LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. OF r\ \, Q _ *e. Oass SS34- SCHOOL DEVICES A BOOK OF W 'AYS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHERS BY EDWARD R: SHAW Of the High School, Ycnkers, N. Y. WEBB DONNELL Of Washington Academy, East Machias, Me. NEW YORK E. L. KELLOGG & CO. 1891 Copyright, 1886 and 1888, by EDWARD R. SHAW, AND WEBB DONNELL. PREFACE. THIS book has been prepared with the object of presenting in compact form a great number of devices for bringing freshness and life into the school-room. Unless great vigilance is exercised, monotony creeps in, and becomes the depressing accompaniment of school work. No worker needs more of invention than the teacher, yet no other worker has an envi- ronment that is so hostile to its development. The teacher is reaching down continually to minds below him. Day after day spent under these conditions clogs invention. In recognition of this fact, the great body of progres- sive teachers seek to take advantage of the best experience of others, adapting to their own needs whatever may be deemed suited thereto. In confir- mation of this, we point to the great number who are subscribers to school periodicals for the express pur- pose of obtaining new suggestions which they may apply in their own school-rooms. But a school journal must cover the whole range of educational work, and, therefore, the space devoted to devices must of neces- 4 PREFACE. sity be limited. This book aims to supplement the work of the papers by placing in convenient form, for constant use at the teacher's desk, the result of much experience in making the work of the school-room effective and attractive. While the device is of undoubted advantage in school work, it is important to consider its relative position as a factor in education. Some teachers, in their efforts to secure attention and make their work at- tractive, have unfortunately lost sight of the proper balance that should be maintained between that which is novel and the fundamental principles which under lie all teaching ; and have come to believe, erroneously, that good teaching requires one to be continually seek- ing for new and striking ways in which to present ideas, substituting brilliancy and variety for the pains- taking drill which the majority of teachers find essen- tial to success in their work. A device should be used as a condiment to add spice to the constant iteration and reiteration of first principles. In addition, however, to that which is to be regarded as partaking purely of the character of a device, there will be found in the book a great number of ways and suggestions which will be of especial advantage to those who are just entering upon the work of teaching. These, having had no previous experience, must rely to a great extent on that of others. While the idea of teaching by any given formula is not to be advocated, yet it is believed that in a multitude of suggestions for accomplishing a given result, the teacher can PREFACE 5 select that which seems best suited to his own needs. We have inserted a large number of devices upon many topics, not with the idea that they should all be used in any particular case, but to afford a wide range for selection. While the greater part of the book is fresh and original, having been gathered from our own experi- ence and from the experience of many other teachers whose work has fallen under our observation, we take pleasure in giving credit to the numerous school peri- "bdicals of the country from whose pages we have drawn devices which seemed worthy of permanent preservation. In most instances, whatever has been selected has been recast to adapt it more fully to our use. YONKEBS, N. Y., May, 1886. The author of this volume has recently published a helpful book for teachers, entitled "The National Question Book." It contains 6,000 questions and answers on twenty-two different branches of study. It is a general review of the common and high school studies. It is carefully GRADED into grades corresponding to those into which teachers are usually classed. It is a useful reference book for every teacher and private library. Many thousands of copies have already been sold. It is by far the most helpful and accurate book of questions published. Beautifully bound in buckram. Price $1.50 net, postpaid. First-class agents wanted to introduce it. Address E. L. KELLOGG & G0. 9 New York or Chicago. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Language . . 9 CHAPTER II. Geography - . . 42 CHAPTER III. Spelling .62 CHAPTER IV, Reading . . . 74 CHAPTER V. Arithmetic. 85 CHAPTER VI. Personal Suggestions 132 CHAPTER VII. Schoolroom Suggestions 144 8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. PAGE Outside the Schoolroom 174 CHAPTER IX. History . . . . 180 CHAPTER X. Physiology . . . 200 CHAPTER XI. Seat-work .215 CHAPTER XII. Drawing 224 CHAPTER XIII. Penmanship and Apparatus 237 CHAPTER XIV. Bible Readings .......... 245 to 278 OF THE SCHOOL DEVICES. '- _ CHAPTER I. LANGUAGE. Mind-Pictures. Try to set the little people's im- agination at work, even when they are very young. It is sure to be pleasant work to the small dreamer. Let him listen to some simple but pretty word-picture, and then ask him to paint it over again for you in this wise, perhaps : "Now, little folks, shut your eyes, and in a minute be all ready to tell me just what the eyes in your mind are seeing." Then read something like this: " AU night the little blossom held up its cup to catch the dew." "The robin and the bluebird, piping loud, Filled all the blossoming orchard with their glee." " I see the lights of the village Gleam through the rain and the mist. " " Silent came the gathering darkness, Bringing with it sleep and rest; Save a little bird was singing Near her leafy nest." "By ten o'clock the sun shone brightly against the window-glass, and the warm fire within helped make the window-sill comfortable ; and here all five of the birds perched, thus getting the full force of the sun's rays." Any such bits of pictures may be used, and very soon the little pupil will be able to describe them. Help him to do this in simple words, as if he were looking at the picture in very truth. The exercise may be varied by introducing some nursery rhyme, as 10 SCHOOL DEVICES. " There was a little, very little, Quiet little man, He wore a little overcoat The color of the tan." A Way to Prepare Pictures for Young Pu- pils. If you use pictures for language work in the lowest grades, an excellent plan is to paste the pictures upon stiff paper or pasteboard, leaving an edge or bor- der around the engraving. On this border write such words as you think the pupil will probably wish to use, but which are beyond his knowledge to spell. In this manner a difficulty to the pupil's composition is removed ; for if unaided in this way, he works under a restriction that discourages, because the work is simply too hard. Supplying the Proper Word. In the following phrases let the pupil supply the proper words; as, " A of gloves," a pair of gloves: A of ducks. A of mice. A of bees. A of cattle. A of birds. A of horses. A of partridges. A of oxen. A of needles. A of milk. A of books. A of paper. A Language Lesson. Put these sentences upon the board and have the pupils fill in the blanks. If there is not time during school hours to write the sen- tences on the board, transcribe them upon blank cards and let the pupils copy these upon their slates. While it may take longer to write the cards, they can be used LANGUAGE. H again and again, and taken to another school, should the teacher change his field of labor. In these sentences supply the missing pronoun: (1) Father drove Martha and to school. (2) Let James and carry it. (3) May John and get a pail of water ? (4) They have all gone but . (5) boys are studying Latin. (6) The teacher said girls must come early to- night. (7) The difference between you and is that you have two study periods a day, while I have none. (8) To did you give it? (9) Who borrowed my slate? . (10) Kalph is older than . (11) do you wish to see? In the following supply the omitted verb : (1) I am more tired than you ; will you let me down on the lounge? (2) Yesterday I on the sofa all the morning. (3) Is the table yet? (4) Fetch a chair for Mr. Smith, Jane. down, please, sir. (5) the magazine on the table and let it there. (6) The dog came in and down before the table. (7) He has away. (8) He was ing on the bed when I came home. (9) The carpenter has the posts on the ground, where he is to build the fence. Let the work be brought to the recitation, and the 12 SCHOOL DEVICES. sentences read, the class deciding when the correct form is used. Weekly Plan of Language Work for Lower Grammar Grades. Monday Letter-writing; drill in naming parts of speech. Tuesday Written reproduction of some selection; drill in writing plurals and possessives. Wednesday Reading of short poems; practice in talking ; children telling the story of the poem. Thursday Memory exercise; recitation of quota- tions from authors ; principal element of a sentence. Friday Re views. Writing Ordinals. The proper form for writing first, second, third, fourth, etc., is 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and not 1^, 2*?. d , 3^, 4^; because 4th is as really fourth as the full word. To show that this is true, let the teacher write on the board 5, and ask the pupils to read it. They will say "Five." In another place write "th," and ask them to pronounce it also. In still another place write u 5th," and ask them to read it. They must say " Fifth." If it be true to write fifth, " 5th;" fifteenth, 15th, we must also write as one word 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Correcting Bad English. A valuable lesson in grammar can be made by showing to the class the errors which are most commonly made in speaking. Give a sentence containing the word in question, pointing out the error, and write the correct form of the word on the board. Many people say " I done it," for " I did it;" " I have LANGUAGE. 13 got it," for "I have it;" "He ain't there," for "He isn't there;" " I hain't got none," for "I haven't any." The verbs lay and lie are commonly interchanged. After teaching the inflection of these verbs, it will assist the pupil in using them correctly if he be made to see that lay must have an object, expressed or understood, and that lie has not. Now, if he be taught to consider in using the words whether an object is expressed or understood, he will soon come to use these verbs properly, and will readily see that such a sentence as "The boat lays at her moorings" is wrong, for the reason that the boat cannot lay anything. Other improper usages of words will occur to the teacher to be used in this connection. For Beginners in Composition. For composi- tion work with small pupils select simple topics, and such as are sure to be familiar to them. The follow- ing questions are suggested which they may answer in the form of a narrative : At what time did you start for school ? What did you bring with you ? Who came with you ? In what did you carry your books ? Tell what you can about the books. What did you see on your way ? Whom did you meet ? What did you say to them, and what replies did they make ? Whom did you find in the school-house ? What did you do after you came into the school- room ? 14 SCHOOL DEVICES. To such questions as the following, as extended answers as possible should be required : What is found inside an apple when it is cut open ? What is the material of a little girl's apron ? Of what are shoes made ? Who makes the leather, and from what is it made ? What covers the outside of a tree, and what is its usual color ? Of what are baskets made ? Describe the different parts of an apple. Tell all you can about the colors of flowers. How many holidays are there in a year ? Name them. Mention the different things that grow in your garden. What animals like to eat apples ? What do animals eat besides apples ? Word-developing. Say to the class, "There is a man standing on a small island in the middle of a lake. How will he get to the shore ?" Some will answer, "He will swim;" others, "He will row over in a boat." Ask them to describe the manner of row- ing, and let a figure of an oar be drawn on the board. Write ' ' oars, " i ' rowed, " ' ( swim, " upon the board. i l If the man stops rowing, what will happen to the boat ?" "It will float," "It will drift." Ask for the full meaning of "float" and "drift," and write them on the board. "What will happen if the boat gets into the rapids?" "Upset," will be answered. This may be continued until a sufficient number of words have been developed. Let each word be correctly spelled and pronounced, and accurately defined. Let each LANGUAGE. 15 pupil in turn form a sentence with one or more of these words in it, and write it on the board. Finally, tell the class to write out the whole story which has been outlined, and bring it to be read at the next recitation. An Easy Exercise in Composition. Having spoken to a class about the senses and what they tell us, direct the class to write out what their senses tell them about the following things : an apple, a knife, a lead-pencil, a bottle of ink, a flower, a clock, a piece of chalk, a box, a piece of charcoal, etc. Compositions from Pictures. If pupils are asked to bring to school all the pictures they can get from books and papers, the teacher will thus obtain much good material for composition work. Take the pictures, trim them close to the edge of the engrav- ing so as to cut off all reading, then paste them upon pieces of pasteboard, and they are in condition for long wear. Distribute them to pupils and ask them to write what they can about the picture. When a pupil has written about a picture, let him write his name upon the back of it, so that it may not be given him a second time. Plan for Oral Composition. Cany to the class some entertaining book either a story or a description of travel and have a page or two read by one of the class. The book is to be closed at this point and another asked to tell what has been read. The rest may correct any errors either in language or in the statement of what has been read. When a sufficient 16 SCHOOL DEVICES. amount has been produced, ask all the members of the class to write out what they have heard and bring it in the next day. After some practice in this kind of work, they may be allowed to take the main points of the story or description and add any thoughts of their own which are appropriate to the subject. Debating Exercises. Select some subject within the capacity of the pupils, and appoint a number to debate it. If the number be six, assign three to the affirmative and three to the negative side. Let a jury of scholars be chosen, who, when all the arguments are presented, shall decide for the one side or the other. It will be well to have the arguments pre- sented in alternate order; first, one upon the affirma- tive side, followed by one upon the negative. Select subjects that are of practical importance and of general interest, and in regard to which the pupils can readily gain information either by inquiry or read- ing. Language-drill in Every Lesson. Make every lesson a drill in language. Whatever be the topic, correct all errors in grammar and pronunciation. En- courage your pupils to choose carefully and wisely the form in which they state either questions or answers. Wise guidance in this direction will bear rich fruit in later years. Letter-writing. In connection with the work in grammar and rhetoric, see that your pupils have plenty of practice in writing letters. Probably in no branch are pupils found so deficient, on leaving school, LANGUAGE. 17 as in this. Have frequent exercises in writing busi- ness letters, and in these see that the following points are observed: (a) They should be brief and to the point. (6) They should contain nothing but matter relating to the business in question, (c) Nothing should be written in such a manner as to allow a chance of misunderstanding, (d) The date, name, and address of the writer should be plainly written. In ordinary letters of friendship, while it is absurd to give rules, it is of advantage to bring out the points given below. Pupils frequently have the erroneous idea that an unusual and formal style must be used in letter-writing, thus destroying the simplicity and nat- uralness of their productions. 1. Letters should be written in a conversational style, and this can be obtained by writing just as one would speak to another, face to face. 2. Unless the letter is to a very intimate friend, the writer should say but little of himself. 3. Let it be remembered that in writing a letter one is placing in black and white that which may stand for years. Care should therefore be exercised that nothing be written which one might afterwards regret. Matter for Letters. 1. Write a letter to a class- mate who left school a week ago, relating whatever of interest has occurred in school for a few days past. 2. Write a letter to a friend describing how you won in one of your games. 3. Write a letter to a friend inviting her to a game of tennis or croquet to-morrow afternoon. 4. Write a letter in the third person inviting Mrs. Kate Wildey to dinner. 18 SCHOOL DEVICES. 5. Write a letter to your mother, supposing her to be away from home for a week. 6. Write a letter to a friend regretting that you were unable to drive over to see him last Saturday. Forms of Business Letters. Give your pupils such forms of letters as one would use in many differ- ent kinds of business. Such, for instance, as the fol- lowing to a publishing house : Providence, R I., Dec. 5, 1885. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Gentlemen, Enclosed find four dollars ($4), for which please send the Atlantic Monthly for one year to my address. Yours truly, J. L. PARSONS. Papers Written from Recitation Notes. - Not only should the pupil be required to reproduce from material placed before him or related by the teacher, but he should be required to take notes in the recitation and elaborate them, reading them the next day in class as called upon. If the pupil is studying science, let him write out a full report of experiments made by himself or by the teacher. These may be il- lustrated by drawings of the apparatus used. It will be well to allow illustrations in any of the composi- tions if the writer is capable of producing them. For such work unruled paper should be used. Equivalent Forms of Expression. As a drill in language, ask your class to change a given expression into one containing the same idea, but set forth in dif- ferent language. Ask them to express dry, matter-of LANGUAGE. 19 fact prose in a lively, poetic form ; and, in general, let them take any sentence and express it in a different way. Give them newspaper-cuttings to express in a clearer, more incisive manner. They will thus get in the habit of choosing the form of speech which will most accurately express the meaning desired. Device for Use of Capitals. Let the pupils of the grammar grades copy in their note-books this condensed plan of the rules for the use of capitals : s jr 20 SCHOOL DEVICES. Excerpts to Write Out from Memory. In the newspapers will be found many short stories or de- scriptions, well written and entertaining, which it will pay to cut out and paste upon cards for use in repro- duction. Let a card he handed to each student, allow three or four minutes in which to read the printed sketch, and then collect them. After which require each one to write out from memory what he has read. Below are given excerpts to show what is meant: HOW THE JINGLET GETS INSIDE. The making of sleigh-bells is quite an art. The little iron ball is too big to be put in through the holes in the bell, and yet it is inside. How did it get there? The little iron ball is called the " jinglet." When you shake the sleigh-bell it jingles. In making the bell this jinglet is put inside a little ball of mud, just the shape of the inside of the bell. This mud ball with the jinglet inside is placed in the mould of the outside, and the metal is poured in, which fills up the space between the ball and the mould. When the mould is taken off, you see a sleigh- bell, but it will not ring, as it is full of dirt. The hot metal dries this, so that it can be shaken out. When this has been done the little iron jinglet will be found inside the bell, and the bell will ring. It took a great many years to think out the way to make a sleigh-bell. The Christian Union. SAVING A LIFE. One day last winter, '83-'84, when the mercury was down somewhere in the forties below, an open sleigh -stage was mak- ing its way along a mountain road between two Montana towns. The only passengers were a woman and her young child. They were scantily clad for the rigorous weather, and the woman removed one of her wraps to protect the child. The LANGUAGE. 21 driver discerned that she was growing drowsy, and warned her of the deadly peril of falling asleep. It was of no use, nor did the vigorous shaking he gave her serve to keep her awake. Finally the driver seized her, threw her out into the road, and drove off with the child at a rapid pace. This last expedient was successful. Awakened by the shock of the fall, the woman saw the stage disappearing with her child. Her mater- nal instincts w r ere aroused. She ran after the stage as fast as she could; the driver slackened up a little, but did not stop till he saw that the poor mother was thoroughly warmed by the exercise. Her life was saved. An hour later the stage reached a station, where buffalo robes were obtained to protect her against the deadly cold for the remainder of the journey. The Youth's Companion. Require Plan in Composition-writing. In composition work the pupil should be taught to plan his work in a logical way. He should first make an outline of the subject, arranging the topics in divi- sions and subdivisions. After some practice of this sort, upon selecting a subject he will instinctively be- gin to analyze it, picking out the chief points, and the different ways in which these chief points may be treated. To Exercise the Imagination. The following are designed for written exercises. The title, direc- tions, and hints may be written upon the board. Each pupil should write the title properly upon his paper and then, with the aid of the suggestions given, relate the imaginary details. 1. The adventures of a five-cent piece. Tell where and when it was coined. Who first ob- 22 SCHOOL DEVICES. tained it from the taint. How many times it was spent, and for what purposes. Where it is now. 2. The life of a canary-bird. Imagine a canary telling all that has happened to him from the first day of his life. Where he has lived. What he has done. What he thinks of some of the people he has seen. What he likes to do. What he would do if he could. 3. A family of five people at tea. Imagine five people at tea. Describe and name them. Tell what they are talking about. Tell some of the things they say. Tell where they go as they leave the room. 4. A brook. Imagine a pretty little brook, winding about among the meadows and through the woods. Tell where it starts, and where it expects to go to. What it finds in its way, and why it is so crooked. What flowers grow upon its banks. What it does for the flowers that grow on its banks. Tell about a big shady pool in one place and what lives there. Tell about a shallow place where the sun shines, and the stones at the bottom of this place. How people cross the brook; what animals do when they come to it. What happened once at a certain place. What makes it grow larger ; where it goes. 5. What I should like to do. Imagine that you are now able to do just as you please; state what you would. do. Give particulars and reasons for your choice. LANGUAGE. 23 Suggestions about Local Subjects for Com- positions. There is, in almost every locality, some folk-lore, legend, or tradition. Let the pupils hunt up these and embody them in a paper. "Historical Hereabouts" is a good subject for such a paper. For an instance of tradition, say to the class, l * I have heard a story of a hermit who used to live about here years ago. Many things are told of him which are interest- ing. Now, I wish you to inquire here and there, learn all you can about him, and make an interesting paper to read to the class or school." Again, the teacher may say, " You have seen apiece of marble in the rough, or after it has been sawed, and also after it has been polished. The way in which this is done is very interesting. Who would like to go to the marble cutter's, watch the work, and then write a description of it ?" A Letter Written upon Blackboard by All the Class. Send a pupil to the board and tell him to begin a letter. After he has written a few sentences, send another to add a new thought, and then another and another. The last pupil is told to close the letter. Choice of Words. To create the habit of choosing the best word to express an idea or describe an object, place upon the board sentences arranged as in the fol- lowing, and ask the pupil to choose the proper word. The examples given may be extended by the teacher : C nice ) 1. She has < agreeable > manners. ( graceful ) (lovely ) 2. She has a ^pretty > dress. ( elegant } 24 SCHOOL DEVICES. C some ) 3. He is < somewhat > better. ( much ) (fearfully ) 4. The weather is < terribly > cold. ( unusually ) 5. She looks very] 6- Almost j 7 ' Itisa {rSly }^ce book. 9. This is { ^e^y \ said than done. 10. Mine is not \ ff [ good as his. ( s ) {magnificent ] ndid day. beautiful j 12. Her dress looks j ^ y Order of Criticism. The following order of criti- cism for written work may be used by teachers and by students in deciding upon the merits and defects of compositions. It will be seen that the first point to be noticed in any given article is the thought, taken as a whole. It will be apparent that this is of more conse- quence than the spelling and the use of capitals. While these points are important, the student should be made to feel that in this work he must have a clear LANGUAGE. 25 conception of the thought before beginning to write, and that this will be first taken into consideration by the teacher. Other points follow in the order of im- portance. I. The thought. II. Order of thought. III. Expression, or use of language. 1. Use of words. 2. Style. 3. Grouping of sentences. 4. Capital letters. 5. Spelling. 6. General appearance. Frequently it is profitable to collect all the essays, assign them to different members of the class, asking each to read the essay and write a criticism upon it. If the criticism is unduly severe and captious, hand both essay and criticism to another student who will give a just estimate of both. Plan for Rapid Correction of Compositions. Where a large number of impromptu compositions, or reproductions from memory, are handed in every few days, and it is found difficult to go over each one carefully, it is well to use the following plan. Select at random eight or ten of the papers and correct them, noting carefully the characteristic errors. Bring these before the class and make clear your corrections. These corrections will probably apply to a large part of the papers. At the next writing of compositions, take eight or ten papers belonging to other pupils and 26 SCHOOL DEVICES. continue in this way until each pupil's work has passed under your eye. To Fold and File Essays. Essays should be folded lengthwise and placed in a pile so that the cen- tre of the page, where the fold conies, shall be upon the right hand. Then let the name be written across the top, and a rubber band placed about them. Any desired essay can be quickly found by running over the bunch with the right hand, each essay being raised entire, as there are no edges of leaves on the right side. In obliging pupils to follow this plan, the teacher trains them to file papers as business men do. Assigning a Subject for a Composition. Often a subject may be invested with interest and given a strong start by some such introduction as the following: u The subject I wish to assign for the next composition is about a wonderful instrument. In all the range of inventions since the world began, not one can be compared with this. The more you think of it and study it, the more strongly will you be impressed with the great skill of the inventor, and the more plainly will you see the many marvellous uses to which it is adapted, feiid how much has depended on it during all time. The subject is (the teacher here writes upon the blackboard) The Human Hand. Character Sketches. Select from fiction or travels a few sketches of character and read these to the class for illustrations. As soon as the class has a clear idea of what is meant by a character sketch, say that for the next composition you shall expect LANGUAGE. 27 from each a character sketch. They are not to name the person, but may take any character they know. Of course, the teacher will use time enough in reading the character sketches, and in speaking of them, to show the class that in their first attempts they should select some person whose characteristics are strongly marked. I II ustrati ve Syntax. Instead of giving pupils false syntax to correct, vary the work by writing on the board as many of the rules of syntax as you wish to give for a lesson, and ask the pupils to write sentences to illustrate these. If, for instance, the rules given in- clude these, " Two or more singular subjects connected by or or nor require a singular verb," " Two or more singular subjects connected by and require a plural verb," the pupil should write on his slate such sen- tences as the following: " Neither gold nor silver was found in the mine," " Either John or Henry is going," " Mary and Susan are going," "The sun and the moon were visible." A Talk on Language. To break the monotony of the usual work and at the same time to increase the knowledge of the pupils, give a short talk on language, such as a teacher gave one morning. He said : "Now, if you will give me your attention for a few moments, we will talk over some of the mistakes that people are apt to make in conversation. For instance, I heard one of the scholars say to another, as I came into the schoolroom, Til go a little ways with you.' He probably meant that he would go a little way, or a short distance, with his companion. I also heard one 28 SCHOOL DEVICES. of the girls say to another, 'He don't know.' Will any one tell me the full form of 'don't?' Several voices, 'Do not.' Very well, 'He do not know' does not sound correct. What should have been said? 4 He doesn't know.' "I frequently hear one pupil say to another, 'It's time we went.' Went denotes past time. What is the proper thing to say? l IPs time to When e and i occur as diphthongs Conceive. ) in a word, e comes before the i Retrieve. \ if the diphthong is preceded Eelieve. by c; otherwise the i precedes e. Achieve. ) Secretary. e after the r because formed from secret. 74 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER IV. HEADING. To Create Sentiment against Poor Reading. For advanced classes select something not pre- viously read; for instance, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." Have but one copy, and ask each member of the class to read a portion. The interest of the class in the story, and the unwillingness to lose any part of it, will secure expressive and distinct reading. Suggestions on Reading. In the first place, do not make the lessons long do a little, and do that thoroughly. Insist that the reading shall be natural, as the pupil would talk were he telling the same thing to another. Occasionally read over the lesson to the class, and give such expression as shall bring out the full meaning. Show the class by individual para- graphs how the meaning is brought out more clearly in this way. Let all new words be defined before the reading begins. The scholar cannot read properly if he does not know the meaning of some of the words. These new words may be written out on the board with the meaning of each. After their meaning has been learned, have members of the class make up sen- tences with these words in them; this will fix the meaning in their minds. Call on some one in the READING. 75 class to give the chief points in the preceding lesson, or let the whole class write a review of it. Ask some one to read a sentence in the lesson, then with closed book tell clearly and fully what he has just read. Full answers should be required, that the habit of thoroughness may be cultivated. Do not correct mis- pronunciation while the pupil is reading. You will thus destroy the sense of his reading. A Primary Reading Lesson. The following is essentially an object lesson to be given to little people just learning to read : It is best that there be not more than eight or ten in the class. If there are more who are to begin reading, divide the whole number into two or more divisions. Take some familiar object, as a box. Talk a few mo- ments about the box, holding it so that all can see it. Then draw an outline picture of it upon the board and write under it the word box, telling the class that this word b-o-x is the name of the object you are holding. When pupils have become familiar with the appear- ance of the word and its spelling, show them that the object has been expressed in three ways, by the box you are holding, by the picture, and by the word. They will then get the notion that a word is a sign of an idea. Next take a book, and follow the same plan. When the two words are written on the board, point in turn to each till the class becomes familiar with the objects as expressed in the word. Place the box on the book and ask, "Where is the box ?" On the book. As the class give this answer, write the word on between the words already on the board, and the class will be able to read and understand the sen- 76 SCHOOL DEVICES. tence, U A box on a book." Add other words to the sentence in the same way, and let the children copy the words and the pictures on their slates. Teaching Time of Day. A little time can be taken at the close of the reading lessons for this pur- pose. Make a clock-dial out of pasteboard and pieces of tin, or, what is better, procure an old clock; then practise telling the exact hours that is, minute hand at twelve, while the hour hand is changed from hour to hour. Next, let hour hand remain at twelve, and drill upon the time past the hour; as, five, ten, or fif- teen minutes past to half past. Then would come five, ten, fiteen, etc., minutes to half past the other hours. Last, teach to tell the number of minutes to any given hour. Device for Teaching a New Word. (a) Select some sentence containing the word, and write this upon the blackboard. Indicate the correct pronunciation of the word by diacritic marks, then have the class read the sentence. (6) Question about the letters in the word. What letters are silent ? What letters are not silent ? Are there any letters doubled ? (c) Let the class copy the word in other sentences, the teacher taking care that the word is correctly used. (d) Drill upon writing the word in dictated sen- tences until class know its form thoroughly. Suggesting for Words. An excellent plan to prepare pupils for a new reading lesson is to select the OF,THF. HEADING. -j new words and suggest for them. Below we give a. part of a reading lesson from one of the school readers, and a list of words new or unfamiliar to the pupils on taking up the lesson. After the list of words, are the suggestions for them. The words are written upon the board as soon as got from the pupils, and drill is put upon these words before beginning to read the lesson. ONLY A FEW DROPS. " The most interesting event of our family history during my tenth year was the purchase of a cow. My father had a patch of land about a mile from our house, and he thought that the best use he could turn it to would be to pasture a cow. How many comforts and little luxuries that cow provided us with ! milk, and butter, and sometimes even a cheese. Next to Cuff, our faithful house dog, the cow became the pet of the family. 2. " And who is going to drive the cow to pasture, father ?" I asked, as he put her into the yard on the first evening after her arrival. " You, Robert," he replied ; and his answer gave me no little sense of my own importance. Here I was with a charge laid on me, an important duty which I was to dis- charge every day, and which for some time I did discharge with pleasure and alacrity." INTERESTING DISCHARGE INQUIRIES ARRIVAL ALACRITY EVENT PURCHASE IMPORTANCE Harry's mother held two letters in her hand. She read one carelessly, and then cast it aside ; but as she read the other one, her eyes brightened and she looked pleased. What kind of a letter was the second one ? Interesting. It told her that her sister and two boys 78 SCHOOL DEVICES. were coming to visit her. Harry's mother went to the kitchen to prepare for the visit. Name a few articles you think she cooked. Can we live without cake, pies, and puddings ? Why do we eat them ? What do we call unnecessary articles that we like ? Luxuries. Mrs. Howe, Harry's mother, wanted a number of articles from the cellar, for which she sent Harry. How do you think he obeyed ? Because he obeyed quickly, with what did he obey ? Quickness, or alac- rity. She found there were not enough raisins in the house. What do you think Harry had to do ? Go to the store to buy some. What word means buy ? Pur- chase. Harry lived on a farm and had duties to perform each day ; so when he asked his father if he might go to the train to meet his cousins, what do you think his father said ? What word means done, or finished? Discharged. The next afternoon, if you had been near the station, you would have seen Harry. What was he doing there? Waiting for his cousins. To do what? What word means come? Arrive. Because he was waiting for them to arrive, we say he was waiting for their ? Arrival. The visitors stayed a month. They went riding, boating, and on picnics; and all had a very good time. . . . Why do people read histories and books about the olden times ? What one word means things that hap- pen ? Events. Do these books give all the events of those times ? Which ones ? The most important. Instead of say- READING. 79 ing, they are important events, we may say, they are events of importance. Other Points on Reading. 1. Insist that the les- son shall be read by each pupil as he would talk if he were saying the same thing. 2. Take a few moments at the close of each lesson to make plain that which might prove to be an obstacle in the advance lesson. From time to time read over the advance lesson to the class, using the proper expression. 3. By questions and answers, make plain all new words. Form new sentences, using these words. 4. Let class criticise as each pupil pronounces. Teacher notes mispronounced words not noticed by the class, and requires them to be corrected for the next lesson. 5. Let a part of each lesson be written on the board or upon slates. Give a list of words which are to be used in original sentences, and insist that these sentences be well written, and that they have some meaning. 6. Let the review lesson be read each day. Do not call upon pupils in any set order, but promiscuously. Question thoroughly as to the meaning of the sentences read. If the sentence reads as follows: " Charles and Henry went to the meadow beyond the wood, this morning, to pick strawberries," do not ask such ques- tions as, "What did Charles and Henry do? For what purpose did they go to the meadow ? Where is the meadow ?" etc. ; but ask for all the ideas contained in the sentence. That the pupils may be able to do this, begin with short sentences, and proceed to those 80 SCHOOL DEVICES. longer and more involved, as the pupils acquire readi- ness in seizing the whole thought. 7. Before reading the advanced lesson the pupil should be ahle to pronounce all of the words, and also understand the thought conveyed in each sentence. He will then be able to read with expression. Do not correct a pupil while reading, unless he mispronounces, or reads with such expression as to lose the meaning of the text. 8. Have occasional exercises in reading at sight. 9. Occasionally read a short poem, and show the class how language may gain force and beauty from its poetic form. 10. If your pupils are of sufficient age, have selec- tions read from the newspapers, and explained. Let all the places in these selections be fixed, geographi- cally, by looking them up on the map. 11. It is better to have the idea of the sentence brought out with the proper expression, and to correct mispronunciation afterwards. Read short stories or bits of travel or history to the class, and ask pupils to repeat them, giving all the ideas. Do not follow any one plan continuously, but give variety to your work from day to day. How to Vary a Reading Lesson. Cut from a magazine or newspaper a narrative story that is inter- esting, and not too difficult for the class to read as easily as they would the regular lesson in their reader. Select all the new words in it and write them on the blackboard, to be pronounced and defined by the class. Divide the story into as many parts as there are READING. 81 pupils in the class, and give each a paragraph to study over at his seat. When the recitation hour comes spend the first part in drilling upon the words on the blackboard. Then have the class commence reading, requiring them to arrange the paragraphs given them so as to make good sense. The pupil who has the part on which the sub- ject of the story is written reads first. The others read whenever they see their paragraphs are needed. At first, care should be taken to cut the story in such a way that the connection may be easily seen. The teacher should always have a copy of the story in order to prompt the pupils if necessary. Helps in Reading. In the preparation of lessons with primary classes, write the new words in sen- tences on the blackboard, constructing the sentences so as to suggest the word and illustrate its meaning: for example, if hungry is the word write a sentence like the following : The little boy eats as if he were hungry. If spare is the word, meaning to do without, write, I have two dolls, so I can spare you one. After each sentence is read, the new words may be under- lined and pronounced. Sometimes it is well to spell them and analyze them into their sounds. The pupils should also use the new words in sentences of their own constructing. Let the pupils determine new words for themselves from their resemblance to other words they already know. Words taught in this way should be those the pupils are already familiar with in conversation ; from the word catch they can learn match; from house, mouse ; from walk, talk, etc. 82 SCHOOL DEVICES. Let the pupils find out the new words in a lesson by giving the sounds of the letters in succession, the teacher marking the letters whose sounds would not otherwise be known, and crossing out silent letters. The new words may be spelled orally by letters, each syllable being pronounced as an aid to final pronuncia- tion. When words are so taught, they should be in a selected list, not spelled out as the pupils come to them in reading and find they do not know them. To test the class upon the meaning of words taught, the teacher may give the meaning of a word or illustrate it in some way, the children selecting the right word from the list and pronouncing it ; thus, the teacher says, U A dress;" a pupil selects the word robe from the list and pronounces it. The teacher catches a pupil by the arm forcibly : a pupil finds and pronounces grasps. Let pupils copy neatly at their seats a part of the reading lesson upon their slates and read from the copy in the class. Occasionally, fora drill in recognizing words rapidly, let pupils in turn read the words of a lesson backwards. It sometimes renews interest in reading to write the lesson upon the blackboard and let pupils read from this copy. Use supplementary reading, and allow pupils to read with little or no previous preparation of words. Of course, in the selection of matter to read, care must be taken that most of the words are known, or like some they know, and can be determined at sight by thinking the sounds of the letters. Give each pupil time to read his sentence silently before reading it aloud. READING. 83 Drill for Expression. Copy upon the board some short extract which the class has not seen, and call upon pupils, one by one, to read it. Let there be no criticism till all have read. For Drill upon Words often Mispronounced. Take as many of the following words as you deem best for one exercise, write them upon the board, and in an opposite column write the correct pronunciation. Allow sufficient time for each pupil to become ac- quainted with the proper pronunciation a half -day at least after which erase the column giving the pronun- ciation, and test the pupil's ability to pronounce cor- rectly each word of the list : Used. Exquisite. Gallows. Dishonest. Itinerant. Finance. Museum. Jugular. Mischievous. Lyceum. Sagacious. Suffice. Precedent. Carmine. Khedive. Allopathic. Impetus. Condolence. Homoeopathic. Architect. Leisure. Allopathy. Bitumen. Extant. Homoeopathy. Condemning. Precedence. Soughing. Enervate. Fatigue. Obligatory. Process. Bronchitis. Combatant. Juliet. Stolid. Indisputable. Greasy. Telegraphy. Apparatus. Interesting. Photography. Covetous. Allies. Carbine. Iodine. Quinine. Bombast. Bromine. Vehement. Inquiry. Prelude. Aggrandize. Albumen. 84 SCHOOL DEVICES. Italian. Patron. Confidant. Sacrifice. Pall Mall. Mirage. Bade. Abdomen. Livelong. Acclimated. Franchise. Nasal. Extol. Association. Arab. Franchise. Pronunciation. Pleiades. Lamentable. Cognomen. Exemplary. Bellows. Pronunciation of Words Alike in Form but Differing in Accent. Let pupils write sentences, using the words given below, first as nouns, then as verbs, and then read the sentences written, pronounc- ing the noun or verb, as the case may be, correctly : NOUNS. " VERBS. Sur'vey, Survey'. Per'fume, Perfume'. Ac'cent, Accent'. Proj'ect, Project'. Des'ert, Desert'. Beb'el, Eebel'. Overthrow, Overthrow'. Ab'stract, Abstract'. Con'vert, Convert'. Per'roit, Permit'. Ex'port, Export'. Sus'pect, Suspect'. Con'tract, Contract'. Pro'test, Protest'. A similar plan can be used with those words in which the accent of the adjective differs from the verb. Then, those forms in which the accent of the noun and the verb are the same should not be over- looked. ARITHMETIC. 85 CHAPTEE V. ARITHMETIC. Begin Number with Objects. A child's first in- struction in arithmetic should be by means of objects. At this period the concrete is more real to him, and easier to comprehend, than the abstract. To give him an idea of number, use objects. He will understand more readily what five means, if five apples are placed before him, than by simply saying ' ' Five." By means of objects, addition and subtraction will be compre- hended with but little effort. A frame with small balls upon wires is convenient, but not necessary, as books, pencils, pens, etc., will convey the idea of num- ber equally well. Principles First. In teaching arithmetic, or in fact any branch, do not place too much importance upon an exact memorizing of the rules. Let princi- ples be sought, and rules deduced from these. En- courage pupils to invent rules of their own, which will serve the same purpose as those given in the book. Make an effort to secure original investigation by members of the class. There should be no reference to the answer while a pupil is working an example ; therefore, after a ques- tion is stated upon the board, let the books be laid aside. Bead ch. x., Fitch's " Lectures on Teaching. 86 SCHOOL DEVICES. A Plan for Presenting the Essential Topics of Arithmetic in Written Work. 1. Teach nota- tion and numeration systematically and by a good method, which, for obvious reasons, should be essen- tially your own. In the absence of a better plan the following might be pursued: First Step : What numbers and figures are. Second Step : How numbers are grouped. Third Step : To read numbers represented by two or three figures each. Fourth Step : To read numbers represented by more than three figures each. Writing numbers may be taught in three steps : First Step : To write any number less than 10. Second Step : To write any number less than 1000. Third Step : To write any number whatever. In teaching addition two cases occur: 1. When the sum of each column is less than 10. 2. When the sum is greater than 10. In subtraction three cases arise : 1. When each figure in the subtrahend is smaller than the one above in the minuend, no ciphers being used. 2. When one or more figures in the subtrahend are larger than the corresponding ones in the minuend. No ciphers. 3. When there are ciphers in the minuend and sig- nificant figures in the corresponding places in the sub- trahend. Multiplication may be taught in four cases : 1. In examples in which no single product will ex- ceed nine, one figure in multiplier. 2. One figure in multiplier, but each figure is greater than nine. 3. Examples with two or more figures in multiplier. ARITHMETIC. 87 4. Examples with ciphers in the multiplicand or multiplier, or both. Division : The best results will be obtained by taking up at once the form of Long Division. For the steps in this, see page 106. Practical examples, involving two of the funda- mental processes, should be given frequently, and in such a way as to excite mental activity. Mental and written work should go hand in hand. Factoring and cancellation should be taught so as to give pupils the power of abridging processes in their future work, if they so desire. Common Fractions may be presented in the follow- ing cases : 1. To change units to improper fractions. 2. To change mixed numbers to improper fractions. 3. To change improper fractions to whole or mixed numbers. 4. To change fractions to lower terms. 5. To change fractions to common denominators. 6. Addition of fractions. 7. Subtraction of fractions. 8. Multiplication of fractions. 9. Division of fractions. 10. Fractional relation of numbers. Let mental questions be framed if there are not enough in the text-book to illustrate each step. Avoid all puzzles or questions that are too much involved. Example : f of -f of 30 is f of how many times i of f of llf ? Decimal Fractions: The topics needing special at- tention are : 1. Writing and reading decimals. 2. Changing common fractions to decimals. 88 SCHOOL DEVICES. 3. Changing decimals to common fractions. 4. Addition of decimals. 5. Subtraction of decimals. 6. Multiplication of decimals. 7. Division of decimals. In division of decimals two cases will arise-. 1. When the number of decimals in the dividend equals or exceeds the number in the divisor. 2. When the number of decimals in the dividend is fewer than the number in the divisor. In the latter case, show how ciphers maybe annexed to the dividend, thus making their number equal the number in the divisor, so that one rule will be suffi- cient for both cases. In teaching Compound Numbers omit all obsolete tables. Upon teaching Percentage, see page 128. Teach interest by but one method, and have no other used ordinarily. Examples in proportion to be solved by analysis. A few of the simpler problems in men- suration should be taught. These topics are almost all that need be taught the average pupil. A Simple Piece of Apparatus for Teaching Primary Number. Have a wire stretched behind the desk and on it string spools. Teach counting by 2's, 3's, 4's, etc. Subtraction-tables can be built up by using the spools, and also the lower tables of multiplica- tion. Scheme for Teaching the First Three Or- ders of Units. FIRST STEP. As a basis, children should have been taught numbers from one to ten ob- jectively, and should be able to count to a hundred. ARITHMETIC. 89 Let the teacher write the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 on the blackboard in a column, and ask children to read each figure, naming some object after it ; for instance, 1 chair, 2 desks, 3 pencils, 4 erasers, etc. When the child sees clearly that 2 desks means two objects of the same kind, and 3 pencils three objects of the same kind, the teacher may ask how many ones there are in 2, in 3, in 4, etc. When the pupil comprehends that 4 ones are meant by 4, and five ones by 5, etc., the teacher will tell the child that instead of saying that there are two ones in 2, we may use a word which means the same as one, and say there are two units in two. Then let the teacher question as follows: How many units in this number? (pointing to 3.) How many in this? (pointing to 4, and so on to each.) Some one show me a number that has as many units in it as I hold up fingers (holding up, two, three, five, eight, etc., fingers). What does unit mean? Ans. One. What is a unit? Ans. A one. Yes, or we may say, " A unit is one, or a single thing." You may tell me what a unit is? Ans. A unit is one, or a single thing. Now, class, give me close attention before going to seats, as I have a hard question for you, and I want every little boy and girl to hold up his hand ready to answer my question. What is the largest number of units that can be written down or expressed by one figure? Ans. Nine units. 90 SCHOOL DEVICES. Let the above be regarded as the first step in the scheme. It will probably take several days to cover this first step, as there should be a great deal of drill upon each point, and a review of the previous day's lesson, before taking up anything in advance. SECOND STEP. For the next step the teacher has several bundles of splints, each bundle containing ten splints. If the teacher is unable to obtain splints, small straight twigs of uniform size may be cut and tied up in bundles. The teacher now passes bundles to several children, asking how many units there are in each bundle. Ans. Ten units. Now, instead of saying here are ten units, we may say of this bundle that it is 1 ten. (This point is an arbitrary one, and the most direct and logical way is to tell it at once to the class.) The teacher now gives a different number of bundles to different children, and asks: What have you? Ans. Two bundles. What may you say instead of bundles? Ans. Tens. What have you? tell me again. Ans. I have 2 tens. The teacher drills in this way with the others who were given bundles. Teacher (holding up one bundle). What is here? Ans. Iten. How many units? Ans. 10 units. Who can write 1 ten on the board in figures? AEITHMETIC. 91 (Holding up two bundles.) What do I hold up? Ans. 2 tens. How many units? Ans. 20 units. You may write 2 tens upon the board. The teacher continues in this way till 9 tens is reached. The teacher now holds 2 bundles in one hand and three units in the other, and, asking what is in each hand, then puts the bundles and splints in one hand, asking, What is here? Ans. 2 tens and 3 units. Or how many units? Ans. 23 units. Please write it upon the board. Now, holding up bundles and units in different com- binations, children are asked to write upon the board the number of tens and units. Continue in a similar manner till children are thoroughly familiar with numbers to 99. THIRD STEP. Begin this step by review of foregoing matter in some such way as, Who can write upon the board a number containing tens and units? Read the figure which tells the number of units. The figure which tells the number of tens. The teacher will now have ready several large bun- dles containing ten of the smaller bundles. Handing one of them to a child, How many tens have you in your bundle? Ans. 10 tens. How many units are there in 10 tens? Ans. 100 units. 92 SCHOOL DEVICES. Who can write 100 units on the board? Taking another bundle, the teacher asks, How many units in this bundle? Aiis. 100 units. (Putting the two bundles together.) How many units in these? Ans. 200 units. Who can write 200 units on the board? Same for 300 units. And now, if children have been thoroughly taught, such abstract questions as, u Who can write 400 units on the board? 500 units?" etc., may be asked. The rather difficult point of leading children to recog- nize the number of tens in 100 units, 200 units, etc., now follows. But if the bundles of 100 each, and the numbers 100, 200, etc., are used in close relation, the difficulty is easily overcome. Let the teacher now put in one pile on the desk 1 bundle of 100 units (10 bundles of ten each), 2 bundles of ten each, and five splints, and then ask class how many units there are on the table. See that pupils recognize there are 1 hundred, 2 tens, and 5 units. Who can write a number on the board that shall ex- press as many splints as are here on the table? Child writes 125. Teacher now points to the large bundle, asking child to show what figure of the number on the board means so many. Pointing to the 2 bundles of 10 each, teacher asks for the figure that represents these ; then for the figure that represents these (the five single splints). Drill with other numbers, as 156, 224, etc. Point to the place in which we find units written. ARITHMETIC. 93 Pupil points to the first place. In what place do we find the tens? Ans. In the second place. Where, thinking of the units? Here the child will likely say next to the units, and must be led to see that he should say to the left of units. In what place is the hundreds written? Ans. In the third place. Where, thinking of the tens? Ans. To the left. Who can tell me what is written in each place? Ans. Units is written in first place, etc. Who can tell where units, tens, and hundreds are written? Ans. Units is written in the first place, tens is writ- ten in the second place, or to the left of units, and hundreds is written in the third place, or to the left of tens. The teacher should be in no hurry to get to thou- sands. Let there be drill upon the above again and again, varying as much as possible, so that the whole knowledge in these steps sinks deep into the child's mind, and is thoroughly assimilated. When that time comes, little trouble will be found in teaching what remains of Numeration. Numeration. When a pupil is able to read any number composed of three figures, there is nothing to hinder his taking up numbers of two, three, or more periods. Let the teacher write on the board a number like the following, being careful to separate the periods 94 SCHOOL DEVICES. a little more than would be necessary afterward : 167, 286, 534. Now, put a book over any two of the groups, and let the scholar read the figures of the uncovered group. The teacher may now state that when num- bers have more than three figures, they are divided into groups of three figures each, beginning at the right hand. The name given to the second group is thousands (teacher writes thousands obliquely above that period) ; the name given to the third group is millions (teacher writes millions above that group). Let the teacher next place a book over the first and second periods, and direct the pupil to read what is uncovered, and call the name of the group as soon as he reads the number. Moving the book along, the pupil is asked to read the second period and call the name above it. Then pass to the units period. Prac- tise now without the book. Next take numbers like these : 26,445, 4,262,676, 54,443,666. When able to read these without the name of the period written above, pass to numbers of four periods. It will be seen that when the pupil is ready to take the fourth period, nothing is necessary except to give him the name of that period. While learning to read, some numbers should be given him to write. Device for Drill with Decades. Write upon a sheet of manila-paper, with a small camel's-hair brush and common writing-ink, the numbers from to 109 in the following order: AEITHMETIG. 95 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 This table can be made the basis of much useful drill in classes of different grades. It is intended that the work shall be oral. Let 1 be added to the numbers of each decade ; as, 1 and are 1, 1 and 10 are 11, 1 and 20 are 21, and so on through the first decade. In like manner, add 1 to all the other decades. Then add 2, then 3, and all the numbers to 9, to each decade. In reciting, give to each pupil a decade. When in adding 2, the 9th decade is reached, viz., adding 2 to 8, the class may be asked what right- hand figure is given when 2 is added to 8. They reply, " Naught or zero." Here there is an inference for them that 2 and 8 give as a right-hand figure. So 2 and 9 give 1 as a right-hand figure. Then 3 and 7 give 0, 3 and 8 give 1, 3 and 9 give 2, as right-hand figures. The plan can now be readily seen. The value of the drill is the facility it gives in add- ing. Many persons who find no difficulty in telling instantly that 17 and 6 are 23, or that 18 and 7 are 25, have to halt a little and think twice to be sure that 77 and 6 are 83, or that 68 and 7 are 75. Now a pupil, in 96 SCHOOL DEVICES. the drill here suggested, goes through, in the decade of 7 and 6, the following: 7 and 6 are 13, 17 and 6 are 23, 27 and 6 are 33, 37 and 6 are 43, 47 and 6 are 53, 57 and 6 are 63, 67 and 6 are 73, 77 and 6 are 83, 87 and 6 are 93, 97 and 6 are 103, 107 and 6 are 113. In doing this, he learns so thoroughly that 7 and 6 in all combina- tions gives 3 as a right-hand figure, that when he adds a column of figures he will not hesitate and falter in his work when the sum progresses through the forties, fifties, sixties, etc. The decades can then be taken in reverse order, add- ing any number less than 10 to the 10th decade first, then to the 9th, and so on. It is only requisite to say that the use of the decadal table in subtraction is as necessary and varied as it is in addition. Counting by 2's, 3's, etc. --Variety of drill in addition is often secured by asking pupils to start with some number and count by 2's, 3's, etc. For instance, the child takes 1 as a basis, and counts by 2's as fol- lows: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. Then starting from 2, he gives 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, etc., carrying the counting as far as the teacher deems best, which ought sometimes, in the case of larger numbers, to go to 100. It will be seen that all the numbers below the one by which the counting is done are taken as a basis in order to make all the combinations. In counting by 5's, we should have 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, each as a starting- point. The above device, as will be readily recognized, is substantially the same as the Decades given else- ARITHMETIC. 97 where, except that in the Decades the pupil is aided by what the eye sees upon the chart. For Oral Practice in Adding and Subtracting 3, 7, 1 1 . Take the number 3, add it to 1, and succes- sively to the sums up to 50. Thus, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, etc. So with sevens: 1, 8, 15, 22, etc. Then take some large number, as 70 or 100, and go rapidly backwards, taking away three every time, or seven, or eleven. Borrowing One from the Next Column. Primary scholars frequently find it difficult to under- stand the reason of "borrowing one from the next column" in subtracting one number from another. The illustration given below will enable the teacher to make it clear to them. Suppose it is required to sub- tract 125 from 412. Have a number of one-dollar bills, ten-cent pieces, and pennies. Tell the class that the pennies will be called units, the ten-cent pieces tens, and the one-dollar bills hundreds. The question then becomes this : from four bills, one ten-cent piece, and two pennies take one bill, two ten-cent pieces, and five pennies. Ask the one having the four bills, one ten-cent piece, and two pennies to give you five pennies. As that will be found impossible, exchange the ten-cent piece for ten pennies. The pupil will then have twelve, and on giving the five will see that seven are left. Then ask for two ten-cent pieces, and as the pupil will have none, exchange one of the one-dollar bills for ten ten-cent pieces. On giving up two of them, eight will be left. After this ask for one one-dollar bill which, taken from the three bills left, will leave two. The 98 SCHOOL DEVICES. child will thus see that there are left two one-dollar bills, eight ten-cent pieces, and seven pennies, or 287. ANOTHER PLAN Write an example on the board in this way : 744 = 6 hundreds + 13 tens + 14 367 = 3 + 6 " + 7 377 3 77 Explain that 744 is equivalent to 6 hundred, 13 tens, and 14. In the same way, explain that 367 is equiva- lent to 3 hundreds, 6 tens, and 7. Next show that 7 cannot be taken from 4, so we borrow one of the tens from the 40. 7 tens cannot be taken from 3 tens, so we borrow 1 hundred, or 10 tens, which, with the 3 tens, makes 13 tens; giving for the whole 6 hundreds, 13 tens, and 14. Follow the same plan with the other number, and complete the subtraction. A Form of Drill by Diagrams. Draw upon the board the accompanying diagrams with colored cray- 2 11 9 18 1 6 4 10 J V ons. The teacher may point to different numbers, and the pupil states the result, having used the number in the centre of the diagram by adding, subtracting, or ARITHMETIC. 99 multiplying as previously directed. The centre num- ber is changed as soon as the combination becomes familiar. As seat-work, the pupil may be directed to begin with some figure and write upon his slate the results, going round the diagram towards the right or the left. If there is danger of copying from each other, one line of pupils can be directed to go round to the right, and another to the left. Rapid Addition. Special prominence should be given to the combinations of numbers that form ten ; as, 9 and 1, 8 and 2, 7 and 3, 6 and 4, etc. Again, the pupil should be taught to combine rapidly small num- bers into larger numbers, that when placed together will form ten; as, 1, 2, 4, and 3. The pupil should say simply, seven and three are ten. In adding a column of this sort, 3, 3, 4, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 1, 2, the pupil should say " ten, twenty, thirty, forty." Of course ordinary columns will not always be divisible into tens, but the principle holds good that when the eye can be trained to see large numbers in the combina- tion of small ones as quickly as the individual small numbers can be pronounced, there will be a great sav- ing of time. For Busy Teachers Drill in Fundamental Rules. A teacher can save much time and labor by the use of a chart in the arithmetic class. Take a wide piece of paper and across the top write the letters of the alphabet. Under these write any numbers that may be desired. If the class is learning to add numbers, all that the teacher need say is, " Add JT, D, and GL" Or, if the class is in subtraction, multi- 100 SCHOOL DEVICES. plication, or division, "From L takeS," " Multiply H by J," etc. Fractions can be written instead of whole numbers. Dollars and cents can also be used. Device for Detecting Incorrect Answers in Addition. When pupils have added the numbers given, draw a line under the result and direct them to add the numbers again, including the answer. If the work is correct, the last result will be double the first. Pupils will thus prove their own work, and the teacher can see at a glance whether the work is cor- rect or not, thus saving much time. Device for Teaching Multiplication. Have a number of lines composed of dots or small disks, mak- ing the dots or disks of each line with chalk of a different color. To teach the multiplication of two by three, for instance, show that the sign of multiplica- tion ( x ) means times. Direct pupil to point off three yellow dots, then three red dots, How many in all ? How many are three taken twice ? How many are two times three ? Let the work then be written thus: 2x3=6. Drill in Rapid Adding, Subtracting, Multiply- ing, and Dividing. As a general exercise for the whole school, just after the session opens in the morn- ing, or in the three or four minutes that sometimes remain before the time for closing, an example of this sort may be given: Let the pupils take their slates and add to 20 the number 4, subtract 10, multiply by 30, add 80, divide by 5, add 1, multiply by 9, take ARITHMETIC. 101 away 699. What is left ? Of course, the question can be varied in any way, the object being simply to induce rapidity and exactness of work. If there is not sufficient time for using slates, let the teacher give something like the following, requiring pupils to solve mentally, keeping up with the exercise as stated : Multiply 4 by 6, add 10, add 6, divide by 2, multiply by 5, subtract 9, subtract 8, subtract 3, divide by . Raise hands all who have an answer. What is yours ? yours ? yours ? etc. Those who gave 160 gave the correct answer. Such exercises can be varied, sometimes making them so simple that very young students in arith- metic can follow them, and again so difficult that only the most proficient in school are able to state the correct result. To Prevent Pupils Learning Tables by Rote. This device will afford variety in addition and multi- plication, and will to a considerable extent prevent pupils from learning the tables by rote or by the com- binations of sounds. Write the table on the blackboard. 5'8 2's 3's 4's 6's TB 8's 9's IG'8 10 12 7 6 4 12 3 9 11 6 3 9 3 9 9 2 6 4 11 6 4 9 6 11 7 12 6 5 4 8 10 10 5 8 7 10 4 9 6 12 3 10 12 11 5 1 7 12 7 1 4 10 4 3 3 2 3 11 11 6 9 10 7 7 11 5 4 5 3 11 3 12 12 5 10 8 12 2 6 1 9 102 SCHOOL DEVICES. Require individual pupils to point out on the black- board the combination of the figure in each column above the line across the top of the table, with the fig- ures below, and give only results : Add the column of "5's" downwards and upwards until the pupil has thoroughly mastered it. Do not allow pupils to repeat five and ten are fifteen, five and six are eleven, five and eleven are sixteen, etc., but require them to point on the blackboard to each figure in the column, and give only results; down- wards thus, 15, 11, 16, 10, 9, 6, 8, 12, 17; upwards, 17, 12, 8, 6, 9, 10, 16, 11, 15. Add the other columns in the same manner. Rapid Addition by Sums of Ten. Add silently and tell how many tens and units in each group. For example, 7 + 7 + 7; two tens and one unit. 6 + 7 + 9 7 + 6 + 7 3 + 9 + 7 8 + 8 + 6 6+5 + 9 2 + 8 + 6 In adding, keep the tens' results in the mind: e.g., in 6 + 7 + 9, think, 6+4 + 12 = 22; 7 + 6 + 7, think, 7 + 3 = 10 added to (7 + 3) 10 = 20. The habit of separating and combining quickly, so as to see all the tens' sums, is easily acquired and greatly facilitates rapidity and accuracy of adding. Give many com- binations of three units, until the class is quick and accurate. Then take four figures, as: 7 + 6 + 7 + 2, 6 + 6 + 7 + 9, 8 + 7 + 8 + 6. The plan applies to large numbers equally as well, as: 15 + 16 + 17 18 + 19 + 11 17 + 11 + 12 Value of Zero in Multiplication. In teaching addition and subtraction, children readily understand ARITHMETIC, 103 the value of zero. They will say without hesitation that4 + Oor + 4 = 4, and that 8 8 = Oor8 = 8. But it is not uncommon to find pupils as far ad- vanced as fractions, in multiplying, make the mistake that 8x0 = 8 or 0x6 = 6. For this reason there should be special drill in mul- tiplying zero by any number, or any number by zero. In building up the multiplication tables the teacher can best judge when to give this drill to a class. We will suppose, for example, the lesson to be on the number eight. Give to each pupil a bundle of eight sticks, and let the teacher continue as follows : " Put down upon the table one stick at a time till all are down. How many times have you put down one stick to make eight sticks ?" " Eight times." Write upon the blackboard 8x1 = 8. "All the sticks in hand. Lay them all down at once. How many times did you lay them down ?" "Onetime." Write 1x8 = 8. "All the sticks in hand. Put your hands down eight times, but lay down nothing each time. How many times did you lay down nothing ?" " Eight times." " What is on the table ?" "Nothing." " Then 8x0 equals what ?" "Nothing." Write upon the blackboard 8x0 = 0. " Sticks in hand. Put your hands to the table one time, but lay down nothing. What is on the table ?" "Nothing." 104 SCHOOL DEVICES. " Then 0x8 equals what ?" 11 Nothing." Teacher writes x 8 = 0. Rapid Work in Multiplication. As it takes a great deal of time to work out even short examples, it is well to have a few devices for finding correct an- swers without going over the work. Take two figures for the multiplicand and two for the multiplier; the sum of the units must be ten, and the tens must be alike ; for instance, 21 x 29, 32 x 38, 43 x 47, 54 x 56, 65 x 65, etc. The answer is obtained by multiplying the units' fig- ures together and keeping the whole amount, adding one to one of the tens' figures, multiplying them and keeping that whole amount, as 78 x 72. Multiply the units' figures together, 2x8 equals 16. Keep the whole amount. Add one to one of the tens' figures, 7 + 1 = 8; then multiply the tens' figures, 8x7 equals 56. Keep the whole amount. Ans. 5616. Adding ciphers to either multiplicand or multiplier will lengthen the examples. Rapid Slate Work. The recitation in Arithmetic has been finished, and a little time still remains. The pupils have their slates or pencil tablets. A simple problem is announced, involving principles and pro- cesses with which the pupils are familiar, with the understanding that the pupil who first gets the correct answer may retire from the class to his seat. The other members of the class do not continue to work at the problem, but a new one is given them immediately, on the same conditions as before. This may be con- ARITHMETIC. 105 tinued as long as time permits or the interest lasts. The stimulus to work rapidly and accurately is very great. Even classes well advanced will enter into such a contest with zest. Mental Drill in Number. Most pupils can mul- tiply by 10, 12, or 15, without writing out the partial products. With a little practice they can multiply in the same way by any number containing two or three figures, and the mental drill acquired by this rapid calculation will be of great service through the entire work in arithmetic. For example, it is required to multiply 42 by 23. 1st. 3x2 = 6, which write down for the units' figure in the product. 42 2d. (3 x 4) + (2 x 2) = 16. Write down the 6 for the tens' figure in the product, and reserve 966 1 to add. 2x4 = 8+1 = 9, which completes the product. 1st. 7 x 8 = 56. Write down the 6 as the units' fig- ure in the product, and reserve 5 to add. 68 2d. (7 x 6) + (2 x 8) + 5 (to add) = 63. Write down the 3 for the tens' figure in the product, 1 836 an ^ reserve 6 to add. 3d. 2 x 6 + 6 =18, which completes the product. 1st. 5 x 5 = 25. Write down the 5 for the units' fig- ure in the product, and reserve 2 to add. 2d. (5 x 2) + (4 x 5) + 2 = 32. Write down 125 the 2 for the tens' figure in the product, and re- 45 serve 3 to add. ~^~^ 3d. (5 x 1) + (4 x 2) + 3 = 16. Write down the 6 for the hundreds' figure in the product, and reserve 1 to add. 106 SCHOOL DEVICES. 4th. 4x1 + 1 = 5, which completes the product. 1st. 3x0 = 0. Write down the for the units' fig- ure in the product. 2d. (3 x 6) + (7 x 0) = 18. Write down the 560 8 for the tens' figure in the product, reserving 73 i to add. 40 880 3d ' ( 3 x 5 ) + (? x 6 ) + * = 58 - Write down the 8 for the hundreds' figure in the product reserving 5 to add. 4th. 7 x 5 = 35 + 5 = 40, which completes the product. Teach Long Division before Short Division, as short division is seldom used, and after it is taught, it lessens in no way the difficulty of teaching long division. On the other hand, when a pupil has learned long division, the teacher has hut to mention short division, show how an example is worked, and the pupil takes it without putting further time upon it. In long division, the form is the difficult thing. We give below a series of examples each representing a step. The arbitrary matters about long division must be told. See that the pupil has thorough famili- arity with each step before going to the next. To secure this familiarity, the teacher will have to supply other examples similar to each step. ARITHMETIC. 107 2)426(213 4 2 2 6 6 3)693(231 6 3 3 4)448(113 4 4 4 8 8 4)8084(2021 8 8 8 4 4 2)496(248 4 9 8 16 16 3)6342(2114 6 3 3 4 3 12 12 108 SCHOOL DEVICES. 6)672(112 7 6 12 12 7)791(113 7 9 7 21 21 8)824(103 8 24 24 5)905(181 5 40 40 5 5 9)189(21 18 9 9 9)1890(210 18 11)242(22 22 11)2420(220 22 22 22 ARITHMETIC. 109 12)384(32 25)575(23 36 50 24 75 24 75 25)3275(131 25 77 75 25 25 Do a great deal of work with divisors containing but two figures. A way to pass to divisors of three or more figures will now readily suggest itself. Of Value in G. C. D. and L. C. M. Any num- ber is divisible by three, if the sum of its digits is di- visible by three. Any number is divisible by four if it end with two or more ciphers, or if the number expressed by its two right hand digits is divisible by four. Any number is divisible by eight if the number expressed by its three right-hand figures is divisible by eight. Any number is divisible by seven, eleven, or thir- teen, if the units' period and the thousands' period are the same. Diagrams for Teaching Fractions. Probably no portion of the arithemetic gives more trouble to 110 SCHOOL DEVICES. scholars than fractions. This difficulty may be les- sened to a considerable extent by the use of diagrams. For instance, addition and subtraction may be taught in this way : By these diagrams the pupil will at once see that j-f j = i, that i+i=f , that i = f , that i+J+ J = 1. He will readily see that i i=i, that 1 f=i. Other diagrams of a like nature can be easily invented. 1$ multiplication a figure of this sort may be used: ARITHMETIC!. Ill The pupil will readily see that of i = |, that of 1 = , that t of i = -J-. Other diagrams will readily occur to the teacher. In division the following figure, divided into fifths and tenths, will show that f is contained 1J times in \. The following diagram will show that | is contained twice in f. Chart for Teaching Fractions. Addition and subtraction of fractions can be taught to advantage by taking small circles of different colored papers, and dividing them into halves, quarters, etc. After cutting them into the divisions required, paste them upon a sheet of manilla paper as shown in the dia- gram. If, for example, the pupil is required to add | to f, by taking circles that are divided into fourths, it will be plain to him that the result is f , which he will also see is equivalent to li. 112 SCHOOL DEVICES. ABITHMETIC. 113 If it is desired to subtract f from a whole number, then by taking a circle which is divided into eighths, the pupil will see at a glance that f remain. Multiplication of Fractions. Let each of the pupils be provided with narrow slips of paper. Sup- pose it is required to multiply i by f. Direct the pupils to divide one of these slips into four equal parts. They will then see what is meant by i. They should then be directed to divide one of these fourths into three equal pieces, and take two of them. The class are then asked how many times they can take two such pieces from the original paper. It will be apparent to them that it would be six times, and that in taking these two pieces out once they take a sixth part of the whole, or that f of i is \. Incorrect Reading of Certain Fractions. Many teachers and pupils read the fraction T ^, one one-hundredth ; the fraction yf -Q-, two one-hundredths ; and in the same way T f ^ yfo, etc. The incorrectness of this may be shown by writing the fraction -^ twice on the board, and in another place the fraction T | 7 . Pointing to the first two, the teacher may ask, " What are these? " The pupils must logically say " Two one- hundredths." When the teacher points to the other fraction, the class must answer "Two-hundredths." An Aid in Learning to Read Decimals. Often a class finds difficulty in remembering the names of the places in decimal notation. Confusion is likely to arise when the number of decimal places is four, five, six, or seven. For instance, the decimal .42606 will 114 SCHOOL DEVICES. often be read ten-thousandths, instead of hundred- thousandths. The difficulty comes from the pupil being unable to tell at once whether the fifth place is ten-thousandths or hundred-thousandths. A drill upon the following scheme would prevent this. Write this upon the board: , I I II Ifg^rii?,; -o a .a a -a j I I I 3 | I 1 1 i I I I j i I 1 I 123456789 Then ask what is the third place, the sixth place, the ninth place. The pupil in replying thousandths, millionths, bil- lionths, associates in his mind the order third, sixth, ninth place, with the guiding names, thousandths, millionths, billionths. Let the teacher continue his progress by threes through the places of notation, by asking next what the name of the first place is, what the fourth, what the seventh. After this let the scholar discover that the hundredths, hundred-thou- sandths, and hundred-millionths places are related to the second place in progression by three. When the pupil sees these relations, question upon the name of the places by calling their numbers until complete mastery is obtained. Development Lesson in Multiplication of Decimals. Teacher. Since we first express, read, add, and sub- ARITHMETIC. 115 tract decimal fractions as integers, how shall we mul- tiply a decimal fraction by a decimal fraction? Pupil. As integers. T. Multiply, then, one hundred twenty-five thou- sandths by five-tenths. .125 .5 625 T. What have you multiplied? P. 125. T. How does 125 compare in value with .125? P. 125 is one thousand times as great as .125. T. How, then, does your product compare with the true product? P. It is one thousand times as great. T. How do you find the true product? P. By dividing 625 by 1,000. T. How do you do this? P. By pointing off three places from the right of the product. .125 T. Do this, and read the result? & P. Six hundred twenty-five thousandths. .625 T. By what have you multiplied? P. By 5. T. By what were you required to multiply? P. By .5. T. How does 5 compare in value with .5? P. 5 is ten times as great as .5. T. How, then, does the product .625 compare in value with the true product? 116 SCHOOL DEVICES. P. It is ten times as great. T. How do you find the true product? P. By dividing .625 by 10. -125 T. Do this, and read the result. 1? P. Six hundred twenty-five ten thousandths. .0625 Solve several examples in the same way, and then lead the class to infer the rule. Writing Decimals. 1. The pupil must know the name and the number of each order, at the right of the decimal point. He must have these facts so thoroughly fixed in his memory that he can instantly give the name of the order if the number is spoken, or give the number of the order from the decimal point if the name is spoken. 2. In writing pure decimals, require the pupils to place the period on the blackboard first. 3. Permit no erasing, no numerating, no second trial. 4. The name of any number is determined by the position of its right-hand figure with respect to the decimal point. 5. Suppose the teacher to speak the number two hundred seventy -eight million ths. The pupil thinks : a. Millionths' order is the sixth at the right of the decimal point, hence the 8 must stand in that place. b. Three figures are required to express two hundred seventy-eight, hence three zeroes must precede the two. The order then is, period, three zeroes, two, seven, eight. When he has thought through the work he is ready to use the crayon intelligently. The work should be performed very slowly until the ARITHMETIC. 117 pupil has mastered the details of the method. When these are under his control, great facility should be secured before the matter is left. In order that the teacher may discover whether the pupils are doing the requisite thinking, the class may be required to state what is to be done, or to tell the teacher how to write the decimal. Suppose the number to be fifty-seven ten-thou- sandths. The recitation may take a form similar to the following: Ten-thousandths' order is the fourth at the right of the point. Two figures are required to express fifty-seven, hence the fifty-seven will be pre- ceded by two zeroes. The expression consists of the decimal point, two zeroes, and fifty-seven. Teaching Tables of Weights and Measures. 1. Measures of Length. Have at hand a foot-rule or a stick one foot in length marked into twelve equal spaces, also twelve sticks or pieces of card-board one inch in length. Draw two perpendicular lines upon the blackboard having the space between them one inch. Show at the same time one of the inch sticks, and tell pupils that the length of the space and the stick is one inch. Holding objects one inch apart, ask the distance. Ask pupils to draw a line one inch in length, two inches, six inches, and so on to twelve. Pass the foot-rule to the pupils for them to examine, and have each draw one upon the blackboard or upon his slate. Next, have a stick three feet in length, divided by marks into three equal spaces, and tell class that three foot spaces equal one yard. Let the pupils practise drawing lines one yard long, one yard and one half, 118 SCHOOL DEVICES. one yard and nine inches, etc. Ask one member of the class to measure with the yard-stick five and one half spaces, and another to measure with the foot- rule sixteen and one half spaces. Let them compare the two measurements, and then tell them the distance between the two points is one rod. Provide the class with a line or pole one rod in length, and measure distances outside of the schoolroom. If the school- grounds are enclosed, it is a good plan to require their dimensions in yards or rods. Tell the class that three hundred and twenty rod-spaces make one mile. Have an object one mile from the schoolhouse observed. Ask such questions as : How far to your home ? How far to the river ? How far to the nearest city, town, or village ? How many times would you have to go to a friend whose house is one mile away to equal the distance to the nearest town, etc. Write upon the blackboard the table of Long Meas- ure, and drill thoroughly upon it. Require pupils to write it upon their slates. Measures of Surfaces. When beginning square measure the pupil must first clearly distinguish the square inch from the lineal inch. One way of effect- ing this is to cut pasteboard or paper into pieces one inch square, ask pupils to measure the side, and then tell them that a square whose side is one inch is a square inch. Require pupils to draw a square inch and a linear inch, and compare. Enlarge the square inch to two square inches, to four square inches. As soon as scholars know a square inch when they see it, require them to draw rectangles of various shapes and sizes, divide them into square inches, and from the ARITHMETIC. 119 measurements and results deduce the rule for finding the area of a rectangle when the sides are given. Ask the pupils to draw a square foot, divide it into square inches, and calculate the area from the side. Do not tell them that there are one hundred forty- four square inches in a square foot, but let them find it out for themselves. Require pupils to measure the sides of hooks, slates, etc., and calculate the areas. Prove the work frequently by actual division into square inches. Pursue the same plan in developing the idea of a square yard. It should be drawn upon the blackboard and divided into square feet. The square rod should be measured on the school- ground, using same space measured in teaching a linear rod for one side of the square rod, the corners staked, and the area calculated in square yards. After the pupils thoroughly understand the area of a square rod, toll them that one hundred sixty square rods in any form are called an acre, and have them locate plots of ground each containing one acre. Tell the pupils the number of acres in a square mile. Write table of Square Measure on the blackboard and drill upon it. Measures of Solidity. Begin cubic measure by teaching the cubic inch with blocks an inch on each edge. Let the pupils handle them and tell how they differ from a linear inch or a square inch. Ask them to pile the blocks into rectangular solids of different sizes, observe the dimensions in linear inches, and the solidity in cubic inches, and finally deduce the rule for finding the contents. 120 SCHOOL DEVICES. Use a box one foot on each outside edge to represent a cubic foot, and ask the pupil to explain the differ- ence between a linear foot, a square foot, and a cubic foot. Illustrate the cubic yard with a three-inch cube, and the cord and cord-foot, which should not be made a part of the table, with a block 8 by 4 by 4. Complete the work by requiring the contents of small boxes in cubic inches, and of larger ones in cubic feet. Drill upon the table. Measures of Capacity. Place before the class a set of liquid measures, gallon, quart, pint, and gill, and tell them their names. Make a part of the table by filling the larger measures with water measured in the smaller ones, and complete it by telling the pupils the number of gallons in a barrel and in a hogshead. Or, if any pupil can find at home an empty water- tight barrel, ask him to ascertain, by measuring, the number of gallons in a barrel, and allow him to state the fact to the class instead of telling them yourself. Drill upon the table. To teach dry measure, use quart, peck, and half- bushel measures. Build up the table by measuring, using sand or corn. Compare the dry quart with the liquid quart. Drill by asking such questions as, How many quarts in a half -bush el ? How many pecks are required to fill a two-bushel sack ? etc. Ask them to name articles measured by dry measure, by liquid measure. Drill upon the table. ARITHMETIC. 121 Measures of Weight. Teach avoirdupois weight by bringing before the class ounce, two-ounce, quarter- pound, half-pound, and pound weights. Ask questions which require class to change ounces to pounds and pounds to ounces. Tell them the number of pounds in a hundredweight and the number of hundredweight in a ton. Drill thoroughly upon the table, using the abbreviations and symbols. In apothecaries' weight lead class to see that sixteen druggists' ounces equal a liquid pint. Measure of Time. Direct the pupils' attention to the clock, and ask them to notice lapses of time till they have a good idea of various short periods, such as five seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, five min- utes, etc. Ask them the length of each intermission of the school-work, the length of time passed in school each day. Explain the artificial division of the day into two parts, and how the morning hours are distin- guished from those of the afternoon. The number of days in each month should be thoroughly learned (see page 129), and each pupil should know the date of his birth, and be able to tell his exact age at the time of reckoning. Circular Measure. It is very difficult for young pupils to comprehend the true nature of circular meas- ure, and a thorough comprehension of it ought not to be expected till geometry is reached. However, pupils readily understand the division of a circle into parts. Draw a circle upon the blackboard, and begin with telling pupils that every circle is divided into three hundred and sixty parts, called degrees. Draw diam- 122 SCHOOL DEVICES. eters so as to divide the circle into four equal parts, and ask how many degrees in each part. Tell pupils that each angle made by the diameters is a right angle or an angle of ninety degrees. Ask pupils to draw right angles upon their slates, upon the blackboard, and to point out right angles in the schoolroom. Lead them to recognize angles less than a right angle or acute angles, and angles greater than a right angle or obtuse angles. Divide one of the right angles in the circle that has been drawn into two equal angles, and ask what kind of an angle each is, and how many de- grees it contains. In this way a pupil may be given some elementary ideas about circular measure. United States Coins. The most practical work a pupil can do in studying United States money is to handle the coins and use them. They will likely know the name, appearance, and relative value of the different coins, but will need drill in computing the cost of articles sold by the yard and pound, in count- ing the requisite sums for payment, and in making change. Divisions of Time To Vary Number Work. Write upon the blackboard the following: There are months in a year. There are weeks in a year. There are days in a year. There are days in a month. There are days in a week. There are hours in a day. There are minutes in an hour. There are weeks in a month. ARITHMETIC. 123 There are seconds in an hour. There are seconds in a minute. After the blanks have been properly filled ask such questions as : How many minutes in 3 hours ? How many hours in 2i days ? How many months in six years ? How many weeks in i of a year ? How many months in i of a year ? How many weeks in 3 years ? How many hours in 4 days ? How many days in 4 years ? How many hours in 3i weeks ? Steps in Arithmetic. Giving steps in arithmeti- cal solutions is an excellent method of impressing operations upon the minds of pupils. Thus, in the addition of fractions, after preparing the class to reduce fractions to lowest terms, find the least common multiple of given denominators; and to change to similar fractions rapidly, the following steps should be written in some conspicuous place on the board: STEPS FOR THE ADDITION OF FRACTIONS: 1. Eeduce the given fractions to lowest terms. 2. Find the least common multiple of the denomi- nators. 3. Change to similar fractions. 4. Add the numerators. 5. Change results to a whole or mixed number. 6. Reduce fractional part of answer to lowest terms. 124 SCHOOL DEVICES. An example being then placed on the board, six pupils may each take one of the steps given, as fol- lows: Example: | + J + + J = , Recitation 1. John. All the fractions except are in their low- est terms. (Changes f to j.) 2. Chas. The least common multiple of 6, 2, 4, and 3 is 12. (Writes : L. C. M. or L, C. D. equals 12.) Ethel. The third step is to change to similar frac- tions. ( Writes and recites, arranging in this order for convenience.) Five sixths equals ten twelfths; one half equals six twelfths, etc. 5. 1 J _? _ 6 2 4 3 " 10 6_ _9_ _8 12 12 12 12 4. Clarence. The fractions added equal f f . 5. Maud. Thirty -three twelfths is an improper frac- tion. It equals 2 and T 9 ^. (Trace. The fraction T V is equal to f . The answer is 2 and f . Problems may be taken in a similar manner; thus, in the following problem : After J of the pupils of a school have left, and f have been promoted, what part remains ? Mary. In this problem two operations are to be per- formedaddition and subtraction. Morrill. The first step is, add and f to find how many pupils are gone from the school. ARITHMETIC. 125 Allen. The second step is, subtract the result from the whole number to find how many or what part re- mains. This is an excellent plan for keeping the attention of a large class. Children like details. Percentage- If you have had difficulty in teach- ing Percentage, finding that your pupils at length be- come confused with formulas and the terms "Base," " Rate," " Percentage," etc., drop these and teach Per- centage as a part of common fractions. The applications of fractions to percentage are as follows : 1. What are f of 20 ? 2. 12 is | of what number ? 3. 12 is what part of 16 ? The first work in percentage should be a review of these problems. Use fractions having 100 for a denom- inator a great deal; also fractions representing the most common per cents, such as , , -J-, |, f , f , . Then require pupils to change these and similar fractions to lOOths; after this require them to rewrite and read, using the term per cent instead of the de- nominator 100. Now it is best to take up the work in an opposite way ; for instance, give examples with the term per cent and require the pupil to rewrite and read, using the denominator 100 or the fraction in its lowest terms. Give a great number of exercises in changing com- mon per cents to corresponding fractions, and the re- verse. Assign examples like the following, and let pupils 126 SCHOOL DEVICES. state them as examples in fractions : u A dealer having 120 bales of hay, lost f of it by fire ; how many bales were lost?" would then read, " What is f of 120 bales? Such drill will teach the pupil that he must first de- cide what an example requires before he attempts to solve it. Let there be a great deal of original work in the way of pupils bringing in problems of their own inventing ; for when a pupil can make and solve his own examples upon percentage he has mastered a knowledge of its principles. It will be seen that by the use of these simple forms, which represent all possible problems in percentage, the use of " cases," and the terms Base, Difference, etc., have been avoided, and that, therefore, the pupil has not been told in a difficult and roundabout way what he already knows in a simple and direct way. Take now some percentage topic, as Profit and Loss. All through the work up to this point the terms " Gain, " " Loss," "Cost," "Selling Price," have been used, and they need no further definition here. All that is necessary is to impress the pupil with the fact that gains, losses, and selling price are reckoned on the cost, or are a part of it. Make no cases here. Give examples of every kind, and the pupil will place them under the proper form with no assistance. Putting examples under special cases dulls the discriminating power of a pupil. As an illustration of the solution of problems the following is added: 1. A manufacturer sent a commission merchant $3,675 to buy cotton for him. What is the commission at 5 per cent? ARITHMETIC. 127 Solution. $3,675 == cost of cotton 4- commission. - commission. 20 r = cost of cotton. 21 -- = cost of cotton and commission. Therefore, -^ = $3,675. 1 20 : 2. Bought a second-hand wagon for $48.12, and sold it so as to gain 16f per cent; what was the selling price ? Solution. $48.12 = cost. 1 6 = 7 5- = selling price. D I = 8.02. 7 Therefore, ^ = $56.14, selling price. 3. An agent charged $46.75 for selling a quantity of oats. What was the sum returned to the grower, if the agent's rate of commission was 24 per cent ? Solution. $46.75 is the commission. 24 per cent = -r^. 128 SCHOOL DEVICES. - r- = commission. 40 - selling price. 40 1 39 40 " 40 = 49' amount 39 Therefore, ^ = $1823.25, the amount returned. Drill for Percentage. In order to show how all fractions can he changed into per-cents, draw four per- pendicular lines on the board, and in the first column write a common fraction; in the next the same value written as hundredths, and in the last the same as per cent. Thus: Com. Fraction. As hundredths. As per-cents. i 50 hundredths .50 4 33i " .331 Write a numher of common fractions and let the pu- pil fill out the other two columns. Give Frequently Examples in Words instead of Figures. In giving original examples, let them frequently be given in words, not figures. The arith- metical questions which arise in actual life are not in the shape of figures, but we translate them into these from our usual form of speech. Therefore, examples given in the form of words are much easier to solve, because more natural. Aids in Interest. An easy way to state fractions of a month, provided the number of days is divisible by 3, is by placing them in the form of tenths, thus : ARITHMETIC. 129 3 days = .1 month; 6 days = .2; 9 days = .3; 12 days = .4; 15 days = .5; 18 days = .6; 21 days = .7; 24 days = .8; 27 days = .9. Two months and eighteen days would be written thus: 2.6 months. It is worth remembering that from any day of any month to the same day of the following month, there are as many days as in the first-mentioned month. Number of the Month. It is necessary for work- ing problems in interest that the pupil be able to tell instantly the number of each month in the year. Too many teachers pass this matter without giving it any attention. A little drill upon the following scheme will make pupils confident of the number, instead of having to count, as many are obliged to do. Write the abbreviations of the months in order upon the board, numbering them. At once it will be seen that March, the first month of spring, is the third month ; that June, the first of the summer months, is the sixth; that September, the first of the autumn months, is the ninth; that December, the first of the winter months, is the twelfth. With these firmly fixed, the number of any other month is told instantly. For instance, May is the fifth month, being immedi- ately before June, the sixth. It is perhaps well to add in this place that it is just as important the pupil should know the number of days in each month. Do not teach that old quatrain " Thirty days hath Sep- tember," etc., for the pupil will rely upon it at first, and is afterwards never able to get rid of it. Every one knows the number of days in February. Then all the other months have thirty-one days except four. All, then, that need be done is to drill thor- 130 SCHOOL DEVICES. oughly that April, June, September, and November are the months having thirty days each. Form for Partial Payments. Where a number of payments are given, the whole work will be pre- served and the operation made plain to the student if the work is stated as shown below. The dates are all placed one above the other in proper order, with the earliest date at the bottom. Subtract this last date from the next above and place the result below the line. Subtract this last date from the one next above it, and place the number of years, months, etc., below the first number of years and months, and so on for all the dates, connecting each date with its own re- sulting years, months, and days by a dotted line. At the right may be placed the interest of $1 for the given time, and at the right of the dates may be placed the payments. The annexed work will show what is meant. 187810-23 1876 22 $25. 1873 4 5 $200. 1872 1 1 $100. 1868 6 5 3_ 6-26.. ..2141 1 3 4. ...075f 2 9 27.... 1691 2 8 21. ...1631 To Insure Thorough Understanding of Cube Root. In teaching cube root by blocks and in this connection it is well to remind teachers that in this subject blocks should be used if possible, as in no other way can the work be made equally clear send AEITHMETW. 131 the pupil to the board to extract the cube root of a number, and, when he has found the root, direct him to explain, illustrating each step with the blocks as he proceeds. Be sure that the pupil handles the blocks as he explains. In this way it is possible to see if he is familiar with each step of the work. Read chapter xi. Fitch's " Lectures on Teaching." 132 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER VI. PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. Preparation of Work. A certain amount of preparation for each lesson is an absolute necessity. The general plan and arrangement of the subject must be made beforehand, in order to gain the full value of the lesson, for there is not time to decide on the spur of the moment the most important parts, or how they shall be presented. In every recitation, the two principal points to which the attention should be directed are the calling-up of that previously learned (review), and the imparting of new knowledge (advance work). In doing this, the teacher will find it most profitable to take up that part of the review most intimately connected with the advance work, thus leading the pupil on logically from one truth to another. In a thoughtful prepara- tion of a subject, these questions naturally arise: What portion of the review work leads most easily into the advance work? What parts of the advance work shall be brought into the greatest prominence? What questions shall be asked, and how comprehensive an answer required? In what way and to what extent may the blackboard be used? What amount of time PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. 133 shall be devoted to each division of the work? Many minor points can also be introduced, which will in- crease the interest in the subject and make the recita- tions spirited. Without such a preparation, all efforts in teaching will be rambling and, in great part, point- less. Eead the chapter, The Practice or Art of Education, in Payne's " Lectures on Education." Assisting Pupils. Teachers almost universally help their pupils too much, both in explanation of dif- ficult points, and in questioning suggesting the an- swer by the form of the question. The instructor falls into the former error by misconceiving the object for which pupils are sent to school. This is not, or at least should not be, to gain information, but for mental training. Many teachers reason thus: "This scholar cannot solve this problem ; he must not leave the room until he can see just how it is done." If this example were to be the only hard thing the pupil would have to solve in life, such reasoning might be fairly sound; as it is, there is no more reason why help should be given on this particular problem than on the thousand and one others equally as hard which could easily be constructed, and which the scholar will meet again and again in life. If the pupil would lay to heart the explanation, and profit by it in the time to come, the case would be different, but in nine cases out of ten, so long as the correct answer is ob- tained, the student is satisfied, and promptly banishes the whole thing from his mind. Students are not urged to work half hard enough on the difficult places, which would afford the very best 134 SCHOOL DEVICES. kind of mental training, if only encouragement to per- severe were given instead of actual assistance. It is far better to go slowly, and let it be regarded a dis- grace to own one's self to be beaten by a lesson, or any portion of it, rather than to attempt to "get over" a certain number of pages in a term. Teacher's Note-book. New ideas and ways of teaching are constantly occurring to a progressive teacher, both in his own experience and in that of others that falls under his notice. Many of these will be lost unless they are written down at once. Let these hints and helps be placed in a note-book, arranged in some simple order under special headings. Apt illustrations that can be used in the various studies taught, should be preserved as one happens upon them. Special Topics. A teacher frequently runs over in his mind the special points he wishes to bring up in a recitation. Some of these he may remember, while others will be forgotten. Use a slip of paper with these special points written upon it. Ten Rules for Losing Control of a School. 1. Neglect to furnish each pupil plenty of suitable seat-work. 2. Make commands that you do not or cannot se- cure the execution of. Occasionally make a demand with which it is impossible to comply. 3. Be frivolous, and joke pupils to such an extent that they will be forced to talk back. In this way they will soon learn to be impertinent in earnest. Or be so cold and formal as to repel them. PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. 135 4. Allow pupils to find out that they can annoy you. 5. Promise more in your pleasant moods than you can perform, and threaten more in your cross moods than you intend to perform. 6. Be so variable in your moods that what was al- lowable yesterday will be criminal to-day, or vice versa. 7. Be overbearing to one class of pupils and obsequi- ous to another class. 8. Utterly ignore the little formalities and courtesies of life in the treatment of your pupils in school and elsewhere. 9. Eegard the body, mind, and soul of a child utterly unworthy of study and care. Let it be a matter of indifference to you whether a child is comfortable or uncomfortable. Kegard it unimportant why a child enjoys one thing and dislikes another, and that it is not your business to aid him in forming a worthy character. 10. Let your deportment toward parents and officers be such as will cause a loss of their respect and confi- dence. One or more of these rules carefully executed will secure the end in view. Class Management. Strive to govern by the eye, not by the voice. Stand well back from your class so as to see every pupil. Seat dull, backward, and restless pupils in front. Separate mischievous children. 2. Give as few orders as possible, but be firm in having them promptly and thoroughly obeyed when given. 136 SCHOOL DEVICES. 3. Remember that good discipline is impossible with children unemployed. Allow no waste of time in be- ginning. 4. Avoid speaking in a loud, blustering tone. Be ever on the alert, and warn when necessary. Do not scold, and never threaten. 5. Give careful attention to details. Study your pupils and know them. 6. Never sneer at children. Be cautious not to dampen their natural ardor and gayety. 7. Authority should be felt, not seen. The need for much punishment means in nearly all cases, weak handling. If children are troublesome, look to your- self first. Criticism. The following points of criticism are introduced to aid teachers in criticising their own or others' work. It must prove of benefit to a teacher to ask himself, seriously, u Have I zeal and anima- tion in my manner of conducting a recitation? Have I sympathy and interest in those who are under my care? Is my plan logical and my matter correct?" I. Manner. 1. Animation. 2. Variety. 3. Expression of sympathy and interest. II. Teaching. 1. Correctness of matter taught. 2. Thoroughness. 3. Emphasis on important points. 4. Rapidity. 5. Conciseness. 6. Variety, frequency, and emphasis in drill. PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. 137 IH Order. 1. Attention gained and maintained. 2. Prompt and cheerful obedience. 3. Quietness, steadiness, and interest with which scholars work. The Language of the Teacher. It is of the greatest importance that one who is to give instruc- tion should make such use of language as will con- vey the exact meaning intended, without a possibility of misconception. The unwise choice of a word often acts like a misplaced switch at a railroad centre, the thinker is thrown off on the wrong track. It is no defence for the teacher to say that his powers of ex- pression are not good ; it makes him only a confessedly poor teacher, since the essential difference between good and poor teaching is the ability, or inability, to make ideas clear to the mind of the pupil. By the careless use of words, ideas wholly different from those intended to be conveyed, may become fixed in the scholar's mind, that will never be eradicated. Precision can be acquired by the diligent study of synonymes, and by a constant effort on the part of the teacher to make his words express the exact idea in- tended ; and to do this he must train himself to habits of exact thought. If the thought does, not stand out, sharply defined, in one's own mind, it is idle to expect it to be clearly seen by others. Points Relative to Recitations. There is far too much machine work in the way some teachers " hear a lesson." It is not enough that one should listen to that which has been prepared, assign an advance 138 SCHOOL DEVICES. lesson, and then dismiss the class. When a recita- tion is regarded by the teacher in this light, the pupils will naturally and surely come to regard the lesson as a task ; and when this occurs, interest will fail. There are a number of points that should be con- sidered in every recitation: 1. The pupils' powers of observation should be brought into prominence. 2. They should be taught to reason out that which is dif- ficult. 3. They should be taught to recall that which has been prepared before, bearing upon the same subject. 4. An easy, graceful mode of expressing ideas should be cultivated. 5. The pupils should be aided as much as possible in acquiring confidence and an easy manner of reciting. 6. The teacher must give some positive knowledge, supplementary to that con- tained in the lesson. Text-books should be used merely as suggestions for lessons. Other points to be considered are these: The hearing of the lesson, in order to see how much of it the pupil comprehends. Explaining that which the pupil is not able to comprehend. Drilling on the review to fix in mind that which has already been learned. The assignment of the next lesson. Some time should be spent in looking over the advance lesson, and in suggesting ways by which the pupils can avoid difficulties and arrive at the correct results most easily; but in doing this, do not give too much help. The teacher's province is to direct and suggest ways and means. Creating Doubt. In calling the attention of pu- pils to a mispronounced word, give the correct pro- nunciation and stop there. Do nqt say, for instance. PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. 139 "This word is pronounced franchiz not franchiz;" for this eventually leads to doubt as to which is cor- rect. There are scores of other ways in which a teacher, unless careful, will destroy the permanency of impressions, by leaving in the mind some accompani- ment that at last will simply create doubt. On Explanation. In explaining a fact to a pupil, it is important that the teacher be first thoroughly familiar with it himself. He cannot make a point clearer to another than it is to his own mind. He should also consider the ability of the pupils before him. With some it is necessary to use much more careful explanation than with others; therefore, to reach the intelligence of all, make the idea simple, clear, and to the point. The teacher, however, should not use such language as will imply that he regards himself talking to inferior intellects. Acts of conde- scension on the part of the teacher will surely be re- sented, as they should be. A figurative illustration should be used only when it makes the thought clearer; and all novel forms of expression, or odd ways of putting things, should be used with care, as they may hide the thought intended to be conveyed. Using a New Word. When a teacher uses a new word in his work, he should write that word upon the board, so that its form may come to the eye just after the sound reaches the ear. In this way the student will associate the correct pronunciation with the proper form of the word. Questioning. Particular attention should be 140 SCHOOL DEVICES. given by a teacher to his manner of stating questions. The points to be aimed at are: First, clearness ; the pupil has a right to demand this. Second, such a statement of the question as will not suggest the an- swer. Third, a question should not be asked in this way: "The Scotch came into the northern part of ?" Answer. " England." Nor thus: "Is it ? or ^ it f " The pupil very quickly learns to read the correct answer in the manner or tone of voice used by his instructor. It is hardly necessary to add that good English should be used in the statement of a question. In asking for a definition of the planets, for instance, it is a defect to say, "The planets are what?" Or, in chemistry, " A molecule is what?" A Mistake Often Unrecognized. The word Louisiana is mispronounced by many teachers who are usually correct in their pronunciation, by giving to the second syllable, which should have the sound of short i, the sound of long e. The reason for the mistake arises from the spelling given by Webster, to indicate the pronunciation, Loo'-e-ze-a'-na, printing the second syllable "e" and placing the secondary accent on the first syllable. Now, if the word is pro- nounced with the secondary accent on the first sylla- ble, the second syllable must have the sound of ob- scure " e," which does not differ materially from the short sound of "i." A Caution. Henceforth, see if you cannot pro- nounce the word "recess" properly, putting the ac- cent on the last syllable. PERSONAL SUQ&mTIONS. 141 Expostulation.- You talked in a high key all day. There was something unpleasant in your work, and you did not know what it was. What is spoken un- pleasantly is heard unpleasantly, and your pupils felt there was something grating, something unpleasant, in their teacher's work. They could not tell, perhaps, what it was, but, nevertheless, they felt that something was not what it ought to be. It was the high tone of voice that you persisted in using, which has become so fixed a habit with you that you can scarcely break it. Your voice has become rasping, thin, and hard. It will take weeks, perhaps months, of persistent ef- fort before you can overcome the habit and keep your voice where it belongs, in low, smooth tones. Don'ts. Don't be afraid to say, * ' I don't know, " or, if necessary, "I was mistaken." If an error has been made, it is both more manly and more profitable to ac- knowledge it. You are setting a bad example and lowering yourself in the estimation of your pupils if you persist in maintaining that which you see is false. Teachers are too loath to confess ignorance on any sub- ject that may be brought up by the pupils. A teacher cannot be expected to be informed on all subjects, and it is better to admit that you do not know than to give, at a venture, a reply that may be misleading. Don't get into the way of using the index finger in gesture, as many teachers do. It is neither graceful nor forceful. When a pupil has given an incorrect answer, do not shake the head and say No, no, but quietly ask the question of another. In your illustrations and talks, quote nothing, 142 SCHOOL DEVICES. through temptation to say something amusing, that does not fit accurately and logically your topic. Don't talk over school matters with every one you meet. They will perhaps talk to you ahout former teachers, and your part of the conversation may be misconstrued and enlarged upon. A teacher must be discreet. Especially do not make complaints. Do not criticise your predecessor's work, or the condition in which you find the school. He probably left friends, and of these you will thus make enemies. Speak kindly of those who were before you, or do not speak of them at all. If it is necessary to make complaints, let them be made to the proper school officers. Your school will be more successful if it is the subject of but little comment. Do not say, when hearing a recitation, u Gk> on, " Go ahead," " Proceed," etc. It is far better to set an example of courtesy to your pupils by saying, " Con- tinue, Mary," or " Continue, John." Do not scold. After the novelty has worn off, your sharp speeches will cease to be effective. Moreover, the most forcible language is that which is delivered calmly and dispassionately. Gentlemanly and lady- like bearing toward pupils on the part of teachers is almost sure to win a like return. Treat your pupils as equals. Nothing will bring them up to your own level as quickly as this. Make your pupils self-respectful by showing respect to them. Don't worry. Make a vigorous effort to throw aside all care when school closes. Remember that nothing is to be gained, but much lost, by carrying through the twenty -four hours the burdens that should come PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS. 143 only during school hours. If the teacher can enter the schoolroom fresh each morning, the battle is half won at the beginning. Don't be more ready to criticise than to commend. Factious criticism will cause pupils to think that noth- ing they can do will be just right in the teacher's eyes, and they will soon cease trying to excel. A few words of commendation will often prove a great incentive to effort. Do not make any sudden or radical change in your manner of conducting a recitation, or in the discipline of your school. If you have decided to make a change, do it gradually. Do not get into the habit of making apologies. Be careful that the occasion does not arise where an apol- ogy by the teacher is needed. It is natural that a teacher, dealing with minds less informed than his own, should gradually come to feel above the general level of humanity. Don't allow yourself to become conceited by reason of your sur- roundings. 144 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER VII. SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. Seating Pupils. A large proportion of the dis- order and consequent worriment incident to a school- room would be obviated if teachers would seat all pupils at the beginning of each year or term. It is the custom in many schools for the pupils to choose their own seats, and thus numerous cliques of mis- chievous scholars are brought together, resulting in continual trouble to the teacher. An effort should be made to seat pupils as far remote from each other as possible, while special care should be taken to separate widely such as are likely to cause annoyance. The value of a teacher's work is often seriously impaired in consequence of diverted attention. A schoolroom should be self -regulating, as far as possible, and wis- dom in seating pupils will do much toward securing this. Beginning School. Be at the schoolroom early. On the morning of the first day be the first one there, and, in general, the teacher should be present when the room is opened. A spirit of lawlessness is apt to arise among pupils left without restraint, which may ex- tend beyond the opening of the session. Begin promptly. Scholars cannot be expected to be prompt in their attendance if the teacher does not set SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 145 the example. Care in having all things move by " clock-work" is not lost in its general effect on a school. Say but little when opening your school. Especially do not lay down a great number of rules these can be made as occasion demands. Do not boast of what you can do, or of what you intend to do. Children are keen to detect boastfulness and to discredit those who make use of it. Take the names as the classes are called. This will save much confusion and loss of time. If, however, the teacher desires all the names at the opening of the session, blank slips should be distributed, on which the pupil may write his name and the classes he proposes to enter. Set all the pupils to work as soon as possible. Idle- ness is the precursor of mischief, and this on the first day means continual trouble. If the classes cannot be formed at once, give those who are \ waiting some re- view work, or tell them a short story and ask them to write it out on their slates or on paper. Make out an Order of Exercises for your own use be- fore opening the school. Even though it be your first term in the school, you can find out from the pupils or school officers what classes are to be formed. You can thus intelligently organize the school. Show no sign of indecision. Pupils are quick to no- tice this, and make their estimate of your character accordingly. Hesitation is confessed weakness. On the second day have a permanent Order of Exer- cises made out and posted. Uncertainty in regard to the time of their recitations demoralizes the pupils and delays the actual commencement of work. 146 SCHOOL DEVICES. Putting Back. It is a mistake to put children back in their studies. It has a disheartening effect, and it can easily be seen at what a disadvantage a child is placed who has lost interest in a study. There is no necessity for putting back. The fundamental prin- ciples of any study can be taught in one place as well as in another. If a child in percentage stumbles over his fractions, give him extra help and make that subject clear to him. If your pupils in an advanced grade cannot write a simple sentence correctly, put them into rhetoric and take up sentence-writing. If they are in the Fourth Reader when they should be in the Second, don't discourage them by putting them back into the Second Reader, but get some simple story- books or bright story-papers and let the reading les- son be from these. The best " putting back " is when the pupil himself perceives his deficiency and feels the need of simpler work ; but the teacher should ex- ercise tact in bringing about this condition of mind. A Few Suggestions Upon Discipline. It is hard to write it, but cases of truancy, fighting, vul- garity, profanity, and stealing do occur in many schools. In cases of truancy, communicate with the parents at once; reason with the pupil, and as a last resort call on the truant officer or constable. For untruthfulness, let the pupil feel what it is to have others lose confidence in him. Often it will be well to let him realize this loss of confidence a long time. In cases of fighting, keep the pupil in at recesses, giving him his recess after the others ; oblige him to come into the schoolroom as soon as he comes upon SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 147 the ground, morning and noon, and keep him after school until others have gone home. For profanity and vulgarity, separate the pupil en- tirely from others, and suspend for second offence. Stealing may be pretty effectually dealt with by sus- pension, apology, and restoration of the stolen article. Impertinence and disrespect to the teacher, providing the teacher has not brought it on, should be apologized for in presence of those before whom the act was com- mitted. Punishments. The nearer you can reduce punish- ments to a minimum the better. Occasions sometimes arise, however, when some f orm of punishment seems necessary ; but in inflicting this be careful not to in- jure the pupil's self-respect. Personal indignities or torture should never be used, and any form of ridicule should be used sparingly. The pupil should never be made to feel that he is punished by his teacher through any vindictive feeling. Threats of punishment should not be made. Act promptly when occasion demands, but do not talk about what you will do. It seems hardly necessary to add that study should never be used as a means of punishment. A Problem. Many teachers have found that the root of all evil in teaching is whispering, and it is a problem with most teachers how to suppress it. A word or two of communication that arises from mere forgetfulness should not be looked upon as a se- rious evil ; but wilful whispering is a demoralizing factor in a school and should be suppressed at once. Some teachers have found that calling for a report at the close 148 SCHOOL DEVICES. of the session from those who have broken the rule has the effect of diminishing the annoyance. It is wise to meet the matter squarely. Show the pupils that dis- order of any kind hinders the progress of the school; that whispering is a disorder, and that whispering in the presence of others is a rudeness that would not be tolerated in their homes, and that good manners are as essential in the schoolroom as elsewhere. Much of the necessity for communication can be avoided by al- lowing a moment or two at the opening of the session for each one to obtain any article that has been for- gotten. Do not be continually talking upon this sub- ject to the school. Disorder of any kind is usually attributable to but few. Treat these privately. The effect on them and on your school will be better for such a course. Tardiness. Much confusion and annoyance re- sult from the late entrance of a few pupils at the morning or afternoon opening. From the numerous plans for securing prompt attendance given below, the teacher may find something that will suit his case. (a) In the first place, the teacher should never be late himself. He should be present some time before the opening, and give to each one coming in a pleasant greeting. (b) In cold weather be sure that the room is warm enough, at least fifteen minutes before the opening. Don't compel the pupils to be late in order to find a warm room. (c) For five or ten minutes after roll-call some teachers have an object lesson in science, bringing in objects upon which to talk to the scholars, as leaves SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 149 or grasses, rocks, mosses, etc. If this is made attrac- tive, the pupils will try not to miss it. (d) Tickets may be given small pupils for each day's punctual attendance a certain number of these tick- ets entitling the possessor to an earlier dismissal on Friday afternoon. (e) Pupils may be kept after school the same length of time they lost at the opening of the session. Have the last bell rung five minutes before the open- ing of school, that sufficient warning may be given. Some teachers have a portion of space reserved on a blackboard near the entrance door on which is writ- ten the word "Tardiness." Pupils coming in late are required to write their names beneath this word, together with the time of entrance, as 9:10, 9:15, etc., and make up the time at the close of the session. They erase their names before leaving. Other teachers require pupils entering late to write their names on a card or slip of paper, with the time of entrance, and leave it at the desk. Eeport of these cards is made to the parents at the end of the month. Another plan is to grant a holiday to the whole school on the first Monday of each month, provided there has been no instance of tardiness during the pre- ceding month. Under such circumstances each pupil is unwilling to be the one to deprive all the others of a holiday. Pupils who are thoroughly interested in school-work will seldom be late, but there are always some who appear five or ten minutes after the opening of the session. A special effort must be made to bring these in on time ; for the interruption of late entrances de- moralizes the school at the start. It may be that 150 SCHOOL DEVICES. pupils come late to avoid the dulness of the opening exercises. A long roll-call, and the reading of Scripture not readily understood by youthful minds, may be of this nature. Make the morning exercises so bright and cheerful that to miss them will be felt a loss. Let the Scripture reading be short but appropriate; and let it be preceded and followed by music, if possible. Do away with the roll-call, and mark absences in your register while the pupils are studying. Some teachers have a " Tardy Friday." On that day all who have not been tardy during the term up to that time are dismissed an hour earlier than the others. All who have been tardy are required to re- main. Another device for securing punctuality is to spend the first fifteen minutes at the opening of the session in talking about something that is transpiring in the world at the time. The teacher asks a question in re- gard to some notable public event ; if no one can an- swer it, the question is repeated the next morning, and a lively curiosity is excited. The pupils ask parents and friends, who in turn become interested, and the question is discussed in the family circle. Soon the answers begin to come in ; clippings from papers and books are brought and the question is discussed. In this way, the first few moments are made so interest- ing that no one wishes to lose them. Teachers may find it advantageous to make personal visits to the parents in regard to the matter. If the co-operation of the parents can be secured, there will be very little tardiness. Yet another way to secure punctuality is to read for a few moments each morning a few pages in a con- SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 151 tinued story. By the last-named device, two things will be gained, attendance may be secured, and a taste for good reading cultivated in the pupil. After all, the most efficient plan to prevent or di- minish tardiness is to arouse the pride of the scholars in making the school successful, and this will prove a great factor for good in many other directions. In graded schools competition can be aroused between different rooms, each trying to have the best record in punctuality and attendance. Rest Periods. When your pupils appear tired and dull, throw open the windows and have a breath- ing exercise. Good work cannot be done in a school- room where the air is impure from insufficient venti- lation. Teachers are inclined to overlook the physical welfare of their pupils. They should never forget that to have a sound mind, one must have a sound body in which it may dwell. The seeds of disease are far too often implanted in the bodies of delicate pupils by the over-heated and impure air of the schoolroom. In these exercises great care should be taken never to in- hale or exhale suddenly. Nor should the pupils prac- tise holding the breath for any considerable length of time. 1. Place the hands on the hips ; draw a long breath ; expel the air slowly. Eepeat twice. 2. Draw in a long breath. Send the hands straight up in the air; bring them back to the shoulders. Expel slowly. Ee- peat twice. 3. Draw a long breath. Draw the body backward from the waist ; bring it back again. Ex- pel slowly. Kepeat twice. 4. Draw a long breath. Bend the body forward from the waist ; return to an 152 SCHOOL DEVICES. erect position and expel the breath slowly. Repeat twice. 5. Draw a long breath ; bend the body to the right ; return to an erect position. Expel the breath slowly. Repeat twice. 6. The same, bending the body to the left. 7. Draw in a long breath ; stretch out the arms horizontally ; return to the shoulders. Expel slowly. Repeat twice. Let these exercises occur at the middle of a session, or whenever there seems to be a need of them. Do not let them degenerate into disorder ; if any persist in making play of it, let them take their fresh air out- side the schoolroom. Ventilation. Have a board fitted to slide between vertical cleats fastened to the window-casings, a few inches from the sash. This device gives an upward inflection to the cold air as it enters, causing it to be- come gradually diffused throughout the room, with- out being felt as a draught by the pupils. If ventilation must be sought by opening the windows, do not open those on the windward side, as this would cause a draught directly upon the pupils, and would not prove as beneficial in freeing the room of impure air as though the opposite windows were opened, when the air in the room would gently pass out to join the cur- rent outside. If possible, the air should be admitted to the schoolroom near the floor and allowed to pass out at the ceiling, but the air admitted should be warm, or rendered warm before it is breathed. To do this in many buildings containing but one room, is a simple matter. Let the air be admitted through an opening directly beneath the stove. This may be brought about by having a wooden flue leading from an open- SCHOOLEOOM SUGGESTIONS. 158 ing in the foundation wall to the opening beneath the stove, which may be closed at either end by a sliding- door, when the draught is too strong. The air as it enters will thus be warmed. Openings should also be made in the ceiling to allow the impure air to pass out. Many teachers have narrow strips of boards made the same length as the width of the window. These are placed under the lower sash, when an air-passage is formed between the upper and lower sash, and in such a way as to avoid a direct draught. As a last suggestion, remember that the lassitude and lack of interest so often noticed in schoolrooms is due, in a great measure, to the impure state of the air. The present success of a school and the future health of pupils depend in no small degree upon the kind of air they breathe in the schoolroom. Lighting. The light in a schoolroom should al- ways enter the room at the sides or in the rear : pupils should not sit facing a window. If there is such an abomination in your room, place a dark curtain over it. When it is necessary to use gas or lamps, the same care should be used. Never allow the light to shine directly in the faces of the pupils. The walls of a schoolroom should not be so white as to reflect a daz- zling light into the eyes. If this is the case, they may be cheaply tinted drab or fawn color. School Gymnastics. A few moments spent each day in brisk and orderly gymnastic work will be found to pay, both in driving away weariness and dulness, and also in the development of the growing bodies of 154 SCHOOL DEVICES. the pupils. It is particularly important that these ex- ercises be conducted according to some definite plan which experience has found best for accomplishing the purposes desired. Much more precision and interest will be attained if music can be provided to accompany the exercise. If a piano or organ is not practicable, a drum beaten in time will be found a good substitute. Many of the scholars, through a feeling of awkward- ness, will ask to be excused. This trouble may be obviated by commencing with exercises for the hands and arms, which can be practised while sitting. After a little, all will be ready for the standing exercises. If dumb-bells cannot be obtained, small bits of wood, four inches long and an inch in diameter, should be grasped tightly in the hands. If possible use dumb- bells, as even their slight weight requires a certain bracing of the body which calls into action nearly all the muscles. Do not allow any exercises except such as are known to be beneficial, for ill-advised action of the muscles or overtaxing does more harm than good. The following exercises will be found practical and easy of accomplishment : For the Hands, Wrists, and Arms. I. Open and shut the hands vigorously ten times; then a pause, marked by the music, foUowed by the same exercise twice repeated. 2. Place the hands palms downward on the desk, raise them from the wrist only, ten times; pause, marked as before, and two repetitions. 3. Elbows resting on the desk, hands turned on the sides. Raise the hands as high as possible ten times; pause, and repeat twice. SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 155 4. Arms held out straight before the body, bring the hands to the shoulders ten times ; pause, and repeat. For the Chest and Back. 1. Let the hands meet over the head, both palms forward; bring them down in the. same plane to the side of the body, holding the shoulders rigidly back; repeat ten times, 2. Raise the arms up over the head, bend the body till the hands nearly touch the feet, bring the body to an erect position again with the arms raised as be- fore, and repeat five times ; pause, and repeat once. 3. Grasping the dumb-bells, or sticks, raise the hands as far as possible above the head, and return to the shoulders ten times; keeping the head thrown back, so that the eyes are gazing directly at the ceiling. For the Lower Limbs. 1. Standing erect with the hands upon the hips, raise the whole body on tip-toe ten times ; pause, and repeat once. 2. Standing erect with the hands upon the hips, lower the body by bending the knees and then imme- diately rise to an erect position again ; repeat five times, pause, and repeat once. 3. Standing erect with the hands upon the hips, bend the body sidewise to the right in the form of a bow, then to the left in the same manner ; repeat ten times, pause, and repeat twice. The teacher should use his own judgment as to the amount of these exercises which will be profitable for his pupils to take. If the pupils are very young, or not accustomed to exercising, a few motions of each kind only should be taken at first, gradually increasing the amount. It is much better to take a, few of each than to spend the whole time on one or two motions, as it is important that all the muscles of the body be brought 156 SCHOOL DEVICES. into action, to produce a harmonious development. Plenty of fresh air should be allowed in the room dur- ing this exercise. Have the room cool and the chil- dren will not become heated and made liable to receive a cold. Insist strongly that all stand erect an4 keep the shoulders back, that the lungs may have a chance to expand. Information. Once a week the teacher may take a half -hour to question the school upon points of gen- eral information. When the questions can be answered by any one of the pupils, let the answers be obtained in this way; when all are in ignorance of the answer, the teacher should give the information, enlarging on topics of the most concern. In this way the pupils will be interested and will also secure much valuable knowledge. Questions will readily occur to the teacher a few only being given below: 1. What is the source of alcohol? How does it de- range the action of the bodily functions? (Teacher should enlarge upon the destructive effect upon the brain, stomach, heart, kidneys, and the will-power of the user.) 2. Does the U. S. receive any income from the Ter- ritory of Alaska, and what is the form of government there? 3. What State, or Territory, produces the greatest amount of gold next to California? What other States produce gold? How is gold mined? 4. To what extent has the central portion of Africa been explored, and by whom? 5. What is the difference between our own form of SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 157 government and that of other countries, as England, Germany, etc.? 6. How old must a man be before he can be a Sena- tor, a Representative, or President of the United States? To Give an Idea How to Compare. To culti- vate the habit of close observation, let the teacher take two pieces of money (a penny and a dime will answer), and, holding them up before the class, ask the pupils to tell wherein they are alike. They will say that they are both round, metals, engraved, coins, etc. Write all these answers on one part of the board. Then ask the pupils to mention the points wherein they differ. They will say that they differ in size, thickness, color, in the characters engraved on them; that they are made of different metals; that their edges differ, etc. Write these answers upon another part of the board. Then ask for a word that will express the points in which they are similar. They will soon hit upon the word "Likenesses," and upon "Differences" for the points in which the coins are dissimilar. Such a device may be used with great profit in be- ginning Botany, and in any other study where com- parison is a basis of procedure. Read ch. iv., part i., sec. vi., Tate's "Philosophy of Education." Difference between Horses and Cattle An Observation Lesson. After an idea of comparison has been given, as suggested in the paragraph above, direct pupils to observe the differences between horses and cattle and to make a record of the differences they note. 158 SCHOOL DEVICES. When pupils think they have observed all the differ- ences, let the teacher suggest what further to observe, and when this has been done, the teacher will have to state some differences that pupils are not trained ob- servers enough to notice, and can only verify after a long interval. We give herewith a list of differences, putting those most difficult to determine at the foot of the list. Cattle, or Bovine Animals. Horse, or Equine Animals. Usually have horns. Without mane. Have two toes. Long hair in a tuft at the end of tail. Have no upper incisor teeth. Lie down fore parts first. Rise on hind legs first. Encircle food with the tongue and convey to mouth. Always chew the cud. Defence by hooking. Bellow or moo. No warts inside of hind legs. Never use teeth in fighting. Do not retract the ears. Very rough tongue. Wide ears. Do not roll over. Never have horns. Have a flowing mane. Have one toe. Tail covered with long coarse hair. Have upper and lower front teeth. Lie down hind parts first. Rise on fore legs first. Seize grass with their lips and convey to their teeth in feeding. Do not chew the cud. Defence by kicking. Neigh or whinny. Hard oval warts inside of hind legs. Use their teeth in fighting. Retract the ears when angry. Soft smooth tongue. Erect narrow ears. Lie down and roll over. SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 159 Shorter mouth. No vacant space between incisor and molar teeth. Broad triangular head. Sleep with both ears alike. Eat awhile and lie down to ruminate. Seldom sleep standing. Have dewlap. Can breathe through the mouth. Mouth long. Space be- tween front and back teeth. Long narrow head. Sleep with one ear forward. Eat all or nearly all the time in pasture. Often sleep standing. No dewlap. Never breathe through the mouth. Mouth usually open when Never open the mouth wearied. Shoulders forward. from exhaustion, only to eat or bite. Shoulders slope back. but Pawing with fore feet de- Pawing with fore feet usu- notes anger. ally denotes hunger. Do not perspire easily, if Perspire easily. ever. Limbs formed for strength. Limbs formed for swift- ness. Live thirty to forty years. Live twelve to eighteen years. Have four stomachs. Can vomit. Intestines small 120 feet long. Have gall bladder. Lips slightly movable. Have one stomach. Cannot vomit. Intestines large 60 long. Have no gall bladder. Lips very movable. feet A Query Box, It is an excellent plan to have in each schoolroom "a query -box," into which a pupil may drop one question each day one which he cannot answer himself, after careful study. Never allow him 160 SCHOOL DEVICES. to resort to the box until he has consulted all the refer- ence books within his reach. This box should be a covered one, with a narrow opening in one side. If desired, it may be locked, and the key put in the teacher's hand. The questions or " queries" should all be written in a neat, plain hand, on narrow slips of white paper, care being taken to spell every word correctly. A few moments each day, before the close of school, may be devoted to the " query -box," the teacher read- ing the questions aloud and inviting any pupil who can do so, to answer them. In this way the work becomes general and interesting, and an honest pride and rivalry is encouraged. In due time the pupils become eager to possess themselves of bits of valuable general information, and notice such in their reading much more quickly than formerly. The teacher should require the school to answer all the questions possible, even leaving them over until the next day or later, and setting the boys and girls at work hunting for the answers. Once or twice a week or oftener, as the teacher may please the unanswered slips should be collected, and the teacher himself furnish the answers to them, adding items of information upon each subject repre- sented. When Visitors Come. Welcome those who come to visit your school with courtesy and cordiality. If a recitation is in progress, furnish your callers, when they are seated, with books, and state clearly what you are doing ; then continue your lesson in the usual manner. Above all things do not stop your work to talk to them, as nothing will upset your SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 161 school quicker, unless yours is a school which sees a great many visitors each week. Do not make a single apology, and do not, as teach- ers so often do, say to pupils, u Now, John, think what you are saying. You know it if you will only think. Don't he so embarrassed that you can't think," etc. When the teacher talks in such a strain, she has lost her own self-possession, and that, too, at the very time when she most needed it, and when its exercise would have the strongest and best influence upon the school. Do not struggle for order by tapping on your desk, or reprimanding pupils for whispering, or looking keenly and imperiously at this one or that one. Should there be a little more noise than usual, or should some pupil take advantage at the time, do not notice it, nor call attention to it. Your visitor, who is not nervous, will undoubtedly not notice it, and you can deal with the offender at another time. Remember that your pupils will do as you do. If you are anything but your natural self, they will not do you credit. The Three Kingdoms. Having explained to the pupils what is meant by the kingdoms, animal, vege- table, and mineral, draw four lines on the blackboard, and mark the columns thus: Animal. Vegetable. Mineral. 162 SCHOOL DEVICES. The pupils copy this on their slates. Let the teacher then write a list of names, such as linen, copper, car- pet, paper, oil, ivory, silk, glass, paint, having the pupils write each word in the column indicating the kingdom to which it belongs. If any article or sub- stance named belongs to more than one kingdom, place its name in two or three columns accordingly. If the pupils do not know where to place any one of the names, they should be led to see where to place it, by questioning them as to where the article is found, or of what made. Let the teacher pass around among the pupils while they are writing, and point out cor- rections to be made. A School Log-book. The teacher may add in- terest to the school for a time and give different pupils some real work in composition by securing a suitable blank book and asking the school to select each week a secretary to keep in this book the diary of events for that week. Let each day's events be noted carefully. Enough ludicrous incidents occur in any school to render the diary spicy. Elect secretary by ballot, ac- cording to regular usage. Dull Recitations. It is the most difficult thing in the world for the average teacher to see when his class is tired, and when he has tired it. Time and time again such a thing happens, but still he goes on still he continues to tire his class. Yet all the while he is conscious there is a drag. But the drag occurs day SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 163 after day. u How should he avoid it," does one ask? Stop, the moment the recitation begins to drag. If the time allotted is thirty -five minutes and the lesson begins to drag after twenty-five, stop at once, and dismiss the class. What would be the result? In the first place, the teacher would gain in power and fresh- ness for his class, and upon himself the result would be that he would make a preparation which would last through the time and sustain the interest of his class. Alternating Studies. Do not attempt to hear daily recitations in everything, if your school is a large one, but alternate the studies of the more advanced pupils. Quiet Periods. In some schools this plan would have a good effect. The teacher finding there is noise and restlessness, stops work, and says, u Now let us take ten minutes of hard study. We must have the room perfectly quiet. Let me see how many can keep steadily and quietly studying for the ten minutes." If the effect is not dissipated by the teacher, the influence of such a period will be felt in the quiet on-going of school. Division of Class. It is sometimes convenient to divide a class into two, three, four, or more sections. There are several ways in which to accomplish this quickly and impartially. 1. Let the class number as they are seated ; a division may then be made of odd and even numbers. 2. Call off promiscuous numbers and keep account of them on paper. 164 SCHOOL DEVICES. The device of assigning a number to each pupil may be made to furnish a separate example for each mem- ber of the class. Suppose, for instance, the class is working in notation and numeration, the teacher may say, "Put down your own number, prefix to it two ciphers and a six, and annex a nine, two ciphers, and your own number; point off and be ready to read." No. 18 would then read 6,001,890,018. No 11 would have an entirely different number 6,001,190,011 and likewise the rest. The same device can be used in fractions, compound numbers, percentage, etc. Plan for Getting Answers from each Pupil of a Large Class. Where classes are large, and it is desired that all take part in the recitation, adopt the following plan: Give out a certain number of ques- tions, and ask all the members of the class to write them on slates or paper. Let each one then write the answers below the several questions. Call upon some one to read the first question and its answer. If cor- rect, ask all who have a similar answer to raise hands. If incorrect, call for correction. Go through the whole list of questions in this way. 4 A School Diary. The teacher, having procured a suitable blank-book, may allow the school to vote for a secretary each week, who will write up each day the events of that day. To give the secretary some importance, a small badge may be provided. Time Given for Questioning. Have a certain time in your recitation work when the pupils can ask SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 165 questions on the day's lesson, or on any of the work gone over, which may still be troubling them. Original Examples and Illustrations. Let pupils bring in original examples in each subject as they pass along. These may be distributed among the members of the class for solution, to be reported on the following day. Repetition. A great part of the benefit of some teachers' work is lost through lack of repetition. This occurs most often in teaching small children. Ideas can only be firmly implanted in their minds by con- tinual repetition. The same is true, though perhaps to a less extent, with the majority of older pupils. To secure the best results, review ; and after this review. Necessity of Reviews. In order to fix the facts acquired firmly in the mind, frequent reviews are in- valuable. Sometimes a written reproduction of past work should be demanded, and sometimes an oral re- production. The teacher may make a brief restate- ment of the chief points in the work after the scholars have finished. It is also important that each recitation should begin with a short review of the one preceding it. It will occasionally be found well to divide the class into two parts, and allow a pupil on one side to question any one upon the other side, but on the condi- tion that the one putting the question shall be fully able to answer the question himself. It is also of value to set apart a time when each one may ask any ques- 166 SCHOOL DEVICES. tion that has puzzled him in his work; but indiscrim- inate questionings should not be allowed. In reviews, write your questions on blank cards, and let the student write his answers on the board, and encourage the class to criticise what is wrong. When there is a large amount of instruction, both oral and written reviews are a necessity. Pupils should rise and read their written reproductions, or recite the same orally ; they should follow an orderly plan and a logical outline. In order that they may do this, the teacher must first have done it. The pupil takes his cue from his instructor, hence the teacher's lesson should be carefully wrought out. Read sec. xv., ch. iv., Tate's " Philosophy of Education." G rap h i c Exam i n ati o n s. In holding an examina- tion of this sort, ask only such questions as can be answered by figures on the board. For instance, in physiology, a great number of questions on the struc- ture of the heart can be answered by a drawing of that organ upon the board. Questions in geography can be answered by maps, drawn on the boards, showing cities, mountains, rivers, capes, etc. In almost all studies, questions can be asked, admitting graphic answers upon the board. Such an examination is sure to be a thorough test of familiarity with the subject. The Value of an Object. Many teachers will keep referring to the size of a brick, and yet never think to bring one into the schoolroom. Fetch one to school with you, and direct pupils to measure it. A bird in the hand will teach a child more about or- nithology than a dozen in the bush. SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 167 Error-box. Have a box at the desk, and ask the pupils to write out, and place in this all the errors they have noticed in the language which has been used in school during the day. Let each paper be signed by the one writing it. The box may be opened each night before school is dismissed, or at the beginning of school the next day, and the papers read by the teacher, who should ask for hands to be raised for corrections. Quotations. To develop a taste for literature, take a few moments after the morning exercises, in which the pupils may repeat quotations from various authors. Questioning. It is of great importance in asking questions of pupils that a logical order be followed. Each question ought to prepare the way for that which follows, and lead to it. Many teachers make a failure because their questions are so worded that the pupil does not see what is meant by them. Others fall into the error of suggesting too much in asking a question. How much benefit can come from such an interroga- tion as this, " You would regard this as an important battle, would you not?" When pupils have become accustomed to the tone and manner of their teacher, unless he is on his guard, they will infer what the answer is from his very tone of voice. To show what is meant by a logical order in ques- tioning, we subjoin a few questions for giving a class an idea of a clause. Practical men are usually diligent. What kind of men are diligent? What word modifies the subject? 168 SCHOOL DEVICES. In what other form can this sentence be placed with- out changing the sense? Men who are practical are usually diligent. What kind of men are diligent? What word does who are practical modify? To what word in the first form is who are practical equivalent. What kind of a modifier is it ? In the clause who are practical, what is the subject? To whom does who refer ? To what class of pronouns does who belong? What kind of a clause is this? What is its predicate? To whom does practical refer? What word in the clause does practical modify? Bead ch. vi., Fitch's " Lectures on Teaching." Pupils to Keep a Note-book. Advise pupils in the higher classes to keep a note-book and write in it lists of words, commonly misspelled or mispronounced, correctly spelled and pronounced, together with the new words they meet in their reading, with their cor- rect spelling and meaning. The book will thus become a record of the pupil's progress. Bulletin-board. Have a bulletin-board in the schoolroom or in the hall of the building, on which may be posted notices. Newspaper clippings of stories, news, or humorous anecdotes may be pasted on the board, which will prove a source of interest, quiet amusement, and profit to the pupils. A brief sum- mary of each day's news could be thus posted and the pupils questioned upon this. Reporting Exercise. A profitable exercise may be made by asking the pupils to make notes of any- SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 169 thing of interest which falls under their observation and tell it, in their own words, to the class. Make it a vol- untary exercise, and allow it to occupy but a few moments. Encourage the pupils to carry note-books in which they may make notes of things suitable to report. In this way the habit of observation will be cultivated. A Test of Quick Observation. Try the plan of placing an object before the class, and, after it has been in view for a moment, remove it from sight, and call for an accurate description of it. Begin with simple objects and gradually substitute those which are more difficult. Debating Club. Where the boys of a school are of sufficient age, it will be a great advantage to them to have a debating society, conducted according to the usual parliamentary rules governing such bodies. It is a great loss to boys to pass from school to the duties of life, and not be able, for example, to make, or put, a motion properly. Besides familiarity in the manner of conducting such meetings, the boys would be learning something useful, and acquiring the habit of independent thought the great object of teaching. The teacher should help organize the club, and should preside at the first few meetings, till the members be- come accustomed to the rules of procedure. Then they should elect one of their own number to preside. A few topics suitable for discussion by young people are given below : Resolved, That the right to vote should be extended to woman. 170 SCHOOL DEVICES. Resolved, That government aid to education defeats the end sought. Resolved, That the right to vote should be denied those who cannot read and write. Schoolroom Decoration. It is not possible for teachers, ordinarily, to go to any great length in the matter of schoolroom decoration, but every one can make an effort in that direction, and the effort will be amply repaid. Every evidence of refinement and taste which can be shown in the room will have a refining influence on the manners of the pupils. If the room is bare, cheerless, and dirty, as too many are, the effect is plainly seen, and an opposite effect is likewise plain- ly seen if the room is clean, bright, and tastefully ar- ranged with pictures, flowers, and a few bright colors scattered about. Good pictures can be procured so cheaply now that there is but little excuse for bare walls. A few cents invested in dye would transform the cheerless white curtains into warm, bright colors. A little effort would transform the dirty and rusty stove into a respectable article of furniture. Teach your pupils to manifest the same neatness in the schoolroom that they would in their own homes. If you can interest the pupils in making the room pleas- ant and keeping it clean and orderly, you will have gained a great advantage both in the matter of disci- pline, and in the development of a regard for beauty on the part of the scholars. During a large part of the year plants can be kept in the room and nothing makes it more homelike or pleasant. Have shelves arranged at some of the sunny windows, and ask each pupil to bring a plant. SCHOOLROOM SVG&ESTIONS. 171 Quick-growing vines can be trained about the window casings, and for this purpose perhaps nothing is better than the sweet-potato vine. It is only necessary to place a small potato of this variety in a vessel of water when it will begin to grow, and under ordinary circumstances, will increase an inch a day. A great number of these can be arranged about the various windows. Let the children take turns in caring for the plants. In all your efforts to beautify the room, avoid every- thing which is out of taste. Cheap colored prints should be shunned. Buy engravings or photographs of pictures that will elevate the taste of the pupils. Some teachers who are not able to secure even a small amount of funds to expend in decoration, cut the large effective wood-engravings from Harper's Weekly, and other illustrated papers, and paste these engravings upon pasteboard box-covers, which are thrown aside at every store. Tasteful selection and arrangement of such pictures give the room an air of refinement, and exert an educative influence upon the school. Suggestions about Receptions. At school re- ceptions it is usually found necessary to have a stage, and this must be of good size, especially if dialogues are to be given. Neither teacher nor school officials should sit upon the stage. Such an exhibition is out of taste. Give special visitors a seat near the stage, but reserve the platform for those who are to take part. The order of proceeding should not be called off by the teacher. Have printed programmes, if pos- sible, and let each performer go out in his turn without 172 SQHOOL DEVICES. waiting to be called. In building a platform care should be taken to have it of sufficient height that those in the rear of the room may have an unob- structed view. When dialogues or plays are to be given, a curtain will be found necessary. Have a stout cord stretched tightly across the front of the stage, and from this let the curtain be hung by small rings. It should be divided in the middle one half sliding each way, and let small cords pass from the last ring in each curtain, at the centre of the stage, to each side of the platform, so that the curtain may be drawn together or apart from the sides of the Closing Exercises. It is always well to make the closing of a term or year a special occasion, in which the friends of the school may become acquainted with the work done, and an interest created outside the pupils and their parents. This closing exercise will consist partly of a review or examination on the work done ; and, in addition, to give a pleasing variety, some literary work should be presented by the pupils. This need not be of the same character for all, but may vary according to the age and ability of the stu- dent. The most advanced may present something original, either as a discussion of some subject one speaking in favor and one against it or as a composi- tion or essay on some timely topic. Good dialogues will always be well received, as will also tableaux. If possible, have music several times during the exercises. This will be of interest to visitors, even if it is not elaborate. Use the songs that have been sung in school, during the term. SCHOOLROOM SUGGESTIONS. 173 One of the pupils may prepare and read a History of the term, giving a brief account of all that has oc- curred, together with the work accomplished. It is well to have printed programmes, if that is convenient; if not, they may be neatly written by the scholars. See that visitors are made welcome and courteously shown to seats. Let all such exhibitions be rehearsed again and again. It is only in this way that a successful enter- tainment can be secured. The audience is likely to judge your work by the showing which your pupils make on such occasions. If any one is likely to fail, it is far better to withdraw him till another time, when his part can be more thoroughly committed. 174 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER VHI. OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLROOM. The Parents of Pupils. The reputation of a school depends, to a great extent, upon the way in which the parents regard it, and their opinion is usu- ally formed l>y the reports which the children carry home. It is therefore important that nothing he said or done by the teacher which may be misconstrued by the pupils. If it be possible, and it ought to be possi- ble, let each pupil feel that you are truly interested in him. In no other way can you gain such a hold on the pupil, or better arouse the parent's interest in the school. When you meet a parent, if you can honestly do so, do not fail to speak pleasantly of the child. In this way you will gain the good- will of the parent, and arouse the self-respect and ambition of the pupil, since he will regard himself as an object of interest to his teacher. Do not fail to invite the parents to visit the school, and when they come make them feel at home, but do not make any change in your usual exercises. Your school is very sure to be successful if you can arouse the parents' interest in your work. OUTSIDE TEE SCHOOLROOM. 175 The Noon Recess. In country schools, where the children live at a distance from the school, it is necessary for them to carry a lunch and remain dur- ing the noon hour. In this hour much that is ill-bred, and much that is frequently of a vicious nature, may be learned by them, unless great care be taken to have the hour filled with orderly, harmless amusement. If the teacher also remain during the hour, there is an opportunity to set an example of good-breeding in the manner of eating lunch, and in other ways. Encourage the use of napkins, and a neat appearance and orderly manners. After lunch, music, stories, or interesting games are in order. If the teacher can engage heartily in these, he will gain a firm hold upon the sympathies of his pupils, and will find his discipline easier in school hours. It may be objected that the necessary work of the school is sufficient tax upon a teacher's strength. But will the teacher not come to the afternoon session in better trim, having occupied the hour thus, than would be possible after enduring the confusion and annoyance of the usual noon intermission? One rule should be rigidly regarded ; if any pupil is discovered using improper language about the schoolroom, he should be removed from school at once. The school- room must be pure and fresh, morally, this is of far more importance than arithmetic or grammar. Teach the Constellations. The teacher would add to the interest of his school, and increase the knowledge of his pupils, if on clear evenings he should take them out and teach them the different constella- tions, telling them at the same time the legends con- nected with each. During the day he could announce 176 SCHOOL DEVICES. the constellation that would be seen that evening, and place dots on the board to represent the position of each star in that constellation. Dots may be made large to represent the bright stars, and the names of these written out. In this connection, be careful that the names are correctly spelled, and all the words properly pronounced. A mispronunciation taught at this period will, perhaps, be carried through life. A lasting benefit may be secured by such teaching. Some of these boys may become sailors to whom this knowledge will be most necessary. The work of others may compel them to be out of doors at night on the road, or in the fields, when familiarity with the heavens will be an enduring source of pleasure. Another point to be noticed is the elevation of character that comes when the thoughts are turned up from the dead level of com- mon things to that which is mysterious and grand. The attempt to grasp the immensity of stellar distances can but broaden the mind by the very act. Begin in the latter part of October to teach the con- stellations. Dot upon the board an outline of the Pleiades, and tell in what part of the sky they will be visible at a certain hour. Call attention to the bright- est star in the constellation, Alcyone. It will be found that many a scholar has singled out this little cluster long before hearing of constellations, and has called it, improperly, of course, the Little Dipper. Having the Pleiades as a basis, it will be found quite easy to go from this to other groups. Right below the Pleiades, and covering five or six times as much space, will be found, in the shape of a letter V turned on its side, the Hyades, with its bright star Aldebaran. Moving north from each of these constellations, we find Auriga, OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLROOM. 177 its bright star Capella. In the west-northwest may be found Lyra, with its bright star Vega, an easy con- stellation to outline and to find. Eeturning to the eastern sky, under the Hyades, is to be seen that large and beautiful constellation Orion, scattering a star- twilight all about it. Under Auriga in the latter part of November, at nine o'clock, will be found the con- stellation of the Twins, Castor and Pollux forming its bright stars. In January, the Dipper and its pointers can be searched out, and at the same time Polaris, or the pole- star. Cassiopeia is on the opposite side of the pole from the Great Bear, at nearly the same distance. This constellation can be readily recognized from its three or four bright stars, disposed in a line broken into pieces at right angles to each other. The teacher should consult a star-map, which can be found in any text-book upon Astronomy. If he know nothing of that subject, he can easily gain the little information necessary to direct his pupils in their search for the constellations. We are urging that only the marked constellations be taught, and we complete this topic by naming the rest of these : The Great Dog, the Little Dog, Leo, Virgo, Bootes (the Bear-driver), Hercules, Job's Coffin. The Judgment of Two is Better than the Judgment of One. Whenever a teacher has an unusual case of discipline, it is best to consult the trustees or the parents before taking action. Another Suggestion for the Noon Intermis- sion. If the teacher own a microscope, much enter- 178 SCHOOL DEVICES. taininent can be given pupils on days when the weather is unfit for them to be out of doors. Various small objects viewed under the microscope will afford much pleasure and matter for conversation. If the teacher have not mounted slides, he can find enough all about him to exhibit. Parts of insects placed on the slide, grains of pollen dust from different flowers, etc. We add one suggestion not generally known. Cut off a piece of the Deutzia leaf, and also a piece of the calyx of the flower, and place them under the microscope. Beautiful stars of different shapes will be seen six- pointed on the calyx and four-pointed on the leaf. There are two varieties of the Deutzia, the dwarf and the high, each variety possessing stars of different shape. A Scrap-box. A convenient receptacle for the preservation of newspaper clippings can be made in the following way: Take old envelopes of a uniform size 3J x 5J inches will be found convenient square OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLROOM. 179 the torn end, and provide a long and narrow box (an envelope box will do, if it is not convenient to have one made like the diagram), into which these envelopes will fit side by side. Cut from pasteboard a number of pieces the same size as the envelopes, with which to separate them into alphabetical divisions. Into these envelopes, in their own properly lettered divisions, can be placed folded cuttings which it is desired to pre- serve. If, for instance, Elaine's " Eulogy on Garfield " has been taken from the columns of a newspaper, it will be placed in an envelope in division "E," and across the upper end of the envelope should be written " Elaine's Eulogy on Garfield." The advantage of such an arrangement, in the saving of time, is a sugges- tion that needs no further word of recommendation. Scrap-book. Another way to preserve clippings, which may be preferred by some to the scrap-file, is the scrap-book, which may be made an especially valuable book for teachers, and at almost no cost. Take any large-sized volume such as the Congressional Kecord, and cut out every other leaf, so that when the cuttings are pasted in, the book may be of the original thickness. In this may be placed poetry, stories, bits of travel, natural history the habits of animals, birds, and fishes. Pieces suitable for decla- mation and reading can also be placed here. Every teacher can readily see the value of such a collection. Articles relating to matters of history and biography in fact, everything that will be available in the teacher's work can be preserved in this way. 180 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER IX. HISTORY. Outline of United States History. [As USED IN THE SCHOOL OP CAMBRIDGE, MASS.] I. AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS. Its Inhabitants. Its Antiquities. II. THE PRINCIPAL DISCOVERERS AND EXPLORERS OF AMERICA. 2 i^^h' ] Name and describe briefly their most 3 French | i m P r tant discoveries and explor- 4. Dutch/ J ations. HI. THE PERMANENT SETTLEMENTS IN AMERICA. 1. St. Augustine. 9. Connecticut. 2. Port Royal, N. S. 10. Rhode Islancl. 3. Virginia. 11. Delaware. 4. Quebec. 12. North Carolina. 5. New York. 13. New Jersey 6. Massachusetts. 14. South Carolina. 7. New Hampshire. 9 15. Pennsylvania. 8. Maryland. 16. Georgia. HISTORY. 181 State when, and by whom they were settled, and the object of settlement. State where carried on. IV. THE COLONIAL WARS. 1. Wars with the Indians. 2. Clayborne's Rebellion. 3. Bacon's Rebellion. 4. King William's War. 5. Queen Anne's War. 6. King George's War. C Time, Cause, 7. French and Indian Wars. < The Objective Points, ( Treaty of Peace. 8. The American Revolution. (1) f Navigation Act. n,i J Writs of Assistance. ( Stamp Act. Uiuses. * Unj - ust Taxation ] Bill of 1767. t Boston Massacre. ( Tea Tax. [" Sons of Liberty. Colonial Convention. (2) Defensive Measures. ] Minute Men. First and Second Conti- [ nental Congress. (3) Leading Events. ( Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord. 1775. ] Battle of Bunker Hill. ( Siege of Boston. f Evacuation of Boston. 1 77ft J Declaration of Independence. j Campaign in New York. [ Trenton. (Princeton. Campaign in Pennsylvania. Burgoyne's Invasion^, Valley Forge. ">" OF THE UNIVERSITY 182 SCHOOL DEVICES. C Aid from France. 1778. < Evacuation of Philadelphia. ( The British capture Savannah. j Naval Exploits. I Attack on Savannah. C The British Capture Charleston. 1780. < Arnold's Treason. ( Gates and Camden. C Green's Campaign in the Carolinas. 1781. < Ravages in Virginia. ( Siege of Yorktown. i Treaty of Peace. ( Departure of the British. (4) Depreciation of the Currency. V. THE GOVERNMENT. be " 1. Of the Colonies. Eo PS (Proprietary. |tween them. o r\f 4-1^ TTU^/I Q^-O 3 i Tne Confederation. 2. Of the United States, j The Constitution. VI. THE UNITED STATES UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. 1. George Washington's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. f Financial Affairs. Relations with Foreign Pow- ers. (2) Leading Events, j SeTsta^^ * ** First Cabinet. Discovery of coal. . Gotten gin* invented. HISTORY. 183 2. John Adams's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. ( 2 ) Leading 3. Thomas Jefferson's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. C Purchase of Louisiana. (2) Leading Events. < Fulton's Steamboat. ( Aggression of Great Britain. 4. James Madison's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. [1. Cause. 2. Where carried on. (2) Lead- War of 1812. 3. Important events by ing Events. | land and sea. [4. Treaty of peace. , War with Algiers. 5. James Monroe's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. ' Construction of the Erie Canal. First Steamboat Crosses the Atlantic. (2) Lead- 1 Acquisition of Florida. ing Events. 1 Missouri Compromise. Monroe Doctrine. Mode of John Quincy Adams's Election. 6. John Quincy Adamses Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. C Death of John Adams and (2) Leading Events. < Thomas Jefferson. ( First Railroad Built. 7. Andrew Jacksorts Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. (2) Leading Event. Nullification. 184 SCHOOL DEVICES. 8. Martin Van Burerts Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. (2) Leading Events. None of special importance. 9-10. Administrations of William Henry Harrison and John Tyler. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Terms. f Death of Harrison. I Rise of Mormonism. (2) Leading Events, \ Annexation of Texas. Beginning of Electric Teleg- [ raphy. 11. James K. Polkas Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. fl. Cause. ' War with] 2. Important Events. (2) Lead- ing Events. V ar Wlin J Taylor's Campaign; Operations in Mexico. New Mexico and California; Scott's Campaign 2ampaig _ 3. Treaty of J?eace. Discovery of Gold in California. Wilmot Proviso. 12-13. Administration of Zachary Taylor and Millard Filmore. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Terms. (2\ T PadiriP- ( Death of Taylor. ( *v^ ? 1 Discussion of the Slavery Question. lts ' ( Compromise of 1850. 14. Franklin Piercers Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. JGadsden's Purchase. Opening of Japan. R-flnqflq Nph^qkn ( Border Warfare. Bill j Squatter Sovereign- BISTORT. 185 15. James Buchanan's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. r Dred Scott Decision. The First Atlantic Cable Laid. (2) Leading Events. Personal Liberty Laws. John Brown's Eaid. Election of Lincoln. Seven Southern States Secede. A Southern Confederacy Organized. 16. Abraham Lincoln's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. (2) Leading Events. A. The Kebellion. a. Cause. Slavery. b. Principal Events. (a) Fall of Sumter. (b) First Blood Shed. (c) Operations for the Retention of the South- ern States. (Of Missouri. Of West Virginia. ( Bragg's Expedition. Of Kentucky. < luka and Corinth. ( Murfreesboro'. (d) Campaigns against Eichmond and its De- fending Army, f Bull Run. Peninsular Campaign. Pope's Campaign. Antietam Campaign. Fredericksburg Campaign. Chancellorsville Campaign. Gettysburg Campaign. Wilderness Campaign. Shenandoah Campaign. Siege of Petersburg. Fall of Richmond and Surrender of Lee. 186 SCHOOL DEVICES. (e) Rise of the Navy, and its Share in the War. f Blockade of Southern Ports. ' Opening of the Mississippi River. 1 Capture of Coast Cities and Forts. [ Encounters with the Rebel Navy. (/) Opening of the Mississippi River. ^ The Part Performed by the Navy. ( The Part Performed by the Army. (g) Movements for the Mastery in the Heart of the Confederacy. ( Chickamauga. Chattanooga. \ Sherman's Campaign from Chattanooga to Savannah and Northward. [ Thomas's Nashville Campaign. c. Emancipation Proclamation. d. Effect on the Finances. e. Cost in Men and Money. /. Our Relations with Foreign Powers. B. Assassination of the President. 17. Andrew Johnson's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. Disbanding of the Army. Thirteenth Amendment. Fourteenth Amendment. (2) Leading Events. Admission of Seceded States. Impeachment of the President. The Atlantic Cable. Purchase of Alaska. 18. Ulysses S. Grant's Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. C Pacific Railroad Opened. (2) Leading Events. < Fifteenth Amendment. ( Treaty of Washington. HISTORY. 187 19. Rutherford B. Hayes* s Administration. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Term. (2) Leading Events. None of special importance. 20-21. Administration of James A. Garfield and Ches- ter A. Arthur. (1) When Inaugurated. Length of Terms. (2) Leading Event. Assassination of the President. VII. CIVIL PROGRESS. 1. Prominent Statesmen. 2. Eminent Authors and their Principal Works. 3. Progress of Education. 4. Noted Inventions. The Value of Geography in Teaching His- tory. A noted teacher and writer has said that " his- tory without geography is incomplete and unsatisfac- tory." Let the teacher keep this constantly in mind; for nothing so effectually aids a scholar to hold tena- ciously the account of a battle or a campaign, as tracing it out carefully upon the map when studying. Suppose a pupil, in his study of the American Eevolu- tion, is required to trace the movements of the army under Washington from his taking command at Boston to the surrender of the British at Yorktown, naming the battles and encampments, together with the im- portant dates ; it will be found that the pupil's reali- zation of that portion of the Revolution with which the movements of this army are connected, is then much more vivid than is possible without this connected use of the map. A plan of a battle-ground drawn upon the board, and 188 SCHOOL DEVICES. the movements of the opposing troops dotted in lines as the pupil recounts the events, is another form of using geography in teaching history. Trace General Grant from his being placed in com- mand, before the battle at Belmont, through all his movements till Lee surrenders to him near Eichmond. Trace Sherman in his march to the Sea, and then northward to co-operate with Grant, pointing out the place of each engagement and giving a very brief ac- count of it. Such topics as the above cover more than one year; but such a plan used in the study of history will give a clear, connected, and durable impression of the main movements of the war. Plan of Recitation for History Class. Have the class read the lesson assigned for the following day, first as a reading exercise. On the next day di- rect the class to bring their slates with them to recita- tion. Have them write their names at the top, and then let the teacher give out a number of questions orally, requiring the class to write the answers upon their slates. The questions given by the teacher should not be those of the text-book, as the pupil would soon recognize this and learn the answers to them. Exchange slates as soon as all pupils have written their answers. Then, giving out the first question, call upon some pupil to read the answer upon the slate which he has, and by a raising of hands ascertain how many have answered the question correctly. An- swers will diifer in wording and in length ; but if the general facts are correct, give the pupil full credit for his answer. HISTORY. 189 First Things in the United States. First in- habitants known the Mound Builders. First Europeans to visit America the Northmen, according to tradition, explored New England during the llth, 12th, and 13th centuries. Little that is defi- nite is known. First voyage to the New World that of Columhus, starting August 3, 1492, and touching at San Salvador, West Indies. First landing on the mainland John Cahot, of uncertain nativity, first known as a Venetian, after- ward sailing under a charter obtained from Henry VII., in 1497, sailing along the coast 1000 miles south- ward from Labrador. First settlement September, 1564, Saint Augustine, Florida, by a Spaniard,. Melendez, who was sent over to drive back the Huguenot refugees. First charter granting land that to Sir Walter Raleigh, under title of "Virginia," in honor of the virgin queen, in 1584. First English settlement Jamestown, Virginia, under a charter granted to the London Company, of " noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants," in 1607. First slaves twenty offered for sale by a Dutch vessel, 1620, at Jamestown, Virginia. First ship built in New England the "Blessing of the Bay." July 4th, 1631. First college Harvard, projected in 1636, and actu- ally begun in 1638, at Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, and named in honor of John Harvard, a minister of Charlestown, who gave it an endowment of 400. First union of the colonies for their mutual benefit the Plymouth, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New 190 SCHOOL DEVICES. Haven colonies banded together in 1643. Matters of joint interest submitted to two commissioners from each colony. First witchcraft troubles those at Salem, 1698. First Presbyterian Church at Snow Hill, Maryland, 1690; first presbytery, that of Philadelphia, 1705; first synod, of four presbyteries, 1716. First newspaper Pennsylvania Gazette, or what afterwards became that paper, 1704. First general religious revival that preached by Jonathan Edwards throughout the New England colonies. His most famous sermon was " Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." First Continental Congress that at Philadelphia in 1774. First formal organization of the Methodist Church, 1784; first of the Episcopal Church, 1785; first of the Catholic Church, 1786. First State to ratify the Constitution Delaware, 1787. First State admitted to the Union Vermont, 1791. First steamboat Kobert Fulton's Clermont, on the Hudson, 1807; rate of speed, five miles per hour. First national bank that at Philadelphia, with branches, 1816-17; capital, 35,000,000 dollars. First canal Erie, opened 1825. First railroad Quincy, Mass., to tide-water mark, three miles ; drawn by horses ; 1827. First financial crisis that brought about by bank money, and real-estate speculation, 1837. First formal proposition to dissolve the Union the resolution of Mr. Bhett, of South Carolina, in Con- gress, in 1839. HISTORY. 191 First telegraph between Baltimore and Washing- ton, single wire, 1844; Prof. S. B. Morse. First dis- patch news of Mr. Folk's election to the Presidency. The "Yes" and "No" Game in History. This game is valuable as an occasional variation of the usual work. The old routine grows tedious, and it is a good idea to bring this little history pastime into the class, when the teacher sees listless, indifferent faces before him. Let him, or some one of the class, select in his mind an important historical event, per- son, time, or place, and the rest of the class ask ques- tions to discover it. No question unanswerable by yes or no should be allowed. This play-work develops a power and ease of ques- tioning, and shows also a prompt knowledge of the subject. It is an excellent review exercise, and so pleasant " such fun" that the pupils altogether forget that it is work. Use of Poems embodying Historical Facts. The many noted poems or works in prose founded on historical facts may be made a pleasant as well as an important aid in history lessons. For example: " Evangeliiie," based on the expulsion of the French from Acadia; "The Last of the Mohi- cans," introducing scenes of the French and Indian War; " Ichabod, " suggested to Whittier when Web- ster indorsed the Fugitive Slave Law; "The Biglow Papers," ridiculing the Mexican War; "The Star- Spangled Banner," written by F. S. Key, during the bombardment of Fort McHenry ; ' ' Paul Revere's Ride, " "The Landing of the Pilgrim's," "Sheridan's Ride," "Barbara Frietchie," "All Quiet along the Potomac To-night," etc. 192 SCHOOL DEVICES. Outside of the history of our own country are Tenny- son's " Charge of the Light Brigade," Byron's " Water- loo," Scott's works, and Shakespeare's historical plays. The list, of course, can be greatly extended. Its use will afford a grateful variation when recitations in history hecome monotonous. Supplementary Work in History. From the index of any history make a list of about one hundred names, comprising the most noted discoverers, ex- plorers, generals, presidents, statesmen, inventors, authors, and orators. Arrange the list alphabetically, numbering each name. Select for the class three or four names, and require them to find out, within a given time, all they can about each name. Who was he ? About what time did he live ? If a general, tell in what war he fought, and on what side ? If an inventor, what did he in- vent ? If a discoverer, what did he discover ? etc. When the allotted time is passed, instead of the regular history lesson, allow the pupils to recite all the information they have gained. Then require them to condense the same into two or three sentences, pre- serving, of course, the main facts. Have blank-books in which the pupils may write the name and condensed answer after it for future refer- ence. At first, pupils will find it difficult to condense their answers, and the teacher should aid them by placing upon the blackboard for their inspection several ex- amples. HISTORY. 193 No. 47 49 50 51 53 54 55 NAME. THOMAS JEFFERSON. JOHN PAUL JONES. . LAFAYETTE. . . . ABRAHAM LINCOLN. MAGELLAN. . . . MASSASOIT. . . . GEN. MCCLELLAN. . PlZARRO. STATEMENT. The third President of the United States. A famous naval officer in the Revolu- tionary War. He was in the service of the Americans, although born in Scotland. A French nobleman who fought with the Americans in the Revolution. He was twice elected President of the United States, and issued an order during the Civil War freeing the slaves. He was shot while serving his second term. A Portuguese navigator who discovered the Strait of Magellan ; he died on this voyage, and his sailors made the first voyage around the earth. An Indian chief who made a treaty of peace with the Pilgrim Fathers. A Union officer in the Civil War. A Spanish soldier who conquered Peru. Teaching History. I. Plan of Teaching History. 1. In one lesson give a general sketch of the whole history to be taught, and divide it into its great de- velopment periods, fixing the date of the commence- ment of each period. 2. Teach the history of each period, beginning with the first. 3. Teach independently the events connected with each topic. 4. Sketch the history connected with each topic suc- cessively through all the periods, after having taught each period independently. 194 SCHOOL DEVICES. 5. Show the advantages of this plan (a) in giving connected ideas regarding the progress made in each department of national life; (b) in facilitating the re- membrance of historical facts in their relation to their effects ; and (c) in affording natural and incidental re- views of the history already taught. II. Training Pupils to Study History. 1. This is the most important of the teacher's duties in dealing with this subject. History should be learned chiefly after school life has ended. 2. Assigning lessons wisely is the means for training to study. 3. Do not assign answers (notes) to be committed to memory. 4. Assign questions, and let pupils prepare answers by reading their histories. 5. All questions should not relate merely to isolated facts or dates. 6. They should compel a comparison of facts, and exercise the pupil's judgment. 7. A good outline or plan of the lesson is better than questions for advanced classes. III. General Suggestions. 1. Chronology is not history. 2. Epoch men and women should receive a large share of attention. 3. Striking scenes and great events should be vividly pictured to awaken interest. 4. Pupils should write historical abstracts and bio- graphical sketches for compositions. HISTORY. 195 Studying History by Preparing Written Pa- pers. In no way can the study of history be made to yield so excellent and wide results as by assigning topics to a class, requiring them to read up thoroughly, and write a careful and condensed paper upon the topic. By this plan the pupil is not getting his knowl- edge ready-made, but is making it for himself. He consults maps, books of reference, different text-books for the facts, and then must dwell upon them and have them clearly in mind before he is able to write a clear account. Frequently he will have to draw a map on his paper for illustration. Edward Abbott's little ''Paragraph History of the U. S." would form a good outline in American history for the teacher to work upon. One caution should be added to this plan, and that is, the necessity of thorough oral reviews. Dates. In teaching history, use but few dates, but let these few be focal dates. Train pupils to locate an occurrence between these by calculation. If careful consideration is given, they will come approximately near the exact time. Some dates can be impressed easily upon the mind by some peculiarity in them. Take, for instance, 1789, the year the present constitu- tion of the United States was adopted. By asking pupils to notice what is peculiar about the last three figures of this date, they will see the regular order of the numerals 7, 8, 9, and by this association hold it in memory. Nearly every boy has read these lines in Dr. Holmes's " One-hoss Shay:" 196 SCHOOL DEVICES. " Seventeen hundred and fifty-five Georgius Secundus was then alive Snuffy old drone from the German hive. That was the year when Lisbon town Saw the earth open and gulp her down; And Braddock's army was done so brown, And left without a scalp to its crown." In these lines are three important facts, two being upon American history, viz. : that it was in 1755 that Braddock's army was defeated (the first year of the French and Indian war), and that George the Second was then king of England. Washington died in December, 1799. This may be of but little value as a date, but whatever its value a statement such as this would fasten it in the mind: Washington died on the last hour of the day, the last day of the week, the last month of the year, and the last year of the century. Rome was founded 753 B.C. By remembering the reverse order of the odd numbers, 7, 5, 3, this date may be fixed in the mind. In speaking of the Norman Conquest, the impression made by saying " The Normans landed in 1066 "ten and two sixes is more forceful than to state merely the naked date. The dates of the following events may be remem- bered by contrast: The Puritans landed in 1620; sla- very was introduced into Virginia in 1619. It must be remembered, however, that a device of this kind has its limitations and is likely to be carried too far. HISTORY. 197 Administrations of the Presidents. Many examiners require the dates of the beginning and close of each President's administration. To acquire this easily, let scholars be able to name the Presidents in order and tell how many terms each served. Then taking the date 1789 (on which we have made a for- mer suggestion) and adding four or eight years, as the case may be, the whole matter becomes much easier. Drawing in History. Fresh interest can always be given to the study of history by introducing draw- ing. No matter how good the engraving in the book, a picture of the Monitor and the Merrimac drawn by a pupil on the board upon a large scale invests the story of that naval battle with an additional interest. We suggest a few of the many things that may be represented upon the board by those pupils who can draw: The flags used by the Americans in the Ee vo- lution; the Confederate flag; Continental money; Ful- ton's first steamboat; the firing upon the Star of the West as she attempted to carry reinforcements and supplies to Major Anderson at Fort Sumter. Civil Government. Such an exercise as the fol- lowing may be given to the whole school, since it con- tains information that every well-informed person should possess. The officers and legislative bodies of the U. S. government, of the State, county, town, and school district, exercising similar powers, are placed side by side : 198 SCHOOL DEVICES. U.S. State. County. Town. Sch. Dist. Congress. President. Sec. State. Sec.Treas. Auditors. Legislature. Governor. Sec. State. Treasurer. ComptrolTr. Board of Superv's. Sheriff. Co. Clerk. Co. Treas. B'd Supervisors. Town Meeting. Constable. Town Clerk. Supervisor. Auditors. Dist. Meeting. Trust, or Agt. Dist. Clerk. Collector. Trustee. English Sovereigns. Those who wish to fix in memory the succession of the sovereigns of England can easily do so by committing the following lines, which, though old, are useful: " First William the Norman, Then William his son; Henry, Stephen, and Henry, Then Kichard and John. Next Henry the Third, Edwards one, two, and three; And again, after Kichard, Three Henrys we see. Two Edwards, third Richard, If rightly I guess; Two Henrys, sixth Edward, Queen Mary, Queen Bess. Then Jamie, the Scotsman, Then Charles whom they slew, Yet received after Cromwell Another Charles too. Next James the Second Ascended the throne; Then good William and Mary Together came on. Till Anne, Georges four, And fourth William all past, God sent us Victoria May she long be the last 1" BISTORT. 199 Topical Outline for Teaching Civil Govern- ment, by Geo. H. Martin, Agent of the Massachusetts State Board of Education. ' a. What officers chosen. 6. By whom chosen. c. When and how chosen. . d. For what chosen. Same topics. Same topics. a. Public convenience and welfare. b. Public will. c. Nature of office-holding. d. Duties of ) To vote. citizens f To pay taxes, e. Public property. a. Necessity for laws. 6. Natural rights. c. Objects of laws. d. Duties of citizens to re- spect and obey. e. Nature of representation. a. Penalties. b. Justice, free, speedy, im- partial. c. Local administration. d. Presumption of innocence. e. Duties of witnesses and court officers. Execution, prompt, vigor- ous, impartial. a. Dangers to liberty. b. Safeguards of liberty. 1. Of local govern- ment, 2. Of State gov- ernment, 3. Of National government, 1. Of local govern- ment, 2. Of State gov- ernment, Legislative De- partment, Judicial Depart- ment, Executive Depart- ment, The Constitution, C 1. Immediate American history. III. CAUSES. < 2. Mediate English history. ( 3. Eemote Comparative history. 200 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER X. PHYSIOLOGY. Practical Physiology. There is no study which can be made of such practical value to a class as physiology; and to teach it, omitting the practical side, is to fail in the moral responsibility which one assumes in teaching such a subject. If you do not know the proper thing to do in restoring a person who has been under water several moments, find out, and see that your class understand what is neces- sary to be done in such a case. If you do not know what to do when an artery or large vein is severed, get some intelligent physician to inform you, and then make it clear to the class. The study should include sufficient anatomy to make clear the position of the large blood-vessels and the place where the arteries come to the surface. A teacher of physiology ought to be familiar with the relative digestibility of all the common foods, and make his pupils see how health is lost by non-attention to this subject, and by irregular and rapid eating. Do not treat the subject of ventilation as something foreign to e very-day life; make your pupils enthusi- astic over fresh air. Bring sharply home to each pupil the ways in which health is lost, as also the ways by which it can be made vigorous. Teaching that shows PHYSIOLOGY. 201 the structure of the stomach and lungs, and. the way in which they act, is of but small value if it does not show how to take care of these organs. Read chapter "The True Foundation of Science- Teaching" in Payne's " Lectures on Education." Development Lesson in Physiology. The following is a report of a lesson actually given to a grade of pupils, 12 or 13 years of age. It will be no- ticed that the teacher carefully observed two things: going from the seen to the unseen, and from the sim- ple to the difficult. His foremost aim in the entire work was to make the child reverence his body. The order in which the whole subject of Physiology was taken up by the grade is, in the main, as follows: SKIN. Qualities, structure, use, care. MUSCLES. Qualities, structure, use, care. BONES. 1. Qualities. Hard, smooth, light, porous at ends, knobs at ends, ridges and depressions on the surface. 2. Structure. (From sawed bone), hand, porous, fine tubes, canal, marrow. 3. Composition. Bone in dilute acid, bone burned. 4. Skeleton. Framework and support of the body. c Skull, 5. Parts. < Trunk, ( Extremities. 6. Joints. Arms, legs. {Ligament sprain. Cartilage use. Synovia use. 202 SCHOOL DEVICES. {Movable. Hinge. Ball and socket. Immovable. 8. Care of Bones. Growth and repair. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. NERVOUS SYSTEM. The lesson began with a review of the work of the day before. REVIEW. Teacher. What did we find on the outside of our bodies ? Pupil. We found skin on the outside of our bodies. T. What is the main use of the skin ? P. To protect the parts underneath it. T. What is just underneath the skin ? P. The muscle or lean meat is underneath the skin. T. What is the use of the muscle ? P. The muscle moves the parts of the body. ADVANCE WORK. T. What is under the muscle ? P. There is bone under the muscle. T. How do you know ? The pupils gave various answers. One said: " I can feel the bone in my fingers and at my elbows." An other, "We can see the bone inside the flesh in beef and pork;" another, " I saw a man who had his finger cut off, and I could see the bone inside the flesh." At this point the teacher showed specimen (a dog's leg that had been preserved in alcohol) , and located PHYSIOLOGY. 203 the skin, muscle, and bone. Then he passed specimens of bones to each pupil. T. What have I given you ? P. A bone. T. Tell me all you can about the bone. P. This bone is white or pink, and smooth. T. Make a dent in the bone with your finger. P. I cannot. T. Why not? P. Because it is hard. T. Hold the bone on the end of one finger, and tell me about its weight. P. It is light. T. Examine the end of your bone. P. It is full of very little holes. T. What word describes a thing which is full of such little holes? P. Porous. T. Shut your eyes and pass your fingers over the whole bone. What did you notice ? P. I noticed a knob on the end of my bone. P. I found a ridge on the side of my bone. T. Tell me all you have learned about your bone. P. It is white, smooth, hard, light, porous at the end, and it has ridges and knobs at the end. T. Draw on the blackboard one line to represent this face of your bone; this edge; this edge; and this edge. The pupils passed to the blackboard, and drew quick- ly and well what they were directed to draw. T. What kind of faces and edges must your bone have since you draw curved lines to represent them? P. Curved faces and edges. 204 SCHOOL DEVICES. T. Why do these bones have curved faces and edges? Pupil does not know. T. What is the shape of the top of the doorway downstairs? P. It is curved. T. Why was it built with a curve instead of with straight lines? P. It was built so because it looks better. T. Yes ; it is more beautiful. Why are all the arches in the railroad bridge made with curved instead of straight lines? P. Because they look better. Another pupil: Be- cause they are stronger. (Teacher illustrated to class by drawing.) T. Why do we make curved faces? P. For beauty and strength. T. Bones are curved for the same reason (presenting a large bone sawed longitudinally). Tell me all you can about the substance of which this bone is formed. P. It is white, hard, and porous, and there is a greasy substance in the middle. T. This greasy substance is called marrow (writing the word upon the blackboard) ; see if you can tell me why this greasy substance is placed inside of bones, for our next lesson. T. (Presenting two bones.) Describe this. P. This bone is very limber and tough. T. Now describe this. P. This bone is very brittle, and it is stiff. T. The first bone has been in acid, and the mineral substance has been taken out of it. What is left is called the animal substance, or animal part of the bone. What does the animal substance give bones? PHYSIOLOGY. 205 P. The animal substance gives toughness and lim- berness to bones. T. This other bone has been burned, and the animal substance has been destroyed; this part is called the mineral substance of bones. What does the mineral substance give to bones? P. The mineral substance gives hardness and brittle- ness to bones. Another pupil added : Stiffness. T. (Presenting skeleton.) What have I? P. A skeleton or bones. T. From what animal do you think these bones were taken? P. From a man. T. Of what use were these bones to the man? Pupil does not know. T. Suppose the bone$ could be taken out of your body without hurting you, how would it affect you? P. I could not stand up. T. Then of what use are the bones of your body to you? P. The bones hold my body up. . T. Who can tell it another way ? P. The bones support my body. T. What do you call the part of a building which supports or holds up the rest? P. The framework. T. What may we call the bones? P. The framework of the body. Summary. T. Tell me the qualities of bone. P. Bone is white, hard, porous, light. T. Describe the inside of the bone you saw. 206 SCHOOL DEVICES. P. It was hard, white, and full of a greasy substance. T. Of how many substances is bone composed? P. Bone is composed of two substances animal and mineral. T. What does each give to bone? P. The animal substance gives toughness and lim- berness to bone. The mineral substance gives hard- ness and stiffness to bone. T. What is the use of the bones in the body? P. Bones support the body; bones are the frame- work of the body. This lesson was followed by lessons on the backbone, chest, skull, and then came lessons on the growth and care of the bones. How to Prepare a Drop of Blood for Obser- vation under the Microscope. A specimen of blood can be prepared for the microscope by using a slide and cover glass (a thin round glass). Take the latter in the fingers and breathe quickly on one side of it, which will thus become slightly moist. Place the cover glass upon the slide, the moist side downward. Put a fresh drop of blood on the slide at the edge of the cover glass, and a bit of blotting-paper at the other side of the same. The moisture on the underside of the glass will be drawn out into the blotting-paper, and the blood will be forced in to take its place without in- jury to the blood-corpuscles. The specimen is then ready for use. An Outline of Foods, Place the following out- line upon the board, GO be used as the basis for lessons on foods : PHYSIOLOGY. 207 (Albumen, Casein, Gluten, Fibrin, etc. AT . f Fats, Not - ' containing \ S Organic. Foods. fLime; \ Salts, chlorides, phos- Inorganic. -j phates, etc. ; Iron, [Water. To Show the Process of Osmosis in Liquids. Over one end of a glass tube tie securely a piece of parchment paper, and put in the tube a thick solution of sugar and water. Insert the tube in a dish of clear water, so that the surface of the sugar solution and that of the clear water shall be on a level. After standing awhile, it will be found that the liquid in the tube has risen above the level of the surrounding water, showing that some of the water has passed through the paper into the denser liquid. To Show Osmosis in Gases. Over the top of a glass containing nothing but air tie securely a thin rubber membrane. Place this under a bell glass con- taining hydrogen. The hydrogen will pass through the rubber into the denser medium, and increase the bulk of air to such an extent as to burst the rubber. To Illustrate Reflex Action. Pith a frog in the following way : After etherizing, to obviate unnecessary 208 SCHOOL DEVICES. pain to the animal, find with the finger a depression in the spinal column just below the base of the brain. Insert the point of a knife here, and sever the spinal cord. Through the opening thus made run a small awl or wire up into the brain, and destroy that organ by twisting the awl or wire about within the brain cavity. Although the brain is thus destroyed, the other functions of the body still continue. Lay the f i-og on the ventral surface and straighten out the legs. Let one side of the animal be tickled with a feather or pinched with a pair of pincers. The leg on that side will be drawn up and swept over the side to remove the cause of the irritation. Try the same on the other side. The other leg will go through the same motions. Pinch various parts of the body, and observe the efforts of the frog to remove the irritating object. Suspend the frog and pull down the legs. Bring a dish con- taining dilute sulphuric acid up under the frog, so that one of the legs will just touch it. The foot will sud- denly be withdrawn. Touch the acid to the other leg. That will likewise be withdrawn. Moisten a bit of blotting-paper with acetic acid, and place it on the flank of the frog. The leg on that side will be drawn up, and swept over the flank to dislodge the paper. To Illustrate Congestion. Having placed a frog that has been pithed so that the web of the foot can be seen under the microscope, apply to the spot to be observed a drop of creosote. Observe the action of the blood. It will be seen to become stagnated, and blocked up in its flow, while the white corpuscles will become more numerous. Here, then, can be seen, on a small scale, the whole process of congestion. If the PHYSIOLOGY. 209 irritation from the creosote be but slight, the blood will finally force its way through the blood-vessels, and the circulation be resumed. To Show the Motion of the Cilia. Lay open the oesophagus of a frog that has been recently pithed, and on the inner surface lay a small bit of cork. It will be seen to move slowly down toward the stomach, carried along by the cilia. To Show the Circulation.- The circulation can be observed in the tongue of the frog, as in the web of the foot and in the lungs of the same animal. The circulation of the blood can likewise be seen in the tail of the tadpole. If a specimen can be obtained at just the right age, nearly the whole circulatory system of the animal can be watched through its trans- parent skin. The heart, with the blood entering and leaving it, can be seen, as also its passage through the arteries. For the success of the observation, it is well to starve the young tadpole for a day or two previous to examining it. As the animal grows older, its skin loses its quality of transparency. The tadpole may be rendered passive by placing it in water and heating to about 113 degrees. Action of the Heart. A good experiment to offer to the class in physiology is to open the thoracic cavity of a frog, previously rendered insensible, when will be seen the action of the heart and the lungs collapsed. If the heart be carefully removed and placed on a board in a warm place, it will beat for some time. 210 SCHOOL DEVICES. Structure of the Lungs. To show the structure of the lungs, insert a small tube in the trachea of a dead frog and inflate the lungs. Tie up the trachea to prevent the escape of the air, and hang in a warm place to dry. On cutting it open, after being thor- oughly dried, the air-cells can be studied to good advantage. Carbonic Acid. The show the presence of car- bonic acid in expired air, take a small glass tube or the stem of a clay pipe, and through it breathe slowly into a glass of lime-water. A white precipitate will be formed, which is carbonate of lime, formed by the carbon of the gas and the lime in the water. Structure of the Heart. The heart's action can be studied to advantage by the use of the frog, as shown in another place. But to show the structure of this organ, the heart of a larger animal is necessary. Get a butcher to save you one from a sheep, and while it is still fresh cut it open and exhibit it to the class. The working of the valves can be readily shown, and, in genera], the students will get a much better idea of the subject from such an inspection than from a mul- .titude of diagrams. Have the students draw carefully upon paper what they see. To Diagram the Blind Spot in the Eye. Draw several horizontal, parallel lines about a quarter of an inch apart. Make a cross at one end of the line. Close the left eye, and look steadily at the cross with the right eye. Now run the point of the pencil along PHYSIOLOGY. 211 the upper line. At a certain distance along the line, the point will become invisible, and a little further on will again appear. Make a dot at the points of disap- pearance and reappearance. Do this on a number of the lines. It will be found that the dots have enclosed a space which, if the lines are near together, and the experiment be carefully performed, will give a very accurate outline of the blind spot in the eye. It will be found to differ in shape in different members of the class. It should be remembered that the eye is to be kept at a uniform distance from the page throughout the experiment. Dissection of a Rabbit or Cat. The teacher who desires to do thoroughly good work in teaching physiology should not fail to make a dissection before the class of a rabbit or a cat. In no other way can such a vivid representation of the organs of the body and their functions be brought before the pupil's eyes. You may describe accurately the action of the heart, but your class will never fully realize what it means until a heart has been seen in action. There need be no hesitancy because of the specious arguments against vivisection: an animal under the influence of ether is dead to pain. When a dissection is to be made, let the animal, either a rabbit or a cat, be placed in a close box, in which has been placed a sponge, or cloth, moderately wet with ether. It is convenient to have a glass window in the top of the box, so that one may know at once when the anaesthetic has taken effect. Do not keep the box so tightly closed as to smother the animal. When thoroughly insensible, remove the animal from the box. Have some one keep the sponge 212 SCHOOL DEVICES. or cloth near the animal's nose continually. Be par- ticular about this. Stretch the animal upon its back on a board, and draw all its feet out and fasten them to the sides of the board with strings. Part the fur, and make an incision through the skin upon the median line from the throat across the thoracic and abdominal cavities, but do not cut through into the thoracic cavity in the first of the dissection, as that would cause the lungs to collapse, when the functions of life would shortly end. Make an incision into the abdominal cavity below the diaphragm, and observe the position of the stomach, liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, large and small intestines. If there is food in the animal's stomach, notice the congested appearance of that organ. Observe carefully the peristaltic action of the intes- tinesthe instant of rest followed by the peculiar writhing motion which marks the function. With a thin scalpel or small knife, carefully detach a small bit of the thin, almost transparent membrane which invests the intestines. This is the peritonaeum which slings the intestines to the walls of the abdom- inal cavity. Notice the action of the diaphragm as it expands and contracts with every breath. Carefully raise the intestines from their position, and find the large blood-vessels that follow the course of the spinal column down from the heart. Distinguish between the veins and the arteries. If an artery is cut in your work, pick it up at once with pincers and tie it. Notice the white appearance of the cut end. Cut through into the cavity of the thorax and notice the collapsed lungs their color, form, and general consistency. Notice their covering. Raise the lungs carefully, and notice the working of the heart. Try to distinguish the two PHYSIOLOGY. 213 impulses of a single beat. Observe carefully the auri- cles and the apex (the lower point). Notice that it is the striking of this point against the wall of the thorax which gives the impression of a beat when the hand is held over the heart. Distinguish the pericardium, or sac in which the heart is contained. Trace the aorta and the various veins and arteries connected with the heart, naming the most important. Cut open the covering of the throat, laying bare the trachea. Ob- serve the hard rings nearly encircling it, and behind this the oesophagus. Follow the trachea down to the bronchi. Trace the large veins of the throat. When all these points have been carefully studied, remove the heart by cutting away its attachments, and place it in water slightly warm. It will beat for some time. If placed in cold water, it will stop beating, but on being returned to the warm fluid it will resume its beats if it still retains its vitality ; that is, if the experi- ment has been carefully made, and the heart has not been too long removed from the body. In cutting into the thoracic cavity, the sternum will have to be removed. This may be done by severing the attachment of the ribs with stout shears. To show the action of the lungs in breathing, remove the lungs and trachea intact. Place them in a large empty bottle, with the trachea projecting through a hole in the cork. Eender the bottle air-tight by means of sealing-wax placed about the trachea and the edges of the cork. Place a small bellows, or rubber bulb, over the open end of the trachea. In this way the lungs can be inflated, when the air in the bottle will become compressed. Remove the pressure of the bulb, or bel- 214 SCHOOL DEVICES. lows, and the air in the bottle will expand and drive out the air from the lungs, which will then be in a state of collapse. Repeat this regularly fifteen times per min- ute, and a very successful exhibition of the action of the lungs in breathing will be afforded. SEAT-WORK. 215 CHAPTEE XI. SEAT -WORK What is Gained by Seat-work. Would you reduce discipline to a minimum of effort, keep your scholars busy, taking great care that there be variety in their work. Have you yet, do you think, fully real- ized how much there is in this? Copying Reading Lessons. Direct pupils to copy carefully upon their slates the reading lesson just finished, or the lesson to be read to-morrow. See that there is no hurried work. Inspect all work and ap- prove every effort that shows the pupil has tried. In this copying the pupil is aiding himself in spelling, by impressing the forms of the words upon his mind ; he is getting practice in writing ; he is indirectly learn- ing to capitalize and punctuate ; and, besides this, what he does is of direct value to him in reading. Seat-work in Reading. Suppose the following words are printed at the head of the reading lesson: slate name bird pane gave cage some mate face Dick come skate frame cake that came Write this direction upon the blackboard, viz. : Copy the words upon the slate in regular order; study them from left to right; study them from bot- tom to top ; study them from right to left ; place the fig- ure 1 beside the words beginning with a &, 2 beside those beginning with c, 3 beside those beginning with d, etc. 216 SCHOOL DEVICES. Thinking of Words. To afford variety in seat- work, direct pupils to make on their slates a list of all words they can think- of that have three letters in them ; on another day, a list of words having four let- ters only. The number may be increased, as the pu- pils advance in knowledge. Building Up Words. For pupils in the primary class write upon the blackboard parts of words as fol- lows: at an all ad eat ell and at an all ad eat ell and at an all ad eat ell and at an all ad eat ell and at an all ad eat eU at an all ad eat eU Direct the class to form words by putting one or more letters before each part. Other parts of words will readily occur to the teacher. Suggestions for Seat-work. Write short sen- tences on the blackboard, and require them to be copied. Have the Roman letters and numbers of the pages in the reading-book copied. Shoe-pegs cost ten cents a quart. They can be easily colored by soaking them in any of the aniline dyes. Distribute these to the smallest pupils and let them form designs, and copy the designs upon their slates. Pu- pils may also form little arithmetical examples upon their desks. Upon pieces of card-board copy examples to be . - SEAT-WORK. 217 worked, tables to be filled out, words and sentences to be copied. Write a neat little letter upon the blackboard, and let pupils copy it on their slates. Take card-board and cut it up into half -inch squares. Print letters on these squares, and let pupils form words with these letters. As soon as a word is formed, it may be copied on the slate. Place a number of red, blue, and yellow inch squares of bristol-board in envelopes, and, distributing these, have children form designs, each following his own fancy. Bring in leaves of different shapes, distribute these, and let children place them on their slates and draw an outline by tracing around them. Give pupils geometrical forms cut from card-board, and let them trace the outlines of these upon their slates. Dissected Pictures and Maps. Another way in which to interest and keep small children busy is to take pictures from the illustrated papers, being careful always that the pictures are meritorious, and paste them upon pasteboard; then cut the whole into squares, triangles, etc. Give these parts to the pupil and let him properly re-arrange them. By using maps in the same way, considerable knowledge of geography will be imparted. Number. Let the pupil arrange and add such numbers as will give successively as right-hand figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. Thus: 218 SCHOOL DEVICES. 9-7-21 Give 1 as 1 + 11 Give 2 as 2+11 Give 3 as 8 + 3 I right- 9 + 3 ! right- 9+4 I right- 7+4 ( hand 8+4 f hand 8 + 5 f hand 6+5 J figure. 7+5 J figure. 7+6 J figure. Put tables upon the board like the following, and let pupils supply answers at their seats : 4+=9 iof 4 = 5x6= i of 12 = 14-9= Jof 8 = 20 -f- =5 fof!2 = 36 9= fof 9 = 46 -f- = 7 f of 16 = 7x8= | of 6 = Direct pupils to write on slates what is necessary to make a full table. $10 + $6 = x = 8 9c. + 4c. = + = 7 6 qts. + 9 qts. = = 11 2 qts. + 3 pts. = -* = 3 2 yds. + 2 ft. = x = 18 Iqt. +llgal. = +=13 5 in. + li f t. = - = 17 -*-= 6 Illustrated Examples. Set pupils to making original examples and illustrating them, or give them the examples to illustrate ; as, add i, i, i, f , i. Ans.l|. SEAT- WORK. 219 If a daisy has 21 leaves and 9 fall off, how many are left? 21 9 12 left. Ans. 12. If a forget-me-not has 6 petals, how many petals will 5 forget- me-nots have? 6 5 30 petals. 3i = how many halves ? OXDODO Ans. 3 = In a house show- ing eight windows, with twelve panes in each window, how many panes ^$ are seen? 12 8 % panes. 220 SCHOOL DEVICES. What will a stone wall cost 18 ft. long and 9 ft. high, at $2.00 a sq. yd. ? 18 ft. = 6 yds. 9ft. =3 yds. $2.00 18 18 yds. $36.00 Ans. Geography. Rule the board for the number of columns desired, and write at the head the subject ; as, rivers, islands, etc. At the head of each column write the headings suggested below. One or two ex- amples may be written out, to give the pupil an idea of what is desired ; then he can fill the columns to any length. Below are some suggestions for rivers, islands, gulfs, bays, etc. RIVERS. NAME. SOURCE. DIRECTION. OUTLET. Kennebec Moosehead Lake. South Atlantic Ocean. Mississippi Itasca Lake South Gulf of Mexico ISLANDS. NAME. SITUATION. SURROUNDED BY. BELONGS TO. St. Helena West of Africa Atlantic Ocean . England. SEAT- WORK ISTHMUSES. 221 NAME. WHAT CONNECT. WATERS SEPARATED. Panama North America and South America. Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. GULFS, BAYS, AND SEAS. NAME. WHERE. TRIBUTARY TO. BY. Baffin Bay Red Sea N. of N. A N E of Africa.. Atlantic Ocean . . Indian Ocean Davis Straits. Bab-el-Mandeb. Gulf of Mexico.. S.ofU. S Atlantic Ocean . . Florida Straits. MOUNTAINS. NAME. WHERE SITUATED. HIGHEST PEAK. White New Hampshire Mt. Washington. LAKES. NAME. WHERE SITUATED. OUTLET. Erie Between U. S. and Canada. Niagara River. Itasca Minnesota Mississippi River. CAPES, PROMONTORIES, AND PENINSULAS. NAME. WHERE. PROJECTS INTO. Lower California West of Mexico Pacific Ocean. 222 SCHOOL DEVICES. Anagrams. A device for seat-work that will be found both interesting and profitable is the making of anagrams. Select a word of moderate length made up about equally of vowels and consonants, and ask the pupils to form as many new words as possible, using only a part, or all, of the letters found in the original word ; forming in the first place words that begin with the first letter of this word, then those be- ginning with the second letter. Blackboard for Lowest Grade. If you have a primary department in your school, you should have a blackboard that will accommodate ten or twelve pupils, giving about eighteen inches of running space to each pupil. Have the board low enough for them to reach ; and if this is not possible, have a platform built so that the little ones can reach the board, which we here sup- pose is above wainscoting a yard high. Divide the board into spaces by painted lines, put an eraser and crayon at each place, and send your little ones in groups to this board. Don't fret over them. Let them alone. If a pupil is disorderly, deprive him of the privilege of going to the board. When your little ones are at the board, go on with your other work, and let them mark away as they want to. All sorts of fan- tastic drawings will be made. But the rest it gives the little ones! the rest it gives the teacher! and a thousand times more than all is the play it gives to the little folks' imaginations. Derivatives from Primitive Words. A valua- ble drill in spelling can be made by putting exercises like the following upon the board and directing pu- pils to form the words at their seats : SEAT- WORK 223 Make these words end in ing : Make these end in ed : awake listen start point hop wrap Add ly to these words: real true even hard hasty general ill equal Add en to these words: short sweet rot fall awake bid rid shake run fail give forget fly dig knit shut swim win wring quit dance knot stay drop lag slam whole slow wide able single separate angry pretty fat ripe sharp flat eat forsake take length 224 SCHOOL DEVICES. CHAPTER XII. DRA WING. Drawing from Models. We give herewith illus- trations of a number of models, with which any teacher may provide himself, as many of them he can make, while the rest can he obtained from any mechanic of ordinary ability at a trifling cost. Begin with the simplest forms, as the cubes and the other rectangular solids, placing the model in such a posi- tion that the lights and shadows will be brought out sharply. Teach the pupil to regard the form of the object as made up of these lights and shadows, rather than direct his attention to an imaginary line bound- ing the figure. Do not have the outline of these models drawn, but let the pupil biing out their form wholly by shading. There are no lines in nature, the sharp edge of a cube, on which the light falls strongly, being only the abrupt termination of a shadow. More satisfactory results can be obtained from teaching drawing in this way than from the ordinary custom of drawing an outline. Do not ex- pect too much at first; perhaps the pupil has not been accustomed to look at an object in this way, but he will soon learn that the only things that give form to any object are the lights and shadows, after which DRAWING. 225 he will be prepared to make advancement, and such advancement as really advances. After the model has been copied from one point of view, change it to other positions in successive lessons. We have numbered the models, and combinations of models, to show the order in which they should be given to a class. We have suggested in the illustra- tions a few of the combinations which can be used when the pupil has acquired facility in drawing simple forms ; but the combinations which any teacher can form for himself are almost endless. Care should be taken, however, in combining the simple solids, that difficulties be presented gradually to the pupil. Make at each lesson the combinations a little more difficult to draw. A Harmful Practice. Do not allow your pupils to copy pictures, as those who gain their experience from this kind of work are usually at a loss to know what to do when they come to copy directly from nature. Drawing from Nature. When the pupils have gained facility in copying, in various positions and com- binations, the models here represented, select for them simple objects directly from nature, as a jagged rock, a knotted piece of wood, a branch of a tree, a simple flower, or fruit of different kinds. A Concession. While we regard the plan of drawing without outlines as the one that will yield the most satisfactory results, yet, if this plan seems imprac- ticable to any teacher by reason of not having learned to use the pencil in that way himself, let outlines be 226 SCHOOL DEVICES. used ; but encourage the pupil to depend upon them as little as possible. Shading. In the illustrations which are given, but little attempt has been made at shading, as that could be represented only by elaborate engraving. To bring out the full values of the lights and shadows when copying, let a piece of drab-colored cloth drawn tightly over a wooden frame be placed behind the model. DRAWING. 227 228 SCHOOL DEVICES. u 12. DRAWING. 229 230 SCHOOL DEVIOUS. DRAWING. 231 232 SCHOOL DEVICES. DRAWING. 233 234 SCHOOL DEVICES. Designing. Excellent work in designing can be done by the following plan: Cut from pasteboard a number of squares, circles, equilateral triangles, hex- agons, and even octagons. The squares should be about two inches on a side, and the circles have the same length for their diameter. Show pupils that by placing the pasteboard figures upon tea-paper, and marking around them with lead-pencil, a block is formed, which gives them a geometrical basis for a design. Let the pupils fill in the figures as their in- vention suggests. In nearly every toy-shop a little box of French crayons of different colors can be had for five cents. With these let pupils color their designs. Color de- lights a child's eye, and his interest in designing will DRAWING. 235 be greatly enhanced by the use of these crayons. To prevent the color from blurring, dissolve a little white shellac in alcohol, and blow it over the design with an atomizer. The colors are thus firmly fixed. To incite interest, pin up the best designs in the schoolroom where they may be seen by all the school. 236 SCHOOL DEVICES. The diagrams given below illustrate and suggest the geometrical bases for designs : PENMANSHIP AND APPARATUS. 237 CHAPTEE XIH. PENMANSHIP AND APPARA- TUS. Order in which Letters Should be Taught. In teaching penmanship the following order in which the capitals should be taught is one founded upon wide experience: ^. In this way all the letters that are simi- t larly formed will be taught at once. The following is the order for small letters: ^ ^ ^ , ^ -^ / X ff' /'//'/?' J ^ ter ^ e l^ers have all been formed, the teacher should lose no time in building words and sentences. In the latter the capitals can be taught, though work with these is much slower than with small letters. Of course the small letters should be taught first, and such words as man, etc., should be written as soon as the single letters forming the words have been learned. 238 SCHOOL DEVICES. Suggestions. In order to secure good results in penmanship, the boards should be ruled with six lines, as well as the slates, and the letters formed in proper proportions. The slates should be furnished by the school. Thorough inspection and approval of the work by the teacher are necessary. The children should be incited to take the utmost pains with the work. Let it be understood that no one can write who will not do this. Very soon they will come to have a pride in their work. This plan should be used for the first two years. In the third year the slates and boards should be ruled, but with the second and fifth lines omitted. Thorough inspection and approval of all work should be practised throughout the year. It is specially im- portant that the pupil do not form two styles of writing. In doing this his progress is greatly hin- dered, and much of his previous drill is rendered use- less. In the second year, practice-paper and lead- pencils may be used; in the third year, pen and ink. For ruling a blackboard with the six lines used in writing, have the lines painted on the board, or use a frame made of six slats where it is necessary to rule PENMANSHIP AND APPARATUS. 239 in crayon. A similar frame, on a smaller scale, can be used for ruling slates. Place this on the slate, and draw lines with the point of a file or an awl. As a matter of convenience and economy, add a little water from time to time to the ink-wells, as the water in the ink evaporates. If this is not done, the ink will become too thick. Insist upon the pupil holding his pen correctly. Ex- ercise care that the pupil does not copy the same word a great many times, as he will thus copy his mistakes. As soon as possible give attention to proper move- ment in writing. Let the hand slide on the little finger. Practice this a great deal on trial-paper, making ovals, curves, etc., with very little shading, if any. Lead your pupils to keep prominently in mind that graceful movement makes graceful writing. Criticism. In teaching writing, as in many other branches, criticism is invaluable. Occasionally place a word or letter on the board, and ask questions about it. Or take the work of a number of pupils and ask the class to criticise. In this way their attention will be brought sharply to any defects that may exist. Teach pupils to criticise their own work in writing also, and when they discover a fault to work until the fault is overcome. The teacher must pass among his pupils, continually assisting them in this work of criticism, as their judgments will often be found in- correct. The formation by the learner of the habit of criticism is of the highest value in acquiring a fluent and even handwriting. Constant practice is, of course, necessary ; but to make this the most effective, there should be continual comparison of the incorrect with the correct form. 240 SCHOOL DEVICES. Primary Writing. It is of the utmost importance that the teacher be a good writer before he attempts to teach the subject. If you are not proficient in this matter, persevering practice will make you so. The pupils should work from copies placed upon the board by the teacher, and not from charts, as there is neces- sarily a certain stiffness about these. Do not make the time of practice too long, as the pupils will thus become wearied and so lose interest. A few moments twice a day will produce better results than the same length of time occupied at one sitting. Charts Adapted to One's Need. Any teacher at all apt at drawing or copying may make for him- self charts to aid in his work. Stout maniUa- paper may be used, and, if necessary, colored crayons. It is a fact recognized by all teachers that no text-book is perfectly adapted to one's work. The teacher, there- fore, who is progressive seeks to supplement the text- book. Charts made by himself will stand in good stead for a part of this supplemental work. Take, for instance, the subject of arithmetic: examples, prob- lems, diagrams for teaching mensuration, are some of the things that may be put upon charts. Then, in his- tory, plans of battles drawn upon a larger scale, make movements and positions more prominent. In physi- ology, in physics, in botany, in astronomy, in book- keeping, there are often found better diagrams in other text-books than there are in the text-books adopted; these, as well as the excellent diagrams in books not accessible to the class, can be drawn upon manilla-paper in the way we have suggested above. It involves too much work, some may object. Yet PENMANSHIP AND APPARATUS. 241 can it not be said justly that such an outfit ought rightfully to be expected of the teacher? Take the case of a carpenter. What is his outfit? A chest of tools, by no means an inexpensive equipment, and, in ad- dition, fifteen or twenty dollars a year is required to make up the loss from wear and tear. Is anything similar to this required of the average teacher? Has he any right, therefore, to complain of the work in- volved in securing for himself an equal equipment? An Ink-well Filler. A simple and unequalled ink- well filler is shown in the accompanying figure. A stopper is fitted to an ordinary quart ink-bottle, and through this are passed two pieces of glass tubing, easily bent in the manner shown in the figure, by heating 242 SCHOOL DEVICES. them in the flame of an alcohol lamp. To the piece of tubing reaching nearly to the bottom of the bottle is attached a piece of quarter-inch rubber tubing, which can be had at any drug-store. On blowing into the short tube the ink will be forced out through the rub- ber tube, and by pinching the rubber tubing near the end the flow of ink can be stopped at will. If one is careful in pinching the end, not a particle of ink need be dropped, and on this account the filler does its work in a cleanly way. It is only necessary to blow into the short tube but once to start the flow, as the long tube acts as a siphon. To stop the flow of ink, lift the rubber tubing up so that the ink in it will flow back into the bottle. A Wash-bottle for Slates. A wash-bottle may be made by inserting a piece of sponge into the neck of a small bottle as a stopper, leaving part of the sponge without the bottle, which has previously been filled with water. A Substitute for Compasses. Take a piece of pasteboard or thick paper and make a hole in one end, and in the other end a number of holes at varying dis- tances. A pin at one end and the point of a lead-pen- cil inserted in one of the holes at the other end com- pletes the substitute. Selecting a Thermometer. A thermometer should be in every schoolroom, and the temperature kept as near 68 as possible. On windy days, when the cold is searching, the temperature should be 70. In selecting a thermometer, pick out a half-dozen PENMANSHIP AND APPARATUS. 243 which vary but little from one another. Find the average temperature of the six, and purchase the one differing the least from this average. You will then be likely to secure an instrument that will indicate ap- proximately correct temperature. It is nearly impos- sible to get a perfectly accurate instrument at a low price. A Cabinet of Productions. For use in geogra- phy classes collect and arrange in a case, vegetable and mineral products, as cotton, flax, vegetable ivory, dif- ferent woods, coffee berries, indigo, rice in the hull, mace, cochineal, vanilla, cinchona-bark, saltpetre, caoutchouc, gypsum, hemp, iron ore, copper ore, lead ore, graphite, etc. When studying a locality noted for any of these productions, have them before the class. Tracing-stencil. A stencil that will furnish a large number of copies of objects, words, etc., in out- line dots, for pupils to draw, can be made by tracing the pattern on paper, then with an unthreaded sewing- machine follow the lines. Place this upon the draw- ing-paper and rub powdered crayon over the holes thus formed ; an outline copy in dotted lines will be found underneath, which the pupil can trace with pencil. This same plan can be used in numberless ways that will readily occur to the teacher. Slating. Take fine rotten-stone, lamp-black, alco- hol, and shellac. If this is not practicable, take a pound of glue and dissolve it in five quarts of water, add enough lamp-black to make a good body, together with a small quantity of alcohol. 244 SCHOOL DEVICES. The Hectograph. Few teachers recognize the service which a hectograph may be to them in their work. Examination questions, test problems, etc., suggest the frequent need of such a help. Any one, with but little trouble, can make one for himself, which will last for a long time, and prove a great saving of time and labor. The usual manner of making is to take two parts of glue and one of glycer- ine. The glue should be dissolved in water. While the glue is still hot add the glycerine, and boil until it is of the proper consistency. Another plan is to take of glue four parts, glycerine two parts, barium sulphate, finely powdered, one part (one part of kaoline may be used instead), water fif- teen parts. A rectangular tin pan, half an inch deep, will hold the mixture. Aniline ink should be used. Colored Crayons. These can be made from the white school crayon by boiling in any of the aniline dyes, dissolved in hot water. The crayons should be kept from the sunlight, as they fade in it. BIBLE READINGS. 245 CHAPTER XIV. BIBLE READINGS. September July. Bible Readings. It comes very near the truth to say that the great body of teachers who are called upon to read some selection of Scripture to their schools each morning have no collection of passages marked out, but pick up their readings from morning to morning in a hurried and desultory way. Observa- tion testifies that in hundreds of cases blunders are made and chapters unsuitable for school use are read. The reading of a chapter in this haphazard way of selecting can be nothing other than indifferent. And herein is an opportunity lost ; for there is great influ- ence and majesty in the Scriptures when read well and impressively. The passages here arranged for each day and week of the school-year have been carefully selected. Ex- cept in a few instances, where the thought of a chap- ter would be mutilated by giving a part only, the readings are short, as readings from the Bible should be in the schoolroom. The words difficult of pro- nunciation have been noted, and are correctly marked under the selection in which they occur. 246 SCHOOL DEVICES. SEPTEMBER. FIEST 'WEEK. MONDAY. The Gospel of St. John, Oh. 1. 1st to 19th verse. The Divinity of Christ. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. I. 19th to 35th verse. John's Testimony of Christ. Bethabara = Beth'ab'a-ra, WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. I. 35th verse to end. Andrew and Peter called. Bethsaida = Beth'sa'i-da. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. II. 1st to 18th verse. The Marriage in Cana. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. II. 18th verse to end, and Ch. III. 25th verse to end. John testifieth of Christ. SECOND WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. IV. 1st to 27th verse. The Samaritan Woman at the Well. BIBLE READINGS. 247 TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. IV. 27th to 43d verse. Christ's Zeal for God's Glory. WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. IV. 43d verse to end, and to 10th verse of Ch. 5. Christ's Healing. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. V. 10th to 39th verse. Christ declares Himself to the Jews. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. V. 39th verse to end, and to 16th verse of Ch. VI. Five Thousand fed with Five Loaves and Two Fishes. THIRD WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. VI. 16th to 41st verse. Christ reproves His Carnal Followers. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. VI. 41st to 66th verse. The Bread of Life. WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. VII. 1st to 19th verse. Christ teaches in the Temple, 248 SCHOOL DEVICES. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. VIII. 12th to 31st verse. Christ the Light of the World. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. VIII. 42d verse to end. Keproving the Unbelieving Jews. FOURTH WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. IX. 1st to 26th verse. A Blind Man's Sight restored. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. X. 1st to 19th verse. The Good Shepherd. WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. X. 19th verse to end. Christ's Unity with the Father THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. XEI. 1st to 9th verse, and 23d to 37th verse. Anointing Jesus' Feet, and the Father testifieth of Christ. Spikenard = Spik'nard. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. XH. 37th verse to end. Unbelief of the Jews. Esaias = E-za'yas. BIBLE BEADINGS. 249 OCTOBER. FIRST WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. XIII. 1st to 18th verse. Christ teaches Humility. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. XIII. 18th to 36th versa Christ foretells His Betrayal. WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. XIV. 1st to 15th verse. Promise of the Comforter. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. XV. 1st to 18th verse. Promise of the Comforter. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. XV. 18th verse to the 8th verse of Ch. XVI. Persecution of Disciples foretold. SECOND WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. XVII. entire. Christ prays for His Disciples. 250 SCHOOL DEVICES. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. XVIII. 1st to 25th verse. Judas Betrays Christ. Malchus = Mal'kus. Caiphas = Ca'ya-fas. WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. XVIII. 28th verse to end. Jesus accused before Pilate. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. XIX. 1st to 25th verse. Crucifixion of Christ. Gabbatha = Gab'ba-tha. Golgotha = Gdl'go-tha. FRIDAY. St. John, Ch. XIX. 25th verse to end. Burial of Christ. Cleophas = Cle'o-phas. Magdelene = Mag'da-le'ne. Aramathea = Ar-a-ma-the'a. THIRD WEEK. MONDAY. St. John, Ch. XX. 1st to 19th verse. Mary Magdalene comes to the Sepulchre. TUESDAY. St. John, Ch. XX. 19th verse to end. Christ appears to His Disciples. BIBLE READINGS. 251 WEDNESDAY. St. John, Ch. XXI. 1st to 15th verse. Miraculous Draught of Fishes. THURSDAY. St. John, Ch. XXI. 15th verse to end, Christ's Charge to Peter. FRIDAY. Acts, Ch. IX. 1st to 10th verse. Saul's Conversion. FOURTH "WEEK. MONDAY. Acts, Ch. IX. 10th to 23d verse. Paul preaches at Damascus. TUESDAY. Acts, Ch. IX. 23d to 32d verse. The Jews lie in Wait for PauL WEDNESDAY. Acts, Ch. XII. 1st to 20th verse. An Angel liberates Peter. THURSDAY. Acts, Ch. XIII. 42d verse to end. Paul and Barnabas persecuted. 252 SCHOOL DEVICES. FRIDAY. Acts, Oh. XVI. 9th to 25th verse. Paul converteth Lydia. Paul and Silas im- prisoned. NOVEMBER. FIRST w y.TnK"- MONDAY. Acts, Ch. XVI. 25th verse to end. Paul and Silas released from Prison. TUESDAY. Acts, Ch. XVII. 1st to 16th verse. Paul preached at Thessalonica and Berea. WEDNESDAY. Acts, Ch. XVII. 16th to 34th verse. Paul's Discourse on Mars Hill. THURSDAY. Acts, Ch. XIX. 21st verse to end. The Uproar at Ephesus. FRIDAY. Acts, Ch. XX. 16th verse to end. Paul's Charge to the Elders of Ephesus. SECOND. WEEK. MONDAY. Acts, Ch. XXI. 2d to 20th verse. Paul's Apprehension in the Temple. BIBLE READINGS. 253 TUESDAY. Acts, Oh. XXI. 37th to 22d in XXII. Paul's Address to the Jews. WEDNESDAY. Acts, Oh. XXII. 22d to 12th in XXIII. Paul pleads his Cause. THURSDAY. Acts, Ch. XXIII. 12th verse to end. Paul sent to Felix. Lysias = Lish'i-as. Antipatris = An-tip'a-tris. Cilicia = Si-lish'i-a. FRIDAY. Acts, Ch. XXIV. entire. Paul's Defence before Felix. Porcius = Por'shi-us. THIRD "WEEK. MONDAY. Acts, Ch. XXV. 1st to 13th verse, Paul appeals unto Caesar. TUESDAY. Acts, Ch. XXV. 13th verse to end. Festus declares Paul Innocent. Bernice = Ber-m'ce. 254 SCHOOL DEVICES. WEDNESDAY. Acts, Ch. XXVI. entire. Paul before Agrippa. THURSDAY. Acts, Ch. XXVII. 1st to 27th verse. Paul's Voyage. Aristarchus = Ar'is-tarlnis. Thessalonica = Thes'sa-lo-m'ca. Pamphylia = Pani phyl'i a. Lycia = Lish'i-a. Cnidus = Nfdus. Lasea = La-se'a. FRIDAY. Acts, Ch. XXVII. 27th verse to end. Paul's Shipwreck. FOUBTH "WEEK. MONDAY. Acts, Ch. XXVIII. 1st to 17th verse. Paul arrives at Eome. Melita = Mel'i-ta. Rhegium = Rhe'gi-um (re 7 -). Puteoli = Pu-te'o-li. Appii = Ap'pi-i. TUESDAY. Acts, Ch. XXVIII. 17th verse to end. Paul commends his Calling to the Romans, Esaias = E-za/yas. BIBLE READINGS. 255 WEDNESDAY. 1 Corinthians, Ch. II. entire. Christ the only Foundation. THURSDAY. 1 Corinthians, Ch. XIII. entire. Excellence of Charity. FRIDAY. 1 Corinthians, Ch. XV. 1st to 24th verse. Of Christ's Eesurrection. FIFTH 'WEEK. MONDAY. Ephesians, Ch. VI. 1st to 19th verse. Christ's Armor. TUESDAY. Revelation, Ch. IV. entire. The Throne seen by John. WEDNESDAY. Revelation, Ch. V. entire. The Sealed Book. THURSDAY. Revelation, Ch. VI. entire. The Opening of the Seals. FRIDAY. Revelation, Ch. VII. 1st to 4th verse, and 9th to end. Number of the Sealed. 256 SCHOOL DEVICES. DECEMBER. FIRST "WEEK. MONDAY. Revelation, Ch. VIII. entire. Seventh Seal opened. TUESDAY. Revelation, Ch. XX. entire. The Last Judgment. WEDNESDAY. Revelation, Ch. XXII. 1st to 15th verse,, The State of the Redeemed. THURSDAY. Psalms, LXXII. 1st to 20th verse. The Kingdom of Messiah. FRIDAY. Psalms, XV. and XVI. Resurrection of the Messiah. SECOND WEEK. MONDAY. Isaiah, Ch. XXV. 1st to 10th verse. Blessings of the Gospel. TUESDAY. Isaiah, Ch. XL. 1st to the llth verse. Glad Tidings proclaimed. BIBLE READINGS. 257 WEDNESDAY. St. Mark, Ch. X. 13th to 32d verse. Christ blesses Children. THURSDAY. St. Mark, Ch. XI. 1st to 20th verse. Christ's Entry into Jerusalem. FRIDAY. St. Mark, Ch. XI. 20th verse to end. The Fig-tree cursed. THIRD WEEK. MONDAY. St. Mark, Chap. XII. 1st to 18th verse. Parable of the Vineyard. TUESDAY. St. Mark, Ch. XII. 28th verse to end. The Great Commandment. WEDNESDAY. Isaiah, Ch. LIY. llth verse to end. Gracious Promise to the Church. THURSDAY. Isaiah, Ch. LIV. entire. Exhortation to Faith and Repentance, 258 SCHOOL DEVICES. FRIDAY. Isaiah, Ch. LXI. entire. Office of Christ. FOUBTH WEEK. MONDAY. Isaiah, Ch. LXIII. 1st to 15th verse and 17th verse to end. Christ shows His Power to save. TUESDAY. St. Luke, Ch. III. 1st to 19th verse. John's Testimony of Christ. Pontius = Pon'shi-us. Iturea = It'u-re'a. Trachonitis = Trak'o-nftis. Lysanias = Ly-sa/nias. Abilene = AM-le'ne. Caiaphas = Ca'ya-fas. WEDNESDAY. St. Luke, Ch. II. 8th to 21st verse. Good Tidings brought to the Shepherds. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. II. entire. The Wise Men worship Christ. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. III. entire. Preaching of John the Baptist. BIBLE HEADINGS. 259 JANUARY. FIRST WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. IV. 1st to 18th verse. Christ is tempted. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. IV. 18th verse to 13th of Ch. V. Christ begins His Ministry. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. V. 13th to 27th verse. Part of Sermon on the Mount. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. V. 33d verse to end. Charity enjoined. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VI. 1st to 19th verse. Hypocrisy denounced. SECOND 'WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VI. 19th verse to end. Contentment enjoined. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VII. 1st to 15th verse. Faithful Prayer enjoined. 260 SCHOOL DEVICES. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VII. 15th verse to end. Caution against False Teachers. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VIII. 1st to 18th verse. Christ heals many that are Sick. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. VEIL 18th verse to end. Christ stills a Tempest. Gergesenes = Grer'ge-senes. THIRD "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. IX. 1st to 18th verse. Christ cures the Palsy. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. IX. 18th verse to end. The Ruler's Daughter raised. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. X. 1st to 16th verse. The Apostles sent forth. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. X. 16th verse to end. Christ instructs His Apostles. BIBLE READINGS. 261 FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XI. 1st to 16th verse. John's Message to Christ. FOTTKTH WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XI. 16th verse to end. Chorazin and Bethsaida denounced. Chorazin = Ko-ra'zin. Bethsaida = Beth'sa'i-da. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XII. 1st to 14th verse. Christ Lord of the Sabbath. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XII. 14th to 38th verse. Christ vindicates His Ministry. Beelzebub = Be-el'ze-bub. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XII. 46th verse to 10th verse ol Ch. XIII. Parable of the Sower. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIII. 10th to 24th verse. Explanation of the Parable. 262 SGHOOL DEVICES. FEBRUARY. FIRST "WEEK. MONDAY St. Matthew, Ch. XIII. 24th to 36th verse. Parables representing the Kingdom of Heaven. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIII. 36th to 47th verse. Parables representing the Kingdom of Heaven. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIII. 47th verse to end. The Galileans despise Christ. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIV. 1st to 22d verse. John the Baptist beheaded. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIV. 22d verse to end. Christ walks upon the Sea. SECOND WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XV. 21st verse to end. Christ heals Great Multitudes. BIBLE HEADINGS. 263 TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XVI. 1st to 13th verse. The Pharisees require a Sign. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XVI. 13th verse to end. Christ foretells His Death. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XVII. 1st to 14th verse. The Transfiguration of Christ. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XVII. 14th verse to end. The Tribute Money. THIBD "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch, XVIII. 1st to 21st versa Humility taught. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XVIII. 21st verse to end, The Unforgiving Servant. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XIX. 13th verse to end. How to obtain Everlasting Life. 264 SCHOOL DEVICES. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XX. 1st to 17th verse. Laborers in the Vineyard. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XX. 17th verse to end. The Disciples taught to be Lowly. POFKTH "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXT 12th to 28th verse. Buyers and Sellers driven out of the Temple. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXI. 33d verse to end. The Wicked Husbandmen. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXII. 1st to 23d verse. Parable of the Marriage Feast. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXII. 34th verse to 13th verse of Ch. XXIII. Hypocrisy denounced. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXIII. 13th to 27th verse. The Pharisees denounced. BIBLE HEADINGS. 265 MARCH. FIRST "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXIII. 27th verse to end. Pharisees denounced. Barachias = Bar'a-chi'as. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXIV. 1st to 15th verse, and 23d to 32d. Destruction of the Temple foretold. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXIV. 32d verse to end. The Sign of Christ's Coming. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXV. 1st to 14th verse. Parable of the Ten Virgins. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXV. 14th to 31st verse. Parable of the Talents. SECOND "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXV. 31st verse to end. Of the Last Judgment. 266 SCHOOL DEVICES. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVI. 1st to 20tn verse. The Rulers conspire against Christ. WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVI. 20th to 36th verse. The Passover. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVI. 36th to 57th verse. Judas betrays Christ. FRIDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVI. 57th verse to end. Christ accused before Caiaphas. Caiaphas = Ca/ya-fas. THIBD "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVII. 1st to 27th versa Christ delivered bound to Pilate. Pontius = Pon'shi-us. TUESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVII. 27th to 45th verse. Christ crucified. Cyrene = Cy-re'ne. Golgotha = Gol'go-tha. BIBLE READINGS. 267 WEDNESDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVII. 45th verse to end. The Burial of Christ. Sabachthani = Sa'bak-tha/m. Magdalene = Mag'da-le'ne. THURSDAY. St. Matthew, Ch. XXVIII. entire. The Resurrection. FRIDAY. Jeremiah, Ch. XVII. 9th verse to end. The Sabbath to be hallowed. FOUKTH WEEK. MONDAY. Genesis, Ch. I. 1st to 20th verse. The Creation. TUESDAY. Genesis, Ch. I. 20th verse to end. The Creation continued. WEDNESDAY. Genesis, Ch. II. 1st to 18th verse. The First Sabbath and the Garden of Eden. Pison = Pi'son. Havilah = Hav'i-lah. Bdellium = Del'yum. Onyx = O'nyx. Hiddekel - Hid'de-kel. 208 SCHOOL DEVIGES. THURSDAY. Genesis, Ch. VI. 5th verse to end. The Cause of the Flood. FRIDAY. Genesis, Ch. VII. llth verse to end. The Flood. FIFTH 'WEEK. MONDAY. Genesis, Ch. VIII. 1st to 15th verse. The Waters assuage. TUESDAY. Genesis, Ch. XXXVII. 5th to 23d verse. Joseph's Two Dreams. WEDNESDAY. Genesis, Ch. XXXVII. 23d verse to end. Joseph sold as a Slave. THURSDAY. Deuteronomy, Ch. XXXIV. entire. Moses views the Promised Land. FRIDAY. Joshua, Ch. I. 1st to 12th verse. Joshua succeeds Moses. BIBLE READINGS. 269 APRIL. FIRST "WEEK. MONDAY. Psalms I. and II. Happiness of the Godly. The Kingdom of Christ. TUESDAY. Psalm V. David's Prayer for Guidance. WEDNESDAY. Psalm VIII. God's Love to Man. THURSDAY. Psalm XVIII. 1st to 22d verse. Thanksgiving for Blessings. FRIDAY. Psalm XIX. Excellency of God's Laws. SECOND "WEEK. MONDAY. Psalms XXIII. and XXIV. The Sovereignty of God. TUESDAY. Psalm XXV. Prayer for Help in Affliction. 270 SCHOOL DEVICES. WEDNESDAY. Psalin XXVII. David's Faith in God's Protection. THURSDAY. Psalm XXXIII. God's Goodness. FRIDAY. Psalm XXXIV. They are Blessed who trust in God. THIKD "WEEK. MONDAY. Job, Ch. XXVIII. entire. The Excellency of Wisdom. TUESDAY. Job, Ch. XXXVII. 1st to 24th verse. God to be feared for His Great Works. WEDNESDAY. Job, Ch. XXXVIII. 1st to 19th, omitting 8th verse. God convinceth Job of Ignorance. THURSDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XVII. 1st to 12th verse. Goliath defies Israel. Shochoh = ShoTioh. Ephes-dammim = E'phes-dam'mim. Philistines = Phi-Hs'tmes. BIBLE HEADINGS.' 271 FRIDAY. I Samuel, Ch. XVII. 12th to 32d verse. David comes to Camp. Ephrathite = Eph'rath-ite. Abinadab = A-bin'a-dab. FOURTH "WEEK. MONDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XVII. 32d to 55th, omitting 52d and 53d. David kills Goliath. TUESDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XVII. 55th to 17th verse of Ch. XVIII. Jonathan loves David. WEDNESDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XIX. 1st to 13th verse. David escapes from Saul. THURSDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XX. 1st to 24th verse. Jonathan's Covenant with David. Naioth = Na/yoth. FRIDAY. 1 Samuel, Ch. XX. 24th verse to end, omitting last clause of 30th verse. % Saul seeks to kill Jonathan. 272 SCHOOL DEVICES. MAY. FUEST "WEEK. MONDAY. 2 Samuel, Ch. I. 1st to 13th verse. Tidings of Saul's Death. Amalekites = Am'a-lek-ites. TUESDAY. 2 Samuel, Ch. I. 13th verse to end. David's Lamentation for Saul and Jonathan. Askelon = AsTse-lon. WEDNESDAY. 2 Samuel, Ch. XXII. 1st to 23d verse. David's Thanksgiving for Deliverance. THURSDAY. 1 Chronicles, Ch. XXII. 1st to llth verse. David's Charge to Solomon, FRIDAY. 2 Chronicles, Ch. n. entire. The Building of the Temple. SECOND "WEEK. MONDAY. 2 Chronicles, Ch. VI. 12th to 28th and 36th to end. Solomon's Prayer at the Dedication. BIBLE READINGS. 273 TUESDAY. 1 Kings, Oh. X. 1st to 24th verse. The Queen of Sheba's Visit. WEDNESDAY. w 1 Kings, Oh. XVII. entire. Elijah fed hy Eavens. Tishbite = Tishlrite. Cherith = Ke'rith. Zarephath = Zar'e-phath. THURSDAY. Proverbs, Oh. II. entire. Of the Excellency of Wisdom. FRIDAY. Proverbs, Oh. III. 13th verse to end. Benefits of Wisdom. THIBD WEEK. MONDAY. Proverbs, Oh. IV. 1st to 19th verse. Obedience exhorted. TUESDAY. Proverbs, Oh. VI. 1st to 23d verse. Things Hateful to God. WEDNESDAY. Proverbs, Ob. VIII. 1st to 21st and 32d to end. The Invitation of Wisdom. 274 SCHOOL DEVICES. THURSDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. I. entire. All Things below are Vain. FRIDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. II. 1st to 18th verse. Vanity of Human Courses. FOURTH "WEEK. MONDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. m entire. Changes in Man's Life. TUESDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. IX. 1st to 7th and llth to end. Like Things happen to Good and Bad. WEDNESDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. XI. omitting 5th verse. Death to be remembered in Life. THURSDAY. Ecclesiastes, Ch. XII. entire. The Creator to be remembered in Youth. FRIDAY. Psalm XXXVII. 1st to 23d verse. The Happy State of the Godly. BIBLE READINGS. 275 FIFTH "WEEK. MONDAY. Psalm XXXVII. 23d verse to end. The Happy State of the Godly. TUESDAY. Psalm XL. entire. Benefit of Trusting in God. WEDNESDAY. Psalm XLVI. entire. Confidence of the Church in God. THURSDAY. Psalm LI. entire. David's Prayer for Forgiveness. FRIDAY. Psalm LXV. entire. Infinite Power and Goodness of God JUNE. FIKST WEEK. MONDAY. Psalm XC. A Prayer of Moses. TUESDAY. Psalm CHI. entire. Exhortation to Bless God. 276 SCHOOL DEVICES. WEDNESDAY. Daniel, Ch. III. 1st to 19th verse. Nebuchadnezzar sets up an Image. Shadraeh = Sha'drach. Meshach = Me'shak. Abed-nego = A-bed'ne-go. THURSDAY. Daniel, Ch. HI. 19th verse to end. Cast into the Fiery Furnace. FRIDAY. Daniel, Ch. IV. 1st to 19th verse. Nebuchadnezzar's Dream. Belshazzar = Bel-shaz'zar. SECOND "WEEK. MONDAY. Daniel, Ch. IV. 19th verse to end. Daniel interprets the Dream. TUESDAY. Daniel, Ch. Y. 1st to 17th verse. Belshazzar's Impious Feast. WEDNESDAY. Daniel, Ch. V. 17th verse to end. The Handwriting on the Wall. THURSDAY. Daniel, Ch. VI. 1st to 18th verse. Daniel cast into a Den of Lions. Darius = Da-rfus. BIBLE HEADINGS. 277 FRIDAY. Daniel, Ch. VI. 18th verse to end. Daniel rescued. THIRD "WEEK. MONDAY. St. Mark, Ch. XIII. 1st to 14th verse. Destruction of Temple foretold. TUESDAY. St. Mark, Ch. XIII. 24th verse to end. Signs of Christ's coming. WEDNESDAY, St. Mark, Ch. XIV. 1st to 17th verse. A Conspiracy against Christ. THURSDAY. Psalms, CXXIL, CXXIIL, and CXXV. Trust in God. FRIDAY. Proverbs, Ch. XXII., 17th verse to end. Moral Excellencies. FOURTH WEEK. MONDAY. Daniel, Oh. XII., 17th verse to end. Final Deliverance. - t--\r \ 278 SCHOOL DEVICES. TUESDAY. Psalm CXVI. entire. The Psalmist praises God. WEDNESDAY. Psalm CXVIII. entire. Exhortation to praise God for His Mercies. THURSDAY. Psalms CXX. and CXXI. Trust in God. FRIDAY. Psalms CXXXVII. and CXXXVIII. Of the Captivity, and Truth of God's Word. JULY. FIBST "WEEK. MONDAY. Proverbs, Ch. XX. 1st to 23d verse. Moral Excellencies and their Opposites. TUESDAY. Proverbs, Ch. XXII. 1st to 17th verse. Moral Excellencies and their Opposites. WEDNESDAY. Proverbs, Ch. XXIV. entire. Moral Excellencies and their Opposites. INDEX. Addition, detecting incorrect answers in, p. 100 Adding 3, 7, and 11, oral practice in, 97 Addition, rapid, 99 " " by sums of ten, 102 Anagrams, 222 Apparatus: simple piece of, for teaching primary Number, 88 chart for teaching Fractions, 111 charts adapted to one's need, 240 ink-well filler, 241 wash-bottle for slates, 242 substitute for compasses, 242 selecting a thermometer, 242 cabinet of productions, 243 tracing-stencils, 243 dissected pictures and maps, 217 scrap-box, 178 slating, 243 hectograph, 244 colored crayons, 244 AKITHMETIC, 85 begin Number with objects, 85 teach principles first, 85 [86 plan for presenting the essential topics of written work in, scheme for teaching first three orders of units, 88 280 INDEX. Arithmetic Continued. Numeration, 93 drill with decades, 94 counting by 2's, 3's, etc., 96 oral practice in adding and subtracting 3, 7, and 11, 97 borrowing in subtraction, 97 drill by diagrams, 81 rapid addition, 99 drill in fundamental rules device for busy teachers, 99 device to detect incorrect answers in Addition, 100 device for teaching Multiplication, 100 drill in rapid calculation, 100 to prevent learning tables by rote, 101 rapid addition by sums of ten, 102 value of zero in Multiplication, 102 rapid slate- work in, 104 mental drill in Number, 105 teach Long Division before Short, 106 facts of value in G. C. D, and L. C. M., 109 diagrams for teaching Fractions, 109 chart " " " 111 multiplication of Fractions, 113 incorrect reading of certain fractions, 113 aid in learning to read Decimals, 113 development lesson in Multiplication of Decimals, 114 writing Decimals, 116 teaching tables of Weights and Measures, 117 to 123 giving steps in solution of problems, 123 teaching Percentage, 125 drill for " 128 examples in words should be given frequently, 128 aids in Interest, 128-129 form for Partial Payments, 130 explanation of Cube Root by blocks, 130 Beginning school, 144 INDEX. 281 BIBLE READINGS, 245 Blackboards, for lowest grade, 222 Bulletin-board, 168 Capitals, device for use of, 19 Civil Government, topical outline for teaching, 199 Comparison, idea how to compare, 157 exercise in, 159 Composition: work for beginners, 13 easy exercise in, 15 from pictures, 15 plan for oral, 15 reproduction exercises from memory, 20 plan required in, 21 subjects that exercise the imagination, 21 local subjects for, 23 choice of words, 23 order of criticism, 24 rapid correction of, 25 folding and riling of, 26 assigning a subject, 26 character sketches, 26 Debating club, 169 exercises, 16 Decimals, aid in learning to read, 113 development lesson in multiplication of, 114 writing, 116 Decades, drill with, 94 Decoration, school-room, 170 Dictation, exercises for second and third years, 66 Discipline, consultation over case of, 177 upon, 146 Division, teach Long before Short, 106 DRAWING, 224 from models, 224 harmful practice, 225 282 INDEX. Drawing Continued. from Nature, 225 a concession, 225 shading, 226 designing, 234 Examinations, graphic, 166 model for, in geography, 60 Exercises, Closing, 172 Fractions, diagrams for teaching, 109 chart " " 111 multiplication of, 113 incorrect reading of certain, 113 Geographical, location, 48 outline, 48 sketching, 49 story, 49 game, 49 guessing, 58 tracing, 58 GEOGRAPHY, 42 order of topics for studying grand divisions, 42 foundation work in, 43 longitude and latitude, 43 how to vary a lesson in, 47 quiz, 48 match, 49 locating productions, 50 first map, 51 study of N. America, 51 how to mould, 53 normal lesson in, 54 productien map, 57 zigzag journeys, 58 a means of culture, 59 seat-work in, 220 Gymnastics, 153 INDEX. 283 Hectograph, 244 HISTORY, 180 outline for teaching U. S., 180 value of geography in teaching, 187 plan of recitation in, 188 first things in U. 8., 189 "Yes" and "No " game in, 191 use of poems in, 191 supplementary work in, 192 teaching, 193 preparing written papers, 195 dates in, 195 administration of Presidents, 197 drawing in, 197 civil government, 197 English sovereigns, 198 Interest, aids in, 128 and 129 Journeys, zigzag in geography, 58 Kingdoms, animal, vegetable, and mineral, exercises in, 161 LANGUAGE, 9 mind pictures, 9 preparing pictures for work in, 10 supplying proper word, 10 supplying missing pronoun, 11 verb, 11 weekly plan of work, 12 proper form of writing ordinals, 12 correcting bad English, 12 word- developing, 14 debating exercises, 16 equivalent forms of expression, 18 papers written from recitation notes, 18 written reproductions from memory, 20 illustrative syntax, 20 Letter-writing, 16 284 INDEX. Letter-writing Continued. matter for, 17 form of business, 18 letter upon blackboard by class, 23 drill upon forms of, 36 Map-drawing frequent, 54 Map, first, 51 production, 42 Multiplication, device in teaching, 100 value of zero in, 102 Moulding, how to, 53 Numeration, 93 Observation, test of quick, 169 Ordinals, proper form of writing, 12 OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL-ROOM, 174 the parents, 174 the noon recess, 175 teach the constellations, 175 consultation over a case of discipline, 177 suggestion for the noon intermission, 177 scrap-box, 178 scrap-book, 179 PENMANSHIP, 237 order of teaching letters, 237 suggestions, 238 criticism, 239 primary writing, 240 PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS, 132 preparation of work, 132 assisting pupils, 133 teacher's note-book, 134 ten rules for losing control of a school, 134 class management, 135 criticism, 136 language of the teacher, 137 INDEX. 285 PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS Continued. points relative to recitations, 137 creating doubt, 138 on explanation, 139 using a new word, 139 questioning, 139 expostulation, 141 don'ts, 141 Partial Payments, form for, 130 Percentage, drill for, 128 teaching, 125 Pictures, preparation of, 10 compositions from, 15 Productions, cabinet of, 243 locating, 50 Production -map, 57 Punishments, 147 PHYSIOLOGY, 200 practical, 200 development lesson in, 201 to prepare a drop of blood for microscope, 206 outline of foods, 206 to show process of osmosis in liquids, 207 " " " " " " gases, 208 to illustrate Keflex- action, 207 "' " congestion, 20& to show motions of cilia, 209 to show circulation, 209 action of the heart, 209 structure of the lungs, 210 to show presence of carbonrc acid, 210 structure of the heart, 210 to diagram blind spot in eye, 210 dissection of a cat or a rabbit, 211 286 INDEX. Questioning, 167 and 139 Quotations, locating, 41 READING, 74 to create sentiment against poor, 74 suggestions on, 74 primary reading lesson, 75 device for teaching a new word, 76 suggesting for words, 76 other points on, 79 how to vary lesson in, 80 helps in, 81 drill for expression, 83 drill upon words often mispronounced, 83 [84 drill upon words alike in form, but different in meaning, Receptions, suggestions about, 171 Recess, the noon, 175 and 177 Recitations, dull, 113 and 162 points relative to, 137 Reflex-action, to illustrate, 207 Reviews, necessity of, 165 SCHOOL-ROOM SUGGESTIONS, 144 seating pupils, 144 beginning school, 144 putting back, 146 upon discipline, 146 punishments, 147 whispering, 147 tardiness, 148 rest periods, 151 ventilation, 152 lighting, 153 gymnastics, 153 general information, 156 to give idea how to compare, 157 to 159 INDEX. 287 Schoolroom Suggestions Continued. query-box, 159 when visitors come, 160 the three kingdoms, 161 dull recitations, 162 a school log-book, 162 alternating studies, 163 quiet periods, 163 division of class, 163 to get answer from each pupil of a large class, 164 a school diary, 164 time given for questioning, 164 original examples and illustrations, 165 repetition, 165 reviews, necessity of, 165 graphic examinations, 166 value of an object, 166 error-box, 167 questioning, 167 pupils to keep a note- book, 168 bulletin-board, 168 reporting exercise, 168 test of quick observation, 169 debating club, 169 SEAT- WORK, 215 what is gained by, 215 copying reading lessons, 215 in reading, 215 thinking of words, 216 building up words, 216 suggestions for, 216 dissected pictures and maps, 217 Number, 217 illustrated examples, 218 in geography, : OF THE UNIVERSITY 288 INDEX. Seat-work Continued. anagrams, 222 blackboard for lowest grade, 222 derivatives from primitive words, 222 Slating, 243 SPELLING, 62 accuracy in, 62 phrase-spelling, 62 spelling-book made by pupil, 63 avoid contrasting misspelled words with correct form, 63 lessons should be written, 64 test outside the spelling-book, 64 [65 child best learns to spell a word when he wishes to use it. sketch objects for use in, 65 dictation exercises for second and third years, 66 division of work in, 69 two classes of words, 69 and punctuation by copying, 69 monthly review, 70 ways of examining lessons, 71 special exercise for variety, 71 occasional drill in, 73 difficult or perplexing words, 73 Subtraction, borrowing in, 97 Surnames, 34 Syntax, illustrative, 27 Tables, to prevent learning by rote, 101 Tardiness, 148 Time of day, teaching, 76 Ventilation, 152 Verb, building up conjugation of, 29 infinitive mood, 31 use of shall and will, 31 lessons on agreement of, 37 Visitors, 160 INDEX. 289 Weights and measures, teaching tables of, 117 to 123 Whispering, 147 Word-developing, 14 Words, building up, 216 changing, 35 choice of, 23 and 36 drivatives from primitive, 222 of interesting derivation, 33 substituting, 34 suggesting for, 76 Writing, primary, 240 TWENTY-FIRST YEARS THE SCHOOL JOURNAL is published weekly at $2.5O a year. Amos M. Kellogg and Jerome Allen, two teachers of life-long experience and pro- gressive ideas, with a large trained editorial staff, edit it. Established 20 years ago, it is to day the best known and widest circulated educational weekly in the U. S. Its sterl- ing reputation has been won strictly on its merits, as its subscribers know, and you will too (if not now a subscriber) if you send 6 cents for sample copy. THIRTEENTH YEAR! THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE is published monthly at $1.25 a year ; \ 2, large 44-page papers constitute a year (most otner educational monthlies gublish but 9 or 10). It is edited by the same editors as the CHOOL JOURNAL, and has, ever since it was started in 1878, been the most popular monthly educational published, cir- culating in every State a national paper. This was because it was practical little theory and much practice and sugges- tionin fact it is crammed with it. Sample 1 cents. FOURTEENTH YEAR! 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Sample copy 3 cents, V Samples of each paper for only 2O cents. E. L. KELLOGG & CO., Ed. Pnbs., NEW YORK. CHICAGO. SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. BOOKS FOR TEACHERS." CLASSIFIED LIST UNDER SUBJECTS. To aid purchasers to procure books best suited to their purpose, we give below a list of our publications under subjects. This division is sometimes a difficult one to make, so that we have in many cases placed the same book under several titles; for instance, Currie's Early Educa- tion appears under PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION and also PRIMARY EDUCATION. HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Retail, Our By i Price to Mail Teac: tiers E: stra Kellogg's Life of Pestalozzi, - Rissehart's History of Education, - - paper - cl. .15 .25 .13 .20 .01 .03 Quick's Educational Reformers, - - cl. 1.00 .80 .08 Browning's Educational Theories, - - cl. .60 .40 .05 KINDERGARTEN EDUCATION. 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By JEROME ALLEN, Ph.D., Associate Editor of the SCHOOL JOURNAL, Prof, of Pedagogy, Univ. of City of N. Y. 16mo, large, clear type, 128 pp. Cloth, 50 cents ; to teachers, 40 cents ; by mail, 5 cents extra. There are many teachers who know little about psychology, and who desire to be better in- formed concerning its princi- ples, especially its relation to the work of teaching. For the aid of such, this book has been pre- pared. But it is not a psychol- ogy only an introduction to it, aiming to give some funda- mental principles, together with something concerning the phi- losophy of education. Its meth- od is subjective rather than ob- jective, leading the student to watch mental processes, and draw his own conclusions. It is written in language easy to be comprehended, and has many JEROME ALLEN, Ph.D., Associate Editor Poetical illustrations. It will of the Journal and institute. aid the teacher in his daily work in dealing with mental facts and states. To most teachers psychology seems to be dry. This book shows how it may become the most interesting of all studies. It also shows how to begin the knowledge of self. " We cannot know in others what we do not first know in ourselves. " This is the key-note of this book. Students of elementary psychology will appreciate this feature of " Mind Studies." ITS CONTENTS. CHAP. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. . How to Study Mind. Some Facts in Mind Growth. Development. Mind Incentives. A few Fundamental Principles Settled. Temperaments. Training of the Senses. Attention. Perception. Abstraction. Faculties used in Abstract Thinking. CHAP. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XX From the Subjective to the Conceptive. The Will. Diseases of the Will. Kinds of Memory. The Sensibilities. Relation of the Sensibilities to the Will. Training of the Sensibilities. Relation of the Sensibilities to Morality. The Imagination. Imagination in its Maturity. Education of the Moral Sense. SEND ALL ORDERS TO 8 ^7. L. KELLOGG & CO., NE W YORK & CHICAGO. Aliens Temperament in Education. With directions concerning How TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER. By JEROME ALLEN, Ph.D., Author of "Mind Studies for Young Teachers," etc. Cloth, 16mo. Price, 50 cents, to teachers, 40 cents ; by mail, 5 cents extra. There is no book in the English language accessible to students on this important subject, yet it is a topic of so much importance to all who wish to become better acquainted with themselves that its suggestions will find a warm welcome everywhere, especially by teacheis. The value of the book will be readily seen by noticing the subjects discussed. CONTEXTS : How we can know Mind Native Characteristics of Children How to Study Ourselves The Sanguine Temperament The Bilious Temperament The Lymphatic Temperament The Nervous Temperament Physical Characteristics of each Temperament : Tabula- tedThe best Temperament How to Conduct Self Study Many Per- sonal Questions for Students of Themselves How to Improve Specific Directions How to Study Children How Children are Alike, How Different Facts in Child Growth : Tabulated and Explained How to Promote Healthy Child Growth. Full directions concerning how to treat temperamental differences. How to effect change in tempera- ment. Under "How TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER," the following topics are discussed: "What books and papers to read." "What schools to visit." " What associates to select." " What subjects to study."" How to find helpful critics." "How to get the greatest good from institutes." " Shall I attend a Normal school ? "