■ - \%t '■ji ' J-f- 41' f^V >' ■-;• o jcfjiliitton of tl\)er ®ml)rottiereti am Curt? ous JSoofetitttiings ♦ €]^e pvolitv Club of ti^e Citr of il^eto gorlt april 16 to ittat 9. I9f3 Po.-\'=\ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/exhibitionofsilvOOgrolrich jcfjtiition of il\jet Cmliroitiereti anD Curt? ous JSooWintiings; ♦ Cl^e ^tolitv Club of tl^e Citp of j?ietD got* apnl 16 to M^V 9. 1903 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Silver Bindings in Repouss6 Work . 3 Silver Bindings, Repousse and Pierced 13 Silver Bindings, Engraved . . . .18 Silver Bindings, Engraved and Pierced 20 Silver Bindings, Filigree 22 Bindings of Various Materials Orna- mented WITH Silver 25 Bindings of Other Metals 33 Bindings Ornamented with Metals other than silver 38 Enamel Bindings 41 Bindings Ornamented with Enamels . 43 Tortoise-shell Bindings 45 Mother-of-pearl Bindings .... 48 Ivory AND Horn Bindings 51 Wood Bindings 52 Lacquer Bindings 54 Velvet, Silk and Paper Bindings . .55 Bindings of Curious Materials . . .57 Bindings Ornamented with Curious Materials 59 y ivi21223 Table of Contents Embroidered Bindings, on Linen . . 60 Embroidered Bindings, on Velvet . . 64 Embroidered Bindings, on Silk and Satin 68 Book-cases 85 VI INTRODUCTORY NOTE Ever since 1885, when Mr. Robert Hoe, the first president of the Club, gave an ad- dress on " The Art of Bookbinding," the Grolier Club has offered constant encourage- ment to the binder's art, both by addresses and by exhibitions. A brief summary of these efforts may not be out of place at this time. Two exhibitions were held in 1886: one, in February, contained notable examples of the work of the most celebrated binders be- fore 1800, including books from the libraries of Grolier and other famous collectors ; and the other, in May, with specimens of modem French, English, and American work exe- cuted since 1800. In 1890 occurred an exhibition of " Recent Bookbindings," exe- cuted between i860 and 1890, by French, EngHsh, and American binders. After the Columbian Exposition in 1893, some of the books in fine bindings, enamels, and other vii Introductory Note works of art, exhibited in the French section at Chicago, were shown in the Club rooms. It was appropriate that these exhibitions of modern hand-tooled bindings should be fol- lowed, as they were in 1894, by a collection of machine-made covers, or " Commercial Bookbindings." " Books from the Libraries or Collections of Celebrated Bibliophiles and Illustrious Per- sons of the Past, with Arms or Devices upon the Bindings" was the subject of an exhibition held in 1895; "Recent American Bindings in Leather," of one held in 1897. In 1899 a collection of early English decorated bindings, about which little had then been written, was shown. Last year mosaic binding, the high- est form of the art, was exemplified in a col- lection of remarkable extent and beauty. The present exhibition goes somewhat out of the field of bookbinding, as it is commonly understood, — that is, bindings of paper, cloth, or leather, — and deals with materials chiefly associated with other crafts, materials which may be said to have been borrowed for the purpose. Bindings of silver, enamel, tortoise- shell, mother-of-pearl, and bone do not at first thought seem so well adapted to the covering of books as do soft leathers or light viii Introductory Note and durable cloth, or paper, but a brief glance at the following catalogue will show that the classes of books so covered are special ones, having a special reason for such treatment. Religious books have, from the earliest times, reflected the reverence of their owners in their costly covers of ivory, gold, and silver orna- mented with precious stones and enamels; and even now our prayer-books and Bibles are often bound in the most elaborate and expensive manner. The silver bindings here shown are chiefly of the 17 th and i8th centuries, and are mostly the work of German, Dutch, and Flemish craftsmen. They are almost invari- ably found on Bibles, prayer-books, and re- ligious works. The same is true of books bound in tortoise-shell. Silk and velvet ornamented with metals have always been much used, and especially for royal bindings. Among the materials called curious are those with which the bibliophile, in his search for the unusual or the specially appropriate or significant, clothes his books. The books in embroidered covers bound by the English in the 17th century are mainly religious in character, while the French in the ix Introductory Note next century put their gay embroideries upon little almanacs and other books of a trivial character. The following quotation taken from Eng- lish Embroidered Bookbindings, by Cyril Davenport, London, 1899, will explain our division of the books in embroidered bindings : "With very few exceptions all embroidered books, ancient and modern, are worked on canvas, velvet, or satin, and while canvas was used continuously from the fourteenth century until the middle of the seventeenth century, velvet was most largely used during the Tudor period, and satin during that of the early Stuarts. "Broadly speaking, the essential differences in the kind of work found upon these three materials follow the peculiarities of the ma- terials themselves. Canvas, in itself of no decorative value, is always completely covered with needlework. Velvet, beautiful even when alone, but difficult to work upon, usually has a large proportion of applique, laid, or couched work, in coloured silk or satin, upon it, show- ing always large spaces unworked upon, and such actual work as occurs directly on the velvet is always in thick guimp or gold cord. Satin, equally beautiful in its way, is also fre- quently left unornamented in places; the Introductory Note needlework directly upon it is often very fine and delicate in coloured floss silks, generally closely protected by thick raised frames or edges of metallic threads, or fine gold or sil- ver cords. ..." Mr. Davenport's book was the first to deal with any of the classes of bindings here ex- hibited, as a separate subject. Outside of it, the literature is confined to scattered refer- ences in histories of bookbinding, and to a few magazine articles. XI Cmbroitreret! anti Curious; TBookbinOmgs; SILVER BINDINGS IN REPOUSSE WORK 1 A RMENIAN binding of the i6th century. jLjL (29.5 X 20.3 cm.) Each cover is made up of five separate pieces joined with silver nails; and these sil- ver sides are laid on leather and laced across the back with silk cords passing through small silver eyelets. On the front cover, surrounded by a border of Persian ornament and above a text in Russian characters, is a representation of The Annunciation, and of The Circumcision; on the back cover a sim- ilar border surrounds a representation of The Last Judgment, and Christ in Glory. Gospel Lessons. A sixteenth century manuscript, executed for a Mon- astery in CcBsarea, in Cappadocia. 2 T^UTCH binding of the i8th century, VJ silver-gilt. (3 x 6.2 cm.) A figure of Autumn is represented on the front cover, and one of Summer on the back Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered ' cbVet. ' ''They 'ai-e framed by a cartouche and surrounded by a border. Almanach. Amsterdam, 1774. 3 T^UTCH binding of the i8th century. jLJ (29.7 X 20.2 cm.) Large arabesques with tulips and a crown surround, on both covers, a cartouche con- taining the chrisma and signs of the Passion ; the back is divided into five panels ; clasps. 4 T^UTCH binding of the 19th century. U (6.5 X 2.8 cm.) Almanach. Amsterdam, 1806. 5 T7LEMISH binding made about 1600; in JL high relief. (27 x 20 cm.) The front cover panel represents Judah smiting off the thumbs of Adonai Bezeh^ and bears the inscription Jvdicvm Cap. I ; the panel of the back cover shows The Death of Sisera, Jvdicvm Cap. IV. On both there are corner-pieces covered with fruits and heads. On the back are four reliefs illustrating scenes from Jehosvah^ Cap. II, VI, and X. There are clasps and end-pieces. Bible. Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. Hebrew manuscript on vellum {about 1460). 4 and Curious Bookbindings 6 T7LEMISH binding of the 17th century; 1. silver-gilt. (15.4x11cm.) Each cover has a long central panel di- vided into four compartments. On either side of this central panel is a narrower panel bearing etched figures of the Apostles under Gothic canopies, three on a side, and one above the other. The reliefs on the front cover represent The Crucifixion, two emble- matic figures above, and a panel of orna- ment below ; those on the back cover, Re- ligious Inspiration and other emblematic fig- ures. The back panels represent three scenes from the Hfe of Christ. The clasps and end-pieces are chased with allegorical figures. Book of Hours. German manuscript of the ijth century, written on vellum. 7 T7RENCH binding of the 17th century; X silver and silver-gilt in very high relief. (33.9 X 24 cm.) The relief on each cover represents a scene from the life of Christ, or of the Virgin ; they are : The Virgin and St. John at the Cross, The Resurrection, The Last Judgment and The Annunciation. The figures, in very high relief, are of silver-gilt with flesh-parts of silver ; the details in the background are en- 5 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered graved. The panels are sunk deep into the oak boards to which they are fastened, and are framed with a moulding of silver and gilt ; clasps with floriated scrolls, pierced and fas- tened on. The backs of the volumes are red velvet. Holy Bible. Books of Matthew and Luke. Illuminated manuscript. 8 T7LEMISH binding of the 17th century. X (16.6x9.8 cm.) On the front cover, within a framework of scrolls and cherubs* heads, is a panel repre- senting Moses with the Tables of the Law ; on the back cover, within a similar frame, is a representation of Aaron; the back is di- vided into three panels. The clasp has a figure of St. Anna, chased ; and the ends are in the form of cherubs' heads. Biblia. Lemgo, 1731. 9 f~^ ERMAN binding made about 1670; in \J high relief. (12.3 x 6 cm.) The covers have central panels surrounded by a framework of cupids and garlands, the one representing Prayer^ and the other Re- ligious Zeal. The back has a figure of Hope, The ends and clasps are in the form of cupids* heads. Katholifches Gebetbuch . . . Gefchreiben Anno 1715- 6 and Curious Bookbindings 10 r^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; VjT in a very delicate pattern, showing Per- sian influence. (12.5 x 7.3 cm.) A pencil note says : cover by The Hot of Augs- burg. Wohlriechendes Rosengartl, 1699. 11 /^^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; Vj in high relief. (12.9 x 6 cm.) The Nativity, in a panel with tulips, on the front cover; The Crucifixion on the back cover; The Resurrection on the back, and the end-pieces of angels' heads ; the clasps are chased. Seelen-Schmuck, 1679. 12 r^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century. Vj (12.2x6.4 cm.) The relief on the front cover represents Religious Meditation; that on the back cover. Autumn; the clasps and end-pieces are chased. Geiftliche Andachten. 1698. 13 /^^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century. VJ (12.1x5.5 cm.) The Annunciation is represented on the front cover, and The Nativity on the back cover; the back is divided into panels, with a figure of Faith in one, Hope in another, 7 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered and the inscription Anna Dorothea Herbers, A. i6qj in a third. The clasps and end- pieces are pierced and chased. Die Geiftliche Ruft und Schatzkammer. Nurnberg, 1686. 14 /^^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; Vj in high relief, silver-gilt. (18.8 x 12 cm.) On each cover and the back is a panel, surrounded by a Louis XV. border, and representing severally The Resurrection, The Baptism of Christ, and The Crucifixion. The clasp is chased with a cherub's head. 15 /^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century. Vj (18 X 12 cm.) A richly repousse pattern ornaments the covers and back. In a central cartouche on the front cover are the initials Z. S. H., and on the back F. i?. The clasps and end-pieces are chased. Biblia Sacra. Cologne, 1679. 16 f^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; in Vj h igh relief; signed 7y^^/(?r. (14x6.4cm.) On the front cover is a representation of The Last Supper; on the back cover. The Baptism of Christ; on the back. The Cruci- fixion, and two small reliefs. The clasps and end-pieces are chased with religious emblems, 8 and Curious Bookbindings a ewer and basin, the Communion vessels, etc. Arndt, Johann. . . . Paradiefz-Gartlein. Ulm, 1620. 17 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. VT (15.5x7.5 cm.) The Annunciation is represented on the front cover; The Nativity^ on the back cover; and the clasps and end-pieces are chased with angels' heads. Kleinknecht, Immer Quellender Brunn. Ulm, 1735. 18 /^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. VjT (18.5x10.7 cm.) The covers are each divided into three panels and a Louis XV. border. On one side are Cain and Abel, Moses Giving the Laws, and Lofs Wife; on the other, The Annunciation, Christ Blessing the Children, and Christ at the Well. The back is divided into three panels, ornamented with biblical scenes. The clasp has a figure of Saint John the Baptist, and the end-pieces are in the form of cherubs' heads. [Holy Bible.] Leipzig, 1755. 19 /^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. VT (11.8x8.4 cm.) The covers are each divided into a border, and a panel containing corner-pieces and a 9 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered central medallion. Two hands reaching for a crown are represented on the front cover, and a double-headed eagle on the back ; clasp. 20 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. Vj (15-2 y^(i.2> cm.) The Baptism of Christ, with emblematic vines, leaves, and angels, is represented on the front cover, The Last Supper^ on the back cover, and Victory on the back. The clasps and end-pieces are chased. Geiftlicher Perlen-Schmuck. Nuremberg, 1713- 21 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. vT (16.6x7 cm.) A figure of Faith in a panel surrounded with a Louis XV. framework, and with the inscription Wer Hertzlich Liebt Den Glauben Ubt under it, ornaments the front cover; on the back cover is a figure of Charity with the inscription Wer gern Vergibt Der wirdf Geliebt, and on the back a figure of Hope. Liebes-Mahl. Ulm, 1746. 2 2 f^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. Vjr (17.5x10.5 cm.) The covers and the back are severally decorated with The Nativity, The Adoration 10 and Curious Bookbindings of the Magi, and The Annunciation. The end-pieces in the form of cherubs' heads are repouss6, and the clasps are chased. Himmlifcher Seelen- Magnet. Regenfpurgzu Stadt am Hoff, 1700. 23 /^^ERMAN binding of the i8th century. Vjr (13.2x7.2 cm.) Figures of Faith, Hope and Charity are represented on the covers and back respec- tively, with flowers and fruits. The end- pieces are engraved and pierced; the clasps repousse. 24 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. Vj (2.4 X 1.7 cm.) The sides are ornamented with a delicate design; in a silver-gilt box shaped like a book, with a clasp, and ring for a chain. Wiinsche zum Beylager. Berlin, 1767. 25 /^^ERMAN binding of the i8th century; vJ signed. (10.6 x 6.2 cm.) On each cover is a coat-of-arms in a cartouche surmounted by a crown. A framework of Louis XV. ornament surrounds them, and covers the back. The clasp is pierced and chased. II Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 26 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. VT (11.8x7.5 ^"^•) The front cover has a representation of The Brazen Serpent, the back cover shows The Crucifixion, and the back The Tables of the Law; in panels framed with Louis XV. ornament. Communion-Buch. Augsburg, 1757. 27 r^ ERMAN binding of the 18th century; Vj silver-gilt in high relief; pierced clasps, (lo.i :L(i.^ cm.) Officium beate Virginis Marie. 28 r^ ERMAN binding of the 19th century; VT the front cover has a representation of The Nativity. The Resurrection is repre- sented on the back . cover, and Religious Meditation on the back. Louis XV. borders surround them. 29 AMERICAN binding of the 19th cen- ±\. tury, by the Gorham Company. (10 x 6.9 cm.) The covers have a border, and a cross in a central panel on the front ; clasp. Book of Common Prayer. 12 and Curious Bookbindings 30 AMERICAN binding, 19th century; ±\. buffalo-hide portfolio with repousse silver panel on the front cover in a design of chrysanthemums and leaves. By the Gorham Company. SILVER BINDINGS— REPOUSSE AND PIERCED 31 T\UTCH binding of the 17th century; in iJ a design of tulips and other flowers; over silver-gilt. (15x8 cm.) The clasps are chased and pierced with a strap ornament. 32 T7NGLISH binding of the i8th century. \_j (27.8 X 1 1.3 cm.) The covers have a design of foliage and a central coat-of-arms upheld by two lions rampant. The clasps are repouss6 ; the end- pieces engraved. A chain with which to carry the book is fastened to the top. Book of Hours. Flemish manuscript of the i^th century. 33 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century; Hj silver- gilt over velvet. (40.7 x 26 cm.) The covers have five medallions with figures of cupids at play. These are joined 13 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered by a pierced strap-work, with heads, birds, animals, and vases of flowers. A narrow chased border surrounds the whole. The back, in one panel, has cupids and garlands. The clasps are chased and pierced. Bull, George, Opera Omnia. London, 1721. 34 T7LEMISH binding of the 19th century. X (14x9.6 cm.) On each cover an elaborate framework of cupids, heads, and garlands forms a panel ; in one is represented The Nativity^ and in the other The Ascension ; on the back is a figure of Piety. The clasps have half-length figures of boys with garlands. Vaughan, William. The Church Militant. . . . London, 1640. 35 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; X^ silver-gilt, over velvet. (16x10 cm.) On the front cover is T?Le Virgin and Child, and on the back cover The Vision of St. Francis; both are surrounded by a rococo framework with cherubs. The back is in one long panel; the clasps and end- pieces are chased. 36 T7RENCH binding of the period of Louis X XVI.; silver-gilt, in a design of archi- tectural scroll-ornament, flowers and a figure 14 and Curious Bookbindings of Faith on the front cover, and Hope on the back cover. (16.5 x 9 cm.) 37 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; \J silver-gilt. (19.2 x10 cm.) Each cover has a pierced framework of Gothic foliage and birds, the design being broken on either side of the central panel by a small statuette. The panel on one cover represents The Nativity, and on the other The Ascension. Fastened on the center of the back is the coat-of-arms of a pope, in high relief. The clasps are pierced and chased. 38 r^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; Vj over velvet. (12.5 x 6.5 cm.) The covers each have a panel of pierced design with central medallions, one repre- senting Hope and the other Faith. The long panel of the back is pierced in a similar design, with a head of a cherub in the cen- ter; and the clasp is pierced and chased with the figure of an eagle. Pocket Bible. London, 182 1. 39 f~^ ERMAN binding of the iSth century; VT in a large design of cupids, cupids' heads, and garlands. The arms of Mai Conte de Reyling are on the front cover, 15 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered and a crown on the back cover. The end- pieces and clasps are chased with the same motives. (17.5 x 10 cm.) Eines . . . Verfuchs zur Uberfetzung der Hiftorischen Bucher Neuen Testaments. Biidingen, 1739. 40 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; vT silver and silver-gilt, over morocco. (13.3x7 cm.) The covers and back have central car- touches in silver-gilt, bearing severally the monograms and date, G. M. R., D. S. R., and lyii. The clasps and end-pieces have silver-gilt ornaments on silver. Luther, Martin, Enchiridion Piarum Precationum. Witebergae, 1560. 41 f~^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; \J over morocco; Nuremberg mark. (16 x 8.5 cm.) On both covers is a scene from the life of Christ, surrounded by a Louis XV. frame- work, with figures of the Apostles, six on either side. The clasps and back are chased. 42 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; \y over velvet. (17.4x11.1 cm.) A pattern made up of various kinds of or- nament is used on the covers and back. In 16 and Curious Bookbindings the middle of the covers and the clasp is a silver-gilt cartouche with the monogram of Christ, The Virgin and Joseph. The clasp is engraved : H.^ I. G. 6"., 17 41. 43 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. VT over fish- skin. (17 x 7.4 cm.) A cleverly contrived effect of a hall in perspective is produced by the use of a chased background framed by a Louis XV. border in high relief. The front cover bor- der has a female figure sacrificing, called Oraiio; the back cover, Et Fides. The clasps are chased. Communion Biichlein. Nurnberg, I750- 44 T TALI AN binding of the 17th century ; X over velvet. (26 x 26.5 cm.) A repousse and pierced border in one piece frames, on the front cover, The Cruci- fixion with The Virgin and St. John, which, like the stars, angels' heads and Four Evan- gelists studded on the panel, are fastened in place with small nails. The Resurrection, with four emblematic figures, fills the panel of the back cover. The back, in a long panel, is repouss^ and pierced ; the clasps chased and pierced in floriated scrolls. 2 17 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 45 AMERICAN binding of the 19th century, l\. by the Gorham Company. (12.6 x 8 cm.) Black morocco with passion-flowers and a cross in silver-gilt on the front cover, and carbuncles set at the corners. The Book of Common Prayer. 46 AMERICAN binding of the 19th cen- l\. tury; elephant hide, with a panel of silver on the front cover, in an elaborate de- sign of violets and another flower. Portfolio. SILVER BINDINGS ENGRAVED 47 T^UTCH binding of the i8th century. jLJ (ii X 6.2 cm.) In the middle of the front cover, which is engraved with Renaissance ornament, is a dial having a movable hand to show the days of the month ; the back cover is in the form of a calendar, and gives the signs of the zodiac, the number of days in the month, the festivals and holidays, the length of the days and nights, and the rising and setting 18 and Curious Bookbindings of the sun. The covers are fastened by means of a pencil. Nieuwe Nederlandsche Almanach, 1795. 48 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; JL silver-gilt. (2.1 x 1.6 cm.) La Reveille. Paris, 1767. 49 r^ ERMAN binding of the 18th century; Vj silver- gilt. (11 x 6.5 cm.) The covers have central medallions and comer-pieces engraved with religious em- blems and inscriptions in German. A fine arabesque of flowers and leaves connects them. The arabesques are repeated on the back; the clasps and end-pieces have the same design. Terentius. Paris, 1544. 50 OILVER tablet in the shape of a hom- O book; engraved with the Spanish alpha- bet and syllabary, and a border of scrolls. In the border, at the right, is a ring to hold the silver pointer, and another ring, just above the handle, is for a cord by which to suspend it. A unique example, unknown to Tuer; from South America. (16.7 x 12 cm.) 19 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered SILVER BINDINGS— ENGRAVED AND PIERCED 51 r^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; VT over morocco. (15.4 x 6 cm.) A medallion on one cover is engraved with Christ in the Manger ; on the other, Saint George and the Dragon; they are surrounded by a design of conventionalized flowers and leaves. Hertz-Schreinlein. Dresden, 1675. 52 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century ; VT over velvet. (16.4 x 7.3 cm.) The covers, back, clasps, and end-pieces are decorated with fine arabesques of fohage and flowers. There are small medallions en- graved with emblematic figures in the center of the covers, and back. Gatt-geheiligter Rauch- Altar. Onolzbach [or d.]. 53 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th cen- VT tury; silver-gilt; over mother-of-pearl. (8.4 X 6.3 cm.) Central engraved medallions, on either 20 and Curious Bookbindings cover, represent The Annunciation and The Nativity. 54 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VJT silver-gilt over silver. (10.5 x 6.8 cm.) Flowers and leaves in a delicate arabesque pattern cover the sides, back and clasps. Geistliche Sommer Rosen. Munich, 1650. 55 r^ ERMAN binding of the 18th century ; VT silver over silver-gilt. (15.2 x 6.8 cm.) A deUcate arabesque of tulips and leaves is used on the covers, back, clasps and end-pieces. The covers have central medal- lions, one of S. Anna, the other of S. Cris- tina, and smaller emblematic comer-pieces ; on the back is a monogram surmounted by a crown. Hand-Haufz und Kirchen-Buch. Leipzig, 1700. 56 r^ ERMAN binding of the 19th century; VT over velvet; signed. (18 x 11 cm.) An arabesque of leaves covers the sides ; the back is divided into panels, the alternate ones being pierced. The clasp bears a shield with two coats-of-arms surmounted by a coronet. Albach, J. S. Saintes Harmonies. Vienne (abt. 1840). 2* 21 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 57 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century ; Vj (1.9 X 1.3 cm.) The front cover bears the initials A. 6*., and the back cover D. G. The text of the book is engraved on silver leaves. 58 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VT over silver-gilt. (5.5 x 4.5 cm.) A delicate arabesque of leaves and flowers covers the sides and back. The clasps are etched with a similar pattern. Kuslin, C. & M., Engravers. Defz Alten Testa- ments Mittler. 59 T7RENCH work of the i8th century; sil- 17 ver-gilt and silver in a Chinese pattern over morocco ; a miniature with a landscape set in the front cover. (8.8 x 5.5 cm.) SILVER BINDINGS — FILIGREE 60 T^RENCH binding of the 17th century; X fine silver filigree, with surface- enamel center, and comer-pieces on the covers, which are also studded with a circle of amethysts; engraved clasps. (8.4 x 4.9 cm.) 22 and Curious Bookbindings The enamels are painted with scenes from the life of The Virgin, angels and saints. Ofi&cium Beatas Mariae Virginis. Paris, 1673. 61 "T^RENCH binding, 17th century; filigree X over silver; corner-pieces, and central medallions of enamel painted with the heads of saints ; amethysts are set around the cen- tral medallions. (8 x 4.5 cm.) Officium Beatse Mariae Virginis. Paris, 1673. 62 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VT silver-gilt, over maroon velvet. (17 x 9.3 cm.) A border with arabesques of leaves and flowers extends around both covers and the back ; the clasps and end-pieces are of a simi- lar character. 63 /^^ ERMAN binding, 18th century; over VT blue velvet. {14.2 x 7.7 cm.) The sides and back are bordered with ara- besques; in the middle of the covers are filigree cartouches, one with the chrisma, the other with MAR. The clasps and end- pieces are of filigree. Gertruden Buch. 1692. 23 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 64 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VT in the middle of both covers, which are of silver-gilt, repousse, is a silver filigree panel surrounding a blue enamel medallion bearing a coat-of-arms in black and white. At the sides of the medallion are enamel flowers. The clasps are chased, the end- pieces engraved, and the back repouss6. (13 X 6.4 cm.) 65 r^ ERMAN binding, 19th century; silver vT and silver-gilt filigree with cloisonn6 enamels. (14.3 x 8 cm.) The sides, back, and clasp, which extends the whole height of the binding, are of elaborate workmanship in arabesques. The covers have bosses at the corners, and cen- tral medaUions with the chrisma and the monogram of The Virgin. Michalck, L. Editor. Quelle der Andacht. Regensburg, 1850. dd r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; Vj silver, silver-gilt, and silver filigree, over velvet, and silver-gilt. (19.1 x 11.3 cm.) A border of scrolls, flowers, and leaves surrounds a panel in which is fastened a cartouche, engraved in Hebrew, surmounted by a filigree crown; four comer bosses in 24 and Curious Bookbindings the form of edelweis. The panels of the back, the clasps, and the end-pieces are cov- ered with filigree. Hebrew Prayer-book. BINDINGS OF VARIOUS MATERIALS ORNAMENTED WITH SILVER 67 T 7ELVET binding with chased, engraved, V and pierced silver-gilt border in a de- sign of foHage, birds and baskets extending around both covers and back. Dutch, i8th century. (16.1 x 8.8 cm.) Das Neue Testament. Zurich [n. d.]. d'^ T~)ED stamped velvet binding, with a X\. large silver falcon in the middle of each cover, and silver bosses at the corners. Eng- lish, 19th century. (20.2 x 14 cm.) The Book of Faulconrie. London, 1575. 69 T 7ELVET binding with repouss6 and V pierced silver border extending around the covers and back in very delicate ara- 25 Exhibition of Silver, E?nbroidered besques of foliage and birds ; the clasps and end-pieces are chased with a similar design. Flemish. (15.5 x 8.4 cm.) 70 T 7ELVET binding, with pierced and en- V graved silver-gilt corner-pieces, cen- ter-pieces, clasps and end-pieces, which are fastened on the boards with silver nails. German, i8th century. (15.5 x 9.5 cm.) The center-piece on the front cover repre- sents The Crucifixion; that on the back cover, The Resurrection. Gesangbuch. Zweibriicken, 1832. 71 13 ED velvet binding with repouss6 and IV pierced borders fastened on the covers with nails ; central cartouches, repouss6, with the arms of the Order of St. Francis, and richly chased clasps. Spanish, hall-marked with the date 1778. (36 x 24.5 cm.) Missale Romanum. Madrid, 1776. 72 T VELVET binding, with engraved and V pierced silver comer-pieces, and a clasp the ends of which extend into the panel of the covers and form center-pieces ; in a pattern of tulips and leaves. The clasp has A. M.S., 1800, on the inside. German, i8th century. (18x7.2 cm.) Geistliche Herzens-Musik. Schweinfurt, 1796. 26 and Curious Bookbindings ^ET, with chased and pierc clasps. German, 17th century. (14x8 73 T 7ELVET, with chased and pierced silver cm.) Leibnitz, J. J. Biblische Busz-Bilder. Nuremberg, 1683. 74 T 7ELVET binding, ornamented with re- V pousse silver, and with silver chains across the back. Greek, i8th century. (30.9x23 cm.) A border in four pieces, fastened to the boards with nails, surrounds each cover, and incloses a center-piece and corner-pieces simi- larly fastened. The Resurrection and Christ in Glory are represented on the front cover, The Crucifixion on the back cover. The borders represent respectively scenes from the life of Christ, and the twelve Apostles ; and the corner-pieces, Cherubim, and the Four Evangehsts. Bartolis, Antonium. Evangelion. Venice, 1754. 75 1\ yf OROCCO binding, with engraved and IVl pierced corner-pieces and a clasp, the ends of which extend into the boards and form central ornaments. M. B. B.^ 1700, is engraved on the inside, and IT. M. S., 1706, on the outside of the clasp. German, i8th century. (16.3 x 7.2 cm.) Betendes Hertz. NUrnberg, 1729. 27 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 76 TJLACK morocco binding with silver clasps JJ bearing the initials of Admiral DeRu)'ter, and a silver medaUion in the center of each cover chased with a ship flying a flag with the same initials. The clasps fasten with a long pin. The silver has the Dutch hall- mark of 1679. (13.4 X 7.5 cm.) Memorandum-book. "M OROCCO binding tooled in gold, with pierced and chased silver clasps which fasten with a long silver pin. Dutch, i8th century. (9.8x6. cm.) Almanach. Amsterdam, 1770. 78 r^ OLD-TOOLED calf binding, with sil- Vj ver corner-pieces and clasps engraved with a crown, and engraved coats-of-arms in the center of each cover. The clasps fasten with a silver pin. Dutch, i8th century. (13.6x7.7 cm.) Almanach. Leeuwarden, 1782. 79 TJLACK calf binding, with repousse and jL) pierced silver borders on the covers; and chased clasps. Dutch, early 19th cen- tury. Bijbel. Amsterdam, 1849. 28 and Curious Bookbindings 80 r^ REEN levant morocco binding, tooled Vj by Petit, with an inlaid panel of iron damascened in the Spanish style, in repro- duction of the book-plate of Theodore Burty. French, 19th century. (26.6 x 17.7 cm.) Poulet-Melassis, A. Les Ex-Libris. Paris, 1875. 81 11 yfOROCCO binding, with repouss6 and IVX pierced silver clasps. German, i8th century. (8.6 x 5.5 cm.) Les Peaumes de David. Berlin, 1750. 82 IV /fOROCCO binding, with narrow, re- iVX pouss^ and pierced silver borders on the covers ; and silver clasps in the form of roses and leaves. German, i8th century. (17.3 x 9.7 cm.) Waldner, P. J. Himmlischer Baumgarten. 83 QILVER-GILT on silk. German binding O of the 1 8th century. (17 x 9 cm.) A pattern of interlaced garlands, flowers, birds and baskets in repouss6 work covers the sides, and extends across the back, at top and bottom, to form hinges. Clasps of a similar pattern. Das Ganze Neue Testament. Ziirich, 1752. 29 Exhibition of Silver^ Ei7ibroidered 84 QILVER-GILT binding, repouss6, en- O graved and pierced. German, 1 8 th cen- tury. (17 x9.3 cm.) The silver forms a frame around the covers and back ; silver clasps. Das Neue Testament. Zurich, 1778. 85 1\ yfOROCCO binding with repouss6 and iVJL pierced silver border on the front cover, representing flowers and fruits, and corner- pieces set with carbuncles. A cross, set with large rock crystals and carbuncles, and having in the center a head of Christ in enamel, fills the panel. Pierced bands bearing the title of the book, and a cross, extend across the back ; clasp chased and pierced. Amer- ican, 19th century. By the Gorham Com- pany. (33.2x25.4 cm.) The Holy Bible. London. ^d iy TOROCCO binding with pierced and iVX repousse silver work on the front cover representing scrolls of a vine with symbols of the Evangelists, and, in the center, a head of Christ in enamel; rock crystals at the corners, and clasp. Straps of pierced silver across the back, with the title of the book on one, and a cross on the other. American, 19th century. By the Gorham Company. (33.2x25.4 cm.) The Holy Bible. London. 30 and Curious Bookbindings 87 T7ISH-SKIN, with silver clasps chased and 1 pierced with figures of Moses and Aaron, and the Twelve Apostles. Flemish binding of the i8th century. (15.4 x 8 cm.) Biblia. Haarlem, 1796. %2> T7ISH-SKIN binding, with chased silver X clasps, ornamented with coats-of-arms, and fastened with a silver pin. Flemish, 1 7th century. (16 x 9.8 cm.) 89 QTAMPED fish-skin binding, with re- O pouss6 and pierced silver panels on the covers, which extend across the back, at top and bottom, for hinges. German, i8th cen- tury. (17.5x7.5 cm.) Beth- Altar. Brefzlau, 1738. 90 T^ISH-SKIN binding, with engraved and X pierced silver borders, and clasps, en- graved with heads of angels, and religious emblems. German, i8th century. Beth- Altar. Brefzlau, 1738. 91 QEALSKIN binding, with repouss6 and O pierced silver framework, ornamented with angels, garlands, and symbols, around central, silver-gilt medallions. The head of Christ is represented on one cover, and The 31 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered Virgin on the other. The back has large, single flowers in a series of panels ; the clasps are engraved. Dutch, 1 8th century. (21 x 12.3 cm.) Ofiicium Eeatae Mariae Virginis. Antwerp, 1685. 92 O EALSKIN binding with silver borders on O the covers and back, clasps, end-pieces and central medallions; repouss6 and en- graved. The medallion on the front cover contains an O; that on the back cover, a B. Ger- man, 19th century. (18 x 10 cm.) Gesangbuch. Sulzbach, 1819. 93 QH ARK-SKIN binding, with a silver-gilt, O pierced and engraved border which ex- tends around the covers and back ; central medallions engraved with ACQ lypy, and H, G. 1797, and end-pieces and clasps. German, i8th century. (17 x 8.5 cm.) Des Konigs und Propheten Davids Pfalmen. [n.p., n.d.] 94 TJLIND-TOOLED shark-skin binding, 13 with pierced, engraved and chased sil- ver borders fastened on the covers with silver nails and clasps. German, i8th century. (15.5x7.5 cm.) Kleinknecht, C. D. Liebes-Mahl. Ulm, 1754. 32 and Curious Bookbindings 95 QH ARK-SKIN, with repouss6 and pierced O silver borders and clasps. German bind- ing of the 1 8th century. (16.8 x 7 cm.) Prayer-book. 96 I3APER covers with silver back, and a X ring by which to carry it. German, i8th century. (2.1 x 1.6 cm.) Geschenck an Phyllis. Bucha im Thai, 1764. BINDINGS OF OTHER METALS 97 r^ OLD book, inscribed with the imperial vT decree of Gya-long, Emperor of An- nam, conferring a patent of exalted rank upon his deceased Grandmother; issued on the 8th day of the 6th moon of the 5th year; A.D. 1806; on four pages, the leaves mea- suring 5^ X 10 inches. The decree takes the form of a prayer offered up to the deceased personage, the Emperor subscribing himself as " Her hum- ble subject." It begins : 3 33 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered *' In the fifth year of the reign of Chia- lung (Gya-long), being the year ping-yin of the sexagenary cycle, in the sixth month, ting ch'ou of the cycle, on the eighth day after the new moon, the filially reverent Grandson Emperor in direct line. Yuan Fti- yingf bows down to the ground, and again kotows, before respectfully offering up the decree which follows": — He begins as "a pious grandson " by extolling the deceased, who was elevated to be a minor consort by his grandfather in his reign of " ChHen- yuan" and given by him a long title, which is literally, "the Tender, Fairy-like, Kind, Sage, Chaste, Docile, Graceful, Quiet Con- sort" (in Chinese, Tz'u^IIsien, Hui^ ShSng, Chin^ Shun^ Sung^ Ching, Fei). After a long panegyric, he concludes by " respectfully conferring in the presence of all his court, assembled for the occasion, this gold patent of exalted rank." In the new title the rank of Fei (minor consort) is replaced by the highest, that of Huang Hou ("Empress"), prefixed by all the above adjectives, except Sung (" Grace- ful "), which is replaced by three additional epithets, J^n ("Benevolent"), Hsiao ("Pi- ous "), and Chih ("Wise"). He finally entreats his deceased grand- mother to animate with her spirit the por- 34 and Curious Bookbindings trait which has just been painted for her ancestral temple. Note. — Gya-long was the title of the emperor who finally re-established his dynasty in Annam after an interregnum of thirty-seven years. ' His grandfather had reigned in Cochin China until 1765, when he was killed by the Tay-song rebels, and his line nearly exterminated. Only one scion seemed to have escaped under Jesuit protection, who was taken by the priests to France, and edu- cated there. After his return to his own coun- try he conquered and drove out the Tay-song Chieftains, and was finally proclaimed the first emperor of Annam, under the title Gya-long, his rule extending over Tonquin and part of Cambo- dia, as well as Annam proper. He died in 18 19, and was succeeded by his son, who reigned under the title of Minh-menh, On the border of the cover under the lowest hinge is a vertical line of characters lightly outlined in dots. "85 gold, 25 Liang, 5 Ch'ieu, 6 Feu." The Chinese Hang equals one and one third ounces, the chHen is one tenth of a liang^ \hefeu one tenth of a chHen; 85 prob- ably means eighty five one hundredths, as the proportion of pure gold in the alloy. N. B. The text, engraved in regular col- umns, inclosed within lines, as in an ordi- nary Chinese printed book, is to be read consecutively, although the columns are of 35 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered unequal length. The interruptions, and the elevation of the characters at the head of the columns are for the purpose of giving special honour to the various imperial titles, &c., the degree of honour being, in Chinese usage, dependent on its elevation in the text. The highest place is consequently given here to the honouring titles of the deceased Empress. Cover modelled in repouss6 work, finished with the graving tools, in the style of the brocaded silk binding of a Chinese book. The large oblong panel in the middle contains the figure of an imperial dragon rising into the clouds from the sea. Repre- sented full-face, with gaping jaws armed with formidable teeth, two horns, and flowing mane and beard, it grasps in its claws the flaming jewel of omnipotence. The scaly sides of the monster are half hidden in the clouds with which it is enveloped. The waves of the sea underneath are crowned with foam as they beat against the rocky moun- tains, the *' everlasting hills of the Orient," and have books floating on their surface. The panel is framed in an ornamental border of regular floral design, interrupted by large conventional flowers at the four corners. _ Dr. S. W. Bushell, New York, November, 1893. 36 and Curious Bookbindings The Annanese Gold Book that you have sent me to examine weighs 31.755 ounces Troy=9o8 Grammes, and is of a fineness of 95.836=23 carat. The alloy is of silver and some other substance whose properties tend to change the gold to a ruddy color on ex- posure. The color of the covers, which seems peculiar to the gold objects of An- nam, Siam, and Burma, is evidently due to the beautiful tarnish caused by the action of time, or by some component part of the gold. The gold is just as it was taken from the allu- vial river washings; the sheets were evidently hammered out, and not rolled as they would have been by European workmen. The or- namentation was made by flat chasing, the lettering by means of a tracing tool ; a header and hard chasing hammer were also used. The reason that the tool marks do not show through is because each leaf is made up of two pieces cleverly joined together at the edges so that the marks should not be visi- ble. That the color is partly tarnish is evinced by the fact that only the cover and that part of the inner leaves near the holes through which the rings pass, show it. This ruddy color is so highly prized by the European collectors that it is often simulated. To pro- duce it modem gold workers place the ob- 3* 37 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered ject in the electric bath, applying a strong current, and reversing it. George F. Kunz. 98 TRON binding, engraved. The manner of X hinging the covers to the back is remark- able. (20.1 X 13.7 cm.) 99 IV 1 OROCCO binding, with inlaid silver- IVJ. gilt and silver covers, enamelled. German, 13th century. (10.5 •yi(>.(i cm.) The silver forms long panels which are framed in the gilt; sprays of flowers, some filled with enamel, are engraved across them. The morocco back gold-tooled. Almanach. Shemnitz, 1795. BINDINGS ORNAMENTED WITH METALS OTHER THAN SILVER 100 Q TAMPED vellum, with chased and O pierced comer-pieces, center-piece and clasps of brass. German binding of the 13th century. (39 x 28 cm.) Aquinas, Thomas. Secunda Secundae. Eichstadt [c. 1480]. 38 '°'R and Curious Bookbindings ED velvet binding, with brass comer- pieces and center-piece, chiselled and pierced. Italian, i8th century. (28.6 x 21 cm.) Missale Romanum. Illuminated manuscript of the XV century j on vel- lum. 102 T~)USSIAN binding of silk, with brass 1\. borders, clasps and corner-pieces, representing cherubs' heads and fleurs-de- lis, and twenty-eight small pieces cut out and chased in the shapes of hons, stag- hounds, birds, hares, cupids with bows, double-headed eagles (four of which have rubies in their centers), and a cartouche with the name of the owner in Hebrew ; all fastened on with nails. The back has inter- laced steel chains across it ; and there are chains, by which to carry the book, fastened to the top. (18.3 X 1 1.2 cm.) Prayer-book in Hebrew. 103 TJ^OWN morocco, by Pagnant, bearing JJ on the front cover one of three proofs of a large bronze relief by Raffaelli, called Bonhomme fumant sa pipe. French binding of the 19th century. (31.5 X2.5 cm.) Raffaelli, Jean-Fran9ois. Les Types de Paris. Paris [1890]. Presentation copy with autograph letters and original drawings. 39 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 104 /^^ALF, with bronze ornaments represent- V^ ing objects of the saddler's craft, and a central medallion on either cover — one of Gerechtigkeit, the other of Liebe. German binding of the 19th century. (19 x 13.5 cm.) Manuscript record-book of Master-saddlers. 1 758- 1820. 105 "pED velvet binding with comer-pieces IX. and clasps of pure gold, in the form of roses and a butterfly, the device of the Archinto family of Milan. Italian, 19th cen- tury. (23.7 X 19.5 cm.) Porto, Luigi da. Storia di Due Nobili Amanti. Milan, 1 8 19. 106 T T'ELVET, with engraved and pierced V steel borders and center-pieces, and thickly studded with steel nails ; steel clasps. German binding of the i8th century. (9.2 X 6 cm.) Das Neue Testament. Zurich, 1738. 107 T7ISH-SKIN, with engraved and pierced X center-pieces, corner-pieces and clasps of steel, and studded with steel nails. Ger- man binding of the i8th century. (15.9 x 8.7 cm.) Das Neue Testament. Ziirich, 1738. 40 and Curious Bookbindings 1 08 QHARK-SKIN binding, with steel borders O and center-pieces which are fastened on the boards with nails; clasps. German, i8th century. (17.2x9.2 cm.) Das Neue Testament. Zurich, 1 742 (?) 109 IV yfOROCCO binding, gold-tooled, and IVX painted in a Grolieresque design ; four bronze medals of famous printers set in the front cover; bronze bosses at the corners. German, 19th century. (48 x31cm.) Lempertz, Heinrich. Bilder-Hefte. Coin, 1853-65. no 1\ yfOROCCO binding by Meunier. The iVJL doublure of brown morocco has fifteen silver and bronze medals of Gutenberg sunk into it. French, 19th century. (30 x 19.5 cm.) Jean Gutenberg. Geneva, 1858. ENAMEL BINDINGS m r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century. \j (12.8 X7 cm.) Surface enamel, with en- graved and pierced silver borders and clasps. On the front cover is The Annunciation, 41 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered within a cartouche, surrounded by flowers ; on the back cover, similarly framed. The Nativity. The back is divided into two panels ; one has a figure of Faith, the other of Hope. 112 T7LEMISH binding of the 17th century. X (10.9 X 5.7 cm.) Surface enamels in blue, black and gold, bordered with silver filigree. The front cover has a representation of The Annu?iciation, within a cartouche, sur- rounded by flowers, and the back cover. The Virgin and Child ; in two panels on the back are other biblical scenes ; filigree clasps. Paradysz Gartlein. Luneburg, 1667. 113 T7RENCH binding of the early 19th cen- 11 tury. (9.9 X 6.4 cm.) Blue enamel, with panels of white, painted with flowers and inlaid with turquoises. Memorandum-book. 114 /^^ RUSHED levant binding, with a cross \y and lilies, enamelled in colors on silver, and pierced. American, 19th century. By the Gorham Company. Book of Common Prayer. 42 and Curious Bookbindings BINDINGS ORNAMENTED WITH ENAMELS 115 T^RENCH binding of the 19th century. Jr (20 X 13.5 cm.) Crushed levant, with mosaic doublure, by Meunier. A large panel of glass enamelled in colors in Persian designs by Brocard is sunk into both covers, and rock-crystal bosses are set at the corners. Sauzay, A. Marvels of Glass-making. London, 1870, 116 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century. is (24.2 X 15 cm.) Crushed levant, by Joly, with enamels by the celebrated master of the art, Ferdinand Thesmar. At the top of the front cover is the title of the book executed on a scroll of silver-gilt; below it, sunk into the board, is a panel of Limoges enamel representing an allegorical figure Enamel, \n a frame of cloisonne enamels in the Oriental manner. Popelin, Claudius. L'fimail des Peintres. Paris, 1866. 43 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 117 T7RENCH, 19th century. (23.2 x 14.5 X^ cm.) Crushed levant, by Petit, with a Limoges enamel panel by Claudius PopeHn, in the front cover. The enamel represents the figure of a winged and armed boy treading upon a snake, and holding in his hands a scroll bear- ing the title of the book. On the back- ground is the inscription: a man ami Th. Burty, Claudius Popelin. Popelin, Claudius. L'fimail des Peintres. Paris, 1866. 118 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century. X (23.6x15.2 cm.) Crushed levant, by Petit, with a Limoges enamel panel by Clau- dius Popelin sunk into the front cover. The painting is copied after one of a series of ornamented initials in the book, drawn by Popelin, and inscribed a R Burty, CI. Popelin. Popelin, Claudius. De la Statue et de la Peinture. Paris, 1869. 119 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century. jL (28.9 x20 cm.) Crushed levant, by Petit; with a Limoges enamel panel by Claudius Popelin, set into the front cover. The enamel represents a young trumpeter with a scroll 44 and Curious Bookbindings above bearing the inscription : A gens de village trompette de bois. Popelin, Claudius. Cinq Octaves de Sonnets, Paris, 1875. TORTOISE-SHELL BINDINGS 120 r\UTCH binding of the i8th century. \J (13.8x7.4 cm.) Tortoise-shell, with silver hinges, clasps, and chain. Die Psalmen Davids. Amsterdam, 1698. 121 'pvUTCH binding of the i8th century. U (7.5x4.7 cm.) Tortoise-shell, with silver hinges and clasps. Nieuw Groot Hoorus Liedt-boeckje. Tot Hoorn, 1690. 122 T\UTCH binding of the i8th century. \J (27.2 X 10.8 cm.) Tortoise-shell, with chased silver rims, comer-pieces, clasps, and chain-pieces. Biblia. Dordrecht, 1758. 45 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 123 TAUTCH binding of the i8th century. jlJ (i6xii cm.) Tortoise-shell, with silver rims around the covers and back and clasps. Orden de las Oraciones Cotidianas. Amsterdam, 169 1. 124 TPVUTCH binding of the i8th century. VJ (14.3x7.7 cm.) Tortoise-shell; the covers and back are joined by silver hinges which, like the clasps, are chased with birds and foliage. Biblia. Dordrecht, 1712. 125 T^UTCH binding of the i8th century; \J tortoise-shell, with silver corners, hinges, and clasps, chased with garlands. (14.7 X7.7 cm.) Het Nieuwe Testament. Dordrecht [1737]. 126 XAUTCH, 18th century; tortoise-shell \J binding with silver hinges, corner-pieces, and clasps, chased with flowers and scrolls. (14. 1 x8 cm.) Het Nieuwe Testament. Dordrecht, 1705. 127 T^UTCH binding, i8th century; tortoise- \J shell carved in a design like those on French leather bindings of the period, and 46 and Curious Bookbindings fastened on the boards with silver nails; silver filigree clasps. (14.1 x 8.1 cm.) Het Nieuwe Testament. Amsterdam, 1700. 128 T^UTCH binding, 19th century; tortoise- \J shell with silver hinges, clasps, end- pieces, and ring-pieces at the top of the covers for chains ; chased and pierced with flowers and leaves. (17.1 x 11 cm.) Biblia. Dordrecht [1720]. 129 T7RENCH, i8th century; tortoise-shell X inlaid, on the front cover, with a silver- gilt border, and a central shield engraved withJl/". (10.2x6.5 cm.) Memorandum-book. 130 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century ; X tortoise-shell covers with chased silver- gilt borders, and back; fastened with a pen- cil and having a chain to carry it by. (4.3 X 2.9 cm.) 131 r^ ERMAN binding of the 19th century; Vj tortoise-shell, with silver-gilt borders around the covers and back; end-pieces and clasps etched and pierced. (14 x 7.2 cm.) Nina. Stuttgart, 1843. 47 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 132 r^ ERMAN, 18th century; the covers are VT bordered with a deHcate pattern in sil- ver, and are fastened with a silver pencil. Ivory Memorandum-tablets, ^ZZ n^ORTOISE-SHELL cover, inlaid with X. etched and filigree silver ornaments at the corners and in the center. (7.5 x 5 cm.) MOTHER-OF-PEARL BINDINGS 134 T7RENCH binding, 19th century, satin, X with mother-of-pearl and surface-enamel. (11.3x7.5 cm.) The front cover of mother-of-pearl is bor- dered with an engraved and pierced silver frame set at the comers with moonstones. A central silver cartouche holds a blue enamel shield set with a series of nine smaller stones. Almanach. Paris [n. d,]. 135 TAUTCH binding, i8th century; mother- ly of-pearl covers, engraved with the monogram H, S. B.; silver clasp and back. (4.4x3.1 cm.) Kern des Bybels. In s'Hage, 1750. 48 and Curious Bookbindings 136 'PVUTCH binding, i8th century; mother- \J of-pearl covers, with silver back and clasp. (6.5 X 3.8 cm.) De Kleine Tijdwijzer of Almanach. Amsterdam [1791]. 137 TPVUTCH binding, i8th century; mother- \J of-pearl, with silver back and clasp. (6.5x2.9 cm.) Almanach. Amsterdam, 1779. 138 T7RENCH binding, i8th century ; mother- X of-pearl sides, the front one inlaid with engraved silver. Hommage ^ L'Amiti^. Paris [1808]. 139 T7RENCH binding, i8th century; mother- JL of-pearl, with the word Messe^ and a crown of thorns, engraved on the front cover. (4.2 X2.7 cm.) Petit Paroissier de la Jeunesse. Paris [n. d.]. 140 T^RENCH, i8th century; mother-of-pearl, X^ inlaid with silver-gilt, and painted. (5.1x2.5 cm.) [Calendar.] [Paris 1792.] 4 49 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 141 T7RENCH, 19th century; mother-of-pearl; X^ the front cover engraved with flowers, leaves and the word Bal. (4.8 x 3.3 cm.) Memorandum-book. [Paris, i8i(?).] 142 T7RENCH, i8th century; mother-of-pearl X^ panels set in silver, with silver back. (6.7 X 4.4 cm.) 143 T7RENCH, iSth century; mother-of-pearl, X^ with silver-gilt clasp. The front cover bears the word Fables. (3 x 1.2 cm.) Petit Fabuliste. Paris [n. d.]. 144 T^RENCH, 19th century; mother-of-pearl jL binding ; the front cover is carved, and has two silver shields in the middle ; pencil. (9.5 X 6 cm.) Souvenir. Paris [n. d.]. 145 T7RENCH work of the early 19th century; X engraved mother-of-pearl, framed with silver-gilt, with comer-pieces in the form of harps and palm-branches; a small pansy in enamel on the front cover ; a silver-gilt pen- cil held in a wire coil for a clasp. (8.5 x 5.7 cm.) Petit souvenir. Paris [1823]. 50 and Curious Bookbindings 146 ]\ yf OTHER-OF-PEARL, framed in sil- ver-gilt chased in a delicate pattern. M The covers fasten with a pin through a wire coil. (4.1 X 2.8 cm.) Les Petits Montagnards, 1822. [Paris.} IVORY AND HORN BINDINGS 147 T7RENCH binding, 19th century; ivory X covers on silk. (4.7 x 3 cm.) Petit Paroissien de la Jeunesse. Paris [n. d.]. 148 T7RENCH binding, 19th century; ivory, JL with pierced and engraved silver-gilt borders, and an enamel medallion in the front cover; gilt pencils. (9.2 x6 cm.) 149 TTALIAN (?) binding, i8th century; the -L sides and back of ivory, are framed in silver-gilt. (13.9x8cm.) 150 T^USSIAN binding, i8th century; light X\. colored horn, with silver-gilt hinges, back-pieces and clasps, chased and engraved, and monograms on both covers. (13 x Z.d cm.) Prayer Book. 51 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered WOOD BINDINGS 151 /^^ ERMAN binding, 19th century, made Vj of wood taken from the foundations of the old Roman Bridge at Mainz, the birth- place of printing with movable types. (19.5 X 10.3 cm.) Klemm, H. Catalog des Bibliographischen Mu- seums. Dresden, 1884. 152 TNDIAN book-cover of the 19th century; X carved sandal-wood panels surrounded by borders made of a mosaic of mother-of- pearl and silver. (24.5 x 17.5 cm.) 153 A MERICAN binding, 19th century; gold- l\, en ebony, hinged with silver, and with a silver clasp. By Tiffany and Company. 154 "QINDING of cedar- wood from Mount 13 Lebanon, elaborately carved and pierced ; over silver-gilt; silver-gilt clasps. (15.9 x 10.2 cm.) A monstrance surrounded with a passion- flower vine is carved on the front cover, and an 52 and Curious Bookbindings Agnus Dei with other emblems, surrounded by a vine and passion-flowers on the back cover. The panel of the back contains monograms. Le Nouveau Testament. A Mons, 1672. 155 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century. lid Black composition, in relief, and pierced, over red. (20 x 15. i cm.) A bust of Shakespeare in red within a car- touche, surrounded by strap-work bearing the name of the book, ornaments the front cover; the monogram W S \?> similarly treated on the back cover. Humphrey, H. N. Sentiments of Shakespeare. London, 1857. 156 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century. JL^ Black composition in relief and pierced, over red. (19.6 x 13.5 cm.) A shield with the arms of the Black Prince, a scroll bearing the title of the book and the motto of the Prince of Wales, over Gothic tracery, ornament both covers. A Record of the Black Prince. London, 1849. 157 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century. \Zd Black composition in relief; pierced, over red. (22.8 x 15.5 cm.) 4* 53 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered The sides are covered with an elaborate design and a central cartouche containing an emblematic figure after one of the engrav- ings in the book by W. Harry Rogers, with scrolls bearing the title of the book. {Bound by Leighton, Son &= Hodge.) Quarles, Francis. Emblems. London, i86i. LACQUER BINDINGS 158 "PERSIAN binding of the i8th century; X surface lacquer in a design of flowers and leaves. (20.5 x 13 cm.) Persian manuscript. 159 T)ERSIAN binding in gold and colors XT painted on a green ground. (15.6 x 10 cm.) Koran. Arabic manuscript. 160 T)ERSIAN bindmg; flowers and leaves i painted on a gold ground, (ii.i x 7 cm.) Koran. Arabic manuscript. 161 T)ERSIAN binding. The covers are JT painted with flowers and birds, and the doublure with figures. (21.5 x 13.7 cm.) Koran. Arabic manuscript. 54 and Curious Bookbindings 162 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; vT lacquer, inlaid with mother-of-pearl and silver in a Chinese pattern. (8 x 4.7 cm.) Schreib- Calendar. Augsburg, 1766. VELVET, SILK AND PAPER BINDINGS. 163 /^^UT velvet binding, in a pattern of leaves V-y around an angel holding a shield with the title of the book. French, 19th century. (16.8 X 10.3 cm.) The product of the " Romantic" period of French art, and cotemporary with the so- called " Cathedral " buildings. Chroniques fran9aises de Gondar. Paris [n.d.]. 164 TTELIOTROPE velvet, stamped in gold, JL J. with a border of scrolls, and a central coat-of-arms. French binding of the i8th century. (lo.i x 6 cm.) Les deux Magots. Paris [n. d.]. 165 ^T 7ATERED silk binding; French, 19th VV century. (12.1 x 7.1 cm.) The covers are bordered with griffins, 55 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered sphinxes, and tripods, stamped in gold ; in the center of each is a landscape painted in colors. Almanach. Paris, 1812. 166 TT7HITE silk binding, painted with VV cupids, wreaths, and vases of flowers, in the style of the i8th century. In a case and slip-case of the same decoration. French, of the early 19th century. (12 x 7.8 cm.) Dufrenoy, Mme. Hommage aux Demoiselles. Paris [1819]. 167 r^ REEN silk binding, with a stamped gold Vj border and back ; in a case. French, 19th century. (11.5 x 7 cm.) Les M^rite des Femmes. Paris [n. d.]. i68T7ELLUM, painted; Italian binding of V the 19th century. (28 x 17.8 cm.) A portrait of Ariosto, surrounded by a Greek border, is painted on the front cover, and Orlando Furioso, on the back cover. 169 T 7ELLUM, ornamented with flowers V painted on the under side. English binding of the 19th century. (19.9 x 12.5 cm.) An experiment by J. Zaehnsdorf. Austin, Alfred. In Veronica's Garden. London, 1897. 56 and Curious Bookbiiidings lyoTTELLUM binding, gold tooled, with a V colored engraving of Mildigkeit pasted on the front cover, and another of Einigkeit on the back cover \ chased and pierced silver clasps. German binding of the i8th cen- tury. (17.1 X 10 cm.) Gesangbuch. Altona, 1782. ■'■R ED paper, stamped with gold borders and hinges. English binding, 19th century. Humphreys, H. N. Coins of England. London [n. d.]. 172 "pAPER binding, engraved, with colored 1 pictures laid on. In a case of the same design. French binding of the 19th cen- tury. Livre d'Amour. Paris [1815]. BINDINGS OF CURIOUS MATERIALS 173 /"^OLORED beads strung on wires, and \y woven in a basket pattern. French binding of the 17th century. (10.3 x 6.5 cm.) Les Pseaumes de David. Geneva, 1671 57 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 174 JAVANESE shark-skin bordered with the J skin of a Florida gar-pike ; a silver monogram and the seal of the GroHer Club are fastened on the front cover; jade book- mark in the form of a fish. American bind- ing of the 19th century. (18.3 x 11.7 cm.) The Grolier Club. Hand-list of editions of the Complete Angler. New York, 1893. 175 JAVANESE shark-skin in its natural color I panelled with the same stained green, and ornamented with a gold framework in arabesques of flowers. The back is of liz- ard skin. American binding of the 19th century. By Tiffany and Company. Portfolio. 176 JAVANESE shark-skin in its natural color, J panelled with the same stained green and with Florida gar-pike skin ; with a deli- cate gold framework. American, 19th cen- tury. By Tiffany and Company. Portfolio. 177 TT7HITE human-skin, inlaid with black VV morocco, and tooled with arrows, death's heads, and knuckle-bones. Ameri- can binding of the 19th century. (13 x 8 cm.) Holbein, Hans. Dance of Death. London, 1898. S8 and Curious Bookbindings 178 TJLACK human-skin binding of the 19th JLl century. (19.2 x 11.3 cm.) Holbein, Hans. Dance of Death, engraved by W. Hollar. 179 TJUMAN-SKIN binding by Zaehnsdort. Xx EngHsh, 19th century. (22.5x14 cm.) Hollar, W., Engraver. The Dance of Death. London, 18 16. BINDINGS ORNAMENTED WITH CURIOUS MATERIALS 180 /^^REEN crushed levant binding, with a VT large gold-embroidered bee set in the front cover, by Petit. French, 19th cen- tury. (14.5x9.3 cm.) The bee was cut from the throne of Na- poleon III, in September, 1870. Hugo, Victor. Chatiments. Paris, 1855. 181 npHE covers are of wood; sunk into the X front one is an early bronze placque rep- resenting The Virgin and Child before a throne, with angels and loves holding gar- 59 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered lands. Italian binding; probably of the 19th century. (15.2 x 10 cm.) Rofario della Gliofa Virgine Maria. Venice, 1656. 182 /'^RUSHED levant, with a mosaic doub- \^ lure by Meunier, and panels of faience painted by Theodore Deck. French bind- ing of the 19th century. (22.1 x 14 cm.) A faience panel on the front cover, Persian in design, contains the title of the book; one on the back cover, in Renaissance orna- ment, has the monogram 6*. P. A. There are three panels on the back, a central round one bears the portrait of Deck ; corner bosses of faience. Deck, Theodore. La Faience. Paris, 1887. EMBROIDERED BINDINGS— ON LINEN 183 T^NGLISH binding of the 17th century; Vld embroidered with colored silks and sil- ver thread. (17.3 x 11.5 cm.) The Vision of Jotiah is represented on the 60 and Curious Bookbindings front cover, and Jonah and the Whale on the back cover; both pictures are framed by a cartouche and surrounded by flowers; the back is filled with flowers. The edges of the leaves are goflered and painted. S., I. The Genealogies Recorded in the Sacred Scriptures. London, 1614. 184 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century, I J The figures on this remarkable example of embroidery represent Orpheus, disguised in Elizabethan costume, seated on a bank be- neath two trees, piping to a cow, and a man in a listening attitude ; and Daphne, partly nude, her arms already beginning to sprout, fleeing from the cavalier Apollo, who pur- sues her. The flesh-parts and the cow are of em- broidered silk, fastened on to the back- ground; the clothes, leaves of trees and flowers are of linen worked in lace, or button- hole stitch, padded and couched on ; the tree- trunks are also stufled and sewed on, and the ground and hair are done in various stitches in silk. A purl flower is on one cover. The back is in two long panels, and is em- broidered with flowers, butterflies, trees, a rabbit, fish, and a snail, many of them in high relief 61 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered ^H "C^NGLISH binding of the 17th century. JL/ (14 X 9.6 cm.) Embroidered with silver and gold thread, and colored silks. A crowned female figure, holding a dove in one hand and a snake in the other, is em- broidered on both covers. Single flowers fill each of the four panels of the back. The inscription Be Wise As Serpents And Inno- cent As Doves^ For Where These Two In One Are Foun That Party May Expect A Crowne, And Shal A Crowne of Glory Have Being Free From Death, Hel And The Grave surrounds both covers and the back in one frame. Smith, Samuel. David's Repentance. London, 1637. 186 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century. l_j (27.8x11 cm.) Fine needlework in colored silks and silver threads; pierced, and engraved silver clasps. The design is the same as the above. The Book of Common Prayer, London, 1638. Bound with The Holy Bible, 1638, and The Whole Book of Psalmes, London, 1638. 187 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; flowers, J_I/ fruits, and birds are embroidered in colored silks on a silver background. (11.6 X 7.8 cm.) Wither, G. The Psalmes of David, 1632, with The Hymns and Songs of the Church, 1623. 62 and Curious Bookbindings 1 88 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century. (14.3 x JC/ 8 cm.) On the front cover is a kneeling figure of a man holding an anchor, and surrounded by clumsy branches; a somewhat similar figure ornaments the back cover. The faces and hands are of satin. A single flower fills each of the four panels of the back. The Holy Bible. London, 1657. 189 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; em- Jj/ broidered with colored silks and silver thread. (11x6 cm.) The New Testament. Cambridge, 1628. 190 TT^NGLISH binding, 17th century; em- X_> broidered with silks in a diaper pattern, with flowers in the lozenges and at the inter- sections of the lines. (10x7 cm.) The Whole Booke of Psalmes. London, 1627. 191 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; calf, \2j with the design worked in silver thread and cords, in high relief on linen which is pasted on the covers and back. (27.6 x 1 1.7 cm.) The Whole Booke of Psalmes. London, 1682. 192 /^^ ERMAN, i8th century; embroidered VT with colored silks, gold and silver thread, and spangles. (20.4 x 16 cm.) 63 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered The Mother and Child, in very fine needle- work, is surrounded by an elaborate pattern delicately executed. (A fragment.) 193 r^ ERMAN binding, early 19th cen- vT tury; embroidered with colored silks, gold thread and spangles. (18 x 10.3 cm.) The arms of George III. are on one cover and a basket of flowers on the other. Staats-Kalendar, 1803. Lauenberg. 194 T TALI AN binding, 17 th century; colored X silks and silver threads. (37-3 x 25.5 cm.) The coat-of-arms of Pope Benedict XIII., to whom the book belonged, is embroidered on both covers. Kempis, Thomas a. De Imitatione Christi. [n. p., n.d.] 195 AMERICAN binding, 19th century. ±\. (20.8 X 13.7 cm.) Lacroix, Paul. Ma R^publique. Paris, 1902. EMBROIDERED BINDINGS— ON VELVET 196 T\UTCH binding, early 19th century; \J embroidered with gold and silver 64 and Curious Bookbindings thread, cord, braid and guimp. (10.3x5.7 cm.) The design is couched on, in the style of decoration much used in France on leather binding of the period. Guarini, Battista. II Pastor Fido. Amsterdam, 1678. 197 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; ma- Jl2j roon velvet embroidered with silver thread; silver clasps. (11 x 5.4 cm.) 198 T7RENCH binding of the 17th century; X purple velvet, embroidered with gold and silver thread and wire, and colored silks. In the middle of each cover are the arms of Marie de M^dicis, and, in alternate cor- ners, the fleur-de-lis, and an M surmounted by a crown. The back is covered with a series of fleurs-de-lis. Loyos, Jean de. L'Eupheme des Fran9ois. Bordeaux, 16 15. 199 T7RENCH binding, 19th century ; em- Jl broidered with colored silks and gold thread, in a conventional pattern. (16 x 10 cm.) Maintenon. L'Esprit de I'Institut. Paris, 1808. S 6s Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 200 /^^ ERMAN binding, i8th century; em- \y broidered with metal and colored threads. (34.5 x 22 cm.) A monogram, H. W. H.^ surmounted by a crown, on the front cover. Unterthanigfte Freudens-Verzeigung. . . . 1741. 201 r~^ ERMAN binding, i8th century; black Vj velvet, embroidered with black beads in a pattern similar to those on French mo- saic bindings by Le Monnier; chased silver clasps with death's heads. (9.4x16.7 cm.) Das Neue Teftament. Zurich, 1740. 202 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VT green velvet, embroidered with silver thread, and spangles. On the front cover the initials C. C, and on the back cover M. E., surmounted by a coronet. (14 x 8 cm.) Xavier (St. Francis). Zehn Freytagige Verebrung. Cologne, 1750. 203 TTALIAN binding, i8th century; red vel- X. vet with a heavy gold thread border around the covers and back. (18 x 12.6 cm.) Missale Romanum. 204 OPANISH binding, i8th century; black O velvet, with gold and silver plate, purl, 66 and Curious Bookbindings thread, spangles and pieces of metal, and colored silks. (35.4 x 25 cm.) A remarkable border in the Italian Renais- sance style, with twenty medallions of metal copied after antique cameos, surrounds both covers. In the center of the panels so formed are the arms of Charles IV. of Spain, embroidered and appliqu6. 205 QPANISH binding, 17th century; em- O broidered on velvet; with elaborate corner-pieces of gold bullion, and a central coat-of-arms, of Philip V. of Spain(?), in gold, silver and colored silks. The back is in one long panel. The clasp is of pierced and filigree silver, with a monogram in gold wire. (23.3x6.3 cm.) Zatrilla, Joseph. Enganos y Desenganos del Pro- fane Amor. Naples, 1688. 206 QTAMPED black velvet binding, em- O broidered with white beads of different sizes and kinds, and black jet comer-pieces, in the Chinese style of Le Monnier. Ger- man, i8th century. (13.2x6.8 cm.) Catechismus. Zurich, 1754. 67 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered EMBROIDERED BINDINGS— ON SILK AND SATIN 207 TAUTCH binding, 17th century; purple \J silk, embroidered with gold thread, seed pearls and colored silks. (19.3 x 12.5 cm.) A border of flowers in colors surrounds a central medallion, and corner-pieces of gold thread and pearls. On one cover the medal- lion contains a figure of Faith in fine needle- work; on the other, Hope. The back is divided into panels containing figures like the corner-pieces. The edges of the leaves are goffered. Het Nieuwe Testament. Middelburch, 16 16. 208 TTVUTCH binding, i8th century; red satin, VJ embroidered with colored silks, silver thread and wire. ( 1 7.4 x 1 1 cm.) In the center of each cover, surrounded by branches of flowers and birds, is a medal- lion framed with silver cord. The front medallion represents The Woman of Samaria j the back one. The Virgin and Child. The back has panels of flowers and birds. Biblia. Leyden, 1599. 68 and Curious Bookbindings 209 T^UTCH binding, i8th century; white silk, \J embroidered with colored silks, silver threads, braid, spangles and tinsel. (9.8x5.5 cm.) On the front cover is a bunch of flowers; on the back cover, two winged and flaming hearts. Almanach. Amsterdam [1781]. 210 T^UTCH binding, i8th century. White jlJ silk, embroidered with colored silks, sil- ver threads, and spangles. A wreath of flowers around the motto Ne M^Oubliez Pas^ on the front cover, and a weeping willow and a tomb on the back cover. Almanack. Amsterdam [1702]. I T7NGLISH binding, 17th century. (11x5.3 \2j cm.) Embroidery of colored silks, silver thread, cord and spangles on white satin. On each cover is a large flower within a heavy cartouche ; on the back, conventional- ized flowers in five panels. The New Testament. London, 1627. With the Third Part of the Bible, London, 1626. Two volumes^ doubled. 69 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 212 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century. X-j (8.7x4.7 cm.) , White satin, embroidered with a large tuHp in colored silks, and a stem in gold threads. Book of Psalmes. London, 1637. 213 T^NGLISH binding of the 17th century; J-^ embroidered with colored silks, gold and silver thread and cord, purl and spangles. (22.7x17 cm.) A large tulip in needlework, and other small flowers in purl, fill the middle of both covers ; they are protected by a raised arch of silver which springs from the bottom of the cover; needlework tulips and other flowers and leaves, some in purl and some in silk, are arranged with a nice sense of decoration around the outside. Small purl flowers and silk flowers are embroidered in the five panels of the back. Biblia. Venice, Renner, 1483. 214 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; X^ embroidered with colored silks, silver and gold cord and thread, purl and spangles. (22.8 x 16.5 cm.) The arrangement of both covers is the same. Four round corner panels and a large central lozenge are formed by a frame- 70 and Curious Bookbindings work of gold cord, somewhat sparingly com- bined with silk needlework, in a design of unusual beauty. The comer panels have large needlework flowers, the central panel an episcopal coat-of-arms of embroidered silk apphque, with a crest of an angel having gold and silver wings and the tunic and the face painted; four other panels contain birds and insects. The background is cov- ered with spangles. The back is treated like the comer-pieces. 215 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; white JL/ satin, embroidered with colored silks, silver cord and thread, purl and spangles. (15.2x8.5 cm.) A rose within a circle, with flowers and leaves above and below, ornaments both covers ; the back has four panels each with a large flower. The Holy Bible. London, 1635. 216 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; exe- X^ cuted with gold and silver threads, purl, spangles, and colored silks. {33.3 x 22 cm.) The covers have a representation of The Garden of Eden and The Fall, and, at the bottom of each, the inscription A Dream. The back has four panels filled with birds, 71 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered insects, trees, and other forms. The edges of the leaves are goffered and painted. The Book of Common Prayer, with Holy Bible, Book of Psalms, and Hymnal. London, 1607. 217 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century. (17 J_^ XII cm.) The front cover has a representation of Rebecca and Jacob ; the back cover The Sacrifice of Isacu j in panels on the back are a fruit-tree, a parrot, a rose, and a cat. The clasps are missing. The edges of the leaves are goffered and painted. The Book of Common Prayer. London, 1642. 2x8 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; silk, jLj embroidered with colored silks, spangles, silver thread, and silver wire ; pierced silver clasps. (10.6x5.5 cm.) Each cover has a cartouche, made of silver thread and embroidery, containing a cher- ub's head, and surrounded by flowers. The Booke of Common Prayer. London, 1630. 219 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; black xld satin, with silver thread and guimp em- broidery. (27. 6x II. 5 cm.) A conventional ornament with / on one side and T on the other, is framed by an 72 and Curious Bookbindings oval panel having comer-pieces of a similar character. The back is broken into panels by embroidered bands. The initials are those of John Trickten^ who received the book from Anne Sadlier, daughter of Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of England. The Book of Common Prayer, London, 1636, with The Holy Bible, 1612, and The Whole Book of Psalmes, 1613. 220 T7NGLISH binding, 17th century; white \2j silk, embroidered with gold and silver, and colored silks. (16 x 10.3 cm.) A vase with sprays of large flowers, ex- tends from the back into the covers; trees, birds, flowers, insects, and a snake fill the rest of the boards. Godly Observations. Manuscript written about 1620. 221 T^NGLISH, 17th century; silk, embroid- X_l/ ered with colored silks, and silver threads, and ornamented with miniatures painted on vellum. (21.7 x 16.5 cm.) The covers are bordered with gold cord couched on; in each corner is an intertwined rose and lily surmounted by a silver crown. In the middle of the front cover, framed by crossed branches of laurel and palm, and sur- mounted by a crown, is a miniature of 6 73 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered Charles I., copied from a colored engraving in the book, after the portrait by Nicolas Van Der Horst; on the back cover, similarly framed, is a miniature of Queen Henrietta. The back is broken into panels with gold cord. The silk of the doublure is painted with flowers. Le Serre, J. P. de. Le Miroir qui ne Flate point, dedi€ ^ leurs Majestez de la Grande Bretagne. Bruxelles, 1632. 222 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; \2j silk embroidered with gold and silver thread, cord, braid and spangles ; the figure of a man on both covers ; silver clasps. Book-mark. (15x9 cm.) Bible, London, 1650, with The Whole Book of Psalmes. London, 1649. 223 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; JC/ white satin embroidered with colored silks, gold cord and thread, purl, and span- gles. (10.4 X 5.8 cm.) A large branch of leaves and flowers is on the covers, and a single flower with leaves is worked in each panel of the back. Booke of Psalmes. London, 1643. 224 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; xli embroidered with silver thread, purl, 74 and Curious Bookbindings spangles, and colored silks on white satin. (10.4 X 5.2 cm.) The New Testament, London, 1633, with The Whole Booke of Psalmes. London, 1634. Two volumes bound double. 225 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; X_> black silk, with couching of gold and silver threads, purl, and colored silks. (17.6 X II. 5 cm.) Flowers and leaves in a vase are embroid- ered on both covers ; the four panels of the back have flowers, a dog, and a stag. The Book of Common Prayer. London, 1642. 226 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century; Hd embroidered and appliqu6 with colored silks and spangles. (23.3 x 13 cm.) Adelaide, Jules. La L^gende du Violon de Faience. Paris, 1895. 227 T7NGLISH binding, 19th century. (9.3 x \2j 5.8 cm.) Pink silk embroidered with colored silks, gold threads, cord and spangles. A conventionalized tulip growing out of the ground, with a cloud over it, appears on both covers. A single flower is in each panel of the back. The Book of Common Prayer. London [n. d.]. With Hymns Ancient and Modern. Two volumes bound double. 75 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 228 T7NGLISH binding of the 19th century; d green silk by Miss May Morris. Em- broidered with colored silks, gold braid and beads. (20.2 x 23.7 cm.) A conventional pattern of flowers and leaves in' the manner of Cobden-Sanderson is used; the initials E. L, and A, C. on the front cover. Lefebure, E. Embroidery. London, 1888. 229 T^RENCH binding of the 17th century; X red silk, with appliqu6 silk panels ; em- broidered with colored silks, silver thread and cord, and spangles. (8.6 x 5.3 cm.) L'Imitation de lesus. Paris, 1642. 230 T7RENCH binding of the 17th century; a JL painted and embroidered head of Christ surrounded by a heavy cartouche of gold cord, filled in solidly to protect the deli- cate surface, and needlework flowers, orna- ments the front cover. Framed in the same way is a miniature of The Virgin on the back cover. Both paintings are copied from en- gravings in the book. The back is embroid- ered with flowers and leaves. (19.5 x 13 cm.) Exercise Spirituel. Paris, 1664. 76 and Curious Bookbindings 231 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; X^ gold thread framework around colored engravings of Cupid. The picture on the front cover has the inscription : // est d^une humeur fort oubligeant ; that on the back cover, Les troi inevitables. (9.5 x 5 cm.) Etrennes Mignonnes. Liege, 1768. 232 T7RENCH work of the i8th century; a X panel of velvet, embroidered with gold thread and cord and spangles, is set in a frame of straight-grain morocco, stamped with gold. (22.6 X 16 cm.) 233 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; X^ white silk, embroidered with colored silks, gold thread and spangles in a typical pattern of the period ; a mirror and card-case in the doublure. (9.8 x 5.7 cm.) Les dons de I'amour. Paris [1799]. 234 T^RENCH binding of the i8th century ; X white silk, embroidered with colored silks, gold and silver, and spangles. (9.3 x 5.5 cm.) Etrennes Mignonnes. Li^ge [1790]. 6* 77 Exhibition of Silver, Embroidered 235 T^RENCH binding of the i8th century; X white silk, with a pattern of flowers, in the Chinese manner, in gold wire and thread, purl, beads, and spangles. (14.2 x 8.5 cm.) Almanach de Milan. Bruxelles, 1788. 236 'pRENCH binding of the i8th century; X^ red satin, embroidered with colored silks, gold and silver. (9.7 x 5.5 cm.) Etrennes Mignonnes. Liege, 1776. 237 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; X colored silks, and gold thread, braid and guimp, and purl, on white satin. (9 X 5.8 cm.) Heures de'die'es au Roy. Paris, 1709. 238 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; JL white silk, embroidered with colored silks, silver and gold threads, purl, and spangles; a miniature, framed in brass and covered with glass, is set in the middle of each cover ; a mirror and a card-case in the doublure. (9.7 x 5.8 cm.) The miniature on the front cover repre- sents the head of a woman, and is painted 78 and Curious Bookbindings on ivory, with the jewels of tinsel pasted on ; that on the back cover represents an altar with two hearts on it, and is made of gold wire and tinsel. Le Triumph de la Vertue. Paris [n. d.]. 239 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; i white satin, embroidered with silver threads, colored silks, and gold and silver spangles. (10.1x5.5 cm.) In the middle of each cover is a framed miniature painted on ivory; one is the por- trait of a man ; the other represents Cupid, with the anagram O. B. I. C. Lui beneath it. La Pratique des Amans. Paris [1788]. 240 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; i white silk, embroidered with gold and silver threads, and having medallions on vel- lum, in the middle of each cover. (12.5 x 9.8 cm.) A framework of flowers, birds in a nest, and a true-lovers'-knot frames the front cover medallion, which bears the initials H. M., made of small flowers. The back cover medallion contains a quiver, tambourine, doves, flowers and music. Almanach. Li^ge, 1779. 79 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 241 T7RENCH binding of the i8th century; X pink silk, embroidered with silver braid, guimp and spangles; the needlework sur- rounds and frames emblems painted on vel- lum, and covered with isinglass. (8.6 x 5.3 cm.) Heures. Paris, 1752. 242 T7RENCH binding of the early 19th X century; white satin, embroidered with colored silks, gold thread and cord, and spangles. A narrow brass frame, in the center of each cover, contains a miniature painted on ivory and covered with glass. One painting represents a child carrying a flower; the other, a cupid chopping a heart with an axe. (9.8 x 6 cm.) Les Souvenirs d'un Troubadour. Paris, 181 5. 243 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century; X^ white satin embroidered with colored silks, gold thread and cord, and spangles; with the arms of the Queen of Portugal on the front cover, and a bird on the back cover. In a remarkably fresh and perfect condition. (10.2x5.5 cm.) Diario Ecclesiastico. Lisbon, 1833. 80 and Curious Bookbindings 244 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century; X white satin, embroidered with colored silks, gold thread and cord, and spangles; with the arms of the Queen of Portugal on the front cover, and two men and a dog, under a tree, on the back cover. (10.2 x 5.5 cm.) Diario Ecclesiastico. Lisbon [1824]. 245 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century; X green silk, with embroidery of gold cord and thread, and gold and colored spangles around central portrait miniatures, painted on ivory and covered with isinglass. A look- ing-glass and a card-case are in the doublure. (9.6 X 7.2 cm.) Almanach de Li^ge. Li^ge, 1813. 246 T7RENCH binding of the 19th century; i embroidered with gold thread and cord, and gold and colored spangles. The mon- ogram ^5" is worked on both covers. (9.8 X 4.5 cm.) Le Nouvel Almanach de Poche. Lille, 1828. 247 r~^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; Vj pink silk, embroidered with gold thread and cord, and spangles. The border is in a 81 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered pattern similar to that used by French binders of the period, and surrounds a monogram surmounted by a coronet. (9.3 x 5.8 cm.) Schreib-Calendar. Hamburg, 1779. 248 r^ ERMAN binding of the 17th century; Vj white satin, with silver wire and thread, and spangles used in the embroidery, part of which is in high relief; clasps formed of small crucifixes. (15.5 x 7 cm.) Communion- Buchlein. Nuremberg, 1689. 249 r^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; Vj white silk back and blue silk covers, embroidered with colored silks and gold thread, and painted. (26.8 x 7.4 cm.) The Good Shepherd is represented on the front cover, and St. John the Baptist on the back cover ; the back has a scroll of flowers and leaves. The flesh-parts are painted. Communion- Buchlein. Nuremberg, 1704. 250 /^ ERMAN binding of the i8th century; Vj white satin, embroidered with gold thread, and gold and silver tinsel in a diaper pattern. (10.5 x 6.5 cm.) Almanac de Goettingen, 1779. 82 and Curious Bookbindings 251 /^ERMAN binding of the i8th century; VT green silk, embroidered with gold thread and cord, spangles and pieces of metal; a mirror in the front doublure. (8.6x5.4 cm.) Sack-Kalendar. Wien [1800]. 252 13 ED Straight-grain morocco, tooled in J\> gold; with a panel of white watered silk, embroidered with the arms of a cardinal in colored silks, gold and silver thread, and spangles, pasted on the front cover. Portfolio. 253 T7NGLISH binding of the 17th century; JC/ brocade silk embroidered with plaited and crinkled straw, couched on the boards. (16.5 X 11.3 cm.) Rush, Anthony. A President for a Prince. London, 1566. 254 AMERICAN binding of the 19th century; jl\. embroidered by the Society of Deco- rative Arts. Pink satin, with a reproduction in green and white silks, and gold thread, of an eighteenth century mosaic binding by Le Monnier, on a copy of La Sainte Bible which is in the British Museum. Wheatley, H. B. Les Reliures Remarquables. 83 Exhibition of Silver^ Embroidered 255 A MERICAN binding of the 19th century. 1^\. (17.7 X 10.8 cm.) B., E. V. Ros Rosarum Ex Horto Poetarum. London, 1885. 256 AMERICAN binding of the 19th century; XJl on yellow silk. The same. 257 A MERICAN binding of the 19th century. ±\. (22 X 17.8 cm.) Davenport, Cyril. English Embroidered Bindings. London, 1899. 258 AMERICAN binding, 19th century; l\. satin, embroidered with colored silks and ribbands in a design of scrolls and flowers. (20.2 X 13.2 cm.) Adeline, Jules. La L^gende du Violon de Faience. Paris, 1895. 259 AMERICAN binding of the 20th cen- l\. tury; white silk, embroidered with ribbands, in pink, blue and greens, forming flowers, in a design of corner-pieces and a central wreath, on both covers, and worked solid for most of the height of the back. (17 X 10.4 cm.) Keats, John. Poetical Works. London, 1854. 84 and Curious Bookbindings BOOK-CASES 260 T)RASS book-cover. (5.7x3.5 cm.) 261 TV^ GRAN-CASE ; silver-gilt, chased and X\^ set with corals, and a large piece of rock-crystal ; the lid is fastened at the ends by means of a long pin secured with triple chains. Persian. (12 x9 cm.) 262 TV^ORAN-CASE, silver, and silver-gilt, I\^ repousse and pierced ; a Russia leather strap with brass ornaments is fastened to the top to suspend it by. Persian. (15.2 x 10.2 cm.) 263 TV^ORAN-CASE, of steel, without oma- JA. mentation. 264 TV^ORAN-CASE, silver and silver-gUt; X\. chains to carry it by, are fastened to the top. Persian. (14 x 19.5 cm.) 265 T7"0RAN-CASE; silver and silver-gilt. JA. Persian. (9 x 14 cm.) 85 Exhibition of Curious Bookbindings 266 TV^ORAN-CASE; silver, and silver-gilt. Xv Persian. Mended with old Japanese leather. 267 T)OOK-COVER, embroidered with col- JD ored silks and gold threads on satin. American, 19th century. 268 T3OOK-COVER, linen, embroidered with JJ colored silks, and gold and silver threads. American, 19th century. 269 TJOOK-COVER. American, 19th century. B 86 jiixniDixion < embroidered )! Sliver, , and curiou. J "bookbinding ;• ' ,/' -^ ^^ f?21223 ZZ6S &74 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY ':^ F.s; ■> ^' -n, '"^KT'i ■■'