^ mttje^ jiEr Mrnxvc-ih DCSB LIBRARY |)ari0 antj ?Eienne. THYSTORYE OF THE NOBLE RYGHT VALYAUNT AND WORTHY KNYGHT PARYS/ AND OF THE FAYR VYENNE THE DAULPHYNS DOUGHTER OF VYENNOYS/ i FROM THE UNIQUE COPV PRINTED BY WILLIAM CAXTON AT WESTMINSTER IN THE YEAR M.CCCC.LXXXV. WITH A PREFACE, GLOSSARY, AND NOTES. PRINTED FOR THE ROXBURGHE LIBRARY, M.D.CCCLX.VIII. PREFACE. FOR a bibliographical or literary notice of the romance of Paris AND VrENN-A, here republifhed for the firft time from the moft: ancient Englifh verfion, there are fcarcely any materials. It is iin- mentioned by Fauchet, Ellis, and Dunlop. It is too late in date by a half-century or fo to have found a place in the invaluable Hijiory of French Literature, produced under the aufpices of the Benedidlines of Saint- Maur, and now continued by the French Aca- demy. Our Englifh Warton alludes to it only in the niol^ curfory manner, and had evidently never feen a copy in any language. This is much to be regretted, I think, for in the whole compafs of early romantic fi6lion of a chivalric character, I do not remember at any time to have met with a book fo peculiarly fimple and unafFetfled in its ftrufture and ftyle as this. I will fcarcely go fo far as to fav that probability is never violated ; in a work of the kind fuch could not well be expefted to be the cafe ; but, afluredly, there is a free- dom, which muft charm, from many of the vices which befet fuch producftions : extravagance ot conceit, tedioufnefs of digreffion, far- fetched incidents, and turgid phrafeology. On the contrary, the nar- rative is neither involved nor irkfome, and many of the thoughts and turns of expreinon have a naturalnefs, which, in a compofition of the period, is as fafcinating as it is rare. b vi Preface. Paris and Vienna is a profe tale of knight-errantry, of Catalonian origin, at a date when the dialedts of Catalonia and Provence were ftill more diftinft from each other than they are at prefent. About 1430, it was tranflated from the Catalonian into Provencal proper by fomebody whofe name has not been preferved ; and in 1459, Pierre de la Sippade rendered the romance out of Provencal into French. He, curioufly enough, apologizes for any defedts in his work, ufing the plea that he was not a Frenchman by birth, but was born and bred in the city of Marfeilles. From France it feems to have communicated itfelf very rapidly to Italy, Germany, and Holland. From France, however, I apprehend, and not from Holland, it came over to us. My reafon will be given elfewhere. The oldeft impreffion hitherto difcovered in any language is an Italian verfion printed at Trevifo in 1482, 4to. This is five years anterior to the earlieft known French copy, publifhed at Antwerp by Gerard Leeu, in 1487, a fmall folio of thirty-nine leaves,' and there can be little or no doubt that the editions printed in France have either difappeared, or, (which is fcarcely probable, however,) remain to be traced. Gerard Leeu, who put forth the French verfion in 1487, ventured in the following year upon a tranflation in Dutch, which forms a fmall folio of thirty-fix leaves. Laftly, there is the Englifti volume, ' This was reprinted at Antwerp, without date, 4.10., Gothic letter. See Intro- duftion to the modern edition of the French romance, Paris, 1835, 8vo., of which, by the favour of Henry Huth, Efq., I have a copy before me, beautifully printed on vellum. The title of the edition of 1487 is there given in full from the copy in the Bibliotheque Imperiale. Preface. Vll which I am now reproducing verbatim, (o far as my ability goes, and of which the only copy hitherto (e.Qn or traced is among the books bequeathed to the Britifh Mufeum by George III. This precious relic was purchafed by the king at the faie of the library of James Weft, Efq., in 1773, for £14; it had moll probably been Lord Oxford's. It is a fmall folio of thirty-five leaves, without any regular title-page, and without paging and catchwords. A facfimile of the firft leaf accompanies the reprint.' In the reign of James I., an independent Englifh verfion of Paris and Vienna was executed by a gentleman connected by marriage with the Mynfhulls, but whofe name has not tranfpired. The unknown author of this comparatively modern tranflation has amplified and overlaid his original, to which indeed he has not acknowledged any obligation on the title or in the prefatory matter. Keeping merely the main thread of the ftory in fight, and enlarging and altering the details as he went on at pleafure, the writer, perhaps, felt jufi:ified in withholding from his friends and the public the fad that his plot and chief incidents were borrowed. The firft edition, to the beft of my knowledge, was in 1620, 410., and there are four others."'' ' Caxton's verfion is not, as it has been afTumed, a literal one or a true one, except in a fubttantial fenfe. I (liall, in the Notes at the end ot the prefcnt volume, point out fome of his departures from his (as I conjefture) French original, and alfo fome of his omiffions. Brunei, in the latell edition of his Manuel du Libraire, refers to two early Italian poems in ottava rima on the fubjeft. It may be proper to mention that, befides the impreffions of Paris and Vienna already defcribed, there were many of more recent date; it continued to be reprinted, both in France and Italy, till the end of the feventeenth century. * Thefe are all fufSciently, perhaps, defcribed in the editor's " Handbook to Early Englifh Literature," in voce. viii Preface. Of Caxton's tranflation, which is far more interefting and valuable to us, as exhibiting the romance in fomething like its priftine fliape and fimplicity, we are led to conjedture, by a fragment exifting among Mr. Douce's books in the Bodleian, that there was a reprint by Caxton's apprentice and fucceflbr, Wynkyn de Worde, about 15 lo. The fragment is noticed by Dibdin in his edition of Herbert's Typo- graphical Antiquities, but he miftook it for Caxton's own impreflion of 1485. Certainly, not the leaft remarkable feature, in the literary hiftory of Paris and Vienna, is the honour which it received, in the commence- ment of the fixteenth century, at the hands of Jean de Pino, Bifhop of Rieux, who turned the romance into Latin for the edification of the two fons of the Chancellor Duprat. The bifhop happened to be at Venice about 15 16, in the quality of ambafTador from Francis I. to the Republic, and there he caufed his book to be printed. It is a large 8vo. of fifty-fix leaves, without pagination, and is dedicated to the noble youths whom it was defigned, from its elegant ftyle and wholefome moral, to benefit and inftruft. An early copy was tranf- mitted to Paris, where it was immediately republifhed in the fame form. The MSS. of the work are by no means numerous ; nor am I aware of any exifting in England. In the Bibiiotheque Imperiale at Paris, no fewer than five are preferved, all of the fifteenth century, and two of them quite late in that century. It was from one of thefe that M. Alfred de Terre-bafle chiefly derived the text of his edition of Paris, 1835, 8vo. It bears the number 7534, and is a 4to. volume on vellum, in long lines, with one miniature in two compart- ments. It at one time formed part of the fine old library colleded by the earlier kings of France at Blois, and removed to Fontaiiie- bleau by Francis I, and thence by Henry IV. to Paris. Preface. ix This precious MS. is far more corre6l than the printed copies, of which the vaUie entirely confifts in their exceffive rarity, and typo- graphical excellence. The only other ficflion connedled with the Viennois — a diftridl of France, part of which formed the moft ancient fettlement made in that kingdom by Italians' — is, fo far as my information extends, a long romance in verfe, by Bertrand Le Clerc, entitled, Le Roman de Girard de Vienne. A fine MS. of this, on vellum, with rich illuminations, is among the Royal MSS. in the Britifh Mufeum. It is written in double columns, in a hand of the thirteenth century.'^ Warton, in his Objervations on the Faery ^eene, cites a paflage from Skelton,'^ to (how that Paris and Vienna formed one of the popular tales of chivalry in that poet's time, and if the mention he introduces of our hero and heroine ("hould not be thought perfedly conclufive evidence, the point is fomewhat ftrengthened by the enu- meration of Paris and Vienna in Bifhop Douglas's Palis of Honoure, 1553, (but written many years before), among the retinue of Venus.'' The prefent legend preferved fufficient notoriety in this country, as late as the reign of Elizabeth, to induce its felecftion for dramatic treat- ment and reprefentation at court. We are indebted to Malone for the fad that Paris and Vienna was fhown on Shrove Tuefday, 157 i, at night, by the children of Weftminfter, before the queen. W. C. H. Kenfington, Dec. 16, 1867. ' Allou, Monumens des DifFerens Ages obferves dans la Haute-Vienne, 1821. " Warton, H. E. P. ed. 1824, i. 149, note a. ■' Phylyp Sparowe, in D)'cc's Skelton, i. 71. ' Dyce's Skelton, ii. 140. [PROLOGUE OF PIERRE DE LA SIPPADE. 1459. ALANUS who was very fage hath written in the book of his doftrines an axiom [vne audorite] which in Latin exprefTed : Hoc crede quod tibi verum efle videtur, etc. and is as much as to fay, tranflated out of Latin into French : Tu croyras les chofes qui te fem- bleront eftre vraies. And I undertake this theme in the prefent cafe, becaufe I have ail my life taken pleafure in the reading of romances and chronicles of the ancient hiftories, as of the life of Lancelot, of Triftan, of Florimond, of Guy of Warwick, who per- formed many brave ads in their life, according to what I have found in writing, in many particulars, and I have found fome [en ay trouuees] which it is very impoflible to believe. And feveral other books I have feen ; but among them I have felefted a writing in the Provencal tongue, which was drawn from another book written in the Catalan language [dialed], in which was contained the life of a baron, who was called Godfrey Dalen^on, who was Dauphin of Viennc, and had a daughter who was called Vienne, who was a paragon of beauty. And how a knight, who was called Paris, fon of a baron, whom they called MefTire James, was enamoured of the faid Vienne, fo that, to do her honour, he achieved in his life-time many valiant things, as you will hear by-and-bye. And becaufe the matter is reafonable and xii Prologue. tolerably credible, and the ftory is pleafing, for it is very good to relate the brave deeds which our anceftors [les anciens] accomplifhed long ago, I have undertaken to draw the hiftory for you from Pro- vencal into French. I beg to requeft of all thofe who fhall read the faid book, that if they find anything in it written which Is unpolilTied [qui ne foit bien feant], that they will pardon my defeds, and amend them according to their judgment, for my capacity is not fufficient for the proper handling and treating of fuch matters, and alfo, info- much as I am not French by birth, but was born and bred in the city of Marfeilles ; and will you be pleafed to take notice, that I belong to [the parifh of] Saint-Pierre, whence I take the name of La Sippade ; and this book was, at the outfet, written in the year a thoufand iiij" xxxij, the third day of the month of September, as appears from the copy from which this book is taken, which commences by the hand of Guillaume le Moign, the xvi"" day of the month of January, a thoufand iiij° lix. '] ' Tranflated from the French edition of 1835. It is omitted by Caxton. Guil- laume Le Moign, or William the Monk, was the copyill employed by Sippade. Paris and Vienna. C Here begymeth thyftorye of the noble ryght vdyaunt ^ worthy knyght Parysj and of the fayr Vyene the daulphyns daughter of vyennoysj the whyche fuffred many aduerjytees bycauje of theyr true hue or they coude enioye the effeSi therof of eche other j I / N the tyme of kynge Charles of Fraunce the yere of our lord Ihefu Cryft M CC Ixxj/ was in the londe of vyennoys a ryche baron daulphyn and lord of the lond that was named fyr Godefroy of alaun- fon & was of the kynges kynrede of fraunce/ the whiche daulphyn was ry5t myghty and a grete lord bothe in hauoyr and in landes/ & was a ryght wyfe man/ in fo moche that for his grete wyfedom he was moche made of/ bothe of the kynge of fraunce & of al the lordes & barons of his courte/ foo that noo thynge was doon in the fayd royame but that he was called therto/ & had to his wyf a moche fayre lady whiche cleped was dame dyane whyche was of fo grete beaulte that fhe was wel worthy & dygne to be named after that fayre fterre J)' men calle dyane that appyereth & {heweth a lytel afore the day/ and alfo (he was replenyffhed of all noblenes & gentylnes that a lady may or ought to haue/ The fayd daulphyn thenne and this noble lady dyane were vij yere to gyder wythoute yflue that moche they defyred to haue/ and prayed our lord bothe nyght & day that they myght haue chyl- dren playfaunt and redy to hys deuyne feruyce/ and our lord thorugh B Paris &> Fu tenna. hys benygnyte herde theyr prayer/ and after hys playfyr gaf vnto them the viij yere of theyr maryage a ryght fayr doughter for the whyche/ grete gladnes & loye was made thorugh all the daulphyns londe/ and the chylde was baptyfed with grete honour & loye/ & in token of grete loue they named hyr vyenne by caufe the cyte where flie was borne in was called vyenne/ and thys doughter was delyuerd vnto a noble lady for to be nouryffhed wyth hyr/ the whyche lady was of the fayd cyte and had a lytel doughter of the age of vyenne the whyche was named yfabel/ & fo the fayre vyene was nouryffhed wyth the fame yfabel from hyr tender age vnto many yere after/ & foo grete loue was bytwene them bothe that they called eche other fyfters/ & the fayre vyenne grewe and encreaced euer in fouerayn beawte & gentylneffe/ fo that the renomee of hyr excellent beawte flouryffhed not onely thurgh al frauce but alfo thurgh al the Royame of englond & other contrees/ It happed after fhe was xv yere of age that fhe was defyred to maryage of many kny5tes & grete lordes/ & at that tyme was in the daulphyns courte emonge many hys kny5tes/ a noble ma of auncyent lygnage & of fayr londes/ the whiche was wel byloued of the daulphyn & of alle the lordes of the lande and was called fyr lames/ thys noble man had a moche fayr fone that had to name Parys/ & hys fader made hym to be taught in al good cuftommes/ and whan he was xviij yere of age he was adrefled to the dyfcyplyne of armes/ & demened hym felf fo nobly & worthely in al maner dedes of chyualrye that wythin a fhorte tyme after he was doubed knyght by the hande of the fayd lord daulphyn/ C Noo fayte of knyghthode ne none aduenture of chyualrye happed after but that he founde hym felf at it in foo moche that the renommee of hym ranne thurgh al the world & men fayd he was one of the beft kny5tes y myght be founde in ony contree/ & helde hym felf ryght clene in armes and lyued Paris ^ Vienna. 3 chaftly & loyefully/ & had euer aboute hym fowles hawkcs and houndes for hys dyfporte to alle maner of huntyng fufFyfiiunt yiiough for a due or for an erle/ and thurgh hys prowefle and hardynes he was acqueynted & knowen of many other grete lordes/ and emonge alle other he was gretely and louyngly acqueynted with a yonge knyght of the cyte of vyenne that hyght Edward/ and were bothe of one age and moche loued eche other/ and as two brethern of armes wente euer to gyder there as they knewe ony louftyng or appertyfe of armes to be had for to gete honour/ C And vvete it vvel that befyde theyr worthynes in armes they were good mufycyens playeng vpon alle maner Inftrumentesof mufyke/ and coude fynge veray wel/ but Parys pafled in al poyntes' his felowe Edward/ Notwythftondyng Edward was amerous al redy of a noble lady of the courte of braban/ but Parys as yet knewe nought of amoroufte but not longe after Venus the goddes of loue fyred his thou3t with the hert vnto a noble yong lady/ that ia to wete the fayre vyenne the daulphyns doughter of vyennoys that was his lyege lord/ & the more he growed toward his flouryng age y more he was efpryfed & brennyng of her loue for the grete beaute y was in hyr/ But Parys thought euer in hys herte that this loue was not wel lykly ne cordable/ C For he was not of fo hyghe lygnage as the noble mayden vyenne was of/ & therfore Parys kept hys loue fecrete that none fhold perceyue it fauf Edward his trufty felowe to whom he brake & fhewed his counceyl And the fayre vyenne perceyued not that parys was amerous of hyr/ nor parys alfo durft neyther fhewe nor fay nothynge to hyr of hyt/ but the more that he fawe hyr the more grewe y fyre of loue within hym felf/ ' Caxton has ponytes. 4 Paris ^ Vienna. C How Parys and Edward hys felowe played wyth dyuers Inftrumttes by nyght tofore the chambre of vyennej PArys thenne & edward wyth one accorde dyfpofed them felf for to gyue fomme melodyous myrthe to the noble mayde vyenne/ and wyth theyr mufycal Inftrumentes/ as recourders/ they yede by nyght tyme to gyder toward that parte of the cartel where as the fayre vyenne laye in hyr chambre/ and there they fange ful fwetely and fowned melodyoufly theyr mufycal Inftrumentes and pypes/ and certeyn the melodye of their fonges and the fowne of theyr Inftrument was fo playfaunt & fo fwete that it pafled al other melodye/ And whan the daulphyn and his wyf & the fayre vyenne theyr doughter herde this fwete and melodyous fowne/ as wel of mas wyces as of dyuers Inftrumetes they had grete loye and took grete playfyr at it & had grete defyre to knowe what they were that fo grete folace and loye made tofore theyr caftel/ and for to wete & knowe what they were the daulphyn aflygned a day of a fefte at the whyche he fente for alle maner mynftrellys in hys londe/ chargyng theym vpon grete payne that they fhold come for to playe before hym and hys barons in hys caftel of vyenne/ & whan they were al come they played and fange in theyr beft wyfe/ but emong them were not foude tho myn- ftrelles that the lord daulphyn fought fore/ wherof he was forouful & defyred more to knowe what they were than he dyd afore/ And whan vyenne herJe alle the mynftrellys of the londe that fowned at y fefte ftie fayd to yfabel hyr damoyfel & preuy felowe/ by my fayth fwete fyfter thefe mynftrellys playen nou3t to the regarde of them that were wonte to come before our chambre/ & me dyfplayfeth moche that I may not knowe them/ for certeynly they come not hyther for nought/ for they loue outher you or me/ Pans &' Fienna. WHan the daulphyn vnderftode hys doughtcrs wordes he vvyllyng to playfe hyr fayd vnto hyr that yf it were pofTyblc fhe fhold knowe what they were tliat foo fange euery nyght before hyr chambre/ wherfore he ordeyned x men of amies and commaunded them to hyde them felf pryuely there as the fowne was herde/ & that they fhold brynge to hym other by force or otherwyfe them that made that fvvete melodye/ Now came the nyght that the ij yonge knyghtes Parys & Edward that no thynge knewe of thembuffhement that was layed for them came with theyr Inftrumentes toward the cartel & there they began to fynge & fowned theyr Inftrumentes fo melodyoufly that grete playfyr it was to here/ & whan they had fonge and wold haue retorned thyder as they were come fro/ the x knyghtes lepte&cam forth and fixlewed them curtoyflle fayeng that they nedes muft come wyth them for to fpeke with their lord the daulphyn/ Thenne fayd Parys to them/ Fayr lordes abyde a lytel whyle/ yf it playfe you & of vs ye fhal haue an anfuer Thenne wente Parys & edward a parte and fpake to gyder/ ye fee fayr brother fayd Parys to Edward In what party we be now and I wold not that ye fhold haue by me ony dyfplayfyr nor harme,' but foo moche I telle you that or 1 (hold fufFre me to be ledde tofore the daulphyn I had leuer deye/ therfore fayr brother aduyfe we what is befte for to do/ & edward heryng parys wordes fayd/ brother myn haue noo fere of no thynge and lete vs doo as ye wyl/ Thenne fayd they to the x men of armes lordes thurgh your curtofye fufFre vs to retorne thyder as we came fro/ for we be at my lord the daulphyns playfyr & of all the lordes & barons of his courte but in ony maner as for thys tyme we may not fulfylle hys commaundement/ 6 Paris &' Vienna. WHan the fay d x men of armes faw the ij knyghtes dyfobeyflaunt/ they anfuerd to them ye fhal now come to hym other wyth your wylle or by force/ and bygan to pulle oute theyr fwerdes & came ayenft the two yonge knyghtes that naked were from al armes fauf theyr fwerdes and theyr bowclers/ wherwyth they couerd them and fo manfully defFended theyr bodyees that they hurte & wounded fore al the ten armed men in fo moche that they maad them alle to voyde and flee fro the place whether they wold or not/ C And on the morowe erly the ten men of armes came tofore the daulphyn alle wounded and fore hurt/ And they recounted to hym how two yonge men onely had arayed them fo and how they nedes muft flee for fere of theyr lyues/ Wherof the daulphyn was ryght angry to fee them fo fore hurt & took grete dyfplayfyr of it/ and thought wel that the fayd two yonge knyghtes were of grete {Irengthe and vertue/ wherfore he comanded an hondred men to be redy for to efpye & take them the nyght folowyng yf they came ageyn chargyng that none hurte fliold be doon to them/ but after theyr fonge doon/ they flioId be brought vnto hym/ but thys enterpryfe came to none effedt/ for the two yonge knyghtes came not ageyn but kepte alle that they had doon fecrete/ whan the fayre vyene fawe that fhe my5t not knowe what thefe mynftrellys were llie thought they were fomme grete lordes that were amerous of hyr/ & flie & hyr damoyfel yfabel fpake of none other thynge than of thefe mynfl:relles and had grete playfyr to talke of them/ Parys feyng he durfl: not fay nor flievve the grete loue that he had to the fayr vyenne/ thought he wold hyde hys courage from hyr/ wherfore he took acqueyntaunce wyth the bysfhop of Saynt Laurence the whyche lerned hym holy fcrypture/ The daulphyn Paris ^ Vienna. 7 thenne feyng hys doughter ful tryfte & penfyfiil for thys that fhe myght not knowe the fayd mynftrelles that fo melodyoufly played tofore hyr chambre/ he ordeyned a louftyng place wythin his cyte of vyenne and made lyftes and fcaffoldes to be fette vp & fente his herauldes in fraunce in Englond and in normandye to anounce & fhewe vnto al kny3tes and gentylmen that wold doo faytes of armes and of chyualrye for loue of al ladyes and damoyfelles/ that the louftes fhold be holden the fyrft day of may/ in the cyte of vyenne/ And he that fhold doo beft in armes/ fhold haue of the Daulphyns doughter a fhelde of cryftalle of grete valurr/ and a garlond wyth rofes and fioures of fyn gold/ And wete ye wel that vyenne the noble and fayr mayden was ryght gladde of the louftes that hyr fader ordeyned for hyr fake/ Fro grete talent and defyre fhe had to knowe hym that was foo amerous of hyr/ and fhe thought he wold be at the fayd fyrfl day of may at vyenne/ " byffhop that he wold come ageyn 32 Paris ^ Vie?iJia. on the morne/ for fhe fonde grete comforte in his wordes/ & that {he wold telle hym fomme thynges in grete fecrete/ And on the morne the byffhop came ageyn to vyenne/ & vyene fayd to hym thus/ My ghooftly fader fomme thynges haue been taken away in a place/ the whiche longen to parys fone of meffyre laques/ And the perfone that hath them hath therof confcyence/ And therfore I praye you as moche as I may/ that by your benygnyte ye fay to hym that yf he may/ he come to morne hyther wyth you/ & the byffhop whyche aduyfed hym noo thyng of thentencyon and thought of vyene faid that he fhold brynge hym wythoute faute/ C How vyenne dyfcouuerd hyr courage to Parys ON the morne the byffliop came moche dylygently & brought parys wyth hym/ And vyenne falewed parys wythoute to make ony femblaunte of loue/ and parys rendred hys falewes ageyn moche humbly/ And thenne Vyenne wythdrewe hyr fro the byffhop and the other/ and faid to parys It is not longe fythe ye were goon in to braband/ and that I accompany ed my lady my moder for to goo vyfyte your fader whyche thenne was feek/ & we fawe and byhelde al the cartel vntyl we came to your oratorye & there I fawe certayn lewellys whyche moche wel pleafed me and I took them & haue kepte them vntyl thys prefent tyme/ And I (hal now rendre them to you ageyn/ & therfor I praye you that yf I haue doon ony dyfplayfyr or maad ony defaulte that ye wyl pardonne me/ for I promyfe to you by my fayth that I haue doon it for none euyl/ To whome parys anfwerd humbly and wyth grete reuerence & fayd moche curtoyfly/ Madame by your curtofye ye came to vyfyte my fader/ of whyche vyfytacyon not onely my fader/ but alle our frendes Paris &' Vien7ta. ^3 haiie receyued grete & fouerayn honour/ wherfore myn excellent lady/ my fader/ my moder/ and I been alle youres/ and alle that we haue alfo/ And yf by adiienture your lady/hyp had ony playfyr to take of my lewellys/ I enfure you by my fayth/ that myn hert hath therin moche gretter playfyr thu hert of man may thynke and yet more fhold haue yf the fayd lewellys were better the half than they be/ Soo thenne I praye you ryght honourable damoyfel that ye wyl pardone me For not al onely thefe lewelles whyche been of lytel valewe but my fader my moder and I been al youres/ and al redy to obeye to your feruyce/ and knowe ye verayly that it is not longe fythen/ that the fayd Jewels were by a frenfihe knyght gyuen to me/ THenne fayd Vyenne ye nede not to- fay to me fro whens thefe Jewels ben comen/ For I knowe them as wel as ye/ And vyenne fayd/ I meruaylle me gretely how ye fo longe haue hydde your loue fro me/ I praye you as moche as I may/ and by the fayth that ye haue toward me that ye fay to me the trouthe of that whyche I fhal demaunde you/ for moche I defyre it to knowe/ C Thenne fayd Parys ryght honourable damoyfel/ ye ought not to praye me/ where ye haue power to commaunde me/ For alle that/ your ladv- fhyp fhal plefe to demaunde me/ I fhal fay to you the trouth wyth good hert & good wylle/ Thenne fayd vyenne I wyl fyrft that ye fay the trouthe/ that yf ye were he/ that in fuche a yere cam euery nyght fyngyng and fownyng Inftrumentes fo fwetely tofore my chambre/ After I wyl that ye telle me yf ye wane the luftes that were made the fyrft day of may in this cyte/ And yf ye bare awaye the ftielde of cryftal and the chapelet whyche I haue feen in your oratorye/ After 1 wyl that ye fay to me/ yf ye wanne the luftes the xviij day of feptembre whyche were made in the cyte of parys/ where as were fo F 34 Paris &' Vienna. many noble knyghtes & barons/ & yf ye had goten there the iij baners whyche I haue feen in your oratorye/ & I praye you that ye telle to me/ yf ye haue doon to me fuche feruyce/ for fuche thynges ye ought not to hyde/ And yf by aduenture ye haue doon them for the loue of my fader or of hys courte/ we be moche holden to you & be bouden to thanke you/ And yf by aduenture for ony lady or for the loue of me ye haue doon it/ I thanke you as moche as I may/ and it is wel reafon that ye therfore be rewarded/ And yet fayd Vyenne to Parys/ knowe ye for trouthe/ that it is long fythe that I haue defyred to knowe/ & yet defyre ftrongely to knowe it/ wherfore yf ye wyl do me ony playfyr/ I praye you that ye fay to me the trouthe/ wythout leuyng of ony onely thynge or word/ THene fayd parys moche humbly with grete (hamefaftnes that he had to vtter the folye that he had enterpryfed/ Ryght honourable and fayr lady I am not worthy to be named hym whiche hath doon thys/ whyche it hath pleafed you to demaunde of me/ but notwythftondyng that I be a man of lytel eftate I humbly fupplye you that in caas ye fhal fynde dyfplayfyr in my wordes that it playfe you to pardonne me/ and that ye take noo dyfplayfyr in that I {hal fay/ for your noblefle (hal not be the lafTe in valure/ For my caas enfor- ceth me to fay that/ whyche is to me folye to thynke/ Thenne Parys al fhamefaft and in grete reuerence knelyng vpon hys knee fayd/ Ryght worfhypful damoyfel parys your Indigne feruaunt is he of whome ye haue fpoken & demaunded/ & fhal to you obeye and ferue in al thynges that ye haue me demaunded/ For fythe that I haue had ony rememberaunce/ my wylle & my thought hath be fub- myfed to your perfone and fhal be as longe as I fhal lyue/ Thenne fayd vyenne/ Parys my fwete frende it is not now tyme that I make Paris ^ Vienna. 35 anfuer to your wordes/ for it fhold be ouerlonge to recounte/ But that not wythftondyng I wyl wel that ye knowe that your loue deftrayneth me fo ftrongely/ that there is no thynge in the world thnt I loue foo moche as you/ wherfore abyde in good hope loyoufly/ for yf it playfe god ye fhal fee that thys whyche I fay Hial be trewe/ Thenne fayd parys/ Madame who may thynke the loyoufte in whyche I am by your anfuer whiche is to me ryght fwete/ For I neuer fuppofed to haue had fo fwete an anfuer of you/ but for to haue endured in payne & in languyffhyng/ For not onely to me/ but vnto a kyng fhold be ouer moche to haue your loue/ & I praye god that I may doo fuche thynges as may be to you playfaunt/ and that I neuer lyue to do to you thynge that fhold defplayfe you/ ne torne you to melancolye/ & thus departed that one fro that other in gretter loue than tofore/ and took terme to fee eche other ageyn as haftely as they myght/ and vyenne retorned more loyoufly than fhe fhewed/ and wente in to hyr moders chambre/ and after the byffhop departed/ & parys accompanyed hym vnto his paleys and took leue of hym/ & retorned home vnto hys faders lodgyng/ & after tolde to edward hys felowe/ alle the parlament that he had had wyth vyenne/ & Edward fayd to hym/ fayre brother and frende/ herein is no lape ne truffes/ but I praye you that ye do your thynges fccretly for there ben many falfe tonges And Vyenne was moche more Joyous than (he had ben accuftomed/ and Parys alfo/ And the fayd Parys & edward hys felowe made grete chyualryes & dyd grete armes/ whyche were moche playfaunt to the fayre vyenne/ Thenne it happed that after certeyn tyme feyng the dolphyn that hys doughter was come to XV yere of age/ treated for to gyue to hyr an hufbond/ And many tymes he had ben requyred of many noble prynces but by caufe he had but hyr onely and no moo fones ne doughters/ vnnethe he wold 36 Paris ^ Vienna. confente And in treatyng thus of maryage Parys herde fomme thynges vvherof lie was fore ennoyed in hym felf/ and thought/ why thynke not I to haue this noble lady whyche is fo moche defyred of fo many noble prynces & barons/ and fore bewaylled hym felf/ and dyd foo moche that he fpake to vyenne and fayd/ O fwete Vyenne/ where is your fayr and agreable promeffe that ye made to me whan I departed fro you/ and how may it be/ that your fader fpeketh for to marye you/ WHan vyenne herde Parys fpeke in thys manere/ fhe fayd to hym parys yf my fader fpeke to me of maryage/ it is noo grete meruaylle/ for I may not deifende hym/ Neuertheles I haue not confented to ony maryage/ And ye knowe wel that maryage is nothyng worth/ wythout the confentyng of bothe partyes/ wherfore I praye you to be contente/ for I promyfe to you that I flial neuer haue man in mariage but you/ and I wold that it fhold be fliortly accomplyfflied yf it pleafed god/ honeftly & luftly and not in fynne ne in ordure/ Therfore I wyl that ye aflaye one thynge/ which fhal be moche dyffycyle to doo and ryght peryllous/ but neuertheles it byhoueth that it be doon/ thene fayd Parys/ honourable lady/ that whyche rtial playfe you to commaunde me/ I fhal accompliffhe it with good hert though I fhold deye/ & thenne fayd Vyenne/ I wyl that Incontynent ye fay to your fader/ that he goo to my lord mv fader/ and requyre hym that he gyue me in maryage to you/ and that herein ther be no defFaute/ & whan Parys herde the wylle & defyre of vyenne/ he was quafi al abaffhed & fayd/ Ryght honourable lady & how/ wyl ye that I deye thus/ I praye you yf it playfe you/ that it be not doo/ Thenne vyene fayd fette ye fo lytel by me/ that ye wyl not enterpryfe this/ Alas where is your entendement/ Certes Paris &' Vienna. 37 it muft nedes be doon/ Jncontynent Parys anfuerd/ worfliypfull lady/ fythe it playfeth you/ I fhal accotnplyfflie your comandement though I fhold deye therfore an hondred thoufand tymes & thus took leue of vyenne and wente to hys fader Incontynent and fayd to hym/ Dere fader alwaye ye haue fhewed to me grete loue/ wherfore I by- feche almy5ty god that he rewarde you lyke as I defyre/ Dere & honourable fader I wold praye you of one thynge/ and by caufe it is doubtous I wyl that ye promyfe it to me tofore I fay it to you/ for ellys I wyl not fay it vnto you/ & hys fader fayd to hym/ My fone there is nothyng in the world that I may doo for the/ but I flial accomplyfflie it by the grace of god/ therfor fay to me thy playfyr & wylle/ & thenne parys tolde to hys fader a parte of the pryuete and promeffe that he had wyth vyenne/ by caufe he fhold wyth the better wylle doo that/ whyche he wold requyre hym/ Thenne fayd parys to his fader/ the prayer that I praye & requyre you is/ that it playfe you to fay to the dolphyn/ that he gyue to me hys doughter to wyf and in maryage/ And I humbly byfeche you that herein ye wyl not faylle me/ & meffire laques heryng hys fone thus fpeke/ almooft he was fro hym felf for the grete folye j?' he fayd to hym/ & he fayd in repreuyng hym that he neuer (hold fpeke more of that fayte/ for he wold not deye for hys doughter/ and that he fhold de- maunde of hym fomme other thynge/ for it were grete folye to fpeke to hym of fuche a thynge/ And parys fayd worfhypful fader/ as moche peryllous is it to me as to you/ therfor I am not abaffhed thugh ye reffufed to doo it/ But loue enforceth and conftreyneth me fo ftrongely/ that I am half confufed/ and am as wel contente that he do it not/ as to doo it/ but that ye do your deuoyr onely/ and fo longe parys prayed hys fader/ that he ' promyfed hym to doo it/ ' Caxton has be. 38 Paris &' Vienna. C How mejfire laques demanded of the doulphyn hys daughter vyetfne in maryage for hys f one Parys/ THenne went meffire laques to the dolphyn all chaunged of colour and fayd to hym/ My ryght redoubted and fouerayn lord a certeyn requefte is made to me/ whyche I muft fay vnto you/ the whiche me femeth is of paffyng lytel reafon/ and therfore it muft be at your mercy/ and in caas ye fynde therin dyfplayfyr/ that ye pardonne me/ and to take noo regarde to my grete folye/ The doul- phyn truftyng in the grete wyfedom of meffire laques grauted hym to fay what fomeuer he wold/ Thenne fayd meffire laques/ Myn hye and fouerayn lord/ Parys my fone hath prayed me fo moche that I fhold requyre of you vyenne your doughter to be hys wyf/ the whiche thynge is not onely to fay/ but alfo to thynke grete prefump- fyon and grete folye/ but the loue of my fone conftrayneth me foo ftrongely/ that by force I muft fay it to you/ And fodeynly the doulphyn was moeued in grete felonnye/ and wold not fuffre hym to ende hys wordes/ but repreued hym moche hardly fayeng/ vylayne & vaflal that thou arte/ how kepeft thou my worfhyp/ by god I ftial wel chaftyfe you/ that ye ftial neuer thynke fuche thynges/ and co- maunded hym that Incontynent he fhold departe thens/ and that neuer he ne hys fone fhold come in hys fyght/ wherfore meffire laques departed thens moche rebuked holdyng doun hys heed/ and retorned in to hys hous/ & tolde to hys fone Parys al that had be fayd and doon bytwene hym & the Doulphyn/ wherof Parys thanked moche hys fader/ Paris &^ Fienna. 39 THe doiilphyn wente in grete thou3t thurgh the paleys hauyng grete Indygnacyon and alle angry in foo moche that none durft fpeke to hym ne come in his waye/ and he beyng thus in thys manere he fente for his doughter vyene & made hyr to come to hym/ and fayd to hyr/ we haue had wordes of grete dyfplayfyr/ Thys vyllayne meiTyre laques hath fayd to vs that we fhold gyue you to wyf and in maryage to hys fone Parys/ Aduyfe you what wyfedom it were/ by god or that I fhold do it/ I wold rather make you a nonne or a menchon/ & it (hai not be longe to/ but that ye fhal be hyely maryed/ fo that ye fhal holde you contente/ & here I fwere to you that yf it were not for the grete feruyces that he hath doon to me Incontynent 1 fhold do fmyte of hys hede/ & whan vyenne fawe hyr fader in fo grete angre ayenft meflyre laques & hys fone/ flie fente for to feche Edward for to come fpeke to hyr/ & whan Edward was come Vyenne fayd to hym/ Edward it is foo that my fader is moche angry ayenfl: meflire laques & ayenft parys wherof I haue grete dyf- playfyr & haue grete doubte that my fader wyl do fomme harme to Parys/ & therfore I wyl that ye fay to hym/ that he kepe hym felf in the mooft fecreteft wyfe that he may/ and I fhal alfo fee the manere yf I may appeafe his felonnye and angre/ Thenne edward Incontynent took leue of vyenne/ & went & fayd to paris all that vyenne had fayd to hym & fayd fayr brother/ me femeth that it were good that ye departed oute of this contrey for to abfente you for a fpace of tyme For it may be that to the doulphyn ftial longe endure hys angre/ as I vnderftonde by that whyche vyenne hath fayd to me/ Thenne anfuerd Parys/ fythe that ye haue counccylled me foo I ftial fo do/ not wythftondyng that it fhal be to me a forouful & an heuy departyng/ but er I departe I fhal take leue of Vyenne thougli I Ihold deye/ 40 Paris &' Vienna. THenne Parys dyd foo moche that he fpake vnto vyenne on a derke nyght at a lowe wyndowe/ where as they myght wel fay what they wold/ I am certeyn fayd vyenne that my fader hath wylle to hurte you/ wherof I lyue in grete melancolye/ For in al the world is no thynge that I loue fo moche as you/ & yf by aduenture ye deye I wyl not lyue/ Thenne fayd parys/ honourable ^ lady it femeth me befte that I departe fro hens a certeyn tyme tyl my lord your fader be more peafed & hath pafled hys euyll wylle/ how be it/ that it fhal be to me a moche forouful thynge to wythdrawe me fro you/ For my lyf flial be moche heuy/ Neuertheles I fhal accomplyffhe your wylle in alle that ye fliall commaunde me/ what fomeuer come therof/ And vyene feyng the good wylle of parys after many wordes (he fayd to hym/ Parys my frende I knowe well the grete loue that ye here to me/ & fythe it fo is/ I fwere to you by my fayth/ that ye fhal neuer departe fro thys cyte wythoute that I goo wyth you/ For it is my wylle/ wherfore afTone as ye may/ make you redy of al thynges neceffarye/ and fynde ye the manere that we may efcape oute of the royame of fraunce/ and that we may goo in to fomme other lord- fhyppe/ where as we may lyue loyoufly and furely Neuertheles tofore or we departe from hens I wyl that ye promyfe two thynges/ The fyrfl is/ that ye touche not my body vnto the tyme that we be lawfully maryed/ The fecond is that yfabeau parte in al the goodes that we fhal haue/ and other thynge wyl I not as for thys prefent tyme/ but that onely our departyng may be fhortely/ and I fhal pourueye fomme lewels & money for our neceflyte/ and al thys Parys pro- myfed to hyr/ and eche departed fro other for tadrefTe fuche thynges as to them fhold be neceffarye/ Caxton has hanourablc. Paris &' Vie^nia. 41 WHan Parys was departed fro vyenne he wente to a man named CTeorge and fayd to hym/ George my frende alwaye I haue trufted in you/ and haue alwaye loued you/ wherfore I praye you now that to thys that I fiial fay you ye faylle me not/ for I pro- myfe you ye Hial not lefe therby/ and George promyfed to liym to doo al that fhal be to hym pofTyble wyth ryght good hert/ & thenne Parys fayd to hym/ knowe ye for cartayn that I haue wrath t^ rancour to a man of thys toune for certayn defplayfyr that he hath doon to me wherfor I wyl flee hym/ and Incon- tynent as I haue flayne hym/ I wyl departe out of the royame of Fraunce/ wherfore I praye you Y ye wyl goo to Aygues mortes ' & that ye there make redy a galeye furnyffKed of al thynges neceffarye tyl that we be arryued there as we wold be/ And alfo I praye you that ye doo ordeyne fro hens to aygues mortes fro v myle to V mvie alwaye good horfes redy to thende that we may furely re- freffhe vs yf it be nede/ & alfo I wyl that ye do thys as fecretly as ye may' and loo here is money ynough for to furnyffhe thefe fayd thynges/ George fayd/ I flial doo al thys gladly/ And Incontynent made hym redy/ & whan he came to aygues mortes he hyred a galeye/ and eftabliffhed al the paflages and dyd wel al that parys had charged hym/ & came ageyn/ and tolde to parys how he had pourueyed al that he had charged hym/ wherof parys was moche loyous/ & anone parys wente and tolde to Vyenne that alle thynges that fhe had comaunded were doon And thene they concluded that the nexte nyght folowyng that at a certeyn houre eche of them (hold be redy/ thene he took leue of hyr and wente home/ and bad George to take two hors out of hys ftable/ and that he (hold fadle them and abvde hym wythoute the cyte in a certayn place tyl he fhold G 42 Paris ^ Vie7i?ia. come/ & Edward the felowe of Parys wyfte noo thynge of alle thys/ wherof he was moche abaffhed and meruaylloufly angry whan that he knewe it/ C How parys ladde awaye vyenne and yjabeau by nyghtj WHan Parys was pourueyed of money and of al other thynges beyng to them neceflarye/ he wente allone the fecreteft wyfe Y he my3t and came to the place empryfed at the houre taken/ and he made a tokene whiche vyenne knewe And anone vyenne and yfabeau cladde them in mannes araye & lepen oute of y caftel by a fauce porte/ and fo came thefe two damoyfelles to the place where as parys was allone/ whyche awayted vpon theyr comyng/ & Incontynent they departed and went where as theyr horfes were whom they took & rode as fafte as they myght/ and george rode alwaye tofore by caufe to knowe wel the waye/ and whyles they thus rode/ aroos a ftorme wyth a grete rayne whyche endured tyl on the morne at nyght/ and thenne they arryued nygh vnto a lytel towne/ but they entred not by caufe they wold not be knowen/ and wente & lodged them in a lytel chyrche nygh vnto the toun/ where they fonde a chapelayn whiche receyued them gladly the beft wyfe he myght/ & thenne whan the nyoht came Parys and the chapelayn flepte in a lytel hous loynyng to the chyrche/ George and parys feruaunte flepten in the ftable with the beftes/ And vyenne and yfabeau flepten in the chyrche/ and in the mornyng erly they wente lyghtly to horfback/ & rode tyl they came nyghe vnto a ryuer/ whyche was ryfen hye by caufe of the rayne that had fallen/ Thenne parys was moche angry by caufe he fawe wel that it was moche peryllous/ & fayd to George/ that he fhold ferche & aduyfe fomme Paris &' Vie?/7ia. 43 good place where they myght pafTe ouer/ & george wythdrewe hym a lytel from them/ and chaas a place whic'e thought hym good/ and took the ryuer wryth hys hors ' And whan he was in the myddes of the ftreme hys hors faylled hym that he was drowned and hys hors alfo/ C Parys feyng that george was drowned was moche fore abaffhed and durft make noo femblaunte/ by caiife that fayre vyenne fhold haue noo melancolye/ And after Vyenne demaunded of Parys where george was bycomen/ and parys anfwerd to hyr/ that he had fent hym for to ferche fomme good paflage/ and they wold torne in to the chyrche ageyn tyl George were comen/ And vyenne anfuerd to hym that it playfed to hyr wel foo to doo/ For Hie had grete doubte and fere for to pafTe the water/ C And whan they were in the chyrche/ Parys was moche aferde to abyde longe in that place/ for he fawe that it was not fure/ wherfore he demaunded the chapelayn/ yf they myght in ony wyfe pafle that water/ And the chapelayn fayd not in thre dayes tyl the water were decreced and aualed/ C And parys fayd to hym that he fhold goo in to the towne to feche and fee yf he myght fynde ony men that wold make a brydge foo that they my3t pafTe And that he (hold fpare for no money/ For I fhal paye to them as moche as they wyl haue/ & the chapelayn fayd that he fhold doo hys befte/ Thus dyd Parys noo thynge but thynke how they myght pafTe the ryuer/ Now leue we Parys and torne we to the doulphyn/ whych had loft his fayre doughter vyenne/ C How the doulp\Ji\yn dyd doo ferche and feche vyenne by hysferuauntes/ ON the morne that vyene was lofte & departed fro the hous of hyr fader/ & that the doulphyn knewe it/ he fuppofed to haue goon oute of hye wytte/ & al the courte was troubled/ & fente 44 Paris ^ Vierina. haftely men on hor{back & a fote by dyuers partyes the mooft fecretely that he myght/ & prayed them that they fhold brynge home to hym vyenne quyck or dede/ It happed by adueture that one of his men a fote that was fente to feche Vyenne came in to the towne where as the chapelayn was comen to feche men to make the brydge/ The foteman demaunded euery man yf they had feen two damoyfelles whyche were fiedde fro the doulphyns courte/ Thene the chapelayn faid to hym that it was not longe fyth fuche tweyne departed wyth other men C And the man fuppofed that the fayd chapelayn had fayd it in lape or in mockyng/ And fayd that the Doulphyn was moche angry/ and had fworne that yf ony ma or woman knewe where they were and fhewed it not/ that he fhold make them to lofe theyr hedes/ And whan the chapelayn herde thefe wordes he remembred hym of them that were hyd in hys hous/ And in grete drede fayd to hym/ that he fhold tarye there a lytel/ & that for the loue of my lord doulphyn he wold gladly feche for them/ and afTone as he myght fynde tydynges of them he fhold lete hym wyte/ And fo departed fro thens/ and retorned home ageyn/ and tolde al thys to parys/ and what he had herde in the toune/ fayeng alfo that he doubted that it was for them of hys companye/ wherfore he fayd to hym ferthermore/ fyr I praye you that ye departe from hens/ and fuffre not that I lefe my lyf/ but take ye the befte coun- ceyl ye can/ For there ben fyfty men on horfback that feche you/ whan Parys herde hym fay this it nedeth not to demaunde yf he were heuy and melancolyous/ and for the grete forowe that he had he chaunged al his colour/ And he fayd to the chapelayn/ I praye you that ye tarye a lytel & I fhal make you an anfuer/ & thenne Parys went to vyenne/ for to telle to hir al thys feat/ And whan vyenne fawe hym entre/ and fo chaunged in hys colour fayd to paris/ Paris &' Vienna. 45 what tydynges brynge ye whychc are fo pale and your colour chaiinged/ I pra) e you as hertely as I can that it playfe you to telle me/ Thenne Parys fayd to hyr The tydynges that I brynge ben euyl for you and for me/ For fliortly fhal be accompliffhed our aduen- ture/ and therfore I wyl flee my felf/ and alfo he faid complaynyng/ O god how mv lyf is forowful and heuy to haue brought thys excel- lent lady as ye ar in fuche daunger/ O good god why gaf thou not to me the deth tofore or that I fette hir out of hyr faders hous/ O alas my fader and my moder what fhal befalle of you/ whan the doulphyn fhal knowe/ that I haue flolen from hym hys doughter/ C O my good felowe Edward why counceylled not I wyth the tofore or I had doon thys folye And after he retorned to vyene fayeng/ and what fhal falle of you my lady/ whan your fader fhal fee you/ Certes I thynke that how cruel that he be/ whan he fhal fee your noble perfone/ his hert fhal not fuffre to do you ony harme/ O god almyghty do to me that grace jj' I onely may here the payn of this fayt & none other/ O lady vnhappy was that day for you and for me whan fyrfl ye had acqueyntaunce of me/ And whan Parys had fynyffhed hys com- playnte/ he tolde to Vyenne al that the chapelayn had fayd to hym/ And forthwyth as a perfone defpayred/ took hys fwerde and wold haue ryuen it thurgh hys body/ And Vyenne as vertuoufe and valy- aunte took to hyr hert/ and took the fwerde fro hym and comforted hym and fayd/ C O free knyght/ my loye/ my lyf/ and my folace/ what wyl ye doo/ knowe ye not wel/ that who that fleeth hym felf wytyngly/ fleeth the foule and the body/ and yf ye deye/ I afTure you I fhal deye alfo/ and fo fhal ye be caufe of my deth as wel as of your owne O Parys where is your wyfedom and your proweffe/ Now whan ye fhold haue mofte ftrengthe & mooft vertuous courage ye be aferde/ O my knyght thys is noo newe thynge that the perfones that 46 Paris ^ Vienna. lyuen in thys world haue trybulacyons/ of what fomeuer lygnage they be/ Certes thys is not the courage of one fo valyaunte knyght as ye be/ For now whome that ye ought to comforte/ fhe muft now com- forte you/ And therfor my fayr brother and frende I praye you as moche as ye may/ that Incontynente ye departe fro hens/ and that ye goo your waye/ and yf ye do not fo I fhal flee my felf wyth your fwerde/ For your departyng is as greuous to me/ as myn fhal be to you/ but it byhoueth to efchewe of two euyls the werfe/ And alfo ye ought to confydere one thyng/ that not wythflondyng the grete faulte and trefpaas that I haue made to my fader/ yet therfore he fhal not put me to deth/ confydered the grete loue that he hath alway had toward me/ and yf ye were taken/ I wote wel that ye and I fhold bothe deye/ And yet I haue good hope/ that myn entencyon fhal come vnto a good ende/ For be ye fure though he neuer pardonne me/ I fhal neuer haue other hufbond but you and that I promyfe you by my fayth/ But alle waye of one thyng I praye you/ that for none other lady ye forgete not me/ And whan ye fhal be in another con- treye wryte vnto me of your aduenture/ And to thende that ye the better remembre me loo here is a rynge of gold wyth a dyamonde/ the which I praye you that ye wyl kepe for the loue of me C How Parys departed from Vyennej and lefte hyr in the chyrchej AFter moche other langage paris kyffed vyene wyth grete fyghes and thoughtes/ and fhe comforted hym the befl wyfe fhe myght/ in prayeng our lord Ihefu Cryfle that in fhort tyme fhe myght fee hym/ lyke as hyr herte defyred moofl of ony thynge that was in the world/ And thenne Parys departed fro Vyenne wyth grete forowe and heuynefle/ And took his waye wyth hys feruaunte Paris ^ Fie?tna. 47 tyl he came to the ryuer where they coude not toforc haiie pafTed/ and as defpayred doubted noo thynge but' entied therin/ and the water was foo aualed that they pafled wythoute ony peryl/ And they rode two dayes wythoute ony mete for they durlt: not pafle thurgh ony toun/ And they pafled tyl they came to aygues mortes/ And there he founde the galeye tliat george had hyred/ whyche anone he took/ and fo longe fay lied and rowed tyl that they arryued at Gene/ Parys made meruayllous countenaunces in the galeye/ that alle they that were therin/ had fuppofed he had be a fool/ for allewaye he was penfyf/ and ymagynatyf/ and vnnethe wold fpeke ne fay a word/ C Thenne whan he was at gene he hyred hym a lodgyng & lyued there in grete heuynefle & forowe/ Now leue we to fpeke of Parys and retorne we to wenne whyche abode in the chapelayns hous C How vyenne ■was founde in the chyrche by a fotemanj and how JJie was brought ageyn to hyr fader j WHan Parys was departed fro vyenne fhe abode allone wyth yfabeau makyng the gretteft forowe of the world that it was a grete pyte to byholde/ lyke as fhe had as leef to dcye as to lyue' And whan fhe was wel wery of wepyng/ and that it was force that fhe muft retorne to the mercy of iiyr fader the doulphyn/ fhe ap- peafed hyr felf/ And anone the chapelayn went for to feche the foteman and brought hym in to the chyrche/ And whan Vyenne fawe hym/ fhe knewe hym wel/ For fhe had oftymes feen hym in hyr faders hows/ And thys man fayd to hyr alle hys charge/ & that many knyghtes were oute for to feche hyr/ And Vyenne fayd to hym goo & telle them that thou hafl founden me here/ & brynge them hyther/ Thenne the man wente & fonde the knyghtes that thenne were 48 Paris &' Vienna. comen in to the towne/ and tolde to them how he had fouden hyr/ & that they fhold come with hym & he wold brynge them to the place where fhe was/ whan y kny5tes herde thefe tydynges anon eche made grete hafte tyl they cam to hyr/ thene wha they were tofore vyenne they falewed hyr and fayd to hyr that the doulphyn had doo feche hyr in dyuers contreyes/ and after they comforted hyr/ and fayd that fhe Hiold not be aferde of hyr fader/ for he wold doo to hyr noo defplayfyr/ for he' flial haue fo grete loye/ whan he fhall fee you/ that he fhal pardonne you and appeafe hys yre/ C And than Incontynent they wente to horfbacke/ and brought forth the chapelayn wyth hyr to thende that he fhold excufe hyr tofore hyr fader/ and tolde how fhe was pure and clene of hyr body/ NOw fayth thyfhory that whan Vyenne was comen tofore hyr fader the doulphyn/ he made toward hyr heuy and euyll chere/ But not wythftondyng Vyenne kneled doun on bothe hyr knees to the erthe fayeng and in wepyng/ Redoubted fader I fee wel and knowe in my felf that I haue mefpryfed and faylled toward you/ wherof I haue grete defplayfyr/ Neuertheles folyffhe loue hath en- forced me to loue hym/ whyche is wel worthy to be byloued of the mooft gretteft lady of the Royame of fraunce allewaye (&en the noblenes that is in hym/ For I wene that in alle the world is none to hym lyke ne pareylle/ C And alfo I thynke that I am not the firft that haue trefpaced by femblable reafons/ wherfore redoubted fader I am in your mercy/ and take of me vengeaunce/ fuche as fhal playfe you/ and to me chaflyfement/ and example to other Neuertheles I wyl wel that ye knowe and that I fwere by my foule/ that I am as ' Caxton has be. Paris &' Vie7i72a. ^g pure and dene of my body as I w.is that day tliat I departed fro hens/ And loo here is the chapelayn whyche can fay to you the trouthe/ And thenne the chapelayn tolde how flie came wyth iij men of whom that one was a moche fayre knyght yonge & curtoys the whyche I byleue is drowned in pafTyng a ryuer/ And they were in myn hous/ and the two damoyfelles flept to gyder in the chyrche/ and the knyght flepte wyth me/ And the other two Hepte in the ftable with the horfes/ Thenne whan the doulphyn herde thefe tydynges he had ry3t grete playfyr/ of which he made noo femblaunte/ and gaf to the chapelayn moche money & grete yeftes/ and bad hym retorne/ C After the doulphyn took vyenne by the hande/ in repreuyng hyr moche gretely/ and lad hyr in to hyr moders chambre wyth yfabeau/ for hir moder was feke of the grete forowe that fhe had for hyr doughter/ and there the moder blamed them bothe two/ And yfabeau fayd that vyenne was as pure and dene of hyr body as fhe was the day that fhe departed ' Alas fayd the doulphyn/ thou haft put vs in the mooft gretteft fhame of p'' world And I promyfe that alle they that haue confented therto fhal be wel punyffhed/ and in efpecyal that euyl traytre Parys whych is caufe of al thys fayte and yf euer f may haue hym I ftial make dogges deuoure hym and alfo bothe ye tweyne fhal fufFre therfore grete penytence/ Thenne fayd vyenne wepyng/ I fee wel and knowe that ye haue entencion to do to me moche gryef and harm/ and I fee wel that my lyf ilial not longe en- dure/ Therfore I fwcre to you in good fayth/ that there is noo man in the world that I fo moche loue as I doo hym whom ye fo menace and thretene/ For in hym I haue my thought & courage wythoute euer to faylle hym/ and yf ye fhortly gyue to me my penaunce/ fo moche fhortly fhal be my deth/ And yf ye fufFre me to endure it longe/ fo moche more fhal I bere it/ and my foule fhal be the more H 50 Paris &' Vienna. fure tofore almyghty god/ & knowe ye for certayn that for hym and hys loue I am redy to deye/ Thene the doulphyn yflued out of the chambre in grete Indygna- cyon/ and commaunded that the fader of Parys fhold be put in an euyl pryfon/ And that al hys goodes (hold be taken fro hym/ And alfo that vyenne & yfabeau fhold be enclofed in a chambre/ and that wel lytell mete fhold be gyuen to them/ and moche he menaced and thretened them/ and thus they abode a longe tyme in that chambre/ and contynuelly Vyenne dremed of Parys/ C And whan (he myght haue ony fpace to fpeke to Edward felowe of Parys/ fhe requyred hym that he fhold ferche yf he myght haue ony tydynges of parys/ and that he fhold lete hyr knowe therof/ C In thys maner vyenne pafTed hyr tyme in grete forowe & in grete thought alle waye defyryng for to here fonime tydynges of that noble knyght Parys/ WHan Vyenne had ben a grete tyme in thys manere/ The doulphyn bythought hym that thenne hys doughter Vyenne had been wel chaftyfed/ C And thenne the Doulphyn fader of Vyenne ordeyned that fhe came oute of pryfon/ And thene he purpofed to gyue to hyr an hufbond/ and fette hyr in hyr fyrfl eflate/ wherof alle the courte was moche loyous/ and in efpecyal Edward felowe of Parys/ C And after certayn tyme the doulphyn wrote to the Erie of Flaunders that he wold doo marye hys doughter vyene wherupon he requyred hym that he wold gyue to hym counceyll in thys mater/ For it was vnto hym chargeable/ And duryng the tyme that vyenne was oute of pryfon hyr herte was neuer in refle/ but euer fhe was heuy and fo- rouful for hyr fwete and faythful frende parys/ whome fhe myght Pa?' is ^ VieJiJia, ^ i not fee/ and kiiewc not whether he were dede or a lyuc/' And whan the doulphyn fawe hyr fo heuy/ On a day he fayd to hyr/ My fwete doughter wherfore be ye fo forouful/ gyue your felf to playfyr/ For as to me I remembre nomore the thynges pafled/ And there is noo thynge in the world that ye demaunde me but I fhal doo it for you/ And thenne vycne whyche had not forgeten Parys fayd to hym/ Honourable fader yf I were fure of the thynges pafTed that they were forgoten by you/ I fliold be more fure than I am but I byleue fermely/ that ye haue them yet in your remembraunce/ For ye holde alwaye meflyre laques in pryfon the fader of Parys/ whyche is not culpable of ony parte of thys dede ne caufe/ And yf ye wold do to me foo moche grace that ye wold pardonne hym and rendre to hym al hys goodes & thynges I fhold be moche loyous/ And the doul- phyn for the playfyr of hys doughter fayd to hyr/ that it wel playfed to hym and Incontyn[en]r the doulphyn dyddo delyuer meflyre laques out of pryfon/ and dyd do retorne to hym al hys goodes and thynges that had be taken from hym/ wherof meflyre laques had grete playfyr/ for yf he had abyden lenger in pryfon he had be dede for hungre/ for there was none that comforted hym but edward/ whiche comforted hym the befl: wyfe he myght/ & gaf to hym dayly that whyche was neceflarye for hys lyf/ whan vyenne knewe that meflyre laques was oute of pryfon/ flie was moche loyeful and had grete playfyr/ Neuertheles al the confolacyon of vyenne was whan fhe myght fpeke wyth edward of hyr loue Parys/ And thus flie pafl^ed hyr tyme in ryght grete payne and heuyneflb the befte wyfe flie myght/ w Han the Erie of flaunders had redde the letters of the doul- phyn & vnderftood that he wold marye his doughter vyene 5 2 Paris &' Vienna. whych was of the age of xv yere/ he trayted that fhe fhold haue of two barons that one/ that is to wete the fone of the kyng of englond/ or the fone of the duke of bourgoyne/ whyche thenne had grete renommee in fraunce/ and that was for the grete prowefTe that was in hym/ and the fayd erie made thys fayd traytye/ & fente word vnto the doulphyn/ that hym femed beft that the fone of the due of bour- goyn were befte for hyr/ by caufe that it fhold be grete playfyr to the Kynge of fraunce/ and that he was a noble knyght and of grete prowefle/ and whan the doulphyn had receyued thefe letters fro therle of Flaunders/ he fente to the kyng of fraunce to wyte of hym whyche fhold beft playfe hym of thefe two prynces aforefayd that fhold haue his doughter/ For whome that he wold fhold haue hyr/ wherof Y kyng had grete playfyr/ and reputed it to hym grete honour/ And he fente to hym worde/ that it fhold playfe hym beft that he maryed wyth the fone of the due of bourgoyn hys neuew/ and in fo doyng he ftiold doo to hym ryght grete playfyr/ and wold do as moche for hym whan tyme and place requyreth/ And fcyng the doulphyn the wylle of the kyng of fraunce fente worde to therle of flaunders/ that he had counfeylled wyth hys barons/ & alfo that it was the wylle of the kyng of fraunce that his doughter ftiold be maryed to the fone ot the due of bourgoyne/ And thenne therle laboured fo moche in thys mater that he made the fayd fone of the due to agree as for hys partye/ C How Parys fente a letter to hys felowe Edward j NOw late vs leue to fpeke of thys mater/ and retorne we vnto Parys whyche abode in the cyte of gene moche heuy/ and whyles thys maryage was in trayty Parys dwelled in gene oute of al Paris &' Fie?ina. 53 loyes and playfaunfes worldly/ & al for the loue that he had to the fayr vyenne whome he had Too moche at his hert/ And abode alwaye in hys lodgyng ailone/ and bycame fo deuoute and Too humble toward god that it was grete meruaylle/ and alfo for the good countenaunces that he made/ he was mochc wel byloued of al the peple of the cyte and they helde hym for a noble man ' and fayd he muft nedes be the fone of a grete lord/ And Parys beyng in thys manere had grete defyre to haue tydynges of vyenne/ and what was hyr aduenture/ And anone ordeyned two letters/ that one to hys fader/ & that other to hys felawe Edward/ Of whyche the letter to hys fader fayd in thys manere/ RYght dere & honourable fyr and fader phiyfe it you to wete that I am moche forouful and heuy of my cruel aduenture/ and alfo I endure grete heuynes/ forowe and afflycftyon/ doubtyng that for me ye haue fuffred grete payne and trybulacyon/ and I late you wete that I am at genes/ & dwelle in a lodgyng ailone depofed fro al loyes and confolacyons mondayne/ Por myn entcndement is to ferue gcd and our lady fro hens forth & purpofe that ye fhal fee me nomore/ for I wyl departe & goo thurgh the world to feche holy pylgrymages/ And yf by aduenture I fhal deye tofore that ye flial fee me/ I praye you that ir may playfe you that I deye not in your euyi wylle/ but humb[l]y byfeche you that it playfe you to pardonne me/ and to gyue to me your benedydlyon/ Alfo dere fyr and fader I praye you & fupplye that my dere brother and felowe Edward ye wyl take in my name and place/ and that he be recommaunded as your ione in flede of me as wel in your herytage as in other thynges/ and the grace of the holy ghooft be wyth you/ Recomaunde me to my moder Sac! And the letter of Edward fayd thus/ 54 Paris ^ Vienna. DEre and fpecyal brother and fynguler frende edward the peryl of paris and of hys aduenture is pourfyewed of alle euyl and cruel fortune/ I comaunde me to you as moche as I may fay or thynlc Neuertheles lyke as we haue ben accuftomed to wryte letters of loue and of chyualrye/ Now I muft wryte letters anguyf/hous of forowe and of euyl fortune/ for alas I am vnhappy al allone in a ftrange contre/ & exyjed fro al loyes and fro alle playfyr/ and out of al worldly playfaunce thynkyng nyght & day on the bele vyenne/ the whyche I thynke that for me hath fuffred mortal forowe/ and I fay to you that yf I knewe that for me fhe fuffred payne and forowe I fliold be in defpayr/ for I am worthy for to be punyffhed cruelly for that fayte & none other wherfore I praye god and alle hys fayntes that fhe may be kepte from al euyl/ and gyue hyr grace to profpere in al good and honour lyke as fhe is worthy and myn herte defyreth/ <[ My dere broder & felowe the mooft dere thynges that I loue in thys world is fyrft the fayr and fwete vyenne/ & next you to whom I praye you yf it may be in ony wyfe that ye wyl fay to hyr in my name/ how that I am lyuyng in genes/ Paffyng my lyf moche heuy and forouful for thabfence of hyr noble perfone/ and for the cruel & euyl fortune that hath pourfyewed me/ and alfo fay ye to hyr that I crye hyr mercy/ & that it may playfe hyr to pardonne me/ yf by me fhe haue ony dyfplayfyr and god knovveth myn entencyon/ & in what trybulacio I lyue And fyth that it hath not playfed to our lord/ that we accomplyffhe not our defyre & wylle/ we ought to here it pacyently/ And alfo ye ihal fay to hyr/ that I praye and fupplye her as moche as I may that fhe yet take no hufbond/ vnto the tyme that fhe fhal fee thende of our aduenture/ & after thys I praye you dere broder of the confolacyon of my fader & my moder/ and that ye be to them as a fone/ For feyng the loue that alwaye we haue had to Paris ^ Vienna. 55 gyder/ I haue wrytoii to my fader that in the (Icdc of mc he take you for hys fone/ and that after hys lyf he wyl leue to you hys herytage/ for fo moche broder & fclowe I praye & byfeche you that ye be to theym humble and obeyfraunt/ & the better parte (hal be youres/ and yf by aduenture ye wryte to me ony letter late the letter be kepte in my faders hous ' Y holy ghooft haue you in hys kepyng/ And he delyuerd thys letter to a courrour whyche wythin fewe dayes was at vyenne/ and fecretely delyuerd hys letters to edward the good knyght/ whan Edward had receyued thefe letters and knewe that paris was a Ivue/ he had ryght as grete loye as ony man coude thynke or byleue, Neuertheles he helde Y courrour fecretely in his hous to thende that the dolphyn fliold not knowe therof/ and whan he had herde the letters/ he went to the hous of meffyre laques the fader of the noble parys & fayd to hym/ C Medyre laques I brynge to you thys letter/ And whan meffyre laques had redde the letter/ he coude not be facyat of redyng/ he took fo grete playfyr therin/ C After that he had redde it at his playfyr/ he prayed Edward to wryte to hym an anfuer wel at large of alle that was byfallen fyth hys depart- yng/ & thys doon edward departed fro hym/ & wente vnto beale vyenne/ whome he fonde moche heuy and forouful for hir ioue and frende parys/ and Edward fayd/ honourable lady/ & how is if/ that ye be thus heuy/ and vyenne fayd to hym/ alas fayr broder Edward I haue good reafon and caufe to be heuy For myn herte abydeth thynkyng day & nyght on my good knyght Parys/ and I knowe not whether he be al\ue or dcde/ of whvche thynge I moche defy re to knowe/ For yf he be deed I am caufe therof/ And certes yf he be dede I may not lyue after hym/ yf our lord wold doo foo moche grace that he be a lyue/ fayn wold I knowe in what londe he is/ to thende that I my3t fende to hym a lytel money/ foo that he haue 5 6 Paris ^ Vienna. noo necefTyte for hys perfone/ And edward fayd to hyr/ Madame what wyll ye gyue me/ yf I telle te you good tydynges and fure of hym/ C Thenne fayd Vyenne/ by my fayth there is noo thyng that I haue in thys world/ whyche I may gyue wyth myn honour/ but that I fhal gyue it to you Thenne fayd Edward/ loo here is a letter whyche he hath fente to me/ and whan vyenne fawe the letter fhe opened it and redde it al allonge/ & whan flie had redde it {he had foo grete loye/ that hyr femed god had appyered to hyr/ and the loye that fhe had in hyr hert fhewed wel in hyr vyfage/ For fythe that fhe departed fro parys fhe had not fo good vyfage ne chere as fhe had thene & whan the folace had ynough endured Edward fayd to hyr Madame gyue to me ageyn my letter/ that I may make to hym an anfuer/ And Vyenne fayd it plefeth me moche that ye make to Parys my fwete frende an anfuer/ but furely the letter iTial remayne wyth me/ Thenne he fayd/ Madame haue ye not promyfed to gyue to me that thyng that I fhal demaunde you/ yes fayd fhe/ Thenne edward fayd I defyre ne wyll haue none other thynge/ but that ye gyue to me my letter/ for afTone fhal I gyue to you my lyf/ but and yf ye wyl demaunde ony other thynge/ I wyl wel/ Thene fayd Edward I am contente that the letter abyde wyth you/ & after he ordeyned another letter to Parys which fayd in this manere/ C How Edward Jente anfuer of his letter to Parys/ whyche abode in the cyte of genes/ RYght dere brother frende and felowe parys/ your fader and your moder grete you wel/ the whiche haue fuffred for you moche dyfeafe/ payne and defplayfyr/ and in efpecyal your fader Paris ^ Vie?ina. 57 vvhiche hath longe been in pryfon/ & alle hys goodes were taken fro hym/ and alfo I certefye you that by the grace of god and at the requeft and prayer of Vyenne/ the doulphyn hath pardonned hym alle hys euyl vvylle/ and delyuerd hym oute of pryfon & reftored to hym alle hys goodes ageyn/ And plefe it you to wete fayre brother that vyenne hath had fo moche loye and fo grete playfyr whan fhe had knowleche that ye were a lyue/ that it is wonder to byleue/ For al hyr confolacyon was for to haue tydynges of you/ & flie re- commaundeth hyr to you as moche as (he may/ & hath moche grete defyre to fee you & alfo prayeth you not to wythdrawe you fro hyr ne fro that contreye/ but that ye wryte ofte to hyr of your eftate/ And fhe fendeth to you an efchaunge of thre thoufand floryns/ of whiche Hie wyl that ye take your playfyr & loye/ for a! hyr hope is in you/ Alfo ye fhal vnderftonde that fhe hath be kepte in pryfon a certayn tyme/' but thanked be god fhe is now oute/ Alfo I haue fhewed to hyr your letter/ whyche fhe reteyneth/ and after that fhe had redde it/ I myght neuer haue it ageyn/ but fhe fayd/ that fhe had leuer to lefe al that fhe had/ than the faid letter & ye fhal knowe that the doulphyn treateth a maryage for hyr the which is the fone of the due of bourgoyn/ & he hopeth fro day to day/ that it fhal be accomplyffhed/ Neuertheles I trufte foo moche in vyenne/ feyng y whiche fhe hath fayd to me/ that fhe wyi neuer haue other hufbond but you/ wherfore lyue ye forth loyodfly in hope/ Dere brother I thanke you as I can or may for the prefentacjron that ye haue doon for me/ your foule be wyth god/ to whome I praye that he kepe you in hys holy warde & protecflyon &c ' whan thys letter was wry ten he delyuerd it to the courrour/ whyche made hafty lourneyes fo that he arryued at genes/ where as the good kny5t Parys dwelled and abode/ 58 Paris &' Vienna. WHan the noble paris had redde the letter/ & knewe that vyenne had been in pryfon/ almooft for forowe he was oute of his wytte curfyng his euyl fortune/ & after he curfed the day that he was borne & moche dyfcomforted hym felf/ & alfo he curfed the doulphyn fayeng/ O cruel fader and vnconnyng/ how may your hert fufFre to put in pryfon hyr that is foo noble a creature/ whyche is ful of al vertues/ that is the fayre vyenne/ whyche is noo thynge caufe of thys fayte/ For I my felf onely haue doon it/ & ought to here allone the penaunce/ alas & wherfore dyd not god to me fo moche grace/ that I had be taken in ftede of hyr/ O fayre vyenne what haue I doo for you/ whyche haue fuffred foo moche payne for me/ Thus he made a grete whyle hys forowe in wepyng ftrongely/ After Parys fawe that the fayr vyenne was retorned in to hyr fyrft eftate/ wherof he was moche loyous/ & whan he had receyued the efchaunge that vyenne had fente hym he hyred a moche fayr hous & cladde hym honeftly & rychely & took acqueyntaunce & amytye wyth the gretteft & befte of the cyte/ in fo moche they dyd hym moche good and honour/ & thus duellyd parys a grete whyle/ alway remembryng in hys hert the loue of vyenne/ for alleway hys loue encreaced/ And euery moneth they wrote letters eche to other/ of whyche here is made noo mencyon/ for it fliold be ouer longe to reherce/ & torne we here in to flaunders for the fayte of the maryage of the excellent vyenne/ NOW fayth thyftorye that whan therle of Flaunders had accorded the maryage with the due of bourgoyn he made redy hys fone and apparaylled hym of companye and of horfes/ and lete it be knowen to the doulphyn/ that he fhold make redy al thynge necef- a?'is Vienna. 59 farye/ & that he fhold haftely fende to hym his lone/ whan the doul- phyn herde thefe tydynges/ that he/ whome he fo moche defyred fhold come he was moche loyous/ and Incontynent dyd doo make redy many grete & meruayllous feftes/ & duryng the fame dyd doo make redy hys fone the due of bourgoyne/ horfes and peple for to accompanye hym whiche was a fayre thynge to fee/ C And after fent hym to therle of flauders/ whyche receyued hym wyth grete loye & wyth grete honour & fefted hym two dayes/ and delyuerd to hvm hvs fone in his companye/ and fente hym to the doulphyn/ & whan the doulphyn knewe theyr comyng/ he dyd do make redy to receyue hym/ and whan they were by a day lourneye nygh vnto vyenne/ he rode oute wyth moche grete chyualrye/ & receyued them with moche grete loye and piayfyr/ & eche made grete fefte to other whyche were ouer longe to recounte/ Neuertheles tofore that the doulphyn came to the fone of the' due of bourgoyn/ hee & hys wyf entred in to the chambre of vyenne to whome the doulphyn fayd/ Fayr doughter it was the piayfyr of god that I & your moder were to gyder vij yere wythoute hauyng ony chylde/ and in the viij yere our lord comforted vs wyth you/ in whom we haue al our affedyon/ For we haue neyther fone ne doughter but onely you/ ne fuppofe neuer to haue/ fo we trufte that by you we haue one/ It is trewe that* fo as god wyl and hath ordeyned we wyl affemble you to a moche honou[ra]ble maryage/ the whiche to vs playfeth moche/ for I enfure you the doughter of the Kynge of Fraunce hath moche de- fyred to haue hym/ that ye fhal haue/ for god hath endowed hym with fo moche good & honour as hert of knyght may haue/ thus to the piayfyr of god/ & of the vyrgyn marye/ we haue made the maryage of the fone of the duke of bourgoyne & of you/ wherfor we ' Caxton \\ii Jhe. * Caxcon has tbot. 6o Paris &' Vienna. praye you/ that therto ye wyl gyue your good wylle & playfyr/ and alfo that ye wyl haue the maryage agreable/ Thenne vyenne anfuerd to hyr fader/ Honourable fader & lord I wote wel that thys that ye entende is for my wele & proufFyt/ But not wythftondyng that I be in age for to marye/ & that in thys maryage I (hold receyue honour more than I am worthy/ Neuertheles I flial not yet be maryed for yf we haue not thys man/ yf it playfe god we flial haue another as good or better/ And thynke ye not myn honourable lord/ that I fay thys for ony excufacyon/ but it is fythen xv dayes that I haue be euyl dyfpofed of my perfone/ & the maladye that I haue caufeth me to take noo playfyr for to be maryed/ For I haue auowed vnto god neuer to be maryed to thys man ne to none other/ as longe as I fhal be in thys maladye/ C Thenne thought the dolphyn that vyenne fayd it for (hamefaftnes/ Neuertheles he trauaylled hyr euery day wyth fayre wordes that fhe fliold confente to thys maryage/ but it auaylled nothyng all that he dyd/ for the wylle of hir was more in parys than in ony man of the world/ THenne on the morne the fone of the due of bourgoyne/ & the fone of the erle of Flaunders entred in to the cyte of vyenne/ wherof the doulphyn had grete loye & playfyr/ and thys felle en- dured wel fyftene dayes/ that they dyd no thynge/ but daunce/ fynge/ and dyd other dyuers playfyrs/ and duryng thys fefte the doulphyn fayd to the fone of the duke of bourgoyn to thende that he fhold thynke none euyl by caufe he abode fo longe or he myght efpoufe hys doughter/ C Fayr fone I praye you & byfeche that ye take you to playfyr and loye/ And gryeue you noo thynge of thys longe abydyng here/ for certayn my doughter is fo feke/ that vn- nethe fhe may fpeke/ whyche doth to hyr grete defplayfyr and fhame/ 'arts Vieniia. 6 1 for fayn flie wold he out of hyr chambre/ And thenne the fone of the due of bourgoyii as he that' mente but good fayth/ byleued it lyghtly/ Neuertheles the doulphyii dyd nothyng ny3t ne day/ but admonefted hys doughter one tyme \\\ fayr wordes/ and another tyme in menaces/ but in no wyfe he coude make hys doughter to confente/ And comaunded that fhe fhold nothyng haue but brede & water and vyenne abode one day foo in thys manere/ and al thys dyd the doul- phyn/ to thende that fhe (hold confente to the maryage/ and alwaye he dyd to hyr more harme & payne/ & vyenne was alwaye more harde/ and ferther fro hys defyre/ wherof the doulphyn had moche grete dyfplayfyr/ and not wythoute caufe/ & feyng the Doulphyn that hys doughter was foo Indurate/ he thought that by fomme good moyen he wold fende home ageyn the fone of the due of bourgoyn for he doubted that yf he abode longe/ that this feat myght be dyf- couerd/ and he gaf to hym fayr lewellys/ and after fayd to hym/ Fayre fone I wyl that ye take noo defplayfyr in that I fhal fay to you/ Me femeth wel that at thys tyme this maryage may not goo forth of you and of my doughter/ for after that I fee/ & as me femethe the wylle of god is ferther than I wold at thys tyme/ For he wyl not that the maryage of you and of my doughter take now effedte/ wher- fore I haue ryght grete defplayfyr in my hert onely for the loue of you/ Thenne the fone of the due of bourgoyne feyng that at that tyme he myght doo noo thyng/ toke leue of the Doulphyn and re- torned in to his contree by caufe that Vyenne was not in helthe/ and promyfed that aflbne as he myght knowe that fhe fhold be hool/ he wold retorne for to accomplyffhe the mariage lyke as the doulphyn had promyfed to hym/ ' Caxton hasyZv/. 62 Paris ^ Vienna. C How the doulphyn dyd doo enpryjonne vytne by cauje that Jhe wold not conjente to the maryage to the /one of the duke of hourgoynej AFter certayn dayes that the fone of the Duke of bourgoyn was departed fro the cyte of vyenne/ the doulphyn for grete def- playfyr that he had dyd do come tofore hym the mayfter layler of hys pryfon/ and dyd doo make wythin hys paleys a lytel pryfon derke and obfcure/ and he dyd do put vyenne and yfabeau in to that pryfon/ and commaunded that they fhold haue nothyng to ete but brede and water/ and one damoyfel in whome the dolphyn trufted fhold brynge it to them And in thys manere vyenne & yfabeau paflyd theyr tyme in grete forowe/ And thynke not that for thys pryfon/ the hert of vyenne wold in ony wyfe confente to the wylle of hyr fader/ but alway encreaced wyth hyr y wylle toward hir fwete frende Parys/ and wyth fwete wordes fhe comforted yfabeau fayeng/ My dere fufter abafflie you not for thys derkenes/ for I haue confydence in god/ that ye fhal haue yet moche welthe/ For my fayr fufter/ It is a moche ryghtful thyng that for the good kny3t parys whyche for me fuffreth fo moche payne/ that I fufFre thys for hym/ and alfo I fay to you that al the paynes of this world be nothyng greuous to me whan I thynke on hys fwete vyfage/ And in thys manere that one comforted that other/ in fpekyng alle day of the valyaunte knyght Parys/ C How the fone of the due of bourgoyn departed fro hys contreye for to come fee the fay re lady Vyenne/ WHan the fone of the due of bourgoyne had abyden longe tyme in hys contree/ On a day he had grete thought of vyenne/ Paris ^ Viemia. 63 & that was for the grete beaute of hyr and it dyfplefed hym moche that at hys beyng there he had not feen hyr/ and fo conckfded to goo & fee hyr/ and it was not longe after that he cam to the dolphyn and the doulphyn receyued hyni moche gladly and with grete honour/ Thenne prayed he the dolphyn that it myght plefe hym to fhewe to hym vyenne alfo feke as fhe was/ For in the world was nothyng that he foo m che defyred to fee as hyr, And the doulphyn feyng the wyile & defyre of hym wold noo lenger hyde hys courage/ but fayd to hym/ My fayr fone by the fayth that I owe to god/ I haue had grete defyre that thys maryage fhold be made/ but my doughter for thys prefent tyme wyl take noo hufbond ne be maryed whcrfore I haue grete defplayfyr and that for the loue of you/ & to thende that ye knowe/ that it holdeth not on me/ I fwere to you that fythe ye departed fro thys toun/ I haue doon hyr to be kepte in a pryfon derke and obfcure/ and hath eten nothyng but brede and water onely/ and haue fworn that (he fhal not goo oute of pryfon tyl flie flial con- fente to haue you in maryage/ And thus 1 praye you that ye take noo defplayfyr/ yf at thys tyme ye fee hyr not/ for ye may not faylle to haue grete maryage/ in caas that this faylle you and thenne he anfuerd/ honourable fyr I praye you moche hertely/ fyth that it is fo/ that er I retorne I may fpeke to hyr/ and I fhal praye hyr as moche as I (hal mowe and fhal fee yf by ony manere I may conuerte hyr fro hyr wylle/ thenne fayd the doulphyn he was contente/ Thenne he fente to his doughter clothyng and veflymentes for to clothe hyr/ and alfo mete for to ete/ For in two monethes fhe had eten but brede and water/ wherof fhe was moche feble/ and that fhewed wel in her vyfage/ & thus he dyd by caufe ihe fhold confente to the maryage/ And thenne it was concluded/ that the fone of the due of bourgoyn fhold come fee hyr & fpeke with hyr/ and tiienne 64 Paris ^ Vientta. whan Vyenne fawe thys and had receyued all & knewe that the Tone of the due of bourgoyn fhuld come & fpeke wyth hyr fhe faid to yfabeau hir damoyfel/ fayr fufler beholde how my fader & moder wene by thefe veftymentes & thys henne that I fliold ete to deceyue me and put me fro my purpoos/ but god forbede that I fhold do fo/ & thenne fhe took the henne/ & fayd to hyr that brought it/ fyth it playfeth to the fone of the duke to come & fpeke to me/ fay ye to hym that he may not come thefe iij dayes/ & whan he cometh that he brynge with hym the byffhop of Saynt laurens/ She that had brought to hyr the henne fayd alle thys vnto the doulphyn and to dame dyane hir moder/ C Thenne vyenne took the two quarters of the henne and put them vnder hyr arme hooles/ and helde them there fo longe/ that they ftonken moche ilrongely/ C And whan it came to the thyrd day/ the byffhop of Saynt Laurence and the fone of the Duke of Bourgoyne camen for to fee vyenne/ and or they entred they opened a treylle whyche gaf lyght in to the pryfon/ C Thenne whan the fone of the due fawe Vyenne in the pryfon he fayd to hir by grete pyte that he had/ Noble vyenne how wyl ye deye thus for hungre foo folyly by your owne defaulte/ C And knowe ye not we! that your fader hath gyuen you to me to haue to my wyf/ wherfore I lyue in grete payne/ and in moche grete forowe for the durefle of your courage/ wherof ye doo ryght grete fynne/ And doubte ye not that god punyffheth you for thynobedyence that ye doo to your fader and to your moder/ wherfore I praye you fayre Vyenne to telle to me for what caufe ye wyl not haue me in maryage to your hufbond/ Doubte ye that whan ye fhall be wyth me/ that ye may not ferue god as wel as ye now do that fuffre thys payne/ I promy(e you by my fayth ]?' ye fhal haue playfaunces and lybertees in al the maners that ye fhal conne demaunde/ Thenne I praye you Paris &' Vie?t?7a. 65 that ye wyl not here deye fo doloroufly / and yf ye wyl not doo it for the loue of me/ yet at the lefte do it for the loue of your fader and of your moder whyche lyue for you in grete forowe and in grete heuy- nefle/ wherfore ye ought to haue pyte on them/ WHan Vyenne had herde thefe wordes fhe was quafi abaffhed and fayd fyr fauyng your honour I am maryed/ how be it ye knowe hym not whome I haue in myn hert/ And alfo I knowe and graunte ryght wel that ye be worthy to haue one moche gretter and more hye a lady than I am/ and I late you wete that for hym that I defyre I fhold fuffre more payne than I fele/ And therfore I praye you that fro hens forth ye fpeke to me no more of thys mater/ And alfo I am fo euyl dyfpofed in my perfone that yf it endure in me/ my iyf fhal not be longe/ and yf it were honefte I (hold fhewe it you and than fhold ye fee how it ftondeth wyth me/ Neuertheles approche ye ner to me/ & ye fhall the better byleue me/ And the fone of the duke of bourgoyne & the byffhop of faynt laurence approuched vnto vyenne/ fro whom yflued foo grete a ftenche/ that vnnethe they myght fuffre and endure it/ whiche fauour came fro vnder hyr arme holes of the two quarters of the henne/ whiche were roten/ And whan vyenne fawe that they had felte ynough of the flenche fhe fiiyd to them/ lordes ye may now knowe ynough in what aduenture I am dyfpofed/ Thenne they took leue hauyng grete compafTyon on hyr/ And they fayd to the dolphyn that vyenne was thene half roten and that fhe flanke/ and demed in them felf that fhe myght not lyue longe/ and that it fhold be grete damage of hyr deth for the fouerayn beaute that was in hyr/ And Incontyncnt the fone of the due of bourgoyn took hys leue of the doulphyn/ and retorned in to hys contrey/ and 66 Paris &* Vienna. recounted to hys fader the lyf of vyeiine/ wherof alle they that herde hym had grete pyte in theyr herte/ WHan the doulphyn fawe that the maryage was broken/ by the defFauIte of his doughter Vyene/ he fware that fhe fliold neuer departe fro thens/ but yf flie wold confente to hys wylle/ And fo fhe abode longe tyme in that pryfon where fhe had grete thought and forowe for hyr fwete and trewe frende parys/ & hyr defyre was on noo thyng but for to here tydynges of parys hyr loue/ But in the eftate that fhe was in/ no man myght brynge hyr tyd- ynges/ And Edward the felowe of Parys feyng that Vyenne abode in foo grete payne/ and that none durft fpeke to hyr/ he had in his herte grete forowe/ & was moche moeued of grete pyte/ and alfo for the grete loue that he had to parys/ And concluded to •make a chapel in the chyrche that touched the palays of the dol- phyn and in a corner he dyd do dygge fo depe that it was nyghe to the foundement of the pryfon/ wherein vyenne was/ and by caufe he wold not haue the thyng dyfclofed/ he wold that they fhold dygge no ferther/ and whan the chapel was achyeued and fyn- yfflied/ Edward alle allone dygged hym felf fo ferre/ that he made an hole/ by whyche he fpake to vyenne whan he wold whyche caue was made fo fecretly that no man my3t apperceyue it/ Soo it happed on a day Edward byhelde vyene thurgh this hole/ & falewed hyr/ & thenne whan vyenne herd hym & knewe hym/ fhe had fo grete loye & confolacyon/ that flie femed that fhe was ryfen fro deth to lyf/ & the fyrft tydynges that Vyenne demaunded of hym were yf he knewe ony tydynges of parys & edward tolde to hir that it was not longe fyth/ that he had receyued a letter fro hym/ wry ton at genes/ Thenne faid vyene al wepyng to hym/ alas whan fhal y day come that I fhal Paris ^ Fie? 177 a. 67 fee hym/ & that doon I wold be cotente that god fhold do his wylle of me ' for none other thyng I defy re in this world/ Alas fayr brother what femeth you of my lyf & of this fayr -chambre in whyche I dwelle in/ certeynly I byleue veryly/ that yf parys knewe it/ Y for his loue I fufFre thus moche forowe/ that the hert of hym /hold fw^lte for forowe/ and after fhe tolde to Edward the parlament that fhe had with the fone of the due of bourgoyne/ & alfo of the henne/ & prayed hym b' he wold fende worde of al thys to parys & that fhe recommaunded hyr to hym/ & alfo that fhe had none other hope in thys world but in hym/ Edward brought to hyr euery day fro thene forthon mete & drynke/ & al that was neceflarye to hyr/ for hyr lyf/ Si. comforted hyr with fayr wordes the bed: wyfe he myght/ & Edward wrote al playnly to parys/ how for hungre fhe fhold haue been dede/ ne had he ben/ whyche dayly pourueyed for hyr al that was to hym neceffarye/ and he wrote to hym alle the manere that Vyenne had holden wyth the fone of the Duke of Bourgoyne And that thys fayre lady Vyenne defyred noo thynge in this world but for to fee hym onely And alfo that fhe prayed hym that he fhold not departe oute of the contree that he was in/ WHan the noble Parys had receyued the letter fro Edward and knewe that vyenne abode in pryfon/ it is no nede to de- maunde yf he had grete defp[I]ayfyr/ & almoofl was in fuche caas/ as to lefe his wytte for forowe/ And on that other parte he had grete drede that fhe fhold be maryed in efchewyng of the grete harme & payne that fhe fuffred/ and herein he was penfyf nyght and day/ fayeng to hym felf/ I fee wel that I may not efcape but that vyenne mufl nedes be maryed/ and by that moyen hyr loue and myn fhal faylle/ Alas now fee I wel that now me byhoueth noohoope ne trufle/ 68 Paris ^ Vienna. Alas caytyf and vnhappy what fhal byfalle of me/ I fhal goo fo ferre/ that fro hyr I may neuer here tydynges/ ne alfo fhe fro me/ and after this he bygan ageyn hys complaynte fayeng/ O veray god of heuen wherfore haft thou not doon to me foo moche grace/ that in the ftede of hyr I myght fuffre the payne that fhe fuffreth for me/ C O cruel fortune ful of cruel tormente/ and what hath vyene doon or made that fhe muft fuffre fo greuous penaunce/ Alas were it not more reafon/ luftyce and caufe that I whyche haue doon alle thys euyl here the punycyon/ certes yes/ C How Parys Jente a letter to Edward hys felowe/ AFter that he had made hys cdplaynte/ he wrote a letter vnto Edward/ doyng hym to wyte how he had fouerayn forowe for vyene whiche was in pryfon/ and he thanked hym of the goodnes and dylygence that he had doon toward hyr/ in prayeng hym that he neuer wold faylle hyr/ but contynuelly ayde and helpe hyr/ C And after he wrote to hym how for veray dyfplayfyr and melancolye he wold goo in to fomme ftraunge contreye/ And that fro than forthon he fhold fende to hym noo moo letters/ And that he neuer retche for to here moo tydynges fro hym/ nomore than of a deed perfone/ C Thenne whan Edward had receyued thefe letters fro Paris and knewe that he wold eftraunge hym fro that contree of genes/ and wold goo in to a ftrange contreye he was moche wroth and fore agryeued/ C And thenne Incontynent parys' wente and tolde it to the fader and moder of Parys/ wherof they toke fo grete forowe that they fup- pofed to haue lofte theyr wytte/ And after edward wente and tolde ' Query Edward. Paris ^ Vienna. 6g it alfo to vyenne/ wherof it nedeth not to demaunde the grete forowe that fhe had/ for it was (o grete and ouermoche/ that yf edward had not comforted hyr/ fhe had been dede/ And thenne (he complayned to yfabeau fayeng that fythen fhe neuer entended to here tydynges of hyr loue Parys fhe was ryght wel contente to deye and that fhe wold neuer more haue playfyr of no thynge that was in thys world/ and that thenne fhe wold that fhe were dede/ And yfabeau comforted hyr alwaye C How parys wente to fliyppe at venyjej for to goo to the holy fepulcre in Iheru/alem/ AFter that paris had fent the letter to Edward Incontynent he departed fro genes wyth hys feruaunte/ and wente to venyfe where he took fhyppyng/ and faylled fo ferre that he cam to alexan- drye/ where he abode a fpace of tyme/ & after in that contrey he enformed hym & lerned the waye to the moute of caluarye and of Iherufalem/ and how he myght pafTe furely/ And afterward Parys concluded to goo in to that contrey a pylgrymage/ but tofore or he took hys waye/ he lerned for to fpeke the langage of moores/ And whan Parys coude wel fpeke mouryfke/ he and his varlet took the waye toward ynde/ Ande fo ferre laboured by theyr lourneyes/ that they arryued in the londe of prefler lohan/ In whyche he dwelled a longe tyme And in that whyle hys berde grewe longe/ and after he took the habyte of a more/ and alfo lerned alle the cuftommes and maners of the contree/ And he had alle waye faflie byleue in o»r lord Ihefu Cryfle/ and in the gloryous vyrgyn marye hys fwete moder/ And thus abydyng in thys maner he had grete wylle to goo to Iherufalem to the holy fepulture/ for to fee the holy fayntuarycs/ & for taccomplyffhe the holy pylgremage/ Thene whan he was in yo Paris ^ Vienna. Iherufalem/ he fette al his courage in deuocyon/ & bycam fo deuoute that it was meruaylle/ and prayed contynuelly our lord that by the meryte of his paflyon he wold gyue to hym faluacyon of hys foule/ & confolacyon for his body & alfo for fayr vyenne/ & after he de- parted fro thens and wente in to Egypte/ and arryued in the contree of the foudan/ & hys money bygan to faylle/ & hyred hym a litel hous wherin he dwellyd moche heuy and forouful for hys Infortune/ And alfo he had grete defplayfyr whan he fawe other tryumphe and wexe lordes/ Now it happed on a day that parys wente to playe and dyfporte hym out of the toun in the feldes/ and there mette with the faulconners of the foudan/ whyche came fro hawkyng/ and emonge them was one fawcon moche feke/ and that fawcon the fowdan loued befte of alle the other/ Thenne demaunded Parys of the fawconner what fekenefle the fawcon had/ And the fawconner fayd to hym that he wyft not/ Thenne fayd paris truly yf he contynue in the maladye that he hath he fliall not lyue thre dayes/ but yf ye doo that I fhal fay to you/ and yf he be not hole therwyth he fhal neuer be hole/ Thenne fayd y fawlconner to hym/ I praye you that ye wyl telle me what I flial do for I enfure you faythfully/ that yf ye may make hym hole/ it fhal mowe auaylle you and me alfo and that I promyfe you/ for the fouldan had leuer lofe the befle cyte that he hath than this fawcon/ Thenne Parys wente and fought certayn herbes/ and gaf them to the fawlconner and bad hym to bynde them to the feet of the fawcon/ and fo he dyd/ and fone after the fawlcon amended and becam as hole as euer he had be tofore/ wherof y fouldan was moche loyous/ and for loue of thys faulcon/ tlie fouldan made the fawlconner a grete ferd ' in hys courte/ Thenne the faulconner feyng that by the moyen * Query lord. Paris &' Fienna. 7 ' of parys he had goten thys lordfhyp/ he dyd to hym moche playfyr/ & fhewed to hym as grete amytye and frendfhyp as he ' had ben hys brother/ & brought hym in the grace of the fouldan/ and was re- ceyued in to hys courte/ & the fouldan loued hym foo wel/ that he gaf to hym grete ofFyce/ and mayntened hym in grete honour/ ye (hal vnderftonde that in thys tyme regned a moclie holy pope/ the whych was named Innocent/ and was a moche holy perfone & de- uoute/ And it plefed foo hym that he gaf oute a croyfee/ ayenft the fals myfcreauntes & hethen men/ to the ende that the name of our lord Ihefu cryft were more fayntefyed and enhaunced thurgh out al cryf- tyente/ And therfore was maad a grete counceyl emonge the car- dynals and prelates/ & was concluded by theyr parlament that thys croyfee fhold be wryton to the kyng of fraunce/ and to other kynges cryften/ dukes/ Erles and other grete lordes/ and fo was it doon/ w C How the doulphyn came toward the kyng of Fraunce j ^Han the kyng of france had receyued the letters fro the pope/ Incontynct he fente for the doulphyn of vyennoys/ that he {hold come and fpeke wyth hym/ the whiche Incontynent came at his commaundement/ Thenne the kynge fayd to hym/ Syr Godefroy/ we haue made you to come hy ther/ for ye be one of y mooft wyfeft of our courte/ & alfo ye be of our lygnage/ And we late you wete that our holy fader the pope hath wryton to vs that he hatli yeuen a croyfee ayenft the mefcreautes wherfore we for the loue and reuerence of god entede for to goo thyder/ Neuertheles we haue aduyfed/ that ye ftiold goo fyrft in to thoo partyes/ & we praye you for the loue ' Caxton has be. 72 Paris ^ Vienna. and reuerence of god that ye take on you the charge for to efpye the contrees and alfo the paflages/ Thenne the doulphyn fayd/ I am redy & apparaylled to do your comaundement wyth good wylle/ But how flial I mowe doo it for to pafle furely emonge the hethen peple/ For yf they apperceyue in ony wyfe that I goo for to efpye theyr contree/ I fhal not conne efcape/ but that I muft deye by cruel deth yf god kepe me not/ Thenne fayd the kyng ye may goo and your companye furely clothed in habyte of pylgryms/ for ye knowe wel that thys is not the fyrft tyme/ that many cryften men haue been in the holy londe/ wherfor I praye you yet eft ones that in y name of Ihefu cryft that ye make you redy for to goo thyder/ and take wyth you of our knyghtes as meny as it fhal playfe you/ C Thenne the doulphyn feyng the wylle of the kyng/ and that Incontynent he muft departe/ he fente letters to hys wyf/ that he wold goo in to the holy londe to feche the holy fayntuaryes & pyl- grymages/ and prayed hyr that fhe moche wyfely fhold gouerne hys londe/ & that vyenne hys doughter fhold not efcape oute of pryfon tyl he retourned for in fhorte tyme he wold come ageyn/ C How the Doulphyn took hys JJiyppyng for to goo in to Iherujalemj AFter that the doulphyn had taken hys fhyppe/ & pafTed in to Surrye and damafke/ to Iherufalem and in many other places/ &• had aduyfed and efpyed moche wyfely and wel alle the contree/ And enquyred of the cryften men that dwellyd there many thynges/ without dyfcoueryng his wylle and entente/ Neuertheles fomme euyl cryften men for to gete money tolde it vnto the fouldan of babylone/ C Thenne whan the fouldan knewe it/ he maad noo femblaunte/ but Incontynent he made all the paflages to be kept where as the pyl- Paris &* Fje?i?m. 73 gryms went by in fuche manere as the doulphyn was taken & alle hys companye wyth hym in a place called Ramon not ferre fro Iheru- falem whyclie was brought tofore the fouldan/ and he ordeyned that the doulphyn fhold be tormented and pyned/ The doulphyn feyng hym felf in fuche a poynte fayd that they {hold not tormente hym/ and he wold fay to them the trouthe/ & thus he recounted to the fouldan how the Pope had gyuen oute a croyfee ayenft them/ & how he was comen to efpye the contreye/ whan the fouldan fawe thys/ he fayd that he wold aduyfe hym of what deth he wold do hym to deth/ in maner that al other fhold take enfaumple/ And commaunded that anone he fhold be ledde in to alyfandrye/ & there to be put in to an harde pryfon/ and alfo that none fliold gyue to hym but brede and water/ Thenne the doulphyn was brought in to Alyfandrye/ & was put in to an hard and ftronge toure/ & there he fuffred a myferable lyf/ and had kepars that kept hym ny3t and day/ Thus was the doul- phyn in grete forowe/ thynkyng neuer to yflue out of j?" pryfon but dede/ Neuertheles the Pope and the kyng of Fraunce dyd ofte tymes grete payne to haue hym out by fynaunces/ but they myght not haue hym/ C For the fouldan fayd that he fhold do on hym fuche puny- cyon/ that al other fhold take enfaumple/ Now late vs leue to fpeke of the doulphyn/ and retorne we to Parys that knewe no thynge of thefe tydynges NOw recounteth thyftorye that parys was in babylone lyke as ye haue tofore herde/ whyche knewe noo thynge of thys fayte/ So it happed that by aduenture ij freres relygyous fought thyndul- gences of the holy lande & aryueden in babylone/ where they wold fee the feygnorye & the puyfTaunce of the fowdan/ For thenne the fowdan helde hym in Babylone wyth moche grete puyfTaunce/ Thefe 74 Paris ^ Vienna. two freres were of thefe partyes/ whyche beyng in tho partyes it happed as they wente in the towne parys fonde them/ Thenne parys falewed them & demaunded of thefe partyes and fayd to them in thys manere/ After that I haue herde fay emonge you cryften men ye haue a Pope/ the whyche is moche flironge & puyflaunt/ And alfo ye haue many kynges/ & grete lordes/ & fo grete townes cytees and caftellys/ that I haue merueyll how ye fufFre that we that be not of your lawe haue the feygnorye of the holy lande whiche ought to apperteyne to you as ye fay/ And whan the freres had herde Parys thus fpeke/ they were fore aferde/ And one of them anfuerd in the langage of moure/ For they wyft none other but parys was a moure/ &: fo dyd al they of the contrey/ & he fayd to hym/ Syr I byleue wel that ye haue herd fay/ that in our partyes been aflembled grete compa- nyes of peple & men of warre for to come in to thyfe partyes/ by caufe that our holy fader the Pope/ hath graunted oute a croyfee/ and in the tyme whyles our men of warre aflembled/ the kynge of fraunce whiche is the gretteft of cryftyente/ fente a noble baron whyche is named the doulphyn of vyennoys for to vyfyte and efpye thefe partyes/ Thenne he beyng in thefe partyes/ the fouldan fette men in fuche places where as the pylgryms were accuftomed to pafl*e/ And fodeynly he dyd do take hym in a cyte named Ramon/ and after fente hym in to Alyfandrye/ and there fette hym in an euyl pryfon/ wherein I fuppofe that he be dede/ and thus for thys caufe/ the fayt was dyfcouerd/ Thenne fayd Parys how is that lord named/ Thenne fayd the frere/ he is named godefroy of Allaunfon doulphyn of vyennoys/ And whan parys herde thys he was moche abafflied/ but he made noo femblaunter/ And thought in hys hert/ that hys ad- uenture myght yet come to good and efFede/ Thenne he demaunded them of many thynges/ and fayd to them/ that he wold more fpeke Paris &' Vienna. 75 to them another tyme/ and demaunded them where they were lodged/ and they tolde hym more for drede than for loue/ for they thought he wold haue doon to them fomme harme/ WHan Parys was departed fro the freres/ he was moche penfyf how and in what maner he myght goo in to Alexandrye for to fee the doulphyn/ & how he myght gete hym oute of pryfon/ and fo moche he thought on his fayte/ that he purpofed to goo to the hoftry where the freres were lodged/ and foo wente thyder/ & whan the freres fawe hym/ they were fore aferde Thenne parys took them by the handes/ and ladde them to folace thurgh ^ ^Y^^ fpekyng of many thynges alwaye in the langage of moure/ & fayd to them/ I haue grete defyre to fee that cryften knyght whiche is in alexandrye For I haue alwaye had good wylle to the cryften men/ peraduenture I myght yet wel helpe hym/ & yf ye wyl come with me I promyfe you by my lawe/ that I fhal make you good chere/ & doubte ye nothyng/ and thenne whan the freres herde hym thus fpeke they wyft not what to anfuer/ they had fo grete fere/ Neuertheles they truftyng in the mercy of god/ they promyfed hym/ that they fliold goo wyth hym/ though they fhold deye/ & prayden god in theyr courage that he wold graunte grace that he myght come oute of pryfon/ Thenne Parys had grete playfyr of the anfuer of the freres & wende neuer to fee y houre/ that he myght be wyth the doulphyn for to fee the ende of his aduenture/ and fo departed fro the freres/ and wente ftrayte to the faulconner of the fouldan wyth whom he had grete knowleche/ & fayd to hym/ Seynour I thanke you of the grete honour/ curtofye & gentylnes that ye haue do to me/ & playfe it you to wyte that I wyl departe fro hens in to alyfandrye/ and I pro- myfe to you that for your loue I fhall not tarye longe/ but that I 76 Paris &' Vienna. fhal retorne hyther ageyn/ And by caufe I am there vnknowen/ and that I neuer was there/ I praye you ryght humbly/ that I my3t haue a maundement of the fouldan/ that he commaunde to the gouernours that I may goo thorugh alle hys londe furely/ For ye knowe wel that one may not kepe hym ouer wel fro euyl peple/ Therfore I praye you and requyre that ye wyl gete me fuche a maundement/ and alfo that ye wyl commaunde me humbly to the good grace of my lord the fouldan/ and forthwyth the faulconner wente to the fouldan and made hys requefte for Parys/ & Incontynent the fouldan graunted hym al hys defyre/ fayeng that it moche defplayfed hym/ of the departyng of parys & yf he wold abyde & dwelle in hys courte he wold make hym a grete lord/ Thenne the faulconner fayd/ Dere fyr he hath promyfed me/ that in fhort tyme he fhal retorne/ Thenne the fouldan dyd do make the maundement lyke as he wold deuyfe/ chargyng al his lordes offycers & fubgettes of townes cytees & caftellys of his londe that they (hold do to hym grete honour/ & that they fhold gyue & delyuer to hym al that fhold be neceflarye to hym wythout takyng ony money or ony other thynge of hym/ And alfo the fouldan gaf to Parys many ryche clothes & veftymentes of cloth of gold and of fylke/ and alfo he gaf to hym grete trefour/ prayeng hym that he fhold not longe tarye/ but haftely retorne ageyn/ & promyfed hym that he fhold make hym a grete lord/ and delyuerd hys maundement/ the whyche was fealed wyth the propre feale of the fouldan/ and fygned wyth hys owne hande WHan Parys had receyued alle thefe thynges that the fouldan had gyuen to hym/ he took leue of hym and of hys courte & went with the freres in to Alexandrye/ Incontynent after he was Paris &' Vienna. 77 comen he fhewed the maundement to the admyral/ the whyche anon after he had feen it dyd grcte honour to Parys/ and delyucrd to liym a fayr lodgyng pourueyed of al thynges neceflarye/ and delyuerd another to the freres/ Thadmyral came euery day to fee parys in hys lodgyng for to do hym honour and companye/ and vvente & rode to gyder thorugh the cyte/ and by caufe that Parys was rychely clad/ euery man made to hym grete honour and fayd that he femed wel to be the fone of fome grete nioure And on a day as they rode in the cyte they pafled forth by the toure where as the dolphyn was in pryfon/ C Thenne Parys demaunded ot the admyral what toure it was that was fo fayre/ Thenne he tolde to hym y it was a moche cruel pryfon & terryble In whyche the fouldan helde a pryfonner a grete lord & baron of the thefte '/ whyche was comen for tefpye thefe contreyes/ Thene fayd parys I praye you late vs goo fee hym/ & the admyral fayd he (hold gladly/ Thenne they alyghted fro their horfes/ & entred in to the pryfon/ and whan parys fawe the douiphyn/ he had in hys hert grete defplayfyr/ by caufe of the myferable & forouful lyf that he fufFred/ & Parys demauded of y kepars what man he was/ And they fayd/ that he was a grete baron of Fraunce/ Thenne fayd parys/ vnderftondeth he mouryffhe/ and they fayd nay/ but that notwythftondyng yf he wold fpelce to hym/ that they fhold fynde tourchemen ynough/ Thenne fayd Parys he wold retornc another day for to demaunde of hym of the partyes of the wefle/ & prayed thadmyral to gyue comandement to the kepars/ that as ofte as he fhold come/ that they fhold (hewe hym to hym/ & Incontynent he comanded lyke as parys had defyred/ & thenne they departed/ & a fewe dayes after parys retorned and came to the pryfon Query luefte. yS Paris &' Vienna. and brought one of the freres wyth hym that coude fpeke mouryfke/ & whan they were wythin the pryfon/ paris fayd to the frere that he fhold falewe hym curtoyfly/ Neuertheles the frere knewe noo thynge that parys coude fpeke frenf fhe/ Thenne the frere fayd to the doul- phyn/ that that lord was come for to vyfyte hym/ & that he loued wel cryften men/ & that he was wel in the grace of the fouldan/ and that he trufted ys moche in hym as in ony man of hys contreye/ & thus the frere demaunded many thynges of the doulphyn in the name of parys/ and fayd yf he myght doo for hym he wold gladly WHan the doulphyn herde the relygious frere thus fpeke in the perfone of the moure/ he was moche abaffhed in hys courage/ byfechyng our lord that he wold put hym in fuche courage & good wylle for to brynge hym out of pryfon Parys defyred to here tyd- ynges of the fayr vyenne fayd to the frere/ that he fhold afke of the doulphyn yf he had ony wyf or chyldren/ Thenne the dolphyn began to wepe/ & faid that he had a wyf/ & a doughter holden for the fayreft of Fraunce/ whom he helde in pryfon bycaufe fhe wold take noo hufbond/ Thenne paris began to comforte hym by the mouthe of the frere/ fayeng that he fhold take alle in pacyence/ & god fhold yet ones delyuer hym oute of pryfon/ by whyche wordes the doulphyn was fo reioyced & loyous/ that hym femed that god had appyered to hym/ & the doulphyn fayd to the frere that it was grete pyte that the moure was not cryflen/ & prayed our lord that he wold gyue to hym puyfTaunce to kepe hym in that good wylle that he had & fo departed that one fro that other moche comforted/ Thenne parys fayd to the kepars that he had founde fo grete playfyr in the pryfonner/ that he wold ofte tymes come for to dyfporte hym and they fayd whan it playfed hym he fhold retorne & be welcome/ Paris &' Vienna. 79 and thenne parys fayd to the freres that were in Y place yf I thought to be fiire of you/' I thynke wel to fynde the moyen to brynge thys pryfonner out of pryfon/ & the freres were moche admerueyllcd of thys whiche parys had fayd to them/ and they fayd to hyni by the fayth that we owe to our god/ that of vs ye nede not to doubte/ & in caas that ye be in wylle late vs aflaye but it muft be doon fecretely/ for ye fee wel how many Icepars been there contynuelly/ Thenne fayd Parys I fhal gyue to you good counceyl and remedye of alle thys/ but I wyl haue two thynges/ The fyrft thynge is I wyl that ye goo wyth me/ That other is that he flial gyue to me my lyuyng honourably in hys contre/ for I am in grete doubte whan I haue delyuerd hym/ and fhal be in hys contreye that he wyl fette nought by me/ and I can noo meftyer ne crafte/ and foo I myght be wel deceyued/ Therfore yf he wyl afllire me/ & that he wyl gyue to me a yefte fuche as I fhal demaunde hym whan I fhal be in hys con- treye/ I fhal delyuer hym & fhal leue my contree for loue of hym/ & ye may fee in what eflate I am/ ON the morne Parys and the freres came in to the pryfon & the frere recounted al thys to the doulphyn/ & whan the doul- phyn vnderftood thys/ hym thought that god bare hym awaye/ & fayd/ I thanke god & thys moure of the good wylle that he hath toward me/ For I neuer dyd hym feruyce ne playfyr wherfore he ought to do fo moche for me/ Neuertheles I hope that is the playfyr of god that he fhal delyuer me oute of pryfon/ I am redy to fwere vpon the body of Ihefu Cryfl: or I euer departe from hens that afTone as I fhal be in myn owne lande I fhal mayntene hym in more gretter eflate/ than he ne is here and I wyl that he doo alle hys wylle of al my londe/ for it fhal fufFyfe to me oneiy tliat I haue a lyuyng 8o Paris ^ Vienna. for me and my wyf/ and I fhal do al that he wylle/ and fo fay ye to hym on my behalue/ And thenne the frere tolde al to parys that whych the doulphyn had fayd and promyfed to do/ and to thende that parys fhold be more fure/ he fayd to the frere that he fliold brynge tofore hym the body of our lord Ihefu cryft/ and that tofore hym he fhold fwere to holde alle that he promyfed/ and the frere tolde it to Parys/ and the doulphyn fware it tofore Parys to accom- plyffhe alle that he had promyfed And whan he had fworne/ to the ende that Parys fhold be the better contente/ the doulphyn receyued the precyous body of our lord Ihefu Cryft/ fayeng that it ftiold be to the dampnacyon of hys foule/ in caas that he accomplyffhed not al that he had promyfed whan they ftiold be in his londe/ and whan thys was doo parys and the freres departed fro the doulphyn/ and wente to the porte/ for to wyte yf there were ony fufte that wold come hytherward/ and by aduenture they fonde a fufte/ and Parys wyth the freres fpake to the patrone/ and promyfed hym a M befaunts of gold yf they wold lete haue paflage fyue perfones/ The Patron feyng the grete trefour/ fayd to them that he was contente/ but he wold haue half at the porte/ and fayd to them/ lordes I praye you make you redy/ For in caas that the moures of thys londe fonde vs we fliold be al dede C/ Thenne fayd Parys make your felf al redy/ for thys nyght at mydnyght I ftial come/ And after thys Parys retorned to hys lodgyng & dyd do make redy moche vytayll and the beft wynes that he coude gete & he with the freres maad prouyfyon of alle other thynges and mantellys and towellys/ WHan al was redy parys wente to the kepars of the pryfon and fayd/ I thanke you many tymes of the playfyrs that ye haue doon to me/ I wyl now departe fro hens for to retorne to my lord Paris ^ Vienna. 8i the fouldan/ but for your loue I wyl foupe wyth you thys nyght and praye yow that we may foupe to gyder/ & they anfuerd that it wel pleafed them for his loue Thenne Parys fente for the vytayll & for the wyn and after it was come' they fouped to gyder/ And the Icepars wliich had not been accuftomed to drynke wyn/ dranke fo moche that they alle were droiike/ & Incontynent leyed them doun to flepe/ & flepte fo fafte/ that for noo thyng they coude not awake them/ & whan parys fawe that/ he fayd to the freres/ that they fhold vnfeter the doulphyn & that they fhold opene the yates of the pryfon/ & yf ony of the kepars awake I fhal flee hym/ Thenne the freres began to vnfetere the doulphyn wyth grete drede/ prayeng god to be theyr ayde and helpe And whan the doulphyn was loos he cladde hym lyke a moure After Parys flewe alle the kepars one after another by caufe yf they awoke they (hold not come after them/ THys doon/ the doulphyn wyth parys and his varlet/ and the two freres camen to the porte/ and haftely entred in to the fufte which was al redy/ and wonde vp theyr fay lie/ and by the helpe of god began fo faft to faylle that wythin fewe dayes they arryueden in a place that thenne was cryften and there the doulphyn wente a londe by caufe he was moche greued and annoyed as wel of the fee/ as for the harme that he had fufFred in pryfon/ and there borowed money/ and fro thens came in to cypres/ where was a kyng whyche had dwellyd in the courte of the kyng of fraunce The whiche as fone as he knewe that the doulphyn of vyennoys was come/ he went to mete hym and prayed hym that he wold come and lodge in hys paleys/ And the doulphyn wente thyder/ wherof the kyng had grete loye/ & there he made hym grete chyere/ for many tynics they had feen eche other in y kynges court of Fraunce/ and after the kyng M 82 Paris ^ Vienna. demaunded hym of his aduenture/ & the doulphyn recounted it to hym al alonge/ and bycaufe of the comyng of the doulphyn he made moche grete fefte/ and receyued hym moche hyely/ and made hym to foiourne there as longe as it playfed hym/ And whan the doulphyn had foiourned there at his playfyr/ he took leue of the kyng and of al hys courte/ thankyng hym moche of the grete playfyr y he had doon to hym/ The kyng feyng that the doulphyn wold departe/ he gaf to hym grete yeftes/ and dyd do arme two galley es whyche accompanyed hym/ and brought hym vpon the fee/ and had foo good wynde that in fewe dayes after they brought hym in to aygues mortes/ WHan the doulphyn was arryued/ the knyghtes of the doul- phyne herde it anone/ and forthwyth maad them redy & went to horfback & mette wyth hym at aygues mortes/ & there receyued hym in grete honour/ & fo came forth the ry5t waye to vyenne/ and for loye of hys comyng/ al they of the cyte made a moche noble and meruayllous fefte/ whyche endured wel fyftene dayes/ & the playfyr & loye was fo grete emonge them by caufe they had recouuerd theyr lord/ that noo man fhold and coude haue thought it/ Parys in alle this wyfe neuer chaunged hys vefture ne clothyng but contynuelly wente to maffe/ and by the commaundement of the doulphyn the people dyd hym grete reuerence & honour/ fo moche that parys was afhamed therof/ and fpake noo thynge but mouryfke/ And he had a grete berde/ and made to noo perfone of the world ony knowleche/ and after a whyle of tyme/ the doulphyn for taccomplyffhe that he had promyfed to parys by the frere/ dyd do fay to parys and do demaunde yf he wold haue the feygnourye of hys londe and contree/ For he was al redy for taccomplyffhe that/ whyche he had Paris ^ Fienna. 83 promyfed/ And Parys made to hym aiifuer/ that he fhold kepe ftylle hys londe/ Thenne the doulphyn dyd do demaiide hym yf he wold haue hys doughter vyenne/ and parys made the frere to fay ye/ for that pleafed hym wel/ And thenne they wente to hyr/ C Thenne whan they were tofore Vyenne the frere fpalce firft Madame yc knowe wel that my lord your fader hath ben a grete whyle in pryfon/ and yet fhold haue been/ ne had haue been/ thys moure/ whyche hath faued hym/ puttyng hys perfone in ryght grete peryl and daunger for the loue of my lord your fader/ And thus ye may wel knowe how moche he is holden to hym/ & by caufe herof your fader is fubget to hym euer/ wherfore your fader prayeth you that vpon al the playfyr that ye wyl doo for hym/ that ye wyll take hym for your hufbond/ And he fhal pardonne all the defplayfyr that euer ye dyd to hym/ whan the frere had fynyffhed his wordes/ vyenne anfuerd to hym fayeng/ The byffhop of faynt laurence knoweth wel that is here prefent that it is longe fyth that yf I wold haue be maryed/ I myght haue ben maryed wyth more honour vnto my fader/ than vnto this moure/ for the fone of the due of borgoyne had efpoufed me yf I wold haue confented but god hath put me in fuche a maladye/ that I may not longe lyue in this world/ & euery day my maladye encreaceth & fo enpayreth me that I am half roten wherfor I praye you to fay to my fader that he holde me excufed/' for at thys tyme I wyl not be maryed/ Thenne they took theyr leue of vyenne & re- counted alle thys to the doulphyn/ Thene the doulphyn fayd to the frere that he fhold fay it to the moure/ & fo the frere tolde it al to parys/ and thenne parys which was aferde to lefe the loue of vyenne/ wente for to fee hyr in the pryfon with the frere & the byffhop of faynt laurence/ Thenne whan Parys fawe vyenne in that dyfpofy- cyon/ he had moche grete forowe & grete merueylle/ and thenne he 84 Paris &' Vienna. made the frere to falewe hyr in hys name/ and vyenne anfuerd vnto hys gretyng ryght curtoyfly/ & the frere fayd in the name of parys/ Madame ye knowe wel I haue delyuerd your fader oute of pryfon/ wherof ye ought to haue fynguler playfyr/ & yet he fhold haue been there yf I had not haue been and holpen hym oute/ & he pardonneth you with good hert and good wylle alle the defplayfyrs that euer ye dyd ageynft hys playfyr/ And prayeth you that ye take me for your hufbond/ and wyll that we haue the lordfhyp of the doulphyne/ and therfor I praye you/ that neyther ye nor I lofe not thys honour/ C And yet more though thys were not/ ye ought not to dyfobeye the commaundementes of your fader/ C And thenne vyenne anfuerd to the frere as to the perfone of Parys fayeng/ I knowe well that ye haue delyuerd my fader oute of pryfon/ Not wythftondyng my fader fhal haue fuche regarde ageynft you that ye fhal lefe noo thynge/ C And I wote wel that ye be a man of grete lygnage/ & are thorthy' to haue a gretter lady than I am/ But the byf fhop of feynt Laurence whyche is prefent knoweth wel that for the maladye that I am in/ I may not longe lyue/ & thene fayd the frere in his name this is by caufe I am a moure that ye refufe me/ I promyfe you that I fhal become cryften/ but I thynke wel that yf ye knewe who that I am/ and what I haue lefte for to brynge your fader oute of pryfon/ that ye wold preyfe me more than ye doo/ knowe ye for certeyn that your fader fhal be pariured/ for he hath promyfed that ye fhal be my wyf wherof ye fhal haue blame/ therfore yf it playfe you graunte ye hym hys wylle/ Thenne fayd vyenne/ lord I haue herd fay moche good of you/ & that ye be he that haue doon fo moche for my fader/ but neuertheles in the maladye in the whyche I am/ none ought to coun- ' Read worthy. Paris &' Fienria. 85 ceyl me to take an hufliond/ P'or my lyf may not longe endure/ and by caufe that ye may knowe tliat I fay troutli approche ye ner to me & ye fhal fele and fmelle in what dyfpofycyon I am of my perfone And thenne they approuched ner to hyr/ and vyenne had put two quarters of an henne vnder hyr two arme hooles/ and there yfTued fo grete ftenche that the byffhop ne the frere myght not fufFre it/ Neuertheles the ftynche was to parys a good odour/ for he fmellyd it not & fayd I wote not what ye fmelle/ for I fele none euyl fauour And they meruaylled rtrongely/ by caufe he felte not the odour/ And the frere fayd in parys name/ For this odour fhal I neuer leue you & I aflure you I flial neuer departe fro hens vntyl yc haue con- fented to that your fader wyl/ and vyenne anfwerd moche angrely & fayd by the fayth that I owe to god I fhal rather rene wyth my hede ayenft the walle that I fhal make my brayn yflue cute of my mouth/ & fo fhal ye he the occafyon of my dethe/ Thene fayd the frere ye fhal not fo doo madame/ For I promyfe you fro hens forth/ that I fhal neuer fpeke more to you/ fythe that it is not your w\ He ne piefyr/ but atte lefte of one thyng I praye you/ that this nyght ye aduyfe you/ and I fhal retorne to morn for to haue of you an anfuer/ and ye fhal take counceyll of your felowe/ and I praye to god that ye may be wel counceylled/ and alle thefe thynges fayd the frere in the name of parys to vyenne/ And after they took theyr leue of vyenne/ and fayd alle to the doulphyn/ wherof he was thenne moche dyfpleafed/ and bad the frere to telle it alle vnto Parys for to excufe hym/ and that he fhold not leye the blame on hym/ C And whan they were departed fro vyenne/ fhe fayd to yfabcau/ My fayr fufler/ what femeth you of the wyfedom of my fader/ that thynketh that I fhold take thys moure to my hufbond/ and haue refufed the fone of the Duke of bourgoyne/ but god forbede that euer in my lyf 86 Paris &' Vienna. I haue other lord than Parys to myn hufbond/ whome I hope yet to haue/ & yfabeau fayd/ Certes Madame I wote not what to fay of your fader whyche wold gyue you to a moure in maryage/ I haue therof grete thought/ for he hath fayd that he fhal retorne to morn to fee you/ and hath fayd that ye fhold remembre and aduyfe you/ C How Parys came to fee vyenne in the pryjonj and how /he knewe hymj ANd on the morn betymes Parys cladde hym moche more rychely than he had be accuftomed/ & gyrde wyth a moche ryche fwerde/ and came to the pryfon with the frere and the frere fayd to hyr/ Madame we been retorned for to knowe your good anfwer/ and your entencyon/ And vyenne anfuerd/ lordes myn en- tencyon is that I fhal neuer breke my promeffe that I haue made/ For I haue auowed that I fhal neuer take hufbond/ ne goo oute of this pryfon/ but dede fauf hym to whome I haue promyfed/ and therfore retorne ye in good tyme C Thenne fayd the frere/ by my fayth I wote not what to fay/ for it is grete dommage that ye fufFre fo moche forowe & payne/ and fyth it is thus your wylle & that ye wyl none otherwyfe do/ Neuertheles the moure prayeth you/ that it may playfe you to do to hym fo moche grace/ that fyth ye wyl not take hym in maryage/ that ye wyl were thys rynge for the loue of hym/ Now thys rynge was the fame rynge that vyenne gaf to parys whan he departed fro hyr in the hows of the chappelayn/ and vyenne by caufe they fhold nomore come ageyn took the rynge/ & whan fhe had receyued the rynge/ parys fayd to the frere/ I praye you that ye tarye a lytel wythoute/ For I wyl fee what countenaunce fbe wyl make of the rynge/ and the frere fayd gladly/ Neuertheles he mer- Paris &' Vienna. 87 uaylled moche, and Incontyiient the frere wentc oute and vycnnc began to beholde the rynge/ and whan parys fawe that vyeniie by- helde the rynge fo ftrongely/ he began to fpeke in hys playne tongue/ and fayd/ O moche noble lady why be ye fo moche admeruayled of that rynge/ Thenne fayd vyenne/ Certes to my femyng I fawe ncuer a fayrer/ C Thenne fayd parys/ Therfore I praye you that ye take therin playfyr for the more that ye byholde it the more ye fhal prayfe it/ WHan Vyenne herde the moure thus fpeke/ thene fhe was more admeruaylled than tofore/ and was as a perfone al abaffted and fayd/ Alas am I enchaunted/ & what is thys that I fee and here fpeke And in fayeng thefe wordes fhe wold haue fledde for fere oute of the pryfon/ by caufe (he herde the moure fo fpeke/ thenne fayd parys/ O moche noble lady vyenne/ meruaylle ye noo thynge/ ne haue ye noo doubte/ lo here is parys your true feruaunte/ and vyenne was thene abaffhed more than tofore/ Certes fayd (he this may not be but by werke enchaunted/ & parys fayd/ Noble lady hit is none enchaunted werke/ For I am your feruaunt parys whyche lefte you with yfabeau in fuche a chyrche/ & there ye gaf to me the dyamond whiche now I haue delyuerd to you and there ye promyfed to me that ye wold neuer take hu(bond but me and be ye noo thynge admeruaylled of the berde ne of the vefture that I were/ for they take awaye the knowleche of me/ & many other wordes fayd parys to vyenne/ by whyche (he knewe clerely that he was parys and for the fouerayn loue that (he bare to hym/ & for the grete loye that fhe had/ fhe began to wepe in hys armes/ and tembrace and kyfTe hym moche fwetely/ and there they comforted eche other wyth fwete wordes/ & fo abode longe tyme/ vyC-ne coude not ynough ky(re hym 88 Paris ^ V term a. & enbrace hym/ and alfo parys demaunded of hyr of hyr aduenture/ & (he tolde hym alle/ And of alle thys yfabeau had nothyng herde of/ for (he was fafte a flepe by caufe fhe had watched alle the nyght byfore/ and for the grete loye and fwetenes that parys & vyene de- meaned bytwene them (he awoke/ and whan fhe fawe vyenne bey;ig enbraced with the moure fhe fayd/ Madame what is thys that ye do/ haue ye lofte your wytte/ that fo enbrace this moure/ hath he en- chaunted you that ye fuffre hym foo famylyer wyth you/ and is this the fayth that ye kepe to parys/ for whom ye haue fuffred fo moche payne & forowe/ and vyenne fayd/ Swete fufter fay ye noo fuche wordes/ but come & take your parte of the folace that I haue/ for alfo wel haue ye founden good aduenture as I haue/ See ye not here my fwete parys/ whome fo moche we haue defyred/ Thenne yfabeau approched ner to hym & byhelde hym wel and fawe that it was parys/ and fhe wente & kyfled hym/ & demened fo moche grete loye by- twene them thre/ that there is noo perfone in the world that myght fay ne thynke it/ but fo abode a grete whyle in thys foulas and loye/ tyl atte lafte parys fpack/ Swete vyenne it byhoueth that we goo hens tofore my lord the dolphyn your fader/ For now fro hens forth it is neceflarye that he knowe alle our fayte/ Neuertheles I praye you to fay nothyng/ tyl I defyre you/ and al thre came oute of the pry- fon/ and fonde the frere whyche meruaylled gretely and alle they to gydre wente to the doulphyn/ whyche had fouerayn playfyr whan he faw them And neuertheles he was moche abaffhed how his doughter was fo come/ and thenne parys fayd to the frere/ Say ye to the doul- phyn that I haue conuerted hys doughter to hys wylle and to myn/ & that it playfe hym that flie be my wyf/ & the frere fayd foo/ Thenne the doulphyn fayd to hys doughter/ wyl ye take thys man for your hufbond/ whyche hath delyuerd me oute of pryfon in grete Paris &' Vie?ina. 89 peryl of hys perfone/ Thenne demaunded vyenne of Parys yf he wold that fhe fhold fpeke/ and parys fayd ye/ And thenne Vyenne fayd to the doulphyn/ My fader I am redy to- do your commaunde- ment and hys/ and praye you to pardonne me & to gyue to me your benedydyon/ and whan fhe fayd thus/ hyr fader pardonned hyr and gaf to hyr hys bleflyng & kyfled hyr/ Thenne fayd vyenne loo here is my good frende Parys whome I haue fo moche defyred/ and for whome I haue fuffred fo moche payne & forowe and fader thys is he that fo fwetely fonge and floyted/ and that wanne the louftes in thys cyte/ and bare with hym the fhelde of cryftal and my garlonde/ & alfo thys is he that wanne the. louftes in the cyte of paris and wan there the thre baners wyth the iij lewellys/ and went awaye with them wythoute knowyng of ony man/ And alfo he hath delyuerd you out of pryfon puttvng hys lyf in leopardye for you/ and whan the doul- phyn vnderftood al thys he was meruaylloufly glad and loyous/ After al thys parys went to his fader/ & whan he fawe hym and knewe that he was hys fone parys/ whome he had fo longe defyred to fee/ he enbraced hym & kyffed hym/ & for the loye that he had he coude not fpeke a word and after alle the other lordes & knyghtes ranne for tembrace & kyfTe hym/ and after this loye Parys fader fayd to the doulphyn/ C My lord playfe it you that I may borowe my fone home to my hous for to fee his moder and hys felowe Edward/ C Thenne fayd the doulphyn it playfeth me ryght wel onely for thys day/ For to morn I wyl that the maryage of hym & my doughter be made & folempnyfed here/ And thenne meflyre laques wente with hys fone vnto hys hous/ And whan he was there/ verayly his fader/ his moder/ and hys felowe Edward wyft not where they were for loye and playfyr that they had and that was noo wonder/ for they had no moo chyldren but hym/ and he fhold wedde 90 Paris ^ Vienna. the doughter of their lord/ and alfo Parys was in that tyme become a valyaunte knyght/ and ful of al beaulte/ and for many reafons it was no meruayll though they had in hym grete loye and playfyr/ & Edward demaunded of hym of hys aduenture/ & many other thynges/ And he recounted and tolde hym alle/ C How Parys efpoufed and wedded vyennej and of the fejie that was there made/ THenne on the morn the dolphyn gaf his doughter in maryage to parys And the fefte was moche noble and fumptuous/ For moche peple were comen thyder for to fee the fefte/ and it endured fyftene dayes/ And the playfyr and folace whyche was doon for the loue of Parys and of vyenne was foo grete/ that vnnethe it may be byleued/ whyche parys and Vyenne lyued to gyder a grete whyle in ryght grete confolacyon and playfyr/ but after thaccom- plyffhement of the maryage/ the fader and moder of parys lyueden not longe after in thys world/ and Parys had by vyenne hys wyf thre chyldren/ that is to wete two fones & one doughter/ And the doul- phyn ordeyned for them moche noble matrymonye/ And parys after the deth of hys fader and his moder wold that Edward hys dere felowe fhold be herytyer of al the goodes that hys fader lefte and gaf to hym yfabeau to hys wyf/ whyche lyued to gyder longe tyme in grete loue and concorde/ And fone after the doulphyn & hys wyf deyeden/ And thenne was Parys doulphyn' and had the pofleflyon of al the feygnourye/ the whyche lyued wyth vyenne in thys world fourty yere and ledde a good and holy lyf/ in fo moche that after ' Caxton has doulyhyn. Paris &' Vienfta. 9t thentendement of fomme men they be fayntes in heuen/ & tliey deyed bothe in one yere/ And fembiably Edward and yfabeau deyed bothe tweyne in one yere/ Therfore late vs praye vnto our lord that we may doo fuche werkes in this world/ that in fuche wyfe we may accompanye them in the perdurable glorye of heuen Amen/ C Thus endeth thyftorye of the noble and valyaunt knyght parys/ and the fayr vyenne doughter of the doulphyn of Vyennoys/ tranf- lated out of frenffiie in to englyffhe by wylliam Caxton at weftmeftre fynyffhed the laft day of Auguft the yere of our lord M CCCC Ixxxv/ and enprynted the xix day of decembre the fame yere/ and the fyrft yere of the regne of kyng Harry the feuenth/ C Explicit p Caxton GLOSSARY AND NOTES. A veray God, a peculiar adjuration, put into tlic mouth of a high-born maiden of fifteen. Fr. vrai Dieu. After al thys parys went to his fader. | In the French copy, the exultation of ! " McJJire Jacques " at the recovery of j his loft fon,is more quaintly and copioufly defcribed than in Caxton's text, for there we are told, "Comment Mcffire Jacques couroit par les rues tout efFraye de ioye de la venue de ion fils." Again fay, gainfay. Aigues-Mortes. A Roman llation (Aqua; Mortis), about fix miles inland, but accef- fible to the Mediterranean by a canal ot navigable width. Here Louis IX em- barked for the Holy Land. The whole of this dillrift (now the French Depart- ment of the Gard) is flat and low, and there is a poffibility that at one period Aigues-Mortes may have been on the fea. The ancient Roman canal is Hill in exiftence and ufe. Alleivaye feen the nohlenes that is in hym. Here we have a French idiom, but in the copy printed by M. Terrebafle the paflage does not occur, the narrative. which is far more copious, being difler- ently condufted. Arayed, fpoiled or difcomfiied, but more ufually, foiled. I have a long note fome- where (perhaps in Old Englijh Jeft- Books), illuftrating the fuhjcft. To far as I could at that time. See alfo Halli- well's Did. art., Araye. Armynak, Armagnac. Aflemhle, v. to draw. Avayle. i.q. vayle, or vail, to lower, or diminifli. Mr. Halliwcll (Arch. Di^., voce Avayle) iurnifties an example ot its ufe in the prefent fenfe. Baviers, Bavaria. Bijhop of St. Laurence. The French has " lefvcfque de Saint Vincent," and adds "et autres gens deuots de religion." I Body of our lord Ihefu cryjl. The bread ' and wine in the communion. i Brennes, Brienne. There was no Duke of Brienne at fo e;irly a period. Carnes. " Wyllyam fone to the due of Carnes." The French copy reads Tanes. 94 Glojjary aitd Notes. chargeable, refponfible. Charles of France. There was no King Charles of France in 1271, and the French verfion fays merely, " En cellui temps que le roy Charles regnoit en France," leaving the rell to the imagin- ation. My impreffion is, that the prince intended was Charles the Simple, or the Fourth, who afcended the throne in 898, and whofe fon Louis became king in 936. At p. 28 the king's fon is explicitly called Lowis. I cannot reconcile the incidents related here with any other reign. It is tolerably evident that the romance was compofed when Dauphiny was a flourifhing ftate, inde- pendent of France ; and Dauphiny was united to that kingdom in 1 349, long before which time the power of its princes had begun to decline. At a period, therefore, fo comparatively clofe to its annexation, the fcene of the prefent ftory can hardly be laid with a due adhe- rence to probability. Chere, the face or countenance. So, to change cheer, to change countenance. He made toward hyr heuy and euyll chere. In the French copy this is dif- ferently put, " — et quant le Daulphin vit fa fille, il la receult moult celeetnent le plus quil peult, fans faire femblant nullement. Car il ne vouloit quilz fceuflent rien de fon fait." Contynuelly, immediately. Conjlance the kynges fyjler of englond. I do not know who this lady may have been, as no king of England appears to have had a filler fo named. It is pro- bably an example of licence on the part of the author, and only one among feveral. Countenance, a grimace. Courage. In the French it is the fame, and Caxton gave it as he found it. In old French, courage = heart or mind. So Cotgrave, who gives an example of its ufe in this fenfe much later (161 1), " Tu cognois mon courage," that is, "Thou knoweft my minde." Mr. Halli- well (Arch. Di6t., in voce) fays that it is Anglo-Norman. Levins, in his Dic- tionary, 1570, explains courage to mean animus. Croyfee, crufade. Cypres. Cyprus was an independent kingdom till the clofe of the fifteenth century, when it was abforbed by Venice. In 1 192, Richard I. gave the ifland to Guy de Lufignan, ex-king of Jerufalem, who may be the perfon here intended. Defend, prevent. Derkenes, cloud of forrow. Dolant. The French word is dolent, and Caxton 's adoption of it feems an argu- ment in fupport of his having taken his compendium from a French copy. There are feveral other forms of fpeech, which tend to fhow that our prototypo- grapher's original was a French edition, rather than a Flemifh or Dutch. Dolphin of Vienne. In the French copy (1835), it is faid that the prince auoii grant heaulte en foy, which does not occur in Caxton's text. Doubting, fearing. Doubtous, fearful. Glojjfary and Notes. 95 Doyng, making. Doyng hym to wytc. Dyane. In the French copy is the addi- j tional information that fhe was the \ daughter of the Count of Flanders. Ednard, fon of the king of England. In the French verfion the liing himfclf is reprefented as being at Paris. " Le daulphin, le roy Dangietcrrc et le due de Normandie elloient au chaffault," &c. (p. xiv.). The king of England's fon is mentioned three or four times. It is probably mere romantic licence ; but either Edward III. when Prince of Wales, or his fon, the Black Prince, might be intended. Egal, equal. This is one of the forms which appears to me to fliow that Cax- ton reforted to a French edition anterior in date to any at prefent known. Such another word hfubget at p. 28. Embuflhment, ambuicade. Entendement, mind, faculty ; Fr. entendc- ment, Metire fon entendement = to apply his whole mind. Entention, fixed defign. Exchaunge, bill of exchange. Fauce pojle. The French copy merely fays, '• faillirent hors du iardin." Fayte,feat, fad, deed. Fellonye, anger. Old Fr. Fet, fetch. Fette, fetched. Fewter. " — he fewtred hys fpere, and there cam ayenjl hym," Sec. I fufpeft that this is the true reading in Robert the Deuyll (E. E. P. Poetry of England, i. 232), only known to us at prcfcnt in a not very accurate tranfcript from fome old printed edition : " He fcntred his fpearc, and forth he gothe." In the ed. of R. the D. publiflicd in 1798, it .Hands /tnfrcrf.- 1 conjciturcd. fentred. Floyted, played on the flute. Footman, a fervant on foot. Force, need. Free knight. Here a knight, 1 prefume, who having received no formal invita- tion to the tournament, was confidcred an outfider. Paris is fo termed at p. 18, becaufe, perhaps, he had come to the meeting fecretly,and did not accom- pany his father, who was unaware of his prefence. But ellewhere (p. .^5) Vienne calls Paris a free knight, evi- dently fignifying, as ufual, noble or gentle. Fufl. "A light gaily that hath about 16 or 18 oares on a fide, and two rowers to an oare." — Cotgravc's DiSi., ed. 1650. Fynaunces, ofi^er of money. Fyrfl day of May. In England, and, per- haps, on the continent, the month of May (and among us June alfo) was fet apart for tournaments. See Remains of E. P. P. of England, ii. 109, where a pafTage is quoted from Harl. MS. 69. Gene, Genoa. George. In the French copy, the man's name is Olivier, and the matter is differ- ently managed to fome extent. "Quant Paris fut en fon hoftcl il (en vint a vng fien efcuicr, en quel il fe fioit moult, et auoit nom cclui varlct Oliuicr," &c. 9 6 Glojjary and Notes. The whole narrative, indeed, is fo al- tered as to become, in the Englifh vol- ume, a dillinft ftory. Godefroy d'Atencon. Alenjon was alien- ated from France in the reign of Charles the Simple, to which I refer the ftory of Paris and Vienna. In the romance this Godfrey d'Alenjon, Dauphin of Vienne, is defcribed as a baron. I can find no account of him. Grant, confent. "At thefe wordes graunted Parys," Sec. This intranfitive ule of the word is oblolete. Havoyr, pofleffion. It is Hill ufed in the Weft of England in a flightly modified form, viz. having. The Anglo-Saxon word was haves, according to Mr. Halliwell ; but in the Promptorium Parvulorum (ed. Way), we get havure, havinge, or hawinge, all = Fr. havoir. The expreflion does not occur in Sip- pade's tranflation. He and Edward his feloive departed out of the cyte of parys. This is fome what differently and much better told in the French of La Sippade : " Paris fen vint deuant le roy et la royne ii enclina le chief en prenant congie deulx. Et le roy qui penfoyt que Paris voulfeift aler en fon longiz pour foy defarmer, lui donna congie. Adonc Paris hurta fon cheual des efperons et fen ala et Edouart le fuiuit apres. Mais ilz ne logierent point en la vile ains pafierent dehors la porte a fen vindrent en vne ville qui eft a deux lieues de Paris pres ou ils furent bien logiez et bien aifiez." Heart. " Myn hert gyueth it me." This is poetical ; the meaning is clear. Again, there is much elegance and feli- city of expreflion, where Vienne is made to fay, a line further on, " In hym I haue putte the rote of myn entyere herte." How Parys efpoufed and wedded Vyenne. In the French copy it is related, " Com- ment le roi de France et route fa Ba- ronnie furent au mariage de Paris et Vienne." How Parys came to fee Vyenne in the pryfon, and how Jhe knewe hym. In the French copy a fcene, not found in Caxton's, is here introduced, in which Vienne is reprefented deploring the lofs of Paris at the fight of the diamond ring which fhe had formerly given to him, and which fhe now fuppoi'ed had pafled from hand to hand, till it came into the poflefiion of the counterfeit Moor. Then fhe thought that her vifion of Paris was realized. " Et puis tant regardoit lan- neau elle afFermoit que ceftoit cellui que vne fois donna a Paris en nom de mari- age. Et lors elle dift, or voy ie bien que mon fonge eft vray, ceft que Paris eft mort, et apres fa mort ceft annel a eft tranfporte dune main a autre tant que finablement il eft venu en la main de ceft gentil homme, qui me la donne." Imaginative, full of fancies, thoughtful. Innocent. This was Innocent III, and the Crufade was publifhed in 1198. A pretty full account of it may be found in my Venetian Hijlory, chaps. 8, 9. But Michaud is of courfe more copious. G/oJfary and Notes. '/ It may be obferved, generally, that the narrative of the travels of Paris is con- duced with the indifference to geogra- phical precifion ufual in works of a ro- mantic charafter. John. Duke of Bourbon. This (if the chronology fuggellcd for Paris and Vienne be correft) is an example of poetical or romantic licence; for the firll Duke of Bourbon, a grandfon of Louis IX. of France, was fo created by Charles IV. [V.] in 1327, and his grandfon was the firll; duke who bore the name of John. Under any circum- ftances, there appears to be a miftake, for Caxton or his tranflator adds, that this John was " neueu to the kyng of fraunce.'' The French copy of 1835 makes no mention of a Duke of Bour- I bon, but enumerates among the tilters Henry, fon of the Duke of Bourbon. Joujls. The fair Vienne, was, according to | the ^ory," XV yere of age," and it may 1 be confidered that the power of dialogue vvhich is given to her is a little over- drawn. But a far more curious circum- rtance is, that a degree of prowefs at the cournaments celebrated in thefe pages, which would have done honour to paladins, is attributed to youths who, according to the French text, varied in age from fifteen to five-and-twenty ! Paris himfelf was only eighteen, an age at which, in this degenerate era, men do not ufually find their phyfical powers thiiroughh matured. Joyoufie, joy, or joyoulnefs. Ladies maidens, unmarried ladies. Wc (hould fay maiden ladies. Lerne, teach. This is now confidered a vulgarifm.; the word appears to have been anciently in ufe in this caufativa (enfe, and thus to have poflcfTed a quafi- tranfitive fignification, which it ha? fince loft. Livery, badge or device. Loenge, praife ; Fr. louange. Loms. This may poffibly refer to Louis IV, who, in 936, became king of France. Lyghtly, readily, quickly. Majejly of Our Lord, The Hoft. JHenchon, i. q. mynchyn, a nun. Caxton's text here, as elfewhere, is a mere cur- tailed paraphrafe of the original ro- mance. The phrafe, or its equivalent, does not occur there. Caxton feems to difcriminate between nun and minchen (or mynchen) ; but the fenfe, fo far as I am aware, is the fame. Mefchaunt, miferablc, through having done ill (really or in fancy). Mufical injlruments. Caxton generalizes here ; but in the French text the word is auhades, which Cotgrave renders, " Morning-mufick, fuch as fidlers play into chamber-windows." Muficians. " They iv ere good mufytyens playeng." Mufic was confidered in ancient times rather a feparate profeffion, than as one which appertained to knight- hood. Ac this dillant date, the min- ftrels were a large and important body, with great and valuable privileges (which they too often abufed) ; and it is not 98 Gloffary and Notes. often that we find heroes of romance portrayed as even ambitious of pofleffing this fort of accomplifhment. The French copy has, " car ils chantoient moult bien, et puis iouoient de leurs inftrumens chan9ons melodieufes comme ceux qui de celui mejlier ejloient les maijlres." Naked. " The two yonge knyghtes that naked were from al armes," &c. Naked merely means bare, of courfe, here ; but the term is ftill applied to a perfon who is unfurnifhed with the means of defending himfelf Now recounteth thyjlorye that parys was in babylone, i£,c. In the French copy, between the account of the Dauphin's journey to the Holy Land, and his re- leafe by Paris from confinement, there is a chapter, omitted by Caxton, or, perhaps, not in the copy he ufed, fhow- ing" comment Vienne dans la prifon eult une vifion de Paris." Ordure, impurity or uncleannefs. This is French again. Ought to be, fhould be by right. Parlament, converfation. The French copy reads parlement, and Caxton or his tranflator adopted the word without alteration. Party, lot. The phrafe is not in the ori- ginal, where Paris and Edward are accompanied by a fervant (varlet), who carries their inllruments, and for whofe fafety they provide, left he fliould fall into the hands of the knights, and fo they fhould be identified. I can find no account of the ufe of party in its prefent fenfe in any of the dictionaries ; but it feems to be merely the Fr. partie from Lat. partior, to divide, as by a lottery, or otherwife. Party, feftion, divifion. •' Eyther of thefe thre partyes hoped," Sec. Parys had by vyenne hys wyf thre chyl- dren. The French copy fays, " Sept enfans, quatre filz et trois filles." It alfo acquaints us with the faft that Paris be- came, after his father-in-law's death, Dauphin of Vienne, and reigned till he was ninety years of age, when he abdi- cated in favour of his eldeft fon, God- frey, Vienne and himfelf devoting the remainder of their lives to heaven. Paris lived to the age of 1 05, and Vienne, who furvived him five months, faw her 97th year. Parys defyred to here tydynges of the fayr vyenne, yc. This elliptical form is very ufual in early Englifh. We fhould write, "Parys who defyred," &c. Perfons. This word appears to be ufed here in an uncommon fenfe. There is no example of its employment in fuch a way in the ordinary didlionaries (Promp- torium, Palfgrave, Cotgrave, Levins, Nares, Halliwell). The meaning is perfonal, or rather, bodily, qualities. Prevy felowe. Vienne addrefTes Ifabel by the terra, which was in this cafe nearly equivalent to our companion. She was evidently a perfon of gentle birth, and the dauphin's daughter fre- quently calls her fijier. Glojfary and Notes. 99 Pre/entacyon. reprefcntation. Old Fr. " Dere brother (fays Edward, alluding to the define Paris had exprefTed to his father) / thank you for the pre/entacyon that ye haue doonfor me." Propre, own = Fr. propre. La:. pToprius. Pucelle. maiden. Pyght, fixed. VVe have a very vivid little fketch of contemporary feelings and manners, where, a few lines further down, it is faid that " the peple took theyr place vpon the Jcaffoldes ij dayes afore thefejlefor to fee the grete peple l^ thefayr ordynaunce that there ivas." Pyned, put to pyne or pain. Quick, alive. Ramon. I prefume Rama or Ramla, be- tween Jaffa and Jerufalem, to be the place intended. The geography of ro- mancills is not always very cxaft. The French copy reads merely, " en vne ville pres de Iherufalem." Recourders, recorders. A recorder was a flageolet, with a fmall bore, in ufe as late as the end of the feventeenth cen- tury. Repreve, reprove. Sacrifice, mafs. To facrifice = to attend the facrifice of the mafs. Sette hyr doun on the ground. The French copy has, " elle dift a fa mere, que fil lui plaifoit elle vouldroit vng pou repofer _/ttr le lit de Paris. Tantoft la firent mettre fur le didl lit." Then, when Vienne and Ifabel are left by themfelves, the former defccnds from the bed, and " fi fen vint la ou Its coii- vertures blanches eftoicnt, fi Ics vira et regarda de tous coftez, puis dift a yla- beau : Genes belle feur ie te diflie bien que ceftoient les couverturcs que le che- valier qui gaigna le tournoicment portoit ct maintcnoit. Si tu veulx bien regarder cy tu congnoiftras que iay dy vray. Et quant elle cut ce dit elle fe tourna vers les couvertures et dift que Dieu veuille garder le cheualier qui telles enfeignes porte, fi les baifa plus de cent fois;" all of which is loft to us in the old Englifh tranflation. Serve and kerve. This probably requires no explanation. It is well known that gentlemen and even knights attended on perfons of royal blood, and handed the difhes, which were delivered to them by the menials. Seven years without ifiue. This paflage and many others, are confiderably abridged by Caxton, who, without any acknowledgment,took great liberties with his original, unlefs, which is not pro- bable, he ufed a text which was already corrupt and mutilated. Stenche. " And the fone of the duke of bourgoyne y the hyfihop of faynt laurence approached vnto vyenne. fro whom yfiued foo grete a Jlenche, that vnnethe they myght fuffre and endure i/." In the French copy, the chapter which introduces this fcene, fo repug - nant to modern notions of delicacy, is headed oddly enough, " |[ Comment Vienne fauifa dune gentile invention pour fe deliurer du filz au due de Bour- goignc." lOO Glojfary and Notes. Surry e, Syria. Swelte, V, to faint. (A. S.) There as, whereas. This form is very ufual. Tierce, tertia, the third divifion of the Roman Catholic day, the firft being matins or lauds, the fecond prime, and the fourth _/ex(. Tierce is about 9 a.m. Tourchemen, Turcomen, in the fenfe of interpreters. Towellys, towels. The word is found in ' the fame fenfe as now underllood in the Prontptoriuni Parvulorum. Treylle, lattice or grating ; Fr. treille. Two galleyes. '• The kyng . . . dyd do \ arme two galleyes whyche accompanyed hym." In the French copy, it is faid that thefe were " deux galees de Gennes qui venoient de Rodes et vouloient aler en Aigues Mortes." Unconning, infenfible, unconfcious. Unnethe, fcarcely. Wende neuer to fee y houre. In our modern phrafeology, the expreffion would be, " He thought the time would never come," he was fo impatient to fee the Dauphin. Wexe, V. to wax, to grow. Waned, wont. PRINTED BY WHITTINGHAM AND WILKINS, TOOKS COURT. CHANCERY LANE. ADVERTISEMENT. IT is propofed, that the prefent volume fhall be followed, as fpeedily as the ftate of the Subfcription Lift will permit, by other works, as follow : — I. The Works of William Browne, vol. i, containing Brit- annia's Paftorals, in three books, with a Memoir and Notes. */ I have found unqueftionable proof that the Third Book, firft printed for the Percy Society in 1851, was by the author of the Firft and Second. II. The Works of Samuel Rowlands, vol i, containing, I. The Betraying of Chrift, 159S. 1. Humors Ordinarie [1600]. 3. Greenes Ghoft haunting Coney-Catchers, 1602. 4. A Terrible Battel between Time and Death [1602]. 5. Tis Merry when Goflips meet, 1602. III. 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I fhall alfo give The Pinder of Wakefield, from the exceffively rare edition of 1632, Pettie's Petite Pallace of Pettie his Pleafure, 1576 (as I announced), and the Life of Jofeph of Arima- thea, from Pynfon's edition. W. C. Hazlitt. ■HMO 1<011" D 000 287 189 5 r J