PRESENT STATE OF THE SOCIETY, OF THE UNITED WOODMEN of ARDEN, BROVGHTON ARCHERS, AND THE LANCASHIRE BOWMEN. The fit ft Meeting held on Cannock Chace, was on Monday July 4, 1791. The fecond Meeting is to begin July 5, 1792. B O D E N : Printer, STAFFORD. Prefent, MONDAY A. Curzon, Mayor. Earl of Aylesford, Ed. Finch, R. Moland, S. Adams, Sir R, Lawley, Bart. C. B. Adderley, Wris. Digby, W. Little, J. W. Knightly, F. Fetherjlon, W. Dilke, Charles Dilke, J. Thackeray, T'ho. Palmer, J. SzJgwick, II. Ardtn, July 4th 1791. Lord Grey de Wilton, SirN. Grejley, Bart. T*. Starkie, R. Gorton, G. Walker, Matt. Travis, Gamaliel Jones, Jas. Hardman, R. Bindley, S. Clowes, J. Dixon, Jos. Tipping, T. Tipping, Ch. Ed Repir.gtorij WiLiam Palmer, J. Beejlon, J, Arrowfmith, -1 O/f/lf? [ 4 ] STATE, & c . The following Refolutions were propofcd, and agreed to, by the fore - mentioned Gentlemen. I. fTT\HAT this Meeting be confined to the Woodmen of Arden, the Broughton Archers^ and the Lancajhire Bowmen. II. THAT none but Members of the above Societies, be allowed to {hoot at the Butts. Ladies excepted. III. THAT [ 5 ] III. THAT JjjTieton Curzon, Efq; be perpetual TREASURER, and the Reverend Mr. Inge, CHAPLAIN and SECRETARY, to the Meeting, and be confidered as honorary Members, IV. THAT Mlfs CurzoH, be the LADY PATRONESS, of this Society. V. THAT Thanks be given to the Earl of Uxlridge, for his great Politenefs and Readinefs to accom- modate the Meeting with Ground for the Ere&ion of Butts ; and that his Lordfhip and Family, be elected honorary Members, with the privilege of becoming Members whenever any of them may wifti fo to do. FRIDAY FRIDAY July 3th. Pnfent, The Mayor, The Chaplain i The Earl of Aylesford, Lord Grey de IVilton, Mr. Repington, Mr. W. Palmer, Mr. Tho. Palmer* Mr. Dixon, Mr. Finch, Mr. Thackeray, Mr. R. Adderley, I. Agreed and refolved, that all Subfcribers to this Meeting of the United Archery (hall pay the Ordinary of Two SHILLINGS per Day, from Monday the 5th of July, 1 792, to Friday in the fame Week, inclufive. II. THAT all thofe who have already fubfcribed to r 7 J to this Meeting, if they object to the above Rule, are at liberty to withdraw their Subfcrip- tion, III. THAT no Money be received upon any pretence for Admiffion into the Ground daring the Archer's Meeting, and that any Conftable or Perfon employed by the Society, who breaks this Rule, be immediately difcharged. IV. THAT no Perfon be admitted but at the Front Gate. V. TH A T none be admitted to the Archer's Booth at Dinner, but Members, and thofe producing Tickets figned by the Mayor or Secretary. VI. THAT VI. THAT only ten Tickets be iflued for each Day; and that no Member be allowed more than two Tickets the fame Day. VII. THAT noPerfon be admitted into the Ladies* Booth, but thofe who are invited by the Ladies. VIII. THAT the Secretaries (of the refpe<5live Societies, which conftitute this Meeting,) be requefted to fend to the Mayor, or Secretary of the United Bowmen, the Number of Perfons fubfcribing to this Meeting, one Month before k begins. IX. THAT IX. THAT two Butts at the diflance of eight Roods, be made for the Ladies. X. THAT FIVE GUINEAS, over and above his other Allowance, be given to Richard Walker, for Stakes to fence the Butts. N. B. At the next Meeting in July, 1792, a SILVER B O W is to be {hot for, at the diftance of one Hundred Yards, by the Gentle- men of the United Society of Bowmen. And a MEDAL by the Ladies, at the diflance of Cxty Yards. A 000035823