THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID THE ELEMENTS OF EMBKYOLOGY. THE ELEMENTS OF EMBBYOLOGY M. FOSTER, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., FELLOW OF AND PB^LECTOB IN PHYSIOLOGY IN TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND THE LATE FRANCIS M. BALFOUR, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., FELLOW OF TBINITY COLLEGE, CAMBBIDGE, AND PBOFESSOB OF ANIMAL MOBPHOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY. SECOND EDITION REVISED. EDITED BY ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., FELLOW AND ASSISTANT LECTUBER OF TBINITY COLLEGE, CAMBBIDGE, WALTER HEAPE, DEMONSTBATOR IN THE MOBPHOLOGICAL LABOBATOBY OF THE UNIVEESITY OF CAMBBIDGE. Honiron : MACMILLAN AND CO. 1883 [The Right of Translation is reserved.] PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. & SON, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. V PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. WHEN this little work first appeared, it was put for- ward as a Part I, to be followed by other Parts. That plan was however soon abandoned. Nevertheless the volume seemed to have a place of its own ; and my dear lost friend undertook to prepare a second edition, in- tending to add some account of the development of the Mammal with a view of making the work an elementary introduction to vertebrate embryology more particularly suited for medical students. He was occu- pied with the task at the time of his sad death; and indeed a melancholy interest is attached to some of the sheets, by the fact that he had taken them to Switzer- land with him, on that fatal journey. All the first part up to p. 160 he had passed for press ; and he had further revised up to about p. 202. The whole of the rest of the volume has been under- M3698S5 VI PREFACE. taken by Mr Adam Sedgwick and Mr Walter Heape. They have attempted to carry out as far as possible what we believe to have been Balfour's views, and trust that the public will judge leniently of their efforts to perform a difficult task. I have myself been able to do no more than offer general advice from time to time; and though it has not been thought advisable to change the title, the merits as well as the responsi- bilities of the latter part of the work must rest with them. M. FOSTER. TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, March, 1883. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. THE HISTORY OF THE CHICK. CHAPTER I. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEN'S EGG, AND THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE UP TO THE BEGINNING OF INCUBATION . pp. I 24. The shell and shell-membrane, i 3. The albumen, 3. The vitelline membrane, 4. The yolk, 57. Area opaca, 7. Area pellucida, 8. The structure of the blastoderm, 7 10. Eecapitu- lation, 10. The ovarian ovum, n 15. The descent of the ovum along the oviduct, 15 17. Impregnation, 17. Segmentation, 1824. CHAPTER II. BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE WHOLE HISTORY OF INCUBATION, PP- 2547- The embryo is formed in the area pellucida, 25. The germinal layers, 25, 26. The extension of the blastoderm over the yolk, 26. The vascular area, 27. The head-fold, 27 36. The tail-fold, 37. The lateral folds, 37. The yolk-sac, 37. The alimentary canal, 39. The neural tube, 39, 40. The body-cavity, 41. The somatopleure, 41. The splanchnopleure, 42. The stalk of the yolk-sac, 42, 43. The amnion, 43 46. The allantois, 46, 47. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FIRST DAY OF INCU- BATION ... pp. 48 76. Variations in the progress of development, 48, 49. The embryonic shield, 49. Formation of hypoblast, 51. The germinal wall, 52. The primitive streak, 52 54. Formation of primitive streak meso- blast, 54, 55. Hypoblastic mesoblast, 55. Primitive groove, 56, 57. The notochord, 59 62. The medullary groove, 62, 63. Amnion, 63. The changes taking place in the three layers, 63 66. The germinal wall, 65, 66. The increase of the head-fold, 66. The closure of the medullary canal, 66, 67. The cleavage of the mesoblast ; formation of spanchnopleure and somatopleure, 68. The vertebral and lateral plates, 69. The mesoblastic somites, 70. The sinus rhomboidalis, 71. The neurenteric passage, 71 74. Formation of the vascular area, 74, 75. Recapitulation, 75, 76. CHAPTER IV. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THE SECOND DAY ... pp. 77 95. Increasing distinctness and prominence of embryo, 77. The first cerebral vesicle, 78, 79. The auditory pits, 81. Increase in number of mesoblastic somites, 81. The fore-gut, 82. The heart, 82 89. The vascular system, 89 94. Formation of blood-vessels, 9294. The rudiment of the Wolffian duct, 94. Summary, 94, 95. CHAPTER V. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE SECOND HALF OF THE SECOND DAY ... pp. 96108. Increasing prominence of the embryo; the tail-fold and lateral folds, 96. Continued closure of medullary canal, 9698. The brain, 98 101. The optic vesicles, 98. The second and third cerebral vesicles, 100. The cerebral hemispheres, 100. First appearance of cranial nerves, 100, 101. The notochord, 101. The cranial flexure, TOT. The auditory vesicle, 101. Increase of curvature of heart, 101, TABLE OF CONTENTS. IX 102. Auricular appendages, 102. Vascular System, 102 106. Commencement of circulation, 102. The primitive aortae and first pair of aortic arches, 102, 103. The vitelline vessels and sinus ter- minalis, 103, 104. The course of the circulation, 105. The second and third pairs of aortic arches, 105, 106. The Wolffian duct and first appearance of Wolffian body, 106. The growth of the amnion, 107. The first appearance of the allantois, 107. Summary, 107, 1 08. CHAPTER VI. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE THIRD DAY, pp. 109194. The diminution of the albumen, 109. The spreading of the opaque and vascular areas, 109, no. The vascular area, no 113. The continued folding-in of the embryo, 113. The increase of the amnion, 113. The change in position of the embryo, 1 1 3 1 16. The curvature of the body, 116. The cranial flexure, 116, 117. The brain, 117 123. Growth of the vesicle of the cerebral hemispheres, 117. The lateral ventricles, 117. The vesicle of the 3rd ventricle or thalamencephalon, 117. The rudiment of the pineal gland, 117, 118. The infundibulum, 119. The stomodaeum, 119. The pituitary body, 119 121. Changes in the mid-brain, the corpora bigemina, crura cerebri and iter, 121. Changes in the hind-brain, the medulla, cerebellum; 4th ventricle, 121, 122. Changes in the neural canal, 122, 123. The cranial and spinal nerves, 123 132. The neural band, 123 126. The fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves, 126, 127. Later develop- ment of cranial nerves, 127 129. The spinal nerves, 129. The shifting of point of attachment of nerves, 131. Anterior roots, 131. The eye, 137 156. The first changes in the optic vesicles, 132, 133. The secondary optic vesicle and development of the lens, 134 137. The choroidal fissure, 137 140. The choroid, sclerotic and cornea, 140, 141. The further development of the optic vesicle, 141. The ora serrata, 142. The iris, 142. Pigment epithelium of choroid, 142. The ciliary processes, uvea, ciliary muscle and ligamentum pectinatum, 144. The histological changes in the retina, 144 146. Optic nerve, 146, 147. The choroid fissure, 147. The pecten, 148. The histo- logical changes in ths lens, 149, 150. The vitreous humour, 150. The cornea, 1 50 153. The aqueous humour, 153. Summary of the development of the eye, 154, 155. The eyelids, 155. The lacrymal glands and duct, 155, 156. The organ of hearing, 156 161. Closure X TABLE OF CONTENTS. of the auditory involution, 157. The otic vesicle, 157. The mem- branous labyrinth, 158, 159. The osseous labyrinth, 159, 160. Com- parison of ear with eye, 160, 161. The organ of smell, 161, 162. The olfactory lobes and nerves, 162. The visceral arches and visceral clefts, 162 167. Superior maxillary, and fronto-nasal processes, 164, 165. Fate of first visceral cleft, 165, 166. The meatus audi- torius externus, 166. The tympanic membrane, 166. The Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity, 165, 166. The fenestra ovalis and rotunda, 166. The columella, 166, 167. The vascular system, i6j 170. The aortic arches, 167. Changes in the heart, 167, 168. The venous system, 169, 170. The meatus venosus, cardinal veins and ductus Cuvieri, 169, 170. The alimentary canal, 171 185. .Folding in of the splanchnopleure, tail-fold, 171, 172. The mesentery, 172, 173. (Esophagus and stomach, 173. The intestine, 174. The postanal gut, neurenteric canal and proctodaaum, 174 176. The lungs, 176 178. The liver, 178 181. The pancreas, 181. The thyroid body, 1 8 1, 182. The spleen, 182. The growth and blood-vessels of the allantois, 182 184. The mesollast, 185 193. The muscle-plates, 186 189. The intermediate cell-mass and Wolffian body, 189 193. A typical Wolffian tubule, 193. Change of position of Wolffian duct, 193. Summary, 193, 194. CHAPTER VII. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE ON THE EOUBTH DAY, pp. 195 231. Appearance on opening the egg, 195. Growth of amnion, 195, 196. The vitelline duct, 196. Increase of cranial flexure and tail-fold, 196 198. The first appearance of the limbs, 198. The growth of the brain, 200. The face, 202. Changes in the nasal pits, 202. The sto- modaeum and mouth, 202, 203. The cranial nerves, 203. Changes in the mesoblastic somites, 204 212. The membranous vertebral column, 205. The secondary segmentation of the vertebral column and formation of the permanent vertebras, 205 207. Recapitulation, 207, 208. The changes in the notochord, 208211. Ossification of vertebrae, 209, 210. The changes in the muscle plates, 211, 212. Wolffian body and duct, 212214. The Miillerian duct, 214 218. The kidney and ureter, 218 220. The ovaries and testes, 220 223, Fate of the embryonic urinogenital organs, 223, 224. Changes in the arterial system, 224 226. Changes in the venous system ; veins of the liver, 226 229. Changes in the heart ; the ventricular septum, 229, 230. Summary, 230, 231. TABLE OF CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER VIII. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE ON THE FIFTH DAY, pp. 232 274. Appearance on opening the egg, 232. The changes in the limbs, 233, 234. The pectoral and pelvic girdles ; the ribs and sternum, 234, 235. The development of the skull, 235246. The cranium, 235. The parachordals and notochord, 237, 238. The trabeculse, 239 241. The sense capsules, 241, 242. Membrane and cartilage bones, 242. Skeleton of visceral arches, 242 245. Table of bones, 246. The changes in the face, 246 251. The posterior nares, 251. Changes in the spinal cord; its histological differentiation, 251 254. The central canal; and the posterior and anterior fissures, 254 256. Changes in the heart, 256 264. Septum in the bulbus and semilunar valves, 257 259. The cardiac valves, 262. The foramen ovale and Eustachian valve, 262 264. The pericardial and pleural cavities, 264 269. Histological differentiation and the fate of the three primary layers, 269273. Summary, 273, 274. CHAPTER IX. FROM THE SIXTH DAY TO THE END OF INCUBATION, pp. 275 303. The appearance of distinct avian characters, 275. The foetal appendages during the 6th and 7th days, 276 278. During the 8th, gth and roth days, 278. From the i ith to the i6th days, 278, 279. From the i6th day onwards, 279, 280. Changes in the general form of the embryo during the 6th and 7th days, 280 282. During the 8th loth days, 282. From the i ith day onwards, 282. Feathers, 282. Nails, 283. Ossification, 283. Changes in the venous system before and after the commencement of pulmonary respiration, 283 289. Changes in the arterial system, the modification of the aortic arches, 289 297. Summary of the chief phases of the circulation, 297303. Hatching, 303. xii TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART II. THE HISTORY OF THE MAMMA- LIAN EMBRYO. INTRODUCTION, pp. 307, 308. CHAPTER X. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO . . pp. 309 341. The ovarian ovum, 309, 310. The egg- membranes, 310. Ma- turation and impregnation, 310 312. Segmentation, 312 314. The blastodermic vesicle, 314 316. The formation of the layers, 316 320. The primitive streak and groove, 319, 320. The medullary groove, 320, 321. The mesoblast, 321 325. The notochord, 325, 326. The rudiment of the neurenteric canal, 326. Recapitulation, 326. The vascular area, 326. General growth of the embryo, 327 334. The human embryo, 335 341. Embryos of guinea-pig, etc. with so- called inversion of the layers, 341. CHAPTER XI. EMBRYONIC MEMBRANES AND YOLK-SAC ... pp. 342 364. The typical development of the embryonic membranes, 342 352. Vascular area of rabbit, 343 346. The yolk-sac or umbilical vesicle; amnion, 343. The subzonal membrane, 346. Attachment of blasto- dermic vesicle to uterine walls, 347. The formation of the chorion, 348. Mesoblast and blood-supply of the allantois, 348, 349. The placenta, 349, 350. The fate of the embryonic membranes, 350 352. Deciduate and non-deciduate type of placenta, 352. Comparative history of the mammalian fatal membranes, 352 359. Foetal mem- branes of Monotremata and Marsupialia, 352. The discoidal pla- centa, 353, 354. The metadiscoidal placenta, 354 358. The zonary placenta, 358, 359. The diffuse and polycotyledonary placenta, 359. Comparative histology of the placenta, 359 363. Evolution of the placenta, 364. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Xlll CHAPTER XII. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANS IN MAMMALIA, pp. 365 422. The organs derived from the epiblast, 365 400. Hairs, 365. Glands, 366. The hind-brain, 367370. The mid-brain, 370, 371. General development of fore-brain, 371. Thalamencephalon, 371 376. Pituitary body, 372, 373. Pineal gland, 373 376. Cerebral hemispheres, 376 385. The olfactory lobes, 385. Histogenesis of brain, 385 387. The eyes, 387 390. Choroid slit, membrana capsulo-pupillaris and arteria centralis retinae, 389. The auditory organ, 390 397. Accessory auditory structures, 397 399. The nasal organ, and organ of Jacobson, 399. Cranial and spinal nerves ; sym- pathetic system, 400. Organs derived from the mesoblast, 400 417. The vertebral column, 400, 401. The skull, 401. The visceral arches, 402. Man- dibular and hyoid arches ; malleus, incus, and stapes, 403 405. Eibs ; sternum; pectoral and pelvic girdles, 405. Skeleton of the limbs, 406. Body-cavity ; pericardial, pleural cavities and dia- phragm, 406. The vascular system, 406 413. The heart, 406, 407. The ar- terial system, 407 409. The venous system, 409 413. The supra- renal bodies, 413, 414. The urinogenital organs, 414 417. Wolffian duct and body ; kidney ; ovary and testis, 414, 415. Genital cord, 415. Urinogenital sinus and external generative organs, 415 417. Alimentary canal and its appendages, 477 422. Splanchnic mesoblast and mesentery, 419, 420. Stomodaeum, 420, 421. Hard and soft palate, 420, 421. Teeth, 421. Proctodaeum, 422. APPENDIX . . pp. 423471. Incubators, 423 425. Hardening reagents, 425 428. Staining reagents, 428 432. Imbedding, 432 434. Cutting sections, 434, 435. Mounting sections, 436. Preservation of embryos as a whole, 43<5, 437- xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Practical directions for obtaining and studying chick embryos, 437 460. Examination of a 36 48 hours embryo, 437 444. Of an embryo of about 4850 hours, 444447. Of an embryo at the end of the 3rd day, 447451. Of an embryo of the 4th day, 451453- Of a blastoderm of 20 hours, 453 456. Of an unincubated blasto- derm, 457. Of the process of segmentation, 458. Of the later changes of the embryo, 459. Of the development of blood-vessels, 459, 460. Practical directions for obtaining and studying Mammalian em- bryos, 460 471. Animals and breeding, 460, 461. Examination and treatment of segmenting ova, 461 464. Of the blastodermic vesicle, j2 90 hours, 465. Of the blastodermic vesicle of 7 days, 465, 466. Of an 8 days embryo, 466 468. Of an embryo of 8 days 12 hours, 468, 469. Of the foatal membranes of an embryo of 14 days, 469, 470. NOTE A. Automatic microtome, 471. NOTE B. New method of mounting sections, 47 1 . PART I. THE HISTORY OF THE CHICK. CHAPTER I. THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEN'S EGG, AND THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE UP TO THE BEGINNING OF IN- CUBATION. IN a lien's egg quite newly laid we meet with the following structures. Most external is the shell (Fig. 1, s.\ composed of an organic basis, impregnated with calcic salts. It is sufficiently porous to allow of the interchange of gases between its interior and the exter- nal air, and thus the chemical processes of respiration, feeble at first, but gradually increasing in intensity, are carried on during the whole period of incubation. It is formed of two layers, both of which may contain pigment. The inner layer is by far the thickest, and is perforated by vertical canals which open freely on its inner aspect. Superficially these canals appear to be closed by the extremely thin outer layer. They are probably of some importance in facilitating the pene- tration of air through the shell. Lining the shell, is the shell-membrane, which is double, being made up of two layers : an outer thicker F. & B. 1 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. (Fig. 1, s. m.), and an inner thinner one (i. s. m.). Both of these layers consist of several laminae of felted fibres of various sizes, intermediate in nature between connec- tive and elastic fibres. FIG. I. ch.l. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF AN UNINCUBATED FOWL'S EGG (modified from Allen Thomson). bl. blastoderm, w. y. white yolk. This consists of a central flask-shaped mass and a number of layers arranged con- centrically around this. y. y. yellow yolk. v. t. vitelline membrane, x. layer of more fluid albumen immediately surrounding the yolk. w. albumen consisting of alternate denser and more fluid layers, ch. I. chalaza. a. ch. air- chamber at the broad end of the egg. This chamber is merely a space left between the two layers of the shell-mem- brane, i. s. m. internal layer of shell-membrane, s. m. external layer of shell-membrane, s. shell. I.] THE WHITE OF THE EGG. 3 Over the greater part of the egg the two layers of the shell-membrane remain permanently in close appo- sition ; but at the broad end they tend to separate, and thus to develope between them a space into which air finds its way. This air-chamber, as it is called, is not to be found in perfectly fresh eggs, but makes its appearance in eggs which have been kept for some time, whether incubated or not, and gradually increases in size, as the white of the egg shrinks in bulk from evaporation. Immediately beneath the shell-membrane is the white of the egg or albumen (Fig. 1, w.), which is, chemi- cally speaking, a mixture of various forms of proteid material, with fatty, extractive, and saline bodies. The outer part of the white, especially in eggs which are not perfectly fresh, is more fluid than that nearer the yolk. Its average composition may be taken as 12*0 p. c. proteid matter, 1*5 p. c. fat and extractives, 5 p. c. saline matter, chiefly sodic and potassic chlorides, with phosphates and sulphates, 86*0 p. c. water. The white of the egg when boiled shews in section alter- nate concentric layers of a transparent and of a finely granular opaque material. In the natural condition, the layers corre- sponding to these opaque layers are composed of more fluid albumen, while those corresponding to the transparent layers are less fluid, and consist of networks of fibres, containing fluid in their meshes. The innermost layer, however, immediately surrounding the yolk (Fig. 1, #.), is of the more fluid finely granular kind. In eggs which have been hardened a spiral arrange- ment of the white may be observed, and it is possible to 12 4 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. tear off laminae in a spiral direction from left to right, from the broad to the narrow end of the egg. Two twisted cords called the chalazce (Fig. 1, ch. .), composed of coiled membranous layers of denser albu- men, run from the two extremities of the egg to the opposite portions of the yolk. Their inner extremities expand and merge into a layer of denser albumen sur- rounding the fluid layer next the yolk. Their outer extremities are free, and do not quite reach the outer layer of the white. Thus they cannot serve to suspend the yolk, although they may help to keep it in position, by acting as elastic pads. The interior of each chalaza presents the appearance of a succession of opaque white knots ; hence the name chalazae (hailstones). The yolk is enclosed in the vitelline membrane (Fig. 1, v. .), a transparent somewhat elastic membrane easily thrown into creases and wrinkles. It might almost be called structureless, but under a high power a fine fibrillation is visible, and a transverse section has a dotted or punctuated appearance ; it is probably there- fore composed of fibrils. Its affinities are with elastic connective tissue. The whole space within the vitelline membrane is occupied by the yolk. To the naked eye this appears tolerably uniform throughout, except at one particular point of its surface, at which may be seen, lying imme- diately under the vitelline membrane, a small white disc, about 4 mm. in diameter. This is the blastoderm, or cicatricula. A tolerably typical cicatricula in a fecundated egg will shew an outer white rim of some little breadth, and within that a circular transparent area, in the centre of I.] THE WHITE YOLK. 5 which, again, there is an opacity, varying in appearance, sometimes homogeneous, and sometimes dotted. The disc is always found to be uppermost whatever be the position of the egg, provided there is no restraint to the rotation of the yolk. The explanation of this is to be sought for in the lighter specific gravity of that portion of the yolk which is in the neighbourhood of the disc, and the phenomenon is not in any way due to the action of the chalazae. A section of the yolk of a hard-boiled egg will shew that it is not perfectly uniform throughout, but that there is a portion of it having the form of a flask, with a funnel-shaped neck, which, when the egg is boiled, does not become so solid as the rest of the yolk, but remains more or less fluid. The expanded neck of this flask-shaped space is situated immediately underneath the disc, while its bulbous enlargement is about in the middle of the yolk. We shall return to it directly. The great mass of the yolk is composed of what is known as the yellow yolk (Fig. 1, y. y.). This consists of spheres (Fig. 2, A.) of from 25/4 to lOOyu, 1 in diameter filled with numerous minute highly refractive granules ; these spheres are very delicate and easily destroyed by crushing. When boiled or otherwise hardened in situ, they assume a polyhedral form, from mutual pressure. The granules they contain seem to be of an albuminous nature, as they are insoluble in ether or alcohol. Chemically speaking the yolk is characterized by the presence in large quantities of a proteid matter, having many affinities with globulin, and called vitellin. This exists in peculiar associa- 6 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. tion with the remarkable body Lecithin. (Compare Hoppe- Seyler, Hdb. Phys. Chem. Anal.) Other fatty bodies, colouring matters, extractives (and, according to Dareste, starch in small quantities), &c. are also present. Miescher (Hoppe-Seyler, Chem. Untersuch. p. 502) states that a considerable quantity of nuclein may be obtained from the yolk, probably from the spherules of the white yolk. FIG. 2. A. Yellow yolk-sphere filled with fine granules. The outline of the sphere has been rendered too bold. B. White yolk-spheres and spherules of various sizes and pre- senting different appearances. (It is very difficult in a woodcut to give a satisfactory representation of these pe- cub'ar structures.) The yellow yolk, thus forming the great mass of the entire yolk, is clothed externally by a thin layer of a different material, known as the white yolk, which at the edge of the blastoderm passes underneath the disc, and becoming thicker at this spot forms, as it were, a bed on which the blastoderm rests. Immediately under the middle of the blastoderm this bed of white yolk is connected, by a narrow neck, with a central mass of similar material, lying in the middle of the yolk (Fig. 1, w. y.). When boiled, or otherwise hardened, the white yolk does not become so solid as the yellow yolk ; hence the appearances to be seen in sections of the hardened yolk. The upper expanded extremity of this neck of I.] THE YELLOW YOLK. 7 white yolk is generally known as the "nucleus of Pander." Concentric to the outer enveloping layer of white yolk there are within the yolk other inner layers of the same substance, which cause sections of the hardened yolk to appear to be composed of alternate concentric thicker laminae of darker (yellow) yolk, and thinner laminae of lighter (white) yolk (Fig. 1, w y ?/.). The microscopical characters of the white yolk elements are very different from those of the yellow yolk. It is composed of vesicles (Fig. 2, J?.) for the most part smaller than those of the yellow yolk (4yi6 75^), with a highly refractive body, often as small as 1/-&, in the interior of each ; and also of larger spheres, each of which contains a number of spherules, similar to the smaller spheres. Another feature of the white yolk, according to His, is that in the region of the blastoderm it contains numerous large vacuoles filled with fluid; they are sufficiently large to be seen with the naked eye, but do not seem to be present in the ripe ovarian ovum. It is now necessary to return to the blastoderm. In this, as we have already said, the naked eye can distin- guish an opaque white rim surrounding a more trans- parent central area, in the middle of which again is a white spot of variable appearance. In an unfecundated cicatricula the white disc is simply marked with a number of irregular clear spaces, there being no proper division into a transparent centre and an opaque rim. The opaque rim is the commencement of what we shall henceforward speak of as the area opaca; the central transparent portion is in the same way the 8 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. beginning of the area pellucida. In the part corre- sponding to the area opaca the blastoderm rests imme- diately on the white yolk ; underneath the area pellu- cida is a shallow space containing a nearly clear fluid, to the presence of which the central transparency seems to be due. The white spot in the middle of the area pellucida appears to be the nucleus of Pander shining through. Vertical sections of the blastoderm shew that it is formed of two layers. The upper of these two layers is composed, see Fig. 3, ep, of a single row of cells, with their long axes arranged vertically, adhering together so as to form a distinct membrane, the edge of which rests upon the white yolk. After staining with silver nitrate, this membrane viewed from above shews a mosaic of uniform polygonal cells. Each cell is composed of granular protoplasm filled with highly refractive globules ; and in each an oval nu- cleus may be distinguished. They are of a nearly uniform size (about 9 yu,) over the opaque and the pellucid areas. The under layer (Fig. 3, I), is composed of cells which vary considerably in diameter; but even the smaller cells of this layer are larger than the cells of the upper layer. They are spherical, and so filled with granules and highly refractive globules, that a nucleus can rarely be seen in them : in the larger cells these globules are identical with the smaller white yolk spheres. The cells of this layer do not form a distinct mem- brane like the cells of the upper layer, but lie as a somewhat irregular network of cells between the upper layer and the bed of white yolk on which the blastoderm I.] THE BLASTODERM. rests. The lowest are generally the largest. The layer is thicker at the peri- phery than at the centre : and rests on a bed of white yolk, from which it is in parts separated by a more or less de- veloped cavity, containing probably fluid yolk matter about to be absorbed. In the bed of white yolk nuclei are present, which are destined to become the nuclei of cells about to join the lower layer of the blastoderm. These nuclei are gene- rally more numerous in the neighbour- hood of the thickened periphery of the blastoderm than elsewhere. Amongst the lower layer cells are to be found FIG. 3. SECTION OF A BLASTODERM OF A FOWL'S EGG AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF INCUBATION. The thiii but complete upper layer ep com- posed of columnar cells rests on the in- complete lower layer I, composed of larger and more granular cells. The lower layer is thicker in some places than in others, and is especially thick at the periphery. The line below the under layer marks the upper surface of the white yolk. The larger so-called formative cells are seen at 6, lying on the white yolk. The figure does not take in quite the whole breadth of the blastoderm ; but the reader must under- stand that both to the right hand and the left ep is continued farther than I, so that at the extreme edge it rests directly on the white yolk. 10 THE HEN'S EGG* [CHAP. peculiar large spherical bodies, which superficially re- semble the larger cells around them, and have been called formative cells. Their real nature is still very doubtful, and though some are no doubt true cells, others are perhaps only nutritive masses of yolk. The opacity of the peripheral part of the blastoderm is in a large measure due to the collection of the lower layer cells in this region, and the thickening, so caused, appears to be more pronounced for a small arc which subsequently constitutes the hinder border of the area pellucida. Over nearly the whole of the blastoderm the upper layer rests on the under layer. At the circumference however the upper layer stretches for a short distance beyond the under layer, and here consequently rests directly on the white yolk. To recapitulate : In the normal unincubated hen's egg we recognize the blastoderm, consisting of a com- plete upper layer of smaller nucleated granular cells and a more or less incomplete under layer of larger cells, filled with larger granules; in these lower cells nuclei are rarely visible. The thin flat disc so formed rests, at the uppermost part of the entire yolk, on a bed of white yolk, and a peripheral thickening of the lower layer causes the appearance in the blastodermic disc of an area opaca and an area pellucida. The great mass of the entire yolk consists of the so-called yellow yolk composed of granular spheres. The white yolk is composed of smaller spheres of pecu- liar structure, and exists, in small part, as a thin coating around, and as thin concentric laminae in the substance of the yellow yolk, but chiefly in the 10 THE HEN'S EGG* [CHAP. peculiar large spherical bodies, which superficially re- semble the larger cells around them, and have been called formative cells. Their real nature is still very doubtful, and though some are no doubt true cells, others are perhaps only nutritive masses of yolk. The opacity of the peripheral part of the blastoderm is in a large measure due to the collection of the lower layer cells in this region, and the thickening, so caused, appears to be more pronounced for a small arc which subsequently constitutes the hinder border of the area pellucida. Over nearly the whole of the blastoderm the upper layer rests on the under layer. At the circumference however the upper layer stretches for a short distance beyond the under layer, and here consequently rests directly on the white yolk. To recapitulate : In the normal unincubated hen's egg we recognize the blastoderm, consisting of a com- plete upper layer of smaller nucleated granular cells and a more or less incomplete under layer of larger cells, filled with larger granules; in these lower cells nuclei are rarely visible. The thin flat disc so formed rests, at the uppermost part of the entire yolk, on a bed of white yolk, and a peripheral thickening of the lower layer causes the appearance in the blastodermic disc of an area opaca and an area pellucida. The great mass of the entire yolk consists of the so-called yellow yolk composed of granular spheres. The white yolk is composed of smaller spheres of pecu- liar structure, and exists, in small part, as a thin coating around, and as thin concentric laminae in the substance of the yellow yolk, but chiefly in the I.J THE OVARIAN OVUM. 11 form of a flask-shaped mass in the interior of the yolk, the upper somewhat expanded top of the neck of which forms the bed on which the blastoderm rests. The whole yolk is invested with the vitelline mem- brane, this again with the white ; and the whole is covered with two shell-membranes and a shell. Such an egg has however undergone most important changes while still within the body of the hen; and in order to understand the nature of the structures which have just been described, it will be necessary to trace briefly the history of the egg from the stage when it exists as a so-called ovarian ovum in the ovary of a hen up to the time when it is laid. In birds the left ovary alone is found in the adult ; and is attached by the mesovarium to the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity, on the left side of the vertebral column. It consists of a mass of vascular stroma in which the ova are imbedded, is covered superficially by a layer of epithelium, continuous with the epithelial lining of the peritoneal cavity. The appearance of the ovary varies greatly according to the age of the indi- vidual. In the mature and sexually active females it is almost wholly formed of pedunculated and highly vascular capsules of various sizes, each containing a more or less developed ovum ; in the young animal however it is much more compact, owing to the absence of advanced ova. If one of the largest capsules of the ovary of a hen which is laying regularly be opened, it will be found to contain a nearly spherical (or more correctly, ellipsoidal with but slightly unequal axes) yellow body enclosed in a delicate membrane. This is the ovarian ovum or egg. 12 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. Examined with care the ovum, which is tolerably uni- form in appearance, will be found to be marked at one spot (generally facing the stalk of the capsule and form- ing the pole of the shorter axis of the ovum) by a small disc differing in appearance from the rest of the ovum. This disc which is known as the germinal disc or discu-s SECTION THROUGH THE GERMINAL Disc OF THE RIPE OVARIAN OVUM OF A FOWL WHILE YET ENCLOSED IN ITS CAPSULE. a. Connective-tissue capsule of the ovum. 6. follicular epithe- lium, at the surface of which nearest the ovum lies the vitelline membrane, c. granular material of the germinal disc, which becomes converted into the blastoderm. (This is not very well represented in the woodcut. In sections which have been hardened in chromic acid it consists of fine granules.) w. y, white yolk, which passes insensibly into the fine granular material of the disc. #, germinal vesicle enclosed in a distinct membrane, but shrivelled up by the action of the chromic acid, y, space originally completely filled up by the germinal vesicle, before the latter was shrivelled up by the action of the chromic acid. proligerus, consists of a lenticular mass of protoplasm (Fig. 4, c), imbedded in which is a globular or ellipsoidal body (Fig. 4, #), about SlO/,6 in diameter, called the germinal vesicle. This has a delicate wall, and its con- tents are clear and fluid in the fresh state, but become granular upon the addition of reagents. I.] THE OVARIAN OVUM. 13 The rest of the ovum is known as the yolk. This consists of two elements, the white yolk- and the yellow yolk-spheres, which are distributed respectively very much in the same way as in the laid egg, the yellow yolk forming the main mass of the ovum, and the white yolk being gathered underneath and around the disc (Fig. 4, w. y\ and also forming a flask-shaped mass in the interior. The delicate membrane surrounding the whole is the vitelline membrane. The youngest ova in the ovary of a fowl, in common with those of all other animals, present the characters of a simple cell. Such a cell is dia grammatically repre- sented in Fig. 5. It is seen to consist of a naked protoplasmic body containing in its interior a nucleus the germinal vesi- cle which in its turn envelopes a nucleolus constituting what is known as the germinal spot. Such young ova are enclosed in a capsule of epithelium, named the follicle or follicular mem- brane, and are irregularly scat- tered in the stroma of the ovary. The difference between such an immature ovum and the ripe ovum just described is very great, but throughout its growth the ovum retains the characters of a cell, so that the mature ova- rian ovum, equally with the youngest ovum in the ovary, is a single cell. The most striking changes which takes place in the FIG. 5. DIAGRAM OF THE OVUM. (From Gegen- baur.) a. Granular proto- plasm, b. Nucleus (ger- minal vesicle), c. Nu- cleolus (germinal spot). 14 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. course of the maturation of the ovum concern the body of the cell rather than the germinal vesicle. As the body grows in size a number of granules make their appearance in its interior. These granules are formed by the inherent activity of the protoplasm, which is itself nourished, in a large measure at any rate, by the cells of the follicle. The outermost layer of the proto- plasm remains free from these granules. As the ovum grows older the granules become larger, first of all in the centre, and subsequently at the periphery, and take the form of white yolk-spherules. The greater part of them become at a later stage converted into yellow yolk-spheres, while a portion of them, situated in the position of the white yolk of the ripe ovum, retain their original characters. The germinal vesicle, which in the youngest ova is situated centrally or subcentrally, travels in the course of the growth of the ovum towards the periphery, and the protoplasm immediately surrounding it remains relatively free from yolk granules, and so constitutes the germinal disc. In the younger ova there is but a single germinal spot in the germinal vesicle, but as the ova enlarge several accessory germinal spots make their appearance, while in the ripe ovum it seems doubtful whether there is any longer a trace of a germinal spot. The cells of the follicular epithelium are at first arranged in a single row, but at a later stage become two or more rows deep : they undergo however a nearly complete atrophy in the ripe ovum. Around the follicular epithelium, there is present a membrana propria, and in the later stages of the growth of the I.] THE OVARIAN OVUM. 15 ovum this is in its turn embraced by a highly vascular connective-tissue capsule. The youngest ova are, as has already been stated, quite naked. In ova of about 1*5 mm. the superficial layer of the ovum becomes converted into a radiately striated membrane called the zona radiata. At a later period a second membrane, placed between the zona radiata and the cells of the follicle, makes its appearance, but its mode of origin is still unknown. As the ovum approaches maturity the zona radiata disappears, and in the ripe ovum the second membrane, which has already been spoken of as the vitelline membrane, alone remains. From what has just been stated it follows that in an egg which has been laid the yolk alone constitutes the true ovum. The white and the shell are in fact accessory structures formed during the passage of the ovum down the oviduct. When the ovarian ovum is ripe and about to be discharged from the ovary, its capsule is clasped by the open infundibulum of the oviduct. The capsule then bursts, and the ovum escapes into the oviduct, its longer axis corresponding with the long axis of the oviduct, the germinal disc therefore being to one side. In describing the changes which take place in the oviduct, it will be convenient, following the order pre- viously adopted, to treat first of all of the formation of the accessory parts of the egg. These are secreted by the glandular walls of the oviduct. This organ therefore requires some description. It may be said to consist of four parts : 1st. The dilated infundibulum 16 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. with an abdominal opening. 2nd. A long tubular portion the oviduct proper opening by a narrow neck or isthmus into the 3rd portion, which is much dilated, and has been called the uterus ; the 4th part is some- what narrow, and leads from the uterus into the cloaca. The whole of the mucous membrane lining the oviduct is largely ciliated. The accessory parts of the egg are entirely formed in the 2nd and 3rd portions. The layer of albumen which immediately surrounds the yolk is first de- posited ; the chalazse are next formed. Their spiral character and the less distinctly marked spiral arrange- ment of the whole albumen is brought about by the motion of the egg along the spiral ridges into which the interior of the second or tubular portion of the oviduct is thrown. The spirals of the two chalazae are in different directions. This is probably produced by their peripheral ends remaining fixed while the yolk to which their central ends are attached is caused to rotate by the contractions of the oviduct. During the formation of the chalazse the rest of the albumen is also deposited ; and finally the shell-membrane is formed in the narrow neck of the 2nd portion, by the fibrilla- tion of the most external layer of albumen. The e^sr tf OO passes through the 2nd portion in little more than 3 hours. In the 3rd portion the shell is formed. The mucous membrane of this part is raised into nume- rous flattened folds, like large villi, containing follicu- lar glands. From these a thick white fluid is poured out, wnich soon forms a kind of covering to the egg, in which the inorganic particles are deposited. In this portion of the oviduct the egg remains from 12 to 18 I.] IMPREGNATION. 17 hours, during which time the shell acquires its normal consistency. At the time of laying it is expelled from the uterus by violent muscular contractions, and passes with its narrow end downwards along the remainder of the oviduct, to reach the exterior. Impregnation. This process occurs in the upper portion of the oviduct; the spermatozoa being found actively moving in a fluid which is there contained. We have as yet, as far as the fowl is concerned, no direct observations concerning the changes preceding and following upon impregnation ; nor indeed concern- ing the actual nature of the act of impregnation. In other types however these processes have been followed with considerable care, and the result has been to shew that prior to impregnation a division of the ovum takes place into two very unequal parts. The smaller of these parts is known as the polar body, and plays no further part in the development. In the course of the division of the ovum into these two parts the germinal vesicle also divides, and one part of it enters the polar body, while a portion remains in the larger segment which continues to be called the ovum, and is there known as the female pronudeus. Im- pregnation has been found to consist essentially in the entrance of a single spermatozoon into the ovum, followed by the fusion of the two. The spermatozoon itself is to be regarded as a cell, the head of which corresponds to the nucleus. When the spermatozoon enters the ovum the substance forming its tail becomes mingled with the protoplasm of the latter, but the head enlarges and constitutes a distinct body called the male pronudeus, which travels towards and finally fuses with F. & B. 2 18 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. the female pronucleus to constitute the nucleus of the impregnated ovum. Segmentation.- There follows upon the impregna- tion a remarkable process known as the segmentation. The process consists essentially in the division of the impregnated ovum by a series of successive segmenta- tions into a number of cells, of which the whole of the cells of the future animal are the direct descendants. In the majority of instances this process results in the division of the whole ovum into cells ; but in cases of ova where there is a large amount of food yolk, only that part of the ovum in which the protoplasm is but slightly loaded with food material, and which we have already described as the germinal disc, becomes so divided. The remainder of the ovum constitutes a food reservoir for the use of the developing embryo and is known as the food yolk. The segmentation in such ova, of which that of the fowl is one of the best known examples, is described as being partial or meroblastic 1 . In order to understand the process of segmentation in the fowl's ovum it must be borne in mind that the germinal disc is not sharply separated from the re- mainder of the ovum, but that the two graduate insen- sibly into each other. The segmentation commences in the lower part of the oviduct, shortly before the shell has begun to be formed. Viewed from above, a furrow is seen to make its 1 For a fuller account of the relation between holoblastic and meroblastic segmentation the reader is referred to the treatise on Comparative Embryology by Balfour, Vol. i. chapter iii. SEGMENTATION. FIG. 6. 19 A SURFACE VIEWS OF THE EARLY STAGES OF THE SEGMENTATION IN A FOWL'S EGG. (A and G after Coste.) A represents the earliest stage. The first furrow (b) has begun to make its appearance in the centre of the germinal disc, whose periphery is marked by the line a. In J3 } the first furrow is completed nearly across the disc, and a second similar furrow at right angles to the first has appeared. The disc thus becomes divided somewhat irregularly into quadrants by four (half) furrows. In a later stage ((7) the meridian furrows b have increased in number, from four, as in B, to nine, and cross furrows have also made their appearance. The disc is thus cut up into small central (c) and larger peripheral (d) segments. Several new cross furrows are seen just beginning, as ex. gr. close to the end of the line of reference d. appearance, running across the germinal disc, though not for the whole breadth, and dividing it into two halves (Fig. 6, A). This primary furrow is succeeded by a second at right angles to itself. The surface thus becomes divided into four segments or quadrants (Fig. 22 20 THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. The second furrow cuts the first somewhat excen- trically. The first four furrows do not extend through the whole thickness of the germinal disc, and the four seg- ments marked out by them are not separated from the disc on their lower aspect. Each of these is again bisected by radiating furrows, and thus the number of segments is increased from four to eight (it may be seven or nine). The central portion of each segment is then, by a cross furrow, cut off from the peripheral portion, giving rise to the appearance of a number of central smaller segments, surrounded by more external elongated segments (Fig. 6, (7). The excentricity in the arrangement of the segments is moreover still preserved, the smaller segments being situated nearer one side of the germinal disc. The excentricity of the segmentation gives to the segmenting germinal disc a bilateral symmetry, but the relation between the axis of symmetry of the segmenting germinal disc and the long axis of the embryo is not known. Division of the segments now proceeds rapidly by means of furrows running in various directions. And it is important to note that the central segments divide more rapidly than the peripheral, and con- sequently become at once smaller and more numerous (Fig. 7). Meanwhile sections of the hardened blastoderm teach us that segmentation is not confined to the sur- face, but extends through the mass of the blastoderm ; they shew us moreover that division takes place by means of not only vertical, but also horizontal furrows, i. e. furrows parallel to the surface of the disc (Fig. 8). I.] SEGMENTATION. FIG. 7. 21 SURFACE VIEW OF THE GERMINAL Disc OF A HEN'S EGG DURING THE LATER STAGES OF SEGMENTATION. (Chromic Acid Preparation.) At c in the centre of the disc the segmentation masses are very small and numerous. At b, nearer the edge, they are larger and fewer ; while those at the extreme margin a are largest and fewest of all. It will be noticed that the radiating furrows marking off the segments a do not reach to the extreme margin e of the disc. The drawing is completed in one quadrant only ; it will of course be understood that the whole circle ought to be filled up in a precisely similar manner. In this way, by repeated division or segmentation, the original germinal disc is cut up into a large number of small rounded masses of protoplasm, which are small- est in the centre, and increase in size towards the peri- phery. The segments lying uppermost are moreover smaller than those beneath, and thus the establishment of the two layers of the blastoderm is foreshadowed. 22 ["CHAP. SECTION OF THE GERMINAL Disc OF A FOWL DURING THE LATER STAGES OF SEGMENTATION. The section, which represents rather more than half the breadth of the blastoderm (the middle line being shewn at c), shews that the upper and central parts of the disc segment faster than those below and towards the periphery. At the periphery the segments are still very large. One of the larger segments is shewn at a. In the majority of segments a nucleus can be seen ; and it seems probable that a nucleus is present in all. Most of the segments are filled with highly refracting spherules, but these are more numerous in some cells (especially the larger cells near the yolk) than in others. In the central part of the blastoderm the upper cells have commenced to form a distinct layer. a. large peripheral cell. b. larger cells of the lower parts of the blastoderm, c. middle line of blastoderm, e. edge of the blastoderm adjoining the white yolk. w. white yolk. In the later stages of segmentation not only do the first-formed segments become further divided, but seg mentation also extends into the remainder of the germi- nal disc. The behaviour of the nucleus during the segmenta- tion has not been satisfactorily followed, but there is, I.] SEGMENTATION. 23 from the analogy of other forms, no doubt that in the formation of the first two segments the original nucleus, formed by the fusion of the male and female pronuclei, becomes divided, and that a fresh division of the nucleus takes place with the formation of each fresh segment. Nuclei make their appearance moreover in the part of the' ovum immediately below that in which the segmen- tation has already taken place ; these are in all proba- bility also derived from the primitive nucleus. The substance round some of these nuclei rises up in the form of papillae, which are subsequently constricted off and set free as supplementary segmentation masses; while some of the nuclei remain and form the nuclei already spoken of as existing in the bed of white yolk below the blastoderm in the unincubated egg. Between the segmented germinal disc, which we may now call the blastoderm, and the bed of white yolk on which it rests, a space containing fluid makes its appearance. As development proceeds, segmentation reaches its limits in the centre, but continues at the periphery, and thus eventually the masses at the periphery become of the same size as those in the centre. The distinction however between an upper and a lower layer becomes more and more obvious. The masses of the upper layer arrange themselves, side by side, with their long axes vertical ; their nuclei become very distinct. In fact they form a membrane of columnar nucleated cells. The masses of the lower layer, remaining larger than those of the upper layer, continue markedly granular and round, and form rather a close irregular network 24t THE HEN'S EGG. [CHAP. i. than a distinct membrane. Their nuclei are not readily visible. At the time when the segmentation-spheres in the centre are smaller than those at the periphery, and those above are also smaller than those below, a few large spherical masses, probably containing each one of the nuclei already spoken of, arise by a process of seg- mentation from the bed of white yolk, and rest directly on the white yolk at the bottom of the shallow cavity below the mass of segmentation- spheres. They contain either numerous small spherules, or fine granules; the spherules precisely resembling the smaller spheres of white yolk. These loose spherical masses form the majority of the formative cells already spoken of. Thus the original germinal disc of the ovarian ovum becomes, by the process of segmentation, converted into the blastoderm of the laid egg. with its upper layer of columnar nucleated cells, and its lower layer of irregu- larly disposed cells, accompanied by a few stray "forma- tive " cells lying loose in the cavity below. CHAPTER II. A BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE WHOLE HISTORY OF INCUBATION. STEP by step the simple two-layered blastoderm described in the previous chapter is converted into the complex organism of the chick. The details of the many changes through which this end is reached will perhaps be rendered more intelligible if we prefix to the special history of them a brief summary of the general course of events from the beginning to the end of incu- bation. In the first place, it is to be borne in mind that the embryo itself is formed in the area pellucida, and in the area pellucida alone. The area opaca in no part enters directly into the body of the chick; the structures to which it gives rise are to be regarded as appendages, which sooner or later disappear. Germinal layers. The blastoderm at starting con- sists of two layers. Very soon a third layer makes its appearance between the other two. These three layers, known as the germinal layers, the establishment of which is a fact of fundamental importance in the history of the embryo, are called respectively the upper, middle and lower layers, or epiblast, mesoblast and Tiypoblast. Of 26 PKELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. these the epiblast and hypoblast constitute the primary layers. Three similar germinal layers are found in the embryos of all vertebrate and most invertebrate forms, and their history is one of the most important parts of comparative embryology. The epiblast gives rise to the epidermis, the central and peripheral parts of the nervous system, and to the most important parts of the organs of special sense. The hypoblast is essentially the secretory layer, and furnishes the whole epithelial lining of the alimentary tract and its glands, with the exception of part of the mouth and anus which are lined by the epiblast and are spoken of by embryologists as the stomodceum and proctodceum. Finally the mesoblast is a source from which the whole of the vascular system, the muscular and skeletal system, and the connective tissue of all parts of the body, are developed. It gives in fact origin to the connective-tissue basis both of the skin and of the mucous membrane of the alimentary tract, and to all the structures lying between these two with the exceptions already indicated. It is more especially to be noted that it gives rise to the excretory organs and generative glands. Formation of the embryo. The blastoderm which at first, as we have seen, lies like a watch-glass over the cavity below, its margin resting on the circular germinal wall of white yolk, spreads, as a thin circular sheet, over the yolk, immediately under the vitelline membrane. Increasing uniformly at all points of its circumference, the blastodermic expansion covers more and more of the yolk, and at last, reaching the opposite pole, completely envelopes it. Thus the whole yolk, instead of being II. J THE HEAD-FOLD. 27 enclosed as formerly by the vitelline membrane alone, comes to be also enclosed in a bag formed by the blasto- derm. It is not however until quite a late period that the complete closing in at the opposite pole takes place ; in fact the extension of the blastoderm must be thought of as going on during the first seven days of incubation. Both the area opaca and the area pellucida share in this enlargement, but the area opaca increases much more rapidly than the area pellucida, and plays the principal part in encompassing the yolk. The mesoblast, in that part of the area opaca which is nearest to the area pellucida, becomes the seat of peculiar changes, which result in the formation of blood- vessels. Hence this part of the area opaca is called the vascular area. The embryo itself may be said to be formed by a folding off the central portion of the area pellucida from the rest of the blastoderm. At first the area pellucida is quite flat, or, inasmuch as it forms part of the circum- ference of the yolk, slightly but uniformly curved. Very soon, however, there appears at a certain spot a semi- lunar groove, at first small, but gradually increasing in depth and extent; this groove, which is represented in section in the diagram (Fig. 9, A\ breaks the uni- formity of the level of the area pellucida. It may be spoken of as a tucking in of a small portion of the blastoderm in the form of a crescent. When viewed from above, it presents itself as a curved line (the hinder of the two concentric curved lines in front of A in Fig. 22), which marks the hind margin of the groove, the depression itself being hidden. 28 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. FIG. 9. Fig. 9, A to N forms a series of purely diagrammatic repre- sentations introduced to facilitate the comprehension of the manner in which the body of the embryo is formed, and of the various relations of the yolk-sac, amnion and allantois. In all vt is the vitelline membrane, placed, for convenience sake, at some distance from its contents, and represented as per- sisting in the later stages ; in the actual egg it is in direct contact with the blastoderm (or yolk), and early ceases to have a separate existence. In all e indicates the embryo, pp the general pleuro- peritoneal space, of the folds of the amnion proper ; ae or ac the cavity holding the liquor amnii ; al the allantois ; a the ali- mentary canal ; y or ys the yolk or yolk-sac. A, which maybe considered as a vertical section taken longi- tudinally along the axis of the embryo, represents the relations of the parts of the egg at the time of the first appearance of the head-fold, seen on the right-hand side of the blastoderm e. The II.] THE EMBRYONIC APPENDAGES. 29 blastoderm is spreading both behind (to the left hand in the figure), and in front (to right hand) of the head-fold, its limits being indicated by the shading and thickening for a certain dis- tance of the margin of the yolk y. As yet there is no fold on the left side of e corresponding to the head-fold on the right. B is a vertical transverse section of the same period drawn for convenience sake on a larger scale (it should have been made flatter and less curved). It shews that the blastoderm (vertically shaded) is extending laterally as well as fore and aft, in fact in all directions ; but there are no lateral folds, and therefore no lateral limits to the body of the embryo as distinguished from the blastoderm. Incidentally it shews the formation of the medullary groove by the rising up of the laminae dorsales. Beneath the section of the groove is seen the rudiment of the notochord. On either side a line indicates the cleavage of the mesoblast just commencing. In C, which represents a vertical longitudinal section of later date, both head-fold (on the right) and tail-fold (on the left) have advanced considerably. The alimentary canal is therefore closed in, both in front and behind, but is in the middle still widely open to the yolk y below. Though the axial parts of the embryo have become thickened by growth, the body- walls are still thin ; in them however is seen the cleavage of the mesoblast, and the divergence of the somatopleure and splanchnopleure. The splanchnopleure both at the head and at the tail is folded in to a greater extent than the somatopleure, and forms the still wide splanchnic stalk. At the end of the stalk, which is as yet short, it bends outwards again and spreads over the surface of the yolk. The somatopleure, folded in less than the splanchnopleure to form the wider somatic stalk, sooner bends round and runs out- wards again. At a little distance from both the head and the tail it is raised up into a fold, a/, a/, that in front of the head being the highest. These are the amniotic folds. Descending from either fold, it speedily joins the splanchnopleure again, and the two, once more united into an uncleft membrane, extend some way downwards over the yolk, the limit or outer margin of the opaque area not being shewn. All the space between the soma- topleure and the splanchnopleure, pp } is shaded with dots. Close 30 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT, [CHAP. to the body this space may be called the pleuroperitoneal cavity ; but outside the body it runs up into either amniotic fold, and also extends some little way over the yolk. D represents the tail end at about the same stage on a more enlarged scale, in order to illustrate the position of the allantois al (which was for the sake of simplicity omitted in (7), shewn as a bud from the splanchnopleure, stretching downwards into the pleu- roperitoneal cavity^. The dotted area representing as before the II.] THE EMBRYONIC APPENDAGES. 31 whole space between the splanchnopleure and the somatopleure, it is evident that a way is open for the allantois to extend from its present position into the space between the two limbs of the amniotic fold af. Ej also a longitudinal section, represents a stage still farther advanced. Both splanchnic and somatic stalks are much nar- rowed, especially the former, the cavity of the alimentary canal being now connected with the cavity of the yolk-sack by a mere canal. The folds of the amnion are spreading over the top of the embryo and nearly meet. Each fold consists of two walls or limbs, the space between which (dotted) is as before merely a part of the space between the somatopleure and splanchno- pleure. Between these arched amniotic folds and the body of the embryo is a space not as yet entirely closed in. F represents on a different scale a transverse section of E taken through the middle of the splanchnic stalk. The dark ring in the body of the embryo shews the position of the neural canal, below which is a black spot, marking the notochord. On either side of the notochord the divergence of somatopleure and splanch- nopleure is obvious. The splanchnopleure, more or less thick- ened, is somewhat bent in towards the middle line, but the two sides do not unite, the alimentary canal being as yet open below at this spot ; after converging somewhat they diverge again and run outwards over the yolk. The somatopleure, folded in to some extent to form the body- walls, soon bends outwards again, and is almost immediately raised up into the lateral folds of the amnion af. The continuity of the pleuroperitoneal cavity within the body with the interior of the amniotic fold outside the body is evident ; both cavities are dotted. (7, which corresponds to D at a later stage, is introduced to shew the manner in which the allantois, now a distinctly hollow body, whose cavity is continuous with that of the alimentary canal, becomes directed towards the amniotic fold. In H a longitudinal, and / a transverse section of later date, great changes have taken place. The several folds of the amnion have met and coalesced above the body of the embryo. The inner limbs of the several folds have united into a single membrane (a), which encloses a space (ae or ac) round the embryo. This mem- 32 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. brane(a)is-the amnion proper, and the cavity within it, i.e. between it and the embryo, is the cavity of the amnion containing the liquor amnii. The allantois is omitted for the sake of sim- plicity. It will be seen that the amnion a now forms in every direc- tion the termination of the somatopleure ; the peripheral portions of the somatopleure, the united outer or descending limbs of the folds af in (7, D, F, G having been cut adrift, and now forming an independent continuous membrane, the serous membrane, immediately underneath the vitelline membrane. In / the splanchnopleure is seen converging to complete the closure of the alimentary canal a' even at the stalk (elsewhere the canal has of course long been closed in), and then spreading outwards as before over the yolk. The point at which it unites with the somatopleure, marking the extreme limit of the cleavage of the mesoblast, is now much nearer the lower pole of the diminished yolk. II.] THE EMBRYONIC APPENDAGES. 33 As a result of these several changes, a great increase in the dotted space has taken place. It is now possible to pass from the actual peritoneal cavity within the body, on the one hand round a great portion of the circumference of the yolk, and on the other hand above the amnion a, in the space between it and the serous envelope. Into this space the allantois is seen spreading in K at al. In L the splanchnopleure has completely invested the yolk- sac, but at the lower pole of the yolk is still continuous with that peripheral remnant of the somatopleure now called the serous membrane. In other words, the cleavage of the mesoblast has been carried all round the yolk (ys) except just at the lower pole. In M the cleavage has been carried through the pole itself ; the peripheral portion of the splanchnopleure forms a complete investment of the yolk, quite unconnected with the peripheral portion of the somatopleure, which now exists as a continuous membrane lining the interior of the shell. The yolk-sac (ys) is therefore quite loose in the pleuroperitoneal cavity, being con- nected only with the alimentary canal (a') by a solid pedicle. Lastly, in ^V the yolk-sac (ys} is shewn being withdrawn into the cavity of the body of the embryo. The allantois is as before, for the sake of simplicity, omitted ; its pedicle would of course lie by the side of ys in the somatic stalk marked by the usual dotted shading. It may be repeated that the above are diagrams, the various spaces being shewn distended, whereas in many of them in the actual egg the walls have collapsed, and are in near juxta- position. In a vertical longitudinal section carried through the middle line, we may recognize the following parts (Fig. 9, A, or on a larger scale Fig. 10, which also shews details which need not be considered now). Beginning at what will become the posterior extremity of the embryo (the left-hand side of the figure in each case), and following the surface of the blastoderm forwards (to the right in the F. & B. 3 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. FIG. 10. N.C. [CHAP. F.So. DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE Axis OF AN EMBRYO. The section is supposed to be made at a time when the head- fold has commenced but the tail-fold has not yet appeared. F. So. fold of the somatopleure. F. Sp. fold of the splanchnopleure. The line of reference F. So. is placed in the lower bay, outside the embryo. The line of D is placed in the upper bay inside the embryo ; this will remain as the alimentary canal. Both folds (F. So., F. Sp.) are parts of the head- fold, and are to be thought of as continually travelling onwards (to the left) as de- velopment proceeds. pp. space between somatopleure and splanchnopleure : pleuro- peritoneal cavity. Am. commencing (head) fold of the amnion. A fuller explanation is given under Fig. 29. figures), the level is maintained for some distance, and then there is a sudden descent, the blastoderm bending round and pursuing a precisely opposite direction to its previous one, running backwards instead of forwards, for some distance. It soon, however, turns round again, and once more running forward, with a gentle ascent, regains the original level. As seen in section, then, the blasto- derm at this spot may be said to be folded up in the II.] THE HEAD-FOLD. 35 form of the letter Q. This fold we shall always speak of as the head-fold. In it we may recognize two limbs: an upper limb in which the curve is directed forwards, and its bay, opening backwards, is underneath the blas- toderm, i.e. as we shall see, inside the embryo (Fig. 10. If) ; and an under limb in which the curve is directed backwards, and its bay, opening forwards, is above the blastoderm, i.e. outside the embryo. If an 8 like the above, made of some elastic material, were stretched laterally, the effect would be to make both limbs longer and proportionally narrower, and their bays, instead of being shallow cups, would become more tubular. Such a result is in part arrived at by the growth of the blasto- derm; the upper limb of the gj is continually growing forward (but, unlike the stretched elastic model, in- creases in all its dimensions at the same time), and the lower limb is as continually lengthening backwards; and thus both upper and lower bays become longer and longer. This we shall hereafter speak of as the travel- ling backwards of the head-fold. The two bays do not however both become tubular. The section we have been speaking of is supposed to be taken vertically along a line, which will afterwards be- come the axis of the embryo; and the lower bay of the 8 is a section of the crescentic groove mentioned above, in its middle or deepest part. On either side of the middle line the groove gradually becomes shallower. Hence in sections taken on either side of the middle line or axis of the embryo (above or below the plane of the figures), the groove would appear the less marked the farther the section from the middle line, and at a certain distance would disappear altogether. It must be 32 36 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. remembered that the groove is at first crescent-shaped, with the concavity of the crescent turned towards what will be the hind end of the embryo (Fig. 22). As the whole head-fold is carried farther and farther back, the horns of the crescent are more and more drawn in towards the middle line, the groove becoming first semicircular, then horse-shoe-shaped. In other words, the head-fold, instead of being a simple fold running straight back- wards, becomes a curved fold with a central portion in front running backwards, and two side portions running in towards the middle line. The effect of this is that the upper bay of the 8 (that within the embryo) gets closed in at the sides as well as in the front, and thus speedily becomes tubular. The under bay of the <3 (that outside the embryo) remains of course open at the sides as in front, and forms a sort of horse-shoe-shaped ditch surrounding the front end of the embryo. We have dwelt thus at length on the formation of the head-fold, because, unless its characters are fairly grasped, much difficulty may be found in understanding many events in the history of the chick. The reader will perhaps find the matter easier to comprehend if he makes for himself a rough model, which he easily can do by spreading a cloth out flat to represent the blasto- derm, placing one hand underneath it, to mark the axis of the embryo, and then tucking in the cloth from above under the tips of his fingers. The fingers, covered with the cloth and slightly projecting from the leve] of the rest of the cloth, will represent the head, in front of which will be the semicircular or horse-shoe-shaped groove of the head-fold. At its first appearance the whole 8 may be spoken II.] THE TAIL-FOLD. 37 of as the head-fold, but later on it will be found con- venient to restrict the name chiefly to the lower limb of the 3. Some time after the appearance of the head-fold, an altogether similar but at first less conspicuous fold makes its appearance, at a point which will become the posterior end of the embryo. This fold, which travels forwards just as the head-fold travels backwards, is the tail-fold (Fig. 9, (7). In addition, between the head- and the tail-fold two lateral folds appear, one on either side. These are simpler in character than either head-fold or tail-fold, inasmuch as they are nearly straight folds directed inwards towards the axis of the body (Fig. 8, F), and not complicated by being crescentic in form. Otherwise they are exactly similar, and in fact are formed by the con- tinuations of the head- and tail-folds respectively. As these several folds become more and more de- veloped, the head-fold travelling backwards, the tail- fold forwards, and the lateral folds inwards, they tend to unite in the middle point ; and thus give rise more and more distinctly to the appearance of a small tubular sac seated upon, and connected, by a continually-nar- rowing hollow stalk, with that larger sac which is formed by the extension of the rest of the blastoderm over the whole yolk. The smaller sac we may call the " embryonic sac," the larger one " the yolk-sac." As incubation proceeds, the smaller sac (Fig. 9) gets larger and larger at the expense of the yolk-sac (the contents of the latter being gradually assimilated by nutritive processes into the tissues forming the growing walls of the former, not 38 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. directly transferred from one cavity into the other). Within a day or two of the hatching of the chick, at a time when the yolk-sac is still of some considerable size, or at least has not yet dwindled away altogether, and the development of the embryonic sac is nearly com- plete, the yolk-sac (Fig. 9, N) is slipped into the body of the embryo, so that ultimately the embryonic sac alone remains. The embryo, then, is formed by a folding-off of a portion of the blastoderm from the yolk-sac. The general outline of the embryo is due to the direction and shape of the several folds which share in its forma- tion ; these, while preserving a nearly perfect bilateral symmetry, present marked differences at the two ends of the embryo. Hence from the very first there is no difficulty in distinguishing the end which will be the head from that which will be the tail. In addition to this, the tubular sac of the embryo, while everywhere gradually acquiring thicker and thicker walls, undergoes at various points, through local activities of growth in the form of thickenings, ridges, buds or other processes, many modifications of the outline conferred upon it by the constituent folds. Thus bud-like processes start out from the trunk to form the rudiments of the limbs, and similar thickenings and ridges give rise to the jaws and other parts of the face. By the unequal development of these outgrowths the body of the chick is gradually moulded into its proper outward shape. Were the changes which take place of this class only, the result would be a tubular sac of somewhat com- plicated outline, but still a simple tubular sac. Such IT.] THE MEDULLARY CANAL. 39 a simple sac might perhaps be roughly taken to repre- sent the body of many an invertebrate animal ; but the typical structure of a bird or other vertebrate animal is widely different. It may very briefly be described as follows. First there is, above, a canal running lengthways along the body, in which are lodged the brain and spinal cord. Below this neural tube is an axis repre- sented by the bodies of the vertebrae and their con- tinuation forwards in the structures which form the base of the skull. Underneath this, again, is another tube closed in above by the axis, and on the sides and below by the body-walls. Enclosed in this second tube, and suspended from the axis, is a third tube, consisting of the alimentary canal with its appendages (liver, pan- creas, lungs, &c., which are fundamentally mere diver- ticula from one simple canal). The cavity of the outer tube, which also contains the heart and other parts of the vascular system, is the general body cavity ; it con- sists of a thoracic or pleural, and an abdominal or peri- toneal section ; these two parts are, however, from their mode of origin, portions of one and the same tube. Thus a transverse section of a vertebrate animal always shews the same fundamental structure : above a single tube, below a double tube, the latter consisting of one tube enclosed within another, the inner being the ali- mentary canal, the outer the general cavity of the body. Into such a triple tube the simple tubular embryonic sac of the chick is converted by a series of changes of a remarkable character. The upper or neural tube is formed in the following way. At a very early period the upper layer of the 40 PKELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. blastoderm or epiblast in the region which will become the embryo, is raised up into two ridges or folds, which run parallel to each other at a short distance on either side of what will be the long axis of the embryo, and thus leave between them a shallow longitudinal groove (Fig. 9, B, also Figs. 21, m.c). As these ridges, which bear the name of medullary folds, increase in height they arch over towards each other, and eventually meet and coalesce in the middle line, thus converting the groove into a canal, which at the same time becomes closed at either end (Fig. 8, F. /, also Fig. 34. Me.}. The cavity so formed is the cavity of the neural tube, and eventually becomes the cerebro-spinal canal. Its walls are wholly formed of epiblast. The lower double tube, that of the alimentary canal, and of the general cavity of the body, is formed in an entirely different way. It is, broadly speaking, the result of the junction and coalescence of the funda- mental embryonic folds, the head-fold, tail-fold, and lateral folds ; in a certain sense the cavity of the body is the cavity of the tubular sac described in the last paragraph. But it is obvious that a tubular sac formed by the folding-in of a single sheet of tissue, such as we have hitherto considered the blastoderm to be, must be a simple tubular sac possessing a single cavity only. The blastoderm however does not long remain a single sheet, but speedily becomes a double sheet of such a kind that, when folded in, it gives rise to a double tube. Very early the blastoderm becomes thickened in the region of the embryo, the thickening being chiefly due II.] THE BODY CAVITY. 41 to an increase in the middle layer or mesoblast, while at the same time it becomes split or cleft horizontally over the greater part of its extent into two leaves, an upper leaf and a lower leaf. In the neighbourhood of the axis of the body, beneath the neural tube, this cleavage is absent (Fig. 9, B ; also Figs. 24, 34), in fact, it begins at some little distance on either side of the axis and spreads thence into the periphery in all direc- tions. It is along the mesoblast that the cleavage takes place, the upper part of the mesoblast uniting with epiblast to form the upper leaf, and the lower part with the hypoblast to form the lower leaf. In the fundamental folds both leaves are involved, both leaves are folded downwards and inwards, both leaves tend to meet in the middle below ; but the lower leaf is folded in more rapidly, and thus diverges from the upper leaf, a space being gradually developed between them (Fig. 9). In course of time the several folds of the lower leaf meet and unite to form an inner tube quite independently of the upper leaf, whose own folds in turn meet and unite to form an outer tube separated from the inner one by an intervening space. The inner tube which from its mode of formation is clearly lined by hypoblast is the alimentary canal which is subsequently perforated at both ends to form the mouth and anus ; the walls of the outer tube are the walls of the body ; and the space between the two tubes is the general body or pleuroperitoneal cavity. Hence the upper (or outer) leaf of the blastoderm, from its giving rise to the body-walls, is called the somatopleure 1 ; the lower (or inner) leaf, from its form- 1 Soma, body, pleuron, side. 42 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. ing the alimentary canal and its tributary viscera, the splanchnopleure *. This horizontal splitting of the blastoderm into a somatopleure and a splanchnopleure, which we shall hereafter speak of as the cleavage of the mesoblast, is not confined to the region of the embryo, but gradually extends over the whole of the yolk-sac. Hence in the later days of incubation the yolk-sac comes to have two distinct coats, an inner splanchnopleuric and an outer somatopleuric, separable from each other all over the sac. We have seen that, owing to the manner of its formation, the ' embryonic sac ' is con- nected with the ' yolk-sac ' by a continually narrowing hollow stalk ; but this stalk must, like the embryonic sac itself, be a double stalk, and consist of a smaller inner stalk within a larger outer one, Fig. 9, E } H. The folds of the splanchnopleure, as they tend to meet and unite in the middle line below, give rise to a continually narrowing hollow stalk of their own, a splanchnic stalk, by means of which the walls of the alimentary canal are continuous with the splanch- nopleuric investment of the yolk-sac, and the interior of that canal is continuous with the cavity inside the yolk-sac. In the same way the folds of the somato- pleure form a similar stalk of their own, a somatic stalk, by means of which the body- walls of the chick are continuous (for some time ; the continuity, as we shall see, being eventually broken by the development of the amnion) with the somatopleuric investment of the yolk-sac ; and the pleuroperitoneal cavity of the 1 Splanchnon, viscus, pleuron, side. II.] THE AMNION. 43 body of the chick is continuous with the narrow space between the two investments of the yolk-sac. At a comparatively early period the canal of the splanchnic stalk becomes obliterated, so that the material of the yolk can no longer pass directly into the alimentary cavity, but has to find its way into the body of the chick by absorption through the blood- vessels. The somatic stalk, on the other hand, remains widely open for a much longer time ; but the somatic shell of the yolk-sac never undergoes that thickening which takes place in the somatic walls of the embryo itself; on the contrary, it remains thin and insignificant. When, accordingly, in the last days of incubation the greatly diminished yolk-sac with its splanchnic invest- ment is withdrawn into the rapidly enlarging abdominal cavity of the embryo, the walls of the abdomen close in and unite, without any regard to the shrivelled, emptied somatopleuric investment of the yolk-sac, which is cast off as no longer of any use. (Fig. 9. Com- pare the series.) The Amnion. Very closely connected with the cleavage of the mesoblast and the division into soma- topleure and splanchnopleure, is the formation of the amnion, all mention of which was, for the sake of simplicity, purposely omitted in the description just given. The amnion is a peculiar membrane enveloping the embryo, which takes its origin from certain folds of the somatopleure, and of the somatopleure only, in the following way. At a time when the cleavage of the mesoblast has somewhat advanced, there appears, a little way in front 44 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. of the semilunar head-fold, a second fold (Fig. 22, also Fig. 9, (7.), running more or less parallel or rather con- centric with the first, and not unlike it in general appearance, though differing widely from it in nature. In the head-fold the whole thickness of the blastoderm is involved ; in it both somatopleure and splanchno- pleure (where they exist, i. e. where the mesoblast is cleft) take part. This second fold, on the contrary, is limited entirely to the somatopleure. Compare Figs. 9 and 10. In front of the head-fold, and therefore alto- gether in front of the body of the embryo, the somato- pleure is a very thin membrane, consisting only of epiblast and a very thin layer of mesoblast ; and the fold we are speaking of is, in consequence, itself thin and delicate. Rising up as a semilunar fold with its concavity directed towards the embryo (Fig. 9, C, q/!), as it increases in height it is gradually drawn back- wards over the developing head of the embryo. The fold thus covering the head is in due time accompanied by similar folds of the somatopleure starting at some little distance behind the tail, and at some little dis- tance from the sides (Fig. 9, G, D, E, F, and Fig. 11 am.). In this way the embryo becomes surrounded by a series of folds of thin somatopleure, which form a con- tinuous wall all round it. All are drawn gradually over the body of the embryo, and at last meet and completely coalesce (Fig. 9, H, 7), all traces of their junction being removed. Beneath these united folds there is therefore a cavity, within which the embryo lies (Fig. 9, H, ae). This cavity is the cavity of the amnion. The folds which we have been describing are those which form the amnion. II.] THE AMNION. FIG. 11. 45 DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE POS- TERIOR END OF AN EMBRYO BIRD, AT THE TIME OF THE FORMATION OF THE ALLANTOIS. ep. epiblast ; Sp.c. spinal canal ; ch. notochord ; n.e. neurenteric canal ; liy. hypoblast ; p.a.g. postanal gut ; pr. remains of primitive streak folded in on the ventral side ; al. allantois ; me. mesoblast; an. point where anus will be formed; p.c. perivisceral cavity ; am. amnion ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure. Each fold, of course, necessarily consists of two limbs, both limbs consisting of epiblast and a very thin layer of mesoblast ; but in one limb the epiblast looks towards the embryo, while in the other it looks away from it. The space between the two limbs of the fold, as can easily be seen in Figs. 9 and 11, is really part of the space between the somatopleure and splanch- nopleure ; it is therefore continuous with the general space, part of which afterwards becomes the pleuro- peritoneal cavity of the body, shaded with dots in figure 9 and marked (p p). It is thus possible 'to pass from the cavity between the two limbs of each 46 PRELIMINARY ACCOUNT. [CHAP. fold of the amnion into the cavity which surrounds the alimentary canal. When the several folds meet and coalesce together above the embryo, they unite in such a way that all their inner limbs go to form a continuous inner membrane or sac, and all their outer limbs a similarly continuous outer membrane or sac. The inner membrane thus built up forms a completely closed sac round the body of the embryo, and is called the amniotic sac, or amnion proper (Fig. 9, H, J, &c. a.), and the fluid which it afterwards contains is called the amniotic fluid, or liquor amnii. The space between the inner and outer sac, being formed by the united cavities of the several folds, is, from the mode of its formation, simply a part of the general cavity found everywhere between somatopleure and splanchnopleure. The outer sac over the embryo lies close under the vitelline membrane, while its periphery is gradually extended over the yolk as the somatopleuric invest- ment of the yolk-sac described in the preceding para- graph. It constitutes the false amnion while the mem- brane of which it forms a part is frequently known as the serous membrane. The Allantois. If the mode of origin of these two sacs (the inner or true amnion, and the outer or false amnion, as Baer called it) and their relations to the embryo be borne in mind, the reader will have no diffi- culty in understanding the course taken in its growth by an important organ, the allantois, of which we shall hereafter have to speak more in detail. The allantois is essentially a diverticulum of the alimentary tract, into which it opens immediately in front of the anus. It at first (Fig. 11, al) forms a II.] THE ALLANTOIS. 47 flattened sac projecting into the pleuroperitoneal cavity, the walls of the sac being formed of a layer of splanchnic mesoblast lined by hypoblast. It grows forwards in the peritoneal cavity until it reaches the stalk connecting the embryo with the yolk- sac, and thence very rapidly pushes its way into the space between the true and false amniotic sacs (Fig. 9, G, K}. Curving over the embryo, it comes to lie above the embryo and the amnion proper, separated from the shell (and vitelline membrane) by nothing more than the thin false amnion. In this position it becomes highly vascular, and performs the functions of a respi- ratory organ. It is evident that though now placed quite outside the embryo, the space in which it lies is a continuation of that peritoneal cavity in which it took its origin. It is only necessary to add, that the serous mem- brane, including the false amnion, either coalesces with the vitelline membrane, in contact with which it lies, or else replaces it ; and in the later days of incubation was called by the older embryologists the chorion a name however which we shall not adopt. CHAPTER III. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FIRST DAY OF INCUBATION. DURING the descent of the egg along the oviduct, where it is exposed to a temperature of about 40 C., the germinal disc, as we have seen, undergoes important changes. When the egg is laid and becomes cold these changes all but entirely cease, and the blastoderm remains inactive until, under the influence of the higher temperature of natural or artificial incubation, the vital activities of the germ are brought back into play, the arrested changes go on again, and usher in the series of events which we have now to describe in detail. The condition of the blastoderm at the time when the egg is laid is not exactly the same in all eggs ; in some the changes being farther advanced than in others, though the differences of course are slight. In some eggs, especially in warm weather, changes of the same kind as those caused by actual incubation may take place, to a certain extent, in the interval between laying and incubation ; lastly, in all eggs, both under natural and especially under artificial incubation, the CHAP. III.] THE EMBRYONIC SHIELD. 49 dates of the several changes are, within the limits of some hours, very uncertain, particularly in the first few days ; one egg being found, for example, at 36 hours in the same stage as another at 24 or 30 hours, or a third at 40 or 48 hours. When we speak therefore of any event as taking place at any given hour or part of any given day, we are to be understood as meaning that such an event will generally be found to have taken place at about that time. We introduce exact dates for the convenience of description. The changes which take place during the first day will be most easily considered under several periods. Prom the 1st to about the 8th hour. During this period the blastoderm, when viewed from above, is found to have increased in size. The pellucid area, which at the best is but obscurely marked in the unin- cubated egg, becomes very distinct (the central opacity having disappeared), and contrasts strongly with the opaque area, which has even still more increased both in distinctness and size. For the first few hours both the pellucid and opaque areas remain approximately circular, and the most im- portant change, besides increase in size and greater distinctness which can be observed in them, is a slight ill-defined opacity or loss of transparency, which makes its appearance in the hinder half of the pellucid area. This is known as the embryonic shield. Slight as are the changes which can at this stage be 1 seen from surface views, sections taken from hardened specimens bring to light many most important changes in the nature and arrangement of the constituent cells. F. & B. 4 50 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. FIG. 12. i SECTION OF A BLASTODERM OF A FOWL'S EGG AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF INCUBATION. The thin but complete upper layer ep composed of columnar cells rests on the in- complete lower layer I, composed of larger and more granular cells. The lower layer is thicker in some places than in others, and is especially thick at the periphery. The line below the under layer marks the upper sur- face of the white yolk. The larger so-called formative cells are seen at 6, lying on the white yolk. The figure does not take in quite the whole breadth of the blastoderm ; but the reader must understand that both to the right hand and the left ep is continued farther than I, so that at the extreme edge it rests directly on the white yolk. It will be remembered that the blastoderm in the unincubated egg is composed of two layers, an upper (Fig. 12, ep) and an under layer; that the upper is a coherent membrane of colum- nar nucleated cells, but that the lower one (Fig. 12, 1) is formed of an irregular network of larger cells in which the nuclei are with difficulty visible; and that in addition to this there are certain still larger cells, called 'formative cells' (Fig. 12,6), lying at the bottom of the segmentation-cavity. Under the influence of incubation changes take place very rapidly, which THE HYPOBLAST. 51 III.] result in the formation of the three layers of the blasto- derm. The upper layer, which is the epiblast already spoken of (Fig. 13), takes at first but little share in these changes. In the lower layer, however, certain of the cells begin to get flattened horizontally, their granules become less numerous, and the nucleus becomes distinct; the cells so altered cohere together and form a membrane. The membrane thus formed, which is first completed in TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE BLASTODERM OF A CHICK BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OF THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. The epiblast is represented somewhat diagrammatically. The hyphens shew the points of junction of the two halves of the section. The hypoblast is already constituted as a membrane of flattened cells, and a number of scattered cells are seen between it and the epiblast. the centre of the pellucid area, constitutes the hypoblast. Between the hypoblastic membrane and the epiblast there remain a number of scattered cells (Fig. 13) which cannot however be said to form a definite layer altogether distinct from the hypoblast. They are almost entirely confined to the posterior part of the area pellucida, and 4-2 52 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. give rise to the opacity of that part, which we have spoken of as the embryonic shield. At the edge of the area pellucida the hypoblast becomes continuous with a thickened rim of material, underlying the epiblast, and derived from the original thickened edge of the blastoderm and the subjacent yolk. It is mainly formed of yolk granules, with a varying number of cells and nuclei imbedded in it. It is known as the germinal wall, and is spoken of more in detail on pp. 65 and 66. The epiblast is the Hornblatt (corneal layer), and the hypo- blast the Darmdrusenblatt (epithelial glandular layer) of the Germans, while those parts of the mesoblast which take part in the formation of the somatopleure and splanchnopleure cor- respond respectively to the Haut-musJcel-platte and Darm-faser- platte. All blood-vessels arise in the mesoblast. Hence the vascular layer of the older writers falls entirely within the mesoblast. The serous layer of the old authors includes the whole of the epiblast, but also comprises a certain portion of mesoblast ; for they speak of all the organs of animal life (skin, bones, muscle, &c.) as being formed out of the serous layer, whereas the epiblast proper gives rise only to the epidermis and to certain parts of the nervous system. In the same way their mucous layer corresponds to the hypoblast with so much of the mesoblast as takes part in the formation of the organs of organic life. Their vascular layer therefore answers to a part only of the mesoblast viz. that part in which blood-vessels are especially developed. From the 8th to the 12th hour. The changes which next take place result in the complete differen- tiation of the embryonic layers, a process which is inti- mately connected with the formation of a structure known as the primitive streak. The full meaning of the III.] THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. 53 latter structure, and its relation to the embryo, can how- ever only be understood by comparison with the develop- ment of the lower forms of vertebrate life. It will be remembered that in surface views of the unincubated blastoderm a small arc, at what we stated to be the posterior end, close to the junction between the area opaca and the area pellucida is distinguished by its more opaque appearance. In the surface view the primitive streak appears as a linear opacity, which gradually grows forwards from the middle of this arc till it reaches about one-third of the diameter of the FIG. 14. pr s AREA PELLUCIDA OF A VERY YOUNG BLASTODERM OF A CHICK, SHEWING THE PRIMITIVE STREAK SHORTLY AFTER ITS FIRST APPEARANCE. pr.s. primitive streak ; ap. area pellucida ; a.op. area opaca. area pellucida. During the formation of the primitive streak the embryonic shield grows fainter and finally vanishes. When definitely established the primitive streak has the appearance diagrammatically represented in Fig. 14. 54 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. Sections at this stage throw a very important light on the nature and mode of origin of the primitive streak. In the region in front of it the blastoderm is still formed of two layers only, but in the region of the streak itself the structure of the blastoderm is greatly altered. The most important features in it are repre- sented in Fig. 15. This figure shews that the median FIG. 15. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH A BLASTODERM OF ABOUT THE AGE REPRESENTED IN FlG. 14, SHEWING THE FlRST DIF- FERENTIATION OF THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. The section passes through about the middle of the primitive streak. pvs. primitive streak ; ep. epiblast ; Jiy. hypoblast ; yk. yolk of the germinal wall. portion of the blastoderm has become very much thick- ened (thus producing the opacity of the primitive streak), and that this thickening is caused by a proliferation of rounded cells from the epiblast. In the very young primitive streak, of which Fig. 15 is a section, the rounded cells are still continuous throughout with the epiblast, but they form nevertheless the rudiment of the greater part of a sheet of mesoblast, which will soon arise in this region. III.] THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. 55 In addition to the cells clearly derived from the epiblast, there are certain other cells (Fig. 15), closely adjoining the hypoblast ; these are derivatives of the cells, interposed between the epiblast and hypoblast, which gave rise to the appearance of the embryonic shield during the previous stage. In our, opinion these cells also have a share in forming the future meso- blast. It thus appears that the primitive streak is essen- tially a linear proliferation of epiblast cells; the cells produced being destined to give rise to the mesoblast. This proliferation first commences at the hinder end of the area pellucida, and thence proceeds forwards. While the primitive streak is being established, the epiblast becomes two or more rows of cells deep in the region of the area pellucida. Soon after this, the hitherto circular pellucid area becomes oval (the opaque area remaining circular). The oval is, with remarkable regularity, so placed that its long axis forms a right angle, or very nearly a right angle, with the long axis of the egg itself. Its narrow end corresponds with the future hind end of the embryo. If an egg be placed with its broad end to the right hand of the observer, the head of the embryo will in nearly all cases be found pointing away from him. The 12th to the 16th hour. The primitive streak at its first appearance is shadowy and ill-defined; gradu- ally however it becomes more distinct; and during the same period the pellucid area rapidly increases in size, and from being oval becomes pear-shaped (Fig. 16). The primitive streak grows even more rapidly than the pellucid area; so that by the 16th hour it is not only 56 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. absolutely, but also relatively to the pellucid area, longer than it was at the 12th hour. It finally occupies about two-thirds of the length of the area pellucida; but its hinder end in many instances appears to stop short of the posterior border of the area pellucida (Fig. 16). The median line of the Fm. 16. SURFACE VIEW OF THE AREA PELLUCIDA OF A CHICK'S BLASTODERM SHORTLY AFTER THE FORMATION OF THE PRIMITIVE GROOVE. pr. primitive streak with primitive groove ; of. amniotic fold. The darker shading round the primitive streak shews the extension of the mesoblast. primitive streak becomes marked by a shallow furrow running along its axis. In fresh specimens, viewed with transmitted light, this furrow appears as a linear trans- parency, but in hardened specimens seen under reflected light may be distinctly recognized as a narrow groove, III.] THE PRIMITIVE GROOVE. 57 the bottom of which, being thinner than the sides, appears more transparent when viewed with transmitted light. It is known as the primitive groove. Its depth and the extent of its development are subject to great variations. During these changes in external appearance there grow from the edges of the cord of cells constituting the primitive streak two lateral wings of mesoblast cells, whiclj gradually extend till they reach the sides of the area pellucida (Fig. 17). The two wings of mesoblast meet along the line of the primitive streak, where they still remain attached to the epiblast. During this period many sections through the primitive streak give an impression of the mesoblast being involuted along the lips of a groove. The hypoblast below the primitive streak is always quite independent of the mesoblast above, though much more closely attached to it in the median line than at the sides. The part of the mesoblast, which we believe to be derived from the primitive lower layer cells, can generally be distinctly traced. In many cases, especially at the front end of the primitive streak, it forms, as in Fig. 17, a distinct layer of stellate cells, quite unlike the rounded cells of the mesoblastic involution of the primitive streak. In the region in front of the primitive streak, where the first trace of the embryo will shortly appear, the layers at first undergo no important changes, except that the hypoblast becomes somewhat thicker. Soon, however, as shewn in longitudinal section in Fig. 18, the hypoblast along the axial line becomes continuous be- hind with the front end of the primitive streak. Thus at this point, which is the future hind end of the 58 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. III.] FORMATION OF THE EMBRYO. 59 FIG. 17. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE FRONT END OP THE PRI- MITIVE STREAK OF A BLASTODERM OF THE SAME AGE AS FIG. 16. pv. primitive groove ; m. mesoblast ; ep. epiblast ; hy. hypo- blast ; yh. yolk of germinal wall. FIG. 18. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE AXIAL LINE OF THE PRIMITIVE STREAK, AND THE PART OF THE BLASTODERM IN FRONT OF IT, OF THE BLASTODERM OF A CHICK SOME- WHAT YOUNGER THAN FlG. 19. pr.s. primitive streak ; ep. epiblast ; hy. hypoblast of region in front of primitive streak ; n. nuclei ; yk. yolk of germinal wall. embryo, the mesoblast, the epiblast, and the hypoblast all unite together. From the 16th to the 20th hours. At about the 16th hour, in blastoderms of the stage represented in Fig. 16, an important change takes place in the constitution of the primitive hypoblast in front of the primitive streak. The rounded cells, of which it is at first composed (Fig. 18), break up into (1) a layer formed of a single row of more or less flattened elements below the hypoblast proper and (2) into a layer formed of several rows of stellate elements, between the hypoblast and the epiblast the mesoblast (Fig. 19 m). A separation between these two layers is at first hardly apparent, and before it has become at all well marked, especially in the median line, an axial opaque line makes its appearance in surface views, continued forwards from the front end of the primitive streak, but stopping short at a semicircular 60 THE FIRST DAY. FIG. 19. [CHAP. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE EMBRYONIC KEGION OF THE BLASTODERM OF A CHICK SHORTLY PRIOR TO THE FORMATION OF THE MEDULLARY GROOVE AND NOTO- CHORD. m. median line of the section ; ep. epiblast ; 11. lower layer cells (primitive hypoblast) not yet completely differentiated into mesoblast and hypoblast ; n. nuclei. fold the future head-fold near the front end of the area pellucida. In section (Fig. 20) this opaque line is seen to be due to a special concentration of cells in the form of a cord. This cord is the commencement of an extremely important structure found in all vertebrate embryos, which is known as the notochord (ch). In most instances the commencing notochord remains attached to the hypoblast, after the mesoblast has at the sides become quite detached (vide Fig. 20), but in other cases the notochord appears to become differentiated in the already separated layer of mesoblast. In all cases the notochord and the hypoblast below it unite with the front end of the primitive streak; with which also the two lateral plates of mesoblast become continuous. From what has just been said it is clear that in the region of the embryo the mesoblast originates as two lateral plates split off from the primitive hypoblast, and III.] THE NOTOCHORD. FIG. 20. 61 TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE EMBRYONIC REGION OF THE BLASTODERM OF A CHICK AT THE TIME OF THE FORMATION OF THE NOTOCHORD, BUT BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OF THE MEDULLARY GROOVE. ep. epiblast ; hy. hypoblast ; ch. notochord ; me. mesoblast ; ylc. yolk of germinal wall. FIG. 21. TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A BLASTODERM INCUBATED FOR 18 HOURS. The section passes through the medullary groove we., at some distance behind its front end. A. Epiblast. B. Mesoblast. C. Hypoblast. m.c. medullary groove ; m.f. medullary fold ; ch. notochord. 62 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. that the notochord originates simultaneously with the mesoblast,with which it is at first continuous, as a median plate similarly of hypoblastic origin. Kolliker 1 holds that the mesoblast of the region of the em- bryo is derived from a forward growth from the primitive streak. There is no theoretical objection to this view, and we think it would be impossible to shew for certain by sections whether or no there is a growth such as he describes ; but such sections as that represented in Fig. 19 (and we have series of such sections from several embryos) appear to us to be conclusive in favour of the view that the mesoblast of the region of the embryo is to a large extent derived from a differentiation of the primitive hypoblast. The mesoblast of the primitive streak forms in part the vascular structures found in the area pellucida, and probably also in part the mesoblast of the allantois. The differentiation of the embryo may be said to commence with the formation of the notochord and the lateral plates of mesoblast. Very shortly after the for- mation of these parts, the axial part of the epiblast above the notochord and in front of the primitive streak, being here somewhat thicker than in the lateral parts, becomes differentiated into a distinct medullary plate, the sides of which form two folds known as the medullary folds, enclosing between them a groove known as the medullary groove. The medullary plate itself consti- tutes that portion of the epiblast which gives rise to the central nervous system. Between the 18th to the 20th hour the medullary groove, with its medullary folds or laminae dorsales, is fully established. It then presents the appearance, to- wards the hinder extremity of the embryo, of a shallow 1 Entwick. d. Menschen u. hoheren Thiere. Leipzig, 1879. III.] THE NOTOCHORD. 63 groove with sloping diverging walls, which embrace be- tween them the front end of the primitive streak. Passing forwards towards what will become the head of the embryo the groove becomes narrower and deeper with steeper walls. On reaching the head-fold (Fig. 22), which continually becomes more and more prominent, the medullary folds curve round and meet each other in the middle line, so as to form a somewhat rounded end to the groove. In front therefore the canal does not become lost by the gradual flattening and divergence of its walls, as is the case behind, but has a definite termi- nation, the limit being marked by the head-fold. In front of the head-fold, quite out of the region of the medullary folds, there is usually another small fold formed earlier than the head-fold, which is the begin- ning of the amnion (Fig. 22). The appearance of the embryo and its relation to the surrounding parts are somewhat diagrammatically represented in Fig. 22. The primitive streak now ends with an anterior swelling (not represented in the figure), and is usually somewhat unsymmetrical. In most cases its axis is more nearly continuous with the left, or rarely the right, medullary fold than with the medullary groove. In sections its front end appears as a ridge on one side or rarely in the middle of the floor of the wide medullary groove. The general structure of the developing embryo at the present stage is best understood from such a section as that represented in Fig. 21. The medullary groove (m. c.) lined by thickened epiblast is seen in the median line of the section. Below it is placed the notochord (cA), which at this stage is a mere rod of cells, and on each THE FIRST DAY. Fm. 22. [CHAP. ^IT- VIEW OF THE PELLUCID AREA OF A BLASTODERM OF 18 HOURS. None of the opaque area is shewn, the pear-shaped outline indicating the limits of the pellucid area. At the hinder part of the area isseen the primitive groove pr., with its nearly parallel walls, fading away behind, but curv- ing round and meeting in front so as to form a distinct anterior termination to the groove, about half way up the pellucid area. Above the primitive groove is seen the medullary groove m.c., with the medullary folds A. These diverging behind, slope away on either side of the primitive groove, while in front they curve round and meet each other close upon a curved line which repre- sents the head-fold. The second curved line in front of and concentric with the first is the commencing fold of the amnion. III.] THE GERMINAL WALL. 65 side are situated the mesoblastic plates (B). The hypo- blast forms a continuous and nearly flat layer below. While the changes just described have been occur- ring in the area pellucida, the growth of the area opaca has also progressed actively. The epiblast has greatly extended itself, and important changes have taken place in the constitution of the germinal wall already spoken of. The mesoblast and hypoblast of the area opaca do not arise by simple extension of the corresponding layers of the area pellucida ; but the whole of the hypoblast of the area opaca, and a large portion of the meso- blast, and possibly even some of the epiblast, take their origin from the peculiar material which forms the germinal wall and which is continuous with the hypo- blast at the edge of the area opaca (vide figs. 15, 17, 18, 19, 20). The exact nature of this material has been the subject of many controversies. Into these controversies it is not our purpose to enter, but subjoined are the results of our own examination. The germinal wall first consists, as already mentioned, of the lower cells of the thickened edge of the blastoderm, and of the subjacent yolk material with nuclei. During the period before the formation of the primitive streak the epiblast appears to extend itself over the yolk, partly at the expense of the cells of the germinal wall, and possibly even of cells formed around the nuclei in this part. The cells of the germinal wall, which are at first well separated from the yolk below, become gradually ab- sorbed in the growth of the hypoblast, and the remaining cells and yolk then become mingled together, and constitute a com- pound structure, continuous at its inner border with the hypo- blast. This structure is the germinal wall usually so described. It is mainly formed of yolk granules with numerous nuclei, and a somewhat variable number of rather large cells imbedded F. & B. 5 66 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. amongst them. The nuclei, some of which are probably enclosed by a definite cell body, typically form a special layer immedi- ately below the epiblast. A special mass of nuclei (vid-e Tigs. 18 and 20, n) is usually present at the junction of the hypoblast with the germinal wall. The germinal wall retains the characters just enumerated till near the close of the first day of incubation. One function of its cells appears to be the absorption of yolk material for the growth of the embryo. The chief events then of the second period of the first day are the appearance of the medullary folds and groove, the formation of the notochord and lateral plates of mesoblast, the beginning of the head-fold and amnion, and the histological changes taking place in the several layers. Prom the 20th to the 24th hour. A view of the embryo during this period is given in Fig. 23. The head-fold enlarges rapidly, the crescentic groove becoming deeper, while at the same time the over- hanging margin of the groove (the upper limb of the g), rises up above the level of the blastoderm ; in fact, the formation of the head of the embryo may now be said to have definitely begun. The medullary folds, increasing in size in every dimension, but especially in height, lean over from either side towards the middle line, and thus tend more and more to roof in the medullary canal, espe- cially near the head. About the end of the first day they come into direct contact in the region which will afterwards become the brain, though they do not as yet coalesce. In this way a tubular canal is formed. This is the medullary or neural canal (Fig. 23, Fig. 24, III.] THE MEDULLARY CANAL. 67 FIG. 23. DORSAL VIEW OF THE HARDENED AREA PELLUCIDA OF A CHICK WITH FIVE MESOBLASTIG SOMITES. THE MEDULLARY FOLDS HAVE MET FOR PART OF THEIR EXTENT, BUT HAVE NOT UNITED. anterior part of the primitive streak ; posterior part of the primitive streak. Me.). It is not completely closed in till a period con- siderably later than the one we are considering. Meanwhile important changes are taking place in the axial portions of the mesoblast, which lie on each side of the notochord beneath the medullary folds. In an embryo of the middle period of this day, examined with transmitted light, the notochord is seen at the bottom of the medullary groove between the medullary folds, as a transparent line shining through the floor of the groove when the embryo is viewed from above. On either side of the notochord the body of the embryo appears somewhat opaque, 52 68 THE FIKST DAY. [CHAP. owing to the thickness of the medullary folds; as these folds slope away outwards on either side, so the opacity gradually fades away in the pellucid area. There is present at the sides no sharp line of demarca- tion between the body of the embryo and the rest of the area; nor will there be any till the lateral folds make their appearance ; and transverse vertical sections shew (Fig. 21) that there is no break in the mesoblast, from the notochord to the margin of the pellucid area, but only a gradual thinning. During the latter period of the day, however, the plates of mesoblast on either side of the notochord begin to be split horizontally into two layers, the one of which attaching itself to the epiblast, forms with it the somatopleure (shewn for a somewhat later stage in Fig. 24), while the other, attaching itself to the hypoblast, forms with it the splanchnopleure. By the separation of these two layers from each other, a cavity (Pp), containing fluid only, and more con- spicuous in certain parts of the embryo than in others, is developed. This cavity is the beginning of that great serous cavity of the body which afterwards becomes divided into separate cavities. We shall speak of it as the pleuro-peritoneal cavity. This cleavage into somatopleure and splanchno- pleure extends close up to the walls of the medullary canal, but close to the medullary canal a central or axial portion of each plate becomes marked off by a slight constriction from the peripheral (Fig. 24), and receives the name of vertebral plate, the more external mesoblast being called the lateral plate. The cavity between the two layers of the lateral plate rapidly III.] VERTEBRAL PLATE. 69 enlarges, while that in the vertebral plate remains in the condition of a mere split. FIG. 24. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE DORSAL REGION OP AN EMBRYO OF THE SECOND DAY (copied from His), intro- duced here to illustrate the formation of the mesoblastic somiti^, and the cleavage of the mesoblast. M. medullary canal ; Pv. mesoblastic somite ; w. rudiment of Wolffian duct; A. epiblast; C. hypoblast ; Ch. notochord ; Ao. aorta ; BO. splanchnopleure. At first each vertebral plate is not only unbroken along its length, but also continuous at its outer edge with the upper and lower layers of the lateral plate of the same side. Very soon, however, clear trans- verse lines are seen, in surface views (Fig. 23), stretch- ing inwards across each vertebral plate from the edge of the lateral plate towards the notochord ; while a transparent longitudinal line makes its appearance on either side of the notochord along the line of junction of the lateral with the vertebral plate. The transverse lines are caused by the formation of vertical clefts, that is to say, narrow spaces containing nothing but clear fluid ; and sections shew that they 70 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. are due to breaches of continuity in the mesoblast only, the epiblast and hypoblast having no share in the matter. Thus each vertebral plate appears in surface views to be cut up into a series of square plots, bounded by transparent lines (Fig. 23). Each square plot is the surface of a corresponding cubical mass (Fig. 24, Pv.). The two such cubical masses first formed, lying one on each side of the notochord, beneath and a little to the outside of the medullary folds, are the first pair of mesoblastic somites 1 . The mesoblastic somites form the basis out of which the voluntary muscles of the trunk and the bodies of the vertebrae are formed. The first somite rises close to the anterior ex- tremity of the primitive streak, but the next is stated to arise in front of this, so that the first-formed so- mite corresponds to the second permanent vertebra. The region of the embryo in front of the second formed somite at first the largest part of the whole embryo is the cephalic region (Fig. 23). The somites following the second are formed in regular succession from before backwards, out of the unsegmented mesoblast of the posterior end of the embryo, which rapidly grows in length to supply the necessary material. With the growth of the embryo the primitive streak is con- tinually carried back, the lengthening of the embryo always taking place between the front end of the primitive streak and the last somite ; and during this 1 These bodies are frequently called protovertebra, but we shall employ for them the term mesoblastic somites. III.] THE NEURENTERIC PASSAGE. 71 process the primitive streak undergoes important changes both in itself and in its relation to the embryo. Its anterior thicker part, which is embraced by the diverging medullary folds, soon becomes distinguished in structure from the posterior part, and is placed symmetrically in relation to the axis of the embryo, (Fig. 23, at the same time the medullary folds, which at first simply diverge on each side of the primitive streak, bend in again and meet behind so as completely to enclose this front part of the primi- tive streak. The region, where the medullary folds diverge, is known as the sinus rhomboidalis of the embryo bird, though it has no connection with the similarly named structure in the adult. This is a convenient place to notice remarkable appearances which present themselves close to the junction of the neural plate and the primitive streak. These are temporary passages leading from the hinder end of the neural groove or tube into the alimen- tary canal. They vary somewhat in different species of birds, and it is possible that in some species there may be several openings of the kind, which appear one after the other and then close again. They were first discovered by Gasser, and are spoken of as the neur "enteric passages or canals 1 . In all cases, with some doubtful exceptions, they lead round the posterior end of the notochord, or through the point where the notochord falls into the primitive streak. The largest of these passages is present in the embryo duck with twenty-six mesoblastic somites, and is represented in the series of sections (Fig. 25). The passage leads obliquely back- wards and ventralwards from the hind end of the neural tube 1 "Die Primitivstreifen bei Vogelembryonen." Schrift. d. Gesell. z. Beford d. Gesammten Naturwiss. zu Marburg. Vol. u. Supple- ment i. 1879. 72 THE FIRST DAY. FIG. 25. [CHAP. FOUR TRANSVERSE SECTIONS THROUGH THE NEURENTERIC PASSAGE AND ADJOINING PARTS IN A DUCK EMBRYO WITH TWENTY-SIX MESOBLASTC SOMITES. A. Section in front of the neurenteric canal, shewing a lumen in the notochord. B. Section through the passage from the medullary canal into the notochord. C. Section shewing the hypoblastic opening of the neuren- teric canal, and the groove on the surface of the primitive streak, which opens in front into the medullary canal. D. Primitive streak immediately behind the opening of the neurenteric passage. me. medullary canal ; ep. epi blast ; hy. hypoblast ; ch. noto- chord ; pr. primitive streak. in.] THE NEUKENTERIC PASSAGE. 73 into the notochord, where the latter joins the primitive streak (B). A narrow diverticulum from this passage is continued for- wards for a short distance along the axis of the notochord (A, cfi). After traversing the notochord, the passage is continued into a hypoblastic diverticulum, which opens ventrally into the future lumen of the alimentary tract (C). Shortly behind the point where the neurenteric passage communicates with the neural tube the latter structure opens dorsally, and a groove on the surface of the primitive streak is continued backwards from it for a short distance (C). The first part of this passage to appear is the hypoblastic diverticulum above mentioned. FIG. 20. DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE POS- TERIOR END OF AN EMBRYO BIRD AT THE TIME OF THE FORMATION OF THE ALLANTOIS. ep. epiblast ; Sp.c. spinal canal ; ch. notochord ; n.e. neurenteric canal ; hy. hypoblast ; p.a.g. post-anal gut ; pr. remains of primitive streak folded in on the ventral side ; al. allantois ; me. mesoblast ; an. point where anus will be formed ; p.c. perivisceral cavity ; am. amnion ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure. In the chick we have found in some cases an incomplete pas- prior to the formation of the first somite. At a later stage 74 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. there is a perforation on the floor of the neural canal, which is not so marked as those in the goose or duck, and never results in a complete continuity between the neural and alimentary tracts ; but simply leads from the floor of the neural canal into the tissues of the tail-swelling, and thence into a cavity in the posterior part of the notochord. The hinder diverticulum of the neural canal along the line of the primitive groove is, moreover, very considerable in the chick, and is not so soon obliterated as in the goose. The incomplete passage in the chick arises at a period when about twelve somites are present. The third passage is formed in the chick during the third day of incuba- tion. The anterior part of the primitive streak becomes con- verted into the tail-swelling ; the groove of the posterior part gradually shallows and finally disappears. The hinder part itself atrophies from behind forwards, and in the course of the folding off of the embryo from the yolk the part of the blastoderm where it was placed becomes folded in, so as to form part of the ventral wall of the embryo. The apparent hinder part of the primitive streak is therefore in reality ventral and anterior in relation to the embryo. Since the commencement of incubation the area opaca has been spreading outwards over the surface of the yolk, and by the end of the first day has reached about the diameter of a sixpence. It appears more or less mottled over the greater part of its extent, but this is more particularly the case with the portion lying next to the pellucid area ; so much so, that around the pel- lucid area an inner ring of the opaque area may be distinguished from the rest by the difference of its aspect. The mottled appearance of this inner ring is due to changes taking place in the mesoblast above the germi- nal wall changes which eventually result in the forma- III.] SUMMARY. 75 tion of what is called the vascular area, the outer border of which marks the extreme limit to which the meso- blast extends. The changes then which occur during the first day may thus be briefly summarized : (1) The hypoblast is formed as a continuous layer of plate-like cells from the lower layer of the segmenta- tion spheres. (2) The primitive streak is formed in the hinder part of the area pellucida as a linear proliferation of epiblast cells. These cells spread out as a layer on each side of the primitive streak, and form part of the mesoblast. (3) The primitive groove is formed along the axis of the primitive streak. (4) The pellucid area becomes pear-shaped, the broad end corresponding with the future head of the embryo. Its long axis lies at right angles to the long axis of the egg. (5) The medullary plate with the medullary groove makes its appearance in front of the primitive groove. (6) The primitive hypoblast in the region of the medullary plate gives rise to an axial rod of cells forming the notochord, and to two lateral plates of mesoblast. The innermost stratum of the primitive layer forms the permanent hypoblast. (7) The development of the head-fold gives rise to the first definite appearance of the head. (8) The medullary folds rise up and meet first in the region of the mid-brain to form the neural tube. (9) By the cleavage of the mesoblast, the somato- pleure separates from the splanchnopleure. 76 THE FIRST DAY. [CHAP. III. (10) One or more pairs of mesoblastic somites make their appearance in the vertebral portion of the meso- blastic plates. (11) The first trace of the amnion appears in front of the head-fold. (12) The vascular area begins to be distinguished from the rest of the opaque area. CHAPTER IV. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THE SECOND DAY. General development. I n attempting to remove the blastoderm from an egg which has undergone from 30 to 36 hours' incubation, the observer can- not fail to notice a marked change in the consist- ency of the blastodermic structures. The excessive delicacy and softness of texture which rendered the extraction of an 18 or 20 hours' blastoderm so difficult, has given place to a considerable amount of firmness; the outlines of the embryo and its appendages are much bolder and more distinct; and the whole blastoderm can be removed from the egg with much greater ease. In the embryo itself viewed from above one of the features which first attracts attention is the progress in the head-fold (Fig. 27). The upper limb or- head has become much more prominent, while the lower groove is not only proportionately deeper, but is also being carried back beneath the body of the embryo. The medullary folds are closing rapidly. In the region of the head they have quite coalesced, a slight notch in the middle line at the extreme front marking 78 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. for some little time their line of junction (Fig. 23). The open medullary groove of the first day has thus become converted into a tube, the neural canal, closed in front, but as yet open behind. Even before the p.r EMBRYO OF THE CHICK BETWEEN THIRTY AND THIRTY-SIX HOURS, VIEWED FROM ABOVE AS AN OPAQUE OBJECT. (Chromic acid preparation.) f.b. front-brain : mb. mid-brain ; h. b. hind-brain ; op.v. optic vesi- cle ; au.p. auditory pit ; o.f. vitelline vein ; p.v. mesoblastic somite; m.f. line of junction of the medullary folds above the IV.] THE BRAIN. 79 medullary canal ; s.r. sinus rhomboidalis ; t. tail-fold ; p.r. remains of primitive groove (not satisfactorily represented) ; a.p. area pellucida. The line to the side between p.v. and m.f. represents the true length of the embryo. The fiddle-shaped outline indicates the margin of the pellucid area. The head, which reaches as far back as o.f., is dis- tinctly marked off; but neither the somatopleuric nor splanchnopleuric folds are shewn in the figure ; the latter diverge at the level of o./., the former considerably nearer the front, somewhere between the lines m.b. and h. b. The optic vesicles op.v. are seen bulging out beneath the superfi- cial epiblast. The heart lying underneath the opaque body cannot be seen. The tail-fold t. is just indicated ; no dis- tinct lateral folds are as yet visible in the region midway between head and tail. At m.f. the line of junction between the medullary folds is K still visible, being lost forwards over the cerebral vesicles, while behind may be seen the remains of the sinus rhomboidalis, s.r. medullary folds coalesce completely in the cephalic region, the front end of the neural canal dilates into a small bulb, whose cavity remains continuous with the rest of the canal, and whose walls are similarly formed of epiblast. This bulb is known as the first cerebral vesicle, Fig. 27, /A, and makes its appearance in the early hours of the second day. From its sides two lateral processes almost at once grow out : they are known as the optic vesicles (Fig. 27, op. v.), and their history will be dealt with at length somewhat later. Behind the first cerebral vesicle a second and a third soon make their appearance ; they are successively formed very shortly after the first vesicle ; but the consideration of them may be conveniently reserved to- a later period. At the level of the hind end of the 80 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. AN EMBRYO CHICK OF ABOUT THIRTY-SIX HOURS, VIEWED FROM BELOW AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. FB. the fore-brain or first cerebral vesicle, projecting from the sides of which are seen the optic vesicles, op. A definite head is now constituted, the backward limit of the somato- pleure fold being indicated by the faint line S.O. Around the head are seen the two limbs of the amniotic head-fold : one, the true amnion a, closely enveloping the head, the other, the false amnion a', at some distance from it. The head is seen to project beyond the anterior limit of the pellucid area. The splanchnopleure folds extend as far back as sp. Along its diverging limbs are seen the conspicuous venous roots of IV.] THE MESOBLASTIC SOMITES. 81 the vitelline veins, uniting to form the heart h, already established by the coalescence of two lateral halves which, continuing forward as the bulbus arteriosus b. a., is lost in the substance of the head just in front of the somatopleure fold. HE. hind-brain ; ME. mid-brain ; p.v. and mesoblastic somites ; ch. front end of notochord ; me. posterior part of notochord ; e. parietal mesoblast ; pi. outline of area pellu- cida ; pv. primitive streak. head two shallow pits are visible. They constitute the first rudiments of the organ of hearing, and are known as the auditory pits (Fig. 27, au.p.*). fc ), a cul de sac, in fact, lined with hypoblast and reaching from the extreme front of the embryo to the point where the splanchnopleuric leaf of the head-fold (Fig. 29, F. Sp) turns back on itself. This cul de sac, which of course be- comes longer and longer the farther back the head-fold is carried, is the rudiment of the front end of the alimen- tary canal, the fore-gut, as it might be called. In trans- verse section it appears to be flattened horizontally, and also bent, so as to have its convex surface looking downwards (Fig. 30, al). At first the anterior end is quite blind, there being no mouth as yet; the formation of this at a subsequent date will be described later on. At the end of the first half of the second day the head-fold has not proceeded very far backwards, and its limits can easily be seen in the fresh embryo both from above and from below (Fig. 28). The heart. It is in the head-fold that the forma- tion of the heart takes place, its mode of origin being connected with that cleavage of the mesoblast and con- sequent formation of splanchnopleure and somatopleure of which we have already spoken. At the extreme end of the embryo (Fig. 29), where the blastoderm begins to be folded back, the mesobtast is never cleft, and here consequently there is neither somatopleure nor splanchnopleure ; but at a point a IV.] THE HEART. FIG. 29. 83 N.C. F.So. DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE Axis OF AN EMBRYO. The section is supposed to be made at a time when the head- fold has commenced but the tail-fold has not yet appeared. N.C. neural canal, closed in front but as yet open behind. Ch. notochord. The section being taken in the middle line, the protovertebrse are of course not shewn. In front of the notochord is seen a mass of uncleft mesoblast, which will eventually form part of the skull. D. the commencing foregut or front part of the alimentary canal. F. So. Somatopleure, raised up in its peripheral portion into the amniotic fold Am. Sp. Splanchnopleure. At Sp. it forms the under wall of the foregut ; at F. Sp. it is turning round and about to run forward. Just at its turning point the cavity of the heart Ht. is being developed in its mesoblast. pp. pleuroperitoneal cavity. A epiblast, B mesoblast, C hypoblast, indicated in the rest of the figure by differences in the shading. At the part where these three lines of reference end the mesoblast is as yet uncleft. very little further back, close under the blind end of the foregut, the cleavage (at the stage of which we are speaking) begins, and the somatopleure, F. So, and Splanchnopleure, F. Sp. diverge from each other. They 62 84 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. thus enclose between them a cavity, pp, which rapidly increases behind by reason of the fact that the fold of the splanchnopleure is carried on towards the hinder extremity of the embryo considerably in advance of that of the somatopleure. Both folds, after running a certain distance towards the hind end of the embryo, are turned round again, and then course once more for- wards over the yolk-sac. As they thus return (the somatopleure having meanwhile given off the fold of the amnion, Am.), they are united again to form the uncleft blastodermic investment of the yolk-sac. In this way the cavity arising from their separation is closed below. It is in this cavity, which from its mode of forma- tion the reader will recognise as a part (and indeed at this epoch it constitutes the greater part) of the general pleuroperitoneal cavity, that the heart is formed. This makes its appearance at the under surface and hind end of the foregut, just where the splanchnopleure folds turn round to pursue a forward course (Fig. 29, Ht.) ; and by the end of the first half of the second day (Fig. 28, h) has acquired somewhat the form of a flask with a slight bend to the right. At its anterior end a slight swelling marks the future bulbus arteriosus ; and a bulging behind indicates the position of the auricles. It is hollow, and its cavity opens behind into two vessels called the vitelline veins (Figs. 27, o.f. and 28 sp.), which pass outwards in the folds of the splanchno- pleure at nearly right angles to the axis of the embryo. The anterior extremity of the heart is connected with the two aortae. The heart, including both its muscular wall and its IV.] THE HEART. 85 epitheloid lining, is developed out of the splanchnic mesoblast on the ventral side of the throat. But since the first commencements of the heart make their appearance prior to the formation of the throat, the development of this organ is somewhat complicated; and in order to gain a clear conception of the manner in which it takes place the topography of the region where it is formed needs to be very distinctly under- stood. In the region where the heart is about to appear, the splanchnopleure is continually being folded in on either side, and these lateral folds are progressively meeting and uniting in the middle line to form the under or ventral wall of the foregut. At any given moment these folds will be found to have completely united in the middle line along a certain distance measured from the point in front where the cleavage of the mesoblast (i.e. the separation into somatopleure and splanch- nopleure) begins, to a particular point farther back. They will here be found to be diverging from the point where they were united, and not only diverging late- rally each from the middle line, but also both turning so as to run in a forward direction to regain the surface of the yolk and rejoin the somatopleure, Fig. 29. In a transverse section taken behind this extreme point of union, or point of divergence, as we may call it, the splanchnopleure on either side when traced downwards from the axis of the embryo may be seen to bend in towards the middle so as to approach its fellow, and then to run rapidly outwards, Fig. 31, B. A longitudinal section shews that it runs forwards also at the same time, Fig. 29. A section through the very point of 86 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. divergence shews the two folds meeting in the middle line and then separating again, so as to form something like the letter x, with the upper limbs converging, and the lower limbs diverging. In a section taken in front of the point of divergence, the lower diverging limbs of the x have disappeared altogether; nothing is left but the upper limbs, which, completely united in the middle line, form the under-wall of the fore- gut. As development proceeds, what we have called the point of divergence is continually being carried farther and farther back, so that the distance between it and the point where the somatopleure and splanchnopleure separate from each other in front, i. e. the length of the foregut, is continually increasing. In the chick, as we have already stated, the heart commences to be formed in a region where the folds of the splanchnopleure have not yet united to form the ventral wall of the throat, and appears in the form of two thickenings of the mesoblast of the splanchno- pleure, along the diverging folds, i.e. along the lower limbs of the x, just behind the point of divergence. These thickenings are continued into each other by a similar thickening of the mesoblast extending through the point of divergence itself. The heart has thus at first the form of an inverted V, and consists of two independent cords of splanchnic mesoblast which meet in front, without however uniting. As the foldirig-in of the splanchnopleure is continued backwards the two diverging halves of the heart are gradually brought together. Thus very soon the develop- ing heart has the form of an inverted Y, consisting of an IV.] THE HEART. 87 unpaired portion in front and two diverging limbs be- hind. The unpaired portion is the true heart, while the diverging limbs are the vitelline veins already spoken of (Fig. 28, sp). While the changes just spoken of have been taking place in the external form of the heart, its internal parts have also become differentiated. A cavity is formed in each of the halves of the heart before even they have coalesced. Each of these cavities has at first the form of an irregular space FIG. 30. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE HEAD OF AN EMBRYO CHICK OF THIRTY HOURS. hb. hind-brain ; vg. vagus nerve ; ep. epiblast ; ch. notochord ; x. thickening of hypoblast (possibly a rudiment of the sub- notochordal rod) ; al. throat ; lit. heart ; pp. body cavity ; so. somatic mesoblast ; sf. splanchnic mesoblast ; hy. hypo- blast. 88 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. between the splanchnic mesoblast and the wall of the throat (Fig. 30, fit.). During their formation (Fig. 30), a thin layer of mesoblast remains in contact with the hypoblast, but connected with the main mass of the mesoblast of the heart by protoplasmic processes. A second layer next becomes split from the main mass of mesoblast, being still connected with the first layer by the above-mentioned protoplasmic processes. These two layers unite to form a tube which constitutes the epithe- lioid lining of the heart ; the lumen of this tube is the cavity of the heart, and soon loses the protoplasmic trabeculse which at first traverse it. The cavity of the heart may thus be described as being formed by a hollowing out of the splanchnic mesoblast. Some of the central cells of the original thickenings probably become blood-corpuscles. The thick outer part of the cords of splanchnic meso- blast which form the heart become the muscular walls and peritoneal covering of this organ. The muscular wall of each division of the heart has at first the form of a half tube widely open on its dorsal aspect, that is towards the hypoblast of the gut (Fig. 30 and 32). After the two halves of the heart have coalesced in the manner already explained, the muscular walls grow in towards the middle line on the dorsal side until they meet each other and coalesce, thus forming a complete tube as shewn diagrammatically in Fig. 31, A. They remain, however, at first continuous with the splanchnic mesoblast surrounding the throat, thus forming a pro- visional mesentery the mesocardium attaching the heart to the ventral wall of the throat. The epithelioid tubes formed in the two halves of the heart remain for IV.] THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 89 some time separate, and cause the cavity of the heart to be divided into two tubes even after its two halves have to all appearance completely coalesced 1 . Soon after its formation the heart begins to beat ; its at first slow and rare pulsations beginning at the venous and passing on to the arterial end. It is of some interest to note that its functional activity commences long before the cells of which it is composed shew any distinct differentiation into muscular or nervous ele- ments. Vascular system. To provide channels for the fluid thus pressed by the contractions of the heart, a system of tubes has made its appearance in the meso- blast both of the embryo itself and of the vascular and pellucid areas. In front the single tube of the bulbus arteriosus bifurcates into two primitive aortce, each of which bending round the front end of the foregut, passes from its under to its upper side, the two forming together a sort of incomplete arterial collar imbedded in the mesoblast of the gut. Arrived at the upper side of the gut, they turn sharply round, and run separate but parallel to each other backwards towards the tail, in the mesoblast on each side of the notochord immediately under the mesoblastic somites (Figs. 32, Ao, 34, ao). About half way to the hinder extremity each gives off at right angles to the axis of the embryo a large branch, the vitelline artery (Fig. 36, Of, A.}, which, passing outwards, is distributed over the pellucid and vascular areas, the main trunk of each aorta passing on with greatly diminished calibre towards the tail, in which it becomes lost. 1 This is not shewn in the diagram, Fig. 31, A. 90 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. B lib. E Two DIAGRAMMATIC SECTIONS OF A THIRTY-SIX HOURS' EMBRYO ILLUSTRATING THE STRUCTURE OF THE HEART SHORTLY AFTER ITS FORMATION. A IS THE ANTERIOR SECTION. hb. hind brain ; nc. notochord ; E. epiblast ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure ; d. alimentary canal ; hy. hypoblast ; hz. (in A) heart ; of. vitelline vein. In A the two halves of the heart have coalesced to form an unpaired tube suspended from the ventral wall of the throat. IV.] THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 91 In B are seen in the diverging folds of the splanchnopleure the two vitelline veins (of) which will shortly unite to form the ductus venosus. "IT TRANSVERSE SECTION OF AN EMBRYO AT THE END OF THE SECOND DAY PASSING THROUGH THE REGION OF THE BULBUS ARTERIOSUS. (Copied from His.) M. medullary canal in the region of the hind brain ; V. anterior cardinal vein ; Ao. Aorta ; Ch. Notochord ; al. alimentary canal ; H. Heart (bulbus arteriosus) ; Pp. Pleuroperitoneal cavity; am. amnion. In the vascular and pellucid areas, the formation of vascular channels with a subsequent differentiation into arteries, capillaries and veins, is proceeding rapidly. Blood-corpuscles too are being formed in considerable numbers. The mottled yellow vascular area becomes covered with red patches consisting of aggregations of blood-corpuscles, often spoken of as blood-islands. Round the extreme margin of the vascular area and nearly completely encircling it, is seen a thin red line, the sinus or vena terminalis (Fig. 36, Sv.). This will soon increase in size and importance. From the vascular and pellucid area several large channels are seen to unite and form two large trunks, 92 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. one on either side, which running along the splanch- nopleure folds at nearly right angles to the axis of the embryo, unite at the " point of divergence " to join the venous end of the heart. These are the vitelline veins spoken of above. Both vessels and corpuscles are formed entirely from the cells of the mesoblast; arid in the regions where the mesoblast is cleft, are at first observed ex- clusively in the splanchnopleure. Ultimately of course they are found in the mesoblast everywhere. In the pellucid area, where the formation of the blood-vessels may be most easily observed, a number of mesoblastic cells are seen to send out processes (Fig. 33). These processes unite, and by their union a protoplasmic network is formed containing nuclei at the points from which the processes started. The nuclei, which as a rule are much elongated and contain large oval nucleoli, increase very rapidly by division, and thus form groups of nuclei at the, so to speak, nodal points of the network. Several nuclei may also be seen here and there in the processes themselves. The network being completed, these groups, by continued division of the nuclei, increase rapidly in size ; the protoplasm around them acquires a red colour, and the whole mass breaks up into blood-corpuscles (Fig. 33, b.c.) The proto- plasm on the outside of each group, as well as that of the uniting processes, remains granular, and together with the nuclei in it forms the walls of the blood-vessels. A plasma is secreted by the walls, and in this the blood-corpuscles float freely. Each nodal point is thus transformed into a more or less rounded mass of blood-corpuscles floating in plasma but en- veloped by a layer of nucleated protoplasm, the several groups being united by strands of nucleated protoplasm. These uniting strands rapidly increase in thickness; new processes are also continually being formed ; and thus the network is kept close and thickset while the area is increasing in size. By changes similar to those which took place in the nodal IV.] THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 93 points, blood-corpuscles make their appearance in the pro- cesses also, the central portions of which become at the same time liquefied. By the continued widening of the connecting processes and solution of their central portions, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the enveloping nucleated cells, the original proto- FIG. 33. SURFACE VIEW FROM BELOW OF A SMALL PORTION OF THE POSTERIOR END OF THE PELLUCID AREA OF A THIRTY-SIX HOURS' CHICK. To illustrate the formation of the blood- capillaries and blood-corpuscles, magnified 400 diameters. b.c. Blood-corpuscles at a nodal point, already beginning to acquire a red colour. They are enclosed in a layer of proto- plasm, in the outermost part of which are found nuclei, a. These nuclei subsequently become the nuclei of the cells forming the walls of the vessels. The nodal groups are united by protoplasmic processes (p*pr\ also containing nuclei with large nucleoli (ri). 94 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. plasmic network is converted into a system of communicating tubes, the canals of which contain blood-corpuscles and plasma, and the walls of which are formed of flattened nucleated cells. The blood-corpuscles pass freely from the nodal points into the hollow processes, and thus the network of protoplasm be- comes a network of blood-vessels, the nuclei of the corpuscles and of the walls of which have been, by separate paths of development, derived from the nuclei of the original protoplasm. The formation of the corpuscles does not proceed equally rapidly or to the same extent in all parts of the blastoderm. By far the greater part are formed in the vascular area, but some arise in the pellucid area, especially in the hinder part. In the front of the pellucid area the processes are longer and the network accordingly more open ; the corpuscles also are both later in appearing and less numerous when formed. Assuming the truth of the above account, it is evident that the blood-vessels of the yolk-sack of the chick do not arise as spaces or channels between adjacent cells of the mesoblast, but are hollowed out in the communicating protoplasmic substance of the cells themselves. The larger vessels of the trunk are however probably formed as spaces between the cells, much as is the case with the heart. Wolffian duct. About this period there may be seen in transverse sections, taken through the embryo in the region of the seventh to the eleventh somite a small group of cells (Fig. 34, W. d) projecting on either side from the mass of uncleft mesoblast on the outside of the mesoblastic somites, into the somewhat triangular space bounded by the epiblast above, the upper and outer angle of the mesoblastic somite on the inside, and the somatic mesoblast on the outside. This group of cells is the section of a longitudinal ridge, the rudiment of the Wolffian duct or primitive duct of the excretory system ; while the mass of cells IV.] SUMMARY. 95 from which it springs is known as the intermediate cell mass. We shall return to them immediately. Summary. The most important changes then which take place during the first half of the second day are, the closure of the medullary folds, especially in the anterior part, and the dilatation of the canal so formed into the first cerebral vesicle ; the establishment of a certain number of mesoblastic somites ; the elevation of the head from the plane of the blastoderm ; the forma- tion of the tubular heart and of the great blood-vessels ; and the appearance of the rudiment of the Wolffian duct. It is important to remember that the embryo of which we are now speaking is simply a part of the whole germinal membrane, which is gradually spreading over the surface of the yolk. It is important also to bear in mind that all that part of the embryo which is in front of the foremost somite corresponds to the future head, and the rest to the neck, body and tail. During this period the head occupies about a third of the whole length of the embryo. CHAPTER V. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE SECOND HALF OF THE SECOND DAY. ONE important feature of this stage is the rapid increase in the process of the folding-off of the embryo from the plane of the germ, and its consequent con- version into a distinct tubular cavity. At the begin- ning of the second day, the head alone projected from the rest of the germ, the remainder of the embryo being simply a part of a flat blastoderm, nearly com- pletely level from the front mesoblastic somite to the hind edge of the pellucid area. At this epoch, however, a tail-fold makes its appearance, elevating the tail above the level of the blastoderm in the same way that the head was elevated. Lateral folds also, one on either side, soon begin to be very obvious. By the progress of these, together with the rapid backward extension of the head-fold and the slower forward extension of the tail- fold, the body of the embryo becomes more and more distinctly raised up and marked off from the rest of the blastoderm. The medullary canal closes up rapidly. The wide sinus rhomboidalis becomes a narrow fusiform space, CHAP. V.] THE BRAIN. 97 and at the end of this period is entirely roofed over. The conversion of the original medullary groove into a closed tube is thus completed. The brain. In the region of the head most im- portant changes now take place. We saw that at the beginning of this day the front end of the medullary canal was dilated into a bulb, the first cerebral vesicle, which by budding off two lateral vesicles became con- verted into three vesicles : a median one connected by short hollow stalks with a lateral one on either side. The lateral vesicles known as the optic vesicles (Fig. 27, op. v, Fig. 35, a), become converted into parts of the eyes ; the median one still retains the name of the first cerebral vesicle. The original vesicle being primarily an involution of the epiblast, the walls of all three vesicles are formed of epiblast ; all three vesicles are in addition covered over with the common epiblastic investment which will eventually become the epidermis of the skin of the head. Between this superficial epiblast and the invo- luted epiblast of the vesicles, there exists a certain quantity of mesoblast to serve as the material out of which will be formed the dermis of the scalp, the skull, and other parts of the head. At this epoch, however, the mesoblast is found chiefly underneath the several vesicles (Fig. 30). A small quantity may in section be seen at the sides ; but at the top the epidermic epiblast is either in close contact with the involuted epiblast of the cerebral and optic vesicles or separated from it by fluid alone, there being as yet in this region between the two no cellular elements representing the mesoblast. The constrictions marking off the optic vesicles also F. & B. 7 98 THE SECOND DAY. FIG. 34. [CHAP. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE DORSAL REGION OF AN EMBRYO OF 45 HOURS. V.] THE BRAIJS. 99 A. epiblast. B. mesoblast. C. hypoblast consisting of a single row of flattened cells. M. c. medullary canal. P. v. meso- blastic somite. W. d. Wolffian duct. S. o. Somatopleure. S.p. Splanchnopleure. p.p. pleuroperitoneal cavity, c. h. notochord. a. o. dorsal aorta, v. blood-vessels of the yolk- sac, o.p. line of junction between opaque and pellucid areas ; w. palisade-like yolk spheres which constitute the ger- minal wall. Only one-half of the section is represented in the figure if completed it would be bilaterally symmetrical about the line of the medullary canal. take place of course beneath the common epiblastic investment, which is not involved in them. As a con- sequence, though easily seen in the transparent fresh HEAD OF A CHICK AT THE END OF THE SECOND DAY VIEWED FROM BELOW AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. (Copied from Huxley). 7. first cerebral vesicle, a. optic vesicle, d. infundibulum. The specimen shews the formation of the optic vesicles (a), as outgrowths from the 1st cerebral vesicle or vesicle of the 3rd ventricle, so that the optic vesicles and vesicle of the 3rd ven- tricle at first freely communicated with each other, and also the growth of the lower wall of the vesicle of the 3rd ventricle into a process which becomes the infundibulum (d). 72 100 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP, embryo (Fig. 28), they are but slightly indicated in hardened specimens (Fig. 27). When an embryo of the early part of the second day is examined as a transparent object, that portion of the medullary canal which lies immediately behind the first cerebral vesicle is seen to be conical in shape, with its walls thrown into a number of wrinkles. These wrinkles may vary a good deal in appearance, and shift from time to time, but eventually, before the close of the second day, after the formation of the optical vesicles, settle down into two constrictions, one separat- ing the first cerebral vesicle from that part of the medullary canal which is immediately behind it, and the other separating this second portion from a third. So that instead of there being one cerebral vesicle only r as at the commencement of the second day, there is now, in addition to the optic vesicles, a series of three, one behind the other : a second and third cerebral vesicle have been added to the first (Fig. 27, mb, hb). They may be also called the " fore brain," the " mid brain,"" and the "hind brain," for into these parts will they eventually be developed. The optic vesicles, lying underneath the epiblast,, towards the end of the day are turned back and pressed somewhat backwards and downwards against the sides of the first cerebral vesicle or fore brain, an elongation of their stalks permitting this movement to take place. The whole head becomes in consequence somewhat thicker and rounder. Before the end of the day the fore brain elongates anteriorly. The part so established is not at first sepa- rate from that behind, but it is . nevertheless the first V.] THE CRANIAL FLEXURE. 101 unpaired commencement of two vesicles which develop into the cerebral hemispheres ; but up to the end of the day it is still very small and inconspicuous. Early on the second day the commencements of several of the cranial nerves make their appearance as outgrowths of the (Fig. 30, vg) roof of the mid and hind brains, but their development, together with that of the spinal nerves, will be dealt with in the next chapter. The notochord. The notochord, whose origin was described in the account of the first day, is during the whole of the second day a very conspicuous object. It is seen as a transparent rod, somewhat elliptical in section (Fig. 34, ch), lying immediately underneath the medullary canal for the greater part of its length, and reaching forward in front as far as below the hind border of the first cerebral vesicle. Cranial flexure. Round the anterior termination of the notochord, the medullary canal, which up to the present time has remained perfectly straight, towards the end of the day begins to curve. The front portion of the canal, i.e. the fore-brain with its optic and cere- bral vesicles, becomes slightly bent downwards, so as to form a rounded obtuse angle with the rest of the embryo. This is the commencement of the so-called cranial flexure and is, mechanically speaking, a con- sequence of the more rapid growth of the dorsal wall of the anterior part of the brain as compared with that of the ventral. Auditory vesicle. Lastly, as far as the head is concerned, the epiblastic plates forming the rudiments of the auditory vesicles become converted into deep pits 102 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. opening one on each side of the hind-brain (Fig. 27, au. p). Heart. We left the heart as a fusiform body slightly bent to the right, attached to the under wall of the foregut by the mesocardium. The curvature now increases so much that the heart becomes almost GQ -shaped, the venous portion being drawn up towards the head so as to lie somewhat above (dorsal to) and behind the arterial portion. (It would perhaps be more correct to say that the free intermediate portion is by its own growth bent downwards, backwards, and some- what to the right, while the venous root of the heart is- at the same time continually being lengthened by the carrying back of that "point of divergence" of the splanchnopleure folds which marks the union of the vitelline veins into a single venous trunk.) The heart then has at this time two bends, the one, the venous bend, the right-hand curve of the uz ; the other, the arterial bend, the left-hand curve of the cc. The venous bend which, as we have said, is placed above and somewhat behind the arterial bend, becomes marked by two bulgings, one on either side. These are the rudiments of the auricles, or rather of the auricular appendages. The ascending limb of the arterial bend soon becomes conspicuous as the bulbus arteriosus > while the rounded point of the bend itself will here- after grow into the ventricles. Vascular system. The blood-vessels, whose origin during the first half of this day has been already described, become during the latter part of the day so connected as to form a complete system, through which a definite circulation of the blood is now for the first V.'J THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 103 time (consequently some little while after the com- mencement of the heart's pulsation) carried on. The two primitive aortce have already been de- scribed as encircling the foregut, and then passing along the body of the embryo immediately beneath the mesoblastic somites on each side of the notochord. They are shewn in Figs. 32 A.o. and 34 a.o in section as two large rounded spaces lined with flattened cells. At first they run as two distinct canals along the whole length of the embryo ; but, after a short time, unite at some little distance behind the head into a single trunk, which lies in the middle line of the body immediately below the notochord (Fig. 57). Lower down, nearer the tail, this single primitive trunk again divides into two aorte, which, getting smaller and smaller, are finally lost in the small blood-vessels of the tail. At this epoch, therefore, there are two aortic arches springing from the bulbus arteriosus, and uniting above the ali- mentary canal in the back of the embryo to form the single dorsal aorta, which travelling backwards in the median line divides near the tail into two main branches. From each of the two primitive aortae, or from each of the two branches into which the single aorta divides, there is given off on either side a large branch. These have been already spoken of as the vitelline arteries. At this stage they are so large that by far the greater part of the blood passing down the aorta finds its way into them, and a small remnant only pursues a straight course into the continuations of the aorta towards the tail. Each vitelline artery leaving the aorta at nearly right angles (at a point some little way behind the 104 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. backward limit of the splanchnopleure fold which is forming the alimentary canal), runs outwards beneath the mesoblastic somites in the lower range of the meso- blast, close to the hypoblast. Consequently, when in its course outwards it reaches the point where the meso- blast is cleft to form the somatopleure and splanchno- pleure, it attaches itself to the latter. Travelling along this, and dividing rapidly into branches, it reaches the vascular area in whose network of small vessels (and also to a certain extent in the similar small vessels of the pellucid area) it finally loses itself. The terminations of the vitelline arteries in the vascular and pellucid areas are further connected with the heart in two different ways. From the network of capillaries, as we may call them, a number of veins take their origin, and finally unite into two main trunks, the vitelline veins. These have already been described as running along the folds of the splanchnopleure to form the venous roots of the heart. Their course is conse- quently more or less parallel to that of the vitelline arteries, but at some little distance nearer the head, inasmuch as the arteries run in that part of the splanch- nopleure which has not yet been folded in to form the ali- mentary canal. Besides forming the direct roots of the vitelline veins, the terminations of the vitelline arteries in the vascular area are also connected with the sinus terminates spoken of above as running almost completely round, and forming the outer margin of the vascular area. This (Fig. 36, ST.), may be best described as composed of two semicircular canals, which nearly meet at points opposite the head and opposite the tail, thus all but encircling the vascular area between them. At the V.] THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 105 point opposite the head the end of each semicircle is connected with vessels (Fig. 36), which run straight in towards the heart along the fold of the splanchnopleure, and join the right and left vitelline veins. At the point opposite the tail there is at this stage no such definite connection. At the two sides, midway between their head and tail ends, the two semicircles are espe- cially connected with the vitelline arteries. The circulation of the blood then during the latter half of the second day may be described as follows. The blood brought by the vitelline veins falls into the twisted cavity of the heart, and is driven thence through the bulbus arteriosus and aortic arches into the aorta. From the aorta, by far the greater part of the blood flows into the vitelline arteries, only a small remnant passing on into the caudal terminations. From the capillary net-work of the vascular and pellucid areas into which the vitelline arteries discharge their contents, part of the blood is gathered up at once into the lateral or direct trunks of the vitelline veins. Part however goes into the middle region of each lateral half of the sinus terminalis, and there divides on each side into two streams. One stream, and that the larger one, flows in a forward direction until it reaches the point opposite the head, thence it returns by the veins spoken of above, straight to the vitelline trunks. The other stream flows backward, and becomes lost at the point opposite to the tail. This is the condition of things during the second day; it becomes considerably changed on the succeeding day. At the time that the heart first begins to beat the capillary system of the vascular and pellucid areas is 106 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP, not yet completed ; and the fluid which is at first driven by the heart contains, according to most observers, very few corpuscles. At the close of the second day the single pair of aortic arches into which the bulbus arteriosus divides is found to be accompanied by a second pair, formed in the same way as the first, and occupying a position a little behind it. Sometimes even a third pair is added. Of these aortic arches we shall have to speak more fully later on. Wolffian duct. During the latter half of the second day the Wolfrlan duct to which we have already alluded becomes fully established, while the first traces of the embryonic excretory organs or kidneys, known as the Wolman bodies, make their appearance. The develop- ment of the latter will be dealt with in the history of the third day, but the history of the duct itself may conveniently be completed here. The first trace of it is visible in an embryo Chick with eight somites, as a ridge projecting from the inter- mediate cell mass towards the epiblast in the region of the seventh somite. In the course of further develop- ment it continues to constitute such a ridge as far as the eleventh somite (Fig. 34 TFd), but from this point it grows backwards by the division of its cells, as a free column in the space between the epiblast and rnesoblast. In an embryo with fourteen somites of about the stage represented in fig. 28 a small lumen has appeared in its middle part, and in front it is connected with rudimentary Wolffian tubules, which develop in con- tinuity with it. In the succeeding stages the lumen of the duct gradually extends backwards and forwards. V.] THE AMNION. 107 and the duct itself also passes inwards relatively to the epiblast (fig. 43 wd). Its hind end elongates till it comes into connection with, and opens on the fourth day into the cloacal section of the hind-gut. The amnion and allantois. The amnion, especially the anterior or head fold, advances in growth very rapidly during the second day, and at the close of the day completely covers the head and neck of the embryo ; so much so that it is necessary to tear or remove it when the head has to be examined in hardened opaque speci- mens. The tail and lateral folds of the amnion, though still progressing, lag considerably behind the head-fold. The side -folds eventually meet in the median dorsal line, and their coalescence proceeds backwards from the head-fold in a linear direction, till there is only a small opening left over the tail of the embryo. This finally becomes closed early on the third day. In Figs. 32 and 43 am. the folds of the amnion are shewn before they have coalesced. After the coalescence of the folds of the amnion above the embryo the two limbs of which each is formed become, as already ex- plained in chapter IL, separate from each other: the inner, forming a special investment of the embryo, and constituting the amnion proper (Fig. 65), the outer at- taching itself to the vitelline membrane and becoming the serous envelope. The development of the allantois commences during the second day, but since it is mainly completed during the third day we need not dwell upon it further in this place. Summary. The chief events, then, which occur during the second half of the second day are as follow: 108 THE SECOND DAY. [CHAP. V. 1. The second and third cerebral vesicles make their appearance behind the first. 2. The optic vesicles spring as hollow buds from the lateral, and the unpaired commencement of the cere- bral hemispheres from the front, portions of the first cerebral vesicle. 3. The auditory plate becomes converted into a pit, opening at the side of the hind-brain or third cere- bral vesicle. 4. The first indications of the cranial flexure be- come visible. 5. The head-fold, and especially the splanchno- pleure moiety, advances rapidly backwards ; the head of the embryo is in consequence more definitely formed. The tail-fold also becomes distinct. 6. The curvature of the heart increases; the first rudiments of the auricles appear. 7. The circulation of the yolk-sac is established. 8. The amnion grows rapidly, and the allantois commences to be formed. CHAPTER VI. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE THIRD DAY. OF all days in the history of the chick within the egg this perhaps is the most eventful; the rudi- ments of so many important organs now first make their appearance. In many instances we shall trace the history of these organs beyond the third day of incubation, in order ta give the reader a complete view of their development. On opening an egg on the third day the first thing which attracts notice is the diminution of the white of the egg. This seems to be one of the consequences of the functional activity of the newly-established vascular area whose blood-vessel are engaged either in directly absorbing the white or, as is more probable, in absorbing the yolk, which is in turn replenished at the expense of the white. The absorption, once begun, goes on so actively that, by the end of the day, the decrease of the white is very striking. The blastoderm has now spread over about half the yolk, the extreme margin of the opaque area reach- 110 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. ing about half-way towards the pole of the yolk opposite to the embryo. The vascular area, though still increasing, is much smaller than the total opaque area, being in average- sized eggs about as large as a florin. Still smaller than the vascular area is the pellucid area in the centre of which lies the rapidly growing embryo. During the third day the vascular area is not only a means for providing the embryo with nourish- ment from the yolk, but also, inasmuch as by the dimi- nution of the white it is brought close under the shell and therefore fully exposed to the influence of the atmosphere, serves as the chief organ of respiration. This in fact is the period at which the vascular area may be said to be in the stage of its most complete de- velopment; for though it will afterwards become larger, it will at the same time become less definite and rela- tively less important. We may therefore, before we proceed, add a few words to the description of it given in the last chapter. The blood leaving the body of the embryo by the vitelline arteries (Fig. 36, R. Of. A., L. Of. A.} is carried to the small vessels and capillaries of the vascu- lar area, a small portion only being appropriated by the pellucid area. From the vascular area part of the blood returns directly to the heart by the main lateral trunks of the vitelline veins, R. Of., L. Of. During the second day these venous trunks joined the body of the embryo considerably in front of, that is, nearer the head than, the corresponding arterial ones. Towards the end of the third day, owing to the continued lengthening of THE VASCULAR AREA FIG. 36. AA III . \ SXr- sa: L.0f DIAGRAM OF THE CIRCULATION OF THE YOLK-SACK AT THE END OF THE THIRD DAY OF INCUBATION. H. heart. A A. the second, third and fourth aortic arches ; the first has become obliterated in its median portion, but is continued at its proximal end as the external carotid, and at its distal end as the internal carotid. AO. dorsal aorta. L. Of. A. left vitelline artery. R. Of. A. right vitelline artery. S. T. sinus terminalis. L. Of. left vitelline vein. R. Of. right vitelline vein. S. V. sinus venosus. D. C. ductus Cuvieri. S. Ca. V. superior cardinal or jugular vein. V. Ca. inferior cardinal vein. The veins are marked in 112 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP, outline and the arteries are made black. The whole blasto- derm has been removed from the egg and is supposed to be viewed from below. Hence the left is seen on the right, and vice ' the heart, the veins and arteries run not only parallel to each other, but almost in the same line, the points at which they respectively join and leave the body being nearly at the same distance from the head. The rest of the blood brought by the vitelline arteries finds its way into the lateral portions of the sinus terminalis, S.T., and there divides on each side into two streams. Of these, the two which, one on each side, flow backward, meet at a point about oppo- site to the tail of the embryo, and are conveyed along a distinct vein which, running straight forward parallel to the axis of the embryo, empties itself into the left vitel- line vein. The two forward streams reaching the gap in the front part of the sinus terminalis fall into either one, or in some cases two veins, which run straight backward parallel to the axis of the embryo, and so reach the roots of the heart. When one such vein only is present, it joins the left vitelline trunk; where there are two they join the left and right vitelline trunks respectively. The left vein is always considerably larger than the right; and the latter when present rapidly gets smaller and speedily disappears. The chief differences, then, between the peripheral circulation of the second and of the third day are due to the greater prominence of the sinus terminalis and the more complete arrangements for returning the blood from it to the heart. After this day, although the vas- cular area will go on increasing in size until it finally VI.] CHANGE OF POSITION OF THE EMBRYO. 113 all but encompasses the yolk, the prominence of the sinus terminalis will become less and less in proportion as the respiratory work of the vascular area is shifted on to the allantois, and its activities confined to absorb- ing nutritive matter from the yolk. The folding-in of the embryo makes great pro- gress during this day. Both head and tail have become most distinct, and the side folds which are to constitute the lateral walls have advanced so rapidly that the embryo is now a bond fide tubular sac, connected with the rest of the yolk by a broad stalk. This stalk, as was explained in Chap. II, is double, and consists of an inner splanchnic stalk continuous with the alimen- tary canal, which is now a tube closed at both ends and open to the stalk along its middle third only, and an outer somatic stalk continuous with the body-walls of the embryo, which have not closed nearly to the same extent as the walls of the alimentary canal. (Compare Fig. 9, A and J5, which may be taken as diagrammatic representations of longitudinal and transverse sections of an embryo of this period.) The embryo is almost completely covered by the amnion. Early in this day the several amniotic folds will have met and completely coalesced along a line over the back of the embryo in the manner already explained in the last chapter. During this day a most remarkable change takes place in the position of the embryo. Up to this time it has been lying symmetrically upon the yolk with the part which will be its mouth directed straight downwards. It now turns round so as to lie on its left side. F. & B. 8 114 THE THIRD DAY. FIG. 37. [CHAP. CHICK OF THE THIRD DAY (FIFTY-FOUR HOURS) VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. of. the outer amniotic fold or false amnion. This is very con- spicuous around the head, but may also be seen at the tail. a. the true amnion, very closely enveloping the head, and here seen only between the projections of the several cerebral vesicles. It may also be traced at the tail. In the embryo of which this is a drawing, the head-fold of the amnion reached a little farther backward than the reference u, VI.] GENERAL VIEW OF EMBRYO. 115 but its limit could not be distinctly seen through the body of the embryo. The prominence of the false arnnion at the head is apt to puzzle the student ; but if he bears in mind the fact, which could not well be shewn in Fig. 9, that the whole amniotic fold, both the true and the false limb, is tucked in underneath the head, the matter will on reflection become intelligible. C. H. cerebral hemisphere. F. B. thalamencephalon or vesicle of the third ventricle. M. B. mid-brain. H. B. hind-brain. Op. optic vesicle. Ot. otic vesicle. Of V. vitelline veins forming the venous roots of the heart. The trunk on the right hand (left trunk when the embryo is viewed in its natural position from above) receives a large branch, shewn by dotted lines, coming from the anterior portion of the sinus terminalis. Ht. the heart, now completely twisted on itself. Ao. the bulbus arteriosus, the three aortic arches being dimly seen stretching from it across the throat, and uniting into the aorta, still more dimly seen as a curved dark line running along the body. The other curved dark line by its side, ending near the reference y, is the notochord ch. About opposite the line of reference x the aorta divides into two trunks, which, running in the line of the somewhat opaque mesoblastic somites on either side, are not clearly seen. Their branches however, Ofa, the vitelline arteries, are conspicuous and are seen to curve round the commencing side folds. Pv. mesoblastic somites. Below the level of the vitelline arteries the vertebral plates are but imperfectly cut up into meso- blastic somites, and lower down still, not at all. x is placed at the "point of divergence" of the splanchnopleure folds. The blind foregut begins here and extends about up to y. x therefore marks the present hind limit of the splanchnopleure folds. The limit of the more transparent somatopleure folds is not shewn. It will be of course understood that all the body of the embryo above the level of the reference #, is seen through the portion of the yolk-sac (vascular and pellucid area), which has been removed 82 116 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. with the embryo from the egg, as well as through the double amniotic fold. We may repeat that, the view being from below, whatever is described in the natural position as being to the right here appears to be left, and vice versa. This important change of position at first affects only the head (Fig. 37), but subsequently extends also to the trunk. It is not usually completed till the fourth day. At the same time the left vitelline vein, the one on the side on which the embryo comes to lie, grows very much larger than the right, which henceforward gradu- ally dwindles and finally disappears. Coincidently with the change of position the whole embryo begins to be curved on itself in a slightly spiral manner.' This curvature of the body becomes still more marked on the fourth day, Fig. 67. In the head very important changes take place. One of these is the cranial flexure, Figs. 37, 38. This (which must not be confounded with the curvature of the body just referred to) we have already seen was commenced in the course of the second day, by the bending downwards of the head round a point which may be considered as the extreme end either of the notochord or of the alimentary canal. The flexure progresses rapidly, the front-brain being more and more folded down till, at the end of the third day, it is no longer the first vesicle or fore-brain, but the second cerebral vesicle or mid-brain, which occupies the extreme front of the long axis of the embryo. In fact a straight line through the long axis of the embryo would now pass through the mid-brain instead of, as at the beginning of the second day, through the fore-brain, VI.] THE BRAIN. 117 so completely has the front end of the neural canal been folded over the end of the notochord. The com- mencement of this cranial flexure gives the body of an embryo of the third day somewhat the appearance of a retort, the head of the embryo corresponding to the bulb. On the fourth day the flexure is still greater than on the third, but on the fifth and succeeding days it becomes less obvious, owing to the filling up of the parts of the skull. The brain. The vesicle of the cerebral hemispheres, which on the second day began to grow out from the front of the fore -brain, increases rapidly in size during the third day, growing out laterally, so as to form two vesicles, so much so that by the end of the day it (Fig. 37, CH, Fig. 38) is as large or larger than the original vesicle from which it sprang, and forms the most con- spicuous part of the brain. In its growth it pushes aside the optic vesicles, and thus contributes largely to the roundness which the head is now acquiring. Each lateral vesicle possesses a cavity, which afterwards becomes one of the lateral ventricles. These cavities are continuous behind with the cavity of the fore-brain. Owing to the development of the cerebral vesicle the original fore -brain no longer occupies the front position (Fig. 37, FB, Fig. 38, /&), and ceases to be the con- spicuous object that it was. Inasmuch as its walls will hereafter be developed into the parts surrounding the so-called third ventricle of the brain, we shall hence- forward speak of it as the vesicle of the third ventricle, or thalamencephalon. On the summit of the thalamencephalon there may now be seen a small conical projection, the rudiment of 118 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. FIG. 38. HEAD OF A CHICK OF THE THIRD DAY VIEWED SIDEWAYS AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. (From Huxley.) I a. the vesicle of the cerebral hemisphere. 1 6. the vesicle of the third ventricle (the original fore-brain) ; at its summit is seen the projection of the pineal gland e. Below this portion of the brain is seen, in optical section, the optic vesicle a already involuted with its thick inner and thinner outer wall (the letter a is placed on the junction of the two, the primary cavity being almost obliterated). In the centre of the vesicle lies the lens, the shaded portion being the expression of its cavity. Below the lens between the two limbs of the horse- shoe is the choroidal fissure. II. the mid-brain. III. the hind-brain. V. the rudiments of the fifth cranial nerve, VII. of the seventh. Below the seventh nerve is seen the auditory vesicle b. The head having been subjected to pressure, the vesicle appears somewhat distorted as if squeezed out of place. The orifice is not yet quite closed up. I, the inferior maxillary process of the first visceral or man- dibular fold. Below, and to the right of this, is seen the first visceral cleft, below that again the second visceral fold (2), and lower down the third (3) and fourth (4) visceral folds. In front of the folds (i.e. to the left) is seen the arterial end of the heart r the aortic arches being buried in their respective visceral folds. f. represents the mesoblast of the base of the brain and spinal cord. VI.] THE PITUITAKY BODY. 119 the pineal gland (Fig. 38, e), while the centre of the floor is produced into a funnel-shaped process, the infun- dibulum (Fig. 39, In), which, stretching towards the FIG. 39. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE BRAIN OF A YOUNG PRISTIURUS EMBRYO. cer. commencement of cerebral hemisphere ; pn. pineal gland ; In. infundibulum ; pt. ingrowth of mouth to form the pituitary body ; mb. mid-brain ; cb. cerebellum ; ch. noto- chord ; al. alimentary tract ; laa. artery of mandibular arch. extreme end of the oral invagination or stomodceum, joins a diverticulum of this which becomes the pituitary body. The development of the pituitary body or hypophysis cerebri has been the subject of considerable controversy amongst embryo- logists, and it is only within the last few years that its origin from the oral epithelium has been satisfactorily established. In the course of cranial flexure the epiblast on the under side of the head becomes tucked in between the blind end of the throat and the base of the brain. The part so tucked in constitutes a kind of bay, and forms the stomodaeum or primitive buccal cavity already spoken of. The blind end of this bay becomes produced as a papilliform diverticulum which may be called the pituitary diverticulum. It is represented as it appears in a 120 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. lower vertebrate embryo (Elasmobranch) in Fig. 39, but is in all important respects exactly similar in the chick. Very shortly after the pituitary diverticulum becomes first established the boundary wall between the stomodseum and the throat becomes perforated, and the limits of the stomodaeum obliterated, so that the pituitary diverticulum looks as if it had arisen from the hypoblast. During the third day of incubation the front part of the notochord becomes bent downward, and, ending in a somewhat enlarged extremity, comes in contact with the termination of the pituitary diverticulum. The mesoblast around increases and grows up, in front of the notochord and behind the vesicle of the third ventricle, to form the posterior clinoid process. The base of the vesicle of the third ventricle at the same time grows downwards towards the pituitary diverticulum, and forms what is known as the infundibulum. On the fourth day the mesoblastic tissue around the notochord increases in quantity, and the end of the notochord, though still bent downwards, recedes a little from the termination of the pituitary diverticulum, which is still a triangular space with a wide opening into the alimentary canal. On the fifth day, the opening of the pituitary diverticulum into the alimentary canal has become narrowed, and around the whole diverticulum an investment of mesoblast-cells has appeared. Behind it the clinoid process has become cartilaginous, while to the sides and in front it is enclosed by the trabeculse. At this stage, in fact, we have a diverticulum from the alimentary canal passing through the base of skull to the infundibulum. On the seventh day the communication between the cavity of the diverticttlum and that of the throat has become still narrower. The diverticulum is all but converted into a vesicle, and its epiblastic walls have commenced to send out into the mesoblastic investment solid processes. The infundibulum now appears as a narrow process from the base of the vesicle of the third ventricle, which approaches, but does not unite with, the pituitary vesicle. By the tenth day the opening of the pituitary vesicle into the throat becomes almost obliterated, and the lumen of the vesicle itself very much diminished. The body consists of anastomosing cords of epiblast-cells, the mesoblast between VI.] THE PITUITARY BODY. 121 which has already commenced to become vascular. The cords or masses of epiblast cells are surrounded by a delicate mem- brana propria, and a few of them possess a small lumen. The infundibulum has increased in length. The relative positions of the pituitary body and infundibulum are shewn in the figure of the brain in Chapter vni. On the twelfth day the communication between the pituitary vesicle and the throat is entirely obliterated, but a solid cord of cells still connects the two. The vessels of the pia mater of the vesicle of the third ventricle have become connected with the pituitary body, and the infundibulum has grown down along its posterior border. In the later stages all connection is lost between the pituitary body and the throat, and the former becomes attached to the elongated processus infundibuli. The real nature of the pituitary body is still extremely obscure, but it is not improbably the remnant of a glandular structure which may have opened into the mouth in primitive vertebrate forms, but which has ceased to have a function in existing vertebrates 1 . Beyond an increase in size, which it shares with nearly all parts of the embryo, and the change of position to which we have already referred, the mid- brain undergoes no great alteration during the third day. Its roof will ultimately become developed into the corpora Ugemina or optic lobes, its floor will form the crura cerebri, and its cavity will be reduced to the narrow canal known as the iter a tertio ad quartum ventriculum. In the hind-brain, or third cerebral vesicle, that part which lies nearest to the mid-brain, is during 1 Wilhelm M tiller Ueber die Entwicklung und Ban der Hypophysis und des Processus Infundibuli Cerebri. Jenaische Zeitschrift, Bd. vi. 1871, and V. von Mihalkovics, Wirbelsaite u. Hirnanhang , Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Vol. xi. 1875. 122 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. the third day marked off from the rest by a slight constriction. This distinction, which becomes much more evident later on by a thickening of the walls and roof of the front portion, separates the hind-brain into the cerebellum in front, and the medulla oblongata behind (Figs. 38 and 39). While the walls of the cerebellar portion of the hind-brain become very much thickened as well at the roof as at the floor and sides, the roof of the posterior or medulla oblongata portion thins out into a mere membrane, forming a delicate covering to the cavity of the vesicle (Fig. 40, iv), which here becoming broad and shallow with greatly thick- ened floor and sides, is known as the fourth ventricle, subsequently overhung by the largely developed pos- terior portion of the cerebellum. The third day, therefore, marks the differentiation of the brain into five distinct parts : the cerebral hemispheres, the central masses round the third ventricle, the corpora bigemina or optic lobes, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata ; the original cavity of the neural canal at the same time passing from its temporary division of three single cavities into the permanent arrangement of a series of connected ventricles, viz. the lateral ventricles, the third ventricle, the iter (with a prolongation into the optic lobe on each side), and the fourth ventricle. At the same time that the outward external shape of the brain is thus being moulded, internal changes are taking place in the whole neural canal. These are best seen in sections. At its first formation, the section of the cavity of the neural canal is round, or nearly so. VI.] THE CRANIAL AND SPINAL NERVES. 123- About this time, however, the lining of involuted epiblast along the length of the whole spinal cord becomes very much thickened at each side, while increasing but little at the mid-points above and below. The result of this is that the cavity as seen in section (Figs. 64 and 65), instead of being circular, has become a narrow vertical slit, almost completely filled in on each side. In the region of the brain the thickening of the lining epiblast follows a somewhat different course. While almost everywhere the sides and floor of the canal are greatly thickened, the roof in the region of the various ventricles, especially of the third and fourth, becomes excessively thin, so as to form a membrane reduced to almost a single layer of cells. (Fig. 40, IV.) Cranial and spinal nerves. A most important event which takes place during the second and third days, is the formation of the cranial and spinal nerves. Till within a comparatively recent period embryologists were nearly unanimous in believing that the peripheral nerves originated from the mesoblast at the sides of the brain and spinal cord. This view has now however been definitely disproved, and it has been established that both the cranial and spinal nerves take their origin as outgrowths of the central nervous system. The cranial nerves are the first to be developed and arise before the complete closure of the neural groove. They are formed as paired outgrowths of a continuous band known as the neural band, composed of two laminae, which connects the dorsal edges of the incom- pletely closed neural canal with the external epiblast. This mode of development will best be understood by 124 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. CC AQA SECTION THROUGH THE HIND-BRAIN OF A CHICK AT THE END OF THE THIRD DAT OF INCUBATION. IV. Fourth ventricle. The section shews the very thin roof and thicker sides of the ventricle. Ch. Notochord (diagrammatic shading). CV. Anterior cardinal or jugular vein. CC. Involuted auditory vesicle. CC points to the end which will form the cochlear canal. RL. Kecessus labyrinthi. hy. hypoblast lining the alimentary canal, hy is itself placed in the cavity of the alimentary canal, in that part of the canal which will become the throat. The ventral (anterior) wall of the canal is not shewn in the section, but on each side are seen portions of a pair of visceral arches. In each arch is seen the section of the aortic arch AOA belonging to the visceral arch. The vessel thus cut through is running upwards towards the head, being about to join the dorsal aorta AO. Had the section been nearer the head, and carried through the plane at which the aortic arch curves VI.] THE CRANIAL AND SPINAL NERVES. 125 round the alimentary canal to reach, the mesoblast above it, AOA and AO would have formed one continuous curved space. In sections lower down in the back the two aortse, AO, one on each side, would be found fused into one median canal. an examination of Fig. 41, where the two roots of the vagus nerve (vg) are shewn growing out from the neural band. Shortly after this stage the neural band becomes separated from the external epiblast, and constitutes FIG. 41. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE HEAD OF AN EMBRYO CHICK OF THIRTY HOURS. hb. hind-brain ; vg. vagus nerve ; ep. epiblast ; ch. notochord ; x. thickening of hypoblast (possibly a rudiment of the sub- notochordal rod) ; al. throat ; ht. heart ; pp. body cavity ; so. somatic mesoblast ; sf. splanchnic mesoblast ; hy. hypo- blast. 126 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. a crest attached to the roof of the brain, while its two laminae become fused. Anteriorly, the neural crest extends as far as the roof of the mid-brain. The pairs of nerves which undoubtedly grow out from it are the fifth pair, the seventh and auditory (as a single root), the glosso- pharyngeal and the various elements of the vagus (as a single root). After the roots of these nerves have become estab- lished, the crest connecting them becomes partially obliterated. The roots themselves grow centrifugally, and eventually give rise to the whole of each of the cranial nerves. Each complete root develops a gan- glionic enlargement near its base, and (with the ex- ception of the third nerve) is distributed to one of the visceral arches, of which we shall say more hereafter. The primitive attachment of the nerves is to the roof of the brain, but in most instances this attachment is replaced by a secondary attachment to the sides or floor. The rudiments of four cranial nerves, of which two lie in front of and two behind the auditory vesicle, are easily seen during the third day at the sides of the hind-brain. They form a series of four small opaque masses, somewhat pearshaped, with the stalk directed away from the middle line. The most anterior of these is the rudiment of the fifth nerve (Figs. 42 and 67, V). Its narrowed outer portion or stalk divides into two bands or nerves. Of these one passing towards the eye terminates at present in the immediate neighbourhood of that organ. The other branch (the rudiment of the inferior maxillary VI.] THE CRANIAL NERVES. FIG. 42. 127 HEAD OF AN EMBRYO CHICK OF THE THIRD DAY (SEVENTY- FIVE HOURS) VIEWED SIDEWAYS AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. (From Huxley.) la. cerebral hemispheres. Ib. vesicle of the third ventricle. II. mid-brain. III. hind-brain, g. nasal pit. a. optic vesicle. 6. otic vesicle, d. infundibulum. e. pineal body. h. noto- chord. V. fifth nerve. VII. seventh nerve. VIII. united glossopharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 the five visceral folds. branch of the fifth nerve) is distributed to the first visceral arch. The second mass (Figs. 42 and 67, VII) is the rudi- ment of the seventh, or facial nerve, and of the audi- tory nerve. It is the nerve of the second visceral arch. The two masses behind the auditory vesicle repre- sent the glossopharyngeal and pneumogastric nerves (Fig. 42, VIII, Fig. 67, G. Ph. and Pg). At first united, they subsequently become separate. The glosso- pharyngeal supplies the third arch, and the pneumo- gastric the fourth and succeeding arches. The later development of the cranial nerves has only been partially worked out, and we will confine ourselves here to a very 128 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. brief statement of some of the main results arrived at. The outgrowth for the vagus nerve supplies in the embryo the fourth and succeeding visceral arches, and from what we know of it in the lower vertebrate types, we may conclude that it is a compound nerve, composed of as many primitively distinct nerves as there are branches to the visceral arches. The glossopharyngeal nerve is the nerve supplying the third visceral arch, the homologue of the first branchial arch of Fishes. The development of the hypoglossal nerve is not known, but it is perhaps the anterior root of a spinal nerve. The spinal accessory nerve has still smaller claims than the hypoglossal to be regarded as a true cranial nerve. The primitively single root of the seventh auditory nerves divides almost at once into two branches. The anterior of these pursues a straight course to the hyoid arch and forms the rudiment of the facial nerve, Fig. 67, vn ; the second of the two, which is the rudiment of the auditory nerve, develops a ganglionic enlargement, and, turning backwards, closely hugs the ventral wall of the auditory involution. The sixth nerve appears to arise later than the seventh nerve from the ventral part of the hind-brain, and has no ganglion near its root. Shortly after its development the root of the fifth nerve shifts so as to be attached about half-way down the side of the brain. A large ganglion is developed close to the root, which becomes the Gasserian ganglion. The main branch of the nerve grows into the-mandibular arch (Fig. 67), maintaining towards it similar relations to those of the nerves behind it to their respective arches. An important branch becomes early developed which is directed straight towards the eye (Fig. 67), near which it meets and unites with the third nerve, where the ciliary ganglion is developed. This branch is usually called the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve, and may perhaps represent an inde- pendent nerve. Later than these two branches there is developed a third branch, passing the upper process of the first visceral arch. It forms the superior maxillary branch of the adult. Nothing is known with reference to the development of the fourth nerve. VI.] THE SPINAL NERVES. 129 The history of the third nerve is still imperfectly known. There is developed early on the second day from the neural crest, on the roof of the mid-brain, an outgrowth on each side, very similar to the rudiment of the posterior nerves. This out- growth is believed by Marshall to be the third nerve, but it must be borne in mind that there is no direct evidence on the point, the fate of the outgrowth in question not having been satisfac- torily followed. At a very considerably later period a nerve may be found springing from the floor of the mid-brain, which is undoubtedly the third nerve. If identical with the outgrowth just spoken of, it must have shifted its attachment from the roof to the floor of the brain. The nerve when it springs from the floor of the brain runs directly backwards till it terminates in the ciliary ganglion, from which two branches to the eye-muscles are given off. [A. Marshall. " The development of the cranial nerves in the Chick." Quart. Journal of Microscop. Science, Vol. xvin.] In the case of the spinal nerves the posterior roots originate as outgrowths of a series of median processes of cells, which make their appearance on the dorsal side of the spinal cord. The outgrowths, symmetrically placed on each side, soon take a pyriform aspect, and apply themselves to the walls of the spinal cord. They are represented as they appear in birds in Fig. 43, sp. g. } and as they appear in a lower vertebrate form in Fig. 44. The original attachment of the nerve -rudiment to the medullary wall is not permanent. It becomes, in fact, very soon either extremely delicate or absolutely interrupted. The nerve-rudiment now becomes divided into three parts, (1) a proximal rounded portion; (2) an enlarged middle portion, forming the rudiment of a ganglion ; (3) a distal portion, forming the commencement of the nerve. The proximal portion may very soon be observed to be F. & B. 9 130 TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE TRUNK OF A DUCK EMBRYO WITH ABOUT TWENTY-FOUR MESOBLASTIC SOMITES. am. amnion ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure ; wd. Wolffian duct ; st. segment al tube ; ca.v. cardinal vein ; ms. muscle- plate ; sp.g. spinal ganglion; sp.c. spinal cord; ch. notochord; ao. aorta ; hy. hypoblast. united with the side of the spinal cord at a very con- siderable distance from its original point of origin. It is moreover attached, not by its extremity, but by its side. The above points, which are much more easily studied in some of the lower vertebrate forms than in Birds, are illustrated by the subjoined section of an Elasmobranch embryo, Fig. 45. VI ] THE SPINAL NERVES. ] 31 FIG. 44. pr trip TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE TRUNK OF A YOUNG EMBRYO OF A DOG-FlSH. nc. neural canal ; pr. posterior root of spinal nerve ; x. sub- notochordal rod ; ao. aorta ; sc. somatic mesoblast ; sp. splanchnic mesoblast ; mp. muscle-plate ; mp'. portion of muscle-plate converted into muscle ; Vv. portion of the vertebral plate which will give rise to the vertebral bodies ; al. alimentary tract. It is extremely difficult to decide whether the per- manent attachment of the posterior nerve-roots to the spinal cord is entirely a new formation, or merely due to the shifting of the original point of attachment. We are inclined to adopt the former view. The origin of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves has not as yet been satisfactorily made out in Birds ; but it appears probable that they grow from the ventral corner of the spinal cord, considerably later than the posterior roots, as a number of strands for each nerve, 92 132 THE THIRD DAY. FIG. 45. [CHAP. cfa SECTION THROUGH THE DORSAL REGION OF AN EMBRYO DOG-FISH. pr. posterior root ; sp.g. spinal ganglion ; n. nerve ; x. attach- ment of ganglion to spinal cord ; nc. neural canal ; mp. muscle-plate ; ck. notochord ; i. investment of spinal cord. which subsequently join the posterior roots below the ganglia. The shape of the root of a completely formed spinal nerve, as it appears in an embryo of the fourth day, is represented in Fig. 68. The Eye. In the preceding chapter we saw how the first cerebral vesicle, by means of lateral outgrowths followed by constrictions, gave rise to the optic vesicles. These and the parts surrounding them undergo on the third day changes which result in the formation of the eyeball. At their first appearance the optic vesicles stand out at nearly right angles to the long axis of the embryo (Fig. 27), and the stalks which connect them VL] THE EYE. 133 with the fore-brain are short and wide. The con- strictions which give rise to the stalks take place chiefly from above downwards, and also somewhat inwards and backwards. Thus from the first the vesicles appear to spring from the under part of the fore-brain. These stalks soon become comparatively narrow, and constitute the rudiments of the optic nerves (Fig. 46 b). The constriction to which the stalk or optic FIG. 46. SECTION THROUGH THE HEAD OF AN EMBRYO TELEOSTEAN, TO SHEW THE FORMATION OF THE OPTIC VESICLES, ETC. (From Gegenbaur ; after Schenk.) c. fore-brain ; a. optic vesicle ; b. stalk of optic vesicle ; d. epidermis. nerve is due takes place obliquely downwards and backwards, so that the optic nerves open into the base of the front part of the thalamencephalon (Fig. 46 b). While these changes have been going on in the optic stalks, development has also proceeded in the region of the vesicles themselves, and given rise to the rudiments of the retina, lens, vitreous humour, and other parts of the eye. 134 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Towards the end of the second day the external or superficial epiblast which covers, and is in all but immediate contact with, the most projecting portion of the optic vesicle, becomes thickened. This thickened portion is then driven inwards in the form of a shallow open pit with thick walls (Fig. 47 A, o), carrying before it the front wall (r) of the optic vesicle. To such an extent does this involution of the superficial epiblast take place, that the front wall of the optic vesicle is pushed close up to the hind wall, and the cavity of the vesicle becomes almost obliterated (Fig. 47, #). The bulb of the optic vesicle is thus converted into a cup with double walls, containing in its cavity the portion of involuted epiblast. This cup, in order to distinguish its cavity from that of the original optic vesicle, is generally called the secondary optic vesicle. We may, for the sake of brevity, speak of it as the optic cup; in reality it never is a vesicle, since it always remains widely open in front. Of its double walls the inner or anterior (Fig. 47 B, r) is formed from the front portion, the outer or posterior (Fig. 47 5, u) from the hind portion of the wall of the primary optic vesicle. The inner or anterior (r), which very speedily becomes thicker than the other, is converted into the retina; in the outer or posterior (u), which remains thin, pigment is eventually deposited, and it ultimately becomes the tesselated pigment-layer of the choroid. By the closure of its mouth the pit of involuted epiblast becomes a completely closed sac with thick walls and a small central cavity (Fig. 47 B, I}. At the same time it breaks away from the external epi- VI.] THE EYE. FIG. 47. 135 DIAGRAMMATIC SECTIONS ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE EYE. (After Kemak.) In A, the thin superficial epiblast h is seen to be thickened at #, in front of the optic vesicle, and involuted so as to form a pit o, the mouth of which has already begun to close in. Owing to this involution, which forms the rudiment of the lens, the optic vesicle is doubled in, its front portion r being pushed against the back portion u, and the original cavity of the vesicle thus reduced in size. The stalk of the vesicle is shewn as still broad. In J?, the optic vesicle is still further doubled in so as to form a cup with a posterior wall u and an anterior wall r. In the hollow of this cup lies the lens , now completely detached from the superficial epiblast x. Its cavity is still shewn. The cavity of the stalk of the optic vesicle is already much narrowed. blast, which forms a continuous layer in front of it, all traces of the original opening being lost. There is thus left lying in the cup of the secondary optic vesicle, an isolated elliptical mass of epiblast. This is the rudiment of the lens. The small cavity within it speedily becomes still less by the thickening of the walls, especially of the hinder one. At its first appearance the lens is in immediate contact with the anterior wall of the secondary optic vesicle (Fig. 47 B}. In a short time, however, the lens 136 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. is seen to lie in the mouth of the cup (Fig. 50 A), a space (vh) (which is occupied by the vitreous humour) making its appearance between the lens and anterior wall of the vesicle. In order to understand how this space is developed, the position of the optic vesicle and the relations of its stalk must be borne in mind. The vesicle lies at the side of the head, and its stalk is directed downwards, inwards and backwards. The stalk in fact slants away from the vesicle. Hence when the involution of the lens takes place, the direc- tion in which the front wall of the vesicle is pushed in is not in a line with the axis of the stalk, as for simplicity's sake has been represented in the diagram Fig. 47, but forms an obtuse angle with that axis, after the manner of Fig. 48, where s represents the cavity FIG. 48. DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF THE EYE AND THE OPTIC NERVE AT AN EARLY STAGE (from Lieberklihn), bo shew the lens I occupying the whole hollow of the optic cup, the inclination of the stalk s to the optic cup, and the continuity of the cavity of the stalk s with that of the primary vesicle c ; r } anterior, u posterior wall of the optic cup, VI.] THE EYE, 137 of the stalk leading away from the almost obliterated cavity of the primary vesicle. Fig. 48 represents the early stage at which the lens fills the whole cup of the secondary vesicle. The subsequent state of affairs is brought about through the growth of the walls of the cup taking place more rapidly than that of the lens. But this growth or this dilatation does not take place equally in all parts of the cup. The walls of the cup rise up all round except that part of the circumference of the cup which adjoins the stalk. While elsewhere the walls increase rapidly in height, carrying so to speak the lens with them, at this spot, which in the natural position of the eye is on its under surface, there is no growth: the wall is here imperfect, and a gap is left. Through this gap, which afterwards receives the name of the cho- roidal fissure, a way is open from the mesoblastic tissue surrounding the optic vesicle and stalk into the interior of the cavity of the cup. From the manner of its formation the gap or fissure is evidently in a line with the axis of the optic stalk, and in order to be seen must be looked for on the under surface of the optic vesicle. In this position it is readily recognized in the transparent embryo of the third day, Figs. 37 and 48. Bearing in mind these relations of the gap to the optic stalk, the reader will understand how sections of the optic vesicle at this stage present very different appearances according to the plane in which the sections are taken. When the head of the chick is viewed from under- neath as a transparent object the eye presents very 138 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. in the diagram much the appearance represented Fig. 49. A section of such an eye taken along the line y, perpendicular to the plane of the paper, would give a figure corresponding to that of Fig. 50 A. The lens, the cavity and double walls of the secondary vesicle, and the remains of the primary cavity, would all be repre- DlAGRAMMATIC REPRESENTATION OF THE EYE OF THE CHICK OF ABOUT THE THIRD DAY AS SEEN WHEN THE HEAD IS VIEWED FROM UNDERNEATH AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. I the lens, I' the cavity of the lens, lying in the hollow of the optic cup. r the anterior, u the posterior wall of the optic cup, c the cavity of the primary optic vesicle, now nearly obliterated. By inadvertence u has been drawn thicker than r, it should have been thinner throughout. s the stalk of the optic cup with s its cavity, at a lower level than the cup itself and therefore out of focus ; the dotted line indicates the continuity of the cavity of the stalk with that of the primary vesicle. The line 0, 0, through which the section shewn in Fig. 50 C is supposed to be taken, passes through the choroidal fissure. VI.] 139 B. C. Diagrammatic section taken perpendicular to the plane of the paper, along the line y, y, Fig. 49. The stalk is not seen, the* section falling quite out of its region, vh, hollow of optic cup filled with vitreous humour ; other letters as in Fig. 47 B. Section taken parallel to the plane of paper through Fig. 49, so far behind the front surface of the eye as to shave off a small portion of the posterior surface of the lens I, but so far in front as not to be carried at all through the stalk. Letters as before ; /, the choroidal fissure. Section along the line z, z, perpendicular to the plane of the paper, to shew the choroidal fissure /, and the continuity of the cavity of the optic stalk with that of the primary optic vesicle. Had this section been taken a little to either side of the line z, 2, the wall of the optic cup would have extended up to the lens below as well as above. Letters as above. sented (the superficial epiblast of the head would also be shewn) ; but there would be nothing seen of either the stalk or the fissure. If on the other hand the section were taken in a plane parallel to the plane of the paper, at some distance above the level of the stalk, some such figure would be gained as that shewn in Fig. 50 B. Here the fissure / is obvious, and the communication of the cavity vh of the secondary vesicle with the outside of the eye evident; the section of course would not go through the superficial epiblast, 140 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Lastly, a section, taken perpendicular to the plane of the paper along the line z, i.e. through the fissure itself, would present the appearances of Fig. 50 C, where the wall of the vesicle is entirely wanting in the region of the fissure marked by the position of the letter /. The external epiblast has been omitted in the figure. The fissure such as we have described it exists for a short time only. Its lips come into contact, and unite (in the neighbourhood of the lens, directly, but in the neighbourhood of the stalk, by the intervention of a structure which we shall describe presently), and thus the cup-like cavity of the secondary optic vesicle is furnished with a complete wall all round. The interior of the cavity is filled by the vitreous humour, a clear fluid in which are a few scattered cells. With reference to the above description, two points require to be noticed. Firstly it is extremely doubtful whether the invagination of the secondary optic vesicle is to be viewed as an actual mechanical result of the ingrowth of the lens. Secondly it seems probable that the choroid fissure is not simply due to a deficiency in the growth of part of the walls of the secondary optic cup, but is partly due to a more complicated inequality of growth resulting in a doubling up of the primary vesicle from the side along the line of the fissure, at the same time that the lens is being thrust in in front. In Mammalia, the doubling up involves the optic stalk, which becomes flattened (whereby its original cavity is obliterated) and then folded in on itself, so as to embrace a new central cavity continuous with the cavity of the vitreous humour. During the changes in the optic vesicle just de- scribed, the surrounding mesoblast takes on the cha- racters of a distinct investment, whereby the outline of VI.] THE EYE. 141 the eyeball is definitely formed. The internal portions of this investment, nearest to the retina, become the choroid (i.e. the chorio-capillaris, and the lamina fusca, the pigment epithelium, as we have seen, being derived from the epiblastic optic cup), and pigment is subsequently deposited in it. The remaining external portion of the investment forms the sclerotic. The complete differentiation of these two coats of the eye does not however take place till a late period. In front of the optic cup the mesoblastic invest- ment grows forwards, between the lens and the super- ficial epiblast, and so gives rise to the substance of the cornea; the epiblast supplying only the anterior epithelium. We may now proceed to give some further details with reference to the histological differentiation of the parts, whose general development has been dealt with in the preceding pages. The histological condition of the eye in its earliest stages is very simple. Both the epiblast forming the walls of the optic vesicle, and the superficial layer which is thickened to become the lens, are composed of simple columnar cells. The surrounding mesoblast is made up of cells whose protoplasm is more or less branched and irregular. These simple elements are gradually modified into the complicated tissues of the adult eye, the changes undergone being most marked in the cases of the retina, the optic nerve, and the lens with its appendages. The optic vesicle. We left the original cavity of the primary optic vesicle as a nearly obliterated space 142 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. between the two walls of the optic cup. By the end of the third day the obliteration is complete, and the two walls are in immediate contact. The inner or anterior wall is, from the first, thicker than the outer or posterior ; and over the greater part of the cup this contrast increases with the growth of the eye, the anterior wall becoming markedly thicker and undergoing changes of which we shall have to speak directly (Fig. 51). In the front portion however, along, so to speak, the lip of the cup, anterior to a line which afterwards be- comes the ora serrata, both layers not only cease to take part in the increased thickening, accompanied by peculiar histological changes, which the rest of the cup is undergoing, but also completely coalesce together. Thus a hind portion or true retina is marked off from a front portion. The front portion, accompanied by the choroid which immediately overlays it, is, behind the lens, thrown into folds, the ciliary ridges ; while further for- ward it bends in between the lens and the cornea to form the iris. The original wide opening of the optic cup is thus narrowed to a smaller orifice, the pupil ; and the lens, which before lay in the open mouth, is now inclosed in the cavity of the cup. While in the hind portion of the cup, or retina proper, no deposit of black pigment takes place in the layer formed out of the inner or anterior wall of the vesicle, in the front portion we are speaking of, pigment is largely deposited throughout both layers, so that eventually this portion seems to become nothing more than a forward pro- longation of the pigment-epithelium of the choroid. VI.J THE OPTIC VESICLE. FIG. 51. 143 Kt. p.Ch SECTION OF THE EYE OF CHICK AT THE FOURTH DAY. ep. superficial epiblast of the side of the head. R. true retina : anterior wall of the optic cup. p. Gh. pigment- epithelium of the choroid : posterior wall of the optic cup. 6 is placed at the extreme lip of the optic cup at what will become the margin of the iris. I. the lens. The hind wall, the nuclei of whose elongated cells are shewn at ril, now forms nearly the whole mass of the lens, the front wall being reduced to a layer of flattened cells el. m. the mesoblast surrounding the optic cup and about to form the choroid and sclerotic. It is seen to pass forward between the lip of the optic cup and the superficial epiblast. 144 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Filling up a large part of the hollow of the optic cup is seen a hyaline mass forming the hyaloid membrane and the coagulum of the vitreous humour. In the neighbourhood of the lens it seems to be continuous as at d with the tissue a, which in turn is continuous with the mesoblast m, and appears to be the rudiment of the capsule of the lens and suspensory ligament. Thus while the hind moiety of the optic cup be- comes the retina proper, including the choroid-pigment in which the rods and cones are imbedded, the front moiety is converted into the ciliary portion of the retina, covering the ciliary processes, and into the uvea of the iris ; the bodies of the ciliary processes and the substance of the iris, their vessels, muscles, connective tissue and ramified pigment, being derived from the mesoblastic choroid. The margin of the pupil marks the extreme lip of the optic vesicle, where the outer or posterior wall turns round to join the inner or anterior. The ciliary muscle and the ligamentum pectinatum are both derived from the mesoblast between the cornea and the iris. The retina. At first, as we have said, the two walls of the optic cup do not greatly differ in thickness. On the third day the outer or posterior becomes much thinner than the inner or anterior, and by the middle of the fourth day is reduced to a single layer -of flat- tened cells (Fig. 51, p. Gh.). At about the 80th hour its cells commence to receive a deposit of pigment, and eventually form the so-called pigmentary epithelium of the choroid ; from them no part of the true retina (or no other part of the retina, if the pigment-layer in question be supposed to belong more truly to the retina than to the choroid) is derived. VI.] THE RETINA. 145 On the fourth day, the inner (anterior) wall of the optic cup (Fig. 51, R) is perfectly uniform in structure, being composed of elongated somewhat spindle-shaped cells, with distinct nuclei. On its external (posterior) surface a distinct cuticular membrane, the membrana limitans externa, early appears. As the wall increases in thickness, its cells multiply rapidly, so that it soon appears to be several cells thick : each cell being however probably continued through the whole thickness of the layer. The wall at this stage corresponds closely in its structure with the brain, of which it may properly be looked upon as part. Ac- cording to the usual view, which is not however fully supported by recent observations, the retina becomes divided in its subsequent growth into (1) an outer part, corresponding morphologically to the epithelial lining of the cerebro-spinal canal, composed of what may be called the visual tells of the eye, i. e. the cells forming the outer granular (nuclear) layer and the rods and cones attached to them ; and (2) an inner portion consisting of the inner granular (nuclear) layer, the inner molecular layer, the ganglionic layer and the layer of nerve-fibres corresponding morphologically to the substance of the brain and spinal cord. The actual development of the retina is not thoroughly understood. According to the usual statements (Kolliker 1 ) the layer of ganglion cells and the inner molecular layer are first differentiated, while the remaining cells give rise to the rest of the retina proper, and are bounded externally by the membrana limitans externa. On the inner side of the ganglionic layer the stratum of nerve-fibres is also very early established. The rods 1 Entwick. d. Menschen, etc.< } 1879. F, & B. 10 146 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. and cones are formed as prolongations or cuticularizations of the cells which eventually form the outer granular layer. The layer of cells external to the molecular layer is not divided till comparatively late into the inner and outer granular (nuclear) layers, and the interposed outer molecular layer. Lowe 1 has recently written an elaborate paper on this subject in which he arrives at very different results from Kolliker and other observers. According to him only the outer limbs of the rods and cones, which he holds to be metamorphosed cells, correspond to the epithelial layer of the brain. The changes described above are confined to that portion of the retina which, lies behind the ora serrata. In front of this both walls of the cup coalesce as we have said into a cellular layer in which a deposit of pigment takes place. At a very early period a membrane appears on the side of the retina adjoining the vitreous humour. This membrane is the hyaloid membrane. It is formed at a time when there is no trace of mesoblastic structures in the cavity of the vitreous humour, and must therefore be regarded as a cuticular deposit of the cells of the optic cup. The optic nerve. The optic nerves are derived, as we have said, from the at first hollow stalks of the optic vesicles. Their cavities gradually become oblite- rated by a thickening of the walls, the obliteration proceeding from the retinal end inwards towards the brain. While the proximal ends of the optic stalks are still hollow, the rudiments of the optic chiasma are formed at the roots of the stalks, the fibres of the one stalk growing over into the attachment of the other. The decussation of the fibres would appear 1 Archiv fur mikr. Anat. Vol. xv. VI.] THE CHOROID FISSURE. 147 to be complete. The fibres arise in the remainder of the nerves somewhat later. At first the optic nerve is equally continuous with both walls of the optic cup ; as must of necessity be the case, since the interval which primarily exists between the two walls is con- tinuous with the cavity of the stalk. When the cavity within the optic nerve vanishes, and the fibres of the optic nerve appear, all connection between the outer wall of the optic cup and the optic nerve disappears, and the optic nerve simply perforates the outer wall, remaining continuous with the inner one. The choroid fissure. During the third day of incu- bation there passes in through the choroid slit a vas- cular loop, which no doubt supplies the transuded material for the growth of the vitreous humour. Up to the fifth day this vascular loop is the only structure passing through the choroid slit. On this day however a new structure appears, which remains permanently through life, and is known as the pecten. It consists of a lamellar process of the mesoblast cells round the eye, passing through the choroid slit near the optic nerve, and enveloping part of the afferent branch of the vascular loop above mentioned. The proximal part of the free edge of the pecten is somewhat swollen, and sections through this part have a club-shaped form. On the sixth day the choroid slit becomes rapidly closed, so that at the end of the sixth day it is reduced to a mere seam. There are however two parts of this seam where the edges of the optic cup have not coalesced. The proximal of these adjoins the optic nerve, and permits the passage of the pecten, and at a later period of the optic nerve ; and the second or distal 102 148 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. one is placed near the ciliary edge of the slit, and is traversed by the efferent branch of the above-men- tioned vascular loop. This vessel soon atrophies, and with it the distal opening in the choroid slit completely vanishes. In some varieties of domestic Fowl (Lieber- kiihn) the opening however persists. The seam which marks the original site of the choroid slit is at first con- spicuous by the absence of pigment, and at a later period by the deep colour of its pigment. Finally, a little after the ninth day, no trace of it is to be seen. Up to the eighth day the pecten remains as a simple lamina; by the tenth or twelfth day it begins to be folded or rather puckered, and by the seventeenth or eighteenth day it is richly pigmented, and the pucker- ings have become nearly as numerous as in the adult, there being in all seventeen or eighteen. The pecten is now almost entirely composed of vascular coils, which are supported by a sparse pigmented connective tissue ; and in the adult the pecten is still extremely vascular. The original artery which became enveloped at the formation of the pecten continues, when the latter be- comes vascular, to supply it with blood. The vein is practically a fresh development after the atrophy of the distal portion of the primitive vascular loop of the vitreous humour. There are no true retinal blood-vessels. The permanent opening in the choroid fissure for the pecten is intimately related to the entrance of the optic nerve into the eyeball; the fibres of the optic nerve passing in at the inner border of the pecten, coursing along its sides to its outer border, and radi- VI.] THE LENS. 149 ating from it as from a centre to all parts of the retina. The lens. This when first formed is somewhat elliptical in section with a small central cavity of a similar shape, the front and hind walls being of nearly equal thickness, each consisting of a single layer of elongated columnar cells. In the subsequent growth of the lens, the develop- ment of the hind wall is of a precisely opposite cha- racter to that of the front wall. The hind wall becomes much thicker, and tends to obliterate the central cavity by becoming convex on its front surface. At the same time its cells, still remaining as a single layer, become elongated and fibre-like. The front wall on the con- trary becomes thinner and thinner and its cells more and more flattened and pavement-like. These modes of growth continue until at the end of the fourth day, as shewn in Fig. 51, the convex hind wall I comes into absolute contact with the front wall el and the cavity is thus entirely obliterated. The cells of the hind wall have by this time become veritable fibres, which, when seen in section, appear to be arranged nearly parallel to the optic axis, their nuclei nl being seen in a row along their middle. The front wall, some- what thickened at either side where it becomes continu- ous with the hind wall, is now a single layer of flattened cells separating the -hind wall of the lens, or as we may now say the lens itself, from the front limb of the lens-capsule ; of this it becomes the epithelium. The subsequent changes undergone consist chiefly in the continued elongation and multiplication of the lens- fibres, with the partial disappearance of their nuclei. 150 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. During their multiplication they become arranged in the manner characteristic of the adult lens. The lens capsule is probably formed as a cuticular membrane deposited by the epithelial cells of the lens. But it should be stated that many embryologists regard it as a product of the mesoblast. The vitreous humour. The vitreous humour is a mesoblastic product, entering the cavity of the optic cup by the choroid slit just spoken of. It is nourished by the vascular ingrowths through the choroid slit. Its exact nature has been much disputed. It arises as a kind of transudation, but frequently however contains blood-corpuscles and embryonic mesoblastic cells. It is therefore intermediate in its character between or- dinary intercellular substance, and the fluids contained in serous cavities. The integral parts of the eye in front of the lens are the cornea, the aqueous humour, and the iris. The development of the latter has already been sufficiently described in connection with the retina, and there re- main to be dealt with the cornea, and the cavity con- taining the aqueous humour. The cornea. The cornea is formed by the coales- cence of two structures, viz. the epithelium of the cornea and the cornea proper. The former is directly derived from the external epiblast, which covers the eye after the invagination of the lens. The latter is formed in a somewhat remarkable manner, first clearly made out by Kessler. When the lens is completely separated from the epi- dermis the central part of its outer wall remains directly VI.] THE CORNEA. 151 in contact with the epidermis (future corneal epithelium). At its edge there is a small ring-shaped space bounded by the outer skin, the lens and the edge of the optic cup. There appears, at about the time when the cavity of the lens is completely obliterated, a structureless layer external to the above ring-like space and immediately adjoining the inner face of the epidermis. This layer, which forms the commencement of the cornea proper, at first only forms a ring at the border of the lens, thickest at its outer edge, and gradually thinning away towards the centre. It soon however becomes broader, and finally forms a continuous stratum of con- siderable thickness, interposed between the external skin and the lens. As soon as this stratum has reached a certain thickness, a layer of flattened cells grows in along its inner side from the mesoblast sur- rounding the optic cup (Fig. 52, dm). This layer is the epithelioid layer of the membrane of Descemet 1 . After it has become completely established, the meso- blast around the edge of the cornea becomes divided into two strata ; an inner one (Fig. 52 cb) destined to form the mesoblastic tissue of the iris already described, and an outer one (Fig. 52 cc) adjoining the epidermis. The outer stratum gives rise to the corneal corpuscles, which are the only constituents of the cornea not yet developed. The corneal corpuscles make their way 1 It appears possible that Lieberkiihn may be right in stating that the epithelium of Descemet 's membrane grows in between the lens and the epiblast before the formation of the cornea proper, and that Kessler's account, given above, may on this point require correc- tion. From the structure of the eye in some of the lower forms it seems probable that Descemet's membrane is continuous with the choroid. THE THIRD DAY, [CHAP. FIG. 52. SECTION THROUGH THE EYE OF A FOWL ON THE EIGHTH DAT OF DEVELOPMENT, TO SHEW THE IRIS AND CORNEA IN THE PROCESS OF FORMATION. (After Kessler.) ep. epiblastic epithelium of cornea ; cc. corneal corpuscles growing into the structureless matrix of the cornea ; dm. Descemet's membrane ; ir. iris ; cb. mesoblast of the iris (this reference letter points a little too high). The space between the layers dm. and ep. is filled with the structureless matrix of the cornea. through the structureless corneal layer, and divide it into two strata, one adjoining the epiblast, and the other adjoining the inner epithelium. The two strata become gradually thinner as the corpuscles invade a larger and larger portion of their substance, and finally the outermost portion of each alone remains to form above and below the membrana elastica anterior and posterior (Descemet's membrane) of the cornea. The corneal corpuscles, which have grown in from the sides, thus form a layer which becomes continually thicker, and gives rise to the main substance of the cornea. Whether the increase in the thickness of the layer is due to the immigration of fresh corpuscles, or to the division of those already there, is not clear. After the VI.] THE AQUEOUS HUMOUR. 153 cellular elements have made their way into the cornea, the latter becomes continuous at its edge with the meso- blast which forms the sclerotic. The derivation of the original structureless layer of the cornea is still uncertain. Kessler derives it from the epiblast, but it appears more probable that Kolliker 1 is right in regarding it as derived from the mesoblast. The grounds for this view are, (1) the fact of its growth inwards from the border of the meso- blast round the edge of the eye, (2) the peculiar relations between it and the corneal corpuscles at a later period. This view would receive still further support if a layer of mesoblast between the lens and the epiblast were really present as believed by Lieber- kiihn. It must however be admitted that the objections to Kessler's view of its epiblastic nature are rather a priori than founded on definite observation. The observations of Kessler, which have been mainly followed in the above account, are strongly opposed by Lieberkiihn and other observers, and are not entirely accepted by Kolliker. It is however especially on the development of these parts in Mam- malia (to be spoken of in the sequel) that the above authors found their objections. The aqueous humour. The cavity for the aqueous humour has its origin in the ring-shaped space round the front of the lens, which, as already mentioned, is bounded by the external skin, the edge of the optic cup, and the lens. By the formation of the cornea this space is shut off from the external skin, and on the appearance of the epithelioid layer of Descemet's membrane a continuous cavity is developed between the cornea and the lens. This cavity enlarges and 1 L. Kessler, Zur Entwick. d. Auges d. Wirbelthiere. Leipzig, 1874. N. Lieberkiihn, " Beitrage z. Anat. d. embryonalen Auges," Archiv f. Anat. u. Phys., 1879. Kolliker, Entwick. d. Henschen, etc. Leipzig, 1879. 154 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. receives its final form upon the full development of the iris. Summary. We may briefly recapitulate the main facts in the development of the eye as follows. The eye commences as a lateral outgrowth of the fore-brain, in the form of a stalked vesicle. The stalk, becoming narrowed and subsequently solid, is converted into the optic nerve. An involution of the superficial epiblast over the front of the optic vesicle, in the form first of a pit, then of a closed sac with thick walls, and lastly, of a solid rounded mass (the small central cavity being entirely obliterated by the thickening of the hind wall), gives rise to the lens. Coincidently with this involution of the lens, the optic vesicle is doubled up on itself, and its cavity obliterated ; thus a secondary optic vesicle or optic cup with a thick anterior and a thin posterior wall is produced. As a result of the manner in which the doubling up takes place, or of the mode of growth afterwards, the cup of the secondary optic vesicle is at first imperfect along its under surface, where a gap, the choroidal fissure, exists for some little time, but subse- quently closes up. The mesoblast in which the eye is imbedded gathers itself together around the optic cup into a distinct in- vestment, of which the internal layers become the choroid, the external the sclerotic. An ingrowth of this investment between the front surface of the lens and the superficial epiblast furnishes the body of the cornea, the epiblast itself remaining as the anterior corneal epithelium. The mesoblast entering on the under side through VI.] THE LACRYMAL DUCT. 155 the choroidal fissure gives rise to the vitreous humour, while at a later stage a definite process of this meso- blast becomes the pecten. Of the walls of the optic cup, the thinner outer (posterior) wall becomes, behind the line of the ora serrata, the pigment-epithelium of the choroid, while the thicker inner (anterior) wall supplies all the ele- ments of the retina, including the rods and cones which grow out from it into the pigment-epithelium. In front of the line of the ora serrata, both walls of the optic cup, quite thin and wholly fused together, give rise to the pigment- epithelium of the ciliary processes and iris, the bodies of both these organs being formed from the mesoblastic investment. Accessory Organs connected with the Eye. Eyelids. The most important accessory structures connected with the eye are the eyelids. They are developed as simple folds of the integument with a mesoblastic prolongation between their two laminae. They are three in number, viz. an upper and lower, and a lateral one the nictitating membrane springing from the inner or anterior border of the eye. Their inner face is lined by a prolongation of conjunctiva, which is the modified epiblast covering the cornea and part of the sclerotic. The Lacrymal glands and Lacrymal duct. The lacrymal glands are formed as solid ingrowths of the conjunctival epithelium. They appear on the eighth day of incubation. The lacrymal duct begins as a solid ridge of the epidermis, projecting inwards along the line of the so-called lacrymal groove, from the eye to the nasal pit. At the end of the sixth day this ridge begins to be separated from the epidermis, remaining however united with it on the inner side of the lower eyelid. 156 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. After it has become free, it forms a solid cord, the lower end of which unites with the wall of the nasal cavity. The cord so formed gives rise directly to the whole of the duct proper and to the lower branch of the collecting tube. The upper branch of the collecting tube is formed as an outgrowth from it. A lumen begins to be formed in it on the twelfth day of incubation, and first appears at the nasal end. It arises as a space amongst the cells of the cord, but is not due to an absorption of the central cells 1 . Organ of hearing. During the second day the ear first made its appearance on either side of the hind- brain as an involution of the external epiblast, thrust down into the mass of mesoblast rapidly developing between the epiblast of the skin and that of the neural FIG. 53. P SECTION THROUGH THE HEAD OF AN ELASMOBRANCH EMBRYO, AT THE LEVEL OF THE AUDITORY INVOLUTION. aup. auditory pit ; aun. ganglion of auditory nerve ; iv.v. roof of fourth ventricle ; a.c.v. anterior cardinal vein ; aa. aorta ; 1 G. Born: "Die Nasenhohlen u. Thranennasengang d. amnioten Wirbelthiere, i. Lacertilia n. Aves." Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. v., 1879. VI-] THE EAR. 157 Laa. aortic trunk of mandibular arch ; pp. head cavity of mandibular arch ; Ivc. alimentary pouch which will form the first visceral cleft ; Th. rudiment of thyroid body. canal (Fig. 27, au. >.). It then had the form of a shallow pit with a widely open mouth, similar in form to that shewn for an embryo dog-fish in Fig. 53, au. p. Before the end of the third day, its mouth closes up and all signs of the opening are obliterated. The pit thus becomes converted into a closed vesicle, lined with epiblast, and surrounded by mesoblast. This vesicle is the otic vesicle, whose cavity rapidly enlarges while its walls become thickened (Fig. 54, (7(7). cc AOA SECTION THROUGH THE HlND-BRAIN OF A CHICK AT THE END OF THE THIRD DAY OF INCUBATION. IV. Fourth ventricle. The section shews the very thin roof and thicker sides of the ventricle. 158 THE TH1KD DAY. [CHAP. Ch. Notochord (diagrammatic shading). CV. Anterior cardinal or jugular vein. CO. Involuted auditory vesicle. CO points to the end which will form the cochlear canal. RL. Recessus labyrinthi. hy. hypoblast lining the alimentary canal, hy is itself placed in the cavity of the alimentary canal, in that part of the canal which will become the throat. The lower (anterior) wall of the canal is not shewn in the section, but on each side are seen portions of a pair of visceral arches. In each arch is seen the section of the aortic arch AOA belonging to the visceral arch. The vessel thus cut through is running upwards towards the head, being about to join the dorsal aorta AO. Had the section been nearer the head, and carried through the plane at which the aortic arch curves round the alimentary canal to reach the mesoblast above it, AOA and AO would have formed one continuous curved space. In sections lower down in the back the two aorta, AO, one on either side, would be found fused into one median canal. The changes by which this simple otic vesicle is converted into the complicated system of parts known as the internal ear, have been much more completely worked out for Mammals than for Birds. We shall therefore reserve a full account of them for a later portion of this work. Meanwhile a brief statement of the essential nature of the changes may be useful ; and will be most conveniently introduced here. The internal ear consists essentially of an inner membranous labyrinth lying loosely in and only partially attached to an outer osseous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth (Fig. 55) consists of two parts : (1) the vestibule, with which are connected three pairs of semicircular canals, pag', fr, hor ', and a long narrow hollow process, the aqueductus or recessus vesti- VI.] A. THE EAR, FIG. 55. 159 13. T mr TWO VIEWS OF THE MEMBRANOUS LABYRINTH OF COLUMBA DOMESTICA (copied from Hasse). A, from the exterior, B, from the interior. hor'. horizontal semicircular canal, hor. ampulla of ditto, pag'. pos- terior vertical semicircular canal, pag. ampulla of ditto, //. anterior vertical semicircular canal, fr. ampulla of ditto, u. utriculus, ru. recessus utriculi, v. the connecting tube between the ampulla of the anterior vertical semicircular canal and the utriculus, de. ductus endolymphaticus (recessus vestibuli), s. sacculus hemisphericus, cr. canalis reuniens, lag. lagena, mr. membrane of Reissner, pb. Basilar membrane. buli, and (2) the ductus cochlearis, which in birds is a flask-shaped cavity slightly bent on itself, the dilated end of which is called the lagena. The several parts of each of these cavities freely communicate, and the two are joined together by a narrow canal, the canalis re- uniens, cr. The osseous labyrinth has a corresponding form, and may be similarly divided into parts : into a bony vestibule, with its bony semicircular canals and recessus 160 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. vestibuli, and into a bony cochlea; but the junction between the cochlea and the bony vestibule is much wider than the membranous canalis reuniens. The cavity of the osseous cochlea is partially divided lengthways by the ductus cochlearis into a scala tym- pani and a scala vestibuli, which do not however extend to the lagena. The auditory nerve, piercing the osseous labyrinth in various points, is distributed in the walls of the mem- branous labyrinth. All these complicated structures are derived from the simple primary otic vesicle and the surrounding mesoblast by changes in its form and differentiation of its walls. . All the epiblast of the vesicle goes to form the epithelium of the membranous labyrinth, whose cavity, filled with endolymph, represents the original cavity which was first open to the surface but subse- quently covered in. It gradually attains its curiously twisted form by a series of peculiar processes of unequal growth in the, at first, simple walls of the vesicle. The corium of the membranous labyrinth, and all the tissues of the osseous labyrinth, are developed out of the meso- blastic investment of the vesicle. The space between the osseous and membranous labyrinths, including the scala vestibuli and scala tympani, may be regarded as essentially a series of lymphatic cavities hollowed out in the mesoblast. It will be seen then that the ear, while resembling the eye in so far as the peculiar structures in which the sensory nerve in each case terminates are formed of involuted epiblast, differs from it inasmuch as it arises by an independent involution of the superficial epiblast, VI.] THE OLFACTORY ORGAN. 161 whereas the eye is a constricted portion of the general involution which gives rise to the central nervous system. The origin of the auditory nerve has already been described. It is shewn in close contact with the walls of the auditory pit in Fig. 53. Organ of Smell. The organ of smell makes its ap- pearance during the third day, as two depressions or pits, on the under surface of the head, a little in front of the eye (Fig. 56, N). FIG. 56. ot HEAD OP AN EMBRYO CHICK OF THE THIRD DAY VIEWED SIDEWAYS AS AN OPAQUE OBJECT. (Chromic acid preparation.) C.H. Cerebral hemispheres. F.B. Vesicle of third ventricle. M.B. Mid-brain. Cb. Cerebellum. H.B. Medulla ob- longata. N. Nasal pit. ot. otic vesicle in the stage of a pit with the open- ing not yet closed up. op. Optic vesicle, with I. lens and ch.f. choroidal fissure. The superficial epiblast moulds itself to the form of the optic vesicle and the lens ; hence the choroidal fissure, though formed entirely underneath the superficial epiblast, is distinctly visible from the outside. 1 F. The first visceral fold; above it is seen a slight indication of the superior maxillary process. 2, 3, 4 F. Second, third and fourth visceral folds, with the vis- ceral clefts between them. F.&B. 11 162 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Like the lens and the labyrinth of the ear, they are formed from the external epiblast; unlike them they are never closed up. The olfactory nerves arise as outgrowths of the front end of the cerebral hemispheres, before any trace of a special division of the brain, forming an olfactory lobe, has become established. Their peripheral extremities unite with the walls of the olfactory pits during the third day. The olfactory lobes arise as outgrowths of the cerebral hemispheres on the seventh day of incuba- tion. Visceral Arches and Visceral Clefts. It must be borne in mind that, especially in the early stages of development, owing to the very unequal growth of different parts, the relative position of the various structures is continually shifting. This is very well seen in the instance of the heart. At its first appear- ance, the heart is lodged immediately beneath the extreme front of the alimentary canal, so far forwards as to underlie that portion of the medullary canal which will form the brain. It is, in fact, at that epoch a part of the head. From that early position it gradually recedes farther and farther backward, until, at the end of the third day, a considerable interval is observed between it and the actual head. In other words, a distinct neck has been formed, in which most important changes take place. The neck is distinguished from the trunk in which the heart now lies by the important feature that in it there is no cleavage of the mesoblast into soinatopleure and splanchnopleure, and consequently no pleuroperito- neal cavity. In passing from the exterior into the ali- VI.] THE VISCERAL CLEFTS. 163 mentary canal, the three layers of the blastoderm are successively traversed, without any breach of continuity, save such as is caused by the cavities of the blood- vessels. In this neck, so constituted, there appear on the third day certain fissures or clefts, the visceral or branchial clefts. These are real clefts or slits passing right through the walls of the throat, and are placed in series on either side across the axis of the alimentary canal, lying not quite at right angles to that axis and parallel to each other, but converging somewhat to the middle of the throat in front (Fig. 56). Viewed from the outside in either fresh or preserved embryos they are not very distinctly seen to be clefts ; but when they are seen from within, after laying open the throat, their characters as elongated oval slits can easily be recog- nised. Four in number on either side, the most anterior is the first to be formed, the other three following in suc- cession. Their formation takes place from within out- wards. The hypoblast is pushed outwards as a pouch, which grows till it meets the epiblast, which is then broken through, while the hypoblast forms a junction with the epiblast at the outside of the throat. No sooner has a cleft been formed than its anterior border (i.e. the border nearer the head) becomes raised into a thick lip or fold, the visceral or branchial fold. Each cleft has its own fold on its anterior border, and in addition the posterior border of the fourth or last visceral cleft is raised into a similar fold. There are thus five visceral folds to four visceral clefts (Fig. 56). The last two folds however, and especially the last, are not nearly so thick and prominent as the other three, the second 112 164 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. being the broadest and most conspicuous of all. The first fold meets, or nearly meets, its fellow in the middle line in front, but the second falls short of reaching the middle line, and the third, fourth and fifth do so in an increasing degree. Thus in front views of the neck a triangular space with its apex directed towards the head is observed between the ends of the several folds. Into this space the pleuroperitoneal cavity extends, the somatopleure separating from the splanchnopleure along the ends of the folds ; and it is here that the aorta plunges into the mesobkst of the body. The visceral clefts and arches to a large extent dis- appear in the adult, and constitute examples of an inte- resting class of embryonic organs, whose presence is only to be explained by the fact that, in the ancestors of the types in which they are now developed in the embryo, they performed an important function in the adult. The visceral arches and clefts are in fact the homologues of the branchial arches and branchial clefts of Fishes, which continue to be formed in the embryos of the higher vertebrate types, although they have ceased to serve as organs of respiration. The skeletal structures developed in the visceral arches persist as the jaw-bones and hyoid bone, but the clefts, with the exception of the first, become obliterated. Of the history of the skeletal elements we shall speak in detail hereafter; meanwhile we may briefly deal with the general history of these parts. The first fold on either side, increasing rapidly in size and prominence, does not, like the others, remain single, but sends off in the course of the third day a branch or bud-like process from its anterior edge. This VI.] THE VISCERAL ARCHES. 165 branch, starting from near the dorsal beginning of the fold, runs ventralwards and forwards, tending to meet the corresponding branch from the fold on the other side, at a point in the middle line nearer the front of the head than the junction of the main folds. The two branches do not quite meet, being separated by a median process, which at the same time grows down from the extreme front of the head, and against which they abut. Between the main folds, which are directed somewhat backwards and the branches which slant forwards, a somewhat lozenge-shaped space is developed which, as the folds become more and more prominent, grows deeper and deeper. In the main folds are developed the man- dibles, and in the branches the superior maxillce : the lozenge-shaped cavity between them is the cavity of the mouth, and the descending process which helps to complete the upper margin of this cavity is called, from the parts which will be formed out of it, the fronto- nasal process. Part of the mesoblast of the two succeeding pairs of visceral folds is transformed into the hyoid bone, which will be best considered in connection with the develop- ment of the skull. The two last arches disappear with- out giving rise to any permanent structures. With the exception of the first the visceral clefts become obliterated at an early stage of embryonic life ; but the first persists, although it loses all trace of its original branchial function and becomes intimately con- nected with the organ of hearing, of which in fact it forms a most essential part, becoming converted into the Eustachian tube and tympanic cavity. The outer opening and the outer part also of the cleft become 166 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAR obliterated at an early date, but from the inner part of the cleft a diverticulum is given off towards the ex- terior, which becomes the tympanic cavity. The inner part of the cleft itself forms the Eustachian tube, while its mouth forms the oral aperture of this tube. The meatus auditorius externus first appears as a shallow depression at the region where the closure of the first visceral cleft takes place. It is in part formed by the tissue surrounding this depression growing up in the form of a wall, but the blind end of the meatus also becomes actually pushed in towards the tympanic cavity. The tympanic membrane is derived from the tissue which separates the meatus auditorius externus from the tympanic cavity. This tissue is obviously consti- tuted of an hypoblastic epithelium on its inner aspect, an epiblastic epithelium on its outer aspect, and a layer of mesoblast between them, and these three layers give rise to the three layers of which this membrane is formed in the adult. During the greater part of foetal life it is relatively very thick, and presents a structure bearing but little resemblance to that in the adult. The tympanic cavity is bounded on its inner aspect by the osseous investment of the internal ear, but at two points, known as the fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda, the bone is deficient and its place is taken by a membrane. These two fenestrse appear early, and are probably formed by the nonchrondrification of a -small area of the embryonic cartilage. The upper of the two, or fenestra ovalis, contains the base of a bone, known as the columella. The main part of the columella is VJ,] THE AORTIC ARCHES. 167 formed of a stalk which is held by Parker to be derived from part of the skeleton of the visceral arches, while the base, forming the stapes, appears to be an inde- pendent formation. The stalk of the columella extends to the tympanic membrane; its outer end becoming imbedded in this membrane, and serving to transmit the vibrations of the membrane to the fluid in the internal ear. Vascular system. By the end of the second day three pairs of aortic arches had been established in connection with the heart. When the visceral folds and clefts are formed, a definite arrangement between them and the aortic arches is always observed. The first visceral cleft runs between the first and second aortic arches. Consequently the first aortic arch runs in the first visceral fold, and the second in the second. In the same way, the second visceral cleft lies between the second and third aortic arches, the third aortic arch running in the third visceral fold. Each aortic arch runs in the thickened mesoblast of the corresponding fold. Arrived at the dorsal surface of the alimentary canal, these arches unite at acute angles to form a common trunk, the dorsal aorta (Fig. 57, A.0\ which runs along the back immediately under the notochord. The length of this common single trunk is not great, as it soon divides into two main branches, each of which, after giving off the large vitelline artery, Of. A., pursues its course with diminished calibre to the tail, where it is finally lost in the capillaries of that part. The heart is now completely doubled up on itself. Its mode of curvature is apparently somewhat compli- cated. Starting from the point of junction of the vitel- 168 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Fia 57. IMA. E.CA. DIAGRAM OF THE ARTERIAL CIRCULATION ON THE THIRD DAY. 1, 2, 3. The first three pairs of aortic arches. A. The vessel formed by the junction of the three pairs of arches. A.O. Dorsal aorta formed by the junction of the two branches A and A ; it quickly divides again into two branches which pass down one on each side of the notochord. From each of these is given off a large branch Of. A., the vitelline artery. E.CA, LCA, external and internal carotid arteries. line veins (Fig. 37, Ht), there is first a slight curvature towards the left; this is followed by a turn to the right, and then the heart is completely bent on itself, so that afterwards it pursues a course directed from behind quite straight forwards (except perhaps for a little incli- nation to the left) to the point where the aortic arches branch off. In this way, as shewn in section in Fig. 59, A, the end of the bulbus arteriosus (v) comes to lie just underneath (or in front of according to the position of VI.] THE HEART. 169 the embryo) that part which has already been marked off by the lateral bulgings as the auricular portion (au). That part of the heart which is turned to the right, including the point of doubling up, is the ventricular portion, and is even at this stage separated from the auricular portion by a slight neck. This external con- striction corresponds to an internal narrowing of the lumen of the heart, and marks the position of the future canalis auric u laris. The ventricular portion is, on the other hand, like- wise separated by a fainter constriction from the ante- rior continuation of the heart which forms the bulbus arteriosus. The projecting part where the doubling takes place is at this stage still quite round ; we shall see that later on it becomes pointed and forms the apex of the heart. The whole venous portion of the heart (if we may so speak of it, though of course at this stage blood of the same quality passes right along the whole cardiac canal) lies in a plane which is more dorsal than the arterial por- tion. The point at which the venous roots of the heart, i.e. the two vitelline trunks, unite into a single canal, is on this day carried farther and farther away from the heart itself. By the end of the day there is a consider- able distance between the auricular portion of the actual heart and the point where the venous roots separate, each to pursue its course along the splanchnopleure-fold of its own side. This distance is traversed by a single venous trunk, of which the portion close to the auricles is called the sinus venosus, and the more distant the ductus venosus. We shall give to the whole trunk the name used by the older observers, the meatus venosus. 170 THE THIRD DAY. Small arteries to various parts of the body are now being given off by the aorta and its branches. The capillaries in which these end are gathered into veins which unite to form two main trunks on either side, the cardinal veins, anterior and posterior (Fig. 36, Fig. 58 FIG. 58. DIAGRAM OF THE VENOUS CIRCULATION ON THE THIRD DAY. H. Heart. J. Jugular or anterior cardinal vein. C. Inferior or posterior cardinal vein. Of. Vitelline vein. dc. Ductus Cuvieri. J and (7), which run parallel to the long axis of the body in the upper part of the mesoblast, a little external to the mesoblastic somites. These veins, which do not attain to any great importance till well on in the third day, unite opposite to the heart, on each side, into a short common trunk at right angles to themselves. The two short trunks thus formed, which bear the name of ductus Cuvieri (Fig. 36, Fig. 58, dc), running ventralwards and then transversely straight inwards towards the middle line fall into the sinus venosus. The two ductus Cuvieri pass from the heart to the body walls in a special horizontal mesentery, whose for- mation and function we shall return to in speaking of the formation of the pericardial cavity. The position of one of them is shewn in section in Fig. 59 B, dc. VI.] THE TAIL-FOLD. FIG. 59. 171 B. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS THROUGH A CHICK EMBRYO WITH TWENTY-ONE MESOBLASTIC SOMITES TO SHEW THE FOR- MATION OF THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY, A. BEING THE ANTERIOR SECTION. pp. body cavity ; pc. pericardial cavity ; al. alimentary cavity ; au. auricle ; v. ventricle ; sv. sinus venosus ; dc. ductu& Cuvieri ; ao. aorta ; mp. muscle-plate ; me. medullary cord. The alimentary canal. As we stated above, the folding in of the splanchnopleure to form the alimentary canal is proceeding with great rapidity, the tail-fold as well as the head-fold contributing largely to this result. The formation of the tail-fold is very similar to that of the head-fold. The tail is a solid, somewhat curved,, blunt cone of mesoblast, immediately coated with the 172 THE THIED DAY. [CHAP. superficial epiblast except at the upper surface (corre- sponding to the back of the embryo), where lies the pointed termination of the neural tube. So rapid is the closure of the splanchnopleure both in front and behind, that two of the three parts into which the digestive tract may be divided, are brought, on this day, to the condition of complete tubes. The first division, including the region from the mouth to the duodenum, is completely folded in by the end of the day; so likewise is the third division com- prising the large intestine and the cloaca. The middle division, corresponding to the future small intestine, still remains quite open to the yolk-sac below. The attachment of the newly formed alimentary canal to the body above is at first very broad, and only a thin stratum of mesoblast separates the hypoblast of the canal from the notochord and mesoblastic somites; even that maybe absent under the notochord. During the third day, however, along such portions of the canal as have become regularly enclosed, i.e. the hinder division and the posterior moiety of the anterior division, the mesoblastic attachment becomes narrower and (in a ver- tical direction) longer, the canal appearing to be drawn more ventralwards (or according to the position of the embryo forwards), away from the vertebral column. In what may be regarded as the pleural division of the general pleuroperitoneal space, along that part of the alimentary canal which will form the oesophagus, this withdrawal is very slight (Fig. 59), but it is very marked in the peritoneal space. Here such parts of the digestive canal as are formed come to be suspended from the body above by a narrow flattened band of mesoblas- VI.] THE (ESOPHAGUS. 173 tic tissue which reaches from the neighbourhood of the notochord, and becomes continuous with the mesoblas- tic coating which wraps round the hypoblast of the canal. This flattened band is the mesentery, shewn commencing in Fig. 65, and much more advanced in Fig. 68, M. It is covered on either side by a layer of flat cells forming the epithelioid lining of the peritoneal membrane, while its interior is composed of indifferent tissue. The front division of the digestive tract consists of three parts. The most anterior part, the oesophagus, still ending blindly in front reaches back as far as the level of the hind end of the heart ; and is divided into two regions, viz. an anterior region, characterized by the presence of the visceral clefts, whose development has already been dealt with, and a posterior region without such clefts. Its transverse section, which up to the end of the second day was somewhat crescent-shaped, with the convexity downwards, becomes on this day more nearly circular. Close to its hinder limit, the lungs (Fig. 60, Ig), of whose formation we shall speak directly, take their origin. The portion of the digestive canal which succeeds the oesophagus, becomes towards the close of the third day somewhat dilated (Fig. 60, St) ; the region of the stomach is thus indicated. The hinder or pyloric end of the stomach is separated by a very small interval from the point where the com- plete closing in of the alimentary canal ceases, and where the splanchnopleure-folds spread out over the yolk, This short tract is nevertheless clearly marked out as 174 THE THIRD DAY. FIG. 60. [CHAP. DIAGRAM OF A PORTION OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT OF A CHICK UPON THE FOURTH DAY. (Copied from Gotte.) The black inner line represents the hypoblast, the outer shading the mesoblast. Ig. lung-diverticulum with expanded termi- nation, forming the primary lung-vesicle. St. stomach. I. two hepatic diverticula with their terminations united by cords of hypoblast cells, p. diverticulum of the pancreas with the vesicular diverticula coming from it. the duodenum by the fact that from it, as we shall presently point out, the rudiments of the ducts of the liver and pancreas are beginning to be formed. The posterior division of the digestive tract, cor- responding to the great intestine and cloaca, is from its very first formation nearly circular in section and of a larger bore than the oesophagus. During part of the third day the hinder end of this section of the gut is in communication with the neural tube by the neur enteric canal already spoken of (Fig. 61, ne). The communication between the two tubes VI.] THE PKOCTOD^EUM FIG. 61. 175 DIAGRAMMATIC LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE POS- TERIOR END OF AN EMBRYO BIRD, AT THE TIME OF THE FORMATION ON THE ALLANTOIS. ep. epiblast; Sp.c. spinal canal ; ch. notochord ; n.e. neurenteric canal ; hy. hypoblast ; p.a.g. postanal gut ; pr. remains of primitive streak folded in on the ventral side ; al. allantois ; me. mesoblast ; an. point where anus will be formed ; p.c. perivisceral cavity ; am. amnion ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure. does not last long, but even after its rupture there re- mains a portion of the canal continuous with the gut ; this, however, constitutes a purely embryonic and tran- sient section of the alimentary canal, and is known as the postanal gut. Immediately in front of it is a deep infolding of the epiblast, which nearly meets the hypoblast (Fig. 61, an) and forms the rudiment of the anus and of the outer section of the cloaca into which the bursa Fabricii opens in the adult. It is known to embryologists as the proctodceum, but does not open into the alimentary tract till considerably later. The 176 THE THIKD DAY. [CHAP. section of the alimentary tract immediately in front of the postanal gut is somewhat enlarged, and becomes the inner section of the adult cloaca receiving the urinary and genital ducts. The allantois, to whose develop- ment we shall return directly, opens into it ventrally. It is to be noted that the two sections of the cloaca of adult birds have a different origin. The inner section being part of the primitive alimentary tract and lined by hypoblast ; the outer being part of an involution of the outer skin and lined by epiblast. The lungs are in their origin essentially buds or processes from the primitive oesophagus. At a point immediately behind the region of the visceral clefts the cavity of the alimentary canal be- comes compressed laterally, and at the same time con- stricted in the middle so that its transverse section (Fig. 62, 1) is somewhat hourglass-shaped, and shews an upper or dorsal chamber d, joining on to a lower or ventral chamber I by a short narrow neck. The hinder end of the lower tube enlarges (Fig. 62, 2), and then becomes partially divided into two lobes (Fig. 62, 3). All these parts at first freely communicate, but the two lobes behind, partly by their own growth, and partly by a process of constriction, soon become isolated posteriorly (Fig. 60, lg)\ while in front they open into the lower chamber of the oesophagus. By a continuation forwards of the process of con- striction the lower chamber of the oesophagus, carrying with it the two lobes above mentioned, becomes gradu- ally transformed into an independent tube, opening in front by a narrow slit-like aperture into the oesophagus. The single tube in front is the rudiment of the trachea VI.] THE LUNGS. 177 and larynx, while the two diverticula behind (Fig. 60, Ig) become the bronchial tubes and lungs. While the above changes are taking place in the hypoblastic walls of the alimentary tract, the splanchnic FOUR DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE LUNGS. (After Gotte.) a. mesoblast ; b. hypoblast ; d. cavity of digestive canal ; I. cavity of the pulmonary diverticulum. In (1) the digestive canal has commenced to be constricted into a dorsal and ventral canal ; the former the true alimentary canal, the latter the pulmonary tube ; the two tubes communi- cate with each other in the centre. In (2) the ventral (pulmonary) tube has become expanded. In (3) the expanded portion of the tube has become con- stricted into two tubes, still communicating with each other and with the digestive canal. In (4) these are completely separated from each other and from the digestive canal, and the mesoblast has also begun to exhibit externally changes corresponding to the internal changes which have been going on. F. &B. 12 178 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. mesoblast surrounding these structures becomes very much thickened; but otherwise bears no marks of the internal changes which are going on, so that the above formation of the lungs and trachea cannot be seen from the surface. As the paired diverticula of the lungs grow backwards, the mesoblast around them takes however the form of two lobes, into which they gradually bore their way. The further development of the lungs is, at first, essentially similar to that of a racemose gland. From each primitive diverticulum numerous branches are given off. These branches, which are mainly confined to the dorsal and lateral parts, penetrate into the sur- rounding mesoblast and continue to give rise to second- ary and tertiary branches. At right angles to the finest of these the arborescent branches so charac- teristic of the avian lung are given off. In the meso- blast around them numerous capillaries make their appearance. The air sacs, which form such important adjuncts of the avian lungs, are the dilated extremities of the primary pulmonary diverticula and of their main branches. The whole pulmonary structure is therefore the result of the growth by budding of a system of branched hypoblastic tubes in the midst of a mass of mesoblastic tissue, the hypoblastic elements giving rise to the epi- thelium of the tubes and the mesoblast providing the elastic, muscular, cartilaginous, connective and other tissues of the tracheal and bronchial walls. The liver is the first formed chylopoietic appendage of the digestive canal, and arises between the 55th and VI.] THE LIVER. 179 60th hour as a couple of diverticula one from either side of the duodenum immediately behind the stomach (Fig. 60, I). These diverticula are of course lined by hypoblast. The right one is, in all cases, from the first longer, but of smaller diameter than the left. Situated a little behind the heart, they embrace between them the two vitelline veins forming the roots of the meatus venosus. The diverticula soon give rise to numerous hollow branches or processes, which extend into the surround- ing mesoblast. Towards the end of the third day there may further be observed in the greatly thickened mesoblastic invest- ment of either diverticulum a number of cylindrical solid cords of hypoblast which are apparently out- growths from the hypoblast of the branches of the di- verticula. These cylinders rapidly increase in number, apparently by a process of sprouting, and their some- what swollen peripheral extremities come into contact and unite. And thus, about the ninetieth hour, a sort of network of solid thick strings of hypoblastic cells is formed, the mesoblast in the meshes of the network becoming at the same time largely converted into blood-vessels. Each diverticulum becomes in this way surrounded by a thick mass composed partly of solid cylinders, and to a less extent of hollow processes, con- tinuous with the cylinders on the one hand, and the main diverticulum on the other, all knit together with commencing blood-vessels and unchanged mesoblastic tissue. Between the two masses runs the now fused roots of the meatus venosus with which the blood- vessels in each mass are connected. 122 180 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Early on the fourth day each mass sends out ventral to the meatus venosus a solid projection of hypoblas- tic cylinders towards its fellow, that from the left side being much the longest. The two projections unite and form a long solid wedge, which passes obliquely down from the right (or from the embryo lying on its left side, the upper) mass to the left (or lower) one. In this new wedge may be seen the same arrangement of a network of hypoblastic cylinders filled in with vascular mesoblast as in the rest of the liver. The two original diverticula with their investing masses represent respec- tively the right and left lobes of the liver, and the wedge- like bridge connecting them is the middle lobe. During the fourth and fifth days the growth of the solid, lobed liver thus formed is very considerable; the hypoblastic cylinders multiply rapidly, and the network formed by them becomes very close, the meshes contain- ing little more than blood-vessels. The hollow processes of the diverticula also ramify widely, each branch being composed of a lining of hypoblast enveloped in a coating of spindle-shaped mesoblastic cells. The blood-vessels are in direct connection with the meatus venosus have become, in fact, branches of it. It may soon be observed, that in those vessels which are connected with the pos- terior part of the liver (Fig. 74), the stream of blood is directed from the meatus venosus into the network of the liver. In those connected with the anterior part the reverse is the case ; here the blood flows from the liver into the meatus venosus. The thick network of solid cylinders represents the hepatic parenchyma of the adult liver, while the hollow processes of the diverticula are the rudiments of the biliary ducts; and we may suppose VI.] THE PANCREAS. 181 each solid cylinder to represent a duct with its lumen almost, but perhaps not quite, completely obliterated. During the fifth day, a special sac or pouch is deve- loped from the right primary diverticulum. This pouch, consisting of an inner coat of hypoblast, and an outer of mesoblast, is the rudiment of the gall-bladder. The Pancreas arises nearly at the same time as the liver in the form of an almost solid outgrowth from the dorsal side of the intestine nearly opposite but slightly behind the hepatic outgrowths (Fig. 60, p). Its blind end becomes somewhat enlarged and from it numerous diverticula grow out into the passive splanchnic meso- blast. As the ductules grow longer and become branched, vascular processes grow in between them, and the whole forms a compact glandular body in the mesentery on the dorsal side of the alimentary tract. The primitive outgrowth elongates and assumes the character of a duct. On the sixth day a new similar outgrowth from the duodenum takes place between the primary diver- ticulum and the stomach. This, which ultimately coalesces with its predecessor, gives rise to the second duct, and forms a considerable part of the adult pan- creas. A third duct is formed at a much later period. The Thyroid body. The thyroid body arises at the end of the second or beginning of the third day as an outgrowth from the hypoblast of the ventral wall of the throat opposite the point of origin of the anterior aortic arch. It has at first the form of a groove extending forwards up to the future mouth, and in its front part extending ventrally to the epiblast. It has not been made out whether the whole groove becomes converted into the permanent thyroid. By the fourth day it becomes a solid mass of cells, and by the fifth ceases to be connecter! 182 THE THIED DAY. [CHAP, with the epithelium of the throat, becoming at the same time bilobed. By the seventh day it has travelled somewhat back- wards, and the two lobes have completely separated from each other. By the ninth day the whole is invested by a capsule of connective tissue, which sends in septa dividing it into a number of lobes or solid masses of cells, and by the sixteenth day its two lobes are composed of a number of follicles, each with a 'mein- brana propria,' and separated from each other by septa of con- nective tissue, much as in the adult x . The spleen. Although the spleen cannot be reckoned amongst the glands of the alimentary tract its development may conveniently be dealt with here. It is formed shortly after the first appearance of the pancreas, as a thickening of the me- sentery of the stomach (mesogastrium) and is therefore entirely a mesoblastic structure. The mass of mesoblast which forms the spleen becomes early separated by a groove on the one side from the pancreas and on the other from the mesentery. Some of its cells become elongated, and send out processes which, uniting with like processes from other cells, form the trabecular system. From the remainder of the tissue are derived the cells of the spleen pulp, which frequently contain more than one nucleus. Especial accumulations of these take place at a later period to form the so-called Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen. The Allantois. We have already had occasion to point out that the allantois is essentially a diverticulum of the alimentary tract into which it opens immediately in front of the anus. Its walls are formed of vascular splanchnic mesoblast, within which is a lining of hypo- blast. It becomes a conspicuous object on the third day of incubation, but its first development takes place at an earlier period, and is intimately connected with the formation of the posterior section of the gut. At the time of the folding in of the hinder end of 1 Miiller Ueber die Entwiclcelung der Schilddruse. Jenaischa Zeitschrift, 1871. VI.] THE ALLANTOIS. 183 the gut the splitting of the mesoblast into somatopleure and splanchnopleure has extended up to the border of the hinder division of the primitive streak. The ventral wall of what we have already termed the postanal section of the alimentary tract is formed by the primi- tive streak. Immediately in front of this is the involu- tion which forms the proctodseum; while the wall of the hindgut in front of the proctodseum owes its origin to a folding in of the splanchnopleure. The allantois first appears as a narrow diverticulum formed by a special fold of the splanchnopleure just in front of the proctodaeum. This protuberance arises, how- ever, before the splanchnopleure has begun to be tucked in so as to form the ventral wall of the hindgut ; and it then forms a diverticulum (Fig. 63 A, All) the open end of which is directed forward, while its blind end points somewhat dorsalwards and towards the peritoneal space behind the embryo. As the hindgut becomes folded in the allantois shifts its position, and forms (Figs. 63 B and 61) a rather wide vesicle lying immediately ventral to the hind end of the digestive canal, with which it communicates freely by a still considerable opening; its blind end projects into the pleuroperitoneal cavity below. Still later the allantois grows forward, and becomes a large spherical vesicle, still however remaining con- nected with the cloaca by a narrow canal which forms its neck or stalk (Fig. 9 G, al). From the first the allantois lies in the pleuroperitoneal cavity. In this cavity it grows forwards till it reaches the front limit of the hindgut, where the splanchnopleure turns back to enclose the yolk-sac. It does not during the third 184 A. THE THIRD DAY. Fm. 63. [CHAP. B. Two LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS OF THE TAIL-END OF AN EM- BRYO CHICK TO SHEW THE ORIGIN OF THE ALLANTOIS. A AT THE BEGINNING OF THE THIRD DAY; B AT THE MIDDLE OF THE THIRD DAY. (After Dobrynin.) t. the tail ; m. the mesoblast ; cc f . the epiblast ; x". the neural , canal ; Dd. the dorsal wall of the hindgut ; SO. somato- pleure ; Spl. splanchnopleure ; u. the mesoblast of the splanchnopleure carrying the vessels of the yolk-sac ; pp. pleuroperitoneal cavity ; Df. the epithelium lining the pleuroperitoneal cavity; All. the commencing allantois ; w. projection formed by anterior and posterior divisions of the primitive streak; y. hypoblast which will form the ventral wall of the hindgut ; v. anal invagination (procto- dseum) ; 6f. cloaca. day project beyond this point ; but on the fourth day begins to pass out beyond the body of the chick, along the as yet wide space between the splanchnic and soma- tic stalks of the embryo, on its way to the space between the external and internal folds of the amnion, which it will be remembered, is directly continuous with the pleuroperitoneal cavity (Fig. 9 K). In this space it VI.] THE MESOBLASTIC SOMITES. 185 eventually spreads out over the whole body of the chick. On the first half of the fourth day the vesicle is still very small, and its growth is not very rapid. Its mesoblast wall still remains very thick. In the latter half of the day its growth becomes very rapid, and it forms a very conspicuous object in a chick of that date (Fig. 67, Al}. At the same time its blood-vessels be- come important. It receives its supply of blood from two branches of the aorta known as the allantoic arte- ries, and the blood is brought back from it by two allan- toic veins which run along in the body walls, and after uniting into a single trunk fall into the vitelline vein close behind the liver. Mesoblast of the trunk. Coincidently with the appearance of these several rudiments of important organs in the more or less modified splanchnopleure- folds, the solid trunk of the embryo is undergoing marked changes. When we compare a transverse section taken through say the middle of the trunk at the end of the third day (Fig. 65), with a similar one of the second day (Fig. 34), or even the commencement of the third day (Fig. 64), we are struck with the great increase of depth (from dorsal to ventral surface) in proportion to breadth. This is partly due to the slope of the side walls of the body having become much steeper> as a direct result of the rapidly progressing folding off of the embryo from the yolk-sac. But it is also brought about by the great changes both of shape and structure which are taking place in the mesoblastic somites, as well as by the development of a mass of tissue between the notochord and the hypoblast of the alimentary canal. 186 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. It will be remembered that the horizontal splitting of the mesoblast into somatic and splanchnic layers extends at first to the dorsal summit of the vertebral plates, but after the formation of the somites the split FIG. 64. am. so. TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE TRUNK OF A DUCK EMBRYO WITH ABOUT TWENTY-FOUR MESOBLASTIC SO- MITES. am. amniou ; so. somatopleure ; sp. splanchnopleure ; wd. Wolf- nan duct ; st. segmental tube ; ca.v. cardinal vein ; ms. muscle -plate ; sp.g. spinal ganglion ; sp.c. spinal cord ; ch, notochord ; ao. aorta ; Jiy. hypoblast. between the somatic and splanchnic layers becomes to a large extent obliterated, though in the anterior somites VI.] THE MUSCLE-PLATES. 187 it appears in part to persist. The somites on the second day, as seen in a transverse section (Fig. 34, P.v), are somewhat quadrilateral in form but broader than they are deep. Each at that time consists of a somewhat thick cortex of radiating rather granular columnar cells, enclosing a small kernel of spherical cells. They are not, as may be seen in the above figure, completely separated from the ventral (or rather at this period lateral) parts of the mesoblastic plate, and the dorsal and outer layer of the cortex of the somites is continuous with the somatic layer of mesoblast, the remainder of the cortex, with the central kernel, being continuous with the splanchnic layer. Towards the end of the second and beginning of the third day the dorsal and outer layer of the cortex, together probably with some of the central cells of the kernel, becomes separated off as a special plate. From this plate, which is shewn in the act of being formed in Fig. 64, ms, the greater part of the voluntary muscular system of the trunk is developed. When once formed the muscle- plates have in surface views a somewhat oblong form, and consist of two layers, an inner and an outer, which enclose between them an almost obliterated central cavity (Fig. 65, mp). No sooner is the muscle-plate formed than the middle portion of the inner layer be- comes converted into longitudinal muscles. The central space in the muscle -plates is clearly a remnant of the vertebral portion of the body cavity, which, though it wholly or partially disappears in a previous stage, re- appears again on the formation of the muscle-plate. It is especially interesting to note that the first 188 THE THIRD DAY. FIG. 65. [CHAP. SO SECTION THROUGH THE DORSAL REGION OF AN EMBRYO CHICK AT THE END OF THE THIRD DAY. Am. amnion. m. p. muscle-plate. C. V. cardinal vein. Ao. dorsal aorta. The section passes through the point where the dorsal aorta is just commencing to divide into two branches. Ch. notochord. W. d. Wolman duct. W. b. commencing differentiation of the mesoblast cells to form the Wolman body. ep. epiblast. SO. somatopleure. Sp. splaiichno- pleure. hy. hypoblast. The section passes through the point where the digestive canal communicates with the yolk- sac, and is consequently still open below. This section should be compared with the section through the dorsal region of an embryo at the commencement of the third VI.] THE INTERMEDIATE CELL-MASS. 189 day (Fig. 64). The chief differences between them arise from the great increase in the space (now filled with mesoblast-cells) between the notochord and the hypoblast. In addition to this we have in the later section the completely formed amnion, the separation of the muscle-plate from the mesoblastic somites, the formation of the Wolman body, etc. The mesoblast including the Wolman body and the muscle- plate (m.p.) is represented in a purely diagrammatic manner. The amnion, of which only the inner limb or true amnion is represented in the figure, is seen to be composed of epiblast and a layer of mesoblast ; though in contact with the body above the top of the medullary canal, it does not in any way coalesce with it, as might be concluded from the figure. formed muscles in embryo birds have an arrangement like that which is permanent in fishes; being longi- tudinal in direction, and divided into segments. The remainder of the somites, after the formation of the muscle-plates, is of very considerable bulk ; the cells of the cortex belonging to them lose their distinctive characters, and their major part becomes converted, in a manner which will be more particularly described in a future chapter, into the bodies of the permanent ver- tebrae. We may merely add here that each of these bodies sends a process inwards ventral to the medullary cord, and that the processes from each pair of these bodies envelope between them the notochord. The intermediate cell-mass and the Wolffian body. In a transverse section of a 45 hours' embryo a consider- able mass of cells may be seen collected between the meso- blastic somites and the point where the divergence into somatopleure and splanchnopleure begins (Fig. 34, just below W.d). This mass of cells, which we have already 190 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. spoken of as the intermediate cell-mass, is at first indis- tinguishable from the cells lining the inner end of the body cavity ; but on the third day, a special peritoneal lining of epithelioid cells is developed which is more or less sharply marked off from the adjoining part of the intermediate cell-mass. This latter now also passes without any very sharp line of demarcation into the mesoblastic somite itself; and as the folding in of the side wall progresses, the mass of cells in this position increases in size and grows in between the notochord and the hypoblast, but does not accumulate to a suffi- cient extent to separate them widely until the end of the third or beginning of the fourth day. The fusion between the intermediate cell-mass and the inner portions of the somites becomes so complete on the third day that it is almost impossible to say which of the cells in the neighbourhood of the notochord are derived from the somites and which form the intermediate cell-mass. It seems almost certain however that the cells which form the immediate invest- ment of the notochord really belong to the somites. The intermediate cell-mass is of special importance to the embryologist, in that the excretory and generative systems are developed from it. We have already described (p. 106) the development of the Wolffian duct, and we have now to deal with the Wolffian body which is, as the reader has no doubt gathered, the embryonic excretory organ. The structure of the fully developed Wolffian body is fundamentally similar to that of the permanent kid- neys, and consists essentially of convoluted tubules, commencing in Malpighian bodies with vascular glome- ruli, and opening into the duct. VI.] THE WOLFFIAN BODY. 191 The tubules of the Wolffian body are developed independently of the Wolffian duct, and are derived from the intermediate cell-mass, shewn in Fig. 34, between the upper end of the body-cavity and the meso- blastic somite. In the chick the mode of development of this mass into the segmental tubules is different in the regions in front of and behind about the sixteenth segment. In front of about the sixteenth segment special parts of the intermediate cell-mass remain attached to the peritoneal epithelium, on this layer becoming differentiated ; there being several such parts to each segment The parts of the intermediate cell- mass attached to the peritoneal epithelium become converted into S-shaped cords (Fig. 64 sf) which soon unite with the Wolffian duct (wd), and constitute the primitive Wolffian tubules. Into the commencement of each of these cords the lumen of the body-cavity is for a short distance prolonged, so that this part con- stitutes a rudimentary peritoneal funnel leading from the body-cavity into the lumen of the Wolffian tubule. In the foremost Wolffian tubules, which never reach very complete development, the peritoneal funnels riden considerably. The section of the tube adjoining tie wide peritoneal funnel becomes partially invaginated the formation of a vascular ingrowth known as a glomerulus, and this glomerulus soon grows to such an extent as to project through the peritoneal funnel, the neck of which it completely fills, into the body-cavity (Fig. 66, gl). There is thus formed a series of glomeruli belonging to the anterior Wolffian tubuli projecting freely into the body-cavity. These glomeruli with their tubuli become however early aborted. 192 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. Fia. 66. SECTION THROUGH THE EXTERNAL GLOMERULUS OF ONE OF THE ANTERIOR SEGMENTAL TUBES OF AN EMBRYO CHICK OF ABOUT 100 HOURS. gl. glomerulus ; ge. peritoneal epithelium ; Wd. Wolffian duct ; ao. aorta ; me. mesentery. The Wolffian tubule, and the connection between the external and internal parts of the glomerulus are not shewn in this figure. In the case of the remaining tubules developed from the S-shaped cords, the attachment to the peritoneal epithelium is very soon lost. The cords acquire a lumen, and open into the Wolffian duct. Their blind extremities constitute the commencements of Malpi- ghian bodies. In the posterior part of the Wolffian body of the chick the intermediate cell-mass becomes very early detached from the peritoneal epithelium, and at a con- siderably later period breaks up into oval vesicles, which elongate into Wolffian tubules. In addition to the primary tubules, whose development has just been described, secondary and tertiary tubules are formed on the dorsal side of the primary tubules. They are VI.] THE WOLFFIAN BODY. 193 differentiated out of the mesoblast of the intermediate cell-mass and open independently into the Wolffian duct. A tubule of the Wolffian body typically consists of the follow - ing parts, (1) a section carrying the peritoneal opening, and known as the peritoneal funnel, (2) a dilated vesicle into which this opens, (3) a coiled tubulus proceeding from (2), and termi- nating in (4) a wider portion opening into the Wolffian duct. In the chick, the peritoneal funnel is only found in the most anterior tubules and soon atrophies; it is not developed in the tubules of the posterior part of the Wolffian body. Region No. 4 also is not clearly marked off from region No. 3. One part of the wall of the dilated vesicle (2) is invaginated by a bunch of capillaries and gives rise to the Malpighian body. In consequence of the continual folding in of the somatopleure and especially of the splanchnopleure, as well as owing to the changes taking place in the meso- blastic somites, the Wolffian duct undergoes on the third day a remarkable change of position. Instead of lying, as on the second day, immediately under the epiblast (Fig. 34, W.d), it is soon found to have appa- rently descended into the middle of the intermediate cell-mass (Fig. 64, w.d) and at the end of the third day occupies a still lower position and even projects some- what towards the pleuroperitoneal cavity. (Fig. 65, W.d.) The chief events then which take place on the third day are as follows : 1. The turning over of the embryo so that it now lies on its left side. 2. The cranial flexure round the anterior extremity of the notochord. F. &B. 13 194 THE THIRD DAY. [CHAP. VI. 3. The completion of the circulation of the yolk- sac; the increased curvature of the heart, and the demarcation of its several parts; the appearance of new aortic arches, and of the cardinal veins. 4. The formation of four visceral clefts and five visceral arches. 5. The involution to form the lens, and the forma- tion of the secondary optic vesicle. 6. The closing in of the otic vesicle. 7. The formation of the nasal pits. 8. The appearance of the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres ; the separation of the hind-brain into cere- bellum and medulla oblongata. 9. The definite establishment of the cranial and spinal nerves as outgrowths of the central nervous system. 10. The completion of the fore-gut and of the hind-gut; the division of the former into oasophagus, stomach and duodenum, of the latter into large intestine and cloaca. 11. The formation of the lungs from a diverticulum of the alimentary canal immediately in front of the stomach. 12. The formation of the liver and pancreas: the former as two diverticula from the duodenum, which subsequently become united by nearly solid outgrowths ; the latter as a single diverticulum also from the duo- denum. 13. The changes in the mesoblastic somites and the appearance of the muscle-plates. 14. The definite formation of the Wolffian bodies and the change in position of the Wolffian duct. CHAPTER VII. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE DURING THE FOURTH DAY. ON opening an egg in the middle or towards the end of the fourth day, a number of points in which progress has been made since the third day are at once apparent. In the first place, the general growth of the embryo has been very rapid, so that its size is very much greater than on the previous day. In the second place, the white of the egg has still further diminished, the em- bryo lying almost in immediate contact with the shell membrane. The germinal membrane embraces more than half the yolk, and the vascular area is about as large as a halfpenny. Corresponding to the increased size of the embryo, there is a great increase in the quantity of blood circu- lating in the vascular area as a whole, though the sinus terminalis is already less distinct than it was. The amnion becomes increasingly conspicuous. It is now seen as a distinct covering obscuring to a certain extent the view of the body of the chick beneath, and 132 196 THE FOUETH DAY. [CHAP. all traces of the junction of its folds are by this time lost. As yet there is very little fluid in the amniotic sac proper, so that the true amnion lies close upon the embryo. The folding off of the embryo from the yolk sac has made great progress. The splanchnic stalk, which on the third day was still tolerably wide, inasmuch as about one third of the total length of the alimentary canal was as yet quite open to the yolk sac below, now be- comes so much constricted by the progressive closing in of the splanchnopleure folds, that the alimentary canal may be said to be connected with the yolk sac by a very narrow neck only. This remnant of the splanchnic stalk we may now call the vitelline duct; though narrow, it is as yet quite open, affording still free communica- tion between the inside of the yolk sac and the interior of the alimentary canal. The somatic stalk, though narrowing somewhat, is much wider than the splanchnic stalk, so that a con- siderable ring-shaped space exists between the two. Another very prominent feature is the increase in the cranial flexure. During the third day, the axis of the front part of the head was about at right angles to the long axis of the body; the whole embryo being still somewhat retort-shaped. On this day, however, the flexure has so much increased that the angle between the long axis of the body and that of the front segment of the head is an acute one. The tail-fold, which commenced to be noticeable during the third day, has during this day increased very much, and the somewhat curved tail (Fig. 67) forms quite a conspicuous feature of the embryo. The general EMBRYO AT THE END OF THE FOURTH DAY SEEN AS A TRANSPARENT OBJECT. The amnion has been completely removed, the cut end of the somatic stalk is shewn at S.S. with the allantois (Al.} protruding from it. C.ff. cerebral hemisphere. F.B. fore-brain or vesicle of the third ventricle (thalamencephalon) with the pineal gland (Pn.) projecting from its summit. M.B. mid-brain. Cb. cerebellum. 1 V. V. fourth ventricle. L. lens. ch.s. choroid slit. Owing to the growth of the optic cup the two layers of which it is com- posed cannot any longer be seen from the surface ; the pos- terior surface of the choroid layer alone is visible. Cen. V. auditory vesicle, s.m. superior maxillary process. IF, %F, etc. first, second, third and fourth visceral folds. V. fifth nerve sending one branch to the eye, the ophthalmic branch, and 198 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. another to the first visceral arch. VII. seventh nerve passing to the second visceral arch. G. Ph. glossopharyngeal nerve passing towards the third visceral arch. Pg. pneumogastric nerve passing towards the fourth visceral arch. iv. investing mass (basilar plate). No attempt has been made in the figure to indicate the position of the dorsal wall of the throat, which cannot be easily made out in the living embryo, ch. noto- chord. The front end of this cannot be seen in the living embryo. It does not end however as shewn in the figure, but takes a sudden bend downwards and then terminates in a point. Ht. heart seen through the walls of the chest. M.P. muscle-plates. W. wing. H.L. hind limb. Beneath the hind limb is seen the curved tail. curvature of the body has also gone on increasing, and as the result of these various flexures, the embryo has become somewhat spirally curled up on itself (Fig. 67). The distinct appearance of the limbs must be reckoned as one of the most important events of the fourth day. Owing to the continued greater increase of depth than of breadth, the body of the embryo appears in section (Fig. 68) higher and relatively narrower than even on the third day, and the muscle-plates, instead of simply slanting downwards, come to be nearly vertical in position. Not far from the line which marks their lower ends, the somatopleure, almost immediately after it diverges from the splanchnopleure, is raised up (Fig. 68, TF..R.) into a low rounded ridge which runs along nearly the whole length of the embryo from the neck to the tail. It is on this ridge, which is known as the Wolffian ridge, that the limbs first appear as flattened conical buds projecting outwards. They seem to be local de- VII.] THE LIMBS. FIG. 68. 199 WM SECTION THROUGH THE LUMBAR KEGION OF AN EMBRYO AT THE END OF THE FOURTH DAY. n. c. neural canal, p.r. posterior root of spinal nerve with gan- glion, a.r. anterior root of spinal nerve. A.G.C. anterior grey column of spinal cord. A. W.C. anterior white column of spinal cord just commencing to be formed, and not very distinctly marked in the figure, m.p. muscle-plate, ch. notochord. W.R. Wolfnan ridge. A.O. dorsal aorta. V.c.a. posterior cardinal vein. W.d. Wolffian duct. W.b. Wolffian body, consisting of tubules and Malpighian corpuscles. One of the latter is represented on each side. g.e. germinal 200 THE FOUKTH DAY. [CHAP. epithelium, d. alimentary canal. M. commencing me- sentery. S.O. somatopleure. 8.P. splanchnopleure. V. blood-vessels, pp. pleuroperitoneal cavity. velopments of the ridge, the rest of which becomes less and less prominent as they increase in size. Each bud, roughly triangular in section, consists of somewhat dense mesoblast covered by epiblast which on the sum- mit is thickened into a sort of cap. The front limbs or wings (Fig. 67) arise just behind the level of the heart, and the hind limbs in the immediate vicinity of the tail. The first traces of them can be seen towards the end of the third, but they do not become conspicuous till the fourth day, by the end of which the two pairs may be already distinguished by their different shapes. The front limbs are the narrowest and longest, the hind limbs being comparatively short and broad. Both are flattened from above downwards and become more so as their growth continues. In the head, the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres are rapidly increasing in size, their growth being enor- mous as compared with that of the thalamencephalon or vesicle of the third ventricle. The mid-brain is now, as compared to the other parts of the brain, larger than at any other epoch, and an indistinct median furrow on its upper surface indicates its division into two lateral halves. The great increase of the mesoblastic contents of the secondary optic vesicle or involuted retinal cup causes the two eyeballs to project largely from the sides of the head (Fig. 69, Op). The mass of mesoblast which invests all the various parts of the brain, is not only growing rapidly below and at the sides, but is also undergoing developments which result in the formation VII.] THE HEAD. 201 FIG. 69. A. HEAD OF AN EMBRYO CHICK OF THE FOURTH DAY VIEWED FROM BELOW AS AN OPAQUE OBJECT. (Chromic acid preparation.) C.H. cerebral hemispheres. F.B. vesicle of the third ventricle or thalamencephalon. Op. eyeball, nf. naso-frontal process. M. cavity of mouth. S.M. superior maxillary process of F. 1, the first visceral fold (mandibular arch). F. 2, F. 3 second and third visceral arches. N. nasal pit. In order to gain the view here given the neck was cut across between the third and fourth visceral folds. In the section e thus made are seen the alimentary canal al, the neural canal n.c., the notochord ch., the dorsal aorta AO., and the jugular veins V. Ao. bulbus arteriosus. In the drawing the nasal groove has been rather exaggerated in its upper part. On the other hand the lower and shallower part of the groove where it runs between the superior maxillary process S.M. and the broad naso-frontal process has not been satisfactorily rendered. Hence the end of the superior maxillary process seems to join the inner and not, as described in the text, the outer margin of the nasal groove. A few hours later the separation of the two would have been very visible. B. The same seen sideways, to shew the visceral folds, ot. otic vesicle. Remaining letters as before. 202 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. of the primitive skull. All these events, added to the cranial flexure spoken of above, give to the anterior extremity of the embryo a shape which it becomes more and more easy to recognize as that of a head. Meanwhile the face is also being changed. The two nasal pits were on the third day shallow depressions com- plete all round. As the pits deepen on the fourth day by the growth upwards of a rim round them, a deficiency or break in the ridge may be observed on that side of it turned towards the mouth; which constitutes a kind of shallow groove (Fig. 69 N) directed obliquely downwards towards the cavity of the mouth. The fronto-nasal process or median ridge (Fig. 69, nf), which on the third day rose up between the superficial projections caused by the bulging anterior extremities of the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres, and on the fourth day becomes increasingly prominent, separates the two grooves from each other, and helps to form the inner wall of each of them, while the depth of the groove also becomes in- creased by the prolongation along its inner side of the rim surrounding the nasal pit. Abutting on the outer side of each groove near the mouth and so helping to form the outer wall of each, lie the ends of the superior maxillary processes of the first visceral arch (Fig. 69 B, SM), which like the fronto-nasal process are increasing in size. By their continued growth, the groove is more and more deepened, and leading as it does from the nasal pit to the cavity of the mouth, may already be recognized as the rudiment of the passage of the pos- terior nares. During the latter half of the fourth day there ap- pears at the bottom of the deep lozenge-shaped cavity VII.] THE CKANIAL NERVES. 203 of the stomodseum or primitive buccal cavity, in the now thin wall dividing it from the alimentary canal, a longi- tudinal, or according to Gotte a vertical slit which, soon becoming a wide opening, places the two cavities in complete communication. The cavity of the mouth, being, it will be remember- ed, formed partly by depression, partly -by the growth of the surrounding folds, is lined entirely with epiblast, from which the epithelium of its surface and of its various glands is derived. In this respect, as Remak pointed out, it differs from all the rest of the alimentary canal, whose whole epithelium is formed out of hypoblast. By the side of the hind-brain the cerebellum, through the increased thickening of its upper walls, is becoming more and more distinct from the medulla oblongata; while both in front and behind the auditory vesicle, in which the rudiments of the cochlea and recessus ves- tibuli are already visible, the cranial ganglia and nerves are acquiring increased distinctness and size. They may be very plainly seen when the head of the fresh embryo is subjected to pressure. The foremost is the fifth cranial nerve (Fig. 67, F.) with its Gasserian ganglion; it lies a little way behind the anterior extremity of the notochord immediately below the cerebellum. Next to this comes the seventh nerve (Fig. 67, VII.), starting just in front of the ear- vesicle, and extending far downwards towards the second visceral arch. The two nerves which lie behind the ear- vesicle are now obviously separate from each other; the front one is the glossopharyngeal (Fig. 67, G.Ph.), and the hinder one already shews itself to be the pneumo- gastric (Fig. 67, Pg.). 204 THE FOUKTH DAY. [CHAP. The mesoblastic somites, which by the continued differentiation of the axial mesoblast at the tail end of the embryo have increased in number from thirty to forty, undergo during this day changes of great import- ance. Since these changes are intimately connected with the subsequent development of the vertebral column, it will perhaps be more convenient to describe briefly here the whole series of events through which the somites become converted into the permanent structures to which they give rise, though many of the changes do not take place till a much later date than the fourth day. The separation of the muscle-plates (p. 187) left the remainder of each somite as a somewhat triangular mass lying between the neural canal and notochord on the inside, and the muscle-plate and intermediate cell- mass on the outside (Fig. 64). Already on the third day (Fig. 65) the upper angle of this triangle grows upwards, between its muscle-plate and the neural canal, and meeting its fellow in the middle line above, forms a roof of mesoblast over the neural canal, between it and the superficial epiblast. At about the same time, the inner and lower angle of the triangle grows inwards to- wards the notochord, and passing both below it (between it and the aorta) and above it (between it and the neural canal), meets a similar growth from its fellow somite of the other side, and thus completely invests the notochord with a coat of mesoblast, which, as seen in Fig. 68, is at first much thicker on the under than on the upper side. Both neural canal and notochord are thus furnished from neck to tail with a complete investment of meso- VII.] THE PERMANENT VERTEBRAE. 205 blast, still marked, however, by the transparent lines indicating the fore and aft limits of the several somites. This mesoblastic investment is sometimes spoken of as the "membranous" vertebral column. The portions of the somites thus forming the primary vertebrae or membranous vertebral column are converted into the permanent vertebrae; but their conversion is complicated by a remarkable new or secondary segmen- tation of the whole vertebral column. On the fourth day, the transparent lines marking the fore and aft limits of the somites are still distinctly visible. On the fifth day, however, they disappear, so that the whole vertebral column becomes fused into a homogeneous mass whose division into vertebrae is only indicated by the series of ganglia. This fusion, which does not extend to the muscle-plates in which the primary lines of division still remain visible, is quickly followed by a fresh segmentation, the resulting segments being the rudiments of the permanent vertebrae. The new segmentation, however, does not follow the lines of the segmentation of the muscle-plates, but is so effected that the centres of the vertebral bodies are opposite the septa between the muscle-plates. The explanation of this character in the segmentation is not difficult to find. The primary segmentation of the body is that of the muscle-plates, which were present in the primitive forms in which vertebrae had not appeared. As soon however as the notochordal sheath was required to be strong as well as flexible, it necessarily became divided into a series of segments. The condition under which the lateral muscles can best cause the flexure of the vertebral column is clearly that each muscle- plate shall be capable of acting on two vertebrae ; and this con- dition can only be fulfilled when the muscle-segments are oppo- 206 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. site the intervals between the vertebrae. For this reason, when the vertebras became formed, their centres were opposite not the middle of the muscle- plates but the inter-muscular septa. These considerations fully explain the characters of the secondary segmentation of the vertebral column. On the other hand the primary segmentation of the vertebral rudiments is clearly a remnant of a condition when no vertebral bodies were present ; and has no greater morphological significance than the fact that the cells of the vertebrae were derived from the seg- mented muscle-plates, and then became fused into a continuous sheath around the notochord and nervous axis ; till finally they became in still higher forms differentiated into vertebrae and their arches. By these changes this remarkable result is brought about, that each permanent vertebra is formed out of portions of two consecutive mesoblastic somites. Thus, for instance, the tenth permanent vertebra is formed out of the hind portion of the tenth somite, and the front portion of the eleventh somite. The new segmentation is associated with or rather is caused by histological changes. At the time when the fusion takes place, the mesoblast, which in the form of processes from the somites surrounds and invests the notochord, has not only increased in mass but also has become cartilaginous, so that, as Gegenbaur 1 points out, there is present for a short period on the fifth day a continuous and unsegmented cartilaginous investment of the notochord. This cartilaginous tube does not however long re- main uniform. At a series of points corresponding in number to the original somites it becomes connected 1 Untersuchung zur vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbelsaule lei Amphibien und Reptilien, Leipzig, 1862. VII.] THE PERMANENT VERTEBRA. 207 with a number of cartilaginous arches which appear in the mesoblastic investment of the neural canal. These arches, which thus roof in the neural canal, are the cartilaginous precursors of the osseous vertebral arches. We further find that the portions of the cartilaginous tube from which the arches spring come to differ histo- logically from the portions between them not connected with arches : they are clearer and their cells are less closely packed. There is however at this period no distinct segmentation of the cartilaginous tube, but merely a want of uniformity in its composition. The clearer portions, from which the arches spring, form the bodies of the vertebrae, the segments between them the intervertebral regions of the column. On the fifth day a division takes place of each of the intervertebral segments into two parts, which respec- tively attach themselves to the contiguous vertebral regions. A part of each intervertebral region, immedi- ately adjoining the notochord, does not however undergo this division, and afterwards gives rise to the ligamen- tum suspensorium. This fresh segmentation is not well marked, if in- deed it takes place at all in the sacral region. To recapitulate: the original somites lying side by side along the notochord, after giving off the muscle - plates, grow around, and by fusing together completely invest, with mesoblast, both neural canal and notochord. This investment, of which by reason of its greater growth the original bodies of the somites now seem to be only an outlying part, becomes cartilaginous in such a way that while the notochord becomes surrounded with a thick tube of cartilage bearing no signs of segmenta- 208 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. tion, but having the ganglia lodged on its exterior at intervals, the neural canal is covered in with a series of cartilaginous arches, connected to each other by ordinary mesoblastic tissue only, but passing at their bases di- rectly into the cartilaginous tube around the notochord. By a process of histological differentiation the carti- laginous tube is divided into vertebral and interverte- bral portions, the vertebral portions corresponding to the arches over the neural canal. Fresh lines of seg- mentation then appear in the intervertebral portions, dividing each of them into two parts, of which one at- taches itself to the vertebra in front and the other to the vertebra behind. The notochord. Meanwhile from the fourth to the sixth day important changes take place in the notochord itself. On its first appearance the notochord was, as we have seen, composed of somewhat radiately arranged but otherwise perfectly typical mesoblast-cells. On the third day some of the central cells become vacuolated, while the peripheral cells are still normal. The vacuolated cells exhibit around the vacuole a peri- pheral layer of granular protoplasm in which the nucleus lies embedded, whilst the vacuoles themselves are filled with a perfectly clear and transparent material, which in an unaltered condition is probably fluid. Towards the end of the day the notochord acquires a delicate structureless sheath which is no doubt a product of its peripheral cells. On the fourth day all the cells become vacuolated with the exception of a single layer of flattened cells at the periphery. The vacuoles go on enlarging unti] VII.] THE NOTOCHORD. 209 on the sixth day the vacuoles in each cell have so much increased at the expense of the protoplasm that only a very thin layer of the latter is left at the circumference of the cell, at one part of which, where there is gene- rally more protoplasm than elsewhere, the starved re- mains of a nucleus may generally be detected. Thus the whole notochord becomes transformed into a spongy reticulum, the meshes of which correspond to the vacu- oles of the cells and the septa to the remains of their cell-walls. The notochord is on the sixth day at the maximum of its development, the change which it henceforward undergoes being of a retrograde character. From the seventh day onward, it is at various points encroached upon by its investment. Constrictions are thus produced which first make their appearance in the intervertebral portions of the sacral region. In the cer- vical region, according to Gegenbaur, the intervertebral portions are not constricted till the ninth day, though in the vertebral portions of the lower cervical vertebrae con- strictions are visible as early as the seventh day. By the ninth and tenth days, however, all the interverte- bral portions have become distinctly constricted, and at the same time in each vertebral portion there have also appeared two constrictions giving rise to a central and to two terminal enlargements. In the space therefore corresponding to each vertebra and its appropriate in- tervertebral portion, there are in all three constrictions and three enlargements. On the twelfth day the ossification of the bodies of the vertebrae commences. The first vertebra to ossify is the second or third cervical, and the ossification gradu- F. & B. 14 210 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. ally extends backwards. It does not commence in the arches till somewhat later. For each arch there are two centres of ossification, one on each side. The notochord persists for the greater part of foetal life and even into post-foetal life. The larger vertebral portions are often the first completely to vanish. They would seem in many cases at any rate (Gegenbaur) to be converted into cartilage and so form an integral part of the permanent vertebrae. Rudiments of the inter- vertebral portions of the notochord may long be detected in the ligamenta suspensoria. "We may remind the reader that in the adult bird we find between each of the vertebrae of a neck and back a cartilaginous disc the meniscus which is pierced in the centre. These discs are thick at the circumference but thin off to a fine edge round the central hole. Owing to the shape of these discs there are left between each pair of vertebrae two cavities, which only commu- nicate through the central aperture of the meniscus. Through this central aperture there passes a band called the 'ligamen- tum suspensorium,' connecting the two vertebrae. In the tail the menisci are replaced by bodies known as the 'annuli fibrosi/ which precisely resemble the similarly named bodies in mammals. They differ from the menisci in being attached over their whole surface to the ends of the vertebral bodies, so that the cavities between the menisci and the vertebrae do not exist. They are pierced however by a body corre- sponding with the ligamentum suspensorium and known as the 1 nucleus pulposus.' In the intervertebral regions the chorda, soon after the com- mencement of ossification, entirely disappears. The cartilage around it however becomes converted (in the region of the neck) into the ligamentum suspensorium, which unites the two ver- tebrae between which it is placed. In the tail the cartilage becomes the nucleus pulposus, which corresponds exactly to the l ligamentum suspensorium ' of the neck and back. VII.] THE MUSCLE-PLATES. 211 Shortly after the formation of the ligamentum suspensorium the remaining cartilage of the intervertebral segments is con- verted into the meniscus between each two vertebrae, and in the tail into the annulus fibrosus. Both are absent in the sacrum. Muscle-plates. We shall conclude our account of the mesoblastic somites by describing the changes which take place in the muscle-plates. In the chick these are somewhat complicated, and have not been fully worked out. On the third day the muscle-plates end opposite the point where the mesoblast becomes split into somato- pleure and splanchnopleure. On the fourth day how- ever (Fig. 68 mp.) they extend a certain distance into the side walls of the body beyond the point of the division into somatopleure and splanchnopleure. Into what muscles of the trunk they become con- verted has been somewhat disputed. Some embryolo- gists have stated that they only form the muscles of the back. We have, however, little doubt that all the episkeletal muscles, to use Professor Huxley's term (Vertebrates, p. 46), are their products; a view also adopted by Professors Huxley and Kolliker. The development of the subvertebral system of muscles (hyposkeletal of Huxley) has not been worked out, but on the whole there is reason to believe that it is derived from the muscle-plates. Kolliker, Huxley and other embryologists believe however that these muscles are independent of the muscle-plates in their origin. Whether the muscle of the diaphragm is to be placed in the same category as the hyposkeletal muscles has not been made out. It is probable that the cutaneous muscles of the trunk are derived from the cells given off from the muscle-plates. Kolliker however believes that they have an independent origin. 142 212 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. The limb-muscles, both extrinsic and intrinsic, are in certain fishes (Elasmobranchii), derived from the muscle-plates, and a similar origin has been observed in Lacertilia and Amphibia. In the Chick and other higher Vertebrata on the other hand the entrance of the muscle-plates into the limbs has not been made out (Kolliker). It seems therefore probable that by an embryological modification, of which instances are so frequent> the cells which give rise to the muscles of the limbs in the higher Vertebrata can no longer be traced into a direct connection with the muscle-plates. At first, as is clear from their mode of origin, the muscle-plates correspond in number with the protover- tebrae, and this condition is permanent in the lower vertebrates, such as fishes, where we find that the lateral muscle is divided by septa into a series of segments corresponding in number with the vertebrae. Wolffian body or mesonephros. Of all the events of the fourth day, none perhaps are more important than those by which the rudiments of the complex urinary and generative systems are added to the simple Wolffian duct and body, which up to that time are the sole repre- sentatives of both systems. We saw that the duct arose on the second day (pp. 94, 106) as a solid ridge which subsequently became a tube, lying immediately underneath the epiblast above the intermediate cell-mass, close against the upper and outer angles of the somites, and reaching from about opposite to the seventh somite away to the hinder end of the embryo. At first the duct occupies a position immediately underneath the superficial epiblast, but very soon after its formation the growth of the somites and the changes which take place in the intermediate cell-mass, together VII.] THE WOLFFIAN BODY. 213 with the general folding in of the body, cause it to appear to change its place and travel downwards (p. 193). While the shifting is going on, the cells lining the upper end of the pleuroperitoneal cavity (the kind of bay which, as seen in sections, is formed by the diver- gence of the somatopleure and splanchnopleure) become columnar, and constitute a distinct epithelium. This epithelium, which is clearly shewn in Fig. 64, and is also indicated in Fig. 65, is often called the germinal epithelium, because some of its cells subsequently take part in the formation of the ovary. Soon after the ap- pearance of the germinal epithelium, the intermediate cell-mass increases in size and begins to grow outwards into the pleuroperitoneal cavity, as a rounded projection which lies with its dorsal surface towards the somato- pleure, and its ventral surface towards the splanchno- pleure, but is in either case separated from these layers by a narrow chink. The Wolffian duct (Figs. 65, 68, Wd) travels down, and finally before the end of the third day is found in the upper part of this projection, near that face of it which is turned towards the somatopleure. The tubules of the anterior part of the Wolffian body have by the end of the fourth day almost entirely disappeared; but the tubules of that part of the Wolf- fian body which is found behind the 16th segment undergo a further development. Each increases in size especially that portion which proceeds from the Malpighian body and is known as the coiled tubulus (region No. 3, see p. 193). This becomes much elongated and twisted. As a consequence of this increase in size the intermediate cell-mass comes to project more and more into the pleuroperitoneal cavity. 214 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. The large size of the hinder part of the Wolffian body as compared with that of the anterior part is due to the presence of the dorsally placed secondary tubules, whose development was mentioned on p. 192. These are more numerous in the posterior than in the anterior part of the Wolffian body. At the hind end of the Wolffian body there are as many as four to each primary tubule. The tubules, which from their contorted course are in sections (Figs. 68, 71) seen cut at various angles, possess an epithelium which is thicker than that of the Wolffian duct. From this difference it is generally easy to distinguish the sections of the tubules from those of the duct. The glomeruli of the Malpighian bodies are in sections of hardened embryos usually filled with blood-corpuscles. Towards the hind end of the embryo, the projection of the intermediate cell-mass spoken of above becomes smaller and smaller, and the Wolffian duct is thus brought nearer to the splanchnopleure, and in the region of the hind-gut comes to lie close to the walls of the alimentary canal. On the fourth day, the two ducts meet and open into two horns, into which the side- walls of the recently formed cloaca are at that time produced, one on either side. As we shall afterwards see, the ducts of the perma- nent kidneys and Miiller's duct also fall into these two horns of the cloaca. The Wolffian bodies thus constituted perform the offices of kidneys for the greater part of embryonic life. In the chick they disappear before birth; but in most of the Ichthyopsida they remain for life as the perma- nent kidneys. Miillerian duct. After the establishment of the VII.] THE MULLERIAN DUCT. 215 Wolffian body there is formed in both sexes a duct, which in the female becomes the oviduct, but which in the male is functionless and usually disappears. This duct, in spite of certain peculiarities in its development, is without doubt homologous with the Miillerian duct of the Ichthyopsida. The first rudiment of the Miillerian duct appears at the end of the fourth day, as three successive open involu- tions of the peritoneal epithelium, connected together by more or less well-defined ridge-like thickenings of the epithelium. It takes its origin from the layer of thickened peritoneal epithelium situated near the dorsal angle of the body-cavity, close to the Wolffian duct, and some considerable distance behind the front end of the Wolffian duct. In a slightly later stage the ridges connecting the grooves become partially constricted off from the peri- toneal epithelium, and develop a lumen. The condition of the structure at this stage is illustrated by Fig. 70, representing three transverse sections through two grooves, and through the ridge connecting them. The Miillerian duct may in fact now be described as a short but slightly convoluted duct, opening into the body-cavity by three groove-like apertures, and con- tinued for a short distance behind the last of these. In an embryo not very much older than the one last described the two posterior apertures vanish and the anterior opening alone remains as the permanent open- ing of the Miillerian duct. The position of these openings in relation to the Wolffian body is shewn in Fig. 71, which probably passes through a region between two of the peritoneal openings. SECTIONS SHEWING TWO OF THE PERITONEAL INVAGINATIONS WHICH GIVE RISE TO THE ANTERIOR PART OF THE MlTL- LERIAN DUCT (PRONEPHROS). A is the llth section of the series. B 15th C 18th gr 2 second groove, gr 3 third groove, r 2 second ridge, wd. Wolffian duct. As long as the openings persist, the Mullerian duct consists merely of a very small rudiment, continuous with the hindermost of them, and its solid extremity appears to unite with the walls of the Wolffian duct. After the closure of the two hinder openings the Miillerian duct commences to grow rapidly backwards, and for the first part of its subsequent course it appears to be split off as a solid rod from the outer or ventral wall of the Wolffian duct (Fig. 72). Into this rod the lumen, present in its front part, subsequently extends. Its mode of development in front is thus pre- cisely similar to that of the Miillerian duct in Elasmo- branchii and Amphibia. This mode of development only occurs however in the anterior part of the duct. In the posterior part of VII.] THE MULLERIAN DUCT. FIG. 71. 217 SECTION OF THE INTERMEDIATE CELL-MASS ON THE FOURTH DAY. (From Waldeyer.) Magnified 160 times. m. mesentery. L. somatopleure. a', portion of the germinal epithelium from which the involution to form the duct of Muller (z) takes place, a. thickened portion of the germinal epithelium in which the primitive ova O and o are lying. E. modified mesoblast which will form the stroma of the ovary. WK. Wolman body. y. Wolman duct. its course its growing point lies in a bay formed by the outer wall of the Wolffian duct, but does not become definitely attached to that duct. It seems however possible that, although not actually split off from the 218 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. FIG. 72. Two SECTIONS SHEWING THE JUNCTION OF THE TERMINAL SOLID PORTION OF THE MULLERIAN DUCT WITH THE WOLFFIAN DUCT. In A the terminal portion of the duct is quite distinct ; in B it has united with the walls of the Wolffian duct. md. Miillerian duct. Wd. Wolffian duct. walls of the Wolffian duct, it may grow backwards from cells derived from that duct. The Miillerian duct finally reaches the cloaca though it does not in the female for a long time open into it, and in the male never does so. The anterior part of the commencing Miillerian duct with its three openings into the body-cavity is probably homologous with the head kidney or pronephros of the Ichthyopsida. Permanent kidney or metanephros. Between the 80th and 100th hour of incubation, the permanent kid- neys begin to make their appearance, and as is the case with the Wolffian bodies, the first portion of them to appear is their duct. Near its posterior extremity the Wolffian duct becomes expanded, and from the expand- ed portion a diverticulum is constricted off which in a VII. J THE PERMANENT KIDNEY. 219 transverse section lies dorsal to the original duct, and the blind end of which points forwards, that is, towards the head of the chick. This is the duct of the perma- nent kidney or ureter. At first the ureter and the Wolffian duct open by a common trunk into the cloaca, but this state of things lasts for a short time only, and by the sixth day the two ducts have independent open- ings. The ureter thus beginning as an outgrowth from the Wolffian duct grows forwards, and extends along the outer side of a mass of mesoblastic tissue which lies mainly behind, but somewhat overlaps the dorsal aspect of, the Wolffian body. This mass of mesoblastic cells may be called the metanephric blastema. It is derived from the interme- diate cell-mass of the region reaching from about the thirty-first to the thirty-fourth somite. It is at first continuous with, and indistinguishable in structure from, the portion of the intermediate cell-mass of the region immediately in front of it, which breaks up into Wolffian tubules. The metanephric blastema remains however quite passive during the formation of the Wolffian tubules in the adjoining blastema; and on the formation of the ureter breaks off from the Wolffian body in front, and, growing forwards and dorsalwards, becomes connected with the inner side of the ureter in the position just described. In the subsequent development of the kidney col- lecting tubes grow out from the ureter, and become continuous with masses of cells of the metanephric blastema, which then differentiate themselves into the kidney tubules. 220 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. The formation of the kidneys takes place before the end of the seventh day, but they do not become of func- tional importance till considerably later. From their mode of development it clearly follows that the permanent kidneys are merely parts of the same system as the Wolffian bodies, and that their se- paration from these is an occurrence of a purely second- ary importance. The generative ridge. Before describing the sub- sequent fate of the Wolffian and Miillerian ducts, it will be necessary to give an account of the formation of the true sexual glands, the ovaries and testes. At the first appearance of the projection from the in- termediate cell-mass, which we may now call the genital ridge, a columnar character is not only visible in the layer of cells covering the nascent ridge itself along its whole length, but may also be traced for some little dis- tance outwards on either side of the ridge in the cells lining the most median portions of both somatopleure and splanchnopleure. Passing outwards along these layers, the columnar cells gradually give place to a flat tesse- lated epithelium. As the ridge continues to increase and project, the columnar character becomes more and more restricted to cells covering the ridge itself, over which at the same time it becomes more distinct. On the outer side of the ridge, that is on the side which looks towards the somatopleure, the epithelium under- goes, as we have seen, an involution to form the com- mencement of the duct of Muller, and for some little time retains in the immediate neighbourhood of that duct its columnar character (Fig. 71, a'), though even- tually losing it. VII.] THE SEXLUAL EMINENCE. 221 The median portion of the ridge is occupied by the projection of the Wolffian body, and here the epithelium rapidly becomes flattened. On the inside of the ridge however, that is on the side looking towards the splanchnopleure, the epithelium not only retains its columnar character, but grows several cells deep (Fig. 71, a), while at the same time the meso- blast (E) underlying it becomes thickened. In this way, owing partly to the increasing thickness of the epithelium, and partly to the accumulation of mesoblast beneath it, a slight eminence is formed, which when viewed from below, after opening the abdominal cavity, appears in direct light as a fusiform white patch or streak, in its early stages extending along the whole length of the Wolffian body and genital ridge, but sub- sequently restricted to its anterior portion. Its appear- ance under these circumstances has been well described by Von Baer. This 'sexual eminence' is present in the early stages of both sexes. In both the epithelium consists of several layers of short cylindrical cells, a few of which are con- spicuous on account of their size and their possessing a highly refractive oval nucleus of considerable bulk; in both, the underlying thickened mesoblast consists as indeed at this epoch it does generally in all parts of the body of spindle-shaped cells. The larger conspicuous cells of the epithelium which appear to have quite a common origin with their fellow cells and to arise from them by direct differen- tiation, and which are seen at the first in male as well as female embryos, are the primordial ova or pri- mitive germinal cells (Fig. 71, o). Thus in quite early 222 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. stages it is impossible to detect the one sex from the other. The ovary. In the female the primordial ova en- large and become more numerous, the whole epithelium growing thicker and more prominent, and the spindle- shaped cells of the underlying mesoblast also increase rapidly and thus form the stroma of the ovary. The primordial ova after undergoing some further changes, into which it is not within the scope of this work to enter, become surrounded by a number of the ordinary epithelium cells. These form a distinct layer, the folli- cular epithelium, round the ovum. After a time there appear numerous vascular ingrowths from the stroma, which penetrate through all parts of the germinal epi- thelium and break it up into a sponge-like structure formed of trabeculse of germinal epithelium interpene- trated by vascular strands of stroma. The trabeculae of the germinal epithelium form the egg-tubes of Pfliiger. In this way each ovum becomes invested by a cap- sule of vascular connective tissue lined internally by a layer of epithelium; the whole constituting a Graafian follicle. The large nucleus of the primordial ovum becomes the germinal vesicle, while the ovum itself remains as the true ovum ; this subsequently becomes enlarged by the addition of a quantity of yolk derived from a differ- entiation of its protoplasm. The testis. The first traces of the testes are found in the dorsal and inner side of the intermediate cell- mass, and appear about the sixth day. From the first they differ from the rudimentary ovaries, by coming into VII.] THE TESTIS. 223 somewhat close connection with the Wolffian bodies; but occupy about the same limits from before back- wards. The mesoblast in the position we have men- tioned begins to become somewhat modified, and by the eighth day the testis is divided by septa of connec- tive tissue into a number of groups of cells; which are the commencing tubuli seminiferi. By the sixteenth day the cells of the tubuli have become larger and acquired a distinctly epithelial character. The history of the primordial cells in the male has not been so thoroughly worked out as in the female. The spermatozoa appear to arise by the division of the primitive ova (present, as we have stated, in the early stages of both sexes), which probably migrate into the adjacent stroma, accompanied by some of the indifferent epithelial cells. Here the primitive germi- nal cells increase in number and give rise to the cells lining the secretory tubules of the testes. Outgrowths from the Malpighian bodies of the Wolffian body appear to be developed, which extend into the testis and come into connection with the true seminiferous stroma. It is evident from the above account that the male and female generative products are homodynamous, but the consideration of the development of the pro- ducts in the two sexes shows that a single spermatozoon is not equivalent to an ovum, but rather that the whole of the spermatozoa derived from a primordial ovum are together equivalent to one ovum. We have now described the origin of all the parts which form the urinary and sexual systems, both of the embryo and adult. It merely remains to speak briefly 224 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. of the changes, which on the attainment of the adult condition take place in the parts described. The Wolffian body, according to Waldeyer, may be said to consist of a sexual and urinary part, which can, he states, be easily distinguished in the just-hatched chick. The sexual part becomes in the cock the after- testes or coni vasculosi, and consists of tubules which lose themselves in the seminiferous tubules. In the hen it forms part of the epoophoron 1 of Waldeyer, and is composed of well-developed tubes without pigment. The urinary part forms in both sexes a small rudiment, consisting of blindly ending tubes with yellow pigment ; it is most conspicuous in the hen. This rudiment has been called by Waldeyer parepididymis in the male and paroophoron in the female. The Wolffian duct remains as the vas deferens in the male. In the female it becomes atrophied and nearly disappears. The duct of Miiller on the right side (that on the left side with the corresponding ovary generally dis- appearing) remains in the female as the oviduct. In the male it is almost entirely obliterated on both sides. Vascular system. We may return to the changes which are taking place in the circulation. On the fourth day, the point at which the dorsal aorta divides into two branches is carried much further back towards the tail. A short way beyond the point of bifurcation, each vessel gives off a branch to the newly-formed allantois. 1 This is also called parovarium (His), and Bosenmiiller's organ. VII.] THE ARTERIAL ARCHES. 225 It is not, however, till the second half of the fourth day, when the allantois grows rapidly, that these allantoic y or, as they are sometimes called, umbilical, arteries acquire any importance, if indeed they are present before. The vitelline arteries are before the end of the day given off from the undivided aortic trunk as a single but quickly bifurcating vessel, the left of the two branches into which it divides being much larger than the right. During this day, the arterial arch running in the first visceral fold becomes obliterated, the obliteration being accompanied by the appearance of a new (fourth) arch running in the fourth visceral fold on either side. The second pair of arterial arches also becomes nearly (if not entirely) obliterated; but a new pair of arches is developed in the last (fifth) visceral fold, behind the last visceral cleft; so that there are still three pairs of arterial arches, which however now run in the third, fourth and fifth visceral folds, the last of these being as yet small. If we reckon in the slight remains of the second pair of arches we may consider that there are in all four pairs of arches. When the first and second arches are obliterated, it is only the central portion of each arch on either side which abso- lutely disappears. The ventral portion connected with the bulbus arteriosus, and the dorsal portion which joins the dorsal aorta, both remain, and are both carried straight forward towards the head. The ventral por- tions of both first and second arches unite on each side to form a branch, the external carotid (Fig. 73, E.C.A.), F. & B. 15 226 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. which runs straight up from the bulbus arteriosus to the head. FIG. 73. STATE OF ARTERIAL CIRCULATION ON THE FIFTH OR SIXTH DAY. E.G. A. external carotid. I.C.A. internal carotid. D. A. dorsal aorta. Of. A. vitelline artery. U.A. allantoic arteries. In the same way the dorsal portions form a branch, the internal carotid, which takes its origin from the dorsal or far end of the third arch. In the venous system important changes also occur. As the liver in the course of its formation wraps round the common trunk of the vitelline veins, or meatus venosus, it may be said to divide that vessel into two parts : into a part nearer the heart which is called the sinus venosus (Fig. 74, S. V.), and into a part surrounded by the liver which is called the ductus venosus. Beyond, i.e. behind the liver, the ductus veno- sus is directly continuous with the vitelline veins, or, as we may now say, vein, for the right trunk has become so small as to appear a mere branch of the left (Fig. 74, 0/0. \ VII.] THE VEINS OF THE LIVER. 227 DIAGRAM OF THE VENOUS CIRCULATION AT THE COMMENCE- MENT OF THE FIFTH DAY. H. heart, d.c. ductus CuvierL Into the ductus Cuvieri of each side fall J. the jugular vein or superior cardinal vein, W. the vein from the wing, and c. the inferior cardinal vein. &. V. sinus venosus. Of. vitelline vein. U. allantoic vein, which at this stage gives off branches to the body-walls. V.C.I, vena cava inferior. L liver. The hepatic circulation, which was commenced on the third day, becomes completely established. Those branches which come off from the ductus venosus soon after its entrance between the liver lobes carry blood into the substance of the liver and are called vence advehentes, while those which join the ductus venosus shortly before it leaves the liver (i. e. nearer the heart) carry blood away from the hepatic substance into the ductus and are called vence revehentes. As a result of this arrangement there is a choice of paths for the blood in passing from the vitelline vein to the sinus venosus; it may pass through the capillary net- work of the liver, going in by the venae advehentes and 152 228 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. coming back again by the vense revehentes, or it may go straight through the ductus venosus without passing at all into the substance of the liver. As the alimentary canal by its continued closing in becomes on the fourth day more and more distinct from the yolk-sac, it gradually acquires veins of its own, the mesenteric veins, which first appear as small branches of the vitelline vein, though eventually, owing to the change in the relative size and importance of the yolk- sac and intestine, the latter seems to be a branch of one of the former. Corresponding to the increase in the size of the head, the superior cardinal veins (Fig. 74, J.) become larger and more important and are joined by the wing veins (Tf.). As before, they form the ductus Cuvieri (d.c.) by joining with the inferior cardinal veins (c.). The latter are now largely developed, they seem to take origin from the Wolffian bodies, and their size and importance is in direct proportion to the prominence of these bodies. They might be called the veins of the Wolffian bodies. As the kidneys begin to be formed a new single median vein makes its appearance, running from them forwards, beneath the vertebral column, to fall into the sinus venosus (Fig. 74, V.C.I.). This is the vena cava inferior. As the lungs are being formed the pulmonary veins also make their appearance and become connected with the left side of the auricular division of the heart. The blood carried to the allantois by the allantoic arteries is brought back by two veins, which very soon after their appearance unite, close to the allantois, into VII.] THE HEART. 229 a single trunk, the allantoic vein, which, running along the splanchnopleure, falls into the vitelline vein (Fig. 74, K). Meanwhile the heart is undergoing considerable changes. Though the whole organ still exhibits a marked curvature to the right, the ventricular portion becomes directed more distinctly ventralwards, forming a blunted cone whose apex will eventually become the apex of the adult heart. The concave (or dorsal) walls of the ventricles be- come much thicker, as did the convex or ventral walls on the third day. Well-marked constrictions now separate the ven- tricles from the bulbus arteriosus on the one hand, and from the auricles on the other. The latter constriction is very distinct, and receives the name of canalis auri- cularis (Fig. 75, C. A.) ; the former, sometimes called the /return Halleri, is far less conspicuous. FIG. 75. C.A HEART OF A CHICK ON THE FOURTH DAY OF INCUBATION VIEWED FROM THE VENTRAL SURFACE. La. left auricular appendage. C.A. canalis auricularis. v. ven- tricle. 6. bulbus arteriosus. 230 THE FOURTH DAY. [CHAP. The most important event is perhaps the formation of the ventricular septum. This, which commenced on the third day as a crescentric ridge or fold springing from the convex or ventral side of the rounded ven- tricular portion of the heart, now grows rapidly across the ventricular cavity towards the concave or dorsal side. It thus forms an incomplete longitudinal par- tition, extending from the canalis auricularis to the commencement of the bulbus arteriosus, and dividing the twisted ventricular tube into two somewhat curved canals, one more to the left and above, the other to the right and below. These communicate freely with each other, above the free edge of the partition, along its whole length. Externally the ventricular portion as yet shews no sign of the division into two parts. The bulbus arteriosus (Fig. 75, 6.) has increased in size, and is now very conspicuous. The venous end of the heart is placed still more dorsal, and to the left of the arterial end; its walls are beginning to become thicker. The auricles are nearly if not quite as far forward as the ventricles, and the auricular appendages (Fig. 75, La.), which were visible even on the third day, are exceedingly prominent, giving a strongly marked ex- ternal appearance of a division of the auricular portion of the heart into two chambers; but Von Baer was unable to detect at this date any internal auricular septum. The chief events then of the fourth day are : (1) The increase of the cranial and body flexure. VII.] SUMMARY. 231 (2) The increase in the tail-fold. (3) The formation of the limbs as local thickenings of the Wolffian ridge. (4) The formation of the olfactory grooves. (5) The absorption of the partition between the mouth and the throat. (6) The vacuolation of the cells of the notochord. (7) The formation of the ureter. (8) The formation of the duct of Muller. (9) The appearance of the primitive ova in the germinal epithelium. (10) The development of a fifth pair of arterial arches, and the obliteration of the first, and partial obliteration of the second pair. (11) The development of the 'canalis auricularis,' the growth of the septum of the ventricles and of the auricular appendages. CHAPTER VIII. THE CHANGES WHICH TAKE PLACE ON THE FIFTH DAY. ON opening an egg about the middle of the fifth day, the observer's attention is not arrested by any new features ; but he notices that the progress of develop- ment, which was so rapid during the later half of the fourth day, is being continued with undiminished vigour. The allantois, which on the fourth day began to project from the pleuroperitoneal cavity, has grown very rapidly, and now stretches away from the somatic stalk far over the right side of the embryo (which it will be remembered is lying on its left side) in the cavity between the two amniotic folds (Fig. 9, K.\ It is very vascular, and already serves as the chief organ of respiration. The blastoderm has spread over the whole of the yolk-sac, and the yolk is thus completely enclosed in a bag whose walls however are excessively delicate and easily torn. The vascular area extends over about two- thirds of the yolk. The splanchnic stalk or vitelline duct has now reached its greatest narrowness ; it has become a solid CHAP. VIII.] THE LIMBS. 233 cord, and will undergo no further change till near the time of hatching. The space between it and the so- matic stalk is still considerable, though the latter is narrower than it was on the fourth day. The embryo remains excessively curved, so much so indeed that the head and the tail are nearly in contact. The limbs have increased, especially in length ; in each a distinction is now apparent between the more cylindrical stalk and the flattened terminal expansion ; and the cartilaginous precursors of the several bones have already become visible. The fore and hind limbs are still exceedingly alike, and in both the stalk is already beginning to be bent about its middle to form the elbow and knee respec- tively. The angles of both knee and elbow are in the first instance alike directed outwards and somewhat back- wards. By the eighth day, however, the elbow has come to look directly backwards and the knee forwards. In consequence of this change, the digits of the fore limb point directly forwards, those of the hind limb directly backwards. This state of things is altered by a subsequent rotation of the hand and foot on the arm and leg, so that by the tenth day the toes are directed straight forwards, and the digits of the wing backwards and somewhat ventralwards, the elbow and knee almost touching each other. While these changes are taking place the differences between wing and foot become more and more distinct. The cartilages of the digits appear on the fifth day as streaks in the broad flat terminal expansions, from the 234 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. even curved edge of which they do not project. On the sixth or seventh day the three digits of the wing (the median being the longest) and the four (or in some fowls five) digits of the foot may be distinguished, and on the eighth or ninth day these begin to project from the edge of the expanded foot and wing, the substance of which, thin and more or less transparent, remains for some time as a kind of web between them. By the tenth day the fore and hind extremities, save for the absence of feathers and nails, are already veritable wings and feet. Within the mesoblast of the limbs a continuous blastema becomes formed, which constitutes the first trace of the skeleton of the limb. The corresponding elements of the two limbs, viz. the humerus and femur, radius and tibia, ulna and fibula, carpal and tarsal bones, metacarpals and metatarsals, and phalanges, be- come differentiated within this, by the conversion of defi- nite regions into cartilage, which probably are at first united. These cartilaginous elements subsequently ossify. The pectoral girdle. The scapulo-coracoid elements of the shoulder girdle are formed as a pair of cartilaginous plates, one on each side of the body. The dorsal half of each plate ossifies as the scapula, the ventral as the coracoid. The clavicles are probably membrane bones. The pelvic girdle is derived from a pair of cartilaginous plates, one on each side. Each of them is developed in con- tinuity with the femur of its side. The dorsal half of each plate ossifies as the ilium ; the ventral half becomes prolonged into two processes, the anterior of which ossifies as the pubis, the posterior at the ischium. Ribs and sternum. The ribs appear to arise as cartilaginous bars in the connective tissue of the body VIII.] THE CRANIUM. 235 walls. They are placed opposite the intervals between the muscle-plates, and are developed independently of the vertebrae, with the transverse processes of which they subsequently become closely united by fibrous tissue. The sternum appears to be formed from the fusion of the ventral extremities of a certain number of the ribs. The extremities of the ribs unite with each other from before backwards, and thus give rise to two car- tilaginous bands. These bands become segmented off from the ribs with which they are at first continuous, and subsequently fuse in the median ventral line to form the unpaired sternum. The skull. Two distinct sets of elements enter into the composition of the avian skull. These are (1) the cranium proper, (2) the skeleton of the visceral arches. The cranium. As we mentioned in the last chap- ter, the formation of the primitive cranium commenced upon the fourth day. This primitive cranium, in its earliest stage, inasmuch as it is composed of condensed but otherwise only slightly differentiated mesoblast, may be spoken of as the membranous cranium. On the sixth day true hyaline cartilage makes its appearance as a differentiation within the membranous cranium. The cartilaginous cranium is composed of the following parts. (1) A pair of cartilaginous plates placed on each side of the cephalic section of the notochord, and known as the parachordals (Fig. 76, iv.). These plates, together with the notochord (nc.) enclosed between them, form a floor for the hind- and mid-brain. The continuous plate, formed by them and the notochord, is known as the basilar plate. 236 THE FIFTH DAY. FIG. 76. [CHAR YlEW FROM ABOVE OF THE PARACHORDALS AND OF THE TRABE- CUL.E ON THE FIFTH DAY OF INCUBATION. (From Parker.) In order to shew this the whole of the upper portion of the head has been sliced away. The cartilaginous portions of the skull are marked with the dark horizontal shading. c.v. 1. cerebral vesicles (sliced off), e. eye. nc. notochord. iv. parachordal. 9. foramen for the exit of the ninth nerve. d. cochlea, h.s.c. horizontal semi-circular canal, q. quad- rate. 5. notch for the passage of the fifth nerve. Ig. ex- panded anterior end of the paracbordals. pt.s. pituitary space, tr. trabeculse. The reference line tr has accidentally been made to end a little short of the cartilage. (2) A pair of bars forming the floor for the fore- brain, and known as the trabeculce (tr.). These bars are continued forward from the parachordals, with which, in the chick, they are from the first continuous. United VIII.] THE PARACHORDALS. 237 behind where they embrace the front end of the noto- chord, they diverge anteriorly for some little distance and then bend in again in such a way as to enclose a space the pituitary space. In front of this space they again unite and extend forwards into the nasal region. (3) The cartilaginous capsules of the sense organs. Of these the auditory and olfactory capsules unite more or less intimately with the cranial walls, while the optic capsules, forming the sclerotics, remain distinct. The parachordals and notochord. The first of these sets of elements, viz. the parachordals *and noto- chord, forming together the basilar plate, is an unseg- mented continuation of the axial tissue of the vertebral column. It forms the floor for that section of the brain which belongs to the primitive postoral part of the head, and its extension is roughly that of the basiocci- pital of the adult skull. Laterally it encloses the auditory sacs (Fig. 76), the tissue surrounding these (forming the so-called ' periotic capsules') is in. the chick never separate from the basi- lar plate. In front it becomes narrowed, and at the same time excavated so as to form a notch on each side (Fig. 76, 5) through which the fifth nerve passes ; and in front of this it again becomes expanded. In order to render our subsequent account more intelligible, we may briefly anticipate the fate of the basilar plate. Behind it grows upwards on both sides, and the two outgrowths meet above so as completely to enclose the medulla oblongata, and to circumscribe a hole known as the ' occipital foramen? And it is at this point only that the roof of the skull is at any period formed of cartilage. 238 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. It will be convenient to say a few words here with reference to the notochord in the head. It always extends along the floor of the mid- and hind-brains, but ends immediately behind the infundibulum. The front end of the notochord becomes more or less ventrally flexed in correspondence with the cranial flexure ; its anterior end being in some animals (Elasmobranchii) almost bent backwards (Fig. 77). FIG. 77. ml) LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE HEAD OF A YOUNG PRISTIURUS EMBRYO. cer. commencement of the cerebral hemisphere, pn. pineal gland. In. infundibulum. pt. ingrowth from mouth to form the pituitary body. mb. mid-brain, cb. cerebellum, ch. noto- chord. al. alimentary tract. laa. artery of mandibular arch. Kolliker has shewn that in the Rabbit, and a more or less similar phenomenon may also be observed in Birds, the anterior end of the notochord is united to the hypoblast of the throat in immediate contiguity with the opening of the pituitary body ; but it is not clear whether this is to be looked upon as the remnant of a primitive attachment of the notochord to the hypo- blast, or as a secondary attachment. Within the basilar plate the notochord often exhibits two or more dilatations, which have been regarded by Parker and Kolliker as indicative of a segmentation of this plate ; but they hardly appear to be capable of this interpretation. VIII.] THE TRABECULSE. 239 The trabeculae. The trabeculse, so far as their mere anatomical relations are concerned, play the same part in forming the floor for the front cerebral vesicle as the parachordals for the mid- and hind-brains. They differ however from the parachordals in one important feature, viz. that, except at their hinder end, they do not embrace between them the notochord. The notochord constitutes, as we have seen, the primitive axial skeleton of the body, and its absence in the greater part of the region of the trabeculse would probably seem to indicate, as pointed out by Gegen- baur, that these parts, in spite of their similarity to the parachordals, have not the same morphological significance. While this distinction between the parachordals and the trabeculse must be admitted, there seems to be no reason against supposing that the trabeculse may be plates developed to support the floor of the fore-brain, for the same physiological reasons that the parachordals have become formed at the sides of the notochord to support the floor of the hind-brain. By some anatomists the trabeculse have been held to be a pair of branchial bars ; but this view has now been generally given up. They have also been regarded as equivalent to a complete pair of neural arches enveloping the front end of the brain. The primi- tive extension of the base of the fore-brain through the pituitary space is an argument, not without force, which has been appealed to in support of this view. In the majority of the lower forms the trabeculse arise quite independently of the parachordals, though the two sets of elements soon unite ; while in Birds (Fig. 76) and Mammals the parachordals and trabeculse are formed as a continuous whole. The junction be- 240 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. tween the trabeculse and parachordals becomes marked by a cartilaginous ridge known as the posterior clinoid. The trabeculse are somewhat lyre-shaped, meeting in front and behind, and leaving a large pituitary space between their middle parts (Fig. 76). Into this space there primitively projects the whole base of the fore-brain, but the space itself gradually becomes narrowed, till it usually contains only the pituitary body. The carotid arteries pass through it in the embryo ; but it ceases to be perforated in the adult. The trabeculso soon unite together, both in front and behind, and form a complete plate underneath the fore-brain, ending in two horns in the interior of the fronto-nasal process. A special ver- tical growth of this plate in the region of the orbit forms the interorbital plate (Fig. 78, ps.), on the upper surface of which the front part of the brain rests. The trabecular floor of the brain does not long remain simple. Its sides grow vertically upwards, forming a lateral wall for the brain, in which two regions may be distinguished, viz. an alisphenoidal region (Fig. 78, as.) behind, growing out from what is known as the basisphenoidal region of the primitive trabeculse, and an orbitosphenoidal region in front growing out from the presphenoidal region of the trabeculse. These plates form at first on each side a continuous lateral wall of the cranium. At the front end of the brain they are continued inwards, and more or less completely separate the true cranial cavity from the nasal region in front. The region of the trabeculse in front of the brain is the ethmoidal region ; it forms the anterior boundary of the cranial cavity. The basal part of this region forms an internasal plate, from which an VIII.] THE SENSE CAPSULES. 241 internasal septum, continuous behind with the inter- orbital septum, grows up (Fig. 78); while the lateral FIG. 78. bb r SlDE VIEW OF THE CARTILAGINOUS CRANIUM OF A FOWL ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF INCUBATION. (After Parker.) pn. preuasal cartilage, aln. alinasal cartilage, ale. aliethmoid ; immediately below this is the aliseptal cartilage, eth. eth- moid, pp. pars plana. ps. presphenoid or inter-orbital. pa. palatine, pg. pterygoid. z. optic nerve, as. alisphenoid. q. quadrate, st. stapes, fr. fenestra rotunda, hso. horizon- tal semicircular canal, psc. posterior vertical semicircular canal : both the anterior and the posterior semicircular canals are seen shining through the cartilage, so. supra- occipital, eo. exoccipital. oc. occipital condyle. nc. noto- chord. mJc. Meckel s cartilage, ch. cerato-hyal. bh. basi- hyal. cbr. and ebr. cerato-branchial. bbr. basibranchial. part is known as the lateral ethmoid region, which is always perforated for the passage of the olfactory nerve. The sense capsules. The most important of these is the auditory capsule, which, as we have seen, fuses intimately with the lateral walls of the skull. In front there is usually a cleft separating it from the alisphe- F. &B. 16 242 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. noid region of the skull, through which the third division of the fifth nerve passes out. This cleft be- comes narrowed to a small foramen. The sclerotic is free, but profoundly modifies the region of the cranium near which it is placed. The nasal investment is de- veloped in continuity, and is closely united, with the ethmoid region. The cartilaginous cranium, the development of which has been thus briefly traced, persists in the adult without even the addition of membrane bones in certain fishes, e.g. the Elasmobranchii. In the Sela- chioid Ganoids it is also found in the adult, but is covered over by membrane bones. In all other types it is invariably present in the embryo, but becomes in the adult more or less replaced by osseous tissue. The bones in the adult skull may be divided roughly into two categories according to their origin. (1) Cartilage bones, i.e. ossifications in the primi- tive cartilaginous cranium. (2) Membrane bones, i.e. ossifications in membrane without any cartilaginous precursors. The names which have been given to the various parts of the cartilaginous cranium in the above account are derived from the names given to the bones appear- ing in the respective regions in the more developed skull. The skeleton of the visceral arches. The visceral arches were all originally branchial in function. They supported the walls between successive branchial clefts. The first arch (mandibular) has in all living forms lost its branchial function, and its bar has become con- verted into a supporting skeleton for the jaws. VIII.] THE MANDIBULAR ARCH. 243 The second arch (hyoid), with its contained bar, though retaining in some forms (Elasmobranchii) its branchial function, has in most acquired additional functions, and has undergone in consequence various peculiar modifications. The succeeding arches and their contained bars retain their branchial function in Pisces and some Amphibia, but are secondarily modified and largely aborted in the abranchiate forms. The ordinary visceral arches in the chick are, as we have seen, sufficiently obvious, while as yet their meso- blast is quite undifferentiated ; but in the three ante- rior of them rods of cartilage are subsequently deve- loped and begin to make their appearance about the fifth day. The first arch (mandibular), it will be remembered, budded off a process called the superior maxillary pro- cess. The whole arch, therefore, comes to consist of two parts, viz. a superior and an inferior maxillary pro- cess ; it is in the latter of these that the cartilaginous rod on each side is developed. The membranous tissue in the superior maxillary process is called, from its subsequent fate, the ptery go-palatine bar, and is in the chick ossified directly without the intervention of cartilage. In the inferior maxillary process two developments of cartilage take place, a proximal and a distal. The proximal cartilage is situated (Figs. 76 and 79, q.) at the side of the periotic capsule, but is not united with it. It is known as the quadrate, and in the early stage is merely a small knob of cartilage. The quadrate cartilage os- sifies as the quadrate bone, and supplies the permanent articulation for the lower jaw. The distal rod is called 162 244 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. MeckeUs cartilage (Fig. 79, mk.) ; it soon becomes covered by investing (membrane) bones which form the mandible ; and its proximal end ossifies as the articulare. FIG. 79. VIEW FROM BELOW OF THE PAIRED APPENDAGES OF THE SKULL OF A FOWL ON THE FlFTH DAT OF INCUBATION. (From Parker.) cv. 1. cerebral vesicles, e. eye. fn. fronto-nasal process, n. nasal pit. tr. trabeculse. pts. pituitary space, mr. superior maxillary process, pg. pterygoid. pa. palatine, q. quad- rate, mk. Meckel's cartilage, ch. cerato-hyal. bh. basi- hyal. cbr. ceratobranchial. ebr. proximal portion of the cartilage in the third visceral arch. bbr. basibranchial. 1. first visceral cleft. 2. second visceral cleft. 3. third vis- ceral arch. In the next arch, usually called the second visceral or hyoid arch, there is a very small development of cartilage. This consists of a central azygos piece, the VIII.] THE COLUMELLA. 245 'basi-hyal' (Fig. 79, bh.), and two rods, one on each side, the ' cerato-hyals ' (Fig. 79, ch.). In the third arch, which corresponds with the first branchial arch of the Ichthyopsida, there is on each side a large distal cartilaginous rod (Fig. 79, cbr.), the ' cerato-branchial/ and a smaller proximal piece (Fig. 79, ebr.), between the two arches lies an undefined mass (Fig. 79, bbr), the ' basibranchial.' In the arches behind this one there is in the bird no development of cartilage. The lower part of the hyoid arch, including the basi-hyal, unites with the remnants of the arch behind to form the hyoid bone of the adult. The fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda appear on the seventh day as spaces in the side walls of the periotic cartilage. The former is filled up by a small piece of cartilage, the stapes (Fig. 78, st.), which in the adult forms part of the columella (see pp. 166, 167). The columella is believed by Huxley and Parker to represent the independently developed dorsal element of the hyoid, together with the stapes with which it has become united. For further details of the development of the skull we must refer the student to Professor Parker's Memoir upon the Development of the Skull of the Common Fowl (Gallus domesticus), Phil. Trans., 1866, Vol. CLVL, pt. 1, and to the chapter on the Bird's skull in the Morphology of the Skull, by Professor Parker and Mr Bettany. We shall conclude this account by giving a table of those bones which are preformed in cartilage, and of the purely splint or membrane bones. 246 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. Parts of the bird's skull which are either preformed in cartilage or remain cartilaginous. Formed from the parachordal cartilages and their upgrowths around the foramen magnum. Supraocci- pital. Exoccipital. Basioccipital. Formed in the periotic cartilage. Epiotic. Prootia Opisthotic. Formed from the trabeculse and their upgrowths, Alisphenoid. Basisphenoid. Orbitosphenoid. Pre- sphenoid. Ethmoid. Septum nasi, turbinals, prenasal and nasal cartilages. Articulare and quadrate belonging to the first visceral arch. Skeleton of the second and third visceral arches and stapes. Splint-bones not preformed in cartilage. Parietals. Squamosals. Frontals. Lacrymals. Nasals. Premaxillse. Maxillae. Maxillo-palatines, Vomer. Jugals. Quadrato-jugals. Dentary and bones of mandible. Basi-temporal and rostrum. Ptery- goid and palatine (superior maxillary process). The face. Closely connected with the development of the skull is the formation of the parts of the face. After the appearance of the nasal grooves on the fourth day the mouth (Fig. 80, M.) appears as a deep depression inclosed by five processes. Its lower border is entirely formed by the two inferior maxillary pro- cesses (Fig. 80, F. 1), at its sides lie the two superior maxillary processes S. M., while above it is bounded by the fronto-nasal process nf. VIII.] THE FRONTO-NASAL PROCESS. FIG. 80. 247 A. HEAD OF EMBRYO CHICK OF THE FOURTH DAY VIEWED FROM BELOW AS AN OPAQUE OBJECT. (Chromic acid preparation.) C.ff. cerebral hemispheres. FB. vesicle of the third ventricle. Op. eyeball, nf. naso-frontal process. M. cavity of mouth. S.M. superior maxillary process of F. 1, the first visceral fold (mandibular arch). F. 2, F. 3, second and third visceral folds. N. nasal pit. In order to gain the view here given the neck was cut across between the third and fourth visceral folds. In the section e thus made, are seen the alimentary canal al with its collapsed walls, the neural canal ra.c., the notochord ch., the dorsal aorta AO.j and the jugular veins V. B. The same seen sideways, to shew the visceral folds. Letters as before. After a while the outer angles of the fronto-nasal process, enclosing the expanded termination of the trabeculae, project somewhat outwards on each side, giving the end of the process a rather bilobed appear- ance. These projecting portions of the fronto-nasal pro- cess form on each side the inner margins of the rapidly 248 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. deepening nasal grooves, and are sometimes spoken of as the inner nasal processes. The outer margin of each nasal groove is raised up into a projection frequently spoken of as the outer nasal process, which runs down- wards to join the superior maxillary process, from which however it is separated by a shallow depression. This depression, which runs nearly horizontally outwards towards the eyeball, is known as the lacrymal groove (see p. 155). On the fifth day the inner nasal processes, or lower and outer corners of the fronto-nasal process, arching over, unite on each side with the superior maxillary processes. (Compare Fig. 81, which, however, is a view of the head of a chick of the sixth day.) In this way each nasal groove is converted into a canal, which leads FIG. 81. HEAD OF A CHICK AT THE SIXTH DAY FROM BELOW. (From Huxley.) la. cerebral vesicles, a. eye, in which the remains of the choroid slit can still be seen. g. nasal pits. k. fronto-nasal process. 1. superior maxillary process. 1. inferior maxillary process VIII. ] THE MOUTH. 249 or first visceral arch. 2. second visceral arch. x. first vis- ceral cleft between the first and second visceral arches. The cavity of the mouth is seen enclosed by the fronto-nasal process, the superior maxillary processes and the first pair of visceral arches. At the back of it is seen the opening leading into the throat. The nasal grooves leading from the nasal pits to the mouth are already closed over and converted into canals. from the nasal pit above, into the cavity of the mouth below, and places the two in direct communication. This canal, whose lining consists of epiblast, is the rudiment of the nasal labyrinth. By the seventh day (Fig. 82), not only is the union of the superior maxillary and fronto-nasal processes completed, and the upper boundary of the mouth thus definitely constituted, but these parts begin to grow rapidly forward, thus deepening the mouth and giving rise to the appearance of a nose or beak (Fig. 82), which, though yet blunt, is still distinct. The whole of the lower boundary of the buccal cavity is formed by the inferior maxillary processes. As we have before mentioned (p. 240), cartilage suc- ceeded by bone is developed in the fronto-nasal process ; the pterygo-palatine osseous bar (membranous ossifica- tion) in the superior maxillary process; Meckel's cartilage the main part of which atrophies, the proximal end only ossifying as the articulare, and the quadrate succeeded by bone in the inferior maxillary process; the other bones which form the boundaries of the mouth in the adult are developed later after all external trace of these parts as separate processes has "disappeared. At first the mouth is a simple cavity into which the nasal canals open directly. When however the various 250 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. FIG. 82. HEAD OF A CHICK OF THE SEVENTH DAY FROM BELOW. (From Huxley.) la. cerebral vesicles, a. eye. g. nasal pits. L fronto-nasal process. 1. superior maxillary process. 1. first visceral arch. 2. second visceral arch. x. first visceral cleft. The external opening of the mouth has become much con- stricted, but it is still enclosed by the fronto-nasal process and superior maxillary processes above, and by the inferior maxillary processes (first pair of visceral arches) below. The superior maxillary processes have united with the fronto- nasal process, along the whole length of the latter, with the exception of a small space in front, where a narrow angular opening is left between the two. processes unite together to form the upper boundary of the mouth, each superior maxillary process sends in- wards a lateral bud. These buds become flattened and form horizontal plates which stretch more and more inward towards the middle line. There they finally meet, and by their union, which is effected first in front and thence extends backwards, constitute a horizontal VIII.] THE SPINAL CORD. 251 plate stretching right across the mouth and dividing it into two cavities an upper and a lower one. In the front part of the mouth their union is quite complete, so that here there is no communication between the two cavities. Behind, however, the partition is not a complete one, so that the two divisions of the buccal cavity communicate at the back of the mouth. The external opening of * the mouth passes into the lower of these two cavities, which may therefore be called the mouth proper. Into the upper chamber the nasal ducts open ; it may be called the respiratory chamber, and forms the commencement of the chamber of the nose. In birds generally the upper nasal cavity be- comes subsequently divided by a median partition into two chambers, which communicate with the back of the mouth by separate apertures, the posterior nares. The original openings of the nasal pits remain as the nostrils. The spinal cord. On this day important changes take place in the spinal cord; and a brief history of the development of this organ may fitly be introduced here. At the beginning of the third day the cavity of the neural canal is still of considerable width, and when examined in vertical section its sides may be seen to be nearly parallel, though perhaps approximating to each other more below than above. The exact shape varies according to the region of the body from which the section is taken. The epiblast walls are at this time composed of radiately arranged columnar cells. The cells are much elongated, but somewhat irregular; and it is very 252 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. difficult in sections to make out their individual boundaries. They contain granular oval nuclei in which a nucleolus can almost always be seen. The walls of the canal are both anteriorly and posteriorly considerably thinner in the median plane than in the middle. Towards the end of the third day changes take place in the shape of the cavity. In the lumbar region its vertical section becomes more elongated, and at the same time very narrow in the middle while expanded at each end into a somewhat bulbous enlargement, pro- ducing an hour-glass appearance (Fig. 65). Its walls however still preserve the same histological characters as before. On the fourth day (Fig. 68) coincidently with the appearance of the spinal nerves, important changes may be observed in the hitherto undifFerentiated epi- blastic walls, which result in its differentiation into (1) the epithelium of the central canal, (2) the grey matter of the cord, and (3) the external coating of white matter. The white matter is apparently the result of a differentiation of the outermost parts of the superficial cells of the cord into longitudinal nerve-fibres, which remain for a long period without a medullary sheath. These fibres appear in transverse sections as small dots. The white matter forms a transparent investment of the grey matter; it arises as four patches, viz. an anterior and a posterior white column on each side, which lie on a level with the origin of the anterior and posterior nerve-roots. It is always, at first, a layer of extreme tenuity, but rapidly increases in thickness in the sub- VIII.] THE GREY MATTER. 258 sequent stages, and extends so as gradually to cover the whole cord (Fig. 83). FIG. 83. pen lew SECTION THROUGH THE SPINAL CORD OF A SEVEN DAYS' CHICK. pew. dorsal white column, lew. lateral white column, acw. ven- tral white column, c. dorsal tissue filling up the part where the dorsal fissure will be formed, pc. dorsal grey cornu. ac. anterior grey cornu. ep. epithelial cells, age. anterior commissure, pf. dorsal part of spinal canal, spc. ventral part of spinal canal, af. anterior fissure. The grey matter and the central epithelium are formed by a differentiation of the main mass of the walls of the medullary canal. The outer cells lose their 254 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. epithelial-like arrangement, and, becoming prolonged into fibres, give rise to the grey matter, while the inner- most cells retain their primitive arrangement, and con- stitute the epithelium of the canal. The process of formation of the grey matter would appear to proceed from without inwards, so that some of the cells which have, on the formation of the grey matter, an epithelial- like arrangement, subsequently become converted into true nerve-cells. The central epithelium of the nervous system pro- bably corresponds with the so-called epidermic layer of the epiblast. The grey matter soon becomes prolonged dorsally and ventrally into the posterior and anterior horns. Its fibres may especially be traced in two directions : (1) round the anterior end of the spinal canal, immediately outside its epithelium and so to the grey matter on the opposite side, forming in this way an anterior grey commissure, through which a decussation of the fibres from the opposite sides is effected : (2) dorsalwards along the outside of the lateral walls of the canal. There is at this period (fourth day) no trace of the ventral or dorsal fissure, and the shape of the central canal is not very different from what it was at an earlier period. This condition of the spinal cord is especially instructive as it is very nearly that which is permanent in Amphioxus. The next event of importance is the formation of the ventral or anterior fissure. This begins on the fifth day and owes its origin to a downgrowth of the an- terior horns of the cord on each side of the middle line. The two downgrowths enclose between them a some- VIII.] THE POSTEKIOK FISSURE. 255 what linear space the anterior fissure which in- creases in depth in the succeeding stages (Fig. 83, a/). The dorsal or posterior fissure is formed at a later period (about the seventh day) than the anterior, and accompanies the atrophy of the dorsal section of the embryonically large canal of the spinal cord. The exact mode of its formation appears to be still involved in some obscurity. It seems probable, though further investigations on the point are still required, that the dorsal fissure is a direct result of the atrophy of the dorsal part of the central canal of the spinal cord. The walls of this coalesce dorsally, and the coalescence gradually extends inwards, so as finally to reduce the central canal to a minute tube, formed of the ventral part of the original canal. The epithelial wall formed by the coalesced walls on the dorsal side of the canal is gradually absorbed. The epithelium of the central canal, at the period when its atrophy commences, is not covered dorsally either by grey or white matter, so that, with the gradual reduction of the dorsal part of the canal and the absorption of the epithelial wall formed by the fusion of its two sides, a fissure between the two halves of the spinal cord becomes formed. This fissure is the posterior or dorsal fissure. In the process of its formation the white matter of the dorsal horns becomes prolonged so as to line its walls ; and shortly after its formation the dorsal grey commissure makes its appearance ; this is not improbably derived from part of the epithelium of the original central canal. Meanwhile an alteration is taking place in the ex- ternal outline of the cord. From being, as on the fourth and fifth days, oval in section, it becomes, chiefly through the increase of the white matter, much more nearly circular. By the end of the seventh day the following im- 256 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. portant parts of the cord have been definitely es- tablished : (1) The anterior and posterior fissures. (2) The anterior and posterior horns of grey matter. (3) The anterior, posterior and lateral columns of white matter. (4) The spinal canal. As yet, however, the grey masses of the two sides of the cord only communicate by the anterior grey com- missure, and the white columns of opposite sides do not communicate at all. The grey matter, moreover, still far preponderates over the white matter in quantity. By the ninth day the posterior fissure is fully formed, and the posterior grey commissure has also appeared. In the centre of the sacral enlargement this com- missure is absent, and the posterior columns at a later period separate widely and form the ' sinus rhomboi- dalis/ which is not, as has been sometimes stated, the remains of the primitive 'sinus rhomboidalis ' visible during the second day. The anterior white columns have much increased on this day, and now form the sides of the already deep anterior fissure. The anterior white commissure does not however appear till somewhat later. The heart. The fifth day may perhaps be taken as marking a most important epoch in the history of the heart. The changes which take place on that and on the sixth day, added to those previously undergone, VIII.] THE VENTRICULAR SEPTUM. 257 transform the simple tube of the early days of in- cubation into an almost completely formed heart. The venous end of the heart, though still lying somewhat to the left and dorsal, is now placed as far forwards as the arterial end, the whole organ appearing to be drawn together. The ventricular septum is com- plete. The apex of the ventricles becomes more and more pointed. In the auricular portion a small longitudinal fold appears as the rudiment of the auricular septum, while in the canalis auricula ris, which is now at its greatest length, there is also to be seen a commencing transverse partition tending to separate the cavity of the auricles from those of the ventricles. About the 106th hour, a septum begins to make its appearance in the bulbus arteriosus in the form of a longitudinal fold, which according to Tonge (Proc. of Royal Soc. 1868) starts, not (as Von Baer thought) at the end of the bulbus nearest to, but at that farthest removed from, the heart. It takes origin from the wall of the bulbus between the fifth and fourth pairs of arches and grows backwards in such a manner as to divide the bulbus into two channels, one of which leads from the heart to the fourth and third pair of arches and the other to the fifth pair. The free edge of the septum is somewhat Y-shaped, so that its two legs as it were project backwards towards the heart, further than its central portion ; and this shape of the free edge is maintained during the whole period of its growth. Its course backwards is not straight but spiral, and thus the two channels into which it divides the bulbus arteriosus wind spirally the one over the F. &B. 17 258 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. other. The existence of the septum can only be as- certained at this stage by dissection or by sections, there being as yet no external signs of the division. At the time when the septum is first formed, the opening of the bulbus arteriosus into the ventricles is narrow or slit-like, apparently in order to prevent the flow of the blood back into the heart. Soon after the appearance of the septum, however, semilunar valves (Tonge, loc. cit.) are developed from the wall of that portion of the bulbus which lies between the free edge of the septum and the cavity of the ventricles. These arise as six solid outgrowths of the wall arranged in pairs, a ventral, a dorsal, and an outer pair, one valve of each pair belonging to the one and the other to the other of the two main divisions of the bulbus which are now being established. The ventral and the dorsal pairs of valves are the first to appear: the former as two small prominences separated from each other by a narrow groove, the latter as a single shallow ridge, in the centre of which is a prominence indicating the point where the ridge will subsequently become divided into two. The outer pair of valves appear opposite each other, at a con- siderably later period, between the ends of the other pair of valves on each side. As the septum grows backwards towards the heart, it finally reaches the position of these valves. One of its legs then passes between the two ventral valves, and the other unites with the prominence on the dorsal valve-ridge. At the same time the growth of all the parts causes the valves to appear to approach the heart and thus to be placed quite at the top of the ventricular VIII.] THE BULBUS ARTERIOSUS. 259 cavities. The free edge of the septum of the bulbus now fuses with the ventricular septum, and thus the division of the bulbus into two separate channels, each provided with three valves, and each communicating with a separate side of the heart, is complete, the po- sition of the valves not being very different from what it is in the adult heart. That division of the bulbus which opens into the fifth pair of arches is the one which communicates with the right ventricle, while that which opens into the third and fourth pairs communicates with the left ventricle (vide Fig. 93). The former becomes the pul- monary artery, the latter the commencement of the systemic aorta. The external constriction actually dividing the bul- bus into two vessels does not begin to appear till the septum has extended some way back towards the heart. The semilunar valves become pocketed at a period considerably later than their first formation (from the 147th to the 165th hour) in the order of their ap- pearance. Towards the end of the fifth and in the course of the sixth day further important changes take place in the heart. The venous end with its two very conspicuous au- ricular appendages, comes to be situated more dorsal to the arterial end, though it still turns rather towards the left. The venous portion of the heart undergoes on the sixth day, or even near to the end of the fifth, such a development of the muscular fibres of its walls that the canalis auricularis becomes almost entirely concealed. The point of the heart is now directed 172 260 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP, nearly backwards (i. e. towards the tail), but also a little ventralwards. An alteration takes place during the sixth day in the relative position of the parts of the ventricular division of the heart. The right ventricle is now turned towards the abdominal surface, and also winds to a certain extent round the left ventricle. It will be remembered that on the fourth day the right ventricle was placed dorsal to the left. The right ventricle is now also the smaller of the two, and the constriction which divides it from the left ventricle does not extend to the apex of the heart (Fig. 84). It has, however, a very marked bulge to- wards the right. FIG. 84. A B Two VIEWS OF THE HEART OF A CHICK UPON THE FIFTH DAY OF INCUBATION. A. from the ventral, B. from the dorsal side. l.a. left auricular appendage, r.a. right auricular appendage. r.v. right ventricle, l.v. left ventricle, b. bulbus arteriosus. At first the bulbus arteriosus appeared to come off chiefly from the left ventricle ; during the fifth day, and still more on the sixth, it appears to come from the VIII.] THE BULBUS ARTERIOSUS. 261 right chamber. This is caused by the canal from the right ventricle into the bulbus arteriosus passing to- wards the left, and on the ventral side, so as entirely to conceal the origin of the canal from the left chamber of the heart. On the seventh day the bulbus arteriosus appears to come less markedly from the right side of the heart. All these changes, however, of position of the bulbus arteriosus only affect it externally; during the whole time the two chambers of the heart open respectively into the two divisions of the bulbus arteriosus. The swelling of the bulbus is much less marked on the seventh day than it was before. At the end of the sixth day, and even on the fifth day (Figs. 84, 85), the appearance of the heart itself, FIG. 85. Iv HEART OF A CHICK UPON THE SIXTH DAY OF INCUBATION, FROM THE VENTRAL SURFACE. La. left auricular appendage, r.a. right auricular appendage. r.v. right ventricle, l.v. left ventricle, b. bulbus arteriosus. without reference to the vessels which come from it, is not very dissimilar from that which it presents when adult. 262 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. The original curvature to the right now forms the apex of the ventricles, and the two auricular appendages are placed at the anterior extremity of the heart. The most noticeable difference (in the ventral view) is the still externally undivided condition of the bulbus arteriosus. The subsequent changes which the heart undergoes are concerned more with its internal structure than with its external shape. Indeed, during the next three days, viz. the eighth, ninth, and tenth, the external form of the heart remains nearly unaltered. In the auricular portion, however, the septum which commenced on the fifth day becomes now more con- spicuous. It is placed vertically, and arises from the ventral wall; commencing at the canalis auricularis and proceeding backwards, it does not as yet reach the opening into the sinus venosus. The blood from the sinus, or, as we may call it, the inferior vena cava, enters the heart obliquely from the right, so that it has a tendency to flow towards the left auricle of the heart, which is at this time the larger of the two. The valves between the ventricles and auricles are now well developed, and it is about this time that the division of the bulbus arteriosus into the aorta and pulmonary artery becomes visible on the exterior. By the eleventh or thirteenth day the right auricle has become as large as the left, and the auricular sep- tum much more complete, though there is still a small opening, the foramen ovale, by which the two cavities communicate with each other. Through this foramen the greater part of the blood of the vena cava inferior, VIII.] THE EUSTACHIAN VALVE. 263 which is now joined just at its entrance into the heart by the right vena cava superior, is directed into the left auricle. The left vena cava superior enters the right auricle independently; between it and the inferior vena cava is a small valve which directs its blood entirely into the right auricle. On the sixteenth day the right vena cava superior, when viewed from the exterior, still appears to join the inferior vena cava before entering the heart ; from the interior however the two can now be seen to be sepa- rated by a valve. This valve, called the 'Eustachian valve/ extends to the opening of the left vena cava superior, and into it the valve which in the earlier stage separated the left superior and inferior vense cavse has apparently become merged. There is also on the left side of the opening of the inferior cava a mem- brane stretching over the foramen ovale, and serving as a valve for that orifice. The blood from the inferior cava still passes chiefly into the left auricle through the foramen ovale, while the blood from the other two vense cavse now falls into the right auricle, being prevented from entering the left chamber by the Eustachian valve. Hence, since at this period also the blood from the left ventricle passes to a great extent to the anterior portion of the body, there is a species of double-circula- tion going on. The greater part of the blood from the allantois entering the left auricle from the inferior vena cava passes into the left ventricle and is thence sent chiefly to the head and anterior extremities through the third and fourth arches ; from these it is brought back through the right auricle to the right ventricle, from 264 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. whence through the fifth arch it is returned along the aorta to the allantois. From the seventeenth to the nineteenth day the right auricle becomes larger than the left. The large Eustachian valve still prevents the blood from the superior cavae from entering the left auricle, while it conducts the blood from the inferior vena cava into that chamber through the foramen ovale. The entrance of the inferior vena cava is however further removed than it was from the foramen ovale, and the increased flow of blood from the lungs prevents all the blood of the inferior cava from entering into the left auricle. At the same time the valve of the foramen ovale prevents the blood in the left auricle from entering the right auricle. During the period from the seventh day onwards the apex of the heart becomes more marked, the arte- rial roots are more entirely separated and the various septa completed, so that when the foramen ovale is closed and the blood of the inferior vena cava thereby entirely confined to the right auricle, the heart has practically acquired its adult condition. The pericardial and pleural cavities. The heart at first lies in the general body cavity attached to the ventral wall of the gut by a mesocardium (Fig. 86, A), but the part of the body cavity containing it afterwards becomes separated off as a distinct cavity known as the pericardial cavity. It is formed in the following way. When the two ductus Cuvieri leading transversely from the sinus venosus to the cardinal veins become deve- loped (p. 170), a horizontal septum is formed to support them, stretching across from the splanchnic to the so- VIII ] THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY. 265 matic side of the body cavity, dividing the body cavity for a short distance in this region into a dorsal section, {formed of a right and a left division) constituting the true body cavity (Fig. 86 B, p.p), and a ventral section (Fig. 86, B, p.c.), the pericardial cavity. The two parts of the body cavity thus formed are at first in free com- munication both in front of and behind this septum. The FIG. 86. TRANSVERSE SECTIONS THROUGH A CHICK EMBRYO WITH TWENTY-ONE MESOBLASTIC SOMITES TO SHEW THE FORMA- TION OP THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY, A. BEING THE ANTE- RIOR SECTION. pp. body cavity, pc. pericardial cavity, al. alimentary cavity. au. auricle, v. ventricle, sv. sinus venosus. dc. ductus Cuvieri. ao. aorta, mp. muscle-plate, me. medullary cord 266 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. septum however is soon continued forwards so as com- pletely to separate the ventral pericardial and the dorsal body cavity in front, the pericardial cavity ex- tending considerably further forwards than the body cavity. FIG. 87. SECTION THROUGH THE CARDIAC EEGION OF AN EMBRYO OF LACERTA MURALIS OF 9 M.M. TO SHEW THE MODE OF FORMATION OF THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY. Atf. heart, pc. pericardial cavity, al. alimentary tract. Ig. lung. 1. liver, pp. body cavity, md. open end of Mullerian duct. wd. Wolffian duct. vc. vena cava inferior, ao. aorta, ch. notochord. me. medullary cord. Since the horizontal septum, by its mode of origin, is necessarily attached to the ventral side of the gut, the dorsal part of the primitive body space is, as we have already mentioned, divided into two halves by a median vertical septum formed of the gut and its VIII.] THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY. 267 mesentery (Fig. 86, B). Posteriorly the horizontal sep- tum grows in a slightly ventral direction along the under surface of the liver (Fig. 87), till it meets the abdominal wall of the body at the insertion of the falciform ligament, and thus completely shuts off the pericardial cavity from the body cavity. The horizontal septum forms, as is obvious from the above description the dorsal wall of the pericardial cavity. After the completion of this separation the right and left sections of the body cavity, dorsal to the peri- cardial cavity, rapidly become larger and receive the lungs which soon sprout out from the throat. The diverticula which form the lungs grow out into splanchnic mesoblast, in front of the body cavity, but as they grow they extend into the two anterior com- partments of the body cavity, each attached by its mesentery to the mesentery of the gut (Fig. 87, lg.). They soon moreover extend beyond the posterior limit of the pericardium into the undivided body cavity behind. To understand the further changes in the peri- cardial cavity it is necessary to bear in mind its rela- tions to the adjoining parts. It lies at this period completely ventral to the two anterior prolongations of the body cavity containing the lungs. Its dorsal wall is attached to the gut, and is continuous with the me- sentery of the gut passing to the dorsal abdominal wall, forming the posterior mediastinum of human anatomy. The changes which next ensue consist essentially in the enlargement of the sections of the body cavity dorsal to the pericardial cavity. This enlargement takes place partly by the elongation of the posterior mediastinum, but still more by the two divisions of the- 268 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. body cavity which contain the lungs extending them- selves ventrally round the outside of the pericardial cavity. This process is illustrated by Fig. 88, taken Fm. 88. /. c. SECTION THROUGH AN ADVANCED EMBRYO OF A RABBIT TO SHEW HOW THE PERICARDIAL CAVITY BECOMES SUR- ROUNDED BY THE PLEURAL CAVITIES. ht. heart, pc. pericardial cavity, pl.p. pleural cavity. Ig. lung. al. alimentary tract, ao. dorsal aorta, ch. notochord. rp. rib. st. sternum, sp.c. spinal cord. from an embryo rabbit. The two dorsal sections of the body cavity (pl.p.) finally extend so as completely to envelope the pericardial cavity (pc.), remaining how- ever separated from each other below by a lamina ex- tending from the ventral wall of the pericardial cavity VIII.] HISTOLOG1CAL DIFFERENTIATION. 26D to the body wall, which forms the anterior mediastinum of human anatomy. By these changes the pericardial cavity is converted into a closed bag, completely surrounded at its sides by the two lateral halves of the body cavity, which were primitively placed dorsally to it. These two sections of the body cavity, which in the chick remain in free communication with the undivided peritoneal cavity behind, may, from the fact of their containing the lungs, be called the pleural cavities. Histological differentiation. The fifth day may also be taken as marking the epoch at which histological differentiation first becomes distinctly established and begins to make great progress. It is of course true that loi)g before this date, even from the earliest hours, the cells in each of the three fundamental layers have ceased to be everywhere alike. Nevertheless the changes undergone by the several cells have been few and slight. The cells of epiblastic origin, both those going to form the epidermis and those in- cluded in the neural involution, are up to this time simple more or less columnar cells ; they may be seen here elongated, there oval, and in another spot spheroi- dal ; here closely packed, with scanty protoplasm, there scattered, with each nucleus well surrounded by cell- substance ; but wherever they are found they may still be recognized as cells of a distinctly epithelial character. So also with the cells of hypoblastic origin, whether simply lining the alimentary canal or taking part in the formation of the compound glands. Even in the meso- blast, which undergoes far more changes than either of the other layers, not only increasing more rapidly in 270 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. bulk but also serving as the mother tissue for a far greater number of organs, the alterations in the indi- vidual cells 1 are, till near upon the fifth day, insignifi- cant. Up to this time the mesoblast may be spoken of as consisting for the most part of little more than in- different tissue : of nuclei imbedded in a protoplasmic cell-substance. In one spot the nuclei are closely packed together, and the cell-substance scanty and compact; at another the nuclei are scattered about with spindle-shaped masses of protoplasm attached to each, and there is a large development either of inter- cellular spaces or of intracellular vacuoles filled with clear fluid. The protoplasm differs in various places, chiefly in being more or less granular, and less or more transparent, having as yet undergone but slight chemi- cal transformation. Up to this epoch (with the excep- tion of the early differentiated blood and muscles of the muscle plates) there are no distinct tissues, and the rudiments of the various organs are simply marked out by greater or less condensation of the simple meso- blastic substance. From the fifth day onwards, however, histological differentiation takes place rapidly, and it soon becomes possible to speak of this or that part as being composed of muscular, or cartilaginous, or connective, &c. tissue. It is not within the scope of the present work to treat in detail of these histogenetic changes, for information concerning which we would refer the reader to histolo- gical treatises. We have already had occasion to refer 1 With the exception of the cells of the middle part of the inner layer of the muscle-plates, which we have seen become converted into longitudinal muscles on the third day (p. 187). VIII.] THE EPIBLAST. 271 incidentally to many of the earliest histological events, and shall content ourselves by giving a brief summary of the derivation of the tissues of the adult animal from the three primary layers of the blastoderm. The epiblast or upper layer of many embryologists forms primarily two very important parts of the body, viz. the central nervous system and the epidermis. It is from the involuted epiblast of the neural tube that the whole of the grey and white matter of the brain and spinal cord appears to be developed, the simple columnar cells of the epiblast being apparently directly transformed into the characteristic multipolar nerve-cells. The whole of the sympathetic 1 nervous system and the peripheral nervous elements of the body, including both the spinal and cranial nerves and ganglia, are epiblastic in origin. The epithelium (ciliated in the young animal) lining the canalis centralis of the spinal cord, together with that lining the ventricles of the brain, all which cavities and canals are, as we have seen, derivatives of the primary neural canal, is the undifferentiated remnant of the primitive epiblast. The epiblast, as we have said, also forms the epider- mis, not however the dermis, which is of mesoblastic origin. The line of junction between the epiblast and the mesoblast coincides with that between the epidermis 1 The details of the development of the sympathetic system have only been imperfectly worked out in the chick. We propose deferring our account of what is known on this head to the second part of this work dealing with the Mammalia. We may here state, however, that the whole of the chain of the sympathetic ganglia is developed in con- tinuity with the outgrowths from the wall of the neural tube which give rise to the spinal nerves. 272 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. and the dermis. From the epiblast are formed all such tegumentary organs or parts of organs as are epidermic in nature. In addition to these, the epiblast plays an important part in the formation of the organs of special sense. According to their mode of formation these organs may be arranged into two divisions. In the first come the cases where the sensory expansion of the organ of special sense is derived from the involuted epiblast of the medullary canal. To this class belongs the retina, including the epithelial pigment of the choroid, which is formed from the original optic vesicle budded out from the fore-brain. To the second class belong the epithelial expansions of the membranous labyrinth of the ear and the cavity of the nose, which are formed by involution from the superficial epiblast covering the external surface of the embryo. These accordingly have no primary connection with the brain. We may also fairly suppose that the 'taste bulbs' and the nervous cells, which have lately been described as present in the epidermis, are also structures formed from the epiblast. In addition to these we have the crystalline lens formed of involuted epiblast, and the cavity of the mouth and anus lined by it. The pituitary body is also epiblastic in origin. These are the most important parts which are derived from the epiblast. From the hypoblast are derived the epithelium of the digestive canal, the epithelium of the trachea, bronchial tubes and air cells, the cylindrical epithelium of the ducts of the liver, pancreas and other glands of the alimentary canal, as well as the hepatic cells con- VIII.] THE HYPOBLAST AND MESOBLAST. 273 stituting the parenchyma of the liver, developed, as we have seen, from the hypoblast cylinders given off around the primary hepatic diverticula. Homologous, probably with the hepatic cells, and equally of hypoblastic origin, are the more spheroidal c secreting cells ' of the pancreas and other glands. The epithelium of the salivary glands, though these so exactly resemble the pancreas, is of epiblastic origin, inasmuch as the cavity of the mouth (p. 119) is entirely lined by epiblast. The hypoblast lines the allantois, and the notochord also is an hypoblastic product. From the mesoblast are formed all the remaining parts of the body. The muscles, the bones, the connec- tive tissue and the vessels, both arteries, veins, capillaries and lymphatics, with their appropriate epithelium, are entirely formed from the mesoblast. The generative and urinary organs are also de- rived from the mesoblast. It is worthy of notice that their epithelium, though resembling the hypoblastic epithelium of the alimentary canal, is undoubtedly mesoblastic. From the mesoblast lastly are derived all the mus- cular, connective and vascular elements, as well of the alimentary canal and its appendages as of the skin and the tegumentary organs. Just as it is only the epider- mic moiety of the latter which is derived from the epiblast, so it is only the epithelium of the former which comes from the hypoblast. The important events then which characterize the fifth day are : 1. The growth of the allantois. F. & B. 18 274 THE FIFTH DAY. [CHAP. VIII. 2. The appearance of the knee and elbow, and of the cartilages which precede the bones of the digits and limbs. 3. The formation of the primitive cartilaginous cranium, more especially of the investing mass and the trabeculse, and the appearance of rods of cartilage in the visceral arches. 4. The developments of the parts of the face : the closing in of the nasal passages by the nasal processes. 5. A large development of grey matter in the spinal cord as the anterior and posterior cornua; con- siderable growth both of the anterior and posterior white columns, and the commencement of the anterior and posterior fissures. 6. The appearance of the auricular septum, of a septum in the bulbus arteriosus, and of the semilunar valves. 7. The establishment of the several tissues. CHAPTER IX. FROM THE SIXTH DAY TO THE END OF INCUBATION. THE sixth day marks a new epoch in the develop- ment of the chick, for distinctly avian characters then first make their appearance. Striking and numerous as are the features, which render the class Aves one of the most easily recognizable in the whole animal kingdom, the embryo of a bird does not materially differ in its early phases from that of a reptile or a mammal, even in the points of structure which are most distinctively avian. It may, it is true, be possible to infer, even at a comparatively early stage, from some subsidiary tokens, whether any given em- bryo belongs to this class or that (and indeed the same inference may be drawn from the ovum itself) ; but up to a certain date it is impossible to point out, in the embryo of the fowl, the presence of features which may be taken as broadly characteristic of an avian organiza- tion. This absence of any distinctive avian differen- tiation lasts in the chick roughly speaking till the com- mencement of the sixth day. 182 276 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. We do not mean that on the sixth day all the organs suddenly commence to exhibit peculiarities which mark them as avian. There are no strongly marked breaks in the history of development; its course is perfectly gradual, and one stage passes continuously into the next. The sixth and seventh days do however mark the commencement of the period in which the spe- cialization of the bird begins to be apparent. Then for the first time there become visible the main features of the characteristic manus and pes ; the crop and the intestinal caeca make their appearance; the stomach takes on the form of a gizzard ; the nose begins to de- velope into a beak ; and the commencing bones of the skull arrange themselves after an avian type. Into these details we do not propose to enter, and shall therefore treat the history of the remaining days with great brevity. We will first speak of the FCETAL APPENDAGES. On the sixth and seventh days these exhibit changes which are hardly less important than the events of previous days. The amnion at its complete closure on the fourth day very closely invested the body of the chick; the true cavity of the amnion was at that time therefore very small. On the fifth day fluid begins to collect in the cavity, and raises the membrane of the amnion to some distance from the embryo. The cavity becomes still larger by the sixth day, and on the seventh day is of very considerable dimensions, the fluid increasing with it. On the sixth day Von Baer observed movements of the embryo, chiefly of the limbs; he attributes them to the stimulation of the cold air on opening the egg. IX.] THE YOLK. 277 By the seventh day very obvious movements begin to appear in the amnion itself; slow vermicular con- tractions creep rythmically over it. The amnion in fact begins to pulsate slowly and rythmically, and by its pulsation the embryo is rocked to and fro in the egg. This pulsation is due probably to the contraction of involuntary muscular fibres, which seem to be present in the attenuated portion of the mesoblast, forming part of the amniotic fold. (Of. Chap. II. p. 45.) Similar movements are also seen in the allantois at a con- siderably later period. The growth of the allantois has been very rapid, and it forms a flattened bag, covering the right side of the embryo and rapidly spreading out in all directions, between the primitive folds of the amnion, that is be- tween the amnion proper and the false amnion (serous membrane). It is filled with fluid, so that in spite of its flattened form its opposite walls are distinctly sepa- rated from each other. The vascular area has become still further extended than on the previous day, but with a corresponding loss in the definite character of its blood-vessels. The sinus terminalis has indeed by the end of the seventh day lost all its previous distinctness, and the vessels which brought back the blood from it to the heart are no longer to be seen. Both the vitelline arteries and veins now pass to and from the body of the chick as single trunks, as- suming more and more the appearance of being merely branches of the mesenteric vessels. The yolk is still more fluid than on the previous day, and its bulk has (according to Yon Baer) increased. 278 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. This can only be due to its absorbing the white of the egg, which indeed is diminishing rapidly. During the eighth, ninth, and tenth days the aninion does not undergo any very important changes. Its cavity is still filled with fluid, and on the eighth day its pulsations are at their height, henceforward diminishing in intensity. The splitting of the mesoblast has now extended to the outer limit of the vascular area, viz. over about three quarters of the yolk-sac. The somatopleure at this point is continuous (as can be easily seen by reference to Fig. 9) with the original outer fold of the amnion. It thus comes about that the further splitting of the mesoblast merely enlarges the cavity in which the allantois lies. The growth of this organ keeps pace with that of the cavity in which it is placed. Spread out over the greater part of the yolk-sac as a flattened bag filled with fluid, it now serves as the chief organ of respiration. Hence it is very vascular, the vessels on that side of the bag which is turned to the serous membrane and shell being especially large and numerous. The yolk now begins to diminish rapidly in bulk. The yolk-sac becomes flaccid, and on the eleventh day is thrown into a series of internal folds, abundantly supplied with blood-vessels. By this means the surface of absorption is largely increased, and the yolk is more and more rapidly taken up by the blood-vessels, and in a partially assimilated condition transferred to the body of the embryo. By the eleventh day the abdominal parietes though IX.] THE ALLANTOIS. 279 still much looser and less firm than the walls of the chest may be said to be definitely established, and the loops of intestine, which have hitherto been hanging down into the somatic stalk, are henceforward confined within the cavity of the abdomen. The body of the embryo is therefore completed; but it still remains connected with its various appendages by a narrow somatic umbilicus, in which run the stalk of the allan- tois and the solid cord suspending the yolk-sac. The cleavage of the mesoblast still progressing, the yolk is completely invested by the (splanchnopleuric) yolk-sac except at the pole opposite to the embryo, where for some little time a small portion remains unenclosed ; at this spot the diminished white of the egg adheres as a dense viscid plug. The allantois meanwhile spreads out rapidly, and lies over the embryo close under the shell, being sepa- rated from the shell membrane by nothing more than an attenuated membrane, the serous membrane, formed out of the outer primitive fold of the amnion and the remains of the vitelline membrane. With this serous membrane the allantois partially coalesces, and in opening an egg at the later stages of incubation, unless care be taken the allantois is in danger of being torn in the removal of the shell membrane. As the allantois increases in size and importance, the allantoic vessels are correspondingly developed. They are very con- spicuous when the egg is opened, the pulsations of the allantoic arteries at once attracting attention. On about the sixteenth day, the white having entirely disappeared, the cleavage of the mesoblast is carried right over the pole of the yolk opposite the 280 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. embryo, and is thus completed (Fig. 9). The yolk-sac now, like the allantois which closely wraps it all round, lies loose in a space bounded outside the body by the serous membrane, and continuous with the pleuro- peritoneal cavity of the body of the embryo. Deposits of urates now become abundant in the allantdic fluid. The loose and flaccid walls of the abdomen enclose a space which the empty intestines are far from filling, and on the nineteenth day the yolk-sac, diminished greatly in bulk but still of some considerable size, is withdrawn through the somatic stalk into the ab- dominal cavity, which it largely distends. Outside the embryo there remains nothing now but the highly vascular allantois and the practically bloodless serous membrane and amnion. The amnion, whose fluid during the later days of incubation rapidly diminishes, is con- tinuous at the umbilicus with the body-walls of the embryo. The serous membrane (or outer primitive amniotic fold) is by the completion of the cleavage of the mesoblast and the invagination of the yolk-sac, entirely separated from the embryo. The cavity of the allantois by means of its stalk passing through the um- bilicus is of course continuous with the cloaca. In the EMBRYO itself a few general points only de- serve notice. By the sixth or seventh day the flexure of the body has become less marked, so that the head does not lie so near to the tail as on the previous days ; at the same time a more distinct neck makes its ap- pearance. Though the head is still disproportionately large, its growth ceases to be greater than that of the body. IX.] THE BRAIN. 281 Up to this period the walls of the somatic stalk have remained thin and flaccid, almost membranous in fact, the heart appearing to hang loosely out of the body of the embryo. About this time however the stalk, especially in front, rapidly narrows and its meso- blast becomes thickened. In this way the heart and the other thoracic viscera are enclosed by definite firm chest walls, along the sides of which the ribs grow forwards and in front of which the cartilaginous rudi- ments of the sternum appear. The abdominal walls are also being formed, but not to the same extent, and the stalk of the allantois still passes out from the peritoneal cavity between the somatic and the splanchnic stalks. In the brain one of the most marked features is the growth of the cerebral hemispheres. The median division between these has in front increased in depth, so that the lateral ventricles are continued forwards as two divergent horns, while backwards they are also con- tinued as similar divergent horns separated from one another by the vesicle of the third ventricle. We propose to treat more fully of the development of the brain in the second part of this work, the importance of the mammalian brain rendering it undesirable to go too much into the details of the brain of the bird. All the visceral clefts are closed by the seventh day. It will be remembered that the inner part of the first cleft persists as the Eustachian tube (p. 166). The structures which surround the mouth are be- ginning to become avian in form, though the features are as yet not very distinctly marked 282 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. The tongue has appeared on the floor of the mouth as a bud of mesoblast covered by epiblast. During the eighth, ninth, and tenth days the embryo grows very rapidly, the head being still especially large, and at the same time becoming more round, the mid-brain not being so prominent. Prom the eleventh day onwards the embryo suc- cessively puts on characters which are not only avian, but even distinctive of the genus, species and variety. So early as the ninth or tenth day the sacs con- taining the feathers begin to protrude from the surface of the skin as papillae, especially prominent at first along the middle line of the back from the neck to the rump, and over the thighs, the sacs of the tail feathers being very conspicuous. On the thirteenth day these sacs, generally distributed over the body, and acquiring the length of a quarter of an inch or more, appear to the naked eye as feathers, the thin walls of the sacs allow- ing their contents, now coloured according to the variety of the bird, to shine through. They are still however closed sacs, and indeed remain such even on the nine- teenth day, when many of them are an inch in length. Feathers are epidermal structures. They arise from an in- duration of the epidermis of papillae containing a vascular core On the eighth day a chalky-looking patch is ob- servable on the tip of the nose. This by the twelfth day has become developed into a horny but still soft beak. On the thirteenth day, nails are visible at the ex- tremities, and scales on the remaining portions of the IX.] OSSIFICATION. 283 toes. These on the sixteenth day become harder and more horny, as does also the beak. Nails are developed on special regions of the epidermis, known as the primitive nail beds. They are formed by the cornification of a layer of cells which makes its appearance between the horny and mucous layers of the epidermis. The distal border of the nail soon becomes free, and the further growth is effected by additions to the under side and attached extremity of the nail. By the thirteenth day the cartilaginous skeleton is completed and the various muscles of the body can be made out with tolerable clearness. Ossification begins according to Von Baer on the eighth or ninth day by small deposits in the tibia, in the metacarpal bones of the hind-limb, and in the sca- pula. On the eleventh or twelfth day a multitude of points of ossification make their appearance in the limbs, in the scapular and pelvic arches, in the ribs, in the bodies of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae and in the bones of the head, the centres of ossification of the vertebral arches not being found till the thirteenth day. The events which we have thus briefly narrated are accompanied by important changes in the arterial and venous systems. The condition of the venous system at about the end of the third day was fully described in Chap. VI. p. 170, and the changes which have taken place between that date and the latter days of incubation may be seen by comparing the diagram Fig. 58 with the diagrams Figs. 89 and 90. On the third day, nearly the whole of the venous blood from the body of the embryo was carried back to 284 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. the heart by two main venous trunks, the superior (Fig. 58, J) and inferior (Fig. 58, (7) cardinal veins, joining on each side to form the short transverse ductus Cuvieri, both which in turn united with the sinus venosus close to the heart. As the head and neck continue to enlarge and the wings become developed, the single superior cardinal or jugular vein, as it is usually called (Figs. 89, 90, J"), of each side, is joined by two new veins : the FIG. 89. DIAGRAM OF THE VENOUS CIRCULATION AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE FIFTH DAT. H. heart, d.c. ductus Cuvieri. Into the ductus Cuvieri of each side fall J. the jugular vein, W. the vein from the wing and 0. the inferior cardinal vein. & V. sinus venosus. Of. vitel- line vein. U. allantoic vein, which at this stage gives off branches to the body- walls. V.O.I, inferior vena cava. 1. liver. vertebral vein (Su. J. F.), bringing back blood from the head and neck, and the vein from the wing ( W). The inferior cardinal veins have their roots in the Wolffian bodies; they become developed, pari passu, IX.] THE VENOUS SYSTEM. 285 with those organs, and may be called the veins of the Wolffian bodies. On the third day they are the only veins which bring the blood back from the hinder part of the body of the embryo. About the fourth or fifth day, however, a new single venous trunk, the vena cava inferior (Fig. 89, V.G.I.\ makes its appearance in the middle line, in a plane more dorsal than that of the cardinal veins. This, starting from the sinus venosus not far from the heart, is on the fifth day a short trunk running backward in the middle line below the aorta, and speedily losing itself in the tissues above the Wolffian bodies. When the kidneys are formed it receives blood from them, and thencefor- ward enlarging rapidly eventually becomes the channel by which the greater part of the blood from the hind limbs and the hinder part of the body finds its way to the heart. In proportion as this vena cava inferior increases in size, and the Wolffian bodies give place to the permanent kidneys, the posterior cardinal veins diminish. The blood originally coming to the posterior cardinals from the posterior part of the spinal cord and trunk is trans- ported into two posterior vertebral veins; which are placed dorsal to the heads of the ribs and join the anterior vertebral veins. With the appearance of these veins the anterior part of the posterior cardinals dis- appears. At its first appearance the vena cava inferior may be considered as a branch of the trunk which we have called the sinus venosus, but as development proceeds, and the vena cava becomes larger and larger, the sinus venosus assumes more and more the appearance of being merely the cardiac termination of the vena cava, and 286 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. the ductus venosus from the liver may now be said to join the vena cava instead of being prolonged into the sinus. While this growth of the vena cava is going on, the points at which the ductus Cuvieri enter into the sinus venosus are drawn in towards the heart itself, and finally these trunks fall directly and separately into the auricular cavities, and are henceforward known as the right and left vena cava superior (Fig. 90, V.S.R., V.8.L.). There DIAGRAM OF THE VENOUS CIRCULATION DURING THE LATER DATS OF INCUBATION. H. heart. V.S.R. right vena cava superior. V.S.L. left vena cava superior. The two venae cavse superiores are the original c ductus Cuvieri,' they still open into the sinus venosus and not independently into the heart. J. jugular vein. $7. V. superior vertebral vein. In. V. inferior vertebral vein. W. vein for the wing. V.C.I, vena cava inferior, which receives most of the blood from the inferior extremities, etc. D. V. ductus venosus. P. V. portal vein. M. a vein bringing blood from the intestines into the portal vein. Of. vitelline vein. U. allantoic vein. The three last mentioned veins unite together to form the portal vein. I. liver. The remnants of the inferior cardinal veins are not shewn. IX.] THE VENOUS SYSTEM. 287 are therefore, when these changes have been effected, three separate channels, with their respective orifices, by which the blood of the body is brought back to the heart, viz. the right and left superior and the inferior venae cavae. While the auricular septum is as yet unformed, the blood from these veins falls into both auricles, perhaps more into the left than into the right. As the septum however grows up, the three vessels become connected with the right auricle only while the left receives the two pulmonary veins coming from the lungs. (Compare Chap. VII. p. 228). On the third day the course of the vessels from the yolk-sac is very simple. The two vitelline veins, of which the right is already the smaller, form the meatus venosus from which, as it passes through the liver on its way to the heart, are given off the two sets of venae advehentes and venae revehentes. With the appearance of the allantois on the fourth day, a new feature is introduced. From the meatus venosus, a short distance behind the liver, there is given off a vein which quickly divides into two branches. These, running along the ventral side of the body from the walls of which they receive some amount of blood, pass to the allantois. They are the allantoic or um- bilical veins. The single vein which they unite to form becomes, by reason of the rapid growth of the allantois, very long ; and hence it is perhaps better to speak of it as the allantoic vein (Fig. 90, U}. The right branch soon diminishes in size and finally disappears. Mean- while the left on reaching the allantois bifurcates ; and, its two branches becoming large and conspicuous, there 288 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. still appear to be two main allantoic veins uniting at a short distance from the allantois to form the single long allantoic vein. At its first appearance the allantoic vein seems to be but a small branch of the vitelline, but as the allantois grows rapidly, and the yolk-sac dwindles, this state of things is reversed, and the less conspicuous vitelline appears as a branch of the larger allantoic. On the third day the blood returning from the walls of the intestine is insignificant in amount. As however the intestine becomes more and more developed, it acquires a distinct venous system, and the blood sent to it by branches of the aorta is returned by veins which form a trunk, the mesenteric vein (Fig. 90, Jtf ), falling into the vitelline vein at its junction with the allantoic vein. These three great veins in fact, viz. the vitelline, the allantoic, and the mesenteric, form a large common trunk which enters at once into the liver, and which we may now call the portal vein (Fig. 90, P. F.). This, at its entrance into the liver, partly breaks up into the venae advehentes, and partly continues as the ductus venosus straight through the liver, emerging from which it joins the vena cava inferior. Before the establish- ment of the vena cava inferior, the venae revehentes, carrying back the blood which circulates through the hepatic capillaries, joined the ductus venosus close to its exit from the liver (Fig. 89). By the time however that the vena cava has become a large and important vessel it is found that the venae revehentes or as we may now call them the hepatic veins have shifted their embouchment and now fall directly into that vein, the IX.] THE VENOUS SYSTEM. 289 ductus venosus making a separate junction rather higher up (Fig. 90). This state of things continues with but slight changes till near the end of incubation, when the chick begins to breathe the air in the air-chamber of the shell, and respiration is no longer carried on by the allantois. Blood then ceases to flow along the allantoic vessels; they become obliterated. The vitelline vein, which as the yolk becomes gradually absorbed proportionately diminishes in size and importance, comes to appear as a mere branch of the portal vein. The ductus venosus becomes closed, remaining often as a mere ligament; and hence the whole of the blood coming through the portal vein flows into the substance of the liver, and so by the two hepatic veins into the vena cava (Fig. 91, HP}. Previous to these changes one of the veins passing from the rectum into the vena cava has given off a branch which effects a junction with one of the mesen- teric veins. This now forms a somewhat conspicuous connecting branch between the systems of the vena cava and the portal vein (Fig. 91, Cy. M.). All three venae cavae now fall exclusively into the right auricle, and by the closure of the foramen ovale the blood flowing through them is entirely shut off from the left auricle, into which passes the blood from the two pulmonary veins (Fig. 91, L. V.). Such is the history of the veins in the chick. As will be seen in the second part of this work, the course of events in the mammal, though in the main similar, differs in some unimportant respects. It remains for us to speak of the changes which F. & B. 19 290 THE SIXTH DAY. FIG. 91. [CHAP. SuV. DIAGRAM OF THE VENOUS CIRCULATION OF THE CHICK AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF KESPIRATION BY MEANS OF THE LUNGS. W. wing vein. J. jugular vein. Su. V. superior vertebral vein. In. V. inferior vertebral vein. These unite together on each side to form the corresponding superior vena cava. L. V. pulmonary veins. V.C.L vena cava inferior. H.P. hepatic veins. P. V. portal vein. M. mesenteric veins. Gy.M. con- necting vessel between the branches of the portal vein and the system of the vena cava inferior. It is called the coccy- geo-mesenteric vein, and unites the cross branch connecting the two hypogastrics with the mesenteric vein. The ductus venosus has become obliterated. The three vense cavse fall independently into the right auricle and the pulmonary veins into the left auricle. Cr. crural vein. Jc. kidney. 1. liver, pp. hypogastric veins. C. V. caudal vein. have in the meantime been taking place in the arterial system. The condition of things which exists on the fifth or sixth day is shewn in the diagram (Fig. 92). IX.] THE ARTERIAL ARCHES. FIG. 92. 291 STATE OF ARTERIAL CIRCULATION ON THE FIFTH OR SIXTH DAY. E.G. A. external carotid. I.C.A. internal carotid. D.A. dorsal aorta. Of. A. vitelline artery, U. A. allantoic artery. We have already seen (Chap. vn. p. 225) that of the three aortic arches which make their appearance on the third day, the first two disappear : the first on the fourth, the second on the fifth day ; but that their dis- appearance is accompanied by the formation behind them of two new aortic arches, the fourth and the fifth. Thus there are generally three, never more than three, pairs of aortic arches present and functional at one time. This statement needs some limitation ; for according to Von Baer there are four arches present both on the fourth and fifth days. In the case of the fourth day a slight remnant of the first pair of arches still persists when the fourth pair is already formed ; and on the fifth day the second pair has not entirely disappeared when the fifth pair is formed. In both of these cases however the first pair of arches of the four is only present for a very short time, and then is so diminished in size as to be of no importance. 192 292 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. The first pair of arches, before it entirely disappears, sends off on each side two branches towards the head. Of these, one forms the direct continuation of the bulbus arteriosus in a straight line from the point where the first aortic arch leaves it ; primarily distributed to the tongue and inferior maxillary region, it becomes the external carotid (Fig. 92, E.G. A.}. The other, starting from the point where the aortic arch of each side joins its fellow, dorsal to the alimentary canal, to form the dorsal aorta, is primarily distributed to the brain, and becomes the internal carotid (Fig. 92, I.G.A.). When the first arch disappears, the external carotid arteries still remain as the anterior continuations of the bulbus arteriosus. And since the dorsal trunks uniting the distal ends of the first and second arches do not become obliterated at the time when the first pair of arches disappears, the internal carotids remain as branches springing from the distal ends of the second pair of arches ; they are supplied with blood from that pair, the stream in which flows chiefly towards the head instead of backwards towards the dorsal aorta, as is the case with the succeeding arches. When the second pair of arches is obliterated, the connecting branch with the next arch is again left, and thus the internal carotids appear as branches from the distal ends of the third pair of arches. On the third day the dorsal aorta does not for any distance remain single in its backward course along the body, but soon divides into two trunks which run one on either side of the middle line of the body. These two trunks, as development proceeds, gradually unite along their whole length, and there is thus formed a IX.] THE PULMONARY ARTERIES. 293 single median aorta terminating behind in the caudal artery (Figs. 92, 94). The arteries to the kidneys, hind limbs, etc. are developed as branches of this aorta. As the allantois grows rapidly and becomes an im- portant respiratory organ, the allantoic or umbilical arteries increase in size. As a general, though ap- parently not invariable rule, the right allantoic artery gets gradually smaller and soon disappears. The vitelline artery (Of. -A.) now leaves the aorta as a single but quickly bifurcating trunk, which at the end of the fifth day is still very large. By the fifth day the ventricular portion of the heart (compare Chap. vn. p. 257) is completely divided into two chambers. The bulbus arteriosus is also divided by a septum into two channels, one of which com- municates with the right ventricle of the heart and the other with the left. One result of this arrangement is that all the blood which passes to the anterior extremity of the body comes from the left ventricle of the heart. At about the seventh day an entire separation begins to take place between the arterial roots which come respectively from the right and left chambers of the heart. The root from the right chamber (Fig. 93) remains connected with the fifth pair of arches. The root from the left ventricle is connected with the third and fourth pairs of arches. The lower part of the body still receives blood from both the right and left ventricles, since the blood which enters the fifth arch still flows into the common dorsal aorta. As the lungs however increase in size, a com- munication is set up between them and the fifth pair of 294 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. FIG. 93. C.CA R.S.C DIAGRAM OF THE CONDITION OF THE ARCHES OF THE AORTA TOWARDS THE CLOSE OF INCUBATION. i, 2, 3, 4, 5. the several aortic arches. E.G. A. external carotid. I.C. A. internal carotid. C.C.A. common carotid. V.a. ver- tebral artery. right subclavian. left subclavian. R.P., L.P. right and left pulmonary arteries. R.P.A. right arterial root or division of the bulbus arteriosus, or pul- monary artery ; the left root or division, constituting the aorta, is seen by its side. The system of the fifth arch is in lighter shading. The dotted lines shew the portions of the arches which have been obliterated. arches in the shape of two vessels which, springing one from the arch of each side, grow downwards towards the lungs. At first small and narrow, these pulmonary arteries, for such they are, grow rapidly larger and larger, so that more and more of the blood from the right ventricle is carried to the lungs. At the same time the connection between the third and fourth pairs of arches on each side grows weaker ; so IX.] THE CAROTID ARTERIES. 295 that less and less of tlie blood which flows along the third pair of arches is able to pass backwards to the hind end of the body. The fourth arch of the right side now becomes the most important of all the arches ; and nearly the whole of the blood supplying the hinder parts of the body passes through it. It is this arch which remains as the permanent aortic arch of the adult ; and it is im- portant to notice that the arch which forms the great dorsal aorta in birds is the fourth on the right side, and not as in mammals the fourth on the left side. The fourth arch of the left side in birds, after giving off the subclavian, is continued as an exceedingly small and unimportant vessel to join the fourth right arch. It is soon obliterated. In consequence of these changes the condition of the aortic arches during the latter days of incubation, before respiration by the lungs has commenced, is as follows (Fig. 93). The first and second arches are completely ob- literated. The third arch on each side is continued at its dorsal end as the internal carotid, I.C.A, the con- nection between it and the fourth arch having become entirely obliterated. From its ventral end as the direct continuation of the trunk which originally supplied the first and second arches the external carotid, E. G.A., is given off. Each pair of carotids arises therefore from a common trunk the common carotid (C.C.A.). Each of these trunks gives off near its proximal end a branch, the vertebral artery (F.a.). The common carotid on the right side comes off from the fourth arch of the right side (the arch of the 296 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. dorsal aorta), and is not as yet connected with the right subclavian, The common carotid of the left side comes off from the fourth arch of the left side ; but since this arch becomes the left subclavian, (the connec- tion between the fourth and fifth left arches being obliterated), the portion of the trunk between the fourth arch and the bulbus arteriostis (or as it must now be called the common aortic root) is called the left innominate artery. The fourth arch of the right side forms the com- mencement of the great dorsal aorta, and gives off the right subclavian ( just before it is joined by the fifth arch. The fifth arch of each side gives off branches (R.P., L.P.) to the lungs ; their distal continuations, by which these arches are connected with the. systemic circulation, though much reduced, are not obliterated. The final changes undergone by the arterial system after the commencement of the pulmonary respiration consist chiefly in the complete separation of the pul- monary and systemic circulations. As the branches to the lungs become stronger and stronger, less and less blood from the right ventricle enters into the dorsal aorta; and the connecting vessels become smaller and smaller. Each of these fifth arches from the right ventricle may therefore be considered at about the sixteenth or eighteenth day as divided into two parts, an inner part which connects the heart with the lung, and an outer part which still connects the arch with the main dorsal aorta. As these outer parts become smaller they re- ceive the name of the ' ductus or canales Botalli' or IX.] SUMMAKY. 297 'ductus arteriosi.' The one on the right side is short; that on the left side is much longer and narrower. When respiration commences the blood ceases to pass through these canals, which either remain as mere ligaments or else become absorbed altogether. By this means, the foramen ovale becoming at the same time closed, a complete double circulation is established. All the blood from the right ventricle passes into the lungs, and all that from the left ventricle into the body at large. Two other changes take place about the same time in the aortic branches. That portion of the right fourth or aortic arch which lies between the origin of the right subclavian and the common carotid becomes shortened, and is finally swallowed up in such a fashion that the right subclavian (Fig. 94, R. sc.) comes off from the right common carotid, a very short trunk being formed by the union of the two to serve as the right innomi- nate artery. At the same time, corresponding to the increase in the length of the neck, the common carotids are very greatly lengthened. They lie close together in the neck, and in many birds actually unite to form a com- mon trunk. It will of course be understood that with the dis- appearance of the allantois and the absorption of the yolk, the allantoic and vitelline arteries also disappear. It may perhaps be of advantage to the reader if we here briefly summarize the condition of the circulation at its four most important epochs; viz. on the third day, on the fifth day, during the later days of incu- bation before respiration by the lungs has commenced, 298 [CHAP. DIAGRAM OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM OF THE ADULT FOWL. P.A. root of pulmonary artery. left innominate artery. D.A. dorsal aorta. COB. cseliac arteries, mes. mesenteric artery, ar.r. renal arteries, fern, femoral arteries. Is. ischiatic arteries, hyp. hypogastric arteries, cau. caudal artery. The other letters as in Fig. 93. and after the chick has begun to breathe by the lungs. On the third day the circulation is of an exceed- ingly simple character. IX.] SUMMARY. 299 The heart is to all intents and purposes a simple twisted tube marked off by constrictions into a series of three consecutive chambers. The blood coming from the venous radicles passes through the heart and then through the three pairs of arterial arches. From these it is collected into the great dorsal aorta. Upon this dividing into two branches, the stream of blood passes down on each side of the notochord along the body, and thence out by the vitelline arteries, which distribute it to the yolk-sac. In the yolk-sac it partly passes into the sinus termi- nalis and so into the fore and aft trunks, partly directly into the lateral trunks, of the vitelline veins. In both cases it is brought back to the two venous radicles and so to the heart. On this day the blood is aerated in the capillaries of the yolk-sac. On the fifth or sixth day the two auricles are present though having a common cavity. The septum of the ventricles is nearly complete, so that the blood on entering the ventricles from the auricles is divided into two streams. These two streams pass respectively from the right and left chambers of the heart into the two divisions of the bulbus arteriosus. The blood from the right ventricle passes into the fifth pair of arches and that from the left ventricle into the third and fourth pairs of arches. From the anterior parts the blood is brought back by the anterior cardinal or jugular veins; from the hinder parts of the body, chiefly by the cardinal veins, but also in part by the now commencing vena cava inferior. 300 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. The blood from the yolk-sac and allantois, together with a small quantity from the intestine, is collected into the portal vein, and by that vessel carried to the liver. Here it becomes divided into two streams, part flowing directly by the ductus venosus into the sinus venosus, and the remainder passing through the capil- laries of the liver, being brought back to the ductus venosus by the hepatic veins. During this period the blood is aerated both by the allantois and yolk-sac, but as yet chiefly by the latter. At a somewhat late period of incubation the blood from the ventricles passes into two entirely dis- tinct roots. The one of these, that from the right chamber, sends the blood to the fifth pair of arches; passing through which the greater part of the blood flows into the dorsal aorta, a small portion only finding its way into the lungs through the as yet unimportant pulmonary arteries. Through the other aortic root, viz. that from the left ventricle, the blood flows into the third and fourth pairs of arches. That part of the blood which flows into the third pair, passes almost entirely to the head and upper extremities by the external and internal carotids ; that which flows into the right arch of the fourth pair is chiefly brought to the dorsal aorta, but some of it passes to the right wing ; that, on the contrary, which goes into the left fourth arch is for the most part sent to the left wing, a small part only reach- ing the dorsal aorta. There is still a mixture of the blood from the two chambers of the heart, so that the blood in the dorsal aorta is composed partly of blood from the left, and partly from the right chambers. IX.] SUMMARY. 301 The blood of the upper (anterior) end of the body comes entirely from the left ventricle. The blood of the dorsal aorta passes to the yolk- sac and allantois, and to all the hinder parts of the body. It is brought back from the yolk-sac, from the allantois, and to a certain extent from the intestines, by the portal vein, part of the blood from which passes to the inferior vena cava by the direct course (ductus venosus), and part indirectly by the more circuitous course of the capillaries of the liver and hepatic veins. The blood from the generative and urinary organs, and from the hinder extremities, is brought back to the heart by the vena cava inferior ; that from the upper extremities and head by the jugular, vertebral and wing veins into the two venae cavae of the right and left side, and so to the heart. Of these three venae cavae, the right superior and the inferior join the auricle by a common entrance, but the left superior has an entrance of its own. All of these open into the cavity of the right auricle, but the opening of the inferior vena cava is so directed (vide Chap. vill. p. 263) that the blood carried by this vessel flows chiefly through the foramen ovale into the left auricle. The blood from the two superior venae cavae enters the right auricle only. Now the blood of the inferior vena cava has been partly aerated by the allantois; and, since it is this blood which passing through the left auricle and ventricle is distributed to the third aortic arch, unmixed by any blood from the right ven- tricle (the mixture with the blood from the fifth arch reaching only as far as the fourth arch), it happens that the blood which flows to the anterior extremities 302 THE SIXTH DAY. [CHAP. and head is more aerated than that in any other part of the body. From the anterior extremities the blood is to a great extent returned by the left superior cava, and goes into the right auricle, whence, by the right ven- tricle, it is distributed through the fifth pair of arches over the body, after joining the more aerated blood passing through the fourth pair of arches. The blood from the lungs is brought back by two small veins into the left auricle. The characteristics of the circulation at this time are that the blood is aerated by the allantois, and that there is a partial double circulation. (Vide Chap. vm. p. 263.) As soon as respiration commences the canals leading to the dorsal aorta from the fifth pair of arches, which communicate only with the right ventricle, be- come closed. The blood passing along the fifth arch now flows only into the lungs, through the pulmonary arteries. The blood from the left ventricle owing to the cessation of the circulation of the yolk-sac and of the allantois is distributed exclusively to the body of the chick, from whence it is all brought back into the right auricle by the three now independently opening vena3 cavse. The portal veins henceforward receive blood from the intestines only, and the ductus venosus is ob- literated, so that all the blood of the portal vein passes through the capillaries of the liver. The partition between the auricles is rendered com- plete by the closure of the foramen ovale; into the right auricle the veins of the body enter, and into the left the pulmonary veins. IX.] HATCHING. 303 There is thus a completely double circulation formed, in which all the blood of the left ventricle is arterial, and all the blood of the right ventricle venous, and there is at no part of the circulation a mixture of venous and arterial blood. As early as the sixth day movements, as we have said, may be seen in the limbs of the embryo upon opening the egg. We may conclude that after this epoch spontaneous movements occur from time to time in the unopened egg. They cannot however be of any great extent until the fourteenth day, for up to this time the embryo retains the position in which it was first formed, viz. with its body at right angles to the long axis of the egg. On the fourteenth day a definite change of position takes place ; the chick moves so as to lie lengthways in the egg, with its beak touching the chorion and shell membrane where they form the inner wall of the rapidly increasing air-chamber at the broad end (Chap, i. p. 3). On the twentieth day or thereabouts the beak is thrust through these membranes, and the bird begins to breathe the air contained in the chamber. There- upon the pulmonary circulation becomes functionally active, and at the same time blood ceases to flow through the umbilical arteries. The allantois shrivels up, the umbilicus becomes completely closed, and the chick piercing the shell at the broad end of the egg with repeated blows of its beak, casts off the dried re- mains of allantois, amnion and chorion, and steps out into the world. GENERAL LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. E NOV 4 1955 OCT 3 1 1955 JUN NOV 2 7 1963 NOV 16 1970 I NOV 17 'i 3 76 DEC 10 1362 NOV i 8 8 19 63 NOV 41963 LD 21-100m-l,'54(1887sl6)476