AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD BOOK LIST No. 7 SELECTED LIST RUSSIAN BOOKS COMPILED BY J. MAUD CAMPBELL FOR THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION OF MASSACHUSETTS AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1916 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD FOREIGN BOOK LIST HSTo. 7 SELECTED LIST RUSSIAN BOOKS COMPILED BY J. MAUD CAMPBELL FOR THE FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMISSION OF MASSACHUSETTS' - AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING BOARD CHICAGO 1916 PRESERVATION COPY ADDED ORIGINAL TO BE RETAINED 18 1994 INTRODUCTION. No list exists of Russian books suitable for public libraries in English, French, German or Russian, and the increasing interest in Russia, as well as the grow- ing Slav immigration, has created a demand for a guide in purchasing Russian books, printed in Latin characters, with annotations and other bibliographical information in English. The Free Public Library Commission of Massa- chusetts in offering this list wishes to express its thanks and appreciation to Mrs. L. Haff kin-Hamburger and Dr. Aurelius Palmieri whose interest and advice have added greatly to the value of the work. Mrs. Haffkin-Hamburger, lecturer in library economy at Shaniawsky University, Moscow, was in the United States during the summer of 1914, and from her visits to libraries in this country was in a position to judge just what sort of books would be most appre- ciated - by the Russian people who use our public libraries. On her return to Moscow, she undertook to see whether the titles selected were in print and could be secured. All the books in the list were in the Rus- sian book catalogs under date of January, 1916. Mr. Palmieri, a recognized authority on Russian literature and a scholar of remarkable erudition, has been most painstaking in looking up full names, dates and characteristics of the authors, information not found in published lists, which will be useful for the large scholastic libraries as well as public libraries. His judgment as to the value of the selections from the immense field of the Russian literature for their 348050 moral as well as literary worth has given the list a much more critical value than otherwise would have been possible. The books selected have been chosen with a view to meeting the needs of the Russian immigrant people and include those of practical use as well as of literary merit. The racial characteristics of the Russian people also have been considered in compiling the list. For instance, the early literature of Russia was largely religious and many of the peasant people read only religious books. Books about their church history, religious sects and the lives of the saints are more appealing than Russian poetry, which is the Russian literature of the cultured class. The modern Russian is interested in the strong but sad modern fiction and books on. philosophical subjects. Books on the useful arts and sciences are included for their practical in- terest to the foreign patrons of the public library. The scheme of transliteration suggested by the committee of the A. L. A. in 1885 and amplified by Mr. J. Sumner Smith in his article* in the New Englander and Yale Review in May, 1891, has been adopted, but the authors have been alphabeted, in the different classes, according to the English translite- ration of the name, as being more useful to librarians unfamiliar with the Cyrillic characters. The prices quoted were taken from Russian catalogs, the kopec being worth slightly over half a cent and the ruble about fifty-two cents. Often the complete works of the modern fiction writers were found to be more moderate in price than single titles, in which case they were given the preference. In the majority of "Transliteration from the Russian" reprinted from the New Englander and Yale Review of May, 1891. Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor Press, New Haven, Conn., 5 cents. cases the books are unbound. Information regarding the useful arts is published largely in pamphlet form at a moderate price. If importing by mail from Russia, the following will be found among, the reliable firms : I. L. Tuzov, Gostinny Dvor, Ni. 45, Petrograd, Russia. Kimmel Co-, Riga, Russia. Among the Russian dealers in New York the following can supply some books: Messrs. Maisel & Rubinow, 424 Grand Street, New York City. Moses Gurewitsch, 202 East Broadway, New York City. All the importers can secure Russian books with- out much difficulty. J. M. C. Free Public Library Commission, State House, Boston, Mass- October, 1916. RUSSIAN BOOKS GENERAL WORKS XABKHHT), Jl. B. Htio-IopKCKafl IIy6jiHHHa^ ica. CT. 16 piic. MocKBa. 1914 cxp. 50 K. KHAVKIN, L. B. New York Public Library. 16 illus. Moscow, 1914. 46 p. 50 k. History and present condition of the N. Y. P. L. ; comparison with some Western European and Russian Libraries. Views of the Central building and several branches. 020 Libraries. OIOBAPL. IlaBjieHKOBa. , 1910 r-, ij. 3 p. Encyclopedia. Pavlenkov. Petrograd, 1910. 3 r. This encyclopedia in one volume is very useful for small libraries. Besides ordinary reference, it also gives the explanation of many foreign words used in the Russian language. 030 Cyclopedias. HAPO^HAH aHDiHKJIOnE^m. Pe^. XapLKOBCKaro O-Ba rpaMOTHocTii. 1910-1912. POPULAR CYCLOPEDIA. Compiled by the Kharkov Educational Association. 1910-1912. Sytin, Moscow. 14 vol. 36 r. bound. This excellent collective work is not in a dictionary form, like other cyclopedias, but is rather a series of manuals for every important branch of science. It is written by specialists and edited by a com- mittee of professors. Very popular and interesting, it is invaluable for self-education. Many illus., maps, diagr., 14 vol., some in 2 parts, total 21 books, over 7000 p. 030 Cyclopedias, Analytics. PyCCKOAMEPHKAHCKlEC CHPABOHHHK'L. HLIO- lopK-L. "PyccKoeCioBo." 1914. 196 cxp., 45 u;eHTOBT>. RUSSIAN-AMERICAN REFERENCE BOOK. New York. "Russkoe Slovo." 1913. 196 p. 45 cents. Gives a variety of information very useful for Russian immigrants. 030 Cyclopedias. MAJIBIH SHI^HKJrOnE^H^ECKlH CJIOBAPK EpoKraBys-L E^pom*. nexporpa^-L, 1907-1909, 4 T. n;. B-L neperui. 21 p. SMALL CYCLOPEDIA. Brockhaus & Efron. Petr. 1907-1909. 4 v. Over 2,000 p. 21 r. bound. 030 Cyclopedias. 2KYPHAJTK 12 iijunocxp. KHHFL BT, L. nexporpa^-L, CepnyxoBCKafl, 40. 3a rpammy 6 p. BT> ro.aj'L. MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Illustrated Magazine. Petr. 6 r. yearly, including postage. Interesting and popular. 050 Periodicals. HHBA. EneHe^jiLH. njuiiocxpHp. Hcypnajn, CT> npHjionce- HDIMH. Ilexp., 8 p. NIVA. Weekly illus. magazine with supplements. Petr. Yearly subscription in Russia 8 r. Pictures good ; text of the weekly mediocre ; some of the supplements, such as fashions, patterns, etc., insignificant ; but the great value of the magazine is that it gives every year as a supplement the complete works of one or two prominent writers. It gave thus the works of Gogol, Gonchardv, Dostoievsky, Korolenko, Chekhov and many others. For 1915 announced the complete works of Bunin (12 vol.). Mamin- Sibiriak (18 vol.). Maeterlinck (3 vol.) and a new novel by Kuprin (2 vol.). It is advisable to get " Niva '* for the precedent years: 1914 (Korolenko), 1912 (Kuprin), 1911 (Chekhov), 1909 (Ibsen), and others, which is the most advantageous way to acquire the complete works of the above-mentioned authors. Several years of the magazine are out of print. 050 Periodicals. CBBEPHBIH 3AHHCKH. 12 KH. B-B roflx. Hexp., 3aro- poflHHft np., 21. 3a rpamnjy 6 p. 50 K. NORTHERN JOURNAL. Monthly. Petr. 6 r. 50 k. yearly, including postage. High class magazine; not illustrated. 050 Periodicals. 8 PYCCKQE EOFATCTBO. EaceidicaHHHft jmxepaTyp- HBIII H HaymtiH 2KypHajn>. KopojienKO, B. F. rTexp. 9 p. RUSSKOE BOGATSTVO. Monthly literary and scientific magazine. Korolenko, Petr. 9 r. 050 Periodicals. PHILOSOPHY. 3MEPCOITL, PajK})-L Ba^o. O ^OBipiii KT, ce6i. 1904 r. MocKBa, 10 K. EMERSON, Ralph Waldo. Self-reliance. 1904, Moscow, 10k. 170 Ethics. cDAPPAP^K O: B: Ce&ieiiHHii o^an,. CT, aurji. O. C KoMapCKaro. FleTporpa^'B, 1898 r., u;. 60 K., BT> KOJI. FARRAR F: W: (1831-1903). The domestic hearth. Translated from English by F. S. Komarsky. Petrograd, 1898, 60 k. bd. According to the Archpriest Bielikov, the works of Farrar xrt a great influence upon the religious education of the young. 170 Ethics. PO3AHOBTD, B. CeMCHHBiH Bonpoct BT> Pocciir. 2 T. 1903 r. Hexp., 4 p. 50 K. ROZANOV, V. Family question in Russia. 2 vol. 1903. Petrograd. 4 r. 50 k. 173 Family. , H. UL^HCTBO, Kaic-B cou;iajii>HHii ne^yrt H 6opi>6a npoTHBi> nero.'L, u;. 30 K. YANZHUL, I. Drink as a social evil and the struggle against it. Petrograd, 30 k. 178 Temperance. BYTPY, STBCH-B SMHJIB. HayKa H pejinrin BT, coBpeMCH- Hoft HanpaBjiemflXT,. 1902 106 CTp. 1 p. 20 K. CHELPANOV, George Ivanovich (1862-). Modern tendencies in philosophy. 1902. Kiev, 106 p. 1 r. 20 k. A famous psychologist and critic of philosophical systems. In the above-mentioned work he shows that idealism is the only system of philosophy in accordance with modern scientific views. He criticises positivism and agnosticism. 190 Philosophy, Modern. OpHflpuxt BujiBrejiLMT, (1844-1900). Tain> BapaxycTpa. IlepeB. C-L H-BM. MocKBa, lp. 50 K. NIETZSCHE, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844-1900). Thus spake Zarathustra. Trans, from German. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. Becejias HayKa. IlepeB. ci> ITEM. A. HiiKcaaeBa, MocKBa, 1 p. 25 K. Joyful wisdom. Nikolaev, A. trans, from German. Mos- cow, 1 r. 25 k. The daring theories of Friedrich Nietzsche, Apostle of the supeiv man, exerted their influence upon the Russian mind. 193 Philosophy, German. 10 (1863- ). Hnijine. KpiiTii^. onepK-L. 1904 r. MocKBa, 1 p. 20 K. TRUBETZKOI, Eugenius Mikhailovich (1863- ). Phil- osophy of Nietzsche. Critical essay. 1904. Moscow, 1 r. 20 k. One of the greatest liberal thinkers of Russia. In his writings he excels in representing Christianity as a living and ceaselessly working force which organized the political life of the modern cultured peoples. He wrote a monumental work on the philosophical system of Vladimir Soloviev, and -on the occasion of the European war a series of pamphlets which delineate the future mission of Russia towards Christianity a*nd mankind. 193 Philosophy, German. A CKOJIB r Z^OB'L, C. AjzeKckii AjieKcaH^poBii^-B KOSJIOB-B. 1912 r. MocKBa. 1 p. 50 K. ASKOLDOV, S. Alexis Alexandrovich Kozlov. 1912. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. EEP^HEBt), HnKOJian AaeKcaHjpoBHHT, (1874- ). AjieKcin CTenaHOBiiH'L XOM.HKOB'L. 1912 r. MocKBa. 1 p. 60 K. BERDIAEV, Nicholas Alexandrovich (1874- ). Alexis Stepanovich Khomiakov. 1912. Moscow, 1 r. 60 k. A leader of liberal thought in Russia. With S. N. Bulgakov he was the editor of the "New Path" a theological and philosophical Review which fore-shadowed a radical reform of dogmatic Christian- ity and of the official Church. His philosophical works, penetrated with a mystical spirit, give an apocalyptic conception of the future Christianity, and an unbiased criticism of the modern trends of Russian thought. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. 3PHT} B. Eopi>6a aa Jloroct. Ontixti <|)iijioco(|)CKie H KpHTHHecide. 1911 r. MocKBa, 2 p. ERN, V. Struggle for the Logos. Theories, philosophical and critical. 1911. Moscow, 2 r. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. 11 rPYSEHEEPFL, C. O^epicii coBpeMeimon pyccKofi n- JIOCO$IH. 1911 r. IleTp., 50 K. GRUZENBERG, S. Sketches of modern Russian phil- osophy. 1911. Petr., 50 k. 197 _ Philosophy, Slavic. HCAEB1>, A. rpa(J)t Jl. H. TOJICTOH, Kaic-L MLICJIIITCJIL. 1911 r. Hexp., 1 p. 50 K. ISAEV, A. Count L. N. Tolstoi, as a thinker. 1911. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. JIOHATHH'L, JTeBT, MiixaiiJioBiiHT, (1855- ) OITJIO- co$cidfl xapaKxepucTHKii n pinn. 1911 r. MocKBa, 3 p LOPATIN, Leo Mikhailovich (1855- ). Philosophical characteristics and discourses. 1911. Moscow, 3 r. The leader of the Russian spiritualist school, especially in the field of psychology. His writings are widely circulated because of the logical strength and soundness of his reasoning, and the simple and lively style of their exposure. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. MEPE^CKOBCKIfl, #. JL TOJICTOH H ^ocToeBCKin. 2 XT. 1909 r. He T p., 5 p. MEREZHKOVSKY, D. L. Tolstoi and Dostoievsky. 2 vol. 1909. Petr., 5 r. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. O PEjlHriH JlLBa TojiCToro. 1912 r. C6opHHKt BTOpofl. MocKBa, 1 p. 70 K. Religion of Leo Tolstoi. 1912. " Sbornik " Collection 2. Moscow, 1 r. 70 k. Critical essays on the philosophy of Tolstoi's religion by many noted writers. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. POSAHOBT), BacMiH BacHJEteBHYB (1856- ). Bt Mipi HCflCHaro H nep-EineHHaro. 1904 r. Ilexp., 1 p. 50 K. ROZANOV, Basil Vasilevich (1856- ). In the world of darkness and insolvable mysteries. 1904. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. O BJIAflHMIP'B COJIOBBEB'B. 1911 r. C6opHiiKi, IlepBLiH. MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. Vladimir Soloviev. 1911. " Sbornik " Collection I. Mos- cow, 1 r. 50 k. Collection of essays on the philosophy of Soloviev by various authors of note. 197 Philosophy, Slavic. RELIGION. FJIA^KOBX, B. H. TojiKOBanie EBanrejim 1909 r . lleip., 3 p. BT> nepemr. GLADKOV, B. I. Commentary on the Gospels. 1909. Petr., 3 r. bd. 226 Gospels. OAPPAPt*, O. B. }KHSHB Incyca Xpncxa. Herp., 1909 r FARRAR, Frederic William. Life of Christ. Petr., 1909. Russian translation of the most celebrated work of Farrar. Almost all the works of Farrar have been translated into Russian by Prof. A. Lopukhin. They are very popular as the Russian Ministry of Pub- lic Instruction has instructed the libraries of the secondary schools to place the works of Farrar among- their book^. 232 Christology. O. ^-pt. Incyc-B XpHCTOCT,, ny^o Hcxopin. IlepeB. CT> HiMeijKaro, 15 muiiocTp- SCHAFF, L. Jesus Christ, Miracle of history. Trans, from German. 15 illus. 232 Christology. 13 MHHCKlH, H. HCCB^;. (BiuieHKHHt, HiiKOJiaii Maiccii- MOBHH-B (1855- ). Pejiiirm 6y^yin,aro anrji. no/T;7> pe^aKUjieii ann. noflt pe,o;aKn;. 10-K) H3o6pa- }KemMH. Uexp., 1892 r. u;. 1 p. LUNIN, A. A. Christian Path. With 10 ill., Petr., 1892. 1 r. 244 Religious miscellany. BHCCAPIOH1>, en. CdopHiiKi. RJIX nasii^axejiLHaro *iTtmx. M., 1891 r., ^. 1 p. VISSARION, bishop. Collection of edifying readings. Moscow, 1891, 1 r. 244 Religious miscellany. OAPPAP'L,

ABrycxt je (1839-1908). Hayica H AnojrorexHKa. IlepeB. H. II. L^B-EXKOBOH CT, npe^iicjroBieM'L H IIO,ZI;T> pe,a;aKu;ieH C. C. FjiarcxiieBa. 1911 r. 1 p. L APPARENT, Albert August Cochon de (1839-1908). Science and Apologetics. Trans, and introduction by Tsvietkova, N. P. 1911. Glagolev, S. S. 1 r. A famous French geologist. In the above-mentioned work he studies the relations between science and faith from a Christian point of view. His scientific writings are very popular. 239 Evidences of Christianity. jnOTAP^Tt, XpHCxo$t 3pHCTi> (1823-1902). Anojioria xpucxiancxBa. IIy6jiHHHi>i^ HxeHm. Hepes. CT> H^M. A. II. Jlonyxima. 1892 r. Ilexp., 5 p. B-L nep. LUTHARDT, Christoph Ernst (1823-1902). Apology of the Christian Faith. Public lectures. Lopukhin, A. P. trans, from German. 1892. Petr., 5 r. bd. Very good translation of the " Apologetic Lectures on the Funda- mental Truths of Christianity >' by Christoph Ernst Luthardt, German Lutheran theologian, who was one of the glories of the University of Leipzig, an eloquent preacher and an ecclesiastical statesman. 239 Evidences of Christianity. 0OMA KEMLTIHCKIH. O no^paaHiH Xpiicxa. Hexsipe KHHTH. HepeBeji-B II. M'smaHUHOBx. Ilexp., 1897 r., u;. BT, KOJieHKopOBOM'L nepcnjiexx> 1 p. 50 K- THOMAS A. KEMPIS Of the imitation of Christ. 4 books. Translated by P. Mieshchaninov. Petr., 1897, 1 r. 50 k. bd. 242 Devotional religion. APPAPTi>, O. B. XpncxiaHCKafl OXB-EXCXB-EHHOCXL. OB anrji. O. C. KonapCKaro. 1898 r. Ilexp., BT> KOJI. nep- 1 p. 50 K. FARRAR F: W: Christian responsibility. F. S. Ko- marsky, trans, from English. 1898. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. bd. 244 Religious miscellany. 16 CTOJTBTIE IIPABOCJIABHOli MHCCIH BX C*Bep- HOH AMepmci 1794-1894 r. r. Hep., 1895 r., ij. 30 K. A century of the Orthodox mission in North America. (1794-1894). Petr., 1895, 30 k. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. PEPMOrEHT), enncK. HCKOB. (KoHCTaHTHHT> IleTpo- r Ho6poHpaBiiHT> (1819-1893), O^epKt ncxopin IJepKBCH. 1899 r. Hsfl. 2-e, IleTp., 1 p. HERMOGEN, bishop of Pskov, (formerly Constantin Dobronravin, 1819-1893.) Historical sketch of the Slavic churches. 1899. 2nd ed., Petr., 1 r. His work is written in a very popular form and gives a careful account of the modern conditions of all the Slavic orthodox churches. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. JIHBAHOBTD, Qe^op-L BacHjn>eBHHT>. PacKOJiLHiiKH H oCTpo^KHiiKH. OnepKii ii pascKasH. 4 T. 1872-1873, Ilexp., 11 p. 40 K. LIVANOV, Theodor Vasilevich, Dissenters and Ostro- zhnics. Essay and historical sketches. 4 vol. 1872-1873. Petr., 11 r. 40 k. A biased historian of Russian dissenters. His work, however, gives very interesting details of Russian Duchobors. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. MEJIbFYHOBTD, C. D,epicoBo ii rocy^apciBo B-L Poccin. Ci> 16 iijijiiocTp. BT, TCKCxi. M., 1907 r., u;. 50 K. MELGUNOV, S. Church and State in Russia. With 16 illustr. Moscow, 1907, 50 k. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. }, A. Ho nyxn KT> cuno^y. HST, iicTopin BOCTOHHOII rocy^apcxBeHHOH ia;epKBPi. 147 cxp. Ilexp. 1908 r-, ij;. 75 K. PETRISHSCEV, A. On the way to the synod. Some chapters of the history of the Eastern state church. 147 p. Petr., 1908, 75 k. Popular history of religion in Russia. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. 17 CMHPHOB'L, nexpi, CeMeflOBHrn, (1861- ). Bnyx- peHHie BonpocH BT, pacicojrk BT> 17 B. 1898 r. Ilexp., 3 p. SMIRNOV, Peter Semenovich (1861- ). Inner questions in the history of Russian dissenters of the 17th century. 1898. Petr., 3 r. A very critical and well informed historian of the Russian schism of the Old-believers. 281 Eastern Orthodox Church. COJIOBBEBI), B. Poccifl H BcejiencKa^ IJepicoBB. Hepeb. CT> KOJI. nep. 2 p. FARRAR, F: W: Seekers after God. F. S. Komarsky, Trans, from English. 1898. Petr., 2 r. bd. Lives and doctrines of some Pagan philosophers. 290 Non-Christian religions. FECCEHT), K). O HCHSHH CBpeeBi, BT> Poccin. Samicica B-L Focy^apcxBeHHyio ^yny. Zlexporpa^-B, 1906 r. HESSEN, J. Living conditions among the Jews in Russia. Report presented to Imperial Duma. Petr., 1906, 135 p., 75k. Excellent vivid picture of unrighteous restrictions imposed on the Jews by legal persecutions in Russia. 296 Jews. 18 SOCIOLOGY. XEJIKBHTL, M. HcTOpin coijiajiHSMa BT> HLIXT, IIlTaTaxt. neTporpafl-L, 1907. HILLQUIT, MORRIS. History of socialism in U. S. Petr., 1907. 293 p., 90 k. 335 Socialism. O3EPOB1>, H. KaKi. pacxo^yioxoi BT> Poccin . M. 1907. OZEROV, I. How the people's money is spent in Russia. 309 p., 1 r. Financial policy of Russia. Popular. 336 Finance, Russia Social life and customs. ), II. IIpaBa HejroBiica H rpaacflaHima. . H. 1906. MIZHUEV. P. Rights of man and citizen. P. 115 pp., 25 k. Special attention is given to England and America. 340 Law. (Jje^epaijbi coBpeMenHaro nipa. . H. 1907. - Principal federations of the present world. P. 252 pp., 1 r. 25. Compares constitutions of Germany, Switzerland and U. S. of America. 342 Constitutional law and history. E-BJIOKOHCKIfi, H. SeMCKoe ABHHcenie. 2-e ns^. "3a- " M. 1913. BIELOKONSKY, I. P. The Zemstvo movement. 2 ed., 405 pp., 3 r. The 'Zemstvo is the local self-government in Russia. 352 Local government. Russia. Politics. KAnTEPEBt), II. HcTopm pyccKofi ne^aroriiKH. 1910 r. IleTp., 3 p. KAPTEREV, P. History of Russian pedagogy. 1910. Petr., 3 r. 370 Education. 19 D, II. CoBpeMCHnaH micojia BT. Espoirk H AMC- Ct pnc. ("neflaror. AKa#eMifl" npcxj). A. HenaeBa)- Ha^. AHTHKT>. M. 1912. MIZHUEV, P. Modern school in Europe and in Amer- ica. 111., 247 pp., 1 r. 60. A volume of the series "Pedagogical Academy", ed. by Prof. Ne- chaev. 370 Education. HIKOJIBHAH SHIJHKJIOnEfllA. KHiira RJISL Hapo^nHxt y^nxejieft n no Hapo^Hony o6pa3OBatnK>. 819 cxp. 1912. ^aKi^ieft TyjiynoBa H IIIecTaKOBa. MocKBa. 3 p. 50 K. PRACTICAL SCHOOL CYCLOPAEDIA. Handbook for public teachers and workers for public education. 819 p. 1912. Tulupov and Chestakov, Moscow, 3 r. 50 k. Good collection of articles on public schools and home education, written by specialists, with elaborate reading lists. 370 Education. AJIbMEH^HHTEHTb, A. HaiajiLHLiH yHe6HHia> TOBapo- Bi^Hifl RJIX 3KeHCKHXT> KOMMepHCCKHX-L KypCOBt H yHHjmin;T>. 1908. Ilexp., 2 p. ALMENDINGEN, A. Elementary book on knowledge of merchandise for trade schools for women.. 1908. Petr., 2 r. 370.1 Vocational education. PYBAICHH'L, H. A. IIpaKTHKa caMoodpasoBaniH (Cpe#n KHHT-L H HHTaTejien). OHHT-L CHCTei4i> caMOo6pa3o- BaTCJIBHarO HTCHm npHM^HHTejILHO K-L JUIHHHMt oco6eHHocTHMT> ^HxaxejieH. 1914. Hs^. ,,Hayica", MocKBa, 2 p. 85 K. RUBAKIN, N. A. Practice of self-education. (Amongst books and readers). System of self -educational reading as applied to the personal taste of readers. 1914. " Nauka " Moscow 2 r. 85 k. General advice and a very good annotated reading list for adults. Invaluable for self-education. 374 Education. 20 CIIEHCEP'L, FepdepTt. BocnHxame yMCXBCHHoe, Hpae- CTBenHoe H <|)ii3HHecKoe. Hep. CT> anrji. M. Jlasape- BOH. 1906 r. Hexp., 75 K. SPENCER, Herbert. Education: intellectual, moral and physical. M. Lazareva, trans, from English. 1906. Petr., 75 k. 370 Education. , O. MOJIO^OH OmraxejiHCx-B. Cn6., 1908 r., n,. 30 K. GURIEV, F. Young philatelist. Petr., 1908, 30 k. 383 Postage stamps. MTHATIOirL, A. O. MonexBi, M^PBI H BX>CBI pasHBixt rocy^apCTBt. M., 1906 r., u;. 40 K. IGNATIUK, A. F. Money, weights and measures of different kingdoms. Moscow, 1906, 40 k. 389 Weights and measures. KOJIJIOHTAH, A. Cou;iajii>Hi.i^ OCHOBLI ^cencKaro BO- npoca. H. 1909. KOLLONTAY, A. Social principles of the women's ques- tion. P. 431 pp. 1 r. 25. 1. Struggle for the economical independence. 2. Mar- riage and family. 3. Struggle for political rights. 396 Women Social conditions. LANGUAGE. y^EBHTHHH'L, B. HOJIHLIH npaKTH^ecKift H nonyjiap- HLIH caMoynnxejiB MeHc^ynapo^Haro ^stiica "3cne- panxo" M., 1910 r., n,. 30 K. DEVIATNIN, V. Complete practical and popular manual of self -instruction of the international language " Esperanto." Moscow, 1910, 30 k. 408.9 Esperanto. AHTYKA, R. HoBininiit caMoynnxejiL aurjiiiicKaro JISBI- K a. M., 1911 r., 75 K. ANTUKA, D. Latest manual of self-instruction in the English language. M., 1911, 75 k . 420 English language. 21 ByPrAP r ZI,'L, B. IIojiHBiii npaKTHHecKifi n KypCT> anrjUHCiearo flstiica fljia BBpoomx-B. 1909 r. IleTp., 3 p. BURGARD, V. Complete practical and theoretical course in the English language for adults. 1909. Petr., 3 r. 428 English language. CAMOYMHTEJIB anrjiiftCKaro *3Hica. 1914. 3. na^. "Pyccicoe CJIOBO" H. I- 45 CCHTOB-B- English self-taught, adapted for immigrants. 3rd ed. N. Y. " Russkoe Slovo " 45 cents. 428 English language. FIELD, W. S. and COVENEY, M. E. English for new Americans. 1911. N. Y. Silver Burdette. 60 cents. Contains a Russian vocabulary. 428 English language. HyPOKt>, II. M. CaMoy^nxejiB anrjiiHCKaro flSHiea ^JIH pyCCKHXtj HLIO-IopK-L, 70 C6HTOBT>. NOOROCK, P. M. Self-instructor in the English language for Russians. Hebrew Pub. Co., N. Y. 70 cents. 428 English language. OJIJTEH^OPO'L, X. F. npaKTmecicoe pyKOBo,n;cTBo io> HsyHeniio anrjiiiicKaro .asHKa. 1864 r. IleTp., 2 p. OLLENDORF, H. G. Practical handbook for the study of the English language. 1864. Petr., 2 r. 428 English language. AJIEKCAH^POB'L, A. AHoopyccKiii cjiosapB. PyccKo- ALEXANDROV, A. English-Russian dictionary. 901 pp. 5 r. Russian-English dictionary. 728 p.. P. 5 r. Best dictionary of the English language. 491 Russian language. 22 NATURAL SCIENCE. MAPTHH^b, BoxanHKa. Mnnepajrorm. IlepeB. CT> HX>MeijKaro H. M. 3H3ena no^-B pe^aicu;. npo(J). A. M. HHKOJIB- CKaro. CT> 1125 puc. Cn6., 1903 r., u;. 8 p. MARTIN, F. Three kingdoms of nature. Zoology, botany and mineralogy. Trans, from the German by Prof. A. M. Nikolsky. 1125 iilus. Petrograd. 8 r. 600 Natural science. Analytics. KJlEilH'L, F. AcTpoHOMHHecKie Benepa. (O6m.e#ocxyn- Htm 6eci^Li) IlepeBo.zii'L CT> H-kMeijKaro I. A ^aBH^o- Ba. Ct 25 !LoiocTpaia;mMH. nexporpa^i,, 1910 r., i^. 1 p. 25 K- KLEIN, G. Discussions on astronomy. Translated from German by I. A. Davidov. With 25 illus. Petr., 1 r 25 k. 620 Astronomy. nOKPOBCKlH, K. ycnxH acxponoMin B> 19 uiicfe. 266 cxp. 1902 r. Hexp., 1 p. 20 K. POKROVSKY, K. Progress of astronomy in the XIX century. 266 p. 1902. Petr., 1 r. 20 k. Very popular style. 620 Astronomy. KJIEHRTL, F. Jlyna. Ilexporpa.^, 1910 r., n,. 25 K. KLEIN, G. Moon. Petrograd, 1910, 25 k. 523 Astronomy. IlpoiiiJioe, Hacxo^ru,ee u 6y r a,yin,ee BcejieH- HOH. IlepeB. CT> H^Meri;Karo I. A. ^aBBi^oBa. Ilexp., 1911 r., u,. 1 p. 25 K. Present, past and future of the universe. Translated from German by I. A. Davidov. Petr., 1911, 1 r. 25 k. 623 Astronomy. 23 KJIE#H1>, T. Cojmn;e. neTporpa^-L, 1910 r., n;. 12 K. KLEIN, G. Sun. Petr,, 1910, 12 k. 523 Astronomy. jviip-L. nexporpa,^, 1912 r., u;. 40 K. -World of stars. Petr., 1912. 40 k. 523 Astronomy. FAHO, A. ii MAHEBPIE, M. HOJIHHH KypeL IlepeB. B. Ara$OHOBa H F. Bopma. 1909 r. u;. 4 p. GANOT A. and MANEUVRIER, M. Complete course in physics. Translated by V. Agathonov and G. Borch. Petr., 1909, 4 r. 630 Physics. EOMMEJIH, P. HcTopLa SCMJIH. IlepeB. CT> I. A. ^aBu^oBa. Ci, 253 puc. 1912. Hexp. 2 p. 50 K. BOMMELI, R. History of the earth. Davidov, I. A. trans, from German. With 253 illus. 1912. Petr., 2 r. 50 k. 550 Geology. (MAMMAPIOITL, K. A T Moc Mopfl, HCHBOTHLIH 11 pacxn- ipt MOpfl, CIO JKH3HB II BSaHMOOXHOIIieHm. IlepeB. CT> H^M. II. HlMH^xa. 320 pncymc. BT> TCK- cxi. Ilexp., 1905 r., n,. 9 p. 50 K. BT> nep. KELLER, K, prof. Life of the sea; the world of marine plants and animals, their life and mutual relations. Trans. from the German by P. Schmidt. 320 illus. Petrograd, 1905. 8 r. 591 Marine zoology. , H. ITpicHOBo^HBiH aKBapiyai-B. CT> 86 puc. M., ^. lp. SOROKIN, N. Fresh water aquarium. With 86 illustr., Moscow, 1 r. 591 Aquariums. USEFUL ARTS. OHniEP r L- r a,K)KEJrBMAH'L, A. Bpa^-L. "HacTOJiLHafl KHnra RJI& yKeun^uH^" . IlepeB. ci> HT^M. I. JIiiTiiHCKaro. ITexporpa^T,, 1913 r., u;. 5 p. FISHER-DUCKELMAN, A. Woman, a domestic physician. A book for women. Translated from German by I. Litin- sky. Petr., 1903. 5 r. 610 Medicine. (MOPMHCKIfl, B. ^OMainHflfl Me^imnna, JIeHe6HiiKi. A.IX napo^naro ynoxpe6^eni^:. ITexporpa^-L, 1908 r., u;. BT> nep. 4 p. 25 K. FLORINSKY, V. Home medicine. A book of medicine for popular use. Petr., 1908, 4 r. 25 k. bd. 610 Medicine. ,3,0 M am Hi ft Bpa^i>. Ooirje^ocxyiiHBiH 1910 r., H,. 1 p. 50 K. LUNIN, Dr. House doctor. An accessible book of med- icine. With many illustrations. Moscow, 1910, 1 r. 50 k. 610 Medicine. 25 JIYHKEBHTL, B. Hayica o SKHSHH. $H3iojiorm nejioB-kica. 354 crp. Ct 182 piic. 1913 r. 4 H3,a;. IlaBjieHKOBa. Harp., 1 p. 25 K. LUNKEVICH, V. Science of life. Popular physiology. 354 p. With 182 illus. 1913, 4th ed. Pavlenkov, Petr., 1 r. 25 k. 612 Physiology. FHHBEyPFL, M. 3y6i>i H yxo^t sa HHMH. IIonyjmpHoe pyKOBO^CTBO RJLSl CCMBH II HIKOJIBI. C/L 6 pHCyH. nexporpa^-B, 1912 r., n;. 20 K. GINSBURG, M. Teeth and their care. Popular manual for home and schools. With 6 illustrations. Petr., 1912, 20 k. 613 Teeth. FJI'BBOBT), C. FurieHa BOJIOCT> H TOJIOBHLIX'L noicpOBOB'L. Knnra nojiesnaji RJLX BCEX-L. Uexp., 1901 r., 20 K. GLIEBOV, S. Hygiene of the hair and headdress. A useful book for all. Petr., 1901, 20 k. 613 Hair. nOKPOBCKAH, T. IIonyjiHpHafl rnriena, IleTporpa.a;'!,, 1893 r., n[. 2 p. POKROVSKAIA, T. Popular hygiene. Petr., 2 r. 613 Hygiene. CAH^CXDTb, E. CiiJia H KaK-L c^ijiaTLCH CHJILHLIMT,. IIoJIHOe pyKOBO^CTBO THMHaCTHKH, aTJlCTHKH II 6opL6Li. ITeTporpa^-Lj 1909 r., n;. 1 p. SANDEAU, E. Strength and how to become strong. A complete manual of gymnastics, athletics and wrestling. Petr., 1909, 1 r. 613.7 Physical education. JIAH r a;33EH'L-QOH r L, O. 3. BopL6a ct orneMt. Cx 308 pnc. Cn6., 1903 r., u;. 1. p. LANDEZEN-VON, F. E. Struggle against fire. 308 illus, Petr., 1903, 1 r. 614.8 Fire prevention. 26 II. IIpaKTHKa cjiy?K6u. Mainimiicxa. IlepeB. ci, HiMeu;Karo HHyKenept JL AH- flpeeB-B. M., 1904 r., n;. 80 K. BROOKE, P. Practice of railway machinist's service. Translated from German by Engineer L. Andreev. Mos- cow, 1904, 80 k. 621.1 Steam engineering. BPO3IVCL H KOXTD, CnyxHHK-B napaBosnaro Mainn- Hiicxa. PyKOBO^CTBo RJiH. napOBOSHBixt KO T ierapoBT> H ManiHHHCxoB-B. CoKpam;eHHBiH nepeBO^-L ci> H-B- MenjKaro na^anm B. OcxepMana. CT> 523 pucyHK- Ile- Tporpa/i;T>, 1904 r., u;. 1 p. 25 K. BROSIUS and KOCH. Locomotive machinist's companion. Handbook for locomotive stokers and machinists. Abrid- ged translation from the German edition by V. Osterman. With 523 illus. Petr., 1904, 1 r. 25 k. 621.1 Steam engineering. CA3EPAKTD-E-QOP}K'L. JL He-ioB^i, CTajn> CB 35 PHC. IlepeB. CT> 65-io Cn6., 1908 r., u;. 75 K. BAUDRY-DE-SAUNIER, Automobiles with benzine mo- tors. With 65 sketches. Petr., 1908, 75 k. 629.1 Automobiles. EO r HPH- r Zl^E-CAHB3. HCKVCCXBO xopomo ynpaBjiaxB aExoModHjieM-B. CB 20 pnc. Cn6., 1910 r., n,. 1 p. 50 K. BAUDRY-DE-SAUNIER, Instructions for automobile driving. With 20 illus. Petr., 1910, 1 r. 50 k. 629.1 Automobiles. 27 AGRICULTURE. APIJBIEAIHEBTb, f(. Opy,a;m H Mammm cejitcicaro xosflfiCTBa. Ct 313 piicyHKaMii BT, TCRCTE, IleTpo- rpa^t, 1910 r., n;. 2 p. 40 K. ARTSYBACHEV, D. Agricultural implements. With 313 illus. Petr., 1910, 2 r. 40 k. 630 Farm implements. rAPBY r Zl, r L, A. O6HOBjieHHafl seio^. CKasame o no6i- ^ax-B coBpeMeHHaro 3eMJiejii& BT> AMepiiK'E. BT coKpam;eHHOMT> HSJiOyKeniii npo(J). K. A. TiiMiip^seBa. 225 CTp. C-L 48 pnc. 1909 r. Hs^. CtiTHna. MocKBa. 75 K. HARWOOD, A. Renewed land. Progress of agriculture in America. Summarised by prof. K. A. Timiriazev. 225 p. With 48 illus. 1909. Sytin ed. Moscow, 75 k. 630 Agriculture. BOJIBHOrOPCKlH, IL PacTenm Apyst* nejioBiKa. 662 CTp. OL 273 pnc. 1901 r., Hs^. K TnxoMHpoBa. MocKBa. 3 p. VOLNOGORSKY, P. Plants friends of man. 662 p. With 273 illus. 1901, Tikhomirov, K. Moscow, 3 r. Description of plants raised by men for different purposes, and of their importance to human life. Language very popular. Fine edition. 630 Agriculture. AOAHACOBMTL, B. HJTO^OBOH ca^x H oropo^x jiio6iiTejiH BT> ciBepHoii ncxnodk Poccin. HeTporpafli*, 1905 r., ^. 1 p. ATHANASOVICH, V. Fruit and vegetable gardens of amateurs in Northern Russia. Petr., 1905, 1 r. 634 Fruit. Gardening. ABOSHHTb, H. ^oxo^noe nTimeBo^CTBo BT> MCJIKIIX-B xo3HHCTBaxi>. C % T> 34-M^ piic. Cn6., 1907 r., ^. 75 K. ABOZIN, I. Profitable bird-breeding. With 34 illus. Petr., 1907, 75 k. 636 Poultry. 28 AEO3HITL, H. PasBeaeHie rycen ii yxoKt. M., 1909 r., u;. 10 K. ABOZIN, I. Raising geese and ducks. M., 1908, 10 k. 636 Poultry. HEHIUTYBE, C. }KHBOTHOBO,ZI;CTBO. PasBefleme n^BLipa- mHBame TCJI^T-L na mieMJi H na MSCO. 1903. IleTp., 50 K. NEUSTUBE, S. Rearing cattle. Rearing calves for breed- ing and market purposes. 1903 Petr., 50 k. XyTopcKoe co^epxcanie CKora. 1911 r. IleTp., n;. 75 K. Cattle on the farm. 1911. Petr., 75 k. 636 Domestic animals. A. PyKOBo^CTBO KT, pasynnoMy . Ci> 228-io pncynK. KieBt, 1909 r.> u;. 1 p. 50 K. ANDRIASHEV, A. Handbook on raising bees. With 228 illus. Kiev, 1 r. 50 k. 638 Bees. IIIABPOBTi), H. IIIejiKOBHu;a, e^ pasBe^enie H HOJIBSO- Banie eio. 142 pnc. 1899. IleTp. 1 p. 50 K. SHAVROV, N. Mulberry tree, its cultivation and use. Handbook for those interested in rearing silkworms. 142 illus. 1899. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 638 Silkworms. COOK BOOKS. MOILOXOBEJU'L, E. IIo^apoK'B MOJIO^BIM'L xos-siiKaMt, HJIII cpe,a;cTBo KT> yMeHtmemio pacxo^oBi> BT> ,a;o MainneM-L xos^iiCTBi. Bt 2-xt H. 1909 r. Hs^;. 26-e. ITexp., u;. 5 p. BT, nepenji. MOLOKHOVETS, E. Present to young housewives, or advice on reducing expenses in housekeeping. 2 parts. 1909. 26th ed. Petr., 5 r. bd. 640 Domestic economy. 29 PE f HEJIHH'L, M. ^OM-L H xosfliiCTBO. B.T> ^eyxi, TOMaxi,, CT, piic., Cn6., 1907 r-, BT> KOJICHK. nep., ij. 5 p. REDELIN, M. House and domestic economy. In two vol. with illus. Petr., 1907, 5 r. bd. 640 Domestic economy. AJIEKCAH^POBA-HrHATBEBA, II. HpaKxii^ecKm OCHOBLI KyjiHHapHaro HCKyccTBa. CL 108 piic. 1909 r. Hexp., 3 p. 50 K. ALEXANDROVA-IGNATIEVA, P. Practical foundation of culinary art. With 108 illus. 1909. Petr., 3 r. 50 k. 641 Cookery. lOFAHCOH'B, K). IIoBapeHHa^ KHHra. CL 66 pnc. Cn6. ^. 4 p. JOHANSON, J. Book of the culinary art. 66 illus. Petr., 4 r. 641 Cookery. MACZIOB-L, H. KoHflHTept. CB 118 pnc. Cn6., 1905 r., 1 p. 20 K. MASLOV, N. Pastry-cook. With 118 illus. Petr.,1905, 1 r. 20 k. 641 Cookery. PE^EJIHH'B, M. Knnra o KOHcepBaxt. OB 13 pnc. Cn6., ^ 50 K. REDELIN, M. Book of conserves. With 13 illus. Petr., 50 k. 641 Cookery. PyM.HHDjEB'B, A. HaerojiLHaa Knura RXSL MOJIO^HX-B XOS^CK-L. Cn6., 1905 r., i^. 1 p. RUMIANTSEV, A. Book of culinary art for young house- wives. Petr., 1905, 1 r. 641 Cookery. 30 -- KoH^Hxept-jiiooiixejiL. Cn6.> 1904 r., u;. 30 K. RUMIANTSEFF, A. Confectioner-amateur. Petr., 1904. 30 k. 641 Cookery, Confectionery. - IlacxajiLHLifi CTOJI-L. Cn6., 1905 r., u;. 15 K. - Easter table. Petr., 1905, 15 k. 641 Cookery. - EJIIIHBI u o.ia^BH. Cn6., 1905 r., u;. 10 K. - Pancakes and fritters. Petr., 1905, 10 k. 641 Cookery. - KoHcepBH u npnnacLi. Cn6., 1906 r., u;. 30 K. - Preserves and provisions. Petr., 1906, 30 k. 641 Cookery. npo$eccionajiLHHxi> niKO-iaxx ropo r a;cKHX'L H CCJILCKHX'L niKOjraxt. 1909 r., n;. 3 p. POSPIELOVA-HATSUK, M. Course in needlework. Ma- nual of needlework for trade, high and grammar schools. Petr., 1909, 3 r. 646 Needlework. KJiaccnaro npeno^aBan^ . BLinycKt I. B^sanie na cnni^ax-L. 1906, II. B^sanie KPIOHKOM-L. BBUIVCK-L III. IIIiiTLe 6ijii^. BLinycKt IV. IIInTLe njiaxtH. 1907. BLinycKt V. HiiHKa H nixonKa. 1908. IleTp., ^2 p. 50 K. - Manual of needlework for schools. Part I. Knitting. 1906. Part II. Crotchet. Prt III. How to make underwear. Part IV. Dressmaking. 1907. Part V. Mending and darning. 1908. Petr., 2 r. 50 k. 646 Needlework. CEBACTBHHOBA, II. HencKm pyieo^jim. Ct 48 pnc. Cn6., 1909 r., ^ 30 K. SEVASTIANOVA, P. Woman's needlework. With 48 illus. Petr., 1909, 30 k. 646 Needlework. AJIEKC^BEBT), II. H ,a;p. ToproBaa KoppcnoH,a;eHii;iH, 300 o6pasu;oBHX'L ToproBux-L nuceMt no BC^MI. OTpacji^Mt TOproBjiii H npoMLinijieH. 1904. Ilexp., 1 p. 50 K. ALEKSIEE, P. and others. Commercial letter-writer, 300 sample letters for all branches of trade and industry. 1904. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 657 Commercial correspondence. BH^EMAHTb. K. EaHKOBa* 6yxrajixepm. Cno., 1901 r., ij. 3 p. 25 K. WIDEMAN, K. Bank book-keeping. Petr., 1901, 3 r. 25 k. 667 Bookkeeping. 32 BHHBEPFL, B. npaKTH^ecKoe pyKOBo^cxBo BHHorpa,a;- CTBa H BHHOfli.ii.a. C-L 144 puc. Cn6., 1904 r., ij. 3 p. VINBERG, V. Handbook on wine-making. 144 illus. Petr., 1904, 3 r. 663 Wine. TAjlBBAHOnjIACTKKA, HHKejnipOBanie, BOJiOHenie, cepe6penie H ajieKTpoMexajuiyprifl. CT> 26 pnc. Hep. ci> (J)paHu;. Zlexp. 90 K. Galvanoplastics, nickel, gold and silver plating, and electrometallurgy. With 26 illus. Trans, from French. Petr.,. 90 k. 671 Electrometallurgy. K/IACCEHTD, A. PeMecjiCHHHKT,. IIpaKTH^ccKoe pyico- BO^CTBO RJISI peMecjiCHHuxt ynnjEHiu.!,. 326 pncyn- KOB-L. H3,a;. 6-e. Cn6., 1899 r., u;. BT> KOJICHK. nepen^. 2 p. 75 K. KLASSEN, A. The artisan. Useful handbook for artisans. 326 illus. 6th ed. Petr., 1899, 2 r. 75 k. bd. . 680 Mechanic trades. , II. MexamiKa. ^JIH peMecjieHHi>ixi>, XT, n ^p. yHiijiiinii'L. Cno., 1910 r., u;. 1 p. 60 K. MEZHERICHER, P. Mechanics. For trade and technical schools. Petr., 1910, 1 r. 60 k. 680 Mechanic trades. FINE ARTS. BETTHEPT}, I. Ca^ n cropo^. M., 1909 r., u;. 90 K. BETTNER, J. Flower and vegetable garden. Moscow, 1909, 90 k. 716 Gardening. 33 KHHYHOB'L, H. D^THHRII n napTepH. 113 puc. Cn6., 1904 r., D;. 1 p. 75 K. KICHUNOV, N. Flower-beds and parterres. 113 illus. Petr., 1904, 1 r. 75 k. 716 Gardening. - Ca^OBO^CTBO RJIX HaHHHaioin.Hxi, n jno6nTe^en. 415 pnc. Cn6., 1907 r., n;. 2 p. 75 K. - Horticulture for beginners and amateurs. 415 illus. Petr., 1907, 2 r. 75 k. 716 Gardening. CTPAXOBTb, II. CejiLCKO-xosflftcTBeHHafl apxHTCKxypa. CT axjiacoMT co ( a;epHcaiia 1 HM'B 584 puc. nexp., 1908 r., K.6 p. STRAKHOV, P. Cottage architecture. With an atlas containing 584 illus. Petr., 1908, 6 r. 728 Architecture. Residences. JIHTKE, A. Ajn>6oMT> MonorpaMM-L. Cn6., ij. 2 p- 50 K. LITKE, A. Album of monograms. Petrograd, 2r. 50 k. 746 Embroidery. , M. .. rEexp., 1903 r., u;. 1 p. POSPIELOVA-HATSUK, M. Album of patterns for fancy doilies. Petrograd, 1903, 1 r. 746 Embroidery. ie no KaHB'L CT> 157 pnc. BT> Harp., 1903 r., u;. 1 p. Embroidering on canvas. With 157 illustrations. Petrograd, 1903, 1 r. 746 Embroidery. 34 nOCn-B;iOBA-rATD,yiCL, M. nojmoe HpjiaH^CK'aro KpyKCBa. CT 111 puc. . Ilexp., 1903 r., n,. 1 p. 50 K. 1903 r., ii. 1 p. 50 K. POSPIELOVA-HATSUK, M. Complete directions for crotchet of Irish lace. With 111 illustrations. Petrograd, 1903, 1 r. 50 k. 746 Crotchet. O. npo$. IIpaKXHHecKoe pyKOBo^cxBO KT> SKHBOHHCH. Cn6., 1903 r., n,. 1 p. DIETRICH, F., prof. Practical handbook of painting. Petrograd, 1903, 1 r. 751 Painting. EyHKOBH T TL, F. PyKOBo^cxBo K-L npaKTHHCCKoft $o- Torpa(J)iH. Ct 39 pnc. Cn6., 1903 r., n;. 1 p. BUIAKOVICH, G. Handbook of practical photography. 39 illus. Petr., 1903, 1 r. 770 Photograhpy. MHXAfUlOBT), B. ^HBOHHCB no $ap$opy, MaicxflHidk, H Ko>Ki. 3MajieBan HCHBonncB no mini, ^epeey H cxcKJiy. UeTporpafl-B, 1903 r., ^. 50 K. MIKHAILOV, V. Painting of porcelain, majolica and leather. Enamel painting on clay, wood and glass. Petrograd, 1903, 50 k. 751 Painting. - }KHBonHCB aKBapejiBio H MacjmnBiMH KpacKann no ^epeBy, xeppaKOT^ H Kannio. Ilexp., 1902 r., n;. 50 K. - Water-color and oil painting on wood, terracotta and stone. Petrograd, 1902, 50 k. 751 Painting. 35 CAKKETTH, JIi^epiyc-L AHTOHOBHHT, (1852- ). OnepiTL Bceo6ineH HCTOpin MystiKH. 1891. 320 cxp. Hs,a;. B. BeccejiL. Zlexp. SACCHETTI, Liberius Antonovich (1852- ). Outline of universal history of music. 1891. 320 p. Bessel, B. Petr. 780 Music History. SONG BOOKS. HHKHTHHTi), EL MystiKajiLna^ xpHCTOMaxm list BejuiKopyccKux-L nicen-L. Cn6., 1906 r., u;. 80 K. NIKITIN, I. Selection of popular songs of Great Russia. Petr., 1906, 80 k. 784 Songs. nPEllCL, B. HOBBIH c6opHiiK-L... niceH'L na... o^iint rojioc-L. ^acTL I-fl. Cn6., 1898 r., 1 p. PREISS, W. New collection of songs with music. Petr., 1898, 1 r. 784 Songs. BECCE^B, H. II AJIBEPEXTB, E. TycejiBKii. Cn6, 1909 r., ij. 1. p. VESSEL, N. and ALBRECHT, E. Popular songs. Petr., 1909, 1 r. 784 Songs. n-fccHii. Cn6., 1904 r., u;. 75 K. Songs for schools. Petrograd, 1904. 75 k. 784 Songs. cMAMAPIOHT), K. Oonorpa^-L, ero ycxpoilCTBo n npaK- Koe npiiMiHeme. CT> piicynK. IlepeB. c't ;. IT. fpocc-B. 1905. IleTp., 20 K. FLAMMARION, K. Phonograph, its construction and practical use. With illustrations. Transl. from German by P. Gross. 1905. Petr. 20 k. 789 Phonograph. ^ 36 BAXHPEBTD, BA^HMTx Pyccirift KapxoHHBift Hrpoio,. BT> 4-xi> oT^ijieHi^x-B. Cn6., 1880 r., ij. BT, KOJICHK. nepenji. 2 p. BAKHIREV, VADIM. Russian card games. In four parts. Petrograd, 1880, 2 r. bd. 793 Games. TAJIAKTIOHOB'L, C. HpaKXH^ecicoe PYKOBO^CTBO, HTO6BI npaBHJIBHO, B^pHO, CO BC^MII TOHKOCT^MII nrpaxB 6e3i> npoiirpiinia BT> inaxMaxLi, inaniKH, 6n- JIL^P^-L. IleTp.? u;. 2 p. BT, nepenji. GALAKTIONOV, S. Handbook on playing chess, draughts, billiards, with full instructions as to skill in winning the game. 1880. Petr. 2 r. bd, 793 Games. IIETPOBA, M. K). ITexepdypr. HOBinniift caMoyn. Bcixt o6m,ecTBeHHBix'L TanujeBt RJIX o6oero nojia. Cn6., 1896 r., ^. 1 p. PETROVA, M. J. Petrograd's latest self-instructor in dancing. Petrograd, 1896, 1 r. 793 Dancing. TPOCCL, H. Hrpa jiayHt-TeHHCi,. Cn6., 1905 r., ^. 20 K. GROSS,, P. Lawn-tennis. Petr., 1905, 20 k. 796 Tennis. LITERATURE. BYJIAHOB^b, B. PyccKin nHCLMOBO,aiHTejiB pjisi BC^X-B. B-B 4-x-B oT^iji. Hs^anie Bxopoe. nexporpa^-B, 1891 r., n;. 1. p. 50 K. BULANOV, V. Complete Russian letter-writer. In 4 parts. 2nd edition. Petr., 1891, 1 r. 50 k. 808 Letter-writing. 37 EAHPOHT), fZpK. F. H36paHHLm co^imenm BT> nepeeo- ,a;axT> pyccKHX-L noaxoBt. 1901 r. PyccKaa KJiaccnaa 6n6jiioTeKa HS^an. no^t pe^aicijieft Hy^HHOBa, A. H., Hexporpa^-B, 50 K. BYRON, GEORGE G. lord. Selected works translated by Russian poets. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 50 k. 821 English poetry. MHJIBTOITL, ^pKOHTx IIoxepHHHHH paft. Hepee. H,. H. nncapeBa. 1871 r., Ueip., 3 p. BT> nepenji. MILTON, JOHN. Paradise lost. Pisarev, S. I. trans. 1871. Petr., 3 r. bd. 821 English poetry. IIIEKCIIHP'L, BHJEBHM-B. IIojiHoe co6panie BT, nepeB. pyccKHxt nncaxejieH. 3 x. 1899 r. H. B. Fep6eji^, Ilexp., 10 p. SHAKESPEARE, William. Complete works translated by Russian authors. 3 vol. 1899. Gerbel, N. V. ed. Petr., 10 r. 822 English drama. IIIEKCIIHP'L, B. Maic6exT>. Tpare^iH BT> n^xn .ax-L IlepeB. BopoHHCHKo, M. B- TCKCX-L xpare^in- OdxHCKHxejiBHtiH cxaxtH. 1902 r. PyccKa^E KJiaccnaa 6n6jiioxeKa ns^an. no^T* pe^aKi^ieft ^y^HHOBa, A. X., Ilexp., 40 K. SHAKESPEARE, WILLIAM. Macbeth. Tragedy in five acts. Voronchenko, M. V., trans. Text of the tragedy with explanatory notes. 1902. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N. Per., 40 k. 822 English drama. 38 ITBCHB O HHBEJIYHrAXt, anoct. IlepeB. M. KyflpameBa, 1896 r. PyccKaa Kiac- CHaji 6n6jiioxeKa ns^an. no,a;t pe^aKUjien ^y^HHosa, A. H., Ilexp., 45 K. NIBELUNGEN-LIED. German popular epics. Kudriashev, M. trans., 1896. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 45 k. 831 German poetry. yjIAH^Tb, I. Ha6paHHH^ cxuxoxBopenm BT, pyccKHxt no3TOBt. IlicHH. Bajuia^Bi H 06-LJiCHHTejiLHLi^ CTaxLii. 1902 r. PyccKaa 6n6jiioTeKa ns^an. no^T> pe,a;aKia;ieH Hy^nnoBa, A. X., Hexp., 30 K. UHLAND, I. Selected poems translated by Russian poets. Songs. Ballads and romances. Explanatory notes. 1902. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 30 k. 831 German poetry. FETE, BOJIbOFAHFL. . ^paMaxH^ecicafl noaivia BT, 2-xt Hacxflxt. IlepeB. BopOHHemco, M. II. 1900 r. Pyccicafl KJiaccnan 6n6j[ioxeKa ns^an. no^t pe^aKi^. Hy^HHOBa, A. H. Hexporpa^-L, 55 K. GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG von. Faust. Dramatic poem in two parts. Vorochenko, M. P., Trans., 1900 (Rus- sian classical library.) Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 55 k. 832 German drama. niHJIJIEP'B, QpHflpHx-L BOH-L. HojiHoe co6panie coHHHemft BT> nepeBo^ pyccKHxt nncaxe^eft. 3 T. 1893 r., Hs^. B. Tep6ejiH. Ilexp., 11 p. B-L nepenji. SCHILLER, J. C. Friedrich von. Complete works trans- lated by Russian authors. 3 vol. 1893. Gerbel, V. ed. Petr., 11 r. bd. 832 German drama. 39 AH r ZI,EPCEH'L, FAHCL XPHCT. H 3 6paHHLi* cow CicasKa MOCH HCHSHH. Knura KapTHm> 6e3T> Hs6p. CTuxoTBOpCHm. 1899 r. Pyccicafl 6n6jiioTeKa ns^an. no^i* pe^aicu.ieft a, A. H. neTporpa^-B, 75 K. ANDERSEN, HANS CHRISTIAN. Selected works. The Story of My Life. Picture-book without Pictures. Selec- ted poems. 1899. Russian Classical library. Chudinov A. N., Petrograd, 75 k. 839 Scandinavian literature. CTAPIHAH S^flA- (CeMyHfl'a My^paro)- C6opHHKt nicem,. ^peBHe-cKaH^HHaBCKiH anoct. 1907 r. PyccKa^ Knaccnaa 6ii6;iU oieKa HS^an.. no^-L, pe^aKi^ien Hy^HHOBa, A. H. nexporpa^t, 40 K. THE ELDER EDDA. (Semund the Wise). Collection of mythological songs. Ancient Scandinavian popular epics. 1907. Russian classical library. Chudinov. A. N., Petr. 40 k. 839 Scandinavian literature. MIOCC3, AJIBOPEfl'L RE, Hsdpamm* co^imenm. IlepeB. HeniHXHna, B. E. H #p. Cn6., 1901 r., u;. 50 K. MUSSET, ALFRED DE. Selected works. Cheshikhin, V. E. and others, trans., 1901. Russian classical library. Chudi- nov, A. N., Petr., 50 k. 841 - French poetry. H'BCHB O POJLAHR&. OpamjysciciH Hapo^HLiii anoc-L. 1896 r. PyccKa^i KJiaccnaa 6n6jiioTeKa ns^an. no,a,i pe^aKi^ieii ^y^HHOBa, A. H., neTporpa^i>, 50 K. SONG OF ROLAND. French popular epics. 1896. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 50 k. 841 French poetry. 40 PACHITL, aCAH'B-EAXHCTK HsdpanHtm BT> nepeBo^i pyccKiixi, nucaTejieii. Cn6., 1903 r-, n;. 40 K. RACINE, JEAN-BAPTISTE. Selected works translated by Russian authors. 1903. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petrograd, 40 k. 842 French drama. JAHTE AJIHTIEPEL EoHcecxBeHHa* KOMe^m. H. I. A^-L. ij. 55 K. H- II- HiiCTiijiiiiuie. 50 K. ^. III. Pan. IlaiHtiH TCKCT-L. 55. 1897 r. PyccKaa: Kiaccnafl 6n6jiioTeKa ii3,a;aH. no^i> pe^;aKu;ieii ^y^iinoBa, A. H., IleTp. DANTE ALIGHIERL Divine comedy. Part. I. Hell. 55 k. Part II. Purgatory. 50 k. Part III. Paradise. Complete text., 55 k. 1907. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A., N., Petrograd. 851 Italian poetry. HO3MA H H3BPAHHBIE POMAHCBI O CHfl'B. napo^HBin anoct. 1897 r. , A. H. ITeTporpa^T,, 50 K. POEMS AND SELECTED ROMANCES OF THE CID. Spanish popular epics. 1897. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petrograd, 50 k. 861 Spanish poetry. EYHHPTL, Hsam, A,ieKcieBiiHi>(1870- ). 12 TT. HpHjioac. KT> "HiiB^ sa 1915 r. BUNIN, Ivan Aleksieevich (1870- ). Works. 12 vol. Supplement to "Niva" for 1915. Russian poet and novelist. He translated wonderfully some poems of Longfellow and Byron. His poetry describes the charm and beauty of nature, and the happiness of a calm and peaceful life. Even in his prose works, he is a poet in the description of human feelings. S91.7 Russian poetry. - ^ 41 . - - ), K). CnjiyaxLi pyccKiixt 3 BLin. 1913 r. Us,/!,. ,,Mipi>". MOCKBE, 6 p. EICHENWALD, J. Silhouettes of Russian writers. 3 vol. 1913. "Mir" ed. Moscow, 6 r. Critical essays. /891.7 Russian literature. KOFAHT), UeTp-L CeMeHOBH*n>. OiepKii no pyccKOH jiiiTepaxypBi (CT, BijiHHCKaro). 2 BHH. 1910 r. MocKBa, 1 p. 80 K. KOGAN, Peter Semenovich. Essays on contemporary Russian literature (after Bielinsky). 2 parts. 1910. Moscow, 1 r. 80 k. 891.7 Russian literature. DBCHHHKO-KYJIHKOBCKIH, CoHHHeHm. 9 TT. T. 1: Foro-it; T. 2: TypreneB-L; T- 3: JI. H. TOJICTOH ; T- 4: UyniKHH-B; T- 5: Fexe, FeHHe, ^CXOB-B, FoptKiH H ,a;p. T. 6: CxaTLH no Teopin noasiii H T. #. TT. 7-9 : HcTopm pyccKOH HHTejiJiHreHi];iH (Tpn nacTn). 1911-1914. Hs^;. H. JT. OVS1ANIKO-KULIKOVSKY, Dimitry Nicholaevich. Com- plete works, 9 vol. V. 1: Gogol; V. 2: Turgheniev; V. 3: L. Tolstoi; V. 4: Pushkin; V. 5: Goethe, Heine. Chekhov. Gorky, and others. V. 6: Essays on the theory of poesy, etc.; V. 7-9: History of Russian "intelligentsia" (three parts) 1911-1914. I. L. Ovsianiko-Kulikovskaia. Petrograd. Best modern criticism and essays on history of literature. Author Professor of University of Odessa and member of the Academy of science. All these books are popular except V. 6. The volumes are sold separately, 1 r. 1 r. 25 k. each. The most famous are the essays on Tolstoi and Turgheniev. 891.7 Russian literature, Analytics. 42 AjreKcan^pi, CeprfceBHiT,. (1799-1837). UojiHoe co6pame conimeHiH. Hs^. 1 p. 50 K. PUSHKIN, Alexander Sergieevich (1799-1837). Complete works. Pavlenkpy, Petrograd, one big volume, 1 r. 50 k. Many other editions at this price. According to Prosper Merimee, one of the great poets of mankind. In expressing even the most insignificant remarks, in describing the most insignificant details of every day life, in the variety of human feelings that he has expressed, and the delicate expression of love, he is certainly the leader of the Russian poets. His lyric verse is inimitable. His poetical novel "Evgheny Oniegin" contains the best description of Russian life, both in the capital and in the country. The real Russian modern literature starts with him. Chief poems. Evgheny Oniegin, Poltava, Rusian and Ludmila, The fountain of Bakchisaray, etc. Plays. Boris Godunov, Mozart and Salieri, The avaricious chevalier, etc. Novels. The Captain's Daughter, Dubrovsky, Queen of Spades, etc. 891.7 Russian literature. COJIOBBEB'L, BceBOJioAt CeprieuHYB (1849- ). Codpanie coHHHemii. 10 TT. 1903 r. Uexp., 7 p. 50 K. SOLOVIEV, Vsevolod Sergieevich (1849- ). Complete works. 10 vol. 1903. Petrograd, 7 r. 50 k. Russian poet, critic and novelist. He wrote many historical novels which are widely circulated in Russia. 891.7 Russian literature. RUSSIAN POETRY. ABEHAPIYCL, B. Knnra dHjmiTB. CL nopxp. H pnc., 1912 r. 8-e H3#. CrynHHa. M. 1 p. 60 K- AVENARIUS, V. Book of bylines. With portrait and illus. 1912. Stupin, 8th ed., Moscow, 1 r. 60 k. Byliny A word derived from the Russian verb " bylo '* " has been." It designates the oldest epic songs of Russia. These songs narrate the adventures of knights errant of Kiev and Novgorod and their fights with giants, Mongols and Turks. They are filled with remini- scences of the ancient Slavonian mythology, and constitute a precioua national inheritance of rare poetical beauty. 891.71 Russian poetry. 43 EPIOCOB'L, Bantam, HKOBjieBH^ (1873- ) Bci naniBLi. 1909 r. Hs^. "CKOpnioH'L" M., 2 p. BRIUSOV, Valerian Jacovlevich (1879- ). All songs. 1909. "Scorpion" Moscow, 2 r. Talented poet, who is known as one of the so-called Russian de- cadents. His verses were severely criticized by Vladimir Soloviev. He is also known as one of the best contributors of the review "The New Path" which aimed at a radical reform of Christianity. His last works reveal his efforts to cast off the literary aims of his . poetical school. 891.71 Russian poetry. FaBpiiurL . PoManoBH^t (1743-1816). 1868-78. 2-e aica.a.eMHHecKoe 113^. 7 T. IleTporpa.a.'B, 7 p. DERZHAVIN, Gabriel Romanovich (1743-1816). Works. 1868-78. 2nd academical ed. 7 vol. Petrograd, 7 r. The poet laureate of Catherine II. Some of his lyrical poems, especially the Ode to God, and Waterfall, are ranked among the best productions of Russian poetry. 891.71 Russian poetry. ^MHTPIEB'L, H. H. H36paH H mi CTHxoxBopem*. 1896 r. Pyccicafl KJiaccnafl 6n6jiioTeKa iis^an. no^x pe^aKi;. Hy^HHOBa, A. H., IleTporpa.a-'L, 40 K. DMITRIEV, I. I. Selected poems. 1896. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petrograd, 40 k. 891.71 Russian poetry. OETL, A(J)anaciH A^aHacteBiiTL (1815-1860). nceB,a;. A. HleHtniiiHa. IIojiHoe co6panie CTiixoTBopeHiii, 1910 r. Ilc^t pe^;. HnKOJiLCKaro. 3 T. Ilexp., 5 p. "FET, Athanasius Athanasievich (1815-1860) Pseud, of A. Shenshin. Complete collection of poems. 1910. Nikolsky, 3 vol., Petrograd, 5 r. A ^graceful poet of light themes. For thirty years he sang the joys of life, the charms of nature, the beauty and love of women. " His short verses are especially pretty and sometimes almost beautiful. Nature in its quiet, lovely aspects, which lead to a gentle, aimless sadness, he depicted sometimes to perfection.'' Kropotkin. 891.71 Russian poetry. 44 XOMflKOBT), AjieKciii CrenaHOBiiTL (1804-1860). CTHXOTBOpeHm. MoCKBa. 30 K. KHOMIAKOV, Alexis Stepanovich (1804-1860). Poems. Moscow, 30 k. Theological writer styled by Samarin as a Doctor of the Church. He is considered as the theologian of the Slavophil party. He is also famous as a historian and poet. His poems, says Waliszewski, give proof of great maturity but of an utter absence of sentiment and art. "They extoll the union of all the Slav races and the putting off of the Western yoke." 891.71 Russian poetry. KOJIblJOB'L, AjieKCEfi BacMteBHTb (1808-1842). IIoJiHoe co6pame coHHHeHiii. 1911 r. Ho^t pe^;. H CT> npHM-fe^. A. H. JlfliijeHKa. IleTporpaft'B, 1 p. 20 K. BT> nepenjr. KOLTSOV, Alexis Vasilevich (1808-1842). Complete works with notes. 1911. Liashchenko, A. I. Petr., 1 r. 20 k. bd. One of the greatest lyric poets of Russia. Bielinsky thought him superior to Pushkin. He excels in the description of the peasants' life and Russian steppes. " In his poems every expression appeals to the heart and fills it with poetical love for nature and man.'' 891.71 Russian poetry. KOSJIOB'L, HBant* HBanoBHYi, ,(1779-1840). codpanie coHHHenift CT> riopxp. KosjioBa. Ho^t A. BBe^encKaro. nexporpa^-B, 1 p. 25 K. KOZLOV, Ivan Ivanovich (1779-1840). Complete works with the author's portrait. Vvedensky, A. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Author of the saddest elegies of Russian literature. His translations of foreign poems, and especially of the Crimean Sonnets of Mickiewicz, are considered to be real works of art. 891.71 Russian poetry. JIEPMOHTOB'L, Mnxamn, lOpBeBHHi, (1811-1841). IIoJiHoe co6panie co^imemH. 1 T. 1912 r. Hsft. CtiTHHa. MocKBa, 1 p. 25 K. LERMONTOV, Michael lurevich (1811-1841). Complete works. 1 vol. 1912. Sytin. Moscow, 1 r. 25 k. Great Russian poet who had Scotch blood in his veins, the founder of his family being a certain George Learmouth in the XVII century. The influence of Shelley is visible in his writings. His most famous works are " The Demon," and " The hero of our times '' in which the humanitarian, ray is lacking. His pessimism, however, is a protest against all that is ignoble in life. 891.71 Russian poetry. 45 TIOMOHOCOB'L, Mnxamrt BacHjiteBUH-L (1711-1765). BT> CTHxaxt. 1904 r. Ho^t pe,g;. A. H. . HeTporpafl-B, 1 p. 25 K. LOMONOSOV, Michael Vasilevich (1711-1765). Poems. 1904. Vvedensky, A. I. Petrograd, 1 r. 25 k. Great writer, defined by Pushkin as a "university of learning". His odes written in a pompous style inaugurate a new era in Russian poetical language. 891.71 Russian poetry. MAflKOBTb, AHOJIJIOH-L HHKOjraeBiiHi> (1821-1897). IIojiHoe co6pame coHHHemft. 4 T. IleTp., 7 p. MAIKOV, Apollon Nikolaevich (1821-1897). Complete works. 4 vol. Petrograd, 7 r. Russian poet who successively sang the beauties of antique Greece and Rome, the Church in mediaeval times, the liberal movement in Russia and in Europe and the Russian reaction. His masterpiece " Two Worlds " paints the conflict between Heathenism and Chris- tianity. His verses are very musical and not devoid of force. 891.71 Russian poetry. MOPO3OB1), HnKOJiaH AjreKcaH^poBUHt (1850- ). SBis^Htifl nicHH. CxuxoTBOpeHifl. 1910 r. H3,g;. "dcopnioH-L". MocKBa. 1 p. 50 K. MOROZOV, Nicholas Alexandrovich (1850- ). Star Songs. Poems. 1910. "Scorpion" Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. Russian political writer who took an active part in the attempts of terrorists to throw down the Russian autocracy. He was arrested in 1882, and set free in 1905 after 23 years imprisonment. His poems, which express the feelings of the Russian people and their yearning for political freedom, made him famous. He was the editor of the paper " The popular will *' which was of considerable influence on the revolutionary movement in Russia. 891.71 Russian poetry. 46 HA^COtTL, CCMCH-L HicoBjieBii^B (1862-1887). CTHXO TBopeum CT> nopxpeTOMt H 6iorpa<|)HiecKiiMT> oiep- KOM-L. 1909 r. IleTp., 3 p. BT> nepemi. NADSON, Simeon Jacovlevich (1862-1887). Poems with portrait and biography. 1909, Petr., 3 r. bd. Famous poet of Jewish origin. Through his mother he belonged to the Russian nobility. In his poetry "he has fire, a ring of sincerity, and a supple rhythm". He excels in the exaltation of Christ, as his God, the God of sufferers, the God-Man, the brother of the celestial soul. He styles himself in his poetry as weeping with unfortunate men, as suffering with tortured souls. Elegance, clearness, harmony, and a deeply-felt sentiment of human sorrows are the main character- istics of his literary work." 891.71 Russian poetry. HA3APEBCKIH, E. BejiHKOpyccKm Hapo^Htm nicnn. 1911. MocKBa, 50 K. NAZAREVSKY, B., Editor. Popular songs of Great Rus- sia. 1911. Moscow, 50 k. 891.71 Russian poetry. Songs. HEKPACOB'L, HnicojiaH AjieKcieBHYL (1821-1876). IIojiHoe co6panie CTHxoTBOpeHiii. 2 TOMa. 1905 r. Hs^ame 9-e. Heip., 6 p. 50 K. BT> nepenji. NEKRASOV, Nicholas Aleksieevich (1821-1876). Complete poems. 2 vol. 1905. 9th edition. Petr., 6 r. 50 k. bd. The poet, as he says, of vengeance and of sadness.. His poems give a depressing picture of the misery of Russian peasants, oppressed by the economical and political yoke. His best poem "Red nosed frost" is an apotheosis of the Russian peasant women. He is largely read not only by the educated classes, but also by the poorest peasants. "His love of the people passes as a red thread through all his works; he remained true to it all his life." . 891.71 Russian poetry. HHKHTHTL, HBant CaBiiYt (1824-1861)- IIojrHoe co6panie coHHHemH BT, O^;HOMI TOM. 1912 r. no^T, pe^;. M. O. FepnieHBOHa. M., 80 K. NIKITIN, Ivan Savich (1824-1861). Complete works in one volume. 1912. Hershenzon, M. 0. Moscow, 80 k. A writer of touching poems, in which scenes of popular life are described with wonderful simplicity. They bear the impression of the unhappy vicissitudes of his own life. 891.71 Russian poetry. 47 AjieKciii HmeojiaeBHYB (1825-1893). CTiixoTBopenm. 1905 r. EBIKOBT>, II. IleTp., 4 p. PLESHCHEEV, Alexis Nicolaevich (1825-1893). Poems, 1905. Bykov, P. Petrograd, 4 r. A beloved Russian poet. His poetry has a note of vigour, freshness and faith in humanitarian ideals. He translated wonderfully German, English and Italian poets. 891.71 Russian poetry. HOJ[E}KAEB'L, AjueiccaHflp-L HBanoBHTL (1806-1838). IIojiHoe co6panie coHiiHemii. CT> diorpa^n^ecKiiM-L H nopTpexoMi,. 1892 r. BBe^eHCKift, A. PL 1 p. 25 K. POLEZHAEV, Alexander Ivanovich (1806-1838). Complete works. With biography and portrait. 1893. Vvedensky, A. I. Petrograd, 1 r. 25 k. A poet, a noble victim of the autocratic regime of Nicholas II. His verses are a protest against the political tyranny of Russian Czars. They are the expnession of a strong subjective feeling. 891.71 Russian poetry. nOJIOHCKlH, HKOB-L HeTpoBHYB (1820-1898). HOJIHOC co6pame coHimemH. 5 TT. 1896 r. IleTp., 9 p. 75 K. BT> nepenji. POLONSKY, James Petrovich (1820-1898). Complete po^ ems, 5 vol. 1896. Petr., 9 r. 75 k. bd. A great artist of the Russian poetical style. " Several of his poems '* Waliszewski writes, " are full of melody and ring, very innocent, and so simple that the memory of a boy may easily retain them." When he follows his inspiration and his natural humor, he is not devoid of powerful and original ideas. The best of his poems are written in the style of folk poetry. 891.71 Russian poetry. jriipiiKa. 1910 r. PyccKan 6n6jiioTeKa iis^aH. no^t pe^aKijieii ^y^imoBa, A. H. ITeTparpa^-L, 40 K. RUSSIAN POPULAR LYRICS, 1910. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petrograd, 40 k, 891.71 Russian poetry. 48 niEBHEHKO, Tapac-B rpnropLeBHTB (1814-1861). Ko6- sapL. 1 T. 1908 r. neTporpafli,, 60 K. SHEVCHENKO, Taras Georgevich (1814-1861). The Bard. 1 vol. 1908. Petr., 60 k. The great national bard and political hero of Ruthenian Renaissance. His poems describing the life of Cossacks and serfs are written in Little Russian, in a popular form, and belong to the fine specimens of poetry of all nations. 891.71 Russian poetry. CO.IOBBEB'L, Bjia^iiMiip-B CeprieuHTB (1853-1900). CTiixoxBopeum 1903 r. HeTporpa^-L, 7 p. 50 K. SOLOVIEV, Vladimir Sergieevich (1853-1900). Poems, 1903. Petrograd, 7 r. 50 k. The greatest thinker of modern Russia. His few poemg reflect th delicacy and profoundness of his feelings. 891.71 Russian poetry. aCYKOBCKIfi, BacMiii AnapeeBHTL (1783-1852). IIoji- HOC co6pame coHHHenrft, 3 TT. 1906 r. cidft, A. C., npo$. IleTp., 3 p. ZHUKOVSKY, Vasil Andreevich (1783-1862). Complete works. 3 vol. 1906. Archangelsky, A. S. Prof. Petr., 3 r. The best representative of the romantic poetical school in Russia. He is famous as a translator in verse of the poems of Schiller, Uhland, Herder, Byron, Moore, etc. Of his poetical translations Kropotkin says: "It is doubtful whether there are in any language even in German equally beautiful renderings of foreign poets. In his poems he appeals to the best sides of human nature". 891.71 Russian poetry. d>OHBH3HHt>, ^CHIIC-L HsaHOBHYi, (1744-1792). COIH- Henm. 1912 r. BBe^eHCKiil, A. H. Pe#. nexporpafl-L, 1 p. 25 K. FONVIZIN, Denis Ivanovich (1744-1792). Works, 1902. Vvedensky, A. I. Ed., Petrograd, 1 r. 25 k. The creator of Russian national drama, and the initiator of realistic tendencies in Russian literature. 591.72 Russian drama. 49 (1795-1829). co6panie COH. 1909 r. BBe^encKifi, A. H. Pe^;. Ueip., 1 p. GRIBOIEDOV, Aleksander Sergieevich (1795-1829). Com- plete works. 1909. Vvedensky, A. I. Ed. Petrograd, 1 r. Great Russian dramatist. His comedy "Misfortune from intelli- gence" is a work of genius, a most powerful satire against the aristocrats of his age. Like Pushkin and Krylov, he is one of the* masters of the Russian spoken language. Many of his verses became proverbs for all Russians. 891.72 Russian drama. BACHH pyccKiix't nncaxejen ETL cpaimiiT. 1891 r. PyccKaa Kjiaccnafl 6n6jiioTeKa iis^an. pe^aKijicn A. H. Hy^iiHOBa, Jlexp., 40 K. FABLES by Russian authors comparatively studied. 1891. 1'ussian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 40 k. 891.78 Russian literature. IIcTp'b CeMCHOBiiH'i,. OnepKii no iicxopiH .niTepaxyp-L. T. 1. rpenecKa^ jinxepaTypa. 239 crp. 1907 r. MocKBa, 1 p. 25 K. KOGAN, Peter Semenovich, Essays on the history of an- cient literature. Vol. I. Moscow, 1 r. 25 k. Extraordinary Professor of General Literature in the University of Petrograd. 880 Greek Literature. Meant An^peeBH^ (1768-1844). EacHii. CT> 6iorpa(f>ieH H cxaTLen B^jiiiHCKaro. 1909. Hs^. CtiTHHa. MocKBa, 40 K. KRYLOV, Ivan Andreevich (1768-1844). Fables. With a biography and a critical essay by Bielinsxy, 1909. Sytin. Moscow, 40 k. The great national fabulist, the Aesop of Russia. He is considered to be a master of invention as the themes of his fables and his style, simple and eminently idiomatic, are inimitable. 891.78 Russian miscellany. 50 H3EPAHHELH nicHH cep6cKaro napo^a BT pyccKHX-L nucaxejieii. 1904 r. PyccKaa KJiaccnaa 6n6jiioTeKa H3^an. no^t pe^aicijiefi Hy/jiiHOBa, A. H. nexporpa^-B, 50 K. SELECTED SERBIAN SONGS, translated by Russian authors, 1904. Russian classical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petrograd, 50 k. 891.82 Serbian poetry. KAJIEBAJIA. OiiHCKaa Hapo^Han 3none;i. 1902 r- Pyo 6n6jiioTeKa ii3^;aH. no^t pe^aicijieft a, A. H., ITexp., 50 K. KALAVALA, Finnish popular epics, 1902. Russian clas- sical library, Chudinov, A. N.. Petrograd, 50 k. 894.1 Finnish poetry. FICTION. AH3MAHTD, ^aBH^t .HKOBjieBiiii,. ^epntie ^HII. 1811 r. H3,a;. npocB-kmenie. IleTp., 1 p. 25 K. AISMAN, David lacovlevich. Black days, 1911. Ed. Pros- vieshchenie. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Contemporary Russian writer. His novels, especially those inserted in the "Russkoe Bogatstvo" describe the life of the Jews in Russia. They- have been collected in one -volume. Petrograd, 1904. , Co$bi (HCCB^;.) KaKt OKI, noniejn, . 2 T. 1905 r. Zlexp., 3 p. BLAGODUSHNAIA, Sophia (pseud.). How he went to the people. 2 vol. 1905. Petrograd, 3 r. Her or his novel is a striking picture of the religious struggles of contemporary Russia. 51 EOEOPHKHITL, Hexpi, ^MHTpieBHrn, (1836- ). Co6pame ponaHOB-L, noBicTeft H pascKasoBt BT> 12 T. 4153 dp. Hs^;. MapKca. IleTp. 4 p. BOBORYKIN, Peter Dmitrievich (1836- ). Novels, tales and sketches in 12 vol. 4153 p. "Marks' 1 ed. Petr., 4 r. Fecund writer. His method follows that of Turgheniev. He puts in relief the prevailing moods of Russian educated society. His novels can be taken as a good picture of the tendencies of the Russian intellectuals and for the history of Russian thought they are simply invaluable. HEXOB'L, AHTOH-B USLEJIOEII^ (1860-1904). HojiHoe co6pame coHHHemft. 15 T. Hs,a;. MapKca. Heip., Ho 1 p. 50 K. TOM-L. TaoKe npiijioK. KT>- KypH. "Husa" sa 1902 r. . CHEKHOV, Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904). Complete works. 15 vol. Marks, Petr., 1 r. 50 k. each vol. Also as supplement to "Niva" for 1902. The most original of the contemporary Russian novelists. He has struck a new vein not only for Russian but for all literature, and thus belongs to all nations. He excels as a great artist in short stories. In Russia he is the most popular of younger writers and is placed immediately after Tolstoi. In one year more than 200,000 copies of his complete works were circulated. ^EPHBTHIEBCKIH, HmeojiaH radpHjioBHTt. ^TO fli- jiaxL? 1906 r. Hexp., 1 p. CHERNYSHEVSKY, Nicholas Gabrilovich (1828-1889). What is to be done? 1906. Petrograd, 1 r. The most prominent among political writers. In 1863 he was arrested and while living in a fortress he wrote the remarkable novel " What is to be done?" It was for the Russian youth a revelation and a program. He showed what true nihilists were. HHPKKOBI), EfireHifi HnKOJiaeBipn,. K>HOCTB. 1913 r. MOCK. KHHT., MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. CHIRIKOV, Eugenius Nicolaevich (1864- ). Youth. 1913. Mosc. Knig., Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. A psychologist of Russian intellectuals. His writings unveil to us the life and yearnings of Russian educated classes. 52 ^AHEUIEBCKIH, rpnropift IlexpoBHTL (1829-1890). IIojiHoe co6pame COHHH. B-B 24-xi x. 1902 r. Ilexp. n.. 10 p. Co/K}iceHHa.Ji MocKBa- Hs^;- MapKca. Ilexp-, u;. 1 p. 25 K. . Hs^. MapKca. Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K. Bajn>- Hs^;. MapKca- Ilexp-, 1 p. 25 K. TapaKanoBa. Hs^- MapKca. Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K. DANILEVSKY, Gregory Petrovich (1829-1890). Complete works in 24 vol. 1902. Petrograd, 10 r. Burning Moscow, "Marks" ed. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Mirovich, "Marks" ed. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Ninth wave. "Marks" ed. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Princess Tarakanova, "Marks" ed. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Writer of historical romances picturing Russia of the XVIII century. They are remarkable for the great historical erudition of the author. His novels dealing with the free settlers in Bessarabia describe lively and very sympathetic scenes. ^OPOHIEBHTL, B. Caxajmrn, (Kaxopra). Ci> pnc. 1905 r. 3-e 113,3;. Ci>ixHHa. M. 3 p. 50 K. DOROSHEVICH, Vlasii Mikhailovich (1864- ). Saghalien. Illus. 1905. 3rd ed. Sytin. Moscow, 3 r. 50 k. plete works. 21 vol. Ed. "Prosvieshchenie" Petr., 28 r. A novelist who excels in the descriptive style. In 1897 he was com- missioned by the " Odesskij Listok '* to travel in the island of Saghalien to get acquainted with the life of the convicts. He pub- lished a series of hard-labor sketches in which he gives a striking picture of some types of criminals. His style is highly praised for its clearness and simplicity. ^OCTOEBCKIfi, Oeaop-B MnxaftjioBHTL. Hojinoe co- opame coHHHemn. 21 x. Msfl. ,,npocBiii],eHie" Hexp., 28 p. ' DOSTOIEVSKY, Theodor Mikhailovich (1822-1881). Com- plete works. 21 vol. Ed. "Prosvieshchenie-" Petr., 28 r. Analyser of the human conscience. In the whole field of literature there is only Tolstoi, who stands a step above him. Baring says that "he is not only the greatest of all Russian" writers but one of the greatest that the world has ever produced.'' To Kropotkin he is one who had best expressed the mystic Slavonic soul. His sympathies with the down-trodden and downcast products of civilization are so deep that they carry away the most indifferent readers. 53 3PTEJIB, AjieKcaHflpT> HBaHOBH^t. FapflCHHHLi. 2 T. 1909 r. MOCK. KHHF., MOCKBE, 2 p. 50 K. ERTEL, Alexander Ivanovich (1855- ) . The Gardenins. 2 vol. 1909. Moscov. Knig., Moscow, 2 r. 50 k. Russian novelist who was exiled to Tver for political reasons. In 1890 he published his great romance, "The Gardenins" which points out the contrast between the simple life of peasants and egoism and hopeless materialism of the "Russian nobility. Although apt to exag- gerate, he renders admirably the life of the upper classes and of the ignorant mujiks. H. nceB#. (MnxaitaOBCieift, HnKOJiaft Fpa ,3,-fcTCTBo TeMH. 1913. Ha^;. "Snaine" Ilexp-, 1 p- 25 K- . 1911. ,,3Hame", FEexp., 1 p. 25 K. 1913. ,,3Hame", Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K. 1913. ,,3Hame", Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K. GARIN, N. pseud. (Mikhailovsky, Nicholas Georgevich, (1852- ). Childhood of Tema, 1913. Ed. "Znanie" Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Schoolboys, 1911. "Znanie" Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Students, 1913. "Znanie" Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Engineers, 1913. "Znanie" Petr., 1 r. 25 k. He owes his celebrity to his romantic trilogy: The Childhood of Tema ; Schoolboys ; Students ; in which the autobiographical element predominates. His knowledge of a child's heart is wonderful. He depicts in a powerful manner the transition period between childhood and adolescence and shows a deep sense of the nature of youth. rAPIIIHH'L,BceBOJio^i'i> MnxaHjioBiiH-L. COHHHCHUI . B-B O^HOM-L TOM-L 1909 r. Jinx. Oon^a, FEexp., 2 p. GARSHIN, Vsevolod Mikhailovich (1855-1885). Works in one volume. 1909. Lit. Fond. Petr., 2 r. Under the influence of Tolstoi he wrote novels against the uselessness and cruelty of war. His "Four Days" is a terrifying picture of a . wounded Russian left with a dead Turk. 54 HiiKOJiaii Bacnjn>eBH^T>. Co<5pame CO^HHC- niii. 1911 r. Hs,a;. MapKca. IleTp., 1 p. 25 K. GOGOL, Nicholas Vasilevich (1809-1852). Complete works. 1911. Marks, Petrograd, 1 r. 25 k. He begins a new period in Russian literature, called " The Gogol period". The pearl of the novels is "Taras Bulba", which describes the Little Russia of the fifteenth century. His prose-comedy, "The Inspector General,*' is a model of the Russian drama. His main work, " Dead Souls " is a true gallery of Russian portraits drawn with admirable realism. "The whole of provincial society, the whole of Russia figures in it, and painted with a dazzling humour and a style now popular, now eloquent, now exact as any picture, now shadowy as a dream". Vogue. (There are many other cheap editions pub. by Sytin, Wolf, etc.) FOERAPOB'L, HBant AjieKcaHflpoBH*rB (1814-1891). Co6pame coHHHeHiii. 9 T. Hs#. FjiasyHOBa, IIcTp., 13 p- 50 K. - O6^0MOBi>. 1903 r. Hafl. FjiasynoBa. Heip., 1 p- 25 K. GONCHAROV, Ivan Alexandrovich (1814-1891). Complete works. 9 vol. Glazunov, ed. Petr., 13 r. 50 k. Oblomov, 1903. Glazunov, ed. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. A talented writer who occupies the next place after Turghenlev and Tolstoi. His novel, Oblomov, translated into English by Constance Garnett is " one of the profoundest productions of the XIX century." As says Kropotkin, "It is universally human and introduces a type like that of Hamlet or Don Quixote. >' FOPBKlH, MaKCiiMi,, nceB,a;. (AjreKekft n^HiKOBT,) . PascKasH H nLecLi. 8 T. 1908 r. Heip., 1 p. Ka^C^BIH TOMT>. GORKY, Maxim, pseud. Alexis 'Maxim ovich Pieshkov (1869- ). Stories and plays. 8 vol. 1908. Petr., 1 r. each vol. Most popular novelist of modern Russia. According to Kropatkin he is a great artist, a poet, a writer who has found at last that happy combination of realism with idealism for which the Russian novelists have been striving for so many years. The men and women he describes are the most ordinary tramps or slum -dwellers, and hit novels are merely sketches of life. There are few books in which such a fine analysis of human feelings is given, and such interesting, original and novel characters are so well depicted. His workg won for him enthusiastic admirers all over the world. 65 FEPIJEHX, AjieKcaHflp* HBaHOBiiTt (1812-1870). KTO BiiHOBaxT>? 1906 r. Hs/i;. HaBjieHKOBa, Hexp., 50 K. HERZEN, Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870). Whose fault is it? 1906. Pavlenkov, ed. Petr., 50 k. A great thinker, agitator, publisher, and writer of modern Russia. His memoirs "Past facts and thoughts" are one of the best pieces of the historical literature in any language. His novel " Whose fault is it?'' holds a prominent place in the history of the development of intellectual types in Russia. H3MAi!.ZIOB'L, A. A. (CMOJieHCKiii) HepHBiii Bopom,. CeMHa^r^axL pasKasoBt, npenMymecxBeHHo H 3i> 6tiTa .nyxoBeHCTBa. HeTporpa^-L, 1903 r. u;. 1 p. - BT, 6ypeL Hexp., 1903 r., i;. 1 p. IZMAILOV, Alexander Aleksieevich (Smolensky), (1873- ). The Black Raven. Seventeen stories, mostly from the life of clergy. Petr., 1903, 1 r. In bursary. Petr., 1903, 1 r. An ex-student of the Ecclesiastical academy of Petrograd. His writings concern the life of the Russian clergy to whom he shows great sympathy. Some of his novels have been translated into Bohemian. HBJIOHOBCKlH, AjieiecaH^p-L AjieKcaH^poBH^nb. Paa- cicasBi. 1907 r-, 3-e HS#- "Snaine" IleTp., 1 p. IABLONOVSKY, Alexander Alexandrovich (1870 ). Stories. 1907. 3rd ed. "Znanie" Petr., 1 r. A modern Russian novelist appreciated for his satyrical spirit. He owes his literary renown to his romance "The -Cymnastic" which depicts the regime of a boy's school at the end of the last century KOPOJIEHKO, Bjia^HMipi, rajiaKTioHOBHHt. IIojiHoe coopanie coHimemH. ITpHjiOHC. Kt "HHB-E" 1904. KOROLENKO, Vladimir Galaktionovich (1853- ). Complete works. Supplement to "Niva' f 1914. With the magazine, 8 r. Great novelist who was exiled to Siberia because of his political opinions. The stories he wrote on Siberian themes reveal him to be a true artist as to force of style, sense of proportion, mastery in depicting characters. His "Blind Musician", who attempts to reproduce the sensations of sight by means of sounds, notwithstanding the failure of psychological aim, was read and admired in all languages. ' 56 KPABHHHGKIH, Ceprift MnxaiUroBHrn, (CrenHflKl>, nceB^;.) An^peft KoacyxoB-L. 1908 r. IleTp., 1 p. KRAVCHINSKY, Sergius Mikhailovich ( Stepniak, pseud. ) (1852-1897). Andrey Kozhukhov. 1908. Petr., 1 r. Political writer and novelist. In London he published in English ."Russia under the Tsars ' (1885); "The Russian peasantry'' (1889); "The career of a nihilist" (in Russian "Andrey Kozhukhov''). His collection of sketches of the life of Russian nihilists "Underground Russia '' revealed his remarkable literary talent. AjieKcaH.a.p-B HBanoBMH-L. LEojiHoe co6pa- nie coHimemH, 7 T. 1910-1911. MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. aa 1 TOM-L. Taioice npMO^Keme KT> 3Kypn. "HHBa" aa 1912 r. Hoe^HHOK-B. 2 x. 1911 r. Hsfl. "MOCK. MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. Ha nepejioM'L 1911 r. Ha^;. "MOCK. KmiroHSfl." MocKBa, 1 p. 25 K. KUPRIN, Alexander Ivanovich (1870- ). Complete works. 7 vol. 1910-1911. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. each vol. Also as supplement to "Niva" for 1912. Due. 2 vol. 1911. Ed. "Moscow Authors Publisher" Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. The great change. Sulamith. 1911. Ed. "Moscov Knigoizd" Moscow, 1 r. 25 k. Novelist of great power. His novels published in 1903 and 1906 gave him well-deserved renown. He described in vivid colors the inner dissolution of the Russian army, and the Russo-Japanese war confirmed the truth of his pessimism. In his writings, in turn, th influence of Tolstoi, Hauptmann, Turgheniev, Chekhov, Nietzsche may be traced. The most interesting of his novels, entitled "The duel " has been translated into some European languages. KBHTKA, FpiiropiH Oe,a,opOBHHi>. Hanx XajiHBCKiii. 2 T. Hs^. CyBopHHa, IleTp., 50 K. ^pyroe H3fl. "UojiBsa" MocKBa. KVITKA, Gregory Thedorovich (1778-1843). Pan Khal- iavsky. 2 vol. Suvorin, ed. Petr., 50 k. Also ed. "Polza", Moscow. He is better known under the pseudonym of Osnovianenko. Russian critics consider him as the best novelist of Little Russian literature. His humorous romance, "Pan Khaliavsky", is a true and vivid picture of the life, customs and superstitions of the Little Russian peasants and landlords. His aims are humanitarian. 57 JlA}KE I IHHKOB r L, HBEH-B HBaHOBHHt. JleAHHoft ,ZI;OMI>. Hsfl. BOJIL^T*, IleTp., 1 p. BacypnaH-L. HS.ZI;. BOJI^T,, Heip., 1 p. LAZHECHNIKOV, Ivan Ivanovich (1792-1869). House of Ice. Wolf, Petr., 1 r. Basurman. Wolf, Petr., 1 r. One of the creators of the historical romance in Russia. His master- piece " The House of Ice " describes the reign of Anna Ivanovna. His romances are permeated with a glowing patriotism and reveal the historical erudition of their author. JTE&KHH'L, HnKOJiaft AjreiecaHflpoBHTL 1841-1906). BocKpecHtie OXOTHHKH. 1906 r. IleTp., 1 p. - Bt rocTHxt y TypoKi.. 1907 r. IleTp-, 1 R. 50 K. LEIKIN, Nicholas Alexandrovich (1841-1906). Sunday hunters. 1906. Petr., 1 r. Visiting the Turks. 1907. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. Talented, humoristic and exceedingly prolific writer. Only fifty volumes of his papers and sketches have been published. His humor never falls into vulgarity. JI'BCKOB'L, HnKOJiaft CeMenoBKH-L (1831-1895). Hoe codpanie coHHHeniH. 12 T. 1903 r. nep., 20 p. LIESKOV, Nicholas Semenovich (1831-1895). Complete works. 12 vol. 1903. Petrograd, 20 r. Very prolific novelist who wrote under the pseudnym of M. Steb- nitzki. His novels, imbued with a conservative spirit, portray the life of the clergy, even nihilists and the earliest period of the Christian history. A. A. THXOHOB-L) IlojiJitme Bepco. (^066^ ero). MapKca. liexp., 1 p. 25 K. LUGOVOI, A. A. pseud. Aleksiei Aleksieevich Tikhonov (1853- ). Pollice verso. (Doomed to death). Marks, Petrograd, 1 r. 25 k. Modern Russian writer considered at his best in depicting the soul of the multitude. His romance "Pollice verso" wonderfully describes the life of the Roman gladiators. 58 MEPE}KKOBCKIfl, ^MHxpiii CeprieBHiT,. XpHcxoci,. T. 1. CMepxt 6oroBT> lOjiiant OxcxynHHK-B. T. 2. BocKpecniie 6om. Jleonap^o fle BHHHH. T. 3. AHTH- xpHCx-L. Ilexpt H Ajreiecift. 1906 r. Hafl KOBa Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K., 2 p. 50 K., 2 p. ox^;. XOMT,. MEREZHKOVSKY, Dimitry Sergieevich (1866- ). Christ and antichrist. Vol. I. Death of gods Julian the Apostate. Vol. II. Resurrection of the gods. Leonardo da Vinci. Vol. III. Antichrist. Peter and Alexis. 1906. Pi- rozhkov, Petr., 1 r. 25 k.; 2 r. 50 k.; 2 r. resp. Famous novelist and critic. His trilogy of historical romances, entitled " Christ and Anti-Christ " has been translated into many languages. It comprises " The death of the gods '* which represents the struggle of the pagan world against Christianity, " The Resurrection of the Gods," (in English "The forerunner'*), a vivid picture of the life and times of Leonardo da Vinci, and of the higher humanizing Ideals of the Christian mind, and " Peter and Alexis,'' the tragic story of Peter the Great and his son. The influence of Sienklewicz Is visible in these writings. MflTJIEBt, Euan* IlexpoBH^i, (1786-1844). HojiHoe co6pame conHHeHift. 2 x. 1857. 4 p. MIATLEV, Ivan Petrovich (1786-1844). Complete works. 2 vol. 1857. 4 r. Good humoristic poet and writer. His work "The impressions of Madame Kurdinkova abroad" made him famous. HEMHPOBHTL-^AHHEHKO, (1858- ). Ha npocxopi. OiepKH : BT> oKeani. Bt XHXOH H MHpHott npHCxann. jix>xo. MepxBaa 6yxxa- 1876. Ilexp., 5 p. 25 K. NEMIROVICH-DANCHENKO, Vladimir-Ivanovich ( 18- 58- ). In full liberty. Sketches: Lost in the ocean. In the calm and peaceful harbor. The polar summer. In the dead bay. 1876. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. Russian dramatist and novelist who excels in accurately depicting character. His great romances portray talented men who lack strength of will to remove the obstacles scattered in their way. 59 flPEBHE-PYCCKIE nOB^>CTI/I n poMaHti. 1895 r. Pyccicaji KJiaccnaJi 6H6jiioxeica ns^an. no^t , A. H. nexporpaftt, 40 K. OLD RUSSIAN TALES and NOVELS, 1895. Russian clas- sical library. Chudinov, A. N., Petr., 40 k. IIOJlEBpH, Ilexp-L HnKOJiaeBii^t (1893-1902). Hcxopii- Decide pascicasLi n IIOBX>CXII. Ci> 65 pnc. IIexp.> 5 p. POLEVOI, Peter Nikolaevich (1839-1902). Historical tales and novels. 65 illus. Petr., 5 r. He is classed among the best historians and historical novelists of modern Russia. , HiiKOJiaH repacHMOBHH-L (1835-1863). IIojiHoe co6panie coHimeHift. 2 x. 1904. Ilexp., 3 p. POMIALOVSKY, Nicholas Gerasimovich (1835-1863). Complete works. 2 vol. 1904. Petr., 3 r. The novelist of both clerical life and education, and of the middle classes in Russia. "In his novels he displayed the same broad humanitarian spirit as Dostoievsky had for the redemption of the most degraded men and women, but with sound realistic tendencies.'' nOTAIIEHKO,HrHaxi?i HiiKOjiaeBiiHT, (1856- ). 3a- IIHCKH cxaparo cxy^enxa H #pyrie pascKasti. Ilexp., 1905 r., 1 p. 50 K. - CnacxLe no HCBOJii. Ilexp., n;. 1 p. 50 K. - Ha ^iicxBHxejiBHOH cjiy3K6k. Ilexp., 1 p. 50 K- POTAPENKO, Ignatii Nikolaevich (1856- ). An old student's diary and other stories. Petr., 1905, 1 r. 50 k. - Happiness against one's will. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. - On actual service. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. Extremely talented and prolific Russian writer. His novel "On active service" published in the "Viestnik Evropy" made him famous in Russia. It was translated into English by W. Gaussen under the title "A Russian priest". Among his best romances we mention "The secretary of His Grace", "Artist", ,,An occasional holiday", "A father of six". The characteristic feature of his work is a delicate humor, a cheerful conception of life, the total absence of those clouds of pessimism which darken the skies of contemporary Russian literature. Another of his novels ,,The General's daughter" has been translated into English. 60 P'BHIETHHKOB'L, Oe^opt MnxaitioBHrn,. co6pame co^imenm. 2 T- 1904 r. CicadiiieBCKift A. M. Hexp., 3 p. 50 K. RIESHETNIKOV, Theodor Mikhailovich (1841-1871). Com- plete works. 2 vol. 1904. Skabichevsky, A. M. Petr., 3 r. 50 k. Famous novelist who describes with the saddest colors the suffer- ings and tragedies of poverty. He is considered to be the founder of the ultra-realistic school of Russian novelists. CAJITBlKOBt, Miixaiun, EBrpa^OBinrs. Uojmoe co- 6panie coHHHemft. 12 T. 1905 r. Hs^, MapKca. Herp., 24 p. SALTYKOV, Michael Evgrafovich (1826-1889). Complete works. 12. vol. 1905. Marks, Petr.. 24 r. Best representative of modern satire in Russia. He was one of the most popular writers in his country. Some of his works rise tc a height of tragic power which is almost Shakespearian, as in his romance " The Golovlev Brothers." His stories are analytical essays of social criticism, tainted by a considerable amount of fancy. Some of them especially those which deal with children under serfdom are of great beauty. His nom de plume is Shchedrin. Principal works : Tales, The Olden times of Poshekhonie, The Asylum Monrepos, The Golovlev Brothers, etc. , OjiBra An^peeBHa. B-B 6ypm>ie TO^BI. 1908. Hexp., 2 p. SHAPIR, Olga Andreevna. In stormy years. 1908. Petr., 2 r Novel describing the revolutionary movement of 1860 and 1870. Woman novelist and dramatist. She excels in the analysis of woman's love and tenderness of heart, and in the description of family life. Her best romances are: Without love (1890), and Love (1896). BacHjrin AjreKcieBHHi,. IIojiHoe co6pa- nie co^HHeniH. 1903. Ilexp., 3 p. BT> nep. SLIEPTSOV, Basil Aleksieevich (1836-1878). Complete works. 1903. Petr., 3 r. bd. One of the most gifted novelists of modern Russia. His pictures of folk life are exaggerated. His masterpiece "Hard Times" is a fine satire ou conservative liberalism. 61 CTAHIOKOBHTL, KoHCTaHTHHt MnxanjioBHTt. Bt B. 1880. IleTp., 2 p. STANIUKOVICH, Constantin Mikhailovich (1844-1903). Among people. 1880. Petrograd, 2 r. He owes his literary renown to his sailor novels which give us the most faithful picture of sailors' life and simple souls. TOJIGTOfi, A. K. KHHSB Cepe6pHHHBiH. 44 ns#. Heip., 1 p. 50 K. TOLSTOI, A. K. Prince Serebrianny. 44th ed. Petr., Ir. 50k. Indispensable to any library not having complete works of the author. TOJICTOft, JleBi, HnKOJiaeBH^-L. IIojiHoe co6panie COHHHeHlH. 20 T. CLITHHT>. MoCKBa, 10 p. TOLSTOI, Leo Nikolaevich (1828-1910). Complete works. 20 vol. Sytin. Moscow, 10 r. He emerges in the world literature as writer, religious reformer, moralist, dramatist, and above all as a novelist endowed with a titanic power of expression. His masterpiece " Anna Karenina >' 'is surely the most powerful novel written by any man of our time, and It would be difficult to name a novel of any period that surpasses it in strength' (Phelps.) Many cheaper editions In preparation. The most desirable works are: War and peace, Anna Karenina, The Cos- sacks, Childhood and Youth, Resurrection, The Living Corpse, The Might of the Darkness, etc. IIojiHoe co6panie . 1910 r. Hs^;. FjiasyHOBa. 10 T. IleTp., 10 p. TURGHENIEV, Ivan Sergieevich (1818-1883). Complete works. 1910. 5th Glazunov ed. 10 vol. Petr., 10 r. One of the greatest novel writers in Russia. His works portray the leading intellectual types of the age in which he lived. He has been styled as the deepest diagnostician among all novelists. Most desirable works. Memoirs of a hunter, Mumu, Smoke, On the eve, Virgin soil, House of gentle folk, Father and sons, Rudin, Prose poems. BECEJIHTCKAH, . 1910 r. Hs^;. CyBopnna, IleTp., 1 p. VESELITSKAIA, Lidia Ivanovna (Mikulich, V.) 1857- Mimochka. 1910. 4th ed. Suvorin, Petrograd, 1 r. Novelist. Her trilogy of psychological romances, entitled Mimochka, has been translated into many languages. It describes a type of a girl and woman between the high social classes and the middle classes longing to rise to a higher plane. 62 ftKYEOBHTL, Hexp-L OmmnnoBHTL (Mejn,niHHT>, JI. nceB^.). IlacLiHKH 3KH3HH. 1909 r. Hs/i;. 3-e, ,,Pyc. Borax." Ilexp-, 1 p. Mipa OTBepsKeHHLixt. 2 T. 1912 r. Hs^. 5-e "Pyc- Borax." Ilexp., 2 p. IAKUBOVICH, Peter Philippovich (Melshin, L. pseud.). (1860- ). Step-children of life. 1909. 3rd ed. "Russkoe Bogatstvo" Petr., 1 r. - From the world of the outcasts. 1912. 2 vol. 5th ed. "Russkoe Bogatstvo" Petr., 2 r. He passed twelve years of his life as a political convict in Siberia. In his gripping romance "The world of the outcasts" he describes hard-labor in Siberian steppes and emulates Dostoievsky in th famous novel " Dead House.'' SArOCKHHI), MRxanjfB HnKOJiaeBHH'B. Ho^Hoe co6pa- nie coHHHemH BT> ^BVX-L TOMax-L. 1902 r. Uexp., 3 p. 75 K. B-B nepenji. lOpifti MH^ocjiaBCKift. Hs^. K. TuxoMHpoBa, MocKBa, 50 K. ZAGOSKIN, Michael Nicolaevich (1789-1852). Complete works. In two vol. 1912. Petr., 3 r. 75 k. bd. Yuri Milo- slavsky. Life during the great national war (1812). Moscow, 50 k. Author of extremely popular historical novels written in a sentimen- tally patriotic style. SACO^HMCKIH, naBjn, Bjia^HMnpoBHHi,. XpoHHKa cejia CnypHna. 1906 r. 282 cxp. Hsfl. "Baxcic. T-Ba" Ilexp., 35 K. ZASODIMSKY, Paul Vladimirovich (1843- ). Chronicle of the Village Smurino. 1906. 282 p. Viatsk Assoc., Petr., 35 k. Russian novelist who spent some years of his youth in exile because of his political opinions. His " Chronicle of the Village Smurino " and "Mysteries of the Steppes" give a powerful exposure of peasant life in Russia. 63 SOTOBTb, Pa$a3jn> MiixafijioBH^i>. JleoHH^-L, MH H3i> 5KH3HH HanojieoHa 1. 1882 r. Ilexp., 2 p. 50 K. MOHaxi>. 1882 r. IleTp., 1 p. 50 K. ZOTOV, Raphael Michailovich (1791-1871). Leonidas, or sketches from the life of Napoleon I. 1882. Petr.. 2 r. 50 k. - The mysterious Friar. 1882. Petr., 1 r. 10 k. Russian dramatist and novelist of Tartar descent. The most celeb- rated of his historic romances "The Mysterious Friar" refers to the epoch of Tzars Alexis Mikhailovich and Peter I. The names of several widely read writers of modern Russian fiction, such as Leonidas Andreiev, Vicentii Smidovich (Veresaev), Michel Artsibachev, etc., have been omitted as beeing unsuitable for public library use. No one will deny to Andreiev the merit of being the most talented novelist and dramatist in Russia today, but the characters in his stories represent people without hope, or faith, and depict the corrupt life of high or low society, which must have a demoralizing tendency. Of Artsibachev, Prof. Phelps says "I am sorry such a book as 'Sanin' has been written; but sinister and damnable as its tendency is, the novel is written with extraordinary skill and Artsibachev is a man to be reckoned with." Little consideration has been given to the numerous productions of Maxim Gorky and Vere- saev, portraying the dregs of Russian life, and depress- ing rather than inspiring. Such books belong to those classed by Victor Hugo, "Un livre, parfois, c'est un crime" and have little value. They belongs to the decadent school, which will pro- bably be .short lived and are entirely unsuitable to put into the hands of immigrant people. FICTION TRANSLATED INTO RUSSIAN FROM OTHER LANGUAGES. EHKEJIACL, ^MHTpift. JTyKH-JTapac-L. 1894 r. MOCKER 50 K. BIKELAS, Demetrius. Luki-Laras. 1894. Moscow, 50 k. Born in the Island of Syra in 1835, he is the most famous novelist of modern Greece. His collection of novels entitled Luki-Laras gives a wonderful picture of the heroic age of the war for the Greek independence. 64 CEPBAHTECL CaaBe/i;pa, Murioeji'L ,n;e. ^OHT, Kiixoxt. IIojiH. nep. M. BaxcoHT>. ELoiocxp. 2-e HS^;. 2 x. Ilexp., 7 p. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, Miguel de. Don Quixote. Com- plete trans, by M. Watson. Illus. 2nd ed. 2 vol. Petr., 7 r. There is also an abridged translation by M. Watson. 1. vol. Petr., 1 r. IlyxeiHecxBiji H Po6iiH3OHa Kpysoa. IlepeB. H. CT> xpoMOJiiiTorp. Kapx. H 148 HJIJIIOCT., BT> nepen. Hexp., 2 p. 50 K. DEFOE, Daniel. Travels and wonderful adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Bielov, I. trans. With chromo-lithogr. paintings and 148 illus. Petrograd, 2 r. 50 k., bd. ,'L. Fpa$i MoHxe-Kpncxo. 2 x. MOCK- Ba, 1 p. 50 K. DUMAS, Alexandre. Count of Monte-Cristo. 2 vol. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. 3PKMAH r L-IHATPIAH'K CoHiiHeniH BT, ^syxt 1898. Ilexp., 3 p. ERCKMANN, Emile & CHATRIAN, Alexandre. Works in two volumes. 1898. Petrograd, 3 r. OAPPAPT}, QpH^piixt BiijiLrejiBM-L. Ajrjieropiii. 1889 r. IlepeB. i IIST, BpeMem* Hepona. 1901 r. Ilexp. Bjiacxt XBMLI BT, u,apcxBx> csixa., 1847 r. Ilexp. FARRAR, Frederick William (1831-1903). (See note under Religion). Allegories. 1889. Komarsky, F. S. Trans. Petr., Dawn of Christianity, or scenes from the times of Nero. 1901. Petrograd. (Known in English as "Darkness and Dawn"). Power of darkness in the kingdom of light. Historic tale of the days of St. John Chrysostom. 1847. Petr. (Known in English as "Gathering Clouds".) 65 O. BeKC^njiB^CKifi CBHin;eHHHK'L Cn6., 1899 T. ij. 60 K. GOLDSMITH, O. The Vicar of Wakefield. Petr., 1899, 60 k. rAMCYHT), KnyTi,. TOJIORT*. 1892 r. HepeB. B. ^enmxH- na, nexporpa^-L, 60 K. HAMSUN, Knut (1860- ). Famine. 1892. Cheshikhin, W. Trans. Petr., 60 k. Powerful Norwegian writer. His youth was filled with hardships. In 1888 he published his romance " Famine " which became a great success because of its extreme realism. In his protests against injustices he follows the step of Dostoievsky. Psychological .and mystical tendencies pervade his later novels. SejitMa. 1858- ). HyTemecTBie HnjiBca. 1909 r. Zlexp., 2 p. 50 K. LAGERLOF, Selma. (1858). Wonderful adventures of little Nils. 1909. Petrograd., 2 r. 50 k. Most famous of the modern Swedish novelists. Her great roman- ces, as the "Miracles of the Antichrist" and "Jerusalem" are tinted with a mystical hue. They have been translated into several languages. MEJIBBMB yAfiTB, ^op^-L JK. Tjia^iaTopH. PHMT, n ly^en. 1899 r. IlepeB. A. A. HsMaiijioBa, IleTp., 3 p. BT nepenji. MELVILLE-WHYTE, George J. Gladiators. Rome and Judea. 1899. Izmailov. A. A. Trans. Petrograd, 3 r, bd. Historical novels from the time of the siege of Jerusalem. CEHKEBH^TB, F. Kano Fp^einii? POM. Hep. B. . ,,PyccK. MLICJIH". M., 1 p. SIENKIEWICZ, H. Quo vadis? Trans, by V. Lavrov "Russkaia Mysl". Moscov, 1 r. BI^EPTb-CTOY. F. XMcnna A^H Tona. Hs^. BJITCK. T-Ba. neTporpa^-L, i;. 1 p. 30 K. STOWE, Mrs. Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Edited by "Viatsk Assoc". Petrograd, 1 r. 30 k. 66 TBEHT), MapKx. npHiejuoHeme Tona. IJepeB. C-B H. MasypeHKo. CT, 70 pnc. Ilexp., 1 p. 35 K. TWAIN, Mark, pseud, of Samuel Clemens. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mazurenko, N. trans, from English. With 70 illus. Petr., 1 r. 35 k. KpyrocBixHoe nyxeniecTBie. CT> pnc. IlepeB. A. . 1906 r. Ilexp., 1 p. 50 K. - Journey round the world. Illus. Lindergen, A. trans. 1906. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. - }ivH3HB na MHCCHCCIHIHII. OHCKH H KapTHHKH. IlepeB. H. Qe,zi;opOBoft. CL 105 pnc. BT> name's. 1906 r. Ilexp., 1 p. 35 K. - Life on the Mississippi. Sketches and pictures. Fedorova, N. trans. With 105 illus. in pasteboard. 1906. Petrograd, 1 r. 35 k. - npnnnj-B H Hnm,in- IlepeB. C-B ann. M. Jlasape- Boii. Ilexp., 1 p. 25 K. - Prince and the pauper. Lazareva, M. trans, from English. Petr., 1 r. 25 k. BEPHE, 3K. Bt nedecaxi, 1,000,000 Bepcxt. HyxeinecxBie BT> Bi^HocxL. M., 1882 r. n,. 2 p. 50 K. VERNE, J. From the earth to the moon. Moscow, 1882, 2 r. 50 k. JIBC no^-B BO/I;OH. Ct 110 pnc. Ilexp., 2 p. 75 K. B-B nepen. - Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. With 110 illus. Petr., 2 r. 75 k. bd. HISTORY. TAXTAPEBTb, K. OnepKn no ncxopin nepBodtixHoft i. 240 cxp. 1912 r. 2-e HS^. "HojiBsa" Moc- 1 p. 25 K. TAKHTAREV, K. Essays on the history of primitive culture. 240 p. 1912. 2nd ed. "Polza" Moscow, 1 r. 25 k. 901 Civilization 67 DESCRIPTION AND TRAVEL. rOPBYHOB'L-riOCA^OB'L, H. H ^p. KpyroM-L CBixa. 1909. MocKBa. 1 p. 85 K. GORBUNOV-POSADOV, I. and others. Round the world.' 1909. Moscow, 1 r. 85 k. 910 Voyages around the world , K. OxeHecxBOBi,a,x>Hie. Poccifl cpaBmixejitHo ci> rjiaBHinmnMti rocy^apcxBaMH nipa. 150 cxp. 1912 r. Hs^. CtixHHa. MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. KURDOV, K. Science of the Fatherland. Russia as compared with the principal countries of the world. Maps, diagrams, illustrations. 150 p. 1912. Sytin ed. Moscow 1 r. 50 k. Good and popular survey. 910 Statistics. Russia Statistics. rHKMAH-L, A. Ji. H MAPKCL, A. . 1908 r. ftexp., 2 p. BT> nepenji. HICKMAN, A. L., and MARKS, A. F. Universal geograph- ical and statistical pocket atlas. 1908. Petrograd, 2 r. bd. 912 Atlases. MAPKCL, A. , 29 ^iarpaMMT, H cxax. i. 172 cxp. 1912 r. Ilexp., 2 p. BT> nepenji. MARKS, A. F. Geographical and statistical atlas of Rus- sia. 17 maps, 29 diagr. and tables. 172 p. 1912. Petr., 2 r. bd. 912 Atlases, Russia Statistics. EJfflATbEBCKIII, C. H. 3a rpaHiiiieil. 1910 r. Hsfl. ,,O6iu,ecxBeH. HOJIBSBI." Ilexp., 1 p. ELPATIEVSKY, S. J. Abroad. 1910. Ed. "Obshchestven. Polza" Petrograd, 1 r. Impressions of travels in West Europe. 914 Europe Description and travel. 68 D, H. H flp. Ho Eeponi. jm, HopBerifl, ^anm, Be&HKo6p&Ta.HUK. CL 246 , piic. 1908. MocKBa. 2 p. GORBUNOV-POSADOV, I. and others. Through Europe. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Great Britain. "With 246 illus. 1908. Moscow, 2 r. 914 Europe Description and travel. KPYBEP'L, A. H ^p. EBpona. HJIJI. reorp. c6opHHKt. 810 CTp. 1912 r. 4-e 113,3;. KynmepeBa. MocKBa, 2 p. 75 K. KRUBER, A. and others. Europe. Illus. geogr. reader. 810 p. 1912. 4th ed. Kushnerev. Moscow, 2 r. 75 k. 914 Europe Description and travel. /l^IOHEO (HlKJioBCKiii, HcaaK-L Bjia^HMHpoBPiHt) Mi- HfliomaflCfl AHTJIIH. 1914. Hs^. ,',KHiiroH3^. nncaxe- jieft" M. 233 c T p. 1 p. 25 K . DIONNE, pseud, of Shchklovskii, Isaak Vladimirovich. Changing England. 1914. "Authors, Publishers" Moscow, 233 p., 1 r. 25 k. Sketches of economic life in modern England. 914.2 England, Description and travel. OnepKii coBpeMCHHOH Aurjiiii. 1903 r. Hs^. "Pyccic. Borax." II. 559 cxp. 1 p. 50 K. Sketches of modern England. 1903. "Russkoe Bogatstvo" Petrograd, 559 p. 1 r. 50 k. Very good description by an author who lives in England and knows it well. 914.2 England, Description and travel. BO^OBOBOBA, E. Kaicx JIIO^H na 6ijiOMT> CBT KiiByn,. AHiMiiHane. nexporpa^-L, 1906 r., u;. 40 K. VODOVOZOVA, E. How men live in the world. The Eng- lish. Petrograd, 1906, 40 k. 914.2 England, Description and travel. - H-feMUjLi. Hexp., 1904 r., u;. 40 K. - The Germans. Petr., 1904, 40 k. "How men live in the world" series. 914.3 - Germany Description and travel. 69 b'BJIOPyCOB'L, A. IIapH3Kt. 1914 r. -, f KHiiroH3fl. Iliica- xe-ieii" MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. BIELORUSOV, A. Paris. 1914. "Authors' book editors". Moscow, 1 r, 50 k. 914.4 Paris Description and travel. , H. OnepKH coBpeMennoH Opamjin. 612 cxp. 1903 r. Hs#. "Pyccicoe EoraxcxBo" Zlexp., 1 p. 50 K. KUDRIN, N. Sketches of modern France. 612 p. 1903. "Russkoe Bogatstvo" Petr.. 1 r. 50 k. Economic conditions in France. 914.4 France Description and travel. BO^OBOSOBA, E. OpaniiysBi. nexporpafl-B, 1909 r., ii.. 40 K. VODOVOZOVA, E. The French. Petrograd, 1909, 40 k. 914.4 France Description and travel. OCOPFHH'L, M. OnepKii coBpeMCHHOH Hxajiin. 260 cxp. 1913 r. MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. OSORGIN, M. Sketches of contemporary Italy. 260 p. 1913. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. Economic life in Italy. 914.5 Italy Description and travel. PO3AHOBTB, B. HxajitflHCKUi BneHaxjiinifl. OB pncyn. Cn6., 1909 r., n;. 1 p. 50 K. ROZANOV, V. Impressions of Italy. Illus. Petr., 1909, 1 r. 50 k. 914.5 Italy Description and travel. BOflOBOSOBA, E. HxajiL*Hii,Li. Hexporpa^-L, 1903 r., A. 40 K. VODOVOZOVA, E. The Italians. Petr., 1903, 40 k. "How men live in the world'' series. 914.5 Italy Description and travel. - HcnaHijBi- Ilexp., 1907 r., u;. 40 K. - The Spanish. Petr., 1907, 40 k. " How men live in the world '' series. 914.6 Spain Description and travel. 70 ), K. Feorpa(J)iH PoccifiCKOfi HMnepin. CT. Hjunocxp. H KapxaMH. 262 CTp. 1913 r. Hsfl. 6-e CuTHHa. MocKBa, 1 p. 10 K. KURDOV, K. Geography of the Russian Empire. With illus. and maps. 262 p. 1913. 6th ed. Sytin. Moscow, 1 r. 10 k 914.7 Russia Description and travel. KPYEEPI), A. H ,a;p. EBponeHCKan Poccm. EJIJI. reorp. rdopHHK't. 624 CTp. 1913 r. 4-e HSR. MocKBa, 2 p. KRUBER, A. and others. European Russia. Illus. geogr. reader. 624 p. 1913. 4th ed. Moscow, 2 r. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. HOBOCEJIOB'L, IO. Ho Poccbi. HjumcxpiipoB. reorpa$. xpeciOMaxiji. 100 cxp. 1912 r. Pura, 85 K. NOVOSELOV, J. Through Russia. Illus. geograph, select- ions, 100 p. 1912. Riga, 85 k. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. CEMEHOBT), B. Majiopoccm. Cn6., 1903 r., ^. BT> ne- pen. 3 p. SEMENOV, V. Little Russia. Petr., 1903, 3 r. bd. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. Poccifl. Cpe^nepyccKaH HepHoseMFan o6;iacTB. 1902 r. IleTp., ^. B-L nepenji. 3 p. 75 K. Russia. Kiev. Black-earth district in Central Russia. Petr., 1902, 3 r. 75 k. bd. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. Bepxnee IIo^HinpoBLe H Bijiopyccin. Cn6., 1905 r., u;. BT> nepenji. 4 p. 25 K. Upper Dnieper District and White Russia. Petr., 1905, 4 r. 25 k. bd. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. 71 BAJIYEBA (MyHx-i,). Ho BCJIHKOII pint. OnepKii H IIOBOJIO}KBJI. IleTp., 1 p. 50 K.. VALUEVA, (Munt). Along the great Russian river. Sketches and pictures of the banks of the Volga. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. BACIOKOB'L, G "Kpaft rop^oii KpacoxLi". KaBKaaicoe no6epe^ci>e Hepnaro Mop>i. Gi> 37 piic. BT> xeiecxi. nexporpa/jt, n,. 2 p. VASIUKOV, S. Land of magnificent beauty. Caucasian borders of the Black Sea. With 37 illus. Petr., 2 r. 914.7 Russia Description and travel. BO r H,OBO3OBA, E. LUBC^LI n HopBe^Kn.Bi. nexporpa^-L, 1907 r. u. 40 K. VODOVOZOVA, E. Swedes and Norwegians. Petrograd, 1907, 40k. " How men live in the world " series. OK. 8 Norway. Sweden Description and travel. - Bo.irapLi, Ccpoti, ^epHoropu.!*!, IJexp., 1912 r-, i; 40 K. -- Bulgarians, Servians, Montenegrins, Petr., 1912, 40 k. " How men live in the world, *' series. 914.9 Analytics. - Hexn, ITcuflKii, PyciniBi. Hexp., 1905 r., n;. 40 K. - Czechs, Poles, Ruthenians. Petr., 1905, 40 k. 914.9 Analytics. - IllBenuiapLi. Gi> 10 Kapxim. Ilexp.. 1904 r., u,. 40 K. - The Swiss. With 10 illus. Petr., 1904, 40 k. " How men live in the world " series. 914.94 Switzerland Description and travel. -TypKii. Ilexp., 1909 r., 11.. 40 K. - The Turks. Petr., 1909, 40 k. "How men live in the world" series. 914.96 Turkey in Europe Description and travel. 72 KPYEEPTD, A. H ,a;p. Asm. Ho. reorp. c6opHHKt. MocKsa, 2 p. KRUBER, A. and others. Asia, Illus. geogr. reader. Mos- cow, 2 r. 915. Asia Description and travel. . H. Hnoftia H JUIOHIJLI. 1908 r. Hs^;. acyp. ie" MOCKBE, 50 K. ANUCHIN, D. I. Japan and the Japanese. 1908. "Zemle- viedienie" Moscow, 50 k. 915.2 Japan Description and travel. XABKHHt,, JI. B. Hnfli*. Co MHoriiMii puc. 205 cxp. 1907 r. H3#. CtiTima. MocKBa. 80 K. KHAVKIN, L. B. India. With many illus. 205 p. 1907. Sytin ed. Moscow, 80 k. 915.4 India Description and travel. CTEHMHTb, II. BOCTOK-L. CxpanLi Kpecxa H H iixt o6iiTaxejiii. STENIN, P. East. Countries of the cross and crescent and their inhabitants. 915.6 - Turkey in Asia. Palestine Description and travel. KPYEEPTD, A. H flp. AsiaicKaji Poccm. Ko. reorp. c6opHiiKT>. 626 CTp. 1905 r. 2-e 113,3;. MocKBa, 2 p. KRUBER, A. and others. Asiatic Russia. Illus. geogr. reader. 626 p. 1905. 2nd ed. Moscow. 2 r. 915.7 Russia in Asia Description and travel. KPYBEPTD, A. H flp. A. 512 cxp. 1902 r. MocKBa, 2 p. KRUBER, A. and others. Africa Illus. geogr. reader. 512 p. 1902. Moscow, 2 r. 916 Africa Description and travel. - AnepiiKa. HJIJI. reorp. cdopHiiKt. 640 cxp. 1901 r. MocKBa, 2 p- - America. Illus. geogr. reader. 640 p. 1901. Moscow, 2 r. 917 America Description and travel. 73 , II. KPCCTL^HCKOC ijapCTBO. Kanaka. 118 CTp. 1907 r. Hs^;. JlLBOBHia. MocKBa, 75 K. MIZHUEV, P. Peasant kingdom Canada. 118 p. 1907. Lvovich, ed. Moscow, 75 k. 917.1 Canada Description and travel. BHKOBA, A. CiBepo-AMepiiKancKie niTaxH. 282 cxp. OL KapToit 1903 r. 2-e 113,3;. " Hoe fl$>jio" MocKBa, 50 K. BYKOVA, A. U. S. of America. 282 p. With map. 190?. 2nd ed. "Knizhnoe Dielo'' Moscow, 50 k. Popular. 917.3 United States Description and travel. ,HHKCOHt>, B. HoBafl AnepHKa. IlepeB. ct anrji. Cn6., 1869 r., n;. 2 p. DIXON, William H. New America. Trans, from English. Petrograd, 1869, 2 r. Observations on a visit to the United States in 1866, at the close of the Civil War. 917.3 United States Description and travel. XOJIBD,OB'L, JI. Cc-BpeMeHHa* AnepiiKa. 557 cxp. 1913 r. H. I. $1.50. KHOLTSOV, L. Contemporary America. History, geog- raphy, economics and statistics of U. S. 557 p. 1913. New York, $1.50. 917.3 United States Description and travel. TAH1>, B. F. nceB^;., EOrOPA3T:>, Bjia^nnip-b FepMa- HOBHH-L (1864- ). AMepiiKaHCKie paacKasH. 430 cxp. 1911 r. Hs^;. T-Ba "npocBiineme" rTexp., 1 p. Pyccme BT, AMepiiidk. 326 cxp. 1904 r. 2 113,3;. "BHTCK. T-Ba/' LLexp., 1 p. TAN, W. G. pseud, of BOGORAZ, Vladimir Germanovich (1864- ). Russian poet, novelist, historian, ethno- grapher. American sketches. 430 p. 1911. (Short tales. Personal impressions of the life of Russian immigrants in Amer- ica). "Prosvieshchenie" Petr., 1 r. Russian in America. 326 p. 1904. (Two sketches "Beyond the ocean" and "Christmas in New York"). 2nd ed. 917.3 United States Description and travel. 74 MIDKYEB'B, II. Hepe^oBaH ^eMOKpaxifl coBpeMennaro iviipa. AnrjnHCKafl KOJionm HoBan SejiaH^in. 209 cxp. 1901 r. Hs,a;. Kpafict, Hexp., 1 p. 65 K. MIZHUEV, P. Foremost democracy of the contemporary world; the English colony New Zealand. 209 p. 1901. Kreiss ed. Petrograd, 1 r. 65 k . 919.3 New Zealand Description and travel. KPYEEP'L, A. ii Rp. ABCTpajiifl H nojtnpHLm Ho. reorp. c6opHHKT>. 489 CTp., 1912 r., 3-e 113,0;. KyinnepeBa, MocKBa, 2 p. KRUBER, A. and others. Australia and the polar countries. Illus. geogr. reader, 489 p. 1912. 3rd ed. Kushnerev. Moscow, 2 r. 919.4 Australia. Polar regions Description and travel. MHyKYEB'L, II. OiacxjniBa* ABCTpajn*. 227 cxp. 1909 r. "O6m,ecTBeH. IIojiBsa" IleTp., 1 p. MIZHUEV, P. Happy Australia. 227 p. 1909. "Obshchest- ven. Polza" Petrograd, 1 r. 919.4 Australia Description and travel. BHIinilP'L, P., npo$. y^e6HHKT> ^BepHeii Hcxopin, 1911 r. 8-e 113,3;. MocKBa, 1 p. VIPPER, R. prof. Manual of ancient history. 1911. 8th ed. Moscow, 1 r. All the manuals written by Prof. Vipper are very good and popular. 930 History, Ancient. C. HoBafl ncxopm eBpeftcicaro Hapo,a;a. (1789-1881). 631 c T p. 1913 r. Hexp., 3 p. 50 K. DUBNOV, S. Contemporary history of the Jewish people. (1789-1881). 631 p. 1913. Petrograd, 3 r. 50 k. Impartial, scientific, interesting. 933 Jews History. 75 HHKOJIBCKIH, H. ^peBHiii HspanjiL Ct 62 pnc. 324 cxp 1912 r. "Mnp-L" MocKBa, 1 p. 50 K. NIKOLSKY. N. Ancient Israel. Popular history of Hebrews in scientific light. With 62 illus. 324 p. 1912. "Mir" ed. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. Good, popular, interesting book, strictly scientific, without any re- ligious tendency. 933 Judea. Jews History. , HHKO./IBCKIH, H. ^peBnin BauiijioHT,. 434 cxp. HJI- jiiocTp. 1913 r. Hs/i;. "Mnpi>" MocKBa, 2 p. NIKOLSKY, N. Ancient Babylon. 434 p. Illus. 1913. "Mir" ed. Moscow, 2 r. ^ Very good and popular. 935 Babylonia History. IIETPyniEBCKlH. OnepKii IIS-L iicxopiii cpe^neBiKOBa- ro o6m,ecxBa n rocy^apcxBa- 324 cxp. 1907 r. Moc- KBa, 1 p. 70 K. PETRUSHEVSKY. Historical essays of mediaeval society and state. 324 p. 1907. Moscow, 1 r. 70 k. 940 Europe History. ), H. OcBo6o>K^eHie Kpecxt^Hi, B-B AHTJIIII, H Opamjin. 200 cxp. 1911 r. Hs,a;. CLixuna. MocKBa, 50 K. VELICHKIN, N. Emancipation of serfs in England, Ger- many and France. 200 p. 1911. Sytin ed. Moscow, 50 k. A very good popular sketch, with vivid description, interesting, reads like a novel. 940 Europe History. Serfs. BHIIIIEP'B, P. npo$. yHedHHKt ncxopin cpe^Hiixx, BX,KOBT>. 1910 r. 5 iisfl. MocKBa, 1 p. 25 K. VIPPER, R. prof. Manual of mediaeval history. 1910. 5th ed. Moscow, 1 r. 25 k. 940 Europe^-History. - yHe6HHKT> HOBOH HCTOpill, 1910 T., 4-C 113^. MoC- KBa, 1 p. 50 K. Manual of modern history. 1910. 4th ed. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. 940 Europe History. 76 BBIKOBA, A. PascKasH HS-L iicxopiii HpjtanjiH ct XII Biica Hauinxt ^HCH. Hs^;. 2-e HapyniHHKOBa. MocKBa, 80 K. BYKOVA, A. Irish historical narratives from the XII century to our day, 2nd ed. Charushnikov. Moscow, 80 k. 941.5 Ireland History. - PascKasH iis-L iiCTopiii Anrjiiii XI XIX ex- 3-e 113^. TpayijKon. MocKBa, 60 K. - English historical narratives of the XI-XIX cent. 3rd. ed. Trautskava. Moscow, 60 k. 942 England History. IOJL1OCL, T. B. HucLMa ust Bepjuina. 1908 r. Hsfl. 2, "O6mecxBeH. HojiLsa" Ilexp. IOLLOS, G. B. Letters from Berlin, 1908. 2nd ed., "Ob- shchestven. Polza" Petrograd. Sketches of modern German history. From Friedrich Wilhelm IV to Wilhelm II. The author lived many years in Germany, returned to Russia in 1905, was elected deputy in the first State Douma but was soon afterwards murdered on the street by a reactionary. 943 Germany History.. BACMEBCKIH, Ji. CoBpeMCHHa* PajiHij;m. 1910 r. ^opoBaxoBCKaro n HapynmnicoBa. IZexp. 80 K. VASILEVSKY, L. Contemporary Galicia. 1910. Dorova- tovsky & Charusnikov. Petr. 80 k. 943.74 Austria. Galicia. BBIKOBA, A- PascKa3Bi ust iicxopiii OpaH^iII XVII XVIII B. 2-e HSft. ^apyiiiHHKOBa. MocKBa. 1 p. BYKOVA, A. French historical narratives of the XVII- XVIII century. 2nd ed. Charushnikov, Moscow, 1 r. 944 France History. - Pa3CKa3H list iicxopiii Hxajim XIX B-feica. Hs^. ^ap. MocKBa, 50 K. - Italian historical narratives of the XIX century. Ed. Char., Moscow, 50 k. Popular sketches. 945 Italy History. 77 RUSSIAN HISTORY. EAFAJI'Bft, ^MHTpift HBanoBHTL (1857- ). Pyccicaa iicxopifl. CT> KapiaMii, njiaHaMH, CHiiMKaMii CT> na- MflTHHKOBT> JpCBHOCTH H HCKyCCTBa. T. 1. cicaji Pyct (#0 Joanna III). 1914. Hs/i;. MocKBa. 2 p. BAGALIEI, Dimitri Ivanovich (1857- ). Russian history With maps, plans and illus. Vol. I. Period up to Ivan III. 1914. Sytin, Moscow, 2 r. Well-known and talented historian of Russia. 947 Russia History. flOBHAP'L-SAnOJIBCKia, M. B. npo$. Ha sapi KpeCTBflHCKOH CBo6oflH. 238 CTp. 1911 T. MoCKBa, 1 p. DOVNAR-ZAPOLSKY, M. V. prof. At the dawn of the peasants' freedom. 238 p. 1911. Moscow, 1 r. History of the emancipation of serfs in Russia. Popular. Good supplement to the general survey of reforms under Alexander II by Dzhanshiev. 947 Russia History. Serfs. flOBHAP'L-SAnOJIBCKIii, M. B. npo<|>. pe^aKTop-L. Pyccicafl ncTopifl. Ct 43 puc. H 2 icapx. MocKBa, 2 p. DOVNAR-ZAPOLSKY, M. V. prof. ed. Russian history. With 43 illus. and 2 maps. Moscow, 2 r. 947 Russia History. r ZI,}KAHinEB r L, T. 3noxa BejniKHxt pe$opMi>. 1907 r. 10 HS^;. JIiiTep. OoH^a. Hexp. 858 CTp. 2 p. 50 K. DZHANSHIEV, G. The epoch of great reforms. 1907. Liter. Fonda, 10th ed. Petr., 858 p. 2 r. 50 k. Reforms under Alexander II ; zemstvo, new courts of justice, emanci- pation of serfs, etc. The best book on this topic. Popular. 947 Russia History. 78 EOHMEHKO, A. Hcxopm VKpaHHLi H en napo^a. Jlo. 174 cxp. 1907 r. Ha^. ,,O6m;ecTBeH. Ilojitsa" Zlexp., 50 K. EFIMENKO, A. History of Ukraina and her people. Illus. 174 p. 1907. "Obshchestven. Polza" Petr., 50 k. Popular, brief, vivid history written by a woman-professor at Petrograd. 947 Russia History. Ukraina. rPYIIIEBCKlH, M. KoiocTpHpoB. ncxopm YKpafiHti. 536 cxp. C-B 387 pnc. 1913 r. Ha^. ,,npocB^m,eHie" Hexp., 3 p. 50 K. GRUSHEVSKY, M. Illustrated history of Ukraina. 536 p. 387 illus. 1913. "Prosvieshchenie" Petr., 3 r. 50 k. 947 Russia History. Ukraina. FEPBE,, B. UepBaji Focy^apCTBeHHafl ^yna. 1906 r. MocKBa, 60 K. Biopan FocyflapCTBeHHaji ,HyMa. 1907 r. MocKBa, 1 p. 30 K. Sna^eme TpeTteft Focy- ^apCTBeHHoit ,HyMLi BT> Hcxopin Poccin. 1912 r. GUERRIER, V. First State Duma. 1906. Moscow, 60 k. Second State Duma. 1907. Moscow, 1 r. 30 k. Part of the third State Duma in the history of Russia. 1912. Moscow, 50 k. 947 Russia History. KAPAM3HITL, HnKOJiaft MnxaftjioBHTK (1766-1826). Hci-opm rocy,a;apCTBa PoccincK. 12 T. 1897 r. Uexp. 4 p. KARAMZIN, Nicholas Mikhailovich (1766-1826). History of the Russian Empire. 12 vol. 1897. Petr., 4 r. Great historian. According to Kropotkin "his History of the Rus- sian State awakened the national consciousness and created lasting interest in the history of the nation. He showed Russia that she had a past worth knowing." His work is written in a brilliant and poetical style, and its notes reveal his wonderful acquaintance with historical sources. In three weeks 8000 copies of the first edition of his work were sold. 947 Russia History. 79 Bacioin OCHIIOBHH-L (1841-1911). Kypct pyccicoH HCTopiii. 4 T. 1910 r. MocKBa, 10 p. KLIUCHEVSKY, Basil Osipovich (1841-1911) Course in Kussian history. 4 vol. 1910. Moscow, 10 r. One of the best historians of modern Russia. He excels in the soundness of his criticism, the richness of his erudition, and the vividness of his exposure. His Course of history of Russia met with such a warm reception that in one month 10,000 copies were sold. 947 Russia History. KHHBBKOBt, C. HST> npomjiaro seMjiii PyccKoii. Ho. 666 CTp. 1907 r. H3^;. Ci>iTiiHa. MocKBa. 1 p. 50 K. KNIAZKOV, S. Russia in the past. Illus. 666 p. 1907. t Sytin, ed. Moscow, 1 r. 50 k. 947 Russia History. KOPH!MOB:b, A. Kypct ncTopin Pocciii 19 B*Ka. 2 nacTii. 547 CTp. 1912 r. Hs^. Co6aniHiiKOBLixT>. MocKBa, 2 p. 50 K. KORNILOV, A. History of Russia in the 19th century. 2 parts 547 p. 1912. Sobashnikov, ed. Moscow, 2 r. 50 k. 947 Russia History. KOPHMOB'L, HBarn, neTpoBim ( -1901). Sa^ani! pyccKaro npocBiineni^ BT> ero nponuiOMTj n nac- TOHnjeM-L- CdopniiKt CTaTefi. 1912 r. IleTp., 5 p. 50 K. KORNILOV, Ivan Petrovich ( d. 1901). Problems of Russian civilization in the past and present time. Collec- tion of essays. 1902. Petr., 5 r. 50 k. Well-informed historian of the intellectual life and scholastic insti- tutions of Russia. 947 Russia History. KOCTOMAPOB'B, HiiKOJiaii HBaHOBii (1817-1885). PyccKafl iicxopm BT, yKiiBHeomicaHbix-L e>r rjiaBH-kfi- niiixi, ^HTejieii. 2 xona. 1903-1907. IleTp., 8 p. KOSTOMAROV, Nicholas Ivanovich (1817-1885). Russian history in the biographies of its chief actors. 2 vol 1903- 1907. Petr., 8 r. Russian historian, dramatist and novelist. He has a great reputation as author of historic monographs. He wrote the real history of the Russian people, destroying the legends made popular by Karamzin. 947 Russia History. 80 BHBOPFCKIil, npou;ecc't. 1. Crenorp. oxiexx. 2. IIop- xpexti, HCKpojiom ii Kpaxicm Ciorpa^i^. 3. Cxaxm. llexp. 262 cxp. 1 p. 50 K. LAWSUIT of Vyborg, lllus. Petr., 262 p. 1 r. 50 k. Stenographical proceedings of the historical lawsuit, where many deputies of the first State Duma were condemned. Appendix: Portraits, biographies, necrology, articles. 947 Russia History. MHJIIOKOB'L, IlaBjrL HmsojiaeBHYB (1859- ). O?ep- KH no ncxopin pyccKoii KyjitxypH. H. I. Hacejzeme. H. II. IlepKOBB H inKOJia. T I. III. HaujioHaMSM-L H o6ni;ecxBeHHoe MHime. 1904 1909. llexp., 4 p. 75 K. MILIUKOV, Paul Nikolaevich (1859- ). Sketches of the history of Russian culture. Part I. Population. Partll. Church and school. Part III. Nationalism and public opinion. Petrograd, 4 r. 75 k. Great historian and political agitator of modern Russia. In 1903 1905 he lectured in America on Russian history and Russian political crisis. The above work is translated into French, German and Bohemian, and is one of the most remarkable books on Russian history. It gives a clear idea of the cultural evolution in Russia. 947 Russia History. BACHJIEBCKIit, A. CoBpeMeHHaa IIojiBnia H e.a HOJIH- xiiHCCKm cxpeMjienm. 220 cxp. 1906 r. Hs^;. ,,O6in,ecx- BCH. IIojiBsa" llexp., 50 K. VASILEVSKY, A. Modern Poland and its . political ten- dencies. 220 p. 1906. "Obshchestven. Polza" Petr., 50 k. Political and social history of Russian Poland. Popular. Written with a warm patriotic feeling far from any chauvinism. 947.5 Russia History. Poland. CEMEHOBT>, B. Pacnjiaxa. ^HCBHHK-L ust HHOHCKOII BOHHLI. 1908 r. Hs^;. BojiL^a. Ilexpr., 3 p. SEMENOV, V. Day of reckoning. Diary of the Japanese war. 1908. Wolf, ed. Petrograd, 3 r. Diary of an eye-witness. 952 Japan History. 81 AMERICAN HISTORY. EAEHHTD, A. B. Hcxopia C. A. CoejHHeHHtixt IHxaxoBT, T. I. 1607-1829. T. II. 1829-1910. 1912 r. Ilexp., 5 p. BABIN, A. V. History of the U. S. Vol. I. 1607-1829. Vol. II. 1829-1910. 1912. Petr., 5 r. 973 United States History. HAHHHHFL, BHJH>HMT> 3. Hcxopm Coe^HHeHHtix-L IHxaxoBT,. Hsfl. IlaBji. IleTp., 1 p. 50 K. CHANNING, William E. History of U. S. Ed. Pavl. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. 973 United States History. II. Hcxopin BejiiiKon aMepiiKancKoii fte- Moicpaxiii (C. A. Coe#. HIxaxoBt). 1906 r. Hs,a;. BpoKrayst H E^)poHi>. Ilexp., 1 p. MIZHUEV, P. History of the great American democracy (U. S.) 1906. Ed. Brockhaus & Efron. Petr., 1 r, 973 United States History. OHCKE, /^OHX. OxKpLixie AMCPHKH. Hep. II. HIIKO- .laeBa. 1893 r. Hs^. Coji^axenKOBa. 2 x. MocKBa 4 p. FISKE, John. Discovery of America. Nikolaev, P. trans. 1893. Soldatenkov, ed. 2 vol. Moscow, 4 r. Translation is good. 973.1 America Discovery. . Hcxppifl CiBepo-AMepiiKancKOH MCHC- ,a,oyco6ori BOHHBI- 1871 r. Ilexp., 2 p. 50 K. DRAPER, D. History of the civil war in America. 1871. Petrograd, 2 r. 50 k. 973.7 United States. History Civil war. 82 BIOGRAPHY. , CO$LK. JKuiix. CBHTBIX-L. OB 480 nsodpa- aKa^eMHKa O. F. CojiHijeBa. 12 KHiin,, OKOJIO 2,500 cxp. 1904 r. Ilexp., BT nepeiui. Bt 4-x-L KHiirax-L. 9 p. DESTUNIS, Sophia, Lives of the Saints. With 480 illus. by F. G. Solntsev. 12 books, about 2,500 p. 1904. Petr., in 4 vol. baund. 9 r. Written in a popular style. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. EJinATBEBCKIft, C. H. EJIHSIUH xinn. (YcneHCKift, MiixanjioBCKiH, ^exoBt, FapiiH-L). 1908 r. Ha^. "O6in,ecTBeH..- IIojiLsa" ITexp., 75 K- ELPATIEVSKY, S. J. Silhouettes (Uspensky, Mikhailov- sky, Chekhov, Garin). 1908. Ed. "Obshchestven. Polza" .Petr. 75 k. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. , - B. XpiiCTiancKie xpyjKeHHUKii. IlepeB. ci> anrjiiiiCKaro O. C. KoMapCKaro. 1898 r. Tlexp., ij. Bt KOJI. nep., 1 p. FARRAR, F. W. Saintly workers. Trans, from English F. S. Komarsky. 1897. Petr., 1 r. bd. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. H. rajuiepefl cDpamjyscKHxt snaMeHiixocxeft. 449 cxp. 1906 r. H3,a;. "PyccK. BoraxcxBa" Ilexp. 1 p. 50 K. KUDRIN, N. Gallery of French celebrities. 449 p. 1906. Ed. "Russkoe Bogatstvo. Petr., 1 r. 50 k. Pasteur, Daudet, Zola, Clemenceau, Waldeck-Rousseau, Combes, Roche- fort, Jaures, Anatole France, Paul Bourget. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. 83 , O. nionepH nayKii. CT> 120 puc. IlepeB. ci> anrji. C. 3aiiMOBCKaro. Cn6., 1901 r., ij. 1 p. 25 K. LODGE, Oliver H. Pioneers of science. 120 111. Petrograd, 1901, 1 r. 25 k. 1901. Trans, from English by S. Zaimovsky. 1 r. 25 k. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. OCTPOrOPCKIll, B. n. ^ua^ax* 6iorpa<})ift o6paa- IJOBLIX-B pyccKuxt nHcaTejiefi. 174 cxp. 1909 r. H3#. 12-e Ci>iTHHa. MocKBa, 50 K. OSTROGORSKY, V. P. Twenty biographies of prominent Russian writers. 174 p. 1909. 12th ed. by Sytin. Moscow, 50 k. Special attention is given to the personality of each writer. Author is a well known pedagogue. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. OCTBAJIb^'L, B. BejiHKie JIKD^H. 398 cxp. 1910 r. Hs*. "BaiCK. ToBap." IleTp., 2 p. 50 K. OSTVALD, V. Great men. 398 p. 1910. "Viatsk. Tovar." Petr., 2 r. 50 k. H. Davy, J. R. Mayer, M. Faraday, J. Liebig, Ch. Gerhardt, H. Helm- holtz. For advanced readers. 920 Biography, collective. Analytics. AEPAMOBt), H. B. Xp. KojryMdt, ero HCHSHB H nyie- HiecTBm. 79 cxp. H3,a;. UaB^eHKOBa. Heip., 25 K. ABRAMOV, J. V. Chr. Columbus, his life and travels. 79 p. Pavlenkov, ed. Petrograd, 25 k. 921 Columbus, Christopher. AEPAMOBt), H. OpanKjnini,, ero ^KHSHL, o6m;ecTBeH- nan H HayHHaa ^iHxejiBHocTi,. Ha^. IlaBjieHKOBa. nexporpa^t, 25 K. ABRAMOV, J. V. Franklin, his life, social and scientific work. Pavlenkov, Petrograd, 25 k. 921 Franklin, Benjamin. 84 HIAXOBT), A. Fexe H ero speM*. 296 cxp., 1908 r. 4-e. nexp. 1 p. SHAKHOV, A. Goethe and his time. 296 p. 1908. 4th ed. Petrograd, 1 r. Excellent monograph giving beside the characteristic of the poet, a vivid picture of the intellectual life in Germany during the XVIII century. 921 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. KOHH, A. Oe/i;opT> IIexpoBH*n> Taasi, (^pt) 199 cxp. 1913 r. 5-e 113,3;. MocKBa, 60 K. KONI, A. Fedor Petrovich Haaz (Dr.) 199 p. 1913. 5th ed. Moscow, 60 k. The most fascinating biography of "grandfather Haaz," the doctor of the prison, who did a great deal for the improvement of the conditions in the prisons. A monument to Doctor Haaz was recently erected at Moscow. 921 Haaz, Fedor Petrovich. KAMEHCKIH, A. J!HHKOJ[LHI>, ero JKHSHB H o6m,ecxBeH- Hafl ^iflxejiLHocxL- Hs^;- HasjieHKOBa. Ilexp-, 25 K. KAMENSKY, A. Lincoln, his life and social work. Pav- lenkov, ed. Petrograd, 25 k. 921 Lincoln, Abraham. EEPJIHH'L, II. Kapjn> MapKC-L H ero BpeMfl. 235 cxp. 1909 r. Hs^. "IIojiL3a" MocKBa, 1 p. BERLN, P. Karl Marx and his time. 235 p. 1909. Ed. "Polza'' Moscow, 1 r. 921 Marx, Karl. KPOHOTKHH'L, Ilexp-L AjieKcaH^poBH^ (1842- ). SanncKH peBOjnorjioHepa. 1906 r. Ilexp., 1 p. KROPOTKIN, Peter Alexandrovich (1842- ). Memoirs of a revolutionist. 1906. Petrograd. 1 r. Leader of Russian revolutionists. His book, Memoirs of a Revolu- tionist, edited in English in 1899 is considered as a work of art and as a history of the Russian revolution in 1870. It has been translated into several languages. He is famous also as a novelist. 921 Kropotkin, P. A. 85 , O. B. }Kii3Hi> ii xpyflH CB. anocmia IlaBjia. Hexp., 1901 T. 3 p. FARRAR, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 1901. Petr. 3 r. 921 Paul, Saint, apostle. BAinHHPTOH'L, ByKept T. OTT> pa6c T Ba KT> ABTo6iorpa(|)m. 1904 r. Hs/i;. O. IIonoBa. IleTp., 45 K. WASHINGTON, Booker T. Up from slavery. Autobiogr. 1904. 0. Popov, ed. Petrograd, 45 k. 921 Washington, Booker T. AHHEHCKAH, A. FeoprL BainHHrTom, n Boiina sa HesaBiiciiMocxB. 170 cxp. 1905 r. 2-e 113^. Kap6acnn- KOBa, ITeTporpa^-B, 40 K. ANNENSKAIA, A. George Washington and the war of independence. 170 p. 1905. 2nd ed. Karbasnlkov, Petr., 40 k. 921 Washington, George. HEIIHHCKIil, B. BaniimrTOH-L, ero ^KHSHB, BoeHnaji n , 25 K. CHEPINSKY, W. Washington, his life, military and social work. Pavlenkov, ed. Petr., 25 k. 821 Washington, George. AUTHOR AND SUBJECTS-INDEX. ABOZIN, 1 28, 29 ABRAMOV, J. V 84 Aeronautics 27 Africa 73 Agriculture 2fc AISMAN, D. J 51 ALBRECHT, E. (See Vessel) 36 ALEKSIEE, P 32 ALEXANDROV, A 22 ALEXANDROVA IGNATIEVA, P. .; <*.- ...30 ALMENDINGEK A 20 America 73 America-Discovery 82 American history 82 ANDERSEN, H. C 40 ANDRIASHEV, A 29 ANNENSKAIA, A 86 ANTUKA, D 21 ANUCHIN, D. 1 73 Aquariums 25 Architecture 34 ARTSYBACHEV, D 28 Asia 73 ASKOLDOV, S 11 Astronomy 23, 24 ATHANASOVICH, V 28 Atlases 68 Australia 75 Austrian history 77 Automobiles 27 AVENARIUS, V 43 BABIN, A. V 82 Babylonian history 76 BAGALIEI, D. 1 78 B AKHIREV, VADIM 3? B AUDRY-DE-S AUNIER 27 Bees 29 BERDIAEV, N. A 11 BERLIN, P 85 BETTNER, J 33 BIELOKONSKY, I. P 19 BIELORUSSOV, A 70 BIKELAS, D 64 Biography 83-86 Biography, collective 83, . 84 BLAGODUSHNAIA, S 51 BOBORYKIN, P. D 52 BOGORAZ, V. G. (See Tan, W. G., pseud) 74 Bohemia I 72 BOMMELI, R 24 Bookkeeping 32 BOSIUS & KOCK 27 Botany 24 BOUTROUX, E. E 10 JBRIUSOV, V. J 44 BROOKE, P , 27 BUAKOVICH, G 35 BULANOV, V. 37 Bulgaria 72 BUNIN, I. A 41 BURGARD, V 22 BYKOVA, A 74, 77 BYRON, G. G 38 Canada 74 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, M 65 CHANNING, W. E 82 CHATRIAN, A. (See Erckmann) , 65 CHEKHOV, A. P. 52 AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. CHELPANOV, G. I. 10 CHEPINSKY, W 86 CHERNYSHEVSKY, N. G 52 CHIRIKOV, E. N 62 Christology !3 CID 41 Civilization 67 CLEMENS, S. (See Twain, Mark, pseud.) 67 Columbus, Christopher 84 Commercial correspondence .... 82 Constitutional^ law and history !9 Cook books 29 Cookery 30, 31 Cookery, confectionery 31 COVENEY, M. E. (See Field) ...22 Crotchet 35 Cyclopedias 7, 8 Dancing 37 DANILEVSKY, G. P 63 DANTE ALIGHIERI 41 DEFOE, D 65 DERZHAVIN, G. R 44 DESTUNIS, S 83 DEVIATNIN, V 21 Devotional religion 15 DIETRICH, F 35 DIONNE, pseud 69 DIXON, W. H 74 DMITRIEV, I. 1 44 DOBRONRAVIN, C. P. (See Hermogen) 17 Domestic animals 29 Domestic economy 29, 30 DOROSHEVICH, V. M 53 DOSTOIEVSKY, T. M 53 DOVNAR-ZAPOLSKY, M. V. ..78 DRAPER, D 82 DUBNOV, S 75 DUMAS, A 65 DZHANSHIEV, G 78 Eastern Orthodox Church ..17, 18 EDDA, 40 Education 19, 20, 21 EFIMENKO, A. . ..." 79 EICHENWALD, J 42 Electrometallurgy 33 ELPATIEVSKY, S. J. ...68,83 Embroidery 34 EMERSON, R. W 9 ' England 69 English drama 38 English history 77 English language 21, 22 English poetry 38 EPNER, F 31 ERCKMANN, E 65 ERN, V 11 ERTEL, A. 1 54 Esperanto 21 Ethics 9 Europe 68, 69 European history 76 Evidences of Christianity 14, 15 Family 9 Family ethics 9 Farm implements 28 FARRAR, F. W 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 65, 83, 86 FET, A. A., pseud 44 Fiction 51-64 Fiction translated into Russian from other languages 64-67 FIELD, W. S 22 Finance 19 Fine arts 33 Finnish poetry 61 II. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. Fire prevention 26 FISHER-DUCKELMAN A 25 FISKE, J 2 FLAMMARION, C 24 FLAMMARION, K 36 FLORINSKY, V 25 FONVIZIN, D. 1 49 Food 31 France 70 Franklin, Benjamin 84 French drama 41 French history 77 French poetry 40 Fruit 28 GALAKTIONOV, S 37 Galician history 77 Games 37 GANOT, A 24 Gardening 28, 33, 34 GARIN, N. pseud 54 GARSHIN, V. M 54 General works 7 Geology 24 German drama . . . , 39 German history 77 German poetry 39 Germany 69 GINSBURG, M 26 GLADKOV, B. 1 13 GLIEBOV, S 26 GOETHE, J. W 39 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von ..85 GOGOL, N. V 55 GOLDSMITH, O 66 GOLUBINSKY, T. A 14 GONCHAROV, I. A 55 GORBUNOV-POSADOV, I. ..68, 69 GORKY, M 55 Gospels 13 Greek Church. (See Eastern Orthodox Church) 17, 18 Greek literature 5U GRIBOIEDOV, A. S 50 GROSS, P 37 GRUSHEVSKY, M 79 GRUZENBERG, S 12 GUERRIER, V 79 GURIEV, F 21 GUSEV, A. F 14 Haaz, Fedor Petrovich 85 Hair 26 HAMSUN, K. 66 HARWOOD, A 28 HERMOGEN, BISHOP 17 HERZEN, A. 1 56 HESSEN, J 18 HICKMAN, A. L 68 HILLQUIT, M 19 History 67, 75-82 History. Ancient 75 Hygiene . . . 26 IGNATIUK, A. F 21 India 73 IOLLOS, G. B 77 Irish history 77 ISAEV, A ,...12 Italian history 77 Italian poetry 41 Italy 70 IZMAILOV, A. A 56 JABLONOVSKY, A. A 56 Japan 73 Japanese history 81 Jewish history .*. .76 Jews 18, 75 JOHANSON, J 30 Kalavala 51 KAMENSKY, A 85 III. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. KAPTEREV, P 19 KARAMZIN, N. M 79 KELLER, K 25 KEMPIS, THOMAS A 16 KHAVKIN, L. B 7, 73 KHOLTSOV, L 74 KHOMIAKOV, A. S 45 KICHUNOV, N 34 KLASSEN, A 33 KLEIN, G 23, 24 KLIUGHEVSKY, B. 80 KNIAZKOV, S 80 KOCK (See Bosius) ....27 KOGAN, P. S 42, 50 KOLLONTAY, A 21 KOLTSOV, A. V 45 KONI, A 85 KORNILOV, A 80 KORNILOV, I. P 80 KOROLENKO, V. G 56 KOSTOMAROV, N. 1 80 KURDOV, K 68, 71 KOZLOV, I. 1 45 KRAVCHINSKY, S. M 57 KROPOTKIN, P. A 85 KRUBER, A 69, 71, 73, 75 KRYLOV, I. A 50 KUDRIN, N 70, 83 KUPRIN, A I 57 KVITKA, G. T 57 LAGERLOF, S ..66 LANDEZEN-VON, F. F 26 Language 21 LAPPARENT, A. A. C 15 Law .19 L AZHECHNIKOV, I. 1 58 LEIKIN, N. A 58 LERMONTOV, M. 1 45 Letter-writing 37 Libraries - 7 LIESKOV, N. S 58 Lincoln, Abraham 85 Literature 37 LITKE, A 34 LIVANOV, T. V 17 Local government 19 LODGE, O. H 84 LOMONOSOV, M. V 46 LOPATIN. L. M 12 LUGOVOY. A. A. pseud 58 LUNIN. A. A 16 LUNIN. Dr 25 LUNKEVICH, V 26 LUTHARD, C. E 15 Magazines (See Periodicals) . .8, 9 MAIKOV, A. N 46 MANEUVRIER, PI. (See Ganot) 24 Marine zoology 25 MARKS, A. F. (See Hickman) 68 MARTIN, F 23 Marx, Karl 85 MASLOV, N 30 Mechanic trades 33 Medicine 25 MELGUNOV, S 17 MELSHIN, L. pseud. (See Yakubovich) 63 MELVILLE-WHYTE, G. J 66 MEREZHKOVSKY, D. L 12 MEREZHKOVSKY, D. S 59 Meteorology 24 MEZHERICHER, P 33 MIATLEV, I. P 59 MICHAILOV, V 35 MIKHAILOVSKY, N. G. (See Garin, N., pseud.) 54 MIKULICH V., pseud (See Veselitskaia, L. I.) 62 IV. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. MILIUKOV, P. N 81 MILTON, J 88 M1NSKY, N 14 MIZHUEV, P. ..19, 20, 74, 75, 82 MOLOKHOVETS, E 29 Montenegro 72 Monthly magazine 8 MOROZOV, N. A 46 Music 36 MUSSET, A. D 40 NADSON, S. J 47 Natural science 23 NAZAREVSKY, B 47 Needlework 31, 32 NEKRASOV, N. A 47 NEMIROVICH-DANCHENKO, V. 1 59 NEUSTUBE, S 29 New Zealand 75 NIBELUNGEN-LIED 39 NIETZSCHE, "F. W 10 NIKITIN, 1 36, 47 NIKOLSKY, N 76 Niva 8 Non-Christian religions 18 NOOROCK, P. M 22 Northern journal 8 Norway 72 Novels, collection 60 NOVOSELOV, J 71 OBRAZTZOV, P 16 OLLENDORF, H. G 22 OSNOVIANCUKO, pseud. (See Kvitka) 57 OSORGIN, M 70 OSTROGORSKY, V. P. ..84 OSTVALD, V 84 OVSIANIKO-KULIKOVSKY, D. N 42 OZEROV, 1 19 Painting 35 Paris 70 Paul, Saint, apostle 86 Periodicals 8, 9 PETRISCHEV, A 17 PETROVA, M. J 37 PETRUSHEVSKY 76 Philology ..21 Philosophy 9 Philosophy, German 10, 11 Philosophy, modern 10 Philosophy, Slavic 11,12,13 Phonograph 36 Photography 35 Physical education 26 Physics 24 Physiology 26 PLESHCHEEV, A. N 48 POKROVSKA, T 26 POKROVSKY, K 23 Poland 72 POLEVOI, P. N 60 POLEZHAEV, A. 1 48 Polish history 81 POLONSKY, J. P 48 POMIALOVSKY, N. G. 60 POSPIELOVA-HATSUK, M. 32, 34, 35 Postage stamps 21 POTAPENKO, I. N 60 Poultry 28, 29 PREISS, W 36 PRICE, E 16 PUSHKIN, A. S 43 RACINE, J. B 41 REDELIN, M 30 Religion 13 Religious history 16 Religious miscellany 15. 16 RIESHETNIKOV, T. M 61 V. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. KOZANOV, B. V 13 ROZANOV, V 9, 70 RUBAKIN, N. A 20 RUMIANTSEV. A 30, 31 Russia 71, 72 Russia in Asia 73 Russian Church (See Eastern Orthodox Church) Russian drama 49, 50 Russian history 78-81 Russian language 22 Russian literature 42, 43, 50 Russian miscellany 50 Russian poetry 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 RUSSKOE BOGATSTVO, 9 Ruthenia 72 SACHETTI, L. A 36 SALTYKOV, M. E 61 SANDEAU, E 26 SAZERAC DE FORGES 27 Scandinavian literature 40 SCHAFF, L 13 SCHEDRINE, pseud. (See Saltykov) 61 SCHEFFER, G 31 SCHILLER, J. C. F 39 SHCHKLOVSKII, I. V. (See Dionne, pseud.) 69 SEMENOV, V 71, 81 Serbia 72 Serbian poetry 51 SEVASTIANOVA, P. 32 SHAKESPEARE, W 38 SHAKHOV, A 85 SHAPIR, O. A 61 SHAVROV, N 29 SHENSHIN, A. (See Fet. A. A., pseud.) 4/I SHEVCHENKO, T. G 49 SIENKIEWICZ, H 66 Silkworms 29 SLIEPTSOV, B. A 61 SMIRNOV, P. S 18 Socialism. 19 Sociology 19 SOLOVIE V, V 18, 43, 49 Song books S6 SONG OF ROLAND 40 Songs 36, 47 SOROKIN, N 25 Spain 70 Spanish poetry 41 SPENCER, H 21 STANIUKOVICH, C. M 62 Statistics 68 Steam engineering 27 STEBNITSKI, pseud. (See Lieskov) 58 STENIN, P 73 STEPNIAK, pseud. (See Kravchinsky) 57 STOWE, MRS. H. B 66 STRAKHOV. P 34 Sweden 72 Switzerland 72 TAKHTAREV, K 67 TAN, W. G. pseud 74 Teeth 26 TEKHONOV, A. L. (See Lugovoy, pseud.) 58 Temperance 9 Tennis ....37 Theology 14 THOMAS A. KEMPIS, 16 TIMIRIAZEV, K 24 TOLSTOI, A. K 62 TOLSTOI, L. N 62 Travel and description 68-75 TRUBETZKOI, E. M 11 VI. AUTHOR AND SUBJECT INDEX. TURGHENIEV, I. S. Turkey in Asia Turkey in Europe . . . TWAIN, M., pseud. . .62 .73 .72 .67 UHLAND, 1 39 United States 74 United States history 82 Useful arts 25 VALUEVA 72 VASIUKOV, S 72 VASILEVSKY, A 81 VASILEVSKY, L 77 VELICHKIN, N 76 VERNE, J 67 VESELITSKAIA, L. 1 62 VESSEL, N 36 VIDEMAN, K 32 VINBERG, V 33 VIPPER, R 75, 76 VISSARION, 16 Vocational education 20 VODOVOZOVA, E 69, 70, 72 VOLNOGORSKY, P 28 Voyages around the world ..68 WASHINGTON, B. T 86 Washington, George 86 Weights and measures 21 WILLIAMS, H 31 Wine 33 Women-Social conditions 21 YAKUBOVICH, P. P 63 YANZHUL 1 9 ZAGOSKIN, M. N 63 ZASODIMSKY, P. V 63 ZHUKOVSKY, B. A 49 ZNAMENSKY, P. V 18 ZOTOV, R. M 64 vn. ts YB 597 U.C. BERKELEY LIBRARII UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY