■ mjcntatg fillajsBxrs UTROPIUS W. WELCH M. A. AND C. G. DUFFIELD M. A. ,6^m^o Southern Branch of the University of California Los Angeles Form L I PA At dot G •ecT This book is DUE on the last date stamped below 18 1985* isctt:^^ Form L-9-')"«-l' Co5/^99elss Distric 'Cibrary ^^GfLfs COUNTS u^ EUTKOPIUS. (SUmcntarp (Elasstcs. EUTROPIUS Adapted for the Use of Beginners WITH NOTES, EXERCISES, AND VOCABULARIES BY W. WELCH, M.A., Rev. C. G. DUFFIELD, M.A., HEAD ilAdXER OF MAIDSTONE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 48172 MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1899 All rights reserved First Edition 1SS3. Reprinted January and April 1SS4, 1SS5, 1886. 1888, 1SS9, 1891, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1899. GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSIT\' PRESS BV ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. TAELE OF CONTENTS. ) Introduction, .\ Note on Eutropius, Chronological Table, - Directions for Translating, Rules of Agreement, - -' Directions for Parsing, /., dei or dii). trans '60, -ire, "iv-i or -i-i, it- um, v.a. irreg., I go across, cred-o, -6re, -idi, -itum, v.a. and n. 3, I believe, I trust. con*secr-o, v.a. 1, I consecrate, deify (cum, sacro). deinde, adv., afterwards, there- upon, per, prep. gov. ace, through, qui-ni, -nae, -na, distrib. num. adj., five each, di-es, -ei, m. and/., a day. imper-o, v.a. 1, I command, I rule, regn-o, v.a. 1, I reign. com-pleo, -plere, -plev-i, -plet- um, v.a. 2, I fill up, I com- "^^•^' " TV. ] postea, adv., afterwards (post, [ earn). I Num-a, -ae, m., Numa. ! Pompil-ius, -ii, m., Pompilius. I rex, reg-is, m., a king. ; cre-o, v.a. 1, 1 make. I n"ull-us, null-a, null-um {gen., I nulllus, dat., nuUi), adj., no, I not any, subst., no one {ne, \ ullus). I quidem, adv., indeed. ! ger-o, -6re, gess-i, gest-um, ! v.a. 3, I carry on, I wage, sed, conj., but. minus, comp. adv., less. quam, adv. , how, than. pro -sum, prod esse, profu-i, V. irreg., I am of use to, I benefit {icith dat. ). nam, conj., for. lex, leg-is,/., a law. mos, mor-is, rn., custom; pi., manners, con'sue-tudo, -tudinis, /., a cus- tom. que, conj., and. proel-ium, -li, n. , a battle, jam, adv., now. latr-o, -onis, m., a robber, a thief. ac, C071J., and. semi'barbar-us, -a, -um, adj., half barbarian, put-o, v.a. 1, I think, I deem, de'scrib-o, -ere, -scrips-i, script-um, v.a. 3, I write down, I divide, decern, indecl. num. adj., ten. 76 EUTROPII HISTORIA ROM ANA. mens -is, -is, m., a month {from met-ior, mens-us sum, I mea- sure), in-finl-tus, -ta, -tum, adj., un- limited, innumerable. sacr-um, -i, n. , a religious cere- mony, sac-er, -ra, -rum, adj., sacred. templ-um, -i, n., a temple. morb-us, -i, m., a disease. dexed-o, -6re, xess-i, 'cess-um, v.n. 3, I go down, I depart, I die (cedo, I go). quadrag-esimus, -esima, -esi- mum, num. adj., fortieth, ter-tius, -tia, -tium, num. adj., third. V. 8uc-ced-o, -ere, 'cess-i, 'cess- um, v.a., 3, I go after, I fol- low (sub, cedo). Tull-us, -i, m., Tullus. Hostil-ius, -ii, m., Hostilius. Alb-ani, -anorum, m. ,the people of Alba, the Albans. diiodecim-us, -a, -um, num. adj., twelfth. millia-rium, -rii, n., a mile- stone. ab'sxim, abesse, abfu-i, v.n. irreg., I am distant, absent. al-Ius, -ia, -iud {gen., al-ius; dat.,al-li), adj. pron., another (alii... alii, some... others). ses-tus, -ta, -tum, num. adj., sixth. oct-avus, -ava, -avum, num. adj., eighth. decim-us, -a, -um, num. adj., tenth. 8uper-o, v.a. 1, I am over, I conquer, I overcome. ampli-o, v.a. 1, I enlarge. ad"jic-io, -ere, *jec-i, "ject- um, v.a. 3, I add to (ad, jacio). Caeli-us, -a, -um, adj., Cael- ian. mon-s, -tis, m., a mountain, a hill, triginta, indecl. num. adj., thirty, du-o, -ae, -o, num. adj., two. ful-men, -minis, n., lightning, a thunderbolt. ic-o, -ere, -i, -tum, v.a. 3, I strike, dom-us, -us, /. , a house. ard-eo, -ere, ars-i, ars-um, v.n. 2, I am on fire, I bum. VI. Anc-us, -i, m., Ancus. Marc-ius, -ii, m., Marcius. nep-os, -otis, m., a grandson, a descendant, nephew. sus-cip-io, -ere, 'cep-i, 'cept- um, v.a. 3, I take up, I re- ceive (sub, capio), I undertake contra, prep. gov. ace, against. Latin-i, -orum, m,, the people of Latium, the Latins. dimic-o, v.n. 1, I fight. Aventin-us, -a, -um, adj., Aven- tine. Jan-iculum, -iculi, n., Janicu- lum. Osti-a, ae, /. , Ostia. vic-esimus, -esima, -esimum, num. adj., twentieth. per -60, 'ire, "iv-i o?* "i-i, -it-um, v.a. irreg., I go through, I perish. VOCABULARY. 77 vn. Tarquin-Ius, -li, m., Tarquin ius. Prisc-us, -i, m., Priscus accip-io, -ere, -cep-i, cept-um v.a. 3, I receive, I suffer. ' num-grus, -6ri, m., a number, du'plic-o, v.a. 1, 1 double (duo, plico, I fold). j circ-us, -i, m., a circus. ! aedi-flc-o. v.a. 1, 1 build (aedes, a house, facio). I in stitu-o, ere, -stitu-i, •stitut- [ um, v.a. .3, I establish, I j found (see constituo, oh. ii.). nos-ter, -tra, -trum, adj. pron., \ our, belonging to us. memor-ia, -ise, /., recollection. memory, per man-eo, -ere, -mans-i, •mans-um, v.n. 2, I remain, I continue, i-dem, ea-dem, i-dem {gen. ejus-dem, dat. ei-dem), adj. pron., the same. i etiam, adv., even, also. ! pri-mus, -ma, -mum, superl. \ adj., first. I triumpli-o, v.n. 1, I celebrate a | triumph, intr-o, v.n. 1, I enter, mu-rus, -ri, m., a wall, fac-io, -ere, fec-i, fact-um, v.a. 3, I make, I do. cloaca, -ae, /., a drain, a sewer. Capitol-lum, -li, n., the Capi- tol, incho-o, v.a. 1, I begin. oc'cid-o, -ere, -i, "cis-um, v.a. 3, I kill (ob, caedo), I slay. vm. Serv-ius, -ii, m., Servius. Tull-ius, -ii, m., Tullius. gign-o, -ere, genu-i, genit-um, v.a. 3, I bring forth (genitus, bom). no-bilis, -bile, adj., noble. fe-mina, -minse, /., a woman. cap-tlvus, -tlva, -tlvum, adj., captive (capio). tamen, conj., nevertheless, yet, however. ancill-a, -ae, /., a slave, a hand- maid, quoque, conj., also. sublg-o, -ere, "eg-i, -act-um, v.a. 3, I conquer, I subdue (sub, ago). tres, tria, num. adj., three. Quirin-alis, -die, adj., belonging to Quirinus, Quirinal. Vimin-alis, -ale, adj., Viminal. Esquil-Inus, -ina, -inum, ailj., belonging to the Esquiliae, Esquiline. ad-jung-o, -ere, -junx-i, -junct- um, v.a. 3, I join to. foss-a, -se, /., a ditch, an en- trenchment (fod-io, foss-um, I dig). circum, prep. gov. ace, arovmd. duc-o, -ere, dux-i, duct-um, v.a. 3, I draw, I marry. cens-us, -as, m., a census, a rating. ordin-o, v.a. 1, I arrange, I ap- point (ord-o, -inis, a straight row). adliuc, adv., hitherto. orb-is, -is, m. , a circle. terr-a, -ae,/., the earth, land 78 EUTROPII HISTORTA ROMANA. In'cognit-us, -a, -um, adj.^ un- known (cognosce, I become acquainted with). sum, esse, fu-i, v.n. irreg., I IX. sub, prep. gov. ahl., under, de'fer-o, -re, -tul-i, -lat-um, v.a. irreg., I bring or carry down, I confer., I enter on. octoglnta, indecl. num. adj., eighty. quattuor, indecl. num. adj., four, milli-a, -wxD^n.pl., thousand, civ-is, -is, com., a citizen, ag-er, ri, m., a field, pi., the country, quln-tus, -ta, -turn, num. adj., fifth. Bcel-us, -6ris, n., a wicked act, a crime, gen-er, -6ri, m., a son-in-law. Superb-us, -i, m., Superbus. fili-a, -ae, /,, a daughter (dat. and abl. pi. fili-abus. X. Luc-ius, -ii, m. Lucius. ultim-us, -a, -um, adj. supl., last, farthest. Volsc-i, -orum, m., the Vol- scians. Gab-ii, -iorum, m., Gabii. Suess-a Pometi-a, ge^i. Suess-ae, Pometi-ae, /., Suessa Pome- tia. Tusc-i, -orum, m., the Etru- rians. pax, pac-is,/., peace. Ju-^iter, gen. Jov-is,m. , Jupiter. Arde-a, -ae,/., Ardea. op-pugn-o,v.a. 1,1 fight against, I besiege. pon-O; -ere, pos-ui, pos-itum, v.a. 3, I place., I situate^ perd-o, -ere, -idi, -Itum, v.a. 3, I lose, juven-is, -is, adj., young, jun- ior, -loris, camp., younger, nobil-issimus, -issima, -issimum, superl. adj. {see noliilis). Collatin-us, -i, m. Collatinus. af'fic-io, -ere, -fec-i, fect-um, v.a. 3, I do (something) to. Injuria aflScio, I injure (ad facio)., I wrong. de, prep. gov. ahl., of, concern- ing, respecting, marit-us, -i, m., a husband, pat-er, -ris, m., a father, amic-us, -i, m., a friend, quer-or, -i, quest-us, -sum, v. dep. 3, I complain, conspect-us, -us, m., a sight, a view (conspicio). sul, pron. reflex., sing, and pi. of himself, of herself, of itself, of themselves. XI. caus-a, -ae,/. , a cause, a reason. I Brut-US, -i, m., Brutus. I paren-s, -tis, ccmi., a parent, I a kinsman. j con*ci-to, v.a. 1,1 stir up, I excite. ad-im-o, -ere, -em-i, -empt-um, I v.a. 3, I take away. j mox, adv., soon, afterwards. i exercit-us, -us, m., an army. i re-linqu-o, -ere, -liqu-i, -llct- VOCABULARY. 79 um, v.a. 3, I leave, I leave behind, ven-io, -ire, ven-i, vent-um, v.a. 4, I come, port-a, -ae,/., agate, claud-o, -ere, claus-i, claus-um, v.a. 3, I shut. ex"clud-o, -ere, 'clus-i, clus- mn, v.a. 3, I shut out. vlglnti, indecl. num. adj., twenty, quinque, indecl. num. adj., five, liber-i, -orum, m., children, fug-io, -ere, fug-i, fug-itum, v.n. 3, I flee away, I escape. I fly. xn. Mnc, adv., hereupon, then, cons-ul, -ulis, m., a consul, coep-i, -isse, -turn, defect, verb, I begin, pro, prep. gov. abl., instead of, for. Ut, conj. , that as, in order that. Bi, conj., if. mal-us, -a, -um, adj., bad, wicked. v6l-o, vel-le, volu-i, v. irreg., I am willing, I wish, alter, alter-a, alter-um, adj., the other (of two), one of two. co"erc-eo, v.a. 2, I correct, I restrain (cum, arceo). plac-eo, V.71. 2, 1 please; plac-et, -uit, v. impers., it is resolved, ne, conj., lest, that not, v^ith imper. mood, not. longius, comp. adv., longer {camp, o/longe), more, diuturn-itas, -itatis, /., length of time (diu, adv., for a long time). potes-tas, -tatis, /., power (potens). in'solen-s, -tis, adj., unaccus- tomed, insolent, arrogant (soleo, I am accustomed). red'd-o, -ere, -idi, -Itum, v.a. 3, I render, I make. igitur, adv., therefore, conse- quently. ex*pell-o, -ere, 'piil-i, "piils-um, v.a. 3, I drive out, I ex- pel, I banish. Jun-ius, -ii, m., Junius. Lucreti-a, -ae, /., Lucretia. XIII. statim, adv., immediately, sub'lat-us est, from toll-o, -ere, sus*tul-i, sub'lat-um, v.a. 3, I take away, dign-itas, -itatis, /., dignity, honour (dign-us, worthy), enim, co7ij., for. quis-quam, quae-quam, quic- quam, or quid-quam, pron. indef., any (person or thing). man-eo, -ere, -si, -sum, v.n. 2, I stay, I remain, ergo, adv., therefore, conse- quently, migr-o, v.n. 1, I remove, loc-us, -i, m. (pl.loc-iandloc-a,), a place, position. Valer-ius, -ii, m., Valerius. Pnblicol-a, -ae, m., Publicola. coMig-o, -ere, leg-i, -lect-um v.a. 3, I collect, I gather together (cum, lego). undique, adv., from all sides. 80 EUTROPII EISTORIA ROMAN A. mul-tus, -ta, -turn, adj. , much, great; pZ., many. gen-s, -tis,/., a family, a tribe. pos'sum, po'sse, pot ui, v.irreg., I am able (potis^ able, and sum). re-stitu-o, -ere, 'stitu-i, stitut- um, v.a. 3, I replace, I re- store (re, statuo). XIV. pugn-a, -ae, /., a fight, a battle. Arun-s, -tis, m., Aruns, invicem, adv., in turn, mutu- ally, vict-or, oris, m., a conqueror (vinco, I conquer), re'ced-o, -ere, •cess-i, -cess-um, v.n. 3, I go back, I with- draw, matron-a, ae, /., a wife, a matron, defens-or, -oris, m., a defender (def endure), pudic-itia, -itiae, /., modesty, chastity, quasi, adv., as, as if. com'mun-is, -e, adj., common, i.e., belonging equally to several. Itig-eo, -ere,lux-i, luct-um, v.a. 2, I mourn for. no-nus, -na, -num, num. adj., ninth, ex-ig-o, -ere, 'eg-i, 'act-um, v.a. 3, I drive out. scc-er, -6ri, m., a father-in-law. vlndic-o, v.a. 1, I avenge ingen-s, -tis, adj., great, nov-us, -a, -um, adj., new. dicta-tura, -turae, /. , the dicta* torship. ap"peU-o, v.a. 1, I call, I name (ad, pello). mag-ister, -istri, m. , a master, equ-es, -itis, com., a horse sol- dier, a knight; pi., cavalry (equus, a horse), dicta-tor, -toris, m., a dictator (dicto, I say frequently). ob'sequ-or, -i, -sequut-us {or ■secut-us), sum, v. dep. 3, I attend upon. XV. postquam, coiy. , after that. e-jic-io, -ere, jec-i, •jeet-um, v.a. 3, I cast forth (e, jctcio). Quint-ius, -ii, m., Quintius. dux, due-is, 7/1., a leader, a general. Coriol-i, -orum, m. , Corioli. cap-io, -ere, cep-i, capt um, v.a. o, I take, I capture. con*tend-o, -ere, -i, "tent-um, v.n. 3, 1 go eagerly, I hasten. irasc-or, -i, irat-us sum, v. dep. 3, I am angry. auxil-ium, -ii, n., help, assist- ance ; pi. , auxiliary troops. ! saepe, adv. , often. I usque, ac??;., all the way, asfaras. ' ac-ced-o, -ere, xess-i, 'cess-um, v.n. 3, I approach, I am added (ad, cedo), I come up. patri-a, -ae, /., a fatherland. legat-us, -i, 7n., a messenger, a lieutenant, a legate. pet o, -ere, -ivi or -ii, itum, v.a. 3, I seek, I ask, I sue for. repudi-o, v.a. 1, I reject, I re- pudiate. VOCABULARY. 81 nisi, conj., unless, except. ma-ter, -tris, /., a mother. Veturi-a, -ae, /. , Yeturia. Volumnl-a, ae,/., Volumnia. flet-us, -us, 771., a weeping (fleo, I weep). depreca-tio, -tionis, /., a beg- ging off, an earnest en- treaty, a prayer. re"mov-eo, -ere, -mov-i, -mot- um, v.a. 2, I remove. XVI. Kaes-o, -onis, m., Kaeso. Fab-ius, -ii, m., Fabius. Tit-us, -i, m., Titus, Virgin-ius, -ii, m., Virginius. trecent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj., three hundred, hom-o, -inis, com., a man (a human being). Fab-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., Fabian. sol-US, -a, -um., adj., alone {gen., sol-lus). itaque, conj., and so. pro'ficisc-or, -i, "fect-us sum, V. dtp. 3, I set out. con-cid-o, -ere, -i, v.n. 3, I fall (cum, cado). omnino, adv., altogether, en- tirely. super -sum, -esse, -fu-i, v. irreg., I am left, I survive, tan-tus, -ta, -tum, adj. , so great, so large, famil-ia, -iae, /., a household, a family, ae-tas, -tatis, /., age. puer-ilis, -lie, adj., boyish, youthful (puer). XVII. I sequ-or, -i, -utus {or sec-utus) i sum, V. dep. 3, I follow. Algid-US, -i, n., Algidus. ob-sid-eo, -ere, 'sed-i, sess-um, v.n. 2, 1 blockade (ob, aedeuj. L = Lucius. Cinclnnat-us, -i, m., Cincinna- tus. juger-um, -i, n., a juger, an acre, possid-eo, -ere. 'sed-i, sess- um, v.a. 2, I possess, ma-nus, -nus, /., a hand, a band, col-o, -ere, ui, cult-um, v.a. 3, I cultivate, I inhabit, ar-o, v.a. 1, I plough. in*ven-io, -ire, "ven-i, vent- um, v.a. 4, I come upon, I find, sud-or, -oris, m., sweat, deterg-eo, -ere, 'ters-i, -ters- um, v.a. 2, I wipe off. tog-a, -ae, /., a toga, prae'tex-tus, -ta, -tum, adj., praetexta, edged, caed-o, -ere, cecid-i, caes-um, v.a. 3 (I cause to fall), I kill, hos-tis, -tis, m., a stranger, an enemy (public), in'imic-us, -i, m., an enemy (private), (in, amicus), liber-o, v.a. 1, I set free, consul-aris, -are, adj., belong- ing to a consul, consular ; subst., an ex -consul, cess-o, v.Ji. 1, I cease, summ-us, -a, -um, siiperl. adj., highest, chief. 82 EUTROPII HISTORIA ROM AN A. decem'vlr-i, -orum, m. pi., De- cemvirs. XVIII. 1, I renew war, miss-um, re"bell-o, v. I revolt, mitt-o, -ere, mis v.a. 3, I send. CamUl-us, -i, m., Camillus. primum, adv., at first. ac-ies, -iei, /., a battle, an army (drawn up). diu, adv., for a long time, antiqu-issimus, -issima, -issi- mum, superl. adj., most ancient. Itali-a, -ae,/., Italy, dlt-issimus, -issima, -issimum, superl. adj., richest (dives, rich). Falisc-i, -orum, m., Falisci. invid-ia, -iae, /., envy, jeal- ousy. quod, co7tj., because, praed-a, -ae, /., booty, spoil, male, adv., badly, unjustly. di'vid-o, -ere, 'vis-i, 'vis-um, v.a. 3, I divide. damn-o, v.a. 1, I condemn. Ob, prep. gov. ace, on account of. XIX. Gall-US, -i, m. , a Gaul. Senon-es, -um, m. pi., Senones. apud, prep. gov. ace, near by. flum-en, -inis, n., a. river. Alll-a, -ae, /. , Allia. occiip-o, v.a. 1, I seize. the at, neque {or nee), conj., nor (nee . . . nee, neither ... nor ). defend-o, -ere, -fend-i, -fens- um, v.a. 3, I defend, fam-es, -is, /., hunger, famine, labor-o, v.n. 1, 1 am distressed, I suffer, exsul-o, v.w. 1, I am an exile, secut-us, per/, part, of sequor (ch. xvii. ). aur-um, -i, n., gold, ita, adv. , so, in this way. d-o, -are, ded-i, datum, v.a. 1, I offer, I give, I grant, mllit-aris, -are, ad/. , belonging to a soldier, military (miles, a soldier), sign-um, -i, n., a standard. re-v6c-o, v.a. 1, I recall, I re- cover. XX. adversus, p7'ep. gov. ace, against, trans, ])rep. gov. ace, beyond, across, on the other side, over. Ani-o, -enis, m., the Anio. fiuv-ius, ii, m., a river (duo, I flow). consid-o, -ere, 'sed-i, "sess-um, v.a. 3, I encamp, I settle on. Manl-ius, -ii, m., Manlius, sing-ul-aris, -are, adj., single, eertam-en, -mis, n., a combat. pro'Voc-O; v.a. 1, I challenge, torqu-is {or -es), -is, m. and f., a collar, aur-eus, -ea, -eum, adj., golden (aurum, gold). coll um, -i, n., the neck, re-s, -i, /., a thing, a circum- stance, property, an affair. VOCABULARY. 83 im'pon-o, -ere, "posu-i, -posit- um, V. a. 3, 1 put on, I xjlace on. perpetu-us, -a, -um, adj., per- petual. Torquat-us, -i, m., Torquatus. post-6nis, -6ra, -6rum, adj., next; pi. subst., post-eri, -eronim, m., posterity. cognom-en, -inis, n., a surname (con, nomen). fug-o, v.a. 1, I put to flight, I rout. C=Cai-us, -i, ?n.,Caius. Sulpic-ius, -ii, m., Sulpicius. XXI. leg-io, -ionis, /., a legion. Fur-ius, -ii, m., Furius. qui'dam, quae'dam, quod'dam, i7idpf. pron., a certain one. optim-us, -a, -um, superl. adj., the best. tum, adv., then, Marc-US, -i, m., Marcus. trib-unus, -tini, vi., a tribune. mil-es, -itis, m., a soldier, sol- diery. of'fer-o, -re, obtul-i, ob*lat-um, v.a. irreg., I oflfer (ob, fero). pro'ced-o, -ere, -cess-i, 'cess- um, v.n. 3, I go forward. ann-o, v.a. I, I arm. corv-us, -i, m., a raven. gale-a, -ae, /. , a helmet. icom'mitt-o, -ere, "mis-i, 'miss- um, v.a. 3, I set on (to com- bat), I entrust, I commence. al-a, -ae, /., a wing. ungu-is, -is, m., a nail, a claw. ociil-us, -i, m., an eye. verber-o, v.a. 1, 1 beat, I strike. Inter-fic-io, -ere, -feci, -fect- um, v.a. 3, I kill (fScio). vlctor-ia, -iae, /., victory (vinco). Corvin-us, -i, m., Corvinus. dic-o, -ere, dix-i, dict-um, v.a 3, I say, I call. merit-um, -i, n., a service. XXII. jam, adv., now, already. pot-ens, -entis, adj., powerful [pres. part, o/ possum). Samn-ltes, Itium, m. pi, Sam- nites. med-ius, -ia, -ium, adj., mid- dle. inter, prep. gov. ace, among, between. Pic-enum, -eni, n., Picenum. Campania, -aniae, /., Cam- pania. Apiill-a, -ae,/., Apulia. Papir-ius, -ii, m., Papirius. Curs-or, -oris, m., Cursor. hon-or, -oris, m., honour, dig- nity. red'eo, -ire, 'iv-i or i-i, -it-um, v.n. irreg., I go back, I re- turn. Q=Qulnt-ius. MaxJm-us, -i, m., Maximus. prae*cip-io, -ere, •cep-i, -cept- um, v.n. 3, I order. abs-ens, -entis, adj., absent. pugn-o, v.a. 1, I fight. occa-sio, -sionis,/., opportunity (ob, cado). re-pgr-io, -ire, repper-i, -tum, I v.a. 4, I tiud. I felic-issime, ac?r. {superl. o/feli- 84 EUTROPII HISTORIA ROMAN A. citer), most successfully (fe- lix). de-leo, "lere, "lev-i, -let-urn, v.a. 2, I destroy, I annihi- late. cap-ut, -itis, n.y ahead, life. V8t-o, -are, -iii, itum, v.a. 1, I forbid. fav-or, -oris, m., a favouring, goodwill. XXIII. furc-tila, -ttlae, /., a little fork (furca, a fork). Caud-inus, -ma, -inum, adj., belonging to Caudium, Cau- dine. angust-ia, -iae, /., narrowness; 111. , a narrow deiile, a pass. con'clud-Oj -ere, "clus-i, "clus- uni, v.a. 3, I shut up (cum, claudo). dedec-us, -6ris, n., disgrace, jug-um, -i, n., a yoke, sen-atus, -atus, m., the Senate, solv-o, -ere, -i, solut-um, v.a. 3, I unloose, I break (se, apart, luo, I loosen), necess-itas, -itatis, /., neces- sity. ,6-0, -6ri, fact-US sum, i^ass. of faci-o (ch. vii.). sept 'em, num. adj. inded., seven, tem-pus, -p5ris, n., time. App-ius, -ii, m., Appius. Claud-ius, -ii, m., Claudius. cens-or, -oris, w,, a censor, aqu-a, ae, /., water, an aque- duct. Claud-ius, -ia, -ium, adj. of or belonging to Claudius, Clau- dian. in'duc-o, -ere, -dux-i, 'duct-um, v.a. 3, I bring in. vi-a, -ae, /., a way, a road. App-ius, -ia, -ium, adj. of or belonging to Appius, Appian. stern-o, -ere, strav-i, strat-um, v.a. 3, I spread out, I level, I construct. XXIV. inter'jlc-io, -ere, "Jec-i, -Ject- um, v.a. 3, I throw between (jacio). ali'quot, num.adj. inded., some, several. Tarent-ini, -inorum, m.pL, the Tarentines. in'dic-o, ere, "dix-i, 'dict-um, v.a. 3, I declare, fer-o, -re, tul-i, lat-um, v.a. irreg., I carry, I bring, I bear. Pyrrh-us, -i, m., Pyrrhus. Epir-us, -i,/., Epirus, trans "mar-Inus, -In a, -Inum,i adj., beyond sea (mare, the sea). Publ-ius, -ii, m., Publius. Laevin-us, -i, m., Laevinus. explora-tor, -toris, m., a scout, jub-eo, -ere, juss-i, juss-um,> v.a. 2, I order, cas-trum, -tri, n., a fort; pl.f a camp, os'tend-o, -ere, -i, "tens-um, v.a. 3, I show. di"mitt-o, -ere, -mis-i, -misa- um, v.a. 3, I send away {lit.f in different directions). VOCABULARY. S.5 re"nuntl-o, v. a. 1, I announce, report, quicunque, quaecunque, quod- cunque, rd. pron., whoever, whatever. xxv. ele- elephant-us, -i, m., phant. expavesc-o, -ere, "pav-i, v. a. 3, incept., I dread [lit., I begin to dread). nox, noct-is, /., night, dark- ness. fi-nis, -nis, m. and f., an end; pA., territories. octingent-i, -ae, -a, num. adj., eight hundred. tract-o, v.a. 1 [frequent, of traho, I draw), I draw out, I treat [lit., I keep dragging about). sepel-io, -ire, 'iv-i or "i-i, sepult-um, v.a. 4, I bury. ad-vers-us, -a, -um, past jmrt. {from ad"vert-o), opposite, unsuccessful. vuln-us, -6ris, »., a wound. truz, truc-is, adj., fierce, wild. VTilt-us, -us, m., the counten- ance, look. mor-ior, -i, mortu-us sum, v. dep. 3, I die. Jac-eo, -ere, -ui, v.n. 2, I lie prostrate. vid-eo, -ere, vid-i, vis-um, v.a. 2, I see; pafolk, M.A. Book VI. Bv Walter Leaf, Litt.D., and Rev. M. A. Bayfield. Book XVIIL' By S. R. James, M. A., Assistant Master at Eton. Book XXIV. By W. 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