speed you. PI. O,**, S. Matt. v. 12, &c. : Fern. ^^JJ-KJ, S. Luke xv. 9 __ Inf. "|^.V>^, S. Luke xv. 32 -- Part. pi. masc. _^K*, S. Luke i. 58; S. John xiv. 28, eel. Regia, the Vienna * r .1* 7 y e and others have ^oAjOOl JJ-M. Coalescing with <_!-*>, ^-i..,^, 2 Cor. vi. 10. Deriv. il-*j, adj. Cheerful, 2 Cor. ix. 7. A_i(_r--5 adv. Cheer- fully, willingly, Acts xvii. 1 1 , &c. Heb. rnn, Exod. xviii. 9. ft * T T ^-6^0, because of Sid Prep. For the sake of, Wev ; S. Matt. v. 10: Sta, S. Mark iv. 17; Rom. iv. 25. See note, ch. i. 15. ] . \VnVn "joi, behold, (it is) fulfilled Gr. TrcTrX^pwrat Pael part. pass. fern, of USD, Was full Pa. . ^V) (Acts iii. 18), Filled up, ful- filled, supplied. Pret. 3. pi. CU^So, 1 Cor. xvi. 17; 2 Cor. xi. 9. _Fut. flinj, Gal. v. 3, &c. 1. sing, jiof, S. Matt. v. 17. 1. pi. ]liQJ, S. Matt. iii. 15 __ Imperat. pi. oXS0, S. Matt, xxiii. 7 32 __ Part. ]lLolD, 1 Cor. xiv. 16, &c. PI. masc. i "\V)V), 0\ 7 coalescing with ^oAjj, A . \VnVn ^ Gal. vi. 2. Part. pass. Heb. Pi. xp^, Ps. xx. 5, 6. 7 . 30. OOl OJT_i, for him Gr. tKeu/ov OO"I, pleonastic. (O;V)\ j OOl (JO, it was necessary to increase Gr. Sei avdveiv See note, ver. 7, above. Inf. (with pref. X) of |o5 (S. Mark iv. 8), Grew, multiplied, became great. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AD>, S. Matt. xiii. 32; S. Luke xiii. 19 Fut. ] J, S. Mark iv. 27. 2. pi. Co1 - i- 10 __ Part. Is5, S. Luke i. 80; ii. 40, 52: Fern. }1^>, Acts vi. 7, &c. PI. masc. ^ . ^, S. Matt. xiii. 30: PI. fern. '^ f ch. vi. 28. Heb. njl, Gen. i. 22; Ps. cxxxix. 18. Chald. Dan. iv. 8, 19. S. JOHN III. 3033. 83 7 * \ v 7 Ver. 30. 5^ilQ_^, to decrease eXarTovo-Oai Inf. (pref. A) of ?*), Dimi- nished, became less. Pa. 5 ^3, Made inferior, was inferior, was deficient in. Pret. 1. sing. Zj^D, 2 Cor. xi. 5; xii. 11. 2. pi. Z.|, Lacked, was behind, inferior, 2 Cor. viii. 15. Pret. 2. pi. ^oZjl^Zf, 1 Cor. i. 7; 2 Cor. xii. 13. Heb. *)U3, c?t off, away, Ps. Ixxvi. 13. T 31. V\v\ ^D,from above avwOev See note, ch. ii. 7. , preceded by ^f> is an adverb, and admits no following noun, followed by , So is a preposition, and requires to be followed by a noun or its equivalent, as in this verse, ^D . ^"> \\S\, above all (.TTO.VW iravrwv See S. Matt. ii. 9; xxiii. 18, 20; S. Luke xxiii. 38; xxiv. 4. 7 33. J>oA.K, he hath sealed, set to his seal ecr^paytcrev -Verb pret. 3. sing. Sealed, confirmed. Pret. 3. pi. QloAjo, S. Matt, xxvii. 66 Fut. >OOA**J, 2. sing. IxSoA^r, Rev. xxii. 10. iOoAj^J, Rev. X vii. 3 Tmperat. iOOtuK, Rev. x. 4 Part. Peil JsQjAjj, pi. masc. def. j^n >A v. Rev. vii. 4, 5. Ethpeel ^L^L'f, Was signed. Pret. 3. pi. QiD^LK.Zf, Rev. vii. 4. 2. pi. ^pALoZujZf, Eph. iv. 30. Pael ^oA^, Signed, 1. 7 sealed Pret. 1. sing. ALoAj^, Rom. xv. 28. Whence is derived \^O AJKJ or pD A^> , noun masc. def. A sign, seal, Rom. iv. 1 1 : 1 Cor. ix. 2, &c. PI. def. ] sealed, 1 Kings xxi. 8. QniHj a signet, Jerem. - T T xxii. 24 and H/bnhj Gen. xxxviii. 25. Chald. DHIj Dan. vi. 18. .717 .PX7 OO1 |^-;-, is true d\rjOij? ecrrtv See note, ver. 6, above. |r->r-, def. 1 7 .... A of ;_>;_ (ch. viii. 26), adj. True, firm, sound. Of form part. Peil 7 . P T 7 of 5;_ (_, Became strong. Fern. | ;_*;-, 2 S. Pet. i. 19; 3 S. John, ver. 12. Def. fZ^^*, S. John iv. 18; viii. 40. PI. masc. 117 7 _>y_;_ OOO"I, be ye firm in our Lord, Gr. Ippwo-^e, Acts xv. 29: firm in our love, Gr. a\rj8tvovTf<;, Eph. iv. 15. Def. |]f_ 84 S. JOHN III. 3336. Ver. 33. S. Johniv. 23. PL fern. <^->l*, Phil. iv. 8. Def. )24-*> Rev - .0. *. 17 xv> 3. _ Whence is derived |Z.O;_i;_, noun fern. def. Stedfastness, Col. ii. 5. Heb. ta )'H?> strong, firm, only in pi. def. **lHgf, Job xl. 16. T ** * ; rYlT1^> hardness of heart, Ps. Ixxxi. 13. 34. OO1 j^j */? words TO. prj^aTo. See note, ch. i. 1. Pronoun pleo- nastic. See Cowper, Gr. 198 (1). ]1 . Ao ; by measure Gr. IK ptrpov Noun masc. def. (pref. prepos.) A measure. Fem. def. form "j^L^ls, S. Matt. vii. 2; S. Mark iv. 24; S. Luke vi. 38. The masc. is especially spoken of a greater, and the fern, of a lesser; but not always, as in the last place cited. Root, Heb. "tfp, measured. Syr. Ethpe. and Aph. S. Matt. vii. 2. Transl. For it is not by measure that God hath given, &c. 3, every thing, all things irdvTo. Written as one word, , ch. iv. 25. j], believing not, believeth not Gr. aTretflwv Part, of .m . g*> ^7") (Acts xviii. 20; xxi. 14), a verb used only in Ethpeel (and probably identical with Q_i_2)2.Z | , see note, S. Matt. I . ^h xxvii. 20), Obeyed, believed, assented to. Pret. 3. pi. nm > // \ Acts v. 39, &c. Fem. . i mlA^f, 1 S. Pet. iii. 20. 2. pi. k nA m . <* /;]* Acts xxvii. 21 -- Fut. m.k.L.A_J, 3. pi. j, Eom. xv. 21.^2. pi. ^am-fc-SL^Lr, Gal. v. 7 __ Imperat. pi. nrr> . ^, Hebr. xiii. 17 __ Tnf. Acts v. 29 __ Part. pi. masc. ^ i m i ^i A&, S. Luke i. 17; Acts viii. 6, &c. Deriv. }Lci \ Cn t <^ AkJ>, noun fern. def. Obedience; with)], Z>iso- bedience, unbelief, Rom. xi. 32, &c. TV *X P -X UiOJ, 7 #, 1 3. OTj2LCL, He left it (i.e. >OTI__A, Judcea; the affixed pron. pleonastic) a on o . 7" 1 Cor. vii. 13. 1. sing. iOQX|, S. Matt, xviii. 21. 3. pi. ^r^-^i } S. Luke xix. 44. 2. pi. ^nn^aZ", S. John xx. 23, &c.; with aff. ch. xvi. 32. 1. pi. *QQJ2L*J, Acts vi. 2; X Hebr. vi. 1 __ Itnperat. *Ddd*, S. Matt. iii. 15, , _J~~QJO_, S. John xi. 48 Part. Peil fern. def. ]Ao_*_CL, a divorced wife, S. Matt. v. 32; S. Luke xvi. 18. PI. masc. _jb-Q__Cl* , forgiven sins, S. Matt. ix. 2, 5, &c. Chald. P&J>, Left, Dan. iv. 12, 20, 23. I - : . P P 7 4. OT_1 Z.OC7I j t < ^vVo / He must needs -fiebat ei (Schaaf.) cSei avrov 7i 7 Ti 7 Aphel part. pass. fern, of ^ClL, Did. A ph. ,*->v]^ Worked, wrought. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z,l!>1, 2 Cor. vii. 11 Part, rAlSD, 1 Cor. 7 7 ii. 6. Part. ,^LlO. Lit. it was done to Him. Tremellius (who . ! P 7' reads ( t "> v^n) and others translate Opus erat ei. 86 S. JOHN IV. 4, 5. Ver. 4. Deriv. l 1 ,*"^^ , noun masc. def. A worker, of wrath, Rom. iv. 15. o *. P The same as |)OlL, S. James i. 25. "jT/l^o vVn or "jZcUrd^lQ, noun fern. def. A working, operation, Eph. i. 19; iii. 7, &c. Heb. Hiph. *]^Vn> Caused to work, Exod. i. 13; vi. 5. .^i vi l^-|j?j that He should go through; lit. should go, pass through Gr. Supx ecr ^ at ' l^-)- 1 ) see note > cn - i- 7. ;" vi fut. 3. sing, of i*" 1 v (ch. viii. 59), Crossed, passed over, passed ..7 i> 6y, transgressed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. / ;*^ v ; Acts xii. 10; 1 Tim. ii. 14. 1. sing. Ll^iL, S. Luke xv. 29. 3. pi. n.Av / S. Mark * 7 vi. 53; Fern. ^ v (with ^paragogic), Rev. xxi. 4. 1. pi. y 7 ^i^lL, Acts xxvii. 5. _ Fut. 3. sing. fern. ^.{'"iSZ., S. Matt. xxiv. 34; S. Luke xxi. 32; without final _i, S. Mark xiii. 30; xiv. 35; S. Luke ii. 35; xvi. 17. 2. sing. |2&Z, Rom. ii. 25. 1. sing. : A v"f 2 Cor. i. 16. 3. pi. <0;^iiJ, S. Matt. v. 18, &c. : Fern. .fnSI, ch. xxiv. 35, &c. 1. pi. jAlJ, S. Mark iv. 35; 7 S. Luke viii. 22 -- Imperat. ;^\ S. Luke xvii. 7 -- Inf. 1 Thess. iv. 6 -- Part. ,-nS, S. John ix. 1, &c.; Fern. Hebr. vii. 24. PI. masc. -r v , S. Matt. xv. 2, &c. Constr. ^^ll, 1 Tim. i. 10; S. James, ii. 9. Deriv. ;*^S, noun masc. Transgression, Gr. 7rapa/?acri9, Rom. iv. 15; v. 14. Heb. "O, Ps. viii. 9, &c. &c. ow /HOU Fern. def. form of |;_O, noun masc. A city, town, village, also a field, district. PI. .0 -K def. (Aj'^O, S. Luke xiv. 21. (So some Editions: the Vienna and most Editions read ]AJ|p). Strictly, part. Peil of ]^D, Heb. frOp, i.q. n*lp> e, occurred. Whence, T|T T|T Heb. /T"1p> ^ to ^j c%, Ps. xlviii. 3. Chald. H^p or N'Hp, def. nnp,'Ezr. iv. 10, >]1 (with ^jparagogic), Rom. xvi. 12. 2. pi. ^oA..]], ver. 38, below. 1. pi. J], S. Luke v. 5 Fut. ^ i ^ i l)lj, Eph. iv. 28 Inf. 1P^\ Acts xx. 35 Part. }\\, 1 Cor. i]" 7 xvi. 16; 2 Tim. ii. 6. PI. masc. r |-1, coalescing with i ^ ^-$, 1 Cor. iv. 12. PL fern. ^J]]", S. Matt. vi. 28; S. Luke xii. 27 Part. Peil pi. masc. ,_]]" 1 Thess. ii. 9; v. 12; 1 Tim. v. 17. Def. !^|] 7 , S. Matt. xi. 28. From this verb is derived P *X ^ *"** |Z.OP, noun fern. def. Labour, hardship, 2 Cor. vi. 5; xi. 23, 27; 2 Thess. iii. 8. Heb. J"}fc$7> Laboured, was wearied, Gen. xix. 11. T T 1 P '^ "1 ^^ ^ "" ^K5o|) (lV>v ^O> from, by reason of, the fatigue of the way Gr. IK T^S oSotTTo/otas jlklL, def. of ^\SiQi, noun masc. Toil, labour. PI. def. ]lL]] i x i> S. Mark xiv. 23; Acts ii. 13; 1 Cor. x. 4, &c. 1. pi. ^L], S. Luke xiii. 26; __A^j, as if from |A_|, Acts x. 41 ; 1 Cor. xii. 13 (where the Par. and Lond. Polyglotts read _jA^|) -- Fat. lA^J, ver. 13, 14, below; vii. 37, &c. 2. sing. ]L, S. Luke xvii. 8; 1 Tim. v. 23. 1. sing. lA-), here, and ver. 10, &c. 3. pi. vOA^J, S. Mark xvi. 18. 2. pi. /, S. Matt. xxiv. 38, &c. Heb. nn^, Gen. ix. 21; xxvii. 25. Chald. HW and T T T ; Dan. v. 1, 2, 23. Pret. with tf prosthetic, ver. 3, 4. . t 7 |Z.;n i m,/Qoe?, meat Gr. rpo^as Noun fern. clef, derived from fJ 7 7 in its quadrilateral Pael (Paiel) form ;*"> > / bore, sustained, preserved. 9- |^Aj| _t(7l, that woman, the woman -rj yw?/. _iOl, demonstr. pron. fern. PI. S. JOHN IV. 911. 89 * f> 7 Ver. 9 ....... P n 'I; Transl. How (is it that) Thou art a Jew, and askest of me to drink, who am, &c. x 7 * ...- ...AVQj traffic, have dealings Gr. Was useful, fit for, profitable. 7 7 i V" Ethpa. s>ja.joZ j (Acts xxvii. 3), Conversed, was familiar with, courteous to, made use of. Pret. 1. sing. A*Jua^*Zf, 1 Cor. ix. 15. 3. pi. fern. JLu^A-MZf, Rom. i. 26. 1. pi. KK^joZf, 1 Cor. !>7-> 7 7 ... ix. 12; 1 Thess. ii. 5 -- Fut. oo-_KAj ; 1. sing. *>j_^jZ.|, 1 Cor. ix. 18 __ Part. wKK^lAk), 1 Cor. x. 30. 10. O^Sx, if et Conjunction. ]] O^Sx, except, unless, S. Matt. xxiv. 22, &c. Compare Heb. V?J<, Ecclea. vi. 6: Esth. vii. 4. _ ' . p 7 /ie <7{/i! rr}v Scopeav Def. of [ ornn.V) / noun fern. J ^i/?, 7 7 supply. Constr. AoCTlQlD, by enallage for the abs. or clef, form, Acts xxv. 11. PI. def. lAr^cnaLD, S. Matt. vii. 11, &c. R. , living Gr, fj Rev. xix. 20: coalescing with _L.K, 7 T 7 . p o 7 ^.J-a^i-Kt, Acts xvii. 28, &c. PL fern. def. jAJL^j, Acts vii. 38; 1 S. Pet. ii. 5. Heb. ft, Gen. xliii. 7; Ps. Iviii. 10, &c. Chald. H, def. ^n, pi. pJl, def. N"*n, Dan. ii. 30, Ac. I . - T- - p o . o * 11. -*^lD, my lord E.V. Sir Kvpic Noun with affix. ;iD, def. \D (S. Matt. xi. 25), noun masc. Lord, master Employed as a title of respect to a master or stranger, and to Christ Himself, by His Disciples, in His character as Man. PI. j'^Lo, def. IV^O, constr. ^*'D, 2 Cor. i. 24. From this is derived ] \-V> or 1_Lj!]k}, *P -X the Lord's Day, Rev. i. 10. \LO-^D, noun fern. def. Government, 2 S. Pet. ii. 10; S. Jude ver. 8. PI. def. T2.o;&, Eph. i. 21; Col. i. 16. W. c. 12 90 S. JOHN IV. 1114. Ver. 11. ]Joj, something to draw with avrX^/xa Noun masc. def. A vessel for drawing water. Occurs here only in the 1ST. T. R. JJ 5 , P Drew up, or out. "j-jQ, the well TO piap Noun fern. def. (])}^>, Rev. ix. 1, 2), A well. Heb. *WZ, A well, Gen. xxi. 19, &c. A pit, Ps. lv. 24; Ixix. 16. p 1 7 I7 . p I 7 _ ]r> .^nv j deep (3a6v Fern, of D V>S, def. (o > V)S, adj. Deep. PI. fern. def. foA l'v>v Rev. ii. 24. R. ,nV)S, Pa. ,nV)S, Made deep. Heb. pbjj, Ps- Ixiv. 7.* Chald. p, pi- fern. def. NnjT^, Dan. ii. 22. 12. foV Gr. /xif; Interrogative particle, answering to the Lat. Num, ne forte? Also, An, as in ver. 29, Gr. p.-qn ouros ecrriv o Xpto-ros; which Prof. Scholefield would translate Is this the Christ?; and ver. 33, Gr. /t^ns, hath any man? See also S. Mark ii. 19. Also Lat. Ne, as in S. Matt. viii. 4. Used also in the direct question, Why, for what purpose ? S. Luke xiii. 9. .. P 1 ** CTULL, his cattle ra ^pe'/x/u-ara avrov Noun pi. with affix. |J-i, a > p collective noun of com. gender, Sheep, cattle, a flock, S. John x. 1, and frequently throughout the chapter. It is always marked with Ribui, but is singular (as in ch. x. 16), as well as pi. in signi- fication. Heb. jtf, Gen. iv. 2, &c. . fl 1> . D 13. JOI^J, shall thirst Sn/nfo-ei Fut. 3. sing, of |O1f , Was thirsty. Pret. 1. sing. A-.O1. , S. Matt. xxv. 35, 42 Fut. 1. sing. 1 masc. __0"l , S. Matt. v. 6; coalescing with _JLK, _J_Olt , 1 Cor. iv. 11. ^P 7 Deriv. l_.CTI. , noun masc. def. Thirst, 2 Cor. xi. 27. I P . p 7 ^* 14. ^.> S*-)1> (-LID), of water, springing up Gr. rSaros aAXo/xVov Part. pi. masc. of M}J, Bubbled forth. Occurs in Peal here only in the N. T. Heb. aj, Prov. xviii. 4. S. JOHN IV. 1520. 91 Ver.15. 1^.^?, drawing, to draw Gr. avrXtlv Part. fern, of ]j>, Drew up, drew out. Part. |Jj, S. Luke xiv. 5. Occurs not elsewhere in the K T. Heb. rh^\, Exod. ii. 16, 19. T T * P ** . . f P301 ^.^Djfrom hence Compound adverb. So p5ai_^ (ver. 16), hither. i p " p5O1 (S. Matt. xii. 6, 42, &c.), adv. Here, in this very place Comp. of p + 5cn. 5(71 is a particle of emphasis (by some re- garded as the same with |^ ; there, S. Mark xiii. 21. Transl. Give me of these waters, that I thirst not again, neither come to draw from hence. 16. > i \], go vira-ye Imperat. fern, of \>ll, Went. See note, ch. i. 37. - ^ \|V^i \ thy husband rov avopa crou Noun with aff. 2. sing. fern. and pref. of the object. v^v^ def. l.0 (ver. 17, below), noun masc. Lord, master, husband. The abs. form occurs only in conjunction (often united) with other words, as enemy, S. Matt. v. 43; p ^v-^ adversary, S. Matt. v. 25; , S. Luke xxiii. 12. See notes in these places respectively. PI. ^ vvo / ver. 18, below. Heb. 7^3, Lord, Isa. xvi. 8; Husband, Exod. xxi. 3. 17. ;__a_, rightly, well KcxAws Adj. Right, handsome, goodly, here used adverbially. Def. }l*JZL, S. Matt. xxvi. 10; S. Mark xiv. 6. Fern. If. ^1, S. Mark vii. 27; ix. 50: Def. ]'? : - ^ , S. Luke viii. 8. PI. masc. ^V-*- 21 -*? def - Vr-*- 2 *-*, S. John x. 32, 33, &c. PI. fern. v yi 2\9, Hebr. vi. 9. Def. ]^y> ^ , S. Luke xxi. 5. 7 K. -f2L , Was elegant. Chald. *$&&, Fair, beautiful, Dan. iv. 9, 18. i * r / - * 7 18. | Vn K > ^ flip. TTCVTC Cardinal numb. masc. Fein. . V> >^ ch. vi. 9. Heb. n^n, masc. Exod. xxi. 37. 20. ]5ci^, mountain Gr. T<3 op Def. of 5Q_ (S. Matt. xxvi. 30; 92 S. JOHN IV. 2023. * Ver. 20. S. Mark xiv. 26), noun masc. A mountain, rock. PI. def. pQ-, S. Mark v. 5, Rock, Ps. xviii. 3. Cliald. *V)ft, Mountain, Dan. ii. 35. Def. fcOU3> ver. 45. W * n, .1 rPj worshipped 7rpocreKvvr)O^o"Z, S. Matt. iv. 9, 10, &c. 1. sing. ja.-cof, S. Matt. ii. 8. 3. pi. ^Oj-^jDOJ, ver. 23, 24, below. 2. pi. ^o t .. ff>/ / ver. 21, below Imperat. ? u rp> < Rev. xxii. 9. PI. O>Q_ML_CD, ch. xiv. 7; xix. 10 Inf. , ^mVn\ < in this verse; ch. xii. 20; S. Matt. ii. 2 Part. ,11 "*>, pi. masc. ^_.,^TD, ver. 22, 24, below; coalescing with 1 - x v '.' VI rn ^ ver> ^^> below. Heb. "7J|D> Worshipped idols, Isa. xliv. 15, 17, 19; xlvi. 6.- Chald. 13p, T with ^ of the object, Dan. ii. 46. Fut. -tfp% ch. iii. 5, 6, &c. 22 v^-O' Transl. Ye worship what (something) ye know not; but we worship that which we know. j ]So^, that which, what o 5 ]lb, relative, with pref. ^ of the object. . y .* 23. 5 _iALo|, when ore Adverb of time. When not followed by 5, it is interrogative When? Gr. TTOTC; ch. vi. 25. Other combina- tions are _,Ak5|] ]^DA, how long?, S. Matt. xvii. 17, &c. ^a > ^_iZlD | , as often as, S. Mark v. 4. 1k .. l> . c >Q_^_CD, the worshijypers ot Trpoo-KvvrjTai PI. def. of ?n . m def. * P ^ \in ii CD, noun masc. A worshipper. Occurs in this verse only in the N. T. R. r-yJ-D, Worshipped. 1 " I 7 Y .... ffDf )), Transl. -Fbr indeed the Father seeketh worshippers such as these. 9k OCTI, pleonastic; Cowpor's Gr. 198 (1). S. JOHN IV. 2531. 93 Ver. 25. ^iXLD, teaching: He will teach, tell avayycXet For Pael part, of \i_S\, for which ^^^ - is in common use (see note, 7 * ch. vi. 45, below), Learned. Pa. ,g)^, Taught, S. Luke xi. 1 : with affix, S. John viii. 28. Pret. 2. sing. A^IL, S. Luke xiii. 26. 1. sing &61&, S. John xviii. 20 __ Fut. t&Sjj, ch. vii. 35; or ^*\\ S. Matt. v. 19; with aff. S. John xiv. 26. 1. sing. ^21^, Acts xx. 20. 3. pi. ^oeij, Acts iv. 18. 2. pi. ^Qja., ch. v. 28 __ Imperat. , 1 Tim. iv. 11, c. : with aff. S. Luke xi. 1. PI. S. Matt, xxviii. 20 __ Inf. ngvn S. Matt. xi. 1, &c __ Part. fern. |A\k3, Rev. ii. 20. PI. masc. V^\Vn S. Matt. xv. 9, 7 71.7 &c. : coalescing with _ J_j^, ^ ' ^ ", Col. i. 28. Constr. > S. Luke v. 17. PI. fern. V^, Tit. ii. 3 __ Part. pass. .^o, fern. V>, S. Matt. xiv. 8. PI. masc. def. 7 ]g*i\Vn ; ch. vi. 45, below. Heb. 5p&$, Learned, once, Prov. xxii. 25. Pi. &yfc$, Tauylit, Job xv. 5, &c. 28. C7lA\0 O, 7ier waterpot rrjv vSpfav aur^s ]A\dD , noun fern. def. with aff. 3. sing. fern. Occurs here only. -Ft T* 3v 29. j iO,SD ^\D, all things that, everything that Gr. iravra ocra See note, ch. i. 3 (jsO^k)). X -X f .... ft -X i Q-iOCTI, he is this is, is this ? OUTOS eoriv For O01 OC7I, the second C7I changed for ._ moveable. T( P 7 31. * \TI A 1 . ^> in the midst of these things, in the meanwhile Gr. Iv TW peTa^v See note, ch. i. 26. eat v\ (S. Luke iv. 2), Ate. _ Fut. .mv\i ; S. Matt. xv. 20; S. Luke vii. 36. 2. sing. .m S^Z" S. Matt. xxvi. 17. 1. sing. .m\l, S. Luke xvii. 8. 1. pi. .ffislj, ch. xxii. 8 __ Imperat. pi. QJCdlX, S. Luke x. 8 __ Inf. ^milLbX S. John xxi. 5, &c. 94 S. JOHN IV. 3134. Ver. 31. A ph. *QClL^, Gnawed, part. pi. masc. ^,.> CftS\V?, Rev. xvi. 10. Another reading is . m v\Vn ; Pa. part. 32. "jA^aD^, food, meat /fywo-iv Noun fern. With aff. 1. sing., ver. 34. Another fern, form is Jlb^O, Rom. xiv. 17; Col. ii. 16; Hebr. ix. 10. PI. def. ^2tSB]k>, Meats, 1 Tim. iv. 3. R. Ate. Compare Heb. 7^^, masc. Food, Gen. ii. 9: n?btfft) fern. food for fire, Isa. ix. 4, 18: and by contraction J"PJ3J, 1 Kings v. 25. 5 1r-lj such as, that rjv Relat. pron. fem. 34. - .vS -; The possessive pron. \lj 5 (see note, ch. i. 11), with its affixes, gives peculiar energy to the noun to which it refers: more espe- cially when, as here, the affix is likewise added to the noun. So _i_\jj . . \Vn\ to My words, ch. v. 47. See also S. Mark ii. 18. . .rno . V>\ \n ) and that I should finish, and to finish (affix pleon.) /cai reXeiwo-w Supply 5 from ^dLjj in the preceding clause, as Iva in the Greek. The first vowel remitted to O. Pael fut. 1. sing, of V) \ or V> \ / Completed. Pa. *^"> \ (S. Matt. vii. 28), Finished, completed, perfected, bid farewell. Pret. 1. sing. AiolLa, with aff. S. John xvii. 4. 3. pi. S. Luke ii. 39 -- Fut. ^Q^L^J, S. Matt. xvii. 11. 2. sing. S. Matt. v. 33. 1. sing. ^^ -]* S. Lukeix. 61. 3. pi. Rev. xi. 7. 2. pi. x nVn\l7 < S. Matt. x. 23 __ Imperat. 2 Tim. iv. 5. PI. OV^*, 2 Cor. viii. 11 __ Inf. nVnV L Vn\ S. Luke xiv. 29, 30 -- Part. ^o'NaV), Acts xiii. 25. PI. masc. ^iV)\V), Gal. iii. 3; Hebr. ix. 6. _ Part. pass. Sn\l^> > S. John xbc. 30; 1 S. John ii. 5. From this conjugation is derived _ln\A.lD, adj. Perfect, 2 Tim. iii. 17. Heb. Pi. D?^, Finished, 1 Kings ix. 25: Made secure, Job viii. : Restored, paid back, Ps. xxxvii. 21. Requited, recom- pensed, Ps. Ixii. 13. S. JOHN IV. 35, 36. 95 . [> . 7 7.7 Ver. 35. (S*")M>/ n " r Card. numb. masc. Fern, ^i:^|, S. Luke ii. 37. 17 71 P 7 *>','-!, 'months PI. of I_KJ;.-, noun masc. .4 month. Def. |~KJ;_, S. Luke i. 26, 36. PI. def. U>yl , S. Luke i. 24. Heb. rTY, Exod. ii. 2. Chald. fiT, pi. p|YV, Dan. iv. 26; Ezr. vL 15. i" * |>v>j, /ilO, fern. def. jZ-JOj^lD, whited wall, Acts xxiii. 3. Heb. "")VT> once, Isa. xxix. 22. , and have arrived, reached Pael pret. 3. pi. (pref. o) of , Came, found. Pa, (\^> (S. Luke xix. 29, &c.) the same as Peal in mean- ing. Pret. 2. pi. ^pAj-^i^j Hebr. xii. 4. 1. pi. . &. A- * 8 xxi. 3, &c __ Fut. 1&L3, 1. sing. ]$&>f> Phil - *" n __ Part - T\ 7 * y j^VnVn^ Acts ix. 3; xxii. 6. PL masc. ^^^^ ch. xxvii. 13. Ethpaal *_*_^loZj, Reached. Part. pi. . j\^nf\^i f coalescing with ^_i>j, i (VVnAVi 2 Cor. x. 14. Transl. That they are white, and have arrived at Jmrvest already. t 7 36. ?t_j5, f7if reapeth Gr. Oepifav Part. (pref. rel. 5) of ?*-j, Reaped. '** 7 *T ^'-j Pret. 3. pi. Oj^_o, S. James v. 4 __ Fut. JO^KKJ, 2 Cor. ix. 6; * * v . Gal. vi. 8 -- Inf. v wV> \ ver. 38, below __ Part. pi. masc. _4<-*J, S, Matt. vi. 26; S. Luke xii. 24. -ft ..i> 7 7 ..T> Ethpeel 't-^-l (orEthpa. 5^KZ.|), Was reaped. Pret. 3. sing. rHi, . 7 7 * fern. Z.j^jaZ.|, Rev. xiv. 16. ' / 7 1* ways IAICTVOV Noun masc. Wages, reward. R. ^.|, Trafficked. 96 S. JOHN IV. 36, 37. Ver. 36. __1^)O, and gathering, gathereth /ecu crwayet Part, (with pref. O) of . i *~i (S. Luke v. 1), Congregated, collected together, resorted, .7 heaped together. Fret. 3. sing. fern. A m 1 "), Acts xiii. 44. 3. pi. 7 ..7 n in ; S. Mark vii. 1: Fein. . ^ _- 3 n ; Acts ix. 39 __ Fut. . n i ni. Part, fem. ] -i.^ ; S. Matt, xxiii. 37; S. Luke xiii. 34. _ Part. Peil . > 13 (actively), S. Luke xiv. 2 : Fem. ] > 1 n, S. Mark i. 33. PI. masc. v i . ID, S. Matt, xviii. 20, &c. 7 7 coalescing with _-3_K, ^ * * ^ "\ Acts xv. 25. PI. fem. P * P -X . i"^ Acts xvi. 13. From this is derived ( . n i ^ ^ noun masc. def. An assembly, gathering together, Acts xix. 39, &c. PI. >. (of fem. form) n .in ; Acts xxii. 19. There is also a pi. masc. def. (" ("> 1 n ; not occurring in the N. T. Heb. DJ3, Ps. xxxiii. 7. Chald. gfJ3, iuf. tfEfffttoeuMaMe, Dan. iii. 2. , fruits, fruit Gr. KapTrdv PI. def. of ]5|2) (S. Mark iv. 28, 29; S. Luke i. 42), noun masc. def. Produce, fruit, of the earth or trees. PI. ^-0^23, 1 Cor. xiv. 14. R "j^, Aph. *_i^2)], Made fertile, produced fruit. Heb. nS, Gen. i. 11, 12. E. JV1S, Gen. i. 22; Ps. cxxviii. 3. Cogn. tf*l5, Hiph. Hos. xiii. 15. T T , the sower, he that soweth Gr. o tnrupwv Noun masc. def. A 7 sower. R. ^5], Sowed. K, the reaper, he that reapeth Gi\ o 0epto>v ISToun masc. def. A reaper. PI. def. ]?O^!>, S. Matt. xiii. 30, 39; S. James v. 4. R. ?_>-, Reaped. , together O/AOT) Adverb compounded of ],_K + ^j], lit. as one. Transl. And he that soweth and he that reapeth shall rejoice together. " * 1 7 x 1 37. ^^>jjo... r _i^>j|, one... and another ^AXos...Kai aAXos See note, ch. i. 35. Transl. One is the sower, and another (is) the S. JOHN IV. 4751. 99 Ver. 47. tality, 1 Cor. xv. 53, 54. ")ZoA_i^D, noun fern. def. The dying, mortality, with aff. 2 Cor. v. 4; aff. pleoii. ch. iv. 10. Heb. J-fltt, Gen. ii. 17. 48. \L'D)L, wonders repara PL def. of jjlojZ, noun fem. A wonder, prodigy. Def. "jZjaSojZ^ S. Matt. xxi. 42; S. Mark xii. 11. PL ,jLoj R. r^ 1 ? (in Ethpael only), TFWoferec?. 49. ZQ.JO, come down Kardp-rjOi Imperat. of Zu.>_3, Descended. See note, ch. i. 32. , the child TO ira&iov Def. of Jj_ (ch. xxi. 18), noun masc. An infant, child, young man. With aff. Olj__^, S. Matt. viii. 13: i. i.^-fe, ver. 6, 8: S. Luke vii. 7. Fern, form ] ^^ A girl, maid, damsel, Def. ]A . \/ ; S. Matt. ix. 24, 25, &c. PL masc. <_LlL, 1 Cor. xiv. 20, "&C. Def. }^j, S. John xxi. 5. PL fem. v \, 1 Tim. v. 2, 11, 14; Tit. ii. 4. Of form part. Peil ofjl^, Was fresh, recent. Heb. n/tO, A young animal, lamb, 1 Sam. vii. 9; Isa. Ixv. 25. Also ^fc the same PL D^StO for Q"StD Isa. xl. 11. "i 51. ^_O1(li.Jj, tliey met him aTnyvr^craj/ auV<3 Pret. 3. pi. (with aff.) of 7 Y" Vi?|, Jfei, happened, befel. Pret. 3. sing, with aff. Acts viii. 27 j x. 25. Pret. 3. fem. Aljf, with aff. Olllil* S. John xi. 30 __ Fut. Vio?U, 2. pi. }, Eph. vi. 13 Inf. v^]V)\, S. Luke xiv. 31 __ .Part. Vi?"f, Acts xx. 22. X 7 . .rnn. omn^ and they told him Gr. Kai aTrr/yyei/W- Pael pret. 3. pi. V \ (with aff.) of j-dCO, Thought, siqyposed, hoped. 7 7 Pa. ;*"><"" (Acts x. 36, &c.), Announced, brought news ; trusted, ..7 7 hoped, S. John v. 45. Pret. 3. sing. fem. / ; ^ tv> t ch. xx. 18; S. Mark xvi. 10. 1. sing. ZjJQTD, with aff. 1 Cor. xv. 1, 2; Gal. iv. 13. 2. pi. ^.^m S. John v. 45. 1. pi. ^jAcD, Eph. i. 12. _ Fut. :*^ra y with aff. Gal. i. 8. 1. sing. {^iCof, Rom. i. 15, &c. 3. pi. ^Oj^iCOJ, S. Matt. xii. 21; Eom. xv. 12. 2. pi. ffil, 1 S. Pet. ii. 9. 1. pi. i-dTQJ, Acts xvi. 10 Imperat. 100 S. JOHN IV. 51, 52. Ver. 51. :^m, S. Luke ix. 60. PI. O{AcD, 1 S. Pet. i. 13 __ Tnf. OfAmSnll, S. Luke iv. 18 __ Part. : ArnVn S. Luke ii. 10: .n 7 17 Fem. (jjUCOiO, Rom. viii. 19. PI. masc. .^mV^ S. John v. 39; S. Luke ix. 6: coalescing with ^^J-*^, i > : om^n Acts xiii. 32, &c. constr. - .-;^fr>Vn Rom. x. 15. PL fern. pav Def. of . ^L, noun masc. Time, point B . P t ^ of time, opportunity. ^^ ^HO, at every time, always, S. Luke xviii. 1, 5. The words are joined, S. John vii. 6. Constr. \ 7 " * (i \ .A, in the time of the morning, early in the morning, Gr. VTTO TOV opOpov, Acts v. 21. PL def. ]jA> 1 Thess. v. 1. Chald. n^, def. X^J/, Time, and specially a year. PL , Dan. ii. 8; iv. 13; vii. 12, &c. , 7i<3 was made whole, became well Gr. Ko^orepov lo-^e, began to amend. Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of Jsa\^, TFas strong, robust; 7 also Dreamed. Fut. !>OO\KtJ, 3. pi. ^oViV^^ Acts ii. 17. Heb. d7,1, Was strong, sound, Job xxxix. 4. Dreamed, Gen. xxxvii. 5, &c. Ethpe. Was made whole, convalescent. Pret. 3. sing. fern. fciljiZl* ^v. xiii. 12. _ Fut. ioiLjAj, fern. ^So^ZT, S^ Mark v. 23. 2. sing. ^L^L^, S. John v. 6. 3. pi. vOklXLAj, S. Mark xvi. 18 -- Part. XlS^t&D, S. John v. 4. PL masc. ^ i V)\ w>Ak?, S. Matt. xv. 31; Acts v. 16. , yesterday xOk Adverb of time. ^oL}] Hebr. xiii. 8. Compare Heb. ^fcHK, Ps. xc. 4; SlMtf, 1 Sam. x. 11; i Isa. xxx. 33. Also ^iDfl, Exod. v. 8, 14; Job viii. 9. 7 ) at seven, hours, at the seventh hour wpav efioofjirjv S. JOHN IV. 5254. V. 2. 101 Ver. 52. VLO_, card. numb. fern, (for Ordinal). Masc. p^-, S. Matt. xv. 34. See note, cli. i. 39. Heb. $2$, Gen. v. 7, &c., n$Dt?> masc - Numb, xxiii. 1, &c. Chald. nj^fc^> niasc. Dan. iii. 19, &c. ] A^] , tJie fever o Truperos Noun fern. def. so always pointed, though -p the more regular form would seem to be |A^|. Compare Heb. &tf,jire. 53. . ..VirjO, Transl. And his father knew that this took place in that hour in which &c. 54. jZj'Zj "|Z], the miracle that (is) two, tJie second' miracle Stv o-17/ieTov See note, ch. iii. 4; and vi. 7, below. CHAPTER V. 7 ' [The common prefixes, as *) , 5 , , , &c. will not hereafter be noticed, unless necessary.] a place Def. of poj (ch. x. 1, xx. 7, &c.), noun fern. A place. poj pOrO, in divers places, S. Matt. xxiv. 7; S. Mark xiii. 8; S. Lukexxi. 11. Constr. Aooj, Phil. ii. 16. (Transl. That ye may be to them in the place of salvation, to my glory in the day of Christ.} PL def. ]LL5o|, S. John xx. 25; S. Luke xiv. 7. !K Masc. abs. form ^iO>, S. Luke ix. 6. "JA .^oVnvVn^ of toashing. Gr. KoXvpftijOpa Noun fern. def. A *. /> e -x .. 7 washing, baptism, place for washing. PL def. 7 1> S. Mark vii. 8. R. ^11, Immersed, Aph. part. , ]o(Tl A_i1o, and there were (was) in it Gr. e^oucra, having ]cai AJ] used impersonally, referring to a noun in the plural. Compare the French il y a, and Germ, eg giebt. For IrTQoo Ai.' r \ see note, S. Luke i. 25. 102 S. JOHN V. 2, 3. Ver. 2. ^loflD, porches o-roa's PL of <&CD (ch. x. 23; Acts iii. 1 1), noun masc. A porch. Derived from the Greek word in the text. 3. OOCTI __k^D5, were lying, lay Gr. KareKetro Part. pi. masc. (forming ~ 1 " 7 1 p imperf. tense) agreeing with (lOJL, a noun of multitude of pD5, Cast, laid, threw doivn. The part. act. (if the word be correctly pointed) is used in the sense of the passive (part. Peil) OOCJI _i_lo5, compare Acts v. 15. Or the passage may be translated, And in these (porches) they laid down, or used to lay down, Lat. dejicie- bant. The use of this verb in Peal is confined to its participles. - * j Part. act. o5 , S. John xx. 25, &c. PL masc. coalescing with ,-I.KJ, ^Lx&$, S. James iii. 3 __ Part. Peil "[So?, S. John v. 6: xiii. 2. Fern, "j ' V>\ S. Matt. viii. 14, &c. PL masc. julDJ, Acts v. 15. x ?Y" Ethpeel . iV)3Z.( (Rev. viii. 8; xii. 9), Was cast, cast out; x iV yielded himself to. Pret. 3. pi. Q_x.So5Z.], Gal. ii. 13. 1. pi. v i V>32.f, ver. 5 Fut. )lb5Aj, fern. fcojZZ, Rev. xviii. 21. 3. pi. ^QiDJAj, 1 Tim. i. 4; Tit. i. 14. x 7 _ p p 7 Pael i V)3, Imposed upon, deceived; whence [JLjJiD^D, noun masc. def. The deceiver, the Devil, Gr. o AtajSoAos, Rev. xii. 9, 12; xx. 2. Heb. H^l, Cast, threw, Exod. xv. 1, 21. Pi. r\12~\, Deceived, beguiled, Gen. xxix. 25. Chald. fito"l, or #fc*), Cast, Dan. iii. 20, 21, 24; vi. 17; Set, placed thrones, ch. vii. 9 (Compare Op6vo Was cast, Dan. iii. 6, 15. y a multitude TrX^os Def. of JXLL (Rom. x. 19), noun masc. A people, multitude. PL ^ . ViViS, def. ]\WV PI. def. of ]V)fn (ch. ix. 2, 19, 20), adj. Blind. Form of part. Peil of ]iOD, JFas blind. Def. llkaffi, ch. ix. 1, 6, &c. . i> .. i i ffi(La_ii^M, 7ie halt Gr. XW\MV PI. def. of . m . * > (S. Matt, xviii. 8), adj. Lame. Form of part. Peil. Def. ]mj.^_jvj, S. Mark ix. 45. The same as ; . *> , S. Matt. xi. 5. -. .. 17 ^ x 7 j > *"> , ?Ae withered Gr. fypuv PI. def. of *"> - y adj. .Drv/. -n i . P i 7 Form of part. Peil of - *^ > , JFas . , S. Luke xxiii. 31. Fern. ] . A ^ S. Matt. xii. 10, <^ T T - T T - c?r2/ land, as opposed to sea, Gen. i. 9; Exod. xiv. 16. 7 7< 7 7 OOCJ1 . < -)mVnn J ^(^ ^/iey were waiting for Gr. e/cSexo/xei'an/ Pael part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of |dCD (Peal not used), Pa. 17 17 - -*">pc^ Waited, awaited, expected, hoped for. Pret. 3. pi. <"> ' ^fr>^ Actsxxviii. 6 : Hebr. xi. 35 __ Fut. j^TQJ __ Part. ]idLD, S. Mark .0 7 xv. 43, &c. : F'em. ( i.nmVr Eom. viii. 19. PI. masc. coalescing with ^..L^, ^1 i nnnV), S. Matt. xi. 3; S. Luke vii. 19, 20, O], S. Matt. xxiv. 7, &c. R. VJO] , ^1 , T'Fas agitated, trembled. Heb. nlT? Terror, vexation, Isa. xxviii. 19. time to time, at a certain season Gr. Kara Koupov See note, ch. iii. 4. ID I OC7I ^i_]lD, troubled erapacro-e Aphel part, (forming imperf. tense) of ViOl, ^1, Trembled. Aph. ^L|f (ch. xi. 33), Moved, troubled, shook, stirred up; beckoned with the hand, Acts xxi. 40. Pret. 2. sing. A.l_,l1, Acts xxi. 38 Fut. MVp, with pref. 5 and aft'. pron. S. Luke vi. 48. Inf. aJLlLQ\, Acts xvii. 13. 104 S. JOHN V. 4-7. Ver. 4. 5Ai ^>, after /xera Compound preposition. See note, ch. i. 15. ]olo, disease Gr. vccnf/urn Def. of ^]o (S. Matt. iv. 23; x. 1), noun masc. Sickness, disease, pain; affections, motions to sin. ] i \V? *Op, disorder of the bowels, bloody flux, Gr. Svo-evrepia, Acts xxviii. 8. PI. "^TQ, S. Matt. ix. 35. Del ]>], Rom. i. 26; vii. 5; Col. iii. 5. R. }p, TFaa m pain. Whence also p.2p, adj. Painful, Rev. xvi. 2. Heb. 3N3, fainj grief, Job ii. 13; xvi. 6; Isa. Ixv. 14. Transl. Every disease he had was healed. 5. _A\Z, thirty Numeral, of com. gender. Heb. QB^> Gen. v. 16. ChalJ. (T^fl, Dan. vi. 8, 13. _ ]ik?Z, eight (Thirty and eight, Gr. rptaKovraoKTOj') Card, numeral ' fern. Masc. }_LlSoZ, ch. xx. 26. Heb. np&>, fern. Judg. iii. 8. ] irn^nno ) in the infirmity Iv rrj daOeveLa Def. of ^OlJdlD (S. Matt. iv. 23; x. 1), noun masc. A disease, affecting the whole body, as .1 x " .. *" *O |.D a part or member only. PI. . irrT'inn , S. Matt. ix. 35. Def. pcrij'Q^, S. Matt. iv. 24, &c. R. OT;^D, Was sick. See note, ch. iv. 46. 6 ..... pjl_^. Transl. This (man] Jesus saw lying (or, that he was laid), and knew that he had long time been thus (lit. that he had long time, Gr. on TroAw 1781; ^povov e^ei) -and said to him, &c. . P I 7 7. |oi_.(J2 OOl, the impotent man ^ acr^ei/coi/ The demonstr. pron. here represents the Gr. Article. __ I , truly, yea, indeed, Particle of asseveration. ^ X Transl. Yea, my Lord, but I have no man, fcc. (Ll_l2.2.]5, when they (sc. ]'^*>) have been troubled Gr. orav Tapa^^j/ Op (TO vSwp) Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. of Viol ^1 > ^ as agitated. Peal pret. 2. sing. fern. _iAi,l (uAl), Par. and Lond. Polygl.), Acts xii. 15 Fut. Vtop, 1. sing, vjoff, Acts ii. 25 __ Inf. VD, Acts ii. 25 -- Part. Peil VLO, pi. masc. L1, 2 S. Pet. ii. 10. S. JOHN IV. 3740. 97 7 e V Ver. 37. Vijj, sowing, soivethGr. d oW/jo>v Part, of Vi5j (S. Matt. xiii. 4), Sowed, scattered seed, dispersed. Pret. 2. sing. &i\, S. Matt. xiii 27; xxv. 24; S. Luke xix. 21. 1. sing. Ai.5l, S. Matt. xxv. 26; S. Luke xix. 22. 1. pi. ^sJ], 1 Cor. ix. 11 __ Fut. ^iOJlJ Inf. Vi?lk>\ S. Matt. xiii. 3, &c __ Part. pi. ^ S?j, S. Matt. vi. 26; S. Luke xii. 24 __ Part. Peil ^L.51, fern. H-*M> S. Matt. xiii. 19. PI. masc. *^1, 1 S. Pet. i. 1. PL fern. S. James i. 1. Heb. W^T, Gen. xlvii. 23. 42. rn i . v^Vi / t e Saviour (aff. pleon.), d Swrfp -, i. >o^O, def. }_l__KKio (Acts v. 31), noun masc. A Saviour, Giver, Preserver of .PIP 7 life. Fern. def. (A > i . ^xVn ; ^ life-giving, quickening, Spirit, 1 Cor. xv. 45 __ Formed from the Aph. part, of JJKJ, Lived, Aph. 1.7 . T. 7 - ( , Caused to live, part. [j^lD. 77 71 44. ^QjASD, honoured, is Jwnoured, hath honour Gr. TI/XT^I/ e^et Ethpaal 7 T 7 7 ..T. part, of ^Qj, TTas heavy. Ethpa. ; Q /- ( , IFas Ae/o^ ire honour. 4o. ^\O |ZoZ|, a/^ , a servant Noun masc. Def. | f *^ v , ch. viii. 34, &c. PI. I 7 .71 . 7 7 ^- ' f *^^j def. jrCiL, ch. xv. 15, &c. R. ^dl, ^i^, performed. Heb. ^J, Gen. ix. 25. Chald. "73^, Dan. iii. 26; vi. 21; Ezr. v. 11. ' . ,7 Tl fli-^LD rdli, A King's minister, courtier, nobleman Gr. /3ao-iXiKos Compare *-T 7ft~""T]3V , Ebedmelech the Ethiopian in the court of I v : V 'v Zedekiah, Jer. xxxviii. 7. 7 Transl. Jt/io? there was in Capernaum a certain ( f *j, one) noble- man, &c. . t> X ^ |OO1 OT-ijilD, ivas sick ^o-^eVci CTLj^w, adj. AS'ic^;, diseased, weak, IPX . p X (TLu^D, ch. v. 7. Fern. ^Olu^D, 1 Cor. viii. 7. PL CTl^s^, S. Luke iv. 40; x. 9. Def. ]jl-.Vli, S. John v. 3. 7 Of form part. Peil of (71;^) , Was sick (Peal not used). Ethpeel C71^Z}*(Rom. iv. 19; Phil. ii. 26, 27), Was sick, infirm. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Zoi^Zf, Acts ix. 37 __ Part. OI^Ak), 2 Cor. xi. 29. \\. ('. 13 98 S. JOHN IV. 4G, 47. Ver. 4G. Whence also is derived ]ZoOT_;I3, noun fern. def. Sickness, weakness, infirmity, Rom. vi. 19, &c. Constr. ZaJUjp, Gal. iv. 13. 47 |j(JI. Transl. This (man) heard that Jesus was come... and ivent to Him, and besought Him, &c. , and that He would heal, and heal KOL IdcrrjTai Pael fut. 3. sing, of [ID I , Cured, used only in the form of a participial noun, ', see note, S. Matt. ix. 12. I .7 Pa. *__CD| (S. Matt. iv. 24, &c.), Healed, cured. Fut. 1. sing. ], S. Matt. xiii. 15. 3. pi. ,000 p, S. Mark iii. 15 Imperat. 7 , S. Luke iv. 23. PL arc]' S. Matt. x. 8; S. Luke x. 9 Inf. n i m]V)\, S. Matt. x. 1, &c Part. ]ffl]i, S. Matt. iv. 23, &c. PI. masc. v i ]&, S. Mark vi. 13; S. Luke ix. 6. , to die a.TTo6vr)(TKf.iv Inf. (with pref. X) of A . Vn (ch. viii. 7 52, 53), Died, was dead. This verb preserves _ in the preterite, ^ and in its other forms follows the paradigm of verbs di,. See Phillips 42; Cowper 120 (4). Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z'Aj^D, S. Matt. ix. 18, 24, &c. 1. sing. Z^k), Rom. vii. 10; Gal. ii. 19. 3. pi. oAj_k>, S. John vi. 49, 58, &c. 2. pi. ^LL^D, Rom. vii. 4, &c. 1. pi. ^Au^D, Rom. vi. 2, 8; vii. 6 Fut. ZoiQJ, S. John vi. 50, &c. 1. sing. ZoLo], Acts xxi. 13; 1 Cor. ix. 15. 3. pi. ^pZokU, S. Matt. xxvi. 52. 2. pi. ^oZoioZ, S. John viii. 21, 24. 1. pi. ZolDJ, ch. xi. 16 Inf. ASoSD, S. Matt. xv. 4; 1 Cor. ix. 15 Part. Z]o, ver. 49, below, &c. : another form is A 77 A^_uLo, with the signification of part. Peil, or a verbal adjective, Dead, Hebr. xi. 4. Fern. ]Luk), S. John xii. 24; S. Mark ix. 44, 46, 48. PI. masc. .A V), 1 Cor. xv. 22 : coalescing with 7 7 ^ X ^J-KJ, ^_l_iAj^D, Rom. viii. 36, , Acts xx. 9, &c. Def. ]/\.^\ S. John xi. 39, 44 ; see note, ch. ii. 22, above. Deriv. ]ZoZo__lo, noun fern. def. Mortality, with j], Trnmor- S. JOHN V. 7. 105 Ver. 7. Ethpe. +\Lt>> S. Matt. xi. 7; S. Luke vii. 24: Fern. |JLlZAk3 p, which cannot be moved, Gr. aVaAeirrov, Heb. xii. 28. PI. rnasc. . v .f7AVn ; S. Luke xxiv. 38: coalescing with ,~LK, v 1 i S.,lZALD, Actsxvii. 28; with ^oAj|, ^O A j. S-.J 2.AJO, Col. i. 23. PI. fern. ^{ZAkj, 1 S. Pet. iii. 6. 7 7 _ Pa. redupl. ^J-L] , Disturbed, terrified, whence Ethpa. x TFas disturbed, tossed to and fro. Part. pi. masc. Eph. iv. 14. Heb. tt!)f, pret. Wf, Esth. v. 9. Fut. W, pi. Eccles. xii. 3. * ' T ^ '..T Pi. redupl. ytyT, part. yt^TJb, Habak ii. 7. Chald. Jflf, part. pi. (Keri |J^) Dan. v. 19; vi. 27. . . . . 5 , that he may put me to put me lva...(3dX.\r) fte Aphel fut. 3. sing, (with aff.) of ]io5, Cast. 1 V Aph. .Ani| (ch. vii. 30, 44, &c.), Cast, threw, placed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 2uLLo5f, S. Matt. xxvi. 12, 7 3. pi. QjuLD5Z.Z.|, same verse. 7 ' i, While Gr. Iv w Conjunction, Whilst, so long as, S. Matt. xxvi. 36. Until, 1 Tim. iv. 13 : followed by a pres. tense or participle. Preposition, During, as S. John xx. 1; S. Luke xxiv. 1, During darkness, ivhile yet dark, followed by a noun. w, c. 14 106 S. JOHN V. 710. Ver. 7. Heb. "jy, conjunct. While, 1 Sam. xiv. 19. Prepos. Unto, Ps. xlvi. 10. Chalcl. iy, conjunct, followed by ^, Dan. iv. 30; vi 25; vii. 22. Prepos. Dan. iv. 5, 14; vi. 8, 13; Ezr. v. 16. 7 7 8 ,-Os-^j thy bed TOV Kpa.BBa.Tov crov Noun with affix. CD}^., noun , 7 fern. A bed, couch. Def. fe^, S. Matt. ix. 2, &c. PL def. , S. Mark vi. 55; vii. 4: Acts v. 15. Heb. VTi, A bed, Ps. vi. 7. o, lit. son of his hour: in that very hour, immediately evfc'tos See note, ch. i. 12. _ p 7 y t^ jlDQ_ OQ1 0(71, /i<3 same cfo?/, or on the same day Gr. l/ceiVy rrj 9, .0 P .. 7 -X Similarly, in the plur. ^QJOl |Ak3O-i_rD ^OOliD, wi ^/wse days, Gr. ev rais ^/Aepats e/cet'vat9, S. Matt. iii. 1. Note, that ZoCTI refers to ]ACL', as in the Gr. ]2ll*, it/ie Sabbath va.BBa.Tov Def. of ]ai (S. John xx. 1, 19, &c.) noun fem. The week. The def. state is used to express the Sabbath day, everywhere except S. Luke xviii. 12, where it means a week: whereas the abs. form means a week everywhere in the Gospels, Acts xx. 7; 1 Cor. xvi. 2. In Acts xiii. 27; xviii. 4 it is the Sabbath. PI. " ~> -, Sabbaths, Acts xv. 21. Def. ]n, S. Mark i. 21; S. Luke iv.'sij Acts xvii. 2; Col. ii. 16. Heb. Jt3fcJ>, 7%e Sabbath, Exod. xx. 8. R ,TQfc2>', Rested, see Gen. ii. 2, 3^ 10. *_*_CD|ZJ5 O01_l, to him that was cured TW Te0c/)a7reuju,eva> Ethpaal 7 . P . ?> X .7 pret. 3. sing, of fD|, Pa. .-_CD|, Healed. Ethpa. Was cured. Pret. 3. sing. fem. ZuLsoUf, S. Matt. ix. 22, &c. 3. nl a^ffi*)2.f, S. Matt. xiv. 36; Fem. JLflDUT, S. Luke viii. 2. 2. 'pi. ^oA^Ul", 1 S. Pet. ii. 24 __ Fut. ]o>liJ, S. Matt. viii. 8; S. Luke vii. 7: Fein. ]ai\, S. Luke viii. 43. 3. pi. ^OIDJAj, S. Luke vi. 18. 2. pi. ^omlZT, S. James v. 16 __ Inf. CLj^plAVlN, S. Luke v. 15 __ Part. ]a)]^i>, fem. ]'* rn^Cn S. Matt. ix. 21. PI. masc. ^^Qol^b, S. Mark vi. 56; S. Luke xiii. 14. S. JOHN V. 1014. 107 Ver. 10. -ft - V , lawful Gr. lm Noun masc. One who has power, a lord, prince. So ]j] . ft . V , / am powerful, I have poicer, Gr. i " v 7 lovcria.v l^w, ch. x. 18. Also, Permitted, lawful. Def. ^^_k._^, .0.7 * a potentate, Gr. OWOOTT^, Acts viii. 27. Fern. ^ i \ , 1 Cor. vii. 4. PI. masc. ft >V, S. Matt. xx. 25. R. *&X-, Was ^ I I 7 powerful. Heb. tO^x^j -4 ruler, governor, Gen. xlii. 6. Chald. t^x&^> Powerful, Dan. ii. 10, &c. A prince, ch. ii. 15, &c. Empowered, followed by 7 with an infin. Ezr. vii. 24. 11. |^"> \ ', sound, wJwle vyi-rj Def. of i>Q___^_K (ver. 14), adj. Safe, tvell, sound. ^O i,,,\ K> vaOOl, farewell, Gr. Ippwo-o, Acts xxiii. 30. Fern. fo.\.. / Mark v. 34. Def. VAVn . \ . Tit. ii. 7. x i PI. masc. <-.V>i\.K>, Tit. i. 13; ii. 2. Def. ]0^'.'V. V S. Matt. ix. 12; S. Mark iL 17; S. Luke v. 31. PI. fern, del foOV.'V*., . 1 Tim. vi. 3; 2 Tim. i. 13. Form of part. Peil of ^oX>j, Vas ^"* * ^ strong;^ whence also jZolCLiJ^Kj, noun fern. def. Soundness, Acts iii. 16. 13. JOCJI t i 1 ..Z.], /ic? concealed Himself, conveyed Himself away, or simply departed eeVcucrev Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, (forming plu- perf. tense) of jJUi, Reclined, sat at table; also, Retired, hid oneself. Ethpe. Was concealed or concealed himself. The word occurs here only in the N. T. From it is derived 1 " " * f_i_3Q_,t , noun masc. def. /Slander, evil report, as arising from a concealed source, 2 Cor. vi. 8. ( T no, in the crowd (, \ O, noun masc. def. A concourse, congre- . i\ .. -n gallon, multitude. PI. def. ( * 1 *\ ch. vi. 2, &c. R. Transl. In the great multitude that was in that place. Gr. OVTOS fV T(3 TO7TO). 7 \ " 14. ,_^1 jAli, o/z;er a time, afterwards Gr. /^era raura. See notes, ch. i. 15; iii. 4. 108 S. JOHN V. 1416. Ver. 14. ULwZ |j *^3oZ, sin not again, sin no more / OoZ, see note, ch. i. 21. Fut. 2. sing, (for imperat. in prohibi- tion) of t4-K (ch. ix. 2, 3), Sinned, erred, went astray. Pret. 1. sing. Aj_4>j, S. Matt, xxvii. 4; S. Luke xv. 18, 21; Acts xxv. 10. 3. pi, O|UKI, Rom. ii. 12, &c. 1. pi. <_i_&--, Rom. iii. 25; 1 S. John i. 10 __ Fut. }^J, S. Luke xvii. 3. 3. pi. < Hebr. vi. 6. 2. pi. Missed the mark, sinned, Gen. xx. 6, 9, &c. .... J>O,iO, Transl. Something worse than before Gr. ^elpov TI Com- parative degree expressed by the adjective followed by ^.Lo. 15. rnViV^]^ which had made him whole o Troujo-as avrov vyi?) Aphel pret. 3. sing, (with pref. relat. pronoun, and aff. 3. sing.) of 7 ** %P V*)\j.j ; Was sound. Aph. J>QAjo j , Made sound, restored to liealth. Pret. 1. sing. AVn\ . .]" c h. vii. 23 __ Part. ^Ct\^o, fein. VI J S. James v. 15. Heb. Hiph. DvllH* Made to recover, Isa. xxxviii. 16. 7 g ''.'' 16. OOOl _i_m, they persecuted eStWov Part. pi. masc. (forming im- ~" x 7 perf. tense) of kSj? , Followed after, persecuted, impelled. Pret. 1. A "" * 7 sing. A25J5, Acts xxii. 4; 1 Cor. xv. 9. 3. pi. d2m, S. John xv. 20 -- Fut. ^I05;J, 3. pi. vOSjiJ, ch. xv. 20; S. Luke xi. 49. 2. pi. ^Q^jjZ, S. Matt, xxiii. 34 __ Inf. >^-C->\ Acts xxvi. 11 -- Part. ^)j5, Acts viii. 3, ^)O55, noun masc. A persecutor, 1 Tim. i. 13. Def. (sojj, Phil. iii. 6. PL ^";y with aff. Rom. xii. 14. ]Zo^ o5, noun fern. def. Persecution. With affixes, 2 Thess. i. 4; 2 Tim. iii. 11. Heb. tp*!, Pursued, Ps. xxiii. 6; xxxv. 3. .^0 V>,\, to slay Him O.VTOV aTroKTtmu (Inf. with aff. pron.) of ^40 (S. Luke xv. 27), Killed, destroyed. -Pret. 3. sing. S. JOHN V. 1618. 109 Ver. 16. Acts vii. 28. 3. pi. oO, ver. 52; 1 Thess. ii. 15: with aff. S. Matt. xxi. 35, &c. 2. pi. ^oAX^' S. Matt, xxiii. 35 __ Fut. ^O^QJ, S. John x. 10: S. Matt. v. 21; Acts xvi. 27; with aff. S. John xvi. 2. 2. sing. ^cL&el, S. Matt. v. 21, &c. 1. sing, ^o^of, Rev. ii. 23. 3. pi. ^\5 r> \ ch. ix. 5, 15; with affix, S. John xi. 53; xii. 10, &c. 1. pi. ^oJ^QJ, with aff. S. Matt. xxi. 38, &c __ Imperat. ^>Q_&.O, pi. a^Q_^> s - Luke xv. 23 __ Inf. V\*i\n & c __ P arfc - Peil ^.J^Q, pi. masc. _jAj.4^> S. Matt. xxii. 4. x. v x i Heb. 7t3p, Killed, Ps. cxxxix. 19. Chald. 7JDp, part. act. 7 2p, Dan. v ."19. Part. Peil 7^D, ch. v. 30; vii. 11. "|T I; 1 8. AJ");_ A_ , the more ju.uAAoi/ Adverb, More, more especially, the rather, chiefly. Formed from ;-A_, Abundant. R. 5 A_, Abounded, was over. , only [JLOVOV Adverb, Only, alone, separately, by itself (S. X Luke xxiv. 12). Compounded of jQjo, unity, and the two pre- positions *Z2 and A. It occurs, though less frequently, without the first prefix, as in ch. viii. 9, below. In either case it takes V . .7 affixes of the plural, as ^ >rnnpn ..v \*"\ alone, by Himself, S. John 1* *X B^-X 7 vi. 15, &c. : OT-ijdj^A, C71->?CL-K. N*^i, by herself, ch. viii. 9; xii. 7 -X .7 24: ^;CLK\O, Thou only, ch. xvii. 3; S. Luke xxiv. 18. 7*7 *7,.7 ^jjQ-KK^^), / alone, S. John viii. 16; xvi. 32, ^pCTLijOj^Xo, by themselves, apart, S. Matt. xvii. 1: S. Mark iv. 10; ix. 28. 7 -X .7 _j5Q_K>>AO, alone by ourselves, 1 Thess. iii. 1. p ^* o (OC7I !;.., He was breaking, had broken eAvc Part, (forming irnperf. tense) of ]f^, see note, ch. i. 27. .... s^] (]] , Transl. But also because concerning (or, in respect of} God, He had said that He was His FatJier. 110 S. JOHN V. 1820. Ver. 18. ]6oi "jo m^nn } and made (Himself] equal Gr. tow (eavrov) TTOL&V Aphel part, (forming imperf. tense) of ]o_ , Was worthy. See note, ch. i. 23. 19. t *"^ ,_.. v n ^n |J } cannot do ov Bvvarat Troieiv See note, ch. i. 46. CTlZo^l, likewise d/xotws ^Q^l> a particle always used with affixes. It is of the form pi. constr. of a noun fern, in O , signifying P * P . .7 quality or likeness. Used as a subst. [iDQlQJj OT.QD|, form of , 9v 0, 7 T the law, lawfully, 1 Tim. i. 8. ^pOlZ-OOf, like them, S. Luke d^ P 7 ^* " ^^ xiii. 5: -^OsZajDJ, fo'&e imfo yow, S. John viii. 55; ^Z.ODJ, like us, Hebr. iv. 15. 20. J>Qjl5, loving, loveth oL5Z, S. Matt. xxii. 37, 39, &c. 1. sing. ^GL^jf, Rev. iii. 19; with aff. S. John xiv. 21. 3. pi. ..-; V Tit. ii. 4 Part. def. used as a noun, see note, ch. iii. 29. Part. pi. masc. * ^ '*, S. John xiv. 15, 28, ..70 I &c. Constr. . .Vnj.jy 2 Tim. iii. 2, 4. Heb. DHI) Loved, Ps. xviii. 2. V " * x A 7 7 __i__^C71 _LD _;_a_?O, arecZ (works) which are greater than these Gr. T\ 7 /cat /xct^ova TOWTCOV (epya) PI. masc. of ;_Aj (ch. x. 10), adj. Excellent Used as an adv. Much, abundantly, see note, ch. iii. 19. Comparative expressed by ^> Def. li-A_, S. Matt. ix. 16, &c. Fern. l^iAl, S. Matt. vi. 25, &a De X ]2uA!, 2 Cor. x i ii. 7, &c. PI. fern. ^Al, S. John vii. 31. Def. ]2.^AJ, 2 Cor. xi. 28. R. 5A_>, Abounded. 7 I Cbald. TJV, Excellent, Dan. ii. 31, &c. Fern. ,TW, used - T . - adverbially, ch. iii. 22; vii. 7, 19. 177 N. B. This clause, OlJ^ .... __,;._ AjjO, is wanting in the Vienna i Ed. but is restored to the text by Tremellius from another MS. S. JOHN V. 2124. Ill Ver. 21. (-KK^Q, quickening, quickenetli o)07roiet Aphel part, of Lived. Aph. -*-.K/), (8. Matt, xxvii 42, &c.) Gave life to, saved. Pret. 3. sing. fem^A!^, with aff. S. Matt. ix. 22; S. Mark x. 52, &c __ Fut. V^-J, S. Matt. xvi. 25, &c. : Fern. ->l-^2. 7 , with aff. S. James ii. 14. 2. sing. jjoZ, 1 Tim. iv. 16; and pojZ, 1 Cor. vii. . .7 7 _ -n .7 7 16; fern. .. i ...(/ x same verse. 1. sing. L*J|, S. John xii. 47 __ Imperat. Jjaf, S. Luke xxiii. 47 -- Inf. n . ^>]^r)\ Hebr. vii. 25; and o . Avn\ S. Matt, xxvii. 42, &c __ Part. fern. * " 7 -x 7 7 (J-JSK^D, S. John vi. 63. Constr. XiD A-_K>JiQ, that quickenetli all, Gr. ?y (rwTT/ptos, Tit. ii. 11. Heb. Hiph. JTHn, Gen. vi. 19, 20. Chald. Aph. part. Dan. v. 19. 77 f 23. jO i 1, may honour Gr. TI/AOXTI (Travres) Pael fut. 3. sing, of 77 7 7 z TFas heavy. Pa. ;_Q_, (?aw honour to. Pret. 3. pi. O^Qj, with aff. Acts xxviii. 10 Fut. 3. sing, with aff. S. John xii. 26. __ Imperat. j_Q-, S. Matt. xv. 4, &c. PI. O^AI, 1 S. Pet. ii. 17 __ 77 _ 17 Part. ^Qj^D, in this verse. PI. masc. ; ^ r> / Rom. xii. 7 7 10 -- Part. pass. ; n \ V), honoured, honourable, used as a noun, X -X 7 7 S. Luke xiv. 8; coalescing with O0"l, n. n . Vn ?' s honourable, Hebr. xiii. 4. Def. IjJdllD, S. Mark xv. 43. Fern, l^nlio, (> 77 I 7 Rev. xxi. 19; Def. |/ ; o . V> / ver. 11. Pi. masc. .; o \_*-p t 1 Cor. xii. 24. PI. fern. def. fZ^QjLk), Rev. xvii. 4, &c. 7 .7 7 .7 Aph. ^OOJ, J/rtc?e heavy, dull Pret. 3. pi. Oj_DOJ, Acts xxviii. 27. 24. 01\ . i 1 , has passed, is passed /xeTa/Se'/^Kei/ Pael pret. 3. sing, of p_, Was cJianged, changed in mind, deranged. Pa. Changed his 7 77 place, departed. Pret. 3. pi. n > i Acts xiv. 6. 1. pi. i i t, 7 x I 1 S. John iii. 14 -- Fut. p ^ S. John xiii. 1, &c. 1. sing. jLl" 1 Cor. xiii. 2. 3. pi. ^Q.1 1, Acts xvi. 39. 2. pi. ^QJ_Z, S. Luke x. 7 __ Imperat. ]j_, S. John vii. 3; S. Matt. xvii. 20 __ Part. ]l V), S. Luke v. 16 -- Ethpaal _i_jA*'f, Was carried over, carried about, translated, Acts vii. 16; Hebr. xi. 5. Part. pi. ^ lASo, Eph. iv. 14. 112 S. JOHN V. 2429. Ver. 24. Heb. Pi. ;W, Changed, Ps. Ixxxix. 35. Chald. Pa. T Dan. iii. 28; iv. 13. Part. pass. fern. tf^SPD, Diverse, cli. vii. 7. T : : Ithpa. Dan. ii. 9, &c. "jZoLo, death Gr. (C'K) TOV Oavdrov Noun masc. def. PI. def. UoiD, 2 Cor. i. 10; xi. 23. R. Ao^D, Died. Heb. J-ilfc, Ps. vii. 14; ix. 14, &c. -Chald. nift, Ezr. vii. 26. * 7 VT 26. OllDQJ_QJD, i/i Himself Gr. ev eauroJ Lit. tn. 7/zs Person. iOQJLQ, def. ]LDQ_1_D (Hebr. x. 1), noun masc. Substance, being, person. Equivalent to the Gr. vTroorao-ts, although in the only passage (Hebr. i. 3), where this word is used of the Divine Person, the Syr. Translator has rendered it by OlZoAjf, His Essence, Being. It represents, in the N. T., with affixes, the reflexive pronoun (ipse, ipsa, &c.}, as here, and ch. vi. 53, c., and refers to things as well as persons, see S. Luke xi. 17. 27. C71^X*]o, and hath given Him authority KCU e^orcriav eSw/cei/ aural Aphel pret. 3. sing, (withaff.) of ^_x* (not occurring in Peal in 7 . .7 the N. T.), Ruled, had power. Aph. k4^-l> Gave power, caused to rule. Pret. 2. sing. AgX), with aff Hebr. ii. 7. Heb. Hiph. tD'S^H, Ps. cxix. 133. Chald. Aph. tsS^H, Dan. ii. 38, 48. In 7 7 ynn*")? , that are in the graves ot Iv TCHS /xv^/Aetots Noun with pref . 7 ' . [> 7 prep, and rel. pronoun. PI. def. of f^LO, def. j^dO (ch. xi. 31), A grave. R. ^CLO, Buried. Heb. nip, Gen. xxiii. 9, 20. P P 29. (AV> > H\, to the resurrection eis dvdcrTao-Lv Def. (with pref. prep.) 7 1 P C> of (V) > O (S. Luke ii. 34; xiv. 14), noun fern. A rising up. R. iOGLO iOO, Rose. Heb. n^p, -4w arising, Lam. iii. 63. ]A i O .... |Ai!i^, good... evil Gr. rd dya6d,..Ta (j>av\a In such abstract expressions, the Syr. having no neuter, the fern, is used. So jjoi, Gr. TOVTO, ver. 28, above. S. JOHN V. 3036. 113 Ver. 30. ^->1^> j us t Sinaia Adj. Just, right Def. |jp (ch. vii. 24), the _ being dropped. PI. - *)*\ Rom. ii. 13. Def. ]j], S. Matt. v. 45, &c. PL fern. ^]B, Phil. iv. 8. Def. 1'AjJo, Rev. xv. 3. Heb. J|, Gen. xlii. 11, &c. * p P 35. f-tir- th e light XTJ^OS Noun masc. def. A lamp, light PI. def. vL .11 p Ui'r-*> Rev. xxi. 23; with aff. S. Luke xii. 35. )), that burns burning Gr. o /caio/xevos Part, of !_!), Burned, \ , T> 7 -, flamed. Fut. O.^ f J . Occurs here only in the N. T. Heb. pS^T, Ps". vii. 14. Chald. rt^, Dan. vii. 9. j , that ye should rejoice to rejoice ayaAAiacr^vat Eth- * * m 7 7 paal fut. 2. pi. of 3cnO , Pa. quadriliteral, Lightened up, com- mended, extolled. The triliteral root (to which ,_ is added) exists i 7 in Arabic only.- Part. pi. masc. ^_5(Tm V), 2 Cor. x. 12. 7 7 *"** i* 7. ^* Ethpa. JOloA* j , Rejoiced, boasted. Pret. 1. sing. Z.5oioA^, 2 Cor. vii. 14; ix. 2. 1. pi. v X7L^L'f, ch. ix. 3, 4 __ Fut. JCTLS^LaJ, 1 Cor. i. 29, 31, &c. 2. sing. 5oifiLr, Rom. xi. 18. 1. sing. 5criDA^, 2 Cor. x. 8, &c. 1. pi. ytJl^Lm^, Rom. v. 11; 2 Cor. x. 16 __ Inf. o5oiO^kA, 2 Cor. xi. 30; xii. 1 __ Part. JOLoAjLiO, Rom. ii 17, 23, vnoA m\n 7 7 x 7 T> 2 Cor. v. 12, &c. : coalescing with ^-J--, ^ >m-iA V> Rom. v. 2, 3, &c. Deriv. |5oTJDQ_, noun masc. def. Glory, pride, boasting, Rom. iii. 27; iv. 2, &c. , adj. Proud. PI. def. "jijtrno Rom. i. 30; or , 2 Tim. iii. 2. 5, for a season Gr. Trpos wpav Or, for the hour, at that time. 7 \ 7 36. - . i w\ , hath sent Me p,e. aWo-raX/cc Pret. 3. sing, (with aff.) of *>vK^jt (Acts xxiii. 10), Sent, sent away, took off; stripped of his y "A 7 V "" raiment, S. Luke x. 30.__Pret. 3. fern. A>oAj, S. Matt, xxvii. 19. 3. pi. n*>\9, Acts xiii. 15: with aff. S. Luke x.-30 7 w. c. 15 114, S. JOHN V. 3644. Ver. 36. (some regard this as Pael). Fufc. *>>(") \ 1 -- Imperat. ooQ.\, pi. Q_K.aXj, with aff. Col. iii. 9 __ Inf. ->X -0->\ with aff. 2 Cor. v. 4 __ Part. Peil o>> i \, def. \+*. ,\., S. John iii. 28. _ (Used as a noun, see note, ch. xiii. 16, below.) PI. . ^ ^ . \ ? S. Matt, xxiii. 37 ; S. Luke xiii. 34. From this verb are derived TJ... V ^ ; noim masc. A putting off"- Constr. Col. ii. 11, &c. a |2.Q-K--X*, noun fem. def. A mission, Apostleship, Acts i. 25, &c. 37. O1OV*J> His appearance, shape etSos avrov Noun with aff. ]OJ_KJ, noun masc. def. (S. Matt. xiv. 26, &c.), Something seen, a vision. Another form is IJOK, pi. def. }3oiUj, Acts ii. 17. R. Saw.* Chald. 1TH, def. KITH, Dan. ii. 19, &c.: and Heb. v T; v Ps. Ixxxix. 20. 39. O^-2, search epewarc Imperat. pi. of |^, Investigated, explored. Pret. 3. sing, with aff. M^>; Jiath distinguished thee, Gr. Sta^ptVct, 1 Cor. iv. 7. 3. pi. 0^0, 1 S. Pet. i. 11 __ Fut. UaJ, 2. pi. > . * ^O^oZ., Acts xxiii. 15 -- Imperat. -^, S. John vii. 52 __ Part. |Io, Rev. ii. 23. Fem. ]lJz, 1 Cor. ii. 10. Ethpeel w* ^>L] , Was searched out. Part. ] ^oAk5, Gr. eXc'y- X^Tai, 1 Cor. xiv. 24. v oAj1 . ij^fnV) (pron. m'sabrituri), ye think SoKctre See note, ch. ~^ V 7 iv. 51. ;*"im in Pa. more usually means Announced, or Trusted, as ver. 45, below. The Par. and Lond. Polyglotts read .. Aphel part. 40. ^O\S\? ]-L*j, life which is for ever, eternal life Gr. 7 T *v P -X 42, Pino j, the love (aff. pleon.) -rfjv dydTnjv j^o . (ch. xiii. 35, &c.) y noun masc. Love, affection, charity. R,. !CLK>, Loved. 7 1. 7 44. ,_K ^_!sO y^j, Lit. one from one, one of another Gr. -n-apd a.\\rj\wv. , from one God Gr. irapd rov fwvov eov. S. JOHN V. 45. VI. 15. 115 Ver. 45. ^oAj") v ^fr> ]Vf>\ , ^i *: f ^, 1 Cor. xii. 23. Heb. *B*f , Viewed, observed, Neh. ii. 13, 15. Chald. *flD, - T ~ 1 Hoped, Dan. vii. 25. * P "ft 7 |JJ -tit n ^, -^ accuse, will accuse Karrjyoprfo-u) Part, (forming pres. ~ vL f, 7 or fut. tense) of -^Q, Pael quadrilit. verb derived from the Vt, * 7 -n 7 .* Greek by metathesis of y and p. Fut. - .. ; (\ o 1 1. sing. ^.j^Q | , -x 7 ^^ ^.. Acts xxviii. 19. 3. pi. \^ ui 6 1 , with aflf. S. John viii. 6; S. Mark iii. 2 Part. pi. masc. ^ . ..; ^ Vr> / coalescing with x 1 ^: ^ oV> . Acts xxiv. 8. CHAPTER VI. 1. 5 : \ to't/te other side of, over -n-epav T^S See note, ch. i. 28. ^^^^ 7 sea 0a\acrfrr?s Def. of i>Q-i, noun masc. l%e sea. PI. def. > ; Acts iv. 24; xiv. 14. There is also a fern. def. form (S. John vi. 19; S. Luke v. 2, &c.) used more especially of a lake, or inland sea. Heb. Q, Ps. Ixxxix. 10. Chald. Q, def. tf\ Dan. vii. 2, 3. - " 5. wjCno_l_i_li, ZTis eyes Gr. TOUS o^)^aX/xovs PI. with aff. of > \ def. ~ . P 7 ^ * (^ ^ (S. Matt. v. 38, &c.), noun fern. An eye; fountain. PI. when it signifies eyes, of masc. form, though fern, in construction, ^ > i " v, S. Matt, xviii. 9. Def. ]il-!, S. John ix. 32, &c __ p .. 7 p ,. 7 But of fern, form when signifying fountains, 1 > ^ x def. ( A i V v. (Ephr. Syr. on Gen. i. 9). 116 S. JOHN VI. 57. . .. Ver. 5. Compounds formed by ^_i_L are ^ > S\ Before, and H- Openly. See notes, S. John xv. 24; xvi. 25. Heb. W, Exod. xxi. 24, &c. Chald. M, Dan. iv. 31; vii. 8, 20; Ezr. v. 5. > Jreod Gr. dprovs Def. of i>Q_K>Jl, noun masc. Bread., food. Constr. ]A] i*LL^, the skew-bread, Hebr. ix. 2. PI. ^ i V)^X, ver. 13, below. Heb. dPl, Ps. xli. 10, &c. Chald. Qn, A feast, Dan. v. 1. - v v : 6. ]rr> i^n ^ , proving, to prove Treipd&v Pael part, of (""> ^ (not used). 7 7 Pa. - - fft i Tempted, made trial of. Pret. 2. sing. Ai m 1, Rev. ii 2. 3. pi. r> - tr> y 1 Cor. x. 9 __ Fut. "[niU, with aff. S. Luke x. 25. 2. sing. IffiJZ, S. Matt. iv. 7; S. Luke iv. 12. 1. pi. 1 Cor. x. 9 __ Inf. A . fruVnV^ Acts v. 9 __ Part. pi. 777 n ; S. Matt. xvi. 1, &c -- Part. pass. . . miVn Hebr. iv. 15; S. James i. 13. For ^, as here used, see note, ch. i. 36. Heb. Pi. HDJj Tempted, tried, Gen. xxii. 1. was about to do, would do l/xeXXe iroiuv See note, ch. iii. 14. 7. _i2.fSb, two hundred Sta/coo-tW. 7> Hoc nomen est unum ex quatuor quce apud Hebrceos in dualem terminationem Q* , et apud Syros in _j finiunttir. Eeliqua tria sunt ^-5^, Egyptus (S. Matt. ii. 13^ &c.) a DHX/^; ^'Z, duo (S. 'John i. 35), a Q^'; ^*LiL, duce (S. John iii. 4)* d D^D^. (Schaaf.) Heb. Q^M^D, Gen. xi. 23. ), denarii Gr. S^vaptW PI. of ; i > (S. Matt. xx. 9, 10) noun masc. A Roman silver coin, value 10 asses whence its name. Def. lfj_o, S. Matt. xx. 2. PI. def. lL?, S. Matt, xviii. 28. ]] } not sufficing, is not sufficient Gr. ow apKovcnv Part, of 7 Sufficed; was content with, capable of receiving, Pret. 3. pi. fern. .r>g*>m (f or . . r>) 3 S. John ver. 10 __ Fut. S. JOHN VI. 710. 117 Ver. 7. S. Matt. xix. 12; xxv. 9: Fern. - > rx?>rr>7* 1 Tim. v. 16. 7 7t ., T 1. sing. *Q>2XDJ, Acts xi. 17. 3. pi. fern, og^m i S. Luke iii. 14 __ Part. fern. jAam, 2 Cor. xii. 9; 1 Tim. vi. 8. PI. masc. X . n g*icn g. John viii. 37; S. Luke xxiL 38; coalescing with ^JLK., i . ne^rn 2 Cor. iii. 5. Vi . Vn Vi . ^, a tittle fipa-xv TL See note, ch. vii. 33. 717 x r*j J-K, each e/cao-Tos See note, cL i. 40. The repetition of the words denoting distribution. 9. ^Jj Aere <*>Se Adverb of place. * 7 .07 - Vo ' y&ve Trevre Card. numb. fern. Masc. f V> >. ch. iv. 18, above. Heb. BfoHi f em. Gen. v. 6. Ox .Si t ^->F\t) loaves aprovs PI. of (._;_,, noun fem. A. cake, loaf, baked bread. Def. V^i^i, s - Mark* viii. 14. 7 p J, of barley Gr. Kpt^tVovs PL def. (of masc. form) of j;ACP 7 *0* ' noun fem. Barley, def. |Z.^CD. Heb. miyK>, fem. .Bar%, Joel i. 1 1. PL Q^yfef, Ruth i. 22. Eoot ^^, Bristled. . i ^n 1, fishes Gr. oi^apia, a word which, originally meaning Any- ^ i ^Tig' ea^ere tot'^A bread, is applied in the N. T. exclusively to ^sA Compare S. John xxi. 10, with 11. PL of ^OJ, def. ]jQJ (S. John xxi. 9), noun masc. A fish, and fish, collectively. PL . .. 'X def. (JQJ, ver. 11, below. Root Heb. |!)J (Ps. Ixxii. 17), Increased, -K grew. Compare Heb. ;n, Jon. ii. 1 ; H^H f- Exod. vii. 18, 21. from T T T , Increased, Gen. xlviii. 16. 10. x o < -^nAroi^ that they may sit down, recline Gr. avaTreo-cti/ Ethpeel 77 .* fut. 3. pi. of ^iLOTD, Leaned, reclined. Ethpe. ^k}AD| (ch. xiii. 12, &c.), Seated himself. Pret. 3. pi. nn^nAm] in this verse Fut. ^k)ACQJ, 2. sing. j^oAcoZ, S. Luke xiv. 8 118 S. JOHN VI. 10, 11. Ver. 10. Imperat. ^LoAm, S. Luke xiv. 10, &c -- Inf. S. Matt. xiv. 19. Transl. Cause that all the men may recline. _ ]AmC grass xP TOS Def. ^ -*^ rn v y noun masc. Green herb. Heb. 3gfg, Gen. i. 11, 12. Chald. y&y def. fcft^J, Dan. iv. 22, 29, 30. ]i t iVno ; iw number Gr. rov aptfytov Def. of^ > 1 V) (Hebr. xi. 12), noun masc. Number. R. ]IiD, Numbered. Chald. pjfc, Ezr. vi. 17. , thousand. PI. of *L!\, Rev. v. 11. or .<^^\ 2 S. Pet. iii. y i\ 8. 4 thousand. Def. fo^, Rev. xi. 3, &c. PI. def. ]^^\, S. Matt. xiv. 21. and ]v^^, Rev. vi. 15, &c. Heb. tbtf, Ps. 1. 10. Chald. &Stf, thtt, pi- (after the Heb. I v v I I : form) D^Stt, Keri V*bx, Dan. v. 1; vii. 10. 11. h*;^0, and He blessed Gr. KOL ev^apio-T^cras Pael pretr-of vj^d, Sowed the knee, in worship. Pa. Blessed, pronounced blessed. _ Fut. i> 7 * y yi ^ y y;*^ 1 , 1. sing, j^j^l, with aff. Hebr. vi. 14 -- Imperat. pi. OD^S, S. Matt. v. 44; S. Luke vi. 28 __ Inf. os^LiO, Hebr. vi. 14 __ n 7 r Part, yi < "Ar> < S. Luke xxiv. 51. PI. masc. ._n.nV>^ ver. 53: y y i y x coalescing with ^-!-K, i n. oV> 1 Cor. iv. 12; S. James iii. 7 7 9 -- Part. pass. j^j^iLD, S. Luke i. 42, 68; coalescing with ooi, 03; nV), Wessed be, 1 S. Pet. i. 3. Def. ]A.Av g. Mark xiv. 61. Fern. def. fAo^D, S. Luke i. 42. Heb. Pi. "sna, Gen. xxiv. 1. Chald. Pa. 3 (for l ? Dan. ii. 19, 20; iv. 31. %-HL, ZT, S. Luke xxii. 17 __ Part. ,.. \<^Vn < S. " Luke xi. 22. PI. m. ^ > \Vn Acts ii. 45. Heb. Pi. JJ^3, Divided, Ps. Iv. 10. S. JOHN VI. 11, 12. 119 Yer. 11. N.B. The -words that follow in the Gr. rots /xa^rat?, 01 Se /xa- OrjraL, are omitted in the Syr. as in many other versions; also in the Alex. Vat. Sin. and other MSS. , to them that were set down TOL y gated. Pa. - 1 *^ (S. Matt. ii. 4, &c.), Gathered together; received .7 7 hospitably, S. Matt. xxv. 35. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A in, S. Matt. xiii. 47. 2. pi. ^nA in / S. James v. 3; with aff. S. Matt. xxv. 35, 43. 1. pi. in, with aff. ver. 38 Fut. . 101, S. John 7.'7> * 7 xi. 52. 1. sing. __L2f, S. Matt, xxiii. 37. 3. pi. ^a-MJ-OJ, ch. xxiv. 31 __ Inf. n > i nV>\ Rev. xvi. 14; xx. 8 __ Part. v 7 7 77 . m i nVn S. Matt. xxv. 24, 26 -- Part. pass. . i nVn pi. masc. . - i nV> Acts x. 24. Heb. Pi. D33, Ps. cxlvii. 2. 120 S. JOHN VI. 1215. Ver. 12. ]' a , the fragments TO, K\da-fj.ara PI. def. of ^D (Acts ii. 42), noun masc. A breaking, piece broken. R. IvO, Broke off. o5Aj5, that have remained over, that remain Gr. 7 I Pret. 3. pi. of 5A_ (S. Matt. xxv. 16), Excelled, was over and 7 above; also, Profited, gained, made gain. Pret. 2. sing. 2.5 AJ, 7 x S. Matt, xviii. 15 __ Fut. jL}l, S. Mark viii. 36; S. Luke ix. 25. Fern. $2.12. (for ^$|2.), S. Matt. v. 20. 2. sing. $2-U, S. Mark 71 71 71 vii. 11. 1. sing. $Z1, 1 Cor. ix. 19, 20, &c Part. $Al, 1 Cor. 7i 7 " 7 K xiii. 3. PI. _*5A_i, coalescing with ^_J_KJ, ^_J_5A_, S. James iv. 13. Heb. *\Tf>, only in part. Kal *|HV> The remainder, 1 Sam. xv. 15. f. .. 7 f . 13. ;fr> vi/^ twelve SwSeKa Card. numb. masc. It has a def. form 1'2.jmi$2., ch. xx. 24; S. Matt. xxvi. 47; with aff. ver. 67, below. Fern. 1';m v7i7 ch. xi. 9, &c. 7 7 Heb. ")b>V DOB?, masc. H^W D*ft^, fern. Exod. xxiv. 4. T *r ; ; *v ; . i . g^o rv baskets Ko<^tVous PL of p.j_2)Q_D, noun masc. A wicker basket. Derived from the Gr. The following j marks the geni- tive. Transl. And filled twelve baskets of the fragments which remained to those who ate (had eaten) of the five barley loaves. 15. ^o2.1j5 ^.jyj/uLj, that they were ready to come, would come on /x,eA- \OVO-LV epxeo-dai Infin. expressed by the fut. with j. P-X-* _uKJ, (and) take Him by force KCU apTra,eiv O.UTOV Fut. 7 3. pi. (with aff.) of -.^ ^ K> , Snatched away. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A^uL, Acts viii. 39. 3. pi. a_2L&jo, ch. vi. 12._Fut. ^)Q_6uK>j, S. John x. 28, 29; S. Mark iii. 27 __ Imperat. pi. Q^CL^, S. Jude ver. 22 __ Part. *2L&JL, S. John x. 12; S. Matt. xiii. 19. Ethpeel ^i^uKZ1 , Was seized, caught away, 2 Cor. xii. 2, 4._ Fut. *L4^Aj, 1. pi. 1 Thess. iv. 17. Heb. &bH, Ps. x. 9. S. JOHN VI. 15-19. 121 Ver. 15. CTL^ *_*_!_, He departed ave^wpryorc See note, cli. v. 24. 16. f V>y evening Gr. etyia Def. of _.!o3, noun masc. Even-tide. i* i 17. CtoA_0, and they sat Gr. KCU e/x/JaVres, and entered into, embarked. . f X G r . c j s T( J TrXoiov Def. of (i > g^m j noun fern. Lit. A decked vessel. PI. def. ]i " .7 T. Z.OO1 AH_K, if was c?ar Gr. o-Korta eycyovei Pret. 3. sing. * fern, of >, K> (S. Luke xxiii. 45), TFas 6?ar^, obscured. Used here impersonally (see also S. Matt. xiv. 23), in which construction the fern, is most commonly used. For an instance of the masc. see S. Matt. xxvi. 8. Pret. 3. pi. o^ ^ Rev. viii. 12 __ Fut. S. Matt. xxiv. 29; S. Mark xiii. 24. 3. pi. fern. I, Rom. xi. 10 __ Inf. ..1 ^&\ S. Luke xxiv. 29. 7 7 ,1> Ethpaal ^m^^L\, Was darkened, Rom. i. 21. Heb. TT^'n, Exod. x. 15; Ps. Ixix. 24. 1.7 OC7I t-iZ.!, ivas come, had come -eX^Xv^ct Part. Peil, forming the ~ i plup. tense. P 1\ 7l 18. foci ^1OJ1 j, 7id been raised, had arisen, arose onryeipfro Ethpeel 7 pret. 3. sing, (forming pluperf. tense) of .<^o] , Lifted up. Ethpe. Was lifted up, was crucified, ch. xix. 20, &c. 3. pi. ClLO|1f, S. Matt, xxvii. 38 __ Fut. ^O5lJ, ch. xxvi. 2, &c. Transl. But the sea had been raised against them, because a great ivind had blown. 77 7 19. O^OJO, and they rowed Gr. cXr/XaKores ovv Pret. 3. pi. of f^3j (ch. xviii. 3), Arranged, set in order, whence the usual meanings, Took, r f> received, led, drove, impelled a ship. Pret. 3. fern. L^y, with aff. S. Luke iv. 1. 1. sing. 2*23?, Gal. ii. 1 __ Fut. ^.J, S. Matt. xv. 14. 1. sing. {JDjI, with aff. S. John xiv. 3. 3. pi. ^r^r 3 ' with aff. S. Luke v. 3 -- Imperat. ^5, S. Matt. ii. 13, 20, &c. PI. OjJDj, S. John xix. 6; S. Luke v. 4; with aff. S. John xviii. 31 Part, ^j, S. Luke xvii. 7 : Fern. "jj^Sj, S. Matt. xii. 45. w. c. 16 122 S. JOHN VI. 19. Ver. 19. PI. masc. ^-a^O?, S. Matt. v. 44; S. Luke vi. 28, Gr. r<3j/ CTH;- ptatpv-ruv __ Part. Peil pi. masc. (used actively) ^ *-, i n?, Acts xxi. 16. PI. fern, ^i n?, S. James iii. 4. Heb. *)^*n , A$j90&e (from the primary idea of arrangement) only - T in part. *\tt, Ps. v. 7. More frequent in Peil. "fZo^rbf, stadia, furlongs ordStous PL def. of ^J^CD] (1 Cor. ix. 24), A distance, nearly equal to a furlong; also, t/ie Stadium, race- course. PL ^oi^fbl", Acts * 12> i T> j twenty Card. Number. Heb. DHB>, G en - xxxi - 38. Chald. H?, Dan. vi. 2. Ae Ja&e, sea; see note, ver. 1, above. , He drew near Gr. Iyyv; , S. Matt, xxviii. 9 __ Fut. ^O^riJ, S. Mark viii. 22, &c. 2. sing. ^o^oZ", Col. ii. 21. 3. pi. ^orDjjQJ, S. Matt. xiv. 36, &c. 1. pi. ^O^QJ, Hebr. x. 22.__Imperat. pi. non. n^ S. James iv. 8 -- Part. ^^D, S. Luke xii. 33: Fern. ]oj^3, S. Matt. ix. 21; S. Mark v. 28. PL ,_j^;_0, S. Mark vi. 56; S. Luke xxiii. 36. Heb. ;np, ilp, PA xci. 10. Chald. ^p, Dan. iii. 56; -|T -|T ); vL 13. ?, they were of raid tyofiTjOrja-av Pret. 3. pi. of ^KJ> (ch. xix. 8), Feared, showed reverence. Pret. 1. sing. AX*j), S. Matt. xxv. 25; S. Luke xix. 21 __ Fut. ^L >r J, S. John xiv. 27. 2. sing. ^Ljf , S. Matt. i. 20, &c. : Fern. . ^..;7* S. Luke i. 30. 1. sing, ^i^j], Hebr. xiii. 6. 3. pi. ^oX^jJ, 1 Tim. v. 20. 2. pi. ^^j^jZ, next ver. below, J, Acts xvi. 14. PL masc. ^ju^L^j, S. S. JOHN VI. 1927. 123 t i . Ver. 19. John ix. 22, &c. : coalescing with __!_K, _Lj_\>jj, S. Matt. xxi. 26. Part. Peil, used as a noun see note, S. Mark v. 33. Cogn. Heb. 7HT> Crept, was afraid, Deut. xxxii. 34; Mic. vii. 17; Job xxxii. 6 __ Chald. ^pn, Dan. v. 19. 22. ")ooi \^L (J, had not gone, went not Gr. ov o-weicnyAfle Pluperf. . 7 tense. ^OJilHL is pleonastic, followed by the same preposition with its case. N.B. The clause, dXXa...dTrr}XOov, is omitted by the Syr. translator. 23. 4OO1 -Z.|, ^ ie y ( sc - oilier boats) had come Gr. rjXOc Pluperf. pi. 7 3. fern. ]^^\, boats TrXota'pta PL def. of *^&, def. ]A^ (S. Matt. iv. 21, 22, ^ 7 1 Cor. x. 7. 2. pi. ^oAj^lL^, Gal. iv. 8 __ Fut. -n\^i Eph. iv. 28. 2. sing. vKaX2)2., S. Matt. iv. 10, &c. 1. sing. v ^>n\g^1 Rom. xv. 16. 3. pi. ^Oj^Xaj, Acts vii. 7. 1. pi. .*.n\ ^.1. I,KKA), 1 Cor. iii. 9, &c. : with ^pAj], ^A . "v\^ Col. iii. 24. Constr. ^" ^\<^ S. Matt. vii. 23, &c. _ Pai*t. Peil. fem. ]>v t Vc^ S. John viii. 33, where see note. Ethpeel o^.\aZ"j, Was cidtivated, dressed. Part. fein. (referred by some to Ethpa.), Hebr. vi. 7. 124 S. JOHN VI. 2735. Ver. 27. Aphel ----H, Waged war. Part. ^ ^V), 1 Cor. ix. 7. From this verb are derived, < |2A\ g \ noun fern. def. Warfare, army, I Cor. ix. 7; 1 Tim. i. 18. PI. def. fZo-ilSs), Rev. xix. 14, 19. tL*l\O2>, noun masc. def. Occupation, work, worship, Acts xix. 25; Col. ii. 18, &c. Heb. rh&, Cleft, furrowed the ground, Ps. cxli. 7. Chald. 3> laboured, worshipped, Dan. iii. 12, , Acts xxvi. 26. Deriv. pOSfT), noun masc. def. A visitor, Bishop, 1 S. Pet. ii. 25. . < y 31. p_llO, manna TO fidvva. Heb. [ft, Exod. xvi. 15, 31. 34. ^*^l\*Sn, in all time always, evermore Or. iravroTf. See notes, ch. i. 3; iii. 4. j .. 35. ^^^1 U, shall not (never) hunger ou ///>} TTCIVCUTT; Fut. 3. sing, of (S. Matt. iv. 2, &c.), Was hungry Pret. 1. sing. S. JOHN VI. 3543. 125 Yer. 35. S. Matt. xxv. 35, 42. 3. pi. QJ-21D, S. Matt. xii. 1 Fut. 3. pi. ^QJ-SIIIJ, Kev. vii. 16. 2. pi. ^LSisL, S. Luke vi. 25 For the part. _2lO is used the participial noun ^2, hungry, see note, S. Matt. v. 6. 7.7 . 37. :*">\, out eo> -f^i, The outside, used as an adverb with pref. A. See note, S. Matt. iii. 4. .P 77 7 i> p 1> 1> 7 P 39. - *"i(? ._A_J5,_} ^O? m i _. *~> . .5 Q_101. This clause is absent in the Vienna Edition, but restored by Tremellius. Some Editions %" omit >_i..O|). 7 7 .Tl , I should lose aTroAe'cro) Aphel fut. 1. sing, of j-O], Perished. * *f Aph. f^>O\ (S. Matt. xxii. 7, &c.), Caused to perish, destroyed, lost. Pret. 1. sing. Z^fio), S. John xviii. 9. 3. pi. O^o], 1 Cor. x. 9 Fut. y^QJ, S. John x. 10, &c.: Fern. yLolI (for t-tr^oL), S. Luke xv. 8. 2. sing. j^oZ, Rom. xiv. 15. 3. pi. J, S. Matt, xxvii. 20. 2. pi. ,0^02.", Hebr. x. 35 Inf. S. Mark iii. 4, &c Part. ,-CiaiO, S. Luke ix. 24. Heb. Hiph. "T^H, Deut. vii. 10. Chald. Aph. "DVT, Dan. ii. 12, 18, 24. P m. t> _ UM^II t? ie l ast T-rj fo-xarr] Def. of _*^KJ], adj. The last. Fern. def. 1/L.j-Kj], S. Matt, xxvii. 64; S. Luke xiv. 9. Constr. AJ^K*], used as an adv. Afterwards, at length, S. Matt. iv. 2, &c. PI. masc. def. VV--1, S. Matt. xix. 30, &c. PI. fern. def. lAl>j1, Rev. xv. 1; xxi. 9. 40. - > *M?, of My Father Gr. rov Treja^avros /xe The Sin. Vat. and some other MSS. read TOU Trarpo's /xov. 7 * J 1> ^ 41. OOOl ^ ^y murmured cyo'yyvoj/ Part. pi. (imperf. tense) of ^-.3, Murmured. Pret. 3. pi. OJ-5, Acts vi. 1; 1 Cor. x. 10 Fut. 2. pi. . 1 V x i y Aphel ^-65|, same as Peal. Part. pi. . ^ ji^, S. Jude ver. i y 16. Some Editions read 1 C'^/ Pael part. 7 77 43. pK J^QJL J-KJ, Lit. one tw^i one among yourselves Gr. per dXXijXwv in ver. 52. Tiyjos d 126 S. JOHN VI. 4452. Ver. 44. Ol-i^J, has drawn him Gr. eXKucry O.VTOV Pret. 3. sing, (with aff.) of !_] (Gal. ii. 12), Drew, attracted, withdrew. Pret. 3. pi. CWJ, Acts xvi. 19 Fut. j^lj, 1. sing, y^j, ch. xii. 32, below. ^^ <*^^ "* Inf. with aff. fern, pleon. ay^i V)\, ch. xxi. 6 Part. pi. masc. __,_, *_J, ch. xxi. 8. Ethpeel pHujZ], Was drawn. Part. ,_^jAlO, S. James i. 14. PI. masc. 2 S. Pet. i. 21. From this verb is derived ],_,fc_J, noun masc. def. A blow, stripe, with aff. Acts xvi. 33. ^ cn - xxii. 24. Compare, for this meaning, note ch. xix. 1. 45. ( . A i o ; in the Prophet, sc. Isa. liv. 13. Gr. iv rots 7rpo\ . (ch. vii. 15, &c.), same as tl_s, Learned. Pret. 1. sing. A Acts xxiii. 7 27. 2. sing. LsL^l, 2 Tim. iii. 14. 2. pi. ^oA^SI, Rom. xvi. 17, &c. 1. pi. v ^\ i, Acts xxviii. 1 Fut. .^VJJ, 1 Cor. xiv. 31. 2. sing. .^VV. Acts xxiv. 8. 1. sing. ^L, Phil. ii. 19. 71 7 * 3. pi. ^ng\V)i' Acts xxiii. 20: Fern. ^^V]^ 1 Cor. xiv. 35. 2. pi. ^OsA*)!, 1 Cor. iv. 6 Imperat. pi. Q_2iXl, S. Matt. ix. 13, &c Inf. .^ r \]^\ / with aff. Rev. xiv. 3 Part. fern. l^V., 1 Tim. ii. 11. PL fern. * V:, ch. v. 13 Part. Peil . r -^ " \> ; Rom. ii. 18. V " - 1 46. |V>Jj seeing, seeth Gr. cwpa/ccv. .. 7 .7 . . 7 51. _fc^>| X \^, for the sake of, for Gr. vvtp Lit. for the face of. See note, ch. xi. 44, below. 7 52. OOO1 ^~t-J> strove e/ia^ovro Part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of , Contended, disputed. Part. ]^J. From this verb are derived ~tJ, noun masc. One who 13 contentious, a brawler, 1 Tim. iii. 3. S. JOHN VI. 5263. 127 .. +. 7 ., .. 7 Ver. 52. (LO^Lo, noun fern. def. A quarrel PI. def. jZ.Oj.lo, S. James O O iv. 1. Heb. Niph. Hl Strove, Exod. ii. 13. 7V)fc, S^H/e, Isa. xli. 12. T " ^" 7 7 A 7 55. | 'A Vn ; drink Trdcrts Def. of . .A Vn noun masc. Something to drink, beverage. Derived from Aph. part. pass, of |Aj (_A^|), Drank. Aph. jA^ | . .< -X 7 * 59. (A^O 1 no, m / 3 Assembled. 10 7 f i O, AarcZ -o-KX^pos Fern, of ( ^ (Acts ix. 4), adj. Severe, difficult, vehement (of winds). Def. | * , S. Matt. xxv. 24, &c. PL def. l!_a-6, Acts xxv. 7. PI. fern. def. fAULo, S. James iii. 4. Of form part. Peil of ( <" (not used in Peal). 17 ^ 7 . Heb. TFow Aord Pa. - Q x Hardened _ Fut. 2. pi. ^ n/ , Hebr. iii. 8, 15; iv. 7 __ Part. ]ji_Qk), Kom. ix. 18. Ethpa. . i oZ.1, Was hardened Fut. ] <^Ai Hebr. iii. 13 __ Part. n 7 pi. ^ i oA^D, Acts xix. 9. Heb. n^'p, fem. H^D, Exod. i. 14. v IT T IT 61. (1 nVn offending offendeth o-xavSaXi^ci Aph el part. fern, of \S O, Struck against. Aph. vv n") , Caused to stumble __ Fut. v> ^i , S. Matt, xviii. 6, &c. 1. sing. W 1 ^f, 1 Cor. viii. 13. 1. pi. VV^y S. Matt. xvii. 27 __ Part. VM ^ Heb. Hiph. hwiil, Ps. Ixiv. 9; Prov. iv. 16. 62. V^ ^ni . . . ^J, if then what and if? cai/ ow, rather, what then if? 7 T1\ 7 3 5/.JJ, to the place ivhere where Gr. OTTOV. See note, ch. xi. 54, below. X * ^Qj r O SO, formerly, before Gr. TO irporepov, in ver. 64, e^ apx*)**- Compound adverb. 7 - 63. (JTlLo, profiting, projiteth wc^cXer Aphel part, of (JCTI, TTas joro- I .7 Jitable, took pleasure in. Aph. _-Jai|, Profited. _ Part. fern. l*JOli0, Rom. ii. 25. 128 S. JOHN VI. 6470. Ver. G4. ^o\ Vny ivho betrayed, should betray o TrapaSwcrwv Aphel 7 'f* part, of Vr> \ or ^Q_X, Finished. Aph. *^> \ ] (ch. xix. 30, &c.), Gave up, delivered up, com- K , .7 milled to, betrayed. Pret. 1. sing. AVi >>(, S. Matt, xxvii. 4. 3. pi. QLL}\ S. Luke i. 2. 2. pi. ,oAiCuL^ S. Mark vii. 13 __ Fut. XLLmJ, 8. Matt. x. 21: with aff. ver. 71, below, &c.l. sing. isoS-af, 1 Cor. xiii. 3. 3. pi. ^n^nV - \ S. Matt. xxiv. 10. 2. pi. ^QinX^Z, with afF. 1 Cor. v. 5 -- Part. pi. masc. Vn S. John xviii. 30; S. Matt. x. 17 -- Part. pass. , S. Luke iv. 6; Fern. -^ 1 S. Pet. v. 2. Heb. Hiph. Qv^/l, Completed, executed, Isa. xliv. 26, 28 __ Chald. Aph. dS&?tf> Finished, restored, Dan. v. 26; Ezr. vii. 19. 66. . . . v^^"> ; Transl. On account of this word, or saying Gr. e*c TOVTOV, that time; rather, because of this, on this account, back tis TO. oTrtcro) iAm^ (Rev. xiii. 3), adv. Gr. oTrto-w, Behind, after. Def. "JJACCIO So, on the back, oTricrOtv, Rev. v. 1. I P * l\ t \.,i? pAfflLO ^O; behind me, oTrio-w /MOU, Rev. i. 10. After the form of a noun sing, with affixes, either in its simple form, as rniAm*-^ behind Him, S. Luke vii. 3; or preceded by V"*, S. Matt. ix. 20; S. Mark v. 27; or by pref. X, as in this verse, and S. Luke xvii. 31. y . .7 67. OT/.;fDS?ZL\, to His twelve Gr. TOIS SwSeKa. 70. ^QI)Ai n-yt, have I chosen you? v/tas t'^eAc&iyu^v ; Pret. 1. sing, (with aff.) of Jra^t (8. Mark iii. 14. &c.) Elected, selected. Pret. 3. fern. ACLyj, S. Luke x. 42. 1. sing. A . A . S. John xiii. 18. 3. pi. oA^j, Acts vi. 5, &c. 2. pi. ^n A . ^ w ith aff. S. John xv. 16. 1. pi. ^ . A Acts xv. 25 Fut. |x^j. 1. sing. 1^-yi], Phil. L 22 Imperat. . > A . . 1 Cor. vii. 21. PI. O^X^,, Acts vi. 3 Inf. ]A ,, 0^ 3 Cor. viii. 19; pref. X, Acts xv. 14 Part. IrL^ 1 Tim. v. 9. PI. masc. v . ^ . . 1 Cor. xvi. 3 Part. Peil ]^.., 2 Cor. viii. 19; 1 S. Pet. ii. 4; used actively, S. JOHN VI. 70, 71. VII. 24. 129 Ver. 70. Acts i. 14. Def. ] *"> it , Acts ix. 15, &c. with aff. pleon. S. Luke xxiii. 35. Fern. def. fo . A ., 1 S. Pet. ii. 9, &c. PI. masc. def. xx - 16 & c - Ethpeel - - u, Was chosen. Pret. 3. pi. n u, 1 s - Pet. i. 2. 1. pi. ^-rL.Z/n Acts x. 41; Eph. i. 11 __ From this verb are derived, (A > *S .t, noun fern. def. Election, Rom. xi. 5, 7, 28. 0. * f (Z.O -^-ii, fern. def. pi. Gatherings 1 Cor. xvi. 2. ^ ' 'i .000 O is Satan is a devil Sia/2oAo's eoriv P-&0> ( c ^- x ^ *^J &c.) noun masc. def. ^lw adversary, accuser, the Enemy, Satan. Heb. jfcD&'j -4ra adversary, Numb. xxii. 22: with def. art. Satan, Job i. 6. R. |^ , Opposed himself, Ps. xxxviii. 21, &c. Whence also ( '"|-DtD^> n. f. .4w accusation, Ezr. iv. 6. T ; 71. JOOI ^Lo], He had spoken, He spake Gr. t\eye. CHAPTER VII. >, of Tabernacles Gr. -q oTo/voTnjyia PI. def. of |l^k?, noun masc. def. A shady place, arbour, booth. PI. .j..\^4^> S. Matt. xvii. 4, &c. Form of Pael part, of \_ , Pa. \_ , Overshadowed. . T f l 3. ^A P-, depart peTaftrjOi See note, ch. v. 24. ^.. m ^i'* 1 ) 4. ^- O (j^i *w secret Iv KpvTrrw [j_Q^, n. f. A secret, secrecy. Used only (in the N. T.) with pref. %Z2, adverbially. R. )-*-, Lay hid. 1TI *>.* 7 OOTJ (->- -^..HL_S? , Aa 7ie should be in public to be (known) openly . > . * Gr. Iv vapprjULa cii/at ( i \ . , a participial noun masc. def. Mani- festation, revelation Form of part. Peil of |L.i, Revealed; as * f ^^ ( i m O , secrecy, from (JCQO, hid. W. C. 17 130 S. JOHN VII. 58. Ver. 5 ..... ]] *)}, Transl. For not even His brethren believed in Jesus. pleonastic. 6. j^So, is come napeo-riv Verb Peal pret. Came, approached, came to pass, arrived, fell to one's lot, S. Luke i. 9 -- Pret. 3. fern. L^D, S. John xiii. 1: and Al^iO (from **4&) * Cor - x - 1! -- Fut - ]^Vnj __ Part. }&), used in the phrase CTlfiO ->,-> l^ \^D, lit. i coraes into the hands of his Lord, i.e. his Lord hath power, Rom. xiv. 4. Similarly 1 Cor. xvi. 2, with which compare Gen. xxxii. 14, i"l^ &$3iTf/!3> ^/" ^ a ^ came t*?io his hand, i.e. w/ta? 7ie could. _ Part. fern. f-%^!^ , S. Luke x v. 1 2 : used in phrase similar to the above, ^OlO,^]^ "U_iO, he is able, 2 Tim. i. 12. Similarly, > " 7 Hebr. xi. 19; Acts v. 39; xxv. 5 __ Part. Peil fern. U-fe^S simi ' larly used, Acts xxiv. 13; 2 Cor. ix. 8; 2 Tim. ii. 2. Chald. Kft or at every time, always TrdvroTf The words occur separately, S. Luke xviii. 1, 5. 7 t> ^ ready ITOI/XO? Pael part. pass, of >^O. fa ^, Was good. Pa. -*^> > ^, see note ch. xiv. 2, below. . C> 'T* 7 T 7. ^n^i mVnV to hate you /xicreti/ u/xas Inf. (following . . * n Vn) of P-CD, see note, ch. iii. 20. The final ] elided before the aifix. All , o * the Eds. read as above, except Schaaf, who reads ^nn . i cn^nX. 7 7 8. Q^CD, gro ye up dvd/3r)Te -Imperat. pi. of LCQJ, Ascended. Defective in the pret. which is supplied by the verb .o Arr> see note, ch. i. 51. Fut. .nmi, S. Matt. xiii. 2, (fee. 3. pi. ^OQmJ, S. Matt. xiv. 22; S. Mark vi. 45 __ Imperat. *QTD, Rev. iv. 1 __ Inf. Q{TlV>\, Rev. xvii. 8 __ Part. ninJ, Rev. xiv. 11. Heb. pDJ, fut. 1. sing. DSK, Ps. cxxxix. 8. ., is fulfilled full come TreTrXry/ocoTtu Yerb Peal pret. Com- pleted, came to an end, filled up; agreed or consented, S. Luke ,7 * xxiii. 51. Walked sincerely, Rom. iv. 12 __ Fut. V> \ *, S. John xiii. 18, \ ; adj. Perfect, whole PI. def. ^oXi, whole burnt- offeriugs, oXoKavToytaTa Hebr. x. 6, 8. ]7n^n\ noun fern. def. Perfection: concord, peace 2 Cor. vi. 15; xiii. 11. Heb. D^, Finished, 1 Kings vii. 51. Chald. Q^, part. Peil, Ezr. v. 16. .HP C 9. Ol_^ - ^ f He abode C/ACIVCV Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. v_CL25 __), Was still, remained. Pronoun pleonastic, after a neuter verb. _ Fut. . n(; a s it were ws In order t/tat, S. Matt. ii. 13, 23. That, Gr. OTTCOS, S. Luke vii. 3. 7 \ v *~ i " ~f 11. Q^-|, wltere is? -TTOU Icmv] Adverb compounded of OO1 + (u_ j. 12. P-c', a murmuring yoyyroyxo's Xoun masc. def. R. ^-^5, Mur- mured. , concerning Him -jrepl avrov See note, ch. i. 15. , .deceiving He deceiveth Gr. TrXava Aphel part, of Wandered. Aph. . > \ ^ ( (2 Cor. xi. 3), Caused to wander, led .7 .7 into error. Pret. 3. fern. A ^ v^j with aff. E/om. vii. 11 __ Fut. 1 Cor. iii. 13: with aff. S. Matt, xxiv. 4, &c. 3. pi. , S. Matt. xxiv. 5 (see note there), 11, &c. 2. pi. ^0^2.", S. James i. 22 __ Inf. o . v^V, Rev. xx. 8 __ Part. fern. ] I S^lO, Rev. ii. 20. PI. masc. > ^^, Rom. xvi. 18, &c.: 7 7 -K 7 coalescing with -L>j, 1 i \{o, 1 S. John i. 8. 132 S. JOHN VII. 1215. Ver. 12. Ethtaphal - - ^ (,^-fi Was deceived. Pret. 3. pi. n i S 2.2.1 , *7 * r Rev. xviii. 23. Heb. Hiph. n^tOH> Led astray, Ezek. xiii. 10. 13. AJ] ^ yii openly Gr. irapprja-ia. Adverb. R. U-ii, Revealed. ]A\ ...^ year TOV .7 * fear, terror, also Religion, reverence. Constr. A\ ..^ Acts ix. 31, die. PI. def. l^ilL^j, S. Luke xxi. 11. R. ^J!>>, Feared, reverenced. 14. n .. ^^j divided, were in the midst. Transl. But when the days of the Feast divided, i.e. were half over Gr. rj8ri Se T^S copras /ACO-OVOTJS Pret. 3. pi. of ^i.N^ (Rom. xii. 3), Divided, distributed, cut in two parts; set at variance -- Fut. . i, with aff. S. Matt. xxiv. 51; S. Luke xii. 46. 1. sing. g. Matt. x. 35 __ Part. -\t, S. Luke xiL 13 (where i . r ^> see note). PI. masc. .1 \<=\ 1 Cor. ix. 13 -- Part. Peil -.1 ^ e ^. Acts xiv. 4: S. James i. 8. PL masc. .. . V<= > > / v- 1 .07.. r. ^. z S. Luke xii. 52. Constr. ( 7 i^fD, literature, letters Def. of ;-2lD, noun masc. A . ft T( 6ooA;, writing, literature, learning. PI. def. (yc^m the Scriptures, 2 Tim. iii. 15; Hebr. ix. 19. Heb. ^D, Ps. xl. 8; Ixix. 29, dnD,1, Scratched, scraped, graved on stone whence, Wrote Part. s. xlv. 2. Syr. Pa. Shaved, Ethpa. Was shaven, Acts xviii. 18; 1 Cor. xi. 6. S. JOHN VII. 1618. 133 Ver. 16. - . ^ g^\n . My doctrine 17 1^ StSaK?? Noun with aff. ] 1 ef\ \r> . (S. Matt. xvL 12, \^n..eo ) Prudence, M * * intelligence, Eph. i. 8, &c. Def. JI^OTD, Rom. i. 20, &c. Heb. (Kal not used) Pi. 73D> Made foolish, 2 Sam. xv. 31; Isa. xliv. 25. * P f> * $* * 18. OT-Lju^5 Z-dCit ^n, of his own mind of himself- Gr. d eavrou, rendered cn._U ^^ v > c ^ - xv ^' ^' -^ Ol< ^ Q -^- l \' see no ^ e > S. Matt, xviii. 19. ___L5 (Acts iv. 32), noun masc. Mind, sense, opinion, under- standing. Constr. as above. " Def. ]l \ v y S. Mark xii. 33, &c. PI. def. 1? ' > X*. Cut off". -j(JI (JLlSo (pron. mene-i), from him it is, sc. from Moses CJUlSo is i pleonastic. ^pAj] _t$l^i, (pron. goz'ritun) ye circumcise 7repn-e/x,vere Part. pi. ^> y (forming present tense 2. pi.) of 5 Li, Cut, cut off; always in the N. T. in the sense of circumcised. Pret. 3. sing, with aff. Acts vii. 8; xvi. 3 Fut. 'OL^J, 1 Cor. vii. 18; Gal. ii. 3 Inf. 3l_.i V)\, Acts xv. 5; with aff. pleon. S. Luke i. 59 Part. JLt. Pi. masc. (passively) Acts xv. 1; Gal. vi. 13 Part. Peil 1 P * xi f.j|^t, 1 Cor. vii. 18. Def. |r-l*i, Phil. iii. 5. PI. masc. __.^.^i, ^* H I>> ^> Acts vii. 51; xv. 24. Def. V^-4-ti, ch. x. 45. From this verb is derived V? * " |Z.?Ui, noun fem. def. An island, as being cut off from the mainland, Acts xiii. 6, UiZ, Gal. v. 2, &c. S. JOHN VII. 2333. 135 Yer. 23. Chald. Ithpe. IWnN, Was cut of, Dan. ii. 45; and in the Heb. form, ver. 34. 7 7 / * N.B. Some editions read 5j_,iAk?, Ethpaal. pA J ; shouldbe broken Xvdfj Etlipeel fut. 3. sing, of \i-, Loosed. Ethpe. _5A^], (S. Mark vii. 35), Was loosened, dismissed, broken . T 7 ..* to pieces, settled. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Aj5A^j, Acts xiii. 43. 3. pi. 0..5/L*] 71 , ch. iv. 23, &c __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. ]jA^Z", S. Luke xiii. 16. 1. sing. }}L~f, 2 Tim. iv. 6. 3. pi. ^oJA-a-J, 2 S. Pet. iii. 10, 12. 2. pi. \V>, 2 S. Pet. iii. 11. i" i 7 ? 7 24. i^nO . < ->f > n*^')*"\ Lit. With acceptation of the person, i.e. with parti- ality Gr. /car' oi/av, E. V. according to the appearance The phrase answers to the Gr. vTrd/cpio-is, S. Matt, xxiii. 28 ; S. Luke xii. 1 ; ia, Rom. ii. 11. 7 , noun masc. of form Aph. part. pass, of *^DJ, Took; i * 7 see note, ch. i. 16. Def. (^mVv A receiving, Phil. iv. 15. }\ , The faces, persons. See note, ch. xi. 44, below. The pref. ^ is pleonastic. For a similar phrase in Heb., see Ps. Ixxxii. 2 ; 2 Chron. xix. 7. 26. . V n^ the rulers ot dpx VTS PI. of . Q y def. ( * > ^ (S. Luke xv. 25.) An elder, ruler, Bishop, Gr. ITTLO-KOTTOS, 1 Tim. A 7 X 7 iii. 2, Trpccr/Ju'repos, ch. v. 1. Fern, form constr. A . o see note, S. Luke ii. 36. PI. def. V_lJLD, S. Matt. xv. 2, o -*-O, TTas o/rf. 29. 32. ^QJCTI, they, i.e. the Pharisees Gr. ol apt, Acts xxvi. 28. ^ > \.n jlLQO, almost, within a little, lit. in the fulness of a little Gr. OVTW, really, quite, E. V. dean, 2 S. Pet. ii. 18. But the Alex. Vat. and some other MSS. read o'Xiycos. ^\ . Vn 52.] r-^* t in part, lit. from a little place, Gr. OTTO //.epou?, Rom. xi. 25. v\ \r> f_^Q, in part, Gr. ctTro /xe'pou?, 2 Cor. ii. 5. x 7 * 7 . . . . m V> \\ . \ r> somewhat, in part, Gr. airo /xepou?, Rom. xv. 24; 2 Cor. i. 14 ; IK fufpou?, 1 Cor. xiii. 9, 12. Fern. Jl^Io, light burden, S. Matt. xi. 30. PI. fern. V.'^<\ swift feet, Rom. iii. 15. R. \&_Q ulD, Was light, swift, occurring in the N. T. only in Aph. ^D | , Lightened; pret. 3. pi. " \p] (followed by ^^n) they lightened the ship, Acts xxvii. 38 __ Part. pi. . \nV> making light of, insulting, Gr. irpoKaXou^evot, Gal. v. 26. Heb. 7p, Light, swift, Isa. xix. 1. As an adverb, ch. v. 26. *. . *^QL, yet Gr. en. 7 35. -k-2, a particle used in interrogations or exclamations, but always ^ 7 r -x **^ following another word, as (^ \ ; dllo, (jL^O, CL_^s. Gr. /x^; Lat. nunme? num forte? Compare also the nam in quisnam; and the Germ, bcnn, itje^t. ]SnV)S? jZoJ'ZfJ, to the places of the nations Gr. ets TTJV Stao-Tropav *~ > 7 ?^ 7 TOJI/ EXX^vwv. For 5Z.J, a region, see note, ch. xi. 54. 1 T \ \^\ \ K>, * (S. Matt, xviii. 17.) One who is polluted, profane. Fern. def. VAflULMj S. Mark vii. 26. Heb. 5TJH, Job viii. 13, &c. R. fcOft, Was defiled, Ps. cvi. 38. c T 7 7 -D 7 38. |Z.O)OU, rivers Trora/W PL def. of JOU, def. |J01J (S. Matt. iii. 6, the river, i.e. the Euphrates, Ezr. iv. 10, 16, 17, 20. T ^Oji-J, shall flow pcvcrovcnv Fut. 3. pi. of ]j5 (Acts xviii. 18, 22), Went forward, progressed, advanced; journeyed by land (S. Mark x. 17), or by sea (S. Matt. xiv. 34). From the notion of pro- gression, it comes to signify, intransitively, Exercised, gave one's attention, labour to anything ; whence, transitively, Caused others to be exercised ; instructed, taught (Col. iii. 16), as Gr. TrcuSeuetv whence, again, Admonished, chastised (S. Luke xxiii. 16, 22). Pret. 3. pi. Oj5, S. Matt. xiv. 34. 1. pi. ^_,j5, Acts xx. 6, 13, &c Fut. ]j}J, Acts xxvii. 9. 1. sing. ])5], with aff. S. Luke xxiii. 16, 22.- 1. pi. "j'jJ, S. Luke ii. 15 Imperat. pi. Oj5, 1 Thess. v. 14 Part. }]y, S. Matt. ix. 20, &c. Fern. ]Ij> ; Acts ix. 31. PI. masc. ^-j'5, S. Mark vi. 48, &c. : coalescing with 7 7 -AC 1 _J~K, _1_55, 1 S. John i. 6 Part. Peil |53, S. James iii. 13. PI. masc. ,--? 5 (actively), Col. iii. 16: so Vienna Ed. and others, while some read j5. Ethpeel _ij5Z], Was informed, learned; was chastised, Acts vii. 22. Pret. 1. sing. A-.j5Z"f, ch. xxii. 3. Part. l?5Alb, Hebr. xii. 8. PL with ,JL*j, and inf. (LjjAkj, 1 Cor. xi. 32. Deriv. j_0>5, noun masc. def. An instructor, Rom. ii. 20. X 7 'X 7 .. OjjlD, noun fern. Instruction, learning ; OjjlD (Jj, Unlearned, 2 Tim. ii. 23. Def. ")2.Ojo, 1 Cor. x. II; Eph. vi 4 : Chastise- ment, Hebr. xii. 7, 8, 11. Cogn. Heb. /""H"!; Laid low, had dominion over, Ps. xlix. 15, T T and I*! 1 *, Descended, flowed down, Ps. cvii. 23; Deut. ix. 21. T 7 7 .1. 39. ou^oAj* j , was glorifl,ed iSo^dcrOr) Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of o^O. 7 7 (not used) Pa. ^>..C.- , Praised. Ethpa. Was praised, honoured. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AjL^ZC*]" 2 Cor. iii. 10 Fut. W. C. 18 138 S. JOHN VII. 3947. Ver. 39. S. John xi. 4, &c. 3. pi. ^Z>*-, S. Matt. vi. 2. 1. pi. *j^LLm^, Rom. viii. 17 -- Part. ***^>LD, S. John xv. 8; S. Luke iv. 15: Fern. \LjsL*D, 2 Thess. iii. 1. PI. masc. . r.oA 7 Cn J 1 Cor. iv. 10; xii. 26. 40. _aidXlsO, His words Gr. TOV Xo'yov. 42. O"Ll5l ^>, /row 7m seee? ^/ie seeo (aff. pleon.) CK TOV oTrepjuaTos vxl], de. ]L$] (S. Matt. xiii. 18, &c.), noun masc. Seed PI. def. 7> 7 pLj'1, seeds, sown fields, S. Matt. xii. 1. R. VJ>?1, Sowed. Heb. pT, Gen. i. 11. Chald. pf, Dan. ii. 43. &o, Transl. -4?ic (^Aa) /row Bethlehem, the town of David him- self, comes the Messiah. 43. V^-O-tt ^j division kt her fall off, Gr. IK- Acts xxvii. 32. PI. masc. ^ t S. Matt. xxii. 29, &c. PI. fern. def. ]2\VS%, 1 Tim. iv. 1 __ Part. Peil ]L&, fern. ]1^ S. Luke xii. 6. PI. masc. v v^ def. U-L^, Hebr. xi. 38. PI. a 7 fern. v '-' v ^ / Acts xxvi. 26. S. JOHN VII. 4753. VIII. 139 Ver. 47. Ethpeel i_jL2.f, Was enticed Part. ^L^ASD, S. James i. 25. From this verb is derived 1/n . . v ^ noun fern. def. Ignorance, error, deceit, Acts xvii. 30, Gr. ayvoia; Col. ii. 8, &c. Heb. nytO (same as n$7ft)> once i u Hiph. Ezek. xiii. 10. 49. J jjf, unless, except Gr. o ^ ^ T \ x are cursed eTrtKaraparot ei .v V> condemning, judging judgeth Gr. /cptVei Pael part, (for present tense) of HiQ_Kj ^K, Was guilty. Pa. cd__K (Tit. iii. * V 11), Judged guilty, condemned. Pret. 3. pi. OIA_K, Acts xxvi. 10. 2. pi. ^oAni K, S. James v. 6 __ Fut. ^T -^ y fern. 'T* 7 . t o > v./j S. Luke xi. 31 : with aff. S. Matt. xii. 42. 3. pi. X 7 -X 7 . ^n^ . ^v i ; with aff. ver. 41, &c. 2. pi. V O1A_KZ., S. Luke vi. 37. _ Inf. or^LLLCL^, with aff. Col. ii. 18 __ Part. pi. masc. ^..An .^lo, S. Matt. xii. 7 -- Part. pass. s^\ > t^D, S. Matt. v. 21, 22. PI. fern. ^LL^D, S. Jude ver. 7. Heb. Pi. U*n 3fade liable to penalty, Dan. i. 10. 7 . -X 53. ,_KK_^D, every o/ie, every man Gr. CKCIOTOS The words are separate, ,K ^3, Acts xvii. 27. I CHAPTER VIII. It will be sufficient here to remind the student that the first eleven verses of this chapter, and the last verse of ch. vii. are not found in the Vienna, nor in any Edition prior to that of Elias Hutter (Norberg, 1600) ; who himself translated this and other missing portions of the N. T. into Syriac. The passage, as it now stands, was supplied by Bp. Walton in the Lond. Polyglott, from a MS. in the library of Abp. Ussher. 140 S. JOHN VIII. 15. Ver. 1. 1/u'lj, of Olives TUV 'EXaiwv PI. def. of ]'L\ (Rom. xi. 17), noun masc. def. An olive, olive-tree. Heb. fVT, Ps. Hi. 10. 2. "j^a^O, in the morning Gr. opOpov Def. of j^>, noun masc. The morning. 3. ");g*i("r> ; the Scribes ot Ppa/x^a-ms PI. def. of ;^iCO, def. ];.^fP (S. Matt. xiii. 52, &c.), noun masc. Owe skilled ii% written Law. Form of part. act. of f~2lCD, Heb. 1D> Graved, inscribed: whence Heb. *l)b> ^ writer, scribe, Ps. xlv. 2. Cliald. "ISO, Ezr. iv. ** T 8, &c.; vii. 12, 21. Z^ZZIj, w/io was taken Gr. KareiXij/i/teV^v Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fern, of fLf, Seized, held. Ethpe. jJjZZf (S. Matt. xxv. 10), Tl ^>. ."ft TFos seized, detained; was shut, closed: for ,_Kj|Z.|, see Cowper's Gr. 111 (2). Pret. 3. pi. O^ZZf, S. Luke iv. 25 __ Fut. r -K*ZAj, Acts ii. 24. 3. pi. ,O,_KZAj, Rev. xxi. 26. 7 tf, noun masc. def. R. ^Q-^i j-it, Committed adultery. _ p 7 7 P H JA v.Vno in <7ig midst Iv ju,ecra) Def. of ptSD, noun fem. The middle. Constr. AL^SD, S. Mark vi. 47, &c. Whence is derived, . t> -R ^ j . V^^DJ noun masc. def. A mediator, Gal. iii. 19, 20. s r> o *. 'ft P -X 4. p vnmo OTO, Wl <7te very act tira.vTo<$>wpu> Def. of ^LOTD, noun masc. An act, deed; visitation, S. Luke xix. 44. PI. def. pyvnm ? 7 S. Luke i. 1. R. jADPi Performed, visited, cared for. Transl. This woman was taken openly in the very act of adultery. i> 7 7 5. t ng \ commanded eveTet'Xaro Pael pret. 3. sing, of ,-QD, Visited, de- creed. Pa. (rave commandment. Pret. 1. sing. / t oc\ Acts xxiii. 30. 3. pi. OjA^), ch. iv. 15, 18. 1. pi. \j&&> ch. xv. 24 __ Fut. ,n^l, S. Matt. iv. 6; S. Luke iv. 10. 2. sing. ^n^Z, 1 Tim. i. 3. 1. sing. ,o^ with aff. 1 Cor. xi. 34. 2. pi. Acts xv. 5 __ Imperat. ,o^, 1 Tim. iv. 11 __ Inf. S. JOHN VIII, 5, 6. 141 Ver. 5. Oj&io S. Matt. xi. 1 __ Part. f no, S. John xv. 14, 17. 17 7 PI. masc. - . r nVi ) 2 Thess. iii. 10: with ^.J-KJ, ver. 4, 12. r r .. 7 7 . .i> Ethpaal ,ngy/ ( Was commanded. Pret. 3, sing. fern. / ,ncy | Hebr. ix. 20. 3. pi. QjfiiZ,]* Acts xxiii. 31 __ 2. pi. ^7,0-^7]" Col. iv. 10. Heb. Pi. *7p3, Mustered, Isa. xiii. 4. .1, p -7. 7 > \TI ^ijj,,.^?, that suck as these Gr. ras rotavras compound of 3, that, - of the object, the relative >, and M-|, "Sb. X i> 7 ^OQ-iriJ, we should stone Gr. A.t0o/?oXeTcr0ai Fut. 1. pi. of i*Q-it3, Stoned. Pret. 3. pi. nVr> tiV with aff. S. Matt. xxi. 35, &c __ Fut. X>O-.{J, Acts v. 26. 3. pi. ^akL^.jJ, ch. xiv. 5: with aff. ver. 59, below __ Inf. Sr^.Vn\ with aff. S. John x. 31; xi. 8 __ n p ^ 7 J Part. i'Q-it', S. Luke xx. 6. Fern, constr. ALo^o, S. Matt, xxiii. 37 (as A^L^LQ, same verse). PI. masc. . > V) ..3 , S. John x. 32; with 1, ver. 33. Ethpeel ^aJoZf, Was stoned. Pret. 3. pi. Okl^jZf, Hebr. xi. 37 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. - . Vr> .S77 ; c h. xii. 20. Pret. 1. sing. i y . * ^ v> , 2 Cor. xi. 25, may be referred to Ethpe. or Ethpa. Heb. DJH, Numb. xiv. 10; Josh. vii. 25. Transl. Now in the Law of Noses he commanded that we should stone such as these. \ " 7 i 7 G ..... \i *"> . j , so that there might be to them i. e. that they 'might have Gr. Iva e^wcrt. , downno. See note, ch. i. 48. ^ |, He stooped Gr. /otyas Ethpeel part, of v9"l-ii, Bent, stooped. The Ethpe. conj. has here a reflexive force, bent himself. Fut. 1. sing. ^CTL, rZ] , S. Mark i. 7. /" 7 *oAl&O, He was writing, kept, writing wrote _ eypa Wrote down, decreed, Isa, x. 1. 142 S. JOHN VIIL 79. Ver. 7. Oj2o, they continued lirefj-evov Pael pret. 3. pi. of JAs (not xised) 77 Pa. 5 As (ch. xi. 6), Remained, lingered. Pret. 2. pi. , S. Luke xxii. 28 __ Fut. 5^2J, Hebr. xiii. 1. 2. pi. ver. 31, below __ Inf. o3loV>\, Rev. xvii. 10 Part. 2 S. Pet. iii. 4; 1 S. John ii. 10. PI. masc. ^ SA^Vn Acts xxvii. 31. PI. fern. ^'Al&O, 1 Cor. xiii. 13. Heb. Pi. "irDj Surrounded, Ps. xxii. 1.3. Waited, Job xxxvL 2. \ } He lifted up Himself- Gr. ava/otyus Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. of -^ <* Extended. Ethpe. with reflexive sense. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A^jL^Zf, Gr. dvwpOuOrj, S. Luke xiii. 13 Fut. 3. sing. fern. . i ft Q>2Z* ver. 11. 11 / H?> Lit. of no sin without sin Gr. ava/xa/mjTos " .OP noun masc. Sin. Def. JOI^KJ, S. James iv. 17, &c. PI. S. Matt. xii. 31. Def. loi^I., S. John ix. 34, &c. K. Sinned. Heb. tftpn, Ps. li. 7. Chald. ^n, Dan. iv. 24. ]r-*-J> ne shall cast, let him cast ySaXerw Fut. 3. sing, (for imperat.) 1t> ,_ (ch. xxi. 7), Threw, east away, down, into. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z^, with aff. S. Mark i. 26. 3. pi. C^, Acts xxvii. 38. 1. pi. ^--^, ver. 18, 19 __ Fut. 3. pi. ^Or-a-J, with aff. S. Luke iv. 29 -- Imperat. ._>,_, S. Matt. iv. 6 __ Part. ],_, 1 S. John ^ t> " i> iv. 18: Fern. (.,-, Rev. vi. 13. PI. masc. ^tr-*- Constr. . P x 7 .. 7 i> i V) i *"") ._>_>_ i/ie? <7taf throw with the right hand, spearmen, Gr. 8c|ioXaj8ous, Acts xxiii. 23. 17 7 9. Q-^ p3, toAew they had begun, i.e. beginning Gr. ap^a/Aevoi Pael pret. 3. pi. of ];_, Loosed. Pa, *_,^* (S. Matt. iv. 17, &c.), 7 7 Loosened, began. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A_^_, S. Mark xiv. 69. 1. sing. Aji_, ver. 25, below __ Fut. ") - y S. Matt. xxiv. 49 -- Imperat. 1^, S. Matt. xx. 8 __ Part. ]^lD, Acts xiv. 11. PI. x 7 7 77 v i; . >O, with ^-J-KJ, 2 Cor. iii. 1 __ Part. pass. wa^^iD, S. Matt, S. JOHN VIII. 920. 143 Ver. 9. viii. 6. Def. ]'. : -V>, ch. ix. 2, 6; S. Luke v. 24. PL niasc. def. UyV), S. Matt. iv. 24. PI. fern. def. fAlyato, Hebr. xii. 12. Heb. Pi. JTT&?, Loosed, Jer. xv. 11. Chald. Pa. T" Dissolved difficulties, Dan. v. 12; Begun, Ezr. v. 2. V 7 7 A V 7 An*"iA y | s/ie ^ws fe/. Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fern, of .00 , Ethpe. .o*-^A | (S. Luke vii. 43), TFos fe/fc, was forgiven, of sin. Pret. 3. pi. onAr, 1 S. John ii. 12 Fut. >r>AA. i, S. Matt. xii. 31, 32, Ac. : Fern. .o^A7* (f or . . oAA-7 7 ) S. Matt. xxiv. 2, &c. 3. pi. ^noA-.^ S. John xx. 23, ^/\^V> / S. Matt. xxiv. '41; S. Mark xiii. 2. PI. masc. . noA - V> 7 Hebr. vii. 23; S. James v. 15: with ,-J-jo, 2 Cor. iv. 9. Those forms of Ethpeel, in which L takes 7 , are by some referred to Ethpaal. Chald. Ithpe. p^Wtf , Was left, Dan. ii. 44. . * -x . OT_5Q_KK_1, s/ie alone. See note, ch. v. 18. Transl. ver. 9, 10. ttt they, when they heard, went out one by one, beginning from the elders; and the woman was left alone, being K . r (cn_A_i j ,^}) in the midst. But when Jesus lifted up Himself, He said unto the woman, Where are they? Hath no man condemned thee ? 11 \T y Transl. Go, and from this time sin no more. 14. <-2>]j though KO.V Comp. of ,1 + v2)] Although also Only, at least, ch. xiv. 11, , after the flesh Gr. Kara r-rjv crdpKa. Adverb derived from -.CO 7 ^ ff t> V |J^iL_2), Carnal. PL def. 1 Cor. iii. 1, &c. Jj_3^_S, the same, pi. def. Hebr. vii. 16. A o in the treasury Iv r<3 yaovXaKi the king's treasuries, Esth. iii. 9; iv. 7: and Chald. S*U5, ^ e treasures, Ezr. vi. 1 : tf*ftZ 7V3, T-: 7 T ~ : ' treasure house, ch. v. 17. R. TJj), Syr. p-u, Storerf wp. 23. Ajsj^u^j _i2), ./nm beneath; lit. /rom <7iose (ifAo are) beneath e/c TWI/ K( { Tft) gee note, ch. i. 48. Opposed to this is _ ^\v\> So., from (those that are) above IK TWI/ dva> See note, ch. ii. 7. 24. ^p-^V 2.^Lo] , / said unto you-^Gr. elirov ovv ovv is wanting in the Sin. MS. 25. ^LD]J A_i}_, / have begun to speak. The verb -}_, in the sense of began, is found in the following constructions : 1. With j prefixed to a verb in the future; as in this passage; x o .7 ^ 7 2. With A prefixed to the Infinitive; as Q-^, V)\ --;-, ^ began to wash, ch. xiii. 5; x . V I 7 3. With a participle; as - .1 \^> Q-*^, they began plucking, to pluck, S. Matt. xii. 1. Transl. The Jews say, Who art thou ? Jesus saith unto them, Although I have begun to speak with you, (26)7 have (yet] much concerning you to say and to judge. 26 ..... P]O, Transl. And what things I have heard from Him, those speak X / in the world Gr. eis TOV Ko'oyxov. OCH pleonastic See Cowper's Gr. 198 (1). .0.7 -X 28. LQ2Cn, thus, similarly Adverb same as Z.Q.DJ, ch. v. 19. OO1 following is pleonastic. .70 7 29. (TLA ; &\ ?, that pleaseth Him Gr. TO. apeo-ra aurw Part, of ; ^ (Rom. xv. 3), Was beautifid, graceful, elegant; was pleasing, pleased. Pret. 3. fern. 2*L, S. Matt. xiv. 6, &c __ Fut. ; \, Rom. viii. 8 __ Part. pi. rnasc. ^ >;<^> x 2 Cor. v. 9, &c. S. JOHN VIII. '29 36. 145 7 7 . s'" * Ver. 29. Ethpaal ^L^], Made himself pleasing Fut. 3. pi. ^Oj Tit. ii. 9. From this verb is derived, . P "X j.g^n noun masc. def. Beauty, grace, S. James i. 11. Heb. *}%& (with ^) Ps. xvi. 6. Chald. ^%&, with Dan. iv. 24: Q"7p, ch. iii. 32; vi. 2. T|T: 1\ ^7 7 32. ^Q-OJ^KKJ, shall make you free cAeu^epwcrei v/xas Pael fut. 3. sing. . 7 7 (with aff.) of 5f_K |_KJ, JFas/ree, (Peal not used), Pa. 5;_K, $e ." y /?-ee. Pret. 3. sing, with aff. Rom. viii. 2; Gal. v. I Fut. 5^KJ.^ . 7 7 iJ y Part. pass. 5;_KJk), def. |5^^O, used as a noun, A free-man, 1 Cor. vii. 22. Fern. ver. 39. PI. masc. def. "j^^jLlD, Rom. vi. 20. ^7 7 ..l> .. 7 y ..It Ethpaal ?j_KjZ.|, TFas/ree^, Rom. vi. 7: Fern. Z.5;_jZ.|, ch. vii. 3. 2. pi. ^oL'i^LL}] ch. vi. 18, 22 Fut. 3. sing. fern. 77.. -K -X07T.- _5f_Kj/.Z., ch. viii. 23 Inf. OJ^AlQ^, 1 Cor. vii 21. From this verb are derived the nouns ..P. -X X |Z.o5(^j, fern. def. Liberty, 2 Cor. iii. 17, ]--* - ' ' ^ *"\ sons of the free, i.e. free Gr. eAeu^cpoi PI. def. of |5]jo, .0. I adj. .?Vee, noble. Fern. def. |_5|_>o, Gal. iv. 22, &c. PL masc. I. x '7 _i$Jja, Acts xvii. 11. R. 5^j ;_KJ, IFasyree. Heb. (pi. only) Q^H A T o6fe, 1 Kings xxi. 8, 11. Once Q^ill, Eccles. x. 17. Compare Gr. ^pa>?, Lat. herus, Germ. eer. 34. 5 V> \'~ | / every one who 7ras o See note, ch. iii. 16. 36. OOl ^j, if- lav Conjunction, followed by 5. The words are written as one, OOTj] , S. Matt. v. 1 3. w. c. 19 146 S. JOHN VIII. 3744. Ver. 37. . . . ^ASO, Transl. Because in My word ye acquiesce not, Gr. on d Xoyos o e/Aos ov x^P^- * v v[u-v. O ^CO, pron. soplikitun. See note, ch. vi. 7. 41. po . ij <2>, of fornication e/c Tropvctas Noun fern. def. PI. def. ]Za_Lj1, Rom. i. 29 (Vienna, Reg. but other Editions read ]2.Q__Jl). R. pi, Committed fornication. Heb. J"VOT> figuratively, Numb, xiv^ 33. 43. ]i^r> ^&lO, why? Stan'; See note, ch. i. 15. ^oAj] . v^nA V> 7 (pron. as one word, meshtaudltun, and so written, 2 Cor. xiii. 5.) ye understand ytvojo-Kerc Eshtaphal part, (forming 71 7 7 pres. 2. pi.) of Gr. r?7/xavv, Rev. i. 1 -- Eshtaph. VijoA^J (Acts xii. 11.) Recog- .7 7 _T> nized, understood, took knowledge of. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Ai5oAj* | , Acts xii. 14. 3. pi. OLjcA^f, S. Mark vi. 33; S. Luke ii. 50. 2. pi. oLf, 2 Cor. i. 14; Col. i. 6 __ Fut. VXjO^J, 1. sing. 11 , Phil. iii. 10. 3. pi. ^OLjO^J, 2 S. Pet. ii. 21. 2. pi. 2 Cor. i. 13 __ Part, u >n)\ - V> Acts xix. 15. 44. j t ; o\nj t the calumniator, accuser the Devil Gr. rov StaySoXov A name of Satan, compounded of \iD | , part, of \H) j , Devoured, and f 7 I -rG, noun masc. A rending, morsel The words occur separately, .. T> 7 .. . 7 .f S. Luke iv. 2. They are also separately inflected, as ] '^D ^ x*^ ( , . * 7 ." ...l> ^ accusers, 2 Tim. iii. 3; and fern. |t'^D __^D|, 1 Tim. iii. 11. We find also the verb inflected and the noun with affixes, 77 *. .11 .7 as v_iO"IO ' r '.Q ^QilDpj taki|j so that they might devour His morsels, i.e. accuse Him, S. Matt. xii. 10. Also passively, _iO"IO'^ C7l_^ Q._^2) |Z| , his morsels had been devoured to him, ~ > . i> i.e. he had been accused to him, S. Luke xvi. 1. Similarly in Chald. Dan. iii. 8; vi. 25. J, the lust (pron. pleon.) Gr. ras C7ri#u/xias UiJ (Rom. vii. 8), noun fern. Desire, concupiscence. Def. ]A^.5, Rom. i. 27, &c. R. A>-\i ' -u' > Desired, lusted after. S. JOHN VIII. 4449. 147 Ver. 44 ..... r-^? OC71, Transl. He that (= who) from the beginning is a slayer of men. -X 7 , a lie TO i/^euSos Def. of dO^, noun. fern. Falsehood. -^iJ, prophets of falsehood, false prophets, S. Matt. xxiv. 24; S. Mark xiii. 22. Compare Heb. ^J5, masc. Ps. iv. 3; v. 7. T T * p 7 p ^ OO1 U-ii?, (dagolau) he is false a liar ^evcmys ICTTL Def. of ^-41 > (Acts xxi. 24.) adj. Deceitful, fallacious. Fem. |AX-i5 S. Mark x. 19. PI. masc. ^JL!LAj, Tit. i. 12. Def. U^o, S. Matt. vii. 15, &c. Pl. fern. def. ?, 2 Thess. ii. 9. R. o, Was 7 ^> melted, dissolved. Pa. ^-u?, Deceived, lied. . *. .7 .D ^ .0. 9, 7 CTICLO j v)j, also (or, even) the father of it, sc. {/.r>^i | .'~i Gr. /ecu o 46. Cdli!iD, Convincing convinceth Gr. eXey^ el Aphel part, .mo '(not used). Aph. CQDJ, Explained, convinced, reproved. Pret. 1. sing. Acn^f with aff. Gal. ii 11 -- Fut. .f^ni (or ,ma)j) S. Jude ver. 15: with aff. pleon. S. John xvi. 8 -- Imperat. QD j, 2 Tim. iv. 2; with aff. S. Matt, xviii. 15. Inf. Am^\ Tit. i 9. From this conjugation is derived 7 .0 i 7 (jLCdl^LD , noun masc. def. A reprover. Fem. def. (A . 1 mnVn 2 S. Pet. ii. 16. 17 49. __^L^SD, dishonouring ye do dishonour Gr. 7 y 7 pl. of j_L , Despised. Pa. jA. , Treated with contempt. Pret. 3. 77^ ^77 -X7 pl. O^ , S. Matt. xxii. 6 __ Fut. ^L^J, 3. pl. \Oj-L ^J, Acts xiv. 5, &c. : with aff. S. Luke xviii. 33 -- Part. ^JL^D, S. Luke xi. 17 -5 45 __ Part. pass. pl. _jj_L^.SD, 1 Cor. xii. 23. Ethpaal. ^iJ^.], Was opprobriously treated. Pret. 1. pl. ,_J;Jjy" 1 Thess. ii. 2 __ Fut. 3. pl. ^O^^J, Acts v. 41 Part. pl. _j_l_fcSD, 1 Cor. iv. 10. From the Pael part, is derived, , p 7 J ^L^LD, noun masc. An evil-speaker, railer, 1 Cor. v. 11. &c. Pl. def. jj'^lk), Rom. i. 30. 148 S. JOHN VIII. 5359. Ver. 53 ..... |!_r>* r ^O, Transl. And (greater) than the Prophets, who are dead. 54. ]j"j ,_K^LjuSD, I honour Soaw Pael part, (forming pres. 1. sing.) 77 of - *-*"' Pa. . .v*~> (S. Matt. xv. 36, &c.) Praised, thanked, glorified; sung a hymn, S. Matt. xxvi. 30; S. Mark xiv. 26. Pret. 1. sing. AjlfJt, S. John xii. 28. 3. pi. O+*^L, S. Matt. 77 . 7 7 * ix. 8, &c __ Fut. - ..*">* i ; S. John xxi. 19. 1. sing. ,_>^_d_|, with aff. Hebr. ii. 12; 1 Cor. xi. 22. 3. pi. ^ ..ol i S. Matt. 7 7 v. 16, ifec __ Imperat. - wo ; Gr. Sos Soai/, S. John ix. 24, &c. 7 7 PI. Q_K-CL, Rom. xv. 11 : and fern, with aff. in the same ver __ i 7 ? Part. pi. masc. > - *~> m ^ n , S. Luke ii. 13, 20, &c. : with _J-K, 2 Cor. v. 12; ix. 13 __ Part. pass. - *> A Ivn S. John xvii. 10: Fern. jjL^lAlD, 2 Cor. iii. 10: Eph. v. 27. Used in def. as an .0 7 7 adjective; as, fern. (A ..K^ Vn ; 1 g. Pet. i. 8; iv. 14; PI. masc. ] Jl ^ - Vn g. Luke vii. 25. Heb. Pi. H2l#, Ps. Ixiii. 4. Chald. Pa. Dan. ii. 23; iv. 31, 34. OO1 ^Ol_^\5, that He is our God Gr. on. eos vftuv tern. o 55. .,i \ JJ j JOC7I, / should be Gr. ccro/xat \ pleonastic. . p p 7 < ^ o7 (^r^, a ^a?" i/'tuo-njs Def. of ^r^, adj. Lying, false. Occurs here only in the N.T. R ^r^, Pa. ^p, Zierf. Part. *^2&O, 2 Cor. xi. 31 ; Gal. i. 20. Cogn. Heb. M, part, ^p, Ps. cxvi. 11. Chald. ^5, adj. Lying, fern. ni*l3> Dan. ii. 9. T : P 77 56. JOO1 .-KjOmV), earnestly desired Gr. ^yaAXiao-aro, E.V. rejoiced y Pael part, (forming imperf. tense) of wKOCO, Desired, longed for, 7 7 pleased. Pael ._*jOD, the same. Part. pi. masc. , with ^1*,, 2 Cor. v. 8; 1 Thess. ii. 8. 17 , sow of fifty years, fifty years old - *Vr> Fifty Gr. vevr^Kovra. Heb. D^'pH, 2 Kings i. 9. X 7 . . 59. . i CM, ^'c? Himself l K pvftr) Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of \^4, Lay S. JOHN VIII. 59. IX. 36. 149 Ver. 59. hidden. Ethpa. Became hidden, lost to sight, invisible. Also below, ch. xii. 36. 7 7 , Transl. And He passed through tJie midst of them, and departed. Compare S. Luke iv. 30. (Syr. Vers.) CHAPTER IX. 3. ,p]_oAj>, that they (sc. the works of God) should be made manifest Gr. Iva (fxLvtpo&Q Ethpeel fut. 3. pi. of |1-K, Saw. Ethpe. 1 ^ * "* ta^fjM^I (ver. 11, 15), Was seen, appeared; received sight, sight .7 7 ..- was restored. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A_]-*jZ.|, Hebr. viii. 5. 1. sing. A-.UjZ'f, Rom. x. 20. 3. pi. oJ^L\, S. Matt. xiii. 26, &c. : Fern. ._vi^Z], S. Luke ii. 13 (without Ribui); xxiv. 11 __ Fut. IJl^Aj, S. Matt. xxiv. 30, &c. : Fern. ]\.**L, Rom. vii. 13. 2. sing. IpoZZ* S. Matt/vi. 18. 3. pi. fern. ^I-^Aj, S. Luke xxi. 11. 2. pi. )O\j^LL, S. Matt. vi. 1 __ Imperat. pi. OpoZ], Phil. ii. 15 __ Part. li^ALo, S. Matt. xvii. 25, &c. Fern. tllj^Ak), S. Liike vi. 41, 42. PI. masc. ,__ilwALb, S. Matt. xxiii. 27, 28. PI. fern. ^\Lt&D, Rom. i. 20, &c. . 7 p . i> j**"^ 4. OC7I (^n^r> > j , it is day rj^epa co-riv J>Qlo_i | , def. |!Q!O_ | , noun masc. J)ay, as opposed to night, i.e. that part of the day (JOQ_i) of -. t> -j I 24 hours illuminated by the sun. (VnVn >\'~^ > adverbially, in the . day-time, Lat. interdiu, ch. xi. 9, &c. PI. . ^oVn > J } g. Matt. iv. 2; xii. 40. Heb. QbV % da y> Numb. ix. 21. 7 , 7 6. *Q5, He spat 7rrucre Pret. 3. sing, of n,D? D5, /6^a<, 5jt?a< out Pret. 3. pi. Q_Q5, S. Matt. xxvi. 67; xxvii. 30 __ Fut. 3. pi. ^Q-DjJ, S. Mark x. 34; S. Luke xviii. 32 __ Part. Q]J, IP * pi. ^j^D5, S. Mark xiv. 65. Heb. pp*"l, Lev. xvi. 8. Cogn. p*!*, Numb. xii. 14. 150 S. JOHN IX. 68. Yer. 6. V^o ..Q, and made KCU eVofyo-e Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Formed, fashioned. Pret. 2 sing. AllA^, with aff. Rom. ix. 20. Ethpeel V\A .7")* Was formed, I Tim. ii. 13. From the part. Peil is formed "|A\ . "> ^ noun fern, del A mass, lump, Rom. ix. 20, 21, &c. _ ]i . I clay Trrj\6v Def. of r -*-^, noun masc. Chald. PE, def. K^fc, Dan. ii. 41, 43. - rn QQJ Vn ; yVom ZTzs spittle Gr. e/c TOU TrrucryaaTos Noun with affix. F i o -x T, Oo5, def. ^OO>. R. *Q_O3 *O3, above. Heb. ph, Isa. 1. 6. P f t ^ _m_^O, awcZ smeared the clay ( (in this ver.), Washed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A . . j ; 1 Tim. v. 10. 1. sing. A . . . ] ver. 15, below; xiii. 14. 3. pi. 1.7 I r> ,. . m\ t Rev. vii. 14 -- Fut. - . i > ^ S. John xiii. 10. 2. sing. ^ I -XI. -X .7 -. ' /-, ver. 9. 2. pi. ^Q-^t L, ver. 14 -- Inf. Q-^ V)\, ch. xiii. 5 -- Part. - a * * ^ ch. xiii. 6, 8. PI. masc. v * a ' * ^ r> , ^" " S. Matt. xv. 2, &c Part. pass. - .. Vi fern. def. (A .. ^n ; used as a noun, A basin, S. John xiii. 5. PI. fern. ,1 "^ n / S. Matt. xv. 20; S. Mark vii. 2, 5. 8. _io m } def. tncijj. Fern. def. ]A^Ao p l. def. ]AAiJ, with aff. S. Luke xv. 9. . T . 7 .... . i \ i|O, Transl. ^wrf those by whom he had been seen. 10 , 7 * OO1 5,_Kj), that he used to beg, or that he was a beggar Gr. on TD^>\OS rjv. The Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS., all the principal Yersions, and S. Chrysostom, read on TT poo-airy* ty, and this reading is pre- ferred by Grotius and Mill. S. JOHN IX. 916. 151 7 Ver. 9. Part, (forming impeif. tense) of 5r>j, Surrounded; whence the idea of begging, sc. going about hither and thither to solicit alms. (See note, ch. x. 24 below, when this word first occurs in its primitive meaning.) 7 "* \ i Z * * Infin. 5,_KJslQ_^, to beg, S. Luke xvi. 3. Deriv. |5o,-K, noun masc. def. A beggar, Acts iii. 10. 7 I .> . - OOC71 __i^SD|5 A_|, there were some that said some said aXXoi IXeyov. ]lD5 ]lO,iJD, he is like, lit. in similitude he is like Gr. o/xotos Inf. absolute (i. e. without pref. X) and part, of ]iDJ , Resembled. Compare a similar construction in Hebrew, Gen. iii. 4, &c. Fut. jk> r J, 2. pi. <0k>?r, S. Matt. vi. 8 __ Part. fein. 1-LSo?, S. Matt. xi. 16, &c. PL masc. ^ &y S. Matt, xxiii. 27, &c. PI. fern. v i.So?, S. Mark vii. 8, 13. Deriv. ]_liDOj, masc. def. Form, Rom. ii. 20; Rev. ix. 7; Gr. /xop^wcris, o/touo/Mc. Heb. H/b^, Ps- cii. 7. Chald. H/bl, Dan. iii. 25; vii 5. T T T : Transl. And there were some that said, (others said), No, but he is like him. So the Sin. and Vat. MSS. v v . 10. _i_KA2)Z.|, were opened aveia\6rjfrav Ethpaal pret. 3. pi. fern, of Opened. Ethpa. ooA^sZ], Was opened. Pret. 3. pi. S. Matt. xx. 34, &c __ Fut. oo^>Aj, 3. pi. fern. , S. Matt. xx. 33. 11 ..... Vil, Transl. Go, wash in the waters of Siloam. \ 7 7 14. *>jA2, He opened avea>ej/ Pael pret. 3. sing, of ooA2), Opened 77 7 7 . Pa. the same __ Fut. ouA^U, 2. sing. ^KjA^jZ., Acts xxvi. 18 __ Inf. (LoA^V)^, S. John x. 21. Heb. Pi. Pl)-l2) Opened, loosed, Ps. xxx. 12; cxvi. 16. 16. (JL_^.>J, a sinner a/xap-rcuXo's Def. of -^^j, noun masc. Fern. def. iLt^jL, S. Mark viii. 38; S. Luke vii. 37, 39. PI. masc. ..IPS' T*r7 r ^ >. > ^>o , def. ]' 5j ver - 31, below, &c. R. |^KJ, Sinned. Heb. ^tSH) ^4 sinner, Gen. xiii. 13. Fern. n^t3n> Amos T - T T - ix. 8. 152 S. JOHN IX. 1732. y er 17 ..... .Vnl" Transl. He saith unto them, I say that He is a Prophet. 21. _(TlcLL*-S> OlS ^1, he has entered upon his years, i.e. he is of age Gr. rjXiKiav ZX L CTl -^ Pleonastic. 22. OOCTI r>r)m, S. Mark vi. 16; S. Luke ix. 9. _ 2. pi. ^AoorxT^ Acts xiii. 46. 1. pi. ^omc\ Rom. iii. 9; 2 Cor. i. 9 __ Fut. *OOCCL2lJ, 2. sing. ^OOfn^Z, with aff. S. Luke xiii. 9. _ 1. sing. *QQJDQjaf, 2 Cor. xi. 12. 3. pi. ^OdCCLSiJ, Gal. v> 12. 2. pi. ,Q_QH1>2., S. Luke vi. 35 __ Imperat. ^ S. Matt. v. 30 __ Inf. abs. -omc^^n Gal. Vt 12 __ Part. pi. masc. omc^j S. Matt. xxi. 8, &c -- Part. Peil Acts xx. 16. Deriv. .r>rno^ noun masc. Gr. Kararop.^, The concision, Phil. iii. 2. K 9t jonmc^., noun masc. def. The section, place of Scripture Gr. q Trepto^?} T^S ypa ; noun fem. pi. def. as an adverb with pref. ID, Concisely, briefly, Acts xxiv. 4. Transl. For the Jews had decreed, that if... they would put him out of the synagogue. 27 ..... P-^0> Translate, What do ye wish to hear ? X 7 28. _>C7IQ_i_K* , they reviled him eXo&oprja-av avrov Pael pret. 3. pi. 1 17 with aff. of ).>j (not used). Pa. v__jj. . Iteviled, cursed. Pret. 3. pi. O-*Jj, Acts xix. 37 __ Part. ]J1^D, S. Matt. xv. 4; .. "" 7 . S. Mark viL 10.- PI. masc. _i_jotlo, Acts xix. 9, &c. 1 1 i 71 i * 7 i "" Ethpaal _L_^. j, Was reviled. Part. (00-4^.10, 1 S. Pet. ii. 23. Deriv. |A_i_K>O* , noun fem. def. Reviling, reproach, 1 Tim. v. 14, &c. PI. def. ]'AlLo, Eph. v. 4. . 7 7 .- > 32. A j^VnA a ( } was it heard yKovaOrj Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fem. of ^ikL, Heard. Ethpe. ^Ajtf (ch. xii. 28, &c.), Was heard; obeyed. Pret. 3. pi. a^SoA^f, Hebr. xi. 31. 2. pi. S. JOHN IX. 3241. X. 1. 153 Ver. 32. Rom. vi. 17, &c Fut. Mk?A-J, S. Luke xii. 3. 3. pi. ,&&>AuU, Rom. i. 5, &c. 2. pi. ^O SV)LZ* Rom. vi. 12, 16 Imperat. pi. OLSoA^'f, Eph. vi. 1, 5, &c Inf. n vOiA Vo\ 2 Cor. xi. 19 Part. MSoAjuk), S. Luke xvii. 6 : Fern. ] vVr/A -, & 1 Cor. v. 1. PI. masc. t SV)^V), S. Matt. vi. 7, &c. PI. fern. " \ " "" ^iLDAjtlD, S. Mark i. 27. From this conjug. are derived ]l \V)A V), adj. Obedient. Fern. )IjLliDAjtiD, S. James iii. 17. PI. masc. def. ]GLL&Lt&, 1 S. Pet. i. 14. P -X o 7 f> j/n i vViA V> ; noun fern. def. Obedience, 2 Cor. vii. 15 ; Hebr. v. 8. with (J, Disobedience, Rom. v. 19. Chald. Ithpaal yjSWtf, Obeyed, Dan. vii. 27. 7 *-*[> 33 .... n m Vn JJ ? Transl. ZTe coiiW woi c?o _ 17 3. pi. of p^nfiD, Was blind, became blind. Pael . . V>m^ Minded, 1 S. Jolmii. 11. .007 41. _cn (V) . n (pron. Kayomoi.) is permanent, remaineth /xe^et (Fern. ~ 07 of J>Qj^D 1 Tim. v. 12, &c.) adj. Firm, sure, stable, safe. Def. .007 pi>Q.i..Q, 1 Cor. iv. 11, where however all the pointed editions read , ^Pl. masc. ^ i V)i O, 1 Cor. xv. 6. R. iOCLQ, ^Q.^1, Rose. Chald. D*p, Ban. iv. 23. CHAPTER X. -R 7 . 1. t^5Z. ^.iD, 6y ^ te door Sta r/ys ^v'pas Def. of V>)L, noun masc. A gate, 7 doorP\. def. )lj>X ch. xx. 19, 26, &c. R. Vi>Z, Opened, clave open. Heb. ^^, Ps. Ixix. 13. Chald. yifi, Dan. ii. 49; iii. 26. W. C. 20 154 S. JOHN X. 15. Ver. 1. 1; ' t\^ t into the fold eis rrjv avXrfv I;-L-, noun masc. def. occurring here and ver. 16, only. Heb. jTVtoi f gm - An enclosure, fortress, IPs. Ixix. 26. T ]Ai ' a thief K\cTrT-r) below. R. -*">< .., Stole. Heb. 33?|, Exod. xxii. 1, 6, 7. ] ., a robber Ayorifs Noun masc. def. PL def. ] ch t .t , ver. 8, below. R. DQ>i. - fr> .1 , Investigated, searched & house for plunder. 7 7 .1 7 7 ^' Occurs in Ethpaal *CDQ_..Z.], Fled for refuge, pret. 3. pi. ClCDQ-iZ.|, Acts xiv. 6. I. pi. ^Q, Hebr. vi. 18. .70 "i "* 2 1 2. OO1 M-l5, is the shepherd TTOL^V tort Def. of p5, part, of p.?, . i> ^ T^ec^ (see note, ch. xxi. 15) Def. ( v\ ver. 11, &c. used as a .0. 7 J> noun, ^1 shepherd. PL (of fern. def. form) JZ.QA), S. Luke ii. 8, D. t> 7 c " 7 .!> 15, &c. where some Editions read |Z.Q_Li*. Compare JZ.QID|, from \o}, def. "ilcof. Heb. nVh) part, used as a noun, Ps. xxiii. 1. 3. p52. i-fej, the porter, lit. Ae fleeing they will flee, sc. pLL, which though marked with Ribui is sing, in construction see note, ch. iv. 12. evovTai Part. fern, of tOfJL (S. Matt. ii. 14), FledPrei. 3. sing. fern. Ar>;A, Rev. xii. 6, &c. 3. pi. OO-^, S. Matt. viii. 33, &c __ Fut. *OO^l3, Rev. ix. 6. 2. sing. OO*J2T, Rorn. ii. 3. 3. pi. vOD^JLJ, S. Matt. S. JOHN X. 512. 155 Ver. 5. xxiv. 16, &c. 2. pi. ^Q-D^, ch. xxiii. 33 Imperat. S. Matt. ii. 13. PI. O5O^, ch. x. 23 __ Inf. .Q;vOi\ ch. iii. 7, &c Part. D^1, ver. 12, 13, below. PI. masc. ^_Oj_l, 2 S. Pet. i. 4; ii. 18. Heb. p*)J7, once, Job xxx. 3. Transl. But the stranger the sheep will not follow, but.. .for they know not the voice of the stranger. 6. jZJla, parable rrjv Trapoi/xiW Noun fem. def. A proverb, similitude. PI. def. ]2.]l5, ch. xvi. 25, &c. R. U^J, Explored, searched. 8 ..... ^OOT_\DO, Transl. And all who cam-e are thieves, &c. The words irpo e/Aou are wanting in the Sin. MS. ; as also in the Vulg. and other Versions. 9. \\, S3, pasture vofn-ijv Noun fem. R. \L), Fed. Heb. 'JH, 1 Kings v. 3. . * 10. 2QJ_i|L_J), that he may steal to steal tva /cXe'i/^ Fut. 3. sing, of m ,i, Stole. Pret. 1. sing. API * with aff. 2 Cor. xii. 16. 3. pi. r>r ^ >1 u. wit ^ aff. S. Matt, xxviii. 13 __ Fut. 2. sing. CQJLuZ, S. Matt. xix. 18, &c. 3. pi. &U_^Jj Rom. ii. 21. __Part. ^J-m ^om. ii. 21; Eph. iv. 28. PI. masc. v ^ ^ ^ , S. Matt. vi. 19, 20. Constr. . '.' A i ' 1 Tim. i. 10. Derivative, t, noun masc. def. Theft. PI. def. ]^JQ_,., Rev. ix. 21. Heb. 3Jj|, Gen. xxxi. 19, 30, 32. T 7 * * ;_>A-5 iOfLo, something of abundance that which is abundant Gr. Tre/atcrcrov See note, ch. v. 20. 1 T ^ 7 e / T ^ 7 ^l* 12. Ir-Mtb th hireling o /xia^axros Def. of M-ttl? part. Peil of ^..|, Bargained (see note, S. Matt. xx. 1). Used in the def. state as a I* I .7 V--iil> S. Mark i. 20; S. Luke xv. 17. "i ! ^ x j the wolf- TOV XVKOV Def. (once ^>, Rev. xiii. 2), of ^|>, ^ * % T noun masc. A wolf. PI. def. M^l?> S. Matt. vii. 15, &c. Heb. ifcST? Gen. xlix. 27. 5 in Syr. taking the place of T. 156 S. JOHN X. 1220. Ver. 12. 5 r i2ilD, scattering scattereth o-KoptrL&i Pael part, of 5 r 3 (not used), Pa. 5,12 (S. Luke i. 51), Dissipated, dispersed. Pret. 2. sing. Zj^D, S. Matt. xxv. 24. 1. sing. 2Jfd ver. 26 Inf. tj S. Matt. xii. 30; S. Luke xi. 23 __ Part. pass. pi. S. John xi. 52. . Heb. ^113, Scattered, Dan. xi. 24. Pi. *tf2l, - Ps. Ixviii. 31. Cogn. ^TS, Ps. Ixxxix. 11; liii. 6. Chald. Pa. T?3, Dan. iv. 11. T -- 13. OlX " - ^^ (J, Ae caretk not ov /xe'Xei aurw Part. Peil of \N 5*^ (Hebr. xi. 12), Was wanting, ceased, rested from, was lazy Fut. __ Part. ^^, 1 Cor. xv. 24; 2 S. Pet. ii. 3: Fern. Acts xix. 27. PI. masc. -AJL&O, Acts v. 38 -- Part. x Peil, at leisure, and therefore able to give one's mind to a thing, thus, caring for. Compare Lat. vacare, to be at leisure, and vacare rei, to be intent on a thing. With dat. case, and ^JL of the object, when a noun, as here and in ch. xii. 6. With dat. case, and 5 of the object, when a verb, as S. Mark iv. 38, or clause, as S. Luke x. 40. Heb. ^t33f Eccles. xii. 3. Chald. ^3, Ezr. iv. 24. 16 ..... |OOlZo, Transl. And the flock shall be all of it one, and one tt Shepherd. 17. O1 i *"iro| .... 5, that I may take itlva. Xa/3w avr^v Fut. 1. sing. 7 (with fern, aff.) of 1CQJ, see note, ch. i. 16. I ^ .7 18. OT i V) i m(?, that I may lay it down to lay it down Gr. 0eu/cu cn/r^V Aphel fut. 1. sing, (with fern, aff.) of ^OOD iQD, Placed Aph. ^Ct ,ml, Deposited. Fut. J>Q_i_CQJ, 1. sing. So . m] *\ p ^ p ^ PpOO^), commandment r^v evroXijv Def. of . , ^QQj2> (Tit. ii. 15), noun masc. Authority, decree, edict, command. PI. . \ Oi_e^, S. Matt. xxii. 40. Def. Jj^OO2), S. Matt. v. 19, &c. R. ,.Q Pa. J-, see note, ch. v. 24, above. Ethpa. > iA | ; [fas ^7 * changed, Acts vii. 16; Hebr. xi. 5. Part. pi. > iA Vi Eph. iv. 14. Heb. rOEJ*. JFas, became, changed, Mai. iii. G. Lam. iv. 1. Chald. JO2JJ, Dan. iii. 27; v. 6, 9, vL 18. Was different from, T ; \ti> ch. vii. 3, &c. o 7 21. (jQ_j5j, of him that hath a devil Sai/tow^o/icVou Noun niasc. def. A * " ..7 demoniac. PI. def. PO-.J, S. Matt. iv. 24, &c. P0^K px 22. (OCLKij (?P>j ^6 Feast of tJve Dedication TO. eyxatVia ]jp>, noun masc. def. A festival. PI. def. ]>]i, Col. ii. 16. R. 5dL ^L, TTas accustomed. U" t> . JQK, noun masc. def. .4 dedication, renewing, Rom. xii. 2; Tit. . .1> 7 iii. 5. R. Lf*j, Pa. Lj*t (Hebr. x. 20), Renewed, restored, revived. _ Etbpaal L r ^L\, Was renewed -- Fut. Z^Aj, Eph. i. 10. 3. pi. ^o2.,^,Aj, Hebr. vi. 6. 2. pi. ^L^LLt, Eph. iv. 23 __ Part. ZlI>Ak>, 2 Cor. iv. 16; Col. iii. 10. Compare Heb. fcj^rij 27ie new moon, Ps. Ixxxi. 4. R. fc^'in, - T Was new. Pi. fcJ^n> Renewed, Ps. li. 12. . p . y foAlD, winter ^ei/xwv Noun masc. def. Bad weather, S. Matt. xvi. 3. PI. def. ISAfl), S. Luke xxi. 11. Heb. iriD, Song of Sol. ii. 11. 24. t-tOlOt-K*, came round about Him lKVK\.(ixrav avrov Pret. 3. pi. 7 (with aff.) of 5 r jo, Surrounded, see note, ch. ix. 8, above. Part. Peil J^^K., S. Luke xxi. 20. PI. ^-.^.^K., S. Matt. viii. 18 (actively). 7 7 ' .7 * v ^1 AJ| >nfm, dost Thou make us to doubt? Lit. dost Thou take our soul hold our soul in aus^Jense ? Trjv 158 S. JOHN.X. 3342. Ver. 33. Aj") 7 ^L^LD, Thou Uasphemest Gr. Tre/oi ^SXao-^^tas Pael part, (forming pres. tense) of vSDy^t (not used), Pa. *2 f ^| (S. Matt, xxvi. 65), Mocked at, reviled. Pret. 3. pi. O5,^t, Rev. xvi. 9, H } 21 Fut. .^C-,t_J, S. Mark iii. 29; S. Luke xii. 10. 3. pi. ^OSW-J* S. Mark iii. 28 Inf. oa^Iv/S, Rev. xiii. 6 Part. pi. masc. ^, i gy^-lO, S. Matt, xxvii. 39. 7 7 . . 7 . ,i Ethpaal v2) rt |Z. , TFas reviled. Fut. 3. sing. fern. . > ^-^./.Z., * V 77^* 2 S. Pet. ii. 2: without ._ final, Rom. xiv. 16 Part. ^f_,iALo, ch. ii. 24. o 7 Deriv. g\ .. Vn ; noun masc. -4 blasphemer, 1 Tim. i. 13.- PI. def. P \ U j ^ Tim. iii. 2. Heb. Pi. tptf, 2 Kings xix. 6, 22: Ps. xliv. 17. 36. O"L,-Q 1^1 ?> Whom the Father liath sanctified uv c Ha.Tr)p ifyicwre Pael pret. 3. sing, (with aff.) of _,_Q (not used), Pa. .^s^ (Hebr. * ? ii. 11), Consecrated, hallowed. Fut. -,m, Hebr. xiii. 12 71 7 -A 7 Imperat. ^ r D, S. John xvii. 7. PI. Q_,-O, S. James iv. 8; 1 S. Pet. iii. 15.__lPart. ,_^Qk>, S. John xvii. 19; S. Matt. 7 7 xxiii. 17, 19. Part. pass. . , nV) Rom. xv. 16, &c. : PI. masc. . i ^' v ^> ; S. John xvii. 19. .P. > I 7 Deriv. (/r> . t r> noun fern. def. Holiness, sanctiftcation, Acts xxiv. 25, &c. ]^ t oVn noun masc. def. TJie sanctuary ', Rom. ii. 22; Hebr. ix. 12, &c. Heb. Pi. fc/HH, Exod. xx. 8. 39. Aj*!D ^sD, out of, lit. from among e/c A..O, prep. Among, through. _!.... Aj.i, between... and, S. Luke xvii. 11. 42 (] i 11 mo, Transl. And many believed on Him. The Syr. as well as the Vulg. omits fret, which however is found in all the best Gr. MSS., and is rendered in the Philoxenian Version. S. JOHN XI. 1, 2. 159 CHAPTER XI. TO. Yer. 1 ..... _j5 1 0(71 A_t|, Transl. Now there was one that (was) sick; Lazarus of the village Bethany, the brother of Mary and of Martha. 7 f t> 2. Z.j->_-lOj _>G1, she who anointed Gr. 77 aXeii/facra Fret. 3. sing. fern. 7 of ... Vn (Rev. xxi. 17), Measured; (this meaning, in the N.T., _ o x occurs in the Book of Revelation only whence (A ...n m V> the measure, S. Matt, xxiii. 32), Anointed. Pret. 2. sing. AjsK-iuLo, 2. sing. -.(> Vr>7^ with afF. ch. xi. 2. 3. pi. ^n ^^ V>i with aff. S. James v. 14: Fern. __K_-kU, with aff. S. Mark xvi. !.__ Imperat. ^CL*D, S. Matt. vi. 17; Rev. xi. 1 -- Part. ooui-Lo, fern. (^ - V>, S. Luke vii. 38. PI. masc. ^ ^, S. Mark vi. 13. Heb. n^'/b> Drew the hand over, spread over, (whence the - T notion of measuring] Besmeared, as a shield with oil, to polish it, Isa. xxi. 5. Whence, Anointed, Ps. xlv. 8, &c. , with ointment /Avpo> Def. of i3, Exod. xxx. 23; and QJJf'a, 1 Kings x. 10. . ? ~(TIQ_^- ' z 7 |Q_, TT r as equal, worthy. Pa. ._Q_, Wiped away, cleansed, also Strewed, spread, S. Matt. xxi. 8; S. Mark xi. 8. These, and other meanings of this verb in its several conjugations, proceed from the 100 S. JOHN XI. 27. Ver. 2. original idea of worthiness, fitness. See notes, ch. i. 23, 27; v. 18. _ Imperat. 1 ; tft&A Aer Aair Gr. rats 0piiv auV^s Def. of ; SfD, noun masc. J7te 7iir, collectively, Aeoo? of hair, Lat. ccesaries; as dis- tinguished from ]AiO, a single Aairy ];Sff)? !,-- l^i^>> S. Matt. x. 36. See also S. Luke xii. 7. PI. with aff. 1 S. Pet. iii. 3. Heb. ~\y& or *ty&, Isa. vii. 20. Chald. 1^, Dan. iii. 27; vii. 9. Transl. Now this Mary was she who anointed with ointment the feet of Jesus, and wiped (them) with her hair; her brother it was, Lazarus, who was sick. T. 7 7 , , 7 r 3. __j',_O, and they sent Gr. aTre'oreiAav ovv Pret. 3. pi. fern, of 5,_, with . paragogic. _OT_2.)Z, they two __Z5Z, fern, of _ 5Z, Two. Constr. _Z>Z, 77 V 7 ^ 7 7 with affi pron. See note, ch. vi. 7. * & *.? P OlZ.Q_K), 7iis sisters Gr. at aSeAx^cu PL def. with aff. of jAjKj (S. Luke x. 39) for $Lfc|, ^ sister. With affixes, ver. 28, 39, below. PI. def. {Zojof, S. Matt. xix. 29, &c. Heb. niPlK, Gen. xii. 13. T 4. ]A^ai^j2. ^XKJ, /or the glory \nr\p 7175 So'^/s Def. of \**LL, noun fern. Praise, majesty, pomp. Assumes in the def. state sing. O before the last radical. PI. Ao *? } praises, Eom. i. 25, &c. Def. ]A>liiZ, hymns, Eph. v. 19,"&c. R - -^ *" - , o^J2L, Praised. * 'A * 7. ^3^00, and afterwards then after thatGr. arerra /wra TOVTO See note, ch. i. 15. S. JOHN XI. 712. 161 Ver. 7. ^1P OL, come, let us go Gr. ayw/x.ei'. 9. jym v/i/ twelve SwSc/ca Card. numb. fem. \LoZAlO ]], he stumbleth not ov Trpoo-KOTrret Ethpeel part, of ^oZ, Struck against. See note, S. Matt. iv. 6. Ethpe. ^oZZ], Was offended, stumbled. Pret. 3. pi. oXoZZ], Rom. ix. 32; xi. 11 Part. pi. <_JloZ'Ai2>, Gal. ii. 11, &c. 10. l^iCTU, the light TO <<3s Def. of f_,oiJ (S. Matt. vi. 22; S. Luke xi. 34, 36), adj. Bright, full of light. In the def. masc. used as a substantive, Light. Fem. def. ]Z^jOTJ, a bright cloud, S. Matt, xvii. 5. PI. masc. def. Iv-*^* S - Matt. x. 27. R. 5CTU, Shone. Heb. fiTO, Job iii. 4. Chald. ,TVrD (Keri JTtifti) Dan - TT ; T T ; ii. 22. 11. *H!L, 7is fallen asleep , sleepeth KCKoifj.rjra.1 Verb pret. 3. sing. Laid him down to rest. 3. pi. dHL, 2 S. Pet. iii. 4 Fut. 7 T, o ..70 * < ^'"| ~ i Part. iL, pi. masc. constr. - - ^^ , 1 Cor, vi. 9; 1 Tim. i. 10 Part. Peil .^>^-, pi. . ^> . A^ S. Matt. xxvii. 52. Heb. H&, Ps. iii. 6. T I 1.7 - t rnn >. ^\* that I may awake him Iva. e^uTrvwrw avrov Aphel fut. 1. sing, (with aff. pron.) of JQA f_L, Watched, was awake. Aph. 1 1 7 * "i 7 r-^-^|, Awakened, roused. Pret. 3. pi. f> > ^] with aff. S. Luke viii. 24 Fut. ^Jj, 2. sing. ;_JLZ, 2 Tim. i. 6 Imperat. pi. 0^^_f, 1 Cor. xv. 34 Part. ; > %V>, Acts xxiv. 5; 2 S. Pet. iii. 1. Heb. Hiph. *)^n> Aroused, watched, Zech. iv. 1 : Ps. xxxv. 23. 7 o 12. yi> Lord, lit. our Lord Kvpie See note, ch. iv. 11, above. -lO? J, if he sleep ei /ceKot/xT/rat Participial noun, used for the regular part. j^sDj, from y^Dj, *S f ?ept See note, S. Matt. viii. 24. Def. ]k)5, Eph. v. 14. Fem. ]^ol, S. Matt. ix. 24, &c. i 7 y PI. masc. ^ . "^7; S. Matt. xxvi. 40, 43, &c. : with V>E, ch. xxviii. 13. Def. ]nV>?, 1 Cor. xv. 20. w. c. 21 162 S. JOHN XL 1318. Ver. 13. jAvr^Vn ^L, concerning the rest, taking the rest Trepi TT/S KOL- /7o-ws Noun masc. def. Repose ; also, A place for repose, a couch, Rom. xiii. 13. R. ^.LDJ, Slept. ")AjLj, of sleep TOV virvov Def. of \L, noun fern. Sleep. Heb. n^'i Ps - xc - 5 - R - tGT> Step*- Chald. &OS?, def. T I - T T ; Dan. vi. 19. 14. A _/]() > m openly Trapprja-La Adv. Easily, clearly. Formed from the adj. - o . g\ ^asy. R. - f> ^ JFas easy. Pa. Unfolded, explained. 15. oaSoi, #o ye Gr. ayw/xev Imperat. pi. Compare S. Mark i. 38. Sf?A\ ; thither Gr. irpos avrov See note, ch. ii. 1. 16. jiO^Ak^ was called Xeyo/xevos Ethpeel part, of '>}, Said. Ethpe. (S. Matt. i. 22, &c.) Was said, spoken. Pret. 3. pi. fern. C Acts xvi - 38 __ Fut - r^l^> fem - (without final _) , ch. xiii 46 __ Part. fern. I^Ak), S. John xix. 13, 17. 7 .[> 7 , /iis companions, fellows PI. with aff. of ^d>^, def. |^CLK, 1 P 7 7 noun masc. An associate, friend. Fern. def. |Z.^2Lj, with afF. 17 .1> 7 S. Matt. xii. 13, &c. PI. masc. _;LCLO, def. Hr^>j. Heb. *l^n> I* 8 - cxix. 63. R. "DPI* Bound together. Chald. 1311, pl- with aff. Dan. ii. 13, 17, 18. Trans). To the disciples, hisfelloivs Gr. TOIS cru^/Aa^^Tais. * t> ^ T 17. (3nno A.fc^Q, lit. iw i^e AoMse o/" burial i?i the grave Gr. ev TW /xvr;/Aiu) Noun masc. def. Burial, ch. xii. 7; Sepulchre, ch. xix. 42, without AaA PI. def. 1?n^o A_^ ? S. Matt. viiL 28, 7 &c. R. 'r^lO, Buried. See also note, S. Mark xiv. 8. Transl. And Jesus came to Bethany; and found that he had been four days (lit that four days to him that he was) in the house of burial. .0177 7 18. (n ijg^ ,^5, removed, distant ,3 marking the participle. Fern, of 17 _ 7 H ;<=% part. Peil of O;j2>, Separated See note, S. Matt. ix. S. JOHN XI. 18-31. 163 Yer. 18. 24. Def. ]ns> (without y ) 1 S. Pet. ii. 9. PI. masc. ^ i n >3, Acts xv. 20, &c. Used in some cases as an adjective. ; cr> vA ^n>. fifteen Se/caTrei/Te Card. numb. masc. Another form is m v V) .. . Fern. lymv^Vn^ S. Luke iii. 1. Trans! . Now Bethany was nigh Jerusalem, distant from it about fifteen stadia. 19. OOOl _/|_Z], had come, were come e\r)Xv6ei.crav Part. Peil pi. forming pluperf. tense. This part, retains j in the pi. Compare .] . i m from (-LCD, hated. .nn -*! \ *-~i ^CL\LQJ>, that they might speak to their heart, i. e. comfort them Gr. Iva TrapafJivOrja-wvTaL auras This is either the only instance in which the verb wVn occurs in Peal, or it is fut. 3. pi. of jllD, filled, used in the sense of wVn ; or the reading is D -X . . 7 faulty, and should be ^n \\Vni. See notes, ch. ii. 7; iii. 11. Tl >,,. 7 71 20. O~LL5o|J Ao^J, she went forth to His meeting, i.e. went and met Him Gr. UTT^VT^CTCV avrw ^5o j , noun masc. A meeting. Ad- . 7 -x.% verbially with pref. _^, Vi5o|J, to meet, Lat. in occursum, obviam, S. Matt. xxv. 1. Here, and ch. xii. 13 with affixed pronoun, 7 ' x n which in ch. viii. 34 j 1 Thess. iv. 17 is pleonastic. _L5o(J, to meet us, Acts xxviii. 15. 24. ]iiQjoQJ_C5, in the resurrection Gr. Iv rrj avacrracret Noun masc. def. Consolation, raising up of one's hopes, spirits; raising to life. 7 R. J>QjoJ (not used) in Arab. Sighed, panted. Syr. Pa. i>Q_^J, Recalled to life. Heb. Pi. Onj, lit. Gave breath to; whence, comforted, including the idea of helping, raising up. See Ps. xxiii. 4; Ixxi. 21; Ixxxvi. 17. ? t> i 7 .0 28. A .| . m^ secretly \d6pa Adverb. R. |QID, Concealed. 29. ^-i(L_L, quickly ra^u Adv. Swiftly, immediately. R. ^_ix_L, Ai-ab. ..7 7 Hastened. Also with pref. >, v^ .1 ^v*^ ; ch. xiii. 27, below. 7.7 ^ 31. OOOl ( *^iVo comforted -jrapa^vOov^voL Pael part. pi. (forming 164 S. JOHN XL 3135. Ver. 31. imperf. tense) of ] *"> (Acts xx. 1, 2), Consoled. Not found in Peal. Pret. 3. pi. Q] \ n, Acts xvi. 40 Fut. ] i ni, Eph. vi. 22, &c. 2. pi. vpi-i-02., with aff. 2 Cor. ii. 7. 1. pi. ftLLj, 7 7 with I added, 2 Cor. i. 4 Imperat. pi. Of^fcP, 1 Thess. v. 11. Inf. A] t Avn^v Tit. i. 9 Part. ] - Avn^ 2 Cor. i. 4; and 1] . I-^QJ ch. vii. 6. For the conjugation of verbs whose final j is a guttural, see Cowper's Gram. 99, and Paradigm. to weep LVO. /cXauo-y Inf. with X, of JT1Q (S. Matt. xxvi. 75, &c.) Wept. Pret. 2. pi. ^A . A^ S. Luke vii. 32 Fut. S. Mark xiv. 72. 2. sing. looZT, Rev. v. 5: Fern. r, S. Luke vii. 13. 3. pi.
    iJ, Rev. xviii. 9, 15. 2. pi. V ano2.' < , S. John xvi. 20, &c. : Fern. ^ ' n^7* g. Luke xxiii. 28 Imperat. pi. OHO, Rom. xii. 15: S. James v. 1: Fern. v " Tn^ g. Luke xxiii. 28 Part. ]a), S. Mark ix. 24. Fern. ] '*->*-\ S. John xx. 11, 13, 15, &c. PL masc. ^*SO, ver. 33, below, &c. PL fern. ^*^j Acts ix. 39. Deriv. , noun fern. def. A weeping, Acts xx. 37. See note, ch. iii. 35, above. Heb. rO3> Gen. xlv. 14. T T Transl. For tliey thought (So^avres, Sin. and Vat. MSS.), She goeth unto the grave to weep there. 7 7 , 33. 1T-1-- 1 , He was troubled, groaned lvf.jBpip.rj(raTo Ethpaal pret. 3. sing. 7 of JP> \^, Was strong. Ethpa. Was strengthened, also, Was greatly 7 7 1\ excited. Part. M_lZlD, ver. 38, below. Heb. TTV> Made strong, became strong, Ps. ix. 20; Ixxxix. 14. .0 .7 34. I*" 1 -j, where? TTOV, See note, ch. i. 28. .. 7 1> 7 35. ._iO1OSV>?, O5 (S. Matt. iv. 8; S. Luke xvi. 15), adj. High, exalted. Fem. ]io5, Acts xxvii. 41. PI. masc. def. ]&y, 2 Tim. iii. 2; S. James iv. 6. R. i>Oo5 ^O3, Was high. Heb. Q^, part, of Q!)"!, Isa. vi. 1. * y ? y ..7 ? ^ 44. ^i_LCD{ fD, bound, sc. kjQlQ-^iOO w_O10,_>| Gr, o iwV-i | \jr, oeoe/AeFus, SC. o 1. fem. of ,- . no] ( c h. xviii. 24). Part. Peil of Bound ; see note, ch. xviii. 12. Def. |;__D|, often used as a. noun, S. Matt, xxvii. 15. Fem. ] *) ^ S. Matt. xxi. 2. PL i i .7 yi x .7 masc. _j',Li.rD|, S. Luke xii. 35. Def. (' ff ^\. Acts xvi. 27; xxvii. 1. See also note, ch. iii. 24. |/\ . ncn <^-^ wi^A grave-clothes Ketpiacs PI. def. of [A . omrr> i accipientes .Ti. 7 77 vultus, i. e. hypocrites, S. Matt. vi. 2, &c. : {^) (D wdCDlD, acceptio vultuum, ch. vii. 24, above, Gr. TrpoorcoTroX^TTTai, TrpocrwTroX^i^ta. .. 7 .7 . P .7 Constr. _*_) | . Acts xvii. 26; and in the phrase p.?- 166 S. JOHN XL 4450. Ver. 44. fades portce, the veil of the temple, Gr. KaTaWracr/iia, S. Matt. 7 11 ? *? ft ? xxvii. 51, &c. -. <^|J t &ow!5, S. Matt. xx. 6. *_>.,} | ^L, for, 7 /or ^e so&e of, ch. vi 51, above. Heb. SJ$, dual D*35$> ^ ie nostrils, Gen. ii. 7, and by meton. The face, ch. iii. 19 Chald. f|Jtf, only in pi. jS^tf, with aff. Dan. ii. 46; iii. 19. R Heb. fptf, Breathed, fig. was angry, Ps. ii. 12, , Deliberated. Pael ^IJ_K, 71 7 Reckoned, counted. Fut. X*_KJ, Rev. xiii. 18. _ Ethpa. 7 7 ..* >*"! *jL\ (S. Luke vii. 39), Considered, consulted, disputed. Pret. 3. pi. on ^Zj, ver. 53, below. 1. pi. ^n KjZ*j, Acts xv. 25 Part. ,n >oAk), S. Luke xii. 17: Fern. ch. i. 29. i^ i) expedient uv^tpu Adj. followed by .1 of the dative. A fern, form ]jo.Q2) occurs, Phil. i. 23; Hebr. xiii. 17. S. JOHN XL 5155. 167 17..* Ver. 51. - .">i/-j ; he prophesied irpof^reva-ev Ethpaal pret. 3. sing. Foretold 3. pi. r> . Ai7^ S. Matt. xi. 13. 1. pi. ^. ^?f. . ch. vii. 22 __ Fat. l^JAj, 3. pi. ^a^LlAj, Acts ii. 17, 18. 2. pi. ^LajZZ., 1 Cor. xiv. 1, 5, 31 -- Imperat. )uZf, S. Matt. xxvi. 68, &c __ Inf. A . AiAvn\ 1 Cor. xiv. 39 __ Part. ]JiASD, r .. 1 Cor. xi. 4, &c. PL masc. . -MAVn Acts xix. 6; Fern. .. 7 . * . "> iAVn ch. xxi. 9. No other conjugation of this verb occurs in Syr. or Chald. Root, in Arab. Shewed, declared. Heb. Niph. tf3J, Amos. iii. 8; Hithp. &G3fln> Numb. xi. T . .. . . 25. Chald. Ithpa. '3JJ1TJ, Ezr. v. 1. 54. p2.(J , unto a country eis rrjv x^P av Def. ^ ^1 (S. Luke x. 1 : 7 xxi. 24), noun masc. A place, region. PI. def. (fern, form) . 7 . .7 |Z.O5'Z.|, ch. vii. 35, above. Chald. ^HX, Dan. ii. 35 ; Ezr. v. 15; vi. 5, 7. k, (near} to the wilderness (eyyvs) TOU fpijfj.ov Noun masc. def. A desert place, solitude; also, Desolation, S. Matt. xxiv. 15, 7 &c. R. <^;_K, Laid waste. a ci^ ets TroXtv Noun masc. def. properly A fortified i 7 , fortress, Gr. x^P a ^- -PI- ' n V n / S. Luke xix. 17, 19. R. , Rolled up, surrounded, fortified. *\ P ^ * 55. ( .?'n n Vn from, or ow^ q/" , ,/ieM o/" blood, Acts i. 19. This word is of sing, form, but having a plural or collective signification, is marked with Bibui. * 7 7 ), that they might purify to purify Iva. ayvt^wcriv _ Pael fut. 3. pi. of (ij, Was pure, which occurs only (in the N.T.) in part. x 7 Peil, as a noun, see note, ch. xiii. 10. Pa. __DJ (Acts x. 15 ; xi. 9), Cleansed __ Fut. ],J, 2 Tim. ii. 21, &c. 1. pi. 2 Cor. vii. 1 -- Imperat. pi. O25, S. Matt. x. 8, &c -- Inf. o . Heb. x. 4 with aff. S. Matt. viii. 2 &c __ Part. 168 S. JOHN XL 5557. Ver. 55. S. John xv. 2, &c.: Fern. ^r" ' S. Mark vii. 19. PI. y 77 masc. > ^,^, Matt, xxiii. 25, &c -- Part. pass. _*_2,iO, Acts xxiv. 18. Deriv. ")Zo_i^)j, noun fern. def. Purity, sincerity, 1 Cor. v. 8, &c. j JJ , filthiness, Rev. xvii. 4. 5, noun masc. def. Cleansing, Hebr. i. 3, &c. Hefy. n^T Was pure, Ps. li. 6. Pi. j"|3T> Cleansed, Ps. Ixxiii. T T T 13 : cxix. 9. 56. r--^ *> one to th oMwr among themselves Gr. /ACT' aXX-^Xwv. 7 V 57. OOOl OpCLS, ^ey Aac? commanded Gr. ScSwKCicrai/ evToA?;!/ Pret. 3. pi. (forming pluperf. tense) of ."^ (ch. xiii. 29.) Visited, ordered, decreed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z,-Q2i, 1 S. Pet. iii. 20. 2 sing. Z r Q2), S. Luke xiv. 22. 1. sing. Z^Q), Acts xxv. 17, 21. 1. pi. Vr As, ch. v. 28 __ Fut. 5OCL2U, S. Luke viii. 31. 1. sing. x " *. ^noc^jj Phil em. ver. 8. Imperat. JCLQ^, S. Matt. xiv. 28: 7 7 71 xxvii. 64 -- Inf. abs. , ng^Vn g. John xiii. 29, &c.__Part. ^Q^, S. Mark i. 27, &c. Fern. 1^Q), S. Luke iv. 36 (see note there). _ Part. Peil , > o^ / S. Luke ii. 27, &c. PL masc. t > ne* Rom. xiii. 1. PI. fern. . , > Qg^ ; S. Luke xvii. 10. Heb. 1p3, Visited, searched out, Ps. xvii. 3. I- T t> 7 f 7 , lie should shew p.T]wcrr) Pael. fut. 3. sing, of QtO, lit. Split open; investigated, explored, also Repaired, 2 Kings xii. 7. Pa. * 7 \OjI3 (S. Luke xx. 37), Made clear, declared, revealed. Pret. 2. sing. LdfZZ, Acts xxiii. 22. 3. pi. CLD^i, ch. vii. 52 __ Fut. 1. * 7 1* sing. tOfD | , S. John xvi. 25. 7 7 .,-. Ethpaal ^^Z-j, TFas made known, Acts ix. 24; xxiii. 30. In Heb. the verb does not occur, but its deriv. D13> -A- breach | V V or fissure in a building, 2 Kings xii. 6. S. JOHN XII. 1, 2. 1G9 CHAPTER XII. A Ver. 1. (_*j^j ^-jL^DO-t (A^ ^O^O, six days before the Passover irpo c ijfjifpwv TOV Trao-^a The Syr. translator, in rendering the Gr. literally, follows the Gr. idiom. So also the Philoxenian Syr. and the Arab. Ver. For the Semitic idiom, see Amos i. 1. JJy*1i"] ^57 DTO&^'j two years before the earthquake; LXX. ~ TT , " *' ~ T : "5 " 7 " * I " "7-7 7 TT/ao Svo CTWV TOV orioy/.o{!. Syr. {^O} iO,-Q SO ^ . i 1. _Z.)Z.. -X !> 1. 7 Compare also po . m i J>o,_Q ^. t,\*n , seventy (years} before the calamity, Bar Heb. Schol. in Job. ad init. In the recent Heb. Vers. of the KT. the text is rendered plDSH o > and similarly the Syr. would be (or iOpQ) J^OpD ^Lo _juLDQ_ 1 " V . |r> > j , Transl. TF/iere Lazarus was ; he whom Jesus Himself had raised from the dead. The Vat. and Sin. MSS. omit o TtOvijKw*;, and both these as well as the Alex, add 6 'I^crovs in the next clause. 2. ]A > V) ..^ a supper SCITTVOV Noun fern. def. PL def. ]A . Co v. 7 S. Matt, xxiii. 6; S. Luke xx. 46. E. ^>CL_K, Supped. .. P . 7 Z.OCT1 ( V> Vf\ toas serving, served 8t7;Koi/ei Pael part. fern, (form- T 7 ing imperf. tense) of - V> (Peal not used) Pa. V> (Acts xiii. 36), Ministered to, worshipped. Pret. 3. pi. r> m^n Rom. i. 25. 2 pi. ^nA^&l, Hebr. vi. 10. 1. pi. 0>1 > with aflf. S. Matt. xxv. 44 Fut. . V) 1, S. Matt. xx. 28, &c. 1. sing. _a_kx"j* Rom. xv. 25. 3. pi. .n V> y ver. 27, &c. 1. pi. f 7 * 7 . V> i Acts vi. 2, &c Imperat. . v> * / with aff. S. Luke xvii. 8. PI. r> VnI ; Eph. vi. 7 Inf. n - Vn Vo^ g. Luke x. 40 Part. - VnVo ver. 26, below. PI. masc. . Vn V> S. Matt. iv. 11, &c. : with ^pAj], Hebr. vi. 10. PI. fern. Knlvn S. Matt, xxvii. 55, &c. ^T^ ' Chald. Pa. &?)>, Dan. vii. 10. 22 170 S. JOHN XII. 25. Ver. 2. Transl. (last clause) And Lazarus was one of the guests, (recliners) who were with Him. 3. *f A <^ . A. 1 } n alabaster boxGr. Xirpav, a pound weight aXa'/facrTpov, S.*Matt. xxvi. 7; S. Mark xiv. 3 ; S. Luke vii. 37. Eoot, Heb. WD^i Gushed forth, Ps. Ixxviii. 30. _ j5;Jj, of spikenard vdpSov Noun masc. pi. occurring in the N.T. here and S. Mark xiv. 3, only. Heb. Til Song of Sol. iv. 13, 14; with aff. ch. i. 12. .i ; excellent referring to ]^omo Gr. IMOTIK^S, referring to vctpSou Adj. masc. def. The best, special; strictest, Acts xxvi. 5. Fern. def. fo . 1 .^ S. Luke xv. 22. Derived from -5, X 7 . P 7 ? - u pn / of great price Gr. TroAim/Aov pLLoj, noun masc. pi. V . e> 7 .7 x 7 def. (sing, wanting) Price. JJi.^' ' \ (a pearl) of great price, S. Matt. xiii. 46. R. |LD5, Equalled, was like, since the price of an article equals or represents its value. was filled eirXrjpwOr} Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of (JlO, Filled, .. 7 7 * ^> P was full. Ethpe. pret. 3. sing. fern. Aj.^SoZ.(, S. Luke i. 41. 3. pi. O . SLoZl" ch. iv. 28, &c __ Fut. UioAj, 1. sing. 2 Tim. i. 4 __ Imperat. pi. o^vWf Eph. V 18. Chald. Ithpe. HH, Dan. iii. 19. > with the odour (aff. pleon.) IK 7775 007*175 v>*K_>5, noun P i masc. Smell. De |-K-5, 2 Cor. ii. 14, &c. Heb. nn, Gen. xxvii. 27. Chald. Pin, Dan. iii. 27. Compare also Germ. erud). 4 ..... r^O|O> Ti-ansl. Then said Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, who should betray Him. SI/AWOS is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 5. |lSn^>, why? OICLTI; Interrog. adv. See note ch. i. 21. 7 7 .1. 7 ^ JJlf, was sold tTrpdOrj Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of r ^1 , Bought. Pa. Sold. Ethpa. pret. 3. sing. fern. Aj_O>l1, Acts v. 4 __ Fut. , S. Matt, xviii. 25; xxvi. 9: Fern. _ij|Z*(for jJLOjlZ), S. JOHN XII. 5, 6. 171 Ver. 5. Acts v. 4 __ Inf. ni jVn\ S. Mark xiv. 5 Part. ^jlio, Acts iv. 34. PI. fern. ^io;i&, S. Matt. x. 29; S. Luke xii. 6. ]^> V>, the ointment TO pvpov Noun masc. def. Ointment, also, Oil, 7 S. Matt. xxv. 3, &c. R. - .... V/v Anointed. Heb. mre, fern. Exod. xxv. 6. Chald. fl^p, Ezr - vi - 9 ; vii. 22. jpO, w hundred jpb AX2., fAree hundred rpiaKoo-tcov As one word ]]k)A\Z, S. Mark xiv. 5.. \^) ]]lO, by hundreds, dvd ..077 f CKCLTOV, ch. vi. 40. jjVn'^i ,K, an hundred-fold, eKaTovrairXaa-iova, S. Matt. xix. 29, &c. Heb. nXfc, Gen. xviL 17. Chald. HKJb, Dan. vi. 2: Ezr. vi. 17; vii. 22. to the poor TTTWXOIS PI. def. of ]inmV) (S. Luke xvi. 20, 22), noun masc, One who is poor, needy. Feni. def. ( S. Mark xii. 42, 43; S. Luke xxi. 2, 3. K. Zf, 2 Cor. v. 20, .&c __ Inf. QjJJAloX, Phil. i. 7 __ Part. jI?ALo, S. Matt. xvi. 23; S. Lukexiv. 31, &c. PI. ^JJAk), S. Matt. xvi. 7, &c.; 7 * . . coalescing with _I_K, Rom. iii. 28; with ^pAjj, Gal. v. 10. * * . 7 +07 13. pOTD, branches ra fta'co. PI. def. (of masc. form) of pOCD, noun fern. A branch. Once with a verb in the masc. S. Mark xiii. 28. Heb. Tpfcjf masc. HDI^ fern. Judg. ix. 48, 49. jlbjj, of the palm-trees TWV oiviK(av PI. def. of ]1 Dp, noun masc. n o def. Palm-trees, branches, Rev. vii. 9. j P 7 ). . ( 1 S (p | , Hosanna ! 'Qarawd. Heb. ^5 ny'in, Save, we pray! Ps. cxviii. 25. blessed evAoy^eVos Part. Peil of wi}-O or ^i^O. Bent the knee, S. Matt. xvii. 14, where see note. Part. Peil def. "pj^TD, Tit. ii. 13: Fern, p-4^, S. Mark xi. 10: Constr. Aa^, S. Luke i. 28. PI. masc. with aff. S. Matt. xxv. 34. Heb. part. pass. ^""1, Ps. cxviii. 26. Chald. part. Peil 13, Dan. iii. 28. 14. jfJkLw, an ass Gr. ovdptov Noun def. com. gender, An ass, or she- ass, S. Matt. xxi. 2, &c. Heb. ^ifcj-l, "ibn, Gen. xlix. 14. R. ^pj, TF* red; the ~". ~: T ass in the East, both wild and domestic, being of a reddish colour. S. JOHN XII. 1524. 173 . Yer. 15. ^QjCTL. Z.f^2), daughter of Zion Ovyarep $uav L\Z2 (pron. Bath) ~ ii 7 constr. of |Z(^D (S. Luke viii. 42; xii. 53.) A daughter. ")yCQ.\Z5Z ^ i 9 Z^D, twelve years old, S. Mark v. 42; S. Luke viii. 42. (lo Z^O, lit. daughter of the voice, i.e. Foice, sound, with aff. Rom. x. 16, 18, &c. PI. def. TAiib, Acts xxi - 9 : ~ with afF. pleon. S. Luke i. 5. Consti-. AJLCD, ch. xxiii. 28. ]Io AJL>, Foices, Acts xii. 22. Heb. H3, pi. rta, Ps. xlv. 11; Gen. vi. 2, 4. T X f* I^j.D5, seated, sitting KaOrjfj.evo<; Part. Peil of dH3>, see note, S. Matt. xxi. 7. jl ' \ the colt TrwXov Noun masc. def. T/ie young of anything, specially of horse, ass, or camel. Lit. suckling. R. Heb. , Suckled. So also the Arabic. a she-ass ovov Noun fern. def. Heb. |inK, Gen. xlix. 11. Transl. And (lie is) seated on a colt, the foal of an ass. "* 'X 7 * ..x 7 * * 18. OlNTioN on<^ 1, they went forth to meet Him, sc. ( ( i . CO ^*.J.D .. 7 -X. * .^* * Gr. vTnjvTrjarev O.VTU 6 o^Xos \\O OO.N ; prep. Against, opposite to For its form with affixes, see note, S. Matt. v. 39. Ok I 7 19. ^oAjj _j5Lo!o, ye prevail w^eXeiTe Aphel part. pi. (forming pres. 7 z f \ 7 tense) of 5A_, Was abundant. Aph. 5Z.OJ (S. Luke xix. 16), Gained, produced, profited, made to increase. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z?Zof, Hebr. iv. 2 __ Part. jZoiD, S. Matt, xxvii. 24: Fern. l^Zok), 1 Tim. iv. 8. 20 ..... OO01 A_|, Transl. And there were also from among the Gentiles ~~ X certain (lit. men) that came up to worship at the feast. (21) These came and drew near, &c. 3, the grain, corn o KOK/COS Noun fern. def. Heb. /Tn), pl. nil^S? Grains scattered or sown, Joel i. T % -. : 17. R. "7*13, Broke off, separated. 174 S. JOHN XII. 2438. Ver. 24. ]A^K5, of wheat TOU O-ITOV Noun fern. def. PI. def. (of inasc. form) \&L, S. Matt. iii. 12, &c. R. ^J_K., Put forth fruit. Heb. HtSHi pl- DWl, Ps. Ixxxi. 17: cxlvii. 14. Chald. pi. p5}Hi Ezr. vi. 9; vii. 22. P X X 27. | .t , troubled Gr. rcTa'pa/crat Fern, of . m i ^_ (S. James i. 8.) part. Peil of _A..HL_., Stirred up, perturbed see note, S. Luke xxiii. 5. Transl. Now my soul, behold, is troubled. 07 f _ . T cy> / save J/e crukrov ftc Pael imperat. with aff. of |^a (not used). 17 ' J . 1> 7 Pa. v_^2> (2 S. Pet. ii. 7), Set free, delivered. _ Fut. \^2L3, with ^ , 7 . ^ aflf. Rom. vii. 24, &c. 1. sing. |v^)|, with aff. Acts xxvi. 17 __ - 7 ^ 1 * 7 Imperat. |^3, S. Matt, xxvii. 40, &c __ Part. |^25lD, 1 Thess. i. 10. X7..-K Ethpaal _j^3Z.|, TFas set free, escaped. Pret. I. sing. 2 Tim. iv. 17. 3. pi. O-ia, Hebr. xi. 34; xii. 25 __ Fut. , 1. sing. *& Rom. xv. 31. 1. pi. ch. v. 9. Heb. nS, Gaped, as wild beasts, Ps. xxii. 14. Opened the lips, to vow, Ps. Ixvi. 14: Delivered, Ps. cxliv. 7, 10, 11. IP ^ 7 OCTI (Sm3, it was thunder fipovnjv ytywerat Noun masc. def. PI. def. ]klL5, Rev. iv. 5, &c. Heb. Djn, Ps. Ixxvii. 19. R. Q^*|, Raged, roared. 31. "jjAjtSD, casif, is casf eV/JA^'creTai Ethpeel part, of ", Threw. Ethpe. ^?A^1 (Acts vii. 21), Was cast out. Pret. 1. sing. A4A-f, 1 Cor. xv. 32. Fut. ]?A^J, fern. ]?L, S. Matt. v. 13. 1. pi. Acts xxvii. 26 Part. pi. ^A(n Acts vii. 19. .* 32. y^JJ , 7 shall draw eX/cvo-w See note, ch. vi. 44. 35. ,-j^j], yet en Used adverbially; see note, ch. i. 35. Compare xiii. 33; xiv. 18, below, where the Gr. xpoVov and Syr. ]JL>1 are omitted. 38. U^^-, might be fulfilled TrXripuOrj Ethpaal fut. 3. sing. fern, of Filled, was full. Ethpa. . Avn7]*(S Matt. ii. 17, fec.), S. JOHN XII. 3840. 175 Ver. 38. Was filled, fulfilled, perfected. Pret. 3. pi. O^-], S. Luke i. 23*, &c __ Fut. JI&AJ, S. John xvii. 12, &c. 2. sing. ]lSoZT, Acts ix. 17. 3." pi. x n\VA\ S. Matt. xxvi. 54, 56, &c. 2. pi. ^&Z Eph. iii. 19. __Part. ]lk)AlO, S. Luke ii. 40. PL masc. ,-jJlloALo, ch. ix. 51. PI. fern. vVnAV> ; ch. i. 20. 1* \ our report 777 a/corj r/^v jvAn (S. Matt. xiii. 14; xxiv. 6) noun masc. def. A hearing, rumour. Here with pref. X of the 7 object, and aff. 1. pi. R. MlQ_, Heard. Whence also o *. !> P>oV?, noun masc. def. A hearer, with aff. pleon. S. James i. 23: PI. def. lio&iB, ver. 22; with aff. pleon. Rom. ii. 13. Heb. y/b^j Report, tidings, Gen. xxix. 13. cn5j, the arm (aff. pleon.) o /3pa^tW P3? (Acts xiii. 17), noun com. def. PI. <-jJJ?, def. \L>9, with aff. S. Mark ix. 36, &c. Heb. yi-lT, Isa. liii. 1. Chald. y-pT, Dan. ii. 32. - \ ! / j , hath been revealed\\x$>Qri Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of iLi, Revealed. Fern. 'L \ \ .tZ."), Rom. iii. 21, &c. 3. pi. Q_jL.Zf, Phil, i 13, &c. 1. pi. v >\ 7f 2 Cor. xi. 6 __ Fut. U-^Aj, S. Matt. x. 26, &c: Fern. B-n^I, S. Luke xix. 11. 3. pi. -h X: ^ ^oX^Aj, 2 Cor. iv. 10, 11. 2. pi. <0\^. Col. iii. 4 __ Inf. A A AC^\ Gal. iii. 23 __ Part. ]L|A^O, S. Mark iv. 22, &c. : Fern. ]' \^AO^ / 2 Cor. iii. 13. PI. fern. ,-jl^AlD, 1 Cor. xiv. 25. m 7 7 40. 0)Q_L, they have blinded Gr. TCTV^XWKCV Pael pret. 3. pi. of 5o_L, y r Arab. Was blind. Pa. JQJL (2 Cor. iv. 4), Made blind. Ethpa. 5oLlf, Was blinded. Pret. 3. pi. OJolif, Rom. xi. 7; 2 Cor. iii. 14. Heb. Pi. *fly, Deut. xvi. 19. 71 |, they Jiave darkened Gr. 7re7rwpw/|, Made dark, obscured. Heb. Hiph. T^'flH, Amos v. 8; Ps. cv. 28. 17G S. JOHN XII. 40-48. XIII. 14. Ver. 40. N.B. The Syriac Version determines the right interpretation of the original. See Whitby's note on this passage. 47. __OT-^ f-^J fJO, and keepeth them not Gr. KCU ^ Trioreucry The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. read KUI p.rj (f>vXdy. 48. i>Q^^5 _lD, he that rejecteth o dOerwv Part, of J>oS-, Oppressed, despised, rejected. Pret. 3. pi. oV)\^, S. Luke vii. 30: Fern. . '.'W\^ 1 Tim. v. 12. 2. pi. ^oAk^, S. James v. 4 Fut. Son V ^ i , 2. sing. X)O\^Z (fJ), oppress, defraud (not] p.rj JTTO- -r - p a-Tpija"r) 3 _o OOl, Transl. Jesus, then, because He knew tlmt the Father, &c. 7 7 1** 7 4. fc_O1oAj^J, His garments Gr. TO. i/xana PI. with aff. of JAJ (S. Matt. ix. 16), noun masc. def. A robe, properly the long outer robe descending to the feet. PL def. ]A>>J, S. Matt. xi. 8. E. A^>J, Descended. towel AeVnov (crtkSwi/, S. Mark xiv. 51, 52: aovftdptov, S. Luke xix. 20), Noun masc. clef. Lat. Sindon. S. JOHN XIII. 48. 177 Ver. 4. Heb. ^1D> An under-garment of fine linen, Judg. xiv. 12, 13; I T Isa. iii. 23; Prov. xxxi. 24. , girded Ste^wo-ev Verb Peal pret. Smote, struck, when followed by the accus. S. Luke xxii. 50; with aff. S. John xviii. 10, 22, &c. When followed by %Z2 , Girded on tightly, sc. struck or pressed upon that part of the body which is girded, ch. xxi. 7, below. Pret. 2. sing Aj-jLio, with aff. S. John xviii. 23. 3. pi. Qj^JLo, S. Mark xii. 5 Fut. ]^llQJ, Rev. xix. 15: Fern. \L^L, ch. ix. 5. 1. sing. Ij^of, S. Matt. xxvi. 31, &c. 3. pi. v a*^SnJ, with aff. pleon. Acts xxiii. 2. 1. pi. |_K*lQJ, S. Luke xxii. 49 -- Inf. ]AvnD, S. Matt. v. 39, &c. PI. masc. v > *Vf>, S. John xix. 3, &c Part. Peil ^.llA (which was] pressed upon His loins, i. e. with which His loins were girded, ver. 5. below. Heb. fc$n) Smote the hands together, Ps. xcviii. 8. Chald. T T Kftb, Dan - " 34, 35. Ithpe. SH/WlN, Was fastened to, Ezr. vi. T : ; : 11. Compare Gr. /ta^o/Aai. 7V . 7 ^Q, on His loins Gr. laurov PI. with aff. of |v*j, noun masc. def. The back, Rom. xi. 10; the loins, Hebr. vii. 5, 10. PL def. ]^L, 1 S. Pet. i. 13. Heb. dual Q^Sn, Gen. xxxv. 11. Chald. pH, Dan. v. 6; the Syr. being contracted from these forms. 10 e V A .. An*-> into the bason eis TOV vLirTrjpa Aphel part. pass, used as a noun substantive; see note, ch. ix. 7. n 7 6 ..... __ij yU, Transl. But when He came to Simon Peter, Simon said to Him, &c. 8. |] ^ \^ \ not, for ever, never Gr. ov /AT? eis TOV part jaepos Noun fern. def. A part, portion. PI. arts or ways, Gr. TroXu/iepw?, Hebr. i. 1. See note ch. iii. 25. Heb. J1JD, 1 Sam. i. 4, 5. T T w. c. 23 178 S. JOHN XIII. 914. ft c Ver. 9. t^D, therefore Adverb. Transl. Therefore, Lord, not only my feet shalt Thou wash for me, but also my hands, also my head. 10. ]>. n*>> OO"I, he that is washed o XeXov/xevos Part. Peil of (jio^O, Washed, was washed; also. Swam, Acts xxvii. 43. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 'Ajlro, 2 S. Pet. ii. 22. 2. pi. ^A-LjLlD, 1 Cor. vi. 11 __ Fut. "[jlmj, 3. pi. ^Q-^mi, Acts (loc. cit.). x. .7 r f Aph. t_i_KK0(, Washed, Acts xvi. 33. Part. pass. .J.^>D, Hebr. x. 22. From this verb are derived (Oj^CO, A swimming, act of swimming, Acts xxvii 42, 43. ] . K\. m A washing, Eph. v. 26. "jAj^CO, A washing, Tit. iii. 5. Heb. nnb% Swam, Isa. xxv. 11. Hiph. Inundated, Ps. vi. 9. T T - 1* * e pj, clean KaOapos Part. Peil of pj (see note, ch. xi. 55) used as an adjective. Def. 111)?, I Tim. i. 5, &c. Fern. ]I-2>, Hebr. t> X 'T* xiii. 4, &c. Def. jAu^)5, Acts xxiv. 16, &c. PL masc. ^-^^?, 7 S. John xv. 3, &c. Def. ( Vn ; / in this and the following verse. 7 PI. fern. - '"'-^;, Phil. iv. 8. From this is derived the adv. 7 j, Sincerely, purely, Phil. i. 17, &c. . .... ^pAjj *2)\, ye also. After these words ^Q^Xr^ all of you, is inserted in the Vienna and some other Editions a manifest error. X 7 12 ..... __j r2, Transl. But ivhen He had washed their feet, He took His garments, and seated Himself (reclined), and said to them, &c. 14. (V)D, how much more Gr. KCU (iD, What, with 'pref. <*3. How great, S. Matt. vL 23; xxvii. 13. How many, ch. xv. 34; xvi. 9. How, ch. vii. 11; xii. 12. Whilst, Hebr. ix. 17. *Al I<>7 >/ 7 ^O/}J| ^ V *^i i ,K, ye ought o^etXerc PI. of i^la_*^ (ch. xix. 7, &c.) noun masc. A debtor, guilty person. Here used, after the manner of a verb, forming with a pronoun the present tense, and pro- nounced with it as one word, Khaiointun. It also coalesces with S. JOHN XIII. 1425. 179 . t> 7 7107 Ver. 14. the pron. as ft*"> . ; Gal. v. 3. _ J_iud-_K> , Acts xvii. 29, &c. Fern. ]A .' J. 1 Cor. xi. 10. PI. def. I^xLu, S. Luke vii. 41: xvi. 5. From this form are derived V>-^ . K noun. fern. def. Condemnation, Rom. viii. 1, &c. -e . 07 j./oo . .... V> the same; with aff. 2 Cor. vii. 3. 77 5 r jj, one another's, lit. owe of one Gr. aXX^Xw. 15. jffncMo ^ a^ example uTroSety/Aa Noun derived from the Gr. TTJTTO?, 1 Cor. x. 6. 16. ]-K i \ , 7ie 7*.a2 is sen, i.e. fAe messenger, ambassador aTrooroXos .7 Part. Peil def. of --^ \ (see note, ch. v. 36), used as a noun. PI. T _ J _1 J _1L, Actsii. 14. PI. def. ] ^ " V -, S. Matt. x. 2, &c. 17. ILOO^, happy paKapioi PI. def. of ] ^ ^ I (Acts xxvi. 2) adj. def. Happy; blessed, S. James i. 25. From ]^bo_, Good, good- ness. R. ^>Q_ !, Was good. 18 ..... "jocn |], ii is not of you all, sc. nequaquam by no means of you all do I speak. OT"iOS, /its heel Tt}v irrlpvav avrov Noun fern, with aff. pron. ( < ~iOl>, The hinder part of the foot, or, Jieel, including the ancle. PI. def. (masc. form) Irini, with aff. Acts iii. 7. Fern. def. .p " .. i> jAddL, footsteps, Rom. iv. 12. Heb. ^py, Gen. iii. 15; Ps. Ivi. 7. PL JTQpy, Footsteps, Ps. Ixxvii. 20; Ixxxix. 52. 7 7 22. ,-KK^D .jo, one on another; lit. owe on one, Gr. e aXX?/Xous. 23 ..... "JOCJI A_i|, Transl. Now there was of His disciples one who was reclining on His bosom; he whom Jesus loved. (24) To him beckoned, &c. 7 24. llO), beckoned vevei Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Made signs, nodded. Pret. 3. pi. 0^5, S. Luke i. 62; v. 7 __ Inf. and part. . p * t> 7 T JOG! lSo5 ]lD^lD, 7ie continued making signs, Gr. ^v Stavevwv, S. Luke i. 22. * 7 i . e 7 25. r->^7 def. (-,-K (Rev. 180 S. JOHN XIII. 2534. Ver. 25. xv. 6), noun masc. The breast. PL ^- r ^, def. P,^, with aff. S. Luke xxiii. 48. Heb. Hin, Tlie breast, of animals, Exod. xxix. 26, 27. Chald. V T HH ( in the Targums) pi. JHH, with aff. Dan. ii. 32. Transl. -4wd that disciple fell upon the breast of Jesus and said, -4 cfa/ee? ro&e, Judg. v. 30. ' - v Transl. He it is, to whom I dip the bread and give it. 27. ^LLZj", entered elcrrjX6ev Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of ^Ll ^L, Entered. 7 quickly rct^tov Adv. same as ^-UH^ see note, ch. xi. 29, above. 29. _iO!Oj] , in the power, possession of Judas (aff. pleon.) Le. Judas ~ * ' i* had Gr. etxev o 'lovSas Preposition, of the various forms )|. , ,_i, i-1t, r-t taking pronom. affixes after the manner of a noun pi. Some Editions here read .^OlOj-i* . t nc * rd^lDj, that He strictly commanded him Gr. on Aeyei auru) o 'Irjo-oCs Inf. and pret. See note, ch. xi. 57, above. > , that lie should buy, to buy Gr. ayopao-ov. , needful Gr. WK xP ct/av X/ ;IC1/ Ethpeel part, of ( VD, 1 ? *"" Desired, sought. Ethpe. - > vo/ \ } Was necessary __ Part. fern. t-LliAk), S. Luke x. 42, &c. PI. masc. ^> v^AV^^ S. Matt. xxi. 3, &c. PL fern. '*' voAv> c h. vi. 32, &c. Transl. Commanded him to buy that which was needful for the feast. 30 ..... _j OO1, Transl. And Judas received the bread immediately, and went out; and it was night when he went out. In the Gr. ev&'ws refers to efjXOev. The Alex. MS. reads yv Sc vv ore e&j 32. "Jyj^LD, immediately, straightway cvflu's Adv. comp. of V? 7 ? * 34. | r >-, new-i-Kaivriv Def. of Z.J_K (Acts xvii. 21), adj. Fern. def. Ufj^, S. Matt. ix. 16, &c. PL masc. clef. }L,L, S. Mark xvi. S. JOHN XIII. 3438. XIV. 1, 2. 181 Ver. 34. 17. PI. fern. def. |ZZfM, S. Matt. ix. 17, &c. R. L^ t Pa. .i> 7 ~ Lf^t, Renewed, Hebr. x. 20. Heb. gnfi fern. nEHH, Ps. xxxiii. 3; xl. 4; Isa. xliii. 19. Chald. J*nn> Ezr. vi. 4. 35. JK /<">> r jo, owe o another; lit. one owe Gr. ev dXXv/Xoi?. 36 |Z;_K>.\, Transl. But in the end (afterwards) thou shalt come. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. all omit /xot. 38. lL.L_]5Z, the cock aXe/crwp Noun masc. def. x ,. V * i *">j A_lZ, thrice rpt's See note, ch. iii. 4, above. CHAPTER XIV. 1. ?OjAj JJ, ?e woi your heart be troubled /AT; Tapa -Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of 303, 33 (not used; probably Was disturbed, boiled up). 7i 7 ** 7 Pael 303, Troubled, hindered, with aff. Gal. v. 7 Fut. 3O,J, 7 7 .. with aff. Col. .ii. 16 Ethpa. 3O3Z.J, Was agitated. Fut. 2. pi. ^OjOjZZ, S. Matt. xxiv. 6. Heb. deriv. *pn, .4 pot, kettle, 1 Sam. ii. 14; Ps. Ixxxi. 7. Syr. "J3O3. Also, any vessel, basket, 2 Kings x. 7; Jer. xxiv. 2. 2. ]i'o1, mansions /AOVCU PL def. of ]jo] (ver. 23) noun masc. A dwell- ing, abode R. |o], Arab. Entertained with hospitality, welcomed. Compare note, S. Matt. v. 25. Transl. Many are the mansions in My Father's house. A_OO1 i^o], / would have told CITTOV av Part, and subst. verb, ex- pressing the pi up. subjunctive. ]_j] v>l]?> for I go Gr. Tropeuo/xat The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. read on .*"> fj\^ tliat I may prepare, to prepare eToi/xcurcu Pael fut. 1. sing. of }Q_ -*"* ) for which *Z2\-& is used, Was good. Pa. -*^ ^ . 7 7 (S. Luke xii. 47), Made ready. Pret. 3. sing. fern. An i , Rev. xix. 7. 2. sing. Anl, S. Luke ii. 31; xii. 20. 3. pi. 182 S. JOHN XIV. 210. y. Ver. 2. S. Matt. xxvi. 19, &c.: Fern. . i n ,, S. Luke xxiii. 56; xxiv. 1. 2. pi. ^oA^xL^, Rom. vi. 19 Fut. nVfp, S. Luke i. 17. 2. sing. -^- ^, ver. 76. 2. pi. ^Qju_^Z, Rom. vi. 13. 1. pi. *O-L^J, S. Matt. xxvi. 17, &c -- Imperat. %nl_, S. Luke xvii. 8. PI. ""~> , S. Matt. iii. 3, &c __ Part. ^I_^O, 2 Cor. x 7 77 iv. 17. PI. masc. * * \V\ Rom. vi. 16 Part. pass. ."> . (\V> ; ch. vii. 6, above, &c. Fern. ]L*_^LD, S. Matt. xxii. 4, &c. PI. 17 7 masc. *"* * b^i S. Matt. xxiv. 44; with ^-J->^, Acts xxiii. 15. Def. J'.'vn, S. Luke xii. 40. PI. fern. .vn < g. Matt. xxv. 10. Chald. Stfft, W^ glad, followed by ^, Dan. vi. 24. 3. ^5Z] .... /JO, (See various readings at the end of Bagster's Ed.) These words are not in the Vienna Ed. nor in that of Tremellius, but restored to the text from a MS. by Guy de la Boderie. r 7 x y 8. vQ-K, shew us Se!ov Ty/uv Imperat. with aff. of Q_j, see note, ch. ii. 18, above. 0.3, it sufficeth ap^ei Compare Heb. ^15? com p. of **n, Sufficiency (Mai. iii. 10), and 5, Lev. xxv. 26; Deut. xxv. 2. Followed by ^, see S. Luke xxii. 51; 2 Cor. ii. 6. 7o f 7 - 10. jlm, dwelling, dwelleth o /xevwv _ Part, of ;^~>v (S. Matt. ii. 23, &c.), Inhabited, dwelt. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z^kil, 2 Tim. i. 14 __ Fut. : Vvy Acts vii. 2; 1 Cor. vii. 13; fern. . i^">^ ver. 12. 1. pi. 1 Tim. ii. 2 __ Imperat. pi. ; V>S, 1 S. Pet. iii. 7 __ Inf. .O^vVnV^ Col. i 19 __ Part. fern, lilol, Rom. vii. 17, 18, 20, &c. PI. masc. 10 7 ..^nv S. Luke xiii. 4, &c. : with . 1 **, Acts xxiv. 3. PI. fern. , noun masc. An inhabitant, Acts i. 20. PI. def. jjiaklL, ch. xiii 27. , noun masc. def. A dwelling-place, Acts xvii. 26. -p noun masc. A Jiabitation. Form of Aphel part. Def. jf (in some Eds. ljv>sVn) Eph. ii. 22. S. JOHN XIV. 1028. 183 Ver. 10. ^V)SAk?, habitable. Form of Ethpaal part. Fern. def. ]h i 1;V)SA&, the habitable earth, Rev. iii. 10, &c. 14 ..... Jo, Transl. And if ye shall have asked Me in My Name, I will do (it). 7 7 15. O;_^, keep Typ-jo-are Imperat. pi. of ;_j; see note, ch. ii. 10. .> .T 77 16. (A . \n. o^ Comforter TlapaKX-qrov Advocate, 1 S. John ii. 1. * -X 7 17. O 21. J>CLKj5Aj, shall be loved dyaTrrjOtja-fraL Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, of ^Qja5, Loved. Ethpe. J>O>j52.] , Was loved. 7 t> 22. O TV), tc/i?/.? AOWJ is ^ that...? Gr. rt yeyovev on; Comp. of * " OC7I+ 26. ^Q^jOT-LJ, ZTe s/ia^ bring to your remembrance d 7 * Aphel fut. 3. sing, (with aff.) of JCTL!*, Remembered See note, ch. xv. 20. Aph. jOT-l), Made to rememb&r Fut. 1. sing. JCJLL], with aff. Rom. xv. 15 __ Inf. r>yri, 2 Tim. i. 6, &c. PI. masc. ^JOLlLD, 1 Cor. xi. 26. 27. (V) \ t peace dprfvyv Def. of V> \ (ch. xix. 3, &c.), noun masc. Prosperity, health, safety ; salutation, S. Luke i. 40, 44. . 0.0 . .7 . ?. rnVn\ AA(j, she saluted her, ver. 40. Heb. DiS^j Ps- cxxii. 7, &c. Chald. th&, Dan. iii. 31, &c. A 28. ^pAjOCTI jjj^, ye would rejoice l^ap^e. S.v So the Vienna Edition, t P Tremellius, and Hutter. Other Editions read __,_,>. Pi ^>ll?) because I go Gr. ort el-n-ov, Tropevcytcu The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit UTTOV. 184 S. JOHN XV. 16. CHAPTER XV. Ver. 1. "jA^Lii, tJie Vine 17 d/x.7reXos Noun fern. def. for "j A 1 <* .. , being compensated for by the hard pronunciation of Z, indicated in some books by the point Kushoi (Z). PI. def. Heb. tS-l, Ps- Ixxx. 9, 15. j the husbandman o ycwpyos Noun masc. def. A workman, labourer. f I def. ]jLSJ>, S. Matt. xxi. 33, &c. R. *^L&, Laboured. 2. ]A A m f branch /cX^/xa Noun fern. def. PL def. (masc. form) ]A m o ver. 5. R. - ^ * ; Chald. Entwined, twisted together. n Pa. Disturbed, perplexed. Ithpa. Was perplexed, part. pi. Dan. v. 9. 5. ]jj UjJ ^-^Lo, for without Me on x w pis tpov. 6. |ji_d_.5, that (is) withered Gr. KCU erjpdvOr) Part. fem. of . *^i i (S. Matt. xiii. 6, }\ Ps. xxii. 16. T Transl. He is cast forth, as a branch that is withered. 1 *> j.^O\, gathering they gather crvfayovcny Part. pi. of Collected Pael *4c^> P art - U^ .Aa\Vn / a collector of words, babbler, Gr. o-Trep/xoXoyos, Acts xvii. 18. Heb. tOp^, Ruth ii. 3, 7, 15. I-T Transl. And they gather (and) cast it into the fire, that it may be burned. The Sinaitic MS. reads aurd for caVa'. 1* + -X JQJLO, into the fire ts TO irvp Def. of 3QJ (Hebr. i. 7 ; Rev. viii. 8), noun fem. PI. def. ]Z6)QJ. Deriv. adj. ]luJ5oJ, Fiery; pi. def. J, Rev. ix. 17. Chald. "flj, Dan. iii. 6, &c. S. JOHN XV. 619. 185 Ver. 6. ,-QJZj, that it may bum, be burned Gr. KCU KaUrai Fut. 3. sing. 7 ^ 7t i fern, (for ^j^DJZ.) of ,o > (Rev. viii. 7, 8), Burned up. Pret. 3. pi. DfOu, ver. 7 Fut. pO^, 1 Cor. iii. 15. 3. pi. ^Op ^' S. Matt. xiii. 30 Inf. ,A]^\ / 1 Cor. vii. 9 Part. ,0!, 2 Cor. o *0 if xi. 29, &c. Fern, ^i n j, Acts vii. 30, &c. PI. masc. ^ i t n , S. Matt. xiii. 40. Def. 1|nl, Eph. vi. 16 Part. Peil pi-CL*, S. Luke xxiv. 32 From this verb is derived .Op 7 PpQ-j , noun masc. def . A burning, Hebr. vi. 8. Heb. W, Deut. xxxii. 22. Chald. W. part. Dan. iii. 6, &c. I-T I-: 7 jk) ^\D, Transl. All that ye desire to ask shall be (done) unto you. 9. _i_^_5 *- .A^f>v..o 3 in my love ev rrj ayotTnj rfj C/ATJ "jAkLKjJ, noun * t\ o f> 7 *o 2* fern. def. Love, friendship ; withaff. 1. sing. |^J_EDJD|5 |Z\lClK5, love of strangers, hospitality. Constr. jc^rnn AlkLiuJ, love of money, \VnA ^1 Was perfected, consummated. Fut. 3. pi. fern. ^^oLJ, Rev. xv. 8; xvii. 17 Part. S. Luke xiii. 32. PL masc. . ^xVnA V> ; coalescing with \ohl] , Col. ii. 10, PI. fern. ^ v V^A . V> R ev . xx. 7. 13 J2Q_j, Transl. Love that (is) greater than this is 'not (i.e. exists not) that a man should lay down, &c. For JsQjuCDJ, see note, ch. ii. 6, above. 18 ,lo, Transl. And if the world hate you, Icnow (Gr. ytvwo-KCTt) that before you, it hated Me. 19 H H! ? Transl. But ye are not of the world; for I have chosen you out of the world; therefore the world hateth you. w. c. 24 186 S. JOHN XV. 2027. T\ Ver. 20. OX7LL, remember /ivr/^oveuerc Imperat. pi. of JCJLL* (S. Luke i. 72 ; . 7 ?> Hebr. xi. 22), Remembered, was mindful of. Pret. 2. sing. Z.XJL1, with aff. Hebr. ii. 6 __ Fut. X7L1J, 3. pi. ^OjCTLLJ, 2 Tim. ii. 26. 2. pi. ^OjCTLLZ., S. John xvi 4; 2 S. Pet. iii. 2 Imperat. JOTA, 3 S. John ver. 10 __ PI. fern, ^'xnl, S. Luke xxiv. 6 Inf. v4i vO^\ with afF. Eph. i. 16 __ Part. J0l2k, fern. IjOtL, S. John ~ 10 xvi. 21. PI. masc. _j>)C7LL, S. Matt. xvi. 9, &c. : coalescing with _L*j, 1 Thess. i. 3; with .oAj"), 2 Thess. ii. 5 __ Part. V I 7 117 V ~ Peil r-iCJLL, pi. tpiOTJL, Acts xx. 31; 1 Cor. xi. 2. Deriv. pjOlQA, noun masc. def. Memory, remembrance, 2 Tim. i, 5, &c. N.B. When .L precedes CT1, it has a vowel, with the soft pronunciation of I ; and, like \ , remits its vowel to a preceding vowelless con- 7 sqnant as JCTLLO. The line under .L merely indicates this pro- nunciation, and must not be confounded with the linea occultans. 22. fA\l, pretext, clokeTrpofavivDei. of ]1L or ]1VC (S. Matt. xix. 3), " 7v 7 * noun fern. Cause, occasion, excuse. Constr. A\v Gal. v. 13. PL def. l^NS. B. ^ ^L, Entered. Chald. nW> Dan - vi - 5 ? 6 - T * * .. 7 T . 24. ^OTI >,.1 S-^, among them lit. to their eyes Gr. lv CLVTOLS See note, ch. vi. 5. -^ i S\, prep. Before, in the presence of. With affixes as a noun masc. pi. The Yud is often dropped, ^n^V i vV^ before you, S. Luke xxiii. 14. P 7 25. ^ ^i V), without a cause Swpedv Adverb, lit. gratis, given: in vain, Gal. ii 21. Compare Heb. Pi. |jjJS, Gave, delivered up, Gen. xiv. 20. ^ ** ** * ** P 9v 27. JaJOji ^.Lo, /rom e/ie beginning CITT' ap^s Def. of w5o_, noun 1f> 17 }_, Pa. -_,;_, Began. S. JOHN XVI. 13. 187 CHAPTER XVI. 1. yf ^ n/ 7 j]j, that ye should not be offended Iva fir} Ethpeel fut. 2. pi. of ^ (not used) Heb. 3, Tottered, Ps. xxvii. 2; cix. 24. Ethpe. ^>_ju2Z|, Struck against, stumbled. Pret. 3. pi. aXi^rf, S. Matt. xv. 12 __ Fut. VMnA^ S. Matt. xi. 6, &c. 1. sing. V\ ~^1'\, ch. xxvi. 33. 3. pi. ^oV-nA? c h. xxiv. 10. &c __ Part. VM nAVn c h. xiii. 21; PL ^jJLaJDAl^, ver, 57, &c. Deriv. ^JLD, noun. masc. An' offence, Def. |L*-2, Gr. o-/cavSaAoi/, 1 S. Pet. ii. 7, &c. 77 7 2. fjQQJ, w^W ^/MW^; S6rj Aphel fut. 3. sing, of ;^XCO, Supposed, thought. 7 .7 Aph. ;nCT)(, Expected, judged ; caused to suppose, S. Luke xxiv. 28. Gr. TT/aoo-cTroietTo. Fut. 2. pi. ^pfjQJ&l, S. Matt. iii. 9; v. 17 __ Part. : Am; oVrv bringing, brings near Gr. Trpocr^epetv Pael part, of 7> 7 Came near. Pa. >*^>; ^ (S. Matt. xxv. 20), Brought, offered. Pret. 1. sing. Ar^Lo, with aff. S. Matt. xvii. 16. 3. pi. Opp, S. John xix. 29, &c. 2. pi. vOA^jjD, S. Luke xxiii. 14 __ Fut. Hebr. v. 1, &c. 1. sing. Q$jO], Acts xxiv. 17. 3. pi. S. Mark iii. 9 __ Imperat. tOfcO, S, Matt. v. 24, &c -- Part. fern. ]A. oVn 1 Cor. viii. 8. PL masc. _.>|lLo, S. Matt. x. 18, &c. Heb. Pi. :np, Ps. Ixv. 5. Chald. Pa. ^-)p, Ezr. vii. 17. ,1\ 3 ..... . _ JL.-1OTO, Transl. And these things will they do, because, &c. The Yat. and Alex. MSS. omit vuv. 188 S. JOHN XVI. 419. Ver. 4. .OTJA, their time Gr. -rj <3pa AS. fern, referring to an inde- finite object. Transl. That when their time is come, ye may remember them, that I told you. The Vat. and Alex. MSS. read y wpa aimSv. 6. ")2.Q_^D, sorrow TJ XvTrrj Def. of Q-jI3, noun fern. Sadness. R. ]j^), Was sad. Transl. For I have said these things to you, and sorrow is come, and hath filled your hearts. 8. ^/n n ^ ^L, of righteousness Trepl SIKCHOOW^S Def. of Q-Q>j (Rom. 7 iv. 3), noun fem. Justice. R. *Qjl, Was just. x 7 12. - ti rr> ; much, many things roXXa Adj. Great, much, copious, abounding. Often used as an adverb, Much, very, ch. xxi. 8, &c. PI. masc. de ]? ^, S. Matt. iv. 25, Vienna Ed. and ^1 * I 7 many others; the Polyglotts, followed by Schaaf r read ((' .1 f. ' > ' 13. ^QDjJDrJ, fie will guide you oS^y^cm i;/x,as Pael fut. 3. sing, (with 7 r 7 aff.) of 'f^>y, Led. Pa. ^5 (1 Tim. iii. 12), Ruled, governed; led, 77 .. 7 as by authority -- Fut. ^jJ, Col. iii. 15. 3. pi. fem. ^r^ r J> 1 Tim. v. 14 __ Inf. n.-A^VnV g < L^e v i 39 } ( see no t e there)._^ Part. }-C5,SD, 1 Tim. iii. 4. ^ZpiAi, things to come ra ep^o/ieva See note, ch. iiL 14. 71 O 14. dCOJ, He shall receive \TJ\f/e.Tai. Participle used for future. The X * 7 7 word ,QHjQ_KJO, and shall shew it unto you, is wanting in the Vienna Ed. and in that of Tremellius, but restored to the text by Guy de la Boderie from a MS. 7 7 . 17. OOOl Oji0|o, and they said, or kept saying CITTOV Pret. and subst. verb with force of imperfect. 1T.P 7 jpfrj !>CH, One with another, among yourselves yu,cr' aAA^'Acov Adverbial expression. Ijj-K*, form of noun pi. def. a con- 7 7 tracted form of J_KJ J_K, see note, ch. vi. 7. Used either alone, .. 7 .i as |} f .K Q-^2f, they devoured one another, or with prepositions : such are S. JOHN XVI. 1921. 189 11> P " 7 x 7 ,1> 5,-K>^ Q->j^tZ.(, tfAey engaged (fought} one anotlier. It *.. x^l v ' as J5,_K ^f> _o__^), differing from each other. * ** P -TV Ithpe. Was grieved, Dan. vii. 15. T ; 21. (, V -? (io, when she is in travail orav TIKTT) Part. fern, of r-L, Begat; brought forth children. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 2.,_Xj, in this verse. 1. sing. Z^\j, Philem. ver. 10. 3. pi. O,Xj, S. Luke xxiii. 29 (see note) Fut. jJL)], fern. _r^ir, S. Matt. i. 21, 23. 2. sing. fern. ^^U" S. Luke i. 31. 3. pi. fern, ^fr 1 Tim. v. 14 Part. Peil t - ^', S. John xviii. 37. PL masc. I -X I Tt T 7 T X > x \ ^ Acts ii. 8. Constr. pLj w r a..^j, born of women, S. Matt. xi. 11; S. Luke vii. 28, 190 S. JOHN XVI. 2132. Ver. 21. Deriv. ];n\, noun masc. del One that begets, 1 S. John v. 1. Heb. ^y, Gen. iv. 1, 22, &c. . OTrXdSoj "JLOdj, the day of her child-bearing Gr. y u>pa aur^s V \n^r> ; noun masc. def. (here with aff.) Generation, birth, S. Luke i. 14. Followed by .___. 5 5 ^ib, regeneration, Tit. iii. 5. R y^J, Aph. fSof. P P 'X * * L \ " ~ C7L3fc_^0|, 7ter anguish Gr. T^S ^Xii^ews p^_AOJ (S. Matt. xiii. 21), o .. i p . .. noun masc. def. Affliction, oppression, tribulation. PI. i *^O | , - T* P - 'X . ** Eom. v. 3. Def. (j'^_^0|, Acts xx. 23. R, ^-^' Constrained, afflicted. 1< T- .. 24. J>O,lD |Jo, aw^ o< anything, or, yea, nothing. j . \Vn m Vr> y M ^ TreTrXt]p(ap.iinf] Shaphel part. pass. fern, of (JlD, Was full. Shaph. - . ^Vn 1 (with aff. fern. Acts xiii. 33), Filled up, fulfilled, perfected. _ Fut. ]Kn 1 i, 1. sing. j1Vf> I*)* Col. i. 25._ Part, jl^nl^n^ Eph. i. 23; Col. iv. 17. PI. masc. ^ ".77 coalescing with ^oAjf, S. James ii. 8 __ Part. pass. . . \V) < ^ / Acts xi. 24. Def. ]! \Vnlv. S. James i. 4. Fern. def. $uJ$SoiiO, S. Mark iv. 28. PI. masc. ^.^Volvn R ev . iii. 2; vi. 11: coalescing with ^pAj"), Rom. xiv. 14. Def. ] . Vv> ^r> Col. iv. 12. * .0 * Deriv. ( i.\V?Q_, noun masc. def. Fulness, Eph. i. 23, &c. ^..71 25. (J_^!Ii ^.iA, plainly irapp-rjcria Lit. to the eye in public, - being * ^^ T1 7 understood as prefixed. See note, ch. vi. 5 __ U-IJH^ P art - of (1^., Revealed, with pref. *Z2. Otherwise written ^ 2 Cor. iii. 12; Hebr. iv. 16. 29. ],_K (Jo, not even one Gr. ouSe/u'av. 7 e 31 ..... r^O|, Transl. Jesus saith to them, Believe; (32), For (or, that} the hour cometh, &c. * 7 ? ?* 32. ^J^Z-Z., ye s/taW 6e scattered o-KopTrio-^Te Ethpaal fut. 2. pi. of 5r^, Pa. 5^, Dispersed. Ethpa. JpOZ], Was dispersed. Pret. S. JOHN XVI. 32, 33. XVII, 7. 11. 191 Ver. 32. 3. pi. 05^2.]" Acts v. 36, 37 __ Fut. 5Aj, 3. pi. S. Matt, xx vi. 31, &c. 33. g^r^XZ] , be of good cheer flapo-eire Etlipaal imperat. pi. of (not used) Pael -*"^*\ Gave heart or courage to; comforted. Imperat. pi. r>^A\ 1 Thess. v. 14 __ Ethpa. nnNZ.'j, Was comforted. Imperat. .'^-A7'| S. Matt. ix. 2; S. Mark x. 49. Fern. . . ^^71* s. Matt. ix. 22; S. Luke viii. 48. Deriv. ( o '"in \ noun masc. def. Exhortation, consolation, readiness, 1 Cor. xiv. 3. , / have overcome (aff. pleon.) veviK-rjKa Pret. 1. sing, of \3\ (Rev. v. 5), Conquered. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AlDl, with aff. pleon. 1 S. John v. 4. 1. sing. A-uTDl, Eev. iii. 21. 3. pi. OD1, Hebr. xi. 33. 2. pi. v oA_i_l)l , 1 S. John iv. 4 __ Fut. pp, Rev. vi. 2; Fern. plZ, Rev. xi. 7. 2. sing. plZ, Rom. iii. 4 -- Imperat. pi. 7 . C 1 . OD1, with aff. pleon. Rom. xii. 21 -- Inf. pJlQA, Rev. xiii. 7 -- Part. ]{, 1 S. John v. 4, 5 __ Part. Peil ]], 2 S. Pet. ii. 19 __ Ethpeel > "^l], Was overcome. Part. pi. masc. ^_j.i:5]lD, 2 S. Pet. ii. 20. This verb, in Job xv. 4; xxv. 4j Ps. Ii. 6, represents the Heb. n!DT> Was jmre, faultless. Note however, that, in the last T T of these passages the LXX. quoted by S. Paul (Rom. iii 4), read 1/1*770-779. It also represents Heb. HpJ, Was quit, cleared of crime, Exod. xxi. 19; and f}"t, Job xxxiii. 12, 32. I - T 7 Pa. -i-21 - Purged. CHAPTER XVII. . > * 7. Al r j , / 7iave known Gr. eyvuKav The Sin. MS. reads 11. jjL^O, AoZy aytc Def. of ^_,Jo (S. Luke i. 49), adj. Holy. Fern. ]^_.^), Acts vii. 33, &c. Defl lAju_.^D, S. Matt. xxiv. 15, c. PL masc. V t ^o, def. V^i^D, S. Matt. xvi. 27, &c. 192 S. JOHN XVII. 1123. Ver. 11. PL fern. ^--o, Tit. ii. 5. Def. A-*O> S. Luke i. 72. II. ^ I _O, Pa. Sanctified. Heb. BTT P S - xxii - 4. Chald. B, Dan. iv. 5, 6, &c. 12. j^jj, of perdition -riys aTrcoXeias Noun masc. def. Ruin, destruc- 7 V tion. R. r^l) Perished. Heb. p^N and p^tf, Esth. viii. 6; ix. 5. 13 ..... "joaiZj, Transl. That My joy may be fulfilled in them. * I 77 20. ^ . i V> .mVn> who believe TV trunevovriav, Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 23. ^ i; ^)ii> perfect TcreXaayuW Part. Peil pi. masc. of r^tt (Hebr. vii. 1 9), Completed, finished; and intrans. Came to an end, failed, * 7 1* S. Luke xvi. 9. Pret. 3. sing. fern. /;^>.. ) Rom. vii. 8, 13 -- Fut. inVn .. \ with aff. Heb. ii. 10; xiii. 21. 2. sing. *oV>../" > > * Rom. ii. 25. 1. sing. 5oiCL.J, Hebr. viii. 8. 3. pi. ^i^u 1, ch. x. 1: Fern. ^n^J, ch. i. 12. 1. pi. ^Vn^ i 1 Thess. iii. 12 -- Inf. j&OA, Rom. iv. 21 ; Hebr. ix. 9 -- Part. Rom. v. 3: Fern. r^\i ch. ii. 27. PL masc. v T^it, Hebr. x. 2 Part. Peil ; . V> , , S. Matt. v. 48, &c. Def. ] & ,. ch. xix. 21, &c. PL masc. def. ]y V> .. t S. Matt. v. 48 __ Ethpeel jkl^i'), Was made perfect, Hebr. v. 9. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Zia^Zf, S. James i. 15; ii. 22. 1. sing. Z^n^Z]" Phil. iii. 12. 3. pi. O^kx^ Hebr. xii 23 __ Fut. 3. pi. ^O^lo^Aj, Hebr. xi. 40. 2. pi. \"i^\i^; 2 Cor. xiii. 9 __ Imperat. pi. f, ver. 11 -- Part. i&L^l&D, 2 Cor. xii. 9: Fern. , Gal. v. 6. From this verb are derived 1; -x o Jokl^ noun masc. def. The perfecter, finisher, Heb. xii. 2. U" . I 0; i V> ^ noun fern. def. Perfection, 1 Cor. xiii. 10, &c. .0 x ^ A-i I; > Vl yi, adv. Perfectly, Acts xxii. 3, &c. S. JOHN XVII. 23, 24. XVIII. 13. 193 Ver. 23. Heb. TfcJ|, Finished, Ps. Ivii. 3; Failed, ceased, Ps. vii. 10; xii. 2; Ixxvii. 9 __ Chald. Tbj|, Part. Peil, Ezr. vii. 12. 24. J>O r r3 ^.k), before 77730 See note, ch. i. 15. ?* .7 rnA . V>, the brook Gr. TOU xei/x,appou Def. of fJUi', noun fern. A torrent, sufficiently shallow to be crossed on foot (Scliaaf). Or, according to Castel, q. d. the foot of a river, from whence it has its foundation or origin. Occurs here only in the N.T. R. ^HI> , Heb. /I)*!, Went on foot, went about slandering, Ps. xv. 3. But this verb is regarded by some as denom. fr. 7JH, afoot. : v .c 7 -j * 7 |Aj_ V> 2 Tim. iii. 4. Der. from ^oSjalL, Aph. part, of isQ_L , Completed. Aph. Delivered up. * JOO1 1 n , resorted, used to resort 7 y 7 I'^SU, lanterns Gr. fyavwv PI. def. of p^2iJ or ; ^^ * ; noun -- i X masc. ^4 femp, in which petroleum or naptha is burned. W. C. 25 194 S. JOHN XVIII. 311. Ver. 3. "J5QJO Ift ^ 1 ? IjUiJ'o] ^pcruij|}O, and in their hands vessels of naptha and fire, (Bar Hebraeus.) x , 7 | ft > c^^n\ } torches Gr. Aa/ATraScor PL def. of p ^ ^ | t Vn\ (see Rev. iv. 5; viii. 10; S. Matt. xxv. 1, &c.), yl lamp, torch. Heb. Y)S, Judg. vii. 16. .0 7 P-1 , weapons Gr. oVAuv Noun masc. def. used only in the singular, Arms, also Ornaments. H. in Arab. Adorned. Compare the like use of Heb. **]J7, Exod. xxxiii. 4, 5, 6. . t> t> o 5. |_>5^J, the Nazarene of Nazareth TOV Na^wpatov Adj. def. PL def. 5 . p o U'*- 3 ; Acts xxiv. 5. i 7 - 1 7 10. ( : m<^fr> sword /Aa^aipav Noun fern. def. PI. def. j';HLlID, S. Matt. xxvi. 47, 55, &c. .07 Ol^ilL*, he drew it etA/cvo-ev av-i^v Verb pret. 3. sing, with aff. 7 *^iO_, Drew out, plwked forth, S. Matt. xxvi. 51; S. Mark xiv. 47. Occurs only in the N.T. in the places mentioned, but common elsewhere. Fut. ./nV> i. Part. Peil fern. ] ^ . V> t^f-Kj, a drawn sword, (Bar Hebrseus). Transl. JV r ow as for Simon Peter, there was upon him a sword; and he drew it, and smote, &c. % _cn.*..K^D, he smote (pron. pleon.) eTraicre See note, ch. xiii. 4. 0U)|, his ear avrou TO WTIOV Noun fern, with aff. ]jj] (1 Cor. ii. 9; xii. 16), The ear. PI. def. (masc. form) ]jY), S. Matt. xi. 15, Ac. Heb. f]fo, Ps. xliv. 2. *P 17 |1. V?i?, which was i m, pw away, JOM^ up @d\ Imperative. See note, ch. ii. 6. OlA_x*.>-O, into its sheath Gr. eis rrjv OyK-qv lA^jj, noun fern. def. A scabbard. With prepos. and aff. pron. R ^Lw, Heb. ^H, Perforated. S. JOHN XVIII. 1115. 195 Ver. 11. Transl. Put up the sword into its sheath. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit "\ the Captains Gr. o x'^PX 05 ^- def. ^ Pi i \ > ") (Acts xxi. 31, &c.), noun der. from the Gr.; properly, A military tribune, commanding 1000 men. Here the prefect of a cohort and in a wider sense, Captains, commanders, S. Mar. vi. 21. x .7 y -i> k_i(710^DJ, bound Him IS^o-av avrov Pret. 3. pi. (with aff.) of }JDJ (S. Mark v. 36), Bound, girded. Pret. 3. pi. OjJD'f, S. Mark xvi. 1 -- Fut. 5aro]j, S. John xxi. 18, &c. 2. sing. 5aDl2T, S. Matt. xvi. 19. 3. pi. ,OjIB]j, with aff. Acts xxi. 11 &c. 2. pi. ^pi^DlZ", S. Matt, xviii. 18 __ Imperat. JdCo], S. Luke xvii. 8. PI. o5oD], S. Matt. xiii. 30; xxii. 13 __ Inf. tffil&X with aff. S. Mark v. 3. 7 V x *f Part. fD|, S. John xxi. 18. PL masc. _j^DJ, S. Matt, xxiii. 1 ^ 7 4 Part. Peil, {-*-Cf, ver. 24, below, &c. See notes, ch. iii. 24; xi. 44. Heb. ^iDtf , Ps. cxviii. 27. 13. . _.rnr>V>*. ; the father-in-law (pron. pleon.) rrevOepos ^CL^t, def. jlDjo. Assumes O before affixes, except 1. sing. - . V>. Simi- larly J5|, t-K*j. PL def. j(TllCt>j. Heb. EJl, Gen. xxxviii. 13, 25. T 14. ^i_lSO>, that gave counsel o c//,/3ouAewas Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Counselled; promised, Rom. i. 2; iv. 21, &c Fut. ^.oXku Inf. ^.\V)V> abs. with part. -/^> , 2 Cor. viii. 10 Part. Peil ^j.__io, Eph. vi. 2, actively; Hebr. vi. 18: Fern. fUjJ^SD, Eph. i. 13. Heb. T?j, Reigned, was king, Ps. xlvii. 9. 15. Transl. And Simon Peter, and one of the other disciples, followed Jesus, and this disciple the High Priest knew. 196 S. JOHN XVIII. 15-18. Ver. 15. lZ>!X, into the palace as r^V avXtjv Def. of ]5j, noun fern. Hall, vestibule. Transl. And went in with Jesus into t/ie palace. 10 ^C*?, Transl. Whom the High Priest knew. k , unto her that kept the door Gr. rfj dvpwpu See note, ch. ii. 10. 1, brought in (aff. pleon.) eunfyayc Aph. pret. 3. sing, of ^v. ^\Vj Entered. Aph. ^i] (Acts x. 23, &c.) Introduced, led in. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AXl), S. Luke xii. 16. 3. pi. (^f Vienna) 1 Tim. vi. 10. 1. pi. ,-Xl} 7 ver. 7 Fut. 2. sing. ^IiZ, with aff. S. Matt. vi. 13; S. Luke xi. 4, where see note. 3. pi. .oXu, S. Luke v. 18 Imperat. ^i>], S. Luke *. 7 fc.7. xiv. 21 Inf. abs. n\vVn Acts vii. 45, n\vAn\ ; Gr. elo-eXOelv, Hebr. iii 19 Part. ^\!k>, Hebr. i. 6. PI. v > ^vVn^ S. Luke ii. 27. From this conjugation are derived ")AVvVn ; noun fern. def. An entrance, Hebr. iv. 1; 2 S. Pet. i. 11. - 7 1 1 \ vVn f noun masc. def. the same, Rom. v. 20, &c. >, noun fern. def. the same, S. Jude ver. 4. Chald. Aph. vVJn inserted) Dan. ii. 25; vi. 19. Imperat. I, ch. ii. 24. Inf. JTOH, ch. v. 7, and nSv^il, ch. iv. 3. T *T ' T T ; ~* Deriv. 7^]^, pi. constr. Dan. vi. 15, the setting of the sun, lit. entrance, place of entrance. 17. ]Avn . \v tlte damsel $ TracSto-xi; Fern. def. See note, S. Matt. xix. 20. 18. ]5QJ, a fire Gr. dvOpaKidv, afire of coals, rendered by "jySoCL,., ch. xxi. 9. Jj, that they might warm themselves Gr. KCU ii 7 Fut. 3. pi. of K>-, Was warm, grew warm. Fut. 7 t> Imperat. pi. QJ_^, S. James ii. 16 Part. ~K^, in this verse and ver. 25, below; also S. Mark xiv. 54, 67, where see note. 1 7 it_O, cold i/'u^os Noun masc. occurring here only in the N.T. Also M>)OD, noun masc. def. Acts xxviii. 2. S. JOHN XVIII. 1836. 197 Vcr. 18. Transl. And they had made a fire, to warm themselves, for it was cold. . 7 7 20. jV^v J>QL, with the people Gr. TO> KOOY/,O>. 1> V 7 22. Oin), //is c/4ee& p>, noun masc. def. (with aff.) The cheek, jaw. PI. def. ]>>, with aff. ch. xix. 3, &c. Transl. Struck Jesus on His cheek. 23. A ] m , o ; badly, evil KCIKCOS Adverb derived from ] O, Evtt. x 26. Oil i K>!, the kinsman (aff. pleon.) crvyyevifs t^-->-M ^ e ^ r^-* '' noun masc. A relative Fern. def. "j AJLJ-KJ") , with aff. S. Luke i. 36 __ PI. masc. . i ....*) def. ]v > ^] y with aff. S. Mark iii. 21 ; S. Luke xiv. 12; xxi. 16. .0 7 |o(7l rnne^ ; he had cut off aTpe/co^e Pluperf. tense. See note, ch. ix. 22. 28. JJCL^^), tJie Prcetorium, judgment hall TO Trpairw/aiov A MS. reads ?, that they might not be defiled iva ^ Ethpaal fut. 3. pi. of _Q- -*-^> Smeared, anointed. _ Pael * 7 i * "i ^O_^, Polluted, profaned. Pret. 3. pi. Q_CL, Rev. iii. 4 __ 7 7 . .1> Ethpa. ^O4Z.|, ITos polluted, defiled himself. _ Pret. 3. pi. Q_ noun) of ^2J, Devoured. The words occur as one, Rom. i 30; 2 Cor. xii. 20; IS. Pet. ii. 1. 10. i * A ; o r^^, Q> doer of wicked things, a malefactor Gr. KaxoTrotos. 7 x 7 1> 36. OOO1 ^ . ApASo > ^ey would fight ai/.-.^yan/i'^ovTo Ethpaal part. "" 7 pl. (forming imperf. subjunctive) of _Ao, Beat, contended. Part. -AD ; Gr. Sf'pwi/, 1 Cor. ix. 26 -- Ethpa. _Ao2/), Fought, strove. 198 S. JOHN XVIII. 36-40. XIX. 1. Ver. 36. Fret. 1. sing. AAI, 2 Tim. iv. 7 -- Imperat. ^As, 1 Tim. vi. 12. PI. CLaAiZf, S. Luke xiii. 24 __ Inf. a&AvA, S. Luke xiv. 31; 2 Tim. ii. 24 Part. ^Z^AlO, Gr. TrvKreuw, 1 Cor. ix. 26. Deriv. , noun masc. def. A contest, with aff. Eph. vi. 12. PL def. . 7 , 2 Tim. ii. 23; Tit. iii. 9. Heb. &r\2 , Pounded in a mortar, Prov. xxvii. 22. ]]}, that I should not be delivered iva IM) irapaSoOu Ethpeel fut. l.'sing. r>f Sn\ Loosed, finished. Ethpe. isoXA^] (S. Matt. iv. 12, &c.), Was finished, given up, betrayed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. . Jude ver. 3. 3. pi. nV) "\AVf, Hebr. xi. 36. 2. pi. Eom. vi. 17 __ Fut. Jsa^AjJ, S. Matt. xvii. 22, &c __ Part. ^Q^A.a^O, S. Matt. xx. 18, &c PI. masc. . VnVA - V> ; 7 coalescing with. _J_KJ, 2 Cor. iv. 11. _ p 39. \. ^ x a custom 4v4Df, Acts xii - 4 - .7 7 Q_Aj_,i , platted- Gr. 7rXe'ai>res Prefc. 3. pi. of x>rii , Twisted) wreathed. Whence is derived JJo,^., pi. def. POj^i, Flattings, 1 Tim. ii. 9; 1 S. Pet. iii. 3. Heb. 7*15 > intrans. Grew up, became great, Exod. ii. 10, 11; as things twisted or bound together acquire greater strength. (1__\3, a crown cn-t^avov Noun masc. def. PL def. (' ' \*\ Acts xiv. 12. R. ^) ^1D, Heb. 77^, Perfected, also Crowned; whence n?3> a bride, from her bridal chaplet. Syr. Pa. v^n ) T Crowned. Ethpa. part. 2 Tim. ii. 5. ^ * *X "* *f> X JiDClD _Lo, of thorns e aKav^wv PI. def. of pDOD, noun masc. def. A thorn, briar. * 7 -, see note, S. Matt. x. 26 -- Pa. - v>\ Hid, clothed Pret 2. sing. A . fr>A S. Matt. xi. 25; S. Luke x. 21. 2. pi. ^pAj^n^, with aff. S. Matt. xxv. 36, 43 __ Put. imai, 1 Cor. xi. 7 __ Imperat. ]mo, pi. fern. .. 1\ o 7 77 ^ with aff. S. Luke xxiii. 30 __ Part. pass. Eom. xvi. 25, &c. Fern. . mnV> ) S. Luke ix. 45; xviii. 34. From this conjugation is derived "JA . rn^7 ; noun fern. def. A covering, veil, 1 Cor. xi. 15, &c. A cloak, garment with aff. Acts xii. 8. The verb is here followed by accus. of the person and thing ; 7 .-X 17 sometimes by o of the thing; as I ' I a cno_i_H2, they en- veloped her in a covering, (Bar Hebrseus). Heb. Pi. nEO also variously constructed ; e. g. with accus. of T the person and ^J of the covering, Lev. xvii. 13: with two accusatives, Ezek. xviii. 7, 16; with 7^ of person and 5 of covering, Ps. xliv., 20; with accus. of covering and 7^ of the thing covered, Ezek. xxiv. 7. 200 S. JOHN XIX. 27. Ver. 2. |jd-i5]5, of purple Gr. (Ip-anov) iropfapovv Noun masc def. PI. def. jJcLo]* S. Mark xv. 17, 20; so the Vienna Ed. others .00 7 read jJO-,,5], Gr. irop^vpav. Transl. And they put upon Him robes of purple. 3. . _irnn*"s ^i> Ol\ OOC7I . .\.V>n 3 and they struck Him on His cheeks Gr. KCU eSi'Sow avrw paTrtcr/xaTa. In S. Mark xiv. 65, p 4. Ol5Ao, m #m, or against Him Iv avrw, rendered by OLO, ver. 6, y * below. So, *_.5Ao, w& me Iv e/u.oi, Acts xxviii. 18. 6. . .,rn ^^n \. , Crucify Him crravpuxrov avrov Imperat. with aff. of . , Hung on a gallows, or Cross. Fut. *OdX^J. Part. Peil o t , Gal. iii. 1. PI. ^ . A . ^, , S. Luke xxiii. 39. N.B. The received Text omits avrov, which is read after the second o-Tav/Dwow, in the Sin. and Alex. MSS. _j<7IQ-2}-QOl , Crucify Him Gr. oravpoxraTC Imperat. pi. with aff. of 7 *^O] , Raised up, crucified; in the N. T. always in the latter sense, except in 2 Tim. iv. 15 (part. Peil), lifted up against our words; 7 and Ethpe. ch. vi. 18, above. Pret. 3. pi. Q_2LC>1, S. Mark xv. 27; with aff. ver. 18, 23, below. 2. pi. ,oA5.Q1, Acts ii. 23, 36 -- Fut. ^QDp, 1. sing. *)QjDl1* ver. 15, below; with aff. ver. 10. 3. pi. ^p ^ Op, Hebr. vi. 6; with aff. ver. 16, below, &c -- Imperat. ^CLQl, with aff. S. Mark xv. 13 __ Part. t2LO], pi. ^ > <^ OJ , S. Matt, xxiii. 34 __ Part. Peil .* A], 1 Cor. i. 23, &c. PI. masc. ^ t ^ i Ol , S. Mark xv. 32. Def. ] ^ V <~>\ , ver. 31, below. Heb. &pf, Raised, comforted the afflicted, Ps. cxlv. 14; cxlvi. 8. Chald. &pj, Raised, hung a criminal, part. Peil Ezr. vi. 11. 7 ..... ^.-i, We have a law ly/xets vdp.ov t\ofj.v, where ry/xets is emphatic. .7 .... v*_ |O, Transl. And according to what is in our law He is guilty of death. S. JOHN XIX. 1119. 201 Ver. 11 ..... ]j(71 v^k?; Transl. Wherefore, he who delivered Me unto tliee, greater is his sin than thine. 12 ..... "jjOl vs^^fv Transl. And because of this, Pilate wished to release Him. n * 7 > 11 * 7 OO1 ( I on o m is /j,e adversary Gr. avriAe'yei {J^n ncrv (1 Tim. i. ~ 7 P 10), noun masc. def. ^T/iatf which is contrary, opposed to. PI. -X .. 7 .P -x .. 7 masc. def. (loo orr^ Acts xxvi. 9. PI. fern. \*"v") QfQ y contrary winds, ch. xxvii. 4. Der. from v^nrc^ Opposed; Pael quadrilit. of "*^ <"> , Exclaimed, accused. Ethpa. vv*^oAm] } Was adverse, .1 7 1> came in the way. Part. pi. masc. \*"> nAmVn Acts xvii. 17. I .. 7 13. iO__^ ^-^j on the judgment-seat CTTI TOU yS^aros Noun from the Greek. ^5 ]Zi2i_,.5, the Pavement of stones Gr. Ai0oorpam>v "JA^L**? i'i ; * (in some eds. |A_a_5) noun fern. def. A tesselated pavement. Heb. j"J32n, Esth. i. 6. R. &^*1 Paved, Song of Sol. iii. 10. - 14. jAoo^, the preparation irapacrKevif Noun fern. def. The evening, 7 eve of the Passover. R. ^j-i>, $e, of the Sun. 17. ^. o ,3, bearing )8acrTa^cov Part. Peil, with active signification. Passively, S. Mark ii. 3. See note, ch. i. 29. Transl. (ver. 16.) And they took Jesus, and led Him away, (17) bearing His Cross, into a place, &c. i p i O"L2LjL_Ql, His Cross TOV a-ravpov avrov (g*> . r^ (ver. 31, below) noun masc. def. of form part. Peil. Lit. that which is raised up. 7 Pi. ^LQ1, Raised. If 77 AjZLO'rO, a skull -Gr. Kpavtou TOTTOV Noun fern. def. A skull, head. n 7 7 .. 7 OlA^LQjJD N \Ii, on his head, CTTI rrjv Ke^aA^V avrov, Rom. xii. 20. p* 7 pf* 7 18. (^V> ,_KJO (oV) ,_K, owe ow this side and another on that side on either side one Gr. cvreu^ev /cat IvrtvOev. 19. p-jd.^, a tablet Gr. rirXov Noun fern. PI. def. (masc. form) ]>j<") ^\ 2 Cor. iii. 3; Hebr. ix. 4. Heb. Fft/i Deut. ix. 9. R. Arab. Shone, was bright, polished. Compare Gr. ACVKOS, and Lat. lucere. W. C. 26 202 S. JOHN XIX. 1924. Ver. 19 ..... }_AD, Transl. And it was written thus, This (is) &c. 20. 1^)5, tablet Gr. TOVTIT\OV Nounmasc. def. A board, written tablet. PI. def. jJ6j, Acts xxvii. 44. ,_iO1O|{-Q, read (aff. pleon.) dveyvaxrav See note, ch. i. 23. 21 ..... *OoAl)Z }J , Transl. Write not, tJiat He is the King of the Jews, but V that He said, &c. 23. r-^*^, t each, lit. to one Gr. I/CCXO-TW. ft , -X ^ '' } ' X OU_Z.(1D, His coat Gr. o x tT <"" P-^C1I5 (S. Jude ver. 23), noun fern. def. A tunic, closely fitting under garment, properly of linen. Compare jjAl), ver. 40, below. The etymology of the two words is uncertain. PI. ^i I'lZoa, S. Matt. x. 10, &c. Def. ftljJZaO, Acts ix. 39. See Cowper's Gr. 150 (8). Heb. JTJh|3 and fijh3 , Gen. xxxvii. 3, 23, &c. ; Exod. xxviii. 39. v -.. v : N.B. KOL TOV xtTwva, which is wanting in the Syr., is also wanting in the Sin. MS. *j (Jj, without seam appa^os Noun masc. def. A thread, seam. Some regard it as part. Peil fern, of ^Q_K *4>j, Sewed. Heb. !|H, Gen. xiv. 23. / ' . 7 , woven u^avros Part. Peil fern. def. of f_QJ , Wove. Occurs here only in the N.T. Transl. Now His tunic was without seam from the top, woven all of it. 24. m n,rr> i ^] } let us not rend it /J o-^tcrco/xei/ avrov Fut. 1. pi. with P * T 7 aff. fern, of *DrCD, Tore, cut asunder, divided. Pael %>rQ, same 7 meaning, pret. 3. pi. O3 f rD, Acts xiv. 13; xvi. 22. 7 * * T* m g ^V> *Cdaj, Ze^ ws casi fote Xa^cD/xev Fut. I. pi. and inf. abs. of 7 .pocr>c*> .cr>c*i Drew or cas< fote. Occurs in Peal only here in the N.T. N.B. The above is the reading of the Paris and Lond. Polyglotts : the Vienna and other Eds. read -m<^ i^ Aph. fut. But the verb in Aph. everywhere else signifies gave permission, suffered: and the analogy of the phrase itself points to Q^iJ as the right reading. S. JOHN XIX. 2429. 203 Ver. 24 ..... iaoX^O, Transl. And the Scripture was fulfilled, which said, &c. J My vesture ip.a.Ti*">V (S. Matt. vi. 25, 28, &c.), noun masc. Raiment, garment. PI. def. g. Matt. vii. 15, &c. R. - *^ N Put on raiment. Heb. gfc|lS, Ps. xxii. 19. Chald. B^ftS. Dan. iii. 21; vii. 9. >, the lot nXypov Noun masc. def. PL def. *&<*, Acts i. 26. K. -mme^ .mc^ Cast lots. Transl. These things the soldiers did. -7 7. *T> 28. V^XA (, was accomplished reTeAeorai Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of J>O_L, Completed. Ethpa. Was filled up, perfected, finished. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 'AVnVA -]' Rev. xv. 1. 3. pi. nVrXft *)* .. .7 7 1 S. Luke xxii. 37, where see note : Fern. - V>\A ) ? Acts xix. 21, where the Vienna, in common with some others, reads ^IL.f, Gutbir, nVt^^f. .Fut. ^L 7 Lml, S. Luke ix. 31; xxiv. 44. Fern. ^oSLZ' > (for . t ^c?\L), 2 Tim. iv. 16 __ Inf. Vn\ S. Mark xiii. 4 __ Part. Sn^X V> Rom. xiii. 9. PI. fern. v vn ; S. Luke xviii. 31. 29. PpJb, a> vessel crKeiJo? Def. of tjlb, noun masc. Utensil, article of furniture, or dress, S. Matt. ix. 21, &c. PI. def. ]j'|k), S. Matt. xiii. 48, &c. Constr. i_l]So, S. Mark vii. 4. Compare Heb. 73, Gen. xxxi. 37. Chald. '|tffc, pi. def. , Dan. v. 23; Constr. ^^, ver. 2, 4. -KJ, vinegar o^ous Noun masc. def, here and parallel passages only. * o ^ i* L.Q_2LCD I , a sponge cnroyyov Noun fern. def. from the Greek : occurs only here and parallel passages. , upon hyssop w(r Def. of >)O], noun masc. by aphaeresis of ] from Heb. Ttf Ps. li. 9. w ^0 Bis mouth avrov TW crro/Acm _ isOdS) (S. Matt. xviii. 16), noun masc. Tlie mouth, and metaphorically, the edge of 204 S. JOHN XIX. 2931. Ver. 29. the sword, S. Luke xxi. 24 Def. ]lDO^, S. Matt. xii. 34, &c. PI. def. ]LDO3, Hebr. xi. 33. Heb. HS> P S - cxli - 7, &c. &c. Chald. Q!)3 or QP), Dan. iv. 28; vii. 5 : Mouth or entrance of the den, ch. vi. 1 8. 30. _D5lo, and He bowed Gr. K, S. Luke xxi. 37. Chald. nn D3, Dan. vi. 19. .np V |OT-.iL-J, shining shines, dawns. Part. fern, of OT_HL_J, Shone, was bright. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Zoi-HL_J, S. Luke vi. 13, &c -- Part. CTL-jL_3, S. Matt, xxviii. 1. Heb. p|3X Jb xviii. 5. . 7 7 , might break. Pael fut. 3. pi. of ^Z., Broke. Pa. -f^L, the same. Pret. 3. pi. Oj^Z, ver. 32, 33, below __ Fut. fi2\J __ Part. ^^D, S. Mark v. 4. Heb. Pi. "IS&JJ, Ps. iii. 8. x .. 7 f . o a OTL > n , ^e feg'S (aff. pleon.) rot crxeX^ [fi / noun fern. def. The leg. PI. (masc. form) ^ >' n , def. ]A*. Heb. pi^, Ps. cxlvii. 10. Chald. p^', pi. with aff. Dan. I I T ii 33. , i/tey might take down. Aph. fut. 3. pi. of Ajs*_3, Descended. Aph. AJOJ (Acts xxii. 30), Brought down, let down; with aff. S. Mark xv. 46; S. Luke xxiii. 53. Pret. 3. pi. oAjof, Acts xxvii. 30 -- Fut. Zu!o or A^/JJ. 2. sing. Aja]Z, Acts xxiii. 20 Part. L^D, S. Matt. v. 45; S. Mark xv. 36. Heb. Hiph. JTHpn, imperat. Joel iv. 11. Chald. Aph. and nntf, Deposited, Ezr. v. 15; vi. 1, 5. S. JOHN XIX. 31-38. 205 Ver. 31. Transl. But the Jews, because it was the preparation, said, These bodies shall not remain all night upon the Cross, for the Sabbath is dawning; -for a high day was the day of that Sabbath; and they begged of Pilate that they might break the legs of those crucified, and might take them down. 7 33 ..... OJ_KJ, Transl. They saw that He was dead already, and brake not His legs. So the Sin. MS. * 7 o 7 34. rn_yg\"\ in His side Gr. avrov rrjv irXevpdv P-2)>, noun fern. The .. 7 side, of a man, or of a building. PI. def. |AjL3). Occurs in N.T. here and ch. xx. 25, only. ~e> p -x . |A--2Q-AO, with a spear h-oyxfi Noun fern. def. from the Gr. word: occurs here only. 35 ..... ^!?> Transl. That ye also might believe The Sin. and Alex. MSS. read iva KCU aets .07 j -n . * r 36. fLOt_ii, a bone OOTQW Def. of iOr\i, noun masc. PI. def. po'^.., S. Matt, xxiii. 27; S. Luke xxiv. 39. Heb. Q^;! (i. q. ]$?) only in poetry, Prov. xvii. 22; xxv. 15. Chald/irilj (or tfty, pL with aff. Dan. vi. 25. ^oZAj (J , shall not be broken ou LL\, Was broken. Transl. A bone shall not be broken in Him. 7 7 37. OfJDj, they have pierced e^eKevTrjaav Pret. 3. pi. of f-Oj, Transfixed, smote; with aff. Acts xii. 7. Gr. Trarct^as. Heb. np% Numb. xxv. 8. 38. ]ocjl |ju^SD, was hiding, in secrecy KKpuju.ju,evos Pael part, (forming p x 7 imperf. tense) of (- ^ Lay hidden. Pa. * m J (S. Matt. xxv. 18), Concealed. Pret. 1. sing. A . ^ with aff. pleon. S. Matt. xxv. 25. 3. pi. O i %, Rev. vi. 15 __ Fut. "U^J, 2 sing. }1%L, 77 i H 7 Acts v. 3 __ Imperat. pi. n m C- ^ ev - v ^ 1^ Part. fern. ( * ^V), S. Luke i. 24 __ Part. pass. - - fcv, S. Matt. x. 26, &c. Fern. , ch. xiii. 44. 206 S. JOHN XIX. 3840. Ver. 38. Transl. After these things, Joseph, he who was from Arimathcea, begged of Pilate because he was a disciple of Jesus, and was in secresy from fear of the Jews that he might take away the body of Jesus. .COS)], gave leave iirerp^^v Apliel pret. 3. sing, of -onme^ .mc*^ Cast lots. Aph. Permitted. Fut. XL2LJ, S. Luke viii. 32 -- T. .. 7 T: 7 Imperat. *CQJJ, S. Matt. viii. 21, &c Part. ccL}lo, Acts xxi. 7 7 37 __ Part. pass. OL2i!o, Acts ii. 29. From this conjugation is derived |2.QJ_DQ_LlO, noun fern. def. A commission, permission, Acts xxvi. 12. -" -X P o The Vienna and some other Eds. read |Z.QJLCL2iiD. 39. ]A^JQ_K (or "JA^JQ-*-*), mixture of aromatic herbs, for embalming a corpse Gr. /uyyu-o, Noun fern. def. occurring here only in the N.T. K. 4Lw, Heb. tDJfi, Embalmed, Gen. 1. 2, 3, 26. T t> * y |5oSO), of myrrh oyxvpv^s Noun masc. def. R. JjSo, jio, Was bitter. Heb. lift or -)b, Ps. xlv. 9. 7.7 w_dXl, aloes Gr. aXoijs Noun occurring here only. Heb. THKi only in pi. D^IN, Numb. xxiv. 6; or T T T ~: Ps. xlv. 9. , pounds Xirpas PL of ];_^j, noun borrowed from the Greek. *. 7 40. %_j oZ., Rom. xii. 20. Deriv. ]in-vri noun masc. def. A burier. PL with aff. Acts v. 9. Heb. *")^p, Gen. xxiii. 4, &c. 41. ]oOl iO__DZZ), had been laid ere^r; Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, (forming pluperf. tense) of iOdCD J>dCD , Placed. Ethpe. Was set, appointed, ordained. Pret. 1. sing. AVo . fyJ7f 1 Tim. ii. 7; 2 Tim. i. 11 Put. ^Qj_mZAj, S. Mark iv. 21. 3. pi. v olo_tmZAj, Hebr. x. 13 Inf. QiQX>ZALnX Rev. xi. 9 Part. V>.m7A<^ S. Luke 42. Zocn ]j^L, was entering, drawing on Part. fern, of \Ll> ^!*, Entered. This part, preserves Olaph throughout its inflexions. See note, ch. iii. 4. Transl. And there laid they Jesus, because the Sabbath was drawing on, and because the sepulchre was near. CHAPTER XX. P 7 V 1. (*^ m *"> r---^> on the first day in the week rfj /xia TOJI/ o-a^^arov See note, ch. v. 9. . 7 -ft * 2. A^aiJ, sAe raw Gr. Tpe^ct Pret. 3. sing. fem. of ^^ ( ver - ^)> ^aTt; 7 A * with 5Ao, Followed after, pursued, Rom. ix. 31. Pret. 1. sing. A^OIJ, Gal. ii. 2; Phil. ii. 16. 3. pi. Q- T &c. : Fern. > ^rn\ (or, as some Eds. read, ^_(Jli') S. Matt. xxviii. 8 Fut. ^, 1 Tim. iii 3; Tit. i. 7.-P1. masc. __ t o / were early, Gr. yevoj^evcu 7 1. 7 opOpLai, S. Luke xxiv. 22 Part. pi. OOC7I . V) t o^o came early, Gr. c3p0pie, S. Luke xxi. 38. __ When followed by another verb in the same number, person, and gender, ^O^O (whether in Pe. or Pa.), represents the Gr. irpo or Lat. prce in composition, as D t, 7 in this verse. Other examples in the Gospels are JX1O iOj-Q, S. Mark i 35. 1. sing. Z-iof Ak),jD, S. Matt. xxiv. 25; S. Mark xiii. 23 \ Fut. 2. pi. ^O^.IZ ^^xLDpOZ ]], take no thought before- hand, S. Mark xiii. 11 ; with many similar in the Acts and Epistles. Similarly, part. ]j] ^V]Jl SoViVr^ I foretell, 2 Cor. x 7 1. ~ 7 xiii. 2. PI. .. n . Vn . Vn^Vn in honour preferring, Rom. xii. i 1 " * 7 7 10 Part. pass. _*._;^) (OCTl ^>O,O^O, was foreordained, 1 S. Pet. i. 20. 77,. 77 " Ethpaal ^O f ^D/.j, IFas overtaken, pre-occujned Fut. Gal. vi. 1; 1 Tim. v. 21. Deriv. -s" *> ' .I' 7 i (Z.QSD, OV), noun fern. def. Anticipation. Constr. |Ali,_. the fore-knowledge, Acts ii. 23; IS. Pet. i. 2. Heb. Pi. D^jp, Ps. Ixviii. 26; with accusat. Ixxxix. 15. 1.7 5. Q_i)|, lie looked attentively Gr. TrapaKvi^as (for this meaning of the S. JOHN XX. 515. Ver. 5. Gr. word, compare S. James i. 25; 1 S. Pet. i. 12). Aph. pret. 3. sing, of *O05 *DJ, Attended to, considered, looked into. Pael "7 * 7 .n >*, the same. Fut. 3. pi. .OTljfJ, 1 S. Pet. i. 12 __ same ' . 7 1.7 as Pe. and Pa. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AQ_J| , ver. 11, below -- Part. pass. *O,iO, accurate, well versed in, Acts xviii. 24. ^u_L P __> ^iSo, yet (as for) entering he entered not, i. e. he by no P means entered Gr. ou /xeVroi da-rjXOfv Infin. abs. and pret. IX OO1 *-<"> -I*-') was or had been bound Gr. r/v Part. Peil (forming 7 passive pluperf.) of OV*>, Sound, girded on. Also, from the idea of being girded and prepared, Went away, departed on a journey, S. Matt. xxi. 33; xxv. 14, 15; S. Mark xii. 1; xiii. 34. ft. -x i< _ Fut. *QO]_KJ, 1. sing. *OOl_K|, Acts xxv. 4 __ Imperat. pi. 0_Q01_K, Eph. vi. 14; IS. Pet. i. 13 __ Deriv. o o ^D]_K, noun masc. clef. A bond, Eph. iv. 3; Col. iii. 14. Heb. pTH Was firm, strong, Judg. i. 28. Pi. Strengthened, \ - T bound on a girdle, Isa. xxii. 21. 7.7 . ; 5*" \ separately, aside, by itself- xwpis Adverb, compounded of ^ 7 and ^-^0, a side. See ver. 20, below. * t .. 9. [}L2 ^D,from the Scriptures Gr. rrjv ypa^rjv. 7 7 11 ..... J>Q_flO, Transl. But Mary stood at the sepulchre, and wept. The Sin. and Alex. MSS. omit Zw. 12. jj'Q_KvO, in white garments iv Aevicots PI. def. of 5o_*j (S. Matt. xxviii. 3), adj. White. Def. ]5a>, Rev. i. 14, &c. Fern. def. l2.5oJ!, S. Matt. v. 36; S. Mark xvi. 5. PI. ^^, Rev. i. 14. PI. fern. def. TZiCL.1, Rev. vii. 9, 13. R. 5Q_Ki, Was white. Chald. ^H, Dan. vii. 9. ^">, at His pillows Gr. irpos rfj KefaXfj PI. with aff. of , noun masc. def. A pillow, bolster. Occurs here only. R. *"]D\ placed permutation of _* and | (Castel.) - T . 7 * * I 15. / < ^icn .5 tjOl, but she supposed Gr. eKtiVr?, OOKOVO-O.. w. c. 27 210 S. JOHN XX. 1522. y p jp Ver. 15. O(JI pJLrfij, that lie was the gardener on d /ojTrovpo's eon ]" it, noun masc. def. derived from ]i-t, def. lAj-y., a garden. Occurs here only. 16 ..... "jjlD^O, Transl. And saith unto Him in Hebrew, The word 'EfipditTTi is found after avrw in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. . . \n*"ii } my Master 'Pa/3f3ovvi So the Vienna Ed. and Tremellius. I . 7 . P -X 7 The rest read - ^gr^v (jCLO?, noun masc. def. occurring here only. 17. "v o77 P ? touch not inrj O.TTTOV Ethpaal fut. 2. sing. fern, (for T* y T v** imperat.) of Oj-Q, Drew near, was near, touched. Ethpa. >*^i; OZ.| (S. Matt. xvii. 7), Was brought near, drew (himself) near, was offered, of an oblation, Acts xxi. 26; Hebr. ix. 28. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AojjoZf, S, Luke viii. 44. 3. pi. CL^oZf) S. Matt. xxvi. 50. 2. pi. ^AoJoZf, Hebr.'xii. 18, 22. 1. pi. -pfrfilf, Rom. v. 2 Fut. ^^joAj, Acts v. 13, &c.: Fern. O* Hebr. x. 26; ,i rt-rLll-, ch. xii. 20. 3. pi. ^orDj^Aj, S. Mark iii. 10. 2. pi. ^QT^oLL, 2 Cor. vi. 17. 1. sing. O^Aj, Hebr. iv. 16. _ Imperat. J^JDZ]" Acts viii. 29 __ Inf. no[oAVr>\^ g. Mark ii. 4; S. Luke vi. 19 __ Part. ^dioAk), 1 Tim. vi. 3, &c. PL I 7 l> 7 masc. . ^>- oAVn^ S. Luke xv. 1; coalescing with _ J_K*, Hebr. vii. 19. * 7 19 ..... ^_jj JOO1 r2, Transl. ^wf when it was the evening of that first day of the week, and the doors were shut, &c. 20. 0"lj_^D, His side rr}v ir\evpav O.VTOV ^^CD, def. ]f_jD, noun masc. 7 ^7 The side, extremity, end. Used adverbially, as ; i\m \ ) aside, 7 i> apart, ver. 7, above. ; ftm*^ back, ch. vi. 66, where see note. ^.SD ;-^CD, besides, S. Matt. xiv. 21; xv. 38. Also t^JCDO, and the like, and the rest, et ccetera. Transl. This said He, and shewed them, &c. 7 , He breathed evcvo-r](Te Verb Peal pret. occurring only here in the N.T. Heb. nSJ, Isa. liv. 16. S. JOHN XX. 2326. 211 * f %* Ver. 23 ^nO*'\Z, f , Transl. If ye shall have remitted sins to (any} man, they shall be remitted to him; and if ye shall have retained (the sins) of (any) man, they shall be retained. 24. JOOl JJ, The subst. verb is pleonastic, or merely strengthens the ex- pression. Lit. (As for) Thomas... it was not (the case that) he was there with them. 25. jAjlSOj, the places Gr. TOV TVTTOV See note, ch. v. 2. \ *** "** P * |V J, of the nails rwv ryAcov PI. def. of j , noun masc. def. A nail. Occurs here only in the N.T. i^AJii.O* , my fingers Gr. TOV SCIKTV\OV pov PL (fern, form) with aff. ^7 ., * of ^2f , def. (-^Ot (S. Luke xi. 20), noun fern, (though masc. in form), A finger, and especially the forefinger, used in dipping into anything. PL def. (masc. form) p^. Fern, form def. VA " " * 7 (AL2* . R. ^iJDt , Dipped, tinged. vj sj Heb. JJSXKi Exod. viii. 15; Ps. viii. 4; cxliv. 1. With TOPI, his toes, 2 Sam. xxi. 20. Chald. ^2^ pi. |J?3yi$, Dan. v. 5. Toes, ch. ii. 41, pi. def. and constr. with S*7j*1j ver - 42. Transl. And put my fingers into them. p| v^jQib, / extend, thrust (3d\(a Apli. part, (forming pres. tense subjunct.) of fc4^--j no * used. Aph. v^-o] (S. Matt. xxvi. 51), Stretched out. Pret. 2. pi. ^pA^o] , S. Luke xxii. 53 Imperat. *4-o], ver. 27, below Part, (as such) S. Matt. vii. 9, 10. Heb. Hiph M5Tli Esth. iv. 11, &c. 26. (, >.V)Z, eight OKTW Numeral masc. .7 , within rco Adverb, compounded of _1 and Q-., noun masc. def. |Q-ti, The inner part, midst, with aff. S. Matt, xxiii. 26. With pref. *O, Q_.t^3, in the midst of, through, S. Mark xi. 16: Vs. 7 . i> with aff. S. Luke xix. 44; xxi. 21; xxiv. 32. Q_^_^ _lo, adv. ^ i> 7 - within, inwardly, S. Matt. vii. 15; xxiii. 27, 28; _Lo O u - - , prep, with aff. within you, S. Luke xi. 39; xvii. 21. Compare Chald. ^J3> ^Jl3> in the midst of, or simply in, 212 S. JOHN XX. 2631. Ver. 26. Dan. iii. 25; iv. 7; vii. 15. fcfljp, into, ch. iii. G, 11, 15. J$i;Tf/D> out of the midst, ch. iii. 26. 27. ..k..d_, L.ID , iVzfo J/?/ M '^ e k r n v T^- ev pav /xou ^-\t> def. l^\t ( cn - ^ ^ .j P 7 No 7 xxi. 6), T^e side or joari of a person or object. |j.Lo,-Q H^-UI . p f \ *i 7 the fore part, and JLat^a] f^-u. ^ ie hinder part, of a ship, Acts T>7 1 "" * 7 1 * ? " xxvii. 41. PI. def. t^L/.. (jt_y)> H^-U ^> of the party, sect, of the Pharisees, Acts xxiii. 9. p 7 7 * p P 29. . . iA .] K.^ [jOI, now that thou hast seen Me Gr. on ewpcxKas /AC tafia is wanting in the Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS. \ -] I ^OTLj.^Q_^, blessed are they lit. their blessings to those Gr. naKapLoi, ol PI. with aff. of *C)Q_ def. ^5Q_^ (S. Luke i. 48), Good, goodness; happiness, blessedness. PI. *"^ ^ , constr. .. 7 -x l< * __OQ_, def. [ii)Q_fe. Used in the pi. with affixes, in signification as above, and followed (except in the 2nd pers.) by X. Ex. 7 * * * ' x _iOlCLC)Q_, blessed is he, S. Matt. xi. 6, &c. O"l__OCL4, blessed is she, S. Luke i. 45; xi. 27; and 1 Cor. vii. 40, where X is not 7 * needed. ^ i rpn j , blessed art thou, S. Matt. xvi. 17; S. Luke 1> 7 > xiv. 14. ^,_. ^Q-^ , blessed are ye, S. Matt. v. 11, &c. Cogn. Heb. ^!)J3, Goodness, Ps. xxv. 7, &c. TFe^/are, Prov. xi. 10: and H!lit3> fern. Ps. xvi. 2. Compare also the use of Heb. ^E>K, Ps. i. 1; Deut. xxxiil 29; Prov. xiv. 21; xxix. 18; Isa. xxxii. 20. - * o .0 31 ^ Noi ^)j, Transl. But these also that are written (are} that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and (that) when ye have believed, ye may have in His Name the life that is for ever. The Sin. MS. and Codex Bezse read wr;Y S. JOHN XXI. 37. 213 CHAPTER XXI. 3. p'OJ JO], that I may catch (to catch) fish Gr. aXieuav Fat. 1. sing. of ?o* Jt , Hunted, snared game, fish; caught by guile, plotted against. Pret. 3. pi. OJ, in this verse; S. Luke v. 9. 2. pi. V?H, ver. 10, below -- Fut. JO^J, 3. pi. ^OjO^J, with aff. S. Matt. xxii. 15; S. Mark xii. 13 Part, jl ^, S. Luke v. 10 __ Ethpeel fjtZZ.], Was snared, taken, Rev. xix. 20. Pret. 3. pi. CV-^ZrC 2 Tim. ii. 26. Heb. *fi, Gen. xxxvii. 3; Ps. cxl. 12. .... (LQ_2UO, Transl. And they went forth and embarked on the ship. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit wOvs. 7 \\ 7 4. ,_ ^L, by the side (hand) of- on Gr. eis. Compare Heb. Tvtyj ExO( *- ij - 5 - 7 . 1 1> 5. .tr> v\Vr>\ ^0,^0, anything to eat Gr. TL 7rpo JiD (in this * O * O * o verse) noun fern. A net. PI. def. )2r*&J S - Matt - iv - ls i S - * O Mark i. 16. R. 3Ot 3 , Caught. Heb. TOfc Eccles. vii. 26. ^^p, Job xix. 6; and fern. miXtt, Eccles. ix. 12; m^fii Ezek.'xii. 13. T ; T ; (_L_i_li_5 ]*^ .. y > on ^e right side, lit. from the side which (is) the right. Gr. is TO. 8e|ta /u.epi;. ]] ,.r> m _!iD, from (for) the multitude airo rov TrX^ovs Noun masc. ^^ ^ O I def. Greatness, abundance. R. ( .. _cp or * * - tt cri , Increased. Transl. ^inc^ i/ie?/ cast, and were not able to draw the net, for the multitude of the fishes which it contained. 7. } '^?; V naked yv/xi/o's Def. of u^l^r^ ( S - Matt - xxv - 38 ) ad j- I"A ^f ""l 7 A . \ v ; Ja?'e grain, 1 Cor. xv. 37. PL masc. * ^dt S S. James ii. 15; coalescing with _ J_K>, 1 Cor. iv. 11. Deriv. , noun fem. def. Nakedness, Rom. viii. 35; 2 Cor. xi. 27. 214 S. JOHN XXI. 712. Ver. 7. Transl. And the disciple, he whom Jesus loved, said unto Peter, This is our Lord. But Simon, when he heard that it was our Lord, took his tunic, and girded his loins, (for he was naked) and cast himself into the sea, that he might come to Jesus. The last clause is not in the original, but seems to have been supplied by the Syr. Translator from S. Matt. xiv. 29. 7 x 7 .ij far Gr. /xa/cpav PI. of tQ_k_Kt5 (S. Matt. xv. 8, &c.), adj. .0 X 7 Distant, remote, used of place and time. Def. (ft , S. Luke . 17 xv. 13. Fern. (<"> .*, S. Matt. xiv. 24. PI. coalescing with ,_I_K, 2 Cor. x. 11. Def. ](V> ^3, Eph. ii. 17. Form of part. Peil from *Q_o5, Heb. piT"l> Was distant. \ ~ T Heb. pim, Gen. xxxvii. 18. Chald. p'm, Ezr. vi. 6. , very. Adj. Much, abundant, here used as an adverb. See note, ch. xvi. 12. x .7 . p .7 . .7 ^.* V?(, cw&ifc Tnjxwv Pl. of pO|, noun fern, .4 cubit. Def. |ASo|, S. Matt. vi. 27; S. Luke xii. 25. PI. of masc. form. Heb. fifiX, Gen. vi. 15: PI. JTlDK, Ezek. xlii. 2. Chald. pl- p&N, Dan. iii. 1; Ezr. vi. 3. .... ^_I,_HL_JO, Transl. And were dragging that net of fishes. 9. j'r^^t* coals Gr. dv6paKidv PI. def. (masc. form.) of ];iDCLi., def. U&, 5QSQ-., A live coal. Occurs (in N.T.) only here and Rom. xii. 20. ^ . ^ PQ-J} fish Gr. o(j/dpiov, as also in the next verse See note, ch. vi. 9. 11. jj-DQ_, weight Noun masc. def. A burden. PI. _y.CQ_, Hebr. 71 xii. 1. R. ;J2_j, Was heavy. A_ij_ j fj, was not broken OVK Ifr^Lvdr) Ethpaal pret. 3. sing. fern. of p., Cut, tore, rent asunder. Ethpa. ^.^2.], Was torn. Pret. 3. pl. fern. "U^f> S. Matt, xxvii. 51 __ Part. fern. ]1|^^D, S. Luke v. 6. Pl. fern. liZ^lo, S. Matt. ix. 17: 1 Tim. v. 11. ^ l" 1 2. O5 AJ j, dine, more properly, breakfast dpLa-T^a-are Ethpaal imperat. pl. of ];_, Loosed. Ethpa. .^5A^1 (S. Markvii. 35), Was loosed, was freed from hunger, partook of a meal (]2.0;- , Gr. dpLcrrov, S. JOHN XXI. 1217. 215 Ver. 12. that which breaks a fast.) Pret. 3. pi. Q_5A^1, ver. 15, below __ Put. ]5A^J, S. Luke xi. 37. Cliald. Ithpa. K*in2^tf> Was loosed. Part. pi. masc. Dan. v. 6. N.B. Although this verb, as also ]Zo;_ and Gr. apiarov, primarily refer to an early meal, yet they are also used of meals taken at a later hour, or banquets to which guests are invited. Compare S. Matt. xxii. 4; S. Luke xi. 37, 38; xiv. 12. 1 " 1i ' * IOCH >j;V)V), dared, durst ^eroX/xa Aphel part, (forming imperf. 7 7 .7 tense) of oojlo, Was bold. Aph. o^jio| (S. Matt. xxii. 46, jtio|, S. Luke xx. 40 -- Inf. Q_K>;V)V?\, to usurp authority, 17 7 1 Tim. ii. 12 -- Part. pi. masc. ^_*_KjiQk), coalescing with i *, 2 Cor. x. 12. Deriv. -F1P7 , noun masc. def. A bold, presumptuous person. PI. def. 2 S. Pet. ii. 10: and AJ^^D, adv. Boldly, Rom. xv. 15. Transl. But none of the disciples durst, ask Him who He was, for they knew that He was our Lord. ^ 13 ..... iD;_Q, Transl. But Jesus came near, and took bread, and fish, and gave to them. --C -XL 15. . > \ >, >. \3, feed for Me Gr. /SoWe (so also ver. 17; but in ver. 16, Trot'/xaive.) _ Imperat. of p5 Fed or tended cattle, sheep, &c. whence Was kind to, cared for, ruled .Fut. P;J, Rev. ii. 27, &c. ; with 7 aff. pleon. S. Matt. ii. 6 __ Imperat. pi. CLL5, 1 S. Pet. v. 2 __ Inf. Ki^f>\ S. Luke xv. 15 __ Part. ]!, S. Luke xvii. 7. Def. ]^ vi, used as a noun, see note, ch. x. 2. Fem. ]1^5, S. Matt. viii. 30, &c. PI. masc. <_-JJ, S. Matt. viii. 33; S. Mark v. 14. Heb. ny*1 Gen. xxxvii. 2. 7 ft p .7 17. AJ| ^QILKJ AJ|, Thou knowest or) oTSas Part, (forming pres. tense) ~ 7 ~ of 2>QILKj, Knew, was ivise, skilled in: with aff. S. Matt. i. 25. Fut. JXI^LKKJ __ Part. Peil Sn.n^ S. Luke i. 34 __ Pael Made wise. Fut. 3. pi. ^oloa^J, with aff. 2 Tim. iii. 15. 21G S. JOHN XXL 17, 18. Ver. 17. Heb. E^fi, Prov. vi. 6. Pi. Ps. cxix. 98. T kjZcLQJ, My sheep TO. 7rpof3a.Tci pov (in the foregoing verse rendered . . *~>y^) PI. with aff. of ( O 1 (Acts viii. 32), noun fern. A sheep, fc''' o 7 .. . o especially for sacrifice. PI. def. (Z.OO 1. R. (fi v Slew. Pa. . . ni t Offered a libation, sacrificed. Ethpaal . . o i/] part. ]j] ]n.iAVr> 3 I am offered, aWi/So/mi, Phil. ii. 17; 2 Tim. iv. 6. f y, .7 18 ..... -r ^^ ^ Aj|, Transl. Thou for thyself girdedst thy loins. . 7 " Ao|Dj [So, w/4671 thou art old o-rav y^pacrgs Aphel pret. 2. sing. (for Acjpbjj) of *d|lD, Was old, grew old. Aph. cd^CD], Became old. ^tmlo or a]fiDO, Hebr. viii. 13. The Par. and Lond. Polygl. read Peal in both places, viz. AjDJIDj and ^)lX)O. Heb. ifef, 1 Sam. xii. 2. -{f> - **>? , thou shalt stretch forth cxrevcts Fut. 2. sing, of ft ft **> (S. Matt. viii. 3), Extended, expanded. Pret. 1. sing. A^_*^>, Eom. x. 21 __ Fut. .^o QM __ Tmperat. v^O ^, S. Matt. xii. 13, &c -- Part. Peil -ft ^^ def. ( ^ ^^ stretched out to view, right, simple; used as an adj. Col. iii. 22; Hebr. i. 8. Fern. Vfc* <*, S. Matt. vi. 22; S. Luke xi. 34. PL masc. clef. ^ .. * (.^.i >, ^7ie simple, Rom. xvi. 18. Heb. tOK^iD intrans. /Spread out to attack, as troops, followed by -ty, 7N, or 3, Job i. 17: 1 Sam. xxvii. 8; 2 Chrou. xxv. 13. *- : *! y Y >*~10,1, s/i^ carry i/iee Gr. oura Aphel fut. 3. sing, with aff. of ^r^j, Arab. Flowed copiously. Pael v^ t/ Led. Ethpaal ^r:ijZ], Was conveyed, once, Acts vii. 45 Aph. ^)o], Led, carried, conveyed away, with aff. Rev. xvii. 3. 3. pi. 0X00], Acts v. 10; with aff. S. Matt. xxvi. 57, &c __ Fut. ^iOJ, Acts ix. 21. 3. pi. ^oXooj, 1 Cor. xvi. 3 __ Iinperat. ^)o], Acts xxiii. 17. PI. oVAn^ w ith aff. S. Mark xiv. 44 __ Part. ^>QlO, Rom. xv. 31: Fern. UoQ&, S. Matt. vii. 13, 14. .7 " PI. masc. ^ i \noV>, S. Luke xxiii. 26 __ From this verb in its simplest form is derived S. JOHN XXI. 1825. 217 1% P *. Ver. 1 8. (lOCLi , noua masc. def. That which flows from, posterity, order. PI. def. Urbcu , S. James iii. 6. Heb.*Hiph. ^IVl, ? ** 11, &c. Hoph. ^H, Ps. xlv. 15, 16. and dei-iv. 7^lV> -^ stream, Jerem. xvii. 8. Chald. Aph. blTI. Ezr - v - !4; vi - 5 - 7 o 24 QJO1, Transl. This is the disciple which testified of all these things, and also wrote them. ..7 7 1> 25. _*OU1 ^-i^AsALo, , noun fern. Birth, genealogy, descent. i\ i R. , xj, Gave birth to. Compare Heb. n^T/iJ-l *")D> Gen. v. 1. . v .. . f T -h I 2. |Ao|, begat eyeVv^crc Aphel pret. 3. sing, of , \ >, Brought forth. r 7 . -7 . >3? _Lo 1,-^OJ, hath begotten us again, 1 S. Pet. i. 3 -- Pret. 1. sing. ZrXo], with aff. 1 Cor. iv. 15 __ Part. ? \nVn ; pi. masc. I. 7 ^XoVi engender, give rise to, 2 Tim. ii. 23. Heb. Hiph. YSiiT Gen. v. 4. <>T*- }*1 7 * 6. U3o|j OlZ.Aj| ^.Lo, of (from) the wife of Uriah Gr. CK rrjs TOV Ovpiov. 11. |Z.O\ Ur^->, in the captivity Gr. CTTI rrys /LteroiKecrias Def. of ("> \.. noun fern. A carrying away captive, exile. R. |1-., Laid open, bare : made a land bare of inhabitants, i. e. emigrated, or was led into exile, as Heb. nSjl, 2 Kings xvii. 23, &c. S. MATTHEW I. 1118. 219 Ver. 11. Heb. fiJ, 2 Kings xxv. 27. Chald. KJtl 03, children of T T T " ; the captivity, exiles, Dan. ii. 25; v. 13; Ezr. vi. 16. P 7 P 7 17. JAD'^, Ae generations at yeveai PI. clef, of p^r-*, noun fern. .4 progeny, race, family, tribe. Def. (Ao ; ch. xi. 16, &c. PI. 07 * _O'^, Acts xxvi. 7; S. James i. 1. R. ^r-, Was dried up. IN 7 Pa. vO;_ , Dried up, drained, hence cultivated the soil, built cities. T> . e 7 Hence also ^;- def. to;-*, noun masc. ^ cfeed, event, history. . fl 7 f> .7 T* P Vj * 7 . P 7 (*"\- \ OLLjOJ, he related the event; (JOT |Z.Q-^!iD) CTLi;_, Z^e history of this calamity. (Bar Hebrseus.) Compare Heb. 3*l&^, -4 <7r?/ desert, Isa. xxxv. 7: heat of the TT sun, ch. xlix. 10. i> i> 7 .7 7 7 ,7 jym voijj fourteen ScKareWapcs Fern, of -m vo>j ; card, number. 7 7 l^ 7 Another form is ;rr> vAoij Acts xxvii. 27, 33. *t 7 ^ * m. 9 y 18. rrij \ . ; ; p/ace o/" /its Jir^A, i.e. birthday, ch. xiv. 6. PL x. y V" x _,_^j, with aff. 1 Tim. ii. 15. R. , \ ; Bore children. Heb. "I/*, One born, a child, Gen. xxi. 8. A young man, ch. iv. 23, answering to &J^&$ in the preceding clause. .. t> p x Z.OCTI j; v nVn s/ig t^as espoused Gr. /xv^o-rev^eioT^s Part. Peil fern. 7 . * (forming imperf. tense) of ^nLD. Espoused. Pret. 1. sing. / ; ^ V> ^ with aff. 2 Cor. xi. 2 __ Part. Peil fern. def. "fZjjJllo, with aff. his espoused wife, S. Luke ii. 5. Heb. *1^D, &>&/, Ps. xliv. 13. Betrothed a daughter, Gen. T xxxi. 15. ^aaZoAjtJ, they came together Gr. ZoAZ" I Cor. x. 21, &c. 1. pi. ibflSoiaJ, Hebr. xii. 10 Inf. oaZo^a^nN, 1 Tim. vi 18 Part ^alo^aV), 2 S. John ver. 11. PI. masc. >, Acts ii. 42, &c. found evpe'0T7 Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fern, of 7 7 _T ^, Found. Etbpe. _KKsAjj (S. Luke ix. 36, &c.), JFas found. Pret. 2. sing. AKK^A*], S. Luke xix. 17. 1. sing. , Rom. x. 20. 3. pi. OAOA^f, Acts i. 10. 1. pi. ! Gal. ii. 17 Fut, ^o^oA^J, Hebr. iv. 1, &c.: Fern. (without final _i) **DLL, 2 S. Pet. iii. 10; Rev. xviii. 21. 1. sing. _K^Aj'f, 2 Cor. xii. 20; Phil. iii. 9. 3. pi. 2 Cor. xi. 12. 2. pi. ^Qj^L^, 2 S.Pet. iii. 14. 1. pi. Acts xxvii. 29; 2 Cor. v. 3 Part. .^nAvA 1 Tim. iii. 2, &c. PI. masc. ^^^ ^, 1 Cor. xv. 15. PI. fern. ^^^ V>, Phil. i. 19. Chald. Ithpe. rOW/T Dan. ii. 35, &c. Ezr. vi. 2. \ "* ? ; with child Gr. iv yacrrpi t^ovcra Fern, of ^*^ ; Pregnant, .7 * a verbal noun used in place of the regular part, of 5^, A.L.^3, Conceived. Fut. . i 1 (^2., ver. 23, below Part. f. U-6^> S. James i. 15 Def. of the verbal noun, ]Al_^2, or, according to Castel, ]Al_&^, 1 Thess. v. 3. The Vienna and some others read l&L&O. PL ^L^, S. Luke xxi. 23. Def. l&L&i, S. Matt, xxiv. 19; S. Mark xiii. 17. 7 7 19. 01 >.Cn; \ I?, to (that he should) disgrace her, make her a public ex- ample avTrjv TropaSety/AaTtcrat Pael quadrilit. (or Pali see Cow- per's Gr. 97) fut. 3. sing, with aff. of ifiPjA, Spread out. S. MATTHEW I. 1923. 221 V * f * Ver. 1 9. - . m f <^i f (Col. ii. 15), Laid bare, put to shame __ Ethpali - J f 1 * 7 A * TFflS disgraced. Part. fern. ^_CD^Ak5, Acts xix. 27. A .] ^.V> ; primly Xa#pa Adverb, pointed also A_>] i j^f), and 1 V > X AJ|A*k4lO, Acts xvi. 37. E. ( , Zay hid. X Transl. j5w Joseph... was a just man, and was not willing... and ivas minded, &c. 20. ]i>Q^.K>J2, in a dream KO.T oi-ap Def. of S"S t noun masc. A dream. PI. def. ]loX>J, Acts ii. 17. R. ^solL^*, Dreamed. Heb. trf?rt, Gen. xx. 3, &c. Chald. D^H, def. NftSpl, -; V T ; V Dan. ii. 4, &c. 1 7 21. w_iCTlQ__K>J , //e s/iW save (aff. pleon.) crwo-et Aph. fut. 3. sing. See note, S. John v. 21. 22. r-*-^> ^y ^ te Awo? o/*, by Gr. 8ia. * * Transl. Now all this that was done (was) that that which (j ^0,1) was spoken . . . might be fulfilled. 23. jA_loAo, the Virgin t] 7rap6lvo<; Def. of JJoAiD, noun fern. A virgin, lit. one kept separate, apart from men. PI. def. (masc. form, as P **. referring to men) Rev. xiv. 4. PI. fern. __loA}, S. Matt. xxv. 1. Def. ]AXoA>, ver. 7, 11. R. ^Al3, Arab. Separated. Heb. rfWlS, Gen. xxiv. 16. T : N.B. The def. state here accurately represents the Gr. Article; the passage being correctly quoted from the LXX., who have as correctly rendered the Heb. nft/VHj I sa - y ii- 14. So also the T . K. -f Versions of Aquila, Theodotion, and Symmachus. . - i 5 . shall be with child Gr. lv yacrrpt c^ei See note, ver. 18, ft above. ' , is interpreted /Aeflep/r^vevo/Aei/ov Ethpaal part, of Expounded, declared, translated into a foreign tongue. Quadri- lateral, and like all others of this class, of Pael form. Deriv. ., Interpretation, with aff. pleon. Acts i. 19. Heb. D^ft, part. pass. Ezr. iv. 7. 222 S. MATTHEW I. 23, 25. II. 18. Ver. 23. tOtl^x V ^>S with us (is) our God Gr. p.eO' ^/xwv o cos. 25. 5 1^A until cws ov See note, S. John ii. 7. "\lsQ^ , first-born TOV Trpwrdro/cov Noun masc. def. PI. def. "j' Hebr. x.i. 28; xii. 23. R. f^3, Arab. Was first, early, rose early. Heb. TD3, Gen. xlix. 3. i * * / Z.;-Q, s/te called e/ca CHAPTER IT. 1. ]^Q_^_LD, the Magi, Wise Men /xayoi Noun pi. def. applied only to the Eastern Magi. The word /xayo?, used of a sorcerer, is rendered U- p 7 f_*j, Acts xiii. 6, 8. . 7 T 7 ( ... \^ ^-SiO, from |. Heb. pl'lTlb, Ps. ciii. 12. T; T .r 2 nn > j ; Transl. TFAere is the King of the Jews, who is born ? 7 . >>j 77 D7 OTdDQID, His star avroC TOV aore'pa *mOQIj, def. joonn (ver. 7, 9, 10), noun masc. A star, cluster of stars, constellation. PI. def. ]nDQ.D, ch. xxiv. 29, &c. Heb. ^312j I* s - y iii- 4; Gen. xxxvii. 9. 6. iAjO01 \j, wast not Gr. ov8a/x,ws cT. fl -ft v_CTKlj_LjJ, s/ia^ rw^e, lit. s7*aW feed Trot/xavet See note, S. John xxi. 15. * 7 ,_*,_ O~l, Transl. Then Herod privily called the Magi, and learned from them in what time the star appeared to them. t> 7 7 8. nnnS, search ^erao-are Pael imperat. pi. of -^nv^ Trod, followed in the footsteps. Pa. ^<^S (ver. 16, below) Enquired carefully, 7 investigated. Pret. 1. sing. AndL, with aff. S. Luke xxiii. 14. 3. pi. onns, 1 s. Pet. i. 10 Fut. .^r>yi, 3. pi. S. MATTHEW II. 816. 223 Ver. 8. S. Luke xxii. 23 __ Part. pi. - ovVo Acts xvii. 27 __ Ethpa. part. *HQAAk) ]], unsearchable, Eph. iii. 8. PI. fern. ^AnvAVp j] } Rom. xi. 33. Derived noun, . (o on v Question, investigation, 1 Cor. x. 25, 27. Heb. ipJ7, Supplanted, Gen. xxvii. 36. Pi. Hp^ -ffeW back, Job xxxvii. 4. A_] fr ^ y, diligently a/ fa r exceeding cr their treasures TOUS Orja-avpovs avrwv PI. def. with aff. of (Vn . rf> (def. jAVn . m ch. xiii. 44, &c.), noun fern, properly, A deposit; of form part. Peil from xOQTD JxiCD, Deposited. Constr. . f 7 .. 7 i ( ^ *"> AVn . m } the position, i. e. adoption of sons, Gr. vioOea-ia, Rom. viii. 15, 23, &c. PL def. lW'm c h. vi. 19, 20, below. "i * r (^Olj, ^oW xpvo-oV Noun masc. def. Heb. iHTi Ps- xix. 11. Chald. iTHi T>an. ii. 32. Def. NITT, ver^S, &o. T ; 1 Ajn *~i \ , frankincense Xifiavov Def. of paoX, uoun fern. Heb. fttfcn, Isa. Ix. 6. From fib, White; the purest - \ T ; ITT frankincense being white, or pale yellow. 12 ..... _*I_KJ |C5> Transl. And it was revealed to them in a dream, that... and by another way they departed to their country. * . 13 ..... OO1 j-Al., For Herod intends to seek, will seek Gr. /xe'AAei yap, K. T. A. See note, S. John iii. 14. 7 7 ..1< 16. ooV^ ! he was mocked l^Trai^Orj Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of o^V^ 77 1 (not used), Pa. wK>V^, Deluded, derided. Ethpa. part. 1 Cor. vii. 36; Gal. vi. 7. , he was wroth tOvpudT] Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of Was angry. Ethpa. part. AlQ-KAk), S. Luke xiii. 14. PL >, ch. xi. 53; Acts iv. 2. 224 S. MATTHEW II. 1622. Ver. 16. ^^D, slew aveTXe Pael pret. 3. sing, of i^-Q, Slew. Pa. Murdered, massacred. Pret. 3. pi. Cul^O, ch. xxii. 6, &c._ Fut. ^^QJ, 3. pi. ^olsu^QJ, Acts xxvii. 42 -- Imperat. pi. ; S. Luke xix. 27. Chald. Pa. Sftp, Dan. ii. 14; iii. 22. Zj the coasts thereof rols opiots auxins PI. with aff. fern, of , noun masc. A limit, boundary. Def. jiJDQ_KZ, ch. iv. 13. PL def. t*XLwZ, ch. xv. 22. R. ^QjoZ, Pa. Ul*oZ, Limited, set bounds to. 18. ] ">'"', weeping /c\av0/xo's Noun masc. def. R. J11O, Wept. Heb. ^2, Gen. xlv. 2; Jerem. xxxi. 15. N.B. This passage is quoted (with altered construction) from the LXX., who accurately render the Hebrew, Jer. xxxi. 15. But the Vulgate has only ploratus et ululatus multus ; and the Sinaitic and Yat. MSS. omit Opfjvos KO.L. ] i . >\ mourning oSup/xos Noun masc. def. occurring here only. K. ]J], Lamented. n] V o/\ < v0\, to be comforted irapa.KX-r)9-!]va.t Ethpaal inf. of ( >,,,Q. .yv * 5- v . Pa. HU^, Consoled. Ethpa. (^.P4(, Received comfort. Pret. 3. pi. o) * -oZ.') ; Acts xv. 31; and o >] . ^7] J c h. xxvii. 36. 1. pi. , 1 Thess. iii. 7 __ Fut. V-^Aj, 1 Cor. xiv. 31. 3. pi. , S. Matt. v. 4. 2. pi. ^pl^ZZ" 2 Cor. i. 6. 1. pi. , Rom. i. 12 __ Imperat. pi. d'j.LoZ')* 2 Cor. xiii. 11 . I 7 7 Part. pi. masc. .( . ^AVt 2 Cor. vii. 13; coalescing with . ,1 *j, ch. i. 4, 6. 20. ^OOlX oA_clO, 7 Ver. 1. |i,VnvVn ; the Baptist d /Jaimonfs Noun masc. def. formed K 7 7 from r kHLo, Aph. part, of ,^f>S Was ivashed, baptized. 10 7 O01 l^^lOO, and he preached Gr. Krjpva-o-Mv Aph el. part, (forming ~ * * i 7 imperf. tense) of ]^i, Proclaimed. Aph. lf.2|, in the Title to 1> .7 S. John's Gospel; Acts iii. 18, &c. Pret. 1. sing. Zlj^j, Acts xx. 25, &c. 3. pi. OU^f, S. Mark xvi. 20. 1. pi. 'tyof, 2 Cor. xi. 4 Fut. Ijluj, S. Matt. xii. 18, &c. 1. sing. lf.o], S. Mark i. 38. 3. pi. ^OlfHJ, ch. iii. 14. 1. pi. l^HJ, Acts x. 42 __ Imperat. ipf, 2 Tim. iv. 2. PI. Ol^l", S. Matt. x. 7, 27 : S. Mark xvi. 15 Inf. l r ^V>\ S. Matt. iv. 17, oZ, ^^L, Returned, was converted, was penitent. Pret. 3. pi. QpZi ch. xi. 20, 21, &c Fut. ^oAj, Acts xvii. 30: Fern. ^oLL, Rev. ii. 21. 2. sing. ^oZZ, ver. 5. 3. pi. ^O^oAj, S. Mark vi. 12. 2. pi. ^dOoZZ, S. Luke xiii. 3, 5 __ Imperat. *OoZ, Acts viii. 22 __ Part. ^fZ", S. Luke xv. 7, 10, &c. PI. -A .7^ c h. xvi. 30. Heb. i|gf, Ps. xxii. 28. Chald. ^H, Dan. iv. 31. 33. . 7 .. I .7 _ . 3. - _,rnn\ . -^ \ His paths (_i of the object) ras rptySous avroS PI. with aff. of VV>^, def. )1 . ^ (Gal. vi. 16; Phil. iii. 16. Gr. ^\ * .. Kavan'), noun masc. ^4 way, rule. PL def. (JL_.d., S. Luke iii. 4. R. \\n., Pa. \L.I (Cogn. ^Qu), Conducted. Heb. ^3$, Ps. Ixxvii. 20. 4 ..... _5 O01, Transl. ^\ r oio he, John (the same John) his raiment was, &c. w. c. 29 226 S. MATTHEW III. 4, 5. Ver. 4. jllci?, of camels Gr. K ap.ij\ovP]. clef, of -\i> def. ch. xix. 24, &c. Heb. ^3, Gen. xxiv. 10, &c. T T "j'Lw f^BJ", a girdle of the loins Gr. &vr)v J^D], noun nmsc. A cincture, anything that confines. Def. ]iS>], the string of his tongue, Gr. o Seo-fio's, S. Mark vii. 35. R. J^D] , Sound. For V^> see n te, S. John xiii. 4. >^ of skin, leathern Gr. Sep/xaTtvijv Noun masc. def. The skin, as being stretched over the body. PI. def. *)") V), Hebr. xi. 37. R. - *^, Heb. Extended. 7 7 1 ' 7 o, foci^s d/c/n'Ses PI. def. of V?D, def. LViO, J. locust. R. (according to some) Heb. T*Dp> Gathered in handfuls, collected. But probably of Persian origin. . P -H 7 ( ^^ 7to?ze?/ /xe'Xt Def. of __d>, noun masc. Heb. Bf'a, Ps. xix. 11. desert Gr. ayptov Def. of ;JD, noun masc. TAe outside, with aff. pleon. ch. xxiii. 25; S. Luke xi. 39. Def. Afield, desert, uncultivated ground. Used also (1) as a preposition, Outside, as i> a .i> 7 tail r^?> &0W (w/w dwelt] outside houses, i. e. lunatics, S. Matt. . 7 . iv. 24. (2) with pref. _^, as an adverb, ,'*^> \, Out, to the outside, ch. xiii. 48; xxvi. 75; S. John vi. 37. Out, on the outside, S. Matt. xxvi. 69; S. Luke xi. 40. (3) As a compound preposition, <_k) i^X Except, S. Matt. v. 32 : Out of, ch. xxi. 17. (4) As a 7 * compound adverb, ^*^\ ^n. Outwardly, ch. xxiii. 27, 28. Heb. *)3, once, Job xxxix. 4. They grow up in the field. Auth. Vers. with corn. Chald. *"!, def. J$13, Dan. ii. 38; iv. 18, 22, 29. 707 70 5. _i9,_KO, that (is) round about Gr. 77 Trept^wpos _ji,->.j, adv. of the form of a noun masc. pi. constr. Around, near. With affixes, 70 . -T, l> , around Him, S. Mark iii. 32: CTUJiK*, fera. around S. MATTHEW III. 511. 227 y P Ver. 5. it, sc. the fire, S. Luke xxii. 55: _.5,_KJ, around us, S. Mark vi. 36; S. Luke ix. 12. R. 5,^, Surrounded. Compare Heb. ffin~*Tin> the chambers of the South, Job IT- ; - ix. 9. Also fiS TOT, the sides of the North, Ps. xlviii. 3. I T .. . ._ 1! 7 . * 30TJ _J>5o.j.D, in the river Jordan Iv r<3 'lopSdvy Trora/xw, Sin. and Vat. MSS. .*> Tl . > . 1> -p 7. Pr^l?, of vipers *x"^<3j/ PI. def. of p^l (Acts xxviii. 3, 5) noun com. gender. The words in construction with it in the verses cited are feminine. * ! i ^ ? t \" * ^ i 8. |Z.OO_A_^, for repentance Gr. -rifc /xeravotas Def. of d.*"^ \L, noun fern. A returning, penitence, conversion R. OoZ ^Z, Returned. 9 |jO, ac? ^Ain^; ?io< and (nor) say Gr. KCU /u.i} SO'^TC Xeyetv. Future used for imperative. j P 10. kir- 3 ) ^ ie aa;e ^ a|iv?7 Noun masc. def. occurring here and S. Luke iii. 9, only. ];.Q\, the root rijv pi,av Noun masc. def. PI. 'V" v ; def. V^dL, with aff. Col. ii. 7. R. ;^>\ Rooted up. Chald. "ijjy, Dan. iv. 12, 20. ) V\ -*);, o/" <7te trees TWV ScVS/jwv PI. def. of ]^ \ ] (in this verse) i . " .. x noun masc. PL _jJl_i|, S. Jude ver. 12. Heb. p^X, Gen. xxxv. 8: and H/^, ch. xii. 6, An oak. .omg^iAVn i s hewn down e/cKOTrreTat Ethpeel part, of .o mc^ J (7wi off. Ethpe. nC1^2/| (Acts xxvii. 20), Was cut off or down. Pret. 3. pi. fern. " Arn^7^ R e v. xx. 4. 11. ' m ^> (followed by ^.V?), mightier icrxvporepo? Adj. Strong, *. o i ? powerful, violent. Def. p__CD_K, ch. xii. 29, &c. PL masc. x .. IV 7 . .. x ? . i i.rrii.., coalescing with ^ ^ ; 1 Cor. x. 22. Def. p_*_DD_K, 2 Cor. i. 10. PL fern. <_ilmL, ch. x. 10. Of form part. Peil of _CQ_*j, Was powerful. Heb. H, Ps. Ixxxix. 9. 228 S. MATTHEW III. 1114. Ver. 11. pVA m V>\ to bear /foorao-cu Aphel inf. of ^Q^, Bore, carried. Aph. ^Qjl , Sore away. 12. ] Ig^j the fan TO irrdov Noun masc. def. Occurring only here and S. Luke iii. 17. Transl. He (it is) in Whose hand (is) the fan. , He ivill purge SiaKa0a/net Pael part, used for future. See note, S. John xi. 55. j}], His floors Gr. r-qv uAwva avrov PL with aff. of 5jj, def. t p ^^ (jjj, noun masc. A threshing -floor. Occurs only here and S. Luke iii. 17. Chald. TIN, -Dan. ii. 35. _tO"IO) OJJ , into His garners Gr. eis rrjv djro6i]Kr]v PI. with aff. ~-> 7 7 i 7 ^ i 7 of 5O|, def. |5tO|, noun masc. A treasure-house, store-house, IT. } v j'fOJ, ch. vi. 26. Heb. IXWi Deut. xxviii. 12. B. ^^, Stored up. , the chaff- TO a^vpov Noun masc. def. Occurs only here and S. Luke iii. 17. Heb. ^ft, straw, Gen. xxiv. 25. ^ burning He will burn up KoraKa^o-et Aphel part, (for fut.) ft X * .7 of -Qj, Burned. Aph. ,-QO| (ch. xxii. 7), Caused to burn, set on flre. Pret. 3. pi. OpOol, Acts xix. 19 __ Fut. ,jDQJ, S. Luke .0 7 iii. 17 -- Part. fern. jj-DQlD, S. James iii. 5. : - < 5 fJj, that (is) not quenched unquenchable ao-/3e'o-Ta> Part. fern. of *^5, Was extinguished. Pret. 3. pi. ClIlLj, ch. xxv. 8 __ Part. Heb. snn, Prov. xiii. 9. I ~ T 14. "JOO1 JLD, forbade SicKwXvcv Part, (forming imperf. tense) of ]lr} (Acts xxvi. 43), Hindered, detained, restrained. Pret. 3. sing. -fern. Alia, Acts xvi. G. 3. pi. O^Lu, ch. xiv. 17. 2. pi. S. MATTHEW III. 1417. 229 Ver. 14. ^oAj.^2, S. Luke xi. 52. 1. pi. x ^ n , with aff. S. Mark ix. 38; S. Luke ix. 49 __ Fut. jlnS, 2. sing. ]lsZ, S. Luke vi. 29, with aff. S. Matt. v. 42. 1. "sing. U^f, Acts' xi. 17. 2. pi. AX^Z, S. Matt. xix. 14, &c -- Part. pi. masc. ^ t \n, 1 Thess. ii. 16 j 1 Tim. iv. 3. Ethpeel - \n/ ] t Was restrained, prevented. Pret. 1. sing. A-i-S^Zf, Rom. i. 13. e . * Deriv. > \*"\ noun masc. An obstacle, Acts xxviii. 31. .P -T |A . \n t noun fern. def. the same, Acts viii. 36. Derived from the Peal part. Heb. tfSs, Ps. xl. 10, 12. .... J, that I should be to be baptized Gr. Ethpeel fut. 1. sing, of t ^">\ Was baptized. Ethpe. (S. Mark i. 9), same meaning. Pret. 3. pi. Oj-kXlZ], S. Luke vii. 30. 15. fj_i, it becometh irptirov I, which is used only in * v this form, Was seemly, proper. Followed by _! of the dative. t> . V PL fern. ^-JH, beautiful, of the feet, Horn. x. 15. V? x 1 p Deriv. |Z.Q_^, noun fern. def. Beauty, glory, 1 S. Pet. i. 24. Heb. r\W> n ce impersonally, pret. 3. fern, (in pause) nJlN* T?) Jerem. x. 7. f ATT I ; ]ZoJp, righteousness SiKcuoo-uV^v Def. of Qjp (Rom. iv. 5, 9, &c.), noun fern. Justice, rectitude, equity; justification, Rom. v. 16. Derived from _ j[l5, just. \ i "i* ^ " 7 16. ojA)Z.|, was opened (singular, ( . V> being without Ribui) Gr. dve(axOr]crav Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of o^As, Opened. Etbpe. pret. 3. pi.^Zl* Rev. xx. 12 __ Fut. ^.^Aj, S. Matt. vii. 7; S. Luke xi. 9: Fern. o^AaZZ, Rom. i. 10 __ Imperat. o^A^Z], S. Matt. vii. 34 (Castel and others refer this to Ethpa.). _ Part. oJ\a Ak>, S. Matt. vii. 8; S. Luke xi. 10. .07 ." . 7 17. (*^ *^> , the beloved o ayaTr^ros Def. of -L^JL. *">>_> , adj. Loved, 230 S. MATTHEW, III. 17. IV. 1, 2. Ver. 17. beloved. Fern. def. lA^o_O^j, Rev. xx. 9. PL masc. . o. A.'. Rom. xi. 28. Def. ]*Vi'nL, Phil. iv. 1. Of 7 form part. Peil of ^>*~> ^, }.K, Loved dearly. , / am well pleased euSo/oycra Ethpeel pret. 1. sing, of i " V |d , Wished, desired. Ethpe. . > n , (, TFas well pleased, 1 Cor. x. 5. Pret. 3. pi. O i n ^f, 2 Thess. ii. 12. The pret. here represents the Gr. aorist, the force of which is, In Whom My counsel and purpose, from eternity and for all eternity, is accom- plished. CHAPTER IV. . - 1. j^jZ.], was led up avrjxOr) Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of f^Dj, Led. Ethpe. Was conducted, conducted himself Put. ^djAj, ch. xxiv. 10; S. Luke xvii. 34, 36: Fern. j^DjZZ", ver. 35. Imperat. pi. jZl* 1 S. Pet. i. 17 __ Part. ^?ASo, S. Luke viii. 29. Fern. , S. Matt. xxiv. 41. j, that He might be (to be) tempted iretpaa-Orjvai Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of ]mj, Pa. - - <^> \ Tempted. Ethpa. _*_OljZ'f, Was tempted, Hebr. ii. 18. Fut. 2. pi. ^OCQjZZ*, Rev. ii. 10 __ Part. , S. Marki. 13. * i " 2. xOtO, and He fasted Gr. /cat v^a-revo-as Pret. 3. sing, of iOO i>O , O P v* ^ Fasted. Pret. 3. pi. Ok)., Acts xiii. 3 __ Fut. iOO^J, 3. pi. ^ , S. Matt. ix. 15, &c -- Inf. V>,V)\ / same verse __ Part. ioj. , ch. vi. 17, 18, &c. PL _L^D_I , ch. vi. 16, &c. : coalescing * r with ^-J-^, ch. ix. 14. Heb. Q^, Judg. xx. 26. K1, afterward ucrrepov Constr. of _>;..K1, def. ^l^j], The last; used as an adverb. So ch. xxvi. 60; S. Mark iv. 28; xvi. 4. See note, S. John vi. 39. S. MATTHEW IV. 317. 231 . Ver. 3. jrcuJjDj O 15. ^i(T10frO.L, beyond (pron. pleon.) Gr. irepav Lit. the crossing over of Jordan, i.e. the region beyond, reached on crossing. So ch. xii. 42. See note, S. John i. 28. 1 6. (l\^i , in the shadows Gr. cr/aa PI. def. of ]lS- , noun masc. def. 1 Shade. With aff. S. Mark iv. 32. R ^, Pa. ^2, Over- shadowed. Heb. ^X, Song of Sol. ii. 17: and ^, Ps. xvii. 8. 7 t>*KJ), is sprung up avereiXev Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Arose, of the sun, moon, light, light of the Gospel, of Christ, Hebr. vii. 14. __ Fut. ooJjJ, 2 Cor. iv. 4, 6; 2 S. Pet. i. 19 __ Part. ^O>, S. James i. 11. Fern, (used of a cloud) V-*- 3 ?? & Luke xii. 54. Heb. rPT> Gen. xxxii. 32: the Syr. changing f into >, and "1 into ^. p * 17. T _ r _i(n _&0,./r0m then, from that time euro roVe. 232 S. MATTHEW IV. 18-24. > t> 7 c 7 .1" 7 Ver. 18. I'^j. , fishers aXiets PL def. of ,_, def. (p*., noun masc. ^4 hunter, fisherman. R. J0 Jf , Ensnared. Heb. *J, ^ hunter, Jer. xvi. 16. T- x 7 7 21. __*_l_oALD5, mending Karapri^ovra's Pref. 5 marking the pai'fc. as such. Pael part. pi. of - n ^- ; Stood firm, was made firm. Pa. * 7 _oZ., Ordained, appointed, repaired, made perfect. Pret. 2. sing. Aj_oZ, ch. xxi. 16 Imperat. pi. dJ-oZ, S. Mark xiv. 15 Part. pass. pi. fern. ^ oAVn Hebr. ix. 5 Ethpaal ^-oZZ], 7 7 ? ?V Was framed, set in order. Pret. 3. pi. QJ_oZ.Z.|, Hebr. xi. 3. .0. -X 7. Deriv. (/o i o/ ; noun fern. def. Rectitude, Acts xxvi. 25. Heb. Pi. jpft, <& in order, Eccles. vii. 13. Tl * 23. 1 031 ^^A!iD, went about -rrepiyyev Ethpeel part, (forming imperf. tense) of ^{^) , Itolled up, wrapped. Ethpe. ^f-sZ] , Went round, i 7 .n surrounded, Acts xviii. 23, &c. Pret. 1. sing. COf3|, ch. xx. 25. 3. pi. aoI^Zl" ch. xiv. 23, &c Fut. ^t^Aj, Acts xix. 21. 1. sing, ^.pir, Rom. xv. 19 Part. fern. tr^Ak), S. Matt. xii. 43; S. Lukexi. 24. PI. masc. v n.nAV), S. Matt, xxiii. 15: S. Luke ix. 6, &c. PI. fern. r 2'p^, 1 Tim. v. 13. * .7 , 7 . Aphel *^rO|, Led about, round. Infin. aO;OV)-^, 1 Cor. ix. 5. jZ^dCD, the Gospel TO euayye'Xiov Noun fern. def. Lit. An announce- 7 ment, preaching, message. R. j^lCO, Thought, hoped. Pa. An- nounced. 24. O~LCL, //is fame-fj a/coi? avrou (*^> ^ (ch. ix. 26) noun masc. A rumour, report. R. >n*"i ^, Heb. ^^1, Spread a rumour, slander. T Whence, Heb. H^lf Calumny, Ps. xxxi. 14. T ' Transl. .dwc His fame ivas heard, &c. ^i > *^)N i *^r i a ujQ, very grievously afflicted- Gr. TOVS /mKols IxovTas Intensity expressed by repetition of the noun. See notes, S. John iii. 19; ii. 5. S. MATTHEW. IV. 24. 233 * .. 7 Yer. 24. (^^.K* V), divers, various Troi/aAeus Shaphel part. pass. pi. def. of ^VKJ (not used). Pa. ^X.. ; Changed. Pret. 3. pi. 0lSLiL, Rom. i. 23, 25; fern. JLsiSL, ver. 26 -- Fut. ^aSjLj, Acts vi. 14; Phil. iii. 21 __ Ethpaal ^LLZ^, Was changed. Fut. , Acts ii. 20. 3. pi. v a2i^JjAj, Hebr. i. 12. 1 pi. 1 Cor. xv. 51, 52 __ Shaph. -c^^ 1, Changed. Pret. . 7 . * 7 3. pi. QCV\^V 7 Acts xxviii. 6 -- Fut. c2i_^KKj_3, 1. sing. Gal. iv. 20. 3. pi. ^o^V^ 1 i, ch. i. 7 Part. v 7 7 ^n^ Gal. iii. 15 __ Part. pass. VL^KKJL!O, used as a noun. PI. fern. def. ")A<^\lv ^ r >, Rom. xii. 6. . p . P , Deriv. (\ n noun masc. def. A change, Hebr. vii. 17, &c. Hep. fpri, Passed on, 1 Sam. x. 3. Pi. &v>n Changed '- T . I" garments, Gen. xli. 14 -- Cliald. &7Hj Passed, of time. Dan. iv. 13, 20, 29. -T ' ^, afflicted Gr. o-wcxo/mcVous Part. Peil. pi. of r^s Urged, oppressed. See note, ch. xiv. 22, below. . <* .. x 7 _ f .017. (n i mf\~) ) with torments /Jacravois PI. def. of (n . i / (ch. xxv. 46; S. Luke xvi. 28), noun masc. def. Torture, punishment. 7 R. *Q_1_, Tormented. Irtll r^?> ^ se which were lunatic Gr. o-eXiyvia^o/AeVous See note, ch. iii. 4, above. 1"h P . *?> P P -Tt rti( P^- ^ e ^- f iJ-til (S- Mark ii. 4; S. Luke v. 19), noun masc. A p . 7 roof, dwelling, \i-\\\ f-^> a lunatic, S. Matt. xvii. 15. R. Extended, as a^/?a surface, such being the construction of roofs in the East. (Bernstein.) * 07 7 .. (_> ;__!>, ^/iose ^7i# had the palsy TrapaAuriKous Pael part. pass. pi. .P 17 def. of |^. Pa. _j;_*, Loosened. See note, S. John viii. 9. Transl. j4(/ . -r, I 7 17 the Vienna and many others read ( V ^TO, pi- def. of See note, S. John xvi. 12. Transl. But when Jesus saw the multitudes, .. r . 3. ^m . oo ; see note, S. John xx. 29. 4. ] I " *">], ^Aey /ta mourn ot Trei^owres Part. Peil pi. def. of Mourned. Used as a noun, T7ie mourners. See note, S. Mark xvi. 10. . 1\ .. T 7 17 5. |^A L O V ^'J the meek ot Trpaets PL def. of . . ^^r> (ch. xi. 29; xxi. 5), adj. Humble, gentle. Def. ]n.oVn < S. James i. 9. Fern. ch. iii. 17. Def. "j'An.nVn^ 1 Cor. iv. 21, &c. PI: ^ Rom. xii. 16, &c. *. 17 1 From this adj. is derived the noun fern. 0*") . -~^r, def. (Z.C *. Humility, meekness, gentleness, Acts xx. 1 9, &c. Constr. LH 7 Eph. iv. 2, &c. R. ^.akD ^D, Was depressed. , tliey shall inherit KX^/aovo/Aiyo-ovcri Fut. 3. pi. of 2.j_ (Hebr. i. 4), Obtained by inheritance Fut. 2.5p, S. Matt. xix. 29. 1. sing. 2.1], S. Luke x. 25; xviii. 18. 2. pi. 12., 1 S. Pet. iii. 9 Imperat. 'pi. oZ^J, S. Matt. xxv. 34 Inf. ZjlllA, 1 Cor. xv. 50 Part. Z^_, same verse. Def. ]Zj_, used as a noun, The heir, S. Matt. xxi. 38, &c. PI. masc. __i2.j_, 1 Cor. vl. 9, 10. Def. 12.V-., the heirs, Rom. iv. 14, &c. PI. fern. ,2.V->> 1 S. Pet. iii. 7. Heb. fcJ^T, Took possession of, \ Kings xxi. 16. Inlterited, Gen. xv. 3, 4. S. MATTHEW V. 611. 235 x 7 i. Ver. 6. ^ ) < ^'") > hungering do hunger ot 7retv, S. John xi. 12 Def. ]j_2XD, S. Matt. TV 7 xxv. 44. PI. def. U-2HD, S. Luke i. 53. PI. coalescing with ^i^, 1 Cor. iv. 11. f 7 07 7. (l V?*y;So, the merciful ot cXeif/xoi/cs PI. def. of _La*jjiD (S. James D " 7 v. 11), noun masc. Orae that has pity. Def. (iV)^;Ar> } S. Luke vi. 36, &c. PL v > iC^.^n Eph. iv. 32. Formed from Pael part, of :>O^3, Loved. Pa. i>Qjl5, Pitied, Phil. ii. 27 Fut. i>Q.KfJ, Rom. xi. 32 Imperat. pi. oklLj, S. Jude ver. 23 Part. JaLjk>, Rom. ix. 15, 18. Heb. Pi. Dm, Ps. ciiL 13; cxvi. 5: and 06111 1 ^om- - T ; - passionate, Lam. iv. 10. 1>7 8 .07 pn*jj, mercies. PL def. of J>CLK>>, def. (SQ>j5, noun masc. The inner i. 7 parts, specially the womb. PL ^"> v >j> (Hebr. x. 28), Bowels Gr. rot cnrXdyxya., Viscera as the seat of the emotions or affections hence, the affections themselves, Love, pity; favour, Acts ii. 47. Heb. fcrn, Ps. xxii. 11. Qrp), Gen. xlix. 25. D^lTl, Gen. xliii. 30; Ps. xxv. 6. Chalcl. j'lbHI, Dan. ii. 18. Transl. For upon them shall be mercies. P . D ..? 9. (^n\ . 't*^-^, the makers of peace, peace-makers ot etpTjvoTrotot See notes, S. John ii. 5; xiv. 27. 10. Q^j5Z|j, which are persecuted ot SeStwy^evoi Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. of 7 T* Tt k)j5, Persecuted. Ethpe. ^j5Z.|, Was persecuted, driven. Fut. *2)95Aj, 3. pi. ^355 AJ, Gal. vi. 12 Part. *2)j5AL>, ch. v. 11. * 1 1, 7 PL masc. _j_5j5ALD, 2 Tim. iii. 12; coalescing with < r J->*, 2 Cor. iv. 9. PL fern. ^3)>/^, driven, of clouds, 2 S. Pet. ii. 17. 17 5 7 11. .,m ....^n reviling, shall revile oveiStcrwcrti' Pael part. pi. of ,D.Jo, Derided, also Pitied (Castel.) Pa. ; - (S. Mark xvi. 14), In- Tt 7 suited, reproached, upbraided. Part. ,m ^^^n S. James i. 5 236 S. MATTHEW V. 1113. Ver. 11. Ethpaal fO^L, Was insulted. Part. pi. ^yfltej&O, 1 S. Pet. iv. 14: coalescing with ^_l_o, 1 Tim. iv. 10. p p 7 Deriv. ( ^ctv-Kv^n, noun masc. An ^lpbra^der. PI. with aff. Rom. xv. 3. Heb. Pi. "ID/I, Put to shame, Prov. xxv. 10. j in falsehood, falsely Gr. i^evSo/Aevot Def. nf r> \ . p noun ^ fern. A lie. R. ^-it?, P a - ^\l?> Deceived, lied. 12. O10J, 6e exceeding gladdyaXXiaaOe Imperat. pi. of Jo5 (S. Luke ..7 x. 21), Rejoiced, exulted. Pret. 3. sing. fern. L]0), Acts ii. 26 -- Fut. lOjJ, 2. pi. . . .. rr> has increased, is great Gr. TroXus Verb Peal pret. Ut-0 or . . .. PO / Abounded, multiplied, became great. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A .. m, Rom. v. 20; 1 Tim. i. 14. 3. pi. r> . ^ n\ Acts vi. 1, &c __ Fut. --mJ, Phil. i. 9, &c.: Fern. o-CD, Rom. v. 20; 2 Cor. iv. 15. 3. pi. ,. m\ Phil. iv. 17 __ Part. vi. 7; 2 Thess. i. 3. Fern. ] ' { ,n^ f Acts ix. 31; xix. 20. PI. o .. " ^^ fern. > i ^CP ; Acts xvi. 5. Heb. J1J2? (cogn. ^jjjf), Ps. xcii. 13. Chald. {, <7te sa?/ (aff. pleon.) TO aXas *>^K\k), clef. this verse) noun fem. Salt. R. -v^ \Vn Salted. Heb. rhti, Gen. xix. 26. Chald. JlStt, Ezr. iv. 14; vi. 9; vii. 22. OC7LJ j (and ver. 23), if Idv Conjunction, followed by 5. Sometimes * V* 1 written separately OCJI (, S. John viii. 36; S. Mark vii. 3. 7 . v_O"L2^Z., have lost its savour p.(apav6fj, so also S. Luke xiv. 34. 7 avaXov ywr]TOLi, S. Mark ix. 50 __ Fut. 3. fem. of O1H2, Was S. MATTHEW V. 1315. 237 Ver. 13. insipid, became tasteless. The final _i is wanting in the parallel passages quoted. Deriv. ")7n.-n . nc*i ; noun fem. def. Folly, Gr. dfoovvvr), 2 Cor. xi. 17. A 1 * X 7 A .(rn > n adv. Foolishly, 2 Cor. xi. 1. * f> !> x ( T Vn-v wJierewith? Iv TLVL; See note, S. John i. 21. , shall it be salted? aAto-flifo-erai; Ethpeel fut. 3. fern, of _Lk>, Seasoned. Part. Peil pi. def. ]>> V \SD, salt waters, S. James iii. 12 Ethpe. -^XW|" > Was salted. Fut. aVoAj, S. Mark ix. 49 : Fem. without ,_, final, ver. 49, 50; S. Luke xiv. 34. p . 7 . o 7 Deriv. |..vV^\ noun masc. def. A sailor. PI. def. (Js.\V), Acts xxvii. 27, 30. Heb. )17/b) Lev. ii. 13. Plx> -4 sailor, Jon. i. 5. Chald. rhfc, Ezr. iv. 14. PI I (J xO,LQ_^, it is good for nothing, lit. it goes for nothing Gr. eis ov&tv icr^uet Compare S. Luke xiv. 35. - -y / (for . . '. ) ** should be (to be) trodden KaTaTraTttcr^ai P i * * Ethpeel fut. 3. fem. of ._03 -?, Trod down. Ethpe. -y / |, S. Luke viii. 5. Fem. 'A^_.jZ2.f, Rev. xiv. 20 Part. fem. "U-JZAlD, S. Luke xxi. 24. .* 14. ( ^/;, <7ia< ^ should be hid Gr. KpvfBrjvat. See note, S. John i. 41. Fut. 3. sing. fem. of ] , Zay hidden Fut. ] ^ y S. Mark vii. 24 Inf. ] 5V^\, 1 Tim. v. 25 Part. Peil U_, S. Mark iv. 22: Fem. ] \ f Hebr. iv. 13. . 7 .0 M-1T2, built Gr. Ketfj.evT] Part. Peil fem. of p *^ ; Built. See note, ch. vii. 24, below. 15. j2.]D, the bushel rov /AoSiov Def. of ||jDD, noun fem. A dry measure, ..+ 7 as of corn. PI. _fD, ch. xiii. 33; S. Luke xiii. 21. Gr. crara. Heb. nfc$D> Gen. xviii. 6. T ; I/, i Vn the candlestick rfjv Au^viai/ Def. of j^llD, noun fem. A candlestick or candelabrum. PI. def. }L'^D, Rev. i. 12, xvii. 2), TFas resplendent, shone. Pret. 3. fern. Z.5CTLJ, Rev. xviii. 1 __ Fut. 3. pi. ^pJOUU, S. Matt. xiii. 43 -- Pael 5oiJ, Brought 7 7** to light, made clear. Fut. 1. sing. 3OU|, Eph. iii. 9 __ Ethpaal JJljZ'f, Was enlightened. Fut. 1. pi. 5juAj, 2 Cor. iv. 6. Heb. *")nJl> Shone, metaph. Rejoiced, Ps. xxxiv. 6. T * ~ * "** * Y 17 ..... |f_|j |J, Trans. Not to destroy am I come, but to fulfil. 18. 5Q-, the letter Yud iwra .p * }-fe;-CO, fo'Wfe Kfpaia Noun fern. def. The apex, or distinguishing point, of a letter. R. ^jXO, Made lines or incisions. Heb. tO"")j^j Made cuts in the body; whence tO*l2J^> Lev. xix. T VV 28, and J")^*!^, ch. xxi. 5, .4 cutting. i?. * * 19. |)Q_L1, /? eas TWI/ eAaxioTwi' PI. def. of 50^ (ch. xiv. 31, ai>l, S. Matt. ix. 37, &c. Constr. v_j'o_L1, ch. vi. 30, &c. PI. fern. ^.Ij'oLI, Acts xvii. 4. Def. j'/UJkLlJ, 7 7 S. Luke xii. 48 -- R. ^], Was small, cogn. r^>, Was inferior, vile. Heb. *Vj;T, Job xxxvi. 2; Isa. xxviiL 10, 13. Chald. the same, Dan. vii. 8. * 7 7^ ? 20. _Lo J_L_ .... 5Z.JZ., shall abound more than shall exceed Gr. 1 " " 7 V. 21. (, iV), D\, f/iem of old time rots ap^atots, not by them of, &c. as in the E.V. So IppijOf] avry, it was said to her, Rom. ix. 12; fppijOr} > 07 avrot?, ver 26. Compare also Gal. iii. 16. PI. def. of - V> t f\ see note, S. John i. 15. X 77 OC7I *^ > K^LO, is or shall be in danger of, guilty of- evokes eorat Pael part. pass. See note, S. John vii. 51. ' * . , r 22. V-UrJ?> W ' i0 ls a ng>'!/ Gr. o opyi^evos Fut. 3. sing, of Lij or J-.? S. MATTHEW V. 2224. 239 Ver. 22. (cli. xviii. 34, etc.), Was angry. Pret. 3. pi. O\^> , ch. xx. 24 7 7 * . Imperat. pi. O^J, Eph. iv. 26 Inf. y^.V)\, S. James i. 19 p ^> X 7 "" .I* Part. Peil JOOI l-- Acts xii. 20 Aphel V*i5 j, Moved to anger. Pret. 3. pi. 0\^>} 7 , with aff. Hebr. iii. 16 Fut. 1. sing. &}, with aff. Rom. x. 19. 2. pi. 'j, without a cause CIKTJ Adverb, from the Gr. word. Written 1 x i -. > n -|, Phil. ii. 16. Gr. ets KCVOV. .77 I , X ^O5 , 'Pa/ca a vain, contemptible person a term of scorn or insult. Compare Heb. p^*l or p*1, Vain, empty, ears of corn, Gen. xli. I I 27: worthless men, Judg. ix. 4; xi. 3. I >\ ; /ww fool Gr. /xcopt A term of derision. Compare Gr. Aa'Aos, A talkative, prating fellow. ." 7 X . . (JOT- , ZTe^ yeevvav A corruption of D -JH ^3 or tDJJ/Ti!!! ^il > ^ ie valley of Hinnom son of Hinnom, Josh, xviii. 16. LXX. yaiewa. . P 7 77 23. | ..o | V> ) ^e aZtor -TO OvaLaa-T^pioi' Def. of oo^O^LD, noun masc. .4?i altar. PI. ^^L*^)^, def. |A5,iD, with aff. Rom. xi. 3. R. >jvC2), Sacrificed. Heb. J-jata, Gen. viii. 20. Chald. n3"Tp, def. Pl3n, Ezr. vii. 17. x i 7 . 7 1 1 * ^ I , holds, retains hath Gr. e^et Part. Peil of ,^0 j , with active signification. See note, S. John ii. 6. jAl3J, any enmity Gr. TI Noun fem. occurring here only in the N. T., biit found in Isa. xiv. 6. Tremellius would read }lLz>}\ Heb. rD'N, Gen. iii. 15. R. ^tf ; and Gutbir, }^}\ T " T Heb. &&$, Ps. Ixxviii. 31. But the reading in the text is to be preferred. 24. |i$2.j, be reconciled SiaAAayi^i Ethpa. imperat. of p5. See note, S. John xii. 10. 240 S. MATTHEW V. 2527. Ver. 25. ^n]AVn A_OO1, be agreed, agree Icr6i evvowv Ethpaal part, with AjOCTI, representing the imperative (see Phillips, Gr. 56; Cowper 208. 1) of "jo], unused in Peal except part. pres. jo], and Peil "jo], fern. "i_o], Agreed, was friendly with -- Ethpa. o')2.'), Was 7 y united, agreed with (i^CLL). A similar construction occurs, S. Luke x. 37; xiii. 14. Deriv. ]ZcLo1, noun fern. Concord, agreement, 2 Cor. vi. 16, &c. Compare Heb. Hli^) Piel, Ps. cxxxii. 13, 14; Hithpa. Ps. cvi. 14. yJ_J ^^*^) thine adversary Gr. r<3 avriSiKu) crov Lit. tlie master of thy judgment. The words are joined, S. Luke xii. 58. See notes, S. John iii. 19; iv. 16. P t> 7 ^ T< P 7 p . t \ ; to the judge r<3 Kptrfj Noun masc. def. PI. def. p-jj, ch. x. i" x 17 (where some Editors read p-j); xii. 27; S. Luke xi. 19. Pi. ^Oj o, Judged. Heb. j*Tj, 1 Sam. xxiv. 16. Advocate, Ps. Ixviii. 6. Chald. Ezr. vii. 25. .p r . ( ^*^ ii \, to the officer T<3 virrjperr] Noun masc. def. A collector of ^, . taxes. Occurs also, S. Luke xii. 58. Gr. r3 irpaKTopi. Pv. f^Ut, Pa. - > *~> 11 , Collected. i " * * . 26. PQ!DJ, farthing KoopdvT-rjv (\e-n-Tov, S. Luke xii. 59, is rendered by the same word, although Svo XeTrra = Koopavrrj^, S. Mark xii. 42, where Xeirrd is rendered by . i^n). Noun masc. def. used in a general sense, to express the very smallest coin. PI. def. ] ^nCn S. Mark xii. 42; S. Luke xxi. 2. 27. 'Q-it^- M?> thou shalt not commit adultery 5 introducing the quotation ou /Aoi^eucrei"; Fut. 2. sing, (for imperat.) of 5o_.i f^i (with afF. ver. 28), Committed adultery __ Fut. 5o_Mt_J, fern. _5o_,.Z, ver. 32, below. 3. pi. ^oja^jj, Rom. ii. 22 __ Part. 5"L, ver. 32, below, &c. PI. masc. ; .. Rev. ii. 22. N.B. In this verse, TOIS px at ' ots ^ s wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. S. MATTHEW V. 2333. 241 x n Ver. 28. O"l_..,.;Jj, that he should desire her, to lust after her Trpos TO avr^s Fut. 3. sing, with aff. of *4t-ii' *-u'> Desired, longed for ; in a bad sense, Lusted. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A-i3, with aff. S. Luke xxii. 15, the desire has possessed Me, Gr. f-mOvfjiia CTTC- 6vfjir]cra. 1. sing. A-o, Acts xx. 33. 3. pi. Q-tt', 1 Cor. x. 6 -- 7 -K ^7 . c Fut. *K*J, 2. sing. *', Rom. vii. 7; xiii. 9 __ Part. HI!', Gal. v. 17; 1 Tim. iii. 1. Fern. U.5, Gal. v. 17; S. James iv. 5. PI. I ^ I masc. _j_-.3,*l Cor. x. 6, &c __ Part. Peil ^.j_..5, actively, Phil. i. 13 Compare Gr. dpe'yo^at, rendered by this word, 1 Tim. iii. 1 ; vi. 10; Hebr. xi. 16. 1 5 ^ " OT_t>j, pluck it out e^eXe avrov Imperat. with aff. of J^KJ, Dug out, tore out. So in the similar passages, ch. xviii. 9; S. Mark ix. 47. _ Part. pi. _>^K, Gal. iv. 15. Compare Heb. n^Hj Separated, broke through, divided, Gen. xxxii. 8; Ps. Iv. 24; Isa. xxx. 28. 7 7 C7I r^, one, thy member, or thy one member Gr. eV TWV p.f\j, one of thy members __ 7 JO33CJI, Rom. H 7 xii. 4. &c. R. X>JO1, Pa. JsOjOl, Cut to pieces. Chald. h*^n> A piece, fragment, Dan. ii. 5; iii. 29. 31. ~O?? 5 As, a, writing of divorcement Gr. aVooTcurioi/ Com- pare j3ij3\Lov aTTooTcunov, ch. xix. 7; S. Mark x. 4; Syriac A 9s * P P . p_Q^)O_3 fiiAo. Noun masc. def. Occurring here only. R. \^j v>3, Was small, mean, light. "" 7 v. 32. V> ;*^ \ ; except, saving vra^e/cros See note, ch. iii. 4, above. ^.Q_, taking to wife, marrying Gr. yc^ir/cn; See note, S. John i. 29. o o .. 7 ** 7 ? 33. ^ALDOlQO ^-ii?^- P) tf wu shalt not be false in thine oath, thou shalt not forswear thyself Gr. ov/c eTriop/ofo-eis Pael fut. 2. sing, of 7 . . ti 7 Vk^ij, Was melted, Habak. iii. 6. Pa. ^H\?, Deceived, lied. W. C. 31 242 S. MATTHEW V. 3336. Ver. 33. Pret, 2. sing. Ali?, Acts v. 4 Fut. -up 3 , Hebr. vi. 18; vii. 21. 2. pi. AX^ijZ, S. James iii. 14 -- Part. \L,.,iO, Rom. ix. 1; 1 Tim. ii. 7. PI. masc. ^ i \ur*P> Col. iii. 9; Eev. iii. 9. "jAlkxiiD ( c h. xiv. 7, 9), noun fern. def. An oath. The regular form is "JASDOlb. But, while sing, in signification, it takes the pi. form (without Ribui, Hebr. vi. 16, 17; vii. 20, 21), and is joined with an adject sing. S. James v. 12. R. ]SQ-, Swore. Aph. part. ISOQiO. 34. if^V JJ i swear not Gr. /XT) o^ouai Fut. 2. pi. (for imperat ) of . f I T X I^PJ (ch. xiv. 7, &c.), Swore. Pret. 1. sing. A i V) > , Hebr. iii. 11. _ Fut. |So]j, Hebr. vi. 13. 2. sing. ]&\, ver. 3G, below -- Inf. ]&]&X S. Matt. xxvi. 74 __ Part. ]ku, ch. xxiii. 16, &c. ft PI. masc. > V> ', Hebr. vi. 16; S. James v. 12. v^D, at all oAcos Noun masc. The end, sum of a matter; here used adverbially. Def. ]*, 1 Tim. i. 4. ]Lso ]Jj, endless, Gr. alutvLov, 2 Cor. iv. 17. As an adverb, In short, to sum up all, Gr. oAws (E.V. commonly), 1 Cor. v. 1. R. ^O.CO, Pa. ^IjCO, Ended. \ T *" OO1 ^*.D3C1D, it is the throne 0povos eo-rt Def. (coalescing with OOl) 7 9k * > *X of ^ . m^nn j noun masc. A seat, chair of state. Def. ( rf)3Q.D, ch. xxiii. 2. PL (of fern, form) ^OTDJ'QJD, ch. xix. 28. Def. iZoTDjOD, ch. xxi. 12, &c. Heb. NEO, Ps. xi. 4. Chald. XD15, Dan. v. 20. PI. 11D13> ch. vii. 9. The letter *"), 5, inserted in Aramaic in place ITT :T of the Heb. Dagesh. _ . 35. _O1 ( ,OdD , i< is the footstool vTroTroSiov ecrrt Noun masc. def. 7 (coalescing with _i.r> y Pw< beneath, subjected. Transl. T'oi- i< is the footstool that is under His feet. ^ ft * * 36. |AllD, /tair Tpi'^a Def. of (JLk5, noun fern. A hair, single hair, as distinguished from "jfAQD, head of hair, Lat. ccesaries. See note, S. MATTHEW V. 3641. 243 Ver. 36. S. John xi. 2. PI. def. (masc. form) <>, ch. x. 30; S. Luke xii. 7. Transl. For thou canst not make in it one hair of the head of hair black or white. VAlorX)}, black /xe'Xatvav Fern', def. of &3o], def. ]Vno] (Rev. v. 5, 12), Slack. R ^oL]] Was black. 17 i i> *"> Vv is from the Evil One K TOU Trovrjpov eoriv. p -n is 38. P-, a oo/4 oSovTo. Def. of __, noun fern. PL (masc. form) ___1_. Def. ji-, ch. viii. 12, &c. Heb. jgf, Exod. xxi. 24. Chald. the same, Dan. vii. 5, 19. 39. \\*S,nCL-^, against. Preposition, derived from ^CLO, Opposed him- self. With affixes, O and %O are transposed; as over against it, sc. the sepulchre, ch. xxvii. 61: to meet Him, . 9 *. S. John xii. 18 (see note); rn\*-ino\^ contrary to tV, the ship, S. Matt. xiv. 24; \^nn\ over against us, S. Mark xi. 2. Except with aff. 1. sing, and 2. and 3. pi. of both genders; as _.!^LQa\, against Me, S. Matt. xii. 30; ^noVonoV over against you, ch. xxi. 2. Transl. But I say unto you, That ye rise not against (resist not, Gr. f*.r) dvTLa-njvai) the evil. , smiting shall smite- -pctTrum See note, S. John xiii. 4. i ' turn (TTptyov Aphel imperat. of pj3, Turned himself, re- i .7 turned. Aph. . t V^j (Acts xvii. 31), Caused to turn, restored, converted __ Fut. U-2U, S. Luke i. 16, 17 __ Part. |j_ilD, Acts i. 6: Fern. ] t i c^^n 2 Cor. vii. 10. Heb. Hiph. rOSH, Judg. xv. 4: 1 Sam. x. 9. 40. *^Q_jlD, <7i?/ cfoa^c Gr. TO Ifj-dnov |4Q_^jlD, noun masc. def. A Vi ' x i 7 cloak, or garment generally. PI. def. (^Q_'i^> Acts ix. 39; with aff. S. Matt, xxiii. 5. 77 41. ^>. V>, compelling shall compel (thee) to go ayyapevVei Pael part. 77 77 of ;_*>.- , Pa. ;_K>- , Compelled. Pret. 3. pi. O^>s^ , ch. xxvii. 32 ; S. Mark xv. 21. 244 S. MATTHEW V. 4144. Ver. 41. jl .^r> ; a mile /xi'Xtov Noun masc. clef, derived, through the p Greek, from the Latin. 42 ..... ^>)-? r-^> Transl. He that asketh oft/tee, give to him. *D]JJ5, that would borrow Gr. vov OeXovra oaveio-aa-dat. Fat. 3. sing. of i^Jj-j , Borroived, sought a loan. .jmo *\nZ ]j, forbid him not Gr. ju.y) aTroa-rpa^s Fut. 2. sing. K 1> t> with aff. (for imperat.) of tlD, Prohibited. See note, ch. iii. 14, above. y * 43. ^QJOJ, love Gr. aya^'cms Imperat. of i>Q^5, Loved dearlij. See note, S. John v. 20. P p * 7 f *. m "* . ... ~ ^ -'^ < ^ 1 \v^ \ thine enemy rov cxVpov crov I*"!*"!, \\^> (ch. xiu. 2b, 39, &c.), noun masc. def. compounded of ^\O, Master, lord, % and iddj , Enmity. Lit. lord of enmity. See note, S. John iv. 16. PI. def. ]oo | \vo < Rom. v. 10, &c. With aff. ver. 44, below. Transl. Love thy neiylibour, and hate thine enemy. 44. w^jXj, that curseth Gr. TOVS Karapw/Ae'vovs Part, of ^Q.A ^ > Cursed, spoke evil of. Pret. 2. sing.. A^S, S. Mark xi. 21 -- Fut. -^n\i 2. sing. ^Cu^L, Acts xxiii. 5 -- 2. pi. ^O^Z, Rom. xii. 14 __ Part. pi. v j\ . \^ S. Luke vi. 28; coalescing with r J_K>, S. James iil 9 __ Part. Peil ^oA, Gal. iii. 10. PI. v - 5-^, S. John vii. 49. Def. l^lS, S. Matt. xxv. 41. Q_^t , pray Trpoo-ev^ecr^e Pael imperat. pi. of |J , Inclined, declined. .X7 j-J' Pa. - \T (ch. xxvi. 42, 44, &c.), Supplicated, prayed. Pret. 1. sing. L i \I, Acts xxii. 17. 3. pi. o \. Acts i. 24 Fut. jjlj, S. Matt. xix. 13: Fern. ]]IZ, 1 Cor. xi. 13. 1. sing. ]] ^"j", S. Matt. xxvi. 36. 3. pi. ^oX^J, S. Luke xviii. 1 __ Tmperat. ]], S. Matt. vi. 6 __ Inf. (L*.SISnll, S. Matt. vi. 5, Ac __ Part. , S. Matt. vi. 5, 6, &c: Fern. "[I.LLD, Rom. viii. 27, &c S. MATTHEW V. 4446. 24-5 Ver. 44. PI. masc. ^.^..^^.SD, S. Matt. vi. 7, etc: coalescing with _!_K, 2 Cor. xiii. 9, &c. with ^oAj], Eph. vi. 18. Chald. Pa. tff??, part. N^fc, Dan. vi. 11. PI. J^Xfi, as if from Jtf, Ezr. vi. 10. If.-*..^^^) with violence, forcibly. Noun masc. def. Force, violence, necessity. With pref. &, adverbially, as also S. Luke vi. 28; Acts v. 26; IS. Pet. v. 2. Of form part. Peil of i_^Q> Bound. Ethpe. j_^o2.r, Was bound, part. jj^oAk), Eph. iv. 16. Whence also f-4-Q, def. "jj-QuQ, noun masc. A bond. PI. def. "jy^uQ, Acts viii. 23. Heb. *l2p, part. pass. pi. fern. Ezek. xlvi. 22. Compare also Chald. *lQp, prop. A knot, whence pi. j'Hftp, constr. Hftp> The joints of the loins, Dan. v. 6: Hard questions, ver. 12, 16. Transl. That drive you by force; Gr. TUV eTrr/pea^oVrwi/ V/AUS. 77 45. o>^J r LD, making to rise maketh to rise ai/are'AAa Aphel part, of 7 7 .7 J), Eose, as the sun, &c. Aph. *K*J){, Caused to rise. , His sun rov r}Xiov avrov V) , def. ( V> (ch. xiii. 6, 43, &c.) .noun com. gend. The Sun. Heb. &W, Ps. xix. 5. Chald. de.f. $&&&, Dan. vi. 15. , His rain. t-^Lo, def. |f-&^D (ch. vii. 25, 27, &c.) noun masc. Rain. PI. def. ]'^i>, Showers. R. -fJ^D, Pa. jI^D, Sained. Heb. ^fta, Exod. ix. 33, 34. T T Transl. And maketh His rain to descend. Gr. /cat *1 JJcili, ty, Job xviii. 21; xxvii. 7; xxix. 17. R. *y\y, Arab. Turned aside from what is right. Pi. ^!)^, ^ c ^cZ unjustly, Ps. 4; Isa. xxvi. 10. 46. "JO! ]J, Gr. o^'j Lat. annon, nonne? so Rom. ii. 26; Heb. i. 14. Ow, OL'X) S. Matt. xxiv. 2; S. James ii. 4, 6. ]ffr>nV> Arab. Conj. II. Collected tribute. Form of part. pres. Peal. _ 1* p T ^ / JJCJI _O~I, the same, very same TO auro ourto, ver. 47. ~ 7 Os < X 1 ^ 47. 5 j^i \ *"> ^riA . \| ; ye salute, lit. enquire after the peace of- Gr. dcnrucrrjo-Oe Part. pi. of V>}., Asked; coalescing with ^oAj]. See notes, S. John i. 21 ; xiv. 27. _. x T 48. \'i ^ti; perfect re'Xctot PI. def. of ^a^Q^i (in this verse) part. Peil of r^2-ti> Completed, finished See note, S. John xvii. 23. CHAPTER VI. 1. O5d>j, take heed to, look into, *O Gr. Trpocre^tTe Imperat. pi. of 5o_K fK, see note, S. John i. 36. *A 7 ^ODA^jl , your almsgiving, alms TTJV eXe^ocrv'v^v v/xwi/ (8iKaiocrvvr)v, 1 " "* Sin. and Vat. MSS.) fJOjl, noun fem. Justice, and by Synech- doche, Almsgiving. Def. "jA^Djl, ver. 2, 3, &c. PI. def. ]AiJ3jl, 7 Acts ix. 36, &c. R. *Djl, Was just. Heb. H|TI, Ps. xxiv. 5. Chald. n|5T2f, Dan. ir. 24. ITT; | T ; Transl. But take heed in your almsgiving, that ye do it not before men (the sons of men) so that ye may be seen of them. |J /JO, and if not, otherwise et Se yu^ye. 2. P;-O YtSL |J , do not sound (call not out with] a trumpet Gr. /AT/ * . r r TI tn^arurjft See note, S. John i. 23. JJj-O, def. of ij-Q, noun fem. The horn of an animal; a vessel made of horn, 1 Sam. xvi. 1. A musical instrument, made of or resembling a horn: the end or extremity, as the hem of a garment, S. Matt. ix. 20; Corner of a building, S. Luke xx. 17; Acts iv. 11. As a Symbol of strength, A horn of salvation, S. Luke i. 69. PI. def. masc. form. S. MATTHEW VI. 24. 247 Ver. 2. Rev. xiii. 11. Fern, form -J^O, Acts x. 11. Def. Aj'^D, Rev. v. G, &c. Heb. pp, Josh. vi. 5; y&i pp, Ps. xviii. 1. Chald. pp, Dan. vii. 8: Def. 8O*, ch. iii. 5, &c. /te hypocrites ot woirptrat See note, S. John i. 16. 1* p 1CQ_3, Gr. TrpocrtUTro/Y^TTrT/s, Acts X. 34. ^ * ^ ^0 ^ ( on f ~^ r z?i /ie streets ev/ rats pv/xais PI. def. of ^QQ_ (ch. xi. 16, tkc.) noun masc. def. A street; marketplace, d-yopd, ch. xi. 16, 1. ^OLf^Z, Rom. xii. 17; 1 S. Pet. iii. 9 -- Tmperat. pi. CLLO^3, Rom. xiii. 7 -- Inf. u. <^V>\ S. Matt, xviii. 25, &c __ Part. Vi^a, S. Matt, xviii. 26, 29, &c. PL ^^^3, S. Matt. xxiv. 32. Deriv. , noun masc. def. A rewarder, Heb. xi. 6. Heb. y"l), Loosed, remitted a penalty, Ezek. xxiv. 14. Cogn. V13, Broke forth, burst, scattered, Ps. Ix. 3. 248 S. MATTHEW VI. 512. Ver. 5. ]Aj'6lD, in the corners lv rats ywviais PI. def. of jAjOl (cli. xxi. 42, &c.) noun fern. def. A corner. Heb. (pi. only) HV1T, Ps. cxliv. 12: Zech. ix. 15. Transl. Who love to stand in tJie synagogues and in the corners of the streets to pray. 6. y-JoZ, thy closet TO ra/xicioV r. ^l chamber, secret room. PL def. poZ., S. Luke xii. 3; ver. 24, $fore houses, Gr. ra/xeiov. 7. on ] ySaTToXoyr/cr^re Pael. part. pi. (forming imperat.) of *Q_Q3, > 7 Pa. .onc^ JFs garrulous. Occurs here only. * o 1. 7 *\ - 7 j j v 1 1 "^ |l^SoSDH), MI much speaking Gr. ev TT; TroXvXoyia avroDi/ Noun masc. def. Discourse, eloquence, speech; manner of speaking, ch. xxvi. 73; S. Mark xiv. 70, Gr. XaXta. E. ^k5, Pa. ^Lo, Spoke. . 7 9 (JLOGI, Transl. :7Vms joray ye. 7 7 l> ..^^AJ, hallowed be ayiao-^rw Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of ^^,_D Pa. ^,-O, Sanctified. Ethpa. ^j-oZ] (Hebr. x. 29), Was con- secrated. Pret. 3 pi. CL[,JD2.f, Hebr. ii. 11. 2. pi. ICor. vi. 11. 1. pi. ^_ 7 r oZ] 1> , Hebr. x. 10 Part. pi. Hebr. x. 14. r t> *. 11. -JLQJQJCD5, (the bread) of our need Gr. (TOV uprov) rov e-movcnov ~,t>0 *. P-^JQD (1 Cor. xii. 22), noun masc. def. A want, necessity. E. .Dim, Needed. V f 7 . 7 P-LOQ-t, this day crrj/jiepov Adverbial noun, compounded of [lOQ_ P P PCTI. Compare Lat. hodie. In the parallel passage, S. Luke X . 0- xi. 3. we have ^OO >. ^>^, daily, day by day, Gr. TO 7 " 7 v 12. _ JOQ~K, owr c?e5^s ra o^etXr/'/xara ly/Awv PI. with aff. of 10 7 -Tl rDQj^ ]^D, forJ of debt, i.e. creditor, S. Luke vii. 41. p 7 A fern. def. form |Aod.K> occurs, S. Matt, xviii. 32; with aff. ver. 27. E. ODQ_*j l*j, Was guilty. S. MATTHEW VI. 12 1G. 249 Ver. 12. TVansl. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (a<>y- /cajnev, Sin. and Vat.) our debtors. 13. __HZ JJO, and lead us not KCU JUT} etcrevey/cjys r//xas Aphel ut. 2. sing, with aff. of ^Ll. \ki, See note, S. John xviii. 16. ( in . m i \ into temptation ets Tm/oaoyxov Noun masc. def. Trial, probation, temptation. PI. def. pO_i_CQJ, Acts xx. 19. Another form is |i_LcdJ, Proof, 2 Cor. ii. 9. R. } i p a . . . ^ Tempted. (I i K, the power 77 Suva/us Noun masc. def. Strength, force, miracu- louspoioer, miracle; military force, S.Luke xxi. 20. PI. 1 Cor. xv. 24. Def. ]1L^, S. Matt. vii. 22, &c. R Pa. ^__K, Confirmed, strengthened. Heb. 7^n> Ps. xviii. 33. Chald. the same, Strength, Dan. iii. 4: -Army, ver. 20; iv. 32. > ">.. 7 14. ^OOlZ.CL.mCD, their trespasses ret TrapaTTTw/xara avrwr PL with aff. of O.\'")Cn (Acts xxv. 5), noun fern. Folly, crime, transgression. O\^fD jjj, without fault, innocent, Acts xvi. 37. Def. |Zd_mCO, Acts xxiv. 20 PL def. ]Za\cD. R. Wnpr^ Was foolish, weak- minded. Heb. flfazfc or nfe^, Eccles. i. 17; ii. 3. 1G. ( i V)n , of a sad countenance o-KvOpwiroi PL def. of ; ^n^j def. |; iV}'"), adj. Sad, sorrowful. PL ij" vSn^>, S. Luke xxiv. 17. 7 Of form part. Peil from ^iDD, Was sad. ^..i \n K>^O, disfiguring, i.e. they disfigure Gr. a^avt^ovo-t Pael part. pi. of ^\i>j, Travailed in child-birth. Part. fern. UCLKJ, Rev. xii. 2 Pa. ^H.K, the same, in Rom. viii. 22; Gal. iv. 19, 27. Elsewhere in the NT. Corrupted, spoilt, destroyed* Pret. 3. fern. AAjQjo, Rev. xix. 2. 3. pi. n\ol> c h. xi. 18. 1. pi. ^AuL, 2 Cor. vii. 2 Fut. ( ^uLi Inf. nVAT.Art^ Rev. xi. 18 Part, \\nilk?, S. Luke xii. 33, &c.: Fern. |LmLiD, Gal. iv. 27. PL fern, ^^n >lk?, Rom. viii. 22 ; 1 Cor. xv. 33. Part. pass, ^n KK^O, 1 Tim. vi. 5 : Fern. ]1^ Av ]]' { n . 9 corrupt, Tit. ii. 8. w. c. 32 250 S. MATTHEW VI. 1624. Ver. 16. Ethpa. O_KZ], Was corrupted, S. James v. 2. Heb. 7^H) Pi- Travailed, Ps. vii. 15; Spoiled, destroyed, T Isa. xiii. 5. These are however referable to separate roots; see the Lexicons of Gesenius and Fueist. Chald. Pa. 73H, Dan. iv. 20; vi. 23; Ezr. vi. 12. Ithpa. SsHntf, Dan. ii. 44; vi. 27; vii. 14. fc .. 7 x 7 .0*7 j their faces TO. TrpocrwTra auTwv PI. with aff. of . ..j . . . _ (ch. xvi. 3, &c.), noun masc. def. The person, countenance, figure, X 7 * -K -X 7 appearance. Constr. *2)0^, Col. ii. 23. PL def. paova, S. Jude, ver. 16. Derived from the Gr. word. 17 ..... _5 AJ"), Transl. .Z?wi Aow, to/tew thou fastest, wash thy face, and anoint thine head. X 7 18 ..... / n *"M n ; Transl. And thy Father, which seeth in secret, lie shall reward thee. The words iv TO> Used as an adjective. See note, S. John xxi. 18. I 7 P-(JU, light, full of light (jxareivov Adj. used in def. state as a sub- stantive. See note, S. John xi. 10. P *. T. 23 ..... ^O , Transl. ^Tow f em - w-*--*' used as a noun, Contemptible, 2 Cor. x. 10 -- Ethpe. v^uZZ], TFas despised -- Part. fern. l4-_iZAiD, Acts xix. 27. Heb. ft^> only in part. pi. Ezek. xvi. 57; xxviii. 24, 26. P -X poSnlO, Mammon /Aa/A/za>va The good things, riches, &c. of this -X world. The full form would seem to be poLopD, as derived from j^fcS, Sustained, supported. Some regard it as a corruption from j^HODj a> hidden store, treasure, Gen. xliii. 23. R. ffotOj Hid. 25. ^QL2 |Z |J, take no thought /x^ /xept/^vare Fut. 2. pi. (for imperat.) 1 n X 7.x of i^)^_, Was anxious, careful. _ Fut. k2P, ver. 27, below -- Imperat. ^Z-T, S. Luke x. 35. PI. O2)II, 2 S. Pet. i. 10, &c __ Inf. ^2>IjiX Acts xx. 35; Phil. iv. 10 __ Part. >11, ver. 34, ~ ff .7 -J below: Fem. (^^j, coalescing with .-iAj|, S. Luke x. 41. PI. * "-* ~ .. masc. _a_2^j, ver. 28, below, &c. : fern. _2)fc_., Tit. ii. 5 __ _^XI7 7---* Part. Peil pi. ^.<* >. t) coalescing with _!-KJ, 2 Cor. viii. 21. ft. +"K 71 . ^n *~i \Z., 2/e s/ta^ ^9M< ore ei/Sv'o-r/or^e Fut. 2. pi. of ^ ^^ (Acts xii. 21), Clothed himself, was dressed. Pret. 2. pi. ^pA-a-ClX, Gal. iii. 27. 1. pi. ^ - A\ l Cor. xv. 49; 2 Cor. v. 3 __ Fut. . nNl, 1 Cor. xv. 53. 3. pi. ^CL^JoXj, S. Mark vi. 9 __ 7 . 1- .) Imperat. pi. O n\, Eph. vi. 11, &c -- Part. - *^ \, S. Luke viii. 27 __ Part. Peil - - > o\ S. Matt. xi. 8, &c. PI. . . A\^ 7 same verse: coalescing with -JLj, Hebr. xiii. 13. 7 Heb. b, Ps. civ. L Chald. fca, Dan. v. 7, 16. , the birds, fowls ra Treretva Properly part. fern. def. of 7 f> 7 . JTisio -- Fut. *>j^2iJ, fern. oj^Z., Rev. xiii. 14 __ Part. 70 . P P >jjj2>, Rev. iv. 7, &c. Fem. f^^2J, used in def. state as a subst. A bird, or, collectively, the feathered tribe: with verb pi. as here, or sing, as ch. xiii. 4, 32. PI. masc. _fj^g\ Rev. xix. 17. PI. fern. def. as a subst. "jA^j 1 ^, The birds, S. Luke xii. 24. 252 S. MATTHEW VI. 2628. Vcr. 26. ___SLQJV, gathering, they gather o-urayovo-iv Part. pi. of VVn..^ Collected, stored up __ Fut. ^>nV)KO, 1. sing. ^,ok2.Kf, S. Luke xii. 7, 18. . 7. 7 * 7 7 J05AlO, feeding, feedeth rpe'^ei Part, of . > .COJZ. (Acts xiii. 18), . X .7 verb of Pael (Pali) form, Fed, nourished. Pret. 2. pi. ^pAj-roJZ., S. James v. 5. 1. pi. ^ i .Sf? (Acts xxvi. 13), adj. Excellent. Def. }}hlQ, 2 Cor. iii. 10; 1 S. Pet. ii. 9. Fern. "jjAllO, 1 Cor. xii. 31, &c. Def. i < f2.5LLlo, Hebr. xi. 35. PI. masc. def. 1$'Al_k>, 1 S. Pet. iii. 3 __ Of form 7 A * 'A 7 Pael part, from ^Aj, Abounded. Pa. jA_, Increased. 27 ..... Q_liO, Transl. ^wcZ which of you, who is anxious (to do so), &c. to at^J Trpoo-deivaL Aphel inf. of ^rQ._i, not used, Aph. . Luke iii. 20), Added. -^D^l\ ^^rnn^ // e speak, i.e. spake again, Gr. 7rpocr$ts eTire, S. Luke xix. 11. Pret. 3. pi. oaflbof, Gal. ii. 6 Fut. ^rnoj, 3. pi. ^g^moi 2 Tim. ii. 16; iii. 13. 2. pi. AsiflDoZ, 1 Thess. iv. 1 -- Imperat. ^EUDo], S. Luke xvii. 5. PI. r> g> rnn]" 2 S. Pet. i. 5 -- Part. ^moV\ Acts ii. 47. PI. N . <^mo^ Phil. i. 17. Heb. &D*, Hiph. Ps. Ixxi. 14. Compare also the phrase *1' an d h Q s P a ^ e V et again, Gen. xviii. 29. .P7 7m stature CTTI TT^V ^At/aav avrov jAVno o (Eph. iv. 13), noun fern. def. The stature, height of a man; also, age. R. !>OQ_O i>OD, Rose. Heb. Mftip, 1 Sam. xvi. 7; Height, of the Ark. Gen. vi. 15. T | 77. "ft o 28. Of3oZ.(, consider Kara^dOeTf Ethpaal imperat. pi. of | r>r \ ^a;- I 7 . .1> plored, examined, proved. Ethpa. w^.jQIDZ.|, Contemplated __ S. MATTHEW VI. 2830. 253 Ver. 28. Part. OC&O, Rom. iv. 19. PI. v - AV> Phil. iii. 17. With kO of the object. ^ "** 7 *X ^ ^^* ^ '*" (JLjQ, 2/ie Zi^ies TO. Kpfva PI. def. of |AjLQ_, noun fern. def. A lily. PI. of masc. form. Heb. jfcy!0, 1 Kings vii. 19; Ps. Ix. 1 (musical instrument); s. xlv. 1 (musical instrument); Song of Sol. ii. 16: , fem. Song of Sol. ii. 1, 2. ?, of the field TOV djpov Noun masc. def. A field, pasture, whither flocks are driven; a wilderness, desert place, S. Mark vi. 31; S. Luke v. 16; xv. 4. Compare note, S. John i. 23. Heb. *);n, Isa. v. 17; Mic. ii. 12. V " " " ' \\ 7 . \1 S, spinning, they spin Gr. vyOei Part. pi. fem. of v>]^, Spun. Occurs elsewhere only in the parallel passage, S. Luke xii 27. 29. i mnZ'), was arrayed -Trepte/SaAeTo Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of |lOJD, , I ' i V Concealed. Ethpa. Was hidden, clothed. Pret. 3. pi. n . mn/ \ Rom. iv. 7: Fern. . '.'tY>n7^ S. Luke xix. 42 __ Fut. ]mLAj, fem. ImaZT, S. Matt. viii. 24. 1. pi. |rnnAi V er. 31, below __ Part. fem. JlmoAkJ, 1 Cor. xi. 6. i .51: Di7 , the grass TOV -^oprov (; ^Vi^ or {; ^f>^ (Castel) noun masc. def. Grass, hay. Compare Heb. ^ft^, A bundle, sheaf of corn, Amos ii. 13: and ^l/bV* the same, Deut. xxiv. 19; Ruth ii. 7, 15. R. Bound together. 5, of the field TOV dypov Def. of v^ -' (Acts i. 19), or noun masc. A part, portion of land. Compare Heb. p7H> 2 Kings ix. 10. R. p7!""I> Divided by ! I V " I ~ T lot, Chald. p7h, Part, portion, Dan. iv. 12, 20; Ezr. iv. 16 -- But this comparison, approved by many scholars, is disallowed by Michaelis, who refers the word to the Arabic. (Castel's Lex. ed. Michaelis.) , to-morrow avpiov Adv. of time. Heb. Tlfc, Jud- xx. 28. 254 S. MATTHEW VI. 3034. Ver. 30. }5QjZ, the oven xXifiavov Noun masc. def. occurring in the N. T. only here and S. Luke xii. 28, A furnace, oven. Heb. ")!|3fl, Gen. xv. 17. " v 7 * v . -^\Vr> clothing, He clothes a/xe^tevvwiv Aphel part, of - * *^X " n 7 ' Was dressed, put on clothes -- Aph. - ~ ^N\ (with aff. S. Luke xxiii. 11), Clothed a person. Pret. 2. sing. A A ^N. ^ with aff. Hebr. x. 5. 3. pi. O n^\, with aff. S. Matt, xxvii. 28, 31, &c. _ Imperat. pi. with aff. S. Luke xv. 22. Heb. Hiph. ^^hn, Gen. xxvii. 16. Metaph. Ps. cxxxii. 16 __ Chald. Aph. ti^htl, Dan - v - 29. .0. Ik * * jf k i j/n i Vn .rn _jCLLl, little of faith ye of little faith Gr. oAtyoTrurroi See note, ch. v. 19, above. U* K 7 7 n ^ V) .rn noun fern. def. Truth, fidelity. Derived from _lQ_O1, Believed. See note, S. John i. 7. 31 ..... \^ .nrn jj } Transl. Therefore take no thought, or say. ^ * ..7 32. OO1 (*^">Vnv ; the Gentiles (see note, S. John v. 3) ra Wv-rj OC7I is pleonastic; compare S. John viii. 26 (note). . . .0 .... ^O-^X ^|?> Transl. That also all these things are needful for you. l> ..7. 33. ^_21CDoZ.AlD, added, shall be added Gr. Tr-poo-re^o-erai Ethtaphal * "i 7 part. pi. fern, of >^ff> Aph. ^lDo|, Added. Ethtaph. *SlDoZ2.}*(Acta xi. 24, &c.), Was added. Pret. 3. pi. CLSUXO^Z]^ Acts ii. 41 -- Fut. tfiUfiol&J, S. Matt. xxv. 29; Hebr. xii. 19 (adverbially, as in Aphel, see note ver. 27, above) __ Part. ^acooZAk), S. Mark iv. 24. PI. masc. omnrTMO^ Acts v. 14. * > .... i-n-it OO1, Transl. For the morrow shall take thought for itself- So the Sin. and Vat. MSS. , 34. n c^m, sufficient Gr. dpKcrov For |^j2XCD, fern. Enallage of gender. S. MATTHEW VII. 14. 255 CHAPTER VII. Ver. 2. "JA\ . n-^ with the measure Gr. lv <5 fiirpw Noun fern. def. A measure, specially a lesser, as the masc. form (S. John iii. 34) denotes a greater. (Castel, Schaaf.) ^pAj] . \ . -^n ye mete ^terpetTe Aphel part. pi. forming pres. tense, of v>(HD (not used). Aph. Vv Vj , Measured. Heb. 71)3, Measured, Isa. xl. 12. Hiph. 7OH> ^ Kings vii. 26, 38. ^i_o2.Alb, it shall be measured Gr. a.vrip.f.TpTjQ^a-tTa.i (fj-fTprjOrja-frai, Sin. and Vat.) Ethpeel part, (for future) of the foregoing. Ethpe. vi n/ /. j ? Was measured. 3. 1 1 M. ^ , the mote TO Kap^os (I,., noun masc. def. A small splinter of " ^^ * wt t\ 7 wood, chaff, stubble, easily carried away by the wind. R. X^.^^,., fiolled away. Compare Job xiii. 25, fpnfi &^ Wd'fW], and wilt Thoupursue the dry stubble ? Syr. Aj] fc)j5 ] - *^ > ]1 .. \n I x "^ Compare Heb. 73 7^, Stubble, Isa. xvii. 13. Primarily, A wheel, Isa. v. 28; Whirlwind, Ps. Ixxvii. 19. -0 IP IS |Aj;..Q, ^7ie Seam -nyv SOKOV Def. of -;-Q, noun fern, properly, A joist, rafter, from their meeting tind fitting together. Occurs only in this chapter. Heb. mipf 2 Kings vi. 2, 5. R. nip 5 ^. Pi. Laid or T | -|T fitted beams, Ps. civ. 3. .7 7 7 AJ J ;-K>^2, considerest Karavoeig Part, (forming pres. tense) of ^-K*JD, Perceived, tried or proved Fut. 5o_K^J, 2. pi. ^O^^jjoZ, Acts xxviii. 26 -- Part. Peil ; ^^^, Rev. iii. 18. Fern. def. ]Zj_k_K*JD, 1 S. Pet. ii. 6. ,et> . Deriv. p^KdO, noun masc. def. Trial, 1 S. Pet. i. 7; ii. 12. Heb. *in3> Proved, Isa. xlviii. 10. *% 7 * 4. *r>g>( tQO n , suffer (that] I may pull out; let me pull out d, the swine Gr. TWV \oipwv PI. def. of }.-J-K, def. jf^l**, noun masc. A pig, boar. Fern. def. |Zj_iJ_K, the sow, 2 S. Pet. ii. 22. Heb. *VTn, Ps. Ixxx. 14. R ^tH Arab. Fas thick. , they trample KaTairaTyo-oxnv Fut. 3. pi. of *_Q5 ->, Trod down Fut. fc^OyJ, Rev. xix. 15 -- Part. -]?, pi. v ;, S. Luke x. 19. Heb. &*ft, Job xxxix. 15. Chald. Dan. vii. 23. *> 7 i ; they rend you p^tcocriv v/u,as Pael fut. 3. pi. with aff. 77 of ViV^? Clave asunder, split j tore. Pa. Vi]^D, the same -- Part. u{Avn < S. Luke v. 37. *. 7 7. Q_Q_Q, knock Kpovert Imperat. pi. of . m (S. Luke xii. 36; Acts xii. 13), Knocked at a door; struck a harp; pitched a tent Fut. ^ T> -X fc"** * -dOJ, 1. sing. fcjQJDJ, Rev. iii. 20 Part. __QJ, ver. 8, below. Pi. > ~ ^ y S. Luke xiii. 25; Rev. xiv. 2. Ethpeel - - '"^T TFcw struck. Part. - - <"> iA^ 1 Cor. xiv. 7. Chald. U^pJ, Smote, as the knees one against the other for fear, Dan. v. 6. 1\ 7 9. O"L^ ^_OlQ, giving him; will he give, lit. extend, hold out, to him? Gr. 7nStuo-ei awTw ; See note, S. John xx. 25. 12. The omission of ovv in the Syr. Vers. seems to justify the opinion of those who observe that it is here a mere expletive, or even redundant, not necessarily connecting the precept in this verse with the foregoing. In the Sin. MS. ovv is wanting. S. MATTHEW VII. 1315. 257 Ver. 13. *)T ^ ; strait Gr. orev^s Part. Peil def. of *_&, used as an adjective. See note, ch. xiv. 22. ), wide TrXareia Adj. Broad, spacious. Fern. )-A2), Rev. xi. 8. Of form part. Peil from ]Aa, Was wide. Chald. deriv. ^H3j Breadth, with aff. Dan. iii. 1; Ezr. vi. 3. Syr. V*^>, Eph. iii.' 18. z 3, 6roac? evpu^wpos Fern, of ojtuO* (2 Cor. vi. 11). Adj. Wide, 7 . ' spacious, enlarged. Of form part. Peil from wK0? (cogn. o^>_ j >jj , Breathed}. Heb. 111*1) ^ 7 s spacious, refreshment to, impers. with 7, ~ T 77 : 1 Sam. xvL 23; Job xxxii. 20 Syr. Pa. tMOt, Enlarged. Im- 77 _ 7 .7 perat. pi. Q_wO>, 2 Cor. vi. 13 Aph. ooO?|, Relieved, refresJied, .7 .7 pret. 3. sing. fern. A>o05|, 1 Tim. v. 10. Also, Smelt, part. VK-J^D, 1 Cor. xii. 17. , thereat, by it, lit. by its hand Gr. Si' avrfjs 14. jib, how! used as an interjection. Transl. How strait (is) the gate, &c. The Sin. and Vat. MSS., altered by a later hand, read ri for on. 5, strait O-TCVTJ Adj. occurring here only in the N. T Form part. Peil of ^ ^ , Was narrow. Heb. jbpj Was small, worthless, Gen. xxxii. 11; 2 Sam. vii. 19. 7 1* / 7 15. OJOljlj, beware Trpoo-exere Ethpeel imperat. pi. of 5(Jll, Shone, was bright. In the N. T. only in part. Peil pi. _;_*C"ll, Enlightened, metaph. Cautious, heedful, Gal. vi. 1; Hebr. ii. 1; xii. 15 7 V Ethpe. 5oijl|, Made sure, guarded, was diligent, cautious. Pret. 3. pi. OJOTjll* S. Matt, xxvii. 66 Fut. JCTljp, 1 Cor. x. 12. 3. pi. ^OJOljp, S. Matt. xvi. 12. 2. pi. ^OJOljlZ* ver. 11 7 .1> T 7 * Imperat. 5 S. Matt. xxvii. 64, where see note. Heb. "VJT (not found in Kal). Hiph. Taught, Exod. xviii. 20; Warned, 2 Chron. xix. 1 0. Chald. VIT, part. Peil pi. Ezr. iv. 22. w. c. .S3 258 S. MATTHEW VII. 1524. Ver. 15. Q_^_^, _, inwardly eo-co0ev Compound adverb. See note, S. John xx. 26. J)Q_^K, ravening ap7ray PI. def. of k)Q_uK (1 Cor. v. 11), noun masc. Rapacious, a rapacious person, extortioner. R. hL^x, Seized. T .. i y 1G. (oV v ; grapes Gr. ora^iAifv PI. def. (masc. form) of >}JLL, def. " ; noun fern. prop. A bunch of grapes. Heb. 2ty, Gen. xl. 10, 11. LXX. -v\j. i * i p i * ->n o ; thistles Gr. TpifioXw PI. def. of (*"> ^0.0, noun masc. def. A thistle, thorn. Lat. carduus. Here and Hebr. vi. 8, only. , ,/igrs o-u/ca PI. def. of ~\LL or ]Aj]Z, A fig-tree. See note, 1 S. John i. 48. 22. !?!-, efevifo Scu/xovta PI. def. of ]j]_ (ch. xv. 22; xvii. 18), noun i i. .. masc. def. The Devil, a devil, evil spirit. PI. ,__?[_, S. Mark xvi. 9. Heb. *l^ only in pi. Q^1^> Idols Le. demons, Deut. xxxii. 17; Ps. cvi 37. R. *]]$, Was powerful, laid waste, Ps. xci. 6. * o 7 7 23. dQ_Kj5j, be far, depart aTroxcopetTe Aphel imperat. pL of Q^a5 (not used). Ethpe. tQjoJZ"), Withdrew himself, abstained. Fut. 2. pi. X 7 .IV ^ .7I ^O.Qj^jZ./., Acts xv. 29; Rom. xvi. 17 __ Imperat. .o ../ (^ 1 Tim. vi. 6. (These forms are by some referred to Ethpa.) _ * V Aph. *O>Kj5 j (Acts xix. 9), Removed, departed. Heb. pi"n> Removed, was far from, Ps. xxii. 12, 20. Hiph. Gen. xliv. 4; Ps. ciii. 12. -K 7 24. (lOjAj, 7ie 4&o0 6e likened Gr. O/AOIWO-O) uvroV. (The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read op-otwO^a-eraL) _ Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of ]s2)5, Was like. Ethpe. wj.l^jZ.'f, Imitated. Part. pi. ^ > Vi^AVn Eph. v. 1 __ Ethpa. . > V)?Zj, Was likened, transformed, became an imitator of. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 'hl^DiL}] S. Matt, xviii. 23; xxii. 2. 2. pi. vOA^kJjZ]* 1 Thess. i. 6; ii. 14 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. {&? S. Matt. xxv. 1. 2. sing. |k>nLZ, 3 S. John ver. 11. 1. sing. ]k>?Zf, Phil. iii. 10. 3. pi. ^oSDjAj, Tit. i. 14 (Vienna). 2. pi. S. MATTHEW VII. 24-26. 259 Ver. 24. ^oSo jZ2T, Rom. xii. 2, &c Imperat. pi. QiO?2. 1 Cor. xi. 1 ; Phil, iii 17 Inf. o . V^ALoX 2 Thess. iii. 7 Part. ]&jAk), 2 Cor. xi. 14. PI. .O^AVn, S. Luke xx. 20; Rom. ix. 29; 2 Cor. xi. 15. 17 t, 0M0 Gr. . ^v\ S. Luke xvi. 8, &c. Def. ]killl.K, S. Matt. x. 16, &c. PI. fern. V>Vn^, ch. xxv. 2. Def. ffi^nVniL, 7 ver. 4, 8, 9. R. ^ODto, Was wise, knew. Heb. D5H, Ps. cvii. 43. Chald. Q^ftH (from Pael), pi. T T I- - rto\5PJ> Wise, Dan. ii. 21, Def. &$*j^2Pl, the magicians, ch. ii. 12, &c. * T* f> , 6wtft wicoSo^cre Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Fut. P-dJ, S. Luke xiv. 28. 1. sing, "[l^f, ch. xii. 18: with aff. S. Matt. xvi. 18; xxvi. 61. 2. pi. ^Q-LoZ" Acts vii. 49 Inf. ]i^0>\ S. Luke xiv. 30 Part. JjjD, S. Matt, xxvii. 40, &c. : Fern. )JLlO, Acts xx. 32. PI. masc. V ? f ^ / S. Matt, xxiii. 29, &c Part. Peil lis, fern, llii, S. Matt. v. 14; S. Luke iv. 29. Heb. H33i Gen. viii. 20. Chald. HJ3i Dan. iv. 27. ^3, T T T : T ; Ezr. v. 3, 25. Q._i;_Z.|, &ea^ TrpocreTreo-oi/, (7rpo t Gal. iii. 3. Def. 260 S. MATTHEW VII. 2629. VIII. 1. Ver. 26. S. Matt, xxiii. 17, 19. PI. fern. lD, ch. xxv. 2. Def. 1/\Knfy! ver. 3, 8. R. \\^tt), Was foolish. Heb. ^D, pi. Jer. v. 21. - * (I t.. ; the sand Gr. rr]v a/x/xov Noun masc. def. Heb. Sill, Exod. ii- 12; Ps. cxxxix. 18. R. ^pf, Soiled, whirled round. 27. rnA\n<^V>, tf/ig fall of it TJ Trraxris avr^s "|A\Q_2l!yO (S. Luke ii. 34), noun fem. def. A falling down, ruin. R. ^U, Fell. Heb. rp3Dj Isa. xxiii. 13; xxv. 2. T " y T -r .7 28. OOC7I _-',LuCnZ., /iey were astonished eceTrXi/crcrovTo Part. Peil pi. masc. (forming imperf. tense) of JOlZ., Admired, was amazed. Pret. 3. pi. OJOlZ, ch. xxi. 20, &c -- Fut. 5 o , 1 Cor. vi. 17: Fern. J^LQJ, Rev. vi. 8. PI. masc. Rev. xiv. 13 __ Part. Peil .*. 01, Acts viii. 13. PI. masc. . <^ . r*\ Acts xi. 23, &c. PL fern. c* > <^\ S. 77. -7, Mark xv. 41 __ Ethpaal .<^o v | same as Peal. Inf. Acts ix. 26 __ Part. pi. - ^oiAVi R O m. xii. 9 __ Aphel same as Peal (see Acts xvii. 5), also, Began, Acts i. 22, fec. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A^Lo], Acts x. 37 (wanting in Vienn. but * i 7 restored by Tremellius). 1. sing. A^LDJ, ch. xi. 15. 3. pi. CL2LD], ch. ii. 4. 2. pi. v oA.<=^ n") , Phil. iv. 10. Compare Heb. Sp3> Went round, in a course, as holy-days, Isa. xxix. 1. Hiph. Job i. 5. Encompassed, Ps. xvii. 9, &c. i * 7 2. F^J-ii> a leper AcTrpo's Noun masc. def. Prop. Leprosy, see ver. 3; S. Mark i. 42; S. Luke v. 12, 13. Whence, A leprous man. PI. def. feJi> S. Matt. x. 8, &c. Heb. ^n3, Scab, scurvy, Deut. xxviii. 27. LXX. if/upa aypia. P 7 A T K 3. M>M, ^ e ^ OM c^ean KaOapL * ^y j, S. Luke xvii. 14 __ Fut. l^jAj, 3. pi. ^OSjAj, Acts xxi. 23 __ Part. !>jAk>, Hebr. ix. 22. PL masc. . n;AO^ g. Matt. xi. 5; S. Luke vii. 22. PL fern. ,_L5jAk?, Hebr. ix. 23. 1 r t, ' " L\\ * *^) (TLO, immediately Gr. ev0eo>s Lit. in it, in the hour, i.e. in tJiat hour, at that moment. See note, S. John i. 39. * .. o . 4. (Jcnn.1, to the priests Gr. TW upet So also S. Mark i. 44; S. Luke v. 14, followed, as here, by ^pOlZo^onmN, for their testimony, i.e. the testimony of those who were healed; or, the Priests' testimony and warrant for their cure. Gr. cts /xaprvptov auTot?, i. e. (as commonly interpreted) for a testimony unto them, sc. the people. % P 'X i 5. pOj_^J_O, a centurion eKaToVrapxo? (xevrvptW, S. Mark xv. 39, 44). i JX * Lat. centurio, whence the Syr. word. PL .i.JO'^.1.0 , Acts xxiii. 23. Def. JjOV^J-O, ver. 17. 262 S. MATTHEW VIII. 614. Ver. 6. fcQjAjilO, tormented /?acravioju,evos Ethpaal part, of *Q_1_, * 7 77 .1 Tortured, afflicted. Pa. -^ 1 , the same. Ethpa. *OJA^ j , Was tormented. _ Fut. QjA_aJ, Eev. xiv. 10. 3. pi. ^OQjA^JI, ch. ix. 5; xx. 10 __ Part. fern. ]AiA - V> Rev. xii. 2. PI. masc. . o jA Vn / g. Mark vi. 48. 8. - - V 5*^, my roof- P.OV...TYJV o-Teyrjv (1 ^V), noun masc. def. ^ dwell- ing. Occurs here only. Form of A ph. part, of \L^, Aph. \L], Overshadowed. A fuller form occurs, ver. 20 below. ")A\Vn<-i fib], spea& V P . 10. OllQii _iZ.| r A, to them that ivent with Him, i.e. that followed. Gr. rots a.Ko\ovOovj, gnashing o ftpvy/jids Noun masc. of frequent occurrence * T4 Tt 7 in this Gospel, and always with |j-Ji. R. *D^>o, Pa. 14. OlAlQj^A, 7iis wife's mother T-rjv irevOepav O.VTOV ]ALo>j, noun fern. def. vl mother-in-law. Heb. riifcn, RuthL 14; ii. 11. T p p V* * v p *^ p x *i^ |ZL| Ol-l |,_i_*j|, the fever held her, i.e. sick of a fever Gr. Trupecr- o-ovo-av Part. Peil fern, used actively. See Cowper's Gr. 91; and note, S. John ii. 6. S. MATTHEW VIII. 1625. 263 "" i 7 "Ver. 16 ..... .og^jn^ Trans. And He cast out their devils by the Word. 9, 17 ..... OO"lj, Trans. That He shall bear our griefs and carry our in- firmities. 20. (liAX, to the foxes (^31^ A_], tJiere are to them), i.e. foxes have * ^% 7 Gr. ai aXwTreKes ex owi -P^ def. f U-^- (& Luke xiii. 32), noun masc. def. Heb. ^]fl&, A fox, jackal, Neh. iii. 35 (E.V. iv. 3); Ps. Ixiii. 11. f S O 1 , holes Gr. , a nest, shelter Gr. Karao-K^vaxms Noun masc. def. PI. S. Luke ix. 33. Form of Aph. part, from Aph. -|, Overshadowed. * '' "ft 24. (1 \ii . ^j with the waves VTTO TWV Kv/xarcoi/ Noun pi. def. (sing. wanting), A wave. R. vL, He was asleep eKa.6ev8e Part. Peil (forming imperf. 7 tense) of j^SDj (S. Luke viii. 23), Slept, and metaph. Slept in death, was dead. Pret. 2. sing. A/^Vn^ (so Vienna and most Eds., others read A^O^N S. Mark xiv. 37. 3. pi. O2k>), S. Matt. xiii. 25: Fern. " ^^ , ch. xxv. 5 __ Fut. ^OjJ, S. Mark iv. 27. 1. pi. j^Or-J, 1 Cor. xv. 51; 1 Thess. v. 6 ^ S. Matt. xxvi. 45; S. Mark xiv. 41 __ Part. j^D?, pi. j, 1 Thess. iv. 13; v. 7. For the regular participle, the participial noun ^iSoj is often used; see note, S. John xi. 12. 25 ..... CLO;_QO, Transl. And His disciples came to awaken Him. For v_iOTOf_JLjj, which is faulty, a MS. reads \1H^{<, ^OIO; i S*) , as in S. Luke viii. 24. 264 S. MATTHEW VIII. 2630. Ver. 26. > lAVn^^ fearful SeiXoi PI. of ^AXdwj, def. !>.... 7 adj. Timid, alarmed. PI. def. (jAAQ_Kj, Rev. xxi. 8. R. Feared. "\\3, He rebuked eTrertpjo-e Verb pret. 3. sing, followed by <> of the . r object, Reproved, restrained, forbade, charged. Pret. 3. pi. Op), ch. xix. 13; S. Luke xviii. 15 -- Fut. ]pj __ Itnperat. ._]), S. Luke xvii. 3; xix. 39 __ Inf. ]]AOA S. Matt. xvi. 22; S. Mark viii. 32 __ Part. ]]), S. Mark iii. 12; S. Luke iv. 41. PL ,_U>, S. Matt. xx. 31,"&c. Heb. n&O> Kal not used; Hiph. Afflicted, saddened, Ezek. T T xiii. 22. Niph. Was humbled, Ps. cix. 16. Compare nfl3> Pi. T T Reproved, restrained, 1 Sam. iii. 13. | \ t a calm yaXyvr) Def. of \ / noun masc. Tranquillity, T* * silence. Adverbially, ( \ r~^' immediately, S. Mark ix. 8, where see note. R. |L* or . . \ , Ceased, was still. Heb. fy& t 2 Sam. iii. 27: *b&, Ps. xxx. 7: ,7)^', cxxil : 7 __ Chald. HTO, Dan. iv. 24. 29. jO ^. p, iAa< ^ave we to do with Thee? TL rjfuv Kal croi'; See note, S. John ii. 4. p^\ Ai^er oSSc Adv. of place. See note, S. John ii. 16. 77.7 _QJ_Z.5, that Thou mayest torment us Gr. /Jao-avurcu ^as _ Pael 7 * 7 fut. 2. sing, with aff. of *QJ_, Tortured. Pa. *QJ_, the same. Pret. 3. pi. OQJ_, Rev. xi. 10 __ Fut. -^* - 1 __ Part, .r^i I^r> 2 S. Pet. ii. 8. Deriv. ]^2JQ_, noun masc. def. Torment, 2 S. Pet. ii. 4, ^"iph. Hanged himself, 2 Sam. xvii. 23. I - T Pi. Strangled, Nah. ii. 13. 30. ^OCTLlLD v^CTiA, a good way off from them paKpav air avruv \>OlX, adv. of place, There, Gr. eKet, Hebr. vii. 8; S. James ii. 3. Followed by ^b, adv. of distance, Beyond, as ^\x ** beyond Babylon, tTrexeiva BajSvXwvo?, Acts vii. 43 : v aia i !o S. MATTHEW VIII. 3033. 265 Ver. 30. beyond you, Gr. cts TO. UTrepe/ceiva v^uv, 2 Cor. x. 16 : v>TL_^ _LDO |oJOl ^O> on either side^ Gr. evTeWfv /cat fVTtvdfv, Rev. xxii. 2. The Syr. v>ai (always with pref. ^) answers to the Heb. N/H, properly a noun, Distance, remoteness; always with final n__ HX //"!> a( lv. of place, Away, further, Gen. xix. 9; or of time, T T ; T Forward, 1 Sam. xviii. 9. 1* " 7 pOO, a Aerc/ dyeXtj Noun fern. def. Properly A nerd of oxen, but used of other animals, which are then specified. Though of sing. form, it takes Ribui, as a noun of multitude. Ribui, however, is wanting, S. Mark v. 11, 13. Heb. *"lp3, for the most part collectively, Oxen for ploughing, If T Job i. 14. R, *1j53, Split, furrowed the ground. Compare Lat. I- T armentum for aramentum, from arare. 7 "* 7 - 32. LijL, ran straight Gr. wp/A^ctc ^Pret. 3. sing. fern, of . 5Z., Directed, guided, went in a straight course. Pret. 1. pi. . 32. , Acts xvi. 11 Fut. 05AJ, S. Luke i. 79. Jtoperat. pi. O.O5Z, S, Luke T ^ iii. 4 -- Part. Peil h*5, used as a noun, Right, straight, Acts viii. 21 Def. 11-52., ch. ix. 11. Fern. def. ll^*U, 2 S. Pet. ii. 15. PI. fern. def. UIJZ, Acts xiii. 10. Deriv. |*5oZ, noun masc. def. Correction, reformation, 2 Tim. iii, 16; Hebr. ix. 10. ^ up to the top of the precipice, whence they leaped down Gr. KO.TO. TOV 1 * x V 7 [gi . o m \ ^ to the rock Noun masc. def, Lit. An overhanging rock, 7 hollowed out by the beating of the waves beneath. R, *^LQ_, Beat against Form of part. Peil. Transl. And that whole lierd ran straight up to the top of the rock 1S I (cliff], and they fell (sc. ]y.*l>-) into the sea. Compare the parallel passages, S. Mark v. 13; S. Luke viii. 33. i 7 33. .... Q.jCL*jQ, Transl. And they told evert/thing that was (done), and concerning those demoniacs. W. c. 34 266 S. MATTHEW IX. 113. CHAPTEE IX. Ver. 4. ^OOlAoJi-KKiO, their thouyhts ras Iv aff. of ]A. ^O-i def. VA^I *.&> (S. Luke ix. 46, 47), noun .. 7 fern. Thought, reasoning, doubt. PI. def. (Ao ^^Vn S. Matt. 7 xv. 19, &c. E. -^ * -', Thought, deliberated. Heb. fiSGP'nJb, Gen. vi. 5: and JtaBTlD, Esth. viii. 3, 5. T T .. _, _. _ 5. ^n . ^ gas^ Gr. cuKOTrwrepov Adj. lit. Explained, laid open. 1 .01 Fern. ]f^ - -<^ S. Mark ii. 9; S. Luke v. 23. Form of part. 7 * 7 Peil from .o =*> (not used). Pa. .o <=^ Explained. 9. (on^V) Aj>O, a^ P p o 7 o (.* S? , a shepherd, pi. def. |Z.CLl3 , S. Luke ii. 8. 7 > 13. O 1 V>, what that meaneth, what it is TI eo-riv See note, S. John xiv. 22. P_I_K>, mercy eAeov Noun masc. def. Grace, kindness, com^iassion. 7 E. _1.K _K, Was gracious, had pity. Heb. JH, Gen. vi. 8. Transl. / seek (require) mercy. " "" r )>, sacrifice Ovcrtav Noun fern. def. E. t*j*O), Sacrificed. For the masc. form ]j>^2), see S. Mark xii. 33, note. T 7 . jV-^) the righteous SIKCUOVS PI. def. with pref. J^ of the object, of *Q-Ol (S. Luke ii, 25), adj. Just, upright. Def. l-O-iJI, S. Matt. x. 41, &c. Fern. def. VArujf, 2 S. Pet. ii. 8 PI. masc. x . o ^j, S. Luke i. 6. E. Ojl, Was just. From this adj. is derived S. MATTHEW IX. 1316. ' 267 Ver. 13. A^lAJf, adv. Justly, 1 Cor. xv. 34. x Heb. p*TO, Ps. xi. 7. Transl. For I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners. The words as //.erai/oiav are wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. both here and in the parallel passage, S. Mark' ii. 17. 7 x p 7 x o 14. ^ 1 > V? >. (for ^-i-K ^.1 V),t .) we fast v^oreuo/xei' Part, forming pres. tense. See note, ch. iv. 2, above. }" * 7 15. 1 10 1 u? , f the bride-chamber rov viyA , Raised, removed. Ethpe. ^oA^], Was removed, S. Mark ii. 20; S. Luke xxiv. 31 Fut. 3. sing. fern. ^oAjTZ (for . . \oA .T7) S. Matt. xxi. 43 Tmperat. ^o2ll" S. Matt, xxi. 21 Part. ^.oA^Lb, fern. llc/A ,V), 2 Cor. iii. 16. PI. masc. ^.\o^V) x x Acts viii. 33. . 7 f -X. 16. JA^DJOJ, a piece of cloth e:rt/3A.^/Aa Noun fern. def. Anything sewn 7 on. Pt. ^1D5, Pressed together, fated. Occurs elsewhere only in j > t the parallel passages. From the same root is derived p.-Oo5, pi. 'ft Cw def. PJ3OJ', Gr. 0-ifj.LKtvOi.a, Acts xix. 12. ( ^*^ | / old Gr. TraXaiw Part. masc. def. of |i*"*> or ^ . X o ; Was old, grew old. Part. ]lo, 1 S. Pet. i. 23. Pl/masc. <__k.S.C, S. Luke xii. 33. Used in the def. state as an adjective. PL fern. def. JA \"\ in the next verse; S. Mark ii. 22; S. Luke v. 37. The pointing ( \*^> and |A . x*^, found in some Editions, is faulty. Heb. JTOJ, Grew old, Ps. xxxii. 3; cii. 27. nSs, fern. fiS^l. adj. Worn out, Josh. ix. 4, 5. vSo2.Z (for - T <^n77j m ay tear away Gr. aipei Fut. 3. sing. fern, of k)Aj, Drew, dragged. Fut. kSoAj. Occurs here only in Peal. C 7 7 Ethpeel (or Ethpa.) part. pi. fern. .aAjALo, are turned about, yuided, S. James iii. 4. 268 S. MATTHEW IX. 16-23. Ver. 16. pJ^, the rent o-xioyxa Noun masc. def. R. ViJID, Tore. Occurs here only. Transl. That its fulness, i, e. the piece inserted, may not tear away from that garment, and the rent become worse. 17. \G\ y bottles -Gr, acr/covs PL def. (masc. form) of \O], noun fern. A bladder, wine-skin. R. n^Ql, Heb. hHT Poured, Job xxxvi. 27. I I-T ,_lA^>, be poured out Gr. e^trai Ethpeel part, of ,-!, Poured. Ethpe. r .*]2.|, Was poured, ch. xxiii. 35; S. Luke xi. 50; Acts i. 18. Transl. That the bottles be not broken, and the wine spilled, and the bottles perish. ), preserved, are preserved crwrrjpovvTat Ethpeel part. pi. of }, Kept. Ethpe. j-gjZ]* Was kept Fut. f-fejAj, Acts xxv. 21, 25, 3. pi, ^Os-fejAj, 2 S. Pet. ii. 4 Part. 4^Ak>, S. Luke viii. 29. 18 ]Z|, Transl. There came a certain ruler (and) approached (and) worshipped Him. 19 JsdQO, Transl. And Jesus arose, and His disciples, and they fol- lowed him (went after him). 20. O"l!sO> JO01 |JJ5, whose blood had flowed Gr. alfJiofipoovo-a Part, with "i |OO"I, here with force of pluperf. tense. 23. |oi> the minstrels rows avXr}rd<; PL def. of |^Loi, noun masc. def. 7 A singer, musician. Occurs here only in the N,T. R. D] , Sung, played on an instrument. Chald. "ifcf, pi. def, N-HElT, Ezr. vii. 24. D>, who (were) making a noise Gr. Oopvfiov/Jitvov Ethpeel Vs 7 "" A V part. pi. of - . i , Disturbed Ethpe. - . . A j (S. Luke i. 1 2 ; Acts ii. 6), Was troubled, agitated, confounded. Pret. 3. sing, fern, A^_i.Aj1. Acts xix. 29: xxi. 30. 1. pi. ..A ! ch. xix. 40. ^V V>^ Fut. . ..A i 2. pi. .0 11^*^ 1 S. Pet. iii. 14 Part. , 1 Cor. xiii. 4: Fern. }j.jLiO, S. Matt. xiv. 24. S. MATTHEW IX. 2427. 269 Ver. 24. CLDOj^), give place, i.e. withdraw, depart (followed by pers. 7 pron. dat. pleonastic) ava^wpeire Imperat. pi. of %)2) (ch. xxvi. 39, itc.), Broke off, separated; whence, Set free, delivered, redeemed; and reciprocally, Set himself free, departed. Pret. 1. n 7 sing. cuDjJE9, with aff. Acts xxiii. 27. 3. pi. CLD^2>, ch. xxii. 29; xxvi. 31 Fut. -nn : g*>i 2 Tim. ii. 19; with aff. S. Matt, xxvii. 43, "&c. 1. sing. iOO}>l, Acts vii. 34. 3. pi. ^OO^I, Acts i. 4, &c. 2. pi. , S. Luke v. 8; with aff. S. Matt. xiv. 30, &c Inf. .rv <*V>\ with aff. 5. Matt, xxvii. 49 Part. ipfr&, 2 Cor. i. 10: Fern. ]T)^), S. Luke ii. 37; ix. 39. PI. masc. n^, Acts xix. 12 Part. I 7 Peil -o -i^j Acts i. 12, &c. : see note, S. John xi. 18 Aph. 71-7 K 7 );.} I, Removed, caused to abstain. Fut. *O^SJ, 2 Cor. xii. 8 Part. pi. v n^aSc, 1 Tim. iv. 3. Heb. plE), Broke, broke off, liberated, Gen. xxvii. 40; Ps. I - T vii. 3; cxxxvi. 24. Chald. p*l)j imperat. Dan. iv. 24. , the maid TO Kopdcriov Noun fern. def. See note, S. John iv. 49. f IP QOCJ1 *")>* it, they laughed to scorn KareyeXw Part. pi. (forming .. 7 imperf. tense) of *^*-o, Laughed, derided. Followed by ^^ of the object Fut. ^j^^J, 2. pi. ^ n .. . 7 S. Luke vi. 21 Part. ._ij->..... Cogn. Hebr. pHX, Gen. xviii. 12, 13. 7 ' ~ T 25 fSO, Transl. And when He had put forth (dismissed) the crowd. 27. i^CTlOOn?, followed Him ^KoXov^o-av aur<3 Pret. 3. pi. with aff. of ,nr2j (S. Luke x. 11), Clave, adhered to. Pret. 3. pi. r>r>oj, Eev. xviii. 5 Fut. *no,J Part. Peil *Q.j-Oj, S. Mark v. 24; X 17 Acts xiii. 7. PI. masc. % ^ * ^ , S. Mark vi. 1. Heb. p^l, Ps. cii. 6; cxix. 31 Chald. p^Tf, part. pi. Dan. ii. 43. 77. T H J>Q>j5Z.|, 7wve mercy eXe'^o-ov Ethpaal imperat. of !*Qja$, Loved. * 7 Pael i>Q>j5, Pitied, had mercy on, Phil. ii. 27; 1 Tim. i. 16 270 g. MATTHEW IX. 2735. H V 1> 7 W Ver. 27. Fut. i-QjujJ. Rom. xi. 32. 1. sing. isQjo5|, ch. ix. 15 Tmperat. pi. OkLK>5, S. Jude ver. 23 Part. ^aU^D, Rom. ix. 15, 18; xii. 8. 7 T? Ethpa. ^>CL*j5Z.| (ver. 36, below, &c.), Was moved to compassion; * ? V and, actively, Pitied. Pret. 1. sing. AV>.>i/ | Rom. ix. 25.^ This verb, contrary to the general rule, retains the vowel of the 7..T> 2nd rad. in Ethpa. imperative. But some Editions read i*Q^5Z.|, here and S. Luke xvii. 13 Part. taj*?&b, S. Matt. xv. 32; S. Mark viii. 2. 28 CLO;-Q, Transl. They brought to Him those blind men. * P "* 30 |,_K^sOO, Transl. And immediately their eyes were opened. X -7 31. ,_iO1CLd-f, they spread abroad His fame Si^ijfjua-av O&TQV Aphel pret. 3. pi. with aff. of * *">*"! -*~^ , Knew, was assured of. Pa. **"^ ^ Made known,reported, \ ,pn . Vn ^ . \v y*^n ^^, they will report of^is that we swore and were false, Bar Hebr. Chron. Aph. Hi^l (and *o|^'|), Published a report: with aff. S. Mark i. 45. Occurs not elsewhere in the N.T. Cogn. Heb. ^l* P e l ^Ullj Made talkative, once, Song of - T Sol. vii. 10. 7 32 r^' Transl. .4wc? to&en Jesus was gone out, they brought to Him a dumb (man) in whom (or, on whom) was a devil. U7 T, j_*j, a dumb (man) K6v Def. of ..-;_> j (ch. xii. 22; S. Luke i. 22). noun masc. One who is mute, deaf and dumb. Fern. def. }Li^, S. Mark ix. 25. PI. masc. def. )j^>, S. Matt. xi. 5, &o PI. fern. def. )L^M, 2 S. Pet. ii. 12. R. ^I^, TFas wwtfe Heb. fcJHn, Ps. xxxviii. 14. Compare Ps. xxxix. 13; Ixxxiii. 2; cix. 1, where the verb occurs; with J, Ps. xxviii. 1. 33. 5 ^!D, when; lit. from (the time) that. Transl. And when the devil was gone out. 35. The words, tv TO> Aaw, which are not expressed in the Syr. Vevs., are wanting in the Vat. MS. s. MATTHEW ix. 37. x, i s. 271 Vei*. 37. IIS*^, the labourers ot epyarai Part. pi. masc. def. of Acted, worked.P&rt. VL&, def. ]K^ ( c h. x. 10; S. Luke x. 7), used in this state as a noun, One that works, a labourer. Heb. 7^3, Ps. xi, 2: found only in the poetical Books. CHAPTER X. 1. ]A^1JL4, unclean Gr, a.Ka6dpT(av PI, fern. def. of vLL^, def. 1 ' T t (S. Luke iv. 33), adj. Impure) abominable, base. Fern. \,\ 1 , S. Mark v. 8; S. Luke viii. 29 : Def. fo^ i ^ S. Matt. xii. 43, &c PL masc. def. ] ^ V . \ , 1 Tim. iii. 8, &c. R. O^, ^Fa soife/. Pa. -^v^ Polluted.* .Part. pi. ^.j-^li^ , S - Jude ver - 8 Ethpa. ^11/Zf, Tfs dfftled.^.'Paxt. fern. jAl^AiD, 1 S. Pet. i. 4, N.B. The verb ^QM / refers properly to bodily, as |LQ^ to spiritual or ceremonial uncleanness. CasteL Heb. ft^, Pi. once, Song of Sol. v. 3. 2. (js>,j_Xjl .... 5 , o/* the Apostles n^v aTrocrToXwv See notes, S. John v. 36- xiii. 16. Transl, And of them, the twelve Apostles, the names are these: the first of them, &c. X 7 . t\ 3. juJLoZ.|l, tvho was surnamed, whose sUfname waS-^o eTrt/cAr/fla's Ethpaal pret. of p.3 (not used) Arab. Called by a title. Pa. ._i_l,2>, Addressed honourably. Ethpa. Was entitled Part. ILD&O, Acts xii. 1. Heb. Pi. H335 Addressed kindly by name, Isa. xliv. 5; xlv. T 4. Flattered, Job xxxiL 21, 22, v * 6 Q-^l j Transl. But go ye rather to the sheep that a/re lost from the house of Israel. T -7 . .. X 8. oAn . j*")[ jAj.LD, raise the dead vcKpovs iyttptrt These words are wanting in the Vienna Ed. and also in many Gr. MRS. 272 S. MATTHEW X. 9, 10. Ver. 9. ^J-oZ* JJ , provide not p; K-njo-yvOc Fut. 2. pi. (for imperat. ) of ft o (Acts i. 18: so Tremellius, Hutter, and tlie Polyglotts, followed by Schaaf; -the Vienna and other Eds. read JJLO, part. Peil) Acquired, obtained, provided, possessed. Pret. 1. sing. ! y A .ij~> ; with aff. Acts xxii. 28. 3. pi. QJLD, S. Jude ver. 4. Put. ]InJ, S. Matt. xvi. 26 __ Inf. ]i oO>\ 1 Thess. iv. 4 -- Part. ]I-Q, S. Luke xviii. 12. PI. masc. ^ i 1 .0 , 1 Tim. iii. 13 __ Part. Peil (see above) : Fern. U-J-D, S. Luke xxi. 4. PI. raasc. __1.Q, Acts iv. 34. In these passages the part. Peil is used actively __ Ethpeel __!) |, Was acquired. Part. fern. m.9 V -ft x 7 j_JLaALo, Acts viiL 20.-__Aphel ^*_J_O|, Caused to possess. Part. lloiO, S. James i. 3: Fern. ]"- 1 nVn Hebr. x. 39. Heb. J-Op, Gen. iv. 1; Ps. cxxxix. 13. Chald. tfjp, Ezr. T|T T!; vii. 17. t> I " jSotro, silver apyvpov Noun masc. def. R. i>OdCD i>QD, Deposited, laid up. . i> ( ^- i / brass ^-\a\K.6v Noun masc. def. Brass, brazen coin. R. Arab. Was hard* Heb. n&^rU, Gen. iv. 22. Chald. gf'nj, Dan. ii. 32, &c. i^ in your purttes-^Gr. eis ras wvas v/xwi' PI. with aff. of nLjk^2 (S. Luke xxii. 36), noun masc. def. A bag, purse for money. PL def. 1"^ "*\ S. Luke x. 4, ttc. Heb. D*5) Prov. i. 14. R, ^!|2 ( n t used) Concealed, collected; whence also 013, Syr. |ran A cup. Cogn. Syr. v^OO t-.D, Prov. xi. 29. 10. JlSo52., a scrip irr)pa.v Noun masc. def. A wallet, for carrying pro- visions, &c. PI. def. ]lk)5Z, S. Luke x. 4; xxii. 35. i , a staff pdftBov Noun masc. def. -4 sto$", s^'c/c, roc?/ sceptre, Hebr. i. 8; tribe of Israel, from the sceptre borne by its leader or prince, S. Luke ii. 36. PI. def. V^ni, tribes, Gr. , Acts xii. 25. Deriv. jj_JdS, noun masc. def. A turning, conversion, Acts xv. 3. Heb. H3S, Gen. xviii. 22; Ps. Ixix. 17^ Ixxxvi. 16. T T 1> 7 14. O^2), shake off" eKTira^are Imperat. pi. of t > 1, Shook, scattered, p dispersed. _ Fut. ^.2LJ __ Imperat. ^>._Part. <-2U, pi. ^*.2}J, vj *J vj >J 7 7 coalescing with _JLK, S. Luke x. 11 -- Pa. ^U, same as Peal, * 7 Acts xviii. 6. Pret. 3. pi. O^_2L3, ch. xiii. 51. sj Heb. V^> Broke, Judg. vii. 19: Dispersed, Gen. ix. 19. Pi. Dashed in pieces, Ps. ii. 9; cxxxvii. 9. U-n >j, the dust TOV Kovioprov Noun masc. def. Transl. Shake off the dust from your feet. ..7 I 15. OJ . . . . wKK_i_], more tolerable.,. than a^e/crorepov...^ (See note, S. John ii. 6), adj. Mild, easy to be borne; meek, Trpao?, ch. xi. 29. -m- ^ P ^ ^P *X 3C Fern. I^KjuJ, quiet, 1 Tim. ii. 2. From this is derived j/n .... . i ; noun fern. def. Mildness, forbearance, Eph. iv. 2; Col. iii. 12; with aff. pleon, 2 Cor. x. l.__R. >jQJ WKKJ, Ceased, was still. . -n i 7. x 7. 16. psQj^DZ., harmless a/cepaioi PI. def. of ^n . Vv ^ adj. Perfect, simple, i. x 7. sincere, witliout offence. PI. . ^r> .AnZj Rom. xvi. 19. Heb. CD^/bJ^j Ps. xv. 2; xix. 8. R. tDttJ 7 !, Completed, finished. 18. poV>.iO1, governors ^y^ova.^ PL def. of ]inVn..rn (ch. xxvii. 2, &c.), noun masc. def. A ruler, president. Derived from the Gr. word. Transl. And they shall bring you before governors and kings for My sake, for a testimony of themselves and of the Gentiles. V 7 21 ..... **"> \ \ Transl. And the brother shall deliver up his brother to death, and the fatJier his son. 22. _ u( > 1 CO, hated /UO-OV/ACVOI See note, S. John iii. 20. ^ ;*") i m 1>, iAai endureth, shall endure Gr. o uTro/AetVas Paiel (see w. c. 35 274 S. MATTHEW X. 2229. Ver. 22. CWper's Gr. 97), fut. 3. sing, of ;nm, Thought, hoped. Pai. 7 7 ."> ^ m (Hebr. xii. 2, 3), .Sore, sustained, persevered. Pret. 1. sing. Zo_i_a>, 2 Tim. iii. 11. 3. pi. Oj^ij.0, Hebr. x. 33; S. James v. 11. 2. pi. ^rJ.o . m Gal. iii. 4, &c. _ Fut. 1. sing. . A . rctf w ith aff. S. Matt. xvii. 17, &c. 2. pi. ^.^ . ra7^ 2 Cor. i. 6; Phil. i. 30. 1. pi. jA.mi^ 2 Tim. ii. 12; 1 S. Pet. v. 10. _ Imperat. r*^ ' "\ 2 Tim - ii- 3 ; iv - 5 - PI- Oj^XxIB, Hebr. xii 7 __ Inf. A.o. raVnX 1 Cor. x. 13; Hebr. xii. 20 __ Part. 77 17 1 Cor. xiii. 7, &c. PI. masc. .;Q . ro^n Rom. xii. 12, &c. coalescing with JL**, 1 Cor. iv. 12; ix. 12 __ Ethpaial .<-^ >Am| Was nourished, took food. Fut. ;*^ .Am^ 2 Tim. ii. 6 __ Part, : A /AmO^ Acts xxvii. 21. PL ^ .'^ .AmO^^ 1 Cor. ix. 13. 24 ..... A . X Traiisl. TJiere is not a disciple who is above (greater than) his master, &c. .07 25. (V>n ,_>., 7ioz TnwcA more TTOCTO) /x,aXXov Adverbial phrase. Occurs also, 1 Cor. vi 3; 2 Cor. iii. 9. 26. fins, covered K^KaXv^ivov Part. Peil of JIQJD, Covered, concealed. . 7 .0 -K Part. Peil def. ( > ran (but ( ran when used as a noun; see T P .. 7 note, ch. vi. 4). PI. masc. > ran Col. iii. 3. PI. fern. > ran^ Col. ii. 3. Def. ]'A t ran^ S. Matt. xiii. 35. Heb. HDJ3} part. act. Prov. xii. 16, 23; pass. Ps. xxxii. 1. T r 77 / T * " ^ Vr> < hidden upvirrov Pael part. pass, of (-.., Hid. See note, S. John xix. 38. x * 27. _01O^LOOJ, speak ye it Gr. eiTrare Imperat. pi. with aff. See note, S. John i. 15 : and Phillips' Gr. 47, 48 (Imperative). Also Cowper's Gr. 104. .... ^OjiOO, Transl. And what ye hear in your ears. 3C 7t 7 7i _ o * 29. ^.^5* , sparrows a-rpovOta PL of ;^ , def. |^ , noun com. but usually fern. A small bird of any kind. PL def. ]' r '25t ver - 31, below. Heb. -flS^ Ps. xi. 1. Chald. 13V, Dan. iv. 9, &c. S. MATTHEW X. 2942. 275 p . 7 ^ o .7 Ver. 29. {JCD^Ci, for a, farthing Gr. aa-crapiov fDJ, noun masc. derived from the Lat. as, assarius = the tenth part of a denarius, and I t> 7 about three farthings of our money. PI. ^ ' r .CO I > S. Luke xii. 6. .. 7 P 30. _o_i.!iD, numbered ripiQ^rnifvai Part. Peil pi. fern, of P-1D, Counted, reckoned iip.- Inf. ( i V>Vf>\ } with pref. 5 and aff. Rev. vii. 9._ Part. Peil Uio, Acts i. 17. Heb. n^> Numbered, 1 Chron. xxi. 1. Chald. /"IJ/^ and T T 4 T : JOft, Dan. v. 25, 26. Pa. jjfc and ^fc, Appointed, set over, Dan. ii. 24, 29; iii. 12; Ezr. vii. 25. j P 7 1> 7 34. (l i , peace dpijvrjv Noun masc. def. R. ^fjt, Pa. ^ , Made 77 7i peace, Col. i. 20 Ethpa. _A^|, TFas pacified, at peace Fut. 3. pi. V QJ_A^J, Acts vii. 26 Imperat. pi. QJ_i^L]* 1 Thess. v. 13. .07 lP|^i a sword p.a.^(upa.v Noun fern. A sword; plough-share, S. Luke ix. 62; Slaughter, Hebr. vii. 1; 2 S. Pet. ii. 12. R. ^U> De- stroyed, laid waste. Heb. l-|p|, Ps. Ivii. 5. V V 42. (o Vn ; giving, shall give, to drink Gr. TTOTIO-JJ Aphel part, of 1. .7 Arab. Gave to drink. Aph. - <" | (1 Cor. iii. 6), supplied with drink. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A__n_ | , Rev. xiv. 8. 1. sing. A i Q }, with aff. 1 Cor. iii. 2. 2. pi. ^nA . o *|^ with aff. S. Matt. xxv. 35, 42. 1. pi. ,_i_a-'f, with aff. ver. 37 Fut. ]A*J, with aff. S. Mark ix. 41; xv. 36 Imperat. ]r> ] 7 with aff. Rom. xii. 20. Heb. Hiph. npKVT> Watered, Gen. ii. 6: G'ave to drink, IT; ch. xxix. 2. Part. Hp^D, ^Btrffer, ch. xl. 1. p x 7 ?, of cold (waters) Gr. i/^xpou PI. def. of (fjfJD (Rev. iii. 15, 16), adj. Cold. Form of part. Peil from 5f_O ;_Q (not used), Arab. Was cold. Heb. ")h, Cold, Gen. viii. 22. 276 S. MATTHEW XL 110. CHAPTER XI. 7 .. T .7. 7 Ver. 2. ^,mr\ .Ar>\Z , o by the hand of his disciples, i.e. by his dis- ciples Gr. Svo rdJv /j.a6r]T (Hebr. xii. 13), adj. * 3C Lame,. Def. |^A.^_KJ, Acts iii. 2, &c. Form of part. Peil from f_,t_K, Chald. Was lame, halted. Heb. ^iJUlj Bound; the meaning in Aram, arising from the idea of restraint. , have the Gospel preached to them Gr. cuayye\iovTat Ethpaal part. pi. of j^ilCD, TJiought, judged, hoped. Ethpa. 7 7 .* {..oAro} (IS. Pet. iv. 6), TFas preached; was evangelized, made receiver of a message; was accounted, reputed, S. Mark x. 42. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Zioimf, Gal. i. 11; 2 S. Pet. i. 13. 3. pi. " Hebr. iv. 6. 2. pi. ^oZ^Aco]" 1 S. Pet. i. 25. 1. pi. , Hebr. iv. 2. Part. ^AmC^ f em . "j^^mi, S. Luke xvi. 16; Hebr. xii. 11. .07 7. ^JL5, a ree^/ KaXajaov Noun masc. def. ^1 rush, reed; a pen, for writing, 3 S. John ver. 13; a rod, for measuring, Rev. xi. 1, &c. Heb. HJp, A reed, Isa. xlii. 3; sweet cane, ch. xliii. 24; stalk of corn, Gen. xii. 5, 22; reed for measuring, Ezek, xl. 7. 8. (J ,JO, anc? if not, otherwise, else Gr. aAAa So in the next vei'se, and S. Luke vii. 25, 26. 1 .. 17 17 .PT7 pl-i_25, soft juaA.aKois PI. def. of **--D5, clef. [SUJD5, adj. Tender, 7 delicate. Form of part. Peil from y&i ^y, Was tender. Heb. Tp, Gen. xviii. 7; xxxiii. 13. * A 7 * 7 10. _DL\J, shall prepare KaracrKevao-ei Aphel fat. 3. sing, of _.QZ., 71 . .7 Was or became straight. A ph. n/ ^ ( (S. Luke ix. 51), Prepared, Tt .7. strengthened, restored, directed. Fut. 2. sing. __oZ.Z., Tit. i. 5. 3. pi. V 1 nAj, S. Luke ix. 52 Imperat. ^.oZ), pi. with aff. S. MATTHEW XI. 1017. 277 Ver. 10. Gal. vi. 1 Part. pi. masc. v > i nAVi, Acts x. 10. PI. fern. r LoAk>, 2 Cor. x. 16. Chald. Hoph. (pass, of Aph.) |pn/l> Was restored, Dan. iv. 33. -h * 7 "c ,, x ^ 11. ( i _ P j._lu.ii, among them that are lorn of women Iv ycmyTots ywaLKtZv See notes, S. John xvi. 21; ii. 3. p 7 * 12. j^OjALD, is taken by, suffereth, violence Gr. /3taeT 7 . .1> 7 7 A * haved. Pret. 1. sing. Z.j^*Z.|, Acts xxiii. 1 Fut. j^jAj, 1 Tim. i. 8. 2. pi. ^Oj^jZZ.^ Hebr. xiii. 9. 1. pi. ^L?Aj, ver. 18 -- Part. {_OjAk3, Tit. i. 7. PI. masc. ^.jj^jAlD, Rom. viii. 14, &c.: coalescing with ,-Lo, 2 Cor. iii. 12. PI. fern. ^jAk), 2 Tim. iii. 6. Ij-^.^ , the violent jStaorat PI. def. of vj-*-^ ) def - ljU4^ ad j- Violent, powerful. R. j-^-Q, Bound; cogn. Heb. 1^'p. See note, - IT ch. v. 44, above. Occurs here only in the N.T. x 7 ^ 7 _ -k.^-^-KKlD, 1, noun fern. def. A song, psalm. PL def. ( / y . Vn] Eph. v. 19; Col. iii. 16. Heb. *\>1 Pi. Ps. ix. 12, &c. ~" T , ye, Jiave danced wpx^Vacrfle Pael pret. 2. pi. of ,O5 (not "" I -j 7 7 . used). Pa. ,JD5, Danced, leaped for joy. Pret. 3. fern. Z.,-Q5, ch. xiv. 6; S. Mark vi. 22. See also S. Luke vii. 32. Heb. -T,T1, Ps. cxiv. 4, 6. >.7 I~T J], ye have lamented K Was just. Ethpa. *O?'l| (Rom. iv. 2, 77. - 771> ^oAlDjjll, ch. vi. 11. 1. pi. _O>5]|, Rom. v. 1 __ Fut. *O?5p, 2. sing. *0?jfZ, S. Matt. xii. 37. 3. pi. ^Q-Djjp, 1 Tim. v. 4. 2. pi. ^OOjjlT., Acts xiii. 39. 1. pi. *D??P, Rom. iv. 16, &c ^77*7, I 7 T Part. *Q5jli0, Acts xiii. 39, &c. PI. masc. ^rmjiD, Rom. ii. 13, &c. : coalescing with ^pAj], Gal. v. 4. . wisdom 77 (Eph. i. 8, (jO, A woe, Rev. ix. 12. PL def. po, in the same verse. Heb. ^fc$, Isa. iii. 9; as a noun, Prov. xxiii. 29. jjQD, long ago TraAcu Adverb. Also, Perhaps, S. Mark xii. 6; S. Luke iv. 23, Gr. Travros: xx. 13, Gr. co-cos: Acts xi. 18, Gr. a/xxye: Rom. ix. 19; xi. 19, Gr. ow. Heb. ^5, Eccles. i. 10; iii. 15; iv. 2; ix. 6, 7. Compare r : Germ. Idngft. * i 7 .. 7 |nnr>"i ; in sackcloth Iv tra/cKo) PI. def. of *QTD, noun masc. Sack- cloth. Def. ]Affl, Rev. vi. 12. Heb. Ffty , Isa. iii. 24: A sack for corn, Gen. xlii. 25, &c. Sackcloth for mourning, ch. xxxvii. 34. ]O \ , noun fern. Hades, the abode of the departed ; the grave. Heb. SiKfc^, Ps. vi. 6; xvi. 10. R. ^tf$ y Asked, since the : ~ T grave is insatiable in its demand, Prov. xxvii. 20. Compare Orcus rapax, Hor. Carm. II. xviii. 30. (for ^_iA>jZZZ), thou shalt be brought down Karaftifta- ] Ethpaal (Ethpali) fut. 2. sing. fern, of A>^2. (not used in Syr.) Ethiop. Was lowly, humble. Pa. ^jAjoZ, Subjected, brought 1 7. .n low. Ethpa. vjA>jZ.Z.j, Was humbled, degraded. The word occurs only here and S. Luke x. 15. 280 S. MATTItEW XI. 2528. Ver. 25. |liarD, the prudent Gr. crwerajv PL def. of def. ]jAllClIlCD, adj. Wise, intelligent. R. ^\dCD, Pa. Made wise. Occurs S. Luke x. 21; 1 Cor. i. 19. A . V . Thou hast revealed aTre/caAi^as Pret. 2. sing, of JL. (ch. xvi. 17), Revealed, laid open, made manifest. Pret. 1. sing. A A . ; Gal. i. 16; ii. 2 __ Fut. U-u-J, ver. 27, below; S. Luke x. 22. 3. pi. ^nV.. ? ; with aff. S. Matt. xii. 16; S. Mark iii. 12 __ Part. JlJ., 1 Cor. iii. 13, &c __ Part. Peil JL., 1 Cor. xi. 5, * i ' \ 7 i " v * * 13, &c. -Def. ( v.t (but ( ,1 \ .. when used as a noun, and ^ 1 ' R 1 V 7 - opposed to ( . rn*-v see note, S. John vii. 4), Fern. | \ , . Rom. 0.7 1. 19; Hebr. vii. 14; coalescihg with <_tOl, ^- 1 (T i _i__s it, is evident, Gal. iii. 11. Fern. def. lAj^., Acts iv. 16. PI. masc. ^.I'N^, 7 i> . y coalescing with _ i>j, 2 Cor. v. 11. PL fern. '' \ .. (our faces *P A O 7 are] open, i.e. we ftave confidence, 1 S. John iii. 21. Def. ( A V \ .. ; 2 Cor. iii. 18. -P. 'X .7 Deriv. (Z.O i \ ., noun fern. def. Manifestation, openness, 2 Cor. iv. .7 . *. , 7 2. Constr. \2>\ ' n . \ . openness of face, i.e. confidence, boldness, Phil. i. 20, , def. jlooi (Gal. vi. 5), noun masc. .77" A weight. With aff. . . \^nVo / My burden, ver. 30, below, Gr. TO fyopriov fj.ov -- R. \ilj, Aph, ^oo], Carried. S. MATTHEW XI. 2830. 281 X 1-7 > * / Ver. 28. ^on*.*. i j , / will give you rest ava-rravcrw tyxa 1 1, Rom. xiii. 12 Imperat. oa.oj'j, Philem. ver. 20. PI. O^-J^, Eph. iv. X .V p 25, &c Inf. <>.. i ^n \ Acts xxi. 3 Part. pass. o*JLSo, pi. . v\^V> ; 2 Cor. xi. 19. Heb. Hiph. TVSl, Isa. xxviii. 12. , My yoke rov uyo'v p.ov }--J, noun masc. A yoke for oxen in ploughing. Def. ]^,j.J, applied to legal cei'emonies, Acts xv. 10 j Gal. v. 1: Yoke of servitude, 1 Tim. vi. 1. Heb. "VJ , A newly ploughed field, Lat. Novale, Prov. xiii. 23. R "VO or "pj, Furrowed, Hos. x. 12. Compare ^JJb, T prop. A yoke for oxen; then, A weaver's beam,, 1 Sam. xvii. 7; 2 Sam. xxi. 19. ^ t> < ai/ciTraucrtv Def. of ^_->_j_J (2 Cor. vii. 5), noun masc. fi, recreation, quiet. With pref. *3, jj^, >.1O, adverbially, * O With lenience, leniently, Acts xxiv. 23. Fern, form clef. the same, Acts iii. 20; Hebr. iv. 11. PI. _jj,_i.J, def. with aff. 2 S. Pet. ii. 13; S. Jude ver. 12. R. ooQJ o^J, Was quiet. Heb. nti, Esth. ix. 16, 17, 18. 30. J>Q^_CDJD , easy xp^oros Adj. Sweet, kind, pleasant. -T)p.f. |^n.-_cr>o j Eph. v. 2; Phil. iv. 18. PI. masc. ^.^'.'f^A Eph. iv. 32. Def. ]kllmr~3, 1 Cor. xv. 33. PI. fern. def. ]/\Vn\' m*^ R om . xvi. 18. R. ^OCOD, Was sweet. .0. -X If From this adj. is derived j/oVn . m^i noun fern. def. Gladness, kind- ness, Acts xiv. 16, &c. Lo, light eXa^>pov Fem. of \i > No; see note, S. John vii. 33. W. C. 36 282 S. MATTHEW XII. 111. CHAPTER XII. Ver. 1. ]^5l A-~O, through the corn, lit. in the place of seeds Gr. Sia TWV trwoptfuav. i t 7 . ,. \Vn ; jtln.flf.imfj to pluck TiAAeiv Part. pi. nf . .. XVrv Rubbed, tore off. Occurs elsewhere, S. Mark li. 23; S. Luke vi. 1, only. UiL, the ears of corn o-ra^vas PI. def. of jl*~i (S. Mark iv. 28), noun masc. def. Occurs elsewhere only in the places referred to above. Compare Heb. rbfytf, Gen. xli. 5. R. ^>1& (not used) Arab. Conj. IV. Sprouted up. 2 jjiuj'^D, Transl. But the Pharisees, when they saw them, said unto Him, &c. ^ "3* -X , 4. (jfiOj CTlJoA^Jj, of the Table of the Lord, i.e. the Altar of shew- bread Gr. T^S TrpotfeVcwg. .1 7 5. . \ .^Vn profaning they profane Gr. /Se/ifyXovcri Aphel part. pi. of ^Lw ^L (not used) Pa. ^LL, Purified. Aph. ^w|, Violated, polluted. Occurs in the N. T. here only. Heb. 77H> intrans. Was wounded, pierced through, Ps. cix. T 22. Pi. Profaned, Ps. Ixxxix. 40. Hiph. the same, Ezek. xxxix. 7. . i \, S |Jj, blameless, lit. that (are) without blame Gr. ai/amot P .9 * a/*.e/x.7TToi, S. Luke i. 6. -t-XA, noun masc. Charge, fault. Def. .0.0 1\ \jL-r^, The case, business, Gr. 17 a ma, S. Matt. xix. 10. R. v*^, Charged, blamed. 7 T *. K .y 10. _O"IO' r '-^ ^O\ap? ^-|, that they might accuse Him Gr. ?va Karrj- yopTyo-ucrtv avrov See note, S. John viii. 44. .0 o 7 11. |}^K^, into a pit eis fioOwov Noun masc. def. This is the reading of the Vienna Ed., Trostius, and others. Gutbir, and the Polyglotts, read *); <=* *, R. ^LK, Dug. Neither word, though common in other writings, occurs elsewhere in the N.T. S. MATTHEW XII. 1319. 283 . -K. Ver. 13. Aj-QZ., it was restored whole Gr. dTroKaTcvrdOr] vyuys Pret. 3. fern, of ^-o2. (S. Mark viii. 25), Was right, straight, became *** * straight; was restored, made ready. Pret. 3. pi. fern. . i 1 CiL, they trimmed their lamps, S. Matt. xxv. 7 -- Fut. ^..oAj -- For the regular part, is used the particip. noun <~>^ ; def. P-Q.2., I 7 7 Right, firm, steady. PI. oJLoZ, coalescing with _J_K, 2 Cor. v. 13. PI. fern. 10^ def. ]AjLoZ, used as a noun, Worthy, illustrious deeds, Gr. KaropOupaTa., Acts xxiv. 3. Heb. ft, Eccles. i. 15. /ie other, lit. ife companion, fellow Gr. 17 aAA^ See note, S. John xi. 16. 14. jililQ, a council crv^ovXiov Noun masc. def. A consultation, de- liberative assembly. (n \Vn ^i^o, lord of the council, counsellor, Gr. tru/i/JovAos, Rom. xi. 34. rnox^ . . i o / the members of his * v 7 council, the council, Gr. TOV o-u/A/2ouAtou, Acts xxv. 12. R. ^_\So, Gave counsel. Chald. Tj7)b Counsel, with aff. Dan. iv. 24. v y "" 7 18. A-KjdCD, 7ia^7i delighted evSo/ciycrev Pret. 3. sing. fern, of o>jd0, i p Longed for, took pleasure in. Part. pi. . ...oro 2 S. Pet. iii. 12. Transl. Behold My servant, in whom I have been well pleased; My Beloved, in whom My soul hath delighted. 19. j;_KAj (J, He shall not strive OVK eptcret Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, of ")^K I . T1 (not used). Ethpe. _f.>jZ.|, Contended, disputed, opposed him- .7 7 . -i\ self. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Aj;_>^Z.|, infixit se, so Tremellius; others, illisa, rupta, resupinata est, Acts xxvii. 41. 3. pi. CLtfJoZ}, S. Mark ix. 34 -- Part. ]^KAk3, Confidently affirmed, Gr. Sao-^v- pi^cro, S. Luke xxii. 59: Fern. ]_^KAk), Acts xii. 15. PI. masc. _j;_sjALD, Acts xix. 9. Heb. HIM? Burned with anger, Gen, xxx. 2. Hithpa. Ps. xxxvii. 1, 7, 8. 28-4 S. MATTHEW XII. 2025. Ver. 20. pj.^5, bruised o-rvTCTjoi/A/xeVoi/ Part. Peil clef, of Mi5 Broke, shattered. Heb. yy-), Ps. ii. 9. Cogn. pp, Isa. xlii. 3. Chald. Peal and Pael, Dan. ii. 40. , He shall not break ov KaTeaet Fut. 3. sing, of j-Ol., Broke. Part. Peil ; *">/- t def. {; ""v' , broken, contrite. PL def. --H X - P * 7 T . |y__oZ., S. Luke iv. 18. Constr. (^ \ _i' ( '__oZ., /te broken- hearted, same verse. Heb. *O8?, Ps. Ixix. 21; cxlvii. 3. Chald. *l3fl, part. Peil, - T : Dan. ii. 42. *> the lamp Gr. XiVov, the flaxen wick of the lamp. See note, S. John v. 35. 7 7 7, smoking, that smokes Tuo'/aevov Pael redupl. (Palpel) y f> 7 part, of *\<7\ ^ *>-b, not used. Pa. .<^^.<=^ / } Smouldered, as an expiring flame. Occurs here only in the N. T. ..D T\ |J, He shall not quench ov o-^ecret Aphel fut. 3. sing, of j^.', ^ 7 Was extinguished. Pa. M^?, Extinguished, quenched. Pret. 3. pi. Qjalj, Hebr. xi. 34 Aph. ^i?] 7 , the same. Fut 2. pi. (for imperat.) ^o^S/Z, 1 Thess. v. 19 Inf. nnS,V)\, Eph. vi. 16. |ZdDV^> unto victory ets VIKOS Noun fern. def. Victory; also, In- nocence, justification, Rom. v. 18. R. pi, Conquered: see note, S. John xvi. 33. 22. J_,\a<; Adjective. PL def. 1v-O-i>, ch. xxiii. 19, 26, 7 7 , Divided. Ethpa. ^^.li^Z] (ver. 26, Ac.), Was divided, doubted. Pret. 2. sing. u*Jk&2.f, ch. xiA'. 31. S. MATTHEW XII. 2534. 285 Ver. 25. 3. pi. aXaZ], ch. xxviii. 17. 2. pi. ^oA-i N^Z], S. James ii. 4 Fut. ^, N^Aj, in this verse, &c. 2. pi. ch. xxi. 21 __ Part. ^.sALo, S. Luke xi. 17, &c. PL rnasc. , Acts ii. 3. (for > > *^)^jZ.) , s/i^ >e brought to desolation epiy/xoCTcu Fut. 3. sing. fern, of vT^^j, intrans. or ^}-o, usually trans. (Rev. xviii. 1G), Destroyed, laid waste; was, became, desolate. Pret. 3. . 7 1> 7 o sing. fern. A};-K>, Rev. xviii. 19 __ Fut. *O;_KJ) -- Part. ^2;-K, 1> D 7 Gal. i. 13: whence the participial noun tO;_K, def. LO}_K>, S. Matt, xxiii. 38. Fern. }L- r L, Acts i. 20. Def. ]^O^L (so p 7 p the Polyglotts; De Dieu and Gutbir read |A^;_K), Rev. xvii. 16. Heb. ^n, Was dried up, Gen. viii. 13; Ps. cvi. 9: Was "T. desolate, laid waste, Isa. xxxiv. 10. Chald. Hoph. ^liT"!, Ezr. -T;T iv. 15. I"A 7 , house; by apocope for |A__O. Transl. And every house and city. X "*\ V 29. 1Q-OJ, (can) xpoil Gr. StapTra'crai Fut. 3. sing, of 1^ \^, Plundered. Occurs also, S. Mark iii. 27. Heb. ttH, Gen. xxxiv. 27, 29; Isa. x. 6; xxxiii. 23. ^ % 30. JpOSo O^rdLD, scattereth abroad Gr. o-/cop7rt^et Infin. abs. and part. adding intensity to the expression. See note, S. John x. 12; and Cowper's Gr. 209. . I P *X P 'X P -X 31. __i_2)5Q_,., blasphemies Gr. ySXacr^/Ata PL of ^)5Q_.., def. |^))Q_,. (in this verse, &c.), noun masc. Reproach, reviling. PL def. . ^ e 7 i> 7 ^5Q_,t, S. Mark iii. 28. R. >r-ti> I* a - ^ 3 j-ii5 JBlasj)hemed. Heb. &^;1) Reproach, pi. Isa. xliii 28; fern, form ch. Ii. 7. n3H;l fem - Ezek - v - 15 - T ; Transl. All sins and blasphemies. > 7 .7 34 ..... M-3-> 1 1 Transl. How can ye speak good things, who are evil? r/i 7 ? * _)Z.oZ. ^-^O, out of the abundance IK TOV Trepto-o-cu'/xaros PL constr. * 1 7 ? ^*.' > 7 y ? of 9LL, noun masc. Superfluity, exuberance. PL def. \iLOL, 286 S. MATTHEW XII. 3442. Ver. 34. ch. xiv. 20; xv. 37; S. Mark viii. 8. R. 5Zu, Abounded. Aph. 5Zo"j, Produced abundance, gained. Compare Hebr. ^rflfc, Profit, Prov. xiv. 23. 35 lt*"Hy Transl. The good man out of the good treasures bringeth forth the good things; and the evil man out of the evil treasures bringeth forth the evil things. , The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit TT/S /capSias. 36. 11^5, idle Gr. dpyov Fern, of ^-^O, def. jl-j^, adj. Vain, useless. PL masc. ,-lS^O, ch. xx. 6. PI. fern. def. "jASJ^, Acts xiv. 14. Whence is derived A_U5> a d v - Uselessly, causelessly, Acts xix. 40. t T f 37. -*" ' *.*?-L t thou shall be condemned KaTaSt/cao-flifcn; Ethpaal fut. 2. fi 7 sing, of dQ_K *^LKJ, Was guilty. Pa. CLI_K, Condemned. y y ..?> Ethpa. -*"^ *'/ ( (ch. xxvii. 3), Was condemned, found guilty yyi\ y y . -v Fut. ^j_KAj, Rom. iii. 19: Fern, (without ^j final) ^ . v.// t ch. vii. 13. 2. pi. ^n i K>ZZ, S. James v. 12. 1. pi. ^Cu^KjAj, 1 Cor. xi. 32 Part. ^nL^Alb, S. Mark xvi. '16. PL masc. ,__i_iLi_LAlb, S. Luke vi. 37. .0. ? 39. (/. it j adulterous, lit. an adulteress, see Rom. vii. 3. Gr. /xot^oXt's Noun fern. def. For the masc. form, see note, S. Luke xviii. 11. a R. 5o_ii ;_. , Committed adidtery. Cogn. Heb. fnT, part. fern, of -)!)T, Prov. ii. 16; v. 3, 20. TT * ^ ^ *$} *X ^, t> 41. CT14O|OfUD, at the preaching (pron. pleon.) eis TO K^pvy/xa (Z.OlOj-2 (1 Cor. i. 21; and Title to the Gosp. of S. John and S. Matt.) noun fern. def. A heralding, announcement. R. ^D, Proclaimed; *0 'X whence also jlOf.2, noun masc. def. A herald, preacher, 2 Tim. i. 11 : also Title to S. John's Gospel. PL def. llop, Acts xv. 21. 42. lAn\SD, the queen /3ao-i'Aicro-a Fern. def. form of ^iSSD, def. o . y ' p\V), A king. Heb. n^p&, 1 Kings x. 1; Esth. i. 9. Chald. ioSfc, clef. , Dan. v. 10. S. MATTHEW XII. 4244. 287 Ver. 42. ]ikLZj, of the South VOTOV Noun fern. def. The Southern quarter, i.e. that which lies to the right hand of one facing the East. The South wind, S. Luke xii. 55. Heb. |^fl , The South, Job ix. 9 : the South wind, Ps. Ixxviii. 26. Compare V*, constr. 1 Sam. xxiii. 19, 24; 2 Sam. xxiv. 5. R. ?ft\ Hiph. ^/Yl, Turned to the right, Gen. xiii. 9. I - T I . .. Or, this form may be regarded as denom. fr. ?**, the right hand, .0X7 I T Syr. |i iV>.. v,7.p7 43. . OOTLO AJL_^ ^liDj, tVi which is no water, dry Gr. dvvSpoiv. ^ .7 fi 44. 5 Hi-*| r^Oj from whence o0ev. i 7 /ta (i is) empty Gr. o-xoAa^ovro. Adj. Vain, empty. Def. ]oJifO, Phil. ii. 3; 1 Thess. iii. 5. Fern. )aJ^> Rom - iv. 14; 1 Cor. xv. 10, 14. Def. ^tO^TD, Col. ii. 8. PI. masc. def. )jQupfiD, 1 S. Pet. i. 18. Constr. ]jl^Q_* - n yf", vain of glory, i.e. desirous of vain glory, Gr. Kevo'So^ot, Gal. v. 26. PI. fern, ^o .ym, 1 Cor. iii. 20, &c. Def. ]^L.;D, Eph. v. 6, &c. 7 Form part. Peil of O;-CO, Combed hair, carded wool; lit. some- T> 7 thing discarded and useless. Pa. *OfD (Phil. ii. 7), Emptied, 1\ 7 7 7 1> made void. Fut. *D^CDJ, 1 Cor. ix. 15 __ Ethpa. *O5ACDJ, Was ^ V made, became, vain. Pret. 3. pi. CLO?ACD|, Rom. i. 21; 1 Tim. i. 19 __ Fut. D5^mJ, 1 Cor. i. 17; 2 Cor. ix. 3 : Fern. . . nhzp, 2 Cor. vi. 1. r *x x From the adj. in the text is derived the noun \/nr> >^gQ ; fem. ? x x def. Emptiness, vanity, Acts iv. 25. Constr. Z.O.O >;CQ, ^Ae vanity of their mind, Eph. iv. 17. Compare Hip^^j -^ e combed flax, Isa. xix. 9. o-eo-apwyiievov Part. Peil of i>o!n>j J>CLK, (see note, ch. xiii. 6), here, Cleansed, swept out. So in the parallel passage, * t> S. Luke xi. 25 Part. fem. [^O ; Sweeping, sweeps, S. Luke xv. 8. , garnished KCKocr/u-T/jaevov Pael part. pass, of Ad (not used), 288 S. MATTHEW XII. 44, 48. XIII. 15. Ver. 44. Chald. Bound together. Pa. Ao , Adorned, decorated __ Fut. , 3. pi. .oAoj, Tit. il. 10 -- Part. A-SO, pi. o ^- o o S. Matt, xxiii. 29. PI. fern. ^r^SD, 1 S. Pet. iii. 5 __ Part. pass. fern. def. "fZAo^Lo, Rev. xxi. 2. PL fern. AoLso, ver. 19. Ethpaal Z\n ^/), Was adorned, adorned himself. Fut. 2. pi. o .. r .1. "^ fern. ^L^L^tL, 1 S. Pet. iii. 3, (where the reading in the text is ..1> 7 .1* faulty) __ Imperat. pi. fern. ^ Ao . | ; ver. 4. Deriv. ]AQ , noun masc. def. Ornament, 1 S. Pet. iii. 4. PI. def. , ver. 3. , noun masc. def. the same. With aff. 1 Tim. ii. 9. . 48. vQ-M lOO . . . . -iOl ,-^C, who is.. .and who are TI'S IO-TIV...KOA. ctcriv The pronouns representing the subst. verb. So also, S. Mark iiL 33. CHAPTER XIII. 2 5 k*_i j , Transl. So that He ascended (and} sat in a ship. " 7 f 7 (V"> > ; g*im ^OL^, on the shore of the sea Gr. tirl TOV alyiaXov ; <^m ; noun masc. The shore, lit. that which is worn by the action of the .07 7 f waves. PI. constr. (^"> - . .yc > >rpi j ver. 48, below. R. ^ITD, 7 7 Pa. ; g*>pf\ Abraded; see note, S. John. vii. 15. Compare Heb. &*irij The shore, Gen. xlix. 13; Deut. i. 7; Josh. ix. 1. R. &Sn> Arab. Rubbed off; or &!)!"!) the same. 4. XL^JJ A_i|, tfAere was that fell, some fell Gr. a tTreo-c. X 5. l5ylO, earth yrjv Noun masc. def. Vegetable soil. R. (Arab.) Covered with soil. Occurs here only. ' 7 T, , it sprung up e^aveVciAe Verb pret. 3. sing. Fut. . . o y Occurs here only in the N.T. , deepness jSa^o? Noun masc. def. The deep, depth. PI. 8. MATTHEW XIII. 511. 289 X .. * Ver. 5. . oVnn v,, deep places, Acts xxvii. 41; with aff. pleon. the, depths of the sea, S. Matt, xviii. 6. Heb. ft'y, Prov. xxv. 3. R. j&y, TFas tfeej?, Ps. xcii. 6. Syr. Pa. .r>V>v S. Luke vi. 48. 7 7 6. J>CLKJ, t is scorched eKav/jLa.Tio-6r) Verb pret. J>akLK> isQ-Kj, Was warm; occurring in Peal here only in this sense. See note, ch. 7 K -X 1> 7 -X . xii. 44, above. Fut, ixi>s>J, 3. pi. \pSf)J ^-i-sOCx.^, <% #ar- ments shall be warm, Bar Heb. Schol. in Job xxxvii. 17 -- Ethpeel ^QSCLtaZ), Was scorched; pret. 3. pi. Q.V)V? ^L] , Rev. n -7 |, Made hot, scorched.- Inf. QlQ-KK^O.^, Rev. xvi. 8. Deriv. (V>>Vnv. adj. Hot, Rev. iii. 15, 16. Heb. Qttri) DHi P S - xxxix. 4. 7. . rnn 01^. ^Aey choked it Gr. a.irf.irviav avra Pret. 3. pi. with aff. 7 T\ f> of Q_X-K (ch. xxvii. 5), Strangled, suffocated __ Part. *QJLK, Gr. X P 7mye, ch. xviii. 28. PI. masc. ^ ^ n 1 KJ, ver. 22, below. PI. fern. _nLL, S. Mark iv. 19 __ Part. Peil *CLJ.LK., def. ]n IKJ, i/te strangled animal, Gr. TTVIKTOV, TTVLKTOV, Acts xv. 20, 29; xxi. 25. Deriv. jA__QQJ_K>.lb, noun fern. def. A strangling; a snare, Gr. ftpoxov, 1 Cor. vii. 35. Heb. pin, only in Niph. 2 Sam. xvii. 23; and Pi. Nah. ii. 13. I - T 8. _iAj*,. sixty l^rfKovra. Card. num. ^ i Heb. tJ'W (frequent) Chald. |^^, Dan. iii. 1. Transl. Some (lit. there is) that (bare) an hundred, and some sixty, and some thirty. o r> ^ 11. |l3|, the mystery Gr. ra /xucmypia Def. of l5| (1 Cor. ii. 7), noun T o "* masc. A secret. With aff. Oll?|, 1 Cor. ii. 1; and O11J5, the first two letters transposed, Eph. iii. 4; Rev. x. 7. PL def. ll*/], 1 Cor. xiii. 2. Chald. Hi Dan. iv. 6. Def. ND, ch. ii. 18, 19. PI. |p, ver. 28, 47. Def. tfn, ver. 29. T- T w. c. 37 290 S. MATTHEW XIII. 1217. I Ver. 12. rn\ 5AjAj, it shall abound to him, he shall have more abun- dance Gr. Trepia-o-evOrja-cTat Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of 5A_i, Excelled, 77 77 profited. _ Pa. 5A-i, Caused to abound, increased. Fut. 5A^_3, 2 Cor. ix. 8; 1 Thess. iii. 12 __ Ethpa. j^uZf (Rom. iii. 7; 2 Cor. viiL 2, 15), Abounded, excelled. Pret. 3. sing. fern. ZjAjZ|, Rom. v. 20; Eph. i. 8 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. ^Llli* 2 Cor. iii. 9; 7 7 . .i> without final ._, Rom. v. 15; vi. 1. 1. sing. }LL*L\, Phil. iv. 12. 2. pi. ^OJAlZZ" Rom. xv. 13, &c. 1. pi. jA^Aj, 2 Cor. x. 16 __ Part. J^UASO, 2 Cor. i. 5; Gal. i. 14: Fern. l?AlAk5, 2 Cor. iv. 15; vii. 4. PI. masc. ,_*5AlAS>, 2 Cor. i. 5; viii. 7; coalescing with ^_l_j, 1 Cor. viii. 8. t- : . -x * 13 ..... __]_>o5 Vi ^ r> , Transl. Because they see and see not; and hear and hear not, nor understand. The participle used for the finite verb. "* 9^ X 0* I 14. rn/o . o 1 the prophecy (pron. pleon.) TJ irpo^rua. n .*.*"> i def. U" > i r> --.r^ ^ (Rom. xii. 6, &c.) noun fern. Prophecy, the gift of fc r. r 7 'i .. prophecy. PL def. |Z.O_-OJ, 1 Cor. xiii. 8, &c. R. (^-3, Ethpa. r.r k . t mZ.(, Prophesied. Heb. HXni. Neh. vi. 12. Chald. the same, Ezr. vi. 14. ), Transl. A hearing (report], ye shall hear, &c. (, is waxed gross hrajfuvdr) Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of -L 7 (not used) Pa. - ^^ x Made dense, see note, S. Mark vi. 52. Ethpa. Was made, became, dense. Occurs only here and Acts xxviii. 27. T 7 A .|; o . dully /3ape'us Adverb, Heavily, slowly, Acts xxvii. 7. 1 VI R. ;^-, TFas heavy. Transl. And with their ears they hear dully. , they have closed fKa^vo-av Pael pret. 3. pi. of T^*>^ (not 7 -J used) Pa. t^^. Closed up. Occurs only here and Acts xxviii. 27. Compare Heb. QJ? Shut the eyes, Isa. xxxiii. 15. have desired fTrtdv^a-av Ethpaal redupl. (Ethpalpal) pret. 3. pi. of ^>-u> -it', Earnestly longed. Ethpa. S. MATTHEW XIII. 1722. 291 77-* ft. 7 1> Ver. 17. Was inflamed with desire. _Fut. ^.^.5Aj, 3. pi. X 7 '** Rev. ix. 6. 2. pi. ^Q_,.f-.JZ.Z., S. Luke xvii. 22 Imperat. pi. .jZf, 1 S. Pet. ii. 2 Part. n .L.?ALo, S. Luke xv. 16. PI. ^-A-if-oALD, S. James iv. 2. An Ethpalpal form of this verb occurs with the addition of ._, ~tf-oAj] (as if from *-}_,.;_*), Was seduced; Castel's Lex. Imaginatus est. Part. pi. ^j_-.f^.5 A-aio, S. Jude ver. 8. 18. (JAlO, the parable r^v TrapaftoXijv Noun masc. def. A parable, proverb, similitude. PI. def. ]JAiJD, ver. 35, 53, below r &c. Heb. 7Jfc, Ezek. xvii.. 2; xxiv. 3, R. T^'ft (Kal not used), T T - T Compared, assimilated, put side by side. 19. Mld*j ^2, every one that heareth, i.e. when any one heareth Gr. Travros GLKOVOVTOS.. Vi5jl I , was sown Gr. o o-Trapets Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of ^X5l , Sowed. Ethpe. Was soivn. Pret. 3. sing. fern. ZLL?JI"J, S. Mark iv. 31, 32. 3. pi. Q-lJjl'C ver. 16, 20 Part. UbjlD, 1 Cor. xv. 44: Fern, jljjlio, S. Mark iv. 15. PI. masc, . ^1^">, ver. 18. x. Transl. This is that which was sown by the way-side. 4, 7 -X 7 20. OCTl OOT (or OCTI OOl), he it is Gr. euro's eVrtv So in ver. 22, 23, below. 21. OCTl p^lj, is of a time, for a time; dureth for a while Gr. I"* 1 . . -_SOJJ, persecution Gr. Suay/Jiov Noun masc. def. PI. def. 7 2 Cor. xii. 10. R. ^)>3, Persecuted. 22. H>-]5, the care y pepipva Noun masc. def. Thought, meditation; also, Care, anxiety. R. pi, Cared for, thought of, meditated. Occurs here and S. Mark iv. 19, only. .. 7 . i > SO fj, the deceitfulness >/ dirdrr] Noun fern, (compare S. Matt. . P xxvii. 64), Error, deceit, ignorance. R. JS^, Erred; the last rad. being changed into double ^j. Although sometimes, as here, written with Ribui, the word must be regarded as singular. 202 S. MATTHEW XIII. 2230. Ver. 22. ]j2.CLl5, of riches TOV irXovrov Noun masc. def. Wealth, riches, abundance. K 5Ai., Was rich. Heb. -)fy, 1 Sam - xvii - 25. R. *$$, Was rich;L in Syr. taking the place of ty. |j^2) fJ), of no fruit, imfruitful Gr. a/cap7ros. |IoO1, it becometh, sc. ]A^lS2> yiVerat Part. fern, of ]o(Jl. 23 ..... OO1 OOn, Transl. He it is who hearelh My word. , He put forth a parable Trape^Kev Aphel pret. 3. sing, of (not used), Aph. Proposed a parable, likened, compared. So ver. 31, below __ Fut. ^>2\iDJ, 1. pi. with aff. S. Mark iv. 30. Occurs only in these places. Heb. /fcJ^J, Hiph. Compared, Isa. xlvi. 5. , tares ^ai/ia Nonn masc. pi. def. occurring only in this chapter; see ver. 27, 29, 30. 20. p*-, was sprung up eySAao-T^crci/ Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Came 7 T forth, grew up, of a plant. Pret. 3. pi. n v . ; S. Luke viii. 7 -- 1 V " 7 ^ 7 Aph. _i..Lo], Brought forth, produced. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A-_lo|, Hebr. vi. 7. The word occurs in these places only. Heb. N^, Went forth; grew, Isa. xi. 1. , (that) we should gather orXXe'^w/xev Pael fut. 1. pi. of Chose. Pa. - "> . . , Selected, collected. Pret. 3. pi. * *"\i , ver. y 7 -\ 7 ^ 48, below Fut. (*"> . y 3. pi. ^no .. i, ver. 41, below Im- + o 7 7 7^> . 1> 7 perat. P^i, pi 0/^tt, ver. 30, below Part. (*-^ ,.^/v ver. 29, below; so the Vienna Edition, Tremellius, and Hutter. Schaaf, n 7 following the Ed. Regia, and others, reads v * ^ a ^ , ye (should) root up eKpi^wo-^te Fut. 2. pi. of ; <~> V y Tore up by the roots Fut. 3o_Q_U. Occurs here only in Peal. Heb. ^IpV, Plucked ^^p, Eccles. iii. 2. ' CLQQ.CU, suffer ye... to grow, lit. growing. Participle for infinitive. S. MATTHEW XIII. 3033. 293 Ver. 30. ]A_yD]i>, in bundles, lit. bundles Gr. eis Stcr/wis PI. def. of ]j^DJLo, def. ]Z^CD[LD, noun fern. A parcel, bundle, something tied together. This noun inserts ^ before the pi. termination. 7 V R. iIQ\, Sound. Occurs here only in the N.T. . OrOJJj , that they may burn, be burned Gr. irpos TO /caraKavcrai aura Neuter verb used as a passive. See note, S. John xv. 6; and Phillips's Gr. 56, ad fin. CWper 223. 5. .. 7 f 7 7 31. jJ?;_K>J, of mustard seed crivaTrecos Def. of v>>j_o, noun masc. Mustard; used of the plant and its seed. * 7 * > 7.*, > 7 32. (JQ_1>1, the seeds Gr. TCUI/ o-Trep/xarw PI. def. of ^0-2*51, def. pa_l5l, noun masc. A seed, grain. R. V^5|, Sowed. Occurs elsewhere, S. Mark iv. 31 ; 1 Cor. xv. 37, 38, only. Heb. m-)T, only in pi. D'JHT, Dan. i. 16; and D'JHT, v er. 12, Vegetables, herbs. * 7 > 7 P *> 7 PQ..QV.* , the herbs Gr. TWV Aaxavwv PI. def. of ^CLQjj , def. pQ_Q;_ , ni . p 7 noun masc. A garden-herb, pot-herb. Compare *Q}-, def. ^D^, the same, Rom. xiv. 2. Heb. rn\ Deut. xii. 10; 1 Kings xxi. 2. I TT * 7 ? * '? VA y " _ oZ. (for _i_J_oZ.), lodge, lit. lodgeth, sc. JLUjj^D, noun sing. Gr. /caracTKrji/oSi/ Aph. fut. 3. sing. fern, of ^ <"> (not used) Aph. >, .7 ..7 .7 _DJ, Built a nest. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Aj_Q|, S. Luke xiii. 19. Occurs not elsewhere in the N.T. Heb. Pi. |jjp, Ps. civ. 17. .0 X .7 > I 33. (;. . V> .>.\ y tiwto leaven ^vfj-f) li ' ^ *', noun masc. def. R. j Heb. *nftn> foamed, fermented. 5/ie hid ev/cpi^ev Pret. 3. sing. fern, of ;^r>^ Z)w^ down, hid in the ground; and generally, ZTic/, covered over. The Vienna Ed., Ti-emellius, and some others, read ZflQ^, Pael __ Part. Peil ; tV?^, pi. fern. ^^.LQ^, laden, overwhelmed with sins, 2 Tim. " x 7 j iii. 6: the Yienn. and others read . ,' > V> ^ Heb. |Gt2) Gen. xxxv. 4; Exod. ii. 12: | being in Syr. changed for 5. 294 S. MATTHEW XIII. 3341. p 7 Ver. 33. ( ..Vn.n* ; of meal dXfvpov Noun masc. def. Flour, meal. Occurs here and S. Luke xiii. 21, only. Heb. HDP) Gen. xviii. 6. *, was leavened l^v^Qrj Verb pret. 3. sing. Was in a state of fermentation. Occurs in Peal here and S. Luke xiii. 21, only __ Aph. ttV^'l, Leavened. Part. \\^n*^D, 1 Cor. v. 6; Gal. v. 9. Heb. TOl, Exod. xii. 34, 39: V being in Syr. changed for Vi. 7.7 f 7 35. ^13|O, and I will utter Gr. epc^o/xai Aphel fat. 1. sing, of VtdJ, 7 ,7 Burst forth. Aph. Md j , Made to spring forth, declared, pub- lished. _ Fut. ^iij. Heb. Hiph. ^2H, Ps. xix. 3; Ixxviii. 2; cxlv. 7. * 7 7 36. .o <=^ declare (j>pdVn 1 Cor. xiv. 9. ^ o o *. Deriv. (O Q-), noun masc. def. .4?i interpretation, translation, 1 Cor. xii. 10; xiv. 26. .. X 7 |Aj}_Q)O, and of the field Gr. TOV dypov. 39. rnVn\o ^/ ie e?l ^ ( a ff. pleon.) o-wreXeia J>Q_1Q_, def. ]^n\r> (ch. xxiv. 6, 14, &c.), noun masc. ^1 completion, performance, accomplishment, consummation. K. i>Q-L, Completed. 1\ 7 T\ 40. ^ i.*^i itALo, gathered, are gathered Gr. cruXXfycrai Ethpaal part. pi. of l^Ht, Chose. Ethpa. *^ uM. Was chosen, collected. Part. * 7 41. |JO *^V), <^e offences, things that offend TO. arKavSaXa. PI. def. of tt 7 .. . 7 , def. PQ >. ,^LD (Rom. ix. 33), noun masc. A cause of S. MATTHEW XIII. 4148. 295 Ver. 41. offence, stumbling-block. R. W n Heb. 7&J>3, Tottered, wavered. Aph. \S a "> ( , Caused to stumble. Heb. /ifcJOft, Isa. viii. 14; Ps. cxix. 165. 42. poZJTD, into tJie furnace as TV/I/ Noun masc. def. A fur- nace, oven. Chald. pfitf, def. {Olfitf, fem. Dan. iii. 6, 11, &c. 44 C7LKJXlj fc_O1, Transl. Which a man found and concealed. 45. |J-iiZ (i-CUt-X, to a 'merchant man dvOpwTro) e/ATropco |r- Trafficked, made gain. - p 7 .7 17 46. ( W>p Z;~-.Q_, of great price, lit. great of price Gr. TroXuri/xov i 7 Constr. of ; > D.> (S. Luke vii. 2), adj. Weighty, precious, noble, .!> x 7 honourable, beloved. Def. (; o y S. Matt, xxvii. 9. Fem. def. i? x 7 ( / ; -- o .> y a heavy sleep, Acts xx. 9; a precious stone, 1 S. Pet. I x 7 ii. 6. PI. masc. _jk'^i_Q_i , grievous, hard commandments, 1 S. John v. 3. Def. 1y <"> >, 1 Thess. ii. 6; S. James v. 7. Constr. 7 X 7 _., i O >, heavy, slow, of heart, S. Luke xxiv. 25. PI. fem. 7 , S. Matt. xxvi. 43; S. Mark xiv. 40. Def. l2.~j_oJ, S. Matt, xxiii. 4; with aff. pleon. ver. 23. Form part. Peil 7 I from ;_Q_ , Was heavy. Heb. Tip* 1 , Dear, beloved, Jer. xxxi. 20. Chald. the same, Difficult, Dan. iL 11; Honourable, Ezr. iv. 10. For pulOj, see note, S. John xii. 3. 47. Zu^LsUj, that was cast Gr. (3\T]6eL(rr) Pret. 3. sing. fem. of ^2LJ, fell. Neuter verb used in a passive sense. CLLwf XkD ^> ; of every kind IK Travros yevous tQJ_>i, noun masc. derived from the Gr. word. Def. | i , . ch. xvii. 21; S. Mark ix. 29. PI. def. ]mi * 1 Cor. xiv. 10. 48. O1dQTD|, they drew it Gr. ava/St^ao-avres Aphel pret. 3. pi. with 7 * ,7 aff. fem. of _QQJ, Ascended. .Aph. _QDJ (ch. xvii. 1, &c.), 296 & MATTHEW XIII. 4855. Ver. 48. Caused to rise, lifted up, drew out, offered up Fut. 1. pi. Hebr. xiii. 15 Inf. nor^\ 1 S. Pet. ii. 5 Part. 9t 7 . omVn ; S. Luke xiv. 5; Hebr. vii. 25. Chald. Aph. p'DJl, infiu - Dan - iii- 22 ; vi. 24 - 7 X .... d}A_iO, Transl. ,4?ic? ^Aey sa down and made choice; and the good they put into vessels, and the bad they cast away, lit. without. * 7 7 49. ,Q_;_21J, they shall sever a / ch. xxv. 32. PL masc. x 7 77 . . Vn ) S. Luke vi. 22 Part. pass. - c^^n separate, .P. 7 7 various, diverse: fern. def. (Ajj-SilD, 1 S. Pet. iv. 10 From .OP 7 this conjug. is derived |_J_;_2llO, noun masc. def. An interpreter, . T, P 7 judge: pi. def. fi f -<^i^n S. James ii. 4. Chald. Pa. H3 , part. pass. HJ3*3, used adverbially, -Dis- "T T tinctly, Ezr. iv. 18. 52. ^> \7AAv ; oM things TraXaia PI. fem. def. of wTljAi., adj. Ancient, old. Def. ln_,Al, S. Luke v. 39. Fem. def. lZvX2_.Al, 2 Cor. iii. 14. R. DAi, Heb. pH^, Pa- vi. 8, Was old; the form being ~ T i? ' x 7 that of part. Peil; whence also the noun fem. (/ o n -f\^, Antiquity, *">"> 'X 7 * constr. \d) Z_n n .As.^ ^/^ oldness of the letter, E-om. vii. 6. The verb occurs in the N.T. only in Aph. *oAl>j, Made old, with aff. pleon. yet with emphatic force, Hebr. viii. 13. Heb. p^riy, pl- 1 Chron. iv. 22. Chald. the same, Dan. vii. 9, 13, 22. 7 07* 65. *;_yiL_J), of the carpenter TOV TOCTOVOS Def. of r-iv-J, noun masc. A carpenter, lit. one that stretches out, draws out. R. r-it-J , Drew out. Occurs here and S. Mark vi. 3, only. S. MATTHEW XIII. 5658. XIV. 18. 297 71. .. 7 Ver. 56 OlZ.a_*j|o, Transl. And His sisters, all of tliem, are they not with us ? x 7 57. j V T?> w h fa) despised, without honour Gr. CITI//.OS Part. Peil "J* 7 of j_L , Despised, disdained. Occurs (in Peal) only here and J 7 S. Mark vi. 4. Cogn. ^], Was small. Heb. 'VJJX, Ps- cxix. 141. Transl. There is not a Prophet, or, there is no Prophet that is without honour, &c. 9*. . -X 7 58. ^prn/n i Vn >rn jj ? tf/ieir unbelief Gr. r^v drrurriav avrwv. CHAPTER XIV. 1. |)5f^, the Tetrarch d TeTpapx 7 ?^ Noun maso. derived from the Gr. word. T 'A "" 2. -; vAmVn are accomplished, work powerfully Gr. evepyoucriv Ethpeel part. pi. of ;Sm, Z>ic?, effected. Ethpe. {^Aio energized, put forth power, and passively, JFas c?owe, Put. ^lAlDJ, pi. 3. fern, ^^mj, S. James iii. 10 __ Part. flAmib, Eph. iii. 20: Fern. ]^mSo, 1 Thess. ii. 13. 4 ..... jOOlZj, Transl. That she should be a wife to thee. . T> 5 ..... H^tOj Transl. .4 we? /ie wished to kill him, but feared the people, &c. 6. Clj-ikj AJO, ^Ae place (day) of the birth, (aff. pleon.) Gr. ycvecriW Compare S. Mark vi. 21. Transl. But when it was the birthday of Herod. p t'.V^nD i>O r .Q , 6e/bre the guests, lit. ^Ae recliners Gr. Iv TW /xecru. 7 ..... ^&So , Transl. On this account he swore to her with an oath. 8. OlLojJ, by her mother VTTO T^S /x^rpos avrrj^ Pref. prep. _ik, referring to the agent: in a charger ETTI TTIVOKI Noun masc. derived from the Gr. A large dish, platter. W. C. 38 298 S. MATTHEW XIV. 1122. Vcr. 11. ._A_1, (one) brought Gr. -qv^x^ The subject being indefinite, the verb may be rendered passively, Was brought. So in Heb. Qfcjf D^*V IS^is^ whatsoever was done there, lit. they were T .*...-. T , doing, or did, there, Gen. xxxix. 22. ^"OS? D1N2T, they are crushed, lit. they crush them, before the moth, Job iv. 19. 12. n\\ ) /iis Jody Gr. TO o-wyxa ] f ^j (Acts ix. 40), noun fern. A dead body, corpse. PI. def. ] r ^>- , Kev. xi. 8, &c. The pointing 1 t \ is faulty, the word being identical with the Chald. *] 7^', def. &nS&?- (Schaaf.) T ; * P 7 13. ( > *"^ -^>, by land Gr. Treffj, E.Y. on foot ; but used in opposition, not to riding or travelling by vehicle, but to going by ship, kv tw. So S. Mark vi. 33. " x i, noun fein. Dry land, as opposed to sea. R. Heb. n^'3*. Gen. i. 9: W3, Ps. xcv. 5. Chald. def. 5 Dan. ii. 10. 19. ]^O, He brake Gr. K\acras Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Broke, broke off, cut off". Pret. 1. sing. Ajlo, S. Mark viii. 19 __ Fut. ]LoJ, ^ i* e T* P 1. pi. Acts xx. 7 - Part. |^-D, pi. ^-n-Q, Acts ii. 46; coalescing with i >, 1 Cor. x. 16 __ Ethpe. ^j^oZ], Was broken. Part. l^QAkJ, 1 Cor. xi. 24. Heb. HVpj Cut off, destroyed; inf. constr. J"flp Hab. ii. 10. T!T I; Transl. And He looked up to Heaven, and blessed, and brake, and gave to His disciples; and those disciples placed (them] before the multitudes. 21. ^> ;_^D, beside x 00 / 31 ' 5 ^ ee n te, S. John xx. 20. 22. * ^ ( or t-^> S. Mark vi. 45), He constrained yvdyKacrev Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Urged, compelled, pressed, oppressed, afflicted. Pret. 3. sing. fern. 2.L^\, with aff. Acts xvi. 15; Phil. ii. 25. 3. pi. O JSx, with aff. S. Luke xxiv. 29 __ Fut. tO^U, 3. pi. S. MATTHEW XIV. 2230. 299 * < ^ * Ver. 22. ,0^.1 p, with affi fern, they shall keep thee in, crvveovcri (re, S. Luke xix. 43 Imperat. tQ-&, S. Luke xiv. 23 Part. Acts xxvi. II- 2 Cor. v. 14: Fern. ]L^N, Phil. i. 24; it is necessary for us, we must, Rom. xiii. 5. PI. masc. ^_n__x\, S. Luke viii. 45, &c. PL fern. . L1&, Tit. iii. 4 Part. Peil fcj-_^, S. Luke xii. 50; xiv. 18. Def. ]. . x^ y used as an adj., with subst. expressed or understood, S. Matt. vii. 13. Fern. a ..7 I* ", S. Luke iv. 38; as an adj. S. Matt. vii. 14.- PI. masc. 1 ^X 7 ft 7 ^ *T ' N ^y / S. Matt. iv. 24. Def. |fc_i__^, as a noun, 1 Tim. v. .. e7 10. PI. fern. \ T ' > Acts xv. 28; in an active sense, Phil. i. 23. Deriv. ].O_S\, noun masc. def. Affliction, oppressor. PI. with aff. Acts vii. 10; 2 Thess. i. 6. Heb. (Kal not used) Pi. T*?fc$, Urged, pressed, Judg. xvi. 16. 23. An m v> fSO, and when it was dark Gr. oi/'tas Se yej/o/Aev7;s. 24 ^2L_^sO, Transl. But the ship was distant many stadia from the land (crraSt'ovs TroXXous a7ro T^S yfjs aTret^ev, Vat. MS.), greatly tossed with the waves; for the wind ivas contrary to it. .D. 7 7 25. \' i ^ r>f ~^ ) in the watch v\a.K-f} Noun fern. def. A watch, period of watching. P\. def. ]2.'^iO, S. Luke ii. 8. E. j^j, Watched, kept. Heb. n*"1t3/bj -^ prison, Jer. xxxii. 2, 8; xxxiii. 1. TT - ]A >. Vi.^3, the fourth Gr. TCTOPTYJ Fern. def. of . . v . ^^ ordinal number. See note, S. Luke iii. 1. * ff 7 7 26. U-ii? OO1 (Ot-jo), that it was a fallacious vision, lit. a vision of deceit, i.e. an apparition, spirit Gr. on ^JO, Transl. And Peter descended from the ship, and walked on the waters, that he might go to Jesus. 30. v\o MvD\ ; to sink KaTaTrovTi&a-Oai Inf. of ^*"^ , Pressed into, impressed, as with a seal, Rev. xx. 3; Sank down, Acts xx. 9.__ Fut. \\r\t\J Part. Peil ^ I Sealed, Rev. v. 1. 300 S. MATTHEW XIV. 3035. XV. 2. Ver. 30. Deriv. ^- noun masc - def. - ]v^ ^ ch. v. 1, &c. Heb. y^b, Ps. ix. 16; Ixix. 3, 15. fi^b, fern. 4 sea?, or seal-ring, Gen. xlL 42. Transl. .ZTe w>as afraid, and began to sink; and lifted up his voice, and said, &c. -xA__QO;_23, save me trwo-ov /*e See note, ch. ix. 24. 31. .... *^j2, Transl. Otw Lord stretched forth His hand. 32. A . \ ceased exoTrao-ev Pret. 3. sing. fern, of |L or .. > ^ (Acts xx. 1), TFas si^, tranquil. Pret. 1. sing. A . \ r Acts xx. 31. .1 x " V 7 3. pi. <>. \ , Acts xi. 18; xvii. 13: Fern. . . \, S. Luke xxiii. 56. 1. pi. v ^ -^*, Col. i. 9 Fut. ]1^J -- Imperat. - .^, S. Mark iv. 39 __ Part. iU, Acts vi. 13; xiii. 10; jli ]], unceasing, Gr. aSiaXeiTrros, Rom. ix. 2. PI. masc. ^_j_lL, Acts T ^ i> . 7 v. 42 __ Part. Peil \L, Quiet, calm, tranquil, def. ( > \, 1 Tim. ii. 2. PI. masc. -^-, Acts xix. 36; 1 Thess. iv. 11 Pa. . 1 . 7. . - \ ~, Quieted, appeased, Acts xix. 35.__Ethpa. - \A j ; Ceased. Part. ]lA-0\ Eph. i. 16. Deriv. ")oXj, Cessation; }n\ ]]j, without ceasing, Rom. i. 9; 1 Thess. v. 17. Heb. rbtf and |^gf, Job iii. 2&j xii. 6; Ps. cxxii. 6. Chald. rhtf, part. Peil T^^, Dan. iv. 1. 7 . 7 34 ..... Oj5o, Transl. And they sailed (or, rowed), and came to the land of Gennesaret. *> 7 . 1> 35 ..... ^O1QAjoA^|o, Transl. And the men of that place recognized Him, and sent to all the villages that were round them. CHAPTER XV. 2. IZrnVlNaV), the tradition rijv irapdoomv Def. of noun fern. Tradition, doctrine. With aff, ver. 3, 6, below. Form S. MATTHEW XV. 28. 301 Ver. 2. of Aph. part, of V>\i , Aph. V*X| , Delivered, handed down. Part. V>V ^n . . . . |Jo, Transl. And they wash not, &c. 4 ]oi^, Transl. For God said o yap eos ctn-ev, Vat. MS. 5. pcnZZ, thou mightest be profited ia(f>e\r]0fj^nV>, Rom. iv. 14. Chald. Pa. 7t33, forbade, hindered, Ezr. iv. 21, 23; v. 5; vi. 8. It K0O -^ tip> Ps. xxii. 8: Shore, of sea or river, Gen. T T xxii. 17; xli. 3. Transl. This people honoureth Me with its lips, but their heart is very far from Me. 302 S. MATTHEW XV. 914. Ver. 9. A .]o ^m^ in vain paTyv Adverb, Vainly, to no purpose. I 7 R. \O'fQ, Was empty. Transl. And vainly do they fear Me, V r 11. -^ mVn defiling, defileth KOIVOI Pael part, of *}fTO (not used). Pa. -^LK r (with aff. pleon. Acts xxi. 28), Polluted. _ Fut. .olm ^ 2. sing. ^ . rr>7 ; Acts x. 15 -- Inf. no . mV>\ Acts " .. y xxiv. 6 -- Part. pi. fern. *"> ' mVn ver. 20, below __ Part. pass. .^! cnVn Acts x. 14, 28, &c. Def. ")A . raVn Rev. xxi. 27. PI. masc. def. ")V.' mVn V er. 8. * o o x Deriv. (n,.Q.0, noun muse. def. Pollution, abomination. PL def. lu(icb, Rev. xvii. 5. i 7 7 * 12 ..... Aj| Viyj, Transl. Knowest Thou that the Pharisees, who heard this saying, were offended? 13. lArDJ (]A^Ij, Par. and Lond. Polygl.), plant ^.vreta Def. of * 7 , noun fern. Occurring here only in the N.T. R. as follows. f ^J, hath planted e^urevo-ev Pret. 3. sing, with aff. fern, pleon. of *^^J (ch. xxi. 33, &c.), Planted. Pret. 1. sing. Ao^J, 1 Cor. O O iii. 6 Fut. ^O __ Part. *o, 1 Cor. iii. 7, 8; ix. 7. PI. O -O ^ i O^J, S. Luke xvii. 28 __ Part. Peil d-ilj, fern. ]^> >t y S. Luke xiii. 6. t "" (for >-; n SZ.Z.), sJiall be rooted up e/cpi^wflifo-eTai Ethpeel fut. y y .'> 3. sing. fern, of ^QJL, Eradicated. Ethpe. ^CILZ.|, Was rooted up. Fut. jAlAj Imperat. ; O \L]] S. Luke xvii. 6. Chald. Ithpe. ^pynN, Dan. vii. 8. I -*-; : 14. J5Q_yLj, leaders oSiyyoi PI. def. of ?Q-oh-J, def. ]?Q._H^J, noun masc. One that leads. B. r-i*-J, Drew, led. Heb. T'Jli, A leader, Prince, Ps. Ixxvi. 13. the ditch eis (360vvov Def. (with pref. prep.) of S. MATTHEW XV. 1424. 303 Ver. 14. tlDQ-i, noun masc. A pit. Occurs here and S. Luke vi. 39, only. R. ^LL,t, Dug. Heb. Wg!|!|, Eccles. x. 8. P 7 15 f * Vn ; Transl. And Simon Peter answered and said unto Him, 'Lord (my Lord) declare,' &c. P 7. Tl 17 So/. _LOO, Transl. And from thence in purification it is cast out. 19. IL^uQ, murder Gr. 6voi Def. of ^^uO, noun masc. Slaughter; death, i.e. punishment by death, Acts xxv. 16. PI. def. Ui&-Q> Eev. ix. 21. R. ^JD, Slew. Heb. ^ftp, Obad. ver. 9. I/ r> 01 .., gfo/fc Gr. K\o7rai Def. of QJUJL,., noun fern, occurring here and S. Mark vii. 21, only. R. m ^ Stole. 'X *X |;_QQ_ Z.O5C7LCD, testimony of untruth, i.e. false ivitness Gr. \j/ev8o- H-aprvpiai See note, S. John i. 7. ];_QQ_, noun masc. def. Deceit, falsehood. Heb. *irtB?', A lie, Exod. v. 9; Plur. Ps. ci. 7. R. *)&?, |w I-T Deceived, Gen. xxi. 23. PP.. . 20. it ^> |J, not washed, umvashen Gr. (wvrotf See note, S. John ix. 7. ' vr -K . 7 kdjAcolD, defiled Ethpaal part, of Pa. -*^> <^>, Polluted; see ver. 11, 77 .> above. Ethpa, .^ -Am( TF" as defikd. Transl. But if a man eat when his hands (are) not washed, he is not defiled. . 7 23. a"l_i_L>, He answered her dirtKp(0r] aiirff Pael pret. 3. sing, with . t> 17 aff. fern, of (j-2>, Turned. Pa. ..i..Lg) (ch. xxvii. 12), Returned an answer, replied Part. (jLSllD, ch. xxvi. 62, S. Luke xxii. 68. 7 i 7 24. Q.Sfc?, which have strayed Gr. TO. diroXuXoTa. See note, S. John vii. 47. Transl. Which have strayed from the house of Israel. 304 S. MATTHEW XV. 25-32. Ver. 25. _ji_l_i5,_L, 7ie^ we fto-yOei ftot Pael imperat. with aff. of 5,^, TFas useful to, helped. The Peal occurs (in the N.T.) only in part. fern. CTlX l^i-Lj >-1j as it ma y ^ e profitable to him, Gr. TT/DOS TO 7 7 a-vp-^pov, E. V. ^o profit withal, 1 Cor. xii 7 __ Pa. 5,A (S. Luke " r 7 i. 54), Helped, gave assistance. Pret. 3. sing. fern. /.J^L, Rev. Z7 7 '77 5 pi, with aff. 2 Cor. vi. 2. 3. pi. OJpL, with aff. Col. iv. 11 __ Put. 5AJ, Hebr. ii. 18. 3. pi. ^OJjJLa, S. Luke 77 77 v. 7 __ Imperat. 5^, S. Mark ix. 24. PI. OJA, Acts xxi. 28 __ Part. 5ALO, S. Mark xyi. 20: Fern. 15,^10, S. Luke x. 40. From this verb are derived ]j55CLL, noun masc. def. Help, assistance, Hebr. iv. 16: with aff. 1 Cor. vii. 35; Hebr. xi. 40; xii. 10. ] ii t vAn (from part. Pael) noun masc. def. A helper, 2 Cor. viii. 23; Phil. ii. 25. PI. def. Iji'ALo, 1 Cor. xii. 28, &c. V2.QJ?,lk), noun fern. def. Help, 2 Cor. i. 11; Col. i. 29. Heb. ")fV Ps. xxxvii. 40; Ixxix. 9, &c. In Syr. f is softened - T into 5. 27. \LQL'rZ) r^> f ^ ie crumbs diro TWV if/t^iwv PI. def. of |ZoZ^2, noun masc. def. A fragment. R. Z^2, Broke, r&at asunder, which occurs in the N.T. only in Ethpe. Zj^Zj, he was burst asunder, Gr. eXoLK-rjo-c, Acts L 18. Transl. Yet the dogs eat of tJie crumbs that fall from the tables of their masters, and live. _.p 28. Oj, oh! w Interjection; written with a line above O to distinguish . .7 it from O|, or, when the vowels are wanting; and to indicate the pronunciation, which is that of the Gr. <3.' * X I 30. L. i . , the maimed KvXXovs PI. def. of - . . <^ (ch. xviii. 8), adj. Defective in any limb, mutilated. Def. ] u ' * , S- Mark ix, 43. Form part. Peil of a root not in use. ft f XP 'y- / " 7 OI>7 32. ^ i V> i , fasting nyo-ms PL of ^>Q-*, def. psQ-t , noun masc. One who is hungry, in a fasting condition. R. J>OO J>O> Fasted. v3 O The word occurs also, S. Mark viii 3, according to the Vienna S. MATTHEW XV. 3239. XVI. 2. 305 Ver. 32. and other Eds. Tremellius and some others read .* V> . . part. pi. iQ.2)Q^J, they may faint -lK\vOuxriv Fut. 3. pi. of c2Q_L ^i^, Fainted, failed in strength. Fu.t. ^)Q.U._Part. ^3p>, pi. masc. . <* .\ S. Mark viii. 3. Heb. SW, fainted, was weary, Judg. iv. 21; 1 Sam. xiv. 28. 777 I 33. ttom i^ that we may fill Giv coo-re ^pprda-ai Pael fut. 1. pi. of ^nm, Was fall. Pa. ^Arn (g. L u ke i. 53), jPiWec?, satiated Fut. \LdCQJ, S. Mark viii. 4. Heb. Pi. y^>, Ps. xc. 14. Transl. Whence have we bread in the wilderness, that loe may fill (so as to Jill") all this multitude? . o 7* 34. p>.CL, seven ITTTCX Card. numb. mase. * .. 7 .7, -x .. r 77 ^Qr-O? PCU, little fishes J^u8*a PL def. of vD^j, adj. Small. * P 7 7 Def. MD.-D?. R. QO? O5, ^e< imolL Heb. pTf, ^iwe dust, Isa. xxix. 5: Thin, slender, of kine and ears of corn, Gen. xli. 3, &c. 37. (l^D, the fulness of seven baskets, i.e. seven baskets full Gr. ITTTCI cr7rvptSas TrXT/pets Noun masc. of form part. Peil from (ISD, Was full. Compare }L fl^ (la], ?io< even the fulness of an hour ; * no, not for an hour, Gr. ot-Se Trpos w/aav, Gal. ii. 5 : and the ad- verbial phrase ^jAr) )&Q>, 2 S. Pet. ii. 18: see note, S. John vii. 33. I I T> _ O I * T ^|^XfiD|, baskets (nrvpi8a j/"!" 7 2. 001 [Q_KJ , it is, or u>t be, fair weather Gr. evBia |Q..K* , noun masc. O O def. Clearness, serenity. Occurs here only in the N.T. w. c. 30 306 S. MATTHEW XVI. 2, 3. Ver. 2. Compare Heb. flfTO, adj. Dry. Constr. Hflif, Dried tip with thirst, Isa. v. 13. . 7 7 Ar)V>m ^ red irvftpd&t Pret. 3. sing. fern, of - oknm Jfas red.-~- Fut. . nV>m.i Occurs (in the N.T.) only here and in the next verse. Deriv. It-ikon en ; Red, scarlet, Rev. vi. 4; xvii. 3. 3. A v]; .Con gloomily Gr. a-rvyvd&v Adverb, occurring here only in the N.T. R |k)D, Was sad. Transl. The sky is gloomily red. ^O_ao2.j, that ye may discern, to discern Gr. SuiKpimv Fut. 2. pi. (with pref. 3 for infin.) of |UD, Explored, examined, tried, proved. Pret. 3. pi. OO^D, Hebr. iii. 9 Fut. ]ArHJ, 1. sing. lAo], i 7 S. Luke xiv. 19._-_Imperat. ^ > "*^ / pi. Q-QTD, 2 Cor. xiii. 5; 1 Thess. v. 21 Part. ]na, 1 Cor. xi. 28, &c Part. Peil Jno, approved, Gr. SOKI/X.OS, Rom. xiv, 18, &c. PI. n *^, 1 Cor. xi. 7 X ..T. 19; coalescing with ,-JLo, 1 Thess. ii. 4 Ethpeel >. > ,n *")(, Fas searched, proved, 1 S. Pet. i. 7. Fut. ]n.oA-3, 3. pi. ^an^Aj, 1 Tim. iii, 10. 4k Deriv. (_*_Qd3, noun nmsc. def. Proof, experience, Rom. v. 4, &c. ^ * yf* ^l**., that ye may interpret, to interpret, discern not expressed in 7 the Gr. Fut. 2. pi. (see the foregoing) of ._;_D, (S. Luke x. 1), Separated, determined, decreed, judged; departed. Pret. 3. pi. 7 7 S. Luke xvii. 18. 1. pi. _^5, Acts xxi. 1 Fut. , 1 Cor. vii. 15: Fern. ...^jus^f, 1 Cor. vii. 10, 11 Imperat. pi. O_O^), Acts xiii. 2.__Inf. . g^^n\ ; Hebr. v. 14 : *. "" P with O paragogic, S. Luke ix. 33 Part. -p>, Rom. ii. 18; 1 Cor. vii. 15. PI. ^ ^ ;-<*, S. Luke xii. 56 Part, Peil ^^_.j^>, ' * ^ destined, Gr. e/cSorov, Acts ii. 23: - -;^ JJ, wo^ distinct, uncer- x . K 77 torn, Gr. aS^Aov, 1 Cor. xiv. 8: >;^ (OCH i>O,lSD. ws /ore- ordained, Gr. Trpoeyvaxr/xe'vou, 1 S. Pet. i. 20. p % Deriv. _)O-), noun masc. Distinction, difference, division^ 1 Cor. S. MATTHEW XVI. 318. 307 Ver. 3. xii. 2. Def. }LlQJZ>, Rom. iii. 22, &c. PI. def. Eph. iii. 10. -x -x o |Z.Q_Oj^), noun fern. def. Tlie discerning, 1 Cor. xii. 10. Heb. fc^")3, Shewed, declared distinctly, defined, Lev. xxiv. 12. T Transl. The face of the sky ye know (how) to discern; the signs of this time ye know not (how) to interpret. 4. ])TLjAk) ]], shall not be given ov Softyo-erai, rendered by . . "i-n *l_7 t P * ch. xii. 39, above. See note, S. John i. 17. 5 ..... Q_L^, Transl, They had forgotten to take with them bread. 6. But He said unto them, &c. 1 " \ 7 7 ..... pD> ^5 , Transl. (It is) because they have not taken bread. 9 ..... piOi-^ H> Transl. Have ye not till now understood? Do ye not remember those five loaves, &c. 10. Nor those seven loaves, &c. 1 .7 1 1 . v *") > I , how ? TTWS ; Adverb of interrogation. See note, S. John i. 2 3. Transl. How have ye not understood, that it was not concerning bread (that) I spake to you, but that ye should beware of the leaven' of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees 1 X 7 13 ..... Q_l!o, Transl. Who do men say, concerning Me that I am, the Son of man ? 18. -L_t/ t ^ >., My Church p.ov -rfjv fKKXrjcrtav Pref. A of the object. - IV X \Lfli (ch. xviii. 17, &c.), noun fern. def. A Church, congregation. PI. def. VZvl, Acts xv. 41, &c. Once }L)]L, Rom. xvi. 4. Heb. mj? An assembly, congregation, Numb. xvi. 2. R. *]T^, Brought together, assembled. Compare Syr. ,AQ, Pa. Appointed. OTJQ. J_CD_K>J |J , shall not prevail against it ov KO.TKTXV(TOVO-IV it 7 Fut. 3. pi. with aff. fern, of ^_D_K or en .> ; Was powerful, pre- vailed __ Fut. ,_Q_KJ, with aff. ch. xvii. 20 __ Ethpeel _fll*a2.1, 7 _ T> Was strong -- Imperat. pi. Q_3J2LKZ.j , 1 Cor. xvi. 13. Deriv. ]j_CLK, noun masc. def. A tower, stronghold. PI. def. f i rn .. . ; 2 Cor. x. 4. Chald. |Drij i n Apli. IDn/lj Gave possession, Dan. vii. 18, 22. 308 S. MATTHEW XVI. 1922. Ver. 19. "), Wo, the keys ras /(Xets PI. def. of ], L\Q (Rev. iii. 7, &c.), noun masc. def. A key. Derived from the Gr. word. Transl. To thee will I give the keys, &c. In the Sin. and Vat. MSS. /cat is wanting. 20. (xv . Vn djOOIj, that He was the Christ The word 'I^o-oOs is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. and also in the Arab, and Pers. Versions. 7 * 21. .__*>-J, (that) He should suffer. Supply 3 from the preceding clause 7 Gr. TraOeiv Fut. 3. sing, of <_*_A~K _&_KJ (Acts i. 3; Hebr. ii. 18; xiii. 12), Perceived by the senses, suffered. Pret. 1. sing. LLL, S. Matt, xxvii. 19 Fut. 2. pi. f - ..7" Phil. i. 29; 1 S. Pet. iii. 14 1. pi. - - ^ i, Rom. viii. 17 Inf. ..aJL&X Acts ix. 16 Part. ^*\L, 1 S. Pet. ii. 23; iv. 15, 16. PI. masc. 10 f, 7 --, 1 Cor. xii. 26; coalescing with ^-1-Kj, 2 Cor. i. 6; with . adj. Passible, sensible to passions, S. James v. 17. U" ^ P QjtK, Acts xiv. 14. . c 7 ( , noun masc. Passion, suffering, affection of mind, Hebr. ii. 9. PI. def. ]L, 2 Cor. i. 6, 7, &c. \i^oAjO, and (that) He should be killed. Supply 3 as above Gr. KOI a.7roKTav6rjvaLi Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, of ^_^-Q, Slew. Ethpe. ^^QZy (S. Mark ix. 31, &c.), Was slain.-^Pret. 3. pi. dX^oZf, Rev. ix. 18, 20, &c Inf. nNj^oAk^, Rev. xi. 5. Chald. Ithpe. ^tppH^, inf. Dan. ii. 13. o o 22. fc^A wCCLw, be it far from Thee Gr. tXews o-ot Verb pret. 3. sing. fcOQ_*j _CQ_K, Was propitious, spared, Rom. viii. 32; xi. 21. Here used as a deprecatory interjection, as Lat. absit. So -ijlb ^D_K, not so, far be it, Lord! Gr. pjSa/xws, Acts x. 14; a xi. 8. m.M, God forbid! Gr. p; yivono, Rom. iii. 4, &c Fut, ^TDQ-KjJ, Rom. xi. 21. 1. sing, vroa^l* 2 Cor. xiii. 2 S. MATTHEW XVI. 2227. XVII. 15. 309 Ver. 22. Part. uo]^, 1 Cor. vii. 28; 2 Cor. i. 23; coalescing with ]j), 2 Cor. xii. 6. PI. masc. . nr> . >. Acts xx. 29; Col. ii. 23. o 04. Deriv. (__CDCl>j, noun masc. def. Propitiation, Gr. iXaa-rijpLov, Rom. iii. 25; Hebr. ix. 5: lAaoyio's, 1 S. John iv. 10. m.00 7 p_DQ_Kj, noun masc. def. Thrift, frugality, sparingness; with pref. *Z2, sparingly, 2 Cor. ix. 6. Heb. Dli"l> Had pity on, spared, Ps. Ixxii. 13. 23. "jA!.Qo2., an ofenceo-MaXov'Det. of jlooZ (1 Cor. x. 32), noun fern. A stumbling-block, fall. PI. def. "j2\!Loo2.. ^OOlA^LooAo ^pjl_xj>, by their fall, Gr. TW aimSv TrapaTrrw/xaTi, Rom. xi. 11. R. ^oZ, Offended. P 7 24 H^r? ^ Transl. ZTe that will (or, is desirous to) come after Me. " * \ v j 26. (c*in\^/ _ t fas') the exchange, in exchange avra'AXay/xa Noun masc. def. A compensation, equivalent. Occurs here and S. Mai'k viii. 37, only. R. ^2iX>j, Pa. ^Lw, Changed. 27 iaj0?7 Eshtaphal pret. 3. sing. rvF.g^x*.^ Pa. -^ \ , Changed; Shaph. > \ >. , see note, ch. iv. 24, above. Eshtaph. TFas clianged, transformed. Imperat. pi. r>\ >f A >] (in some Eds. pointed CLSAjoA^] , ) Rom. xii. 2 Part. ^l\joASo, Hebr. vi. 17. . 7 1> PI. masc. g">\ .jA Vn coalescing with ^-L>j, 2 Cor. iii. 18. ^ i Transl. -4?z-c? Jesus was transfigured before them. P P v "^ t" 1 .. 5. p ^ \ a cloud veeXr) Noun fern. def. PI. def. (masc. form) (l 1 S, S. Luke xxi. 27. Constr. ] t Vn - " i ? V ; S. Matt. xxiv. 30, &c. Heb. m, Exod. xiii. 21, 22. Chald. JW, pi. constr. Dau. I T 'T I -*-; vii. 13. 310 S. MATTHEW XVII. 51.4. Ver. 5. AS-"), overshadowed tTreo-Kiaa-fv Aphel pi-et. 3. sing. fern, of ^ (not used), Pa. \&-, Covered, overshadowed. _ Aph. Tt , the same, followed by ^JL of the object -- Part. ^4LD, fern. ]1\M^\ S. Mark ix. 7. PI. masc. ^ > V\MJ^ Hebr. ix. 5. Deriv. (A . i N ^ noun fern. def. A shadow, type, Hebr. viii. 5, Pi- Covered with planks or beams, Neh. iii. 15.- - Cogn. 77> Made a shadow, Neh. xiii. 19. Hiph. part. Ezek. xxxi. 3. "bhald. SSp, Aph. ^CDN, Took shelter; fut. 3. sing. fern, (for pret.) Dan. iv. 9. .... M-DO, Transl. And there was a voice from the cloud, which said, &c. 9 ..... - ^-*\ Transl. Before (lit. to the eye of] man tell not this vision. . a ..i> 11 ..... 1 ", Transl. Elias cometh first, that he may restore everything. 12. But I say unto you, that, behold, Elias is come, and they kneiv him not, and did, &c. 7 n *. . 7 -K 7 14. . ^rno niin *~> >^i ^^OO, and kneeled on his knees Gr. yovuTrerwv T, ? y*'r^> r Mi-^> Bent the knee, knelt; always (in the N.T.) with the 7 noun following. Pret. 3. pi. Q3^O, ch. xxvii. 29; d2^O, Rom. xi. 4 __ Fut. j^Oi^U __ Part. ^^), pi. ^ >^r*"\ s - Mark xv. 19. I * 7 Part. Peil ^^O, see note, S. John xii. 13 -- Pa. ^i}^3, Blessed, 77 ..T> see note, S. John vi. 11, _ Ethpa. ^^)Z.|, Was blessed. Fut. ^^Aj, 3. pi. ^ODj^Aj, Gal. iii. 8; fern. ^yr^Aj, Acts iii. 25. _ Part. ^jjoAli, Hebr. vii. 7. PI. ^j^^Ak), Gal. iii. 9. Deriv. "JADJCLO, noun fern. def. A blessing, 2 Cor. ix. 5, 6, Ac. PI. ^bi'QjO, Rom. i. 25, &c.~ Def. "j^Djas, Rom. xvi. 18; S. James iii. 10. Heb. TpS, Knelt, Ps. xcv. 6. Chald. W*ft, part. ^3, Dan. I -T | -; ) -T vi. 11. v_.criaDOj^, his knees. PI. with aff. of yiO^ (Rom. xiv. 11; Phil. ii. 10), noun fern. A knee. Def. |d5dO, S. Luke xxii. 41; Acts vii. 60. S. MATTHEW XVII. 1421. 311 Ver. 14. Heb. *!pl, Isa. xlv. 23. V31S' "nil* 1 !. Transl. And he said unto Him, My Lord, have mercy on me: (it is] my son, who is a lunatic; or, who hath a lunatic, sc. spirit spirit of lunacy. See notes, ch. iii. 4; iv. 24, above. .. * 7 * > 1..J.O1 p *" 1 , oft-times -TroXXa/cis iTsed also interrogatively, How oft? Gr. 7rocra/as; ch. xviii. 21; xxiii. 37; S. Luke xiii. 34. 17. ^o] , Of <3 Interjection expressive of pity; so also S. Mark ix. 19; S. Luke ix. 41. Also of mockery, Gr. ova, S. Mark xv. 29. perverse Sieorpa/tyieny -Pael part. pass. fein. def. of ?> 7 * 7 , Pa. iQ.CLl, Twisted, distorted, turned aside. Fut. XlQAJ, X 07 .7 with aff. pleon. and pref. 5, Acts xiii. 8 __ Jnf. n^nn vVnXj ver. 10 __ Part. JXLoIiD, pi. .^ov^n 2 S. Pet. iii. 16 __ Part. pass. :>oniSo, Tit. iii. 11. Def. fcjQolk), Phil. ii. 15. PI. fern. _p P .. 7 def. (AVinsV), Acts xx. 30. Schaaf here reads ]A\n^^o J part. pass, of \LQi>, Pa. cognate with the above. So also Castel Lexic. in verb. Heb. ^py, Pu. part. Hab. i. 4. ._ALDJJ liDri., how long ? ews TTOTC; 18 ..... Ih^O) Transl. And Jesus rebuked him, and the devil went out of him. j 9 19 ..... p^DA, Transl. Why could not we cure him? i " 7 20 ..... P-*?> Transl. Remove hence; and it shall remove. Pref. 5 intro- ducing the speech. t dH3_CD_K>J , shall prevail against you, i.e. shall be beyond your strength, impossible unto you Gr. aSwar^'cret t'/uv. See note, ch. xvi. 18, above. . P 7 21. [lOO^O, by (in) fasting (tv) v^o-reia Noun masc. def. A fast. E. JxDO. iO , Fasted. O o Heb. Eft, 2 Sam. xii. 16; Tsa. Iviii. 3, etc. 312 S. MATTHEW XVII. 2127. XVIII. 3, 4. *fl *. 7 +. Ver. 21. |Z.CL_ltD, by (in) prayer Iv Trpocrevxfi Def. of Q_.^ , noun fern. Prayer. PI. i ' \t , Eph. vi. 18 Def. (/n\. Acts xxvi. 7, &c. : with aff. S. Matt, xxiii. 13, &c. R. (J. , Bent down. 24. t]0] 1 5 2. _5Z, the double drachma, didrachmon TO, Si'Spa^a X P ^ .PL of }Q], def. (1O1, A drachma, Gr. dpa^.^, the Attic (silver) drachma: with aff S. Luke xv. 9. ] * >> .g"im < ~)> J of the head-money, poll-tax. ^2x012, noun masc. Money, silver. Def. j^lTQD, ch. xxv. 18, &c. Heb. &D2> Silver, Gen. xx. 16; Ps. Ixviii. 31. Chald. &D5> def. S3D3, Dan. ii. 35; v. 2, 4, 23; Ezr. v. 14. 25. (rnn Numb. xxxi. 28, &c. Usually referred to the root DD3 Numbered, reckoned: but, by some, to D2> Arab. - T T Made or levied a tax. 26. ])po -. - 1 *"\ sons of the free, i.e. free Gr. eXeu^cpot See notes S. Johni. 12; viii. 33. ^ . 7 27. ( vo \*"\ a hook dyxto-rpov Noun masc. def. occurring here only in the N.T. R. tt\"\ Swallowed, gorged. JJQJO, Transl. And the first fish that cometh up, open his mouth. |5ADJ, a piece of money a stater orar^pa Def. of 5Aco], A silver X i rin, of the value of four drachmae. CHAPTER XVIIT. ^ J ^ 3. ^aDSiCnZ.Z., ye lie converted o-rpa^re Ethpeel fut. 2. pi. of Turned. Ethpe. ^.QOlZ] , Was turned, transformed; returned. Fut. ^CTlAj, ch. xxiv. 18; S. Mark xiii. 16; S. Luke xvii. 31; S. James iv. 9. 7 7 4. ^iOV?>O, humbling, shall humble TaTreivucrr) Pael part, of ^.nlo k) ), as if from a verb QA, Hebr. ii. 9), Was debased, humbled. S. MATTHEW XVIII. 410. 313 Ver. 4. Pa. ^k>, (Phil. ii. 8), Humbled. _ Pret. 1. sing. Aak>, 2 Cor. xi. 7 __ Fut. y^\ with aff. 2 Cor. xii. 21. Heb. *:pjt5, in Kal once, Ps. cvi. 43. 7 5 ..... ^00, Transl. And he who shall receive (one, or, such) as this little child. 6. I-LXZ, hanged Gr. Kpp.a.o-6fj Part. Peil fern, of ]]Z, Suspended. Pret. 3. pi. oXZ, hoisted a sail, Acts xxvii. 40. 2. pi. . n/\ . \7 1 with aff. ch. v. 30 __ Part. Peil ]TZ, S. Luke xix. 48 __ Ethpeel .-jAZZ], Was suspended. Part. }]ZAk>, Gal. iii. 13. Heb. nfepj, Gen. xl. 19, 22. T T ] *'V a mill-stone /AvAos Noun fern. PI. def. ]Zo>j>. Heb. dual Q|-p|, Exod. xi. 5. Transl. A mill-stone of an ass, i. e. turned by an ass, and not by hand. Gr. OVIKOS. *L" ' , about his neck CTU TOV rpd^Xov avrov j'0 , noun masc. -X 7 7 $ The neck. PI. with aff. . OC7l_jiO , Acts xv. 10; Rom. xvi. 4. ^ o Heb. TK!), Gen. xxvii. 16; Ps. Ixxv. 6. > drowned, (that) he were drowned Gr. KarsL-n-ovTia-Oy Pael 7 77 part. pass, of u*^. Sank. Pa. ^04, Immersed, drowned. Part. pres. pi. fern. LcL^D, 1 Tim. vi. 9. i T 7 *i 7 7. JU_3^, it must needs be Gr. avayKr], whence the Syr. word. So i 7.7 Hebr. ix. 23. Necessity, 1 Cor. vii. 26. . . m ij^ S. Jude ver. 3. mn]^i V)^ (some Eds. read *CDo|njj]o) in imitation of the Gr. ev avayKats, 2 Cor. vi. 4. 8 ..... ]Jo, Transl. And not that having two hands or two feet, thou fall into the fire everlasting. So also in ver. 9. b> T 10. ^OCD^Z, (that] ye despise Gr. Kara^pov-ijcrijTe Aphel fut. 2. pi. of * i 7 * 7 (fn-\ Held in contempt. Aph. - - ^"^1, the same __ Fut. JTCir^J, 1 Tim. iv. 12; Tit. ii. 15. 2. sing. Imn'Z, 1 Tim. iv. 14. 1. pi. ]mU, Hebr. ii. 3. Cogn. Heb. fflU, Hiph. HDM, Esth. i. 17. TT T : w. c. 40 314 S. MATTHEW XVIII. 1219. Ver. 12. ]JLZo _._L-2., the ninety and nine Gr. TO. I 7 . Card. num. masc. and plural. Fern. ^L, ch. xx. 5. Heb. r\y&F\> constr. Numb, xxxiv. 13. PI. D^t^'fl? ninety, Gen. v. 9. Transl. Doth he not leave the ninety and nine in the mountain, and go (and) seek, &c. 15. ^\liD], has trespassed, shall have trespassed Gr. dfjiap-nja-rj Aphel pret. 3. sing, of ^IICD, Was dull, foolish. Aph. Committed folly, did foolishly, unjustly. Pret. 2. pi. ^oAXoCOJ, Gal. iv. 12 Fut. Vv^irn i ; S. Luke xvii. 4 Inf. (with pret. 1. sing.) * 7 -X 7 AXnmj r>\*Srr>Vr have I done any wrong, committed an offence ? Gr. dpapTiav cTTOLrjva.; 2 Cor. xi. 7 Part. Vv^rnVn Acts vii. 24, 27; 2 Cor. vii 12. PI. v - \nrr><^ Acts vii. 26; 1 Cor. viii. 12. Followed by CD of the person injured. From this conjugation is derived 10 7 * Xnm^n noun masc. def. One who commits a wrong, is unruly, 2 Cor. vii. 12; Col. iii. 25. PI. def. ]i^nmO\ 1 Thess. v. 14; 1 S. Pet ii. 14. Heb. Hiph. 7^0/1 ? Acted foolishly, 1 Sam. xxvi. 21; followed by ^V, to do, in so doing, Gen. xxxi. 28. -H.7 - - rn rr>n (, tell him his fault, admonish, reason with him eXey^ov a-vrov See note, S. John viii. 46. 2.5 Aj, thou hast gained, gained over to thyself, made thine own *Kep- Brja-as So 5Z| ]... V>\^ } tliat I may win Christ iva Xpia"rov JL KfpSij(rw, Phil. iii. 8. See note, S. John vi. 12. 18. > jib ^13, whatsoever, lit. all that which Gr. ocra lav. 19. ^poAjJ, they shall agree a-vp^wtjo-oxnv Ethpeel fut. 3. pi. of |Q_, Was equal, worthy. Ethpe. _iOAjM, Was made equal, agreed together. Tret. 3. pi. O^oA^T, 2 S. Pet. i. 1 Fut. ]oA*J, 2. pi. * or ]jL-^5, Oneself; see notes, S. John iii. 27; vii. 18. PI. v^V Hebr - vi - 18. Def. Acts xviii. 15, &c. R. ]) , Was willing, desirous. Chald. !, Dan. vi. 18. 21 ..... -r^D 5 Transl. J/y -^orrf, Aow often, if my brother sin against me, shall I forgive him ? 22. > ^^ , seventy Card. num. pi. Heb. a?, Gen. 1. 3. >, see Cowper's Gr. 191 (2). 23. ]JLCLQ_K>, account Gr. Ao'yov Def. of ^.lja_K (Phil. iv. 15), noun masc. A matter, computation, reckoning. R. X_K, Considered, computed. Heb. ji5&^n> Reason, judgment, understanding, Eccles. vii. 25,27; ix. 10.' 24 o*"\- QJ Transl. They brought unto him one who (was) a debtor of, &c. thousand Gr. /xvptW Noun fern, often used to express any P 1* *^f>m ^ very great number. PI. * f 77 7 7 hired), j05 j-i|, TFas patient, Hebr. vi. 15 -- Fut. i-iv- 3 * (^a) Ae would tarry, followed by Za\, Acts xviii. 20. 2. pi. . . a > .7 V QHKO5 ,C ;_,_, suffer, be patient with, }, Hebr. xiii. 22 -- 9v *x y ? Imperat. pi. ^OIUjOJ Of-i|, 1 Thess. v. 14; S. James v. 7, 8 T. , 77 ^ Part. O\>jO5 ;_i^_!o, long-suffering, S. Luke xviii. 7. .p ^ . . Deriv. l^iQJ, noun masc. def. Length of days or time: Ir-itp- 3 r^ from a long time, from the beginning, Gr. oW0ev, Acts xxvi. 5. -n. o. 17 .^17 j_O^o.^J, noun fern. def. A lengthening. Constr. Z.O; \ .1 1 *, j-. , |-o05, Long-suffering, 2 Cor. vi. 6, &c. .07 _ .0^^.7 (; ii V> ; noun fem. deriv. fr. Aph. part. Constr. |^o5 L- r same as the preceding, Rom. ii. 4, &c., and as adv. with pref. Gr. /AaKpo^v/Aws, Acts xxvi. 3. Compare Heb. *!p5$, Prolonged, Gen. xxvi. 8: also Hiph. in phrase ^fc$ *:j >ta lX5<, / will be patient, defer Mine anger, Isa. xlviii. 9. P 7 .. 28. rn/ci i n ? ^'5 fellow-servants Gr. TUI/ awSovXtov avrov PI. with aflf. 1> . .P C of AiO, noun masc. A fellow-servant. Def. |AiD, Rev. xix. 10; .P* P 7 xxii. 9. PI. def. (fem. form) |Z.QJ.:2. R. p.3, see note, ch. x. 3; also note, S. John iii. 25. Heb. r03, pi. with aff. Ezr. iv. 7. Chald. nJ5, pi- T ; T ; constr. J"YlJ3> with aff. Ezr. iv. 9, &c. 31 ..... GJ.JJ ^D, Transl. TTAew their fellow-servants saw, &c. 33. ^Q_KZ), 2/wi <7io?/ shouldest have had compassion Gr. eXe^crai Fut. 2. sing, (irregular, and probably faulty, for jZ], 1 Cor. vii. 25; 1 Tim. i. 13. 2. pi. ^pAi-L^Zf, Rom. xi. 30 77.. -K * 7 A ^ Ethpaal _j_jZ.|, the same; also, Made request. Part. -JLui&D, Rom. i. 10. Deriv. lAjJL_KZ, noun fern. def. Supplication, 1 Tim. ii. 1. Heb. JJM, Ps. iv. 2, f, 7 of rHt-3, Drew. Pa. r-^-Jj J5e, scourged. Occurs here only in the N.T. CHAPTER XIX. ft 7 I 7 1. \\o x /,?e departed /Mtrfjpev (- ^ ^, ch. xiii. 53). See note, S. John i. 29. 4. I^DJ, ma^e apa-ev Noun masc. def. PI. def. fcoji 1 Cor. vi. 9; ITim. i. 10: with aff. Rom. i. 27. R. j^J, Heb. "^f, Remembered. Heb. "DT, Gen. i. 27. T T v female 6r}\v Def. of jnQJ, noun fern. The female sex. Some Eds. point "fA^oi PI. def. "j^ArloJ, Rom. i. 27; with aff. ver. 26. Heb. nX Gen. i. 27. -ii i joined together o-we^ev^ev Verb Pael pret. 3. sing. de- rived from Gr. vyow, euyvu/>u, ~La,t.jugo. Occurs in the N.T. here 7 7 1> and S. Mark x. 9, only __ Ethpaal <-4tO?1 1 , Was joined, married. 77-n 77 - 77.* Fut. W4i0)p, 3. sing. fern. *_,.O)lZ. (for - ' u n ?r )j ^ her be 318 S. MATTHEW XIX. 620. * y * Ver. 6. married, Gr. ya/xetrwo-av, 1 Cor. vii. 36. 3. pi. ^Q_i.0>p, ver. 9: Fern. Deut. xxiv. 1, 3; Isa. \. \.-R. n-\l, Cut off. x ft * , Acts xix. 9. . D 7 Deriv. A_U__Q, adv. Severely, 2 Cor. xiii. 10; Tit. i. 13. Compare Heb. ^p, Obstinacy, hardness of heart, Deut. ix. 27. 9. I'Q-ii (J?> lit. o/*wo adultery, i. e. who has not committed adultery. ^ . k P 11 ..... - ^ \*^ (J, Transl. ^bi every man is sufficient for this saying, but he to whom it is given. ^ ..7 12. j i*vf> .my-i eunuchs euvov^oi Lit. fAose io/iO are faithful, to be trusted. See note, S. John i. 7. 13 ..... _j_O"l, Transl. Then they brought unto Him, &c. 14 ..... _^_k_J55, Transl. For of those who are such as these, is, &c. 16 ..... !MO Transl. And there came one, (and) drew near, and said unto Him, &c. 20. (V> t \S, the young man o veanVjcos Noun masc. def. A youth. Fern. def. jAVn . \v A young ivoman, a maid, S. John xviii. 17. PI. masc. .VnXv Acts v. 6. Def. ]Vn'.'^\ ver. 10, &c. R. JiO^L, only in Ethpe. pret. 3. fern. . .VoVv/l (in some Eds. .77 ,1> . iV>\SZ.(, Ethpa.), Came to maturity, Rev. xiv. 18. S. MATTHEW XIX. 2023. 319 Ver. 20. Heb. Q-Jtt, A youth, I Sam. xvii. 56. Fern. nfcv* girl, :*:> T : *- Gen. xxiv. 43. v-tZ-O i \ (j ,-^C, from my youth up e/c VCOTIJTOS fJ-ov ' \ , def. 12.0 i \ I (1 Cor. xiii. 11; 2 Tim. ii. 22), noun fern. Childhood, youth. R. Jl^, Was fresh, young. -< ~ -. x y p p pj ; > m KJ p^D, (m) what am I deficient? what lack I yet? Gr. rt (.TL vcrrepw; ; > m v adj. Destitute, needy, wanting. Fern. l^j.rL.1, S. Mark x. 21; S. Luke xviii. 22; 1 Thess. iii. 10. PI. I 17 masc. ^__;__m_K, Rom. iii. 23; S. James i. 4; ii. 15. Constr. ( 1 i S3 - -j" * f > y wanting in understanding, fools, Gr. a^poves, 7 dvorjToi, S. Luke xi. 40; xxiv. 25. Form of part. Peil from ; rn *, TFas deficient. Compare Heb. HDIl, verbal adj. Lacking, 1 Kings xi. 22. j?"1Dri void of understanding, Prov. vi. 32, &c. Chald. ^"'tDn? Wanting, light in weight, Dan. v. 27. f p 21. ^ ^ x >, Was small, feeble. Used as an adj. Easy. Fern. fJ \v S. Luke xviii. 25. PI. masc. ^* .;, 1 Tim. vi. 18. So ^ def. Small. Compare Heb, 7*^, Feeble, lean, Gen. xii. 19. , into the hole, through the eye Gr. Sid masc. def. A hole, cavity. Compare Heb. ^H, Song of Sol. v. 4; 1H, 2 Kings xii. 10. J, of a needle pa^iSos Noun masc. def. R. 44-Kj, .^L (same as ^Q-K *-**), Sewed. 28. '|2. r jo ]V>\^*^> 3 in the new world Gr. Iv rfj TraXiyyo/eo-ta. DQJOjZ ^1, upon the throne ri Opovov Noun adopted from the Gr. Written ^CDQjIZ, Rev. iv. 4, 5, &c. ^QJOjZo, and ye shall judge Gr. /cptvovre?. *-, 7 7 29. (IV)*") J-KJ, an hundred-fold fKarovTairXaa-Lova. Multiples are ex- 7 pressed by %Z2 ^ prefixed to the numeral: sometimes by } -e s l 7 alone, as p^?^, four-fold, Gr. rerpairXovv, S. Luke xix. 8: S. MATTHEW XIX. 29, 30. XX. 13. 321 Ver. 29. sometimes even by the simple numeral, as in ch. xiii. 8, 23, above. See Phillips' Gr. 23, ad fin. .. * I 7 30 | ( '' .1 ra , Transl. But many (are) the first that s/tall be the last, and the last the first. CHAPTER XX. *" i * 1. 5o_,i|j5, that lie might hire, to hire Gr. fjuvOva-aa-Oai Fut. 3. sing. (pref. 5 for infin.) of j-.|, Made a bargain with, made gain of. ^^ 1.7 Pret. 3. sing, with aff. ver. 7, below -- Part. Peil M-ttli use ^ ^ n 7.7 ^ def. as a noun; see note, S. John x. 12. __Pael j^.j, Hired, Acts xxviii. 30. .p. 7 .1* Deriv. |^.i-f $ t 7 I" 7 rnVn. n\ into his vineyard is rov a/xTreXwi/a avrov iO^D, def. pDj^3 7 (ver. 4, 7, 8, &c.), noun masc. A vineyard. R. I>O^D, Amputavit, prcecidit (Castel), whence, Broke up, cut throiigh the soil. Heb. tt Isa. v. 1. he agreed Gr. o-v/A<^tor>foras Pret. 3. sing. . ^O ^_D, Madeacom- 7 . r "^J -J 7 pact with (i>Qi). Pret. 2. sing. L^O, ver. 13. 3. pi. O^-O, ch. xxvii. 9. The primary meaning is, Cut off, sheared, as in Heb. Wfp, Deut. xxv. 12. Chald. (Pe. not used) Pa. J*p, Cut off, Dan. iv. 11. i, idle apyors PI. of " * 5*"\ ac ^j- -^^s, unemployed, use- less. Def. ]Tj_^a, ch. xxv. 30. PI. def. jliL^a, S. Luke xvii. - 1 - x 10. PL fern. ^Vi' ^O, def. l^i'^), Tit. i. 12. Form of part. Peil from ^^.O, Ceased. Transl. And saw others standing in the market-place, and idle. w. c. 41 322 S. MATTHEW XX. 516. Ver. 5. \L2., the ninth fvvdrrjv Card. num. fern, used for the ordinal. So A^, the sixth. Heb. y&F\, fern. Gen. xi. 19. For ordinal, 2 Kings xviii. 10. 6. . " &tf\ i about irepi Compound of ^ and - " <^] , constr. of " <^\ i def. ])}, The face. Occurs also, Acts x. 3. IV" v i Kt ; the eleventh -njv evSe/car^i/ Card. num. fern, used for the 7 7 ordinal. Masc. ; pf> \ *; ch. xxviii. 16, &c. Heb. JTW'finK, fem. Josh. xv. 51. .. . K. 8. OlA_i>dO^k, to his steward Gr. TU eTrirpOTro) avrov "JA . Aoi (S. Luke xvi. 1, 2), or separately, lA^.^i s^5, S. Luke xii. 42, lit. The. chief of the house. PL }&} JLoJ, 1 Cor. iv. 1, 2; Gal. iv. 2. . . . . li-O, Transl. And begin from the last even unto the first. 11. Q_L^5, they murmured eyoyyvov Pael pret. 3. pi. of ^-^5, Mur- mured. Pa. --3, the same A ph. 4>T> ^ e same. Part. pi. If 17 r -JL;iO (some Eds. read ^ i } ^;V>, Pa.), S. Jude ver. 16. T* *k V*. ^ 12. OllDQ-oO, and its heat Gr. /ecu rov /cawrwva iOQjj, def. |lCQ_K 7 (S. Luke xii. 55), noun masc. Heat. R. J>Qln>j i>Qjj, Was hot. Heb. Eh, Gen. viii. 22. 13. ^i.O p] V.Q *Ar> jj, / do thee no wrong OVK aSt/cw ere Aphel part. (forming pres. tense) of v>di (not used) Arab. Turned aside from the right way Ethpaal ^OL2/j , Suffered hurt. Fut. ^QJLAj, Gr. d?>iK-r)6r), Rev. ii 11. Aph. xsOi], Acted unjustly, injured. Fut. ^Q_LJ, Rev. xxii. 11. c. t, , 7 Deriv. (Z.O \n S, noun fem. def. Unrighteousness, Gr. aSt/cia, Rom. i. 29. Compare Heb. Pi. vW, Isa. xxvi. 10; Ps. Ixxi. 4. i 7 ~i 16. (-'^O, the called KXrjrot Part. Peil pi. def. of |j-D, Called. See note, S. John i. 23. Similarly, .07 (Jln^i, the chosen cKXtKTot See note, S. John vi. 70. Transl. Many are the called, and few the chosen. S. MATTHEW XX. 1725. 323 Ver. 17 ..... ]ocn r ^l..^, Transl. Then Jesus was about to go up (/xeAAtov * i 8e aj/a/3au/etv, Vat. MS.) to Jerusalem; and He took &c. * . 7 7 7 t f ^OOT-ikO _C7IQ_Lju^, Lit. between Him and themselves; apart Gr. KO.T iStW See notes, S. John i. 26; xi. 38. . 7 7 19. OTO ^Q_Kj]^UO, and they shall mock Him Gr. ets TO e//.7rcuai Pael > 77 fut. 3. pi. of OJ]^D, Pa. oo).r2, Insulted, derided, with CD of the object. Pret. 3. pi. a^{o, ch. xxvii. 31; S. Mark xv. 20 -- Fut. >4Aj __ Part. .^1~^ S. Luke xxiii. 11. PL masc. ^ . .^^iV), S. Matt, xxvii. 29, 41, &c. Deriv. jjol^j noun masc. def. Mockery, foolish talking, Eph. v. 4. PI. def. ]2>\>, Hebr. xi. 36. .00 7 P_o].olo, noun masc. def. (from Pa. part.), A scoffer. PI. def. tLL^iLD, 2 S. Pet. iii. 3. X 20 ..... -O"l, Transl. She and her sons. "i 7 22 ..... OJ, Transl. Or (with) the baptism that I am baptized with, (are ye able) to be baptized? Here the fut. ,O,lCLL2., is in immediate 0, .7 I construction with ^pAjj .>.*"> ^">, which in the former clause is followed by X with infin. ]A Vn\ to drink. Such change of construction in the same sentence is not uncommon. * 1 7* /* X 23. ^CLoZ.Z.5, that ye should sit, to sit Gr. TO Koduroi Fut. 2. pi. of vOtL, Sat. ^*^ j, \, it is prepared ^Tot/Aao-rai Ethpaal pret. 3. fern, of X1^ o 1> 7 7 7 . .^ *T^4, Pa. fcCU-^, Prepared. Etbpa. *") > &L\, Was prepared, 7 7 ,.1 prepared himself. Pret. 1. pi. *"> > J,' \, Gr. a7roo-Kevao-a/x,evot, 7 7 *n Acts xxi. 15 __ Fut. kd^Aj, 1 Cor. xiv. 8; Fern, (without ^ final) iClL^r, Kev. xvi. 12. .0 1> 24 |pCLL, the ten 01 Se/ca Card. num. masc. Fern. ^COS, S. Johni. 39. Heb. n'lbV, Gen. xviii. 32: Fern. *|fc>W , ch. xvi. 3. Chald. TT ^-: v . fern. *&, Dan. vii. 7, 24. .. , 25. ^OTI ..1 O?03 , ^/ieir ^rea< o?ies Gr. ol /ieya'Xoi PI. with aff. of 324 S. MATTHEW XX. 2534. XXI. 1. p p y *> m v Ver. 25. clef. (j_i5o5, noun masc. A prince, magnate. PI. . > 1 *")3o5, def. .* 7 I ij'OJ, 1 Tirn. ii. 2. See note, S. Joan i. 50. Chald. ITl, in pi. Dan. iv. 33; v. 1, &c.; vi. 18. 28. . m. VA in 2/i^ J7e might be ministered unto Gr. Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of - m *^+j Pa. - V> > Served. Ethpa. 7 A 7 1* - VnA^j J7s served, ministered, worshipped. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Al^nA 7 -]* 2 Cor. iii. 3 __ Part. - -VnA 7 - 2 Cor. viii. 19, 20. * o t> ** P ^ p-rnr>cv /ie ransom \vrpov Def. of _O3d2), noun masc. Safety, freedom, redemption. R. *D^S, freed, redeemed. 7 29 ..... r^O> Transl. ^we^ as Jesus went forth from Jericho, &c. .. " V 30. (-1-O nom > } they cried out, lit. gave the voice Gr. / .A^ g. Mark iii. I ^ I X 4; ix. 34. PI. fern. ^o'lAl^ 1 Cor. xiv. 34. Deriv. |bA*, noun masc. def. Silence, Rev. viii. 1. This word is pointed ^oAj , in the Par. and Lond. Polygl. and also in Castel's Lexicon. Heb. pnty> TF^ 8 si?ew<, siiW, of the waves, Ps. cvii. 30. I - T 34. *_a_K A^T.] , were opened Gr. avejSXei^av. Schaaf reads QK AJaZ.") , 3. pi. masc. CHAPTER XXI. 1> 7 I *O^S ySO, Transl. And when He drew nigh... and was come... near the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of His disciples, (2) and said unto them, Go to this village, &c. S. MATTHEW XXI. 7-15. 325 Ver. 7. ]1 ^ ^\i, on the colt: in the next clause - mo\v on him Gr. in both places, eTravw O.VTWV. * \\ 7 ^}S5 , rode, sat eVcKa&a-cv Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Rode upon ( V ^L), sat upon a horse or chariot; with aff. S. Mark xi. 2 Fut. _CHD;J, 3. pi. ^O^lSjJ, with aff. pleon. Acts xxiii. 24 Part. Peil *""> > "'\ sitting on, mounted on, S. John xii. 15; ver. 5, 7. 7 77 above Pael _dD5, Composed, compounded medicines. , O^O 5X01. * 7 *CDQ_^_jo5A^D OT ^ .Q_d^fj5, cmo? 7te ordered them to compound . <>. P 7 ybr 7iiwi mithridate: JAV \n| ^n-^i 7i Me?/ (fern.) wiay com- 7 ? V f>ose dirges (Bar-Hebrseus) Ethpaal *^u5Z.|, Was joined, knit to- gether Part. tZXZJt&D, Eph. ii. 21; iv. 16; Col. ii. 19. Deriv. ^25, noun masc. def. A band, holdfast PI. def. |ciD5, Acts xxvii. 40. Heb. ^^1, Rode on an animal, Numb. xxii. 22, 30; on a - T chariot, Jer. xvii. 25 ; xxii. 4 : Of God, carried on the wings of Cherubim, Ps. xviii. 11; on the heavens Ps. Ixviii. 34. Transl. And they brought the ass and the colt, and put their clothes upon the colt, and Jesus sat upon him. 7 T 7 8. OOOl _Q_^D, spread ecn-pcoo-av (So S. Mark xi. 8). Pael part. pi. i p * 7 (forming imperf. tense) of JQ_, Pa. <_iQ_. See note, S. John xi. 2. 9. jSJDO'^Qd, in the highest Iv rot? vi/acrro6S PI. def. of pi:0}lD (Eph. iv. 8), noun masc. Height, a high place. Heb. tDl*l/!3> Height, that which is lofty, sublime. Pv. !)^ T Lifted up. t, 7 7 12. v2L^0, He overthrew KaTcoTpei^e Pael pret. 3. sing, of i^^D, Overturned, swept away. Pa. the same; alsoPw down, dethroned, S. Luke i. 52. Pret 3. pi. Q_2LLcD, Rom. xi. 3; Hebr. xi. 34 Part. ,^LliriSD, Gal. i. 23. 13. ( i 5ffl\?> of thieves Xyo-rtav PI. def. of !_L^dl^, noun masc. def. A robber. From the Gr. word. ), and the Pharisees Gr. KCU ot 326 S. MATTHEW XXI. 1529. Ver. 15. iOTL\ - *"'V) , 'it was displeasing to them, they were sore displeased -qyavdKT-rjfrav Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of --io (not used) Ethpe. It displeased, followed by dative. This form is variously written, as _j)2.'C ch. xxvi. 8; *j]Z), S. Mark x. 14; uj|^]Zf, ch. xiv. 4 Part. .^I^Ak), S. Luke xi. 53 Apia, .-s^of, Vexed, ill-treated, Acts vii. 19 Fut. ^. ]Ai ; c h. xii. 1. 3. pi. ^Q ch. vii. 6; xiv. 2. Heb. >N3, Was loathsome, Exod. vii. 18, 21. Chald. impers. Displeased, followed by 7^, Dan. vi. 15. 16. A i o7 } is perfected Gr. KaTtjpTLcrw Peal pret. 3. sing. fern, of _oZ. Such is the reading of Gutbir, with the Par. and Lond. Polyglotts. . 7 .7 The Vienna and others read Aj_oZ., Pa. Schaaf, following a sug- .7 gestion of Tremellius, reads Aj_oZ., Pa. pret. 2. sing. Thou hast ordained, perfected. 19. ^>V-> the leaves ac U- I VV | TT Newly plucked, Gen. viii. 11. 21 5Q_>^\d fj, Transl. Ye shall not only do this of the Jig-tree; a literal rendering of the Gr. *\>, fall, be thou cast fiX-jOrrri Imperat. of ^2U. See note, S. John iii. 24. X . 26 ^pCTlAD, Transl. For they all held John as a prophet. 29. i^oZZf, he repented Gr. /AeTa/ieA^ei's Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of ]oZ, Was penitent Fut. ")oAj, fern. ]oZ2. (some Eds. read *^oZZ), Rev. ii. 21 Part. ]oll, fern. lIoZ", 2 Cor. vii. 8 Ethpe. Was moved to penitence. Pret. 3. pi. O_oZ2.], Rev. xvi. 9, 11. 2. pi. ^oA^oZZf, ver. 32, below Fut. "joZAJ, 3. pi. ^poZAj, Rev. ii. 22 Imperat. loZZ] (the Par. and Lond. Eds. read regularly ,-oZZf), Rev. ii. 5, 15; iii. 3, 19 Inf. n .n7A, pi. ^oZAk), S. Jude ver. 23. Heb. rflfl, only in Hiph. Grieved, Ps. Ixxviii. 41. S. MATTHEW XXI. 3133. 327 Ver. 31. jAJuJl , the harlots at -rropvai Part. pi. fern. def. of JJJ , Committed fornication Fut. ]jp -- Part. |jl, fern. def. ]A^J], used as a T7 subst. A harlot, 1 Cor. vi. 15, 16, &c __ Pael v-kJ], the same. Pret. 3. pi. djJ{, 1 Cor. x. 8; Fern. . " . ij, S. Jude ver. 7 __ Fut. I3{j, 1. pi. 1 Cor. x. 8 __ Inf. aljlLalL, Rev. ii. 14, 20 __ Part. IJik), 1 Cor. vi. 18. PI. def. U~n^>> Rev. xxi. 8. Heb. n^Tj Gen. xxxviii. 24. Part. i"OiT> as a noun, ver. 15. TT T * v * ' / 7 ^n~> \ ^.jL^DfG, go before you Trpodyovo-iv v/xas Part. pi. of JsO,^ or ^O^O, Preceded, followed by _1 of the object -- Part. J>OrQ, ch. xxviii. 7 ; S. Mark xiv. 28. Also, Did anything first, followed t\ P "H D by a verb or participle; as ^TD) i>O,_Q, lit. preceding >, eating eats before the other, 1 Cor. xi. 21. So pi. \ . V> t Q 7 ye know before, 2 S. Pet. iii. 17. But this use is more common in Pael. See notes, S. John xx. 4 __ Part. Peil JxijpO, S. Mark x. 32. 33. Ol5,_K|, surroimded it with, made round about it awrw Trepte'^Ke . 7 * 7 "? Aphel pret. 3. sing, with aff. of 5^, Surrounded. Aph. 5pK(, the same. So also S. Mark xii. 1. P P .. Li i m, a hedge (f>pa-y/j.ov ]S"oun masc. def. A fence. PI. def. L^__CO. S. Luke xiv. 22. R. ^.dCD -&-&>, Fenced in. Heb. jj!)D> part. pass. Song of Sol. vii. 3. Cogn. jfigf, Pi. (redupl.) &&, Isa. xvii. 11; and $& , Job i. 10. digged olpufev Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Dug out. Fut. , 1. sing. 5o_Lj'j, S. Luke xvi. 3. Heb. ^JSn* Gen. xxi. 30; xxvi. 15, &c.; Ps. xxxv. 7. , a winepress Xyvov (VTTOX.TJVIOV, S. Mark xii. 1). Noun fern. . 7 def. R. 5ti, Pressed. a tower Trvpyov Noun masc. def. R. v>r-i> Twisted, wove together; whence the notion of greatness and strength. Heb. S^JD, Gen. xi. 4. T: , he let it out e^e'Soro O.VTQV Aphel pret. 3. sing, with aff. of 7 V * V J_K|, Held, possessed. Aph. r-*^O|, Caused to possess, let out on 328 S. MATTHEW XXI. 3338. Ver. 33. hire. Pret. 3. pi. "JJQJ OJ-MO), they caused tlw fire to lay hold, lighted a fire, S. Luke xxii. 55; Acts xxviii. 2 -- Fut. ,_KQJ, ver. 41, below. OJ-Kj, went away aTreSif/A^crev See note, S. John xx. 7. 34 ..... V p5 r ji_35, Transl. That they might send to him of the fruits of his vineyard. 35 ..... ) AJ")O, Transl. lit. And there was (one) whom they beat, and (one) whom they stoned, and (one) whom they killed. 37. ^pZoT^U ,*"->", perhaps they will reverence Gr. IvrpaTrqa-ovrai Fut. 3. pi. of ZcJL^i (2 Tim. i. 16; Hebr. ii. 11), Reverenced, with ^k) of the object; Was asJiamed of, with O of the object; Was ashamed to, X, >. Pret. 1. sing. ZZoiO, 2 Cor. vii. 14 -- Fut. ZcTtcJ, S. Mark viii. 38; S. Luke ix. 26, &c. 2. sing. Zoi^Z*, S. Luke xiv. 9; 2 Tim. i. 8. 2. pi. ^pZa^Z* 2 Cor. ix. 4; 1 S. John ii. 28. 1. pi. ZcTLCJ, 2 Cor. ix. 4 __ Part. ZcTLO, S. Luke xvL 3; Rom. i. 16. PI. ^_*ZoTO, S. Luke xiii. 17; Hebr. xii. 9. __Aphel Zo"Li), Disgraced, put to shame, Col. ii. 15 __ Part. . -n 7 .0. 7 Zoiok), Rom. v. 5; 1 Cor. xi. 4: Fern. fZ-OTClLo, 1 Cor. xi. 5. PI. masc. ^jZoinSo, ver. 22. Deriv. "jZZcTLO, noun fern. def. Shame, disgrace, Rom. i. 27, &c. Heb. g|3, pret. fc*^, Ps. vi. 11; xxii. 6, &c. N.B. In Syr. $ is softened into Z, and *) is changed into 01. See note, S. John xx. 2. _p_ t> * x 38. l-f_i, the heir o /cX^povo/xos Part. def. of Z,;_i, Inherited. Used as a noun; see note, ch. v. 5, above. Heb. JHV> P ar t. use d as a noun, Gen. xv. 3; Jer. xlix. 1. ClZoZj-i, his inheritance nrjv tc\r]povo[j.iav avrov ]ZoZ}_ (S. Mark xii. 7; S. Luke xii. 13; xx. 14), noun fern. def. An hereditary .T> I * P P. ^ *. possession. R. Z.j_, Inherited; whence also pZ.3Qj, noun masc. def. the same, Acts vii. 45, &c. Compare Heb. nfcJHS Numb. xxiv. 18; and nKH\ Deut. ii. T : T -..; 5, &c. ; Jer. xxxii. 8. S. MATTHEW XXI. 4144. XXII. 13. 329 Ver. 41 - > r> - - *"'?, Transl. That he will miserably destroy them. The Syr. translator may have read /cot/ccos KOKWS. 42. O i Ncn), they rejected aTreSoxi/xao-av Aphel pret. 3. pi. of JlTD, 1 v 1 "i 7 " Despised) repudiated. Aph. .-_XCDJ, Cast contempt upon, re- jected.'Pret. 2. pi. v nA . ^m^ Acts iv. 11. 1. pi. 2 Cor. iv. 2 Fut. JlcDJ, with aff. Gal. iii. 17. 2. pi. 1 Thess. v. 20 Part. Umk?, Gal. iii. 15. PI. ^. S. Mark vii. 13 Part. pass. . . ^mVr^ 1 Tim. iv. 4: Fern. 1 \mV), def. ]Ai SmV), Hebr. vi. 8. PI. masc. ^^mV), 2 Cor. xiii. 6. Def. ]i "\nnLD, 1 Cor. i. 28, &c. * p 7 *P07 ( '' _V^, the builders ot otKoSo/xoCvre? PI. def. of ( -i "> (with aff. pleon. Hebr. iii. 3), noun masc. def. A builder, architect. R. }j_O, Built. 43 t *^ v ?> Transl. 27ia< maketh (br ing eth forth] the fruits. 44. \LL5Aj, shall be broken a-vvOXaa-Or/a-tTai Ethpeel fat. 3. sing, of 7 7 ..-n ML5 Vi5, Broke. Ethpe. Ml5Z.|, Was shattered. Occurs here and S. Luke xx. 18, only. fcjtTlQ-iJjZ, it will grind him to powder XiK^rja-ei O.VTOV Fut. 3. sing, fern, with aff. of |5j, Scattered, dispersed, as dust by the wind. Fut. l5,J. Occurs here and S. Luke xx. 18, only. Heb. n*)T> Scattered, strewed, Exod. xxxii. 20; Numb. xvii. 2. TT . (E.V. xvi. 37). In Syr. f is softened into 5, and ,*J into |. CHAPTER XXII. i 7 1 (.1 v> ; Transl. And Jesus answered again in parables, and said. ^ .. 7 .7 3. {AVijVnX those that were bidden TOUS Ke/cA^cvous Pael part. pass. n 7 pl. def. of ^-^Ol, Pa. ^^1; Prepared, arranged, invited Part, pass, ^fco, S. Lxike xiv. 8. PI. v i 1 V)]lo, ver. 8, below; S. Luke xiv. 7. Heb. jT> only in Pual part. pl. Appointed times, Ezr. x. 14; Neb. x. 35; xiii. 31. w. c. 42 330 S. MATTHEW XXII. 47. Ver. 4. _LO;_, my dinner TO apurrov /xov ]2.O;_ (S. Luke xiv. 12), noun fern. def. strictly, That which breaks a fast, an early meal. _ R. ];_, Loosed. See note, S. John xxi. 12. Transl. Behold, my dinner is prepared. / my fallings Gr. ra cmivrd. Pael part. pass. pi. masc. with aff. of XL&S), Pa, J>CL, Fattened. Part. pass. pi. . V)^, def. V^N" - (S. Mark xiii. 25; S. Lxike ii. 13), An army, powers, forces. S. MATTHEW XXII. 721. 331 Ver. 7. fJcL^Q, murderers TOUS , Slew. 9. |A>j)O]5 ( i r> g">Vn\ ; into the highways, lit. into the goings out of the ways Gr. CTTI ras SieoSous TOJV dSwv, i. e. outlets, leading out of the city. jj_CL2ik>, pi. def. of ^o^Vo, def. ]i A<7>Vn (1 Cor. x. 13; 2 S. Pet. i. 15), An outlet, way out, decease. With aff. Gr. 7 rrjv eoSov O.VTOV, S. Luke ix. 31. R. Q_a_J, TF<27 out. 11 ..... ^JLo, Transl. And the King came in to see the guests (recliners); and he saw tJiere a man who was not clothed with the garments of the feast. 12. o2./L"), he was speechless lip.u>Qri Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of oA*, Was silent. Ethpa. Was silenced, mute. Fut. o2.AjLJ, 3. pi. ,Q_oZAAJ, Gr. TraixrovTai, 1 Cor. xiii. 8. 13 ..... OJOIE], Transl. Bind his hands and his feet, and cast him, &c. The words apart, avrov are wanting in the Sin. MS. 16. *CD)O5(7I A-k^Dj i^-, Was anxious. Transl. And Thou carriest not (art not burdened by") care for man. Gr. ov fj.e\ei (rot ovSevos. 18. ^OCnZo-a-i-O , their wickedness TTJV irortjpiav avrcov n ~ *"> (Hebr. vii. 26), noun fem. Malice. Def. ]2.Q__^, S. Mark vii. 22, &c. "" R. *-^O, Was evil. 20. ]iO^ , image dK^v Def. of J>dLl , noun masc. An effigy, sculp- sj O tured or engraved. Heb. D7^> A shadow, Ps. xxxix. 7: Being, or appearance, Ps. Ixxiii. 20: Image, idol, 2 Kings xi. 18: Image or likeness of God, Gen. i. 27; of man, ch. v. 3. Chald. D^tf, def. ( : Dan. ii. 31, ch. iii. 5, &c. 21 ..... ^__;iD|, Transl. They say, OfCcesar. The word avrw is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 332 S. MATTHEW XXII. 2339. Ver. 23. lA^lO A_L-K>, resurrection of the dead Gr. dvcurracriv * o y vfKpwv TWV vcKpcov, 1 Cor. xv. 12, 13, 21, 42), Coxurtff. of |-_K, def. ]A-i~K>, noun fern. A reviving, resurrection. Transl. On the same day, came the Sadducees, and said unto Him, There is no resurrection of the dead. And they asked Him, &c. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit ot after 2a8Sou/Hoi. 26. .OOl_Ai^u-^, unto the seventh, lit. unto their seven ews TWV CTTTO. Cardinals from 2 to 10 take affixes as masc. nouns plural; but in this case the affixed pronoun has not a possessive sense. Other ' x " ^ instances in the N.T. are ^OCJLij'Z., those two, the two, S. John i. 37; ^OOlHAlLZ, these three, 1 S. John v. 7, 8; ^-jCTljA^?] T X |-KO>, the four winds, S. Mark xiii. 27. When the pronoun is a possessive, the numeral takes the sing. form. See Phillips, Gr. 31; Cowper, 165, ad fin. 28. ] V -]i ; Transl. To which of those seven shall she be the wife? p p 7 30. ]AVn . o^i Transl. For in the resurrection of the dead, they take not wives, nor do women become (joined) to men. 7 I -7 1\ 33. OOCTI _jCTlLDZ.ASD, they were astonished ^e-n-X^a-a-ovTo Ethpaalpart. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of OlLoZ, Wondered, admired. Ethpa. 7 7 }V* OlLDZ.Z.|, Was struck with wonder. Heb. Hithpa. ^1^^1(1? Was astonished, Hab. i. 5. 34. *oA^ , He had put to silence J, who knew the law, was a lawyer Gr. VO//.IKOS. Transl. And one of them, who was a lawyer, asked Him, tempting Him. The words Kal Xeyw, are wanting in the Vat. and Sin. MSS. 37 ..... JsQ-KjjZj, Transl. Thou shall, love the Lord thy God from all thy heart, and from all thy soul, and from all thy strength, and from all thy mind. The quotation introduced by 5 ? j 7 39 ..... ^->Z.5O, Transl. And the second, which (is) like unto it, (is) &c. S. MATTHEW XXII. 3944. XXIII. 15. 333 Ver. 39. The Card. num. with pref. > has the force of an Ordinal : lit. that ivhich (is) two. D 42 f i **">, Transl. What say ye of Christ? Gr. ri vplv SOKCI K. r. A. . p 7 44 5 oA, Transl. Till I place Thine enemies under Thy feet. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read NTTO/CCU-CD TCUV iro8wv a-ov. CHAPTER XXIII. 1 i " 4 _;0|O, Transl. And tlcey bind heavy burdens, and lay &c. The words KCU 8vcr(3dhylacteries TO. v\a.K-njpia avVwv PI. with aff. of , pi. ^ i \>Z, Phylacteries, i.e. strips of parchment, inscribed with certain sgntences of the Law, which the later Jews, taking literally the precepts of Exod. xiii. 9, 16; Deut. vi. 8, bound upon their foreheads and left wrists. These they called ppSJ;), i.e. prayers, being chiefly worn at their devotions. That these precepts were figurative, and not intended to be interpreted lite- rally, appears from Deut. xi. 18, where a similar precept applies to the whole Law. 7 , they enlarge /AeyaAwowt Aphel part. pi. (for pres. tense) of ^i5 j, Was, became, long. Aph. ^5o], Made long or large; of 334 S. MATTHEW XXIII. 512. Ver. 5. prayers, ver. 13, below; S. Mark xii. 40; S. Luke xx. 47 Part. Heb. -splK, Hiph. TpKH, Ps. cxxix. 3. I -T I : v the borders rd Kpa. .7 Aph. part, of 5Z\_, $; Aph. }Z.o|, Caused to sit, with aff. Eph. i. 20; ii. 6; Acts xxvii. 6 -- Fut. ^ZaJ, 1. sing. *oZo|, .i .7 Acts ii. 20 __ Imperat. pi. O^Z.o| , 1 Cor. vi. 4. Heb. 2^iD> -^ sea ^> 1 Sam. xx. 18, 25 : An assembly, Ps. i. 1 ; cvii. 32. ** 7 8. ^OUSJ, yowr teacher Gr. t^w o KaOrjyrfnjs many MSS. read StSa- o-KaXog Note also, that o Xpwrros is wanting in the Syr., as also in the Vulgate, and some other Versions, and the Sin. and Vat. MSS. *py py ppy 10. p'^D,!o, masters Kc^fyyijTcu PL def. of t r < "',^"> ) def. (j^,lO (Acts i. 16; Rom. ii. 19), noun masc. A leader, director, guide. With 7 aff. in this verse. Form of Pael part, of ^?, Led. In Acts .00 7 i. 16, some Editions read |j;jD,Lo, form of. Aph. part. 7 7 .TI 12. ^.*"AnA i shall be abased TaTrctvw^o-erai Ethpaal fut. 3. sing, of 7 7 7 ^l^D j^Lo, Was humble. Ethpa. y"^ 1 ' \, Was humbled, humbled himself. Fut. 1. sing. j^oZ], Phil. iv. 12. 3. pi. ^Q.2ik>Aj, 7 O S. Luke iii. 5. _ Imperat. pi. OSTiLoZ^, S. James iv. 9, 10; 1 S. Pet. v. 6. R 7 i, shall humble TaTrcivwaa Aphel fut. 3. sing, of the foregoing. R .7 .7 Aph. ^loj, Depressed, humbled. Pret. 2. sing. AnLo|, with aff. Hebr. ii. 7. S. MATTHEW XXIII. 1315. 335 Ver. 13. IAVn*]*, of widows r<3i> XW 3 " ^- def< of ^O'. noun A widow. Def. )2&&$f, S. Mark xii. 42, 43, &c. Heb. r\ych#, Gen. xxxviii. 11; Ps. xciv. 6. R. D^K, T T : - T forsaken, solitary. N.B. In Syr. 7 is changed for 5, and J for \. Transl. For ye devour widows' houses on the pretence that ye lengthen out your prayers. Compare S. Mark xii. 40 ; S. Luke xx. 47. 14 ..... ^Ofd, Transl. JBefore, in the face of, men. E.V. Against men. Gr. e/j.7rpo(r6ev T .7 \ t *\ S|, twofold Gr. SiTrXoVepov Noun masc. def. Double, a doubling. j ^ 'AX 7 "1 ^ "! ^ PI. def. (( 'l . ff> | ^1*^, lit. twi^ many doublings, i. e. mani- fold more, Gr. TroXXaTrXao-tova, S. Luke xviii. 30. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. R. ^>aJL v2UL, Doubled, folded up; i p i 7 also, Fainted, see note, ch. xv. 32, above. So (lHD|, Stature, from iOQ_O IsOO. The verb fcSLL, in this signification, occurs twice in the N.T. viz. Fut. X . 2. sing. ^2QAZ., Hebr. L 12. (So all the pointed Editions; and Castel (Lex.) refers it to ^LL; but Gutbir points ^2)0^2., referring 7 the word to ^^S vM, which has the same meaning, and occurs in part. Peil masc. def. ]<^ . <^ v 1 Tim. v. 17. Gutbir's reading is adopted by Schaaf.) Imperat. pi. nc*r>^ ) Rev. xviii. 6. . f . 7 Deriv. |^p>, Double, Rev. xviii. 6. A 1 " * ^ 7 Z-Uj^ > S(, adv. Doubly, a second time, 2 Cor. i. 15. 336 S. MATTHEW XXIII. 1624. Ver. 16. *o|jj, Lit. owing he is a debtor; so ver. 18. Gr. o'^ei'Aet *TS P Part, of OQ-*a }>j, Owed, was guilty, sinned. Pret. 2 pi. i^Lz^L, 1 Cor. vi. 7 Fut. cOQ_^j, 2. pi. ^Ci^CL^L, Kom. xiii. 8 -- Ethpeel *"i i KjZZ] , TFas owed Part. -^ * ->ZASD, Rom. iv. 4; xiii. 7; 1 Cor. vii. 3. Deriv. ]A n. ^ noun masc. def. Condemnation, Rom. v. 16, &c. Heb. ^IH, on ly i n P ar k !lin> Debtor, Ezek. xviii. 7. 23. \pAj] ..m vVn ye tithe, pay tithe of; so S. Luke xi. 42. a7roSe/ca- ~ 77 TOUTC Part. pi. (forming pres. tense) of ,-ra\ verb Pael denom. 7 77 from ;v Took or |?atc? f&fa*. Part. nnvVf> < S. Luke xviii. 7 7 . ,1> 12 __ Etlipaal jmiZ.|, TFas tithed, made to pay tithe, Heb. vii. 9. .* 7 Deriv. (ymvV^ noun masc. pi. def. Tithes, Hebr. vii. 2, &c. Heb. "ISJ^, D ec i ma >ted} took tithe, 1 Sam. viii. 15, 17. Pi. e, Gen. xxviii. 22; Deut. xiv. 22; Neb. x. 38 __ e f Gen. xiv. 20. , ^^T^?* tvJio strain out SiuXt^ovTes Pael part. pi. of \^ v>. , Pael \& , Strained, purged, cleansed. Occurs here only. I P.OO , ilie gnats Gr. TOV KwvwTra PI. def. of O-O, def. (O*'\ noun occurring here only. . .7 ^-*^) swallowing KaraTri'vovTes Part. pi. of \LXo (S. Luke xxii. 51; Rev. viii. 12), Devoured eagerly, swallowed down; also, Was beaten, q. d. absorbuit ictus, see the places above quoted. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AjL^>, Rev. xii. 16; 1. sing. As\O, 2 Cor. xi. 24. S. MATTHEW XXIII. 2430. 337 Ver. 24. __Fut. n->i, S. Luke xii. 47, 48; 1 S. Pet. v. 8 __ Ethpeel |, Was swallowed up, drowned, 1 Cor. xv. 54. Pret. 3. pi. Z'f, Hebr. xi. 29 __ Fut. ^S^Aj, 2 Cor. ii. 7; Fern. ", ch. v. 4. Heb. ^73, Devoured, Gen. xli. 7, 24. Used of the sea, Ps. ' - T Ixix. 16; of men, Ps. cxxiv. 3. K 7 . . 25. n-i;oX ; iAe outside (aff. pleon.) TO eo>#ev Pref. _^ of the object. *> 7 See note, ch. iii. 4, above. ^OOlj^, The outside of them, Gr. TO e/cros OLVTWV, ver. 26, below. J, of the platter rf} > A > , Seized, spoiled. ^ 7 26. O1Q_,t, &6 inside, that which is within (aff. pleon.) Gr. TO evro's 7 - 7 d-., def. |Q-ii> noun masc. jTAe interior, midst. With aff. 3. sing. ^ . o 7 ^ 7 fern. O1Q-i, S. Luke xxi. 21. 2. sing. fern. *~"^u, ch. xix. 44. 7 7 1. pi. \Q-ii, ch. xxiv. 32. See also note, S. John xx. 26. * v * i 27. ( NoV), whited KCKovta/xeVois Aphel part. pass. pi. def. of - \^ / * y ? 7 Pa. *.AID, Whitened. Aph. - ^^1, the same. Part. pass. Occurs here only. > outward 2w0ev Compound adverb. See note, ch. iii. 4, above. ( / n ^ i ^ uncleanness Gr. a/ca^apcrtas Def. of <"> C*M / / noun fern. r o .. 7 Impurity, defilement. PI. def. |ZdU_, with aff. pleon. 2 S. Pet. ii. 20. R. 11 , Pa. *2il4, -De/Sfed. *"... 7 D.7 l>5. 7 30. ^Z.Q-, partakers KOIVWVOI PL def. of ^)Z.Q, def. jiZ.Q_ (Rom. xi. 17, &c.), noun masc. A companion, participator. PI. _xj2jZo_, 2 Cor. i. 7. R. *S)Lm, Pa. (Paual) UE)ZcL, Partook of, consented to. Whence also |2.CL2)2.Q_, noun fern. def. Society, communion, intercourse, Rom. ix. 10, &c. w. c. 43 338 S. MATTHEW XXIII. 3238. XXIV. 1. I - p ^ "X Ver. 32. ]AjsQ_JLio, /ie measure TO /u-crpov Def. of (>>>n.Sf), noun o -x .. fern. A measure, dimension. PI. def. (A^jQ V>, Rev. xxi. 17. 7 R. -. ^">, Measured. Transl. -/irtc? ye afoo, ,/iS 2/e wp the measure, &c. 37 ..... AlL^Q, Transl. Killing the prophets, and stoning those that are sent unto her. Part. fern, constr. So also S. Luke xiii. 34. j5Z, the hen opus Noun fern. def. Masc. def. ]1 .. iv^ ; S. John xiii. 38. * * v . , . * 7 , her chickens ra voo-o-ia EGIUTT/S PI. with aff. of 0^5' _ def. L.O^S, noun masc. The young of any bird. PI. def. S. Luke ii. 24. Cogn. Heb. n'lSi^j Deut. xxii 6; Ps. Ixxxiv. 4. R. . ... T (with fc$ prosthetic), Germinated, sprouted, used in Heb. of plants only. rn ^ it i /ier wings Gr. rets Trrepuya? PI. with aff. of -^-ii , def. K^I, J. wi^. The Vienna and many other Eds. here read OT_Ui, K *** T ^^, 7^er wing.TL def. (<=*> ,t Rev. iv. 8, &c. Chald. W, pi. )fi3, Dan. vii. 4, 6: with aff. ver. 4. ^ " f 38. I^^KJ, desolate, a desolation lp>y/xos Participial noun masc. from 7 ^;._>j. Destroyed, laid waste. See note, ch. xii. 25, above. Heb. ^"iPl? Desolate, deserted, Jer. xxxiii. 10, 12; Neh. ii. 3, 17. CHAPTER XXIV. 7 7 1 ..... *O_SJO, Transl. And Jesus went out from the Temple to depart; and His disciples approached, shewing Him, &c. * p * , def. ( 1 >in (1 Cor. iii. 9, &c., &c.), noun masc. An edifice; also, Edification, Rom. xiv. 19, &c. PI. def. ]JLLl.C), S. Mark xiii. 2. R. ]i P "\ Built. S. MATTHEW XXIV. 1-7. 339 s Ver. 1. Heb. ?02, Ezek. xl. 5; xli. 12. Chald. def. fcO'33, Ezr. v. 4. IT; TT; 2. jZAroZ (for ,_5ZAroZ, so also S. Luke xxi. 6), shall be thrown down KaTaXvOrja-erai Etlipeel fut. 3. sing. fern, of 5ACD, Destroyed. Ethpe. jZ'Aro'f, Was destroyed. Fut. 52.ATQJ -- Part. 52AcoiO, fern. "jlZAmk), S. Mark xiii. 2. 3. ^AjZjlOj, of Thy coming Gr. T^S 0-175 Trapouo-tas ")A_Zpio (or |A_ALo, 2 S. Pet. iii. 12), noun fern. def. Arrival, approach. " ' 7 "1^ With aff. pleou. ver. 27, 37, 39, below. R. \L\, Game: whence also !_2.]k}, noun masc. Coming, presence; with aff. 2 Cor. x. 10. 5. ^Clii^J Ip^-ti rnn / and many shall err. Such is the reading of the -X V Yien. and Ed. Regia. Others read ^Q-l-^J, Aph. as in ver. 11, below And shall deceive many KCU TroAAovs 6. |o>j']j2), wars 7roAe//,ovs l^'^O> S. Mark xiii. 7. PI. def. of |m5^O or JCD^D, noun masc. def. War, strife, in these two passages. T\ 7 R. D^O, Pa. D;jO, Detestatus est (Castel.) _ Time, occasion, opportunity, Gr. /coupes, with aff. Eph. v. 16; Col. iv. 5. y P PP ), of wars TroAe'/xcov PI. def. of ^j-D, def. {^-fO (1 Cor. xiv. 8, &c.), noun masc. Battle, fighting. Heb. S'lp (iu poetry) Ps. Iv. 19, 22; cxliv. 1 : and fern. T|; nn*1p> pi- I* s - Ixviii. 31. R. ilp, -Orew wear, in a hostile T T': -|T H 1\ .7 sense. Syr. ^^O, in this sense only in Aph. ^^D], Waged -n .7 tear; pret. 3. pi. OT^^D|, Rev. xii. 7 -- Fut. 1. sing. Rev. ii. 16 Inf. on-ClVA, ch. xii. 7; xiii. 4 -- Part. P 7 Rom. vii. 23; Rev. xix. 11. PI. fern. ^-^yoSn, S, James iv. !. Chald. yin, War, Dan. vii. 21. 7. p^.d , famines At/xot PL def. of ^_21D, noun masc. Ihinger, famine.* Def. ]j-2l2, S. Luke iv. 25; xv. 14, &c. R. <=*>n TFas hungry. Heb. |S5> famine, Job v. 22; xxx. 3. Tt^*7 >^^ ^ P ? P ^ ploLo, pestilences Aoi/xot PI. de. of \LQ^D, def. plaiD, noun masc. A plague, mortality. R. Ao-LD, Died. 340 S. MATTHEW XXIV. 718. Ver. 7. \0], shakings of the earth, earthquakes o-etoytoi See note, S. John v. 3. 8. jlo^;, of sorrows wStvwv PI. def. of ^\i>j, def. |!CL*J (1 Thess. v. 3), noun masc. Violent pain, that especially of childbirth. PI. with aff. pleon. j Travailed. See note, ch. vi. 16, above. Heb. Sill, Isa, Ixvi. 7: pi. D^JH, ch. xiii. 8: Sw^ll, the sorrows of Hades, Ps. xviii. 6. 10 ..... ^QJ-COJO, Transl. And they shall hate one another, and shall betray one another. 12. 7nj . ,. m j tlte abundance of- Gr. TO v\T](fov&ijvtu Constr. of n] . . m def. ")Z n ] > it "\ noun fern. Greatness, multitude. R. ] ,.m, . . .. m ; Increased. Occurs here only in the N.T. Transl. And because of tJie abundance of iniquity. . . . o <=^ v shall wax cold i/'uyi/creTai Fut. 3. sing, of *tiQ^ ^-), Be- came chilled, languid. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. jj!)3, Was cold, of the heart, Gen. xlv. 26. Metaph. Was weak, ceased, Ps. Ixxvii. 3. Niph. Was benumbed, Ps. xxxviii. 9. 14. lf.2^ (f r ~1r^ )> shall be preached icqpv\0rjcrra.i Ethpeel fut. 3. sing. fern, of ]^D, Proclaimed, preached. Pret. 1. pi. J^O, Acts xv. 36; some Eds. read Aph. ^lf^] __ Ethpe. 1^2.], Was *7 7 preached, Rom. xvi. 25, &c. : Fern. L\\>L\; Acts xvii. 13; Col. i. 6 Fut. IpAj, S. Luke xii. 3; xxiv. 47, &c __ Part. Acts xiii. 38; 1 Cor. xv. 12: Fern. lif^Alb, Acts xii. 24. * P . 15 ..... \L\, Transl. The impure sign of desolation Gr. TO 18. OT-JL^i_i, his garment ra i/mna avrov, Text. Recept. TO i/x.ariov avTov, Sin. and Vat. MSS __ - ^^\ def. ] *^^\ Dress, outer vesture. Occurs also, S. Mark x. 50; xiii. 16, meaning the loose outer garment, while Von\ is used for clothing generally. R. , Put on garments. S. MATTHEW XXIV. 1829. 341 Ver. 18. KB. The words from OlA n^> in ver. 17 to nnr>V>\, in ver. 18 are wanting in the Vienna Ed. P 7 19. 01 . ^">; ; that give suck rats Or)\aovcrai<; Aphel part. pi. fern, of , Sucked. Fut. - ni\l Aph. . n 1 "| , Suckled. Pret. 3. pi. 7 , S. Lukexxiii. 29; with aff. ch. xi. 27. Part. . <"" .& Heb. pj, Job iii. 12. Hiph. p^Yl, Gen. xxi. 7; Exod. ii. I -T I ' " 7,9. X I . 9> . e 20. ^Qt^lA-OO^ (in some Editions pointed ^OHj-DO^l) your flight rj -X vyrj v(ji.<3v ( . on. v noun masc. def. A flight. See Phillips, Gr. 29 (2). This word occurs elsewhere in the 1ST. T. only in S. Mark X > 1> xiii. 18; where it is variously pointed ^n . on^v, (Schaaf), ^nOi OO^L, and ^O^i nOjjL R. *Dj^, Fled. x 7 1* 22. Q_if^Z. I , were, should be shortened eKoXofiuOrja-av Ethpaal pret. 3. pi. of |;.D or -j^, Was sad; originally, perhaps, Was narrow; whence I 7 Pa. ^^D, Cut short, shortened, S. Mark xiii. 20; and Ethpa. I7 7V > V ' A * * ' A " tj^Z.j, TTas shortened. _ Fut. j^2i\J, 3. pi. ^p^Z\J, in this verse. 24 ..... ^Vnnn 1 Transl. ^or ^/iere s/iaW arise false Christs, and prophets of falsehood; and they shall give great signs, so as to deceive, if possible, the elect also. 25. ^pOl_ik 2.;ioj t&DfO, I have told you before irpoffprjKa See note, S. John xx. 4. P 7 * 7 27. yd'fZZ, the lightning 77 aorpaTn? Noun masc. def. PI. def. ^Q'j.o. 7 Rev. iv. 5, &c. R. *D;^, Shone. Heb. p13, Dan. x. 6; Ps. xviii. 15. I T T 28. 1v-J> the eagles ol aeroi PL def. of ; * f def. ];--] (Rev. iv. 7, &c.), noun masc. An eagle. Heb. ^J, Deut. xxxii. 11; Ps. ciii. 5. Chald. ")0, Dan. vii. 4. PI. n'j, ch. iv. 30. i 7 29. pCTLCD, the moon 77 (reXrjvr) Noun masc. def. The moon, so called from its roundness. 342 S. MATTHEW XXIV. 2938. Ver. 29. Compare Heb. *1HD Roundness. ^HDH pK, rozmd bowl, Song of Sol. vii. 3 : also Q^'in^ > round ornaments like the moon, Judg. viii. 21, 26; Isa. iii. 18. LXX. prpurKoi, Vulg. lunulce. 30. (JL_iJ, tfAe stgw (afF. pleon.) TO v-rjptlov . i 1, def. ( > 1, noun masc. A sign, banner; also, A mark, goal, Phil. iii. 14. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. Heb. DJ> A banner, Ps. Ix. 6. R. DD3 Hithpa. Shone forth, T Zech. ix. 16. _ P .\ T 31. ]5o_21-i_*, iAe trumpet Gr. o-aA-Triyyos Noun masc. def. PI. def. "jjio <^i . (or |)dl_i_, according to some Eds.), Rev. viii. 2, &c. Heb. -12?, Ps. Ixxxi. 4; cl. 3. Transl. And He shall send His Angels with the great trumpet. 5 ,_Lo, Lit. From the extremity (head) of the heavens even to their extremity. " c 7 32. ^~2'> tender Gr. ctTraXo's Part. pi. fern, of ^25 ^.5 (S. Mark xiii. 28), Was soft, delicate. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. Heb. Tp^l, Ps. Iv. 22. Transl. That immediately when (as soon as, orav rj8rj) its branches are tender, and its leaves spring forth. 7 ( 5 * n . ^ ie summer TO 0e'pos Noun masc. def. Summer, the heat of summer. Heb. V*p> Summer, Gen. viii. 22; Ps. Ixxiv. 17. Harvest, Isa. xvi. 9. R. (according to some) V^p, Was weary; the season of weariness, toil, languor. Chald. t^. Dan. ii. 35. 38. p_SQ_ , the flood Gr. TOV Ka.Ta.K\varfjiov Noun masc. def. A deluge, inundation. Occurs also in the next verse, and S. Luke xvii. 27; 2 S. Pet. ii. 5. R. >.g)Q^ ^\^ , Flowed out, overflowed; was sub- S. MATTHEW XXIV. 3848. 343 Ver. 38. merged, 2 S. Pet. iii. 6 __ Part. +2)\.&, swimming on the sea, navi- gating, Rev. xviii. 17. Cogn. Heb. &!) , Flowed over, Lam. iii. 54. t> 7 .7 .... p ^ - j , Transl. For as they were before the flood, &c. .... _--dCQJO, Lit. And taking wives and giving to husbands. jln^ \ } into the ark eis rrjv Kiftwrov Noun masc. def. Occurs also t> X ** ** * S. Luke xvii. 27; and variously pointed, as |J(1D and fjQ2, Vienna Ed. tfS*D, Tremellius; tfSo, Biblia Regia. -R. (per- I T " T ; V haps) Heb. 7^, Contained. P & V 41. _J_-.K-, grinding- aA^owai Part. pi. fern, of _K>_, Crushed, * ^ ground small in a hand-mill. Part. _K-. Occurs here only in theN.T. Heb. jriD) Crushed small, Exod. xxxii. 20: Ground in a .mill, Numb. xi. 8; Judg. xvi. 21. Metaph. Isa. iii. 15. 42. O}, i. sZ.2.} , watch ye yprryopeLre Ethpeel imperat. pi. of 5o_L j_L, Was awake, vigilant. Ethpe. ;__L2.2.| (Acts xvi. 27), Was wakened, put on his guard. Pret. 3. pi. O^^JLZZ], S. Luke ix. 32 __ Fut. i_i-LLAj, 2. sing. ;__l2.r(for {..i-LlLT), Rev. iii. 3. 1. pi. Rom. xiii. 11 __ Imperat. : > *-? ?}, Eph. v. 14; Rev. iii. 2 __ Inf. OjlZAlaX, S. Mark xiv. 37 __ Part. ^^IZAk), ver. 43, below; S. Luke xii. 39. 43. - Xc*iA ^ that it should be to be broken up Siopvyj/rat So also S. Luke xii. 39. Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, (with 3 for infin.) of -_!}, Dug through, laid open. Ethpe. - ^^M, Was broken open. , 7 45. CJLl^)].^, in its season Gr. / Kaipu Fern. pron. aff. referring to ^ 48. ^^jQib, delaying, delay eth xpovi'a Aphel part, of }_KJ|, Aph. ;_KO| 77 7 .7 (ch. xxv. 5), Tarried. Fut. f-KjQJ, Hebr. x. 37. 1. sing. f..KOf, 1 Cor. xvi. 7 -- Part, used as a noun, Slow, Gr. (3pa.8v$, S. James i. 19. i Heb. ^Pltf, Stayed behind, delayed, Gen. xxxii. 5 (E.V. ver. 4). 344 S. MATTHEW XXIV. 49. XXV. 1-10. i* * r 7 Ver. 49. (_iO> !>&L, with the drunken ftera rwv /ac^ovrcoi/ PI. def. of 07 _ P l> 7 _iO5 (1 Cor. v. 11), adj. Drunken, a drunkard. Def. |_o5 R. ")o5, _o5, Was inebriate. Heb. nY"l ff rOp, 2 S. Pet. ii. 3. Heb. !, Slumbered, and ^% 'S'/e^^, Ps. cxxi. 3, 4. P X H . TV 7 G. ( > \\; rn \l ^^^"i w^ *w ^e middle (aff. pleon.) Se WKTOS 'U--^**, def. ] .1 V<^ (Rev. xi. 9, 11), noun masc. A * t>^7 * . division, middle, half. [1DQ.-O OT-ifc-Xs), mid-day, Acts xxii. 6; . > . 7 . ^ xxvi. 13: - >Zr>r>.\Vn> rn . . \<^i ) ^Ae 7ia//" o/" m?/ kingdom, S. Mark vi. 23. Heb. Jl/i-), in this sense only in proper names, as Gen. x. 25. Chald! j^fi, #//, Dan. vii. 25. |AJLQ, a cry, <7*e cry Kpavyyj Noun fern. def. A clamour, tumult. With aff. Acts xxi. 34. R. pLo, Cried, exclaimed. See note, S. John iii. 25. 3* v* " , 8. __>'^O|, they said CITTOV Pret. 3. pi. fern, with _ paragogic. 10. Uol^Kt A i *^\, lit. to the house or place of the marriage feast or -A . solemnity Gr. tis TOWS ya/tous |lo\v> An assembly, wedding. * Occurs here only. S. MATTHEW XXV. 1027. 345 Ver. 10. ^ZZf, rvas shut cK\fio-&r] See note, S. John viii. 3. 13 jj>, Transl. For ye know not that day, nor the hour. The latter part of the verse, ev 17 o wo? K.T.\. is wanting in the Syr., as also in the Arabic Yers. and Vulgate, and the Sin. Alex, and Vat. MSS. -7 14 ***') Transl. For as a man, who departed, called his servants, &c. 7 7. .1* 7 > 16. -f^iLL], traded eipyaVaro Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of j-.|, Hired. (Or, X:, ? . 7 7. ^ according to some, of r-ii , I* a - 5-ii > Negotiated.) Ethpa. Applied himself to trading; gained by trading^ ver. 17, below. Pret. 1. sing. Z^jZZf, ver. 20, 22, below Fut. j^ZAj, 3. pi. v Oj_,/ZAj, they shall 'make merchandise of you, Gr. (u/ms) e/ATropeuo-ovrai, 2 7. . ." S. Pet. ii. 3 Imperat. pi. Of-.Z.Z.|, S. Luke xix. 13 Part. 7 r ? A * 7 ;_iiZ.ASo, pi. coalescing with -J~K, S. James iv. 13. 21. Q_*j (or Q_|, S. Luke xix. 17), Well done! eu Interjection, ex- pressive of pleasure or praise. 7 22 OC7I, Lit. Whose talents (ivere) two. . P 7 ^ 24. 3 pi-| _lD,yrom whence, where 06 ev. .007" ..107 26. (jLJ-O-Ki, slothful oKvrjpe Adj. masc. def. Lazy, idle. PI. V i i ^ >. 7 .0^ -x P 7 Rom. xii. 11. R. ^Jd>j, TFas lazy; whence also |Z.Q_ULCXK, noun fern. def. Idleness, 1 Tim. v. 13. - k ft 7 27. |5oA2) ^^L, ow ^7ie table of the money-changers Gr. rots Tpa7remu5. AjOOl MoZ, / should have exacted, received eKo/xiora/A^v ai/ Part. (forming the perf. subj.) of ^loZ (Rev. xix. 2), Sought, required; 7 * exacted penalty, avenged. With aff. Acts vii. 24 Fut. ^loAj, 2. sing. \Lo2.2^ S. Luke vi. 30. 1. sing. ^loZf, with aff. ch. xviii. 5. 3. pi. v nSnAj, ch. xii. 48. 2. pi. ^OSnZZ" ch. iii. 13 7 . I i- Imperat. VloZ., with aff. S. Luke xviii. 3 Part. pi. masc. . vox ch. xii. 20. f . .". Deriv. p.dC3/., noun masc. def. An avenger, Gr. 1/cSiKos, Rom. xiii. 4; 1 Thess. iv. 6. Transl. And I should have come, and should liave received mine own, &c. W. C. 44 346 S. MATTHEW XXV. 2740. XXVI. 15. Ver. 27. OlA__d5 Jxi^, with its usury Gr. crvv TOKW So also, S. Luke xix. 23. PI. with aff. of . i. D5 , def. |A_35, noun fern. Usury, p,.7t ^^A ** 71 ^ ^ interest. PI. __.^3, def. |Aj.D>. R. ^5, Increased. Compare Heb. JVSnfi, L ev. xxv. 37; and fi^fi, ver. 36. 29. OlS tlCOoZAj, it shall be added to him Gr. Trepicrorev^creTcu. See note, ch. vi. 33, above. P 7 .. * P y 32. Hi~it ~>,from the goats aTro TWI/ e/Di PL def. of Ur-tt (S. Luke xv. 29), noun masc. A goat, kid. Heb. *1J1, Gen. xxxviii. 23. Transl. As the shepherd who divideth, &c. . P 7 35. I . i f^^^j a stranger eVos A word derived from the Greek: in some Editions | is left unpointed. PI. def. ( ' i rnn"! or ( > i mn] ^ ch. xxvii. 7 ; Rom. xii. 13, &c. o 9<. * 7 . i in A i *^ / ye took Me in trvvrjydyeTe /AC Pael pret. 2. pi. with 7 aff. of . m } Pa. Treated with hospitality; see note, S. (John vi. 1 2. i * 7 40 ..... P-^Oj Transl. And the King shall answer and say, &c. The pre- terite used for the future; see Phillips, Gr. 56. CHAPTER XXVI. 7 7 J* 4. r>n\V)Zj ; they consulted o-vvc/JovXcucravTo Ethpaal pret. 3. pi. of ^.Xk), Gave counsel, promised Ethpeel ^XSoZ], Was promised, Gal. iii. 16; Fern. AnVJj^ Hebr. xi. 9 Ethpa. y^^Lf, Counselled together, took counsel. Transl. And consisted concerning Jesus, that they might take Him by subtilty, and kill Him. 11 T 7 5. jjp^rD, in the feast, on the feast-day ev rfj fopry See note, S. John ii. 23. , an uproar 66pv(3o<; Noun masc. def. A tumult, commo- ....*> tion, sedition PI. def. (^ ^o \\ *> - ^ ar k xiii. 8; S. Luke xxi. 9; 2 Cor. vi. 5. R. *_m_ . y / Disturbed, troubled. s. MATTHEW' xxvi. 712. 347 Ver. 7 ]Ac^ . l\ m } Transl. An alabaster (box) of ointment of balsam, very precious. See notes, S. John xi. 2 ; xii. 3, 5. .077 p x p rnAve^ m\ s j ie poured it, sc. {&&.*..* Gr. Karexeev Aphel pret. 3. 7 sing. fern, with aff. of t<* , TFas abundant, flowed, poured forth. A ph. ^2ij1 (Rom. ix. 23; Eph* i. 6), Caused to flow, poured out. With aff. masc. S. Mark xiv. 3. 7 8 C]_K>, Transl. But His disciples saw, and it displeased them, and they said, &c. 9 v-n Vn Transl. For this could have been sold for much, &c. The words TO pvpov are wanting in the Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS. * -7 . 7 10. vOAjf ^ U-^> trouble ye Gr. KOTTOUS Trape^ere Aphel part. pi. (forming pres. tense) of _]], Laboured, was weary. Aph. ^jlJ], .. 7 Wearied, vexed. Fut. (JJ, 1. pi. with aff. Acts xxiv. 4 Part. U^, fem. ]1U^O, S. Luke xviii. 5. Heb. Hiph. H^/Hj J b xvi - 7; Isa. vii. 13; Ezek. xxiv. 12; T ; v Mic. vi. 3. 11 ^_j . i \, but Me ye have not always. Note here, that in the Syr. construction . \ \ is the subject, or nominative case before i A_|, as I ^ ^rnV* in the preceding clause. With this use of _^, which commonly marks the object, compare a somewhat similar construction in Rev. ix. 11, where ]n|1v>\ is in apposition with , the subject. x t V t -x Q_4. ^^1., on My body ITU TOV O-W/XOTOS /AOU J>OQ__.., def. [Vn n .. (S. Luke iii. 22; 2 Cor. x. 10), noun masc. A body: ^i * f> -X - > <\ whence the adj. ( 1 V? >Q -it> Bodily-, and the adv. A >|^ V>_>o . Gr. crw/xartKoj?, Col. ii. 9. Compare Heb. D2^Jl, A violent rain, q. d. descending in a body of water, 1 Kings xviii.. 45; as distinguished from ^fafc, T T A shower (bxit not always, see 1 Kings xvii. 7; Eccles. xi. 3), Chald. C^, Body, Dan, iii. 27, 28; iv. 30; vii. 11. Transl. But this (woman) who hath poured this ointment on My body, hath d-one (or acted) &e. 348 S. MATTHEW XXVI. 1217. . Ver. 12. . v _v ooVn\* v-|, s -ii we?'e to bury Me Gr. Trpos TO ivra- xX^nA^x^ Hebr. ii. 3; iii. 5 __ Part. wi)Ak>, fern. ]} VnAlb j] ? , unspeak- able, Gr. di/K8i^y^TU), 2 Cor. ix. 15; aveKXaXT/rw, 1 S. Pet. i. 8 -- PI. fern. v ^\&ACv S. Luke i. 65; ii. 33; xviii. 34. v ^\^>Ak) |]?, which cannot be uttered, unspeakable, Gr. 01X01X7^019, Rom. viii. 26; apprjra, 2 Cor. xii. 4. -x. / * * COr-^, /or Aer memorial Gr. i? /j,vr]fMcrvvov curr^s t ^COJ, def. J (Acts x. 4, 31), noun masc. A remembrance, record. ^ ^/y memorial, Gr. ts TT}V C/XT/V dvapvycriv, S. Luke 7 xxii. 19; 1 Cor. xi. 24, 25. R. f^ij, Remembered. Compare Heb. *13T, Exod. iii. 15; Ps. xxx. 5; and h*l2T> v v IT" A 'memorial day, Exod. xii. 14; stones, Josh. iv. 7; sacrifice, Numb. v. 15. v" x i 7 15. CIA QlQj_DJ,, Z/iey appointed to him eo-Tijo-av avrai Aph.pret. 3. pi. of iOQ_D ^OO. See note, S. John ii. 19. 16. (^ x ^^ "vocant, quod agno paschali primogenitorum caedes redempta, festo- "que paschali non nisi azymis vesci licebat. Notio et vox Judaica .0 I 7 "origine. Transit etiam ad sacra Christianorum, quibus (; > ^ "est panis sacer Eucharisticus, nempe quod et hie azymus esse "solebat." (Michaelis, in Castels' Lex.) R. Syr. \z), Was freed; V ft burst forth; departed from life. Inf. j^aiCLl, Gr. dva\va-ai, Phil. i. 23. S. MATTHEW XXVI. 1832. 349 Ver. 18. \^ ^ ^\ to such a man Trpos TOV Seim A certain one, indi- cated or pointed out, but not by name. R. (123, Sought, singled out, scrutinized. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. *J7) (always with ^bStf)* $ uc h a one > R nt h such a place, 1 Sam. xxi. 3; 2 Kings vi. 8. Compare Dan. viii. 13. 20 ..... yia.SQD , Transl. He sat down (reclined) with His twelve disciples. So the Sin. and Alex. MSS. 23. (A-j-.N*"), in the dish h TW Tpv/3Aiu>, ets TO rpvfiXiov, S. Mark xiv. '20. Noun fern. def. A dish, cup, any deepened vessel. Occurs only in these places. Heb. ^7, masc. Something hollowed out; a liquid' 'measure, = T V of a hin or six egg-shells, Lev. xiv. 10, &c. 27. oA^l, drink ye TTICTC Imperat. pi. of ]A. (^A.*]), Drank. See note, S. John iv. 7. Transl. Take ye, drink from it all of you. 28. jjbAjjj, of the Testament T?/S oiaOyKrjs So also S. Mark xiv. 24, &c. j, 1 Cor. xi. 25, &c. loAlr, Acts iii. 25. Noun adopted from the Greek, A covenant, compact. PL def. (many Eds. read loAjj), Eph. ii. 12; tcL.Al'5, with aff. S. Luke X X 7 " A 7I i. 72. PI. in imitation of the Gr. pi. ace. in -as, D(LQ_iA_5, Gal. iv. 24. I" " "* ^(Jl ^.So, from now, henceforth CITT' apn So ver. 64, below; diro TOV vvv, S. Luke i. 48; vvv, 2 Cor. v. 16. Occurs also, Eph. iv. 17; 2 Thess. iii. 1. JO"L_^\5 rn/nn\^n*-^ ; in the Kingdom of God Gr. Iv rrj /Sao-tXcta TOU 9 Trarpos p.ov. 77 30 ..... Q_KJQ,O, Transl. And they sang praises (Gr. v/xv^o-avres) and went out to the Mount of Olives. ' X 7 A * 31 ..... ^O^jHoAjO, Transl. And the sheep of His flock shall be scattered. 32. 5 5Ao ^.k), after ,u.eTa' Followed by a verb. So 1 Cor. xi. 25. See note, S. John i. 15. 350 S. MATTHEW XXVI. 3538. Ver. 35 "JOCTU /), Transl. If it should be to me to die with Thee, I will not deny Thee. 37. n.^nnA^n^j to be sorrowful Au7rer0ai (eVfla/x/Seurflai, S. Mark xiv. 33) Ethpeel inf. of flDD, Was sad. Ethpe. : CWf(S. Mark x. 22), Was made sad, was saddened. Deriv. |}iDCL2, noun masc. def. A priest, of idolatrous rites, Acts xiv. 12; of the true God, High Priest, Hebr. v. 6; vi. 20, &c. - , - Fern. def. \LDQ3, A worshipper, Gr. i/ewKopo?, Acts xix. 35. PL masc. def. )OO3, Hebr. vii. 21, 23, &c. V^OOS *o5 or 5, the High Priest, Hebr. ii. 17; iii. 1, &c. 3, noun fern. def. The priesthood, Gr. Upareia, itpaxnV*?, Hebr. vii. 5, 11, &c. The Heb. verb is found only in Niph. "1/bDX ^ as scorched, Lam. v. 10: Yearned, Gen. xliii. 30; 1 Kings iii. 26: Fas moved with pity, Hos. xi. 8. Noun pi. Q >ta )ft3, Idolatrous T ; priests, 2 Kings xxiii. 5-; Hos. x. 5; Zeph. i. 4. no v/ AVo\ to be very heavy dS^oveiv So S. Mark xiv. 33. Ethpeel inf. of QQ_L. _QA, Was narrowed, compressed. Ethpe. _Q_i_L2.2. | , Was overwhelmed with anguish. Pret. 2. pi. ,nAp . v/ Z| ; 2 Cor. vii. 11 Fut. . Q \ sZAj , 3. pi. ^O n sZ/\J ]]j, that they be not discouraged, saddened, Gr. tW yu.^ a$u/AOJcriv, Col. iii. 21.___ Part. .,0 i sZALQ, pi. > r - v7A^ < S. Mark xiv. 19; 1 S. Pet. -x. .7 I i. 6 Aphel - o ^| y Made sorry, grieved. Part. . r> . v*^\ Rom. xiv. 15. PI. ^ i n . %V), Eph. iv. 30 Part. pass. . OSV), of heaviness, Gr. a8r//xonov, Phil. ii. 26. Heb. p!)j7, Hiph. Pressed down, Am. ii. 13. Cogn. Hiph. Deut. xxviii. 53. .x 7 7 38. .aA OOQ, wait for Me Gr. /mWre See note, S. John i. 32. .7 7 030t-, ivatch yp^yopetre Imperat. pi. of 5(TL, Watched Fut. *> * *> . j* >" c 50CTLJ, 2. pi. ^Oy(TLL, ver. 40, below Part. 5Olj>, pi. masc. io , S. Luke xxi. 36; Hebr. xiii. 17. S. MATTHEW XXVI. 3852. 351 7 Ver. 38. Deriv. p. i iZZ] , take (your) rest dvairavearQe Ethpeel imperat. pi. of ooQJ >^J, Ceased, rested. Ethpe. - > i?7"j (2 Cor. vii. 7; Hebr. iv. 4, 10), Was refreshed with rest, was comforted, rested. Fret. 3. sing. fern. AjLJlZZf, 2 Cor. vii. 13. 3. pi. Qj^jJZZ]* Phi- lem. ver. 7; Hebr. x. 2 Fut. oo-JjZAj, S. Luke x. 6; Acts xxvii. 3. 1. sing. >*> t T/,2."), Rom. xv. 32; Philem. ver. 20. 3. pi. ^Qj^jjZAj, Rev. vi. 11; xiv. 13 Imperat. i**^jZ2jf, fern. _uojJZ2jf, S. Luke xii. 19 Part. o^^JlZAlD, S. Luke xvi. 25; Rom. ii. 17. Fern. ] , i.'llASD, 1 S. Pet. iv. 14. PI. I X . masc. ___KK-iujZ.ALo, 1 Tim. vi. 2. 47. 1^Q_K>, stoves Gr. ^'Xwv PI. def. of "fi-^Q-w (1 Cor. iv. 21, &c.), noun masc. def. A rod, staff, club. Heb. "ItpHi I* rov - xiv - 3; Isa. xi. 1. 48. p| * 1 , / kiss, shall kiss ^lA^cra) Part, (forming pres. tense) of ~ 7 * T - f"> ^ (with aff. ver. 49, below, &c.), Kissed Fut. *QQ__J. Heb. p&JO prop. TFas attached, joined: kissed, Gen. xxvii. 26, 27; Ps. Ixxxv. 11. 50. ^- |? -O1 ^I (Is ii) for this that thou art come f Gr. ' <=* \ S. Luke xxii. 38. Compare Gr. t Transl. But this that was (done, was) that the scriptures of the prophets, &c. 58. [Av.oi V> < from afar, afar off diro /j.aKp60fv So ch. xxvii. 55; X S. Mark v. 6, &c. Def. of *DQ_K5 , noun masc. Length, distance. Adverbially with _LD. So |Q_KO^,, to a distance, far hence, Gr. p.a.Kpdv, Acts xxii. 21. Compare Heb. Dini 5 adj. Remote, Deut. xxix. 21. i^m/b> IT I T Far off, from afar, Gen. xxii. 4; xxxvii. 16. R. WT")> Was far I - T away, distant. *> .. n 59. IjCTLCD, witnesses Gr. \j/ev8o/j.apTvpLav Part. pi. def. of 5C7LCD, Bore witness. Part. def. J5C7LCD, used as a noun, A witness, martyr. With af Acts xxii. 20. See note, S. John i. 15. Compare Heb. 1/1^ , A witness, Job xvi. 19. 60 |JO, Transl. But they found not (none); and there came many witnesses of falsehood. But at last there approached two, (61) and said, &c. In this reading of the text the Syr. agrees with the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 63. ^_1 pj (ibalb, I adjure Thee op/aco aJ, 3. pi. ^QioaJ, Acts xix. 13 Part. pi. . VnoVn in the same verse. 65. ._5. , rent Supple Pael pret. 3. sing, of ]5 , Tore. Pa. the same. Part. "jSlSo, S. Mark ii. 22. 7 17 67. OOOl . V- g^nV) tfiey bufeted eKoXa<^wrav Pael part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of o^SLO, Struck, bruised, struck with the fist. Pa. *^-2LO, the same. Part. .^> oV^ 2 Cor. xii. 7 -- Ethpaal o^2Lo2."f, Was bufeted, vexed. Part. -^^r^AOv 2 S. Pet. ii. 7. PI. jLj.yg^ oA^n ; coalescing with ^-J--> 1 Cor. iv. 11. 69. |ALDJ, a damsel TraiSiV/o; Noun fern. def. A maid-servant, hand- maiden. PL def. "jlcnLb], S. Luke xii. 45. Heb. jfjbtf, pi. HVtbtfi 1 Sam. i. 11; Ps. Ixxxvi. 16; cxvi. 16. T T T -; .... Aj] *)], Transl. Thou also wast with Jesus of Nazareth. K P I* 71. ^g^mXj i^to <7ie porch cis TOV iruXcova ets TO TrpoauXiov, S. Mark xiv. 68. t^LCD, noun masc. def. A vestibule. Heb. &D, -4 basin, Exod. xii. 22: Threshold, Judg. xix. 27. Whence denom. Hithpa. &3ij-lDn> /Stood at the entrance, kept the door, Ps. Ixxxiv. 11. .... Ol2.1_K>, Transl. Another (maid) saw him, and said to them, This (man) was also there with, &c f * f 7 . 74. n^n.-^^Vn\ / to curse,tw Aphel inf. of J>0}_o (not used) Aph. io^j], Cursed, uttered curses, bound under a curse. Pret. 3. pi. okjjjf, Actsxxiii. 12, 21. 1. pi. ,-So^f, ver. 14 __ Part. ^Oi-t^D, S. Mark xiv. 71. Deriv. ^Q- f *j, noun masc. A curse, 1 Cor. xii. 3; xvi. 22; Gal. i. 8, 9. Def. |!D^KJ, Acts xxiii. 14; Rom. ix. 3. Heb. D*in Hiph. D^rin? Devoted to destruction, Josh. xi. 11; to God, Lev. xxvii. 28; Mic. iv. 13. Whence D^Hj A curse, Josh. vi. 18: and Q^Plj Zech. xiv. 11. vv . I 7 75. A_i(;_t;lO, bitterly Triicpws So S. Luke xxii. 62. Adverb derived W. c. 45 354 S. MATTHEW XXVI. 75. XXVII. 17. Ver. 75. from "j^ijlb, adj. Bitter, S. James iii. 14. Fern. def. Acts viii. 23. PI. masc. ,__,V-io, Col. iii. 19. Def. Iv S. James iii. 11. R. i-^D fiO, Was Utter. Pret 3. sing. fern. Z^b, Rev. x. 10. 7 77 3. pi. OfiO, ch. viii. 11 Pael redupl. jlDflD, Embittered, irri- 7 7 ..* tated. Ethpa. jiO;iDZ.|, Was embittered, stirred to anger or grief. Part. ]oOl fib;ibAlb, Gr. Trapco^wero, Acts xvii 16 \, Made bitter. Fut. fiOJ, Rev. x. 9. From this verb are also derived 7 , noun fern. def. Bitterness, Rom. i. 29; 1 Cor. v. & ]5}io, noun masc. def. the same. PI. def. li'jlo, Hebr. xii. 15. , noun fern. def. the same, Rom. iii. 14. CHAPTER XXVII. 2 >fnn^n\')n j Transl. And delivered Him to Pilate the Governor. IIoi/Tia> is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 3 v>J JO, Transl. And went and returned those thirty (pieces') of silver. 4. V-21 , innocent dOwov Def. of > *>] , adj. Clean, pure; also Victorious, Rev. vi. 2, where, however, some read pi . PI. . > , > *")! , coalescing with J_Kt, we are conquerors, Rom. viii. 37. Occurs in the N.T. only in these places. R. pi, Conquered, cogn. p>, Was pure. See note, S. John xvi. 33. .7 o .7 * f ' \ (ID N, Lit. To us what to us? Gr. r* TT/DOS ^/Aas; .7 7 f .7 * I* * A r 7 Aj] ^,j Ajj, thou, knowest Gr. V> ^ the price of- TI/X.T; PL constr. of (^ > ^ (with aff. Acts v. 2), noun fern, derived from the Greek word. PL (masc. form) ^ i'V) i /,, def. ]V)V ^. 7. OlD5a-i|, iAe ^eW (aff. pleon.) rov dypov JD5o_.t | (in the next ^^ ^^* % *** ^ *i" verse), noun masc. der. from the Gr. word. PL def. [Oi'CL-iJ, S. Mark vi. 36, S. MATTHEW XXVII. 716. 355 Yer. 7. ]J^K)>, of the potter rov Kepa/ie'ws Noun masc. def. A potter; also, Earthenware, Gr. ocrrpa/ava, 2 Tim. ii,, 20. R. ;-K^, Ethpa. j , TFas moulded in clay. Chald. in3, Dan. ii. 41. 9 ..... -ipjCn, Transl. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the Prophet, who said, I took the thirty (pieces) of silver, (the price of the Precious which they had agreed for,) from the children of Israel, (10) and I gave them, -^, Was accustomed. Ethpa. , ^/ |, Accustomed himself. Aph. r j-^|, Was accustomed.^P&rt. pass. pi. OOCTT ^^LLD, S. Luke ii. 42; Acts iii. 2. 16. . . . . ^__CD|, Transl. There was to them (they had) bound a notable prisoner. Note the difference between the simple and def. form of the participle. n ii p>-r->; notable tfiinjftav Def. of VL*,.* (Rom. XL 2; 1 Cor. ix. 26), 7 i properly part. Peil of VJ,_,, Knew. Used as an adj. Known, well ~i> II . 7 known, notorious, celebrated. |Vj t - P^Q.-j a certain, special, con- venient day, Gr. ^/x,epas evKatpou, S. Mark vi. 21 ; ra/crTj ^epa, Acts xii. 21. Fern. lL.^1, 1 Cor. ix. 10; xv. 27, &c. Def. - P X I XXX ]Aijj_, Acts xxi. 39. PI. masc. ^ >, -, S. Luke xi. 44, &c. : 7 .K ..IX coalescing with ^_JLK, 2 Cor. vi. 9. Def. pLifU, Certain days, Gr. 7//xepas nvas, Acts xvi. 12; ^povov Tivd, ch. xviii. 23; with ]], Unknown, 2 Cor. vi. 9; S. Jude ver. 6, Gr. ai'StW. PL fern. t ..XX def. jAlxjpi, Acts xvii. 4, 12 From this part, is derived 356 S. MATTHEW XXVII. 1620. Ver. 16. ]ZoJLj,_, noun fern. def. Knowledge, with aff. pleon. Rom. i. 19, Gr. TO yvwrrov. Compare Heb. part. pass. J^*!*, known, Isa, liii. 3. PL D^TP, Deut. i. 13, 15. 18. jlOQ_Kj , *, for envy Sia <$>6ovov Noun masc. def. Envy, malice raised by the knowledge of another's excellence. R. Jxidl>j, Was zealous, in a good or bad sense; bewitched, Gal. iii. 1 -- Fut. :>OIIL*>J __ Part. :>om_K, 1 Cor. xiii. 4; Gal. iii. 1; Tit. ii. H. PI. masc. .Voon T> Gal. iv. 17; v. 26 __ Ethpa. ^fn ..7^ Was zealously affected. Fut. 2. pi. ^QlDjCdjoZZ, Gal. iv. 18. 1* i 7 19 ..... *!iAj f3, Transl. But when the governor was set down on his judgment-seat, his wife sent unto him, and said unto him. ?l M Compare ch. viii. 29, above, and S. John ii. 4. I .... - ti fr> ; Transl. For much have I suffered (see note, ch. xvi. 21 r above) in my dream, &c. x .7 20. nm . e^j persuaded eTrcwrav Aphel pret. 3. pi. of -gQQgi .m x . .. (not used) Ethpeel .cr> . <^/ / \ Assented, was obedient to, like I 5 X , -T *CCU_2i_4Z.j, see note, S. John iii. 36 -- Fut. 2. sing, .en .<^/ / (for -m . 1*11 f^ Acts xxiii. 21 __ Part. pi. masc. . rn . x .7 2 Tim. iii. 2 -- A ph. *CCL.>| (Acts xix. 26), Persuaded, besought, x .7 i exhorted __ Imperat. -m . | with aff. 1 Tim. v. 1 __ Part, .m . g^i^n Acts vii. 26, &c. PL masc. m . g^Vn Acts xiii. 43; coalescing with V y 7 ch. xx viii. 14, below, &c -- Part. pass. CQ^lO, Per- suaded of, versed, skilful in, Acts xxvi. 3; Rom. viii. 38; Hebr. v. 13, &c. PL masc. . rn g^^n S. Luke xx. 6, &c. ; coalescing 7 with . V*-', S. Luke i. 1, &c. i K.B. This Aph. form is by some regarded as denom. from -"" ^ or rfi i ^ (see below), or as formed immediately from the Gr. cTretcre. ^ *\\ Deriv. .00 \ <^, noun masc. Persuasion, obedience, -ra > ^ ]J), Gr. dirci- $*, Tit. i. 16. Def. ]mla, Col. ii. 2, &c. S. MATTHEW XXVII. 2029. 357 Ver. 20. |/o i m . eV AVn noun fem. def. Obedience; with j] , Disobe- dience, Eph. v. 6. >^ noun fem. def. Persuasion, 1 Cor. ii. 4. 24 ..... iO}ibj, Transl. That nothing availed Gr. on ouSev cJ 1 " [-CCJ, tumult 6opvj3o<; rapa^os, Acts xii. 18; Kpavytj, Eph. iv. 31. Noun masc. def. A contention, clamour, strife of tongues. R. . " *^ 7 )0> }* (not used). Aph. ^ij5|, Contended; pret. 3. pi. x7 OO i?|, Acts xxiv. 9. Heb. y*\, Strife, Gen. xiii. 7. . 0. 7 7 jjj . . m wVn / am innocent a^wos et/xt Pael part. pass, (forming > X I 7 pres. tense) of (Q_K or . . m ^. (not used), Pa. - .. m .. . } Sanctified, expiated, was propitious to, pardoned. Compare Gr. ocrtow __ ^ 7 T 7 * Fut. [D_KJ, 1. sing. (HLKJJ, Gr. TAews lo-o/xat, Hebr. viii. 12. *. f 7 07 Deriv. (.j-fT) KJ, adj. ^To^, Tit. i. 8, &c. y f" -, ^T/mze ZTo^ Owe, Acts ii. 27; xiii. 35. |/n ^ rrv*.^ noun fem. def. Holiness, Eph. iv. 24. P 'X l__OQ*j, noun masc. def. A propitiator, expiation;, mercy-seat, Rom. iii. 25 ; Hebr.. ix. 5, &c. n 7 26 ..... ,_4|L_JO, Transl. And he scourged Jesus with whips^ and delivered Him, to be crucified. 27. QjuJ-3, they gathered crvvyyayov The Vien. Ed., Tremellius, and 7 others, read QjulU, Peal. 28. w*O1Q_K ^|, they stripped Him Gr. e/cSJcrai'Tes avroV, e^e'Sixrav OVTOV, ver. 31, below; S. Mark xv. 20. Aphel pret. 3. pi. with .7 7 .7 aff. of -*--N ^, Sent away. Aph. >^_i_|, Made naked, despoiled. x. .7 .m . Vn\o } a robe ^XayavSa Noun adopted from the Greek. A royal vesture. Occurs only here and ver. 31, below. !> T (S 7 (Z_i5a.ol5, of scarlet Gr. KOKKIVTJW, Xa^Trpav, S. Luke xxiii. 11. Noun fem. def. Scarlet or purple. Scarlet wool, Hebr. ix. 19. f .. 1 . Cl> 7 29. (_*J1Q-L.5, of thorns ' duavOiSv PI. def. of Pldl, A bramble. Occurs here only. 358 S. MATTHEW XXVIL 2939. Ver. 29.. Compare Heb. HOT^, -4 species of eagle, Dent. xiv. 12. R. jftt, not used, Was sharp. 30. O"L2O|_2LO, in His face Gr. eis avrov. 33. ]o AVn^ -O"l, which is translated Gr. os eori Xeyo/xevo?, p.e6ep- fjL-rjvevofjievov, S. Mark xv. 22 Ethpaal part. fern, of n_^, Pa. 1. 7 . 7 7 .- .o g*i Made easy, explained. Ethpa. .o g^/ ( JFas explained, 7 7 i interpreted. Part, .o g^AVn Hebiv yii. 2. 34". ^u^jo5, which (was) mingled /xe/Atyjuevov Part. Peil of -^ \. (S. Luke xiii. 1), Mixed, mingled. Peil def. jj^ > .\^>, Rev. xv. 2. ___Pael ^_LM- Ethpaal -^ \ <-L\, Was mingled, made partaker, .7 7 .^ Aac? communion, intercourse urith. Pret. 1. pi. _^X*jZ.j, Hebr. iii. 14 Fut. 4lLlAj, 2. pi. LL, 1 Cor. v. 9, 11 ^Part. pi. masc. ^j-l^uLAkD, 2 Thess. iii. 14. Deriv. ( i fc \r> ...^ noun masc. def. Communion, Gr. /cou/covto, 2 Cor. vi. 14. P P 7 ]Z5jlQO, tci^ ^a?^ /xcra x^ s Noun fern. def. Bitterness, gall. 7 Occurs here only in the N.T. R. 5jiO -^D, Was bitter. See note, ch. xxvi. 75, above. Heb. /"ni/b> Bile, gall, Job xvi. 13; and nT"li53> Bitterness, T : T ; Deut. xxxiL 32. 35; -. . . ^DO, Transl. And when they had crucified Him, they parted His garments by lot. N.B. The rest of this verse, Ivo. irXrjpuOfi .... K\ijpov, is absent in the Vienna and other Eds. some insert it in the margin, or in brackets. It is also wanting in the Sin. Vat. Alex, and many other MSS., and several versions, including some copies of the old Italic. 37 olocoo, Transl. And set up over His head the pretext for His death, in the writing, &c. I X 39. ', > T^"> ; wagging KIVOWTCS So S. Mark xv. 29 Aphel part. pi. " *% y of )QJ f J, Trembled, was agitated. Aph. pij), Moved from side to side, shook. Part. . > ^^" S. MATTHEW XXVII. 3959. 339 Ver. 39. Heb. ^^, Was agitated; hence, Was a fugitive, fled, Gen. iv. 12, 14; Ps. xi. 1; Ivi. 9. Hiph. ^Ml, Caused to wander, Ps. xxxvi. 12; Wagged the head, Jer. xviii. 16. Chald. *ftj, Fled; pret. 3. sing. fern. Dan. iv. 11. o 7 40. .... |*2>, Transl. Save Thyself, if Thou be the Son of God, and come down from the cross. So also the Sin. and Alex. MSS. 7 41 ^Q^>, Transl. With the Scribes and Elders and Pharisees. . i\ t\ 42. .... |1_K>J), Transl. That we may see, and believe in Him. 43. ^_i_2.Z., trusting, i.e. He trusts, or trusted Gr. TrerroiOfv Part. Peil of ^sZ, Trusted, hoped, had confidence in, with \^k of the object. i x x ^ PI. \ ^x ; S. Mark x. 24; S. Luke xviii. 9; coalescing with ^JLj, Hebr. xiii. 18; 1 S. John v. 15 Ethpeel ^aZZf, the same. Pret. 2. sing. A^ZZ]* Rom. ii. 19 Fut. 3. pi. ^Vn^Ai 1 Tim. vi. 17. Deriv. ( 1 x**ifv noun masc. def. Hope, trust, confidence, 2 Cor. i. 9, 15, &c. Aj]l pZ, adv. Confidently, boldly, Phil. i. 25; Hebr. xiii. 6. i a 44 Zd2Cn, Transl. Likewise (or, in the same manner) also those thieves which were crucified with Him reviled Him. 51. p>'Z - " ^ ( / the veil, lit. the face of the door TO KoraTreTao-pM See note, S. John xi. 44. So also in the parallel passages, S. Mark xv. 38; S. Luke xxiii. 45; and Hebr. vi. 19; ix. 3; x. 20. Transl. And immediately the veil, &c. was rent Irn i^n |,.^jj, one of whom (was) Gr. iv ats rjv. OP 7 ^ 00 A 7 * 59. |T *--*"\ in a cloth (pAoj, of linen, see note, S. John xix. 40) Gr. crivBovt Noun masc. def. A cloth, wrapper. So S. Luke 360 S. MATTHEW XXVII. 5964. Ver. 59. xxiii. 53. R. Q_*j ^K>, Bound up. Pa. ^_~>j, Enclosed, surrounded, girded around, in order to strengthen. Part. pi. .. . Avn Acts xxvii. 17. Cogn. *Q.*J *4--> Vetoed together. . 1,0 i clean Gr. KaOapa Adj. Select, choice; then, Pure, clean. "j^n i (oV^j the sincere milk, Gr. aSoAov yaXa, 1 S. Pet. ii. 2. Occurs in the N.T. only in these places. R. , <"> i ; Arab. Dis- criminated. Compare Heb. "fpj, pi. D^pJ, Marked with spots, of sheep I T ). ; and goats, Gen. xxx. 32, &c. 17 7 60. f_i_QJ5, M>7iicA (KJOS) Aertm out Gr. o IXaTo^rja-fv Part. Peil of }-Q3, Dug, dug out, excavated. Def. |^i_QJ, S. Luke xxiii. 53. Heb. *Hp3, Pierced, bored out the eyes, 1 Sam. xi. 2; Prov. I-T xxx. 17. o\ tt-^-j tf ie y foiled Gr. irpoa-KvXicras Pael pret. 3. pi. of ^^L_ik, .. 1 7 Arab. Hastened, hurried. Pa. ^-t*-l (ch. xxviii. 2 ; S. Mark ..77 xv. 46; xvi. 3), Rolled, rolled away __ Part. pass. \\ rt ' v ^ f) / fern. ]} . ^.Vn S. Mark xvi. 4; S. Luke xxiv. 2. " ^ > In Heb. the root does not occur, but its deriv. ppjy> A . waggon, Gen. xlv. 19, &c. War-chariot, Ps. xlvi. 10. Transl. And they rolled a great stone, (and) laid (it) against the door of the sepulchre, and departed. " 7 i 61 ..... fcjOCJI A_|, Transl. And there were there Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, who were sitting, &c. .OP 7 63. ( 1 i SQV), the deceiver o TrXai/os Noun masc. def. A seducer, im- postor. PI. def. ]i . vfcy*, 2 Cor. vi. 8, &c. Formed from Aph. part, of p^, Erred; see note, S. John vii. 12. Whence also is derived .. *. f 7 JZ.O 1 i SQ!o, noun fern. def. Error, 1 S. John iv. 6. I 7 64. ^.JOlJliD, watching, (that) they watch, to watch Gr. do-<^aAto-^^vai Ethpeel part, of 5(711, see note, ch. vii. 15, above. Ethpe. Was cautious of, on guard against, with v & of the object; kept watch S. MATTHEW XXVII. 6466. XXVIII. 19. 3G1 Ver. 64. over, guarded, followed by }. Part, for infin., or Lat. itt with subjunctive. 65. ]po j\m o guards, a watch Gr. /covo-TwStW PI. def. of "j. in j\rr\ o noun masc. derived from Lat. quccstionarius, as the Gr. word is from Custodia. Occurs in the next verse, and ch. xxviii. 11, 12. .... Q.^1 , Transl. Go, keep guard as ye know (how). The original is literally rendered. 66 __> ^QJCTI, Transl. So they went, and guarded the sepulchre, and sealed the stone, together with the guards. CHAPTER XXVIII. i * 7 1 f *^ n ;*"\ Transl. In the evening of the Sabbath, when the first (day) 7 a of the week was dawning. For C7T-|L-J, see note, S. John xix. 31. Some, however, regard it as a substantive, Light, morning; Transl. Which (was) the morning of tJte first &c. . t . 7. 3. ( .1 .\/ , the snow^uav Noun masc. def. occurring also S. Markix. 3; Rev. i. 14. Heb. J|SB?, Snow, Ps. cxlvii. 16. Chald. ftfy Dan. vii. 9. The Heb, $ is in Aram, softened into Z. ..7V 7. " .. ^*"i 3 quickly ra^y Adverb; see note, S. John xi. 29. P "*> i 7 I 8. _oii'O, and they ran KO! .... eSpa/xov So the Vienna and some other Editions. Schaaf reads _j_^O1jO, and remarks, Viennensis Editio videtur _i insertum habere. r 9. M^L_2, met aTrtjvrrjcrev Yerb Peal pret. 3. sing. Met, fell in with, S. Mark v. 2; S. Luke viii. 27; ix. 37. With ^ of the object. Pret. 3. fern. Ai^2), Acts xvi. 16 Fut. ^ (i " P arfc - , S. Mark xiv. 13; S. Luke xxii. 10. Heb. VJ]), Lighted upon a place, Gen. xxviii. 11; Met a T person, ch. xxxii. 2; with ^ of the object. N.B. The clause, ws Se, . . . O.VTOV, is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. w. c. 46 362 S. MATTHEW XXVIII. 1220. Ver. 12. 5 0^1 P, not little, i.e. a considerable sum Gr. IKO.VO. 13 ..... O^-lj Transl. Came and stole Him in the night while we were 7 sleeping. X 7 14 ..... V Q-I\Q ; Transl. And will make you without care. 15 ..... ^QJOl, Transl. And they, when they had taken the money, did as they had taught them; and this saying went forth, &c. 16. ; ra \ j the eleven 01 ei/Sexa Card. num. masc. Heb. ^gW "jntf , Gen. xxxii. 23. , had appointed eTa^aro Pael pret. 3. sing, of ^O, Defined, de- termined, fixed iipon. Pa. Caused, ordered to assemble. Occurs here only in the N.T. Deriv. ]AO, noun masc. def. A place of meeting, a port, Acts xx. 13. Cogn. Heb. *TV*> Fixed, appointed a time, 2. Sam. xx. 5; a place, Jer. xlvii. 7; a chastisement, or rod, Mic. vi. 9. 18. ^02^ ..... IJLIU'JO, and as My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you. This passage seems to have been interpolated from S. John xx. 21, as an appropriate introduction to the words which follow. 7 19. ft.Vnx/ make disciples of- p.a.6r)Teuo-a.Tc Imperat. pi. of the quadri- ^ 7 lit. Pael verb ,^f> \/. f Made disciples, instructed. Denom. from f . &V) . A disciple. Pret. 3. pi. O^L^L, Acts xiv. 20 __ Part. pass. i V>VAVf> ; Acts xviii. 25. E,. rLoli, not found in Syriac. Heb. *7u7, Learned, Deut. v. 1. Pi. *7^7, Taught, Ps. - T ... xxv. 4. , 20 ..... CL2i_^\O, Transl. And teach them to observe (keep) all that which I i* have commanded you. ^ . N u^ ^) A >') Finished is the Holy Gospel, the Preaching of Matthew, which he preached in Hebrew in the land of Palestine. THE GOSPEL ACCOKDING TO S. MARK. ^n . V ^i The Holy Gospel, the Preaching of Mark the Evangelist. In the Title, .007 7 ( vomV) the Evangelist. Noun masc. def. R. ;*"im, Thought, supposed. 7 7 Pa. ;*^ y Announced, preached. See also Acts xxi. 8; 2 Tim. iv. 5. PL def. ll~amip, Eph. iv. 11. CHAPTER I. Yer. 1. \2 U 1n l?, of the Gospel TOV euayycXtou Noun adopted from the Greek. See also Rom. i. I, 9, &c. and the Titles, &c. to the Gospels. 7 .7 2 2_AD5 ^- I, Transl. As it is written in Isaiah the Prophet, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, which shall prepare Thy way. The Sin. and Yat. MSS. read ev TO> 'Ho-afa rc3 7rpo-tjry, and omit ZfiTrpoaOev crov. Some Editions of the Syriac, viz. Tremellius, Reg. and Hutter, read "Malachi" for "Isaiah" (Schaaf). 5. 3QD, the land 77 \u>pa Noun fern, derived from the Gr. word. Some *> Editions read 5O3 Occurs here only. S. MARK I. 520. Ver. 5 ..... ^nrn\nn^ Transl. And all the sons (people) of Jerusalem, and he baptized them, &c. .0 T> / .07 6. ]A^)^L, a girdle Gr. u>vr]v Def. of ^;-i, noun fern. A thong, p 7 T . ^ 7 cincture. |Ao^, in some Eds., Acts xxi. 11. PI. def. ^Qp> ver. 7, below; S. John i. 27, where see note. Transl. And was girded with a girdle of skin on his loins; and his food was, &c. 0.7 p , T> 7 7. ^ V^ .. > (so also S. Luke iii. 16. v A^j_K, in some Eds., S. Luke i. 49; xxiv. 19), mightier, __JLSJD, than I to-^rporepos pov Adj. . p 7 Strong, powerful. Def. pA_^j*.*j, 1 Tim. vi. 15, &c. Fern. ]1L\ i L, 1 Cor. i, 25. Def. iLJ^N i L, Hebr. v. 7, &c. PL masc. ^ ^A\ '.' w. 2 Cor. xiii. 9; 1 S. Johnii. 14. Def. ]VA\V ^> Rom. xv. 1, &c. The pointing in all these forms varies as above. R. ^Qjo, Pa. n_i_>f , Strengthened. 10. Q^jAcD], were opened Gr. cr^i^o/aevovs Ethpeelpret. 3. pi. of *OfSD, Cut, tore, rent asunder. Ethpe. lOjACD"), Was torn, torn open. 11. ^iS, in Thee Gr. eV w The Sin. and Vat. MSS.. read lv aoi .0.0.. 7 7 _ _ .07 13. |i.Q_i_^ !>dl, m , .o. -- 7 jlw animal, beast, wild beast. Def. JZ.Q__K>, Hebr.- xii. 20. Noun fern., but often in the Book of Revelation treated as masc. . o 1\ ,7 7 Constr. ( i Zn.._.. ; lit. Beast of tooth, savage beast, Rev. vi, 8; . C used as fern. ch. xi. 7; but masc. ch. xiir, 1, &c. R. (-', Lived. Heb. ,1*11, Beast, Gen. i. 24; xxxvii. 20, 33. Chald. KVHr Dan, rv. 13 j or HVPf, ch. vii. 5, 7. Constr. fiVfl, ch, ii. 38. Def. KHVn, ch. iv. 11. PL fVPl, ch, vii. 3. Def. NnVlT, ch, T ; ., I T .. TT vii. 7. 7 19 ..... r^O, Transl. And when He had proceeded a little eKa#ev is want- ing in the Vat. MS. )|O, and them also (fie saw) Gr. /cat aurovs. _^ marks the accusative. 20. , . . . (t^O, Transl. And He called them; and immediately they left their father Zebedee with the hired servants, &c. S, MARK I. 2125. 365 "Ver. 21 ..... ,20, Transl. And when they entered into Capernaum, straightway He taught on the Sabbaths in their synagogues Sin. MS. eStSa^ev ets TTJV avvaywytjv. 7 x x 7 ? 22. OOOT ^(Jl^DL, they were astonished e^cTrX^'o-crovTo Part. Peil pi. forming imperf. tense of OlloZ (ch. xv. 44; Acts- viii. 13, Vienna 7 0. Ed. Some others read (JlloZ, part.) Wondered, was amazed. Pret. 3. pi. OOlioZ, ch. xii. 17; S. Luke ii. 48; viii. 56; Acts x. 45: Fern. JioiSoZ, ch. xvi. 5, below __ Fut. Olk)Aj, 2. pi. ^OOlioZZ, Acts xiii. 41 __ Part. Peil CfUioX Gal. iv. 20. Fern. def. -v ' ^? -*..'" (Z.O1 > V)Z., used as an adj. Rev. xv. 1. PI. masc.- def. (oil V)Z., .. * 7. as an adj. ver. 3. PI. fern. ^La^DL, S. Luke xxiv. 4. Def. "jZoiVSoZ, as a noun, S. Luke xiii. 17. Heb. n/bJ-l> Wondered, Ps. xlviii. 6. Compare Gr. Oav^d^w. r . . . fJO, Transl. And not as their scribes. Compare S. Matt. vii. 29. 23. n^j unclean Gr. aKaOdprw Def., see also 2 Cor. vi. 17, of (Acts x. 14, 28; xi. 8; Rom. xiv. 14), adj. Defiled, impure, abomi- nable. Fern. def. ]Z]Sn^, which is the reading of the Vien. and most of the Eds. in the text: Par. and Lond. Polygl. (AV> ^ Schaaf, Ed. 1717, 1'A & PI masc. ito^, 1 Cor, vii. 14. ^ i PI. fern. def. |1]&1, Rom. i. 24; Rev. xvi. 13 __ R. ]CL&, Pa. fcoi, Defiled. Ethpa. Iki^Zf, Was defiled. Part. pi. ^1^4 Ak), Hebr. ix. 13. Whence also "jZoIlD^, noun fern. def. Pollution, -r. p. 7 7 uncleanness, Acts xv. 20, &c. PI. def. |Z.OpiQ4, Rev. xvii. 4. Heb. J^/^JO Unclean, Lev. v, 2 ; in a moral sense, Job xiv. 4. 24 ..... r^0|O> Transl. And said, What have we to do with Thee, &c.. -"Ea is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. P *. -X 25. ^iSoaa 5cmflD, shut thy mouth, i.e. hold thy peace Gr. (ftLfiwOrjTi. So 7 y S. Luke iv. 35. Imperat. of {.n.pp (cogn. ^.^CD), Shut -- Fut. JonCQJ, 2. pi. ^O^nCoZ, in a similar phrase, 1 S. Pet. ii. 15 -- Ethpecl {^AlDf, Was shut. Fut. ^oAmJ, Rom. iii. 19 Paei 366 S. MARK I. 2545. 77 Ver. 25. ^liD, pret. 3. pi. Oj^CD, they stopped their ears, Acts vii. 57; mouths of lions, Hebr. xi. 33 __ Inf. O;nmV)*V, Tit. i. 11. * 7 Deriv. (i^PQ; noun fern. A shield, Eph. vi. 16. The Vienna and several others read ]j^EO, Hope. Heb. "OD, Niph. Gen. viii. 2; Ps. Ixiii. 12. Pi. Delivered over, Isa, xix. 4. Cogn. "JJlDj Shut, Gen. xix. 6, 10. Chald. T DID, Dan. vi 23. 26. OlZ,_ , threw him down Gr. (nrapda.v avrov Pret. 3. sing. fern, with aff. of],-*, see note, S. John viii. 7. The Gr. word expresses only a convulsion, without injury to the body;, compare S.. Luke iv. 35. 7 7 29 ..... n o<^ in Transl. And tlieywent out of the synagogue r and came to the house, &c. 7 > * . 30 ..... O^OJO, Transl. And they told Him of her. t> T* 7 o 7 32. } V> . . -v-vV)-'i lit. at the settings of the sun Gr. ore ISv o 17X105 . c f 7 SWOVTOS TOV -ijXiov, S. Luke iv. 40 PI. constr. of (^ vVn noun masc. def. R. !2;-ii, Set, as the sun. 1- 7 35 ..... i"Oi-O} Transl. He rose very early, and went into a desert, &c. The words Kal aTrrjXdev are wanting in the Vat. MS. v 7 * * 36. O"L^ OOQ1 ^*~> x sought Him Gr. /careStco^av avrov. , 7 38 ..... QHAC7I, Transl. Go ye (Gr. ayw/xcv) into the towns and into the 71 cities that are near. i y 39 ..... l^lilDO, Transl. And He preached in all their synagogues in all Galilee. ..7 7 40 ..... N \UO, Transl. And fell at His feet, and besought Him, and said unto Him, &c. . t 42 ..... OldO, Transl. And immediately his leprosy departed from him, ^/xois TOTTCHS. S. MARK II. 121. 3G7 CHAPTER II. 4 Ver. 1. "JA^M . ^\ after (some) days Gr. Si' i^iepwv See note, S. John ii. 19. _____ ySO, Transl. And when they heard that He was in the house, (2) many were gathered together, insomuch that it could not contain them, not even before the door. 4. (' \ // , the tiling Noun masc. def. A covering, roof. p * \ {/_ v > from the tiling, Gr. Sia TWV /cepa/uov, S. Luke v. 19. R. w ^ Aph. ^], Overshadowed, covered. *. 7 , they let down (aff. pleon.) xaXua-i Pret. 3. pi. of U- , Acts x. 11; xi. 5. > . * Transl. They ascended (^OOlA pleon.) to the roof, and removed the tiling of the place where Jesus was, and let down &c. 17 ..... AjZ] ]J, Transl. I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners. The words eis ^ravoiav are wanting in the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. See also note, S. Matt, ix. 13. They appear in S. Luke v. 32, and are there rendered in the Syr. by l/oo A\ 19 ..... P"\ Transl. Can the children of the bride-chamber, while the bridegroom is with them, fast? Nay. The last word represents the whole of the following clause oarov .... vi/oreueiv. . f 7 7 20. (10Q_ OCTLO, in that day Gr. ev t/cet'rais rats ^'ftepat?. The Sin. Vat. ." f .. 7 * t> and Alex. MSS. read ev eKetV?/ 777 ij^po-. jALDCLj ^QJtTLO, S. Luke v. 35. iV * / * .21. ^p-, sewing, seweth Gr. emppdtrTei Part, of *CL_K *^K, Sewed. Followed by ^\1 . Deriv. l^a^a, A seam; also, An abortion, 1 Cor. xv. 8. Chald. tD!)n, Aph. tOPltf, Repaired a wall, Ezr. iv. 12. Transl. No man putteth a new piece, and seweth (it) on an old garment. OlAi \V>, its filing up TO TrX^p(ap.a avrov ]Aj_I^L0, noun fern. def. 1 ,. * Form of part. Peil from jlSo, Filled. Transl. Lest (jjj) its new insertion should take away from the old. 368 S. MARK II. 2127. III. 2-5. Ver. 21. \OfQ, the rent o-x'V/xa Def. of *OrD, noun masc. v 1 * * fissure, schism. PI. def. ^Q,_CO, Gr. cupecreis, Gal. v. 20. R. 22 ..... ]J>, Transl. Lest the wine burst the bottles, and the bottles perish, a and the wine be spilled; but they put new wine into new bottles. . 7 23 ..... JOOIO, Transl. And it came to pass (lit. it was) that as Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn-fields, His disciples walked and plucked the ears (of corn). i 24 ..... ->1~^; Transl. See what they do on the sabbath day something that is not lawful. Some would regard |.iVr> as for ]jJLoX, why do they, &c. T ** 7 25. *UAD j , he had need xpeiav ea-^e Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of (*> * m , Needed. Ethpe. the same. Fut. - oiAmi 2. pi. ^aOjAcoZ' 1 Thess. iv. 12. L pi. ch. L 8. i v 7 26 ..... (SCLKK_^O, Transl. And did eat the shewbread of the Lord. . 7 ^ \ "^ K ^ 27. A_^Z.|, 7/?as wac?e Gr. eyeVero Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fern, of |^O, Created. Ethpe. .-.f^Z] (S. Luke xi. 50; 1 Cor. xi. 9, &c.), Was created. Pret. 3. pi. CLt-^L], Col. i. 16; Rev. iv*. 11. 1. pi. , Eph. ii. 10. CHAPTER III. 2 ^1), Transl. That, if He should heal him on the Sabbath day, they might accuse Him. -5. |AlCLK>_O, with anger /ACT' opyrjs Noun fern. Wrath, indignation; 7 also, Poison, Rom. iii. 13. R. J>oSDj^ ^O_K, Was hot. Compare "jlvo, Spoil, from ]\Z3 \3. Heb. j"J]bri> Anger, Gen. xxvii. 44: Poison, Deut. xxxii. 24, 33; Ps. Iviii. 5; cxl. 4. Chald. tffcHi tffcn, Fury, Dan. iiL 13, 19. S. MARK III. 5-17. 309 Ver. 5. N.B. The words vyn;s ws tj a\\r) are here wanting in the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. In S. Matt. xii. 13; S. Luke vi. 10, they . 0. V .7 are rendered rn/.o ... ._, J . *. 77 9 ^QO;_QJj, Transl. That they should bring to Him a ship. -iO"Li_3O *"i K3, they should throng Him OXifiuxTiv avrov Fut. 3. pi. ^ 7 -X with aff. of ^>-^, Pressed, oppressed, crowded. Fnt. . n o v. i "?* p x p Part, Oj^ > S. Luke viii. 42; xvi. 16. PI. masc. _ -t^d^t, S. Mark v. 24, 31; S. Luke viii. 45. * .i\ I 7 10 (|V t.EP, Transl. ^or He healed many; insomuch tliat they pressed upon Him (lit. fell upon, Gr. 7ri7riVreiv) /or to touch Him. C. .. 7 ^ - 7 1 1. |Z.Q_KKLD, plagues /xdcrrtyas PI. def. of |Q_K^Lo, noun fern. A scourge, V? ' x 7 stroke, wound. Def. |Z.Q_K^D, Rev. xi. 6, &c. : with aff. S. Mark v. 29, 34. PI. ^QjlSD, def. with aff. S. Luke x. 34, R. \LD, Struck. Transl. And those who had plagues of unclean spirits, when they saw Him, &c. ^ " x 7 1G. fcn t iV>, Lit. He named the name surnamed Gr. eTre^Ke ovo/ta 1777 w i V). or OlLQ* , verb Pael, denom. from !>Qj , A name. Pret. 3. pi. r> .^1 Acts xiv. 11 Fut. ]^ y with aff. S. Luke i. 62. 1 7. .1> 7 7 .* Ethpaal . . V)A ( and OlSoA^I, Was named, Acts i. 23; Hebr. v. 10 Fut. 3. sing. fern. cnk^Z", Eph. v. 3 Inf. abs. ), same verse Part. OTloA i V>, Eph. i. 21: Fern. , 1 Cor. v. 1; Eph. iii. 15. 17 .-v-) ov . n^ Transl. And to James the son of Zebedee . ... to them He gave (placed) the name, &c. * e ..7 ' . ^ - ' i *", i/ie sons of thunder Gr. Boavepye's The Vienna, Ed. Reg. and Trostius, here read _*__.>) - > * *^ ; others - . .i ~-ii'j noun masc. Thunder, tumult. R. -*-HI', Raged, was tumultuous. Compare Heb. ^JH, Combined in crowds, Ps. ii. 1: whence T fc^JH an d n^"jl*1> -^ crowd, multitude, Ps. Iv. 15; Ixiv. 3. v v T : w. c. 47 370 S. MARK III. 2131. IV. 111. Ver. 21. -^ ^ i OTJOO1 So, Lit. He has departed from His reason He X . i> 7 is beside Himself Gr. e^cor?/ p.ev, 1 Thess. v. 6. Compare Heb. ttfrfc, Power, strength, Ps. Ixxviii. 51; cv. 36; Gen. xlix. 3. _ A_|, is in Him Gr. l^ci. >w i is ^.is erec? Gr. a'AAa reXos ex". y Transl. That all the sins, and blasphemies wherewith the sons of men shall blaspheme, shall be forgiven unto them. 7 7 31 ..... 05,-D, Transl. And sent, that they might call Him to them. CHAPTER IV. * * 7 T 7 1. ^Aj XCQJj j^_|, so that He entered (ascended) and sat Gr. avrov efJiftavra. . . . KaO-rjuOai See Cowper's Gr. 211 (5. a). (OCTI JsO|lD, was standing Gr. yv. .7" * 7 4 5. ~^O, it sprung up e^aveVetXc (ooQ_, S. Matt. xiii. 5) Verb pret. 3. sing, occurring here only in the N.T. ^ 7 6. pCUj, it was scorched eKav/j-aTtuOr] (!>CLKJ, S. Matt. xiii. 6, where see note) Verb pret. 3. sing. Was dried up, faded, withered away __ Part. ]kllj, S. James i. 11; IS. Pet. i. 24; v. 4 : Fern. ] P .V)L, 1 S. Pet. i. 4. v." 7 8 ..... .o \mn Transl. And sprang up, and increased, and yielded fruit, some thirty, &c. 1 7 7 1 7 10. CJlZ.; m S?Z. J>Oi, with His twelve Gr. u'ai PI. fern. def. of ^t.j^.5, properly part. Peil of ^v-ii' MI'J Desired, lusted after, but used as a noun, A thing desired, a lust, desire. Fern. def. 1^ u ' ti* Trans! . And the rest of the other lusts. \i\2) (Jj, of no fruit, unfruitful Gr. a/cap7ros. 21. }Z.j, coming, cometh, is brought Gr. l^erat. 1 X 'i* 27. ^O p , should grow up fjirjKvvrjTai Fut. 3. sing, of y$ j , Became long, prolonged __ Fut. 3. pi. ^01)5^, Eph. vi. 3. 1 " i 7 Deriv. tD5o|, noun masc. Length, Eph. iii. 18; Rev. xxi. 16. Heb. "-ptf, Was long, of time, Gen. xxvi. 8. Deriv. *!J*1K, Ps. xxi. 5; xxiii. 6. Chald. deriv. n51^> Continuance, Dan. iv. 24. i * o 7 28 ..... p>5 j , Transl. For the earth bringeth forth fruit. The force of avro/xcrn? is lost and yet the word, from its position in the sentence, could hardly have been absent. 29. _lL, has ripened, become ripe Gr. Trapaow, sc. eavrov, yields itself to the gatherer Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Was fat, mature. Occurs here only in the N.T. Deriv. ]^ .Vnl adj. Fat. PI. fern. def. ]A . i '.'(nl O r ]V. i Vv> Rev. xviii. 14. , noun masc. def. Fatness. With aff. pleon. Rom. xi. 17. Heb. jfi^, Was fat, Deut. xxxir. 15. Deriv. Jpgf, Fat, Isa. xxx. 23; Deut. xlix. 20. S. MARK IV. 2939. Ver. 29. ]1 ,. V> ; the sickle TO SpeVavoj/ Noun fern, occmrriiig here only in the Gospels. . Heb. 7J|fc, A sickle, Jer. 1. 16; Joel iv. 13. R. Di Arab - T ~ Cut, bored through. So the Gr. word, from SpeVo), to cut, pluck off. Transl. Immediately cometh the sickle. 32. ">/.- ... 5, for 4_j_LH*Z, (are a&fe) to lodge Gr. KaracrKijvovv Fut. 3. sing. fern, of _1L, Dwelt, lodged. Occurs here only in the N.T. \ 7 Deriv. ( i n ^ Vn noun masc. def. A dwelling-place, tabernacle, Acts vii. 44, 45; Hebr. viii. 2, &c. PI. def. |Iil_k5, Heb. xi. 9. Heb. pgf, Dwelt, Gen. ix. 27, &c.; Ps. xxxvii 3, 29. Der. |3fc?/b> Dwelling-place, Ps. xlvi. 5; Ixxxiv. 2 __ Chald. Dan. iv. 18. Pa. pJ, Jfiwfe to dwell, Ezr. vi. 12. Der. Ezr. vii. 15. 33 ..... ]lAVno ) Transl. In parables, such as these, used Jesus to speak n with them, parables, such as they were able to hear. ^7 V T> 35. >> j^LU, let us pass over SteA^cD/iev Pronoun dat. pleonastic. See Cowper's Gr. 198 (6). .,'..'' 7 36 ..... p > cMmn Transl. And other ships were with them. 37. |IS\S, a storm AatXcu^ Noun fern. def. A tempest, whirlwind. PL def. ]1cro Part. Peil of i_yjl, Restrained, silenced. Occurs here only in the N.T. Cogn. 7^ 7 , r D, see note, ch. i. 25, above. S, MARK IV. 3941. V. 14. 373 P 7 . Ver. 39. ^KQJ, a calm yaXyvr) Def. of >jQJ, noun masc. Tranquillity, o quiet. Occurs here only in the N.T. R. ooQJ o*J, Rested, was still. Heb. )T|3, Rest, Esth. ix. 16, 17, 18. . t, 7 41 n \ ^n Transl. And they feared (with) a great fear; and said one to another,. What manner of man is this, whom the winds and the sea obey? CHAPTER V. 1. | |O, and He came Gr. KU yXdov The Cod. Ephrem. and Reg. read ri\.Bf.v. 2 ..... ^i_Mu_2, Transl. There met Him out of the tombs. The word erflews is wanting in the Vat. MS. 3. |A \ " . ^i with chains aXwecrtv PI. def. of 1 1 or jl__ , noun fern. A chain. Def. |A\ . or (A\ Acts xxviii. 20; Rev. xx. 1. PI. ^^ " or v ^ - r Acts xii. 6; xxi. 33. Heb. n*n^"l^j pi- Chains, chain-work, Exod. xxviii. 14; T: : xxxix. 15; 1 Kings vii. 17. -R. T"!^ (Pi. redupl.), Twined, twisted. In the Syr. word, *"| is softened into _ik, and the middle rad. dropped; compare "jA-lQ-Hu^i, Golgotha, and |L^u_ ., pi. def. U-t*---ii5 Wheels, S. James iii. 6, from ^w., 7/j|, Rolled. Also V^-*> ^\\' ^ c y m ^ )a ^ 1 ^ or - x ^- 1' from \&, 77^, Resounded. Transl. And with chains no man could bind him. 4. > ^ASo] ^3, Lit. all (times) wJien i.e. as often as, wltenever. with fetters Gr. TreSais PI. def. of pjO-^dTD, noun masc. A chain, fetter. R. i-a^CO (cogn. Heb. CflD arid DH^)> Bound, obstructed. Occurs here only in the N.T. 374 S. MARK V. 412. p y * IN Ver. 4. fool (0|ALD, Ae had been bound Gr. SeSr0cu Etbpeel part, (forming imperf. or pluperf. tense) of ^To] , Bound. Ethpe. ^0]^], Was bound. Fut. iolZj, 1. sing. i^clZf, Acts xxi. 13. . t> i* 7 * JoOl -'"if" e^Vn he broke in pieces Gr. o-WTTpi<0ai (Siapp^o-crcov, S. Luke viii. 29) Pael part, forming imperf. tense of .orr>c\ Cut 1* 7 off- Pa. .ri rr>g^ } Tore asunder. 1, I,' . 7 TI ^ < ~>Vo\ to tame him avrw Sctjuacrcu Inf. with aff. of - *^' n , Oi T Subdued, subjected Fut. ._OT"n, with aff. pleon. S. James iii 8 Part. - *^^; 1 Cor. ix. 27. PI. masc. . on coa- lescing with i ., 2 Cor. x. 4. Heb. gf'13, Subdued, Gen. i. 28. Transl. Because as often as he had been bound with fetters and chains, lie Juid broken the chains, and torn asunder the fetters, and no man was able to tame him. o y / \ ^ 7 5. .<=^\ V> ; dashing Gr. /caraKOTrruv Pael part, of vLA, Pa. -^ \T , o o o Struck, bruised, wounded. Pret. 3. pi. with aff. ch. xii. 4; S. Luke xx. 1 2 ', Gr. eKQj^D (Hebr. vii. * 26), Pael part. pass, of iOOJ Jso5, Pa. isOjj, fiaised, exalted. Used as a noun, The exalted One. Pa. redupl. (Palpel) JsOfiDJ, the same; with aff. Phil. ii. 9 Fut. :>oOiJ, with aff. S. James iv. 10 Ethpalpal ^OJD$2]* Was 7 7 7. exalted, magnified. Part. i>O^D5ALD, Acts xix. 17. Heb. Pi. Q^l, Lifted up, Ps. xviii. 49. Chald. Pa. part. Dan. iv. 34. Ithpa. DJpiTJVT, pret. 2. sing. ch. v. 23. 9. _LQ-, our name Gr. ovo/xa /not. P ^ . P 11. j?Q-fa ^-Q-^, nigh unto the mountain Gr. Trpos TO. oprj The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. read ?rpos TU> opet. .* X w 1> 12. |>^ v^ 1 ' those devils Gr. -rravrts ol S. MARK V. 1319. 375 Ver. 13. ^OTL^k CQ3|O, and He gave them leave /cai eTrerpc^ev avrots. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit ev'#eo>s o 'Irjo-ou?. Q_HiO, and they entered Gr. f.l"' aoout two thousand, but the clause is wanting in the Vienna Ed. and others. 7 7 . .7 . I n o i ->/], they (sc. |;L1_KJ, masc.) were choked lirviyovTO (aTrejrviyrj, S. Luke viii. 33) Ethpaal pret. 3. pi. of _Q_l_*j, Suffocated. Ethpa. - 01 /J]* Was choked. Part. . o i ^ Ap^ pi. .01 l./\& 7 S. Luke viii. 14; coalescing with ^,l.Kt, 2 Cor. iv. 8. > 14 ^QJOIO, Transl. And they that were feeding them fled. So the Sin. Vat. Codex Bezse, Ephremi, and others. 7 7 15. ..^""ii Vo y restored to reason, in his right mind Gr. o-co^povowra. So S. Luke viii. 35 Pael part. pass, of -^i (Hebr. xi. 16. Gr. l-rraurxviteTai), Was modest, ashamed, in a good sense; quiet in be- haviour Pael ^HJ, Made bashful, modest, taught to be modest. Part. .g^iV>, pi. fern. ^gA^Vn Tit. ii. 4 Ethpaal ^lOJZf, 7 *<* Was sober. Imperat. pi. CL2HUZ.J, 1 S. Pet. iv. 7. n Deriv. .g^i (1 Tim. iii. 2; Tit. i. 8), adj. Chaste, temperate Fern, laaj, 1 Tim. ii. 9; Tit. ii. 8. PI. masc. x . ^ y Tit. ii. 2, 6. PL fern. v <^y Phil. iv. 8; 1 Tim. iii. 11; Tit. ii. 5. P &. jc^inoj., noun masc. def. Modesty, shame, 1 Cor. xii. 23. "i"? * 7 J < /.O_21QJ, noun fern. def. Soberness, chastity, Rom. xii. 3, &c. Transl. And they came to Jesus, and saw him, whose were the devils, clothed, and in his right mind, and sitting, he who had the legion, and they were afraid. 19. y v *\ ZoX, to thy friends, lit. to thy men Gr. TT/SOS rows trovs. .7 7 7 . . > yi * \^ ^>QLK5Z.|)O, awe? iV OTL^, unto the other side cis TO -trepav So also, eh. viii. 13; S. Luke viii. 22. The more usual rendering is "j^dLX. _iC7loA-1 ^ , when He was Gr. KOI rfv. 23 ..... _Zf^i, Transl. My daughter is grievously afflicted. -c :r 7 24. jocn *-Q_ijoj, Lit. clave to followed Gr. -ffKoXovdu See note, S. Matt. ix. 27, and compare ch. vi. 1, below. .017 25. |A_?;llD, in an issue ev /wcrei Noun fern. def. A going, issuing, forth; whence, A journey, voyage, Acts xxvii. 10. R. ]j5, Flowed, went forth, journeyed. 26. A\o.ra, suffered, had suffered Gr. -n-aOova-a Pret. 3. fern, of Worn (Hebr. v. 8), Bore, sustained, endured. _ Fut. Wn~>m i 2. pi. v n \ofn7* 1 S. Pet. iii. 17 __ Part. Worn 1 Cor. xiii. 7; 2 Tim. ii. 9 -- Aph. Wo m] ^ Imposed, brought evil upon, Acts ix. 13, where the Vienna Ed. and others read W^co] . Heb. 7^)D> Carried, bore, Gen. xlix. 15; Isa. xlvi. 4, 7; liii. 4, 11. Chald. 7^D> Set up, raised, Poal part. pi. Ezr. vi. 3. .L\, was bettered Gr. oj^eX^^eicra Ethpaal pret. 3. sing. fern, of 7 7 7 i V 3A, Helped. Ethpa. y^L\, Was helped, profited. Pret. 3. pi. 0'ijLLf, Hebr. xiii. 9 __ Part. J^Ak), S. Mark viii. 36; S. Luke ix. 25. A_|;_A_, was the more afflicted Gr. cts TO x^P ov &0ov-* K 1. -5 1. pi. ^^T' 2 Cor - l s '> vii - 5 __ Part - S. Luke vi. 18; coalescing with ,-J-Kj, 2 Cor. i. 6; iv. 8; with j. 7 Pressed. Occurs here only in the N.T. A 7 1 7 7 29. A_*_, o | , s/ie /e^ Gr. ly vw Aphel pret. 3. sing. fern, of - ^ , Raged, was tumultuous, but in this signification only Acts iv. 25 (pret. 3. pi. QjL^.5), in a quotation from Ps. ii. 1, the only place S. MARK V. 2938. 377 Ver. 29. in which the Heb. ^J1 occurs. Its usual meaning is, Felt, per- ceived by the understanding or senses : also, Consented, became a 7 T I . P I ^ party to -- Fut. _JL^J -- Part. Peil . > ..?, fern. ( - ,.\ Acts v. 2. PI. masc. * ' i\V Hebr. xiii. 2. t. 3. i. ""i 7 *.i 7 Aph. *_*._,!? | , Perceived, observed. Pret. 3. pi. CL*_io|, Acts xiii. 27 -- Part. - > al , pi- uiasc. coalescing with 1 *> , 1 S. John ii. 3. * t\ Deriv. | * it V noun masc. def. Sense, feeling. PI. with aff. Hebr. v. U. Heb. fc^jn, Combined toget/ter, as a crowd. Chald. Aph. fcJ/iHn, Assembled tumultuously, Dan. vi. 7, 12, 16. Transl. And sJiefelt in her body that she was. Jwaledfrom her plague. 30 ..... K<"> - , Transl. But Jesus immediately knew .... and turned to the crowd, and said, &c. x r 32 ..... Q_liD, Transl. Who it was that had done this. 33. ]Lk..Kt) , fearing (jto/BrjOf-ia-a Fern, of ^_~*jj or ^\_I^KJ, part. Peil of o T ^U-KJ), Feared. Used for the most part as an adj. Timid, terri- Jied; also, Terrible, to be dreaded, Hebr. xii. 21. Def. ]Lio^j, Hebr. x. 27. PI. masc. ^ i \. Li, S. Mark x. 32; S. Luke viii. 25; Actsxxvii. 29 __ Def. ]ll^?, Rev. xi.13. PL fern. r ^LLL], S. Mark xvi. 8. Chald. Vrn, Terrible, Dan. ii. 31; vii. 7. *)A_2.5 (lAjZ), S. Luke viii. 47, according to some Editions) trembling rpe/aowa Part. Peil fern, of 2.2.5 Z5 , Was terrified. Fut. Zp . _ Part, Z]5, Acts xvi. 29 __ Part. Peil A..Z5, Acts vii. 32; Hebr. xii. 21. Used, like the foregoing, as an adj. 35. Aj] \^n < -An j troublest thou o-KuAXeis Aphel part, forming pres. tense of^LoL, Toiled wearily. Aph. ^sCLlj, Fatigued, wearied. _ Fut. VV^>v^ 2. sing. \\V>sZ, S. Luke viii. 49. 36 ..... __jj un . Transl. But Jesus heard the word which they spoke, and said, &c. x i 7 38. _JL^1_C71>5, that they (were] disturbed Gr. Oopvfiov, the tumult w. c. 48 378 S. MARK V. 3843. VI. 16. 7 Ver. 38. Part. Peil pi. of ^Cl5, Raged, was diet racted. _ Part. Peil tdj(Tl5, fern. |*^ .rni, coalescing with v-Aj], S. Luke x. 41. Heb. in*), Was furious, behaved proudly, fiercely, Isa. iii. 5. Hiph. Endued with strength, courage, Ps. cxxxviii. 3. . \\ ^^n^ wailing aXaXa^ovras Aphel part. pi. of \!L ^_ or \&_ (not used) cogn. |j], Lamented. Aph. \L-], the same Im- perat. pi. oW '1, S. James v. 1 Part. ^,^0. Heb. Hiph. 7V\1> Howled, Isa. xiii. 6, &c. Transl. And they came to tlie house of the ruler of the synagogue; and He saw that they were disturbed, and weeping, and wailing. 42 L'rZZ, Transl. lit. The daughter of twelve years. ]^lD05 (or "j^OOj, Rev. xvii. 6), astonishment Gr. e/co-Teum Noun masc. def. R. j!sOj, Ethpa. Was astonished. 7 . 43 r^OJO) Transl. And He commanded that they sliould give her (something] to eat. CHAPTER VI. i> i j? 1. mA i > | Vn\ ) to His city Gr. eis r^v Trarpt'Sa avrov. Compare ver. 4, below. 7 1X7 OOCTI . r> *">v followed Gr. aKoXovOova-tv See note, ch. v. 24, above. 3. loi ]J , nonne ? See note, S. Matt. v. 46. 6 7n. . m v^^i j because of the deficiency of their faith Gr. Sid TT}V diria-Tiav avrwv Constr. of n. . m ^. ; noun fern. Defect, want, poverty. Def. 12.O; rh L, 2 Cor. ix. 12, &c. With aff. S. Mark 7 xii. 44; S. Luke xxi. 4. R. f-CQja, Was wanting; whence also C .* (jj.jDDQ_K, noun masc. def. Damage, loss, Acts xxvii. 10, 21; Phil, iii. 7, 8. Compare Heb. ^iDH? Want, poverty, Prov. xxviii. 22. i Constr. j?~^D!l> Want of understanding, ch. x. 21. S. MARK VI. 719. 379 Ver. 7 ..... }<7LjO, Transl. And gave tltem power over the unclean spirits, to cast (them) out. X . f, T> 9. ^QJpCOJ, (that) they should put on, be shod with Gr. vTr \ * Fut. 3. pi. of . ^CD, Put, on, bound on slices or sandals Fut. _ Imperat. ^0, Acts xii. 8. PI. QJ^IX), Eph. vi. 15. Heb. jfr$D> part. ft$D> One who is equipped for warfare, Isa. ix. 4. > sandals cravSoAia Noun only used in pi. def. with aff. Aets xii. 8. Lat. talaria. !> 7 7 11. J_tUjAoj, Lit. that which is on the under side G-r. rov VITOKO. > .7 .0 f .. 7 \j,L**L, noun masc. def. The lower part. PI. fern. def. |AjA>jZ., , . 7 .OHO .. .7 2 S. Pet. ii. 4 : with aff. pleon, p>3|j C7lAjAjvZ., n ly in pi- Gen. vi. 6; Ps. Ixxxvi. 13. 14 ..... uVn n ; Transl. ^iwc? Herod the King heard of Jesus; for His name had been made known to him. .7 7 15 ..... ooi f-i_dJ), Transl. That He is a Prophet, as one oft/ie Prophets. So many other Versions, as also the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS., in which rj, or, is wanting. * T 7 17 ..... O1-i.LD5)o, Transl. And had thrown (Gr. eS^o-cv) him into prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, whom he had taken (married). 19. 2.O01 (Vn . ^v\ had a quarrel against Gr. evei^ev Part. Peil (form- ing imperf. tense) of IXXK*^, Was hostile to, threatened. Ethpa. i>,. Deriv. pL*jQ_^, noun masc. def. Threatening, Acts ix. 1. PI. with aff. ch. iv. 29. Heb. OH/) Devoured, consumed; whence, Warred against, T destroyed, Ps. xxxv. 1; Ivi. 2, 3; but with this meaning chiefly in Niph. 380 S. MARK VI. 2030. Ver. 20. "JOO"! j^JliO, observed crweTT/pet Pael part, (forming imperf. tense) of j^J, Kept. Pa. ^^J, the same Fut. ^U, Phil. iv. 7; 1 Thess. v. 23. 3. pi. ^pj^Ll, with aff. S. Luke iv. 10. . p i 7 A . jVn . m*"> ; gladly ^Seus So also ch. xii. 37. Adv. Sweetly, wil- lingly. Der. fr. V> . mo ; Sweet. R. JsQroo, TFas sw?ee. Transl. And he observed him, and heard many things of him, and did (them), and heard him gladly. 21 ..... "JOCJIO, Transl. And it was a special (Gr. ewatpov, see note, S. Matt. xxvii. 16) day, when Herod on his birthday, &c ..... (22) And the daughter of Herodias came in . . . . and the King said, &c. 24. ^iCTIdj-A^* j P-ID, what shall I ask of him? Gr. TI ainfo-o/xxu; i P *X T 7 .X I 25. (Z.n.,\.*.^*"VO, with eagerness, haste p.erd cnrovoys Def. of n\ . f\*"\ noun fem. Solicitude, care. Der. fr. v^ A- 5. see note, S. John x. 13. 26. O"l-l_W(h-J?> to reject her avrrjv dQerrja-ai Fut. 3. sing, with aff. of -X . * , Injured, defrauded, deprived. Fut. l n \-ii ^ 1- sing. , 1 Cor. i. 19. 2. pi. V , . pi. masc. destitute of the truth, Gr. dTrea-TeprjiJilvtav, 1 Tim. vi. o. 'T 7 ? V ^v 7 *^ Etbpaal ]_^,.Z.|, Sustained loss. Part. pi. ^V^-ii^D, 1 Cor. vi. 7. Cogn. (by transposition) Heb. 7Til> Plucked off or away, 2 Sam. xxiii. 21: Took violent possession of, Gen. xxi. 25; xxxi. 31 : Despoiled, Ps. xxxv. 10. 27. j ^XOO^CD] , an executioner a-rreKovXaTwpa Noun masc. def. Lat. spiculator or speculator, whence the Gr. and Syr. words. Transl. But immediately .... and commanded that he should bring the head of John; and he went and cut off the head of John in the prison, (28.) And brought in a charger, and gave to the damsel, kc. 30 ..... O^Lo JO, Transl. And they told Him all that tliey had done, and all that they had taught. S. MARK VI. 3147. 381 Ver. 31 ..... oL, Transl. Come- ye, let us depart into the desert alone by ourselves. , and they had no place, i.e. opportunity, leisure Gr. KOO. 33 ..... OJ_*jO, Transl. And many saw them as they went (or, going) and recognized them; and by land ran out of all the cities, and preceded Him thither. See note, S. Matt. xiv. 13. 35 ..... r^Oj Transl. And wJien the time was much, i.e. late, Gr. upas TroX- A^s yevo/Aei/^s Compare the Lat. multd node. V V 7 36. _>5,_K2, that are around us Gr. Kv/cAw See note, S. Matt. iii. 5. 37. . rn v\ to eat ayeiv Part. pi. used for the infinitive. 38 ..... Q_^ , Transl. Go (and) see how many loaves ye have here. And when they saw, they say unto Him, five loaves and two fishes. . 7 j, that they should cause to sit down Gr. Aphel 7 -7 fut. 3. pi. of .An OP , Reclined. Aph. . Anm j f Made to recline. Pret. 3. pi. o^kico], S. Luke ix. 15 __ Fut. . Anm i c h. xi. 37 __ * V Imperat. pi. Q^lLQCDJ, ch. ix. 14. nVncfv by companies o-u/xTrocrta a~vfjLTro(na in ranks, i Trpacrtat, ver. 40 -- PI. used distributively. See note, S. John ii. 8. So the numerals in ver. 40. 7 7 41 ..... i^iCDJO, Transl. And He took those five loaves and two fishes, and looked up . . . . and those two fishes they divided (Gr. e/xeptcrev) to them all. .7 7 43 ..... Q.\O O, Transl. And they took up the fragments, twelve baskets full, and of the fishes. . , 7 . 44 ..... ^OTLjAjj, Transl. And they that did eat of the loaves (bread) were five thousand men. The Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit wo-'. o 7 . 7 i> 47. jlQj AJL^LO, (in) the midst of the sea ev /xecro) 1-17? ^aAacror^s Constr. of p> JiD, noun fern. The middle. DeL "JA^^D, see note, S. John viii. 3. So S. Luke ii. 46; vi. 8. (pref. ^ after a verb of motion); xxii. 55; Acts vi. 12. 382 S. MARK VI. 5256. VII. 13. Ver. 52 Mt r* > Transl. For they liad not understood received knowledge from (^O) that bread. 1 * y 7 f JOOI - ^vVi was hardened rjv TreTrcopw/xeV^ Pael part. pass, (form- . x 7 ing imperf. tense) of f^lL, Pa. .. nS, Hardened, thickened. Heb. n^y> Was fat, thick, Deut. xxxii. 15; 1 Kings xii. 10. T *T 53. N.B. The words, KCU Trpocr^p^icrOria-av, and drew to the shore, are not rendered in the Syr. i\ a V 54. ...-. . OlAi. ^O, Transl. Straightway the men of the place recognized Him. The Alex. MS. reads 01 avSpe? TOV TOTTOU IKCLVOV. n < y 55. .... Q_cn5o, Transl. -4 we? ran through t/tat whole region, and began to bring those who were grievously afflicted, carrying them in beds where they heard He was. 56 I .jin o\ / Transl. Into villages or cities rj dypovs is omitted in the Syr. CHAPTER VII. ? 7 1 Q_m_LIDO, Transl. And there came together unto Him, the Pharisees and the Scribes, &c. 2. oXji^-lO) ,A, Complained, blamed, accused. Fut. ^0,-LJ Part. v>j-L, pi. y.S^^, S. Jude ver. 16._-.Ethpa. Vij^Z.], occurring here only in the N.T. 3. A .|V. r*> } carefully (E.V. oft) Gr. Adverb, Studiously, earnestly, diligently; /xeret o-TrovS^s, S. Luke i. 39; o-TrouScuw?, ch. vii. 4; ejrt/xeXws, ch. xv. 8. R. ^4^3, form: of part. Peil. The Syr. word renders in a general way the Gr. Trvyfj-f), which ex- presses the method of washing, viz. one hand with the other doubled or closed as a fist, or, the hand up to the wrist. The Vulg. reads crebrd, as if the reading in the original were TTUKJ/T}, i ' * V (or rather TTVK.VO., as in S. Luke v. 33. Syr. A-i(-t.Lo|) a ren- dering which our Eng. Translators have followed. S. MARK VII. 325. 383 Ver. 3. KB. The LXX. render by irvyp? the Heb. fti'lJN or ffljK. the fist, Exod. xxi. 18; Isa. Iviii. 4. >, i> .... 5 VI^D, Transl. Hecause they hold, or retain. Gr. KpaTowre?. 4. ]jrno?, of pots eo-T \Vn ^ } Transl. Teaching the doctrines of the commandments of men. X 7 7 8 ^p AO^L >P O , Transl. j^or ye have forsaken the commandment of God, and hold the tradition of men, the washings of pots and of cups, and many things which are like these. Schaaf, following the 7 Par. and Lond. Polygl. omits ,D, which appears meaningless, but is the reading of the Vienna and most Editions. It might be rendered, For when ye have &c then (o) ye hold, &c. * i.7 9. ^QVo . .n/ * that ye may establish Gr. Iva r^p^cn/re. Aph. fut. 2. pi. x 7 of JsOCLO JxiO ; Aph. JsClA-O j , Set up, established. 11 _*_Lo5*^VVj Injured, defrauded. "fl * y .. > v7 |_Q_L>j , lasciviousness ao-e'Xyeta Def. of CU_K , noun fem. Lust, immodesty. R. ^ >>? , Was foul. Heb. nJHV, ^poa~vvr] Def. of <"> fr t noun fem. Folly, i " 7 madness R. ^^, Was foolish, did foolishly. Pret. 3. pi. Rom. i. 22 Part. |^, def. ]!&, 2 Cor. xii. 6. PI. coalescing with 1 -^ 2 Cor. v. 13. Def. ]i_u, 1 Cor. iv. 10. 1 .7 Aphel . > ^-*], Made foolish; with aff. pleon. 1 Cor. i. 20. p * 25 j,_KKLD, Transl. For immediately a certain woman heard of Him, whose daughter, &c. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read 384 S. MARK VII. 2634. 26 ..... _j5 i_C7l (or _> ^jCTI, Schaaf), Transl. And the woman was ft Gentile, from Phoenicia of Syria. 29 ..... r^D(> Trans! . Jesus saith unto her, Go; for this saying the devil is gone out, &c. . - 7. 30 ..... A_^l |O, Transl. And she went to her house, and found her daughter laid on the bed, and her devil gone out from her. In this general arrangement the Syr. agrees with the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 31 ..... ^ioZ, Transl. Again Jesus departed. . . . and came to the sea of Galilee, to the coast of the ten cities, i. e. Decapolis. 32. |^|2), having an impediment in his speech Gr. /xoyiXaXov Adj. Stammering or dumb. R. *LO), Pa. *O_CL2), Stammered, chattered. Occurs here only in the N".T. ** e V* \. \* 33. TI i \\ his tongue Gr. T^S yXoxro-^s cnJrou v \ (Rom. xiv. 11; 1 Cor. xiii. 1; Phil. ii. 11), noun masc. The tongue, language, mT\ . ^ speech. > \ \, with tongues, other tongues, Gr. trepans s, or simply yXwo-crai?, Acts ii. 4; x. 46; xix. 6. Def. Cor. xiv. 2, 4, 5, &c. PI. v '' ' ^ / Acts ii. 11. Def. ]'f m\, S. Mark xvi. 17; Acts ii. 3, &c. Heb. p^S, Exod. xi. 7; Ps. x. 7; Ixvi. 17; cxl. 12. Chald. > pi- def. ^*i^7, Tongues, languages, Dan. iii. 4, 7, 31; T-T v. 19; vi. 26; vii. 14. Compare also the Gr. yXwo-o-a (with added y) and the Welsh llais. T7. .. 1> . 34. *>jJLZ.|O, and sighed Gr. itniva^f. Ethpaal pret. 3. sing, of -K>J{, not used. Ethpa. o^.j2.Z] (for ooj]Z]), Groaned, sighed. Fut. ?^7> IT , 2. pi. ^CLKKj (for ^Q-KKj), S. James .v. 9 __ Part. 7 ft 7 TI I 7. 1> , pi. masc. _juj^jZ.AlO, coalescing with ^_I_KJ, Rom. viii. 23; 2 Cor. v. 2, 4. PI. fern. ^AjlAlO, Rom. viii. 22. Deriv. i*>j2., noun fern. A groan, sigh. Def. "jA^ajZ. PI. def. ]AjljT, Rom. viii. 26; Hebr. xiii. 17: with aff. Acts vii. 34. Heb. Niph. MM, Sighed, Exod. ii. 23. Deriv. n!"ON, A - ;: " T T -; sigh, Ps. xxxi. 1 1 ; cii. 6. S. MARK VII. 36, 37. VIII. 129. 385 - Ver. 36. 5 ^ relative, and (J, not. CHAPTER VIII. > 1. |r-Q, He called. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit o 'Irjo-ovs. 1> ,7 4 pVn . ( t Transl. From whence can a man here in tJie wilderness satisfy (with] bread all these? . i 7 AJ |O, Transl. And there were a few fishes; and these also lie blessed, and commanded that they should set them (before them). 7 1' 21 (!D| , Transl. He saith unto them, How is it that ye do not as yet (OVTTW, Alex. MS.) understand? 23 j--|O) Transl. And He took the hand of the blind man, and led him .... and put His hand (upon him) and asked him what he saw. ..017 25. Z_|;_O~IJ, clearly rtyAauyws Adverb, occurring here only in the 1 7 N.T. R. JOU, Was bright, shone. Transl. Again He placed His hand upon his eyes, and he was restored, and saw everything clearly. * 7 27 QliD, Transl. What say men of Me, tJmt I am? Similarly, ver. 29, below. T 29 01,^1, the Son of the living God. These words seem to have been inserted from the parallel passage, S. Matt. xvi. 16. The Sin. MS. however, reads o utos TOV eov. W. C. 49 386 S. MATTHEW VIII. 3138. IX. 3. Ver. 31. ]JZ\QJ), that He should be rejected Gr. aTroSoKi/xao-^vat Eth- peel fut. 3. sing, of |lcD, Cast aside, despised, repudiated. _ Fut ]lmi __ Part. Peil jlro, pi. masc. v \ff\ Eeprobate, Gr. aSo- H 1\ KL/J.OI, 2 Tim. iii. 8. Ethpe. i \AD) (Hebr. xii. 17), Was rejected, became repro- bate. Tret. 3. pi. Qu^Arof, Rom. iii. 12 __ Fut. 1. sing. ^Am]" 1 Cor. ix. 27. From this conjugation is derived >P Os. P 7. T !//> i . \AcnVn ; noun fern. def. Rejection. With aff. Rom. xi. 15. Heb. H7D> Dejected, despised, Ps. cxix. 118. T T . 7 . 7 .... (VfV) . \QJ Transl. And on the third day rise again. 33. Ajl"]j5, thou savourest (Aj] ]I.5A!JO, S. Matt. xvi. 23) ^povas Part, (forming pres. tense) of '(jj, Meditated, considered, imagined, cared for. Pret. 3. pi. fern. _xJi', Acts iv. 25 __ Fut. \1\1, 2. pi. ^QJjZ, Gr. ^eXerarc, S. Mark xiii. 11 -- Part. fern. ]I-J5, 1 Cor. vii. 34. PI. masc. > ^ f Acts xxvii 39; 1 Cor. vii. 35: coa- lescing with 7 07 38. |A_i-^K> sinful Gr. a/xaproXw Fern. def. of ^^>j, see note, S. John ix. 16. CHAPTER IX. i " 7 7 3. JOCJ1 5<71l!o, was or became shining Gr. eyeVero cmA/Jovra Aphel 7 7 "? part, (forming imperf. tense) of 5cn], Shone. Aph. 5(711 j, Was resplendent. Heb. Hiph. ^VftPlj Shone, Dan. xii. 3. 7 v ' ' ' i . 7 , and whitened, white Gr. ACVKCI Aphel part. pass, of $CLj, ^7.7 *w ^ P 7 . Was white. Aph. ?Q_K|, Made white. __Inf. OJCU^SiQ-^, Gr. i, in this verse. The part, is here used as a noun adj. S. MATTHEW IX. 316. 387 Ver. 3 ..... H-^-1 Transl. So as the sons of men in the earth are not able to whiten. V +. ** 5 ..... r^lO, Transl. And Peter said unto Him, 6 ..... f"*-U rJ ) Transl. For he knew not what he should say; for they were in fear. 7 ..... (loo, Transl. And there was (eye'vero, Sin. and Vat. MSS.) a voice t from the cloud. \ t> 1* T 8. ( > N. ^O, suddenly l&inva Adverbial expression; see note, S. Matt. viii. 26. Sudden events come as it were quietly, noise- lessly. So also S. Luke ix. 39; xxi. 34; Acts ii. 2; xvi. 26. The words are joined, ( . \ *^, 1 Thess. v. 3. . V r~^ S. Luke id. 13. j_lA- /uJjZ <_S>b, Acts ix. 3; xxii. 6. Compare Heb. f"fl/2^5> in security, quietness of people, i.e. suddenly, Dan. viii. 25; xi. 21. Transl. And suddenly, when the disciples looked round, &c. 10 ..... . v~in^ Transl. And sought (questioned) what was (meant) that word, When He was risen from the dead. 12 ..... r^b Transl. He said to them (Z(f>r) aurot?, Sin. and Vat.) Elias cometh first, to restore all things. 15. OOToZo, and were greatly amazed Gr. ee0a//,/?r/0?7 Pret. 3. pi. (re- i " * 7 ? ferring to | ^ ^ , noun of multitude) of OloZ., Was astonished, troubled -- Tut. OToAj, 2. pi. ^aioLT, 2 Tlaess. ii. 2. Chald. nW, Dan. iii. 24. A 16. vOAjj ^ i ?;, question ye, are ye questioning crv^retre Part. pi. 7 (forming pres. tense) of -5j, Sought, enquired, disputed. _ Fut. X Tl II P _O?,J Part. ~5j, Acts ix. 29; xviii. 28. * 7 Pael ->5, Furnished work, employed, exercised. _ Imperat. J7 77 w^5j, 1 Tim. iv. 7 -- Part. pass. ^j.lD, (/ am) exercised, Gr. /u,eyuv?7ju,ai, Phil. iv. 12; yeyv/xvacr/AeV^i', 2 S. Pet. ii. 14. 77 ?V - 7 ?V Ethpaal fc.j55_|, TTas exercised. Pret. 3. pi. Q..5j!|, Hebr. xii. 11. 388 S. MARK IX. 1618. Ver. 16. Deriv. )-5j, noun masc. def. Question, disputation, Gr. 1 Tim. vi. 4. ^3o>, noun masc. def. Exercise, Gr. yv/xvacria, 1 Tim. iv. 8. j_O?J, noun masc. def. A disputer, Gr. o-vijrjT-rj-njs, 1 Cor. i. 20. Heb. J"Y1, prop. Trod with the feet; which is also the T original meaning in Syriac; whence, Came to, frequented a place, Deut. xii. 5 : Sought the Lord, Ps. xxxiv. 5 : Enquired, Gen. xxv. 22, &c. 1 7 T * *". 18. pJr^D, it (sc. (j^OJ) taketh, seizeth Gr. KaraXd/Sy Aphel part. fern. See note, S. John i. 5. ( ^*"> ., dasheth on the ground. So the Vulg. allidit. E.Y. teareth Gr. pi/o-o-et Compare S. Luke ix. 42, where for Zpfagev avrov, the "" -i 7 Syr. has OT_-LD5|, threw him down, and so the E.Y. Part. fern, of ^LK, prop. Seat doivn fruit from a tree, or, Threshed corn with a flail; whence, Shook violently, threw down, convulsed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A^T^K>, with aff. ver. 20, below, Gr. l Beat down fruit, Deut. xxiv. 20; Isa. xxvii. 17 T (object omitted): Threshed corn, Judg. vi. 11; Ruth ii. 17. L^'^D , foaming he foameth Gr. a, ver. 20, below; /xeia a 7 7 , gnashing he gnasheth rpt^et Pael part, of Q;-K, prop. Cut, 7 ii 7 cut off; whence, Defined, set down as certain, Q_Of_K n\n r nn ; and they (the astronomers) predicted: _i_O^joj ST^V)*"! . \ .i r ^ ; they were ivrong in what they declared or predicted. (Bar Hebrreus.) S. MARK IX. 1826. 389 7 Ver. 18. _ Pa. Q^, Sharpened, grated, ground, gnashed the teeth: so I 7 also S. Luke ix. 39 __ Part. pi. . rv wV) Acts vii. 54. Heb. p""in> Gnashed the teeth, Ps. xxxv. 16; xxxvii. 12; I -T cxii. 10. 1 " " 7 A * 20. (OO1 <"> v*-iAVn^ /ie ivallowed eKvAiero Ethpaal part, (forming im- n 7 perf. tense) of .o v*"^ (not used), Pa. *Q_L3, Bruised. (Castel). 77 ..I! Ethpa. ^ovV( ; Rolled himself about, or, Struggled, gasped. 77 7> Occurs here only in the N.T. Some Editions read .o vnA^n 21 ..... x>^0, Transl. And Jesus asked his father, How long time is it to him since he was thus ? See note, S. Matt. v. 46. 22 ..... ]]], Transl. But whatever Thou canst, help me, and have com- passion on me. * f> 7 24 ..... OlAl.. t^O, Transl. And straightway t/te father of the child cried 7 . out, weeping, and said (& (o, and saying, Schaaf), 7 believe; help Thou the deficiency of my faith. N.B. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit Kvpie. 7 7 7v i\ o 25. . i nA^n . . . ^CJl5, ?. and congregated Gr. liricrvvrpe^et. t enter Gr. tio-e'X^s Fut. 2. sing. fern, of ^Ll ^L. Some Editions read Xv/ See note, S. John iii. 4. 26. rno .. ^ bruised him, struck him down; E. Y. rent him ; Gr. (nrapd- 7 av CLVTOV _ Pret. 3. sing, with aff. of vD *>-, Rubbed, ground to pieces; metaph. Troubled, annoyed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AQ_KW, *~ * with aff. Gr. (rvvrptfiov avrov, S. Luke ix. 39 -- Fut. >Q..K-*_J or 7 * 1*0 . o vi m, 1 with aff. pleon. Rom. xvi. 20 -- Part. *Ji>o-, pi. x e masc. . o K^ Gr. Trape^o^Xetv, Acts xv. 19; CTW^PUTTTOVTCS, ch. xxi. 13. Ethpeel *Q_KA^], Was broken to pieces. Fut. 3. pi. ^o . f A i Rev. ii. 27. p P Deriv. (CT_^ ; noun masc. def. A breaking to pieces, destruction, Gr. a~uvTpifjip.a, Rom. iii. 16: An unprofitable debate, Gr. jrapaoia.- i (or oiaTrapaTpifiai, Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS.), 1 Tim. vi. 5. 390 S. MARK IX. 2644. Ver. 26. Heb. fin$> Rubbed, beat in pieces, Exod. xxx. 36: Wore I - T away, as waters, Job xiv. 19: Fig. of enemies, Ps. xviii. 43. Transl. And the devil cried aloud (much), and struck him down, and went out. 27 ..... ->J OC7I, Transl. But Jesus took him by his hand, and lifted him up. KCU ai/eVn? omitted. 7 7 30 ..... r^O, Transl. And when He had gone out (_C1^J, Schaaf) from thence, they passed through Galilee; and He would not that (any) man should know of Him. 33 ..... OZ"JO, Transl. And they came (rjX6ov, Sin. and Vat. MSS.) to Capernaum; and when they entered into the house, He asked them, &c. 34 ..... Q_lLD5, Transl. Who should be the greatest among them. r it * 37 ..... ^"> ^\3 , Transl. Whosoever receiveth one who is as this child, &c. 7 .P f 38 ..... jio I , Transl. John saith unto Him <; CU>TO> o 'Iwdwrjs, Sin. and Vat. MSS. . . . . __V--5 Transl. We saw one (a man) casting out devils in Thy name; and we forbad him, because he followed not us. N.B. The Syr. here agrees with the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 40 ..... ]j> _ .!jD, Transl. He therefore that is not against you, is on your part. The Alex. MS. reads *a0' V/AWJ/, vvrep v/xwv ecrriv. 41 ..... f-*"Vl ^^' Transl. For whosoever shall give you to drink a cup of water only, in the name that you are of Christ, &c. N.B. The Sin. (later correction) and Vat. MSS. read ev ovo/mn, cm XplOTOt! CTT. ** ^ i\ * ^ x 11 pOQJ |J , he shall not lose ou fj.rj aTroXiarj A MS. reads r-^P U> n i s reward shall not perish. This reading Schaaf adopts, while pre- ferring the former. 43. In this verse and ver. 45, the Syr. omits the clause eis TO trvp TO acr/?e- O-TOV. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit it in ver. 45. '* ^T ? 7 V 7 7 7 44. jOTLli-loZ., their worm o' aKu>Xr] avriav *\-OL, noun fern. A worm. Def, llXoZ. 7 . PI. def. )l\oZ", Acts xii. 23. S. MARK IX. 4450. X. 1-23. 391 Yer. 44. Heb. ^7^"!, A worm, arising from corruption, Exod. xvi. 20. The Coccus worm, producing the crimson colour, and hence the colour itself, Isa. i. 18. Metaph. Ps. xxii. 6. Transl. And their fire is not quenched. Similarly, ver. 46, 48. 7 7 * * _p 50. ovK^SoZ.Z., shall it (sc. (Aj^JDj) be seasoned Gr. dpnxreTe See note, S. Matt. v. 13. CHAPTER X. . 7. IV 1 Q.-^ |O, Transl. And there came thither to Him great multitudes. 2 OO; OO, Transl. And the Pharisees approached, tempting Him, and asking. 6 c^> Transl. But from the beginning God made, &c. The Syr. omits KTtVews, which is found in all the oldest MSS., the Vulg. &c. wanting in Cod. Bezse. 11> .. 7 JOT ^L, concerning this Sin. MS. Trepl TOVTUV Vat. and Alex. Trepi TOVTOV. 21. ^}_.^., thy cross Gr. TOV crravpov ]^> ^T (Acts xiii. 29; Heb. xii. 2; 1 S. Pet. ii. 24), noun masc. def. of form part. Peil, A cross, .7 crucifixion. R. *HA , Suspended, crucified. O Transl. And take up thy cross, and come after Me. .0x7 22. ( <"> ^ , grieved Xinrov/xevos Adj. masc. def. Sad, sorrowful. R. 7 OQ_L m, Was pressed, confined. |QHJ, possessions K-r^fjiara Def. of mm noun masc. pi. (not used in sing.) A man's substance, goods, of whatever kind. With aff. ver. 24, below; S. Luke xix. 8; Hebr. x. 34. Heb. D'p^, Wealth, Josh. xxii. 8. Chald. pCOJ, constr. XZhfo *D!D3, the king's wealth, Ezr. vi. 8. ^D5J EOV, a fine of T ._.... | . ; . T '- ; goods, ch. vii. 26. 7* 23 __i5 ^K, Transl. And Jesus looked on His disciples, and said unto them, How hard to those who have riches, to enter, &c. 392 S. MARK X. 2752. XI. 210. Ver. 27 Zo\, Transl. With men this is not possible; but with God; for everything is possible with God. 32 yD, Transl. And when they were ascending in the way to Jerusa- lem, Jesus Himself went before them; and they were amazed, and followed Him, fearing. 37 _S ^CTI, Transl. Grant unto us that one may sit on Thy right, and one on Thy left, &c. X P 42 v, . Transl. Ye know that they, who are accounted the heads of the Gentiles, are their lords. See note, S. Matt. xi. 5. 46 jio, Transl. And as Jesus went out of Jericho, He and His disci- ples, and a great multitude. 7X7 7 X - ^ > ^O - Vn / , Timceus, the son of Timceus See Bp. Middle- ton's note on this place. 47. N.B. The Syr. here omits 'I-qo-ov, which is expressed in the parallel passage, S. Luke xviii. 38. "* "" -. 49. -_tCn . jrij o i* that they should call him Gr. avrov wvr)6rjvai. "* ^ 50 _5 OCTl, Transl. And the blind man cast away his garment, and rose, &c. X 52. !->-' receive thy sight, lit. See Gr. viraye. .... ^1 JO, Transl. And went in the way Gr. /cat ^ (aww, Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS.) tv TIJ dSw. CHAPTER XI. vT * \ 7 2. \*^>r) n \> ; that is over against us Gr. VJJLWV. % *, 4. (no m -^ in the open street, or thoroughfare Gr. CTTI rov d^oSov. See note, S. Matt. vi. 2. 7 .... yDO, Transl. And as they were loosing him (5.) Some men of those who were standing by said unto them, &c. * f 9 ^QJOTO, Transl. And they that (were) before Him, and they that (were) after Him, &c. .0 X 7 10 jUjfJDO, Transl. And blessed is the Kingdom that cometh, of our father David. The words Iv ovop-ari Kvpiov are wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS., and in all the ancient Versions. S. MARK XL 1132. XII. 3, 4. 393 Ver. 11 ^\iO, Transl. And Jesus entered Jerusalem, into the Temple, and vieived all things: and when it was the time of evening, &c. 12 j^Jnn . \n j Transl. And on the next day, when He went forth from Bethany, He was hungry. 77 r 16. f^HJ, should carry Sievey/of Aphel fut. 3. sing, of i-d-1, Passed 7 .V through. Aph. jJULJ , Caused to pass by or over, Acts xvii. 30, Gr. vTreptScov: xxvii. 44 Imperat. {JQi>], S. Mark xiv. 36. Heb. Hiph. *V3Vi1 Sent, conducted, over, Gen. xxxii. 24; "V:v Ps. Ixxviii. 13; cxxxvi. 14. 7 Q-it _f!>, through Sia See note, S. John xx. 26. 19. Q_Q^U, they went out Gr. l^Tropfvero The Vat. and Alex. MSS. read e^tTropeuovro. . i y 22 jOCTlZ., Transl. Let there be in you the faith of God Gr. t\fre TrtcTTiv eov Compare Acts iii. 16; Rom. iii. 26; Gal. ii. 16, 20; iii. 22. Similarly, !A.7ns is used with the gen. of the object, 1 Thess. i. 3; though not so literally rendered in the Syr. 24 ^2?, Transl. That whatsoever ye pray and ask for. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read iravra ocra Trpocrev^ecrOe KCLL aiTel&de. *A x * T 30 OlAjjOiQLLo, Transl. The baptism of John, whence was it? from Heaven, or from men? The Syr. here agrees with the Sin. MS. 32 ]Al^5, Transl. There is fear of the people. CHAPTER XII. T 7 3. .<*) . c>\rr> empty KZVOV Adj. masc. of form part. Peil from .o e^ro prop. Poured forth; whence, Emptied, and again, from the idea of outpouring, Sufficed. See note, S. John vi. 7. The adj. occurs here only in the N.T., though frequently elsewhere. Transl. But they beat him, and sent him away empty. \ f 4. (fJLtTD, in disgrace, with ignominy Gr. yTip.wp.fvov Noun masc. def. Insult, contumely. R. r^t > Despised. W. G. 50 394 S. MARK XII. 531. r j Ver. 5 3r-0, Transl. And he sent again another; and him also they Jailed: and many other servants sent he; and some they beat, and some they slew. .0. 7 , 6 |Z.;_KJ\ Transl. But he had yet one well-beloved Son; and he sent him unto them last; for he said, Perhaps they will reverence my Son. In this general arrangement the Syr. agrees with the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 13 o5,_O, Transl. And they sent unto him certain (lit. men) of the Scribes and of the house of Herod. * 7 7 . 7 17. OTO OOO1 OCJlioZ.0, and they marvelled at Him Gr. /cat fOavfj.acrav t ' 7 CTT avrw Pret. 3. pi. with OOOT, used for imperf. See Cowper's Gr. 207. (1). % P P 7 23 ]AVn . Q*~\ Transl. In the resurrection therefore, whose wife of them, Caused to return, drew back, Ps. Ixxiv. 11. *1^J 1^,1, Answered, 1 Kings xii. 6, 9, 16. Chald. Aph. T T ... ^J"in, Restored, sent back, Ezr. v. 5; vi. 5: Answered, Dan. ii. 14: D-1H3 ^JVli Dan. iii. 16; Ezr. v. 11. 1 7 r 31 __5Z.JO, Transl. And the second, which is like it. S. MARK XII. 3242. XIII. 17. 395 * 7 Ver. 32. OO1 r ->jj, that He is One. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit 33. ],-Q-, the whole burnt-offerings Gr. TOJV oXoKavrtapaTuv PI. def. of 1* 7 |i-Q-, noun masc. def. A burnt-offering, holocaust. Occurs also Heb. x. 6, 8. R. ,<"> j ; Consumed. . .. t> ". [j^JDj, the sacrifices Gr. TWV OvcruSv PL def. of o^T2?, def. (-K>JD? (1 Cor. x. 19; Phil. iv. 18; Hebr. x. 12), noun masc. A sacrifice, victim. PI. with aff. S. Luke xiii. 1. R. ^JDJ, Sacrificed. Heb. fQTj Gen. xxxi. 54; Ps. xl. 7, opposed to j"piV> a - V T * burnt-offering, holocaust. Chald. PQ*^ pi- fTt^l* Ezr. vi. 3. _ p x y 34. A >|Vn . nv> discreetly vowels Adv. Wisely, prudently, Gr. tf>povt- I 177 /xoxr, S. Luke xvi. 8. From Xl*4lM, TFwe. R. JSQILK rise, knew. t P fl 9v 37. | i n rn\n j ;Ae whole multitude Gr. o TroXvs o^Xo?. 38. ]L^D^O, in long garments, clothing Iv o-roXat? PL def. of n . t (ch. xvi. 5; S. Luke xv. 22; Rev. vi. 11), noun fern. A robe. PL of masc. form. Derived from the Gr. word. 39. The Vienna Ed. and Tremellius omit the latter clause. The render- ^0 t> 7 1* P . I ing I A->. V> KK^D jnV)Cf) ia5Q, was supplied by Guy de la Boderie from a MS. 40. See note, S. Matt, xxiii. 13. 42. V. i V> ; mites Xen-ra Noun pi. occurring here only. The Gr. word, where it elsewhere occurs, S. Luke xii. 59; xxi. 2, is rendered by . > t | inVn CHAPTER XIII. 1 ..... _I]_K> ](T1, Transl. Lo, see these stones and these buildings. * Os 5 ..... _*> OCTI, Transl. And Jesus began to say unto them. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit a7ro/cpi0ei's. 7. Idb'^O? 1 L, the rumour of wars Gr. aKoas TroXefiwv See note, S. Matt. xxiv. 6. 396 S. MARK XIII. 834. Ver. 8. ] >\ the beginning aprf, Sin. and Vat. MSS. 9. .Or-tt-jZZ, ye shall be beaten SapyarecrOe Ethpaal fut. 2. pi. of ^^T 11 7 y 7 . . . Drew. Pa. r-it-J, Scourged. Ethpa. r _.,L_jZ.|, TFas scourged. Pret. 1. sing. Z^j_jZ"f, 2 Cor. xi. 25 Fut. r-u-jAj. Transl. For they shall deliver you up to the judgments, and in their synagogues ye shall be beaten. ^pVpo n/_ ye shall stand up Gr. a-raO^o-ea-Oe. ^ . 7 10. - _t' ; OPF> i -3/y Gospel Gr. TO cvayye'Xtoj/. So also, ch. xvi. 15. .11. ^CLSt |Z ^^DfOL JJ, take no thought beforehand Gr. firj irpo^pi^- vare So Zf.Lo') t&DfO, Gr. TrpoeiprjKa, ver. 23, below. See note, S. John xx. 4. 19, ]Aj^O, the creation Gr. /mo-ews Noun fern. def. Creation, creature. PL ^V^ def - TA^V^j Rora - i- 25 &c - R - lt>> Created. Compare Heb. Hfc'O^fij Something created, before unheard of, Numb. xvi. 30. . i |r^> created IKTIO-CV Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Pret. 2. sing. A_;jQ, Rev. iv. ll.__Fut. }l^. U- . O^Q', noun masc. def. A Creator, 1 S. Pet. iv. 19; with aff. Rom. i. 25. Heb. fcna, Gen. i. 1. 1 I 20. -i^2, shortened e/coAo/Swo-e Pael pret. 3. sing, of j^D or _;^, verb impers. Grieved; see note, S. John xvi. 20. Pa. (7w short; the original meaning of the verb in Peal being, Was short, narrow. ' i 7 . * 21. ^-LoZ-Jai, there e/cet Adverb. See note, S. John iv. 15. The words are sometimes written separately, as in S. Luke xvii. 21, 23. 22. ^CLL-^JO, and shall deceive, seduce Gr. irpos TO d-n-oTrXavav. . * ..7 25 ..... l^UDdDO, Transl. And the stars shall fall from Heaven So the Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS. *) * 28 ..... ^55 Jloj, Transl. That when its branches are tender, and its leaves germinate. See Cowper's Gr. 218. (1.) f J 7 34. p5Aj^, to the porter TO> Ovpupu Noun masc. def. A door-keeper. Occurs here only in the N.T. S. MARK XIII. 3437. XIV. 15. 397 Ver. 34. Chald. t^tt, pi. def. Kjnft, Ezr. vii. 24. ' T T T - T T ; 1 v jocnjj, that he should be vigilant, watch Gr. Iva ypyyoprj Part. Peil of 5o_L ;_L, Watched, was awake. PI. -; \ ver. 37, below; 7 S. Luke xii. 37, &c. ; coalescing with ^-!-K, 1 The&s. v. 10. Heb. *)!|y, Ps. vii. 7; xliv. 24. Part, *|g, Song of Sol. v. 2. Chald. deriv. "pg, A watcher, Dan. iv. 10, 20. PI. p)y, ver. 14. p .7 * P 7 35. |I_,t_j5Z. (; n.Vn*"i ; at the crowing of the cock, cock-crowing Gr. d >, noun masc. occurring here only. R. ]j-Q, Called. In the Vienna and some other Editions the last syllable has no vowel ; in the Par. and Lond. it is pointed ];nV>, Aph. part. . 7 36 (Vn\; t Transl. Lest He come suddenly, and find you sleeping. T> -ft 37 ^0,10, Transl. And what I say unto you, I say unto you all, Be vigilant. CHAPTER XIV. 1. Vi" ' ^^ H^v 2 ? the Passover of unleavened bread Gr. TO Traced Kat TO. . f 7 7 3 OlAjsjAso, Transl. And she opened it, and poured it on the head of Jesus. Schaaf points the affix in this and the following verb as masc. 4 OOO1 A-] , Transl. And there were some (lit. men) of the disciples i who were displeased in themselves, and said, Why was the waste of this ointment? 7 x 7 -n 5. OOC7I __2LlijllO, they murmured Ive/SpifJiwvTo Ethpeel or Ethpaal - ^ 7 part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of *2.] , Was indignant. Ethpe. k2LLjl], Was moved to indignation. Part. w2LL5jLO- Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. &yt> W 7 ^ ^ngry, Prov. xix. 3; 2 Chron, xxvi. 19: Was sad, Gen. xl. 6; Dan. i. 10. 398 S. MARK XIV. 612. Ver. 6. vpAj] ^-to^ H> why trouble ye? Gr. TI KOTTOVS 7 Aphel part. pi. forming present tense, of 55(71 5oi, TFas conten- m 7 ~ 7 7 iiows, quarrelled. A ph. 5O"1|, Hurt, troubled, annoyed. _ Fut. 5(TU, 7 .7 ch. xvi. 18; with aff. S. Luke x. 19. 2. sing. 5oiZ., Rev. vi. 6; rwith aff. S. Luke xi. 7. 3. pi. ^OU, Rev. vii. 2; ix. 4. 2. pi. ^OlZ, ch. vii. 3 __ Inf. oSrnVn\ ; Rev. ix. 10; with aff. Acts * r 1? 7 xviii. 10 Part. 5(7llo, fern. |5o"llD, S. Luke xviii. 5. f\ * PW* 7 ..... _J p] , Transl. ^M< / am not always with you. ' 7 r 'A 7 7 8. A^nm*"! AkVQ, s^e 7ta . My Gospel Gr. TO evayye'Acov TOUTO. I 7. ^> . 11. d->oAj|, they promised cTr^yyetAavro Eshtaphal pret. 3. pi. of (,_ (not used) Heb. HT* Hurled, shot arrows, Jer. L. 14. Shaph. TT _5Q_, Eshtaph. ^joA^f (S. Luke xxii. 29; Acts vii. 5, 17; V \ * xiii. 23; 1 S. John ii. 25), Promised, professed. _ Part. jjoA^iO, S. Luke xxii. 29. PI. masc. ^^nAV> 1 Tim. vi. 21; 2 S. Pet. ii. 19. PL fern. ^.IjO^Wk), 1 Tim. ii. 10. OP *. Deriv. t_ijOQ_, noun masc. def. A promise, Acts ii. 33, 39, &c. PI. 1 *. def. p)OQ_, Hebr. viii. 6. Tt O .... p^O , Transl. And he sought for himself an opportunity to betray Him. X f ?) sacrificing, they sacrificed, killed Gr. Wvov Part. pi. of S. MARK XIV. 1223. 399 Ver. 12. vKwO5 (Hebr. ix. 28), Sacrificed, offered in sacrifice.^JPart, Part. Peil >^,a.^)5, def. ] ^ . ^ Acts xv. 20, &c. r 7 77 Pa. k*^Oj, the same; pret. 3. pi. Q_**K}J, Acts vii. 41 -- Fut. o^JDjJ, Acts xiv. 12, 17. Heb. HIT, Ps. xxvii. 6. Chald. J-Q 1 !, part. pi. Ezr. vi. 3. Transl. ^Imc? cm the first day of unleavened bread, on which the Jews killed the Passover, &c. i * 7 * ** 14. (,>; V) AJU.O, /Ae guest-chamber, lit. 2/ie house, place, of entertainment. See note, S. John ii. 1 6. Gr. TO KaraXv/j^a Aphel part. pass. def. *e i .7 of [}, Loosed, dwelt, see note, S. John i. 27. Aph. ->;-(, Set free, caused to dwell, placed, established. ^Part. pass. _;_-LD, in def. state used as a noun, A habitation, lodging, Gr. CVLOL, Philem. ver. 22 -- Fern. def. ]A n . Vo answering in the N.T. to the Gr. 7rape/A/3oA?7, ^1 castle, camp, army, Acts xxi. 34, 37; xxii. 24; xxiii. 10, 16, 32; Heb. xiii. 11, 13; Rev. xx. 9. PI. def. TA!vV), Hebr. xi. 34. 15. (A . \v an upper room avoJyeov So S. Luke xxii. 12; -uTrcpwov, Acts i. 13; ix. 37, 39; xx. 8 __ Noun fern. def. Heb. H*/y> An upper chamber, loft, Judg. iii. 20, 23, 25; 1 T- *; Kings xvii. 19, 23. Used in poetry of Heaven, Ps. civ. 3, 13. R- rPV, Ascended. Syr. Pa. - V\ Ethpa. w^.XkZ], see note, T T I I S. Luke xiv. 10. . t 7 |_iQ_JiD , furnished, made ready eo-rpo/xevov Pael part. pass. fern, of (Q_, Was equal, worthy. Pa. Made ready; see note, S. John xi. 2. 19. The passage, /ca! aAXos* ^ TI eyw; is wanting in the Syr. and other Versions, as also in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 22. The word ^aycre is omitted in all the Versions, and is wanting in the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 23 ..... tdCQJO, Transl. And He took the cup, and gave thanks, and blessed, &c. 400 S. MARK XIV. 2544. Ver. 25. Aj1Z r .Kj, newly, new Gr. icatvoV Adverb derived from t, x New. Occurs here only iii the N.T. .0 . x .. V 30. A_^Z., three (times); -.,1 l.*~)l understood. 31 ..... in *">j o|, Transl. Father, My Father, Thou canst (do) all things. i " i 7 1 . [Z2 1 means Father in its truest paternal sense, whereas _*-) | is addressed to any one in authority, as father, prophet, king, master. Compare 2 Kings v. 13; vi. 21. 7 .7 ;-d.L|, cause to pass away, take away Trapevey/ce Aph. imperat. See note, ch. xi. 16, above. ....]]], Transl. Yet not My will, but Thine. p 38 ..... ]jKjo5 , Transl. The spirit is willing and ready. 7 7 40 ..... ^2010, Transl. And He returned again (and) came (and) found them sleeping. The Sin. and Vat. read KCU WAiv eA.0oov 41 ..... &&Q) Transl. The end has arrived, and the hour is come. 7 43 ..... r^' Transl. And while He spake, there came Judas Iscariot (so Alex. MS.) one of the tivelve, and a great multitude (people) with swords and staves, &c. 44 ..... \lDOl_iO, Transl. And the betrayer, he that betrayed, gave them a token, and said, &c. *. * _t01Oj_KjO I , take Him Kpar^o-arc CLVTOV Imperat. pi. with aff. Com- pare note, S. Matt. x. 27. A_i|j_(Jll, safely, cautiously ao-^aXws Adverb, Carefully, circum- spectly, diligently. R. 5(71], part. Peil t-iOll , Cautious. Transl. Take Him safely, and lead Him away. S. MARK XIV. 4556. 401 7 Ver. 45 ..... r^O, Transl. And immediately he approached, and said to Him, &c. 49 ..... ]]], Transl. But that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, was this (done). 50 ..... __i,_O"l, Trans). Then His disciples forsook Him, and fled. IP i OO1 *<*> 5\ h e was dotJied Gr. 7repi/2e/3A.r7juei/os Part. Peil, forming ""'* imperf. tense, of c2L^l, Covered, clothed. Compare ch. xvi. 5, below. * 7 Pael ^jt^S, PM ow garments, clothed oneself. Part. pass. . eT/AvAr^ Rev. x. 1. Fern. ]A4^O, ch? xii. 1; xviii. 16. PI. I 7 masc. ^t^^vvV), ch. iv. 4 (followed by 3); vii. 9, 13 -- Eth- 7 7 . -T> 7 7 T\ paal .g^Av/ (, TFas covered, clothed himself. _ Fut. *L^hl, ^ em - L (for . . <*fc^), followed by >, Rev. xix. 8 -- Inf. \ ch. iii. 18 __ Part. vSi^lALD (followed by *i2>), ch. iii. 5. PI. masc. . ^ (\vAVn c h. xi. 3 __ Aphel .^^l], r 7 Caused to put on, clothed. Part. pass. . o |\ vV> ; Rev. xix. 13: Fern. }'** ^^>, ch. xvii. 4. Heb. &b, Clothed, Ps. Ixxiii. 6. ., naked Gr. CTT! yv/xvov Adjective, the same as wi N;S, see note, S. John xxi. 7. Transl. And he was covered with a sindon, otherwise naked; and they laid hold on him. The words ot veai/to-xot are wanting in the Sin. and Vat MSS. 52 ..... __j OO"I, Transl. And he left the sindon, and fled naked. The words d-n-' avTwv are wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 53. ] .' o ZoX to Caiaphas. So the Alex. MS. ..7 f .. 7 56. wjOOl _Q-, agreed Tcrai .... -rjcrav Part. Peil. pi. fern, forming im- ~ .0 . 7 perf. tense of |Q-, Was fitting. Fern. sing. [^Q~, ver. 59, below. See note, S. John i. 27. Transl. For ivhen many witnessed against Him, their testimonies agreed not. W. C. 51 402 S. MARK XIV. 6772. Ver. 57 j * ^lj Transl. But some (lit. men) arose against Him, witnesses of falsehood, and said. - P 7 7 61. |n. oVn^ of the Blessed TOV ~Ev\.oyrjTov Pael part. pass. def. of K 1> 7 OJ..ID, Pa. jf-O, Blessed, pronounced blessed. See note, S. John vi. II. 63. |5 , rm Gr. Siapp^as Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Tore, rent asunder. J .. * * Fut. ]5^J. Compare Germ, jemn. 64 ^<7I, Transl. Behold, from His mouth ye have heard the blasphemy. * 7 65. > c* wVr) > covering, to cover Gr. TrepiKaXuTrretv Pael part. pi. of p . * 7 ^ ** ^ M2i-K, Covered, veiled. Pa. __I_KJ, the same.__Part. (^ ..V> 7 S. Luke viii 16; IS. Pet. iv. 8: with OOC71 for imperf. S. Luke xxii. 63. Deriv. lAj_SLK>2., A covering, veil, 2 Cor. iii. 13, 14, 15, 16; 1 S. Pet. ii. 16. Heb. nfin> 2 Sam. xv. 30. Pi. n3h> Overlaid with gold, or T T T wood, 2 Chron. iii. 5, &c. Tt P .... . wVn^ Compare S. John xix. 3. n e 67. __K>^, warming (himself) Gr. Oep/j.a.w6fjifvov This is the reading of the Vienna and other early Editions. The Ed. Regia, and Par. and Lond. Polyglotts, read regularly _KKJ ; and this reading is preserved by Schaaf. Transl. She saw him, that he was warming himself, and looked upon him, and said to him, &c. 7 p P 68 VX-_ |J , Transl. / know not what thou sayest Gr. OVK o?8a, ovSi CTTl'oTa/Aai, K.T.X. 69. vuQI jAVn . \y ; the maid, i.e. the same who had spoken before ^ 7rai8i'rnnVn\ *]n^ Transl. And delivered Him to Pilate the governor. 6 ..... JOCJI riiD, Transl. Now he was wont at every feast to release unto them, &c. I 7 .71 I 7 .1> 7. . m ^rri| insurrection .m . en ^m j ^ Gr. orao-ts, Sedition, S. Luke xxiii. 19, 25 : here taking the form of the Gr. accusat. K 7 11. Q_^21>j, moved, roused, urged avta-turav Pael pret. 3. pi. of (not used), Pa. *^a_K (Gal. ii. 8, Gr. evr/pyqcr*), Excited, roused 71 7 1 Thess. ii. 17 __ Fut. ^a^Aj, 2. pi. ^O^SLwir, 1 Thess. iv. 11. 1. pi. ^AJjAj, Hebr. iv. 11 __ Imperat. 4^L^2.l" 1 Tim. iv. 13 __ Inf. CL&Aj^AkA, 2 Thess. ii. 7 __ Part. 4^-^^> Rom - i- 15 i xv. 20; 2 Cor. iv. 12; Fern. 1^-^A Eph. ii. 2. PI. rnasc. I 7 . * 7 __^2LKAio, Rom. vii. 5; coalescing with ^-Lja, 2 Cor. v. 9. Deriv. ]^u-2LK, adj. masc. def. of form part. Peil, Diligent, 2 Cor. viii. 22. PI. masc. - > <* ., Rom. xii. 11; Eph. iv. 3. PI. fern. def. A^V e^ ^> ; Acts xxvi. 7. n j\ . <^i ^^ noun fern. Diligence, 2 Cor. viii. 7. Def. j/ n ^ ..^ Rom. xii. 8. As an adv. with pref. *O, Diligently, Gr. o-TrouSaio- rcpoi/. 2 Tim. i. 17. Transl. But the Chief Priests more vehemently urged the crowd, that he should release Barabbas unto them. 12. \oAj1 ];-*?, whom ye call. Such is the reading of the Vienna Ed. and that of Tremellius and Hutter. The rest read regularly Transl. the beginning of this verse, And Pilate said unto them. 77 7 15. .11. _VV^ f2, scourged Pael part. pass, referring to the object, viz. 401 S. MARK XV. 1543. Ver. 15. vvg \ Gr. ,, in His face Gr. aurw Compare S. Matt, xxvii. 30. - 7 22 k_iO1d_iAj(O, Transl. And they brought Him to Golgotha, the x place which is catted (translated) A scull. 25 jocn A_i|, Transl. And it was the third hour when they crucified i Him. (26) And the cause of His death was written in the in- scription, This is the King of the Jews. 28. .*"! 7 ] / He was numbered cXoyio-Ot] Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of 7 ^ *>j Deliberated, reckoned. Ethpe. Was counted, reckoned, .7 7 . imputed. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AO-a_KZ.|, Rom. iv. 3, &c. 1. pi. ^-i ..7|] Rom. viii. 36 Fut. -^ - -A y fern, ^ - *77 (f or . .^>I 77y Rom. iv. 11; 2 Tim. iv. 16 Part. *xi-wAk>, 1 * 7 A * Acts xix. 27; Rom. iv. 4: Fern, (o v.A^n i Rom. iv. 5. PI. 1 7 A "" masc. *^i vAVo Rom. ix. 8. 36. rD|O, and tied, bound (it) Gr. 7rept0ei's 0;LD|O, and they said Gr. Xevw. .. 7 t> .. 1 7 41. fcjOOl <^ . o 1 followed ijKoXovOovv Part. Peil pi. fern, forming imperf. tense. See note, S. Matt. viii. 1. 7 42 r^>O> Transl. And ivJien it was the evening of the preparation^ which is before the /Sabbath. 107 71 . n . Vn^ honourable evcr^/Awv Pael part. pass. def. of ; -, TFas 7 7 heavy. Pa. j-Q_, Honoured. Used as an adjective; see note, S. John v. 23. , a counsellor ySouAevriy's Noun adopted from the Greek. ^, S. Liike xxiii. 50. S. MARK XV. 4446. XVI. 19. 405 P P* P T* Ver. 44. jjpl iOj_O _iD, &e/bre fAe ta'rae Gr. iraAcu Pilate had given orders that the deaths of the crucified should be accelerated; and wished to satisfy himself that the order had been carried, and whether sufficient time had elapsed to render death certain. 7 45. ^. . . rDO, Transl. And when he had learned it, he gave His body to Joseph. 7 7 46 ^^1O> Transl. And Joseph bought fine linen, and took Him down, and wrapped Him in it. CHAPTER XVI. * *- * 1. (LDOJ'OI, siveet spices apw/xara So S. Luke xxiii. 56. PI. def. of , T> DO5Qj_CDj [l^-|, where He was laid Gr. OTTOU WfjKav avrov. 8 ..... yCO, Transl. And when they heard, they fled, and went out of the sepulchre. |5(Tl2., amazement e/co-Tacris Noun masc. def. occurring only here in the N.T. R. 5 Terror, Hos. xiii. 1. It 7 . g>i m o ; Transl. iVow; i?r the early morning on the first day of the week, He rose and appeared first to Mary Magdalene, &c. 406 S. MARK XVI. 1018. r .z x . r Ver. 10. OOO1 \ ' *^(; ; who were mourning, or as tJtey mourned Gr. Trev6ov ( __ PI. def. jlJLo|, used as a noun, The mourners, S. Matt. v. 4. Deriv. |lo], noun masc. Grief, sorrow, 1 Cor. v. 2; S. James iv. 9, t &c. : with aff, 2 Cor. vii. 7. Heb. 7^^, Isa. xxiv. 4, 7; xxxiii. 9. Deriv. 7^^, A - T v .. mourning, Gen. xxvii. 41; L. 10, 11. *. 11 ..... ^QJCTIO, Transl. And they, when they heard what they (sc. the women) said, that He was alive, and had appeared to them, believed them not. - > ; 'X 12. j/oVn,*-^ in a form, shape iv. . . . fj.opf) Def. of QiDj, noun fern. "i"? ' x Form, similitude, type, example, pattern. The def. form |Z.QlOj occurs Acts vii. 44, and very frequently throughout the Epistles and Revelation. Constr. ZolDj, S. Luke iii. 22. PI. ^alb?, Hebr. i. 1. Def. l2Alib?> Acts vii. 43. R. "(k)?, Was like. Heb. fV|/b^Jj noun fern. Likeness, Gen. i. 26; v. 1, 3. Adverbially, Ps. Iviii. 5. 14. ;fr> v.^AVj to the twelve. A remarkable error, existing in all the Editions except the Par. and Lond. Polyglotts. the littleness of their faith Gr. r^v aTrcoriav avrwv X t* .0, * ^ . Constr. of O5QA1, def. JZ.O5QJL1, nouil fern; Smallness, fewness. X Derived from 5ai1 , Little. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. fFVyX Smallness of age, youth, Gen. xliii. 33. , Transl. Because they believed not them that saw Him that He was risen. .-", 7 . f 7 ft 18. jZiOiDj jilD, a drug of death, deadly drug Gr. Oavao-i/jiov TL The expression occurs also S. James iii. 8, Gr. tou 6ava.Tr]6pov T * t> v J>QD, def. p^QTD, noun masc. A medicine, aromatic drug, whether poisonous or not. PI. def. ]iVn^r>m > from the unused sing. P t 7 j i ViVnm Heb. QD? in pi. only, tD^D, Spices, Exod. xxx. 7, 34; xl. 27. S. MARK XVI. 19, 20. 407 Ver. 19 VJQ_M__, , Transl. Jesus then our Lord, after that He had spoken unto them, ascended to Heaven, &c. 77 . p 20. ; V>, confirmed supply ]o(7I from the preceding clause Gr. (3cj3ai.ovvTos Aphel part, forming imperf. tense, of 5^ ;_, Was strengthened, received strength. Aph. j_|, Strengthened, firmly ..7 7 believed, Acts iii. 16; Rom. iv. 21. Pret. 3. sing. fern. Z.j..|, Hebr. xi. 11 Fut. ; \ Rom. xv. 8. Transl. And our Lord worked with them, and confirmed their words by the signs which they did. Finished is the Holy Gospel, the Preaching of Mark, which he spake and preached in Latin at Home. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO S. LUKE. pD ^ . \ . . i Holy Gospel, the Preaching of Luke the Evangelist, which he spake and preached in Greek in Alexandria the Great. CHAPTER I. Ver. 1. ^aoAlUj, to write Gr. draTaao-#ai Aphel fut. 3. pi. of Wrote. Aph. HiAD | , Caused to write, or simply, Wrote. Fut. 7 p ? P T ,7 , the histories Gr. St^yryo-tv PI. def. of ( > *-/ , def. (A . v^/ 7 < noun fern. ^1 narration, history. ]Ao'^) "JA . v/^ histories of generations, genealogies, 1 Tim. i. 4; Tit. iii. 9. With aff. pleon. in the Title prefixed to the Acts of the Apostles. R. pL, prop. Smeared over; whence Smoothed over, or made pleasant: then from the idea of tales used as means of diversion or recreation, Narrated, told a message, related a history. Whence also are derived . f * f > ^ , Jesting, buffoonery, scurrility. Gr. evrpaireXia, Eph. v. 4. VA " " * , noun fein. def. A tale, fable, converse. PI. def. |A 1 Cor. xv. 33; 1 Tim. i. 4; iv. 7; 2 Tim. iv. 4; Tit. i. 14. S. LUKE I. 13. 409 Ver. 1. i . m c*>V> we are persuaded, for ^ >j . m yiVn^ Aphel part. pass. pi. See note, S. Matt, xxvii. 20. Transl. Forasmuch as many have desired to write (or, get written) the histories of those transactions of which we are persuaded, i. e. which we believe to be true. 2. Pl-Kj, the eye-witnesses auroTrrai (cTroTrrai, 2 S. Pet. i. 16). _ PI. def. p 7 . P e 7 . of -4-j, def. t_.]~K, nonn masc. A witness, spectator. R. |!-K, Saw, beheld. (A\S>; OT_Lj5, of that very Word Gr. rov Xoyou ^->, is here used as a demonstrative pronoun = ipse. . I 7 3. A .|gy> .. ; intimately, accurately aKpt/Jws Adverb, Anxiously, care- * O * x fully, with exactness. Occurs here only in the N.T. R. ^^-, Was anxious, careful. * i rnrnn 5*"', i n M S order Gr. Ka^e^s (tv rw iSt'w ray/xan, 1 Cor. xv. 23). _ ])") ^ ; noun masc. from the Gr. ra^is, Order, arrangement. lia^O, Gr. Kara ra&v, 1 Cor. xiv. 40. PI. def. fo'A^ Or- dinances, statutes. Similar in its derivation and meaning is y7nmn l |\Vn / fern. def. with aff. Col. ii. 5. Transl. It seemed (good) also to me, since I was present to them all, to write everything to thee in its order. . e i 7 |-KA_H_J, most excellent KparurTf. See also Acts xxiii. 26; xxiv. 3; xxvi. 25. Adj. masc. def. Victorious, illustrious, renoivned; and used, like the Gr. word, as a title of courtesy or politeness, ad- dressed to a superior or equal. In the Rev. it represents the Gr. .0 ..17 Xa/ATrpo?, Bright, shining, ch. xv. 6, Superintended, 1 Chron. xxiii. 4; Led, in music, ch. xv r . 21. Part, n^ftj. ^ leader in music, precentor, in many headings to Psalms, and Hab. iii. 19 Chald. Ithpa. !"l3n&$> partic. Preferred, excelling above (7^), Dan. vi. 4. w. C. S2 410 S. LUKE I. 59. Ver. 5. (A V)Z ,_LD, of the course e| c<^/u.epuis Noun fern. def. Service, duty, whether religious or otherwise, Household, work of a house, Gr. Sta/coj/ta, ch. x. 40; flepaTma, ch. xii. 42. With aff. ver. 8, below. R. - Vrt* Pa. Ministered, served. OlAJLO T-^> of the daughters (aff. pleon.) e/c TWV Ovyarepuv "JAJLO, l"> 7 pi. of |Z.^, ^ daughter. See note, S. John xii. 15. 1.7 7 6 > O\JTlDO, Transl. And walked in all His Commandments, and in the uprightness of the Lord, without blame. 1*7 7 ~ l" 7 Z.;JD^, barren crrtlpa. Fern. def. of (;<"> \ Unfruitful. Occurs also 7 ver. 36, below; Gal. iv. 27; Hebr. xi. 11. R. ; n v ; Eradicated. Heb. ^Ip^, fem. jT"lp^, Barren, used both of male and female, Gen. xi. 30; Deut. vii. 14. ...7x7 - I a rn ; much, i.e. advanced Gr. Trpo^e^S^KOTcs PI. constr. of 1 7 ( > HI PO ; Many. See note, S. John ii. 23. Fem. sing, constr. 7 j . .. m ) ver. 18, below. In both instances the constr. form is ^ . . . 1> .. 7 T put for the abs. before the prep. *!i. Similarly ( i *~> ^O i;*^, blessed among women, ver. 28, below. See Cowper's Gr. 184 (1. a). "i " 77 . . ~e/ 8. JOCTI ^ptQlO pO , while he executed the Priest's office Gr. ev TW uparevctv aurdv Pael part, (forming imperf. tense) of ^O12 , Pa. ^012 , Was a priest, executed priestly functions. Part. fem. JJOII^O, 1 S. Pet. ii. 9. Heb. Pi. ?n5> denom. from JH3 -^ priest, Deut. x. 6. -e. , " * * 9. jZoJO125, of the Priest's office rfjs teparctas Def. of QJO1D, noun fem. The function of a Priest. Deriv. fr. ^OlD, A Priest; whence is also derived |^JTII3, adj. Priestly. Fem. def. ]AjJaiO, A priestly kingdom, Rev. i. 6. Heb. n3rO ^umb. xvi. 10. p T> - : jO"Lj-4So, Lit. it came to him; his lot was Gr. IXa^e Pret. 3. sing. with aff. of l^iO, Came, happened. Compare ch. xv. 13, below. Transl. His lot was to burn incense; and he went into the temple of tJw Lord. S. LUKE I. 1121. Ver. 11 ..... _V*JMO> Transl. And there appeared to Zacharias, &c. 14. ||lo5, gladness dyaXXiacrts This is the reading of all the Editions, except the Par. and Load. Polyglotts, which read ]jo5. Noun masc. def. occurring here only. R. }0), Rejoiced. 10 7 'f^ , strong drink o-iKcpa Noun masc. def. occurring here only in 7 77 the N.T. R. j^L, Drank to excess. Pa. ^L, Defiled, disgraced. 7 7 Part. pass. ;1 V?, used as an adj. Disgraceful, Gr. aur^jo'v, 1 Cor. xi. 6. Heb. *\3$t Strong wine, Numb, xxviii. 7; distinguished from |N, Judg. xiii. 4, 7; and in poetic parallelism, Isa. v. 11, &c. . 7 ---- OO1 j-L, while he (is) yet in his mother's womb Gr. eri e/c KotXias, K.T.X. 17. *)Apovy(rei lAjLyj, def. of P>r-, noun P 7 *** P *+Y Y ^ fem. Knowledge, wisdom, intellect. PI. ^p-*) def. jA^p*. R. ^y_, .!>. * XX Knew. Whence also |Z.Q_L_,_, noun fem. def. the same: with aff. pleon. Rom. i. 19. Compare Heb. HI^* Knowledge, Ps. Ixxiii. 11: fiyi* AT .. *- _ Understanding, wisdom, Prov. i. 4; ii. 6, &c. Transl. And he shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias the Prophet, to turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and those that are not obedient to the wisdom of the jusi; to make ready for the Lord a perfected people. t\ m 7 - * 19. A-KK- lA^|o, and I was sent /cai aTreoraAijv Ethpeel pret. 1. sing. of >^_L, Sent. Ethpe. o^SA-*"), Was sent, ver. 26, below. Pret. 3. pi. aj^SA^l* Acts xiii. 4; xv. 30 Eut. o^JlA^J, Acts xv. 20. Transl. And I was sent to speak with thee, and to announce to thee these things. 20. ^\j_I&D, now, from this time Gr. /cat tScnf. "* *7 w 71 7 *7 21. OlZ.^KoZ. ((J\L]^tOL, Schaaf, following the Polyglotts) his delay Gr. 4-12 S. LUKE I. 2132. .0. p .7 Ver. 21. TW xpoviv avrov |Z.j_KO/., Delay, noun fern. def. occurring i 7 ^ 7 here only. K. {-K|, A ph. ;-oOf, Delayed. Transl. And the people stood and waited for Zacharias, and marvelled o.t his delay which (he made) in the temple. 7 f> 22 JiOfiD, see note, S. John xiii. 24. 25. ._i r .CQ_K, my reproach TO ovciSos /u.ov pCQ-K*, def. |,cn *^ (Rom. xv. 3, &c.) noun masc. Reproach, opprobrium; also Mercy, pity, but only once in the N.T. in the pr. name ],Pn ^ Aj.^3, Bethesda, 7 S. John v. 2. Pi. ,HLJ, Mocked, reviled. Heb. "7Dn> chiefly in the latter sense, Ps. v. 4, &c. &c. : but in the former, Lev. xx. 17; Prov. xiv. 34. P ^ "** 26. ]Aj]>, which (is) six, i. e. 2Ae sixth, (so also ver. 36), TO> IKTW ]Aj|, a form of |A^, used when prefixes, as *O, O, 5, X, are added. But the form occurs, without *) , and without prefix, yet (in some Editions) pointed |A^; see S. Matt. xvii. 1; S. Mark ix. 2; S. Luke iv. 25; xiii. 4. Without ] and with pref. "|A^O, S. James v. 17. Transl. Was sent to Galilee, to a city of which the name ivas Nazareth. 28 AjJlLo, Transl. Full of grace Gr. Ke^aptTw/AevT; Part. Peil fern. constr. See note, S. John i. 14. 7 J 7^"" 29. Al^ai5Z.|, she was troubled SicTapa^^r; Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. fern, of ^O1>, Disturbed. Ethpe. ^Ol52.j, Was disturbed, terrified. T* T Pret. 3. pi. Q)O"uZ.|, Gr. TTTOT^evre?, ch. xxiv. 37. . I> 7 31. p A*^ (understand pref. ^>) in the womb Iv yacrrpt Noun fem. def. occurring only here in the N.T. Heb. Jtpa, Ps- xxii. 10. p . p * 32. (___~1-}, of the Highest wfrurrav, (compare S. Mark v. 7; S. Luke viii. 28). Def. of > \\ adj. Lofty, exalted, supreme. Fem. def. \L i \S, Jerusalem above, Gr. avw, Gal. iv. 26. PI. masc. def. . _ . o |..x\S, the upper, i.e. more northern, coasts, Gr. TCI av ), Acts xix. 1. S. LUKE I. 3241. 413 Ver. 32. Compare Heb. fvv, Ps. viL 18, &c. Chald. the same, in I : *. i pi. only, Dan. vii. 18, 22. Also i?y, most High, Supreme. Def. Htf ?y, Dan. iii. 26, 32, &c.: in the text it is always NW, after the Syr. form. T T* v" 7 ^ 33. ^iV-fll, He shall reign /SeuriXeucra Aphel fut. 3. sing, of ^iJ^D, 1* 7 Counselled. Aph. .. \Vr>] x Made King; also, Assumed power, reigned, Rom. v. 14, 17; Rev. xix. 6. Pret. 3. sing. fern. j 7 , Rom. v. 21. 2. sing. &&of, Rev. xi. 17. 3. pi. , ch. xx. 4. 2. pi. ^oA^So] 7 , 1 Cor. iv. 8 __ Fut. 3. sing. fern. ^^lD/(for **3&b), Rom. v. 21; vi. 12. 1. sing. j^SSof, S. Luke xix. 27. 3. pi. v nn\Vni R O m. v. 17, &c. 1. pi. j^kiJ, 1 Cor. iv. 8; 2 Tim. ii. 12 __ Part. > XvnVn < pi. ^ . Rev. v. 10. Heb. Hiph. Tj^7/bn, Made king, 1 Sam. xv. 35; 1 Kings i. 43. , end reXos Noun masc. End, extremity, boundary. Def. IsoiB, as Isbdl fr. JxDOj. PI. v g^om def. jsaro. With afF. pleon. The ends of the earth, Acts i. 8; xiii. 47; Rom. x. 18. R. .g^inm c2lD, Ceased, came to an end, Heb. fpD, An end, Joel ii. 20. Chald. SpD, Dan. iv. 8, 19. Def. NSiD, ch. vi. 27; vii. 26, 28. 31 ..... 1;*"> it?) Transl. Since a man is not known to me. 35 ..... p~o5, Transl. The Holy Spirit shall come, and the power . . . . therefore He that is born of thee is holy, and shall be called the Son of God. i'* 7 * 7 36. cnZ.1*^ ' Pft*~, in her old age tv yijpa- awr^s *"> ^JT> ; noun fern. Old age. Def. fZon i fn, Hebr. xi. 12. R. o|D, Fas oZrf. Heb. i"Q'K>, Gen. xv. 15; Ps. xcii. 15. 38 ..... lr^!> Transl. Mary said, Behold I (ani) the servant of the Lord. a ' 41. ), leaped eo-Kipr^cre (so ver. 44), Pret. 3. sing, of .OJ 5, Danced, J* * . x -J * O' exulted. Fut. .OjJ -- Tmperat. pi. Ot Oj, ch. vi. 23. Heb. W*^, Danced, leaped, Job xli. 14. 414 S. LUKE I. 4151. Ver. 41. ]]cLL, the babe TO /?pe or /^> Gave suck. 46. ]^5oiD, magnifying, doth magnify Gr. ^teyaXwei Aphel part. fern. of O;~>, (Hebr. i. 4), Was great, excelled. Part. ^- r ->, fern. |fD;_, your praise is great, Gr. TOVTO X"P IS > 1 ^. -P 6 *- ** 20. 7. .7 Aph. fcd5o|, Made to increase, made greater, exalted, Acts xiii. 17 __ Fut. ^i5QJ, 1. sing. *^5o], S. Lukexii. 18 -- Part. o5a!o, Acts v. 13; viii. 9. 10 . "innVno w^ow ^e low estate CTTI T??V raireLvoxriv Noun masc. def. Lowliness, humility. With aff. Acts viii. 32; S. James i. 10; Phil. iii. 21. R. ^nSD ^Lo, JFas brought low. , Transl. Shall give, attribute to me blessedness. Gr. p.a.Ka- 71 P . 9 50. |5i ^5 to the generations cis yeveas PI. def. of 5j, noun masc. An 1 * age, generation of living men. Def. |5>, Phil. ii. 15; Hebr. iii. 10. PL ,_J>. Heb. ^flTj or ^, Ps. x. 6, &c. &c. R. ^I) 1 ^, .PTewi round, turned in a circle, or, as in Chald. Dwelt, Ps. Ixxxiv. 11. Chald. Dan. iv. 9, 18. Transl. To the generations and families, or tribes. 51. ^*^>Ajj, the proud vTreprj^avovs PI. constr. (for abs. see note, ver. 7, above) of ;-A>j, adj. Elated, vain, puffed up. Def. 1f_.Aju. i i PI. ^^Aj^, 1 Cor. v. 2. Def. lvL>A*j, Rom. i. 30; 2 Tim. iii. 4. Of form part. Peil from 5A>j, Was proud, boasted. Ethpe. $A**2.f, the same, pret. 3. pi. o5A*>2.]* 1 Cor. iv. 18 __ Fut. 2. pi. ,p5AjoZZ, S. James iii. 14 __ Part. 5Aj^Ak>, 1 Cor. xiii. 4; Col. ii. 18 Aph. 5A.K>1, Made proud, puffed up. Part. fern. ]5A>^k5, 1 Cor. viii. 1. Hence also is derived |Zo^A^, noun fern. def. Boasting, arrogance, 2 Cor. xii. 20; with aff. S. James iv. 16. S. LUKE I. 5158. 415 Ver. 51. |Aj_l5Ao, in the imagination Siavota Def. of ] I ^L, noun . .< P TN fem. Thought, mind, will, intention, synon. with ( 1, i \5. PL ,J-LJ>Z 7 , 2 Cor. x. 5. Def. ^A-L^Z 7 with aff. 1 S. Pet. i. 13. 52. ]^V nZ, i/ie mighty Swaoras PI. def. of ^2U_oZ, def. ]^ i nZ, VA z } 7 adj. Strong, robust, powerful Fern. def. ]A^ i .oZ, 1 S. Pet. v. 6. TV _ .Of form part. Peil from ^LOZ, (Acts vii. 17), Grew strong, prevailed. Part. *2mL, fem. ]Ar>Z, Acts xix. 20. Whence also, )O oZ, noun masc. Power, might, Def. \2LOoL, Gr. Kparos, Eph. i. 19; vi. 10. . P % .7 Zuf^ i OA, adv. Mightily, forcibly Gr. cvroVojs, Acts xviii. 28. Heb. fi^pft, Mighty, Eccles. vi. 10. Spfr, Power, strength, Esth. ix. 29; x. 2; Dan. xi. 17. R. Spfi, Overpowered, op- pressed, prevailed against, Job xiv. 20 ( ; xv. 24; Eccles. iv. 12. Chald. &pri or &pjr), Dan. iv. 8, 19; v. 20. fa'p^l, ch. ii. 40, 42; iii. 33. &hft, def. tfpfi, ch. ii. 37; iv. 27. II : T|; T 53. A .jn . g^rr^ emptily, empty Gr. KCVOVS Adverb, formed from i i .o . g^m^ Empty. Occurs here only in the N.T. 54 ..... ;ID5Z]o, Transl. And hath remembered His mercy. 57 ..... \\*~\ . \\ f Transl. 'Now (as for] Elisabeth, the time had come to her when she should give birth. *k 7 58. OllOOTCL^ > * * *^; Lit. i/ie sows of her kindred, i.e. her near relations POk > Gr. ot o-vyyevets avr^s iOOlO^? def. POOIO-^, noun masc. .P7.0 -\ V Relationship, family. Lat. domus. fn>5 (SDOICL^ ^O, son of a noble line, nobleman, Gr. cvyenys, S. Luke xix. 1 2 ; and pi. 1 Cor. i. 26. R. i>OJl-, Ethpe. JsOTL^Z], Was joined by ties of relation- ship. (Castel). multiplied Gr. e/AeyaXwe Aphel pret. 3. sing, of ] , . fft or * - - it rt ^. Increased. Aph. Caused to increase, multi- \\ 7 x i 7 plied. Used adverbially with a verb following, as v>D > ^t CO j 5, 416 S. LUKE I. 5877. Ver. 58. he who multiplied (and) gathered, i. e. gathered much, 2 Cor. Viii. * 7 * V 15: CTliD^SDJ - it rr> (, hath highly exalted Him, Phil. ii. 9.__ . -n 7 . -K .7 Fut. L^rOJ, 2 Cor. ix. 10; 1 Thess. iii. 12. 1. sing. ( .. m] with aff. Hebr. vi. 14. 3. pi. v Q_ v jJ2LJ, 2 Tim. iv. 3 : Fern, 1 Tim. v. 13 __ Inf. o , m-^ Hebr. vi. 14 __ Part. pi. > , ,. rnVo ; coalescing with J~K, 1 Cor. xii. 23. Heb. Hiph. K^EVl, Job xii. 23; xxxvi. 24. i " 7 *i 7 62 ..... p_Hj|?, Transl. How he would wish to name him. See Cowper's Gr. 127. (3). 63. "jAjL-QJ-S, a writing table or tablet Triva/a'Siov Noun fern. def. oc- curring here only. 71. _Q;_aJr, that He would save us Gr. o-oor^piW. "1 y " __.p_CD, that hate us Gr. T&V fjucrovvriav ^as Part. pi. with aff. of p.D, Hated. See note, S. John iii. 20. 7 7 72 ..... f^i^O, Transl. And hath performed His mercy with our fathers, and hath remembered His holy covenants. 74. *D^2jAjj, that we should be delivered Gr. pvaOivTo.^ Ethpeel fut. 1. 7 * * t* pi. of *Dj^, Saved, redeemed, separated. Ethpe. vQjj2>Z.|, Sepa- rated himself , was saved, set free. Pret. 2. pi. ^pZuCjJsDZ], 1 S. Pet. i. 18. 1. pi. ^Q^>Zf, Eph. ii. 8 __ Fut. ^D^Aj. Transl. That we should be delivered out of the hand of our enemies, and that without fear we should serve before Him. 75 ..... ^OCJlXl}, Transl. All our days in holiness. The Sin. and Alex. MSS. read Trcuras ras >7/Apas 7?'//,aV. The Vat. Tracrcus rats ly/ .. . N.B. jZ-dCLjjV^O, and in righteousness, is wanting in the Vienna and many Editions: in others it appears without the prep. }. .07 77 77. f-^r!o, the knowledge yvwcriv Def. of Vi r SD, noun masc. Understand- ing, knowledge, mind. "With aff. 1 Cor. xiv. 14, 15, 19. PI. v i \p, with aff. 2 Cor. iii. 14; Eph. iv. 18; Hebr. viii. 10; x. 7 I 16, &c. R. 80. N Oj_j^ALD, waxed strong eKparaiovro (so also ch. ii. 40, below; Ive- SwafjiovTo, Acts ix. 22. Ethpaal part, forming imperf. tense, of tT>7 1 1 ^ ^ 1 *C* the Pa. verb \!J_K>, /Strengthened, confirmed. Ethpa. v^ > *>/ \ (Actsix. 19; xix. 16; Rom. iv. 20), Was strengthened, grew strong, prevailed. Fret. 3. pi. Q^LLL)] Hebr. xi. 34 Fut. ^jLJ^Aj, 2. pi. ^V. iJf. Col. i. 11. 1. pi. 1 S. Pet. v. 10 Imperat. , Acts xxiii. 11 ; 2 Tim. ii. 1. PI. r>V. y.7^ Eph. vi. 10. 1-7 .>, of his shewing avaSet^ecos avrov ujd^^Z., noun fcm. A 1 x ? 7 shewing forth, demonstration, example. Def. |A_Q..KZ., Rom. iii. . 17 26, fec. R. |Q~K*, Pa. iQ_K, Shewed. Heb. n'tritfj -4 declaration, Job xiii. 17. Chald. / T : - solution of enigmas, Dan. v. 1 2. CHAPTER II. ,. p 1 |OO"I, It came to JMSS .... that (o) there ivent out, &c. n^ all the people of his possession Gr. -n-acrav TYJV . t> o *x . p r >jO|, noun masc. Property, possession; whence, w. c. 53 418 S. LUKE II. 113. Ver. 1. Dominion, power, 1 S. Pet. v. 11; S. Jude ver. 25, &c. R. J_K], Took, held fast. Heb. cogn. H-NlK, A possession, Gen. xxiii. 4, 9, 20; xlix. T\ -: 30. 2. "l/o i ~>A"iVf> ; enrolment Gr. diroypa^ Noun fern. def. A written register, census, of persons or property. R. ^Ao, Wrote. ]2.QJLlJQ-iOT-O, in the government Gr. ^ye/iovevovros (so also ch. iii. 1). Vb - t> * i Noun fern. def. A presidency: derived from |JoV) ..rn A governor, prefect. Gr. lyyc/xwv, Tjye/Aovta. Transl. This first enrolment took place under the presidency of Quirinus in Syria. * . y * v 7 7. pO?1 vo OlAOi^O, awe? sAe wrapped Him in swaddling-clothes Gr. Kai eo'Trapyavtoo'ev aurov See note, S, John xix. 40. > v i ** * |?O)]-L, pi. def. of pO3p> noun masc. def. A swathe, bandage. R. (perhaps), Heb. tm \\^, prop. Girded around; whence Helped. ]_5o]lD, in the manger ev ry ^a-rvrj (so ver. 12, 16, below) Noun f v 1> fern. A stall for cattle. (-5o| V\ from tJie stall, ch. xiii. 15. Heb. /11*1^> pl constr. flH^, Stalls for horses, 1 Kings v. 6 TT: '.. ' \ (E.V. iv. 26). 7 * 7 P m7 OOCTI __t^*p i^-H> where they were lodged Gr. Iv TW KaraXu/xart. 8. "jlaLj (]Zo_L>, Par. and Lond. Pol. So also ver. 15, 18, 20), shepherds TTOI/XCI/CS See note, S. John x. 2. /~"TlA v A,'^" > ^^, oyer (or, ybr) i/teir flocks Gr. CTT! -nyv TTOI/XV^V aurwi/ PI. with aff. of lAj^jlb (Acts xx. 28, 29, &c.), noun fern. def. m.t> O 7 A flock, pasture for flocks. PI. def. (A . vyVn R. p^3, Pastured. Heb. Jl^^lp) Ps- Lxxiv. 1, &c. Transl. ^Iwc? there were shepherds in that country abiding there, and keeping the watches of the night for their flocks. 4t f 11. \2Q-f&, the Saviour Gr. o-wnyp Noun masc. def. A deliverer, Re- y deemer. R. Ojj2>, Set free. m tl 13. - > >^_r ,_SD, suddenly e^at^vT/s See note, S. Mark ix. 8. S. LUKE II. 1321. 419 i % V* Ver. 13. _VKM> there were seen, appeared Gr. eyevero Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. fern, without Ribui which usually marks the plural. With Ribui, ch. xxiv. 11, below. Transl. And suddenly there appeared with the angel the multitudinous hosts of Heaven. 14. ]n li^"\ good hope Gr. euSoKia Def. of : ^rr> (Eph. ii. 12), noun 7 masc. Hope, trust, expectation. R. ;*"<*<>, Thought, supposed, ex- pected. Heb. "fl^, Hope, Ps. cxix. 116; cxlvi. 5. V " 15 n\\V>^ TransL The shepherds spake one to another and said. Sin. MS. eA.oA.ow Tr/aos oAA^'Aovs, Xcyotres. 16. A .]-vn-rnV) hastily, with haste Gr. o-Trewravres Adverb derived * * 7 7 from the quadrilit. verb CiCn^D, Urged, hastened on. R. X7l5, Disturbed. Occurs here only in the N.T. 18. ^oZ]?. So the Yienna Ed., Tremellius, and Hutter. The rest read . . \\Vr>7'j^ pret. 3. pi. fern. T * 7 ? " 19. (^ vv<=^V) (supply Z.OO1 from the preceding clause), Compared, put together crvp-fiaiXXova-a. Pael part. fern, forming imperf. tense, of 7 T> 7 J>O^K>, Was like, equalled. Pa. JsQj^S), Made equal, compared; also, Rendered, translated Fut. V> ... g> i ; 1. pi. 2 Cor. x. 12 R 7 17 Part. J>Qj^2iiO, pi. masc. . V)v^g^V> same verse; coalescing 7 with N i ^>, 1 Cor. iL 13. Deriv. J^o *.*.<* , noun masc. def. Equality, Phil. ii. 6. . P P 'X j^0v.o<7> noun masc. def. Comparison, 2 Cor. iii. 10. 20. - i \\OlLD, praising atvowres Pael part. pi. of \&O1, Pa. ^Ol, Praised, celebrated. Occurs here only. Heb. 77,1, Was bright, shone, Job xxix. 3. Figur. Was proud, boastful, Ps. Ixxv. 5___Pi. 7xH> Sang praises, praised, Ps. xx. 27, Conceived. Ethpe. ,-4^1 > Wa8 420 - S. LUKE II. 2131. Ver. 21. conceived. Fut. used for pret. with preposition implying past time. See Cowper's Gr. 206. *. i y. 22. ^OCnAjL^jZj, of their purification^-rov KaOapia-fJiov CLVT&V See Whitby's note on this passage. . t> 7 r 77 23. (-S.C'i^) the womb pr/Tpav Def. nf \r*-i.Vn noun masc. Locus in quo 7 cubat vel habitat foetus. R. MOJ, Couched, lay. Heb. V^n/13, -A- couching-place for flocks, Zeph. ii. 15; Ezek. xxv. 5. R. T*^*l (cogn. V^ll), Lay down, reclined, of animals. * ** Y 24. UiOl> jotuY eyos Noun masc. def. A yoke, pair, couple. ^> . t> 7 ..7 L.oi . . i *"\ sons of the yoke, i.e. yoked together, 2 Cor. vi. 14. Vb 77 .__. tO] ^, sow o/ 1 wiy 2/o^'e, yoke-fellow, Phil. iv. 3. PI. 17 7 _~*...iOl, S. Luke xiv. 19. R. ^ the consolation (aff. pleon.) Trapa/cX^o-ii/ |j(l^ (2 Cor. i. 7, in some Eds., in others the def. form) noun masc. Consolation, exhortation. Def. ||jClO, Acts iv. 36, &c. With aff. 2. pi. ^aailtt^, S - Luk e vi. 24; 2 Cor. i. 6: aff. 1. pi. ^IoQ, 2 Cor. i. 5; vii. 13; jtoa, 1 Thess. ii. 3. PI. def. lcLB. R. Pa. 1 r v t_i_O, Consoled. 27. ]o permit Thou to depart, dismiss Gr. diroAuas Imperat. of \i-, Loosed, let go. 30. y\ 1 KJ, jTA?/ mercy, blessing Gr. TO o-wnf/aiov o-ov. 31. lloibl* fAe people Gr. r&v Aawv PI. def. of \t&DO\ (Rev. v. 9; xiii. 7; xiv. 6), noun fern. def. A nation, people, tribe. Heb. n^tf, only in pi. JY|^, Gen. xxv. 16; Numb. xxv. 15; and Q'JSK, Ps. cxvii. 1. Chald. the same, Dan. iii. 29. PI. def. K*J2fci,Ver. 4, 7, 31; v. 19; vii. 14; Ezr. iv. 10. S. LUKE II. 3237. 421 ? - ** t Ver. 32. p 'a >f nr ^ ie f^vdatlon, enlightening eis U.TTOKO.\V^IV Def. of -tt, n oun masc. A manifestation, revelation. PI. ^ VV def. ]^ ' ^u' w ^h an? - pleon. 2 Cor. xii. 1. R. JL,., Revealed. 34. |V) . o the rising again avdcrrafnv Noun fem. see note, S. John v. 29. Heb. n/b*p> A vising up, Lam. iii. 63. ), of contradiction Gr. avriXeyo/xei/ov Def. of __>f.>j, noun . o masc. Strife, contention, controversy. PI. def. p^pja, 1 Cor. i. 11, &c. Compare Heb. ft")^ Heat, burning, wrath, Ps. ii. 5; Iviii. 10. Also ^Pt> with &J$ added, Heat of anger, Exod. XL 8; Deut. xxix. 23. R. j"n!"!> Burned with anger. Syr. Ethpe. I T\ TT wjf_KZ|, Contended. Transl. And for a sign of contradiction (or controversy). 35. |>^!sDo5, a lance or spear Gr. po^aia, elsewhere always rendered . 7 by ( gyji PP> Noun fem. occurring here only in the N.T. Heb. n/b1> -^ spear, Numb. xxv. 7; Judg. v. 8. P I X 36. ]A > -M f/ig prophetess Trpo^ijns Fern. def. form of ( .*^1, ^ prophet. Occurs also, Rev. ii. 20. . %*'%*** . n^AVno . o A > o advanced in her days Gr. irpo/3e(3r)Kvla. tv 7//iepais TroXXats Fem. constr. (for absolute; see note, ch. i. 7) i 7 of - <">, 0?(/, in the def. form used as a substantive; see note, S. John vii. 26. Fem. ] 1 > A __ Pi f em . def. fA \' n, 1 Tim. v. 2; Tit. ii. 3. _LO, from her virginity OTTO T^S irapOevias aur^s D, noun fem. Virginity. Def. "jZaXoAs, 1 Cor. vii. 25. Compare Heb. Dv^HSj n - m - pi- Judg. xi. 37, 38. 37. t^i^OL, eighty Card. num. of com. gend. here joined to a fem. noun. With a masc. noun, and written _JpDZ, ch. xvi. 7. Heb. QObfcJ>, com. Gen. v. 25, &c.; 2 Kings x. 24. 422 S. LUKE II. 3748. Ver. 37. ^1C)5|, four. Card. num. fern. Heb. yaiN, Gen. xlvii. 24. . 7 38. Mno she stood up, presented herself- Gr. er .... |l\V>V>r> / Transl. And spake of Him with every man that looked for the redemption of Jerusalem. 7 P 41. _*O1Q_J|, His people, i.e. parents Gr. 01 yovei? avrov. 42 n n \rr> ; Transl. They went up, as they were accustomed, to the Feast. 7 43 f-^> Transl. And when they had fulfilled the days, tJiey returned; but the Child Jesus, &c. v . I . .. 7 7 44. ^rnA >o \ > > i o JxiL, no \ . . i o ; i/ie companions of Paul, Gr. crwK8r//tovs, Acts xix. 29. R. JO_ i, or _QL.I, Ac- companied. Compare Heb. <""H/> ^ wreath, garland, Prov. i. 9; iv. 9: and jJVy?> An animal wreathing itself in. folds, Ps. Ixxiv. 14; civ. 26. ' Transl. For they supposed that He had been in their company. - 7 c P m |?r^> a journey oSov Noun mafec. of form Aph. part, of (55, Went, proceeded. Aph. -55"j. Similarly 1nVr> J the crowing, from ), Aph. wi{-Q|. ), they sought Him: For this form, see Cowper's Gr. 127 (4). So M01O|i**i they saw Him, ver. 48, below. Transl. And when they had gone a journey (of) one day, they sought Him with (or, among) their people, and with him that (whoever) knew them, i.e. their acquaintance. 45 (JO, Transl. And they found Him not; and returned again to Jerusalem, and sought for Him. 0X7. PO^. ^***l 48. |(_k_HLJ33 t>3Q_^>, in much anxiety Gr. oSww/xevot (j23O4, noun masc. def. Perplexity, anguish, Gr. a-rfvo^wpia, Rom. ii. 9. S. LUKE II. 4852. III. 1. 423 Ver. 48. Occurs in these two places only in the N.T. R. >}-, Smote, troubled. 49. - *">( A . *-^ in My Fatfier's house Gr. Iv TOIS TOU Harpos p.ov. - o 7 r i> 51. |OO1 rdlA-aJiO, ZTe was subject ^v vTrorao-o-o/ievos Eshtaphal part. r i> 7 (forming imperf. tense) of i*"*^, Dit?, effected. Shaph. t *^^ff , Made subject, brought under subjection. Eshtapn. j^nA^I (1 Cor. xv. 28; Phil. iiL 21), TFas made subject, submitted himself . Pret. 3. sing. fern. 7 { *~>vA *| ; Rom. viii, 20. 3. pi. r^AvA "} Rom. x. 3; 1 S. Pet. iii. 22. 2. pi. ^oZyjO&L*]* Rom. vi. 18; 2 Cor. ix. 13 Fut. ; AvAi^ 1 Cor. xv. 28: fern. - ^AyA-7* R O m. X 7 * xiii. 1. 3. pi. ^QvA m i ; Tit. ii. 9; iii. 1; S. James iii. 3: fern. ^J^vA- i* 1 Cor. xiv. 34. 2. pL ^Oy^nAaZ, Col. ii. 7 7. n 18. 1. pi. ,^vA i i Rom. xiii. 5; Hebr. xii. 9 Imperat. pi. O^nA^], S. James iv. 7; 1 S. Pet. ii. 18; v. 5 : fern. > t AvA^1 Col. iii. 18; 1 S. Pet. iiL 1 Inf. ^AvA-OA Gal. iv. 9 Part. fern. "f^vA Vn R m. viii. 7; 1 Cor. xiv. 32; Eph. v. 24; 1 S, Pet. iii. 6. PI. masc. .VvA^O^ S. Luke x. 17, 20, &c. PL fern. v ^i^^V>, Eph. v. 22; Tit. ii. 5; 1 S. Pet. iii. 5. 52 __j K<"> >, Transl. And Jesus increased in His stature and in His wisdom, &c. CHAPTER III. 1. *)-;rr>vVr>*.. Al D, in the fifteenth year Iv crct TrcvTCKaiSexaTa) See note, S. John ii. 20. Card. num. fern, used for the ordinal. Occurs with a masc. noun, Acts xxvii. 28. ] .v. *^> ]_n_j5, tJie Iwad of a fourth part, i. e. tetrarch Gr. Tfrpap^ovv- TOS See note, S. John ii. 8. 01 . U I De of . i S i *")3, ord. num. The fourth. Fern. (.>,.^q,*^5 ; def. 5, S. Matt. xiv. 25. 424 S. LUKE III. 15. Ver. 1. Heb. W^, G en. ii. 14. Chald. W^*!, def - W^* Dan. * -. - : T*T ; iii. 25: fern, same form, ch. ii. 40; vii. 7: clef. SJVj^!l*)i ch. vii. 23. 2. "jZoJJlD ZdO^O, lit. in principatu Sacerdotii in the pontificate Gr. ITT 'Apx>-epe<0v See note, ch. i. 9, above. ? * A * Z.Q^J7, constr. of dO>, noun fern. Greatness, majesty, power, -p. * ? dignity, abundance. Def. (Z.CLO5, Rom. xiii. 1, &c. &c. R. ? . . * 'i ' jV 5, unused save in the reduplicated forms ^5o5, ^5o5Z.|. Compare Heb. 2T|, Greatness, Ps. xxxiii. 16; Ii. 3. R. : and Chald. Jfl'n, def. NHm. Dan - iv - 1 9 33; v. 18. - T : T ; K rm T ; VA 7 7 4. ]Avog^o ; into smoothness. Noun fern. def. Plainness; plain country, open field, ver. 5; vi. 17: also The courtyard or quadrangle of a 7 castle (Bar Hebraeus, Chron.) R. ^f}^, i.q. Heb. yp3, Clave, laid open. Heb. HJ?p3 > -^ l w valley, Ps. civ. 8 : more often, A plain, plain country, as Gen. xi. 2. Transl. And direct into smoothness (Gr. eudci'a? Troietre) /ie paths for our God. 5. JJ-KKJ ,p<31_^, a# ^Ae valleys Gr. Tracra (f>dpay PL def. of (jlK^J, noun masc. def. A valley. Heb. ^Pti, Gen. xxvi. 19. "jAktf, the hills Gr. fiovvos PI. def. of ]ibJ, def. ]'&>$, noun fern. ^1 Tti^, high place; Rama, name of a town, S. Matt. iL 18. The pi. noun occurs also, S. Luke xxiii. 30. Heb. ilJ^I? 1 Sam. xxii. 6. R. E^H, Was high. T T Transl. All the valleys shall be filed, and all the mountains and hills shall be brought low. ., the acclivity Gr. TO. o-KoXta So LXX. Isa. xl. 4, where the Heb. ipV is rather, A 7ii^.__Noun masc. def. A mound, heap, low hill. Occurs here only in the N.T. S. LUKE III. 514. 425 Ver. 5. Heb. n/b^> fern. A heap of corn, Ruth iii. 7 : of ruins, Jer. L. 26. R. E*)y, Niph. DlJJf Was heaped up, Exod. xv. 8. Syr. Pa. X^L, Heaped up. Ethpa. iO^IZf. ] i ^ \, to a Zet-e? Gr. eis ev&iav Def. of ^2L, adj. Smooth, plain ; humble, of the heart, ch. viii. 15. Form part. Peil of \2^, Smoothed, polished; whence also j <=*> or ] , A thorn, from its smooth surface, Gr. o-KoAo^, 2 Cor. xii. 7. Heb. ^2^, A bare hill, Isa. xli. 18: A bare plain, ch. xlix. 9. ^y.j.7 * (nfp\ pZ.|, ^e row<7& place Gr. ai rpa^eiai Def. of .r>on v ; adj. . 7 Hard, difficult; evil generation, Phil. ii. 15. Fern, (om v. Hard 1 .. 7 saying, Hebr. v. 1 1. PL masc. def. (nrn^ Hard masters, 1 S. Pet. ii. 18. R. .om^ ; Was difficidt, sharp, stung. Cogn. Heb. t}&y, Hithpa. Quarrelled, strove. Syr. Ethpe. .om v7] ; Refused. 1t> tt tt x 7 7 OC7I nmsAlD ^ r .. m f ^ t when he was very obstinate, (Bar Hebr.) Whence also, *o . m^j adj. Difficult to be understood, 2 S. Pet. iii. 16. Transl. And the acclivity shall be (made) level, and the rough place a plain. 6 ^l-KKJOj Transl. And alljlesh shall see the life of God. ii * 7 ^_>Z.]j, Transl. TJiat came to him to be baptized. 13 v f^*"^Z ]] , Transl. Exact not anything more than that which is appointed you to claim. 1 5 'T 7 ^'"" ! 'V P 14. |_i_^i-^CO| u_i_KK_ia, those serving the army, the soldiers Gr. crrpa- Tf.v6p.tvoi Part. pi. constr. of .^xg*^ Served: see note, S. John vi. 27. .717 .-n I ' 6i 6- pn l/ i n * ne ^ r - o"rpaTta occurs here only. iQ'r\t-&LL, do violence Siao-eto-^re Ethpaal fat. 2. pi. (with ]], for ^^ 7 7 ..ii imperat.) of r-\*-i, Ethpa. ^,^Zj , Annoyed, was insolent. Occurs here only. ^CLQjfc-LZ, accuse falsely, oppress Gr. (rvKo^avrr/o-rjTe Fut. 2. pi. W. C. 54 426 S. LUKE III. 1423. Ver. 14. (for imperat.) of -<^ \ Oppressed, acted unjustly. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. p&y, Ps. cv. 14; cxix. 122. ^nnA . i mg*i| your wages Gr. rots chamois v/xwi/ PI. def. with aff. of ] A . i m g^] noun fern. def. derived from the Gr. word, Mili- tary pay. Occurs here only in the N.T. Other writers use it in the form ]A i 10 m^] or fA_k_Lm>l . PI. def. ]/\ ' i' or Transl. And let your wages be sufficient for you, n 7 15 ..... _j jID, Transl. vim/ when the people were in expectation concern- ing John, and all of them mused in their hearts as to whether he were the Christ. I 7 7 17 ..... r t -* J i> o<:71 ' Transl. Who holds the fan in His hand, and purges His floors. 18 ..... \5 1 , Transl. And many other things also he taught and preached itnto the people. 7 20. OTJLX*J, he shut up (aff. pleon.) KareKXetcre Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. 7 _*JH*j (Acts xvi. 24; Rom. xi. 32; Gal. iii. 22), Confined, en- closed, included, confirmed by an oath, Hebr. vL 17. Pret. 3. pi. >, S. Luke v. 6. 2. pi. ^nA o..^ Acts v. 25 Fut. __ Inf. . m ^ ^Vn\ J with aff. Gal. iv. 17 __ Part. Peil II 7 >, pi. . . ^> v coalescing with JL^o, Gal. iii. 23. ^ " * Deriv. f-i- 0/^-^t, noun masc. def. Prison, distress, Acts viii. 33; Rom. viii. 35. PI. def. ]I_O^L.Kj, 2 Cor. vi. 4; xii. 10; Hebr. xi. 36. Heb. fcJ^Pl > Sound on, girded, Exod. xxix. 9 : Saddled an T ass, Gen. xxii. 3; Numb. xxiL 21. PL Sound up wounds, Ps. cxlvii. 3. 7 *" 7 22 ..... LQ^Dr^i, Transl. In the likeness of the body (i.e. in the bodily likeness) of a dove. 23. JOOI ;:DArQlO, ivas reputed, supposed Gr. CVO/XI'^CTO Ethpeel part. S. LUKE III. 2338. IV. 1-16. 427 Ver. 23. (forming imperf. tense) of j*>"\ Thought, considered. Ethpe. tsAflo), Was thought Fut. fJ2>AQJ, 1. sing. ^Arcf, 2 Cor. x. 9. Transl. And Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age, and was reputed the son of Joseph, &c. . t 7 w ho was from GodGr. TOV eov. CHAPTER IV. t 7 V 1 CTlZ.|jQjO, Transl. And the Spirit led Him into the wilderness, (2) forty days, that He might be tempted of the devil. And He did eat nothing in those days, and ivhen He had completed tJiem, at the end He hungered. 8 P-^, Transl. And Jesiis answered and said unto him, It is written, &c. The words, uTraye OTTLCTW p.ov, Sarava, are wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS., and in the Vulg. and other Versions. .0 77 13. P-C2J jA, until the season a^pi Kaipov Compare S. Johnxiv. 30, and S. Luke xxii. 53. x 7 .1* 16. __}5Z.|, He had been brought up rjv Tefl/ja/x/xeVos Ethpaal pret. 3. . o 17 sing, of |^5, Increased. Pa. - *^^ (1 Cor. iii. 6), Made to in- crease, grow; brought up, nurtured. Pret. 3. sing. fern. A ov 1 Tim. v. 10; with aff. Acts vii. 21 Fut. ]>jJ, 2 Cor. ix. 10. 77 > . * 7 Imperat. pi. dO>, Eph. vi. 4 Part. l}o, Acts xiv. 16; 1 Cor. iii. 7 Ethpa. Was made to grow, was nurtured, Gr. ave- I 7 .?> 7, Acts vii. 20. Pret. 1. sing. A..,n5Z.(, Acts xxii. 3 Fut. , 2. pi. ^QSjZT, 1 S. Pet. ii. 2 Part. ])>Alo, 1 Tim. iv. 6. PL masc. ^^?Ak), 2 S. Pet. iii. 18. . f 7 Deriv. ]i .o;.^n, noun masc. def. (from Pael part.), An educator. HO?, 70.. 7 7 D505o"l> -__i rnr) ^ ' Q;Vf> ^o, lit. son of the educators of Herod, i. e. bred up or educated together with him, Acts xiii. 1. - I .7 jA^>o5Z., noun fern. def. Increase, Eph. iv. 16; Phil. i. 25; Col. ii. 19. 428 S. LUKE IV. 1724. Ver. 17 ..... *>oAso, Transl. And Jesus opened the book, and found the place, &c. * P * 7 T- m 18. (*"> \ _'^_..oZ., the broken-hearted TOIJS awreTpi/x/xevovs r^v KapSt'av 7 . Part. Peil pi. constr. of fSL, Broke: see note, S. Matt. xii. 20. * 71 I . PI. def. \'^^L, the bruised, Gr. Te6pa.vo-fj.evow;, in this verse. 7 .. 7 P f * * \ to 2/ie captives ai^/AaXwrots Part. Peil pi. def. of td-, Took captive; see note, ch. viii. 29, below. Part. Peil j*^ , def. ^ " 7 (_a_CL, used as a noun, A captive, Col. iv. 10; Philem. ver. 23. Fern. def. ]Ai n , Captivity, Eph. iv. 8. Heb. part. pass. pi. D^DS?, Isa. Ixi. 1. Fern. ^Pl HVi^, . ... ... Captives of the sword, Gen. xxxi. 26. >, sight Gr. dvd(3\ei[/i.v Noun masc. def. j^V*^^) by sight, Gr. Sta eiSous, 2 Cor. v. 7. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. R. 7 , acceptable SCKTOV Pael part. pass. fern. def. of Pa. v^ o^ Received: see note, S. John i. 11 __ Part. pass. V^AnVtj Acts x. 35; xxviii. 22. Commonly used as an adj., as Rom. xv. 16 __ Def. JlSonlO, Rom. xii. 2; 2 Cor. vi. 2; Phil. iv. 18. Fern. ]lnnV> y^m\^\ t /or this is acceptable, 1 Tim. ii. ~ * v 3; v. 4. Def. also, Rom. xii. 1. PI. masc. . XooVn^ l S. Pet. ii. 5. 7 20. y,3 , He closed, lit. rolled up the scroll Gr. irrv^as. Transl. And He rolled up the book, and gave it to the minister, and went (and) sat down. And (as for) all that (were) in the syna- gogue, their eyes were gazing upon Him. 21. ^anljjfi:), in your ears Iv rots oxriv V/AWV Some Editions read * .. 7 . > (}>, which is in your ears. 7 23. jZ^D, surely, perhaps Gr. TTCIVTCJS See note, S. Matt. xi. 21. .... ^\DO, Transl. And all that we have Jieard that Thou hast done, &c. ..7 7 1 24. \^O.oALo?, who (is) accepted Gr. SCKTO'S toriv Ethpaal part, of , Pa. \\i.O, Received. Ethpa. ^LoZ], Was received. S. LUKE IV. 2436. 429 Ver. 24. Pret. 3. pi. cAfoZ, Acts xv. 4 __ Fut. ^oAj, fern, (with- out final ._,) ^CLoZZ*, Rom. xv. 31. Transl. There is no Prophet who is accepted, &c. 7 1* 7 7 26. 5jA^, was sent Mpttfth) Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of 5,_, Pa. 5,_, Sent. Some Editions here read Ethpa. 5jA^]. 7 28 ..... ySO, Transl. And when they who were in the synagogue heard these things, they were all filled with wrath. * " i .7 o 7 29. \\ i *") ^A (LDjJL, rmfo the brow cos T^S o, was endued with power Gr. ev eov Ps. xxii. 6; cxlii. 2. Cogii. p^, Gen. xxvii. 34; Ps. xxxiv. 18. Chald. pjft, Dan. vi. 21. 1* T> ft 7 7 35. ^>QJD CJ1CD oo;jCD p J.D, when he had hurt him not at all, i.e. without doing him any hurt Gr. prjoev (3Xdi[/a.v avrov jyjjD, verb Peal pret. properly, Poured out, inundated, overhung; whence, Laid *. * waste, destroyed, did injury to (o). Fut. ooOj^QJ. Occurs here only in the N.T., though common elsewhere. Heb. JflDj fut. rnD*> part. pass. Jl^Dj Extended on a couch, T ; T Amos vi. 4, 7: Hung over, was redundant, Exod. xxvi. 12, 13. Whence Jl^Dj The remnant, superfluity, ver. 12. 36. ) A miracle, wonder. PI. !^njfi> def. Dan. iii. 32, 33; vi. 28. Transl. And amazement seized on every man. 430 S. LUKE IV. 3642. V. 214. Ver. 36. ],_Q^, it (sc. ]A xVn) commandeth So the Vienna and most Edi- tions. Schaaf, following the Par. and Loud. Polyglotts, reads ,&.). 40 ..... l nrn*\o ; Transl. All they that had sick (persons), who (were) sick with divers diseases, &c. 17 7 41. . ov^Vn J crying out Kpaovra Aphel part. pi. of .-Q-LJ, see note, * WP T\ 7 ver. 33, above. Aph. - ("> V] ( same as Peal. Part. . ovjVi Heb. Hiph. p^T!"l> Caused to assemble, be proclaimed, 2 Sam. xx. 4; Jon. iii. 7. . 0* 7 1> 7. 42. (iOQ_> CJI^a^, at the dawning oft/te day Gr. yevo/tenys -q^ip CHAPTER Y. > p 7 > p 2 ..... ir*\> Transl. And the fishermen that were gone out of them, and were mending their nets. 1 * pKiO, Transl. And one of them was Simon Peters. And Jesus went up (and) sat in it; and desired that they would thrust it a little from the land to the waters; and He sat down, &c. 4. (yj^, for a draught eis aypav Noun masc. def. A prey, taken in hunting or fishing. Occurs in the N.T. only here and ver. 9, below. R. 5Ot jt , Took, in hunting &c. Heb. *p, masc. The chase, Gen. x. 9; xxv. 27: Game, venison, &c., ch. xxv. 28; xxvii. 5, &c. : food genei'ally, Ps. cxxxii. 15. Also nT> f em - Provision, Gen. xlii. 25; xlv. 21; Ps. Ixviii. 25. ..7 p i 7 .7 7 ..... -OOl *>_t' t 'O? y-*\> Transl. So that they were near to sink. 0. . H P 8 ..... (J j pO, Transl. 7 beseech Thee, my Lord, depart from me, for I am a sinful man. 10 ..... ptOI ^ib, Transl. From henceforth the sons of man shalt thou catch for life, or, unto life. 12 ..... ]Z.j, Transl. There came a certain man who was all (lit. all of him) full of leprosy; he saw Jesus, and fell on his face, &c. 71 7 14 ..... (JlpQSO, Transl. And He charged him, Tell no man, but go, &c. S. LUKE V. 1539. 431 . Ver. 15 ..... \\ Via ViX Transl. To hear from Him, and to be healed of their infirmities. 29. |lo2_Q, a feast So^v Def. of ^X3-Q, noun masc. Lit. A reception of friends, as the Gr. So^vf, from Sc^opa, to receive, rendered in ch. xiv. 13, by the same word. Constr. ]Zdl^ VJQO r\ Thanks- giving, Gr. ei>xapi0Tia, Rev. iv. 9; vii. 12. R. v^f> 7 Pa, Received. 1 i 30 ..... >, 1 ^,3o, Transl. -4d! Ae Scribes and Pharisees murmured, and said to His disciples, &c. 31 ..... p^ALo (J, Transl. The physician is not required for the whole, but, etc. 33. A_jJLj.SD|, often, perseveringly Gr. TTUKVO Adverb, By all means, X Gr. 7raj/TW9, Acts xviii. 21. Always, Gr. SiaTravros, Acts xxiv. 16: aSiaXciVrcos, 1 Thess. ii. 13: act, 2 S. Pet. i. 12. Often, the oftener, Gr. TTVKVOTC/JOV, Acts xxiv. 26. Formed from part. Peil of 7 <" So I , Persevered, was constant. 34 ..... . v^n V> |] 7 Transl. Fe cannot make the children of the bride- chamber fast, &c. 36. J^O, rending, rendeth o-^tcras, Sin. and Vat. MSS. Part, of 5,^ fO (or, according to some, 5CLD ,-Q), (7w^, ven^. Occurs here only in 7 the N.T. Cogn. 5^1 r-ti- '* " * ^ m j Cogn. Heb. *Vf;|, ^ M ^ ^^^^o, Decided upon (/V), Ps. -T * xciv. 21. Also *f!)j|, the same, metaph. Rushed upon, overcame, as a troop, Gen. xlix. 19. Cnald. *]*!;!> C'* 4 ^ hewed down, a tree, Dan. iv. 11, 20. Transl. No man rendeth a piece from a new garment, and putteth (it) on an old garment; lest (]J>) he rend the new, and the piece tliat (is) from the new fill not up (or, agree not with) the old. 7 7 37 ..... V^loLo, Transl. The new wine bursts the bottles, and the wine itself is spilled, and the bottles perish. (38) But tJiey put new wine into new bottles, &c. 39. J>CL_CD^, soft, mellow, the special characteristic of old wine, Ecclus. ix. 10. Gr. TOTfos. The Sin. and Vat. read P^OTOS Icrnv. 432 S. LUKE VI. 112. CHAPTER VI. & Ver. 1 _j (OCTI, Transl. And it came to pass on the Sabbath, when Jesus was walking through the corn-fields. The word SevrepoTrpwra) is wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 7 i e OOO1 _ju2;J2, they rubbed Gr. ^co^oi/res Part. pi. (forming imperf. r tense) of <*',&, Broke, ground to pieces. Compare Lat. frico. Occurs here only in the N.T. The verb does not occur in Heb. but its derivative Tp), Crushing, oppression, Exod. i. 13, 14; Lev. xxv. 43, 46. Transl. TJiat (o) His disciples plucked the ears, and rubbed (them) in tJieir hands, and did eat. " . 8 _5 OCTl, Transl. But He, who knew their thoughts, said to the man whose hand (was) withered, Rise (and) go to the midst of the synagogue. And when he went and stood up, (9) Jesus said unto them, I will ask you, What is lawful to do on the Sabbath day? tJiat which (is) good, or that which (is) evil? to save life, or to destroy ? 10. O"L\ r^o|o, ana sa id t him Gr. etTre TU> dv6p(airJ, envy Gr. avows See note, S. Matt, xxvii. 18. 12. ")ocn o v 15. (i 1 I, the zealous, Zelotes ZrjXwnjv so also Acts i. 13 Noun masc. def. One who is zealous, Acts xxii. 3. PI. def. (JLJL^, Acts xxi. 20; 1 Cor. xiv. 12; IS. Pet. iii. 13. K ^1 I ^|, Was zealous, envied. X 7 7 e v x 16. ^r^oo v. . ..Q jjOTLi, Judas the son of James Gr. lovSav IaKw/3ov, X 7 . .7 so also Acts i. 13. nOfS\i? _j5 |_*j|, Gr. a8eA Fulness, satiety, Phil. iv. 12. Heb. W^fef, T^iW, Gen. xxv. 8; 1 Sam. ii. 5 : and *-" T Fulness, plenty, Gen. xli. 29. /e s/iW mourn Trev^'o-cre Ethpeel fut. 2. pi. of Mourned. Ethpe. ^>]Z], the same. Pret. 3. pi. n\*-V)7] ; Acts viii. 2. Fut. ^ilAj, 1. sing. ^UTi 2 Cor. xii. 21. 3. pi. x oVo')Ai / Eev. xviii. 9, 11; ^nNnZ^J, ver. 15 Im- perat. pi. dX^IZI, S. James iv. 9. X 7 33. v *^j ^^ r) / doing good, (that) do good TOUS aya^oTroiovvras Aphel part. pi. of 0^2, Was good, cheerful, lightJiearted. Aph. ^0]^], U- 7 J Imperat. pi. Oi^'f, ver. 35, below Part. ^0)^0. w. c. 55 434 S. LUKE VI. 3338. Ver. 33. Heb. y\fa, Was merry, 1 Sam. xxv. 36; 2 Sam. xiii. 28; Esth. i. 10. Hiph. 1'bYl, 3t3*H, -0*^ good to fa\ 1 Sam - xxv - 31. X .7 X 7 34. ^oAjj > g^Q.Sf>, ye lend Savet^re Aphel part. pi. (forming pres. TV x i> -7 tense) of -2V->) Borrowed Aph. >1O|, Lent. _Imperat. pi. * .7 -n 7 QtyO|, ver. 35, below. _ Part. h2tyOl. ^o y.e>i// ^ ^, a ye #/ia receive, to receive Gr. airoXa^elv Ethpeel 7 7 ..* fut. 2. pi. of VS;_a , Recompensed. Ethpe. Vi;^DZ.f , Was recompensed, received recompense or return; was rewarded, punished. Pret. 1. pi. ^iifeZf, ch. xxiii. 41 __ Fut. vx^Aj, 2 Cor. v. 10. 3. pi. ^j^jAj, in this verse; 2 Thess. i. 9 _ Part. Vj^Ak), Eph. vi. 8; Col. iii. 25. P Y *X *^"i^ 35. - i] 1 * I^.CD ,n nm<^/ |Jo, and cut not off the hope of any man, i.e. cause none to despair. The Sin. MS. here reads ju^SeV |'<>o e^n ^e unthankful TOVS a\apio-Tous PI. def. of 5o_2HD, def. j5o_S^, noun masc. One who is ungrateful, denies a benefit; a denier of truth, unbeliever. Occurs here only in the N.T. R. 7 ;_LD, Denied. W x 7 38. (Av > rn^ pressed down Tff.TTLMp.ivov Part. Peil fern. def. of ^O), * Compressed, expanded by pressure. Fut. ViCLDjJ _ Part. Peil 1 ^ " x \\.*.O 5 , def. ( v oS , used as an adj. Pressed together, and as a subst. The firmament. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. J^p*] , Stamped with the foot, as an expression of dislike, or exultation, Ezek. vi. 11; xxv. 6, Spread out, Ps. cxxxvi. 6. Deriv. V\*n> The firmament, Gen. i. 6, Ethpa. MaA^J, TFas poured out copiously. Pret. 3. sing. fern. j 7 ', Acts x. 45. 3. pi. QjJa^Vj". 1 S. Pet. ii. 10. S. LUKE VI. 3848. 435 . . Ver. 38. Deriv. M)GL, noun masc. Effusion. Def. (v<^o Constr. * <> -X (Soj 12Q_, shedding of blood, Hebr. ix. 22. The Heb. root does not occur, but its derivatives ]}$, m - Abundance, Deut. xxxiii. 19 : and nV^S^ > -Multitude, Isa. Ix. 6. Transl. //i measure, good, and pressed down, and overflowing, shall they cast into your bosoms. * ' 7 ^T 39. O;O,.V)\, to e(? oS-qyetv Pael infinitive; see note, S. John xvi. 13. This is the reading of the Par. and Lond. Polyglotts: the * " 7 i Vienna and other Editions read n. o | Vn\ Aph. infin. 40 ..... Aj._k, Transl. There is not a disciple who (is) above his master. 41 ..... jAu}^, Transl. But the beam, which is in thine own eye, is not perceived by thee, or, is not apparent to tkee. So also in the next verse. 43 ..... A_ j (J , Transl. There is not a good tree that bringeth forth, &c. x o 7 44. . <^ ^ n , gathering they gather rpvyekrt Part. pi. of *\ (\ f (Rev. xiv. 19), Plucked or reaped fruit, fec. Put. v2Q_4QJ __ Iinperat. ^iCL^O, Rev. xiv. 18 __ Part, ^^n Heb. fe{3p, Deut. xxiii. 26. Transl. for, do men collect from thorns, Jigs? Neither from a bramble do they gather grapes. -p r 45 ..... i'"~Hv ^ rans ^ -^ good man out of the good treasures that (are) in his heart bringeth forth good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasures that (are) in his heart bringeth forth evil things: for out of the abundance (pi. constr.) of the heart the lips speak. 1> 7 48. *QlHLO, and deepened KOL efiaOwe Pael pret. 3. sing. (Peal not used), Made deep, excavated. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. pV> Was deep, Ps. xcii. 6. Hiph. p^Vn> Made deep, I - "r I *: Isa. vii. 11. Transl. lit. And digged and deepened, i. e. digged deeply. (pron. meleyo], the flood Gr. TrX^yu/xv'pas Noun masc. def. Lit. The plenitude, fulness of waters. Occurs only in this verse. R. , Was futt; whence also 436 S. LUKE VI. 48, 49. VII. 16. Ver. 48. Deriv. lO (pron. m'loyo), noun masc. def. Fulness, 1 Cor. x. 26. ] . \nVn > noun masc. def. Fulfilment, accomplishment, Acts iii. 21 ; xxi. 26, &c. > ; adv. Fully, plainly, perfectly, Acts xviii. 25, &c. Compare Heb. (""!&$//> Fulness, abundance, specially used of T ; first-fruits of corn or wine, Exod. xxii. 28; Numb, xviii. 27. Transl. And when the flood, came (was), the flood beat against that house, and. . . .for its foundation was laid on the rock. 49. lr-2i-l vtk, upon the earth en-i -n/v yrjv Def. of ; ^^, noun masc. Dry earth, sand.; dust, 1 Cor. xv. 49; Rev. xviii. 19. Whence the adjective , -Earthy, 1 Cor. xv. 47, 48. PI. def. ftv^S ver. 48. Heb. ^ftjW, Dust, Gen. ii. 7; Ps. xviii. 43, 1 Cor. xii. 17; IS. Pet. i. 2. R. \\&m f Heard. Whence also 77 P 7 the masc. form tt^n An def. |vV>^n / Rom. xv. 18; xvi. 26. t> .K 7 7 Constr. pjj \\V> a V), Ae hearing of the ear, i.e. obedience, Rom. vi. 16; x. 17. Heb. y^/!p, masc. Isa, xi. 3. n^tt^'jp, fern. Obedience, access to a prince, body-guard, 1 Sam. xxii. 14; 2 Sam. xxiii. 23. 3 ..... IM-J? *>-(> Transl. 7%a ^Te would come (and) give life to (preserve in life) his servant. 4 ..... |Q-> Transl. Re is worthy for whom Thou wilt do this. 6. ^SaLZ |], trouble not Thyself ^ crKv'XXou Put. 2. sing, (for imperat.) of \SV)S, Took trouble, toiled, laboured. Pret. 1. sing. A^LOL, Phil. ii. 16 Fut. Wl vi- 9 pi. ^ \Vnv7* R O m. xv. 30 __ S. LUKE VII. 625. 437 Ver. 6. Part. Ln, Acts xxiv. 16 ; Col. i. 29 ; iv. 12. PI. masc. 1 Thess. ii. 9. Heb. htip, Boiled, Ps. cxxvii. 1. * 7 7 7 8. p| ^ v ^^ n ?, who am subjected, set under authority Tao-cro/nevos 7 Shaphel part. pass, (forming pres. tense) of r^lL, Did, worked. l\ 7 Shaph. , *"!%., 3/ac?e subject, brought under subjection, 1 Cor. xv. 27, 28; Eph. i. 22; Hebr. ii. 5, 8; with aff. Rom. viii. 20. , -R 7 ,w 7 Pret. 2. sing. /., n S , Hebr. ii. 8. 1. sing. /.^S*, 1 Cor. ix. 19 Fut. .^v y 3. pi. A-^- i, with aff. Acts vii. 6; Gal. * 7 <7 ii. 4 __ Inf. OrdL-a^sD.^, Gal. iv. 9, where the Vien. and Ed. Reg. * * 7 .7 ft. 7 4 - read defectively n^ Vi\ and Par. and Lond. o | *"ivA V>\ Gr. SouXeu'eiv -- Part, ^v^^n 1 Cor. ix. 27; 2 Cor. xi. 20; x 7 S. James iii. 2 -- Part. pass. pi. masc. v -1^ *^ n > Gal. iv. 3; 7 .. 7 Tit. iii. 3 (Gr. SovXevovres); Hebr. ii. 15. Constr. - ', v *^, 2 Tim. iii. 3. PL fern. vo noun masc. Obedience, subjection, 1 Tim. ii. 11: With ]], Unruly, Tit. i. 6. Def. ]^l>Qj, 1 Tim. iii. 4; with aff. Gal. ii. 5. 7.. * 7 11 ..... . >rnn t . < vn\/r) J Transl. ^4?ic? His* disciples with Him, and much people. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit IKOVOI. K .7 7 P 12. .n Vsn ^2 ^Ijo, //e sat (men) carrying out Gr. KCU iSou, eeKo//,i'eTo Pael part. pi. of |Q-^ or w*Q^, Adhered to, kept company with Fut. loXl 1. .7 Pa. - >0 ^ / Accompanied, brought on their way. Pret. 3. sing. fern. AJoX Acts xv. 3. 3. pi. a_aS, with aff. ch. xx. 38 __ Fut. "JO^J, 2. sing. }Q^LL, Tit. iii. 13. 2. pi. ^Q^L, with aff. Rom. xv. 24; 1 Cor. xvi. 6; 2 Cor. i. 16 __ Imperat. ]aX pi. o]o^L, with aff. 1 Cor. xvi. 11 __ Ethpaal (L^Z1, Conducted. Pret. 3. X Y +& pi. n >n\/ ( ; Acts xvii. 15. Heb. ni7> Accompanied, Eccles. viii. 15. it .. 7 TT 25. (^,^S V), gorgeous Gr. eVSo'^w Pael part. pass. pi. def. of Praised. See note, S. John viii. 54. 438 S. LUKE VII. 2538. Ver. 25. o in c^*-^ % n delicacies Gr. rpv(f>rj PI. def. of QJO>, noun masc. def. Luxury. Occurs here only in the N.T. R. .o i <=*> Pa. K 7 77..* .o i c*> ; Beared in luxury. Ethpa. *Q_L2Z.|, Was devoted to enjoy- ment, lived luxuriously. Part. pi. .01 AVn 2 S. Pet. ii. 13. Heb. Pi. p]J3, Treated delicately, Prov. xxix. 21. 28 ..... jlo] , Transl. / say unto you. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit ydp. * 7 7 29. Q_O?1, they Justified eSi/catWav Pael pret. 3. pi. of *Qjl, Was just, used only in its participle; see note, ch. xxiv. 46, below. T\7 Pa. *Djl, ytccotmtecZ or pronounced just, Rom. viii. 30; loon *Q>1, Acts iii. 13 __ Fut. D5p, Rom. iii. 26; with aff. ch. iv. 25 __ Inf. noforX g. Luke x. 29 __ Part. *Q?fco, Rom. iii. I 7 30; iv. 5; viii. 33. PI. masc. _*_O5]iO, S. Luke xvi. 15._ 7 7 Part. pass. *Q5]!o, S. Luke xviii. 14. Heb. Pi. p1, Declared just, justified, Job xxxii. 2; xxxiii. 32. . 9 f * 30. (_L__O . the will, counsel, purpose of God Gr. rrjv (3ovXijv Compare Acts ii. 23; iv. 28; xiii. 36; xx. 27; Eph. i. 11. 31. The words CITTC 8e d Kv'pios are wanting in the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 36 ..... |Z|, Transl. And one of the Pharisees came (and) desired Him, &c. 37 ..... |Z.Aj jo, Transl. And there was a sinful woman in that city; and when sJie knew, &c. i " 7 38. (JL^ifcLD, washing, began to wash Gr. ftpe^eiv Pael part. fern, of 7 77 MS., Dipped, tinged. Pa. ^i) , the same. Pret. 3. sing. fern. .7 7 ill3. , ver. 44, below. v3 Chald. Pa. J73> Moistened, watered; part. pi. Dan. iv. 22 Ithpa. jDb!tt$, fut - Dan. iv. 12, 20, 30; v. 21. CTl JO 1 V), she kissed, continued kissing /care^tXei Pael part. fern, (forming imperf. tense) of -f> ^ , Kissed. 71 7 * 7 Pa. n 1, the same, Acts xx. 1. Pret. 2. sing. An 1, with aff. ver. 45, below (so Par. and Lond. Polyglotts; the Vienna S. LUKE VII. 3844. VIII. 39. 439 Ver. 38. Ed. and others read Peal). 1. pi. ^ -*, Acts xxi. 6.__Inf. 9, 7 .7 17 nn m i Vn\ V er. 45, below __ Part. pi. masc. * * 1 , Acts xx. 37. Heb. Pi. pBO, Gen. xxxi. 28; xlv. 15; Ps. ii. 12. 7 7 ..l> 39. -*"> *']. he considered, reflected Gr. ctTrev. * " 70 .... |OO1 Vipi, Transl. He would have known who she is, and what her character (fame) ; for a sinner is that woman who has touched Him. I o 7 * 41. ^Q_K jfiO, creditor, lit. lord of debt Gr. Saveiorfl See note, S. Matt. vi. 12. * f> .7 42 ..... H-!> Transl. Which of them, therefore, will love him most? So the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS., omitting core. 7 43 ..... t yom Transl. / suppose that he, to whom much (or most) was remitted. i * * J A_|^_i5Z., rightly op#d!s So also, ch. x. 28; xx. 21. Adv. Straight, . 1 1 with a straight course, Acts xxi. 1. Der. from . 5Z., Directed. .077 44 ..... rn. vm^n Transl. And wiped them with her hair. The words T^S Kc 7 1 * 15. (Z i^> . mV)^i with patience v viropovfj Def. of n vo (2 Cor. xii. 12; Col. i. 11), noun fern. Patience, endurance. R. 7 7 v ;.dCQ, Thought; Pa. quadrilit. (Paiel) ;*" . m Sustained. . T 7 IV 20. OlA O;io|o, and they told Him Gr. Kai a.Trrjyye\r) aural The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit XeyovTuv. 22 ..... - n \cr> ; Transl. Jesus ascended (and) sat in a ship, He and His disciples. N.B. The words /ecu dwfyfairw are wanting in the Syr. . I 7 23 ..... jo .. on ; Transl. And the ship was near to be sunk. 24. jJaJi_KlD, the billows Gr. r<3 /cXu'Swvi PI. def. of ^(L_KKLD, def. (Jo KK!D, noun masc. A storm, tempest; in pi. Billows of the .. 7 sea. R. \\ ^j prop. Forged or hammered out metals. Chald. 7^'n> Crushed, subdued, Dan. ii. 40. From the Syr. root is also derived |A\ v. noun fern. def. An ornament of gold or silver. PI. def. l2iSii M, 1 S. Pet. iii. 3. Compare Heb. Q^S^tt, Waves, breakers (R. ^^^, Broke), t ; - T Ps. xlii. 8; Ixxxviii. 8. D*"*"l3^Jb> ^e waves of the sea, Ps. T ; ; xciii. 4. QjvJ, they ceased eiravoJ, TFas quiet, ceased. Heb. fftX JRested, Exod. xx. 11; Ps. cxxv. 3. X 7 25 ..... O 1 V), Transl. Who is this, that commands even the winds, and the waves, and the sea, and they obey Him ? V. . -K 7 f 7 26. oZ.|O OJJO, and they rowed and came Gr. KCU KareTrXevcraj/. , on the other side (and) opposite Gr. a S. LUKE VIII. 2932. 441 Ver. 29. ]cn, see note, S. Matt. v. 46. i " i * |o ^ . Part. \^L, Rom. vii. 23. PI. __rx, 2 Tim. iii. 6; coa- 7 t> 7 lescing with _!_K, 2 Cor. x. 5 Part. Peil def. ( * *"** f , used as a noun; see note, ch. iv. 18, above. Deriv. J__CL, noun masc. def. Captivity, Rev. xiii. 10. Heb. rO&J>, Took captive, Gen. xxxiv. 29. Deriv. ^gf, T T : Captivity, Ps. Ixxviii. 61. Transl. For long to him (was) the time since he was taken captive by *i " * i * 7 i it. poO? is here treated as masculine; and (^ 1 , must therefore be regarded as masc. def. jlno-), in fetters Tre'Sais PL def. of ^iO, def. jinn, ^1 c/iam, fetter. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. "EJ3, A fetter, Ps. cv. 18; cxlix. 8. V V Transl. And lie was bound in chains, and guarded in fetters. 7 ^ v ^ .7 vjiOlo5dCO(, his bands Gr. TO. Seoy/.a PI. with aflf. of 5dCDJ, def. ~ . o *, 7 t * .7 |5dD|, noun masc. A chain, bandage. PL def. |)QD|, Acts xx. 23, &c. Another form of this word occurs, ch. xiii. 16, below, 7 .> where see note. R. ;JCOJ, Bound. Heb. TO^, pi. DH1DK, Bonds, Eccles. vii. 26 Chald. *)!]D^, pL rilDK, Dan. iv. 12; Ezr..vii. 26. I v; 07 _ 7 30. ^LQ- V), what (is) thy name? ri croi ecrriv ovo/xa; Lo, interrog. pron. usually of the person, here of the thing. 31. jLoooiAA, mo f/te cZeep eis TOV aftvaro-ov Def. of ^OOCTlZ, noun masc. A depth, abyss, profundity. Occurs also, Rev. ix. 1, 2, 11; xx. 1, 3. Heb. Qinft , Chaos, Gen. i. 2 : Ocean-depth, ch. vii. 1 1 ; viii. 2, &c. Deep of the earth, Ps. Ixxi. 20. Some regard it as a primitive: others refer it to the R. O^l? Raged. 32 *Q^JJ, Transl. That He would suffer them to enter into the swine. W. C. 56 442 S. LUKE VIII. 3352. IX. 16. . 7 y> Ver. 33 ..... Z.t 5Z.O. Compare S. Matt. viii. 32 (where see notes), and S. Mark v. 13. 34 ..... OPiJkj Transl. They fled, and told (it), &c. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit aTreX^wres. 7 7 35 ..... n o<^ in., Transl. -4ra /ie mew w;ew OM to see what was done; and came .... and found the man .... clothed, and restored to reason, and sitting, &c. p 37 ..... JL12O, Transl. And all the multitude of the Gadarenes besought Him . . . .for a great fear had taken them; and Jesus .... and returned from them. 40. II it I * ^ *"\ the great crowd, multitude Gr. o 0^X09. 1 ' 7 43. ^OOI \Li5Z., had issued Part. Peil (forming pluperf. tense) of ~ Opened, burst open, and in trans. Lay extended. Fui. Occurs here only in the N.T. Transl. Whose blood had issued forth twelve years. 47. OlAi^ ]]>, that she had not escaped Him, i.e. His notice Gr. on OVK ZXaOe Pret. 3. sing. fern, with aff. of {JL , see note, S. John vii. 47. .... A_LiJO, Transl. And fell down (and) worshipped Him Gr. /ecu TrpocrTreo-ovcra aurai. Z^LOJO, and she said, declared Gr. amfyyeiXei/ aurai The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit avToJ. 50. ....<__> ? vjOj_, Transl. And Jesus heard, and said to the father of the damsel, &c. 7 i " 52. ZAa-^ft r i. (J , for she is not dead. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read ov yap direBavcv. CHAPTER IX. 1 1i-QO, Transl. And Jesus called His twelve, and gave them power, &c. 7.7 5 _So_^O, Transl. And to those who receive (Sr^covrat, Sin. Vat. Alex.) you not, when ye go out . . . against them, for a testimony. 7 7 6 n o m Transl. And the Apostles departed, and went about in the villages and cities, and preached (the Gospel), &c. S. LUKE IX. 617. 443 Ver. 6. ^oj ".^*"> J in every place, everywhere Gr. iravra\ov siOj, noun masc. See note, S. John v. 2. .ox 7 8 ( i OJ;, Transl. 2%a a Prophet, of the old Prophets, is risen. Compare ver. 19, below. 10 r^?O, Transl. And He took them apart into tJie desert region of BetJisaida. 11. (Zo i m] \ii, of healing Gr. O^pa-ireta? Def. of Q_*J25-], noun fern. A cure.P\. def. lloflbY, cn - xiii - 33 > below; Acts iv. 30. R. ITD"]* Healed. 12. ]1 . V> \ to decline, wear away K\iveiv Inf. of JJ, Inclined, bent ' 11 * down, gave heed, submitted to, was addicted to. Fut. \j ^1. Part. -, ** "* * ^ Peil p. , pi. masc. ^__iJl. , Acts viii. 10; 1 Tim. iii. 8 Ethpeel * ' ^ L \ 1 > Declined from the right way, erred. Fut. (1^ ^J, 1. pi. Hebr. x. 23. ',S r K^7 pOy^lN, to the hamlets Gr. ets . . . rovs aypous PI. def. of (JOfr^lD, 7 noun masc. diminutive from j-^, A village r v?luch appears in tha X 7 7 ^ .0 ^ 7 pr. name Snr> ^. i. n Capernaum. Similarly, (jO^H^i, a little 7 1"* V V 7 1*\ 7 | man, from r^-u : (10 i.\, W^Zfl &o?/, from |.A.\^. Propenly, a collection of houses built nearly together, so as to afford mutual 7 protection or shelter.. R. j-^2, Covered. Heb. ""iS^j -4 village, pi. Q^S^? Song of Sol. vii. 12: and "IJp^, 1 Sam^i. 18. Transl. Dismiss the crowds, that they may go to the villages that are around us r and to the hamlets, to lodge in them, and find for themselves food, 777 7 . 7.-n 13. _ J_O]O _J_Al|, we go and buy. A. form, not commonly occurring, 7 . 7.1. of pret. 3. pi. for ^ *"1, ^>l| The pret. used to express the i subjunctive; see Cowper's Gr. 213. (1). 7 y> 14 &\, Transl. Jesus saith unto them, Make them sit down (by) companies, fifty men in a company. (15) And the disciples did so, &c. ^ 7 I 17. o5A_ij, that remained Gr. TO Trc/no-o-evcrai/ avrots The Sin. MS. omits avrots. 444 S. LUKE IX. 1832. Yer. 18 ^O, Transl. And when He was praying alone, and His dis- ciples with Him, He asked them, |iO, Transl. When he cometh in the glory of His Father, with His holy Angels. 7 i 7 < f 29. OOT1 v o^Vf^ they glittered, were glistering Gr. c^aorpaTTTuv Aphel part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of *D^C5, Shone, glittered. .7 l 7 Aph. O|A|, Made bright, became bright. Part. tOi^V), ch. xxiv. 4, below. Transl. And his garments were white, and tliey shone. r 7r 32. OOCTl Q; <"> - , had been heavy rj.\ V> scarcely, Gr. /xo'Xi?, Acts xiv. 17 (18). S. LUKE IX. 3343. 445 . 7 . 7 Ver. 33. n .<^Vr>\ ; to depart Infin. of -r^, Separated, departed. The fern, termination in O, common to all the other conjugations, is rarely found in Peal. Transl. And when they began to depart from Him. 34 O\*j)O, Transl. And they feared, when they saw Moses and Ellas enter into the cloud. 7 7 * -1 38. . i N.L . i 1 c^L \ , w?i jP/ww to me. Ethpeel imperat. of P-2), Turned, 7 returned. So again, ch. xxii. 32. The usual form is _JL2>Z.f; here the vowel 7 is remitted to the first radical, and the final _ becomes otiose. See Cowper's Gr. 126. (3). Transl. Master, I beseech Thee, turn TJwu to me : (this is) my son, which is the only one to me. 39. j- A> passing, passes upon him Gr. Xa/xySavct avrov Part. fern, of U*'** Tl * T , Passed over or by. Fut. j^LJ Part. |,_1, pi. masc. r A> Acts xx. 19; IS. Pet. i. 6. i .7 Aphel wj,A I , Took away /-^ with aff. Acts xxiv. 7. Heb. mV, Passed by, Job xxviii. 8. Chald. JT7, ^TV, T^- T*: T*J Passed over or away, Dan. vi. 9, 13; vii. 14. (7aie upon, with 3, ch. iii. 27. Passed or departed from, j, ch. iv. 28. Transl. And a spirit passeth upon him; and suddenly he crieth out, and gnasheth his teeth, and foameth ; and it hardly departeth from him when it hath bruised him. 7* y 42. CTLCDJLLD, threw him into convulsions Gr. ^, Pressed, i .7 beat down. Aph. rn ^ \ , Convulsed ; according to some, Caused . -n 7 to gnash the teeth Part, (nnv^n The word occurs here only in the KT. Cogn. Heb. DDJ?, Trod down, Mai. iii. 21. Transl. And while he was bringing him, the devil threw him down, and convulsed him. 43. t*~^^ t was doing Gr. cTroojo-ev The Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS. read 446 S. LUKE IX. 4762. Ver. 47. VX^LT, knew Gr. iSuv The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read etSws. 49 ..... (J> ^uA, Transl. Because he has not come with us after TJiee. 50 ..... ; .. _So, Transl. For lie that is not against you is for you. So the Vat. MS. The Sin. and Alex, read KaO' vp.uiv, vTrep 51. rno\ncm ; of His assumption T^S dvaX^eeos avrov (^ Vnrn noun raasc. def. A taking, receiving up. R. ^P \rc\ Ascended. Occurs here only. 53 ..... v^V), Transl. Because His face was set to go to Jerusalem. x . 7 54. fc2L_CDZ.O, and consume Gr. /ecu aj/aX<3o-ai Aphel fat. 3. sing. fern. (for . > \ \ P r et. 3. sing. fern. HD> Dan. iv. 30 __ Aph. &DX> fut. 3. sing. fern. flpn> Dan. ii. 44. Transl. Wilt Thou that we speak, and fire come down from Heaven and consume them, &c. 7 57 ..... yDO, Transl. And as they went in the way. So also the Sin. and Vat. MSS. 7 -x . . 61 ..... I>O,-QQ_^, Transl. But first permit me to go and bid farewell to my household (lit. to the sons of my house), and I will come. p o 7 r 7 tt^ 62. Mr^J H3;->- ^i>, Lit. to the plough of the team Gr. CTT' aporpov J "0 7 .07 Pr3 (or, in some Editions, Pr2>)> noun fern. A pair or team of oxen for the plough ; or, The plough itself. See also ch. xvii. 7. 7 f \, is fit evfleTo's eoriv So Heb. vi. 7: evxprjo-Tov, Philem. ver. 11 Part, nf .KV >. Was useful, apt, needful, profitable Part. . O fern. (j*d&*, Eph. iv. 29. S. LUKE IX. 62. X. 122. 447 Ver. 62. Deriv. (JQ_K>, noun masc. def. Use, utility , 1 Tim. iv. 3; 2 Tim. ii. 21. , noun fern. def. Use, necessity t Rom, i. 26, 27; 1 Cor. vii. 31; Col. ii. 22, 23; 1 Tim. vi. 6. 7 , noun fern. Utility, 2 Tim. ii. 16; Philem. ver. 11: Force or validity, Hebr. ix. 17. Chald. nfcJTl, Was needful, Ezr. vi. 9. fWlBTI, Feed, ch. vii. 20. Transl. No man putteth his hand to the plough, and looketh behind him, and is Jit for the Kingdom of God. CHAPTER X. 1 ..... t_f^, Transl. Jesus separated from His disciples other seventy. 7 . -R 2. tiDJO, and He said eXeycv ovv The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read .. i? ^7 11. ,r ' \ ii ;.r> \ ; to us on our feet So the Sin. Yat. and Alex. MSS. ^7 7 17. .... QH2(TIO, Transl. And those seventy whom He had sent returned with great joy, and said unto Him, &c. 1 7 1 7 19. py^Q-^j scorpions Gr. ovcopTriW PI. def. of ( O; n S (ch. xi. 12), noun masc. (but fern. Rev. ix. 5), A scorpion. Heb. ^IpV, A scorpion, Ezek. ii. 6: A scourge with sharp points, 1 Kings xii. 11. .. i 20. I? U, the devils Gr. TO. irvevfj-ara. O,_KJ ]]"), but rejoice /xaXXov is wanting in the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 21 ..... 1O5, Transl. Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit. So the Sin. and Vat. MSS., but omitting o 'I^crovs. X -. 1> 22 ..... i 1 ^L\O, Transl. And He turned to His disciples and said unto them. Gr. (Alex. MS.) KOL (rrpa^ets TT/DOS TOUS fia^r^ras tiTrev. So also the Philox. Version. The clause is wanting in the Sin. Vat. Cod. Bezse, and Regius, as also in the Received Text 448 S. LUKE X. 3035. Ver. 30 ..... Q2UO, Transl. And thieves fell upon him. ** ^ _O1Q>KK_X , they stripped him Gr. e/cSvo-avres avrov Peal (or, ac- cording to some, Pael) pret. 3. pi. with aff. .... _C7IQ-Q^L0, Transl. And left him, his life barely remaining (lit. 7 firm} in him, and departed. The particle ^ introducing a clause somewhat resembling the Ablative Absolute. 31. >-*r-tt) & chanced Gr. Kara crvyKvpiav (o-u/x/Se'/S^Ke, 2 S. Pet. ii. 22), Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Happened, fell out. Pret. 3. pi. Q-i-, he bound up KareS^crc Verb Peal pret. 3. sing. Occurs here only in the N.T. * .7 7 V .m . \v ^tJO, and poured into tJiem Gr. ITTL-^WV Verb Peal ^* vj pret. 3. sing. Occurs here only in the N.T. Cogn. Heb. 7TJ, Poured down, as a stream, Ps. cxlvii. 18. Transl. And poured into them wine and oil. _ rn.Cn^> ^L, on his ass Gr. CTT! TO iSiov KT^VO?. The same Gr. word occurs, Acts xxiii. 24. Syr. (; > S*~>. ^o2.Q^^, to an inn, or to the inn Gr. ets TravSo^etov Noun masc. def. Occurs here only. _ ^^rno Xv oiX Vk^^Z] , took care of him tTri/xeXiy'^T; avrov Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of ^^.O, Ceased. _ Ethpe. Was careful, followed by the dative, as the part. Peil, see note, S. John x. 13 . . \ y> M > ^ was a care to me, I was careful, 2 Cor. ix. 5 ; Gal. ii. 10 __ Fut. ^V ^4^>Aj, be careful, Rom. xii. 17, &c. ti 7 . 7 S5. .^ . . r> , +v Ver. 35. f > o/o<^\ to the host TW 7rav8oxi Noun masc. def. occurring here only. V x 7 1 OT_Xjj -^V-j ta&e care of him, or, OK. 7s account eTri/xeX^i/rc avrou. 1> * 7 7 37. i^S A_oai .... Aj") , 5e i7ww doing, do thou crv iroUi Compare ch. xi. 2; xiii. 14. See Phillips, Gr. 56; Cowper, Gr. 208. (1.) i " 7 38 ..... (OCno, Transl. And it came to pass, that as they went in the way, &c. 39 ..... -2.|O, Transl. And she came (and} sat at the feet of our Lord, TOV K-vpiov, Sin. and Vat. (later reading), and heard His words. .0.07 40. O Z.OO1 I 1 \ was cumbered about Trepico-Traro Trepi Part. fern. (forming imperf. tense) of (f \ which when followed by %^i sig- nifies, Was occupied with, bestowed labour upon. So, part. Peil pi. masc. .12 v ' ^ V I Thess. iv. 11; 2 Tim. ii. 16. Heb. 3 H^V, Eccles. i. 13; iii. 10. I , Transl. Bid her t/tat she help me. A 7 T . 7 A 7 " 41. wjA^ljCTlJO _A2)^-, i/iOM ar< careful and troubled /xept/Avas Kat rup- /3a'7 For ^>Aj] J2)^-, _Aj] |uC7l5, part. fern, forming pres. tense. 42. }0j2.2., (for .j_dQjZ.Z) s/iW 6e tofe?i atway a^atpe&fcreTai 7 Ethpeel f ut. 3. sing. fern, of .*^m i , Too^, received. Ethpe. *** ? *l"** * * .-^m v | Was received, taken, taken away.^Fut. }QjAj, ch. xix. 26; 1 Tim. iv. 4. CHAPTER XI. .7 * .7 .7 .7 4. _juXLZ, lead us (-A1.Z., S. Matt. v. 13), eioWy/o?s ^as Aph. fut. 2. singf. with aff. of w v ^L; Entered. The second vowel * re- O * tained; see note, S. John xviii. 16: and _. inserted before the affixed pronoun, which is the rule in imperative forms (as V $*. . nn. <^ in the next verse), rarely found in the future, w. c. 57 450 S. LUKE XI. 522. . 7 Ver. 5 ..... CLliO, Transl. Who is there of you, that hath a friend? / <"> 11 \c^o ) at midnight, lit. at the dividing of night Gr. Constr. of Q^*-^2>, def. | Z.Q_^__x23 , noun fern, (same ^ , / ^> ..7 t> , -\ . * as - .. \ c ^), Dividing, division, half, middle. . . mn i ZOit V^, /iv vTrapxpvTwv [Jiov, ch. xix. 8. |Ai. /n.....\g^ ) /iaZ/* an hour, ^/xtwptov, Rev. viii. 1. - TI . -x ** ^^i Ji Z.O..1 N^, half a time, 77/Aicru Katpov, Rev. xii. 14. R. Divided. Compare note, S. Matt. xxv. 6. ie xp-rjcrov p.oi Aphel imperat. sing, with aff. of , Asked. Aph. ^]-1 7 , Zew/l. Heb. Hiph. TW&n, Lent, Exod. xii. 36; 1 Sam. i. 28. K P 7 1. C7llQ>o5 O010, and that friend of his Gr. /ca/cetvos. 7 7 .7 .. > 1 >?CTI P, trouble me not p.-// p.oi KOTTOVS Trapeze Apliel fut. 7 2. sing, with aff. of 55oi 5oi, see note, S. Mark xiv. 6. - in- serted before the affixed pronoun; see note, ver. 4, above. 8. |ZaSQ>j5 vi^C> ; because of friendship Gr. 8ta TO cTfac avrou i\ov X c Def. of akLKj? , noun fern. Friendship, occurring here only in the T N.T. R. i>Qjv5, Loved dearly. Transl. Though because of friendship he will not give to him. ' -X T. 7 -X 7* jZ.CLS.jtj \^,LD, because of the importunity Gr. Sia rrjv avat'Sctav -X 17 avrov Def. of n <^ . ^_i , noun fein. A nxiety, perseverance in asking ; care, diligence, S. J-ude vei'. 3. R. ^)^_, Was anxious. V? 7 12. \L'rZ2, an egg wov Noun occurring here only. 17. rnVnn i n ^L, against itself- Gr. CTTI OLKOV. 777 7 21. r "V^ r2, armed Ka^wTrXtcr/xefos Pael part. pass, of ^~*1, Armed: * p ^ usually regarded as denom. from fj_l, armour; see note, S. John 77 . xviii. 3 Ethpaal _5l|, Was armed, armed himself. _ Imperat. pi. Q-Ljjll" 1 S. Pet. iv. 1. 22. OlZ-VO, his booty, spoils -Gr. rd a-KvXa O.VTOV j-V^, noun fem. def. ... 7 A prey, booty. Some Editions read OllVS, as plural. R. 1J.O \>, Spoiled. S. LUKE XL 2246. 451 Ver. 22. Compare Heb. J3, masc. Spoil, Numb. xiv. 3; and T fern. 2 Chron. xiv. 13. m 7 7 -x o 7 23. 5, *"iV> oS^dSo, ire scattering scattereth Gr. cr/co/m^ei Pael inf. abs. and part. See note, S. John x. 12. 24 ..... (Jl|, Transl. It (sc. ps>o5, fern.) goeth and wandereth about in places wherein are no waters. t> y . _ p 27. pjZ., the paps /ACKTTOI PI. def. of |jZ., noun masc. def. A breast, teat.P\. ^jZ, with aff. Rev. i. 13. Heb. ]#, 2Vie ftrairt, Lam. iv. 3. PI. Gen. xlix. 25. j, which have given Thee suck Gr. ofis eOyXacras. Aph. pret. 3. pi. with aff of Q_1_, Sucked. See note, S. Matt. xxiv. 19. Schaaf, following the Ed. Reg. and Gutbir, reads ..noi >")>. . 7 mP 28 O"L_1 iio|, Transl. He said unto her, Blessed are they who hear, &c. 34 . 7 .0.7 36. O"LQA,-^> with its shining rrj da-Tpairfj }\?, noun masc. def. v. 7 Light, illumination. R. n_i5, Burned. Occurs here only. Transl. It shall be illuminating the whole of it (sc. thy body), as a lamp with its shining doth illuminate >. * 7 39. ^O^l V> CL^_A, your inward part TO evwOcv v/x,w See note, S. John xx. 26. 7 , Transl. But whatever there is, give it in alms. , rue TO Tnjyavov Noun derived from the Greek. Occurs here only. *OJQ_, herb Xa^avov Noun masc. A garden herb, pot-herb, (compare * o , 7 PQ_Q;._, S. Matt. xiii. 32, where see note); also, A green colour, pale colour. Def. |o5o_, Gr. ^Xwpov, Rev. vi. 8; viii. 7; ix. 4. i i . 44. julijj-i (Jj, which are not known Gr. Ta cufyXa, not apparent, con- cealed from sight. 46. ^oAj] ^ ,1 S^,So, ye lade , Transl. Which was shed since the world was created. t\ ^ *.T> X 7 53. ,OJl_^ _(^DALD. .. . Q_I^J, began to be displeased Gr. rjp^avro . . . . Seivws lvi\tiv. See note, S. Matt. xxi. 15. . cnnAVr watched to catch His words. Pael part. pi. (forming, with y 7 . OOCT1, supplied from the preceding verb, the imperf. tense) of CQDZ., Reproached, was asliamed of. * *** Ethpeel CQDZ./.(, Was hindered, restrained. Pret. 1. sing. AraoZZf 1 , Eoin. xv. 22 -- Part. fern. jmsZAlo ]]", <7^ cannot be restrained, unruly, Gr. dKaTao-^eTov, S. James iii.8. * *7 7 V Pa. .pnn/ ; Hindered, watched for, spied out Fut. CQ2Aj, 1. pi. 1 Cor. ix. 12 __ Part. ^Q^'AlD. Transl. The Scribes and Pharisees began to be displeased; and they were indignant, and watched to catch His words. \, they acted (lit. acting] craftily Gr. ej/eSpewvres Part. pi. of v>ni or \^ i , Defraud.ed, acted wilily or deceitfully __ Fut. V^^ , . 1> ? _ Part. \\*'M < pi. masc. coalescing with ^.-1-Kj, 2 Cor. iv. 2. Deriv. v^ . m^ adj. of form part. Peil, Fraudulent, deceitful, Acts xviii. 14; Rom. xii. 9. PI. def. ]L^->, 2 Cor. xi. 13; Eph. iv. 14. def. jLJ, adj. the same. PI. Rom. iii. 13. ")Z^ ^1, noun fern. def. Subtilty ; with aff. 2 Cor. xi. 3. Heb. 7^3^ , Deceived, dealt fraudulently, part. 7^^ i Mai. i. 14. Pi. ^2J, Numb. xxv. 18 __ Hithpa, Sl^Hn, Conspired against, dealt craftily with, Gen. xxxvii. 18; Ps. cv. 25. Transl. And acted craftily to Him in many things; seeking to catch something out of His mouth, that they might be able to accuse Him. S. LUKE XII. 111. 453 CHAPTER XII. * 7 7 . P 7 .7 _ I. ^CLJL-ijJ? ( 1 D i (, insomuch that they trod Gr. wore Karairaxtiv Pael fut. 3. pi. (for subjunct.) of .jO5 ..?, Trod. Pa. - p -;, the same. , Transl. .Firstf o/'aW (i.e. above all things) beware, &c should commence the clause, and refer to Trpoo-e^erc. ^ 1* 7 3. ,oAjL_KK_S, ye have whispered Gr. eXaXiyo-are Pael pret. 2. pi. of 7 \ T "* <7 t. K-\ Z7JM( enchantments. Pa. - \, Whispered, muttered. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. Pi. B?H7, part. Ps. Iviii. 6. Hithpa. ^fifehTT, 2 Sam. xii. 19; Ps. xli. 8. 4. ^_D5AiD ^.Sb, a/er /*, afterwards /xera ra^ra Adverb; see note, S. John i. 15. X * 7 .1> 5 ^OHjQ_K|, Transl. .Z?w I will show you whom ye shall fear; Him tvho, &c. The Sin. MS. omits o(3ij6yTe. . p 7 1 " I 6. t-^, forgotten eTriAeX^oyxeVov Part. Peil fern, of (JL4, Lay hidden. See note, S. John vii. 47. . i> 7. , . . . . pLLD, Transl. The very hairs of the hair of your head. See notes, S. John xi. 2; S. Matt. v. 36. 9. J..212AJ, he shall be denied aTrapv^creTai Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, of 9 v }V* ** jjaD, Denied. Ethpe. ; ^^f \, Was denied.- -CTUD is pleonastic. II. p 6 *- ^ > ^ e powers, those that have power rets eou, Pleaded one's cause, lit. drew out the spirit. The Vienna and some other Editions read ^CLQ^Z, Peal. See notes, S. John i. 43; ii. 15. 454 S. LUKE XII. 1318. 13. +^-..), dividing, to divide Gr. /*pio-ao-0ai Such is the reading of the Vienna and several Editions. Others read MI ^ c *'?, that he may divide. 14. p 11 x^VOj rt divider /tepio-T^v Noun masc. def. formed from Pael .7 part, of ^t_X2, Divided. Occurs here only. f**- * * f 15. |Z.QJJLj, covetousness Gr. rfjs 7rXeovetas Def. of QJJLj, noun fern. Avarice, greediness. See also 2 Cor. ix. 5; 1 Thess. ii. 5: with 7 7 5 V aff. Eph. iv. 19. R. ^ > (not used), Ethpa. _L_Z.|, Was greedy, voracious, made gain or prey of, 2 Cor. xii. 18. Pret. 1. sing. |, ver. 17. Gr. en-Xeove/cT^o-ev, eTrAeoveKT^cra. iAe abundance Iv TW Trepio-crcuetv Def. of Of_iA., noun i i fern. Abundance, excellence, advantage. Gr. 17 Trcptcrcreta, 2 Cor. viii. 2. 17 vTrepjSoX?;, ch. xii. 7: with aff. pleon. Gr. TO Treptcrcroj/, r i Rom. iii. 1; TO TreptWev/ia, 2 Cor. viii. 13, 14. R. 5Aj, Abound- ed, was superfluous. Transl. And He said unto His disciples, Beware of all (TTCIO-?;?, Sin. Vat. Alex.) covetousness, for it is not in the abundance of posses- sions (that) life consisteth. 16. OlX AXij, brought in, produced to him Aphel pret. 3. sing. fern. of ^LL ^L, Entered. See note, S. John xviii. 16. VV produce. PI. def. of ]A\^\v (1 Cor. ix. 10), noun fern. def. Fruit, produce of the earth. PI. with aff ver. 17, below. Transl. lit. A certain rich man, his land brought forth to him much produce. .. 7 T, 18. i m \ O A__O, my barns, lit. the house of my stores pov rag O.TTO- OIJKCK; See note, S. John ii. 16. PI. with aff. of ]rn n ; noun masc. def. A collection, collected goods. PI. def. ]rng*> n A^^>, A barn, storehouse, ver. 24, below. R. - cnc^r^ Collected, stored 7 up,- wound up as for a funeral. Pret. 3. pi. OQ^l.Q, Acts v. 10; viii. 2. S. LUKE XII. 1833. 455 Ver. 18 ..... P-^D] , Transl. lit. 1 will build and increase them Gr. ftet'ovas w See notes, S. Matt. vii. 24; S. Luke i. 46. . \ / / ' x7 .* , my fruit, produce Gr. TO, yevvrjfjia.ra /*ou JdCXLor JQ^lL, noun masc. Corn produce, especially of the past year. Def. IP 7 5 19. _/L], drink me So all the Editions, except the Par. and Lond. which read ^A-a] . Schaaf adopts this latter reading. See note, S. John iv. 7. "W / j ? fa 'merry cv .. 7 24. (~)M *^, M ravens (pref. *O of the object; see note, S. Matt. vi. 28), . p 7 TOVS /copa/ca? PL def. of pHiJ, noun masc. def. A raven or " .. 7 crow. Some Editions read (^vyo 29. 1 . p ptfarOt Fut. 3. sing, of JCJL^, Strayed away, wandered. Part. K pl. ^.jCTLS), carried about by winds, Gr. 7reptV>\ i/ie nations. OO1 pleonastic. Similar instances occur, S. John viii. 26; Rom. ii. 4; iii. 28. See Cowper's Gr. 198. (1.) & " p 32. l'1-iij flock Troip-viov Def. of 5Li, noun rnasc. A flock; lit. A section, portion, as something cut off. Whence also, A decree, sentence, .p. 7 . p I P 7 jZoiOj P-J 'Ki> sentence of death, (Bar Hebr.). R. 5]_.., Cut off, decided. The word occurs here only in the N.T. r\ p ^ _ 33. |l--i P?) ^ ia ^ failzth not aveKXeiTrrov Part. fern, of JQ_,. Li, Passed away, was consumed, vanished. Occurs in the N.T. here only. 456 S. LUKE XII. 3348. Ver. 33. Heb. |J|3, fj|, Ps. xc. 10. T 37. j^lLJ, lie will come over Gr. irapeXOwv So also ch. xvii. 7. Syr. ;nv : and Acts xxiv. 7. Syr. ]2.] , Came. 39. *)Z;_iiO 1|-1^> i n w h a t watch Gr. TTOIO, u>pa. 42. \QD^a, the portion Gr. TO a-nop-irpiov Noun masc. def. A share; prop. Anything spread out or laid down, whence, A carpet, \L)\ ^i>5 ]rb'^23 V> f_^D, besides the carpets that, were on the ground, (Bar Hebr.) R. CDjj2, Extended, spread out. Occurs in the N.T. here only. _ t\ 7 7 45 ..... ]f_*JO, Transl. And shall begin to beat the men-servants and maidens of his lord, and shall begin to eat, &c. P * to be drunken peBvo-Kta-Oai Inf. of |o5 or _0>, Was in- x toxicated. Pret. 3. pi. Q_*o5, Acts ii. 13; Rev. xvii. 2 -- Fut. "JO{J __ Part. Io5, pi. masc. ^.-lO?, Eph. v. 18; 1 Thess. v. 7 Part. Peil ]o5, used as a noun, 1 Cor. xi. 21: Fern. |_05, Rev. xvii. 6. PI. masc. ~-o5, Acts ii. 15. Heb. nVl, Drank abundantly, icas satiated, Ps. xxxvi. 9. 47. ^iXdJ, shall be beaten Sap^o-erai See note, S. Matt, xxiii. 24. Transl. And the servant which kneiv his lord's will, and prepared not himself according to his will, shall be beaten with many (stripes). 48. But he who knew not .... sJiall be beaten with few stripes. 48. vi s*-. . 1 j , has been committed, entrusted Gr. irapeOevro, (men) have committed _Ethpeel fut. of ^-^--uf, 2 Tim. ii. 2 __ Part. \\S ^. V), Acts xx. 32; Rom. xvi. 1. PI. masc. ^-^Xx .. Vn Acts xiv. 22. ..7 7 X^ -T 7 _ Part. pass. \\v .. Vn ; Acts xv. 40. PL masc. . \ v .. V> t ch. xiv. 25. . Deriv. (AA^n .. ) noun masc. def. A deposit, charge, Gr. urj, 2 Tim. i. 14; with aff. ver. 12. S. LUKE XII. 4858. XIII. 18. 457 Ver. 48. Transl. And to whom much has been committed, the more will they require at his hand. . 7 1\ 49. A!>J, it were burning, kindled Gr. avfaBrj Pret. 3. sing. fern, of 7 n*^i KJ XKJ, Was kindled, burned; whence, Burned with affection, 1 7 -R 7 loved Pael n*~i,Kj, Loved, cherished _ Part. *">*"> vxV> ; fem. - ? 7 17 (*"i*"l KKLO, 1 Thess. ii. 7. PI. masc. . ^^ ^^Vn coalescing with 7 N ^-J-K, ver. 8. The verb occurs chiefly in Aph. in the sense of loved, see note, S. John iii. 16. Heb. i^Pt, Loved, once, Deut. xxxiii. 3. T Transl. And I desire tliat it were already kindled. Compare ch. xix. 42. 53. fcyi \^Aj, shall be divided Sia/xepco-^'o-crat Ethpeel fut. 3. sing, of , Divided. Ethpe. wjL_S^Z] (Acts xxiii. 7), Was divided. 55 ..... P^O> Transl. And when the south wind blows. P. ^ *, ^4* * 58. |Z.5Q_i.|Z. *} 7 C 3. ^pj^lZ. [l^Ol, ye shall likewise perish Gr. Travres weravTais aTroXetcr^c. 770. 770. 4. ; rr> vA i Vn/. (or ; m vi Vn/^ eighteen Sexa KOL OKTW Card. numb. masc. Fem. ];-mviVr>7 V er. 11, 16, below. 7 e 8 jiDJ , Transl. The vinedresser (husbandman) said unto him. w. c. 58 458 S. LUKE XIII. 817. x \ \"" r Ver. 8. ni . .... \e*^ { _v k> till / shall cultivate it Gr. Iws OTOV o-Kcty avrijv Fut. 1. sing, with aff. of o*K_ka, Laboured. See note, S. John vi. 27. . .1 . O"Ua_XOl jo, and I shall dung it Gr. KCU )SaXw KOTrptav Fut. 1. sing. with aff. of \Z)}, Manured. Fut. ^ip. Occurs in the N.T. here only. 7.0. 7 7 . 9. ._L_KJ |^n\, or ->_*> 1^).^, Par. and Lond. Pol. This word, in what- ever form, is found here only, and would appear to be eqiiivalent to the Heb. H*H HV^Jj according to the time of life, i.e. in the T - ' T returning or reviving year, next season Gr. eis TO fteXAov (sc. CTOS) The Philox. Vers. renders it "JyjALj _O1O, in that year which is coming. Transl. And if it bear fruits, and if not, next season thou sJialt cut it down. 1 1 . ZoOl (^ . <^^ , was bowed together rjv o-v-yKVTTTovcra. Part. Peil fern. 7 (forming imperf. tense) of .ox^n .g^n 3 Curved, bent, stooped down. .. 7 Pret. 3. pi. fern. - > <^n^ ch. xxiv. 5, where see note Fut. kSOIU, fern. tfiXlsZ (for . . ^nn7] Rom. xiv. 11; Phil. ii. 10. __Part. fc2)|lD, coalescing with ]j|, ]j_2Jl), / bend, Eph. iii. 14 Part. Peil > gr i <^3, Rom. xi. 10. i Heb. &S5j ^e?i< himself, boived down, Ps. Ivii. 7; cxlv. 14; cxlvi. 8. ;^> it--S t in any wise, by any means, lit. to perfection, perfectly Gr. \ v 7 * v * cis TO TravTcAe's (Syr. So_S^ \ 7 for ever, Hebr. vii. 25) r^2-ti> ^ t> ^^> noun masc. Perfection, completion. Def. (;^"> it, Eph. iv. 12. Used with pref. X as an adv. Wholly, utterly, at all, Acts iv. 1 8. 7 R t^D.ij Perfected. . t m . .7 ^ 16. |_.5arD|, bond Gr. TOV Seo-juot; Noun masc. def. See note, ch. viii. 29, above. .r. o .. i . 17. (Z-GljuLoZ., the glorious, marvellous, things Gr. TOIS cV8o'ois Part. Peil pi. fern. def. of ^.V>no, Transl. lit. In meal of three measures. 23 ..... cnAJj, Transl. And one (man) asked Him, Are they few, that be saved? 7 . 24. Q_AoZ.|, strive ye ayaw' i* * 25 ..... |Ai^ ^..So, Transl. From the time when the master of the house shall rise and shut the door, tlien slmll ye be (^OOOlZo) standing without, and knocking at the door, and shall begin to say, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and He sliall answer and say, I say unto you, &c. 7 .1> 26. __A.f, we have drunk iirio^v The Par. and Lond. Pol. read * -i> ^._A_|, and so Schaaf. 7.x 27 ..... fiOfJO, Transl. And He shall say unto you, I know you not, &c. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit Xeyw vfuv. 28 ..... ^_j> *^; ., both here and Rev. xxi. 13. Occurs not elsewhere in the N.T. 33 ..... ^O;-S> Transl. But I must work to day, and tomorrow, and the next day will I go. 34. AkL^j5 ---- A^L&-, see note, S. Matt, xxiii. 37. V .... wt.t I, Transl. As the hen that gathereth, &c. 35 ..... (Jj, Transl. That ye shall not see Me, until ye shall say, &c. The words ai/ rjrj are wanting in the Sin. and Vat. MSS. CHAPTER XIV. . 7 . 17 2. [ '-'Vf> (OO1 wJL-i_J_C>, who had the dropsy, lit. who had collected water Gr. vSpwTi-iKo's The part. Peil has here an active signification. 5 ..... Q_LlD, Transl. Which is there of you, whose son or whose ox (vto 7 ..... r^O|O> Transl. And He spake a parable to those which, were bidden there, because He saw them that they chose out the places of the chief positions. ..777* 8. Z\J| _!D>]!D, MOM art bidden K\i)6rj<; Ethpaal part, (forming pres. tense) of ^] , Pa. ^~O] , Invited, see note, S. Matt. xxii. 3 __ Ethpa. ,-SOjl'i, Was invited. Pret. 2. sing. AiVn^]* V er. 10, below. Chald. Ithpa. jEnTHj Determined, agreed together, Dan. ii. 9. (Keri). 9 ..... ZoioZo, Transl. And thou blush when thou risest to take the lowest room. 10. ]J-l2.|, go up, lit. be raised Trpoo-avdprjOi Ethpaal imperat. of (JA or * \ v 1 * \ x ' ?i* . > \S (not used) Pa. . > /\S, Raised, lifted up -- Ethpa. - > \ v / j (Acts x. 16; 1 S. Pet. iii. 22), Was raised, exalted; ascended. _ Eshtaphal - > \vA ] } Was exalted, exalted himself. Part. lilAV>, 2 Th'ess. ii. 4; S. James iii. 5. PI. masc. ^ . ^\vA>V> S. James ii. 6, 13. Heb. n/y> Was high, ascended, Ps. xxiv. 3, &c. T ^T .... focnZo, Transl. And there shall be to thee honour in the presence of all (iravrtav, Sin. Vat. Alex. MSS.) that recline with thee. >>o ( . 12. poi f-2_l3o_2>, this recompence Gr. avraTrdSo/xa Noun masc. def. A reward, retribution, remuneration, compensation. Constr. 10 7 -X ^, J viq,^ the recompevtce of the reward, Hebr. xi. 26. With aff. ver. 14, below; Rom, xi. 9. R. VX^2), Restored, recompensed. 13. ")<=*" 11 <^>, the maimed dvaTnjpovs Part. Peil pi. def. (here used as a noun) of ^Sl^TD, Afflicted, weakened. Part. Peil (imperf. tense) pn , was impotent in his feet, Gr. aSwaros, Acts xiv. -\ u R 7 f .. 7 Pa. >.a.ML.CO, Injured, afflicted. Part. pi. fern. ^^ yi hurt fid, Gr. /JAa/Sepa'?, 1 Tim. vi. 9. S. LUKE XIV. 1421. 461 -ft Ver. 14 ..... |OO"U, Transl. ^or Z/ty reward shall be in the resurrection of the just. 17 ..... |O"I, Transl. Behold, all is made ready for you, come. 7 1 .71 18. J_K ^D, from one, sc. (*"i\, 7iea?' twi^/i one consent O.TTO fjuas, sc. (3ov\-fj<;, yvw/AT/s. Or, as Lightfoot would understand, am'as, i.e. for one cause, their common disinclination to comply with the invitation which they had accepted. <"> \jA m V>\ to make excuse, to excuse themselves TrapaiTelo-Oai Ethpeel inf. of v>|-, Asked. Ethpe. vjA^j, Declined, refused, shunned, made excuses. Pret. 1. sing. A.A|A- j, Gr. v7reoreiA.aju/7i/, Acts xx. 27. 3. pi. QX$L"f, Hebr. xii. 19, 25 __ Fut. 2. pi. ^olfA^r, 1. pi. ^^.J, Hebr. xii. 25. Imperat. 1 Tim. iv. 7; v. 11 ; 2 Tim. ii. 16, 23; Tit. iii. 9 __ Part, ver. 18, 19, below; Acts xxv. 11. |j) t ' ^ t / am constrained, I must needs Gr. l^w dvdyicrjv See notes, S. Matt. iv. 24; xiv. 22. . 1> .... ( v -*"\ Transl. 7 beg of thee, permit me to be excused. 21, ]Aj>V^^> into the lanes ts ras. . . pu/^as Noun fern. pi. def. occur- ring here only. This is the reading of the Vienna and most of the Editions: others read ]Aj'^O pi. de of ]Aj^, A village, or field. ]jj}]^^r>V the maimed dvairypovs This is the reading of the Vienna Edition. The Par. and Lond. Pol. read ])pk), which is pre- ferable. Aphel part. pi. def. of *Op, Grieved, was grieved, used impersonally, with ^JL of the cause, ^onlu *^P it grieved you, ye grieved, Hebr. x. 34 __ Fut. *^|nJ __ Part. ^>p, 1 Cor. xii. 26. . * 7 . * * 7 Aph. ^>p|, Afflicted, gave pain to, ^ Part. ^pLD. Heb. 3N3, Was in pain, Ps. Ixix. 30. Hiph. ^fcOH, Gave ~ T ; pain, Job v. 18. 1v^j_>lLQ^, the lame x w ^s ^ def. of |^**20, def. ]f_^->liD, adj. Lame. Of form Pa. part, of r-\t~"> I* 3 - f-VJr-*^' Went lame, 462 S. LUKE XIV. 2132. Ver. 21. limped: whence also t - . . > , of form part Peil, see note, S. Matt. xi. 5. % * .. 1 23. L^_i_CD A t TlN, into the hedges, lit. iriio the place of hedges. See note, S. Matt. xxi. 33. 7 25 r~^' Transl. -4 we? Vim <7tere ;en tot^/i .fftm, &c. 1> 7 28. tLa_K>, counting, counteth \fn$ffau Part, of ^X^_K (2 Cor. v. 19; Hebr. x. 29), Considered, counted up, reputed, imputed; with aff. Phil. ii. 6; 1 Tim. i. 12. Pret. 1. sing. AA - ."1 p n i]. iii. 7. 3. pi. O!2iJB_K., Acts xix. 19 Fut. -^ - -- V Rom. iv. 8, 24; Phil. ii. 3. 2. pi. ^ad^-^Z", 2 S. Pet. iii. 15 Imperat. oajfc-Kj, Philem. ver. 18. PL OOQ_*-K, Rom. vi. 11 Part. (as above) Rom. iv. 6; Phil. iii. 8 Part Peil ,n KI, 2 S. Pet. ii. 13: fern. (*^> . ^ Acts xx. 24; Rom. v. 13. PI. masc. N . A. . t> 1 Thess. v. 13; 1 S. Pet. ii. 10. * P *. Deriv. |-^> -"., noun masc. def. Thought, affection of the mind. PL def. ]Alo "> S. James iii. 15. Heb. 2JTlj Devised, meditated, for evil or good, Ps. x. 2; xxi. 12, &c. Chald. i^Pl> Reckoned, counted: part. Peil pL rp^H, Dan. iv. 32. , its expenses, cost Gr. T-rjv ^airavi^v PL def. with aff. of P 7 ^. 7 (or f^2J), def. |Ao e^ i noun fem. Outgoings, expense. PL def. lAAaJ, Acts xxi. 24; 1 Cor. ix. 7, 18: fAn^l, 2 Cor. xi. 8; xii. 15; and, in some Editions, in the two places last 7 quoted. R. *Q.2U, Went out. Chald. NpSJ, def. NnpS3 Expenditure, Ezr. vi. 4, 8. IT : T I: ; Compare also the modern Heb. n^VVl* R- K*- T T TT 29 ^^> Transl. All that behold are mocking him, or, mock him. * 7 . .7 31 n 1 Vn of, Transl. Or what king is there, who goes to battle to fight with a king his neighbour, and considereth not first, whether, &c. * 7 .M> " 7 . 32. lr-iil- I > ambassadors Gr. 7rpeo-/?eiav PL def. of (pii^l, noun maac. A messenger. With aff. Eph. vi. 20. S. LUKE XIV. 34, 35. XV. 114. 4G3 Ver. 34. *&]' ^5 1 , noun masc. Heap of dung; dung, Gr. o-KvftaXa, Phil. iii. 8. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. Pll j] , it goes not, i. e. is not Jit for Gr. ovre .... evtferov ecrnv. Compare S. Matt. v. 13. CHAPTER XV. T 7 * 1 . ^. oAVf> ; Transl. .4 we? /iere c?rew> wear unto Him the publicans and the sinners, Transl. And Jesus said to them again Gr. CITTC Se The pret. followed by "JOCT1 has usually the force of a pluperfect: here it expresses only a continued action. - 1\ 7 * 12 OT-l r^l) Transl. And his younger son said unto him, My father, give me the portion that cometh to me from thy house. 13 5 Alb ^" ; Transl. And after a few days, his younger son gathered together all that came to him, i. e. to his share. e 7 7 Aj^K^2, riotously Gr. as Adverb derived from -Kj;-5, flew, n 77 Pa. 00^3, Wasted, see note, ver. 30, below. Extravagantly, wastefully. Occurs here only in the N.T. 14. ;V>it he spent, had spent Gr. SaTrai^cravTos Pael pret. 3. sing, of ;Vn.. 1 Completed. Pa. Made complete, finished, consumed. Pret. . i* 7 1. sing. Z.pO^i, Gr. eTrtreXeo-a?, Rom. xv. 28. 464 S. LUKE XV. 1525. Ver. 15. *)Ai .,V> ..10 Vr> J_K,K\, to one of the sons of the city, i.e. to one of the citizens Gr. fvl TWV TroXtTwv. * ** 7 ^* 7 16. pDO',LK> ^-^O, with the husks O.TTO ruv Kepariwv PI. def. of |_CiOj_K, noun masc. def. The carob-tree or ceratonia. PI. The pods of the plant, still used as food for swine. 17 (V>"\ Transl. How many hired servants are now in my father's house, and I am here (woe, Sin. and Vat.) perishing with my hunger (pref. _i marking cause or author). 22. |A_C]_1, a ring Sa/ci-vAiov Or |A.QVi>, noun fern. def. A ring, signet- ring. PL def. "JAjQlLl, with aff. S. James ii. 2. E. *O\, Heb. pTV> Pi. Dug up a field, Isa. v. 2: metaph. Engraved. Chald. KpTg, constr. and with aff. fipTJ, nTO.5?' Dan. vi. 18. ^""'fc.^'^^7 1 1 mVn fcjOIQJJTDlo, and shoe him with shoes Gr. KOL Sore .... VTTOO?;- /x,ara eis TOVS Tro'Sa? Aphel imperat. pi. with aff. of ^g^ 1'oZ., the fatted calf, lit. the ox (or calf) of fatness Gr. TOV poo-xpv TOV atTcvTov |Lo^S, noun masc. def. Fatness, a fattening. Occurs here only. R. J>Q_^2, Pa. Fattened. 7 1> V^fft^Ai we will be (let us be) merry eupai'^w/xev Ethpaal fut. 1. n 7 pl. of V>nno or JsQd^), Was sweet, happy, see note, ver. 32, 7 7 .-> below Ethpa. V^mo/ j (Acts ii. 26), Delighted, indulged him- -n 7 ! se^/"/ rejoiced, was cheerful. Pret. 1. sing. A V>m *")/.(, Rom. xv. 24 Fut. S^fnAAi Hebr. xi. 25. 1. sing. ^nmnZl* ver. 29, below Imperat. isOOXoZf, fern. - .Vnm^^l Gal. iv. 27. PI. nVnro'-J'^ R m. xv. 10 Inf. QloaioAklL, ver. 24, below 7 7 -n i 7 Part. V^moAVn^ c h. xvi. 19, below. PI. masc. r J.LOCCLO ALD , Acts vii. 41; 2 S. Pet. ii. 13. N.B. This last, as well as pret. 1. sing, and the imperat. forms, might be referred to Ethpeel, as the pointing and signification are the same. m.t>0 25. |p!ol, music Gr. av/x^covt'as Noun masc. def. A singing, musical S. LUKE XV. 2532. 4G5 Ver. 25. feast; also, in a bad sense, A revelling, riotous assembly, Gr. 7 KW/AOS, Rom. xiii. 13; Gal. v. 21; 1 S. Pet. iv. 3. R. >^D], Sang. Heb. rn^T> Music, singing, Ps. IxxxL 3; Amos v. 23. T : Chald. HDT, def. tfl&T, Dan. iii. 5, &c. - . TT Transl. He heard the voice of the music of many. 27. TI xoo'lj he hath received him avrov aTreAa/Jev Aphel pret. 3. sing. with aff. of \L.&, Pa. \\no, Took Aph. ^LO], Received, met. This form occui-s here only. 77 _ \ 28 ..... *L2UO, Transl. And his father came out, &c. o Se TTCZTT/P aurov, ec\6uv, Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 77 30. oj;..2) , he hath devoured, wasted Gr. o Kara^ayouv Pael pret. 3. sing. 7 of -K;_2>, Flew, see note, S. Matt. vi. 26 __ Pa. Caused to fly, dis- 77 persed, scattered, wasted. _ Part. ^j;_2l!o, Gr. Stao-KopTrt^wv, ch. xvi. 1, below. Transl. But for this thy son, when he hath wasted thy living with harlots, and is come. r w 7 AmQl, thou hast killed Wvcras Pret. 2. sing, of CQ1}J, Slew, immo- ^ T> -X * lated, sacrificed. _ Fut. CDC1IU, 3. pi. ^CLCQQJ, Rev. vi. 4 __ Im- perat. CDO2, Acts x. 13; xi. 7 __ Part. Peil - ^y ch. v. G, 12; xiii. 8. PI. masc. ^ . . ^^ ch. vi. 9; xviii. 24. Deriv. ]Amm > noun fern. def. A victim, slaughter, Gr. o-^aytov, o-ay^', Acts vii. 42; viii. 32; Rom. viii. 36; S. James v. 5. 7 .0 31 .... f.^D{, Transl. Ills father said unto him, My son, thou art ever with me, and whatever is mine is thine. 7 i> . j T. 32. V>rr>^i^r>\ to make merry (.vfypavOTJvai. Inf. of isQCdO or happy, lived in luxury. Pret. 2. pi. ^nAVnmo Gr. e e, S. James v. 5 -- Fut. Somni, 3. pi. ^pV)fr>ni, Rev. xi. 10. Deriv. ^ncoao, noun masc. Pleasure, delight, 2 S. Pet. ii. 13. W. C. 59 466 S. LUKE XV. 32. XVI. 18. Ver. 32. (Vn]m"\ Sweet-smelling, aromatic, Rev. xviii. 12, (where ano- ther reading is JSUCQJD). "}_1 V)Vnm"i (or [ i Vtfr>"i) noun pi. def. Sweet oils or ointments, Rev. xviii. 13. CHAPTER XVI. 1 r^o)o> Transl. And He spake a parable to His disciples. wiOlO '^D 0~l_i Q-^TD \L j , he was accused unto him. See note, S. John viii. 44 ab^Z") (S. James v. 2), Ethpeel pret. 3. pi. of ^2] , Ate. Ethpe ^a'jZ'j, Was eaten, consumed, devoured. Aphel , Fed. Fut. 1. sing. IDO|, I shall give to feed, Gr. i/rco/ucra>, -Ti 7 1 Cor. xiii, 3 -- Imperat. with aff. ^O1 >.\DO | , Rom. xii. 20. 7 2 ..... _jOT_;_QO, Transl. And his lord called him, and said unto him. , A i5j, of thy stewardship T^S oiKovo/x.t'as crov For Ai2)5, see note, S. John i. 38. oA i *">, def. fZoAj^D (ver. 3, 4, below; 1 Cor. ix. 17), noun fern. Household, house duties. 7 1> . 7 3. S, ^^Vn\n ; anc? to beg Kai l^atreiv, Vat. MS. " y ^".A 7 6. __5lALD, measures fidrovs PI. of (_5A!!iO (Gr. /acTp^Tjf?, rendered by . o * j.S.O\ S. John ii. 6), -4 fluid measure equivalent to the Heb. H2 = ye- of a l/bH- The LXX. render f]% by /xeT/^-nfs, 2 Chron. iv. 5. - 1 * / . * 7. ^-jjOD, measures Kopous PI. of >O2, Heb. ^j^ or ^j^j -A- measure, both fluid and dry, containing 10 baths, and therefore equal to a j see Ezek. xlv. 14. 8. ^^O, owr ZonZ Gr. o Ku/ato?, usually understood of the steward's master. T 17 .... ^.A!n..n>j , Transl. Are wiser than the children of light in (or, in regard to) this their generation. S. LUKE XVI. 919. 467 Ver. 9 pi i^)|O, Transl. And I also say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of this mammon of unrighteousness ; that when it has failed, they may receive you into their habitations that (are) for eternity. 12 HI-^ i JO, Transl. And if in that which (is) not your own, ye have t> not been found faithful, your own who shall give you? 7 17 14. COOT . o ^nVn ; they derided ele/xu/cTiypt^ov, so also ch. xxiii. 35, below; x\euaovrc9, Acts ii. 13; c^Xeva^ov, Acts xvii. 32 Pael part. pi. (forming imperf. tense) of *QQlo .r>Vn (not used) Pa. T 7 n_i_lO, Mocked. Heb. p!|, only in Hiph. p'fipj. P S - Ixxiii. 8. Transl. But the Pharisees, when they heard all these things, because tJiey loved money, derided Him. * * 15. OC7I r-jJ, is abominable Gr. ^SSeXvy^a .... corn/ alcrxpov tern, Eph. 7 v. 12. Part. Peil (forming pres. tense) of 3 r J ,J, Moved away from, rejected as abominable. Pret. 2. pi. ^oZ,J, Gal. iv. 14 7 Fut. ,11. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. Heb. *TU, .fVeo? atvay, Ps. xxxi. 12; Iv. 8; Ixviii. 13. Chald. Tti "13, -fferf, of sleep, Dan. vi. 19. T 16 \^OO, TransL And every onepresseth to it that he may enter. * *<> 17. 1^-Oz.J, letter Gr. KcpaLav Noun fern. def. occurring here only. Transl. Than that one Utter from the Law should pass away. 19. ") f dO, fine linen ftvo-crov Noun masc. def. Byssus, a fine and costly linen, Rev. xviii. 12, &c. Heb. VI))3, Ezek. xxvii. 16, where it is spoken of as a product of Syria (or Edom). 7 AjjjLi, sumptuously Xa/ATrpws Adverb, Magnificently, superbly, ex- cellently. ~R. 1L., Heb. J1XH, TTs amZterf, Exod. xv. 1, 21. Syr. Pa. "|L., Adorned. Part. Peil (or particip. noun) |(_,., def. V Li, Superb. Occurs in the N.T. here only. Deriv. Heb. ,*"[&$;! , Arrogant, lifted up, Isa, ii. 12; Ps. xciv. 468 S. LUKE XVI. 1923. Ver. 19. 2; cxl. 6 : and HIS (for H1N5), Exaltation, Job xxii. 29. Chald. ni3, -Prwfc, Dan - iv - 3*- T" > " T * 7 20 |O j^), smitten with ulcers Gr. tyAjcwpicros Pael . p 17 part. pass, of ^K*iO, Struck Pa. _fc_*>^O, Smote, beat. Chald. Pa. fc$rt5> followed by "V3, Struck upon the hand, i.e. hindered, Dan. iv. 32. ^ i* *. P ft. P_KQ_, pi. def. of p_KjQ_ (Rev. xvi. 2), noun masc. def. An wjlam- 7 matory sore. PI. with aff. ver. 21, below. R. ,_>o-, Was hot. Heb. VH^'j An inflamed ulcer, boil, Exod. ix. 9. - 7. 7 * 21. JOOI kdjfj/^lD, he desired Gr. eiriOvfjiiov Ethpaal part, (forming imperf. tense) of vOJ_ or o|j , Longed for, not used, except in ^ V* 7 -1> 7 part. Peil (or verbal noun) -*" > ( , Desirous of, _^ Pa. Ci(_ and -? * 7 7 7 't 7 7 -n quadrilit. **"> -( > Ethpa. >*^i 4^Z.{ and >*^ ^ / ^ Was injlamed with desire. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. 2&, Desired, Ps. cxix. 131. Cogn. j-ftN, H1N, iH, T T TT T also ^n^j an( i L&t. aveo. T Transl. And he desired to fill his belli/ with the crumbs, rnn \ < -V^;Q J Transl. And the Angels carried him, &c. 7 . . *"> n/ | ; was buried lro.<^r) So also, Acts ii. 29; 1 Cor. xv. 4. 7 Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of j^o. Buried. Etkpe. pret. 2. pi. ^Z^CtoZi'), Col. ii. 12. 1. pi. ^ Ao7] Rom. v i. 4. 7 23 P 2 O, Transl. And when he was tormented in Hades, he lifted up his eyes from, afar off, and saiv Abraham, and Lazarus in his bosom. S. LUKE XVI. 2431. XVII. 4 G. 469 V 7 Ver. 24 ..... |i-QO> Transl. And he cried with a loud voice and said. T 7 , he may moisten Gr. /corai/a;^ Pael fut. 3. sing, of ^->, Pa. *l^5, Moistened. Some Editions read d^;J, Peal. Occurs only here in the N.T. Heb. 3T\, Was wet with rain, Job xxiv. 8. 'j in the flame lv rfj Aoyi Noun fern. def. Aflame. K. *OOlX, Arab. Burned. Syr. Shaph. *CJlX*, Set on fire, 7.7 spread heat. Part. pass. *.*"xyi \ Vn R e v. i. 15. Heb. TOn^, Flame, Job xv. 30; Song of Sol. viii. 6; Ezek. xxi. 3. (E.V. xx. 47.) Uc O"IO, Transl. And now, beJiold, he is comforted here Gr. vvv Be o!Se TrapaKaAeiTcu, Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 1? 7 / l" 7 26. I/.OO1, a gulf ^0107x0. Def. of (OCJI, noun fern. A ditch, chasm. Occurs here only in the N.T. * 7 28. 5OTQJ, he may testify Gr. Sta/xaprvp^Tai Pael fut. 3. sing, of Tl T. 7 * 7 5TLCD, Was witness. Pa. 5CTLCD, JB ore witness. Pret. 3. pi. OjOTCD, ^7 ?> 7 Acts viii. 25. 1. pi. ^OlCD, 1 Thess. iv. 6 __ Fut. 1. pi. 501CQJ, Acts x. 42 __ Part. jtTimlD, Acts ii. 40, &c. PL masc. ^ .ynrnVo coalescing with _1^, 1 Thess. ii. 12. *1\' * ^ 31 ..... P ^)j, Transl. JV"of euew */" owe rose from the dead, would they believe him. CHAPTER XVII. ,T> , 4. OT_J> .ono^ } forgive him Gr. a^creis aurw. 6. (JO! jZoAA, ?mo ^Ais sycamine tree rfj a-vKa^Cvw ravrrj |2.cZ, noun masc. def. The mulberry tree. Heb. n&p$, PL Dfip^ and rtiJ&pB*, 1 Kings x. 27; 1 T I: I: I: Chron. xxvii. 28; Ps. Ixxviii. 47; Isa. ix. 9; Amos vii. 14; rendered by the LXX. in all these places by oa>Ka//tVos. The cruKo/Mopea or o-u/cojawpata (ch. xix. 4, below), is the Egyptian fig. 7 ..1 7 Z.j, be thou planted vrev0i|Ti Ethpeel imperat. sing, of *^*J, 470 S. LUKE XVII. 620. Ver. 6. Planted. Ethpe. >*jZ|, Was planted. Pret. 1. pi. O Rom. vi. 5. 7. Pr) r^??> w h ( zs ) driving the team or plough Gr. apoTpiwvra See note, ch. ix. 62, above. .... ]Zp ^JO, Transl. And if he come from the field, will say unto him immediately, Pass by (or, Come, approach, see note, ch. xii. 37, above), be seated. 8. !>G_*_Kj), that I may sup Sei7n/?/crw Aphel fut. 1. sing, of i>Qjfc_K, 7 .11 Supped. Fut. 1. sing. *^"> > | (Par. and Lond. Pol. in other a .7 -X .7 Editions J>OJLJO|, Aph.), Rev. iii. 20 Aph. J>Q__K|, same meaning. Pret. 3. pi. o^n *>(, ch. xxii. 20, below; 1 Cor. xi. 25. 9 ]^nV Transl. Doth he accept the favour of that servant ? i. e. thank him Gr. x4 3tv *X el - * * * > -n it ,Qgy (> ^Q^Q, that which was commanded Gr. TO. 7 Ethpeel pret. 3. sing, of ,-Q>, Ordered. Ethpe. part. Acts xxii. 10. 11 ;*^\ Transl. He passed between tlie Samaritans and Galilee. See note, S. John x. 39. 17 7 12 -*^ ; n r^O, Transl. And when (He ivas) near to enter into a cer- tain village. . " ^ 17 pen P, Transl. Were not those, who were cleansed, ten? Where are the nine ? 18 (V> \ x Transl. Have they refused (lit. separated, refusal con- taining the idea of separation) to come (and) give glory to God, save this who is of a foreign people? 20 r^O> Transl. And when (some) of the Pharisees asked Jesus, &c. ), with observations Gr. /uera Trapcm/p^'crews PL def. of I, def. 12.5Q_j (Rev. xviii. 2), noun fern. A guard, hold, defence; watching. ]5d4j A . ^> ; Prison, Rev. ii. 10; xx. 7. R. ;^J , Kept. Whence also 12.o5o4j , noun fern. def. A keeping. PL def. lloSo&l, 1 Cor. vii. 19. S. LUKE XVII. 2035. XVIII. 1. 471 Yer. 20. Also "JJO^J, noun masc. def. A keeper, guard. PI. def. ] j'd^J, Acts v. 23; xii. 19. * r i . * 21. ^.LoZ. 5(71, see notes, S. John iv. 15; S. Mark xiii. 21. Transl. Neither shall they say, Lo, it is here! and Lo, it is there/ 1-r O, Transl. And if they shall say to you, Lo, He is here! and, Lo, He is there, go not. 24. *Q{.O, shining, shineth, flasheth Gr. aorpaTiTovcra Part, of O;-O, Flashed, lightened. Heb. p^3, Sent forth lightning, Ps. cxliv. 6. I -T Transl. For as the lightning Jlasheth out of Heaven, and illuminateth all that is under Heaven. _ p 7 _ 7 29. j-jlO i-&!iO|, tf ie Lord rained Gr. /2pee Aphel pret. 3. sing, of 77 77 (not used) Pa. }-&iO, Rained. Put. ; 5* 01 (i Q some Editions 7 , Aph.) Rev. xi. 6.__Aph. Caused to rain. Occurs in the N.T. in these places only. Heb. Hiph. *VtD&n > Poured rain, caused to rain, Gen. ii. 5 ; xix. 24; Ps. xi. 6; Ixxviii. 24. (in some Editions ")A_;^13), brimstone Otiov Noun fern, def. Sulphur. Whence ( A >;on , adj. Sulphureous: PI. def. {Ilu^S, Rev. ix. 17. Heb. n^3]|, Gen. xix. 24; Ps. xi. 6. Tl> 1\ m 31. rq;Am^\ ; lack eis TO. airitrta See note, S. John vi. 66. p 7 35. J,_KK^, in one place, together CTT! TO owro. CHAPTER XVIII. 1. .A AjfSD, I was grieved, Hebr. iii. 10; OT_^ ZjfSo, lie was grieved, ver. 17. (2) Fut. 3. sing. fern, as above, variously spelt and pointed, as CTLA ^-loj Pj, that he would not be loth, delay, Gr. ^17 OKM/O-CU, Acts ix. 38. ^_k ^P^IZ (JO, and we shall not faint, Gr. p; ixXvo^voi, Gal. vi. 9. . >.^ ^-^1^ ]jj, that I may not faint, Gr. 1 x * * v ^ 7 ? n p; KKaKiv, E.V. that ye faint not, Eph. iii. 13. ^OH\> ^(IcZ. |J, be ye not weary, 2 Thess. iii. 1 3 .^^nnX lojZ. JJj, lest ye be wearied, Gr. Iva p.rj /caja^re, Hebr. xii. 3. (3) Part. fern. ^Jl }l]& P, we faint not, 2 Cor. iv. 1, 16 __ ^!> ]^D Zotn |] , let us not be weary, Gal. vi. 9. ^*A ]j|k) |] , to me is not grievous, Gr. 1/j.ol OVK oKvypov, Phil. iii. 1. Apliel t pof, Made a trouble of, was weary, negligent. Part. (forming pres. tense) ]j") ^pQLD |J , I am not negligent, Gr. OVK a^eXifcrw, 2 S. Pet. i. 12. Heb. |^j{3, only in Pi. JKJJ3, Refused, Gen. xxxvii. 35; Ps. Ixxvii. 3. Transl. That at every time (always) they should pray, and not, faint. . t> 7 7 1> 2. |OCn ,_K>JDAlD, regarded lvrpeTrofj.fvo Transl. But the Son of man will come, and will He find, 7 think you ( **> = apa), faith on the earth ? IK 7 . OO1 f^DJO, Transl. And He spake (see note, ch. xv. 11, above) this parable against those men who trust in themselves that they are the righteous, and despise every one. * 7 . 77 11. OT. \ 1 \ _OlCULj_O, apart, by himself, lit. between himself and his soul Gr. Trpos eavTov Compare notes, S. John xi. 38; and x. 39; also ch. xvii. 11, above. Transl. And the Pharisee stood apart, and thus prayed. ("\\ unjust aoiKot (TrAeoveKTcu, 1 Cor. v. 10; vi. 10). PI. def. X ^ * P * P of ZDQ_Ali, def. (*'>'"' \\ noun masc. One who is covetous, ava- ricious, an oppressor, 1 Cor. v. 11; Eph. v. 5, Gr. TrXcoveKi-iys. ^7 R. -^NVj Injured, oppressed. .. p 7 07 .0l>7 \\ ... adulterers /xot^oi PI. def. of ; > ,.) def. Ir-Kii An adulterer. See note, S. Matt. xii. 39. 13. |O01 fcSr-^, he smote ITUTTTCV Part, (forming imperf. tense) of v2)^, Struck, beat __ Part. pi. masc. <^\ , ch. xxiii. 48, below.__ Pael w);-, Agitated, afflicted, tormented. Part. pass. pi. masc. I 7 > ^ ^r> j Gr. Ka.Kovxovp.evoi, Hebr. xi. 37 Ethpaal 77 . .1> Was agitated, driven about. Pret. 1. pi. _2f^Z.|, Gr. 7 7^" 1> fjitvwv rjp.(av, Acts xxvii. 27 -- Part. i^^ALD, pi. 7 coalescing with -J-K, Gr. aTropou/xevot, 2 Cor. iv. 8. Heb. ft'HtOj Tore in pieces, as a wild beast, Gen. xxxvii. 33; Ps. xxii. 14, 14 ..... A>-J5, Transl. That this man went down to his house justified rather than that PJiarisee. 16 ..... n \ ."|^ t Transl. lit. For of those who are such as fJiPse, theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Compare S. Matt. xix. 14. W. C. 60 474 S. LUKE XVIII. 1840. XIX. 1. Ver. 18. p__o VQ ->j, one of the rulers Gr. rts . . . ap\tav PI. def. of 5, def. p_ji_5, noun masc. A prince, chief. PL constr. 1 -L '*' Rev. vi. 1 5. __ Derived from - -\ Head; whence also ]2.QJL_5, noun fern. def. First estate, principality; with aff. S. Jude ver. 6. Heb. tt^fcT], Ji^'n, The first, former, Gen. xxxii. 18; Job viii. 8. 7 22 ,U, Transl. Now when Jesus heard, He said unto him. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit raura. .... v>1 , Transl. Go, sell all that thoit, hast .... and follow Me. *i 7 25 o|, Transl. Than a rich man (to enter) into the Kingdom of God. 30 (Jo, Transl. And shall not receive with many additions (or, doub- lings). See note, S. Matt, xxiii. 15. 32 isdXAjfcJ, Transl. For He shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and they shall mock Him, and spit in His face, (33) and shall scourge Him, and spitefully entreat Him, and put Him to death. 34 ,QJO"I, Transl. But they understood not one of these things; but this saying .... and they knew not the things which were spoken unto them. 7 7 36 \\V> n Transl. And he heard the voice of the crowd that passed, and asked who this might be. .n . 7 39 . \ t )n ; Transl. And they who went before Jesus, rebuked him. 7 7 4(7. .... ,og*in^ Transl. And commanded that they should call him to Him. CHAPTER XIX. . . y r 1 ^u^ r^O> Transl. And when Jesus entered and passed through Jericho, (2) a certain man, whose name was Zacchceus, was rich, and chief of the publicans. (3) And he wished .... because Zac- chceus was little of stature. (4) And he ran before Jesus. See note, S. John xx. 4. S. LUKE XIX. 412. 475 Ver. 4. (Zrn .. *~> |ZAX, into a sycomore-tree, lit. into a wild (tasteless) Jig-tree Gr. CTU a~vKO[j.(apav or crD/co/xwpai'av Compare note, ch. xvii. 6, above. \LL, see note, S. John i. 48. X 17 T 7 .0X7 |Z.TL*-I}>, fern. def. of Ol.i O* 7 ), def. (rn . n<^ ; adj. Insipid, foolish, profane -- PI. fern. def. }L Ethpa. *^CJl5ADJ, in the next verse, Was hastened, made haste. 8. 7n .. \ ? ^e half of TCI ^/xtcrr; See note, ch. xi. 5, above. A*"^ \v / Jiave taken wrongfully, defrauded Gr. ecrvKo^avT^cra Pret. 1. sing, of >^Vv y Injured, oppressed, deceived, defrauded. Pret. 1. pi. v ^^\v, 2 Cor. vii. 2 __ Fut. >!DO\M, with aff. 2 Cor. ii. 11 __ Inf. .*-XvVr>\ 1 Thess. iv. 6 __ .Part. -^^^, pi. masc. . ^V 1 Cor. vi. 8. ' Ethpaal i^S^Z], Was wronged, endured injury -- Part. pi. ^oAj") . A\vAV> Gr. dSt/ceto-^e, 1 Cor. vi. 7. Transl. And to every man, whatever I have taken wrongfully, I restore fourfold. 11. i^jT>]V)V c2lDo], He added to speak, He farther spake. Gr. 12. |l^5 |k3O1Q- ^O, son of a noble family, nobleman Gr. ewyt^'s See note, ch. i. 58, above. 476 S. LUKE XIX. 1336. .. X - p 7 Yer. 13. <^n ; pounds /xvas PI. of ( iVn (ver. 24, below) noun masc. def. A weight = 100 shekels. With aff. ver. 16, 18, 20, below. Heb. n^ftj 1 Kings x. 17; compare 2 Chron. ix. 16. V T 15 ..... r^l> Transl. ZTe commanded that they should call to him those his servants. 17 ..... " > \o*-^ , Transl. Because in a little thou hast been found faith- ful, thou shalt be ruler over, &c. Similarly in ver. 19. IP CTI, Transl. Behold thy pound, which ivas with me, laid up in a napkin. 7 1 26 ..... jio| , Transl. He saith unto them, I say unto you, &c. 70 .7 28. w->O1QlD t O,\, before l^irpoaO^v See note, S. John i. 15. Transl. He went before, to go to Jerusalem. 30 ..... Q- -1 > Transl. Go into the village that is over against us; and when ye enter, behold, ye shall find a colt tied, &c. * V 35. fc_01dd>5 1 , they caused to ride (aff. pleon.) Gr. eire(3i(3a.(ra.v Aphel pret. 3. pi. of *}35, Rode __ Aph. TiID5], Caused to ride -- Fut. ^DjJ, 3. pi. v Qj);J, with aff. pleon. Acts xxiii. 24. So Par. and Lond. Polyglotts : all the other Editions read as Peal. . p 7 . I> 7 7 Deriv. from this conjugation ("\ r vV) def. (Ao*'i'Vn ) noun fern. A chariot, Acts viii. 28, 29, 38. PI. AnyVn < def. "jAoD'^D, Rev. ix. 9; xviii. 13. Heb. 3MDVI> Ps. Ixvi. 12. Deriv. fiH^ia, A chariot, Gen. ; T T ; v xlvi. 29. 7 10 36. OOOl . rr>. g^ they spread mrecrrpw'wvov Part. pi. (forming imperf. 7 . tense) of *;), Extended, spread, strewed. Fut. CDO}_2U -- Part. . Deriv. CDO^2, noun masc. Form, manner, Gr. rpoVos, Phil. i. 18. Def. ]a35o5. ]AlQ_^, noun fern. def. of form part. Peil, A cake of bread, specially that consecrated in the Holy Eucharist, Acts ii. 46. Heb. 2JH), prop. Broke in pieces, Mic. iii. 3: Spread out, S. LUKE XIX. 3648. XX. 15. 477 Ver. 36. Ps. xliv. 21. Cogn. D*lS Broke bread, Isa. Iviii. 7; without Dri7, Jer. xvi. 7. Chald. DID, Tore away, asunder, Dan. v. 25, 28. 1*7 A 7 7 V 37. |Z.LLKKLoX a 44. . > mo c*> ^^ m n ; ^ey s/iW overthrow thee, lay thee even with the 7 ground eSa^iovcri Swept away, as a deluge of rain, Prov. xxviii. 3. Niph. &nDJ> Was swept away, Jer. xlvi. 15. 5 -* \ y>, because Gr. av0' wv See note, S. John i. 16. . m vocm of thy visitation 1-175 eTrio-xoTnys , def. [_O .., noun masc. A spy, Her in wait, explorer. So Hebr. xi. 31, Gr. TOVS 7 KaracTKOTrous. S. James ii. 25, Gr. TOVS ayye'Xovs. R. - , i -*-ii . Touched, handled, see below, ch. xxiv. 39. Transl. And they sent unto Him spies, which should feign, &c. i " " 7 \. P-iy-l, to the judge Gr. rrj apxf} So the Vienna and most of the Editions: others read ( 1 >, \ < to the judgment. .*.o _ _ ^*p 23. ^Qfn/ n v. v.^ their craftiness aurwv TTJV iravoupyiav___CLL^K, def. *" -X IZ-dipsj (2 Cor. iv. 2), noun fern. Wiliness, cleverness, generally in a bad sense. Here with aff. as also 1 Cor. iii. 19; Eph. iv. 14. Pv. ^ij-w, Was diligent, crafty: whence also the participial noun 7 P P. o V>(_K, def. |Z.f_*j, Crafty, Gr. Travovpyos, 2 Cor. xii. 16. Heb. V*))"!, Gut into, sharpened; whence, Was active, eager, on the alert, 2 Sam. v. 24. Whence T*!Hn> Diligent, Prov. x. 4, &c. 24. |An_A2, the superscription iiTiyparjv Noun fern. def. A writing, S. LUKE XX. 2447. XXI. 14. 479 Ver. 24. inscription. PL def. AuAl), Hebr. v. 12. Form part. Peil of CAS, Wrote. 26 ..... (Jo, Transl. lit. And tJiey could not lay hold on a word from Him before tJie people. 28 ..... -*-j] v] Transl. If a man's brother (lit. a man his brother) die, and he have a wife with no children, &c. 7 .7 r 7 37. p2j|, he commemorated Gr. c/x^wo-ev Aphel pret. 3. sing, of jjDj, Remembered. Aph. Caused to remember, called to remembrance. Part. pjSO, pi. ,-^,10, Hebr. x. 3. Heb. Hiph. *V3TH, Gen - xl - 14 - Transl. But that the dead arise (or, will rise), even Moses declared'; for he commemorated at the bush, when he said, The Lord, tlie God of Abraham, &c. 40 ..... *Oo2. jJo, Transl. And they durst not again ask Him concerning anything. .07 .7 41 ..... P-^|> Transl. How say the Scribes concerning Christ, tJiat He is the son of David? 42. li'QiOlij, of the Psalms i/^aX/xwi/ PL def. of 5oSoiib, def. "jl (Acts xiii. 33; 1 Cor. xiv. 26), noun masc. A Psalm. R. Sang. Heb. ^JT/^, in the Titles prefixed to many of the Psalms. 43 ..... P^r-^j Transl. Until I place thine enemies beneath Thy feet. 44 ..... . I, Transl. If David therefore calleth Him Lord, how is He his son ? 47 ..... . ^ n l? v ajai > see note ' - Matt, xxiii. 13. CHAPTER XXI. 1 ..... _5 ;_KJ, Transl. And Jesus gazed upon the rich men who, were cast- ing, &c. 4. Zocn ] ^ <^;, that she had, possessed ov LX V ^ ee n ote, S. Matt. x. 9. Part. Peil fern, used actively, as also Acts iv. 34. 480 S. LUKE XXI. 9 25. Ver. 9 ..... |] |, Trans! . But not yet has the end come. 10 ..... JsOdQJ, Transl. For nation shall rise, &c. the Syr. omitting TOTC * p *. ^ r A \ p * * "** y P * 11. IjJCLCOO | A_\jo5, years and terrors in^ Transl. And they shall bring you before the Kings and rulers, &c. x . 7 .1. i 14. . > <*i\ tAlO, instructed. Etlipeel (or Ethpa.) part. pi. of ^<^\ ., Learned. Ethpe. ^llL>2.] , Was taught. i .o l> 77. 77 fjjO? .o c\VnX for defence. See note, ch. xii. 11, above. ,jQ_2iLo, 7 noun masc. A going forth. Of form Aph. part, from ,_Q_aJ, Went out. Used only (in the N.T.) in this phrase; and with pref. cO, ooOj^i . ^Vn Acts xxii. 1; Rom. i. 20; Phil. i. 7; 2 Tim. . o -X 77 iv. 16. |_oC^O .o <7>vr> Acts xxv. 16; Rom. ii. 1; 2 Cor. vii. 11; Phil. i. 16; IS. Pet. iii. 15. There occurs also Fern. def. ]Aoc^V) Gr. TT/S e&Sou, Hebr. xi. 22. Transl. But settle in your heart, that ye shall not be instructed for defence. 15 ..... li-l> Transl. Against which all your adversaries shall not be able to stand. * t> . . 7 16 ..... l n.^joV>\ m i Transl. But your parents (fathers'), and your brethren, and your kinsfolk, and your friends, shall betray you, and some of you they shall put to death. 19. ^QJUoZ., ye shall gain, win Gr. Krija-ao-Oe The Yat. MS. reads . 24. oA^] Was carried captive. Fut, (^>A 1 25. (-Jr-l j^^Q^2)O, and smiting of hands Gr. ev diropia S. LUKE XXI. 2535. 481 Ver. 25. masc. (here constr.), Doubt, perplexity, striking the hands together, whether in joy or terror. Def. 1*^(12>. R. y <=\ Applauded by dapping the hands; doubted. Occurs here only in the N.T. * 1 7. * |Z.O"loZ. ^2, from astonishment, extreme fear. Noun fern. def. occur- ring here only in the N.T. R. OioZ, Was amazed. Transl. From horror at the roaring of the sea. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. read T^OUS OaXaa-a-rj^. . e 7 2G ..... piOlO, Transl. And perturbation which drives out the souls of men, from the fear ofwJiat is about to come upon the earth. 7 27 ..... ^Q, Transl. With much power and great glory. x 7 30. ^ > S; ^So, shooting forth, they shoot forth Gr. Trpo/JaAwcriv Aphel part. pi. of V>'f2), Recompensed, rewarded; budded forth, as a 7 .7 tree -- Aph. ^i;-3|, Put forth shoots, buds, Hebr. ix. 4 __ Part. 7 7 \\. e^^n Transl. Which when they shoot forth, immediately from them ye understand that summer is near. * *. . *. * P 34. j/.Q_aro[3, with surfeiting lv KpaiirdX-r) Noun fern. def. from the Gr. ao-ama, which it represents, Eph. v. 18; Tit. i. 6; IS. Pet. iv. 4. *. v , with drunkenness /*#$ Def. of Q_O5, noun fern. Intempe- rance, intoxication. Occurs also Rom. xiii. 13; Gal. v. 21; IS. Pet. iv. 3. R. |o5, Was satiated, intoxicated. Heb. H*Yl> Abundance, fulness, Ps. xxiii. 5; Ixvi. 12. 35. (Aj^j2) , a snare woyts Noun fern. def. of form part. pres. from ^ 7 o^S , see next note. Prop. Any sudden or unexpected calamity. ^ . .. PI. def. |Aj^2 . Occurs here only in the N.T. 7 * . o^2 -J , it shall come on, overtake suddenly Gr. cTreXcvcrerat Fut. ..7 3. sing, of wK>*2 , Bffel, came suddenly on, with ^1 of the object. I 'X -X .7 7 So ^ \^ JQJ ^rn . \ v ^>^2) , Nuroddin came upon them on ..''* " y 7 a sudden. t_O"l j'o | ^\i oj.) j , that suddenly befel the Edes- senes people of Orrhoa, i.e. Edessa. (Bar Hebrzeus.) Occurs here only in the N.T. W. C. Gl 482 S. LUKE XXI. 38. XXII. 422. 7 T y Ver. 38. OOO1 *-^n, r>Vn came early Gr. wpOpL^t Pael part. pi. (imperf. ~ 1 " y tense) agreeing with p>Q.2i, noun of multitude. See note, S. John xx. 4. Transl. And all the people came early to Him to the Temple, to hear His ivord. CHAPTER XXII. * 7 * .. 7 ..7 7 4. (lUjCTlj P__K .^.^)O, and the chief powers (authorities') oftJie Temple Gr. rots orparty-yois, the captains of the Jewish guard of the Temple, the chief of whom was styled o orpaTT/yos TOV iepov, Acts iv. 1. See ver. 52, below, and Whitby's note on that place. Transl. He communed with the Chief Priests and Scribes, and captains, pitcher Kepayuiov (Syr. p|lO, S. Mark xiv. 13.) Noun masc. def. occurring only here in the N.T. .... v>l, Transl. Go after (follow] him, (11) and where he entereth, say unto the lord of the house, Our Master saith. 7 *i 7 i " i 7 11. Q~J-|, which is? Gr. TTOV ICTTI; Compounded of (-!>[, pron. interrog. X masc. and OO1. 0. Tl 14 \L\, Transl. Jesus came, (and} sat down. 17, 18. These verses are not found in the ancient Syr. Version, but have been supplied by some later hand. 20 2.QDO10, Transl. And likewise also concerning the Cup, after they had supped, He said, &c. 21 Glyj], Transl. The hand of My betrayer is on the table. 22. vj^2.j, it was determined Gr. TO wpLo-^vov Ethpeel pret. 3. sing. S. LUKE XXII. 2232. 483 Ver. 22. of _;^>, Separated, decreed. Ethpe. Was separated, distin- guished, defined, destined, Acts x. 42; Rom. i. 1 Pret. 3. pi. CLS'r&L], Gr. direxoipia-O-r], Rev. vi. 14 Fut. _;^>Aj, 2 Thess. iii. 14 Imperat. pi. Q_^2.]^ 2 Cor. vi. 17 Part. _}jZ)Alo, I 7 -K pi. ^.o_^)ALD. The two last pi. forms are identical with, and regarded by some as, Ethpaal. 1A * *l " 7 " Aiil *-t,ri,V>, cfoers of good things, benefactors Gr. evepyerai. 29 jj |o, Transl. And I promise (Gr. SiaTi'0e/mt) imfo yow, ewew as I/?/ Father hath promised unto Me a kingdom, (30) that ye shall eat and drink at the table of My kingdom, and sit on thrones, and judge, &c. 31. ^GLHOO;_LJ5, that he may sift you Gr. TOV sieve Fut. *OO^LJ. See note, S. Matt. viii. 11. j " ' 7 Deriv. ^O^l., noun masc. def. A pledge, security, surety, Hebr. vii. 22. PI. def. lovi Acts xvii. 9. Heb. 2HV, prop. Mingled: intrans. Was surety for, Gen. xliii. 9; Ps. cxix. 122 Chald. ^W Pa. ^tt, part. pass. 3*W|b, - -: -*r - r : Mixed, Dan. ii. 41, 43. Ithpa. ^yfiN, part. pi. ver. 43. Transl. And Jesus said unto Simon, Simon, behold Satan desireth (asketJi) to sift you as wheat. .* 7 / 7 32. 5^ , strengthen orrjp^ov Pael imperat. of 5f_ ^ , Was made strong, was confirmed. Pret. 3. pi. O;.., Gr. eorepew^o-aj/, Acts iii. 7. p 7 7 , 7 7 Pa. 5;.., Made strong, confirmed, established Fut. 5 ; with aff. Rom. xvi. 25; 1 Cor. i. 8; 1 Thess. iii. 2. 2. pi. p 7 7 2 Cor. ii. 8, 1. pi. Jj-aJ, Hebr. xiii. 9 Imperat. pi. o5;_, Hebr. xii. 12; S. James v. 8 Part. 5^.So, 2 Cor. i. 21; Tit. 17 , 7 7 iii. 8. PL masc. .\- V\ Acts xiv. 21 Part. pass. *; * < - r> , fern. def. "jlj^SD, 2 S. Pet. i. 10. PI. masc. ^5; V), 1 Cor. xv. 58; Col. ii. 7. e 77 3^Ll" Hebr. ii. 3 __ Fut. 5>A^_J, Rom. xiv. 5. 2. pi. LJ, 1 S. Pet. v. 10 __ Part. 5>L*ib, fern. ]y$ ? L*l2), 1 Cor. viii. 10; Hebr. ix. 17. Heb. deriv. fl'H''")^ or IVf)*!^, Obstinacy, Deut. xxix. 18; Ps. Ixxxi. 13. Traiisl. And do thou also in time return (or turn thyself, be converted), and strengthen thy brethren. See note, ch. ix. 38, above. 33 ..... ^nSV),.* , Transl. But Simon said unto Him, My Lord, with Thee I am ready both for prison and for death. n 7 36 ..... ^~^' T rans ^ Let him sell his garment, and buy for him a sword. 37. p^oZI, I shall be numbered Gr. eXoyiaOrj Ethpeel fut. 1. sing, of > " i * "*> P-Lo, Numbered. Ethpe. - i V>/ \ Was counted, reckoned, Acts i. 26. Fut. ]iSoAl " , are accomplished. So the Vienna and several other Editions, ^7 7 .* defectively for preter. 3. plur. o^XA ) Another reading is .. . Vn\A g] 3. pi. fem. while others, whom Schaaf follows, read .^ 7 41. | r juLD, a stone's cast fioXijv Noun occurring here only in the .0 x .7 N.T. Form of Aph. part, from \ r ) Cast, Aph. ^,_j. Simi- larly are formed |l_<_Lo (with \>\ ) Boldness, from ]!.,., 1 Tim. .- 7 -".^-J" " 1 " ^ iii. 13: |]_KK!D (with (JL*_L) Eye-service, from \\**, Eph. vi. 6; Col. iii. 22: IJlok), from I^D, S. Mark xiii. 35; Ijjib, from IP m >5, ch. ii. 44, above. . 11 .. 11 7 7 43. CTl^ \i_iL^5, who (was) strengthening Him Gr. evicr^uwv avrov Pael part, of ^CLj (not used) Pa. \^ * > t Confirmed, strengthened. Pret. 3. sing, with aff. 1 Tim. i. 12; 2 Tim. iv. 17. 3. pi. O\i..K, Acts xv. 32. From the original but unused root are derived ^_jj, noun masc. Power, might, Acts iv. 7; Rom. i. 4; Col. i. 1 1 ; 2 Thess. ii. 9. S. LUKE XXII. 4348. 485 "Ver. 43. _i_K*iD, adj. comp. of J.K> and J>O (for l>) privative, as Gr. dcrOevTjs, Weak, infirm, Rom. viii. 3; 2 Cor. xiii. 3. Def. ]L_liO, Rev. iii. 17 __ PL masc. - V- **<^\ 1 Cor. xii. 22; p ? * x coalescing with ^-J->-, 2 Cor. xiii. 4. Def. (1 . v^Vn Rom. xv. 1, &c. U" 9\ I o\ . ^vVn noun fern. def. Weakness, infirmity, 2 Cor. xiii. 4: with aff. Hebr. vii. 18. Heb. ^!)p| (not used) Hiph. ^T^, Ps. x. 5. p . * 44. ]A\ v.,*^! in fear, agony, of body and mind Gr. iv dywia. - K I . A^(o _n/. ; earnestly Gr. fKrevtorepov Adverb, occurring here only. R. *ZZ2L, Was urgent. J, His sweat o tSpcos avrou |AiOJ, noun fern. def. occurring only here in the N.T. Heb. nj?T> Sweat, Gen. iii. 19. R. ffi, Was moved, agitated; as the effect of violent motion or perturbation. i, drops Opofj-fioL PL def of ]A^., noun occurring here only. , and it (sc. ]lOj)/e#. 45. "jAn v. LDj^br sorrow aVo T^S XVTT^S Def. of (^ ^ (Acts xxvii. 22; Phil. ii. 27), noun fern. Affliction, grief, anxiety. See also S. James iv. 9. PL def. 1AA1, 1 S. Pet. ii. 19; with aff. 1 Thess. iii 7. R. *DCLL -o \ Was pressed, straitened. Heb. np^j Oppression, Ps. Iv. 4. 47. CTLOjaJO, emd kissed Him Gr. m i } Kissed. Heb. np'Bfy Prov. xxvii. 6; Song of Sol. i. 2. 7 7 49 O]_K pD, Transl. But when they who were with Him saw what was done, they say unto Him, Lord, shall we smite them with swords ? 50. CTlAmJ, cut off (aff. pleon.) dfalXev See note, S. John i. 16. The v 7 same Gr. word is rendered by rn\ry^ S. Matt. xxvi. 51; S. Mark xiv. 47; so also direKoij/ev, S. John xviii. 10. 51 Of3, Transl. It sufficeth thus far. And He touched the ear of him who was smitten, and healed it. 7 i * 52 r^|o> Transl. And Jesus said unto those who were come to Him, the Chief Priests, and the elders, and the captains of the Temple, (see above, ver. 4), Be ye come out. . . . to take Me? 54 O.-KJJO, Transl. Then took they, and led Him to the house of the High Priest. * *y " * 55. O,>jOJ, they kindled Gr. ctyavrwv Aph. pret. 3. pi. of ,-KK_>, used R I 1* .7 here and Acts xxviii. 2 for ^Q-i. Aph. ,_KJO|. * p ^ ** OT-.'/jjj, around it, sc. pOJ. See note, S. Matt. iii. 5. Transl. And they lighted a fire in the midst of the hall, and were sitting around it; and Simon himself also was sitting among them. 57 OO"I, Transl. And he denied, and said, &c. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit avrov. 58 M^P> Transl. And Peter said, I am not. 59. ]ooi ]^KtASD, confidently affirmed, lit. contended oiicrxypi&To Part. forming irnperf. tense. See note, S. Matt xii. 19. 63 I'^d-iO, Transl. And the men that held Jesus mocked Him, and blindfolded Him, (64) and struck Him on His face, and said, &c. CHAPTER XXIII. 7 7 2. ^S our nation TO e0vos (w^v, Sin. and Vat. MSS.) So below, ver. 5, Gr. TOV XabV. S. LUKE XXIII. 213. 487 Ver. 2 ..... r^lo, Transl. And saying of Himself that He is the King, Messiah. i> 7 5. O"U__ML__5, that He Ji/tth stirred up Gr. on aVao-ciet Pret. 3. sin" 1 . with aff. pleon. of _*_^_., Roused up, disturbed. Pret. 3. pi. ? * * . t O yi-.,Acts vi. 12; xiv. 18 -- Tut. --* n -tt - - 1 __ Part. - .. -, O"* J> ^^ I _ o x^ fern. ( .. , S. James i. 6 -- Part. Peil - ~ * .. > 7 fern. | V *-\\- m > S. John xii. 27, where see note. PI. masc. >... Acts xix. 32. . ^ -x o Deriv. ^Q_,^_, noun masc. clef. A seditious person. PI. def. ^ i* ^ P ' * VI m> 0.7 X 6 ..... >CDO ^\ t , Transl. 5trf when Pilute heard the name of Galilee, he asked, &c. 10. A-ill-*!-^) vehemently CVTOVWS Adverb, derived from "|v*V^, Strong, mighty, vehement. Fern. def. ]Zl_iV^> Gr. /Was, Acts ii. 2. PI. masc. def. l{It ^ r - aypta, S. Jude ver. 13. R. \\ \L, Was powerful. 11. _CTIQ_K.Xso, and his men of war, his soldiers Gr. o~uv TOIS orpaTev- /Aacrti/ avroi; PI. with aff. of ( ^v\g^ (Acts x. 7; 2 Tim. ii. 3), .r properly part. masc. def. of .j.v\g\ Laboured; see note, S. John vi. 27. Used as a subst. A soldier. PI. def. jjsi.^2, Rev. ix. 16. Transl. But Herod despised Him, he and his men of war: and ivhen he had mocked, he arrayed Him in a scarlet robe, and sent Him to Pilate. \ r + ^c* 1 * 12. ( 7 or^^ t \v < -^ / enmity Gr. lv ^P? - ^^*^? noun fern. Enmity. Occurs also Rom. viii. 7; Gal. v. 20; Eph. ii. 14 7 16; S. James iv. 4.- Compare note, S. Matt. v. 43. Transl. For before there had been enmity between them. 13. JS&L?, of the people Gr. KOL rov Actov. Transl. But Pilate called the Chief Priests and the rulers of the people, (14) and said unto them, &c. 488 S. LUKE XXIII. 1423. Ver. 14. ^pr>Vnv ; your people Gr. TOV Xaov Compare ver. 2, above. *. . -n 7 , Acts xxv. 16; xxvi. 2. i ,y Aph. . i -3(, from its original meaning as above, Accused; also, Allowed, permitted, empowered, afforded, granted. Fut. |-;J3, that he might afford a pleasure, Gr. KaruOea-Oai, Acts xxv. 9. (Syr. yAlJj, ch. xxiv. 27) __ Part. VJ^>- o Deriv. _.i_5, noun masc. Accusation, complaint, charge, blaine. 'K m.* . .JL. '") (Jj, Blameless, Gr. at/ey/cX^Tos, a/xe/XTrros (a/xe'/XTrrcos), ai/7ri- X^TTTOS, 1 Cor. i. 8; Phil. iii. 6; Col. i. 22; 1 Thess. ii. 10; iii. 13; v. 23; 1 Tim. iii. 10; v. 7; Tit. i. 6, 7; Hebr. viii. 7. Def. ]i-L5, Gr. airiav, Acts xxv. 18; xxviii. 18. PI. def. p^), Gr. amu'- /xara, Acts XX v. 7. Heb. deriv. tV^*l> Grant, permission, Ezr. iii. 7. 16. w_(Jiaj>55'), / will chastise Him Gr. TraiSeucras Fut. 1. sing, with aflf. of ]j5, for the various meanings of which, see note, S. John vii. 38. P P 17 ..... j t \ Transl. For it was the custom, that he should release, &c. 7 18 ..... o VQ) Transl. But all the crowd cried out and said, &c. Verb pi. agreeing with noun of multitude. 7 19 ..... OO"I, Transl. He it was wliofor sedition and murder that had been done in the city, &c. 22 ..... isOfLo, Transl. I have found no cause worthy of death in Him. f X .0 23. OOOl i->-ZZ2L, tJiey were instant eVe'/cetv-ro Part. pi. (forming im- perf. tense) of ^il)Z, Was earnest, urgent. Fut. iiDAj -- Part. * -0 *ODZ.. Occurs here only in the N.T. Transl. And they were instant with a loud voice, and demanded of him that they might crucify Him. S. LUKE XXIII. 2332. 489 KO.TL- . P Tt Ver. 23. (oOl v S, prevailed, or, prevailed at length (pluperf.) Gr. crxyov \ Was powerful, grew stronger __ Fut. vi _ Occurs here only in the N .T. but common elsewhere, in this and other conjugations. Deriv. \L.m S, adj. Strong, vast. PI. fern. def. ]AJLlLjLl. S. James iii. 4. * * P-Q-L, noun masc. def. Might, power, 2 S. Pet. ii. 11; Rev. v. 12; vii. 12. Transl. And their voice prevailed, and (that) of the Chief Priests. 24. ^OCJlAXj-*, their request, requirement TO CUT^/AO. avrwv P|_, noun fern. A petition, demand. Def. ]AXj^. PI. V)" - def. lAS)l-, with aff. PhiL iv. 6; 1 S. John v. 15. R. ^>]^, Asked, desired. Heb. r?K>, A request, Judg. viii. 24. Chald. def. tffi T ; T . .. . Object of desire, hence, Matter, concern, Dan. iv. 14. 29. cjfj, bare. Pret. 3. sing. fern. This is the reading of the Par. and Lond. Polygl. The Vienna and the rest of the Editions read 30. ^O;..Z., ye shall begin Gr. a P-J.D7 ^ _ 1 ;'mn cover us /caXvi/we T/'/AOIS Pael iniperat. pi. fern. with affix, of ImD, Hid. 31. jm . n*"\ in the tree tv TO) ^vAo> Def. of .on , o noun masc. A tree, trunk of a tree; tree = cross; piece of wood, board. See also Acts v. 30; Gal. iii. 13; 2 Tim. ii. 20; Rev. ii. 7, &c. PI. def. ]mI-O, Acts xxvii. 44; 1 Cor. iii. 12. 1 * Z |^ e T {*"> ^ t green, i.e. moist vypta Def. of -^ ^>, adj. Moist. Of form part. Peil from *" ^ ; Was moist. Occurs here only in the N.T. Heb. ^b^j fresh, green, Job viii. 16. T 32. .olx^oAjj, that they might be put to death Gr. dvaipeBTJvai Eth- paal fut. 3. pi. of ^uD, Slew. Ethpa. ^4>O>2,], same as Ethpeel, (see note, S. Matt. xvi. 21), and in many of its forms identical W. C. 62 490 S. LUKE XXIII. 3256. Ver. 32. with it __ Fut. ^DA Infin. aoAkl Rev. vi. 11 __ Part. ^uOASD, pi. nmsc. ^ iNfrjDALo, Acts xxvi. 10. Chald. Ithpa. 7fc3pJ"!5$> part. masc. pi. Dan. ii. 13. Transl. And there went with Him two others, malefactors (lit. doers of crimes), to be put to death. x. 7-9 35 ..... v ' ' , in Paradise lv r<3 TrapaSeicro) Noun masc. The place of the faithful departed. With aff. pi eon. 2 Cor. xii. 4; Rev. ii. 7, in which places it seems to denote the immediate Presence of God. Heb. Dl^lS) > A plantation, orchard, garden, Neh. ii. 8 ; Song of Sol. iv. 13. PI. Q'DTlfi, Eccles. ii. 5. The origin of the word is obscure, but is probably referable to the Armenian and Sanskrit. 1^ p . P_ P V * i ' 5O1 JZV>-^, to that sight CTTI rrjv ^ewptav ravrr)v |Z.Vo, noun fern. def. A spectacle, triumph, 2 Cor. ii. 14; A seeing, 2 S. Pet. ii. 8; Aspect, Rev. iv. 3. With aff. Rom. xv. 24. R. ]V--, Saw. See note, S. John iii. 25. Heb. rWn, A vision, 2 Chron. ix. 29. Chald. J-fifn, Sight, Dan. iv. 8, 17. .. 7 . 49. tjOTQAO,-!, the acquaintance of Jesus Gr. ot jvwarol avrov PL with aff. pleon. of p^O,-*, noun masc. def. One who knows, is skilful, * i* ^ t> 7 x intelligent; a familiar friend. PL def. LLOpli. R. ^Syj , Knew. Occurs here only in the N.T. I 7 .7 56. t * oc^ f-*\, as it was commanded Gr. Kara rijv Iv S. LUKE XXIV. 122. 491 CHAPTER XXIV. * 7 . <> 7 I. yt<~i m K> j^ (; ** * *"\ in the dawn, yet dark Gr. opOpov (BaOfos. 7 A 1 X .... _uOCn A_ (O, Transl. And there were with them other women. 3 jjo, Transl. And found not the body of Jesus. ft 7i 1V t> 4. ^__Ol-L!iO v>S\ QlOD, stooc? Jy /im, lit. stood above them, as just descended from Heaven Gr. eTreo-r^o-av eumus, appropriately used of Heavenly visitants, compare Acts xii. 7, (.iria-rrj, Syr. CTUllD^i^ iCLD : S. Luke ii. 9, &rcon? avrofc, Syr. ^OlZali ]lf : Acts xxiii. 11, eTrioras avru, Syr. OlX ^>p^Z]. The Gr. verb is used in this sense in classical authors, e. g. avSpa O, Transl. ^Iwc/ f/*eir vesture shone. .. 7 5. __XDO, awcZ iAey bowed down Gr. KCU i of li.^., Hung on a cross. Ethpe. l\*l, Was crucified, o o Rev. xi. 8. II. ]A . V idle tales Gr. \-rjpos Part. pi. fern. def. of P-, Was mad. Part, p > , def. ] > ^ , used as a noun, An insane person. See note, S. John x. 20. Transl. And these words (TO. p^ara ravra, Sin. Vat.) seemed in their eyes as idle tales. 1 "> V 15 (Z.J, Transl. Jesus Himself came and approaclied them, and walked with them. 1 * 19 ];.*""> it , Transl. A man that was a Prophet, and was mighty in word and deed. " " ? i 7 22. OlloZ.], made us astonished e^'crTrjcrav T//AOIS Aphel pret. 3. pi. fem. 492 S. LUKE XXIV. 2239. Ver. 22. with aff. of OlkjZ, Was amazed. Aph. cnk)2/j, Caused to won- der, Acts viii. 11. F <* 23 ..... -!, Transl. They came and said to us, We have seen Angels there, and they say of Him that He is alive. 25 ..... o | , Transl. lit. wanting in iinder 'standing, and heavy (i. e. slow) of heart to believe, &c. 29. <-2$, has gone down, declined xeVAiKev, (compare ch. ix. 12, above) Yerb Peal pret. 3. sing. Bent himself, inclined. _ Fut. Aph. ^25], S. John xix. 30. Transl. For the day has now declined, to become dark. 31 ..... (j-KKSoo, Transl. And immediately their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him, and He was taken away from them. . o * y 32. JOCTI , > O >, was burning KCUO/XC'VI; yv Part. Peil (forming imperf. tense) of pCU , Burned. See note, S. John xv. 6. <\ . t> 35 ..... ^CLJOl ^)|o, Transl. And they also (Gr. KCH OVTOI) related the things that were done in t/te way, and how He was known to them when He broke the bread. 36. ^p Vr-jjZ |J p| p|, It is I, be not afraid. This passage is found in the Vulgate, and in the Arab. Copt, and Arm en. Versions, but in no Gr. MSS. . 0. 39. . i in. n .. handle Me ^Xa^^a-are fie Imperat. pi. with aff. of - . i --ii, Touched, handled, examined by the touch; grounded, . y y of a ship. Pret. 3. fern. A . Acts xxvii. 41. 1. pi. ., 1 S. John i. 1 -- Fut. ^jQ-MuJ, 3. pi. ^O^-MLjj, that they might spy out, Gr. /caTao-KOTr^crat, Gal. ii. 4 __ Imperat. ,_Q_.., pi. Q_Q_... Ethpe. . * . tZ ) , Was handled, touched __ Part. fern. ( ,.A Vn tangible, sc. ]5oJ, Gr. ^r/Xa^w/AeVo) opei, Heb. xii. 18. Heb. only in Pi. H^'jl, Groped, felt about, as a blind man, Isa. lix. 10. S. LUKE XXIV. 4249. 493 .00 Ver. 42. (-O4> broiled Gr. OTTTOV So the Vienna and other Editions; the .0 7 Par. and Lond. Polygl. more correctly t-Q-fo. Part. Peil def. of , Broiled, cooked Part. Peil |CL^ Pael t-Q_, Roasted. jlo1 "jjoAs) N^D, on every table a roast lamb, (Bar Hebreeus.) 7 ^lD, a honey-comb Gr. nrjpiov Noun fern. def. prop. A round and flattened cake. Occurs here only in the N.T. Some Editions .o 107 read |Ajjjm). Compare Heb. 155, A cake, round loaf, 1 Sam. ii. 36. T 10*0 7 OO1 *Ojl , it behoved ISei Part, (forming imperf. tense) of *OjJ, Was right, proper, just. In Peal the part. pres. only is used, and that impersonally, as Lat. decet, oportet, justum, cequum est or erat. .. t> o See also Acts i. 16; xxv. 10; Rom. i. 27, &c. Fern. Z.OO1 *Ojl, i was of necessity, Gr. avayKcuoi', Hebr. viii. 3. PI. fern. ..00 - .7 Djlj _i_A_|, those things which are convenient, Gr. TO dvfJKov, o ".. o .. i p Philem. ver. 8. jnrnVox _DJ^J .^.irn ; things which must be, Gr. a Set yevta-Oai, Rev. iv. 1. Deriv. j^bj^, noun masc. def. Justice, judgment, 1 Cor. vii. 21. PI. def. ]-Q>l, Rev. xv. 4; xix. 8. Heb. p1, Was just, righteous, Ps. xix. 10; li. 6. I -T 47 ]ZdljZ, Transl. Repentance for (ets, Sin. Vat.) the remission of sins. \ " ! * .... P>Q_O, Transl. And (that) the beginning should be from Je- rusalem. 49. j i nxnVn the promise rfjv eTrayyeXtav Nouh masc. def. Counsel, promise, the latter sense throughout the N.T. With aff. Hebr. xi. 13. PI. def. ]i A\o<^^ Rom. ix. 4; 2 Cor. vii. 1; Hebr. xi. 33._With aff. 2 Cor. i. 20 (pleon.); 2 S. Pet. iii. 9. R. ./W>, Counselled, promised. Transl. And I will send upon you the promise of My Father. loov is wanting in the Sin. MS. 494 S. LUKE XXIV. 51. Ver. 51 ..... _j^2.|, Transl. He was parted from them, and ascended to Heaven. ^o i N U-J Finished is the Holy Gospel of Luke the Evangelist. . Vnl .^n\vVn\v\ ] ^^ o ADDITIONS. Page 21, line 4 from the bottom. Add, The Sin. and Vat. MSS. read p.ovoyev^ 7 .... i"*- | , Transl. Whence to Thee (i. e. /tost Thou) the living waters? The Sin. MS. omits ovv. 94, after line 10, add, Ver. 33 ,r^l > Transl. The disciples say (Xeyovcriv, Sin. MS.) one to another. 97, after line 9, add, .0 7 Ver. 40 JOO1O, Transl. And He abode (lit. was) with tJiem (Sin. MS. Trap' avrois) two days. 102, after line 2, add, Transl. Now there was thtre in Jerusalem a certain place of washing, which (was) called in Hebrew Bethesda; and there were in it five porches. 496 ADDITIONS. Page 113, after line 5, add m i . o- PI, Transl. But the will of Him that sent Me. The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit Trarpos. 115, after line 22, add, Ver. 2. ]1&L]', Ilarpi, Sin. and Vat. MSS. 162, line 4 from, bottom. After Bethany, add, (so Alex. MS.) 165, after line 12, add, .7 7 Ver. 41 dXO-O, Transl. /two? /ie?/ took away that stone. The Sin. and Vat. MSS. omit ov rjv, K.T.\. 173, line 18, after o^Xos, add (0^X05 TroAus, Sin. MS.). 183, after last line, add, Ver. 30. tnli?, of the world The Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. omit TOT/TOW. 190, after line 25, add, 7 Ver. 26 OCTl^, Transl. In that day when (j) ye shall ask in My name, then (lit. and) I say not, &c. 192, after line 3, add, .... ^Qj") ^ , Transl. Keep them through Thy name which Thou hast given Me. So the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. 197, after line 3, add, j " i 7 Ver. 20 (^ > | , Transl. Whither all the Jews resort. For TTO.V- Tore, the Sin. Vat. and Alex. MSS. read Travres. 212, after line 23, add. Transl. Blessed are they that have not seen Me. Sin. MS. ol pr} INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. 1 jSaf i. 14. f iii. 15. ... ... Aph. vi. 39. v 9 " i 7 xvii. 12. ... ... ]1 . Af v. 4. Peal Peil ^*Lf xvi. 10. Ethpe. ... fc>3 P.7 Pol xiv. 2. ... .x 7 _1> n > X. .. ID j i. 1. \JZLCCC 1 see '^''p ... ... . 2 *7 iii. 12. ... i ' *1 i. 23. ... ^o] jLiol xL 13. ... (^JoB)^ol xi. 20. 1^05^1 ix. 16. . u^ai xii. 13. ... ^if i. 37. W 7 i. 40. ... r^l* ii. 6. ... Ethpe. viii. 3. xxv. 10. Aph. xxL 33. .. .7 xi. 3. ... llU} xviii. 2G. ... S. LUKE. ii. 1. ii. 31. ii. 7. INDEX. Aph. ntf S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxiv. 48. U~! vi. 39. ... ^l~] i. 35. ... i iv. 37. AlU} ... iv. 2. I^T iv. 32. ... O.J ... xxv. 21. ^r i. 14. ... ? ?J vii. 10. ... U4 xi. 34. ... *la*T i. 28. ... P .7 * xxv. 24. 7 7 vii. 11. ... 7 7 ^-* 1 xvi. 11. ILLT i. 23. ... ^.jLf i. 12. 1 1 \ .1 ... iii. 10. l^^n^l i. 48. !LG!Q_I ix. 4. ... ^1 v. 7. ... iLf 7 .7 OJ-i] i. 33. ... Lo.^ I X X v. 22. 499 S. MARK. S. LUKE. xiv. 32. xxii. 11. 500 INDEX. Ethpe. Ethpe. S. JOHN. S. MATT. ! S. MARK. H i. 1. IS^ iii. 7. HosT xi. 19. loaf v. 19. ... l^T iv. 36. ... Vvnl ii. 17. l*s| vi. 19. p p 7 "** iP 'V ' viiL 44. ... ] . i mn] xxv. 35. JWT v. 23. vr i. 8. . . P v rw iii. 27. ... ... l^T xvi. 20. ... D n x\ iv. 10. M^^iKS ii. 18. rAvk^^K^ vii. 13. ... .] i. 7. 1^1 i. 15. ... ... ... fcpf IM xi. 16. i. 29. xxi. 8. ... ... IALD] ... xx vi. 69. ... %-iALo] vi. 25. ... ... ... > ^Alof iv. 23. ... ... asoT.V ... v. 4. .~ J ur oouf i. 25. i. 20. viii. 36. i. 38. v. 13. ... ... loiiT xviii. 7. vii. 34. A,? i. 4. i. 19. ... : ^AjT i. 26. ... ... IZ&jf ii. 4. ... ... ... l1 iv. 47. ... ... ... v. 10. }&V xx. 12. "^-b ! ... xxi. 34. 502 INDEX. Ethpe. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. l 2 x V ... ... via. 29. U*Qflol ? ... xiii. 16. ? P 7 . . .T( 120,40)1 vi. 19. ... ... ... ]n ^rn"| v. 2. ... P^rp] ... xii. 38. .m . rn /\m] ... xv. 7. ... 11^40)1" ... iii. 14. fci^H" xix. 2. ... ... llcoT ... ix. 12. ... ... lUcpl 7 xi. 44. ... * (A-2>) 1>^T iii. 24. ... ... ... i> *. < xix. 29. ... ... l" n \ 7 *" ^* I. (\ \nn orr>i xviii. 3. ... vi. 27. l^JafoT ... xv. 37. ... nr xviii. 12. ... ... ... v. 4. ... iT iii. 4. ... (> .7 x. 29. ... ... "j. .Arr>^ xvii. 27. ... ... ] v] xxiii. 15. ... ... T ii. 2. ... ... laf jvii. 24. \xi 44. .., ... )L&1 i. 3. ... Aph. Ethpe. Aph. INDEX. 503 # ... iv. 27. ... xxiii. 5. i" * '^ iii. 1. ilioSf ... xxiii. 13. ... ^r iv. 51. ... ... ... Il5l 7 iii. 12. ... ... r^T ii. 15. ... ... ix. 17. ... ... w-r ... ... i. 26. 1L.T iv. 52. ... ... ... TZT i. 7. ... ... ur i. 9. ... i. 42. ... ... ftT ii. 11. 504 INDEX. *? S. JOHN. S. MATT. xiii. 42. . MARK. JiS iv. 52. Zf xii. 15. 7 7 xi. 54. iii. 8. ^ i. 1. 1> iv. 11. ... ... Ethpe. -l^ 7 Pa. WD^O xi. 57. xxi. 15. xi. 16. Pa. 5^0 x. 12. ... ... Ethpa. 2.CJLO xvi. 32. xxi. 37. ... fcZ . . i. 25. UoSoa ... xv. 43. Ao 2.Q.O 7 xix. 31. xii. 29. Pa. 0^5 xx. 19. ... Ethpa. Pa. vxio ... ii. 16. vii. 6. S. LUKE. xvi. 17. ii. 25. xvi. 19. INDEX. 505 fc S. JOHN. S. MATT. ix. 1C. S. MARK. S. LUKE )te 7 7 vii. 3. xi. 22. xvii. 35. Ethpe. vii. 5. Peil part. "&^* x. 13. ... * Ethpe. x. 34. Pa. ... xv. 6. U-*--^2 xx. 3. A >]) . ^o vii. 3. "|7n\ . ^^i p i | 7 xii. 36. i. 23. vi. 25. - Ethpe. ii. 21. &4P i. 18. (n.) (J~^ 7 . . o xii. 25. i. 31. Pa. )la xi. 31. Ethpa. ii. 18. ^CL^) xix. 13. ^ . 7 7 .7 v OTLlO ^-tCTIO 1 i n 7 7 xi. 38. xx. 17. 9 7 i. 26. i i iii. 19. w. c. 506 INDEX. Ethpe. A.] i n ]L\ i n Ua ^ P ( 7 ( . ir ] i i*^ S. JOHN, i S. MATT, j S. MARK. I iv. 24. xxii. 18. S. LUKE. v. 29. x. 39. ii. 16. xi. 31. vi. 34. vii. 6. v, 18. i. 3. ii. 20. i. 4. ii. 18. ix. 16. xvii. 27. xxiii. 24. v. . v. 13. vii. 24. xxi. 42. xxiv. 1. i. 5. INDEX. 507 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. lia ... xxii. 5. Aph. xviii. 10. ... . ff t-rC10 iv. 38, ... I 7 ^n i mo xi. 30. ,.. A ,lVn , mo vi. 20. i I xv. 32. Ethpe. ... xii. 19. Pa. ... xiv. 8. ... Ethpa. .... ..,. xv. 23. JNorn o xi. 2. ... 7 mo i. 13. ... ;Wo vi. 66. ... ... lia i. 38. ... ... Ethpe. xiii. 29. ... ^^ xiii. 27. Aph. ,-i^O xx. 9. IK A iv. 16. ... > LCLQ. \v^i v. 43. 1 ! ^p ^ p ^ xxiii. 12. i ' v. 25. .., ... 7 Ethpa. OS,*") ... ... ix. 20. ]A^o iii. 25. ... .-.. 1^ v. 39. **s ii. 10. i 508 Ethpa. Ethpe. Peil part. Pa. Pa. part. pass. A ph. INDEX. 7 *5 S. JOHN. iii. 30. S. MATT. xvi. 3. S. MARK. S. LUKE. * P (nn Y" " 7 vi. 28. xxiii. 24. viii. 30. xxiii. 25. ... 7 i. 4, 12. iv. 24. .0 v. 9. xiii. 19. .0 7 iii. 4. ii. 27. i) T-^ iv. 11. (> P 7 1^' *"^ xvii. 14. viii. 12. L' v ... xiv. 21. A *< i xiii. 19. >i= xvii. 14. xii. 13. -. vi. 11. ... 7 7 xi. 22. xiv. 61. xvii. 24. ix. 29. INDEX. 509 S. JOHN. xii. 15. (egg.) Peil pai't. Pa. Ethpa. Pa. Ethpe. i. 15. xi. 7. vi. 70. . ix. 6. i. 13. xix. 2. x. 33. l ^ S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. i. 23. xx. 16. xiii. 28. xiii. 40. v.. 25. xxv. 32. v. 22. xvi. 19. iv. 29. x. 31. 510 INDEX. Ethpe. Ethpe. 7 S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxiii. 26. S. MARK * P -X xii. 31. -. .. | . Vno .|. .... xv. 14. feoo^ xxi. 9. ^ 5 X v. 27. ... I5oi viii. 3. " r H ,0m .* viii. 20. vii. 22. H vii. 22. vii.. 23. .... . } H 7 ix. 24. 1*0^ xxiM. 15. ... Inil^ x. 1, .... r-^r i. 9. ... ff 7 ... ... liJ^ xii. 39. ^k ... xi. 25. ... xii. 38. ... xii. 6. vii. 3. i. 11. , > ^ ... vi. 26. S. LUKE. xii. 33. xii. 32. xviii. 11. INDEX. 511 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE U^ vii. 4. ^P\v vii. 13. U^ ... ii. 32. ^4 via. 24. ... uLi iii. 4. 7 Peil part. ' t ~ \\ xvii. 23. ... Pa. xv. 14. EtLpe. ]_!_,. v. 13. 7 ^^\ x. 10. fcii x. 1. .? -X i> 7 | ^. xv. 19. -,!> }} x. 12. 7 ... xiv. 12. U>^? ... xii. 33. l/u^o? ix. 13. .on? ix. 27. 7 vi. 19. ... Ethpe. iv. 1. Pa. xvi. 13. Ethpa. xi. 12. .0 7 vi. 28. . (> 1> U^? iii. 4. %? v. 33. il^? viii. 44. U 0> . P 7 I/ O X ,-1 v. 11. LOCH) ii. 11. * 7 Ethpa. 5O> xiv. 1. ^j ix. G. )OJ v. 2. *P D -X xxvi. 13. INDEX. 513 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE floj iv. 11. m ... V U^oj . .. v. 31. . .. . -, o -x luOO) ... v. 42. t> v? v? iii. 17. ... ... ... Ethpe. iii. 18. ... ^A * JA^oj ... ... xxii. 44. *>* ... ... ... i. 41. . . o Apn. *Q> *QO> xx. 5. ... ... ... p ... vii. 6. ... ... Ethpe. ... v. 13. ... ... Pa. ... ... ... xii. 1. V 2^1J ... viii. 26. ... ... \Lt vi. 19. ... ... 1'Al^J ]L-? vii. 13. ... ... ... ]- *~>-? vii. 32. ... ... 1' 7 vii. 20. ... ... ... *P K 7 x. 21. ... ... ... ^; i. 11. ... ^; i. 12. ... ... ... U-? iii. 19. ... ... )i:; v. 25. ... ... ^ i vi. 7. ... i ... xxvi. 28. r ' ... Pa. t? xi. 55. ... '" w. c. 65 514 Ethpa. Ethpe. Aph. INDEX. Pa. Ethpa. (Verb. adj. Ethpa. Aph. & S. JOHN. S. MATT. viii. 3. ft 7 xiii. 10. ii. 17. fc>> xix. 4. 11? iv. 15. ... ^A ? ... xix. 24. fco^l iii. 4. ... ,oS> v. 35. .0.7 Lo> ^o> i. 13. ... ]lD5 ix. 9. ... xi. 16. ... vii. 24. 1'Zaioj ]ls>? xii. 3. ... A>? viii. 24. ^? xi. 12. 7 xi. 35. i. iii. 7. 7 ... iv. 16. v. 45. J ft iii. 12. S. MARK. S. LUKE. xx. 37. xi. 36. xvi. 12. i. 78. INDEX. 515 Aph. Aph. Ol S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. fl ... xii. 20. ... Ml xix. 2,0. ... ... U4 xix. 34. ... ... 7 7 ... xv. 34. ... lio? xii 13. 1 7 xix. 37. .i ... 15? xxi. 44. IN ... ... ... >>* i. 5. ... ... ]i xii. 38. ... 7 ! ... ix. 16. ii; xviii. 15. ... Icfi i. 29. v. 46. . . . . 9 *. . T ... x. 18. ... . P i o 1 V) . .01 ^^ 1-x 501 ii. 12. ... -p p ^.01 |joi i. 19. ... 001 i. 1. 001 i. 15. ... 1 " ]ooi i. 3. X *. Q_tOO1 iv. 29. ... ... ]Jooi ... iii. 21. .. 7 1-001 ... ... ... i. 50. ii. 2. xvi. 26. 516 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. ^01 i. 19. ... iv. 9. ... ... ^OT ii. 10. ... .. y Vo m ii. 15. (see ^-^1) ... ... . .S. -X P 7 (Z.oiV)iOi ... vi. 30. p p /o *~)fn viii. 28. ... \\ '"ifn i. 21. ... ... J 7 P iii. 8. ^CT i. 28. ... Pa. M .(Ji i. 36. ... ... Pa. ^OT . . . . . . % poi ^01 i. 2. ... ... Ethpa. ]j ^> 1 " ' ii. 24. Viol ... xvii. 24. ... ... "V ... vi. 5. ^ v. 7. ... ... xi. 21. ' v. 4. ... \2)O] xix. 29. "A * ... xxvii. 28. ... ji> P..T: wUi . y xviii. 3. xiii. 25. ... ... ftui viii. 1. ... ... ... "i^i xvi. 33. ... ]2.Q-21 ... xii. 20. v*-^1 xxvii. 4. ... tt\] ii. 8.. ... ... & .,. xxii. 3. "... xiv. 8. INDEX. 519 lit S. JOHN. S. MATT. xi. 17. S. MARK. S. LUKE. fcoi ... ... ... xv. 25. p p 7 ... ix. 23. ... >- ^ viii. 41. ... ... p p (> xxi, 31. ... ... ^ ... v. 19. ... Zo5 OLI ... ... xvi. 14. ... Ethpe. ^21L1 ... xiv. 5. ... .nil ... ... ,"' iv. 33. Aph. ... ... ... iv. 41. ]QJ ... ix. 17. ... ... ]A^i xix. 17. ... ... 7 xix. 6. ... ... Ethpe. vi/is. ... ... ... Peil part. j_O1 xix. 23. .... ... ... \Lo)\ iv. 36. ... 7 iv. 37. ... .".. ... Ethpe. i ? 7 r *'1 vii. 42. xiii. 19. ... ... v . ' (JQJL)] ... xiii. 32. ... ... vXJ viii. 33. ... T iii. 16. ... ... xii. 49. Aph. 520 INDEX. Pa. JkJ, ' ^^ * V\ ' ^ ^ . o. 7 Z.Q i -K 7 77 Ir- S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. ... ix. 18. ... iii. 17. vi. 16. ii. 15. ... ... xxiv. 8. ... ... xxv. 26. iii. 9. ... ... v. 27. xi. 16. ... ... xii. 11. ... v. 3. I I xi. 5. i. 3, 40. ... ... xiii. 22. ... ... *> xix. 29. ... xiii. 14. ... ' ... vi. 7. x. 25. xi. 56. ... ... xiii. 35. ... v. 44. ... ... vi. 43. ... iii. 29. ... ... iii. 20. INDEX. 521 IV " S. JOHN. xvi. 19. S. MATT. S. MARK. |Z.o,_K iii. 29. > t> 7 xiii. 25. 7 7 xxviii. 16 ... &&v* xx. 6. 'A* ix. 8 : x. 24 ... ... Aph. ... xxi. 33. J3^ iii. 5. c xiii. 34. ... A-ftgL xiv. 25. xxiii. 16. Pa. _ vii. 51. Ethpa, xii. 37. s 7 vi. 12. * ft v. 42. Y> P-x x. 22. 4^CLK, ii. 21. p ^ xxvi. 47. 7 V_|Q_KJ ii. 18. ^ P 1* iii. 14. . . . &0* xx. 12. ft^iLi xix. 39. i. 36. ^ 7 iv. 35. w. c. GG 522 INDEX. Aph. Ethpe. Pa. 7 KLM S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. ix. 3. S. LUKE. ^ * xx. 12. ... L^ '-? Q iKj xi. 54. ... ... 2 *. ... viii. 12. . . . 100 ft. i *^i n . i. 14. xviii. 23. ... ix. 3. ... 1o^ v. 37. ... ... tU ... ... i. 2. A ... ... ... iv. 18. It^V** vii. 6. 7 XX. 7. xxi. 33. ... T4~ ... ... ... xxiii. 48. to- v. 14. ... ... ... ol^ viii. 7. ... j^Q, A>j vii. 15. ... 9k xxiii. 25. ... ... Ui-1 ix. 16. ... ... 1W>, i. 29. ... ... ^u vi. 15. ... ... ... xi. 12. ... ... 1^ xii. 24. ... 7 Kt iv. 10. ... ... ... u~ iii. 17. ... ... INDEX. 523 . t> Aph. t_i_j . JOHN. v. 21. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE, U^ i. 4. ... \LL ... xxii. 23. ... ... 7 xiii. 14. ... ... ... .!>. .. f \LCt i K> ... ... i. 13. ... &--i xix. 23. ... ... Pa. ^__* xxii. 43. Ethpa. ... ... i. 80. JLJ, ... vi. 13. ... ... ]1LL xxii. 7. ... ^v. :. ... i. 7. p *p p xxvii. 59. ... ... ^ " 7 |^r> . > v. vii. 24. ... ... % 7 xii. 34. ... F SaO *~i ^ xxi. 17. ... ... IVo*^ ^ > xi. 19. ... ... 11^ xix. 29. ... ... p Ili- ... vii. 26. ... lii ... x. 14. p ]ln\.> xxv. 10. ... ... P . _/\__^- *-* xxvii. 34. .,. S^*> > NW A. A v. 11. . .. X Aph. ^^ xii. 5. Ethpe. i>Q^Kj 7 iv. 52. Aph. Shaph. Eshtaph. Ethpa. INDEX. S. JOHN. v. 15. S. MATT. }&^ i. 20. ^L, i. 16. 3 .7 iv. 24. - xvii. 2. - P Tt UlQLKJ SO >f xviii. 11. xviii. 13. l^f> V k 1; t V) K> xiii. 33. 7 7 vi. 26. xii. 44. xiii. 33. ! L^Q-fcJ ii. 3. 1 jJ_O-jj 7 . \O t xii. 14. vi. 9. UA^LK> iv. 18. viii. 57. xi. 18. ii. 16. ^ i 1-rn vV)^. 77 > 7 m vA Vn^. 7 &O^^ l&flbM . . . viii. 14. ^-L^ i. 16. S. MARK. S. LUKE. iv. 6. iii. 5. xix. 44. iii. 1. INDEX. 525 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. 7 ^ -> r !- xviii. 33. -.00 [JULM ix. 13. . . " 7 I g^l 1 V t vii. 35. 7 OJ_K xiii. 7. ... Ethpa. ... v. 13. . 5^*20^ xvi. 22. Pa. jm.K xxvii. 24. ... Pa. fTDjo ... v. 11. linJ, v. 2. ... ... ^.mL ... iii. 11. 7 ; m . xix. 20. *. 7 O; i rn K> vi. 6. . P p [Vocn .^ xxvii. 18. ... 7 en > . ... xvi. 18. 7 tHLK. ii. 3. ... Pa. ]^LK> ... ... xiv. 65. Pa. 4^ ... XV. 11. A^^a-^ ii. 8. ... 7 ^^^.^ ... xxi. 33. l-j^^j^j ... xii. 11. ... ^ v. 29. 1 7 '5** xiii. 4. ... ?^ iv. 36. Sj- iv. 35. ... -., i. 25. 526 Ethpe. Aph. Pa. Pa. Ethpe. Ethpa. Ethpa. Aph. ^lO KJ INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. iv. 36. vi. 30. v xii. 19. xii. 25. xxiii. 38. x. 34. xiii. 31. ... xix. 24. xxvi. 74. viii. 32. ... ix. 32. xiii. 1. xi. 50. ... i. 5. iv. 9. vi. 17. xii. 40. S. MARK S. LUKE. ix. 18. xv. 28. xv. 16. xx. 23. xiv. 28. ix. 62. Aph. Aph. Aph. Pa. Ethpa. Pa. Ethpa, INDEX. 7 O K> S. JOHN. S. MATT. r AjIbKI xii. 2. ... *_*-Kt xvi. 21. X ^OLM iii. 33. )jA*j ii. 9. "2 i. 46. ii. 10. ]"> ^ iv. 24. 7 **-^r-*> / ix. 31. MO / xiv. 30. xviii. 6. ^ (vii. 6. (xiv. 2. ... xx. 23, l"v> / xx. 29. * . I^CL^ xiii. 17. ... 7 *. *d4 xiii. 22. Lao^ xxiv. 38. r^CMQ / xiii. 15. ... }ti4 iv. 20. 527 S. MARK. S. LUKE. xvii. 8. i. 51. vi. 33. iii. 14. i. 58. xxiv. 42. 528 INDEX. Ethpa. Aph. -*_ -< ma 0. 4. 7 UQ ^ i L S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ii. 48. ix. 6. ... xviii. 28. ... vii. 4. .,.. xxiv. 41. xiv. 1. i. 14. xxvii. 6. ix. 6. x. 1. i. 3. iv. 49. ... xix. 20. ix. 24. xvii. 5. ... iv. 16. ... xii. 48. ... ... vi. 9. ... i. 23. xiii. 33. ii. 17. ... ... ... vi. 15. ... x. 1. ... - xxiii. 27. ... INDEX. 529 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. m. vii. 47. ... Peil part. ... ... ... Aph. _ vii. 12. ... ... *i< ii. 9. ... ... ^ xii. 6. ... ... Aph. ... (aW) ^^ xii. 20. ... Ethpa. ]^ vii. 25. ... fe2 ... xxi. 19. I U- v. 14. ... Pa. xix. 38. ... Ethpa. viii. 59. ... ... 1U iii. 15. Ethpa. )]_i ... ... ... Aph. W*-> xxi. 18. ... ... Jk^al v. 3. ... ... ^^: xv. 6. i ^ o ^ xiv. 13. T r* i. 3. 7 i. 22.' r^^ xxi. 4. Aph. "JJ.J i. 20. xii. 6. xi. 46. xviii. 13. xvi. 21. W. C. 67 530 INDEX. Eshtaph. If-t . o . a S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. xiv. 11. S. LUKE. xxiii. 49. 71 V i. 10. xxvii. 16. Ethpe. I 31. Aph. iL 11. ... Eshtaph. lAi-j ^L, viii. 43. i. 17. 7 i. 12. ... Ethpe. i. 17. ... ? * ( i Xn . t Son . vii. 16. i. 29. ... |i ^nn ^ vi. 11. uQ_t i. 32. ... j. on . xxi. 11. ... ... v olou ... xi. 42. T X ^^jl _^ ... v. 42. Aph. X Aph. ,__ . p II ( r. > f^^ t i. 14. ... vi. 34. xxii. 55. r^ xvi. 21. ... Ethpe. i. 13. ... ... ... Aph. . i. 2. ... INDEX. 531 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUK: rx ... i. 18. ... ... Boil ... xi. 25. ."* fcfl^i i. 1. ... ... Aph. ^La v. 38. ... ^v. vi. 45. K X Ethpe. ... ... xxi. 14. p y vi. 1. ... P 7 and ]Aki_, vi. 19. ... ... fco- X ... v. 34. ... ... Aph. _ ... xxvi. 63. ... ... - p ? xviii. 10. ... ... Aph. o i .. xxiv. 19. ... ... Aph. .g^m . X ... vi. 27. ,,, ... Ethtaph. ... vi. 33. .,. ... U- ... xiii. 26. ... ... .P. * 7 ]Zn i s . . xii. 15. ^r ... vi. 25. ... ... * P 17 ... ... ... i. 3. .0. > 17 |/n g*i . .3 o ... ... ... xi. 8. rf4 xv. 6. ... ... ... Aph. ... iii. 12. ... ... !-! ... ... xii. 33. ... ^ ... xiii. 46. ... ... A^lUnl ... xiii. 15. ... ... 532 INDEX. r X S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ix. 32. Pa. v. 23. ... ... Ethpa. iv. 44. ... ... Aph. }}_ i * t> r iv. 35. ... ... i. 46. isio,: xiii. 32. ... X v. 5. f4l xxi. 38. iioz>: xxi. 38. ... Aph. ^.m , xx. 25. ... ... oA. ii. 14. .. . . . . 7 v. 20. ... ... V^ ' JJ iii. 19. ... ... ... X X v. 18. ... ... izo M Ai ... xii. 15. Jl&Al ,xiv. 18. ... ... r x Ethpa. vi. 12. xiii. 12. .... ... Aph. xii. 19. .... ..... ... 11^ viii. 26. Aph. sp ... ... xiv. 21. ob v. 4. ... ... r-b v. 30, ... .... ... INDEX. 533 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. A_,pb ... ... ... xxiii. 41. i ... iii. 15. ... ... ^.b ii. 6. ... ... ]li> viii. 29. 7 ^3 xi. 21. ... ... 1'A4^> . . . xvii. 29. 7 . on ... ... v. 4. ... 7 r 3 i. 19, 36. ... ... ... ^ P 7 V2f2 viii. 55. ... ... _ p. _ p 7 (Zofi^a viii. 44. v 7 c^a xiv. 8. ... ... xxii. 51. Pa. .rnn ... ... i. 8. Jina i. 19. ... ... -P. . jZ-OJoiD ... ... ... i. 9. tooa xix. 2. ... ... ... U^<^ v. 35. ... ... 1 " 7 ... ii. 2. ... ... Etbpe. ^OD ... vii. 2. ... ... Aph. ... vii. 2. ... ... Uaa ... xxiv. 38. p 9> 50D ... ... ... xvi 7. 5o ... ... i. 5. ... #&',!& v. 5. ... ... ]lD5^ ... v. 34. ... ... 534 INDEX. Ethpa. Apt. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. "J " 7 * P-.Z.OD X xix. 23. ... ... 7 vii. 35. ,.J 7 U.i-3 iii. 34. (fern.) vii. 2. . 7.x i xviii. 12. ... |m . n ... x. 9. ... ]i *">*"' xviii. 24. ... _p I p 7 ^ i. 3. ... -Zlo] ^o v. 4. ,_K> ^^i vii. 53. ... iiOO i \n ... xx vl 55. ... ? 1S0^3 xviii. 18. ... So_Vn ^^3 iii. 35. ... Sn ) Vn v,n iv. 29. ... ... > Vn ^An iii. 16. >-... ... jln iii.. 14. ... l*~i\n ... vii. 6. 1 1 . \n xix. 2. . .... I .7 i. 7. xxvii. 28. ... P -x . , .1 Nn ->^^ ... xxiii. 27. ... ftla iii. 29. ..-. ... &a xiii. 14. ... ... S. LUKE. xxiv. 42. INDEX. 535 ,1* S. JOHN. vi. 11. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. I 7 . . i f-i\ jV>n * *. 7 |inVr>-> xvii. 15. xxiii. 23. ... ... 1U^ ... vi. 16. ... ... 4u>sa ... xvi. 3. Ethpe. jlQD xxvi. 37. ... Ethpa. U ... x. 3. ... li.013 vi. 59. ... ... ... - ff * |c*> i n 7 . 10 iv. 36. iv. 5. ... ... Pa. vi. 12. ... ... Ethpa. ] m 1 n xi. 47. v. 13. ... ... ... ]Ai n ... xviii. 28. ... ... Ji5 xviii. 11. ... ... ... Peil part. (Cfin x. 26. ... Pa. xix. 2. ... ... Ethpa. ] ! cno vi. 29. vi. 4. ... ... A^Um^ xi. 28. ... ... Ethpe. *mmo iii. 20. .... ... ... Aph. xvi. 8. (for note, see n ext ref.) ... Aph. part. viii. 46. ... ... .,. ^&3 ... xvii. 24. ... ... 536 INDEX. V * ' S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. vi. 35. c^n 7 T 1 1 QI~) g*in ] 1 e^n vi. 35. v. 6. xxiv. 7. ... ... 7 ... ... xxiv. 5. Peil part. ... ... ... xiii. 11. 7 . g^n i. 20. ... ... ... Ethpe. * ... xii. 9. UQ&JE12 ... ... ... ix. 12. I. *"> xvi. 20. ... ... Pa. ... ... xiii. 20. ... Ethpa. xxiv. 22. ... (>. . > 5 ... xii. 41. ... Ethpe. lp ... xxiv. 14. ... ... Aph. ... iii 1. ... ... Ol^p iv. 46. ... ... lio-P xvi. 6. ... ... ... ^^ xix. 40. ... ... Ethpe. iv. 23. ... ... Pr^ xi. 54. ... ... ... ]VC).n ... XX. 1. ... ... JP iii. 4. ... ... Ethpe. ^A2 xvi. 1, ... ... ... Aph. vi. 61. ... ... ... INDEX. 537 S. JOHN. S. MATT. 8. MARK. T ^M*9 i. 45. ... Ethpe. _ xxi 25. ... Pa. __ viii. 6. ... ... Aph. _ ... ... V A *~N A r-s ii. 22. 1 ^V^J iAlJ xix. 40. & - p y JjaAa ... xxiii. 4. ... p Pa. $AD viii. 7. ... Ethpa. *jAD xviiL 36. ... 1 ^ i. 7, 9, 29. tf i. 5. ... J}^, vii. 37. 0* 7 1(71 ]J ... v. 46. loai]J ... iv. 4. ... MB-W iv. 6. * D Aph, xxvi. 10. ... la-B iiL 8. 7 . V <^]1 xx. 6. 7 ^ vii. 18. ... ... Ethpa. nn\ xvi. 33. ... TAja-A ... ii. 11. ... Jioal xix. 24. .... i. 1. xx. 24. w. c. 68 538 Aph. Pa. Peil part. Pa. Peil part. cA INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. vi. 37. v. 32. vi. 25. vi. 30. xxiv. 18. xx. 26. 1" xxvi. 53. xxvi. 23. ... viii. 30. i. 13. xix. 19. v. 44. vii. 49. xix. 34. xii. 18. v. 39. i. 41. ... i 1. viii. 9. S. MARK. S. LUKE. xi. 39. xiii. 11. vii. 12. ii. 44. xvi. 21. vi. 19. Pa. INDEX. 539 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ]Vnv.A vi. 5. 7 ... xii. 3. {4^ xix. 39. ... ... LA i. 47. ... ... ui viii. 29. ... jl\ v. 22. ... i> till iii. 2. fcol iv. 12. ... m i.vV>\ xii. 5. ix. 32. X ]i Vr>\ p x \ 7 1 . ^iVo x xviii. 3. xxi. 13. ... ] . ^<*T>V ^V xx. 7. ... ... ... ^.sN xv. 24. ... ^\v\ ii. 7. ... v^ iii. 31. ^nl\ iv. 31. ... .^o\ xv. 6. ... 1 1 m \ vii 33. A^,A1 viii. 6. ... 7 iD ]SD ii. 4. vii. 14. 5 ]lo (ii. 10: \iv. 22, Ipo xii. 5. 640 INDEX, 10 5 S. JOHN. is. MATT. . MARK. iv. 32. xviii. 29. .., . xix. 29. I ... xiii. 30. ... vi. 7. ... xxiv. 3, * xxi. 33. ... ii. 1. ... iv. 29. xv. 25. v. 23. i. 23. ... ... xxiii. 10. xiii. 9. ... ... i. 44. ... ... i. 3. ... ... i. 22. xi. 13. ... ... ... ii. 1. xiii. 5. xix. 12. xi. 28. 8. LUKE, xviii. I. i. 77. Pa. Pa. Pa. INDEX. j'Aacnok} S. JOHN. iv. 10. S. MATT. p p * (loSo xvi. 21. IP *X v. 33. f P iVn .00 Vn "J5OLD xix. 39. J2oi v. 24. ... ]o7oVn xxiii. 6. 1 i7oV> xxiv. 7. .P , 7 Un^njVn ^ Jxiii. 4. (xviii 10. . 7 1 V K VO xiii. 32. lo>*io vu^ xix. 24. D P 7 }l 1 --^> iv. 42. ... 'r^D vi. 30. 77 ix. 4. \}n 1' .v vii. 6. ^-^ID iii. 29. ? i. 15. .. . i. 31. ' ' viii. 43. u^s viii. 8. p Jll&O vii. 2. ... ... ... |K^> viii. 20. ^ " " . 7 P-^4io xxvii. 63. j_A,V> ... xvii. 29. It-^Lo v. 45. ]2.{_4k) ... xiv. 25. -jl^i ... i. 19. tli i. 26. }1.^ ... v. 41. . . . n vi. 26. 7 jnVn ii. 16. ... . .. ^ .. 7 | ^>|oVn xiv. 21. ]n . nVr> ... v. 5. \\ . oVo ii. 8. 7 ^lD ^.^Vn ... xviii. 4. INDEX. 543 Ethpa. ^lo yZ&D S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxiii. 12. S. MARK. S. LUKI Aph. xxiii. 12. ... | (*fl *~lVo v. 46 : ix. 9. ... I m *"iVo xvii. 25. ... 7 Peil part. ^nSo 1 ] D ^ *">Vn i. 18. xiii. 41. -P. . P 7 1/n i *">A'~)Vn ... ii. 2. |l i. 51. . . \v> xii. 1. Ethpe. o^SiD v. 13. v. 13. |Zd_i- i^D i. 16. ... ... lA . \Vn ... ii. 21. ^ xviii. 14. ... ... 544 Ethpa. Aph. Pa. Ethpa. ^ P -x D poVnVn U- o 01 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxvi. 4. i. 49. xii. 14. iii. 3. xii. 42. iii 11. ... xxvi. 13. iii. 2. ... vi. 24. vi. 7. i. 6. ... ... xii. 44. v. 4. xxvi. 32. viii 23. ... iii. 3. ... iv. 17. ... xxvi. 29. iii. 18. ... xxiii. 27. S. MARK. S. LUKE. i. 33. xii. 4. xiv. 18, INDEX. 545 Ethpe. S. JOHN. S. MATT. Q_^l,_k5 vii. 15. *& n vii. 29. ^ iii. 31. ... *>-> vi. 62. *V= xvii. 24. ... ^ i. 19. ? iii. 2. ... Jen xii. 48. 1 1 Vr> i. 21. ... 1 1 Vn x. 30. j PP 7 xviii. 34. X 7 n iVo i. 22. n i ]l 1 vi. 31. ]A i Vn xiii. 8. ]A i Vn v. 36. 7 7 ^*~*irn Vn vii. 24. > pnVo xii. 5. IPX * i . ^m^o S. MARK. S. LUKE. xii. 42. Title. viii. 30. xxii. 37. xix. 13. W. C. viii. 15. 69 546 INDEX. Aph. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKI ] i m^t i. 27. ioi^mlD ... ii. 16. ]i . vVn iv. 6. 00 7 iii. 1. x v v. 2. . . i ll$lsv> o xxi. 33. lotii viii. 11. ^^> ... i. 32. ] i <^. vVo ii. 14. ... 1 7 . vAr> xi. 38. . . . C -X 7 /\\o g*iVn vii. 27. ,. \g^Vn ... xii. 14. X, 77 )5 >o e^Vn ... xxi. 14. UcLai xxii. 9. * ... lZj-.^LD xxi. 6. lAjL^So viii. 3. , . 77 fVX.o rp iv. 19. >" 7 j. r>Vn xiii. 35. ]v^.y-> ii. 23. A^ 1 ,.;^ vii. 6. l?*i ii. 44. ]AJ>^LD v. 25. |JQQ|V) xxi. 9. 7 v>oiLo xxi. 12. INDEX. p "^ |*^ Vn I> 77 |A yg>i m Vn S. JOHN. jiv. 11. \xi. 12. i. 23. xiii. 5. xi. 2. xii. 5. i. 17. xvi. 24. S. MATT. v. 7. v. 40. xxvii. 34. xxiii. 32. iv. 24. xv. 2. 547 S. MARK. S. LUKE. v. 7. vii. 25. xxii. 41. vii. 1. vi. 38. 548 INDEX. Aph. Ethpa. Aph. Pa. Ethpa. Aph. Aph. ^ . Ai r-r 3 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. xiv. 14. ii. 1. vi. 55. i. 18. ... xiii. 24. xiii. 18. xi. 51. i. 21. ... xiii. 14. iv. 14. xiii. 35. ... vi. 44. ... xix. 1. ... ... xiii. 9. xix. 31. ... xv. 14. ... xviii. 26. ... ... xiii. 55. ... vi. 22. S. LUKE. xvi. 6. ii. 36. vi. 12. xvi. 15. Aph. Aph. Ethpe. Aph. Aph. INDEX. C x 7 Ir-CTU S. JOHN. xi. 10. S. MATT. 1." ^ 7 5ou v. 16. i. 5. ]I(TU vii. 38. u r 3 ? QJ xxvii. 39. if -X jjcnoj i. 4. ... ... xxvi. 45. ... xi. 28. o P -x xi. 24. j o -x 1 ( . *~>O 1 x. 5. ... ... xxv. 5. ^0 > PQJ vi. 9. ... 14 -x IJQJ xv. 6. VX*QJ 1LJ ^ i> c .... x. 9. 4ij i. 32. ... xix. 31. ... ^ xiii. 4. ... jjciAj rAj |ii. 10. (xiv. 15. ... 549 S. MARK. S. LUKE. viii. 25. iv. 39. viii. 24. xxii. 48. iii. 5. xvii. 20. 550 INDEX. S. JOHN. Ethpe. Pa. Ethpe. Pa. Pa. - Ethpa. Ethpe. Aph. i. 47. .mn i i. 17. > P UJLJ i. 16. ..7 t> . *~^m i a -x -K po . cr> i 7 .o m i xx. 22. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ix. 17. ... vi. 20. ... x. 15. ... xi. 29. xi. 29. xxiv. 30. xi. 54. . . . xv. 30. xxii. 7. x. 22. ... v. 15. ... xxiii. 23. ... iv. 1. * xxii. 50. ... ... x. 42. vi. 2. ... vi. 13. xiii. 48. ".'.. xii. 24. INDEX. Aph. Ethpe. Peil part. S. JOHN. S. MATT. a. xviii. 3. ^XJ iii. 24. . i x. 14. 7 .n g^ 1 i. 43. ii. 15. p p -r\ ft . g^ 1 i. 22. l^J vi. 52. 7 xv. 13. J xv. 13. j " ? " xviii. 5. A^n3 xix. 4. .D 7 I O 1 xxvii. 59. | fc O 1 xxi. 17. ] vn i viii. 20. . C^>O 1 viii. 1. * O 1 xxvii. 60. 7 - m 01 vii. 7. ^ p p V ... iii. 10. 551 S. MARK. S. LUKE. xv. 41. xii. 11. xiv. 28. xvii. 6. I 3. x. 34. 552 INDEX. & S. JOHN. xii. 3. S. MATT. S. MARK. t_L5 7 k^LA_] 7 . O 1 iii. 8. xi. 11. xxvi. 48. Pa. ... ]^J xxiv. 28. ^ta i. 22. ... ... 7 ix. 16. Aph. D(D xxi. 18. ... ... ]V)]fp ... x. 9. Jtt ... vi. 9. Aph. ... ... ItewQO P p |DJ3D iii. 4. v. 15. ... N\*^ifY^ 7 vi. 12. v. 26. Pa. ] v^>m 7 v. 45. xv. 33. Ethpe. ... Pa. iv. 51. ... Ethpa. xi. 5. ... Aph. xvi. 2. ... ... vii. 38. xv. 22. vi. 25. INDEX. 553 Koi S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ii. 14. 1 ^ ^ __HL_CD or U*-CO Aph. iv. 23. v. 12. i. 58. P -x o pn ,. rri I 7 iv. 20. iv. 23. xvi. 12. ... 1 . .. m ii. 23. 'Sr x'iii. 4. xxiv. 12. xiv. 13. s .OJCD xix. 24. ... Ethpe. ... i. 10. lortt ii. 21. ... 3C7LCD i. 15: ii. 25. ... Pa. xvi. 28. Aph. .P ^? -x p (Z.05OLCD .(^ 7 i. 7. i. 7. xx vi. 59. xxiv. 29. ... 1 !-i f Q.D 1 Z * JJJOCD 7 xxi. 6. xi. 44. xii. 18. Pa. viii. 56. ... w. c. 70 554 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUK ]V>tfro v. 4. . . . jnnm xii. 13. ... ]o\nm ix. 51. Sorp Snom ii. 6. Ethpe. xix. 41. Aph. _ x. 18. . . . )j n mm viii. 4. vi. 11. xix. 44. 1 v vn CD Aph. .o^pn ^c^o en ix. 54. ^n) i. 33. IJJOCD xxi. 11. Una xiii. 10. 7 ... xix. 44. Pa. xxi. 12. ... ] 1 fcer) vi. 70. Vp ^\.m xiv. 21. lUffl xx. 20. .^ . m XV. 11. Ethpa. xv. 20. .0. -X 7 j/o*^i . m . . . i. 36. 7 7 x. 22. fZ; n i g> iv. 8. ... ... J^lfiD xxi. 33. 1^^, ... ii. 11. INDEX. 555 [<^ . m Pa. "jnm * P -X 7 | lAXonm S. JOHN. v. 3. S. MATT. xxvi. 52. v. 34. xi. 25. S. MARK. Ethpa. vvnm vii. 17. Aph. xviii. 15. ... iJbi vii. 26. 7 vi. 14. i. 25. Ethpe. jlcp viii. 31. Aph. xxi. 42. ... ,oflD i. 51. ... ... |kom ix. 39. ]^nrf> v. 3. ... l^nm 7 vi. 11. xvi. 18. Ethpe. vi. 10. ... ... Aph. ... vi. 39. InVnm ii. 8. ... jl^nm 7 .oVnm ] i m iii. 20. vi. 3. xvi. 2. Peil part. iii. 20. ... ... Peil part (regular). ... x. 22. 556 INDEX. Ethpe. Ethpe. Ethpa. ] . 1 m 7 .0 i m S. JOHN. ii. 25. S. MATT. S. MARK. xii. 26. S. Lu ii. 25. *. t> t> |rn m vi. 19. 7 vi. 30. xiv. 2. fiitt vi. 9. P 7 xi. 2. , ... J& xxvi. 71. ... (? I X vi. 17. xviii. 10. vi. 7. ... xii. 3. i. 53. A .]o . c^m X /-.Li, I* Pn CM rn 7 . o c"i cn 7 > rr> vii. 15. . rr> xiii. 2. 1^) viii. 3. ... 1 A^m xv. 8. fci xi. 21. 11 * 7 xix. 12. * ^JO1'D xix. 5. 7 iv. 35. ftr^> v. 18. ... I *Jr^P 1 xi. 39. ... INDEX. 557 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUK ^ n ;fD xii. 44. A4&.0D xv. 9. 'loAaa x. 22. 5AJ2D ii. 19. Ethpe. xxiv. 2. nu x. 22. 7 ii. 5. Aph. iv. 4. Shaph. _ vii. 8. Eshtaph. ii. 51. 1 r *^> v iii. 19. ... V *"i v iv. 46. ... ... ]Zo r dL viii. 33. ... p ^ xii. 18. Pa. _^L ... vi. 52. Ethpa. xiii. 15. ... r*m iv. 24. ... 7 iv. 4. . . , ... Aph. ... /xi. 16. (xiv. 36. ... fcai i. 28. Pa. ^^L^ xxvii. 60. (adv.) ^j-^ xi. 29. ... 7 v. 7. ... ... 558 Etlipa. Pa. Ethpa. Aph. Aph. Aph. V 1C ? 5CTLL INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. ii. 4. i. 48. xii. 5. i. 25. ii. 7. xvii. 17. ii. 10. iv. 52. ii. 23. ... xxvi. 5. xv. 25. xvi. 18. xv. 20. xiv. 26. i. 18. ... xxvii. 15. xxvii. 29. xii. 22. xx. 13. v. 45. vii. 18. S. MARK. v. 26. S. LUKE. ix. 39. INDEX. 559 *21 Ethpe. ^nv Peil part. ^ Ethpe. A ph. Pa. Ethpa. ]o . . v S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE i 41. xiii. 5. xv. 32. ... xxvi. 37. ... xiii. 34. xxiv. 42. ... xi. 11. ... xii. 40. ii. 15. xiii. 22. xi. 33. xxiii. 10. vi. 28. xv. 22. ii. 7. xix. 23. ... xiv. 51. xviii. 39. ... ... x. 22. ... xii. 15. vi. 5. ... ... xvi. 25. i. 7. ... vi. 51. 560 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE ^^1 iii. 23. ? ,, i 50. ... D -01 xxvi. 50. 7 r x.xi. 4. ... UXiUl xv. 22. ^ xix. 8. ]OQ\V xviii. 11. IZcLOoJ^L vii. 22. 7. 7 fcjQ-^L xix. 39. ... Ethpa. - \v xiv. 10. nil i. 32. |Vn . \ v xix. 20. fern. xviii. 17. ... ]A . \v xiv. 15. V\s ^ v iii. 4. Ethpa. xiii. 27. Aph. xviii. 16. ... ... lilii xii. 16. 7 iv xiii. 15. T> * Jt a. . nVov vi. 48. 7 V>\ xiv. 10. ... ] 1 V i. 26. ... *^ ... x. 40. . .. P | 1 1V iv. 12. ... ]A VC vii. 16. |l ^ V xvii. 5. Aph. ]rn v ix. 42. ]-^fr> \ vi. 10. ... ]orr> v . . . iii. 5. D 7 " Pa. . rr> v xxiii. 23. % 7 on v i. 39. ... liml xx. 24. ... ^inl vi. 19. Z^ni iv. 25. ... Hal vi. 49. 7 *S^ x. 34. w. c. 71 562 INDEX. Pa. Pa. Ethpe. ^0 > U-OOf-i. .0 v S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. xxii. 45. ii. 8. xiii. 18. ... } " xvii. 17. ... xiii. 29. xv. 13. ... i. 7. iii. 10. ... x. 19. ... . xxii. 31. ii. 14. xix. 14. xxiv. 20. xiv. 51. xxi. 7. iii. 5. v. 8. x. 5. i. 27. i. 6. xxiii. 23. iii. 14. /iii. 14. jxvi. 13. xiii. 52. INDEX. 563 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKI (? 7 x xix. 23. ... ... 14* vii. 32. 1 y f ^ iv. 36. ... * 7 H? xi. 42. y \\ . . C*i xxviii. 9. ... ... !S^ ii. 21. .., A4j^z> viii. 15. ... . .. ^C t> 7 Pf> ix. 62. 1 ' \ iii. 36. ... Aph. xxvii. 20. ... p ^ U^OQjQ x. 18. ... ^ C . 'X | 1 V^O ^ ff n g*> vii. 9. ... p . x ^oa xxi. 25. U>Zoa ... ... ... x. 34. j ox n c^i ... x. 35. 7 Pa. i-d>^3 ... ii. 19. - p 7 1 * fc. k. ^) xxvii. 7. ... 564 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. I. . ^^ xxvi. 17. r Pa. part. pass. ^L^> -7\ xxii. 4. Jix^ xiv. 8. Jaa xviii. 22. 7 (TLH2) v. 13. . 7 j(TI i n^ fzjk x. 6. ^L> vii. 14. ... Ethpe. Pa. vi. 11. ... Ethpa. xii. 25. ... ,?^! xxv. 6. $ vii 43. -*la vi. 27. ... ... Peil part. viii. 33. Ul^ XV. 1. ^la xxvi. 18. ] v.\g^ xxvi. 16. . \gy> vi. 19. ... Etlipe. xxiv. 43. ... Ua x. 13. S. LUKE. xv. 23. xix. 4. xii. 53. xi. 5. xxiii. 11. Ethpe. Pa. Aph. Aph. Ethpe. Pa. Ethpe. Pa. Pa. ] A* ..n i c^ ike INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. i. 38. xv. 23. v. 39. xix. 24. xix. 24. xix. 38. ix. 22. iii. 10. xi. 44. ix. 37. xii. 27. ii. 13. xi. 57. viii. 5. xi. 50. vi. 7. ii. 15. xii. 24. " ... xxiii. 37. 565 S. MARK. S. LUKE. v. 4. i. 63. xvii. 9. xxiii. 43. 566 INDEX. % iX P S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ii. 11. Pa. ooj^J ... xv. 30. A^Uia xv. 13. $LM vi. 26. ^Joila xviii. 28. * 17 xi. 18. ... 1 .j c"i i. 24. ... >ie> vi. 1. 7 xix. 36. Pali i. 19. ... jiJia xii. 42. *U> vi. 4. ... Ethpe. vi. 34. Aph. * e> w 7 jc^n . c^ vi. 16. xxi. 30. 7 .(**! f?\ ix. 24. Ethpe. ... i. 74. Ethpa. ... xii. 58. fe^J^D^ xiv. 16. 7 xvi. 3. Ethpe. xxii. 22. Pa. xiii. 49. TV xv. 27. xxi. 18. ... ... INDEX. 567 7 Ethpe. - <* S. JOHN. viii. 7. S. MATT. S. MARK. ^-f xv. 30. IW.*> vi. 22. i ... ix. 5. A..] n i g> I X xi. 14. Pa. .O ^ xiii. 36. Ethpa. xxvii. 33. Aph. ]A^i ... xxiii. 5. ]Aa vii. 13. ... ko^B i. 22. lloAi ii. 15. 7 i. 51. Ethpe. iii. 16. Pa. ix. 14. Ethpa. ix. 10. *>\*\ xiii. 29. ... ^ i. 43. Ethpe. /iii. 27. vii 18. iii. 17. xviii. 19. UioJ i. 13. 10j xiii. 26. ... Pa. iio^ xx. 25. vii. 38. 568 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. Pa. AlD o> xii. 44. IOT^ iv. 13. ?i?^> xxi. 3. X>$X>o iv. 2. ^ 7 L_JD C : xvii. 21. 1 ^O t xviii. 6. ^20j iii. 29. Icu^ xvi. 2. Pa. > KJ ix. 28. ... lioj^,^ vii. 22. ffS .007 iv. 18. ^i xv. 32. 0^ ... _L ti. v. 44. ^ xix. 6. ... Ethpe. Tzax^ xvii. 21. ... li*^ x. 21. Pa. ^1 xxiii. 24. J^i xxii. 20. Pa. .^N^ ... v. 5. 7 Peil part. ^ xiii. 57. Pa. viii. 49. ... ... S. LUKE. v. 4. ix. 12. xxiv. 7. INDEX. r, 6J) 7 >wKD S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. xii. 4. S. LUKE. xxL 35. o ... xxi. 35. ]&l viii. 2. .., t*l x. 29. Jtaj ... xxii. 16. ... xx. 25. ... 1^ xiv. 63. Ethpe. xxvii. 51. Pa. _ xxvi. 65. Ethpa. xxi. 11. ... ) fcklo xxiv. 6. }5<^o xi. 17. ... ... #3oao xiv. 8. Pa. ^n_P i. 11. Ethpa, ... iv. 24. ApL 7 *"*) f*t xix. 40. xv. 27. Ethpe. ... xvL 22. liai v. 28. ' |^ f >n o fc^o..O i. 33. ... I 7 . ( o xvii. 11. 7 JjO-^5 ... xxi. 31. ... w. c. 72 570 INDEX. Pa. Pa. Ethpa. Pa. Aph. Ethpe. Pa. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. Lui 7 iOpO xx. 4. xxiv. 25. ... ... > S>O | o i. 15. ... a 7 i. 15. 7 -r x. 36. vi. 9. LD ICLO B i. 32. 51 " ' x |j^o n ... v. 29. D pO JQ-Q v. 36. 1^X o . -x 1 *~^'>O O xvi. 2. ... " 1 . * *"> /^O O vii. 16. ... ... ) " . -x xi. 55. ... . . x ]LOD i. 14. JJa^L xxii. 7. ... 7 A O vii. 14. ... 1U^3 v. 44. ... U^5 xi. 12. ... Ho v. 16. ... xvi. 21. ii. 16. ... INDEX. 571 Ethpa. adv. Aph. ^\ h n S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. |V^ A xv. 19. xi. 21. ^ v. 45. t> 7 ~^n . o 1m . n ix. 41. v. 29. xxiv. 32. llo i. 23. ... Vr*4 xvi. 19. X vii. 33. xi. 30. ii. 12. >> j . >. Vn o vi. 7. xiii. 33. I.V>Q iii. 4. 1_i J~> x. 9. |Vpo i .0 v. 26. ] . 1 ] i . i n viii. 5. xi. 7. xix. 21. xiii. 32. 1 /\rr> o vii. 4. (O^fiCLD xxvii. 65. S. LUKE. xxiii. 32. vi. 44. xxiii. 31. 572 INDEX. Pa. Ethpe. Pa. Ethpa. S. JOHN. S. MATT. jLs i. 15. foio xxv. 6. 7 >^-ljO xxvi. 67. ]m c*i 1-1 ... 1^0 xiv. 19. j p p , ^ vi. 12. S^iS xx. 2. |- o i. 23. i. 42. '*" > >* o vi. 19. xvi. 2. xx. 17. <* p p l*~v (**) xxiv. 6. 1 7 **^\ . o ii. 13. ... -P x 7 !r-^ x. 42. i 7 xviii. 18. |A . o iv. 5. 1 A >vO vii. 3. ^ vi. 2. r^J xix. 17. ] > ] 1 vi. 60. IZo i o xix. 8. 1 . r> r^^ vii. 26. ... S. MARK. S. LUKE. xii. 18. INDEX. 573 Ethpa. Ethpa. Aph. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. 7 s3 i. 38. ... fc* iii. 30. ... iv. 16. I'A 7 (A.^^5 xx. 8. ..." cLD5 xviii. 24. ... . . \o *~~\\ xx. 16. .P. -X 7 |Z.orD> iii 2. ^ p p 1 1 s i rs3 xiv. 25 (f). ... iii. 1. I'Axo* xxv. 27. ^^5 ii. 6. ... ft^JO viii. 44. 7 "^ *^^ ... v. 28. xiii. 17. . . . 7 ,.^ v. 22. fA^I^ ... iv. 19. ^ xi. 2. xviii. 1. ... ^ viii. 5. ... ^ ... v. 29. ^ iii. 17. 1" vii. 38. xxiii. 16. U^o?5 xiii. 21. 7 ^ ? 3 v. 16. ... 574 INDEX. Ethpe. Peil part. Ethpe. Aph. Aph. Ethtaph. S. JOHN. S. MATT. t9)5 v. 10. 7 t^o~i5 .4 xx. 2. .0, J ii. 10. ^ p 7 |bo5 ... xxvii. 24. * ]W3> / iii. 36. 7 105 v. 12. n" " 11105 D -X Uio5 i. 32. i 9 x ^0^05 xxvi. 58. ^jQJ xxiv. 49. IZojOJ U*-o5 vii. 13. 2 . iii. 14. iii. 14. ... \ 7 jVnni ... Loo? ix. 6. L^5o5 i. 50. i " p ^ LJ_o5o5 xx. 25. \ 7 U-KJ5 xviii. 6. 1 " I iCLbM) X xxi. 8. S. MARK. S. LUKE. v. 38. i. 29. xii. 45. i. 14. xxi. 34. i. 78. ii. 35. INDEX. 575 T S. JOHN. v. 20. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. Ethpe. xiv. 21. ... . . . Ethpa. ix. 27. ... ... l^Qj>j5 v. 7. ... |V/*) K ^ iii. 29. ... 1 / o Vn > >> ... ... xi. 8. 1'&Q*J xv. 9. ... ... 7 Aph. m_K3 vii. 23. Pa. d^5 xvi. 24. Icu^ , xxiii. 31. ^5 vi. 41. Pa. XX. 11. ... \L$ vii. 12. X xii. 3. ... ... ^3 ii. 8. * P \\ m i3 X xii. 3. Ai i3 i. 1. ^ P X ... ... xviii. 18. xxi. 7. Peil part. xii. 15. ... Aph. xi. 8. xix. 35. ^3^3 xxiv. 32. T* xxiv. 29. 576 INDEX. Aph. ^JDJ S. JOHN. xix. 30. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. J&f>oJ xi. 43. ... |Lo5 v. 3. Aph. 7 v. 7. xiii. 24. ULD5 vi. 16. ... 12C&J iii. 5. u* viii. 33. U->5 xiii. 22. U* xxi. 15. Ethpa. xii. 10. ... U-J x. 2. ILJ x. 9. xi. 17. vi. 38. INDEX. 577 Aph. Ethpe. Pa. Aph. Ethpe. Ethpa. Pa. Ethpa. 7 S. JOHN. ix. 6. S. MATT. u* ... ... tiU vii. 22. ^ i. 21. i. 19. la. 7 ^*^l^ .*">*"*> . /v. 9. (xx. 1. * P P ix. 8. 7 7 v. 35. P. > J 77 /o i^m *^> ^ 7 viii. 54. vii. 39. 1 A*~^_ x. 10. ]" > o P.O. iii. 3. p xii. 1. S. MARK. S. LUKE. xvi. 8. v. 33. ii. 4. xxiii. 14. xiv. 18. xi. 5. xxiii. 24. viii. 29. xxi. 24. w. c. iv. 18. 73 578 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. 7 \\*~} m iv. 52. ... ... 1? 7 xv. 34. I 7 xviii. 22. . . . 7 t Q_*"*> iv. 3. Ethpe. viii. 9. ... fi n xv. 2. TAG* xxiii. 23. . f> 'X xxvi. 5. .. . 7 Peil part. xii. 27. Ethpe. ix. 23. lr viii. 7. Ethpe. xii. 31. Pa. 5,- i. 19. Ethpa. i. 6. 7 5. *^>O m i. 14. ... tP P >. j ^ n oo xix. 7. Aph. Ht-* > \V* Q -" ix. 7. xv. 20. 7 ... xiii. 5. xxiii. 5. INDEX. 579 Ethpau. Pa. Ethpe. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. ]l v> n y 4* ^Q- ... vi. 24. T^O- i. 12. ... ... lic&i* ... xiii. 39. ... j *. P>CL vii. 24. ... I > 1 1 . i n ... . o -x [jOOL* vi. 2. .o , ... xv. 19. ... Uo* xv. 27. ^ 7 ^ f_L*a vi. 28. ... ^)2a^ ... i. 18. ^P P 7 |<7>/O j^ xxiii. 30. ... 7 ^-KK^ xviii. 18. 7 *Q_K- ... ix. 26. 7 ^K_ v. 41. ... fttL^ui vii. 22. - 1 A ey\ f\ m xii. 3. ^\n xi. 23. ... UuJ ... x. 34. ... l^o x ^.; xxiv. 31. 1 A x ... v. 3. .*~^ < "i xi. 11. 7 **^a* i. 41. i. 18. 8. LUKE. xvi. 20. ii. 24. 580 INDEX. ^ S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. iv. 32. S. LUKE fei i. 15. l^i xiv. 12. I'A^acn^i xvi. 24. -*. v. 36. Ethpe. . ... i. 19. Pa. ... ... x. 30. Aph. xxvii. 28. ... Pa. .^\y vii. 29. ... Aph. v. 27. ... ... ... ]V- - . v - xiv. 32. uLi viii. 26. ix. 8. n^x* xiii. 16. x. 2. 4-4- v. 10. ... r^4^ ... ... xii. 11. 0* vii. 8. ... Ethpe. xviii. 36. ... Pa. iv. 34. ... Ethpa. xix. 28. ... ... Aph. vi. 64. ... ... ... \&M xiv. 27. ... ... im; ... xxii. 44. *Li i. 6. 17 77 PH. . . Vn mVn iii. 16. INDEX. Ethpe. Pa. Ethpa. Pa. Pa. Ethpa. Ethpa. Pa. Aph. I**: S. JOHN. S. MATT. v. 26. ^i. xviii. 10. ... u^ i. 32. ... 7 i. 37. ] vVi ^ ix. 32. xii. 38. . ^^o xii. 2. ... xx. 28. ]i^: v. 45. u. x. 20. 1'Aiitt- lil v. 24. ii. 20. v. 38. 7 . 1 Tiii. 29. ... viii. 6. ]AJL_ xi. 13. ... 6k* i. 18. ] . 0\ m i 7 . g^ 7 i. 39: v. 9. iv. 17. viii. 3. ... xx vi. 7. 581 S. MARK. S. LUKE. iv. 29. xxiv. 11. iii. 5. vi. 38. 582 INDEX. ^ S. JOHN. viii. 29. S. MATT. S. MARK. Aph. ]r> r j p p f^ . o - xix. 31. x. 42. viii. 32. xvi. 2. ^ i. 29. ... ... Ethpe. ix. 15. ... Aph. ... iii. 11. 1U i. 27. ... Ethpe. vii. 23. ... * Pa. _ viii. 9. Ethpa. xxi. 12. ... ... Aph. ... xiv. 14. fc^ i. 17. P -X P v. 35. xxii. 4. lUi iii. 33. ... ... Aiiu.' i. 47. ... ... Pa. ^ 5^ ... xxii. 6. ... Aph. ... xvi. 20. 1^ i. 9. ... ... Ai ii. 6. ... li- xvii. 1. S. LUKE. xxii. 32. INDEX. 583 S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. S. LUKE. -4ri& iv. 7. ... |Arni2u vii. 25. ... . A xiii. 8. ... _oA ft xx. 31. ... Peil part. ... xxvi. 63. ( for note, see ref. above.) Pael ... xxii. 34. ... Ethpaal. ... xxii. 12. ... . . . z ft&4 ii. 16. ... ... 1 1 *-)7 -, iii. 12. M^Z ... xxv. 27. ... Ethpe. ... ... xi. 50. IfciZ ... ... xviii. 7. ^>z ... xii. 20. ... iv. 18. Ethpe. xix. 36. Pa. xix. 31. ... ^T (see }-."), Ethpa.) ll^. 7 xiii. 45. ... ]i:;z ... ... xi. 27. ]A-^>Z ii. 6. ... ... ff2o>Z iv. 48. ... ... liOOOlZ ... ... viii. 31. 5(nZ vii. 28. ... ... poiZ xvi. 8. ... 584 INDEX. Ethpe. ]oL S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxi. 29. S. MARK. S. LUKE. ^>Z'^oZ iii. 2. Aph. ... xii. 28. ... ^oZ i. 21. ... ... oioZ ... ix. 15. 1'ZoioZ ... ... xxi. 25. |Z^KoZ ... i. 21. M^oZ ... ix. 44. |joZ ... vi. 6. .. ffoSZ xvi. 23. T>oZ 7 ii. 14. ... TZSZ 5ZoZ 7 xii. 34. ... xvii. 6. TA^z 7 ... i. 80. &<1~Z ii. 16. ... ... A-^Z i. 48. ... ... U>\~z 7 xvi. 26. E tli pa. kjA*aZ xi. 23. ... ]IL,Z 7 vi. 11. ]H^Z 7 ... ii. 4. 12oaIZ iii. 8. ]i v> 7 ... xii. 42. ... ... ^z ... xxiii. 23. A .]^ > ~>7 ... xxii. 44. INDEX. 585 ^z S. JOHN. S. MATT. xxvii. 43. S. MARK. S. LUKI lAXo'Z ... xxiii. 5. ... Pa. .con 7 ... ... ... xi. 53. tfz ... xviii. 6. l^ ... xxviii. 3. ... pnV.W ... ... ... viii. 6. 1> .7 ... xxviii. 19 ... ... Ethpa. ... xiii. 52. ... V . Vn\7 i. 35. ... ... /\\7 xiii. 38. ... ... ... ]A\Z ii. 1. ... ^AlZ v. 5. ... oiioZ ... i. 22. ... Ethpa. ... xxii. 33. ... Aph. ... ... xxiv. 22. 1z 7 ... x. 16. ... v>7 ii. 1. ... ... ] " i 7 xx. 26. ... " ... . i Vn7 ... ... ... ii. 37. 77 . ... ... ... xiii. 4. l^z 7 vi. 30. ... w. c. 74 586 INDEX. S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. ,JZ vi. 9. ... JJ1Z 7 ' viii. 20. ... . \c*>^ ... xxiii. 5. 1 ? 7 . o / ... ... v\ o/_ ... iv. 6. ... Bthpe. xi. 9. ... ... *& ... xii. 13. ... Pa. _ ... iv. 21. ... Aph. _ ... xi. 10, ... 7 . i y Lthpa. i>CL,.)Z. ... i. 23. ... JDdJoIZ ... xix. 28, ... r: z i. 35. ... ,2: x. 10. *9 x *^ | A *. vn ^ / xvii. 24. ... ... .0 * 5 7 . .. xxiii. 37. ... tt^5Z ? xiii. 38. ... ... . on < / vi. 26. . .. 52 115Z' x. 1. ... ... ^! Z ! ... xiii. 34. ^ vi. 13, 67. xi.9. (fern.) ^' z ... viii. 32. ... S. LUKE. vii. 43. viii. 43. i. 51. INDEX. 587 U S. JOHN. S. MATT. S. MARK. iii. 4 : xi. 3. ... xi. 4. ... . .. iv. 24. ... xx. 5. ... ... xviii. 12. ... xviii. 12. i. 48. vii. 16. i. 5. i. 1. ADDITIONAL NOTE. S. Matt. x. 21. ^QJJ ^oA.i-Soi, shall cause them to be put to death 6avar(acrovj } Caused to die, slew. Fut. A .Vni 3. pi. with aff. ch. xxvi. 59 ; xxvii. 1 ; S. Mark xiv. 55 Imperat. pi. oA^Ss'l, Col. iii. 5 Part. A . V>Vr> pi. ma 3c. ^ .A.VnVn Rom. viii. 13. Heb. Hiph. H*ibn Destroyed, killed, Numb. xiv. 15 ; Judg. xvi. 30 j 2 Sam. iii. 30 ; xxi. 1. ERRATA IN INDEX. .0 _.P Page 498, line 1, for oj read Of. 13, for ii. 17, read ii. 7. 502, 8, for U