1 z .45fo p y I ^^-£^ t m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from W, IViicrosoft Corporation | s^^^v ■■^^': ^mB^SuME^ttiSSnmSSMM ;SpOOanctelicl SALE NUMBER 1468 TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CX-^cU^o^ c:, ^-^--^J^-.. ""TVlx^ "C.c^.^v^ // g SALE NUMBER 1468 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM MONDAY, FEBRUARY NINTH CALIFORNIANA BOOKS, PAMPHLETS AND BROADSIDES TO BE SOLD THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY NINETEENTH AT TWO-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1920 ^12 t ( ' AS'h CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be per lot as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Terms cash. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND couditiou. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Alanuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bids. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for Hfty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED DY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN Bancroft lA«0' NOTE THIS Library, collected over many years, is rich in books, pamphlets and broadsides relating to the early history of California. There are accounts of the gold discoveries, with the personal reminiscences of the men who took part in them; valu- able narratives of the Indians, and Indian Wars; tracts on the Overland Railroad; Arguments on the Land Claims; works relat- ing to the foundations and beginnings of the State and its Con- quest by the Americans; Trips across the Plains and around the Plorn to the new El Dorado, etc., etc. Much of this material is extremely rare, and in a number of instances no cop3^ has previously appeared in book sales. Among the items of especial note are the following: 2. Grizzly Adams' Adventures, in Wrappers. 7. Armstrong's Three Years in the West. 10. Broadside, "Miner's Life Illustrated." 1854. 23. Broadside ''The California Indians." 1854. 25. Sutter Broadside on Gold Discovery. 1854. 42. Campbell's Spanish Settlements. 1762. 47. Castaneda's Relation, the Original Edition. 50-55. Important collection on the Chinese. 59. Cleveland's Voyage to California. Original Edition. 61-65. Important collection on the Conquest. 74. Cutt's Narrative. Original Edition. 76. Decalves Overland Expedition. 1795. 77. Delano — Old Block's California Sketch Book. 78. Dewitt's Joaquin Murietta. Original Edition. 83. Duniway's Crossing the Plains. 1859. 94. Fernandez Salvador's California. 1816. 95. Field's Personal Reminiscences. Original Edition. 98a. Forbes' California. 1839. 102. Frost's California, the Rare Original Issue. 103. Galiano & Valdez's Voyage to California. 1802. 105. Garrett's Mysteries & Miseries of San Francisco. 1853. 105a. Gibbes' Map and Description. 1851. 122. Harmon's Journal. Original Edition. 1820. 124. Haven's Broadside Map. 138. Hutchins California Magazine. 1856-57. 151. Kip's Indian Council in the Walla Walla. 155-169. Important collection on the Land Claims. 173. Ledyard's Voyage. 1783. 175. Leonard's Narrative. 1839. Original Edition. 195-6. Broadside "Miners Ten Commandments." 1853, 204-12. Important collection on the Overland R.R. 216. Palou's Life of Serra. 220. Marshall's Life and Adventures. 221. Patterson's Voyage to California. 1817. 235. Reid's Trip to California. 1858. 239c. Rodriguez. 1845. 247. Career of Tiburcio Vasquez. 1875. 261. Oatman Captivity. San Francisco. 1857. 265. Taylor's Frontier & Indian Life. Original Edition, 281. Important Documents on the Vigilance Comm. 300. Youngblood's Life & Adventures. Original Edition. CALIFORNIANA ^ 1. ADAMS (E.). To and Fro, Up and Down in California, Oregon and Washington, with Sketches in Arizona, New Mexico and British Columbia. Plates. 12mo, 608 pp. San Francisco, 1888 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE AND PRACTICALLY UNKNOWN ORIGINAL EDITION OF OLD GRIZZLY ADAMS' ADVENTURE; WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS ^- 2. ADAMS (J. C). The Life of J. C. Adams, known as Old *^ Grizzly Adams, Containing a Truthful Account of his Bear Hunts, Fights with Grizzly Bears, Hairbreadth Escapes in the Rocky and Nevada Mountains, and the Wilds of the Pacific Coast; with de- tails of his Trip to California in 1849, Four Years at the Mines; Adventures in Oregon and Washington Territory, &c., &c. Writ- ten by Himself. Portrait. 12mo, 53 pp. In the Original Pictorial wrappers. New York, 1860 Excessively Rare. Must not be confounded with Hittell's ''Life of Adam^. ' ' We are able to trace but two copies of this Original, i. e. a perfect copy, similar to the above, in the Wagner collection, and one lacking title and wrappers. o -^ 3. ADAMS (J. C). The Adventures of James Capon Adams, Mountaineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter of California. Edited by T. H. Hittell. 8vo, pp. 378, with 12 plates. Boston, 1860 This is the First Edition of Hittell 's Life of Adams, and due to its suspension, owing to the outbreak of the Civil War (see Preface of Scribner's reprint), is' Extremely Scarce. ^4. ALLEN (A. J.). Ten Years in Oregon. Journal of the Travels and Adventures of Dr. E. White, west of the Eocky Moun- tains, containing also a History of the Settlement of that Country, the Manners and Customs of the Indians and Incidents witnessed while traversing and residing in the Territory. 8vo, 399 pp. With the rare full-page woodcut portrait, which is invariably lacking. Ithaca, 1848 Original Edition. /j^^ 5. APPONYI (F. H.). The Libraries of California: An Ac- count of the Principal Private and Public Libraries throughout the State. 8vo, 304 pp. San Francisco: Privately Printed, in a Small Edition, 1878 This copy has 3 autographic letters of Mrs. Apponyi inserted, one of which is a long defense of the work, ending ''such facts cannot be pub- lished or widely known," and a 2 column article from S. S. Rider of the ' ' Book Notes, ' ' in which he characterizes the volume as the most curious which had ever come into his hands; now very rare, and unique in a bibliographical sense. 89 private, 14 public libraries are described. , ^ 6. ARGYLE (A.). Cupid's Album (An Account of a Trip *^ across the Plains from St. Joseph, Mo., by way of the Great Salt Lake, to California, with letters and Reminiscences of the Early Days). 8vo, pp. 332. New York, 1866 ARMSTRONG'S (MAJOR) THREE YEARS IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON TERRITORIES, CHICAGO, 1857 5r— 7.' ARMSTRONG (MAJOR A. N.). Oregon: Comprising a History and Full Description of the Territories of Oregon and Washington, Embracing the Cities, Towns, Rivers, Bays, Harbors, Coasts, Mountains, Valleys, Prairies, Plains, etc. Together with Remarks upon the Social Position, Productions Resources and Prospects of the Country; a dissertation upon the Climate, and a Full Description of the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Slope, in- terspersed with Incidents of Travel and Adventure. By A. N. Armstrong, for three years a Government Surveyor in Oregon. 12mo, new cloth (tear In 2 leaves), 147 pp. Chicago, 1857 Extremely Rare. / ^ 8. AVERY (B.). California Pictures. Tlaies. 8vo, 344 pp. San Francisco, 1885 ''Memory of the Sierra," "The Western Slope," "The Saeramento," "Mt. Shasta," etc. 9. BAILEY (W.). Journal of a Trip to California in 1853. Recollections of a Gold Seeking Trip by Ox Team Across the Plains and Mountains ; With a Description of the Gold Regions and the Methods of Mining. By an Old Illinois Pioneer. Foriraii. 8vo, 50 pp., original wrappers. Le Roy: Privately Printed for the Author's Friends. AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE CALIFORNIA VIEW 1^^^^ 10. BAKER (G. H.). The Miner's Life Illustrated. Large ^ ^ Broadside with View of the Mine and 12 Scenes depicting "life at the Diggings." 4to, with text. Sacramento, [1854] We are unable to trace the sale of another copy. ^ 11. BARRY (T.) AND PATTEN (B.). Men and Memories of *^ San Francisco in the spring of 1850. 12mo, pp. 296. San Francisco, 1873 A book of reminiscences full of the forgotten atmosphere of a for- gotten period, hardly anywhere else to be found in greater degree. ^'^ ^ 12. BARRY (CAPT. W.). Up and Down; Fifty Years' Experi- ences in California and the Pacific. Being the Life History of Capt. W. J. Barry. Written by Himself. VlaUs. 12mo, pp. 307. London, 1879 Journey to California in 1849 — Sacramento — Hangtown — Eeddons Dig- gings — Kay the Eobber-chief — Lynch law — Indian Massacres, etc. 6 // nT- 13. BATES (J.). Notes of a Tour in California. 12mo, 167 pp. Printed for Private Distribution. NeAv York, 1887 An interesting journal in day by day form of life and observations in California. ^ "" 14. BEECHER (H. W.). An Account of a Tour through the West. Especially the Wheat Regions and Cattle Ranges of the North-west, the Lumber Country of Oregon and Washington, Cali- fornia and Utah. Portrait. 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1884 15. BELL (MAJOR H.). Reminiscences of a Ranger: Or Early Times in Southern California. 8vo, 457 pp. Los Angeles, 1881 Rare, Practically the whole work records the author's memoirs' of the Desperados and ''Bad-men" of the time, including Joaquin Murietta, Joe Stokes, the Chihuahua Scalp Hunters, etc. ?' /v //C . 16. BENAVIDES (A. DE). The Memorial of Alanso de Bena- vides, 1630. Translated by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer. Annotated by F. W. Hodge and C. F. Lummis. With numerous very fine plates and a facsimile of the Original. 8vo, 309 pp. Chicago, Privately Printed, 1916 17. BIDWELL (GEN. JOHN). Echoes of the Past: An Ac- count of the First Emigrant Train to California, Fremont in the Conquest of California, the Discovery of Gold and Early Remi- niscences. Portrait and plates. 12mo, pp. 92 in the original wrap- pers. Chico, privately printed, n. d. Personal Narrative of Gen. Bidwell's Overland Expedition Across the Plains in 1841. The General became one of the foremost of California's citizens, and his reminiscences stand in the front rank of Western pioneer historical sources. 18. BLAKE (M.). Sur le Action des anciens glaciers dans la Sierra Nevada de California et sur le Origin de la vallee de Yose- mite. 4to, original wrappers. Paris, 1867 19. BLAKE (W.). Observations on the Gold Regions of Cali- fornia and Oregon, with Notices of the Mineral Localities, etc. 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1855 ' ' The information contained in the following notes was obtained during the exploration for a Eoute to the Pacific, a visit to the Mining Regions, and from a residence of several months." — Preface. ^ 20. BLEDSOE (A. J.). Indian Wars of the Calif ornian "^ Northwest: A California sketch, embracing the Overland Expedi- tion of the Gregg Party in 1849, the suffering and terrible priva- tions endured and the death by starvation of Dr. Josiah Gregg; The Redding Expedition and Events of the Klamath War, the War with the Win-Toons, The Two Years War, etc. 8vo, pp. 505. San Francisco, 1885 A very rare work although printed but 30 years ago. r^ L' L- ^^ 20a. BORTHWICK (J. D.). Three Years in California. Illustrated hy the Author. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1857 Gives a very interesting account of the Mines in 1851. 21. BRACE (C). The New West: California in 1867-1868. 8vo, 373 pp. New York, 1869 Chapters! on the Digger Indians, mines, Chinese, professional robbers, etc. 22. BRACKETT (ALBERT G.). History of the United States Cavalry, from the Formation of the Federal Government to the First of June, 1863. 8vo, 337 pp. New York, 1865 Describes in detail the overland march to California, the Oregon Diffi- culties; Indian Wars, etc. 23. BROADSIDE. Rare Broadside View: The California In- dians. A Series of 8 Views of the Indians, with text describing the views, manners and customs, &c., &c. 4to. Broadside, printed on blue ruled note-paper. Placerville, 1854 Apparently this is the first copy of this interesting item to appear in the Auction room. i^ ^ 24. BROADSIDE. The Dying Californian ! composed on the Death of Herbert Owen of Brunswick, Me., who died on the way to California. Narrow Folio, 8 stanzas. Portsmouth, 1849 THE EXCEEDINGLY RARE LITHOGRAPH BROADSIDE ON THE DISCOVERY OF GOLD IN CALIFORNIA )^^Z^ 25. BROADSIDE VIEW. Captain Sutter 's Account of the Discovery of Gold. 4to Broadside, with Portrait of Marshall '^ Taken from Nature," View of Sutter's Mill, or place where the first GOLD has been Discovered, and text, the latter being the Gen- eral's own relation of the Discovery, and events of that crowded week, which was so shortly to shake the world. San Francisco, Lithographed by Britton and Rey, 1854 Exceedingly Rare. No copy of this Broadside appears to have been sold at Auction. / - 26. BROADSIDE VIEW. California Gold : An Accurate Draw- ing of the Famous Hill of Gold, which has been put into a scow by the owner, and attached to a Sperm Whale, who is now engaged in towing it around the Horn, for New York. Folio, Lithograph. (Small piece out of one edge.) New York, n. d. [c. 1850] 27. BRODIE (W.). Pitcairn's Island in 1850: Together with the Journal of a Trip to California, and observations upon the People, Climate, Prices, etc. Portrait. 8vo, 260 pp. London, 1851 The author arrived at the "Sink of Iniquity" (San Francisco) in 1850. He experienced great hardships, and in consequence his book is somewhat less highly colored than is the ease with most of the early narratives. /c L 7- 28. BROOKS (J. T.). ^ Four Months among the Gold-finders in California; Being the Diary of an Expedition to the Gold Dis- tricts. 12mo. London, 1849 A rare and very striking pamphlet published as ' * the result of actual experience. ' ' The diary is in day by day form, and has been utilized by all careful students of the period to which it relates. 29. BROUILLET (J. B. A.). Dix Ans sur la Cote de Pacifique. Par nn Missionaire Canadien. 12mo, 100 pp., original wrappers. Very Scarce. Quebec, 1873 Journal of the Trip to California and Oregon with Father Blanchet. Life on the Northwest Coast — Vancouver Island — British Columbia — Idaho — Missions' among the Indians, manners and customs, etc., and finally the journal of the trip across the American Continent from Oregon to Quebec. An important source book. 30. BROWN (J.). Twenty-Five Years in the Wild West : Being the Experiences of Ralph Riley. Portrait. 12mo, 215 pp. Fall River, Privately Printed for the Author, 1896 Reminiscences of the Early Days in California, Mining, etc.; Stage Eobbing, Ranch and cowboy life, etc. J ^t^ 31. BROMLEY (G.). The Long Ago and the later on: RecoUec- ^' tions of the Journey to California in 1850; Gold Mining Adven- tures; the Pony Express, Trip to Sonora, etc. Portrait. 8vo, 289 pp. San Francisco, 1904 -.''^ 32. BRYANT (E., Late Alcalde of St. Francisco). What I ^ saw in California: A Description of its Soil, Climate, Productions and Gold Mines. 12mo, 137 pp., original tinted wrappers. Very uncommon in Wrappers. London, 1849 ^^ 33. BUCKLEY (J.). Two Weeks in the Yosemite and Vicinity. K Plates. 12mo, 36 pp., original wrappers. New York, 1883 34. BUFFUM (E.). Six Months in the Gold Mines: With an { ^ account of the Mining Camps, Old and New Towns, etc., etc. 12mo, 244 pp. London, 1850 / ^ 35. BUNNELL (L.). Discovery of The Yosemite and The In- ^ dian War of 1851, which led to that event. Map and plates. 8vo, pp. 331. Chicago, 1880 The author a Pioneer and member of the Celebrated ' ' Mariposa Battal- ion ' ' was one oi the first to view the Yosemite Valley, his Narrative of the Expedition and Campaign against the Indians' and hunting adventures ^ is of thrilling interest. i/- ^^36. BURTON (RICHARD F.). The City of Saints, and Across the Rockv Mountains to California. 8vo, 574 pp., original cloth. New York, 1862 An unusually choice copy, being in ''as' new" condition. i^ 37. BUSHNELL (H.). Society and Religion in California. ^ 8vo, in the original wrappers. Hartford, 1856 . — 38. CALIFORNIA : Nulidad del Contrato Leese. 4to, wrappers. Mexico, 1871 An important document on the Leese Colonization Scheme, containing an 18-page, closely printed ''List of the Settlers, with their names, oc- cupation, time of arrival in the Country, etc." ^ ^ 39. CALIFORNIA RAFFLE ! ! Mammouth Ingot of Gold Raf- fle ! To be decided at the Chinese Sales Room, on July 5th, 1853. 2400 prizes. Value $65,000. San Francisco, 1853 Original ticket No, 58847. An interesting souvenir of the day. r^ ^ 40. CALIFORNIA. The Wildcat Speculation ! 4to. A Series of 16 full page Lithograph Views of Scenes in California during the Great Mining Boom of '78. San Francisco, 1878 Extremely Rare. A series of satirical Views illustrating the Mining Stock Speculation Craze; somewhat after the manner of the famous '*Het groot Taferel," which so ably exposed Law and his ''Mississippi Bubble" in a former century. / ^ 41. CALIFORNIA Three Hundred and Fifty Years Ago. Manuelo 's narrative. Translated from the Portuguese by a Pioneer. 8vo, 329 pp. San Francisco, 1888 ^'i- ROBERT SOUTHEY'S COPY OF CAMPBELL'S SPANISH SETTLEMENTS 42. CAMPBELL (J.). An Account of the Spanish Settlements in America, their Settlements in Florida, with a Description of St. Augustine, the Advantages that would attend the Taking of it, if Annexed to the British Dominions. 11. New Mexico, its Extent, Climate, Soil and Products. III. Calif ornia Described ^ its Bounda- ries, Indians, &c., with a View of the British Claim to it and an Account of the West Coast. IV. The Spanish Dominions in South America, to which is appended a Journal of the Siege and Sur- render of Havannah. With the Bare large folding Mav. 8vo, 512 pp. Edinburgh, 1762 Eobert Southey's copy, with his autograph. An Extremely Important and valuable work, ^ 43. CANFIELD (T. H.). The Life of Thomas Hawley Can- field (with a full history of his Early Efforts to open a Route for the transportation of the products of the West, and his connection with the Early History of the Northern Pacific Railroad, with an account of the Origin of the three Pacific Railroad Expeditions, the Surveys and Explorations for the line in Montana and Washing- ton Territories, his trip on horseback across the Mountains from Walla Walla to Bozeman, the Indian Outbreak, the Organization of the Lake Superior and Puget Sound Co. Exploration of Puget Sound and Location of the town of Tacoma, &c., &c. Portrait. 4to, 48 pp. Burlington, Privately Printed for the Family, 1889 Extremely Eare. Presentation copy. Besides containing the author's presentation inscription, the volume is further enriched by 4 long manu- script letters written, 1840-45. 10 ^ /o 44. CAPP (C.) AND HITTELL (J.). All About California and the Inducements to Settle there. Maps. 8vo, 88 pp. San Francisco, 1871 j ^ 45. CAREY (Dr. J.). By the Golden Gate; With Scenes and Incidents. (San Francisco and the Gold Discovery, the days of '49; Gambling, etc.). 12mo, 291 pp. Albany, Privately Printed, 1902 X-/ -^ 46. CARSTARPHEN (J. E.). My Trip to California in '49. Svo, in the original wrappers. Scarce. Portrait. Louisiana, Mo., n. d. y^ *-- 47. GARY (T. G.). The Gold of California. A Lecture, with ' Rem.iniscences of the Place. 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1856 EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF CORONODO'S WESTERN EXPEDITION, TOGETHER WITH THE FIRST TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH OF THE SAME THE AUTHOR'S OWN COPY, WITH HIS PRESENTATION INSCRIPTION j^ j"^ 48. CASTANEDA (P. DE). Relation de Voyage de Cibola, entrepris en 1540; ou Ton traite de toutes les Peuplades qui habi- tent cette Contree, de leurs Moeurs et Coutumes, par Pedro de Cas- taneda de Nagera. 8vo, pp. 392, original wrappers. Entirely Un- cut. Paris, 1838. (Bound in wdth same is) : A Translation into English of Coronodo's Expedition, as made by E. F. Ware, and printed in parts (all of which are here) by the Agora Magazine during 1895-96. The whole bound in one thick volume, with Presentation inscription from E. F. Ware, the translator to ^'my friend" Wm. E. Connellej^ with the latter 's book-plate. Paris, 1838 A Unique item. Ware says : ' ' The story of Coronodo 's march was written in Mexico, by Pedro de Castaneda de Nagera, and he finished by copying it in Seville, Spain, Oct. 26, 1596. It was not published, but remained in the Manuscript until translated into French by Ternaux- Cornpang (which is the above), who says that the manuscript war-; owned by the Duke d'Uguina, was a quarto, bound in parchment . . . No Eng- lish translation has ever been printed, and is here published for the First Time in the English Language." / . 49. CHARD (T. S.). California Sketches; With notes on San Francisco, Monterey, San Jose, Los Angeles and the Yosemite. 12mo, original boards. Chicago : Privately Printed, 1888 ^Z^ 50. CHINESE QUESTION. An Extremely Important Collec- tion of Pamphlets on the Subject. I. Brooks (B) Statement be- fore the Joint Comm. of the Houses of Congress on Chinese Immi- gration. 8vo, pp. 33. S. F. 1876. II. Brooks (D) Appendix to the Statement, Consisting of Documentary Evidence bearing on the Question, giving a list of white outrages on the Chinese from 1855 to 1876, a report of those Robbed and Murdered, with Re- marks on Gov. Bigler's Message of 1855, an Account of the Chinese Companies, &c. 8vo, pp. 160. S. F. 1877. HI. The 11 /> o Other Side of the Chinese Question in California: Or a Reply to the Charges against the Chinese. Respectfully submitted to the Unbiased Judgment of the American people, by the Friends of Right, Justice and Humanity. 8vo, pp. 24. S. F. 1876. IV. Let- ters of Kwang Chang Ling: or the Chinese Side of the Chinese Question, by a Chinese Literate of the First Class. Being a Perti- nent Inquiry from Mandarin High in Authority. 8vo. S. F. 1878. Y. Memorial of the Six Chinese Companies: Read and Judge Us! 8vo, pp. 53. S. F. 1877. The Collection. Very Bare tracts. The entire lot present the Chinese side of the Argu- ment, and in consequence met with rigorous suppression and uestru<^tion. ^ 51. CHINESE QUESTION. Report of the Select Committee with Reference to Foreign Miners and Against the Admission of Chinese into the Mines of California. 8vo, sewn. Sacramento, 1855 j'^ 52. CHINESE QUESTION. Chinatown Declared a Nuisance!! An Expose of the Present Condition of Chinatown, its Houses of 111 Fame, Courtesans, Filth, Cruelty, Crime, Dreadful Diseases, etc. With an Itemized Report of Nuisances. 8vo, sewn. San Francisco, 1880 > ^ 52a. CHINESE QUESTION. The Heathen Chinee at Home and Abroad, Who he is, what he looks like, how he works and lives, his virtues, vices and crimes, by an old Californian. 8vo, pp. 83, original pictorial wrapper. New York [1882] { ^JJ- 53. CHINESE QUESTION. Healy (P. J.) and Nj Poon Chew ) ( — ). A Statement for Non-Exclusion: Information about the Chinese in California, etc., of undoubted authenticity, such as few people believe exists. 8vo, pp. 255. San Francisco, 1905 \sn 54. CHINESE QUESTION. Hoffman (Judge). The Rights of J '^ the Chinese. 8vo, 40 pp, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1880 A vigorous defense of Chinese Eights in California. ^ V^ 55. CHINESE QUESTION. The Chinese in California. An J ^^Account of Chinese Life in San Francisco, their Habits, Morals and Manners. Plates. 8vo, 122 pp., original wrappers. San Francisco, 1880 lA ^ 55a. CHURCHILL (CAROLINE M.). Over the Purple Hills: or. Sketches of Travel in California of important points usually visited by tourists. 18mo, cloth. Chicago, 1877 S <^ 56. CLARK (G.). History of the Indians of the Yosemite Val- i^ ley. With an Account of their Manners, Customs, Traditions, Etc. 12mo, pp. 112. Portrait and Plates. Yosemite, 1910 ^ ^ 57. CLARKE (M.). Address of Mr. Clarke on the California Claims. 8vo, sewn. Washington, 1848 ^ y^ 58. CLARK (S.). A Trip Across the Plains to Santa Fe and ^ California; AVith Chapters on the Route, Towns, People, etc. 12mo, 193 pp. ^ Boston, 1890 12 RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF CLEVELAND'S VOYAGES TO CALIFORNIA, 1799-1803 ^ ^m 59. CLEVELAND (R. J.). A Narrative of Voyages and Com- mercial Enterprises. 2 vols., 12mo, 489 pp. Cambridge, 1842 First Edition. The author reached the Northwest Coast in 1799, and had numerons adventures on the coast and among the natives. Thence he made his way to California, describing the country, battle of San Diego, the Indians', Padres, discoveries on the coast, etc. An imiDortant source book. / ^ 60 CLIFFORD (J.). Overland Trails. 12mo, 383 pp. San Francisco. 1877 AV>I/U11<* )«' to secure payment for the unpaid bills of exchange issued by Fremont during the conquest and Buchanan's defense of his action and recital of his operations and conquest of California. %C '^ 63. CONQUEST. Child (D.). The Late Outrage in California and the Texan Revolution. 8vo, 84 pp. Uncut. Northampton, 1843 An expose of Com. Jones' premature conquest of California, the perfidy of the President and the lawless proceedings of the U. S. In this pamphlet it is shown that some of the documents in the following item were pur- posely * ' doctored ' ' for home consumption, and that the Government, while outwardly having nothing to do with the conquest, was in reality most actively interested in its prosecution. 64. CONQUEST. Tyler (President J.). Taking Possession of Monterev: Message of the President transmitting all the Papers and Documents Relative to the taking possession of Monterey, by Com. Thomas Catesby Jones. 8vo, 117 pp. Washington, 1843 Very rare and a most important historical document. Contains the complete history as presented by the American Government of the first American conquest of California. For reasons at once apparent, the volume promptly disappeared from view, and is now exceedingly scarce. For an answer to the Government's case as here presented see preceding lot. iM^^ 65. CONQUEST. California Claims: Report of the Committee on Military Affairs to which was Referred the Memorial of J. C. Fremont, praying an investigation, together with the Testimony. 8vo, 83 pp. Washington, 1848 This important document contains the inside history (found in the 13 Government archives at Los Angeles by Fremont) of Great Britain's attempt to s'eeure California, and the true causes of the Bear Flag Revolu- tion, It is here shown that Mexico was on the point of transferring the vast territory to England, when the Americans rose and started the war. 66. CONQUEST. Lawton (J.). History of the 50th Anni- versary of the TAKING POSSESSION OF CALIFORNIA, and Raising of the American Flag at Monterey in 1846. Plates. 8vo, 55 pp. Oakland, 1896 67. CONSTITUTION. Report of the Select Committee of Thirteen on the State Constitution and Recommending that Certain ^1 . 1- , rQjjjje Thp^^in iivr^ «.:»^vn Sacramento, 1853 PHf^ 70. CRAM (G.). A New Township and Railroad Map of Cali- fornia and Nevada. Showing the Latest Surveys, &c., &c. Large double folio Colored map. Folding into cloth case. Chicago, 1875 ^ 71. CREMONY (MAJOR J. C). Life Among the Apaches, with a Journal of Two Years' Wanderings and Sufferings on the Overland Trail to California, 1847-1849. 12mo, pp. 322.^ San Francisco, 1868 The author was Colonel of the California Volunteer Battalion. Few men of the Period knew the west so well. ^" 72. CRONISE (T.). The Natural Wealth of California, Early History, Geography, Scenery, etc. 8vo, 699 pp. San Francisco, 1868 73. CUMMINS (E.). The Story of the Files: A Review of California Writers and Literature. Plates. 8vo, pp. 460. San Francisco, 1893 This is a history of the beginnings and development of the various Western Periodicals, the Early Press, etc. With intimate particulars of the old time writers. ■^ 74. CUTTS (J. M.). The Conquest of California and New Mexico, by the Forces of the United States in the years 1846 and 1847 : With a complete history of the March Overland from Fort Leavenworth to California. Incidents of the Desert and Warfare amidst the Indians and Mexicans. Illustrated with portraits, plans of battle, etc. 12mo, pp. 264. Philadelphia, 1847 The Rake Original Edition. One of the sources for the history of the California Conquest, by the ' ' Army of the West. ' ' 14 ? -^ 74a. DAVIS (WILLIAM H.). Sixty Years in California. A History of Events and Life . . . under the Mexican Regime . . . and after the admission of the State into the Union. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, 1889 The author came to California in 1831, His narrative from 1840-50 is the most intimate and complete we pos'sess. ^ -^— 75. DAWSON (C). Pioneer Tales of the Oregon Trail. Por- trait and map. 8vo, pp. 488. Topeka, 1912 The author was personally acquainted with many of the Old Pioneers and has' here gathered together their reminiscences of the Early Overland. He gives the Early History of the Oregon Trail, the Gold Rush, Remi- niscences of Frank Helvey, an Old Freighter, his Life and Experiences on the Frontier, David E. Pease's Diary of the trip from Missouri to Oregon, etc. DECALVES' EXPEDITION TO THE PACIFIC, 1795 Yo ^ 76. DECALVES (ALONZO). New Travels to the Westward ^ or Unknown parts of America; Being a Tour of almost fourteen months, Containing an Account of the Country, upwards of two thousand miles west of the Christian Parts of North America ; with an account of White Indians, their Manners, Habits, and many other particulars. By Alonzo Decalves, Confirmed by three other Persons. 12mo, 58 pp. in the original cedar boards and leather back. N. p., 1795 Excessively Rare. Smith's Check-list cites only one copy on the Coast, it being an imperfect copy of the undated edition. The work is an account of an Overland Journey from New Orleans' to the Pacific Coast in 1786-87. ^i» ^ 11. DELANO (A.). Old Block's Sketch Book; or Tales of Cali- fornia Life. Illustrated with 13 (in lieu of 15) full-page ^'Elegant Designs by Nahl, the Cruikshank of California/' 8vo, 86 pp. Sacramento, 1856 Extremely Eare. No copy has appeared in the Auction room in many years. An interesting collection of Pioneer Reminiscences of life at the mines, crossing the Plains, etc. EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION 0>^3 ^^' I^^-WITT (R. M.). The Life of Joaquin Murietta, the Marauder of the Mines. Being a Faithful Narrative of his Ex- ploits, together with an Account of Life in the Gold Diggings in the Early Days of California, 1848-53. 8vo, half morocco, pp. 160. New York, 1865 The only copy of the Original Edition we have ever seen. In 1889 it was re-issued in 12mo, and this reprint occasionally comes on the market, but of the original we are unable to locate the sale of a single copy. It is one of the really rare books of Californiana. J ^ 79. DIETRICH (DR.). The German Emigrants; or, Frederich ^ "Wohlgemuth 's Voyage to California. 8 colored plates. 12mo, original boards. Guben [1852] 13 ^f - „ 80; I^ISTURNAL (J.) Mapa de los Estados Unidos de Mejico California Tejas Nuevo Mejieo, &c. Large Double Folio Colored Map, foWmg into 12mo Case. "By a new Treaty the Terr°tor?es of New Mexico and Upper California are ceded to the U. S." xhis IS the -Treaty Map" with the corrections as made to 1850 ^ ^ 81. DITMiVN (J.). From the Atlantic to the Pacific. 8vo 52 pp., original wrappers. Philadelphia, 1886 ^ ^ 18S?'^-?W ^•^•^•^' A^\f^^ ^"^^^^ i^ *^^ P^«ifi« Ocean in 1831 : With Incidents of the Voyage and Observations on Cali- iornia. 12mo, m the original tinted wrappers. Rare. Privately Printed : Salem, no copyright, 1882 t ^V EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION > ^ 83^ DUNIWAY (ABIGAIL J.). Captain Gray's Company; or Crossing the Plains and Living in Oregon. 12mo, 342 pp original cloth. Portland: Printed by S. J. McCormick, 1859 M^h'nf H*^^ ^^^^''■ ^'*^'^'^ production written and printed in Oregon. t^hoLh wp' """"f "\'^- 1^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^«"^^' ^^d' a« Bancroft says \\tll\^ question this being now regarded as a defect), shows a too hteral observation of the incidents of camp life in crossing the Dlans However his may be, as the Pioneer production of the TfnSory the work must ever occupy a distinct niche among the foundation UeSs of ^orf:tSef .2fo7-- '''' '"'^ '''"• ^^P^ '' ^^^^ -^^-^ *° ^^ sold rauc tion retcnecl $^9.00 m our rooms some years ago. / ^. ^^' ^^^^^ ^i-'. ^^ *^" Hudson's Bay Co.). The Oregon Terri- f tory, and the British North American Fur Trade. With an Ac- ^V^ oQ^*^'^ ^f".*! """^^ Customs of the Principal Native Tribes. 12mo, 236 pp half calf. Philadelphia, 1845 country ^ ^'' ^'^^* ^^^'' resident. The work is one of the best on the ^ ^Vov.J1S^«^^r^ ^^•^- ^"^ ^^^^"^* ^^ ^^ E^^l^ California Vo3age, 1848. 8vo, sewn. g^l^j^ ^374 Capt. Eagleston brought the first gold from California, to iSalem. ^^^^Tvtf^Vr^^^^^- C^^.^^(J•). Cockneys in California. A Piece of Golden Opportunity." In One Act. 12mo, original wrappers. ^^^ y' , \^^ ^ An uncommon Drama of the Gold Digging Era. ' '^'y^L'^tf^\'^?^^t:^'t''J^-^- The Seven Bullets. In Thiee Acts, Performed for the First Time in California at the Metropolitan Theatre. 12mo, pp. 22. San Francisco, 1854 One of the Earliest locally printed Dramatic items. Very Bare. ^ 88- EDWARDS (F. S., A Volunteer). A Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan, with a Map of the Route and a I able of the Distances Traversed. Folding Map. 8vo, pp. 134. „,i^ !v^ISif^°"''*,,°* *''v ^'f* importance, comprising a journal of 'a 6000 mile expedition through unknown and hostile regions. 16 /">^ 89. ELDRIDGE (Z.). The Beginnings of San Francisco, from the Expedition of Anza, 1774, to the City Charter, 1850. Folding Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, 837 pp. San Francisco, 1912 Written largely from Original documents; the result of years of re- search. J^ ^ 90. ENGELHARDT (FR. Z.). The Franciscans in California. Maps and Plates. 8vo, 517 pp. Set up and Printed by the Indian Boys at the Holy Childhood Indian School, Harbor Springs, 1897. A most interesting historical work, embodying the result of a vast re- search. It criticises nearly all statements of the early American observers of Spanish-California life. The defens'e of Serra and other pioneer priests against Bancroft, is striking. V" ^ 91. FABIAN (B.). The Agricultural Lands of California: A Guide to the Emigrant as to the Productions, Climate, Soil, etc., of every County in the State. 8vo, pp. 52, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1869 I ^ 92. FARNHAM (E. W.). California in-doors and out; or how we mine, farm and live in the Golden State. 12mo, 508 pp. New York, 1856 Should not be confused with T. J. Farnham's History. Contains 380-458 pp., an original narrative of the Donner Party, * ^ gathered from several individuals, of both sexes who were members of the unfortunate expedi- tion" and 458-508 pp contain ''the Vigilance Committee of 1856 and the Eevolution now in Progress." Eare. V *^ 93. FARNHAM (T. J.). Pictorial Edition!!! Life, Adven- tures and Travels in California. With an Account of the Con- quest of California and a History of the Gold Regions. Plates. 8vo, 514 pp. New York, 1852 ■7 ' . FIRST COPY TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION 94. FERNANDEZ DE SAN SALVADOR (D. A.). Historia de Antiqua California. Los Jesuitas quitados y restituidos al Mundo. 12mo, 224 pp, handsomely bound in three-quarter polished calf, gilt top. Mexico, 1816 A magnificient copy of one of the rarest of California items. RARE ORIGINAL EDITION l^ ^... 95. FIELD (STEPHEN J.). Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California. Printed for a few Friends. Not published. 8vo, 248 pp. N. p., 1880 Extremely Eare. This is the genuine Original Edition, which should not be confused with that appearing in 1883, nor again with the **Life" appearing with Pomeroy's additions. One of the most important of all California Narratives, recording the author's Trip to California in 1849 and his Life and Adventures from that time onward. A Source book, and one of the most difficult to obtain of all Pioneer Narratives. See next lot for reply. 17 //- i- J ►„rt 96. FIELD (S. J.). The Character and Career of Stephen J. Field as it is known in California: An Expose of his ''Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California," with some Actual His- tory of those Early Days. 8vo, 76 pp., in the original wrappers. N. p., 1889 Exceedingly Eare. An ans'wer to Judge Field's memoirs. 97. FIELDS (S.). A Sketch of the Life of Stephen J. Field, of the IT. S. Supreme Court; the record of a man of Pluck; his Struggles in California ; with Scenes in the California Legislature. 8vo, 36 pp. New York, 1880 Very Scarce. Poorlv printed on News-print paper. A highly interest- ing pamphlet on the Early Days in California. 98. FITZGERALD (0. P.). California Sketches: Reminis- cences of Early California Life. Both Series. Portraii. 2 vols. 12mo, 496 pp. Nashville, 1879-82 ''These sketches are all from real life, I have told the story as I saw it, there is no fancy sketch among the chapters." The Second volume is especially scarce. The reminiscences include: Sonora in '55; Life at the Southern Mines; Grizzly Hunting; Old Tuolumne; A Mendocino Murder; Algerine Camp in '51; The Digger Indians; Famous Characters; etc. THE FIRST ORIGINAL WORK ON CALIFORNIA IN ENGLISH _ ^ 98a. FORBES (A.). California : A History of Upper and Lower ^ California, from their First Discovery to the Present Time ; Com- prising an Account of the Climate, Soil, Natural Productions, Api- culture, Commerce, etc. A full view of the Missionary Establish- ments and condition of the free and domesticated Indians. With an Appendix relating to Steam Navigation on the Pacific. Large Folding Map and 10 very fine fiill-page Lithograph plates of the Indians, Scenery, etc. 8vo, original cloth, 352 pp. London, 1839 ' ' A Rare book. Forbes 's history was the first original work in Enp-lish on Calif ornia. "—C. H. Shinn. ^ ^ 99. FRANKLIN (J. B.). A Trip to Salt Lake City in 1854; by way of Council Bluffs, Fort Laramie, the Sweetwater and South Pass. With an Account of the Author's Residence and Observa- tions in Great Salt Lake, the Secrets and Mysteries of the ''Endow- ment'' Marriage of fathers with their own daughters, brothers with sisters ; being an Exposure of Brigham Young and his Band. To- gether with the Author's change of view, his escape and flight to California with a price upon his head ! 8vo, in the original wrap- pers. Ipswich, 1864 From the Beseret News (of which the author was former manager) we copy the following pertinent paragraph, from the pen of Brigham Young, under date of Jan. 29, 1857: ''There is a little matter of business, that we want to lay before you, in regard to J. B. Franklin, who ' ' went ' ' to California .... it will be the duty of my brethren to secure this man, if possible on his way across the mountains, so that his lying tongue shall not reach the saints in England. ' ' 18 ^ ^ 100. FRAZIER (R.). Mosaic Gleanings: Recollections of life in California. 8vo, 400 pp. Oakland, Evening Tribune Pub. Co., 1880 ^0^ 100a. FREMONT (JOHN C). Geographical Memoir upon Upper California in Illustration of his Map of Oregon and Cali- fornia. 8vo, new boards (original wrappers bound in). Washington, 1848 Describing Fremont's Third Expedition, 1845-46. ^ 101. FREMONT. Who is John C. Fremont? By One who has known him Socially, Financially and Politically. (Giving an ac- count of the Disreputable transactions regarding the Mariposa Grant; Gwinn Heap's unrequited support of his family; his Career in London, &c., &c.). 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1855 A caustic expose of Fremont 's * ' doings ' ' in California. EXTREMELY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF ^^ FROST'S CALIFORNIA 102. FROST (J.). History of the State of California, from the Period of the Conquest by Spain to her Occupation by the U. S. Containing an Account of the Discovery of the Immense Gold Mines and Places: With Thrilling Accounts of Adventures among the Miners and Advice to Emigrants on the Best Routes, and the prepa- rations necessary to get there. With the 16 full page views on tinted paper, including views of the Diggings, San Francisco, Sacra- mento, San Jose, Monterey, etc. 8vo, 508 pp., original black, gilt stamped roan. Auburn, 1850 The FIRST EDITION, a much sought and very Eare Bibliographical prize. RAREST AND MOST PRIZED OF ALL THE VOYAGES TO CALIFORNIA AND THE NORTHWEST COAST - 103. GALIANO & VALDEZ. Relacion del Viage hecto por las Goletas Sutil y Mexicana en el ano de 1792 para reconocer el Estrecho de Fuco ; con una introduccion en que se da noticia de las Expediciones execu tadas anteriormente por los Espanoles en busca del Pass del Noroeste de la America y un vocabulario del idioma de los Habitantes de Nutka, De Orden del Rey, Madrid en le Impenta Real ano do 1802. Folding table of the Missions in Cali- fornia and Atlas of Maps and Plates entitled: ''Atlas para Viage de las Goletas Sutil y Mexicano al recononumiente del Estrecho de Juan de Fuca en 1792, publicado en 1802, ' ' the plates include views along the coast, the Natives, etc. 2 vols, quarto and folio, 353 pp. (Small blank edge of title repaired). Madrid, 1802 The first copy to be sold at Auction in this country, the only copy we trace was sold some 10 years ago in London, for $105.00, at which time the following note was made : ' ' We do not remember a perfect copy of the work being offered for sale during the last 20 years, neither can we find the record of the sale of a copy during the same period. ' ' This, therefore, is the first copy to come on the market in upwards of 30 years. 19 S ,^- 104. GARCES (F.). On the Trail of a Spanish Pioneer, the Diary and Itinerary of Francisco Garces in his travels through Sonora, Arizona and California. 1775-76. Translated and Edited with critical notes, by Elliott Cones. With 18 Folding Maps, Views, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, 920 pp. New York, 1900 EXTREMELY RARE AND CURIOUS NARRATIVE OF EARLY SAN FRANCISCO ^ 2^ ^^ 105. GARRETT (— ) . The Mysteries and Miseries of San Fran- cisco : Showing up all the various characters and notabilities (both in high and low life) that have figured in San Francisco since its Settlement. By a Californian. 8vo, pp. 208, half polished calf, gilt top. New York, 1853 Bare. The first book to narrative the Career (then unfmishcd) of Joa- quin Murietta. Aside from the copy listed by Cowan, no other seems to have been recorded, and while written somewhat along the lines of ' ' Lon- don After Dark," *'New York by Gas-light/' and books of that ilk, the discriminating collector, appreciating rare Calif orni ana, will feel a keen pleasure in its acquisition and ownership. j^ ^- GIBBES' DESCRIPTION AND MAP OF CALIFORNIA, 1851 105a. GIBBES (J. DRAYTON). A Description of California, with an Account of the Gold Regions, Routes, &c., &c. With a New Map of the Gold Region, and that part of California lying North of 34 degrees north. 12mo, in the original cloth, wiili the Excessively Bare Large Folding Colored Map, "From the Author^ s Own Surveys and Explorations.'' Stockton, Cal., 1851 Eare. The map is a beautiful production in many colors, and a most remarkable one for the period. In his preface the author s'ays: ''This Map will be found to be the most Complete and Reliable of California yet Published and one that will furnish all needed information for the Emi- grant, or the many persons in all parts of the country who ha^^e friends or relatives in the new State. ' ' r^ ^ 105b. gift (GEORGE W.). Facts About Napa County, Its Agricultural Resources, Vineyards and Population, with Something about California and a Descriptive Sketch of the Mountain Regions. Folding Map. 8vo, 64 pp,. original wrappers. Napa City: Reporter Book Press, 1876 A very uncommon ' ' local, ' ' crudely printed, 2 columns to the page. ^ ,^ 106. GILLIAM (A.). Travels over the Table Lands and Cordil- leras, 1843-4. With an account of California, Texas and Oregon, the principal Cities and Mining Districts, etc. Lithograph plaies and 2 large folding maps of "Texas,'' "Oregon, Tipper and Lower California, with part of British America." 8vo, 455 pp. Phila. 1846 The author was U. S. Consul at San Francisco and the book is an ac- count of his adventures crossing the country. )/ - 107. GODDARD (G. H.). Report of a Reconnaisance of the Old Carson and Johnson Immigrant Roads over the Sierra Nevada, and a Survey of the Eastern Boundary of California. Journal of the Expedition; table of Distances and Notes; Lists of Flowers; Meteorological and Astronomical observations, etc. 8vo, 334 pp., stitched. Sacramento, 1856 An early and important Journal of explorations. I ^ 108. GOLD STORIES of '49. By a Californian. 12mo, 52 pp. Boston, 1896 >f -^ 109. GOLDEN HILL'S NEWS (The): The Chinese Exodus!! 4 pages, 4to. Printed in English and Chinese. Printed by F. Kuhl, San Francisco, 1854. A Very Bare Broadside on Chinese Emigration and Eights' in Cali- fornia. 1^^ - 110. GOODWIN (C). The Comstock Club: A Collection of Reminiscences of Adventure during the Early Days of California, Oregon, Nevada, and the Far West. 8vo, 314 pp. Salt Lake, 1891 A splendid collection of Pioneer materials is' here hidden by a rather ill-chosen title. f^ ^00^ 111. GRAHAM (M.). Historical Reminiscences of One Hun- dred Years Ago. A History of the Mission San Francisco de Assis (Mission Dolores), with a Sketch of the Life of Concepcion Argu- ello. 12mo, original cloth. San Francisco, 1876 Presentation copy from the author, written with scrupulous regard for truth and accuracy. ^^^ 112. GREEN (J. S.). Journal of a Tour on the Northwest Coast of America in the Year 1829 : Containing a Description of California and the Northwest Coast, Together with the Manners and Customs of the Native Tribes. 8vo, 105 pp., printed through- out on Japan vellum and bound in three-quarter crushed levant morocco, gilt top. New York: privately printed, 1915 Only 10 copies of this valuable and almost unknown journal were printed on vellum. DANIEL WEBSTER'S COPY OF GREENHOW'S OREGON AND CALIFORNIA // -^ 113. GREENHOW (R.). The History of Oregon and Cali- fornia, and the other Territories on the Northwest Coast, accom- panied by a Geographical View and Map, and a number of Docu- ments. Large Folding Map. 8vo, 492 pp. Boston, 1845 Copies v/ith the fine map are scarce. The present is a particularly in- teresting association copy, having once belonged to Daniel Webster, and contains his autographic book-plate. EXPOSE OF THE MISREPRESENTATIONS OF SOULE'S "ANNALS" f ^ 114. GREY (WILLIAM). A Picture of Pioneer Times in Cali- fornia : Including the Personal Narrative of the Author 's Trip to California in 1849, with Reflections on the Many errors of Soule's "Annals,'' an Account of the Conquest, the Discovery of Gold, the Vigilance Committee, &c., &c. 8vo, pp. 677. San Francisco: Privately Printed for the Author, 1881 21 7t^ llD. GUNN(D.) . A Historical Sketch of San Diego, California / 8vo, sewn. ^ p^ -^g.^ ^ The author acknowledges his indebtedness to the Old Pioneer Haves ^ ^ lie^HABBERTON (J.). California Life; Illustrated by Pa- citie Coast Stories, Thrilling, Pathetic and Humorous. Plates ^'^^' ^^- PP- New York, 1880 ^ ^ ""n^-^- ^fxr^ ^V- ^^'^ ^^^^t ^««t-- ^^i^ers and Emigrants' Guide and Hand-Book. With an Account of the Routes across the Plains, and a Map of the best Routes to the Gold and Silver Mines Large Folding Map. 12mo, 181 pp. New York, 1865 /•K ^ 118. HALLECK (H.). A Collection of the Mining Laws of Spam and Mexico. 8vo, 649 pp. San Francisco, 1859 ^ 119. HALLEY (W.). History of Alameda County: Containing an Account of the Discovery and Settlement of California A De- scription of the Contra Costa under Spanish, Mexican and' Ameri- can Rule, etc. Plates. 8vo, 574 pp. Oakland, 1876 An important work containing much out-of-the-way historical material. ^^^ 120. HALSEY (F. W.). The Pioneers of Unadilla: Reminis- cences of Life m California from 1840 to 1850. Folding map and plates. 12mo, 323 pp. Unadilla: Privately printed, no copyright, 1902 ^ An extremely interesting Pioneer narrative by a 49 'er. describing earlv aays on tne Coast and in the Gold Diggings, perilous triD to Sacra'reno"- Adventures' on the American Eivcr; the day by day journal kept by tl'.e author. " ^"^ ^r ^^}' HARI^NESS (EDSON). The Disposition of the Mineral Lands of California and Nevada. 8vo, original vrrappers. Washington : McGill, 1865 An Appeal by the Californians for adoption of suitable Minino- Laws an early survey and sale of the Mineral Lands. ^ ' ORIGINAL EDITION OF HARMON'S JOURNAL WITH THE RARE MAP AND PORTRAIT rO --^122. HARMON (D. W.). Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interiour or North America, between the 47th and 58th de- grees of North Latitude, extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific Ocean, a distance of about 5,000 miles, including an Ac- count of the Principal Occurrances during a Residence of nearlv Nineteen years, in different parts of the Country. To which are added, A Concise Description of the Face of the^ Country, its In- habitants, their Manners, Customs, Laws, Religions, etc., and con- 22 siderable Specimens of the two languages most extensively spoken : together with an account of the principal animals to be found in the forests and prairies of this extensive region. Complete with the Rare Large Folding Map and Engraved Portrait hy Leney. 8vo, original sheep, pp. 432. Andover, 1820 Very Scarce. One of the Important Source books for Rocky Mountain and Far Western History. The Journal of a Fur Trader who spent 19 years among the Indians. The Hubbard copy fetched $45.00, and the few copies which have sold subsequently have brought increasingly more. l(^ ^ 123. HARRIS (J. M.). A Paper Upon California, its Early History, American Conquest, Geographical Features, Resources and Future Greatness. 8vo, in the original wrappers. Baltimore, 1849 -i> VERY RARE BROADSIDE AND MAP )y "-^ 124. HAVEN (JOHN). Map of the United States, including Oregon, Texas and the Californias, showing the Boundary Claimed by the U. S., the Boundary Proposed by Great Britain, the Boun- dary offered as a Compromise, the route of the contemplated GREAT Oregon railroad, Route of the Sante Fe Traders, the Army and Naval Force of the U. S. and of Great Britain ; An Account of the Battles of the Texian Revolution, the situation of the American and Mexican Army; a Description of the Gold and Silver Mines; Description of Oregon, and the great Importance of a Railroad, &c., &c. Large Double Folio Broadside, the upper half being the map and the lower half the Text. Printed on thick paper. New York, 1846 One of the curiosities of Early Western Cartography. An extremely important item. Haven was one of the few at this' early day who saw the urgent need of an overland railroad. \Jh 124a. heap (G. H.). Central Route to the Pacific, from the Valley of the Mississippi to California : Journal of E. F. Beale and G. H. Heap from Missouri to California in 1853. 8vo, 136 pp., wiih the 13 full-page colored views, and large Folding Map of the Route. Phila. 1854 The map is the first to delineate a portion of the country traversed, and the narrative records the first explorations made through a large portion of the territory. y ^'^ 125. HELPHINGSTINE (J.). An account of Coronado Beach, San Diego, California ; Its Climate, Hunting & Fishing, etc. Inter- esting Views. 8vo, 32 pp., original wrappers. Chicago, 1887 OVERLAND EXPEDITION THROUGH WYOMING, IDAHO AND MONTANA (y''^ — 126. HEWITT (RANDOLPH H.). Across the Plains and Over the Divide : Narrative of a Mule Train Journey from East to West in 1862, and Incidents connected Therewith. Large Folding Map and numerous Rare Early Views. 8vo, pp. 521. New York, n. d. Rare. One of the most interesting of Overland Narratives; the arrange- ment keeps each day's' journey and each camp separate, so that one fol- 23 lows the steady progress of the eventful Expedition from the day of be- ginning to the hour of its close. The Journal is that "of one who as- signed to a new and distant field, of necessity chose the long and tedious mode of Overland Travel to reach his post, passing for the most part over a HiTHERETO UNKNOWN AND DANGEROUS ROUTE, occupying nearly soveu months time. ' ' Jj ^ 127. HILL (A. F.). Sketches of California Life; Across the Plains in '49; Tragedy of Bear River; Marietta's Band; Narrow Escape of a Miner; Pioneer Justice, Etc. Plates. 8vo, cloth. N. p. [c. 1860] A Series of Narratives from an unidentified newspaper, neatly cut out and mounted in book form. /f^ 128. HISTORY of the Bay of San Francisco. Full-page views, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, full morocco, 1388 pp. Chicago, 1892 History of Coast Explorations from 1522-1768. Early History of the State-Russian Settlements, 1794-1841, Mexican Eule 1821-1836; Bear Flag Revolution and American Occupation together with the history of San Francisco and Oakland from 1776 to 1850. Choice set. ^O^ 129. HOLBROOK (S.). Autobiography of S. F. Holbrook: Containing Incidents of Voyages and Travels, with a Journal of Two Years Residence and Adventures in California, 1849-50; The Vigilance Committee ; Murders and Robberies ; tour through the Mines, etc., etc. Plates. 12mo, 504 pp. Boston, 1857 An important work by a Forty-niner. > * "^ISO. HOLDEN'S DOLLAR MAGAZINE. Jan. 1849 to Nov. 1850 (lacking 4 numbers). All in the original wrappers, Uncut. With Views of California, the Mines, etc., etc. New York, 1849-50 j^ •- 131. HOLDER (C. F.). Pasadena: Its Missions, Trails and Game. Plates. 12mo, 141 pp., original wrappers. Boston, 1889 / ^-^ 132. HOLT (WARREN). Map (Colored) of the States of California and Nevada; Carefully Compiled from the latest Au- thentic Sources; Comprising Information obtained from the U. S. Coast and Land Surveys, the State Geological Surveys, Railroad Survey's and the results of Exploration made by Lieut. Williamson, Henrj' De Groot, C. D. Gibbes, and others. With the Surveyed Railroad Land Grants, their location, &c., &c. Folding into 12mo ease. San Francisco, 1873 One of the most important of California Mapsi printed on a scale to allow the incorporation of every detail of the Country as it then existed. The map is brightly colored and in the choicest possible condition. /"'- 13". HOPPE (J.). Calif ornien Gegenwart und Zukunst. Fold- ing Map. 8vo, 151 pp. Berlin, 1849 An important work on Early Condition and Affairs. ^2^ 134. HUMASON (W.). From the Atlantic to the Golden Gate, with Two Days and Nights Among the Mormons. 8vo, 56 pp. original wrapper. Hartford, 1869 24 '7 / FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN CALIFORNIA ON HAWAII 135. HUNT (T. D.). The Past and Present of the Sandwich Islands. 12mo, 189 pp., original cloth. San Francisco, 1853 Exceedingly Eare. Presentation copy from the author to his brother, S. B. Hunt. ^ 136. HUNTINGTON (0. B.). An Eventful Narrative: Journal of a Trip to Carson Valley in 1854; being the First Expedition made by Whites along this Route, with a Description of the same, Incidents of the plains, Indian Encounters, etc. 12mo, 98 pp. Salt Lake, 1887 ^^ 137. HUTCHINGS (C). Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California. Illustrated with 92 ^^ well- finished Engravings/' 8vo, 236 pp. San Francisco, 1861 h HUTCHINS' CALIFORNIA MAGAZINE— WITH THE VERY ^^ RARE FIRST VOLUME COMPLETE '"•^138. HUTCHINS (T. R.). The California Magazine. Devoted to California and California Life, portraying its Scenery and Curi- osities, its Mineral and Agricultural Resources and Commercial Advantages, with Original Sketches of Life at the Mines, Crossing the Plains, The Vigilance Committee, the Indians, etc., etc. Vol. 1, No. 1, to Vol. 2, No. 4, Complete. (16 vols, bound in 1, a few leaves loose.) With many Interesting Early Views. San Francisco, 1856-57 Extremely Eare. The First Volume is a most difficult item to s'ecure, old numbers fetching as high as $10.00 at Auction. The California Maga- zine is the FIRST Magazine published in California, succeeding to Ewer's ''Pioneer," printed the year previous, and is of extreme importance for the Early History of the Far West, containing a number of Pioneer Nar- ratives, relating to the Country, the Mines, Early Towns, etc., etc., which have appeared in no other place, or been republished in other form. -oTTtiTTTrmd "in I8b3. Plates. 8vo, 157 pp. Keokuk: Privately Printed, 1905 One of the few Journals of the Overland kept by a woman, it forms a record of toils and hardships truly pathetic, and illy understood. In the Sierras, with only men about and no water near, this poor lady became a mother ! * ' With no one near to help, comfort or relieve, God only knows' the fear and agony of that dreadful time." There is, of course, much Indian material, as well as reminiscences of the Early days and life in California. 25 ONE OF THE EARLIEST DELINEATIONS OF MONTANA, IDAHO AND WYOMING -^ ^ 141. JOHNSON (A. J.). A Map of Montana, Wyoming, Idaho and Dakota (Colored). With the Routes Overland as made by Capt. Sully, 1856; Capt. Simpson, 1859; Capt. Stansbury, 1850; G. K. Warren, 1855 ; Gov. Stevens, 1853 ; S. Medary, 1857 ; Lieut. Donelson, 1853 ; Lieut. Mullan, 1853-4 ; Lieut. Mendell, 1855 ; F. W. Lander, 1853; A. W. Tinkham, 1853; Capt. Reynolds, 1860; Gen. Conner, 1865 ; &c. With the Emigrant Routes, the Pony Express and U. S. Mail Routes, the Proposed Northern Pacific Railway Routes, etc., etc. Large double folio. New York, 1865 A Magnifieient Map, and probably the first ever printed of the four new Territories, after their division. > ^ 142. JOHNSON (S.). An Address on California. 8vo, 20 pp., ^ stitched. New York, 1849 A Bare Address delivered to the Argonauts about to leave for the newly discovered *'E1 Dorado." f ^ 143. JOYCE (COL. J.). A Checkered Life: Experiences in California, Oregon and Washington Territory with Something of the Early History of San Francisco. Portrait. 8vo, pp. 318. Chicago, 1883 ""^ ^ 143a. JUDSON (E.). a Description of Redlands: Situated in the Finest Part of the Celebrated San Bernardino Valley. W\t]i Map and large double folio very fine Lithograph View of the Proposed City. 8vo, original wrappers. Rural Press, 1882 This is the first pamphlet ever printed dealing with Kedlands, now a flourishing City and one of the famous garden spots of the world. ^- 144. KADELBURG (H.). Funfzehn Jahre des Deutschen Theaters in San Francisco. Ein Ruckblick nebst Personal und Repertoir Verzeichniss. With numerous Actual Photographs. 12mo, original cloth. Rare. San Francisco, 1883 EXTREMELY RARE CALIFORNIA PLAY 145. KAVANAGH (C. V.). The Story of Inez. A Play of California and the Missions in 1852. Plates of the Mission, Early Views, etc. 12mo, 77 pp. San Francisco, 1900 A long autographic presentation inscription on title. 100 copies pri- vately printed. The press work appears to be that of an amateur. A crude piece of bookmaking, but a most interesting item of Early C-^li- forniana. 26 ( -- 146. KELLY (W.). Across the Rocky Mountains to California, with an account of the country and life at the Diggings. 2 vols. 12mo, pp. 480. London, 1852' The whole of the first volume narrates the author's journey across the Plains to California in 1849, the second recites his experiences at the miuGS. -- 147. KEMBLE (B. C). California: How to Go, and What to Do There. (With Sketches of the Routes, climate, productions^ mineral resources, mines, &c., &c.) 8vo, sewn, entirely uncut and unopened. Very rare. New York, 1855 V-^ 148. KENDALL (G. W.). Narrative of the Texan Sante Fe Expedition, Comprising a Tour Through Texas and an Account of the Great Southwestern Prairies, the Comanche and Cayuga Hunt- ing Grounds, v/ith an Account of the Sufferings from want of food, losses from Hostile Indians and Final Capture. Large Folding Map and Plates. 2 vols. 8vo, 811 pp. New York, 1844 '^*- 149. KIMBALL (E. M.). San Diego: Descriptive, Historical, Commercial and Agricultural. With other Important Information relative to the City and County, and a Business Directory of the Cit}^ Illustrated with 22 Photographic Views. 8vo, pp. 52, original tinted wrappers. San Diego, Daily Union Press, 1874 One of the Earliest items on San Diego and the First Directory. The 22 Views are actual photographs of the city as it was 40 years ago, and form a valuable pictorial record of the early days of the City. ^ .. ^ ^ 150. KINGSBURY (W.). An Interesting Lecture on California. Crude Views. 12mo, original wrappers. N. p., 1883 ONE OF THE RAREST ITEMS RELATING TO THE OLD , OREGON COUNTRY & ---"151. KIP (LAWRENCE). The Indian Council in the Valley of the Walla Walla, 1855. By Lawrence Kip. Printed, not pub- lished. 8vo, in the original printed wrappers. San Francisco, 1855 Presentation copy to Lieut. J, C. Ives, ''With respects of Lawrence Kip." Only 25 copies of this excessively rare ana important narra- tive ARE said to have BEEN PRINTED, Of the book the author says in the preface — ' ' These pages arc the expansion of a journal, kept while with the 4th Infantry, at the Indian Council. A Few Copies are now printed for some personal friends. While it may shoiv them the nature of Army Life on the Frontier, it will preserve for the icriter a record of scenes on the Plains, among Indian Tribes, which in a few years, will cease to exist." The book is one of the acknowledged Sources for the History of Early Oregon. ^ 152. KLOPFER (EMIL). California and Oregon: Reminis- "^cences and Experiences. 12mo, 264 pp., original wrappers. Rare. Alameda : Privately Printed by the Author, 1894 California in the Early Days, Discovery of Gold at Leeck Kiver, Van- couver Island, Life at the Mines there, Victoria, Travels in Oregon, Over- land to California, Dutch Flat Mining Days, the Niearaguan Expedition, .>oin the Mexican Army, Awful Carnage and Deeds under the Maximilian Regime, etc. A most interesting and out-of-the-way personal narrative. } ^ 153. KNEELAND (S.). The Wonders of the Yosemite Valley, and of California. Journal of the Trip to California; Historical Sketch of the Valley, its Indian Tribes, Springs, Trees, Falls, etc. Svo, 71 pp., with 10 Actual Photographic Views, Boston, 1871 If ^ 154. LAMSON (J.). Round Cape Horn: Voyage of the Ship James W. Paige, from Maine to California, in the year 1852. With Scenes in California ; Sacramento in 1853 ; Cattle Stealing in Con- tra Costa; Rattle Snakes and Natural Curiosities; the Indians and Iheir Costumes, etc. 12mo, 156 pp. Bangor, 1878 T-0 ^ 155. LAND CLAIM. A Petition to Congress Against the Ex- tension of the Yosemite Grant and Praying for an Investigation Into the Management of the Present Grant. Important! Please Read ! ! 8vo, original wrappers. N. p., 1890 ' ' Behind the Scenes ' ' in Yosemite polities. An exposure of the Gov- ernor and other State officials, urging the Government to repeal the grant and take back the country. >>1 ' — 156. LAND CLAIM. Argument of Hon. J. P. Benjamin on the Claim of Andres Castillero to the Mine and Lands of New Alma- den. 8vo, pp. 247, original wrappers. San Francisco : Commercial Steam Press, 1860 A most important Case. The greater portion of Benjamin's exhaustive argument has to do with affairs in California prior to the American Con- quest. /^ ^^ EXTREMELY RARE AND IMPORTANT WORK ON LAND **_. TITLES IN CALIFORNIA -^157. LAND CLAIM. Jones (William C). Land Titles in Cali- fornia: Argument before the Commission on Private Land Claims in California, in the Case of Cruz Cervantes, claiming the Rancho • of Rosa Morada. 8vo, 55 pp., in the original tinted wrappers. San Francisco, 1852 Exceedingly Rare. One of the most important, scholarly and per- tinent of all Land Claim Arguments. The author made a profound study of the subject, and his treatise on * ' Land Titles in California ' ' embraces the history of affairs in that Country from 1828 onwards, and forms the basis of much of the subsequent legislation relating thereto. A Founda- tion item. -- 158. LAND CLAIM. Depositions in the Matter of the New Almaden Mine in Upper California. 8vo, 41 pp. Gideon, 1860 159. LAND CLAIM. Reply to J. S. Black, Attorney General of the IT. S. Relative to the New Almaden Mine. By a California Pioneer. 8vo, 23 pp., sewn. New York, 1860 ^ 159a. land claim. The Memorial of Thos. H. Dowling, and Accompanying Papers, in regard to his claim to the Island of Yerba Buena, in the Harbor of San Francisco. 8vo, in the original wrap- pers. N. p., n. d. Extremely Eaee. Contains a History of the title and Affairs from 1835 onward. 28 l^V 160. LAND CLAIM. Shepard (W.). Statement of W. W. Shepard, Ex-Presideiit of the New Idria, with Depositions sub- mitted to the Committee on Private Land Claims in the Matter of the McGarrahan Claim. 8vo, 24 pp. N. p., 1868 fO 161. LAND CLAIM. Botts (C). Review of the Report of the ' Judiciary Committee on the McGarrahan Claim. Svo, 29 pp., original wrappers. N, p., 1868 f/7 ^\^2. LAND CLAIM. Botts (C). Supplemental Brief on the / McGarrahan Claim. 8vo, 18 pp. N. p., 1868< 163. LAND CLAIM. One Statement of the Almaden Case: A Plea for the Present Possessors of the Mine. Plain Propositions which embody the gist of the Controversy; Undeniable Historic Facts, and Incontestible common-sense Deductions. 8vo, original wrappers. San Francisco, 1858 h ^ 164. LAND CLAIM. Opinion of His Honor Ogden Hoffman in the Case of the U. S. vs. Castillero. ''New Almaden." 8vo, 158 T)p. San Francisco, 1861 Xl ^165. LAND CLAIM. Opinion of His Honor M. Hall McAllister in the Case of the U. S. vs. Castillero. "New Almaden." 8vo, 72 pp. San Francisco, 1861 f^/^166. LAND CLAIM. Peachy (Mr.). Argument of, in the Court of Northern California in the Case of U. S. vs. Parrott et al. and the Claim of Castillero for the New Almaden Mine. Svo, 67 pp., original wrappers. San Francisco, 185^ ?^ -^'167. LAND CLAIM. Report of the Argument made by W. J. Shaw in the Case of Hart vs. Burnett, Involving the Validity of Peter Smith Titles and the Question of Titles in the Old Mis- sions AND Villages of California. 8vo, pp. 167, original wrap- pers. San Francisco, 1860 The '' Question of title" as here so exhaustively and learnedly discussed forms' one of the most pertinent of chapters in early California history. The volume belongs in that class, in point of value and usefulness, of which Dwinnelle 's ' * Colonial History ' ' is perhaps the best known example. The last copy to be sold at Auction fetched $51.00. t i ^168. LAND CLAIM. Shaw (C). Argument of Chas. P. Shaw, before the IT. S. Committee on Private Land Claims, in Support of the Claim of William McGarrahan, for the Rancho Panoche Grande. 8vo, 320 pp. Rare. McGill Press, 1872 An extremely important historical work, containing an exhaustive examination of the Early History of California, land titles, etc. ^^169. LAND CLAIMS. Wheeler (Alfred). Land Titles in San Francisco, and the Laws affecting the same, with a Synopsis of all Grants and Sales of Land within the limits claimed by the City. No Map. Imp. 8vo, 129 pp., half sheep. San Francisco, 1852 An extremely rare and important volume, with 9 schedules of land 29 i 'grants, beginning with those made during the administration of the Mex- ican government in California, The Schedules list the quantity of land granted, date of grant, names of the grantors and grantees, and the loca- tion^. 170. L ANGLE Y (H. G.). The San Francisco Directory, Em- bracing a General Directory of Citizens, a Business Directory, etc., Containing a Variety of Valuable Information and Exhibiting at a Glance the Progress and Present Condition of the City. 8vo, 414 pp., in the original boards. San Francisco, 1858 Eare. This is the First San Francisco Directory printed by Lang- ley. The Business directory is the first to be compiled in California. 171. LASLEY (M.). Across America: A Curious Narrative detailing the trip Overland, and life and adventures in Oregon and California. 12mo, 79 pp. (miserably printed on poor paper). New York, 1898 ' ' This book is Facts, not fanciful sketches ; it is not a literary produc- tion, but Historical, by one who has spent over 25 years in the Far West. ' ' — Preface. _^ Eare. > 172. LAVAYSSIERE (M.). Un Missionaire en California. Plate. 12mo, pp. 120. Limoges, n. d. [c. 1853] Rare. FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN THE NEW WORLD DESCRIBING THE NORTHWEST COAST -^ 173. LEDYARD (JOHN). A Journal of a Voyage to the Pacific Ocean, and in quest of a North-West Passage between Asia and America; Performed in the years 1776-1779; Faithfully Nar- rated, from the Original manuscript of Mr. John Ledyard. Folding Map hi photostat. 8vo, 208 pp. Hartford, 1783 Of Excessive Rarity. For many years the leading book dealers of both this country and Europe had a carte blanche order to procure a copy of this work for the President of the Oregon Historical Society, Mr. F. V. Holman, of Portland; years of search for it proved entirely unavailing, and the hope of ever acquiring the work was given up, when a small dealer in the East discovered the copy now on the Coast, which is regarded as the greatest bibliographical prize in the whole field of Western America. A long account of the book and its discovery was printed in the local papers of Portland. Historically the knowledge gained by Ledyard during this Voyage on the Northwest Coast and among the Indians at Nootka, etc., showed him the amazing importance of the Region and led to many inter- views with Jefferson regarding the Country, the necessity of its explora- tion, trade with the Natives, and acquisition to the U. S., these views so impressed Jefferson that he fell in with his schemes, and but for his un- timely death, would have prosecuted the discoveries then, made some twenty / years later by Lewis and Clark, under Jefferson's auspices. /^ ^174. STANFORD. Leland Stanford, Jr. In Memoriam. Por- irait. 8vo, 249 pp., original white cloth, gold edges. Privately Printed for the Family, n. p., n. d. Contains a biographical sketch of 60 pages, followed by letters of con- dolence, from D. O. Mills, Creed Haymond, E. C. Huntington, Whitelaw Reid, H. Fisk, M. A. Crocker, E. de Rothschild, S. J. Field, etc., etc. 30 ORIGINAL EDITION OF THE RAREST BOOK KNOWN TO CALIFORNIA HISTORY ^";^175. LEONARD (Z.). Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard, a Native of Clearfield Count}-, Pa., Who spent five years in Trapping for Furs, Trading with the Indians, &c., &c., of the Rock}^ Mountains: Containing the Adventures of a Company of 70 men who left St. Louis in the spring of 1831 on an Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Comprising a Minute Description of the Incidents of the Adventure, and a Valuable History of this Im- mense Territorj^ — not from Maps and Charts, but from Personal observation. Written by Zenas Leonard, one of the Company. 8vo, 4 pp. and 87 pp. (lower part of one inside leaf cut off, but missing words re-typed). Clearfield, 1839 Of the utmost rarity. The Huntington Sale Catalogue states that there is "no recorded sale of a single copy." Cowan, the only biblio- grapher quoting it, says that not more than five copies are known to exist. The Narrative is one of the most remarkable records of early Western adventure ever experienced by a single bodv of men, and chronicles the first attainment of California by the Southern Route, as well as the Earliest description of the Yosemite, the giant redwoods of Mariposa and the big trees of the California territory, it being the First Published account of both. ^ *^176. LEONARD (Z.). The Same Reprinted, with an Introduc- tion by W. F. Wagner. 8vo, cloth. Cleveland, 1904 ) ^Cl77. LEVY (D.). Les Francois en Californie. 8vo, 373 pp. ^"^ San Francisco, 1884 A very scarce and important work giving a minute History of the Cali- fornia Filibustering Expedition of Count Raousset-Boulbon against Sonora; the Limantour Affair; Vigilance Committee; Gold Discovery; Early Affairs in California and Oregon. 4 ^^178. LIES (EUGENE). An Oration on the landed Estates & Early land affairs of the Natives & Pioneers of California. De- livered before the Pioneer Society. 8vo, 27 pp. San Francisco, 1863 ^ -^ 179. LITTLE (J. A.). From Kirtland to Salt Lake City: Em- bracing Events on the Overland Trail from 1846 to 1852. With interesting Early Views. 8vo, 260 pp. Printed for the Author, 1890 A Pioneer Overland Narrative of the first importance. Embracing the events of the Mormon Pioneer Organization — Ash Hollow and its reminis- cences — the Black Hills — Fort Laramie — Arrival of Sam Brennan — Ft. Bridger — The Mormon Battalion — 4000 miles in 17 months — Capt. Mer- rills' Expeditibn — Living on Donkey brains and saddle bags — The Cali- fornia Kush — Margerts Expedition from Salt Lake to Kanesville — the history of Capt. Foot's Expedition, etc. ^ ^180. LLOYD (B. E.). Lights and Shades in San Francisco. Restaurant Life; Barbary Coast; The Elite; Saloons; Gambling; Chinatown ; Blackmailing and Confidence Games ; The Turf ; Early Reminiscences, Etc., Etc. Plates. 8vo, 523 pp. San Francisco, 1876 Scarce. 31 " — 181. LOS ANGELES. LARGE VIEW. Glover (E. S.). View of Los Angeles from the East. Brooklyn Hights in the Foreground, Pacific Ocean and Santa Monica Mountains in the Background. Large Double Folio Lithograph printed on heavy paper, with Key to the principal buildings. San Francisco, 1877 A Very Early Los Angeles View. ^ 182. LOW (A. A.). A Memorial Setting forth the Urgent Necessity for Steam Communication between San Francisco and China. 8vo, sewn. New York, 1860 --- 182a. McCLELLAN (R. GUY). The Golden State: A History of the Region West of the Rocky Mountains ; embracing California, Oregon, . . . and Alaska, from the earliest Period to the Present Time : . . . With a History of Mormonism and the Mormons. Map5 and Illustrations. 8vo, cloth. San Francisco, [1872] ^ 183. MACDONALD (D. F.). The Moral Law. 8vo, 152 pp. A scarce imprint. Sacramento : James Anthony Press 1858 -T 184. McFADDEN (H.). Rambles in the Far West: Travels in Arizona, California, Oregon, Idaho and Wyoming. Plates. 8vo, 278 pp. HoUidaysburg, 1906 .^ 185. McREYNOLDS (R.). Thirty Years on the Frontier: Per- sonal experiences and events as a cowboy miner and pioneer. Por- trait and plates. 12mo, pp. 256. Colo. Springs, 1906 An extremely interesting narrative of the Early Days in the Black Hills Country, Across the Desert to California, New Mexican Campaign, Indian Fighting, Hunting, etc. .^ 186. MAP of California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona. Large double folio Colored Map, showing the Routes, Location of the various Indian Tribes, Posts, Proposed Railroad lines. Mines, &c., &c. Folding into 12mo cloth case. San Francisco, 1864 A very early map for much of this region. ^ 187. MAP. Rare and Early Map. L 'Amerique Septentrionale divisee en ses Principales Parties, Le Canada, Le Mexique, Nou- veau Mexique, Le California, Floride, etc., etc. Tiree des Rela- tions de toutes ces Nations Francois, Castillans, Anglois, Suedois, Danois, HoUandois. Large double folio, colored. Printed on thick paper. Amsterdam, 1662 The famous Map depicting California as an Island. |[ ^ 188. MARLETTE (S.). Report on the Northern Boundary Sur- vey, the California and Missouri Overland Stage Road, the At- lantic and Pacific Railroad, and Mineral Lands, with Sketches of the Topography, etc., of the State. 8vo, 98 pp. Sacramento, 1855 32 ORIGINAL EDITION WITH THE RARE COLORED VIEWS OF EARLY CALIFORNIA DAYS Q 189. MARRYAT (F.). Mountains and Molehills, or Recollec- tions of a Burnt Journal. Being the Recollections of a Trip to California in 1850, together with Scenes and Incidents of life at the Diggings and among the Miners. 8 full-page very fine Colored Plates, and numerous tvoodcuts. 8vo, 443 pp., original cloth. London, 1855 ^^r'^ 189a. MARSHALL (W. G.). Through America, or Nine Months J in the United States. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. 412, cloth. London, 1882 Contains description of the Golden City; Night in China Town; The Giant Trees; Yosemite Valley, covering over 120 pages. Among the illustrations is one of the Balloon Car, a Street Car then used in San Francisco. L/ ^. 190. MAST (I.). The Gun, Rod and Saddle; or, Nine Months in California. Plate. 12mo, 278 pp. Phila. 1875 L^^ 191. MATHEWS (A.). Stories of Sonoratown and Old Mexico. Plate. 8vo, boards, uncut. Los Angeles, 1906 Scarce. Printed in a small edition, signed by the author. The old part of Los Angeles was called Sonoratown, and the work constitutes the Early history of the region before the American occupation. / /- V* 192. MERIWEATHER (L.). Travels in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, and California. Plates. 8vo, 296 pp. New York, 1889 A most interesting narrative of adventure in the Far West. ■^193. MEYRICK (H.). An Account of Santa Cruz and Mon- terey. Map. 8vo, pp. 96. San Francisco, 1880 / -. 194. MINERS COMPANION and Guide (The) : A Compen- dium of the most Valuable Information for the Prospector and Miner. Folding and other plates. 12mo, original boards. San Francisco, 1861 V •^ *^RARE AND FAMOUS "MINERS TEN COMMANDMENTS" 195. MINERS TEN COMMANDMENTS (The). By a Forty- Niner. 4to. Printed on blue note-paper, with border of 11 humor- ous cuts. Placerville, 1853 A Famous item of Early Calif orniana. It was written by J. Hutch- ins and is his first literary production in California. It was induced by the following item. (See next lot.) 196. MINERS. Report of the Select Committee on Sundry Peti- tions Respecting the First Day of the Week, and the Observance of the Sabbath. 8vo, sewn. Sacramento, 1853 This attempt to introduce a peaceful Sabbath met with wild derision at the Mines, and was the inspiration of Hutchkins ' Satiric ' ' Ten Command- ments. ' ' 33 197. MINEES. The Majority and Minority Reports of the Com- mittee on Mines and Mining Interests of California. 8vo, 21 pp., sewn. Sacramento, 1853 ^ 198. MISREPRESENTATIONS of Early California History Corrected: Proceedings of the Society of California Pioneers in regard to certain misrepresentations of men and events in Early California History made in the works of H. H. Bancroft. 8vo, 37 pp., original wrappers. San Francisco, 1894 Very scarce. Said to have been suppressed. ' ' The time has arrived when the gross mis-statements which (his) books contain should be refuted by the publication of the testimony of living witnesses, so that testimony may go upon record and be perpetuated, and the real facts and truth of history be vindicated. ' ' Preface. /^ - 199. MORRIS (W. G.) and BENNETT (H. C). An Essay on the Manufacturing Interests of California, the Courses that Impede and those that would aid their Development. 8vo, 46 pp., original wrappers. San Francisco, 1872 An important and exhaustive Examination of the subject, covering the period from 1848 to 1872. ^^ *" 199a. NAPA AND LAKE COUNTIES. (Palmer, Lyman L.). History of Napa and Lake Counties, comprising Geography, Topog- raphy, Mining, etc., with Particular Record of the Mexican Grants, Early History, and Settlement, and the Original Spanish and American Pioneers and Early Settlers. Numerous portraits. Royal 8vo, sheep (binding broken). San Francisco, 1881 ^'' -^ 216. PALOU (REV. F.). The Life of Ven. Padre Junipero Serra. Translated by Very Rev. J. Adam. Portrait. 12mo, pp. 156, original cloth. Slip of errata. San Francisco, 1884 *'An Excessively Rare book, only a few copies having been printed." .^ 217. PAINTER (C). The Condition of Affairs in California and the Indian Territory. Travels and observations among the Indians. 8vo, 114 pp. Phila. 1888 — 218. PALMER (DR. E.). Collection of Clippings collected by Dr. Palmer on the Panamint Indians of California. Small pack- j t> age. , 219. PARKMAN (FRANCIS). The California and Oregon ^Trail. Plates. 12mo, 448 pp., in the original cloth. New York, 1849 Nice copy of the Rare Original Edition of a Classic of the Overland. _ THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF THE DISCOVERER OF I y^t GOLD IN CALIFORNIA PUBLISHED BY HIMSELF ^^^00"^ 220. PARSONS (0. F.). The Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California. Crude wood- cut portrait of Marshall. 12mo, pp. 188. Sacramento: Published by James W. Marshall, 1870 Very Rake. One of the most important narratives of Early California, essential to a full understanding of the Bear Flag Revolution, the Con- quest, and subsequent discovery of Grold. Giving details of the overland trip to California in 1844, Indian Troubles — The Bear Flag War and how it was inaugurated — The Settlers Flag — How Ammunition was procured — The Capture of Monterey — Defeat of England's Aims — How She was Out- witted — The Revolt at Los Angeles — San Diego — End of the War — The Discovery of Gold — The Great Rush — Lawlessness — The ' ' Hounds ' ' — Narrow Escape of the Author from Lynching — Prices in '49 — Col. Rod- ger's Indian War — Major McKenney's Death — Law and Justice in the Early Days — How Citizens' Rights were Protected. With appendix con- .taining affidavits in verification of the history. 36 'S PATTERSON'S VOYAGES TO CALIFORNIA, ALASKA AND THE NORTHWEST COAST •^ 221. PATTERSON (S.). A Narrative of the Adventures and Sufferings of Samuel Patterson, Experienced in the Pacific Ocean, Including Three Voyages to California and the Northwest Coast. 12mo, 114 pp., old sheep. From the Press in Palmer, 1817 Extremely rare. Contains the narrative of three successive voyages (1802-08) to California and the Northwest Coast, Alaska, Vancouver and what is now British Columbia. On his first voyage to Nootka, Patterson made the acquaintance of John E. Jewitt, and tells of the awful massacre of his companions by the Natives. A most interesting and valuable early relation of adventures in California and on the West Coast. ^222. PELTON (J.). Life's Sunbeams aand Shadows: Bio. graphical and Historical Notes, with the Narrative of my Trip to California in 1849, Early Affairs of San Francisco, etc. 8vo, 260 pp. Portrait and Plates. San Francisco, Privately Printed, 1893 Scarce. The author ^vas one of the prominent men in early California days. ■^C^ 223. PHILLIPPS (D. L.). Letters from Calif ornia ; an Account of the Plains, Towns and People. 8vo, 171 pp., original wrappers. Privately Printed, Springfield, 1877 Early History; Battle of Monterey; Origin of the C. P. Eailroad; His- tory of the Granger Eailroad War; Spanish Missions; 16th Century Cali- fornia; the Mohavo Desert; California Brigands; Early K. R. History; Chinese Question; Land Titles; etc. /- 224. PIONEERS. Society of California Pioneers: Oration Poem and Addresses. 8vo, in the original wrappers. San Francisco, 1862 ^ 225. PLAYER-FROWD (J. G.). Six Months in California; Sketches of San Francisco, Mines and Mining, Beet Sugar and v4 OTive Culture ; The Zoology and Flora of California. 12mo, 164 pp. f \^. London, 1872 226. PORTER (B.). One of the People; His Own Story r Em- bracing a Narrative of Adventures on the way to California, Life in the Gold Diggings, 1852-57 ; etc. Portrait. 12mo, pp. 382. "Printed for the Author," n. p., n. d. A scarce Narrative relating to the Early Days of California. His ac- count of life at the mines' is of decided value and interest. f^^^y^21. PORTOLA. The March of Portola and the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco; with the Log of the San Carlos and Original Documents translated and annotated by E. J. Molera. Plates and Facsimile of the First Survey and Map of San Fran- cisco 1-1775). 8vo, 71 pp. San Francisco, 1909 y^ "^28. POST (C. C). Driven From Sea to Sea; or just a Campin'. 12mo, 333 pp. Chicago, 1884 Very Scarce. Overland Trip across the plains to California, and life ' there. The work is an exposure of the ' ' grasping and rapacious ' ' Rail- road interests. 37 '/-. 229. POWELL (DK. FRANK). Old Grizzly Adams, the Bear Tamer (A Narrative of the Life and Adventures of the Famous Californian, as he was known from Montana to Mexico, with de- tails of Indian Trailing, "Mountain Regulating"), etc., etc. 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1884 Very scarce. The author was Mayor of La Crosse, Wis., and well known on the plains in his early days as ''White Beaver." ^ 230. PRATT (J. H.). Reminiscences, Personal and Otherwise, with the Narrative of a trip to California in 1849, life at the Diggings, Early Days of San Francisco, etc., etc. 287 Plates. 12mo. Privately Printed for the Family, n. p., 1910 COMPLETE SET OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE R. W. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF I. O. O. F. OF CALIFORNIA, 1855-62; WITH INDICES 231. PROCEEDINGS of the R. W. Grand Encampment of I. 0. 0. F. of California, including a Session for the Institution of the Grand Encampment held at Sacramento, Jany. 8, 1855. 8 vols. 12mo, pp. 402, and an Indice covering the whole set. San Francisco, 1855-62 ^ 232. PROSCH (T. W.). David S. Maynard and Catherin T. Maynard. Biographers of two of the Immigrants of 1850. Con- taining the Daily Naerative of their Journey Across the Con- tinent, Participation in the Beginnings of Washington Territory, Trip to California in 1851. War with the Indians and Life among the Savages, etc., etc. Edited by T. J. Prosch. Portraits. 8vo, 83 pp. Privately Printed, Seattle, 1906 The Overland Narrative is in day-by-day form, and the journey was a hard one indeed. ''The immigrants tired of themselves and of each other, stretching out these conditions for a period of five months, drove some of the participants into suicide, others into insanity, and left many a physical wreck for whom there was no possibility of recovery." — Preface. r '^ 233. RADICAL RECONSTRUCTION on the Basis of One Sovereign Republic, with Dependent States and Territories uni- formly Constituted and with the Corruption of Party Politics abolished. An Appeal for New Nationality w^ith Russian America, looking also to union with Mexico and Canada. 8vo, original paper covers. Sacramento, 1867 ''^^^^^^U. RANDOLPH (EDMUND). An Address on the History of California from the Discovery of the Country to the Year 1849. Folding Map. 8vo, 72 pp., half morocco. San Francisco, 1860 An important work by an authority on the Early Affairs of California. One of the few authoritative contributions to the history of the Country prior to its Conquest by the U. S. 38 REID'S TRAMP— ONE OF THE RAREST OF CALIFORNIA OVERLAND JOURNALS ^/2- 235. REID (JOHN C). Reid's Tramp: or a Journal of the Incidents of Ten Months' Travel through Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Sonora and California. Including Topography, Climate, Soil, Minerals, Metals and Inhabitants. With a Notice of the Great Inter-Oceanic Rail-Road. 8vo, 237 pp. (2 pp. facsimile) handsomely bound in three-quarter morocco, blind stamp on title. Selma, Alabama, Printed at the Book and Job Office of John Hardy, 1858 Only four copies of this work are known, of which this is the first to be sold at auction; it wa^ printed for the author and was entirely destroyed during the holocaust in and about Selraa during the Civil War, Probably no subsequent Overland Narrative, and but one or two of earlier date can in any way compare with it in point of actual rarity. As a narrative of life and adventure on the Plains and among the Indians, observations on the country and people, the work is of the highest historical importance. The author was' First Lieutenant of Col. Crabb's Auxiliary Expedition, a fili- bustering enterprise which resulted in the massacre by the Mexicans of all but one of the participants; many facts of this and other little known events of this period of the Western Country's Travail are here brought to light. ^^ ^ 236. REPORT of the Committee, with the Views of the Minority on the Admission of California into the Union. 8vo, sewn. Washington, 1849 237. REPORT of the Committee on Claims, on the Claim of the City of Sacramento against the State of California for Aid and Succor rendered to hordes of worn out and scorbutic Immi- grants from the Plains during the years 1849 and 1850. 8vo, sewn. Sacramento, 1855 An Important Document, as revealing the actual and woeful condition of Affairs in California during the height of the Gold Kush. RICHARDSON'S JOURNAL OF THE OVERLAND MARCH AND CAMPAIGN UNDER DONIPHAN JkO '^238. RICHARDSON (W. H.). Journal of William H. Richard- son, a Private Soldier in the New Mexican Campaign, under the Command of Col. Doniphan. 12mo, pp. 96 in the original wrap- pers wiilfi Views of the Battle of Sacramento^ Execution of a Mexi- can Chief, Marching through the ''Region of Death" and a MS. letter of Col. Doniphan, attesting to the accuracy of the book. New York, 1848 An Important Source book. The journal is in day-by-day form from August, '46, to July, 1847, thus covering the entire period of this famous Expedition, and its unparalleled march across the Prairies amidst hostile and Savage Indians and Mexicans. .^ i/ / 239. RICHMAN (I.). California under Spain and Mexico, 1835- 1847. A Contribution towards a History of the Pacific Coast, based on Original Sources. Folding Maps, etc. 8vo, pp. 541. Boston, 1911 39 >^i^ 239a. RINGGOLD (C). A Series of Charts, with Sailing Di- r rections, embracing the entrance to San Francisco, San Pablo, the branches of the Sacramento, and San Joaquin Rivers, etc., of the State of California. Large Folding Maps and Views. 4to, 44 pp. Washington, 1851 Presentation copy from the Author. A very choice copy. ^^ 239b. ROCKWELL (JOHN A.). A Compilation of Spanish 7 ^0^ and American Law, in Relation to Mines, and Titles to Real Estate, in force in California, Texas and New Mexico; and in the Terri- tories acquired under the Louisiana and Florida Treaties, when annexed to the United States. . . . Together with a Digest of the Common Law, on the Subject of Mines and Mining. Royal 8vo, calf (rubbed). New York, 1851 Volume 1 only, there were no more published. 1^2^ 239c. RODRIGUEZ se S. MIGUEL (JUAN). Documentos / Relativos al Piadoso Fondo de Misiones para Conversion y Civili- zacion de las Numerosas Tribus Barbaras de la Antigua y Nueva California. Also, Segundo Cuaderno de Interesantes Documentos a los Bienes del Fondo Piadoso de Misiones, para conversion i Civilizacion de las Tribus Barbaras da las Californias. 2 parts, 8vo, sewed. Mexico, 1845 One of the earliest works on the California Missions, and very rare with the second part. ) ^Z^ 240. ROMAN (A.). A Sketch of the Route to California, China -^ and Japan. 12mo, 108 pp., original wrappers. San Francisco, 1869 This is' the first book printed which describes this route, it appearing the day the first steamer for China left San Francisco. ; ^ ^ 241. SAN FRANCISCO City Directory (The), by Charles P. Kimball. September 1, 1850. 12mo, 136 pp., original cloth. San Francisco : Journal of Commerce Press, Montgomery Street, 1850 A Scarce California item; The Dodd copy, containing 139 pp., with a supplemental list of "omitted names," is described as the second issue of the First Edition. As this copy does not contain these subsequent ad- ditions, it would appear to antedate it, although Cowan states that but one copy of the First Edition is known. Besides the Directory there is a list of streets, officers of the city government, amusements', places of public utility, express offices, places of worship, newspapers, etc. >^^24lA. SAN FRANCISCO Cadets, Company H, Second Regi- ment, N. G. C, Capt. C. E. S. McDonald, Com'g. Organized Aug. 7th, 1863. Opinions of the Press and Rules and Regulations. 12mo, pp. 27, original pictorial wrapper. San Francisco, n. d. Inserted is' Program for exhibition of drill held in the Academy of ■'^'' Music at New York with tickets for same. y^^2. SAN FRANCISCO. Report of the Select Committee upon the Extension of the Water Front of the City of San Francisco. 8vo, 22 pp., sewn. Sacramento, 1855 40 1q .^ 243. SAN FRANCISCO. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the District of San Francisco, from March 12th, 1849, to June 4th, 1849, and a Eecord of the Proceedings of the Ayuntamiento or Town Council of San Francisco. 8vo, half roan, uncut (name on title). San Francisco : Towne & Bacon, 1860 Extremely rare. Little known concerning it. The only copy which has appeared at auction. Sold in these rooms in 1917 and then fetched $45.00. r ^. 243a. SAN FRANCISCO Post Office, California. A faithful representation of the crowds daily applying at that office for let- ters and newspapers. H. F. Cox del. Lith. of Wm. Endicott & Co. Folio. Fine original copy of this rare tinted view. ^JT 244. SANBORN (A.). An Account of the Resources and De- velopment of Amador County, California, the Leading Mining County of the State. 8vo, original wrappers. Jackson, Cal., 1887 \^jr 245. SANTA BARBARA. All About Santa Barbara, Cal. 8vo, ^00 pp., in the original wrappers. Santa Barbara, 1878 ^ -"^46. SAVAGE (R.). The Little Lady of Lagunitas. 12mo, 483 pp., three-quarter morocco. New York, 1893 Only a few copies of this; narrative of California in the early forties were issued; contains a most interesting history of Joaquin Murietta; the Bear Flag Revolt; the Mariposa Bonanza, etc. ^ ^1^ RARE NARRATIVE OF CALIFORNIA'S DESPERADO DAYS 247. SAWYER (B. T.). The Life and Career of Tiburcio Vas- quez, the California Bandit and Murderer : Containing a Full and Complete Account of his many offenses against the Law, from boyhood up, his Confessions, Capture, Trial and Execution. To which is appended Judge Collins' Address to the Jury in behalf of the Prisoner. Portraits. 8vo, 48 pp., in the original wrappers. San Jose, 1875 An Important work. Vasquez was outlawed by the Vigilance Committee, and depredated up and down California for upwards of twenty years, with a reward of $8,000 on his head. The author writes from personal knowl- edge; much of the narrative falling directly from Vasquez 's lips; in addi- tion he traversed Monterey and San Benito Counties, interviewing relatives, schoolmates and old acquaintances of the bandit, from whom much valu- able and interesting information wag obtained. The only authentic and complete History that has been published. jq^ ^ . ., "^' 248. SCHARMANN (H. B.). Journal of an Overland Journey to California in 1849. From the pages of a Pioneer's Diary. Portrait and crude illustrations. 12mo, 115 pp. Privately Printed for the author's Family, no copies for sale, n. p., n. d., and no copyright Eare. A most interesting and important narrative of the Pioneer days of California. The expedition across the plains performed by the Schar- mann family is one long chapter of Hardship, Death and Disaster. The Second half of the work, narrating the author's experiences in the Gold Fields reveal the hidden side of tne ''glorified Golden Days." 41 SELKIRK'S SETTLEMENT IN THE ORIGINAL BOARDS AND UNOPENED (^ ,^ 249. SELKIRK (EARL OF). Statement respecting the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement upon the Red River; its Destruction in 1815 and 1816, and the Massacre of Gov. Semple and his Party. With Observations upon a recent Publication entitled ''A Narra- tive of Occurrances in the Indian Countries," etc. Large Folding Map. 8vo, 304 pp. In the Original Boards, entirely Uncut and Unopened. London, 1817 A marvellous copy, as if just from the press. 3 >C- 250. SHAW (D.). El Dorado, as Seen by a Pioneer, with an Account of the Trip from Illinois, Across the Plains with Two Wagons and Eight Horses to California in 1850. Portrait and Plates. 12mo, pp. 313. Los Angeles, 1900 f ^ 251. SILLIMAN (B.). Review of the Natural Resources and Plan of Development of the Northern Division of the Mariposa Estate. 8vo, 95 pp. New York, 1873 l/^ ^ 252. SIMPSON (LIEUT. J. H.). Journal of a Military Recon- naisance from Sante Fe, New Mexico, to the Navajo Countrj^, made with the troops under the command of Col. Washington, Governor of New Mexico, in 1849. Large Folding Map and 75 full-page COLORED and Lithographed Plates, including Views of the Country traversed, the Indians, etc. 8vo, in the original cloth. Phila. 1852 Very Scarce. A magnificent copy in absolutely ''new" condition. 2- -^ 253. SMITH (J. G.). Notes of Travel in California: Sketches of Los Angeles, Monterej^ and San Francisco. 12mo, pp. 123. St. Albans, 1886 -- 254. SMITH (T.). An Address on the Admission of California into the Union, the Establishment of Territorial Governments for Utah and New Mexico and making proposals to Texas for the Es- tablishment of her Western and Northern Boundaries. 8vo, 32 pp. Washington, 1850 F <^ 255. SOULE (F.). The Annals of San Francisco, with a History of the First Discovery, Settlement, etc., of California. Large fold- ing Map and Plates. 8vo, 824 pp., original cloth. New York, 1855 Presentation copy, from S. P. Dewey (of Bonanza Mines Fame). See next lot. 3 ^-^ 255a. southern CALIFORNIA. An Illustrated History. Embracing the Counties of San Digeo, San Bernardino, Los Angeles and Orange, the Peninsular of Lower California, . . . and Biographical mention of many of their Pioneers and of prominent Citizens of to-day. Portraits. 4to, leather (cracked). Chicago, 1890 / -^"^-^56. SPAULDING (N.). Semi- Annual Message of Mayor N. W. Spaulding to the President and Members of the City Council of the City of Oakland. Containing an Account of the Present Condi- 42 r. 'f tions of the Town, the Report of the Captain of Police giving the Criminal Record to date, etc. 8vo, original wrappers. Oakland : Union Job Print, 1871 iiii early Oakland imprint^ and an interesting * 'local." 257. SPEED (J.). Notes of a Visit to California, with Reminis- cences of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, 67 pp. Louisville, 1884 - 258. SPURR (G.). The Land of Gold. Early Pioneer Life in California. Dedicated to the Pioneers. Portrait and Plates. 12mo, 271 pp. Boston, 1883 ASSOCIATION COPY OF VON STAEHLIN'S KAMTSCHATKA f^ 259. STAEHLIN (J. VON). An Account of the New Northern Archipelago, lately discovered by the Russians in the Sea of Kamtschatka and Anadir, wdth Narrative of Adventures. Folding/ Map. 8vo, 138 pp. London, 1774 important tor the early geographical history of Alaska and the North- west Coast. Dr. Cook's copy, vnth his autograph, a peculiarly interesting ^ ' ' association. ' ' [ 260. STEELE (J.). Old California Days. Plates. 12mo, 227 pp. Chicago, 1892 An interesting narrative of the ' ' Early Day. ' ' THE RARE SAN FRANCISCO EDITION OF THE OATMAN . ^^ CAPTIVITY -J" ^ 261. STRATTON (R. B.). Captivity of the Oatman Girls: Being an interesting narrative of life among the Apache and Mo- have Indians: Containing also an interesting account of the Mas- sacre of the Oatman Family, by the Apache Indians in 1851; the narrow escape of Lorenzo D. Oatman; the capture of Olive A. and Mary A. Oatman; the death by starvation, of the latter; the five years' sufferings and captivitj^ of Olive A. Oatman; also her singu- lar recapture in 1856 ; as given by Lorenzo D. and Olive A. Oatman, the only surviving members of the family, to the author. Map, por- trait and plates. 12mo, pp. 231 (worn). San Francisco, 1857 Exceedingly Rare. Journal of the celebrated Oatman Expedition Across the Plains to California from Missouri, in 1850, in which after a desperate and forced march they got as far as Arizona only to be sur- rounded by the Indians and practically annihilated. The subsequent hardships endured by the captive girls was of so severe and irksome a nature that one of them died while in captivity and the other lived les's than a year after making public her experiences. -^ 262. INDIAN CAPTIVITY. The same Reprinted. N. Y. 1858 An especially fine copy of the re-issue. 3 -^ 263. SWASEY (W. F.). The Early Days and Men of Cali- fornia. Portrait;, plates and original view of San Francisco in 1846. 8vo, pp. 406. Oakland, 1891 Swasey made the trip to California in 1845, and became bookkeeper at Sutters Fort. His book is one of the very few authentic sources for the period before the Gold Eush, and particularly so with regard to the in- cidents of the Bear Flag Revolution, and the events arising therefrom.. 43 > ^ 264. TAYLOR (B.). Between the Gates: Journal of a Trip "Across the Continent. Plates. 8vo, 292 pp. Chicago, 1878 EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL EDITION OF TAYLOR'S FRONTIER AND INDIAN LIFE 4 «^ 265. TAYLOR (J. H.). Sketches of Frontier and Indian Life on the Upper Missouri and the Great Plains, embracing the Au- thor's Personal Experiences and Recollections of Noted Frontier Characters, and some Observations of Indian Life during a 25 years' Residence in the Western Territories, between the years 1864 and 1889. Portrait and very interesting Plates. 8vo, 200 pp. Pottstown : Printed by the Author, 1889 Of western Narratives in the Original Edition, this is one of the most difficult to secure. It was set up and printed by the author himself, on a little rotary hand-press, which he had erected in the back of the Hartranft mansion at Pottstown; upon it he was able to print a few copies, which were exhausted in the immediate neighborhood almost at once. A 2nd Ed. was made some 7 j^ears later at Washburn, Dakota, a 3rd at Bismarck the following year, and so on. In the reprints many of the original sketches were omitted. "The material for this work was gleaned from observations made during an Overland Trip across the Plainsi in 1864-5; a term of Soldiering on the Border; a Journey to Ft. Eandall, and up the Dakota River; a Residence in Wyoming and Montana, and a continuous life in the Dakotas and Northwest till 1889." Preface. / ^^ 266. TAYLOR (W.). California Life Illustrated. With 16 Plates. 12mo, 348 pp. New York, 1860 Life at the diggings, in the cities, pioneer adventuie, etc. /C 1^ h ^ 267. TERRELL (CAPT. J. C). Reminiscences of the Early Days, with the Narrative of my Overland Trip to California in ''52, from my Old Diary. Portrait and plates. 8vo, pp. 101. Scarce. "^ Fort Worth, 1906 ' 268. THISSELL (G. W.). Crossing the Plains in '49. Journal of a Trip to California with an Ox-team, from the Missouri River to the Gold Fields in 1849-50. (Embracing thrilling Adventures, hair-breadth Escapes, as well as many Amusing Incidents.) Por- trait and Plates. 12mo, 176 pp. Oakland : Privately Printed, 1913 A most interesting Pioneer Narrative, written in day by day form and recording many out-of-the-way incidents of the plains, which has escaped the record of previous chroniclers. ^0^ 269. THOMES (W. H.). On Land and Sea; or California in the Years 1843-44-45. 12mo, original pictorial covers (worn), 351 pp. Chicago, n. d. ,^ 270. THOMES (W. H.). A Whaleman's Adventures in Cali- fornia. 8vo, 444 pp. Boston, 1872 Original Edition. An extremely interesting narrative of life in Call: fornia in the Early Days. Adventures at the Diggings, the Great Fire; .encounters with Joaquin Murictta, etc. 44 1 271. THOMPSON (R.). History of the Conquest of California, the Capture of Sonoma by the Bear Flag Men, the Raising of the American Flag in Monterey, the part taken by the Bear Flag Men in the Conquest, from its commencement to its close at Los Angeles^ Jan. 10th, 1847. Plates. 8vo, in the original wrappers. Santa Rosa, 1896 The author states that the work is an answer to the ''Calumnies of that 'self Styled and constituted historian,' H. H. Bancroft." "^ iX 272. TORRE Y (W.). The Life and Adventures of William Torrey, Embracing the Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America and California in 1837. With a Description of St. Francis Drake's Bay, the Indians, their Manners and Customs,' etc. Portrait and plates. 12mo, 300 pp. (worn). Boston, 1848 ^^^. TULLIDGE'S WESTERN Galaxy and Monthly Mag- azine. Vol. 1 No. 1 to No. 4. (All Published.) Illustrated with mayiy verij fine Early Vieius of the Far West. 8vo, original wrap- pers, 468 'pp. Salt Lake, 1888 A most important Collection of Pioneer chronicles and reminiscences are preserved in this rare periodical. Among them we cite: The Narrative of the Overland Trip from Nauvoo to Salt Lake, 1846. McBride's Moun- tain Justice: Fragments of Early Idaho History; Adventures in the Salmon River Country; Utah and California, Original Proposal to Unite them ; ' ' Pioneer Sketches, Illustrated. ' ' Life of Eobert Stuart, an ad- venturer, of the Astor Expedition, and a Pioneer of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, etc., etc. 274. TUTHILL (P.). The History of California. 8vo, 657 pp. ^ San Francisco, 1866 One of the important sources for the period from 1850 to 1865. His account of the events which led to the formation of the famous Vigilance Committee is the most complete and valuable which we have. c f I ^ 275. TYSON (J. L.). Diary in California; Being the results of actual experience, including notes of the journey and observa- tions on the climate, soil, resources of the country, etc. 8vo, pp. 92 in the original wrappers. New York, 1850 An authoritative and valuable Pioneer Journal by a trained observer. f .^ 276. TYSON (P. T.). The Industrial Resources and Geology of ^ California : With Reports of Exploration in California and Oregon, and also the Examination of Routes for Railroad Communication Eastward from those Countries. With the 12 Large Folding Maps. 8vo, 198 pp. Baltimore, 1851 The most important work relating to California that had up to this; time appeared. It contains a minute account of the mines and mineral re- sources in general; the vegetable products, animals, lands, land titles, gov- ernment, routes, etc., etc. /^ 276a. union pacific. Set of 10 pamphlets relating to the case of Central Branch of the Union Pacific R.R. extension, etc., vs. Kansas Pacific R.R., also Acts of Congress re Pacific R.Rs., also their obligations, etc. 12mo, full morocco. Washington, 1868-72 Complete collections relating to this case are very scarce. 45 r ^^ 211. UPHAM (S.). Notes of a Voyage to California, together with Scenes in El Dorado in the years 1849-50 ; with an Appendix Containing Reminiscences of Pioneer Journalism in California, and the Journal of ''The King's Orphan," a Swede by the name of Mafs or Mass, detailing his adventures and observations in Cali- fornia in 1843. Willi 45 Early Plates. 8vo, 594 pp. Phila. : Published by the Author, 1878 ^ *JL- 278. VALLE JO. The Prospects of Vallejo : or Evidences that Vallejo will become a Great City. Large Folding Map. 8vo, 50 pp. Vallejo: Chronicle Print, 1871 Scarce. An interesting work in which it is conclusively proven that within a few short years Vallejo will be the greatest city on the Pacific Coast, and San Francisco but a fading memory! 2^ tZ 279. VAN DYKE (THEODORE S.). Flirtation Camp, or Rifle, Rod and Gun in California. A Sporting Romance. 12mo, pp. 299. New York, 1881 // ^ 280. SACRAMENTO. View of Sacramento City, from the R St Levee. 4to. N. p., n. d. [Sacramento, c. 1854] Eare. This is one of the 4to pictorial letter-sheets, used by the miners, the top half containing the View and the lower half left blank for ''cor- respondence. ' ' j V -^ 281. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. Message of the President of the U. S., calling for Information respecting any Correspondence or Proceedings in relation to the Self-styled Vigilance Committee in California. 8vo, pp. 30, sewn. Washington, 1856 Largely relating to the celebrated case of Judge Terry, who stabbed Hopkins while the latter was attempting to bring him before the * ' Com- mittee" for some of his earlier escapades. An important document, and apparently the earliest Ofl&cial recognition iii Washington of the ?tate of Affairs in California. |P,^N/K 282. WAITE {¥.). An Account of San Diego, the City and County. Its Soil, Productions, Advantages, etc., etc. Map and Plates. 8vo, original wrappers. San Diego, 1888 ^ rj^283. WARD (JOHN). The Overland Route to California, and ' other Poems. 8vo, 124 pp., full morocco, gilt. -4 New York : Privatelv Printed, 1874 4 284. WARREN (T.). Dust and Foam: Ten Years Wanderings in California, Mexico and the Sandwich Islands. 12mo, pp. 397. New York, 1849 The first 150 pages of this interesting work contain the Journal of the author's trip to California, experiences at the mines, life in the mining towns, etc., thence to Sonora, with an account of Count Eaoussot's Fili- bustering Expedition, Walker's Project, etc. / ( "^285. WASSON (J.). The Mines of Bodie: A Complete and Accurate Account of the Mining Properties in and adjacent to the Town of Bodie, Mono County, California. Folding Map and inter- esting fidl-page Views. 8vo, 46 pp. New York, 1879 46 ^ 286. WASSON (J.). An Account of San Ygnacio and the Leading Mines of Cerro Gordo District, Inyo County, California. 8vo, original wrappers. New York, 1880 ^.^ 287. WEBSTER (KIMBALL). The Gold Seekers of '49: A Personal Narrative of the Overland Trail and Adventures in California and Oregon from 1849 to 1854. Portrait and numerous Old Views. 8vo, 240 pp. Manchester The journal is in day by day form as kept by the Kimball party in 3849 while crossing the Plains to California. This journal occupies 100 pages of the work, the balance is an exact copy of the Ms. Diary which he kept while on the Coast from '49 to '54 and comprises an interesting and valuable record of adventures and events' at the Mines, Camps and towns during their first days. '^^ 288. WEIK (J.). Calif ornien Wie es ist; oder Hand-Buch von Californien, mit besonderer Berueksichtigung fur Auswanderer; mit eine Praktische Anweisung das Gold zu reinigen. 12mo, 107 pp., three-quarter morocco. Phila. 1849 '-^ 289. WELLES (C.). Three years Wanderings in California & S. A., with a Description of the Country, Manners and Customs, including Miners, Natives, etc., with a detailed account of unusual hardships, suffering, privation, disappointment and Dangers. Plates. 12mo, 358 pp. New York, 1859 290. WIGHT (S.). Adventures in California and Nicaragua: >-Truthful Epic. 8vo, 84 pp. Boston : Privately Printed, 1860 ^ -^91. WILKES (G.) & DE KAY (D.). Lower California: Its Geography and Characteristics, with a Sketch of the Land Grant of the Lower Calif. Co. Large Folding Map. 8vo, pp. 44, original wrappers. New York, 1868 Fully half the work is devoted to the early history of California. The Grant was that of Jacob P. Leese. > ^^ 292. WILLIAMS (A.). A Pioneer Pastorate and Times: Em- bodying contemporary Local transactions and Events; Voyage to California in 1849; the Vigilance Committee of 1850 and 1851, Travels in Oregon; Land Titles; "Town Building" on paper, etc. Portrait. 8vo, 255 pp. San Francisco, 1882 y >^ 293. WINCHESTER (GEN. J.). Documents Illustrating the I Business of Quartz Mining, an Account of the Mines of California, the Placer and Gold Diggings, with Extracts from. Dr. F. P. Wierz- bicker's ''Guide to the Gold Regions," together with the Charter of the Grass Valley Gold Mining Co., etc. 8vo, 50 pp. in the original tinted wrappers. New York, 1852 Rare. / ^^294. WISE (H.). Los Gringos: Or an Inside View of California ^ and Mexico. 12mo, pp. 453. New York, 1849 Journal of trip to California in 1846 and two years' adventures there, during the conquest. 47 i^ 295. WISLIZENUS (A.). Memoir of a Tour, connected with Col. Doniphan's Expedition in 1846 and 1847, with a scientific appendix. 3 large folding maps. 8vo, three-quarter morocco, pp. 141. "Washington, 1848 The author was one of the first scientific Pioneers through a great part of the country explored. The preface states '*In ]846 I left St. Louis vnth. the intention of making a tour through Northern Mexico and Upper California, I visited as many mines as possible, kept tables, memoranda in relation to people, their number, industry, manners and previous history^ etc., my intention being to gain information of a country that was but little known. yj> 296. WOOD (W.). Wandering Sketches of People and Things "^ in California. 12mo, 386 pp. Phila. 1849 The author was stationed on the Pacific to await the outcome of the Oregon Boundary Negotiation and to "seize California '' upon the first intelligence to ''justify it." He spent the years 1844-5 and 6 along these shores, and his book ig one of the few which describe the Country and Natives in detail, prior to the Gold Eush. ^ ¥/ /^ ^/ 297. WOODS (D. B.). Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. 12mo, 199 pp. New York, 1851 One of the best of the narratives having to do with ' ' life at the mines ' ' during the early days. GEN. WOOL'S REPORT ON THE DOINGS OF THE CALIFORNIA VIGILANTS ^ 298. WOOL (GEN.). Eeport communicating copies of all cor- respondence of the Army and Civil Authorities of California rela- tive to the Doings of the Vigilance Committee in San Francisco in 1856. 8vo, half calf. Washington, 1857 This is the U. S. Government's case against the Vigilance Committee, embracing the private reports of Gen. Wool; the Proclamation of Gov. Johnson; Eeports of Col. Be Russey, Lieut. Gibson, Capt. Ord; letters of Gen. Sherman, letter from the Marshal of the ''Military Forces of the ^ 299. WYLD (JAMES). Geographical and Mineralogical Notes on California. 8vo, sewn. London, 1849 Details of the Political and Commercial prospects; history, etc., with an account of the Mines, Towns, etc. EXCEEDINGLY RARE ORIGINAL BOONVILLE EDITION ^ 300. YOUNGBLOOD (C. L.). Adventures of Charles L. Young- blood during Ten Years on the Plains. Written by Himself. Crude Portrait. 12mo, 199 pp. Boonville : Standard Press, 1882 Apparently the first copy of this rare narrative to be sold by Auction, and the only copy we trace is in the James Library, The work is that of a Hunter and Trapper, who intersperses his memoirs with reminiscences of Indian Fighting and other hair-raising ''amusements" of the Early Plains days. PRESS OF DOUGLAS TAYLOR 4 CO. NBTW YORK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES I NC, [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, President] PARK AVENUE &? FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK I SALES BY AUCTION OF BOOKS AUTOGRAPHS ' PAINTINGS ' PRINTS ' FURNITURE OBJECTS OF ART COLLECTIONS CATALOGUED AND APPRAISED FOR INSURANCE AND INHERITANCE TAXES I ALL WORK IS DONE BY RELIABLE EXPERTS AT REASONABLE CHARGES I TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 U H i.lil LLL r mxLffljgm mjJdiJiii^ 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 ii i mt ti i ,L u .i. i i. iii ,. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u i p )^,xS