L 121 J271a RFl . . -■ \ \ rr~. D 3 la •\ ! 9 1 ^ 9 za 1> 2 c 9 5> -H 8 ACHIEVEMENT THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^^/ ^^^^''"l^f vi^' ACHIEVEMENT lA Treatise on One of the Factors in the ^Advancement of the ^rt of "Printings with Examples 1920 JAPAN PAPER COMPANY •' 3HT -lo JAaai/. \ e -v: To r k IHSA^O TO aTUTIT8VII ^A To r k MEDAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS Designed hy James E. Fraser ACHIEVEMENT zA 'Treatise on One of the Factors in the '^Advancement of the <iArt of^rinting^ with examples m 1920 JAPAN PAPER COMPANY J^w York Copyright 1920 Japan Paper Company z /2I THE J; TRiNTiNg exhibitio:ac AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS {etwig forth the fact that of all the specimens of pri?tting show?t at this great exhibitiofi a large per- centage were printed on ha?idmade papers supplied exclusively by the Japan Paper Company. This is the more significant since the exhibition contained specimens of printing from all parts of the United States and Canada; repre- senting every variety of work from widely scattered sources^ all indicating the unmistakable trend toward the use of handmade papers for the best printed matter. CADE: ''Thou hast most traitorously corrupted the youth of the realm in erecting a grammar school; and whereas ^ before ^ our forefathers had no other books but the score and the tally ^ thou hast caused printing to be used; and^ contrary to the king^ his crown^ and dignity, thou hast built a paper-mill.'' — King Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 7. ACHIEVEMENT THE American Institute of Graphic Arts held an exhibition of Printing in the galleries of the National Arts Club in New York, from May fifth to June first, Nineteen hundred and twenty. The purpose of this exhibition was to assemble a rep- resentative collection of contemporary x'^merican printing, definitely to indicate the standards attained by the print- ing art in this country. The announcement of the exhibition met with instant response from representative printers in all sections of the United States and Canada. Thousands of specimens were submitted to the Committee, and after careful ex- amination over fifteen hundred were selected for exhibition. The classification of exhibits included Books, Cata- logues, Labels, Booklets, Circulars, Stationery, Calendars, Wrappers, Display Cards, Cards, Folders, Posters, Prints, Advertisements, Color Printing and Maps. That the purpose of the exhibition was accomplished in large measure, is best evidenced by the enthusiastic interest displayed by the many devotees of the printing art who were daily visitors. Further indication of this is to be found in the published comments on the exhibition appearing in the trade publications and newspapers. The Committee of Judges awarded gold, silver and bronze medals as announced elsewhere in this volume; The Page 8 Achievement American Institute of Graphic Arts Gold Medal for the best specimen in the Exhibition was awarded to No. 277: book, 15x20, title "Old Masters Drawings," printed for Mortimer L. Schiff, printed by Norman T. A. Munder Company; cover French Marble paper; text 192 pages, end and fly leaf unbleached handmade Arnold paper; photogravure illustrations; exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder Company of Baltimore. One outstanding feature of this great exhibition almost universally observed and widely commented on, is the large proportion of the exhibits printed, wholly or in part, upon paper supplied by the Japan Paper Company. Of the total number of specimens shown in the various classes, the percentage of those on handmade papers were as follows; Folders 49% Posters 43% Cards 51% Prints (typographic) 25% Labels 59% Books 39% Circulars 58% Catalogues 12% Stationery 22% Booklets 40% This is remarkable evidence of the influence of paper upon the advancement of the standards of the printing art. Art lends inspiration to faith and faith finds expression in works. Twenty years ago the Japan Paper Company was founded upon faith in the idea that by upholding the finest traditions of the art of paper making and extending the market for its worthiest products, the printing and allied arts could best be served and their standards advanced. Achievement Page 9 This printing exhibition has furnished evidence that this faith was more than justified. It has demonstrated that the rare handmade papers from Europe and the Orient, handled exclusively by the Japan Paper Company, have been a powerful factor in the development of the printing art in the western hemisphere. It has been the constant effort of this company to advance the interests of the Graphic Arts by making a special study of fine papers, by obtaining the finest grades from various parts of the world, and presenting them in the most attractive manner. In the beginning of its business the company dealt exclusively in the products of Japan, hence the name, Japan Paper Company; later the papers of China and Korea were added, and as the appreciation of their possi- bilities warranted, the papers of the European makers were included. The officers of the Company have traveled extensively through Europe and the Orient to obtain the finest products of foreign paper makers for the American market. In the exploitation of these exceptional papers they have enjoyed the enthusiastic cooperation of progressive artists and printers who have not been lacking in appre- ciation of their unusual merits and artistic possibilities. The results were admirably shown in the printing exhibi- tion in the remarkable collection of catalogues, booklets, folders, circulars, posters, labels and cards featuring these distinctive papers. During the war, which made the supply of these foreign Page lo Achievement papers practically unavailable, the Japan Paper Company was able to render peculiarly valuable service to the Ord- nance Department of the Government in producing certain useful materials unobtainable from any other source. Since the termination of hostilities, trips have been made to Europe and the Orient by officers of the company, for the purpose of securing an early resumption of trade relations to meet the growing demand for these unusual papers of foreign manufacture. It is generally conceded that the printing art has made more progress in the last twenty-five years than in the century preceding. It is not too much to say that one of the most helpful influences to which this progress must be attributed is the encouragement and sympathetic cooperation afforded to the earnest and progressive craftsmen by the Japan Paper Company in furnishing papers offering such tempting possibilities to the artist and printer. These papers by their very texture, color, substance and "feel" may, unadorned by design or text, suggest almost every human emotion as tenderness, virility, anger, vigor, daintiness, sentiment, strength, etc. To the artist and printer blessed with a genuine ap- preciation of their distinctive charm they offer an endless opportunity for his best expression. A brief reference to some of the principal sources of supply of these papers may not be without interest. China, though the first country to engage in the paper Achievement Page 1 1 making industry has been singularly lacking in its develop- ment. It is characteristic of the Chinese to cling to the past and to turn a deaf ear to the calls of progress. From the Chinese point of view that which the past accepted is good enough to meet the needs of today. This element in the Chinese character is exemplified by the fact that in common use may be found today many sheets of Chinese papers not varying in a single detail of quality, size, texture, color and crudity from their prototypes of many centuries past. This has served to establish for these papers a place all their own, and has undoubtedly restricted the varieties of handmade papers of Chinese origin. Fortified by this isolation they stand apart untouched, unchanged by the progress of the new world. In this respect they perfectly typify the vast kingdom whence they come, so slow to open its doors to admit the wonders of modern progress. The Chinese papers bear the earmarks of the first great invention and suggest grimly the conditions of those dim days of the past which still live in China. A fair exam- ple of this is the Hang Chow representing the unchanging customs of centuries. Its merit lies in its appearance of age and the interest it cannot fail to attract by its warm tint and unusual texture. The poster "Old China" im- printed on this paper received the award of the silver medal in the poster class. J apan, notwithstanding her close geographical relation to China seems to afford a peculiar contrast to her neighbor Page 12 Achievement In the development of her paper-making industry. The Japanese more than any other nation have progressed in the art of producing fine papers of vegetable fibre. Though originating in China, this industry has made its greatest strides in the land of Nippon. The Japanese have devised improvements which have left the products of Chinese paper makers far behind. Indigenous to the Island are the Kodzu, Mitsumata and Gampi shrubs, from which Japan's entire output of native paper is made. These shrubs are very similar to the mulberry plant, and the soft beautiful lustre which characterizes Japanese paper is due to the peculiar silky texture of this fibre. Domestic architecture in Japan was aided largely by the addition of paper as material for house building, in the form of the shoji (or window), and the use of the fan, parasol, lantern and screen, and above all as shown in the art of the people, by kakemonos and prints — all of early origin in Japan. These led to a demand that rapidly developed and resulted in many new uses and in a manufacture that be- came practically universal throughout the island. So great is the variety now produced that it is impossible to offer any one sheet as typical of Japanese manufacture, but without doubt the best known is the famous handmade Japanese Vellum paper which is universally used for fine books and plate and process reproductions. The many other styles, each in itself individual, are becoming more generally known and appreciated, through Achievement Page 13 their adaptability to the interests of modern advertising, especially when the wares in question possess a character, worthy of reflection in the quality and novelty of the paper and when the artistic may vie with the commercial. Spanish claims to the distinction of being the first country in Europe to engage in the manufacture of paper are disputed by Italy. Support is found for the claims of Spain in the fact that through the intercourse of wars the Chinese came into contact with the Arabs who acquired from them the secret of paper making and at once put it into practice with the use of linen and cotton rags obtained from their discarded cloaks and mantles. It was early in the eleventh century that this industry was started in the old city of Toledo whence it spread throughout the country. Departing from her traditions which have led her in most matters to cling to the old times and ancient customs Spain has, singularly enough, in her paper industry failed to carry on in the development of handmade papers. These are being gradually but certainly replaced by the machine made sheets. One or two "tubs" still survive however and the quality of their output is beyond question. The excellent character of these papers and their limited variety but add to their value, and their resulting exclusiveness renders them particularly useful and in- teresting for certain purposes. The pretentions of Italy as the first of the European countries to seriously undertake the making of papers Page 14 Achievement are not to be ignored. To her must be accorded the credit for first introducing the use of animal size, replacing the vegetable size originally used by the Chinese. Early in the eleventh century paper making was in- augurated at Amalfi and at Fabriano. Both mills are still in existence; the former little more than a relic; the latter a great plant, turning out the wonderful papers which bear its name. In these mills the crude original forms are still largely used and the papers have lost little of their original character except that they have progressed in their adaptation to modern needs. One sheet in particular is still produced as it was in the early thirteenth century and it shows the great coarse screen and the crude water- mark of the Star. Among all of the handmade papers in present use those from the Italian mills have a peculiar charm of texture and color, and they fittingly adorn many delightful specimens of the printing art. In France the making of paper is rated as a national industry. Its introduction is generally assigned to the latter part of the twelfth century and a French water- mark is said to exist bearing date of 1282. To Beaumarchais is accredited the preservation and conservation of three famous mills, one at Arches, one at Archettes, and one at Plombieres (all founded in 1492). Mills were scattered about central and southern France especially in Lorraine, and Vosges, where the air, the Achievement Page i^ brooks and the rivers were exceptionally pure, giving to the pulp the desired whiteness; for in paper making natural forces play a great part. Moreover, work with the hands was not considered menial, and the art was handed down from father to son as an inheritance, many of the smaller mills not even employing outside help, the women of the household taking part in the enterprise. The larger mills took on the form of schools or ateliers, where the boys were apprenticed for a term of years; thus the youths were brought up to love the trade which their forefathers had left them. The works of art, the glory of the Renaissance were printed on the beautiful rag papers which the finesse, and love of handiwork of the Frenchman had created, and today the fine books of France are still made with the same materials. That these materials have lived is due to their worth, and that this worth is just as inherent to- day as then, has been proved by their adaptation to works above the ordinary in this country. England with characteristic conservatism was the last of the old world countries to engage in paper making. For many years the handmade papers for England were imported from France and Holland. Not until the six- teenth century was the industry firmly established in England though this followed a long period of experi- mentation dating back well into the previous century. The same conservatism prevented development up to about 1685 when, as the records show, the Huguenots Page i6 Achievement emigrating from France revived the industry and thus the art and mills were started in England on the same plan as in France, being handed down from father to son, from generation to generation. So the handiwork was cultivated and continually bettered with typical British thoroughness, which cul- minated in the high standard demanded by William Morris in his shop at Kelmscott. Here he revolutionized the art of book making, the influence of which is still felt and demonstrated by many workshops and presses patterned after his. Not alone do his theories, ideals and books live, but the materials he used, designed as they were to meet his high requirements, still survive and are as repre- sentative of worth and quality today as at the time of their inception. It is interesting in this connection to note that the Kelmscott paper is still made in the same way and by the same people. It naturally follows that a paper which answers such requirements is a safe medium to use today in any form of good advertising. If England was the last of the European countries to enter the field of paper making, her advancement in the art has been equally notable. Indeed her progress in this industry has fully kept pace with her advancement in every manifestation of the graphic arts; and who does not pay tribute to her master craftsmen of this and the preceding century in "the art of all arts preservative?" To those hereditary artisans of Orient and Occident Achievement Page 17 whose skill, industry and ingenuity have developed and preserved for the use of the modern craftsmen these wonderful handmade papers, must be accorded a promi- nent place among the factors which make for printing of the highest quality. To the Japan Paper Company great credit is due for making these remarkable papers available to the printers of America. The achievement of their high purpose is thus signal- ized as evidence of the vast influence of the paper makers in the advancement of the Art of Printing. EXAMPLES of exhibits made wholly or in part of the handmade papers of the Japan T'aper (Company NOTE /N the list zvhich foikzvs, the items marked with an asterisk (*J were not eligible to competition, the exhib- itors being on the Committee of Judges. EXAMPLES BOOKS Book, The Merrymount Press; 8 x loj^^; printed for and exhibited *42 by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade XIII Century paper; text (24 pages), handmade Italian paper. Book, The Isle of Pines; 6^ x 8K; printed for the Club of Odd *43 Volumes; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade French Marble paper; text (120 pages), special hand- made paper. Book, Bibliotheca Americana; 7x11; printed and exhibited by *45 D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (240 pages), handmade Fabriano paper. Book, A Catalogue of the Collection of Prints from the Studiorum *^6 of Joseph M. W. Turner; 9 x 12^; privately printed; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Florentine paper, stamped in gold. Book, The Jonny-Cake Papers; 6x9; printed for subscribers; *48 printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (430 pages), special handmade paper. Book, A Catalogue of the Engraved Plates for Picturesque Views *49 in England and Wales; 5^ x 9^; privately printed; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Florentine paper; text (104 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade French paper. Book, The Metropolitan Museum of Art; 5%" x 8^; printed for *50 the Metropolitan Museum of Art; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Florentine paper; text (82 pages), special handmade paper. Book, Renaissance Courtesy-Book; 6% x 10; printed for libraries *52 and collectors; printed and exhibited by the Merrymount Press. Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (124 pages), special hand- made paper. Page 22 Ex AM P LES; So<9^J *56 Book, Newark; gyi x 12; printed for the Carteret Book Club of Newark; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade French Marble paper; text (54 pages), handmade un- bleached Arnold paper; illustrations, wood engravings by Rudolph Ruzicka. *58 Book, Isaiah Thomas; 6}^ x 9^; printed for The Club of Odd Volumes; exhibited by D. B. Updike. Printed by Isaiah Thomas. Cover, Fabriano Cover. *S9 Book, The Parochial Library of the XVIII Century in Christ Church; 5^ x 8>^; printed and exhibited by the Merrymount Press; privately printed. Cover, handmade French Marble paper. *6o Book, Abroad with Jane; \% x 7; privately printed; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade French Marble paper. *6l Book, Two Letters from General fFilliatn Tecumseh Sherman; 6% x 9; privately printed; printed and exhibited by D. B. Up- dike. Text (24 pages), special handmade paper. *62 Book, Pierrot's Verses; 4^ x 6^; printed and exhibited by the Merrymount Press; privately printed. Cover, handmade Shadow paper. *6'j Book, A Descriptive Catalogue; printed for the Caxton Club; exhibited by Walter Gilliss. Cover, end and fly leaf, handmade Florentine paper. *68 Book, The Iconography of Manhattan Island; 8 x 11; printed for Robert H. Dodd; exhibited by Walter Gilliss. Backbone and cover, Sheepskin Parchment; text (1,000 pages), special handmade Kelmscott paper. *7i Book, The Gate of Peace; 6}4 x 10; privately printed; designed by by F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text (24 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Kelmscott paper. *72 Book, 7"//!? Door in the Wall; 11 x 15; designed by F. W. Goudy for Mitchell Kennerley; printed and exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Text (154 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Glaslan paper with photogravure illustrations. Examples: 'Books Page 23 Book, Portraits; 10 x 14; printed for Paul B. Hoeber; designed *73 by F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Text (36 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Kelmscott paper with photogravure illustrations. Book, Songs of the Love Unending; 6]4 x 10; printed and exhib- *74 ited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Printed for Brothers of the Book. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text (24 pages), handmade Kelmscott paper. Book, The Princess of the Tower; 6^4 x loK; privately printed; *75 printed and exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Text (20 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Arches paper. Book, A Dedication; 7K x li; composed printed and exhibited 82 by Bertha Goudy. Cover, Calfskin Vellum; text (8 pages), on English Illuminating Calfskin Vellum in two colors. Book, Time Telling Through the Ages; 6}4 x ()l4; exhibited by 83 Robert H. Ingersoll & Company; printed for Robert H. Inger- soU & Company by Doubleday, Page & Co. Cover, handmade Roma paper. Plates printed by William E. Rudge. Book, To the Latin American Delegates; 8 x io}4; leather cover; 86 printed for American International Corporation by the Red- field-Kendrick-Odell Company. Text (86 pages), and fly leaf printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Book, Songs of Seeking a7id Finding; 5x8; printed and exhibited by 90 Charles Scribner's Sons. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper. Book, James Russell Lowell; 7 x 10; printed and exhibited by 93 a Charles Scribner's Sons. Cover, handmade Florentine paper. Book, The Grove Plays; Syi x 9; printed for the Bohemian Club; 94 printed and exhibited by H. S. Crocker Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Book, Venetia; 6j^ x 9; privately printed; printed and exhibited 95 by H. S. Crocker Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Book, Resolutions; 9^ x i2y^; printed for the Spring Valley 96 Water Company; printed and exhibited by H. S. Crocker Com- pany. Cover, handmade Fabriano paper; backbone. Sheepskin Parchment; text (16 pages), handmade Arnold unbleached paper. Page 24 Examples: 'Books 97 Book, Leonardo Da Vinci; 7 x 10^; printed and exhibited by the Yale University Press. Cover, handmade French Marble paper. loi Book, The Log of the Courcelette; 7 x 10; printed and exhibited by the Bartlett-Orr Press. Cover, handmade Shadow paper; text (54 pages), handmade Spanish paper, printed in black with a halftone tip-on. 104 Book, The Mouse and the Moonbeam; 7 x 10; privately printed; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Rizzi paper; text (8 pages), on handmade Italian paper. 107 Book, Some Milestones in the History of the National Park Bank of New York; 5x8; printed for the National Park Bank of New York; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, Fabriano Cover; backbone, handmade Japanese Vellum paper. 108 Book, The Annual Report of President Kalkhoff; 6}4 x 9^; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text (16 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Fabriano paper. 109 Book, And a Little Child Shall Lead Them; 6x8; privately printed; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Rizzi paper; text (8 pages), handmade Italian paper. iilA Book, Chinese Poems; 6 x 8^; printed for and exhibited by Al- fred A. Knopf; printed by Plimpton Press. Cover, handmade Chinese Figured Gold paper; backbone, Sheepskin Parchment; end and flies, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; text (244 pages) handmade Venetia paper. I lie Book, Twenty Drawings by Kahlil Gibran; gJ/2 x 12^; exhibited by Alfred A. Knopf. Printed by Plimpton Press. Cover, hand- made Chinese Figured Gold paper; backbone Sheepskin Parch- ment; cover, handmade Ancona paper. II2A Book, Argonaut and Juggernaut; 5^ x y}4; printed for and ex- hibited by Alfred A. Knopf. Cover, handmade Ancona paper. 113 Book, More Translations from the Chinese; 5^^ x 8; printed for and exhibited by Alfred A. Knopf. Cover, handmade Toyo- gami paper. 1 13 A Book, Sophie; 5X x 7^; printed for and exhibited by Alfred A. Knopf. Cover and label, handmade Toyogami paper. Examples: 'Books Page 2$ Book, Fairies and Fusiliers; 4 x 6>^; printed for and exhibited 113B by Alfred A. Knopf. Cover, handmade Toyogami paper. Book, /«//[i?Garr<?i, 5x8; exhibited by Alfred A. Knopf. Printed 113c by Vail-Ballou Co. Label and title on end, handmade Toyo- gami paper. Book, We Moderns; 5x8; printed for and designed and exhibited 1 14B by Alfred A. Knopf. Printed by Vail-Ballou Co. Cover, title and ends, handmade Toyogami paper. Book, Thirty-five Sonnets; 6 x 8>^; printed and exhibited by 117 Taylor & Taylor; printed for California Book Club. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper; text (54 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Kelmscott paper. Book, Odes and Sonnets; 1)4 x 10; printed and exhibited by 118 Taylor & Taylor; printed for the California Book Club. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text (36 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Kelmscott paper. Book, His Royal Highness, The Price of Wales* Tour of Canada; 119 10 X 13; printed for Canadian Pacific Railroad and exhibited by The Gazette Printing Company. Text (284 pages), printed in one color on handmade Japanese Vellum paper with photogravure illustrations and half-tone tip-on. Handmade Japanese tissue paper for interleaves. Book, Cronica del Famoso Cavallero Cid Ruydiez Catnpeador; 120 8 x 12; printed and exhibited by De Vinne Press. Cover, Calfskin Vellum; text (200 pages), handmade Fabriano paper. Book, Pictures in the Collection of P. A. B. Widener; 14 x 18; 124 privately printed; printed and exhibited by H. S. Crocker Co. Cover, end and fly leaf, handmade French Marble paper; text (200 pages), handmade Arnold unbleached paper. Book, A Book of Shakespeare* s Songs; 9>^ x I2>^; printed for 128 G. Shirmer & Sons; printed and exhibited by De Vinne Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover; backbone, handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Book, Etchers and Etchings; 8>2 x 13; printed for MacMillan 130 Co.; printed and exhibited by the Norwood Press. Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (370 pages), end and fly leaf, hand- made Italian Venetia paper. Page 26 Examples: 'Books 134 Book, Year Book of the Philadelphia Sketch Club; 5>^ x 8>^; designed by William A. Kittredge; printed and exhibited by the Franklin Printing Company. Printed for the Sketch Club of Philadelphia. Cover, handmade Omi-V Japanese paper, printed in black and gold. 135 Book, The Will and the Way; 5^ x 7>^; printed for the Metro- politan Trust Company by Oswald Press; exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Cover, handmade French Marble paper; back- bone and corners, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; text (32 pages), end and fly, handmade San Marco paper. 136 Book, The Allyn Family; y}i x 10^; exhibited by William A. Kittredge; printed by Oswald Press. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper; text (24 pages), handmade Umbria paper with handmade Japanese Vellum paper inserts. 139 Book, Across Catiada; 10 x 12; printed and exhibited by the Gazette Printing Company; printed in one color. Text (32 pages), on Fabriano Cover with half-tone tip-on. 145 Book, The Sleepy IIollozv Country Clnh; j}4 x lo; privately printed; printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Text (26 pages), end and fly leaf on handmade Fabriano paper. 146 Book, The Queen of the Belgians Appeal to the Women of America; 9>^xi3>^; exhibited by HarrieA.Bell; printed by the Curtis Pub- lishing Company. Text (112 pages), handmade Fabriano paper. 151 Book, The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Royal Bank of Canada; 1]/2 X loj^; printed and exhibited by the Ronalds Press. Cover, handmade Ancona paper. Text (154 pages), end and fly leaves, handmade French Arches paper, printed in one color with photogravure illustrations and handmade Japanese Silk Tissue for interleaves. 152 Book, The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Royal Bank of Canada; 8 X io>^; exhibited and printed by the Ronalds Press. Cover, end and fly leaf, handmade French Marble paper; text, hand- made French paper; 154 pages with photogravure illustrations. 169 Book, An Attic Philosopher in Paris; \}4 x 7; printed and exhib- ited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company; printed for the Caxton Club. Text (226 pages), end and fly leaf handmade Tuscany paper. Ex AM PL KS : 'Books Page 27 Book, Of Much Love and Some Knozvledge of Books; ^}4 x %}4; ij'^ printed and exhibited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company; printed for the Caxton Club. Cover, handmade Momoyama paper; backbone, Sheepskin Parchment; text (48 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Book, Daniel Gookin; 6 x io>^; privately printed; printed and 183 exhibited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Cover, Fab- riano Cover. Book, Diogenes in London; 6^4 x 10; printed and exhibited by 195 Edwin and Robert Grabhorn. Cover, handmade Special Marble paper; text (16 pages), end and fly leaf, printed on hand- made Tuscany paper. Book, A Defense of the Dilettante; 9x12; privately printed and 196 exhibited by Edwin and Robert Grabhorn. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper; text (24 pages), end and fly leaf printed on handmade Etruria paper. Book, Washington's Farewell Address; S}4 x ii; printed and ex- 198 hibited by Houghton-Mifllin Company. Text (30 pages), printed on handmade Fabriano paper. Book, Paul et Virginie; 7K x ii; printed and exhibited by 200 Houghton-Mifilin Company. Text (160 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Arnold unbleached paper. Book, The Years Between; 6}4 x <)}4; printed and exhibited by 212 the University of Chicago Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Book, Charcoals of New and Old New York; 8)4 x lo>^; printed 215 and exhibited by the University of Chicago Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Book, The Art Work of L. C. Tiffany; 9K x 12K; printed for 216 L. C. Tiff"any; printed and exhibited by Doubleday Page & Co. Text (90 pages), printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper with photogravure illustrations. Book, Mount Vernon; 6}4 x 10; printed and exhibited by 218 Doubleday Page & Co. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Book, Song of Roland; sJ4 x 8K; printed and exhibited by the 226 Yale University Press. Cover, handmade Roma paper. Page 2^ Examples: 'Books 237 Book, 7"//!? Near East; 5J/2 x 7^; printed and exhibited by the De Vinne Press; printed for the Century Company. Cover, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; text (36 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Japanese Vellum paper. 243 Book, Trophies of Heredia; 4^ x 7^; printed and exhibited by the University Press; printed for Small Maynard Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover. 244 Book, Our Lady's Tumbler; 4 x 5^; printed and exhibited by the University Press; printed for Small Maynard Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover. 251 Book, Elegy; Written in a Country Church Yard; 4JE^ x 6; printed and exhibited by Prairie Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover. 253 Book, A Dissertation Upon Roast Pig; 4 x 6^^; printed and ex- hibited by Will Bradley. Cover, Fabriano Cover. "256 Book, Frieyidship; 4}^ x 7^; printed and exhibited by D. B. Updike; published by Alfred Bartlett. Cover, Fabriano Cover. 257 Book, A Few Words on Christmas; 5^ x 8^; privately printed for T. N. Fairbanks; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Cover, handmade Momoyama paper; backbone, Japan- ese Vellum paper; text (16 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Mokuroku paper. 259 Book, Omar Repentant; t^% x 6^; printed and exhibited by the Cheltenham Press. Printed for Mitchell Kennerley. Cover, Fabriano Cover. 260 Book, The Lost Joy; 2^ x 5^; printed and exhibited by Thomas B. Mosher. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper. 265 Book, Romeo and Juliette; 5^x7%"; printed and exhibited by the Monadnock Press; printed for Temple Scott. Cover, Calfskin Vellum. 266 Book, Educated Dogs of Today; 10 x 13; printed and exhibited by McGrath-Sherrill Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text (76 pages), handmade French Arches paper with photogravure illustrations. 267 Book, Pauline Agassiz Shaw; 6 x 9^; printed and exhibited by McGrath-Sherrill Press. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper; text (80 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Arnold un- bleached paper. Examples: "Books Page ig Book, Fine Prmthig and Mr. Bruce Rogers; 6x9; printed and 268 exhibited by Carl P. Rollins, printed for The Carteret Book Club. Cover, handmade Florentine paper. Book, A Vase from Omar's Land; ll x 15; designed by Edward 272 Edwards for Parish-Watson Company; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Cover, handmade Fabriano paper; text (24 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade San Marco paper. Book, The Samos Aphrodite; 14 x 22; designed by Edward Ed- 273 wards for Parish-Watson Company; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Text (30 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade San Marco paper with photogravure illustra- tions; handmade Japanese Tissue paper interleaves. Book, Garden Book; 9^ x 12; printed for John D. Rockefeller. 275 Cover, handmade Roma paper; end and fly leaf, handmade Shadow paper. Book, William Byrd, Esq.; 7 x 10%; designed by Bruce Rogers 276 for Thomas F. Ryan; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Text (68 pages), end and fly leaf, hand- made Etruria paper, photogravure illustrations. Book, Old Masters' Drawings; 15 x 20; printed and exhibited 277 by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Cover, handmade French Marble paper; text (192 pages), end and fly leaf, hand- made Arnold unbleached paper. Book, Mergenthaler Linotype Company; g^ x 12)4', printed and 338 exhibited by Bartlett-Orr Press. Cover, handmade Florentine paper, embossed in gold. Book, Henry J. Heintz; 7 x 10; designed by 0. W. Jaquish Jr.; 345 prmted and exhibited by Bartlett-Orr Press. Cover, handmade Ancona paper stamped in black and gold. Book, A Bank Built on the Nation's Commerce; 9 x 12; printed and 360 exhibited by William E. Rudge; printed for National Park Bank. Cover printed on handmade French Ingres paper, Japanese fold, in two colors. Book, Packard Twin-Six; 9 x 12; for the Packard Company; 456 printed and exhibited by Corday & Gross. Cover, handmade Roma paper. Page -^o Examples: '^ooks 516 Book, The Fourth Anniversary of Great Britain s Entry Into the War; 6x9; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper, Japanese fold, 520 Book, Impressions; \^ x 63^; designed by 0. W. Jaquish Jr.; printed and exhibited by Bartlett-Orr Press. Cover, handmade Japanese Vellum paper embossed in black and gold; text (16 pages), handmade Fabriano paper. 559 Book, The General Chemical Company; 4^ x 7^; printed and exhibited by Rogers & Company; printed for General Chemical Company. Cover, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; back- bone, handmade Japanese Omi-V paper; text (16 pages), hand- made San Marco paper. 565 Book, A Six Months Advertising Campaign; 10 x 13; printed and exhibited by Alfred B. Kennedy. Cover, end, fly leaf and label, handmade Fabriano paper. Cover printed in two colors. 572 Book, An Early Literary Club; 4}^ x 7; printed and exhibited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover. Printed in one color. 574 Book, The Wayfarers Club; z,}4 x%\ Japanese fold; printed and exhibited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. for the Wayfarer's Club. Printed on handmade Roma paper in two colors. 588 Book, Mor-Lite; 6x9; designed by Charles W. Simpson; printed and exhibited by the Gazette Printing Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover with half-tone tip-on. 597 Book, Concert by the Aeolian Company., $}^ x ^/4; printed for the Aeolian Company; printed and exhibited by Redfield-Kendrick- Odell Company. Cover, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; text (16 pages), end and fly leaf, handmade Tuscany paper. 598 Book, An Open Letter; 5>^ x 9; printed and exhibited by Red- field-Kendrick-Odell Company. Cover, handmade French Ingres paper; text (24 pages), printed in one color on handmade Fabriano paper. 606 Book, Life; 3x4; printed and exhibited by Redfield-Kendrick- Odell Company. Cover, Fabriano Cover paper with handmade Japanese Vellum paper tip-on. Examples: 'Books Page si Book, What Are You Going To Do With Your Boy?; 8 x 12; 641 printed and exhibited by the Thomson Company. Printed for Camp Dudley Association on handmade Tokugawa paper, fly leaf, handmade soft Japan paper, in three colors. Book, Amiouncement; 5^ x 8; printed for and exhibited by O.W. 646 Jaquish Jr. Printed by the Buckeye Press. Normandy Vellum paper with four page handmade Umbria paper insert. Book, The Sower; 6^ x 9^2; printed and exhibited by R. C. 647 Dyer & Co.; printed for the S. W. Advertising Company. Text (four-page Japanese fold), end and fly leaf on handmade Japan- ese Vellum paper. Book, Japanese Vellum; 6 x 8^; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- 649 pany. Printed for Japan Paper Company, by William E. Rudge, on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Book, Gifu, Totomi and Kochi; 6 x 8>^; exhibited by Japan Paper 650 Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company by William E. Rudge on various handmade soft Japan papers. Book, Michelet Handmade Covers; 6% x 9; designed and printed 651 for Japan Paper Company by Mackay Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Michelet paper. Book, French Ingres Paper; 6 x gj4; printed for Japan Paper 652 Company; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Cover and 8-page insert, handmade French paper. Book, Country Club Estates; 6)4 x 9; printed and exhibited by 670 Matthews-Northrup Works. Cover, handmade Roma paper Japanese fold, embossed in two colors. Book, The Management of Public Service; 5J^ x 8; printed and 672 exhibited by the Matthews-Northrup Works. Cover, handmade Florentine paper, Japanese fold, printed in one color. Book, Modern Development in the Sugar Industry; Japanese fold; 674 5J4 X 7^; printed and exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works. Printed on handmade Italian paper in one color. Book, Special Locomobile; 6^4 x 8^; printed for the Loco- 696A mobile Company; printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Cover, handmade Lombardia paper; text, handmade Fabriano paper; printed in black with half-tone tip-on. Page -^2 Examples: "Booklets 725 Bookj^w Epoch in Railroad Electrification; 8^x 1 1 ; Japanese fold; printed for the General Electric Company; printed and exhibited by the Maqua Company. Cover, handmade Florentine paper, embossed in gold. Book, The Love and Loot of Women; 7 x 10; Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (300 pages), printed on handmade San Marco paper; handmade Japanese Vellum inserts; end and fly leaf, Japanese tissue paper. Book, William Loring Andrews; yy^ x j\.}4; published and ex- hibited by Charles Scribner's Sons. Text (120 pages), hand- made Japanese Vellum paper with illustrations. Book, The Ninety-first Psalm; 3>2 x 5>^; text (24 pages), printed on handmade soft Japan paper. BOOKLETS *55A Booklet, The Work of the Merrymotint Press; 8x11; printed for and exhibited by D. B. Updike. Cover, handmade Roma paper; text (36 pages), handmade French paper. 319 Booklet, The Rieter Laboratories; ^yi x 8>^; printed and exhib- ited by Taylor & Taylor; printed for the Rieter Laboratories. Cover, Fabriano Cover; text and fly leaves, handmade Kelm- scott paper. 429 Booklet, Rochester; 6x9; for Eastman Kodak Company; printed and exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works. Text (24 pages), handmade Florentine paper; Japanese fold, with half-tone tip-on. 513 Booklet, Outdoors; 9 x 12}4; printed for Heathcote Nurseries; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, Japanese fold, handmade English paper. 515 Booklet, Official Catalogue British Government Exhibition; 7 x io}i; printed for the British Government; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Fabriano paper, Jap- anese fold. 517 Booklet, The President As I Know Him; ^}4 x 8; printed pri- vately; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Toyogami paper, Japanese fold, printed in one color. Examples: 'Booklets Page 33 Booklet, Modern Methods for Modern Merchants; 6>^ x 9^^; 545 printed and exhibited by the KalkhofF Company. Cover, hand- made Teshio paper; end and fly leaf, Fabriano Cover; text (8 pages), handmade Etruria paper, printed in two colors. Booklet, Coolkenny; printed and exhibited by the Holmes Press. 553 Text (32 pages), printed in two colors on handmade Fabriano paper. Booklet, Tide Water Topics, Vol. 2, No. 2; 7% x 9K ; printed for 584 and exhibited by the Tide Water Oil Company. Cover printed in two colors on Brittany paper. Booklet, Tide Water Topics, Vol. 2, No. 5; 7 x 9><; printed for 585 and exhibited by the Tide Water Oil Company. Cover, hand- made XIII Century paper, printed in two colors. Booklet, Harrison E. Gazvtry; 16 pages, limp cover, 6}4 x Sj4; 601 printed and exhibited by Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Company. Cover, Brittany paper; text (16 pages), handmade Fabriano paper; fly leaves, handmade Nettunia paper. Booklet, Map Making; 3>^ x 5; printed and exhibited by Red- 607 field-Kendrick-Odell Company. Cover, handmade Fabriano paper. Booklet, Pomander Walk; 6 x 10; printed and exhibited by Carl 614 J. H. Anderson. Cover, Fabriano Cover, printed in two colors; text (8 pages), handmade Tuscany paper in two colors. Booklet, Your Boy; 8>^ x 11; printed and exhibited by the 642 Thomson Company. Printed for Camp Dudley Association on handmade Momoyama paper; Japanese fold, in two colors. Booklet, J Sturdy American Boyhood; 6x9; printed and exhib- 645 ited by the Thomson Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Wood Veneer cover in two colors. Booklet, Awaji; 6x8; printed for and exhibited by Japan Paper 653 Company; printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Awaji paper. Booklet, The Price of Cash; 2^ x 4|<4 ; printed for Japan Paper 654 Company by Marchbanks Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Cover, handmade Japanese Vellum paper; text (20 pages), handmade Shogun paper. Page 24 EXAMPLES: 'booklets 660 Booklet, John Macfarlane Howie; 51^ x 9; printed and ex- hibited by Langdon B. Clark. Printed on handmade Omi-V Japanese paper, Japanese fold; Cover, and four-page text, with half-tone tip-on. ''705 Booklet, Announcement; 3x4; printed and exhibited by Oswald Press. Cover, handmade Tokugawa paper, Japanese fold. 706 Booklet, Western Reserve University; 24 pages, 8^ x 11^; printed for the Western Reserve University; printed and exhib- ited by Horace Carr. Cover, handmade Florentine paper; text, handmade French Arches paper. 722 Booklet, Home Portraiture; 6}i x 10; printed and exhibited by the Du Bois Press. Cover, Fabriano Cover, Japanese fold; fly leaf, handmade soft Japan paper. 726 Booklet, Camp Edison; Japanese fold; 8>^ x li; printed for the General Electric Company; printed and exhibited by the Maqua Company. Cover, handmade Momoyama paper, printed in two colors; text (eight pages), handmade Japanese Vellum paper, printed in two colors with half-tone tip-on. 728 Booklet, Commercial Use for Searchlights; Japanese fold, 8x11; printed for General Electric Company; printed and exhibited by the Maqua Company. Cover, handmade Roma paper, blank embossed with half-tone tip-on. 729 Booklet, The Totem; 16 pages and cover, 5^^ x 9; printed for General Electric Company. Printed and exhibited by the Maqua Company on handmade Fabriano paper. 733 Booklet, Concrete Through the Ages; ii x i^yi; exhibited by Joseph Richards Company; printed for Atlas Portland Cement Company by Robert L. Stillson Company. Cover, handmade Momoyama paper; text (28 pages), and end papers, handmade Roma paper with half-tone tip-on. 757 Booklet, Toyogami Papers; 16 pages, $}i x 7}^; printed and ex- hibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Japan Paper Com- pany on handmade Toyogami paper. 840 Booklet, Reception and Supper; 4^ x 8; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Kiang-Nan Chinese paper; text, handmade soft Japan paper, Japanese fold, printed in two colors. ExAjViples: (Catalogues Page -^i, Booklet, The Printing Press; sH x 8^; printed and exhibited 914 by Edwin and Robert Grabhorn. Printed on handmade Lom- bardia paper in one color. Booklet, Vellum Price List; 7x11; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Booklet, Chicago Short Horn Cattle Club; 6}i x 8^; Japanese fold, printed for the Chicago Short Horn Cattle Club; printed and ex- hibited by R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. on handmade Roma paper. Booklet, Letters; 10 x 13; printed for Teachers College; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, special hand- made Omi-V Japanese paper; text, handmade Korean paper, Japanese fold. Booklet, The Song of Solomon; 10^ x 15; text (12 pages), end and fly leaf, special handmade paper. CATALOGUES Catalogue, Charles Scribners Sons; 6x9; designed and printed 310 by the Gillis Press; exhibited by Charles Scribner's Sons. Cover, handmade Fabriano paper. Catalogue, E y fF; 7 x 10; printed and exhibited by William E. 362 Rudge. Printed for Earl & Wilson Company. Cover, hand- made Lombardia paper, embossed in brown. Catalogue, J Worthy Company of Watch Makers; 5x8; printed 363 and exhibited for Gruen Watch Company. Cover, handmade Florentine paper in two colors. Catalogue, Clark Axles; 7 x 10; printed and exhibited by James 402 H. Rook. Cover, handmade Lombardia paper, embossed in three colors; fly leaf, handmade Momoyama paper. Catalogue, Zow^ariizij; 5^x8; printed for Japan Paper Company 449 by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Lombardia paper. Catalogue, Hoggson Brothers; 7 x 10; printed and exhibited by 715 Norman T. A. Munder & Company; printed for Hoggson Broth- ers, Cover printed in one color on Brittany paper. Page -iS Examples: Folders FOLDERS 524 Folder, The Nezv Locomobile Service mid Sales Building; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 3 x 4^; designed by O. W. Jaquish Jr.; printed and exhibited by Bartlett-Orr Press. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in two colors and gold. 555B Folder, Our Customers; 4 pages, 6^ x 9; designed by Harrie A. Bell. Printed and exhibited by the Holmes Press. Handmade Spanish paper, printed in two colors. 711 Folder and cover, Vanderhilt Hotel; 8 pages, 4 x 6}"^; designed by Edward Edwards; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed in two colors with half-tone tip-on on Normandy Vellum paper. 750 Folder, Two-Forty-Six Fifth Avenue; 4 pages, 6^ x 9^; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Fabriano paper in two colors. 754 Folder, Lakewood Rugs; 4 pages, 9x12; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for A. M. Karogheushan on hand- made Etruria paper in two colors. 755 Folder, Scranion Lace Company; 4 pages, 7^ x 10^; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Scranton Lace Company on handmade San Marco paper in two colors. 760 Folder, F. W. Goudy; 4 pages, 9 x 13; designed by and printed for F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Tuscany paper in two colors. 763 Folder, Cobbling; 4 pages, 2>^ x 3>^; designed by Charles For- bell; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Melville Shoe Corporation in two colors on handmade Lom- bardia paper. 764 Folder, Cobbling; 4 pages, 4}4 x 5; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Melville Shoe Corporation on handmade Shadow paper in two colors. 765 Folder, Educational Work of the American Institute of Graphic Arts; 4 pages, 8 x 12; designed by F. W. Goudy for American Institute of Graphic Arts; exhibited and printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade English paper in two colors. Examples: Folders Page 'ij Folder, Institute de France; 12 pages, 11 x 14; printed and ex- 768 hibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in two colors. Folder, The Undersigtied, 8 pages, 1 1 x 15; printed and exhibited 769 by Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Japanese Vel- lum paper in one color. Folder, The Rarely of Fine Printing; 4 pages, ^}4 x 6'^; printed 770 and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in two colors. Folder, The National Institute of Arts and Letters; 12 pages, 7x9; 772 printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed on hand- made Japanese Vellum paper in two colors. Folder, To the Provisional Government; 8 pages, iZ^i x 17; 773 printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Czecho-Slovac Government on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in one color. Folder, Hotel Gotham; Japanese fold, 3^x6; printed and exhib- 777 ited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Hotel Gotham on Fabriano Cover in two colors with half-tone tip-on. Folder, Greetings; 4 pages Japanese fold, 6 x ^%; printed and 778 exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works. Printed on hand- made Tokugawa paper in four colors. Folder, H. E. Plurner; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 8 x 10; printed and 779 exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works. Printed for H. E. Plumer in two colors on handmade Tuscany paper. Folder, Employer and Labor-Saving Device; 7%" x iiX; printed 781 and exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works on Fabriano Cover paper in two colors. Folder, Third Get-Together Dinner; 4 pages, 6x9; printed and 795 exhibited by Matthews-Northrup Works. Printed on hand- made Japanese Vellum paper in three colors. Folder, A Touch; 4 pages, Japanese fold 3x5; designed by Irving 800 K. Annable for Berkeley Press; exhibited by Berkeley Press. Printed on handmade soft Japan paper in two colors. Folder, At the Stevenson Fountain; 4 pages, 8>2 x 12; designed 805 by F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by Taylor & Taylor. Printed on handmade Kelmscott paper in black and gold. Pagg 3S Examples: Folders 806 Folder, To Honor Raphael Weil; 4 pages, 8J^ x 1 1^; printed and exhibited by Taylor & Taylor. Printed on handmade Kelm- scott paper in one color. 808 Folder, California Book Club; 4 pages, 8^ x iiM; printed and exhibited by Taylor & Taylor. Printed for California Book Club on handmade Kelmscott paper in one color. 824 Folder, A^ezv Address; 4 pages, 4^ x 6; designed and exhibited by W. Parke Johnson. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade San Marco paper in one color. 827 Folder, Fete de Mai; 4 pages, jy^ x 10; printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Printed on handmade Italian paper. 828 Folder, George Copeland; 4 pages, 5x8; printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Printed on handmade Kelmscott paper in two colors. 830 Folder, Bush Advertising Service; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 5 x J}4\ printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Printed for Bush Advertising Service on handmade Kelmscott paper in two colors. 83 1 Folder, Barracas; 4 pages; printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Spanish paper. 839 Folder, Price List of Imported Papers; 4 pages, 5>^ x 8>^; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on Normandy Vellum paper, one color. 842 Folder, Say It Quickly; 4 pages, 3>^ x 5; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Sugiyama paper in one color. 844 Folder, Printed Matter; 4 pages, 2J4 x 3>^; exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Florentine paper in one color. 844A Folder, In Korea; 4 pages, Japanese fold; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Korean paper in two colors. 841; Folder, Thirty-Fourth Annual Dinner; 8 pages, Japanese fold, ^}4 X 6%; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Cover, handmade Lombardia paper; text, handmade Spanish paper. Examples: Folders P^g^ 39 Folder, Japan Society Dinner Menu; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 847 5J4 X 7>^; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for The Japan Society on handmade Mokuroku paper in three colors. Folder, San Marco; 4 pages, jj-^ x 1 1 ; designed by Rosa Brothers 849 for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Rogers & Company on handmade San Marco paper in two colors. Folder, Taragona Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 7 x 10; designed by 850 Walter Gilliss for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Spanish paper in two colors. Folder, French Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 7^ x 10; designed by 851 W. D. Teague; printed for Japan Paper Company by Bartlett- Orr Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade French paper in two colors. Folder, A New England Office; 4 pages, 10 x 13; printed for and 852 exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Stetson Press on Brittany paper in two colors. Folder, Chinese Handmade Paper Making; 4 pages, Japanese 853 fold, 3 x 6}i; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Chinese Haikwan paper in two colors. Folder, Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9^ x 12^; printed and ex- 854 hibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Com- pany on handmade Japanese Vellum paper, in one color. Folder, English Handmade Paper; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 5 x 7>^; 855 printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Kelmscott paper in two colors. Folder, Italian Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9^/2 x 13; printed and 856 exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Com- pany on handmade Fabriano paper 19 x 26, in two colors. Folder, Spanish Handmade Paper; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 4^^ x 857 7; printed and exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by the Tabard Press on handmade Spanish paper in two colors. Page 40 Examples: Folders 858 Folder, Alcora; 4 pages, 6^ x <)%; designed by T. B. Hapgood for Japan Paper Company; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed on handmade Spanish paper in two colors. 859 Folder, Tuscany; 4 pages, 8 x lo; designed by Walt Harris for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company Printed by McGrath-Sherrill Press on handmade Tuscany paper in two colors. 860 Folder, Valencia; 4 pages, y}i x 10^; designed by Rosa Broth- ers for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Spanish paper in one color. 861 Folder, Umhria; 4 pages, 7^ x 10; designed by Bruce Rogers; printed for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Umbria paper. 862 Folder, Barracas Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 6)4 x 9}i; designed by T. M. Cleland for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by T. M. Cleland on handmade Spanish paper in two colors. 863 Folder, Japanese Handmade Paper Making; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 5^ X 73/^; designed and printed by Marchbanks Press for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in two colors. 864 Folder, Arches Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9^^ x 12^; designed by Everett R. Currier for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company Printed by Norman T. A. Munder & Company on handmade French paper in two colors. 865 Folder, Arches Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9^ x 12^^; designed by Harvey H. Dunn for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Tri-Arts Press on hand- made French paper in one color. 866 Folder, Eynsford; 4 pages, 9J^ x 12; designed by Percy Grassby; printed for the Japan Paper Company by the Montague Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Arnold paper in two colors. 867 Folder, Furniture Sales; 4 pages, 33^ x 5; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Wood Veneer paper in two colors. Examples: Folders Page 41 Folder, Incudine Paper; 4 pages, 9x11; designed by Rene Clark 868 for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Typographic Service Company on handmade Incu- dine paper in two colors. Folder, Shoguii Paper; 4 pages, 8^ x 1 1 ; designed by John Henry 869 Nash for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Printed by John Henry Nash on handmade Shogun paper in two colors. Folder, Etruria; 4 pages, ()% x I2>^; designed by Benjamin 870 Sherbow; printed for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on hand- made Etruria paper in one color. Folder, French Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9^ x 12; designed by 871 the Merrymount Press for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by the Merrymount Press on handmade French paper in one color. Folder, French Handmade Paper; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 5 x ^%; 871 A designed by D. B. Updike for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by D. B. Updike on hand- made French paper in two colors. Folder, Italian Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9 x iiK^; designed by 872 W. D. Teague for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Edward Stern & Company on handmade Fabriano paper in two colors. Folder, Italiayi Handmade Paper; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 5x8; 873 designed by F. W. Goudy for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Norman T. A. Munder & Company on handmade XHI Century paper in two colors. Folder, Italian Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 9 x 13; designed by 874 W. A. Dwiggins for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Stetson Press on handmade Fab- riano paper in two colors. Folder, Italian Handmade Paper; 4 pages, 8^ x 11; designed by 875 De Vinne Press for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by De Vinne Press on handmade Italian paper in two colors. Folder, England's First Printer; 4 pages, 3^ x 6; printed and 876 exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Printed on handmade XIII Century paper in two colors. Page 42 Examples: Folders 877 Folder, Evolulion of the Alphabet; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 3^<4 x 6; printed and exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Printed on handmade XIII Century paper in one color. 878 Folder, The Winged Lion of St. Mark; 8 pages, 3^x6; printed and exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Printed on handmade XIII Century buff paper in one color. 879 Folder, Mss. Makiiig; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 3^ x 6; printed and exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Printed on handmade XIII Century paper in two colors and gold with half- tone tip-on. 880 Folder, Block Printing; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 3^ x 6; printed and exhibited by William A. Kittredge. Printed on handmade XIII Century paper in two colors. 896 Folder, Gift; 4 pages, 6x7; printed and exhibited by Alfred B. Kennedy, Oakland, California. Printed on handmade Kelm- scott paper. 908 Folder, Menu; 4 pages, 5x8; designed by Barnard C. Lewis; printed and exhibited by the Stetson Press. Printed on hand- made Etruria paper in two colors. 909 Folder, The Italian Room; 4 pages, 5K x 8^; designed by Bar- nard C. Lewis; printed and exhibited by the Stetson Press. Printed for the Copley Plaza Hotel on handmade Florentine paper with a tip-on, two colors. 912 Folder, We Announce the Removal; 4 pages, 5% x 9^^; printed and exhibited by J. H. Rook Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Shadow paper in colors; tip-on of handmade Japan- ese Vellum paper. 915 Folder, The Printing Press; 8 pages, 5x8; printed and exhibited by Edwin & Robert Grabhorn. Printed on handmade XIII Century paper. 916 Folder, Interior Decoration; 4 pages, 8 x li; printed and exhib- ited by De Vinne Press. Printed on handmade Italian paper in two colors. 918 Folder, Bon Souvenir de Noel; 4 pages, 6x8; designed by W. J. Moll; printed and exhibited by Proctor & Collier Company. Printed for W. J. Moll on handmade Japanese Suruga paper, one color. Examples: Folders Pagf 43 Folder, Le Monde ou I'On s'Ennuie; 4 pages, 6>2 x 9; printed and 921 exhibited by Carl J. H. Anderson in one color on handmade soft Japan paper. Folder, Announcement; 4 pages, j}4 x 10^; designed and printed 923 by the students, Department of Printing, Carnegie Institute of Technology. Printed on handmade Spanish paper in two colors. Folder, The Playhouse; 4 pages, 5^ x 8>^; printed and exhib- 926 ited by Horace Carr. Printed on Fabriano Cover in one color. Folder, Sussex Print Works; 4 pages, 6x8; printed and exhibited 928 by the Hiram Sherwood Printing Company. Printed for Sus- sex Print Works on handmade Aurelius paper in two colors. Folder, Dreicer l^ Company; 4 pages, Japanese fold; printed and 932 exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed for Dreicer Company in one color with illustration on Normandy Vellum paper. Folder, Ladies^ Home Journal Christmas Folder, Madonna; 4 936 pages, Japanese fold, 6x9; printed for Curtis Publishing Com- pany; designed by T. M. Cleland; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed in two colors on handmade Etruria paper with half-tone tip-on. Folder, Ladies' Home Journal Christmas Folder, Shepherd Picture; 93 8 printed for Curtis Publishing Company; designed by Edward Edwards. Printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company in three colors and gold on handmade Florentine paper. Folder, Girls' Club Christmas Folder, Sea; 4 pages, sKx 8; printed 939 for Curtis Publishing Company; designed by Edward Edwards; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper; half-tone in colors. Folder, Atnerican Institute of Graphic Arts Announcement; 943 4 pages, 8 x 10; printed for American Institute of Graphic Arts; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed in two colors on handmade Kelmscott paper. Folder, Retrospect and Prospect; 4 pages, 5^ x 8; designed by 971 0. W. Jaquish Jr. for Irving National Bank; printed and ex- hibited by Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Company. Printed on hand- made Arnold cards in two colors. Page 44 EXAMPLES: Folders 971A Folder, At Ilotne; 4 pages, Japanese fold, s}4 x 8; exhibited by George King & Sons. Printed on handmade Italian paper in two colors. 1009 Folder, Appreciation; 4 pages; composition by Bertha Goudy; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Kelmscott paper. 1 149 Folder, It Pays; 2H x 4>i; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan Paper Company; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge, Printed on handmade Florentine paper. 1 174 Folder, Christmas Greetings; 5 x 6}4', printed and exhibited by T. M. Cleland. Printed on handmade Kelmscott paper in two colors. 1177 Folder, Matsumoto; 3^ x 5; designed by William E. Rudge for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by William E. Rudge on Japanese handmade Matsum- oto paper in two colors. 1177B Folder, 4 pages; Japanese fold; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by William E. Rudge on handmade Korean paper in two colors. 1 179 Folder, Hottagami; 3>^ x 4^2; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Hottagami paper in one color. 1182A Folder, 2>:tx 5; printed for and exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Printed by William E. Rudge on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. 1 183 Folder, 3^^ x 5^2; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Japanese Vellum paper, color half-tone. 1 1 86 Folder, Japanese fold; 3K x 5; designed by Miss R. C. Kirby for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Lehmaier Brothers on handmade Spanish paper. 1 195 Folder, Lombardia; 5x8; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press for Japan Paper Company in one color on handmade Lombardia paper. Examples: Folders Pagers Folder, 4 pages; 4x9; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks I2o8a Press Printed in two colors on handmade Toyogami paper. Folder, lyogami; 3>^ x 8; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. 1217 Printed for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in one color on handmade Japanese lyogami paper. Folder, Price List I and II; 4 x 5>^; printed and exhibited by 1226 William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company in one color on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Folder, Handmade Papers; 7 x 11; exhibited by Japan Paper 1226A Company. Printed in two colors on handmade Japanese paper. Folder, A Portrait Etching; 4 pages, Japanese fold, 9,}i x 11; 1400 exhibited by William E. Rudge; printed for Elmer Adler, Rochester. Engraved and printed by the Manhattan Photo- gravure Company on handmade Kelmscott paper in two colors. Folder, Fugiyama; 4 pages, 7% x 12; printed and exhibited by 1402 the Holmes Press. Printed for Japan Paper Company on hand- made Fugiyama paper in two colors. Folder, Consolidatioji Announcement; 4 pages, 7x9; designed 1404 by William E. Kittredge for A. H. Sickler & Franklin Printing Company. Printed by Franklin Printing Company. Stock, handmade ItaHan paper. Folder, The Locomobile Company; 4 pages, 6^ x 9^; designed 1406 by T. M. Cleland for The Locomobile Company. Printed by T. M. Cleland on handmade Fabriano paper in two colors. Folder, Invitation for Business Show; 4 pages, 7^ x 10^; de- 1410 signed by Porter Garnett; printed and exhibited by H. S. Crocker & Company on handmade Fabriano paper in two colors. Folder, The 1919 Alexander Book; 4 pages; exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed for Alexander Brothers. End and fly leaf, handmade French Marble paper. Folder, Italian Handmade Paper; 4 pages, I0>| x 12^; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Fabriano paper in two colors. Page /^6 Examples: Trims PRINTS 975 Print, l^ie Rice Institute; 19 x 24; printed for the Rice Institute; printed and exhibited by De Vinne Press. Printed on Sheep- skin Parchment. 978 Print, Centaur Type Specimen; ii/^ x 17/4; designed by Bruce Rogers; exhibited by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Printed for the MetropoUtan Museum of Art in one color on handmade Glaslan paper. 978A Print, The Graphica; li x 14; designed by F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for F. W. Goudy in one color on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. 980 Print, Broadside; 15 x 20; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed for Pamela Eakins in one color on handmade Umbria paper. 981 Print, Gettysburg Speech; 19 x 26; designed by F. W. Goudy; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed on hand- made Fabriano paper in one color. 982 Print, In Flanders Field; 22 x 30; printed and exhibited by Wil- liam E. Rudge. Printed in two colors on handmade San Marco paper. 984 Print, Her Service Cross; 17 x 22^; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed in two colors on handmade Fabri- ano paper. 985 Print, His Service Star; 17 x 22^; printed and exhibited by William E. Rudge. Printed in two colors on handmade Fabri- ano paper. "987 Print, The President's Address; 22 x 30; by F. W. Goudy for Victor Electric Company; exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Arnold paper in two colors. "988 Print, Le Bonheur de ce Monde; \o% x 15K; composition by Bertha Goudy; exhibited by F. W. and Bertha Goudy. Printed by hand on handmade French paper. 990 Print, Diploma; 19 x 25; printed and exhibited by De Vinne Press. Printed on Sheepskin Parchment. Examples: '[Posters Page \7 Print, Caslon Type Specimen; ll x i6; printed and exhibited by 994A Marchbanks Press. Printed on handmade Japanese paper. Print, Ye Feasie;Sx 11; printed and exhibited by Oswald Press. *995 Printed in two colors on handmade Japanese paper. Print, fFah Whitmayi; S}4 x 10; designed for Porter Garnett; iooia printed and exhibited by H. S. Crocker Company. Printed in one color on handmade Torinoko paper. Print, The New Campanile; 14 x 20; printed and exhibited by 1007 Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Print, The Lioness; ll x 20; printed and exhibited by Norman loio T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Print, The Bargello; 14 x 20; printed and exhibited by Norman 1013 T. A. Munder & Company. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Print, Candlemas; 12x18; printed and exhibited by Horace Carr. 1023A Printed on handmade Fabriano paper. Print, C. E. Billings; ioj4 x 13 Mj privately printed; designed by 1023B Franklin Booth. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Print, 8^x11; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed 1026A for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in two colors and gold on handmade Kelmscott paper. Print, Trappings of War; 16 x 20; designed and exhibited by 109IA Rosa Brothers. Printed in black on handmade Kelmscott paper. Print, color; 15 x 20; printed in Paris by L. George Lepate; ex- 1500 hibited by Douglas C. McMurtrie. Printed in gold and tipped on handmade San Marco paper. POSTERS Poster, Tokogawa; 12x6; designed by Harrie A Bell; exhibited 1450 by Japan Paper Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company by the Holmes Press in two colors on handmade Tokogawa paper. Page 4^ Examples: Toasters 145 1 Poster, Summer; y'jA x 12; designed by M. Y. Foster; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company by William E. Rudge in two colors on handmade XIII Century paper. 1452 Poster, Rabbit Poster; ()}4 x 12; designed by Jay Chambers; printed by William E. Rudge; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Printed for Japan Paper Company in two colors on Fabriano Cover paper. 1454 Poster, Alherti Poster; \\% x 17; designed by Jay Chambers; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by WilHam E. Rudge for Japan Paper Company in two colors on handmade Florentine paper. 1455 Poster, Boat and Birds; designed by E. Goldberg for Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Japan- ese Mikumo paper in two colors. 1455A Poster, Summer Poster; 11x7; designed by M. F. Foster; ex- hibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in two colors on handmade Japanese Momoyama paper. 1456 Poster, Shadow Poster; 15 x 20; designed and printed by March- banks Press for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Shadow paper in two colors. 1457 Poster, Old China and Chinese Paper; 14 x 22J/2 ; designed by Jay Chambers; printed by Marchbanks Press for Japan Paper Com- pany; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed in two col- ors on handmade Chinese Hangchow paper. 1458 Poster, Foreign Relations; 19 x 26; printed for Japan Paper Com- pany by Rogers & Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Com- pany. Printed in two colors on handmade Fabriano paper. Poster, Firecracker Poster; 15 x 22; exhibited from the Henry L. Spark's Collection. Printed for Japan Paper Company in black and gold on handmade Chinese Firecracker paper. Poster, Honor Roll; ig}4 x 37X; printed and exhibited by De Vinne Press. Printed an handmade Japanese Vellum paper in two colors. Examples : £ards Page 49 CARDS Card Announcement, 4x6; printed and exhibited by William 1 15 1 E. Rudge. Printed for William E. Rudge on handmade Arnold card in two colors. Card Announcement, 3J^ x 5J/2; printed and exhibited by 1156 William E. Rudge. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade Roman card in two colors. Christmas Card, 4 x 6>4 for Harrie A. Bell; designed by Harrie 1161 A. Bell; printed and exhibited by Holmes Press. Printed on handmade Arnold card in two colors. Card, 1%^ x 3^; printed and exhibited by Edwin H. Stuart. 1163 Printed for Edwin H. Stuart on handmade Aurelius card, double- fold. Card, Christmas; 3^ x 6; designed and printed for H. E. King; 1168 printed and exhibited by George W. King & Sons. Printed on handmade Japanese Vellum card in two colors and gold. Card, Christmas; 2 x 3^; designed by H. E. King; printed and 1169 exhibited by George W. King & Sons. Printed in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum card. Card, Torino Card; lyi x 5^^; designed and printed by WiUiam 1177A E. Rudge for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed on handmade Torino card in one color. Card, Christmas; 6x8; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan iiSl Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Japanese Vellum card in two colors. Card, Christmas; 5>^ x 7; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan 1 182 Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press in three colors on handmade Yorokami paper. Card, Christmas; ^}'2 x 8>^; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan 1 182A Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Japanese Vellum card in two colors. Page so Examples: (J)fCiscellaneous 1 187 Card, Christmas; designed by Jay Chambers for Japan Paper Company; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Norman T. A. Munder & Company on handmade Japanese Vellum paper in three colors. Card, 11x14; exhibited by the Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press on handmade Japanese Vellum card. Card, 2 X 3>2; printed and exhibited by Fairfield Press; printed for Fairfield Press on handmade Japanese Vellum card in one color. MISCELLANEOUS 1 1 10 Letterhead, Japan Paper Company; 8^ x 1 1 ; designed by Harrie A. Bell; printed and exhibited by the Holmes Press. Printed for Japan Paper Company in two colors on Normandy Vellum paper. 1 1 18 Letterhead, Japan Paper Company; 7^ x 12; designed by T. B. Hapgood; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company on handmade XIII Century paper. 1 120 Letterhead, Japan Paper Company; j]4 x 10; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed by Marchbanks Press for Japan Paper Company on handmade Spanish paper. 1 121 Letterhead, Japan Paper Company; S}4 x 1 1 ; exhibited by Japan Paper Company; printed for Japan Paper Company by the Irving Press. Printed in one color on handmade Inomachi Vellum paper. 1 132 Letterhead, Japan Paper Company; 6x9; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed for Japan Paper Company in one color on handmade French Ingres paper. 1 143 Stationery, Check; printed and exhibited by the Marchbanks Press in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. 1205 Calendars, 14^ x 22; printed and exhibited by Matthew-North- rup Works for Manufacturers & Traders National Bank. Mounted on handmade Savoie Cover paper. Examples: iM^iscellaneous Page $i Eight monthly calendars, 4 x 9>^; printed and exhibited by 1208 Marchbanks Press. Printed in one color on various handmade papers. Calendar, 3^^ x 8>^; printed and exhibited by Marchbanks 1208 Press. Series of twelve; all on handmade Japanese papers. Calendar, S/i x 7^2; designed by O. W. Jaquish Jr.; exhibited 1210A by Eugene C. Lewis Co.; printed for Eugene C. Lewis Co. Stamped in black and gold on handmade Florentine paper. Label, 3H X SJ4; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed 1217A for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Label, Samples from Japan; 4^4 x 5K; designed by Jay Cham- 1218 bers; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in two colors on hand- made Japanese Vellum paper. Label, Japan Paper Company; ^J4 x 6^; designed by Rosa 1220 Brothers; exhibited by Japan Paper Company; printed for Japan Paper Company by Tri-Arts Press. Printed in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Label, 4^ x 6}4f printed and exhibited by the Holmes Press. 1220A Printed in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Label, 3^ X 5^; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed 1226B for Japan Paper Company by Marchbanks Press in two colors on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Label, Jaquish Label; 3 x ^}4; printed for 0. W. Jaquish Jr.; 1229 printed and exhibited by Marchbanks Press. Printed in one color on handmade Japanese Vellum paper. Label, Ajiy Port; 3^ x 6; printed for Thomas Nast Fairbanks by Marchbanks Press; exhibited by Japan Paper Company. Printed in one color on handmade XIII Century paper. Announcement, Ancona Poster; 9x13; exhibited by Japan Paper 1453 Company. Printed for Japan Paper Company, by March- banks Press in two colors on handmade Ancona cover paper. Page s^ Examples: rJhdscellaneous 1024 Book Plates; wood cuts printed for Grolier Club, Carteret Book Club and Charles Scribner's Sons; printed and exhibited by- Rudolph Ruzicka. Printed on handmade paper in colors. 1008 Portfolio, 15 X 20; designed by and printed for Harvey H. Dunn; printed and exhibited by Norman T. A. Munder & Company. Cover and end leaves, handmade Roma paper; insert, handmade Umbria paper. THE AWARDS In the ig20 Exhibition of Printing were as follows BOOKS Original Drawings by the Old Masters Gold Medal Norman T. A. Munder & Company, Baltimore, Md. Geofroy Tory Silver Medal Riverside Press, Boston, Mass. Theocritus Bronze Medal Riverside Press, Boston, Mass. CATALOGUES The Book of the Locomobile Gold Medal T. M. Cleland, New York, N. Y. Catalogue of the Loan Exhibitions of Drawings and Etchings by Rembrandt Silver Medal Taylor & Taylor, San Francisco, Cal. Printing Crafts Building Bronze Medal The Bartlett-Orr Press, New York, N. Y. BOOKLETS Garden Theatre Program Gold Medal T. M. Cleland, New York, N. Y. Printers' Marks Silver Medal The Bartlett-Orr Press, New York, N. Y. Lest We Forget Bronze Medal Franklin Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Page 54 AwARDS FOLDERS Announcing the Publication of the Frankhn Satisfaction Series Gold Medal Franklin Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Dignity Silver Medal Strathmore Paper Company, Mittineague, Mass. Italian Hand Made Paper Bronze Medal Japan Paper Company, New York, N. Y. COLOR PRINTS No, 40 Gold Medal De Vinne Press, New York, N. Y. Vanity Fair Silver Medal Electro-Light Engraving Co., New York, N. Y. Reproduction of Painting by Georges Lapape. Bronze Medal Douglas C. McMurtrie, The Arbor Press, Greenwich, Conn., and New York, N. Y. DISPLAY CARDS The March of the Middle Ages Gold Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. Adler-Rochester Clothes Silver Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. Arrow Collar Bronze Medal Cluett, Peabody & Co., New York, N. Y. PRINT S— T YPOGRAPHIC Twelve Prints by Contemporary American Artists Gold Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. Gettysburg Address Silver Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. Rosa Brothers Bronze Medal Designed by Rosa Brothers Awards P^g^ss"" CIRCULARS Sixth Summer Session Silver Medal Franklin Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Resolutions bronze Medal Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, N. Y. LABELS No- 1 220 Bronze Medal Japan Paper Company, New York, N. Y. CARDS Nestle's Food Company Bronze Medal Designed and printed by T. M. Cleland, New York, N. Y. POSTERS Printing Exhibition Gold Medal American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York, N. Y. Old China and Old Chinese Paper Silver Medal Japan Paper Company, New York, N. Y. Carnegie Institute Bronze Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. ADVERTISEMENTS How Packard Balance Reduces Transportation Costs Gold Medal Franklin Printing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. Matching the Growth of American Business Silver Medal Irving National Bank, New York, N. Y. Composition by Marchbanks Press, New York, N. Y. ^" Bronze Medal William A. Kittredge, Philadelphia, Pa. Page 56 Awards STATIONERY No. 1 1 13 Letter Heading Gold Medal O. W. Jaquish Jr., New York, N. Y. Friends of France Silver Medal Taylor & Taylor, San Francisco, Cal. No. 1 121 Letter Heading Bronze Medal Japan Paper Company, New York, N. Y. CALENDARS Calendar Series Marchbanks Press, New York, N. Y. Paper House of New England Gold Medal Silver Aledal Paper House of New England, Springfield, Mass. Cut-Out Calendars Bronze Medal William Edwin Rudge, New York, N. Y. MAPS Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co., New York, N. Y. Silver Medal Matthews-Northrup Works, Buffalo, N. Y. Bronze Medal Officers — Directors Page 57 The American- Institute OF Graphic Arts Officers Honorary Presidejit Charles Dana Gibson President Arthur S. Allen Vice-President Arthur W. Dow Vice-President Fred W. Goudy Vice-President Ray Greenleaf Secretary P. H. Bancroft Treasurer Hal Marchbanks Three-Year Term Cyril Nast Frederick A. Ringler J. H. Chapin Directors Tzvo-Year Term J. Thomson Willing Clarence H. White Thomas N. Fairbanks One-Year Term Heyworth Campbell William Edwin Rudge Edward B. Edwards Page 58 Committees Committee on Printing Exhibit Arthur S. Allen Chairmmi Henry L. Bullen Hal Marchbanks Arthur W. Dow Norman T. A. Munder Edward B. Edwards P. J. Bayzand Edward Epstean John Clyde Oswald Harry L. Gage William E. Rudge Fred W. Goudy H. Scott Train D. B. Hassinger Clarence H. White Edward A. Kendrick George A. Nelson O. W. Jaquish Jr. Secretary Committee of Judges Paul W. Brockett Henry Lewis Johnson Ernest Elmo Calkins John Clyde Oswald Fred G. Cooper Bruce Rogers Arthur W. Dow Carl P. Rollins Walter Gilliss Rudolph Ruzicka Bertram Goodhue D. B. Updike Fred W. Goudy Clarence H. White Objects Page 59 The American Institute of Graphic Arts OBJECTS TO STIMULATE and encourage those engaged in the graphic arts; to form a center for inter- course and for exchange of views of all interested in these arts; to publish books and periodicals, to hold exhibitions in the United States and to participate as far as possible in the exhibitions held in foreign countries relating to the graphic arts; to invite exhibits of foreign work; to stimulate the public taste by schools, exhibitions, lectures and printed matter, promote the higher education in these arts, and generally to do all things which will raise the standard and aid the extension and development toward perfection of the graphic arts in the United States Privately Printed for JAPAN PAPER COMPANY By Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co. J^^zv Tor{^ i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. URL-LD MAY 4 1332, Form L9-Series 4939 University of California, Los Angeles L 006 615 139 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 091 929 8