PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA AN ALGEBRA OF VECTORS INDEPENDENT OF THE AXIOMS OF CONGRUENCE AND OF PARALLELS L. SILBERSTEIN, PH.D. LECTURER IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ROME LONDON G. BELL AND SONS, LTD. 1919 PSL 6)4 Si COPYRIGHT TO GEORGE PAUL CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1-3. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS i 4. ADDITION OF TWO COINITIAL VECTORS DEFINED - - 4 5. THE ASSOCIATIVE LAW 6 6. SUM OF COLLINEAR VECTORS. MULTIPLE OF A VECTOR 9 7. SUBMULTIPLE OF A VECTOR 1 8 8. THE CONCEPT OF EQUALITY OF NON-COINITIAL VECTORS - - 21 9. DIFFERENCE OF VECTORS. NEGATIVE SCALAR FACTORS - 27 10. ADDITION OF VECTORS WITH ' IDEAL ' TERMINI - 34 11. ON THE USE OF THE ABOVE VECTOR ALGEBRA 37 12. VECTOR EQUATIONS OF STRAIGHTS AND OF PLANES- - - 40 13. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 41 14. PASCAL'S THEOREM. 49 15. VECTOR SUM FOR VARIABLE *-LiNE. CONIC RANGES AND PENCILS 52 APPENDIX A. ON THE NON-METRICAL SUM OF ANGLES OF A TRIANGLE 67 B. LINEAR VECTOR OPERATORS. PROJECTIVE COLLINEATIONS 71 INDEX - - 77 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA AN ALGEBRA OF VECTORS INDEPENDENT OF THE AXIOMS OF CONGRUENCE AND OF PARALLELS 1. The reader will find in the widely known memoir of Hilbert on the Foundations of Geometry * various ' algebras of segments,' independent of one or of another group of axioms, the purpose of these algebras being, in Hilbert's case, to show the mutual independence of his set of axioms. More recently, in an excellent book, Schur f has taken up von Staudt's calculus of projective segments (Wurfrechnung) in order to develop it analytically and to build upon it a complete system of metrical, euclidean and non-euclidean, geometry. This is admirably done in 4 and 5 of his work. Schur bases his definitions of equality, of addition and multiplication of projective segments, upon the correspondence known as ' prospectivity,' and, at first, avails himself only of the axioms of connection and of order [Schur's postulates I. to 8.] ; for the further development of the subject, however, he has recourse [ 5] to the axioms of congruence or of ' motion,' postulates 9. to 13., and completes his investigation by adding an independent, 1 4th postulate concerning the use of compasses. The result is a most charming and lucid structure of the complete system of non-euclidean geometry (of an isotropic three-dimensional space of any constant curvature), the last touch to this true masterpiece being given in Schur's closing section by adding the archimedean postulate. 2. The purpose of the present investigation (intended originally as a paper, but ultimately shaped into the form of a little book) is a more modest and much more restricted one, viz. to construct, * D. Hilbert, Grundlagen der Geometric, Gottingen, 1899 ; translated by E. T. Townsend, Chicago, 1910. f F. Schur, Grundlagen der Geometric, Teubner, 1909. P.V.A. A 2 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA by means of the axioms of connection and of order only, a very simple algebra of vectors, directed, i.e. arrowed straight segments, an algebra, that is, embracing only the equality, the addition, and hence also the subtraction, of vectors. There is no essential diffi- culty in introducing also an appropriate vector multiplication of two vectors ; this, however, besides being superfluous, does not share the remarkable simplicity which will be seen to belong to the proposed vector addition, and did not, therefore, seem sufficiently interesting to be given in this little book. The absence of ' multi- plication ' will not be much felt, in view of the aim of this book.* 3. It will not be necessary to subdivide the contents of the book into a formally logical array of numbered definitions, axioms, lemmas, theorems and corollaries. The reader will keep in mind that we are basing ourselves only upon the axioms of order and of connection, let us say, Schur's postulates I. to 6. (loc. cit.},\ with postulate 7., ensuring three- dimensionality, and 8., excluding further dimensions. These suffice for the full validity of Desargues* theorem, a theorem whose aid will be most essential. (Readers who are unfamiliar with this fundamental theorem can look up its proof in Prof. * Note added January 3, 1919 (in reading the final proof sheets). A comparatively simple non-metrical generalization of the multiplication of vectors into vectors which I chanced to build up only in the last few days could not, for technical reasons, be included in this volume. I hope to be able to publish it as a separate paper, uniform with the present text, in one of the next issues of the Phil. Mag. The reader will then have an easy opportunity of supplementing the contents of some portions of this book, notably of its last section, 15. f These axioms are, in English version of Schur's wording : 1. There is an unlimited multitude of elements : points. 2. Any two distinct points determine uniquely an unlimited [infinite] multitude of points, to which they themselves belong, and which is called a segment (Strecke). Any two points of a segment determine another segment whose points belong to the former. 3. If C be a point of the segment AB, then a fourth point D of this segment belongs either to A C or to CB, but never to both at the same time. 4. If C be a point of AB, distinct from B, and B a point of CD, then C t and therefore also B, belong to the segment AD. 5. Outside every straight there are still points. 6. It A, B, C be any three non-collinear points, D a point of BC, and E a point of AD, then there is always a point F belonging to the segment AB, such that E lies on CF. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS 3 Mathews's Projective Geometry, which may be warmly recom- mended ; Longmans, 1914, Chap. V.) Equivalently, we may say that the only constructions admissible for us will be those requiring only a straight-edge, and possibly a theoretical plane-layer [to draw a plane through 3 given points or through a point and a straight], but neither a ' transferor, ' of course, nor compasses. These latter remarks would after what has been said certainly be superfluous for geometers by profession ; but the book is chiefly intended for beginners in geometry and for physicists, more especially those who employ in their investigations the usual metric vector algebra, and who may like to know how far one can go without having recourse to ' rigid bodies ' (transferers) whose use involves, in the best of cases, a host of physical conditions. Again, some conclusions easily deriv- able from our subject may be helpful to readers interested in the degree of soundness of the foundations of the modern theory of relativity. With regard to the said eight postulates only one more remark. Postulate 2. (as quoted above), claiming uniqueness of a stretch or vector, determined by two distinct points, will be understood to apply to a restricted region of space, we will say, the region under consideration. This will leave the possibility of our space as a whole being closed, elliptic (polar or antipodal), as well as hyperbolic or homaloidal (euclidean). Or else we may exclude the antipodal form of elliptic geometry, leaving only the polar ; then the said restriction will become superfluous. For in the polar form of elliptic space (often called simply the elliptic space, as distinguished from the antipodal or ' spherical ' kind) any two points determine one and only one straight line. Lastly, should, for the sake of some special corollaries or illustra- tions, the archimedean postulate be required, its assumption will be expressly stated. Otherwise the results will be independent of that postulate.* * We have here in mind not the proper archimedean postulate, but that generalized by Schur (loc. cit. Postulat 15) : If E, P be any two points of OU, and we construct successively the fourth harmonic points : E. 2 to O with respect to E and U, then E a to E with respect to 2 and U, E t to .E a with respect to 3 and U, and so on, E n to n _ 2 with respect to E n-l and U, then this series contains always a point E n such that P lies on OE n . 4 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA In order to follow freely the investigation, the reader will require hardly anything more than the knowledge of Desargues' theorem as a consequence of the said axioms of order and of connection. 4. Addition of two coinitial vectors defined. The reason, why ' addition ' is taken up even before the concept of ' equality ' of vectors, will become manifest a little later on. Let us begin with the treatment of vectors having all a common origin 0, such as OX and OY (Fig. i), which we will henceforth denote by the Clarendons X, Y, etc. All vectors under con- sideration being, for the present, coinitial, the idea of two of them FIG. i. being ' equal ' does not enter at all. The origin of all our vectors being fixed, if their end-points, X, Y, etc., are distinct points of space, the vectors X, Y, etc., are all distinct or different from one another. They differ, to use popular language, in ' direction,' as a matter of course, and they have also no other thing in common, since ' size ' or ' length,' as any other metrical property is out of question. And to insist, with the logicians, upon the equality X = X is needless, and inane. In short, we shall not need the concept of the equality of two vectors until the restriction to coinitiality is given up. Now, X = OX and Y = 0F being two vectors, as in Fig. I, let us assume on the line of each of them some fixed points T x and T r respectively. The two terminal points T, so to call them, being thus conventionally fixed, the TMine or, as we will say, the terminal straight in the plane OXY, is therewith fixed. Draw the straights XT r and YT X , and let the point A be their cross. Let us base our first definition upon this simple construction ADDITION OF TWO COINITIAL VECTORS 5 (familiar in connection with the usual definition of ' coordinates ' in projective geometry). The origin of all our vectors being already fixed, let us call the new vector A = OA the sum of the vectors X and Y, writing A = X + Y, the specification : ' with respect to T x , T T as termini ' being understood. It is needless to insist that, the said axioms being valid at least for the triangle OT X T Y as the 'restricted' region, A is a unique point (cross) and, therefore, A a unique vector. Moreover, the above operation or construction being perfectly symmetrical with respect to the two addends, we can equally well write A = Y + X. Thus, X + Y = Y + X, (i) the commutative law of addition. It will readily be seen that the usual, euclidean vector sum, obtain- able by drawing through X, Y parallels to OT r , OT X , is but a special case of the above sum. That special case follows from the present more general definition of vector sum if for T If T T are taken ' points at infinity,' and if, of course, the existence of unique parallels, i.e. the ordinary parallel axiom is assumed. To put it only in its practical aspect, draw our present Fig. i upon a large sheet of paper, and take Tjr farther and farther away, i.e. without metrical concepts, take TV beyond TV, TV beyond TV, and so on ; and similarly for T rt each on its line. Then, even without the definite concept of ' parallels,' the farther the process is pushed, the more will the above approach the euclidean (parallelogram) construction of the sum, the ' equality of the sides ' OX, YA and XA, OY being tested either by a ' legitimate ' pair of compasses or by the eye. Needless to say that no such considerations are of any avail in our present circle of ideas. The above definition of vector sum is manifestly a generali- zation of the euclidean one, and is valid also for such spaces in which there are no euclidean parallels nor even lobatschevskyan parallels or asymptotic lines. In short, the space may be elliptic in which all coplanar straights intersect one another. If, as in Fig. I, X, Y are on the segments OT f) OT r or the ' sides ' of the triangle OT f T r , the resultant point A is within it. The same construction, however, will be used if X or Y, or both, are on the prolongation of the straight lines beyond the origin, the 7"-line being always the same. If only the whole figure continues to belong to the said restricted region, our previous reasoning will 6 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA continue to be applicable. Similarly if X, Y are 'beyond' the TMine. Meanwhile, to fix the ideas, let us take the case represented in Fig. i. Thus, whatever the addends, X and Y, their sum can always be found by a perfectly definite straight-edge operation. With one exception, however, viz. when X and Y are collinear vectors. For if such be the case, the point A, the cross of the auxiliary straights, is indeterminate. Thus our sum definition does not, at this stage, enable us to construct the sum of any two collinear vectors, and in particular the sum X + X or 2X, if X be given. But we shall see how to do it after having dealt with sums of three or more vectors. The reader may feel puzzled to see the ' simplest ' addition X+X thus made the more difficult one. Let him imagine, however, that in dealing with his ordinary vector algebra, he is only able to draw parallels but is deprived of compasses and of any transferer. Then he will easily convince himself that the end-point of the required vector 2X (generally, of the sum of collinear vectors) is exactly as undetermined as in our case. For the parallelogram collapses, for every pair of collinear vectors. 5. The Associative Law. Once more return to Fig. I. Having found A, the sum of X and Y, we can, by the same prescription, add A to another vector Z, always with as origin. To be as general as is possible, let Z = OZ be not coplanar with X, Y, and let it have T z for its terminus, so that T x , T r , T z define a fixed plane, the T-plane, as we will say. In order to apply again the former sum definition, we have only to prescribe but one more thing, viz. the terminus of the line OA. As such we shall take the cross T A of OA prolonged with the previous TMine. In short, the latter line will be the locus of termini of all straight lines in the plane XOY* and Z being not coplanar with X, Y, the plane through T It T Y , T z will henceforth be our (conventionally) fixed T-plane, enabling us to add to A = X+Y any third vector, to the sum thus obtained any fourth vector, and so on, all coinitial. Let B = OB be the sum of the two vectors A and Z, i.e. the brackets, at present indispensable, being used as separators. * It is not difficult to see that this prescription is being naturally suggested by the previous ones. THE ASSOCIATIVE LAW 7 In order to find this new vector, we have, by the fundamental definition, to join A, T z and Z, T A (Fig. 2) ; their cross being B we shall have E = OB. But we might have added together first Y and Z, obtaining the vector A' = Y + Z, and then X. Let the result of this entirely different operation be B', i.e. let The question arises : Is B' the same vector as B ? In other words : Do the points B' and B coincide ? The answer turns out to be in the affirmative. Draw the straights ZT T and YT Zj crossing in A' ; draw OA' and prolong it, obtaining its terminus T A , ; join T A > with X, FIG. a. and T x with A' ; then the latter two straights will be found each to pass through the previous B, so that B' is B. In fact, to prove that A'T X passes through B notice that ZA'B and OVA is a pair of triangles in perspective (the joins of corresponding vertices passing through T g ) t and that T x , T At T r are collinear, by con- struction. Then, appealing to Desargues' theorem, B will readily be seen to be on A'T X . Similarly for XT A ,, noticing that the triangles XAB and OVA' are in perspective (T x ), and that T r , T A , y T z are collinear. Thus the coincidence of B and B' is proved, being a consequence of the theorem of Desargues, and of the explicit prescription that all termini should be taken on the same T-plane. Similarly for B* the end-point of B*=*(Z+X)+Y, the corresponding system of lines being omitted from Fig. 2 in order not to make it too complicated. The rdles of X, Y, Z and of their corresponding auxiliaries are manifestly interchangeable. The 8 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA above proof remains valid also in the case of three coplanar vector- addends, the only (entirely irrelevant) difference being that the five points TX, T A , T r , T A ,, T f are then all collinear. We thus have the remarkable result that, for any three distinct vectors X, Y, Z, (X+Y)+Z = (Y+Z)+X = (Z + X)+Y, (2) or that the vector sum, as defined above, obeys the associative law. Thus the brackets become superfluous, and since the commuta- tive law (i) holds as well, the above sum can simply be written X + Y + Z or X + Z + Y, etc. The same is manifestly valid for four or more addends. It will be kept in mind that the validity of the associative law is most immediately based upon the theorem of Desargues. We might have started from this law, (x+Y)+Z=X+(Y+z), as a postulate, and from our first sum definition. Then, if, for any reason, we did not know the theorem of Desargues, we could at once deduce it from the associative postulate in conjunction with the law of summation. We might imagine, for instance, that we were bidimensional beings confined to a plane and did not know anything of points outside it ; then, assuming only the first six postulates of Schur * and (instead of the yth, ' outside every plane there are still points ') the associative law of vector addition, we could deduce Desargues' theorem. But the order of ideas adopted above has seemed the more natural one For, apart from didactic reasons, what would there be to suggest to us the associativity for such a comparatively complicated operation ? It is chiefly, or almost uniquely, due to the validity of the associative law that the above definition of vector sum has seemed to be of genuine interest. (For a non-associative operation would not carry us very far.) As in ordinary arithmetic or algebra, this law, together with the commutative property, makes the addition of vectors a powerful operation. It is interesting to see the associative law hold for such a sum of vectors (kept far from any idea of measurement), exactly as if they were numbers of pebbles or of oranges to be counted together in various groupings. The associative theorem enables us, among other things, to deal * Which are not sufficient for Desargues' theorem. SUM OF COLLINEAR VECTORS 9 easily with the addition of collinear vectors, hitherto postponed by necessity. 6. Sum of collinear vectors. Multiple of a vector. Two collinear vectors X and X' (Fig. 3) being given, with origin and common terminus T x (upon our T-plane), we require the vector S = X + X' to be constructed as a certain vector having again for its origin and collinear with these two addends. Let us imagine for the moment we know what S or X + X' means ; that is to say, let OS in Fig. 3 be this vector. If so, then we can add to it another vector not collinear with it, say Y = OY. As before, draw ST r and YT X ; let these cross in A. Then, writing OA=A., we have Now, apart from its origin and terminus T x , the symbol X + X' stands hitherto for an undetermined vector. It is, therefore, in our power to give it some reasonable meaning. The only thing that might embarrass us is the freedom of the choice. Here, how- ever, the idea readily suggests itself to base the choice upon the following consideration. We do not know what A means. But we do know the meaning of for the two addends X+Y and X' are definite vectors and not collinear. Moreover, we know that the associative law holds when no two of the three addends are collinear. 10 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Let us, therefore, agree to fix the meaning of X+X' so that the associative property may hold also when two of the addends are FIG. 4. collinear* In short, let us require A to be the same vector as A', i.e. Here, A. = OA (Fig. 3) is a perfectly definite vector. Thus the problem of finding the meaning of X+X' = S is reduced to finding FIG. 4 Thus, appears as a most immediate property of a harmonic range. The tacit attribution of n = o to the nil vector = OO, or simply to the origin, may easily be justified. It will be noted that if one of the two addends of a vector sum has its end-point on the T-plane, the sum is equal to that vector alone. In symbols, explained by Fig. 7, Y+T^ = T Z . (5) This is, in the case of Y, not collinear with T x , an obvious conse- quence of the original definition of sum, the join XT r being now replaced by T x T r itself. The proof that (5) holds also when Y is collinear with T x may be left to the reader. We have seen before SUM OF COLLINEAR VECTORS 15 in what sense T x plays the part of an ' infinite ' vector. The property (5) is of the same nature. It resembles the algebraic or arithmetical truth 3 + 00 =00. The relation (5) continues to hold, of course, if Y is beyond T r . Notice in passing that if X or Y or both are beyond the T-plane, so is also the end-point of the vector X+Y. (If the straight lines are closed, as in elliptic geometry, this concept of 1 beyond ' requires manifestly some further qualifications, which may occupy us later on. Meanwhile we can imagine that the contemplated region of space is a restricted one.) Finally, if both FIG. 7. addends are T-vectors, T x and T r , say, then their sum T x +T r is some T-vector, since its end-point is by the sum definition, some- where on the line T x T r . But its position on that straight line is, thus far, undetermined. And in the present case an appeal to the associative law and to a third auxiliary vector would not help us much to make it determinate. In quite the same way, Tf t T Tt T z being any, generally not collinear, points of the T-plane, the sum T x + T r + T, is hitherto an undetermined vector. We might localize its end-point on the T-plane by some supple- mentary convention as, for instance, by choosing on OT It OT Tt OT Z some ' standard ' vectors x, y, z and declaring that for n-*oo. Then the T-point in question would be the terminus of the vector x + y + z. But the choice of these ' standards ' being perfectly arbitrary, we prefer to say simply that the position of the end-point in question on the T-plane is undetermined, and to leave it so, until we find some reason for fixing it. 16 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA To close this section, let us note that, by the associative law, 2 X that is to say, and similarly, for any number of vector addends, 2(X + Y + Z+...) = 2X+2Y+2Z+... . In words, the doubling of a vector sum is distributive. And so also will be its trebling, and so on, generally, (X + Y + Z+...) = X + Y + Z+... , (6) where, thus far, n is any positive integer. At a first sight the truth expressed by such identities as 2(X+Y)=2X + 2Y may seem very simple or even trivial, because one involuntarily associates it with the doubling, say, of the sum of 5 apples and 3 apples, and asserting that these are as many as twice 5 and twice 3 apples. Yet, in our case, this formula expresses a property of a very complicated maze of straights and of their crosses. To see this, it is enough to translate this vector formula into geometric language, remembering the adopted meaning of the innocent-looking signs + (or ' and ') and 2 (or ' twice '). The origin and the TMine being fixed, as always, the right-hand member represents a certain point, say R, and the left-hand member a point L (the end-points of the corresponding vectors B and L), and the formula asserts the identity or the coincidence of R and L* Now, this is, from the geometrical point of view, certainly a rather complicated truth. In fact, to obtain L, we have to construct A =X +Y (Fig. 8) and to prolong OA up to T A . Next, we have to construct L =2 A, i.e. to draw YT A , crossing AT r 'va. B and giving T s , and to draw AT 8 crossing YT A in C ; finally the join TjC will give us on OT A the required point L, the end-point of the left-hand member. To obtain the right-hand member, R, draw (with dotted lines, for distinction) ax and 2Y by the previous prescription, thus getting the points * Notice that as long as we are confined to coinitial vectors, any of our ' equations,' or, better, identities, expresses only the coincidence of two points, L and R, which are arrived at by some two different sets of operations or con- structions. Equations in the proper sense of the word will make their appearance after the concept of equality of non-coinitial vectors has been introduced. DISTRIBUTIVITY 17 X 2 , Y 2 . The pouits A, T A being already there, draw T A X, obtaining D ; then T r D will give X z . Similarly, T A Y gives the previous B, and T X B (dotted) finds Y 2 . Now, R is, by definition, the cross of XT r and Y 2 T X or T^B. Thus, what is asserted by the formula 2(X + Y) = 2X+2Y is : the straight line T X B will pass through L ; and so it does. FIG. Sa. Now, a skilled projectionist will be able to prove the coincidence of L and R on the figure. The reader may try it as an exercise.* * As a hint : harmonic ranges remain so on being projected, etc., etc. P.V.A. B 18 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Even if he is successful, he will still agree that the constructional proof is much more complicated than the above simple deduction from the associative law. Of course, the case illustrated by Fig. 8 is of no particular interest for the geometer. But later on we shall have the opportunity to show several examples of algebraic formulae, almost as simple as 2(X + Y)=2X + 2Y, and yet expressing very interesting geome- trical properties. If the numerous auxiliary lines are omitted, the geometrical meaning of is expressed by Fig. 8a, which hardly calls for lengthy explanations. The equation asserts that the points , i, f, etc., marked in the interior of the figure are all collinear, that these points are projected from Tj- upon OT r as the end-points of the vectors , I, fY, and so on. 7. Submultiple of a vector. Let m be a positive integer, and X a given vector with as origin. Then we shall call the mth part of X, and denote by X, a vector X' coinitial with X and such m that mX'=X. This definition of the submultiple X may be restated by writing It is scarcely necessary to say that X will be collinear with X. If m = 2, 3, etc., we shall speak, without fear of a misunder- standing, of one half, one third of X, etc. a fixed terminus T x being always understood. The geometrical problem is to construct any of these sub- multiples of a given vector by means of a straight-edge. Before treating it, however, let us note the immediate conse- quences of the above definition together with the distributive law. Let X, Y be two coinitial vectors and S On the other hand, let m m SUBMULTIPLE OF A VECTOR 19 Then, by the distributive law * and by (7), so that the preceding equation becomes m m m Again, if / be another positive integer, we have, by the same distributive law, -(X + Y)=-X + -Y, (8) m x mm where stands for / . . But it can be easily shown that, for m m any of our vectors, l( X ) is the same thing as (IK), so that \m ) mm in formula (8) can be treated indiscriminately either as Inr 1 or as m~ l l, as is the case with fractional factors in common algebra. The same would be the case for X+Y+Z, and so on. Thus the distributive law of multiplication of a vector sum of two or more addends is also valid for any positive fractional factor l/m. This distributive property can also be extended to irrational factors ; but the reader will exempt me from giving here a rigorous formal proof. This being taken for granted, we shall have, for any positive number n, n(X + Y+...) = nX + Y+... . (9) Negative vectors, defined by X + (-X)=o, will be treated later on. It will be time then to speak of negative scalar factors. The above distributive properties, such as (8), followed algebrai- cally from the definition (7) of a submultiple of a vector X, inde- pendently of the actual method one has to adopt in order to draw any such submultiple of a given vector. We might employ for this purpose the construction which has been in use among the projectionists for many years, chiefly in connection with Cayley's theory of distance (cf., for instance, Coolidge, I.e. p. 256 et seq., or W. Killing, Nicht-Euklid. Raumformen, Leipzig, 1885, p. 119). But, from the point of view of this booklet, the following, equivalent, method seems more direct and instructive, and at the same time not less simple. * Hitherto valid for integral (positive) factors only. 20 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Let X 1/m be the end-point of the required vector, so that mK' = OX lim . Take, for instance, the case of JX = &X"i. Then, by the definition (7), and X being the end-point of X, the four points 0, X if X, T x (10) form a harmonic range, with 0, X and Xi, T% as conjugate pairs. Imagine a ray drawn from up to its terminus T Y ', join T x with T T and project, from any point of this TMine, the harmonic range (10) upon the auxiliary ray. Then, by an elementary theorem of projective geometry, the four points of that ray will again form a harmonic range.* Call Y the point corresponding to X^, and write OY = "Y. Then to X will correspond F 2 , the end-point of the vector 2Y. In short, the range corresponding to (10) will be 0, Y, Y 2 , T Y . (10') In quite the same way, to the range 0, Xl, X^, *.. Xm-l, X, T x , with any integral m, will correspond on the auxiliary Y-line the range ^> *l Y z , " * m-li Y mi T r , that is to say, itself, the end-points of the vectors Y, 2Y, ... wY, and the terminus T r . This leads at once to the following con- struction of any submultiple, say one-fifth, of a given vector X : Through 0, the origin of X, draw any straight OT r , take upon it a vector Y ending in Y and construct in the known way 2Y, 3Y, 4Y, 5Y, all beginning in and ending in the points 2, 3, 4, 5 (thus marked in Fig. 9). Draw the straight X*,, crossing the TMine in T. Then the straight TY will cut the ^"-line in X, the end-point of the required vector ^X. At the same time, the rays 7^2, T$, T4 will find the end-points of the vectors fX, f X, and iX respectively. Similarly for any other integer m. Compare this construction with the familiar method of sub- dividing a segment in common metrical geometry, which consists in laying off, on the auxiliary ray, a chain of m ' rigidly ' equal * This theorem can also be demonstrated algebraically from the above principles, as will be shown later on, among the examples. Cf. Section 13. SUBMULTIPLE OF A VECTOR 21 segments Y, joining the last point with X, and drawing parallels to this join through Y and through the remaining auxiliary points. The above is obviously a generalization of the usual method. The rdle of the euclidean parallels is here taken over by the rays drawn through a T-point. The relations are exactly of the same nature as those mentioned before in connection with the non-metrical vector addition as compared with the parallelogram construction of a vector sum. The proof that the result of the process of subdivision just described is independent of the choice of the auxiliary vector Y may be left to the reader. 8. The concept of Equality of non-coinitial vectors. Hitherto all our vectors were coinitial. It is now time to pass to vectors having distinct origins. As was already remarked, the vectors of a bundle emanating from a common origin had nothing to do with one another, no two of them being in any sense equal or equivalent to one another, disregarding the trivial case of identical vectors. If, however, non-coinitial vectors are contemplated, the possi- bility readily arises of (usefully) defining some pairs of them as equal and others as different. Let A. = OA be a vector, with terminus T A on the fixed T-plane, as before, and let 0' be another point, not on the line of A, as in 22 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Fig. 10. Let us consider 0' as the origin of oo s vectors. Is there among them some one codetermined by A, and unique in its kind, worthy of the name of ' equal to A ' ? If so, then we are free to define it as equal to the given vector A. The answer is in the affir- mative, and the form of the definition readily suggests itself. FIG. io. Let the join 00' cross the T-plane in 7". Draw AT and 0'T A . These will cross in a point A', determining an unique vector O'A', which we will denote by A'. It is this vector I propose to define as equal to A, in symbols, A' = A or 0'A' = OA. (n) Accepting this definition, which, after all, is but an obvious generali- zation of the usual definition of equality of non-coinitial ' parallel ' vectors, we shall also have to accept the equality of the vectors AA' and 00', as will be shown presently. A first consequence of the definition (u) and of what precedes it is a very reassuring one. In fact, remember that the vector E = OA' has been defined, at the outset, as the sum of 00' and OA, i.e. But, by the new definition, A = A'. Thus, to respect both defini- tions, we have to accept the equality 7 a OA'-OO' + O'A', (12) which reads : the sum of two vectors in chain arrangement * * Origin (0") of second coinciding with end-point of first. VECTOR EQUALITY 23 is the vector drawn from the origin of the first to the end-point of the second, exactly as in the familiar rule of ordinary vector algebra. We might have started from (12) ; then the definition expressed by (n) would be the result. Since OA and AA' is also a chain of vectors, we shall have OA' = OA+AA' = A + AA', and since, on the other hand, we must accept also the vector equality A A' =00', as mentioned before. Thus the quadrilateral OAA'O' of Fig. IO is seen to play the part of the usual parallelogram. Let us now consider some further implications of the new defini- tion and of what was deduced in the previous sections. First of all, we see (Fig. n) that if the new origin 0' moves, say, along any straight OT', from the old origin up to the T-plane, all FIG. n. the arrowed intercepts between OT' and AT' will represent vectors A' equal to A. When 0' tends to the T-plane, these vectors dwindle down to nothing. The same construction can at once be applied to points 0' taken beyond 0, where as shown on the figure nothing particular happens. If, however, 0' exceeds the terminus T' t the vectors A'=A begin to slant downwards. But this need not frighten us. The reader will soon convince 24 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA himself that this, at first puzzling, behaviour cannot give rise to any self-contradiction of the adopted system of axioms and defini- tions. In short, all the arrowed segments of Fig. II represent, according to the last definition, vectors equal to the given vector A. The whole class of these vectors " equal A " have the terminus T A in common. In the second place, if the given vector A happened to be the ' infinite ' vector T A = OT A , then the same definition would require us to consider all the vectors 0'T A as equal among one another and equal to T A . This result, puzzling as it may seem, does not, however, lead to any incompatibilities. We may return to questions of this kind later on. The associative and the commutative laws will continue to hold on substituting for any of the originally coinitial vectors an equal vector, with any new origin. In particular, the commutative property for two vectors linked up into a chain, as (Fig. 10) OA +AA' = AA' + OA, follows immediately from the commutative property of 00' + OA (coinitial vectors) and from the newly defined equality, thus OA + AA' = R = 00' + OA = AA' + OA. A number of other, more or less direct implications of the definition of vector equality can easily be treated, and may be left to the reader. As to the circumstance that the vector O'A', although defined as equal to A = OA, ' dwindles down to nothing ' when 0' reaches the T-plane (or the point 7"), this is in full harmony with the previously stated property A + T' = T'. Further remarks on this behaviour are hardly necessary. The inversion of ' sense ' of the said class of vectors (equal A) beyond the T-plane, as in Fig. 11, need not deter us, no matter whether the contemplated space is euclidean, hyperbolic or elliptic, of the polar variety.* Notice in passing that in the last case the ' inversion of sense ' is par- ticularly well suited to the known property of the (closed) straight lines and (one-sided) planes of a polar elliptic space, according to which a traveller marching off from 0, erect on the plane of Fig. II, towards the left, would arrive at T' from the right (as shown by the * The antipodal or riemannian variety being better excluded for reasons explained before. VECTOR EQUALITY 25 feathered arrows) and upside down.* Such a traveller would, therefore, perceive no inversion. What we have hitherto called ' beyond T ' and ' beyond ' is in elliptic space but one connected region. In the case of hyperbolic or euclidean space (open straight lines) there is no such natural connection between this-side and that-side of the 7"-plane, and, therefore, no danger of a sudden, discontinuous change of the sense of the vectors in question. For these spaces it is usual in Projective Geometry to regard the straight line as a closed -figure (cf., for instance, Mathews, I.e. p. 12), but this is merely an advantageous artifice based upon certain general conventions about ' elements at infinity.' It is by no means necessary for our purposes. But let us continue the subject of the present section, viz. by considering the important sub-class of Collinear equal vectors. We already know how to draw a vector, equal to X = OX, from any origin 0' distinct from but not on the line of X. Let us now construct, according to the adopted defini- tion of equality, a vector O'X' equal to X, when 0' is on the line of X, in short, a vector equal to and collinear with X = OX. The original construction (Fig. 10) cannot, of course, be directly applied in this case. But, as on previous occasions, an auxiliary vector Y = 0F (Fig. 12) will help us out of the difficulty. The new origin 0' being given, say between X and T x , draw A=X+Y by the previous method. Next, construct, from 0' as origin, the vector O'A' or A' equal to A (by drawing 0'T A which crosses YT X in A'). * The reader unacquainted with this subject will do well to look it up in Sommerville's fascinating book on Non-Euclidean Geometry, London, Bell, 1914. Chapter III. 26 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA This gives A'=X+Y. From this vector subtract Y = Y' = 0'y. The required vector will be O'X' = A' - Y', the difference of two coinitial vectors, which we already know how to construct (Section 6, Fig. 4). In fact, Y'A' is already drawn, up to T x , as required ; and so is T X 0'. Thus, it is enough to draw T r A' which will cut 0'T X in the required end-point X' of the vector A'-Y'. This completes the construction and gives 0'X'==JL'=X==OX. In particular, if the new origin 0' coincides with X, the end-point of X, Fig. 12 becomes identical with Fig. 6, i.e. our present X' becomes X z , and OX' becomes 2X, as it should, since we now have two vectors in chain arrangement, OX' ' = OX + XX'. This result justifies our procedure on page 13, where we wrote (2X)-X=X, although the need for such a justification was hardly felt at that occasion. Next, a vector X = OX being given, let us methodically construct the negative of XX' =X, with X (not 0) as origin.* Now, X' (or X^) is easily constructed, being the fourth harmonic to 0, X, T x . In this way the point X' is constructed in Fig. 13. It remains to construct the negative of XX', taking X as origin. This construc- tion is already known from Section 6. We have to draw T B (x) Y', then this will cut the X-line in the required point. But TB(X Y is already drawn (in constructing X'), and it passes through 0. Thus the negative of XX' with X as origin is, in fact, XO. In short symbols, -(OX)=-(XX')=XO. (13) Here X, are any two points, or at least points not on the T-plane. This simple relation will be found very convenient in handling vector sums with a view of interpreting them geometrically. Finally, let us notice that the nil-vector was hitherto used as a special nil-vector, viz. as 00 = 0. It can be expected that every other nil-vector AA will be equivalent to it. This, if desired, can * It is naturally interesting to see explicitly whether the negative of OX with origin shifted to X is in fact the reverse, XO, of that vector, and thus to verify the expectation immediately derivable from the chain sum OX+XOOO =0, which, by the definition of -X, is equivalent to XO = - (OX). It will be remembered, however, that this definition relates in the first place to coinitial vectors only. VECTOR EQUALITY 27 also be easily proved in a formal way, by means of the associative law for a chain sum. In fact, if 0, A, B are three points, we have which proves the statement. Henceforth, speaking of a nil-vector, we need no more specify its origin (which is also its end-point). All FIG. 13. nil-vectors being equivalent or equal to one another, we can simply denote them by or by 0, the ordinary zero, and write, for example, A+o = A, or AB +BA=O, and so on. 9. Difference of vectors. Negative scalar factors. We have had recourse to the concept of the difference of two vectors in Section 6, but only incidentally, as a means for constructing the sum of two collinear vectors. In view of the fundamental impor- tance of this concept and of the corresponding operation, the subtraction of two vectors from one another, it seems desirable to deal with this subject somewhat more fully. The special case of the negative of a vector also deserves some attention. Let X and Y be two vectors. Then their difference, symbolized by D=X-Y, (14) is denned as such a vector which, being added to Y, gives X, i.e. such that Y + D = D+Y = X. (140) We have already noted, in connection with Figs. 4 and 4a, that if, say, X and Y are coinitial in 0, the end-point D of D = OD may fall that-side as well as this-side of the T-plane (or the straight T\TY)- We should have said, more definitively, that D will fall outside the domain of the triangle OT X T Y , and either ' this-side ' or 28 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA 1 that-side ' of the conventionally fixed T-plane.* But there is more than this. The subtraction of vectors, as defined by (14) and (140), being an inverse operation, it may well happen that there is no such vector OD satisfying the requirements of the problem. Whether this is so or not, will depend upon the properties of the contemplated space as a whole, and upon the given vectors X, Y. In fact, to construct D=X-Y we have, by what was said in Section 6, to draw the join YX up to its intersection T D with the TMine of the X, Y plane, and to draw the ray OT D ; then the end-point D of the required vector will be the cross of T r X with OT D . In the case of Fig. 14 both of these crosses, T D and D, are FIG. 14. actual points (the circumstance that D falls ' this-side ' of T is irrelevant in the present connection). Now, concerning the first of these two points, it may happen that the straight YX does not cut the T-line at all; but this is of no consequence. For, whether T D is merely inaccessible (in the practical sense of the word) or YX does not intersect the TMine at all (and if our space is hyperbolic there is a whole pencil of lines through Y coplanar with T r T x and not intersecting this latter line), the two lines T r T z and YX always send through a perfectly definite straight OR which can be easily constructed. (Cf. Section 10.) But this straight, which is the line of the required D, being thus found, it * Or rather of a deliberately limited portion of it. For, should the totality of our space be elliptic (polar), then the T-plane, as any plane, has but one side, somewhat as the familiar leaf of Mobius. DIFFERENCE OF VECTORS 29 may happen that the straight T Y X does not intersect it at all. If so, then there is no actual point D and therefore no actual vector X - Y with as origin. If the contemplated space is elliptic, this will never happen, for in such a space every two coplanar straight lines have an actual cross. But if the space is hyperbolic, then there is through X a whole flat-pencil of lines not meeting the straight OR (Lobatschewky's not intersecting lines), that is to say, to a given X there will be an infinity of different values ofY, even on a prescribed line OT r , such that X-Y with as origin is non-existent. The euclidean space lies on the frontier of these two kinds of spaces ; then T T X always intersects OR actually, unless it is parallel to OR, when D becomes ' the point at infinity,' and therefore D, apart from its sense, a definite vector. But it will be remembered, of course, that we are not assuming the parallel axiom which claims the existence of one and but one parallel. In short, if X and Y are actually given vectors, and if the space is elliptic, then X-Y is always an actual vector; if parabolic (euclidean), then the end-point of this vector may, at the utmost, become the point at infinity ; and if hyperbolic, then X-Y, always with as origin, may exist or not ; in other words, it may be an actual vector or not, according to the values of X, Y. In the latter case there is no such point as D in the plane X, Y, and therefore in the whole contemplated three-space.* The emphasis put on the specification ' with as origin ' is important. For, even if OD does not exist, we can construct actual vectors equal to X - Y from origins other than 0. Thus, for instance, since 0JV = Y-X is an actual vector, we can take NO as an actual representative of X-Y. This representative will have its origin in N and its end-point in 0. Thus X-Y has always a real meaning. Essentially the same remarks apply to the particular case of vectorial difference, in which the minuend is nil. But since this sub-case is particularly well suited for a clear and instructive statement of the relations, it will be useful to treat it in some detail. Let, therefore, X be an actually given vector OX, and let -X, in accordance with the general definition of subtraction, be such a vector that (-X)=o. * If X-Y, with O as origin, is not an actual vector, Y-X is one. The reader may investigate the validity of this assertion by way of an exercise. 30 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA By what has been explained previously, the construction of -X will be as follows : Take an auxiliary vector Y, not collinear with X, construct 05=B=X+Y (Fig. 15), and mark its terminus T B . Then the cross of the straight T B Y with the X-line will be the end-point X_^ of the required vector -X = 0J_ V * This is, in the case of Fig. 15, an actual vector, the said cross being an actual point of the X-line, towards the left of 0. In other cases it may lie to the right of T x , ' beyond ' the T-plane ; at any rate X_^ will fall outside the segment OXT X . But it may fall nowhere ; that is to say, for certain X there may be no cross X- at all, i.e. no actual vector - X. This will never be the case if the space is elliptic, but may be the case if it is hyperbolic. It is instructive to consider a series of collinear vectors X and to construct to each of these its negative -X, using always the same auxiliary point Y (whose choice does not influence the final result), so that all the lines T B Y form a flat pencil with Y as centre. Then the connection between the existence or non-existence of a - X and the type of space becomes manifest. Let, for instance, a be some standard vector Oa, and let us take the series of vectors X = wa, where n=i, 2, 3, etc. The end-points of these vectors, with as origin, are shortly denoted in Fig. 16 by I, 2, 3, etc., and the * It can be shown that this construction is equivalent to the usual construction of X_^ as the fourth harmonic to O, X, T x , with X. lt X and O, TX as conjugate pairs. Such pairs always separate one another. NEGATIVE OF A VECTOR 31 end-points of the corresponding negative vectors, -na, by - 1, - 2, - 3, etc. Between the positive integers n the reader may imagine intercalated fractional ones, and so on. If the archimedean postulate and continuity are assumed, the numbers of the interval n = to +00 just cover the points of the segment OaT X) there being a one-to-one correspondence of points and numbers. And the negative values of n cover at any rate all the points of the X-line outside the segment OaT x , but we certainly are not entitled to assert that all these negative n's are necessary to cover this con- tinuum of points ; some of the negative n's may be superfluous, as will be seen presently. As shown in Fig. 16, where only integral -15 FIG. 16. n's are placed, together with their negatives,* the end-points of some of the negative vectors fall to the left of the origin 0, and those of others to the right of the terminus T x . (There is thus a formal connection between these two domains ; these would, from the point of view of the scalar factors or ' indices ' n, form but one domain.) Thus, the points - 1, -2, ... -5 are on the left of ; so would also be - 10, no doubt, if we could give the drawing a greater lateral extension. The position of -II or -12 would look dubious, in the drawing, but -15, -20, and so on are decidedly to the right of, or beyond T x . It is not difficult to see that on approaching T x from that-side T we have n negative and growing in absolute value beyond every limit. Thus, on crossing T x , from left to right, there is a jump of n from +00 to -co . * Which are constructed by the above method. The termini T B (in the notation of Fig. 15) corresponding to Y + a, Y + 2a, etc., are, in Fig. 16, marked shortly by (i), (2), etc. 32 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Let us, however, concentrate our attention upon the pencil of lines through the auxiliary point Y. If the space is elliptic, then every line of this pencil intersects the base line in one (and only one) point, and this line as every other closes up, so that there is a continuous succession of negative n values, from o to -oo along the segment (via - i) T x , the supplement of OaT x . Not only does to every one of the points of this supplement-segment correspond some negative value of n, but to every one of these n's corresponds actually some point of this segment. In other words, the segment exhausts all the values of the interval w=o to -oo. FIG. i6a. This is still the case, if the contemplated space is euclidean. For then the parallel through Y sends us to the infinitely remote point on the left with a certain negative n, say - 12 or - 12-25, an d this same number reappears from the right, growing to -oo on approaching T x from the right. If, however, the space is hyper- bolic, then, if YP and YP' (Fig. i6a) are the two lobatschevskyan parallels * to the base line, YP sends us to the left with a certain negative w-value, say n= -A, and the other parallel YP' takes us to the right with another negative value n= /*< A. And since the region PYQ', P'YQ is filled out with lines not intersecting the base, the interval of values -/*<< -A * Or limiting, asymptotic lines. NEGATIVE OF A VECTOR 33 will represent no points at all. In short, this will be the super- fluous interval of n, hinted at above. The numerical values of /*, A will depend, of course, on the choice of the ' standard ' a, by means of which we express all vectors X = na.* It is, therefore, better to express the last result without the aid of any such standard vector. This can be done at once in the following manner. Notice that the termini of the two parallels, T and T' (Fig. i6a), play the part of T B of Fig. 15, so that if JL P = OX r be the vector to which YP corresponds, OT will be the line of the vector Xj, + Y = B. Draw, therefore, TO and YT X ; their cross B will be the end-point of X/. + Y, and T r B will find on the base-line the required point X P . Similarly, to find X f , t corresponding to the other parallel, draw OT', crossing YT X in B' t and draw T Y B' ; the latter will cut the base in X P >. In this way we obtain a definite segment XpX P ,,^ and our result can be stated thus : If X = OX is a vector whose end-point X falls within the segment XpX P > t then its negative, -X, with as origin, i.e. as OX_ lt does not exist ; for there is no such point as X_ r And if X falls outside that segment, then -X can be constructed from as an actual vector. As in the general case (of vector difference), notice that what does not exist, when X falls within XpX P ,, is the localized vector OX_i. But vectors equal to -X can always be constructed from some origins other than 0, as, for instance, from X as origin ; for, by what has been said before, XO=-OX=-X, so that, whatever the given X, its negative, -X, always represents a class of actual vectors equal to one another and constructible from various origins other than 0. Similarly for wX, where n is any negative number. After what has been said in this and the previous Sections, we shall be justified in employing any real number n, positive or nega- * The particular kind of the hyperbolic space being given, and O, Tx being fixed conventionally. f The position of the points X P and X P > is obviously independent of the choice of the auxiliary Y ; the segment X P Xf> is a property of the line OT X itself. If space is lobatschevskyan, X P and Xp> are distinct points ; if elliptic, there are no such points at all ; and if euclidean, these two points coalesce, and the exceptional segment dwindles down to nothing. P.V.A. c 34 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA tive, integral, fractional or irrational, as the scalar factor of a vector. And if this be a vector binomial or polynomial, the distributive property w(XY...)=nXY... will be generally valid. Moreover we have the associative property of scalar multiplication, m (nX) = ( mn] X = wwX, etc. , which implies also, for instance, - (wX - wY) = wY - mX, and so on, as in common algebra. This settles all questions concerning the algebraical manipulation of vectors in accordance with the adopted definitions of their addition and equality. The resulting Vector Algebra is a generaliza- tion of the common one, without its multiplication of vectors into vectors, whose analogon is not required for the purposes of the present book. Before proceeding to show, by a series of geometrical examples, the practical use of the proposed vector algebra, it will be well to remove a certain apparent difficulty which is likely to present itself to some readers in connection with the sum definition given at the very beginning. 10. Addition of vectors with 'ideal' termini. The definition of the sum of two coinitial vectors X = OX and Y = 0F, given in Section 4, as well as the associated definition of equal non- coinitial vectors, presupposes the possibility of joining X to T Y , and of Y to T Xt where the ' termini ' T x , TY are the crosses of the lines of X and of Y with the T-plane. Suppose, however, that one or both of these lines do not meet the T-plane at all, or at Jeast, that we do not know whether they meet that plane ; in other words, that their intersection with the T-plane is not guaranteed. What then ? At a first sight the definition becomes in such cases meaningless, the vectors in question cannot be added. If our space were either elliptic or euclidean, then every line would either actually intersect the 7"-plane or, in the limiting case, become parallel to it, and in neither case would a difficulty arise. But if the contemplated space is hyperbolic,* then there are, in every * Quite apart from metrical properties, and only as concerns the question of intersecting and not intersecting coplanar straights. IDEM, TERMINI 35 plane through 0, two distinct asymptotic lines or lobatschevskyan parallels, limiting a whole flat pencil centred at and consisting of straight lines which do not intersect the jT-plane at all. If, therefore, the addend Y, say, happens to be on one of these latter lines, it would seem that the join XT Y , as prescribed by the sum definition, cannot be drawn or must remain indeterminate, and that, therefore, the sum X + Y has in such circumstances no definite meaning. But this is by no means the case. In fact, the axioms of order and connection, mentioned and assumed at the outset, suffice to prove the following fundamental theorem (for its proof see, for example, Schur's quoted work, p. 18) : Any plane [as the T-plane] and any straight [OY], or any two coplanar straights determine a bundle of rays, so that through every given point [X] passes a perfectly determined ray of this bundle. v In other words, the given plane and straight, say T and OY, whether intersecting or not, are jointly equivalent to a given point, T r , inasmuch as they enable us to draw through every X an unique straight line. It is this equivalence which is meant by saying that a plane and a straight, or two coplanar straights, not actually intersecting to our knowledge, meet in an ' ideal point,' and similarly, that two planes meet in an ' ideal straight line.' The clearest statement of the rdle and the meaning of these old concepts will be found in Schur's book. These ' ideal ' entities have a meaning as real as any given and accessible point or line ; they are shorthands for definite things : A plane and a straight determine a bundle of rays as well as if the centre of this bundle were given, but " if the existence of that centre is [doubtful or] not guaranteed, we call it an ideal point." And the same explanation applies to an ' ideal straight ' as the equivalent of the axis of an axial pencil of planes. The ' ideal ' point or line may even turn out to be actual and accessible beings ; only if we do not know beforehand or do not desire to assume that they are so, we call them ' ideal.' Thus, returning to our subject, we can at once extend the previous sum definition to any two vectors JL = OX, Y = 0F, by enunciating it in the following manner : Let T x and T Y be the actual or the ideal points (or centres of bundles) determined by the T-plane and by the lines of X or Y respectively. Then T X Y is a definite straight (of the first bundle) and T Y X another definite straight (of the second bundle). These 36 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA two lines crossing in a point Z, the vector Z = 0Z is the sum of X and Y. The resultant Z may itself be an ideal point, as was in certain cases A"_j of the preceding section. But even such a vector can be added to a further given vector, according to the extended definition. This settles the question of adding up any coinitial vectors. The sum of vectors linked up into a chain does not require any elucidations. And the construction through a new origin 0' of a vector equal to any given vector OX is settled by the same remarks as those concerning addition, since it calls only for the ideal point determined by 00' and the J-plane. In short, the required extension of all definitions and theorems will be accom- plished by substituting for 'points T x , T Y , etc.,' the more general expression ' actual or ideal points T x , T Y , etc.' Having, however, given all theseTexplanations, we may drop these cautious specifica- tions and henceforth speak simply of T x as the T-po'mt or the terminus of X. The actual method of constructing the straight PI through a given actual point P and the ideal point / determined by a plane and a straight or by two coplanar straights will be found in most of the standard treatises on projective geometry. But it may nevertheless be well to quote here the construction given by Schur (I.e. p. 16), since it seems to be the most legitimate and general one. It will be enough to consider the case in which / is determined by two coplanar straights. Let these be a and b. Then, P being the given point coplanar with a, b, take A and A', any two points on a ; next B, any point on b, and B' any other point on b such, however, that B, A' are not on the same side of AB'. Then AB' and A'B will cross in a point y. On AP take a point j8 not on the same side of B'P with y. Then the straight fiy will cross B'P in a point a. Finally, draw A'/3 and Ba. which will intersect in a point P'. Then P'P will be the required straight, i.e. the straight " drawn from P to the ideal point 7 = (a, *)." If a, b happen to have an actual cross, the straight P'P is certain to pass through it. If there is no such cross, it is meaningless to ask whether P'P does pass through it or not, but it then remains true that P'P is as definite a straight line as are a, b. In fact, IDEAL TERMINI 37 replacing A, B, etc., by any other auxiliary points, satisfying the above conditions of order or qualitative configuration, we shall always obtain the same final straight through P. The proof of this B FIG. 17. construction will be found in Schur's book. Here it will be enough to notice that his proof contains no allusion whatever to the cross of a, b* whether it exists or not. 11. On the use of the above vector algebra. The extent of the field of possible applications of the described algebra of vectors is obvious. It can be used to solve by algebraic mani- pulation (and without geometrical reasoning) such problems and to prove such theorems as imply any finite number of the following processes and of these only : the drawing of the join of two points, the laying of a plane through three points or a point and a straight, the finding of crosses or intersections of two straights, * It is in this respect different from the usual proof of the familiar construction of the " join of a point with the inaccessible cross X of two straights " (cf. for example, Halsted's Synthetic Projective Geometry, New York, 1906, p. 18), which is but a special case of the above problem. This construction makes no use of the cross X, but the proof of the con- struction does. 38 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA of a straight and a plane and of planes with one another. But this is precisely the whole field of projective geometry, which is, no doubt, a vast one. , And that is the reason why we have no need to try to enrich the explained algebra by operations, for the present, such as mutual vector multiplication. The addition with its derivates, the subtraction and the multiplication of vectors by ordinary scalar numbers, is all that is required for the representation of the said processes and eo ipso for the algebraical treatment of that field of problems. Such algebraical or ' analytical ' treatment of questions indepen- dent of the axioms of congruence and of parallels has been practised for a long time. But its technical side consisted, as in common metrical or cartesian analytical geometry, in introducing plane- or space-coordinates (defined as the indices of points of a straight obtainable by constructing harmonic ranges). In fact, the very first of our figures (p. 4) illustrating the adopted definition of vector sum will be familiar to those who have studied modern projective geometry, as the figure accompanying the usual definition of such coordinates. If A (Fig. i) be a given point of the plane, and OT X , OT Y two fixed lines (axes), draw T A and T X A crossing the axes in X and Y ; then, if Oa, Ob be two standard segments of these axes, and if OX=x(Oa), OY = y(Ob), the scalar factors x, y, defined as our above n, are the (so-called non-homogeneous) ' coordinates ' of A. The obvious extension to three dimensions may be left to the reader.* In our notation, and assuming the generalized archimedean postulate, every point R of space can be represented as the end-point of the vector B=#a + yb-f0c, where x, y, z are real numbers and a, b, c non-coplanar and arbitrarily fixed vectors (not T-vectors), say coinitial in O t the origin of E. These scalars x, y, z will be the coordinates of B or, as we may say, the ' components ' of the vector E along the three conventional and, generally, artificial axes. But our purpose was precisely to avoid any artificial resolution, and, therefore, also the use of coordinates. That is why we have formulated the few definitions and their direct consequences in vector language. The chief point consisted in proving the associative property of the sum of any non-collinear vector * Cf. also, for instance, Young and Veblen's Projective Geometry, Vol. I. 1910, Art. 69. 39 addends.* The remainder was but a natural sequel of this pro- perty, requiring at no stage of our reasoning any splitting of vectors. The relation of the proposed vector algebra to the usual coordinate* treatment of projective geometry is the same as that of common, euclidean vector algebra to cartesian analytical geometry. In complete harmony with this plan of its structure, if we are te expect advantages of this algebra in applying it to particular problems, we must avoid any splitting of vectors along the axes of an artificial framework. To make this general hint more plain : For the sake of the solution of any problem or the proof of any theorem, let us introduce, besides the T'-plane, only such planes and only such vectors or vector-lines as are given by or inherent in the problem itself. Even the T-plane, which, although fixed for the whole case in question, is after all conventional, should and can be chosen in a manner suitable for, and dictated by the inherent features of, the case in hand ; whenever this is possible (not irrelevant), the result will be a simplification of the required algebraic manipulation. The formal handling of problems, as illustrated by the examples given below, will be found to be exactly as in common vector algebra, the only difference being that the scalar (numerical) factors of the vectors have now a different, or rather a more general meaning. Thus, for instance, if X stands for a directed segment OX, the vector JX has its end-point M not half-way between and X, as measured by the rod, but OM and MX are ' equal ' in the more general sense which has been explained before, M being the fourth harmonic to 0, X, T x , and so on. Notwith- standing this, the manipulation with these scalar factors will be exactly as in ordinary vector algebra. We can even, without fear of a misunderstanding, call M the centre or the mid-point of OM t and use similar language in all other cases. This will greatly help to shorten our enunciation of data or results. As a matter of fact, if the !T-plane were laid through a-Centauri and two such other stars, then there would be no appreciable difference between these projective concepts and the ordinary mid-points, etc., not only for * To judge from the literature accessible to me the possibility of such a general proof, without having recourse to coordinates, has escaped the notice of projective geometers who treat only the associativity of sums of collinear segments. 40 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA terrestrial drawings but also for astronomical constructions embracing our solar system and even reaching a good way beyond its limits. 12. Vector equations of straights and of planes. The simplest operation, and at the same time one that occurs most often, is the drawing of the join of two given points A, B. It is, therefore, natural to begin with this example, which will also serve the purpose of almost all others. Let A, B be the end-points of the vectors A, B, having a con- ventionally fixed origin 0, and let R, the end-point of a vector E, with the same origin, be any point of the straight joining A, B, together with its prolongations. Then, X being a variable real scalar, we shall obviously have (Fig. 18) : R-A = A(B-A), (15) and this is already a possible form of the required equation. Its only defect, or undesirable feature, is its lack of symmetry, while the rdles of A and B relative to their common join are the same. B FIG. 1 8. But symmetry is readily established. Transfer -A to the right, so that (by the distributive and associative properties) Thus^the symmetrical form of (15) will be , where x + y-i, 41 x + y where x and y are free scalar variables. The most immediate form is still (15), its meaning being and in many cases this will be the most convenient form, notwith- standing its asymmetry. The discussion of the values and the sign of the variable A, in connection with the position of R relative to A, B and the cross of their join with the T-plane, may be left to the reader. By a similar reasoning the reader will find that *A + yB + (I6) x + y + z is the equation of the plane passing through the end-points A, B, C of the non-coplanar vectors A, B, C drawn from 0. The discussion of the role of the T-plane in connection with (16) may again be left to the care of the reader as a good exercise. 13. Miscellaneous Examples. Let L, M, N be three coinitial and coplanar vectors. Then, as we have seen a moment ago, the collinearity of L, M, N, the end-points of these vectors, is expressed by N-M = A(M-L), where A is some scalar number. To illustrate the utility of this simple vect-algebraical rule, let us consider the following example, concerning the proof of a theorem, of which the equally sounding theorem of common metrical geometry is but a special sub-case. Ex. 1. Prove that the mid-points* of the three diagonals of a complete quadrangle (OACB) are collinear. Let the quadrangle be given by and the end -points A, B, C {Fig. 19) of the three coplanar vectors A, B and C = aA + /?B, where a, /2 are given numbers. We can say that 0, A, B, a, ft * After what has been said before, it is scarcely necessary to explain that ' mid-point ' or ' bisecting ' point, say L in Fig. 19, is here used in the sense that OL and LC are equal vectors with respect to the chosen T-plane. 42 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA completely determine the quadrangle in question. Now, referring to the figure, B' =5 OB' = AB = (i - y) A + y (oA + )8B), where y is an unknown scalar. But, since A, B are not collinear {by assumption), A = y/3, and ay-y-n=o, whence and, similarly, I -a A'- A ~ ,A. (17) These, by the way, are simple expressions for the required two vertices (or codots) of the quadrangle. Now, L, M, N being FIG. 19. the ' mid-points ' of the three diagonals OC, AB, A'B', we have, for the vectors L = 0L, etc., and, by (17), whence and 2(M-L)=(l-a)A 2 ' N - M ' - , ) A 1- (i - proving the collinearity of L, M, N, as was required. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 43 To enunciate fully the theorem, thus proved, in geometrical language, remember that L is the fourth harmonic to O, C, T c , and similarly for M, N. The accompanying figure has been drawn for the case in which the T-plane does not pass through any of the four sides of the quadrangle. The reader may draw various other cases, and will readily convince himself of the general validity of the theorem. Ex. 2. Let be the origin of a flat pencil of vectors B, whose end-points R are all collinear (Fig. 20). To each triad 0, R, T R construct the fourth harmonic R t , more generally the end-point R n of the vector riR. What is the locus of the R 2 , more generally of the R n ? FIG. 20. Let A and B be any two vectors of the pencil, and B any third vector of this pencil. Then, by assumption, and by cA + yB R x + y Multiply both sides by 2, generally by n ; then, in virtue of the distributive property, and because n(xA.) =x(nA), etc., _ *(nA)+y(nB) ,,. showing immediately that all the points R n are again collinear ; that is to say, the locus of R z , for instance, is a certain straight 1 2 , and so on, in general, the locus of all points R n is a straight line l n . 44 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA This property will, of course, be very familiar to those skilled in projective geometry. But the book is not written for specialists, and this example has been inserted because it shows that the very simple passage from (a) to (b) gives a comparatively intricate geometrical property. The above result can also be expressed shortly by saying that if the end-points of a pencil of vectors B are collinear, so also are the end-points of each of them ' magnified ' n times. This is a (non-metrical) generalization of the corresponding theorem of euclidean geometry, in which, e.g. the new straight lines / are ' parallel ' to the original straight /, the locus of 7?'s. The latter circumstance has also its analogy in our case. In fact, it will easily be seen that every l n passes through TI, the (actual or ideal) terminus of / on the T'-plane, not drawn in Fig. 20. More- over, such being the case, we see how to find the straight locus of R 2 at once. Let A be one of the vectors of the pencil E. Then it is enough to construct A 2 , the fourth harmonic to 0, A, T A \ the join A 2 Ti will be the required locus (/ 2 ) of the end-points, of 2B ; and similarly for R n . That is to say, 0, B, B Zt T B , etc., will again be harmonic ranges. (This property has been used in Section 7 to subdivide a vector.) The expert knows, of course, from the rudiments of projective geometry, that T^OAA^A^), being a harmonic pencil, gives also on any new transversal, OT K , a harmonic range. But if the reader did not know this very fundamental theorem, he could obtain it by the above reason- ing, viz. : If the eq. (a) is true, so also is (b). Of course, all the fundamental projective properties are, so to speak, con- densed in the associative, distributive and other rules of our algebraic manipulations. But such is also the secret of the advan- tages afforded by an algebraical or other symbolism invented for the purpose of describing any other domain of science. Ex. 3. An obvious generalization of the above property is that concerning a bundle of vectors whose end-points are coplanar. For, if B is any of the vectors, then the assumed coplanarity of end- points is expressed by (16), where A, B, C are any three non- coplanar vectors picked out from the bundle. Now, multiplying both sides of (16) by n, we have x + y+z MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 45 which shows that the locus of the points R n is again a plane. It is not difficult to show that this plane passes through the inter- section line of the original plane (locus of R) and the T-plane. Any further remarks concerning the subject of this example may be left to the reader. Ex. 4. Let OXS Y be a plane quadrilateral having its opposite sides vectorially equal, i.e. XS = OY = 'Y, and YS = OX="K. Find the properties of the cross M of the diagonals OS = S and X Y - Y - X. Let VL = OM. Then, by the rules of addition of a chain of vectors, we have FIG. 21. where y is thus far an unknown scalar. On the other hand, M = *(OS)=*(X+Y), where x is another unknown number. Whence (x - y)X + (x + y - i) Y = MM=o, and since X, Y are not collinear, x = y and x + y = l, i.e. -- that is to say, 46 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA It will be easily seen that the metrical euclidean property of mutual ' bisection ' of the two diagonals of a ' parallelogram ' is but a particular, limiting, case of the above relations : In our case their meaning is : The point M, the cross of the diagonals, is the fourth harmonic to 0, S, T s , and at the same time to X, Y, T XY (if T XY be the terminus of the straight XY). The reader can, in fact, verify by the usual construction that M is the fourth harmonic to the said triads of points. Vice versa, if 0, S, T a were our original data we could derive from Fig. 21 the way of con- structing the fourth harmonic M (conjugate to T s ), thus : Through S draw two straights / lf 1 2 , and let their termini be 7\, T z ; draw T-f) and T 2 t cutting 1 2 , l in A, B ; then AB will cross OT 8 in the required point M. We have already called 2X the double of the vector X. Similarly we can call M = |S one-half of S and XM one-half of Y - X, the other diagonal. Thus the above result can now safely be stated in the following manner : The diagonals of a plane quadrilateral, whose opposite sides are vectorially equal* bisect one another. Notice that in virtue of this result (and by Ex. 2) the straight T r M bisects OX, and T X M bisects OY. This gives another, very convenient, method of constructing the ' mid-point ' of a given segment. It is scarcely necessary to add that if we write (vectorially) AM = x(AB) and MB=x'(AB), where M is any point of the segment AB, then For this means only that AM+MB=AB, which was the rule for adding a chain of vectors. The above has seemed to throw some instructive light upon the nature of the ordinary parallelogram property, being its generaliza- tion. (Remember that each pair of sides emanates from a common point on the T-plane.) Of a similar character is the following illustration. * And these can always be made equal, for any plane quadrilateral, to wit, by taking its appropriate diagonal (join of diagonal points T x , T r ) as the T-line. Thus, ultimately, the theorem covers the general properties of the complete quadrilateral. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 47 Ex. 5. Let ABC be any triangle. Let A', B', C bisect, in the explained sense of the word, the sides BC, CA, AB respectively. Call AA', BB r , CC' the medians of the triangle in question. Not knowing whether these generalized ' medians ' cross in one and the same point, call M the cross of BB' and CC', M z that of CC' with AA', and M 3 that of AA' and BB'. T, FIG. 22. , or Now, where y, z are some scalars. Again, AC = -(CA) and BA=BC + CA=CA-CB, so that we have, with CA=*X, CB=Y, |(s-y)X + (y + |2-i)Y=o, and X, Y being non-collinear, y = 2 = |, that is to say, CM^ICC, BM^^BB'; in exactly the same way we shall find whence it follows that in plain language, that ^ M t M 3t M t M v are all nil-vectors or, 48 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA The three medians cross in the same point M, which, moreover, 4 trisects ' each of them. This, again, is the projective generalization of the well-known theorem of ordinary geometry. Needless to repeat that in our case ' trisection ' means that the vector CM trebled is, in the defined sense of the word, equal to the double of CC' t and so on ; similarly, ' C bisects AB' means that AC' = C'B t i.e. that AC'BT 9 is a harmonic range, and so forth. Thus, ultimately the above short, and familiarly sounding, theorem is the expression for a relatively complicated projective property belonging to a ruler construction sketched in Fig. 22. As in ordinary geometry, the common cross M of our three medians can be called the centre of the triangle. FIG. 22. Notice that, unlike the ordinary centre,* this centre is not a fixed particular point of the triangular region ; its position in the plane of the triangle depends upon the choice of the (T-plane and therefore) of the TMine in the plane of the triangle. By appro- priately choosing the TMine any point can be made the centre M of the triangle. Shifting the 7-line towards A will draw M to the corner A ; and if the TMine passes through A, for instance, A itself * Which is also the ' mass-centre ' of three equal masses placed at A, B, C. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES 49 will be M. If the IT-line is drawn across the triangle, as in Fig. 22a, for example, B' and C will lie outside the triangle, but the three medians will again be concurrent in M, a point outside the triangle. For the above algebraic proof continues to hold. It may be a useful exercise for the reader to start from A, B, C, arbitrarily given together with the T-line in the plane ABC, to construct in the known way the fourth harmonics A', B' t C', and to prove, without the aid of our algebraic symbolism, that AA', BB', CC' have a common cross. Ex. 6. Similarly to the preceding example, let ABCD be a tetrahedron, and (the T-plane being fixed conventionally) let A', B', etc., be the ' centres ' of BCD, CD A, etc. Then AA', BB', CC', DD' mil be concurrent in a point M, which, moreover, will 1 quadrisect ' each of these segments. The algebraic proof may be left to the reader. This is again the non-metrical generalization of a well-known theorem of ordinary geometry. The common cross M of the four lines, which may be called the centre of the tetrahedron, will again migrate together with the T-plane. Ex. 7. Let abc, a'b'c be two coplanar triangles perspective from a point 0. Call P lt P 2 , P z , the crosses of be and b'c', etc. In order to obtain a simple algebraic verification of the theorem of Desar- gues, take the centre as origin and draw the TMine through P a , P 2 . Thena' = oa, b'=/fl>, c' = yc, and also b'-c' = A(b-c), c'-a'=/t*(c-a). Whence b'-a' = /?b-aa = Ab + (fi- A)c-/ua, and therefore A = /3, fjL = a = X, giving b'-a' = A(b-a). Thus also P 8 is on the TMine, i.e. collinear with P,, P 2 . Q.E.D. Reasons of paper economy compel us to resist the temptation to add a number of further illustrative examples. We shall, therefore, confine ourselves to only one more special application of the explained Algebra, leaving many other examples (which easily suggest themselves) to the care of the reader. 14. Pascal's Theorem.* Owing to the great importance of this theorem in the modern discussion of the foundations of geo- * This is a short name for a special case of Pascal's more general theorem concerning a hexagon whose corners are on a conic and well-known by the name of ' the mystical hexagram,' discovered by Pascal (1639) at the tender age of sixteen. P.V.A. D 50 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA metry, it has seemed well to dedicate to it a full Section and to show how readily it can be proved by the proposed vector algebra. Let us, first of all, mention that Schur gave in 1898 (Math. Ann. vol. 51, reproduced in his book, loc. cit. 3) a proof of this theorem based upon the axioms of connection, of order and of congruence (or motion), but without the aid of the archimedean postulate. In 1899 Hilbert (loc. cit.} proved the said theorem (or rather its sub-case, for pairs of parallel lines) without the assistance of the axioms of congruence but with the aid of the archimedean postulate ; Hilbert's proof based upon his own 1 algebra of segments ' involving the parallel-axiom is a rather complicated one. This, however, by the way only. Here it is important to notice that Pascal's theorem can be rigorously demonstrated by the axioms of order and connection, here adopted at the beginning, and with the aid of either the (generalized) archimedean or the congruence axioms. Now, the congruence axioms were and are entirely foreign to the present vector algebra, while on the other hand we have, in the later sections at least, assumed the archimedean postulate (it being necessary to assert that if a is a vector, any vector collinear with it can be represented by wa). Let us now definitely adopt this postulate. Then our vector algebra should be sufficient to prove the said theorem. And so in fact it is. FIG. 23. Let X, Y, Z and X', Y', Z', ordered as in Fig. 23, be six points on two straights crossing in 0. Then Pascal's theorem asserts PASCAL'S THEOREM 51 that the three crosses, P t of YZ' and Y'Z, P 2 of ZX' and Z'X, and P 3 of XY' and X'Y are collinear. To prove it algebraically, let a = 0a and 9! -Oa' be any two vectors on each of the bearers of the three points.* Then, x, y, z and x', y', z' being some scalar numbers and X standing for OX, etc., we can write X = #a, Y = ya, Z = z&, and similarly for the dashed vectors. Then, denoting OP l by P t , we have Pj = za + a (za -/a') =ja + ( ja - z'a,'), where a, ft are some numbers. Since a, a' are not collinear, these numbers are found at once by comparing the coefficients of a, a' in the two expressions for P v Thus, z(i +a) = y(i +/8), and ay' =/te', so that or, after a slight rearrangement of terms (the associative as well as the commutative laws being valid), and writing down two similar equations for P 2 , P 3 , (yy' - zz')V l =y'z'(y -z)a,' +yz(y f - s')a,, (zz f -xx')V 2 =z'x'(z -*)' +zx(z' -*>, (xx f - yy')P 3 *=x'y'(x - y)a' + xy (x' - y')a, which are remarkably simple expressions. To prove the col- linearity of P lt P 2t P 3 , it is enough to show that, say, Pi-P f differs from P 2 - P 3 only by a numerical (scalar) factor. The first two formulae give at once (y/ - zz') (zz f - xx') ,_ _ x tl \ / / v - a -- - (?! - P 2 ) = [(y - )^ + ( - ^)yy + (x - y)zz'}& zz + [(y'-z')xx' + (z'-x')yy' + (x'-y'}zz']a,'; now, the bracketed expressions are symmetrical in x t y, z, x', y', z' t so that the whole right-hand member of this equation is also equal to XX * As such a, a' we might have used, say, OX and OX' themselves. But this would spoil the symmetry of our formulae. The best way is always that which (in mathematics or human intercourse) does not artificially privilege an entity having no natural or intrinsic claims ; now, the r61es of the six points are certainly the same. 52 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA which proves the asserted collinearity, i.e. the theorem of Pascal, for any configuration of the two triads of points. Notice that the particular ordinary case of ' parallel ' pairs YZ' t ZY', etc.,* or better, the case in which P lt P 2 , P 3 are on the (conventional) T-plane, occurs when from our point of view P lf P 2 , P 3 are infinite vectors with respect to a, a' or also Y'Z' t etc. (that is to say, require an infinity of fourth-harmonic con- structions). Now, x, x', etc., being finite numbers, we have P 1= =p 2 = oo when and only when yy' - zz' = zz' - xx' ; but then also xx' = yy', i.e. P 3 = oo, as in the special theorem of Pascal. The T-plane plays again the part of the plane ' at infinity.' That ' special ' case has nothing particular about it, in our circle of ideas ; for, the T-plane can always be put through P lt P Z) P 3 . It will be remembered that the choice of a plane as the T-plane is arbitrary. If the six points X, etc., are fixed (prescribed), so are also, of course, the crosses P lt P z , P 3 . The choice of the T-plane influences only the values of the numbers x, ... z' (after the standard vectors a, a' have been fixed by convention). Now, whatever the straight PjPgPg, we can, if we so desire, lay our T-plane through it. Then we shall have the remarkably simple relations between the six numbers : xx' = yy'=zz'. This, however, by the way only. The purpose of the present section has been to show that the vector algebra in question gives a simple and perfectly symmetrical proof of Pascal's theorem. Hilbert's proof, which may be looked up in his quoted book, is considerably more intricate. Schur's proof, of course, is much more elegant than Hilbert's, but is based upon the postulates of congruence or motion, which according to our plan were to be strictly avoided. 15. Vector sum for variable /-line. Conic ranges and pencils. Let us consider two fixed coinitial, non-collinear vectors JL = OX and Y = Y. The TMine in their plane being conventionally chosen, we have defined as the sum of these two vectors and denoted by OS=S=X+Y * When Pascal's theorem asserts the parallelism of the third pair if the first two pairs are parallel. SUM FOR VARIABLE t-LINE 53 the vector whose origin is and whose end-point S is the cross of the straights XT y and YT X (cf. Section 4, Fig. i). If the TMine is kept fixed once and for ever, 5 is an uniquely determined point. Now, it has seemed interesting to inquire into the properties of the locus of 5 when, 0, X, Y being kept fixed, the line of termini takes in turn a one-dimensional manifold of positions, more espe- cially when this line, the /-line, as we will say for distinction, is picked out from a flat pencil of straights with a centre P fixed in the X, Y plane. Let this variable vector sum OR (as exemplified by Figs. 24 and 240) be denoted by R-H+Y]e f the suffix reminding us that the sum is taken with respect to a Mine belonging to the flat pencil centred in P, i.e. so that R is A \ FIG. 24. the cross of Xt v with Yt x * The points 0, X, Y as well as the centre P being kept fixed, what is the locus of R ? * We need not, for the present, trouble about the fixed T-line. This will be required only when we come to express the properties of the locus of R by means of scalar variables, whose numerical value will, of course, be influenced by the choice of the T-line. As such line we shall introduce later on some convenient straight. 54 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA It is not difficult to see that the range represented by the end-point of R will be a genuine range of the second degree, a conic range of points or in more familiar language a conic, embracing Fie. 34*. as sub-cases the ellipse, the hyperbola, or a pair of straight lines, and the parabola. In fact, to quote the usual wording of the method of generation of such curves as given in every Projective Geometry : If two coplanar non-copunctal flat pencils are projective (but not perspective), the crosses of correlated straights form a conic range. Now, in our case, X and Y are the (non-coinciding) centres of two coplanar pencils which are projective, and R is, by construction, the cross of correlated straights, the ' correlation ' consisting in joining X and Y with t v and t xt the crosses of the Y-line and of the X-line with a /-straight of the flat pencil centred in P. We thus see that the simple vector equation B-H + Y] (18) represents a conic range, or shortly a conic. When the /-line passes through 0, we have obviously R = o, and if it passes through X or through Y, we have R = X and R=Y CONIC RANGES 55 respectively. In short, the conic represented by {i 8) passes through the origin and through the end-points of both vector addends, that is, in all through three given points. The construction of a conic, most in use, is based upon five of its points being given, and it is well known that, if all data are to be points of the conic, five points are just necessary and sufficient to determine completely a conic, and that this also exhausts the whole class of conies. Our case is somewhat different, owing to the peculiarity of the con- struction embodied in X + Y. The two coinitial vector addends are equivalent to three points only, viz. 0, X, Y. If nothing more is given we can draw through them oo 2 conies, namely by taking in turn various points of the plane (not 0, X, Y) as the pencil centres P. Thus, to fix our conic entirely we have to give 0, X, Y and the centre P. And varying these data we can construct any conic whatever. In fact, if five points of the conic are given, we can use three of them as 0, X, Y ; then join X and Y with the fourth point, say Z, and with the fifth U ; the straights XZ and YZ will cross the Y- and the X-line in a pair of points t v , t xt giving t^ v as one 2-line of the pencil ; similarly XU and YU will give another line of the pencil, and the cross of these two Mines will be the centre P of our pencil, thus reducing the usual construction to that repre- sented by equation (18). It is interesting to note the r61e of the supplementary datum, the pencil centre P, in connection with well-established concepts of projective geometry. In fact, it can be readily seen from the construction that the two particular rays PX and PY have, each, only one point in common with the conic, viz. X and Y respectively, in other words, that PX, PY are tangents of the conic, which will also be seen a little later from the developed form of the conic- equation (18). Thus, to give P is equivalent to giving the tangents at X, Y, whose cross is that point. In short, the more familiar five points as data are here replaced by three points of the conic and the tangents at two of them which are also known to determine completely a conic. At the same time we see, and shall presently verify on the developed form of (18), that P, the centre of the pencil /, is the pole corresponding to XY as polar with respect to the conic. Whence a number of properties can easily be enunciated, relating to the conic and to the above process of its generation. These, however, 56 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA must be left to the reader, as exceeding the scope of the present little book. On the other hand, it has seemed desirable to dedicate some space to a further algebraical development of the simple vector equation (18). As a matter of fact, this, as it stands, is already the complete equation of a conic. But the reader may desire to see it written in terms of numerical (scalar) variables. This can, with the aid of what was previously explained, be easily done. In order to introduce numbers, we require obviously, besides the variable /-line, some fixed line of termini which we will again call the TMine. For this only can enable us, after 0, X, Y (apart from P) have been fixed, to fix the meaning of such beings as 2X, etc. As such permanent T-line let us choose any straight not passing through 0, X, Y, P, and crossing the two vector lines in T x and T v (Fig. 25). Then, calling L, M the crosses of any t with the X- and FIG. 23 the Y-line, taking for the origin of all our vectors, such as L = 0L, etc., and writing vector sums with respect to T without any suffix, where A, /* are some scalar factors. collinear, we have Now, L, X and M, Y being where the scalars /, m may be considered as numbers defining the CONIC RANGES 57 particular /-line ; they will be presently expressed by P as datum and one independent variable parameter. By the last equations, X and ft are easily determined in terms of /, m, remembering that X Y are not collinear vectors. In this manner we obtain showing the relation of the variable sum R to the (conventionally) fixed sum of the vectors X, Y, or in terms of the addends them- selves, as required for our purpose, /( Im-i If the centre P of the /-pencil be prescribed in the form so that , rj are given fixed numbers (the coordinates of P), then X+ 7/Y = where u+ v i, as before. But such being the relation between u and v, the ' numerator ' in (21) is a vector whose end-point, say Q, is on the line XY. In other words, Q is the cross of OR with XY (Fig. 26), and we have the interesting relation OQ = (i -uv) (OR}. With Q = OQ the equation of a conic can now be written where u + y=i, the pole of the polar XY being the end-point of the vector P=X + Y. Splitting the equation (21), we have, the coordinates of R, u v x == \ y ~ . l-UV I-UV whence x/y=u/v, x+y=(i -uv)~ l , and x y ; - l - * For this purpose we have only to draw XP, YP and to lay the T-line through the crosses of these straights with the T- and X-line respectively. CONIC RANGES 59 introducing these values of u, v, into the last equation, we obtain as the (non-homogeneous) coordinate equation to any conic, with O, a point of the conic, as the origin. The point X corresponds to M=I, i.e. to x=i, yo, and similarly Y to y=i, x=o. If we introduce homogeneous coordinates through x = , y= ', then the equation becomes ** x * (22a) or Fie. 26. If the E-line passes through P, we have Q = AP, which is only possible for u=v=* J, so that Q = P and B = ^Q, that is (cf. Fig. 26) OQ:OR:OP = 3:4:6 or, the cross- ratio, * Which stands for 90. ^? = iz 6 ~4 RQ ' OP 3 - 4 ' 6 - o' 60 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Thus, P, R, Q, is a harmonic range, as it should be. In fact, XY being the polar of P, any secant through P should give a harmonic range P, D, E, F. Let the reader prove this by means of the equation (21) or (21 a). As a matter of fact, however, this general property of the polar and its pole is already proved by the above case, for any point of a given conic can be made the origin O of our vectors. Clearly, every projective property of conic ranges can be proved (or verified) algebraically by means of any of the obtained vector equations, since these represent any conic and have been seen to be equivalent to what is obtained by the usual generation of such point ranges based on five points as data. These remarks will suffice, especially as the whole subject of point-conies has been given here chiefly in the way of an illustration of the use of the proposed vector algebra. Let us further consider rapidly some differential properties of the equation of a conic. Such concepts, of course, as ' curvature,' are meaningless (or irrelevant) in non-metrical geometry.* Similarly the idea of a ' normal ' is foreign to us, since we have avoided the congruence axioms relative to angles as well as to segments. But the differential concept of tangent is by no means excluded from our circle of ideas. The meaning of the symbols being as above, we may represent any plane curve by the equation where / is some scalar function of u, v. If then s be any auxiliary independent variable or parameter, the vector Jl = dR/ds will give us information about the tangent to the curve at any of its points. If, for example, f(u, v) = i t then, X, Y being fixed vectors, which expresses the obvious result that the tangent to a straight line XY is along the straight. Turning to our vector equation of a conic in the form (21), say, there is no objection in treating the scalar parameters u, v as * Unless the ' curvature ' is zero (straight line, or inflexion point of a curve) or infinite (cusp). CONIC RANGES 61 continuous and differentiate with respect to an auxiliary variable s, such as the ' time.' * Thus, remembering that X, Y are constant vectors and denoting -r by a dot, we have Sacrificing the symmetry and taking, say, u as our independent variable s, we have u= I and (since u + v=i) v= - 1, so that , . From the present point of view the ' size ' of R is of no avail ; what interests us is that the vector R is along or collinear with the tangent to the conic (21) at its point M, v. Thus, dropping the irrelevant (and not vanishing) denominator, the required tangent will be given by the vector t=(i-u 2 )X-(i-z; 2 )Y. At the point X, for instance, where u = i, z> = 0, we have t= -Y, and since, with our choice of the T-line, P = X + Y, verifying that the join PX is tangent to the conic in the differential sense of the word. Similarly for PY. The explained method of generating conic ranges based upon the vector binomial may be extended to trinomials and so on. If the fixed vectors X, Y, Z are non-coplanar and if the variable f-plane passes always through a fixed centre P, the locus of the end-point of the vector will be a certain surface. As an exercise let the reader develop this equation. If the fixed 7"-plane is so chosen that P=X-f Y + Z, the result should be _ _ (u + vw)'K + (v + ivu) Y + (w + uv)Z I -t- 2UVW -VW- WU - UV * In fact, although we have drawn our conic point by point, using a discrete series ol rays, marking their crosses, etc., yet we can imagine a mechanism consisting of appropriately arranged threads (in tension), by means of which a certain point draws the curve continuously. This by no means requires the use of rigid segments. 62 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA where u + v + w=*l. The algebraic and graphic investigation of this locus may be left to the reader. It will be noticed that ttX + 0Y + wZ is the vector whose end-point is the cross of OR with the plane XYZ. Other and more complicated examples of this kind of vector equations can readily be constructed and investi- gated. None of these, however, will be of such fundamental geometric interest as the binomial one covering all point-conies. Returning once more to the conic-equation, say, (20), multiply both its members by any scalar a ; then, by the distributive pro- perty of scalar multiplication and putting R'=o-R, J(,- P )(.X) + ,(|- B )(.Y) M+B ^ ^ fr-uv Thus the locus of R', the end-point of R', is again a conic, passing through and X', Y', the end-points of o-X, o-Y, and such (that P=X + >?Y and) that PX' and PY' are tangents. This conic, (20'), may be shortly called the conic (20) ' magnified ' o- times, with fixed. Of course, the character and the appearance of the original conic can be entirely modified by such a ' magnification ' ; this will depend essentially upon the position of the conventionally fixed TMine. The reader will find the careful graphical treatment of such magnifications to be instructive as well as interesting. If OP is varied we have in (20') a simple infinity (oo l ), or a pencil of conies, all passing through 0. If the T-line is drawn across the original conic, i.e. any one of the pencil of conies, cutting it in two points L, M, then (OL, OM playing the part of infinite vectors) the whole pencil of conies will obviously pass through these points as well as through the origin. If L coincides with M, or the T-line is tangent to one of the conies, it will also touch all the conies of the pencil in the same point. If some of the R of the original conic are negative vectors, the corresponding 2R or 2-5 or 3R, etc., according to the position of 0, may already have their end-points beyond the T-plane, although the original drawing has been all on ' this-side ' of T. Thus branches of some of the conies of the pencil will be found to lie ' that-side ' of T. Exercises illustrating these and similar remarks are left to the care of the reader. In conclusion, let us dwell a moment upon the line-conic (the plane-dual of the previous point-conic), which is formed by the joins of correlated points of two coplanar protective (but not per- CONIC PENCILS 63 spective) point ranges. The joins are the tangents of the ulti- mately resulting conic which, in familiar language, is their envelope. Let a, b be two fixed non-collinear vectors coinitial in 0, and let us take one of the said joins or tangents as our TMine cutting the a and b lines in T a , TI (Fig. 27). Then, if u, v be two numbers FIG. 27. satisfying the condition M-h v= 1, the whole pencil of the generating joins or, as it is commonly called, the conic pencil, can, with R = OR, be conveniently represented by 24) where c is a constant, non-vanishing finite scalar number, defining upon the a- and b-lines some fixed points A and B respectively. If, say, c = 7, then one of our straights will be the join of the points I and 6, another the join of 2 and 5, or 2\ and 4j, or 10 and - 3, and so on, and the curve in question will be the envelope of all these joins, its tangents. For m=c the equation (24) represents the a-line itself, and for n=c, the b-line, so that these two lines will also be tangents to the curve, to wit in A and B, as will be seen presently. To w = oo corresponds n = - oo , so that the TMine is itself a tangent, as required (and even a double tangent inasmuch as it reappears asm=-oo,n=+oo). Thus, the data upon which this construction is based are : three tangents, a, b, T t and two contact-points on two of them, A and B. These data are precisely the dual of our previous point-conic data,* and, as is * Viz. three points of the conic and the tangents at two of them. $4 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA well known, completely determine the conic. Moreover, since all of these five data are at our disposal, every line-conic can be represented by the simple manifold of vector equations (24). It remains to show that the points, m on a and n on b, which are being joined with one another, are correlated points of pro- jective ranges. Now, the cross ratio of any tetrad of points on the a-line, bearing the numbers, m lt m z , m 3 , w 4 , say, is m, - m m z - m t = - - - - * and since n 1 -n a = m s -m 1 , etc., we see at once that (i, 3 M 4) = (*j.w t , m 3 mj, (25) which proves the statement. We might as well have taken the formally more general relation n = ^ (aS-/3y=o), which would also give (25). But this would, with some elements fixed, entail only a different numbering of the points of the a- and b-lines. As far as the geometrical contents are concerned, the adopted relation of the parameters, tw + w = const, is as general as the last- mentioned one, and it has the advantage of formal simplicity.* All questions concerning a line-conic can be treated algebraically with the aid of (24). There is no need of entering upon them here. The discussion of the character of the conic in its dependence on the position of A, B, and so on, may be left to the care of the reader, as a useful exercise. It has seemed advisable, however, to insert at least one illustrative diagram (Fig. 28), about which a few remarks will be made presently. If the reader desires to derive from the set (24) of vector equations the coordinate equation of the conic as the envelope, he may proceed in the following manner: Writing R = #a+yb, so that x mu and y = nv will be the coordinates of R, and / = * + y_ I=0 , (a) J m n * The choice of the particular form m + n=c in connection with (24) was suggested by the natural attempt at a generalization of the well-familiar construction of the parabola, given in all elementary text-books of a metrical or semi-metrical character. See, for instance, Dr. K. Doehlemann's small but very good book, Projektive Geometric, Leipzig, 1905 (Sammlung GSschen), P- 139- the coordinate equation of a generating line, let the reader differentiate it with respect to the parameter m, obtaining 15f x y dn y x "dm ,,v Then, eliminating according to the well-known prescription the parameter m between (a) and (b), the result will be, (x-y) 2 -2c(x+y) + c'* = o, (26) the equation of the envelope of the said joins. For y = o, for instance, we have, according to this equation, (#-c) 2 = O, i.e. x = c, FIG. 18. and we thus see that A is a point of the curve or a ' contact-point ' ; similarly for B (y = c, x = o), as was announced above. It may be worth while to notice that (26) can be further simplified by introducing new coordinates, The equation then becomes y'* = c( X '-\c). (26') The corresponding axes and, at the same time, ' unit ' vectors, replacing a, b, are a' = a + b, V = a - b, and can be easily constructed. Finally, but a few more words on our last illustrative diagram. It is not difficult to see that if c be positive, and the points A, B P.V.A. E 66 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA bearing this number are both on the segments OT a , OTi, we have an ellipse, inscribed into and touching the triangle OT a Ti>. Fig. 28, which is precisely of this type, has been drawn by the prescription (24), for c = 7, the ' units ' on OT a , OTi having actually been chosen in an arbitrary manner, and then the scales, 2, 3, etc., set up corre- spondingly in the manner explained in the earlier part of the book. Of course, the " c = J " is no geometrical reality ; we might as well have written c 50, when the scale divisions would have obtained only different numbers. The triangle OT a Ti being drawn and, upon its two sides, A and B marked (as the required contact-points), the conic is herewith uniquely determined, no matter which number c (not zero) is affixed to A and B. Its choice is only a matter of convenience or graphic expediency, while the conic is a real content uniquely determined by the said real, as distinguished from formal, data. The familiar construction of the parabola, alluded to a moment ago, is a special case of Fig. 28, as representative of (24), to wit when our TMine is moved away to ' infinity,' in which case the steps 01, 12, etc., become ' rigidly ' equal. The technical expres- sion, used in text-books, according to which the parabola has with ' the line at infinity a (doubly counting) point of contact,' assumes in the presentation given above a clearer meaning. For our conic always touches the TMine which appears as a double tangent (w=oo,w=+oo), no matter whether this line is 'at infinity' or near at hand. The parabola thus viewed is, of course, but a special case of the ellipse. APPENDIX A. On the non-metrical sum of angles of a triangle. The reader will have remarked the absence of any angle concept in what precedes. In fact, no such concept is needed for the treatment of any question that may present itself in the whole field of our Vector Algebra. No use therefore has been made of ' angles ' in the course of the preceding deductions. But, although by no means indispensable for the purpose of this book, the concept of an angle, and especially of a non-metrical equality of two angles, has some importance on its own account, sufficient to justify its discussion in an Appendix. It is not necessary to enunciate here a formal definition of an angle. Again, the generalization to three dimensions being obvious, it will be enough to speak of angles formed by coplanar rays or sides, in short, of coplanar angles. If a, b be any vectors along the sides of an angle aOb, we can denote this angle by (a, b). If 13 c, sib = o> 21 a + to^b + t 23 c, CTC = which is itself distributive, followed by another non-distributive but very simple operation, the pure translation, +p. Owing to this circumstance many important questions associated with projective collineations can be very easily treated. In illustration of this we can give here but a few hints. Thus, for instance, the successive application of the same pro- jective collineation symbolized by ft* will be given by * That is, any plane whatever whose choice completes the conventional framework of reference. PROJECTIVE COLLINEATIONS 75 which by the above formula and by the distributivity of GT becomes at once This is, manifestly, again a projective collineation with sr 2 as the new linear vector operator, and with the new vector as the translation. Similarly and so on. A collineation is called cyclic, or periodic of period n if, for every r, Qr = r, n being a positive integer. Thus the equation (with i as idem- factor) of any cyclic collineation will be which can also be written where the bracketed expression is again a homogeneous linear vector operator. If this is to be satisfied for every r, we must have TS n i (idemf actor), and if p = 0, we must exclude from all possible roots of this opera- tional equation the particular root TS=I. In short, the required cr will be any root of ET"=I, with the exception of the idemfactor itself. It is scarcely necessary to warn the reader that any such equation as CF l =l stands for nine ordinary equations (in the case of space, and four in the case of a plane), viz. if the constituents of cy are denoted by =0, I K, and each of these constituents is easily expressible in terms of those of CT itself. The simplest and particularly interesting case is that of = 2, when the collineation is involutoric or reflexive, i.e. such that fir = r' and lhr'=r. The equation written above then becomes 76 PROJECTIVE VECTOR ALGEBRA Thus, if p=/=o, the necessary condition CT= - i satisfies also or 2 = I and leaves no other alternative. We thus see that the most general involutoric space-collineation transforming the T-plane into itself, is fir = p - r, where p is any constant vector. (The assumption p = o would only lead to a sub-case.) The only double point of this correspondence, apart from the 7-plane, is given by p - r = r, i.e. by r = Jp. Let p, r, r' be the end-points of p, etc., with as origin. Then, in order to obtain the image of any point r, we have, by Section 9, to draw the straight pr crossing the T-plane in T', say ; then, if T be the terminus of r, the straight Tp will cross T'O in the required point r'. A drawing thus executed will be seen to contain at the same time the reciprocal passage from r' to r, in accordance with the involutoric nature of this collineation. The investigation of cyclical projective collineations of space or of a plane of period 3, and so forth, may be left to the care of the reader. INDEX Addition, 4 et seq. algebras of segments, i angles, 67-71 archimedean axiom, 3 associative law, 6 et seq. axes of operator, 72-73 axioms of order, etc., 2 Bisection, 46 Cayley, 16 chain of vectors, 22 collinear vectors, 9, 25 collineations, 74 commutative law, 5 conic pencils, 63-66 - ranges, 54-62 connection, axioms of, 2 Coolidge, 12, 19 coordinates, projective, 38 co-stellar angles, 70 cross ratio, 14, 64 cyclic collineation, 75 Desargues' theorem, 2, 8, 49 difference of vectors, 27 et seq. differentiation , 61 distributivity, 16, 19, 34 Doehlemann, 64 Elliptic space, 3, 24 equality of vectors denned, 22 equation of straight, 40 of plane, 41 of conies, 54 et seq. Fourth harmonic, 12 et passim fractional factors, 19 Gibbs, 72 Halsted, 37 harmonic ranges, 17, 60 Hilbert, i, 50 hyperbolic space, 29, 32, 34 Ideal points, 34-37 idemfactor, 72 involutoric collineation, 75-76 irrational factors, 19 Killing, W., 19 Line conic, 62 linear vector operators, 71-73 Lobatchevsky's parallels, 32, 33, 35 Magnification, 44, 62, 73 Mathews, 3, 25 medians of a triangle, 48 mid-point, 39 motion, axioms of, i multiple of a vector, 12, 13 Negative, of a vector, 29, 31 nil- vector, 26-27 Operators, linear vector-, 71-73 order, axioms of, 2 Parallax, 71 Pascal's theorem, 49-52 polar and pole, 55, 60 principal axes, 72 projective collineations, 74-76 ranges, 62, 64 prospectivity, i Quadrangle, quadrilateral, 41, 45, 46 Reflexive collineation, 75 rigid transferors, 13 77 78 Schur, i, 2, 35, 36, 50 Sommerville, 25 Staudt, i submultiple of a vector, 18-21 subtraction, 27 sum of vectors, 5 et passim T-plane, 6 T- vectors, 15 tangents, 55, 61 INDEX termini, 5, 34 tetrahedron, 49 translation, 74 triangle, medians of, 47-49 sum of angles, 69 Veblen and Young, 38, 74 vector equality, 22 vector operator, linear, 71 et seq. 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