S % "^jQAiNn-aftV^ vU)SANCEl% ^ #f ->^£UBRARY^^ v/ia3AINIl'3tf^ t?Aavaani>^ I SI I ra I <^lUBRARYa^, :5 i^ *^U"J I • V J « ^ .«t5c.!iui\/rer/». ^' ^OFCAUF0% /sjaAiNnmv f I s s c Q'^ ^^mumi^^ '^mmm^ '^/smmv^ «^5MEUNIVER% s?^ ^<7Anvaani^ .^ 1?^ "^/jaaMNniu^^ ^iojnvDJo'^ ^•UBRARYO^ 1 ^OFCAllFOff^ ju g ^OFCAIIFOB5^ f/?/-, ^l•UBRARYQ^^ ^ $ ^OFCAUFOR^ '^(?AHvaan\^ aweuniver% '<^3DHVS01^ ^lOSANGEl^^ %i3AlN(^•3«^ o •%Sa3AIN(l-1V{^ I Ai> iitrrt p_ ^ 1 TUE eccentric iHtitor: . Rf.Ff-EcriNf; A faithful and interesting DcUncxtion of MJLE AND FEMALE CHARACTERS, ANCIENT AND MODERN, Who have been particularly distinguished by cxti-aordinary QUALIFICATIONS, TALENTS, AND rUOPUNSITIKS, Natural or Acquired, CoraprehendiDg singular Instances of LONGEVITY. ' ht o VOL.2. — NO. 11. B 14 MARIA ELEONORA SCHONING. before him, he would send her with a smart lec- ture into the house of correction. Maria's heart torn by this cruel treatment, and by her own recollections, now formed a resolution which could not have arisen in her gentle mind, had it not been engendered by the contempt she felt for herself. The events of the past night; the harsh behavior of the magistrate ; the dis- graceful appellation which he applied to her, and which she thouglit she merited ; her forlorn con- dition — all these contributed to inspire the reso- hition of drowning herself. With this design she hastened out of the town towards the river Pegnitz. As she passed through the sub'irb of Wordt, she met a soldier's wife, who, in her father's life- time, had assisted her in various domestic occu- pations that were too heavy for her strength. She was startled by the appearance of the girl, whom she addressed in a friendly tone, enquiring how sht did, and what brought her so far from home. To a being driven about as she had been by the blasts of misfortune, the tone of tender- ness was a cordiaL These were the first words, sweetened with humanity that anj' human crea- ture had s[)oken to her, since those of her ex- piring father.. Her dormant sensibilities were awakened. With impassioned fervor she threw her arms around ilie woman, mIiosc looks and words were so expressive of sympathy and aftec- tion. With diflicuky she gave her an account, MARIA ELEONORA SCHONINC I.> interriipto'l by sobs and tears, of her misfortunes, Jier suiferings, and her resolution, 'I lie good woman wept with her, pressed the wretehcd or- phan to her heart, and inlreated lier in the trn- derest manner, to reHnquish her niehinelioly in- tention, as by taking away her own life, she would deprive herself of ail hope of eternal feli- city. Maria was ]>liab]e, timid, and open to religi- ous impressions ; ix required not mueh persuasi- on to induce her to abstain from an action at which her heart trembled, and wliich her religi- on condemned. She accompanied her guardian angel, whose name was H'lvi'Un, to lier habitation^ at no great distance. This honest woman was, likewise, oneof ihose whose whole existence is a continued series of affliction and distress ; for whom the world has no other balm than sleep, no other physician than death. She was married to one of the cit}'- soldiers, who liad been long ill and confined to liis bed. Two 3'oun^- children constituted all her riches; she maintained herself and family by washing, and a difficult task '.he found it to pro- vide bread for four persons. She had several times, by want of work, and the cries of the hungry children been driven to the brink of des- pair, and had been on the point of putting one of her children to death, that she raigiit herself be relieved from the burden of life. This she thoucrht would be a remedy for all their wants: the remaiuing child would be placed ia tlie or- is a ]6 WAEIA ELEONORA SCIIONING. phan house and her hosband in the hospital, -while her execution would reconcile her with God, and she should be happy with her mur- dered infant. These tra2;ical ideas she Sommn- nieaied to Maria, on whose mind they made a deep inipressioii. In a subsecfucnt conversation on the same subject, she declared herself incapa- ble of conceiving how it was possible to take away the life of any human creature, and in ^jarticu- Jar, of an innocent child. " And for that very reason, because it is innocent, I would send it before me out of the world, in which no plea- sures await it. Do you suppose I would chuse to suffer for the sake of a bad child r On that ac- count, too, I would take Nanny with me, be- cause she was always so dutiful and so good ; but as for Frank, he has already learned some tricks, and is fitter for the world" This answer frightened the tender Maria, who hugged the children closely in her arms, as though siie would protect them from their mother. The woman, whose poverty was equalled only by her hospitality, kept the forlorn orphan ia her house. She redoubled her efforts to procure work, in which JNlaria was her faithful assistant. Thus these hapless mortals passed the summer ; -they were never in absolute want of the most necessary articles of subsistence, though their supply was indeed but scanty. Winter arrived, and brought with it a season of dreadful afHiction for this wretched family. HUr- Vm herself fell ill : grief and hard labour had ex- M A 11 1 A E L li O N O R A S C II O N 1 N G . 1 7 haustcd her strength^ and symptoms of a con- sinn[)tion began to appear. AJ aria strained every nc-rvc to support her friend and her family; but this far exceeded her abilitv. Siic neither ])os- sessed the boldness, nor the persuasive facuhies that are requisite for the procuring of emplo}'- nicnt ; and hence, with ttie best inclination in the world to work, she was often obliged to kee[) holiday. Every article of the least value was sold or pawned and the house was stripped as bare by the iron hand of necessity, as were the adjacent garc^ens and the neighbouring wood by the rigors of winter. Spring was not far distant when llvirlin beg;\n to ainend. She wanted nothing but strengtli ; she could not hold herself upright. The physician had directed her to take nourishing food, and a little wine daily, assuring her that if she adhered to this diet, her health would soon be restored. Maria was present when the physician gave her this consola- tory intelligence ; she rejoiced ibr the first time in her life ; it was the first and the last pleasing illusion that her soul ever cherished. Her thoughts were wholly occupied in devising liowto procure her friend the prescribed refresh- ments; but In vain did she rack her invention, no method, no opportunity of eifceting this ob- ject coidd she discover. HUrlin graduallygrew weaker, andat the same time mere silent and pensive. A\^hen Maria ob- served her thus lost in thought, she coiiceived thut licr despuiring friend was brooding over the J3 3 IS MARIA ELLONOUA SCHONING. plan of inurclering her child, in order to put an end to her own life. This apprehension gave in- expressible pain to the excellent girl; and so much the more as the little creatures cluno; about her with the most childlike attacliment, and the lender Maria felt a love and alFection for them as strong as though she had herself been their liiotlier. Under these cruel circumstances, arrived the day pregnant with her fate. On that 'day none of the miserable family had a morsel to cat. Kiix'it came on and their teeth chattered with the cold. The children cried for bread. Maria sat beside the straw bed of her friend ; who uttered liot a syllable, no, not even a sigh. The sor- rowful Maria grasped her hand ; it was shrunk, cold and lifeless. Slie stroked her cheek, adown which trickled big, heavy tears. She asked, whether she was in much paiu, but obtained no answer. Maria's heart was ready to burst ; she was on the brink of despair. A courage not her own animated her soul. In this state, so contrary to her nature, she conceived the idea of saving her friend at the expence of her own j}erson. She hastened, as if impelled by a superaatural power, to put it into execution. She recollected that the i-avisher of her inno- cence had been desirous of expiating his offence by the ofur of money. Maria formed the pain- ful resolution of seeking to earn something in ■ the same way, and of relieving her friend ^vifh the produce of her guilt. Jt was uow dark ; she MARIA LLEONORA SrilONING. 19 went into the city^ but durst not venture to ap- proach the churcli-yarcl in wliicli lior father was interred. She repaired to other lonely situations, but not a creature did she meet with. The wea- ther was unfavonrable; the snow fell fast, and a tempestuous wind howled through the streets. No night could have been more perfectly ada];t- td to cool the passions of the debauchee. Poor Maria, how cruelly wast thou treated by froward fate! In pious simplicity thou kneltst at the grave of tliy father, virtuous and pure, and thy innocence became the prey of a brutal ravisher. Thou sinnedst without inclination, without en- joyment, without resistance. Sorrow, hunger, and want had deprived thee of energy, and thy nerves of the power both of acquiescence and of resistance. Nature and man were leagued to af- fect the dishonor of the pure, of the spotless jVlaria. — Now, when the unfortunate creature, who thoroughly despised herself, was excited to a repetition of the guilty deed by the virtuous motive of saving four of her fellow creatures from starving, she could find no opportunity of committing this magnanimous crime. Sho con- tinued to wander througii the streets. The tempest Ikowled with increased fury; the snow was now of considerable depth ; breathless and fatigued she sought shelter beneath a shed. Into a corner of this building a watchman had crept for refuge from the rigors of the night. To him she was a welcome guest, and in a trice she found herself in the watch-house. CO MATtIA ELEONORA SCHONING. The next inorniiisr she was carried before the same hard-hearted mao;istrate as had treated her so roughly on a former occasion. He sent her with- out any father ceremony to tlie bouse of correc- tion, orderin"" at the same time that she should receive the usual welcome. On her arrival, she was directed to wait in the front court-yard. The master of the house appeared, tied her to a post, and prepared to inflict on her tlie severe discipline of the wliip. She begged, she intreated, she screamed, slie made all the opposition in her power — but in vain. Seeing no chance of escap- ing the disgraceful punishment she exclaimed in a lit of despair : ^Stop! I deserve a very diffe- rent punishment; I have murdered an infant child." " That, to be sure, is a different affair ;" said llie man, unbinding her. He immediately sent an account of tlie circumstance to the city- judge. j\n ofliccr presently appeared, examined the girl concerning the crime of which she ac- cused herself, and as she persisted in her first declaration, she was conveyed as a murderer to prison. In a few days she was brought up for a closer examination. It was represented to her tljat she could not have committed the crime alone, and v/ithout accomplices, as she could not have gone out immediately after her delivery to dispose of the child. She then acknowledged that Hiirlin was privy to the whole affair, that she had assisted her at the birth, and had buried the child in the wood. From the begimiing of MAniA ELEONORA SCIIONING. 21 ker confinement, Maria had cherished the idea of involvino; her friend in her fate. She wished to help her out of the world, and to spare her the necessity of perpetrating the crime of murder; and the preseyt opportunity ajipeared too fa vorable to be neglected. Full of this thought she heartily rejoiced at the service which she should thus render to her friend. Harlin was at this time too ill to he removed to the prison : an oill^icer was tb.erefore placed over her in her own house. AVhen she was so far recovered as to be able to go abroad she w-as confronted with ISIaria; who repeated her former declaration in her presence. " For (Jod's sake Maria, how have I deserved thi^ treat- ment?" was all the reply that the astonished wo- man was ablp to make. She denied the whole, and to every question of the judge, she returned no other answer than — " I know nothing of the matter." The two prisoners were repeatedly ex- amined in the presence of each other; the same scone was invariably exhibited, Muria persisting stediastly in her declaration, and liUrlin in her denial of the fact. At the fifth examination, Harlin was threaten- ed with the torture; the instruments were brought, and arranged by the executioner; and she was warned for the last time either to con- fess at once, or to [irepare for inevitable torture. Tliis menace terrified poor Maria in the highest dcGjree: a convulsive as^onv shook her wliole frame. IShe was desirous of releasing her friend 22 MARIA ELEONORA SCIIONING. from a life of iniserv, not to draw down upon her unavailing torment. She hoped to be licr benefactress ; she now loolccting her senselessness, head, throat, and breast inso- much, that within fourteen hours s'le began to speak, and the next day talked and prayed very heartily. " Durinc: the time of this her recoverins:, the officers concerned in her execution would needs have had her away again to have completed it on her: but by the mediation of the worthy Doctors, and some other friends witk the then governor uf the city. Colonel Kelsey, there was a guard set upon lier to hinder all further disturbance till he had sued out her pardon from the powers then in being; thousands of people in the mean time coming to see her, and magnifying the just pro- vidence of God in thus asserting her inuocency of murder. " After some time, Dr. Petty hearing slie had discoursed with those about her, and suspecting that the women might suggest utito her to relate something of strange visions and apparitions she had seen during the time she seemed to be dead 36 ANNE GREEN. (which they ah-eady had hegun to (]o, telling about that she said, she had been in a fine green meadow having a river running round it, and that all things there glittered like silver and gold) he caused all to depart the room but the gentlemen of the faculty who were to have been at the dis- section, and asked her concerning her sense and apprehensions during the time she was hanged. '' To which she answered at first somewhat impertinently, taking as if she had been then to suffer. And when they spake unto her concern- ing her miraculous deliverance, she answered that she hoped God would give her patience, and the like: afterwards, when she was better reco- vered, she affirmed, that she neither remembered how the fetters were knocked off; how she went out of the prison ; when she was turned off the ladder ; whether any psalm was sung or not; nor was she sensible of any pains that she could re- member: what is most remarkable is, that she came to herself as if she had awakened out of a sleep, not recovering the use of her speech by slow degrees, but in a manner altogether, be- ginning to speak just where she left off on the gallows. " Being thus at length perfectly recovered, af- ter thanks giren to God and the persons instru- mental in it, she retired into the country to her friends at Steeple Barton, where she was after- wards married and lived in good repute amongst her neighbours, having three children afterwards, and not dying till the year l659." THOMAS AXELLO. Biography contributes perhaps more tliaii any other species of writing to a knowledge of the nature of the human mind. On an attentive ob- servation of the characters it pourtraj's, we can- not forbear admiring the dispensation of the su- preme creator, and acknowledging the wisdom and bountiful providence he has displayed, in this portion of his works. It teaches us that there is scnvcely an affliction incident to our na- ture, however severe, which we are not capabie of enduring, and that when the accumulation cf misery and misfortune threatens to overwhelm the wretched mortal, he is generally endued with a fortitude ant. resolution, v,hich enable him to struggle against the storms of fate and the most painful vicissitudes of life. Very different is the picture, when the case is reversed. How seldom is it that men, suddenly raised from indigence or a low station, to the pinnacle of affluence or power, retain that equanimity, that moderation, and that prudence, which are necessary for the prop 8 THOMAS ANELLO, pearecl with arms of various kinds, like so many Amazons. A list was made out of above sixty persons wh<. had farmed the taxes, or been in any manner concerned in the custom-houses. These, it was said, hasterity. An order was, therefore, issued that their houses and goods should be burned; and it was executed with such regularity, that no one was suffered to carry away the smal- lest article. Many, for stealing mere trifles from the flames were hanged by the public executioner in the market-place, by the command of Massa- niello. The viceroy, who had left the church and shut himself up in the castle was meanwhile devising methods to appease the people, and to bring them to an accommodation. He applied to the archbishop of whose attachment to the govern- ment he was well assured, and of v»'hose paternal care and affection for them the people had no doubt, to seconid his endeavors. He gave them the original charter of Cliarles the Fifth, which exempted them from all taxes, and on which they had all along insisted, conttrmed by legal autho- rity, and likewise a general pardon for all ofl*ence» that had been committed. Furnished with these powers the archbishop prevailed upon Massani- , ello to assemble the principal leaders of the j| people, and great hopes of a happy accommoda- ' lion weie entertained. THOMAS ANELLO. f) While this negociatiori uas on foot, five hun- ih'ctl baiuliiti, all armed unci on liorseback, en- ii-red the city under pretence that they came lor the service ot" the people, but in reality, as it afterwards; ap[)eared, for the purpose of destroy- ing Mas-aniello ; for they discharged several shot at him, some of which narrowly missed him. This proceeding immediately put a stop to the whole business, and it was suspected that the viceroy was concerned in this treachery. The streets were barricaded and orders were issued, that the a(jueduct leading to the castle in which were the viceroy and his family, together with all the prin- <'ipal officers of state, should be cut off, and that no provision except a small quantity of roots and herbs should be carried thither. The viceroy again applied to the archbishop, charging him to assure the people of his good in- tentions towards them, of his abhorrence of the design manifested by the banditti, and of his re- solution to exert all his authority to bring them to condign punishment. The treaty was re- newed and soon concluded, after which it was judged proper that JNfassaniello should pay a visit to the viceroy in his palace. He directed that all the windows and balconies should be hung with the richest silks and tapestries, that could be procured. He threw off his mariner's habit, and dressed himself in cloth of silver, with M fine plume of leathers on his hat; and mounted ou a beautiful charger, with a drawn sword in his 10 THOMAS ANELLO. haml, be went attended by fifty thousand of the choicest of the people. During his interview with the viceroy in the balcony of the palace^ he gave him surprizing proofs of the ready obedience of the people : whatever cry he gave out was immediately re- echoed by them, and when he put his finger to his mouth the most profound silence prevailed among the multitude. At length he ordered them all to retire, and was obeyed with such promptitude as if the crowd by whom he was attended had vanished auay. On the following Sunday the stipulations were signed and solemnly sworn to be observed in the. Cathedral of the city. Massaniello having now accomplished his designs, declared his resolution to return to his former occupation. Had he ad- hered to it, he might justly have been reckoned among the greatest characters that any age or country has ever produced. But as it is vari- ously reported, being either instigated by his wife and relations, induced by fear, or allured by the tasted sweets of power, he still retained his authority, and what was worse he exercised it in such a capricious and tyramiical manner that his best friends began to be afraid of him. It has been imagined that something was infused into his drink to take away Ins senses, or, what is still more probable, that he drank to guch excess as to deprive himself of reason. Be the cause, however, what it might, his conduct THOMAS ANELLO. H was higlily improper. He galloped through the streets Jike a madman, wantonly cutting and maiming every person without distinction. The natural consequence was, that instead of being followed by the people as before, they all avoid- ed his presence. Fatigued and exhausted with this uncommon exercise, he took refuge in the church of the Carmelites. The archbishop immediately sent information of this circumstance to the vicerov, and Massa- niello was meanwhile taken care of by the religi- ous belonging to the church, who provided him with refreshments, after the fatigue occasioned by his violent proceedings. Some gentlemen now entered the church and thinking to ingratiate themselves with the vice- roy, as they passed through the cloister, they cried out: " Long live the King of Spain, and let none henceforth on pain of death obey Mas- sauiello! "The people, so far from opposing them in their search, made way for them and they proceeded to the convent of the church en- quiring for Massaniello. The unfortunate man hearing his name pronounced, van out to meet his foes, saying : ** i\re you looking for me, iny people? Here lam. " The only answer he re- ceived was the discharge of four muskets on him at once. He instantly fell, and had only time to exclaim; "Ah! migrateful traitors! " before he expired. One of liis murderers then cut off his head which he carried to the viceroy, to the great terror of the populace^ who had assembled 6 118 rHOMAS ANELLO. to the number of eight or ten thousand in the church and market-place, A more remarkable instance of the inconstancy of popular favour can scarcely be produced from the records of history; for so far from avenging the' death of their captain-general, they not only remained quiet spectators but even exhibited signs of sa- tisfaction. Nay, no sooner was^ the breath out of his body, than those who had hitherto been his followers took his mutilated corpse and afterwards procured his head, dragged them through every kennel and gutter of the city and at length threw each of them into a difterejit ditch. The same mutabilily of disposition was exemplified the succeeding day. The mangled relics of the un- fortunate Massaniello were then carefully sought, and when found were washed from the filth by which they were defaced. A more sumptuous funeral was never seen in Naples than that pre- pared for Massaniello, His body was followed to the cathedral by five hundred priests, and forty thousand persons of all ranks composed the pro- cession. The Spanish ensigns were lowered as it passed, and the viceroy sent out a number of attendants with torches to assist at the ceremony and to honor hiin in death. The commotion in Naples began 7th of July 1^47, and was termi- nated on the lOth of the same month by the death of Tvlassaniello, who thus ruled nine days, with more unlimited power than was perliaps ever enjoyed by any sovereign. u FRANCES SCANAGATTl, This lady was bora at Milan^ ttnd baptized at •the parish ofSt. Eusebiiis the 14th of September, 1781. In her infancy slie made considerable progress in the German and French languages under the tuition of a native of Strasburg, named Madame Depuis. This lady having in her youth belonged to the company of the Comedk Ficnicaise, possessed some information^ and en- gaged her pupil to apply to study with pleasure, by the amusing means she employed of reciting and explaining, sometimes in one, and sometimes in another language, such small pieces of comedy and romance as were within her reach, and rtbliging her to repeat the same by degrees. It •is not improbable, that in consequence of so many comic and romantic ideas arising from these amusing studies, this young lady insensibly con- ceived a passion for the military profession, and adopted tlie maxim, that women might run the course of glory and science as well as men, if they entered on it with equal advantages of in- struction and education. At ten years of age she was put under the care of the Nuns of the Visitation, an institution in high repute throughout Itah'- for the education of young ladies ; and here she conducted herself so as to obtain and deserve the esteem and friend- VOL. 2. — NO. 12. E 14 FRANCES SCANAGATTI. ship of the whole house, for her sweet, amiable and engaging disposition. Such are the very , expressions made use of by the venerable and <]istinguished sir{:)erior, INIadame de Dayanne, to convey her approbation, and the general sense of the nuns of this respectable estabHshment. Towards the end of 1794 her fother, Mr. Jo- seph Scanagatti, resolved to send his daughter to \ ienna as a boarder with a widow-lady, in order to improve her in the knowledge of the German language, and to qualify her in the details of house-keeping. On the journey she was dressed in boy's cioihes to avoid trouble and imperti- nence, and she was accompanied by one of her brothers, who intended to stop at N^-ustadt, ia order to attend a course of military studies in the Academy of that town, which is esteemed the nursery of the best officers in the Austrian army. The pupils, to the number of four hundred, mostly officers' sons, are maintained and edu- cated by the Imperial Court, and, besides the niilitar}' exercises, are instructed in languages, m;ithcnuuics, and ihe helles-httres. During the journey the brother fell sick, and acknowledged to his sister, what he had not had the courage to avow to his fatlier, that he had neither taste nor inclination for a military life. His sister -tlien strenuously urged him to return ]:on:« with the servant tore-establish his health : and havifii^ obtained from him the letter of re- coinnundatioji he was to deliver to M. Haller, surgeon ou the stiifl of the Academy, and ut FRANCKS SCANAGATTI. 15 \vho8e house he was to iiave boarded, she had the coumi^e to introduce herseU", uiider its sane- tion to the ijentleman as the recommended boy, and as sneh received the kindest welcome. In a short time she had the good fbrtiine to gain the friendship of M. Mailer, his wife, aud two lovely daughters, so as to be considered as one of the fa- mily. Giving daily proofs of an amiable cha- racter and a docile, disposition, she obtained from the Court pern)ission to attend the lectures at the Academy, and sso cons[>icuously distinguished herself by her exem[)lary conduct and her pro- gress, that she bore away the principal prizes m both the )^-s \7Do and 17S;6 th it she remained there. At this Academy she ferfecte 1 herself in the knowledge of German ;rd French, and also ac- quired a knowledge of ihj HtJglish language un- der Mr. Plunket, an Irish divine, one of the pro- fessors of the institution, who declares that he never had the s^mallest suspicion of young Srana- gatti being a girl, but considered her as a verv mild and accomplished boy, of uncojnmon pru- dence. Here also she applied with the greatest success to fencing and mditary tactics, as well as to the various branches of the mathematics. In the month of February, 1797, she resolved to address tjie Supreme Council of War at Vi- enna to be admitted an officer in the army, sup- porting lier applicatioa by the most honourable testimonies of conduct and talents, which tlie Academy could not refuse her, and accompany- T6 FRANCES SCANAGATTI. ing these with more eloquent vouchers, namely the prizes awarded her during the two preceding vears. The Supreine Council being at ttiis time parti- cularly in want of good officers, to replace the great numbers who had fallen in the preceding campaigjis, readily appoinied lier to an ensigncy in the regiment of St. George. Her promotion being notified to her through the channel of the Academy, she immediately set out for Vienna, where she received orders to join a transport of recruits m Hungary, and pro- ceed with it to the Upper Rhine, where the bat- talion lay to which she was appointed. Thi« battalion was composed of Waradiners, and was commanded by Major Seitel. It was sta- tioned on the right bank of the Rhine, in the neighbourhood of Kehl, and at the extreme out- posts when she jAined it; but shortly afterwards it was obliged to retire to the town of Manheim, the enemy having passed the Rhine between Kil- stett and Diersheim. At length the peace of Campo Formio put an end to the campaign, and Mademoiselle Scana- gatti having passed abotit sixteen months in dif- ferent cantonments in the Empire, Silesia, and Stiria, received an order to repair to Poland, to join the fourth battalion of the regiment of Wenzel Coiloredo, then commanded by Major Deebor. She was now stationed in the town of Sando- mir; and here she experienced the most distrc^- FIVANCES SCANAGATTf. 17 "sing inquietudes, throagli the dreitd of iier sex being discovered. As slie frequented the Cas- sino, where tiie most select t^ompany associated, some of the laches who assembled there conceived doubts of her sex, either from her figure or lier reserved manners, and communicated tlieir sus- picions. Accordingly one day a young geitle- man belonging to the town said ingenuously to her '' Do you know, Ensign, what these ladies observe of your" She immediately suspected where the blow was directed ; but, concealing lier alarm, she answered, she should be glad to know in what respect she had attracted their no- tice, " Why. replied the gentleman, tlkey ob- serve in you the appearance and manner of a lady." On this she fell a laughing, and, with an arch and lively air, rejoined, " In this case. Sir, as the decision of the question is competent to ;i lady, I beg leave to select your wife for my judge." This proposal he did not think proper to accept, and, wishing to disengage himself, protested that he was tar from believing any such thing, and on- ly hinted at wliat the ladies whom he named had suspected. She withdrew earlier than usual that day, aud passed rather an uneasy night. But, having fully meditated on her situation, she re- solved to bear herself through, put on a good face, appear at the Cassiuo next day, and tlicre converse in the most gallant and free manner- with the ladies in order if possible to remove their suspicions. Accordingly, af'ter the usual com- pliments she introduced the subject and declared E 3 18 FRANCES SCANAGATTI. that far from being offended, she was on the con- trary highly Haltered, in hopes that tlie opinion they entertained would render them less difficult to favour her with such a verification as would enable them to pronounce their judgment with greater certainty. This produced the effect she wished: the ladies, astonished by this mili- tary air of frankness, immediately retracted their opinion, saying, " You are too gallant. Ensign, for us to presume doing you any farther the in- jury of believing you a lady:" and thus the mat- ter ended. Some time after, having received orders to proceed to ChcJin, she had the good fortune to escape the prying looks of the fair sex there, who obliged her to use uncommon circumspection. But she fell sick on the roafi, and was under the necessity of stoj)ping at Lubin, the head-quar- ters of the battalion. On this occasion she was under nmch obligation to Captain Tauber, ofthe ?ame regiment, who shewed her uncommon murks of humanity, attention and kindness, in a country where she was quite a stranger. Here also she had some difiriculty to conceal her sex; for, being afiected with a general debility, she was obliged to commit herself in all her wants to the care of a soldifcr who was her servant, but twho, happily for her was a young man of such simplicity, that she ran no risk from his pe- netration. She had scarcely recovered, wlien, having re- ceived notice that the Council of War had re- FRANCES SCANAGATTI. 10 moved her to the regiment of i^imti^it she report- ed herself ready to join immediately; and, not- withstanding the advice of lier commander to suspend herjoiirney until she had sufticiently re- cruited her strength, she persisted in undertaking it, and arrived on the 6th of May, 179!), ftt Pene- zona, in the Bannat, where the staff were sta- tioned. Some promotions were at this crisis taking place in the regiment, and being one of the old- est ensigns, she expected to be promoted to a lieutenancy, but was no less surprized than hurt to find two younger ensigns j)rcferred over her head. Being sure of her ground, in so far as to know that the conduct-list given in her favour by the regiments in which she had before served had left not the smallest room for reproach; not- withstanding her mild and patient character, she presented very sharp remonstrances, protesting tljat she should be ashamed to continue to wear the uuifoim of the regiment if the injury done her was not repaired. In answer to this remonstrance she received a rescript of the 18th of July, which entirely satisfied her; the regiment declar- ing that the mistake proceeded from not having known that Ensign Scanagatti luul been trans- ferred to it when the promotions were proposed, but that they would not fail to take the first opportunity of doing justice to his merit; and in fact she obtained a lieutenancy on the 1st of March following. She was now placed in the battalion of re- 20 FRANCES SCANAGATXr. serve, whicli generally remains inactive in can- tonment, and was then under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Einsfeld. But anxious to share in the glory oFthe campaign, she solicited to he removed to one of the battalions of the same regiment which were then acting against tlie enemy in Italy, and she was in consequence appointed to the sixth, encamped on the moun- tains to the east of Genoa, which she joined with- out dcla}'. Here she encamped with her battalion, com- manded by Major Paulich, with which sharp skirmishes and actiojis more frequently took place than at any other of the outposts. She fought under tliat officer particuhuly in two bat- tles that took place on the 14th and loth of De- cember, 1799j» in tii*i neighbourhood of ScolFera, and at Torriglia, where she had the satisfaction of being the first that entered the enemy's in- trenched redoubts, which they were then forced to abandon, but which they retook next day, through the superiority of force with which they renewed the attack. In this unfortunate aftair the brave Major Paulich being severely woimdedand made priso- ner, with a part of his battaHpn, the main body of the ariiiy in tliat neighbourhood, under the command of General Count Klenau, was oblig- ed immediately to retire. i:lnsign Scanagatti was then directed to post himself at Barba Gelata, with a sn^.ull deiachment, to cover the retreat on that side ; and on the 25 ih of the same nionth FRANCES SCANAGATTI. 21 received orders to join the battalion lying at Cainpiano and CasteJbardi, in the territory of the Duke ot" Parma. f' Captain Golubowisch, and after him Captain Kliunovvich, succeeded to the command of^ the battalion, which, about tlie end of February^ J 800, \\i,\s sent into quarters at LegluyTi. At this time Ens'gn Scanagatti having been dis- patched «n the regimental business to Venice, Mantua, and iMilan, bad the satisfaction to revi- sit her family in passing through Cremona, of vhich town her father was then intendant. Here she stoiit a day and tv^^o ni<2;hts. Her mother during all that time never stdTerea her out of her sight; and having remarked in the morning that, when dressed, she laced her chest very straitly, to efface eveiy exterior sign of her sex, and that so strong a compression had al- ready produced a certain degree of mortification and some lividity in that part, Madame Scana- gatti commucatcd her fears to her husband, that their child would soon fall a victiin to a cancer, if they delayed any longer to oblige her to quit the service. The father, from the moment the news reach- ed him that his daughter had introduced herself to the Academy as a boy, had never ceased to importune her to return to the avocations of her sex, but at the same time carefully concealed this transaction of a daught-er of whom he re- ceived the most satisfactory reports, and from whose spirit he had also to expect some impru- 22 FRANCES SCANAGATTl. (lent rf-soliitionifcounteiactcdbv violent measure?. He now seriously reflected on the most efficient njeans to be en)ployed to calm tlie uneasiness of his wife, nnd, if possible, to withdraw his daugh- ter without irritating- l)er feelings. He renewed the attempt to engage her voluntary compliance, insisting s'.rongly, among many other dangers ^o which she was exposed, on the discovery Kiade by her mother, and offering to accommo- date her in his house with every thing that could give lier satisfaction. This attempt was however fruitless. She an- swered respect! ully, tiiat she would not fail to ]>ay attention to what her mother had remarked respecting her; nor would she hesitate a moment to fly to the bosom of her family (always dear to her,) as soon as peace should take place, and which jould not be at a great distance ; but she beg-ed him to reflect, that she should lose the the little merit she had acquired in her career were she to quit it ai that crisis. She concluded, that he niight make himself perfectly easy on her account, as, in the course of three years and WW half, she had been able to support her character in the midst of an aiuiy, and in a va- riety of critical situations. In this manner she took leave of'her parents, and proceeded to exe- cute the remainder of her commissions. Meanwhile her father resolved to go to Milan, and in this dilomnuv to be guided entirely by Count Cocasteli, a nobleman who had much re- gard for him, and who, being Commissary Ge- FRANCES SCAN'AGATTI. 23 neral of his Imperial Majesty in Loinbardy, and near the Army of Italy, could be of service to him in an allair of such delicacy. In conse- quence of his advice, and through the medium of the Count, he addressed a 'memorial to his Excellency J5aron Melas, disclosing the story of his daughter, and soliciting for her an honour- able discharge. The. lady in the mean- time having executed licr commissions, while her father was, unknown to her engaged in this scheme, returned to her regiment, which she found at the outposts in the blockade of Genoa, encamped on Monte- Bccco, and near Monte-Fac(.io. On the same day the latter place capitulated, she received notice that the Commander-in Chief had sent aa order to the battalion of the same regiment to per- mit Lieut. S'janagatti to join his family at Milan. This permission, unsolicited by her, was equally disagreeable and unexpected. She immediately perceived thai it must liave come through her parents; but, cruelly disappointed, she consoled herself that her sex was not discovered, but that she was treated as an officer in the very order of the Commander-in-Chief; and what confirmed her in this flattering idea was, the next day being at dinner with General Baron de , Gottsheim, commanding the division of the Imperial army in this neighbourhood, she was always addressed by the title of lieutenant, and nothing occur- ■ed that gave her the smallest suspicion that ler sex was known. Amidst these reflections she resolved, on the FRANCES SCANAOATTI. 3d of June, 1800, to proceed on her Journey to- wiuds her paternal mansion, but on the Bth of the same month havini; learnt at Bologna that the enemy had jujt entered the Milanese, she thought it advisable to "proceed to Verona, to which city the staff ot" the Austrian army was then re- moved. She there applied for and obtained a new route for Venice, where her father then was, and where she remained, tired of an inactive life, till the peace of Lunevilie permitted her to re- turn with safety to her country. It was with no small reofret she laid aside a uniform obtained through the most signal merit, and supported in an lionaurable and exemplary manner. To at- ' test the truth of these particulars, and the well^- merited opinion of her zealous and faithful servi- ces, the Commander-in-Chief, General Baroa Melas, in a rescript o,f the 23d of May, IBOl,': announced to the su[)reme Council of War, that on the 11th of July, 1800, he had. conferred her lieutenancy on her brother, who was then a cadet in the regiment of Belgiojoso. It is only necessary to add^ that this adventu- rous young lady, having resumed her sex in the bosom of her family, is no less a pattern now of female merit, than she formerly was of military conduct; fulfilling, with unexampled sweetness and equanimity of temper, the office of governess to her younger sisters, and otherwise assisting her ' venerable mother in the management of Iter do- j jnestic concerns. •! 25 EDWARD NOKES. This man was by trade a tinker, and followed that business till six weeks before his death. I J is apartments pourtrayed symptoms of the most abject poverty, though at liis dtnith he was iound to be possessed of property to the amount of between five and six thousand pounds. lie bad a wife and several children, whom he brought np in the most parsimonious manner, ol'ten feed- ing them on grains and the oiFais of meat, which he |r9rchased at reduced prices. He was no less remarkable in his person and dress: for, in order to save the expence of shaving, he w ould encou- rage the dirt to gather on his face, to hide in some measure the unseeml}' excrescence. He never suffered his shirt to be washed in water; but after wearing it till it became intolerably black, he used to wasli'it in urine to save the ex- pence of soap. His coat, which time had trans- brmed into a jacket, would have puzj^led the wisest philosopher to make out its original color, so covered was it with shreds -and patches of dif- ferent colors, and those so diversified, that it re- sembled the trophies of the several nations of Eu- rope, and seemed to vie with Joseph's " coat of many colors." The interest of his money, together with all le could heap up from his penurious mode of iving, he used to deposit in a bag, which was VOL. 2. — NO. 12. F 26 EDWARD NOKUS. covered up in a tin pot, and then conveyed to a bii'.k kitchen; one oi' ilie bricks was taken up, and a hole made just larj^e enough to hold the pot ; the brick was llien carefully marked, and a ttdly kept behind the door of the sum deposited. One day, his wife discovered this hoard, and re- solving to profit by the opportunity-, took from, the pot, one out of sixteen guineas, that were then placed there. Her husband soon discovered the trick, for when he came to count his raonejv and finding it not agree with the tally behind the door, which his wife did not know of, he taxed her with the theft; and, to the day of his death, even on his death-bed, he never spoke to her without adding the epithet '' thief" to every expression. In his younger davs, he used at the deatli of any of his children, to have a little deal box made to put them in, and without any of the solemnities of a regular funeral, he would take them upon his shoulder to the place appropriated for their reception ; where, once interred, he seemed to verify the old adage, " Out of sight, out of mind;" and went home as unconcerned as if nothing had happened. A short time before his death, which he evi- dently hastened by the daily use of nearly a quart of spirits, he gave strict charge that his coffin should not have a nail in it, which was, actually the case, the lid being fastened with hinges made of cord: there was no plate on the coffin, but' barely the initials E. N. cut on the lid. His MATIC CATOZ2E. 27 shroud was made of a pound of wool; the coffin was covered with a sheet instead of a pall, and was carried by six men, to each of whom he left half-a-crown; and at his particular desire, not one who followed him to the s:;rave wore mourn- ing; but, on the contrary, each of the mourners seemed to try who?e dress should be the most striking, the undertaker even being habited in a blue coat and scarlet u distcoat. lie died at Horn- church, in Essex, aged 56 years, without a will, and his fortune v>as equally divided among hi? wife and family. MARC CATOZZE. Marc CATOZZE; called the Little Dwarf, was born at Venice, in the year 1741, of robust parents. He had several brothers, all of whom vcre tall and well made; his body was not de- formed, and appeared to belong to a man of five feet six inches ; but he had neither arms nor legs, the pectoral members consisting of a very promi- nent shoulder, and a perfect haiul. The lower part of the body was very flat, terminating in a niis-shapen foot, but complete in ail its parts. ' This man was well known ; he had spent the greatest part of his life in traversing almost all the states of Europe, exhibiting himself to the public curiosity. He attracted the multitude, not only by the singularity oi' his form, but like- $8. M-ARC CATOZZE. wise by the astonishiitvg strength of his jaws, and tlic (iL'Xterity with uhi<-h he {h«evv up into the :V\r, stk'ks an*l other thinii;s withoJie of his hands, aiul caiio;ht them with the other. As he could scarcely reach his month wi^h the ends of his fingers, his greatest difl^. was reputed the first classic scho- i^ lar in the county, he was taught Latin and Greek, "' in neither of which he made much progress. Being a favorite with the old gentleman he was indulged at an early age with a horse and money, 7 WILLIAM ANDREW IlORNE. 13 which enabled him to ramble fiom one place of diversion lo another. In this course ot" dissipa- tion, he gave a loose to his vicious inclinations, and particularly to his passion for women. Not content with debauching his mother's maid ser- vants, he afterwards acknowledged in a j)aper written with his own hand, that he had been the occasion of the murder of a servant girl wb.o was with child by him, and that he had a criminal connection with his own sisters. In the month of February 1724, one of his sis- ters was delivered of a fine boy. Tiiree day; af- terwards he went at ten o'clock at night, to his brother Charles, who then lived with him at his father's, and told him he must take a ride with him that night. He then fetched the child, which they put into a long linen bag, and taking two horses out ol the stable, rode away, to An- nesly in Nottinghamshire, five computed miles from Butterley, carrying the ciiild by turns. When they came near the place, M'^illiani alighted, and asked whether the child was alive. Charles answering in die affirmative, he took it in the bag, and went away, bidding his brolher stay till he should return. AVhen Charles asked him what he had done with it, he said, he had laid it by a hay-stack, and covered it with hay. After his condemnation, he declared that he had no intention the child siiould die ; that to preserve its life, he put it into a bag lined with wool, and made a hole in the bag to give it air; that the child was well dressed, and was designed VOL. 2 — NO. I.J. H 1-1 WILLIAM ANDREW HORNE. as a present for Mr. Chaworth of Annesly, and was intended to be laid at his door : but on taking it From his brother, and approaching the house^ the doss made such a constant barkins;, that he durst not go up to the door for fear of a disco- very, there being a light in one of the windows; that upon this disappointment^ he went back to some distance, and at last determined to lay it un- der a warm hay-stack, in hopes of its being dis- covered early next morning, by the people who came to fodder the cattle. The child was indeed found, but it was dead, in consequence of being left there all night in the cold. Not long afterwards, Charles, having some dif- ference with his brother, mentioned tlie affair to his father, who enjoined him never to speak of it again. It was, accordingly, kept a secret till the old gentleman's death, which happened about the year 1747, when he was in his 102d year. Charles having occasion, soon after this event, to call on Mr. Cooke an attorney of Der- by, on parish business, related to him the whole affair. Mr. Cooke said he ought to go to a ma- gistrate, and make a full discovery. He accor- dingly went to Justice Gisborne, |)ut that gcn- tlejiian told him, it would be better to be silent, as it was an affair of long standing, and might hang half the family. After this Charles men- tioned it to several other persons. Charles at this time, w as far from being in easy circumstances. He kept a little ale-house at a gate leading to his brother's habitation ; and WILLIAM ANDREW HORNE. io though he used frequently to open the gate for him^ pulling off his hat at the same time, yet Wil- liam would never speak to iiiai. Not only his brother, but the whole country round had reason to eomplain of his chm-lishness and rigor ; he would searccly suffer a person, who was not qua- lified, to keep a dog or a gun, so that he was^ universally feared and hated. About the year 1754, Charles being very ill of a flux, sent for Mr. John White ©f Ripley, and said he was a dying man, and co^dd not go out of the world without disclosing his n^ind to him. lie then acquaaaed him with the incest and murder. Mr. White said ii was a delicate business, and he knew not what to advise. A few days after- wards, Mr. White seeing him surprisingly reco- vered, asked'him to what it was owing, to which Charles replied, it was in consequence of his having disclosed his mind to him. A short time previous to this circumstanc'e, William Andrew Home threatened Oiie Mr. Roe for killing game, and meeting liim at a public house, an altercation arose on this .object, in which Roe called Home an incestuous old dog. For these words he was prosecuted in the ecclesi- astical court at Litchfield, and being unable to prove the charge, he was obliged to feubmit, and to pay all expences. Roe being afterwards in- formed that Charles Home had informed some persons that his brother \Villiam had starved his natural child to death, went to them, and found his intelligence to be ti ue. Upon this he applied, H 2 16 AVILLIAM ANDREW HORNE. about Christmas 1758, to a justice in Derbysliire, ior a warrant to apprehend Charles, that the truth might come out. The warrant was grant- ed ; but as the justice did pubiic business en Tvl ondajs only, the constable took Charles's word for his appearance on the Monday following. Meanwhile, William being informed of the Avarj-ant, endeavoured to prevail on his brother Charles to perjure himself, promising to be a iViend to him. Charles refused to comply, say- ing that he had no reason to expect any favour {rmi him, but as he was his brother, if he would give him five pounds to carry him to Liverpool, lie would immediately embark for another coun- try. William, however, refused to part with the money. The justices of Derbyshire, discovering some reluctance to sift the affair to the bottom, an ap- plication was made about the middle of Marchj l7o9, to a justice of the peace in Nottingham- sliire, who granted a warrant for apprehending William. It was soon endorsed by Sir John Every, a gentleman in the commission of the peace for the county of Derby. About eight at jiight the constable of Annesly, went to Mr. -Home's house at Butterley, and knocked at the door, but was refused admittance. He then left the above mentioned Roe and two others to guard the house, and came again the next morning. He was told by a servant man that Mr. Home was gone out. They insisted he was in the feouse, and threatened to break open the door. WILLIAM ANDREW IIORNE. , 17 on whicli they were admitted. They search'ed all over the house, but could not find Mr. Home. Roe pressed them to make a second search. In one of the rooms they observed a large old chest, in which Home's wife said there was no- thing but table linen and sheets. Roe insisted on inspecting the contents, and was about, to break the lid, when Mrs. Home opened itj and her husband started up in a fright, bare- headed, exclaiming, " It is a sad thing to hang me, for my brotlier Charles is as bad as myself; and he cannot hang me without hanging him- self." He was carried before two justices of Not- tingham, and after an examination of some hours, was committed to Nottingham gaol, to take his trial at the assizes. Soon after his commitment he made application to the court of King's Bench, to be removed by Habeas Corpus, in or- der to be bailed. For this purpose he went to London in the custody of his goaler, but the court denied him bail, so that he was obliged to return to Nottingham, where he remained ia confinement till the summer assizes, held on the 10th of August 1759, before Lord Chief Baron- Parker. After a trial whijh lasted nine hours, the jury having withdrawn for half an hour, pro-^ nounccd a verdict of Guilty. Thirty-five years the justice of heaven had lingered, but now it descended with redoubled weight on the head of the hoary sinner. On this occasion the very per- sons who found the child appeared and corrobo- ji 3 18 M'lLLlAM ANDREW ILORNE. rated the brother's tviclence. lie immediately received sentence to be hanged the Monday fol- lowing, but in the evening, at the intercession of, s jme gentlemen who thought the time too short for such an old offender to search his heart, the judge uas pleased to respite the execution of the sentence for a month; at the expiration of whicli he obtained another respite till farther orders. This time he spent chiefly in fruitless applica- tions, to persons in power for a pardon, mani- . festing little sense of the crime of which he had been convicted, and often saying it was doubly hard to suffer on the evidence of a brother for a crime committed so many 3'ears before. A day or two previous to his execution, he solemnly de- nied many atrocious things which common re- port laid to his charge, and said to a person, *' My friend, my brother Charles was tried at Derby twenty years ago, and acquitted; my deair sister Nanny forswearing herself at that time to save his life, which you see was preserved to hang jne." — He told the clergyman who attended him, " that he forgave all his enemies, even his bro- ther Charles ; but that at the day of judgment, if God Almighty should ask him how his brother Charles behaved, he would not give him a good character." He was exactly 74 years old the day he died, being executed on his birth-day. This he mentioned several times after the order lor his execution was signed, saying, he always .-used to have plumb-pudding on his birth-day. "U'lLLIAM ANI)RE\¥ HCRME. 19 and would again^ if he could obtain another re- ])j"ieve. He was of such a penurious disposition, tliat it is said he never did one generous action in the whole course of his life. Notwithstanding his licentious conduct, his father left him all his real estate, having some time before his death given all his personal property by a deed of gift to Charles. The falher died on a couch in the kit- chen, and had, at the time, about twelve guilieas in his pocket, which undoubtedl}- belonged to Charles. William, however, took the cash out of the pocket of his deceased parent, and would not part with it, till Charles promised to pay the whole expence of burying the old man. This he did, and afterwards insisting on his right, the elder brother turned him out of doors, and though he knew he was master of such an important secret^ he refused to afford him the least assistance ; or to give a morsel of bread to his hungry children, begging at the door of their hard-hearted uncle. — Besides his incest, and the murder of the young woman, who was with child bv him, he confessed that he broke with a violent blow, the arm of one Amos Killer^ which occasioned tliepoor fellow's death. te THOMAS DAY, ESQ. It is matter of just regret that Mr. Day, left behind him no friend able or willing to present the public with a complete account of his life. The particulars which have been given con- cerning this original and truly eccentric cha- racter seem to justify the presumption that such a narrative would have afforded equal instruc- tion and entertainment. From such scanty ma- terials as can be procured, the following facts are gleaned ; but justice obliges the compiler to acknowledge, that, for most of them, he is in- debted to the interesting account of Mr. Day, given by the ingenious Miss Seward, in her " Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Darwin." Thomas Day was born in London in 1748. He was educated at the Charter-house, and from that institution was removed to Corpus Christi College, Oxford. His father died during his in- fancy, leaving him an estate of twelve hundred pounds per annum. Soon after that event Mrs. Day married a gentleman of tiie name of Phi- lips, one of those ordinary characters who seek to supply an inherent want of consequence by an officious interference in circumstances witk which they have no real concern. Mrs. Philips, with a jointure of three hundred pounds a y£ar THOMA5 DA Y, ESg. 21 put of her son's estate, had been left his guardian, in conjunction with another person, wlioni she iniluenced. Beiuff herself under the influence of' her husband, the domestic situation of her son, a youth of high spirit and no common ge- nius, was often rendered extremely uncomfort- able. It may easily be supposed tiuU he impa- tiently brooked the troublesome authority of a man whom he despised, and who had no claim upon his obedience, though he considered it his iluty to treat the husband of his mother with some exterior deference and respect. She often repined at the narrowness of her jointure, and still more frequently expressed her anxiety lest Mr. Pliilips who had no fortune of liis own, should, by losing her, be deprived in the decline of life, of a comfortable subsistence. No sooner had Mr. Day come of age and into possession of his estate, than he augmented his mother's join- ture to four hundred pounds, and settled it on Mr. Philips during his life. Such bounty to one who liad needlessly embittered so many years of his infancy and youth, affords incontestible evi- dence of a truly noble and elevated mind. Mr. Day was a phenomenon rarely seen in these latter times, especially among persons of his rank in society. Even at that period " when youth, elate and gay, steps into lite," he looked quite the philuscpher. Powder and elegant clothes were at that time the appendages of gen- tlemen, but Mr. Day wore neither. 1m person lie was tall, and stooped in the shoulders; he was 22 T^O^MS DAY, ESO. full made, but not corpulent ; ant! in his pensive . and meiancholy air were blended awkwardness and dignity. Though his features bore the traces of » severe small-pox, yet they were interesting and agreeable, A kind of weight hung upon the lids of his large hazleeyesj but when he declaimed Of good and evil. Passion and apathy, and glory and sbarae, the expression that flashed from them was liighly energetic. His moral character was moulded after the an- tique )noo!el of the most virtuous ciii^tcus^of Greece and Rome. He proudly imposed on himself rigid abstinence, even from the most in- nocent pleasures ; nor would he allow any action to be virtuous that was performed from the hope of a reward here or hereafter. This severity of principle had, however the effect of rendering him rather sceptical towards the doctrines of re- vealed religion. Strict integrity, active friend- ship, openhanded bour.ty, and diffusive charity, greatly over-balanced the tincture of misanthro- pic gloom and proud contempt of common-life society, which marked his character. For such miseries as spring from refinement and the softer affections, Mr. Day had no sympathy; but he evinced genuine compassion for the sufferings of cold and hunger. To the pleasure of relieving these he nobly sacrificed all the parade of life gnd all the gratifications of luxury, ^or po- THOMAS DAY, ESQ. 23- lislied society lie expressed supreme contempt, and cliciished a panicHlar aversion i'or the mo-« deni plans of Iciuale education, ascribing to their intluence the disappointment he experi- enced honi the fickleness of a young lady to whom he had paid his addresses. He, nevertheless, thought it his dut^' to marry; he indulged syste- matic idtas of the powers of philosophic tuition to produce future virtue, and took great delight in mouldino; the mind of infancy and vouth. The distinctions of birth and the advantages of wealth were ever regarded by Mr. JDay with contempt, lie resolved that the woman whom he should chuse for his wife sDould have a taste for literature and science, for moral and patriotic J philosophy. She would thus be a fit companion in that retirement to which he had destined him- self, and mi^ht assist in forming the minds of his children to stubborn virtue and high exertion. He likewise resolved, that in her dress, her diet, and lier manners she should be simple as a moun- tain-girl, fearless and intrepid as the Spartan wives and lioman heroines. The most romantic philosopher could not expect to find such a crea- ture ready made to his hands, and Mr. Day was soon convinced of the necessity of moulding some infant into the being his fancy had pictured. To the accomplishment of this plan he pro- ceeded in the following manner. When he came of age, he procured credentials of his moral probity, and with these he travelled to Shrewsbur}', accompanied by his friend the late 3 24 THOMAS DAY, ESO. Mr. Bicknel, llieii a banister in consi(Ierabl<* j)i-aclice, to explore the Irospital for ibimdling girls in that town. From among the little in- mates of this institution, INIr. Day, in the pre- sence of his friend, selected two of twelve years. They were both beautiful ; the one, fair, with flaxen locks and light eyes, he called Lucretia; the other, a clear, auburn brunette, with darker eyes, more glowing bloom and chcsnut tresses, he named Sabrina. The written conditions on which he obtained these girls were to this effect: that, within a year he should place one of them with some reputable tradeswoman, giving one hundred pounds to bind her apprentice, and maintaining her, if she behaved well, till she married or began business for herself, in either of which cases he promised to advance four hundred more. He avowed his intention of keeping and educating the other, with a view to make her his wife; solemnly engaging never to violate her innocence, and if he should re- nounce liis plan, to maintain her in some cre- ditable family till she married, when he promised to give five hundred pounds as lier wedding por- tion. For the performance of this contract Mr. Bicknel w^as guarantee. With these girls Mr. Day immediately \ycnt to France, and that they might imbibe no ideas but such as he chose to communicate, he took with him in this excursion not a single En- glisii servant. Notwithstanding all his philoso- j)hy, his young companions iiarassed and per- > THOMAS DAV, ESQ. '2.> plexed him not a little ; they were perpetually quarrelling and lighting, and at length, falling- sick of the small-pox, they chained him to their bed-side by crying and screaming if thej'^ wfcre left a moment with any person who could not speak to them in their native language. Their protector wiis therefore not on!}' obliged to sit up with them many nights, but also to perform for them the lowest offices that are required of a nurse or a domestic. Health returned, and v.ith it all their former beauty. Soon after' the reco- very of his wards, Mr. Day was crossing the Rhone with them, on a tempestuous day, when tbe boat overset. Being an excellent swimmer he saved them both, though not without consi- derable difficulty and danger to himself. After a tour of eieir address for thatpurpose. He refused, saying that he stiould be better. On the second day, seeing uo hopes of recovery, Mr. Townsend called in four respectable gentle- men of the neighbourhood, and had seals put upon all Mr. Cappur's property. One of the four gentlemen recollected the address of Mr. Cappur'f two nephews, of the name of Dutton, HARRY PAULET. 9 who were imnietliatcly sent for. They resided ill the neighbourhood of Rosemary-lane. On searching iiis apartment after Ins death, his relaiions found a will curiously worded, and made on the back of a sheet of banker's checks. It was dated five years back, and the bulk of his property, which wastlien upwards of 30,0001. he left equally among his poor relations. He died on the Gth of September 1804. HARRY PAULET. This singular character, commonly called *< Duke of Bolton, Kii^g of Vine-strtct, and Go- vernor of Lambeth Marsh," died lately in that neighbourhood, and his remains were attended to the grave by a great number of persons whom his bounty had made comfortable. Parsons, the comedian, speaking of the sub- ject of the following particulars, frequently de- clared with the greatest gravity, that he would rather expend a crown, to hear Harry Paulet re- late one of Hawke's battles, than sit gratis b}' the most celebrated orator of tlie day. " There was," (said Parsons), " a manner in his heart-felt nar- rations that was certain to bring hk auditors in- to the very scene of action ; and when he de- scfibed the moments of victory, I have seen a dozen labouring-men at the Crown public-house. 10 HARRY PAULET. rise together, and moved by an instantaneous it.) pulse, give three cheers, while Harry took breath to recite more of his exploits." This man^ whose love for his country cannot be excelled, was, in the yefir 17o8, master of an English vessel in North America, and traded up the river St. Lawrence; but being taken by the enemy, he remained a prisoner under Montcalm at Quebec, who refused to exchange him, ©n ac- count of his extensive knowledge of the coast, the strength of Quebec and Louisburg, with the different soundings. They therefore came to a resolution to send him to France to be kept a prisoner during the war, and with this intent he was embarked on board a vessel ready to sail with dispatches to the French government. Being the on!}' Englishman on board, Harry was ad- mitted to the cabin, where he took notice one day, that the packet hung in an exposed situa- tion in a canvas bag, for the purpose of being- thrown overboard on any danger of being taken: this he marked as the object of a daring enter- prise; and shortly after, in consequence of the vessel being obliged to put into Vigo for provi- sions and intelligence, he put his design into ex- ecution. There were two English men of wai lying at anchor, and Mr. Paulet thought this a proper opportunity to make his meditated at- tempt; he therefore one night, when all but the watch were asleep, took the packet out of the bag, and having fixed it in his mouth silently let himself down to the water, and, to prevent being HARRY PAULET. 11 discovered, floate 1 on his back to the bows of one of the English ships, where he secured him- self bv the cables, and callinsf for assistance was immediatel}- taken on board with the packet. The captain, charmed with this bold attempt, treated him with great humanity, and gave him a suit of scarlet clothes trimmed with blue velvet and gold, which he retained to the day of his -death. The dispatches being transcribed proved to be of the utmost consequence to our affairs in North America, and Harry was sent with a copy of them post over land to Lisbon, from whence he was brought to Falmouth in a sloop of war, and immediately set out for London. Upon his arrival in town, he was examined by proper per- sons in the administration, and rewarded agree- ably t© the nature of his service; but what is most remarkable, an expedition was instantly formed upon a review of these dispatches, and our successes in North America, under Wolfe, and Saunders, are in some degree to be attri- buted to the attachment of Paulet to the interests of his country. For his services the government rewarded him with tlie pay of a lieutenant for life, which, with other advantages, (for Harry had ever been pru- dent) he was enabled to purchase a vessel. Here fame takes some liberty with his character, and asserts that he used to run to the French coast, and then take in a cargo of brandy ; but be that as it may, Harry was one morning returning, when the French fleet had stolen out of Brest under Conflans, while admiral Hawke was hid 12 HARRY PAULET. behind the rock of Ushant to watch the motions of the enemy. Mr. Paulet, loving his country better than his cargo, soon ran up to the British admiral, and demanding to speak with him, was ordered to make his vessel iast, and come on board; upon his telling Hawke what he knew of the enemy, the admiral told him, if he was right, be would make his fortune; but if he had de- ceived him, by G— d he would hang him upon the yard-arm. The fleet was instantly under weigh, and upon Paulet's direction to the mas- ter (for he, was an excellent pilot) the British fleet was presently brought between the enemy and their own coast ; and now the admiral or- dered Paulet to make the best of his way; but Harr}' begged of the admiral, as he had discovered the enemies of his country, that he might be al- lowed to assist in beating them. This request was assented to by the commander; and Paulet had his station assigned, at which no man could behave better ; and when the battle was over, this true born Englishman was sent home co- vered with commendations, and rewarded with that which enabled liiui to live happy the remain- der of his life. Mr. Paulet possessed a freehold estate in Corn- hill, London: and, respecting the good he did with his income, there is not a poor being in the neighbourhood of Pedlar's Acre, who does not testify with gratitude, some act of benevolence performed for the alleviation of his poverty, by this humane and heroic Englishman. 13 JOSEPH CLARK. iHISinan wasa very extraordinary posture-mas- ter who resided in Pall Mall. Though well-made, and rather gross than thin, he exhibited, in a most natural manner, almost very species of de- formity and dislocation. He frt-quent!}- diver- ted himself with the tailors, by sending for one of them to take measure of him, and would so contrive it as to have a. most immoderate rising in one of the shoulders: when the clothes were brought home, and tried upon him, the deform- ity was removed into the other shoulder ; upon w liich the tailor asked pru'don for the mistake, and altered the garment as expeditiously as pos- sible : but, upon a third trial, lie found him per- fecLly free fronv blemish about the shoulders, though an unfortunate lump appeared upon his back. In short, this wandering tumour puzzled all the workmen about town, u ho found it im- possible to accommodate so changeable a cus- tomer, lie dislocated the vertebrae of his back, and other parts of the body, in such a manner that Molins, the famous surgeon, before whom he appeared as a patient, w as shocked at the sight, and would not even attempt his cure. He often passed fox a cripple among persons with whom lie hod been in company but a icw miiuites before. Upon these occasions he would not only change . VOL. 2. — NO. 14. L 1-i JOSEPH CLARK. the position of his limbs, but entirely alter the figure of his couuteiiance. The powers of his face were more extraordinary thun the flexibility of his body. He would assume all the uncouth grimaces that he saw at a quaker's meeting, the theatre, or an^^ other public y^lace. He died about th€ beginning of King A\'illiam'.s reign. It appears from Evelyn's Nuuiisuiata that he was not living in I697. j:dav'ard alleyn, esq. Edward ALLE^N, a celebrated actor in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James,- and founder of the coliece at Dulwieh in Surrv, was born in London, in the parish of St. Bo- tolph, Sept.. 1, I066, as appears from a memo- randum in his own writing. Dr. Euller says, that he was bred a stage-player ; and that his fa- therwould have given him a liberal education, but that he was averse to a serious course of life. He was, however, a youth of excellent capacity of a chearful temper, a tenacious memor}', a svveet elocution, and in his person of a stately port and a^!})ect, and was a man of great benevo- lence and piety;. so devout, that when he re- ceived his quarterly accounts, he acknowledged il all to be the gift of God, ami-resolved to dedi- cate it to the use of Itis fellow creatures. From various authorities it appears that he must h?i^e 3 r.nWAUD ALLEYN, ESO. 1.5 been on tlio stage some time before lof)-; fof lie was then in higii favour with the town, and greatly applunded by the best judges^ pariieular- ]y by Ben Jonson. It may seem surprising, liow one of Mr. AI- leyn's profession should be enabled to erect such an edifice as Duhvieh college, and liberally en- dow it for the maintenance of so many persons. But it must be observed that he had some pater- nal fortune, which, though small, might lay a fountlation for his future affluence ; and, it is to be presumed, that tlie profits he received from acting, to one of his provident and managing- disposition, and who by his professional excel- lence drew after him such crowds of spectators, must have considerably improved his fortune. Besides, he was not only an actor, but master of a playhouse in White-Cross-street, built at his own expence, by which he is said to have amas- sed considerable wealth. He was also keeper of the king's wild beasts, or master of the royal bear garden, which was frequented by vast crowds of spectators; and the profits arising from these sports, are said to have amounted to five hundred pounds per annum. He was thrice married ; and the portions of his two first wives, vho left him no issue to inherit, might probably contribute to this benefaction. Donations such as Mr. Alleyn's, have been fre- quently thought to proceed more from vanity and ostentation than real piety ; but Mr. Alleyn'< has been ascribed to a very singular cause ; for 2 L IG KDWARD ALLEYIM^ ESO. the dt'vil is s.iicl to h.ive been the first promoter of it. Mr. Aubrey mentions a tradition, " that Mr. Alle^'n playing a demon with six. others, in one of Shakes[)ear's plays, was, in the midst of the pieee, surprized by an apparition of the devil ; which so worked on bis fancy, that he made a vow, which be performed by building Dulwich c^ liege." He began the foundation of this col- lege, under the direction of the famotis Inigo Jones, in l6l4; and on the buildings, gardens, ijcc. finished 'in iGl,?., he is said to have expend- ed about 10,0001. , ' Alter the college was built, he met with some . l7 at Biilwich, called " The College of God's Gift/ The rules prescribed for this fouiKkition are, that all future benefactions are excluded ; and visitors are 4o be the churchwardens of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate ; St. Giles's, Cripplegate ; and St. Saviour's, SoutKwark ; who, Upoti any difference arising between them, arc to refer the decision of it to the archbishop of Canterbury. He was^ himself the first master of his college, so that to' use the words of Mr. Haywood, one of his con- temporaries, '^ He w^is so mingled with humi- lity and charity, that he became his own pen-, sioner, humbly subntitting liimself to that pro- portion of diet and clothes, which he had be- stowed onoiheyrs." There is no reason to think he ever repented of this distribution of his sub- stance, but on the contrary, that he was entirely satisfied, as appears from the following memori- al in his own writing found ainong his papers : " May 'iG, I62O, m}^ wife and 1 acknowledged the fine at the common pleas bar, of all our lands to the college : blessed be God that he has given us life to do it." His wife died in thejear iGiS, and about two years afterwards he married Con- stance Kinchtoe, who survived him, and receiv- ed remarkable proofs of his affection, if wt iiiay judge of it by his v. ill, in which he left he-r con- siderable property. He died Nov. 25, l6G(>, in the (ilst year of his age, anjl \vas buried in the chapel of his new college. In tliis college, Ijy the statutes, the warden succeeds the master^ a!id takes upon Lim the . . ._ _. V ^ r. __ 18 EDWARD ALLEYN, ESO. office immediately on the master's death. The founder directed tliat the master and warden shall both be of the name of Allen, or Alleyn, and every person of that name is eligible to be- come a candidate. Celibacy is a sine qua notu Tlie election is in the surviving fellows, who choose two persons. Two rolls of paper are then put into a box, and each candidate takes one, and tbe person who takes the paper upon which the words " God's Gift" are written, is the warden elected. The late master, William Allen, Esq.. eujoyed his situation upwards of fifty two years.- The revenues of this colleiie are larcre and in- creasing. The master's apartments ia tiie college «er extremely grand ; at his taking possession of theplace^heis obliged to purchase thefurniture-^ which is as elegant as can be imagined; and heing lord of the manor^ helivtsin all the state of a mitred abbot. Notwitljstanding the singular severity of the rules, by which both he and the warden are to remain unmarried, yet there is always a sufficient nvmiber of candidates for tlie office, among those of the name of Alleyn. The library is well furnished, with classical and Hiodern books, and behiird the college is a good garden, where there are j^leasant walks and fruit trees. 19 JEDEDIAH BUXTOX. A MOST extraordinary instance of native genius was aftbrdcdby this man, who was born in 1705 at Elmeton in Derbyshire. His father was a school- master, and yet from some strange neglect or in- fatuation, Jcdediah was taught neither to write nor read. So great, however, were his natural talents for calculation, that he was remarkable for his knowledge of the relative proportions of numbers, their powers and progressive denomi- nations. To these objects he applied all the powers of his mind, and his attention was so con- stantly rivetted upon them, that he was often to- tally abstracted from external objects, and when he did take notice of them, it was only with re- spect to their numbers. If any space of time happened to be mentioned before him, he would presently inform the company that it contained so many muiutes, and if any distance, he would assign the number of hair-breadths in it even though no question were asked him. Being required to multiply 456 by 378, he gave the product by mental arithmetic, as soon as a person in company had completed it in the common way. Being requested to work it audibly that his method might be known^ he first multiplied 456 by 5, wbich produced 2280; this he again mulliplied by £0, and found the t20 JEDKDIATl BUXTON. product 45,600, which was the multiplicand mul- tiplied by 100. 'I'his product lie again iijulti- plied by 3,^ which gave 13(3.800, the pioduct ot" llie multiplicand by 300. Jt remained therefore ^ to multiply this by 78^ which he elTected by multiplying 2280, or the pvoduct of the multi- plicand multiplied by 5 by 15, as o times 15 is 75. This product being 34,'200, he added to 130,800 which gave 171,000, being the amount of 375 times 456. To complete his operation therefore, he multiplied. 456 by 3 which pro- duced 1368, and this being added to 171,000 yielded 172,368, as the product of 450 multi- plied by 378. From these particulars It appears that Jede- diaii's method of calculation was entirel}' his own, and that he was so little acquainted with the common rules of arithmetic as to multiply first by 5, and the, product by 20, to find the amount when nmltiplied by ICO, w'hich the addition of two cyphers to the multiplicand would have given at once. A person who had heard of these astonishing efforts of memory, once meeting with him acci- dentally, proposed the following question, in or- der to tiy his calculating powers. If a field be 423 yards long and 383 broad, uhat is the area? After the figures were read to hini distinctly, he gave the true product, 102,009 yards, in the space ol' two minutes ; for the pi-pposer observed by his watch how long each optraiJon took him. - The same person asked, how unary acres the JEDEDIAH BUxTON. Cl said field measured, and in eleven minutes here- plied S3 acres, I rood, 33 perches, 20 yards and a quarter. He was then asked how many bar- ley-corns would reach eight miles. In a minute and a half he answered ],o'i0,6iO. Tlic nex't question was: Supposing the distance between London and York to be G04 miles how many times will acoach-wheel turn round in that space, allowing the circumference of that wheel to be six yards .' In thirteen minutes he answered 59,840 times. On another occasion a person proposed to him this question : In a body, the three sides of which are 23, 145,789 yards, 5,642,7-^2 yards, and 54,965 yards, how many cubic eighths ofati inch ? In about five hours Jedediah had accu- rately solved this intricate problem, though in the midst of business and surrounded by more than a hundred laborers. Though these instances Avhich are well authen- ticated are suflicient proofs of Jedcdlah's strength of mind, yet for the farther satisfaction of the curious, the followinsr facts are subjoined. Bein^ asked how long after the firinpearcd almost incomprehensible. Next to figures, the only objects of Jedediah's curiosity were the king and royal family. So strong was his desire to see them, that in the be- ginning of the spring of 1754, lie walked up to London for that purpose, but returned disap- pointed, as his majesty had removed to Kensing- ton just as he arrived in town. He was, how- ever, introduced to the Roval Society, whom he eallofl the Folk of the Sicty comt. The gen tie- iTien present asked him several questions in arith- metic to try his abilities and di::)missed him with a handsome present. During his residence in the metropolis he was- taken to see the tra<);edy of Kino; Uichard tlie Third performed at Drury Lane. It was ex- pected that the novelty of every thing in that JEDEDIAU BUXTON. 2'? ^)kcc, together with the splendor of the surround- ing objects would have filled hiin with astonish- ment; or that his passions would have been roused in some degree hy the aetion of the per- formers, even thongli he might not fully com- })rehend the dialogue. This certainly was a ra- tional iilea ; but his thoughts were far otherwise employed. During the dances, his attention was et)g?.ged in reckoning the number of ste{)s ; after a fine piece of music he declared that the innumerable sounds produced by the instruments, perplexed him beyond measure, but he counted the words uttered l)y Mr. Garrick, in the whole •course of the enterfa-iRmeut, and declared that in this part of tlie business he had perfectly suc- ceeded. Heir to no fortune and educated to no particu- lar profession, Jedcdiah Buxton supported him- self by the labor of his hands. His talents, had ihev been properly cultivated might have quali- fied iiim for acting a distinguished part on the theatre of life ; he nevertheless pursued the " noiseless tenor of his way," content if he could satisfy the wants of nature, and procure a daily sustenance for himself tmd family. When he was asked to calculate a question, he would sit down, take off his old brown hat, and resting upon his stick, which was generally a very crooivcd one, in that attitude he would fall to work. He commonly wore on his head a linen or woollen cap, and had a handkerchief carelessly thrown round his neck. 24 ANTHONY MAGLIABECHI. If the enjoyments of this singular man were few, the3' seem at least to have been fully equi- valent to his desires. Though the powers of his rnind raised him far above his humble compa- nions, who earned their bread in like manner by the sweat of their brow, yet ambitious thoughts never interrupted his repose, nor did he, on his return from London, regret the loss ofanyoftiie pleasures he had left behind him. Buxton was married and had several children. He died in the year 1775, aged seventy years. ANTHONY MAGLIABECHI, A LEARNED Florentine, and librarian to. the grand duke of Tuscany, was born in Florence, October the 29> 1033. His parents were of so low and mean a rank, that ihcy were very satis- fied when the\^ had procured him a service with a man who sold herbs and fruit. He had never learned to read, and yet he was perpetualK' por- ing over tho leaves of old books, that were used as waste paper in his master's shop. A booksel- ler wdio lived in the neighbourhood, and who had often observed this, and knew the boy could not read, asked him one day, " What he meant bv staring so much on printed papers?" He said, " That he did not know how it was, but that he loaed it of all things ; that he was very uneasy in the business he was in, and should be the happi- ANTHONY MAGLIABIiClII. <2^ est creature in the world, if he could live mtU liiin, who had always so many books about him.'* The bookseller was astonished, and yet pie:vied will) his answer ; and at last told him, that he should not be disinclined to take him into his shop, if his master would be willing to part with him. Young Magliabechi thanked him with tears of joy ; and his happiness was highly in- creased when his master^ on the bookseller's de- sire, gave him leave to go where he pleased. lie went therefore directly to his new and much desired business ; and had not been long in it, before he could find out any book that was asked for, as readily as the bookseller conld himself. Some time after this he learned to read, and, no sooner had he made this accjuisition, than he employed every leisure moment in reading. He seems never to have applied himself to any par- ticular study. A passion for reading was his rul- ing passion ; and a prodigious memory his great talent, lie read every book almost indiscrimi- nately as they happened to come into his hands : he went through thei'n with surprising quickness, and yet retained not only the sense of what he read, but often all the words, and the vevy man- ner of spelling them, if there was any thing pe- culiar of that kind in any author. His extraordinary application qnd talents soon recommended him to Brmini, aifd Marmi, libra- rians of the grand duke of Tuscany. He was by them introduced into the conversation of the learned, and made known at court, and began VOL. C— NO. 14. M * £6 ANTHONY MACLIABECHI. to be looked upon every where as a prodigy, par- ticularly ior his vast and unbounded memory. It is said, that a trial was made of the force of his memory, which, if true, is very amazing, A gentleman at Florence, who had written a piece which was to be printed, lent the manu- script to Magliabechi ; and, some time after it had been returned with thanks, came to him again with a melancholy face, and told him of some invented accident, by which, he said, he liad lost his manuscript. Tli_e author seemed almost inconsolable for the loss of his work, and intreated Magliabechi, whose character for re- membering what he read was already very great, to try to recollect as much as he possibly could, and write it down for him, against his next visit. Magliabechi assured him he w ould, and, on set- ting about it, wrote down the whole manuscript, without missing a word, or even varying any where from the spelling. By treasuring up every thing he read in so strange a manner, or at least the subject, and all the principal parts of all the books he ran over, his head became at last, as one of kis acquaint- ance expressed it, " An universal index both of titles and matter." He was so famous for the \ast extent of his reading, and his amazing re- tention of what he had read, that it began to grow common among the learned to consult him, when they were writing on any subject. lie would tell them not only who had treated of their subject designedly, but of such also as had 5 ANTHONY MAGLlABECHt. 2? touched upon it only accidentally, in writing on other subjects, both which he (\'\d with the great- est exactness, naming the author, the book, the words, and often the very number oFthe page in which their observations were inserted. He did this so often, so readily, and so exactly, thatatlasthe Wiis looked uponalmost as an oracle, for the ready and full answers that he gave to all ([uestionsj that were proposed to him, in any faculty or science whatever. It was his great eminence this way, and his- vast knowledge of books, that induced the grand Duke, Cosmo tiie Third, to confer o)i hiin the appointment of librarian: and what a happiness it must have been to Magliabechi, who delight- ed in nothing so much as in reading, to have the supreme command and use of such a collection of books as that in the Great Duke's palace, may be easily conceived. He was also very conver- sant with the books of the Lorenzo library ; and had the keeping of those of Leopold© and Fran- cesco Maria, the two cardinals of Tuscan}'; and yet even all this did not satisfy his extensive ap- petite. To read such vast numbers as he did, he lat- terly made use of a method as extraordinary as any thing hitherto mentioned of him. When a book lirst came into his hands, he would look the title-page all over, then dip here and there in the preface, and advertisements, if there were any, and cast his eyes on each of the divisions, the diflcrent sections, or chapters, and then he would M 2 G8 ANTHONY MAGLlABEpHI. b? able for ever to krow what that book con- tained ; for he remembered as steadily as he con- ceived rapidl}'. It was after he had taken to this Avay of reading, that a priest who had composed a panegyric on one of his favourite saints, brought it to Magliabechi, as a present. He read it over the very way above mentioned, and then thanked him very kindly for his excellent treatise. The author, in some pain, asked him, " Whether that was all he intended to read of his book?" Magliabcchi coolly answered, " Yes, for I know ^eIy well every thing that is in it." jS[a^liabeehi had also a local memory of the yjlaces where every book stood, and seems to have carried this farther than onlv in relation to ilse collection ofbook^ with Vvliich he wav: perso- nally acquainted. One day the Grand Duke sent for bin., after he was his librarian, to ask him, whether he could get him a book that was particularly scarce. *' No, sir," answered Magli- abcchi, " It is impossible, for there is but one in the world: that is in the Grand Siarnior's hbrarv at Constantinople, and istheseventh book on the s:cond shelf on the right hand as you go in." Ti)ough jNIagliabechi mast have lived so seden- tary a life, with such an intense and almost per- petual application to books, yet he attained to a good old age. He died in his eighty-first 3'ear, on July 14j 1714. By his will he left a very fine library, of his own collcclionj for the use of the public, with a ANTUGN.^ MAGLIABECIII. 20 fanxl to maintain it ; aud whatever should remaia to the poor. He was not an ccclesiasticj but chose never to marr^'; and was quite negligent, or rather quite slovenly in his dress. His appear- ance was such, as must have been fur from en- gaging the affection of a lady, had he addressed himself to any; and his face in particular, as ap- pears by the several representations of him, whe- ther in his busts, medals, pictures, or prints, would rather have prejudiced his suit then ad- vanced it. He received his friends, and those who came to consult him on any points of litera- ture, in a civil and obliging manner, though ia general he had almost the air of a savage, and even affected it, together with a cynical or con- temptuous smile, which scr^'cely rendered his look the more ag-reeable. In his manner of living, he affected the cha- racter of Diogenes ; three hard eggs, and a^ draught or two of water, were his usual repast. When any visitors w^ent to see him, they usually found him lolling in a sort of fixed wooden cradle, in tiie middle of his study, with a multitude of books, some thrown in heaps, and others scat-- tcred about the floor, all round him ; and this bis cradle,, or bed, w:as attached to the nearest piles of books, ])y a number of cobwebs. At their entratjcc, lie commonly used to call out to them not to hurt his sjjiders. An old cloak served him for a gown in the day, and for bed- clothes at night; he had one straw chair for his- U- 3 so GEORGE MANLY. table, and another for his bed, in which he con- tinued fixed amonu his booics till he was over- powered by sleep. GEORGE MANLY. 1 HIS wretched culprit, if we may judge from the concluding scene of his life was a man of no ordinary powers of mind and no common way of thinking. He was executed for the crime of murder at Wicklow, in Ireland, in 1738. On this occasion he behaved in a strange but undaunted manner, and just before the sentence of the Jaw- was carried into execution^ be made the follow- - jog remarkable speech : — " My friends, you assemble to see — What ? — A man take a leap into the abyss of death. Look, and you shall see me go with as much courage as Curtius when he'leapt into the gulph to save his country from destruction. What then will you &eeof me? — You say that no man without virtue k-an be courageous. You will say, I have killed n man. — Marlborough killed his thousands, and Alexander his millions. Marlborough and Alex- ander, and many others who have done the like, are famous in history for great men: but I killed one solitary man — ay, that's the case — one soli- tary man ! I'm a little murderer^ and must be hanged. Marlborough and Alexander plundered uountrics— they were great men. I ran in debt GEORGE MANLY. St with the ale-wife— 1 must be hanged! Now, my fiiends, I hare drawn a parallel between two of the greatest men that ever lived and myself; but these were men of former days. Now I'll speak. a word of some of the present days. How many men were lost in Italy and upon the Rhine, during' tlie last war, for setting a king in Poland! But both sides could not be in the right: they are great men ; but 1 killed a solitary man, I'm a little fellow. The King of Spain takes our ships, plun- ders our merchants, kills and tortures our men ;, but what of all that ? what he does is good ; he's a great man ; he is cloathed in purple; his in-. struraents of murder are bright and shining, mine was but a rusty gun ; and so much for compa- rison. Now I would fain know, what authority there is in scripture for a rich man. to plunder, tu torture, and ravage whole countries; and what law it is that condemns a poor man to death for killing a solitary man, or for stealing a solitary sheep to feed his family. But bring the matter closer to our own country : what is the difference between running in a poor man's debt, and by the power of gold, or any other privilege, pre- venting him from obtaining his right, and clap- ping a pistol to a man's breast, and taking from him his purse ? yet the one shall thereby obtain a coach, and honours, and titles, 8cc. the other — what?— a cart and a rope. From what I have said, my brethren, you ma}', perhaps, imagine I am hardened;, but believe me, I am fully con-r vinced of my follies^ and acknowledge the juss 52 M. OSTERVALD. judgment of God has overtaken rae. I have no hopes but from the merits of my Redeemer,, who i hope will have mercy on me, as he knows that murder was far from my heart, and what I did was througli rage and passion, being provoked thereto by the deceased. - Take warning, my dear comiades : think ! O think !— What would, I now give, that i had lived another life!" M. OSTERVALD. Mr. Odtervald, a well-l;nown French banker, died at Paris in December 171)0, literally of want. Tliis man, originally of Neufchatcl, felt the violence of the disease of avarice, (For surely it is rather a disease than a passion of the mind) so strongly, that, within. a few days of his death, no impor- tunities could induce him to buy a few pound* of meat for the purpose of making a little soup. '* "Tis true," said he, " I should not dislike the soup, but I have no appetite for the meat ; what then is to become of that?" At the time that he refused this nourishment, for fear of being obliged to give away two or three pounds of meat, there was tied round his neck a silken bag, which contained 800 assignuts of JOOO livres each. At his outset in life, he drank a pint of beer, which servett him for supper, every night at a house much frequented, from which he car- ried home all the bottle-cojks he could come aL. M. OSTEKVALD. 33 Of these, ill tlie course of eight years, he had collected as many as sold for I '2 loiiis-d'or, asum that laid the foundation of his fortune, the super- structure of which, was rapidly raised by his un- common success in stock-jobbing. lie died possessed of three millions of Jivres^ or l'25jOOOL sterl in !X. Another extraordinary instance of avarice, and of a still more miserable death was exhibited in the same country in the person of M. Foscue. This man . one of the farmers-G;eneral of Langue- doc, under the former government had amassed considerable wealth by grinding the poor within Lis province, and every other means, however low, base or cruel; bv which he rendered him- self universally hated. He w-as one day ordered by the Government to raise a considerable sum : on which, as an excuse for not complying with the demand, he pleaded extreme poverty ; but fearing lest some of the inhabitants of Languedoc should give information to the contrary, and his hou^e should be searched, he resolved to hide his treasure in such a manner, as to escape the most rigid examination. He dug a kind of cave in his wine-cellar, wliich he made so large and deep, that he used to go down with a ladder; at the entrance was a door with a spring lock on it, Avhich, on shutting, w ould fasten of itself. Soon afterwards, Mons. Foscue was missing: diligent search was niade after him in every place; thc- ponds were draw-n, and every method wbich hu- man imagination could suggest, was taken to findj 34 THOMAS ROBERTS. him, but in vain. In a short time after his house was sold, and the purchaser beginning either to rebuild, or to make some alterations in it, the workmen discovered a door in the cellar, with a liey in the lock, which he ordered to be opened. On going down they found Mons, Foscue lying dead on the ground, with a candlestick near him,, but the candle he had eaten ; and on searching farther they disco veied the vast wealth that he had amassed. It is supposed, that when Mons, Foscue went into bis cave, the door, by sonieac-' cidentshut after him, and being out of call of any person, he perished for want of food, lie had gnawed the fiesh off both his arms, as is supposed for subsistence. Thus did this miser die of want, in the midst of his useless heaps of hoarded treasure t THOMAS ROBERTS. 1 HIS man, a native of Kirkmond in Lincoln- shire, was a most extraordinary /iisus fiafiircr. He was perfect to his elbows and knees, but w ithout either arms or legs. Above one of his elbows was a short bony substance, like the joint of a thumb, which had some muscular motion, and was of considerable use to him. Nature, however, compensated for his want of limbs, by giving him a strong understanding, and bodily health and spirits. When Sir George- ROBKRT FOBSTKR. 55 Tki'low, the last baronet of that ancient family, rented of Edmond Turnoiv, Esq. the manor and lordship of Kirkmond, he kept a pack of hare- hounds. Tom was for many years emploved as his huntsman, and used to ride down the hills, which are remarkably steep, with singular cou- rage and dexterity. Hi.-, turn for horses was so great, that, on leaving the service of Sir George Barlow, he became a farrier of considerable re- putation, and, indulging in his propensity to li- quor, seldom came home sober from the neigh- boring markets. He, however, required no other iissistance from the parish, till hebecarae infirm, than a habitation, and the keeping of ahorse and cow. What is perhaps more remarkable, he married three wives! By the first, who was an elderly woman, he had no children ; but by the second he left two sons, who at his death were in good situations as farmers' servants, and buried him in a decent manner. He died May IG, 1797, aued 8j. ROBERT FORSTER, SUIINAMED the F/i/i/ig Barber, of Cambridge, ■»vas many years hair-dresser to Clare-hall. He was eccentric in his manners, but respected as aa honest man. The gentlemen of the University, bought him a silver bason by subscription ; and it was no small honour for a stranger to say, that he had been shaved out of Forster's bason. The 36 ROBERT FORSTEK. celerity with which he almost "unnihilated both space and time/' to attend his masters, whicli procured him his title, as well as the dispatch he made with their beards when he got at them, were very extraordinary; and, in fact^ in his walk, or rather run, his feet moved somewhat like the spokes of a chariot wheel. With the utmost glee did* this poor fellow follow a gentle- inan to the rooms of his friend the present Bishop of Cloyne, to shew him the many comical letters that had been sent, but post paid, from London and elsewhere, addressed to Robert Fly Forster, Esq. and replete with fun and drollery, in verse and prose. But more particularly he brought liini his famous silver Mambrino's helmet, decorated in its centre with the barbers arms, which were said to be the device of the late ingenious George "Stevens, Esq. On showing this great curiosity, he said, *•' They tell me, sir, that T am to have a razor set in gold to shave his majesty when he comes to Cambridge; such fun do the gentlemen make of me, sir." His meagre figure, his apo- logy for a wig, his gait and shaving attitude, are adiQirably expressed in a humorous carricaturc print, published at Cambridge some years ago. This print consists of tv.o compartments, which might very properly be intituled '^ Forster pas- sant," and " Forster rampant;" lUe one repre- senting him as scndchng the streets, and the other as in the attitude of levelling the first stroke ata ga itlea a i 's beard. He died at Cambridge January 25, J 800. ALICE. 1 HOUGH ihe republicans of America inauifcsi tlie utmost contempt for every other country when placed in the scale with their boasted land of freedom, yet it is well known that Slavery, clad in all her horrors, there brandislies her in- liuman scourge and pollutes this pretended coun- try of liberty and equality with the most barba- rous atrocities. Amonfj; the unfortunate bein^T? whose lot subjected them to her dominion, but who experienced comparatively a small portion of her rigor, was the venerable female known bv the name of Alice. Slie was a native of America, being born in Philadelphia, of parents who came from Barba- does^ and lived in that city until she was ten \ears old, when her master removed her to Dunk's Ferry, in which neighbourhood she con- tinued to the end of her days. She remembered the ground on which Philadelphia stands, when it was a wilderness, and when the Indians (ita chief inhabitants) hunted wild game in the woods, while the panther, the wolf, and the beasts of the forest, were prowling about the wigwams and cabins in which they lived. Being a sensible, intelligent wotnan, and bar- ing a good memory, which she retained to the last, she would often make judicious remarks ow the j)opulatiou and improvements of the city and VOL. 2. — NO. 13 N 2 ALICE. country ; liencc her conversation became pecu- liarly interesting, espcciall}' to the innnediate ' (!c.sccn(huits of ihe first settlers, of whose ances- tors she often related acceptable anecdotes. She remembered \Villiam Penn, the proprietor of Pennsylvania, Thomas Story, James Logan, and several other distinsjuished characters of that day. Duriilg a short visit which she paid to Philadelphia, in 1801, many respectable persons called to sec her, who were all pleased with her innocent cheerfulness, and that dignified deport- ment, for which, though a slave and uninstruct- ed, she was ever remarkable. In observing; the increase of the citv. she point- ed out the house next to the episcopal church, to ilie soutliward in Second-street, as the first brick building that was erected in it; and it is more than proba!)le she was right, for it bears evident n)arks of antiquity. The first church, she said, was a small frame that stood where the present building stands, the ceiling of which she could reach with ber hands from the floor. She was a worthy member of the episcopal society, and attended their public worship as long as she lived. Indeed, she was so zealous to perform this duty, in proper season, tliat she has often been met on horseback, in full gallop, to church, at the age of 95 years. The veneration she had for the bible induced her to lament that she was not able to read it; but the deficiency was in part supplied by the kindness of many of her friends, who, at her request, would read it to ALICE. 3 her^ when she would listen with great attention, and often make pertinent remarks. She was teniperate in her living;, and so care- ful to keep to the truth , that lier veracity was never questioned ; her honesty also was unim- peachcd, for suoli was her master's confidence in it, that she was trusted at all times to receive the icrriage money for upwards of forty years. This extraordinary woman retained her hear- iii2; to the etui oiuhs, and years. At length he arrived at such a degree of perfection, as well in the theoretical, as the practical part of the game, that no player in Europe could equal him, except one, who was the celebrated Abraham Carter, who kept the tables at the corner of the Piazzas^ Russel- strcet, Covent Garden. Mr. Andrews was the most devoted adept at this game that ever nature produced: he seemed but to vegetate in a bil- liard-room, and indeed he did little more in any other place. He was a perfect billiard valetudi- niuian, in the most rigid signification of the ex- juvsslon. lie ale, drank, slept, walked, nay, talked but to promote the system of the ballsi. J4is regimen was tea, and toast and butter., fur MR. ANDREVrS. 5* breakfast, for dinner, and for supper. It might reasonably be imagined, that so regular a profes- sor would obtain all the advantages that could result from the scienee. lie won considerable sums, but knew not the value of money ; and when playing for only live or ten pounds, he took no [)ains, but seemed perfectly indifferent about winning or losing. There was a latent finesse in thisj but it did not operate to his ad- vantage : he was laying by for bets, but as they were seldom offered, the strength of his play be- ing very well known, he often lost by repeated- small sums Tery considerable ones. It is gene- rally believed, however, that he has played for more money at billiards than any other person ever did. The followino; is a remarkable circum- stance: he one night won of a Colonel W e upwards of lOOOl. and the colonel appointed ta meet him the next dav, to s;o uith him into the- city, to transfer stock to him to the amount of the sum lost. Being in a hackney-coach, they tossed up who should pay for it — Andrews lost; and upon tnis small beginning he was excited, to continue, till he lost the whole sum he won the* niirht before at billiards. AA'^hen the coachman stopped to set down, he was ordered to get up again, and drive them back, as ihey had- no occasion to get out Ry these pursuits he, lost very large sums which lie had won at bil- hards ; and in a few years, hazard, and other games of chance, strip})ed him of every shilling, be could command. He had still left a small au?- .- o 6 MR. ANDREtVSi iriiity , which he endeavoiirerl to dispose of, buf? ^tvvas so securely settled upon hiins^lF that he could not sell it; otherwise it is probable that it- woiiici soon have been transferred at the ijaniinfj- table. He was living within these few years in a retired manner in Kent, where he declared to an intimate, old acquaintance, tlial he never knew contentinent while he was rollifig in money; but. :^iHce he was obliged to live upon a scanty pit- tance, he thought himself one of the happiest, men in the universe. JOSEPH S-1 RONG. I HF, propensity of persons who have had the wjist'"orlune to be tienicd the blessincr of slight to cultivate the science of music, is' notorious to every person of the least obse^'vation. With this propensity is not seldom combined an extraordi- nary genius for mechanics, but few have posses- sed both in a greater degree than Mr. Joseph Strong. He was a native of Carlisle and was blind from- his birth. Notwithstanding this disadvantage, he displayed even iti his infancy astonishing skill in mechanics. He attached himself early to the study of music, and was a good performer on the- or!2;an. The follovvintr circumstance affords a striking instance of his ingenuity and pcrseve- jancC; by means of nhich lie contrived to pro^ J-OSEPH STRONG. T duce every tiling he thought worth possessing : At the age of fifteen he one afternoon concealed' himself in the cathedral of Carlisle, during the tinvcof divine service. AVhen the con2;reiration had retired and the doors were shut, he proceed- ed to the organ-loft, and examined every part of the instrument, tie was thus occupied till about midnight, when, having satisfied himself respecting the general construction, he began to try the tone of the diflerent stops, and the pro- portion they bore to each other. This experi- ment could not however be concluded in so si-- lent a manner as the business which had before en2:a<2;ed his attention. The neighbourhood was alarmed; various were the conjectures as to the cause of the nocturnal music, at length some persons mustered courage sufficient to go and see what was the matter, and Joseph was found plaving the organ. Next day he was sent for by the dcan^ who after reprimanding him lor the method he had taken to gratify his curiosity, gave him per- mission to play whenever he pleased. He now set about making himself a chamber* organ, which he completed without any assis- tance whatever. This instrument he sold to a merchant, and it is now in the possession of a gen- tleman of Dublin, who preserves it as a curio- sity. Soon afterwards he made another, on which he used to play both for amusement and devo- tion.\ At the age of twenty he could make himself almost. every article of wearing apparel ; and all 3 d- JOSEPH STRONG. his hoiiseliold furniture with few exceptions, was- of his own manufacture. Besides these he con- structed various pieces of machinery, and amoirg the rest a model of a loom, with a figure repre- senting a man working in it. Tlie first pair of shoes he made, was for the })urpose of walking from Carlisle to London, to visit Mr. Stanley, the celebrated blind organist of the Temple Church. This visit he actually paid, and was liighly gratified with the jaunt. Though he indulged his fancy in themanneii' described above, vet these amusements did not prevent him from following with great assiduity. the business of a diaper weaver, at which he was accounted a good workman. Till within a few months of his death, he was a constant aUendant at tlie cathedral ; but not. being able to accompany the choir in clmuniing the psalms, he con:)posed several hymns which, corresponded with the music, and which he sub^ stituted as an act of private devotion during the performance of that part of the public service. It is not known whether any person was ever at- tentive enough to copy these pious effusions, which were certainly respectable from the motive by which they were dictated, and for the ob- taining of which he afforded ample opportunity as they generally made a part of his musical per- formance before strangers, and indeed that ])art in which he seemed to take the greatest pleasure. Mr. Strong was married at the age of twenty five, and had several children. He died at Caiv lisle in March 1798 in his, (JOth. vcar. 9 JOHN ZEPIIANIAII IIOLM'KLL ESQ. l HE name of this gentleman is principally ivii« dered renuu K'able by the sense of distress, ahnost unparalleled, in which lie was involved, and of which he trave to the world a horriblv faith.fui picture. AJr. Holwell went from England to the East- Indies in the civil service of the company, and in i7.3() was next in authority, at Fort \\''iUiam^ in Calcutta, to tlie governor Mr. J)rake. The nabob oF Bengal, Siirajah Dowla, was then en- gaged in a war with the Enst-India company, and the conduct of governor Drake, who bad amonjj other things unjustly imprisoned Omychund, a considerable Gentoo merchant of the country, drew his resentment upon the English factory at Calcutta. He marched against it in person, and' laid siege to the fort. Drake, the cause of this misfortune, no sooner beheld it approach, than' he deserted his station, leaving the gentlemea of the factory, and the garrison, to shift for them- SClvCfS. On the departure of the governor, I\lr. Hol- well took the command upon himself, and resolv- ed to defend the place as long as he was able. This voluntary opposition incensed the nabob atrainst him, and conceiviuG: that he would not from disinterested, motives, have undertaken awork of 10 JOHX ZEPHANIAIl HOLWELL ESO. supererogation Jittenrled with such fatigue and danger, he conchided that there were very great treasures in the tort, in which Mr. Holwell .was deeply concerned as u propiietoj. lie therefore j)ushed the siege with great vigor, and on the 'iOth of June 1756, made himself master of the place. Of the events that followed a must interesting account is given by Mr. llolweil in the subjoined letter to his IViend Mr. Davis. "DernSlr. " Bkfork L conduct you into the Black Hole, I must acquaint you that the Suba, named Surajah Dowla, viceroj* of Bengal Bahar, and Orixa, and his troops were possessed of the fort before six in the evening, with whom I had in all three interviews; the last in durbar, or coun- cil, before seven, when he repeated his assuran- ces to me, on the word of a soldier, that no harm should come to us; and indeed, I believe he only ordered, that we should, for that night, be secured, and that what followed was the result of the revenge of the lower jemmaatdars, or Ser- jeants, to whose custod}' we were delivered, for the number of their order killed during the siege. However this be, as soon as it was dark, we were all, without distinction, directed by our guard to sit down quietly under the arched veranda or piazza, to the wCst of the Black Hole prison, and just over against the windows of the gover- nor's easterly apartments. " The factory was at this lime in flames ; to the right of us tlie armory and laboratory, and to JOHN ZEIMIANIAH HOLWELL ESO. U the left the carpenter's yard ; though we now ima- gined it was the cotto, or the coinpanv's, cloth- wareliouscs. Various were our conjectures on this appearance, but it was the general o|)inion that they intended to suffocate i:s between two lires; which was confirmed about half an hour after seven, when some othcers and people with lighted torches in their bands went into all the apartments to the right of us, as was then imagi- ned, to put their scheme in execution. We hereupon, presentl}' resolved to rush u|)on the guard, seize their sc\Mnetars, and attack the troops upon the parade, rather than be tamely roasted to death ; but it was, upon enquiry, dis- covered that they were only searching for a place to confine us in, the last thev eNamined being the barra^'ks of the corrrt of guard behind us. Here I cannot omit doing honor to the memo- ry of a man to whom 1 had in many instances been a friend ; tliis was Leech, the company's smith, as well as clerk of the parish; who, having made his escape, when tiie JNhtors entered the tort, returned, as soon as it was dark, to inform me that he had provided a boat, and would en- sure my escape, if \ would follow him through a secret passage, through which he had then en- tered. Having thanked him in the best terms I was able, I told hrm I could not prevail on my- self to take such a step^ as I slu^uld thereby very ill repay the attach tneut the gentlemen and the garrison had shewn to me; but I pressed him to iose no time in securing his own escape; to 1^ JOHN ZEPtlAiNIAlI HOLWELL KSO. which he gallantly rej)lied, that he was then de- tcrmiiiod to share my fate and would not leave me. " We were no sooner all within the barracks, than the guard advancing to the parapet wall, with their musket?: presented, ordered ns to en- ter the room at the southernmost end of the bar- racks, commonly called the Black liole; while others, from the court of guard, pressed upon those next them, with clubs and drawn scyme- tars in their hands. I'his stroke was so sudden, iind the throng and pressure upon us next the door of this prison so great, that, as one agita- ted wave impels another, we were obliged t« give way and go into the room ; the rest followed like a torrent, few of us, except the soldiers h;iv- ing any idea of the dimensions of a place we liad never acen ; for if we had, we should rather have rushed on the guard, and chosen, as the Jess evil, to be cut to pieces. " Among the first that entered were myself, >Iessrs. Bailiie, Jenks, Cook, "i\ Coles, Ensign Scott, Revely, Law^, Buchanan, 5cc. I got pos- session of the window nearest the door, and jMessieurs Coles^ and Scott into the window with me, they being both wounded (the first 1 believe mortally.) The rest of the above mentioned gen- were close round about me. It was now about eight o'clock. "^ It is impossible fully to describe tiie situa- tion of a hundred and forty-si.-^ wretches, exhaust- ed by continual fatigue and action, crammed JOHN ZEPHANIAIl HOL\YELL, ESO. IS loffetber in a cube of eiehteen feet, in a close sultry night, in Bengal, shut up to the eastward and southward (the only quarters from whence air could reach us) b}' dead walls, and by a wall and door to the north, open only to the westward bv two windows, strongly barred with iron, from which we could receive scarce any the least cir- culation of fresh air. " What must ensue, appeared to me in lively and dreadful colours, the instant I cast my eyes round and saw the size and situation of the room. Many unsuccessful attempts were made to force the door ; for bavins? nothinor but our hands to work with, and the door opening inward, all en- deavours were vain and fruitless. " I observed every one giving way to the vio- lence of their passions, wherefore, I entreated in the most pathetic terms, that, as the}' had readily obeyed me in the day, they would now for the sake of themselves, and their friends, regard my advice. I assured them that the return of day would give us air and libert}', and that the only chance we had of surviving the night was a quiet resignation to our fate, earnestly be- seeching them, as much as possible to restrain their passion, the giving a loose to which would only hasten their destruction. This remonstrance produced a short interval of peace, which afford- ed me a few minutes for reflection ; though it was not a lit tie interrupted by the cries and groans of the man^' wounded and especially of my two companions in the window. VOL. 2. NO. 15. o 14 JOHN ZKPHANIAII HOLVVELL, ESQ. ^^ Among the guards posted at the windows, I observed an old Jeminautdaar near nie, who seemed to carry some eompassion for us in his countenance. T called him to me, and pressed him to endeavour to get us separated, half in one place and luilf in anollier, and' that he should in the morning receive a thousand rupees for this act of tenderness. He withdrew; but in a few minutes returned, and told me it was impossible. I then thought I had been deficient in my offer, and promised him two thousand ; he withdrew^ a second time, but returned soon, and (with, I believe, much real pity aruJ concern) told me, that it could not be done but by ihesuba's order, and that no one dared awake him. " We had been but a few minutes confined be- fore every one fell into a perspiration so profuse, you can form no idea of it. This brought on a raging tliirst, which increased in proportion as the body was drained of its moisture. " Various expedients were thought of to give more room and air. To obtain the former, it was moved to put off their clothes ; this was approved as a happy motion, and in a few minutes, I be- lieve every man was stripped (myself, Mr. Court, and the two young gentlemen l)y me excepted.) For a little tiuie they flattered themselves with ha- vi'ftg gained a mighty advantage ; every hat was put in motion to produce a circulation of air, and Mr. Baillie proposed that every man shouW sit down on his hams. This expedient was seve- ral times put in practice, and at each lime many ^OHN ZKFHANMAH HOLWELL, ESQ. }5 of the poor crecUurcs, whose natural strength was less than that of oiliers, or who had been more exhadsled and could not immediately recover their letis, as others did wlien tlie word was given to rise, it'll to rise no more ; for they were in- stantly trod to death, or sufl'ocated. When the VI hole bofly sat down, they were so closely vved<2;- ed together that they were obliged to use many eflbrts, before they could [)ut themselves in mo- tion to get u|) again. " Before nine o'clock every man's thirst grew intolerable, and respiration ditficult. Efforts were made again to force the door, but in vain. ISJany insults were used to the guard to provoke them to fire in upon us; which I afterwards learned, were carried much higiier, when I was no longer sensible of what was transacted. For my own part, I hitherto felt little pain or uneasi- ness, but what resulted from my anxiety for the sufferings of those within. By keeping my face between two of the Lars I obtained air enouuh to give my lungs easy play, though my perspira- tion was excessive, and thirst commencing. At this period, so strong an urinous volatile effluvia came from the prison, that I was not able to turn m) head that way, for more than a few se- conds at a time. " Every one, excepting those situated in and near the windows^ began to grow outrageous, and many delirious; Water, zcater, became the general cry. And the old Jemmautdaar before mentioned, taking pity on us, ordered the peonle o 2 16 JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWEM,, ESQ. to bring some skins of water. This was wliat 1 dreaded. I foresaw it would prove the ruin of the small chance left us^ and essayed many times to speak to him privately to forbid its being brought: but the clamour was so loud, it became impossible. The water appeared. Words can- not paint to you the universal agitation and ra- ving the sight of it threw us into. I flattered myself that some, by preserving an equal temper oi»'mind, miuht out-live the ni2;ht: but now the reflection, which gave me the greatest pain, was, that I saw no possbility of one escaping to tell the dismal tale. " Until the water came, I had myself not suf- fered much from thirst, which instantly grew ex- cessive. We had no means of conveying it into prison, but by hats forced through the bars; and thus myself and Messieurs Coles and Scott (not- withstanding the pains they suffered from their wounds) supplied them as fast as possible. But those who have experienced intense thirst, or are acquainted with the cause and nature of this appetite, will be sufficiently sensible it could re- ceive no more than a momentary alleviation ; the cause subsisted. Though we brought full hats within the bars, there ensued such violent strug- gles, and frequent contests to get at it, that be- fore it reached the lips of any one, there would be scarcely a small tea-cup full left in thcra. These supplies, like sprinkling water on fire, only served to feed and raise the flame. " It is out of my power to conve}' to you an JOHN ZEPIIANIAH HOLWELL, ESQ. 17 idea of what I felt when I lieaid the cries and ravings of those in the remoter parts of the prison, who could not entertain a j)robable hope of ob- tainins; a drop, yet could not divest themselves of expectation, however unavailini^; and calling" on me by the tender considerations of friendsiitp and affection, and who knew they were really dear to me ! Think, if possible, what my lieart must have suffered at seeing and hearing their ' distress, without having it in my power to relieve them ; for the confusion now became general and horrid. Several quitted the other window (the only chance they had fgr life) to force their way to the water, and the throng and press upon the window was beyond bearing ; many forcing their passage from the further part of the room, pressed down those in their way who had less strength, and trampled them to death. " From about nine to near eleven, I sustained this cruel sense and painful situation, still supply- ing them with water, though my legs were almost broken with the weight againsc them. By this time I myself was nearly pressed to death, and my two companions, with Mr William Parker, (who had forced himself into the window,) were really so* " P'or a long time they preserved a respect and regard to me, more than indeed I could well ex- pect, our circumstances considered : but now all distinction was lost. My friend Baillie, Messrs. Jenks, Revely, Law, Buchanan, Simpson, and several others, for whom I had a real esteem aad o 3 18 JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWELL, ESO. affection, had for some time been dead at my feet ; and were now trampled upon by every corporal or common soldier,, who by the help of more ro- bust constitutions, had forced their way to the window, and held fast by the bars over me, till at ]ast I became so pressed and wedged up, that I ■was deprived of all motion. *' Determined now to give every thing up, I called to them, and begged, as the last instance ©f their regard, they would remove the pressure upon me, and permit me to retire out of the win- dow, to die in quiet. They gave way ; and with much difficulty I forced a passage into the cen- ter of the prison, where the throng was less by the many dead, (then I believe amounting to one third) and the numbers who flocked to the win- dow ; for by this time they had water also at the other window. " In ihe black hole there is a platform corres- ponding witFi that in the barrack. This platform was raised between three and four feet from the fioor, open underneath ; it extended the whole length of the east side -of the prison, and was above six feet wide. I repaired to the further end of it, and seated rnyself between Mr. Dum- bleton, and Captain Stevenson, the former just then expiring. I was still happy in a calmness of mind ; death I expected as unavoidable, and only lamented its slow approach, though the moment 1 quitted the window, my breathing grew short and painful. Here my poor friend Mr. Edward Eyre came staggering over the dead to me, and JOHN ZEPUANIAH nOl.WELLj ESO. 19 with his usual coohiess and goodnature^ asked nie how I did ; but fell and expired before I bad time to make liim a reply. I laid myself" down on some of the dead behind me^ on the platform; and, recommending myself to heaven, had the conilbrL of thinkini? mv siifferin2,s could have no long duration. " My thirst grew now insupportable, and the difficukv of bi^athino; much increased: and I had not remained in this situation, 1 believe, ten minutes, when I was seized with a pain in my breast, and paljjitation of lieart, both to the most exquisite degree. These roused and oblig- ed me to get up again ; but still the pain, palpi- tation, thirst, and difficulty of breathing increas- ed. I retained my senses notwithstanding ; and had the grief to see death not so near me as I hof)ed ; but could no longer bear tlie pains 1 suf- fered witliout attempting a relief, which I knew Iresh air alone would and could give me. I in- stantly determined to pu^sh for the window op- posite to me ; and by an effort of double the strength I had ever before possessed, gained the third rank at it, w ith one hand seized a bar, and by that means gained the second, though I think there were at least six or seven ranks be- tween me and the window. "In a few moments the pain, palpitation, and difficulty of breathing ceased ; but my thirst con- tinued intolerable. I called aloud for Water for God's sake. 1 had been concluded dead; but as soon as they found me amongst them^ they still 20 JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWELL, E50. had the respect and tenderness for me, to cry out, Give Itimzcdfer, give Itim wafer ! nor would one of them at the window atiempl to touch it until 1 had druni<. But from the water I had no re- lief; my thirst was lather increased by it ; so I de- termined to drink no more, but patiently wait the event, and kept my mouth moist from time to time by sucking the perspiration out of my shirt sleeves, and catching the drops as they fell, like heavy rain,from my head and face,- you can hardly imagine how unhappy I was if any of them escaped my mouth. " I came into the prison without coat or w aist- coat ; the season was too hot to bear the former, and the latter tempted the avarice of one of the guards, who robbed me of it when we Mere im- der the veranda. Whilst I was at this second window, I was observed by one of my miserable companions on the right of me, in the expedient of allaying my thirst by sucking my shirt-sleeves. He took the hint, and robbed me from time to time of a considerable part of my store; though after I detected him, 1 had the address to begin on that sleeve first, when I thought ni}' reservoirs Avere sufficiently replenished ; and our mouths and noses often met in the contest. This plun- derer I found afterwards was a worthy yoimg gentleman in the service, * iVlr. Lushington, one of the few who escaped from death, and who has since paid me the compliment of assuring me • Sir Stcplien Lushington, late one of the Directors of the East India Company, who died in January, 1807, JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOI.WELL, ESO. 21 that lie believed he owed his lite to the many comtuitable draughts he had from iny sleeves. Before I hit upon this ha[)py expedient^ 1 had in an ungovernable lit of thirst, attempted drink- ing my urine ; but it was so intensely bitter^ there was no enduring a seeotrd taste, wliereas no Bristol water could be more soft or pleasant than what arose from perspiration. " By half an hour past eleven, the much great- er number of the living were in an outrageous delirium, and the others i uite unijovernable ; few retaining any calmness, but the ranks next the windows. They all nov/ found, that water, instead of relieving, rather lieigiuened their un- easinesses ; snid Air, air, was the general cry. Every insult that could be devised against the guard, all the opprobrious names and abuse that the suba, Monickchund, could be loaded with, were repeated to provoke the guard to fire upon us, every man that could, ruslwng tumultuouslv towards the windows, with eager hopes of meet- ing the firstshot. Then a general prayer ascended to heaven to hasten theapproach of the;tiames to the right and left of us, and put a period to our misery. Butthese failing, they whose strength and spirits were quite exhausted, laid themselves down and expired quietly upon their fellows ; others Avho had vet some stren<>;th and vijiour left, made a last effort for thew indows, and several succeed- ed by treading and scrambling over the backs and heads of those in the first ranks ; and got hold of the bars, from which there was no removing them. 22 JOHN ZEPHAMAH HOLWELL, ESQ. Many to the right and left sunk with the violent pressure, and were soon suffocated ; for now a steam arose iVoin the living and the dead, which affected us in all its circumstances, as if we were forcibly held by our heads over a bowl of strong volatile spirit of hartshorn, until suffocated ; nor could the effluvia of liic one be distinguished from the other; and frequently, when I was forced by the load upon my head and shoulders, to hold my face down, I wjts obliged, near as I was to the window, instantly to raise it again, to escape suffocation. " 1 need not, my dear friend, ask your com- miseration, when I tell you, that in this plight, from half an hour after eleven till near two in the morning, I sustained the weight of a heavy man, with his knees on my back, and the pressure of his whole body on my head ; a Dutch serjeant, who had taken his seat upon my left shoulder, and a Topaz or black christian soldier bearing on my right : all which, nothing could have en- abled me long to support, but the props and pres- sure equally sustaining me all around. The two latter I frequently dislodged, by shifting my liold on the bars, and driving my knuckles into their ribs ; but my friend above stuck fast^ and, as he held by two bars, was immoveable. *' When I had endured this conflict above an hour, despairing of relief, my spirit, resolution, and every sentiment of religion gave way. I found 1 could not long stipijort this trial, and ab- horred the dreadful thout-htolretiringinto the in- JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLAVELL ESO. 23 neral part of the prison where 1 had before suffer- ed so much. Some infernal spirit, taking advan- tage of this extremity brought to my remem- brance my liaving a small clasp pen-knife in my pocket, with which I determined instantly to open my arteries to put an end to my misery. I had got it out, when heaven restored me to fresh spirits and resolution, with anabhorrence of the act of cowardice I was just going to commit; but, the repeated eftbrts I made to dislodge this insufferable incumbrance upon me, at last quite exhausted me, and towards two o'clock, finding I must quit the window, or sink where [ was, I resolved on the former, having borne, truly for the sake of others, infinitely more for life, than the best of it is worth. '* In the rank close behind me was an officer ' of one of the ships, whose name was Carev, and who behaved with much bravery during the siege, (his wife, a line woman though country born, W'ouldnotquit hmi,but accompanied him into the prison, and was one who survived.) This poor wretch had been long raving for water and air ; I told him I was determined to give up life, and recommended his gaining my station. On my quitting, he made an attempt to get at ray place ; but was supplanted. " Poor Carey expressed his thankfulness, and said, he would give up life too ; but it was with the utmost labour we forced our way from the window, several in the inner ranks appearing to me dead standing, unable to fall by the thcong 2 24 JOHN ZF.PHANIAH HOLWELL ESO. and equal pressure around. He laid himself down to die : and his death, I believe, was ver}' sudden, for he was a short, full, sanguine man : his strength was great, and 1 imaa;ine had he not retired with me, I should never have been able to have forced my way. " I found a stupor coming on apace, and laid myself down by tliat jjallant old man, the reve- rend Mr. Jervas Bellamy, who lay dead with his son the lieutenant, hand in hand, near the southernmost wall of the prison. When I had lain there some little time, [ still had reflection eiioufih to suffer some uneasiness in the thoujjht, that I should be trampled upon, when dead, as I myself had done to others. With some difficulty I raised myself and gained the platform a second time, where I presently lost all sensation : the last trace of sensibility that I have been able to recollect after my h'ing down, was, nvy sash be- . ins: uneasy about my waist, which I untied and threw from me. Of what passed in this interval to the time of my resurrection from this hole of horrors, lean give you no account; and indeed the particulars mentioned b}' some of tl)e gentle- men who survived were so excessively absurd and contradictory as to convince me that very few of them retained their senses; or at least, lost them soon after they came into the open air, by the fever they carried out with them. " In ray own escape from death the hand of heaven was manifestly exerted. The manner ef it was as follows: JOUX ZEPHANIAH HOLWIJLL, ESQ. 'i.V " W'lieti the day broke, and tlie gentlemen found that no intreaties could pievuil to get the doorop^ned, it occurred to one of them ([ think to Mr. Secretary Coolie) to make a search tor hie, in hopes I might liave influence enough to gain a release from this scene of misery. Accord- ingly ^lessrs. Lushington and Walcot undertook tlie search, and by my shirt discovered me under the dead upon the platform. They took me from 'tlience, and imagining I had some signs of lil'e> brought me towards the window 1 had first poa- scssioa of. " But as life was equally deaf to ever}' man, (and the stench arising from the dead bodies was grown so intolerable) no one would give up his station in or near the window : so they wcn^ obhged to carry me back again. But soon after Captain Mills, who was in possession of a scat in the window, had the humanity to offeir to re- sign it. I was a2:ain brouiiht bv the same "en- tlemen and placed in the window. " At ihisjunctuve the suba, who had received an account of tliehavock death had made among Us, sent one of his Jemraautdaars to enquire if the Chief survived. They shewed me to him; told him I had some ai)pearance of life remain- ing: and believed I might lecover if the dooc was opened very soon. Tins answer being re- turned to the suba, an order came immediatelv for our release, it being then near six in the morning. " The fresh air at the window soon brou^'lit Vol, 2.--N0. 15. p I •SG JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWELL, ESO. me to lifC; ami restored me to ray siglit and senses : but I will not attempt to describe what my soul suffeicd, on the review of the dreadful destructionaroundme; andindeed tears^ a tribute I shall ever pay to the remembrance of these brave and valuable men, restrain my pen. '' The little strength remaining among the most robust of the survivors rendered it difficult to remove the dead piled up against the door; so that I believe it was more than twenty minutes before vve obtained a passage out for one at a time. '^ I was soon convinced that the particular enquiry made after mc did not result from any dictate of favor, humanity, or contrition. When I came out, being in a high putrid fever and un- able to stand, I threw myself on the wet grass, without the veranda, when a message was brought mc, sinnifvinfiT that I must irnmediatelv attend tlie suba. They were obliged to support nie un- der each arm, and on the way, one of the jem- mautdaars advised me, as a friend, to make a full confession where the treasure was buried in the fort, or that, in half an hour, I should be shot oft" from the mouth of a cannon, a sentence of death, common in Indostan. This intima- ' lion gave me no concern at all, for I should now have esteemed death the greatest favour the ty- rant could have bestowed upon me. " Being brought into his presence, he soon ob- served the wretched plight I was in, and ordered ii large folio volume, which lay on a heap ofplun- der, to be brought for me to sit on. Twice or JOHN ZEPUANIAH HOL^VELL, ESO. 2-7 iliilcc I endeavored to speak, but my tongue was dry and without any motion, lie ordered me water, and as soon as I could speak, I began to recount the dismal catastrophe of my miserable companions ; but, interruj^tingme, heacquaintcd me that he was well intbraicd of a great treasure being buried or Secreted in the fort, that I wa* ])rivy to it, and must discover it, if I expected iavour. " 1 said all I could to convince him there was no truth in t!ie information, or, that if any such thinij had been done, it was without mv know- ledge. 1 reminded him of his repeated assu- riuiccs to me the day before ; but he rcsuuicd the subject of the treasure, and all 1 could urge seeming to gain no credit v.ith him, he gave or- ders for my being a prisoner under Mhir Mud- don, general of the household troops. " I was ordered to the camp, to Mhir Mud- don's quartets, within the outward ditch, some- thing short of Omycbund's garden, which is above three miles from the fort; and with me Messrs. Court, ^\ alcot, and Burdet. The rest who survived the fatal night, gained their li- berty, except Mrs. Carey who was loo young and handsome. The dead bodies were promis- cuously thrown into the ditch of anuntinished ra- velin, and covered with the earth. " My being treated with this severity, I have sulRcient reason to athrm, proceeded from the suba's resentment, for my defending the fort af- ter the governor liad abandoned it; his preposses- sion touching the treasure ; iUidj thirdly, the ia- 28 JOHN ZEI'HANIAH HOLWELL. ESO. stigntions of Oinychund, in revenge for my not releasing him out of prison, as soon as I had the command of the fori ; a circumstance which, in the heat and hnrry of action, never once occurred to me, or I had certainly done it, because I thought his imprisonment unjust. But, that mv I);5rd treatment may be truly attributed in a . great measure t-o his suggestions and insinuations^ I am wcli assured, from the wliole of ' his subse- quent conduct ; which was farther evident from the three gentlemen selected to be my compa- nions, against each of whom he had conceived particular resentment. " We were conveyed in a hackery (a coach drjiwn by bxen) to the camp, the 21st of June ia the morning, being so loaded with, fetters, and stowed all four in a seapoy's tent, about four feet long, three wide, and three high ;' so that we were half in and half out. All night it rained severely; but it was, however, a paradise com- pared with our lodging the preceding night. Here 1 became covered from head to foot with large, painful boils, the frrst symptom of my re- covery; for till these appeared my fever did not leave me. " On the morning of the 22d, they marched us to town in our fetters under the-scorchinir o beams of an intensely hot sun, and lodged us at the dock-head, in the open small veranda front- ing the river, where we had a strong guard over us, commrmded by Bundo Sing Hazary, an offi- cer under iMhir Muddon; and heie the other gentlemen broke out likewise in boils all over JOHN 2F.PHANIAH HOLWELL, ESO. 29 their bodies— a happy circumstance, which, as I afterwards learned, attended every one who came out of the Black Hole. " On our arrival here, we were soon informed that we should be sent to Muxadabad ; and ou the 24th, in the afternoon we were embarked in a large boat, which bulged ashore, a little after we set ojft": however, they pushed on, though she made so much water that she could scarcely swim. Our bedstead and bedding were a plat- form of loose, unequal bamboos, laid on the bot- tom timbers: we had scarcely any clothes, and no- thing but a piece of mat, and one or two pieces of old gunny-bag to defend us from the sun, rains and dews. Our only food was rice, and the water alonsj-side. " Though our destresses were very deplorable, the grateful consideration of our being so provi- dentially a remnant of the saved, made every thing else appear light to us. Our rice and wa- ter-diet, designed as a grievance, was certainly a preservation ; for, could we have been indulged in flesh and wine, we had undoubtedly djed. " When we arrived at Hughly l^'ort, 1 wrote a short letter to Governor Bisdoni, informing him of our miserable plight ; who had the humanity to dispatch three several boats after us wiili fresh provisions, lic^uors, clothes, and money, none of which reached us. But " whatever is, is right;'* our rice and water were more salutary and pro- per for us. " When we came opposite to Santipore, thej 1? 3 '^O JOHN ZEPttANIAH HOLWELL, ESQ. found that the boat would not be able to proceet* for want of water in the river, and one of the guard was sent ashore todetnand of the zemindar of that district, light boats to carry the prisoners of state under their charge to Muxadabad ; but the zemindar, giving no credit to the fellow, drove liin:^a\vay. ^' This produced a most terrible commotion; our jemmautdaar ordered his people to arms, in order to take the zemindar andcarrv him bound a prisoner to Muxadabad. Thev accordindv land- ed, when it occurred to a mischievous mortal among them, that the taking me with them would be a proof of their commission, and of the high, o/fcnce of the zemindar. " Being immediatelv lugged ashore, I urged the impossibility of my walking, covered as my le2;svvere with boils, and several of them in the way of my fetters: and intreated, if I must go, that the}' would for the time take off my irons, as it was not in my power to escape from them ; but I was constrained to crawl, undera scorching suiu near noon, fou^more than a mile and a half; my . legs running in a stream of blood from the irrita- tion of my irons, and myself ready to drop < verj' step with excessive faintness and unspealc- '^ble pain. ^' When we came near the cutcherry of the district, the zemindar was ready to receive lis; but as soon as they presented rhe to him as a pri- soner of state, estimated and valued to tbern at four lacks of rupees (50,0001.) he confessed his. mistake, and wade no' farther resistance. The JOHf< ZEPHANIAH HOLAVEL h, ESO. jcmmautdaar gave orders to have him boiinii and sent to the boat ; but on his farther submis- sion, matters were accommodated J and he was re** leased. " I became so very low and weak from this cruel travel, that it was some time before they would venture to march me back : and the stony- hearted villains, for their own sakes, were, at last, obliged to c/irry me part of the way, and support me the rest, covering me from the sun with their shields. " We departed immediately in expectation of boats following, but they never came ; and thfe next day, T think the last of June^ they pressed a small open fishing ding}', and embarked us on. it, with two of our guard only ; for in fact any more would have sunk her. Here we had a bed of bamboos something softer, 1 think, than those of the great boat ; but we had so little room, that we could not stir without our fetters bruisins: our own or each othei''s boils, and did not arrive at Muxadabad till the 7th of July in the afternoon. However, by the good-nature of Shaik Bodul, we now and then latterly got a few plantains, onions, parched rice with jaggree (molasses), and the bitter green, called curella; all which made the rice go down deliciously. " On the 7lh of July we came in sight of the French factor^^ I had a letter prepared for AJr. Law, the chief; and prevailed on my friend Bo- dul to bring to there. On the receipt of my let- ter, Mr. Law, with much politeness and huma- Jiity^ c:ime down to the water-side^ and rcmainc'd 32 JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWELL, ES^. near an hour with us ; he gave theshaik a hand- some present for his civilities^ and offered him a considerahle reward and security, if" he would permit us to land for an hour's refreshment; but he replied, that his head would pay for the indul- gence. After Mr. Law had given us a supply of cioihes, linen, provisions, liquors, and cash, we left his factory with grateful hearts. *' We could not, as may easily be imagined, long abstain from our stock of provisions: though, however temperate we thought ourselves, we were all more or less disordered by this first in- dulgence. A few hours after, I was seized with a painful inflammation in my right leg and thigh ; but about four in the afternoon we landed at Muxadabad, ajid were deposited in an open sta- ble ; not far from the suba's palace, in the city. *' I will freely confess that thus led, like afelon> a spectacle to this populous city, my soul could not support itself with any degree of patience. The pain too, arising from my boils, and the in- flammation of my leg, added not a little, i believe to the depression of my spirits. " Here we had a guard of Moors placed on one side of us, and a guard of Gentoos on the other, and being destined to remain here until the suba returned to thecitv, the immense crowd of spectators so blocked us up from morning, till night, that I nuiy truly say, we narrowly escaped a second suffocation, the weather proving e.xceed- ingly sultry. " The first night after our arrival in the stable,, 1 was attacked by a i>i.^tx : and that night ami; JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLAVELL, ESO. .IS next day, the inHaiumation of my leg and tliigh greatly increased ; but aiJ terminated the second niglit in a regular fit of the gout in my right foot and ancfe, the first jwid last fit of this kind [ ever had. How my irons agreed with this new visitor, I leave you to judge ; for 1 could not by any in- treafy obtain liberty for so much as that poor leg. " Dining our residence here we experienced every act of friendship and humanity fron> Messrs. Law and V^ernet, the French and Dutch chiei's of Cossinibuzar, who left no means unes- sayed to procure our release. Our provisions were regularly sent us from the Dutch tanksall (mint) in Corimabad, and we were daily visited by Messrs. Ross and Ekstone, the chief and se- cond there ; and indeed received such instances of commiseration and affection from the for- Kicr/as will ever claim my most grateful remem- brance. " The wiiole body of Armenian merchants too were most kind and friendly to ns^ particularly Aga Manuel Satoor ; and we were not a little in- debted to the obliging behavior of Messrs. Has- tings and Chambers, whogaveusasmuch of their company as tliey could. They had obtained their liberty by the French and Dutch chiefs becoming bail for their appearance, which se- curity was often tendered tor us, but without ef- fect. "The llth of .July the suba arrived in the city, and with him Bundoo Sing, to whose house we were removed that aliernoon in a hackery; aind hertj we were confirmed in a report, whiQh, ,)4 JOHN ZEPHANIAH HOLWF.LL, lisy. had belbre n-ached iis, that the suba, on his re- turn to Hiighly made inquiry for us, with ioten-' tiori to release us ; and that he had expressed some resentment at Mhir Muddon, for having so hastily sent us up to Muxadabad. " Though we were liere lodged in an open bungulo only, yet we once more breathed th^ fresh aiiv, and were treated with much kindness and respect by Bundoo Sing, who entertained us with hopes of being soon released. " The loth, we were conducted in a hackery to the keila or residence of the suba, in order to have an audience, and were kept above an hoi.r in the sun opposite the gate ; but receiving ad-^ vice tiuit we siiould hj^ive no admittance that day, we were remanded to the stable, where we had the mortification of passing another night. " Towards five, the shaik waked me with notice that the suba would presently pass by to his pa- lace of Mooteejeel : we roused, and desired the guard would keep the view clear for us. When the suba came in sight, we made him the usual salaam, and when he came opposite to us he or- dered his litter to stop, and directed that we should be called to him. We advanced, and 1 addressed him in a short speech, setting forth our sufferings, and petitioned for our liberty. The vvrelclied spectacle we exhibited, must, I think, have made an impression on the most brutal breast; and if his heart were capable of pity or contrition he must have felt it then. He gave nic no reply, but ordered two inferior officers ; immediately to sec our irons cut off, to conduct THOMAS MILBOURNE. 55 US wherever we ciiose to go, and to take care we received no molestation or insult. Having re- peated this order distinctly, he directed his re- tinue to proceed. As soon as our legs were free. We took hoat and arrived at the tanksall, where we were received and entertained with real joy and humanity." It was prohably the effects of these dreadful sufferings endured by Mr. Holwell that obliged him to leave the East Indies. He returned soon afterwards to England in the Syren sloop, and penned the above account during the passage. Mr. Holwell was the author of several pieces on India affairs, and died at an advanced age, in the year 171)8. THOMAS MILBOURNE. i HIS man, during the early par^ of his life %vas a farmer's servant, in vvhicli honest and la- borious vocation lie contrived to save '200/. With this and a sum which he borrowed he purchased & small farm at Cambridge in Cumberland, and thenceforward resided upon his little estate. He never married, nor hired a servant into his house, but lived alone, and principally cultivated his land with his own hands. His great object was to save money; and, to that end, he denied himself not only the conve- niences, but what, by most, are considered the necessaries of life. His food was of the most homely kind, and used sparingly: the contents of his wardrobe were scarcely suilicient to clothe his shivering lanbs, or to hide his nakedness; 36 THOMAS MILBOURNh. and, being covered with dirt and vermin, were consigned to the Haines immediately after his death. A razor had not heen apjjlied to his face for many years, nor a brush nor a broom to his house. iJis bed was half iilled with, chaff and straw, and a fleece of wool supplied the place ot a pillo^v. This, w ith a few other miserable arti- cles of household- furniture, when drawn i'rom the wilderness of streaming cobwebs, which had been accumulating for the last twenty years, were sold at a public sale for less than ten shillings. By a continued observance of the most rigid parsimony, Miibourne soon cleared himself of his pecuniary incumbrances, and, in the end, had scraped together property in land, money and cattle, to the amount of near 1000/. His love of money did not desert him even on his death- bed; lying in a very languid state, his friends, by his desire, where searching for some concealed treasure. They drew forth a large bunch of promissor^Miotes, on which he exerted his remain- ing strength in a loud exclamation of " There, you 5ee, now I" But, although Thomas was the great banker of the neighbouring villages, he had no idea, of usury ; and few of his neigh- bours, \Vho deserved any credit, asked his assis- tance in pecuniary matters in vain; sometimes even his too great confidence in the honesty of others was imposed on by artful knaves. lie died at Ct.rnbiidge, in the parish of Ciimwhitton, near Cailisle, 1800, aged between 70 and 80. JANE SHORE. But Vane could tell wluit ills from beauty spring, AndSedley curs'd the form thatpleas'd the King. 1 HESE lines of the great English moralist would lose none of their truth if applied with the alteration of the name, to the interesting Shore, v^^liose personal uceomplishments, added to those of her mind, raised her to an elevation which ni5!st liave rendered her subsequent calamities still more poignant and severe. Jane Sliore was the daughter of a citizen of London, who, anxious to obtain an eligible establishment for his daughter, insisted on her marrying a rich jeweller in Lombard St/eet, for whom she felt neither affection nor esteem. Sucli were the charms of her person that their fame reached the ears of King Edward the Fourth, who frequently visited the shop of iier husband, for the purpose of feasting his eyes on her beau- ty. When she was present, he bought any trinkets that were shewn him, but if he did noc see her, hedisiipproved of every article and be- spoke otliers, that he might have a pretext for repeating his visits. These interviews at length produced the effcct he desired. Jane, though postessing a most Y«Xi. 2. — mo. 16. Q 2 JAME SHORE. amiable disposition^ had not virtue sufficient t« resist the persuasions ol" the King ; and the in- diflerence she felt for her husband led her with less reluctance to throw herself into the arms of the monarch. " Frailty thy name is woman !" — exclaims the prince of Denmark. Wlieti we farther recollect the testimony of a contemporary historian, '' that Edward was the goodliest personage that ever his eyes beheld, exceeding tall of stature, fair of complexion, and of the most princely presence/' we shall be the less surprised that Jane Shore was imable to resist the entreaties of her royal sedu- cer. Nor was she the only female of her time, on whom Edward's manly beauty was calculated to make a powerful impression. On this subject the following curious anecdote is recorded by Baker. In the fourteenth year of his reign a contribution was raised among his subjects in aid of the expence incurreti by his wars in Fiance. A rich widow was among others called before him, and he merrily asked wliat she would will- ingly give him towards his great charges. " By my trodi," replied she, " for thy lovely counten- ance thou shall even have twenty pounds." The King, who expected scarcely half that sum, thank- ed her and lovingly kissed her ; which so wrought on the old widow that she immediately protested he should have twenty pounds more, and counted out the sum with the greatest pleasure. Edward loved his mistress with unbounded af- fection ; his purse as well as his heart was entirely JANE SHOKE. 3 at her command^ but she made no improper use of liis munirieence; her greatest h^ippiness eonsis- ting in feeding the hungry and relieving tlic Mantsot" the cHstressed. Though the power of lier charms was irresistible, yet her courtly be- haviour, laeetious conversation and ready v.it, were far more attractive tluin her person. It is recorded of her that she could read and write, qualifications very uncommon in that age. She employed all her interest with the King in reliev- ing the indigent, redressing wrongs and reward- ing merit. With Edward she contiauedtoshareall the advantages that royalty can bestow, till his death in 1483. The affection slie had felt for the King, naturally attached her to his children. I'hi.s circumstance probably paved the way to that connection, which after his decease was formed between her and the accomplished Lord Hastings. The known partiality of both to the young prin- ces, rendered them equally obnoxious to the am- bitious protector, Glocester, who immediately took measures for removing such powerful obsta- Aes to the attainment of his ambitious views. He accused them at the council-board of witchcraft and conspiring against his life, exposing his wi- hered arm and declaring that it had been re- luced to such a state by the incantations of 5l)ore. Hastings was dragged from the council- able by the order of Richard, who swore he rould have his head before he dined. The louncil was held in the apartment still called the' ibuncil-chamber in the Tower, and such was the o " 4 JANE SHOHE. . Jiasteof the tyrannic Glocester to dispatch a man whose sole crime was his fidelity to his own Dephews, that the unfortunate Hastings had only time to make a short confession to a priest who was accidentally passing, and his head was la- l%en off on a log which happened to lie on the Green, before the Chf.pel. Having lost her protector, Jane Shore next fell a helpless victim to the malice of Richard, She was committed by his order, to the Tower, and tried on the jidiculoiis charges he had ad- vanced against her. Being disappointed, by her excellent defence, of convicting her of witch- craft, and confedtrat'ng v\ith her lover to de-, stroy him, he attacked her on the weak side of frailty. Tliis was undeniable. He seized her •house and fortune, and consigned her tp the seve- rity of the church. Site was carried clothed in a white sheet, witii a taper in her hanf", to the pa- late of the bisiiop of London and tiience con- ducted to the catliedial and to St. Paui's. Cross, before v\hich she made a confession of her only fault. ''• Every oiUer virtue," says Mr. -Pennant, in liis Account of London," bloomed in this ill fated fair ill the fullest visior. She could not resist tiie solicitations of a youthful monarch, the handsomest man of his time. On his deatli she uasreduf-ed to necessity, scorned by the v. orid and cast off by her husband, with wlioin she w-a^ paired in her childish years, and forced to fii'ijj, herself into the arms of Hasiiugs." Tlie account of her penance is i^iven by Ho- JANE SHORE. 5 linslied with all the simplicity and truth which characterize the more early of" our modern histo- rians. " In her penance, " says he" she went, in countenance and pace demure, so womanly, that albeit she were out of all array, save her kirtle only, yet went she so fair and lovely, namely while the wondering of the people cast a comely red in her cheeks, (of which she before had most miss) that her great shame won her much praise among those, who were more amo- rous of her body than curious of her soul. And many good folks who hated her living, and glad were to see sin corrected, yet pilied they more her penance, than rejoiced therein, when they considered that the Protector procured it more of a corrupt intent than any virtuous affection." Rowe wiio has worked up a most interesting piece from her history, has thrown tliis part of it into the following poetical dress: Submissive, sad a'ld lovely was her look ^ A burning taper in h' r hand the bore. And on hcrsboulders carelessly coiifus'd, Wiih loose neglect, her lovely tresses hung ; UpoH her clieeis a fainti^h tlusii was spread j FoeLi.e slie seem daiid sorely siuit with pain. While, barefu vilhin a year, " Hang'd thrctscore ot them in one shire ? " Some only Tor net being diown'd: "And sonu ibrsilliug above ground " Whole days and nip,htii upon their breeches^ "And teeliii^ pain were hang'd tor witches j " And some lor putting knavish ti'icks " Upon green geese and turkey-chicks, "Or pigs tiiat suddenly dece;is'd " Of griets unnat'ral as he gue^s'd, ' " Who alter piov'd hunselt a witch " And made a rod lor his own breed). " Hudib. P. IT. Cant. 3. In an old print of this execrable character he is represented with two witches. One of them named Holt is supposed to say: My Tmpes are 1. Ifemauzyr; 2. Pye-wackett; 3. Pecke in the Crown; 4. Giiezell Griediegutt." Four animals aitciid; Jarmara, a black dog; Sacke and Su- gar, a hare; Newts, a ferret; Vinegar Tom, a bull-headed greyhound. This print is in the Pe- pysian library. 10 BEROXICIUS. 1 iIE hist or}' of this extraordinary' poqt, which invohes a considerable degree of mystery, affords a singular example of the truth of the observation that genius is not always allied to the more useful qualities of prudence and discretion. The origin of Beronicius is buried in pro- found obscuritv, and it is even unknown of what country he was a native. In ]G72^ a small book was printed at Amsterdam, the fourth edition of which appeared in 1716, in l'2mo. '204 j^ages, with five copper-plate engravings, entitled, P. J' Bej'ciiicii, Poett^t: incompatabi/is, qucc extant, P. Rfibiis rece/isuit et Georgarcli.ontomachuc notas acU (I'idit. Edith quarta einendatiiis curata. *' Bat- tle between peasants and magistrates (in 1672), or the taking of Middelburg; in heroic Terse, written immediately from the extempore recitation in Latin, and contained in two books, by an eye-witness, (meaning likewise ear-wit- ness); freely translated into Dutch prose, by P. "Rabus." Thewhole poem consists of 920 lines ; and at the end are eight odes, and a satire, together with 514 lines, likewise in Latin; — two congratula- tory odes on the arrival of the prince of Orange in Vlissingen, I668; on the death of Jacob' Michielse, M. I). 1071 ; one congratulatory on the election of a Burgomaster; on the Polyglot' Bible; an Epithalamium on the nuptials of Pro- BEaONlCIUS. 11 fcssor John de Raay ; a Complimentary Ode to "William the 111. Prince of Orange and Nassau; and a Satire on a Philosopher. The following account of the author is taken from a small book of Lectures, in Latin, b}'^ Ant. BorremanSj printed at Amsterdam in l67(i; and from a Dutch preface to the Poem^ by P. Rabus. Besides this volume, no other works of Bero- nicius are to be found ; because this most won- derful poet, and the most extraordinary ever heard of, never wrote his verses, but recited them extempore ; and when he was once set a going, with such celerity, that a swift writer could with great difficulty keep up with him, and thus a gre:it number of his verses are lost. In the year l674, the celebrated Dutch poet, Antonides Vander Goes, (who died in 1584), be- ing in Zealand, happened to be in company with a young gentleman who spoke very highly in praise of the wonderful quickness and incredible memory of hi:s language-master, Beronicius. An- tonides, and ochers who were present, expressed a desire to see such an extraordinary genius. I'liey had scarcely spoken, when there entered a little, biack, round, thick feilow, with hardly a rag to his back, like a blackguard. But on clo.^er examination, something uncommon and lofty appeared in his carriage^ and the expres- sion in his countenance was serious, and blended vith a majestic pcculiarify. His eyes glowed ike fiery^ coals, and his arms and legs were in a perpetual nimble motion Every one eagerly 12 EERONICIUS. ejed him, welcomed him, and asked him if it were all true, that his pupil had heen telling them. " True ?" said that singular creature, *^ yes ; 'tis all perfectly true." And when they answered that they could not so lightly believe such incredible things, the man grew angry, and reviled the whole company, telling them they were only a parcel of beasts and asses. He had at that time, as was his daily custom, drunk a glass too much, and that was the cause of his bullying them and bragging of his own wonderful powers by which he could make all manner of verses extempore. But those to whom he told this, looked on him as a mad man, out of whose mouth the wine spoke. Upon which he continued to tell them, that he was the man who had added eighi hundred words to the great dictionary of Calepini; that he could im- mediately versify correctly any thing on any sub- ject he had only once heard ; and lastly, that he had many times, standing or walking, translated the weekly newspapers mto Greek or Latin verses. Mobody appealing willing to believe him, he ran out of the house, cursing and swearing as if he had been possessed. The same company met the next day at the principal tavern in Middle- burg; and after dinner, the conversation hap- pened to turn on a sea fight which iiad lately been fought by t4ie Hollanders and Zealanders as-ainst the English. Among ofiers who were '8 killed, was a captain de liaze, a Zealand naval 5 BEKONICIUS. IS hero, unci on whom Atitonides had compoised an epitaph, in Dutch verse. Tho point turns on the name, de Haze, signi- fying the hare, and the poet says, the Zeahmd hares turned to lions. He had a written copy of this tor one of the company, when Beronicius entered accompanied by his pupil. He excused himself for his extravagances of the day before, and begged pardon, hoping they would attribute liis misbehaviour tO the liquor, and forgive him. He then directly began to talk of his poetical powers, and offered to give thein a specimen if tiicy chose it. As they now found that, being sober, he re- peated what he had bragged of when drunk, they undertook to try him so as to get at the truth. — A fair opportunity offered, as Antonides had just shev.n him his verses, and asked his opinion of them. Beronicius read them twice, praised them, and said, " What should hinder me from, turning them into Latin instantly t" They viewed him with wonder, and encouraged him by saying, " well, pray let us see what you can do." In the mean time the man appeared to be startled. He trembled from head to foot as if possessed by Apollo. However, before he began his work, he asked the precise meaning of two or three Dutch words, of which he did not clearly understand the force ; and requested that he might be allowed to Latinize the Captain's name of Hare, in some manner so as not to lose the pun. They agreed; and he immediately said, VOL. 2.-»-N0. 10. » 14 BERONICIUS. " I have already found it, I shall call him Da- sypusi" which sigiiilies aa animal with rough legs, and is likewise taken by the Greeks for a hare. '^ Now, read a couple of lines at a time to me, and I shall give thein in Latin." Upon which a poet, named Buizero, began to read to him, and Beronicius burst out in the following verses : — Ei;ree:ia Dumipus referens virtute leonern In beiJo, adversus Britonas super aeqiiora gesto, Impavidus pelago stetit, aggrediente luoiossura A^iuine, queiu taudein gl.iiis t'eriea misitad astra, Viuditta? cupidum violate jure profundi. Advena, quis(jiiis ades, Zelaudae encomia genlis Ista refer, lepores deiuta quod pclie leoneni Assumant, quoiquot nostro vcrsantur in orbe. Epitapliium Herois Adrian! de Haze, ex Belgico versum. When our poet had finished, he began to laugh till his sides shook, jeering and pointing at the persons in company, who appeared sur- prised at his having, contrary to their expecta- tions, acquitted himself so well; every body highly praised him, which elated him so much that he began to scratch his head three or four times; and fixing his fiery eyes on the ground, repealed without hesitation, the same epigram in Gicek verse, calling^ out, "^ There ye have it in Greek." Every one was astonished, which se^ him a laughing and jeering for a quarter of an hour. The Greek he repeated so rapidly, that no one JJEKONlCirS. 1* rould write from his recitation. John Frederick (iymiiich^ protessor of the Greek language at Duisburg, was one of the auditors, and said he tfioiight the Greek version surpassed the Latin. Jicronicius was afterwards examined in various ways, and always gave such proofs of his wonder- ful learning as amazed all the audience. Beronicius s[)oke several languages so perfectly that each might have passed for his mother tongue; especially Italian, French, and English. As to his Latin, the celebrated Gronovius was fearful of conversing with him in that language. But Greek was his hobby-horse; Greek was the delight of bis life, and he spoke it as correctly and as fluently as if he sucked it in with bis mo- ther's milk. He conversed with the above-named professor Gymnich, in Greek, and ended with these words :" ] am quite weary of talking any longer with you in Greek, for, really, my pupils \vho have been taught a twelvemonth by me, speak it much better than you do." This was not very polite, but he was not to be restrained; and he often spoke his mind so freely, that he vas threatened with a thrashing: on such occa- sions he was the first to step forward and to show that he was not at all averse to a battle. Saying, — Age, si quid babes, in me mora non erit ulla. He gave excellent accounts of all the ancient Greek and Roman authors; his opinions of R 2 l6 JBERONlCIUSk whose writings weie always correct^ complete, and delivered \Yith great judgment, and without hesitation. He could immediately distinguish genuine writings, and was a perfect master in the ltivating softness of nature which, it is to be feared, too often inctipaeitate the sex for delend- ing thcnisclves against the attacks of their sedu- cers, but " in which tlie cliariHS of a woman duetlv consist." With such attractions it was her fate, or rather misfortune, to form an acquaintance with an agreeable young man, the son of one of the prin- cipal magistrates of the town, which intimacy soon grew to a tender attachment. They expe- rienced the usual diiiiculties of love, which are always encreased by inequality of condition. 1'he repeated injunctions ami remonstrances of their families, only served to make the young couple more diligent in procurmg interviews, and to enhance the value of those precious moments when procured. It is unnecessary here to dwell upon scenes passed over in rapture, but remem- bered vyith regret; which, to those best acquaint- ed with them, only prove that men are false and women credulous. She was thrown off her s;uard by his promising to marry her, and ieal to your honors if this be a fault of mine. ^ ou have often been pleased to say that I do not want sense ; but 1 must be wretchedly stupid, indeed, not to prefer the honourable stat« 22 MARY BAKER, of marriage to that condition in vvliicli I have lived. 1 always zcas and still am willing to enter it ; and I believe most who know me are con- vinced, that I am not deficient in the duties and necessar}' qualifications for a wife as well as a mother, sobriety, industry, cleanliness, and fru- gality. 1 never refused an ofl'er of that sort: on the contrary:, I readily consented to the only pro- posal of marriage that ever was made me. 1 was then a virgin, and confiding too readily in the ^incerity oi' the person who made it, unhappily lost my own honor, by trusting to his. After yielding to him all that woman can give, on my being pregnant, he ungenerously forsook me. He is ^vell known to you all, and since that time is be- come a magistrate. Indeed, i was not without a hope that he would have this day appeared on the bench, to try to moderate the court in my favor. I should then have scorned to niention ii, for I cannot but complain of harsh and un- just usage, that my betrayer and undof r, liie first cause of all mv failings and faults, should be ad- vanced to honor and power by that government which punishes my misfortunes with infamy and stripes. But you will tell me what 1 have been often told, that were there no act of assembly in the case, the precepts of religion are violated by my transgression. If mine then be a religious offence leave it to a religious punishment. You liave already excluded me from the church com- munion ! You believe I have olfended heaven and shall sutler everlastingly! Why then wili MARY BAKER. €3 you encreasc my misery by additional fines and whippings ? — 1 own your honors will, I hope, for- give rac it" I speak a little extravagantly — I am no divine, but if gentlemen must be making laws, it would rather become them to take into consideration the great and growing number of bachelon m this countrv, many of whom from the mean fear of the expences of a family, never sincereiv :vm\ honourably courted a woman in their lives! Hy their manner oi' living they leave unpr^duced (whieh is little better than muicler) hundreds of their posterity, to a thousand gene- rations. Is not this a greater offence against the public good than mine ? Compel them by law, either to marry, or to pay double the fine of for- nication every year. What must poor young women do ? Custom forbids their making over- tures to men; thej/ cannot, however heartily they may wish it, get married when they please." Her judges, as well as all present, were strong- ly affected by the circumstancesof her case; she. was discharged without punishment, and a hand- same collection made for her in court. The public became interested in her behalf, and her original seducer, either from compunction, or from the latent seeds of affection which had been suppressed but never eradicated, married her shortly after. The argnmcuts of our heroine, it must be con- fessed were strong and powerful. Some, how- ever, which we have thought proper to omit, were specious; particularly when she endeavoured to 2 CHARLES DOMERY. prove her failings not contraflictory to religion. Let it be however a lesson to parents and sedu- cers, who are gen-erally accountable for the er- rors of weak women. This unfortunate daugh- ter, often tasting the sorrows of repentance — af- ter subjecting herself to difficulty, disgrace, and punishment, was at last married to her original lover. But it is to be hoped,.no woman of com- mon sense will be induced by this rare instance ot tardy justice to imitate her misconduct. CHARLES DOMERY. Among the instances of voracity which are from time to time recorded, we shall scarcely be able to find any that can equal the following. The reader might perhaps be inclined to doubt the authenticity of these particulars, did they not rest on the credit of persons of the highest respectability. To remove every shadow of sus- picion we shall give them in the .form in which they originally made their appearance. Copy of a Letter from Dr. Johnston, of Somer- set Place, Commissioner of Skfc and Wounded Seamen, to Dr. Blane. MY DEAR SIR, Having in Augr.st and September last been engaged in a tourof public duty, for -the purpose of selecting from among the prisoners of war such men as, ftom their infirmities, were fit ob- nx CHARLES nOMERY. 2,5 j^cts for being yclcusccl without equivalent, I heard, upoa my arrival at l/iverpool, an account of one of these prisoners being endowed with au appetite and digestion so far beyond any thing that had ever occurred to me, either in my ob- servation, reading, or by report, that I was desi- rous of ascertaining the particulars of it by ocular proof, or undeniable testimony. Dw Cochrane, Fellow of the College of physicians at Edinburgh, and our Medical Agent at Liverpool, is fortu- nately a gentleman upon whose fidelity and accu- racy 1 could perfectly depend ; and I requested him to institute an enquiry upon this subject during my stay at that place. 1 inclose you an attested co])y of the result of this ; and as it may probably appear to you, as it does to me, a docu- ment containing facts extremely interesting, both in a natural and medical view, I v»'ill beg you to procure its insertion in some respectable periodi- cal work. Some farther points of enquiry concerning this extraordinary person having occurred to me 1 Isinec my arrival in town, I sent them in the form of queries to Dr. Cochrane who has obligingly returned satisfactory answers. These 1 send along with the above-mentioned attested state- ent, to which I beg you to subjoin such re* flections as may occur to you on this subject. I am, my dear Sir, Your most obedient humble servant, J. JoHNSTON» To Gilbert Blane, M.D. F. R. S. and one of the Coinmimoners of Sick and Wounded Seamt.n. VOL. 2. — NO. 16. S in fi6 f.HAHLT.S DOM PRY. Charles Domorv, o nutivc of IJenrliP, on the IroMiiors of I'olan'.l, .Tj^crl C!l, was brotJtxht to the prison of Liverpool in I'rbniary l7fiM, havinj^ hvtn a poldicr in the I'K-nch service on board ih" firtch*?, paptiiH'd by the sqnn<ich ended favom ably with them all. He was then an infant. His face is per- fectly smooth. 4. Is his muscular strength greater or less than that of other men at his time of life. Though his muscles are pretty firm, I do not think they are so full or plump as those of most other men. He has, however, by his own decla- ration, carried a load of three hundred weight 32 CITABLES DOMERT. of flour ill rrancc, and niarelied 14 leagues in a tiay. 5. lit he (lull, or intelliirciii r He car> neither read iiur|)Osc of aliment ib not merely to adinniibter to the growth aiiU rejmir of the ho(ir, but by its bulk and {^culiar sitiuiu;' Ills to luaiiitaiu the [>lay of the orguiu cv^ential to Jiff. IIAUUIS. Tills man was remarkable for a most singular natural defect^ the jncaj>acity of distinguishing colors. All account of him was communicated by Mr. Iluddart to 1)». Priestley, and was in^ troduced into the Philosophical Transactions for 1*77. Harris was a shoemaker and lived at MarjN port in Cumberland. Mr. Iluddart had oitea heard that he could clearlv discern the form and magnitude of all objects, but thai he could not disitinguish their colors. This report exci- ted that gentleman's curiosity and he frefjuent- ly conversed with Harris on the subject. The account he gave was this — that he had reason to believe other persons saw something in ob- jects which he could not see ; that their lan- guage seemed to mark qualities with precision and confidence, which he could only guess at with hesitation and frequently with error. His fiibt suspicion of this arose, when be was about — HARRIS. 55 four years old. Having by accident found a child's stocking in the street, he carried it to a neiQ:libourincr house to enouire for the owner; he observed that the people called it a refl stock- iug, though he did not understand why they gave it th;it denomitiation, as he him^^elf thought it completely described by being called a stacking. This circumstanee however remained in his me- mory, and^ together with subsequent observations, led him to the knowlcdcre of his defect. O He also observed that, when young, other children could discern cherries on a tree, by some pretended difference of color, though he could only distinguish them from the leaves by the dif- I'erence of their size and shape. By means of this difference of color, his companions could sec the cherries at a greater distance than he could, though he could see other objects also at as great a distance as they, tliat is, w here the sight was not assisted by the color. Large objects he could see as well as other persons; and even the smaller ones if they were not enveloped in other things, as in the case of cherries among the leaves. There was every reason to believe that he could never do more than guess the name of any color, yet he could distinguish white from black, or black from any light or bright color. Dove or straw color he called white, and different colors he frequently called b}'^ the same name ; yet he could discern a difference between them when placed together. In general colors, of an equal a 50 — HARRIS. degree of bri.qhlnos, however they might othfp- uise thller, he coiitDunded with each other. \ et ho could ihstinguish a strl[)ed rihbon from plain one; hut he could not tell >^hat the colors ^v ere with any tolerable exactness. Dark colors, in gener.il, he often mistook tor black; but ne- ver imagined white to be a dark color, nor dark to be a white color. Harris was an intelligent man and very desi- rous of understanding the nature of light and colors, lor which purpose he iiad attended a course of lectures in natural philosophy. He had two brothers in the same circumstances with respect to sight, and two other brothers and sisters, who, as well as their parents had nothing of this defect. (Jneof the first-mentioned bro- tliers Mr. Iluddart met with at Dublin, and from the experiments he made on his j)owers of sight, he obtained exactly the same results as those above stated. THOMAS LAUGHER. Thomas laugher, better known by the name of Old Tommy, is a living instance of the good effect of temperance on the human consti- tution, for to this cause his venerable age must undoubtedly be in a great measure ascribed. He was born at the village of Markley, in the couil- ty of Worcester, and was baptized as appears by his register in January I'OO. His parents were' natives of Shropshire, and were themselves ex- amples of unusual longevity, his father dying at (be age of 97, and his mother at 108. In the year following that of his birth they removed vith him to London where he has resided ever since. In the early part of his life Laugher followed for many years the profession of a liquor-mer- chant in Lpper Thames Street. Though in a line of business in which wines and spirits of every kind presented themselves freely and plentifully, he never drank an}' fermented liquor, during the first fifty years of his life, his chief beverage be- ing milk, milk and water, cofiee and tea. This profession he was at length obliged to relinquish oy some heavy losses which he experienced. Laugher remembers most of the principal oc- urrences of the last century, but, from his ex- :reme age, his memory begins to fail hiui; his 3(ther faculties he enjoys in a surprizmg degree. VOL. ^^.-^NO. 17. T 2 THOMAS LAL'CHF.n. His rcsi(lrnr«> is in Kciii Siiect, in ilie r><>roiinli, iVoin which he walks every Sinicla} niortiiuj:, when the weaihcr perinits, lo ihe llev. Mr. Cox- hrad's chapel in Little \\ iKi Siitet, Lincoln'^ inn Iwelds : he even waWvCtllatcly as far as lluck- iK y iiiid hack again. To all appearance Old Tommy has heen a r< - inarkably \sell-made man, and rather above the middle stature though now he is somewhat bent by the weight of years. Havini^ lost his teeth, he falters a little in speaking, but his lunj^s ap- ])ear to be very slroni; and sound. It is not Ic^ burprizing than true, that after a severe fit of ill- ness, at the ago of eighty, he had a fresh head of hair and new nails both on his fingcrsand toes; a contraction whiei) took place at the same time in the finirer of eacli hand, has never since left! tlum. His hair is thick and flowing, not tho- roughly while, but grey on the outside and br less in a brother, he held them as the rash menaces- of unbridled youth, which by good counsel, or complying with the other's desires, might be easily reclaimed, reckonins^ then as words that would never break into wounds, and doubtful language that could not easily beget danger. He was of opinion, that, on seeing two men re- viling each other with injurious terms, said, he of you nhich ahstaimtk most from tiliainoiis and lezcd speeches, is to be held the most sage and ziisest of the two. And as true innocence goeth still armed with confidence, and he that is guiltless still dreadless, so he neither feared his courase. nor shunned his company, till at last the two brothers meetinc: face to face, the vounsrer drew a pistol charged with a double bullet from his side, and presented upon the elder, which only gave tire, but by one miraculous providence of God no further report ; at which the elder, seiz- ing upon the younger, disarmed him of his pistol, and without any further violence offered, left him, which bearing to his chamber, and desi- T 3 6 HENRY WELBY, ESO. Tous to find whether it were only a false fire, merely to fright him, or a charge speedily to dispatch him, When he found the bullets and ap- prehended the danger he escaped, he fell into many deepconsiderations, and thereupon ground- ed this his irrevocable resolution, which he kept- to his dying day. Which that he might observe the better, he took a very fair house in the lower end of Gnib- drect, near unto Cripple-gate, and having con- tracted a numerous retinue into a small and pri- vate family, having the house before prepared \'oT his purpose, he entered the door, choosing to himself, out of all the rooms, three private chambers best suiting with his intended solitude ; ihe first for his diet, the second for his lodging, and the third for his study, one within another; and the while his diet was set upon the table by one of his servants, an old maid, he retired to his lodging-room, and while his bed was making, into his study, still doing so till all was clear; and irhere he set up his rest, and in forty-four years never upon any occasion how great so ever, issu- ed out of these chambers, till he was borne thence on men's shoulders. Neither in all that time did son-in-law, daughter or grandchild, brother, i sister, or kinsman, stranger, tenant or servant, young or old, rich or poor, of what degree or condition soever, look upon his face, saving] the ancient maid, whose name was Elizabeth,: who made his fire, prepared his bed, provided] his diet, and drest his chamber, which was very i HENIIY WELBY, ESQ. 7 ' ](lom, or upon extraordinary necessity that lie ^aw her. As touching his abstinence, in all the time of his retirement, henevertasted any flesh nor fish; he never drank either wine or strong drink ; his chief food was oat-meal boiled in water, which .)me call gruel, and in summer now and then , I sallad of some choice cool lierbs for dainties; <■!• when he would feast himself, upon an high !ay, he would eat the yolk of an hen's egg, but Tio part of tlie while ; and what bread lie eat, he cat out of the middle of thp loaf, but of the crust he never tasted ; and his continual drink was four-shilling beer, and no other : and now and then drank red cow's milk, which his maid Eliza- beth fetched for him out of the fields hot from die cow; and yet he kept a bountiful taljje for his servants, with entertainment sufficient for any stranger or tenant, that had any occasion of bu- siness at his house. / In Christmas iiolidays, at Easter, and upon all solemn festival days, he had great cheer pro- vided, with a'i dishes seasonable to the times, served up. He himself (after having given thanks) put a clean napkin before, and putting on a pair of white Holland sleeves, which reached to his elbows, would call for his knife, and cutting dish after dish up in order, send one to one poor neigh- bour, the next to another, leaving it in writing how it should be bestowed, whether it was brawn, beef, capon, goose, 8cc. till he had left the table quite empty; then would he again lay by his li- 8 HENRY WELBY, ESO. j)eu, put Up Lis knife, and cause the cloth to be taken away ; and thus would he do dinner and supper upon those days, without tasting of any thing whatsoever ; and this custom he kept to his dying day, an abstinence far transcending all the Carthusian clonks or INlendicant Friars that ever vet I read of. Now, as touching the solitude of his life, to spend so many summers and winters in one small room, dividing himself not only IVom the society of men, but debarring himself from the benefit of the fresh and wholesome air, not to walk or con- fer with any man, which might either shorten the tediousness of the night, or mitigate the pro- lixness of the day; and if at any time he would speak with any one, there was a wall between them; what retiiement could be more? or what restriction greater? In my opinion, it far surpas- ses all the vestals and votaries, all the anchores- ses and anchorites, that have been memorized ' in any history. Now, if any shall ask how he spent his hours and past his time? No doubt, as he kept a kind of j)erpetualfast, so he devoted himself to con- tinual prayer, saving these seasons he dedicated to his study, for he was both a scholar and liii- guist, for he hath left behind him some collec- tions and translatioti of Piiilosophy; neither was there any author worth the reading, either brought over from beyond the sea, or published liere in the kingdom, which he refused to buv at what dear rate so ever; and these were his com-i IIENHY WELBT, ESO. 9 panious in the day, and his couiiseliors in the night, insomuch, tlial tlic saying may be veri- fced in him — '* lie was never better accompanied than when alone." lie was no Pharisee, to seek the praise and vain ostentation among men; neither did he blow a triimj)et before him when he gave his alms; neither when any impudently clamom'ed at his gjate, were they presently relieved, but he, out of his private chamber which had a prospect kito the street ; if he spyed any, sick, weak, or lame, would presently send after them, comfort, cterish, and strengthen them, and not a trifle to serve them for the present, but so much as would uelieve them for many days after ; he would Imoreov^r enquire what neighbours were indus- trious in their callings, and who had great charge of children, and by their labour and industry sould not sufficiently supply their fa<^niiies; these were his cetain pensioners. And now conclud- ing he may not improperly be called a Phenix; for as he in his life may be termed a Bird of Paradise, so in his death he might be compared to that Arabian Monody, who, liaving lived Jjx)urscore years, half in the world and half from he world, died in a swoon, the nine and twen- tieth day of October last, (lCi35) as he sat in his •hair, having built his own funeral nest or pile, •omposcd of terebinth and cinnamon, inter- vovcn with onyx and culbanum, with the sweet ind odoriferous smells of myrrh, aloes, and assia, and so made his death- bed an altar; and \ 10 FRANCIS CHARTEEIS. l)is godly zeal kiiicHing those sweet spices, sent up his soul as an acceptable incense to that sa- cred throne, where a contrite heart and humble spirit were never despised. To this account is prefixed a picture of Mr. Welby sitting at a table on which is inscribed: Vanitas vanitutiun, omnia von'u'is. He is repre- sented with a long thick beard, and with a staff in Ills right hand. Tiie Rev. Mr. Granger in his Biographical History of England, says of him that, " his plain garb, his long and silver beard, his mortified and venerable aspect, bespoke him an ancient inhabitant of the desert, rather than a gentleman of fortune in a populous city." The same writer adds that Mr. Welby had a very amiable daughter who married Sir Christopher Hilliard, a Yorkshire gentleman; but neither she, nor any of her family ever saw her father after his retirement from the world. His remains were interred in St. Giles's church near Ciipple- gatc. FRANCIS CHARTERIS. Francis charteris, was bom at Ams- iield, in Scotland, where he was heir to an estate which his ancestors had possessed above 400 years; and was related to some of the first fami- lies in the North, by intermarriages with the no-; bilitv. Havinsr. received a liberal education, he FRANCIS CIIARTERIS. 11 uKuIe choice of the profession of arms, and first rved under the Duke of Marlborough as an cn- >ign of foot, but was soon advanced to the rank oi' cornet of dragoons. Being a most expert gamester, and of a ihsposition uneommonly avari- cious, he made his knowledge of gambling sub- servient to his love of money ; and while the ar- my was in winter quarters, he stripped many of t!ie officers of all ihcir property by his skill at (iirds and dice. He was, however, as knavish ;;s dexterous ; for when he had defrauded a bro- ther oiiicer of his money, he would lend him a Sinn at the moderate interest of an hundred per cent, and take an assignment of his commission as a security for the payment of the debt. John, annuity for life, and a house,' if she would comply with his wishes; but the vir JFRANCIS CHARTKRIS. 15 tiioiis gill resisted the temptation, declining, that she would on ly dischiuge her dut}' as a servant, and that her Lnr.ster niigiit dismiss her, it' lier conduct did not please him. On the day follow- ina:, she lieard a (gentleman askinfjjfor her master by the name of Cli;u;teris, which encreased her tears slili more, as she was not isnanprized of his general character. Slie therefore lold the house- keeper that she musL quit her service, as she was very ill. The house-keeper informing the colo- nel of this circumstance, he sent for the poor girl, and threatened he would shoot her if she left his service. He lii^ewise ordered the servants to keep the door fast, to prevent her making her escape; and when he spoke of her it was in most contemptuous terms. On the following day he directed the clerk of his kitchen to send her into the parlour, and, on her attending him, he bid her stir tlie fire. While she was thus employed, lie forcibly seized and committed violence on her, first stopping her moutli with his night-cap; and afterwards, on her saying that she would prose- cute him, beating her with a horse-whip, and calling her by the most opprobrious names. On, his opening the door the .clerk of the kitchen ap- peared, to whom the colonel pretended, that she had robbed him of thirty guineas, and directed him to turn her oul of the house, which was ac- , cordintjly done. The unfortunate girl now went to a gentlewo- man, named Parsons, and inlbrming her of what had happened, asked her advice how to proceed. 16 FRANCIS CHARTER 13. Mrs. Parsons recoiumenrleil her to exliibit arii- cles against liim for the assault ; bui when the mat- ter came aftervvarrls to be heard by the grand jury, they found it was not an aironipt, but an actual cominission of tlic fact; and a bill was found ?c- cordingly. When the colonel was committed t6 Newgate lie was loaded with heavy fetters; but he soon purchased a lighter pair, and paid for the us5 of a room in the prison, anx\ for a man to aitv nd iiim.Iie had been married to the daush- (vTof Sir Alexander Swinlon of Scotland, who I'Orc hiiVi ont^ dniighter, who was married tathe t;ul of W'einys; and the enrl happening to be in London atahc time of the a!)ove-mentic>ned trans-? '.olirjn, procured a writ of Habeas Corpus, and \he Colonel was accordingly admitted to bail. i>y the law of the land, bail for a capital offence is not admissible. It must, therefore, reflect no small disgrace on those to whom the administra- tion of it was at that time committed, that power and interest should thus triumph over justice. His trial came on at the Old Bailey, February (15, 1730, and every art was used to traduce the character of the prosecutrix, in order to destroy the force of her evidence; but, happily, her re- putation was so fair, and there was so little rea- son to think that she had any sinister view in the prosecution, that every artifice failed, and after a long trial, in which the facts were proved to the satisfaction of the jury, a verdict of guilty wasffiven a2;ainst the colonel, who received sen- tcncc to be executed in the accustomed manner. FRANCIS CHAETERIS. 17 On this occasion Cliarteris was not a little obli- ged to his son-in-law, lord Wemys, who caused the lord president Forbes to come from Scotland, to plead the cause before the privy-council ; and an estate of 3001. perann.for life, was assigned to the president for this service. At length the king consented to grant the colonel a pardon, on bis settling a handsome annuity on the proseciv- trix. Soon after his conviction, a fine mezzotinto print of him was published, representing him standincr at the bar of the Old Bailev, with his thumbs tied; and under the print v^'as the follow- ing inscription: " Blood ! — must a colonel, with a lord'* estate. Be thus obnoxious to a scoundrel's fate ;" Brouglit to the bar, and sentenc'd froiii tlie bench^ Only for ravishing a country wench r — Shall men of honour meet no more respect ? Shall their diversions thus by laws be check'd? .Shall they be accountable to saucy juries. For this or t'other pleasure? — hell and furies ! What man thro' villainy would run a course, And ruin families without remorse. To heap up riches — if, when all is done, An ignominious dcatii he cannot sliun ?" After this narrow escape, fiom a fate wbicli- he had so yvell deserved, he retired' to Edin- burgh, where he lived about two years, and tlien; died in 1731, aged 63, a victim to his irregular course of life. He was buried in the family-vault, in the church-yard of the Grey Friars of Edin- burgh : but bis viced had rendered him so detest:- -V 3 JS FRANCIS CHARTERIS. ^blc, it was with some difficulty that he was put into the orave: fof thr> mob almost tore the coffin in pirees, and committed a variety of irre- jijulurities, in honest contempt of such an abaii- J dbned character. The celebrated Dr. Arbuthnot gave^ severe, but very justj character of Colonel Clrarteris^ iu file following sa'tiriciil epitaph: Hep.e lielb the body of Colonel Don Francisco ; Who, Willi an inflexible constancy. And inimitable unilorniity of life. Persisted, in spite of age and infirmity, Jii tl'.e practice of every himian vice. Excepting prodigality and hypocrisy ; His insatiable avaiice Exempting him from the first, and His matchless impudence From the latter. Nor was he more singular in That undeviating viciousness of life, Than successful in aecnmulating vveailh ; Having, Without trust of public money, bribe. Worth, service, trade, oi-, profession. Acquired, or rather created, A ministerial estate. Among the singularities of his life and fortune Be it likewise commemorated, Ihat he was the on!y person in his time. Who would cheat without the mask of honesty ; W^ho would retain his prirawval meanness. After being possessed often thousand pounds a year. And who, having done, every day of hislilC, Something worthy of a gibbet, W^as once condemned to one. Think not, in di^jnaiit reader JAMES NA1LE«. i9 Hli life useless to mankind ; PuoVIDENCIi Favored, or rather connived at. His execrable designs. That he might remain. To this ar.d future ages, A conspicuous proof and example. Of how small estimation EiL'jrbitant wealth is held in the sight of th* At MIGHTY, By his bestowing it on The most unworlhy Of all the descendants of Adam. It was reported that he died worlli seven thou- sand pounds a 3'car in landed estates, and about one hundred thousand pounds in money. JAMES NAILER. The avoiding of a bad example rnay ofleri prove as conducive to happiness as the imitating of a good one. Under this impression we here lay before the reader some particidars of the life of James Nailer, a man notorious in the seven- teenth century for his fa,naticism, and the singu- arity of his religious opinions. James Nailer, or Naylei-, was the sdn of a far- mer of some property, and was born in the pa- rish of Ardesley, near Wakefield, in Yorkshire, iibolit the year I616. His education went no farther than English. At the age of tweaty-two 20 JAMES NAILER. he married, and removed into Wakefield parish, where he continued till the commencement of the civil war in lG41. He then entered into tl/e parliamentary army, and served eight years, first under Lord Fairfax, and afterwards as quarter- master, under General Lambert ; till, disabled bv sickness in Scotland, he returned home, in 1(J48. Hitherto he had professed himself a Pres- byterian and Independent, but in lG5l, lie be- came a convert to the doctrines of George Fox, and joined the persons pretending to new lights, who were afterwards known by the appellation of Quakers. Being a man of good natural parts, and strong imagination, he soon commenced preacher: and in the opinion of his followers, acquitted him- self well, both in word and writing, among hii friends. Towards the end of l6o4, or beginning of lG55, he removed to London, and there found a meeting which had been gathered by Edward Burrough and Francis Howgil. He soon dis- tinguished himself among them : so that many, admiring his talents, hegan to esteem him far above his brethren, which occasioned diflerences and disturbances in the society. These were carried to such a height, that some of Nailer's forward and inconsiderate female adherents, I publicly interrupted Howgil and Burrough in I preaching, and disturbed their meetings. Being* reproved by them for their indiscretion, the wo- men complained so loudly and passionately to- Nailer; that as Sewel in iiis "History of the 5 JAMES NAlLETt. 21 o'ascrves: Quakers, " It smote him clown into so much sorrow anti sadness, tliat lie was much dejected in spirit, and disconsolate. Fear and doubtinix then entered into him, so that he came to be cloiulcd in his understanding, bewildered and at a loss in his judgment, and estranged from iiis best friends, because they did not at> prove his conduct; insomuch that be began to give ear to the flattering praises of some whimsi- cal people, which he ought to have abhorred and reproved them for." It will be seen from the subsequent part of this history, that these * flat- tering praises,' of which Sewel speaks, were too pov\erful for the poor man's intclJects, :\x).d pro- duced tijat m-ental intoxicatk>n or derangement, to which alone his frantic conduct can be attri- buted. In j6jG, v.e find him in Devonshire, whither he was undoubtedly carried by a zeal for propa- gating his opinions. These were of such an ex- traordinary natvne, that he was apprehended and sent to Exeter goal, where letters, conceived in the most extravagant strain, were sent to hin\ bv his female adn>irers and others. Nay, some women had arrived at such a height of folly^ that, in the prison at Exeter, the}^ knelt before him, and kissed his I'ect. We find in Nailer a striking proof that cir- ?umstances, apparcutly the most nivici% operate Tequenlly with irresistibie and fatal force on tlfe iiind of the visionar)' and enthusiast. As his eatures bore a near rtsemblancc to the common )icturcs of Christ, his imagination conceived 22 JAMES NAILER. the wild idea that lie was transformed into Christ himself. He assumed ttie character of the Mes- siah^ was acknowledged as such by his deluded ' followers, and accordingly affected to heal the < sick and raise the dead. After his release from the prison at Exeter, he intended to return to London ; but taking Bris- tol in his way, as he rode through Glastonbury and Wells, his frantic attendants strewed their garments in his waj'. Arriving on the 24th of October at Bedminster, about a mile from Bris- tol, they' proceeded in mock procession to that city. One man walked before with his hat on, while another, bareheaded, led Nailer's horse. When they came to the suburbs of Bristol, some woiricn spread scarfs and handkerchiefs in his way ; two other women going on each side of his horse. The whole company, knee-deep in dirt, it being very rainy and foul weather, began to sing : " Holy, hoi}', holy, Lord God of Sa- baoth ! Hosanna in the highest ! H0I3', holy, holy. Lord God of Israel !" In this manner they entered the city, to the amazement of some, and" the diversion of others; but the magistrates not thinking it proper to suffer such an indecent mockery of Christ's entrance into Jerusalem to pass nnininished, apprehended Nailer, and corn- 1 jiiitted him to prison, with six of his associates. ' 15cing searched after iiis apprehension, some letters, which shew the fanaticism of his follow- ers, were found upon hini. Some of these were as follow : — JAMES NAILER. 23 " In the pure fear and power of God, ray soul ■aliites thee, thou everlasting son of rlghteous- icss, and prinee of peace. 1 beseech thee wait, rny soul travelletli to see a pure image brought "orth, and the enemy strives to destroy it, that lie may keep nie always sorrovving and ever seek- |ing, and never satisfied, nor ever rejoicing. But e in whom I have believed will shortly tread |5atan under our feet, and then shalt thou and thine return to Zion with everlasting rejoicings, and praises. But till then, better is the house of mourning than rejoicing. O let innocency be thy beloved, and righteousness thy spouse, that thy father's Iambs may rejoice in thy pure and clear unspotted image of holiness and purity which my soul believeih 1 shall see, and so in the faith rest, " Han. Stranger." ** From hondon, iGthdai/ of the 7 th viontUr " O THOU fairest of ten thousand, thou only begotten son of God, how my heart pantcth after thee. O stay me with flaggons and com- fort me with wine. My well beloved, their art like a roe, or young hart u{)on the mountains of spices, where thy beloved spouse hath long been calling thee to come away, and I am, " Hannah Stramger." To this blasphemous rhapsody was subjoined the following by the husband of the writer: 24 JAMES NAILER. '' Postscript. Remember m}' dear love to tliy master. Thy name is no more to be called James, but Jesus. ^'^JoHN Stranger." In another letter, from one Jane A\'^oo<;lcock, we find these equivocal expressions :— " O thou beloved of the Lord, the prophet of the most high God, whom the Lord brought to this great city, for to judge and try the cause of his Israel; faithful and just hast thou carried thyself in it, for thou becamest weak to the weak, and tender to the broken-hearted." Nor were these raptures confined, as may be imagined, to the weaker sex. From an epistle from one Richard Fairman, it is evident that there were men infected in an equal degree with this ridiculous mania. " Brother in the life which is immortal," savs he,* " dearly beloved, xvho art counted worthy to be made partaker of the everlasting riches, I am filled with joy and rejoicing, when I behold thee in the eternal unit\', where I do embrace thee in the ever- lasting arms of love. O thou dear and pre- cious servant of the Lord, how doth my soul love! 1 am overcoine with that love that is as strong as death. O my soul is melting within me when I behold thy beauty and innocency, dear and precious son of Sion, whose mother is a virgin, and whose birth is immortal." The particulars of Nailer's examination previ- 1 OU6 to his commitment are too curious to be i JAMES NAILER* 2«; omitted* Being asked his name, or whether he was not called James Nailer, he replied — the men of this world call me James Nailer. Q. Art thou the man that rode on horseback into Bris- tol, a woman leading thy horse, and others sing- ing before thee, ' Holy, holy, holy, hosanna, &c. ? — A. I did ride into a town, but what its name was I know not, and by the spirit a woman was commanded to hold my horse's bridle, and some there were that cast down clothes, and sang praises to the Lord, such songs as the Lord put into their hearts; and it is like it might be the song of Holy, holy, holy.— Q. Whether or no didst thou reprove these women? — A. Nay, but' I bade them take heed that they sang nothing but what they were moved to of the Lord. — Q.- Dost thou own this letter which Hannah Stran- ger sent unto thee?-— A. Yea, 1 do own that let- ter. — Q. Art thou, according to that letter, the fairest of ten thousand ? — A. As to the visible, I deny any such attribute to be due to me; but if as to that which the father hath begotten in me, I shall own it. — Q. Art thou the only son of God ? — A. I am the son of God, but I liave many brethren. — Q. Have any called thee by the name of Jesus? — A. Not as unto the visible, but as Jesus, the Christ that is in me. — Q. Dost thou own the name of the king of Israel? — A. Not as a creature, but if they give it Christ within me, I own it, and have a kingdom ; but not of this world,* my kingdom is of another world, of which thou wast not. — Q. Whether or VOL. 2. — NO. 17. X Q.6 JAMES NAILER. no art thou the prophet of the Most lli2;li ?-^' A. Thou hast said 1 am a pro[)het. — Q. i)ost thou own tliat attribute, the judge of Israel? — ■ A. Thejudi^e is but one, and is witnessed in me, and is tiie Christ; there must not be any joined with him. If they speak of the spirit in me, I own it only as God is manifest in tlie flesh, ae- cording as God dvvelleth in me, and judgeth there himself. — Q. Uv whom were vou sent ? — A. By him who liath sent the spirit of his son in nie to try, not as to carnal matters, but belong- ing to the kingdom of God, by the indwelling of the father and the son, to be the judge of all spirits, to be guided by none. — Q. Is not the written word of God the guide .'' — A. The written word declares of it, and what is not according to that, is not true. — Q. Whether art thou more sent than others, or whetlicr others be not sent in that measure. — A. As to that, I have no- thing at present given me of my father to aij- swer. — A. Was your birili mortal or immortal ? — A. Not according to the natural birth, but ac- cording to the spiritual l)!rLh, l)<)rn of the im- mortai seed. — Q. Wert thou ever called the Lamb of God:— A. I look not back to thino? o bchirul, but there might be some such thing in tlie letter; i am a lamb, and have sought it long before I could witness it.— Q. Who is thy Mother, or whether or no is she a virgin r — A. Niiy, according to the natural birth.— Q. Who is thy mother according to the spiritual birth ? — A. No ciunal creature.— Q. Wlio then .? (No an- JAMES NAILER. CJ7 gwer.)— Q. Is the hope of Israel in tbec?— A. The hope is in Christ, and as Christ is in me, so far the hope of" Israel stands; Christ is in ine the hope of glory. — Q, What more hope is there in thee than in others ? — A. None can know but them of Israel; and Israel must give an account. — Q. Art thou the everlasting son of God ? — A. Where God is manifest in the flesh, there is the ^everlasting son, and 1 do witness God in the flesh : I am the Son of God, and the Son of God is but one. — Q. Art thou the Prince of Peace? — A. The prince of everlasting peace is begotten in me — Q. Why dost thou not reprove those that give thee those attributes? — A. I have said nothing to them but such things as are virit- t€n. — Q. Is thy name Jesus? — For what space of time hast thou been so called ?— Is there no other Jesus besides thee ? — To these three questions he made no re])ly. — Q. Art thou the everlasting son of God, the king of righteousness? — A. I am; and the everlasting righteousness is Vv'roiight in me; if ye were acquainted with the Fatlier, ye would also be acquainted with me. — Q. Did any kiss thy feet? — A. It might be they did, but I minded them not.— Q, When thou wast called tlie king of Israel, didst thou not answer — thou sayest it ? — A. Yea. — Q. How dost thou provide for a livelihood .''—A. As do the lilies, without care, being maintained by my Father. — Q.^¥honi dost thou call thy father? — A. Him whom thou callest God. — Q. A\'hat business hadst thou in Bristol^ or thai way ? — A. I was guided or di- \ —I €8 JAiFES NAILER. rectetl by my Father.— Q. Why wast thou called a judge to try the cause of Israc4 ? (No reply.)— Q. Are any of these sayings blasphemy Or not .'' —A. What is received of the Lord is truth. — Q. ^Vhose letter was that which was \^'ritten to ihee signed T. S. P—A. It was sent to m'€ to Bxeter goal, by one the world calls Thomas Sy- monds.— Q. Diddt thou not say : If ye had known me, >ye>had known the Father ?— A. Yea, for the Father is my life.— Q. Where we'rt thou bora ?— A. At Ardeslow, in Yorkshire.— -Q. Where livefi4hy wife?— A. She whom thou «vH- est my wife lives 4n Wakefield.— Q. Why -dost thou not live with her .' — A. I did tiR I was called to the army.— Q. Doth God in any man- ner sustain thee without any corporeal food i*^- A. Man .dolh not Uve by bread alone> but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father. The same life is mine that is in the Ftuher, but not in the same measure. — ^^Q. Hotv p.rt thou cloathed ?— A. I know not.— Q. Dost tiiou live without bread ? — Q. A. As long as my heavenly father will. I have tasted of that bread of which he that eateth shall never die. — Q. HoNt long hast thou hved without any corporeal sus- tenance, having perfect health ? — A. Some fif- teen or sixteen days, sustained without any other food except the word of God. — Q. Was Dorcas Erbury dead in Exeter two days, and dids thou raise her? — Q. I can do nothing of mysell The scripture bcareth witness to the power iti me, which is everlasting i it is the same poweJ- JAMES NAILER. €9 MC read of in the scripture.— Q. Art thou the unspotted Lamb of (iod that taketh away ihe sins of the world?— A. Were I not a lamb, W'olve> would not seek to devour me. — Q. Art ihou not guilty of most horrid blasphemy by thy own words ?— A. Who made thee a judge over them .^— Q. AVhoni meant thy companions by Hol^^ hoK'jScc..'' — A. Let them answer for them- 'selves, they are at age. — Q. Did not some spread their clothes on the ground before thee, wh.eu thou didst ride through Glastonbury and Wells? — A. I think they did. — Q. Wherefore didst thou call Martha Symonds mother, as George Fox affirms ? — A. George Fox is a liar and a fire-brand of hell; for neither I nor any v.ith me called her so. — Q. Hast thou a wife at this time? — A. A woman I have who by the world is called my wife; and some children I have, which, ac- cording to the flesh, are mine. — Q. Those books which thou hast written, wilt thou maintain them and affirm what is therein. — A. Yea, with my dearest blood. The frantic adherents of Nailer were likewise: examined. They uniformly attested their con- viction that he was Jesus, the Sou of God, the Prince of Peace, the everlasting Son of Righte- ousness, and King of Israel, and that in their conduct towards him they had only complied , with the injunctions of the Lord. But the tes-- timony of Dorcas Erbury, mentioned above, and- who was the wido\y of William Erbury, once a X 3 . 30 JAMES NAILER. minister, is an astonishing compound of blas- phemy and delusion. Being asked, Dost thou own him that rode on horseback co be the Holy One of Israel ? — She replied. Yea, I do, and with my blood will seal it.— Q. And dost thou own him for the Son of God. — A. He is the only begotten Son of God. — Q. Wherefore didst thou pull off his stockings, and lay thy clothes beneath his feet ? — A. He is worthy of it, for he is the holy Lord of Israel. — Q. Knowest thou no other Jesus, the only begotten Son of God? — A. I know no other Saviour. — Q. Dost thou believe in James Nai- ler ? — A. Yea, in him w^hom thou callest so I do.— Q. By what name dost thou use to call him ? — A. The Son of God ; but I am to serve him, and to call him Lord and Master. — Q. Jesus was crucified ; but this man you call the Son of God is alive. — A. He hath shaken off his carnal body. — Q. Why what body hath he then ? — A. Say not the scriptures, Thy natural body I will change, and it shall be spiritual. — Q. Hath a. spirit flesh and bones I— A, His flesh and bones aie new. — Q. Chcist raised those that had been dead ; so did not he.^ — A. He raised me. — Q. In what msanner ? — A. He laid his band on my hjead, after 1 had been dead two days, and said, * Dorcas arise !' and I arose and live as thou seest. — Q. Where did be this?— A. In the goal iML Exeter. — Q. Wha.t witoess hast thou for ihis? — A. My mother, wlio was preseiit.— Q.. His JAMES NA1LEK-. 31 powei- being so great, m herelbre opened he not the prison-doois, and escaped ?— A. The doors shall open when the Lord's work is done. — Q. What apostles hath he ? — A. Tlicy are scat- tered ; but some are here. — Q. Jesus Christ doth sit on the right-hand of the father, where the world shall be judged by him.— A. He whom thou callest Nailer shall sit at the right-hand of the Father, and shall judge the world in equity. Soon after this examination. Nailer and his followers were sent to London, to be dealt with 36 parliament should think proper. Having been examined by a committee of the house, which made their report on the oth of December, he was next day summoned to appear, and heard at the bar. On the 8th the house came to this re- solution : 'That James Nailer is guilty of horrid blasphemy, and that he is a grand impostor and' a great seducer of the people.' The subject was resumed from that time both forenoon and after- noon, not without some warm debates, and wa^ proposed the twelfth time on the l6th of De- cember. How much time it took up in the liouse appears from two letters of Secretary Thurloe, dated Dec. the 9th and l6th. In the first he says, " These four OT five last days have been wholly taken up about James Nailer, the quaker, who hath had a charge of blasphemy exhibited against him ; and upon hearing mat- ter of fact, he is voted guilty of blasphemy;; and the consideratioft now i.«, (>\\*i^ch I believe 32 JAMES NAILER. inny be determined this evening) what punisli- nient shall be inHicted. Many are of opinion tiiat he ought to be put to death." Tliis point, liouever, was not so soon settled as the scere- tary imagined^ for in the second letter he writes:' " The parliament hath done nothing these ten days but dispute whether James Nailer, the qua- ker, shall be put to death for blasphemy. They are much divided in their opinions. ,\i is possi- ble that they may come to a resolution this day. It is probable that his life may be spared." In the postscript he adds: " The parliament came this day to a vote on Nailer's business^ viz. that he should have his tongue bored^ a brand set on his forehead, be set in the pillory, and whipped, and imprisoned for life. The question for his life was lost by fourteen voices." On the 17th, after another long debate, the par- liament, pursuant to their vote, came to the fol- lowing pesolution : — " That James Nailer be set Mj the pillory, in the Palace-Yard, Westminster, during the space of two hours, on Thursday next, and be whipped by the hangman through the streets from Westminster to the Old Ex- change, and there likewise be set in the pillory, wiili his head in the pillory, for the space of two hours, between the hours of eleven and one on Saturday next; in each place wearing a paper containing an inscription of his crimes: and that at the Old Exchange his tongue be bored ihrougli with a hot iron, and that he be there also stigmatized in the forehead with the letter B •J AM lis NAILER. 3 <5 for blasplienier. And that that he afterwards be sent to Bristol, and be conveyed into and through the Said city on horseback, with his face back- ward ; and there also publicly whipped the next market-day after he cdmcs thither. And that from thence he be committed to prison in Bride- well, London, and there restrained from the so- ciety of all people, and there to labor hard till he shall be released by parliament; and during that time be debarred the use of pen, ink, and paper; and shall have no relief but what he earns by his daily labor." Cromwell wfts at tliis tirtie protector of the kingdom, and several petitions in behalf of Nai- ler wete plesented to him by persons of different pei-suasibns, but he resolved not to read them until sentrence had h'eeh passed. On the 18th of Decern bei- he suffered the first part of his pu- nishment, which was indicted with such rigor, that some judged his sentence would have been more mild if it had been present death. The other p;lrt, namely, boring his tongue and branding his forehead, should liave been exe- cuted two days afterwards,, biit he was reduced so low by the cruel whipping, that iiis farther punishment was respited for a week. During that interval many persons, lobking upon him rather as a madman, than gUilty of wilful blas- phemy, petitioned the parliaihcnt and Cromwell to remit the remainder of his sentence. On this some of the protector's chaplains went and con- versed tN'itli the culprit, and their report frus^ 54 JAMES NAILER. tratcd the design of these .'ipplications. The rest of his sentence was executed on the 'J7th of December, after which, being sent to Bristol, he was conducted through tliat city on horse tack, with his face backward, and pubHcly wliip- ptd. Then being remanded to London, he was committed to Bridewell. Nailer's sufferings brought him to bis senses, and to some degree of humility. Ke wrote a let- ter to the magistrates of Bristol, expressive of his repentance of his former behavior in that city. During the time of his confinement in Bridewell, which was about two years, he mani- fested unfeigned contrition for his follies and of- fences. Having also, notwitlistanding his sen- tence, obtained pen, ink, and paper, he wrote several small books, in wliich he retracted his past errors. In one of them he says : " Con- demned for ever be all false worships, with which any have idolized my person, in the night cf my temptation, when the power of darkness was above all; their castings of their clothes in the way, their bowing and singings, and all the rest of those wild actions which did any ways tend to dishonor the Lord, or draw the minds of any from the measures of Christ Jesus in themselves to look at ilesh which is as grass, or to ascribe that to the visible which belongs to Christ Jesus. All that I condemn, by which tlic pure name of tlie Lord, has been any ways blasphemed through me, in the time of temptation, or the spirits of any people grieved. And also that letter whicli JAMES NAtLER. 35 vas sent nic to Exeter bv 11. Strantjev, when I »' CD ^ WHS ill prison, with these words : ' Thy name bhali be no more James Nailer, but Jesus.' — this 1 judge to be written from the imagination; and a fear struck nic when 1 first saw it, and so 1 put it in my pocket close, not intending any should- see it ; which they finding on me, spread it abroad, which the simplicity of my heart never owned. So this I deny also, that the name of Christ Jesus was received instead of James Nai- ler, or ascribed to him. — And all these ranting wild spirits wliich then gathered about me in that time of darkness, and all their wild actions and wicked words against the honor of God, iin.l his pure spirit and people; and deny that bad spirit, the power and the works thereof; and as far as I gave advantage, through want of judgment for that evil spirit in any to arise, I take sliame to myself justi}'. And that report, as though 1 had raised Dorcas Erbury from the dead carnally, this 1 deny also, and condemn that testimony to be out of the truth ; though that power that quickens the dead 1 deny j(ot, which is the word of eternal life." "He likewise composed some other pieces, which may be seen in Sewel's History of the Quakers. These people had disowned him dur- ing his extravagant flights, but after his repen- tance, they re-admitted the lost sheep into their societ}'. About the latter end of October, lG60, Nailer et out from London towards the north, with an o |36 JAMES NAILER. intention of going homo to his wife and children, who stDl lived at AVukefield. Some miles be- yond Huntingdon he was taken ill, having, as it. was reported, been robbed by the way, and left bound. Whether he received an3' personal in- jury is not recorded, but being found in a field^. by a countryman, towards evening, he was car- ried to a friend's house, at Holm, near King's Ripton, where he expired in November, I66O. Such was the end of this enthusiast, who ren- dered himself as miserable as possible, without doing any service to mankind. From him we learn that a most abundant source of error and delusion, and a principle the most mischievous of any in its consequences, is a spirit of enthu- siasm, spurred on by ambition and pride. Tliis blind and ungovernable guide has, at different times, led an incredible number of persons of weak judgment and strong imagination, through a maze of such strange and imaccountable follies, us one would imagine, could never have entered . into the thoughts of a being endowed with rea- son — such follies as have rendered the persons possessed with them a plague to the world, as well as to themselves; while their actions have been a disgrace to human nature, and a scandal to the christian name. It therefore behoves every rational person to take particular care to preclude the access of so disagreeable a guest in- to his bosom, not only for his own sake, but for that of the society of which he is a member. MRS. MOIS^TAGUE. This lady, was daughter of M:ittbe\v "Robinson Esq. late of VV^est Lax'ton in Yorkshire a;ul Hor- ton in Kent, and sister to Lord Rolceby of eccen- tric nieinory. Slie was born about the ve;rated Dr. Conyers Middleton, the author of the Hie of Cicero, aufl other admir- ed pubfications. Under a tutor of such r.b/diries it is no wonder that Miss lv()hi!wot\ 'Nhould liave displayed an early propciisiiy tor literary pursuits; nay, it is even said that she had trans- cribed the whole of the Spectator at cii;ht vcars of age. This report almost exceeds belief, though it has been attested by the best autlioritv, and was always solemnly affimcd by Dr. Monsev, a particular friend of Dr. Middleton, as well a.» of the lady herself. From the respectability of her connexions Miss Robinson was introduced to the acquaintance of many of the most distinguished characters of her time. With the amiable Lord Lyttletonshc was on terms of the greatest intimacy, and hud he been free from matrimonial ties, she might have coinniandedhis title and fortune. It is well known that she assistt-il this nobleman in the composi- tion of his Diiiiugues of llis Dead, and some ol VOL. 0. — NO. 18. Y 2 MTJS. MONTAGUE. the best portions of that work were acknowledg edbyliis lordship to haveproeeedetliVom her pen It lias beeu imagined that slu- was at one time at tached to Pultciicy, the celebrated earl of Bath. >>h'e afterwards accompanied tluii nobleman and his lady on a tour through Germany. Miss llol)inson conl'erred her hand on Edward aMontague E«.(|. of Denton Castle in Northum- berland, grandson to the Hrst Earl of Sandwich, uhom she survived many years. ^Ve have alrea- dy seen that the early proinise of her literary ge- nius was not disappointed in her maturer years. She was not only a good scholar but possessed u sound judgment and excellent taste. These led her to com pose her Esstn/ on the 1\rit'nigs and Ge- nius of iShiihcspeaie, in answer to the frivolous ob- jections of Vohaire. This performance, the only avowed production of lier pen, must always rank with the best illustrations of the powers of the En- glish bard, his not an elaborate exj)osition of ob- scure passages, but a comprehensive survey of the sublimity of his genius, of his profound knowledge of human nature, and of the wonderful resources of his imagination. The Erench critic with his usu- al as[»erity presuiiies to censure the father of the IJriti^jh drama for defects which he does not [)Os- scss, and exaggerates the im|)roprieties that are lo he fuuiui in his wriiings. The truth is, that the- proihu'tiou"^ of no mortal can hoa-st of perfec- tiijM^ that considerable allowtmce must be iiiiidc for the complexion of the times wnen the poet lived; and, lu^ilv; thni Voilaire, being not tho MRS. JMON'TAGUE. C roughly acqujiiiiled with the English language, was by no nieuns competent to the task he had undertaken, in tliiis sitting in judgment on tlic oinameni and gloiy of our country. jNlany able Judges of literary merit have pro- nounced an cLjlogium on Mrs. Montague's per- formance, and even fastidious readers have pe- rused it with pleasiue: there is a neatness in the style, and clearness in theairang«.-ment, and a be* nevolence in the tendency and design of her ob- iservations. But we will ifot conceal from our lea- ders that the colossal Johnson gioicled, and vented his spleen in ill-natured expressions con- cerning it. We cannot, however, deem him an unerring oracle : he reprobated Gray, whose writings have attracted frojn the public iiO small degree of adinjiation. The epistolary correspondence of Mrs. Mon- tague possessed much playfulness of fancy; she, in this department, exceeded even her cele- brated female name-sake, whose letters, how- ever doubtful their orgin, were marked for ap- propriateness of spirit and gracefulness of expres- sion. By some, the subject of this memoir had the palm of superiority assigned her. Her. epis- tolary excellence particularly displayed iijcif in her correspondence wiiii Dr. Mousey, physician . to Chelsea Colle2,e, to whotn she wrote duriny; her excursion through Germany. He lived to a , very advanced Bge. The follow ing is an extract of a letter of pleasantry from this lady to Dr. Monsey, dated Jan. J785;— V 2 MRS. MONTAGUEi *' MY DEAR DOCTOE. *• 1 FLATTER myself you do not love me loiis -vehemently at ninety than you did at eighty- nine. Indeed I feel mv passion for vou increase yearly: a miser does not love a new guinea , or aa antiquary an oW one, more than 1 do you ; like a virtuGsOy I admire the verd mitifjne on your character, and set a higher price on your affec- tion every dav if the winter of the year had teen as pleasant as the winter of your age, 1 should have calk-d on you at Chelsea before thi« tiflne, buflthas been so harsh and'scvere, that 1 dnrst not venture myself abroad under its influ- tnce," &c. In private life, Mrs. M. was an example of liberal discretion and rational benevolence. Her hand was extended to the protection of genius and to the relief of distress. Her mansion was the resort of distinguished characters, and all ■\scre ready to pay the homage due to the endovv- ments of her head and to the amiable qualities of her heart. Owe sin-djular instance of lier benevo- lence must not be passed over unnoticed: — for so'qi€ years previous to iier decease, she annually fc.itei.«ii.ied, on the first day of INia}', with roast "h.^f PTld plumb-pudding, the chimnn/szceq.ers of the metropolis, in the court-yard of her house, iu. Portman-square ! It was re[)orted that her pre- dilection for the sooty tribe originated in her hav- ing ortce lost a child, which she found amongst tliein. But this cannot be a fact, for she never had u family. Tiic real cause was, her delight to dc HON. MRS. GODFREY. O good ; and, in imitation of Jonas Ilnnway, sire thought her regards were particularly 'Int.- to this unfortunate class of society. Mrs Montague died at her house in Portnian-squarc, 1800, ha- ving reached an advanced age. Notwithstanding the mean opinion of iSIrs. Montague's Pmciication,\\\nc\\ Dr. Johnson pro- fessed to entertain, and which was one of those into which he was souietimcs goaded either by peevishness or the importunity of his friends; we find him on another occasion expressing the tol- iowing, and which were probably his real senti- ments concerning this lady; " She did not make a trade of her wit, but was a veiy extraordinary woman. She had a constant stream of conver- sation, and it was always impregnated ; it had always meaning." But whatever pretensions she might have to wit or talents, it is much more pleasing to be able to assert, that her virtues and the goodness of heart which she displayed throughout a long: life, deservedly entitle her to the esteem and imi- tation of posterity. HON. MRS. GODFREY. The history of this lady serves to shew the dan- ger of too precipitate an interment of persons, in whom life is suddenly to all appearance extin- guished. She was mistress of the Jewel-oflicCj Y 3 t> HON. MRS. GODFnEY. atul sister to the great duke of Marlborough. During her residence at Tiinbridge, in 172'2, she conceived sucli an esteem for the family of Miss Seal, afterwards, mother of the celebrated Mr?. Bellamy, that she offered to bring her up and have her educated in every respect the same as her own daughter. Miss Godfrey. Mrs. Seal, how- ever, having at this time no reason to doubt that her child was amply provided for, politely de- clined the offer, but agreed, that on Mrs. God- frey's return to town for the winter, she should ac- company, and spend three or four monilis with her. That season bein;^ now come, Mrs. Godfrey set out for London, and upon her arrival, beard that her no!)!e brother was given over by his pliysicians; but having been for some time at variance with the duchess, on account of her ex- ])Osing, though reduced to a state of second childhood, the man who had rendered himself so famous— an imprudence which deservedly gave offence to Mrs. Godfrey, she had not the satisfac- tion of seeing him before he died. Here, it must be observed, that the Duchess of Marlborough, much to her discredit, used to take the duke witli her in the coach, whenever she went abroad, even upon the most trivial occasions, exhibiting as a public spectacle the hero who had lately kept nations in awe, and whose talents in the cabinet were equal to his valour and military knowledge in the field. Mrs. Godfrey was prevented, by this disa- 3 HON. MRS. GODrREY. 7 grcpment, from paying a visit herself at Marl- borough-house, to condole with her sister-in-law on the loss which their family and the nation had sustained. Having, however, an inclination to lg advantage of this inci- dent, prudently gave orders that she should by no means be made acquainted with what had happened, lest it should make a melancholy im- pression on her mind; and to the day of hec death she remained ignorant of the circurastauce,. GODIVA. This lady was the wife of Leofiic, F.arl of JSlercia, and with her husband, founded in 1043 a monastery for an abbot and twenty-four Bene- dictine monks, at Coventry, which was dedicated to the Vu-gin Mary, St. Peter, and St. Osburgh. Leofric and his lady, who botli died about the latter end of the reign of Edward the Confessor, were buried in the cliurchof the abbey they had founded. The former seems to have been the first lord of Coventry, and the latter its greatest benefactress, as will appear from the following extraordinary and indeed romantic tradition, \\hich is not only firmly believed at Coventry, but is recorded by many of our historians.: — The earl had granted the convent and city many ^ valuable previleges ,• but the inliabitants havingj, offended him, he imposed on them very heavyy taxes; for the great lords to whom the towns belonged, under che Anglo Saxons, had that pri^,^ vilege, which cannot be exercised at present by!| any but the house of commons. The people complained grievously of the severity of the taxes, and applied to Godiva, the earl's lady, a^. woman of great piety and virtue, to intercede in their favour. She willingly complied with their request, but the earl remained inexorable: he Tuiil his ladv, that weie she .to rid.e nakud through 30 eODivA. the streets of the city, lie would remit the tax— - meaning that no persuasion whatever should pre- vail with him, and thinki^ig to silence her hy the strange proposal ; but she, sensibly toiR'hed by the distress of the city, generously accepted the terms. She therefore sent notice to the magis- trates of the town, with the strictest orders that all doors and windows should be shut, and that- no person should attemj)t to look out on pain of' death. These precautions being taken, the lady rode through the city covered only with her fine flowing locks. While riding in this manner through the streets, no one dared to look at her, except a poor taylor, who, as a punishment, it is said, for his violating the injunction of the noble lady, which had been published with so pious and benevolent a design, was struck blind. This taylor has been ever since remembered by the name of Peeping Toni, and in memory of the event, his figure is still kept in the win- dow of the house from whence it is said he grati- fied his curiosity.— The lady having thus dis- charged her engagements, the earl performed his promise, and granted the city a charter, by which they were exempted from all taxes. As a proof of the truth of this circunjstance, in a window of Trinity church are the figures of the carl and his lady, and beneath the following inscrip- tion: — " I, Leofric, for tlic love of thee, " Dosef Coioiitry toll free." To this day, the benevolent act of Godiva ii JOHN ORME. H snniially coinincnioriitccl on Friday ia Trinity wt't'k, when a valiant t'air-one rides, not literally like the u:ood eonntess, but in silk, closelv iilted to her limbs, and oF c<^lour emulating her com- plexion. The figure oF Peeping Tom, in the great street, is also new dressed on the occa- sion. — Mr. O'Keete has [)roduced a musical en- tertainment on this subject, written with all the delkacij the subject would admit. JOHN OIIME. JT must be a sidijcct of pain to every liumane mind, that by the admission of circumstantial evidence into the system of the criminal judica- ture of Britain, innocent persons have frequent- ly suffered the punishment due to guilt. The subject before us affords ati instance of as re- markable an escape from this fate as can, per- haps, be produced. John Oakes resided at ]Macclcsfield, in Che- shire, where he followed the hmnble occupation of a collier, and by his industry siij)ported a large family. About the year J78-5, two persons, named Lowe and Oakes, chaiiied with coininir. \>Qve apprehended at iSJaeelesfield. Oakes was merely a carrier, and Lowe the aeUiuI maker of the base coin; but as the law acin^iis of no acces- sary, every person assisting being u j)rineijMil, Oakes was convicted and executed. Lowe was J2 JOHN OIiME. , more fortunate ; though found gi illy, and sen- tence passed, in consequence of a flaw in the in- dictment (the omission simply of the particle ov) his case was referred to the opinion of the twelve judges, and his life saved. About this period a man, a stranger from Birmingham, arrived at Macclesfield, and took a room in the house of Orme, under the pretext of keeping a school. Here he remained a few ^veeks, till a vacation time came on, when he told his landlord, Orme, he should go and see his friends at Birmingham, and on his return would pay his rent. Stopping, however, longer than he promised, Orme from necessity hroke open his lodger's door; when on entering the room he found a crucible for coining, with a few bnse shillings, the latter of which he put care- lessly into his pocket, but, as he solemnly pro- tested, did not attempt to utter them. A few days after this circumstance, some cot- ton having been stolen from a mill in the neigh- bourhood, a search-warrant was granted, when among others, the constables entered Ortne's house, where they found the above article for coining. As might naturally be si-pposed, they concluded that Orme was a party with Lowe and Oakcs, and seized the instrument eagerly carr}'- ing it before a magistrate. A warrant was im- mediately granted to apprehend Orme on a charge of coining, and lie was taken from his employment at the bottom of a coal-pit. On •iheu' way to the magistrate's ofliee, he was in- JO«N ORME. IS formed by the constables of the nature of the charge against him; when, recollecting the base money he hnd in his pockety just as he was en- tering tlie office, his fears got so much the as- cendancy over liis prudence, that he hastily put his hand into his pocket, and taking out the shil- lings, crammed them into his mouth, from wliicn they were taken b}' a constable. A circum- stance apparently so conclusive against the prisoner, could not fail to have its weight \vitli the jury at his trial, and the poor fellow^ was convicted. Judgment of deatli was accord- ingly passed by the late Lord Alvan'ly, thent he Hon. Pepper Arden. Ormc was sentenced to die with Oakes, but a few days before that which was appointed to be his last, a brother of Orme's resident in Lon- doi», a cheese-factor and hop-merchant in the Borough, arrived at Chester with a respite for a fortnight. In this interval a gentlemati ac- quainted with the circumstances of the case, drew^ up a petition to the fountain of meroy, iW king, and principally assisted by the Late Kolls Legh, Esq. procured the signatures of a consi- derable part of the grand jury to the same. — Orme's respite expired at one o'clock on IMon- day, the hour that was to terminate his earthly existence. On the Saturday night preceding, his friends waited at the post-ofllce with an anx- iety and solicitude that words can but faintly de- scribe : at the hour of eleven, the unpropitious VOL. 2. — NO. 17. z ]l JOHN ORMt:. niul niiwelcoiric iii[brii)ation arrived that all had failed. This failure had arisen in consequence of the prisoner attemptint^ to break out of gaol after sentence had been passed : and here the rough but honest blnniness of Mr. liolls Legh ought not Lo be forgotten, — On applying to the foreman of the grand jnry to sign the [)etition, the latter objected, saying, ■*' he could not, as Orme had attempted to breakout of the castle." AJ r. Legh exclaimed — " By G — d so would you, if you were under sentence of death," Notii ray of hone was now left, and the un- fortunate' prisoner had no expectation of living beyond the; appointed moment. Accordingly the dreadful aceoinpaniments of a public, ig- nominious deaih. were prepared — a hurdle to take his body to the iaral tree (as in cases of petry treason), the sheriif 's ofticers were all summon- ed, and a cortin was made to receive his remains. Supported by conscious innocence, never was a man better prepared to meet so awful an end than Orme; all the Sutiday his mind was serene, placid, and comfortable, not the least emotion, not even a sigh escaped him; and when the news arrived of his deliverance from death, he silently received it with apparent disappointment. Aboui; ten o'clock on that night the king's special nies- sehger arrived with a reprieve, the persevering and fraternal atlcetion of his brother having; ul- t.iu'iately succeeded. He sullered, however, five • ars incnrceratioii iji the castle, fibm-the time (if Ills- reprieve, and .ti)e governor, the late-Mr.' i .lithf'iil Thomas, has-been heard to say, he did a- much irood in rearlint"; reliuious tracts to. the; ])risoners, as any ordinary could possibly -have 'ione in the sanie poricKl. , . . He survived 'his liberation (procured by. the late Judge Beareroii) nearly sixteen year^; bi()UG;ht up a lar2:e family bv honest indiisiry, and his memory, we hope, will bo e-mbahue ! Muion, Ehpj 111, '•' IJulstrodc 5th Julv, 1779." 212 MARY DRLANY. The following pleasing anecdote relative to tl is subject slioiilil not be otnitted : — Mrs. Delanw while in [rclaiid was presented with a citron, the seeds ol" which she ])hinted, and reared to a tree, which. at the time of her leaving that country vvas= in its perfection. A\ hen she was become ena- mored of her new work, she often wished to per- petuate the tree she had lelt behind her, and in- timating this wish to the duchess dowfio;er of ]^ort!and, her noble friend with that benevo- lence which distinguished lier character, contriv- ed to gel the tree sent over to Bulstrode.- As soon as it was recovered from the accidents of so long a journev, it was placed in the gallery,' and when Mrs. Delany admired the beauty of the plant, she was informed by her grace that it was the identical tree she liad so often been desirous of obtaining. I'hc celebrated Mr. Keate hap- pened to pay a visit at Bulstrode, just as Mrs. Delany had finished the portrait of a branch of lier favourite citron-tree: and hearing the history of it, a desire was excited in him, of commemo- rating an •event, which g^ve him an 0[>portunity of recording the abilities of M.rs. Delany, and tlic discerning and attentive frienrls.hip of the duchess. This he accordingly did in an elegant co])V of verses entitled " A I'etition from ]Mrs. ])elany's Citron Tree to lier grace the Duchess ilowagev of Portland." In I78G ^Irs. Delany lost her sight, and on Jho l.")lh of .April 1788 she expired, al'ter a short uidisposition, at her housQ in St. James's Plucc, EDWARD WORTLEY JiONTAGUE. 23 having nearly coinplcled the eighty eighth year of her age. She was buried in a vauh of St. James's Chureh, and on one of its eohilnns a stone is erceted to her memory brielly recording her descent, niarriatres and character. J\] r. VValpole in the hitcr cchtions of hi^ " An- ecdotes of painting," speaking of a particular pic- inrc, uhich was in t!ie possession of the duchess dowager of Portland, expresses himself in a note as follows: " Tliis j)ortrait the duchess, at her death, l)equeathed to her friend, the widow of ]>r. Delany and e(jrrespondeiit of Dr. Sw'ft: a lady of excellent sense and taste, a paintress in oil, who, at the age of seventy-five invented the art lA' jiaper Mosaic, with which material, colored, she in eight years, executed within twenty of a thousand various Howcrs and Hower- it)g shrubs, with a precision and trutli unparallel- ed." EDWARD WORTLEY I\IOXTAGUE. VA ERE it possible to collect a complete account of the variegated scenes of which the life of this most eccentric person was composed, the work would probably be as entertaining as any in the English language. His father was of the same name as himself, and his mother was Lady Mary Wortlcy Montague celebrated for her accom- pTifihmcnls and her llteiary talents. 24 EDWARD WOETLEY MONTAGUE. Their son was placed for educafion at West- minster School, but from that seminary he nm away three several times. Exchanging clotlies with a chimney-sweeper, he followed for some time that disgusting occupation. He then en- gaged with a fisherman and cried flounders at \Rotherliithe. He afterwards sailed as a cabin- boy to Spain, where he had no sooner arrived than he ran away from tlie vessel, and hired him- self a driver ol: mules. After leading for some time this vagabond life, he was discovered by the Encjlish consul, who sent him home to his family, by whom he was re- ceived with demonstrations of the most sincere joy. A private tutor was employed to jecover those rudiments of learning, which a life of dis- sipation and vulgarity might have obliterated* He was then sent to the West Indies, where he remained some time, and on his return to England, was chosen a member in two successive parlia- ments. Soon after his reconciliation with his father, , the latter cfied very suddenly, without having al- tered his will, as he intended, in favour of his son. Not long afterwards he had the misfortune to offend his mother irreconcileably. The cause of this antipathy was probably an union wliich he is said to have formed with a female who aspired to acharacter no higher than that of a wabherwoman. As the marriai:;e was solemnized in a frolic, he never deemed her sufficiently his wife to cohabit with her, but allowed her a maintenance. Too tBWAUl* \VOR'i'M:V MO NT AG UK. 2^ Too suhtnissive to be troublesome on account of tbe conjiigjil rigius, she lived content on this stipend. \\'hatever might have been the cause of his mother's inflexible aversion, certain it is that she cut him off with a shilling from all the inheri- tance she ever had it in her power to leave him. Previous to this event he had quitted liis native country involved in debt, and as if unable to concpier a propensity he had imbibed in early youth, commenced the wandering tiaveller he continued till the time of his dcuth. He was abroad when he received his mother's legacy, which he gave with the utmost gaiety to a friend. By these means a vast estate came to Lord Bute Avho had married the sister of Mr. Montaiiue. Nevertheless, that nobleman v.iih a generosity highly creditable to his heart ceded to his bio- ther-in-law much more than he could possibly have claimed or obtained by litigation. Mr. Montague had very accommodating prin- ciples and a fine constitution for travelling. The last fourteen years of his lii'e were entirely spent in foreign parts, where he became enamored of the dress and manners of Arat)ia, to which he conformed to the end of his liie. Before that lime he had. been frequently heard to say that he had long since drunk his full siuue of wine and strong liquors, and that he had never once beea guilty of a small folly in tlie whole course oi" his hfe. He was now a perfect patriarch in his manners yoL. 2.— NO. 18. 2 a 25 EDWATID MORTLEY MONTAGUfi. and had wives of aliuost every nation. Wherr be was with AYi Bey in Egypt, he had his hous- hold of Egyptian females. At Constantinople the Grecian women had charms to captivate this unsettled wanderer. In short lie knew perfectly well how to accommodate his taste to the coun- try in which he was. But, continually shifting his place, he never permitted his wives to attend him, considering them as bad travelling companions. The best account of the manners of this sin^u- ]ar man is given by tlie late Dr. Moore in his Travels in Italy, in company with the duke of Hamilton. " Hearing," says • this writer, '^ that Mr. Montague resided at V^enice, the duke had 4he curiosity to wait on that extraordinarj' man. He met his Jirace at the stair-head, and led us through some apartments, furnished in the Ve- netian manner, into an inner room in quite a different style. There were no chairs, but he ' desired us to seat ourselves on a sopha while he placed himself on a cushion on the floor, with his le.;s crossed in the Turkish fashion. A vounc: black slave sat by him, and a venerable old man, with a long beard, served us with coffee. ** A ftcr this collation some aromatic gums were brought and burned in a little silver vessel. Mr. Montague" held his nose over the steam for some minutes and simffed up the perfume with peculi- ar satisfaction; he afterwards endeavoured to collect the smoke with his hands, spreading and rubbing it carefully along his beard, which hung b EDWARD WORTLEY MONTAGLE. 2? in hoary ringlets to his girdle. Wc had a great deal ot coMveisatiou with this venerable looking person, who is, to the last degree acute, com- municative and enici raining, and in whose dis^ course and manners are blended the vivacity of a Frenchman with the gravity ot a 7\irk. We .found him, however, wonderfully prejudiced ia favour of the Turkish character and manners, v/hich he thinks intiniteiy preferable to the Euro- pean, or those of any other nation. " He describes the Turks in general as a peo- ple of great sense and integrity^ the most hospi- table, generous and the happiest of mankind. He talks cf returning as soon as possible to Egypt, which he paints as a perfect paradise; and thinks that, had it not been ether wise or- dered for wise purposes, of which it does not become ns to judge, the children ofIs.vael would certainly have chosen to remain where they were, and have endeavored to drive the Egyptians to the jfind of Canaan. "' Though INIr. Montague hardly ever stirs abroad, he returned the duke's visits; nuA as we were not provided with cushions, he sat, while he staid, upon a sophn, witii his legs under him^ as he had done at his own house. This posture by long habit is now become the most agreeable to him, and he insists on its being by far the most natural and converslent; but indeed he sceins to cherish the same opinion with respect to ail the customs which prevail among the Turks. Icould not help mentioning one which I suspect- £ A 2 «8 edwaud avortlry montaguit. cd would be thought both unnatural and incon- venient by at least one half of the human race; thtit of the men beina: allowed to engross as many ivomen as they can maintain, and conftnino; them to the most insipid of all lives within their ha- rems. ' No doubt/ replied he, ' the women are ail enemies to polygamy and concubinage; and there is reason to imagine that this aversion of theirs, joined to the great influence they have in a!i christian countries has prevented Maho- metanism from making any progress in Europe. 'J'he Turkish men, on the other hand/ continued he, ' hiive an aversion to Christianity equal to" thi'.t which the christian women have to the reli- gion t)t' Mahomet. Auricular confession is per- fectly horrible to their imagination. Nc Turk, of any delicacy, would ever allow his wife, par- ticularly if he had but one, to hold private con- ference with a man, on any pretext whatever. '' I took notice that this aversion to auricular confession could not be a reason for the Turks' dislike to the protestant religion. ' That is true/ said he, ' but you have other tenets in common, with the catholics, which renders your religion as odious as theirs. You forbid polygamy and concubinage, which, in the eyes of the Turks, who obey the dictates of the religion they em- brace, is considered as an intolerable hardship. Besides, the idea which your religion gives of heaven is by no .means to their taste. ]f they believed your account, they would think it the most tiresome and comfortless place in the uni- EDWARD WORTLEY MONTAGUE. 29 verse, and not one Turk among a thousarKl would go to the christian heaven if he had his choice. Lastly, the christian religion considers women as creatures upon a level with meji, and equally entitled to every enjoyment both here and hereafter. When the Turks are told this,' added he, ^ they are not surprised at being in- formed also, that women, in general, are bettec christians than men; but they are perfectly asto- nished that an opinion which tliey think contra.- ry to common sense, should subsist among the rational, that is to say, the male part of chris- tians. It is impossible,' added Mr. Montague^ * to drive it out of the head of a raussulmanj that women are creatures of a subordinate spe- cies, created merely to comfort and umuse mesi during their journey through this vain world, but by no means worthy of accompanying be- lievers to Paradise, where females, of a nature ftu" superior to women, wait with impatience to receive all pious mussuhnans into their arras.' ** It is needless to relate to you any more of our conversatiotu A ladv to whom [ was 2;iving» an account of it the day on which it happenerl, could with difficulty allow me to proceed thus far in my narration ; but interrupting me with im- patience, she said, slie was surprised I could re- peat all the nonsensical, detestable, impious maxims of the odious MahonKtans ; and she thought Mr. Montague should be sent back to Egypt with his long beard, and not be allowed iQ propagate opiaiyns, the bare tat:'ntion ofvvhich, fi A3 30 EDVARD WORTLEY MONTAGUE. however reasonable they might appear to Turks, oucrht not to be tolerated in anv Cliristian land." Tlie concluding transactions oi' the remarkable life of Mr. JMontai^ue have been thus related : X)uring his residence at Venice^ he received in- telligence of the death of the original Mrs. Mon- tague, the washerwoman, and as he had no issue by her, his estate was likely to devolve to the se- cond son of Lord Bute. To prevent this he re- solved to return to England and marry. He ac- Cj'.iainted a I'riend with his intentions, and com- inissioned that friend to advertise for any young decent w oman who might be in a pregnant state. The advertisement was inserted sliortly after in one of the morning papers, and consisted of the following words : — " jNlatrimony. A gentleman wlio hath filled two succeeding seats in parlia- ment, is near sixty years of age, lives in great splendour and hospitality, and from whom a con- siderable estate must pass if he dies without is- sue, hath no objeelion to marry any widow or si'.igle lady, provided the part}"^ be of genteel birtli, polished manners, and live, six, seven, or eight months gone in her pregnancy. Letters directed to Brecknock, Esq. at Will's Coffee-house, facing the Admiralty, will be ho- noured with due attention, secrec}', and every possible mark of respect." Several ladies an- swered this advertisement, one of whom was se- lected as being the most eligible object. She waited with eagerness for the arrival of her expec- ted brld<>groom from Venice; but^ while he was JOHN JAMES HEIDEGGER. SI on his journey, death arrested hiin in his ca- reer. This account, however, has been positively con- tradicted, and if the former statement relative to the generosity of Lord Bute be correct, it cer- tainly appears higiily improbable that Mr. Mon- tague would behave in the manner here describ- ed, towards the family of that nobleman. Cer- tain it is, that, on his return to his native coun- try, in the passage from jNlarseilles to England, he v/as choaked with the bone of a becca-Jigua in J77G. iMr. Montague possessed great natural abilities, and an abundant portion of acquired knowledge. ^\"itl^ the Hebrew, tlie Arabic, Chaldean, and Persian languages he was as well acquainted as with his native tongue. He published several pieces ; among the rest, a tract entitled, *' Re- riections on the rise and fall of ancient Repub- lics," and another, " On the Exploration of the Causes of Eartliquakes." JOHN JAMES HEIDEGGER. Few characters have a jnster claim to a place in our collection than John James Heidegger. He was the son of a clergyman of Zurich, in Switzerland, where he was born about the year Ifi.-jf). Arrived at years of manliood, he marriecJ, but left bis country in consequence of an intrigue. 3<2 JOHN JAMES HEIDEGGER. Having visited the principal courts of Europe, ill the humble station of a domestic, he acquired n taste for elegant pleasures ; which, joined to a strong inclination for voluptuousness, by degrees <]ualifiGd him for the management of public •amusements. In 1708, Heidegger came to England, where, by his address and ingenuity, he soon obtained the chief direction of the opera house and mas- querades. In this situation he is said to have accumulated a fortune of five thousand pounds per annum. He possessed an extraordinary me- mory, and great facility of writing operas ; but his person, though tall and well made, was un- eomujonly disagrceai)le, from the excessive ug- liness of his face, which wi'.s scarcely human. Heidetrsicr was one of the first to joke on his^ own ugliness and once laid a wager with Lord Chesterfield that, within a certain time, his lord- ship would not be able to produce so hideous a face in all London. After a strict search, a wo- man was found whose features were, at first sight, thought even stronger than those of the Count, as he was ludicrously called ; but on clapping her liead-drcss upon him, he was universally allowed iQ be the ugliest. This singiar man who, in the twelfth number of the Tatler, is humorously styled a Surgeon, m allusion to his preparing the singers at the Opera house, lived on terms of great familiarity with, the nobility of the lime, who, however sometimca JOHN JAMES HEIDEGGER. ' 33 madcliiin j)ay deaily for it. Of tliis the follow- ing curious anecdote is recorded : The facetious Duke of Montagvie, (the memo- rable author of tlie Bottle- conjuror at tl)e ] lav- market), gave an entertainment at the Devil Tavern, to several of the nobility and gentry, se- lecting the most convivial, and a few hard drink- ers, who were in the plot. Heidegger was in- vited, and in a few hours after dinner was so drunk, that lie was carried out of the room, and laid insensible upon a bed : a profound sleep ensu- ed, when i\Jrs, Salmon's daughter was introduced, who took a niould from his face in plaister of l^iris : from this a mask was made; and a lew days before ihe next masquerade, at whicli the king promised to be present, with the Countess of Yarmouth, the duke made aj)pIicavion *-" riei- degger's valet de chambrc, to kn'^" what sort of of clothes he was likely tc we^f ; f^"'' '^''en procui;; ing a similcir dress, and a person of tlie same sta- ture, he gave him Wis insiructions. On the even- ing of the masquerade, as soon as Ins majesty was seated (who was always known by the con- ducter of the entertainment, and by the ofHcers of the court, tliough concealed by his dress Iroin the rest of the company), Heidegger, as usual, ordered the music to play ' God save the King ;' but his back was no sooner turned, than the false Heidegger, ordered them to play ' Over the water to Charley.' Tlie whole company were instantly thunder-struck, and all the courtiers, not in the plot, were tluown into a stupid consternation. 34 JOHN JAMES HEIDEGfiER. Heidegger flew to the music j^allery, swore, stamp- ed, raved, accused the musicians of drunkenness^ or of being suborned to ruin him. The king and the countess laughed so immoderately, that they 1-azaided a discovery. While Heidegger stood in the gallery, ' God save the king' was ilie tune j but when, after setting mafters to rights, he re- tired to ovie of the dancing rooms, to ol>serve if decorum was kept by the company, the counter- feit stepped forward, and placing himself upon the floor of the tneatre, just before the music jrallery, called out i\i an audible voice, imitating H<:idegger, saying tiiey were blockheads, bad not he just told them \o play * Charley over the water r' A pause ensued ; the musicians, who knew his character, in their turn, thought him eiiv.^. fiiutik or mad ; but as he continued his '^^^'^^'"''^^'"^'■^^ Charley was played again. At this repetition of the bo pposed affront, some of the olhcersofthe guards were for ascending the gal- lery, and kicking the musiciajis nut ^ but the then Puke of Cumberland, who could hardly con- tain himself, interposed. The company were thrown into the greatest confusion ;—' Shame ! slit.me !' resounded from all parts, and Heidegger once more flew in a violent rage to that part^'of the theatre facing the gallery. Here the Duke of Montague artfully addressing himself to him, told him ' the king was in a violent passion ; that his best Wily wa^s to go instantly and make an apology, for certainly the musicians were mad mid afterwards distUargc them.' Almost in the CORNELIUS KETEL. 35 same instant he ordered the false Heidcsrccr to da CO tl)e same. Tlie scene now became truly comic before the king. Heidegger had no sooner made a gentle apology for the insolence of his musici- ans, but the false Heidegger advanced, and in fi plaintive tone cried out, " Indeed, sire, it was not my fault, but that devil's in my likeness." Poor Heidegger turned round, stared, staggered, grew pale, and could not utter a word. The duke then humanely whispered in his ear the sum of his plot, and the countericit was ordered to take oSl his mask. Here ended the frolic ; but Heidegger swore he would nevei? attend any pub- lic amusement, if the wax-work woman did not break the mould, and melt down the mask before bis face. Whatever mav have been the faults or foibJes of Heidegger, they were far exceeded by his charity, which was abundant. He died in the year 1749, at the advanced age of ninety years. CORNELIUS KETEL. This whimsical painter was a native of Gouda, irtthe Netherlands. He early prosecutedbis art with great ardor, under the direction of an unckj who was a tolerable proficient in painting, but a better scholar. Ketel after having practised in France and in his oec- tion with Capt. Bellamy, to be of an honorable nature. Accordingly, Miss Bellamy was put out to nurse till she was two years old: and, at the age of four, was placed, for her educatioa,^ 2 B 3 0" GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. at a convent at Boulogne, where she conthiued till she was eleven. On being ordered home, a Mr. Du Vail, who had been a domestic of his lordship's, but now lived in St. James's-street, Tsras directed to meet her at Dover; and with bini she resided till his lordship's- return from Portugal, when he received her in the most pa- rental manner, and soon took her lo a little box he had hired in Bushy-park. Here she wa& in- troduced to all his visitors, who were chiefly the witly and the gay; and who, the more effectual- ly to please Lord Tyrawley, were lavish in their praises of his daughter, and very early tainted her mind with the pernicious influence of flat- tery. His lordship being soon after appointed am- bassador to Russia, she was left under the care of a lady of quality, with an annual allowance of lOOl. and under an express injunction not to see her mother. The latter, however, who had mar- ried again, and whose husband, after stripping her of every -thing valuable had deserted her, prevailed upon her daughter to quit her kind protectress, and live with her. In consequence of this, the ample allowance, which had been her mother's inducement lo this imprudent step, was withdrawn, and Miss Bellamy was renounced by her father. Soon after, Mr. Bich, of Covent Garden The- atre, having by accident heard her repeat some passages in Othelto, engaged her as a performer. She l)ud perfected herself in the characters of G n 15 G E A N N E B E L L A M V. 7 jNIonimia and Atlienais, and the former was fixed on for her first appearance. Mr. Quin, when she was introduced to him, and who go- verned the theatre with a rod of iron, while Mr. Rich^ though proprietor, was, through his indo-. ]ence a mere cypher, insisted on the impropriety of a c/iild's attempting a character of such im- portance, and recommended to her to play Ser/na instead of Monimia. Rich, however, persevered in bringing her forward in her chosen character. A rehearsal was called, when the fair adventurer was treated by the compony with sovereign con- tempt. Mr. Quin who was to play Chamont, was absent, Mr. Hale mnmhled over Castalio, and Mr. Ryan zchhtled Polydore ; but as she had the opportunity of seeing the piece performetl at Drury Lane Theatre the night before her ap- pearance, it gave her a sufficient knowledge of the business of the play. Her performance met with universal approbation, and the congratula- tions of Quin, while Rich expressed as much tri- umph as he usually did on the success of one of his darling pantomimes. The talents displayed by Miss Bellamy on her fii-st appearance gained her the friend^hip of Quin, who in order to compervsale for the con- temptwith which he had before treated her, was liow warmer, if possible, in his eulogiums than be had before been severe in his sarcasms. Nor was applause the only tribute he paid to hej* merit; but various circumstances prove that he entertained a real friendship for her. He en- B GEOI^CEANNE BELLAMY. cinii-ed into the circumstances of her fauiily, and ia the uiost delicate manner supplied theiriinme- diate wants. He sent Miss Bellamy a general invTtation to the supper, he usually gave four times a week, enjoining her at the same time ne- ver to come alone : jocularly observing that he was not too old to be censured. The natural benevolence of that s:entleman is honorably displayed in the following anecdote. One day after the rehearsal, he desired to speak with Miss Bellamy in his dressing room. As lie liad always carefully avoided seeing her alone, ghe was not a little surprised at such an invita- tion. She was apprehensive that she liad of-" fended a man whom she now loved as a father, but her fears were not of long duration. As soon as she had entered his dressing-room, h& took her by the hand with a smile of inexpressible benignity. " My dear girl," said lie, *' you are vastly foil-owed 1 hear. Do not let the love of finery or any other inducement prevail upon you to commit an indiscretion. Men in general are rascals. You are young and engaging, and there- fore ought to be doubly cautious. If you want any thing in my power, which money can pur- chase, come to me, and say * James Quin, give me such a thing' and my purse shall be always at your service." This noble instance of genero- sity drew tears of gratitude into Miss Bellamy's eyes, w hile drops of humanity, and self-approba- tion, glistened in those of her parental monitor. Having thus happily commenced her theatri- GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 9 cal career, she had the good fortune to acquire the patronage of the first ladies of distinction ; and, at the same time, had among the gentlemen, many professed admirers, among whom was Lord Byron; but as she would listen' to nothing but marriage and a coach, his lordship chagrined at her rejecting his own terms, contrived a plan to be revenged ; in consequence of which a no- ble earl, a friend of his lordship called, one Sun- day evening, to inform her, that Miss B , an intimate of hers, was in a coach, at the bottom of Southampton-street, and wished to speak to her: when, on going to the coach-door, without bat or gloves, she was suddenly hoisted into it by his lordship, and carried off as fast as the hordes could gallop. When a little recovered from her astonishment, which at first had deprived her of utterance, she gave free vent to her reproaches. The coach soon stopped in a lonely place at the top of North Audley-?treet, fronting the fields; Oxford-street, at that time, not extending so far as it does at present. Here the earl got out, and took her into his house. He then left her, as he said, to prepare a lodging for her, which he had already seen at a mantuci-maker's in Broad-street, Carnaby-market. He soon -returned: and with him came the person she least expected to soe — her own brother. She instantly f.cw into his arms, but was repulsed so violently, that she fell to theground. The shock of such a repulse from a brother in the moment in which she hoj)ed to find him her protector, deprived her pt her 10 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. senses. Oa her return to sensibility, the only- object that appeared, was an old female servant^ who told her, that she had orders to convey her to the lodgings that had been prepared for her. From this old woman she learned, that her bro- ther had bestowed manual chastisement upon the earl ; but that, as he seemed to suppose that she had consented to the elopement, he had declared he would never see her move. The woman added, that he had threatened the earl and his associate ■with a prosecution, which, had so terrified her master, that he cave orders to have her removed out of the house as soca iis possible, as ber be- inf? found liiere micht malce aa;ainst bun. Miss Bellaiay w^s not a little perplexed to ac- coui>t. for the sudden appearance and extraordi- nary behavior of her brother on this occasion. Sli© afterwards leaaned, that he had just retuia- ed from sea, being a lieutenant in th€ navy, an^ by one of those extraordinary accidents whlclt sometimes occur, be reached Southampton-street just at the moment wheu the coach was driving away with her; that little imagining the person thus treated to be bis sister, he ran after the coach to rescue her,, but without effect., on whicU he proceeded to the house where Miss Bcllam}* and her mother resided. There he was informed of what had happened; he was laow convinced that the female whom he had seen carried oii" was his sister, and kaovving that it would be iai- jiossible to overtake the coach, he thought it Uiore prudent to go directly to the earl's house. GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 11 Not finding him ai. home, he walked about with- in sight of the door, till his lordship returned, when he accosted him in the manner related above : on which he repaired to the house of Lord Bvron whom he accused of being concerned witii the earl in seducing his sister ; but his lordship solemnly denying, upon his honor, any know- ledge of the affair he made no further enquiries. Concluding his sister to be depraved enough to form an illicit connection with an old, unprinci- pled, married man, he immediately set out foi; Portsmouth and left her unprotected. Her elopement having been misrepresented in the newspapers, she wrote her mother airue ac- <^ount, in hopes to retrieve her favour; but Mrs. Bellamy, at the instigation of a wicked female relation, who lived with her, returned her daugh- ter's letter unopened. Thus abandoned by her mother, and too much depressed by public scan- dal to attempt a reinstatement in the theatrical line, the anguish of her mind brought on a fe- ver, that had nearly proved fatal, but of which her youth and constitution at length got the bet- ter. On her recovery, she paid a visit to a fe- male relation of her mother, named Claike, at Braintree, in Essex, whose family being qua- kers, it was probable, had not heard of her dis- grace : and here she met with a very cordial re- ception. The remains of recent ilhiess would have appeared a sufficient motive for this visit, had it not been supposed likewise, that she came Xo claim a legacy of 300l. that had been left to 12 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. lier by a sister of Mrs. Clarke, on condition that she never went upon the stage, and which they paid her immediately, without enquiring whether she had forfeited it. The famous Zacha- ry Moore, who from possessing an estate of 25,0001. a year, was reduced, by his extravagance, at the age of forty, to the necessity of accepting an cnsigncy in a regiment at Gibraltar, happened to be on a visit in that neighbourhood, and unfor- tunately discovered that this picture of sainted simplicity was no less a personage than Miss Bellamy, the celebrated actress. This discovery put a period to her sojourning with" her quaker relation. From Clarke Hall she i-epaired to Ingatestonc, in order to visit Miss White, another quaker re- lation; whose family happening then to be at the yearly meeting at London, she procured ad- mittance into the house of a Roman Catholic farmer, near the town, with whom she boarded for some time. Her account of her residence here, and of the unexpected sight of her mother, has the pleasing air of romance, with the in- teresting charms of truth. All the letters which she had sent to her mother had been unanswer- ed : for they had all been intercepted by the wicked relation before-mentioned ; whose death produced this discovery, and tejminated in a reconciliation between Mrs. Bellamy and her daughter. On her return to town in 1 754, she was en- gaged by Mr. Sheridan, to accompany him as a o. GlfOjrGE ANNE BELLAMY. 13 theatrical recruit to Ireland. Op. lier arrival ther;ave orders to the porter that the stranger should be admitted whenever she came again. . " One morning I had just sat down to break- fast when the person was shewn in. But how >hall I describe to you the figure that entered the room. Picture to yourself a tall, thin, pale, de- jected woman, in whose looks was accumulated every degree of distress and misery. Yet there shone throusih all this wretchedness, something which seemed to declare that site was not bora to suffer indigence. I requested her to sit and enquired her commands. She then informed me, that having lost the use of her hands, slie had been obliged to another to enable her to address me. And as the reason was assigned in the letter which she had sent me, of her nor giving me tlien an explanation, siie reminded me that I had kindly written an answer in which I had de- 2 c "-2 16 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. sired to see her. As soon as she mentioned thi:» I recollected the circumstance. '* Upon my pressing her to drink a dish of chocolate, she requested^ as my maid was in the xoora, she might be permitted to speak with me ulone. As soon as my maid had withdrawn, the stranger threw open a decent cloak that covered her, and displayed such a scene of wretchedpess, as an attempt to describe with minuteness would almost call my veracity in question. Let it sufiicc to say, that her gown, or ilw^ garment which harty. *' Some moiii^' Mx. Calcraft had just before left mfi was "still lyiri^ on- liiy dressing-table. I tg>ok C c 3 ]8 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. vip what there was and gave it to her. It amount- ed to a few guineas only. But the sum exceed- ing; lier expectations, the poyr woman was ready to faint with transport. As soon as she w^as a little recovered, and had found the power of ut- terance, half-choaked wiih the fluttering emo- tions of her grateful heart, she said, ' I did not mean, madam, to intrude upon your generosity, but,—' " She had proceeded thus far, when Mr. Fox entered the room. He saw me so affected that lie was going to retire ; upon which 1 ran to him^ and taking hold ^^ liis hand exclaimed : ' O my dear Sir, you are the very person I want!' As I had never taken the liberty to lay hold of his hand before, and now pressed it most vehement- ly, he imagined from that, and the agitation of jnv whole frame that something of the utmost consequence must occasion it. He therefore en- ouired in what he could oblige me. I repeated the affecting tale, simply as I had just heard it. At the conclusion of it, \ found that I still press- ed his hand between mine and that I kept him standing. 1 was confounded. The earnestness with which I interested myself in my pctitioner'.s woes made me forget the decorum due to the person to whom I was applying in her favor. " I had been in many delicate situations be- fore, but never felt myself in so awkward a one as the present. I could not prevent my tears from flowing; and 1 found simplicity to be more efficacious^ in pleading my own cause as GEORGE ANNE liELLAMY. 19 as well as that of my supplicant than all the stu- died arts of eloquence. While humanity beam- ed from the countenance of the ivorlhy man, he condoled with the lady on her misfortunes, and bidding her be comforted, told her he would see what was to be done for her. Then taking out his pocket-book he gave her a bank-note. The value of it I did not see. My unfortunate visi- tor was op[>ressed before, but now she was over- whefmed. She fell on her knees. Her stream- ing eyes and grateful looks thanked us with in- expressible energy; but her tongue refused its aid upon the occasion, and she took her leave without being able to utter a syllable. '^ I own I felt myself hapffj when Lady Lind- say quitted the room. My sensibility was wound up too high. It became painful. Mr. Fox walked to the window, and by the use he made of his handkerchief, I found that his eyes bore witness to the benevolent emotions of his heart. " In the month of !March following, I had the pleasure to inform Lady Lindsay in person, that her lour children were placed upon the compas- sionate list, with an appointment of ten pounds a year each; and farther, that his jNIajesty, in consi- deration of her late husband's having lost his life while he was bravely fighting in his service, had granted her fifty pounds yearly out of the Treasury, in addition to her pension. " When I had made her happy with this pleasing intelligence, I asked why I had never seen her siin;e her first application to me. Sh^ 5 W GEOrtGE ANNE BELLAMY. replied that the alteration in her family had ta- ken up all her attention; and as she thought I felt too mueh at her distress when she first made me acquainted with it, and perceived that nothing could hurt me so much as thanks, she had refrained from giving me farther pain. She told me that she supposed, I had been, niade*ac- quainted with Mr. Fox's bounty, who had pro- vided against her v.ants for some time, by nobly giving her in the bill I saw, fifty pounds. " Lady Lindsay added, that h.er eldest daugh- ter, the cripple, was luippily released by death from hi^r miserable situation ; and that the child, of whose mental faculties she had been apprehen- sive, was now, to her great coirifort, become one of the most sprightl}' boys of his age. She much - regretted his not being at home to thank me;* ' but,'continued the grateful woman, ' we p^ny for you, and our worthy benefactor every night and morning.' Just as I was taking my- leave the little fellbw came in ; and from the description his mother had, I suppose, given of me, imme- diately knew me ; for he ran to me, and kneeling' dowii> with a graceful ease, kissed my hand. I raised and caressed him ; and desired his motht^r would bring him often to see me. ** Never did I feel more real happiness- than m Btfing th^ means of relieving this amiable woman and her family from the extreme distress in whicU they were involved. The sanie pleasini^ reward attended, I doubt not, the great and good man^ to whosfe noble beneficetice that relief priucipall^r GliOHGIi ANNE BELLAMY. 21 owed its furtherance. How supremely blest are ♦ hose wlid possess as he did, the power as well as liic iiicliiiation to relieve the unfortunate!" The causes to which we have already alluded produced a dissoKition of the connection between Mrs. Bellamy and Mr. Calcratt. Her debts, at this time exceeded ten thousand pounds, the greatest j)art of which sum, was, as she asserts, expended in Mr. Calcraft's housekeeping. That gentleman promised to discharge her debts, but refusing afterwards to fulfil this promise, she was involved during the remainder of her life, in in- extricable difficulties and subjected to frequent arrests. Without following Mrs. Bellamy through her Excursions to the continent and her engage- ments in the theatres both at London and Dub- lin, after leaving Mr. Calcraft, we shall briefly touch on the more prominent events of her sub-' sequent chequered life. In Ireland she became the wife, as she ima- irined of INir. DiG:s?:es, the actor, who was after- wards discovered, to be, like Mr. Calcraft, a mar- ried man. She next formed a connection with Mr. Woodward, a gentleman of the same pro- fession ; he left her in 1777, all his plate, jewels, and a reversion on the death of his brother of seyen huncred pounds, the whole of which ex- cepting about sixty pounds she lost through the cl'icanery of the law. A kind of fatality seemed to pursue her during the last years, of her life. Among other unto- C2 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY, ward circumstances, it appears that a fortune of several thousand pounds, left her by a Mr. Sykes, who died in France, was lost through the villainy of his servant who absconded with his will and effects. Nor should it be forgotten that having incurred the displeasure of Mr. Cohnan, by refu- sing, with some other performers to sign an ap- probation of his conduct as acting manager of Covent Garden theatre, during his dispute with Messrs. Harris and Rutherford, she v,as finally discharged from that liouse. At length we find her obliged to take lodgings, under the name of West, at Walcot Place, Lam- beth, and even reduced to such extremity as to be tempted to put a period to her life. Her re- lation of this dreadful circumstance, which is equally affecting and instructive, is as follows: " I had now parted with every thing that I could raise a shilling upon \ and poverty with all licr horrid train of evils stared me in the face. In this iheadful situation, worn out with cala- mity, and terrified with the gloomy prospect which presented itself to my view, 1 endeavored to persuade myself that suicide could not be a crime. I had no person to look up to. Every body to whom I was related by the ties of blood was abroad. Sir George Metham had presented nie with a temporary relief; but he, as well as all the nobility, was out of town. Not being pos- sessed, as I thought, of a shilling, nor the expec- tation of getting one; oppressed by debt; wifli- out the common necessaries of life; aa useless GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY, 23 member of society — I taught myself to believe that it would be a meritorious action, to free my- self from being any longer the burden I was to the world and myself. I accordingly formed the resolution to puit an end to my existence by throwing myself into the Thames. " Unhappily in this moment of despair, every spark of confidence in heaven was extinguished in my bosom. Inspired by the black ideas which had taken possession of iny mind, I one night left the house between nine and ten o'clock. As there was a door which led from the garden into the road, I went out unperceived ; for I had not resolution to speak to my faithful attendant, whose anxious e^e might have discovered the direful purpose of my heart impressed upon my counte- nance. ^' Having effected, unobserved, my elopement, I wandered about the road and fields, till the clock was on the point of striking eleven, and then made my way towards Westminster Bridge. I continued to rove about till that hour, as there was then a probability that I should not be in- terrupted by any passengers from carrying my desperate design into execution. Indeed I was not without hopes of meeting in St. George's Fields with some freebooters, who would have prevented the deed of desperation, I was about to perpetrate, by taking a life I was weary of. Nor would this have been an improbable expec- tation, had I met with any of those lawless plun- derers tliat oftentimes frequent those parts j for 24 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY, j- tlieir tIisap[)ointment on finding me pennyless, might have excited them to murder me. A con- summation I then devoutly wished. " Having reached the bridge, I descended the steps of the landing-place with a sad and solemn pace and sat down on the lower stair impatiently waiting for the tide to cover me. My despera- tion, though resolute, was not of such a violent kind, as to urge me to take the fatal plunge. As I sat, [ fervently recommended my spirit to that beinsr 1 was sroins: to offend in so unwarrantable a manner,, by not bearing patiently the afflictions he was pleased I should suffer. I even dared to harbour the thought that a divine impulse had given rise to the idea; as if the * Everlasting had not fixed his cannon against self-slaiighier.' " The moon beamed faintly through the clouds, and gave just light enough to distinguish any passenger who might cross the bridge ; but as I was in mournino- there was not any sjreat probability of my being discerned and interrupt- ed. I had taken off my bonnet and apron and laid them beside me on the stairs ; and leaning myhead upon my hands, remained lost in thought, and almost stupified by sorrow and the reflec- tions which crowded upon my mind. " Here pause a moment and admire with me the strange vicissitudes of life ! Behold your once lively friend, reduced from the onjoynvent of ease, affluence, esteem and renown in her profes- sion, to the most desperate state that human wretchedness will admit of,— a prey to penury. GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 25 grlcfj contumely and despair — standing tip-toe on the verge of the world, and impiously daring to rush unbidden, into the presence of her crea- tor ! I shudder at the recollection. Let me draw a veil across it and proceed " In the pensive posture just described, did I sit for some minutes, watching the gently swel- ling tide, and blaming its tardy approach, when it pleased '- tlie Power Unseen that rules tli' illimitable vvor!d» That guides its motions from the brightest star To the least dust of this sin-taiuted mould, to interfere and snatch me from destruction. " 1 was suddenly rouzed frojn niy awful reve- rie by the voice of a woman at some little dis- tance, addressing her child, as appeared from w hat followed, for they were neither of them vi- •sible. In a soft, plaintive tone, she said : ' How, my dear, can you cry lo me for bread, when you know I have not even a morsel to car- ry your dying father !"' She then exclaimed in «ll the bitterness of woe ; ^' My God, my God, what wretchedness can compare to mine ! But thy almighty will be done !" '•' The concluding words of the woman's pa- thetic exclamation communicated instantam.-- ously, like the electric spark, to my desponding Jieart. I felt the full force of the divine admo- nition, and struck with horror at the crjme I had intended to commit, I burst into tears, repeating;, in a sincere ejaculation, the pious sentence she l\'id uttered — 'Thy almighty will be done'' VOL. 2. — NO. ly. '2 i) <2(3 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. "■ As I put my band into my pocket to take out my handkerchief in order to dry my tears, I felt some halfpence there wliieh I did not know I vas possessed of. And now my native humanity* Avhich had been depressed, as well as. every other good propensity by despair, found means to re- sume its power in my mind. Impelled by its pleasing influence, 1 hastily ran up the steps, and having discovered my hitherto invisible mo^ iiitress, gave them to her. I received in return* thousand blessings ; to which I rather thought she had a right from me for having been the means of obstructing my dire intent. '' I now returned to the place where the impi- ous scene was to have been acted and humbly adored that being by v.'hom it had been pre- vented. Having done this, I remounted the steps and found my mind inexpressibly relieved. The gloom which had so lately overwhelmed it ■was in an instant cleared away, and atranquillity, I had long been a stranger to, succeeded it. Such a transition from the blackest despair to peace and hope, I was well assured could only have been effected by some invisible agent ; for I never felt such a ray of comfort diffuse itself through my heart, since those blessed days of in- nocence I ?pent in niy much regretted convent. It came over mv mind as the immortal bard de- scribes the power of iiiusic. -' like ibe sweet south Tliat breathes upon a hank of violets Stealing and givii);^ otior.' CEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 27 Tlie i*eader will not be displeased to find in this place a few miscellaneous anecdotes relative to the subject of this memoir, and various persons with whom she was connected, though they ought in strict propriety to have been introduced in ?m earlier part of the narrative. It was likewise during Mrs. Bellamy's connec- tion Avith Mr. Calcraft that she became ac- quainted with Lord Digb}^, whose mother and Mr. Fox, afterwards Lord Holland, were twins.' The account she gives of the former nobleman is uncommonly interesting, and from the frequent visits he paid at Mr. Caleraft's she had abundant opportunities of becoming acquainted with his character. Among other things she could not forbear remarking- a sin2;ular alteration in his dress and demeanor, which took j>lace at the two gieat annual festivals of Christendom. At Christ- mas <^^(\ Easter, he was more than usually grave, and always v< ore an old shabby I hie coat. Mrs. I5e}lamy, in common with many others attribut- ed this periodical singularity to some affair of the heart,— a supposition which his great sensibility rendered by no ir^eans improbable. Mr. Fox, who had great curiosity, wished much to discover iiis nephew's motive for appear- ing, at times, in this manner, as he v.as, in ge- neral, esteemed more than well-dressed. On c'k^ pressing this desire, two gentlemen, one of v.hom was Major Vaughan, undertook to watch his lordship's motions. They accordingly Set out, and followed him at a distance, to St. Gcorgie's 2 1) 2 . 28 GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. Fields, till they lost sight of him near the Mar- s' alsca Prison. Wondering what could carry a person of his lordship's rank and fortmie to such a place, they enquired of the turnkey, if such a gentleman, (describing him) had not entered the prison. '* Yes, masters/' exclaimed tlie fellow with an oath : but he is not a man, he is an angel. For he comes here twice a year, sometimes oftener, and sets a number of prisoners free. And he not" ®nly does this, but he ^ives them sufficient to' support themselves and families, till they can find emplovment. This, " continued the man," is one of his extraordinary visits. He has but a few to take out to day."—'' Do you know who the gentleman is r" enquired the major — " We none of us know him by any other marks/' re- plied the man, " but his humanity and his blue coat. Having gained this information, the gentle- men immediately returned and reported it to Mr. Fox. As no man possessed more humanity, the recital afforded him exquisite pleasure; but fear- ing his nephew might be displeased at the illicit n)annpr in which the intelligence had been ob- tained, he requested that the knowledge of it might be kept a profound secret. Mrs. Belhuny, however, could not resist her curiosity to make farther eni^uirics concerning an affair u hich aflbrded her extraordinary pleasure. 'I'he next time she saw his lordship in his alms- giving coat, she enquired his reason for wearing GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 29 such a singular dress. With a smile of ineffa- ble sweetness, he replied that hei curiosity should soon be gratified; atlding, tliat as she and liiraself were congenial souls, he would take her with him when he next visited the place to which his coat was adapted. '' A compliment/' says the lady, ** more truly flattering and more acceptable to me than any 1 ever had, or could receive. ' The night before his intended visit, his lord- ship, requested her to be in readiness to go with him the next morning. They accordingly pro- ceeded together to that receptacle of misery, which he had so often visited to the consolation -of its inhabitants. rlis lordship would not suf- fer Mrs. Bellamy to enter the gate, lest the noi- someness of the place should prove disagreeable to her; but ordered the coaclimau to drive to the George Inn, in the Borough, where a dinner was' ordered for the poor wretches he was about to li- berate. There she beheld near thirty persons res- cued from a loathsome prison at an inclement season of the year, it being Christmas^ and not only released from confinement, but restored to their families and friends, with some provision from his lordship's bounty for their immediate support. It is impossible to describe the tribute of gratitude iiis-lordship received from these ob- jects of his benelicence, or ihe satisfaction he derived from the generous act. Not long was Lord Digby permitted to enjoy on earth the liappiness resulting from the exer- cise of his virtues, A few months after the cir- o n «{ ,-50 GEOUGE ANNE BELLAMY. ciimstance recorded above, lie went to Ireland t« \isit his estates in that country. Being obliged, by the mistaken hospitalitj' of the natives of that island to drink more tiian he was accnstonied to do, and that, at a time when he was indisposed with a violent cold, a fever, attended with a putrid sore throat was the consequence. This amiable vouns; nobleman was thus soon removed to those realms where alone his expanded heart could obtain the reward of the benevolent pro- pensities in which it indulged. By his death, the poor were deprived of a generous benefactor, iii-i acquaintance of a desirable companion, and the community of one of its "brightest ornaments, Isone felt his loss more severe than major Vaughan, who has been mentioned above, and to whom he was an unknown patron. The major regularly received a benefaction of fifty pounds every quarter, which he concluded to come from Earl Fitzwilliam, that nobleman with whom he had been bred up, having alwa\'s held him in great esteem. But, on the death of Lord Digb^^, the bounty was found to flow from his liberal purse. Mrs. Bellamy, resided at one time at Ciiclsea, and afterwards took a house in Jcrmyn-street ; but while the latter was fitting up, she continued to sleep at Chelsea, though she w"as in town all day. During this interval the upholsterer's man found means to secrete a quantity of damask and chintz and some very fine Dresden china, with which she liad been presented. As his honesty bad been iniore than once suspected by his em- GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. Si plover, a search warrant was obtained to exa- mine his lodgings^ wliere the whole of Mrs. Bel- lamy's property was found, but nothing belong- ing to his master. The upholsterer was a man of a most implaca- ble disposition. He went to Chelsea in the even- ing while Mrs. Bellam}' was absent, and bjr means of threats, so far intimidated her maid- servant, as to prevail upon her to go before a^ justice and swear to the goods which were found- This she did, and was bound over to prosecute in a penalty of forty pounds. But the offender hav- ing a very large family, the native benevolence of Mrs. Bellam}^ influenced her in his favour to such a degree, that she kept her maid from ap- pearing against him. She then set on foot a sub- scription towards paying the forfeiture of the bond, and in this manner raised thirty guineas towards it. As the maid did not appear, the culprit was discharged, and the very same night called at Mrs. Bellamy's house. As she supposed that he had no other business than to return thanks for her lenity, and as she had a particular aversion to such acknowledcments, she directed the ser- vant who brought in his name to say she was busy and could not see him. The fellow then sent in word that he must see Mrs. Bellamy, or it would be worse for her, as she had compound- ed felony, and before a few hours were passed, she might be called to answer for it. She was alarmed at the insult, but not being Sf GEORGE ANNE BELLAMY. conversant with the law, she was at a loss to com- prehend his meaning. Il was therefore necessa- ry to refer to some person for advice, and accordr ingly sent for a cousin of hers, who followed the profession of the law, to settle the affair, while the ungrateful wretch waited at a neighbouring public house. He made a peremptory demand of fifty pounds, which he insisted on being paid immediately, otherwise he would lodge an information against his benefactress. Find- ing from her cousin that there was no re- dress, Mrs Bellamy paid him the money. Thus did she become a victim to her humanity, by means of a monster, who deserved to suffer the severest punishment of the law for his ingratitude, though he had escaped the due deserts of his dis- honest \'. On this occasion Mrs. Bellamy makes the fol- lowing judicious reflections: — "This instance," says she, " serves to prove, that however strongly humanity may urge to the contrary, the regular prosecution of an offender against the laws of his country is a duty we owe to ourselves as well as to the community. In such cases lenity ceases to be a virtue. A stronger claim than delicacy of feeling calls for a spirited exertion upon these occasions. The trouble and inconveniences which attend a prosecution ought to be cheerfully sub- mitted to; and though services rendered our country of this kind are not attended with so. much eclat as those where life is exposed in her defence; yet they are a duty incujubeiit oil every 5? «EORGE ANNE BELLAMY. 53 go»d citizen, and as deservino; of a civic crown. Justice, indeed, should ever be tempered by mo- deration, and humanity should always be exerted/ whenever prudence does not forbid.' In the course of her narrative, however, Mrs. Bellamy has an opportunity of relating one or two anecdotes of a far more pleasing nature. While she was an -inhabitant of Parliament Street, a period, she says, pregnant with sorrows, she re- commended a person, who wrote a ver}' fine hand, as a clerk to Mr. Caicraft. About two 3^ears afterwards he informed her, that he had an o|)portuwity of going to the East Indies in a very advantageous situation, at the same lime assuring her that he should ever retain a grateful remem- brance of her favors. On his return to England, this gentleman, whose name was Hearne, made many enquiries after Mrs. Bellamy, and hearing of iier distress while at Edinburgh, he generously sent her two hundred pounds. Tliis, she says, ■ was the most acceptable favor she ever received, as it evinced the ^latitude of the donor. Another circumstance of a similar kind, which happened about the same time, deserves to be recorded. Mrs. Bellamy once had a servant najned Daniel Douglas, who lived with her about nine years. At length she recommended him as a dt)mestic to Lord Hume, then governor of Gib- raltar. His lordsliij) made him his major-domo, • and Daniel conducted himself so much to his njaster's satisfaction^ that he left him a handsome legacy at his death. When Mrs. Bellamy lived M OEORGE ANNE TJELI.A M Y. at Edinburgh, she was informed that a Mr. ])ou»Ias had called sevend times at her house when she happened not to be at home. One day, walking -up the Castle Hill, she was accosted by a person whose face was familiar to her, thou2:h she could not recollect him. He burst into tears, and having made himself known, begged her to permit him to speak to her the first time she was at leisure, as he was detained at Edinburgh by no other business. She ap- pointed that afternoon to see him at her house, and could not imagine what his Inisiness might he, for thou«;h she had always endeavored to deserve the regard of her domestics, she never had been particularly kind to him. When he came, he informed her that he had saved eleven hundred pounds, and that his wife bad taken an inn upon the Dover road, for which they were to pay seven hundred. He then said he hoped Mrs. Bellamy would forgive his pre- sumption., but he feared she was not in such c;ir- cumslances as fortnerly. If she would be so good as to make nse, ibr her own time, of the remain- der of the little fortune she had been the means of his acquiring, it would afibrd him more real pleasure than he could receive iVom disposing of it in anv otiier wav. Mrs. Bellamy could scarcely refrain from tears at the manner \u uhich this tender was made. It .seemed railuT as if he hafl been soli- citinij; a loan than oirerinat he might one day appear with distinction in tine profession which his father became so well, and for which he was designed. He actuaify made a very considerable progress in the Latin and Greek lanojuaoes. The Tiverton sch'olars, how ■ ever, lutifing at this time the command of a fine pack of hounds, Carew and three other young gentlemen, his most intimate companions, at- tached themselves w ith such ardor to the sport of hunting, that their studies were soon neglected. One day the pupils, with Carew and his three friends at their head, were engaged in the chase of a deer for many miles, just before the com- mencement of harvest. The damage done to the fields of standing corn was so great, that the neicrhboTinnj centlemen and farmers came vvitb heavy complaints to Mr. llayner, the master of the school, who threatened young Carew and his companions so severely, that through fear they absconded, and joined a gang of gypsies who then happened to be in the neigh borhootl. This society consisted of about eighteen persons of both sexes, who carried with them such an air of mirth and gaiety, that the youngsters were quite delighted with their company, and expressing an inclination to enter into their society, the gypsies admitted them, after the performance of the re- quisite ceremonies, and the administration of the proper oaths ; for these people are subject to a form of government and laws peculiar to them.- 2 EC 4 BAMPF^LDE MOORE C A U EW. selves, and all pay obedience to one chief wlio is styled their kinc". Young Carew was soon initiated into some of the arts of the wandering tribe, and with such ^success, that besides several exploits in which he was a party, he himself had the dexterity to defraud a lady near Taunton of twenty guineas, nnd'er the pretext of discovering to her, by his skill in astrology, a hidden treasure. His parents meanwhile lamented him as one that was no more, for though they had repeat:- edly advertised his name and person, they could Dot obtain the least intelligence of him. At length, after an interval of a year and a half, hearing of their grief and repeated enquiries .after him^ his heart relented, and he returned to Jiis parents at Bickley. Being greatly disguised both in dress and appearance, he was not known at first by his parents ; but when he discovered himself, a scene followed which no words can describe, and there were great rejoicings both in Bickley and the neighboring parish of Cadley. Every thing was done to render his home agreeable, but Carew had contracted such a fondness for the society of the gypsies, that, after various ineffectual struggles with the sug- ,gestions of filial piety, he once more eloped from his parents, and repaired to his former connec- tions. He now began to consider in what man- ner he should employ himself. The first charac- ter he assumed for the purpose of levying con- tributions on the unsuspecting and unwary, was that of^a sl)ipwreckcd seaman, in which he was BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREAV. 5 very successful. lie next gave himself out to be a fanner, who, living in the isle of Sheppey in Kent, had the misfortune to have all his lands overflowed, and all his cattle drowned. Every scheme which he undertook, he executed with so much skill and dexterity, that he raised con- ' siderable sums. So artful were the disguises of his dress, countenance, and voice, that persons who knew him intimately did not discover the deception, and once, on the same day, he went under three different characters to the house of a respectable baronet, and was successful in them all. Some time after Carew's return to the vagrant life, we find him on a voyage to Newfoundland, from motives of mere curiosity. He acquired, during his stay, such a knowledge of that island, as was hi2;hlv useful to him, whenever he thou2;ht proper afterwards to assume the character of the shipwrecked seaman. He returned in the same ship to Dartmouth, where he embarked, bring- ing with him a dog of surprising size and fierce- ness, which he had enticed to follow him, and made as gentle as a lamb by an art peculiar to himself. At Newcastle, Carew, pretending to be the mate of a collier, eloped with a young lady, the daughter of an eminent apothecary of that town. They proceeded to Dartmouth, and though he undeceived her with respect to his real character, she was soon afterwards married to him "at Bath. They then visited an uncle of Carew's^ a clergy- 2 E 3 . 6 BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAUEW. man of distingiiished abilities, at Dorcliester who received them with great kindness and en- deavoured, but in vain to persuade him to leave 'the community of the gN'psies. Again associating with them, his disguises were more various and his statagems not less suc- cessful. He first equipped himself in a clerg}'- inan's habit, put on a band, a large white wig, and a broad-brimmed hat. His whole deport- ment was agreeable to his dress; his pace was solemn and slow, his countenance grave and thoughtful, his eyes turned on the ground ; from which, as if employed in secret ejaculations, he would raise them to heaven : every look and ac- tion spoke his want; but at the same time, the livpocrite seemed overwhelmed with that shame which modest merit feels, when obliged to soli- cit the hand of charity. This artful behaviour excite^ the curiosity of many people of fortune to enquire into his circumstances, but it was with much reluctance that he acquainted them, ihat he had for many years exercised the sacred office of a clergyman, at Aberystwith, a parish in Wales, but that the government changing, he kad preferred c^uitting his benefice, (though he had a wife and several small children) to taking an oath contrary to his principles. This relation he accompanied with frequent sighs, and warm expressions of his trust in providence ; and as he perfectly knew those persons it was proper to ap- ply to, this stratagem succeeded beyond his ex- pectations. But hearing that a vessel, on board of which there wcjic many quakcrs; bound foi BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAKEW. 7 Philadelphia, had been cast away on the coast v'i Irelatidj he laid aside his gown and band, cloathed himself in a plain suit, and with a de- mure countenance^ a[)plied to the quakers, as one of -those unhappy creatures, with great suc- cess, and hearintj; that their was to be a meetius: of them from all parts, at Thorncombe in Devon- shire, he made the best of his way thither, and joining the assembly, with a seeming modest assurance, made his case known, and satisfying them by his behavior, that he was one of the sect, they made a considerable contribution for his re- lief. With such wonderful facility did he assume every character, that he often deceived those who knew him best, and were most positive of his not being able to impose upon them. Going one day to Mr. Portman's at Brinson, near Blandford, in the character of a rat-catcher, with a hair-cap on his head, a buti" girdle about his waist, and a tame rat in a little box by his side; he boldly marched up to the house in this disguise, though his person was known to all the family ; and meeting in the court with the Rev, Mr. Bryant, and several other gentlemen, whom he well knew, he asked if their honours had any rats to kill. Mr. Portman asked him if he knew his business, and on his answering in the affirmative, he was sent in to get his dinner, with a promise, that after he had dined they would make a trial of his abi- lities. Dinner being over, he was called into a parlour among a large company of gentlemen S BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAEEW. and krdies. " Well, Mr. Rat-catcher/' said Mr. Portman/'^cariyou lay any scheme to kill the rats without hurting my dogs?" ''Yes, yes," replied Ca- rew, "■ I shall lay my composition where even the rats cannot climb to reach it" — '^ And what coun- tryman are you r" — " A Devonsliire man, an't pleaseyour honour." " What's your name:" Carew perceiving, by some smiles and v/hispers, that he Avas known, replied, by telling the letters of which his name was composed. This occasioned a good deal of mirth, and Mr. Plej'dell, of St. Andrew's Milbourn, who was one of the compa- ny, expressed some pleasure at seeing the famous Bamfylde Moore Carew, whom he said he had never seen before. '' Yes, but you have," said he, " and given me a suit of cloaths." Mr. Pley- dell was surprised, and desired to know when it was; Carew q,sked him if he did not remember being met by a poor wretch, with a stocking round his head instead of a cap, an old woman's ragged mantle on his shoulders, no shirt to his back, nor stockings to his legs, and scarcely any shoes to his feet, who told him thathe was apcor unfortunate man, cast away near the Canaries, and taken up with eight others, by a Frenchman, the rest of the crew, sixteen in number, being drowned ; and that after having asked him some questions, he gave him a guinea and a suit of cloaths. This Mr. Pleydell acknowledged, and Carew replied : " He was no other than the ex- pert rat-catcher now before you." At this the company laughed very heartily; and Mr. Pley- BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. 9 dell, and several others, oircring to lay a guinea that they should know him again, let him eome ill what form he pleased, and others asserting the contrary, Carevv was desired to try his ingenuity ; and some oH the company following him out, let him know that on such a day, the same compa- ny, with several others^ were to he at Mr. Pley- dell's. When the day arrived, he got himself close shaved, dressed himself like an old woman, put u high-crowned hat on his head, borrowed a lit- tle hump-backed child of a tinker, and tv/o others 'of a beggar, and with the tW'O last at his back, and the former by the hand, . marched to Mr. Pleydell's ; when coming up to the door, he put his hand behind him, and pinching, one of the children, set it a roaring, and gave the alarm to the dogs, who .came out with open throats, so that between the crying of the child, and tlue barking of the dogs, the family was sufficiently annoyed. This brought out the maid, who de- sired the supposed old woman to go about her business, telhng her she disturbed the ladies. "God bless their ladyships," replied Carew," I am the unfortunate grandmother of these poor help- less infants, whose dear mother, and all tliey had was burned at the dreadful fire at Kirton, and hope the good ladies will, for God's sake, bestow something on the poor famished infants." This pitiful tale was accompanied with tears, and the maid going in, sooi\ returned with hall' a crown,, and a mess of broth, which Carew went into the 10 BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. court to eat. It was not long before the gentle- men appeared, and after they had all relieved him, he pretended to go away, when setting up a tantivy, tantivy, and an halloo to the dogs, they turned about, and some of them then recollecting, from his altered voice, that it could be no other than Cifrew, he was called in. On examining his features, they were highly delighted, and re- warded him for the entertainment he had given tl)em. Carew so easily entered into every character, and moulded himself into so many diflerent forms, that he gained the highest applauses from that apparently wretched community to which he be- longed, and soon became the favourite of their king, who was very old. Tliis flattered his low ambition, and prompted him to be continually planning new stratagems, among which he exe- cuted a very bold one on the duke of Bol- ton. — Dressing himself in a sailor's ragged habit, and going to his grace's near Basingstoke in Hampshire, he knocked at the gate, and with an assured countenance, desired admittance to the duke, or at least that the porter would give his grace a paper which he held in his hand : but he applied in vain. Not discouraged, he waited till he at last saw a servant come out, and telling him lie was a very unfortunate man, desired he would be so kind as to introduce him where he might speak with his grace. As this servant had no interest in locking up his master, he ver}' rea- dily promised to comply with his request, as BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. U soon as the porter was off liis stand ; which he accordingly did, introducing him into a hall through which the duke was to pass. lie had not heen long there, before the duke entered, upon which dropping on one knee he offered him a petition, setting forth, that the unfortu- nate petitioner, Bainpfylde Moore Carew, was supercargo of a vessel that was cast away coming from Sweden, in which were all his effects, none of which he had been able to save. The duke seeing the name of Bampfylde JNloore Carew, and knowing those names to belong to families of the gratest worth and note in the west of En- gland, asked him several questions about his fa- mily and relations, when being surprised that he should apply for relief to any but his own family, who were so well able to assist him, Carew re- plied, that he had disobliged them by some fol- lies of youth, and had not seen them for some years. The duke treated him with the utmost humanity, and calling a servant, had him con- ducted into an inner room, where being shaved by his grace's order, a servant was sent to him with a suit of clothes, a fine Holland shirt, and every thing necessaiy to give him a genteel ap- pearance. He was then called in to the duke, who was sitting with several other persons of quality. They were all taken with his person and behaviour, and presently raised for him a supply of ten guineas. His grace being en- gagedto go out that afternoon, desired him to stay there that nighty and gave orders that he 2 12 BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. should be handsomely entertained, leaving his gentleman to keep him company. But the duke was scarcely gone, when Carew found an oppor- tunity to set out. unobserved towards Basingstoke, where he went to a house frequented by some of his coinmunity. He treated the company, and informing them of the bold stratagem he had executed, the whole pk:ce resounded with ap- plause, and every one acknowledged that he was most worthy of succeedina; to the throne of the mendicant tribe, on the first vacancy that should occur. In the same disguise he imposed upon seve- ral others, and having spent some days in hunt- ing with colonel Sirangeways, at Melbury in Dorset, the conversation happened one day at dinner to turn on Carew's ingenuity; the colonel seemed surprised that several who were so well acquainted with him, should have been so deceiv- ed; asserting, that he thought it impossible for Carew to deceive him, as he had thoroughly observed every feature and line in his counten- ance; on which he modestly replied, it might be so, and some other subject being started, the matter dropped. Early ihe next morning Ca- rew being called upon to go out with the hounds, desired to be excused, which the colonel being informed of, went to the field without him. Soon after, Carew went down stairs, and slightly in- quiring which way the colonel gcnemll}' returned, w alked out, and going to a house frequented by his community, exchanged his clothes for a rag- BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. 13 gcd habit, made a counterfeit wound in his thigh, took a pair of crutciies, and having disguised his face with a venerable pity-moving beard, went in search of the colonel, whom he found in the town of Evershot. His lamentable moans be- gan almost as soon as the colonel was in siglit; his countenance expressed nothing but pain ; his pretended wound was exposed to the colonel's eye, and the tears trickled down his silver beard. An the colonel's heart was not proof against such an affecting sight, he threw him half a crown, uhich Carew received with exuberant gratitude, and then with great submission desired to be iti- formed if colonel Strans-ewavs, a verv charitable gentleman, did not live in that neighbourhood, and begged to be directed the nearest way to liis seat; on which the colonel, filled with compas- sion, shewed him the shortest way to his owri house, and on this he took his leave. Carew returned before the colonel, and pretended to be greatly refreshed with his morning's walk. \\ hen they had sat down to dinner, Carew in- quired what sport they had, and if the colonel had not met a very miserable object. *' I did — a very miserable object indeed," replied the co- lonel. " And he has got liither before you," says Carev/, " and is now at your table."' This oc- casioned a great deal of mirth; but the colonel could not be persuaded of the truth of what Ca-. rcw asserted, till he slipped out, and hopped in again upon his crutches. VOL. 2.— NO. 20. 2 F 14 BAMPIVLDE MCORE CAREW. About this time Clause Patch, the king of the mendicants, died, and Carew had the honor of being elected king in his stead; by which dig- nity, as he was provided with every thing neces* sary by the joint contributions of the community, he was under no obligation to go on an^y cruize. Notwiihstandina; this, Carew was as active in his stratagems as ever; but he had not long enjoyed this honor, when he was seized and confined as an idle vagrant, tried at the quarter sessions at Exeter, and transported to Maryland; where being arrived, he took the opportunity, while the captain of the vessel and a person who seemed disposed to buy him, were drinking a bowl of punch in a public house, to give them the slip, and to take with him a piirt of brandy and some biscuits, and then betake himself to the woods. Having thus eluded their search, as he was entirely ignorant that none were allowed to tra- vel there without proper passes, or that there was a considerable reward granted for appre- hendina: a runaway, he conoratulated himself on his iiappy escape, and did not doubt but he should find means to get to England ; but going one morning early through a narrow path, he was met by fou^" men, when not being able to produce a pass, he was seized, carried before u justice of peace, and thrown into prison. But here obtaining information, that some captains to whom he was known were lying with their ships in the harbor, be acquainted them \yith his? BAMPFYLDE MOORE CAREW. ' \5 sitiuition, on which they paid liim a visit, and told liinij that as he had not been sold to a plan- ter, if the captain did not come to demand him, he would be publicly sold the next court-day, and then generously agreed to purchase him among themselves, and to give him his liberty. Carcvv was so struck with their kindness, that h^ could not consent to purchase his liberty nt their ^ exin?nce, and desired them to tell the captain who brought the transports where he wus. The}' at last agreed to his request ; the captJiia received the news with great pleasure, sent round his boat for him, had him severely punish- ed with a cat-of-nine tails, and a heavy iron collar fixed to hib neck, and with this galling yoke he was obliged to perform the greatest drud2;erv. , One day/i^'fei^n his spirits were ready to sink with despair!,' he saw the captains Harvey and Hopkins, two of those who havl proposed to purchase his liberty. They were greatly affected with ihe miseries he suffered, and having sound- ed the boatswain and mate, prevailed on them to wink at hifi escape; but the greatest obstacle was the penalty of forty pounds and half a year's imprisonment for any one that took off his iron collar, so that he must be obliged to travel with it on. The captains acquainted him with all the difficulties he would meet with ; but he was far from beino; discourasred, and resolved to set out that night, when directing liim what course to take, they gave him a pocket compass to steec 2 VZ 16 BAMPFYLDE MOORR CAREW. by, fi steel and tinder-box, a bag of biscuits, h cheese, and some rnin. ■ After taking an affec- tionate leave of" his benefactors, he set out; but he had not travelled tar before he began to re- flect on his wretched condition : alone, nnarme COUNTESS OF SCHWARZBURG. 11 was nlled with armed men, who, sword in hand. Vet with great reverence, planting themselves behind the chairs of the princes, took the places <)[' the waiters. On the entrance of these fierce- looking fellows, the duke of" Alva changed color, and the guests all gazed at one another in silence and alVriiiht. Cut off' from the armv, surrounded by a resolute hody of men, what had they to do, but to summon up their patience, and to appease the offended lady on the best terms they could? ilcnry of Brunswick was the first that collected his spirits; and smothered his feelings by burst- ing into a loud fit of laughter; thus seizing the most reasonable way of coming off, by turning all that had passed into a subject of mirth ; con- cluding with a warm panegyric on the patriotic concern and the determined intrepidity the coun- tess had shewn. He intreated her to make her- self easy, and undertook to prevail on the duke of Alva to consent to whatever should be found reasonable; which he immediately effected by hiducing the latter to dispatch on the spot an order to the army to restore the cattle without delay to the persons from whom they had been stolen. On the return of the courier with a cer- tificate that com[)ensation had been made for all damages, the countess of Schwarzburg politely thanked her guests for the honor they had done her castle; and they, in return, very courteously took their leave. It was this transaction, no doubt, that procured 22 COUNTESS OF SCHM ARZBURG. for Catherine tlie surname of the Heroic. She is likewise highly extolled for the active forti-. tilde she displayed in promoting the reformation throughout her dominions, which had already been introduced by her husband. Count Henry XXXVI Ith, as well as for her resolute per- severance in suppressing monastic institutions, and improving the system of education. Num- bers of protestant preachers, who had sustained persecution on account of religion, fled to her for protection and support, which she granted them in the fullest extent. Among these was a certain Caspar Aguila, parish-priest at Saalfeld, who, in his younger years, had attended the emperor's army to the Netherlands in quality of chaplain ; and, because he there refused to bap- tize a cannon ball, was fastened to the mouth of a raortar by the licentious soldiers, to be shot into the air; a fate which he happily avoided only b\' the accident of the powder not catching fire. He was now for the second time in immi- nent daiiger of his life, and a price of 5000 flo- rins was set upon his head, because the emperor was enraged against him for having attacked one of his measures from the pulpit. Catherine had him privately brought to her castle, at the request oF the people of Saalfeld, where she kept him many months concealed, and caused him to be attended with the greatest assiduity, till the storm was blown over, and he could venture to ap})ear in public. She died,, universally honored JAMES CRICIITON. US am! lamented, in the 5Sth year of her age, and the C<)th of lier reign. Her remains were depo- sited in the church of Rudolstadt. JAMES CRICHTOX. This gentleman, was a native of Scotland, ^Yllo in the course of a short life acquired an uncom- mon degree of celebrity, and on account of his extraordinary endowments both of mind and body, obtained the appellation of " the admirable Crichton," by which title he has continued to be distinguished to the present day. The time of his birth is said by the generality of writers to have been in \dd]; but the Earl of Buehan, in a memoir read to the Society of Antiquaries at Edinburgh, asserts that he was born in the month of August, 15G0. His lather was lord advocate of Scotland in Queen Mary's reign from I06I to 157'3; and his mother, the daughter of Sir James Stuart, was aijied to the family which then filled the Scottish throne. James Grichlon is said to have received his grammatical education at Perth, and to have studied philosophy at the university of St. An- drews. His tutor at that university was Mr. John Rutherford, a professor, at that time famous for Wis learning, and who distinguished himself by writing four books on Aristotle's logic, and » 24 JAMES CRICHTON. commentaiy on liis poetics. According to Aldus Manutius, who calls Criciiton first cousin to the king, he was also instructed, with his majesty, by Buclianan, Hepburn, and Robertson, as well as by Rutherford ; and he had scarcely arrived at the twentieth year of his age, when he had scone thronch the whole circle of the sciences, and could speak and write to perfection in ten different lantj;ua2:es. Nor had he neglected the ornamental brandies of education ; for he liad likewise improved himself, to the highest degree, in riding, dancing, and singing, and was a skilful performer on all sorts of instruments. Possessing these numerous accomplishments, Grichton went abroad upon his travels, and is said to have first visited Paris. Of his trans- actions at that place, the following account is. given. He caused six placards to be fixed on all the gates of the schools, halls, and colleges of the university, and on all the pillars and posts before the houses belonging to the most renowned literary characters in that city, invit- ing all those who were well versed in any art or science, to dispute with liini in. the college of Navarre, that day six weeks, by nine o'clock in the morning, when he would attend them and be ready to answer to whatever should be ])roposed to him in any art or science, and in any of these twelve languages, Hebrew, Syriac, Arabic, Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, English, Dutch, Flemish, and Sclavonian; and this either in verse or prose, at the discretion of the disputant. 6 JAMES CftKJ*lt(5K. ^3 Duriasf the whdlc iiitemtwlitafff thne^ instead, of closely appJjniig to Hi's s^toJics, iJs>migiit have been expeeted, he attended to lio'thhig. brft hinit-- ia they w^rote the following words: " If you wortkl' meet \vith thi* monster of perfection, the readie;^t ' way to find hiiii is to enquire for hini at the tavern, or the bouses of ill fame." Nevertlieless, when the day appointed a'riived,- Crichtort appeared in the college of Navarre,' and acquitted himself beyond expression in the dis^nttation, whicb lasted- fioite nifte oclocfc ki the morning till six at night.. At length thi^-' |^rc- sideiiit, after extolling bii4 hi^hi-y foi' tlie HWnv^ rare and excellent endbwmciiits vehich Qod* smt' n:atarc had bestowed upon biirtv y^'so ft'oiii Mw chair, an;d aedonipanied by foui-; of the most eminent professors of the univei'sitV, gave' hi la*^ diamond ring and a puyse full- of gold, fis * teS-' timony of their respect and adm-irati©in. ■I'h'e.- whole ended with the repeated acclamatJiu^Vs iitid li!U'/zai5' of the speotators, and hencefoyward OiVr young disputant was called "^ the adkii'ablc Ciichton.'" It is added^r thcrft $& Intk wrfs he fatigued with his exertioiis on this- occa'ffton,, tbac VOL. 2. — NO. to. « G (26 JAMES CRICIITON.: lie went the very next day to the Loiivre, where , lie had a matcli of tilting, an exercise then in great vogue, and in the presence .of a great number of ladies, and of some of the princes of. the Prench court, carried away the ring fifteen times successively.. We find him, about two years after this dis- play of his talents., at Rome,. where he affixed a placard in all the conspicuous places of the. city, in the following terms: " We, James Crichton, of Scotland, will answer extempore any question that may be proposed." In a city which abound- ■ ed in wit, this bold challenge could not escape the ridicule. of a pasquinade. It is said, how- ever, that being nowise discouraged, he appeared at the time and place appointed; and that, in the presence of the pope, many cardinals, bishops, doctors of divinity, and professors in all the . sciences, he exhibited such wonderful proofs of his universal knowledge, that he excited no less; surprize thin he had done at Paris. Boccalini, however, who was then at Rome, gives a some- what different account of the matter. According : to that writer, the pasquinade made such an im-< pression upon him, that he left a place where he . had been so grossly affronted, as to be put upon • a level with jugglers and mountebanks. From Rome, Crichton proceeded to Venice, where he contracted an intimate friendship with. Aldus Manutius, liaurentius Massa, Speron Spe- ronius, Johannes Donatus, and various other learned persons, to whojnlic presented several JAMES CRIOHTON. ,27 poems in commendation of the' city and unii^er- sity. At length he was introduced 10 the doge and senate, in whose pi'esence he made a spetxh, wl)ich was accompanied with such beauty of eloquence, and such grace of person' and manner, that he receiver! the thanks of that illustrious body, and notiiing but this prodigy of nature was talked of through the whole city. He like- wise held disputations on the subjects of the- ology, philosoph}', and mathematics, before the most eminent professors and large multitudes of people. His reputation was so great, that the desire of seeing and hearing him brought to- gether a vast concourse of persons from different quarters to Venice. It may be collected from Manutius, that the time in which Crichton gave these demonstrations of his abilities was in- the year 1580. During his residence at Venice, he fell into a bad state of health, which continued for the space of four months. Before he was perfectly recovered, he went, by the advice of his friends, to Padua, the university of which was, at that time, in great reputation. The day after his arri- val, there was an assembly of all the learned men of the place at the house of Jacobus Aloysius Corne- lius, when Crichton opened the meetirig with au extempore poem in praise of the city, the uni- versity, and the company who had honored him with their presence. After this, he disputed for six hours with the most celebrated professors on various subjects of learning; and he exposed, ia 2jtb so inucl). solidity and acutenesd, aud at the saiwe time, with so much modesty, that he excited uniyer.sal aduiuation. In coxi- clusioji he delivered extempore an oration, in praise, pf i^iorance^ vvjiich was conducted with ,sii.''h ingenuity and eki^ance, that his bearers ,v>cie tigtonibbed. This exinbition of Crichton'a .talents wus on the 14th of March, 1.38]. IJe §oon afterwards appointed a iV^y for ano- t}>er disputation, to be lield at the palace of the bishoj^ oi Padua, not for tije purpose of affording hiiiber proofs of his abilities, but in compliance vviih the earnest solicitations of some persons wlio were not present at the former assembly. . According to the account of Manutius, various cjicumstances occurred winch prevented this meeting fVojn taklnj^ place; but Inipcjrialis relates t'tjat he was informed by bis father, why vvris pre- jscnt on the occasion, that Crichton was opposed by Arci)angelus Mei'cenarlus, a famous philo- sopher, and that he acquitted himself sq well as to obtain the approbation of a very honorable company, and even of his antagonist himself. Amidst the high applauses that were bestowed" upon thti genius and attainments of the young Scotclnnaa, still there were some who endeavored to detract from his merit. For ever, therefore, to confound these invidious caviiler.>5, lie caused a paper to be fixed on the gate of St. John and J^t. raul's church, iu which he offered to prove before the university, that the errors of Aiistotle, anr! of all his followers, were alinoS! iiinumcrnble ; and thai the latter had failed both in expla'ining thehr master's meaning, and in treating on theo- logical subjects. He profniy^cd likcuise to nefiite the (h-eams of certain niaiheniatical prbfessrtr?, to dispute in all the sciences, and to ahswer to whatever should be proposed t© him, or objectfcd aoainst him. All this he en£ta2:ed to do, either in the common locrica! \vt\v, or bv numbers and mathematical Hgurcs, or ih one hniidred sorts of verses, at the pleasure of llis opponents. Accord- ing to Manutius, Crrchton su^^taiiicd this contest without fatta:ue for three davs; durinar which time he supported his credit and maintained his propositions with such ^pifit attd ehe'rgy, that he ■<^btaified, from an unusual tcricourse of people, ufibonnd^d praises and acclamations. From Fadua Crichton set oat for MantuA, where there happened to be at that time a gladi- ator who had foiled in his travels the most skil- ful fencers in Eitrope, anti had lately killed three who had entered the lists witli him in that city. The duke 6f Mantua Was nluch grieved at having granted this man' his" protectiofi, as he found it to be attended with such fatal consequences. Crichton being informed of his concern, offefed his service to drive the mtii^derer not only fi'ora Mantua, but from Ttalr, and' to fis:ht him for lo(X> pistoles. Though the duke was trawillinrg to expose such an accompiiiihed person to so great a hazard ; yet rclyi'ig on the report he had heard of his martial feats', he agreed to the pj'o- 2 G 3 .3® JAMES CRICHTO.V. posal, and the litne and place being appointed, the whole court atlended to behold the perform- ance. At tlie beginning of the combat Crichton stood only upon his defence; while the Italian jTiade his attack with such eagerness and fury, . that he began to be fatigued. Cricliton now seized tlie opportunity of attacking his antagonist in return, which he did with so much dexterity and vigor, thai he ran him through the body in three different places, so that he immediately . died of the wounds. On this occasion the accla- mations of the spectators were loud and extra- ordinary; and it was acknowledged by all of them, that they had never seen art grace nature, or nature second the precepts of art, in so stri- liing a manner as on that day. To crown the glory of the action, Crichton bestowed the prize of his victory on the widows of the three persons v/ho had lost their lives in fighting with his anta- gonist. It is asserted, that in consequence of this and iiis other wonderful performances, the duke of Aiantua made choice of him as preceptor to his son Vincentio de Gonzaga, who is represented as bteing of a riotous temper and a dissolute life. The appointment was highly pleasing to the court. We are told that Crichton, to testify his gratitude to his friends and benefactors, and to c^mtribute to tlieir diversion, composed a come- dy, in which he exposed and ridiculed all the weak and faulty sides of the variou* employments i» which men are engaged. This was regarded 3 JAMES CRICIITOlf. 31 .as one of the most ino;enions satires that ever vvas made upon mankind. But tiic most asto- nishing part of the story is, that Crichton sus- tained fifteen characters in the representation of his own play. Among the rest, he acted the divine, the lawyer, the mathematician, the sol- dier, and the pliysician, with such inimitable grace, that every time he appeared upon the theatre he seemed to be a different person. From being the principal actor in a comedy, Crichton soon became the subject of a dreadful tragedy. One night, during the carnival, as he was walking through the streets of Mantua, and playing upon his guitar, he was attacked by half a dozen people in masks. The assailants found that they had no ordinary person to deal with, -for they were not able to maintain their ground ngainst him. Having at length disarmed the lea- der of the company, the latter pulled ofFhismask, and begged his life, telling him that he was the prince his pupil. Crichton immediately fell upon his knees, and expressed his concern for his mistake; alledging thai what he had done was only in his own defence, and that if Gon- zaga liad any design upon his life, he might always be master of it. Then taking his sword by the point, he presented it to the prince, who was so irritated at being foiled with all his at- tendants, that he instantly ran Crichton through the heart. Various have been the conjectures concerning the motives which could induce Vinceutio d« 32 JAMES CRICFITOiV. Gonzaga to be guilty of so brutal and ungenerous an action. Some have ascribed it to jealousy, asserting that he suspected Crichton to be more in favour than himself with a lady whom he pas- sionately loved; while others, with greater pro- bability represent the whole transaction as the result of a drunken frolic : and it is uncertain, according to Imperialis whether the meeting of the prince and Crichton was by accident or design. It is, however, agreed by all, that Criehtoii lost his life in this rencounter. The tiuie of his de- cease is said by the generality of his biographers to have been in the beginning of July 1583, but Lord Bnchan fixes it in the same month of the preceding year. The common accounts declare that he was killed in the S2d year of his age, but Imperiafis asserts that he was only in his £^ed to consider them in a great nieusure, if not aUogctlur fabulous; and the ai'ginneuts to this efleet adduced by Dr. Kippis in the Biographia Britanniea seem to have con- siderable weight. That writer (juestions, and apparently on very just grounds, tlie authority of those by whom those accounts were first cir- culated, and reduces the pretensions of Crich- lon within a much narrower compass. '' I'V'hat then," be asks '^ is the opinion which on the whole we are to form of the admirable Crichton ? ll is evident that he was a youth of such lively ])arts as excited great present aduiiration and high expectations with regard to his future at- tainments. He appears to have had a fine per- son, to have been adroit in his bodily exercises, to have possessed a peculiar facility in learning S4 JAMES CUICHTON. languages, to have enjoyed a remarkably quick and retentive memory, and to have excelled in a power of" declamation, a fluency of speech and a readiness of reply. His knowledge, likewise, Avas probabi}', very uncommon for his years; and this, in conjunction with his other qualities, ena- bled him to shine in public disputation. But whether his knowledge and learning were accu- rate, or profound, may justly be questioned, and it may equally be doubted wether he would have risen to any extraordinary degree of eminence in the literary world. It will always be reflected upon with regret, that his early and untimely death prevented this matter from being brought to tlie test of ex'{)eriment." Those who recollect the popular infatuation which very recently prevailed in favour of a cer- tain juvenile theatrical performer, the excessive praises and the extravagant sums that were la- vished o'.i iii5 exhibitions, together with the opi- nion expressed by persons untinctured with the epidemic mania of the day, will not find it very- difficult to reconcile these contradictory state- ments, and will be etpialiy disposed to admit the justice of the sentiments here advanced by the -reverend biographer. ^5 JOHN BIGG. This maa,. celebrated for the recluse life he led in his latter years, was t;lcrk to Simon Mityne, of Ditiioi), in liiicl-cinglKiinshire, one of the judges who passed sentence of death on King Ciuiiies I. He was not deficieut either in learnina; or under- standing, lived in great respectability and pos- sessed considerable property. Afier the restora- tion of Charles if. he began to k,To'.v melancholy, probably on accoivnt of the ruin entailed by that event on the fortunes of his patro;i and those who had espoused the same cause. He retired from the world and made a cave at Dinton, Ir.i solitary habitation during the remainder of his life. In a civilized and populous country, a being who thus separates himself from society cannot fail of being an object of curiositj'. To the cha- ritable donations of visitors who were led to him by this motive, was Bigg indebted for subsistence in his retirement; but it is remarkable that he never asked for any thing but leather, which he would nail or tack to his clothes. He kept three bottles constantly hanging to his girdle; one of these was for strong beer, another lor sm:dl beer, and the third for milk. He died in 1 696, at the advanced age of 97 years. His shoes which were preserved after his defease, were rery knge and 3G ' JOHN Bice. composed of about a thousand patches of feather. One of them was placed in the Bodleian reposi- toiy, and the other in the collection of Sir Joha- Vanhatten of Dinton ; who somej'ears after his death had his cave dug up, hi liopes of discover- ing something relative to this singuliir character, but without success. J> END OF VOL. 1 James Cuudee, Printer^ LuQtioii. INDEX. VOL. II. •A-IJCE, a female negro who lived to tlie age of 1 16 ^ears, at' count of her XVI. * Allc^n, Edward, account of him, XIV. 14; singular .-mecdote re- lalive to hini 16 ; lie t'ounds Duluich College ibid ; his death 17 ; Andrews, Mr. anecdotes of his fondue-s lor play, XV. 4. - Aiiello, Tlioinas, liislory of, XII. 1 ; his peisoiuil appcarRnce and occupation :i ; forms a plan of obiaiuini; a redress of grievances for tlie peo|)le of Naples ibid ; organizes an ar.ny of boys 4 ; harangues the people 5 ; excites a general insurrection C ; is apponiied liu'ir leader by the jieople 7 ; his itilerview vith the vicero\ 9; tie resolves alter tlie completion of his purpose to return to his former occupation 10 ; subsequent inconsistency of ins conduct ibid. 11 ; lie is assassinated ibid ■ alternate in- dignities and honours bestowed on his reiuains 12. Arbuthnot, Dr. liis epitaph on Colonel Charteris, XVII. 18. Aubrey, Mr. singular anecdote of Mr. Allcvu related by hiiB, XIV. 16 Baker. Mary, account of her early years, XVI. 18 ; her remark- able address in an American court of Justice »es and fatal resolution 'J'.^, S?7 ; miscellaneous anccdotej respecting her '27, 36 ; her death ibid. Bertiaicius, his extraordinary history, X\^I. 10 ; descripticni of his person 11-; anecdotes of his astonishing literary talents I'2, 16 ; his propensity to low occupations 17 j'his mi=cjablc dci'tk jVid. rcL ir, f u INDEX. Bi?», Jolin, a singular recluse, particulars concerning, liim XX. Jjobev, John Riciiardson Piinn-ose, account ot him XI. iS ; re- niarka!>le s;)ots on differenr parts oi his hodv 29 ; born in Ja- niaicaa, ibid ; is seiit to Enghmd oH • is txlubited at I'.xfter Change 3 1 ; fornis collection of animals hiinsellSl; imitates the song of vari .us bitits and the cries of aninjals 33 ; paiticu- lars rcsjifclins; h s per>ou and character ibid. Bii'ler, aiitlior of {lud.b.as, li.s lines desciiptive of Hopkins, the uilchlindir, XVI. 9. Euxion, JeJediali, his extraordinarv talents at calculation, XIV. 19; anecdotes ol his visit to London i;2 ; his death 24. Capp.ir, Jo.->e|)ii, account of his c.-irly lite, XIV. 4; his singulari- ties 6 Ins death 8 ; his «ill 9. Carew, Bampfylde I\Ioore, account of, XX. 1. his birth and family 2. his education and ciopenicnt tronj school 3; joms a gang of gypsies ibid; hi.s extraordinary and successini arlifices- 5, 13 ; is elected king ot the inentlicants 14 ; i-- transported to America ibid ; his adventures in ti'.at countr_)' 14, 17 ; n turng to En-land 17 C.Uozze, Marc, a remarkah'e dw.irf, description of his figure XII. "27 ; Ins nigenio s i (iiilri\ i.nce to «n])pl_\ the want ol nand» 2S ; particulars respecliiig his dispositu.ii .and habits 29 ; his death 30. Chariens Francis, account of, XVII. 10 ; his expertness at gamb- liiig Mild avaricious di>p(>sitioii 11 -^ is diiiui.-)>c d Ironi the army will] disiraee 12; Ins idveiiture at Brussels ibid ; his amours 14; is coiuieiinnd attlic Old l!;iiley for a rupe 16; obtains a parchni 17 ; his dcaih ibid, epitiiph written for )nui by Dr. Arbuthnot 18. Clark, Jo'^eph, his extraordinary faculty of assuming every kind of deformity and dislocation^ XIV. I J. Cochrane, Dr. his ac> ount of Charles Duiuery, XVI. piitations at Padua '.^7, lie en- gages and vaaqiii.snes a celebrated tencer at Mantua V9 ; is chosen by the duke of AlanliVa as preceptor tor his son '0 ; liis tragical death 31 ; particulars of him lelated by Uripihart 32; doubts concerning the authenticity ot his' history 33. Day, Thomas, his birth and educafioi;, XIII. VO; in.--iance of his generosity '21 ; descr;ptinu of his pei.son ibid ; his character 22; his singular plan i. r oi lainuig a wife 2.i ; history oi l.u- creiia and S.ibrina 21 ; Mr. Da\'s extracirdiuary ex|.eriiuents ■with the hitler Sfti , his dis.ipp"intmfnts in love 27 ; his mar- ria}'e2') ; his literary works ."lO ; hiv death 31. Delaiiy, Mrs. Mary, iier birth and f .mily connectii.ns, X\'ll 15; unhappiu'ss ol her lirst uiar'iaue 2; her union wiili l-)r Oe- lany 17 ; lu r pK/litiencN in painting iiid the ar's i!i ; iter in- TCJUion of the art of tomposing flowers wilh colored paper 19 j INBLX. Vines prefixed by her tu iscr Flora M; anecdote of her citron tri'c i."2 ; her doalti ibi'J. Pcssi-asmi, Clitv.ilii;!-, Iiistory o(, X!V. 1; his singularities ?; his (ieiith 3. Dijrby LorJj nnecJotes of Iiis benevolence XIX. 2*7. Doiiifcy, Chiirie*:, account ot, XV^I. SJ ; aiiecdi)tes of his Px- itssive voracity ^6. 29 ; fartlier parti;:ulo!iyl«s, l»)a:,!el, anectlole cf his gratitude, XIX. 33. Dulwich Coliogf, ibtiiuied by T-Ir. Alloyii, XiV. 16 ; purticulais conccir.ing it 17, IS. F.dward 1\'. Jir.ecduie iif him. XVI. 2, Forj^ter, Robert, the ilymg barber of Cauibtidge, anecdotes of i'.iMi, XIV 35. >. Fosoue, .Mr. his exces.'tive avarice and miverable deatii, XIV. 33. Fox, Mr. (attervvards Lord Holland) anecdote ot Ins benevolence, . XIX. 15. Fuller, Or. hiscliaracter of Mr. .\Ilevn XIV. 11. Ij'odl'rey, Hon. ^3rs. anecdote of her narrow escape from prer mature iniernseni, XVI [ 5> Godiva, hiitory of, XVII. 9. U.ranger, Rev. Mr. observadotl on lord mayorsj XlV. 4, paffiru* lari (.oncevning Henry VVelby> XVII. 10. ttfcen, Ainlej fccctaim or, Xl-. 3J ; h*".; trial itttd ejtf Cntiort tjH ft eh-iftjt^ 111 tihiki iLHiidgf r^ j she ret'overii aUer esitiuiion ii^ ; her iiiih*e(nieiil liisUny 36, Ilarfii, his inespticity of distinggiiil\inp rnlurs, XVI S4, ljeidt'|»}jer, J. dm .lames, hiitnry kI, XVIll .11; he fonie« Id t'.ngliind Hiui obtitiii* tiif diroctioii ol'tlie Uperrt'ltou'-o lu' j hit eMireuie iighno»» il»iti"j ludicrous nnccdote of him 3w ; his d^nUi ,'i5. tlolinsiied, hii* aceonnt of the penMne? of'. Time Shofi*, XVI. 5, Ili.ilwA'll, Jiihii ii(»plunnali, hiMoiy of XV' !) ; iiftouiil of his suf. ft'rinnrs ill the lilack Hoh mbaeijuunt hdveiKini's in India '2i), .T> ; his do '.lb ;','> Hojjkins, Malihc V, the ^\ i!( ii-fiuder, hi^!()ry ol, XVI. 7; is hiin« sell' execnted lor a wizz^ird S j described by Butier in liii Hu- dibras, y. JTornc, William .Andrew, hi^ birihand education, XKI 12; he exposes the ciiild of one of his sisters iiy bini.self i.i ; cireunj. Eianee>lhal led to the ot Ids eeeenlricitV: Xiil. .S.').' JIvid;l.jrt, Mr. his aeeount of a singular us tance 4iiieil hhrHriitn tti tba gruiid d'.ikt' of Flurenct^ ^il ; hi'^ nielliod ol" reading, ibid | «a€G" dole of his memory 28 j etcentrieity of his habits and ninn* ners 'iS). Mtiiiy, Goorn'c, rrmarl;;ible speech (lelirered by him previous to his execution for n)urd»r, XIV. 3(i. Milbourne, Thomas, his extreme parsimony. XV, 3o. Wore, Sir Thomas, his description of the person of Jane Shore, XV(.6. Montrtgue, Mrs. her birth and education, XVIII. 1 ; her Ivssbj on the writings and genius oi ShH.kspe*\re H \ her talents at epistolatory composition 3 ; letter written by her to Dr. Morw spy 4 ; lier benevolence and annual treat to the chinmej'- sweepers, itiid ; her ilrath 5. Montague, Kduarci \\ ortley, account of, XVIII. 93 ; liis juvenile adventures ^li ; his ramtiling dispoiiition '.^.t ; account of bis nianmrSj-ind seiitiinents, by Dr. JNIoore V6 ; adveriiscujent Xui^ a wife attributed to him 30; his death, ibid; his literary ac« qnireuient.-^, ibid, Aloiitague, diike of, anecdote of him, XVIII. 33. ICailer, Times, the fanatic, history of, XVII. 19; his military services 2"; he turns preacher, ibid ; ;'xtravagarice oih.i-- followers 'Jl ; is conducteil by tlicni in procession into Bris'ol 2'2 ; is appre- hended, ibid, ridiculous letters found upon him 'J3, i'4 : sub- stance of his exanunation £.i, ^9 ; te^tiiuouies ol' his adherents 29, 31 ; warm del)rileN in the Hoiiku of Comaioiis coucirning hiin 3l ; his sentence "'j!; he recants his errors 34-; hu death 36. iPJokes, Kdward, his parsimonious liabils. Xl I. 2.'' ; method of eon- cealiiiii his money 25, ib; his singular directions respecting hi& funeral 'ZC, %7^ INDEX. iransndions 'ektivc lo that suhjcct 2i— 29; defiaudud of fiv» hundred pounds by the uolurioua Trice, VI II. 3. Giatils, reflections on, It 26. Gib'Oii, Williari!, h veil tau|jht mathematician, history of, \ 111.23. Gransjer, Rev. JMr. aiiecaoie ot Old i^irr, related by lum, VII. H. CTUy,\liomas, pursuits by whicli he acquiiert liisvast property, X. 22 ; liis penurious habits, ibid ; founds and endows liuy'i Hospital 23 ; his oilier beneiactions and death 24. Harvest, Rev. George, his eccentricities, V. 12- ?5. H.istinas, Hon. Mr. anecdotes ol his eccentric character, IV. 12. Hopkins, Vulture, anecdote ot him, X. 22, i;3. How, James, See East. Itard. M. appointed to commence a course of medical treatment with the Savage of Avcyron, X. 5 ; endeavors to attach hiai to social life, ibid ; attera;';ts to excite the nervous sensibility 8 ; iiivciits means to attach him to certain nmujcniculs 11 ; endea- vors to lead him to the use of speech 11-; employs methods to develop his uuderfeUiiiding 17 j cures him of his puroxjstn* • of rngo 1 y. Jennin},'s, William, anecdotes of his parsimony, IV. iiS — SI. Joan d'Arc. her parentage and ynulliiul occupation*, IX. 1 ; lie» lively interest in the state of her native country '2 : pretends to the gill of lieaveniy inspiration, ibid; gives liersell out to ba »he inalruniPnt destined to replace the French king on Ina throne, ihid ; repairs to the king ibid ; wonderfni stories related conceriiiii;:- her, 4 ; her militrry exploits ,") — '.^1 ; is taken pri^ soner niid delivered op to the Kn>;lis-!) y2 ; is tried for sorcery US; slll)^tance of her vari'jus examinations '2o — 40 ;lier con- demnation and recantation of all her pretended revelations 41 ; her execution 4'2. Kingston, duche.ss of, her birth and education, VI 1. her intror auction to Air. Pulteney, w'lo obtains her the appointment of maid of honor to the princess of Wales ii \ connnenccment of her connection with the Ho;i iVIr Htrvey, alterwards Karl of Bristol ;>; her secret \!ni'>n wiih him 4; his brutal treatment of her ."). 6 , she travels to the ( ontinent 8 ; persecutions of htr husband 9 : her siral.igem res|)ectiiiu liie register ot her mar- riage U) , her connection with tlie duke of IjLingsl* n 12 ; she is married to Inin 13; iiis deaih, and her machinalii ns respecting Lis will 14 ; sle rejjairs to Rome 16 ; her traiisaclions vvilh Mr. Jenkins, the banker l8 ; her eccentric turn of mind 21 ; her altercation with Foote 2i^ ; her iri 1 in Westminster HhII for Licauiy 32 ; she to Frame, ibid ; proceeds to Rome 34 ; purchases a house at Pari Cn', ; turns a dealer in rabliits 37 ; remarkable manner of her deaili 38. Lnmhcrt, Mr. Daniel, preliminary observations, I. 1 ; his birth 5; hij juvenile liKt>iis4; his apprenticeship .t ; li.dicr'U's re- coutre \vitli dancing bears 6; ha uairovv escape irum iunuiueat INDEX. ift'-trncf'ioii 9 ; commencement of hisexfraordinJirv iiicrcasc !■ fculk ](); his exportiiessin sv.irniBing iliirl ; i^ reiDoved from lii» wppointnieiii of keeper of Leicester goal 11 ; is aiinoYcd by tli« iniriisions o( inipeitinent-^-uriosity 12 ; travels to Londou fur the purpose of exhibiting liimsclf 13; hisinlervicw witli Boriiw- tasks li.e Polisii dwarf 13; anecdotes^ reparlees, b<.c. IT: particulars rebjiecliug liis liHbits am) iniuineis 1S> ; sale of hi* dogs '*'l J his extraordinary Iieallh 2':^ ; his dimensions 3 /. tauiburn, Margaret, her plan for murdering quCen Elizabet?), VIII. 34; i(s deirttion ibid ; her bold uddress to tlie queeH ibid ; is pardoiieiiigu!t ; story of hi- doing peivuice 6 ; his reply to King Charles I. 1 ; description ol his appoiirance in his old age age ibid ; his death 0. T'.lsr the Wild Tjhv, history of, V. ] ; conpht in tlir viofuls of ilaiiover and brou<;l.t to Lugland 2 ; Lord jMonhi-ddti's en- «j\iiries conceniin'^ him .'5; hi.> appear, mce and niani;ers dss. eribed by his loid.sliip ;"' ; f other particulars of him by Mr. liiirgess 7 ; his dea h H ' ' Powell, i'l.rslcr, account of, IX. 42; his exirnordinary pedesfri.iH achievements 4.'3 ; his person, character and habits 43 ; hi» de;;th ibid. Trait, Air hi'; account of Henry I.ec 'Wavnfr, Tsq. IV. 2 k Pfire, Cl:ar!e.s, fine.cd'ite ol his juvenile duplicity, VIII. 1; ad- Ttftlurcs o[' his ji'utli 2: !i:s dcccptivu ;!ij\ ci (iveuii-'n!*: j; IN DEX. Tftr'ious impostures practised by him 4 ; extraordiuary dis- guises assumed bj him ."> ; coiiimeiiees I'orgcr of b uk notes 6; liis singuiar Ira'.ids and dcccpiioiis 7 — 11 ; is detccud and liatigs himself in [jrisoii 1'^. Rol ; h,s interview with the" Duke of Northumberland 37 ; his death .'58. Taylor, John, tlie water-poet, extracts from his account of Old P.-irr, VII 1 Thieihcim, Cde. Latitude, relative Situations, Soil. Ciiiiiaie, Natural Provtuctiuns, Cuslon.s and Manners oi ihe In- habitants, ice. &c. Complete in 31 Numbers, printed in 12mo. at 6d. each, eii.-' riclieil v\a!) .'51 Plates, iilustrati-.e of the Costume and Manner* oj' die lull ibiiunls in various Parts ot the V^ofld, from original ■J)e'ij;iis T'le fi.sl Vcn ^ abers comprise the Voyages of Byron Wallis, and Carteret, with Ten llaii..-, and may be had separate, foinnng one Volume coiupleie The re;aainiiig 'l'wenty-«;ie Nunibers include Cook's Ihree \oyai;es c.mpleto, wi^.h I'wenty one Piatca iorniin^ two Volumes coiupk-ie. . . ■ -k..--. — ■ - •• . . ^OFCAUFOB^ mn^ I ^immfo/-^ ^ ^ , University of Calilornia. Los /Vngejes L 005 963 670 4 ■^ 2. ^ ^^WEUNIVERy/^ ^10SANCEI% 5 i I 3 ?!3AINI]3HV CO ^lOSANCn% oo •^/yjQAINIl-Itf^ AA 000 661145 3 '^tfOJITOJO'^ ' >^ ^OFCAlIFOff;^ ^OF'CAUFO^^ i ^ i C3' 2{7 ^lUBRARYO?. >55SEUNIVERS;{^ AkclOSANCEl&>. iiirr^ tie^^p^ t/^v-ki ^OFCAUFOI?^ ^ .§ O tU ^AHVHJinA^ '^I'Miiv.cm:^ -tJcrcMAiuft.iuN^